
Sample records for rijstrookwisselingen op autosnelwegen

  1. Sibelius: Karelia Suite, Op. 11. Luonnotar, Op. 70 a. Andante festivo. The Oceanides, Op. 73. King Christian II, Op. 27-Suite. Finlandia, Op. 26a. Gothenburg Symphony Orchester, Neeme Järvi / Michael Scott Rohan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rohan, Michael Scott


    Sibelius: Karelia Suite, Op. 11. Luonnotar, Op. 70 a. Andante festivo. The Oceanides, Op. 73. King Christian II, Op. 27-Suite. Finlandia, Op. 26a. Gothenburg Symphony Orchester, Neeme Järvi. 1 CD Deutsche Grammophon 447 760-2GH (72 minutes: DDD)

  2. Shostakovich: Two Fables, Op. 4. Four Songs, Op. 46 / David Nice

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nice, David


    Uuest heliplaadist "Shostakovich: Two Fables, Op. 4. Four Songs, Op. 46. Songs on Verses by British Poets, Op. 140. From Jewish folk poetry, Op. 79. Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra / Neeme Järvi" DG CD 439860-2GH

  3. OPS Master (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — OPS Master is a management tool and database for integrated financial planning and portfolio management in USAID Missions. Using OPS Master, the three principal...

  4. Monitoring onkruid op biologische bedrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Teenstra, E.D.; Riemens, M.M.


    De beheersing van onkruiden op biologische bedrijven houdt niet op bij de bestrijding in het gewas. Ook gewaskeuze, teeltsysteem en vruchtopvolging hebben een grote invloed op de onkruiddruk en op de onkruidontwikkeling op het bedrijf. Telers van het praktijknetwerk BIOM gaven aan behoefte te hebben

  5. Invloed reinigingsmiddelen op mestsamenstelling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slaghuis, B.A.


    Het afvalwater dat vrijkomt bij de reiniging en ontsmetting van melkinstallaties kan op dit moment maar op enkele manieren verwerkt worden. Lozing op het riool en mengen met de mest zijn de belangrijkste.

  6. Spuitbeton op voorgespannen membranen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pronk, A.D.C.


    Op de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven wordt bij de faculteit Bouwkunde onderzoek gedaan naar de mogelijkheden von 'spuitbeton op voorgespannen membranen '. Het onderzoek is onderdeel van een promotietraject. Deze techniek biedt uitkomst voor het maken von vormen die op een andere manier moeiijk

  7. Watersporen op Mars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Seijmonsbergen, A.C.; Cammeraat, L.H.; Jansen, B.


    SAMENVATTING De discussie over het voorkomen van water op Mars, in vaste of vloeibare vorm, nu en in het verleden, is nog steeds in volle gang. Dat geldt ook voor het effect van mogelijk aanwezig water op de landschapsontwikkeling van de Rode Planeet. Met het vrijkomen van steeds meer nieuwe

  8. Sibelius. Karelia Suite, Op. 11 / Robert Layton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Layton, Robert


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius. Karelia Suite, Op. 11. Luonnotar, Op. 70 a. Andante festivo. The Oceanides, Op. 73. King Christian II, Op. 27-Suite. Finlandia, Op. 26a. Gothenburg Symphony Orchester, Neeme Järvi" DG 447 760-2GH (72 minutes: DDD)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilman Nafia


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar konsumsi dengan menggunakan kooperatif tipe co-op co-op siswa kelas X BB 2 SMK NU 01 Kendal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK NU 01, Kota Kendal. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas X BB 2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 74,11 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 71,63%. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siklus II sebesar 83,04 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 87,84%. Hasil pengamatan aktivitas siswa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa, siklus I diperoleh hasil sebesar 65% meningkat menjadi 87,49% pada siklus II, sedangkan aktivitas guru siklus I sebesar 62,5% meningkat menjadi 84,37% pada siklus II. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan kooperatif tipe co-op co-op pada materi mengelola konflik. Saran yang berkaitan dengan hasil penelitian adalah perlu adanya kesiapan guru sebelum memulai pelajaran, guru hendaknya mampu menguasai kelas dengan baik agar siswa lebih aktif, dan memilih metode yang tepat untuk diterapkan dalam proses belajar mengajar. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in activity and learning outcomes with the content managing conflict of cooperative learning type co-op co-op students of class X BB 2 SMK NU 01 Kendal. This research is a class act. Location of the study conducted a SMK NU 01 Kendal, Kendal. The subjects in this study were class X BB 2. The result showed the average value of student learning outcomes in the first cycle of 74,11 to 71,63% classical completeness. While the average value of the second cycle of learning outcomes by 83,04 to 87,84% classical completeness. Observations of student activity showed an increase students' learning activities, cycle I obtained a yield of 65% increased to 87,49% in the second cycle, while the activity of the first

  10. Surrealism Meets OP (United States)

    Bowden, Jennifer


    Kids always seem to like Surrealism and Op Art. This is a fun project that is popular with students. With Op Art patience and attention to details are required while Surrealistic collage needs strong composition skills for the image placement. Often, many images must be left out to create a clean design. Artistic decisions must be based on the art…

  11. Candidate OP Phyla: Importance, Ecology and Cultivation Prospects. (United States)

    Rohini Kumar, M; Saravanan, V S


    OP phyla were created in the domain bacteria, based on the group of 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from the Obsidian Pool. However, due to the lack of cultured representative it is referred to as candidate phyla. Wider ecological occurrence was predicted for the OP phyla, especially OP3, OP10 and OP11. Recently, members of phylum OP5 and OP10 were cultured, providing clues to their cultivation prospects. At last the bioprospecting potentials of the OP members are discussed herein.

  12. Antwoord op Deist se kritiek

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. N. Lion-Cachet


    Full Text Available F. E. Deist (Des. 1984: 47—56 het in sy reaksie op my kritiek op ’n ABC van Bybeluitleg (Maart 1984 : 38—51 geoordeel dat ons verskille op kenteoretiese vlak lê en sy hele diskussie daarvolgens gevoer. Hy het my nie t.o.v. my kernkritiek op die ABC geantwoord nie maar “my kenteorie” (waaroor dit nie in my kritiek gegaan het nie as Platonies-realisties (Neoplatonies gebrandmerk en aan homself ’n histories-kritiese kenteorie in die tradisie van (Vico, Spengler, Collingwood en Popper toegeëien. Na ’n paar inleidende vraagtekens, wat ek weer kan bevraagteken, het hy tot die aanval oorgegaan. Aanval is mos die beste verdediging. Hy soek dan na voorbeelde van my “Platoniese kenteorie” en nooi my dan uit om op kenteoretiese vlak verder met hom die gesprek te voer.

  13. IJslandse inzichten op Mars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vet, S.


    Vulkaanuitbarstingen onder gletsjers, zoals de vliegverkeer-verlammende uitbarsting van de vulkaan Eyjafjallajökull in IJsland in 2010, lijken in veel opzichten op vulkaanuitbarstingen die ooit op Mars voorkwamen. Dankzij de landschappelijke gelijkenissen tussen onze aarde en Mars is het mogelijk om

  14. Jute tegen onkruidgroei op plantspiegels : eik en beuk op droogtegevoelige grond gebaat bij plantmatten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoksbergen, F.T.J.


    Onderzoeksresultaten met jute matten op plantspiegels van pas geplante bomen om deze onkruidvrij te houden bleken gunstig te zijn, vooral op droogtegevoelige gronden en voor de boomsoorten eik en beuk

  15. Flora en fauna op militaire heideterreinen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hornman, M.; Haveman, R.


    Resultaten van een inventarisatie van natuurwaarden op militaire oefenterreinen (o.a. Oldebroek en Harskamp op de Veluwe, en terreinen in Drenthe), en de effecten van kenmerkende beheersmaatregelen en activiteiten op deze terreinen (branden, vergraving, berijding, betreding). Door continuïteit in

  16. Praktijktest antifouling op touwen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, P.; Gool, van A.C.M.; Perdon, K.J.


    In een bassin op het RIVO is een praktijktest van 6 weken uitgevoerd ten behoeve van een kwantitatieve onderbouwing van de effectiviteit van antifouling op vezels voor viskooien. Er zijn twee typen antifouling (Netrex en Lago) en drie typen vezels getest. Gedurende de gehele proef vond geen aangroei

  17. Gedrag op elektrische en gewone fietsen vergeleken : een experiment op de openbare weg.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Twisk, D.A.M. Vlakveld, W.P. & Boele, M.J.


    Om fietsen veiliger te maken is meer inzicht nodig in de factoren die de kans op een ongeval beïnvloeden. Dit onderzoek geeft inzicht in de verschillen in fietsgedrag op elektrische en gewone fietsen voor verschillende leeftijdsgroepen en in verschillende verkeersomstandigheden. Er is gekeken naar

  18. Sturen op temperatuur- en vochtverschillen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, T.; Balendonck, J.; Schoor, van der R.


    Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw heeft op twee groente- en twee sierteeltbedrijven een draadloos sensorsysteem uitgeprobeerd. Door met meerdere sensoren te werken krijg je meer informatie over horizontale en verticale verschillen in temperatuur en vochtigheid, dan wanneer je alleen op de meetbox afgaat.

  19. Learning AWS OpsWorks

    CERN Document Server

    Rosner, Todd


    A fast-paced, example-based guide to mastering AWS OpsWorks.This book is geared towards application developers, system administrators, DevOps, and anyone else interested in delivering applications while managing highly-scalable and automated infrastructures using push-button procedures. Some knowledge of what cloud computing is as well as some familiarity with Amazon Web Services is all you need as a precursor to reading this book.

  20. Effect van Moddus op graszaad

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borm, G.E.L.


    Het onderzoek was de eerste jaren gericht op het verkrijgen van een brede toelating van de groeiregulator Moddus in graszaadgewassen en in de laatste jaren op het optimaliseren van de toepassing hiervan. Moddus kan goed worden ingezet in graszaadgewassen, maar het optimale toepassingtijdstip is

  1. Varroa bestrijden (Correcties op brochure)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elshout, P.; Cornelissen, B.; Blacquière, T.


    Opmerkingen en aanvullingen op de folder: 'Varroa bestrijden', uitgegeven door PPO-Bijen. De folder was bijgevoegd in het juninummer 2003 van BIJEN Peter Elshout 'Varroa-bestrijden: alle bestrijdingsmethoden en -middelen op een rij' is een brochure waarin zowel de beginnend als de gevorderde imker

  2. Die invloed van doelwitstelling op prestasie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. G. A. Louw


    Ofskoon die meeste navorsing Locke se doelwitstellingsteorie ondersteun, is bepaalde afwykings teengekom wat nie op 'n bevredigende wyse verklaar kan word nie. Die resultate van hierdie studie dui daarop dat 'n toename in doelwitmoeilikheidsgraad nie altyd tot ‘n ooreenstemmende toename in prestasie lei nie. Hierdie resultaat kon ook nie op grond van 'n gebrek aan doelwitaanvaarding verklaar word nie. Daar is voorts gevind dat die wyse waarop 'n nie-spesifieke doelwit gestel word, 'n beduidende invloed op prestasie kan hê. Finansiële aansporings blyk ook 'n onafhanklike invloed op prestasie te hê. Bepaalde aspekte van Locke se teorie word dus deur bogenoemde resultate bevraagteken. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word ten slotte gedoen.

  3. Fabricating an S&OP Process

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lichen, Alex Yu

    , constituents of the S&OP process are dispersed in diverse local times and spaces rather than being coordinated in a single time and space by the group demand chain. Accounting is a set of matters of concern. The S&OP process and its purpose of integration come from an “absolute nothingness” – its minimal......Inspired by Latour’s (2005a) notion of matters of concern and M.C. Escher’s Circle Limit III as a representation of the Poincaré Disk, this study follows how an S&OP process was fabricated in a large Swedish manufacturing company. The study claims that when actors are fabricating the S&OP process......, local actors create emergent, ongoing and multiple matters of concern around it. The group demand chain, the actor who is responsible for guiding the implementation of the process, delegates the attempts to close these matters of concern to local actors located in separate times and spaces. As a result...

  4. The Evaluation of Epiphyseal Plate Histological Changes in Osteopetrotic op/op Mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aligholi Sobhani


    Full Text Available This study was designed for evaluation of epiphyseal plate histological changes of femur bones in osteopetrotic op/op mice.In this study 5 osteopetrotic op/op mice which were purchased from the commercial source were used.The animals were killed by overdose of chloroform and their femur bones were extracted. The bones were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and decalcified by HCl (0.6N, and routine histological processing were performed. The sections were stained by H&E methods and studied by conventional light microscopy. The results showed that, proliferative zone (PZ and especially hypertrophic zone (HZ were much thickened. In the ossification zone, trabecular bones were irregular and atypical osteoblast cells were observed. The osteoclast cells were not attached to trabecular bones. The bone marrow cavity was restricted and bone marrow cells were poor and scattered. Findings of the present investigation are similar to those reported about epiphyseal plate in osteosclerotic (OC mice in which epiphyseal plate especially hypertrophic zone was thickened and chondrocytes were not substituted for osteoblasts in calcified cartilage area. Also, osteoclast cells had been inactive or absent in OC mice. For prevention of other complication due to the epiphyseal plate changes in new borne, suitable and punctually treatment protocols such as prescription of Macrophage Colony Stimulating-Factor (MCS-F could be useful.

  5. Stenhammer, Wilhelm. sinfonien Nr. 1 F-Dur und Nr. 2 g-Moll op. 34, Excelsior! op. 13, Serenade F-Dur op. 31. Sinfonieorchester Göteborg, Neeme Järvi / Andreas K. W. Meyer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meyer, Andreas K. W.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Stenhammer, Wilhelm. sinfonien Nr. 1 F-Dur und Nr. 2 g-Moll op. 34, Excelsior! op. 13, Serenade F-Dur op. 31. Sinfonieorchester Göteborg, Neeme Järvi". DG 2 CD 445857-2 (WD: 138'37")

  6. Roussel. Sinfonien Nr. 3 g-Moll op. 42 und Nr. 4 A-Dur op. 5, Neeme Järvi / Christoph Schlüren

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schlüren, Christoph


    Uuest heliplaadist "Roussel. Sinfonien Nr. 3 g-Moll op. 42 und Nr. 4 A-Dur op. 53, Bacchus et Ariane op. 43 (Zweite Orchestersuite). Sinfonietta für Streichorchester d-Moll op. 52. Detroit Symphony Orchester, N. Järvi". Chandos/Koch CD 7007(WD: 70'10") DDD

  7. Bouwvergunningsaanvraag voor 5 windturbines in Halen. Advies met betrekking op een mogelijke impact op de fauna.


    Everaert, Joris


    In Halen wordt de plaatsing van vijf windturbines gepland. Dit advies onderzoekt de mogelijke impact daarvan op vogels en vleermuizen. In Halen wordt de plaatsing van vijf windturbines gepland. Dit advies onderzoekt de mogelijke impact daarvan op vogels en vleermuizen.

  8. Schostakowitsch: Sinfonie N15, Op. 141 / Hanspeter Krellmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krellmann, Hanspeter


    Uuest heliplaadist "Schostakowitsch: Sinfonie N15, Op. 141, Oktober, Op. 131, Ouvertüre über russische und kirgisische Volksthemen, Op. 115. Göteborger Sinfonie-Orchester, Neeme Järvi". DG CD 427 616-2

  9. Framework Proposal for DevOps Maturity Evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos de Amorim Levita


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a framework for evaluating the DevOps maturity in organizations. The methodology was based on a literature review from which a theory was developed that sought to relate the main DevOps practices. For each of them, some research constructs were defined, which are precisely the objects to be measured by this model. Through a structure based on questions with graded answers, it is possible to indicate how much the unit of analysis that is being evaluated adheres to a DevOps approach in the development and implementation of applications. Therefore, the main contribution of this work is the DevOps maturity evaluation framework that can be easily replicated and, because of that, may be used by several companies to map possible improvement points in their implementation of the DevOps perspective for software development.

  10. OP-Planungssysteme: Eine empirische Studie


    Kristof, R.


    Die Studie - erstellt auf Basis einer Befragung von Softwareunternehmen - gibt Auskunft über relevante Parameter der OP-Planung im Krankenhaus, erforderliche Funktionalitäten eines entsprechenden DV-gestützten Planungssystems und den softwareseitigen Status quo bezüglich dieser Punkte. Wobei die OP-Planung sich hier auf die Ablauforganisation von Operationen und ihre ressourcen- sowie terminbezogene Planung bezieht.

  11. Barber. Symphony N 1, Op. 9 / Michael Oliver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oliver, Michael


    Uuest heliplaadist "Barber. Symphony N 1, Op. 9. The School for Scandal Overture, Op. 5 Beach. Symphony in E minor, Op. 32, "Gaelic". Detroit Symphony Orchestra /Neeme Järvi" Chandes cassette ABTD 1550; CD CHAN 8958 (72 minutes)

  12. Kwantificatie van de invloed van regen op de verkeerdoorstroming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calvert, S.C.; Van Stralen, W.; Molin, E.J.E.


    Kwantificatie van de invloed van regen op de verkeerdoorstroming Het is bekend dat het weer invloed heeft op het verkeer op snelwegen, en in het bijzonder filevorming. Op de eerste plaats wordt de wegcapaciteit tijdelijk beïnvloed door een verandering in rijgedrag van bestuurders. Ten tweede

  13. Simulatie van de communicatie op landbouwwerktuigen.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hofstee, J.W.; Goense, D.


    Door de landbouwwerktuigenindustrie is CAN gekozen als veldbus voor communicatie op landbouwwerktuigen. In het artikel zal eerst de structuur van de communicatie uiteengezet worden. Vervolgens wordt ingegaan op een simulatieprogramma dat geschreven is om verschillende netwerk configuraties en

  14. Toepassing ICP-AES op het RIKILT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruig, de W.G.


    Rapportage over de toepassing van ICP-AES op het RIKILT. Bij ICP-AES worden twee manieren van lichtemissie detectie toegepast nl. simultaan en sequentieel. De voor- en nadelen van ICP-AES t.o.v. AAS worden op een rij gezet.

  15. Scenario’s voor effectief leren op de werkplek; Sector Educatie; Workshop 2: Op weg naar oplossingen


    McKenney, Susan; Mazereeuw, Marco; Wopereis, Iwan


    McKenney, S., Mazereeuw, M., & Wopereis, I. (2012, 12 December). Scenario’s voor effectief leren op de werkplek; Sector Educatie; Workshop 2: Op weg naar oplossingen [Scenarios for effective workplace learning; Sector Education; Workshop 2: The road to solutions]. Workshop presented at the NHL Hogeschool, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

  16. Context-based Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Jesper; Jonsson, Patrik


    must be considered when designing and implementing S&OP. Originality/values – This study focused on identifying relevant research on S&OP design by analysing the contribution of literature to a research framework inspired by contingency based research of operations and supply chain management.......Purpose – This paper’s purpose was to describe and categorize how current literature contributes to S&OP research on how contextual variables affect S&OP design and to frame future areas for context-based S&OP research. Design/methodology/approach – The method used was a systematic literature...... – The review found that S&OP design depends on industry, dynamic complexity, detail complexity and organisational characteristics. The findings of the literature review suggest that future research should study the roles of industry, complexity, system and process and organisational characteristics in S&OP...

  17. Sturen op klantwaarde : een duurzaam paradigma?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smeets, J.J.A.M.


    De ontwikkelingen op de woningmarkt maken een vraaggerichte benadering onvermijdelijk. Bij een vraaggerichte benadering wordt het aanbod beter afgestemd op de ontwikkelingen in de markt en worden de belangen van de klant centraal gesteld zonder die van andere belangenhouders uit het oog te

  18. Regulated software meets DevOps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laukkarinen, Teemu; Kuusinen, Kati; Mikkonen, Tommi


    Context: Regulatory authorities require proofs from critical systems manufacturers that the software in their products is developed in accordance to prescribed development practices before accepting the product to the markets. This is challenging when using DevOps, where continuous integration...... and deployment are the default practices, which are not a good match with the regulatory software development standards. Objective: We aim to bring DevOps and regulated software development closer to each other. First, we want to make it easier for developers to develop regulated software with tools...... and practices they are familiar with. Second, we want to allow regulatory authorities to build confidence on solutions provided by manufacturers by defining a mapping between DevOps and regulatory software development. Method: We performed a literature survey and created research suggestions using exploratory...

  19. Open Access op de kaart gezet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    den Hollander, Franciscus

    Open Access, de vrije toegang tot wetenschappelijke informatie, wint terrein: informatie is in toenemende mate openbaar toegankelijk. Het Open Accessjaar 2009 werd op 2 februari van dit jaar afgesloten met een drukbezocht symposium in de Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. Dat Open Access nu echt op de

  20. Rioolwateronderzoek op locaties met een verhoogde kans op import van wild poliovirus ; een pilot in drie asielzoekerscentra

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Avoort HGAM; Bijen M; Ras A; Koopmans MPG; van Loon AM; LIO; LIS


    Watermonsters, verkregen uit het riool op of nabij een drietal asielzoekerscentra werden onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van wild poliovirus, als experiment voor de surveillance van import van wild poliovirus in Nederland. In geen van de 73 monsters, die waren verkregen in een periode van vier

  1. Is DevOps another Project Management Methodology?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Logica BANICA


    Full Text Available In this paper, the authors aim to present the concept of DevOps (Development & Operations, considering its degree of novelty in the area of project management. Firstly, the authors will bring theoretical arguments to support the idea that DevOps is an early-stage methodology, built on the Agile principles, but coming with its own contributions in project management for software development and implementation. Therefore, we believe that after a short time, DevOps will replace its predecessors. Secondly, we experienced this methodology by developing a small project in academic environment by three teams of master students, using VersionOne software. The Conclusions will emphasize the relevance and the future expected effects of DevOps methodology in the project management domain.

  2. Purperslak op Nederlandse kust opnieuw bedreigd

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gmelig Meyling, A.W.; Bruyne, de R.H.; Bragt, van P.H.


    De Purperslak (Nucella lapillus) is een tot vijf centimeter grote roofslak die leeft op rotskusten in de getijdenzone tussen de vloed- en eblijn. De dieren voeden zich daar onder meer met mossels en zeepokken. Eind vorige eeuw stierf de Purperslak bijna uit door gebruik van TBT-houdende verf op

  3. Glazunov: From the middle ages, Op.79 / Nancy Malitz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Malitz, Nancy


    Uuest heliplaadist "Glazunov: From the middle ages, Op.79, Scenes de ballet, Op.52; Liadov: A musical snuffbox, Op.31. Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. Chandos CD cassette ABTD 1432; CD CHAN 8804"

  4. Management Challenges for DevOps Adoption within UK SMEs


    Jones, Stephen; Noppen, Joost; Lettice, Fiona


    The DevOps phenomenon is gathering pace as more UK organisations seek to leverage the benefits it can potentially bring to software engineering functions. However substantial organisational change is inherent to adopting DevOps, especially where there are prior and established methods. As part of a wider piece of doctoral research investigating the management challenges of DevOps adoption, we present early findings of a six month qualitative diary study following the adoption of DevOps within...

  5. Invioed van de zuurtegraad van varkensurine op de ammoniakemissie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eizing, A.; Aarnink, A.J.A.


    Dit rapport beschrijft het effect van een lagere urine-pH op de ammoniakemissie in een varkensstal. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd in een modelopstelling met de zogenaamde stalsimulator, waarbij de invloed van de urine-pH op de ammoniakemissie werd onderzocht. Hiervoor werd de urine van vleesvarkens op

  6. Koeien met een glimlach op SMILE-bedrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, E.A.A.


    Informatie over het SMILE-project (Sustainable Milk Initiative Launch in Europe), waarbij melkveehouders kijken op elkaars bedrijf en daarmee gestimuleerd worden om stalaanpassingen op het eigen bedrijf door te voeren, waarmee het aantal beschadigingen aan huid, hakken, knieën en nek bij hun koeien

  7. De Dutch Open Telescope, Nieuwe zonnetelescoop op La Palma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.; Hammerschlag, R.H.; Bettonvil, F.C.M.


    Op het eiland La Palma is een nieuwe zonnetelescoop verrezen, de Dutch Open Telescope (DOT). Hij doet zijn naam eer aan: de DOT staat open en bloot op een vijftien meter hoog open statief, ogend alsof een spin op lange poten van Mars is neergedaald tus-sen de eerbiedwaardige koepels van de

  8. Gravitational Couplings for Gop-Planes and y-Op-Planes


    Giraldo, Juan Fernando Ospina


    The Wess-Zumino actions for generalized orientifold planes (GOp-planes) and y-deformed orientifold planes (yOp-planes) are presented and two series power expantions are realized from whiches processes that involves GOp-planes,yOp-planes, RR-forms, gravitons and gaugeons, are obtained. Finally non-standard GOp-planes and y-Op-planes are showed.

  9. TRAK: voedselkwaliteit op het spoor : op weg naar een transparant beleidsafwegingskader

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bracke, M.B.M.; Bakker, de E.; Beekman, V.; Jansson, K.; Graaff, de R.P.M.


    Dit rapport presenteert de methodiek TRAK: een instrument waarmee verschillende beleidsscenario's transparant tegen elkaar kunnen worden afgewogen met behulp van een verzameling van criteria die samen alle relevante waarden dekken. Op deze wijze kan het voor consumenten en politici inzichtelijker

  10. Prokofiev: Sinfonia Concertante Op. 125 / Pierre-E. Barbier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barbier, Pierre-E.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofiev: Sinfonia Concertante Op. 125; Miaskowsky: Cello Concerto Op. 66, sellisti Truls Mörk ja City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, joht. Paavo Järvi" Virgin Classics 5 45282 2. (1988)

  11. Shostakovich: Six Romances on Japanese Poems, Op. 21 / David Nice

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nice, David


    Uuest heliplaadist "Shostakovich: Six Romances on Japanese Poems, Op. 21. Six Poems of Marina Tsvetayeva, Op. 143. Suite on Verses of Michelangelo, Op. 145. Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. DG 447 085-2GH (71 minutes:DDD)

  12. Is Apartheid ook op ekonomiese grond geregverdig?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. van Deventer


    Full Text Available Die mening word vandag dikwels uitgespreek (ook deur Nasionaliste dat apartheid nie op ekonomiese gronde geregverdig kan word nie; of anders gestel, dat apartheid van die blankes te groot offers sal verg; of nog sterker gestel, dat die blankes op ekonomiese gebied nie sonder die naturel sal kan klaarkom nie.

  13. Vergaderen op afstand

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pierre Gorissen


    Beschrijving van een aantal mogelijkheden die beschikbaar zijn als je op afstand wilt vergaderen. Er wordt daarbij gebruik gemaakt van de middelen die voor elke medewerker van de dienst Onderwijs en Onderzoek ter beschikking staan: * Een Windows 7 laptop/werkplek * Een iPad 2 Heb jij dezelfde

  14. Onkruidbestrijding op bestrating.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ree, C.M.


    2. Milieugedrag van glyfosaat Glyfosaat is weinig vluchtig en lost goed op in water. Tijdens het spuiten in de open lucht kan een deel van het middel in het milieu terechtkomen. De gegevens over de afbraaksnelheden van glyfosaat in bodem en (oppervlakte)water zijn beperkt en lopen sterk uiteen. De

  15. Invloeden op de uitkomst van de TBA-herbeoordelingsoperatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Muijen, P. van; Tilburg, N.J.; Smulders, P.G.W.


    In dit artikel worden de resultaten beschreven van een steekproefonderzoek naar de invloeden op de uitkomst van de eenmalige beoordeling in het kader van de Wet Terugdringing Beroep op de Arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekeringen (TBA). Onderzocht is wat de invloed is van de zes persoons- en

  16. A Fast Response Capability within NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS (United States)


    A Fast Response Capability within NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS P. B. Burke NOAA/National Ocean Service/CO-OPS 1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, MD 20910...USA T. Graff NOAA/National Ocean Service/CO-OPS 1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA flotation hull, an instrumentation tower mounted atop the hull and a current meter mount with a mooring attachment. The triangular tower housed two

  17. Op og ned

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Prolog Her i 2014 færdiggøres to udsmykninger af Michael Mørk. Det ene er integreret i ny bygning til Københavns Universitet, og den anden er transformationen af den eksisterende udsmykning på Regionshospital Randers. Holdes de to projekter op mod hinanden, viser der sig tre problemstillinger, der...

  18. Beoordeling gezondheidsrisico's door sporten op kunstgrasvelden met rubbergranulaat

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oomen AG; de Groot GM; CPV; M&V


    Uit nieuw onderzoek van het RIVM blijkt dat het risico voor de gezondheid van sporten op kunstgrasvelden die zijn ingestrooid met rubbergranulaat, praktisch verwaarloosbaar is. Dat betekent dat het verantwoord is om op deze velden te sporten. Aanleiding voor het onderzoek is de maatschappelijke

  19. Regenwater opvangen voor het vee loont op Lagekostenbedrijf

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blanken, K.


    Het Lagekostenbedrijf in Lelystad heeft ongeveer een jaar een proefopstelling gebruikt om regenwater op te vangen en als drinkwater voor het vee te gebruiken. De kosten voor het aanleggen van de watervoorziening zijn berekend en in een tabel weergegeven, evenals de besparing op de hoeveelheid

  20. Beethoven, Ludwig van: Violinkonzert D-Dur op. 61

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uuest heliplaadist "Beethoven, Ludwig van: Violinkonzert D-Dur op. 61 (Kadenz: Alfred Schnittke). Romanzen für Violine und Orchester op. 40 und 50. Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Volmer". Globe GLO 5155, distribution Talis (CD:153F). 1996. TT:1h 01'56"

  1. ProOpDB: Prokaryotic Operon DataBase. (United States)

    Taboada, Blanca; Ciria, Ricardo; Martinez-Guerrero, Cristian E; Merino, Enrique


    The Prokaryotic Operon DataBase (ProOpDB, constitutes one of the most precise and complete repositories of operon predictions now available. Using our novel and highly accurate operon identification algorithm, we have predicted the operon structures of more than 1200 prokaryotic genomes. ProOpDB offers diverse alternatives by which a set of operon predictions can be retrieved including: (i) organism name, (ii) metabolic pathways, as defined by the KEGG database, (iii) gene orthology, as defined by the COG database, (iv) conserved protein domains, as defined by the Pfam database, (v) reference gene and (vi) reference operon, among others. In order to limit the operon output to non-redundant organisms, ProOpDB offers an efficient method to select the most representative organisms based on a precompiled phylogenetic distances matrix. In addition, the ProOpDB operon predictions are used directly as the input data of our Gene Context Tool to visualize their genomic context and retrieve the sequence of their corresponding 5' regulatory regions, as well as the nucleotide or amino acid sequences of their genes.

  2. Barber: Sinfonie Nr. 1, Op. 9, Neeme Järvi / Bernhard Uske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uske, Bernhard


    Uuest heliplaadist "Barber: Sinfonie Nr. 1, Op. 9. Ouvertüre School for Scandal, Op. 5; Beach: Sinfonie e-Moll, Op. 32, "Gaelic". Detroit Symphony Orchestra /Neeme Järvi". Chandes cassette ABTD 1550; CD CHAN 8958 (72 minutes)

  3. UTC(OP) based on LNE-SYRTE atomic fountain primary frequency standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rovera, G.D.; Bize, S.; Chupin, B.; Guena, J.; Laurent, Ph; Rosenbusch, Ph.; Uhrich, P.; Abgrall, M.


    UTC(OP), the French national realization of the international coordinated universal time, was redesigned and rebuilt. The first step was the implementation in October 2012 of a new algorithm based on a H-maser and on atomic fountain data. Thanks to the new implementation, the stability of UTC(OP) was dramatically improved and UTC(OP) competes with the best time scales available today. Then the hardware generation and distribution of the UTC(OP) physical signals were replaced. Part of the new hardware is composed of commercial devices, but the key elements were specifically developed. One of them is a special switch that allows the UTC(OP) signals to be derived from one of two time scales, based on two different H-masers, which are generated simultaneously. This insures the continuity of the UTC(OP) signal even when a change of the reference H-maser is required. With the new hardware implementation, UTC(OP) is made available through three coherent signals: 100 MHz, 10 MHz and 1 PPS. For more than 3 years, UTC(OP) remained well below 10 ns close to UTC, with a difference even less than 5 ns if we except a short period around MJD 56650. (authors)

  4. "Den lille havfrue" som digital pop op-bog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mygind, Sarah


    Anmeldelse af: DIGITAL POP OP-BOG H. C. ANDERSEN OG BOOKS & MAGIC DEN LILLE HAVFRUE Bog og App til iOS & Android 5......Anmeldelse af: DIGITAL POP OP-BOG H. C. ANDERSEN OG BOOKS & MAGIC DEN LILLE HAVFRUE Bog og App til iOS & Android 5...

  5. Geïnduceerde afbraak residuen op fruit : nieuwe technieken 2011 : eindrapportage


    Bastiaan-Net, S.; Berg-Somhorst, van de, B.P.M.


    Een behandelingstap met het reducerend middel VAM-Residuce geeft reeds veelbelovende resultaten op het gebied van residuvermindering op appel en peer maar deze techniek vergt verdere optimalisatie om de supermarkten tegemoet te kunnen komen. De activiteiten binnen dit onderzoek hebben zich gericht op het verbeteren van deze behandelingstap met additionele technieken. In 2011 zijn voornamelijk de technieken “Koude Plasma” en “Geëlektrolyseerd water” getest op hun residu reducerend vermogen. De...

  6. Proposal of a model for sales and operations planning (S&OP maturity evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Belotti Pedroso


    Full Text Available Abstract A successful S&OP implementation can bring many benefits to organizations, and after its implementation, the S&OP process can evolve and reach higher levels of maturity. Considering that, only through a measurement system, goals and benefits can be achieved, thus, it is essential to assess S&OP maturity level. Many papers on literature adopt a quantitative perspective on S&OP, but just few of them deal with uncertainty present in S&OP decision-making, such as maturity model assessment process that carries subjectivity and uncertainty. Thus, this study proposes a decision making model based on fuzzy theory to evaluate and to categorize S&OP maturity levels and to suggest strategies to increase S&OP maturity. A pilot application was conducted in two manufacturing organizations that have implemented the S&OP process. The results, according to the performance presented, suggest different actions must be taken in terms of ensuring enablers to S&OP implementation.

  7. Toezicht op seksuele geweldplegers na invrijheidstelling : Safe reintegration of sexual offenders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leuw, Ed.; Motiuk, L.L.; Marle, H.J.C. van


    Toezicht op bekende plegers van (pedo)seksuele geweldsdelicten is een onderwerp dat velen bezighoudt. Op dit moment bestaan plannen om in Nederland de wettelijke mogelijkheden voor toezicht op 'gevaarlijke' ex-delinquenten te verruimen. Deze bundel bevat twee bijdragen die inzicht geven in de

  8. Selectie van Italiaanse werkwoordsvormen op basis van frequentieonderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, M.G. de


    SAMENVATTING Dit artikel is een vroege recensie (mei 1972) van het LIF, de frequentielijst van IBM Italia uit 1971. De auteur concentreert zich op de verschillen met het project van Juilland, dat als uitgangspunt voor het LIF heeft gefungeerd. Op grond van de gegevens van het LIF is een basislijst

  9. DRG and OPS-301: effects on the performed procedure capture in radiology; DRG und OPS-301: Auswirkungen auf die Leistungserfassung in der Radiologie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nissen-Meyer, S.; Wieser, B.; Huber, S.; Wirth, S.; Treitl, M.; Hartmannsgruber, A.; Witt, C.; Kaysser, A.M.; Kuettner, B.; Hoffmann, R.T.; Reiser, M. [Klinikum Grosshadern der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie (Germany); Werner, M. [Siemens AG, Geschaeftsfeld Medizintechnik, Wien (Austria)


    Reimbursement for inpatient services rendered based on comparable daily care rates, case-based flat rates, and special fees as practiced until now has been replaced by the system of diagnosis-related groups. Up until 2004, operation and procedure system (OPS 301) codes could be processed completely automatically by appropriate adaptation of the radiology information system (RIS). Because of further differentiation of OPS codes in the 2005 version, it is no longer possible to unambiguously determine OPS codes automatically. Our goal was to fulfill these additional requirements with as little extra effort as possible. In 36 of 2138 procedures during an observation period of 12 days, i.e., 4/day, manual input on the part of the radiology technical assistant and quality assurance by the diagnosing physician were necessary. This is only needed in complicated procedures for which the minor added effort is negligible in comparison to the entire effort expended for the procedure. We were thus able to achieve the goal of near automation of ascertaining OPS codes. (orig.) [German] Die bisherige Erstattung stationaerer Krankenhausleistungen auf Basis tagesgleicher Pflegesaetze, Fallpauschalen und Sonderentgelte ist durch das Diagnosis-related-groups- (DRG-)System abgeloest worden. Operationen- und Prozeduren- (OPS-)Schluessel 301 konnten in der Radiologie bis 2004 mit entsprechender Anpassung des ''Radiologie-Informations-System'' (RIS) vollautomatisiert erfasst werden. Durch die immer feinere Differenzierung der OPS-Codes in der Version 2005 ist eine eindeutige Ermittlung der OPS-Codes jedoch nicht mehr vollautomatisch moeglich. Ziel ist es, diese zusaetzlichen Aufgaben mit so wenig Mehraufwand wie moeglich zu erbringen. Bei 36 von 2138 Verfahren waren in einem Beobachtungszeitraum von 12 Tagen, d. h. 4/Tag, manuelle Eingaben durch die MTRA sowie eine Qualitaetskontrolle durch den befundenden Arzt notwendig. Dies ist nur bei aufwaendigen Verfahren noetig

  10. (Koop)starters voor en tijdens de crisis op de Nederlandse woningmarkt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dol, C.P.; Boumeester, H.J.F.M.


    In de discussies rond 'starters op de woningmarkt' lijkt het er wel op alsof starters op de woningmarkt altijd het kind van de rekening zijn; zowel voor als tijdens de meest recente crisis (2008-2013). Lange wachtlijsten voor betaalbare (sociale) huurwoningen, (te) hoge prijzen in de particuliere

  11. Zorg op afstand dichterbij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam Marie Rosé


    De inzet van informatie en communicatie technologie in combinatie met biomedische technologie voor de revalidatie van chronisch zieken staat centraal in deze rede. Zorg op afstand komt dichterbij dankzij deze technologie, die zodanig ontwikkeld moet worden dat zij door patienten en zorgprofessionals

  12. Arensky. Silhouettes (Suite N 2), Op. 23 / Jonathan Swain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Swain, Jonathan


    Uuest heliplaadist "Arensky. Silhouettes (Suite N 2), Op. 23. Scrjabin. Symphony N 3 in C minor, Op. 43 "Le divin poeme". Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra. Neeme Järvi. Chandos cassette ABTD 1509; CD CHAN 8898 (66 minutes)

  13. Effecten van wintergewassen op verliezen en benutting van stikstof bij de teelt van snijmaos; verslag van onderzoek op ROC Aver-Heino tussen voorjaar 1991 en najaar 1994

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijk, van W.; Schröder, J.J.; Holte, ten L.; Groot, de W.J.M.


    Tussen 1988 en 1994 is onderzoek verricht naar de effecten van wintergewassen (winterrogge en onderzaai van gras) op de verliezen en benutting van stikstof bij continuteelt van snijmaos op zandgrond. Gemiddeld over de gehele onderzoeksperiode nam zowel rogge als gras 30-40 kg/ha op in de

  14. 14O+p elastic scattering in a microscopic cluster model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Descouvemont, P.; Baye, D.; Leo, F.


    The 14O+p elastic scattering is analyzed in a fully microscopic cluster model. With the Resonating Group Method associated with the microscopic R-matrix theory, phase shifts and cross sections are calculated. Data on 16O+p are used to test the precision of the model. For the 14O+p elastic scattering, an excellent agreement is found with recent experimental data. Resonances properties in 15F are discussed

  15. OP9 bone marrow stroma cells differentiate into megakaryocytes and platelets.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yumiko Matsubara

    Full Text Available Platelets are essential for hemostatic plug formation and thrombosis. The mechanisms of megakaryocyte (MK differentiation and subsequent platelet production from stem cells remain only partially understood. The manufacture of megakaryocytes (MKs and platelets from cell sources including hematopoietic stem cells and pluripotent stem cells have been highlighted for studying the platelet production mechanisms as well as for the development of new strategies for platelet transfusion. The mouse bone marrow stroma cell line OP9 has been widely used as feeder cells for the differentiation of stem cells into MK lineages. OP9 cells are reported to be pre-adipocytes. We previously reported that 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes differentiated into MKs and platelets. In the present study, we examined whether OP9 cells differentiate into MKs and platelets using MK lineage induction (MKLI medium previously established to generate MKs and platelets from hematopoietic stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and pre-adipocytes. OP9 cells cultured in MKLI medium had megakaryocytic features, i.e., positivity for surface markers CD41 and CD42b, polyploidy, and distinct morphology. The OP9-derived platelets had functional characteristics, providing the first evidence for the differentiation of OP9 cells into MKs and platelets. We then analyzed gene expressions of critical factors that regulate megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. The gene expressions of p45NF-E2, FOG, Fli1, GATA2, RUNX1, thrombopoietin, and c-mpl were observed during the MK differentiation. Among the observed transcription factors of MK lineages, p45NF-E2 expression was increased during differentiation. We further studied MK and platelet generation using p45NF-E2-overexpressing OP9 cells. OP9 cells transfected with p45NF-E2 had enhanced production of MKs and platelets. Our findings revealed that OP9 cells differentiated into MKs and platelets in vitro. OP9 cells have critical factors for megakaryopoiesis and

  16. NGO's op Curacao: identificatie van belangrijke knelpunten en voorstellen tot verbetering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elias, Michael; Halman, Johannes I.M.; Knigge, Siert; Sophia, Rudsel


    Dit rapport beschrijft een onderzoek onder Niet-Gouvernementele Organisaties (NGO’s) op Curaçao dat op verzoek van de AMFO door de stichting ABC Advies is uitgevoerd. In het onderzoek dat plaatsvond in de periode van 26 oktober t/m 2 november 2009 zijn belangrijke knelpunten die leven bij NGO’s op

  17. Commentaar op art. 563 Sv

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Knoops, G.G.J.; van Laanen, F.; Melai, A.L.; Groenhuijsen, M.S.


    Schrijvers verschaffen een wetenschappelijk commentaar op art. 563 Sv, betreffende de tenuitvoerlegging van andere straffen dan de bij art. 562 Sv bedoelde straffen ingeval van een veroordeelde wiens geestvermogens ziekelijk zijn gestoord.

  18. The Trojan Horse Method as a tool to investigate low-energy resonances: the 18O(p, α)15N and 17O(p, α)14N cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    La Cognata, M.; Sergi, M. L.; Spitaleri, C.; Cherubini, S.; Gulino, M.; Kiss, G.; Lamia, L.; Pizzone, R. G.; Romano, S.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Goldberg, V.; Tribble, R.; Coc, A.; Hammache, F.; Sereville, N. de; Irgaziev, B.; Tumino, A.


    The 18 O(p, α) 15 N and 17 O(p, α) 14 N reactions are of primary importance in several as-trophysical scenarios, including nucleosynthesis inside Asymptotic Giant Branch stars and oxygen and nitrogen isotopic ratios in meteorite grains. They are also key reactions to understand exotic systems such as R-Coronae Borealis stars and novae. Thus, the measurement of their cross sections in the low energy region can be crucial to reduce the nuclear uncertainty on theoretical predictions, because the resonance parameters are poorly determined. The Trojan Horse Method, in its newly developed form particularly suited to investigate low-energy resonances, has been applied to the 2 H( 18 O, α 15 N)n and 2 H( 17 O, α 14 N)n reactions to deduce the 18 O(p, α) 15 N and 17 O(p, α) 14 N cross sections at low energies. Resonances in the 18 O(p, α) 15 N and 17 O(p, α) 14 N excitation functions have been studied and the resonance parameters deduced.

  19. Sibelius. Lemminkäinen-Legenden op. 22 Nr. 1-4 / Christoph Schlüren

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schlüren, Christoph


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius. Lemminkäinen-Legenden op. 22 Nr. 1-4, Pohjolas Tochter op. 49, Nächtlicher Ritt und Sonnenaufgang op. 55; Göteborger Sinfoniker, Neeme Järvi; DG CD 453 426-2 (WD: 70'37") DDD Võrreldud: Opus 22: Segerstam (Ondine 852-2); op. 22 und 55; Paavo Järvi" (Virgin 545 213-2); op. 49: Segerstam (Chandos 8965)

  20. Geometry and Op Art. (United States)

    Brewer, Evelyn J.


    Describes an activity in which students use computers and techniques from Op Art to learn various geometric concepts. Allows them to see the distinct connection between art and mathematics from a personal perspective. Reinforces writing, speaking, and drawing skills while creating slide shows related to the project. (ASK)

  1. Schostakowitsch: Sinfonie Nr. 12 op. 112 (Das Jahr 1917) / Hans-Christian Dadelsen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dadelsen, Hans-Christian


    Uuest heliplaadist "Schostakowitsch: Sinfonie Nr. 12 op. 112 (Das Jahr 1917). Hamlet-Suite op. 32a. Das goldene Zeitalter [The Age of Gold] (Suite) op. 22a. Göteborger Symphoniker, Neeme Järvi". DG CD 431 688-2 (WD:77'21") DDD

  2. The VOLNA-OP2 Tsunami Code (Version 1.0)

    KAUST Repository

    Reguly, Istvan Z.


    In this paper, we present the VOLNA-OP2 tsunami model and implementation; a finite volume non-linear shallow water equations (NSWE) solver built on the OP2 domain specific language for unstructured mesh computations. VOLNA-OP2 is unique among tsunami solvers in its support for several high performance computing platforms: CPUs, the Intel Xeon Phi, and GPUs. This is achieved in a way that the scientific code is kept separate from various parallel implementations, enabling easy maintainability. It has already been used in production for several years, here we discuss how it can be integrated into various workflows, such as a statistical emulator. The scalability of the code is demonstrated on three supercomputers, built with classical Xeon CPUs, the Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA P100 GPUs. VOLNA-OP2 shows an ability to deliver productivity to its users, as well as performance and portability on a number of platforms.

  3. The VOLNA-OP2 Tsunami Code (Version 1.0)

    KAUST Repository

    Reguly, Istvan Z.; Gopinathan, Devaraj; Beck, Joakim H.; Giles, Michael B.; Guillas, Serge; Dias, Frederic


    In this paper, we present the VOLNA-OP2 tsunami model and implementation; a finite volume non-linear shallow water equations (NSWE) solver built on the OP2 domain specific language for unstructured mesh computations. VOLNA-OP2 is unique among tsunami solvers in its support for several high performance computing platforms: CPUs, the Intel Xeon Phi, and GPUs. This is achieved in a way that the scientific code is kept separate from various parallel implementations, enabling easy maintainability. It has already been used in production for several years, here we discuss how it can be integrated into various workflows, such as a statistical emulator. The scalability of the code is demonstrated on three supercomputers, built with classical Xeon CPUs, the Intel Xeon Phi, and NVIDIA P100 GPUs. VOLNA-OP2 shows an ability to deliver productivity to its users, as well as performance and portability on a number of platforms.

  4. Betrouwbaar toetsen op Afstand: Auteurschap. TeSLA docent workshop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouns, Francis; Janssen, José


    In de workshop wordt ingegaan op technologie die ingezet kan worden om toetsen op afstand betrouwbaar af te nemen door instrumenten en technologie in te zetten voor vaststellen van identiteit van persoon en auteurschap van product. Uitgelegd wordt hoe dit in yOUlearn ingezet kan worden in het kader

  5. Tchaikovsky, P.: Orchestral Suite no. 3 op. 55 / Terry Williams

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Williams, Terry


    Uuest heliplaadist "Tchaikovsky, P.: Orchestral Suite no. 3 op. 55. Francesca di Rimini op. 32. Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi". Chandos CHAN 9 419, distribution Media 7 (CD: 160F). TT: 1h 09'20"

  6. Visualization of candidate division OP3 cocci in limonene-degrading methanogenic cultures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rotaru, Amelia-Elena; Schauer, Regina; Probian, Christina


    Members of candidate division OP3 were detected in 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from methanogenic enrichment cultures that utilized limonene as a carbon and energy source. We developed probes for the visualization of OP3 cells. In situ hybridization experiments with newly designed OP3-specific...

  7. 'Wees zuinig op vruchtbare grond'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hack-ten Broeke, M.J.D.


    In Zuid-Europa neemt de hoeveelheid organische stof in de grond af en dreigt verwoestijning. Noordwest-Europese landen kennen weer andere bodembedreigingen. ‘Europa moet zuinig zijn op haar goede landbouwgronden’, meent Mirjam Hack, onderzoeker bij Alterra.

  8. Embracing Agile methodology during DevOps Developer Internship Program


    Patwardhan, Amol; Kidd, Jon; Urena, Tiffany; Rajgopalan, Aishwarya


    The DevOps team adopted agile methodologies during the summer internship program as an initiative to move away from waterfall. The DevOps team implemented the Scrum software development strategy to create an internal data dictionary web application. This article reports on the transition process and lessons learned from the pilot program.

  9. Nitraatconcentraties in het bovenste grondwater in een bufferstrook en aangrenzende akker; resultaten van twee jaar experimenteel ondezoek aan een grasbufferstrook op zandgrond op akkerbouwbedrijf Vredepeel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beek, C.L.; Heinen, M.; Clevering, O.A.; Kleef, van J.


    Gedurende twee uitspoelseizoenen zijn hydrologische en chemische bepalingen uitgevoerd in een grasbufferstrook en in de aangrenzende akker op een akkerbouwbedrijf op zandgrond. Nitraatconcentraties in het (bovenste) grondwater waren lager onder de bufferstrook dan onder de akker. Stabiele

  10. Zicht op dierlijke biologische ketens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.; Wijnands, J.H.M.; Kijlstra, A.; Boekhoff, M.


    De studie vormt een onderdeel van het project 'Visies op biologische landbouw: een systeemanalyse'. Dit project is gefinancierd door Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum uit middelen voor Strategische Expertise Ontwikkeling. In dit project worden mensbeelden onderscheiden om de visies te

  11. Pulstec schiet mest afgepast op juiste plek de grond in

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geel, van W.C.A.


    Meststoffen vlakbij planten toedienen, en dan vooral fosfaat, leidt vaak tot een betere benutting van de meststof dan wanneer deze volvelds wordt aangebracht. Het levert bovendien een besparing op meststof op, terwijl productie en kwaliteit van het product behouden blijven

  12. Netflix straks mee op vakantie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, D.J.G.


    Binnenkort kan een Nederlander met een Netflix abonnement ook op de camping in Frankrijk legaal naar zijn favoriete films en series kijken, met Nederlandse ondertiteling. Dat gebeurt wanneer de ‘Verordening betreffende de grensoverschrijdende portabiliteit van online-inhoudsdiensten in de interne

  13. Bodemverbeteraars met focus op biochar

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reuler, van H.; Baltissen, A.H.M.C.


    Biochar is een stabiele organische verbinding die hoofdzakelijk uit koolstof bestaat. Het ontstaat bij verhitting van biomassa onder zuurstofloze omstandigheden, z.g. pyrolyse. Biochar wordt geproduceerd als bodemverbeteraar. De discussie gaat om het effect van Biochar toediening op een aantal

  14. Historiese perspektief op kerkwees

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Heal the bodies first, therefore, so that through the real powers of healing for their bodies, without medicine of the world, they may believe in you that you have power to heal the illnesses of the heart also .... hospitality, but guard their purity. ...... DIAGRAM 1: Effek van die oorgang van modern na postmoderne denke op kerke.

  15. Context-based Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) research: A literature review and future agenda

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Jesper; Jonsson, Patrik


    must be considered when designing and implementing S&OP. Originality/values – This study focused on identifying relevant research on S&OP design by analysing the contribution of literature to a research framework inspired by contingency based research of operations and supply chain management.......&OP design. Research implications – The findings revealed several gaps in the literature on context-dependent S&OP design. To address these gaps, an agenda for future S&OP contingency research is developed. Practical implications – The findings revealed which contextual areas and specific S&OP design issues...

  16. Prokofiev: Piano Concertos - N1 in Dflat major, Op. 10 / David J. Fanning

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Fanning, David J.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofiev: Piano Concertos - N1 in Dflat major, Op. 10, N4 in Bflat major, Op.53 "for the left hand", N5 in Gmajor, Op.55. Boris Berman (piano) Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Neeme Järvi". Chandos ABTD 1424. CHAN 8791

  17. Adverteren op Instagram, wat werkt?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijting, D.; Ketelaar, P.E.


    Welke vorm van adverteren werkt op Instagram? In het afstudeeronderzoek van Dionne Heijting, uitgevoerd aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, staan twee soorten advertenties centraal. Hoe onderscheiden ze zich van elkaar? En leiden ze tot posititeve gevolgen voor het aangeprezen merk of product?

  18. State Supervision of Mines. Annual Report 2011; Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen. Jaarverslag 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Jong, J. (ed.)


    State Supervision of Mines (SSM) oversees the compliance with statutory regulations applicable to mineral exploration, extraction, storage and transport of minerals, focusing on the aspects of health, safety, the environment, effective extraction and soil movements [Dutch] Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (SodM) houdt toezicht op de naleving van wettelijke regelingen die van toepassing zijn op het opsporen, winnen, opslaan en transporteren van delfstoffen. De dienst richt zich hierbij op de aspecten veiligheid, gezondheid, milieu, doelmatige winning en bodembewegingen.

  19. State Supervision of Mines. Annual Report 2010; Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen. Jaarverslag 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Jong, J. (ed.)


    State Supervision of Mines (SSM) oversees the compliance with statutory regulations applicable to mineral exploration, extraction, storage and transport of minerals, focusing on the aspects of health, safety, the environment, effective extraction and soil movements. [Dutch] Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (SodM) houdt toezicht op de naleving van wettelijke regelingen die van toepassing zijn op het opsporen, winnen, opslaan en transporteren van delfstoffen. De dienst richt zich hierbij op de aspecten veiligheid, gezondheid, milieu, doelmatige winning en bodembewegingen.

  20. Channel selection in e-commerce age: A strategic analysis of co-op advertising models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongmei Liu


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and compare two co-op advertising models: advertising model under traditional channel and co-op advertising model under dual channel, to select optimal channel structure to sell products for manufacturer and to derive optimal co-op advertising strategies for the manufacturer and the retailer.Design/methodology/approach: Stackelberg game theoretical is used to develop two co-op advertising models: co-op advertising model under traditional channel and co-op advertising model under dual channel. Then we compare the two models to select optimal channel structure to sell products for manufacturer and to derive optimal co-op advertising strategies for the manufacturer and the retailer. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of product web-fit on these optimal strategies and illustrate by some numeral examples. Based on our results, we provide some significant theories and managerial insights, and derive some probable paths of future research.Findings: We provide a framework for researching optimal co-op advertising strategies in a two-level supply chain considering different marketing channel structures. First, we discuss the traditional channel co-op adverting model and the dual channel co-op advertising model based on Stackelberg game theoretical, and we derive optimal co-op advertising strategies. Next, comparisons of these two channel structures are discussed and we find that the manufacturer always benefits from dual channel. But the retailer not always benefits from dual channel structure, and dual channel structure is better than retail channel with certain conditions. Also, the optimal co-op advertising strategies for the manufacturer and the retailer are obtained.Research limitations/implications: First, we focus on the aforementioned two channel structures; a further comparison with other channel structures can be investigated. Second, we ignore some factors that influence the demand of product

  1. Your data is your dogfood: DevOps in the astronomical observatory


    Economou, Frossie; Hoblitt, Joshua C.; Norris, Pat


    DevOps is the contemporary term for a software development culture that purposefully blurs distinction between software development and IT operations by treating "infrastructure as code." DevOps teams typically implement practices summarised by the colloquial directive to "eat your own dogfood;" meaning that software tools developed by a team should be used internally rather thrown over the fence to operations or users. We present a brief overview of how DevOps techniques bring proven softwar...

  2. 14th SpaceOps Conference

    CERN Document Server

    Schmidhuber, Michael; Lee, Young; Kim, Bangyeop


    This book includes a selection of 30 reviewed and enhanced manuscripts published during the 14th SpaceOps Conference held in May 2016 in Daejeon, South Korea. The selection was driven by their quality and relevance to the space operations community. The papers represent a cross-section of three main subject areas: · Mission Management – management tasks for designing, preparing and operating a particular mission. · Spacecraft Operations – preparation and implementation of all activities to operate a space vehicle (crewed and uncrewed) under all conditions. · Ground Operations – preparation, qualification, and operations of a mission dedicated ground segment and appropriate infrastructure including antennas, control centers, and communication means and interfaces. This book promotes the SpaceOps Committee’s mission to foster the technical interchange on all aspects of space mission operations and ground data systems while promoting and maintaining an international community of space operations exper...

  3. Sibelius: Der Sturm, Op. 109, Neeme Järvi / Gerhard Pätzig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pätzig, Gerhard


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius: Der Sturm, Op. 109, (Vorspiel und Konzertsuiten zu Shakespeares Drama), Cassazione, Op.6, Preludio, Tiera. Sinfonieorchester Göteborg, Neeme Järvi". BIS/ Disco-Center CD 448 71'43") DDD

  4. Sturing op prestatie : sturen op de meest recente prestatie-eisen tijdens het ontwikkelingsproces van schoolgebouwen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jonkers, E.H.


    Dit onderzoek is verricht in opdracht van Stichting Carmelcollege en POH. Stichting Carmelcollege is een organisatie die veertien instellingen in het voortgezet onderwijs onder haar beheer heeft. POH is een vereniging van een aantal grote adviesbureaus die zich onder andere richten op

  5. Drijfmesttoediening op klei in voorjaar mogelijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pol-van Dasselaar, van den A.; Everts, H.


    Voor de teelt van maos op kleigrond kan toediening van drijfmest uitgesteld worden tot het voorjaar. Voordelen hiervan zijn een betere benutting van de mineralen, minder mineralenverliezen en een lager stikstofoverschot.

  6. Nuclear localization of the dehydrin OpsDHN1 is determined by histidine-rich motif (United States)

    Hernández-Sánchez, Itzell E.; Maruri-López, Israel; Ferrando, Alejandro; Carbonell, Juan; Graether, Steffen P.; Jiménez-Bremont, Juan F.


    The cactus OpsDHN1 dehydrin belongs to a large family of disordered and highly hydrophilic proteins known as Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins, which accumulate during the late stages of embryogenesis and in response to abiotic stresses. Herein, we present the in vivo OpsDHN1 subcellular localization by N-terminal GFP translational fusion; our results revealed a cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of the GFP::OpsDHN1 protein in Nicotiana benthamiana epidermal cells. In addition, dimer assembly of OpsDHN1 in planta using a Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC) approach was demonstrated. In order to understand the in vivo role of the histidine-rich motif, the OpsDHN1-ΔHis version was produced and assayed for its subcellular localization and dimer capability by GFP fusion and BiFC assays, respectively. We found that deletion of the OpsDHN1 histidine-rich motif restricted its localization to cytoplasm, but did not affect dimer formation. In addition, the deletion of the S-segment in the OpsDHN1 protein affected its nuclear localization. Our data suggest that the deletion of histidine-rich motif and S-segment show similar effects, preventing OpsDHN1 from getting into the nucleus. Based on these results, the histidine-rich motif is proposed as a targeting element for OpsDHN1 nuclear localization. PMID:26442018

  7. Nuclear localization of the dehydrin OpsDHN1 is determined by histidine-rich motif

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Itzell Euridice Hernández-Sánchez


    Full Text Available The cactus OpsDHN1 dehydrin belongs to a large family of disordered and highly hydrophilic proteins known as Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA proteins, which accumulate during the late stages of embryogenesis and in response to abiotic stresses. Herein, we present the in vivo OpsDHN1 subcellular localization by N-terminal GFP translational fusion; our results revealed a cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of the GFP::OpsDHN1 protein in Nicotiana benthamiana epidermal cells. In addition, dimer assembly of OpsDHN1 in planta using a Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC approach was demonstrated. In order to understand the in vivo role of the histidine-rich motif, the OpsDHN1-ΔHis version was produced and assayed for its subcellular localization and dimer capability by GFP fusion and BiFC assays, respectively. We found that deletion of the OpsDHN1 histidine-rich motif restricted its localization to cytoplasm, but did not affect dimer formation. In addition, the deletion of the S-segment in the OpsDHN1 protein affected its nuclear localization. Our data suggest that the deletion of histidine-rich motif and S-segment show similar effects, preventing OpsDHN1 from getting into the nucleus. Based on these results, the histidine rich motif is proposed as a targeting element for OpsDHN1 nuclear localization.

  8. Opções reais na análise de contratos de leasing


    Martinez,Antonio Lopo


    Este artigo procura incorporar a precificação de opções à análise tradicional do contrato de leasing. Após uma breve revisão dos conceitos básicos sobre opções, questionam-se os critérios tradicionais de análise de investimentos, propondo a utilização de opções reais como um instrumento para aprimorar a avaliação de contratos de leasing. O contrato de leasing operacional é avaliado incorporado a opções e observam-se diversos direitos oferecidos nos contratos de leasing que podem assumir o pap...

  9. OPS index - KOME | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...listed. Data file File name: File URL: History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us OPS index - KOME | LSDB Archive ...

  10. Monitor Zorg op afstand: verslaglegging van de peiling najaar 2007.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peeters, J.M.; Veer, A.J.E. de; Francke, A.L.


    Zorg op afstand waarbij cliënt en verpleegkundige contact hebben via een videoverbinding, maakt opgang in de thuiszorg. Televisie en webcam bieden veel cliënten een nieuw perspectief. Techniek rukt op in de thuiszorg. Wat vroeger in sciencefictionfilms nog de toekomst leek – praten met iemand via

  11. PRI leidt rupsen om de tuin: effect van tussenteelt en combinatieteelt op rupsen op spruitkool

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elderson, J.; Belder, den E.


    PRI onderzocht in spruitkool het effect van bloemstroken met bruine mosterd of klaver, ingezaaid om de zes rijen, op de aantallen rupsen en de samenstelling van de rupsenpopulatie gedurende het groeiseizoen. In het artikel ook een beschrijving en illustraties van de zes belangrijkste rupsensoorten

  12. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 / Jonathan Swain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Swain, Jonathan


    Uuest heliplaadist "Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64; Rimsky-Korsakov: Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36. Philharmonia Orchestra / Giuseppe Sinopoli; Overture - selected comparison: Gothenburg SO, Järvi (3/91) DG 429984-2GH

  13. Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 24 april 2007 (Ordebevelen op stations)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer J.G., Jan; Schilder A.E., [No Value


    Samenvatting: Het ARV berustte ten tijde van het tenlastegelegde op art. 27 Spoorwegwet 1875. Art. 7 ARV richt zich, kort gezegd en voor zover hier van belang, tot een ieder die zich als niet-reiziger op een station bevindt met het gebod de aanwijzingen betreffende de orde, rust, veiligheid of een

  14. Sibelius. Lemminkäinen-Legenden op. 22 Nr. 1-4 / Christoph Schlüren

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schlüren, Christoph


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius: Lemminkäinen-Legenden op. 22 Nr. 1-4, Nächtlicher Ritt und Sonnenaufgang op. 55, Luonnotar op. 70. Stockholm Philharmoniker / Paavo Järvi. Virgin/EMI CD 545213 2 (WD:70'22")DDD

  15. Rimsky-Korsakov: Symphony N2 (Symphonic Suite), Op. 9 / John Warrack

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Warrack, John


    Uuest heliplaadist "Rimsky-Korsakov: Symphony N2 (Symphonic Suite), Op. 9, "Antar" Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op.36. Philharmonia Orchestra, Evgeni Svetlanov" Hyperion KA 66399. CDA 66399. Teise sümfoonia esitust võrreldud Neeme Järvi plaadistusega

  16. Chronic exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides and neuropsychological functioning in farm workers: a review. (United States)

    Muñoz-Quezada, María Teresa; Lucero, Boris Andrés; Iglesias, Verónica Paz; Muñoz, María Pía; Cornejo, Claudia Alejandra; Achu, Eduardo; Baumert, Brittney; Hanchey, Arianna; Concha, Carlos; Brito, Ana María; Villalobos, Marcos


    Previous studies have demonstrated that acute poisoning from exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides in agricultural workers causes adverse health effects. However, neuropsychological and cognitive effects of chronic occupational exposure to OP pesticides remain controversial. To identify, evaluate, and systematize existing evidence regarding chronic exposure to OP pesticides and neuropsychological effects in farmworkers. Using the PubMed search engine, a systematic review process was implemented and replicated according to the PRISMA statement. Eligibility criteria included workers over 18 years of age exposed to OP pesticides as well as assessment of neuropsychological and cognitive functioning. Search terms were in English and Spanish languages and included organophosphate and workers. Of the search results, 33 of 1,256 articles meet eligibility criteria. Twenty-four studies found an association between chronic occupational exposure to OP pesticides and low neuropsychological performance in workers. We classified nine of the studies to have study design limitations. Studies indicated occupational exposure to OP pesticides is linked to difficulties in executive functions, psychomotor speed, verbal, memory, attention, processing speed, visual-spatial functioning, and coordination. Nine studies find no relationship between OP pesticides exposure and neuropsychological performance. Overall, evidence suggests an association between chronic occupational exposure to OP pesticides and neuropsychological effects. However, there is no consensus about the specific cognitive skills affected.

  17. Lasius niger houdt rechts, vooral als het druk wordt op zijn verticale straten op bomen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heuts, B.


    Houden mieren rechts als ze foerageren op hun straten zoals de meeste mensen doen? Rechts houden, en ook links houden, zijn gedragsstrategieën die het verkeer sneller doen verlopen. Het lijkt waarschijnlijk dat sneller verkeer bij mieren een reproductief voordeel oplevert omdat het voedsel dat

  18. OpWise: Operons aid the identification of differentially expressed genes in bacterial microarray experiments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arkin Adam P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Differentially expressed genes are typically identified by analyzing the variation between replicate measurements. These procedures implicitly assume that there are no systematic errors in the data even though several sources of systematic error are known. Results OpWise estimates the amount of systematic error in bacterial microarray data by assuming that genes in the same operon have matching expression patterns. OpWise then performs a Bayesian analysis of a linear model to estimate significance. In simulations, OpWise corrects for systematic error and is robust to deviations from its assumptions. In several bacterial data sets, significant amounts of systematic error are present, and replicate-based approaches overstate the confidence of the changers dramatically, while OpWise does not. Finally, OpWise can identify additional changers by assigning genes higher confidence if they are consistent with other genes in the same operon. Conclusion Although microarray data can contain large amounts of systematic error, operons provide an external standard and allow for reasonable estimates of significance. OpWise is available at

  19. Zicht op ruimte voor leren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrieling, Emmy; Vandyck, Inne; De Laat, Maarten


    In dit hoofdstuk bespreken we hoe de context waarin netwerken ontstaan, beter begrepen kan worden en welke dimensies van sociaal leren mede invloed hebben op de wijze waarop een groep aan het leren is. Begrip voor de situatie waarin netwerken ontstaan en de wijze waarop netwerken zich organiseren

  20. Alfven. Symphony No 5 in A minor, Op. 54 / Robert Layton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Layton, Robert


    Uuest heliplaadist "Alfven. Symphony No 5 in A minor, Op. 54. The Mountain King - Suite, Gustav II Adolf, Op. 49 - Elegy. Royal Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra / Neeme Järvi. BIS CD 585 (68 minutes) Recorded in association with Trygg Hansa"

  1. Universe of particles; expositie op CERN

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Woerden, M.


    Op CERN is sinds drie jaar de tentoonstelling Universe of Particles te zien. Bezoekers kunnen hier kennismaken met CERN en meer te weten komen over wat er zich allemaal onder en boven de grond afspeelt.

  2. Beethoven, Ludwig van: Concerto pour violon op. 61 / Jean-Michel Molkhou

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Molkhou, Jean-Michel


    Uuest heliplaadist "Beethoven, Ludwig van: Concerto pour violon op. 61 (cadence Schnittke). Les 2 Romances op. 40 et 50. Orchestre Symphonique National d'Estonie, Arvo Volmer" Globe GLO 5155, distribution Talis (CD:153F). 1996. TT:1h 01'56"

  3. Analisis Derau dalam Perancangan Rangkaian Terintegrasi Op-Amp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Sendari


    Full Text Available Perancangan IC Op-Amp, memerlukan spesifikasi-spesifikasi yang meliputi parameter proses dan parameter perancangan. Dalam menentukan parameter perancangan, derau merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena derau dapat menentukan keandalan perancangan. Untuk menganalisis derau pada IC Op-Amp langkah pertama yang harus diketahui adalah sumber-sumber derau, setelah itu dilakukan analisis derau baik secara teoritis maupun secara simulasi untuk mengetahui derau yang mungkin terjadi dalam perancangan IC, apakah sudah sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan atau tidak. Untuk simulasi derau dapat dilakukan dengan program Spice.

  4. Monitoring natuurdoelen rivierengebied; kwetsbaarheid en kansrijkdom van natuurdoelen op verontreinigde bodems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Faber, J.H.; Leemkule, van de M.A.; Ruiter, de H.R.G.


    Bij herinrichtingsprojecten ten behoeve van natuurontwikkeling is er een grote vraag naar inzicht in geschikte monitoringsparameters. Voor natuurdoelen op de natte en droge delen langs de rivieren in Nederland werd in het kader van het SKB-project `Kwetsbaarheid en kansrijkdom van natuurdoelen op

  5. Grip op werkstress. Mindfulness ontstresst maatschappelijk werkers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jen van Horen


    Full Text Available Taking control over work related stress. Mindfulness destresses social workersStress is a major social problem. Due to the increasing workload and the content of the work, social workers are at risk to develop stress (symptoms. The physical and psychological consequences of prolonged stress are serious. By living healthy, optimize working conditions and applying mindfulness, stress can be reduced. Mindfulness is an effective and useful way to reduce stress. It increases the resistance of workers against stress, improves brainfunctions and therefore has a positive effect on the performance. These effects are great, but they are still weakly methodologically substantiated. A pilot project within the youthcare though, was enthusiastically received and proves to be effective against stress symptoms. The exercises that are part of this pilot fit well with the needs of employees. For organizations mindfulnesstrainings are a time-and cost-effective way of structural stress prevention.Grip op werkstress. Mindfulness ontstresst maatschappelijk werkersStress is een omvangrijk maatschappelijk probleem. Door de toenemende werkdruk en de inhoud van het werk zijn maatschappelijk werkers een risicogroep om stress en stressklachten te ontwikkelen. De fysieke en psychische gevolgen die langdurige stress met zich meebrengt zijn ernstig. Door gezond te leven, de arbeidsomstandigheden te optimaliseren en mindfulness toe te passen kan stress terug worden gedrongen. Mindfulness is een effectieve en bruikbare manier om stress te verminderen. Het vergroot de weerbaarheid van werknemers tegen stress, het verbetert de hersenwerking en heeft daardoor een positief effect op het functioneren. Grote effecten dus, maar wel nog methodologisch zwak onderbouwd. Een pilot binnen de jeugdzorg op het gebied van mindfulness is enthousiast ontvangen en blijkt effectief tegen stressklachten. De oefeningen die onderdeel uitmaken van deze pilot sluiten goed aan bij de behoeften van

  6. Ammoniakdepositie op Natura-2000 gebieden Mariapeel, Deurnese Peel en Groote Peel : een uitwerking van een aantal scenario's ten aanzien van de ontwikkelingen van de landbouw en te nemen maatregelen en het effect daarvan op de ammoniakdepositie op de habitatgebieden in de Peel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gies, T.J.A.; Bleeker, A.


    Op verzoek van Dienst Landelijk gebied heeft Alterra en ECN een effectenstudie uitgevoerd naar de ammoniakdepositie op de habitatgebieden in de Peel (Groote Peel en Maria- en Deurnese Peel). De studie geeft een uitwerking van een aantal scenario’s ten aanzien van de ontwikkelingen van de landbouw en

  7. Use of Linkage Technique in Johannes Brahms’ op. 78 and Leopoldo Miguéz’s op.14 Violin Sonatas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Desirée Johanna Mesquita Mayr


    Full Text Available This paper specifically addresses linkage, a characteristically Brahmsian technique employed in the formation of musical ideas through the gradual transformation of precedent elements, being considered an indicator in the use of developing variation. After a detailed review of the literature encompassing definitions, classification and exemplification considering works of three theorists (FRISCH, 1984. SMITH, 2007. RAHN, 2015, an original proposal for a typology of linkage is presented. We compare a special occurrence of linkage in Brahms’ Violin Sonata, op. 78 to two similar occurrences in Leopoldo Miguéz’s sonata op. 14, a work of the same genre.. The results reinforce the hypothesis that Miguéz had employed organic constructive processes in his piece.

  8. Zicht op de plantaardige biologische keten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijnands, J.H.M.; Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.; Hoorweg, M.J.; Kik, C.; Rossing, W.A.H.; Scholten, O.M.


    De studie vormt een onderdeel van het project 'Visies op biologische landbouw: een systeem analyse'. Dit project is gefinancierd door Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum uit middelen voor Strategische Expertise Ontwikkeling. In dit project worden mensbeelden onderscheiden om de visies te

  9. Vrede-, Bevrijding- en Vrijheid-verhalen op locatie – augmented reality en navigatie applicatie op smart phones

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lammeren, van R.J.A.; Bergsma, A.R.; Franke, G.J.


    In de periode december 2009 - mei 2010 is de applicatie Vrede, Bevrijding en Vrijheid ontwikkeld. Deze applicatie biedt gebruikers van smart phones met draadloos internet, zoals Android-phones en iPhones, de mogelijkheid om op locatie verhalen te luisteren, te lezen en te bekijken. Dit verslag

  10. Reductie van het kiemgetal van bacteriën op champignons : literatuuroverzicht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baars, J.J.P.


    Dit rapport bevat een literatuurstudie waarin een overzicht wordt gegeven van de beschikbare literatuur m.b.t. hoogte van het kiemgetal van bacteriën op champignons en de grondstoffen voor de champignonteelt, aanwezigheid van pathogene bacteriën op champignons die in de retail worden aangeboden en

  11. Op art and visual perception. (United States)

    Wade, N J


    An attempt is made to list the visual phenomena exploited in op art. These include moire frinlude moiré fringes, afterimages, Hermann grid effects, Gestalt grouping principles, blurring and movement due to astigmatic fluctuations in accommodation, scintillation and streaming possibly due to eye movements, and visual persistence. The historical origins of these phenomena are also noted.

  12. Continuous Integration, Deployment and Testing in DevOps Environment


    Amaradri, Anand Srivatsav; Nutalapati, Swetha Bindu


    Context. Owing to a multitude of factors like rapid changes in technology, market needs, and business competitiveness, software companies these days are facing pressure to deliver software rapidly and on a frequent basis. For frequent and faster delivery, companies should be lean and agile in all phases of the software development life cycle. An approach called DevOps, which is based on agile principles has come into play. DevOps bridges the gap between development and operations teams and fa...

  13. Bijblijven op je vakgebied nieuwe stijl! : Awareness tools voor e-journals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijker, Alie; van den Brekel, Guus


    "Ik probeer regelmatig een aantal favoriete tijdschriften via email alerts te lezen, maar blijf het omslachtig vinden en mijn mailbox raakt maar voller en voller!" "Ik vind het lastig om op mijn tablet of via de email vanaf thuis toegang te krijgen tot de full text van artikelen" Hoe blijf je op de

  14. Veel water vergroot kans op kurkvoetjes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geels, F.P.


    Effect van teeltmaatregelen bij de bestrijding van kurkvoet, een bacterieziekte. Gegevens in bijgaande tabellen: 1) Verloop van de ontwikkeling van het aantal kurkvoetjes over drie weken plukken bij standaard watergift tijdens de eerst proef (16 liter per vierkante meter voor op vocht sproeien en 20

  15. Talent herkend! Een profielschets van sportofficials op internationaal/nationaal en regionaal niveau

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sebastiaan Platvoet; Ben Halle


    In dit onderzoek wordt de aandacht gericht op talentherkenning bij sportofficials. Het doel van deze studie is vast te stellen welke talenten / kenmerken officials bezitten die actief zijn op internationaal / nationaal niveau en welke gemeenschappelijke kenmerken officials bezitten die actief zijn

  16. Validation of the OpCost logging cost model using contractor surveys (United States)

    Conor K. Bell; Robert F. Keefe; Jeremy S. Fried


    OpCost is a harvest and fuel treatment operations cost model developed to function as both a standalone tool and an integrated component of the Bioregional Inventory Originated Simulation Under Management (BioSum) analytical framework for landscape-level analysis of forest management alternatives. OpCost is an updated implementation of the Fuel Reduction Cost Simulator...

  17. Versoening tussen leerders: Is parallelmediumskole die antwoord op die rassismeprobleem?


    Du Plessis, Elize; Marais, Petro


    Die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet stel dit duidelik dat enige vorm van diskriminasie nie toegelaat mag word nie. In ons skole beteken dit dat elke leerder ʼn reg het op goeie opvoeding en ʼn veilige skoolomgewing. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing is gerig op bestaande parallelmediumskole. Die uiteindelike vraagstuk is dus hoe multikulturele onderwys bevorder word en hoe rassisme aangespreek kan word? As teoretiese raamwerk is Kohlsberg se kognitiewe ontwikkelingsbenadering en Whitehouse se univerele ...

  18. OpCost: an open-source system for estimating costs of stand-level forest operations (United States)

    Conor K. Bell; Robert F. Keefe; Jeremy S. Fried


    This report describes and documents the OpCost forest operations cost model, a key component of the BioSum analysis framework. OpCost is available in two editions: as a callable module for use with BioSum, and in a stand-alone edition that can be run directly from R. OpCost model logic and assumptions for this open-source tool are explained, references to the...

  19. TeSLA workshop betrouwbaar toetsen op afstand

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouns, Francis; Janssen, José


    Presentatie ten behoeve van workshop betrouwbaar toetsen op afstand voor docenten van de Open Universiteit Nederland betrokken in de derde TeSLA pilot. Topics: toetsfraude, toetsdesign, technologie voor authenticatie en verificatie van auteurschap, TeSLA instrumenten.

  20. Effecten van geluid door wegverkeer op de slaap. Een systematische review van studies in de woonomgeving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Franssen AEM; Kwekkeboom JMI; MGO


    Als achtergrond bij een op korte termijn te starten veldstudie naar slaapverstoring en wegverkeer heeft het RIVM de beschikbare literatuur op het gebied van wegverkeersgeluid en slaapverstoring op een systematische wijze verzameld, beoordeeld en samengevat. Voor twee effecten 'ervaren

  1. Reštrukturalizácia podniku OP Prostějov


    Kasman, Tomáš


    Diploma thesis "Restructuring of OP Prostějov Company" offers a comprehensive insight into crisis management and key ingredients that lead to the successful company turnaround. Slatter`s theoretical approach is combined with the best practice of strategy consultants at Roland Berger. We analyze the situation of the biggest manufacturer of outerwear dresses in Czech Republic - OP Prostějov Company. Both financial and strategic analyses identify the key drivers in clothing industry and assess t...

  2. Gamma and neutron irradiation tests on commercial IC op amps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kennedy, E.J.; Morris, A.C. Jr.; Su, D.K.


    Experimental results of gamma and neutron irradiation tests on 30 types of integrated-circuit operational amplifiers from 11 manufacturers are presented. All units were low-cost, commercial-grade devices. Op amps were evaluated for changes in offset voltage, input bias current, power supply current, open-loop gain, gain-bandwidth product, slew rate, power-supply and common-mode rejection ratios. Bipolar transistor op amps with resistive collector load resistors for the input stage indicated the best radiation hardness

  3. A model of cooperation: the Pact op Zuid information system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frans Spierings


    Welzijnsorganisaties, onderzoekinstellingen, overheidsinstellingen en woningcorporaties zijn alle potentiële partners in stedelijke herstructureringsprogramma’s. Het combineren van de belangen van deze organisaties vormt een interessante managementuitdaging. Ook is het een uitdaging om een informatiesysteem te ontwikkelen dat tegemoet komt aan de informatiebehoefte van alle partners, zowel de afzonderlijke organisaties, als het collectief. Dit artikel zal deze uitdaging van informatiemanagement bespreken, door een case study naar cooperative knowledge production te presenteren. De case study heeft betrekking op het Rotterdamse stedelijk investeringssprogramma “Pact op Zuid”, een programma waarin tussen 2006 en 2016 1.5 miljard euro wordt geïnvesteerd in stedelijk gebied met 190.000 inwoners. Dit artikel geeft allereerst inzicht in literatuur over innovatieconfiguraties en lerende netwerken, concepten die belangrijk zijn om de complexiteit van stedelijke renovatie en cooperative knowledge production te begrijpen. Het bespreekt eveneens hoe cooperative knowledge production binnen Pact op Zuid plaatsvond.

  4. Study on multiple-hops performance of MOOC sequences-based optical labels for OPS networks (United States)

    Zhang, Chongfu; Qiu, Kun; Ma, Chunli


    In this paper, we utilize a new study method that is under independent case of multiple optical orthogonal codes to derive the probability function of MOOCS-OPS networks, discuss the performance characteristics for a variety of parameters, and compare some characteristics of the system employed by single optical orthogonal code or multiple optical orthogonal codes sequences-based optical labels. The performance of the system is also calculated, and our results verify that the method is effective. Additionally it is found that performance of MOOCS-OPS networks would, negatively, be worsened, compared with single optical orthogonal code-based optical label for optical packet switching (SOOC-OPS); however, MOOCS-OPS networks can greatly enlarge the scalability of optical packet switching networks.

  5. skrifbeskouing en oorredings retoriek: perspektiewe op ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    op 'n transendente wyse “van buite af” (extra nos) benader en aanspreek nie. Hierdie wantroue in die transendente, wat eintlik al aangevoor is deur die Ver ligting en in besonder Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), het meegewerk tot die sterk antroposentriese wending wat sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog in die teologie ...

  6. Toename olijfbomen vergroot kans op hooikoorts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, van A.J.H.


    De afgelopen week kwam in het nieuws dat in Otterlo een begin is gemaakt met de aanleg van de eerste olijfgaard van Nederland. Ook in tuinen zien we olijfbomen steeds vaker staan en op de tuinbeurzen zijn ze niet aan te slepen. De meeste mensen weten niet dat deze bomen ook gezondheidsproblemen met

  7. Werknemer moet explosie niet óm de oren krijgen, maar ertussen : risicobeheersing begint op de werkvloer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beek, P. van; Beek, C. van


    Nederland kent zo'n 4500 bedrijven die op grote schaal met gevaarlijke stoffen werken, de majeure-risicobedrijven. Een van de risicofactoren bij deze bedrijven is explosiegevaar. Het veiligheidsbeleid is in de eerste plaats gericht op bescherming van de eigen werknemers en apparatuur, op de


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palmerini, S.; Sergi, M. L.; La Cognata, M.; Pizzone, R. G.; Spitaleri, C. [INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania (Italy); Lamia, L. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita di Catania, Catania (Italy)


    In recent years, the Trojan Horse Method (THM) has been used to investigate the low-energy cross sections of proton-induced reactions on A = 17 and A = 18 oxygen isotopes, overcoming extrapolation procedures and enhancement effects due to electron screening. In particular, the strengths of the 20 keV and 65 keV resonances in the {sup 18}O(p, {alpha}){sup 15}N and {sup 17}O(p, {alpha}){sup 14}N reactions, respectively, have been extracted, as well as the contribution of the tail of the broad 656 keV resonance in the {sup 18}O(p, {alpha}){sup 15}N reaction inside the Gamow window. The strength of the 65 keV resonance in the {sup 17}O(p, {alpha}){sup 14}N reaction, measured by means of the THM, has been used to renormalize the corresponding resonance strength in the {sup 17}O + p radiative capture channel. As a result, more accurate reaction rates for the {sup 18}O(p, {alpha}){sup 15}N, {sup 17}O(p, {alpha}){sup 14}N, and {sup 17}O(p, {gamma}){sup 18}F processes have been deduced, devoid of systematic errors due to extrapolation or the electron screening effect. Such rates have been introduced into state-of-the-art red giant branch and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) models for proton-capture nucleosynthesis coupled with extra-mixing episodes. The predicted abundances have been compared with isotopic compositions provided by geochemical analysis of presolar grains. As a result, an improved agreement is found between the models and the isotopic mix of oxide grains of AGB origins, whose composition is the signature of low-temperature proton-capture nucleosynthesis. The low {sup 14}N/{sup 15}N found in SiC grains cannot be explained by the revised nuclear reaction rates and remains a serious problem that has not been satisfactorily addressed.

  9. Boomkwekerij op veen : bedrijfseconomische resultaten biologische boomkwekerij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snoek, B.; Schuring, W.; Leijden, van J.P.H.


    Resultaten van een onderzoek op PPO-locatie Boskoop naar de bedrijfseconomische mogelijkheden van biologische boomteelt. Zes gewassen uit de gewasgroep siergewassen (Acer, Buxus, Magnolia, Mahonia, Prunus en Syringa) werden in twee jaar opgekweekt van plantgoed naar leverbaar materiaal. In tabellen

  10. Fokken op kale koppen : hoornloosheid nu nog vooral gezien als ‘leuke bijkomstigheid’

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drie, van I.


    Welzijnsonvriendelijke ingrepen bij dieren stuiten op steeds meer maatschappelijke weerstand. Dat geldt voor het castreren van biggen, maar ook voor het onthoornen van dieren. Fokken op hoornloosheid geldt als mogelijke oplossing. Een aantal hoornloze stieren is beschikbaar, maar de animo onder

  11. Onderhorigheid en separatisme, koloniaal bestuur en lokale politiek op Aruba, 1816-1955

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alofs, Lucas J.


    Dit boek beschrijft het koloniaal bestuur en de lokale politieke op Aruba tussen 1816 en 1955. Deel één beschrijft de Arubaanse ervaring met koloniaal bestuur tot 1922. Aruba was onderhorig aan het bestuur op Curaçao, waar de gouverneur de spil in het bestuur was. De Koloniale Raad had weinig

  12. Integrated Plan-Procedures-Telemetry Ops Concept and Prototype (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The project scope includes developing the ops concept and prototype for a near-seamless interface between mission plans, electronic procedures and live telemetry...

  13. Innovative strategies to help Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs) compete in new insurance marketplaces. (United States)

    Gardiner, Terry; Neece, Roger; Mendelevitz, Michael


    The Affordable Care Act paves the way for groups to develop innovative, affordable health insurance and care options known as Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs). These CO-OPs will be nonprofit, consumer-controlled entities that are designed to serve individuals and small businesses, especially in noncompetitive markets. The CO-OP provision was included in the Affordable Care Act to address the lack of affordable health plan alternatives in many state and regional markets and to counter a trend toward market concentration. Despite their promise, CO-OPs face a number of business challenges that go beyond typical start-up hurdles. This issue brief lays out a number of innovative strategies CO-OP organizers are developing to increase the odds of long-term sustainability and economic success. These strategies--aimed at building market share, creating integrated provider networks, and achieving cost savings through payment reform--could establish CO-OPs as a viable new entrant in the health care field.

  14. Flying on hydrogen; Vliegen op waterstof

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Wijngaarden, W. [Buero fuer Wissenschaft und Technologie, Botschaft des Koenigsreichs der Niederlaende, Berlin (Germany)


    The German Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Centre, DLR) wants to conduct a test flight with an airplane on fuel cells, the ANTARES DLR-H2. [mk]. [Dutch] Het Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR) wil in 2008 een proefvlucht maken met een vliegtuig op brandstofcellen, de ANTARES DLR-H2.

  15. Effect 5e Nitraat Actie Programma op de bodembelasting. Berekening bodembelasting voor berekening van de waterkwaliteit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koeijer, de T.J.; Luesink, H.H.


    Uit de MAMBO-berekeningen blijkt dat door invoering van het 5e NAP het gebruik van dierlijke mest op zandgrond daalt. De grootste daling treedt in het zuidelijk zandgebied op. Daarnaast treedt er een verschuiving op van de aanwending van varkensmest naar graasdiermest. Dit komt door de aanscherping

  16. Interorgan metabolism of ornithine phenylacetate (OP)-A novel strategy for treatment of hyperammonemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dadsetan, Sherry; Sørensen, Michael; Bak, Lasse Kristoffer


    Combined administration of ornithine and phenylacetate (OP) is proposed as a novel treatment of hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy. Ornithine is believed to increase ammonia fixation into glutamine in muscle tissue and glutamine is subsequently thought to react with phenylacetate forming......, skeletal muscle, liver and kidney. In BDL rats, OP treatment reduced arterial ammonia concentration and increased that of glutamine 30min after the treatment but not after 15h. OP treatment did not increase (15)N labeling in glutamine from [2,5-(15)N]ornithine and (15)NH(4)(+) in skeletal muscle or liver....... However, the extent of glutamine labeling from [2,5-(15)N]ornithine or (15)NH(4)(+) was similar in arterial blood and liver and higher than that in skeletal muscle. These findings suggest that the effect of OP was related to hepatic metabolism of ornithine. PAGN could not be detected in urine or blood...

  17. Invloed spoorelementen op groei en ontwikkeling kalanchoe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verberkt, H.; Berg, van den D.


    Het doel van het onderzoek was nagaan wat de invloed van spoorelementen is op de groei en ontwikkeling van Kalanchoe. Hierbij is onderzoek gedaan naar de effecten van gebrek en overmaat van de belangrijkste zes spoorelementen: ijzer, mangaan, zink, molybdeen, koper en borium.

  18. Coordination of pricing and co-op advertising models in supply chain: A game theoretic approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amin Alirezaei


    Full Text Available Co-op advertising is an interactive relationship between manufacturer and retailer(s supply chain and makes up the majority of marketing budget in many product lines for manufacturers and retailers. This paper considers pricing and co-op advertising decisions in two-stage supply chain and develops a monopolistic retailer and duopolistic retailer's model. In these models, the manufacturer and the retailers play the Nash, Manufacturer-Stackelberg and cooperative game to make optimal pricing and co-op advertising decisions. A bargaining model is utilized for determine the best pricing and co-op advertising scheme for achieving full coordination in the supply chain.

  19. Koeling van bloemkool en broccoli op de veiling "De Tuinbouw" te Grootebroek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Damen, P.M.M.; Hendriks, A.G.M.


    In een proef op de veiling "De Tuinbouw" in Grootebroek is zowel bloemkool als broccoli opgeslagen gedurende respectievelijk een en drie dagen bij 2 graden C en 95% r.v. Na koeling zijn de kolen geplaatst in een donkere ruimte met een temperatuur van 18 graden C en een r.v. van 90%. Beoordeeld is op

  20. Alfven, Hugo. Die drei Schwedischen Rhapsodien op. 19, 24 und 47 / Andreas Meyer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meyer, Andreas


    Uuest heliplaadist "Alfven, Hugo. Die drei Schwedischen Rhapsodien op. 19, 24 und 47, En skärgardssägen op. 20, Suite aus Der Berkönig. Königliche Stockholmer Philharmoniker, Neeme Järvi". AD: 1987-1992. BIS?Disco-Center CD 725 (WD: 77'00")

  1. Electronic Highway of Electronic subway : Verborgen merkinformatie op het Internet in Amerikaans perspectief

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oudejans, T.J.


    Aan Internetpagina's kan door middel van zogenaamde meta-tags informatie worden toegevoegd die zich niet primair richt op de directe gebruiker maar op het voeden van zoeksystemen en filterprogramma's. Door het gebruik van meta-tags in de onderliggende code wordt aangegeven wat de relevante

  2. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Verified, Hourly (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has verified (quality-controlled), hourly, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)....

  3. R. Strauss: Symphonia domestica, Op. 53 / David Nice

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nice, David


    Uuest heliplaadist "R. Strauss: Symphonia domestica, Op. 53. National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain / Christopher Seaman. Pickwick IMP Classics CD PCD 1080; Selected comparisons: SNO, Järvi (3/88) Chandos CHAN 8572"

  4. CMOS technology and current-feedback op-amps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Erik


    Some of the problems related to the application of CMOS technology to current-feedback operational amplifiers (CFB op-amps) are identified. Problems caused by the low device transconductance and by the absence of matching between p-channel and n-channel transistors are examined, and circuit...

  5. Banken horen niet thuis op de beurs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Romme, A.G.L.


    De zelfregulerende werking van banken is een illusie gebleken. Keer op keer blijken bankiers niet in staat zijn om zelf de gewenste structuurverbeteringen in gang te zetten. De Eindhovense econoom Romme pleit daarom voor een fundamentele transformatie van de bancaire wereld, vanuit het basisidee dat

  6. SDN-enabled OPS with QoS guarantee for reconfigurable virtual data center networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miao, W.; Agraz, F.; Peng, S.; Spadaro, S.; Bernini, G.; Perelló, J.; Zervas, G.; Nejabati, R.; Ciulli, Nicola; Simeonidou, D.; Dorren, H.; Calabretta, N.


    Optical packet switching (OPS) can enhance the performance of data center networks (DCNs)by providing fast and large-capacity switching capability. Benefiting from the software-defined networking (SDN) control plane, which could update the look-up-table (LUT) of the OPS, virtual DCNs can be flexibly

  7. Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto N1 in B flat minor, Op.23 / David J. Fanning

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Fanning, David J.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto N1 in B flat minor, Op.23, Suite N4 in G major, Op.61, "Mozartiana". Constantine Orbelian (pf), Philarmonia Orchestra, Neeme Järvi" Chandos ABTD 1413. CHAN 8777

  8. Mineralen in balans op High-techbedrijf in 1999

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arendzen, I.; Hollander, C.J.; Scheppingen, van T.; Jagtenberg, K.


    Het high-techbedrijf mikt op een melkkostprijs van 75 cent per kg met scherpe randvoorwaarden voor diergezondheid en blijvend binnen de wettelijk toegestane mineralenverliezen. 1999 was een goed jaar wat betreft de mineralenbalans.

  9. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Visibility, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Visibility data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  10. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Conductivity, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Conductivity data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  11. NOS CO-OPS Active Currents Data, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has surface Active Currents data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These raw data have not...

  12. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Wind, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Wind data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been subjected...

  13. Die invloed van ‘n intensiewe opleidingsprogram op die Kardio Stres-indeks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tammy Claassen


    Full Text Available Mense ondervind baie stressors in hul alledaagse lewe, wat ‘n groot uitwerking het op daagliksefunksionering. Kardio Stres-indeks (KSI is ‘n nie-indringende mate van die stres wat die hartervaar. KSI (uitgedruk as ‘n persentasie berekeninge word gebaseer op die duur van die QRSkompleks, hart tempo, ritme en standaardafwyking van die RR-interval (RRSD spesifieke parameters.

  14. OP9-Lhx2 stromal cells facilitate derivation of hematopoietic progenitors both in vitro and in vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoli Chen


    Full Text Available Generating engraftable hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs is an ideal approach for obtaining induced HSCs for cell therapy. However, the path from PSCs to robustly induced HSCs (iHSCs in vitro remains elusive. We hypothesize that the modification of hematopoietic niche cells by transcription factors facilitates the derivation of induced HSCs from PSCs. The Lhx2 transcription factor is expressed in fetal liver stromal cells but not in fetal blood cells. Knocking out Lhx2 leads to a fetal hematopoietic defect in a cell non-autonomous role. In this study, we demonstrate that the ectopic expression of Lhx2 in OP9 cells (OP9-Lhx2 accelerates the hematopoietic differentiation of PSCs. OP9-Lhx2 significantly increased the yields of hematopoietic progenitor cells via co-culture with PSCs in vitro. Interestingly, the co-injection of OP9-Lhx2 and PSCs into immune deficient mice also increased the proportion of hematopoietic progenitors via the formation of teratomas. The transplantation of phenotypic HSCs from OP9-Lhx2 teratomas but not from the OP9 control supported a transient repopulating capability. The upregulation of Apln gene by Lhx2 is correlated to the hematopoietic commitment property of OP9-Lhx2. Furthermore, the enforced expression of Apln in OP9 cells significantly increased the hematopoietic differentiation of PSCs. These results indicate that OP9-Lhx2 is a good cell line for regeneration of hematopoietic progenitors both in vitro and in vivo.

  15. Aanvullend commentaar op art. 511a Sv

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Laanen, F.; Melai, A.L.; Groenhuijsen, M.S.


    Schr. geeft een actueel wetenschappelijk commentaar op art. 511a Sv. Daarin komt met name de hedendaagse werkingssfeer aan de orde van deze bepaling, waarin is gesteld dat de berechting van strafbare feiten die ingevolge enige wet aan de burgerlijke rechter is opgedragen, ter terechtzitting van de

  16. Effectiviteit van ervarend leren op de boerderij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hassink, J.; Meyer, de R.; Sman, van de P.; Veerman, J.W.


    In Noord-Brabant zijn individuele woon-werktrajecten op boerderijen ontwikkeld voor jongeren tussen de 16 en 20 jaar met ernstige problemen. Er is sprake van problemen en ruzie in het gezin, de jongeren gaan niet meer naar school en ze hebben geen goede vrijetijdsinvulling. De jongeren verblijven

  17. IT Software Development and IT Operations Strategic Alignment: An Agile DevOps Model (United States)

    Hart, Michael


    Information Technology (IT) departments that include development and operations are essential to develop software that meet customer needs. DevOps is a term originally constructed from software development and IT operations. DevOps includes the collaboration of all stakeholders such as software engineers and systems administrators involved in the…

  18. Shostakovich: Symphony N14, Op. 135 / Edward Greenfield

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Greenfield, Edward


    Uuest heliplaadist "Shostakovich: Symphony N14, Op. 135; Mussorgsky: Songs and Dances of Death. Ljuba Kazarnovskaya (sop.), Brigitte Fassbaender (mez), Sergei Leiferkus (bar), Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi" DG CD 437 785 - 2GH

  19. Offshore wind energy. Innovators talking; Wind op zee. Innovators aan het woord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Qualitative studies have been conducted of the results of completed projects focused on energy innovation, spread over the seven themes of the top sector Energy: Energy saving in industry, Energy conservation in the built environment, Gas, Bio-energy, Smart grids, Offshore Wind, Solar PV. This provides insight into the follow-up activities and lessons of some EOS (Energy Research Subsidy) completed projects with the aim to inspire, connect and strengthen the TKIs (Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation) and individual companies and researchers working on energy innovation. This report concerns the research on offshore wind energy [Dutch] Er is een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de resultaten van afgeronde projecten gericht op energie-innovatie, verdeeld over de zeven thema's van de topsector Energie: Energiebesparing in de industrie; Energiebesparing in de gebouwde omgeving; Gas; Bio-energie; Smart grids; Wind op zee; Zon-pv. Daarmee wordt inzicht gegeven in de vervolgactiviteiten en lessen van een aantal afgesloten EOS-projecten (Energie Onderzoek Subsidie) met het oog op het inspireren, verbinden en versterken van de TKI's (Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie) en individuele bedrijven en onderzoekers die werken aan energie-innovatie. Dit rapport betreft het onderzoek naar wind op zee.

  20. Offshore wind energy. Innovators talking; Wind op zee. Innovators aan het woord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Qualitative studies have been conducted of the results of completed projects focused on energy innovation, spread over the seven themes of the top sector Energy: Energy saving in industry, Energy conservation in the built environment, Gas, Bio-energy, Smart grids, Offshore Wind, Solar PV. This provides insight into the follow-up activities and lessons of some EOS (Energy Research Subsidy) completed projects with the aim to inspire, connect and strengthen the TKIs (Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation) and individual companies and researchers working on energy innovation. This report concerns the research on offshore wind energy [Dutch] Er is een kwalitatief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de resultaten van afgeronde projecten gericht op energie-innovatie, verdeeld over de zeven thema's van de topsector Energie: Energiebesparing in de industrie; Energiebesparing in de gebouwde omgeving; Gas; Bio-energie; Smart grids; Wind op zee; Zon-pv. Daarmee wordt inzicht gegeven in de vervolgactiviteiten en lessen van een aantal afgesloten EOS-projecten (Energie Onderzoek Subsidie) met het oog op het inspireren, verbinden en versterken van de TKI's (Topconsortia voor Kennis en Innovatie) en individuele bedrijven en onderzoekers die werken aan energie-innovatie. Dit rapport betreft het onderzoek naar wind op zee.

  1. De verankering van oriëntatie op studie en beroep in de schoolpraktijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr Jan Reinartz; M. Goris


    Op zes scholen in Oost-Brabant werd het afgelopen schooljaar een netwerkproject uitgevoerd onder de titel osb-verankeringsproject. Doel van het netwerk was om ideeën en materialen rond oriëntatie op studie en beroep in de vakken daadwerkelijk te verankeren in de praktijk van alledag. Het bleek een

  2. De jacht op het geheim van cacao

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hollman, P.C.H.


    Je kans op een dodelijke hartaanval halveert als je elke dag een groot paaseitje pure chocolade eet, blijkt uit een recente Nederlandse epidemiologische studie. En ook andere studies laten zien dat consumptie van cacao beschermt tegen hart- en vaatziekten. Maar het is nog een raadsel hoe dat precies

  3. Lær de studerende at bygge op

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib


    På universitetet trænes de studerende i at tage ting fra hinanden: analysere, problematisere og kritisere. Intellektuelt og videnskabeligt er det selvsagt uvurderlige evner, men på en arbejdsplads skal man bygge noget op, der fungerer. Det handler oftere om at syntetisere, dvs. om at skabe nye...

  4. 'n Vergelyking van braaikuikenprestasies op gemaalde en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    met die konsentraatgedeelte te vermeng. Gemaalde sorghum is verkry deur die sorghum met behulp van 'n hamermeul met 'n 2mm-sifopening te maal. Die toetsdiete is op 'n ad libitum-basis aan die braaikuikens voorsien. Tabel 1(a) Dieetkomponentsamestelling van braai-. kUikendieteop 'n lugdroe basis. Aanvangsdieet.

  5. Eye movement instructions modulate motion illusion and body sway with Op Art. (United States)

    Kapoula, Zoï; Lang, Alexandre; Vernet, Marine; Locher, Paul


    Op Art generates illusory visual motion. It has been proposed that eye movements participate in such illusion. This study examined the effect of eye movement instructions (fixation vs. free exploration) on the sensation of motion as well as the body sway of subjects viewing Op Art paintings. Twenty-eight healthy adults in orthostatic stance were successively exposed to three visual stimuli consisting of one figure representing a cross (baseline condition) and two Op Art paintings providing sense of motion in depth-Bridget Riley's Movements in Squares and Akiyoshi Kitaoka's Rollers. Before their exposure to the Op Art images, participants were instructed either to fixate at the center of the image (fixation condition) or to explore the artwork (free viewing condition). Posture was measured for 30 s per condition using a body fixed sensor (accelerometer). The major finding of this study is that the two Op Art paintings induced a larger antero-posterior body sway both in terms of speed and displacement and an increased motion illusion in the free viewing condition as compared to the fixation condition. For body sway, this effect was significant for the Riley painting, while for motion illusion this effect was significant for Kitaoka's image. These results are attributed to macro-saccades presumably occurring under free viewing instructions, and most likely to the small vergence drifts during fixations following the saccades; such movements in interaction with visual properties of each image would increase either the illusory motion sensation or the antero-posterior body sway.

  6. ODIN: Observational Data Interactive Navigation, an interactive map of all CO-OPS active stations (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The CO-OPS Station Map has many features designed to provide a quick and easy way to find a CO-OPS station, and to view real-time observations as well as plot the...

  7. Semi-empirical formula for large pore-size estimation from o-Ps annihilation lifetime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Duc Thanh; Tran Quoc Dung; Luu Anh Tuyen; Khuong Thanh Tuan


    The o-Ps annihilation rate in large pore was investigated by the semi-classical approach. The semi-empirical formula that simply correlates between the pore size and the o-Ps lifetime was proposed. The calculated results agree well with experiment in the range from some angstroms to several ten nanometers size of pore. (author)

  8. Opção de troca de produto na indústria de fertilizantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Branco Rodrigues


    Full Text Available RESUMO Fertilizantes são importantes para a produção agrícola mundial devido à melhoria de produtividade que proporcionam. Neste artigo, utiliza-se a teoria de opções reais para avaliar a opção de troca de produto final, amônia ou ureia, em uma fábrica de fertilizantes nitrogenados. O método de simulação Monte Carlo foi utilizado para definir o valor da opção de troca na fábrica de fertilizantes, considerando as incertezas nos preços do gás natural (principal matéria-prima, amônia e ureia, assumindo que esses seguissem um movimento de reversão à média. Nos resultados, aponta-se que essa opção é relevante na análise de projetos de fábricas de fertilizantes, podendo ser fundamental, em muitos casos, sua consideração para a viabilidade do projeto.

  9. Integration of a full co-op job experience (and direct job-placement) with an applied physics curriculum (United States)

    Russell, Daniel


    Kettering University, formerly GMI Engineering & Management Institute, is a fully co-operational private institution offering bachelor's degrees in engineering, applied science, and management. The Applied Physics degree program was established in 1995 and our current freshman class has 11 students. The program takes 5 years to complete, during which time students alternate between 11 weeks in the classroom and 11 weeks at a co-op job at one of over 600 companies at over 800 locations around the world. All students, including applied physics majors, are required to complete a minimum of five co-op terms in order to graduate. In addition, they are required to complete a senior thesis of benefit to their company, a project which usually takes about six months (two co-op terms). In this talk we will describe the co-op program as it currently exists at Kettering and summarize the co-op experiences of our current applied physics students and our recent graduates. We will discuss how our curriculum has been designed to take advantage of and support the co-op experience. In addition we will discuss some of the challenges our students and faculty have encountered in the process of finding co-op sponsors.

  10. 'Welzijnsvloer verdient zich op den duur terug'; van den Berg beproeft de groene vlag roostervloer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Het onderzoek van Wageningen UR naar de welzijnsvloeren is nog in volle gang. Maar vleeskalverhouder Wijnand van den Berg uit Kootwijkerbroek heeft op eigen initiatief al een welzijnsrooster in zijn stal op proef

  11. Effect minerale samenstelling van bodem en plant op de expressie van bladnecrose bij Freesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doorduin, J.C.; Bos, van den A.L.


    Freesiatelers veronderstellen een relatie tussen de voedingstoestand in de grond, de minerale samenstelling van de plant en de expressie van bladnecrose bij freesia. Op verzoek van de Landelijke Freesiacommissie van LTO is een inventarisatie uitgevoerd op ‘gezonde’ en ‘necrose’ bedrijven naar de

  12. Creativity and Technology in Mathematics: From Story Telling to Algorithmic with Op'Art (United States)

    Mercat, Christian; Filho, Pedro Lealdino; El-Demerdash, Mohamed


    This article describes some of the results of the European project mcSquared ( regarding the use of Op'Art and optical illusion pieces as a tool to foster modeling and creative mathematical thinking in students. We present briefly the c-book technology and some results we got experimenting it. The Op'Art movement, with…


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    brith to 136 kg with two planes of nutrition from 53 to 136 kilograms. J. Anim. Sci. 37,683. SIEBRITS, F.K., 1979. Die kwantifisering van effekte van oat teenoor droe voeding op die spekvark. M.Sc. (Agric) verhandeling. Universiteit van Pretoria. THORBEK, GRETE, 1975. Studies on energy metabolism in growing pigs.

  14. The Vida Verde Women's Co-Op: Brazilian Immigrants Organizing to Promote Environmental and Social Justice (United States)

    Siqueira, Eduardo; Goldberg, Julia S.; Galvão, Heloisa; Chianelli, Mônica; Pirie, Alex


    We reviewed the key steps in the launch of the Vida Verde Women's Co-Op among Brazilian immigrant housecleaners in Somerville, MA. The co-op provides green housecleaning products, encourages healthy work practices, and promotes a sense of community among its members. We conducted in-depth interviews with 8 of the first co-op members, who reported a reduction in symptoms associated with the use of traditional cleaning agents and a new sense of mutual support. Critical to the co-op's success have been the supportive roles of its academic partners (Tufts University and the University of Massachusetts, Lowell), effective media outreach, and a focus on advancing social justice. Next steps include implementing a formal business plan and assessing the appropriateness of cooperatives in other industries. PMID:19890146

  15. Opvang en vervoederen van hemelwater op Aver Heino

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verstappen-Boerekamp, J.A.M.; Wolters, G.M.V.H.; Schooten, van H.A.


    Op Aver Heino wordt sinds het najaar van 1995 van 2000 m2 dakoppervlak hemelwater opgevangen om te gebruiken voor het drenken van vee. In deze 3z jaar is met hemelwateropvang voor 50 % in de waterbehoefte voor het vee voorzien.

  16. Ecologische en natuurbeschermingsrechtelijke aspecten van windturbines op land

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Winkelman, J.E.; Kistenkas, F.H.; Epe, M.J.


    Uit dit literatuuronderzoek komt naar voren dat windturbines aanzienlijke effecten kunnen hebben op vleermuizen en vogels in de zin van aantallen aanvaringsslachtoffers, mate van verstoring en/of barrièrewerking. Omdat vleermuizen en vogels onder andere bescherming genieten vanwege de

  17. Towards DevOps: Practices and Patterns from the Portuguese Startup Scene


    Carlos Manuel da Costa Martins Teixeira


    Formed by combining the word Development with the word Operations, DevOps has been around for sometime. Uses and appearances of the word have been seen in different contexts and with different meanings making it a topic of discussion and discord. For some DevOps is a movement aiming to conciliate Operations and Developers, others believe that its just a set of tools that help automate operations tasks and procedures and others see it as a job or tittle for professionals that combine developer...

  18. Een resource-based portfoliobenadering : strategieën op basis van de resource-based view

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santema, S.C.; Rijt, van de J.


    In dit artikel wordt met behulp van de Resourcebased View (RBV) een portfoliomodel voor resources ontwikkeld. De RBV kenmerkt zich tot op heden als een theorie met een eenzijdige focus op sterke, niet-imiteerbare, immobiele resources. In dit artikel wordt weergegeven hoe een onderneming kan omgaan

  19. One Stop Post Op cardiac surgery recovery--a proven success. (United States)

    Joyce, L; Pandolph, P


    The One Stop Post Op model for open heart surgery recovery is an innovative approach to post op care utilized in only a few facilities in the country. This model calls for an integration of acute ICU and step-down phases of care, thus changing the paradigm for nursing care of the open heart surgery patient. Typically, hospitals incur inefficiencies transferring the patient through multiple levels of care, thus resulting in a "disconnect" as new caregivers relearn the patient's care requirements and special needs. The construction of a "one stop" unit allows the patient to remain stationary while the service level changes to accommodate changing care needs. The cardiac "one stop" model is similar to the LDRP concept for obstetrical care. The One Stop Post Op patient rooms are designed to accommodate every level of patient acuity. All rooms meet the regulations for critical care room design, however this is where the aesthetic similarity ends. The patient environment looks more like hotel rooms rather than the traditional ICU setting. Cabinets designed to cover medical gases, in the room's private bathrooms and comfortable furnishings help to create a patient focused environment conducive to recovery. This model has been utilized by several facilities and has demonstrated clear clinical and economic advantages for patients, families, and health care providers. Implementing an open heart surgery (OHS) program presents the opportunity for several community based hospitals to challenge the way they have been providing patient care and establish an innovative approach to post surgery patient care. The One Stop Post Op cardiovascular recovery unit is designed to receive the OHS patient directly from the operating room and to be the "care unit" for the patient's entire stay. Patient flow, quality monitoring and caregiver acceptance in this unit requires new paradigms from the traditional two or three step post OHS care delivery process. The One Stop Post Op model focuses

  20. Connected vehicle pilot deployment program phase 1, concept of operations (ConOps) - New York City. (United States)


    This document describes the Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC) Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment (CVPD) Project. This ConOps describes the current state of operations, establishes the reasons for ...

  1. Effecten van programmeeronderwijs op computational thinking: een reviewstudie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brand-Gruwel, Saskia


    Om het onderwijs meer inzicht te geven in de efecten van programmeeronderwijs op CT van leerlingen is deze reviewstudie uitgevoerd. De resultaten kunnen onderwijsontwikkelaars en docenten helpen bij het maken van keuze over de wijze waarop programmeeronderwijs kan worden ontworpen om CT van

  2. Freedom Food : op de bres voor het welzijn van landbouwhuisdieren in het Verenigd Koninkrijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waller, B.; Heijden, van der P.G.M.


    Op 11 december 2008 gaf Bob Waller tijdens de NGVA thema-avond een presentatie met als titel "Fork naar Farm; Maatschappelijke visies op aquacultuur". Freedom Food is een organisatie die tot doel heeft het welzijnprogramma van het Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - (RSPCA), de

  3. Software Development with DevOps


    Kristinsson, Rögnvaldur


    The goal of the study was to introduce DevOps in software development, its methods and approaches to software development. I was introduced to the subject by one of my teach-ers, which let me into further studies and researched on the subject and finally choosing it for the study. The subject was completely new to me when I started the study which I found inspirational as I was learning a new and an interesting subject on a daily basis dur-ing the process of writing the study. The materia...

  4. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Relative Humidity, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Relative Humidity data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  5. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Verified, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has verified (quality-controlled), 6-minute, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)....

  6. All Conservation Opportunity Areas (ECO.RES.ALL_OP_AREAS) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The All_OP_Areas GIS layer are all the Conservation Opportunity Areas identified by MoRAP (produced for EPA Region 7). They designate areas with potential for...

  7. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Air Temperature, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Air Temperature data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  8. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Water Temperature, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Water Temperature data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  9. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Barometric Pressure, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Barometric Pressure data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  10. Met kerse op met -konstruksies 1 : 'n Verwysingspuntperspektief ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Met kerse op met-konstruksies1: 'n Verwysingspuntperspektief. Johanna Messerschmidt, Luna Bergh. Abstract. This article analyses the usage of the Afrikaans preposition met ('with'). The analysis is done within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics and more specifically within the model proposed by Langacker (1993) ...

  11. Gezondheidslogo's op eten: Verkenningen rond hun recente opmars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dagevos, H.; Kleef, van E.


    Zowel hun recente en resolute opkomst in de voedingsmarkt als de toegedichte positieve invloed op het gezondheidsvraagstuk geven aanleiding gezondheidlogo's, zoals "Ik Kies Bewust" en het "Gezonde Keuze Klavertje", nader onder de loep te nemen. De verkenningen in dit boek stellen zich vragen bij

  12. TNT gaat op klantreis om tevredenheid te meten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jorritsma, A.


    Als we weten wat klanten ervaren en voelen, weten we ook wat we goed doen en waar de verbeterpunten zitten, hoe we de omzet kunnen laten groeien en kosten kunnen besparen. TNT Post omarmde de door TNO ontwikkelde 'Customer Journey' methode en ging op klantreis.

  13. Temperature dependence of o-Ps annihilation lifetime in non-uniform cylindrical pores in comparison with ETE model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khaghani, Morteza, E-mail:; Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad, Ali Akbar, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Using the well known multi-physics program COMSOL calculating o-Ps annihilation lifetime in complex geometries. • Investigation of shape non-uniformity of cylindrical pores on o-Ps annihilation lifetime. • Verifying temperature dependency of o-Ps lifetime in non-uniform cylindrical pores. • Suggesting PALS at low temperature as a method to verify pore uniformity in porous material. - Abstract: Ortho-positronium (o-Ps) annihilation lifetime was calculated in non-uniform cylinder-shaped pores by solving Schrodinger equation using a well-known multi-physics program called COMSOL. The o-Ps annihilation lifetime variation in terms of temperature was calculated on the basis of ETE model via a numerical method. The COMSOL simulations indicate that as long as the pore is uniform cylinder-shaped, the results agree with those of two-dimensional ETE model, whereas deformations in the cylinder shape (indentation or protrusion) change the temperature behavior of ETE model and, thereby, higher values are predicted for o-Ps lifetime in the pore at lower temperatures. The geometry of the non-uniform cylinder-shaped pores, which is accompanied by empirical evidence, can be used for the analysis of empirical results obtained from positron lifetime spectroscopy in different temperatures.

  14. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Rain Fall, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Rain Fall data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  15. Brahms J. Piano Quartet No 1 in G minor, Op. 25 (orch. Schoenberg) / Jonathan Swain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Swain, Jonathan


    Uuest heliplaadist "Brahms J. Piano Quartet No 1 in G minor, Op. 25 (orch. Schoenberg). Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Händel, Op. 24 (orch, Rubbra). London Symphony Orchestra /Neeme Järvi" Chandos ABTD 1450; CD CHAN 8825 (71 minutes)

  16. CO-OPS 1-minute Raw Tsunami Water Level Data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — CO-OPS has been involved with tsunami warning and mitigation since the Coast and Geodetic Survey started the Tsunami Warning System in 1948 to provide warnings to...

  17. Microscopic cluster model analysis of 14O+p elastic scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baye, D.; Descouvemont, P.; Leo, F.


    The 14 O+p elastic scattering is discussed in detail in a fully microscopic cluster model. The 14 O cluster is described by a closed p shell for protons and a closed p3/2 subshell for neutrons in the translation-invariant harmonic-oscillator model. The exchange and spin-orbit parameters of the effective forces are tuned on the energy levels of the 15 C mirror system. With the generator-coordinate and microscopic R-matrix methods, phase shifts and cross sections are calculated for the 14 O+p elastic scattering. An excellent agreement is found with recent experimental data. A comparison is performed with phenomenological R-matrix fits. Resonances properties in 15 F are discussed

  18. Person-job and person-organization fits: Co-op fits in an aerospace engineering environment (United States)

    Urban, Anthony John, Jr.

    This dissertation research was a replication of a quantitative study completed by Dr. Cynthia Shantz at Wayne State University during 2003. The intent of the research was to investigate the fits of college students who participated in cooperative academic-work programs (co-ops) to employment positions within aerospace engineering. The objective of investigating person-job (P-J) and person-organization (P-O) fits was to determine if variables could be identified that indicated an individual's aptitude to complete successfully aerospace engineering standard work. Research participants were co-op employees who were surveyed during their employment to identify indications of their fits into their organization and job assignments. Dr. Shantz's research led to the thought employment success might increase when P-J and P-O fits increase. For example, reduced initial training investments and increased employee retention might result with improved P-O and P-J fits. Research data were gathered from surveys of co-ops who worked at a Connecticut aerospace engineering company. Data were collected by distributing invitations to co-ops to participate in three online surveys over a 9-11 week period. Distribution of survey invitations was accomplished through the Human Resources Department to ensure that respondent identities were maintained private. To protect anonymity and privacy further, no identifying information about individuals or the company is published. However, some demographic information was collected to ensure that correlations were based on valid and reliable data and research and analysis methods. One objective of this research was to determine if co-op characteristics could be correlated with successful employment in an aerospace engineering environment. A second objective was to determine if P-J and P-O fits vary over time as co-ops become increasing familiar with their assignments, organization, and environment. Understanding and incorporating the use P-J and P

  19. Trendy op weg naar NURC's, SOCC's en STOSsen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leeuwen, van K.A.H.


    Extrapolatie leidt vaak tot onzinnige voorspellingen. Men komt tot de conclusie dat in het jaar 3000 voldoende mensen op aarde zullen leven om alle ontbrekende materie in bet heelal te verkiaren, dat over ioo jaar 423,3% van de wereidreserve aan fossiele brandstoffen is verbruikt, of dat Bill Gates

  20. Sturen op geluk: is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Veenhoven (Ruut)


    textabstractHet idee dat de overheid zou moeten sturen op geluk is meer dan 200 jaar geleden al bepleit door Jeremy Bentham (1789). Volgens hem moeten wij streven naar groter geluk voor een groter aantal mensen, ook bij het maken van publieke keuzen. Dit heet in het filosofenjargon ‘politiek

  1. Die invloed van drie kruisbestuiwers op die saadinhoud van Minneola tangelo (Citrus parodist x C reticulata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. J. Esterhuizen


    Full Text Available Die invloed van verskillende kruisbestuiwers (Clementine, Empress en Valencia op die gemiddelde saadinhoud van Minneo­la tangelo is ondersoek. Clementine en Empress as kruisbestuiwers het die grootste invloed op die gemiddelde saadinhoud van die vrugte gehad, terwyl dié van Valencia nie noemenswaardig was nie. Die gemiddelde saadinhoud van die vrugte het afgeneem met toename in afstand vanaf die kruisbestuiwer. Indien ’n beperking op die afstand tussen kultivar en kruisbestuiwer geplaas word, sal ’n groter persentasie vrugte aan uitvoerstandaarde ten opsigte van saadinhoud voldoen.

  2. Medtner: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 1 c-Moll op. 33 / Volkmar Fischer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Fischer, Volkmar


    Uuest heliplaadist "Medtner: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 1 c-Moll op. 33, Sonaten-Ballade für Klavier Fis-Dur op. 27. London Philharmonic Orchestra / Neeme Järvi". Chandos/Koch CD9039 (WD:54'28")

  3. Invloed krachtvoerniveau op vleesproduktiekenmerken van Piemontese met zwartbont kruislingstieren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hanekamp, W.J.A.


    Met 3 ronden van elk 36 Piemontese X zwartbonte kruislingstieren is het effect van extra krachtvoer vergeleken met de normaal gangbare gift naast onbeperkt snijmaoskuil. De stieren waren gehuisvest in een natuurlijk geventileerde stal (space-boarding)en op een volledige roostervloer.

  4. Microscopisch onderzoek van enkele op verschillende wijzen behandelde sperciebonen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pinckaers, V.G.Z.; Jong, de W.J.H.J.


    Door middel van microscopisch onderzoek werd nagegaan of er strukturele verschillen waar te nemen zijn tussen de op verschillende wijze voorbehandelde diepvries sperciebonen en verse sperciebonen. Aan de hand van coupes werd nagegaan of door het blancheerproces bij diepvriesgroenten verschillen in

  5. Beperking koper- en zinkbelasting melkveehouderij : balansen voor koper en zink op 3 melkveebedrijven in Utrecht en op 30 bedrijven in studieclubs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, E.A.A.


    In de Kaderrichtlijn Water worden beperkingen gesteld aan de hoeveelheid koper en zink in het oppervlaktewater. Een deel van het koper en zink in het water is afkomstig uit de landbouw, waarvan ook een deel uit de melkveehouderij. Op 3 melkveebedrijven in Utrecht is, in opdracht van LAMI, een balans

  6. Integración de un Modelo S&OP con un Modelo ALM


    Insuasty Chamorro, Andrés Felipe


    DecisionWare International Corp. (DW) Este trabajo presenta los fundamentos metodológicos y la aplicación de la integración de un modelo financiero ALM (Assets Liabilities Management) con los modelos de planificación de la cadena de oferta de una empresa industrial global como son el SCD (Supply Chain Design) y el S&OP (Sales & Operation Planning). La aplicación en este trabajo se concentra en el modelo S&OP vinculado a un modelo ALM. Como resultado práctico se presenta la implementación d...

  7. Parents' experience of undertaking an intensive cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance (CO-OP) group for children with cerebral palsy. (United States)

    Jackman, Michelle; Novak, Iona; Lannin, Natasha; Froude, Elspeth


    The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of parents of children with cerebral palsy (CP) who participated in an intensive cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance (CO-OP) group program addressing child chosen goals. Participants were six parents of children with CP who participated in a CO-OP upper limb task-specific training program. Parents participated in semi-structured interviews conducted via phone. A grounded theory approach was used. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded to identify categories and overarching themes of the parent experience of CO-OP. The theory of CO-OP for children with CP was one of offering a unique and motivating learning experience for both the child and the parent, differing from other therapeutic approaches that families had previously been involved in. Five categories were identified: the unique benefits of CO-OP; the importance of intensity; the child's motivation; challenging the parent role; and the benefits and challenges of therapy within a group context. Parents felt that CO-OP was a worthwhile intervention that leads to achievement of goals involving upper limb function and had the capacity to be transferred to future goals. Intensity of therapy and a child's motivation were identified as important factors in improvements. Further studies using quantitative research methods are warranted to investigate the benefits of CO-OP for children with neurological conditions. Implications for rehabilitation The cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance (CO-OP) is a promising upper limb cognitive motor training intervention for children with cerebral palsy. In a small sample, parents perceived that CO-OP leads to achievement of upper limb goals. Intensity of therapy, the child's motivation and the parents' ability to "step-back" were identified as important to the success of CO-OP.

  8. Zakrzepowa plamica małopłytkowa – diagnostyka i leczenie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jolanta Korsak


    Full Text Available Zakrzepowa plamica małopłytkowa (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, TTP początkowo charakteryzowała się pentadą objawów: małopłytkowością, niedokrwistością hemolityczną mikroangiopatyczną, zaburzeniami układu nerwowego, niewydolnością nerek i gorączką. Jednak u 35% chorych z rozpoznaniem TTP nie stwierdza się wszyst‑ kich tych dolegliwości: nie występują u nich objawy neurologiczne, zaburzenia funkcji nerek oraz gorączka. Obec‑ nie zakrzepową plamicę małopłytkową rozpoznaje się na podstawie małopłytkowości i niedokrwistości mikroangiopatycznej. Diagnostyka obejmuje badanie morfologiczne krwi obwodowej wraz z rozmazem, badanie czynności nerek i oznaczenie aktywności LDH. Pomocne w rozpoznaniu jest oznaczenie aktywności metaloprote‑ azy ADAMTS13 i miana przeciwciał anty-ADAMTS13. W terapii w pierwszym rzucie stosuje się plazmaferezę lecz‑ niczą – powinna ona zostać przeprowadzona nawet wtedy, gdy diagnoza jest niepewna. Plazmafereza usuwa mul‑ timery ULvWF i nabyte przeciwciała skierowane przeciw ADAMTS13. Przetoczenie osocza nie jest tak efektywne jak plazmafereza, lecz może być stosowane tymczasowo. Efekt leczenia oceniany jest na podstawie unormowa‑ nia się aktywności LDH oraz ustąpienia małopłytkowości, niedokrwistości i zmian neurologicznych. Inną możli‑ wością terapeutyczną jest podawanie glikokortykosteroidów oraz immunoglobulin. U niektórych chorych korzystne może być wykonanie splenektomii. Ostatnio stosuje się także rytuksymab – powoduje on redukcję miana inhibitora ADAMTS13 i wzrost aktywności enzymu. Po leczeniu rytuksymabem odnotowano remisje kliniczne w przypad‑ kach, w których zawiodły inne metody terapii.

  9. Tijdstip van MH-bespuiting in uien en effect van stikstof op kale uien : proeven 2007/2008

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brink, van den L.


    In 2007 zijn in Lelystad, als vervolg op de literatuurstudie “Het optreden van spruitvorming en kale uien tijdens de bewaring” twee veldproeven uitgevoerd: 1) een proef waarin bij twee rassen en bij twee verschillende stikstofbemestingsniveaus op verschillende momenten met MH is gespoten.

  10. Prokofiev: Cantate pour le 20e anniversaire de la revolution d'Octobre op. 74 / Pierre-E. Barbier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barbier, Pierre-E.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofiev: Cantate pour le 20e anniversaire de la revolution d'Octobre op. 74. La Fleur de pierre op. 118 (extraits). Gennadi Rojdestvenski, Philharmonia Chorus and Orchestra, Neeme Järvi" CHAN 9095

  11. Onderzoek naar leverbot deel 1: Instrument voor bedrijfsanalyse op risicofacturen leverbotbestrijding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verwer, Cynthia; Verkaik, Jan; Neijenhuis, Francesca


    risico’s & kansen Een in Nederland afgekeurde lever met vergrote galgangen met aanwijzingen voor ontsteking. Leverbotbestrijding Instrument voor bedrijfsanalyse op risicofactoren risico’s & kansen

  12. Overview of physics goals for OP1.2a on Wendelstein 7-X (United States)

    Pedersen, Thomas Sunn; W7-X Team


    Wendelstein 7-X achieved, and in many cases exceeded, the pre-defined goals for its first operation phase, OP1.1. Results include core values of Te = 8 keV, Ti = 2 keV and ne>3*1019 m-3 and confinement times of 100-150 ms. The next operation phase, OP1.2a, scheduled to start in fall 2017, features a much more elaborate set of plasma-facing components. 10 inertially cooled graphite test divertor units (TDU) have been installed, as have graphite tiles on all the heat shields and baffles. Upgrades have also been made to heating systems, diagnostics, and particle fueling systems. This will allow for significantly increased pulse lengths, heating power and plasma performance, in particular, higher plasma density, and higher ion temperatures, thereby enabling a much more detailed investigation of the W7-X optimization and significantly higher triple products than achieved in OP1.1. The robustness of the TDU allows for an aggressive exploration of divertor operation scenarios in this phase. The main goals and plans, and, if available, first results of OP1.2a will be presented. This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under Grant agreement No 633053.

  13. Airport surface moving map displays: OpEval-2 evaluation results and future plans (United States)

    Livack, Garret; McDaniel, James I.; Battiste, Vernol


    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in cooperation with the Cargo Airline Association (CAA) and three of its member airlines (Airborne Express, Federal Express, and United Parcel Service), have embarked upon an aggressive yet phased approach to introduce new Free Flight-enabling technologies into the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS). General aviation is also actively involved, represented primarily by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). These new technologies being evaluated include advanced cockpit avionics and a complimentary ground infrastructure. In support of this initiative, a series of operational evaluations (OpEvals) have been conducted or are planned. The OpEvals have evaluated in-flight as well as airport surface movement applications. Results from the second OpEval, conducted at Louisville, Kentucky in October 2000, indicated that runway incursions might be significantly reduced with the introduction of a cockpit-based moving map system derived from emerging technologies. An additional OpEval is planned to evaluate the utility of an integrated cockpit and airport surface architecture that provides enhanced pilot and controller awareness of airport surface operations. It is believed that the combination of such an airborne and a ground-based system best addresses many of the safety issues surrounding airport surface operations. Such a combined system would provide both flight crews and controllers with a common awareness, or shared picture of airport surface operations.

  14. Onderzoek naar invloed van lichtschema op titers bij vleeskuikens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Middelkoop, van J.H.; Harn, van J.; Voorst, van S.


    Het is bekend dat het toepassen van een lichtschema van invloed is op de uitval als gevolg van infectieziektes. Dit was aanleiding voor het PP om onderzoek te doen naar de antilichaamtiters tegen NCD, IB en Gumboro bij vleeskuikens die bij verschillende lichtschema's gehouden werden.

  15. Impact van rwzi’s op geneesmiddelconcentraties in kwetsbaar oppervlaktewater

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coppens, L.; Gils, van J.; Laak, ter T.L.


    Voor geneesmiddelen zijn de rwzi’s de belangrijkste route naar het oppervlaktewater. We hebben een model ontwikkeld waarmee we de invloed van rwzi’s op de kwaliteit van het oppervlaktewater in Nederland kunnen voorspellen. Dat maakt inzichtelijk waar maatregelen het meest effectief zijn. We hebben

  16. Op een kaal plein valt niets te kiezen (Interview)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boo, de M.; Lenzholzer, S.


    Pleinen en straten worden geteisterd door gure windvlagen of je smelt juist weg als de zon flink schijnt. In haar proefschrift legt Sanda Lenzholzer uit dat ontwerpers meer rekening moeten houden met het microklimaat in de stad. Dat houdt ook de aso’s op afstand.

  17. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, High Low Tide Prediction (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has High Low Tide Predictions from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The official Tide and Tidal Current...

  18. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Tide Prediction, 60-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has High Low Tide Predictions from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The official Tide and Tidal Current...

  19. Het effect van het calciumgehalte van pootgoed op de ziektegevoeligheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velema, R.; Griend, van de P.; Velvis, H.


    Het onderzoek dat in dit verslag is beschreven heeft betrekking op de relatie tussen het calciumgehalte in de knol en het optreden van de ziekten Fusarium spp, Helminthosporium solani, Phytophthora infestans en Erwinia spp.

  20. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Tide Prediction, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has High Low Tide Predictions from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The official Tide and Tidal Current...

  1. Kabalevsky, Violin Concerto in C major, Op. 48 / Robert Layton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Layton, Robert


    Uuest heliplaadist "Kabalevsky, Violin Concerto in C major, Op. 48. Khachaturian, Violin Concerto in D minor, Lydia Mordkovitch (violin). Royal Scottish National Orchestra /Neeme Järvi". Chandos MC ABTD 1519; CD CHAN 8918 (53 minutes)

  2. Development of Op-Amp Based Piezoelectric Rectifier for Low Power Energy Harvesting Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syazmie Bin Sepeeh Muhamad


    Full Text Available In this study, the development of operational amplifier (op-amp based rectifier for piezoelectric energy harvesting applications was studied. The two stage op-amp full wave rectifier was used to convert the AC signal to DC signal voltage received by piezoelectric devices. The inverted half wave rectifier integrated with full wave rectifier were designed and simulated using MultiSIM software. The circuit was then fabricated onto a printed circuit board (PCB, using standard fabrication process. The achievement of this rectifier was able to boost up the maximum voltage of 5 V for input voltage of 800 mV. The output of the rectifier was in DC signal after the rectification by the op-amp. In term of power, the power dissipation was reduced consequently the waste power decreases. Future work includes optimization of the rectifying circuit to operate more efficiently can be made to increase the efficiency of the devices.

  3. Optogenetic manipulation of cGMP in cells and animals by the tightly light-regulated guanylyl-cyclase opsin CyclOp. (United States)

    Gao, Shiqiang; Nagpal, Jatin; Schneider, Martin W; Kozjak-Pavlovic, Vera; Nagel, Georg; Gottschalk, Alexander


    Cyclic GMP (cGMP) signalling regulates multiple biological functions through activation of protein kinase G and cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. In sensory neurons, cGMP permits signal modulation, amplification and encoding, before depolarization. Here we implement a guanylyl cyclase rhodopsin from Blastocladiella emersonii as a new optogenetic tool (BeCyclOp), enabling rapid light-triggered cGMP increase in heterologous cells (Xenopus oocytes, HEK293T cells) and in Caenorhabditis elegans. Among five different fungal CyclOps, exhibiting unusual eight transmembrane topologies and cytosolic N-termini, BeCyclOp is the superior optogenetic tool (light/dark activity ratio: 5,000; no cAMP production; turnover (20 °C) ∼17 cGMP s(-1)). Via co-expressed CNG channels (OLF in oocytes, TAX-2/4 in C. elegans muscle), BeCyclOp photoactivation induces a rapid conductance increase and depolarization at very low light intensities. In O2/CO2 sensory neurons of C. elegans, BeCyclOp activation evokes behavioural responses consistent with their normal sensory function. BeCyclOp therefore enables precise and rapid optogenetic manipulation of cGMP levels in cells and animals.

  4. Onderzoek naar effecten van bepaalde stoffen op het alcoholslot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Muilwijk, Mirthe; Alewijn, M.; Ruth, van S.M.


    Ieder jaar vallen er doden en gewonden in het verkeer bij ongevallen waarbij alcohol in het spel is. Het alcoholslotprogramma draagt bij aan het omlaag brengen van het aantal verkeersslachtoffers en is bedoeld voor bestuurders die met te veel alcohol op aan het verkeer hebben deelgenomen. Als

  5. A qualitative study of DevOps usage in practice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erich, F.M.A.; Amrit, Chintan Amrit; Daneva, Maya

    Organizations are introducing agile and lean software development techniques in operations to increase the pace of their software development process and to improve the quality of their software. They use the term DevOps, a portmanteau of development and operations, as an umbrella term to describe

  6. Sibelius: Scaramouche op. 71, Neeme Järvi / Rainer Wagner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wagner, Rainer


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius: Scaramouche op. 71 [World Premiere REcording of the Complete Score]. Hochzeitmarsch aus der Musik zum Drama Die Sprache der Vögel [Wedding March "The Language of the Birds"]. Göteborger Sinfoniker, Neeme Järvi. BIS/Disco-Ccenter CD 502 (WD:68'28") DDD

  7. Toegankelijkheid van applicaties en content op internet voor consumenten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nooren, P.A.


    Het principe dat consumenten toegang moeten hebben tot hun eigen keuze aan applicaties en content op internet is al jaren gevestigd. Tegelijkertijd ontstaat regelmatig discussie over de vraag hoe die toegankelijkheid in de praktijk moet worden gewaarborgd en of hij al dan niet wordt belemmerd. Dit

  8. ICES adviseert sluiting visserij op blauwe wijting: overbevissing afgelopen jaren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beek, van F.A.


    Het International Council for the Exploiration of the Sea adviseert de visserij op blauwe wijting in 2002 te staken totdat een herstelplan is vastgesteld. Aanleiding is de sterk afgenomen paaistand als gevolg van een ongereguleerde visserij

  9. [AN OVERALL SOUND PROCESS] Becoming Neoclassical: Instrumentation in the Sketches for Webern's Concerto, Op. 24

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David H. Miller


    Full Text Available In September 1928 Anton Webern wrote to publisher Emil Hertzka to report on the composition of a work “in the spirit of some of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos.” In June 1934 that work stood completed as the Concerto for Nine Instruments, Op. 24. While Op. 24 has been celebrated as a paradigmatic example of Webern’s forward-looking serial techniques, it simultaneously exhibits a strong neoclassical influence, as Kathryn Bailey (1991 has demonstrated in her study of sonata and ritornello principles in the Concerto’s first movement. Neoclassical models may have also played a role in dramatically shifting conceptions of instrumentation and genre evident in sketches from the work’s extended period of composition, during which time it transformed from a piece for large symphonic orchestra, to a concerto for solo piano with orchestral accompaniment, to a concerto grosso with a continuo-like piano part. The dramatic shifts found in the sketches are best understood in relation to Webern’s compositional activities in the decade preceding Op. 24. During this period, Webern revised several of his pre-World War I orchestral compositions, reducing the size and diversity of the ensembles with an eye towards Fasslichkeit (“comprehensibility”; a similar goal motivated the arrangements he produced for Arnold Schoenberg’s Society for Private Musical Performances. When considered alongside an instrumentation-centric view of the sketches for Op. 24, these activities suggest an intriguing view of the Concerto. If its twelve-tone row marks Op. 24 as an apex of Webern’s serial technique, its instrumentation makes it an apex of his neoclassicism.In September 1928 Anton Webern wrote to publisher Emil Hertzka to report on the composition of a work “in the spirit of some of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos.” In June 1934 that work stood completed as the Concerto for Nine Instruments, Op. 24. While Op. 24 has been celebrated as a paradigmatic example

  10. A low-offset low-voltage CMOS Op Amp with rail-to-rail input and output ranges

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holzmann, Peter J.; Wiegerink, Remco J.; Gierkink, Sander L.J.; Wassenaar, R.F.; Stroet, Peter; Stroet, P.M.


    A low voltage CMOS op amp is presented. The circuit uses complementary input pairs to achieve a rail-to-rail common mode input voltage range. Special attention has been given to the reduction of the op amp's systematic offset voltage. Gain boost amplifiers are connected in a special way to provide

  11. Toepassing van de basisvrachtbenadering op fosfaat van compost; advies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ehlert, P.A.I.


    Bij het vormgeven van het stelsel van gebruiksnormen is een maatschappelijke discussie ontstaan over de aanvoer van fosfaat met grond in compost en zwarte grond. Deze deskstudie gaat in op vragen die hierbij gesteld zijn. Het aandeel grond in compost en zwarte grond en de hoeveelheid fosfaat daarin

  12. State Supervision of Mines. Strategy and Programme for 2007-2011; Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen. Strategie en Programma 2007-2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    State Supervision of Mines (SodM) supervises the observance of legal regulations that apply to the search for, extraction of and storage of minerals. The SodM focuses on aspects of safety, health, environment, efficient extraction and soil movements. Every five years, the SodM draws up a strategic document. This strategic document is a sequel to the report 'Strategic policy 2002 to 2007'. This report provides a short overview of the realizations of the last five years. Moreover an analysis is included of the policy developments in the fields of mineral extraction, safety, health and environment. Subsequently the consequences of these developments for SodM are examined. Based on these developments an elaboration is provided of the initiatives taken by SodM and an outlook of the programme of supervision projects for the next five years. This document also includes a communication plan, which illustrates when and how SodM goes public. [mk]. [Dutch] Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (SodM) houdt toezicht op de naleving van wettelijke regelingen die van toepassing zijn op het opsporen, winnen, opslaan en transporteren van delfstoffen. De dienst richt zich hierbij op de aspecten veiligheid, gezondheid, milieu, doelmatige winning en bodembewegingen. Elke vijf jaar stelt SodM een strategiedocument op. Dit strategiedocument is een vervolg op het rapport 'Strategisch beleid 2002 tot 2007'. In dit rapport wordt kort uiteengezet wat er de afgelopen vijf jaar is gerealiseerd. Tevens wordt een analyse geboden van de beleidsontwikkelingen op het terrein van delfstofwinning, veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu. Vervolgens wordt nagegaan, wat die ontwikkelingen betekenen voor SodM. Op basis van die ontwikkelingen wordt uiteengezet welke initiatieven SodM neemt en hoe het programma van toezichtprojecten er de komende vijf jaar uitziet. In het document is tevens een communicatieplan opgenomen, waaruit blijkt wanneer en hoe SodM naar buiten treedt.

  13. Prokofiev: Symphony No. 6 in E flat, Op. 111 / Jonathan Swain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Swain, Jonathan


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofiev: Symphony No. 6 in E flat, Op. 111; Stravinsky:Petrushka (1911 version). Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra / Evgeny Mravinsky; Prokofiev - selected comparison: SNO, Järvi (7/85)(CHAN) CHAN 8359

  14. De Haagse Stationsweg : De alledaagse wereld haaks op beleidsambitites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ercan Büyükçifçi


    De gemeente Den Haag buigt zich al jaren over de revitalisering van de winkelstraat Stationsweg. Ze typeert de straat, die tussen het station Hollands Spoor en de binnenstad ligt, als ‘de rode loper’. Dit roept het beeld op van een aantrekkelijk route waar men plezier aan beleeft. De vraag is in

  15. Organisatiecultuur en performance management : pas op voor het Pavlov-effect

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nieboer, Stephanie

    Dit artikel bespreekt de relatie tussen organisatiecultuur en performance management. De auteurs stellen dat gedrag niet op zichzelf staat, maar wordt gevormd door onderliggende waarden en overtuigingen. Om performance management in de praktijk succesvol te laten zijn, moet het worden opgenomen in

  16. De invloed van bodemreiniging op de biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adema DMM*; Boer JLM de; Gestel CAM van; Jong P de*


    Er werd onderzoek uitgevoerd met als doel het uitlooggedrag en de biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen in verontreinigde gronden voor en na reiniging te bepalen. Dit (deel)rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het onderzoek naar de biologische beschikbaarheid. Op zes locaties in Nederland

  17. Toezicht in de open samenleving : Maatschappelijke controle op multinationale ondernemingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Erp, J.G.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/161941958


    Globalisering creëert nieuwe mogelijkheden voor het houden van toezicht op multinationale ondernemingen. Dat is de kern van de oratie die professor Judith van Erp uitsprak bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel Publieke Instituties aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Globalisering heeft voor ondernemingen

  18. Ryger troværdigheden ned, når vi taler læreruddannelsen op?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Claus


    Nu er vi ved at få talt læreruddannelsen op af sin lavstatus. Resultatet er, at flere søger uddannelsen. Så må vi håbe, at talen er troværdig, for ellers vil frafaldet stige.......Nu er vi ved at få talt læreruddannelsen op af sin lavstatus. Resultatet er, at flere søger uddannelsen. Så må vi håbe, at talen er troværdig, for ellers vil frafaldet stige....

  19. Cancellation of OpAmp virtual ground imperfections by a negative conductance applied to improve RF receiver linearity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mahrof, D.H.; Klumperink, Eric A.M.; Ru, Z.; Oude Alink, M.S.; Nauta, Bram


    High linearity CMOS radio receivers often exploit linear V-I conversion at RF, followed by passive down-mixing and an OpAmp-based Transimpedance Amplifier at baseband. Due to nonlinearity and finite gain in the OpAmp, virtual ground is imperfect, inducing distortion currents. This paper proposes a

  20. Onderzoek naar de effecten van snoezelen op het gedrag van demente verpleeghuisbewoners en de werkbeleving van verzorgenden.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weert, J. van; Peter, J.; Dulmen, S. van; Ribbe, M.; Bensing, J.


    Het effect van snoezelen in de 24-uurszorg op de stemming en het gedrag van demente ouderen is nooit eerder onderzocht. Ook is in geen van de eerdere studies het effect onderzocht van snoezelen op de werkbeleving van verzorgenden. Uit onderzoek is bekend dat in verpleeghuizen waar geen

  1. In ovo exposure to o,p -DDE affects sexual development but not sexual differentiation in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). (United States)

    Papoulias, D.M.; Villalobos, Sergio A.; Meadows, J.; Noltie, Douglas B.; Giesy, J.P.; Tillitt, D.E.


    Despite being banned in many countries, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) continue to be found in fish tissues at concentrations of concern. Like o,p -DDT, o,p -DDE is estrogenic and is believed to exert its effects through binding to the estrogen receptor. The limited toxicologic data for o,p -DDE suggest that it decreases fecundity and fertility of fishes. We conducted an egg injection study using the d-rR strain of medaka and environmentally relevant concentrations of o,p -DDE to examine its effects on sexual differentiation and development. The gonads of exposed fish showed no evidence of sex reversal or intersex. However, other gonad abnormalities occurred in exposed individuals. Females exhibited few vitellogenic oocytes and increased atresia. Male testes appeared morphologically normal but were very small. Gonadosomatic index values for both sexes were lower for exposed fish. Our observations of abnormal female and very small male gonads after in ovo o,p -DDE exposure may be indicative of effects on early endocrine processes important for normal ovarian and testicular development.

  2. Monitoring chemische en ecologische kwaliteit oppervlaktewater op melkveebedrijven = Monitoring chemical and ecological quality surface water on dairy farms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoving, I.E.; Boekhoff, M.; Knotters, M.; Schilder, H.; Wisse, J.S.P.


    In het project ‘Boeren met Kaderrichtlijn Water’ is gekeken welke methoden bestaan om de oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit op boerenbedrijven te beoordelen in het licht van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water. Twee methoden zijn nader getoetst, namelijk compliance monitoring waarbij het accent ligt op

  3. n Perspektief op resente gebeure in die Nederduitsch Hervormde ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    28 Mei 2014 ... Soortgelyke poging is 'n artikel wat in 2011 in Historia verskyn het, wat die resente geskiedenis van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG) Kerk ten opsigte van die kerk se ...... en tydskrifte was vir lidmate deur die internet beskikbaar. Deur 'n knoppie op die rekenaar te druk, kon enigeen 'n standpunt stel ...

  4. Examining the Influence of Selected Factors on Perceived Co-Op Work-Term Quality from a Student Perspective (United States)

    Drewery, David; Nevison, Colleen; Pretti, T. Judene; Cormier, Lauren; Barclay, Sage; Pennaforte, Antoine


    This study discusses and tests a conceptual model of co-op work-term quality from a student perspective. Drawing from an earlier exploration of co-op students' perceptions of work-term quality, variables related to role characteristics, interpersonal dynamics, and organizational elements were used in a multiple linear regression analysis to…

  5. Effecten van de voorbewerking op het gehalte aan inhoudsstoffen paprika

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aanholt, van L.; Elderen, van C.


    Het chemisch laboratorium werkte het afgelopen jaar een analysemethode uit voor het bepalen van vitamine-C in paprikavruchten (Aanholt, 1997). Met de wetenschap voor ogen dat vitamine-C zeer snel op verschillende manieren afgebroken kan worden, werd besloten tot een enigermate afwijkende methode van

  6. Modelo de dinâmica de sistemas para o processo de S&OP ampliado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Carlos Domingos


    Full Text Available ResumoApesar de o processo de S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning não ser uma prática nova nas empresas, principalmente naquelas de grande porte, ainda é tema de estudos nas suas práticas e ferramentas computacionais de apoio. Modelos e ferramentas computacionais focadas para o auxílio no processo de S&OP são utilizadas e podem contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade da sua execução e dos seus resultados. As ferramentas mais comuns são aquelas baseadas em planilhas eletrônicas, e as mais sofisticadas, em técnicas de pesquisa operacional inseridas em sistemas APS (Advanced Planning Systems. A partir da revisão bibliográfica realizada sobre teoria e técnicas computacionais usadas para o auxílio do processo de S&OP, foi identificada a ausência de estudos relacionados ao uso de Dinâmica de Sistemas (System Dynamics. Adicionalmente, a revisão aponta a necessidade de estudos relacionados à integração de análise econômica e financeira durante a elaboração dos planos agregados e o uso de variáveis probabilísticas no processo que possibilitem a análise estatística no sentido de fornecer planos mais confiáveis. Outra questão relevante observada é que os gestores que participam do processo de S&OP nem sempre têm uma visão global de todas as variáveis e restrições envolvidas neste processo, assim observa-se também que as técnicas e ferramentas utilizadas para execução do processo de S&OP não oferecem uma visão holística das atividades e variáveis envolvidas. Com isso, neste trabalho, é proposto um modelo de Simulação de Dinâmica de Sistemas que proporcione uma visão holística para o processo de S&OP e que permita a integração com os processos da área financeira e o uso de variáveis probabilísticas. A avaliação dos resultados das simulações realizadas com o modelo, apoiada por um projeto de experimentos (DoE, mostra que os planos gerados são compatíveis se comparados com a prática empresarial

  7. Sibelius: Kullervo, Op. 7. Eeva-Liisa Saarinen / Robert Layton

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Layton, Robert


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius: Kullervo, Op. 7. Eeva-Liisa Saarinen, Jorma Hynninen. Estonian State Academic Male Choir, Helsinki University Male Choir, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra / Paavo Berglund. EMI Matrix CD CDM 565080-2 (72 minutes); Comparative versions: Mattila, Hynninen, Gothenburg SO / Järvi (1/87)(BIS)CD 313; Rorholm, Hynninen, Los Angeles PO / Salonen (7/93)(SONY)SK 52563

  8. Research of small quaternary AChE inhibitors as pretreatment of OP poisoning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musilek, K.; Komloova, M.; Holas, O.; Opletalova, V.; Pohanka, M.; Kuca, K.


    Small quaternary AChE inhibitors are used (e.g. pyridostigmine) or scoped (e.g. SAD-128) for pretreatment against organophosphate intoxication [1]. The pretreatment is based on competitive inhibition of AChE prior to organophosphate (OP) poisoning. Consequently, the OP can not influence the inhibited AChE and is degraded by other esterases. Although various competitive inhibitors are used globally, pyridostigmine still remains the most broaden. Its side effects including gastrointestinal effects (nausea, intestinal obstruction), increased bronchial secretion, cardiac arrhythmia or cholinergic crisis are well described. Moreover, some bisquaternary competitive inhibitors (e.g. SAD-128) were used to decrease lethal effects of OP poisoning in vivo. The further studies dealing with SAD-128 showed its increased ability to interact with brain muscarinic acetylcholine receptors as allosteric inhibitors [2]. The small molecules derived from quaternized pyridine, quinoline and isoquinoline were designed as AChE inhibitors. Their ability to inhibit AChE or BChE was determined in vitro using IC50. The IC50 data were compared within each group of compounds with emphasis on selectivity AChE versus BChE. The overall study will be presented. The work was supported by Ministry of Defence of Czech Republic No. OVUOFVZ200805.(author)

  9. Effecten van bosbegrazing op het humusprofiel van arme zandgronden onder naaldbos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kemmers, R.H.; Mekkink, P.; Smit, A.; Sevink, J.


    In het veld zijn de effecten van bosbegrazing op strooiselvoorraden onderzocht. Biomassa, pH, organische-stofgehalte, elektrisch geleidingsvermogen, elementenvoorraden en stikstofmineralisatie van strooisellagen werden gemeten na nul, twee en vijf jaar begrazing. De ondergrondse en bovengrondse

  10. Effecten van zuurbelasting op de grondwaterkwaliteit van een pyriethoudende ondergrond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kanb, W.C.J.P.


    Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van zure depositie vanuit de atmosfeer beperkt zich in het algemeen tot de bovengrond. Het in deze nota beschreven onderzoek was in het bijzonder gericht op de ondergrond. Essentieel hierbij is, dat de experimenten onder anaërobe omstandigheden zijn uitgevoerd. Het doel

  11. The development of a network for community-based obesity prevention: the CO-OPS Collaboration (United States)


    Background Community-based interventions are a promising approach and an important component of a comprehensive response to obesity. In this paper we describe the Collaboration of COmmunity-based Obesity Prevention Sites (CO-OPS Collaboration) in Australia as an example of a collaborative network to enhance the quality and quantity of obesity prevention action at the community level. The core aims of the CO-OPS Collaboration are to: identify and analyse the lessons learned from a range of community-based initiatives aimed at tackling obesity, and; to identify the elements that make community-based obesity prevention initiatives successful and share the knowledge gained with other communities. Methods Key activities of the collaboration to date have included the development of a set of Best Practice Principles and knowledge translation and exchange activities to promote the application (or use) of evidence, evaluation and analysis in practice. Results The establishment of the CO-OPS Collaboration is a significant step toward strengthening action in this area, by bringing together research, practice and policy expertise to promote best practice, high quality evaluation and knowledge translation and exchange. Future development of the network should include facilitation of further evidence generation and translation drawing from process, impact and outcome evaluation of existing community-based interventions. Conclusions The lessons presented in this paper may help other networks like CO-OPS as they emerge around the globe. It is important that networks integrate with each other and share the experience of creating these networks. PMID:21349185

  12. Diffusion and localization of o-Ps in Dsub(2)O determined from positron annihilation in SDS micellar solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vass, Sz.; Kajcsos, Zs.; Molnar, B.


    A microscopic diffusion model is presented for the determination of orthopositronium (o-Ps) lifetime in micellar solutions. Among other parameters, the lifetime density function depends on the o-Ps diffusion coefficient in the water phase. Orthopositronium diffusion coefficients are determined by fitting this lifetime density function to positron annihilation spectra obtained from 1 mol/dmsup(3) solution of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) in Dsub(2)O at different temperatures. The activation energy of the o-Ps diffusion in Dsub(2)O obtained from the Arrhenius-plot as Esub(a)=(0.9sub(22)+-0.1sub(03)) eV indicates strong localization. (author)

  13. God se antwoord op geweld en land in Deuteronomium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.L. Helberg


    Full Text Available Deuteronomium getuig van God se besondere liefde soos Hy dit in verband met die Beloofde Land aan Israel betoon het. Sy bevoorregting van Israel asook sy betrokkenheid by geweld roep egter baie vrae en bespreking op. Twee aspekte wat nie in die besprekings daarvan werklik aandag kry nie, word in hierdie artikel ondersoek: enersyds die verantwoordelikheid en/of skuld van die menslike partye en andersyds dié van God. Die bevindinge is: (1 Nie die nasies of Israel kan God verwyt nie, want die nasies tree self gewelddadig en eksploiterend teenoor mekaar op. Mense bewoon die aarde ten koste van ander mense en ook ten koste van die aardeself. Hulle tree hardnekkig en opstandig op teen die Wet en die wil van God wat die beste vir hulle bedoel. Tog is God in beheer van alles wat gebeur, Hy is onbegryplik en sonder blaam, selfs wanneer Hy in en deur die sondige werklikheid optree. (2 Deuteronomium praat van God se krasse geweld én oorweldigende liefde en verkondig dat Hy die verantwoordelikheid en skuld van die sondige, opstandige mensdom op Hom neem. Hierop gee die Dienaarliedere van Jesaja nog duideliker lig. God moet veral teen hierdie positiewe getuienis waardeer word. Dit is Hy wat aan die werk is en daarom moet die situasie vanuit die oogpunt soos Hy Homself bekend maak, beoordeel word. God, violence, and land in Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy attests of God’s exceptional love as proven to Israel in connection with the Promised Land. However, his preferential treatment of Israel and his involvement in violence invokes many questions and much debate. This article investigates two aspects, which do not really receive attention in the debate: on the one hand, human responsibility and guilt, and on the other hand that of God. The findings are: (1 Neither the nations nor Israel can reproach God, for they themselves act violently and exploitingly. They inhabit the earth at the expense of others and of the earth itself. They act obstinately toward the Law

  14. Groei van ongelijkjarige mengingen van grove den en berk op arme zandgronden; resultaten van metingen in 22 opstanden op de Veluwe en de Sallandse Heuvelrug

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijdeven, S.M.J.; Oosterbaan, A.; Berg, v.d. C.; Jole, van M.


    Het voorkomen en de groei van berk in ongelijkjarige mengingen van grove den en berk is bepaald op basis van opstandgemiddelden. Er is geen duidelijk verband tussen het voorkomen en de groei van berk en de schermdichtheid van grove den. Actuele groeigegevens zijn noodzakelijk voor een nadere

  15. An Automated Medical Information Management System (OpScan-MIMS) in a Clinical Setting (United States)

    Margolis, S.; Baker, T.G.; Ritchey, M.G.; Alterescu, S.; Friedman, C.


    This paper describes an automated medical information management system within a clinic setting. The system includes an optically scanned data entry system (OpScan), a generalized, interactive retrieval and storage software system(Medical Information Management System, MIMS) and the use of time-sharing. The system has the advantages of minimal hardware purchase and maintenance, rapid data entry and retrieval, user-created programs, no need for user knowledge of computer language or technology and is cost effective. The OpScan-MIMS system has been operational for approximately 16 months in a sexually transmitted disease clinic. The system's application to medical audit, quality assurance, clinic management and clinical training are demonstrated.

  16. Cognitive Orientation to (daily) Occupational Performance (CO-OP) with children with Asperger's syndrome who have motor-based occupational performance goals. (United States)

    Rodger, Sylvia; Brandenburg, Julia


    Motor difficulties associated with Asperger's syndrome (AS) are commonly reported, despite these not being diagnostically significant. Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) is a verbal problem-solving intervention developed for use with children with developmental coordination disorder to address their motor-based difficulties. This paper reports on two case studies of children with AS illustrating the outcomes of CO-OP to address motor-based occupational performance goals. A case study approach was used to document how two children with AS engaged in 10 weekly sessions of CO-OP addressing child-chosen motor-based occupational performance goals and the outcomes of this intervention. Pre and post-intervention assessment using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales and the Performance Quality Rating Scale indicated that both children were able to engage in CO-OP intervention to successfully improve their occupational performance. Further research into the application of CO-OP with children with AS is warranted based on preliminary positive findings regarding the efficacy of this intervention to address motor-based performance difficulties in two children with AS.

  17. 13. I kuulutas ETV kultuurisaade "OP!" välja oma lemmikud...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tegijad koos 30 kultuuritegija ja -ajakirjanikuga valisid 2003. a. "OP!-is" kajastatu hulgast oma lemmikud: näitus - Tõnu Arraku damaskuse terasest noad ajaloomuuseumis, maja - restaureeritud Albu mõisakool (arhitekt Jaan Jõgi, sisearhitekt Nele Rohtla). Auhinnaks kunstnik Ave Nahkuri maalitud pilt

  18. Reductie BLEVE-frequentie van een LPG-tankauto op een autotankstation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kok, O.M.P.; Pietersen, C.M.


    Uit de LPG-Integraalstudie [4] blijkt dat de BLEVE van de LPG-Tankauto het risico van het autotankstation domineert (bij ondergrondse opslagtank). In deze studie is nagegaan wat de invloed is van een aantal mogelijk te treffen voorzieníngen aan de LPG-tankauto en het LPG-autotankstation op de

  19. Die benutting van vraelyste met die oog op meer effektiewe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    effektiewe stresbeheer as een van die temas te hanteer. Op grond van die navorsing deur onder andere Lawson (1985) en Taylor (1999) sou ek graag die proses van differensiasie2 ook by genoemde lys voeg as tema vir bespreking tydens huweliksvoorbereiding. 2 Differensiasie kan beskryf word as die losmaakproses ...

  20. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OP-SCC) of the Head and Neck: a Growing Epidemic (United States)

    Bauman, Jessica; Wirth, Lori


    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is now considered a major causative agent in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OP-SCC). The incidence of HPV+ OP-SCC is increasing dramatically, is higher in men, and is now more common than cervical cancer in the United States. HPV+ OPSCCs usually present as locally advanced, stage IV cancers, requiring intensive treatment with surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation that can cause tremendous morbidity. HPV vaccination is predicted to prevent HPV+ OP-SCC because over 90% are caused by vaccine-type HPV. However, current vaccination rates are not yet high enough to be effective at preventing HPV-associated malignancies at a population level. PMID:27132327

  1. Towards minimum energy houses with EPC {<=}0; Op weg naar minimum energie woningen met EPC {<=}0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Den Dulk, F.W. [Piode - ontwerp- en adviesbureau BNA, Amersfoort (Netherlands)


    The purpose of the publication is to inform stakeholders about the current state concerning energy efficient building of houses and residential buildings. Also guidance is provided with regard to steps to follow and some practical examples are given. The energy concepts shown are based on known and marketable techniques. An energy concept is a balanced and tailored set of design measures, building construction facilities, installation and (sustainable) energy supply. Optimization is based on energy savings and costs and benefits and it must also meet requirements for health, safety, comfort and ease of operation [Dutch] Het doel van de publicatie is om belanghebbenden te informeren over de huidige stand van zaken m.b.t. vergaand energiezuinig bouwen. Tevens wordt een handreiking geboden over de te volgen stappen en zijn een aantal voorbeelden opgenomen over de praktijk. De publicatie is beperkt tot seriematige woningbouw. De energieconcepten zijn op het niveau van de individuele woning of een woongebouw. De weergegeven energieconcepten zijn gebaseerd op bekende- en marktrijpe technieken. Een energieconcept is een afgewogen en op elkaar afgestemd samenstel van ontwerpmaatregelen, bouwkundige maatregelen en voorzieningen, de installatie en de (duurzame) energievoorziening . Optimalisatie vindt plaats op basis van energiebesparing en kosten/baten terwijl tevens moet worden voldaan aan eisen voor veiligheid, gezondheid, comfort en bedieningsgemak.

  2. Gestroomlijnd schrijven: het effect van een elektronische outline-tool op de schrijfvaardigheid


    De Smet, Milou; Brand-Gruwel, Saskia; Broekkamp, Hein; Kirschner, Paul A.


    De Smet, M. J. R., Brand-Gruwel, S., Broekkamp, S., & Kirschner, P. A. (2011) Gestroomlijnd schrijven: Het effect van een elektronische outline-tool op de schrijfvaardigheid. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 12(4), 14-25.

  3. Invloed van mielieaanvulling en weidruk op produksie van ooie en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Massaveranderinge van ooie en lammers met verskillende tipe energieaanvullings op gespaarde wintersuurveld is vir drie opeenvolgende winterseisoene ondersoek in 'n 3 X 2 X 2-faktoriale proefontwerp. Veldkampe is vir 60 dae in Junie tot Augustus bewei teen 3 of 6 kg beskikbare DM/ooi/d. Mieliegraan teen 300 g en ...

  4. Ik Kies Bewust; Effecten van het logo op het koopgedrag

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kornelis, M.; Meeusen, M.J.G.


    Dit rapport beschrijft de effecten van het Ik Kies Bewust-logo in de markt. Daarbij wordt gekeken of en in welke mate de vraag naar de producten met het Ik Kies Bewust-logo groter wordt en welke effecten dit heeft op de vraag naar andere producten in diezelfde of andere productcategorieën.

  5. Plussen en minnen : MKBA’s op ICT-gebied in kaart gebracht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koopmans, C.; van Benthem, M.

    De Studiegroep Informatiesamenleving en Overheid werkt aan een advies over digitale voorzieningen en diensten van de overheid. Voor deze studiegroep heeft het ministerie van BZK behoefte aan meer inzicht in de belangrijkste maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyses (MKBA’s) die op dit terrein zijn

  6. Op het grensvlak van chemie en biotechnologie (interview met Harry Bitter)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gool, van J.; Bitter, J.H.


    Harry Bitter, sinds twee jaar hoogleraar Biobased Chemistry & Technology aan de Wageningen Universiteit, pleit voor meer chemie en katalyse in het onderzoek naar biobased producten. ‘Mijn onderzoeksfocus ligt op hoe je de omzettingen van biomassa naar product zo optimaal mogelijk kunt uitvoeren.

  7. Desain dan Implementasi Virtual Laboratory Materi Osilator Analog berbasis IC OP-AMP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Laboratorium virtual merupakan salah satu platform laboratorium modern yang dapat mendukung kegiatan praktikum yang berjalan secara tradisional (Hand-on Laboratory.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan Virtual Laboratory pada materi pembangkit sinyal dengan subtopik: Wien Bridge sebagai osilator RC, Hartley dan Colpitts sebagai osilator LC dan Astable Multivibrator sebagai osilator relaksasi,yang dibangun berbasis IC Operational Amplifier (OP-AMP.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan R&Dyang terdiri dari enam tahapan, yaitu:konsep, desain, pengumpulan bahan, pembuatan, pengujian dan pendistribusian. Aplikasi perangkat lunak berbasis dekstop ini telah diuji secara fungsional dengan 6 (enam aspek parameter yakni:uji polaritas kapastor; uji wiring; uji mode frekuensi dan mode perioda pada alat ukur frequency generator; uji specific decission pada trainer kit osilator hartley dan colpitts; uji kesesuaian antara frekuensi ouput dari masing-masing osilator dengan perhitungan teorema dan hasil percobaan sesungguhnya; dan uji kualitas media. Hasil secara keseluruhan telah sesuai dengan ekspektasi didalam story board. Kata kunci: IC OP-AMP, Osilator analog, Laboratorium virtual ABSTRACT The Virtual Laboratory is as one of modern laboratory platform which able to supportthe hand-on worklab. The goal of this research are for designing and implementing a Virtual Laboratory of signal generator material with subtopics i.e. the Wien Bridge as an RC oscillator, the Hartley and Colpitts as LC oscillator and the astable multivibrator as relaxation oscillator which assembled based on Operational Amplifier Integrated Circuit (OP-AMP.This research is R&D type which consists of six stages, i.e. concept, design, materials collection, assembling, testing and distribution. This desktop-based software application has been functionally tested with six aspect of parameters such as: capacitor polarity testing; wiring testing; testing of frequency

  8. Inclusief onderwijs en remedial teaching...twee geloven op één kussen?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    MA Ed SEN Anja Timmermans-van Schijndel


    Hoe verhoudt zich inclusief onderwijs, waarbij we alle kinderen zonder uitzondering, een plekje toebedelen in het regulier onderwijs, tot remedial teaching, waarbij we kinderen een min of meer exclusieve, op maat gesneden begeleiding geven?

  9. Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration-1 Concept of Operations (ATD-1 ConOps) (United States)

    Baxley, Brian T.; Johnson, William C.; Swenson, Harry; Robinson, John E.; Prevot, Thomas; Callantine, Todd; Scardina, John; Greene, Michael


    The operational goal of the ATD-1 ConOps is to enable aircraft, using their onboard FMS capabilities, to fly Optimized Profile Descents (OPDs) from cruise to the runway threshold at a high-density airport, at a high throughput rate, using primarily speed control to maintain in-trail separation and the arrival schedule. The three technologies in the ATD-1 ConOps achieve this by calculating a precise arrival schedule, using controller decision support tools to provide terminal controllers with speeds for aircraft to fly to meet times at a particular meter points, and onboard software providing flight crews with speeds for the aircraft to fly to achieve a particular spacing behind preceding aircraft.

  10. Avaliação da opção de troca de combustível no carro brasileiro flex: um estudo por região geográfica usando teoria de opções reais e simulação estocástica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Patricio Samanez


    Full Text Available A introdução do carro flex-fuel no mercado brasileiro em 2003 mudou a forma de decisão do consumidor. Se antes era necessário escolher o combustível pelo tipo de veículo, movido somente a gasolina ou somente a álcool, hoje é possível escolher um tipo de carro com duas opções de combustível. Essa flexibilidade gera uma vantagem econômica para o seu proprietário, mas qual o benefício financeiro de um carro flex-fuel em comparação a um carro movido somente a gasolina? Geograficamente, onde se localiza o proprietário que se beneficia mais dessa flexibilidade? Este estudo aplica a teoria de opções reais e a simulação estocástica para valorar a opção do carro flex para as cinco regiões geográficas do Brasil. Considera-se que os preços dos insumos são estocásticos e seguem o movimento de reversão à média. A previsão dos preços e o valor da opção são gerados através da simulação de Monte Carlo. Os resultados indicam que a opção de escolher o combustível mais barato adiciona considerável valor para o proprietário do carro flex em todas as regiões e modelos de carro considerados, sendo a região Sudeste a mais beneficiada pela opção flex.

  11. Identification of predominant odorants in thai desserts flavored by smoking with "Tian Op", a traditional Thai scented candle. (United States)

    Watcharananun, Wanwarang; Cadwallader, Keith R; Huangrak, Kittiphong; Kim, Hun; Lorjaroenphon, Yaowapa


    "Tian Op", a traditional Thai scented candle, is used for the smoking and flavoring of sweets, cakes, and other desserts for the purpose of adding a unique aroma to the final product. Gas chromatography-olfactometry, aroma extract dilution analysis, and GC-MS were applied to identify the potent odorants in two types of traditional Thai desserts ("num dok mai" and "gleep lum duan") prepared using a Tian Op smoking process. On the basis of the results of AEDA and calculated odor-activity values, the predominant odorants in the Tian Op flavored desserts were vinyl ketones (C(5)-C(9)), n-aldehydes (C(5)-C(11)), (E)-2-unsaturated aldehydes (C(8)-C(11)), and omega-1-unsaturated aldehydes (C(8) and C(9)). Sensory studies of model mixtures confirmed the importance of n-aldehydes, omega-1-unsaturated aldehydes, and guaiacol as predominant odorants; however, the results showed that vinyl ketones and (E)-2-unsaturated aldehydes, despite having high odor-activity values, may be of only minor importance in the typical aroma profiles of traditional Tian Op smoked desserts.

  12. State Supervision of Mines. Strategy and Programme for 2012-2016; Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen. Strategie en Programma voor 2012-2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    State Supervision of Mines (SodM) supervises the observance of legal regulations that apply to the search for, extraction of and storage of minerals. The SodM focuses on aspects of safety, health, environment, efficient extraction and soil movements. Every five years, the SodM draws up a strategic document. This third strategic document concerns the period 2012-2016. The report provides an overview of the realizations of the last five years. Moreover an analysis is included of the policy developments in the fields of mineral extraction, safety, health and environment. Subsequently the consequences of these developments for SodM are examined. Based on these developments an elaboration is provided of the initiatives taken by SodM and an outlook of the programme of supervision projects for the next five years. This document also includes a communication plan, which illustrates when and how SodM goes public [Dutch] Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (SodM) houdt toezicht op de naleving van wettelijke regelingen die van toepassing zijn op het opsporen, winnen, opslaan en transporteren van delfstoffen. De dienst richt zich hierbij op de aspecten veiligheid, gezondheid, milieu, doelmatige winning en bodembewegingen. Elke vijf jaar stelt SodM een strategiedocument op. Dit derde strategiedocument betreft de periode 2012-2016. In dit rapport wordt uiteengezet wat er de afgelopen vijf jaar is gerealiseerd. Tevens wordt een analyse geboden van de beleidsontwikkelingen op het terrein van delfstofwinning, veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu. Vervolgens wordt nagegaan, wat die ontwikkelingen betekenen voor SodM. Op basis van die ontwikkelingen wordt uiteengezet welke initiatieven SodM neemt en hoe het programma van toezichtprojecten er de komende vijf jaar uitziet. In het document is tevens een communicatieplan opgenomen, waaruit blijkt wanneer en hoe SodM naar buiten treedt.

  13. SpecOp: Optimal Extraction Software for Integral Field Unit Spectrographs (United States)

    McCarron, Adam; Ciardullo, Robin; Eracleous, Michael


    The Hobby-Eberly Telescope’s new low resolution integral field spectrographs, LRS2-B and LRS2-R, each cover a 12”x6” area on the sky with 280 fibers and generate spectra with resolutions between R=1100 and R=1900. To extract 1-D spectra from the instrument’s 3D data cubes, a program is needed that is flexible enough to work for a wide variety of targets, including continuum point sources, emission line sources, and compact sources embedded in complex backgrounds. We therefore introduce SpecOp, a user-friendly python program for optimally extracting spectra from integral-field unit spectrographs. As input, SpecOp takes a sky-subtracted data cube consisting of images at each wavelength increment set by the instrument’s spectral resolution, and an error file for each count measurement. All of these files are generated by the current LRS2 reduction pipeline. The program then collapses the cube in the image plane using the optimal extraction algorithm detailed by Keith Horne (1986). The various user-selected options include the fraction of the total signal enclosed in a contour-defined region, the wavelength range to analyze, and the precision of the spatial profile calculation. SpecOp can output the weighted counts and errors at each wavelength in various table formats using python’s astropy package. We outline the algorithm used for extraction and explain how the software can be used to easily obtain high-quality 1-D spectra. We demonstrate the utility of the program by applying it to spectra of a variety of quasars and AGNs. In some of these targets, we extract the spectrum of a nuclear point source that is superposed on a spatially extended galaxy.

  14. Comparison of GOME-2/MetOp total ozone data with Brewer spectroradiometer data over the Iberian Peninsula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anton, M.; Serrano, A. [Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain). Dept. de Fisica; Loyola, D.; Zimmer, W. [German Aerospace Center (DLR), Wessling (DE). Remote Sensing Technology Inst. (IMF); Lopez, M.; Banon, M. [Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMet), Madrid (Spain); Vilaplana, J.M. [Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Huelva (Spain). Estacion de Sondeos Atmosferico ' ' El Arenosillo' '


    The main objective of this article is to compare the total ozone data from the new Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment instrument (GOME-2/MetOp) with reliable ground-based measurement recorded by five Brewer spectroradiometers in the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, a similar comparison for the predecessor instrument GOME/ERS-2 is described. The period of study is a whole year from May 2007 to April 2008. The results show that GOME-2/MetOp ozone data already has a very good quality, total ozone columns are on average 3.05% lower than Brewer measurements. This underestimation is higher than that obtained for GOME/ERS-2 (1.46%). However, the relative differences between GOME-2/MetOp and Brewer measurements show significantly lower variability than the differences between GOME/ERS-2 and Brewer data. Dependencies of these relative differences with respect to the satellite solar zenith angle (SZA), the satellite scan angle, the satellite cloud cover fraction (CF), and the ground-based total ozone measurements are analyzed. For both GOME instruments, differences show no significant dependence on SZA. However, GOME-2/MetOp data show a significant dependence on the satellite scan angle (+1.5%). In addition, GOME/ERS-2 differences present a clear dependence with respect to the CF and ground-based total ozone; such differences are minimized for GOME-2/MetOp. The comparison between the daily total ozone values provided by both GOME instruments shows that GOME-2/MetOp ozone data are on average 1.46% lower than GOME/ERS-2 data without any seasonal dependence. Finally, deviations of a priori climatological ozone profile used by the satellite retrieval algorithm from the true ozone profile are analyzed. Although excellent agreement between a priori climatological and measured partial ozone values is found for the middle and high stratosphere, relative differences greater than 15% are common for the troposphere and lower stratosphere. (orig.)

  15. Boeren op de centimeter - precisiebesturing van werktuigen in het open veld

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zuydam, van R.P.


    In het kader van 'precisielandbouw' doet IMAG-DLO onderzoek naar het met hoge snelheid besturen van landbouwmachines. Met behulp van een sattelietnavigatie en een van tevoren gemaakt plan in een computer wordt een werktuig keer op keer nauwkeurig langs hetzelfde pad gestuurd. De trekker mag

  16. Akkerranden en recreatie : effecten van wandelen op de functies van akkerranden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klieverik, M.J.M.


    Akkerranden worden steeds vaker aangelegd, onder andere om drift en vermesting van het slootwater tegen te gaan. De akkerrand doet hierbij dienst als buffer tussen akker en sloot. In alle gevallen ligt er op de rand een milieufunctie, natuur- en landschapsfunctie, agro-ecologische functie of

  17. Excise taxes for mineral oils. Investigation of the monitoring. Retrospective of the report; Accijnzen op minerale olien. Toezicht doorgelicht. Terugblik 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    December 2003 the Netherlands Court of Audit published a report with the title 'Excise Taxes for Mineral Oils. Investigation of the Monitoring'. The study was carried out in cooperation with the Belgian Court of Audit. The aim of the report was to assess the tasks of the customs with regard to excise taxes on mineral oils (licensing and related procedures). The aim of this report is to review if and whether the Dutch government followed and implemented the recommendations, as formulated in the 2003 report. [Dutch] De Algemene Rekenkamer publiceerde op 13 december 2003 haar onderzoek 'Accijnzen op minerale olien: toezicht doorgelicht. In dit onderzoek, dat gezamenlijk met het Rekenhof van Belgie werd uitgevoerd, is nagegaan in hoeverre de Douane zijn taken op het gebied van de accijns op minerale olien (vergunningverlening, vergunningbeheer en controles) op een goede manier vervult (volgens de eigen voorschriften, risico's in voldoende mate afgedekt enzovoort). Ook is onderzocht in hoeverre er sprake is van een 'administratief gesloten' Europees accijnssysteem, zoals bij de instelling in 1993 werd beoogd.

  18. De poliomyelitis epidemie op Curacao in 1981 : Een klinisch en epidemiologisch onderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Begeer, Jacobus Hermanus


    In deze studie wordt de poliomyelitis-epidemie beschreven die zich in de eerste helft van 1981 heeft voorgedaan op het eiland Curaeao en wordt onderzoek beschreven, dat naar aanleiding van deze epidemie werd verricht. ... Zie: Samenvatting

  19. Resensie: Chaos, of Op soek na Superman | Barendse | Tydskrif vir ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Resensie: Chaos, of Op soek na Superman. JM Barendse. Abstract. Hans Pienaar. Melville: Altoviolet, 2012. 258 pp. ISBN 978-0-620-54118-3. Full Text: EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT · · AJOL African Journals ...

  20. Så rejser jeg mig op og vandrer tilbage til Paamiut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berliner, Peter


    I denne artikel undersøges indhold i og betydningen af unges teater monologer – som de fandt sted i forbindelse med C:ntact’s teater-opsætning med en gruppe unge i Paamiut. Forestillingen bestod af 8 monologer, der blev fremsat af de unge. Da der var tale om monologer undersøges det, hvad der er ...

  1. Effect varroa op volksgrootte pas zichtbaar als het te laat is?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dooremalen, van C.; Cornelissen, B.; Langevelde, van F.


    De parasitaire mijt Varroa destructor is altijd en overal aanwezig in volken van onze honingbijen. Varroa verkot het leven van de volwassen bij, wat resulteert in een verhoogde kans op wintersterfte. Ondanks leen relatief geringe wintersterfte in 2012-2013 en 2013-2014 is het identificeren van een

  2. Overleving van Erwinia in grond en op materialen onderzocht : onderzoek : Erwinia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doorn, van J.; Kampen, van D.; Jollinger, van T.; Zouwen, van der P.S.; Speksnijder, A.G.C.L.; Wolf, van der J.M.


    In Nederland veroorzaken Erwiniabacteriën veel schade in bloembollen, aardappel, ui, witlof en bloemisterijgewassen. Er heerst nog steeds veel onduidelijkheid over de vraag waar deze Erwinia's vandaan komen. Ook is onduidelijk hoe lang deze kunnen overleven in grond, water of op materialen die in de

  3. Op de wijze van Kavafis’: Die voorbeeld van die digter uit Alexandrië

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Phil van Schalkwyk


    Full Text Available Die Griekse digter K.P. Kavafis (1863–1933 word wêreldwyd deur lesers sowel as skrywers besonder hoog geag. Hy het nie net van die grootste twintigste-eeuse skrywers beïnvloed nie,maar is vanweë die buitengewone vertaalbaarheid van sy werk ook betreklik sterk teenwoordig in die letterkunde van meer tale as slegs Grieks en Engels. Vir baie – veral gay lesers, skrywers en kunstenaars – besit Kavafis ’n voorbeeldstatus, ten opsigte van die letterkunde sowel asdie lewe. W.H. Auden het beweer dat dit wat Kavafis onderskei, sy stemtoon is, een wat ’n persoon met ’n unieke perspektief op die wêreld openbaar. Hierdie bydrae, wat deel is van ’nnavorsingsprojek oor idiolektiese skrywersidentiteit, is daarop gerig om die onderskeidende kenmerke van Kavafis se werk, sowel in terme van vorm as inhoud, opnuut te ondersoek. Dit word gedoen binne die raamwerk van die breë kritiese diskoers oor Kavafis en met verwysing na enkele manifestasies/voorbeelde van Nederlandse en Afrikaanse kritiese en kreatieweperspektiewe op sy poësie, met die doel om spesifiek lig te werp op die besondere soortwysheid wat in Kavafis se werk oorgedra word.

  4. Het effect van creatief schrijven op het lezen van korte verhalen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, T.; van den Bergh, H.


    Schrijven en lezen zijn complementaire vaardigheden, niet alleen bij referentiële teksten, maar ook bij fictionele. Janssen en Van den Bergh doen verslag van een onderzoek naar de invloed van creatief schrijven op het lezen van verhalen. Als leerlingen, voorafgaand aan het lezen van een verhaal, een

  5. Die impak van die verbond op 'n paradigma vir pastoraat: research ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Die verbond het 'n meer omvattende impak op pastorale sorg as ander paradigmas. Genoemde stelling word in hierdie artikel beredeneer. Daar word aangetoon dat die inhoud wat aan die gelowige gekommunikeer word, asook die tegnieke wat gebruik word, deur 'n verbondmatige paradigma vir pastorale sorg be?nvloed ...

  6. Stravinsky: Symphony in E flat, Op. 1. Firebird-Suite (1919 version / Jonathan Swain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Swain, Jonathan


    Uuest heliplaadist "Stravinsky: Symphony in E flat, Op. 1. Firebird-Suite (1919 version). Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Dalia Atlas; Symphony - comparative versions: SNO, Gibson. SRO, Järvi (2/94)(CHAN) CHAN 9236

  7. Man of vrouw? Een onderzoek naar sekseverschillen in reacties op chronische aandoeningen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roeke, M.


    Samenvatting Het doel van dit onderzoek was om sekseverschillen onder chronische patiënten op fysiek-, psychisch- en sociaal functioneren en algemene kwaliteit van leven in kaart te brengen. Daarnaast werd er naar mogelijke verklaringen voor sekseverschillen gekeken. Er werden verschillende

  8. Design of Low Voltage Low Power CMOS OP-AMPS with Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Swing


    Gopalaiah, SV; Shivaprasad, AP; Panigrahi, Sukanta K


    A novel input and output biasing circuit to extend the input common mode (CM) voltage range and the output swing to rail-to-rail in a low voltage op-amp in standard CMOS technology is presented. The input biasing circuit uses a Switched Capacitor Based Attenuator (SCBA) approach to establish rail-to-rail common mode input voltage range. And the output biasing circuit uses an Output Driver (OD), with floating bias to give the rail-to-rail swing at output stage. Three different OD schemes in op...

  9. An Assessment of Some Watch Schedule Variants Used in Cdn Patrol Frigates: OP Nanook 2011 (United States)


    évalué les horaires de garde utilisés à bord du NCSM St John’s à la fin de l’opération Nanook 2011, pendant les huit jours de la traversée du St...soit réalisée. Nous avons évalué les horaires de garde utilisés à bord du NCSM St John’s à la fin de l’opération Nanook 2011, pendant les huit jours de...FASTTM model for Subject 4 ( Bridge , bosun) ............................................................ 12  B.3  FASTTM model for Subject 7 (Operations

  10. De invloed van IFRS 16 leases op de jaarrekening van lessees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arnold, Coen; Tahtah, Jay


    The article describes the outcome of a research (simulation) to the impact of new lease accounting rules to the 2016 financial statements of companies of the AEX- and AMX-index. In deze bijdrage wordt verslag gedaan van de verwachte gevolgen van IFRS 16 Leases voor lessees op de jaarrekening over

  11. Examining the Effects of Perceived Relevance and Work-Related Subjective Well-Being on Individual Performance for Co-Op Students (United States)

    Drewery, Dave; Pretti, T. Judene; Barclay, Sage


    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between co-op students' perceived relevance of their work term, work-related subjective well-being (SWB), and individual performance at work. Data were collected using a survey of co-op students (n = 1,989) upon completion of a work term. Results of regression analyses testing a…

  12. Apreçamento de opções de IDI usando o modelo CIR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Santiago Fajardo Barbachan


    Full Text Available A opção de IDI da BM&F possui características peculiares que torna o seu apreçamento diferente das opções de taxa de juros mais comuns, como as de títulos de renda fixa. Este artigo desenvolve uma fórmula para apreçamento dessas opções de IDI, utilizando a precificação livre de arbitragem. O modelo utilizado considera apenas um fator estocástico: a taxa de juros livre de risco de curto prazo. A equação diferencial usada para modelar o comportamento da taxa de juros é a do modelo CIR (COX INGERSOLL & ROSS, 1985, que possui reversão à média e não permite a existência de taxas de juros nominais negativas. Também é feita uma estimação dos parâmetros do modelo proposto baseando-se em dados históricos, para então comparar o preço teórico da opção baseado nestes parâmetros com os preços de mercado e com o preço teórico considerando a modelagem de Vasicek (1977.The IDI option from the BM&F (Commodities and Futures Exchange has unusual characteristics, that make its pricing different from common interest rate options. This paper develops a closed form formula for the pricing of these IDI options, using an arbitrage-free pricing approach. The model used considers only one stochastic factor: the short-term risk-free interest rate. The differential equation used to model the behavior of the interest rate comes from the CIR (COX INGERSOLL & ROSS, 1985 model, which has mean reversion property and does not allow negative nominal interest rates. It is also done a parameter estimation of the proposed model based on historic data, and then compares the theoretical price of the option based on these parameters with the market price and with the theoretical price considering the Vasicek (1977 model.

  13. Šostakovitš, D. Suites de ballet no. 1 a 4 et no. 5 op. 27A / Pierre-E. Barbier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barbier, Pierre-E.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Šostakovitš, D. Suites de ballet no. 1 a 4 et no. 5 op. 27A. Ouverture de tete op. 96. Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Neeme Järvi" Chandos CHAN 7000/1, distribution Media 7(2CD: 195F). 1987/88. TT: 1h 54'36"

  14. Tijdstip van MH-bespuiting in uien en effect van stikstof op kale uien; proeven 2009/2010 en eindrapportage 2007-2010

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brink, van den L.


    In 2009 is zowel het onderzoek naar het optimale moment van MH(maleïnehydrazide)-bespuiting als het onderzoek naar het effect van stikstofbemesting op het optreden van kale uien voorgezet. Evenals in 2008 zijn in 2009 twee proeven in Lelystad uitgevoerd. Een proef waarin bij zes rassen op

  15. Electronic and elastic properties of new semiconducting oP12-type RuB2 and OsB2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Xianfeng; Xu Yuanhui; Gao Faming


    Using first-principles total energy calculations we investigate the structural, elastic and electronic properties of new hypothetical oP 12 -type phase RuB 2 and OsB 2 . The calculations indicate that the oP 12 -type phase RuB 2 and OsB 2 are thermodynamically and mechanically stable. Remarkably, the new phases RuB 2 and OsB 2 are predicted to be semiconductors, and the appearance of band gaps is ascribed to the enhanced B-B covalent hybridization. Compared to metallic oP 6 -type RuB 2 and OsB 2 phases, the new phases possess similar mechanical properties and hardness. The combination of the probability of tunable electronic properties, strong stiffness and high hardness make RuB 2 and OsB 2 attractive and interesting for advanced applications.

  16. A new look at Op art: towards a simple explanation of illusory motion (United States)

    Zanker, Johannes M.; Walker, Robin

    Vivid motion illusions created by some Op art paintings are at the centre of a lively scientific debate about possible mechanisms that might underlie these phenomena. Here we review emerging evidence from a new approach that combines perceptual judgements of the illusion and observations of eye movements with simulations of the induced optic flow. This work suggests that the small involuntary saccades which participants make when viewing such Op art patterns would generate an incoherent distribution of motion signals that resemble the perceptual effects experienced by the observers. The combined experimental and computational evidence supports the view that the illusion is indeed caused by involuntary image displacements picked up by low-level motion detectors, and further suggests that coherent motion signals are crucial to perceive a stable world.

  17. Tien jaar Nijmeegs onderzoek naar het leren van leraren op de werkplek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergen, T.C.M.


    Toen ik in 1994 de verantwoordelijkheid kreeg om een interfacultair onderzoekprogramma op te zetten dat relevant was voor de universitaire lerarenopleiding, kreeg ik van het toenmalige College van Bestuur ook de opdracht om te zorgen dat een groot deel van de universitaire lerarenopleiders in een

  18. Seksuele dienstverlening door mannen in Den Haag: Ontwikkelingen op het internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul van Gelder


    Full Text Available Seksuele dienstverlening door mannen in Den Haag: Ontwikkelingen op het internet Met de legalisering van het prostitutiebedrijf en de snelle opkomst van het internet zijn mannelijke seksuele dienstverleners in Nederland uit het zicht geraakt. De meeste boysclubs sloten hun deuren. Deze zaken, samen met de aangescherpte handhaving op openbare ontmoetingsplaatsen, vormen redenen voor deze groep om online te gaan. In 2009 is er in Den Haag een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar deze specifieke doelgroep, met speciale aandacht voor het internet. Mogelijke veranderingen in de behoeften en vragen bij mannelijke seksuele dienstverleners zijn ook onderzocht. In hoeverre zijn zij op het internet bereikbaar voor informatie, advies of hulp? Bij het online verrichten van onderzoek en veldwerk blijkt het signaleren wel goed uit te werken maar is het nog zoeken naar een “praatpaal-functie”. Male sexual services in The Hague: developments on the internet Since the legalization of prostitution and the rapid rise of the internet, male providers of sexual services got out of sight in the Netherlands. Most boysclubs had to close down. These matters, along with the tighter controls at cruising areas are reasons why this group has turned to the internet to offer their services. In 2009, a research was carried out on the nature and extent of male sexual services in the region of The Hague, with a special focus on the internet. Possible changes in the needs and problems of male sexual providers were also explored. To what extent can they be reached by means of the internet, in order to provide them with information, advise or assistance? On the basis of the research data it can be concluded that the internet can be an important tool in the signalling and finding of male sexual providers. Getting more acquainted with them and gaining their trust, however, is still rather hard to realize.

  19. Verhalen sprokkelen langs de frontlijn. Een kritische blik op Ten Oorlog

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Boers


    Full Text Available Gathering Stories along the Front: A Critical Look at Ten Oorlog [To War]This article reflects critically on the popular television programme Ten Oorlog, thereby examining the field of tension between history and entertainment, between historians and ‘the public’. History can be addressed via various television formats as an historical documentary or a travel programme. An analysis indicates the extent to which Ten Oorlog is inspired by these formats. However, the popular television programme from the outset was not conceived as a classic historical documentary and perhaps can best be described as a historical human interest programme as part of the large-scale commemoration of the First World War. How do history and entertainment relate to one another in this programme? Is there more emphasis on the historical context or on anecdotal stories? This analysis of Ten Oorlog illustrates the tense relation between historians and ‘the public’.Dit artikel werpt een kritische blik op het populaire televisieprogramma Ten Oorlog en gaat daarbij in op het spanningsveld tussen geschiedenis en entertainment, tussen historici en ‘het publiek’. Geschiedenis kan via verschillende formats zoals een historische documentaire of een reisprogramma aan bod komen op televisie. Een analyse van deze formats geeft aan in welke mate Ten Oorlog hierop geïnspireerd is. Het populaire televisieprogramma was echter van begin af aan niet als een klassieke historische documentaire bedoeld en kan misschien het bestomschreven worden als een historisch human interest programma, in het kader van de grootschalige herdenking van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hoe verhoudengeschiedenis en entertainment zich daarin? Helt de balans meer over naar historische omkadering of naar anekdotische verhalen? Deze analyse van Ten Oorlog illustreert de gespannen relatie tussen historici en het grote publiek.

  20. Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene


    Centerleder og professor Marlene Wind insisterer i dagens Politiken i debatindlægget: "Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje'", at verdens ledere må stå fast ved de principper, der har været bærende for vores samfund siden anden verdenskrig. Domstolenes politiske uafhængighed, menneskeret...

  1. die impak van metodologie op die verstaan van die nuwe testament

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    voorbeeld eers een maal deur die bril van die vorm- en redaksiekritiek na die Evangelies gekyk het, dink jy vir altyd anders oor hulle tot- standkoming. Inderdaad, nuwe metodes lei tot nuwe perspektiewe! Dit is dan ook waar die fokus van hierdie artikel val: die impak van metodologie op die verstaan van die Nuwe ...

  2. A multi-centre, prospective, clinical in-market evaluation to assess the performance of Opsite™ Post-Op Visible dressings.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Brien, Gillian


    The aim of this study was to assess the performance of Opsite™ Post-Op Visible as a post-surgical dressing in a typical clinical setting. In this multi-centre clinical evaluation, patients who underwent clean surgery were treated with Opsite Post-Op Visible dressing. Duration of dressing wear, visibility through the dressing and ability to handle exudate were assessed and the product was rated in comparison with those normally used. A total of 64 patients were recruited. Mean wear time was 4·5 days. Exudate management was rated very good or good at 96% of assessments. Visibility of the incision site was rated as very good or good at 72%, and as acceptable at 24%, of assessments. Patient comfort was rated very comfortable (63%) or comfortable (37%) at all assessments. Dressings were generally rated as satisfactory or exceeding expectations with clinicians stating that the Opsite Post-Op Visible dressing was better than the dressing they routinely used for 92% of patients. Opsite Post-Op Visible dressing is an innovative dressing combining good visibility with exudate management and patient comfort. It was found to have adequate wear time, visibility and exudate management properties making it suitable for use on a variety of surgical incision sites.

  3. Electronic and elastic properties of new semiconducting oP(12)-type RuB(2) and OsB(2). (United States)

    Hao, Xianfeng; Xu, Yuanhui; Gao, Faming


    Using first-principles total energy calculations we investigate the structural, elastic and electronic properties of new hypothetical oP(12)-type phase RuB(2) and OsB(2). The calculations indicate that the oP(12)-type phase RuB(2) and OsB(2) are thermodynamically and mechanically stable. Remarkably, the new phases RuB(2) and OsB(2) are predicted to be semiconductors, and the appearance of band gaps is ascribed to the enhanced B-B covalent hybridization. Compared to metallic oP(6)-type RuB(2) and OsB(2) phases, the new phases possess similar mechanical properties and hardness. The combination of the probability of tunable electronic properties, strong stiffness and high hardness make RuB(2) and OsB(2) attractive and interesting for advanced applications. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd

  4. Compressive strength performance of OPS lightweight aggregate concrete containing coal bottom ash as partial fine aggregate replacement (United States)

    Muthusamy, K.; Mohamad Hafizuddin, R.; Mat Yahaya, F.; Sulaiman, M. A.; Syed Mohsin, S. M.; Tukimat, N. N.; Omar, R.; Chin, S. C.


    Concerns regarding the negative impact towards environment due to the increasing use of natural sand in construction industry and dumping of industrial solid wastes namely coal bottom ash (CBA) and oil palm shell (OPS) has resulted in the development of environmental friendly lightweight concrete. The present study investigates the effect of coal bottom ash as partial fine aggregate replacement towards workability and compressive strength of oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete (OPS LWAC). The fresh and mechanical properties of this concrete containing various percentage of coal bottom ash as partial fine aggregate replacement were investigated. The result was compared to OPS LWAC with 100 % sand as a control specimen. The concrete workability investigated by conducting slump test. All specimens were cast in form of cubes and water cured until the testing age. The compressive strength test was carried out at 7 and 28 days. The finding shows that integration of coal bottom ash at suitable proportion enhances the strength of oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete.

  5. Patienten met diabetes Mellitus type 1 screenen op coeliakie; Ja of nee

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Greijdanus, T.


    Diabetes mellitus type 1 is een veelvoorkomende ziekte. Deze ziekte blijkt niet op zichzelf te staan maar is onder andere geassocieerd met coeliakie. Coeliakie wordt behandeld middels een glutenvrij dieet. De diabetespatiënten die aan coeliakie lijden blijken zich niet altijd bij de huisarts met

  6. Rachmaninoff. Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier op. 19 / Giselher Schubert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schlüren, Christoph


    Uuest heliplaadist "Rachmaninoff. Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier op. 19; Schnittke. Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier; Pärt. Fratres für Violoncello und Klavier. Jiri Barta (Violoncello), Marian Lap£ansky (Klavier). Supraphon/Koch CD 11 2156-2 (WD: 73'13")

  7. Het Farmaco Therapie Overleg in 1999: stand van zaken en effecten op

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijk, L. van; Barnhoorn, H.; Bakker, D. de


    Vrijwel alle huisartsen en openbare apothekers in Nederland participeren in een groep voor Farmaco Therapie Overleg (FTO). In totaal zijn er ruim 800 FTO-groepen. De Stichting Doelmatige Geneesmiddelen Voorziening DGV) heeft op landelijk niveau een coördinerende en stimulerende rol voor het FTO. Om

  8. Bronstinductie bij schapen : vijf jaar onderzoek op de Waiboerhoeve = Oestrus induction with sheep : five years research on the Waiboerhoeve [Experimental Farm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruiter, T.


    Vanaf augustus 1975 tot en met februari 1980 werden 8 proeven uitgevoerd met als doel een vruchtbare bronst op te wekken buiten het bronstseizoen. Daarmee is het mogelijk de ooien drie keer per twee jaar te laten aflammen. Het onderzoek werd zoveel mogelijk onder praktijkomstandigheden op de

  9. Well-control co-ops for regional responses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abel, L.W.; Winchester, J.


    Oilfield exploration and production companies worldwide can benefit economically and in many other ways by participating in well-control cooperatives rather than operating alone and reacting to well control (WC) events by creating one-off equipment to respond to the event. The authors have presented details of a proposed co-op in this paper. The cost to maintain a full complement of WC equipment and retain trained personnel in a given region is prohibitive for a single company; however, cost becomes reasonable when resources are shared among an operator base of co-operating companies. Each individual operator receives the full benefit of having strong WC event response capability while paying only a portion of the cost

  10. Art or Science: Operational Logistics as Applied to Op Art (United States)


    FINAL 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Art or Science : Operational Logistics as Applied to Op Art 5a. CONTRACT... Art or Science ? Operational Logistics as applied to Operational Art By Milo L. Shank Major, USMC A paper submitted to the...than just a science . Keeping Thorpe’s work in context, it was written circa World War One, before Operational Art was an established and accepted

  11. An investigation into radiosensitizer mechanisms using o-Ps lifetime measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beling, C.D.; Smith, F.A.


    Lifetime measurements have been made in a number of radiosensitizer solutions as a function of both concentration and temperature. The o-Ps yields, which were corrected for chemical quenching, showed that these compounds are strong Ps inhibitors. The temperature dependence of the yields in Misonidazole/water and Misonidazole/ethanol solutions may be associated either with the different electron solvation times in the two solvents, or with changes in electron mobility. (Auth.)

  12. Toezicht in de open samenleving : Maatschappelijke controle op multinationale ondernemingen


    van Erp, J.G.


    Globalisering creëert nieuwe mogelijkheden voor het houden van toezicht op multinationale ondernemingen. Dat is de kern van de oratie die professor Judith van Erp uitsprak bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel Publieke Instituties aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Globalisering heeft voor ondernemingen veel nieuwe mogelijkheden gecreëerd, maar ook nieuwe gelegenheden voor organisatiecriminaliteit. Daarom moet toezicht zich vernieuwen. In haar leerstoel wil Van Erp nieuwe toezichtinstituties onderzoe...

  13. Wat levert een training voor voedselbankklanten op? Bevindingen uit een kwalitatieve studie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hille Hoogland


    Full Text Available SUMMARY What are the results of a training programme for food bank clients? Findings from a qualitative study Fifteen years ago, the concept of the food bank was introduced into the Netherlands. Since that time, food banks have been distributing food parcels to Dutch citizens who are eligible for support according to the criteria of the Dutch Food Bank. Food bank clients often experience problems on multiple levels. Not only do they have financial problems, but they also report problems relating to their physical and mental health. Rather than aiming to address the causes of the problems experienced by their target group, food banks were initially established with the mission of combatting food waste. The role of food banks in societies has been critically analysed in a number of international studies. It is argued that the existence of food banks reflects failures in government policies to prevent poverty. The training programme Op Eigen Krachttraining was developed for food bank clients living in Amsterdam, based on the notion that providing food alone will not help food bank clients to address the issues that they are living with. The training programme has five main goals in relation to food bank clients: improved financial self-reliance; social activation and lower levels of social isolation; improved knowledge of social services and activities; improved self-esteem and assertiveness; and greater awareness of health issues. These five objectives were established following consultation with the trainers and incorporated into the training programme, which encompasses ten weekly meetings of two hours. During these meetings, there is also time for participants to share experiences and information with each other.In order to assess what the results are of the training programme, a qualitative evaluation study was conducted. In this article we present findings of that evaluation. The main question that is answered in this article is: what have

  14. X-ray structural study of Nd[N(CN)2]3x2OP(NMe2)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kapshuk, A.A.; Skopenko, V.V.


    The results of X-ray structure study of Nd(N(CN) 2 ) 3 x2OP(NMe) 2 ) 3 are presented. The crystals are monoclinic: a=12,787(6), b=17.731(9), c=15.302(5) A, γ=114.84(3) deg, Z=4, p2 1 /n. The structure is formed of infinite corrugated netting consisting of neodymium atoms, coordinating two OP(NMe 2 ) 3 molecules, and three bidentate-bridge dicyanamide groups. Neodymium coordination number is 8, coordination polyhedron is a distorted twocapped trigonal prism. Certain aspects of crystal chemistry of dicyanamide complexes are discussed

  15. Hazard and operability study (Haz Op) of the 2 MW IEA-R1 reactor startup procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauer, Maria E.L.J.; Correa, Francisco; Sara Neto, Antonio J.; Costa, Carlos A.R. da; Santos, Cilas C. dos; Cardenas, Jose P.N.; Berretta, Jose R.; Neves Conti, Thadeu das


    This work presents the Hazard and Operability Study (Haz Op) applied to startup procedures of the 2 MW IEA-R1 research reactor, at IPEN/CNEN-S P. The Haz Op was developed by reviewing the procedures of the installation startup, in order to identify hazards and/or operational problems caused by deviations in the execution of these routines. This paper summarizes this study. describing some potential problems of relevant importance to safety as well as preventives and/or correctives measures to avoid their occurrence. Besides, an benefits evaluation and the technique limitations is made. (author). 5 refs., 1 tab

  16. Het effect van het bijvoeren van tarwe aan vleeskuikens op de slachtrendementen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Middelkoop, van J.H.; Harn, van J.


    Tarwe bijvoeren aan vleeskuikens staat momenteel volop in de belangstelling. Redenen hiervoor zijn de lage prijs van de tarwe en het positieve effect dat tarwe kan hebben op de resultaten en gezondheid van de koppel. Door het bijvoeren van tarwe wordt de werking van de spiermaag en de ontwikkeling

  17. Developing the Conditions for Co-Op Students' Organizational Commitment through Cooperative Education (United States)

    Pennaforte, Antoine; Pretti, T. Judene


    Based in a French context, this research investigates the link between the French cooperative education (co-op) system and students' organizational commitment. Following a quasi-experimental design with a control group, in a longitudinal approach, the study focuses on under-baccalaureate, undergraduate and graduate students. Results show that in…

  18. Invloed van minerale olie op de bestrijding van Phytophthora infestans in pootaardappelen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spits, H.G.; Bus, C.B.


    De invloed van toevoeging van olie aan een fungicide op de werking van het fungicide is afhankelijk van het gebruikte fungicide. Gezamenlijk spuiten van olie en Aviso DF, Curzate M en mogelijk ook Acrobat, verhoogt de curatieve werking van deze fungiciden. Gezamenlijk spuiten van olie en Aviso DF,

  19. Het effect van een elektronische outline-tool op het schrijfproduct en schrijfproces

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Smet, Milou; Brand-Gruwel, Saskia; Leijten, Mariëlle; Kirschner, Paul A.


    De Smet, M. J. R., Brand-Gruwel, S., Leijten, M., & Kirschner, P. A. (2012, June). Het effect van een elektronische outline-tool op het schrijfproduct en schrijfproces [The effect of an electronic outline tool on the writing product and writing process]. In R. Brouwer (Chair), Omgaan met ICT:

  20. Octylphenol (OP) alters the expression of members of the amyloid protein family in the hypothalamus of the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina serpentina. (United States)

    Trudeau, Vance L; Chiu, Suzanne; Kennedy, Sean W; Brooks, Ronald J


    The gonadal estrogen estradiol-17beta (E(2)) is important for developing and regulating hypothalamic function and many aspects of reproduction in vertebrates. Pollutants such as octylphenol (OP) that mimic the actions of estrogens are therefore candidate endocrine-disrupting chemicals. We used a differential display strategy (RNA-arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction) to isolate partial cDNA sequences of neurotransmitter, developmental, and disease-related genes that may be regulated by OP or E(2) in the snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina serpentina hypothalamus. Hatchling and year-old male snapping turtles were exposed to a 10 ng/mL nominal concentration of waterborne OP or E(2) for 17 days. One transcript [421 base pairs (bp)] regulated by OP and E(2) was 93% identical to human APLP-2. APLP-2 and the amyloid precursor protein (APP) regulate neuronal differentiation and are also implicated in the genesis of Alzheimer disease in humans. Northern blot analysis determined that the turtle hypothalamus contains a single APLP-2 transcript of 3.75 kb in length. Exposure to OP upregulated hypothalamic APLP-2 mRNA levels 2-fold (p < 0.05) in month-old and yearling turtles. E(2) did not affect APLP-2 mRNA levels in hatchlings but stimulated a 2-fold increase (p < 0.05) in APLP-2 mRNA levels in yearling males. The protein beta-amyloid, a selectively processed peptide derived from APP, is also involved in neuronal differentiation, and accumulation of this neurotoxic peptide causes neuronal degeneration in the brains of patients with Alzheimer disease. Therefore, we also sought to determine the effects of estrogens on the expression of beta-amyloid. Using homology cloning based on known sequences, we isolated a cDNA fragment (474 bp) from turtle brain with 88% identity to human APP. Northern blot analysis determined that a single 3.5-kb transcript was expressed in the turtle hypothalamus. Waterborne OP also increased the expression of hypothalamic APP after 35 days of

  1. Orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) imaging and topographical characteristics of oral squamous cell carcinoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lindeboom, Jerome A.; Mathura, Keshen R.; Ince, Can


    Tumor microcirculatory characteristics until now have only been assessed by histological examination of biopsies or invasive imaging technique. The recent introduction of orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) imaging as a new tool for in vivo visualization of human microcirculation makes it

  2. Minder BPM, meer auto's? Stated preference onderzoek naar het effect van de omzetting van de BPM in de kilometerprijs op autobezit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, Gerard; Kouwenhoven, Marco; Geurs, Karst Teunis


    Het kabinet Balkenende IV had vergevorderde plannen om in de periode 2013-2018 de belastingen op het aanschaffen en bezitten van auto’s om te zetten in een heffing op weggebruik (kilometerprijs). Dit zou de prijzen van auto’s in Nederland met maximaal 30% doen dalen. Er is relatief weinig onderzoek

  3. Het veranderende gezin. Relaties tussen trends in het gezin in Nederland en de afbeelding in dramaprogramma’s op de Nederlandse televisie, 1980-2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Emons, P.A.A.; Scheepers, P.L.H.; Wester, F.P.J.


    Deze systematische inhoudsanalyse richt zich op veranderingen in de portrettering van het gezin in dramaprogramma’s op de Nederlandse televisie en gaat de relatie na met sociaal-culturele veranderingen in het gezin in de Nederlandse maatschappij.

  4. Inclusief Onderwijs op de grens van Europa en Azië: praktijk en perspectief : Verslag van de vijfde Internationale conferentie over Inclusief Onderwijs in Azerbeidzjan op 14 en 15 oktober 2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Hans Schuman


    De vijfde Internationale conferentie over Inclusief Onderwijs werd gehouden in Azerbeidzjan op 14 en 15 oktober 2011. Dit verslag geeft een beeld van de conferentie en de informatie die daar werd gepresenteerd. Tevens wordt iets gezegd over actuele ontwikkelingen in Azerbeidzjan wat betreft de

  5. Projeto de implementação do processo Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) - caso de estudo


    Lima, Daniela Alexandra de Sousa


    Apesar de o conceito de Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) ter sido introduzido há já algumas décadas, este tem ganho um reconhecimento acrescido, uma vez que a incerteza dos mercados e a crescente complexidade das supply chains aumentam a necessidade de determinar ações futuras e criar um plano de vendas e operações comum. S&OP é um processo multifuncional que promove o desenvolvimento e a aceitação de um plano comum, permitindo o alinhamento entre a oferta e a procura, conecta o planeamen...

  6. A race against time: can CO-OPs and provider start-ups survive in the health insurance marketplaces? (United States)

    Eggbeer, Bill


    > The Affordable Care Act's state and federal health insurance marketplaces, designed to provide affordable insurance coverage to individuals and small groups, are proving hostile territory to new market entrants. Efforts to inject competition into the marketplaces are being challenged by the wide-scale withdrawal o consumer-operated and oriented plans (CO-OPs). Meanwhile, premiums appear likely to increase for consumers as plans seek to balance medical losses. Flaws in the "Three R's" (reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk-adjustment) program are viewed as a threat to the survival of CO-OPs and start-ups.

  7. Die toepassing van die K3-model op die televisieteks Colour TV

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    “OIL's approach to investigating the coloured market took place in the form of ethnographic research which ... communication strategies” (Botha 2010: 14). ... Op grond van die waarnemings, onderhoude en vraelyste het OIL tot die volgende ..... hold onto your nearest and dearest because this is going to be a kwaai mix bag.

  8. Strauss, R.: Symphony in F minor, Op. 12... Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra / David Nice

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nice, David


    Uuest heliplaadist "Strauss, R.: Symphony in F minor, Op. 12... Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra / Hiroshi Wakasugi. Denon CD CO-75 860 (54 minutes); Symphony - comparative version: SNO, Järvi" (8/93)(CHAN) CHAN 9166

  9. Cryotops versus open-pulled straws (OPS) as carriers for the cryopreservation of bovine oocytes: effects on spindle and chromosome configuration and embryo development. (United States)

    Morató, Roser; Izquierdo, Dolors; Paramio, Maria Teresa; Mogas, Teresa


    Two experiments were designed to assess the effectiveness of cryopreserving bovine MII oocytes using cryotops as the carrier system for vitrification. In the first experiment, we examined the developmental competence of oocytes after: (i) vitrification in open-pulled straws (OPS method); or (ii) vitrification in plastic handle (Cryotop method). In the second experiment, warmed oocytes that had been vitrified in OPS or cryotops were fixed to analyze spindle and chromosome configuration. In all experiments both cow and calf oocytes were used. Significantly different fertilization rates were observed between the vitrification groups: 31.5% and 20.2% for the cow and calf oocytes vitrified in OPS, respectively, versus 46.1% and 46.4% for the oocytes vitrified using cryotops. After in vitro fertilization, 3.8% of the calf oocytes and 5.3% of the cow oocytes developed to the blastocyst stage. All blastocysts from vitrified oocytes resulted from the Cryotop method. A significantly lower percentage of the OPS-vitrified calf oocytes showed a normal spindle configuration (37.8%) compared to control fresh oocytes (69.9%), while normal spindle and chromosome configurations were observed in a significantly higher proportion of the cryotop-vitrified calf oocytes (60.2%). For the cow oocytes, 60.6% in the OPS group and 60.3% in the Cryotop group exhibited a normal morphology after warming. These findings suggest the cryotop system is a more efficient carrier for vitrification than OPS for the cryopreservation of bovine oocytes.

  10. Treatment of Early Post-Op Wound Infection after Internal Fixation (United States)


    Obremskey, M.D. CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville TN 37203 REPORT DATE: October 2016 TYPE OF REPORT: Annual...NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) October 2016 2. REPORT TYPE Annual 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 15Sep2015...effect of treatment of post-op wound infection in long bones after fracture fixation or joint fusion and either: (Group 1) operative debridement and

  11. Leren bedrijfseconomische problemen op te lossen door het maken van vakspecifieke schema’s

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slof, Bert; Erkens, Gijsbert; Kirschner, Paul A.


    Slof, B., Erkens, G., & Kirschner, P. A. (2010). Leren bedrijfseconomische problemen op te lossen door het maken van vakspecifieke schema’s [Learning to solve business-economics problems through constructing domainspecific diagrams]. Tijdschrift voor het Economisch Onderwijs (TEO), 110(4), 226–230.

  12. TADIR: ElOp's high-resolution second-generation 480 x 4 TDI thermal imager (United States)

    Sarusi, Gabby; Ziv, Natan; Zioni, O.; Gaber, J.; Shechterman, Mark S.; Wiess, I.; Friedland, Igor V.; Lerner, M.; Friedenberg, Abraham


    'TADIR' is a new high-end thermal imager, developed in El-Op under contract with the Israeli MOD during the last three years. This new second generation thermal imager is based on 480 X 4 TDI MCT detector operated in the 8 - 12 micrometer spectral range. Although the prototype configuration of TADIR was design for the highly demanded light weight low volume and low power air applications, TADIR can be considered as a generic modular technology of which the future El-Op's FLIR applications such as ground fire control system and surveillance systems will be derived from. Besides the detector, what puts the system in the high-end category are the state of the art features implemented in each system's components. This paper describes the system concept and design considerations as well as the anticipated performances. TADIRs fist prototype was demonstrated at the beginning of 1998 and is currently under evaluation.

  13. A receiver with in-band IIP3>20dBm, exploiting cancelling of OpAmp finite-gain-induced distortion via negative conductance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mahrof, D.H.; Klumperink, Eric A.M.; Oude Alink, M.S.; Nauta, Bram


    Highly linear CMOS radio receivers increasingly exploit linear RF V-I conversion and passive down-mixing, followed by an OpAmp based Transimpedance Amplifier at baseband. Due to the finite OpAmp gain in wideband receivers operating with large signals, virtual ground is imperfect, inducing distortion

  14. Wind turbines along highways and on the dikes Houtribdijk and Afsluitdijk in the Netherlands. Windmolens langs autosnelwegen en op de waterkeringen Houtribdijk en Afsluitdijk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johanson, J C.P.; Meesters, H J.N.


    Attention is paid to the safety, control and maintenance of dikes with regard to the placing of wind turbines on the dikes, as mentioned in the title. Also the possible damage to the bird population and the visual impact of wind turbines are dealt with. 5 refs.

  15. ‘Dat is wel eens anders geweest!’ Geschiedenis op de Nederlandse televisie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Knevel


    Full Text Available It was Different Then!: History on Dutch TelevisionIn ‘Dat is wel eens anders geweest!’ [It was different then!] Paul Knevel and Jouke Turpijn attempt to provide tools for historians to analyse history on the television in a broad historiographical perspective. They cover the first history productions in the Netherlands and the remarkable success of major series in the twentyfirst century. The difficult relation between academic and public history on the television in the Netherlands is placed in an international context. De Gouden Eeuw [The Golden Age] serves as a case study to investigate history series. While De Gouden Eeuw was a big success, it also demonstrates certain limits to Dutch history productions. In ‘Dat is wel eens anders geweest!’ reiken Paul Knevel en Jouke Turpijnhandvatten aan om geschiedenis op televisie in een breed histori(ografisch perspectief te duiden. Vertrekkend vanaf de eerste producties bespreken zij het wonderbaarlijke succes van geschiedenisseries in de eenentwintigste eeuw. Zij staan stil bij de moeizame relatie in Nederland tussen academische geschiedenis en geschiedenis op televisie en vergelijken dit met andere landen. Daarna analyseren zij de serie De Gouden Eeuw, die enerzijds het beste in het genre naar boven heeft gehaald in termen van kijkcijfers, de multimediale aanpak en het evoceren van een ver voorbij verleden. Anderzijds roepen deze en eerdere series de vraag op of er niet iets te winnen valt met andere presentatievormen, waarbij een alwetende presentator misschien wel meer kennis- en visie-overdracht oplevert dan de in Nederland gebruikelijkere presentator die alles wil weten.

  16. McCarthyism and American Opera L’Opéra américain face au McCarthyisme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus-Dieter Gross


    Full Text Available L’atmosphère anti-communiste qui caractérisa les États-Unis entre la fin de la seconde Guerre Mondiale et la fin des années 1950, et qui culmina avec des mesures légales ou extra-légales prises par le Comité des Activités Anti-américaines et par le sénateur McCarthy, eut une influence décisive sur l’opéra américain. Quelques rares ouvrages manifestent un soutien diffus pour le McCarthyisme (Still et Nabobov, tandis que d’autres nient son impact en promouvant des idées de gauche (Robinson et Blitzstein. D’autres œuvres incorporent la peur de la vague rouge dans leurs thèmes, mais sans lui donner une importance autre que secondaire. Enfin, trois opéras (Bernstein, Floyd et Ward abordent frontalement la question du fonctionnement rituel et des méthodes liberticides du McCarthyisme. Le déclin de ce mouvement coïncida, vers le début des années 1960, avec l’émergence d’un style opératique moins traditionaliste et plus abstrait.

  17. Charted Choices 2011-2015. Effects of nine election platforms on the economy and the environment; Keuzes in Kaart 2011-2015. Effecten van negen verkiezingsprogramma's op economie en milieu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At the request of nine political parties, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency have mapped out the effects of the respective election platforms on the economy and the environment. The analysis shows that each of the proposed policy measures included in the platforms has both advantages and disadvantages. The platforms thus reflect the diverse choices that have been made by the parties. The publication presents the impact of party programs on public finances, purchasing power and employment. Also included in the publication are analyses in the field of mobility, energy and climate, nature, education, housing and healthcare. [Dutch] Op verzoek van politieke partijen maakt het CPB voorafgaand aan de verkiezingen traditiegetrouw een analyse van de economische effecten van verkiezingsprogramma's. Negen partijen (CDA, PvdA, SP, VVD, PVV, GroenLinks, ChristenUnie, D66, SGP) hebben het CPB gevraagd om de economische effecten van hun programma te analyseren. Deze keer zijn er ook effecten op milieu, natuur en bereikbaarheid geanalyseerd. Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) heeft deze analyse voor zijn rekening genomen. Op verzoek van het PBL heeft het Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) een substantiele bijdrage geleverd aan de analyse van de energie- en klimaat-maatregelen. Deze editie van Keuzes in Kaart verschaft allereerst een analyse van de effecten die de diverse verkiezingsprogramma's hebben op de overheidsfinancien in de volgende kabinetsperiode en op lange termijn. Ook worden de gemiddelde inkomenseffecten en de werkgelegenheidseffecten op lange termijn in kaart gebracht. Daarnaast analyseren de planbureaus de effecten op een aantal specifieke terreinen: bereikbaarheid; klimaat en energie; landbouw, natuur en landschap; onderwijs en innovatie; woningmarkt; zorg. De opzet van deze publicatie is als volgt. Hoofdstuk 1 schetst de achtergonden en aanpak. Hoofdstuk 2 geeft een

  18. Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Neeme Järvi / Joachim Salau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salau, Joachim


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Auszüge aus Das Märchen von der steinernen Blume. Gennadij Roshdestwenskij (Sprecher), Philharmonia Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. Chandos/Koch CD 9095

  19. Goed om uitgangsmateriaal op Erwinia te testen (interview met Jan van der Wolf)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dwarswaard, A.; Bovenkamp, van den G.; Wolf, van der J.M.


    Bloembollen en aardappelen. Ze hebben in ieder geval één ziekte gemeen: bacterierot, veroorzaakt door Erwinia. In beide teelten zorgen deze bacterieziekten voor veel schade. In het Deltaplan Erwinia werken de bloembollen- en aardappelwereld samen op onderzoeksgebied. In twee artikelen staat de vraag

  20. Bouwen en natuur: Europese natuurwaarden op het ruimelijk ordeningsspoor; achtergronddocument bij Natuurbalans 2006

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broekmeyer, M.E.A.; Kistenkas, F.H.


    Wie wil gaan bouwen moet tegenwoordig op voorhand en in redelijkheid (de zgn. rechterlijke OVIR-toets) rekening houden met aanwezige wettelijk beschermde natuurwaarden. Voor Natura 2000-gebieden zal dan al de habitattoets een rol moeten spelen en voor wat betreft de soortenbescherming zal al

  1. Impact of pavements on air quality. Final report of a study on the performance of pavement (measures) on the air quality along highways; Invloed wegdekken op de luchtkwaliteit. Eindrapport onderzoek naar de werking van wegdek (maatregelen) op de luchtkwaliteit langs snelwegen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Blokland, G.; Hooghwerff, J.; Tollenaar, C. [M en P Raadgevende Ingenieurs, Aalsmeer (Netherlands)


    Within the framework of the IPL (Innovation Program Air Quality) a series of studies and experiments were performed focusing on the effect that the road surface can have on the environmental quality of the air at the side of the road and what potential benefits can be found in a specific treatment of the road surface. The overall impression we get, when evaluating the different research reports, is the widely varying opinions and research results about the contribution of road and tyre wear related particles to the overall PM10 emission of road traffic. A similar lack of common understanding was experienced when studying the different opinions and experimental data related to the effect of the road surface type on road and tyre wear particles. Part of the scatter in opinions and data can be explained by the relative magnitude of the measuring errors in relation to the studied effects. Namely, the road related contribution is already a smaller part of the total PM10 concentration. Next the part related to wear is the smaller part of the road contribution and in this part the effect of a road surface is to be investigated with measuring equipment and under conditions whose accuracy and variation already are in the order of the expected effect. [Dutch] In het kader van het IPL-programma zijn, in de oplossingsrichting wegdekeffecten, op een groot aantal deelgebieden onderzoeken uitgevoerd. De focus van de onderzoeken was deels gericht op het verkrijgen van een beter begrip van de rol van het wegdek in het ontstaan en de overdracht van fijn stof, deels gericht op maatregelen op of aan het wegdek om de emissie of overdracht terug te brengen. Ten aanzien van de inzichten in de bron blijkt dat er uiteenlopende visies bestaan omtrent de relatieve bijdragen van band- en wegdekslijtage. Omtrent de overdracht naar de directe omgeving en de rol van het wegdek daarin bestaan nauwelijks gedeelde meningen. Het uitvoeren van full-size experimenten kent een serieuze beperking: er is

  2. Ammoniakemissie-arme huisvestingssystemen voor vleeskuikens en het effect van vloerverwarming op emissie en technische resultaten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Middelkoop, van J.H.; Harn, van J.


    Het Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij heeft onderzoek gedaan naar het gebruik van emissiearme stalsystemen voor vleeskuikens en het effect van het gebruik van vloerverwarming op de technische resultaten, strooiselkwaliteit en ammoniakemissie.

  3. Context-based Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Jesper; Jonsson, Patrik


    review. Studies for review were obtained through a keyword search of five relevant databases, manual searches of relevant journals and snowballing of citations in relevant papers. In total, 571 papers published between 2000 and 2017 were assessed, and 68 papers were included in the review. Findings...... – The review found that S&OP design depends on industry, dynamic complexity, detail complexity and organisational characteristics. The findings of the literature review suggest that future research should study the roles of industry, complexity, system and process and organisational characteristics in S...

  4. Efficacy of using multiple open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometers in an odor emission episode investigation at a semiconductor manufacturing plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsao, Yung-Chieh; Wu, Chang-Fu [Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Taipei City 100, Taiwan (China); Chang, Pao-Erh; Chen, Shin-Yu [Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu City 310, Taiwan 310 (China); Hwang, Yaw-Huei, E-mail: [Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Taipei City 100, Taiwan (China); Department of Public Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei City 100, Taiwan (China)


    This study evaluated the efficacy of simultaneously employing three open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometers with 3-day consecutive monitoring, using an odor episode as an example. The corresponding monitoring paths were allocated among the possible emission sources of a semiconductor manufacturing plant and the surrounding optoelectronic and electronic-related factories, which were located in a high-tech industrial park. There was a combined total odor rate of 43.9% for the three monitoring paths, each comprised of 736 continuous 5-minute monitoring records and containing detectable odor compounds, such as ammonia, ozone, butyl acetate, and propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA). The results of the logistic regression model indicated that the prevailing south wind and the OP-FTIR monitoring path closest to the emission source in down-wind direction resulted in a high efficacy for detecting odorous samples with odds ratios (OR) of 3.8 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.9-5.0) and 5.1 (95% CI: 3.6-7.2), respectively. Meanwhile, the odds ratio for detecting ammonia odorous samples was 7.5 for Path II, which was downwind closer to the possible source, as compared to Path III, downwind far away from the possible source. PGMEA could not be monitored at Path II but could be at Path III, indicating the importance of the monitoring path and flow ejection velocities inside the stacks on the monitoring performance of OP-FTIR. Besides, an odds ratio of 5.1 for odorous sample detection was obtained with south prevailing wind comprising 65.0% of the monitoring time period. In general, it is concluded that OP-FTIR operated with multiple paths simultaneously shall be considered for investigation on relatively complicated episodes such as emergency of chemical release, multiple-source emission and chemical monitoring for odor in a densely populated plant area to enhance the efficacy of OP-FTIR monitoring. - Research highlights: {yields} To conduct

  5. Efficacy of using multiple open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometers in an odor emission episode investigation at a semiconductor manufacturing plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsao, Yung-Chieh; Wu, Chang-Fu; Chang, Pao-Erh; Chen, Shin-Yu; Hwang, Yaw-Huei


    This study evaluated the efficacy of simultaneously employing three open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometers with 3-day consecutive monitoring, using an odor episode as an example. The corresponding monitoring paths were allocated among the possible emission sources of a semiconductor manufacturing plant and the surrounding optoelectronic and electronic-related factories, which were located in a high-tech industrial park. There was a combined total odor rate of 43.9% for the three monitoring paths, each comprised of 736 continuous 5-minute monitoring records and containing detectable odor compounds, such as ammonia, ozone, butyl acetate, and propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA). The results of the logistic regression model indicated that the prevailing south wind and the OP-FTIR monitoring path closest to the emission source in down-wind direction resulted in a high efficacy for detecting odorous samples with odds ratios (OR) of 3.8 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.9-5.0) and 5.1 (95% CI: 3.6-7.2), respectively. Meanwhile, the odds ratio for detecting ammonia odorous samples was 7.5 for Path II, which was downwind closer to the possible source, as compared to Path III, downwind far away from the possible source. PGMEA could not be monitored at Path II but could be at Path III, indicating the importance of the monitoring path and flow ejection velocities inside the stacks on the monitoring performance of OP-FTIR. Besides, an odds ratio of 5.1 for odorous sample detection was obtained with south prevailing wind comprising 65.0% of the monitoring time period. In general, it is concluded that OP-FTIR operated with multiple paths simultaneously shall be considered for investigation on relatively complicated episodes such as emergency of chemical release, multiple-source emission and chemical monitoring for odor in a densely populated plant area to enhance the efficacy of OP-FTIR monitoring. - Research highlights: → To conduct multi

  6. O Concerto para Clarineta, Op.57 de Carl Nielsen: contexto, análises e interpretações Carl Nielsen's Clarinet Concerto, Op.57: context, analysis and performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vinicius de Sousa Fraga


    Full Text Available Composto em 1928, o Concerto para Clarineta, Op.57, de Carl Nielsen (1865-1931 tornou-se uma obra fundamental na literatura da clarineta no século XX. A presente pesquisa procura discutir algumas de suas questões de performance através de uma contextualização da época em que foi escrito, com ênfase nos aspectos relevantes sobre o compositor e a produção da obra. São observadas as divergências entre a edição da Samfundet e os originais manuscritos. Por meio de uma análise da obra, busca-se discutir sua recepção inicial e seu papel na literatura da clarineta.Composed in 1928, Carl Nielsen's Clarinet Concerto, Op.57 became a fundamental work in the twentieth century clarinet literature. This study discusses some of the work's performance aspects by means of examining its context related to its composer and compositional procedures. The discrepancies between the Sanfundet edition and the composer's manuscripts are observed. Analysis aspects of the work support the discussion about its initial reception and its role in the clarinet literature.

  7. VEP Responses to Op-Art Stimuli.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise O'Hare

    Full Text Available Several types of striped patterns have been reported to cause adverse sensations described as visual discomfort. Previous research using op-art-based stimuli has demonstrated that spurious eye movement signals can cause the experience of illusory motion, or shimmering effects, which might be perceived as uncomfortable. Whilst the shimmering effects are one cause of discomfort, another possible contributor to discomfort is excessive neural responses: As striped patterns do not have the statistical redundancy typical of natural images, they are perhaps unable to be encoded efficiently. If this is the case, then this should be seen in the amplitude of the EEG response. This study found that stimuli that were judged to be most comfortable were also those with the lowest EEG amplitude. This provides some support for the idea that excessive neural responses might also contribute to discomfort judgements in normal populations, in stimuli controlled for perceived contrast.

  8. VEP Responses to Op-Art Stimuli. (United States)

    O'Hare, Louise; Clarke, Alasdair D F; Pollux, Petra M J


    Several types of striped patterns have been reported to cause adverse sensations described as visual discomfort. Previous research using op-art-based stimuli has demonstrated that spurious eye movement signals can cause the experience of illusory motion, or shimmering effects, which might be perceived as uncomfortable. Whilst the shimmering effects are one cause of discomfort, another possible contributor to discomfort is excessive neural responses: As striped patterns do not have the statistical redundancy typical of natural images, they are perhaps unable to be encoded efficiently. If this is the case, then this should be seen in the amplitude of the EEG response. This study found that stimuli that were judged to be most comfortable were also those with the lowest EEG amplitude. This provides some support for the idea that excessive neural responses might also contribute to discomfort judgements in normal populations, in stimuli controlled for perceived contrast.

  9. Erosie-onderzoek op de Grote Houw Oost in het kader van TOPsites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huisman, D.J.; Heiden, van der M.; Derickx, W.; Kort, de J.W.; Reimann, T.; Schoorl, J.M.; Thasing, S.; Egmond, van Fenny; Soest, van M.; Verplanke, P.; Wallinga, J.


    Grote Houw is één van de vier locaties waar in
    het kader van het TOPsites project onderzoek is
    uitgevoerd naar de snelheid van erosie. Doel was
    om te proberen vast te stellen hoe snel op deze
    locatie erosie plaatsvindt. Bijkomende doelen
    waren (1) om te testen welke methodes

  10. More with thermal energy storage. Report 3-4. Effects on the underground. Effects of thermal energy storage systems on geochemistry and biology in practice. Result of measurements at pilot locations and laboratory tests. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 3-4. Effecten op de ondergrond. Effecten van bodemenergiesystemen op de geochemie en biologie in de praktijk. Resultaat metingen op pilotlocaties en labtesten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkla, I.; Lieten, S. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Hartog, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands); Drijver, B. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. The aim of this literature survey is to search for knowledge that is available worldwide on the effects of heat and cold storage and the possibilities to combine this technology with controlling contaminants in soil and groundwater [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende werkpakketten. In werkpakket 2 worden de effecten van individuele en collectieve

  11. Afbouw van het Wsw-bestand: actualisatie op basis van Wsw-gegevens ultimo 2013

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berden, C.; Tempelman, C.


    In opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid heeft SEO Economisch Onderzoek onderzoek gedaan naar de verdeling van het Participatiebudget over gemeenten. Een onderdeel van dit onderzoek vormde het voorspellen van de afbouw van het huidige zittend bestand in de Wsw op basis van

  12. Some design aspects of a two-stage rail-to-rail CMOS op amp

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gierkink, Sander L.J.; Holzmann, Peter J.; Wiegerink, Remco J.; Wassenaar, R.F.


    A two-stage low-voltage CMOS op amp with rail-to-rail input and output voltage ranges is presented. The circuit uses complementary differential input pairs to achieve the rail-to-rail common-mode input voltage range. The differential pairs operate in strong inversion, and the constant

  13. Tracking and orbit determination performance of the GRAS instrument on MetOp-A

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Montenbruck, O.; Andres, Y.; Bock, H.; Van Helleputte, T.; Van den IJssel, J.; Loiselet, M.; Marquardt, M.; Silvestrin, P.; Visser, P.; Yoon, Y.


    The global navigation satellite system receiver for atmospheric sounding (GRAS) on MetOp-A is the first European GPS receiver providing dual-frequency navigation and occultation measurements from a spaceborne platform on a routine basis. The receiver is based on ESA’s AGGA-2 correlator chip, which

  14. PREZIES: PREventie van ZIEkenhuisinfecties door Surveillance. Deelcomponent infecties op de Intensive Care, 1997-1999

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beaumont MTA; Geubbels ELPE; Mintjes-de Groot AJ; Wille JC; de Boer AS; CIE


    Doel: Het in netwerkverband uitvoeren van gestandaardiseerde surveillance van ziekenhuisinfecties ontstaan op de Intensive Care afdeling (IC) en het genereren van referentiegegevens voor individuele ziekenhuizen en overheid. Opzet: Prospectief incidentie onderzoek bij IC's voor volwassenen in

  15. Climate-neutral flower bulb businesses. Vision for 2020; Klimaatneutrale bloembollenbedrijven. Visie op 2020

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wildschut, J. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Wageningen UR, Lisse (Netherlands)


    The flower bulb sector has the ambition to realize economically viable climate-neutral (no net CO2 emission in the business)breeding and cultivation practices in new businesses as of 2020. Based on available statistics (Statistics Netherlands) and data from businesses who have been participating in the Energy monitor since 1995, trends and developments have been identified for the three types of business in this sector, addressing area, forcing production, crop composition and energy use (electricity and heat) [Dutch] De bloembollensector heeft de ambitie om in nieuwe bedrijven vanaf 2020 economisch rendabel klimaatneutraal (geen netto CO2-uitstoot op het bedrijf) te kweken en te telen. Op basis van de beschikbare statistieken (CBS) en van gegevens van de bedrijven die sinds 1995 aan de Energiemonitor deelnemen zijn voor de drie bedrijfstypen in deze sector de trends en ontwikkelingen m.b.t. areaal, broeiproductie, gewassamenstelling en het energieverbruik (elektra en warmte), in kaart gebracht.

  16. Evolution post-opératoire des séquelles de tuberculose pulmonaire chez les séropositifs VIH (United States)

    Grégoire, Ayegnon Kouakou; Flavien, Kendja Hypolite; Raphaël, Ouédé; Démine, Blaise; Christophe, Ménéas Gueu; Marie, Ano Kounangui; Hervé, Yangni-Angaté Koffi; Yves, Tanauh


    Cette étude rapporte les aspects cliniques et évolutifs des séquelles pulmonaires tuberculeuses (SPT) opérées chez les séropositifs (VIH+). Il s'agit d'une étude prospective transversale réalisée entre Novembre 2005 et Octobre 2012. Elle a porté sur 20 patients VIH+, ayant dans leurs antécédents, une tuberculose pulmonaire (TP) traitée et déclarée guérie, et admise dans ladite période pour une chirurgie de la SPT secondaire. Une enquête sérologique VIH a été réalisée systématiquement au cours du bilan pré-opératoire. Le diagnostic pré-opératoire de la SPT, la mortalité, les complications post- opératoires (CPOP), le séjour hospitalier, le suivi à moyen terme des STP opérées ont été évalués. Les séropositifs étaient VIH1+ (n = 12; 60%), VIH1&2+ (n = 4; 20%) et VIH2+ (n = 4; 20%). La durée moyenne d’évolution des STP était de 26,22 ± 21,3 mois. Les STP étaient les pyothorax ou pleurésies enkystées (n = 16; 80%), le poumon détruit (n = 2;10%) et les dilatations de bronches (n = 2;10%). Les VIH+ ne présentaient pas d'aspergillome pulmonaire. Le séjour hospitalier moyen était 13,1 ± 10,2 jours. Le suivi total était de 82 patients-année avec une moyenne de suivi de 4,2 ± 2,3 ans (extrêmes: 1 et 7 ans). Le taux de mortalité à court et moyen terme était nul. Aucun décès post-opératoire immédiat n'a été noté. Les CPOP immédiates étaient les bullages prolongés chez 75% des immunodéprimés. Les CPOP tardives (n = 3) étaient un syndrome restrictif pulmonaire, un pyothorax persistant et une pachypleurite résiduelle restrictive. A court terme, le taux de guérison radiologique était de 80% (n = 16). PMID:24932331

  17. Onderzoek naar de invloed van diëten met stuifmeel en stuifmeelvervangingsmiddelen op de ontwikkeling van hommelvolken en individuele hommels (Bombus terrestris L)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steen, van der J.J.M.


    Het, door honigbijen verzameld, stuifmeel dat in de hommelteelt gebruikt als eiwit, vet en mineralen voeding heeft een duidelijke invloed op de fysiologie van individuele hommels en op de ontwikkeling van hommelvolken. In de hommelteelt bestaat behoefte aan voedsel van een meer constante kwaliteit

  18. Alarmeringssystemen voor niet-autosnelwegen buiten de bebouwde kom.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oei, H.-l.


    The greatest part of the rural roads in the Netherlands, with the exception of motorways. is not provided with an adequate emergency call system. Several possible communication systems such as roadside telephones, public telephones with roadside indicators indicating direction and distance to these

  19. A low-voltage Op Amp with rail-to-rail constant-gm input stage and a class AB rail-to-rail output stage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Botma, J.H.; Wassenaar, R.F.; Wiegerink, Remco J.


    In this paper a low-voltage two-stage Op Amp is presented. The Op Amp features rail-to-rail operation and has an @put stage with a constant transconductance (%) over the entire common-mode input range. The input stage consists of an n- and a PMOS differential pair connected in parallel. The constant

  20. Evaluatie pilot toepassing van technieken op gebied van electronic monitoring binnen een penitentiaire inrichting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, R.N.A.; te Velde, R.; Segers, J.; Bilderbeek, R.


    Publicatienummer 2006.051-0713; Een evaluatie van een pilot inzake de toepassing van technieken op gebied van electronic monitoring binnen een penitentiaire inrichting. Wat zijn de gevolgen voor de veiligheid (incidenten, ontvluchtingen) en welk inzicht biedt een kosten-batenanalyse?

  1. Effect of a Green Investment Society on the Dutch Renewable Energy Scheme (SDE); Effect Groene Investeringsmaatschappij op SDE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lensink, S.M.; Van Stralen, J. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    On request of the Holland Financial Centre, ECN has projected the potential benefits of a Green Investment Company for the expenditure of the SDE+ Scheme (Renewable Energy Incentivisation Scheme). To this end, a calculation was made of the effects of an interest rebate for sustainable energy projects [Dutch] Op verzoek van Holland Financial Centre heeft ECN geraamd wat de voordelen kunnen zijn van een Groene Investeringsmaatschappij op de uitgaven voor de SDE+ (Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie). Hiertoe diende een berekening gemaakt te worden van de effecten van een rentekorting voor duurzame energieprojecten.

  2. Effecten van eWom en webcare op imago en overtuigingskracht van een organisatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    den Ouden, J.N.; van Alphen, L.


    Organisaties maken in toenemende mate gebruik van Facebook. Ze zetten berichten op hun Facebookpagina en stellen bezoekers in de gelegenheid om dat ook te doen. Voor elke bezoeker is te zien wat andere bezoekers over de organisatie zeggen en hoe de organisatie daarop reageert. Met deze vorm van

  3. Architectonische en cultuurhistorische betekenissen van datum- en naamstenen op 16e-eeuwse buitenplaatsen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ronnes, H.; Vanderhoeven, T.; Janssen, H.L.; Landewé, W.


    In tegenstelling tot stedelijke gevelstenen, is er tot op heden weinig onderzoek verricht naar gevelstenen in de context van buitenplaatsen en kastelen. De geringe aandacht voor dit fenomeen is opmerkelijk gezien het feit dat er een vrij plotselinge toename in de 16e eeuw is waar te nemen van

  4. Tšaikovski, P. La Fille des neiges (musique de scene op. 12) / Serge Martin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martin, Serge


    Uuest heliplaadist "Tšaikovski, P. La Fille des neiges (musique de scene op. 12). University Musical Society Choral Union. Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. Chandos CHAN 9324, distribution Media 7 (CD: 157 F). 1994. TT: 1h 19'04"

  5. Gaze stability of observers watching Op Art pictures. (United States)

    Zanker, Johannes M; Doyle, Melanie; Robin, Walker


    It has been the matter of some debate why we can experience vivid dynamic illusions when looking at static pictures composed from simple black and white patterns. The impression of illusory motion is particularly strong when viewing some of the works of 'Op Artists, such as Bridget Riley's painting Fall. Explanations of the illusory motion have ranged from retinal to cortical mechanisms, and an important role has been attributed to eye movements. To assess the possible contribution of eye movements to the illusory-motion percept we studied the strength of the illusion under different viewing conditions, and analysed the gaze stability of observers viewing the Riley painting and control patterns that do not produce the illusion. Whereas the illusion was reduced, but not abolished, when watching the painting through a pinhole, which reduces the effects of accommodation, it was not perceived in flash afterimages, suggesting an important role for eye movements in generating the illusion for this image. Recordings of eye movements revealed an abundance of small involuntary saccades when looking at the Riley pattern, despite the fact that gaze was kept within the dedicated fixation region. The frequency and particular characteristics of these rapid eye movements can vary considerably between different observers, but, although there was a tendency for gaze stability to deteriorate while viewing a Riley painting, there was no significant difference in saccade frequency between the stimulus and control patterns. Theoretical considerations indicate that such small image displacements can generate patterns of motion signals in a motion-detector network, which may serve as a simple and sufficient, but not necessarily exclusive, explanation for the illusion. Why such image displacements lead to perceptual results with a group of Op Art and similar patterns, but remain invisible for other stimuli, is discussed.

  6. Invloed van ras, mulch en bemesting op de productie en het saldo van sopropo en kouseband : verslag van een proef te Saramacca, Suriname

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Putter, de H.; Wongsonadi, H.


    In 2010 werd een proef met sopropo (Momordica charanti) en een proef met kouseband (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis) uitgevoerd bij een teler in Suriname in de regio Saramacca. Doel was om het effect van variëteit, toepassing van mulch en bemestingstrategie op de productie en op het gewassaldo vast

  7. Toxische effecten van zink op de worm Eisenia andrei; resultaten proefveldexperimenten Amsterdam 1995 en 1996

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker J; Posthuma L; Baerselman R; ECO/EEB


    De toxische effecten van zink voor de compostworm Eisenia andrei werden bestudeerd in twee proefveldexperimenten, om de veldrelevantie van laboratorium-toxiciteitsgegevens te onderzoeken indien blootstellingscondities op natuurlijke wijze fluctueren. Coconproductie werd hierbij gebruikt als

  8. Workshop Design Thinking t.b.v. Conferentie O&O-leren op de PABO

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marijke Grotenhuis


    Uitwerking van een workshop. In deze workshop ga je aan de slag met de methode DT: Design Thinking (Stanford University Institute of Design). Het is een creatief proces dat je kunt inzetten om betekenisvolle oplossingen te bedenken in de klas, op school en in je netwerk. Met meerdere mensen neem je

  9. Generation and Evaluation of PEGylated Recombinant Human Acetylcholinesterase as an Optimal OP-Bioscavenger (United States)


    treatment of OP intoxication. (5) To demonstrate that the slow aging rate of the soman-inhibited PEG F338A-AChE allows restoration of its...the conditions for purification of P. pastoris-produced rHuAChE. We found that microfiltration and ultrafiltration of the P. pastoris growth medium


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    As part of the 1999 NARSTO Northeast Oxidant and Particulate Study (NE-OPS) field campaign, the DOE G-1 aircraft sampled trace gases and aerosols in and around the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Twenty research flights were conducted between July 25 and August 11. The overall goals of these flights were to obtain a mechanistic understanding of O(sub 3) production; to characterize the spatial and temporal behavior of photo-oxidants and aerosols; and to study the evolution of aerosol size distributions, including the process of new particle formation. Within the NE-OPS program, other groups provided additional trace gas, aerosol, and meteorological observations using aircraft, balloon, remote sensing, and surface based instruments (Phillbrick et al., 2000). In this article we provide an overview of the G-1 observations related to O(sub 3) production, focusing on the vertical distribution of pollutants. Ozone production rates are calculated using a box model that is constrained by observed trace gas concentrations. Highest O(sub 3) concentrations were observed on July 31, which we present as a case study. On that day, O(sub 3) concentrations above the 1-hour 120 ppb standard were observed downwind of Philadelphia and also in the plume of a single industrial facility located on the Delaware River south of the city

  11. Evidence for the existence of water:ethanol clusters from o-Ps yields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, F.A.; Beling, C.D.


    Lifetime measurements have been made in mixtures of water and ethanol at 293 K. Fluctuations are observed in both o-Ps yield and decay rate as a function of water concentration with local maxima occurring at molecular ratios (EtOH:H 2 O) of 4:1 and 1:1. The results are interpreted in terms of cluster formation at these concentrations. (Auth.)

  12. Eisen doen de kostprijs rijzen: berekend op 6,20 Euro per 17-weekse biologische hen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, I.


    Sinds 1 januari dit jaar gelden verscherpte voorwaarden voor de opfok van biologische leghennen. Deze aanscherping heeft een fors kostprijsverhogend effect. De Animal Sciences Group heeft daarom de productiekosten op het biologisch opfokbedrijf opnieuw bestudeerd.

  13. Stikstofdeling bij snijmais : verslag van onderzoek op ROC's De Waag, Heino, Cranendonck en De Vlierd tussen 1985 en 1988 (project 96-2-19)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schroeder, J.


    Tussen 1985 en 1988 is in een negental veldproeven nagegaan welke invloed gedeelde N-giften hebben op de opbrengst van snijmais en op de N-huishouding van bodem en gewas. Hierbij is ook nagegaan of bepalingen van het N-gehalte in de bodem of gewas een handvat bieden bij bemestingsbeslissingen

  14. Strategisch meerjarenplan 2014-2020 Nederlands focal point voor veiligheid en gezondheid op het werk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schrama, H.; Lange, J. de


    Dit strategisch meerjarenprogramma van het Nederlands Focal Point is afgeleid van de nieuwe meerjarenstrategie 2014-2020 van het Europees Agentschap voor Veiligheid en Gezondheid op het Werk Het Europees Agentschap (EU-OSHA) wil bijdragen de Europese werknemers gezond en veilig aan het werk te

  15. Liberal Arts Faculty and Co-op: Attitudes for Success at a Small Private College. (United States)

    Wilson, Dawn K.


    Results of a study indicate that faculty in a small private liberal arts institution which has an established co-op program value it for its ability to enhance students' career and professional development as well as for its contribution to students' total learning process. (JOW)

  16. Contribution of 194.1 keV Resonance to 17O(p, alpha) 14N Reaction Rate using R Matrix Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chafa, A.; Messili, F.Z.; Barhoumi, S.


    Knowledge of the 17 O(p, alpha ) 14 N reaction rates is required for evaluating elemental abundances in a number of hydrogen - burning stellar sites. This reaction is specifically very important for nucleosynthesis of the rare oxygen isotope 17 O. Classical novae are thought to be a major source of 17 O in the Galaxy and produce the short-live radioisotope 18 F whose + decay is followed by a gamma ray emission which could be observed with satellites such as the Integral observatory. As the 17 O(p, alpha) 14 N and 17 O(p, alpha ) 18 F reactions govern the destruction of 17 O and the formation of 1 '8F, their rates are decisive in determining the final abundances of these isotopes. Stellar temperatures of primary importance for nucleosynthesis are typically in the ranges T = 0.01-0.1 GK for red giant, AGB, and massive stars, and T 0.01-0.4 GK for classical nova explosions In recent work, we observed, for the first time, a resonance a 183.3 keV corresponding to level in 18 F at Ex 5789.8 ± 0.3 keV. A new astrophysical parameters of this resonance are found. In this work we study this reaction using numerical code based on R matrix method including the new values of level energy and parameters of 183.3 keV resonance in order to show his contribution to 17 O(p, alpha) 14 N reaction rates. We also use old parameters values of this resonance given in Keiser work for comparison. We show that this resonance predominate the reaction rates in all range of stellar temperature for classical nova explosions. This is in good agreement with our work with experimental method. We also study cross section and differential cross section 17 O(p, alpha ) 14 N reaction with R matrix method

  17. Modelo quantitativo para avaliação e melhoria de desempenho do processo de S&OP baseado no diagnóstico e redução de falhas A quantitative model for the assessment and performance improvement of S&OP process based on the diagnosis and reduction of failures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio José Pandim


    Full Text Available O processo de Sales and Operations Planning - Planejamento de Vendas e Operações (S&OP, assim como qualquer processo de nível estratégico ou tático, necessita ter o seu desempenho monitorado para que seja possível realizar ações de melhoria nos aspectos que estejam gerando impactos negativos em seu desempenho. Os modelos para análise de desempenho encontrados na literatura não trazem meios para localizar as causas de ineficiência mais relevantes, quando da utilização de processos S&OP, bem como não fornecem uma maneira de se quantificar o desempenho do processo. Com o objetivo de contribuir com esta necessidade, o presente trabalho apresenta um modelo quantitativo para análise e melhoria de desempenho do processo de S&OP baseado no diagnóstico e na redução de suas ineficiências mais importantes.The S&OP process, like any business process of strategic or tactical level, requires having its performance measured so that, through the monitoring of these measurements, improvement actions for the factors affecting their performance can be created. The models for performance analysis in the literature failed to identify the most relevant causes of inefficiency to the process and do provide a way of measuring the process performance. Therefore, this paper presents a proposal for a quantitative model for the analysis and performance improvement of the S&OP process based on the diagnosis and reduction of its most important inefficiencies.

  18. Op-amp based low noise amplifier for magnetic particle spectroscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malhotra Ankit


    Full Text Available Magnetic particle spectrometry (MPS is a novel technique used to measure the magnetization response of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs. Therefore, it is one of the most important tools for the characterization of the SPIONs for imaging modalities such as magnetic particle imaging (MPI and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI. In MPS, change in the particle magnetization induces a voltage in a dedicated receive coil. The amplitude of the signal can be very low (ranging from a few nV to 100 μV depending upon the concentration of the nanoparticles. Hence, the received signal needs to be amplified with a low noise amplifier (LNA. LNA’s paramount task is to amplify the received signal while keeping the noise induced by its own circuitry minimum. In the current research, we purpose modeling, design, and development of a prototyped LNA for MPS. The designed prototype LNA is based on the parallelization technique of Op-amps. The prototyped LNA consists of 16 Op-amps in parallel and is manufactured on a printed circuit board (PCB, with a size of 110.38 mm × 59.46 mm and 234 components. The input noise of the amplifier is approx. 546 pV/√Hz with a noise figure (NF of approx. 1.4 dB with a receive coil termination. Furthermore, a comparison between the prototyped LNA and a commercially available amplifier is shown.

  19. Teks op teks op teks: intertekstualiteit in Ingrid Winterbach se Niggie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Botha


    Full Text Available Text on text on text: intertextuality in Ingrid Winterbach’s Niggie This article focuses on the creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War material in Ingrid Winterbach’s (formerly Lettie Viljoen “Niggie” (“Cousin” (2002 with specific reference to the historiographical-metafictional element and intertextual game with texts written during or shortly after the Anglo-Boer War in Dutch, such as Totius’ “Vier-en-sestig dae te velde: ’n oorlogsdagboek” (“Sixty four days afield: a war diary” (1977 and in English, “Woman’s endurance” (1904 by A.D.L. and Deneys Reitz’s “Commando: a Boer journal of the Boer War” (1932. The intertextuality of more recent texts such as “Op soek na generaal Mannetjies Mentz” (“In Search of General Mannetjies Mentz” (1998 by Christoffel Coetzee, Klaas Steytler’s “Ons oorlog” (“Our war” (2000 and Etienne Leroux’s “Magersfontein, O! Magersfontein” (1976 will also be discussed. A literary analysis is done of the novel “Niggie”, with specific focus on the nature and function of Anglo-Boer War material in Winterbach’s text. The question is posed why is there such a sustained focus and creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War texts in Winterbach’s oeuvre, especially in “Belemmering” (“Impediment” (1990; “Karolina Ferreira” (1993; “Buller se plan” (“Buller’s plan” (1999 and “Niggie” (“Cousin” (2002? How does she adapt this material? What is the function of this process and in what way does this novel impact on the reader a century after the war?

  20. Interpolis SlimOpWeg-programma : de AutoModus-app : vragenlijstonderzoek naar het effect van een app om smartphonegebruik in de auto te verminderen.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groot-Mesken, J. de Wijnen, W. Stelling-Konczak, A. & Commandeur, J.J.F.


    Interpolis SlimOpWeg programme: the AutoModus app; Survey into the effect of an app on reducing smartphone use while driving a car. Within the programme SlimOpWeg the Dutch insurance company Interpolis had a smartphone app developed. The purpose of this ‘AutoModus app’ is to help young drivers to

  1. Vreterij in consumptie-aardappelen : inventarisatie van vreterij op aardappelpercelen en in de bewaring

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rozen, van K.; Huiting, H.F.


    In 2012 en 2013 is onderzoek verricht naar de symptomen en de impact van gaten in knollen. Percelen zijn bezocht om de mate van vraat aan de knollen te beoordelen en de oorzaak vast te stellen. Dit leverde schade op door het hele land. Oost-Nederland is de regio waar het meest onderzoek heeft

  2. Evolution post-opératoire des séquelles de tuberculose pulmonaire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cette étude rapporte les aspects cliniques et évolutifs des séquelles pulmonaires tuberculeuses (SPT) opérées chez les séropositifs (VIH+). Il s'agit d'une étude prospective transversale réalisée entre Novembre 2005 et Octobre 2012. Elle a porté sur 20 patients VIH+, ayant dans leurs antécédents, une tuberculose ...

  3. Teelt de grond uit voor appel en blauwe bes : appel op zandgrond in gevaar?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maas, van der M.P.


    Met het verdwijnen van chemische grondontsmetting komt de appelteelt op zandgronden in gevaar. Een van de oplossingen kan de substraatteelt van appel zijn. Mogelijk kan dit meer voordelen bieden. In de teelt van blauwe bes was al een consortium gevormd voor de stichtingsperiode te verkorten. Het

  4. Teaching DevOps and Cloud Computing using a Cognitive Apprenticeship and Story-Telling Approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Henrik Bærbak


    DevOps is a new way of developing software that is challenging from a teaching perspective. In this paper, we outline these challenges and propose teaching methods that focus on skill acquisition and technical practices that focus on performant virtualization to overcome them. We describe central...

  5. Real-Time-Simulation of IEEE-5-Bus Network on OPAL-RT-OP4510 Simulator (United States)

    Atul Bhandakkar, Anjali; Mathew, Lini, Dr.


    The Real-Time Simulator tools have high computing technologies, improved performance. They are widely used for design and improvement of electrical systems. The advancement of the software tools like MATLAB/SIMULINK with its Real-Time Workshop (RTW) and Real-Time Windows Target (RTWT), real-time simulators are used extensively in many engineering fields, such as industry, education, and research institutions. OPAL-RT-OP4510 is a Real-Time Simulator which is used in both industry and academia. In this paper, the real-time simulation of IEEE-5-Bus network is carried out by means of OPAL-RT-OP4510 with CRO and other hardware. The performance of the network is observed with the introduction of fault at various locations. The waveforms of voltage, current, active and reactive power are observed in the MATLAB simulation environment and on the CRO. Also, Load Flow Analysis (LFA) of IEEE-5-Bus network is computed using MATLAB/Simulink power-gui load flow tool.

  6. Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) as group therapy for children living with motor coordination difficulties: An integrated literature review. (United States)

    Anderson, Leanne; Wilson, Jessie; Williams, Gary


    Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) demonstrate limited participation in daily occupations which negatively impacts their physical and psycho-social wellbeing. The CO-OP approach is strongly supported within the literature as an effective treatment for DCD when delivered as a one-on-one therapy. Group interventions have proven to be effective in increasing self-esteem, decreasing feelings of isolation and are a cost effective way of delivering therapy. The purpose of this review was to explore the evidence for the use of the CO-OP approach in a group format for children with motor coordination difficulties. Searches of CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, Proquest, PsycINFO, ERIC and OTDBase, were conducted from 2000 through until September 30, 2015. Articles included were in English, peer reviewed articles, followed principals of CO-OP and were delivered through a group therapy approach. All articles were critically reviewed and thematically analysed. 192 studies were retrieved with a final number of six articles included in the review. Six themes were highlighted: achieving a new level of perceived competence; feeling a sense of belonging; children learning how the condition affected them and strategies to overcome these challenges; careful formation of intervention groups; the value of following the CO-OP protocols; and the significance of parental involvement. The findings of this review suggest that the CO-OP approach, when administered in a group format, has the potential to benefit children living with motor coordination difficulties in both physical and psycho-social domains. More research is required to confirm these findings and contribute to evidence-based practice. © 2016 Occupational Therapy Australia.

  7. Effet des opérations unitaires d'extraction sur le rendement et la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 févr. 2015 ... J. Appl. Biosci. Effet des opérations unitaires d'extraction sur le rendement et la qualité du beurre de Pentadesma butyracea produit en milieu traditionnel au Bénin. 7977. Effect of unit operations on the extraction yield and quality of the Pentadesma butyracea butter produced in traditional areas of Benin.

  8. Levende boerderij, lerende kinderen : beschrijving en effecten van verschillende vormen van educatie op de boerderij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hassink, J.; Haubenhofer, D.K.; Meer, van der I.M.; Kamp, van der N.; Schreurs, E.; Schuler, Y.D.


    Verschillende vormen van boerderij-educatie werden onderzocht. Te weten: excursie, boerderijweek, boerderij-atelier en boerderijschool. Van elk van deze vormen is onderzocht welk effect ze hadden op de kinderen. Voor de verschillende vormen zijn aanbevelingen opgesteld die moeten leiden tot een

  9. Microservices Architecture Enables DevOps: an Experience Report on Migration to a Cloud-Native Architecture


    Balalaie, A; Heydarnoori, A; Jamshidi Dermani, P


    This article reports on experiences and lessons learned during incremental migration and architectural refactoring of a commercial mobile back end as a service to microservices architecture. It explains how the researchers adopted DevOps and how this facilitated a smooth migration.

  10. Osmose houdt cellen op spanning : de drijvende kracht achter openen en sluiten van huidmondjes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heuvelink, E.; Kierkels, T.


    Osmose houdt cellen op spanning. Het is ook de druivende kracht achter openen en sluiten van huidmondjes. Bij de opname van water door de wortels, is osmose juist een tegenwerkende kracht, vooral bij een hogere EC. Aandacht voor watervoorziening, EC kalium- en calciumvoorziening is nodig om de zaken

  11. Van strafbaar tot huwbaar : homorecht wereldwijd (presentatie op Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Den Haag)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waaldijk, C.


    Met de door hem ontwikkelde Global Index on Legal Recognition of Homosexual Orientation (GILRHO) geeft Kees Waaldijk op een schaal van nul tot acht aan, hoe ver een land is met het uit het strafrecht halen van homoseksualiteit, met het verbieden van homodiscriminatie en met het erkennen van

  12. Inzicht door onderdompeling Een reactie op Bart Van de Putte, Henk de Smaele en Dirk Jan Wolffram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Hein Furnée


    Full Text Available Giving a detailed account of the social history of The Hague’s most prominent sites of civilised leisure – the gentlemen’s clubs, the zoo, the Royal Theatre and the seaside resort of Scheveningen – Plaatsen van beschaafd vertier demonstrates how the constant struggle for social in- and exclusion structured the daily lives of upper and middle class men and women in The Hague in the nineteenth century. In response to Bart Van de Putte, Jan Hein Furnée argues that extensive quantitative analyses of ‘class’ and ‘social class’ show that objective class stratifications based onwealth and/or occupation are important tools, but at most semi-finished products for historical research. Furnée fully agrees with Henk de Smaele’s objection that his study would have benefitted from a more in-depth reflection on the ways in which shifting patterns in women’s freedom of movement in urban spaces were related to their political and economic emancipation. In response to Dirk Jan Wolffram, Furnée repeats some examples given in his book that show how political practices in places of leisure impacted upon local and national politics, even though this didnot directly contribute to a linear process of increasing political participation and representation.Aan de hand van een gedetailleerde analyse van de sociale geschiedenis van herenen burgersociëteiten, de dierentuin, de Koninklijke Schouwburg en badplaats Scheveningen demonstreert Plaatsen van beschaafd vertier hoe de constante strijd om sociale in- en uitsluiting het dagelijks leven van mannen en vrouwen uit de hogere en middenstanden in negentiende-eeuws Den Haag beheerste. In reactie op Bart Van de Putte betoogt Jan Hein Furnée dat grondige kwantitatieve analyses van ‘class’ en ‘social class’ uitwijst dat objectieve sociale stratificaties op basis van welstand en/of beroep voor historisch onderzoek weliswaar zeer nuttig enzelfs noodzakelijk, maar uiteindelijk slechts een

  13. Cardiovascular risk assessment in elderly adults using SCORE OP model in a Latin American population: The experience from Ecuador. (United States)

    Sisa, Ivan


    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality is predicted to increase in Latin America countries due to their rapidly aging population. However, there is very little information about CVD risk assessment as a primary preventive measure in this high-risk population. We predicted the national risk of developing CVD in Ecuadorian elderly population using the Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation in Older Persons (SCORE OP) High and Low models by risk categories/CVD risk region in 2009. Data on national cardiovascular risk factors were obtained from the Encuesta sobre Salud, Bienestar y Envejecimiento. We computed the predicted 5-year risk of CVD risk and compared the extent of agreement and reclassification in stratifying high-risk individuals between SCORE OP High and Low models. Analyses were done by risk categories, CVD risk region, and sex. In 2009, based on SCORE OP Low model almost 42% of elderly adults living in Ecuador were at high risk of suffering CVD over a 5-year period. The extent of agreement between SCORE OP High and Low risk prediction models was moderate (Cohen's kappa test of 0.5), 34% of individuals approximately were reclassified into different risk categories and a third of the population would benefit from a pharmacologic intervention to reduce the CVD risk. Forty-two percent of elderly Ecuadorians were at high risk of suffering CVD over a 5-year period, indicating an urgent need to tailor primary preventive measures for this vulnerable and high-risk population. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Enkele hydrologische aspecten van een bodem- en grondwaterverontreiniging op het fabrieksterrein van Nestle te Rotterdam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mulschlegel; J.; Kusse; A.A.M.


    De Regionaal Inspecteur van de Volksgezondheid voor de Milieuhygiene voor Zuid-Holland verzocht RIVM-LBG inzicht te geven in de eventuele verbreiding van een verontreiniging op het fabrieksterrein van Nestle te Rotterdam. Bij het uitgevoerde onderzoek is gebruik gemaakt van een 3-dimensionaal

  15. More with thermal energy storage. Report 9. Effects on sanitation. Effects of thermal energy storage systems with regard to soil sanitation. Result of measurements at pilot locations and laboratory tests. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 9. Effecten op sanering. Effecten van bodemenergiesystemen bij inzet bodemsanering. Resultaat metingen op pilotlocaties en in labtesten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkla, I.; Lieten, S.; De Vries, E. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Hartog, N.; Hoekstra, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This report describes the interpretation of possible effects of heat and cold storage on soil contaminants: (1) What effect does the temperature have on biodegradation of contaminants, redox conditions, chemical equilibria and adsorption/desorption of contaminants; (2) What is the effect of the circulating water on contamination?; (3) What is the impact of pollution on the thermal energy storage?; (4) What is the risk of uncontrollable distribution of pollutants using thermal storage and how can it be prevented?; (5) Does thermal energy storage result in an increased risk of accumulation of toxic intermediates compared to natural degradation without thermal energy storage?; (6) What are the positive effects on the remediation period do the aboveground mixing of pollutants, fuel and nutrients have on the remediation efficiency? [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen

  16. MUSICA MetOp/IASI {H2O,δD} pair retrieval simulations for validating tropospheric moisture pathways in atmospheric models (United States)

    Schneider, Matthias; Borger, Christian; Wiegele, Andreas; Hase, Frank; García, Omaira E.; Sepúlveda, Eliezer; Werner, Martin


    The project MUSICA (MUlti-platform remote Sensing of Isotopologues for investigating the Cycle of Atmospheric water) has shown that the sensor IASI aboard the satellite MetOp can measure the free tropospheric {H2O,δD} pair distribution twice per day on a quasi-global scale. Such data are very promising for investigating tropospheric moisture pathways, however, the complex data characteristics compromise their usage in the context of model evaluation studies. Here we present a tool that allows for simulating MUSICA MetOp/IASI {H2O,δD} pair remote sensing data for a given model atmosphere, thereby creating model data that have the remote sensing data characteristics assimilated. This model data can then be compared to the MUSICA data. The retrieval simulation method is based on the physical principles of radiative transfer and we show that the uncertainty of the simulations is within the uncertainty of the MUSICA MetOp/IASI products, i.e. the retrieval simulations are reliable enough. We demonstrate the working principle of the simulator by applying it to ECHAM5-wiso model data. The few case studies clearly reveal the large potential of the MUSICA MetOp/IASI {H2O,δD} data pairs for evaluating modelled moisture pathways. The tool is made freely available in form of MATLAB and Python routines and can be easily connected to any atmospheric water vapour isotopologue model.

  17. Draadloos sensornetwerk praktjkrijp: De wandelende meetbox: klimaat op tien plekken tegelijk meten (interview met Jos Balendonck)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, T.; Balendonck, J.


    Meten op meer plekken in de kas geeft een beter inzicht in vocht- en temperatuurverschillen. Een sensorsysteem daarvoor is nu voorhanden. Een hulpmiddel bij meer energiebesparing en opsporen van probleemplekken. De eerste telers verkennen de mogelijkheden.

  18. Impact of screens on air quality. Final report of a study on the performance of (sound)screens on the air quality along highways; Invloed schermen op de luchtkwaliteit. Eindrapport onderzoek naar de werking van (geluids)schermen op de luchtkwaliteit langs snelwegen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Blokland, G.; Hooghwerff, J.; Tollenaar, C. [M en P Raadgevende Ingenieurs, Aalsmeer (Netherlands)


    4 m barrier stays the same during the whole programme and at other cross sections modified designs were tested. Although testing of barrier efficiency for air quality is subjected to sources of error, after prolonged measuring time and correcting for known systematic deviations, results could be presented. At a distance of 10 m behind the (standard) barrier, the reduction effect for NO2 is 14 ({+-}10)%, for NOx 20({+-}6)% and for PM10 34({+-}25)% (values between () indicate 95% confidence interval). The test was not able to detect any systematic improvement of the innovative barrier designs relative to the standard barrier, data could even indicate lower performance. In parallel the quality of measurement and calculation tools was studied by a roundrobin- test of CFD based calculations and of wind tunnel testing of a few specific situations. Results for both the CFD-calculations and the round-robin-test of wind tunnels will be presented in a separate report. One may conclude that within the frame work of the IPL barrier research program a vast amount of very relevant data is produced and very valuable findings were established. We must conclude however that there still remains a lot of unanswered questions that shall be considered to be of importance when applying barriers on a wider scale for air quality reasons. At the present state the implementation of innovative barriers for air quality cannot be done to its full potential. [Dutch] In de periode 2005 tot en met 2009 is een onderzoeksprogramma uitgevoerd naar de effecten van (geluid)schermen op de luchtkwaliteit langs de weg en zijn nieuwe systemen ontwikkeld om de effectiviteit voor de luchtkwaliteit van de schermen te verbeteren. Daarnaast is aandacht besteed aan de vergelijkbaarheid en betrouwbaarheid van het reken- en meetinstrumentarium waarmee de effecten berekend en gemodelleerd kunnen worden. Er werd op basis van buitenlands onderzoek al een zekere mate van effectiviteit van schermen verondersteld en de

  19. Looking at Op Art from a computational viewpoint. (United States)

    Zanker, Johannes M


    Arts history tells an exciting story about repeated attempts to represent features that are crucial for the understanding of our environment and which, at the same time, go beyond the inherently two-dimensional nature of a flat painting surface: depth and motion. In the twentieth century, Op artists such as Bridget Riley began to experiment with simple black and white patterns that do not represent motion in an artistic way but actually create vivid dynamic illusions in static pictures. The cause of motion illusions in such paintings is still a matter of debate. The role of involuntary eye movements in this phenomenon is studied here with a computational approach. The possible consequences of shifting the retinal image of synthetic wave gratings, dubbed as 'riloids', were analysed by a two-dimensional array of motion detectors (2DMD model), which generates response maps representing the spatial distribution of motion signals generated by such a stimulus. For a two-frame sequence reflecting a saccadic displacement, these motion signal maps contain extended patches in which local directions change only little. These directions, however, do not usually precisely correspond to the direction of pattern displacement that can be expected from the geometry of the curved gratings as an instance of the so-called 'aperture problem'. The patchy structure of the simulated motion detector response to the displacement of riloids resembles the motion illusion, which is not perceived as a coherent shift of the whole pattern but as a wobbling and jazzing of ill-defined regions. Although other explanations are not excluded, this might support the view that the puzzle of Op Art motion illusions could potentially have an almost trivial solution in terms of small involuntary eye movement leading to image shifts that are picked up by well-known motion detectors in the early visual system. This view can have further consequences for our understanding of how the human visual system usually

  20. Inclusief Onderwijs op de grens van Europa en Azië: praktijk en perspectief: Verslag van de vijfde Internationale conferentie over Inclusief Onderwijs in Azerbeidzjan op 14 en 15 oktober 2011


    Schuman, Hans


    De vijfde Internationale conferentie over Inclusief Onderwijs werd gehouden in Azerbeidzjan op 14 en 15 oktober 2011. Dit verslag geeft een beeld van de conferentie en de informatie die daar werd gepresenteerd. Tevens wordt iets gezegd over actuele ontwikkelingen in Azerbeidzjan wat betreft de ontwikkeling van een meer inclusief onderwijssysteem en het verbeteren van de maatschappelijke positie van kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen met een beperking.

  1. Gevoeligheidsonderzoek Alarmmodel Rijn : De invloed van near-field processen op een far-field dispersie beschrijving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noppeney, R.M.


    Dispersie in rivieren wordt meestal beschouwd als een proces dat voldoet aan de één-dimensionale vergelijking van Taylor. Toepassing van het één-dimensionale Taylor-model als beschrijving voor dispersie in rivieren is formeel slechts geoorloofd op (grote) afstand vanaf een lozingspunt.

  2. A quick scan of economic value of offshore wind versus biomass co-combustion; Quick scan economische waarde van wind op zee versus biomassabijstook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rooijers, F.J.; Bennink, D.; Blom, M.J.


    Co-combustion of biomass in conventional power stations is currently cheaper than offshore wind power. By the year 2025, though, both forms of renewable energy are expected to be similarly priced. Because offshore wind yields more added value for the Dutch economy and employment than biomass cocombustion, it would seem more logical to earmark more of the funds under the SDE (Dutch renewable energy subsidy scheme) for the former. At the request of the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment (Natuur en Milieu) CE Delft compared the two generating options to assess how the Netherlands can boost use of renewable energy in the economically wisest manner in the years ahead. This issue is also to be discussed in upcoming consultations under the umbrella of the Netherlands Social and Economic Council (SER), where a new national energy agreement is to be hammered out [Dutch] Biomassabijstook is op dit moment goedkoper dan wind op zee. De verwachting is echter dat tegen 2025 de prijs van beide vormen van hernieuwbare energie vergelijkbaar kunnen zijn. Doordat de toegevoegde waarde voor de Nederlandse economie en werkgelegenheid van wind op zee groter is dan van biomassabijstook, lijkt het logischer dat uit de SDE-gelden meer wind op zee dan biomassa bijstook wordt betaald. Voor Natuur en Milieu heeft CE Delft een vergelijking gemaakt tussen deze twee technieken om de vraag te beantwoorden op welke economisch verstandige manier Nederland de komende jaren het gebruik van hernieuwbare energie kan realiseren. Die vraag is ook aan de orde in het SER-overleg dat de komende maand moet leiden tot een Energieakkoord.

  3. Electric driving. An attractive challenge; Elektrisch autorijden. Evaluatie van transities op basis van systeemopties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagelhout, D.; Ros, J.P.M.


    Over the past years, electric driving has become more and more attractive because of the development of better batteries. Driving electric vehicles could drastically reduce CO2 emissions, especially if more electricity would be generated by using sustainable energy. As most passenger cars are not used at night, this is the ideal time for charging their batteries. This would be cost-effective because, at that time, there is a surplus of generating capacity, and wind energy could also be used more effectively. Moreover, consumers will be able to drive clean and quiet vehicles at costs that seem surmountable in the future. At least two obstacles still need to be overcome. The first of which is the current maximum range of electric vehicles of around a few hundred kilometres. Battery producers and universities are working hard on the development of batteries that could be charged within 5 to 10 minutes at EV fast-charge stations. This limited range would not be a drawback for the so-called plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which can run on both fossil fuel and electric power, and are expected to come onto the market in the near future. However, these plug-in hybrids reduce less CO2 and carry slightly higher costs. The second obstacle is the need for a standardised European network of charging stations, and electrical outlets near residences and at commercial and public parking facilities. This report shows the challenges facing the government and the business community of utilising the benefits of electric driving and of overcoming the obstacles. [Dutch] Elektrische auto's - in combinatie met een elektriciteitsproductie op basis van vernieuwbare bronnen en schoon fossiel - hebben de potentie om op lange termijn de CO2-emissie van personenauto's en andere lichte voertuigen met 80-90% terug te brengen. Elektrisch vervoer kan ook de geluidhinder in de stad aanmerkelijk terugdringen. De kosten lijken hiervoor geen beletsel te zijn, want de verwachting is

  4. Analysis of the IEA-R1 reactor start-up procedures - an application of the HazOp method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauer, Maria Eugenia Lago Jacques


    An analysis of technological catastrophic events that took place in this century shows that human failure and vulnerability of risk management programs are the main causes for the occurrence of accidents. As an example, plants and complex systems where the interface man-machine is close, the frequency of failures tends to be higher. Thus, a comprehensive knowledge of how a specific process can be potentially hazardous is a sine qua non condition to the operators training, as well as to define and implement more efficient plans for loss prevention and risk management. A study of the IEA-R1 research reactor start-up procedures was carried out, based upon the methodology Hazard and Operability Study (HazOp). The analytical and qualitative multidisciplinary HazOp approach provided means to a comprehensive review of the reactor start-up procedures, contributing to improve the understanding of the potential hazards associated to deviations on performing this routine. The present work includes a historical summary and a detailed description of the HazOp technique, as well as case studies in the process industries and the use of expert systems in the application of the method. An analysis of 53 activities of the IEA-R1 reactor start-up procedures was made, resulting in 25 recommendations of changes covering aspects of the project, operation and safety of the reactor. Eleven recommendations have been implemented. (author)

  5. The connection of offshore wind turbine farms to the frid. Actual developments in Germany; De aansluiting van offshore windparken op het net. Actuele ontwikkelingen in Duitsland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linssen-van Dellen, M.J.M. [Legal Department, TenneT, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    Recently, the German energy legislation has changed with regard to the connection of offshore wind farms to the grid. The aim of the amendment was to diminish bottlenecks with regard to the (unlimited) liability of the operators responsible for the connection of wind farms. Also, coordination between the construction of wind farms and the construction of the networks at sea had to be improved. The author elaborates on regulatory changes [Dutch] Onlangs is de Duitse energiewetgeving gewijzigd ten behoeve van de aansluiting van windparken op zee op het elektriciteitsnet. Doel van de wetswijziging was onder meer om knelpunten weg te nemen met betrekking tot de (onbeperkte) aansprakelijkheid van de netbeheerders die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de aansluiting van de windparken. Verder moest worden voorzien in betere coordinatie tussen de bouw van de windparken en de aanleg van de netten op zee. De auteur gaat in deze bijdrage nader in op wijzigingen in de regelgeving.

  6. Corporate governance structure which is based in the S&OP process: Case study in la Brazilian cosmetic company

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ximena Rojas


    Full Text Available (Received: 2014/01/31 - Accepted: 2014/03/25This article is about the generation of a corporate governance structure which is based in the process S&OP for a Brazilian cosmetic industry. The increasing emphasis on business development guided by attention to the requirements and demands of customers, cause nowadays, that the organizations of the commercial sectors work in the creation of a competitive differential. The collaborative business management strategy S&OP is looking for the attention of people who are interested in the improvement of their skills; in order to achieve this differential. With the case study methodology, the objectives are to get knowledge, identify, and analyze the characteristics of the company using analysis tools like SWOT, process analysis, value chain. All with the purpose to get a robust management tool that fits with the requirements and demands of the organization. The analyzed results showed that the principles of collaboration and internal communication were the pillars necessary against any attempt of business development. This supports the proposal of a management structure based on the five step S&OP process. As a complement to this study a methodology CPFR was identified as the platform for an integrated work with the rest of the companies of the supply chain.

  7. Avaliação de empresas start-up por Opções Reais: o caso do setor de biotecnologia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Henrique da Fonseca Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou uma empresa start-up de biotecnologia à luz da teoria de Opções Reais. O objetivo principal foi averiguar a adequação deste modelo na avaliação de empresas inovadoras, sujeitas a grande risco, de forma a captar o valor das flexibilidades gerenciais presentes neste tipo de empreendimento. Para verificar a subavaliação provocada pelo método de Fluxo de Caixa Descontado ao desconsiderar o valor das opções, foi realizado um estudo de caso na empresa BioNatural, incubada no Polo BioRio de Biotecnologia, localizado no campus da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da avaliação financeira de um projeto de pesquisa específico indicaram uma subavaliação da ordem de 16%. Os resultados reforçam a visão de que a Teoria de Opções Reais pode ser mais adequada para avaliar empreendimentos sujeitos a extrema incerteza, captando um valor não mensurado pelas técnicas tradicionais de avaliação de projetos.

  8. Towards a Multilingual Dictionary of Academic Words Op weg na 'n meertalige woordeboek van akademiese woorde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia Read


    Full Text Available

    Vocabulary is an essential component of study, of reading and writing skills. At present, English is the primary language of tertiary education in South Africa, and this puts students from other language backgrounds at a disadvantage. The proposed dictionary will therefore be aimed at second language English users who are entry level students at university. It will be in four languages: English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Sepedi. I.S.P. Nation and J. Coady have compiled an academic core vocabulary which tertiary students in all subject fields need to master in order to be able to encode and decode tertiary level texts, and this has been the basis for the planned dictionary. However, this list needs to be compared to and updated with material from a South African academic corpus. A preliminary comparative study has been conducted on the basis of authentic South African data, and a revised list has been created. The dictionary will not be subject-specific, but will deal with a general subtechnical vocabulary. Full definitions will be provided in all four languages, as well as translation equivalents, with English as the pivot language. Where a lexical gap occurs, translation equivalents will be coined with the help of the relevant experts. Thus the dictionary will also participate in much-needed corpus development of the African languages. It should become a valuable reference tool for both teacher and student.


    Woordeskat vorm 'n essensiële deel van die leerproses, van lees- en skryfvaardighede. Tans is Engels die primêre taal van die tersiêre onderwys in Suid-Afrika, en dit benadeel studente met ander taalagtergronde. Die beplande woordeboek is derhalwe gerig op eerstejaaruniversiteitstudente wat Engels as tweede taal gebruik. Dit sal in vier tale wees: Engels, Afrikaans, Zulu en Sepedi. I.S.P. Nation en J. Coady het 'n akademiese kernwoordeskat saamgestel wat tersiêre studente in alle studierigtings behoort te ken om tekste op

  9. Community of Learners (2): samen met vakcollega's op zoek naar een betere introductie van telproblemen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmer, Mark


    Sinds het schooljaar 2009-2010 wordt er op de Universiteit Twente in de vorm van een "Community of Learners" (CoL) gewerkt aan verbetering van het wiskundeonderwijs. Aan de hand van verscheidene praktijkonderzoeken is reeds duidelijk geworden dat we veel kunnen leren door gezamenlijk één of twee

  10. Remote sensing of sulphur dioxide emissions of sea-going vessels through lidar; Zwaveldioxide-uitstoot van zeeschepen op afstand gemeten met lidar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berkhout, A J.C.; Swart, D P.J.; Van der Hoff, G R; Bergwerff, J B


    chance of getting caught. Therefore, it may be expected that fewer ships will breach the ban on the use of sulphur-rich fuel if the lidar is being used [Dutch] Het RIVM heeft een instrument ontwikkeld om vanaf de wal de zwaveldioxide-uitstoot van voorbijvarende zeeschepen te meten. Dit instrument maakt gebruik van de zogeheten LIDAR-techniek (Light Detection And Ranging). Het instrument scant met een laserbundel de rookpluim van een passerend schip en stelt zo onopgemerkt de uitstoot vast. Hiermee is tussen 2006 en 2008 bij een groot aantal schepen op de Westerschelde en op het Noordzeekanaal de uitstoot van zwaveldioxide gemeten. De hoogst gemeten uitstoot bedroeg 37 gram per seconde. De totale uitstoot van zwaveldioxide neemt in Nederland al jaren af. Sinds 2006 daalt ook de uitstoot door de zeescheepvaart, maar minder hard dan de uitstoot door andere bronnen. Daardoor is de zeescheepvaart een steeds belangrijker bron van deze emissie geworden. In 2010 was 55 procent van de Nederlandse uitstoot van zwaveldioxide afkomstig van de zeescheepvaart. In 1990 was dit nog 21 procent. Zeeschepen mogen binnen de territoriale wateren en op de Noordzee niet op zwavelrijke brandstof varen. Deze relatief goedkope brandstof mag echter wel aan boord zijn voor gebruik elders op zee. Het is onbekend in hoeverre reders zich aan het verbod houden. Bij de traditionele meetmethoden worden brandstofmonsters aan boord genomen. Dit vereist dat iemand aan boord gaat, waardoor de bemanning op de hoogte is van de controle en het stookgedrag kan aanpassen. Hierdoor zijn overtredingen moeilijk vast te stellen. Bovendien kunnen slechts enkele schepen per dag worden gecontroleerd. De LIDAR is nog geen wettelijk erkend instrument, waardoor op dit moment op grond van alleen LIDAR-metingen geen boetes gegeven kunnen worden. De LIDAR kan wel gebruikt worden om vermoedelijke overtreders te identificeren, waarna een wetshandhaver per patrouilleboot aan boord kan gaan om de overtreding vast te stellen

  11. Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration-1 Concept of Operations (ATD-1 ConOps), Version 3.0 (United States)

    Baxley, Brian T.; Johnson, William C.; Scardina, John; Shay, Richard F.


    This document describes the goals, benefits, technologies, and procedures of the Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the Air Traffic Management (ATM) Technology Demonstration #1 (ATD-1), and provides an update to the previous versions of the document [ref 1 and ref 2].

  12. Grondwaterkwaliteit in stedelijk gebied en op locaties met oeverinfiltratie ; twee selecties uit het Landelijk Meetnet Grondwaterkwaliteit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Absil LLM; LBG


    Binnen het Landelijk Meetnet Grondwaterkwaliteit (LMG) en de Provinciale Meetnetten Grondwaterkwaliteit (PMG) worden jaarlijks monsters genomen in enkele honderden grondwaterstandsbuizen over heel Nederland. De putten hebben filters op ca. 10 en 25 m-mv. Het doel van dit onderzoek is een beeld

  13. The production of collimated beams of o-Ps atoms using charge exchange in positron-gas collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laricchia, G.; Charlton, M.; Davies, S.A.; Beling, C.D.; Griffith, T.C.


    Using positron-gas collisions in a short scattering cell it is demonstrated that, at certain impact energies, approximately 4% of the scattered positrons can be detected as o-Ps atoms collimated in a 6 0 cone about the incident positron direction. (author)

  14. Contra-expertise op bepalingen van radioactiviteit van afvalwater en ventilatielucht van de kernenergiecentrale Borssele. Periode 2008

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kwakman PJM; Overwater RMW; LSO


    Dit rapport is eerder vertrouwelijk uitgebracht als briefrapport 610330093. Dit is besproken met de VROM-opdrachtgever en vertegenwoordigers van de betreffende nucleaire installatie: het commentaar op het rapport is verwerkt, voorzien van een Rapport in het Kort, en mag openbaar worden als RIVM

  15. Contra-expertise op bepalingen van radioactiviteit van afvalwater en ventilatielucht van de kernenergiecentrale Borssele. Periode 2009

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kwakman PJM; Overwater RMW; LSO


    Dit rapport is eerder vertrouwelijk uitgebracht als briefrapport 610330103. Dit is besproken met de VROM-opdrachtgever en vertegenwoordigers van de betreffende nucleaire installatie: het commentaar op het rapport is verwerkt, voorzien van een Rapport in het Kort, en mag openbaar worden als RIVM

  16. Contra-expertise op bepalingen van radioactiviteit van afvalwater en ventilatielucht van de kernenergiecentrale Borssele. Periode 2007

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kwakman PJM; Overwater RMW; LSO


    Dit rapport is eerder vertrouwelijk uitgebracht als briefrapport 610330076. Dit is besproken met de VROM-opdrachtgever en vertegenwoordigers van de betreffende nucleaire installatie: het commentaar op het rapport is verwerkt, voorzien van een Rapport in het Kort, en mag openbaar worden als RIVM

  17. How to adjust traffic management to air quality; Hoe kun je verkeersmanagement afstemmen op de kwaliteit van lucht?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cornelissen, T. [Rijkswaterstaat, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    Matrix boards are used to manage traffic speed on roads. The Dutch InnovatieProgramma Luchtkwaliteit IPL (Air Quality Innovation Programme ) has looked at the option of using matrix boards to improve the air quality along the highways. The IPL has also examined other temporary measures that can be deployed at times of peak concentrations of PM10 and/or NO2. [Dutch] Met matrixborden kan op wegen de snelheid worden geregeld. In het InnovatieProgramma Luchtkwaliteit (IPL) is gekeken of men de matrixborden ook kan inzetten om de luchtkwaliteit langs de snelweg te verbeteren. Door het IPL is ook gezocht naar andere tijdelijke maatregelen die je in kunt zetten op die momenten dat er een piek in de concentraties aan PM10 en/of NO2 optreedt.

  18. Production of protons in ( sup 1 sup 6 Op)-collisions

    CERN Document Server

    Yuldashev, B S; Fazylov, M I; Bazarov, E K; Glagolev, V V; Gulamov, K G; Dzhuraev, S K


    For the first time, the analysis of the momentum characteristics of proton fragments produced in ( sup 1 sup 6 Op)-collisions at 3.25 A GeV/s under the conditions of total geometry is carried out. The universal nature of the production of protons is found. The production of proton (except for 'evaporation' protons) moving forward in the rest frame of fragmenting nuclei does not depend on the initial energy and the type of a target nucleus ('nuclear scaling'). The existence of strong correlation between the form of the pulse spectrum of proton-fragments and the excitation rate of the fragmenting nucleus, especially for slow protons, is shown.

  19. Temperature variations of average o-Ps lifetime in porous media

    CERN Document Server

    Goworek, T; Jasinska, B; Wawryszczuk, J


    Modification of the Tao-Eldrup model is proposed in order to extend its usefulness to the case of porous media. The modification consists in the transition from spherical to capillary geometry and in inclusion of pick-off annihilation from the excited states of a particle in the well. Approximated equations for pick-off constant in these states are given. The model was tested by observing the temperature dependences of o-Ps lifetime in various media. In the case of silica gels and Vycor glass with narrow pores, the model seems to work well, while for larger pores in Vycor unexpectedly long lifetimes appear in the range of lowest temperatures.

  20. Opção pelo curso de Medicina em Angola: o caso da Universidade Agostinho Neto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fernanda Afonso Dias Monteiro

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende: (i identificar os motivos que conduzem os jovens a optar pelo curso de Medicina na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Agostinho Neto (FMUAN; (ii identificar como é percebida a profissão médica; (iii determinar se existe influência das características sociodemográficas sobre os fatores identificados como determinantes que os orientam para a pretensão de ser médico. O estudo contou com uma amostra de 1.815 candidatos (96,2%. Os dados recolhidos correspondem a uma amostra obtida por intermédio de inquéritos de opinião. Os candidatos identificaram como principais razões de opção pelo curso de Medicina as seguintes: Altruísmo (mediana = 87,5; Vocação (mediana = 81,3; Influência Familiar (mediana = 75,0; Prestígio Social (mediana = 75,0; Interesse Científico (mediana = 68,7; Pessoas na Família Exercendo a Profissão (mediana = 62,5; Mercado de Trabalho (mediana = 50,0. Não consideraram como razões de opção pelo curso: Benefício Econômico (mediana = 45,0, Sucesso (mediana = 43,8 e os Problemas de Saúde na Família (mediana = 37,5. Podemos concluir que os candidatos ao curso de Medicina se distinguem pela dedicação aos outros e pelo compromisso com as pessoas, constituindo a Vocação e o Altruísmo as principais forças impulsionadoras da opção pelo curso.

  1. 'Wat jy ook op die aarde mag bind, sal in die hemel gebonde wees ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    19 Jul 2010 ... lig.' Sy 'juk' verskil van die sware laste wat die skrifgeleerdes op mense gelaai het deur hulle te hiet en te gebied, te bind en te verbied. Sy juk is lig en sag, want Hy maak mense los; Hy vergewe en verwelkom mense, al verdien hulle dit nie. Hy bevestig hierdie 'losmaak' as Hy in die volgende hoofstuk ...

  2. Vluchtstrookongevallen op autosnelwegen : verslag van een onderzoek naar de omvang, de oorzaak en de bestrijdingsmogelijkheden van vluchtstrookongevallen, uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Toeristenbond ANWB.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mathijssen, M.P.M.


    Data with regard to accidents on hard shoulders for emergency stops on the Dutch highways are presented. In a study of the extent, the causes and the possibilities for control two types of accidents, the single and the plural vehicle accident, are distinguished. On the basis of the results of the

  3. Greening and earning. Searching for chances for the Dutch economy; Vergroenen en verdienen. Op zoek naar kansen voor de Nederlandse economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanemaaijer, A.; Manders, T.; Raspe, O.; Van den Berge, M.; Brandes, L.; Van der Esch, S.; Notenboom, J.; Reudink, M.


    This Signals Report focuses on the interface between greening and competitiveness, especially with regard to the chances that are offered by greening. It describes how the Netherlands is doing, how we are doing compared to other countries. It also identifies bottlenecks and barriers that companies encounter in realizing their ambition to become greener, and the report looks across the border to learn from other countries. Based on this analysis, the report outlines opportunities for policy signals to facilitate the transition to a green, innovative and competitive Dutch economy [Dutch] Dit Signalenrapport richt zich op het raakvlak tussen vergroening en concurrentiekracht en vooral op de kansen die vergroening biedt. Het beschrijft hoe Nederland ervoor staat, hoe we het doen ten opzichte van andere landen, het inventariseert knelpunten en barrieres waar bedrijven tegenaan lopen bij het realiseren van hun ambitie om te vergroenen, en het kijkt over de grens om te leren van andere landen. Op basis van deze analyse schetst dit signalenrapport mogelijkheden voor beleid om de overgang naar een groene, innovatieve en concurrerende Nederlandse economie te bevorderen.

  4. Interventieteams: werken op het snijvlak van rechtstaat en maatschappelijke urgentie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacqueline de Savornin Lohman


    teams efficiënt, maar de inzet ervan is strijdig met een juridisch perspectief. Met succes klaagden burgers in de rechtszaal en bij de Ombudsman over de inzet van deze interventieteams, zich beroepend op het feit dat hun privacy door het opdringerige handelen van deze teams wordt geschonden. Als reactie hierop is door de rechter bepaald dat elk teamlid zich moet kunnen identificeren en de reden voor zijn bezoek moet kunnen toelichten. In de praktijk staat deze formele eis een efficiënte probleemoplossing in de weg. De auteur oppert dan ook de mogelijkheid van de contextgericht gezichtspunt. Het concept “dynamische legitimiteit” is bruikbaar om deze benadering een normatieve basis te geven. Dit omvat het perspectief van de bewoner, van wie de privacy op het spel staat. Onderzoek naar best practices bevestigt dat teams die dicht bij “de voordeur” werken een voorwaarde zijn voor succesvolle interventies, mits zij gebaseerd zijn op een stevig fundament van gerechtelijke principes en fatsoensnormen.

  5. Einstein se relatiwiteitsteorie: Op die kruispunt van aprioriese elemente en empiriese ervaring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danie F.M. Strauss


    Full Text Available Waardering vir die status van natuurwetenskaplike kennis volg ’n merkwaardige wentelgang deur die geskiedenis van die filosofie en die verskillende vakwetenskappe. Te midde van ekstreme uiterstes moes die benadering van Einstein ’n rigting vind wat beide ’n eensydige apriorisme en ’n oordrewe positivisme afwys. Die historiese agtergrond van die aprioriteitsprobleem – dit wat ons ervaring voorafgaan – is vlugtig nagespeur tot by die Griekse wortels daarvan. Omdat Einstein ruimte gelaat het vir skeppende denke, het dit hom weliswaar in staat gestel om van die universaliteit van sleutelaspekte van die natuur gebruik te maak, in die besonder gefokus op die uniekheid en die samehang van die kinematiese en fisiese aspekte van die werklikheid. Enersyds het die onderskeid tussen hierdie twee aspekte ’n vertrekpunt verskaf om kritiek te lewer op die meganistiese inslag van die klassieke fisika (toegespits om die onderskeid te tref tussen omkeerbaarheid en onomkeerbaarheid, en andersyds het die ontiese universaliteit van hierdie aspekte hom gehelp om hierdie onties aprioriese gegewens tot hul reg te laat kom, ook ten opsigte van die eise wat die ervaring stel (die relatiewe reg van die positivistiese klem op die eksperimentele toetsing van tipewette. Hieruit volg dat Einstein se siening met reg as ’n transendentaal empiriese benadering getipeer kan word. Dit belig ook die onderskeid tussen modale wette en tipewette, asook die skynbaar misterieuse toepaslikheid van die wiskunde op natuurverskynsels. Laastens word aangevoer dat die onlangse beweringe oor die snelheid van die neutrino wat vinniger as dié van lig sou wees, nié Einstein se spesiale relatiwiteitsteorie (sal weerlê nie. Einstein’s theory of relativity: At the intersection of apriori elements and empirical experience. Appreciation for the status of scientific knowledge followed a remarkably winding path throughout the history of philosophy and of the various specialised

  6. An Effective Chiral Meson Lagrangian at O(p6) from the NJL Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bel'kov, A.A.; Lanev, A.V.; Schaale, A.; Scherer, S.; Mainz Univ.


    In this work we present a strong chiral meson Lagrangian up to and including O(p 6 ) in the momentum expansion. It is derived from the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model using the heat-kernel method. Identities related to the properties of covariant derivatives of the chiral matrix U as well as field transformations have been used to predict the chiral coefficients of a minimal set of linearly independent terms. 16 refs

  7. De werking van de hydro- en acetylverbindingen van kinidine en kinine op het hart van Rana esculenta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sibie, Johan Dirk


    In hoofdstuk I werd een inleiding gegeven betreffende de geschiedenis van de kina en van het begin der kinacultuur op Java, de chemie der kinaälkaloïden en enkele aspecten der pharmacologische werking van de kinaderivaten. ... Zie: Samenvatting

  8. Kom je buiten spelen: een advies over onderzoek naar de invloed van natuur op de gezondheid van kinderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berg, van den A.E.


    In dit advies wordt op systematische wijze nagegaan wat de mate van bewijskracht is voor de breed gedeelde veronderstelling dat contact met natuur van belang is voor de gezondheid en het welzijn van kinderen.

  9. DevOps y análisis de performance automáticos


    Olmedo Rodríguez, Álvaro


    Se tratará de hacer hincapié en el campo de los tests de performance y análisis de rendimiento de sistemas productivos, más concretamente en el despliegue de estos. Todo ello dentro del marco de la nueva metodología o filosofía organizativa conocida como DevOps, centrándose, por tanto, mucho más en la parte de Operaciones dentro de dicha filosofía. Esta filosofía, que trata de reducir la distancia entre los grupos de desarrollo y operaciones tiene algunos aspectos como la integración y ...

  10. Peter van Dam, James Kennedy, Friso Wielenga (eds., Achter de zuilen. Op zoek naar religie in naoorlogs Nederland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kim Christiaens


    Full Text Available Peter van Dam, James Kennedy, Friso Wielenga (eds., Achter de zuilen. Op zoek naar religie in naoorlogs Nederland (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014, 456 pp., isbn 978 90 8964 680 4. 

  11. Charge carrier mobility and electronic properties of Al(Op3: impact of excimer formation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Magri


    Full Text Available We have studied the electronic properties and the charge carrier mobility of the organic semiconductor tris(1-oxo-1H-phenalen-9-olatealuminium(III (Al(Op3 both experimentally and theoretically. We experimentally estimated the HOMO and LUMO energy levels to be −5.93 and −3.26 eV, respectively, which were close to the corresponding calculated values. Al(Op3 was successfully evaporated onto quartz substrates and was clearly identified in the absorption spectra of both the solution and the thin film. A structured steady state fluorescence emission was detected in solution, whereas a broad, red-shifted emission was observed in the thin film. This indicates the formation of excimers in the solid state, which is crucial for the transport properties. The incorporation of Al(Op3 into organic thin film transistors (TFTs was performed in order to measure the charge carrier mobility. The experimental setup detected no electron mobility, while a hole mobility between 0.6 × 10−6 and 2.1 × 10−6 cm2·V−1·s−1 was measured. Theoretical simulations, on the other hand, predicted an electron mobility of 9.5 × 10−6 cm2·V−1·s−1 and a hole mobility of 1.4 × 10−4 cm2·V−1·s−1. The theoretical simulation for the hole mobility predicted an approximately one order of magnitude higher hole mobility than was observed in the experiment, which is considered to be in good agreement. The result for the electron mobility was, on the other hand, unexpected, as both the calculated electron mobility and chemical common sense (based on the capability of extended aromatic structures to efficiently accept and delocalize additional electrons suggest more robust electron charge transport properties. This discrepancy is explained by the excimer formation, whose inclusion in the multiscale simulation workflow is expected to bring the theoretical simulation and experiment into agreement.

  12. Detection and location of OP-degrading activity: A model to integrate education and research. (United States)

    Iyer, Rupa; Smith, Kevin; Kudrle, Bill; Leon, Alex


    The Environmental Sampling Research Module (ESRM) is an investigative/discovery module that provides undergraduate research experiences for students as part of an interdisciplinary research-based biotechnology curriculum at the University of Houston campus. As part of the ESRM, students collect soil samples from various locations to test for the presence of organophosphorous (OP) degrading bacteria. At the end of this research project students submit a research paper on their field and laboratory activities and discuss their experimental data and observations. Students also record the date, location of collection, and the results of testing the sample for the degradation of two pesticides, methyl parathion or paraoxon, in an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). Each collection site is recorded on a Google Maps module and the data from student research activities is made available to other undergraduate students. This data is then used to generate a microorganism database of pesticide degrading activity and promote reading, critical thinking, and analytical skills as part of the curriculum. Our sampling of agricultural sites and wastewater within and around the city of Houston has identified seven distinct genera of OP degrading organisms, including Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Exiguobacterium, Delftia, Agrobacterium, Aeromonas, and Rhizobium. Collected strains exhibit phosphotriesterase-like enzymatic activity with isolates of Pseudomonas putida and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia capable of degrading both the phosphotriester paraoxon and the phosphorothioate methyl parathion. Using this collection of OP-degrading microorganisms, undergraduate students have evaluated their potential for enhancing the removal of harmful organophosphates and their toxic metabolites from contaminated agricultural soil and adjacent bodies of water. This analytical data can potentially be utilized for environmental and industrial applications in bioremediation and ecology providing an

  13. Phenomenological analysis of ε'/ε within an effective chiral Lagrangian approach at O(p6)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bel'kov, A.A.; Lanev, A.V.; Moshkin, A.A.; Bohm, G.


    We have combined a new systematic calculation of mesonic matrix elements at O(p 6 ) from an effective chiral Lagrangian approach with Wilson coefficients from [1], derived in the framework of perturbative QCD, and restricted partly by experimental data. We derive complete expressions for K → 2π amplitudes and compare the results for ε'/ε with experiment

  14. The Implementation of Kagan’s Cooperative (Co-Op Technique to Improve Reading Comprehension of Junior High Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farid Helmi Setyawan


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate how Co-op technique can be implemented to improve reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of MTsN Ngawi who faced the problems in reading. The students did not comprehend the text and the score was low. The average score of reading test in preliminary study was 67 where as the average score of student’ success based on the minimum standard of students’ score is seventy (70. The design of this study was classroom action research. The technique applied in the research was Co-op technique. The result showed that the students reading average score significantly improved. In two cycle study, in the first test the students reading average score was 69.54, in the second test the students reading score was 76.15. It could be concluded that predetermined criteria of success had been achieved.

  15. Towards a climate-neutral water cycle; Op weg naar een klimaatneutrale waterketen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frijns, J. [KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Nieuwegein (Netherlands); Mulder, M.; Roorda, J. [Grontmij, De Bilt (Netherlands)


    Insight is offered in the climate footprint of the domestic water cycle. Moreover options are provided with which the water sector can reduce its own negative impact on the climate. To realize this, the sectors drinking water, sewage and waste water can separately take a large number of (energy) measures [Dutch] Inzicht wordt gegeven in de klimaatvoetafdruk van de huishoudelijke waterketen. Tevens worden mogelijkheden aangedragen om als watersector de eigen negatieve impact op het klimaat te verkleinen. Daarvoor kunnen de sectoren drinkwater, riolering en afvalwater separaat een groot aantal (energie)maatregelen nemen.

  16. Process characteristics and design methods for a 300 deg quad OP amp (United States)

    Beasom, J. D.; Patterson, R. B., III


    The results of process characterization, circuit design, and reliability studies for the development of a quad OP amplifier intended for use up to 300 C are presented. A dielectrically isolated complementary vertical bipolar process was chosen to fabricate the amplifier in order to eliminate isolation leakage and the possibility of latch up. Characterization of NPN and PNP junctions showed them to be suitable for use up to 300 C. Interconnect reliability was predicted to be greater than four years mean time between failure. Parasitic MOS formation was eliminated by isolation of each device.

  17. Reumaatjes@work De invloed van een gedragsinterventie op de mate van self-efficacy bij kinderen met JIA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lodder, A. J. T.


    Samenvatting Juveniele Idiopathische Artritis (JIA) is een chronische heterogene auto-immuunziekte die zich openbaart bij kinderen voor het 16e levensjaar. Het heeft niet alleen invloed heeft op de fysieke gesteldheid van patiënten, maar brengt ook psychosociale problemen met zich mee. Het

  18. Guideline-based care of common mental disorders by occupational physicians (CO-OP study): a randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rebergen, D. S.; Bruinvels, D. J.; Bezemer, P. D.; van der Beek, A. J.; van Mechelen, W.


    To evaluate the effectiveness of guideline-based care (GBC) of workers with mental health problems, which promotes counseling by the occupational physician (OP) facilitating return to work (RTW). In a randomized controlled trial with police workers on sick leave due to mental health problems (n =

  19. Op zoek naar een loopbaan: Loopbaanoriëntatie en loopbaanverwerving in het heden en in de toekomst

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    N.A.F.M. Schreiner (Norman)


    textabstractIn deze dissertatie OP ZOEK NAAR EEN LOOPBAAN staat de vraag centraal hoe in de toekomst het proces van individuele loopbaanoriëntatie en loopbaanverwerving zich kan ontwikkelen. Ter omheining van de studie formuleert en beargumenteert de auteur Norman Schreiner vijf aannames: (1) de

  20. Comparative pulsation calculations with OP and OPAL opacities (United States)

    Kanbur, Shashi M.; Simon, Norman R.


    Comparative linear nonadiabatic pulsation calculations are presented using the OPAL and Opacity Project opacities. The two sets of opacities include effects due to intermediate coupling and fine structure as well as new abundances. We used two mass luminosity (M-L) relations, one standard (BIT), and one employing substantial convective core overshoot (COV). The two sets of opacities cannot be differentiated on the basis of the stellar pulsation calculations presented here. The BIT relation can model the beat and bump Cepheids with masses between 4 and 7 solar mass, while if the overshoot relation is used, masses between 2 and 6 solar mass are required. In the RR Lyrae regime, we find the inferred masses of globular cluster RRd stars to be little influenced by the choice of OPAL or OP. Finally, the limited modeling we have done is not able to constrain the Cepheid M-L relation based upon period ratios observed in the beat and bump stars.

  1. Good questions require good answers. Critics on current climate research contradicted; Goede vragen vereisen goede antwoorden. Kritiek op gangbaar klimaatonderzoek weersproken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vellinga, P. [Milieuwetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Van Dorland, R. [KNMI, De Bilt (Netherlands); Kabat, P. [Aardsystemen en Klimaatstudies, Wageningen Universiteit, Wageningen (Netherlands)


    In some of the previous issues of this magazine (Spil 2007, issue 4 and 5-6, and Spil 2008, issue 1) the authors Labohm, Roersch and Thoenes started a frontal attack of the greenhouse theory and the researchers who report on the state of science in the framework of the IPCC. The author of this article addresses two main questions arising from the above-mentioned authors: (1) Does the use of fossil fuels affect global climate?; and (2) Is the warming of the last 30 years related to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? [mk]. [Dutch] In enkele vorige afleveringen van dit tijdschrift (Spil 2007, nummers 4 en 5-6, en Spil 2008, nummer 1) hebben de auteurs Labohm, Roersch en Thoenes een frontale aanval ingezet op de broeikastheorie en de onderzoekers die in IPCC-verband verslag doen van de stand van de wetenschap. De auteur van dit artikel gaat in op twee door voornoemde auteurs gestelde hoofdvragen: (1) Heeft het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen invloed op het wereldklimaat?; en (2) Houdt de opwarming van de laatste dertig jaar verband met de gestegen concentraties van broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer?.

  2. Tijdstip van MH-bespuiting in uien en het effect van stikstof en oogsttijdstip op kale uien

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brink, van den L.; Broek, van den R.C.F.M.


    In de praktijk zijn er in de bewaring regelmatig problemen met spruitlustige en kale uien. In 2007 heeft PPO-agv in Lelystad twee proeven uitgevoerd: een proef waarin op verschillende tijdstippen MH is gespoten met als doel om na te gaan wat het optimale moment van MH-toediening is; een proef waarin

  3. Usvojen prijedlog povećanja iznosa općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Pospišil Miler


    Full Text Available Izmjene Protokola iz 1996. godine (LLMC 1996 Međunarodne konvencije o ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine iz 1976. godine (LLMC 1976 usvojene su 19. travnja 2012. na 99. zasjedanju Pravnog odbora IMO-a održanom u Londonu. Tim izmjenama iznos općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine povećan je za 51% u odnosu na iznose iz čl. 3. LLMC 1996 koji se odnose na čl. 6.1(a i 6.1(b, LLMC 1976, dok iznosi iz čl. 7. Konvencije nisu mijenjani. Povećani iznosi primjenjivat će se od 8. lipnja 2015. godine. U radu se analiziraju razlozi koji su doveli do povećanja iznosa općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti kao i opravdanost ovog povećanja iznosa ograničenja odgovornosti ako se uzme u obzir da je samo u 1,34% slučajeva šteta prelazila sadašnji iznos ograničenja odgovornosti utvrđen u LLMC 1996. Analiziraju se pravne i ekonomske posljedice ovog povećanja iznosa općeg ograničenja odgovornosti te njegov neposredan utjecaj na druge međunarodne konvencije vezane na iznose općeg ograničenja odgovornosti kao što su Bunker konvencija iz 2001. i Međunarodna konvencija o uklanjanju podrtina iz 2007. godine. Upozorava se, međutim, da tendencija koja vodi prema previsokim iznosima ograničenja odgovornosti može izazvati smanjenje interesa država za ratifikacijom LLMC 1996 što će se negativno odraziti na unifikaciju prava u odnosu na ovo pitanje. U radu se stoga razmatraju rješenja koja bi omogućila pravednu naknadu oštećenima i ostvarenje svrhe instituta ograničenja odgovornosti, a ne bi ugrozila unifikacijska nastojanja.

  4. Uit de bodem- en natuurprogramma's : Effecten van zware metalen op de Das. Interactie tussen versnippering en vergiftiging

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klok, T.C.


    In dit infoblad wordt de invloed van bodemvervuiling door cadmium en koper op de Das besproken. Deze effecten worden gerelateerd aan de effecten van versnippering. Uit deze studie komt naar voren dat in leefgebieden met een lage kwaliteit als gevolg van vervuiling het aannemelijk is dat dassen

  5. Flexibilidade na utilização de Diesel ou Biodiesel: uma abordagem via Opções Reais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Daniel Lopes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho abordará o desenvolvimento do Biodiesel como combustível de fontes renováveis na matriz energética brasileira. Em especial será abordada a flexibilidade de utilização entre o Diesel tradicional de origem petrolífera e o Biodiesel de origem vegetal. Assim, nosso objetivo é avaliar a flexibilidade existente entre o Diesel mineral e o Biodiesel. Para tanto, utilizaremos uma abordagem via opções reais, no qual a escolha do combustível para abastecimento é modelada como uma sequência de opções européias. Estas "Switch Input Real Options" geram valor ao projeto e minimizam riscos associados a falta de oferta de energia, outro problema recorrente em nossa realidade.Por fim, será comentado o potencial de ganho no agregado para um país como o Brasil, com um modal de transportes predominantemente rodoviário e dependente do Diesel.

  6. Synergistic effect of mixed neutron and gamma irradiation in bipolar operational amplifier OP07

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Liu, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Irradiation Simulation and Effect, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, P.O.Box 69-10, Xi’an 710024 (China); School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China); Wei, Chen; Shanchao, Yang; Xiaoming, Jin [State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Irradiation Simulation and Effect, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, P.O.Box 69-10, Xi’an 710024 (China); Chaohui, He [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China)


    This paper presents the synergistic effects in bipolar operational amplifier OP07. The radiation effects are studied by neutron beam, gamma ray, and mixed neutron/gamma ray environments. The characterateristics of the synergistic effects are studied through comparison of different experiment results. The results show that the bipolar operational amplifier OP07 exhibited significant synergistic effects in the mixed neutron and gamma irradiation. The bipolar transistor is identified as the most radiation sensitive unit of the operational amplifier. In this paper, a series of simulations are performed on bipolar transistors in different radiation environments. In the theoretical simulation, the geometric model and calculations based on the Medici toolkit are built to study the radiation effects in bipolar components. The effect of mixed neutron and gamma irradiation is simulated based on the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of radiation effects in bipolar transistors. The simulated results agree well with the experimental data. The results of the experiments and simulation indicate that the radiation effects in the bipolar devices subjected to mixed neutron and gamma environments is not a simple combination of total ionizing dose (TID) effects and displacement damage. The data suggests that the TID effect could enhance the displacement damage. The synergistic effect should not be neglected in complex radiation environments.

  7. Advanced Technologies for Robotic Exploration Leading to Human Exploration: Results from the SpaceOps 2015 Workshop (United States)

    Lupisella, Mark L.; Mueller, Thomas


    This paper will provide a summary and analysis of the SpaceOps 2015 Workshop all-day session on "Advanced Technologies for Robotic Exploration, Leading to Human Exploration", held at Fucino Space Center, Italy on June 12th, 2015. The session was primarily intended to explore how robotic missions and robotics technologies more generally can help lead to human exploration missions. The session included a wide range of presentations that were roughly grouped into (1) broader background, conceptual, and high-level operations concepts presentations such as the International Space Exploration Coordination Group Roadmap, followed by (2) more detailed narrower presentations such as rover autonomy and communications. The broader presentations helped to provide context and specific technical hooks, and helped lay a foundation for the narrower presentations on more specific challenges and technologies, as well as for the discussion that followed. The discussion that followed the presentations touched on key questions, themes, actions and potential international collaboration opportunities. Some of the themes that were touched on were (1) multi-agent systems, (2) decentralized command and control, (3) autonomy, (4) low-latency teleoperations, (5) science operations, (6) communications, (7) technology pull vs. technology push, and (8) the roles and challenges of operations in early human architecture and mission concept formulation. A number of potential action items resulted from the workshop session, including: (1) using CCSDS as a further collaboration mechanism for human mission operations, (2) making further contact with subject matter experts, (3) initiating informal collaborative efforts to allow for rapid and efficient implementation, and (4) exploring how SpaceOps can support collaboration and information exchange with human exploration efforts. This paper will summarize the session and provide an overview of the above subjects as they emerged from the SpaceOps 2015

  8. HRM bij Burgerzaken: Een empirisch onderzoek naar de effecten van HRM op de kostendoelmatigheid


    Van Hulst, B.L.; De Groot, H.


    HRM bij Burgerzaken is een studie naar de effecten van HRM op de kostendoelmatigheid. In de studie zijn ingezette HRM-instrumenten gerelateerd aan de kostendoelmatigheid van de afdeling Burgerzaken. De studie geeft allereerst inzicht in de stand van zaken ten aanzien van HRM. Vervolgens is de kostendoelmatigheid in kaart gebracht, de gemiddelde doelmatigheidsscore in 2010 is 86,3%. Wel bestaan er duidelijke verschillen in kostendoelmatigheid tussen gemeenten die deels verklaard worden door de...

  9. Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Brighter Bites: A Food Co-Op to Increase Access to Fruits and Vegetables and Nutrition Education among Low-income Children and Their Families (United States)

    Sharma, Shreela V.; Chow, Joanne; Pomeroy, Michael; Raber, Margaret; Salako, David; Markham, Christine


    Background: Food co-op models have gained popularity as a mechanism for offering affordable, quality produce. We describe the challenges, successes, and lessons learned from implementation of a school-based program using a food co-op model combined with nutrition education to improve access to and intake of fresh fruits and vegetables among…

  10. Verkeersonveiligheid door windhinder en flessenhalzen in autosnelwegen : bijdrage aan een achtergrondstudie naar een ernstig ongeval op de N31. In opdracht van de Raad voor de Transportveiligheid.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kooi, R.M. van der


    In 1999, a serious accident occurred on the N31 in the Dutch province of Friesland. It involved a head-on vehicle collision. The Dutch Transport Safety Board commissioned a background study of this accident. In this contribution, the bottleneck type studied is a transition from a 2x2 motorway (a

  11. Die invloed van grootgroeponderrig op die selfgereguleerde leer van tersiêre wiskundeleerders

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    Full Text Available elfregulering is belangrik in die ontwikkeling van lewenslange leerders, veral by voordiensonderwysers wat op hul beurt modelleerders van selfregulering in hul eie klaskamers gaan wees. Onderrig op tersiêre vlak word grootliks gekenmerk deur tradisionele onderrigmetodes vanweë die groot groepe leerders betrokke. In hierdie studie is vasgestel of ’n bepaalde grootgroeponderrigstrategie ’n invloed het op lede van groot klasgroepe se selfregulering, al dan nie. ’n Kwantitatiewe voortoets-natoets-ontwerp is gebruik waarin die studiegewoontesveld van die Studie-Oriëntasievraelys in Wiskunde aan die begin en einde van die semester ingesluit is. In ’n tweede vraelys het leerders hul belewenis van die grootgroeponderrigstrategie volgens ’n vyfpunt-Likertskaal beoordeel en ’n oopeindevraag voltooi wat ingesluit is om moontlike addisionele verklarings te bied vir die resultate wat verkry is uit die geslote vrae van die vraelys oor grootgroeponderrig. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om die data te interpreteer. Uit die resultate blyk dit dat daar nie ’n verbetering in leerders se selfregulering was nie. By ontleding van die oopeindevraag het dit aan die lig gekom dat verskeie aspekte van selfregulering by leerders ontbreek, soos tydsbestuur en goeie studiegewoontes, asook die bereidwilligheid om meer as net die voorgeskrewe probleme te doen.The influence of a large group teaching strategy on the self-regulated learning of tertiary mathematics learners. Self-regulation is important in developing lifelong learners, especially in the case of pre-service teachers who will soon be models of self-regulation in their own classrooms. In many instances, teaching at tertiary level is characterised by traditional teaching methods in large classes. In this study a particular large group instructional strategy was examined to determine whether it had an influence on learners’ self-regulation. A quantitative pre-test post-test design was used which

  12. Kweekopzet van de Brachionus plicatilis op basis van kunstmatige voeders: Algenconcentraten en Rotimac als fast-food voor voedseldiertjes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vin, de C.M.


    De aquacultuursector is de snelst groeiende voedselproducerende sector ter wereld. De grootste producent is China, gevolgd door India en Japan. Binnen de Europese Unie is Spanje koploper, gevolgd door Frankrijk en Italië. Nederland komt op de vijfde plaats. Nederland heeft een aquacultuur productie

  13. Fatores Determinantes para Adoção de Planos de Opções de Ações em Companhias Abertas Brasileiras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geovanne Dias de Moura


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os fatores determinantes para adoção de planos de opções de ações em companhias abertas brasileiras. Para tal, realizou-se pesquisa descritiva, conduzida por meio de análise documental e abordagem quantitativa, com emprego de regressão logística. A amostra foi composta de 158 companhias, com dados referentes ao período de 2009 a 2012. Os resultados evidenciaram um crescimento na quantidade de empresas que possuíam planos de opções de ações no período. Entre os fatores tamanho da empresa, restrição de liquidez, concentração acionária, problema de horizonte, participação acionária do CEO, dualidade do cargo de CEO e presidente do conselho de administração, descritos na literatura como influenciadores para a utilização de planos de opções de ações, três se confirmaram na amostra analisada. Os fatores “liquidez corrente”, no período de 2010 a 2012; “problema de horizonte”, no período de 2009 a 2012; e “participação acionária”, no ano de 2012, fornecem mais evidências de relações positivas no cenário brasileiro.

  14. A New CMOS Posicast Pre-shaper for Vibration Reduction of CMOS Op-Amps (United States)

    Rasoulzadeh, M.; Ghaznavi-Ghoushchi, M. B.


    Posicast-based control is a widely used method in vibration reduction of lightly damped oscillatory systems especially in mechanical fields. The target systems to apply Posicast method are the systems which are excited by pulse inputs. Using the Posicast idea, the input pulse is reshaped into a new pulse, which is called Posicast pulse. Applying the generated Posicast pulse reduces the undesired oscillatory manner of under-test systems. In this paper, a fully CMOS Pulse pre-shaper circuit for realization of Posicast command is proposed. Our design is based on delay-and-add approach for the incoming pulses. The delay is done via a modified Schmitt Trigger-like circuit. The adder circuit is implemented by a simple non-binary analog adder terminated by a passive element. Our proposed design has a reasonable flexibility in configuration of time delay and amplitude of the desired pulse-like shapes. The delay is controlled via the delay unit and the pre-shaped pulse's amplitudes are controlled by an analog adder unit. The overall system has 18 MOS transistors, one small capacitor, and one resistor. To verify the effectiveness of the recommended method, it is experienced on a real CMOS Op-Amp. HSPICE simulation results, on 0.25u technology, show a significant reduction on overshoot and settling time of the under-test Op-Amp. The mentioned reduction is more than 95% in overshoot and more than 60% in settling time of the system.

  15. Ostensiewe illustrasies as mikrostrukturele items in verklarende skoolwoordeboeke gerig op leerders in die junior sekondêre fase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Phillip Louw


    Full Text Available

    OPSOMMING: 'n Verklarende skoolwoordeboek gerig op leerders in die junior sekondêre fase moet, in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, gebruikersgerigte praktyke navolg om op kommunikatiewe en pedagogiese vlak waarde toe te voeg vir beide moedertaal- en niemoedertaalsprekende leerders. Een so 'n praktyk is die opname van ostensiewe illustrasies as mikrostrukturele items om die oordrag van pragmatiese en semantiese data te bevorder. In hierdie artikel word die waarde van ostensiewe illustrasies en hulle relevansie binne 'n verklarende skoolwoordeboek gerig op leerders in die junior sekondêre fase beoordeel, waarna sekere voorbehoude rakende hulle gebruik behan-del word. 'n Besluit om wel ostensiewe illustrasies op te neem, noodsaak verder 'n bespreking van waar om hierdie items in die mikrostruktuur te plaas sowel as 'n bespreking van verskillende tipes illustrasies wat vir opname in die woordeboektipe onder bespreking geskik sal wees. Vervolgens word 'n kritiese evaluering van die hantering van ostensiewe illustrasies in 'n eg Suid-Afrikaanse verklarende skoolwoordeboek gerig op leerders in die junior sekondêre fase gegee en voorstelle gemaak vir 'n verbeterde mikrostrukturele behandeling wat aan die eise van die gebruikersper-spektief voldoen. Laastens word die kwessie van noodsaaklike mediostrukturele ondersteuning vir hierdie datatipe in die vorm van presiese, omvattende kruisverwysings, ter sprake gebring. Hierdie artikel probeer dus om kriteria vir die suksesvolle leksikografiese hantering van ostensiewe illus-trasies aan te bied.



    ABSTRACT: Ostensive Illustrations as Microstructural Items in Explanatory

  16. Reconstructie van het schadebeeld door inslag van hoog energetische deeltjes op Malaysia Airlines vlucht MH17 (U)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    De Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid (OVV) onderzoekt het neerstorten van Malaysia Airlines vlucht MH17 op donderdag 17 juli 2014 in de regio Donetsk (Oekraïne). De Raad wil een zo helder mogelijk beeld geven over de oorzaak van de crash met de MH17. Een mogelijke oorzaak van de crash is dat de fatale

  17. High Intensity Training (HIT) en High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) bij patiënten met chronische non-specifieke lage rugpijn: effecten op fysieke parameters en subjectieve pijnbeleving


    Nuyttens, Jelle; Vuylsteke, Michiel


    Niet-specifieke chronische lage rugpijn (NSCLRP) zorgt via directe en indirecte kosten voor een enorme economische last in onze huidige maatschappij. Tot op heden wordt een grote variëteit aan trainingsprogramma's aangewend in de behandeling van lage rugpijn, maar er bestaat weinig consensus omtrent de ideale trainingsintensiteit. In deze pilotstudie werd de bruikbaarheid en het effect van de combinatie 'High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)' en 'High-Intensity Training (HIT)' op pijn, acti...

  18. Supporting Collaborative Model and Data Service Development and Deployment with DevOps (United States)

    David, O.


    Adopting DevOps practices for model service development and deployment enables a community to engage in service-oriented modeling and data management. The Cloud Services Integration Platform (CSIP) developed the last 5 years at Colorado State University provides for collaborative integration of environmental models into scalable model and data services as a micro-services platform with API and deployment infrastructure. Originally developed to support USDA natural resource applications, it proved suitable for a wider range of applications in the environmental modeling domain. While extending its scope and visibility it became apparent community integration and adequate work flow support through the full model development and application cycle drove successful outcomes.DevOps provide best practices, tools, and organizational structures to optimize the transition from model service development to deployment by minimizing the (i) operational burden and (ii) turnaround time for modelers. We have developed and implemented a methodology to fully automate a suite of applications for application lifecycle management, version control, continuous integration, container management, and container scaling to enable model and data service developers in various institutions to collaboratively build, run, deploy, test, and scale services within minutes.To date more than 160 model and data services are available for applications in hydrology (PRMS, Hydrotools, CFA, ESP), water and wind erosion prediction (WEPP, WEPS, RUSLE2), soil quality trends (SCI, STIR), water quality analysis (SWAT-CP, WQM, CFA, AgES-W), stream degradation assessment (SWAT-DEG), hydraulics (cross-section), and grazing management (GRAS). In addition, supporting data services include soil (SSURGO), ecological site (ESIS), climate (CLIGEN, WINDGEN), land management and crop rotations (LMOD), and pesticides (WQM), developed using this workflow automation and decentralized governance.

  19. A sustainable start. Towards sustainable ICT in higher education and research; Een duurzame start. Op weg naar duurzame ICT in het hoger onderwijs en onderzoek

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helmholt, K.A.; Bomhof, F.W. [TNO Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie, Delft (Netherlands)


    This document has listed a number of general considerations with regard to sustainability and addresses the more specific situation of the educational institutions: relatively large use of computer equipment and the presence of large groups of people that cannot be considered 'employees'. This document sets out to sketch a wide framework and subsequently focuses on the working environment of an I(C)T manager of a large educational institute who has been given the assignment of making ICT more sustainable. Attention is paid to questions such as: when is ICT sustainable?; how can you measure/account for the sustainability of ICT?; and what are current methods/measures for realizing sustainability of/with ICT?. [Dutch] In dit document wordt een aantal algemene overwegingen m.b.t. duurzaamheid op een rij gezet en wordt ingegaan op de specifiekere situatie waarin onderwijsinstellingen zich bevinden: het gebruik van relatief veel computerapparatuur, en de aanwezigheid van grote groepen mensen die niet als 'werknemer' beschouwd kunnen worden. Dit document begint met het schetsen van een groot kader en focust vervolgens meer in op de werkomgeving van een I(C)T-manager van een grote onderwijsinstelling die de opdracht krijgt 'de ICT duurzaam te maken'. Daarbij is aandacht besteed aan antwoorden op de volgende vragen: wanneer is ICT duurzaam?; hoe kun je de duurzaamheid van ICT meten/verantwoorden?; en wat zijn huidige methoden/maatregelen om duurzaamheid van en met ICT bereiken?.

  20. Implementation of an integrated op-amp based chaotic neuron model and observation of its chaotic dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Jinwoo; Lee, Jewon; Song, Hanjung


    This paper presents a fully integrated circuit implementation of an operational amplifier (op-amp) based chaotic neuron model with a bipolar output function, experimental measurements, and analyses of its chaotic behavior. The proposed chaotic neuron model integrated circuit consists of several op-amps, sample and hold circuits, a nonlinear function block for chaotic signal generation, a clock generator, a nonlinear output function, etc. Based on the HSPICE (circuit program) simulation results, approximated empirical equations for analyses were formulated. Then, the chaotic dynamical responses such as bifurcation diagrams, time series, and Lyapunov exponent were calculated using these empirical equations. In addition, we performed simulations about two chaotic neuron systems with four synapses to confirm neural network connections and got normal behavior of the chaotic neuron such as internal state bifurcation diagram according to the synaptic weight variation. The proposed circuit was fabricated using a 0.8-μm single poly complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology. Measurements of the fabricated single chaotic neuron with ±2.5 V power supplies and a 10 kHz sampling clock frequency were carried out and compared with the simulated results.

  1. BVD-approach: prevention by Mr. L.R.M. Verberne = Reactie op ingezonden brief in het Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde van 15 augustus 2005: BVD-aanpak: preventie van de heer L.R.M. Verberne

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Antonis, A.F.G.; Poel, van der W.H.M.


    Een reactie op het artikel 'BVD-aanpak: preventie' in tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 130(2005)nr. 16, waarin gesteld wordt dat op een rundveebedrijf alle of nagenoeg alle dieren dienen te beschikken over afweerstoffen tegen het BVD-virus om schade door besmetting te voorkomen. De reactie geeft aan

  2. Pristup uzurpacijama zemljišta na teritoriji općine Maglaj : Approach of land usurpation of municipality of Maglaj theritory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Faris Habibović


    Full Text Available Rad na temu „Pristup uzurpacijama zemljišta na teritoriji općine Maglaj“obrađuje postupak raspravljanja uzurpacija na teritoriji općine Maglaj uz korištenje odgovarajućih softverskih aplikacija. U okviru rada je opisan postupak povlačenja granične linije između šuma i šumskog zemljišta sa jedne strane i poljoprivrednog zemljišta sa druge strane, a potom su date karakteristike uzurpiranog zemljišta-parcela. Granična linija je na planovima povučena u AutoCAD programskom paketu, a baza podataka kao i pregledna skica za sve šumske komplekse izrađena koristeći softversku aplikaciju ArcGIS. U radu su obrađene tri katastarske općine (k.o. Ošve, k.o. Moševac i k.o. Ravna. : This paper deals with the process of discussing land usurpation in the territory of Maglaj municipality using appropriate software applications. Drawing procedure of the boundary line between the forest (forest land and farmland is described. Later are given characteristics of usurped land - lots. Boundary line is drawn on the plans in AutoCAD software, and the database and review drafts of all forest complexes have been made using ArcGIS software application. In this paper three cadastral municipalities are processed (cadastral municipality Ošve, cadastral municipality Moševac and cadastral municipality Ravna.

  3. Ruimte in regels: 10 succesvolle voorbeelden op wet en regelgeving binnen ruimtelijke ordening voor multifunctionele landbouw voor en door gemeenten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schoorlemmer, H.B.; Waal, van der B.H.C.; Oppedijk van Veen, J.; Migchels, G.; Mul, M.F.


    Deze VNG brochure geeft een overzicht van 10 succesvolle voorbeelden op wet en regelgeving binnen ruimtelijke ordening voor multifunctionele landbouw voor en door gemeenten. Van traditionele bestemmingsplannen naar een nieuw, ontwikkelingsgericht beleid. De brochure is samengesteld door PPO

  4. Clear road for sustainable fuels? Study on the willingness of consumers to switch to sustainable fuels; Weg vrij voor duurzame brandstoffen? Onderzoek naar bereidheid consument om over te schakelen op duurzame brandstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Amelsfoort, A.; Zwier, R.


    In the Netherlands, there are currently hardly any filling stations where various types of sustainable fuels are available next to the regular fuels. Green Planet wants to start a filling station in the province of Drenthe. However, first Green Planet want to examine if consumers are prepared to switch to sustainable fuels. In addition, they want to know how these fuels should be properly introduced. The authors have sent questionnaires to more than 300 car drivers in the provinces of Groningen en Drenthe. Based on the results of the questionnaire a marketing strategy was developed recommending to start offering sustainable fuels, and especially B10/E10 and CNG. The consumer must be informed about the composition of sustainable fuels and possible consequences that driving on sustainable fuels may have for cars and the environment. [mk]. [Dutch] In Nederland zijn op dit moment praktisch geen tankstations waar, naast reguliere brandstoffen, verschillende soorten duurzame brandstoffen worden aangeboden. Green Planet wil hiervoor een tankstation beginnen in de provincie Drenthe. Green Planet wil echter eerst laten onderzoeken of consumenten bereid zijn om op duurzame brandstoffen te gaan rijden. Daarnaast wil zij graag weten op welke wijze deze brandstoffen moeten worden geintroduceerd. De auteurs hebben een enquete uitgezet onder ruim 300 autorijders in Groningen en Drenthe. Op basis van de enqueteresultaten is een marketingstrategie opgesteld waarin wordt aanbevolen om duurzame brandstoffen te gaan aanbieden, met nadruk op B10/E10 en CNG. Hierbij moet de consument vooral ingelicht worden over de samenstelling van duurzame brandstoffen en over eventuele consequenties van het rijden op duurzame brandstoffen voor auto en milieu.

  5. The impact of the pavement on emissions into the air; De invloed van het wegdek op emissies naar de lucht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cornelissen, T. [Rijkswaterstaat, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    By international literature and bench-scale experiments all the promising, local measures to improve air quality along highways were studied in the IPL-programme. Measures concern the impact of fencing, the road surface, catalytic (paint) layers, coverings of the road, including air conditioning, vegetation and dynamic traffic control. From this article it appears that about half of the PM10-emission of car traffic is caused by wear and comes from the pavement. [Dutch] Op basis van internationaal literatuuronderzoek, laboraloriumonderzoek en praktijkonderzoek onderzocht het IPL alle kansrijke, lokale maatregelen voor de verbetering van luchtkwaliteit langs snelwegen. Het ging om het effect van schermen, het wegdek, katalytische (verf)lagen, overkappingen van de weg inclusief luchtbehandeling, vegetatie en dynamisch verkeersmanagement. Uit dit artikel blijkt dat op termijn de helft van de PM10-emissies van het autoverkeer te maken heeft met slijtage en wegdekken.

  6. Modelo exponencial para opções: aplicações ao índice Ibovespa


    Mário de Torres Ramos, Antônio


    Este trabalho foi inicialmente dividido em duas etapas: Num primeiro momento realizamos a análise estatística do índice bovespa, e em seguida estudamos o contrato de opção cujo ativo de referência é o próprio índice bovespa. Na primeira etapa, foram feitas análises das densidades de probabilidade dos retornos para diferentes escalas de tempo, gerados a partir das séries temporais do fechamento diário do índice bovespa e de cotações intradiária a cada 15 minutos também do índice...

  7. Taking climate change seriously: An analysis of op-ed articles in Spanish press. (United States)

    Domínguez, Martí; Lafita, Íngrid; Mateu, Anna


    In this article, we study the evolution of opinion genres regarding climate change in three Spanish newspapers ( El País, El Mundo, and ABC). Analyzing the op-ed articles in these newspapers, we observe a significant change in the evolution of opinion. While denialism was very present in conservative press in 2007, 7 years later it is almost absent from El Mundo, and its presence in ABC is much lower and inactive: this shows that scientific consensus has prevailed over time and Spanish denialism has weakened, exclusively supported by political arguments by the most conservative parties.

  8. Inzicht in de netwerken op Facebook : Fanpages Analyse van Facebook Fanpages met behulp van de netwerkanalysetool NodeXL

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanne Gaastra; Sonja Utz


    Hoe analyseer je het netwerk van fans op je Facebookpagina? En wat zegt dat over de kracht van posts en actoren. In dit whitepaper zetten we uiteen hoe je het gratis programma NodeXL een visuele analyse van je pagina kunt maken. Interessant voor organisaties. Met deze kennis kun je immers gericht

  9. Duurzame Landbouw in Beeld 2010 : resultaten van de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw op het gebied van People, Planet en Profit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boone, J.A.; Dolman, M.A.


    Duurzame Landbouw in Beeld 2010 geeft de resultaten weer van de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw op alle relevante duurzaamheidsaspecten. Zowel de meest recente cijfers als de langetermijnontwikkelingen worden gepresenteerd. Naast de resultaten voor de sector als geheel worden de sectoren akkerbouw,

  10. Eerstejaars zicht geven op hun latere beroep: herontwerp van propedeuse Facility management met behulp van het 4C-ID model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogveld, Bert; Steinen, Hennie


    Redesign of preparatory higher professional bachelor curriculum facility management applying 4C-ID instructional design methodology. Reference please cite as: Hoogveld, A. W. M., & Steinen, H. (2008). Eerstejaars zicht geven op hun latere beroep: herontwerp van propedeuse Facility management met

  11. Performance of a Processor for On-Board RFI Detection and Mitigation in MetOpSG Radiometers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skou, Niels; Kristensen, Steen Savstrup; Lahtinen, J.


    An RFI processor breadboard has been designed and developed for the second generation MetOp satellites. RFI detection is based on the anomalous amplitude, kurtosis, and cross-frequency algorithms. These are implemented in VHDL code in an FPGA. Thus algorithm performance can very well be assessed...... by proper code simulation. Such simulations show that the kurtosis algorithm as implemented works according to theory when subjected to pulsed sinusoidal and QPSK signals....

  12. OP9 Feeder Cells Are Superior to M2-10B4 Cells for the Generation of Mature and Functional Natural Killer Cells from Umbilical Cord Hematopoietic Progenitors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lara Herrera


    Full Text Available Adoptive natural killer (NK cell therapy relies on the acquisition of large numbers of mature and functional NK cells. An option for future immunotherapy treatments is to use large amounts of NK cells derived and differentiated from umbilical cord blood (UCB CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs, mainly because UCB is one of the most accessible HSC sources. In our study, we compared the potential of two stromal cell lines, OP9 and M2-10B4, for in vitro generation of mature and functional CD56+ NK cells from UCB CD34+ HSC. We generated higher number of CD56+ NK cells in the presence of the OP9 cell line than when they were generated in the presence of M2-10B4 cells. Furthermore, higher frequency of CD56+ NK cells was achieved earlier when cultures were performed with the OP9 cells than with the M2-10B4 cells. Additionally, we studied in detail the maturation stages of CD56+ NK cells during the in vitro differentiation process. Our data show that by using both stromal cell lines, CD34+ HSC in vitro differentiated into the terminal stages 4–5 of maturation resembled the in vivo differentiation pattern of human NK cells. Higher frequencies of more mature NK cells were reached earlier by using OP9 cell line than M2-10B4 cells. Alternatively, we observed that our in vitro NK cells expressed similar levels of granzyme B and perforin, and there were no significant differences between cultures performed in the presence of OP9 cell line or M2-10B4 cell line. Likewise, degranulation and cytotoxic activity against K562 target cells were very similar in both culture conditions. The results presented here provide an optimal strategy to generate high numbers of mature and functional NK cells in vitro, and point toward the use of the OP9 stromal cell line to accelerate the culture procedure to obtain them. Furthermore, this method could establish the basis for the generation of mature NK cells ready for cancer immunotherapy.

  13. The astrophysical S-factor of the direct 18O(p, γ)19F capture by the ANC method (United States)

    Burjan, V.; Hons, Z.; Kroha, V.; Mrázek, J.; Piskoř, Š.; Mukhamedzhanov, A. M.; Trache, L.; Tribble, R. E.; La Cognata, M.; Lamia, L.; Pizzone, G. R.; Romano, S.; Spitaleri, C.; Tumino, A.


    We attempted to determine the astrophysical S-factor of the direct part of the 18O(p, γ)19F capture by the indirect method of asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC). We measured the differential cross section of the transfer reaction 18O(3He, d)19F at a 3He energy of 24.6 MeV. The measurement was realized on the cyclotron of the NPI in Řež, Czech Republic, with the gas target consisting of the high purity 18O (99.9 %). The reaction products were measured by eight ΔE-E telescopes composed from thin and thick silicon surface-barrier detectors. The parameters of the optical model for the input channel were deduced by means of the code ECIS and the analysis of transfer reactions to 12 levels of the 19F nucleus up to 8.014 MeV was made by the code FRESCO. The deduced ANCs were then used to specify the direct contribution to the 18O(p, γ)19F capture process and were compared with the mutually different results of two works.

  14. Effect van temperatuur op groei en sporulatie van Fusarium foetens : onderzoek naar ontwikkeling en bestrijding/beheersing Fusarium foetens in Begonia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wubben, J.P.; Bosker, I.; Lanser, C.


    Sinds twee jaar wordt in de begoniateelt uitval gevonden veroorzaakt door een nieuwe Fusarium vaatschimmel welke recentelijk de naam Fusarium foetens gekregen heeft. Uitval op verschillende bedrijven is aanzienlijk en aantasting is moeilijk te beheersen en te bestrijden. In dit verslag worden de

  15. Design of a randomized controlled trial on the effects of Counseling of mental health problems by Occupational Physicians on return to work: the CO-OP-study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    van Mechelen Willem


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Mental health problems often lead to prolonged sick leave. In primary care, the usual approach towards these patients was the advice to take rest and not return to work before all complaints had disappeared. When complaints persist, these patients are often referred to psychologists from primary and specialized secondary care. As an alternative, ways have been sought to activate the Dutch occupational physician (OP in primary care. Early 2000, the Dutch Association of Occupational Physicians (NVAB published a guideline concerning the management by OPs of employees with mental health problems. The guideline received positive reactions from employees, employers and Dutch OPs. This manuscript describes the design of a study, which aims to assess the effects of the guideline, compared with usual care. Methods/Design In a randomized controlled trial (RCT, subjects in the intervention group were treated according to the guideline. The control group received usual care, with minimal involvement of the OP and easy access to a psychologist. Subjects were recruited from two Dutch police departments. The primary outcomes of the study are return to work and treatment satisfaction by the employee, employer, and OP. A secondary outcome is cost-effectiveness of the intervention, compared with usual care. Furthermore, prognostic measures are taken into account as potential confounders. A process evaluation will be done by means of performance indicators, based on the guideline. Discussion In this pragmatic trial, effectiveness instead of efficacy is studied. We will evaluate what is possible in real clinical practice, rather than under ideal circumstances. Many requirements for a high quality trial are being met. Results of this study will contribute to treatment options in occupational health practice for employees on sick leave due to mental health problems. Additionally, they may contribute to new and better-suited guidelines and stepped

  16. Goede praktijken tillen arbocatalogus naar hoger plan: or maakt ambities op het gebied van veilig en gezond werken waar!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abspoel, M.; Michel, F.P.


    De geïnterviewden Marien Abspoel en Fenny Michel zijn beiden adviseur/onderzoeken bij TNO in Hoofddorp. De oude arbowet was onderwerp van veel kritiek omdat de regels die erin stonden niet aansloten bij de praktijk. De vernieuwde arbowet biedt op dat gebied wel kansen. bedrijven kunnen binnen hun

  17. Distributie in een turbulente wereld : over de voornaamste ontwikkelingen van invloed op (distributie)logistiek en hoe bedrijven hierop inspelen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laarhoven, van P.J.M.


    De logistiek manager wordt heden ten dage met talloze trends en ontwikkelingen geconfronteerd, en het is verre van duidelijk, laat staan eenvoudig, bij de planning en aansturing van logistieke activiteiten met deze trends rekening te houden of er op in te spelen. In dit artikel wordt een aantal van

  18. Évolution de la valeur opérative du secteur alpin suisse


    Andrey, Dominique


    Les Alpes constituent une barrière, mais offrent également des possibilités de franchissement dont la maîtrise permet de réguler les mouvements commerciaux ou militaires. De par sa situation géographique, la Suisse a su intégrer ces particularités dans sa stratégie de défense et de sécurité. Les choix opératifs ont évolué du simple contrôle des passages obligés à un dispositif défensif échelonné sur toute la longueur des axes, en passant par l’établissement de zones fortifiées et la constitut...

  19. Etiese perspektiewe op haatspraak in die lig van die derde gebod

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jakobus M. (Koos Vorster


    Full Text Available Hierdie artikel fokus op die implikasies van die derde gebod met betrekking tot haatspraak in Suid-Afrika (SA vandag. Die artikel gaan uit van die standpunt dat die name van God op sy wese dui. Die name van God soos dit in die bybelse openbaringsgeskiedenis ontwikkel word, druk die gemeenskapskarakter van God se verhouding met mense en die skepping uit. Die betekenis van die name kulmineer in die Nuwe-Testamentiese uitdrukkings Vader en God is liefde. Alle verbale gedrag wat hierdie gemeenskaps- en liefdesverhouding inhibeer, oortree die derde gebod. Die misbruik van die Naam van God vind onder andere plaas wanneer mense, wat na die beeld van God geskep is, gedegradeer word deur haatspraak, omdat sodanige degradering die gemeenskap en liefde tussen God en die mens skend. Ten slotte word sekere gevalle van haatspraak soos dit vandag in Suid-Afrika voorkom, teologies-eties belig teen die agtergrond van die betekenis van die derde gebod. Hierdie vorms sluit religieuse, rassistiese, xenofobiese, seksistiese en homofobiese haatspraak in. This article focuses on the implications of the third commandment for hate speech in modern-day South Africa. The article contends that the names of God are expressions of his Being. The names of God as they are developed in the biblical history of revelation express his creation of covenantal community and restored relations with humankind and creation. The meaning of the names of God culminates in the New Testament expressions Father and God is love. Verbal actions that inhibit the new community created by God or violate love transgress the third commandment. Misuse of the name of God occurs among others when people, created in the image of God, are verbally degraded by hate speech because such degradation violates the community of love between God and humankind. In conclusion, the article indicates forms of hate speech in South Africa that should be dealt with in the light of the third commandment. These are acts

  20. 'Welzijn op Recept' (Social Prescribing): a helping hand in re-establishing social contacts - an explorative qualitative study. (United States)

    Heijnders, Miriam L; Meijs, J J


    'Welzijn op Recept' is an intervention in which primary care providers refer patients with psychosocial problems to a community well-being organisation. Welzijn op Recept has been helping participants in the town of Nieuwegein, the Netherlands for more than three years. An impact study was carried out from September to December 2014. The qualitative study aimed to determine what happens in the chain of the social prescription and what changes the participant experiences in terms of social participation. The participants in this study were selected by the well-being coaches. A total of 10 semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted. This study has shown that the participants had confidence in their referral to the community well-being organisation. The well-being coaches constitute a link between primary care providers, patients and the community well-being organisation. Participants have explicitly indicated that they experienced an increase in their own strength, self-confidence, self-reliance and the number of social contacts, and stated that they are experiencing better health. A point of special interest in the current programme is the planning of structured follow-up interviews after starting up an activity.