
Sample records for rio bosque wetlands

  1. Pentimento: Fuels reduction and restoration in the Bosque of the Middle Rio Grande (United States)

    Deborah M. Finch


    The Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico is the most extensive, remaining bosque, or cottonwood forest in the southwest. Alterations caused by humans-damming and channeling the river, controlling floods, and planting non-native trees-have disrupted the cycles of the earlier ecosystem. Without periodic flooding, native cottonwoods cannot regenerate. Invasive exotic plants...

  2. Snake, rattle, and roll: Investigating the snakes that live in the Bosque along the Middle Rio Grande (United States)

    Heather Bateman; Alice Chung-MacCoubrey; Deborah Finch


    After an area has been changed by human or natural disturbances, forest managers often engage in restoration activities. In the Bosque, fire is both a human and a natural disturbance. This is because most fires in the Bosque are started by humans. Restoration activities are things that forest managers do to the land to help an area resemble how it functioned in the...

  3. El Atlas del Bosque Nacional El Yunque (United States)

    Maya Quiñones; Isabel K. Parés-Ramos; William A. Gould; Grizelle Gonzalez; Kathleen McGinley; Pedro. Ríos


    Esta publicación es un esfuerzo colaborativo entre el Instituto Internacional de Dasonomía Tropical y el Bosque Nacional El Yunque para proveer mapas y análisis de información espacial actualizados sobre una importante reserva natural en Puerto Rico y el único bosque tropical dentro del Sistema de Bosques Nacionales de los Estados Unidos. El Atlas del Bosque Nacional...

  4. Los bosques y la lluvia


    Varela Martínez, Raúl


    La lluvia, y en general el clima de una región es un fenómeno meteorológico derivado de la posición geográfica, el relieve y la exposición a los vientos, e independiente del estado que guarde la superficie terrestre. El bosque es un producto natural de la lluvia, en vez de que la lluvia sea originada por los bosques. El bosque y la selva son la vegetación natural de las provincias climatológicas húmedas, que en México, de acuerdo con la clasificación de Thornthwite, corresponden a preci...

  5. Wetlands construídos empregados no tratamento descentralizado de águas cinzas residencial e de escritório


    Monteiro, Victória Regina Celso


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Florianópolis, 2014. Dentre as tecnologias de saneamento descentralizado mais utilizadas para o tratamento de águas cinzas (AC), destacam-se os wetlands construídos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral avaliar o comportamento de wetlands construídos de fluxo horizontal (WH) e vertical (WV) empregados no tratamento de AC residencial e de escritório, respe...

  6. A preliminary riparian/wetland vegetation community classification of the Upper and Middle Rio Grande watersheds in New Mexico (United States)

    Paula Durkin; Esteban Muldavin; Mike Bradley; Stacey E. Carr


    The riparian wetland vegetation communities of the upper and middle Rio Grande watersheds in New Mexico were surveyed in 1992 through 1994. The communities are hierarchically classified in terms of species composition and vegetation structure. The resulting Community Types are related to soil conditions, hydrological regime, and temporal dynamics. The classification is...


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    Franz H. Andrae


    Full Text Available Analisou-se o sub-bosque de 12 povoamentos de Pinus sp. e um de Araucaria angustifolia O.Ktze., crescendo em solos degradados pelo uso agrícola na chamada 4a Colônia do Rio Grande do Sul. A Araucaria foi semeada diretamente, um dos povoamentos de Pinus, de 10 anos, resultou de uma renovação natural, os demais provêm de plantios de 25 a 30 anos atrás. Em 575 parcelas de 25 m² cada, distribuídas sistematicamente nos povoamentos, foram levantados o estrato arbóreo e a vegetação inferior, classificada em estratos de 0,3 a 1,3 m e maior que 1,3 m; no estrato inferior a 0,3 m somente a renovação natural de Pinus foi contada. A vegetação interna dos povoamentos se compôs de 121 espécies lenhosas, incluindo espécies desde comuns até nobres, mas também ornamentais ou frutíferas nativas e exóticas. Um bom número de espécies, porém, ocorreu com poucos representantes. Além disso registrou-se a presença freqüente de espécies não-arbóreas como ervas, gramas, samambaias e cipós. O número de espécies e o grau de cobertura do sub-bosque não dependiam da densidade do estrato superior de pinheiros. A abundância e a freqüência das espécies não variavam significativamente entre parcelas do centro dos povoamentos e da faixa periférica. O padrão de distribuição espacial das plantas dentro dos povoamentos foi quantificado pelo Índice de Cox. O Índice de Shannon foi usado como medida da diversidade em espécies; pelo Índice de Sörensen foi estudada a semelhança dos povoamentos. Conclui-se que plantios de exóticas nessa região não somente podem ser de interesse para os agricultores pelo elevado potencial produtivo em madeira, como também significam manchas de inesperada biodiversidade numa paisagem degradada. A riqueza do sub-bosque possivelmente se deve á extensão reduzida desses povoamentos.

  8. Bosque das mangueiras: projeto paisagístico como ferramenta de reabilitação do entorno da reitoria da Universidade Federal do Piauí

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    Caio Frederico E. Silva


    Full Text Available O projeto de reabilitação do “Bosque das Mangueiras” da Reitoria da Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI foi desenvolvido como experiência piloto do grupo de estudos do Laboratório Urbano da Paisagem - LUPA e apresenta diagnóstico e pressupostos teóricos para subsidiar intervenções paisagísticas nos espaços livres do campus universitário. Considerando a valorização das áreas verdes e a avaliação bioclimática, integrou-se a este trabalho o projeto de iniciação científica, em andamento, que caracteriza o perfil microclimático da cidade universitária identificando neste espaço livre bons condicionantes de conforto ambiental. A reabilitação do bosque agregará valores ao entorno, proporcionando experiências de contemplação, permanência e contribuindo na legibilidade da Reitoria, símbolo de representatividade.

  9. Prospección química y microbiológica del bosque de galería del Río Uruguay Prospecção química e microbiológica do bosque de galeria do Rio Uruguai Chemical and microbiological prospecting woodland along the Uruguay River

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    Stephanie Barneche


    Full Text Available La bioprospección es la búsqueda de información a partir de especies biológicas para su uso posterior en procesos de producción en diversos sectores. Ejemplos de esa información es la contenida en el material genético de todos los seres vivos, en los compuestos químicos que producen, en sus interacciones o en el conocimiento de las personas que de una manera u otra han estudiado a esos seres vivos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la prospección botánica, química y microbiológica del bosque de galería del río Uruguay en la zona del rio Queguay, ecosistema con gran biodiversidad (comprende unas 200 especies y de características poco comunes en el país dado su carácter subtropical. Se estudiaron 75 extractos provenientes de 31 especies pertenecientes a quince familias cubriendo de esa forma una gran biodiversidad.A bioprospecção é a bisca de informações a partir de espécies biológicas para seu uso posterior em processos de produção em diversos setores. Exemplos dessa informação está contida no material genético de todos os seres vivos, nas substâncias químicas que produzem, nas suas interações ou n o conhecimento das pessoas que, de uma maneira ou de outra, estudam os seres vivos. Neste trabalho é apresentado os resultados da prospecção botânica, química e microbiológica do bosque de galeria do Rio Uruguai na zona do Rio Queguay, ecosistema com grande biodiversidade, com cerca de duzentas espécies, e de características pouco comum no país dado seu caráter subtropical. Foram estudados 75 extratos provenientes de 31 espécies pertencentes a quinze famílias, cobrindo, assim, uma grande biodiversidade.Bioprospecting is the search for information from biological species for later use in production processes in various sectors. Examples of this information is contained in the genetic material of all living beings in the chemicals they produce, in their interactions or the knowledge of people who

  10. Análisis institucional del programa Socio Bosque: una iniciativa ecuatoriana de gobernanza forestal y sus interacciones con REDD+ / Institucional Analysis of the Socio Bosque Program: an Ecuadorian forest governance inciative and its interactions with REDD+


    Podvin Pabón, Karen Johanna


    Esta investigación examina el Programa Socio Bosque, una iniciativa para la conservación de bosques implementada a nivel nacional en el Ecuador bajo el nuevo modelo de gobernaza forestal. Socio Bosque busca conservar bosques nativos, reducir la deforestación y mejorar las condicines de los participantes. Paralelamente, el Programa Nacional REDD+ (PNREDD+) está siendo desarrollado para contribuir a la mitigación del cambio climático y para fortalecer la gobernanza forestal. El PNREDD+ es una d...

  11. First records of the Brown Creeper breeding along the middle Rio Grande in central New Mexico (United States)

    Jean-Luc E. Cartron; David L. Hawksworth; Deborah M. Finch


    In New Mexico, the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) typically breeds in montane coniferous forests ranging in elevation from 2100 to 3300 m (Ligon 1961, Hubbard 1978). Since 2003, however, we have also noted breeding in the riparian cottonwood forest (hereafter bosque) along the middle Rio Grande, in the south valley of Albuquerque, Bernalillo...

  12. Recuperación estructural en bosques sucesionales andinos de Porce (Antioquia, Colombia

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    Adriana P Yepes


    Full Text Available Lugares susceptibles a perturbaciones naturales o antrópicas pueden recuperar la cobertura boscosa. La sucesión tropical puede ser afectada por factores tales como perturbaciones, distancia al bosque original, topografía y clima local. Estos factores determinan la composición de especies y la tasa de recuperación de los sitios. Se estudió la sucesión en suelos que habían sido usados para el establecimiento de pasturas ganaderas por varias décadas en la Región Porce de Colombia (bosques Colombianos de los Andes. Se midieron un total de veinticinco parcelas, incluyendo nueve parcelas (20x50m en bosques primarios y dieciséis (20x25m en bosques secundarios. Se midieron todos los árboles con un diámetro ≥1.0cm. Se analizó la densidad, área basal, biomasa aérea y riqueza de especies, en un bosque con un proceso sucesional de ca. 43 años y en un bosque primario. Las edades de los bosques secundarios fueron obtenidas en estudios previos usando la datación con carbono catorce (C14, fotografías aéreas y el análisis de imágenes de satélite de alta resolución (entre 7 y >43 años. En total, 1 143 y 1 766 individuos se midieron en bosque primario y secundario, respectivamente. El área basal (5.7 a 85.4m²ha-1, la biomasa aérea (19.1 a 1 011.5 t ha-1 y la riqueza de especies (4 a 69 aumentaron directamente con la edad de los sitios, mientras que la densidad de árboles disminuyó (3 180 a 590. Las distribuciones diamétricas fueron en J-invertida para los bosques primarios y unimodal para los secundarios. Tres especies de palmas fueron abundantes y exclusivas de bosques secundarios viejos y bosques primarios: Oenocarpus mapora, Euterpe precatoria y Oenocarpus bataua. Cohortes de estas palmas aparecieron después de perturbaciones del bosque. La recuperación de la estructura de los bosques secundarios en más de 43 años de sucesión fue 40% e indica que varios factores están interactuando y afectando la sucesión de los bosques

  13. Bosques andinos del sur de Ecuador, clasificación, regeneración y uso

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    Rainer W. Bussmann


    Full Text Available Existen muy pocos inventarios y descripciones sintaxonómicas de la vegetación de bosques montanos tropicales. Este trabajo presenta datos sobre los bosques del sur de Ecuador localizados en la Reserva Biológica San Francisco, límite norte del Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Se propone la siguiente clasificación junto con notas sobre los factores edáficos que contribuyen a su establecimiento. El «Bosque Montano Bajo» (1800-2150 m, formando el orden Alzateetalia verticillatae, muestra 2-3 estratos arbóreos muy diversos, con árboles de 20-35 m de altura, y es una clímax mosaico típico. Creciendo sobre Terric Haplosaprists y Aquic Dystrupepts, originado del material de derrumbes viejos, este tipo de bosque se extiende hasta los 2300 m sobre el nivel del mar en quebradas protegidas de viento. A altitudes de 2100-2650 m (menos de 2750 m la estructura del bosque y la composición florística cambia totalmente. Esta vegetación, el «Bosque Montano Alto» forma el orden de Purdiaeaetalia nutantis y crece sobre Histic Petraquepts. Representando una vegetación monotípica con un solo estrato arbóreo de 5-10 m (–15 m de altura, completamente dominado por Purdiaea nutans (Cyrillaceae. El bosque ubicado a mayor altitud en el área, densamente enlazado con el páramo es el «Bosque Nublado Subalpino». Descritos como Clusio ellipticae-Weinmannietum cochensis aparecen más como una vegetación arbustiva casi impenetrable, y crecen sobre Humaquic Epiaquents. El límite del bosque es causado principalmente por los vientos fuertes de la región. Derrumbes e incendios naturales representan el «motor» de regeneración de los bosques. Se encontró carbón en la base de los niveles A de muchos perfiles de suelo. El análisis 14C precisó una edad de 710-980 ±50 años antes del presente. Esto indica que fuegos en la vegetación han contribuido a la dinámica de esta vegetación en el pasado y no es un fenómeno reciente. El diámetro basal de los

  14. Conservación de los Bosques Relictos del NO de Perú

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    Eric F. Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente documento resume las conclusiones obtenidas en el «Taller sobre Bosques Relictos de las Vertientes Occidentales Andinas del Norte del Perú y Sur del Ecuador», desarrollado en el marco del X Congreso Nacional de Botánica, Trujillo-Perú, el 04 de mayo del 2004. En este taller se llegaron a las siguientes conclusiones, dirigidas principalmente a los gobiernos regionales y concejos provinciales que incluyen a los departamentos de Cajamarca, Lambayeque, La Libertad y Piura: ·El Perú esta reconocido entre los países tropicales con mayor diversidad vegetal. La región norte del país incluye un porcentaje alto de esa diversidad. Entre los ecosistemas importantes que concentra la diversidad en esta región se encuentran los bosques relictos de la vertiente occidental de los Andes (Piura, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, La Libertad, considerados unos de los más altamente endémicos en todo el mundo. Estos bosques que se extienden hasta los 12°S, tienen tanto una diversidad muy elevada como un gran índice de endemismo. Muchas de estas especies están restringidas a bosques relictos individuales, tales como en los siguientes departamentos:


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    Silvana Lucia Caldato


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la estructura de la población de Ocotea puberula (Nees et Mart. Nees (Lauraceae, en bosques de sucesión secundaria y primaria en el Nordeste de Misiones en Argentina, a 26º 15´S y 54º 15´W. Dos parcelas permanentes de muestreo de 3 hectáreas cada una fueron instaladas en el bosque secundario y primario, respectivamente. Cada parcela fue dividida en 75 subparcelas de 20 x 20 m, donde todos los individuos de Ocotea puberula de tamaño igual o superior a 20 centímetros de altura fueron registrados. Se estudió la estructura de tamaño y la distribución espacial. Ocotea puberula mostró ser una especie secundaria con un número abundante de individuos en la fase de regeneración natural en el bosque secundario, y solamente árboles adultos en el bosque primario. La especie presentó en ambos bosques un patrón agrupado de distribución espacial.

  16. Diversidad florística y estructura en cacaotales tradicionales y bosque natural (Sumaco, Ecuador

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    Oswaldo Angel Jadán Maza


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron la diversidad, estructura horizontal y vertical de la vegetación arbórea y arbustiva en cacaotales tradicionales y bosque maduro. Se evaluó la diversidad alfa, beta y se identificaron relaciones entre la riqueza con la estructura de la vegetación arbórea. El bosque registró los mayores valores en riqueza de especies, abundancia y estructura, seguido por el sistema agroforestal tradicional con cacao semilla. Las especies más importantes ecológicamente en el bosque fueron Iriartea deltoidea y Otoba glycycarpa. En todos los sistemas agroforestales tradicionales fueron Cordia alliodora y Cedrela odorata. En los sistemas agroforestales con cultivo de cacao la riqueza de especies se correlaciona positivamente con la densidad y área basal, marcando dependencia directa entre estas variables. Este resultado no puede generalizarse ya que en el bosque maduro y sistema agroforestal de subsistencia no se registran estas dependencias. Esto posiblemente es explicado por la discetaniedad, tamaños de vegetación y distribución aleatoria de los individuos sobre la riqueza de especies. Se concluyó que el bosque maduro y el sistema agroforestal con cacao semilla son los sistemas más importantes para conservación de especies arbóreas y arbustivas, según la riqueza, diversidad, índices de similitud y estructura de la vegetación.


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    Álvaro Gustavo Cañadas López


    Full Text Available Este documento desglosa algunos de los mayores esfuerzos desarrollados para el manejo de los bosques naturales tropicales en el Ecuador y el mundo. En especial, están siendo revisados, el desempeño de la certificación de manejo forestal sostenible y los productos no maderables del bosque. Existen algunos ejemplos en que, bajo ciertas condiciones, el manejo de los bosques tropicales nativos es una opción viable como uso del suelo. La certificación forestal ha probado ser un instrumento que ha permitido el manejo forestal en forma sostenible. Este instrumento está trabajando en la dirección correcta, pero todavía es muy débil. Naturalmente, la certificación como único instrumento, no puede reorientar el manejo hacia la sostenibilidad y particularmente no, en términos mundiales. Se ha hablado de una fase de acercamiento de la certificación del manejo del bosque, la cual sería aceptada si ella está adaptada sobre todo, al nivel de los estándares locales, gobiernos y estructuras de participación en las iniciativas de la certificación. Fundamental es el papel de los gobiernos y de la aplicabilidad en regiones específicas (zonas tropicales, bajo condiciones concretas (por ejemplo, con una carencia de la supervisión del bosque por parte del gobierno o tipos determinados de negociaciones (intermediarios, micro-negocios. Solamente, si los consumidores dominantes del recurso y los gobiernos (especialmente políticas de gobierno, apoyan activamente el proceso y sus resultados. Entonces, los sistemas de certificación pueden entregar una solución técnica. Por otro lado, la perspectiva de los Productos no Maderables del Bosque (PNMDB, ha contribuido muy poco para la conservación del bosque tropical nativo.

  18. Los bosques de Puerto Rico, 2009 (United States)

    Humfredo Marcano Vega; Thomas J. Brandeis; Jeffery A. Turner; No Other


    Este informe presenta los resultados del cuarto inventario forestal de las islas del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. El área de bosque en la isla grande de Puerto Rico se mantuvo constante o aumentó ligeramente del año 2004 al 2009. Este cambio parece indicar que la tasa de incremento de cubierta forestal en la isla grande de Puerto Rico ha disminuido desde que...

  19. State of Flood Related Modeling Along Middle Rio Grande: Report Documentary 2007-2008 Work (United States)


    Bosque Environment (CBE) Title Prepared By Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Sanctuary Proposed Site, 1-D HEC - RAS Model of Area of Interest Jonathan Acbuchon...Erosion Jennifer G. Duan Case Study: Application of the HEC -6 Model for the Main Stem of the Kankakee River in Illinois Nani G. Bhowmik, D.WRE...1 bank-attached bar HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS One-dimensional HEC - RAS models – Fixed-bed analysis – Calibrated to gauged flow at time of survey and 2005

  20. Fertilidad del suelo de bosques tropicales y pastizales de uso ganadero en el sur del Ecuador


    Jiménez, Leticia S.; Mezquida, Eduardo T.; Benito Capa, Marta; Rubio Sánchez, Agustín


    Los bosques tropicales del sur de Ecuador están sufriendo una rápida transformación a pastizales, por lo que es importante conocer el efecto de estos impactos en las características del suelo y su evolución tras un periodo prolongado de uso ganadero. En este estudio se han comparado varios parámetros de los suelos de bosques de la provincia de Zamora Chinchipe (Ecuador) con los de pastizales adyacentes (de más de 30 años bajo este uso). Se tomaron un total de 56 muestras de suelo en bosque...



    Liliana Diodato; Andrea Fuster


    El dosel arbóreo constituye un complejo hábitat con gran diversidad de insectos. Los estudios sobre insectos del dosel están mayormente concentrados en bosques húmedos tropicales y son escasos en bosques secos subtropicales. El propósito de este trabajo fue caracterizar la entomofauna del dosel de bosques secos subtropicales, analizando su diversidad regional y localmente. Para ello se muestrearon cinco sitios localizados en la región fitogeográfica del Chaco Semiárido Argentino. Las recolecc...


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    F. Santiago Zenteno-Ruiz


    Full Text Available El bosque tucumano-boliviano, en su sector correspondiente a Bolivia, ha comenzado a ser conocido con mayor detalle en los últimos años. Sin embargo, los estudios realizados han tenido un carácter más cualitativo o se han realizado en superficies pequeñas (0,1 ha; además, la biogeografía de sus zonas más bajas no está del todo clara. Por otro lado, algunos aspectos ecológicos, como los referidos a patrones espaciales de los árboles, no han sido nunca abordados. Nosotros realizamos el estudio de una hectárea de bosque tucumano-boliviano a 700-950 m, y mapeamos todos los árboles y lianas con DAP ¿10 cm a fin de caracterizar cuantitativamente un área representativa de este bosque. El propósito fue conocer su composición, abundancia y estructura. Realizamos el primer estudio de patrones espaciales para este tipo de bosque en Bolivia. Registramos 591 individuos agrupados en 31 familias, 47 géneros y 57 especies. Seis especies fueron las más abundantes: Urera caracasana, Trichilia clausenii, Piper tucumanum, Diatenopteryx sorbifolia, Chrysophyllum gonocarpum y Cupania vernalis. El bosque estudiado puede considerarse parte del bosque tucumano-boliviano más que del Arco Pleistocénico. El área basal total fue de 29.4 m2/ha. La presencia de lianas fue relativamente baja, lo que indica que se trata de un bosque relativamente poco perturbado. Se trata de un lugar diverso. La riqueza específica resultó comparable a la de los bosques secos de Madidi (La Paz, Bolivia, y superior a la del tucumano-boliviano en el lado argentino, y fue estimada en 74 especies de árboles. La diversidad (3,5 índice Shannon-Wiener es tan alta como la de muchos bosques más tropicales, e incluso algunos amazónicos. Encontramos un patrón espacial aleatorio en los individuos de la comunidad, y la mayoría de las especies presentó agregación a alguna escala espacial.


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    G. Fagua


    Full Text Available En un bosque de galería, en los Llanos Orientales Meta-Colombia, se estudiaron los escarabajos coprófagos asociados a tres secciones dentro del bosque que presentaban diferentes tiempos de alteración: 50, 5 y 1 año, provocados por procesos de entresacado de árboles maderables. En cada sección del bosque, por medio de trampas de caída, se calculó la riqueza, abundancia y diversidad durante el mes de julio (época de lluvias. Se capturaron un total de 2358 individuos pertenecientes a 22 especies. La especie dominante durante el muestreo fue Canthidium cupreum, para las tres secciones. Del total de especies, el 27,3% son específicas para una sección en particular, el 40,9% se encuentran en dos de las tres secciones y el 31,8% son generalistas. El índice de Brillouin, mostró que la sección del bosque con 5 años de alteración, posee la mayor diversidad, con un total de 1233 individuos y 16 especies, seguido por la sección del bosque con 1 año, con 607 individuos y 14 especies y finalmente la sección del bosque con 50 años, con 518 individuos y 15 especies. Estos resultados indican que no existe una relación proporcional, entre la conservación de un bosque y la diversidad de coprófagos, y parece insinuar una correlación positiva entre áreas intervenidas y altos índices de diversidad. La actividad selectiva de entresacado de árboles maderables está contribuyendo en este ecosistema a la conservación de poblaciones de escarabajos, manteniendo procesos funcionales para este tipo de bosques.

  4. Remoción de semillas por roedores en un fragmento de bosque seco tropical (Risaralda-Colombia

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    Felipe Vélez-García


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Los roedores son los mayores depredadores de semillas en ecosistemas neotropicales, sin embargo, la fragmentación afecta su presencia y por ende la depredación de semillas. Materiales y métodos. Se reconoció el porcentaje y la tasa de remoción de semillas por roedores en zonas de interior, borde y pastizal de un fragmento de bosque seco en el sector Cerritos – La Virginia (Risaralda–Colombia. Entre marzo y julio de 2003 se identificaron los roedores presentes en el bosque con la ayuda de 60 trampas Sherman ubicadas en diferentes zonas del fragmento. Para obtener el porcentaje y la tasa de remoción de semillas por roedores fueron aplicados dos experimentos (primero en junio y el segundo en julio con un diseño de bloques aleatorios usando tres tipos de encierros: total (acceso a insectos, parcial (acceso a roedores y control (acceso a cualquier organismo, teniendo en cuenta la ubicación en el fragmento (interior-borde-pastizal. Durante el primer experimento (junio fueron utilizadas7200 semillas de Samanea saman y 6000 semillas durante el segundo (julio. Resultados. Se capturaron 4 individuos de Heteromys australis al interior del bosque. En junio 1577 (44.87% semillas fueron removidas por los roedores al interior del bosque. En julio se removieron 1620 semillas de las cuales el 60.5% fue por roedores al interior del bosque. Conclusiones. Los resultados reflejan una mayor remoción de semillas por roedores al interior del bosque donde el riesgo de depredación y la disponibilidad de refugio son más altos.

  5. Avaliação de substratos para reprodução de colêmbolos nativos em condições de laboratório.

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    Ricardo Bemfica Steffen


    Full Text Available Estudos utilizando a fauna edáfica como bioindicador da qualidade do solo têm sido de grande importância para entender as variações físicas, químicas e biológicas de ecossistemas. Dentre os organismos estudados, os colêmbolos constituem um dos principais grupos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a multiplicação de colêmbolos nativos em condições de laboratório. Como substrato, utilizaram-se amostras de solo coletadas em área de citrus e bosque de pinus, com os tratamentos: a amostra de solo de área de cítrus com palha de ervilhaca moída, palha de milho moída, palha de nabo moída, cama de aviário moída e amostra de solo e, b em solo de bosque de pinus com: palha de ervilhaca moída, palha de milho moída, palha de nabo moída, cama de aviário moída e amostra de solo. Os tratamentos foram mantidos em potes plásticos, a 26OC, no escuro, sendo realizadas cinco avaliações durante o período de 180 dias. O solo de pomar de cítrus com adição de palha de nabo moído favoreceu a reprodução destes organismos em condições de laboratório.

  6. Características de la avifauna en un gradiente altitudinal de un bosque nublado andino en La Paz, Bolivia

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    Omar Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza la diversidad y composición de la avifauna en tres localidades ubicadas dentro del Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado de Cotapata, La Paz, Bolivia. Las tres localidades se distribuyeron en gradiente altitudinal y tres tipos de bosques húmedos andinos (ceja de monte a 3170 m, bosque nublado a 2620 m y bosque nublado secundario a 1850 m de la zona Yungas. Se realizó un esfuerzo total de 3286 horas-red niebla, 324 horas de caminatas y 216 horas de conteos por puntos en los tres lugares de estudio. Un total de 220 especies fueron registradas, la mayoría capturadas en redes (100 spp., 45%. Veinticinco familias fueron representadas en las capturas por redes y 42 mediante los censos. Tyrannidae y Thraupidae fueron las más representativas mediante ambos métodos. Las curvas acumulativas de especies fueron similares en todos los sitios. La riqueza de especies para la ceja de monte, bosque nublado y bosque secundario a partir de las capturas y censos fueron de 44, 40, 44 especies y 69, 57, 86 especies, respectivamente. Un total de 16 especies de rango restringido fueron registradas (p.e. Odontophorus balliviani, Andigena cucullata. La diversidad para la ceja de monte fue H´= 1,41; para el bosque nublado (H´= 0,98 y el bosque nublado secundario (H´= 0,96. La diversidad beta fue 0,74 basada en datos de capturas con redes y 0,79 basada en datos de censos en las tres alturas.

  7. Ecologia da vegetação de orla de bosque de carvalho-negral na Serra da Nogueira, Bragança, Portugal


    Rocha, S.; Aguiar, Carlos; Azevedo, João


    Avaliou-se o efeito do gradiente "distância à orla" na estrutura e composição florística de dois bosques de Quercus pyrenaica na Serra da Nogueira, Bragança, Portugal. Em cada bosque estabeleceram-se 8 transectos de 40 m com início na orla do bosque e orientados perpendicularmente a esta. Em cada transecto estabeleceram-se bandas de amostragem de 1 x 10 m dispostas perpendiculares aos transactos a 0, 1, 5, 10,20 e 40 m da orla do bosque. Nestas bandas avaliaram-se a composição flo...

  8. Aves y endemismo en los bosques relictos de la vertiente occidental andina del norte del Perú y sur del Ecuador

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    Jeremy N. M. Flanagan


    Full Text Available Los bosques relictos de las vertientes occidentales de los Andes del norte del Perú y el sur del Ecuador forman parte de dos regiones, una la denominada región de endemismo tumbesina (caracterizada principalmente por bosques secos y otra, en altitudes mayores, la región de endemismo del sur de los Andes centrales (caracterizada por bosques nublados y páramo. La región tumbesina es reconocida por albergar gran cantidad de aves endémicas, muchas de las cuales están amenazadas, y también por el alto grado de deforestación y fragmentación de sus hábitats naturales. Este artículo presenta un resumen del estado de conservación de dichas aves y bosques, con recomendaciones para mejorar la conservación de los últimos bosques de la vertiente occidental.

  9. Biomasa de raíces en un bosque templado con y sin manejo forestal en Hidalgo, México


    Pavón, Numa P.; Moreno, Claudia E.; Ramírez-Bautista, Aurelio


    Las raíces son buenos indicadores funcionales del ecosistema ya que constituyen gran parte de la biomasa viva del suelo y ejercen un control sobre los procesos de pedogénesis, la producción de materia orgánica y la dinámica de los nutrientes. En este trabajo se comparó la biomasa de raíces gruesas y finas entre un bosque conservado y un bosque con manejo forestal de corte selectivo. La biomasa promedio de raíces no difirió significativamente entre sitios (P = 0.185). La biomasa en el bosque c...


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    Full Text Available Con el propósito de conocer acerca de los procesos de organización comunitaria y de las relaciones de los habitantes de la Vereda Clarete con los bosques de roble (Quercus humboldtii, se realizaron talleres móviles, así como ejercicios de diagnostico rural rápido, que permitieron la participación activa de un grupo de personas de la comunidad bajo el acompañamiento de los profesores y la observación de estudiantes de la Universidad del Cauca. Estas actividades se integraron a un ejercicio de caracterización forestal y de la entomofauna asociada a estos ecosistemas. Se lograron establecer las relaciones que tienen los integrantes de la comunidad con el bosque, estableciendo la visión de hombres, mujeres y niños con respecto a los recursos naturales de la zona; de igual manera se establecieron los diferentes usos que tiene el bosque, entre los que se destacaron la leña, madera para construcción, postes para cercos, plantas medicinales y animales de caza.

  11. Importancia económica de los bosques

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    Yolanda Chamberlain


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la población mundial ha adquirido mayor conciencia sobre la importancia de los bosques y su relación con la calidad de vida de las personas. A pesar de lo anterior, la tala indiscriminada continúa y se siguen realizando proyectos que afectan la flora y la fauna de las selvas, sobre todo, en los países menos desarrollados que explotan estos recursos como materia prima.En Costa Rica se ha tratado de mantener cierto control sobre los bosques. Por ejemplo, el 16 de abril de 1996 se publicó en el Diario Oficial La Gaceta, la Ley Forestal No.7575. Dicha Ley dispone una serie de medidas para la conservación de las áreas de protección y de reserva forestal. En el primer caso, se estipulan las distancias requeridas para la protección de las nacientes permanentes, las riberas de ríos, las quebradas o arroyos, las riberas de los lagos y los embalses naturales, las áreas de recarga acuífera y otros. En estas áreas, por ejemplo, no se podrá realizar ningún tipo de construcción ni autorizarse la tala de árboles.

  12. Measuring variability in trophic status in the Lake Waco/Bosque River Watershed

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    Rodriguez Angela D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Nutrient management in rivers and streams is difficult due to the spatial and temporal variability of algal growth responses. The objectives of this project were to determine the spatial and seasonal in situ variability of trophic status in the Lake Waco/Bosque River watershed, determine the variability in the lotic ecosystem trophic status index (LETSI at each site as indicators of the system's nutrient sensitivity, and determine if passive diffusion periphytometers could provide threshold algal responses to nutrient enrichment. Methods We used the passive diffusion periphytometer to measure in-situ nutrient limitation and trophic status at eight sites in five streams in the Lake Waco/Bosque River Watershed in north-central Texas from July 1997 through October 1998. The chlorophyll a production in the periphytometers was used as an indicator of baseline chlorophyll a productivity and of maximum primary productivity (MPP in response to nutrient enrichment (nitrogen and phosphorus. We evaluated the lotic ecosystem trophic status index (LETSI using the ratio of baseline primary productivity to MPP, and evaluated the trophic class of each site. Results The rivers and streams in the Lake Waco/Bosque River Watershed exhibited varying degrees of nutrient enrichment over the 18-month sampling period. The North Bosque River at the headwaters (NB-02 located below the Stephenville, Texas wastewater treatment outfall consistently exhibited the highest degree of water quality impact due to nutrient enrichment. Sites at the outlet of the watershed (NB-04 and NB-05 were the next most enriched sites. Trophic class varied for enriched sites over seasons. Conclusion Seasonality played a significant role in the trophic class and sensitivity of each site to nutrients. Managing rivers and streams for nutrients will require methods for measuring in situ responses and sensitivities to nutrient enrichment. Nutrient enrichment periphytometers show


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    Juan Manuel Campo Kurmen


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se presenta el estudio de la estructura, la riqueza y la composición florística del componente arborescente de un bosque entresacado, en la vereda Dantas, municipio de Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia, con base en el muestreo de los individuos con DAP ≥ 2,5 cm en 0,1 ha. El bosque se caracteriza por la escasez de lianas y de hemiepífitas, ausencia de familias típicas de bosques de niebla colombianos entre los 2000 y 2500 msnm (Ericaceae, Myrtaceae, Meliaceae y Aquifoliaceae y por un incremento en la riqueza de familias como Sabiaceae y Euphorbiaceae. Comparado con otros bosques de niebla de los Andes colombianos y del neotrópico, éste presenta una de las más bajas densidades de tallos (237 individuos con  DAP ≥ 2,5 cm por 0,1 ha y una proporción de árboles grandes muy alta (39,7% individuos con DAP ≥ 10 cm por 0,1 ha. Aparentemente, los efectos de la extracción selectiva de maderas sobre la riqueza, la estructura y la composición, fueron la disminución de la riqueza florística, del número de tallos del bosque, y de la densidad y la riqueza de lianas, así como un aumento en la densidad de especies secundarias como Hedyosmum goudotianum Slms-Laubach var. goudatianum, Miconia resima Naud. y Palicourea calophlebia Standl.

  14. Deterioro y conservación de los bosques del Nevado de Toluca y el rol de los actores locales

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    Ángel Rolando Endara Agramont


    Full Text Available El Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Nevado de Toluca presenta una constante fragmentación de sus bosques. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar los procesos de deterioro de sus bosques y el rol de los actores locales en su conservación. Se utilizaron los sistemas de información geográfica como base para la generación de mapas temáticos, además de la aplicación de un diagrama de flujo que define los problemas del bosque y otro que los describe y analiza para la búsqueda de soluciones. Los resultados muestran que los principales factores que inciden en el deterioro son incendios forestales, tala inmoderada, plagas y enfermedades. Finalmente se plantean estrategias y escenarios de manejo de los bosques a partir de la articulación de los actores locales.


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    Diego Mauricio Cabrera-Amaya


    Full Text Available Se caracterizó la composición florística y aspectos de la estructura de la vegetación en bosques ribereños de la cuenca baja del río Pauto (Colombia, Casanare utilizando la información de nueve parcelas de 20 x 50 m (1000 m², se midieron el diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP, la altura total y cobertura de la copa. Se analizó la riqueza y los valores de importancia por especie y por familia. Se realizó un análisis para establecer una clasificación local de los tipos de bosque, los cuales se describieron en términos de clases diamétricas y altimétricas, diagramas estructurales e índice de predominio fisionómico. Se registraron 185 especies, 127 géneros y 56 familias, la mayor riqueza florística se agrupó en las familias Rubiaceae, Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae y Bignoniaceae y en los géneros Ficus, Piper, Psychotria e Inga. Las familias con mayor IVF fueron Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae y Verbenaceae. Las especies más importantes según su IVI fueron: Attalea butyracea, Clarisia biflora, Sarcaulus brasiliensis, Dendropanax arboreus e Inga interrupta. Se encontraron seis comunidades, de las cuales sólo la primera se ha mencionado con anterioridad: 1 Palmar de Mauritia flexuosa y Euterpe precatoria, 2 Bosque de galería de Copaifera pubiflora y Homalium racemosum, 3 Bosque de vega de Discocarpus spruceanus y Sloanea terniflora, 4 Bosque de vega de Attalea butyracea y Garcinia madruno, 5 Bosque de galería de Attalea butyracea e Inga interrupta, y 6 Bosque de vega Attalea butyracea y Clarisia biflora. Los bosques presentan múltiples estratos con alturas del dosel desde los 18 m sobre las riberas de los caños, hasta 25 m en las vegas de los ríos. La riqueza y la composición concuerdan con los patrones florísticos de la Orinoquía colombiana, especialmente a nivel de familia, pero son menos las coincidencias a nivel de género y especie. La concentración de individuos en clases diamétricas pequeñas es


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la vegetación en 3.1 ha de bosque distribuidos en 3 unidadesfisiográficas: coluvios derivados de superficies de areniscas, superficies terciarias y superficiesaluviales de origen de ríos amazonenses, en un área ubicada entre el río Yarí y el sectorsuroriental de la serranía de Chiribiquete, departamento de Caquetá, Amazonía colombiana.El número de especies de plantas vasculares con DAP > 10 cm en parcelasde 0.1 ha osciló entre 25 y 60, mientras que la diversidad (número de especies/número deindividuos varió entre 0.31 y 0.94. Mediante un análisis de componentes principales se identificarontres tipos estructurales de bosque, pero sin una clara relación con la variabilidadfisiográfica en el área. Oenocarpus bataua y Clathrotropis macrocarpa fueron las especiesmás abundantes en todas las unidades fisiográficas. De acuerdo con el análisis de coordenadaspolares, las superficies terciarias y las superficies aluviales de ríos de aguas oscuras,fueron entre sí similares florísticamente, mientras que los coluvios de las mesas deareniscas muestran una ligera tendencia hacia una mayor disimilitud florística. Seconcluye que los bosques de la Amazonía colombiana son tan ricos en especiescomo los registrados en la Amazonía ecuatoriana y peruana, aunque se aprecia unaclara diferencia florística entre los bosques de tierra firme del piedemonte amazónicoen Ecuador y Perú, y los bosques del norte de la Amazonía colombiana. Los resultadosde este estudio apoyan la idea de que la especialización edáfica de las especiesarbóreas en bosques de tierra firme bien drenada en la Amazonía noroccidental es muy baja.

  17. Pasado, Presente y Perspectiva de Manejo de los Bosques de Guandal del Litoral Pacífico Colombiano

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    Del Valle Arango Jorge Ignacio


    Full Text Available Se hace una descripción y análisis de lo que ha sido la explotación de los recursos naturales renovables de los bosques de la Costa Pacifica colombiana desde 1850 hasta hoy y en especial de los ciclos del caucho negro (Castilla elástica, la tagua (Phytelephas sp, el mangle (Rhizophora brevistila y las maderas, así como de la palma naidi (Euterpe oleracea que recién se inicia. El análisis se particulariza para los bosques de guandal donde se evidencia el decaimiento de la producción maderera y el riesgo de que la producción de naidí corra la misma suerte de los recursos que decaen o ya se extinguieron en su aporte económico. El autor encuentra elementos por afirmar que los corteros son verdaderos campesinos silvicultores, con evidencias en la región de rendimientos sostenidos en maderas y otros bienes y servicios en los mismos predios, que se remontaran hasta 50 años. Basándose en esta evidencia propugna porque se les reconozca la propiedad sobre la tierra y sus bosques. Finalmente, se hacen consideraciones técnicas que sugieren la viabilidad de un sistema silvicultural para estos bosques.

  18. Treatment Wetlands


    Dotro, Gabriela; Langergraber, Günter; Molle, Pascal; Nivala, Jaime; Puigagut, Jaume; Stein, Otto; Von Sperling, Marcos


    Overview of Treatment Wetlands; Fundamentals of Treatment Wetlands; Horizontal Flow Wetlands; Vertical Flow Wetlands; French Vertical Flow Wetlands; Intensified and Modified Wetlands; Free Water Surface Wetlands; Other Applications; Additional Aspects.

  19. Distribución espacial del Bosque Seco Tropical en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Diana Patricia Alvarado-Solano


    Full Text Available En el departamento del Valle del Cauca, la distribución de Bosque Seco Tropical (BsT se ha asociado al valle geográfico del río Cauca ubicado en la zona plana. Actualmente en esta zona, su cobertura se ha reducido a pocos relictos que se encuentran bajo alguna figura de conservación y mantienen áreas representativas de las formaciones vegetales sssstípicas de este bioma. Este trabajo se enfocó en el reconocimiento de la distribución espacial de formaciones vegetales de BsT en el departamento del Valle del Cauca. Se empleó información cartográfica secundaria para reconocer los biomas, ecosistemas y usos del suelo del área de estudio y en zonas adyacentes del piedemonte y montañas. Un modelo digital de elevaciones fue utilizado para realizar análisis altitudinales. En un sistema de información geográfico se aplicaron técnicas de geoprocesamiento y análisis geoespacial entre la información cartográfica y satelital. Los resultados evidencian que pese al avanzado deterioro de las coberturas de bosque seco en la zona plana, alrededor del 80 % se localiza en ecosistemas de montaña, específicamente en zonas de transición hacia bosques húmedos. A futuro, el potencial de estas áreas deberá evaluarse para ser incluidas en estrategias de conservación y restauración del bosque seco así como en el diseño de procesos adaptativos frente al cambio climático.

  20. Generación del plan de manejo ambiental del Bosque Protector Aguarongo a partir de la evaluación de impacto ambiental


    Lomas Taipe, Martha Elizabeth


    El documento consiste en la generación de un plan de manejo ambiental del Bosque Protector Aguarongo a partir de la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental, con la finalidad de identificar los impactos ambientales que se están efectuando dentro del bosque, para el planteamiento de programas y medidas que permitan la protección y conservación de la biodiversidad presente en el Bosque Protector Aguarongo. The document consists of the generation of an environmental management plan Protected Forest Ag...

  1. Caracterización de hábitat y abundancia local de Dynastes hercules (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae en bosques subandinos del departamento de Santander, Colombia

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    Luisa Fernanda Ballesteros Mesa


    Full Text Available Se realizó una caracterización del estrato arbóreo de dos bosques subandinos con antecedentes de colecta del escarabajo hércules, Dynastes hercules, para estudiar la  condición de su hábitat y cuantificar la abundancia local. Se identificaron dos tipos de bosques correspondientes a robledal y selva de lauráceas; el estado de conservación del primer tipo de bosque es óptimo, teniendo en cuenta la densidad y buena oferta de árboles, troncos caídos en descomposición, flores y frutos. La abundancia de D. hercules fue mayor en el bosque de lauráceas debido a la baja presión de extracción de escarabajos en comparación con la población del bosque de roble. Por otro lado, los datos de abundancia de adultos obtenidos en el presente estudio no concuerdan con las estimaciones realizadas en trabajos similares.

  2. Dinámica de la biomasa aérea en un bosque pluvial tropical del chocó biogeográfico.


    Quinto Mosquera, Harley; Moreno Hurtado, Flavio


    El estudio de la biomasa aérea (BA) de los bosques tropicales es fundamental para entender el balance del C global en el contexto del cambio climático. La BA se cuantificó en un bosque maduro de Salero (Chocó Biogeográfico), mediante ecuaciones diseñadas para bosques húmedos tropicales, a partir de datos de densidad de madera, diámetro (DAP) y altura de árboles (con DAP ≥ 10 cm) medidos en dos sub-parcelas permanentes (“E” y “U”) de 1 ha, las cuales se monitorearon en los años 1998, 2005 y 20...

  3. Diversidad y dinámica de un bosque subandino de altitud en la región norte de los Andes colombianos

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    Jesús Oswaldo Velásquez Restrepo


    Full Text Available Los bosques sub-Andinos poseen alta diversidad biológica, de los cuales poco se conoce sobre su dinámica natural. Se evaluaron patrones de diversidad y biomasa, tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento en dos parcelas permanentes de una hectárea cada una, establecidas en bosques en altitudes entre los 2 000-2 200msnm, en la vertiente Oriental de la cordillera Occidental del norte de los Andes en Colombia. Se determino diversidad de especies mediante el índice alpha de Fisher, la dinámica del bosque se evaluó mediante tres censos durante nueve anos. En total, se hallaron 1 964 individuos con un diámetro a la altura del pecho DAP≥10cm. pertenecientes a 222 especies, 113 géneros y 60 familias. La riqueza media de especies fue de 156 especies por hectárea y un índice alpha medio de Fisher de 56.2/h. Las tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento fueron de 0.88% y 1.16% respectivamente, lo cual no indica que se presente un efecto externo proveniente del calentamiento global sobre la dinámica del bosque. La biomasa aérea promedio fue de 243.44±9.82tn/ha con un incremento anual promedio de 2.9ton/ha, valor superior a los reportados, lo cual sugiere que el equilibrio para este bosque no se ha alcanzado. De acuerdo con las observaciones de campo, este bosque parece estar recuperándose de una alteración pasada.

  4. Diversidad preliminar de Artrópodos en los remanentes de bosques secos andinos del Valle del Chota en el norte del Ecuador


    Troya, Adrián; Bersosa, Fabián; Vega, Mauricio


    En este artículo se da a conocer sobre los bosques secos que representan el 42% de todos los bosques tropicales y se encuentran en peligro de destrucción. Las investigaciones en los bosques secos de Ecuador son puntuales en aspectos botánicos y ecológicos. Durante la época seca se muestreó dos localidades en el Valle del Chota con el objetivo de conocer la diversidad de artrópodos terrestres. Se colectaron 282 morfo-especies pertenecientes a 128 familias de artrópodos correspondientes a 22 ór...

  5. Estudios de la comunidad de coleópteros coprófagos (Scarabaeidae en un remaente de bosque seco al norte del Tolima, Colombia

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    Escobar S. Federico


    Full Text Available This paper presents information about the dung beetle community in altered landscapes in northern Tolima, Colombia. The studies were carried out in hill forest, creek forest, forest edge and pastures in the dry season, and in hill forest and creek forest in the rainy season. 3538 inividuals of 30 species in 4 subfamilies were captured. Changes in the species abundance between sampling periods were found. Differences in species composition between zones with forest cover and pasture were recorded, as well as changes in the guild structure, with endocoprids prevailing in pasture and edge habitats.Se presenta información sobre la comunidad de coleópteros coprófagos en un remanente de bosque seco al norte del Tolima, caracterizado por una alta transformación del paisaje. Se realizó un muestreo en la época seca y otro en época lluviosa; en la época seca se realizaron colecciones en bosque de cerro, bosque de cañada, borde de bosque y potrero, en la época lluviosa en bosque de cañada y bosque de cerro. Se capturaron un total de 3538 individuos pertenecientes a 30 especies en 4 subfamilias. Se registraron cambios en la abundancia de las especies entre los períodos de muestreo y en la composición de especies entre zonas con cobertura boscosa y potreros. También se detectaron cambios en la estructura de los gremios, observándose un incremento de las especies de hábitos endocópridos en el borde de bosque y en potrero.

  6. Montes y bosques de Orihuela en los siglos XVI y XVII

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    José Ojeda Nieto


    Full Text Available Los montes y los bosques de la época Moderna son poco conocidos. Escasean los documentos, y cuando los hay se fijan en las talas y abusos cometidos por los vecinos o en las preocupaciones -normativas concejiles- de buena utilización de la leña y la madera. La Orihuela foral, siglos XVI y XVII, gozaba de una amplia extensión de terrenos comunales donde el pastoreo convivía con el aprovechamiento silvícola. El presente estudio marca los límites del monte, concretamente del arbolado, al tiempo que cuantifica, como propuesta, los distintos espacios que configuraban el paisaje del Bajo Segura: huerta, boalares, redondas y realengo. Normas y leyes que reglamentaban cortes y talas, así como los malos usos del bosque -carboneo e incendios-, son también analizados para entender el proceso de deforestación y su control a lo largo de las citadas centurias.

  7. Los trabajadores subcontratistas de Bosques Arauco y CODELCO: ¿Un movimiento en vías de politización?

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    Claudia Jordana Contreras


    Full Text Available Uno de los principales problemas que atraviesa la sociedad actual es la despolitización. Los movimientos de los trabajadores subcontratistas de CODELCO y Bosques Arauco, sin embargo, parecen oponerse a esa tendencia. En esta investigación se estudia, precisamente, si eso es así, es decir, si estos movimientos son susceptibles de ser analizados desde un punto de vista político; si tienen posibilidades de proyectarse en el tiempo o si sus demandas y reivindicaciones son más bien coyunturales. Los principales resultados nos indican que hay distintos grados de politización en los movimientos de CODELCO y de Bosques Arauco. Las posibilidades de proyectarse políticamente del movimiento subcontratista de CODELCO son mayores que las de Bosques Arauco.

  8. Wonderful Wetlands: An Environmental Education Curriculum Guide for Wetlands. (United States)

    King County Parks Div., Redmond, WA.

    This curriculum guide was designed to give teachers, students, and society a better understanding of wetlands in the hope that they learn why wetlands should be valued and preserved. It explores what is meant by wetlands, functions and values of wetlands, wetland activities, and wetland offerings which benefit animal and plant life, recreation,…

  9. Photovoltaic systems for the nature parks of Rio de Janeiro municipality; Sistemas fotovoltaicos para os parques municipais da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galdino, Marco Antonio; Silva, Patricia de Castro da [Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Eletrica (CEPEL), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)], e-mails:,; Masi, Monica di [Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (SMAC/RJ), RJ (Brazil)], e-mail:


    This paper presents the current status of the project run by the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, though its Secretary for the Environment, aiming the implantation of photovoltaic (PV) systems for electrification of the Nature Parks of the City. Relevant characteristics of 6 parks, which are to receive first the PV systems, are discussed here, including Parks Prainha, Dois Irmaos, Chico Mendes, Marapendi and Bosque da Barra, as well as the PV systems to be installed in each park. The projects include stand-alone and grid-connected PV systems, and plans to install a total power of more than 60kWp of PV panels. This activity is considered innovative and a part of the preparation of the City for important international events of the coming years: World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games 2016. (author)

  10. Ecología de la dispersión de plantas en los bosques secos del suroccidente Ecuatoriano


    Jara Guerrero, Andrea Katherine


    La importancia del proceso de dispersión de semillas en la estructura y dinámica de los ecosistemas es ampliamente reconocida. Sin embargo, para los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos los estudios relacionados con este proceso son aún escasos y dispersos en comparación con los bosques tropicales lluviosos. En este trabajo se estudió la importancia de los síndromes de dispersión de semillas en la estructuración de comunidades, mediante el análisis de los patrones de dispersión de semilla...

  11. Reconstrucción del límite superior del bosque en la parte norte del Ecuador: algunos resultados del proyecto RUFLE

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sevink, J.; Tonneijck, F.; Jansen, B.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Cuesta, F.; Sevink, J.; Llambí, L.D.; De Bièvre, B.; Posner, J


    Resumen Se estudiaron los suelos, los registros de polen y los marcadores biológicos en transectos entre bosque y páramo en la reserva natural Guandera al norte del Ecuador para reconstruir el límite superior del bosque y establecer sus características y dinámicas. Se encontró que los suelos estaban


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    Felipe Bueno Amaral


    Full Text Available Este artigo se insere nas reflexões socioambientais contemporâneas que partem das contribuições da teoria da ação e da racionalidade desde Max Weber. Neste estudo nos debruçamos no processo de constituição de um bosque urbano dentro de uma região de casas de alto padrão, de um pequeno município da região metropolitana de Curitiba, PR, com interesse de perseguir e compreender as motivações desta constituição. Com esse intento, a pesquisa foi realizada num período de dois meses, onde frequentamos o bosque e entrevistamos a comunidade do entorno e também os organismos da prefeitura do município, relacionados a construção e manutenção de parques, praças e bosques. Foi possível perceber que dentre as múltiplas motivações da constituição do bosque estudado, a principal delas resultou de um conflito social entre dois grupos, entre indivíduos que utilizavam o bosque de modo distinto. Através disso constatou-se que as noções de natureza e meio ambiente, estão diminuídas ante outras noções como segurança e legislação, e sobretudo, que o meio ambiente não está descolado das ações dos indivíduos.

  13. Physical characteristics and fish assemblage composition at site and mesohabitat scales over a range of streamflows in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, winter 2011-12, summer 2012 (United States)

    Braun, Christopher L.; Pearson, Daniel K.; Porter, Michael D.; Moring, J. Bruce


    In winter 2011–12 and summer 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New Mexico Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, evaluated the physical characteristics and fish assemblage composition of available mesohabitats over a range of streamflows at 15 sites on the Middle Rio Grande in New Mexico. The fish assemblage of the Middle Rio Grande includes several minnow species adapted to hydrologically variable but seasonably predictable rivers, including theHybognathus amarus (Rio Grande silvery minnow), a federally listed endangered species. Gaining a better understanding of habitat usage by the Rio Grande silvery minnow was the impetus for studying physical characteristics and fish assemblages in the Middle Rio Grande during different streamflow conditions. Data were collected at all 15 sites during winter 2011–12 (moderate streamflow), and a subset was collected at the 13 most downstream sites in summer 2012 (low streamflow). Sites were grouped into four river reaches separated by diversion dams listed in downstream order (names of the diversion dams are followed by short names of the sites nearest each dam in parentheses, listed in downstream order): (1) Cochiti (Peña Blanca), (2) Angostura (Bernalillo, La Orilla, Barelas, Los Padillas), (3) Isleta (Los Lunas I, Los Lunas II, Abeytas, La Joya, Rio Salado), and (4) San Acacia (Lemitar, Arroyo del Tajo, San Pedro, Bosque del Apache I, and Bosque del Apache II). Stream habitat was mapped in the field by using a geographic information system in conjunction with a Global Positioning System. Fish assemblage composition was determined during both streamflow regimes, and fish were collected by seining in each mesohabitat where physical characteristic data (depth, velocity, dominant substrate type and size, and percent embeddedness) and water-quality properties (temperature

  14. Middle Rio Grande Bosque Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study Habitat Assessment Using Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP): Analyses, Results and Documentation (United States)


    8217•· ~---.,..t-JI..-..:•-"-.. . o. . .-. toe • OPEl\\ "LAND - OPEl\\\\VATER !HJ NEWTYPIUT ~ NEIVTYPIUU ~ NEWTYPE..4T D NE\\ITYPE..4U D NEI\\’TYPE_S Iii! NEI...marsh plant distribution in coastal dunes of southeastern Spain. Wetlands 26:703-717. American Bird Conservancy. 2008. Top 10 Most Threatened Bird

  15. Efectos negativos de las plantas exóticas maderables sobre el bosque nativo andino

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    Fidel Antonio Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Los abusos que el hombre ha cometido con la naturaleza han provocado que muchas áreas, que debían ser santuarios vegetales, padezcan el deterioro del bosque nativo, con el consiguiente daño ambiental, hídrico, de flora y fauna. No escapa a ello la Escuela Nacional de Carabineros, pues su cerro tutelar fue sometido a una plantación de árboles exóticos maderables, con la consabida tala del bosque nativo. Los daños en dicho cerro han provocado la implementación de una reforestación técnica, que permita devolver la dinámica propia a la vegetación nativa, lo cual debe dar como resultado un Plan Estratégico de Manejo Ambiental, para futuras aplicaciones.

  16. Patrones de distribución de especies arbóreas de dosel y sotobosque a escala local en bosques de tierra firme, Amazonia colombiana


    Juan Sebastian Barreto-Silva; Dairon Cárdenas López; Álvaro Javier Duque Montoya


    El efecto de la variación ambiental en la estructura de las comunidades arbóreas en bosques tropicales, aún se debate. En paisajes como los bosques de tierra firme, donde el gradiente ambiental disminuye, el efecto de los suelos sobre los patrones de distribución de especies es mínimo. En contraste, un mayor efecto de la variación edáfica y topográfica sobre la composición florística, se ha reportado en estudios con diferentes tipos de plantas en bosques tropicales. Este estudio se realizó en...


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    Wuellins Durango


    Full Text Available Con el fin de evaluar algunas característi - cas microbiológicas y bioquímicas, se realizó un estudio comparativo entre 3 sistemas de manejo del suelo en Ultisoles, ubicado en Grano de Oro, Turrialba Costa Rica. Se eligieron 3 sistemas de manejo de suelos (2 agroecosistemas, café y café- banano y bosque. En cada finca se colectaron 4 muestras compuestas de suelo, a las cuales se les determinó respiración, biomasa microbiana y actividad de la enzima fosfatasa. En los suelos del bosque la biomasa microbiana fue estadísti - camente superior (423 mg C kg -1 comparada con la de los agroecosistemas café y café-banano (77 y 111 mg C kg -1 respectivamente. La respiración microbiana no presentó diferencias (580, 560 y 570 μg CO 2 g -1 .día -1 en los sistemas café, café- banano y bosque, respectivamente. También se determinó que la actividad de la enzima fosfatasa en los suelos del bosque fue estadísticamente más alta (4432 μg p-NP g -1 .h -1 . Los resultados sugieren que las condiciones del suelo en el bos - que favorecen una mayor biomasa microbiana y mayor actividad de la fosfatasa, comparados con los sistemas agrícolas.

  18. Wetlands and Sustainability

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    Richard Smardon


    Full Text Available This editorial provides an overview of the special issue “Wetlands and Sustainability”. In particular, the special issue contains a review of Paul Keddy’s book “Wetland Ecology” with specific reference to wetland sustainability. It also includes papers addressing wetland data acquisition via radar and remote sensing to better understand wetland system dynamics, hydrologic processes linked to wetland stress and restoration, coastal wetlands land use conflict/management, and wetland utilization for water quality treatment.

  19. Ohio Uses Wetlands Program Development Grants to Protect Wetlands (United States)

    The wetland water quality standards require the use of ORAM score to determine wetland quality. OEPA has also used these tools to evaluate wetland mitigation projects, develop performance standards for wetland mitigation banks and In Lieu Fee programs an.

  20. Buscando la Historia en los Bosques: el papel de los macrovestigios y de la vegetación en la Mata Atlántica

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    Adi Estela Lazos Ruíz


    Full Text Available El paisaje de hoy es un reflejo de usos sobrepuestos a lo largo del tiempo, cada época va dejando huellas. Los bosques suelen tomar parte de esas transformaciones y están por lo tanto marcados por la historia. En este trabajo recopilamos evidencias de usos pasados dentro del bosque de Mata Atlántica del sureste brasileño a través de macrovestigios (e.g. ruinas, caminos antiguos, etc. y del estudio de la configuración de la vegetación (e.g. identificando especies y su estado sucesional. Utilizando la metodología de lectura del paisaje, asociamos estos elementos presentes en el bosque actual con su contexto histórico y ofrecemos una posible interpretación. De esta manera, los macrovestigios y la vegetación resultan ser particularmente útiles como “documentos” para los paisajes sin historia. El reconocimiento del valor histórico del bosque es importante para fortalecer la identidad de los pueblos y para incluirlo en medidas de gestión y conservación de los recursos.

  1. Litterfall, litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in old-growth evergreen and secondary deciduous Nothofagus forests in south-central Chile Aporte, descomposición de hojarasca y mineralización de nitrógeno en bosques siempreverdes de antiguo crecimiento y bosques secundarios deciduos, centro-sur de Chile

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    mineralization rates in the present study.Los ecosistemas forestales del sur de Chile presentan un gran valor ecológico pues constituyen una de las mayores áreas del hemisferio Sur con existencias de bosques templados lluviosos. Están sometidos a procesos de deforestación, invasión de especies exóticas, fragmentación e incremento de depositación de nitrógeno (N atmosférico. Para apoyar su manejo sustentable se requiere de mayor conocimiento en el ciclo de nutrientes de estos ecosistemas. Se estudia la dinámica de nutrientes en cuatro sitios de bosques lluviosos valdivianos de la precordillera de los Andes, centro-sur de Chile: un bosque siempreverde de antiguo crecimiento prístino y otro alterado, un bosque caducifolio secundario con manejo silvícola y otro sin. Durante el período octubre 2002 -septiembre 2006, se estimaron (i masa de la hojarasca (cuatro años y contenido de nutrientes de la hojarasca (un año, (ii descomposición y dinámica de nutrientes de hojarasca (un año y de la corteza de Saxegothaea conspicua, y (iii mineralización neta de nitrógeno (N-min en el suelo in situ (un año. El aporte de hojarasca en los cuatro sitios fluctúa desde 3.5 hasta 5.8 ton ha-1 año-1, y es temporalmente menor en bosque caducifolio manejado, respecto del caducifolio sin manejo. Además, presentan una estacionalidad en los siempreverdes que es diferente, respecto de los deciduos. La hojarasca se descompone más rápidamente (promedio 32 % pérdida de masa después de un año que la corteza (8 %, pero no se presentaron diferencias significativas en la hojarasca. El N neto en la hojarasca de los bosques siempreverdes disminuye durante la descomposición, pero se incrementa en la hojarasca de los deciduos. La N-mineralización neta del suelo fue completa en el bosque siempreverde prístino, intermedia en los bosques deciduos y el más baja en el bosque siempreverde alterado. Dada la ausencia de réplicas en las parcelas, no puede ser demostrado el impacto definido del

  2. Aquatic macrophytes in natural and managed wetlands of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil Macrófitas aquáticas em áreas úmidas naturais e manejadas do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil

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    Ana Silvia Rolon


    Full Text Available AIM: This study gathers the main results obtained from studies regarding dynamic of aquatic macrophyte community in natural and managed wetlands of Southern Brazil. We analyzed the aquatic macrophytes diversity in wetlands of Southern Brazil, the environmental factors that determine the structure of the aquatic macrophyte community in fragmented wetlands, the effects of floods on the dynamics of macrophytes, and the contributions to the rice field for the conservation of aquatic macrophytes; METHODS: The information was obtained from several researches carried in several spatial scales and different wetlands types over the last 10 years in Southern Brazil; RESULTS: The studies have reported the occurrence of approximately 250 species of aquatic macrophytes. Wetland area, habitat diversity, altitude and hydroperiod were determinant for macrophyte richness and composition in wetlands of Southern Brazil. Furthermore, flood events, long or short-term ones, are strongly associated to the structure of the aquatic macrophyte community. The rice field systems of Southern Brazil (crops and irrigation channel shelter a representative number of species of macrophyte found at natural wetlands in this region. The agricultural practices adopted over rice cultivation cycle in the rice fields have influenced the macrophyte richness and biomass. The different hydrological management practices adopted after the harvesting period (presence or lack of water surface did not influence the macrophyte richness and biomass, however it influenced the species composition; CONCLUSIONS: The increasing process of wetland degradation (e.g. fragmentation, flood control and rice field expansion presents a threat to the conservation aquatic macrophyte species.OBJETIVO: Este estudo reúne os principais resultados obtidos em trabalhos sobre a dinâmica da comunidade de macrófitas aquáticas em áreas úmidas naturais e manejadas do sul do Brasil. Nós analisamos a diversidade de

  3. Efecto de plantaciones de pino en la artropofauna del suelo de un bosque Altoandino

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    Alba Lucía León-Gamboa


    Full Text Available Los artrópodos del suelo son un componente fundamental de los ecosistemas de bosque, ya que participan en la fragmentación de los residuos orgánicos previa a la descomposición. Esta función es más valuable en ambientes de altura, donde las bajas temperaturas limitan la dinámica de los procesos biológicos. Sin embargo, uno de los problemas más comunes en las montañas colombianas ha sido el reemplazo de vegetación nativa por plantaciones de pino. Los efectos sobre los artrópodos del suelo aún son poco conocidos. En un remanente de bosque Altoandino (Embalse del Neusa-Colombia con una plantación adyacente de unos 50 años (aprox. 900 has, fue evaluada la composición, riqueza y abundancia de artrópodos en los estratos superficial (S orgánico (O y mineral (A del suelo, para establecer las diferencias asociadas con la transformación del uso del suelo. Se utilizaron trampas "Pitfall" para registrar el movimiento de fauna epígea, y embudos Berlese para estimar la densidad de fauna de los horizontes O y A. Se calcularon los índices de Shannon y Simpson para estimar la diversidad en diferentes lugares y horizontes, además fue evaluada la estructura trófica de la comunidad. Se recolectaron 38 306 individuos en el bosque y 17 386 en la plantación, principalmente distribuidos en los taxa Collembola, (42.4%, Acari (27%, Diptera (17.6% y Coleoptera (4.6%. Las diferencias más importantes se dieron en la superficie, donde la movilización en bosque (86 individuos/día casi triplicó la movilización en la plantación (33 individuos/día. Las diferencias en la composición se dieron en los taxa Collembola, Araneae, Hemiptera, Homoptera e Hymenoptera. La dinámica de la riqueza y abundancia a lo largo del año tuvo picos significativos en el bosque, no observados en la plantación. La estructura trófica fue dominada por saprófagos (75%, depredadores (14% y fitófagos (9%, pero en dos estratos de la plantación de pino (S y O no se dio

  4. Contribución de los bosques tropicales de montaña en el almacenamiento de carbono en Colombia

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    Adriana Yepes


    Full Text Available Los bosques tropicales de montaña (BTM en la región Andina de Colombia se encuentran por encima de 1 500m, y han sido fuertemente deforestados. A pesar de la presunción general de que la productividad y las reservas de carbono en estos ecosistemas son bajas, los estudios al respecto son escasos. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo i estimar la biomasa aérea (BA de los bosques localizados en el sur de la región Andina colombiana, ii identificar el potencial de almacenamiento de carbono en bosques dominados por el roble negro Colombobalanus excelsa e identificar la relación entre la BA y la altitud, y iii analizar su papel en mecanismos de conservación, como el Pago por Servicios Ambientales (PSA y la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y Degradación (REDD+. Veintiséis parcelas de 0.25ha fueron distribuidas al azar, y se midieron todos los árboles con D≥10cm. Los resultados obtenidos de BA y carbono almacenado fueron similares a los reportados para bosques tropicales de tierras bajas. Esto se puede explicar por la abundancia y dominancia de C. excelsa, que contribuye con más del 81% de la BA/carbono; el error asociado a las estimaciones fue de 10.58%. Se encontró una relación negativa y significativa entre la BA y la altitud, pero los valores más altos de BA estuvieron en las altitudes medias (≈1 700-1 800m, donde las condiciones ambientales podrían ser favorables para su crecimiento. El potencial de almacenamiento de carbono de estos bosques fue alto. Los resultados permiten tener elementos importantes para entender el papel de los BTM como sumideros de carbono. Sin embargo, si la tasa histórica de deforestación en el área de estudio continúa, las emisiones brutas de CO2e a la atmósfera podrían convertirlos en una fuente de emisiones importante. Actualmente, los BTM son vulnerables a la deforestación, especialmente los bosques de roble negro debido a su valor comercial. Teniendo en cuenta el alto potencial de

  5. Distributions and phylogeographic data of rheophilic freshwater fishes provide evidences on the geographic extension of a central-brazilian amazonian palaeoplateau in the area of the present day Pantanal Wetland

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    Alexandre C. Ribeiro

    Full Text Available The analysis of the distribution patterns presented by examples of freshwater fishes restricted to headwater habitat: the anostomid Leporinus octomaculatus, the characins Jubiaba acanthogaster, Oligosarcus perdido, Moenkhausia cosmops, Knodus chapadae, Planaltina sp., the loricariid Hypostomus cochliodon, and the auchenipterid Centromochlus sp. provided evidences of a relatively recent shared history between the highlands of the upper rio Paraguay and adjoining upland drainage basins. Restricted to headwater of the uplands in the upper rio Paraguay and adjoining basins, these species provide biological evidence of the former extension of the central Brazilian plateau before the origin of the Pantanal Wetland. Disjunction took place due to an ecological barrier to these rheophilic taxa represented tectonic subsidence related to the origin of the Pantanal Wetland. Molecular analysis of Jubiaba acanthogaster revealed that the sample from the upper rio Xingu basin are the sister-group of a clade that includes samples from the upper rio Arinos (upper rio Tapajós plus the upper rio Paraguay basin, supporting the assumption that the origin of the upper rio Paraguay basin causing vicariance between this basin and the upper rio Tapajós is the least vicariant event in the evolutionary history of the group.

  6. Crecimiento anual de cuatro especies arbóreas con yemas desnudas nativas de los bosques templados húmedos de Patagonia


    Sosa, Claudia M; Puntieri, Javier G


    Las especies vegetales que habitan en regiones con bajo nivel de estacionalidad en el clima suelen presentar rasgos morfo-arquitecturales que ocurren con menor frecuencia en especies de regiones con clima estacional. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el crecimiento primario en vivero de cuatro especies leñosas típicas de los bosques templados húmedos de Patagonia, conocidos como selva valdiviana, donde el grado de estacionalidad es menos marcado que en otros bosques patagónicos. Las esp...

  7. Modeling natural wetlands: A new global framework built on wetland observations (United States)

    Matthews, E.; Romanski, J.; Olefeldt, D.


    Natural wetlands are the world's largest methane (CH4) source, and their distribution and CH4 fluxes are sensitive to interannual and longer-term climate variations. Wetland distributions used in wetland-CH4 models diverge widely, and these geographic differences contribute substantially to large variations in magnitude, seasonality and distribution of modeled methane fluxes. Modeling wetland type and distribution—closely tied to simulating CH4 emissions—is a high priority, particularly for studies of wetlands and CH4 dynamics under past and future climates. Methane-wetland models either prescribe or simulate methane-producing areas (aka wetlands) and both approaches result in predictable over- and under-estimates. 1) Monthly satellite-derived inundation data include flooded areas that are not wetlands (e.g., lakes, reservoirs, and rivers), and do not identify non-flooded wetlands. 2) Models simulating methane-producing areas overwhelmingly rely on modeled soil moisture, systematically over-estimating total global area, with regional over- and under-estimates, while schemes to model soil-moisture typically cannot account for positive water tables (i.e., flooding). Interestingly, while these distinct hydrological approaches to identify wetlands are complementary, merging them does not provide critical data needed to model wetlands for methane studies. We present a new integrated framework for modeling wetlands, and ultimately their methane emissions, that exploits the extensive body of data and information on wetlands. The foundation of the approach is an existing global gridded data set comprising all and only wetlands, including vegetation information. This data set is augmented with data inter alia on climate, inundation dynamics, soil type and soil carbon, permafrost, active-layer depth, growth form, and species composition. We investigate this enhanced wetland data set to identify which variables best explain occurrence and characteristics of observed

  8. 77 FR 63326 - Huron Wetland Management District, Madison Wetland Management District, and Sand Lake Wetland... (United States)


    ..., consistent with sound principles of fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal mandates, and our... FXRS1265066CCP0] Huron Wetland Management District, Madison Wetland Management District, and Sand Lake Wetland Management District, SD; Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Finding of No Significant Impact for...

  9. Comparación de propiedades edáficas y procesos ecosistémicos entre plantaciones forestales y bosques secundarios subandinos


    Gómez Sarmiento, Margarita


    Los cambios en la cobertura y uso del suelo tienen efectos importantes en el suelo y en las funciones ecosistémicas que este soporta. En este estudio se compararon algunas propiedades edáficas entre bosques secundarios subandinos y plantaciones forestales de pino y, dos procesos ecosistémicos: la productividad sobre el suelo y la descomposición. El estudio se realizó en la cuenca del río Otún (Risaralda). Se tomaron nueve muestras de suelo en bosque y nueve en plantaciones. Se determinó la de...

  10. Insectos descortezadores (coleoptera: curculionidae) y cambio clImático: problemática actual y perspectivas en los bosques templados


    Ek del-Val; Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero


    En los bosques templados están sucediendo modificaciones importantes debido al cambio climático; en latitudes polares va en aumento su área de distribución, mientras que en las tropicales se reduce por incremento en la temperatura y las sequías. Uno de los agentes bióticos reguladores de los bosques templados son los insectos descortezadores que ocasionan la mortalidad de ciertos árboles. Estos insectos han aumentado en número, favorecidos por el cambio climático y las consecuencias sobre los...

  11. Insectos descortezadores (coleoptera: curculionidae) y cambio clImático: problemática actual y perspectivas en los bosques templados


    Ek del-Val; Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero


    En los bosques templados están sucediendo modificaciones importantes debido al cambio climático; en latitudes polares va en aumento su área de distribución, mientras que en las tropicales se reduce por incremento en la temperatura y las sequías. Uno de los agentes bióticos reguladores de los bosques templados son los insectos descortezadores que ocasionan la mortalidad de ciertos árboles. Estos insectos han aumentado en número, favorecidos por el cambio climático y las consecuencias sobr...

  12. Estudio preliminar de la composición de la comunidad de escarabajos coprófagos ( Coleptera: Scarabaeidae de un bosque altoandino en Albán (Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    Héctor Jaime Gasca


    Full Text Available Los escarabajos coprófagos son un buen modelo para estudiar los cambios estructurales y composicionales que en la actualidad están ocurriendo en los bosques altoandinos. Los disturbios ocasionados sobre el bosque alteran notoriamente la composición de las especies que habitan allí. En el caso de los coleópteros estercoleros se presenta un impacto mayor ya que dependen directamente de los mamíferos allí existentes y estos a su vez son uno de los grupos animales más vulnerables a la perdida de bosques.


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    García S. Catalina


    Full Text Available La política de bosques de la mayoría de países tropicales está dirigida inicialmente a la utilización de los recursos forestales para madera y, de forma secundaria, para leña. Sin embargo, los bosques tropicales generan otros productos que, en algunos países, pueden tener un alto valor, comparable con el de la madera, llamados “productos forestales menores” o “productos forestales no maderables” (‘PFNM’. Desafortunadamente, este rótulo no realza el hecho de que su aprovechamiento es una actividad importante en economías rurales. Los PFNM han suscitado interés por su contribución económica y social en muchos países, sobre todo para poblaciones rurales; en toda América Latina se aprovechan y, particularmente, en Colombia, es necesario reglamentar de forma clara y precisa su explotación. Aquí presentamos un marco conceptual para los PFNM en Colombia y describimos la contribución potencial de los manglares a este mercado.

  14. Estimación de carbono almacenado en bosques de oyamel y ciprés en Texcoco, Estado de México

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    Yunuen Bolaños González


    Full Text Available Las emisiones de carbono (C a la atmósfera, así como sus reservorios, en el sector de agricultura, silvicultura y otros usos del suelo son significativas en el balance global del ciclo del carbono; sin embargo, a pesar de esta importancia, es el sector con la mayor incertidumbre en el balance global debido principalmente a la falta de conocimiento preciso de los factores de emisión, por lo que se requiere mayor investigación en el tema. Debido a lo anterior, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo estimar el C almacenado en los cinco depósitos considerados en ecosistemas forestales: biomasa viva sobre el suelo, biomasa viva debajo del suelo, madera muerta sobre el suelo, mantillo y carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en dos sitios de muestreo ubicados en las faldas del Monte Tláloc, Texcoco, Estado de México: el primero en un bosque de oyamel (Abies religiosa y el segundo en un bosque de ciprés (Cupressus lusitanica. El promedio de la densidad de carbono en el bosque de oyamel en los cinco depósitos estimados fue de 376 Mg ha‑1, siendo el depósito más importante el de biomasa aérea (59%, seguido del COS (22%; en tanto que en el bosque de ciprés fue de 205 Mg ha-1, siendo el depósito con mayor densidad el COS (50%, seguido de biomasa aérea (36%. Los valores de densidad de carbono para biomasa aérea en el caso de bosque de oyamel fueron superiores a los reportados en otros trabajos; lo cual se explica por la existencia de árboles de grandes dimensiones de esta especie en el sitio de muestreo, lo cual nos da una idea precisa del potencial como almacén de carbono que este tipo de vegetación tiene cuando llegan a estados maduros.


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    Celia Regina Gapski Yamamoto


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Diversas políticas públicas aplicadas ao solo urbano atual visam a promoção sustentável do uso dos espaços. Muitas vezes, porém, determinados instrumentos não são suficientes ou não são eficientes para o alcance dos resultados esperados, promovendo desvios nos objetivos projetados, cuja recondução depende de um eficiente sistema de gestão. Saliente-se as gravíssimas conseqüências da poluição das águas bem como a importância da gestão das wetlands para as águas e a gestão das águas para as wetlands. Os desvios entre os modelos aplicados e projetados em áreas urbanas e os ganhos em recursos hídricos podem ser detectados, permitindo o equilíbrio entre a utilização dos recursos disponíveis e o desenvolvimento sustentável das cidades e a avaliação e gestão das wetlands que se mostram potencial para a melhoria da qualidade das águas dos rios. Aplicando, de modo inédito, um ensaio metodológico baseado na metodologia GTP - Geossistema, Território e Paisagem - para uma avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa de wetlands urbanas e de utilização potencial destas para a melhoria da disponibilidade de recursos hídricos e adotando-se, como estudo de caso, parte da bacia do Alto Iguaçu na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, foram realizadas as análises qualitativa e quantitativa das variáveis envolvidas, obtendo-se a síntese necessária a priorização de ambientes potenciais para os recursos hídricos e dessa forma, contribuir com diretrizes para a requalificação do espaço (recomposição ambiental das áreas, visando a melhoria das águas urbanas e a conservação das wetlands do Alto Iguaçu e, também, a aplicação em outras bacias.

  16. East African wetland-catchment data base for sustainable wetland management (United States)

    Leemhuis, Constanze; Amler, Esther; Diekkrüger, Bernd; Gabiri, Geofrey; Näschen, Kristian


    Wetlands cover an area of approx. 18 Mio ha in the East African countries of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania, with still a relative small share being used for food production. Current upland agricultural use intensification in these countries due to demographic growth, climate change and globalization effects are leading to an over-exploitation of the resource base, followed by an intensification of agricultural wetland use. We aim on translating, transferring and upscaling knowledge on experimental test-site wetland properties, small-scale hydrological processes, and water related ecosystem services under different types of management from local to national scale. This information gained at the experimental wetland/catchment scale will be embedded as reference data within an East African wetland-catchment data base including catchment physical properties and a regional wetland inventory serving as a base for policy advice and the development of sustainable wetland management strategies.

  17. East African wetland-catchment data base for sustainable wetland management

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    C. Leemhuis


    Full Text Available Wetlands cover an area of approx. 18 Mio ha in the East African countries of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania, with still a relative small share being used for food production. Current upland agricultural use intensification in these countries due to demographic growth, climate change and globalization effects are leading to an over-exploitation of the resource base, followed by an intensification of agricultural wetland use. We aim on translating, transferring and upscaling knowledge on experimental test-site wetland properties, small-scale hydrological processes, and water related ecosystem services under different types of management from local to national scale. This information gained at the experimental wetland/catchment scale will be embedded as reference data within an East African wetland-catchment data base including catchment physical properties and a regional wetland inventory serving as a base for policy advice and the development of sustainable wetland management strategies.

  18. Caracterización, distribución y manejo de los bosques nativos en el norte de Uruguay Characterization, distribution and management of native forests in northern Uruguay

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    Ignacio P. Traversa-Tejero


    Full Text Available Los bosques del norte de Uruguay sufren de procesos de transformación del territorio y degradación, actualmente existe escasa información sobre la estructura y composición florística de las comunidades arbóreas que sirva como base para estudiar su dinámica. Se analizó la distribución, la composición arbórea y el manejo silvícola de los bosques de la región de Rivera, Uruguay. El área de estudio comprende 33 000 ha delimitadas mediante 2 criterios, uno natural (cuenca hidrológica y otro socioeconómico (ciudad de referencia. La información proveniente de inventarios florísticos y encuestas a productores fue ingresada a un sistema de información geográfica. Los bosques se agruparon de acuerdo al gradiente hídrico asociado con curvas de nivel. La superficie de los bosques ocupa el 13.9% del área de estudio (región de Rivera, cifra que triplica la superficie de bosques existente a nivel nacional. Se registraron 60 especies leñosas. Las familias con mayor frecuencia fueron Anacardiaceae (26.5% y Euphorbiaceae (14.7%. Las Anacardiaceae son más frecuentes en los bosques subxerófilos y las Euphorbiaceae en los bosques hidrófilos. Todos los bosques son vulnerables debido a la mayor importancia que se concede a la ganadería, sin que exista un manejo integrado de los bosques que contemple la multifuncionalidad de usos (silvicultura y ganadería. Los bosques cercanos a la ciudad están más degradados debido a la presencia de especies exóticas.The northern region of Uruguay undergoes land transformation processes, and degradation of native forest. The existing information on the structure and floristic composition of the forests in that region, as a basis for studies about dynamics, is scarce. Species distribution, floristic composition (wooden species and forest management, was assessed in the Rivera Region, Uruguay. The study area (33 000 ha was delimited by 2 simultaneous and complementary approaches, the first one natural



    André Cordeiro De Paoli; Marcos von Sperling


    Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento hidrodinâmico de duas wetlands construídas (WC) de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial e analisar comparativamente os respectivos parâmetros hidrodinâmicos gerados em cada sistema. No intuito de entender esse comportamento, foi realizado um teste simultâneo com elemento traçador (82Br) nas duas wetlands, uma plantada (WP) e outra não plantada (WNP), recebendo efluente sanitário de reator UASB (equivalente populacional de 50 habitantes...

  20. Dinámica de la biomasa aérea en bosques primarios de Colombia y su relación con la precipitación y la altitud


    Quinto Mosquera, Harley


    El estudio de la biomasa aérea (BA) de los bosques tropicales es fundamental para entender el balance del C global en el contexto del cambio climático. La BA se cuantificó en un bosque primario de Salero (Chocó Biogeográfico), mediante ecuaciones diseñadas para bosques húmedos tropicales, a partir de datos de densidad de madera, diámetro (DAP) y altura de árboles (con DAP ≥ 10 cm) medidos en dos sub-parcelas permanentes (“E” y “U”) de 1 hectárea, las cuales se monitorearon en los años 1998, 2...

  1. Comunidad de escarabajos copronecrófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae en dos bosques del Chaco Oriental Húmedo, Argentina

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    Miryam P. DAMBORSKY


    Full Text Available Se investigó y comparó la estructura de la comunidad de Scarabaeinae en dos ambientes con distinto grado de conservación. Se efectuaron muestreos en un bosque nativo del Parque Provincial Pampa del Indio y en un fragmento de bosque del establecimiento ganadero Los Alisos. Los ejemplares se capturaron con coprotrampas y necrotrampas que permanecieron activas durante 72 horas, en los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2006. Se colectaron 769 individuos adultos pertenecientes a seis tribus, 11 géneros y 26 especies. En Los Alisos Ontherus sulcatus Fabricius y Onthophagus hirculus Mannerheim resultaron dominantes. Trichillum sp., Canthon podagricus Harold, Malagoniella sp., Gromphas lacordairei Brullé, y dos especies de Dichotomius Hope fueron exclusivas de este establecimiento. Canthon septemmaculatus Latreille y Coprophanaeus jasius Olivier sólo se colectaron en Pampa del Indio. El número de individuos y la diversidad alcanzaron valores significativamente superiores en Pampa del Indio. En Los Alisos, se constató igual proporción de coprófagos y necrófagos, y una mayoría de especies con hábitos endocópridos y paracóprido En Pampa del Indio, se encontraron más especies de hábitos necrófagos y rodadores. La presente contribución constituye el primer estudio sobre la biodiversidad de Scarabaeinae en el ambiente de bosque de la provincia del Chaco.

  2. Deposição e composição química de serrapilheira em um bosque de sabiá


    Freire,Joelma de Lira; Dubeux Júnior,José Carlos Batista; Lira,Mario de Andrade; Ferreira,Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo; Santos,Mércia Virginia Ferreira dos; Freitas,Erinaldo Viana de


    Objetivou-se avaliar a deposição e composição química de componentes da serrapilheira existente e depositada em um bosque de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth). O experimento foi realizado durante o período de agosto de 2006 a julho de 2007. A avaliação da serrapilheira existente e depositada foi realizada a cada 28 dias utilizando-se 20 quadrados de 1 m², alocados aleatoriamente, escolheno novas áreas a cada avaliação. O bosque apresentou plantas com diâmetro média na altura do peito de 2...

  3. Evaluación de los bosques templados en México: una aplicación en el Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca


    Lourdes Villers Ruíz; Laura García del Valle; Jorge López Blanco


    Con base en un análisis de fotointerpretación y de evaluación botánica de sitios, se propone una metodología expedita que permita conocer las características generales de los bosques templados en México. La metodología fue aplicada en el parque nacional Nevado de Toluca. Se determinaron tres comunidades de bosque: a) de Pinus hartwegu. b) de Abies religiosa y c) mixto Abies religiosa. Alnas jorullensis, P pseudostrobus y P hartwegii Para cada comunidad se definieron por fotointerpretación tre...



    Stevenson, Pablo R.; Rodríguez, María Elizabeth


    La fragmentación de un bosque genera cambios en muchos aspectos bióticos y abióticos de los parches remanentes. En este estudio se describe la composición florística de un fragmento de bosque en el departamento del Guaviare, Colombia, analizando el efecto de borde y factores abióticos. Se establecieron diez parcelas de 100 x 10 m y se muestrearon todas las especies de árboles con DAP≥ 10 cm. El índice de importancia mostró que las especies con mayores valores fueron Iriartea deltoidea, Croton...

  5. Los servicios ecosistémicos que ofrecen los bosques tropicales


    P. Balvanera


    Los servicios ecosistémicos son los beneficios que las sociedades obtienen de los ecosistemas. Este concepto permite hacer más explícita la interdependencia del bienestar humano y el mantenimiento del adecuado funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Los bosques tropicales del mundo, debido a su amplia distribución, elevada diversidad y contribución a funciones clave del planeta como la regulación climática e hidrológica proveen una serie de servicios ecosistémicos críticos. En este artículo se hac...

  6. Using Tradtional Ecological Knowledge to Protect Wetlands: the Swinomish Tribe's Wetland Cultural Assessment Project (United States)

    Mitchell, T.


    "Traditional" wetland physical assessment modules do not adequately identify Tribal cultural values of wetlands and thus wetlands may not be adequately protected for cultural uses. This Swinomish Wetlands Cultural Assessment Project has developed a cultural resource scoring module that can be incorporated into wetland assessments to better inform wetland protections. Local native knowledge was gathered about the traditional uses of 99 native wetland plant species. A cultural scoring matrix was developed based on the presence of traditionally used plants in several use categories including: construction, ceremonial, subsistence, medicinal, common use, plant rarity, and place of value for each wetland. The combined score of the cultural and physcial modules provides an overall wetland score that relates to proscribed buffer protection widths. With this local native knowledge incorporated into wetland assessments, we are protecting and preserving Swinomish Reservation wetlands for both cultural uses and ecological functionality through the Tribe's wetland protection law.

  7. Dieta de Odocoileus virginianus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae en un bosque templado del norte de Oaxaca: México

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    Graciela González


    Full Text Available La región de la Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, ubicada al norte del estado de Oaxaca, México, es una zona de ecosistemas con alta actividad forestal; en algunas áreas sus bosques templados son conservados por iniciativas de las comunidades indígenas que ahí habitan. Dentro de estos bosques, se analizó la dieta del venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus en San Miguel Amatlán y Santa Catarina Lachatao entre junio 1998 y agosto 1999. Se utilizó el análisis microhistológico de heces fecales, la observación de rastros de ramoneo en plantas y el análisis de contenidos estomacales. La dieta anual estuvo constituida por 42 especies de 23 familias vegetales. Las familias con el mayor número de especies fueron: Fagaceae, Asteraceae, Ericaceae y Fabaceae. La diversidad de la dieta durante la estación húmeda y seca no presentó diferencias significativas (H’= 0.918 y H’=0.867 respectivamente. El porcentaje de similitud entre ambas temporadas fue de 58%. La diferencia entre la frecuencia de aparición de las especies vegetales fue mayor en la estación húmeda. Del total de especies consumidas, el mayor porcentaje estuvo constituido por las herbáceas. Las especies preferidas a lo largo del año fueron: Sedum dendroideum (herbácea y Satureja macrostema (arbusto. La riqueza de especies en la dieta fue menor a la observada en otras regiones con bosques tropicales y bosques mixtos, pero similar a la obtenida en un bosque tropical seco en Costa Rica y en los bosques de coníferas en Estados Unidos.Odocoileus virginianus diet (Artiodactyla: Cervidae in a temperate forest of Northern Oaxaca, Mexico. The Sierra Madre de Oaxaca region, located in the Northern state of Oaxaca, Mexico, is an area of forest ecosystems subject to high exploitation rates, although in some areas its temperate forests are conserved by indigenous community initiatives that live there. We analyzed the diet of white tailed-deer (Odocoileus virginianus in the localities of

  8. Una breve descripción de la vegetación, con especial énfasis en las pioneras intermedias de los bosques secos de la Jagua, en la cuenca alta del Rio Magdalena en el Huila

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    William Gerardo Vargas


    Full Text Available Se revisó la información existente sobre la flora de los bosques secos del sur del departamento del Huila, con especial interés en la de La Jagua y sus alrededores con el fin de identificar especies pioneras intermedias que puedan apoyar procesos de restauración ecológica y conservación de la biodiversidad. Para los bosques secos del departamento se identificaron 203 especies pioneras intermedias distribuidas en 123 géneros y 45 familias botánicas, mientras que para La Jagua 153 especies agrupadas en 109 géneros y 42 familias, entre las que sobresalen Fabaceae,  Rubiaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae y Anacardiaceae. Se proponen 85 especies consideradas claves para procesos de conservación, la restauración de los ecosistemas secos de la región dirigida a la generación de hábitat y de conectividad, la producción de recursos para la fauna, así como la producción de leña y madera para las comunidades dentro de un modelo de herramientas de manejo del paisaje.


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    Full Text Available Se usaron técnicas de captura, observación directa y registro indirecto para obtenerun inventario de mamíferos en un bosque andino de Colombia. Se realizaronmuestreos entre octubre de 1998 y abril de 1999 en la Reserva Río Blanco (Manizales,Departamento de Caldas, entre 2200 - 3750 m de altitud. Para capturar pequeñosmamíferos no voladores se usaron trampas Sherman. Para capturar murciélagos seusaron mallas de niebla y colectas manuales. Para registrar medianos y grandesmamíferos se usaron trampas Tomahawk, puntos de observación, recorridos, trampasde huellas, rastros y encuestas. Se registraron 42 especies de mamíferospertenecientes a doce órdenes. El inventario de pequeños mamíferos no voladoresy murciélagos es incompleto; se dan sugerencias para complementarlo. Las trampasde huellas, los rastros y las encuestas fueron técnicas más eficientes para registrarmedianos y grandes mamíferos, que la captura con trampas Tomahawk, los recorridosy los puntos de observación. Se hacen observaciones y se dan recomendacionespara implementar las diferentes técnicas en bosques andinos.

  10. Introduction to the Wetland Book 1: Wetland structure and function, management, and nethods (United States)

    Davidson, Nick C.; Middleton, Beth A.; McInnes, Robert J.; Everard, Mark; Irvine, Kenneth; Van Dam, Anne A.; Finlayson, C. Max; Finlayson, C. Max; Everard, Mark; Irvine, Kenneth; McInnes, Robert J.; Middleton, Beth A.; Van Dam, Anne A.; Davidson, Nick C.


    The Wetland Book 1 is designed as a ‘first port-of-call’ reference work for information on the structure and functions of wetlands, current approaches to wetland management, and methods for researching and understanding wetlands. Contributions by experts summarize key concepts, orient the reader to the major issues, and support further research on such issues by individuals and multidisciplinary teams. The Wetland Book 1 is organized in three parts - Wetland structure and function; Wetland management; and Wetland methods - each of which is divided into a number of thematic Sections. Each Section starts with one or more overview chapters, supported by chapters providing further information and case studies on different aspects of the theme.

  11. Notas sobre la conducta de crianza del Carpintero Bataraz Grande (Picoides lignarius) en el bosque lluvioso templado del sur de Chile


    Figueroa Rojas, Ricardo A.; Corales Stappung, E. Soraya


    En el verano de 1995, durante tres días estudiamos la conducta de crianza de una pareja de Carpintero Bataraz Grande (Picoides lignarius) en el bosque lluvioso templado del sur de Chile. La pareja observada anidó en el interior de un tocón muerto de arrayán (Luma apiculata), en una franja de bosque ripario. La hembra hizo una mayor contribución a la alimentación de los pichones (78% del total de aportes de presa) en comparación con el macho (22%). Esta tendencia fue constante durante los tres...

  12. Reduction of neonicotinoid insecticide residues in Prairie wetlands by common wetland plants. (United States)

    Main, Anson R; Fehr, Jessica; Liber, Karsten; Headley, John V; Peru, Kerry M; Morrissey, Christy A


    Neonicotinoid insecticides are frequently detected in wetlands during the early to mid-growing period of the Canadian Prairie cropping season. These detections also overlap with the growth of macrophytes that commonly surround agricultural wetlands which we hypothesized may reduce neonicotinoid transport and retention in wetlands. We sampled 20 agricultural wetlands and 11 macrophyte species in central Saskatchewan, Canada, over eight weeks to investigate whether macrophytes were capable of reducing movement of neonicotinoids from cultivated fields and/or reducing concentrations in surface water by accumulating insecticide residues into their tissues. Study wetlands were surrounded by clothianidin-treated canola and selected based on the presence (n=10) or absence (n=10) of a zonal plant community. Neonicotinoids were positively detected in 43% of wetland plants, and quantified in 8% of all plant tissues sampled. Three plant species showed high rates of detection: 78% Equisetum arvense (clothianidin, range: wetlands had higher detection frequency and water concentrations of clothianidin (β±S.E.: -0.77±0.26, P=0.003) and thiamethoxam (β±S.E.: -0.69±0.35, P=0.049) than vegetated wetlands. We assessed the importance of wetland characteristics (e.g. vegetative zone width, emergent plant height, water depth) on neonicotinoid concentrations in Prairie wetlands over time using linear mixed-effects models. Clothianidin concentrations were significantly lower in wetlands surrounded by taller plants (β±S.E.: -0.57±0.12, P≤0.001). The results of this study suggest that macrophytes can play an important role in mitigating water contamination by accumulating neonicotinoids and possibly slowing transport to wetlands during the growing season. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Estructura, diversidad y dinámica de la vegetación en el ecotono bosque-páramo: revisión de la evidencia en la Cordillera de Mérida


    Luis Daniel Llambí


    En los Andes tropicales, el límite altitudinal de los bosques corresponde a una compleja zona de transición entre el bosque paramero y el páramo andino. En el límite inferior de esta zona ocurre a su vez una transición gradual entre el bosque y las selvas nubladas. La ordenación del territorio en estos ecosistemas se ha convertido en un tema prioritario en virtud de la creciente amenaza que representan para su conservación las actividades agropecuarias y la minería. En este trabajo se revisar...

  14. Respuestas foliares de Aristotelia chilensis (Molina Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae a la fragmentación del bosque maulino Leaf responses of Aristotelia chilensis (Molina Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae to the fragmentation of the Maulino forest

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    Full Text Available La fragmentación que ha sufrido el bosque nativo de Chile debido a la fuerte presión antrópica ha causado, además de la grave pérdida de habitat, la modificación del microclima de los parches de bosque remanente que alguna vez constituyeron un bosque continuo de especies nativas. Estos cambios generarían respuestas morfológicas, químicas y fisiológicas en plantas capaces de adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar respuestas a nivel de las hojas ante el aumento de radiación solar y disminución de agua en el suelo que ocurre al interior de los fragmentos. Para esto utilizamos a Aristotelia chilensis, especie que crece tanto en fragmentos como en bosque continuo, y comparamos parámetros relacionados a su morfología foliar en bosque y fragmentos y medimos su repercusión en la capacidad fotosintética de A. chilensis. En términos morfológicos, se observó una disminución del área foliar y del área foliar específica en los fragmentos, siendo 1,2 veces menor que en el bosque continuo. En los fragmentos, el grosor de la epidermis y del parénquima esponjoso son más de 1,3 veces mas gruesos que en el bosque continuo. El grosor del parénquima en empalizada, en cambio, no se vio modificado. La cantidad de nitrógeno en las hojas es 1,2 veces mayor en el bosque continuo que en los fragmentos, mientras que el contenido de carbono no varía. La conductancia estomática en el bosque continuo fue 1,5 veces mayor que en los fragmentos. Aristotelia chilensis responde morfológica y fisiológicamente ante los cambios abióticos generados por la fragmentación de los bosques, lo que le permite sobrevivir tanto en ambientes de baja luminosidad como el bosque continuo y en ambientes de alta luminosidad y bajo contenido hídrico como los fragmentos de bosque, manteniendo tasas fotosintéticas semejantes en ambos ambientesFragmentation of the Maulino forest implies significant habitat loss, as well as the

  15. Constructed Wetlands (United States)

    these systems can improve water quality, engineers and scientists construct systems that replicate the functions of natural wetlands. Constructed wetlands are treatment systems that use natural processes

  16. "Wetlands: Water Living Filters?",


    Dordio, Ana; Palace, A. J.; Pinto, Ana Paula


    Human societies have indirectly used natural wetlands as wastewater discharge sites for many centuries. Observations of the wastewater depuration capacity of natural wetlands have led to a greater understanding of the potential of these ecosystems for pollutant assimilation and have stimulated the development of artificial wetlands systems for treatment of wastewaters from a variety of sources. Constructed wetlands, in contrast to natural wetlands, are human-made systems that are designed, bu...

  17. Los bosques de Abies guatemalensis Rehder de San Marcos, Guatemala: una oportunidad para su restauración ecológica

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    José Vicente Martínez Arévalo


    Full Text Available El pinabete, Abies guatemalensis Rehder, es una especie distribuida en las montañas altas de Guatemala. Según el Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (Conap, sus poblaciones se encuentran severamente fragmentadas. Por su rareza y fragmentación, esta especie se encuentra protegida por el Convenio sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre (Cites, lo que pone en relieve la importancia de la recuperación de sus bosques para su debida conservación. El éxito de su establecimiento puede mejorase al sembrarla junto a plantas nodriza, que le ayudarían a sobrevivir a las condiciones secas del año y las heladas que se presentan en las zonas de mayor altitud del país durante los meses de noviembre a febrero. Este trabajo muestra las características físicas, químicas y de vegetación del área de tres bosques de pinabete (A. guatemalensis de la parte alta de San Marcos. Además, presenta la propuesta de restauración ecológica estimulada simulando la sucesión vegetal del área. Se elaboraron mapas, y describieron tres bosques de pinabete y sus alrededores; se presenta el estudio de la composición química del suelo y la vegetación y su representación en diferentes etapas de sucesión vegetal. Además, se propone la recuperación de áreas alrededor de parches de bosque, consistente en establecer plantas arbustivas en lugares abiertos donde aún no hay; por su parte en aquellas áreas donde ya se encuentren arbustos, se propone utilizarlos como plantas nodriza para establecer árboles de varias especies buscando mantener biodiversidad de especies arbóreas.

  18. bajo el bosque en Costa Rica. 1980-2000

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    Rafael Ocampo


    Full Text Available La ipecacuana o raicilla, hierba nativa de América, es la única planta medicinal del trópico húmedo de Costa Rica cultivada bajo el bosque. Es cultivada en la región Huetar Norte, limítrofe con Nicaragua; la raíz seca de ipecacuana se ha comercializado en Costa Rica como materia prima para la industria farmacéutica internacional desde principios del siglo XX. De acuerdo con las estadísticas oficiales, las exportaciones de raicilla desde Costa Rica en los últimos 20 años han significado un promedio de 64 t año-1. Este trabajo resume actividades relacionadas con la descripción y cultivo de la planta, así como algunos de los aspectos agroecológicos de su cultivo.

  19. Oribátidos arborícolas del «Paseo del Bosque» (La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Canopy soil suspendend oribatids from the «Paseo del Bosque» (La Plata, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Ana Salazar Martínez


    Full Text Available En esta nota se aporta información sobre los oribátidos arborícolas del Paseo del Bosque, La Plata, Argentina (34º 54' S, 57º 55' W, a partir de muestreos realizados en suelos suspendidos con distinta concentración de detritos. La fauna de oribátidos estuvo representada por 17 especies, siendo Cultroribula sp., Pheroliodes cf. minutus Baranek, Rhysotritia peruensis Hammer y Oppiella nova Oudemans las de mayor importancia relativa. De las especies registradas, 76 % son propias del ambiente arborícola.This work deals with the arboreal oribatids of «Paseo del Bosque», La Plata, Argentina (34º 54' S, 57º 55' W. Samples were taken from suspended soils exhibiting unequal detritus concentrations. The overall sample included 17 oribatid species, exhibiting Cultroribula sp., Pheroliodes cf. minutus Baranek, Rhysotritia peruensis Hammer and Oppiella nova Oudemans the highest relative importance. Seventy percent of the recorded species are representative of the arboricole environment.


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    Full Text Available Se examinó la relación de parámetros vegetales y variables climáticas con ladistribución y la abundancia de anuros en un bosque muy húmedo montano bajo deloccidente del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Se muestrearon durante siete meses seistransectos en tres tipos de hábitat (bosque secundario, bosque secundario tempranoy matorral. Se obtuvieron datos de las características del bosque (cobertura, alturaspromedias y densidades de diferentes estratos, profundidad de la hojarasca, temperaturadel aire, temperatura del suelo y humedad relativa en cada sitio. Se registraron cincoespecies del género Pristimantis y una del género “Eleutherodactylus”, siendo la másabundante P. brevifrons con un total de 19 individuos, seguida de P. palmeri con 15 y P.erythropleura con 14. La distribución de las especies presentó diferencias significativasentre los hábitats y las variables climáticas. La abundancia de las especies en el bosquesecundario estuvo correlacionada con la temperatura del suelo, y en bosque secundariotemprano y matorral con la humedad relativa. De acuerdo con los aspectos estructuralesde la vegetación, se sugiere la existencia de tres comportamientos diferentes dentrodel grupo de anuros respecto a los siguientes parámetros: cobertura vegetal (%, alturapromedio (m del estrato subarbóreo (Ar, densidad de este estrato (ind/m2, densidad(ind/m2 del estrato arbustivo (ar y la profundidad de la capa de hojarasca (cm. Porlo tanto, se observan tres grupos de especies aparentemente diferentes, definidossegún los siguientes criterios: el grupo I, constituido por especies que toleran más losambientes medianamente intervenidos (P. brevifrons, P. erythropleura, “E”. mantipus;el grupo II, cuyas especies se encuentran presentes en ambientes más conservados(P. calcaratus, P. thectopternus; y el grupo III conformado por P. palmeri, presenteen ambientes mediana y altamente intervenidos

  1. Metro Multnomah Wetlands - Multnomah Channel Wetland Restoration Monitoring Project (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Multnomah Channel Wetland Restoration Monitoring Project characterizes wetlands use by juvenile salmonids and other fishes in the Multnomah Channel Marsh Natural...

  2. Wetlands: The changing regulatory landscape

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glick, R.M.


    Protection of wetlands became a national issue in 1988 when President George Bush pledged no net loss of wetlands in the US under his open-quotes environmental presidency.close quotes As wetlands became a national issue, the job of protecting them became an obligation for many groups, including hydro-power developers. Now, when a site selected for development includes an area that may be classified as a wetland, the developer quickly discovers the importance of recognizing and protecting these natural habitats. Federal legislation severely limits development of wetland, and most states increase the restrictions with their own wetlands regulations. The difficulty of defining wetlands complicates federal and state enforcement. Land that appears to be dry may in fact be classified as a wetland. So, even if a site appears dry, potential hydro developers must confirm whether or not any jurisdictional wetlands are present. Regulated lands include much more than marshes and swamps. Further complicating the definition of wetlands, a recent court decision found that even artificially created wetlands, such as man-made ponds, may be subject to regulation. Hydro developers must be aware of current regulatory requirements before they consider development of any site that may contain wetlands. To be certain that a site is open-quotes buildableclose quotes from the standpoint of wetlands regulation, a developer must verify (with the help of state agencies) that the property does not contain any jurisdictional wetlands. If it does, the regulatory process before development becomes much more complicated. For the short term, uncertainty abounds and extreme caution is in order. Because the regulatory process has become so complex and an agreeable definition of wetlands so elusive, the trend among the Corps and collaborating agencies is to constrict nationwide permits in favor of narrowing the jurisdictional definition of wetlands

  3. Forested wetland habitat (United States)

    Duberstein, Jamie A.; Krauss, Ken W.; Kennish, Michael J.


    A forested wetland (swamp) is a forest where soils are saturated or flooded for at least a portion of the growing season, and vegetation, dominated by trees, is adapted to tolerate flooded conditions. A tidal freshwater forested wetland is a forested wetland that experiences frequent but short-term surface flooding via tidal action, with average salinity of soil porewater less than 0.5 g/l. It is known locally as tidal várzea in the Amazon delta, Brazil. A tidal saltwater forested wetland (mangrove forest) is a forested wetland that experiences frequent but short-term surface flooding via tidal action, with average salinity often exceeding 3 g/l and reaching levels that can exceed seawater. Mangrove ecosystems are composed of facultative halophytes that generally experience better growth at moderate salinity concentrations.

  4. National Wetlands Inventory Lines (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Linear wetland features (including selected streams, ditches, and narrow wetland bodies) mapped as part of the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). The National...

  5. Freshwater Wetlands: A Citizen's Primer. (United States)

    Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, Inc., Hobart, NY.

    The purpose of this "primer" for the general public is to describe the general characteristics of wetlands and how wetland alteration adversely affects the well-being of humans. Particular emphasis is placed on wetlands in New York State and the northeast. Topics discussed include wetland values, destruction of wetlands, the costs of…

  6. Wise use of wetlands: current state of protection and utilization of Chinese wetlands and recommendations for improvement. (United States)

    Wang, Yanxia; Yao, Yong; Ju, Meiting


    Wetland protection and utilization sometimes appear to be in conflict, but promoting the wise use of wetlands can solve this problem. All countries face the challenge of sustainable development of wetlands to a greater or lesser extent, but the problem is especially urgent in developing countries, such as China, that want to accelerate their economic development without excessive environmental cost. Chinese wetlands contribute greatly to economic development, but improper use of these natural resources has endangered their existence. It is thus necessary to provide scientific guidance to managers and users of wetlands. In this paper, we analyze the present status of Chinese wetland protection and utilization, and discuss problems in six categories: a lack of public awareness of the need for wetland protection; insufficient funding for wetland protection and management; an imperfect legal system to protect wetlands; insufficient wetland research; lack of coordination among agencies and unclear responsibilities; and undeveloped technologies related to wetland use and protection. The wise use of Chinese wetlands will require improvements in four main areas: increased wetland utilization research, scientific management of wetland utilization, improved laws and regulations to protect wetlands, and wider dissemination of wetland knowledge. Based on these categories, we propose a framework for the optimization of wetland use by industry to provide guidance for China and other countries that cannot sacrifice economic benefits to protect their wetlands.

  7. Pipeline corridors through wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zimmerman, R.E.; Wilkey, P.L.; Isaacson, H.R.


    This paper presents preliminary findings from six vegetational surveys of gas pipeline rights-of-way (ROW) through wetlands and quantifies the impacts of a 20-year-old pipeline ROW through a boreal forest wetland. Six sites of various ages were surveyed in ecosystems ranging from coastal marsh to forested wetland. At all sites except one, both the number and the percentage of wetland species on the Row approximated or exceeded those in the adjacent natural area. The boreal forest study showed that (1) adjacent natural wetland areas were not altered in type; (2) water sheet flow restriction had been reversed by nature; (3) no nonnative plant species invaded the natural area; (4) three-quarters of the ROW area was a wetland, and (5) the ROW increased diversity

  8. Aquatic macrophytes in natural and managed wetlands of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil Macrófitas aquáticas em áreas úmidas naturais e manejadas do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil


    Ana Silvia Rolon; Henrique Flores Homem; Leonardo Maltchik


    AIM: This study gathers the main results obtained from studies regarding dynamic of aquatic macrophyte community in natural and managed wetlands of Southern Brazil. We analyzed the aquatic macrophytes diversity in wetlands of Southern Brazil, the environmental factors that determine the structure of the aquatic macrophyte community in fragmented wetlands, the effects of floods on the dynamics of macrophytes, and the contributions to the rice field for the conservation of aquatic macrophytes; ...

  9. National Wetlands Inventory Polygons (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Wetland area features mapped as part of the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). The National Wetlands Inventory is a national program sponsored by the US Fish and...

  10. Characteristic community structure of Florida's subtropical wetlands: the Florida wetland condition index (United States)

    Depending upon the classification scheme applied, there are between 10 and 45 different wetland types in Florida. Land use and land cover change has a marked effect on wetland condition, and different wetland types are affected differentially depending on many abiotic and biotic ...


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    Full Text Available Se realizaron observaciones sobre la distribución vertical de abejas euglosinas en un bosque ripario asociado al sistema de lagunas Mata-Mata (Meta-Colombia. Los estratos evaluados fueron: sotobosque (1.8 m, la parte media entre el dosel y sotobosque (12-16 m y el dosel (18-25 m. Un total de 33 machos pertenecientes a cinco especies de Eulaema y Euglossa fueron capturados usando Cineol en trampas de caída. Eulaema nigrita y Euglossa intersecta fueron las especies más abundantes y se capturaron en todos los estratos. En general, no se encontró ninguna diferencia significativa en la diversidad, la abundancia y la riqueza de abejas en los diferentes estratos del bosque.

  12. Determination of the health of Lunyangwa wetland using Wetland Classification and Risk Assessment Index (United States)

    Wanda, Elijah M. M.; Mamba, Bhekie B.; Msagati, Titus A. M.; Msilimba, Golden


    Wetlands are major sources of various ecological goods and services including storage and distribution of water in space and time which help in ensuring the availability of surface and groundwater throughout the year. However, there still remains a poor understanding of the range of values of water quality parameters that occur in wetlands either in its impacted state or under natural conditions. It was thus imperative to determine the health of Lunyangwa wetland in Mzuzu City in Malawi in order to classify and determine its state. This study used the Escom's Wetland Classification and Risk Assessment Index Field Guide to determine the overall characteristics of Lunyangwa wetland and to calculate its combined Wetland Index Score. Data on site information, field measurements (i.e. EC, pH, temperature and DO) and physical characteristics of Lunyangwa wetland were collected from March, 2013 to February, 2014. Results indicate that Lunyangwa wetland is a largely open water zone which is dominated by free-floating plants on the water surface, beneath surface and emergent in substrate. Furthermore, the wetland can be classified as of a C ecological category (score = 60-80%), which has been moderately modified with moderate risks of the losses and changes occurring in the natural habitat and biota in the wetland. It was observed that the moderate modification and risk were largely because of industrial, agricultural, urban/social catchment stressors on the wetland. This study recommends an integrated and sustainable management approach coupled with continuous monitoring and evaluation of the health of the wetland for all stakeholders in Mzuzu City. This would help to maintain the health of Lunyangwa wetland which is currently at risk of being further modified due to the identified catchment stressors.

  13. Wetland Hydrology (United States)

    This chapter discusses the state of the science in wetland hydrology by touching upon the major hydraulic and hydrologic processes in these complex ecosystems, their measurement/estimation techniques, and modeling methods. It starts with the definition of wetlands, their benefit...

  14. Constructed wetlands : the Canadian context

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Speer, S.; Champagne, P. [Queen' s Univ., Kingston, ON (Canada). Dept. of Civil Engineering


    Large volumes of wastewater from livestock and production facilities must be treated to minimize the contamination of waterways in agricultural areas. This paper investigated the use of constructed wetlands as a lower-cost and efficient method of treating agricultural wastewaters. The study found that while constructed wetlands required limited maintenance, temperature dependency of the constructed wetlands systems is a limiting factor in their widespread implementation. Lower operating temperatures are only overcome by constructing larger wetlands systems, which require a substantial amount of land. The Canadian climate poses significant challenges to the implementation of constructed wetlands, which become inoperative during winter months. Plants and bacteria normally become dormant or die during winter months, which can create a lag in wetland treatment during the initial months of operation in the Spring. Snowmelt and added rainfall in the Spring can also create a high flow within the wetland cells, as many constructed wetlands rely on runoff as a feed source. Washout of bacteria can occur. Wastewater storage systems or further engineering of the wetlands may be required. It was concluded that insulating wetland cells will maintain a warmer operating temperature, while the addition of an aeration system will increase the treatment efficiency of the wetland during winter months. 17 refs., 5 tabs., 2 figs.

  15. Notas sobre la conducta de crianza del Carpintero Bataraz Grande (Picoides lignarius) en el bosque lluvioso templado del sur de Chile


    Figueroa Rojas, Ricardo A.; Corales Stappung, E. Soraya


    En el verano de 1995, durante tres días estudiamos la conducta de crianza de una pareja de Carpintero Bataraz Grande (Picoides lignarius) en el bosque lluvioso templado del sur de Chile. La pareja observada anidó en el interior de un tocón muerto de arrayán (Luma apiculata), en una franja de bosque ripario. La hembra hizo una mayor contribución a la alimentación de los pichones (78% del total de aportes de presa) en comparación con el macho (22%). Esta tendencia fue constante durante los tres...

  16. National Wetlands Inventory Points (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Wetland point features (typically wetlands that are too small to be as area features at the data scale) mapped as part of the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). The...

  17. Productos del mercado artesanal en la ciudad de Leticia (Amazonia colombiana elaborados con especies de bosques de Mauritia flexuosa L.f.

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    Sandra Lorena Franco Arango


    Full Text Available Los productos forestales no maderables (PFNMs han tomado fuerza como alternativa para la conservación de ecosistemas y la generación de ingresos económicos en las poblaciones asociadas. Se presenta un mayor interés sobre los productos que provienen de bosques oligárquicos (poco diversos y con alta densidad relativa, especialmente los dominados por palmas, como por ejemplo los bosques de Mauritia flexuosa (aguajales, cananguchales o buritizales. En el mercado artesanal de Leticia (Amazonia colombiana se identificaron 68 productos provenientes de nueve especies de plantas del canaguchal, teniendo las palmas (Astrocaryum chambira, Euterpe precatoria, M. flexuosa, Oenocarpus bataua y Socratea exorrhiza el mayor potencial comercial. Los productos más frecuentes fueron las mochilas de fibras de A. chambira (chambira y los precios de venta más altos correspondieron a las esculturas de Brosimum rubescens (palo de sangre. No existen estadísticas oficiales de este mercado, ni entes del Estado que regulen y orienten la producción y comercialización de los productos que se extraen del bosque. No obstante, los PFNMs representan una alternativa para diversificar las oportunidades productivas de los pobladores de la región.

  18. Flora characteristics of Chenier Wetland in Bohai Bay and biogeographic relations with adjacent wetlands (United States)

    Zhao, Yanyun; Lu, Zhaohua; Liu, Jingtao; Hu, Shugang


    A key step towards the restoration of heavily disturbed fragile coastal wetland ecosystems is determining the composition and characteristics of the plant communities involved. This study determined and characterized the community of higher plants in the Chenier wetland of Bohai Bay using a combination of field surveys, quadrat approaches, and multivariate statistical analyses. This community was then compared to other adjacent wetlands (Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Laizhouwan, Jiaozhouwan, and Yellow River Delta wetland) located near the Huanghai and Bohai Seas using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Results showed a total of 56 higher plant species belonging to 52 genera from 20 families in Chenier wetland, the majority of which were dicotyledons. Single-species families were predominant, while larger families, including Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae, and Chenopodiaceae contained a higher number of species (each⩾6 species). Cosmopolitan species were also dominant with apparent intrazonality. Abundance (number of species) of temperate species was twice that of tropical taxa. Species number of perennial herbs, such as Gramineae and Compositae, was generally higher. Plant diversity in the Chenier wetland, based on the Shannon-Wiener index, was observed to be between the Qinhuangdao and Laizhouwan indices, while no significant difference was found in other wetlands using the Simpson index. Despite these slight differences in diversity, PCoA based on species abundance and composition of the wetland flora suggest that the Bohai Chenier community was highly similar to the coastal wetlands in Tianjin and Laizhouwan, further suggesting that these two wetlands could be important breeding grounds and resources for the restoration of the plant ecosystem in the Chenier wetland.

  19. Fringe wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lugo, A.E.


    Fringe wetlands are characterized by the dominance of few species, a clear species zonation, synchrony of ecological processes with episodic events, and simplicity in the structure of vegetation. The structure and ecosystem dynamics of fringe forested wetlands are presented with emphasis on saltwater wetlands because they have been studied more than freshwater ones. The study areas were Caribbean and Florida mangroves. Fringe wetlands are found on the water edge of oceans, inland estuaries, and lakes. Water motion in the fringe is bi-directional and perpendicular to the forest and due mostly to tidal energy in oceanic and estuarine fringes. in lakes, water moves in and out of the fringe under the influence of wind, waves, or seiches. some fringe forests are occasionally flushed by terrestrial runoff or aquifer discharge. In contrast, fringe forests located on small offshore islands or steep coastal shroes are isolated from terrestrial runoff or aquifer discharge, and their hydroperiod is controlled by tides and waves only. Literature reviews suggest that ecosystem parameters such as vegetation structure, tree growth, primary productivity, and organic matter in sediments respond proportionally to hydrologic energy. Human activity that impacts on fringe forested wetlands include harvesting of trees, oil pollution and eutrophication. 72 refs., 12 figs., 9 tabs

  20. Macroinvertebrate abundance, water chemistry, and wetland characteristics affect use of wetlands by avian species in Maine (United States)

    Longcore, J.R.; McAuley, D.G.; Pendelton, G.W.; Bennatti, C.R.; Mingo, T.M.; Stromborg, K.L.


    Our objective was to determine use by avian species (e.g., piscivores, marsh birds, waterfowl, selected passerines) of 29 wetlands in areas with low (chemistry, basin characteristics, and avian use of different wetland types. Shallow, beaver (Castor canadensis)-created wetlands with the highest phosphorus levels and abundant and varied macrophyte assemblages supported greater densities of macroinvertebrates and numbers of duck broods (88.3% of all broods) in contrast to deep, glacial type wetlands with sparse vegetation and lower invertebrate densities that supported fewer broods (11.7%). Low pH may have affected some acid-intolerant invertebrate taxa (i.e., Ephemeroptera), but high mean numbers of Insecta per wetland were recorded from wetlands with a pH of 5.51. Other Classes and Orders of invertebrates were more abundant on wetlands with pH > 5.51. All years combined use of wetlands by broods was greater on wetlands with pH ≤ 5.51 (77.4%) in contract to wetlands with pH > 5.51 that supported 21.8% of the broods. High mean brood density was associated with mean number of Insecta per wetland. For lentic wetlands created by beaver, those habitats contained vegetative structure and nutrients necessary to provide cover to support invertebrate populations that are prey of omnivore and insectivore species. The fishless status of a few wetlands may have affected use by some waterfowl species and obligate piscivores.

  1. Invertebrados acuáticos asociados a la Bromelia Tillandsia turneri Baker. en un bosque altoandino

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    María Fabiola Ospina


    Full Text Available Las bromelias como plantas fitotelmas mantienen una compleja cadena trófica que incluye invertebrados asociados a depósitos de agua. Se determinó la comunidad de invertebrados acuáticos de la bromelia Tillandsia turneri en un bosque altoandino en el Municipio de Chocontá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Se estudiaron 37 individuos de la bromelia ubicadas desde 0 hasta 6 m de altura, a las cuales se realizaron mediciones morfológicas, de contenido de agua y análisis fisicoquímico de esta y se colectaron los invertebrados asociados. Los órdenes mas abundantes fueron Coleóptera, Díptera y Cladócera; por medio de un análisis de similaridad de Morisita Horn se encontró que las bromelias son similares en cuanto a composición de invertebrados, por lo que se sugiere que pertenecen a un solo estrato dentro del bosque y que los procesos de ovoposición y dispersión para los grupos estudiados tienen igual probabilidad de ocurrir en las bromelias ubicadas de 0 a 6 m de altura.

  2. Hormigas zompopas (Atta cephalotes influyen positivamente en la biodiversidad vegetal de bosques húmedos tropicales

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    Javier Ruiz


    Full Text Available REALIZAMOS OBSERVACIONES DE LA HISTORIA NATURAL DE LA HORMIGA ZOMPOPA (Atta cephalotes en el período de 1995 a 2010. Monitoreamos una población de hormigas zompopas en 2003 y realizamos experimentos de campo en 2006 en el bosque húmedo tropical de la Estación Biológica La Unión en Nicaragua. Los nidos de hormiga zompopa fueron mapeados dentro de una parcela permanente de 6.5 hectáreas. Se estimó lacomposición de especies vegetales en el área del nido de la hormiga, y se realizó un conteo de plántulas dicotiledóneas y plántulas de palmas (monocotiledóneas. Los resultados indican que las hormigas zompopas prefieren defoliar plántulas de especies dicotiledóneas,favoreciendo la regeneración de palmas sobre el nido de las hormigas. Las zompopas favorecen la regeneración de palmas en áreas donde ellas establecen el montículo principal de sus nidos. En el artículo se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la dinámicade la regeneración en bosques húmedos tropicales.

  3. Abiotic alterations caused by forest fragmentation affect tree regeneration: a shade and drought tolerance gradient in the remnants of Coastal Maulino Forest Alteraciones abióticas causadas por la fragmentación del bosque afectan la regeneración arbórea: un gradiente de tolerancia a la sombra y la sequía en los remanentes del Bosque Maulino Costero

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    by regeneration niche attributes for implementing conservation actions and ecological restoration.La regeneración en plantas está determinada por las diferencias de luz y humedad del suelo entre hábitats, ambas variables son modificadas por la fragmentación de bosques a gran escala. Varios estudios consideran esas alteraciones como parte del mecanismo involucrado en el cambio comunitario en bosques tropicales. Sin embargo, en bosques mediterráneos y deciduos esa tendencia podría ser más severa, debido a que las plantas presentan un "trade off" entre la tolerancia a la sombra y a la sequía. Nuestro estudio fue realizado en el Bosque Maulino Costero: Reserva Nacional Los Queules (RNLQ y fragmentos aledaños de bosque. Hipotetizamos que Aristotelia chilensis (sombra intolerante pero tolerante a la sequía debería aumentar su regeneración en fragmentos pequeños de bosque, como consecuencia del cambio en la idoneidad del habitat (i.e. más luminoso y seco, mientras que, Cryptocarya alba (sombra tolerante pero sequía intolerante debería reducir su regeneración en fragmentos pequeños de bosque. Nosotros además esperamos que Nothofagus glauca y N. obliqua, ambas con tolerancias a la sombra y a la sequía intermedias entre A. chilensis y C. alba, deberían responder en menor medida a la fragmentación del bosque. En este estudio utilizamos dos evaluaciones: (i la abundancia de plántulas y juveniles a través de observaciones de campo y (ii la germinación y establecimiento de plántulas vía un experimento de campo. Los patrones de regeneración natural de C. alba indican una reducción en la regeneración dentro de los fragmentos pequeños de bosque comparado con la RNLQ, a pesar de que en el experimento de campo, la proporción de semillas germinadas, de plántulas establecidas y reclutadas no variaron entre hábitats. Por el contrario, la regeneración de A. chilensis y de N. glauca fueron favorecidas por la fragmentación del bosque, con un aumento en las

  4. Wetlands & Deepwater Habitats - MO 2012 East West Gateway Wetlands (SHP) (United States)

    NSGIC State | GIS Inventory — Cowardin’s Classification of Wetlands and Deep Water Habitats of the United States (, together with...

  5. Patrones de distribución de especies arbóreas de dosel y sotobosque a escala local en bosques de tierra firme, Amazonia colombiana

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    Juan Sebastian Barreto-Silva


    Full Text Available El efecto de la variación ambiental en la estructura de las comunidades arbóreas en bosques tropicales, aún se debate. En paisajes como los bosques de tierra firme, donde el gradiente ambiental disminuye, el efecto de los suelos sobre los patrones de distribución de especies es mínimo. En contraste, un mayor efecto de la variación edáfica y topográfica sobre la composición florística, se ha reportado en estudios con diferentes tipos de plantas en bosques tropicales. Este estudio se realizó en diez hectáreas de una parcela permanente. Se evaluó el efecto de la variación ambiental y la configuración espacial sobre los patrones florísticos de las especies arbóreas a escala local, según el estado de desarrollo y categorías de abundancia relativa. Se registraron 14 074 individuos de 1 053 especies y 80 familias. Los suelos son ácidos, presentan altas concentraciones de Aluminio y son predominantemente arcillosos. La diversidad beta fue baja. Las diferencias florísticas explicadas fueron asociadas con procesos biológicos espacialmente estructurados, particularmente, con la limitación en dispersión. Aunque, la mayor parte de la variación no fue explicada por las variables consideradas. Estos resultados sugieren que procesos aleatorios son determinantes esenciales de la variación florística en bosques de tierra firme de la amazonia.

  6. Wetlands Research Program. Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET). Volume 2. Methodology. (United States)


    to waves taller than I ft? • " Guidelines: 1 "Sufficient" is defined as the height of vegetation or relief multiplied * by length of vegetation or...Sci., Interim Rep. No. 3, Gloucester Point, VA. 52 pp. 203 VI. 4 WET 2.0 Simmons, E. G. 1957. An ecological survey of the Upper Laguna Madre of Texas...A wetland class characterized by vegetation that is 6 m or taller . Fringe Wetland - Fringe wetlands along a channel (i.e.. river, stream, etc.)are

  7. The role of constructed wetlands for biomass production within the water-soil-waste nexus. (United States)

    Avellan, C T; Ardakanian, R; Gremillion, P


    The use of constructed wetlands for water pollution control has a long standing tradition in urban, peri-urban, rural, agricultural and mining environments. The capacity of wetland plants to take up nutrients and to filter organic matter has been widely discussed and presented in diverse fora and published in hundreds of articles. In an ever increasingly complex global world, constructed wetlands not only play a role in providing safe sanitation in decentralized settings, shelter for biodiversity, and cleansing of polluted sites, in addition, they produce biomass that can be harvested and used for the production of fodder and fuel. The United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) was established in December 2012 in Dresden, Germany, to assess the trade-offs between and among resources when making sustainable decisions. Against the backdrop of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, which was introduced as a critical element for the discussions on sustainability at Rio +20, the UNU was mandated to pay critical attention to the interconnections of the underlying resources, namely, water, soil and waste. Biomass for human consumption comes in the form of food for direct use, as fodder for livestock, and as semi-woody biomass for fuelling purposes, be it directly for heating and cooking or for the production of biogas and/or biofuel. Given the universal applicability of constructed wetlands in virtually all settings, from arid to tropical, from relatively high to low nutrient loads, and from a vast variety of pollutants, we postulate that the biomass produced in constructed wetlands can be used more extensively in order to enhance the multi-purpose use of these sites.

  8. Kansas Playa Wetlands (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — This digital dataset provides information about the distribution, areal extent, and morphometry of playa wetlands throughout western Kansas. Playa wetlands were...

  9. [Research progress on wetland ecotourism]. (United States)

    Wang, Li-Long; Lu, Lin


    Wetland is rich in biodiversity and cultural diversity, possessing higher tourism value and environmental education and community participation functions. Wetland ecotourism reflects the sustainable development of tourism economy and wetland protection, having received great concern from governments and scholars at home and abroad. This paper summarized the related theories and practices, discussed the research advances in wetland ecotourism from the aspects of significance, progress, contents, methods and results, and pointed out the important research fields in the future, aimed to accelerate the development of wetland ecotourism research and to provide reference about the resources exploitation, environment protection, and scientific administration of wetland and related scenic areas.

  10. Biotic development comparisons of a wetland constructed to treat mine water drainage with a natural wetland system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webster, H.J.; Hummer, J.W.; Lacki, M.J.


    Using 5-yr of baseline data from a constructed wetland, the authors compared the biotic changes in this wetland to conditions in a natural wetland to determine if biotic development patterns were similar. The constructed wetland was built in 1985 to treat a coal mine discharge and was planted with broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia) within the three-cell, 0.26 ha wetland. Species richness in permanent quadrants of the constructed wetland declined over the study period, while cattail coverage increased. Plant species composition diversified at the edges, with several species becoming established. The constructed wetland deepened and expanded slightly in area coverage during the study period. The constructed wetland supported herptofaunal communities that appeared more stable through time than those of the natural wetland and sustained a rudimentary food chain dependent upon autotrophic algal populations. Despite fundamental differences in substrate base, morphology, and water flow patterns, biotic trends for the constructed wetland coincided with succession-like patterns at the natural wetland. They suggest that further shifts in the biotic composition of the constructed wetland are likely, but the system should continue to persist if primary production meets or exceeds the microbial metabolic requirements necessary to treat mine drainage

  11. Wetland Hydrology | Science Inventory | US EPA (United States)

    This chapter discusses the state of the science in wetland hydrology by touching upon the major hydraulic and hydrologic processes in these complex ecosystems, their measurement/estimation techniques, and modeling methods. It starts with the definition of wetlands, their benefits and types, and explains the role and importance of hydrology on wetland functioning. The chapter continues with the description of wetland hydrologic terms and related estimation and modeling techniques. The chapter provides a quick but valuable information regarding hydraulics of surface and subsurface flow, groundwater seepage/discharge, and modeling groundwater/surface water interactions in wetlands. Because of the aggregated effects of the wetlands at larger scales and their ecosystem services, wetland hydrology at the watershed scale is also discussed in which we elaborate on the proficiencies of some of the well-known watershed models in modeling wetland hydrology. This chapter can serve as a useful reference for eco-hydrologists, wetland researchers and decision makers as well as watershed hydrology modelers. In this chapter, the importance of hydrology for wetlands and their functional role are discussed. Wetland hydrologic terms and the major components of water budget in wetlands and how they can be estimated/modeled are also presented. Although this chapter does not provide a comprehensive coverage of wetland hydrology, it provides a quick understanding of the basic co

  12. Percent Wetland Cover (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Wetlands act as filters, removing or diminishing the amount of pollutants that enter surface water. Higher values for percent of wetland cover (WETLNDSPCT) may be...

  13. Presencia de propágulos de hongos de micorriza arbuscular en muestras de hojarasca alrededor de dos especies arbóreas en un bosque húmedo tropical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Hernando Posada Almanza


    Full Text Available En ecosistemas de bosques, las micorrizas juegan un papel determinante en la dinámica poblacional de las diferentes especies de plantas coexistentes; por tal motivo su cuantificación y la determinación de la variabilidad en cuanto a la distribución de las diferentes formas de propágulos alrededor de especies presentes en bosque húmedo tropical, es importante dentro del contexto del ciclaje de nutrientes. Los resultados mostraron grandes variaciones cuantitativas en cuanto a presencia de esporas de hongos de micorriza arbuscular (HMA en muestras frescas; su abundancia y distribución parece estar relacionada con la humedad del suelo y con la especie vegetal alrededor de la cual fueron colectadas. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (pbosque húmedo tropical de los llanos Orientales colombianos.

  14. Riqueza y abundancia de aves en bosques ribereños de diferentes anchos en la microcuenca del río Sesesmiles, Copán, Honduras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inty T Arcos


    Full Text Available El estudió se realizó en la microcuenca del río Sesesmiles, Departamento de Copán, Honduras. El propósito fue explorar el efecto del ancho de franja de los bosques ribereños sobre la riqueza y abundancia de especies de aves que visitan estos bosques. Se encontraron 1 294 aves pertenecientes a 145 especies en bosques ribereños. La diversidad de aves estuvo ligada al ancho de franja de los bosques ribereños: se encontró mayor número de especies e individuos, en anchos iguales o mayores a 50 m. Las especies pertenecientes al grupo alimenticio de los insectívoros y nectarívoros fueron las más abundantes en las franjas ribereñas. Todas las especies de aves identificadas dependen de los bosques ribereños y responden al ancho del bosque; aún las especies más generalistas tienen algún grado de dependencia a las franjas ribereñas más anchas. Para conservar las poblaciones de aves en los paisajes agrícolas fragmentados es de suma importancia mantener franjas ribereñas que sean mayores a 50 m de ancho y que brinden suficientes habitas y recursos.Richness and abundance of birds in riparian forest belts of varied breadths at the Sesesmiles river microwatershed, Copan, Honduras. Riparian forests protect many species of plants and animals. We studied bird communities in riparian forest belts of the Sesesmiles river microwatershed, Copan, Honduras (140o 43’ 12" - 140o 58’ 35" N, 88o 53’ 23" - 89o 14’ 17" W. The main goal was to explore the effects of belt breadth on the richness and abundance of avian species visiting these forests. We selected 20 belts, and randomly established 30 observation points to monitor bird presence in the dry (March-April 2005 and rainy (June-July 2005 season (N= 60 observations. A total of 1 294 birds belonging to 145 species were recorded. Bird diversity was significantly correlated to the breadth of the riparian belts, with a greater number of species and individuals in belts 50 m wide or wider

  15. Carbon dynamics in wetland restoration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovalenko, K.; Ciborowski, J.; Gardner-Costa, J.; Slama, C. [Windsor Univ., ON (Canada); Daly, C.; Hornung, J. [Suncor Energy, Calgary, AB (Canada); Dixon, G.; Farwell, A. [Waterloo Univ., ON (Canada); Foote, L.; Frederick, K.; Roy, M. [Alberta Univ., Edmonton, AB (Canada); Liber, K. [Saskatchewan Univ., Saskatoon, SK (Canada); Smits, J. [Calgary Univ., AB (Canada); Wytrykush, C. [Syncrude Canada Ltd., Edmonton, AB (Canada)


    This study focused on the reclamation of wetland ecosystems impacted by oil sands development in the boreal wetlands. Although these wetlands play an important role in global carbon balance, their ecosystem function is compromised by direct and regional anthropogenic disturbance and climate change. Large oil sand mining areas that require reclamation generate substantial quantities of extraction process-affected materials. In order to determine if the reclaimed wetlands were restored to equivalent ecosystem function, this study evaluated carbon flows and food web structure in oil sands-affected wetlands. The purpose was to determine whether a prescribed reclamation strategy or topsoil amendment accelerates reclaimed wetland development to produce self-sustaining peatlands. In addition to determining carbon fluxes, this study measured compartment standing stocks for residual hydrocarbons, organic substrate, bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, biofilm, macrophytes, detritus, zoobenthos and aquatic-terrestrial exports. Most biotic 28 compartments differed between oil-sands-affected and reference wetlands, but the difference lessened with age. Macroinvertebrate trophic diversity was lower in oil sands-affected wetlands. Peat amendment seemed to speed convergence for some compartments but not others. These results were discussed in the context of restoration of ecosystem function and optimization of reclamation strategies.

  16. Morphology of a Wetland Stream (United States)

    Jurmu; Andrle


    / Little attention has been paid to wetland stream morphology in the geomorphological and environmental literature, and in the recently expanding wetland reconstruction field, stream design has been based primarily on stream morphologies typical of nonwetland alluvial environments. Field investigation of a wetland reach of Roaring Brook, Stafford, Connecticut, USA, revealed several significant differences between the morphology of this stream and the typical morphology of nonwetland alluvial streams. Six morphological features of the study reach were examined: bankfull flow, meanders, pools and riffles, thalweg location, straight reaches, and cross-sectional shape. It was found that bankfull flow definitions originating from streams in nonwetland environments did not apply. Unusual features observed in the wetland reach include tight bends and a large axial wavelength to width ratio. A lengthy straight reach exists that exceeds what is typically found in nonwetland alluvial streams. The lack of convex bank point bars in the bends, a greater channel width at riffle locations, an unusual thalweg location, and small form ratios (a deep and narrow channel) were also differences identified. Further study is needed on wetland streams of various regions to determine if differences in morphology between alluvial and wetland environments can be applied in order to improve future designs of wetland channels.KEY WORDS: Stream morphology; Wetland restoration; Wetland creation; Bankfull; Pools and riffles; Meanders; Thalweg

  17. Michigan Wetlands: Yours To Protect. A Citizen's Guide to Local Involvement in Wetland Protection. Second Edition. (United States)

    Cwikiel, Wilfred

    This guidebook is designed to assist concerned Michigan citizens, local governments, conservation organizations, landowners, and others in their efforts to initiate wetlands protection activities. Chapter 1 focuses on wetland functions, values, losses, and the urgent need to protect wetland resources. Chapter 2 discusses wetland identification and…

  18. 40 CFR 258.12 - Wetlands. (United States)


    ... degraded wetlands or creation of man-made wetlands); and (5) Sufficient information is available to make a... expansions shall not be located in wetlands, unless the owner or operator can make the following...

  19. Evaluation of a market in wetland credits: entrepreneurial wetland banking in Chicago. (United States)

    Robertson, Morgan; Hayden, Nicholas


    With the rise of market-led approaches to environmental policy, compensation for permitted discharge of dredge or fill material into wetlands under Section 404 of the U.S. Clean Water Act has been purchased increasingly from entrepreneurial third-party providers. The growth of this practice (i.e., entrepreneurial wetland banking) has resolved many challenges associated with wetland compensation. But it has also produced (1) quantifiable temporal loss of wetland ecological functions, (2) spatial redistribution of wetland area, and (3) a degree of regulatory instability that may pose a threat to entrepreneurial compensation as a sustainable component of wetland-compensation policy. We used achieved compensation ratios, lapse between bank credit sale and the attainment of performance standards, distance between impact and bank site, and changes in bank market area to examine these 3 factors. We analyzed data from a census of all such transactions in the Chicago District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, compiled from site visits, Corps databases, and contacts with consultants and Section 404 permittees. Entrepreneurial banking provided compensation at a lower overall ratio than nonbank forms of compensation. Approximately 60% of bank credits were sold after site-protection standards were met but before ecological performance standards were met at the bank site. The average distance between bank and impact site was approximately 26 km. The area of markets within which established banks can sell wetland credits has fluctuated considerably over the study period. Comparing these data with similar data for other compensation mechanisms will assist in evaluating banking as an element of conservation policy. Data characterizing the performance of entrepreneurial wetland banks in actual regulatory environments are scarce, even though it is the most established of similar markets that have become instrumental to federal policy in administering several major environmental

  20. Placing prairie pothole wetlands along spatial and temporal continua to improve integration of wetland function in ecological investigations (United States)

    Euliss, Ned H.; Mushet, David M.; Newton, Wesley E.; Otto, Clint R.V.; Nelson, Richard D.; LaBaugh, James W.; Scherff, Eric J.; Rosenberry, Donald O.


    We evaluated the efficacy of using chemical characteristics to rank wetland relation to surface and groundwater along a hydrologic continuum ranging from groundwater recharge to groundwater discharge. We used 27 years (1974–2002) of water chemistry data from 15 prairie pothole wetlands and known hydrologic connections of these wetlands to groundwater to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns in chemical characteristics that correspond to the unique ecosystem functions each wetland performed. Due to the mineral content and the low permeability rate of glacial till and soils, salinity of wetland waters increased along a continuum of wetland relation to groundwater recharge, flow-through or discharge. Mean inter-annual specific conductance (a proxy for salinity) increased along this continuum from wetlands that recharge groundwater being fresh to wetlands that receive groundwater discharge being the most saline, and wetlands that both recharge and discharge to groundwater (i.e., groundwater flow-through wetlands) being of intermediate salinity. The primary axis from a principal component analysis revealed that specific conductance (and major ions affecting conductance) explained 71% of the variation in wetland chemistry over the 27 years of this investigation. We found that long-term averages from this axis were useful to identify a wetland’s long-term relation to surface and groundwater. Yearly or seasonal measurements of specific conductance can be less definitive because of highly dynamic inter- and intra-annual climate cycles that affect water volumes and the interaction of groundwater and geologic materials, and thereby influence the chemical composition of wetland waters. The influence of wetland relation to surface and groundwater on water chemistry has application in many scientific disciplines and is especially needed to improve ecological understanding in wetland investigations. We suggest ways that monitoring in situ wetland conditions could be linked

  1. Mine-associated wetlands as avian habitat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horstman, A.J.; Nawrot, J.R.; Woolf, A.


    Surveys for interior wetland birds at mine-associated emergent wetlands on coal surface mines in southern Illinois detected one state threatened and two state endangered species. Breeding by least bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) and common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) was confirmed. Regional assessment of potential wetland bird habitat south of Illinois Interstate 64 identified a total of 8,109 ha of emergent stable water wetlands; 10% were associated with mining. Mine-associated wetlands with persistent hydrology and large expanses of emergent vegetation provide habitat that could potentially compensate for loss of natural wetlands in Illinois

  2. Development of a "Hydrologic Equivalent Wetland" Concept for Modeling Cumulative Effects of Wetlands on Watershed Hydrology (United States)

    Wang, X.; Liu, T.; Li, R.; Yang, X.; Duan, L.; Luo, Y.


    Wetlands are one of the most important watershed microtopographic features that affect, in combination rather than individually, hydrologic processes (e.g., routing) and the fate and transport of constituents (e.g., sediment and nutrients). Efforts to conserve existing wetlands and/or to restore lost wetlands require that watershed-level effects of wetlands on water quantity and water quality be quantified. Because monitoring approaches are usually cost or logistics prohibitive at watershed scale, distributed watershed models, such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), can be a best resort if wetlands can be appropriately represented in the models. However, the exact method that should be used to incorporate wetlands into hydrologic models is the subject of much disagreement in the literature. In addition, there is a serious lack of information about how to model wetland conservation-restoration effects using such kind of integrated modeling approach. The objectives of this study were to: 1) develop a "hydrologic equivalent wetland" (HEW) concept; and 2) demonstrate how to use the HEW concept in SWAT to assess effects of wetland restoration within the Broughton's Creek watershed located in southwestern Manitoba of Canada, and of wetland conservation within the upper portion of the Otter Tail River watershed located in northwestern Minnesota of the United States. The HEWs were defined in terms of six calibrated parameters: the fraction of the subbasin area that drains into wetlands (WET_FR), the volume of water stored in the wetlands when filled to their normal water level (WET_NVOL), the volume of water stored in the wetlands when filled to their maximum water level (WET_MXVOL), the longest tributary channel length in the subbasin (CH_L1), Manning's n value for the tributary channels (CH_N1), and Manning's n value for the main channel (CH_N2). The results indicated that the HEW concept allows the nonlinear functional relations between watershed processes

  3. Wetland Management - A Success Story In Transition - Restoration of Bhoj Wetland, India (United States)

    Mudgal, M. K.; Tech, B. M.; Miwwa

    Wetlands are beautiful, biologically diverse, hydrologically disperse and ecological vibrant landscape world wide, embracing soils, water, plants, animals and human be- ing. The population growth in the catchment of wetlands led to multifarious human interventions for deriving maximum benefit from the wetlands and their catchments neglecting and disrespecting the principles of sustainability. This act of destruction has been pronounced in developing countries which are under the grip of poverty, illiteracy and lack of environmental education. SBhoj WetlandS is a Lake situated ´ in Central India, Earthen Dam across the river KOLANS in 1061 AD by then ruler king BHOJ. Till 1950 this Wetland was served as a principal source of water supply, even not requiring filtration. As the city grew and the wetland started getting encir- cled by habitation and urban development, the anthropogenic pressures on the lake increased, thus accelerating the process of eutrophication, making the water unfit for human consumption without due treatment due to deterioration of quality of water. For the conservation and management of Bhoj Wetland (Lake Bhopal) a project is under- taken in the financial assistance from Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC, Japan). The project envisages tackle various issues of conservation and management ofn the wetlands under a multi prongs strategies and manner. Although these issues are deeply interrelated and interlinked but for operational and management ease, these issues have been divided into various sub projects which are being tackled indepen- dently, albeit with undercurrent knowledge and understanding of the related issues and interconnectivity with each other. The Project itself is an apt example of the spectrum of varied problems and issues that come to light when attempts are made for sustain- able conservation and management of a wetland. The Project as envisaged intends to conserve and manage through 14 sub projects as under:- Sub

  4. Atrazine remediation in wetland microcosms. (United States)

    Runes, H B; Bottomley, P J; Lerch, R N; Jenkins, J J


    Laboratory wetland microcosms were used to study treatment of atrazine in irrigation runoff by a field-scale-constructed wetland under controlled conditions. Three experiments, in which 1 ppm atrazine was added to the water column of three wetland, one soil control, and one water control microcosm, were conducted. Atrazine dissipation from the water column and degradate formation (deethylatrazine [DEA]; deisopropylatrazine [DIA]; and hydroxyatrazine [HA]) were monitored. Atrazine dissipation from the water column of wetland microcosms was biphasic. Less than 12% of the atrazine applied to wetland microcosms remained in the water column on day 56. Atrazine degradates were observed in water and sediment, with HA the predominant degradate. Analysis of day 56 sediment samples indicated that a significant portion of the initial application was detected as the parent compound and HA. Most probable number (MPN) assays demonstrated that atrazine degrader populations were small in wetland sediment. Wetland microcosms were able to reduce atrazine concentration in the water column via sorption and degradation. Based on results from this study, it is hypothesized that plant uptake contributed to atrazine dissipation from the water column.

  5. Diversidad y mecanismos de dispersión de árboles de la Isla Gorgona y de los bosques húmedos tropicales del Pacífico colombo-ecuatoriano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yockteng Roxana


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hizo una comparación entre la flora de la isla Gorgona (Colombia y la de los bosques del Chocó biogeográfico (Colombia y Ecuador. Para esta comparación se utilizaron curvas de acumulación de especies e índices de riqueza y diversidad, tanto publicadas por diferentes autores o generadas a partir de los inventarios florísticos originales. La riqueza del bosque de la isla Gorgona calculada a partir de curvas especie-área y del índice de diversidad de Shannon fue inferior a la de varios bosques colombianos y ecuatorianos en las tierras bajas del continente. Adicionalmente, el índice de equitabilidad de Shannon en cinco bosques del Pacífico colombo-ecuatoriano fue mayor que el de la isla Gorgona, lo cual sugiere que en los bosques continentales las especies están representados por un número similar de individuos. La ornitocoria fue el mecanismo de dispersión más importante en la isla Gorgona (49.7%, en forma similar a lo encontrado para las islas Galápagos en Ecuador (60 % y para la isla biogeográfica del bosque nublado de la Serranía de la Macuira, Guajira, en el norte de Colombia (51 %. En contraste, la dispersión por mamíferos fue el mecanismo más importante para las especies de árboles del bosque continental de Cabo Corrientes, de Bajo Calima (Colombia y los Tuxtlas (México. A pesar de que los bosques de la Isla Gorgona, no son especialmente ricos en especies, cumplen una importante función protectora de los ecosistemas de coral que rodean la isla. Una reducción de la cobertura boscosa tendría como consecuencia un aumento de las tasa de erosión y avalanchas que afectarían gravemente los ecosistemas marinos, en particular los arrecifes de coral.The flora of the continental Island of Gorgona (Colombia and that of the forests on the Chocó biogeographical region of Colombia and Ecuador were compared with species-area curves and species diversity indexes, either previously published or calculated using

  6. El impacto del huracán Dean sobre la estructura y composición arbórea de un bosque manejado en Quintana Roo, México


    Navarro-Martínez, Angélica; Durán-García, Rafael; Méndez-González, Martha


    Los huracanes son considerados como uno de los factores más determinantes de la estructura y composición de muchos bosques tropicales. En Quintana Roo, estos fenómenos naturales son tan frecuentes que forman parte de la dinámica natural del bosque. El 21 de agosto de 2007, en el centro-sur del Estado, ocurrió el huracán Dean, que afectó alrededor de 900,000 ha de la selva mediana subperennifolia. En este estudio se cuantifican los daños ocasionados sobre la vegetación y se analizan los cambio...

  7. Remotely sensed MODIS wetland components for assessing the variability of methane emissions in Indian tropical/subtropical wetlands (United States)

    Bansal, Sangeeta; Katyal, Deeksha; Saluja, Ridhi; Chakraborty, Monojit; Garg, J. K.


    Temperature and area fluctuations in wetlands greatly influence its various physico-chemical characteristics, nutrients dynamic, rates of biomass generation and decomposition, floral and faunal composition which in turn influence methane (CH4) emission rates. In view of this, the present study attempts to up-scale point CH4 flux from the wetlands of Uttar Pradesh (UP) by modifying two-factor empirical process based CH4 emission model for tropical wetlands by incorporating MODIS derived wetland components viz. wetland areal extent and corresponding temperature factors (Ft). This study further focuses on the utility of remotely sensed temperature response of CH4 emission in terms of Ft. Ft is generated using MODIS land surface temperature products and provides an important semi-empirical input for up-scaling CH4 emissions in wetlands. Results reveal that annual mean Ft values for UP wetlands vary from 0.69 (2010-2011) to 0.71(2011-2012). The total estimated area-wise CH4 emissions from the wetlands of UP varies from 66.47 Gg yr-1with wetland areal extent and Ft value of 2564.04 km2 and 0.69 respectively in 2010-2011 to 88.39 Gg yr-1with wetland areal extent and Ft value of 2720.16 km2 and 0.71 respectively in 2011-2012. Temporal analysis of estimated CH4 emissions showed that in monsoon season estimated CH4 emissions are more sensitive to wetland areal extent while in summer season sensitivity of estimated CH4 emissions is chiefly controlled by augmented methanogenic activities at high wetland surface temperatures.

  8. Human wetland dependency and socio-economic evaluation of wetland functions through participatory approach in rural India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malabika Biswas


    Full Text Available Wetlands are an important source of natural resources upon which rural economies depend. They have increasingly been valuable for their goods and services, and the intrinsic ecological value they provide to local populations, as well as people living outside the periphery of the wetlands. Stakeholders' participation is essential to the protection and preservation of wetlands because it plays a very important role economically as well as ecologically in the wetland system. The objective of this study was to determine whether gender, educational status, mouzas (which are constituents of a block according to the land reform of the West Bengal Government in India, and wetland functions have any influence on the annual income of the local community. Considering a floodplain wetland in rural India, the focus was extended to recognize the pattern of wetland functions according to the nature of people's involvement through cluster analysis of the male and female populations. Using the statistical software R-2.8.1, an ANOVA (analysis of variance table was constructed. Since the p value (significance level was lower than 0.05 for each case, it can be concluded that gender, educational status, mouzas, and wetland functions have a significant influence on annual income. However, S-PLUS-2000 was applied to obtain a complete scenario of the pattern of wetland functions, in terms of involvement of males and females, through cluster analysis. The main conclusion is that gender, educational status, mouzas, and wetland functions have significant impacts on annual income, while the pattern of occupation of the local community based on wetland functions is completely different for the male and female populations.

  9. Climate Change and Intertidal Wetlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pauline M. Ross


    Full Text Available Intertidal wetlands are recognised for the provision of a range of valued ecosystem services. The two major categories of intertidal wetlands discussed in this contribution are saltmarshes and mangrove forests. Intertidal wetlands are under threat from a range of anthropogenic causes, some site-specific, others acting globally. Globally acting factors include climate change and its driving cause—the increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. One direct consequence of climate change will be global sea level rise due to thermal expansion of the oceans, and, in the longer term, the melting of ice caps and glaciers. The relative sea level rise experienced at any one locality will be affected by a range of factors, as will the response of intertidal wetlands to the change in sea level. If relative sea level is rising and sedimentation within intertidal wetlands does not keep pace, then there will be loss of intertidal wetlands from the seaward edge, with survival of the ecosystems only possible if they can retreat inland. When retreat is not possible, the wetland area will decline in response to the “squeeze” experienced. Any changes to intertidal wetland vegetation, as a consequence of climate change, will have flow on effects to biota, while changes to biota will affect intertidal vegetation. Wetland biota may respond to climate change by shifting in distribution and abundance landward, evolving or becoming extinct. In addition, impacts from ocean acidification and warming are predicted to affect the fertilisation, larval development, growth and survival of intertidal wetland biota including macroinvertebrates, such as molluscs and crabs, and vertebrates such as fish and potentially birds. The capacity of organisms to move and adapt will depend on their life history characteristics, phenotypic plasticity, genetic variability, inheritability of adaptive characteristics, and the predicted rates of environmental change.

  10. Climate change and intertidal wetlands. (United States)

    Ross, Pauline M; Adam, Paul


    Intertidal wetlands are recognised for the provision of a range of valued ecosystem services. The two major categories of intertidal wetlands discussed in this contribution are saltmarshes and mangrove forests. Intertidal wetlands are under threat from a range of anthropogenic causes, some site-specific, others acting globally. Globally acting factors include climate change and its driving cause-the increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. One direct consequence of climate change will be global sea level rise due to thermal expansion of the oceans, and, in the longer term, the melting of ice caps and glaciers. The relative sea level rise experienced at any one locality will be affected by a range of factors, as will the response of intertidal wetlands to the change in sea level. If relative sea level is rising and sedimentation within intertidal wetlands does not keep pace, then there will be loss of intertidal wetlands from the seaward edge, with survival of the ecosystems only possible if they can retreat inland. When retreat is not possible, the wetland area will decline in response to the "squeeze" experienced. Any changes to intertidal wetland vegetation, as a consequence of climate change, will have flow on effects to biota, while changes to biota will affect intertidal vegetation. Wetland biota may respond to climate change by shifting in distribution and abundance landward, evolving or becoming extinct. In addition, impacts from ocean acidification and warming are predicted to affect the fertilisation, larval development, growth and survival of intertidal wetland biota including macroinvertebrates, such as molluscs and crabs, and vertebrates such as fish and potentially birds. The capacity of organisms to move and adapt will depend on their life history characteristics, phenotypic plasticity, genetic variability, inheritability of adaptive characteristics, and the predicted rates of environmental change.

  11. SLOSS or Not? Factoring Wetland Size Into Decisions for Wetland Conservation, Enhancement, Restoration, and Creation (United States)

    Mitigation or replacement of several small impacted wetlands or sites with fewer large wetlands can occur deliberately through the application of functional assessment methods (e.g., Adamus 1997) or coincidentally as the result of market-based mechanisms for wetland mitigation ba...

  12. Working group report on wetlands and wildlife

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teels, B.


    The results and conclusions of a working group held to discuss the state of knowledge and knowledge gaps concerning climatic change impacts on wetlands and wildlife are presented. Prairie pothole wetlands are extremely productive and produce ca 50% of all ducks in North America. The most productive, and most vulnerable to climate change, are small potholes, often less than one acre in area. Changes in water regimes and land use will have more impact on wildlife than changes in temperature. There are gaps in knowledge relating to: boreal wetlands and their wildlife, and response to climate; wetland inventories that include the smallest wetlands; coordinated schemes for monitoring status and trends of wetlands and wildlife; and understanding of ecological relationships within wetlands and their wildlife communities. Recommendations include: coordinate and enhance existing databases to provide an integrated monitoring system; establish research programs to increase understanding of ecological relationships within wetland ecosystems; evaluate programs and policies that affect wetlands; and promote heightened public awareness of general values of wetlands

  13. Remote sensing of wetlands applications and advances

    CERN Document Server

    Tiner, Ralph W; Klemas, Victor V


    Effectively Manage Wetland Resources Using the Best Available Remote Sensing Techniques Utilizing top scientists in the wetland classification and mapping field, Remote Sensing of Wetlands: Applications and Advances covers the rapidly changing landscape of wetlands and describes the latest advances in remote sensing that have taken place over the past 30 years for use in mapping wetlands. Factoring in the impact of climate change, as well as a growing demand on wetlands for agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, and development, this text considers the challenges that wetlands pose for remote sensing and provides a thorough introduction on the use of remotely sensed data for wetland detection. Taking advantage of the experiences of more than 50 contributing authors, the book describes a variety of techniques for mapping and classifying wetlands in a multitude of environments ranging from tropical to arctic wetlands including coral reefs and submerged aquatic vegetation. The authors discuss the advantages and di...

  14. Engineered wetlands : an innovative environmental solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallace, S.; Davis, B.M.


    Engineered wetlands are now considered as an emerging technology for the in situ remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil and waters. Engineered wetlands incorporate a horizontal subsurface flow gravel bed reactor lined with impermeable liners, and are equipped with forced bed aeration systems in order to enhance oxygen delivery to the wetland's aerobic micro-organisms. The wetlands typically emphasize specific characteristics of wetland ecosystems to improve treatment capacities. This article discussed an engineered wetlands installed at a set of pipeline terminals as well as at a former British Petroleum (BP) refinery. The pipeline terminal generated contact wastewater containing BTEX and ammonia, and a subsurface engineered wetland was built in 1998. To date, the 16,000 2 foot wetland has treated a flow-equalized input of approximately 1.5 m 3 per day of contaminants. At the refinery, a wetland treatment system was designed to treat 6000 m 3 of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The treatment site consists of a golf course, river front trails, and a white water kayak course. A cascade aeration system was used for iron oxidation and air-stripping. A soil matrix biofilter was used for passive gas phase benzene removal, as well as for the removal of ferric hydroxide precipitates. It was concluded that engineered wetlands can offer long-term solutions to site remediation challenges. 1 fig

  15. The nitrogen abatement cost in wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bystroem, Olof


    The costs of abating agricultural nitrogen pollution in wetlands are estimated. By linking costs for construction of wetlands to the denitrification capacity of wetlands, an abatement cost function can be formed. A construction-cost function and a denitrification function for wetlands is estimated empirically. This paper establishes a link between abatement costs and the nitrogen load on wetlands. Since abatement costs fluctuate with nitrogen load, ignoring this link results in incorrect estimates of abatement costs. The results demonstrate that wetlands have the capacity to provide low cost abatement of nitrogen compounds in runoff. For the Kattegatt region in Sweden, marginal abatement costs for wetlands are shown to be lower than costs of land use changing measures, such as extended land under fallow or cultivation of fuel woods, but higher than the marginal costs of reducing nitrogen fertilizer

  16. 40 CFR 257.9 - Wetlands. (United States)


    ... not locate such units in wetlands, unless the owner or operator can make the following demonstrations... actions (e.g., restoration of existing degraded wetlands or creation of man-made wetlands); and (5) Sufficient information is available to make a reasonable determination with respect to these demonstrations...

  17. Conservation of Mexican wetlands: role of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (United States)

    Wilson, M.H.; Ryan, D.A.


    Mexico's wetlands support a tremendous biological diversity and provide significant natural resource benefits to local communities. Because they are also critical stopover and wintering grounds for much of North America's waterfowl and other migratory birds, Mexico has become an important participant in continental efforts to conserve these resources through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. Funding from the Act has supported partnerships in a number of Mexico's priority wetlands to conduct data analyses and dissemination, mapping, environmental education, wetland restoration, development of sustainable economic alternatives for local people, and reserve planning and management. These partnerships, with the close involvement of Mexico's Federal Government authority, the Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, have advanced conservation in a uniquely Mexican model that differs from that employed in the United States and Canada.

  18. Interacciones entre semillas y escarabajos del estiércol (scarabaeinae) en un bosque tropical seco


    Julissa Ocampo-Castillo; Ellen Andresen


    Los escarabajos del estiércol (Scarabaeinae) son insectos importantes en muchos ecosistemas terrestres por susfunciones ecológicas, derivadas del comportamiento de remover las heces de vertebrados. Este grupo de insectoses particularmente abundante en los bosques tropicales (BT). Sus funciones ecológicas han sido principalmenteestudiadas en los BT húmedos, existiendo poca información para los BT secos. Se realizaron experimentos de campoen la Estación de Biología de Chamela (Jalisco, México) ...

  19. Design-a-wetland: a tool for generating and assessing constructed wetland designs for wastewater treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casaril, Carolina J.


    Full text: Full text: The hydrological cycle is a key cycle affected by current and predicted climate change. Wetlands are one of the key ecosystems within the hydrological cycle and could contribute significantly in facing the challenges of climate change, such as water shortage. The impact of wetlands on greenhouse gas emissions is much debated and, conversely, the impact of climate change on wetlands also raises many questions. There have been many attempts to harness and integrate the natural capacities of wetlands into constructed systems. These systems are especially designed for multiple purposes. They can be used for wastewater treatment and reuse, and have the potential to increase sustainability by changing land and water use practices. This project generates a 'Design-A-Wetland' prototype model, designed to facilitate decision-making in the creation of constructed wetlands. Constructed wetlands are specifically tailored to their end use; water treatment fish and fowl habitat, flood buffer zones, or sequestration of greenhouse gases. This project attempts to answer the following questions: Can a single integrated decision model be created for the design and assessment of artificial wetlands, provided either entry or exit standards are known and specified?; Can the elements of a system of interfacing the model with public consultation be specified?; The project identifies model schematics and lays the groundwork for modelling suited to the wide variety of inputs required for decision making

  20. Stochastic modeling of wetland-groundwater systems (United States)

    Bertassello, Leonardo Enrico; Rao, P. Suresh C.; Park, Jeryang; Jawitz, James W.; Botter, Gianluca


    Modeling and data analyses were used in this study to examine the temporal hydrological variability in geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs), as influenced by hydrologic connectivity to shallow groundwater, wetland bathymetry, and subject to stochastic hydro-climatic forcing. We examined the general case of GIWs coupled to shallow groundwater through exfiltration or infiltration across wetland bottom. We also examined limiting case with the wetland stage as the local expression of the shallow groundwater. We derive analytical expressions for the steady-state probability density functions (pdfs) for wetland water storage and stage using few, scaled, physically-based parameters. In addition, we analyze the hydrologic crossing time properties of wetland stage, and the dependence of the mean hydroperiod on climatic and wetland morphologic attributes. Our analyses show that it is crucial to account for shallow groundwater connectivity to fully understand the hydrologic dynamics in wetlands. The application of the model to two different case studies in Florida, jointly with a detailed sensitivity analysis, allowed us to identify the main drivers of hydrologic dynamics in GIWs under different climate and morphologic conditions.

  1. Engineered wetlands : an innovative environmental solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wallace, S.; Davis, B.M. [Jacques Whitford NAWE, White Bear Lake, MN (United States)


    Engineered wetlands are now considered as an emerging technology for the in situ remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil and waters. Engineered wetlands incorporate a horizontal subsurface flow gravel bed reactor lined with impermeable liners, and are equipped with forced bed aeration systems in order to enhance oxygen delivery to the wetland's aerobic micro-organisms. The wetlands typically emphasize specific characteristics of wetland ecosystems to improve treatment capacities. This article discussed an engineered wetlands installed at a set of pipeline terminals as well as at a former British Petroleum (BP) refinery. The pipeline terminal generated contact wastewater containing BTEX and ammonia, and a subsurface engineered wetland was built in 1998. To date, the 16,000{sup 2} foot wetland has treated a flow-equalized input of approximately 1.5 m{sup 3} per day of contaminants. At the refinery, a wetland treatment system was designed to treat 6000 m{sup 3} of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The treatment site consists of a golf course, river front trails, and a white water kayak course. A cascade aeration system was used for iron oxidation and air-stripping. A soil matrix biofilter was used for passive gas phase benzene removal, as well as for the removal of ferric hydroxide precipitates. It was concluded that engineered wetlands can offer long-term solutions to site remediation challenges. 1 fig.

  2. Diversidad y mecanismos de dispersión de árboles de la Isla Gorgona y de los bosques húmedos tropicales del Pacífico colombo-ecuatoriano


    Yockteng Roxana; Jaime Cavelier


    En este trabajo se hizo una comparación entre la flora de la isla Gorgona (Colombia) y la de los bosques del Chocó biogeográfico (Colombia y Ecuador). Para esta comparación se utilizaron curvas de acumulación de especies e índices de riqueza y diversidad, tanto publicadas por diferentes autores o generadas a partir de los inventarios florísticos originales. La riqueza del bosque de la isla Gorgona calculada a partir de curvas especie-área y del índice de diversidad de Shannon fue inferior a l...

  3. Wetlands and infectious diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert H. Zimmerman


    Full Text Available There is a historical association between wetlands and infectious disease that has led to the modification of wetlands to prevent disease. At the same time there has been the development of water resources projects that increase the risk of disease. The demand for more water development projects and the increased pressure to make natural wetlands economically beneficial creates the need for an ecological approach to wetland management and health assessment. The environmental and health interactions are many. There is a need to take into account the landscape, spatial boundaries, and cross-boundary interactions in water development projects as well as alternative methods to provide water for human needs. The research challenges that need to be addressed are discussed.

  4. North American Wetlands and Mosquito Control (United States)

    Rey, Jorge R.; Walton, William E.; Wolfe, Roger J.; Connelly, Roxanne; O’Connell, Sheila M.; Berg, Joe; Sakolsky-Hoopes, Gabrielle E.; Laderman, Aimlee D.


    Wetlands are valuable habitats that provide important social, economic, and ecological services such as flood control, water quality improvement, carbon sequestration, pollutant removal, and primary/secondary production export to terrestrial and aquatic food chains. There is disagreement about the need for mosquito control in wetlands and about the techniques utilized for mosquito abatement and their impacts upon wetlands ecosystems. Mosquito control in wetlands is a complex issue influenced by numerous factors, including many hard to quantify elements such as human perceptions, cultural predispositions, and political climate. In spite of considerable progress during the last decades, habitat protection and environmentally sound habitat management still remain inextricably tied to politics and economics. Furthermore, the connections are often complex, and occur at several levels, ranging from local businesses and politicians, to national governments and multinational institutions. Education is the key to lasting wetlands conservation. Integrated mosquito abatement strategies incorporate many approaches and practicable options, as described herein, and need to be well-defined, effective, and ecologically and economically sound for the wetland type and for the mosquito species of concern. The approach will certainly differ in response to disease outbreaks caused by mosquito-vectored pathogens versus quality of life issues caused by nuisance-biting mosquitoes. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the ecological setting and context for mosquito control in wetlands, present pertinent information on wetlands mosquitoes, review the mosquito abatement options available for current wetlands managers and mosquito control professionals, and outline some necessary considerations when devising mosquito control strategies. Although the emphasis is on North American wetlands, most of the material is applicable to wetlands everywhere. PMID:23222252

  5. Methane emissions from global wetlands: An assessment of the uncertainty associated with various wetland extent data sets (United States)

    Zhang, Bowen; Tian, Hanqin; Lu, Chaoqun; Chen, Guangsheng; Pan, Shufen; Anderson, Christopher; Poulter, Benjamin


    A wide range of estimates on global wetland methane (CH4) fluxes has been reported during the recent two decades. This gives rise to urgent needs to clarify and identify the uncertainty sources, and conclude a reconciled estimate for global CH4 fluxes from wetlands. Most estimates by using bottom-up approach rely on wetland data sets, but these data sets show largely inconsistent in terms of both wetland extent and spatiotemporal distribution. A quantitative assessment of uncertainties associated with these discrepancies among wetland data sets has not been well investigated yet. By comparing the five widely used global wetland data sets (GISS, GLWD, Kaplan, GIEMS and SWAMPS-GLWD), it this study, we found large differences in the wetland extent, ranging from 5.3 to 10.2 million km2, as well as their spatial and temporal distributions among the five data sets. These discrepancies in wetland data sets resulted in large bias in model-estimated global wetland CH4 emissions as simulated by using the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM). The model simulations indicated that the mean global wetland CH4 emissions during 2000-2007 were 177.2 ± 49.7 Tg CH4 yr-1, based on the five different data sets. The tropical regions contributed the largest portion of estimated CH4 emissions from global wetlands, but also had the largest discrepancy. Among six continents, the largest uncertainty was found in South America. Thus, the improved estimates of wetland extent and CH4 emissions in the tropical regions and South America would be a critical step toward an accurate estimate of global CH4 emissions. This uncertainty analysis also reveals an important need for our scientific community to generate a global scale wetland data set with higher spatial resolution and shorter time interval, by integrating multiple sources of field and satellite data with modeling approaches, for cross-scale extrapolation.

  6. Percent Wetland Cover (Future) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Wetlands act as filters, removing or diminishing the amount of pollutants that enter surface water. Higher values for percent of wetland cover (WETLNDSPCT) may be...

  7. VSWI Wetlands Advisory Layer (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — This dataset represents the DEC Wetlands Program's Advisory layer. This layer makes the most up-to-date, non-jurisdictional, wetlands mapping avaiable to the public...

  8. Comunidade de aves de sub-bosque em uma área de entorno do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Understory bird community in a surrounded area of Itatiaia National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliana R. Maia-Gouvêa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado em mata secundária no Município de Itatiaia, Estado do Rio de Janeiro (22º30'S e 44º30'W próximo ao Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, com o objeitvo de descrever a comunidade de aves ali presente. Foram amostrados três tipos vegetacionais distintos: reflorestamento, bosque e pomar, tendo sido realizadas 19 excursões entre 1984 e 1999. As aves foram amostradas através de capturas com redes de neblina e anilhamento, tendo sido utilizadas de 15 a 31 redes de 12 x 2 m e malha 36 mm. Foram também obtidas medidas morfométricas (comprimento total, asa, bico, cauda e tarso e dados biológicos (sexo, idade reprodução e muda. Depois de 5.621,79 horas-rede, foi registrado um total de 553 capturas, com 71 recapturas (12,84%; 417 indivíduos foram anilhados, e 65 beija-flores deixaram de ser marcados por falta de anilhas específicas. A comunidade estudada esteve representada por 77 espécies e 18 famílias, apresentando índice de diversidade H' = -1,594 e a curva do coletor com tendência à estabilização. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Emberizidae (n = 21; 27,27% e Tyrannidae (n = 15; 19,48%. As espécies com maior abundância relativa foram Turdus leucomelas (n = 40; 9,59% e Turdus rufiventris (n = 36; 8,63%. Seis das espécies amostradas (7,8% são endêmicas do bioma Mata Atlântica. Na estação chuvosa foram amostradas 68 espécies, e na estação seca, 42; e as capturas estiveram relacionadas com as chuvas (rs = -0,6778; p = 0,05. O período reprodutivo ocorreu de outubro a março estando correlacionado com o início da estação chuvosa (rs = -0,702; p = 0,052.This study was conduced in a second growth woodland close to Itatiaia National Park (22º30'S e 44º30'W, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, and aimed to describe the understory bird community living in this area. We sampled three different vegetation types, reforestation, wood and orchard, through 19 field trips between 1984 and 1999. Birds

  9. Interacciones entre semillas y escarabajos del estiércol (scarabaeinae en un bosque tropical seco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julissa Ocampo-Castillo


    Full Text Available Los escarabajos del estiércol (Scarabaeinae son insectos importantes en muchos ecosistemas terrestres por susfunciones ecológicas, derivadas del comportamiento de remover las heces de vertebrados. Este grupo de insectoses particularmente abundante en los bosques tropicales (BT. Sus funciones ecológicas han sido principalmenteestudiadas en los BT húmedos, existiendo poca información para los BT secos. Se realizaron experimentos de campoen la Estación de Biología de Chamela (Jalisco, México durante la temporada de lluvias para cuantificar la remociónde heces por los escarabajos del estiércol y para evaluar sus interacciones con semillas durante la remoción deheces en un BT seco. A las 48 h la remoción de heces fue total; 71% de las semillas artificiales fueron enterradas entre0.5 y 30 cm de profundidad, y el 29% quedaron sobre la superficie pero dispersadas horizontalmente entre 1 y 150cm. El establecimiento de plántulas a partir del banco de semillas se vio favorecido por la presencia de heces y laactividad de los escarabajos del estiércol. Comparando nuestros resultados con aquellos obtenidos en bosquesNeotropicales húmedos, concluimos que en el BT seco estudiado las funciones ecológicas de los Scarabaeinae enla época de lluvias son similares a lo registrado en BT húmedos.

  10. Lake Superior Coastal Wetland Fish Assemblages and ... (United States)

    The role of the coastal margin and the watershed context in defining the ecology of even very large lakes is increasingly being recognized and examined. Coastal wetlands are both important contributors to the biodiversity and productivity of large lakes and important mediators of the lake-basin connection. We explored wetland-watershed connections and their relationship to wetland function and condition using data collected from 37 Lake Superior wetlands spanning a substantial geographic and geomorphic gradient. While none of these wetlands are particularly disturbed, there were nevertheless clear relationships between watershed landuse and wetland habitat and biota, and these varied consistently across wetland type categories that reflected the strength of connection to the watershed. For example, water clarity and vegetation structure complexity declined with decreasing percent natural land cover, and these effects were strongest in riverine wetlands (having generally large watersheds and tributary-dominated hydrology) and weakest in lagoon wetlands (having generally small watersheds and lake-dominate hydrology). Fish abundance and species richness both increased with decreasing percent natural land cover while species diversity decreased, and again the effect was strongest in riverine wetlands. Lagoonal wetlands, which lack any substantial tributary, consistently harbored the fewest species of fish and a composition different from the more watershed-lin

  11. Diverse characteristics of wetlands restored under the Wetlands Reserve Program in the Southeastern United States (United States)

    Diane De Steven; Joel M. Gramling


    The Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) restores converted or degraded wetlands on private working lands; however, the nature and outcomes of such efforts are undocumented in the Southeastern U.S. Identification of wetland types is needed to assess the program's conservation benefits, because ecological functions differ with hydrogeomorphic (HGM) type. We reviewed...

  12. The emergence of treatment wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cole, S.


    Judging by the growing number of wetlands built for wastewater treatment around the world, this natural technology seems to have firmly established roots. After almost 30 years of use in wastewater treatment, constructed treatment wetlands now number over 500 in Europe and 600 in North America. Marsh-type surface flow systems are most common in North America, but subsurface flow wetlands, where wastewater flows beneath the surface of a gravel-rock bed, predominate in Europe. The inexpensive, low maintenance technology is in high demand in Central America, Eastern Europe, and Asia. New applications, from nitrate-contaminated ground water to effluent from high-intensity livestock operations, are also increasing. But in the United States, treatment-wetland technology has not yet gained national regulatory acceptance. Some states and EPA regions are eager to endorse them, but others are wary of this nontraditional method of treating wastewater. In part, this reluctance exists because the technology is not yet completely understood. Treatment wetlands also pose a potential threat to wildlife attracted to this new habitat -an ecosystem exposed to toxic compounds. New efforts are under way, however, to place the technology onto firmer scientific and regulatory ground. Long-term demonstration and monitoring field studies are currently probing the inner workings of wetlands and their water quality capabilities to provide better data on how to design more effective systems. A recent study of US policy and regulatory issues surrounding treatment wetlands has recommended that the federal government actively promote the technology and clear the regulatory roadblocks to enable wider use. Proponents argue that the net environmental benefits of constructed wetlands, such as restoring habitat and increasing wetlands inventory, should be considered. 8 refs., 6 photos

  13. Multiple factors influence the vegetation composition of Southeast U.S. wetlands restored in the Wetlands Reserve Program (United States)

    Diane De Steven; Joel M. Gramling


    Degradation of wetlands on agricultural lands contributes to the loss of local or regional vegetation diversity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) funds the restoration of degraded wetlands on private ‘working lands’, but these WRP projects have not been studied in the Southeast United States. Wetland hydrogeomorphic type influences...

  14. Industry and forest wetlands: Cooperative research initiatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shepard, J.P.; Lucier, A.A.; Haines, L.W.


    In 1989 the forest products industry responded to a challenge of the National Wetlands Policy Forum to initiate a cooperative research program on forest wetlands management organized through the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). The objective is to determine how forest landowners can manage wetlands for timber production while protecting other wetland functions such as flood storage, water purification, and food chain/wildlife habitat support. Studies supported by the NCASI in 9 states are summarized. Technical support on wetland regulatory issues to member companies is part of the research program. Since guidelines for recognizing wetlands for regulatory proposed have changed frequently, the NCASI has recommend an explicit link between wetland delineation and a classification system that considers difference among wetland types in vegetation, soils, hydrology, appearance, landscape position, and other factors. 16 refs

  15. Global warming and prairie wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poiani, K.A.; Johnson, W.C.


    In this article, the authors discuss current understanding and projections of global warming; review wetland vegetation dynamics to establish the strong relationship among climate, wetland hydrology, vegetation patterns and waterfowl habitat; discuss the potential effects of a greenhouse warming on these relationships; and illustrate the potential effects of climate change on wetland habitat by using a simulation model

  16. Wetland soils, hydrology and geomorphology (United States)

    C. Rhett Jackson; James A. Thompson; Randall K. Kolka


    The hydrology, soils, and watershed processes of a wetland all interact with vegetation and animals over time to create the dynamic physical template upon which a wetland's ecosystem is based (Fig. 2.1). With respect to many ecosystem processes, the physical factors defining a wetland environment at any particular time are often treated as independent variables,...

  17. Efecto de la tala de Podocarpus glomeratus (Podocarpaceae sobre la estructura de un bosque de neblina en los Andes (Cochabamba, Bolivia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel Isaías Ayma-Romay


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo fueron analizados los efectos de la tala sobre la estructura, composición y la regeneración natural de un bosque andino de neblina. Se instalaron 40 parcelas de 707 m2 para medir individuos >10 cm DAP y sub-parcelas de 5 m2 para evaluar la regeneración de individuos <10 cm DAP y de 1 m2 para evaluar el banco de semillas. Se evaluó la densidad y cobertura de todos los árboles. Se realizó un análisis cluster para establecer las categorías de cobertura de dosel y un análisis de componentes principales para determinar su asociación con la densidad de diferentes especies de plántulas. La tala ha modificado la cobertura (p= <0,001 generando doseles de poco a fuertemente intervenidos. Los claros de dosel favorecen a las heliófitas (Myrsine pseudocrenata, Vallea stipularis, Nectandra sp., Trichilia hirta, Miconia theaezans, algunas esciófitas que requieren luz en clases avanzadas (Podocarpus glomeratus y Myrcianthes osteomeloides y otros arbustos (Solanaceae, Verbenaceae y otras. Por otra parte, algunas esciófitas reducen su densidad en doseles inter- venidos (Weinmannia microphylla, Condalia weberbaueri, Blepharocalix salicifolius y Styloceras columnare. El manejo del bosque debe mantener la cobertura de individuos > 60 cm DAP, la creación de reservas en bosques maduros y prácticas de facilitación para el crecimiento de especies de árboles claves.

  18. Ecosystem function in oil sands wetlands : rates of detrital decomposition, moss growth, and microbial respiration in oilsands wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wytrykush, C. [Windsor Univ., ON (Canada); Hornung, J. [Petro-Canada, Calgary, AB (Canada)


    A study was conducted in which leaf litter breakdown and biomass accrual in 31 reference and oilsands affected (OSPM) wetlands in Northeastern Alberta was examined. The purpose was to determine how the decomposition of dead plant matter controls the primary productivity in wetlands. The data collected from this study will provide information about carbon flow and dynamics in oilsands affected wetlands. The study involved the investigation of wetlands that contrasted in water origin (OSPM vs. reference), sediment origin (OSPM vs. natural), sediment organic content and age. Mesh bags containing 5 g of dried Typha (cattail) or 20 g of damp moss were placed into 31 wetlands in order to monitor the rate at which biomass was lost to decomposition, as measured by changes in dry mass. After 1 year, moss growth was found to be greatest in younger wetlands with natural sediments. Cattail decomposition was found to be slower in wetlands containing OSPM water than that in reference wetlands. Preliminary analysis of respiration rates of biota associated with decomposing cattail indicate that the amount of oxygen consumed is not affected by wetland water source, sediment source, level of initial sediment organic content, or age.

  19. GlobWetland Africa: Implementing Sustainable Earth Observation Based Wetland Monitoring Capacity in Africa and Beyond

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tottrup, Christian; Riffler, Michael; Wang, Tiejun

    and decision support, [iii] receive a freely available, open, flexible and modifiable framework for easy establishment of new wetland observatories, for easy integration in existing observatory infrastructures and for easy adaptation to new requirements, e.g. changes in management processes.......Lack of data, appropriate information and challenges in human and institutional capacity put a serious constraint on effective monitoring and management of wetlands in Africa. Conventional data are often lacking in time or space, of poor quality or available at locations that are not necessarily...... for the conservation, wiseuse and effective management of wetlands in Africa and to provide African stakeholders with the necessary EO methods and tools to better fulfil their commitments and obligations towards the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. The main objective of GlobWetland Africa (GW-A) is to provide the major...

  20. National Wetland Condition Assessment 2011: A Collaborative Survey of the Nation's Wetlands (United States)

    The National Wetland Condition Assessment 2011: A Collaborative Survey presents the results of an unprecedented assessment of the nation’s wetlands. This report is part of the National Aquatic Resource Surveys, a series of statistically based surveys designed to provide the publi...

  1. Diversidad de árboles y arbustos en fragmentos de bosque seco tropical en río Hato, Panamá

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar R Lopez


    Full Text Available En fragmentos de bosque seco tropical en Río Hato, Panamá, estudiamos la composición florística según los árboles y arbustos. Establecimos 61 parcelas de 100 m2 distribuidas de forma aleatoria, totalizando 0.61 hectáreas. En cada unidad de muestreo medimos todos los individuos presentes con un DAP >5.0 cm. Encontramos un total de 52 especies de árboles representadas en veinticinco familias, de las cuales Fabaceae, Burseraceae, Myrtaceae y Rubiaceae aportan mayor número de especies (~35%. La especie Sloanea terniflora (Sessé & Moç. ex DC. Standl se encontró en más del 60.6% de los cuadrantes estudiados y resultó además ser la especie con mayor dominancia relativa (23%, seguida de Anacardium excelsum (Bertero & Balb. ex Kunth Skeels, que con solo quince individuos de grandes diámetros presentó una dominancia relativa del 10%. La diversidad promedio reveló índices intermedios (3.13 índice de Shannon. A pesar del bajo número de especies en comparación con otros BS-T de la región, los fragmentos en Río Hato conservan elementos florísticos de importancia ecológica y para la conservación de los bosques secos. Garcinia madruno (Kunth Hammel, una de las especies más abundante es clave en la producción de frutos para la fauna. Otras especies de importancia son Manilkara sapota (L. P. Royen y Copaifera aromatica Dwyer, las cuales aún son utilizadas como recurso maderero. Es prioritario para Panamá establecer estrategias de conservación que salvaguarden estos fragmentos como fuente de especies del bosque seco tropical y refugio para la vida silvestre.

  2. From Myth to Reality: The Experience of Sustainable Tourism in The Vale Encantado Community in Tijuca Forest, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Du mythe à la réalité : l'expérience du tourisme durable dans la communauté du Vale Encantado, Forêt de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil Del mito a la relidad : la experiencia del turismo sostenible en la comunidad de Vale Encantado, Bosque de Tijuca, Río de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Otávio Alves Barros


    reforestation et à la création du Parc national de Tijuca, en 1961. À présent et grâce au projet de tourisme durable, le Vale Encantado est devenu une référence en termes de cohabitation, d’intégration et de préservation de l’environnement local, et est reconnu comme « gardien de la forêt ».Considerado uno de los más grandes bosques urbanos del mundo y el tercero de Brasil, Floresta da Tijuca (Bosque de Tijuca, situado en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, se enfrenta al gran desafío de convivir de forma harmónica y sostenible con las 46 favelas situadas en su entorno. Una de estas comunidades, Vale Encantado, cuyo proceso de ocupación data de mediados del siglo XVIII, vivió los diversos ciclos productivos que en él se desarrollaron, pasando por la extracción de madera, explotación agrícola, ganadera y de plantas ornamentales, y extracción de granito negro. Estos ciclos productivos, en mayor o en menor grado, impactaron negativamente en el bosque nativo. Sin embargo, de manera simultánea a este proceso, la comunidad de Vale Encantado fue testigo de la implementación de esfuerzos de reconstitución y protección de este fragmento de Bosque Atlántico, mediante la reforestación y la creación del Parque Nacional da Tijuca, en 1961. Hoy, a través del proyecto de turismo sostenible y gastronomía social, Vale Encantado se ha convertido en referencia del proceso de convivencia, integración y protección del medioambiente local, pasando a ser reconocido como “guardián del bosque”.Considerada uma das maiores florestas urbanas do mundo e a terceira do Brasil, a Floresta da Tijuca, situada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, enfrenta o grande desafio de conviver de forma harmonica e sustentável com as 46 favelas situadas em seu entorno. Uma destas comunidades, o Vale Encantado, cujo processo de ocupação data de meados do século XVIII, vivenciou os diversos ciclos produtivos que nela se desenvolveram, passando pela extração de madeira, exploração agr


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    Rasal Maria


    Full Text Available Entre los meses de febrero y marzo de 2008 se realizaron inventarios que permitieronconocer el estado actual de la composición florística y la estructura de la vegetacióndel bosque montano neotropical de Lanchurán (4o38'S, 79o42'W, provinciade Ayabaca, región Piura, Perú. Se siguió el método propuesto por Gentry paramuestreo de plantas leñosas en dos sitios, Los Molinos y La Antena, para un totalde 0.5 ha; éstos fueron escogidos por sus características fisiográficas y florísticas.En ambos sitios el análisis de suelo reveló niveles bajos de materia orgánica,nitrógeno y potasio y niveles medios de fósforo asimilable. Se registraron, en elsitio Los Molinos, 399 individuos/0.25 ha con diámetro a la altura del pecho ≥ 2.5cm, correspondientes a 41 especies, 33 géneros y 25 familias, a lo que se suma unavegetación herbácea conformada por 82 especies, 75 géneros y 48 familias; y enel sitio La Antena, 86 especies, 67 géneros y 41 familias. Las familias presentescon mayor valor ecológico son comunes a la mayoría de los bosques montanos delnorte y noroeste del Perú, entre ellas Asteraceae, Lauraceae, Melastomataceae,Rubiaceae y Solanaceae. Para el sitio Los Molinos el Área Basal fue 89.23 m2,destacando la Lauraceae con la mayores valores de cobertura relativa, Índice deValor de Importancia y Valor de Importancia para la Familia con 38.9, 73.1 y 70.8,respectivamente. Se destaca la acción antrópica sobre la diversidad florística enambos sitios de estudio.

  4. Applicability Assessment of Uavsar Data in Wetland Monitoring: a Case Study of Louisiana Wetland (United States)

    Zhao, J.; Niu, Y.; Lu, Z.; Yang, J.; Li, P.; Liu, W.


    Wetlands are highly productive and support a wide variety of ecosystem goods and services. Monitoring wetland is essential and potential. Because of the repeat-pass nature of satellite orbit and airborne, time-series of remote sensing data can be obtained to monitor wetland. UAVSAR is a NASA L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor compact pod-mounted polarimetric instrument for interferometric repeat-track observations. Moreover, UAVSAR images can accurately map crustal deformations associated with natural hazards, such as volcanoes and earthquakes. And its polarization agility facilitates terrain and land-use classification and change detection. In this paper, the multi-temporal UAVSAR data are applied for monitoring the wetland change. Using the multi-temporal polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data, the change detection maps are obtained by unsupervised and supervised method. And the coherence is extracted from the interfometric SAR (InSAR) data to verify the accuracy of change detection map. The experimental results show that the multi-temporal UAVSAR data is fit for wetland monitor.

  5. Electromagnetic surveys to detect clay-rich sediment in the Rio Grande inner valley, Albuquerque area, New Mexico (United States)

    Bartolino, James R.; Sterling, Joseph M.


    Information on the presence of clay-rich layers in the inner-valley alluvium is essential for quantifying the amount of water transmitted between the Rio Grande and the Santa Fe Group aquifer system. This report describes a study that used electromagnetic surveys to provide this information. In the first phase of the study, electromagnetic soundings were made using time-domain and frequency-domain electro- magnetic methods. On the basis of these initial results, the time- domain method was judged ineffective because of cultural noise in the study area, so subsequent surveys were made using the frequency-domain method. For the second phase of the study, 31 frequency-domain electromagnetic surveys were conducted along the inner valley and parallel to the Rio Grande in the Albuquerque area in the spring and summer of 1997 to determine the presence of hydrologically significant clay-rich layers buried in the inner-valley alluvium. For this report, the 31 survey sections were combined into 10 composite sections for ease of interpretation. Terrain-conductivity data from the surveys were modeled using interpretation software to produce geoelectric cross sections along the survey lines. This modeling used lithologic logs from two wells installed near the survey lines: the Bosque South and Rio Bravo 5 wells. Because of cultural interference, location of the wells and soundings, complex stratigraphy, and difficulty interpreting lithology, such interpretation was inconclusive. Instead, a decision process based on modeling results was developed using vertical and horizontal dipole 40-meter intercoil spacing terrain-conductivity values. Values larger than or equal to 20 millisiemens per meter were interpreted to contain a hydrologically significant thickness of clay-rich sediment. Thus, clay-rich sediment was interpreted to underlie seven segments of the 10 composited survey lines, totaling at least 2,660 meters of the Rio Grande inner valley. The longest of these clay

  6. Do mito à realidade : a esperiência de turismo sustentável na communidade Do Vale Encatando, Floresta de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil From Myth to Reality: The Experience of Sustainable in The Vale Encantado Community in Tijuca Forest, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Du mythe à la réalité : l'expérience du tourisme durable dans la communauté du Vale Encantado, Forêt de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil Del mito a la relidad : la experiencia del turismo sostenible en la comunidad de Vale Encantado, Bosque de Tijuca, Río de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Otávio Alves Barros


    reforestation et à la création du Parc national de Tijuca, en 1961. À présent et grâce au projet de tourisme durable, le Vale Encantado est devenu une référence en termes de cohabitation, d’intégration et de préservation de l’environnement local, et est reconnu comme « gardien de la forêt ».Considerado uno de los más grandes bosques urbanos del mundo y el tercero de Brasil, Floresta da Tijuca (Bosque de Tijuca, situado en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, se enfrenta al gran desafío de convivir de forma harmónica y sostenible con las 46 favelas situadas en su entorno. Una de estas comunidades, Vale Encantado, cuyo proceso de ocupación data de mediados del siglo XVIII, vivió los diversos ciclos productivos que en él se desarrollaron, pasando por la extracción de madera, explotación agrícola, ganadera y de plantas ornamentales, y extracción de granito negro. Estos ciclos productivos, en mayor o en menor grado, impactaron negativamente en el bosque nativo. Sin embargo, de manera simultánea a este proceso, la comunidad de Vale Encantado fue testigo de la implementación de esfuerzos de reconstitución y protección de este fragmento de Bosque Atlántico, mediante la reforestación y la creación del Parque Nacional da Tijuca, en 1961. Hoy, a través del proyecto de turismo sostenible y gastronomía social, Vale Encantado se ha convertido en referencia del proceso de convivencia, integración y protección del medioambiente local, pasando a ser reconocido como “guardián del bosque”.Considerada uma das maiores florestas urbanas do mundo e a terceira do Brasil, a Floresta da Tijuca, situada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, enfrenta o grande desafio de conviver de forma harmonica e sustentável com as 46 favelas situadas em seu entorno. Uma destas comunidades, o Vale Encantado, cujo processo de ocupação data de meados do século XVIII, vivenciou os diversos ciclos produtivos que nela se desenvolveram, passando pela extração de madeira, exploração agr

  7. Wetland Mitigation Monitoring at the Fernald Preserve - 13200

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Powell, Jane [Fernald Preserve Site Manager, DOE Office of Legacy Management, Harrison, Ohio (United States); Bien, Stephanie; Decker, Ashlee; Homer, John [Environmental Scientist, S.M. Stoller Corporation, Harrison, Ohio (United States); Wulker, Brian [Intern, S.M. Stoller Corporation, Harrison, Ohio (United States)


    The U.S. Department of Energy is responsible for 7.2 hectares (17.8 acres) of mitigation wetland at the Fernald Preserve, Ohio. Remedial activities affected the wetlands, and mitigation plans were incorporated into site-wide ecological restoration planning. In 2008, the Fernald Natural Resource Trustees developed a comprehensive wetland mitigation monitoring approach to evaluate whether compensatory mitigation requirements have been met. The Fernald Preserve Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan provided a guideline for wetland evaluations. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) wetland mitigation monitoring protocols were adopted as the means for compensatory wetland evaluation. Design, hydrologic regime, vegetation, wildlife, and biogeochemistry were evaluated from 2009 to 2011. Evaluations showed mixed results when compared to the Ohio EPA performance standards. Results of vegetation monitoring varied, with the best results occurring in wetlands adjacent to forested areas. Amphibians, particularly ambystomatid salamanders, were observed in two areas adjacent to forested areas. Not all wetlands met vegetation performance standards and amphibian biodiversity metrics. However, Fernald mitigation wetlands showed substantially higher ratings compared to other mitigated wetlands in Ohio. Also, soil sampling results remain consistent with other Ohio mitigated wetlands. The performance standards are not intended to be 'pass/fail' criteria; rather, they are reference points for use in making decisions regarding future monitoring and maintenance. The Trustees approved the Fernald Preserve Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Report with the provision that long-term monitoring of the wetlands continues at the Fernald Preserve. (authors)

  8. Wetland Mitigation Monitoring at the Fernald Preserve - 13200

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, Jane; Bien, Stephanie; Decker, Ashlee; Homer, John; Wulker, Brian


    The U.S. Department of Energy is responsible for 7.2 hectares (17.8 acres) of mitigation wetland at the Fernald Preserve, Ohio. Remedial activities affected the wetlands, and mitigation plans were incorporated into site-wide ecological restoration planning. In 2008, the Fernald Natural Resource Trustees developed a comprehensive wetland mitigation monitoring approach to evaluate whether compensatory mitigation requirements have been met. The Fernald Preserve Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan provided a guideline for wetland evaluations. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) wetland mitigation monitoring protocols were adopted as the means for compensatory wetland evaluation. Design, hydrologic regime, vegetation, wildlife, and biogeochemistry were evaluated from 2009 to 2011. Evaluations showed mixed results when compared to the Ohio EPA performance standards. Results of vegetation monitoring varied, with the best results occurring in wetlands adjacent to forested areas. Amphibians, particularly ambystomatid salamanders, were observed in two areas adjacent to forested areas. Not all wetlands met vegetation performance standards and amphibian biodiversity metrics. However, Fernald mitigation wetlands showed substantially higher ratings compared to other mitigated wetlands in Ohio. Also, soil sampling results remain consistent with other Ohio mitigated wetlands. The performance standards are not intended to be 'pass/fail' criteria; rather, they are reference points for use in making decisions regarding future monitoring and maintenance. The Trustees approved the Fernald Preserve Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Report with the provision that long-term monitoring of the wetlands continues at the Fernald Preserve. (authors)

  9. Why are wetlands important? (United States)

    Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, comparable to rain forests and coral reefs. An immense variety of species of microbes, plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and mammals can be part of a wetland ecosystem.

  10. History of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program at Universidad el Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia. (United States)

    Castro-Núñez, Jaime


    The formal training of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Colombia started in 1958 at Hospital Sanjos6, thanks to the titanic work of Waldemar Wilhelm, a German-born surgeon who settled in BogotA in 1950. Today there are seven institutions in Colombia that offer residency programs in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The aim of this article is to describe the history of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program at Universidad El Bosque in Bogota.

  11. Are isolated wetlands groundwater recharge hotspots? (United States)

    Webb, A.; Wicks, C. M.; Brantley, S. T.; Golladay, S. W.


    Geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs) are a common landscape feature in the mantled karst terrain of the Dougherty Plain physiographic district in Southwestern Georgia. These wetlands support a high diversity of obligate/facultative wetland flora and fauna, including several endangered species. While the ecological value of these wetlands is well documented, the hydrologic effects of GIWs on larger watershed processes, such as water storage and aquifer recharge, are less clear. Our project seeks to understand the spatial and temporal variation in recharge across GIWs on this mantled karst landscape. In particular, our first step is to understand the role of isolated wetlands (presumed sinkholes) in delivering water into the underlying aquifer. Our hypothesis is that many GIWs are actually water-filled sinkholes and are locations of focused recharge feeding either the underlying upper Floridan aquifer or the nearby creeks. If we are correct, then these sinkholes should exhibit "drains", i.e., conduits into the limestone bedrock. Thus, the purposes of our initial study are to image the soil-limestone contact (the buried epikarstic surface) and determine if possible subsurface drains exist. Our field work was conducted at the Joseph W Jones Ecological Research Center. During the dry season, we conducted ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys as grids and lines across a large wetland and across a field with no surface expression of a wetland or sinkhole. We used GPR (200 MHz antenna) with 1-m spacing between antenna and a ping rate of 1 ping per 40 centimeters. Our results show that the epikarstic surface exhibits a drain underneath the wetland (sinkhole) and that no similar feature was seen under the field, even though the survey grid and spacing were similar. As our project progresses, we will survey additional wetlands occurring across varying soil types to determine the spatial distribution between surface wetlands and subsurface drains.

  12. Estructura y estado de conservación de los bosques de Prosopis flexuosa D.C. (Fabaceae, subfamilia: Mimosoideae en el noreste de Mendoza (Argentina Structure and conservative condition of the Prosopis flexuosa D.C. (Fabaceae, subfamily: Mimosoideae woodlands in northeast Mendoza (Argentina

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    Full Text Available La recomendación de normas de manejo que regulen el uso de los recursos forestales debe estar basada en el conocimiento de la estructura y dinámica de los mismos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la estructura poblacional de las principales unidades boscosas del bosque de Prosopis flexuosa del noreste de Mendoza, sus condiciones sanitarias y su potencial productivo. Se muestrearon un total de 1.471 algarrobos en las cuatro unidades boscosas más representativas. La densidad total de algarrobos fue la siguiente: bosque semicerrado de P. flexuosa con Atriplex lampa y Lycium tenuispinosum en valles intermédanos (Bosque 1: 181 árboles ha-1, bosque abierto de P. flexuosa con Trichomaria usillo y Suaeda divaricata en ondulaciones (Bosque 2: 155 árboles ha-1, bosque abierto de P. flexuosa con T. usillo (Bosque 3: 233 árboles ha-1 y bosque abierto de P. flexuosa con A. lampa en ondulaciones suaves (Bosque 4: 215 árboles ha-1. El análisis de componentes principales de la estructura diamétrica agrupó los sitios relevados en las distintas unidades boscosas según la proporción de árboles de diámetro basal mayor a 25 cm. Los sitios del Bosque 1 (mayor proporción de árboles grandes, se separaron de los sitios con mayor proporción árboles pequeños (bosques 2 y 4. Debido al hábito de crecimiento de los algarrobos, la cantidad de productos maderables de estos bosques es baja. Además, P. flexuosa presenta en el área un porcentaje alto de individuos con más de dos fustes, la forma en muchos casos es decumbente y la altura de los fustes es menor a un metro. Por lo tanto, el potencial forestal del bosque es bajo y el posible aprovechamiento debería realizarse a escala local, considerando la inclusión de otras actividades complementarias en zonas establecidas para tal finThe recommendation of management rules that regulate the use of forest resources must be based on the knowledge of the structure and dynamics of forests. This work

  13. Description of the Wetlands Research Programme

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Walmsley, RD


    Full Text Available This report presents a rationale to the development of a multidisciplinary South African Wetland Research Programme. A definition of what is meant by the term wetland is given along with a general description of what types of wetland occur in South...


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    López Wilson


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la tasa de recambio fl orístico en bosques de alta montaña (por encima delos 1500 m.s.n.m. al nivel taxonómico de géneros en dos áreas geográfi cas y surelación con factores espaciales, climáticos y históricos. Las áreas defi nidas fueron:1 Colombia, la cual se defi ne para los sitios en este país localizados alrededor delEcuador geográfi co; y 2 Neotrópico: sitios externos a Colombia más distantesdel Ecuador geográfi co. Las preguntas a responder fueron: ¿Qué tan comparablesson las tasas de recambio fl orístico de géneros en las diferentes áreas geográfi cas?y ¿Qué tan similares son los factores que controlan la distribución de géneros?La diversidad beta fue diferente según el área geográfi ca. La variación climática,representada por la precipitación, fue más relevante a escala del neotrópico, mientrasque la variación altitudinal lo fue a escala de Colombia. Los patrones de distribuciónal nivel de género, fueron poco congruentes con los reportados a nivel de especiesen bosques montanos del neotrópico, especialmente cuando se consideraron datoscercanos alrededor del Ecuador geográfi co en Colombia.

  15. Urban wetlands: restoration or designed rehabilitation?

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    Beth Ravit


    Full Text Available The continuing loss of urban wetlands due to an expanding human population and urban development pressures makes restoration or creation of urban wetlands a high priority. However, urban wetland restorations are particularly challenging due to altered hydrologic patterns, a high proportion of impervious surface and stormwater runoff, degraded urban soils, historic contamination, and competitive pressure from non-native species. Urban wetland projects must also consider human-desired socio-economic benefits. We argue that using current wetland restoration approaches and existing regulatory “success” criteria, such as meeting restoration targets for vegetation structure based on reference sites in non-urban locations, will result in “failed” urban restorations. Using three wetland Case Studies in highly urbanized locations, we describe geophysical tools, stormwater management methods, and design approaches useful in addressing urban challenges and in supporting “successful” urban rehabilitation outcomes. We suggest that in human-dominated landscapes, the current paradigm of “restoration” to a previous state must shift to a paradigm of “rehabilitation”, which prioritizes wetland functions and values rather than vegetation structure in order to provide increased ecological benefits and much needed urban open space amenities.

  16. The study of Phosphorus distribution at Putrajaya Wetland (United States)

    Mubin Zahari, Nazirul; Malek, Nur Farzana Fasiha Abdul; Fai, Chow Ming; Humaira Haron, Siti; Hafiz Zawawi, Mohd; Nazmi Ismail, Iszmir; Mohamad, Daud; Syamsir, Agusril; Sidek, Lariyah Mohd; Zakwan Ramli, Mohd; Ismail, Norfariza; Zubir Sapian, Ahmad; Noordin, Normaliza; Rahaman, Nurliyana Abdul; Muhamad, Yahzam; Mat Saman, Jarina


    This study is concerning phosphorus distribution in Putrajaya Wetland. Phosphorus is one of the important component in nutrients for living things be it aquatic or non – aquatic organisms. Total phosphorus (TP) results will give some information on the trophic status of surface water in water bodies. The focus of this study is to determine the total phosphorus concentration in Putrajaya Wetland which is in the inlet of the wetland then outlet of the wetland (Central Wetland Lake). The water sample is taken from Putrajaya Wetland and the test was conducted in the laboratory. The result from this study shows the results for total phosphorus according to month, sampling station and cells. Lowest total phosphate at the Central Wetland compare with all the wetland arms cells.

  17. Development of an indicator to monitor mediterranean wetlands. (United States)

    Sanchez, Antonio; Abdul Malak, Dania; Guelmami, Anis; Perennou, Christian


    Wetlands are sensitive ecosystems that are increasingly subjected to threats from anthropogenic factors. In the last decades, coastal Mediterranean wetlands have been suffering considerable pressures from land use change, intensification of urban growth, increasing tourism infrastructure and intensification of agricultural practices. Remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques are efficient tools that can support monitoring Mediterranean coastal wetlands on large scales and over long periods of time. The study aims at developing a wetland indicator to support monitoring Mediterranean coastal wetlands using these techniques. The indicator makes use of multi-temporal Landsat images, land use reference layers, a 50m numerical model of the territory (NMT) and Corine Land Cover (CLC) for the identification and mapping of wetlands. The approach combines supervised image classification techniques making use of vegetation indices and decision tree analysis to identify the surface covered by wetlands at a given date. A validation process is put in place to compare outcomes with existing local wetland inventories to check the results reliability. The indicator´s results demonstrate an improvement in the level of precision of change detection methods achieved by traditional tools providing reliability up to 95% in main wetland areas. The results confirm that the use of RS techniques improves the precision of wetland detection compared to the use of CLC for wetland monitoring and stress the strong relation between the level of wetland detection and the nature of the wetland areas and the monitoring scale considered.

  18. Recreating wetland ecosystems in an oil sands disturbed landscape : Suncor consolidated-tailings demonstration wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daly, C. [Suncor Energy, Fort McMurray, AB (Canada). Aquatic Reclamation Research; Tedder, W.; Marlowe, P. [Golder Associates Ltd., Calgary, AB (Canada). Oil Sands Div.


    Open pit oil sands mining involves the disturbance of thin overburden covers of Boreal forest lands that must be returned to equivalent land capability after mining activities have ceased. Before mining starts, any wetlands are drained, timber is harvested, and peat, topsoils and subsoils are stockpiled for later use. This article discussed wetland reclamation activities conducted by Suncor Energy at its open pit mining operations. Research facilities were constructed in order to determine if wetlands constructed with consolidated tailings (CT) and pond effluent water (PEW) were able to support a sustainable vegetation community. Thirty-three cat-tail plots were established at the facility as well as unplanted plots in order to determine how quickly natural establishment occurred. Shoreline plug transplants and transplants from a natural saline lake were also introduced. Within 5 years, over 23 plant species had naturally colonized the CT wetlands. However, diversity was lower in CT and PEW-constructed wetlands. It was concluded that the application of a native peat-mineral mix soil may help to increase plant diversity. 20 refs., 5 figs.

  19. Wetlands in changed landscapes: the influence of habitat transformation on the physico-chemistry of temporary depression wetlands. (United States)

    Bird, Matthew S; Day, Jenny A


    Temporary wetlands dominate the wet season landscape of temperate, semi-arid and arid regions, yet, other than their direct loss to development and agriculture, little information exists on how remaining wetlands have been altered by anthropogenic conversion of surrounding landscapes. This study investigates relationships between the extent and type of habitat transformation around temporary wetlands and their water column physico-chemical characteristics. A set of 90 isolated depression wetlands (seasonally inundated) occurring on coastal plains of the south-western Cape mediterranean-climate region of South Africa was sampled during the winter/spring wet season of 2007. Wetlands were sampled across habitat transformation gradients according to the areal cover of agriculture, urban development and alien invasive vegetation within 100 and 500 m radii of each wetland edge. We hypothesized that the principal drivers of physico-chemical conditions in these wetlands (e.g. soil properties, basin morphology) are altered by habitat transformation. Multivariate multiple regression analyses (distance-based Redundancy Analysis) indicated significant associations between wetland physico-chemistry and habitat transformation (overall transformation within 100 and 500 m, alien vegetation cover within 100 and 500 m, urban cover within 100 m); although for significant regressions the amount of variation explained was very low (range: ∼2 to ∼5.5%), relative to that explained by purely spatio-temporal factors (range: ∼35.5 to ∼43%). The nature of the relationships between each type of transformation in the landscape and individual physico-chemical variables in wetlands were further explored with univariate multiple regressions. Results suggest that conservation of relatively narrow (∼100 m) buffer strips around temporary wetlands is likely to be effective in the maintenance of natural conditions in terms of physico-chemical water quality.

  20. Wetlands in changed landscapes: the influence of habitat transformation on the physico-chemistry of temporary depression wetlands.

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    Matthew S Bird

    Full Text Available Temporary wetlands dominate the wet season landscape of temperate, semi-arid and arid regions, yet, other than their direct loss to development and agriculture, little information exists on how remaining wetlands have been altered by anthropogenic conversion of surrounding landscapes. This study investigates relationships between the extent and type of habitat transformation around temporary wetlands and their water column physico-chemical characteristics. A set of 90 isolated depression wetlands (seasonally inundated occurring on coastal plains of the south-western Cape mediterranean-climate region of South Africa was sampled during the winter/spring wet season of 2007. Wetlands were sampled across habitat transformation gradients according to the areal cover of agriculture, urban development and alien invasive vegetation within 100 and 500 m radii of each wetland edge. We hypothesized that the principal drivers of physico-chemical conditions in these wetlands (e.g. soil properties, basin morphology are altered by habitat transformation. Multivariate multiple regression analyses (distance-based Redundancy Analysis indicated significant associations between wetland physico-chemistry and habitat transformation (overall transformation within 100 and 500 m, alien vegetation cover within 100 and 500 m, urban cover within 100 m; although for significant regressions the amount of variation explained was very low (range: ∼2 to ∼5.5%, relative to that explained by purely spatio-temporal factors (range: ∼35.5 to ∼43%. The nature of the relationships between each type of transformation in the landscape and individual physico-chemical variables in wetlands were further explored with univariate multiple regressions. Results suggest that conservation of relatively narrow (∼100 m buffer strips around temporary wetlands is likely to be effective in the maintenance of natural conditions in terms of physico-chemical water quality.

  1. Wetlands - an underestimated economic resource?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gren, I.M.; Soederqvist, T.


    Wetlands are producing several valuable resources like fish, potential for recreation, water cleaning etc. These resources, and methods for assigning an economic value to them, are discussed in this article. Swedish and foreign empirical studies of the economic value of wetlands are reviewed. This review shows that socioeconomic estimates of the value of wetlands risk to be misleading if the direct and indirect values are not properly accounted for. 37 refs

  2. Feasibility of using geothermal effluents for waterfowl wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using geothermal effluents for developing and maintaining waterfowl wetlands. Information in the document pertains to a seven State area the West where geothermal resources have development potential. Information is included on physiochemical characteristics of geothermal effluents; known effects of constituents in the water on a wetland ecosystem and water quality criteria for maintaining a viable wetland; potential of sites for wetland development and disposal of effluent water from geothermal facilities; methods of disposal of effluents, including advantages of each method and associated costs; legal and institutional constraints which could affect geothermal wetland development; potential problems associated with depletion of geothermal resources and subsidence of wetland areas; potential interference (adverse and beneficial) of wetlands with ground water; special considerations for wetlands requirements including size, flows, and potential water usage; and final conclusions and recommendations for suitable sites for developing demonstration wetlands.

  3. 7 CFR 1410.10 - Restoration of wetlands. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Restoration of wetlands. 1410.10 Section 1410.10... Restoration of wetlands. (a) An owner or operator who entered into a CRP contract on land that is suitable for restoration to wetlands or that was restored to wetlands while under such contract, may, if approved by CCC...





    Las epífitas vasculares son un componente importante de los bosques altoandinos. Para determinar su composición en la región nororiental y si la incidencia de luz afecta su distribución, se estudiaron por un año dos localidades, Monteadentro y Escorial; ubicadas sobre la cordillera oriental de los Andes Colombianos entre 2950- 3000m. En cada una se hicieron 10 parcelas de 10x10m, censándose los forófitos y diferenciando: Estrato1, desde la base- 5m; Estrato2, de 5- 10 m, y Estrato3, 10 m- en ...

  5. Wetland restoration, flood pulsing, and disturbance dynamics (United States)

    Middleton, Beth A.


    While it is generally accepted that flood pulsing and disturbance dynamics are critical to wetland viability, there is as yet no consensus among those responsible for wetland restoration about how best to plan for those phenomena or even whether it is really necessary to do so at all. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Beth Middleton draws upon the latest research from around the world to build a strong case for making flood pulsing and disturbance dynamics integral to the wetland restoration planning process.While the initial chapters of the book are devoted to laying the conceptual foundations, most of the coverage is concerned with demonstrating the practical implications for wetland restoration and management of the latest ecological theory and research. It includes a fascinating case history section in which Dr. Middleton explores the restoration models used in five major North American, European, Australian, African, and Asian wetland projects, and analyzes their relative success from the perspective of flood pulsing and disturbance dynamics planning.Wetland Restoration also features a wealth of practical information useful to all those involved in wetland restoration and management, including: * A compendium of water level tolerances, seed germination, seedling recruitment, adult survival rates, and other key traits of wetland plant species * A bibliography of 1,200 articles and monographs covering all aspects of wetland restoration * A comprehensive directory of wetland restoration ftp sites worldwide * An extensive glossary of essential terms

  6. 78 FR 68719 - Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands (United States)


    ... of wetlands in Sec. 55.2(b)(11) to cover manmade wetlands in order to ensure that wetlands built for...] RIN 2501-AD51 Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD... wetlands and floodplains. With respect to wetlands, the rule codifies existing procedures for Executive...



    Marcos Casiano; Fernando Paz


    La caracterización de la fenología de la vegetación, particularmente la asociada a los bosques tropicales caducifolios, permite predecir los impactos del cambio climático y de los intercambios de carbono y agua entre la atmósfera y la vegetación, por lo que es importante modelarla. Existen diferentes métodos experimentales para caracterizar la fenología de la vegetación, sin embargo, el uso de sensores remotos permite caracterizaciones fenológicas de bajo costo y eficientes. No obstante lo an...

  8. Functional roles of wetlands: a case study of the coastal wetlands of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Coastal Wetland of the study area is used extensively for a large number of activities. It is also threatened because of their vulnerability and attractiveness for development. These therefore prompted a study of the Wetlands for a period of 18 months (July 1997 – December 1998) to identify the functional roles that ...

  9. Structural and functional loss in restored wetland ecosystems.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Moreno-Mateos


    Full Text Available Wetlands are among the most productive and economically valuable ecosystems in the world. However, because of human activities, over half of the wetland ecosystems existing in North America, Europe, Australia, and China in the early 20th century have been lost. Ecological restoration to recover critical ecosystem services has been widely attempted, but the degree of actual recovery of ecosystem functioning and structure from these efforts remains uncertain. Our results from a meta-analysis of 621 wetland sites from throughout the world show that even a century after restoration efforts, biological structure (driven mostly by plant assemblages, and biogeochemical functioning (driven primarily by the storage of carbon in wetland soils, remained on average 26% and 23% lower, respectively, than in reference sites. Either recovery has been very slow, or postdisturbance systems have moved towards alternative states that differ from reference conditions. We also found significant effects of environmental settings on the rate and degree of recovery. Large wetland areas (>100 ha and wetlands restored in warm (temperate and tropical climates recovered more rapidly than smaller wetlands and wetlands restored in cold climates. Also, wetlands experiencing more (riverine and tidal hydrologic exchange recovered more rapidly than depressional wetlands. Restoration performance is limited: current restoration practice fails to recover original levels of wetland ecosystem functions, even after many decades. If restoration as currently practiced is used to justify further degradation, global loss of wetland ecosystem function and structure will spread.

  10. Engineered wetlands for on-site groundwater remediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallace, S.; Davis, B.M.


    Engineered wetlands have been touted as an emerging technology for the in situ remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil and water. They incorporate a horizontal subsurface flow gravel bed reactor lined with impermeable liners, and are equipped with forced bed aeration systems that enhance oxygen delivery to the wetland's aerobic micro-organisms. Engineered wetlands generally emphasize specific characteristics of wetland ecosystems to improve treatment capacities. Design parameters include biodegradation rate coefficients, flowrate, hydraulic residence time plus influent and required effluent concentrations. This paper described the installation of an engineered wetland system at a former British Petroleum (BP) refinery in Wyoming where a pipeline terminal generated contact wastewater containing benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) and ammonia. The wetland treatment system was designed to treat 6000 m 3 of contaminated ground water per day and has been in operation since May 2003. It was concluded that engineered wetlands can offer long-term solutions to site remediation challenges. 16 refs., 3 tabs., 6 figs

  11. Wetland Restoration and Sediment Removal (United States)

    Department of the Interior — In 2008, Minnesota’s Private Lands Program and Wetland Management Districts began to compare different methods of restoring prairie pothole wetlands to see if there...

  12. Geographically isolated wetlands: Rethinking a misnomer (United States)

    Mushet, David M.; Calhoun, Aram J.K.; Alexander, Laurie C.; Cohen, Matthew J.; DeKeyser, Edward S.; Fowler, Laurie G.; Lane, Charles R.; Lang, Megan W.; Rains, Mark C.; Walls, Susan


    We explore the category “geographically isolated wetlands” (GIWs; i.e., wetlands completely surrounded by uplands at the local scale) as used in the wetland sciences. As currently used, the GIW category (1) hampers scientific efforts by obscuring important hydrological and ecological differences among multiple wetland functional types, (2) aggregates wetlands in a manner not reflective of regulatory and management information needs, (3) implies wetlands so described are in some way “isolated,” an often incorrect implication, (4) is inconsistent with more broadly used and accepted concepts of “geographic isolation,” and (5) has injected unnecessary confusion into scientific investigations and discussions. Instead, we suggest other wetland classification systems offer more informative alternatives. For example, hydrogeomorphic (HGM) classes based on well-established scientific definitions account for wetland functional diversity thereby facilitating explorations into questions of connectivity without an a priori designation of “isolation.” Additionally, an HGM-type approach could be used in combination with terms reflective of current regulatory or policymaking needs. For those rare cases in which the condition of being surrounded by uplands is the relevant distinguishing characteristic, use of terminology that does not unnecessarily imply isolation (e.g., “upland embedded wetlands”) would help alleviate much confusion caused by the “geographically isolated wetlands” misnomer.

  13. Late Quaternary palaeolakes, rivers, and wetlands on the Bolivian Altiplano and their palaeoclimatic implications (United States)

    Rigsby, Catherine A.; Platt Bradbury, J.; Baker, Paul A.; Rollins, Stephanie M.; Warren, Michelle R.


    Drill cores of sediments from the Rio Desaguadero valley, Bolivia, provide new information about the climate of tropical South America over the past 50 000 years. The modern Rio Desaguadero is fed by Lake Titicaca overflow (and by local tributaries) in the wetter northern Altiplano and discharges into Lake Poopo in the more arid central Altiplano. During the late Quaternary the Rio Desaguadero valley was the site of several generations of palaeolakes and wetlands that formed during periods of increased precipitation and local runoff, augmented by increased overflow from Lake Titicaca. Sediments recovered by drilling in eight localities along the 390-km long valley of the Rio Desaguadero yield a regional history of lacustrine sedimentation and effective precipitation. Lacustrine strata in the drill cores record 12 distinct wet periods in the past 50 000 years. Four of these wet periods resulted in the formation of major palaeolakes in the Rio Desaguadero valley: during the last glacial maximum from before 20 000 to 16 000 cal. yr BP, during the late glacial from about 14 000 to 12 000 cal. yr BP, in the early Holocene from about 10 000 to 7900 cal. yr BP, and in the late Holocene from 4500 cal. yrBP to present. The period that appears to have been most arid was between 7900 and 4500cal.yrBP. The Altiplano wet periods were generally synchronous with North Atlantic cold events (respectively, the last glacial maximum, the Younger Dryas, the 8200cal.yrBP event, and the Neoglacial) implying a relationship between past precipitation variability in tropical South America and North Atlantic sea-surface temperature.

  14. 40 CFR 230.41 - Wetlands. (United States)


    ... through secondary impacts. Discharging fill material in wetlands as part of municipal, industrial or recreational development may modify the capacity of wetlands to retain and store floodwaters and to serve as a...

  15. On leadership and success in professional wetland science (United States)

    The Society of Wetland Scientists and the wetland profession are fortunate to have an abundance of leaders. These leaders respond to the needs of the Society for guidance and direction. They also consistently advance wetland science and improve the quality of wetland management...

  16. Metazoan endoparasites of Serrasalmus marginatus (Characiformes: Serrasalminae in the Negro River, Pantanal, Brazil Metazoários endoparasitos de Serrasalmus marginatus (Characiformes: Serrasalminae no Rio Negro, Pantanal, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wagner Vicentin


    Full Text Available In order to inventory the metazoan endoparasites of Serrasalmus marginatus, 91 specimens were examined. They were captured in the Negro River in Pantanal wetland, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Central-Western Brazil, from October 2007 to August 2008. Parasites of six taxa were recovered: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus inopinatus, Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda, metacercarial type Diplostomulum (Digenea, Brevimulticaecum sp. (Nematoda and Sebekia oxycephala, Subtriquetra sp. 1 and Subtriquetra sp. 2 (Pentastomida. The latter five species are reported for the first time in S. marginatus.Com o objetivo de inventariar os metazoários endoparasitos em Serrasalmus marginatus, no Rio Negro, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, foram examinados 91 espécimes capturados no período de outubro de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Foram registrados seis táxons parasitos: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus inopinatus, Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda, metacercária do tipo Diplostomulum (Digenea; Brevimulticaecum sp. (Nematoda; e Sebekia oxycephala, Subtriquetra sp. 1 e Subtriquetra sp. 2 (Pentastomida. As últimas cinco espécies citadas são registradas pela primeira vez em S. marginatus.

  17. Wetland Program Development Grants (WPDGs) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Wetland Grant Database (WGD) houses grant data for Wetland Program Development Grants (created by EPA in 1990 under the Clean Water Act Section 104(b)(3)...

  18. Impacto das capinas mecânica e química do sub-bosque de Eucalyptus grandis sobre a comunidade de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae Impact of mechanical and chemical weedings of Eucalyptus grandis undergrowth on an ant community (Hymenoptera: Formicidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucimeire de Souza Ramos


    Full Text Available O efeito das capinas mecânica e química do sub-bosque em plantações de eucaliptos e as conseqüências desses tratamentos sobre a comunidade de formigas foram avaliados no município de Bom Despacho, Minas Gerais, Brasil. As formigas foram coletadas com o extrator de Winkler. Coletou-se um total de 86 espécies, pertencentes a seis subfamílias. Oito dias após as capinas, o número de espécies reduziu-se de um quarto para os dois tipos de capina. Sessenta dias após, o número de espécies tendeu a retornar ao estágio inicial, verificando-se que a eliminação do sub-bosque causa efeito deletério imediato, de igual intensidade e de pouca duração sobre a comunidade de formigas. As razões das variações observadas serão discutidas.The effect of mechanical and chemical undergrowth weedings on an ant community was tested in eucalypts plantations and the consequences of such treatments were evaluated at Bom Despacho, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The ants were collected by applying the Winkler trap method. Eighty-six species of six sub-families were found. Eight days after the clearings, the number of species dropped to 1/4 in both weedings systems. Sixty days later, the number of species tended to return to the initial level, showing that undergrowth elimination caused an immediate depressive effect on the ant community of similar intensity and over a short time. The reasons of the variations observed are discussed.

  19. Diversidade de habitats físicos e sua relação com macroinvertebrados bentônicos em reservatórios urbanos em Minas Gerais

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    Joseline Molozzi


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados os efeitos da estrutura física de habitats em comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em três reservatórios: Serra Azul (SA, Vargem das Flores (FV e Ibirité (IB. Mensurações de variáveis físicas e químicas e comunidade bentônica foram realizadas em 30 estações de amostragem em cada reservatório. Em SA, foram coletados 12 táxons com predomínio de Melanoides tuberculatus Müller, 1774 (15,2% e Chaoboridae (63,8%. Em VF foram coletados 11 táxons sendo M. tuberculatus (34,2% e Oligochaeta (33,6% os dominantes. Em IB foram coletados 7 táxons com domínio de M. tuberculatus (91,2% e Chaoboridae (6,27%. Em Serra Azul foi observada influência significativa do sub-bosque arbustivo e do ângulo de inclinação do barranco. Nos reservatórios de Ibirité e Vargem das Flores as variáveis significativas foram cobertura do solo, influência humana e macrófitas aquáticas. Concluímos que as ações humanas reduzem a cobertura da vegetação terrestre e a complexidade de habitats físicos na região litorâneos dos reservatórios, levando a uma redução na qualidade de água. Essas mudanças, por sua vez, reduzem a riqueza taxonômica dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos.

  20. 7 CFR 12.30 - NRCS responsibilities regarding wetlands. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false NRCS responsibilities regarding wetlands. 12.30 Section 12.30 Agriculture Office of the Secretary of Agriculture HIGHLY ERODIBLE LAND AND WETLAND CONSERVATION Wetland Conservation § 12.30 NRCS responsibilities regarding wetlands. (a) Technical and...

  1. Working group report on wetlands, wildlife and fisheries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maltby, L.


    A workshop was held to discuss the impacts of climatic change on wetlands, wildlife and fisheries. Impacts that could occur as a result of climatic change include: sea level rise affecting coastal wetlands by inundation, erosion and saltwater intrusion; temperature rise/moisture balance changes on other wetlands; lake level changes affecting shoreline wetlands; vegetation species/community modification of biological systems; and changes in values derived from wetlands impacting socio-economic systems. The Great Lakes shoreline is considered to be at high risk, and it is predicted that there will be profound effects on the ecological and socio-economic value of the Great Lakes wetlands. Presentations were given on wildlife as biological indicators, modelling the effects of climate warming on the stream habitats of brook trout, and the effects of an altered water regime on Great Lakes coastal wetlands. It was concluded that a fundamental research program of an interdisciplinary nature be established to determine current linkages of climatic variables to the function, distribution and productivity of wetlands and associated fish and wildlife resources. A national wetlands monitoring network should be established to trace the influence of climatic variables on wetlands and fish, to identify environmental indicators for reporting and to complement other monitoring programs

  2. Mapping long-term wetland response to climate (United States)

    Zhou, Q.; Gallant, A.; Rover, J.


    Wetlands provide unique feeding and breeding habitat for numerous waterfowl species. The distribution of wetlands has been considerably changed due to agricultural land conversion and hydrologic modification. Climate change may further impact wetlands through altered moisture regimes. This study characterized long-term variation in wetland conditions by using dense time series from all available Landsat data from 1985 to 2014. We extracted harmonic frequencies from 30 years to two years to delineate the long-term variation in all seven Landsat bands. A cluster analysis and unsupervised classification then enabled us to map different classes of wetland response. We demonstrated the method in the Prairie Pothole Region in North Dakota.

  3. Pipeline corridors through wetlands - summary of seventeen plant-community studies at ten wetland crossings. Topical report, February 1990--August 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Dyke, G.D. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)]|[Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, IL (United States); Shem, L.M.; Wilkey, P.L.; Zimmerman, R.E.; Alsum, S.K. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)


    As part of the Gas Research Institute Wetland Corridors Program, Argonne National Laboratory conducted field studies on 10 wetland crossings located in six states to document impacts of natural gas pipeline rights-of-way (ROWS) on 15 wetland plant communities. This study is unique in the number, range, ages, and variety of wetland crossings surveyed and compared. Vegetation data and recorded observations were analyzed to reveal patterns associated with age, installation technology, maintenance practices, and wetland type. This report summarizes the findings of this study. Results revealed that ROWs of pipelines installed according to recent wetland regulations rapidly revegetated with dense and diverse plant communities. The ROW plant communities were similar to those in the adjacent natural areas in species richness, wetland indicator values, and percentages of native species. The ROW plant communities developed from naturally available propagules without fertilization, liming, or artificial seeding. ROWs contributed to increased habitat and plant species diversity in the wetland. There was little evidence that they degrade the wetland by providing avenues for the spread of invasive and normative plant species. Most impacts are temporal in nature, decreasing rapidly during the first several years and more slowly thereafter to the extent permitted by maintenance and other ROW activities.

  4. 44 CFR 10.14 - Flood plains and wetlands. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Flood plains and wetlands. 10... Flood plains and wetlands. For any action taken by FEMA in a flood plain or wetland, the provisions of... Executive Order 11988, Flood Plain Management, and Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands (44 CFR...

  5. Is wetland mitigation successful in Southern California? (United States)

    Cummings, D. L.; Rademacher, L. K.


    Wetlands perform many vital functions within their landscape position; they provide unique habitats for a variety of flora and fauna and they act as treatment systems for upstream natural and anthropogenic waste. California has lost an estimated 91% of its wetlands. Despite the 1989 "No Net Loss" policy and mitigation requirements by the regulatory agencies, the implemented mitigation may not be offsetting wetlands losses. The "No Net Loss" policy is likely failing for numerous reasons related to processes in the wetlands themselves and the policies governing their recovery. Of particular interest is whether these mitigation sites are performing essential wetlands functions. Specific questions include: 1) Are hydric soil conditions forming in mitigation sites; and, 2) are the water quality-related chemical transformations that occur in natural wetlands observed in mitigation sites. This study focuses on success (or lack of success) in wetlands mitigation sites in Southern California. Soil and water quality investigations were conducted in wetland mitigation sites deemed to be successful by vegetation standards. Observations of the Standard National Resource Conservation Service field indicators of reducing conditions were made to determine whether hydric soil conditions have developed in the five or more years since the implementation of mitigation plans. In addition, water quality measurements were performed at the inlet and outlet of these mitigation sites to determine whether these sites perform similar water quality transformations to natural wetlands within the same ecosystem. Water quality measurements included nutrient, trace metal, and carbon species measurements. A wetland location with minimal anthropogenic changes and similar hydrologic and vegetative features was used as a control site. All sites selected for study are within a similar ecosystem, in the interior San Diego and western Riverside Counties, in Southern California.

  6. Tropical Wetlands as Carbon Sinks (United States)

    Jones, M. B.; Saunders, M.


    This presentation focuses on the tropical wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. These are an understudied ecosystem in which large emergent grasses and sedges normally dominate and which have the potential to sequester significant amounts of carbon. Measurements of Net Primary Production of these wetlands show that they are some of the highest values recorded for any ecosystem. We have used eddy covariance to measure Net Ecosystem Exchange of pristine and disturbed wetlands and show that pristine systems can have sink strengths as strong as tropical forests while disturbed systems that have been reclaimed for agricultural purposes have a very much reduced carbon sink activity and may be net carbon sources. The management issues surrounding the use of these wetlands illustrate a direct conflict between the production of food crops for the local population and the maintenance of carbon sequestration as an ecosystem service.

  7. Wetlands Restoration Definitions and Distinctions (United States)

    Ecological restoration is a valuable endeavor that has proven very difficult to define. The term indicates that degraded and destroyed natural wetland systems will be reestablished to sites where they once existed. But, what wetland ecosystems are we talki

  8. Inventario y evaluación de primates y amenazas para sus poblaciones en bosque montano de la Región Huánuco, Perú

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    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available El estudio estuvo orientado al inventario y evaluación de primates e identificar las amenazas para sus poblaciones en bosque montano de la Región Huánuco,  un área poco explorado con respecto a la  fauna silvestre. De Junio a Julio y de Setiembre a Octubre del 2014, fueron conducidos censos por transecto en puntos de muestreo correspondientes a las microcuencas de los ríos Chontayacu y Chinchao y cuenca alta del río Huallaga. En 618 km de longitud recorrida fueron registrados 47 grupos pertenecientes a cinco especies, siendo las más comunes Alouatta seniculus (15 grupos y Lagothrix flavicauda  (13 grupos. L. flavicauda fue observada únicamente en la Microcuenca del río Chontayacu,  y Ateles chamek  en la Cuenca alta del río Huallaga. En el área de estudio, los primates viven en parches de bosques primario y residual, excepto en el Chontayacu, donde el bosque primario es todavía denso y extenso. La densidad poblacional fue más alta para L. flavicauda (20,8 indiv./km2 y más baja para Sapajus macrocephalus (2,7 indiv./km2. Entre las actividades observadas, la deforestación para la agricultura y ganadería constituye la principal  amenaza para la supervivencia de primates, en particular en la Microcuenca del río Chinchao y Cuenca alta del río Huallaga.

  9. Changes in Landscape Pattern of Wetland around Hangzhou Bay (United States)

    Lin, Wenpeng; Li, Yuan; Xu, Dan; Zeng, Ying


    Hangzhou Bay is an important estuarial coastal wetland, which offers a large number of land and ecological resources. It plays a significant role in the sustainable development of resources, environment and economy. In this paper, based on the remote sensing images in 1996, 2005 and 2013, we extracted the coastal wetland data and analyzed the wetland landscape pattern of the Hangzhou Bay in the past 20 years. The results show that: (1) the area of coastal wetland is heading downwards in the recent decades. Paddy field and the coastal wetland diminish greatly. (2) the single dynamic degree of wetland of the Hangzhou Bay displays that paddy fields and coastal wetlands are shrinking, but lakes, reservoirs and ponds are constantly expanding. (3) the wetland landscape pattern index shows that total patch area of the coastal wetland and paddy fields have gradually diminished. The Shannon diversity index, the Shannon evenness index as well as the landscape separation index of the coastal wetlands in the Hangzhou Bay increase steadily. The landscape pattern in the study area has shown a trend of high fragmentation, dominance decreases, but some dominant landscape still exist in this region. (4) Urbanization and natural factors lead to the reduction of wetland area. Besides the pressure of population is a major threat to the wetland. The study will provide scientific basis for long-term planning for this region.

  10. Distribución espacial de la macrofauna edáfica en bosque mesófilo, bosque secundario y pastizal en la reserva La Cortadura, Coatepec, Veracruz, México Spatial distribution of soil macrofauna in cloud forest, secondary forest and grassland in La Cortadura reserve, Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Isis N. De la Rosa


    Full Text Available La conversión de un área de bosque para la agricultura o el pastoreo homogeniza las propiedades del suelo y las comunidades de macroinvertebrados. Este trabajo estudió si la diversidad (H', densidad y heterogeneidad espacial (tamaño de parche de macroinvertebrados de hojarasca y suelo se recuperan en una secuencia sucesional pastizal (Pas-bosque secundario (Bsec-bosque mesófilo maduro (BMM. En el sustrato hojarasca se observó un gradiente de aumento para todas las variables estudiadas en la secuencia Pas-Bsec-BMM. Sin embargo, este patrón no se presentó en el suelo, ya que la mayor diversidad y densidad (por taxón y total se encontraron en el Bsec. Mediante un análisis de variografía, en la hojarasca se encontraron distribuciones espaciales heterogéneas de los macroinvertebrados en ambos bosques, mientras que en el pastizal la distribución fue homogénea, lo que apoya la idea de que el disturbio va acompañado de una homogenización espacial de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados, pero la restructuración espacial se recupera en la sucesión temprana. En el suelo de los 3 sitios, la distribución de todas las variables fue en parches (5 a 60 m de diámetro, pero no se encontró disminución en la heterogeneidad espacial predicha para la secuencia Pas-Bsec-BMM.The conversion of forest to agriculture or pasture homogenizes soil properties, including the communities of macroinvertebrates. This study examined whether the diversity (H', density and spatial heterogeneity (patch size of litter and soil macroinvertebrate recover through the secondary successional sequence pasture (Pas-secondary forest (Bsec- mature cloud forest (BMM. In the litter an increasing gradient for all variables was observed through the successional sequence. However, this pattern was not present in the soil, where the highest diversity and density (per taxon and total were found in the Bsec. Using variography, we found heterogeneous spatial distributions of

  11. The Legal Structure of Taiwan’s Wetland Conservation Act

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    Yi-Yuan Su


    Full Text Available In July of 2013, Taiwan passed its Wetland Conservation Act and will begin the implementation of the Act on 2 February 2015. With this Act, Taiwan has become the second Asian country to have specific legislation on wetland conservation and protection. This new law enables the society to achieve sustainable utilization on wetland ecological services. The core concepts of the Wetland Conversation Act include biological diversity conservation and wise use of wetland resources. Special political circumstances prevent Taiwan from registering its wetlands as a conservation priority under the Ramsar Convention. This new law allows the government to evaluate and assign a specific area as a “Wetland of Importance.” Under this status, any development activities within the designated area shall be prohibited unless the developer prepares a usage plan for review. The usage plan and the original usage of the natural resources within the wetland area shall also follow the “wise use” principle to protect the wetland and biological service system. However, this new law does not provide clear separation between the two different “wise use” standards. If the development is deemed necessary, new law provides compensation mitigation measures to extend the surface of the wetland and provides additional habitats for various species. Wetland conservation and management rely heavily on systematic research and fundamental data regarding Taiwan’s wetlands. Determining how to adopt these scientific methodologies and transfer them into enforceable mechanisms is a sizeable challenge for both biologists and lawyers as the Wetland Conservation Act creates many legal norms without clarifying definitions. This article will review the current wetland regulations from the legal perspective and provide suggestions for enforcement in the future.

  12. Diversidad de tres gremios de hormigas en cafetales de sombra, de sol y bosques de Risaralda




    Durante 2001-2002 se realizó un estudio de la mirmecofauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en cafetales del municipio de Apía (Risaralda), para evaluar el impacto que las técnicas modernas de cultivo de café tienen sobre la biodiversidad asociada. Se seleccionaron 12 fincas clasificadas en tres sistemas de manejo de sombra de café (tratamientos) y un control compuesto por parches de bosque. Se ubicaron 20 parcelas de 1 m² por finca en las cuales se realizó colecta manual de hormigas en hojarasca y ...

  13. La Segunda Guerra Mundial y la “crisis de producción” en los bosques mexicanos


    Christopher Boyer


    Este artículo muestra que la Segunda Guerra Mundial representó un parteaguas para los bosques mexicanos. La guerra creó una inmensa demanda de productos forestales por parte de los Aliados y México respondió mediante la implementación de un sistema que denomino “el aprovechamiento de la crisis”. El nuevo régimen productivo puso a un lado la política forestal existente, que favorecía el manejo cuidadoso de los recursos naturales, y la sustituyó por la tala comercial casi desmedida. La guerra t...

  14. Effect of wetland management: are lentic wetlands refuges of plant-species diversity in the Andean–Orinoco Piedmont of Colombia?

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    Johanna I. Murillo-Pacheco


    Full Text Available Accelerated degradation of the wetlands and fragmentation of surrounding vegetation in the Andean–Orinoco Piedmont are the main threats to diversity and ecological integrity of these ecosystems; however, information on this topic is of limited availability. In this region, we evaluated the value of 37 lentic wetlands as reservoirs of woody and aquatic plants and analyzed diversity and changes in species composition within and among groups defined according to management given by: (1 type (swamps, heronries, rice fields, semi-natural lakes, constructed lakes and fish farms and (2 origins (natural, mixed and artificial. A total of 506 plant species were recorded: 80% woody and 20% aquatic. Of these, 411 species (81% were considered species typical of the area (Meta Piedmont distribution. Diversity patterns seem to be driven by high landscape heterogeneity and wetland management. The fish farms presented the highest diversity of woody plants, while swamps ranked highest for aquatic plant diversity. Regarding wetland origin, the artificial systems were the most diverse, but natural wetlands presented the highest diversity of typical species and can therefore be considered representative ecosystems at the regional scale. Our results suggest that lentic wetlands act as refuges for native vegetation of Meta Piedmont forest, hosting 55% of the woody of Piedmont species and 29% of the aquatic species of Orinoco basin. The wetlands showed a high species turnover and the results indicated that small wetlands (mean ± SD: size = 11 ± 18.7 ha, with a small area of surrounding forest (10 ± 8.6 ha supported high local and regional plant diversity. To ensure long-term conservation of lentic wetlands, it is necessary to develop management and conservation strategies that take both natural and created wetlands into account.

  15. Plantas asociadas a los bosques de Abies guatemalensis (Pinaceae del occidente de Guatemala Plants associated to Abies guatemalensis (Pinaceae forests in Western Guatemala

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Vicente Martínez Arévalo


    Full Text Available Hay una carencia de información detallada sobre la composición y estructura de las comunidades montanas guatemaltecas. El objetivo del estudio fue contribuir al conocimiento de la flora de bosques de abeto (Abies guatemalensis, para esto se hizo el levantamiento florístico en bosques de abeto del occidente de Guatemala. Se encontraron 119 especies, 92 géneros, 50 familias en cuatro divisiones. Las familias más numerosas fueron: Asteraceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Apiaceae y Solanaceae y los géneros más abundantes Salvia, Alchemilla y Bidens. Las especies se ubicaron en cuatro estratos, 33 en el herbáceo inferior, 49 en el herbáceo superior, 30 en arbustos y siete en árboles. Se hace énfasis en la contribución del estudio al conocimiento de la flora de bosques de A. guatemalensis y la necesidad de otros similares en los demás bosques de esta especie, que sirva para fomentar su conocimiento y conservación. Se consideraron seis grupos de distribución geográfica, el principal es del centro de México a Centroamérica con 67% de especies. Se realiza una comparación fitogeográfica y de composición florística, con otras áreas de Abies de Guatemala y México. Se propone que a pesar de haber familias y géneros comunes, que proporcionan la estructura general entre los bosques de abeto, se deben considerar las particularidades florísticas de cada área, en el manejo y conservación influidas por suelo, latitud y microclima.The fragments of Abies guatemalensis forests in Western Guatemala are the reservoirs of plant species that have been poorly documented, missing the opportunity to expand the knowledge of the local flora and its use in conservation planning. To assess this, a floristic study was done in areas between 2 950-3 360masl in Western Guatemala between 2010-2011. Ten locations were sampled: in each a 500m² plot was surveyed, and plants were classified in four strata by plant height (0.05-30m. A total of 119 species

  16. Value Assessment of Artificial Wetland Derived from Mining Subsided Lake: A Case Study of Jiuli Lake Wetland in Xuzhou

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    Laijian Wang


    Full Text Available Mining subsided lakes are major obstacles for ecological restoration and resource reuse in mining regions. Transforming mining subsided lakes into artificial wetlands is an ecological restoration approach that has been attempted in China in recent years, but a value assessment of the approach still needs systematic research. This paper considers Jiuli Lake wetland, an artificial wetland derived from restoration of a mining subsided lake in plain area, as a case study. A value assessment model for the artificial wetland was established based on cost–benefit analysis by means of field monitoring, social surveys, GIS geostatistics, raster calculation methods, etc. Empirical analysis and calculations were performed on the case study region. The following conclusions were drawn: (1 after ecological restoration, ecosystem services of Jiuli Lake wetland which has become a national level wetland park yield positive values; (2 the improved environment of the Jiuli Lake wetland has a spillover effect on the price of surrounding land, resulting in land price appreciation; (3 using GIS geostatistics and raster calculation methods, the impact range, strength, and value of the spillover effect can be explicitly measured; (4 through the establishment of a value assessment model of the artificial wetland, incomes of the ecological restoration was found to be sufficient to cover the implementation costs, which provides a research foundation for economic feasibility of ecological restoration of mining subsided lakes.

  17. Winter Tourism and mountain wetland management and restoration (United States)

    Gaucherand, S.; Mauz, I.


    The degradation and loss of wetlands is more rapid than that of other ecosystems (MEA 2005). In mountains area, wetlands are small and scattered and particularly sensitive to global change. The development of ski resorts can lead to the destruction or the deterioration of mountain wetlands because of hydrologic interferences, fill in, soil compression and erosion, etc. Since 2008, we have studied a high altitude wetland complex in the ski resort of Val Thorens. The aim of our study was to identify the impacts of mountain tourism development (winter and summer tourism) on wetland functioning and to produce an action plan designed to protect, rehabilitate and value the wetlands. We chose an approach based on multi-stakeholder participatory process at every stage, from information gathering to technical choices and monitoring. In this presentation, we show how such an approach can efficiently improve the consideration of wetlands in the development of a ski resort, but also the bottlenecks that need to be overcome. We will also discuss some of the ecological engineering techniques used to rehabilitate or restore high altitude degraded wetlands. Finally, this work has contributed to the creation in 2012 of a mountain wetland observatory coordinated by the conservatory of Haute-Savoie. The objective of this observatory is to estimate ecosystem services furnished by mountain wetlands and to find restoration strategies adapted to the local socio-economical context (mountain agriculture and mountain tourism).

  18. Projecting the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change on Montane Wetlands (United States)

    Hamlet, Alan F.; Palen, Wendy J.; Lawler, Joshua J.; Halabisky, Meghan


    Wetlands are globally important ecosystems that provide critical services for natural communities and human society. Montane wetland ecosystems are expected to be among the most sensitive to changing climate, as their persistence depends on factors directly influenced by climate (e.g. precipitation, snowpack, evaporation). Despite their importance and climate sensitivity, wetlands tend to be understudied due to a lack of tools and data relative to what is available for other ecosystem types. Here, we develop and demonstrate a new method for projecting climate-induced hydrologic changes in montane wetlands. Using observed wetland water levels and soil moisture simulated by the physically based Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic model, we developed site-specific regression models relating soil moisture to observed wetland water levels to simulate the hydrologic behavior of four types of montane wetlands (ephemeral, intermediate, perennial, permanent wetlands) in the U. S. Pacific Northwest. The hybrid models captured observed wetland dynamics in many cases, though were less robust in others. We then used these models to a) hindcast historical wetland behavior in response to observed climate variability (1916–2010 or later) and classify wetland types, and b) project the impacts of climate change on montane wetlands using global climate model scenarios for the 2040s and 2080s (A1B emissions scenario). These future projections show that climate-induced changes to key driving variables (reduced snowpack, higher evapotranspiration, extended summer drought) will result in earlier and faster drawdown in Pacific Northwest montane wetlands, leading to systematic reductions in water levels, shortened wetland hydroperiods, and increased probability of drying. Intermediate hydroperiod wetlands are projected to experience the greatest changes. For the 2080s scenario, widespread conversion of intermediate wetlands to fast-drying ephemeral wetlands will likely reduce

  19. Projecting the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change on Montane Wetlands. (United States)

    Lee, Se-Yeun; Ryan, Maureen E; Hamlet, Alan F; Palen, Wendy J; Lawler, Joshua J; Halabisky, Meghan


    Wetlands are globally important ecosystems that provide critical services for natural communities and human society. Montane wetland ecosystems are expected to be among the most sensitive to changing climate, as their persistence depends on factors directly influenced by climate (e.g. precipitation, snowpack, evaporation). Despite their importance and climate sensitivity, wetlands tend to be understudied due to a lack of tools and data relative to what is available for other ecosystem types. Here, we develop and demonstrate a new method for projecting climate-induced hydrologic changes in montane wetlands. Using observed wetland water levels and soil moisture simulated by the physically based Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrologic model, we developed site-specific regression models relating soil moisture to observed wetland water levels to simulate the hydrologic behavior of four types of montane wetlands (ephemeral, intermediate, perennial, permanent wetlands) in the U. S. Pacific Northwest. The hybrid models captured observed wetland dynamics in many cases, though were less robust in others. We then used these models to a) hindcast historical wetland behavior in response to observed climate variability (1916-2010 or later) and classify wetland types, and b) project the impacts of climate change on montane wetlands using global climate model scenarios for the 2040s and 2080s (A1B emissions scenario). These future projections show that climate-induced changes to key driving variables (reduced snowpack, higher evapotranspiration, extended summer drought) will result in earlier and faster drawdown in Pacific Northwest montane wetlands, leading to systematic reductions in water levels, shortened wetland hydroperiods, and increased probability of drying. Intermediate hydroperiod wetlands are projected to experience the greatest changes. For the 2080s scenario, widespread conversion of intermediate wetlands to fast-drying ephemeral wetlands will likely reduce

  20. Review of Constructed Subsurface Flow vs. Surface Flow Wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The purpose of this document is to use existing documentation to review the effectiveness of subsurface flow and surface flow constructed wetlands in treating wastewater and to demonstrate the viability of treating effluent from Savannah River Site outfalls H-02 and H-04 with a subsurface flow constructed wetland to lower copper, lead and zinc concentrations to within National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit limits. Constructed treatment wetlands are engineered systems that have been designed and constructed to use the natural functions of wetlands for wastewater treatment. Constructed wetlands have significantly lower total lifetime costs and often lower capital costs than conventional treatment systems. The two main types of constructed wetlands are surface flow and subsurface flow. In surface flow constructed wetlands, water flows above ground. Subsurface flow constructed wetlands are designed to keep the water level below the top of the rock or gravel media, thus minimizing human and ecological exposure. Subsurface flow wetlands demonstrate higher rates of contaminant removal per unit of land than surface flow (free water surface) wetlands, therefore subsurface flow wetlands can be smaller while achieving the same level of contaminant removal. Wetlands remove metals using a variety of processes including filtration of solids, sorption onto organic matter, oxidation and hydrolysis, formation of carbonates, formation of insoluble sulfides, binding to iron and manganese oxides, reduction to immobile forms by bacterial activity, and uptake by plants and bacteria. Metal removal rates in both subsurface flow and surface flow wetlands can be high, but can vary greatly depending upon the influent concentrations and the mass loading rate. Removal rates of greater than 90 per cent for copper, lead and zinc have been demonstrated in operating surface flow and subsurface flow wetlands. The constituents that exceed NPDES limits at outfalls H-02 a nd H


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    Pablo Camus Gayan


    Full Text Available Diversos estudios han planteado que los privilegios que el denuncio de bosques otorgaba a los mineros habrían provocado el deterioro irreversible del ambiente del Norte Chico. El presente artículo pretende relativizar esta tesis planteando que el paisaje era semiárido antes de la expansión de la minería y proponiendo la hipótesis que la discusión para derogar los denuncios fue un conflicto entre mineros y agricultores por definir la propiedad de los bosques, pero de los que se encontraban más al sur.Several studies had stablished that the privilege that the claim or denounce of forests that have been given to the miners had caused the irreversible damage to the land of the Norte Chico. This article pretends to diminish this thesis, arguing that the lands was semi dry o semi desertic before the expantion of mines suggesting the hipothesis that the argument to stop with the claim was a struggle betwenn the miners and the farmers to define the property of the forets, but the ones further south.

  2. Using dual classifications in the development of avian wetland indices of biological integrity for wetlands in West Virginia, USA. (United States)

    Veselka, Walter; Anderson, James T; Kordek, Walter S


    Considerable resources are being used to develop and implement bioassessment methods for wetlands to ensure that "biological integrity" is maintained under the United States Clean Water Act. Previous research has demonstrated that avian composition is susceptible to human impairments at multiple spatial scales. Using a site-specific disturbance gradient, we built avian wetland indices of biological integrity (AW-IBI) specific to two wetland classification schemes, one based on vegetative structure and the other based on the wetland's position in the landscape and sources of water. The resulting class-specific AW-IBI was comprised of one to four metrics that varied in their sensitivity to the disturbance gradient. Some of these metrics were specific to only one of the classification schemes, whereas others could discriminate varying levels of disturbance regardless of classification scheme. Overall, all of the derived biological indices specific to the vegetative structure-based classes of wetlands had a significant relation with the disturbance gradient; however, the biological index derived for floodplain wetlands exhibited a more consistent response to a local disturbance gradient. We suspect that the consistency of this response is due to the inherent nature of the connectivity of available habitat in floodplain wetlands.

  3. North Dakota Wetlands Discovery Guide. Photocopy Booklet. (United States)

    Dietz, Nancy J., Ed.; And Others

    This booklet contains games and activities that can be photocopied for classroom use. Activities include Wetland Terminology, Putting on the Map, Erosional Forces, Water in...Water out, Who Lives Here?, Wetlands in Disguise, Dichotomous Plant Game, Algae Survey, Conducting an Algal Survey, Water Quality Indicators Guide, Farming Wetlands, Wetlands…

  4. 7 CFR 1410.11 - Farmable Wetlands Program. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Farmable Wetlands Program. 1410.11 Section 1410.11... Wetlands Program. (a) In addition to other allowable enrollments, land may be enrolled in this program through the Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP) within the overall Conservation Reserve Program provided for...

  5. Education and training of future wetland scientists and managers (United States)

    Wilcox, D.A.


    Wetland science emerged as a distinct discipline in the 1980s. In response, courses addressing various aspects of wetland science and management were developed by universities, government agencies, and private firms. Professional certification of wetland scientists began in the mid-1990s to provide confirmation of the quality of education and experience of persons involved in regulatory, management, restoration/construction, and research involving wetland resources. The education requirements for certification and the need for persons with specific wetland training to fill an increasing number of wetland-related positions identified a critical need to develop curriculum guidelines for an undergraduate wetland science and management major for potential accreditation by the Society of Wetland Scientists. That proposed major contains options directed toward either wetland science or management. Both options include required basic courses to meet the general education requirements of many universities, required upper-level specialized courses that address critical aspects of physical and biological sciences applicable to wetlands, and a minimum of four additional upper-level specialized courses that can be used to tailor a degree to students' interests. The program would be administered by an independent review board that would develop guidelines and evaluate university applications for accreditation. Students that complete the required coursework will fulfill the education requirements for professional wetland scientist certification and possess qualifications that make them attractive candidates for graduate school or entry-level positions in wetland science or management. Universities that offer this degree program could gain an advantage in recruiting highly qualified students with an interest in natural resources. Alternative means of educating established wetland scientists are likewise important, especially to provide specialized knowledge and experience or

  6. EnviroAtlas - Potential Wetland Areas - Contiguous United States (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The EnviroAtlas Potential Wetland Areas (PWA) dataset shows potential wetland areas at 30-meter resolution. Beginning two centuries ago, many wetlands were turned...

  7. Roofvogels in de Nederlandse wetlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, Cornelis; Beemster, Nicolaas; Zijlstra, Menno; van Eerden, M; Daan, Serge


    Roofvogels in de Nederlandse wetlands (1995). C. Dijkstra, N. Beemster, M. Zijlstra, M. van Eerden, S. Daan RWS, RDIJ, Flevobericht nr. 381. ISBN 90-369-1147-8. Dit Flevobericht vormt de eindrapportage van het onderzoeksproject " De betekenis van grootschalige wetlands voor roofvogels". De verwerkte

  8. Carbon Storage in US Wetlands. (United States)

    Background/Question/Methods Wetland soils contain some of the highest stores of soil carbon in the biosphere. However, there is little understanding of the quantity and distribution of carbon stored in US wetlands or of the potential effects of human disturbance on these stocks. ...

  9. Development of soil properties and nitrogen cycling in created wetlands (United States)

    Wolf, K.L.; Ahn, C.; Noe, G.B.


    Mitigation wetlands are expected to compensate for the loss of structure and function of natural wetlands within 5–10 years of creation; however, the age-based trajectory of development in wetlands is unclear. This study investigates the development of coupled structural (soil properties) and functional (nitrogen cycling) attributes of created non-tidal freshwater wetlands of varying ages and natural reference wetlands to determine if created wetlands attain the water quality ecosystem service of nitrogen (N) cycling over time. Soil condition component and its constituents, gravimetric soil moisture, total organic carbon, and total N, generally increased and bulk density decreased with age of the created wetland. Nitrogen flux rates demonstrated age-related patterns, with younger created wetlands having lower rates of ammonification, nitrification, nitrogen mineralization, and denitrification potential than older created wetlands and natural reference wetlands. Results show a clear age-related trajectory in coupled soil condition and N cycle development, which is essential for water quality improvement. These findings can be used to enhance N processing in created wetlands and inform the regulatory evaluation of mitigation wetlands by identifying structural indicators of N processing performance.

  10. Hurricane-induced failure of low salinity wetlands (United States)

    Howes, Nick C.; FitzGerald, Duncan M.; Hughes, Zoe J.; Georgiou, Ioannis Y.; Kulp, Mark A.; Miner, Michael D.; Smith, Jane M.; Barras, John A.


    During the 2005 hurricane season, the storm surge and wave field associated with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita eroded 527 km2 of wetlands within the Louisiana coastal plain. Low salinity wetlands were preferentially eroded, while higher salinity wetlands remained robust and largely unchanged. Here we highlight geotechnical differences between the soil profiles of high and low salinity regimes, which are controlled by vegetation and result in differential erosion. In low salinity wetlands, a weak zone (shear strength 500–1450 Pa) was observed ∼30 cm below the marsh surface, coinciding with the base of rooting. High salinity wetlands had no such zone (shear strengths > 4500 Pa) and contained deeper rooting. Storm waves during Hurricane Katrina produced shear stresses between 425–3600 Pa, sufficient to cause widespread erosion of the low salinity wetlands. Vegetation in low salinity marshes is subject to shallower rooting and is susceptible to erosion during large magnitude storms; these conditions may be exacerbated by low inorganic sediment content and high nutrient inputs. The dramatic difference in resiliency of fresh versus more saline marshes suggests that the introduction of freshwater to marshes as part of restoration efforts may therefore weaken existing wetlands rendering them vulnerable to hurricanes. PMID:20660777

  11. 32 CFR 644.319 - Protection of wetlands. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Protection of wetlands. 644.319 Section 644.319... ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal § 644.319 Protection of wetlands. The requirements of Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, 42 FR 26961, (24 May 1977) are applicable to the disposal of Federal lands and...

  12. Sistema de gestión de recursos culturales y naturales santuario Bosque de Pomac, Lambayeque, Perú


    Arias Salcedo, Ricardo Víctor


    La presente investigación formula, analiza y desarrolla una estructura metodológica que valide un sistema de indicadores que, en clave de ordenamiento territorial, examine el territorio del Santuario Histórico Bosque de Pomac, unidad de protección de alta prioridad. Una vez ordenado territorialmente se pretende generar una propuesta de sistema de gestión y uso de los recursos culturales y naturales e incorporarse como una base técnica e instrumental de planificación sostenible. Tesis (Mast...

  13. Variations in dung beetles assemblages (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae within two rain forest habitats in French Guiana Variaciones de las agregaciones de escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae en dos hábitats del bosque tropical en la Guayana Francesa

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    François Feer


    Full Text Available The structure of dung beetle communities inhabiting tropical forests are known to be sensitive to many kinds of environmental changes such as microclimate related to vegetation structure. I examined Scarabaeinae assemblages in two sites of undisturbed high forest and two sites of low forest forming a transitional zone with the open habitat of an inselberg in French Guiana. Sampling was made with pitfall and flight interception traps during 2003 and 2004. The driest and warmest conditions characterized the low forest sites. Across two years we obtained 2 927 individuals from 61 species with pitfall traps and 1 431 individuals from 85 species with flight interception traps. Greater species richness and abundance characterized all sites sampled with pitfall traps during 2003 more than 2004. In 2003 no differences were detected among sites by rarefaction analyses. In 2004 the species richest high forest site was significantly different from one of the low forest sites. For both years Clench model asymptotes for species richness were greater in high forest than in low forest sites. For both years, mean per-trap species richness, abundance and biomass among high forest sites were similar and higher than in low forest sites, especially where the lowest humidity and the highest temperature were recorded. Within the two low forest sites, species richness and abundance recorded during the second year, decreased with distance to edge. Different dominant roller species characterized the pitfall samples in one site of low forest and in other sites. Small variations in microclimatic conditions correlated to canopy height and openness likely affected dung beetle assemblages but soil depth and the presence of large mammals providing dung resource may also play a significant role.Es conocido que la estructura de las comunidades de escarabajos coprófagos que habitan los bosques tropicales es sensible a diferentes tipos de cambios ambientales tales como el

  14. Efecto de plantaciones de pino en la artropofauna del suelo de un bosque Altoandino

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    Alba Lucía León-Gamboa


    Full Text Available Los artrópodos del suelo son un componente fundamental de los ecosistemas de bosque, ya que participan en la fragmentación de los residuos orgánicos previa a la descomposición. Esta función es más valuable en ambientes de altura, donde las bajas temperaturas limitan la dinámica de los procesos biológicos. Sin embargo, uno de los problemas más comunes en las montañas colombianas ha sido el reemplazo de vegetación nativa por plantaciones de pino. Los efectos sobre los artrópodos del suelo aún son poco conocidos. En un remanente de bosque Altoandino (Embalse del Neusa-Colombia con una plantación adyacente de unos 50 años (aprox. 900 has, fue evaluada la composición, riqueza y abundancia de artrópodos en los estratos superficial (S orgánico (O y mineral (A del suelo, para establecer las diferencias asociadas con la transformación del uso del suelo. Se utilizaron trampas "Pitfall" para registrar el movimiento de fauna epígea, y embudos Berlese para estimar la densidad de fauna de los horizontes O y A. Se calcularon los índices de Shannon y Simpson para estimar la diversidad en diferentes lugares y horizontes, además fue evaluada la estructura trófica de la comunidad. Se recolectaron 38 306 individuos en el bosque y 17 386 en la plantación, principalmente distribuidos en los taxa Collembola, (42.4%, Acari (27%, Diptera (17.6% y Coleoptera (4.6%. Las diferencias más importantes se dieron en la superficie, donde la movilización en bosque (86 individuos/día casi triplicó la movilización en la plantación (33 individuos/día. Las diferencias en la composición se dieron en los taxa Collembola, Araneae, Hemiptera, Homoptera e Hymenoptera. La dinámica de la riqueza y abundancia a lo largo del año tuvo picos significativos en el bosque, no observados en la plantación. La estructura trófica fue dominada por saprófagos (75%, depredadores (14% y fitófagos (9%, pero en dos estratos de la plantación de pino (S y O no se dio

  15. The cost of wetland creation and restoration. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    King, D.; Bohlen, C.


    This report examines the economics of wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement projects, especially as they are used within the context of mitigation for unavoidable wetland losses. Complete engineering-cost-accounting profiles of over 90 wetland projects were developed in collaboration with leading wetland restoration and creation practitioners around the country to develop a primary source database. Data on the costs of over 1,000 wetland projects were gathered from published sources and other available databases to develop a secondary source database. Cases in both databases were carefully analyzed and a set of baseline cost per acre estimates were developed for wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement. Observations of costs varied widely, ranging from $5 per acre to $1.5 million per acre. Differences in cost were related to the target wetland type, and to site-specific and project-specific factors that affected the preconstruction, construction, and post-construction tasks necessary to carry out each particular project. Project-specific and site-specific factors had a much larger effect on project costs than wetland type for non-agricultural projects. Costs of wetland creation and restoration were also shown to differ by region, but not by as much as expected, and in response to the regulatory context. The costs of wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement were also analyzed in a broader economic context through examination of the market for wetland mitigation services, and through the development of a framework for estimating compensation ratios-the number of acres of created, restored, or enhanced wetland required to compensate for an acre of lost natural wetland. The combination of per acre creation, restoration, and enhancement costs and the compensation ratio determine the overall mitigation costs associated with alternative mitigation strategies.

  16. Floodplain and Wetland Assessment for the Mortandad Wetland Enhancement and the DP Dissipater Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hathcock, Charles Dean [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    This floodplain and wetland assessment was prepared in accordance with 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1022 Compliance with Floodplain and Wetland Environmental Review Requirements, which was promulgated to implement the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requirements under Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management and Executive Order 11990 Wetlands Protection. According to 10 CFR 1022, a 100-year floodplain is defined as “the lowlands adjoining inland and coastal waters and relatively flat areas and flood prone areas of offshore islands” and a wetland is defined as “an area that is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, including swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.” In this action, DOE is proposing two projects to improve wetland and floodplain function at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The proposed work will comply with corrective action requirements under the Settlement Agreement and Stipulated Final Compliance Order (Settlement Agreement)1 Number HWB-14-20. The first project is located in Technical Areas (TA)-03 in upper Mortandad Canyon. The upper Mortandad wetlands have existing stormwater controls that need to be rehabilitated. Head-cut formation is occurring at the downstream portion of the wetland. This project will repair damages to the wetland and reduce the future erosion potential. The second project is located in TA-21 in Delta Prime (DP) Canyon. The intent of the DP Dissipater Project in DP Canyon is to install stormwater control structures in DP Canyon to retain low channel flows and reduce downstream sediment transport as well as peak flows during low and moderate storm events. Due to increased erosion, the stream bank in this area has unstable vertical walls within the stream channel. The DOE prepared this floodplain and wetland

  17. 2011 Summary: Coastal wetland restoration research (United States)

    Kowalski, Kurt P.; Wiley, Michael J.; Wilcox, Douglas A.; Carlson Mazur, Martha L.; Czayka, Alex; Dominguez, Andrea; Doty, Susan; Eggleston, Mike; Green, Sean; Sweetman, Amanda


    The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) projects currently taking place in Great Lakes coastal wetlands provide a unique opportunity to study ecosystem response to management actions as practitioners strive to improve wetland function and increase ecosystem services. Through a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey – Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Ducks Unlimited, a GLRI-funded project has reestablished the hydrologic connection between an intensively managed impounded wetland (Pool 2B) and Crane Creek, a small Lake Erie tributary, by building a water-control structure that was opened in the spring of 2011. The study site is located within the USFWS Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge (ONWR) and lies within the boundaries of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-designated Maumee River Area of Concern. The broad objective of the project is to evaluate how hydrologically reconnecting a previously diked wetland impacts fish, mollusks, and other biota and affects nutrient transport, nutrient cycling, water quality, flood storage, and many other abiotic conditions. The results from this project suggest large system-wide benefits from sustainable reestablishment of lake-driven hydrology in this and other similar systems. We comprehensively sampled water chemistry, fish, birds, plants, and invertebrates in Crane Creek coastal wetlands, Pool 2A (a reference diked wetland), and Pool 2B (the reconnected wetland) in 2010 and 2011 to: 1) Characterize spatial and seasonal patterns for these parameters. 2) Examine ecosystem response to the opening of a water-control structure that allows fish passage Our sampling efforts have yielded data that reveal striking changes in water quality, hydrology, and fish assemblages in our experimental unit (2B). Prior to the reconnection, the water chemistry in pools 2A and 2B were very similar. Afterwards, we found that the water chemistry in reconnected Pool 2B was more

  18. Presencia de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA en especies representativas del bosque seco tropical del litoral ecuatoriano

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    Ivette Chiquito Noboa


    Full Text Available Los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA son microorganismos que mantienen una relación simbiótica mutualista con las raíces de las plantas. El bosque seco tropical contiene abundantes especies de interés silvícola, sin embargo, en Ecuador se desconoce las relaciones simbióticas de los HMA con los árboles que representan el bosque seco. El propósito de este estudio fue aislar e identificar la presencia de HMA en determinadas especies vegetales de este nicho ecológico del Ecuador. Las muestras de suelo y raíces se recolectaron en la época húmeda entre los meses de marzo y abril del 2017. Los porcentajes de micorrización encontrados fueron los siguientes: Cochlospermun vitifolium (Bototillo 80.8%, Triplaris cumingiana (Fernán Sánchez 71.7%, Albizia multiflora (Compoño 70.0%, Tecoma castanifolia (Moyuyo de montaña 68.6%, Bursera graveolens (Palo Santo 68.3%, Sapindus saponaria (Jaboncillo 67.5%, Croton wagneri (Purga 65.0%, Ceiba trichistandra (Ceibo 62.2%. Todas las plantas muestreadas presentaron una densidad media de esporas por 100 gr de suelo, pero Triplaris cumingiana (Fernán Sánchez obtuvo una mayor esporulación a pesar de presentar la misma densidad media.

  19. Gas Research Institute wetland research program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilkey, P.L.; Zimmerman, R.E.; Isaacson, H.R.


    As part of three ongoing research projects, the Gas Research Institute (GRI) is studying the natural gas industry's impacts on wetlands and how to manage operations so that impacts can be minimized or eliminated. The objective of the first project is to gain a better understanding of the causes and processes of wetland loss in the Louisiana deltaic plain and what role gas pipeline canals play in wetland loss. On the basis of information gathered from the first projects, management and mitigation implications for pipeline construction and maintenance will be evaluated. The objective of the second project is to assess the floral and faunal communities on existing rights-of-way (ROWs) that pass through numerous types of wetlands across the United States. The emphasis of the project is on pipelines that were installed within the past five years. The objective of the third project is to evaluate the administrative, jurisdictional, technical, and economic issues of wetland mitigation banking. This paper discusses these projects, their backgrounds, some of the results to date, and the deliverables

  20. Broken connections of wetland cultural knowledge (United States)

    Middleton, Beth A.


    As global agriculture intensifies, cultural knowledge of wetland utilization has eroded as natural resources become more stressed, and marginal farmers move away from the land. The excellent paper by Fawzi et al. (2016) documents a particularly poignant case of traditional knowledge loss among the Marsh Arab women of Iraq. Through interviews, the authors document the breakdown of skill transfer from the older to younger generation of women. The authors link the loss of their cultural knowledge with the loss of wetlands in the region. Women no longer can help provide for their families using wetland products, and along with that, their ancient knowledge of plant usage is lost. These ancient skills included medicinal uses, and reed harvesting for weaving and water buffalo fodder. As, the majority of the Mesopotamian Marshes have dried, this way of life is being forgotten (Fawzi et al. 2015). The global tragedy is that while the careful alliance of wetlands and people have sustained human cultures for millennia, degraded wetlands lose their ability to provide these services (Maltby 1980).

  1. Diversidad de la familia Orchidaceae en los bosques montanos de San Ignacio (Cajamarca, Perú

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    Gloria Calatayud


    Full Text Available La insuficiente información sobre la flora, específicamente sobre la familia Orchidaceae y la inminente desaparición de los bosques en la Vertiente Oriental del río Chinchipe (San Ignacio, Cajamarca, fueron las razones suficientes que motivaron a realizar la presente investigación. La evaluación se realizó en cuatro localidades de la provincia San Ignacio (Cajamarca, durante el año 2000, con 27 cuadrantes de 500 m², distribuidos cada 100 m de altitud, desde los 800 hasta los 2700 m, el método de muestreo fue aleatorio. Según el índice de diversidad de Shannon–Wiener, la zona de estudio posee un alto grado de diversidad (entre H’= 5,93 en Selva Andina y H’= 4,02 en Camaná, gracias al buen estado de conservación de los bosques y a la topografía de la zona. Las localidades de Camaná-Crucero (173,55 son menos disímiles por presentar hábitats similares. Selva Andina (969,619 es la localidad más disímil con el grupo Crucero-Camaná-Nuevo Mundo, la cual a los 2700 m presenta un alto endemismo. Para las localidades evaluadas se reportan 205 especies distribuidas en 58 géneros, los cuales son reportes nuevos para la zona, 15 son registros nuevos para Perú, ocho de éstas dejan de ser endémicas para Ecuador. Se reporta por primera vez para Perú el género Chrysocycnis, y dos especies nuevas para la ciencia Sarcoglottis sp. y Maxillaria sp.

  2. Patrones de distribución espacial de árboles en un bosque estacionalmente seco del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape en el noroeste peruano

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    Reynaldo Linares-Palomino


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de los patrones de distribución espacial de cuatro especies de árboles características de los bosques secos del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape en el noroeste peruano, inventariando seis parcelas de una hectárea cada una. Para ello se utilizó la versión modificada de la estadística K de Ripley. Eriotheca ruizii (K. Schum. A. Robyns (Bombacaceae, Bursera graveolens (Kunth Triana & Planch. (Burseraceae, Caesalpinia glabrata Kunth (Leguminosae y Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd. Spreng. (Cochlospermaceae presentan patrones que no son significantemente diferentes de un patrón completamente al azar en 11 de los 17 casos analizados. Al nivel de la escala espacial analizada, esto está en desacuerdo con el postulado general para bosques tropicales de que las especies vegetales tienden a encontrarse agrupadas. Estos resultados se analizan y discuten a la luz de los diversos factores que influyen en producirlos.

  3. Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review

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    Iryna Dronova


    Full Text Available The applications of object-based image analysis (OBIA in remote sensing studies of wetlands have been growing over recent decades, addressing tasks from detection and delineation of wetland bodies to comprehensive analyses of within-wetland cover types and their change. Compared to pixel-based approaches, OBIA offers several important benefits to wetland analyses related to smoothing of the local noise, incorporating meaningful non-spectral features for class separation and accounting for landscape hierarchy of wetland ecosystem organization and structure. However, there has been little discussion on whether unique challenges of wetland environments can be uniformly addressed by OBIA across different types of data, spatial scales and research objectives, and to what extent technical and conceptual aspects of this framework may themselves present challenges in a complex wetland setting. This review presents a synthesis of 73 studies that applied OBIA to different types of remote sensing data, spatial scale and research objectives. It summarizes the progress and scope of OBIA uses in wetlands, key benefits of this approach, factors related to accuracy and uncertainty in its applications and the main research needs and directions to expand the OBIA capacity in the future wetland studies. Growing demands for higher-accuracy wetland characterization at both regional and local scales together with advances in very high resolution remote sensing and novel tasks in wetland restoration monitoring will likely continue active exploration of the OBIA potential in these diverse and complex environments.


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    Full Text Available The current work examines the main aspects of wetland vegetation mapping, which can be summarized as analysis of the ecological-vegetational (ecotone gradients; vegetation complexes; relationships between vegetation distribution and geomorphology; vegetation of the hydrographic basin lo which the wetland in question belongs; vegetation monitoring with help of four vegetation maps: phytosociological map of the real and potential vegetation, map of vegetation dynamical tendencies, map of vegetation series.

  5. 76 FR 79145 - Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands (United States)


    ...] RIN 2501-AD51 Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands Correction In proposed rule document... Type of proposed action Type of proposed action (new Wetlands or 100- Non-wetlands area reviewable... construction in wetlands locations. \\2\\ Or those paragraphs of Sec. 55.20 that are applicable to an action...

  6. Wetlands in a changing climate: Science, policy and management (United States)

    Moomaw, William R.; Chmura, G.L.; Davies, Gillian T.; Finlayson, Max; Middleton, Beth A.; Natali, Sue M.; Perry, James; Roulet, Nigel; Sutton-Grier, Ariana


    Part 1 of this review synthesizes recent research on status and climate vulnerability of freshwater and saltwater wetlands, and their contribution to addressing climate change (carbon cycle, adaptation, resilience). Peatlands and vegetated coastal wetlands are among the most carbon rich sinks on the planet sequestering approximately as much carbon as do global forest ecosystems. Estimates of the consequences of rising temperature on current wetland carbon storage and future carbon sequestration potential are summarized. We also demonstrate the need to prevent drying of wetlands and thawing of permafrost by disturbances and rising temperatures to protect wetland carbon stores and climate adaptation/resiliency ecosystem services. Preventing further wetland loss is found to be important in limiting future emissions to meet climate goals, but is seldom considered. In Part 2, the paper explores the policy and management realm from international to national, subnational and local levels to identify strategies and policies reflecting an integrated understanding of both wetland and climate change science. Specific recommendations are made to capture synergies between wetlands and carbon cycle management, adaptation and resiliency to further enable researchers, policy makers and practitioners to protect wetland carbon and climate adaptation/resiliency ecosystem services.

  7. Effects of sediment removal on vegetation communities in Rainwater Basin playa wetlands. (United States)

    Beas, Benjamin J; Smith, Loren M; LaGrange, Theodore G; Stutheit, Randy


    Sedimentation from cultivated agricultural land use has altered the natural hydrologic regimes of depressional wetlands in the Great Plains. These alterations can negatively affect native wetland plant communities. Our objective was to determine if restored wetlands are developing plant communities similar to reference wetland conditions following hydrologic restoration. For this study, hydrology was restored via sediment removal. Thirty-four playa wetlands in reference, restored, and agricultural condition within the Rainwater Basin Region of Nebraska were sampled in 2008 and 2009. In 2008, reference and restored wetlands had higher species richness and more native, annual, and perennial species than agricultural wetlands. Restored wetlands had similar exotic species richness compared to reference and agricultural wetlands; however, reference wetlands contained more than agricultural wetlands. Restored wetlands proportion of exotics was 3.5 and 2 times less than agricultural wetlands and reference wetlands respectively. In 2009, reference and restored wetlands had higher species richness, more perennial species, and more native species than agricultural wetlands. Restored wetlands contained a greater number and proportion of annuals than reference and agricultural wetlands. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that reference, restored, and agricultural wetlands are dominated by different plant species and guilds. Restored wetland plant communities do not appear to be acting as intermediates between reference and agricultural wetland conditions or on a trajectory to reach reference conditions. This may be attributed to differing seed bank communities between reference and restored wetlands, dispersal limitations of perennial plant guilds associated with reference wetland conditions, and/or management activities may be preventing restored wetlands from reaching reference status. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Hydrology and Ecology of Freshwater Wetlands in Central Florida - A Primer (United States)

    Haag, Kim H.; Lee, Terrie M.


    Freshwater wetlands are an integral part of central Florida, where thousands are distributed across the landscape. However, their relatively small size and vast numbers challenge efforts to characterize them collectively as a statewide water resource. Wetlands are a dominant landscape feature in Florida; in 1996, an estimated 11.4 million acres of wetlands occupied 29 percent of the area of the State. Wetlands represent a greater percentage of the land surface in Florida than in any other state in the conterminous United States. Statewide, 90 percent of the total wetland area is freshwater wetlands and 10 percent is coastal wetlands. About 55 percent of the freshwater wetlands in Florida are forested, 25 percent are marshes and emergent wetlands, 18 percent are scrub-shrub wetlands, and the remaining 2 percent are freshwater ponds. Freshwater wetlands are distributed differently in central Florida than in other parts of the State. In the panhandle and in northern Florida, there are fewer isolated wetlands than in the central and southern parts of the State, and few of those wetlands are affected by activities such as groundwater withdrawals. In southern Florida, the vast wetlands of the Everglades and the Big Cypress Swamp blanket the landscape and form contiguous shallow expanses of water, which often exhibit slow but continuous flow toward the southwestern coast. In contrast, the wetlands of central Florida are relatively small, numerous, mostly isolated, and widely distributed. In many places, wetlands are flanked by uplands, generating a mosaic of contrasting environments-unique wildlife habitat often adjacent to dense human development. As the population of central Florida increases, the number of residents living near wetlands also increases. Living in close proximity to wetlands provides many Floridians with an increased awareness of nature and an opportunity to examine the relationship between people and wetlands. Specifically, these residents can observe

  9. Nueva especie de zapote de monte (Phragmotheca, Bombacacea en bosques premontanos del centro de Colombia

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    Fernández Alonso José Luis


    Full Text Available A new species of Phragmotheca (Bombacaceae is described and illustrated. This represents the first record of this genus in premontane forest (subandean belt and is also the first locality for Phragmotheca in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. The genus was previously known only from the Chocó biogeographic region and the Amazonian lowlands.Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Phragmotheca (Bombacaceae, que representa el primer registro del género en bosques premontanos (franja subandina y en la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia. Phragmotheca era conocido hasta ahora, sólo de la región biogeográfica chocoana y de la planicie amazónica.

  10. La protección de los bosques naturales a la luz del Derecho Ambiental Internacional y la constitución brasileña: ¿Serán capaces de salvar la Floresta Amazónica?


    Carvalho, Edson Ferreira


    Este estudio objetiva elucidar las relaciones normativas sobre bosques naturales dentro de los diversos campos del Derecho Ambiental Internacional y del ordenamiento jurídico brasileño y proponer soluciones para aumentar la efectividad del control de la deforestación. Dado el carácter teórico del estudio se utilizaron las técnicas de investigación documental y bibliográfica. Inicialmente, fueron analizados la relevancia de los bosques naturales para el planeta y la humanidad; el régimen juríd...

  11. Inclusion of Riparian Wetland Module (RWM) into the SWAT model for assessment of wetland hydrological benefit (United States)

    Wetlands are an integral part of many agricultural watersheds. They provide multiple ecosystem functions, such as improving water quality, mitigating flooding, and serving as natural habitats. Those functions are highly depended on wetland hydrological characteristics and their connectivity to the d...

  12. The significant surface-water connectivity of "geographically isolated wetlands" (United States)

    Calhoun, Aram J.K.; Mushet, David M.; Alexander, Laurie C.; DeKeyser, Edward S.; Fowler, Laurie; Lane, Charles R.; Lang, Megan W.; Rains, Mark C.; Richter, Stephen; Walls, Susan


    We evaluated the current literature, coupled with our collective research expertise, on surface-water connectivity of wetlands considered to be “geographically isolated” (sensu Tiner Wetlands 23:494–516, 2003a) to critically assess the scientific foundation of grouping wetlands based on the singular condition of being surrounded by uplands. The most recent research on wetlands considered to be “geographically isolated” shows the difficulties in grouping an ecological resource that does not reliably indicate lack of surface water connectivity in order to meet legal, regulatory, or scientific needs. Additionally, the practice of identifying “geographically isolated wetlands” based on distance from a stream can result in gross overestimates of the number of wetlands lacking ecologically important surface-water connections. Our findings do not support use of the overly simplistic label of “geographically isolated wetlands”. Wetlands surrounded by uplands vary in function and surface-water connections based on wetland landscape setting, context, climate, and geographic region and should be evaluated as such. We found that the “geographically isolated” grouping does not reflect our understanding of the hydrologic variability of these wetlands and hence does not benefit conservation of the Nation’s diverse wetland resources. Therefore, we strongly discourage use of categorizations that provide overly simplistic views of surface-water connectivity of wetlands fully embedded in upland landscapes.

  13. China's natural wetlands: past problems, current status, and future challenges (United States)

    Shuqing An; Harbin Li; Baohua Guan; Changfang Zhou; Zhongsheng Wang; Zifa Deng; Yingbiao Zhi; Yuhong Liu; Chi Xu; Shubo Fang; Jinhui Jiang; Hongli Li


    Natural wetlands, occupying 3.8% of China's land and providing 54.9% of ecosystem services, are unevenly distributed among eight wetland regions. Natural wetlands in China suffered great loss and degradation (e.g., 23.0% freshwater swamps, 51.2% coastal wetlands) because of the wetland reclamation during China's long history of civilization, and the...

  14. Diversidad de árboles y arbustos en fragmentos de bosque nativo en el sur de Chile


    Pincheira-Ulbrich, J; Rau, JR; Hauenstein, E


    Se muestreó la diversidad de árboles y arbustos, y se construyó la curva de rarefacción y de acumulación de especies en 10 fragmentos de bosque nativo en el sur de Chile. Los resultados indicaron que: (1) la riqueza del conjunto de fragmentos fue igual a 23 especies, (2) la diversidad se incrementó significativamente con el tamaño de fragmento, (3) todos los fragmentos requieren un muestreo mínimo de entre 40 y 170 individuos para lograr la riqueza máxima teórica de especies, y (4) la riqueza...

  15. Use of created cattail ( Typha) wetlands in mitigation strategies (United States)

    Dobberteen, Ross A.; Nickerson, Norton H.


    In order to balance pressures for land-use development with protection of wetland resources, artificial wetlands have been constructed in an effort to replace lost ecosystems. Despite its regulatory appeal and prominent role in current mitigation strategies, it is unclear whether or not created systems actually compensate for lost wetland resources. Mitigation predictions that rely on artificial wetlands must be analyzed critically in terms of their efficacy. Destruction of wetlands due to burial by coal fly ash at a municipal landfill in Danvers, Massachusetts, USA, provided an opportunity to compare resulting growth of created cattail ( Typha) marshes with natural wetland areas. Once the appropriate cattail species was identified for growth under disturbed landfill conditions, two types of artificial wetlands were constructed. The two systems differed in their hydrologic attributes: while one had a surface water flow characteristic of most cattail wetlands, the second system mimicked soil and water conditions found in naturally occurring floating cattail marshes. Comparison of plant growth measurements for two years from the artificial systems with published values for natural cattail marshes revealed similar structure and growth patterns. Experiments are now in progress to investigate the ability of created cattail marshes to remove and accumulate heavy metals from polluted landfill leachate. Research of the type reported here must be pursued aggressively in order to document the performance of artificial wetlands in terms of plant structure and wetland functions. Such research should allow us to start to evaluate whether artificial systems actually compensate for lost wetlands by performing similar functions and providing the concomitant public benefits.

  16. Study of Wetland Ecosystem Vegetation Using Satellite Data (United States)

    Dyukarev, E. A.; Alekseeva, M. N.; Golovatskaya, E. A.


    The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is used to estimate the aboveground net production (ANP) of wetland ecosystems for the key area at the South Taiga zone of West Siberia. The vegetation index and aboveground production are related by linear dependence and are specific for each wetland ecosystem. The NDVI grows with an increase in the ANP at wooded oligotrophic ecosystems. Open oligotrophic bogs and eutrophic wetlands are characterized by an opposite relation. Maps of aboveground production for wetland ecosystems are constructed for each study year and for the whole period of studies. The average aboveground production for all wetland ecosystems of the key area, which was estimated with consideration for the area they occupy and using the data of satellite measurements of the vegetation index, is 305 g C/m2/yr. The total annual carbon accumulation in aboveground wetland vegetation in the key area is 794600 t.

  17. Integrating geographically isolated wetlands into land management decisions (United States)

    Golden, Heather E.; Creed, Irena F.; Ali, Genevieve; Basu, Nandita; Neff, Brian; Rains, Mark C.; McLaughlin, Daniel L.; Alexander, Laurie C.; Ameli, Ali A.; Christensen, Jay R.; Evenson, Grey R.; Jones, Charles N.; Lane, Charles R.; Lang, Megan


    Wetlands across the globe provide extensive ecosystem services. However, many wetlands – especially those surrounded by uplands, often referred to as geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs) – remain poorly protected. Protection and restoration of wetlands frequently requires information on their hydrologic connectivity to other surface waters, and their cumulative watershed‐scale effects. The integration of measurements and models can supply this information. However, the types of measurements and models that should be integrated are dependent on management questions and information compatibility. We summarize the importance of GIWs in watersheds and discuss what wetland connectivity means in both science and management contexts. We then describe the latest tools available to quantify GIW connectivity and explore crucial next steps to enhancing and integrating such tools. These advancements will ensure that appropriate tools are used in GIW decision making and maintaining the important ecosystem services that these wetlands support.

  18. Sand quarry wetlands provide high-quality habitat for native amphibians

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    M. Sievers


    Full Text Available Anthropogenic disturbances to habitats influence the fitness of individual animals, the abundance of their populations, and the composition of their communities. Wetlands in particular are frequently degraded and destroyed, impacting the animals that inhabit these important ecosystems. The creation of wetlands during and following sand extraction processes is inevitable, and thus, sand quarries have the potential to support aquatic animals. To determine how amphibians utilise these wetlands, I conducted nocturnal call surveys at wetlands within the Kables Sands quarry, New South Wales, Australia, and within surrounding reference wetlands, and quantified levels of developmental instability (DI as a proxy for fitness. Whilst quarry and reference wetlands were largely similar in terms of environmental characteristics, quarry wetlands consistently harboured more amphibian species and individuals. Using unsigned asymmetry as a measure of DI, frogs from the quarry sites exhibited significantly lower levels of DI compared to reference wetlands, indicating that quarry wetlands may be comparatively higher quality. Levels of DI within quarry wetlands also compared favourably to data from healthy frog populations extracted from the literature. Further enhancing the suitability of quarry wetlands would require minimal effort, with potentially significant increases in local and regional biodiversity. Documenting species presence and quantifying individual fitness by measuring limb lengths is an economically and logistically feasible method to assess the health of quarry wetlands. Overall, the methods outlined here provide a powerful, yet simple, tool to assess the overall health and suitability of quarry wetlands that could be easily adopted at quarries throughout the world.

  19. Natural wetland in China | Pan | African Journal of Environmental ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    As it is known to all, wetland is one of the most crucial ecosystems in the world, with large varieties in China. How to protect wetland in China has become a more serious problem and five typical wetlands were selected in the article to illustrate the condition. Through the comparison between the past and present of wetland, ...

  20. Relating groundwater to seasonal wetlands in southeastern Wisconsin, USA (United States)

    Skalbeck, J.D.; Reed, D.M.; Hunt, R.J.; Lambert, J.D.


    Historically, drier types of wetlands have been difficult to characterize and are not well researched. Nonetheless, they are considered to reflect the precipitation history with little, if any, regard for possible relation to groundwater. Two seasonal coastal wetland types (wet prairie, sedge meadow) were investigated during three growing seasons at three sites in the Lake Michigan Basin, Wisconsin, USA. The six seasonal wetlands were characterized using standard soil and vegetation techniques and groundwater measurements from the shallow and deep systems. They all met wetland hydrology criteria (e.g., water within 30 cm of land surface for 5% of the growing season) during the early portion of the growing season despite the lack of appreciable regional groundwater discharge into the wetland root zones. Although root-zone duration analyses did not fit a lognormal distribution previously noted in groundwater-dominated wetlands, they were able to discriminate between the plant communities and showed that wet prairie communities had shorter durations of continuous soil saturation than sedge meadow communities. These results demonstrate that the relative rates of groundwater outflows can be important for wetland hydrology and resulting wetland type. Thus, regional stresses to the shallow groundwater system such as pumping or low Great Lake levels can be expected to affect even drier wetland types. ?? Springer-Verlag 2008.

  1. Nevada Test Site Wetlands Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D. J. Hansen


    This report identifies 16 Nevada Test Site (NTS) natural water sources that may be classified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as jurisdictional wetlands and identifies eight water sources that may be classified as waters of the United States. These water sources are rare, localized habitats on the NTS that are important to regional wildlife and to isolated populations of water tolerant plants and aquatic organisms. No field investigations on the NTS have been conducted in the past to identify those natural water sources which would be protected as rare habitats and which may fall under regulatory authority of the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1997. This report identifies and summarizes previous studies of NTS natural water sources, and identifies the current DOE management practices related to the protection of NTS wetlands. This report also presents management goals specific for NTS wetlands that incorporate the intent of existing wetlands legislation, the principles of ecosystem management, and the interests of regional land managers and other stakeholders.

  2. Using Internet search behavior to assess public awareness of protected wetlands. (United States)

    Do, Yuno; Kim, Ji Yoon; Lineman, Maurice; Kim, Dong-Kyun; Joo, Gea-Jae


    Improving public awareness of protected wetlands facilitates sustainable wetland management, which depends on public participation. One way of gauging public interest is by tracking Internet search behavior (ISB). We assessed public awareness of issues related to protected wetland areas (PWAs) in South Korea by examining the frequencies of specific queries (PWAs, Ramsar, Upo wetland, Sunchon Bay, etc.) using relative search volumes (RSVs) obtained from an Internet search engine. RSV shows how many times a search term is used relative to a second search term during a specific period. Public awareness of PWAs changed from 2007 to 2013. Initially the majority of Internet searches were related to the most well-known tidal and inland wetlands Sunchon Bay and Upo wetlands, which are the largest existing wetlands in Korea with the greatest historical exposure. Public awareness, as reflected in RSVs, of wetlands increased significantly following PWA designation for the wetlands in 2008, which followed the Ramsar 10th Conference of Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (COP10) meeting. Public interest was strongly correlated to the number of news articles in the popular media, as evidenced by the increase in Internet searches for specific wetlands and words associated with specific wetlands. Correspondingly, the number of visitors to specific wetlands increased. To increase public interest in wetlands, wetland aspects that enhance wetland conservation should be promoted by the government and enhanced via public education. Our approach can be used to gauge public awareness and participation in a wide range of conservation efforts. © 2014 Society for Conservation Biology.

  3. Do geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape functions?


    Cohen, Matthew J.; Creed, Irena F.; Alexander, Laurie; Basu, Nandita B.; Calhoun, Aram J. K.; Craft, Christopher; D’Amico, Ellen; DeKeyser, Edward; Fowler, Laurie; Golden, Heather E.; Jawitz, James W.; Kalla, Peter; Kirkman, L. Katherine; Lane, Charles R.; Lang, Megan


    Geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs), those surrounded by uplands, exchange materials, energy, and organisms with other elements in hydrological and habitat networks, contributing to landscape functions, such as flow generation, nutrient and sediment retention, and biodiversity support. GIWs constitute most of the wetlands in many North American landscapes, provide a disproportionately large fraction of wetland edges where many functions are enhanced, and form complexes with other water bo...

  4. Tidal wetlands of the Yaquina and Alsea River estuaries, Oregon: Geographic Information Systems layer development and recommendations for National Wetlands Inventory revisions (United States)

    Brophy, Laura S.; Reusser, Deborah A.; Janousek, Christopher N.


    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) layers of current, and likely former, tidal wetlands in two Oregon estuaries were generated by enhancing the 2010 National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data with expert local field knowledge, Light Detection and Ranging-derived elevations, and 2009 aerial orthophotographs. Data were generated for two purposes: First, to enhance the NWI by recommending revised Cowardin classifications for certain NWI wetlands within the study area; and second, to generate GIS data for the 1999 Yaquina and Alsea River Basins Estuarine Wetland Site Prioritization study. Two sets of GIS products were generated: (1) enhanced NWI shapefiles; and (2) shapefiles of prioritization sites. The enhanced NWI shapefiles contain recommended changes to the Cowardin classification (system, subsystem, class, and/or modifiers) for 286 NWI polygons in the Yaquina estuary (1,133 acres) and 83 NWI polygons in the Alsea estuary (322 acres). These enhanced NWI shapefiles also identify likely former tidal wetlands that are classified as upland in the current NWI (64 NWI polygons totaling 441 acres in the Yaquina estuary; 16 NWI polygons totaling 51 acres in the Alsea estuary). The former tidal wetlands were identified to assist strategic planning for tidal wetland restoration. Cowardin classifications for the former tidal wetlands were not provided, because their current hydrology is complex owing to dikes, tide gates, and drainage ditches. The scope of this project did not include the field evaluation that would be needed to determine whether the former tidal wetlands are currently wetlands, and if so, determine their correct Cowardin classification. The prioritization site shapefiles contain 49 prioritization sites totaling 2,177 acres in the Yaquina estuary, and 39 prioritization sites totaling 1,045 acres in the Alsea estuary. The prioritization sites include current and former (for example, diked) tidal wetlands, and provide landscape units appropriate for basin

  5. Conservación de la biodiversidad y desarrollo humano en bosques montanos de Costa Rica

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    Juan Criado Hernández


    Full Text Available Costa Rica es el país que posee la mayor biodiversidad del planeta en relación con su extensión (en 51 100 km2 tiene aproximadamente el 5% de la biodiversidad mundial; esto, junto al compromiso político de integrar las políticas de desarrollo humano y de medio ambiente, han consolidado el país como líder en conservación en América Latina.  Lo anterior ha favorecido, además, el desarrollo del ecoturismo, el pago de servicios ambientales y la fijación de carbono, como alternativas para el aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales. A pesar de estos esfuerzos, es evidente la necesidad de promover investigaciones que ayuden a entender las interacciones entre naturaleza y sociedad, base del desarrollo sostenible. A escala internacional, los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (2005, el reciente Congreso de Áreas Protegidas en Mesoamérica (Panamá, 2006 y el último Congreso de la Asociación de Biología Tropical y Conservación (México, 2007, son algunos ejemplos que destacan esta misma necesidad. Se presenta una aproximación interdisciplinar para determinar las relaciones que existen entre la biodiversidad y el bienestar humano en bosques montanos de Costa Rica. La hipótesis considera que un buen estado de conservación del bosque tiene una correlación positiva con un acceso equitativo a las condiciones necesarias para mejorar el bienestar humano de las comunidades. Para esto, se desarrolla una metodología sencilla basada en un conjunto de indicadores biológicos y sociales. En los indicadores biológicos se considera la estructura del bosque y su relación con especies de aves frugívoras como indicadores funcionales de biodiversidad, debido a su papel como dispersores de semillas en las montañas del trópico. Los indicadores sociales están basados en la participación social, por la función que cumple en la distribución de los beneficios generados por el medio ambiente. Para ello se analizan las redes de participaci

  6. Icelandic Inland Wetlands: Characteristics and Extent of Draining


    Gudmundsson, Jon; Brink, Sigmundur H.; Arnalds, Olafur; Gisladottir, Fanney O.; Oskarsson, Hlynur


    Iceland has inland wetland areas with soils exhibiting both Andosol and Histosol properties which are uncommon elsewhere on Earth. They are generally fertile, with higher bird-nest densities than in similar wetlands in the neighboring countries, with nutrients released by rapid weathering of aeolian materials of basaltic nature. Icelandic inland wetlands cover about 9000 km2 constituting 19.4 % of the vegetated surfaces of the island. The wetland soils are often 1–3 m thick and store 33 to >1...

  7. Assessing the cumulative impacts of geographically isolated wetlands on watershed hydrology using the SWAT model coupled with improved wetland modules. (United States)

    Lee, S; Yeo, I-Y; Lang, M W; Sadeghi, A M; McCarty, G W; Moglen, G E; Evenson, G R


    Despite recognizing the importance of wetlands in the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) in terms of ecosystem services, our understanding of wetland functions has mostly been limited to individual wetlands and overall catchment-scale wetland functions have rarely been investigated. This study is aimed at assessing the cumulative impacts of wetlands on watershed hydrology for an agricultural watershed within the Coastal Plain of the CBW using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). We employed two improved wetland modules for enhanced representation of physical processes and spatial distribution of riparian wetlands (RWs) and geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs). This study focused on GIWs as their hydrological impacts on watershed hydrology are poorly understood and GIWs are poorly protected. Multiple wetland scenarios were prepared by removing all or portions of the baseline GIW condition indicated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory geospatial dataset. We further compared the impacts of GIWs and RWs on downstream flow (i.e., streamflow at the watershed outlet). Our simulation results showed that GIWs strongly influenced downstream flow by altering water transport mechanisms in upstream areas. Loss of all GIWs reduced both water routed to GIWs and water infiltrated into the soil through the bottom of GIWs, leading to an increase in surface runoff of 9% and a decrease in groundwater flow of 7% in upstream areas. These changes resulted in increased variability of downstream flow in response to extreme flow conditions. GIW loss also induced an increase in month to month variability of downstream flow and a decrease in the baseflow contribution to streamflow. Loss of all GIWs was shown to cause a greater fluctuation of downstream flow than loss of all RWs for this study site, due to a greater total water storage capacity of GIWs. Our findings indicate that GIWs play a significant role in controlling hydrological

  8. Socio-Economic Determinants of Wetland Cultivation in Kemise ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A study of wetland use in Kemise, central Illubabor, southwestern Ethiopia, shows food shortage as the main factor behind wetland cultivation in the locality. However, discriminant analysis results indicate that it is the wealthier farmers who tend to cultivate wetlands rather than the economically less fortunate ones.


    In the summer of 1987, a pilot constructed wetland was built at the Big Five Tunnel in Idaho Springs, Colorado. This report details the theory, design and construction of wetlands receiving acid mine drainages, based on the second and third year of operation of this wetland, whic...

  10. Exploring drivers of wetland hydrologic fluxes across parameters and space (United States)

    Jones, C. N.; Cheng, F. Y.; Mclaughlin, D. L.; Basu, N. B.; Lang, M.; Alexander, L. C.


    Depressional wetlands provide diverse ecosystem services, ranging from critical habitat to the regulation of landscape hydrology. The latter is of particular interest, because while hydrologic connectivity between depressional wetlands and downstream waters has been a focus of both scientific research and policy, it remains difficult to quantify the mode, magnitude, and timing of this connectivity at varying spatial and temporary scales. To do so requires robust empirical and modeling tools that accurately represent surface and subsurface flowpaths between depressional wetlands and other landscape elements. Here, we utilize a parsimonious wetland hydrology model to explore drivers of wetland water fluxes in different archetypal wetland-rich landscapes. We validated the model using instrumented sites from regions that span North America: Prairie Pothole Region (south-central Canada), Delmarva Peninsula (Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain), and Big Cypress Swamp (southern Florida). Then, using several national scale datasets (e.g., National Wetlands Inventory, USFWS; National Hydrography Dataset, USGS; Soil Survey Geographic Database, NRCS), we conducted a global sensitivity analysis to elucidate dominant drivers of simulated fluxes. Finally, we simulated and compared wetland hydrology in five contrasting landscapes dominated by depressional wetlands: prairie potholes, Carolina and Delmarva bays, pocosins, western vernal pools, and Texas coastal prairie wetlands. Results highlight specific drivers that vary across these regions. Largely, hydroclimatic variables (e.g., PET/P ratios) controlled the timing and magnitude of wetland connectivity, whereas both wetland morphology (e.g., storage capacity and watershed size) and soil characteristics (e.g., ksat and confining layer depth) controlled the duration and mode (surface vs. subsurface) of wetland connectivity. Improved understanding of the drivers of wetland hydrologic connectivity supports enhanced, region


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandra Almaraz-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar morfológica y molecularmente la micoflora que posee propiedades antagonistas sobre Phytophthora cinnamomi, asociada al suelo del bosque de encino (Quercus spp. de El Arrayanal, Colima, y de Tecoanapa, Guerrero. En estas localidades se realizaron dos muestreos de suelo colectándose muestras compuestas de suelo-raíz alrededor de los árboles con diferentes edades y condiciones sanitarias en rodales afectados por P. cinnamomi. Los hongos se identificaron morfológicamente mediante la técnica de dilución de suelo PDA-TS (papa-dextrosaagar-tergitol-estreztomicina. Con los aislamientos obtenidos se realizaron pruebas de antagonismo in vitro. Los aislamientos de Trichoderma, Cordyceps bassiana y Paecilomyces son los que ejercieron mejor biocontrol al reducir el desarrollo de P. cinnamomi mostrando mecanismos sobresalientes de competencia por espacio y micoparasitismo. Los hongos se caracterizaron molecularmente amplificando la región intergénica (ITS de los genes ribosomales mediante la técnica de amplificación por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR. Se reportan por vez primera a C. bassiana, Cladosporium tenuissimun y seis especies de Trichoderma asociadas al bosque de encino en México.

  12. Observations On Some Upper Amazonian Wetlands of Southeastern Peru (United States)

    Householder, J. E.; Muttiah, R.; Khanal, S.


    Upper Amazonian wetlands represent little studied, poorly understood, and grossly under protected systems. Scientific investigation of Amazonian wetlands is in its infancy; nor is there much known about their ecological services. Regionally, wetlands form a ubiquitous and significant component of floodplain habitat fed by perennial springs as well as overland runoff. Locally, wetland vegetation forms bewilderingly complex vegetation mosaics that seem to be governed by local topography and hydrology. Drawing upon intensive field campaigns and remotely sensed imagery, we summarize the results and experiences gathered in wetlands of southeastern Peru.

  13. A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Flats Wetlands in the Everglades

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Noble, Chris


    .... However, a variety of other potential uses have been identified, including the determination of minimal effects under the Food Security Act, design of wetland restoration projects, and management of wetlands...

  14. Wetlands Assessment for site characterization, Advanced Neutron Source (ANS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wade, M.C.; Socolof, M.L.


    This Wetlands Assessment has been prepared in accordance with the Department of Energy's (DOE) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 10 CFR 1022, Compliance with Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements, which established the policy and procedure for implementing Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands. The proposed action is to conduct characterization activities in or near wetlands at the ANS site. The proposed action will covered under a Categorical Exclusion, therefore this assessment is being prepared as a separate document [10 CFR 1022.12(c)]. The purpose of this Wetlands Assessment is to fulfill the requirements of 10 CFR 1022.12(a) by describing the project, discussing the effects of the proposed action upon the wetlands, and considering alternatives to the proposed action

  15. Accumulation and bioaccessibility of trace elements in wetland ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Accumulation of trace metals in sediment can cause severe ecological impacts. In this study, determination of elemental concentrations in water and sediment was done. Shadegan wetland is one of the most important wetlands in southwest of Iran and is among the Ramsar-listed wetlands. Wastewaters from industries ...

  16. Observation of Wetland Dynamics with Global Navigation Satellite Signals Reflectometry (United States)

    Zuffada, C.; Shah, R.; Nghiem, S. V.; Cardellach, E.; Chew, C. C.


    Wetland dynamics is crucial to changes in both atmospheric methane and terrestrial water storage. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC AR5) highlights the role of wetlands as a key driver of methane (CH4) emission, which is more than one order of magnitude stronger than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas in the centennial time scale. Among the multitude of methane emission sources (hydrates, livestock, rice cultivation, freshwaters, landfills and waste, fossil fuels, biomass burning, termites, geological sources, and soil oxidation), wetlands constitute the largest contributor with the widest uncertainty range of 177-284 Tg(CH4) yr-1 according to the IPCC estimate. Wetlands are highly susceptible to climate change that might lead to wetland collapse. Such wetland destruction would decrease the terrestrial water storage capacity and thus contribute to sea level rise, consequently exacerbating coastal flooding problems. For both methane change and water storage change, wetland dynamics is a crucial factor with the largest uncertainty. Nevertheless, a complete and consistent map of global wetlands still needs to be obtained as the Ramsar Convention calls for a wetlands inventory and impact assessment. We develop a new method for observations of wetland change using Global Navigation Satellite Signals Reflectometry (GNSS-R) signatures for global wetland mapping in synergy with the existing capability, not only as a static inventory but also as a temporal dataset, to advance the capability for monitoring the dynamics of wetland extent relevant to addressing the science issues of CH4 emission change and terrestrial water storage change. We will demonstrate the capability of the new GNSS-R method over a rice field in the Ebro Delta wetland in Spain.

  17. Sustainable wetland management and support of ecosystem services (United States)

    Smith, Loren M.; Euliss, Ned H.; Wilcox, Douglas A.; Brinson, Mark M.


    This article is a follow-up on a previous piece in the National Wetlands Newsletter in which we outlined problems associated with a static, local approach to wetland management versus an alternative that proposes a temporal and geomorphic approach (Euliss et al. 2009). We extend that concept by drawing on companion papers recently published in the journal Wetlands (Euliss et al. 2008, Smith et al. 2008). Here we highlight reasons for the failure of many managed wetlands to provide a suite of ecosystem services (e.g., carbon storage, diodiversity, ground-water recharge, contaminant filtering, floodwater storage). Our principal theme is that wetland management is best approached by giving consideration to the hydrogeomorphic processes that maintain productive ecosystems and by removing physical and social impediments to those processes. Traditional management actions are often oriented toward maintaining static conditions in wetlands without considering the temporal cycles that wetlands need to undergo or achieve productivity for specific groups of wildlife, such as waterfowl. Possibly more often, a manager's ability to influence hydrogeomorphic processes is restricted by activities in surrounding watersheds. These could be dams, for example, which do not allow management of flood-pulse processes essential to productivity of riparian systems. In most cases, sediments and nutrients associated with land use in contributing watersheds complicate management of wetlands for a suite of services, including wildlife. Economic or policy forces far-removed from a wetland often interact to prevent occurrence of basic ecosystem processes. Our message is consistent with recommendation of supply-side sustainability of Allen et al. (2002) in which ecosystems are managed "for the system that produces outputs rather than the outputs themselves."

  18. Relación del gradiente interior-borde de fragmentos de bosque andino sobre la comunidad de murciélagos en Encino (Santander, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aída Otálora Ardila


    área total y tienen una densidad de 0,39 parches/ha. Los índices calculados revelan que los bosques andinos tienen un menor proceso de fragmentación que los subandinos representado en fragmentos más grandes y más cercanos. El paisaje ha sido muy transformado pues el 90,4% de los fragmentos son

  19. Remote sensing of wetlands at the Savannah River Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christensen, E.J.; Jensen, J.R.; Sharitz, R.R.


    The Savannah River Plant (SRP) occupies about 300 sq mi along a 10-mile stretch of the Savannah River. Large areas of wetlands cover the site, especially along tributary stream floodplains and the Savannah River. Some of these areas have been altered by cooling water discharges from nuclear production reactors onsite. To assess the effects of current and future plant operations on SRP and regional wetlands, an accurate quantitative survey was needed. Several studies were initiated to provide wetland acreage and distribution information: regional wetland inventories were provided from an analysis of LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS) satellite data. Wetlands were mapped throughout the entire Savannah River watershed and in the Savannah River floodplain. SRP wetlands were identified using a combination of LANDSAT MSS and Thematic Mapper satellite data and aerial photography. Wetlands in the SRP Savannah River swamp and thermally affected areas were mapped using high resolution MSS data collected from a low-flying aircraft. Vegetation communities in areas receiving cooling water discharges were then compared to surface temperatures measured from the airborne scanner at the same time to evaluate plant temperature tolerance. Historic changes to SRP wetlands from cooling water discharges were tabulated using aerial photography

  20. Microbial diversity in restored wetlands of San Francisco Bay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Theroux, Susanna [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.; Hartman, Wyatt [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.; He, Shaomei [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Tringe, Susannah [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.


    Wetland ecosystems may serve as either a source or a sink for atmospheric carbon and greenhouse gases. This delicate carbon balance is influenced by the activity of belowground microbial communities that return carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. Wetland restoration efforts in the San Francisco Bay-Delta region may help to reverse land subsidence and possibly increase carbon storage in soils. However, the effects of wetland restoration on microbial communities, which mediate soil metabolic activity and carbon cycling, are poorly studied. In an effort to better understand the underlying factors which shape the balance of carbon flux in wetland soils, we targeted the microbial communities in a suite of restored and historic wetlands in the San Francisco Bay-Delta region. Using DNA and RNA sequencing, coupled with greenhouse gas monitoring, we profiled the diversity and metabolic potential of the wetland soil microbial communities along biogeochemical and wetland age gradients. Our results show relationships among geochemical gradients, availability of electron acceptors, and microbial community composition. Our study provides the first genomic glimpse into microbial populations in natural and restored wetlands of the San Francisco Bay-Delta region and provides a valuable benchmark for future studies.

  1. A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Depression Wetlands in the Upper Des Plaines River Basin (United States)


    Wetlands and Coastal Ecology Branch; Dr. David J. Tazik, Chief, Eco- system Evaluation and Engineering Division; and Dr. Edwin A. Theriot, Direc- tor, EL...wetlands (Euliss and Mushet 1996, Azous and Horner 2001, Bhaduri et al. 1997) and nutrient loading into those wetlands. The overall LU score is...Euliss, N. H., and Mushet , D. M. (1996). “Water-level fluctuation in wetlands as a function of landscape condition in the prairie pothole region

  2. The road to higher permanence and biodiversity in exurban wetlands. (United States)

    Urban, Mark C; Roehm, Robert


    Exurban areas are expanding throughout the world, yet their effects on local biodiversity remain poorly understood. Wetlands, in particular, face ongoing and substantial threats from exurban development. We predicted that exurbanization would reduce the diversity of wetland amphibian and invertebrate communities and that more spatially aggregated residential development would leave more undisturbed natural land, thereby promoting greater local diversity. Using structural equation models, we tested a series of predictions about the direct and indirect pathways by which exurbanization extent, spatial pattern, and wetland characteristics might affect diversity patterns in 38 wetlands recorded during a growing season. We used redundancy, indicator species, and nested community analyses to evaluate how exurbanization affected species composition. In contrast to expectations, we found higher diversity in exurban wetlands. We also found that housing aggregation did not significantly affect diversity. Exurbanization affected biodiversity indirectly by increasing roads and development, which promoted permanent wetlands with less canopy cover and more aquatic vegetation. These pond characteristics supported greater diversity. However, exurbanization was associated with fewer temporary wetlands and fewer of the species that depend on these habitats. Moreover, the best indicator species for an exurban wetland was the ram's head snail, a common disease vector in disturbed ponds. Overall, results suggest that exurbanization is homogenizing wetlands into more permanent water bodies. These more permanent, exurban ponds support higher overall animal diversity, but exclude temporary wetland specialists. Conserving the full assemblage of wetland species in expanding exurban regions throughout the world will require protecting and creating temporary wetlands.

  3. Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach (United States)

    Perillo, G. M. E.; Wolanski, E.; Cahoon, D.R.; Brinson, M.M.


    Coastal wetlands are under a great deal of pressure from the dual forces of rising sea level and the intervention of human populations both along the estuary and in the river catchment. Direct impacts include the destruction or degradation of wetlands from land reclamation and infrastructures. Indirect impacts derive from the discharge of pollutants, changes in river flows and sediment supplies, land clearing, and dam operations. As sea level rises, coastal wetlands in most areas of the world migrate landward to occupy former uplands. The competition of these lands from human development is intensifying, making the landward migration impossible in many cases. This book provides an understanding of the functioning of coastal ecosystems and the ecological services that they provide, and suggestions for their management. In this book a CD is included containing color figures of wetlands and estuaries in different parts of the world.

  4. Assessment of nutrient retention by Natete wetland Kampala, Uganda (United States)

    Kanyiginya, V.; Kansiime, F.; Kimwaga, R.; Mashauri, D. A.

    Natete wetland which is located in a suburb of Kampala city in Uganda is dominated by C yperus papyrus and covers an area of approximately 1 km 2. The wetland receives wastewater and runoff from Natete town which do not have a wastewater treatment facility. The main objective of this study was to assess nutrient retention of Natete wetland and specifically to: determine the wastewater flow patterns in the wetland; estimate the nutrient loads into and out of the wetland; determine the nutrient retention by soil, plants and water column in the wetland; and assess the above and belowground biomass density of the dominant vegetation. Soil, water and plant samples were taken at 50 m intervals along two transects cut through the wetland; soil and water samples were taken at 10 cm just below the surface. Physico-chemical parameters namely pH, electrical conductivity and temperature were measured in situ. Water samples were analyzed in the laboratory for ammonium-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, total nitrogen, orthophosphate and total phosphorus. Electrical conductivity ranged between 113 μS/cm and 530 μS/cm and the wastewater flow was concentrated on the eastern side of the wetland. pH varied between 6 and 7, temperature ranged from 19 °C to 24 °C. NH 4-N, NO 3-N, and TN concentrations were retained by 21%, 98%, and 35% respectively. Phosphorus concentration was higher at the outlet of the wetland possibly due to release from sediments and leaching. Nutrient loads were higher at the inlet (12,614 ± 394 kgN/day and 778 ± 159 kgP/day) than the outlet (2368 ± 425 kgN/day and 216 ± 56 kgP/day) indicating retention by the wetland. Plants stored most nutrients compared to soil and water. The belowground biomass of papyrus vegetation in the wetland was higher (1288.4 ± 8.3 gDW/m 2) than the aboveground biomass (1019.7 ± 13.8 gDW/m 2). Plant uptake is one of the important routes of nutrient retention in Natete wetland. It is recommended that harvesting papyrus can be an

  5. A novel algorithm for delineating wetland depressions and ... (United States)

    In traditional watershed delineation and topographic modeling, surface depressions are generally treated as spurious features and simply removed from a digital elevation model (DEM) to enforce flow continuity of water across the topographic surface to the watershed outlets. In reality, however, many depressions in the DEM are actual wetland landscape features that are seldom fully filled with water. For instance, wetland depressions in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) are seasonally to permanently flooded wetlands characterized by nested hierarchical structures with dynamic filling- spilling-merging surface-water hydrological processes. The objectives of this study were to delineate hierarchical wetland catchments and model their hydrologic connectivity using high-resolution LiDAR data and aerial imagery. We proposed a novel algorithm delineate the hierarchical wetland catchments and characterize their geometric and topological properties. Potential hydrologic connectivity between wetlands and streams were simulated using the least-cost path algorithm. The resulting flow network delineated putative temporary or seasonal flow paths connecting wetland depressions to each other or to the river network at scales finer than available through the National Hydrography Dataset. The results demonstrated that our proposed framework is promising for improving overland flow modeling and hydrologic connectivity analysis. Presentation at AWRA Spring Specialty Conference in Sn

  6. Estimating restorable wetland water storage at landscape scales (United States)

    Jones, Charles Nathan; Evenson, Grey R.; McLaughlin, Daniel L.; Vanderhoof, Melanie; Lang, Megan W.; McCarty, Greg W.; Golden, Heather E.; Lane, Charles R.; Alexander, Laurie C.


    Globally, hydrologic modifications such as ditching and subsurface drainage have significantly reduced wetland water storage capacity (i.e., volume of surface water a wetland can retain) and consequent wetland functions. While wetland area has been well documented across many landscapes and used to guide restoration efforts, few studies have directly quantified the associated wetland storage capacity. Here, we present a novel raster-based approach to quantify both contemporary and potential (i.e., restorable) storage capacities of individual depressional basins across landscapes. We demonstrate the utility of this method by applying it to the Delmarva Peninsula, a region punctuated by both depressional wetlands and drainage ditches. Across the entire peninsula, we estimated that restoration (i.e., plugging ditches) could increase storage capacity by 80%. Focusing on an individual watershed, we found that over 59% of restorable storage capacity occurs within 20 m of the drainage network, and that 93% occurs within 1 m elevation of the drainage network. Our demonstration highlights widespread ditching in this landscape, spatial patterns of both contemporary and potential storage capacities, and clear opportunities for hydrologic restoration. In Delmarva and more broadly, our novel approach can inform targeted landscape-scale conservation and restoration efforts to optimize hydrologically mediated wetland functions.

  7. Book review: Southern Forested Wetlands: Ecology and Management (United States)

    Carl C. Trettin


    The southern region has the largest proportion of wetlands in the conterminous US. The majority of that wetland resource is forested by diverse vegetation communities reflecting differences in soil, hydrology, geomorphology, climatic conditions and past management. Wetland resources in the southern US are very important to the economy providing both commodity and non-...

  8. Conocimiento y valoración de la calidad ambiental de la Reserva Forestal Bosque de Yotoco: perspectiva psicoambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henry Granada


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo de investigación se enmarca en el campo de la Psicología Ambiental y tuvo como propósito describir los conocimientos y las valoraciones que las personas expresaron sobre la calidad ambiental de la Reserva Forestal Bosque de Yotoco (Valle del Cauca, Colombia, así como descubrir sugerencias implícitas o explicitas pertinentes para el mejoramiento de la calidad ambiental del ecosistema en mención. Los participantes fueron algunos de los visitantes a la reserva desde el año 1994 hasta el 2011. Este estudio utilizó una estrategia metodológica cualitativa. Los datos analizados se obtuvieron a través del muestreo al azar de los libros de registro de visitantes, en el cual éstos escriben los comentarios sobre el carácter de su experiencia inmediatamente culminan el recorrido de la misma. Los resultados son ampliamente favorables hacia el reconocimiento de la calidad ambiental de la Reserva en sus aspectos físicos, bióticos y especialmente los psicosociales. Se destacan algunos comentarios relacionados con la apreciación del paisaje, la importancia como fuente originaria y reguladora de agua, el ser uno de los pocos “sobrevivientes” de bosque en la vertiente oriental de la cordillera occidental colombiana, la buena atención de los funcionarios y su posibilidad para la educación ambiental pertinente.

  9. Moluscos gasterópodos terrestres como indicadores de recuperación de bosque en los paisajes del Sur y Norcentro de Nicaragua

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    Marlon Sotelo


    Full Text Available Los moluscos terrestres son un grupo altamente diverso cuyo trabajo investigativo en Nicaragua ha sido mayoritariamente en la vertiente del Pacífico de Nicaragua. Evaluar el potencial de estas especies como indicadores de la perdida de la masa boscosa así como de su recuperación ayudará el impacto de las actividades humanas en esta biota de escasa movilidad. La colectas de conchas y especímenes fué realizada en bosques húmedos, nubosos y secos en los departamentos de Rivas y Jinotega en hábitats específicos dentro de la matrix del paisaje. Las identificaciones a posteriori fueron hechas para evitar el sesgo de identificaciones en especies de taxonomía debatible. Los hábitats forestales continuos mostraron valores mayores en biodiversidad que otros hábitats dentro de la matrix, mostrando que existe fidelidad de hábitat para la comunidad de caracoles en general. Esta alta fidelidad, muestra la importancia de este grupo cuando tratamos de obtener especies de fidelidad alta, ayudando a explicar cómo la perdida de bosque afecta a la fauna.

  10. Diversity patterns of temporary wetland macroinvertebrate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Although macroinvertebrates are potentially useful for assessing the condition of temporary wetlands, little is yet known about them. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were assessed in 138 temporary wetlands in the south-western Cape, recording 126 taxa. However, predicted richness estimates were all higher than the ...

  11. Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación al Cambio Climático en los bosques ibéricos.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asier Herrero


    Full Text Available Se han registrado numerosos impactos relacionados con el cambio climático en los bosques ibéricos que pueden cambiar la composición, estructura y funcionamiento de los mismos. Es importante considerar que los efectos del cambio climático interactúan comúnmente con otros motores de cambio, dificultando de esta manera la cuantificación de la contribución del cambio climático en los impactos observados. Entre los impactos registrados encontramos alteraciones fisiológicas, fenológicas, demográficas y de distribución, las cuales a su vez pueden provocar cambios en la composición, estructura y funcionamiento de los ecosistemas forestales ibéricos. A medida que el cambio climático avance, y las condiciones climáticas se alejen cada vez más de las actuales, se espera un aumento de los impactos observados. En este contexto, se hace necesario evaluar correctamente la vulnerabilidad de poblaciones, especies y ecosistemas frente al cambio climático futuro para poder diseñar y aplicar medidas de adaptación eficaces que minimicen los impactos y favorezcan el proceso de ajuste a las nuevas condiciones. La aplicación de las medidas de adaptación debe enmarcarse en una gestión adaptativa y anticipadora, que fomente la colaboración activa entre todos los actores involucrados en la gestión e investigación de los bosques ibéricos.

  12. Greenhouse gas flux dynamics in wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silvola, J; Alm, J; Saarnio, S [Joensuu Univ. (Finland). Dept. of Biology; Martikainen, P J [National Public Health Inst., Kuopio (Finland). Dept. of Environmental Microbiology


    Two important greenhouse gases, CO{sub 2} and CH{sub 4}, are closely connected to the carbon cycling of wetlands. Although virgin wetlands are mostly carbon accumulating ecosystems, major proportion of the CO{sub 2} bound annually in photosynthesis is released back to the atmosphere. Main portion of the carbon cycling in wetlands is quite fast while a small proportion of carbon diffusing from soil is released from organic matter, which may be ten thousand years old. Methane is formed in the anaerobic layers of wetlands, from where it is released gradually to the atmosphere. The decomposition in anaerobic conditions is very slow, which means that usually only a few percent of the annual carbon cycling takes place as methane. Research on CO{sub 2} fluxes of different virgin and managed peatlands was the main topic of this project during the first phase of SILMU. The measurements were made during two seasons in varying conditions in c. 30 study sites. In the second phase of SILMU the research topics were the spatial and temporal variation of CO{sub 2} and CH{sub 4} fluxes, the relationships between vegetation and gas fluxes as well as carbon balance studies in wetlands at some intensive sites

  13. Greenhouse gas flux dynamics in wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silvola, J.; Alm, J.; Saarnio, S. [Joensuu Univ. (Finland). Dept. of Biology; Martikainen, P.J. [National Public Health Inst., Kuopio (Finland). Dept. of Environmental Microbiology


    Two important greenhouse gases, CO{sub 2} and CH{sub 4}, are closely connected to the carbon cycling of wetlands. Although virgin wetlands are mostly carbon accumulating ecosystems, major proportion of the CO{sub 2} bound annually in photosynthesis is released back to the atmosphere. Main portion of the carbon cycling in wetlands is quite fast while a small proportion of carbon diffusing from soil is released from organic matter, which may be ten thousand years old. Methane is formed in the anaerobic layers of wetlands, from where it is released gradually to the atmosphere. The decomposition in anaerobic conditions is very slow, which means that usually only a few percent of the annual carbon cycling takes place as methane. Research on CO{sub 2} fluxes of different virgin and managed peatlands was the main topic of this project during the first phase of SILMU. The measurements were made during two seasons in varying conditions in c. 30 study sites. In the second phase of SILMU the research topics were the spatial and temporal variation of CO{sub 2} and CH{sub 4} fluxes, the relationships between vegetation and gas fluxes as well as carbon balance studies in wetlands at some intensive sites

  14. Reabsorción de nitrógeno y fósforo foliar en árboles de bosques montanos en los Andes centrales de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Vera


    Full Text Available Se determinaron las concentraciones y los porcentajes de reabsorción de nitrógeno y fósforo foliar en cinco especies de árboles de un bosque montano bajo (BMB a 1850 m.s.n.m. y en cinco de un bosque montano alto (BMA a 2800 m.s.n.m en la Cordillera Central colombiana, asi como la disponibilidad de nitrógeno y fósforo del suelo. Los porcentajes de reabsorción de N y P no fueron significativamente diferentes entre las especies de estos dos bosques. A pesar de esto, se observó que la reabsorción de P foliar tendió a ser mayor en las especies del BMB donde la concentración de P en el suelo fue significativamente más baja (3.2 ppm vs. 9.0 ppm. Cuando la reabsorción de P foliar se expresó como función de la concentración en hojas maduras en 12 tipos de bosques montanos tropicales, se encontró una correlación negativa y estadísticamente significativa. Estos resultados sugieren que los porcentajes de reabsorción de P foliar en bosques montanos estarían controlados parcialmente por la disponibilidad del elemento.Mature leaves and litterfall were collected between November 1992 and February 1993 from one to three individuals of five canopy tree species of a lower montane rain forest (LMRF at 1850 m. and five canopy tree species of an upper montane rain forest (UMRF at 2800 m. in the Central Andes of Colombia, to determine the concentrations and percentage retranslocation of nitrogen and phosphorus. The availability of these two nutrients was measured in the soils, by means of extracts of NH3-NH4, NO2-NO3 and PO4, and incubations of surface soil samples (0-10 cm to measure the rates of nitrogen mineralization and nitrification. In the species of the LMRF the average concentration of N in mature leaves (1.19 % dry weight and litterfall (0.87 % was significantly higher than in mature leaves (0.90 % and litterfall (0.59 % of the tree species of the UMRF. Percentage retranslocation of N and P were not significantly different between the

  15. Hydrological science and wetland restoration: some case studies from Europe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Throughout the world, wetlands are increasingly being recognised as important elements of the landscape because of their high biodiversity and goods and services they provide to mankind. After many decades of wetland destruction and conversion, large areas of wetlands are now protected under the International Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar and regional or national legislation such as the European Union Habitats Directive. In many cases, there is a need to restore the ecological character of the wetland through appropriate water management. This paper provides examples of scientific knowledge of wetland hydrology that can guide such restoration. It focuses on the need for sound hydrological science on a range of issues including water level control, topography, flood storage, wetland connections with rivers and sustainability of water supply under climate change.

  16. Advancing Wetlands Mapping and Monitoring with GNSS Reflectometry (United States)

    Zuffada, Cinzia; Chew, Clara; Nghiem, Son V.; Shah, Rashmi; Podest, Erika; Bloom, A. Anthony; Koning, Alexandra; Small, Eric; Schimel, David; Reager, J. T.; Mannucci, Anthony; Williamson, Walton; Cardellach, Estel


    Wetland dynamics is crucial to address changes in both atmospheric methane (CH4) and terrestrial water storage. Yet, both spatial distribution and temporal variability of wetlands remain highly unconstrained despite the existence of remote sensing products from past and present satellite sensors. An innovative approach to mapping wetlands is offered by the Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R), which is a bistatic radar concept that takes advantage of the ever increasing number of GNSS transmitting satellites to yield many randomly distributed measurements with broad-area global coverage and rapid revisit time. Hence, this communication presents the science motivation for mapping of wetlands and monitoring of their dynamics, and shows the relevance of the GNSS-R technique in this context, relative to and in synergy with other existing measurement systems. Additionally, the communication discusses results of our data analysis on wetlands in the Amazon, specifically from the initial analysis of satellite data acquired by the TechDemoSat-1 mission launched in 2014. Finally, recommendations are provided for the design of a GNSS-R mission specifically to address wetlands science issues.

  17. Possible use of wetlands in ecological restoration of surface mined lands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atkinson, R.B.; Cairns, J. Jr.


    Surface mining for coal has dramatically altered millions of hectares throughout the Appalachian region of eastern North America. Flat benches and vertical high walls have replaced well-drained slopes, and wetlands have developed 'accidentally' on abandoned benches. Surface mining is continuing in this region, but new regulations do not include specifications for wetland construction in the reclamation process. Recent research has suggested that many ecosystem services appropriate for the Appalachian landscape could be performed by constructed wetlands. Inclusion of wetland construction in a reclamation plan could lead to a net increase in wetland acreage locally, as well as offset the loss of natural and/or accidental wetlands that are constructed to enhance nontreatment goals in reclamation. Study sites included 14 emergent wetlands in Wise County, Virginia. Sampling in June and August detected a total of 94 species in 36 vascular plant facilities. Obligate wetlands species, species that occur in wetlands over 99% of the time, were found in all 14 sites and included 26 species. The presence of so many wetland species without intentional management efforts suggests that wetland establishment could become a common component of mine reclamation. 18 refs., 2 tabs

  18. Values of natural and human-made wetlands: A meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ghermandi, A.; van den Bergh, J.C.J.M.; Brander, L.M.; de Groot, H.L.F.; Nunes, P.A.L.D.


    The values of goods and services provided by wetland ecosystems are examined through a meta-analysis of an expanded database of wetland value estimates and with a focus on human-made wetlands. This study extends and improves upon previous meta-analyses of the wetland valuation literature in terms of

  19. Forested wetland area and distribution: A forest and paper industry policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubensky, M.M.; Berg, R.S.; Berry, W.S.


    The policy statement from the 1988 National Wetlands Policy Forum included the amorphous and ambiguous phase no overall net loss of the nation's remaining wetlands base. To industry and thousands of non-industrial landowners, timber production represents a major function of wetlands. The authors cover historical aspects of wetlands protection, the controversial and politicized issue of wetlands delineation, proposed revisions to the wetlands criteria, regulatory issues related to the US Corp of Engineers and EPA, and compensatory mitigation. A package of economic incentives, education, and favorable tax treatment to encourage landowners to maintain their forested wetlands is suggested. 5 refs

  20. Value Assessment of Artificial Wetland Derived from Mining Subsided Lake: A Case Study of Jiuli Lake Wetland in Xuzhou


    Laijian Wang; Lachun Wang; Pengcheng Yin; Haiyang Cui; Longwu Liang; Zhenbo Wang


    Mining subsided lakes are major obstacles for ecological restoration and resource reuse in mining regions. Transforming mining subsided lakes into artificial wetlands is an ecological restoration approach that has been attempted in China in recent years, but a value assessment of the approach still needs systematic research. This paper considers Jiuli Lake wetland, an artificial wetland derived from restoration of a mining subsided lake in plain area, as a case study. A value assessment model...

  1. Analysis of wetland change in the Songhua River Basin from 1995 to 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan, L H; Jiang, W G; Liu, Y H; Luo, Z L; He, X H


    Wetlands in the Songhua River Basin in both 1995 and 2008 were mapped from land use/land cover maps generated from Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery. These maps were then divided into two categories, i.e. artificial wetland and natural wetland. From 1995 to 2008, the total area of wetland in the Songhua River Basin increased from 93 072.3 km 2 to 99 179.6 km 2 a net increase of 6107.3 km 2 . The area of natural wetland decreased by 4043.7 km 2 while the area of artificial wetland increased by 10 166.2 km 2 . Swamp wetland and paddy field wetland became the dominant wetlands and the swamp wetland in the east of the Heilong River system and the north of the Wusuli River system disappeared, being transformed into paddy field wetland. The diversity of wetland landscape is worsening and the distribution of wetland landscape is becoming more unbalanced; the fragmentation of natural wetland has intensified whereas the patch connectivity of artificial wetland has increased. Changes in natural wetlands were primarily caused by climate and socio-economic changes, while changes in artificial wetland were mainly caused by the growth of population and gross domestic product

  2. A review of the ecohydrology of the Sakumo wetland in Ghana. (United States)

    Nonterah, Cynthia; Xu, Yongxin; Osae, Shiloh; Akiti, Thomas T; Dampare, Samuel B


    The Sakumo wetland is an internationally recognized Ramsar site located in a largely urban area and provides essential ecological and social services to wetland community dwellers. Despite its importance, the wetland has over the years been subjected to human interference resulting in considerable risks of deteriorating water quality, biodiversity loss, and drying up of most parts of the wetland. The conversion of land for residential and agricultural uses has significantly altered the hydrological characteristics of the land surface and modified pathways and flow of water into the wetland. Other drivers identified included drainage (mainly as runoff from agricultural farms), anthropogenic pressure (waste discharge) due to infrastructure development associated with urbanization, chemical contamination as a result of industrial and household pollution, and unsustainable fishing practices (overfishing). The purpose of the study was to review some of the physical and chemical properties of the Sakumo wetland on the changing wetland resources with emphasis on water quality. Rapid urbanization, industrialization, and overexploitation of wetland resources were identified as key causative factors affecting the wetland functions. Their effects on the wetland among others include increased nutrient and toxic chemical load which has resulted in reduced wetland surface water quality and decrease in species diversity. pH of the wetland waters was generally alkaline which is characteristic of water bodies influenced by seawater under oxygenated conditions. The increasing trends of electrical conductivity, phosphates, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite, though small, point to deteriorating water quality in the wetland. The lagoon water was observed to be heavily polluted with nutrients particularly phosphate. The sequence of nutrient in the wetland was found to be in the order of PO4-P>NH3-N>NO3-N>NO2-N. These, if not checked, will result in further deterioration of the wetland

  3. Carbon Storage in US Wetlands. | Science Inventory | US EPA (United States)

    Background/Question/Methods Wetland soils contain some of the highest stores of soil carbon in the biosphere. However, there is little understanding of the quantity and distribution of carbon stored in US wetlands or of the potential effects of human disturbance on these stocks. We provide unbiased estimates of soil carbon stocks for wetlands at regional and national scales and describe how soil carbon stocks vary by anthropogenic disturbance to the wetland. To estimate the quantity and distribution of carbon stocks in wetlands of the conterminous US, we used data gathered in the field as part of the 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA) conducted by USEPA. During the growing season, field crews collected soil samples by horizon from 120-cm deep soil pits at 967 randomly selected wetland sites. Soil samples were analyzed for bulk density and organic carbon. We applied site carbon stock averages by soil depth back to the national population of wetlands and to several subpopulations, including five geographic areas and anthropogenic disturbance level. Disturbance levels were categorized by the NWCA as least, intermediately, or most disturbed using a priori defined physical, chemical, and biological indicators that were observable at the time of the site visit.Results/Conclusions We find that wetlands in the conterminous US store a total of 11.52 PgC – roughly equivalent to four years of annual carbon emissions by the US, with the greatest soil ca

  4. Conceptual hierarchical modeling to describe wetland plant community organization (United States)

    Little, A.M.; Guntenspergen, G.R.; Allen, T.F.H.


    Using multivariate analysis, we created a hierarchical modeling process that describes how differently-scaled environmental factors interact to affect wetland-scale plant community organization in a system of small, isolated wetlands on Mount Desert Island, Maine. We followed the procedure: 1) delineate wetland groups using cluster analysis, 2) identify differently scaled environmental gradients using non-metric multidimensional scaling, 3) order gradient hierarchical levels according to spatiotem-poral scale of fluctuation, and 4) assemble hierarchical model using group relationships with ordination axes and post-hoc tests of environmental differences. Using this process, we determined 1) large wetland size and poor surface water chemistry led to the development of shrub fen wetland vegetation, 2) Sphagnum and water chemistry differences affected fen vs. marsh / sedge meadows status within small wetlands, and 3) small-scale hydrologic differences explained transitions between forested vs. non-forested and marsh vs. sedge meadow vegetation. This hierarchical modeling process can help explain how upper level contextual processes constrain biotic community response to lower-level environmental changes. It creates models with more nuanced spatiotemporal complexity than classification and regression tree procedures. Using this process, wetland scientists will be able to generate more generalizable theories of plant community organization, and useful management models. ?? Society of Wetland Scientists 2009.

  5. Pesticide mitigation capacities of constructed wetlands (United States)

    Matthew T. Moore; Charles M. Cooper; Sammie Smith; John H. Rodgers


    This research focused on using constructed wetlands along field perimeters to buffer receiving water against potential effects of pesticides associated with storm runoff. The current study incorporated wetland mesocosm sampling following simulated runoff events using chlorpyrifos, atrazine, and metolachlor. Through this data collection and simple model analysis,...

  6. Identification and characterization of wetlands in the Bear Creek watershed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosensteel, B.A.; Trettin, C.C.


    The primary objective of this study was to identify, characterize, and map the wetlands in the Bear Creek watershed. A preliminary wetland categorization system based on the Cowardin classification system (Cowardin et al. 1979) with additional site-specific topographic, vegetation, and disturbance characteristic modifiers was developed to characterize the type of wetlands that exist in the Bear Creek watershed. An additional objective was to detect possible relationships among site soils, hydrology, and the occurrence of wetlands in the watershed through a comparison of existing data with the field survey. Research needs are discussed in the context of wetland functions and values and regulatory requirements for wetland impact assessment and compensatory mitigation

  7. Treatment of wastewater with the constructed wetland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, R.; Olivares, S.


    Constructed wetland is an environmental sound, actual and economic solution for the treatment of wastewater. The use of these constructed wetlands increased in the last few years, principally in developed countries. However there is not much information about the performance of these biological systems in tropical and subtropical climates. In these review the state of art of these technology is given, and also the advantage of the use of the constructed wetland for the wastewater treatment in our country

  8. [Wetland landscape pattern change based on GIS and RS: a review]. (United States)

    Kong, Fan-Ting; Xi, Min; Li, Yue; Kong, Fan-Long; Chen, Wan


    Wetland is an ecological landscape with most biodiversity in nature, which has unique ecological structure and function, and contains abundant natural resources to provide material guarantee for human's living and development. Wetland landscape pattern is the comprehensive result of various ecological processes, and has become a hot issue in wetland ecological study. At present, the combination of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technologies is an important way to study the wetland landscape pattern change. This paper reviewed the research progress in the wetland landscape change based on GIS and RS from the aspects of the research methods of wetland landscape pattern, index of wetland landscape pattern, and driving forces of wetland landscape pattern evolution, and discussed the applications of the combination of GIS and RS in monitoring the wetland landscape pattern change, the index selection of wetland landscape pattern, and the driving mechanisms of the combined action of human and nature. Some deficiencies in the current studies were put forward, and the directions of the future-studies were prospected.

  9. Responses of Isolated Wetland Herpetofauna to Upland Forest Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russell, K.R.; Hanlin, H.G.; Wigley, T.B.; Guynn, D.C. Jr.


    Measurement of responses of herpetofauna at isolated wetlands in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina to disturbance of adjacent loblolly pine forest. Many species of isolated wetland herpetofauna in the Southeastern Coastal Plain may tolerate some disturbance in adjacent upland stands. Responses of isolated wetland herpetofauna to upland silviculture and the need for adjacent forested buffers likely depend on the specific landscape context in which the wetlands occur and composition of the resident herpetofaunal community

  10. Replacing natural wetlands with stormwater management facilities: Biophysical and perceived social values. (United States)

    Rooney, R C; Foote, L; Krogman, N; Pattison, J K; Wilson, M J; Bayley, S E


    Urban expansion replaces wetlands of natural origin with artificial stormwater management facilities. The literature suggests that efforts to mimic natural wetlands in the design of stormwater facilities can expand the provision of ecosystem services. Policy developments seek to capitalize on these improvements, encouraging developers to build stormwater wetlands in place of stormwater ponds; however, few have compared the biophysical values and social perceptions of these created wetlands to those of the natural wetlands they are replacing. We compared four types of wetlands: natural references sites, natural wetlands impacted by agriculture, created stormwater wetlands, and created stormwater ponds. We anticipated that they would exhibit a gradient in biodiversity, ecological integrity, chemical and hydrologic stress. We further anticipated that perceived values would mirror measured biophysical values. We found higher biophysical values associated with wetlands of natural origin (both reference and agriculturally impacted). The biophysical values of stormwater wetlands and stormwater ponds were lower and indistinguishable from one another. The perceived wetland values assessed by the public differed from the observed biophysical values. This has important policy implications, as the public are not likely to perceive the loss of values associated with the replacement of natural wetlands with created stormwater management facilities. We conclude that 1) agriculturally impacted wetlands provide biophysical values equivalent to those of natural wetlands, meaning that land use alone is not a great predictor of wetland value; 2) stormwater wetlands are not a substantive improvement over stormwater ponds, relative to wetlands of natural origin; 3) stormwater wetlands are poor mimics of natural wetlands, likely due to fundamental distinctions in terms of basin morphology, temporal variation in hydrology, ground water connectivity, and landscape position; 4) these

  11. Predictive modelling of wetland occurrence in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jens Hiestermann


    Full Text Available The global trend of transformation and loss of wetlands through conversion to other land uses has deleterious effects on surrounding ecosystems, and there is a resultant increasing need for the conservation and preservation of wetlands. Improved mapping of wetland locations is critical to achieving objective regional conservation goals, which depends on accurate spatial knowledge. Current approaches to mapping wetlands through the classification of satellite imagery typically under-represents actual wetland area; the importance of ancillary data in improving accuracy in mapping wetlands is therefore recognised. In this study, we compared two approaches Bayesian networks and logistic regression to predict the likelihood of wetland occurrence in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Both approaches were developed using the same data set of environmental surrogate predictors. We compared and verified model outputs using an independent test data set, with analyses including receiver operating characteristic curves and area under the curve (AUC. Both models performed similarly (AUC>0.84, indicating the suitability of a likelihood approach for ancillary data for wetland mapping. Results indicated that high wetland probability areas in the final model outputs correlated well with known wetland systems and wetland-rich areas in KwaZulu-Natal. We conclude that predictive models have the potential to improve the accuracy of wetland mapping in South Africa by serving as valuable ancillary data.

  12. Floodwater utilisation values of wetland services - a case study in Northeastern China (United States)

    Lü, S. B.; Xu, S. G.; Feng, F.


    Water plays a significant role in wetlands. Floodwater utilisation in wetlands brings a wide range of wetland services, from goods production and water regulation to animal protection and aesthetics related to water supply in wetlands. In this study, the floodwater utilisation values of wetland services were estimated within the Momoge wetland and Xianghai wetland in western Jilin province of northeastern China. From 2003 to 2008, the floodwater diverted from the Nenjiang and Tao'er River is 381 million m3, which translates into a monetary value of approximately 1.35 billion RMB in 2008 (RMB: Chinese Currency, RMB 6.80 = US 1), and the ratio of economic value, eco-environmental value, and social value is 1:12:2. Besides the monetary value of the water itself, excessive floodwater utilisation may bring losses to wetlands; the threshold floodwater utilisation volumes in wetlands are discussed. Floodwater utilisation can alleviate water shortages in wetlands, and the evaluation of floodwater utilisation in wetland services in monetary terms is a guide for the effective use of the floodwater resources and for the conservation of wetlands.

  13. Efectos de plantaciones abandonadas de especies exóticas y nativas sobre la regeneración natural de un bosque montano en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Cavelier


    Full Text Available Se realizaron censos de vegetación durante 1994 en una parcela de 0.1 ha. en cada una de las plantaciones abandonadas de Pinus radiata, Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, Alnus acuminata y en un bosque secundario montano alto en los Andes centrales de Colombia. También fueron recolectados datos de las propiedades físicas y químicas de suelos superficiales. El bosque de regeneración natural tiene el mayor número de especies (33 seguido por las plantaciones de E. globulus (26 y A. acuminata (16. Las plantaciones abandonadas de P. radiata y C. lusitanica, tuvieron sólo tres especies. Entre el bosque de regeneración natural y la plantación de E. globulus hubo solamente once especies en común y solamente siete con la plantación de A. acuminata. Todas estas especies, con excepción de tres, son arbustos del sotobosque dispersados por viento o aves. En el sotobosque de la plantación de P. radiata había una regeneración abundante del árbol nacional de Colombia, Ceroxylum quindiuensis. La altura de los árboles y el área basal fueron significativamente mayores en las plantaciones de P. radiata y C. lusitanica que en el bosque de regeneración natural. De las variables ambientales y biológicas medidas en este estudio, la acumulación de acículas bajo las plantaciones de P. radiata y C. lusitanica y la alta biomasa de raíces finas bajo la plantación de C. lusitanica, podrían ser los principales factores limitantes para el establecimiento de un número mayor de especies del bosque nativo. Las propiedades químicas de los suelos varían ampliamente y no hubo diferencias coherentes entre los suelos bajo especies exóticas y nativas.Vegetation surveys were carried out during 1994 in 0.1. ha plots in abandoned plantations of Pinus radiata, Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, Alnus acuminata and in a secondary upper montane rain forest in the Central Andes of Colombia. The regeneration forest had the higher number of plant

  14. Microbial diversity and carbon cycling in San Francisco Bay wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Theroux, Susanna [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.; Hartman, Wyatt [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.; He, Shaomei [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Tringe, Susannah [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Walnut Creek, CA (United States). Dept. of Energy Joint Genome Inst.


    Wetland restoration efforts in San Francisco Bay aim to rebuild habitat for endangered species and provide an effective carbon storage solution, reversing land subsidence caused by a century of industrial and agricultural development. However, the benefits of carbon sequestration may be negated by increased methane production in newly constructed wetlands, making these wetlands net greenhouse gas (GHG) sources to the atmosphere. We investigated the effects of wetland restoration on below-ground microbial communities responsible for GHG cycling in a suite of historic and restored wetlands in SF Bay. Using DNA and RNA sequencing, coupled with real-time GHG monitoring, we profiled the diversity and metabolic potential of wetland soil microbial communities. The wetland soils harbor diverse communities of bacteria and archaea whose membership varies with sampling location, proximity to plant roots and sampling depth. Our results also highlight the dramatic differences in GHG production between historic and restored wetlands and allow us to link microbial community composition and GHG cycling with key environmental variables including salinity, soil carbon and plant species.

  15. Geographically Isolated Wetlands: Why We Should Keep the Term (United States)

    Use of the term "isolated wetlands" in the U.S. Supreme Court’s SWANCC decision created confusion, since it could imply functional isolation. In response, the term "geographically isolated wetlands" (GIWs) - wetlands surrounded by uplands - was introduced in 2003. A recent arti...

  16. Fish utilisation of wetland nurseries with complex hydrological connectivity.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ben Davis

    Full Text Available The physical and faunal characteristics of coastal wetlands are driven by dynamics of hydrological connectivity to adjacent habitats. Wetlands on estuary floodplains are particularly dynamic, driven by a complex interplay of tidal marine connections and seasonal freshwater flooding, often with unknown consequences for fish using these habitats. To understand the patterns and subsequent processes driving fish assemblage structure in such wetlands, we examined the nature and diversity of temporal utilisation patterns at a species or genus level over three annual cycles in a tropical Australian estuarine wetland system. Four general patterns of utilisation were apparent based on CPUE and size-structure dynamics: (i classic nursery utlisation (use by recently settled recruits for their first year (ii interrupted peristence (iii delayed recruitment (iv facultative wetland residence. Despite the small self-recruiting 'facultative wetland resident' group, wetland occupancy seems largely driven by connectivity to the subtidal estuary channel. Variable connection regimes (i.e. frequency and timing of connections within and between different wetland units (e.g. individual pools, lagoons, swamps will therefore interact with the diversity of species recruitment schedules to generate variable wetland assemblages in time and space. In addition, the assemblage structure is heavily modified by freshwater flow, through simultaneously curtailing persistence of the 'interrupted persistence' group, establishing connectivity for freshwater spawned members of both the 'facultative wetland resident' and 'delayed recruitment group', and apparently mediating use of intermediate nursery habitats for marine-spawned members of the 'delayed recruitment' group. The diversity of utilisation pattern and the complexity of associated drivers means assemblage compositions, and therefore ecosystem functioning, is likely to vary among years depending on variations in hydrological

  17. Structure and dynamics of basin forested wetlands in North America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, S.


    Freshwater basin wetlands are found in depressions of various depths, generally in areas where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration or where the depression intersects the water table creating groundwater seeps or springs. Forested basins are those that contain woody vegetation with the potential for reaching tree stature; they do not include woody shrub wetlands. In North America these areas are mainly in the central and eastern region. Pertinent information and reviews on the distribution, floristic composition, structure and dynamics of basin forested wetlands are summarized. The major emphasis is on freshwater wetlands, but data for saltwater wetlands mainly from Florida and tropical America are included. The external factors affecting basin wetlands or the important components of a wetlands energy signature are described as well as the distribution and floristic composition of representative basin wetlands. Sections on structural characteristics, organic matter dynamics, and nutrient cycling comprise the bulk of quantitative information. The effects of disturbances, both natural and human induced, with varying degrees of impact depending upon the intensity and on the part of the ecosystem to which the stressor is applied are evaluated. Examples of stressors in basin wetlands include water impoundment, water diversion, thermal stress from hot water, sedimentation, addition of toxic substances, addition of wastewater, oil spills, and harvesting. 86 refs., 5 figs., 11 tabs

  18. Hydrocarbon removal with constructed wetlands


    Eke, Paul Emeka


    Wetlands have long played a significant role as natural purification systems, and have been effectively used to treat domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewater. However, very little is known about the biochemical processes involved, and the use of constructed treatment wetlands in the removal of petroleum aromatic hydrocarbons from produced and/or processed water. Wastewaters from the oil industry contain aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and x...

  19. Los trabajadores subcontratistas de Bosques Arauco y CODELCO: ¿Un movimiento en vías de politización?


    Claudia Jordana Contreras; Juana Torres Cierpe


    Uno de los principales problemas que atraviesa la sociedad actual es la despolitización. Los movimientos de los trabajadores subcontratistas de CODELCO y Bosques Arauco, sin embargo, parecen oponerse a esa tendencia. En esta investigación se estudia, precisamente, si eso es así, es decir, si estos movimientos son susceptibles de ser analizados desde un punto de vista político; si tienen posibilidades de proyectarse en el tiempo o si sus demandas y reivindicaciones son más bien coyunturales. L...

  20. Impacts of Intensified Agriculture Developments on Marsh Wetlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhaoqing Luan


    Full Text Available A spatiotemporal analysis on the changes in the marsh landscape in the Honghe National Nature Reserve, a Ramsar reserve, and the surrounding farms in the core area of the Sanjiang Plain during the past 30 years was conducted by integrating field survey work with remote sensing techniques. The results indicated that intensified agricultural development had transformed a unique natural marsh landscape into an agricultural landscape during the past 30 years. Ninety percent of the natural marsh wetlands have been lost, and the areas of the other natural landscapes have decreased very rapidly. Most dry farmland had been replaced by paddy fields during the progressive change of the natural landscape to a farm landscape. Attempts of current Chinese institutions in preserving natural wetlands have achieved limited success. Few marsh wetlands have remained healthy, even after the establishment of the nature reserve. Their ecological qualities have been declining in response to the increasing threats to the remaining wetland habitats. Irrigation projects play a key role in such threats. Therefore, the sustainability of the natural wetland ecosystems is being threatened by increased regional agricultural development which reduced the number of wetland ecotypes and damaged the ecological quality.

  1. Designated Wetlands and Setback Distances in Iowa (United States)

    Iowa State University GIS Support and Research Facility — This GIS layer depicts wetlands designated for protection in the state of Iowa. Designated wetland is defined in Iowa Code subsection 459.102(21) as follows: 21....


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    Full Text Available El efecto de la transformación de tierras para el cultivo y pastoreo hace que se genere un mosaico de hábitats provocando un proceso de sucesión vegetal y  afectando los organismos presentes en los distintos remanentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar la diversidad de mariposas diurnas (Hesperoidea-Papilionoidea  en tres estados sucesionales (ES (Bosque secundario de 40 años (Bs-40, Bosque secundario de 20 años (Bs-20 y Rastrojo alto (Ra-A. Se calcularon índices de diversidad y posteriormente se utilizó un Kruskal-Wallis para determinar diferencias entre los componentes de diversidad en cada ES. Se obtuvieron un total de 305 especies (2572 registros. El mayor número de especies se obtuvo en el Bs-40 seguido del Ra-A y Bs-20. El índice de diversidad de Shannon-weaner (H demostró que la familia Nymphalidae aumento su valor según el grado de sucesión vegetal a diferencias del resto de familias. No se encontraron diferencias para la riqueza registrada con red entomológica y en la abundancia para los ES, pero si con las trampas. Los ES aportan gran diversidad de mariposas a pesar de los diferentes grados de intervención

  3. The importance of hydrology in restoration of bottomland hardwood wetland functions (United States)

    Hunter, R.G.; Faulkner, S.P.; Gibson, K.A.


    Bottomland hardwood (BLH) forests have important biogeochemical functions and it is well known that certain structural components, including pulsed hydrology, hydric soils, and hydrophytic vegetation, enhance these functions. It is unclear, however, how functions of restored BLH wetlands compare to mature, undisturbed wetlands. We measured a suite of structural and functional attributes in replicated natural BLH wetlands (NAT), restored BLH wetlands with hydrology re-established (RWH), and restored BLH wetlands without hydrology re-established (RWOH) in this study. Trees were replanted in all restored wetlands at least four years prior to the study and those wetlands with hydrology re-established had flashboard risers placed in drainage ditches to allow seasonal surface flooding. Vegetation, soils, and selected biogeochemical functions were characterized at each site. There was a marked difference in woody vegetation among the wetlands that was due primarily to site age. There was also a difference in herbaceous vegetation among the restored sites that may have been related to differences in age or hydrology. Water table fluctuations of the RWH wetlands were comparable to those of the NAT wetlands. Thus, placing flashboard risers in existing drainage ditches, along with proper management, can produce a hydroperiod that is similar to that of a relatively undisturbed BLH. Average length of saturation within the upper 15 cm of soils was 37, 104, and 97 days for RWOH, RWH, and NAT, respectively. Soil moisture, denitrification potential, and soluble organic carbon concentrations differed among wetland sites, but soil carbon and nitrogen concentrations, heterotrophic microbial activity, and readily mineralizable carbon concentrations did not. Significant linear relationships were also found between soil moisture and heterotrophic microbial activity, readily mineralizable carbon, and soluble organic carbon. In addition, sedimentation rates were higher in NAT and RWH

  4. Wetland forest statistics for the South Atlantic States (United States)

    Mark J. Brown; Greg M. Smith; Joseph McCollum


    Twenty-one percent, or 17.6 million acres, of the timberland in the South Atlantic States was classified as wetland timberland. Sixty percent of the region’s wetland timberland was under nonindustrial private forest ownership. Forty-eight percent of the region’s wetland timberland was classified as sawtimber-sized stands. Lowland hardwood types made up 62 percent of...

  5. Managing Wetlands for Improved Food Security in Uganda | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Researchers will determine the food security status of households adjacent to wetlands and the part that wetlands resources contribute to it. They will analyze the tradeoffs in using wetlands for crop production. And, they will test, adapt and promote agricultural technologies that enhance productivity while minimizing ...

  6. Revisión de índices de distribución espacial usados en inventarios forestales y su aplicación en bosques tropicales

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    Alicia Ledo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hace una revisión de los diferentes índices utilizados para describir y caracterizar la estructura horizontal o patrón espacial en masas forestales con especial énfasis en aquellos que se han aplicado para el estudio de bosques tropicales. Estos índices se han clasificado en función del tipo de datos requerido para su cálculo. Diferentes aspectos del comportamiento estadístico y la aplicabilidad de aquellos índices más usados (los índices de Fisher y Morisita, el análisis de la varianza en escalas anidadas y la técnica SADIE de entre las técnicas que utilizan datos de densidades o coberturas en unidades de muestreo; los índices de Clark-Evans, Pielou y Byth-Ripley basados en medidas de distancias entre árboles; y las funciones L(d y Oring que requieren para su cálculo la posición de todos los arboles se analizan en un caso de estudio a partir de datos de parcelas experimentales un bosque tropical andino.

  7. Bioaccumulation of metals in constructed wetlands used to treat acid drainage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, G.S.; Mays, P.A.


    Constructed wetlands are being used extensively as a potential mitigation for acid drainage. However, removal of metals to meet compliance requirements has varied among wetlands, ranging from partial to total success. In addition, wetlands are sinks for contaminants found in acid drainage, and bioaccumulation of these contaminants to levels that would adversely affect the food web is of growing concern. The primary objective of this project was to determine whether bioaccumulation of metals occurs in wetlands constructed for treatment of acid drainage. Water, sediment, plant and benthos samples were collected from two wetlands constructed by the Tennessee Valley Authority and a natural wetland in the spring and fall of 1992, and metal concentrations were determined. One of the constructed wetlands, Impoundment 1, has generally been in compliance for NPDES; the other, Widow's Creek, has never been in compliance. Preliminary results indicate similarities in sediment and plant metal concentrations between Impoundment 1 and the natural wetland and greater metal concentrations in the sediment and plants at Widow's Creek. Data also indicate that Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr are being accumulated in the plants at each wetland. However, accumulation of metals by these plants probably accounts for only a small percentage of the removal of the annual metal load supplied to each wetland. Bioaccumulation of metals in the benthic organisms at each wetland is currently being investigated

  8. Equation for estimating tree biomass in tropical forests of Costa Rica Ecuación para estimar la biomasa arbórea en los bosques tropicales de Costa Rica

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    Shu Wei-Chou


    methodological approach to estimate forest biomass, which is very useful to support decision-making on carbon storage in tropical forests. Biomass determination in the field in future plots is going to help the calibration of this approach to estimate biomass stored in tropical forests.Una de las medidas más relevantes para la mitigación del cambio climático es la conservación y regeneración del bosque en nuestros países.  La cantidad de carbono que se almacena en la biomasa arbórea pasa a ser una medida relevante para la política pública. El presente trabajo analiza la asociación que tienen algunas variables dasométricas, fácilmente medibles, asociadas a la biomasa, con el propósito de estimarla indirectamente, dado que la medición directa de la biomasa arbórea es un trabajo complejo y tiene un costo muy elevado.  El objetivo general del estudio fue hacer un análisis del comportamiento de las variables dasométricas fácilmente medibles para predecir biomasa arbórea con datos de dos bosques tropicales de Costa Rica, con el propósito de analizar su posible aplicación generalizada en los bosques tropicales de todo el país. Mediante una revisión bibliográfica, se determinaron cuatro posibles modelos que estiman biomasa en bosques tropicales. Se evaluaron 907 árboles con diámetro a la altura de pecho (dap mayor a 10 cm en dos bosques tropicales de Costa Rica (Parque Nacional Corcovado en el suroeste y Fila Carbón en el sureste, vertiente del Caribe, generando una estimación de biomasa lo más precisa posible. Se realizó un análisis de las variables de los árboles (densidad específica de la madera, altura total y dap y su biomasa, con el fin de desarrollar el modelo que facilitara la predicción de esta. El modelo final utiliza como variables independientes el dap y la densidad.  Con el dap se da el hecho de que existe una alta correlación con la altura total, la cual es muy difícil de obtener en el campo, de modo que se decidió no utilizarla. La

  9. Water quality during storm events from two constructed wetlands receiving mine drainage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stark, L.R.; Brooks, R.P.; Williams, F.M.; Stevens, S.E. Jr.; Davis, L.K.


    Flow rates, pH, iron concentration, and manganese concentration were measured during several storm event at two constructed wetlands receiving mine water. During a substantial rain event, flow rates at both the wetland outlets surpassed flow rates at the wetland inlets, reflecting incident rainfall and differences in wetland area at the two sites. A significant positive correlation existed between local rainfall and outflow rates at the larger wetland, but not between rainfall and inflow rates. During storm events, outlet pH, relative to inlet pH, was slightly elevated at the larger wetland, and depressed at the smaller wetland. However, over the course of one year, rainfall was uncorrelated to outlet pH in the larger wetland. A substantial rain event at the smaller wetland resulted in a temporary elevation in outlet iron concentrations, with treatment efficiency reduced to near zero. However, in the larger wetland, outlet iron concentrations were not significantly affected by storm events. 14 refs., 7 figs., 4 tabs

  10. 7 CFR 623.13 - Wetlands reserve plan of operations. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Wetlands reserve plan of operations. 623.13 Section... CONSERVATION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WATER RESOURCES EMERGENCY WETLANDS RESERVE PROGRAM § 623.13 Wetlands reserve plan of operations. (a) After NRCS has accepted the applicant for enrollment in the...

  11. The Impacts of wetland restoration on Fish Productivity in Nigeria (United States)

    Ayorinde, O. A.; Okunade, K. M.; Agboola, D. M.; Adesokan, Z. A.


    Wetland is one of the resources of high value which has been exposed to indiscriminate use. It is an important ecosystem to fish and loss or degradation of wetland will have a direct consequence on sustainable fisheries. This paper reviewed the term "wetland", its functions and values, importance to fish production in Nigeria and threats to its sustainability. The term "wetland" has been defined by various researchers especially based on their profession and their needs but up till today there is no single definition accepted by all users. In Nigeria, the most commonly adopted is that of RAMSAR convention. Wetland has both marketed and non-marketed functions and values. They provide essential link in the life cycle of 75 percent of the fish and shell fish commercially harvested in the world and are vital to fish health. Despite the importance, there have been exceptional losses of wetlands. Lagos state alone has witnessed more than 96 percent loss. Major threats to wetlands are: agriculture, development, pollution and climate change. Therefore proper management of the wetland ecosystem is important in other to ensure continuous fish production.

  12. Methane emissions from different coastal wetlands in New England, US (United States)

    Wang, F.; Tang, J.; Kroeger, K. D.; Gonneea, M. E.


    According to the IPCC, methane have 25 times warming effect than CO2, and natural wetlands contribute 20-39 % to the global emission of methane. Although most of these methane was from inland wetlands, there was still large uncertain in the methane emissions in coastal wetlands. In the past three years, we have investigated methane emissions in coastal wetlands in MA, USA. Contrary to previous assumptions, we have observed relative larger methane flux in some salt marshes than freshwater wetlands. We further detect the methane source, and found that plant activities played an important role in methane flux, for example, the growth of S. aterniflora, the dominate plants in salt marsh, could enhance methane emission, while in an fresh water wetland that was dominated by cattail, plant activity oxided methane and reduced total flux. Phragmite, an invasive plant at brackish marsh, have the highest methane flux among all coastal wetland investigated. This study indicated that coastal wetland could still emit relatively high amount of methane even under high water salinity condiations, and plant activity played an important role in methane flux, and this role was highly species-specific.

  13. Disturbance metrics predict a wetland Vegetation Index of Biotic Integrity (United States)

    Stapanian, Martin A.; Mack, John; Adams, Jean V.; Gara, Brian; Micacchion, Mick


    Indices of biological integrity of wetlands based on vascular plants (VIBIs) have been developed in many areas in the USA. Knowledge of the best predictors of VIBIs would enable management agencies to make better decisions regarding mitigation site selection and performance monitoring criteria. We use a novel statistical technique to develop predictive models for an established index of wetland vegetation integrity (Ohio VIBI), using as independent variables 20 indices and metrics of habitat quality, wetland disturbance, and buffer area land use from 149 wetlands in Ohio, USA. For emergent and forest wetlands, predictive models explained 61% and 54% of the variability, respectively, in Ohio VIBI scores. In both cases the most important predictor of Ohio VIBI score was a metric that assessed habitat alteration and development in the wetland. Of secondary importance as a predictor was a metric that assessed microtopography, interspersion, and quality of vegetation communities in the wetland. Metrics and indices assessing disturbance and land use of the buffer area were generally poor predictors of Ohio VIBI scores. Our results suggest that vegetation integrity of emergent and forest wetlands could be most directly enhanced by minimizing substrate and habitat disturbance within the wetland. Such efforts could include reducing or eliminating any practices that disturb the soil profile, such as nutrient enrichment from adjacent farm land, mowing, grazing, or cutting or removing woody plants.

  14. Dieta de roedores sigmodontinos (Cricetidae en los bosques montanos tropicales de Huánuco, Perú

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    Maggie C. Noblecilla


    Full Text Available Se analizó el contenido estomacal de cinco especies de roedores sigmodontinos: Akodon orophilus, Microry-zomys altissimus, M. minutus, Thomasomys notatus yT. kalinowskii, procedentes de los bosques montanos de Huánuco, Perú (2564 - 3850 m de altitud. Concluimos que A. orophiluses insectívora por haber presentado un alto volumen de artrópodos (adultos y larvas en el contenido estomacal (90,1%; mientras que T. notatusy T. kalinowskiison principalmente herbívoras por el alto volumen de materia vegetal, 89% y 67,75% respectiva-mente; y que M. altissimusy M. minutusson omnívoras por presentar volúmenes similares tanto para vegetales como para artrópodos. Thomasomys kalinowskiies considerada generalista por la mayor amplitud de nicho (4,61, mientras A. orophiluses considerada especialista por el menor valor (1,70. Akodon orophilusmostró una preferencia por el consumo de artrópodos adultos al tener un bajo coeficiente de variación (CV= 20% y también un significativo aumento en el consumo de larvas de artrópodos en la época húmeda, siendo la única especie con variación estacional en la dieta. Por otro lado, la sobreposición de nicho fue menor a 0,75 en el 80% de los pares de especies comparados, indicando una baja similitud en la dieta. La mayor similitud en la dieta se observó entre M. altissimus- T. notatus(0,822 y M. minutus - T. kalinowskii(0,816. Se concluye que estos roedores sigmodontinos, simpátricos en los bosques montanos de Huánuco, exhiben dietas disímiles, probablemente como una estrategia para evitar o aminorar la competencia interespecífica.

  15. Economic Governance to Expand Commercial Wetlands: Within- and Cross-Scale Challenges

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blaeij, de A.T.; Polman, N.B.P.; Reinhard, A.J.


    Commercial wetlands are defined as wetlands directed by an entrepreneur with the intention of making a profit. The combination of ecosystem services that commercial wetlands can provide seems to be an attractive societal perspective. Nevertheless, these wetlands are not developed on a large scale in

  16. Tritium as tracer of flow in constructed wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wachniew, P.; Czuprynski, P.; Maloszewski, P.


    Constructed wetlands technology is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method used world-wide to treat waste waters of different origins. The soluble pollutants are transformed and removed mainly through the processes that occur at surfaces of plants, plant debris or filtering media. The efficiency of soluble pollutants removal is thus primarily related to the extent of contact between waste waters and the reactive surfaces. Residence time distributions function (RTD)is basic characteristic of wetland hydraulic properties and can be obtained by combined use of tracer technique and mathematical modelling. Tritium was used as to obtain RTD's of three parallel cells of a sub-surface flow constructed wetland overgrown with Pharagmites australis in Nowa Slupia. Tritium as a part of water molecule, is an ideal tracer of flow in the highly reactive environment of constructed wetlands. Results of the tracer test interpreted by the assumed model (Multi Flow Dispersion Model) of conservative solute transport revealed a complex structure of flow through the wetland. (author)

  17. Restored agricultural wetlands in Central Iowa: habitat quality and amphibian response (United States)

    Reeves, Rebecca A.; Pierce, Clay; Smalling, Kelly L.; Klaver, Robert W.; Vandever, Mark W.; Battaglin, William A.; Muths, Erin L.


    Amphibians are declining throughout the United States and worldwide due, partly, to habitat loss. Conservation practices on the landscape restore wetlands to denitrify tile drainage effluent and restore ecosystem services. Understanding how water quality, hydroperiod, predation, and disease affect amphibians in restored wetlands is central to maintaining healthy amphibian populations in the region. We examined the quality of amphibian habitat in restored wetlands relative to reference wetlands by comparing species richness, developmental stress, and adult leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) survival probabilities to a suite of environmental metrics. Although measured habitat variables differed between restored and reference wetlands, differences appeared to have sub-lethal rather than lethal effects on resident amphibian populations. There were few differences in amphibian species richness and no difference in estimated survival probabilities between wetland types. Restored wetlands had more nitrate and alkaline pH, longer hydroperiods, and were deeper, whereas reference wetlands had more amphibian chytrid fungus zoospores in water samples and resident amphibians exhibited increased developmental stress. Restored and reference wetlands are both important components of the landscape in central Iowa and maintaining a complex of fish-free wetlands with a variety of hydroperiods will likely contribute to the persistence of amphibians in this landscape.

  18. Use of seasonal freshwater wetlands by fishes in a temperate river floodplain (United States)

    Henning, Julie A.; Gresswell, Robert E.; Fleming, Ian A.


    This study examined the use of freshwater wetland restoration and enhancement projects (i.e. non-estuarine wetlands subject to seasonal drying) by fish populations. To quantify fish use of freshwater emergent wetlands and assess the effect of wetland enhancement (i.e. addition of water control structures), two enhanced and two unenhanced emergent wetlands were compared, as well as two oxbow habitats within the Chehalis River floodplain. Eighteen fish species were captured using fyke nets and emigrant traps from January to the beginning of June, with the most abundant being three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus and Olympic mudminnow Novumbra hubbsi. Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch was the dominant salmonid at all sites. Enhanced wetlands, with their extended hydroperiods, had significantly higher abundances of yearling coho salmon than unenhanced wetlands. Both enhanced and unenhanced emergent wetlands yielded higher abundances of non-game native fishes than oxbow habitats. Oxbow habitats, however, were dominated by coho salmon. Fish survival in the wetland habitats was dependent on emigration to the river before dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased and wetlands became isolated and stranding occurred. This study suggests that wetland enhancement projects with an outlet to the river channel appear to provide fishes with important temporary habitats if they have the opportunity to leave the wetland as dissolved oxygen levels deteriorate.

  19. Model parameters for representative wetland plant functional groups (United States)

    Williams, Amber S.; Kiniry, James R.; Mushet, David M.; Smith, Loren M.; McMurry, Scott T.; Attebury, Kelly; Lang, Megan; McCarty, Gregory W.; Shaffer, Jill A.; Effland, William R.; Johnson, Mari-Vaughn V.


    Wetlands provide a wide variety of ecosystem services including water quality remediation, biodiversity refugia, groundwater recharge, and floodwater storage. Realistic estimation of ecosystem service benefits associated with wetlands requires reasonable simulation of the hydrology of each site and realistic simulation of the upland and wetland plant growth cycles. Objectives of this study were to quantify leaf area index (LAI), light extinction coefficient (k), and plant nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations in natural stands of representative plant species for some major plant functional groups in the United States. Functional groups in this study were based on these parameters and plant growth types to enable process-based modeling. We collected data at four locations representing some of the main wetland regions of the United States. At each site, we collected on-the-ground measurements of fraction of light intercepted, LAI, and dry matter within the 2013–2015 growing seasons. Maximum LAI and k variables showed noticeable variations among sites and years, while overall averages and functional group averages give useful estimates for multisite simulation modeling. Variation within each species gives an indication of what can be expected in such natural ecosystems. For P and K, the concentrations from highest to lowest were spikerush (Eleocharis macrostachya), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), smartweed (Polygonum spp.), cattail (Typha spp.), and hardstem bulrush (Schoenoplectus acutus). Spikerush had the highest N concentration, followed by smartweed, bulrush, reed canary grass, and then cattail. These parameters will be useful for the actual wetland species measured and for the wetland plant functional groups they represent. These parameters and the associated process-based models offer promise as valuable tools for evaluating environmental benefits of wetlands and for evaluating impacts of various agronomic practices in

  20. Drivers of wetland conversion: a global meta-analysis. (United States)

    van Asselen, Sanneke; Verburg, Peter H; Vermaat, Jan E; Janse, Jan H


    Meta-analysis of case studies has become an important tool for synthesizing case study findings in land change. Meta-analyses of deforestation, urbanization, desertification and change in shifting cultivation systems have been published. This present study adds to this literature, with an analysis of the proximate causes and underlying forces of wetland conversion at a global scale using two complementary approaches of systematic review. Firstly, a meta-analysis of 105 case-study papers describing wetland conversion was performed, showing that different combinations of multiple-factor proximate causes, and underlying forces, drive wetland conversion. Agricultural development has been the main proximate cause of wetland conversion, and economic growth and population density are the most frequently identified underlying forces. Secondly, to add a more quantitative component to the study, a logistic meta-regression analysis was performed to estimate the likelihood of wetland conversion worldwide, using globally-consistent biophysical and socioeconomic location factor maps. Significant factors explaining wetland conversion, in order of importance, are market influence, total wetland area (lower conversion probability), mean annual temperature and cropland or built-up area. The regression analyses results support the outcomes of the meta-analysis of the processes of conversion mentioned in the individual case studies. In other meta-analyses of land change, similar factors (e.g., agricultural development, population growth, market/economic factors) are also identified as important causes of various types of land change (e.g., deforestation, desertification). Meta-analysis helps to identify commonalities across the various local case studies and identify which variables may lead to individual cases to behave differently. The meta-regression provides maps indicating the likelihood of wetland conversion worldwide based on the location factors that have determined historic

  1. Prerequisites for understanding climate-change impacts on northern prairie wetlands (United States)

    Anteau, Michael J.; Wiltermuth, Mark T.; Post van der Burg, Max; Pearse, Aaron T.


    The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) contains ecosystems that are typified by an extensive matrix of grasslands and depressional wetlands, which provide numerous ecosystem services. Over the past 150 years the PPR has experienced numerous landscape modifications resulting in agricultural conversion of 75–99 % of native prairie uplands and drainage of 50–90 % of wetlands. There is concern over how and where conservation dollars should be spent within the PPR to protect and restore wetland basins to support waterbird populations that will be robust to a changing climate. However, while hydrological impacts of landscape modifications appear substantial, they are still poorly understood. Previous modeling efforts addressing impacts of climate change on PPR wetlands have yet to fully incorporate interacting or potentially overshadowing impacts of landscape modification. We outlined several information needs for building more informative models to predict climate change effects on PPR wetlands. We reviewed how landscape modification influences wetland hydrology and present a conceptual model to describe how modified wetlands might respond to climate variability. We note that current climate projections do not incorporate cyclical variability in climate between wet and dry periods even though such dynamics have shaped the hydrology and ecology of PPR wetlands. We conclude that there are at least three prerequisite steps to making meaningful predictions about effects of climate change on PPR wetlands. Those evident to us are: 1) an understanding of how physical and watershed characteristics of wetland basins of similar hydroperiods vary across temperature and moisture gradients; 2) a mechanistic understanding of how wetlands respond to climate across a gradient of anthropogenic modifications; and 3) improved climate projections for the PPR that can meaningfully represent potential changes in climate variability including intensity and duration of wet and dry periods. Once

  2. Estimación de la oferta de frutos en el gradiente vertical de un bosque del medio Caquetá, Amazonía colombiana


    Nicolás Castaño Arboleda


    Se estimó la oferta de frutos en un bosque de tierra firme


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    L. Vargas-Parra


    Full Text Available Se estimó la producción de hojarasca total, de fracciones y del menor nivel taxonómico posible de identificación de hojas en cuatro áreas de 1 ha, en el bosque de niebla de la Reserva Natural La Planaday, esta producción se relacionó con la precipitación, temperatura y humedad relativa ambiental. La producción de hojarasca se cuantificó mensualmente entre junio y noviembre de 2002, mediante la instalación de colectores distribuidos aleatoriamente en cada una de las áreas. El material colectado mensualmente se separó en hojas, ramas, partes reproductivas, epífitas y fragmentos no identificados, a cada una de las cuales se determinó su aporte en biomasa. La producción de hojarasca total estuvo dentro del rango de otros bosques montanos (7831 g/ha. Las hojas aportaron 74,4%, las ramas 10,8%, partes reproductivas 10,6%, epífitas 3,6% y fragmentos no identificados 0,6%. Las hojas se identificaron hasta el nivel de familia o género. El género que más aportó fue Clusia (40,5%. Se encontró que a mayorhumedad relativa ambiental y temperatura, menor producción en los tres niveles de hojarasca. Una mayor precipitación se relacionó con una mayor producción de fracciones, familias y géneros de hojarasca. Se sugiere realizar trabajos a largo plazo corroborando la productividad estimada con las relaciones en precipitación y humedad.

  4. Mitigating Losses of Wetland Ecosystems: A Context for Evaluation. (United States)

    Mattingly, Rosanna L.


    Preservation of our wetlands has been an issue for many years. Today, despite current laws and those adopted 200 years ago, the wetlands remain insufficiently protected and developed. A holistic guide and suggestions for the classroom are provided to aid in efforts directed at wetland education, research and management. (ZWH)

  5. Mine-drainage treatment wetland as habitat for herptofaunal wildlife (United States)

    Lacki, Michael J.; Hummer, Joseph W.; Webster, Harold J.


    Land reclamation techniques that incorporate habitat features for herptofaunal wildlife have received little attention. We assessed the suitability of a wetland, constructed for the treatment of mine-water drainage, for supporting herptofaunal wildlife from 1988 through 1990 using diurnal and nocturnal surveys. Natural wetlands within the surrounding watershed were also monitored for comparison. The treatment wetland supported the greatest abundance and species richness of herptofauna among the sites surveyed. Abundance was a function of the frog density, particularly green frogs ( Rana clamitans) and pickerel frogs ( R. palustris), while species richness was due to the number of snake species found. The rich mix of snake species present at the treatment wetland was believed due to a combination of an abundant frog prey base and an amply supply of den sites in rock debris left behind from earlier surface-mining activities. Nocturnal surveys of breeding male frogs demonstrated highest breeding activity at the treatment wetland, particularly for spring peepers ( Hyla crucifer). Whole-body assays of green frog and bullfrog ( R. catesbeiana) tissues showed no differences among sites in uptake of iron, aluminum, and zinc; managanese levels in samples from the treatment wetland were significantly lower than those from natural wetlands. These results suggest that wetlands established for water quality improvement can provide habitat for reptiles and amphibians, with the species composition dependent on the construction design, the proximity to source populations, and the degree of acidity and heavy-metal concentrations in drainage waters.

  6. Evaluating the significance of wetland restoration scenarios on phosphorus removal. (United States)

    Daneshvar, Fariborz; Nejadhashemi, A Pouyan; Adhikari, Umesh; Elahi, Behin; Abouali, Mohammad; Herman, Matthew R; Martinez-Martinez, Edwin; Calappi, Timothy J; Rohn, Bridget G


    Freshwater resources are vital for human and natural systems. However, anthropogenic activities, such as agricultural practices, have led to the degradation of the quality of these limited resources through pollutant loading. Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs), such as wetlands, are recommended as a valuable solution for pollutant removal. However, evaluation of their long-term impacts is difficult and requires modeling since performing in-situ monitoring is expensive and not feasible at the watershed scale. In this study, the impact of natural wetland implementation on total phosphorus reduction was evaluated both at the subwatershed and watershed levels. The study area is the Saginaw River Watershed, which is largest watershed in Michigan. The phosphorus reduction performances of four different wetland sizes (2, 4, 6, and 8 ha) were evaluated within this study area by implementing one wetland at a time in areas identified to have the highest potential for wetland restoration. The subwatershed level phosphorus loads were obtained from a calibrated Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. These loads were then incorporated into a wetland model (System for Urban Stormwater Treatment and Analysis IntegratioN-SUSTAIN) to evaluate phosphorus reduction at the subwatershed level and then the SWAT model was again used to route phosphorus transport to the watershed outlet. Statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the spatial impact of wetland size and placement on phosphorus reduction. Overall, the performance of 2 ha wetlands in total phosphorus reduction was significantly lower than the larger sizes at both the subwatershed and watershed levels. Regarding wetland implementation sites, wetlands located in headwaters and downstream had significantly higher phosphorus reduction than the ones located in the middle of the watershed. More specifically, wetlands implemented at distances ranging from 200 to 250 km and 50-100 km from the outlet had the

  7. Detecting wetland changes in Shanghai, China using FORMOSAT and Landsat TM imagery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tian, Bo; Zhou, Yun-xuan; Thom, Ronald M.; Diefenderfer, Heida L.; Yuan, Qing


    Understanding the state of wetland ecosystems and their changes at the national and local levels is critical for wetland conservation, management, decision-making, and policy development practices. This study analyzed the wetlands in Shanghai, a province-level city, using remote sensing, image processing, and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques based on the Chinese national wetland inventory procedure and standards. FORMOSAT imagery acquired in 2012 and Navy nautical charts of the Yangtze estuarine area were used in conjunction with object-oriented segmentation, expert interpretation, and field validation to determine wetland status. Landsat imagery from 1985, 1995, 2000, 2003 and 2013 as well as social-economic data collected from 1985 to 2013 were used to further assess wetland changes. In 2013, Shanghai contained 376,970.6 ha of wetlands, and 78.8% of all wetlands were in marine or estuarine systems. Estuarine waters comprised the single largest wetland category. Between the first national wetland inventory in 2003 and the second national wetland inventory in 2013, Shanghai lost 50,519.13 ha of wetlands, amounting to a mean annual loss rate of 1.2% or an 11.8% loss over the decade. Declines were proportionately higher in marine and estuarine wetlands, with an annual loss of 1.8%, while there was a sharp increase of 1882.6% in constructed water storage areas for human uses. Diking, filling, impoundment and reclamation, which are all attributable to the economic development and urbanization associated with population increases, were the major factors that explained the gain and loss of wetlands. Additional factors affecting wetland losses and gains include sediment trapping by the hydropower system, which reduces supply to the estuary and erodes wetlands, and sediment trapping by the jetties, spur dikes, and diversion bulwark associated with a navigation channel deepening project, which has the converse effect, increasing saltmarsh wetland area at

  8. Carbon Cycling in Wetland Forest Soils (United States)

    Carl C. Trettin; Martin F. Jurgensen


    Wetlands comprise a small proportion (i.e., 2 to 3%) of earth's terrestrial surface, yet they contain a significant proportion of the terrestrial carbon (C) pool. Soils comprise the largest terrestrial C pool (ca. 1550 Pg C in upper 100 cm; Eswaran et al., 1993; Batjes, 1996), and wetlands contain the single largest component, with estimates ranging between 18...

  9. Resilience of coastal wetlands to extreme hydrologicevents in Apalachicola Bay (United States)

    Medeiros, S. C.; Singh, A.; Tahsin, S.


    Extreme hydrologic events such as hurricanes and droughts continuously threaten wetlands which provide key ecosystem services in coastal areas. The recovery time for vegetation after impact fromthese extreme events can be highly variable depending on the hazard type and intensity. Apalachicola Bay in Florida is home to a rich variety of saltwater and freshwater wetlands and is subject to a wide rangeof hydrologic hazards. Using spatiotemporal changes in Landsat-based empirical vegetation indices, we investigate the impact of hurricane and drought on both freshwater and saltwater wetlands from year 2000to 2015 in Apalachicola Bay. Our results indicate that saltwater wetlands are more resilient than freshwater wetlands and suggest that in response to hurricanes, the coastal wetlands took almost a year to recover,while recovery following a drought period was observed after only a month.

  10. Factors Influencing Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in Wetland Restoration: Evidence from China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Honggen Zhu


    Full Text Available The Poyang Lake wetland has been at the center of discussion in China’s wetland restoration initiative because of the extent of its ecosystem degradation. The purpose of this paper is to model farmers’ willingness to participate in wetland restoration and analyze factors that will affect farmers’ participation decisions. A household survey was conducted among 300 randomly selected farm-households in the Poyang Lake area, Jiangxi Province. A binary probit regression model is applied to investigate the impacts of farmer demographics, farm characteristics, and farmers’ perceptions of wetland and wetland restoration policies on willingness to participate in wetland restoration. Results show that farmers’ education level, household migrant members, number of dependents, household net income, farm type, and distance to urban areas have significant effects on farmers’ participation in wetland restoration. Farmers’ perceptions about the ecological values and benefits of wetlands and their knowledge about wetland restoration policies do not appear to significantly influence farmers’ willingness to participate. A gap is identified between awareness of the importance of wetland restoration and willingness to take actions to restore wetlands. Farm-households tend to weigh personal needs and economic conditions when making participation decisions.

  11. Will Tidal Wetland Restoration Enhance Populations of Native Fishes?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larry R. Brown


    Full Text Available Restoration of tidal wetlands might enhance populations of native fishes in the San Francisco Estuary of California. The purpose of this paper is to: (1 review the currently available information regarding the importance of tidal wetlands to native fishes in the San Francisco Estuary, (2 construct conceptual models on the basis of available information, (3 identify key areas of scientific uncertainty, and (4 identify methods to improve conceptual models and reduce uncertainty. There are few quantitative data to suggest that restoration of tidal wetlands will substantially increase populations of native fishes. On a qualitative basis, there is some support for the idea that tidal wetland restoration will increase populations of some native fishes; however, the species deriving the most benefit from restoration might not be of great management concern at present. Invasion of the San Francisco Estuary by alien plants and animals appears to be a major factor in obscuring the expected link between tidal wetlands and native fishes. Large-scale adaptive management experiments (>100 hectares appear to be the best available option for determining whether tidal wetlands will provide significant benefit to native fishes. Even if these experiments are unsuccessful at increasing native fish populations, the restored wetlands should benefit native birds, plants, and other organisms.

  12. Wetland and waterbody restoration and creation associated with mining

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brooks, R.P.


    Published and unpublished reports are reviewed and the strategies and techniques used to facilitate the establishment of wetlands and waterbodies during mine reclamation are summarized. Although the emphasis is on coal, phosphate, and sand and gravel operations, the methods are relevant to other types of mining and mitigation activities. The following key points should receive attention during planning and mitigation processes: (1) development of site-specific objectives that are related to regional wetland trends; (2) integration of wetland mitigation plans with mining operations and reclamation at the beginning of any project; (3) wetland designs that mimic natural systems and provide flexibility for unforeseen events; (4) assurance that basin morphometry and control of the hydrologic regime are properly addressed before considering other aspects of a project; and (5) identification of mandatory monitoring as a known cost. Well-designed studies that use comparative approaches are needed to increase the database on wetland restoration technology. Meanwhile, regional success criteria for different classes of wetlands need to be developed by consensus agreement among professionals. The rationale for a particular mitigation strategy must have a sound, scientific basis if the needs of mining industries are to be balanced against the necessity of wetland operation. 93 refs., 3 figs

  13. Bacterial carbon utilization in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands. (United States)

    Tietz, Alexandra; Langergraber, Günter; Watzinger, Andrea; Haberl, Raimund; Kirschner, Alexander K T


    Subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands with intermittent loading are considered as state of the art and can comply with stringent effluent requirements. It is usually assumed that microbial activity in the filter body of constructed wetlands, responsible for the removal of carbon and nitrogen, relies mainly on bacterially mediated transformations. However, little quantitative information is available on the distribution of bacterial biomass and production in the "black-box" constructed wetland. The spatial distribution of bacterial carbon utilization, based on bacterial (14)C-leucine incorporation measurements, was investigated for the filter body of planted and unplanted indoor pilot-scale constructed wetlands, as well as for a planted outdoor constructed wetland. A simple mass-balance approach was applied to explain the bacterially catalysed organic matter degradation in this system by comparing estimated bacterial carbon utilization rates with simultaneously measured carbon reduction values. The pilot-scale constructed wetlands proved to be a suitable model system for investigating microbial carbon utilization in constructed wetlands. Under an ideal operating mode, the bulk of bacterial productivity occurred within the first 10cm of the filter body. Plants seemed to have no significant influence on productivity and biomass of bacteria, as well as on wastewater total organic carbon removal.

  14. Leveraging Trillions of Pixels for Flood Mitigation Decisions Support in the Rio Salado Basin, Argentina (United States)

    Sullivan, J.; Routh, D.; Tellman, B.; Doyle, C.; Tomlin, J. N.


    The Rio Salado River Basin in Argentina is an economically important region that generates 25-30 percent of Argentina's grain and meat production. Between 2000-2011, floods in the basin caused nearly US$4.5 billion in losses and affected 5.5 million people. With the goal of developing cost-efficient flood monitoring and prediction capabilities in the Rio Salado Basin to support decision making, Cloud to Street is developing satellite based analytics to cover information gaps and improve monitoring capacity. This talk will showcase the Flood Risk Dashboard developed by Cloud to Street to support monitoring and decision-making at the level of provincial and national water management agencies in the Rio Salado Watershed. The Dashboard is based on analyzing thousands of MODIS, Landsat, and Sentinel scenes in Google Earth Engine to reconstruct the spatial history of flooding in the basin. The tool, iteratively designed with the end-user, shows a history of floodable areas with specific return times, exposed land uses and population, precipitation hyetographs, and spatial and temporal flood trends in the basin. These trends are used to understand both the impact of past flood mitigation investments (i.e. wetland reconstruction) and identify shifting flood risks. Based on this experience, we will also describe best practices on making remote sensing "flood dashboards" for water agencies.

  15. Water organic pollution and eutrophication influence soil microbial processes, increasing soil respiration of estuarine wetlands: site study in jiuduansha wetland. (United States)

    Zhang, Yue; Wang, Lei; Hu, Yu; Xi, Xuefei; Tang, Yushu; Chen, Jinhai; Fu, Xiaohua; Sun, Ying


    Undisturbed natural wetlands are important carbon sinks due to their low soil respiration. When compared with inland alpine wetlands, estuarine wetlands in densely populated areas are subjected to great pressure associated with environmental pollution. However, the effects of water pollution and eutrophication on soil respiration of estuarine and their mechanism have still not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, two representative zones of a tidal wetland located in the upstream and downstream were investigated to determine the effects of water organic pollution and eutrophication on soil respiration of estuarine wetlands and its mechanism. The results showed that eutrophication, which is a result of there being an excess of nutrients including nitrogen and phosphorus, and organic pollutants in the water near Shang shoal located upstream were higher than in downstream Xia shoal. Due to the absorption and interception function of shoals, there to be more nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter in Shang shoal soil than in Xia shoal. Abundant nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon input to soil of Shang shoal promoted reproduction and growth of some highly heterotrophic metabolic microorganisms such as β-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria which is not conducive to carbon sequestration. These results imply that the performance of pollutant interception and purification function of estuarine wetlands may weaken their carbon sequestration function to some extent.

  16. Evapotranspiration from drained wetlands: drivers, modeling, storage functions, and restoration implications (United States)

    Shukla, S.; Wu, C. L.; Shrestha, N.


    Abstract Evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of wetland and watershed water budgets. The effect of wetland drainage on ET is not well understood. We tested whether the current understanding of insignificant effect of drainage on ET in the temperate region wetlands applies to those in the sub-tropics. Eddy covariance (EC) based ET measurements were made for two years at two previously drained and geographically close wetlands in the Everglades region of Florida. One wetland was significantly drained with 97% of its storage capacity lost. The other was a more functional wetland with 42% of storage capacity lost. Annual average ET at the significantly drained wetland was 836 mm, 34% less than the function wetland (1271 mm) and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.001). Such differences in wetland ET in the same climatic region have not been observed. The difference in ET was mainly due to drainage driven differences in inundation and associated effects on net radiation (Rn) and local relative humidity. Two daily ET models, a regression (r2 = 0.80) and a Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) model (r2 = 0.84), were developed with the latter being more robust. These models, when used in conjunction with hydrologic models, improved ET predictions for drained wetlands. Predictions from an integrated model showed that more intensely drained wetlands at higher elevation should be targeted for restoration of downstream flows (flooding) because they have the ability to loose higher water volume through ET which increases available water storage capacity of wetlands. Daily ET models can predict changes in ET for improved evaluation of basin-scale effects of restoration programs and climate change scenarios.

  17. An assessment of the performance of municipal constructed wetlands in Ireland. (United States)

    Hickey, Anthony; Arnscheidt, Joerg; Joyce, Eadaoin; O'Toole, James; Galvin, Gerry; O' Callaghan, Mark; Conroy, Ken; Killian, Darran; Shryane, Tommy; Hughes, Francis; Walsh, Katherine; Kavanagh, Emily


    While performance assessments of constructed wetlands sites around the world have appraised their capacity for effective removal of organics, a large variance remains in these sites' reported ability to retain nutrients, which appears to depend on differences in design, operation and climate factors. Nutrient retention is a very important objective for constructed wetlands, to avoid eutrophication of aquatic environments receiving their effluents. This study assessed the performance of constructed wetlands in terms of nutrient retention and associated parameters under the humid conditions of Ireland's temperate maritime climate. A review of the performance of 52 constructed wetland sites from 17 local authorities aimed to identify the best performing types of constructed wetlands and the treatment factors determining successful compliance with environmental standards. Data analysis compared effluent results from constructed wetlands with secondary free surface flow or tertiary horizontal subsurface flow, hybrid systems and integrated constructed wetlands with those from small-scale mechanical wastewater treatment plants of the same size class. Nutrient concentrations in effluents of constructed wetlands were negatively correlated (p treatment performance of constructed wetlands significantly (p wastewater treatment plants, secondary free surface water and tertiary horizontal subsurface flow wetlands showed a very large variance in effluent concentrations for organic and nutrient parameters. E. coli numbers in effluents were lowest for integrated constructed wetlands with an arithmetic mean of 89 MPN/100 ml. Despite Ireland's humid climate, some constructed wetland sites achieved long or frequent periods of zero effluent discharge and thus did not transfer any waterborne pollution to their receptors during these periods. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. A Place to Call Home: Amphibian Use of Created and Restored Wetlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donald J. Brown


    Full Text Available Loss and degradation of wetland habitats are major contributing factors to the global decline of amphibians. Creation and restoration of wetlands could be a valuable tool for increasing local amphibian species richness and abundance. We synthesized the peer-reviewed literature addressing amphibian use of created and restored wetlands, focusing on aquatic habitat, upland habitat, and wetland connectivity and configuration. Amphibian species richness or abundance at created and restored wetlands was either similar to or greater than reference wetlands in 89% of studies. Use of created and restored wetlands by individual species was driven by aquatic and terrestrial habitat preferences, as well as ability to disperse from source wetlands. We conclude that creating and restoring wetlands can be valuable tools for amphibian conservation. However, the ecological needs and preferences of target species must be considered to maximize the potential for successful colonization and long-term persistence.



    Armenteras, Dolors; Rodríguez Eraso, Nelly


    Durante los últimos años se han publicado varios estudios sobre deforestación en Latino América, donde las tasas de pérdida de bosques, hasta la década del año 2000 en la región, por lo general son inferiores a las de otras zonas tropicales. Regularmente, los estudios de deforestación son regionales o estatales o a nivel de cuenca o microcuenca, y no permiten observar la variabilidad intrarregional presente en los trópicos americanos. En este trabajo se presenta el resultado de un meta-anális...

  20. Optimización del costo del sistema de aprovechamiento de madera en bosques naturales de Pinus caribaea


    Cándano Acosta,Fidel; Leite,Angelo Marcio Pinto; Martínez Cantón,José Luis


    El trabajo se realizó en bosques naturales de Pinus caribaea en áreas de la empresa forestal La Palma en la provincia de Pinar del Río - Cuba. El objetivo de la investigación fue minimizar el costo del sistema de aprovechamiento de madera a partir de la interacción entre el costo de camino y el costo de arrastre en base a la densidad de camino y patios de carga, además de la interacción del costo de camino y el costo del transporte de madera en base a la calidad de la capa de rodamiento del c...

  1. Los Pteridófitos de un bosque subandino en el municipio de Albán, Cundinamarca (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Amparo Triana Moreno


    Selaginella y Huperzia con tres. De las especies encontradas Blechnum divergens, Blechnum lherminieri, Diplazium ambiguum, Elaphoglossum piloselloides, Huperzia amentacea, Hypolepis repens, Polybotrya caudata, Pteris altissima, Thelypteris grandis y Trichomanes reptans son nuevos registros para Cundinamarca. La mayoría de las especies (46% son exclusivamente terrestres y dentro de éstas las más abundantes son Asplenium flabellulatum en el bosque, Equisetum bogotense, Thelypteris rudis y Pityrogramma ebenea en el borde de las quebradas y Thelypteris rudis y Pteridium arachnoideum en los pastizales. En cuanto a las epífitas (20% la más común es  Loxoscaphe theciferum y solo Polybotrya caudata es hemiepífita.

  2. Wetland Polygons, California, 2016, California Aquatic Resources Inventory (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This feature class contains polgon features depicting wetlands that are standardized to a common wetland classification system (CARI) and provide additional source...

  3. Macroinvertebrate variation in endorheic depression wetlands in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aquatic macroinvertebrates are rarely used in wetland assessments due to their variation. However, in terms of biodiversity, these invertebrates form an important component of wetland fauna. Spatial and temporal variation of macroinvertebrate assemblages in endorheic depressions (locally referred to as 'pans') in ...

  4. Enteric and indicator virus removal by surface flow wetlands. (United States)

    Rachmadi, Andri T; Kitajima, Masaaki; Pepper, Ian L; Gerba, Charles P


    We investigated the occurrence and attenuation of several human enteric viruses (i.e., norovirus, adenovirus, Aichi virus 1, polyomaviruses, and enterovirus) as well as a plant virus, pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), at two surface flow wetlands in Arizona. The retention time in one of the wetlands was seven days, whereas in the other wetland it could not be defined. Water samples were collected at the inlet and outlet from the wetlands over nine months, and concentration of viral genomes was determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Of the human enteric viruses tested, adenovirus and Aichi virus 1 were found in the greatest prevalence in treated wastewater (i.e., inlet of the wetlands). Reduction efficiencies of enteric viruses by the wetlands ranged from 1 to 3 log10. Polyomaviruses were generally removed to below detection limit, indicating at least 2 to 4 log10 removal. PMMoV was detected in a greater concentration in the inlet of both wetlands for all the viruses tested (10(4) to 10(7) genome copies/L), but exhibited little or no removal (1 log10 or less). To determine the factors associated with virus genome attenuation (as determined by qPCR), the persistence of PMMoV and poliovirus type 1 (an enterovirus) was studied in autoclaved and natural wetland water, and deionized water incubated under three different temperatures for 21 days. A combination of elevated water temperature and biological activities reduced poliovirus by 1 to 4 log10, while PMMoV was not significantly reduced during this time period. Overall, PMMoV showed much greater persistence than human viruses in the wetland treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. The importance of water quality to wetland establishment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trites, M.; Bayley, S. [Alberta Univ., Edmonton, AB (Canada). Dept. of Biological Sciences


    Extracting oil from sands produces huge volumes of saline tailings. This presentation demonstrated that the ability to recreate boreal peatland communities after oil sands mining will be constrained by water quality. Typical boreal wetlands can be described along a bog to poor fen to rich fen gradient that correlates to increasing water pH and calcium concentration. There are major differences in vegetation communities along this gradient. Bogs and poor fens are characterized by slowly decomposing Sphagnum moss, while brown moss and productive herbaceous communities characterize rich fens. Post-mining wetlands generally have sodium concentrations above the tolerance limits of most freshwater peatland species. This study involved a survey of 25 boreal wetlands across a natural salinity gradient to determine a suite of potential native vegetation species to use for oils sand reclamation. Sixteen herbaceous vegetation communities that could be incorporated into oil sands wetlands were identified, but the diversity of communities decreased as salinity increased. Some of these wetlands had thick organic matter accumulations, despite having salinity equal to or higher than oil sands wetlands. Organic matter accumulation rates were also measured. If salinity is moderate and nutrient levels adequate, highly productive species like Carex aquatilis and Typha latifolia can accumulate organic matter quickly. Triglochin maritima can accumulate organic matter over the long term, even if salinity is high and nutrient levels are low. Although there is potential for peat to accumulate in future oil sands wetlands, the rates of peat accumulation will probably be slower than in undisturbed freshwater bogs and fens because of the elevated salinity. tabs., figs.

  6. The importance of water quality to wetland establishment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trites, M.; Bayley, S.


    Extracting oil from sands produces huge volumes of saline tailings. This presentation demonstrated that the ability to recreate boreal peatland communities after oil sands mining will be constrained by water quality. Typical boreal wetlands can be described along a bog to poor fen to rich fen gradient that correlates to increasing water pH and calcium concentration. There are major differences in vegetation communities along this gradient. Bogs and poor fens are characterized by slowly decomposing Sphagnum moss, while brown moss and productive herbaceous communities characterize rich fens. Post-mining wetlands generally have sodium concentrations above the tolerance limits of most freshwater peatland species. This study involved a survey of 25 boreal wetlands across a natural salinity gradient to determine a suite of potential native vegetation species to use for oils sand reclamation. Sixteen herbaceous vegetation communities that could be incorporated into oil sands wetlands were identified, but the diversity of communities decreased as salinity increased. Some of these wetlands had thick organic matter accumulations, despite having salinity equal to or higher than oil sands wetlands. Organic matter accumulation rates were also measured. If salinity is moderate and nutrient levels adequate, highly productive species like Carex aquatilis and Typha latifolia can accumulate organic matter quickly. Triglochin maritima can accumulate organic matter over the long term, even if salinity is high and nutrient levels are low. Although there is potential for peat to accumulate in future oil sands wetlands, the rates of peat accumulation will probably be slower than in undisturbed freshwater bogs and fens because of the elevated salinity. tabs., figs.

  7. Biomass energetics potential of wetlands at Saare county

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kask, U.; Kask, L.


    Most of the fuels that are being used to produce the thermal and electrical power are nonrenewable. Transferring them into energy pollutes the environment with CO 2 and surplus heat. Biomass is the most suitable energy resource in Estonian natural circumstances. Hitherto, one kind of biomass - plants of wetland - has almost not been used. There are plenty of wetlands in Saaremaa that have reasonably high productivity of biomass. Exertion of technologies of processing and using the biomass helps to create new jobs in agriculture as well in other sector of economy and evolve the regional development. The local currency circulation will improve and there are also possibilities in increase of capital expenditures and export potential. The biomass productivity of wetland plants accounting to dry matter can reach up to 4-5 kg/m 2 in a year. One advantage to use the plants of wetland (reed, cattail) in energy production is the fact that these plants will disengage from water in the end of their growth period and will need no extra drying. There are over 12000 ha of wetlands in Saaremaa, half of them could be used to get energetical biomass. The other half is either under (nature)protection or it would be economically inefficient to cut reed there. The major wetlands are in the surroundings of Mullatu bay and the Koigi swamp, also in Tornimae. There could be significant reduce in the emission of solid particles into the atmosphere, if the biomass of wetlands would be used to produce thermal and electrical power in Kuressaare. (author)

  8. Climate and land-use change in wetlands: A dedication (United States)

    Middleton, Beth A.


    Future climate and land-use change may wreak havoc on wetlands, with the potential to erode their values as harbors for biota and providers of human services. Wetlands are important to protect, particularly because these provide a variety of ecosystem services including wildlife habitat, water purification, flood storage, and storm protection (Mitsch, Bernal, and Hernandez 2015). Without healthy wetlands, future generations may become increasingly less in harmony with the sustainability of the Earth. To this end, the thematic feature on climate and land-use change in wetlands explores the critical role of wetlands in the overall health and well-being of humans and our planet. Our special feature contributes to the understanding of the idea that the health of natural ecosystems and humans are linked and potentially stressed by climate change and land-use change (Horton and Lo 2015; McDonald 2015). In particular, this special issue considers the important role of wetlands in the environment, and how land-use and environmental change might affect them in the future.

  9. Negative effects of excessive soil phosphorus on floristic quality in Ohio wetlands. (United States)

    Stapanian, Martin A; Schumacher, William; Gara, Brian; Monteith, Steven E


    Excessive soil nutrients, often from agricultural runoff, have been shown to negatively impact some aspects of wetland plant communities. We measured plant-available phosphorus (Mehlich-3: MeP) in soil samples, and assessed the vascular plant community and habitat degradation at 27 emergent and 13 forested wetlands in Ohio, USA. We tested two hypotheses: (1) that an index of vegetation biological integrity based on floristic quality was lower in wetlands with higher concentrations of MeP in the soil, and (2) that higher concentrations of MeP occurred in wetlands with more habitat degradation (i.e., lower quality), as estimated by a rapid assessment method. Hypothesis (1) was supported for emergent, but not for forested wetlands. Hypothesis (2) was marginally supported (P=0.09) for emergent, but not supported for forested wetlands. The results indicate that the effect of concentration of phosphorus in wetland soils and the quality of plant species assemblages in wetlands is more complex than shown in site-specific studies and may depend in part on degree of disturbance in the surrounding watershed and dominant wetland vegetation type. Woody plants in forested wetlands are typically longer lived than herbaceous species in the understory and emergent wetlands, and may persist despite high inputs of phosphorus. Further, the forested wetlands were typically surrounded by a wide band of forest vegetation, which may provide a barrier against sedimentation and the associated phosphorus inputs to the wetland interior. Our results indicate that inferences about soil nutrient conditions made from rapid assessment methods for assessing wetland habitat condition may not be reliable. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Do geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape functions? (United States)

    Cohen, Matthew J.; Creed, Irena F.; Alexander, Laurie C.; Basu, Nandita; Calhoun, Aram J.K.; Craft, Christopher; D’Amico, Ellen; DeKeyser, Edward S.; Fowler, Laurie; Golden, Heather E.; Jawitz, James W.; Kalla, Peter; Kirkman, L. Katherine; Lane, Charles R.; Lang, Megan; Leibowitz, Scott G.; Lewis, David Bruce; Marton, John; McLaughlin, Daniel L.; Mushet, David M.; Raanan-Kiperwas, Hadas; Rains, Mark C.; Smith, Lora; Walls, Susan C.


    Geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs), those surrounded by uplands, exchange materials, energy, and organisms with other elements in hydrological and habitat networks, contributing to landscape functions, such as flow generation, nutrient and sediment retention, and biodiversity support. GIWs constitute most of the wetlands in many North American landscapes, provide a disproportionately large fraction of wetland edges where many functions are enhanced, and form complexes with other water bodies to create spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the timing, flow paths, and magnitude of network connectivity. These attributes signal a critical role for GIWs in sustaining a portfolio of landscape functions, but legal protections remain weak despite preferential loss from many landscapes. GIWs lack persistent surface water connections, but this condition does not imply the absence of hydrological, biogeochemical, and biological exchanges with nearby and downstream waters. Although hydrological and biogeochemical connectivity is often episodic or slow (e.g., via groundwater), hydrologic continuity and limited evaporative solute enrichment suggest both flow generation and solute and sediment retention. Similarly, whereas biological connectivity usually requires overland dispersal, numerous organisms, including many rare or threatened species, use both GIWs and downstream waters at different times or life stages, suggesting that GIWs are critical elements of landscape habitat mosaics. Indeed, weaker hydrologic connectivity with downstream waters and constrained biological connectivity with other landscape elements are precisely what enhances some GIW functions and enables others. Based on analysis of wetland geography and synthesis of wetland functions, we argue that sustaining landscape functions requires conserving the entire continuum of wetland connectivity, including GIWs.

  11. Landscape hydrology. The hydrological legacy of deforestation on global wetlands. (United States)

    Woodward, C; Shulmeister, J; Larsen, J; Jacobsen, G E; Zawadzki, A


    Increased catchment erosion and nutrient loading are commonly recognized impacts of deforestation on global wetlands. In contrast, an increase in water availability in deforested catchments is well known in modern studies but is rarely considered when evaluating past human impacts. We used a Budyko water balance approach, a meta-analysis of global wetland response to deforestation, and paleoecological studies from Australasia to explore this issue. After complete deforestation, we demonstrated that water available to wetlands increases by up to 15% of annual precipitation. This can convert ephemeral swamps to permanent lakes or even create new wetlands. This effect is globally significant, with 9 to 12% of wetlands affected, including 20 to 40% of Ramsar wetlands, but is widely unrecognized because human impact studies rarely test for it. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  12. Patterns and drivers for wetland connections in the Prairie Pothole Region, United States (United States)

    Vanderhoof, Melanie; Christensen, Jay R.; Alexander, Laurie C.


    Ecosystem function in rivers, lakes and coastal waters depends on the functioning of upstream aquatic ecosystems, necessitating an improved understanding of watershed-scale interactions including variable surface-water flows between wetlands and streams. As surface water in the Prairie Pothole Region expands in wet years, surface-water connections occur between many depressional wetlands and streams. Minimal research has explored the spatial patterns and drivers for the abundance of these connections, despite their potential to inform resource management and regulatory programs including the U.S. Clean Water Act. In this study, wetlands were identified that did not intersect the stream network, but were shown with Landsat images (1990–2011) to become merged with the stream network as surface water expanded. Wetlands were found to spill into or consolidate with other wetlands within both small (2–10 wetlands) and large (>100 wetlands) wetland clusters, eventually intersecting a stream channel, most often via a riparian wetland. These surface-water connections occurred over a wide range of wetland distances from streams (averaging 90–1400 m in different ecoregions). Differences in the spatial abundance of wetlands that show a variable surface-water connection to a stream were best explained by smaller wetland-to-wetland distances, greater wetland abundance, and maximum surface-water extent. This analysis demonstrated that wetland arrangement and surface water expansion are important mechanisms for depressional wetlands to connect to streams and provides a first step to understanding the frequency and abundance of these surface-water connections across the Prairie Pothole Region.

  13. Wetland Groundwater Processes

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Williams, Greg


    This technical note summarizes hydrologic and hydraulic (H AND H) processes and the related terminology that will likely be encountered during an evaluation of the effect of ground-water processes on wetland function...

  14. Spatial and stress-related variation in benthic microbial gas flux in northeastern Alberta wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciborowski, J.; Gardner Costa, J.


    This study investigated the effects of oil sands process material (OSPM) on the sediment microbial respiration in newly constructed wetlands located in northeastern Alberta. The sediment gas flux in 10 wetlands with various sediment characteristics and ages was studied. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used to contrast the mean wetland production of methane (CH 4 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) with season, wetland status, wetland age, and wetland zones. The study showed that CH 4 was significantly higher in reference wetlands than in OSPM-impacted wetlands. A significant relationship between the status and zone of the wetland was observed for CH 4 fluxes in reference wetlands. CH 4 fluxes were higher in the non-vegetated zones of reference wetlands than in the vegetated zones of reference wetlands. CO 2 fluxes were low and not significantly different in any of the studied sites. Results indicated that the wetlands contributed little atmospheric carbon.

  15. Wetland biogeochemical processes and simulation modeling (United States)

    Bai, Junhong; Huang, Laibin; Gao, Haifeng; Jia, Jia; Wang, Xin


    As the important landscape with rich biodiversity and high productivity, wetlands can provide numerous ecological services including playing an important role in regulating global biogeochemical cycles, filteringpollutants from terrestrial runoff and atmospheric deposition, protecting and improving water quality, providing living habitats for plants and animals, controlling floodwaters, and retaining surface water flow during dry periods (Reddy and DeLaune, 2008; Qin and Mitsch, 2009; Zhao et al., 2016). However, more than 50% of the world's wetlands had been altered, degraded or lost through a wide range of human activities in the past 150 years, and only a small percentage of the original wetlands remained around the world after over two centuries of intensive development and urbanization (O'connell, 2003; Zhao et al., 2016).

  16. Limnology of Jagatpur wetland, Bhagalpur (Bihar), India. (United States)

    Kumar, Brajnandan


    The water quality in Jagatpur wetland was assessed in terms of physico - chemical characteristics for two years, between August 2003-July 2005. The variations in different physico-chemical parameters have been discussed in this paper in relation to fluctuating climatic condition. The wetland is experiencing racing eutrophication as evidenced by pH was acidic to alkaline, total hardness was considerably high, bicarbonate was in moderate amount, phosphate-phosphorus content was in a range of medium to high and higher values of COD. The present status of the quality of water of Jagatpur wetland is delineated in this paper.

  17. Impacts of human-induced environmental change in wetlands on aquatic animals. (United States)

    Sievers, Michael; Hale, Robin; Parris, Kirsten M; Swearer, Stephen E


    Many wetlands harbour highly diverse biological communities and provide extensive ecosystem services; however, these important ecological features are being altered, degraded and destroyed around the world. Despite a wealth of research on how animals respond to anthropogenic changes to natural wetlands and how they use created wetlands, we lack a broad synthesis of these data. While some altered wetlands may provide vital habitat, others could pose a considerable risk to wildlife. This risk will be heightened if such wetlands are ecological traps - preferred habitats that confer lower fitness than another available habitat. Wetlands functioning as ecological traps could decrease both local and regional population persistence, and ultimately lead to extinctions. Most studies have examined how animals respond to changes in environmental conditions by measuring responses at the community and population levels, but studying ecological traps requires information on fitness and habitat preferences. Our current lack of knowledge of individual-level responses may therefore limit our capacity to manage wetland ecosystems effectively since ecological traps require different management practices to mitigate potential consequences. We conducted a global meta-analysis to characterise how animals respond to four key drivers of wetland alteration: agriculture, mining, restoration and urbanisation. Our overarching goal was to evaluate the ecological impacts of human alterations to wetland ecosystems, as well as identify current knowledge gaps that limit both the current understanding of these responses and effective wetland management. We extracted 1799 taxon-specific response ratios from 271 studies across 29 countries. Community- (e.g. richness) and population-level (e.g. density) measures within altered wetlands were largely comparable to those within reference wetlands. By contrast, individual fitness measures (e.g. survival) were often lower, highlighting the potential

  18. Patrones de distribución de escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae en relicto del bosque altoandino, Cordillera Oriental de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amat García Germán


    Full Text Available This study documents the diversity and distribution patterns of dung beetles in three relictual patches of montane forest located near the Sabana de Bogotá. 2486 individuals of 11 species in 6 genera were collected. The most abundant specie was Ontherus brevicollis, collected in two patches, followed by Dichotomius achamas collected in all three patches and Uroxys sp present only in one. Chicaque has the highest species richness with 10 species. We found a clear pattern related to habitat preferences, summarized in 3 groups: pasture beetles, edges and forest interior beetles.En este trabajo se estudió la diversidad y distribución de escarabajos coprófagos, en tres relictos de bosque altoandino de la Sabana de Bogotá. Se colectaron un total de 2486 individuos agrupados en 6 géneros y 11 especies. La especie más abundante fue Ontherus brevicollis, presente en dos de las tres áreas estudiadas, seguida por Dichotomius achamas presente en las tres áreas y Uroxys sp sólo en una. El área relictual más grande, Chicaque, presenta la mayor riqueza (10 especies, seguido por Soche con tres especies. Se encontró un claro patrón de preferencia de hábitats, resumido en tres grupos: escarabajos de potreros, de borde y de interior del bosque.

  19. Transport and transformation of nitrate in a riparian wetland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Rasmus Jes; Prinds, Christian; Iversen, Bo Vangsø

    Even though riparian wetlands have been intensively studied during the past 30 years these areas still function as a “black box” with regards to removal of nitrogen input from surrounding areas. To comply with regulations of the European Water Framework Directive, Danish agriculture is to reduce....... Depending on the saturation state of the wetland soils and the amount of water entering during precipitation events, a part of the water infiltrates into the wetland sediments and travels towards the stream. Some of the infiltrated water may be caught by drains within the wetland soils and transported...... directly to the stream. The remaining water can be either evapotranspired or transported directly to the stream via overland flow. Preliminary results show an efficient denitrification of nitrate infiltrating into the studied wetland soils. The nitrogen removal efficiency at different drain outlets seems...

  20. Estructura de un ecotono bosque Subalpino-pastos alpinos (Las Cutas, Ordesa, Pirineos Centrales

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    Camarero, J. J.


    Full Text Available We describe the structure of a subalpine forest-alpine pasture ecotone in the Central Pyrenees, that includes altitudinal timberline and treeline, and it is dominated by Pinus uncinata Ram. We measured for each P. uncinata 21individual located inside a rectangular plot parallel to the slope: the location and several structural and groivth form variables (number and type of stems per individual. Then, P. uncinata individuals were classified according to their size (adults, poles, saplings and seedlings and growth form (krummholz —shrubby and multistemmed individuals—, krummholz with vertical stems. The ecotone structure was described through the study of groivth form and size changes of P. uncinata individuals across the ecotone and related to the area climate, that is characterized by maximum snow thickness in spring (April and strong N-NW-W winds. Most of living individuals were krummholz, located above the timberline in the area where seedlings were abundant. Bigger, vertical and unistemmed individuals predominated in the forest. The structure or growth form changes were sharp across the ecotone. Crown injuries due to wind effects were evident in shrubby individuals and predominated in those directions that showed stronger winds during the year. The snow-wind interaction can explain partially the location of the studied timberline that could be considered a local phenomenon. The spatial location of the different classes of individuals, the spatial interaction between seedlings and krummholz individuals, and the changes of growth form (from arborescent to shrubby or vice versa can modify the response of these P. uncinata populations to climate changes.

    [es] Describimos la estructura de un ecotono bosque subalpino-pastos alpinos en los Pirineos Centrales, que incluye los límites altitudinales del bosque y del árbol y está dominado por Pinus uncinata Ram. Para cada individuo de

  1. Características estruturais de bosques de mangue do estuário do rio São Mateus, ES, Brasil Structural characteristics of the mangrove forests at São Mateus River Estuary, Espírito Santo State, Brazil

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    Maria Amélia Bonfante da Silva


    Full Text Available A estrutura da vegetação do manguezal do estuário do rio São Mateus foi analisada pelo método de parcelas em quatro sítios de estudo. Nesse manguezal, foram registradas as espécies Avicennia germinans (L. Stearn., Avicennia schaueriana Stapft & Leechm., Laguncularia racemosa (L. Gaertn. e Rhizophora mangle L. Considerando todas as parcelas, o DAP médio variou de 8,12 a 29,6 cm, a altura média de 5,4 a 12,0 m, a área basal de 7,21 a 31,1 m².ha-1 e a densidade de 450 a 1.450 ind.ha-1. Os sítios de estudo sob maior influência das marés apresentaram menor desenvolvimento estrutural e dominância de R. mangle, enquanto que o melhor desenvolvimento estrutural, com dominância de L. racemosa e A. germinans, foi observado nos sítios sujeitos ao maior aporte de ��gua doce. Os resultados demonstraram que o manguezal do estuário do rio São Mateus apresenta bom desenvolvimento estrutural em relação a outros manguezais do Estado do Espírito Santo.The structure of the mangrove forests at São Mateus River Estuary was analyzed using the plot method. Mangrove species at the estuary are Avicennia germinans (L. Stearn., Avicennia schaueriana Stapft & Leechm., Laguncularia racemosa (L. Gaertn., and Rhizophora mangle L. Structural analyzes were performed in four sites. In all stands, the DBH varied from 8.12 to 29.6 cm, average height from 5.4 to 12.0 m, the basal area from 7.21 to 31.1 m².ha-1, and the density from 450 a 1,450 ind.ha-1. Sites under larger influence of the tides, presented smaller structural development and dominance of R. mangle. L. racemosa and A. germinans were dominant in sites with fresh water predominance. The results obtained demonstrated that mangrove which was studied presented a good structural development in relation to other mangroves located in the Espírito Santo State.


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    Marcos Casiano


    Full Text Available La caracterización de la fenología de la vegetación, particularmente la asociada a los bosques tropicales caducifolios, permite predecir los impactos del cambio climático y de los intercambios de carbono y agua entre la atmósfera y la vegetación, por lo que es importante modelarla. Existen diferentes métodos experimentales para caracterizar la fenología de la vegetación, sin embargo, el uso de sensores remotos permite caracterizaciones fenológicas de bajo costo y eficientes. No obstante lo anterior, la mayoría de las aplicaciones de sensores remotos cuando se usan índices de vegetación (IV solo modelan el crecimiento del follaje (etapa vegetativa y senescente y no la etapa reproductiva. Dado que la floración es crítica para la viabilidad de la vegetación, además de su valor en la apicultura, es necesario evaluarla con sensores remotos aerotransportados en el segmento visible a infrarrojo del espectro electromagnético. La revisión de experimentos y observaciones de floración muestran que los patrones temporales en las bandas del rojo (R e infrarrojo cercano (IRC son contrarios, lo cual no ocurre en los IV que caracterizan el follaje. A partir de estos análisis, se diseñó un experimento de componentes de la vegetación para simular las etapas fenológicas de pre floración, floración y post floración que hipotéticamente ocurren en un bosque caducifolio. Los resultados mostraron que es posible el desarrollo de un modelo fenológico aproximado si se usa el índice IVIS para caracterizar la inducción floral, el inicio y el pico de la floración, aunque el término de ésta se confunde con el inicio del crecimiento vegetativo del follaje.

  3. The geomorphology of wetlands in drylands: Resilience, nonresilience, or …? (United States)

    Tooth, Stephen


    Over the last decade, much attention has focused on wetland resilience to disturbances such as extreme weather events, longer climate change, and human activities. In geomorphology and cognate disciplines, resilience is defined in various ways and has physical and socioeconomic dimensions but commonly is taken to mean the ability of a system to (A) withstand disturbance, (B) recover from disturbance, or (C) adapt and evolve in response to disturbance to a more desirable (e.g., stable) configuration. Most studies of wetland resilience have tended to focus on the more-or-less permanently saturated humid region wetlands, but whether the findings can be readily transferred to wetlands in drylands remains unclear. Given the natural climatic variability and overall strong moisture deficit characteristic of drylands, are such wetlands likely to be more resilient or less resilient? Focusing on wetlands in the South African drylands, this paper uses existing geomorphological, sedimentological, and geochronological data sets to provide the spatial (up to 50 km2) and temporal (late Quaternary) framework for an assessment of geomorphological resilience. Some wetlands have been highly resilient to environmental (especially climate) change, but others have been nonresilient with marked transformations in channel-floodplain structure and process connectivity having been driven by natural factors (e.g., local base-level fall, drought) or human activities (e.g., channel excavation, floodplain drainage). Key issues related to the assessment of wetland resilience include channel-floodplain dynamics in relation to geomorphological thresholds, wetland geomorphological 'life cycles', and the relative roles of natural and human activities. These issues raise challenges for the involvement of geomorphologists in the practical application of the resilience concept in wetland management. A key consideration is how geomorphological resilience interfaces with other dimensions of resilience

  4. Adaptation Tipping Points of a Wetland under a Drying Climate

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    Amar Nanda


    Full Text Available Wetlands experience considerable alteration to their hydrology, which typically contributes to a decline in their overall ecological integrity. Wetland management strategies aim to repair wetland hydrology and attenuate wetland loss that is associated with climate change. However, decision makers often lack the data needed to support complex social environmental systems models, making it difficult to assess the effectiveness of current or past practices. Adaptation Tipping Points (ATPs is a policy-oriented method that can be useful in these situations. Here, a modified ATP framework is presented to assess the suitability of ecosystem management when rigorous ecological data are lacking. We define the effectiveness of the wetland management strategy by its ability to maintain sustainable minimum water levels that are required to support ecological processes. These minimum water requirements are defined in water management and environmental policy of the wetland. Here, we trial the method on Forrestdale Lake, a wetland in a region experiencing a markedly drying climate. ATPs were defined by linking key ecological objectives identified by policy documents to threshold values for water depth. We then used long-term hydrologic data (1978–2012 to assess if and when thresholds were breached. We found that from the mid-1990s, declining wetland water depth breached ATPs for the majority of the wetland objectives. We conclude that the wetland management strategy has been ineffective from the mid-1990s, when the region’s climate dried markedly. The extent of legislation, policies, and management authorities across different scales and levels of governance need to be understood to adapt ecosystem management strategies. Empirical verification of the ATP assessment is required to validate the suitability of the method. However, in general we consider ATPs to be a useful desktop method to assess the suitability of management when rigorous ecological data

  5. Iron removal from acid mine drainage by wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sexstone, A.J.; Skousen, J.G.; Calabrese, J.; Bhumbla, D.K.; Cliff, J.; Sencindiver, J.C.; Bissonnette, G.K.


    Neutralization of acid mine drainage (AMD) in man-made cattail (Typha) wetlands was investigated over a four-year period utilizing experimental models constructed in a greenhouse. A naturally occurring AMD (430 mg/L Fe, 5 mg/L Mn, 2,900 mg/L sulfate, pH 2.75) was collected in the field and added to the greenhouse wetlands at 60.5 L/day. Monthly water samples from four depths (10, 20, 30, and 40 cm) were obtained from the influent, midpoint, and effluent locations of the wetland. During the first year of AMD treatment, near neutral pH (6.5) and anoxic conditions ({minus}300 mV) were observed in subsurface sediments of wetlands. The wetlands retained an estimated 65% of the total applied iron in the first year, primarily in the exchangeable, organically bound, and oxide form. During later years, 20 to 30% of the influent iron was retained predominantly as precipitated oxides. Iron sulfides resulting form sulfate reduction accounted for less than 5% of the iron retained, and were recovered primarily as monosulfides during the first year and as disulfides in the fourth year. Improvement in effluent pH was primarily attributed to limestone dissolution in the anaerobic subsurface sediments, which decreased with time. Constructed wetlands exhibit finite lives for effective AMD treatment and provisions should be made for their periodic rejuvenation or replacement.

  6. Accommodating state shifts within the conceptual framework of the wetland continuum (United States)

    Mushet, David M.; McKenna, Owen; LaBaugh, James W.; Euliss, Ned H.; Rosenberry, Donald O.


    The Wetland Continuum is a conceptual framework that facilitates the interpretation of biological studies of wetland ecosystems. Recently summarized evidence documenting how a multi-decadal wet period has influenced aspects of wetland, lake and stream systems in the southern prairie-pothole region of North America has revealed the potential for wetlands to shift among alternate states. We propose that incorporation of state shifts into the Wetland Continuum, as originally proposed or as modified by Hayashi et al., is a relatively simple matter if one allows for shifts of wetlands along the horizontal, groundwater axis of the framework under conditions of extreme and sustained wet or dry conditions. We suggest that the ease by which state shifts can be accommodated within both the original and modified frameworks of the Wetland Continuum is a testament to the robustness of the concept when it is related to the alternative-stable-state concept.

  7. Geothermal wetlands: an annotated bibliography of pertinent literature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stanley, N.E.; Thurow, T.L.; Russell, B.F.; Sullivan, J.F.


    This annotated bibliography covers the following topics: algae, wetland ecosystems; institutional aspects; macrophytes - general, production rates, and mineral absorption; trace metal absorption; wetland soils; water quality; and other aspects of marsh ecosystems. (MHR)

  8. Local institutions for sustaining wetland resources and community ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Data collection methods. Qualitative ..... Sondu-Miriu wetland some traditional fishing methods, for example, the ... ted processing, cooking and trading activities in the three wetlands. .... water access was making the water dirty after collection.

  9. Testing the basic assumption of the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions. (United States)

    Hruby, T


    The hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach for developing "rapid" wetland function assessment methods stipulates that the variables used are to be scaled based on data collected at sites judged to be the best at performing the wetland functions (reference standard sites). A critical step in the process is to choose the least altered wetlands in a hydrogeomorphic subclass to use as a reference standard against which other wetlands are compared. The basic assumption made in this approach is that wetlands judged to have had the least human impact have the highest level of sustainable performance for all functions. The levels at which functions are performed in these least altered wetlands are assumed to be "characteristic" for the subclass and "sustainable." Results from data collected in wetlands in the lowlands of western Washington suggest that the assumption may not be appropriate for this region. Teams developing methods for assessing wetland functions did not find that the least altered wetlands in a subclass had a range of performance levels that could be identified as "characteristic" or "sustainable." Forty-four wetlands in four hydrogeomorphic subclasses (two depressional subclasses and two riverine subclasses) were rated by teams of experts on the severity of their human alterations and on the level of performance of 15 wetland functions. An ordinal scale of 1-5 was used to quantify alterations in water regime, soils, vegetation, buffers, and contributing basin. Performance of functions was judged on an ordinal scale of 1-7. Relatively unaltered wetlands were judged to perform individual functions at levels that spanned all of the seven possible ratings in all four subclasses. The basic assumption of the HGM approach, that the least altered wetlands represent "characteristic" and "sustainable" levels of functioning that are different from those found in altered wetlands, was not confirmed. Although the intent of the HGM approach is to use level of functioning as a

  10. Understanding the Hydrodynamics of a Coastal Wetland with an Integrated Distributed Model (United States)

    Zhang, Y.; Li, W.; Sun, G.


    Coastal wetlands linking ocean and terrestrial landscape provide important ecosystem services including flood mitigation, fresh water supply, erosion control, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitats. Wetland hydrology is the major driving force for wetland formation, structure, function, and ecosystem services. The dynamics of wetland hydrology and energy budget are strongly affected by frequent inundation and drying of wetland soil and vegetation due to tide, sea level rise (SLR) and climatic variability (change). However, the quantitative representation of how the energy budget and groundwater variation of coastal wetlands respond to frequent water level fluctuation is limited, especially at regional scales. This study developed a physically based distributed wetland hydrological model by integrating coastal processes and considering the inundation influence on energy budget and ET. Analysis using in situ measurements and satellite data for a coastal wetland in North Carolina confirm that the model sufficiently captures the wetland hydrologic behaviors. The validated model was then applied to examine the wetland hydrodynamics under a 30-year historical climate forcing (1985-2014) for the wetland region. The simulation reveals that 43% of the study area has inundation events, 63% of which has a frequency higher than 50% each year. The canopy evaporation and transpiration decline dramatically when the inundation level exceeds the canopy height. Additionally, inundation causes about 10% increase of the net shortwave radiation. This study also demonstrates that the critical wetland zones highly influenced by the coastal processes spans 300-800 m from the coastline. The model developed in the study offers a new tool for understanding the complex wetland hydrodynamics in response to natural and human-induced disturbances at landscape to regional scales.

  11. Classifying and mapping wetlands and peat resources using digital cartography (United States)

    Cameron, Cornelia C.; Emery, David A.


    Digital cartography allows the portrayal of spatial associations among diverse data types and is ideally suited for land use and resource analysis. We have developed methodology that uses digital cartography for the classification of wetlands and their associated peat resources and applied it to a 1:24 000 scale map area in New Hampshire. Classifying and mapping wetlands involves integrating the spatial distribution of wetlands types with depth variations in associated peat quality and character. A hierarchically structured classification that integrates the spatial distribution of variations in (1) vegetation, (2) soil type, (3) hydrology, (4) geologic aspects, and (5) peat characteristics has been developed and can be used to build digital cartographic files for resource and land use analysis. The first three parameters are the bases used by the National Wetlands Inventory to classify wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. The fourth parameter, geological aspects, includes slope, relief, depth of wetland (from surface to underlying rock or substrate), wetland stratigraphy, and the type and structure of solid and unconsolidated rock surrounding and underlying the wetland. The fifth parameter, peat characteristics, includes the subsurface variation in ash, acidity, moisture, heating value (Btu), sulfur content, and other chemical properties as shown in specimens obtained from core holes. These parameters can be shown as a series of map data overlays with tables that can be integrated for resource or land use analysis.

  12. Land Use in Korean Tidal Wetlands: Impacts and Management Strategies (United States)

    Hong, Sun-Kee; Koh, Chul-Hwan; Harris, Richard R.; Kim, Jae-Eun; Lee, Jeom-Sook; Ihm, Byung-Sun


    The coastal landscapes in southwestern Korea include a diverse array of tidal wetlands and salt marshes. These coastal zones link the ecological functions of marine tidal wetlands and freshwater ecosystems with terrestrial ecosystems. They are rich in biological diversity and play important roles in sustaining ecological health and processing environmental pollutants. Korean tidal wetlands are particularly important as nurseries for economically important fishes and habitats for migratory birds. Diking, draining, tourism, and conversion to agricultural and urban uses have adversely affected Korean tidal wetlands. Recent large development projects have contributed to further losses. Environmental impact assessments conducted for projects affecting tidal wetlands and their surrounding landscapes should be customized for application to these special settings. Adequate environmental impact assessments will include classification of hydrogeomorphic units and consideration of their responses to biological and environmental stressors. As is true worldwide, Korean laws and regulations are changing to be more favorable to the conservation and protection of tidal wetlands. More public education needs to be done at the local level to build support for tidal wetland conservation. Some key public education points include the role of tidal wetlands in maintaining healthy fish populations and reducing impacts of nonpoint source pollution. There is also a need to develop procedures for integrating economic and environmental objectives within the overall context of sustainable management and land uses.

  13. Transfers and transformations of zinc in flow-through wetland microcosms. (United States)

    Gillespie, W B; Hawkins, W B; Rodgers, J H; Cano, M L; Dorn, P B


    Two microcosm-scale wetlands (570-liter containers) were integratively designed and constructed to investigate transfers and transformations of zinc associated with an aqueous matrix, and to provide future design parameters for pilot-scale constructed wetlands. The fundamental design of these wetland microcosms was based on biogeochemical principles regulating fate and transformations of zinc (pH, redox, etc.). Each wetland consisted of a 45-cm hydrosoil depth inundated with 25 cm of water, and planted with Scirpus californicus. Zinc ( approximately 2 mg/liter) as ZnCl2 was amended to each wetland for 62 days. Individual wetland hydraulic retention times (HRT) were approximately 24 h. Total recoverable zinc was measured daily in microcosm inflow and outflows, and zinc concentrations in hydrosoil and S. californicus tissue were measured pre- and post-treatment. Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pimephales promelas7-day aqueous toxicity tests were performed on wetland inflows and outflows, and Hyalella azteca whole sediment toxicity tests (10-day) were performed pre- and post-treatment. Approximately 75% of total recoverable zinc was transferred from the water column. Toxicity decreased from inflow to outflow based on 7-day C. dubia tests, and survival of H. azteca in hydrosoil was >80%. Data illustrate the ability of integratively designed wetlands to transfer and sequester zinc from the water column while concomitantly decreasing associated toxicity. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

  14. Climate change: Potential impacts and interactions in wetlands of the United States (United States)

    Burkett, Virginia; Kusler, Jon


    Wetlands exist in a transition zone between aquatic and terrestrial environments which can be altered by subtle changes in hydrology. Twentieth century climate records show that the United States is generally experiencing a trend towards a wetter, warmer climate; some climate models suggest that his trend will continue and possibly intensify over the next 100 years. Wetlands that are most likely to be affected by these and other potential changes (e.g., sea-level rise) associated with atmospheric carbon enrichment include permafrost wetlands, coastal and estuarine wetlands, peatlands, alpine wetlands, and prairie pothote wetlands. Potential impacts range from changes in community structure to changes in ecological function, and from extirpation to enhancement. Wetlands (particularly boreal peatlands) play an important role in the global carbon cycle, generally sequestering carbon in the form of biomass, methane, dissolved organic material and organic sediment. Wetlands that are drained or partially dried can become a net source of methane and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, serving as a positive biotic feedback to global warming. Policy options for minimizing the adverse impacts of climate change on wetland ecosystems include the reduction of current anthropogenic stresses, allowing for inland migration of coastal wetlands as sea-level rises, active management to preserve wetland hydrology, and a wide range of other management and restoration options.

  15. Assessing ecosystem carbon stocks of Indonesia's threatened wetland forests (United States)

    Warren, M.; Kauffman, B.; Murdiyarso, D.; Kurnianto, S.


    Over millennia, atmospheric carbon dioxide has been sequestered and stored in Indonesia's tropical wetland forests. Waterlogged conditions impede decomposition, allowing the formation of deep organic soils. These globally significant C pools are highly vulnerable to deforestation, degradation and climate change which can potentially switch their function as C sinks to long term sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Also at risk are critical ecosystem services which sustain millions of people and the conservation of unique biological communities. The multiple benefits derived from wetland forest conservation makes them attractive for international C offset programs such as the proposed Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) mechanism. Yet, ecosystem C pools and fluxes in wetland forests remain poorly quantified. Significant knowledge gaps exist regarding how land use changes impact C dynamics in tropical wetlands, and very few studies have simultaneously assessed above- and belowground ecosystem C pools in Indonesia's freshwater peat swamps and mangroves. In addition, most of what is known about Indonesia's tropical wetland forests is derived from few geographic locations where long-standing research has focused, despite their broad spatial distribution. Here we present results from an extensive survey of ecosystem C stocks across several Indonesian wetland forests. Ecosystem C stocks were measured in freshwater peat swamp forests in West Papua, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, and Sumatra. Carbon storage was also measured for mangrove forests in W. Papua, W. Kalimantan, and Sumatra. One overarching goal of this research is to support the development of REDD+ for tropical wetlands by informing technical issues related to carbon measuring, monitoring, and verification (MRV) and providing baseline data about the variation of ecosystem C storage across and within several Indonesian wetland forests.

  16. A meta-analysis of coastal wetland ecosystem services in Liaoning Province, China (United States)

    Sun, Baodi; Cui, Lijuan; Li, Wei; Kang, Xiaoming; Pan, Xu; Lei, Yinru


    Wetlands are impacted by economic and political initiatives, and their ecosystem services are attracting increasing public attention. It is crucial that management decisions for wetland ecosystem services quantify the economic value of the ecosystem services. In this paper, we aimed to estimate a monetary value for coastal wetland ecosystem services in Liaoning Province, China. We selected 433 observations from 85 previous coastal wetland economic evaluations (mostly in China) including detailed spatial and economic characteristics in each wetland, then used a meta-analysis scale transfer method to calculate the total value of coastal wetland ecosystem services in Liaoning Province. Our results demonstrated that, on average, the ecosystem services provided by seven different coastal wetland types were worth US40,648 per ha per year, and the total value was 28,990,439,041 in 2013. Shallow marine waters accounted for the largest proportion (83.97%). Variables with a significant positive effect on the ecosystem service values included GDP per capita, population density, distance from the wetland to the city center and the year of evaluation, while wetland size and latitude had negative relationships.

  17. Coastal Wetlands Protection Act: Case of Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF River

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Latif Gürkan KAYA


    Full Text Available Coastal wetlands, being important components of estuarine and coastal systems, stand for all publicly owned lands subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. They are below the watermark of ordinary high tide. The coastal wetlands contain a vital natural resource system. The coastal wetlands resource system, unless impossible, to reconstruct or rehabilitate once adversely affected by human. In the USA, the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF river states (i.e. Georgia, Alabama and Florida have variation in the structure and the function of their wetland program affecting the ACF river basins' wetlands. Although some states have no special wetlands program, they have permits and water quality certification for these areas. Some state programs affect state agencies while local government implements other programs.

  18. A Palinologia como Ferramenta no Diagnóstico e Monitoramento Ambiental da Baía de Guanabara e Regiões Adjacentes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Ortrud Monika Barth


    Full Text Available Palynology is a tool in retrospective studies related to climatic and environmental changes and to the human influence on the landscape in historical times. Pollen analyses of cores obtained from the Baía de Sepetiba , from lakes of the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro and recently of sediments from the basin of the rio Guandu, from the praia Vermelha/Urca beach and from the bottom of the Baía de Guanabara were realized. Drier and wetter climatic periods could be detected corresponding to a variable development of the rain forest, the semideciduous forest, the vegetation of “restinga”, savannas and wetlands. Human activities and changes of the environment related to changes of the vegetation in historical times were confirmed.

  19. A Place to Call Home: Amphibian Use of Created and Restored Wetlands


    Brown, Donald J.; Street, Garrett M.; Nairn, Robert W.; Forstner, Michael R. J.


    Loss and degradation of wetland habitats are major contributing factors to the global decline of amphibians. Creation and restoration of wetlands could be a valuable tool for increasing local amphibian species richness and abundance. We synthesized the peer-reviewed literature addressing amphibian use of created and restored wetlands, focusing on aquatic habitat, upland habitat, and wetland connectivity and configuration. Amphibian species richness or abundance at created and restored wetland...

  20. Seasonally-managed wetland footprint delineation using Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quinn, Nigel W. T. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Epshtein, Olga [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ (United States). School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment


    One major challenge in water resource management is the estimation of evapotranspiration losses from seasonally managed wetlands. Quantifying these losses is complicated by the dynamic nature of the wetlands' areal footprint during the periods of flood-up and drawdown. In this paper, we present a data-lean solution to this problem using an example application in the San Joaquin Basin, California. Through analysis of high-resolution Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) satellite imagery, we develop a metric to better capture the extent of total flooded wetland area. The procedure is validated using year-long, continuously-logged field datasets for two wetlands within the study area. The proposed classification which uses a Landsat ETM + Band 5 (mid-IR wavelength) to Band 2 (visible green wavelength) ratio improves estimates by 30–50% relative to previous wetland delineation studies. Finally, requiring modest ancillary data, the study results provide a practical and efficient option for wetland management in data-sparse regions or un-gauged watersheds.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    This study therefore examined the processes involved in the valuation of wetland resources for ... of the subsistence uses of wetland resources are also not ... hydrological cycle, playing a key role in the provision ..... Management Strategies at the River Basin Scale. A ... Using. GIS: A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty.

  2. Hydrology of prairie wetlands: Understanding the integrated surface-water and groundwater processes (United States)

    Hayashi, Masaki; van der Kamp, Garth; Rosenberry, Donald O.


    Wetland managers and policy makers need to make decisions based on a sound scientific understanding of hydrological and ecological functions of wetlands. This article presents an overview of the hydrology of prairie wetlands intended for managers, policy makers, and researchers new to this field (e.g., graduate students), and a quantitative conceptual framework for understanding the hydrological functions of prairie wetlands and their responses to changes in climate and land use. The existence of prairie wetlands in the semi-arid environment of the Prairie-Pothole Region (PPR) depends on the lateral inputs of runoff water from their catchments because mean annual potential evaporation exceeds precipitation in the PPR. Therefore, it is critically important to consider wetlands and catchments as highly integrated hydrological units. The water balance of individual wetlands is strongly influenced by runoff from the catchment and the exchange of groundwater between the central pond and its moist margin. Land-use practices in the catchment have a sensitive effect on runoff and hence the water balance. Surface and subsurface storage and connectivity among individual wetlands controls the diversity of pond permanence within a wetland complex, resulting in a variety of eco-hydrological functionalities necessary for maintaining the integrity of prairie-wetland ecosystems.

  3. Metal pollution across the upper delta plain wetlands and its adjacent shallow sea wetland, northeast of China: implications for the filtration functions of wetlands. (United States)

    Liu, Jin; Ye, Siyuan; Yuan, Hongming; Ding, Xigui; Zhao, Guangming; Yang, Shixiong; He, Lei; Wang, Jin; Pei, Shaofeng; Huang, Xiaoyu


    Grain size and concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and particulate metals (PMs) As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn, Al, Fe, and Mn of 373 surface sediment samples, salinities in 67 surface water samples, were analyzed in various environments, including the upper delta plain wetlands (UDPW), its adjacent shallow sea wetland (SSW) in the Liaodong Bay, and river channels that are running through the Liaohe Delta, to evaluate the spatial distribution, transportation environmental dynamics of metals, and the provenance of metal pollution and assess the filtration functions of wetlands. The concentrations of PMs for UDPW were generally higher by a factor of ~ 10-22% compared with its analogues in SSW, suggesting the accumulation of PMs within the UDPW indicates that the UDPW systems are efficiently physical and chemical traps for PMs of anthropogenic sources by retaining and storing pollutants flowing into the sea. However, there was sever sewage irrigation-induced Cd pollution with a geo-accumulation index of 0.62-3.11 in an area of ~ 86 km 2 of the adjacent shallow sea wetland, where large amount wetlands were historically moved for agriculture in the UDPW. Remarkably, the distributions of PMs were controlled by salinity-induced desorption and re-adsorption mechanisms and significantly dispersed the contamination coverage by the three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sedimentation processes that dominated by inputs of freshwater and ocean dynamics including NE-SW tidal currents and NE-E longshore drifts in the SSW of the Liaodong Bay. A high agreement between the UDPW and the SSW datasets in principal component analysis essentially reflects that the characteristics of PM sources in the SSW were actually inherited from that in the UDPW, with a much closer relationship among metals, organic matter, and fine particulates in SSW than that of UDPW, which was judged by their correlation coefficient range of 0.406-0.919 in SSW against those of 0.042-0.654 in UDPW.

  4. Distribución espacio-temporal de las actividades extractivas en los bosques del ejido Caoba, Quintana Roo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antalia González Abraham


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la distribución espacio-temporal de las actividades extractivas del bosque en un ejido del sur de la península de Yucatán, con el fin de evaluar su impacto potencial sobre la conservación de los recursos naturales. Se eligieron como actividades extractivas la recolecta de leña, la extracción de chicle, la extracción de madera y la cacería. Además, se incluyó a la milpa debido a que su práctica está íntimamente relacionada con la dinámica del bosque y con otras de las actividades evaluadas. Se entrevistaron a 32 ejidatarios con un cuestionario estructurado para obtener información referente a las actividades extractivas en el ejido. Posteriormente, con ayuda de un gps, se ubicaron espacialmente los sitios donde se desarrollan. Se calculó un índice de perturbación para cada actividad para elaborar un mapa de sensibilidad basado en la suma espacial de los índices de perturbación. La actividad con mayor índice de perturbación fue la milpa, debido a su desarrollo a lo largo de todo el año y frecuencia de visita de los campesinos a sus parcelas. Además, coincide espacialmente con la recolección de leña y en muchos casos con la cacería. Por el contrario la extracción de chicle fue la actividad con el menor índice de perturbación, puesto que se desarrolla una sola vez al año y durante la época menos crítica para la fauna en la región.

  5. Mapping of Geographically Isolated Wetlands of Western Siberia Using High Resolution Space Images (United States)

    Dyukarev, E.; Pologova, N.; Dyukarev, A.; Lane, C.; Autrey, B. C.


    Using the remote sensing data for integrated study of natural objects is actual for investigation of difficult to access areas of West Siberia. The research of this study focuses on determining the extent and spectral signatures of isolated wetlands within Ob-Tom Interfluve area using Landsat and Quickbird space images. High-resolution space images were carefully examined and wetlands were manually delineated. Wetlands have clear visible signs at the high resolution space images. 567 wetlands were recognized as isolated wetlands with the area about 10 000 ha (of 2.5% of the study area). Isolated wetlands with area less 2 ha are the most frequent. Half of the total amount of wetlands has area less than 6.4 ha. The largest isolated wetland occupies 797 ha, and only 5% have area more than 50 ha. The Landsat 7 ETM+ data were used for analysis of vegetation structure and spectral characteristics of wetlands. The masked isolated wetlands image was classified into 12 land cover classes using ISODATA unsupervised classification. The attribution of unsupervised classification results allowed us to clearly recognize 7 types of wetlands: tall, low and sparse ryams (Pine-Shrub-Sphagnum community), open wetlands with shrub, moss or sedge cover, and open water objects. Analysis of spectral profiles for all classes has shown that Landsat spectral bands 4 and 5 have higher variability. These bands allow to separate wetland classed definitely. Accuracy assessment of isolated wetland map shows a good agreement with expert field data. The work was supported by grants ISTC № 4079.

  6. Addressing the Multiple Drivers of Wetland Ecosystems Degradation in Lagos, Nigeria (United States)

    Agboola, J.; Ndimele, P. E.; Odunuga, S.; Akanni, A.; Kosemani, B.; Ahove, M.


    Several body of knowledge have noted the importance of wetland ecosystems in climate moderation, resource supply and flood risk reduction amongst others. Relevant as it may, rapidly increasing population and uncontrolled urban development poses a challenge in some regions and require understanding of the ecosystem components and drivers of change over a long period of time. Thus, the main thrust of this paper is to analyse multiple drivers of wetland ecosystems degradation in the last 30 years in the Lagos megacity using field study, desktop review, satellite data and laboratory analysis. Key drivers identified includes: conversion of wetlands to settlements and waste sink, land use planning that neglects wetland conservation and restoration, ineffective legal status for wetlands, over exploitation leading to degradation and fragmentation of wetland ecosystems governance. In stemming further loss of this vital ecosystem, this study adopted and proposed respectively, the Drivers, Pressure, State, Impact and Response (DPSIR) and Integrated Planning Approach (IPA) frameworks in analysing policy and governance issues in wetland development. These analyses figured out amongst others, strict conservation and sustainable use of wetland resources, habitat restoration, climate adaptation measures, legal protection and wetland management institution as major responses to current multiple pressures facing wetland ecosystems in Lagos. For these frameworks to be made meaningful, weak coordination among government agencies and institutional capacity in implementation and law enforcement, unsustainable resource extraction by private/business organization and issues on alternative sources of income on the part of the local communities amongst others needs to be addressed.

  7. Methylmercury in water, sediment, and invertebrates in created wetlands of Rouge Park, Toronto, Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinclair, Kathleen A.; Xie Qun; Mitchell, Carl P.J.


    Thousands of hectares of wetlands are created annually because wetlands provide beneficial ecosystem services. Wetlands are also key sites for production of the bioaccumulative neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg), but little is known about MeHg production in created systems. Here, we studied methylmercury in sediment, water, and invertebrates in created wetlands of various ages. Sediment MeHg reached 8 ng g −1 in the newest wetland, which was significantly greater than in natural, control wetlands. This trend was mirrored in several invertebrate taxa, whose concentrations reached as high as 1.6 μg g −1 in the newest wetland, above levels thought to affect reproduction in birds. The MeHg concentrations in created wetland invertebrate taxa generally decreased with increasing wetland age, possibly due to a combination of deeper anoxia and less organic matter accumulation in younger wetlands. A short-term management intervention and/or improved engineering design may be necessary to reduce the mercury-associated risk in newly created wetlands. - Highlights: ► Investigated methylmercury accumulation in created wetland ecosystems. ► Concentrations and bioaccumulation significantly elevated in new created wetlands. ► Short-term effect may be due to deeper anoxia, less organic matter in new wetlands. ► Intervention or improved design required to reduce short-term ecological risk. - Sediment methylmercury concentrations and bioaccumulation in many invertebrate taxa are significantly elevated in newly created wetlands.

  8. Alfred pilot wetland to treat municipal lagoon effluent - case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crolla, A.; Kinsley, C.


    A constructed wetland demonstration system has been built to polish the municipal lagoon effluent from the village of Alfred. The treatment lagoons have an annual discharge in the spring and have currently reached maximum capacity; inhibiting further population growth or expansion of the local agri-food industries. The demonstration wetland system is designed to treat 15% of the municipal lagoon influent, that is, 155 m 3 /day or 23,250 m 3 /year. A three year monitoring program (2000-2002) was put in place to evaluate the wetland as a cost effective means to treat municipal lagoon wastewater for the village of Alfred. The 2000 and 2001 monitoring seasons have been completed, and the 2002 monitoring season will operate between June and October 2002. At the completion of the three year monitoring program the Alfred wetland system will be evaluated for its ability to polish the municipal lagoon effluent to meet the Spring/Summer/Fall discharge criteria, set by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE), for the receiving water body (Azatica Brook). As phosphorus is the most difficult element to remove down to MOE guidelines, the Alfred research wetland includes slag phosphorus adsorption filters and a vegetated filter as phosphorus polishing systems. Once the wetland system is approved by the MOE, the village of Alfred will be able to increase its capacity for municipal wastewater treatment. Constructed wetlands are still considered innovative systems in Ontario and government ministries (MOE, OMAFRA) are insisting upon 3-4 years of monitoring data for each constructed wetland system established. There is a clear need for monitoring data to be gathered on established systems, and for this data to be evaluated with the goal of developing reliable design guidelines. Ultimately this should result in having constructed wetlands recognised as viable wastewater treatment options in Ontario. With fewer grant programs for rural municipalities, cost effective systems such

  9. Improved Mapping of Riparian Wetlands Using Reach Topography (United States)

    Riparian wetlands provide a suite of ecosystems services including floodwater retention, biogeochemical processing, and habitat provisioning. However in one mid-Atlantic watershed the National Wetlands Inventory was shown to underrepresent these systems by greater than 50%. These...

  10. Tree establishment in response to hydrology at IDOT wetland mitigation sites. (United States)


    The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has compensated for unavoidable impacts to wetlands in transportation : project corridors by restoring and creating wetlands throughout Illinois. As part of the IDOT Wetlands Program, monitoring : of p...

  11. Vegetation of natural and artificial shorelines in Upper Klamath Basin’s fringe wetlands (United States)

    Ray, Andrew M.; Irvine, Kathryn M.; Hamilton, Andy S.


    The Upper Klamath Basin (UKB) in northern California and southern Oregon supports large hypereutrophic lakes surrounded by natural and artificial shorelines. Lake shorelines contain fringe wetlands that provide key ecological services to the people of this region. These wetlands also provide a context for drawing inferences about how differing wetland types and wave exposure contribute to the vegetative assemblages in lake-fringe wetlands. Here, we summarize how elevation profiles and vegetation richness vary as a function of wave exposure and wetland type. Our results show that levee wetland shorelines are 4X steeper and support fewer species than other wetland types. We also summarize the occurrence probability of the five common wetland plant species that represent the overwhelming majority of the diversity of these wetlands. In brief, the occurrence probability of the culturally significant Nuphar lutea spp. polysepala and the invasive Phalaris arundinacea in wave exposed and sheltered sites varies based on wetland type. The occurrence probability for P. arundinacea was greatest in exposed portions of deltaic shorelines, but these trends were reversed on levees where the occurrence probability was greater in sheltered sites. The widespread Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus occurred throughout all wetland and exposure type combinations but had a higher probability of occurrence in wave exposed sites. Results from this work will add to our current understanding of how wetland shoreline profiles interact with wave exposure to influence the occurrence probability of the dominant vegetative species in UKB’s shoreline wetlands.

  12. Management practices and controls on methane emissions from sub-tropical wetlands (United States)

    DeLucia, Nicholas; Casa-Nova Gomez, Nuri; Bernacchi, Carl


    It is well documented that green house gas concentrations have risen at unequivocal rates since the industrial revolution but the disparity between anthropogenic sources and natural sources is uncertain. Wetlands are one example of a natural ecosystem that can be a substantial source or sink for methane (CH4) depending on any combination of climate conditions, natural and anthropogenic disturbances, or ecosystem perturbations. Due to strict anaerobic conditions required for CH4-generating microorganisms, natural wetlands are the main source for biogenic CH4. Although wetlands occupy less than 5% of total land surface area, they contribute approximately 20% of total CH4 emissions to the atmosphere. CH4 is one of the most damaging green house gases with current emission estimates ranging from 55 to 231 Tg CH4 yr-1. The processes regulating CH4 emissions are sensitive to land use and management practices of areas surrounding wetlands. Variation in adjacent vegetation or grazing intensity by livestock can, for example, alter CH4 fluxes from wetland soils by altering nutrient balance, carbon inputs and hydrology. Therefore, understanding how these changes will affect wetland source strength is essential to understand the impact of wetland management practices on the global climate system. In this study we quantify wetland methane fluxes from subtropical wetlands on a working cattle ranch in central Florida near Okeechobee Lake (27o10'52.04"N, 81o21'8.56"W). To determine differences in CH4 fluxes associated with land use and management, a replicated (n = 4) full factorial experiment was designed for wetlands where the surrounding vegetation was (1) grazed or un-grazed and (2) composed of native vegetation or improved pasture. Net exchange of CH4 and CO2 between the land surface and the atmosphere were sampled with a LICOR Li-7700 open path CH4 analyzer and Li-7500A open path CO2/H20 analyzer mounted in a 1-m3 static gas-exchange chamber. Our results showed and verified

  13. Quantification and Controls of Wetland Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McNicol, Gavin [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Wetlands cover only a small fraction of the Earth’s land surface, but have a disproportionately large influence on global climate. Low oxygen conditions in wetland soils slows down decomposition, leading to net carbon dioxide sequestration over long timescales, while also favoring the production of redox sensitive gases such as nitrous oxide and methane. Freshwater marshes in particular sustain large exchanges of greenhouse gases under temperate or tropical climates and favorable nutrient regimes, yet have rarely been studied, leading to poor constraints on the magnitude of marsh gas sources, and the biogeochemical drivers of flux variability. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California was once a great expanse of tidal and freshwater marshes but underwent drainage for agriculture during the last two centuries. The resulting landscape is unsustainable with extreme rates of land subsidence and oxidation of peat soils lowering the surface elevation of much of the Delta below sea level. Wetland restoration has been proposed as a means to slow further subsidence and rebuild peat however the balance of greenhouse gas exchange in these novel ecosystems is still poorly described. In this dissertation I first explore oxygen availability as a control on the composition and magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions from drained wetland soils. In two separate experiments I quantify both the temporal dynamics of greenhouse gas emission and the kinetic sensitivity of gas production to a wide range of oxygen concentrations. This work demonstrated the very high sensitivity of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide production to oxygen availability, in carbon rich wetland soils. I also found the temporal dynamics of gas production to follow a sequence predicted by thermodynamics and observed spatially in other soil or sediment systems. In the latter part of my dissertation I conduct two field studies to quantify greenhouse gas exchange and understand the carbon sources for

  14. Effects of change in primary forest cover on armadillo (Cingulata, Mammalia burrow use in the Central Amazon Efectos del cambio en la cobertura de bosque primario sobre el uso de las madrigueras por los armadillos (Cingulata, Mammalia en la Amazonia Central

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Clara Arteaga


    Full Text Available Transformation of primary forest to other vegetation types alters the availability and distribution of resources, and thus affects their use by species that inhabit the forest. Although armadillos are important earthmover mammals in the Amazon forest, and their burrows play an important physical and ecological role in the ecosystem, the impact of loss of primary forest cover on these organisms has been poorly understood. In order to evaluate the effects of change in the primary forest cover on burrow use by armadillos, we performed 2 censuses in 33 plots within 12 sites of different vegetation cover characteristics, and recorded burrow density and current use. A total of 109 armadillo burrows were found; the sites with higher percentages of primary forest cover showed a larger number of active burrows, although burrow density and the probability of establishing new burrows remained unaffected by this variable. Our results show that areas with higher quantities of primary forest habitat show more intense use by armadillos, probably due to the permanence time of individuals. These findings suggest that the viability of armadillo populations, as well as the role that these animals play within the ecosystem, may be affected in disturbed areas.La transformación del bosque primario a otro tipo de vegetación cambia la disponibilidad y distribución de los recursos, afectando su uso por especies que habitan el bosque. Los armadillos son el principal grupo de mamíferos escavadores del Amazonas y sus madrigueras cumplen un papel físico y ecológico en el ecosistema. Sin embargo, no se conoce el impacto de la pérdida del bosque sobre estos organismos. Con el fin de evaluar el efecto de los cambios en la cobertura de bosque primario sobre el uso de sus madrigueras, realizamos 2 censos en 33 parcelas dentro de 12 localidades con diferentes coberturas vegetales y reportamos la densidad y el estado de uso de las madrigueras. Encontramos 109 madrigueras y

  15. Soil color indicates carbon and wetlands: developing a color-proxy for soil organic carbon and wetland boundaries on sandy coastal plains in South Africa. (United States)

    Pretorius, M L; Van Huyssteen, C W; Brown, L R


    A relationship between soil organic carbon and soil color is acknowledged-albeit not a direct one. Since heightened carbon contents can be an indicator of wetlands, a quantifiable relationship between color and carbon might assist in determining wetland boundaries by rapid, field-based appraisal. The overarching aim of this initial study was to determine the potential of top soil color to indicate soil organic carbon, and by extension wetland boundaries, on a sandy coastal plain in South Africa. Data were collected from four wetland types in northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Soil samples were taken to a depth of 300 mm in three transects in each wetland type and analyzed for soil organic carbon. The matrix color was described using a Munsell soil color chart. Various color indices were correlated with soil organic carbon. The relationship between color and carbon were further elucidated using segmented quantile regression. This showed that potentially maximal carbon contents will occur at values of low color indices, and predictably minimal carbon contents will occur at values of low or high color indices. Threshold values can thus be used to make deductions such as "when the sum of dry and wet Value and Chroma values is 9 or more, carbon content will be 4.79% and less." These threshold values can then be used to differentiate between wetland and non-wetland sites with a 70 to 100% certainty. This study successfully developed a quantifiable correlation between color and carbon and showed that wetland boundaries can be determined based thereon.

  16. A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Low-Gradient, Blackwater Riverine Wetlands in Peninsular Florida

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Uranowski, Christina


    The Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Approach is a collection of concepts and methods for developing functional indices and subsequently using them to assess the capacity of a wetland to perform functions relative to similar wetlands in a region...

  17. The ecological value of constructed wetlands for treating urban runoff. (United States)

    Pankratz, S; Young, T; Cuevas-Arellano-, H; Kumar, R; Ambrose, R F; Suffet, I H


    The Sweetwater Authority's urban runoff diversion system (URDS) comprises constructed wetlands on a hillside between the town of Spring Valley and the Sweetwater Reservoir, California, USA. The URDS were designed to divert dry-weather and first-flush urban runoff flows from the Sweetwater reservoir. However, these constructed wetlands have developed into ecologically valuable habitat. This paper evaluates the following ecological questions related to the URDS: (1) the natural development of the species present and their growth pattern; (2) the biodiversity and pollutant stress on the plants and invertebrates; and (3) the question of habitat provided for endangered species. The URDS wetlands are comprised primarily of rush (Scirpus spp.) and cattails (Typha spp.). This vegetative cover ranged from 39-78% of the area of the individual wetland ponds. Current analyses of plant tissues and wetland sediment indicates the importance of sediment sorption for metals and plant uptake of nutrients. Analyses of URDS water following runoff events show the URDS wetlands do reduce the amount of nutrients and metals in the water column. Invertebrate surveys of the wetland ponds revealed lower habitat quality and environmental stress compared to unpolluted natural habitat. The value of the wetlands as wildlife habitat is constrained by low plant biodiversity and pollution stress from the runoff. Since the primary Sweetwater Authority goal is to maintain good water quality for drinking, any secondary utilization of URDS habitat by species (endangered or otherwise) is deemed an added benefit.

  18. Respiración microbial y de raíces en suelos de bosques tropicales primarios y secundarios (porce, colombia).


    Ramírez Palacio, Álvaro Andrés; Moreno Hurtado, Flavio Humberto


    Los suelos son el mayor reservorio de carbono en los ecosistemas terrestres y a su vez la mayor fuente de CO2 atmosférico, el cual es producido mediante un proceso denominado respiración del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar las tasas de respiración del suelo y sus componentes (respiración de raíces y de microorganismos), y evaluar el control que sobre las tasas de emisión de CO2 ejercen factores como la humedad y la temperatura del suelo, en bosques primarios (BP) y secundarios ...

  19. Spatial variability of coastal wetland resilience to sea-level rise using Bayesian inference (United States)

    Hardy, T.; Wu, W.


    The coastal wetlands in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) account for 40% of coastal wetland area in the United States and provide various ecosystem services to the region and broader areas. Increasing rates of relative sea-level rise (RSLR), and reduced sediment input have increased coastal wetland loss in the NGOM, accounting for 80% of coastal wetland loss in the nation. Traditional models for predicting the impact of RSLR on coastal wetlands in the NGOM have focused on coastal erosion driven by geophysical variables only, and/or at small spatial extents. Here we developed a model in Bayesian inference to make probabilistic prediction of wetland loss in the entire NGOM as a function of vegetation productivity and geophysical attributes. We also studied how restoration efforts help maintain the area of coastal wetlands. Vegetation productivity contributes organic matter to wetland sedimentation and was approximated using the remotely sensed normalized difference moisture index (NDMI). The geophysical variables include RSLR, tidal range, river discharge, coastal slope, and wave height. We found a significantly positive relation between wetland loss and RSLR, which varied significantly at different river discharge regimes. There also existed a significantly negative relation between wetland loss and NDMI, indicating that in-situ vegetation productivity contributed to wetland resilience to RSLR. This relation did not vary significantly between river discharge regimes. The spatial relation revealed three areas of high RSLR but relatively low wetland loss; these areas were associated with wetland restoration projects in coastal Louisiana. Two projects were breakwater projects, where hard materials were placed off-shore to reduce wave action and promote sedimentation. And one project was a vegetation planting project used to promote sedimentation and wetland stabilization. We further developed an interactive web tool that allows stakeholders to develop similar wetland

  20. Diversidad y composición de Chiropteros en un paisaje fragmentado de bosque seco en Rivas, Nicaragua

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnulfo Medinal


    Full Text Available Uno de los problemas ambientales que han suscitado mayor interés mundial en los últimos años, es la pérdida de biodiversidad como consecuencia de las actividades humanas, ya sea de manera directa (sobreexplotación o indirecta (alteración del hábitat (Moreno, 2001. Existen algunos análisis que muestran claramente cómo el número de especies (diversidad disminuye al reducirse o fragmentarse el área, a consecuencia de procesos a través de los cuales, los remanentes del bosque original, de tamaños y formas variables, quedan inmersos en una matriz de hábitats transformados (Cattan, 2002.

  1. [Impact on nitrogen and phosphorous export of wetlands in Tianmu Lake watershed]. (United States)

    Li, Zhao-Fu; Liu, Hong-Yu; Li, Heng-Peng


    Focused on understanding the function of wetland in improving water quality, Pingqiao watershed and Zhongtian watershed in Tianmu Lake drinking water sources area were selected as the research region. We integrated remote sensing, GIS techniques with field investigation and chemical analysis to analyze the relationship between wetland and water quality in watershed scale. Results show: (1) There are many wetland patches in Pingqiao and Zhongtian watershed, wetlands patch densities were respectively 7.5 km(-2) and 7.1 km(-2). Wetlands widely distributed in the Pingqiao watershed with mostly located away from the river of 500 m, whereas wetlands relatively concentrated in the lower reach within 500 meters of riverside in Zhongtian watershed. (2) Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient retention of wetland in watershed scale was significant. The annual mean TN and DTN concentration had a strong relationship with percent area of wetlands in Zhongtian watershed while the weakest relationship was found with TP and DTP concentrations, especially, the mean TN and DTN concentrations in spring and winter had the significantly negative relationship with wetland areas of watershed. The negative relationship was existed for nitrogen in autumn of Pingqiao watershed, which suggested that watersheds varying in area of wetlands have the different nutrient reducing efficiency in seasonal periods. (3) A certain number and area of wetland will improve river water quality in watershed scale, which can instruct water environment treatment. However, considering the complexity of nutrient transport processes in watershed, wetland-related factors such as area, location, density, ecosystem structure and watershed-related factors such as temporal interval, spatial scales, slope and land use will impact on the transport processes, and related theoretical and practical problems need further research.

  2. A network model framework for prioritizing wetland conservation in the Great Plains (United States)

    Albanese, Gene; Haukos, David A.


    ContextPlaya wetlands are the primary habitat for numerous wetland-dependent species in the Southern Great Plains of North America. Plant and wildlife populations that inhabit these wetlands are reciprocally linked through the dispersal of individuals, propagules and ultimately genes among local populations.ObjectiveTo develop and implement a framework using network models for conceptualizing, representing and analyzing potential biological flows among 48,981 spatially discrete playa wetlands in the Southern Great Plains.MethodsWe examined changes in connectivity patterns and assessed the relative importance of wetlands to maintaining these patterns by targeting wetlands for removal based on network centrality metrics weighted by estimates of habitat quality and probability of inundation.ResultsWe identified several distinct, broad-scale sub networks and phase transitions among playa wetlands in the Southern Plains. In particular, for organisms that can disperse >2 km a dense and expansive wetland sub network emerges in the Southern High Plains. This network was characterized by localized, densely connected wetland clusters at link distances (h) >2 km but <5 km and was most sensitive to changes in wetland availability (p) and configuration when h = 4 km, and p = 0.2–0.4. It transitioned to a single, large connected wetland system at broader spatial scales even when the proportion of inundated wetland was relatively low (p = 0.2).ConclusionsOur findings suggest that redundancy in the potential for broad and fine-scale movements insulates this system from damage and facilitates system-wide connectivity among populations with different dispersal capacities.

  3. Description of floodplains and wetlands, Deaf Smith County site, Texas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Floodplains and wetlands are important features of the Texas Panhandle landscape, and are found on the Deaf Smith County site and in its vicinity. Use or disturbance of floodplains and wetlands in relation to the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program is subject to environmental review requirements implementing two Executive Orders. This report provides general information on playa wetlands in the Texas Panhandle, and describes and maps floodplains and wetlands on the Deaf Smith site and in its vicinity. The report is based on the published literature, with information from limited field reconnaissance included

  4. China's coastal wetlands: conservation history, implementation efforts, existing issues and strategies for future improvement. (United States)

    Sun, Zhigao; Sun, Wenguang; Tong, Chuan; Zeng, Congsheng; Yu, Xiang; Mou, Xiaojie


    China has approximately 5.80×10(6)ha coastal wetlands by 2014, accounting for 10.82% of the total area of natural wetlands. Healthy coastal wetland ecosystems play an important role in guaranteeing the territory ecological security and the sustainable development of coastal zone in China. In this paper, the natural geography and the past and present status of China's coastal wetlands were introduced and the five stages (1950s-1970s, 1980s-1991, 1992-2002, 2003-2010 and 2011-present) of China's coastal wetlands conservation from the foundation of the People's Republic in 1949 to present were distinguished and reviewed. Over the past decades, China has made great efforts in coastal wetland conservation, as signified by the implementation of coastal wetland restoration projects, the construction of coastal wetland nature reserves, the practice of routine ecological monitoring and two national wetland surveys, the promulgation of local wetland conservation statutes and specific regulations, the coordination mechanism to enhance management capacity, the wide development of coastal wetland research and public participation, and the extensive communication to strengthen international cooperation. Nonetheless, six major issues recently emerged in China's coastal wetland conservation are evidently existed, including the increasing threats of pollution and human activities, the increasing adverse effects of threaten factors on ecosystem function, the increasing threats of coastal erosion and sea-level rising, the insufficient funding for coastal wetlands conservation, the imperfect legal and management system for coastal wetlands, and the insufficient education, research and international cooperation. Although the threats and pressures on coastal wetlands conservation are still apparent, the future of China's coastal wetlands looks promising since the Chinese government understands that the sustainable development in coastal zone requires new attitudes, sound policies and

  5. Federal wetlands law: the cases and the problems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Want, W.L.


    Like environmental statutes generally, wetlands laws have engendered much litigation, accompanied by the judicial establishment of general legal doctrine. The Supreme Court has ruled on questions of taking and private rights of action. Lower courts have decided issues of strict liability, estoppel, ripeness, injunction requirements, and hearing rights. This article surveys federal wetlands cases, presenting the issues litigated and the principles established. The author concludes with the hope that the administration's and environmentalists' disagreement on whether wetlands regulation is excessive will not end in a sacrifice of this important resource. 487 references.

  6. Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science - Tampa Bay Study - Characterization of Tidal Wetlands (United States)

    McIvor, Carole


    Tidal wetlands in Tampa Bay, Florida, consist of mangrove forests and salt marshes. Wetlands buffer storm surges, provide fish and wildlife habitat, and enhance water quality through the removal of water-borne nutrients and contaminants. Substantial areas of both mangroves and salt marshes have been lost to agricultural, residential, and industrial development in this urban estuary. Wetlands researchers are characterizing the biological components of tidal wetlands and examining the physical factors such as salinity, tidal flushing, and sediment deposition that control the composition of tidal wetland habitats. Wetlands restoration is a priority of resource managers in Tampa Bay. Baseline studies such as these are needed for successful restoration planning and evaluation.

  7. Hydrological disturbance diminishes predator control in wetlands. (United States)

    Dorn, Nathan J; Cook, Mark I


    Effects of predators on prey populations can be especially strong in aquatic ecosystems, but disturbances may mediate the strength of predator limitation and even allow outbreaks of some prey populations. In a two-year study we investigated the numerical responses of crayfish (Procambarus fallax) and small fishes (Poeciliidae and Fundulidae) to a brief hydrological disturbance in replicated freshwater wetlands with an experimental drying and large predatory fish reduction. The experiment and an in situ predation assay tested the component of the consumer stress model positing that disturbances release prey from predator limitation. In the disturbed wetlands, abundances of large predatory fish were seasonally reduced, similar to dynamics in the Everglades (southern Florida). Densities of small fish were unaffected by the disturbance, but crayfish densities, which were similar across all wetlands before drying, increased almost threefold in the year after the disturbance. Upon re-flooding, juvenile crayfish survival was inversely related to the abundance of large fish across wetlands, but we found no evidence for enhanced algal food quality. At a larger landscape scale (500 km2 of the Everglades), crayfish densities over eight years were positively correlated with the severity of local dry disturbances (up to 99 days dry) during the preceding dry season. In contrast, densities of small-bodied fishes in the same wetlands were seasonally depressed by dry disturbances. The results from our experimental wetland drought and the observations of crayfish densities in the Everglades represent a large-scale example of prey population release following a hydrological disturbance in a freshwater ecosystem. The conditions producing crayfish pulses in the Everglades appear consistent with the mechanics of the consumer stress model, and we suggest crayfish pulses may influence the number of nesting wading birds in the Everglades.

  8. Microbiology of wetlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bodelier, P.L.E.; Dedysh, S.N.


    Watersaturated soil and sediment ecosystems (i.e. wetlands) are ecologically as well as economically important systems due to their high productivity, their nutrient (re)cycling capacities and their prominent contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. Being on the transition between

  9. Balancing carbon sequestration and GHG emissions in a constructed wetland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein, de J.J.M.; Werf, van der A.K.


    In many countries wetlands are constructed or restored for removing nutrients from surface water. At the same time vegetated wetlands can act as carbon sinks when CO2 is sequestered in biomass. However, it is well known that wetlands also produce substantial amounts of greenhouse gasses CH4 and N2O.

  10. SWS European Chapter Meeting on wetland restoration-Challenges and opportunities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Carl Christian; Brix, Hans; Kronvang, Brian B.


    1. Introduction Wetland loss and degradation in Europe have been extreme andare still ongoing. By way of example, at least two-thirds of all shal-low lakes, bogs and wet meadows have been lost in Denmark since1784. The challenge for wetland scientists in Europe is to reversethe loss of wetlands a...

  11. Biogeochemical Hotspots: Small Geographically Isolated Wetlands and their Impacts at the Landscape Scale (United States)

    Basu, N. B.


    Wetlands provide a wide variety of ecosystem services, including retention of sediment and nutrients, and subsequent improvements in downstream water quality. In fact, a recent review suggests that 64% of reactive nitrogen (N) retention in US freshwater systems occurs in wetlands, while 28% occurs in lakes and reservoirs, and only 8% occurs in streams and rivers. Although the processes controlling nutrient retention in wetlands are well known, there is a lack of quantitative understanding of the relative nutrient filtering abilities of wetlands of various sizes, and in various landscape positions. Our inability to recognize the value of wetlands has led to their dramatic loss in the last few decades. Specifically, there has been an increased loss of geographically isolated wetlands, small upland wetlands that receive fewer legal protections due to their apparent isolation from jurisdictional waters. In this study, we use a meta-analyses approach to quantify the role of small wetlands in landscape scale nutrient processing. We synthesized data from 600 lentic systems around the world to gain insight into the relationship between hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on nutrient retention. Our results indicate that the first-order reaction rate constant k(T-1), is inversely proportional to the residence time, across 6 orders of magnitude in residence time for total N, total P, nitrate, and phosphate. We used a sediment-water model to show how nutrient removal processes are impacted by system size. Finally, the k-residence time relationships were upscaled to the landscape scale using a wetland size-frequency distribution. Results suggest that small wetlands play a disproportionately large role in landscape-scale nutrient processing—50% of nitrogen removal occurs in wetlands smaller than 10^2.5 m2 in our example. Thus, given the same loss in wetland area, the nutrient retention potential lost is greater when smaller wetlands are preferentially lost from the

  12. Wetlands and ski resorts in the French Alps: main issues and innovative ideas for the preservation of wetlands in ski areas (United States)

    Gaucherand, S.; Evette, A.; François, H.; Paccard, P.; Perretier, C.; Wlerick, L.


    This presentation is a synthesis of a symposium held last October in Cemagref, Grenoble with contributions from scientists as well as lift operators, NGO's, and administrations. In the context of global change, ski resorts must rethink their development models. The diversification of the touristic offer is encouraged and the specificity of the mountain territory is at the heart of a sustainable development. In this context, the preservation of interesting and fragile habitats such as wetlands is topical. Wetlands have many recognized functions: flooding reduction, water remediation, fertilization, biodiversity conservation… In mountain areas, wetlands are small and scattered. They are of special interest in particular for their role in biodiversity conservation and for their cultural and recreational benefits. However, in ski areas, wetlands can interact with the ski activity. Indeed, wetlands can speed up snow melting in spring and they often occupy ledges, which are strategic positions for the establishment of ski resort's facilities. The development of ski resorts can lead to the destruction or the deterioration of wetlands because of hydrologic interferences, fill in, pollution, etc. However, a few judicious steps can be taken to reduce or suppress these negative effects. In the Alps, geographical and administrative tools have been developed to help the decisions of ski-resort's administrators. Meetings between lift-operators, administrators of protected areas scientists and NGO's have also proved efficient when done at an early stage of a project, as shown by the example of the ski-resort "Les Saisies".

  13. Wetland Surface Water Processes

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    .... Temporary storage includes channel, overbank, basin, and groundwater storage. Water is removed from the wetland through evaporation, plant transpiration, channel, overland and tidal flow, and groundwater recharge...

  14. Driving forces behind the construction of an eco-compensation mechanism for wetlands in China (United States)

    Wang, Changhai


    This research revealed important driving forces behind the construction of an eco-compensation mechanism for wetlands (DFEMW) in China. Using China's provincial panel data from 1978 to 2008, a fixed-effects model was used to analyze the impacts of agricultural production systems on wetlands. We identified three DFEMW as follows: the change of wetland resources and protection measures in China; declaration and implementation of the provincial Wetland Protection Ordinance; and wetland degradation by agricultural production systems, which necessitated the establishment of a wetland eco-compensation mechanism. In addition to the DFEMW, a significant positive correlation between wetland area and both rural population and gross agricultural production was identified, in addition to a negative correlation with chemical fertilizer usage, reservoir storage capacity, and irrigation area. The underlying reasons for the serious degradation and inadequate protection of wetlands were market failure and government failure; these were the driving forces behind the need to establish a wetland eco-compensation mechanism. From a governmental perspective, it has been difficult to rectify market failures in resource distribution and thus to prevent wetland degradation. Factors include conflicts of interest, lack of investment, effective special laws, a simple means to protect wetlands, and a multidisciplinary management system. Therefore, the key factor is the coordination of interest relationships between those who utilize wetlands and those who seek to minimize wetland degradation and effectively protect wetlands.

  15. Balancing Methane Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Tropical/Subtropical Coastal Wetlands: A Review (United States)

    Mitsch, W. J.; Schafer, K. V.; Cabezas, A.; Bernal, B.


    Wetlands are estimated to emit about 20 to 25 percent of current global CH4 emissions, or about 120 to 180 Tg-CH4 yr-1. Thus, in climate change discussions concerning wetlands, these "natural emissions" often receive the most attention, often overshadowing the more important ecosystem services that wetlands provide, including carbon sequestration. While methane emissions from coastal wetlands have generally been described as small due to competing biogeochemical cycles, disturbance of coastal wetlands, e.g., the introduction of excessive freshwater fluxes or substrate disturbance, can lead to much higher methane emission rates. Carbon sequestration is a more positive carbon story about wetlands and coastal wetlands in particular. The rates of carbon sequestration in tropical/subtropical coastal wetlands, mainly mangroves, are in the range of 100 to 200 g-C m-2 yr-1, two to ten times higher rates than in the more frequently studied northern peatlands. This function of coastal wetlands has significant international support now for mangrove conservation and it is referred to in the literature and popular press as blue carbon. This presentation will summarize what we know about methane emissions and carbon sequestration in tropical/subtropical coastal wetlands, how these rates compare with those in non-tropical and/or inland wetlands, and a demonstration of two or three models that compare methane fluxes with carbon dioxide sequestration to determine if wetlands are net sinks of radiative forcing. The presentation will also present a global model of carbon with an emphasis on wetlands.

  16. Groundwater connectivity of upland-embedded wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region (United States)

    Neff, Brian; Rosenberry, Donald O.


    Groundwater connections from upland-embedded wetlands to downstream waterbodies remain poorly understood. In principle, water from upland-embedded wetlands situated high in a landscape should flow via groundwater to waterbodies situated lower in the landscape. However, the degree of groundwater connectivity varies across systems due to factors such as geologic setting, hydrologic conditions, and topography. We use numerical models to evaluate the conditions suitable for groundwater connectivity between upland-embedded wetlands and downstream waterbodies in the prairie pothole region of North Dakota (USA). Results show groundwater connectivity between upland-embedded wetlands and other waterbodies is restricted when these wetlands are surrounded by a mounding water table. However, connectivity exists among adjacent upland-embedded wetlands where water–table mounds do not form. In addition, the presence of sand layers greatly facilitates groundwater connectivity of upland-embedded wetlands. Anisotropy can facilitate connectivity via groundwater flow, but only if it becomes unrealistically large. These findings help consolidate previously divergent views on the significance of local and regional groundwater flow in the prairie pothole region.

  17. Mitigation of two pyrethroid insecticides in a Mississippi Delta constructed wetland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moore, M.T. [USDA Agricultural Research Service National Sedimentation Laboratory, Water Quality and Ecology Research Unit, PO Box 1157, 598 McElroy Drive, Oxford, MS 38655 (United States)], E-mail:; Cooper, C.M.; Smith, S.; Cullum, R.F.; Knight, S.S.; Locke, M.A.; Bennett, E.R. [USDA Agricultural Research Service National Sedimentation Laboratory, Water Quality and Ecology Research Unit, PO Box 1157, 598 McElroy Drive, Oxford, MS 38655 (United States)


    Constructed wetlands are a suggested best management practice to help mitigate agricultural runoff before entering receiving aquatic ecosystems. A constructed wetland system (180 m x 30 m), comprising a sediment retention basin and two treatment cells, was used to determine the fate and transport of simulated runoff containing the pyrethroid insecticides lambda-cyhalothrin and cyfluthrin, as well as suspended sediment. Wetland water, sediment, and plant samples were collected spatially and temporally over 55 d. Results showed 49 and 76% of the study's measured lambda-cyhalothrin and cyfluthrin masses were associated with vegetation, respectively. Based on conservative effects concentrations for invertebrates and regression analyses of maximum observed wetland aqueous concentrations, a wetland length of 215 m x 30 m width would be required to adequately mitigate 1% pesticide runoff from a 14 ha contributing area. Results of this experiment can be used to model future design specifications for constructed wetland mitigation of pyrethroid insecticides. - A wetland length of 215 m x 30 m mitigated pyrethroid runoff from a 14 ha field.

  18. Mitigation of two pyrethroid insecticides in a Mississippi Delta constructed wetland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, M.T.; Cooper, C.M.; Smith, S.; Cullum, R.F.; Knight, S.S.; Locke, M.A.; Bennett, E.R.


    Constructed wetlands are a suggested best management practice to help mitigate agricultural runoff before entering receiving aquatic ecosystems. A constructed wetland system (180 m x 30 m), comprising a sediment retention basin and two treatment cells, was used to determine the fate and transport of simulated runoff containing the pyrethroid insecticides lambda-cyhalothrin and cyfluthrin, as well as suspended sediment. Wetland water, sediment, and plant samples were collected spatially and temporally over 55 d. Results showed 49 and 76% of the study's measured lambda-cyhalothrin and cyfluthrin masses were associated with vegetation, respectively. Based on conservative effects concentrations for invertebrates and regression analyses of maximum observed wetland aqueous concentrations, a wetland length of 215 m x 30 m width would be required to adequately mitigate 1% pesticide runoff from a 14 ha contributing area. Results of this experiment can be used to model future design specifications for constructed wetland mitigation of pyrethroid insecticides. - A wetland length of 215 m x 30 m mitigated pyrethroid runoff from a 14 ha field

  19. Hurricane storm surge and amphibian communities in coastal wetlands of northwestern Florida (United States)

    Gunzburger, M.S.; Hughes, W.B.; Barichivich, W.J.; Staiger, J.S.


    Isolated wetlands in the Southeastern United States are dynamic habitats subject to fluctuating environmental conditions. Wetlands located near marine environments are subject to alterations in water chemistry due to storm surge during hurricanes. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of storm surge overwash on wetland amphibian communities. Thirty-two wetlands in northwestern Florida were sampled over a 45-month period to assess amphibian species richness and water chemistry. During this study, seven wetlands were overwashed by storm surge from Hurricane Dennis which made landfall 10 July 2005 in the Florida panhandle. This event allowed us to evaluate the effect of storm surge overwash on water chemistry and amphibian communities of the wetlands. Specific conductance across all wetlands was low pre-storm (marine habitats are resistant to the effects of storm surge overwash. ?? 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

  20. National Wetland Mitigation Banking Study Wetland Migitation Banking. (United States)


    habitat (i.e. number of snags, extent of exposed steep shoreline, etc.) rather than selecting species themselves as function indicators [ WWF 1992...etc.) that are converted to portray hydrologic, water quality, and habitat functions as well as wetland loss on watershed scales [ WWF 1992]. The...Natural Areas - include the Stewardship Program, a partnership program between the private and public sectors for conservation land acquisitions


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. H. Ali Baig


    Full Text Available Worth of wetland sites lies in their ecological importance. They enhance ecosystem via provision of ecological services like improving water quality, groundwater infiltration, flood risk reduction and biodiversity regulation. Like other parts of the world Pakistan is also facing wetlands degradation. Ecological and economic significance of wetlands was recognized officially in 1971 as Pakistan became signatory of Ramsar wetland convention. Wetlands provide habitat to species of ecological and economic importance. Despite being recognized for international importance, Ramsar figures state that almost half of Pakistan’s wetlands are at moderate or prominent level threat. Wetlands ecosystems are deteriorating at a rapid rate, if uncontrolled this trend may lead to substantial losses. Therefore, management of these resources demands regular monitoring. Present study is dedicated to assessing levels of change overtime in three distinct types of wetlands in Pakistan i.e. Indus delta a coastal wetland, Uchhali complex an inland wetland which are both protected sites while another site Nurri Lagoon which is not sheltered under any category of protected areas. Remotely sensed data has remarkable applications in change detection. Multitemporal Landsat images were used to map changes occurring from 2006 to 2016. Results reveal that wetland area has considerably decreased for all types. Both protected sites have experienced degradation though impact is comparatively lesser than unprotected Nurri lagoon. Significance of protection strategies cannot be denied, it is recommended that mere declaration of a site protected area is not sufficient. It is equally important to control non-point pollutants and ensuring the compliance of conservation strategy.

  2. Wetland Change Detection in Protected and Unprotected Indus Coastal and Inland Delta (United States)

    Baig, M. H. Ali; Sultan, M.; Riaz Khan, M.; Zhang, L.; Kozlova, M.; Malik, N. Abbas; Wang, S.


    Worth of wetland sites lies in their ecological importance. They enhance ecosystem via provision of ecological services like improving water quality, groundwater infiltration, flood risk reduction and biodiversity regulation. Like other parts of the world Pakistan is also facing wetlands degradation. Ecological and economic significance of wetlands was recognized officially in 1971 as Pakistan became signatory of Ramsar wetland convention. Wetlands provide habitat to species of ecological and economic importance. Despite being recognized for international importance, Ramsar figures state that almost half of Pakistan's wetlands are at moderate or prominent level threat. Wetlands ecosystems are deteriorating at a rapid rate, if uncontrolled this trend may lead to substantial losses. Therefore, management of these resources demands regular monitoring. Present study is dedicated to assessing levels of change overtime in three distinct types of wetlands in Pakistan i.e. Indus delta a coastal wetland, Uchhali complex an inland wetland which are both protected sites while another site Nurri Lagoon which is not sheltered under any category of protected areas. Remotely sensed data has remarkable applications in change detection. Multitemporal Landsat images were used to map changes occurring from 2006 to 2016. Results reveal that wetland area has considerably decreased for all types. Both protected sites have experienced degradation though impact is comparatively lesser than unprotected Nurri lagoon. Significance of protection strategies cannot be denied, it is recommended that mere declaration of a site protected area is not sufficient. It is equally important to control non-point pollutants and ensuring the compliance of conservation strategy.

  3. Biodiversity studies in three Coastal Wetlands in Ghana, West Africa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plant biodiversity studies of three coastal wetlands in Ghana were made. The wetlands are the Sakumo, Muni-Pomadze and Densu Delta Ramsar sites. Each wetland is made up of a flood plain which consists of salt marsh (about 20%), mangrove swamps (between 15 and 30%), fresh water swamp (about 40 - 45%), and in ...

  4. Quantifying greenhouse gas sources and sinks in managed wetland systems (United States)

    Stephen M Ogle; Patrick Hunt; Carl Trettin


    This chapter provides methodologies and guidance for reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks at the entity scale for managed wetland systems. More specifically, it focuses on methods for managed palustrine wetlands.1 Section 4.1 provides an overview of wetland systems and resulting GHG emissions, system boundaries and temporal scale, a summary of the...

  5. Impact of chloride on denitrification potential in roadside wetlands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lancaster, Nakita A.; Bushey, Joseph T.; Tobias, Craig R.; Song, Bongkeun; Vadas, Timothy M.


    Developed landscapes are exposed to changes in hydrology and water chemistry that limit their ability to mitigate detrimental impacts to coastal water bodies, particularly those that result from stormwater runoff. The elevated level of impervious cover increases not only runoff but also contaminant loading of nutrients, metals, and road salt used for deicing to water bodies. Here we investigate the impact that road salt has on denitrification in roadside environments. Sediments were collected from a series of forested and roadside wetlands and acclimated with a range of Cl − concentrations from 0 to 5000 mg L −1 for 96 h. Denitrification rates were measured by the isotope pairing technique using 15 N–NO 3 − , while denitrifying community structures were compared using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of nitrous oxide reductase genes (nosZ). Chloride significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited denitrification in forested wetlands at a Cl − dosage of 2500 or 5000 mg L −1 , but the decrease in denitrification rates was less and not significant for the roadside wetlands historically exposed to elevated concentrations of Cl − . The difference could not be attributed to other significant changes in conditions, such as DOC concentrations, N species concentrations, or pH levels. Denitrifying communities, as measured by T-RFs of the nosZ gene, in the roadside wetlands with elevated concentration of Cl − were distinctly different and more diverse compared to forested wetlands, and also different in roadside wetlands after 96 h exposures to Cl − . The shifts in denitrifying communities seem to minimize the decrease in denitrification rates in the wetlands previously exposed to Cl. As development results in more Cl − use and exposure to a broad range of natural or manmade wetland structures, an understanding of the seasonal effect of Cl on denitrification processes in these systems would aid in design or mitigation of the effects on

  6. Characterization of Inundated Wetlands with Microwave Remote Sensing: Cross-Product Comparison for Uncertainty Assessment in Tropical Wetlands (United States)

    McDonald, K. C.; Jensen, K.; Alvarez, J.; Azarderakhsh, M.; Schroeder, R.; Podest, E.; Chapman, B. D.; Zimmermann, R.


    We have been assembling a global-scale Earth System Data Record (ESDR) of natural Inundated Wetlands to facilitate investigations on their role in climate, biogeochemistry, hydrology, and biodiversity. The ESDR comprises (1) Fine-resolution (100 meter) maps, delineating wetland extent, vegetation type, and seasonal inundation dynamics for regional to continental-scale areas, and (2) global coarse-resolution (~25 km), multi-temporal mappings of inundated area fraction (Fw) across multiple years. During March 2013, the NASA/JPL L-band polarimetric airborne imaging radar, UAVSAR, conducted airborne studies over regions of South America including portions of the western Amazon basin. We collected UAVSAR datasets over regions of the Amazon basin during that time to support systematic analyses of error sources related to the Inundated Wetlands ESDR. UAVSAR datasets were collected over Pacaya Samiria, Peru, Madre de Dios, Peru, and the Napo River in Ecuador. We derive landcover classifications from the UAVSAR datasets emphasizing wetlands regions, identifying regions of open water and inundated vegetation. We compare the UAVSAR-based datasets with those comprising the ESDR to assess uncertainty associated with the high resolution and the coarse resolution ESDR components. Our goal is to create an enhanced ESDR of inundated wetlands with statistically robust uncertainty estimates. The ESDR documentation will include a detailed breakdown of error sources and associated uncertainties within the data record. This work was carried out in part within the framework of the ALOS Kyoto & Carbon Initiative. PALSAR data were provided by JAXA/EORC and the Alaska Satellite Facility. Portions of this work were conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

  7. Recent land cover history and nutrient retention in riparian wetlands (United States)

    Hogan, D.M.; Walbridge, M.R.


    Wetland ecosystems are profoundly affected by altered nutrient and sediment loads received from anthropogenic activity in their surrounding watersheds. Our objective was to compare a gradient of agricultural and urban land cover history during the period from 1949 to 1997, with plant and soil nutrient concentrations in, and sediment deposition to, riparian wetlands in a rapidly urbanizing landscape. We observed that recent agricultural land cover was associated with increases in Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) concentrations in a native wetland plant species. Conversely, recent urban land cover appeared to alter receiving wetland environmental conditions by increasing the relative availability of P versus N, as reflected in an invasive, but not a native, plant species. In addition, increases in surface soil Fe content suggests recent inputs of terrestrial sediments associated specifically with increasing urban land cover. The observed correlation between urban land cover and riparian wetland plant tissue and surface soil nutrient concentrations and sediment deposition, suggest that urbanization specifically enhances the suitability of riparian wetland habitats for the invasive species Japanese stiltgrass [Microstegium vimenium (Trinius) A. Camus]. ?? 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

  8. Artificial wetland for wastewater treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arias I, Carlos A; Brix, Hans


    The development of constructed wetland technology for wastewater treatment has gone a long way and from an experimental and unknown empirical method, which was capable of handling wastewater a sound technology was developed. Thanks to research, and the work of many public and private companies that have gather valuable operation information, constructed wetland technology has evolved to be a relievable, versatile and effective way to treat wastewater, run off, handle sludge and even improve environmental quality and provide recreation sites, while maintaining low operation and maintenance costs, and at the same time, producing water of quality that can meet stringent regulations, while being and environmental friendly solution to treat waste-waters. Constructed wetlands can be established in many different ways and its characteristics can differ greatly, according to the user needs, the geographic site and even the climatic conditions of the area. The following article deals with the general characteristics of the technology and the physical and chemical phenomena that govern the pollution reduction with in the different available systems

  9. Advancing the use of minirhizotrons in wetlands (United States)

    C. M. Iversen; M. T. Murphy; M. F. Allen; J. Childs; D. M. Eissenstat; E.A. Lilleskov; T. M. Sarjala; V. L. Sloan; P. F. Sullivan


    Background. Wetlands store a substantial amount of carbon (C) in deep soil organic matter deposits, and play an important role in global fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane. Fine roots (i.e., ephemeral roots that are active in water and nutrient uptake) are recognized as important components of biogeochemical cycles in nutrient-limited wetland ecosystems. However,...

  10. A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Depression Wetlands in the Upper Des Plaines River Basin

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lin, Jeff P


    .... The HGM approach is a collection of concepts and methods used to develop functional indices to assess the capacity of a particular wetland to perform functions relative to similar wetlands in a region...

  11. Ecosystem development after mangrove wetland creation: plant-soil change across a 20-year chronosequence (United States)

    Osland, Michael J.; Spivak, Amanda C.; Nestlerode, Janet A.; Lessmann, Jeannine M.; Almario, Alejandro E.; Heitmuller, Paul T.; Russell, Marc J.; Krauss, Ken W.; Alvarez, Federico; Dantin, Darrin D.; Harvey, James E.; From, Andrew S.; Cormier, Nicole; Stagg, Camille L.


    Mangrove wetland restoration and creation efforts are increasingly proposed as mechanisms to compensate for mangrove wetland losses. However, ecosystem development and functional equivalence in restored and created mangrove wetlands are poorly understood. We compared a 20-year chronosequence of created tidal wetland sites in Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) to natural reference mangrove wetlands. Across the chronosequence, our sites represent the succession from salt marsh to mangrove forest communities. Our results identify important soil and plant structural differences between the created and natural reference wetland sites; however, they also depict a positive developmental trajectory for the created wetland sites that reflects tightly coupled plant-soil development. Because upland soils and/or dredge spoils were used to create the new mangrove habitats, the soils at younger created sites and at lower depths (10-30 cm) had higher bulk densities, higher sand content, lower soil organic matter (SOM), lower total carbon (TC), and lower total nitrogen (TN) than did natural reference wetland soils. However, in the upper soil layer (0-10 cm), SOM, TC, and TN increased with created wetland site age simultaneously with mangrove forest growth. The rate of created wetland soil C accumulation was comparable to literature values for natural mangrove wetlands. Notably, the time to equivalence for the upper soil layer of created mangrove wetlands appears to be faster than for many other wetland ecosystem types. Collectively, our findings characterize the rate and trajectory of above- and below-ground changes associated with ecosystem development in created mangrove wetlands; this is valuable information for environmental managers planning to sustain existing mangrove wetlands or mitigate for mangrove wetland losses.

  12. Tidal Wetlands of the Yaquina and Alsea River Estuaries in Oregon: GIS layer development and recommendations for National Wetlands Inventory revisions (United States)

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) layers of current and likely former tidal wetlands in two Oregon estuaries were generated by enhancing the 2010 National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data with expert local field knowledge, LiDAR-derived elevations, and 2009 aerial orthophotos. Th...

  13. Project of revitalization of the special nature reserve Koviljski rit (Kovilj wetland)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matavulj, M.


    Together with Petrovaradin wetland positioned on the opposite banks of the river Danube, named in Serbian 'Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski rit' (Kovilj-Petrovaradin wetland), this area has been proposed for the registration of wetland areas of international significance according to the Ramsar Convention. The Kovilj-Petrovaradin wetland is being registered as the Natural treasure of special significance and is being classified into I category of protection as the Special Nature Reserve. The protection and conservation of this wetland area is in agreement with Action Plan of protection of rivers and accompanied wetlands in the frame of Paneuropean Strategy for the protection of biological and landscape diversity, accepted at the Strasburg Conference (1995). Being of such importance, this project should contribute to the raising of awareness of this special wetland value as well as to the importance of protection, conservation and improvement of this kind of ecosystems in general. Also, the objectives and results should contribute to the achieving of the wise use of this special wetland and of natural resources as a whole. (author)

  14. Agricultural wetlands as potential hotspots for mercury bioaccumulation: Experimental evidence using caged fish (United States)

    Ackerman, Joshua T.; Eagles-Smith, Collin A.


    Wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, but also can be sources of methylmercury (MeHg) production and export. Rice agricultural wetlands in particular may be important sites for MeHg bioaccumulation due to their worldwide ubiquity, periodic flooding schedules, and high use by wildlife. We assessed MeHg bioaccumulation within agricultural and perennial wetlands common to California's Central Valley during summer, when the majority of wetland habitats are shallowly flooded rice fields. We introduced caged western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) within white rice (Oryza sativa), wild rice (Zizania palustris), and permanent wetlands at water inlets, centers, and outlets. Total mercury (THg) concentrations and body burdens in caged mosquitofish increased rapidly, exceeding baseline values at introduction by 135% to 1197% and 29% to 1566% among sites, respectively, after only 60 days. Mercury bioaccumulation in caged mosquitofish was greater in rice fields than in permanent wetlands, with THg concentrations at wetland outlets increasing by 12.1, 5.8, and 2.9 times over initial concentrations in white rice, wild rice, and permanent wetlands, respectively. In fact, mosquitofish caged at white rice outlets accumulated 721 ng Hg/fish in just 60 days. Mercury in wild mosquito fish and Mississippi silversides (Menidia audens) concurrently sampled at wetland outlets also were greater in white rice and wild rice than permanent wetlands. Within wetlands, THg concentrations and body burdens of both caged and wild fish increased from water inlets to outlets in white rice fields, and tended to not vary among sites in permanent wetlands. Fish THg concentrations in agricultural wetlands were high, exceeding 0.2 ??g/g ww in 82% of caged fish and 59% of wild fish. Our results indicate that shallowly flooded rice fields are potential hotspots for MeHg bioaccumulation and, due to their global prevalence, suggest that agricultural wetlands may be important contributors to Me

  15. ('fingerponds\\') in the wetlands of Lake Victoria, Kenya

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The potential effect on ecosystem integrity of the use of natural wetlands for seasonal wetland fishponds ('fingerponds\\'), integrated with vegetable production for livelihood demands, was evaluated using experimental sites at Lake Victoria, Kenya. Soluble reactive phosphorous and total phosphorus, ammonium, nitrate and ...

  16. Gas Transport and Exchange through Wetland Plant Aerenchyma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sorrell, Brian Keith; Brix, Hans


    Aerenchyma, the large airspaces in aquatic plants, is a rapid gas transport pathway between atmosphere and soil in wetlands. Oxygen transport aerates belowground tissue and oxidizes rhizosphere soil, an important process in wetland biogeochemistry. Most plant O2 transport occurs by diffusion...

  17. Wetland restoration in Central Europe : aims and methods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pfadenhauer, Joerg; Grootjans, Ab

    . Wetlands have always been of particular significance for mankind. While originally attractive as hunting grounds, they were later cultivated and modified from sinks into sources. Today, great efforts are being made to restore disturbed or destroyed wetland areas. Different models and goals for

  18. National-Level Wetland Policy Specificity and Goals Vary According to Political and Economic Indicators (United States)

    Peimer, Alex W.; Krzywicka, Adrianna E.; Cohen, Dora B.; Van den Bosch, Kyle; Buxton, Valerie L.; Stevenson, Natalie A.; Matthews, Jeffrey W.


    Growing recognition of the importance of wetlands to human and ecosystem well-being has led countries worldwide to implement wetland protection policies. Different countries have taken different approaches to wetland protection by implementing various policies, including territorial exclusion, market-based offsetting, and incentive programs for land users. Our objective was to describe the relationship between components of national-level wetland protection policies and national characteristics, including natural resource, economic, social, and political factors. We compiled data on the wetland policies of all 193 countries recognized by the U.N. and described the relationships among wetland policy goals and wetland protection mechanisms using non-metric multidimensional scaling. The first non-metric multidimensional scaling axis strongly correlated with whether a country had a wetland-specific environmental policy in place. Adoption of a comprehensive, wetland-specific policy was positively associated with degree of democracy and a commitment to establishing protected areas. The second non-metric multidimensional scaling axis defined a continuum of policy goals and mechanisms by which wetlands are protected, with goals to protect wetland ecosystem services on one end of the spectrum and goals to protect biodiversity on the other. Goals for protecting ecosystem services were frequently cited in policy documents of countries with agriculture-based economies, whereas goals associated with wetland biodiversity tended to be associated with tourism-based economies. We argue that the components of a country's wetland policies reflect national-level resource and economic characteristics. Understanding the relationship between the type of wetland policy countries adopt and national-level characteristics is critical for international efforts to protect wetlands.

  19. Water quality and fish dynamics in forested wetlands associated with an oxbow lake (United States)

    Andrews, Caroline S.; Miranda, Leandro E.; Kroger, Robert


    Forested wetlands represent some of the most distinct environments in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Depending on season, water in forested wetlands can be warm, stagnant, and oxygen-depleted, yet may support high fish diversity. Fish assemblages in forested wetlands are not well studied because of difficulties in sampling heavily structured environments. During the April–July period, we surveyed and compared the water quality and assemblages of small fish in a margin wetland (forested fringe along a lake shore), contiguous wetland (forested wetland adjacent to a lake), and the open water of an oxbow lake. Dissolved-oxygen levels measured hourly 0.5 m below the surface were higher in the open water than in either of the forested wetlands. Despite reduced water quality, fish-species richness and catch rates estimated with light traps were greater in the forested wetlands than in the open water. The forested wetlands supported large numbers of fish and unique fish assemblages that included some rare species, likely because of their structural complexity. Programs developed to refine agricultural practices, preserve riparian zones, and restore lakes should include guidance to protect and reestablish forested wetlands.

  20. Climatic Alterations of Wetlands: Conservation and Adaptation Practices in Bangladesh (United States)

    Siddiquee, S. A.


    Unique geographic location and geo-morphological conditions of Bangladesh have made the wetlands of this country one of the most vulnerable to climate change. Wetland plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of ecosystems and cultural figures and which occupy around 50% of the area. Drought, excessive temperature, mountain snowfields and glaciers melting, riverbank erosion, salinity intrusion, flashflood, storm surges, higher water temperatures, precipitation anomalies, coastal cyclones, seasonal anomalies and extremes are main threats to the wetland ecosystem. Enhanced UV-B radiation and increased summer precipitation will significantly increase dissolved organic carbon concentrations altering major biogeochemical cycles and also will result into the expansion of range for many invasive aquatic weeds. Generally, rising temperature will lower water quality through a fall in oxygen concentrations, release of phosphorus from sediments, increased thermal stability, and altered mixing patterns. As a result biodiversity is getting degraded, many species of flora and fauna are getting threatened, and wetland-based ecosystem is getting degenerated. At the same time, the living conditions of local people are deteriorating as livelihoods, socioeconomic institutions, and extensive cultural values as well. For conserving and managing wetlands technology, legislation, educational knowledge, action plan strategy and restoration practices are required. In order to address the human needs in the changing climate community-based adaptation approaches and wetland restoration, practices had been taken in almost every type of wetlands in Bangladesh. Therefore, Bangladesh now needs a comprehensive strategy and integrated system combining political, economic, social, technological approaches and institutional supports to address sustainable wetland restoration, conservation and the newly added crisis, climate change.

  1. Using WEED to simulate the global wetland distribution in a ESM (United States)

    Stacke, Tobias; Hagemann, Stefan


    Lakes and wetlands are an important land surface feature. In terms of hydrology, they regulate river discharge, mitigate flood events and constitute a significant surface water storage. Considering physical processes, they link the surface water and energy balances by altering the separation of incoming energy into sensible and latent heat fluxes. Finally, they impact biogeochemical processes and may act as carbon sinks or sources. Most global hydrology and climate models regard wetland extent and properties as constant in time. However, to study interactions between wetlands and different states of climate, it is necessary to implement surface water bodies (thereafter referred to as wetlands) with dynamical behavior into these models. Besides an improved representation of geophysical feedbacks between wetlands, land surface and atmosphere, a dynamical wetland scheme could also provide estimates of soil wetness as input for biogeochemical models, which are used to compute methane production in wetlands. Recently, a model for the representation of wetland extent dynamics (WEED) was developed as part of the hydrology model (MPI-HM) of the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M). The WEED scheme computes wetland extent in agreement with the range of observations for the high northern latitudes. It simulates a realistic seasonal cycle which shows sensitivity to northern snow-melt as well as rainy seasons in the tropics. Furthermore, flood peaks in river discharge are mitigated. However, the WEED scheme overestimates wetland extent in the Tropics which might be related to the MPI-HM's simplified potential evapotranspiration computation. In order to overcome this limitation, the WEED scheme is implemented into the MPI-M's land surface model JSBACH. Thus, not only its effect on water fluxes can be investigated but also its impact on the energy cycle, which is not included in the MPI-HM. Furthermore, it will be possible to analyze the physical effects of wetlands in a

  2. Eten's Coastal Wetland, its geomorphology, water quality and biodiversity (United States)

    Rojas Carbajal, T. V.; Bartl, K.; Loayza Muro, R.; Abad, J. D.


    The Eten's wetland is located in the lower part of the Chancay-Lambayeque River basin at the Peruvian coast. This wetland contains salt and fresh marshes, swamps, lagoons and an estuary which is the result of Reque River's morphodynamics. It provides a great source of totora (Schoenoplectus californicus), a native plant that is used for knitting hats which are an ancient cultural expression in Lambayeque. UNESCO recognized this wetland as one of the ecosystems with the greatest biodiversity along the South Pacific Coast, providing a unique habitat for migratory birds, such as the Peruvian Tern (Sternula lorata). This bird has been classified as endangered in 2005, by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). When the area of a wetland is reduced, the resting point function is affected leading to loss in biodiversity due to the habitat conditions are not the same. In 2005, Lambayeque's government established an area of 1377 Ha in order to preserve wetland's ecosystem and Eten's archeological value but wet areas were reduced to 200 Ha. This reduction was promoted by agriculture, urbanization and an inadequate urban waste disposal. The scope of the study is to assess the environmental impacts that affect Eten's wetland. Preliminary results of an assessment with remote sensing indicate that: 1) the Reque River's geomorphic activity was reduced by urbanization, thus, the connection between surface water bodies has been lost, leading the drying out of ponds, 2) the conversion of wet areas to agricultural land, and 3) the natural interaction between the Reque River and the Pacific Ocean was modified due to water control upstream, resulting in a dryer wetland during the last years. Furthermore, the aquatic biodiversity of the wetland was assessed through a biomonitoring method in order to study the impact of water contamination. Four benthic macroinvertebrate Families (Hydrophilidae, Baetidae, Planorbidae and Palaemonidae) were found. The quality of the

  3. Fertilizer legacies meet saltwater incursion: challenges and constraints for coastal plain wetland restoration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Ardón


    Full Text Available Coastal wetland restoration is an important tool for climate change adaptation and excess nutrient runoff mitigation. However, the capacity of restored coastal wetlands to provide multiple ecosystem services is limited by stressors, such as excess nutrients from upstream agricultural fields, high nutrient legacies on-site, and rising salinities downstream. The effects of these stressors are exacerbated by an accelerating hydrologic cycle, expected to cause longer droughts punctuated by more severe storms. We used seven years of surface water and six years of soil solution water chemistry from a large (440 ha restored wetland to examine how fertilizer legacy, changes in hydrology, and drought-induced salinization affect dissolved nutrient and carbon concentrations. To better understand the recovery trajectory of the restored wetland, we also sampled an active agricultural field and two mature forested wetlands. Our results show that nitrogen (N and phosphorus (P concentrations in soil solution were 2–10 times higher in the restored wetland compared to two mature forested wetlands, presumably due to legacy fertilizer mobilized by reflooding. Despite elevated nutrient concentrations relative to reference wetlands, the restored wetland consistently attenuated N and P pulses delivered from an upstream farm. Even with continued loading, N and P concentrations in surface water throughout the restored wetland have decreased since the initial flooding. Our results suggest that high nutrient concentrations and export from wetlands restored on agricultural lands may be a severe but temporary problem. If field to wetland conversion is to become a more widespread method for ameliorating nutrient runoff and adapting coastal plain ecosystems to climate change, we should adopt new methods for minimizing the initial export phase of wetland restoration efforts.

  4. An Introduction to the San Francisco Estuary Tidal Wetlands Restoration Series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larry R. Brown


    Full Text Available Restoration of tidal wetlands may provide an important tool for improving ecological health and water management for beneficial uses of the San Francisco Estuary (hereafter “Estuary”. Given the large losses of tidal wetlands from San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in the last 150 years, it seems logical to assume that restoring tidal wetlands will have benefits for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial native species that have declined during the same time period. However, many other changes have also occurred in the Estuary concurrent with the declines of native species. Other factors that might be important in species declines include the effects of construction of upstream dams, large and small water diversions within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, agricultural pesticides, trace elements from industrial and agricultural activities, and invasions of alien species. Discussions among researchers, managers, and stakeholders have identified a number of uncertainties regarding the potential benefits of tidal wetland restoration. The articles of the Tidal Wetlands Restoration Series address four major issues of concern. Stated as questions, these are: 1. Will tidal wetland restoration enhance populations of native fishes? 2. Will wetland restoration increase rates of methylation of mercury? 3. Will primary production and other ecological processes in restored tidal wetlands result in net export of organic carbon to adjacent habitats, resulting in enhancement of the food web? Will the carbon produced contribute to the formation of disinfection byproducts when disinfected for use as drinking water? 4. Will restored tidal wetlands provide long-term ecosystem benefits that can be sustained in response to ongoing physical processes, including sedimentation and hydrodynamics? Reducing the uncertainty surrounding these issues is of critical importance because tidal wetland restoration is assumed to be a critical tool for

  5. Improved coastal wetland mapping using very-high 2-meter spatial resolution imagery (United States)

    McCarthy, Matthew J.; Merton, Elizabeth J.; Muller-Karger, Frank E.


    Accurate wetland maps are a fundamental requirement for land use management and for wetland restoration planning. Several wetland map products are available today; most of them based on remote sensing images, but their different data sources and mapping methods lead to substantially different estimations of wetland location and extent. We used two very high-resolution (2 m) WorldView-2 satellite images and one (30 m) Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) image to assess wetland coverage in two coastal areas of Tampa Bay (Florida): Fort De Soto State Park and Weedon Island Preserve. An initial unsupervised classification derived from WorldView-2 was more accurate at identifying wetlands based on ground truth data collected in the field than the classification derived from Landsat 8 OLI (82% vs. 46% accuracy). The WorldView-2 data was then used to define the parameters of a simple and efficient decision tree with four nodes for a more exacting classification. The criteria for the decision tree were derived by extracting radiance spectra at 1500 separate pixels from the WorldView-2 data within field-validated regions. Results for both study areas showed high accuracy in both wetland (82% at Fort De Soto State Park, and 94% at Weedon Island Preserve) and non-wetland vegetation classes (90% and 83%, respectively). Historical, published land-use maps overestimate wetland surface cover by factors of 2-10 in the study areas. The proposed methods improve speed and efficiency of wetland map production, allow semi-annual monitoring through repeat satellite passes, and improve the accuracy and precision with which wetlands are identified.

  6. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in cold climate - A review. (United States)

    Wang, Mo; Zhang, Dong Qing; Dong, Jian Wen; Tan, Soon Keat


    Constructed wetlands (CWs) have been successfully used for treating various wastewaters for decades and have been identified as a sustainable wastewater management option worldwide. However, the application of CW for wastewater treatment in frigid climate presents special challenges. Wetland treatment of wastewater relies largely on biological processes, and reliable treatment is often a function of climate conditions. To date, the rate of adoption of wetland technology for wastewater treatment in cold regions has been slow and there are relatively few published reports on CW applications in cold climate. This paper therefore highlights the practice and applications of treatment wetlands in cold climate. A comprehensive review of the effectiveness of contaminant removal in different wetland systems including: (1) free water surface (FWS) CWs; (2) subsurface flow (SSF) CWs; and (3) hybrid wetland systems, is presented. The emphasis of this review is also placed on the influence of cold weather conditions on the removal efficacies of different contaminants. The strategies of wetland design and operation for performance intensification, such as the presence of plant, operational mode, effluent recirculation, artificial aeration and in-series design, which are crucial to achieve the sustainable treatment performance in cold climate, are also discussed. This study is conducive to further research for the understanding of CW design and treatment performance in cold climate. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Coastal Wetland Restoration Bibliography

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Yozzo, David


    This bibliography was compiled to provide biologists, engineers, and planners at Corps Districts and other agencies/ institutions with a guide to the diverse body of literature on coastal wetland restoration...



    Ergen, Baris


    Wetlands are special areas that they offer habitat for terrestrial and water life. Wetlands are nest sides also for amphibian, for this reason wetlands offer wide range diversity for species. Wetlands are also reproduction regions for birds. Wetlands have special importance for ecosystem because they obstruct erosion. Wetlands absorb contaminants from water therefore wetlands contribute to clean water and they offer more potable water. Wetlands obstruct waterflood. In that case wetlands must ...

  9. Landowner preferences for wetlands conservation programs in two Southern Ontario watersheds. (United States)

    Trenholm, Ryan; Haider, Wolfgang; Lantz, Van; Knowler, Duncan; Haegeli, Pascal


    Wetlands in the region of Southern Ontario, Canada have declined substantially from their historic area. Existing regulations and programs have not abated this decline. However, reversing this trend by protecting or restoring wetlands will increase the supply of important ecosystem services. In particular, these actions will contribute to moderating the impacts of extreme weather predicted to result from climate change as well as reducing phosphorous loads in Lake Erie and ensuing eutrophication. Since the majority of land in the region is privately owned, landowners can play an important role. Thus, we assessed landowner preferences for voluntary incentive-based wetlands conservation programs using separate choice experiments mailed to farm and non-farm landowners in the Grand River and Upper Thames River watersheds. Latent class models were separately estimated for the two data sets. Marginal willingness to accept, compensating surplus, and participation rates were estimated from the resulting models to gain insight into the financial compensation required by landowners and their potential participation. Many of the participating landowners appear willing to participate in wetlands conservation at reasonable cost, with more willing groups notably marked by past participation in incentive-based conservation programs. They generally favor wetlands conservation programs that divert smaller areas of land to wetlands conservation, target marginal agricultural land, use treed buffers to protect wetlands, offer technical help, and pay financial incentives. However, landowners appear reluctant to receive public recognition of their wetland conservation actions. Our results are of interest to natural resource managers designing or refining wetlands conservation programs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Avifauna del bosque mesófilo de montaña del noreste de Hidalgo, México Avifauna of the tropical montane cloud forest of northeastern Hidalgo, Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Angel Martínez-Morales


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un inventario avifaunístico realizado de 1997 a 1999 en fragmentos de bosque mesófilo de montaña del noreste de Hidalgo, México. Se registraron 41 familias y 181 especies de aves mediante observaciones visuales y auditivas en 2 057 puntos de conteo, lo que representó el 98% de las especies esperadas en el área de estudio, para el período y método de muestreo utilizado. Se detectaron 16 especies restringidas al bosque mesófilo, 11 endémicas de México y 3 de distribución restringida. Adicionalmente, con base en la legislación mexicana vigente, 28 de las especies registradas están incluidas dentro de alguna categoría de riesgo de conservación. Esta comunidad de aves estuvo dominada por especies de aves pequeñas, raras (poco abundantes y residentes. Es probable que las más vulnerables de sufrir extinciones locales sean las especies raras y restringidas al bosque mesófilo, donde están incluidas las 3 especies de distribución restringida (Dendrortyx barbatus, Glaucidium sanchezi y Cyanolyca nana. La avifauna del bosque mesófilo de esta región incluye al 40% de la avifauna estatal, lo que destaca la relevancia de este tipo de vegetación y una urgente necesidad de establecer estrategias de manejo para su conservación.This study shows the results of bird census carried out from 1997 to 1999 in cloud forest fragments of northeastern Hidalgo, Mexico. Forty-one bird families and 181 species were recorded through visual and acoustic detections in 2 057 point counts. This represents 98% of the expected species richness for the sampling period and method used. Sixteen species restricted to the cloud forest were detected, 11 Mexican endemic species, and 3 restricted-range species were recorded. Additionally, 28 species are included within some category of conservation concern according to the present Mexican legislation. This bird community was dominated by small, rare (low in abundance, and

  11. Renovation of food-processing wastewater by a Riparian wetland (United States)

    Baillie, Priscilla W.


    Treated wastewater from a food-processing plant, together with intermittent outflow from a hypereutrophic pond, were discharged over a 20-year period to a cattail-dominated wetland and hence to a small stream. Organics and nutriet levels in the effluent were comparable to levels in domestic wastewater. Fifteen variables were monitored upstream and downstream from the plant over 18 months. Means for most variables were slightly higher downstream, but differences between stations were not statistically significant. Wetland processing of nitrogen was markedly affected by a change from drought to flood conditions. After accounting for dilution, the overall effect of the wetland on the effluent was to reduce biological oxygen demand 43.7%, ammonia N 46.3%, nitrate/nitrite N 17.4%, and conductivity 15.6%. However, total suspended solids were increased 41.4%, total organic nitrogen 28.8%, and total phosphorus 24.7%. It was concluded that the wetland effectively renovated the effluent but the removal efficiency would be improved if the effluent were pretreated to reduce phosphorus and dispersed to increase residence time in the wetland.

  12. Spatially Resolved Isotopic Source Signatures of Wetland Methane Emissions (United States)

    Ganesan, A. L.; Stell, A. C.; Gedney, N.; Comyn-Platt, E.; Hayman, G.; Rigby, M.; Poulter, B.; Hornibrook, E. R. C.


    We present the first spatially resolved wetland δ13C(CH4) source signature map based on data characterizing wetland ecosystems and demonstrate good agreement with wetland signatures derived from atmospheric observations. The source signature map resolves a latitudinal difference of 10‰ between northern high-latitude (mean -67.8‰) and tropical (mean -56.7‰) wetlands and shows significant regional variations on top of the latitudinal gradient. We assess the errors in inverse modeling studies aiming to separate CH4 sources and sinks by comparing atmospheric δ13C(CH4) derived using our spatially resolved map against the common assumption of globally uniform wetland δ13C(CH4) signature. We find a larger interhemispheric gradient, a larger high-latitude seasonal cycle, and smaller trend over the period 2000-2012. The implication is that erroneous CH4 fluxes would be derived to compensate for the biases imposed by not utilizing spatially resolved signatures for the largest source of CH4 emissions. These biases are significant when compared to the size of observed signals.

  13. Restoration of ailing wetlands.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oswald J Schmitz


    Full Text Available It is widely held that humankind's destructive tendencies when exploiting natural resources leads to irreparable harm to the environment. Yet, this thinking runs counter to evidence that many ecological systems damaged by severe natural environmental disturbances (e.g., hurricanes can restore themselves via processes of natural recovery. The emerging field of restoration ecology is capitalizing on the natural restorative tendencies of ecological systems to build a science of repairing the harm inflicted by humans on natural environment. Evidence for this, for example, comes from a new meta-analysis of 124 studies that synthesizes recovery of impacted wetlands worldwide. While it may take up to two human generations to see full recovery, there is promise, given human will, to restore many damaged wetlands worldwide.

  14. The carbon balance of North American wetlands (United States)

    Scott D. Bridgham; J. Patrick Megonigal; Jason K. Keller; Norman b. Bliss; Carl Trettin


    We examine the carbon balance of North American wetlands by reviewing and synthesizing the published literature and soil databases. North American wetlands contain about 220 Pg C, most of which is in peat. They are a small to moderate carbon sink of about 49 Tg C yr-l, although the uncertainty around this estimate is greater than 100%, with the...

  15. Kansas Protects and Restores Wetlands, Streams and Riparian Areas (United States)

    Wetland Program Development Grant (WPDG) in 2007 when the Kansas State Conservation Commission began identifying team members interested in developing a framework for a comprehensive Kansas Wetland and Aquatic Resources Conservation Plan.

  16. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Mississippi: WETLANDS (Wetland Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains vector polygons representing coastal wetlands classified according to the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) classification system for...

  17. Characterising and modelling groundwater discharge in anagricultural wetland on the French Atlantic coast

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ph. Weng


    Full Text Available Interaction between a wetland and its surrounding aquifer was studied in the Rochefort agricultural marsh (150 km2. Groundwater discharge in the marsh was measured with a network of nested piezometers. Hydrological modelling of the wetland showed that a water volume of 770,000 m3 yr–1 is discharging into the marsh, but that this water flux essentially takes place along the lateral borders of the wetland. However, this natural discharge volume represents only 20% of the artificial freshwater injected each year into the wetland to maintain the water level close to the soil surface. Understanding and quantifying the groundwater component in wetland hydrology is crucial for wetland management and conservation. Keywords: wetland, hydrology, groundwater, modelling, marsh

  18. A survey of the wetlands and floodplains of the borrow area and wetland/shorebird complex for the remedial action at the chemical plant area of the Weldon Spring Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Lonkhuyzen, R.; Yin, S.; Hlohowskyj, I.


    The US Department of Energy is conducting cleanup operations at the Weldon Spring site, St. Charles, Missouri, that will include development of a 77-ha (191-acre) soil borrow area. Eight wetlands, including riverine and palustrine emergent wetland types and totaling 0.9 ha (2.2 acres), will be eliminated during excavation of the borrow area. A 23-ha (57-acre) wetland/shorebird complex will be created at the Busch Conservation Area. The complex will include 2 ha (5 acres) of palustrine emergent wetland as mitigation for wetland losses in the borrow area.

  19. A smart market for nutrient credit trading to incentivize wetland construction (United States)

    Raffensperger, John F.; Prabodanie, R. A. Ranga; Kostel, Jill A.


    Nutrient trading and constructed wetlands are widely discussed solutions to reduce nutrient pollution. Nutrient markets usually include agricultural nonpoint sources and municipal and industrial point sources, but these markets rarely include investors who construct wetlands to sell nutrient reduction credits. We propose a new market design for trading nutrient credits, with both point source and non-point source traders, explicitly incorporating the option of landowners to build nutrient removal wetlands. The proposed trading program is designed as a smart market with centralized clearing, done with an optimization. The market design addresses the varying impacts of runoff over space and time, and the lumpiness of wetland investments. We simulated the market for the Big Bureau Creek watershed in north-central Illinois. We found that the proposed smart market would incentivize wetland construction by assuring reasonable payments for the ecosystem services provided. The proposed market mechanism selects wetland locations strategically taking into account both the cost and nutrient removal efficiencies. The centralized market produces locational prices that would incentivize farmers to reduce nutrients, which is voluntary. As we illustrate, wetland builders' participation in nutrient trading would enable the point sources and environmental organizations to buy low cost nutrient credits.

  20. Community structure and quality after 10 years in two central Ohio mitigation bank wetlands. (United States)

    Spieles, Douglas J; Coneybeer, Meagan; Horn, Jonathan


    We evaluate two 10-year-old mitigation bank wetlands in central Ohio, one created and one with restored and enhanced components, by analysis of vegetation characteristics and by comparison of the year-10 vegetation and macroinvertebrate communities with reference wetlands. To assess different measures of wetland development, we compare the prevalence of native hydrophytes with an index of floristic quality and we evaluate the predictability of these parameters in year 10, given 5 years of data. Results show that the mitigation wetlands in this study meet vegetation performance criteria of native hydrophyte establishment by year 5 and maintain these characteristics through year 10. Species richness and floristic quality, as well as vegetative similarity with reference wetlands, differ among mitigation wetlands in year 1 and also in their rate of change during the first 10 years. The prevalence of native hydrophytes is reasonably predictable by year 10, but 5 years of monitoring is not sufficient to predict future trends of floristic quality in either the created or restored wetland. By year 10, macroinvertebrate taxa richness does not statistically differ among these wetlands, but mitigation wetlands differ from reference sites by tolerance index and by trophic guild dominance. The created wetland herbivore biomass is significantly smaller than its reference, whereas detritivore biomass is significantly greater in the created wetland and smaller in the restored wetland as compared with respective reference wetlands. These analyses illustrate differences in measures of wetland performance and contrast the monitoring duration necessary for legal compliance with the duration required for development of more complex indicators of ecosystem integrity.