
Sample records for riigi saadik ida-virus

  1. Lähis-Ida sõjalised luulud / Jeffrey D. Sachs ; tõlk. Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sachs, Jeffrey D.


    Käsitledes Lähis-Ida konflikti, ütleb autor, et suur osa iisraellastest ja palestiinlastest näeb konflikti lahendust kahe riigi loomises, kuid probleem on lahenduseni jõudmises. Veerand kummaltki poolt soovib aga täielikku võitu teise üle. USA rollist

  2. Majandusareng, innovatsioon ja tehnoloogilis-majanduslik paradigma : väljakutse Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikidele / Tarmo Kalvet, Rainer Kattel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalvet, Tarmo, 1975-


    Autorid analüüsivad läbiviidud uuringute alusel majanduslikku arengut ning teadus- ja arendustegevust Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikides ning Eestis ja tõdevad, et innovatsioonil põhineva majandussüsteemini jõudmiseks on vaja senisest suuremat riigi toetust.

  3. Kuidas Iisraeli saadik ajas sassi Iisraeli-Rootsi suhted / Joel Haukka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haukka, Joel


    Rootsi ajaloomuuseumis toimunud intsidendist, kus Iisraeli saadik Rootsis Zvi Mazel rikkus muuseumi õues olnud installatsiooni. Intsidendi järelkajadest Rootsi ajakirjanduses, suursaadiku, Rootsi peaministri Göran Perssoni seisukohtadest

  4. Birma sõjaline kildkond rahvusvahelisse kohtusse / Tunne Kelam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kelam, Tunne, 1936-


    Ilmunud ka: Linnaleht : Tartu 23. mai 2008, lk. 4. Euroopa Parlamendi saadik kutsub üles avaldama survet Birma valitsejaile, et nad avaksid riigi humanitaarabile seoses looduskatastroofiga, ning arvab, et Birmat valitsev kildkond tuleks anda Haagi rahvusvahelisse kriminaalkohtusse

  5. Ida-Virus on jäänud vähemaks nii töötuid kui töötajaid / Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gamzejev, Erik, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 24. mai 2007, lk. 4. Statistikaameti tööhõiveuuring näitab, et tänavu I kvartalis on Ida-Virus aastatetaguse ajaga võrreldes töötute arv kahanenud 13 700-lt 8500-le. Lisa: Tööturu põhinäitajad Ida-Virumaal

  6. Iisrael lubab nädalaid kestvat sõda, et pühkida Hamas Gazas võimult / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Iisrael vastas Hamasi rünnakutele väidetavalt tugevaima pommitamisega Gaza sektoris 1967. a. sõjast saadik, selle üheks põhjuseks peavad vaatlejad Iisraeli sisepoliitilist olukorda. Vt. samas: Hamas ei taha siiani leppida Iisraeli riigi olemasoluga

  7. Ida-Virus õppivad narkokoerad avastasid uimasteid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 30. juuli lk 4. 21 narkokoera koos koerajuhtidega kõigist politseiprefektuuridest, piirivalvest, maksu- ja tolliametist ning vanglate ametist osalesid IdaVirumaal toimunud koolitusel

  8. Lõunaeestlased turgutavad Ida-Virus oma vene keelt / Sirle Sommer Kalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sommer-Kalda, Sirle, 1974-


    Euroopa Sotsiaalfondist rahastatava programmi "Keeleõppe arendamine 2007-2010" raames toimunud tööjõuvahetusest, mille käigus kevadel Ida-Virumaa linnade ametnikud ja allasutuste töötajad asusid ajutiselt tööle Lõuna- ja Lääne-Eestis, et parandada oma eesti keele oskust ja lõunaeestlaste vastukülaskäigust Ida-Virumaale vene keele oskuste parandamiseks

  9. Kuidas tagada efektiivne riigi õigusabi kriminaalmenetluses? / Anneli Soo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soo, Anneli, 1984-


    Riigi vastutusest efektiivse kaitse õiguse rikkumise korral. Kohtulikust järelevalvest kaitsjate tegevuse üle kriminaalmenetluses. Efektiivse süsteemi väljatöötamisest riigi õigusabi andmiseks

  10. Eesti e-riigi ideele tugev tunnustus / Andris Feldmanis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmanis, Andris, 1982-


    Eesti e-riigi ja e-valitsuse projekt saavutas neljanda koha rahvusvahelise poliitikaportaali Politics Online korraldatud küsitluses. E-riigi akadeemia juhi Ivari Tallo kommentaare. Lisad: Politics Online kirjeldab Eestit; Interneti ja poliitikamaailma mõjutajad

  11. Keskerakond võitis Ida-Virus valimised mäekõrguselt / Erik Kalda, Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalda, Erik, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 6. märts 2007, lk. 1,3-4. Ida-Virumaalt pääses Riigikokku neli inimest Kesk- ja kaks Reformierakonnast. Lisa: Hääletamistulemused Ida-Virumaa valimisringkonnas. Vt. samas: Põrujad tunnistavad lüüasaamist

  12. The democratic experience in divided societies : the Baltic states in comparative perspective / Geoffrey Evans, Christine S Lipsmeyer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Evans, Geoffrey


    Artiklis võrreldakse vähemusrahvuste rahulolu demokratiseerimisprotsessiga ning osalemist demokraatlikes protsessides kolmes Balti riigis ning kümnes Ida-Euroopa riigis 1990. aastail. Tabelid. Lisa: The surveys

  13. Riigi vastutus ja terrorism : 11. septembri mõju riigi vastutuse kontseptsioonile eraviisiliselt toimepandud terrorismikuritegude eest : [bakalaureusetöö] / Kadri Saar ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Lauri Mälksoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Kadri


    Riigi vastutus üksikisiku eraviisilise käitumise eest, riikide rahvusvahelised kohustused terrorismivastases võitluses, riigi vastutus eraviisiliselt toimepandud terrorismikuritegude eest, põhjuslikkusele tuginev vastutus

  14. Riigi kultuuristipendiumid jagatud / Reet Weidebaum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Weidebaum, Reet


    Kultuuriminister Signe Kivi määras 2000. a. riigi kultuuristipendiumide II jaotuse kümme 24000 kroonist stipendiumi (kunstiinimestest Andro Kööp, Ave Räkk, Mariann Raisma, Epi Tohvri). III jaotuse avaldusi võetakse vastu 20. aug.-ni.

  15. Ärimehed tahavad riigi raamatupidamise üle võtta / Andrus Karnau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karnau, Andrus


    Kuuest ettevõttest koosnev kontsortsium (Helmes, Ernst & Young, Oracle, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Raidla Leijins & Norcous ja SAP Estonia) tahab Eesti riigi senisest palju tõhusamalt toimima panna, luues hiigelfirma, mis oleks ühel ajal riigi raamatupidaja, personalijuht, IT-korraldaja ja vajaliku kauba ostja

  16. Eestis on juba puudu üle 400 IT-spetsialisti / Kai Simson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Simson, Kai


    Cisco Systemsi poolt 31 Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa riigis tehtud uuringu kohaselt on Eesti IT-spetsialistidega varustatuse paremusjärjestuses alles 28. kohal. Vt. samas lühiintervjuud e-Riigi Akadeemia direktori Ivar Talloga

  17. Sundvõõrandamise lihtsustamine on riigi huvides / Väino Linde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Linde, Väino, 1959-


    Kinnisasja sundvõõrandamise seaduse muutmise seaduse eelnõust. Sama ka Harjumaa 7. juuni 2005, lk. 2 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Sundvõõrandamise lihtsustamine on nii riigi kui eraomaniku huvides ; Koit 4. juuni 2005, lk. 6 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Sundvõõrandamise lihtsustamisest ; Põhjarannik 7. juuni 2005, lk. 2 ja Vali Uudised 10. juuni 2005, lk. 2 mõlemas artiklis pealkiri kujul: Sundvõõrandamise lihtsustamine on nii riigi kui eraomaniku huvides ; Hiiu Leht 10. juuni 2005, lk.2 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Sundvõõrandamist tuleb lihtsustada ; Meie Maa 22. juuni 2005, lk. 2 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Sundvõõrandamise lihtsustamine on nii riigi kui eraomaniku huvides ; Pärnu Postimees 28. juuni 2005, lk. 15 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Sundvõõrandamine muutub lihtsamaks

  18. NATO õppusel harjutavad 16 riigi meeskonnad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas paiknev NATO küberkaitsekoostöö keskus korraldab sel nädalal õppuse «Locked Shields 2015», kus 400 osalejat ning 16 riigi meeskonnad võtavad mõõtu tehniliste küberjuhtumite lahendamises

  19. Tööõnnetuste arv Ida-Virus väheneb / Erika Prave

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prave, Erika, 1970-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 7. dets. 2004, lk. 3. Tööinspektsiooni viimase üheksa aasta statistikast järeldub, et tööõnnetuste arv on Ida-Virumaal aastatega vähenenud peaaegu poole võrra

  20. Milline peaks olema riigi roll pensionikindlustuses?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Äripäeva küsitlusele vastavad peaministri majandusnõunik Ardo Hansson, riigikogu liige Toomas Vilosius, riigikogu sotsiaalkomisjoni esimees Endel Eero, riigi sotsiaalkindlustusameti nõunik Lea Kuuse, kindlustusseltsi Bico-Elu peadirektor Georg Männik, kindlustusseltsi Blig direktor Mati Vihul

  1. Mõrvarid jahtisid Riigi Kinnisvara juhti / Andris Tammela

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammela, Andris


    Politsei pidas kinni kolm meest, keda kahtlustatakse oktoobri alguses Tallinna koolitüdruku Veronika Dari tapmises, väidetavalt oli meeste tegelik sihtmärk Riigi Kinnisvara aktsiaseltsi juht Tiit Ottis

  2. Galileo photometry of asteroid 243 Ida (United States)

    Helfenstein, P.; Veverka, J.; Thomas, P.C.; Simonelli, D.P.; Klaasen, K.; Johnson, T.V.; Fanale, F.; Granahan, J.; McEwen, A.S.; Belton, M.; Chapman, C.


    Galileo imaging observations over phase angles 19.5?? to 109.8?? are combined with near-opposition Earth-based data to derive the photometric properties of Ida. To first order these properties are uniform over the surface and well modeled at ?? = 0.55 ??m by Hapke parameters ????0 = 0.22, h = 0.020, B0 = 1.5, g = -0.33, and ?? = 18?? with corresponding geometric albedo p = 0.21??0.030.01 and Bond albedo AB = 0.081??0.0170.008. Ida's photometric properties are more similar to those of "average S-asteroids" (P. Helfenstein and J. Veverka 1989, Asteroids II, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson) than are those of 951 Gaspra. Two primary color units are identified on Ida: Terrain A exhibits a spectrum with relatively shallower 1-??m absorption and a relatively steeper red spectral slope than average Ida, while Terrain B has a deeper 1-??m absorption and a less steep red slope. The average photometric properties of Ida and Terrain A are similar while those of Terrain B differ mostly in having a slightly higher value of ????0 (0.22 versus 0.21), suggesting that Terrain B consists of slightly brighter, more transparent regolith particles. Galileo observations of Ida's satellite Dactyl over phase angles 19.5?? to 47.6?? suggest photometric characteristics similar to those of Ida, the major difference being Dactyl's slightly lower albedo (0.20 compared to 0.21). ?? 1990 Academic Press, Inc.

  3. Clinical comparison of diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m and diethyl-IDA Tc 99m for evaluation of the hepatobiliary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klingensmith, W.C.; Fritzberg, A.R.; Spitzer, V.M.; Kuni, C.C.; Shanahan, W.S.


    Thirty-one patients with a wide range of hepatobiliary function and clinical diagnoses were studied with both diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m and diethyl-IDA Tc 99m. Images were similar except for an increased liver-to-kidney ratio with diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m (p less than 0.01) and a tendency toward an increased liver-to-background ratio at five minutes with diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m (p greater than 0.05). Quantification of the relative hepatocyte extraction efficiency indicated a 16% higher extraction efficiency for diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m (p greater than 0.05). Cumulative three-hour urine collections following injection demonstrated no significant difference in renal excretion in patients with normal total serum bilirubin levels. Both radiopharmaceuticals demonstrated increasing renal excretion with increasing total serum bilirubin levels; however, renal excretion of diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m increased more slowly than excretion of diethyl-IDA Tc 99m (p less than 0.01). We conclude that, while the overall differences between these two radiopharmaceuticals are small, diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m is superior because of a lower renal excretion rate in patients with decreased hepatocyte function

  4. Ivar Tallo : e-riigi toimimiseks on vaja mõtteviisi muutust / Ivar Tallo ; interv. Silvia Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    e-Riigi Akadeemia Sihtasutuse direktor räägib infoühiskonna arengust Eestis, koostööprojektidest välispartneritega, infoühiskonna keskkonnamõõtest ja e-Riigi Akadeemia tulevikuplaanidest. Lisa: Ivar Tallo CV

  5. Comparative quantitative evaluation of hepatic clearance of diethyl-IDA and para-butyl-IDA in jaundiced and non-jaundiced patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarolo, G.L.; Picozzi, R.; Palagi, B.; Cammelli, F.; Ospedale di Saronno


    A method for comparative measurement of hepatic clearance of different hepatobiliary agents is described and the clinical use of diethyl-IDA and parabutyl-IDA is discussed. The study was performed with both radiopharmaceuticals in 13 patients with hepatobiliary disease with serum bilirubin ranging from 0.3 to 16.4 mg/100 ml. Diethyl-IDA is preferable for a qualitative evaluation of hepatobiliary disease because of its higher hepatic clearance and faster biliary excretion rate. Parabutyl-IDA is superior for measuring the hepatocytic uptake function, due to the low urinary excretion and the absence of an apparent re-entry from liver to plasma, even in patients with obstructive jaundice. In contrast, an appreciable re-entry can be demonstrated for diethyl-IDA. (orig.)

  6. Ameerika diplomaat käis Ida-Virus suursaadiku visiiti ette valmistamas / Argo Soolep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soolep, Argo, 1972-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 24. sept. 2004, lk. 3. Ameerika saatkonna esimene sekretär poliitika ja majanduse küsimuses Stuart A. Dweyer saabus Ida-Virumaale kahepäevasele visiidile. Saatkonna eesmärgiks on külastada kõiki Eesti linnu

  7. Lotte lasteaed : Ida 8, Tartu = Lotte Nursery School : Ida 8, Tartu / Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutso, Margit, 1966-


    Lasteaiast, mille arhitektid on Indrek Peil ja Siiri Vallner (pälvisid riigi kultuuripreemia, Kavakava), sisearhitektid Tea Tammelaan, Malle Jürgenson, Krista Lepland (pälvisid EK arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia 2008) ja Sirli Ehari (Laika, Belka & Strelka), maastikuarhitekt Anna-Liisa Unt. Žürii hinnang lasteaiale

  8. Meie riigi imelised muutumised : ¡[luuletused] / Valeria Ränik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ränik, Valeria, 1964-


    Sisu: Meie riigi imelised muutumised ; "Nad ütlevad..." ; Konna-eri? Eri-konnad? ; "Kõik huvitav on juba toimunud..." ; "Üks väike Berliinike..." ; "Toomemäel karjuvad linnud..." ; (H)unt ja susi ; "Kartulid..." ; Sind kardan, Tallinn

  9. Development and Validation of New Anxiety and Bipolar Symptom Scales for an Expanded Version of the IDAS (The IDAS-II) (United States)

    Watson, David; O'Hara, Michael W.; Naragon-Gainey, Kristin; Koffel, Erin; Chmielewski, Michael; Kotov, Roman; Stasik, Sara M.; Ruggero, Camilo J.


    The original Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS) contains 11 nonoverlapping scales assessing specific depression and anxiety symptoms. In creating the expanded version of the IDAS (the IDAS-II), our goal was to create new scales assessing other important aspects of the anxiety disorders as well as key symptoms of bipolar disorder.…

  10. Riigi äriühingu juhtorgani liige: kas ametiisik või ärijuht? / Jüri Raidla, Toomas Vaher, Kristel Urke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raidla, Jüri, 1957-


    Riigi äriühingu põhijoontest, riigi äriühingu juhtorgani liikme kohustustest ja nõuetest juhtorgani liikmetele. Riigi äriühingute juhtorganite liikmete pidamisest ametiisikuteks korruptsioonivastase seaduse § 2 lõike 1 ja karistusseadustiku § 288 lõike 1 mõttes. Sisaldab asjakohast kohtupraktikat

  11. Riigi õigus välismaalastest kurjategija välja saata : Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohtu praktika / Margot Olesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olesk, Margot, 1982-


    Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohtu lahenditest seoses riigi otsustusulatusega välismaalastest kurjategijate riigist välja saatmisel. Euroopa inimõiguste ja põhivabaduste kaitse konventsiooni artikli 8 kaitse ulatusest. Riigi kaalutlustest ja väljasaadetava isiku huvidest

  12. Ida-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP 50

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti-Severo-Vostok 7. sept. lk. 4. Ida-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP 50; Käibe TOP 35; Kasumi TOP 35; Käibe kasvu TOP 20; Kasumi kasvu TOP 20; Rentaabluse TOP 20; Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 20; Ida-Virumaa ettevõtete üld- ja finantsandmed

  13. "Predprinimatelstvo - eto neprestizhno" / Jaroslav Tolstikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tolstikov, Jaroslav


    Uurimus Ida-Virumaa Vene noorte hulgas "Noored muutuvas maailmas". Diagrammid: perekondade majanduslik oukord, murettekitavad probleemid, millises riigis soovitakse tulevikus töötada, suhtumine EL-i

  14. Party competition structure in Eastern Europe: aggregate uniformity versus idiosyncratic diversity? / Jan Rovny

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rovny, Jan


    Artiklis analüüsitakse parteide võitlust võimu ja rahva esindamise pärast Ida-Euroopa riikides (s.h. Eesti). Esitatakse tegureid ja seoseid, mis määratlevad parteide konkurentsi regioonis, tutvustatakse nn. hääle valiku mudelt, millega testitakse kümne Ida-Euroopa riigi andmeid 2009. aasta Euroopa valimiste uuringust

  15. Isotope dilution alpha spectrometry for the determination of plutonium concentration in irradiated fuel dissolver solution : IDAS and R-IDAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramaniah, M.V.; Jain, H.C.; Aggarwal, S.K.; Chitambar, S.A.; Kavimandan, V.D.; Almaula, A.I.; Shah, P.M.; Parab, A.R.; Sant, V.L.


    The report presents a new technique, Isotope Dilution Alpha Spectrometry (IDAS) and Reverse Isotope Dilution Alpha Spectrometry (R-IDAS) for determining the concentration of plutonium in the irradiated fuel dissolver solution. The method exploits sup(238)Pu in IDAS and sup(239)Pu in R-IDAS as a spike and provides an alternative method to Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS) which requires enriched sup(242)Pu as a spike. Depending upon the burn-up of the fuel, sup(238)Pu or sup(239)Pu is used as a spike to change the sup(238)Pu/(sup(239)Pu+sup(240)Pu)α activity ratio in the sample by a factor of 10. This change is determined by α-spectrometry on electrodeposited sources using a solid state silicon surface barrier detector coupled to a multichannel analyser. The validity of a simple method based on the geometric progression (G.P.) decrease for the far tail of the spectrum to correct for the tail contribution of sup(238)Pu peak (5.50 MeV) to the low energy sup(239)Pu + sup(240)Pu peak (5.17 MeV) is established. Results for the plutonium concentration on different irradiated fuel dissolver solutions with burn-uo ranging from J,000 to 100,000 MWD/TU are presented and compared with those obtained by IDMS. The values obtained by IDAS or R-IDAS and IDMS agree within 0.5%. (auth.)

  16. Ida-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP aastal 2002

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ettevõtete TOP 55. TOP-i esikümme. Käibe TOP 40. Kasumi TOP 40. Käibe kasvu TOP 20. Kasumi kasvu TOP 20. Rentaabluse TOP 20. Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 20. Ida-Virumaa firmade üldandmed. Ida-Virumaa firmade finantsandmed

  17. Uued noortemajad Sinimägede kanti / Tiit Elner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elner, Tiit


    Presidendi väljapakutud idee rajada riigi toetusel Ida-Virumaale noorte uus asum on muundumas korraliku eluaseme pakkumiseks kohalike tööstusettevõtete juhtidele ja kõrgepalgalistele spetsialistidele

  18. Ida-Virumaa areneb kõige kiiremini / Sergei Surnin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Surnin, Sergei


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 11. okt. lk. 32, Postimees : na russkom jazõke : Nedvizhimost 18. okt. lk. 6. Ida-Virumaa kinnisvaraturu ülevaade. Vt. samas: Ida-Viru eramuturg liigub rahulikumas tempos

  19. Riigi vastutus mitteriiklike terroristlike rühmituste eest / René Värk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Värk, René, 1977-


    Riigi vastutuse olemusest ja sellest, millistel tingimustel on riik rahvusvahelise õiguse alusel vastutav mitteriiklike terroristlike rühmituste käitumise eest. Varjupaiga võimaldamisest kui vastutuse alusest

  20. Märjamaa vald sõlmis lepingu Riigi Kinnisvara aktsiaseltsiga / Reet Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Reet, 1959-


    Märjamaa vald allkirjastas riigi Kinnisvara Aktsiaseltsiga (RKAS) lepingu, mille kohaselt läks hoonestusõigus RKAS-ile üle kuni 31. detsembrini 2025. Koguinvesteeringuks on 24,289 milj. krooni, ehitustöid tehakse kolmes etapis

  1. Andrus Ansip seadis Tallinna-Tartu maantee riigi prioriteetide hulka / Tuuli Koch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koch, Tuuli, 1978-


    Peaminister Andrus Ansip sõnas Riigikogu infotunnis, et Tallinn-Tartu maantee on olnud riigi jaoks prioriteet ning aastani 2013 Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidest Eestile laekuvast 52 miljardist kroonist on riigil kavas Tartu maanteesse investeerida 4,5 miljardit krooni

  2. Estonia pledges support for Palestine / Matt Withers

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Withers, Matt


    Välisminister Urmas Paet teatas kohtumisel Palestiina välisministri Riyad al-Maliki'ga, et Eesti 12 miljoni krooni suurune annetus Palestiinale aitab kaasa riigi ülesehitamisele ja rahu tagamisele Lähis-Idas

  3. Usability evaluation of intradermal adapters (IDA). (United States)

    Tsals, Izrail


    Intradermal adapter device technology minimizes the complexity of the Mantoux technique, thereby providing predictable, reproducible intradermal (ID) injections and removing the concerns regarding the ease and reliability of Mantoux technique when using conventional needle and syringe. The technology employs a simple device with geometry designed to gently deform the skin surface and the subcutaneous tissue, providing the ideal angle and depth of needle insertion for consistently successful intradermal injections. The results of this development were presented at the First, Second and Third Skin Vaccination Summits in 2011, 2013 and 2015 respectively [1,2,3]. The current publication addresses the performance of intradermal adapters (IDA) evaluated in three preclinical studies. The evaluations were based on the assessment of bleb formation in a skin model, an accepted indicator of ID injection success. All evaluated devices share the same proprietary dermal interface technology. Devices instituting this design are easy to use, require minimal training, and employ conventionally molded parts and cannula. These studies evaluated IDAs of initial design integral with luer lock needles, IDAs for use with conventional syringes, and intradermal adapters for use with auto disable syringes (ADID adapters). The evaluated ID adapters were intended to consistently place the lancet of the needle at a depth of 0.75mm from the skin's surface. This placement depth addresses the variation in the skin thickness at immunization sites for the majority of patients independent of many other variables. Most participants preferred the intradermal adapter method over the traditional Mantoux and identified a need for the adapter at their workplace. Evaluation of IDAs by registered nurses indicated these devices increase success of bleb formation. The use of IDA increased the success of forming blebs by about 30%. Nurses felt the injections were much easier to perform, in particular by

  4. Ida and Dactyl: Spectral Reflectance and Color Variations (United States)

    Veverka, J.; Helfenstein, P.; Lee, P.; Thomas, P.; McEwen, A.; Belton, M.; Klaasen, K.; Johnson, T. V.; Granahan, J.; Fanale, F.; Geissler, P.; Head, J. W., III


    Galileo SSI color data between 0.4 and 1.0 μm demonstrate that both Ida and Dactyl are S-type asteroids with similar, but distinct spectra. Small but definite color variations are also observed on Ida itself and involve both the blue part of the spectrum and the depth of the 1-μm pyroxene-olivine band. Ida's surface can be classified into two color terrains: Terrain A has a shallower 1-μm absorption and a steeper visible red slope than does Terrain B. Qualitatively, the color-albedo systematics of these two terrains follow those noted for color units on Gaspra and the variations in 1-μm band depth with weathering described by Gaffeyet al.(Gaffey, M. J., J. F. Bell, R. H. Brown, T. H. Burbine, J. Piatek, K. L. Reed, and D. A. Chaky 1993.Icarus106, 573-602). Terrain A, with its slightly lower albedo, its shallower 1-μm band, and its slightly steeper visible red slope relative to Terrain B could be interpreted as the “more processed,” “more mature,” or the “more weathered” of the two terrains. Consistent with this interpretation is that Terrain A appears to be the ubiquitous background on most of Ida, while Terrain B is correlated with some small craters as well as with possible ejecta from the 10-km Azzurra impact structure. Because of these trends, it is less likely that differences between Terrains A and B are caused by an original compositional inhomogeneity within the body of Ida, although they do fall within the range known to occur within the Koronis family. The spectrum of Dactyl is similar to, but definitely different from, that of Terrain B on Ida. It does not conform to the pattern that obtains between the colors and albedos of Terrains A and B: the satellite's 1-μm band is deeper than that of Terrain B, but its albedo is lower, rather than higher. By itself, the deeper band depth could be interpreted, following Gaffeyet al., to mean that Dactyl is a less weathered version of Terrain B on Ida, but such an interpretation is at odds with

  5. IDAS-RR: an incident data base system for research reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Kiyoshi; Kohsaka, Atsuo; Kaminaga, Masanori; Murayama, Youji; Ohnishi, Nobuaki; Maniwa, Masaki.


    An Incident Data Base System for Research Reactors, IDAS-RR, has been developed. IDAS-RR has information about abnormal incidents (failures, transients, accidents, etc.) of research reactors in the world. Data reference, input, editing and other functions of IDAS-RR are menu driven. The routine processing and data base management functions are performed by the system software and hardware. PC-9801 equipment was selected as the hardware because of its portability and popularity. IDAS-RR provides effective reference information for the following activities. 1) Analysis of abnormal incident of research reactors, 2) Detail analysis of research reactor behavior in the abnormal incident for building the knowledge base of the reactor emergency diagnostic system for research reactor, 3) Planning counter-measure for emergency situation in the research reactor. This report is a user's manual of IDAS-RR. (author)

  6. USA võimud karmistasid riigi lennujaamades kontrolli / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    USA transpordijulgeoleku agentuuri teatel anti pärast intsidenti, mile käigus üritas terrorist teel Detroiti lennukit õhata, riigi lennujaamade personalile korraldus kontrollida tähelepanelikumalt reisijaid, kes on pärit terrorismi toetavatest või sellega seostatavatest riikidest, lisaks rakendatakse valikuliselt lisajulgeolekumeetmeid ka teistest riikidest saabuvate reisijate puhul

  7. Real exchange rate adjustment in European transition countries / Florin G Maican, Richard J Sweeny

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maican, Florin G


    Reaalkursi hindamise ühikjuure testi (unit-root test) tulemustest kümnes (Tšehhi, Eesti, Ungari, Läti, Leedu, Poola, Slovakkia, Sloveenia, Bulgaaria, Rumeenia) Kesk- ja Ida-Eroopa siirdemajandusega riigis ajavahemikul 1993-2003. Graafikud. Tabelid

  8. Riigi haldusterritoriaalse jaotuse Gordioni sõlm / Janno Reiljan, Aivo Ülper

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018


    Analüüsitakse Eesti riigi haldusterritoriaalse jaotuse teoreetilisi, poliitilisi ja korralduslikke aluseid, tehakse võrdlusi Põhjamaadega ning sellest lähtuvalt pakutakse välja suund sisulise lahenduse otsimiseks. Omavalitsusüksuste suuruse empiiriline analüüs toetub Viljandi maakonna andmetele.

  9. Elamusturundus: riigi brändimine ja Eesti bränd / Siiri Same

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Same, Siiri


    Artikli autor oma 2015. a. Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis kaitstud doktoritööst "Conceptualization of experience marketing and country branding from a marketing management perspective" ("Elamusturunduse ja riigi brändimise kontseptualiseerimine turunduse juhtimise vaatenurgast")

  10. Ilves kohtus Obamaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves kohtus 8. aprillil 2010 Prahas USA presidendi Barack Obamaga. USA riigipea arutas Prahas julgeolekuküsimusi 11 Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riigi valitsusjuhi või riigipeaga. Töövisiit Prahasse 08.04.2010

  11. Riskikapital vajab riigi kehtestatud mängureegleid / Peeter Saks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saks, Peeter


    AS-i Suprema Securities juhatuse esimehe sõnul on Euroopa riskikapitali turul selge nõudlus sobiva seadusliku raamistiku ja hea mainega riigi või piirkonna järele, Eestil on praegu võimalus kujuneda Euroopa üheks riskikapitali keskuseks. Autori arvates peaks esimeseks sammuks olema eraldi riskikapitali seaduse loomine. Vt. samas: Andrus Ansip, Taavi Veskimägi ja Linnar Viik vastavad küsimusele, kas Eesti vajab riiklikku riskikapitali fondi

  12. Venelastest Res Publica toetajad Ida-Virus võivad uuele parteile selja pöörata / Erik Kalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalda, Erik, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 6. apr. lk. 3, Narvskaja Nedelja 8. apr. lk. 2. Suur osa Ida-Virumaal elavatest Res Publica liikmetest ning toetajatest ei poolda erakonna ühinemist Isamaaliiduga, sest paljude venelaste meelest on Isamaaliit nende huve eirav partei


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Galileo Orbiter 60 second sampled trajectory data from the Ida flyby in Ida-centric Solar Ecliptic (ISE) and RTN coordinates. These data cover the interval...

  14. Noored ei usu oma võimalustesse olulisi otsuseid mõjutada / Airi-Alina Allaste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allaste, Airi-Alina, 1967-


    Euroopa Komisjoni rahastatud projektist Myplace, mis keskendus noorte ühiskondlikule, poliitilisele ja kodanikuaktiivsusele 14 riigis. Eestis uuriti 16-24-aastaseid noori Ida-Virumaal ja Tartumaal. Intervjuu Myplace'i projekti Eesti juhi, Tallinna Ülikooli sotsioloogia professori Airi-Alina Allastega

  15. Uuring osutab Eesti madalale konkurentsivõimele IT-vallas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Võrgutehnoloogiafirma Cisco Systems'i tellitud ja 31 Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa riigis läbiviidud uuringu tulemusest, millest selgus, et Eestis kasvab IT-spetsialistide puudujääk. Vt. samas: Skype näeb võimalusi laienemiseks

  16. Evaluation of IDA-80 data by the DoD method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beyrich, W.; Golly, W.


    The measurement data of 28 interlaboratory analysis performed under the IDA-80 programme are evaluated by the DoD (Distribution of Differences) method with respect to the RSDs of the interlaboratory spreads and the within-laboratory uncertainty components. The resulting estimates are compared to those obtained by variance analysis after application of outlier criteria in the official IDA-80 evaluation. Deviations found in case of the within-laboratory uncertainty components ('run' component of the IDA-80 evaluation) are discussed. (orig./HP) [de

  17. Riigi võimalused (vahendid) ettevõtete konkurentsivõime tõstmisel / Leev Kuum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuum, Leev


    Lausanne Juhtimise Arendamise Instituut (IMD) tutvustab oma väljaandes "World Competitiveness Yearbook 2005" mitmeid riikidele edu toonud võimalusi. Konjunktuuriinstituudi poolt läbiviidud ekspertide-majandusanalüütikute küsitlus andis Eesti jaoks suurima eelistuse "paindliku riigi" (kompetentsi mitmekesistamise) mudelile

  18. Saksamaa ida kutsub / Thea Karin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karin, Thea


    Endise Ida-Saksamaa aladel asuvate linnade Dessau-Rosslau ja Chemnitzi (endine Karl-Marx-Stadti) vaatamisväärsustest, s.h UNESCO kultuuripärandisse kuuluvatest Wörlitz-Dessau parkidest ja Bauhausi kompleksist

  19. IDA's Energy Vision 2050

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik; Hansen, Kenneth

    IDA’s Energy Vision 2050 provides a Smart Energy System strategy for a 100% renewable Denmark in 2050. The vision presented should not be regarded as the only option in 2050 but as one scenario out of several possibilities. With this vision the Danish Society of Engineers, IDA, presents its third...... contribution for an energy strategy for Denmark. The IDA’s Energy Plan 2030 was prepared in 2006 and IDA’s Climate Plan was prepared in 2009. IDA’s Energy Vision 2050 is developed for IDA by representatives from The Society of Engineers and by a group of researchers at Aalborg University. It is based on state......-of-the-art knowledge about how low cost energy systems can be designed while also focusing on long-term resource efficiency. The Energy Vision 2050 has the ambition to focus on all parts of the energy system rather than single technologies, but to have an approach in which all sectors are integrated. While Denmark...

  20. Euroopa püüab toime tulla idatööliste marsiga läände / Sarah Laitner, Stefan Wagstyl

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laitner, Sarah


    Mitmed EL-i nn. vanad riigid kõhklevad, kas kaotada piirangud Ida-Euroopa tööjõule. Briti valitsuse väitel on riigi majandus tööturu piirangu kaotamisest kasu saanud, samas on suurenenud noorte pikaajaline töötus. Ida-Euroopas on aga mõnes valdkonnas tekkinud tööjõupuudus. Lisa: Iiri pelgab olukorda tööjõuturul. Tabel: Riikide suhtumine tööjõu vaba liikumise piirangutesse

  1. Structures, physicochemical and cytoprotective properties of new oxidovanadium(IV) complexes -[VO(mIDA)(dmbipy)]·1.5H2O and [VO(IDA)(dmbipy)]·2H2O (United States)

    Drzeżdżon, Joanna; Jacewicz, Dagmara; Wyrzykowski, Dariusz; Inkielewicz-Stępniak, Iwona; Sikorski, Artur; Tesmar, Aleksandra; Chmurzyński, Lech


    New oxidovanadium(IV) complexes with a modification of the ligand in the VO2+ coordination sphere were synthesized. [VO(mIDA)(dmbipy)]•1.5H2O and [VO(IDA)(dmbipy)]•2H2O were obtained as dark green crystals and grey-green powder, respectively (mIDA = N-methyliminodiacetic anion, IDA = iminodiacetic anion, dmbipy = 4,4‧-dimethoxy-2,2‧-dipyridyl). The crystal structure of [VO(mIDA)(dmbipy)]·1.5H2O has been determined by the X-ray diffraction method. The studies of structure of [VO(mIDA)(dmbipy)]•1.5H2O have shown that this compound occurs in the crystal as two rotational conformers. Furthermore, the stability constants of [VO(mIDA)(dmbipy)]•1.5H2O and [VO(IDA)(dmbipy)]•2H2O complexes in aqueous solutions were studied by using the potentiometric titration method and, consequently, determined using the Hyperquad2008 program. Moreover, the title complexes were investigated as antioxidant substances. The impact of the structure modification in the VO2+ complexes on the radical scavenging activity has been studied. The ability to scavenge the superoxide radical by two complexes - [VO(mIDA)(dmbipy)]·1.5H2O and [VO(IDA)(dmbipy)]·2H2O was studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) methods. The title complexes were also examined by the spectrophotometric method as scavengers of neutral organic radical - 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) and radical cation - 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS•+). Furthermore, the biological properties of two oxidovanadium(IV) complexes were investigated in relation to its cytoprotective properties by the MTT and LDH tests based on the hippocampal HT22 neuronal cell line during the oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide. Finally, the results presented in this paper have shown that the both new oxidovanadium(IV) complexes with the 4,4‧-dimethoxy-2,2‧-dipyridyl ligand can be treated as the cytoprotective substances.

  2. Kes kardab Lähis-Ida raha? / Emily Thornton, Stanley Reed

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Thornton, Emily


    Lähis-Ida riikide investeerimisfondide tegevusest. Mehed, kes haldavad selle piirkonna riiklikke investeerimisfonde, muudavad Pärsia lahe naftamiljarditega maailma rahanduse palet. Lisa: Hea on olla emiir. Kuuele Lähis-Ida emiraadile kuulub umbes pool kogu maailma riiklike investeerimisfondide varadest

  3. The GSPC: Newest Franchise in al-Qa'ida's Global Jihad

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Boudali, Lianne K


    ... of support in Europe. The alignment of the GSPC with al Qa ida represents a significant change in the group's strategy, however, its decision to join al Qa ida's global jihad should be understood as an act of desperation...

  4. Noortest, tööst ja Ida-Virumaast / Aldis Alus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alus, Aldis, 1967-


    Sisekaitseakadeemia politsei- ja piirivalvekolledži lõpetanu Julia Vesjolkina lõputööst: "Sisekaitseakadeemia lõpetanud kadettide valmisolek asuda tööle Ida-Virumaale" (2012); juhendaja Piret Teppan. Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti Ida prefekti selgitused prefektuuri personalipoliitika kohta

  5. Uruguay vasakpoolne president tahab vaeses riigis korra majja lüüa / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Märtsikuus tuli Uruguays võimule vasakpoolne koalitsioon. President Tabare Vazquez peab kõige olulisemaks vaesusest jagusaamist riigis, välispoliitikas on tema eelistus sidemete arendamine teiste vasakpoolsete režiimidega

  6. Hansa Ida-Euroopa fond edetabelis teist kuud jutti esimene / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Ajakirja The Wall Street Journal Europe Ida-Euroopa ja Venemaa avatud investeerimisfondide edetabelit juhib teist kuud Hansa Ida-Euroopa Aktsiafond. Tabel: Eesti fond juhib The Wall Street Journali edetabelit

  7. Serum protein-binding ability of sup(99m)Tc-diethyl IDA and sup(99m)Tc-para-butyl IDA studied by electrophoresis and precipitation experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawas-Dimopoulou, C.; Simitzis, G.; Papanicolaou, N.


    The aim of the study was to separate and to identify by electrophoresis the proteins which are able to bind 99mTc-diethyl IDA and 99mTc-p-butyl IDA when these radiopharmaceuticals are incubated in vitro with human serum. The determinations were completed by precipitation experiments. Electrophoresis showed that both radiopharmaceuticals have negative charge and move to the anode like organic anions. And it is known that organic anions can interact with cationic groups on the albumin. Moreover, it is generally accepted that the extent to which a drug is bound to a particular protein depends on the concentration of the drug. Consequently, the logical hypothesis that binding of each radiopharmaceutical to the various serum proteins could be easier demonstrated on autoradiographies and electrophoregrams by high concentrations of 99mTc-diethyl IDA and 99mTc-parabutyl IDA in the incubation medium was put to trial

  8. Ida-Virumaa keskkond saab 16,5 miljonit krooni / Külli Kriis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriis, Külli, 1961-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 16. veebr. lk. 4. Keskkonnainvesteeringute keskuse (KIK) nõukogu otsustas keskkonnaprogrammi esimese vooru projektide rahastamise, mille järgi Ida-Virumaa saab üle 16 miljoni krooni. Tabel: Keskkonnaraha Ida-Virumaale

  9. Vaevaline koostöö uute kunstimuuseumide rajamise ja rahastamise protsessis = Thorny collaboration in the processes of founding and funding new art museums : II koht teaduspublikatsioonide kategoorias / Margaret Tali, Laura Pierantoni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tali, Margaret


    Uuring tutvustab võrdlevalt uute kunstimuuseumide rajamisega seotud motivatsioone kolmes riigis ning mahukate ehitusprojektide rahastamist, keskendudes uute huvigruppide rollile Ida-Euroopa riiklike kunstimuuseumide tegevuses. Töö andmed on kogutud koostöös kolme muuseumiga: LUMU kunstimuuseum Budapestis, KUMU kunstimuuseum Tallinnas ja MSU kunstimuuseum Zagrebis

  10. Alustatud töö tehakse lõpuni / Colin L Powell

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Powell, Colin L


    Hinnang vangide väärkohtlemisele. ÜRO ja rahvusvahelise üldsusega koostöös olev Iraagi valitsus viib riigi vabadele ja õiglastele valimistele ning iraaklased saavad ise oma saatuse üle otsustada, tõdeb USA riigisekretär. Osalemisest Lähis-Ida rahuprotsessis

  11. Further Validation of the IDAS: Evidence of Convergent, Discriminant, Criterion, and Incremental Validity (United States)

    Watson, David; O'Hara, Michael W.; Chmielewski, Michael; McDade-Montez, Elizabeth A.; Koffel, Erin; Naragon, Kristin; Stuart, Scott


    The authors explicated the validity of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS; D. Watson et al., 2007) in 2 samples (306 college students and 605 psychiatric patients). The IDAS scales showed strong convergent validity in relation to parallel interview-based scores on the Clinician Rating version of the IDAS; the mean convergent…

  12. Riigi dividendid sunnivad äriühinguid laenu võtma / Erik Müürsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Müürsepp, Erik


    Riik on vähendanud Tallinna Sadamast ja Eesti Energiast võetavate dividendide summat, samas peab näiteks Tallinna Sadam investeeringuteks siiski laenu võtma. Diagramm: Riigi osalusega äriühingutelt võetav dividend on kahanenud

  13. Erosion and Ejecta Reaccretion on 243 Ida and Its Moon (United States)

    Geissler, Paul; Petit, Jean-Marc; Durda, Daniel D.; Greenberg, Richard; Bottke, William; Nolan, Michael; Moore, Jeffrey


    Galileo images of Asteroid 243 Ida and its satellite Dactyl show surfaces which are dominantly shaped by impact cratering. A number of observations suggest that ejecta from hypervelocity impacts on Ida can be distributed far and wide across the Ida system, following trajectories substantially affected by the low gravity, nonspherical shape, and rapid rotation of the asteroid. We explore the processes of reaccretion and escape of ejecta on Ida and Dactyl using three-dimensional numerical simulations which allow us to compare the theoretical effects of orbital dynamics with observations of surface morphology. The effects of rotation, launch location, and initial launch speed are first examined for the case of an ideal triaxial ellipsoid with Ida's approximate shape and density. Ejecta launched at low speeds (V≪Vesc) reimpact near the source craters, forming well-defined ejecta blankets which are asymmetric in morphology between leading and trailing rotational surfaces. The net effect of cratering at low ejecta launch velocities is to produce a thick regolith which is evenly distributed across the surface of the asteroid. In contrast, no clearly defined ejecta blankets are formed when ejecta is launched at higher initial velocities (V∼Vesc). Most of the ejecta escapes, while that which is retained is preferentially derived from the rotational trailing surfaces. These particles spend a significant time in temporary orbit around the asteroid, in comparison to the asteroid's rotation period, and tend to be swept up onto rotational leading surfaces upon reimpact. The net effect of impact cratering with high ejecta launch velocities is to produce a thinner and less uniform soil cover, with concentrations on the asteroids' rotational leading surfaces. Using a realistic model for the shape of Ida (P. Thomas, J. Veverka, B. Carcich, M. J. S. Belton, R. Sullivan, and M. Davies 1996,Icarus120, 000-000), we find that an extensive color/albedo unit which dominates the

  14. Eestil odava tööjõu eelis kadunud / Liis Kängsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kängsepp, Liis, 1981-


    Database Central Europe'i tehtud tööjõu maksumuse uuringu järgi on tööjõukulu Eestis tunduvalt suurem kui Lätis, Leedus ning mitmes Ida-Euroopa riigis. Diagrammid. Kommenteerivad: Peep Siimon, Taavi Veskimägi, Jaak Leimann ja Ilmar Petersen

  15. IDAS, software support for mathematical models and map-based graphics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birnbaum, M.D.; Wecker, D.B.


    IDAS (Intermediate Dose Assessment System) was developed for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a hardware/software host for radiological models and display of map-based plume graphics at the Operations Center (HQ), regional incident response centers, and site emergency facilities. IDAS design goals acknowledged the likelihood of future changes in the suite of models and the composition of map features for analysis and graphical display. IDAS provides a generalized software support environment to programmers and users of modeling programs. A database manager process provides multi-user access control to all input and output data for modeling programs. A programmer-created data description file (schema) specifies data field names, data types, legal and recommended ranges, default values, preferred units of measurement, and ''help'' text. Subroutine calls to IDAS from a model program invoke a consistent user interface which can show any of the schema contents, convert units of measurement, and route data to multiple logical devices, including the database. A stand-alone data editor allows the user to read and write model data records without execution of a model. IDAS stores digitized map features in a 4-level naming hierarchy. A user can select the map icon, color, and whether to show a stored name tag, for each map feature. The user also selects image scale (zoom) within limits set by map digitization. The resulting image combines static map information, computed analytic modeling results, and the user's feature selections for display to decision-makers

  16. Rice hoiatas Vene välisministrit võimalike pingeliste suhete eest / Arko Olesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olesk, Arko, 1981-


    Euroopas ja Lähis-Idas ringreisil viibiv USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice ütles kohtumisel Venemaa välisministri Sergei Lavroviga, et kahe riigi suhteid võivad pingestada mittedemokraatlikud ilmingud Venemaal. Rice'i sõnul ei kavatse USA Venemaa suhtes sanktsioone rakendada. Lisa: Condoleezza Rice'i ringreis

  17. A tale of oblivion: Ida Noddack and the ‘universal abundance’ of matter (United States)

    Santos, Gildo Magalhães


    Ida Noddack was a German chemist who in 1925, with her husband Walter Noddack, discovered element 75 (rhenium) and possibly element 43 (technetium). She is also known to have anticipated, by nine years, the possibility of nuclear fission. This article focuses on Ida's hypothesis that all elements are present in any mineral. Ida related the relative abundance of the elements in the Universe to hypothetical properties of the atomic nuclei. This allowed her to speculate about a different Periodic Table in which isotopes might be the cause of unexpected features of periodicity. Ida Noddack faced many professional obstacles because of her scientific nonconformity and gender, the resentment of physicists against intrusion in their field, and the overall difficulty of research under and after the Nazi regime.

  18. Eesti valib Lääne ja Ida vahel / David Vseviov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vseviov, David, 1949-


    Euroreferendumist. Peamiseks valikuks 14. septembril oli autori hinnangul järeltulijate elukeskkond. Eesti riigi eksistentsiaalseks põhiküsimuseks jääb lähitulevikus riiklik iseolemine, mis pole meie geopoliitilise asendi tõttu võimalik mingisse suuremasse ühendusse kuulumata

  19. Innovatsioonisüsteem ja innovatsioonipoliitika : riigi tänapäevased arengumootorid / Janno Reiljan, Ingra Paltser

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiljan, Janno, 1951-2018


    Autorid selgitavad avaliku sektori innovatsiooniprotsessidesse sekkumise põhjusi ja probleeme, analüüsivad innovatsioonisüsteemide ja -poliitika valdkondade olemust ja struktuuri ning pakuvad välja uue tervikliku riigi innovatsioonisüsteemi mudeli

  20. Tretjakova, Alavainu ja Johanson tuuritavad Ida-Virumaal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5. apr. alustavad turneed Ida-Virumaal Ave Alavainu ja Tatjana Tretjakova, et esitleda oma luuleraamatut "2keelsed = 2jazõtshnõje" (Kärdla : A. Alavainu, 2004). Jaak Johanson laulab laule nimetatud autorite tekstidele

  1. Substoichiometric IDA in determination of zinc present in some spices (Paper No. RA-14)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vaidya, M M; Ray, M N


    Results of separation and determination of zinc present in four spices, viz. Coriander, King's cumin, Fennel and Fenugreek seeds by IDA are presented. It is observed that zinc could be estimated by substoichiometric extraction as dithiozonate followed by IDA, in spices. The substoichiometric extraction results at lower concentrations of zinc also, but better results are obtained by increasing the concentration of zinc. The substoichiometric IDA agrees fairly with the conventional chemical analysis.

  2. Riigi sisejulgeolekut tagava jälitustegevuse eesmärgid ja kontroll. [1.-2. osa] / Saale Laos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laos, Saale


    Ülevaade jälitustegevuse lubatavatest eesmärkidest ning jälitustegevuse üle teostatava kontrolli põhimõtetest. Jälitustegevuse mõistest, kehtivast regulatsioonist, põhiseaduslikust taustast ning eesmärkidest. Riigi sisejulgeolekust, ning vastavast seadusandlusest

  3. Inglased kavatsevad Ida-Virumaale investeerida / Irina Tokareva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tokareva, Irina


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 22. okt. 2004, lk. 4. Suurbritannia saatkonna esimehe aset. William Elliott ning tööstus- ja investeeringute jaoskonna assistent Kai Tomasberg viibisid Ida-Virumaal, kus nad veendusid regiooni soodsates investeerimistingimustes

  4. Avatud ja suletud Ida-Euroopa / Anu Allas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allas, Anu, 1977-


    Näitus "Me näeme teid. Foksali galerii tegevus 1966-1989" Kumu Kunstimuuseumis 20. septembrini. Kuraator Karolina Łabowicz-Dymanus. Kujundaja Jaanus Samma. Lääne ja endise Ida-bloki riikide kunst on eksponeeritud kõrvuti

  5. Obama rahustab murelikku Ida-Euroopat / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    USA president Barack Obama puudutas kohtumistel Brüsselis, lisaks olukorrale Krimmis, Euroopa energiajulgeoleku ja Euroopa riikide kaitsekulutuste teemadele, ka NATO kohaloleku suurendamist Ida- ja Kesk-Euroopas

  6. Riigi (majandus)poliitika mõju väärtpaberite hindade kujunemisele / Otto Karma, Priit Sander

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karma, Otto


    Matemaatilise mudeli tuletamisest, mis võimaldab kajastada riigi (majandus)poliitika mõju investorite poolt väärtpaberisse investeerimiseks nõutava tegeliku tulunormi suurusele. Selline mudel võimaldaks prognoosida erinevate (majandus)poliitiliste otsuste mõju väärtpaberite hindade arengule. Tabel: Väärtpaberiinvesteeringuga seotud kulud Eestis. Graafikud

  7. President Ilves kohtus Lähis-Ida oluliste poliitikutega

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, kes osales Maailma Majandusfoorumi Lähis-Ida piirkondlikul konverentsil, kohtus 15. mail 2009 Jordaania kuninga Abdullah II ja Iraagi asepresidendi Adil Abd Al-Mahdi'ga

  8. Медведев и Обама подпишут новый договор START / Хендрик Восман

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Восман, Хендрик


    USA president Barack Obama ja Venemaa president Dmitri Medvedev kavatsevad Prahas allkirjastada USA ja Venemaa vahelise tuumarelvalepingu, mille eesmärgiks on kahandada mõlema riigi tuumaarsenali. Pärast uue strateegilise relvastuse piiramise ehk STARTleppe allkirjastamist sööb USA president Prahas õhtust 11 Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riigipeaga, nende seas ka president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesega

  9. Lähis-Ida demokraatia kevad / Saad Eddin Ibrahim

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ibrahim, Saad Eddin


    Demokraatia arengust ja demokraatlike parteide olukorrast Lähis-Idas. Autori sõnul ei saa islamistlikke liikumisi maha suruda ainult jõuga, selle asemel tuleks kasutada poliitilisi reforme. Lisa: Vabaduse tugi

  10. Three Dimensional Spherical Display Systems and McIDAS: Tools for Science, Education and Outreach (United States)

    Kohrs, R.; Mooney, M. E.


    The Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) and Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin are now using a 3D spherical display system and their Man computer Data Access System (McIDAS)-X and McIDAS-V as outreach tools to demonstrate how scientists and forecasters utilize satellite imagery to monitor weather and climate. Our outreach program displays orbits and data coverage of geostationary and polar satellites and demonstrates how each is beneficial for the remote sensing of Earth. Global composites of visible, infrared and water vapor images illustrate how satellite instruments collect data from different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum to monitor global weather patterns 24 hours a day. Captivating animations on spherical display systems are proving to be much more intuitive than traditional 2D displays, enabling audiences to view satellites orbiting above real-time weather systems circulating the entire globe. Complimenting the 3D spherical display system are the UNIX-based McIDAS-X and Java-based McIDAS-V software packages. McIDAS is used to composite the real-time global satellite data and create other weather related derived products. Client and server techniques used by these software packages provide the opportunity to continually update the real-time content on our globe. The enhanced functionality of McIDAS-V extends our outreach program by allowing in-depth interactive 4-dimensional views of the imagery previously viewed on the 3D spherical display system. An important goal of our outreach program is the promotion of remote sensing research and technology at SSEC and CIMSS. The 3D spherical display system has quickly become a popular tool to convey societal benefits of these endeavors. Audiences of all ages instinctively relate to recent weather events which keeps them engaged in spherical display presentations. McIDAS facilitates further exploration of the science behind the weather

  11. Idas, a Novel Phylogenetically Conserved Geminin-related Protein, Binds to Geminin and Is Required for Cell Cycle Progression* (United States)

    Pefani, Dafni-Eleutheria; Dimaki, Maria; Spella, Magda; Karantzelis, Nickolas; Mitsiki, Eirini; Kyrousi, Christina; Symeonidou, Ioanna-Eleni; Perrakis, Anastassis; Taraviras, Stavros; Lygerou, Zoi


    Development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms relies on an intricate balance between cell proliferation and differentiation. Geminin regulates the cell cycle by directly binding and inhibiting the DNA replication licensing factor Cdt1. Geminin also interacts with transcriptional regulators of differentiation and chromatin remodelling factors, and its balanced interactions are implicated in proliferation-differentiation decisions during development. Here, we describe Idas (Idas being a cousin of the Gemini in Ancient Greek Mythology), a previously uncharacterised coiled-coil protein related to Geminin. We show that human Idas localizes to the nucleus, forms a complex with Geminin both in cells and in vitro through coiled-coil mediated interactions, and can change Geminin subcellular localization. Idas does not associate with Cdt1 and prevents Geminin from binding to Cdt1 in vitro. Idas depletion from cells affects cell cycle progression; cells accumulate in S phase and are unable to efficiently progress to mitosis. Idas protein levels decrease in anaphase, whereas its overexpression causes mitotic defects. During development, we show that Idas exhibits high level expression in the choroid plexus and the cortical hem of the mouse telencephalon. Our data highlight Idas as a novel Geminin binding partner, implicated in cell cycle progression, and a putative regulator of proliferation-differentiation decisions during development. PMID:21543332

  12. Interactive Design of Accelerators (IDA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barton, M.Q.


    IDA is a beam transport line calculation program which runs interactively on an IBM PC computer. It can be used for a large fraction of the usual calculations done for beam transport systems or periods of accelerators or storage rings. Because of the interactive screen editor nature of the data input, this program permits one to rather quickly arrive at general properties of a beam line or an accelerator period

  13. Prantsusmaa silub Ida-Euroopga suhteid / Riina Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Riina, 1962-


    Prantsusmaa peaminister Jean-Pierre Raffarin kohtus Pariisis Ida-Euroopa ajakirjanikega ja rääkis EL-i riikide suhetest ja majanduskoostööst. Vt. samas: Andres Kasekamp. Näpuga viibutamise aeg on möödas. Lisa: Jean-Pierre Raffarin (55)

  14. Using McIDAS-V data analysis and visualization software as an educational tool for understanding the atmosphere (United States)

    Achtor, T. H.; Rink, T.


    The University of Wisconsin’s Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) has been at the forefront in developing data analysis and visualization tools for environmental satellites and other geophysical data. The fifth generation of the Man-computer Interactive Data Access System (McIDAS-V) is Java-based, open-source, freely available software that operates on Linux, Macintosh and Windows systems. The software tools provide powerful new data manipulation and visualization capabilities that work with geophysical data in research, operational and educational environments. McIDAS-V provides unique capabilities to support innovative techniques for evaluating research results, teaching and training. McIDAS-V is based on three powerful software elements. VisAD is a Java library for building interactive, collaborative, 4 dimensional visualization and analysis tools. The Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) is a reference application based on the VisAD system and developed by the Unidata program that demonstrates the flexibility that is needed in this evolving environment, using a modern, object-oriented software design approach. The third tool, HYDRA, allows users to build, display and interrogate multi and hyperspectral environmental satellite data in powerful ways. The McIDAS-V software is being used for training and education in several settings. The McIDAS User Group provides training workshops at its annual meeting. Numerous online tutorials with training data sets have been developed to aid users in learning simple and more complex operations in McIDAS-V, all are available online. In a University of Wisconsin-Madison undergraduate course in Radar and Satellite Meteorology, McIDAS-V is used to create and deliver laboratory exercises using case study and real time data. At the high school level, McIDAS-V is used in several exercises in our annual Summer Workshop in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences to provide young scientists the opportunity to examine data with friendly and

  15. Laiem Lähis-Ida - vapustavad avaldused / Toomas Alatalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alatalu, Toomas, 1942-


    Mõiste Laiem Lähis-Ida (Wider Middle East) tähendusest. USA asehalduri Iraagis Paul Bremeri ja USA riigisekretäri Colin Powelli avaldustest USA Iraagist lahkumise ja Iisraeli vägivalla kohta Palestiinas

  16. Eesti riigi regionaalpoliitika ehk Miks elu koondub Tallinna / Taimo Saan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saan, Taimo


    Eesti rahvastik on koondunud Harjumaale, Ida-Virumaale ja Tartumaale. Regionaalpoliitika tasakaalustamise võimalusi. Tabel: Raha jagunemine maakonniti. Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota, 18. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 24. aug. 2001, lk. 6; Nädaline, 25. aug. 2001, lk. 4; Vooremaa, 28. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Pärnu Postimees, 29. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Meie Maa, 29. aug. 2001, lk. 2

  17. The pharmacokinetics of Tcsup(99m)-diethyl IDA in hyperferremic mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawas-Dimopoulou, C.; Soulpi, C.; Toubanakis, N.


    Previously, portal zone fibrosis was observed with deposition of iron in the periportal liver cells and to a lesser extent in the Kupffer cells. Surprisingly, biochemical tests show little disturbance except for a positive BSP test. That would suggest a peculiar sensitivity to iron overload of the important bile excretory pathway including organic anions such as BSP, conjugated bilirubin, dyes and IDA derivatives. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of hyperferremia on the pharmacokinetics of Tcsup(99m)-diethyl IDA. (Auth.)

  18. Ida-Virumaale sisserändamise põhjused pärast Teist maailmasõda / Olaf Mertelsmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mertelsmann, Olaf, 1969-


    Sisserändest Ida-Virumaale sõjajärgsel perioodil, umbes aastani 1955. Sisserännet Ida-Virumaale nendel aastatel tingisid sõja mõju, tööjõu puudus, geograafiline asend, põlevkivitööstuse arendamine

  19. Eesti Posti Ida piirkonna keskus tuleb Rakverre / Eda Post

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Post, Eda, 1983-


    Eesti Posti nõukogu kiitis heaks ettepaneku moodustada kulude kokkuhoiuks olemasoleva kaheteistkümne asemel viis regionaalset juhtimisüksust - Põhja, Ida, Lõuna, Edela ja Lääne. Lisa: Postiregioonid

  20. Solving the pre-marshalling problem to optimality with A* and IDA*

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tierney, Kevin; Pacino, Dario; Voß, Stefan


    We present a novel solution approach to the container pre-marshalling problem using the A* and IDA* algorithms combined with several novel branching and symmetry breaking rules that significantly increases the number of pre-marshalling instances that can be solved to optimality. A* and IDA......* are graph search algorithms that use heuristics combined with a complete graph search to find optimal solutions to problems. The container pre-marshalling problem is a key problem for container terminals seeking to reduce delays of inter-modal container transports. The goal of the container pre...

  1. Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa teel euro poole / Lennart Meri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meri, Lennart, 1929-2006


    Hypo-Vereinsbank'i konverentsil Münchenis 23. septembril 2004. a. peetud kõne. Eesti vahekord rahaliidu ja euroga, Kesk-Euroopa ja Ida-Euroopa reformiriigid ja nende piirid, Eesti kiire arengu põhjused

  2. Enterogastric reflux detection with technetium-99m IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, A.; Pavia, J.; Loomena, F.; Abello, R.; Herranz, R.; Setoain, J.


    A Tc-99m IDA scan was performed in a patient with severe alkaline esophagitis subsequent to a Billroth I gastroenterostomy. The scan showed enterogastric reflux simultaneously with gastroesophageal reflux of bile. The study was recorded in a computer and the reflux quantitated

  3. Revision of IRIS/IDA Seismic Station Metadata (United States)

    Xu, W.; Davis, P.; Auerbach, D.; Klimczak, E.


    Trustworthy data quality assurance has always been one of the goals of seismic network operators and data management centers. This task is considerably complex and evolving due to the huge quantities as well as the rapidly changing characteristics and complexities of seismic data. Published metadata usually reflect instrument response characteristics and their accuracies, which includes zero frequency sensitivity for both seismometer and data logger as well as other, frequency-dependent elements. In this work, we are mainly focused studying the variation of the seismometer sensitivity with time of IRIS/IDA seismic recording systems with a goal to improve the metadata accuracy for the history of the network. There are several ways to measure the accuracy of seismometer sensitivity for the seismic stations in service. An effective practice recently developed is to collocate a reference seismometer in proximity to verify the in-situ sensors' calibration. For those stations with a secondary broadband seismometer, IRIS' MUSTANG metric computation system introduced a transfer function metric to reflect two sensors' gain ratios in the microseism frequency band. In addition, a simulation approach based on M2 tidal measurements has been proposed and proven to be effective. In this work, we compare and analyze the results from three different methods, and concluded that the collocated-sensor method is most stable and reliable with the minimum uncertainties all the time. However, for epochs without both the collocated sensor and secondary seismometer, we rely on the analysis results from tide method. For the data since 1992 on IDA stations, we computed over 600 revised seismometer sensitivities for all the IRIS/IDA network calibration epochs. Hopefully further revision procedures will help to guarantee that the data is accurately reflected by the metadata of these stations.

  4. Quantitative Analysis of Homogeneous Electrocatalytic Reactions at IDA Electrodes: The Example of [Ni(PPh2NBn2)2]2+

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Fei; Parkinson, B. A.; Divan, Ralu; Roberts, John; Liang, Yanping


    Interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes have been applied to study the EC’ (electron transfer reaction followed by a catalytic reaction) reactions and a new method of quantitative analysis of IDA results was developed. In this new method, currents on IDA generator and collector electrodes for an EC’ mechanism are derived from the number of redox cycles and the contribution of non-catalytic current. And the fractions of bipotential recycling species and catalytic-active species are calculated, which helps understanding the catalytic reaction mechanism. The homogeneous hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by [Ni(PPh2NBn2)2]2+ (where PPh2NBn2 is 1,5-dibenzyl-3,7-diphenyl-1,5-diaza-3,7-diphosphacyclooctane) electrocatalyst was examined and analyzed with IDA electrodes. Besides, the existence of reaction intermediates in the catalytic cycle is inferred from the electrochemical behavior of a glassy carbon disk electrodes and carbon IDA electrodes. This quantitative analysis of IDA electrode cyclic voltammetry currents can be used as a simple and straightforward method for determining reaction mechanism in other catalytic systems as well.

  5. Quantitative Analysis of Homogeneous Electrocatalytic Reactions at IDA Electrodes: The Example of [Ni(PPh2NBn2)2]2+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Fei; Parkinson, B.A.; Divan, Ralu; Roberts, John; Liang, Yanping


    Interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes have been applied to study the EC’ (electron transfer reaction followed by a catalytic reaction) reactions and a new method of quantitative analysis of IDA results was developed. In this new method, currents on IDA generator and collector electrodes for an EC’ mechanism are derived from the number of redox cycles and the contribution of non-catalytic current. And the fractions of bipotential recycling species and catalytic-active species are calculated, which helps understanding the catalytic reaction mechanism. The homogeneous hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by [Ni(P Ph 2 N Bn 2 ) 2 ] 2+ (where P Ph 2 N Bn 2 is 1,5-dibenzyl-3,7-diphenyl-1,5-diaza-3,7-diphosphacyclooctane) electrocatalyst was examined and analyzed with IDA electrodes. Besides, the existence of reaction intermediates in the catalytic cycle is inferred from the electrochemical behavior of a glassy carbon disk electrodes and carbon IDA electrodes. This quantitative analysis of IDA electrode cyclic voltammetry currents can be used as a simple and straightforward method for determining reaction mechanism in other catalytic systems as well.

  6. Eesti riigi esindamine Euroopa Liidu Kohtus - Eestit puudutavate ja võimalike ees ootavate vaidluste ning Eesti seiuskohtade juriidiline analüüs : [magistritöö] / Katri Bagirov ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Julia Laffranque

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bagirov, Katri


    Eesti riigi esindamisest ELi Kohtus, esindamise korrast ja eelmenetlusest. Eesti edukusest Euroopa Liidu õiguse ülevõtmisel ning mõjutamisel ja kujundamisel, analüüsist läbi kohtupraktika. Eesti riigi esindamisega seotud probleemide juriidilisest analüüsist

  7. Ida-Euroopa postkommunistliku kunsti näitus tulemas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Stockholmi uues Moderna Museeti hoones avab kuraatorite kollektiiv 16. okt. 1999 näituse "After the Wall", mis analüüsib Berliini müüri langemise järgset kunstiolukorda ja kultuurimuutusi Ida-Euroopas. Näitusele on valitud eestlastest Inessa Josing, Kai Kaljo, Liina Siib, Jaan Toomik

  8. Ida-Euroopa kunsti meganäitus Stockholmis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Stockholmi Moodsa Kunsti Muuseumis 16. X 1999-16. I 2000 Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa kunsti näitus 'After the Wall'. Kuraatorid David Elliott, Bojana Pejic, Iris Müller-Westermann. Eestist osalevad Inessa Josing, Kai Kaljo, Liina Siib, Jaan Toomik. Näituse kataloogis on Jaan Kaplinski ja Heie Treieri artiklid, kataloogile tegid koostööd Johannes Saar, Raoul Kurvitz

  9. Metsik ida rahulikus läänes / Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Annika


    6.-13. aprillini Saksamaal Wiesbadenis toimunud filmifestivalist "goEast", kus näidati filme Ida- ja Kesk-Euroopast. Festivali peaauhinna sai Andrei Balabanovi film "Katlakütja" (Venemaa), parima režissööri auhinna sai Marian Crisan filmiga "Homme"

  10. 99mTc-diethyl-IDA chloescintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, J. W.; Oh, K. C.; Bae, B. H.; Kim, Y. S.; Park, B. H.


    For many years, 131 I-rose bengal has been used as the main hepatobiliary radiopharmaceutical. The undesirable physical characteristics of the radioiodine, however, finally prevented its widespread use in clinical medicine. In recent years, a number of hepatobiliary radiopharmaceuticals employing 99m Tc and 123 I as indicator have been introduced. 99m Tc-diethyl-IDA is a most promising one in these agents. Cholescintigraphy, using 99m Tc-diethyl-IDA was performed in 10 normal subjects and 32 patients suffering from various hepatobiliary disturbances, from Sep. -'79 to Aug-' 80, at the department of radiology, Maryknoll Hospital. The following results are obtained: 1. In normal fasting subjects, the liver, GB, CBD, and the proximal portion of small bowel are clearly delineated within 30 min after the injection. After a fatty meal, the radioactivity of the liver and CBD is notably disappeared with increase of the activity in GB and small bowel. 2. A dilatation of the main biliary ducts is a pathognomomic sign of partial mechanical obstructive disorders and a key point of D.Dx from hepatocellular disorders. 3. In cases of complete biliary obstruction, the radioactivity of the liver, CBD, and small bowel is not separated and the background activity is markedly increased. The kidneys are well visualized. 4. In severe hyperbilirubinaemia of above 10mg%, this method is not valuable

  11. Direct n.c.a. Radioiodination and in-vivo Biologic Behavior of 1251- Dopamine (125IDA) in Mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    EI-Sheikht, R.; EL-Ghany, E.A.; EI-Wetery, A.S.; Saleh, Z.A.; Hussien, H.


    Dopamine(DA) was successfully labeled with iodine-125 via electrophilic substitution reaction producing 125 IDA tracer. This reaction proceeds well in acidic ph of value equal to 2, due to ease of solubility of the dopamine in this acidic ph value. Two oxidizing agents were used, Chloramine- T and iodogen. At low amount of chloramine-T (25 - 50 μJ) the radiochemical yield of 125 IDA was very low (40 %,) while at 100 μ J, an optimum yield (95 %) was obtained. Also, 20 μJ of iodogen gives a yield of 125 IDA equal to 40 %, while an optimum yield (97%) was obtained at 100 μJ of iodogen. Heating the reaction mixture to 100 degree C for 30 min was recommended to get a yield more than 95%, and heating for long time causes a decomposition of the labeled dopamine. The in-vitro stability of 125 IDA was determined along 24 hours, the data confirms that 125 IDA tracer was stable along eight hours without the detection of any by-products in the reaction mixture. The biodistribution data of the labeled dopamine shows rapid blood clearance, kidneys are the main rout of excretion and thc activity holed by thc kidneys at l/2 hour post injection was 9.5 % which increased gradually to 18.6 % at 1 hour post injection, then passes to the urine which show activity equal to 24.9 % at 2 hours post injection. The labeled dopamine ( 125 IDA) passes through the blood brain barrier (BBB) and the activity detected in the brain was very low and not exceeds 0.2 % at 2 h post injection. The ratio of the uptake of 125 IDA tracer of the brain to the blood was calculated and found equal to 0.1, 0.1, and 0.2 at 1/2, 1, and 2 h post injection, respectively. This low brain to blood ratio due to the low blood clearance of the tracer which males the labeled dopamine not suitable for brain imaging.The 125 IDA tracer was biologically unstable, to some extent, and degraded to free iodine which detected in the thyroid gland at 2 hours post injection with a percentage equal to 3.7

  12. Kas riigi ostueesõigus ahistab maaomanikku? / Rita Annus ; interv. Agnes Jürgens

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Annus, Rita


    Looduskaitseliste piirangutega kinnistuste koormamisest riigi ostueesõigusega ja selgitused, mida see maaomanikele kaasa toob. Ilmunud ka Harjumaa 27. märts 2007, lk. 5 ; Meie Maa 28. märts 2007, lk. 6 ; Lääne-Harju Ekspress 30. märts 2007, lk. 8 ; Valgamaalane 29. märts 2007, lk. 2 ; Lääne Elu 29. märts 2007, lk. 2 ; Koit 3. aprill 2007, lk. 3 ; Sakala : Viljandimaa Keskkond 4. aprill 2007, lk. 2 ; Virumaa Teataja : Roheline Maakond 13. aprill 2007, lk. 2 ; Võrumaa Teataja 17. aprill 2007, lk. 6 ; Lääne Elu : Keskkonnaleht 12. mai 2007, lk. 2 ; Oma Saar 29. juuni 2007, lk. 14

  13. Eri riikide noored üritavad lahendada Ida-Viru probleeme / Ishtvan Ban

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ban, Ishtvan


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 8. aug., lk. 3. Kohtla-Nõmmel programmi 'Euroopa Noored' toetusel toimunud rahvusvahelisest noorte kohtumisest, kus arutati Ida-Virumaa keskkonna ja turismi probleeme

  14. The GSPC: Newest Franchise in al-Qa'ida's Global Jihad

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Boudali, Lianne K


    .... Some observers have speculated that North Africa may be the next safe haven for al Qa ida, and that European countries may face a greater risk of attack if Algerian terrorist groups expand their base...

  15. Reversible adsorption of catalase onto Fe(3+) chelated poly(AAm-GMA)-IDA cryogels. (United States)

    Aktaş Uygun, Deniz; Uygun, Murat; Akgöl, Sinan; Denizli, Adil


    In this presented study, poly(acrylamide-glycidyl methacrylate) [poly(AAm-GMA)] cryogels were synthesized by cryopolymerization technique at sub-zero temperature. Prepared cryogels were then functionalized with iminodiacetic acid (IDA) and chelated with Fe(3+) ions in order produce the metal chelate affinity matrix. Synthesized cryogels were characterized with FTIR, ESEM and EDX analysis, and it was found that the cryogel had sponge like structure with interconnected pores and their pore diameter was about 200 μm. Fe(3+) chelated poly(AAm-GMA)-IDA cryogels were used for the adsorption of catalase and optimum adsorption conditions were determined by varying the medium pH, initial catalase concentration, temperature and ionic strength. Maximum catalase adsorption onto Fe(3+) chelated poly(AAm-GMA)-IDA cryogel was found to be 12.99 mg/g cryogel at 25 °C, by using pH 5.0 acetate buffer. Adsorbed catalase was removed from the cryogel by using 1.0M of NaCl solution and desorption yield was found to be 96%. Additionally, reusability profile of the Fe(3+) chelated poly(AAm-GMA)-IDA cryogel was also investigated and it was found that, adsorption capacity of the cryogels didn't decrease significantly at the end of the 40 reuses. Catalase activity studies were also tested and it was demonstrated that desorbed catalase retained 70% of its initial activity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Imaging of irradiated liver with Tc-99m-sulfur colloid and Tc-99m-IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gelfand, M.J.; Saha, S.; Aron, B.S.


    In three cases, irradiated regions of liver failed to concentrate Tc-99m-sulfur colloid. In two of these three, imaging with Tc-99m-acetanilide iminodiacetic acid (IDA) agents within five days showed near normal hepatic uptake of this hepatobiliary imaging agent. The hepatic parenchymal cells may be imaged with Tc-99m-IDA in some irradiated regions of liver, despite loss of reticuloendothelial cell function

  17. Ida and Ardi: The Fossil Cover Girls of 2009

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Peter C.


    -million-year-old Ida was promoted as the Eighth Wonder of the World, a Rosetta Stone of palaeontology, the Holy Grail of human evolution. Her 4.4-million-year-old contender was advanced as the Real Thing and won the title as scientific breakthrough of the year. One was supposedly “our earliest ancestor......By the autumn of 2009, contestants for the ultimate prize in the Greatest Show on Earth had narrowed down to two: from Germany, a flat, squirrel-sized lemur-looking creature in artificial resin and glass fibers; and from Ethiopia, a partial, small-brained hominin skeleton. Both had been locked away...... for years, guarded by their sentinels from the curious eyes of the public and from competitors supposedly lurking everywhere. On center stage were Darwinius massilae and Ardipithecus ramidus, or, as they were soon known to palaeontology geeks and breakfast television hosts alike, Ida and Ardi. The 47...

  18. Õigustloovad aktid Eesti õiguskorras ja riigi keskhaldusorganite aktidena : [bakalaureusetöö] / Kristjan Kenapea ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kalle Merusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kenapea, Kristjan


    Õiguse normatiivsus, õigusakti liigitus, õigustloova akti liigitus ja kehtivus, riigi keskhaldusorganite õigustloovad aktid (presidendi seadlus, otsus, käskkiri), vabariigi valitsuse õigustloovad aktid (määrus, korraldus), ministrite õigustloovad aktid (määrus, käskkiri)

  19. Age differences in IDA savings outcomes: findings from the American Dream Demonstration. (United States)

    Putnam, Michelle; Sherraden, Michael; Zhang, Lin; Morrow-Howell, Nancy


    This study aims to develop a greater understanding of age differences in savings outcomes within Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). Participant data from the American Dream Demonstration (ADD) are examined for age differences in accumulated net deposits, average monthly net deposits, and deposit frequency. ADDprogram data are examined for savings match rates, monthly savings targets, direct deposit, and hours of financial education offered. Results indicate that, on average, older IDA participants have better savings outcomes than younger participants. Findings from this study suggest that impoverished middleaged and older adults can save if provided an opportunity and incentives. However, success will depend on the characteristics of the programs.

  20. IDA Gamma-Ray Laser Annual Summary Report (1990): Investigation of the Feasibility of Developing A Laser Using Nuclear Transitions (United States)


    Broadening in the Theory of Superradiant Emission," Acta Physica Polonica , Vol. A39, 1971, pp. 633-638. 8. B. Balko, I.W. Kay, and J. Neuberger, IDA...Cuopy 1 3 of 60 copies AD-A259 475 IDA PAPER P-2533 IDA GAMMA-RAY LASER ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT (1990) Investigation of the Feasibility of Developing a ...embody results of major projects which ( a ) have a direct bearing on decisions affecting major programs, (b) address issues of significant concern to

  1. Ida-Euroopa ja soorollid Austrias näitusel / Kati Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Kati, 1984-


    Näitus "Soorollid - naiselikkus ja mehelikkus Ida-Euroopa kunstis" ("Gender Check. Feminity and Masculinity in Eastern European Art") Austria moodsa kunsti muuseumis 14. veebruarini 2010. Ekspositsioon algab 1960. aastatega. Kuraator Bojana Pejic. Eestit esindab 11 kunstnikku-rühmitust. Eesti valikust

  2. People in Ida-Virumaa : between two cultures / Ene Must

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Must, Ene


    Peamistest probleemidest Ida-Virumaal, Sillamäel ja Narvas. Kohalike elanike seas läbi viidud Eesti sotsioloogide, Eesti integratsioonifondi ja Saar Polli uuringufirma uurimusest, kus uuriti nende sidemeid naaberriikidega, majanduslikku olukorda ning nende võimalikku elukoha muutust seoses majandusliku olukorraga Eestis ja liitumisega EL-iga. Kokkuvõtted uuringu tulemustest. Diagrammid

  3. Effect of phenobarbital on 99mTc-IDA scintigraphy in the evaluation of neonatal jaundice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majd, M.; Reba, R.C.; Altman, R.P.


    Hepatobiliary scintigraphy with 99mTc-IDA derivatives was used to evaluate 40 neonates with mixed jaundice. Fourteen patients proved to have biliary atresia. The remaining 26 patients had intrahepatic cholestasis with patent extrahepatic ducts. Sixteen of the 40 patients underwent examinations without phenobarbital stimulation. Sixteen patients had two examinations, one before and one after 3-7 days of phenobarbital therapy. The remaining 8 patients had their initial examinations after phenobarbital therapy. The results of this study show that administration of phenobarbital in a dose of 5 mg/kg/day for at least 5 days prior to the examination enhances and accelerates biliary excretion of IDA compounds and thereby significantly increases the accuracy of 99mTc-IDA scintigraphy in differentiating extrahepatic biliary atresia from neonatal hepatitis. Its routine use in the evaluation of neonatal jaundice is therefore highly recommended

  4. Res Publica Ida-Viru piirkond valis uue juhatuse / Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gamzejev, Erik, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 4. dets. lk. 1. Res Publica Ida-Viru piirkonna üldkogul valiti uus juhatus, Vladimir Sarantsevi sõnul oli koosolek enamiku Kohtla-Järve osakonna liikmete arvates õigustühine. Res Publica peasekretäri Tõnis Konsi kommentaare

  5. The role of Tc-99m IDA hepatobiliary and Tc-99m colloid hepatic imaging in primary biliary cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aburano, T.; Yokoyama, K.; Shuke, N.; Kinuya, S.; Takayama, T.; Tonami, N.; Hisada, K.


    To assess the presence of primary biliary cirrhosis, 15 patients at various histopathologic stages were studied by Tc-99m IDA hepatobiliary and/or Tc-99m colloid hepatic imaging. In the earlier stages (I and II), seven of eight patients (88%) showed uniform hepatic retention of Tc-99m IDA. Of seven patients in the same stage, however, four (57%) showed no abnormality on Tc-99m colliod imaging. In three of these four negative patients (75%), uniform hepatic retention of Tc-99m IDA was noted. In the later stages (III and IV), all seven patients showed decreased clearance with or without delayed tracer appearance in the intestine and prominent hepatic retention on Tc-99m IDA imaging; with Tc-99m colloid imaging there was enlargement of the spleen and increased activity in the spleen and bone marrow. Thus, Tc-99m IDA imaging is considered to be more useful in revealing this functional disorder at the earlier stage of primary biliary cirrhosis and in evaluating progression from an earlier to a later stage of disease. Tc-99m colloid imaging also effectively evaluated progression

  6. IDA NOMEX: examination of emergency protective measures in Switzerland; Ueberpruefung der Notfallschutzmassnahmen in der Schweiz. Bericht der interdepartementalen Arbeitsgruppe IDA NOMEX

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of work carried out by the Swiss Interdepartmental Working Group on Emergency Protective Measures for Extreme Incidents IDA NOMEX after the nuclear incident in Fukushima, Japan. The first three chapters deal with the initial situation after the incidents in Fukushima. The mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government to IDA NOMEX and its implementation are discussed. Topics covered include data on the personnel and materials required to deal with nuclear incidents, details with reference to the Swiss Radiation Protection Ordinance, tasks of the various state agencies along with the interfaces between them, lessons learned from the nuclear accident in Fukushima, current deficits in the various organisations and measures to be taken as well as a master plan and its implementation. The testing of the various reference scenarios proposed is discussed and various measures, such as evacuation concepts and the distribution of iodine tablets, are looked at in detail. The international situation is examined and co-operation within Europe and also with international bodies is looked at. Finally the required resources are discussed and further work to be done is looked at. Appendices complete the report.

  7. Ocean-atmosphere dynamics during Hurricane Ida and Nor'Ida: An application of the coupled ocean-;atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system (United States)

    Olabarrieta, Maitane; Warner, John C.; Armstrong, Brandy N.; Zambon, Joseph B.; He, Ruoying


    The coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system was used to investigate atmosphere–ocean–wave interactions in November 2009 during Hurricane Ida and its subsequent evolution to Nor'Ida, which was one of the most costly storm systems of the past two decades. One interesting aspect of this event is that it included two unique atmospheric extreme conditions, a hurricane and a nor'easter storm, which developed in regions with different oceanographic characteristics. Our modeled results were compared with several data sources, including GOES satellite infrared data, JASON-1 and JASON-2 altimeter data, CODAR measurements, and wave and tidal information from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) and the National Tidal Database. By performing a series of numerical runs, we were able to isolate the effect of the interaction terms between the atmosphere (modeled with Weather Research and Forecasting, the WRF model), the ocean (modeled with Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)), and the wave propagation and generation model (modeled with Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)). Special attention was given to the role of the ocean surface roughness. Three different ocean roughness closure models were analyzed: DGHQ (which is based on wave age), TY2001 (which is based on wave steepness), and OOST (which considers both the effects of wave age and steepness). Including the ocean roughness in the atmospheric module improved the wind intensity estimation and therefore also the wind waves, surface currents, and storm surge amplitude. For example, during the passage of Hurricane Ida through the Gulf of Mexico, the wind speeds were reduced due to wave-induced ocean roughness, resulting in better agreement with the measured winds. During Nor'Ida, including the wave-induced surface roughness changed the form and dimension of the main low pressure cell, affecting the intensity and direction of the winds. The combined wave age- and wave steepness

  8. Ocean-atmosphere dynamics during Hurricane Ida and Nor'Ida: An application of the coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system (United States)

    Olabarrieta, Maitane; Warner, John C.; Armstrong, Brandy N.; Zambon, Joseph B.; He, Ruoying


    The coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system was used to investigate atmosphere–ocean–wave interactions in November 2009 during Hurricane Ida and its subsequent evolution to Nor’Ida, which was one of the most costly storm systems of the past two decades. One interesting aspect of this event is that it included two unique atmospheric extreme conditions, a hurricane and a nor’easter storm, which developed in regions with different oceanographic characteristics. Our modeled results were compared with several data sources, including GOES satellite infrared data, JASON-1 and JASON-2 altimeter data, CODAR measurements, and wave and tidal information from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) and the National Tidal Database. By performing a series of numerical runs, we were able to isolate the effect of the interaction terms between the atmosphere (modeled with Weather Research and Forecasting, the WRF model), the ocean (modeled with Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)), and the wave propagation and generation model (modeled with Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)). Special attention was given to the role of the ocean surface roughness. Three different ocean roughness closure models were analyzed: DGHQ (which is based on wave age), TY2001 (which is based on wave steepness), and OOST (which considers both the effects of wave age and steepness). Including the ocean roughness in the atmospheric module improved the wind intensity estimation and therefore also the wind waves, surface currents, and storm surge amplitude. For example, during the passage of Hurricane Ida through the Gulf of Mexico, the wind speeds were reduced due to wave-induced ocean roughness, resulting in better agreement with the measured winds. During Nor’Ida, including the wave-induced surface roughness changed the form and dimension of the main low pressure cell, affecting the intensity and direction of the winds. The combined wave age- and wave steepness

  9. Saksakeelne kultuuripärand Ida-Euroopas ja selle digiteerimine / Aija Sakova-Merivee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sakova-Merivee, Aija, 1980-


    Ülevaade 27.–28. aprillini 2015 Saksamaal Regensburgis toimunud rahvusvahelisest seminarist „Saksakeelse kultuuripärandi digiteerimine Ida-Euroopas” (Digitizing German-language cultural heritage from Eastern Europe)

  10. Uus Lähis-Ida / Robert Malley ; tõlk. Märt Väljataga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Malley, Robert


    Lähis-Ida konfliktist ja selle võimalikust edasisest arengust. Sisepoliitilisest olukorrast Palestiinas pärast äärmusrühmituse Hamas valimisvõitu 2006. aasta jaanuaris. Islamiliikumisest Hezbollah

  11. IDA and the Technical Cooperation Program Real-Time Systems and Ada Workshop, 21-23 June 1988 (United States)


    IDA Memorandum Report M-540, IDA and the Technical Cooperation Program Real - Time Systems and Ada Workshop, 21-23 June 1988, documents the results of... time systems , (2) identify and clarify known Ada real-time issues, (3) identify near-term and long-term solutions, and (4) provide assessment and...Technology (ODUSD R&AT). Funding was provided by the STARS Joint Program Office. The objectives were to (1) define requirements for using Ada in real

  12. /sup 99m/Tc-IDA imaging in the differential diagnosis of acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonseca, C.; Greenberg, D.; Rosenthall, L.; Arzoumanian, A.; Lisbona, R.


    Technetium-/sup 99m/-labelled dimethly-acetanilide-iminodiacetic acid (/sup 99m/Tc-IDA) hepato-biliary imaging was evaluated for its efficacy in distinguishing acute cholecystitis from acute pancreatitis. In a retrospective review, gallbladders were demonstrated by /sup 99m/Tc-IDA in 13 of 15 patients (87%) with acute pancreatitis. This is significantly higher than reports on the frequency of gallbladder filling with oral and intravenous cholangiography in the presence of acute cholecystitis

  13. Vene mõjukaim IT-guru soovitab Eesti uuendusi ida poole müüa / Henrik Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Henrik


    Eestit külastanud Venemaa mõjukamaid IT-gurusid Alexander Galitsky soovitab Eestis välja töötatud ja toimivaid innovaatilisi lahendusi pakkuda Venemaa turule. Alexander Galitsky nõustab Allan Martinsoni investeerimisfirmat Martinson Trigon Venture Partners. Vt. samas: E-riigi Akadeemia aitab firmade saavutused itta

  14. Ida-Virumaa kunstnike kevadnäitus on kunstimuuseumi filiaalis viimane / Sofja Bauer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bauer, Sofia, 1947-2001


    Aleksander Igonini korraldatud Ida-Virumaa kunstnike kevadnäitusest Kunstimuuseumi Jõhvi filiaalis, kus 20 kunstnikku olid esitanud 60 tööd, seekordsel näitusel ei osalenud Narva ja Sillamäe kunstnikud

  15. IDA NOMEX: examination of emergency protective measures in Switzerland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of work carried out by the Swiss Interdepartmental Working Group on Emergency Protective Measures for Extreme Incidents IDA NOMEX after the nuclear incident in Fukushima, Japan. The first three chapters deal with the initial situation after the incidents in Fukushima. The mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government to IDA NOMEX and its implementation are discussed. Topics covered include data on the personnel and materials required to deal with nuclear incidents, details with reference to the Swiss Radiation Protection Ordinance, tasks of the various state agencies along with the interfaces between them, lessons learned from the nuclear accident in Fukushima, current deficits in the various organisations and measures to be taken as well as a master plan and its implementation. The testing of the various reference scenarios proposed is discussed and various measures, such as evacuation concepts and the distribution of iodine tablets, are looked at in detail. The international situation is examined and co-operation within Europe and also with international bodies is looked at. Finally the required resources are discussed and further work to be done is looked at. Appendices complete the report

  16. Võlgniku põhihuvide keskme riigi õiguse mõju võlausaldajate nõuete lahendamisele vahekohtus : [magistritöö] / Martin Mäesalu ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Maarja Torga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäesalu, Martin, 1986-


    Võlgniku põhihuvide keskme mõjust maksejõuetusmenetlusele kohalduva õiguse määratlemisel, riigi õiguse mõjust vahekohtu kokkuleppele ja arbitreeritavusele ning protsessile ja vahekohtulahendile

  17. Kolme ekspeaministri talk-show Ida-Viru ärieliidi ees / Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gamzejev, Erik, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota 16. veebr., lk. 1. Majandusminister Juhan Parts, IRL esimees ja parlamendiliige Mart Laar ja Sillamäe sadama ning Silmeti suuraktsionär Tiit Vähi kohtusid Ida-Virumaa suurettevõtete juhtidega. Lisa: Mart Laar; Tiit Vähi; Juhan Parts

  18. Promoting Dark Sky Protection in Chile: the Gabriel Mistral IDA Dark Sky Sanctuary and Other AURA Initiatives (United States)

    Smith, R. Chris; Smith, Malcolm; Pompea, Stephen; Sanhueza, Pedro; AURA-Chile EPO Team


    For over 20 years, AURA has been leading efforts promoting the protection of dark skies in northern Chile. Efforts began in the early 1990s at AURA's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), working in collaboration with other international observatories in Chile including Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO). CTIO also partnered with local communities, for example supporting Vicuña's effort to establish the first municipal observatory in Chile. Today we have developed a multifaceted effort of dark sky protection, including proactive government relations at national and local levels, a strong educational and public outreach program, and a program of highlighting international recognition of the dark skies through the IDA Dark Sky Places program. Work on international recognition has included the declaration of the Gabriel Mistral IDA Dark Sky Sanctuary, the first such IDA sanctuary in the world.

  19. Gender Check - veel kord soolisusest Ida-Euroopa kunstis / Mare Tralla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tralla, Mare, 1967-


    Novembris 2010 Viinis toimunud konverentsist, kus analüüsiti näituse "Gender Check. Feminiinsus ja maskuliinsus Ida-Euroopa kunstis" kogemust ning sellele eelnenud ja järgnenud uurimistöö tulemusi. Esitleti artiklite kogumikku "Gender check: a reader : art and theory in Eastern Europe". "Gender Checki" projekti edasisest saatusest ja mõjust

  20. "Rändur udumere kohal" ehk Ida-Viru maastikke otsides = Travellers above the mist - in search for the landscapes of Ida-Virumaa / Henn Runnel, Rait Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Runnel, Henn, 1983-


    Ida-Virumaa maastikest. Tööstusalade rekultiveerimisest ja taaskasutusprojektidest (põlevkivi hariduskeskus, Kiviõli seikluspark, Aidu sõudekanal jm.). Emscheri maastikupargist Saksamaal. Autorite sõnul võiks olemasolevate tööstusmaastike jätkuv kasutus ja nende hilisem rekultiveerimine käia piirkonna hilisemat potensiaali arvestavalt ja kujundavalt. Kaevanduste planeerimisel võiksid osaleda maastikuarhitektid

  1. A Neighborhood Condition for Fractional ID-[A, B]-Factor-Critical Graphs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhou Sizhong


    Full Text Available Let G be a graph of order n, and let a and b be two integers with 1 ≤ a ≤ b. Let h : E(G → [0, 1] be a function. If a ≤ ∑e∋x h(e ≤ b holds for any x ∈ V (G, then we call G[Fh] a fractional [a, b]-factor of G with indicator function h, where Fh = {e ∈ E(G : h(e > 0}. A graph G is fractional independent-set-deletable [a, b]-factor-critical (in short, fractional ID-[a, b]- factor-critical if G − I has a fractional [a, b]-factor for every independent set I of G. In this paper, it is proved that if for any two nonadjacent vertices x, y ∈ V (G, then G is fractional ID-[a, b]-factor-critical. Furthermore, it is shown that this result is best possible in some sense.

  2. The hepatic excretion of 131I-rose bengal and sup(99m)Tc-IDA derivatives in Rotor's syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galli, G.; Focacci, C.; Maini, C.L.; Salvatori, M.; Troncone, L.; Fedeli, G.L.; Rapaccini, G.L.


    Bilirubin kinetics and hepatobiliary excretion of some exogenous anions (BSP, 131 I-rose bengal, diethyl and parabutyl-IDA labeled with sup(99m)Tc) were studied in three patients presenting with Rotor's syndrome. Two were brothers; a noja undiced fraternal twin of one of them was also evaluated. The hepatic clearance of the radiopharmaceuticals was imparired in the affected patients but the degree of impairment was different among the tested anions, i.e., maximal for 99 Tc-diethyl-IDA and minimal for 131 I-rose bengal. Parabutyl-IDA was cleared better than the diethyl derivative. The metabolic derangement seems to be the level of transfer from plasma to liver and of the hepatic storage, rather than at the level of hepatocyte excretory pathways, as in the case of Dubin-Johnson syndrome. (orig.)

  3. Riigi rahvusvaheline vastutus erga omnes kohustuste rikkumisest Tðetðeenia relvakonflikti näitel : [bakalaureusetöö] / Martin Roger ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kristi Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roger, Martin


    Riigi vastutuse üldisest iseloomust rahvusvahelises õiguses, teo omistatavus riigile, rahvusvahelise kohustuse rikkumine, Tshetsheenia konflikt kui siseriiklik relvastatud konflikt, Vene Föderatsiooni rahvusvahelise humanitaarõiguse rikkumised Tshetsheenia konfliktis, vastutuse rakendamine

  4. Stability 'in vivo' and 'in vitro' of the diisopropyl-IDA sup(99m)Tc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verdera, E.S.; Leon, A.S.; Robles, A.M.; Correa, Angela; Oliver, Guillermo; Gamma, Santos; Lanzzeri, Stella; Mitta, A.E.A.


    The 'in vitro' and 'in vivo' stability of the diisopropyl (IDA-3) kit in solution and of the molecule labelled with sup(99m)Tc was studied. The following items were studied a) shelf life of the kit in solution b) 'in vitro' stability of the labelled molecule c) distribution and elimination kinetics d) identification and behaviour of the excretion products. Chromatographic control shows 95% yield of labelled product after 20 days storage at 4 deg C and 92% yield after 30 days in the same conditions; biological distribution was good in both cases. Regarding the 'in vitro' stability, no alteration was observed within the 4 hours after its preparation. The stability of the complex was determined by the reaction between sup(99m)TcIDA-3 and DTPA. Analysis by electrophoresis shows the complex to be stable even with DTPA concentrations 5 times higher. Kinetics of distribution and elimination of the labelled molecule, in animals, were afterwards confirmed by sequential scintigraphic images in humans. The excretion of unaltered sup(99m)Tc-IDA by biliary and urinary ways was confirmed by cromatographic and electrophoretic analysis of bladder and gall bladder content and by determination of its biological distribution. (author) [es

  5. Development of a formulation for the preparation of 99m Tc-Ida-bis-Biotin complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutierrez B, L.C.


    The radiopharmaceuticals of diagnostic use incorporate the radioisotope to an organic or inorganic molecule which goes selectively to the interest organ, to an a physiologic or metabolic process of the body with a simple and quantitatively interpretable kinetics. The 99m Tc occupies 80% from total of the studies realized in the world by the optimum combination of physical half-life (6 h), radionuclide quantity (ng) and high energy emission which allows to obtain results with the greatest information. Actually, in Nuclear Medicine, the research strategies are directed to the use of 'premarkers systems' based in the antibody administration, separated from radionuclide through the use of the avidin/biotin system. According to these considerations it was developed the 99m Tc-IDA-bis-Biotine complex as a new radiopharmaceutical which improves the diagnostic image of infectious core and tumorals. The IDA-biotin compound was synthesised and characterized by its melting point, IR spectroscopy, NMR, MS, UV and High-resolution liquid chromatography (HRLC). With base in an experimental factorial design those variables were established which influence in the radiochemical purity of the radiopharmaceutical which allowed to determine the reaction conditions, pH 9 at environmental temperature (22 Celsius degrees) and the optimum concentrations of the formulation components. IDA-biotine 1.0 mg, stannous chloride 0.1 mg and gluconate 15 mg as weak binding linking were realized to the lyophilized product quality control tests like: stability and radiochemical purity. The analytical techniques used UV spectrophotometry and HRLC were validated. The studies of biodistribution of the 99m Tc-Ida-bis-biotin complex were realized in healthy laboratory animals, showing stability 'In vivo' with renal purification. (Author)

  6. Vene keele trump on Ida-Viru valimisvõitluses rolli kaotamas / Tuuli Koch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koch, Tuuli


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 22. veebr. lk. 4. Vaatluse all on Lääne-Virumaa ja Ida-Virumaa kandidaadid parlamendivalimistel. Lisa: Ringkond nr. 6; Ringkond nr. 7. Vt samas: Spiiker ja endine miss hääli püüdmas

  7. Conservation of the abscission signaling peptide IDA during Angiosperm evolution: withstanding genome duplications and gain and loss of the receptors HAE/HSL2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ida M. Stø


    Full Text Available The peptide INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA, which signals through the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases HAESA (HAE and HAESA-LIKE2 (HSL2, controls different cell separation events in Arabidopsis thaliana. We hypothesize the involvement of this signaling module in abscission processes in other plant species even though they may shed other organs than A. thaliana. As the first step towards testing this hypothesis from an evolutionarily perspective we have identified genes encoding putative orthologues of IDA and its receptors by BLAST searches of publically available protein, nucleotide and genome databases for angiosperms. Genes encoding IDA or IDA-LIKE (IDL peptides and HSL proteins were found in all investigated species, which were selected as to represent each angiosperm order with available genomic sequences. The 12 amino acids representing the bioactive peptide in A. thaliana have virtually been unchanged throughout the evolution of the angiosperms; however, the number of IDL and HSL genes varies between different orders and species. The phylogenetic analyses suggest that IDA, HSL2 and the related HSL1 gene, were present in the species that gave rise to the angiosperms. HAE has arisen from HSL1 after a genome duplication that took place after the monocot - eudicots split. HSL1 has also independently been duplicated in the monocots, while HSL2 has been lost in gingers (Zingiberales and grasses (Poales. IDA has been duplicated in eudicots to give rise to functionally divergent IDL peptides. We postulate that the high number of IDL homologs present in the core eudicots is a result of multiple whole genome duplications. We substantiate the involvement of IDA and HAE/HSL2 homologs in abscission by providing gene expression data of different organ separation events from various species.

  8. Kurjategijast ja tema karistamise eesmärkidest riigi ja ühiskonna nägemuses : [magistritöö] / Signe Laanemäe ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Silvia Kaugia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanemäe, Signe


    Kurjategija määratlemisest ja kuritegeliku hälbe peamistest teoreetilistest käsitlustest, riigi karistusvõimu õigusfilosoofilistest ja õigusteoreetilistest põhjendustest, karistuse eesmärkidest ja tõhustamise meetmetest

  9. Tc-99m-diethyl-IDA imaging: clinical evaluation in jaundiced patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauwels, S.; Piret, L.; Schoutens, A.; Vandermoten, G.; Beckers, C.


    Hepatobiliary imaging with Tc-99m-N,α-(2,6-diethylacetanilide)-iminodiacetic acid (Tc-diethyl-IDA) was performed in 91 jaundiced patients with documented hepatobiliary damage and serum total bilirubin up to 35 mg/dl. There were 56 patients with obstructive jaundice and 35 with hepatocellular disease. Correct discrimination between hepatocellular and obstructive jaundice was possible with an overall accuracy of 90%. Agreement with the final clinical diagnosis was obtained in 97% of patients with hepatocellular disease, and in 86% of patients with obstructive jaundice. The reliability of the test was inversely related to the serum bilirubin levels below 10 mg/dl to 83% for bilirubin between 10 and 20 mg/dl. Above 20 mg/dl, the demonstration of a mechanical obstruction was possible in only one out of the four patients with obstructive jaundice. The high predictive values of the test illustrate that Tc-diethyl-IDA imaging constitutes a reliable method to demonstrate an obstructive cause for the jaundice as long as the bilirubin level remains below 20 mg/dl

  10. IDA Publications on Irregular Warfare: A Bibliography 2000 - Fall 2008 (United States)


    reconstruction effort. D-3550 Non-standard publication UNCLASSIFIED No URL No DTIC accession no. 2008 Memetics – Overview and Baseline Models This report...documents key notions and ideas that collectively com- prise what is known as meme theory or memetics – an emerging area of research for potential...and the dynamics of bio- logical systems as a platform for developing mathematical modes in memetics . D-3599 IDA CRP UNCLASSIFIED Approved for

  11. Balti Kaitsekolledzhi lõpuaktusel / Lennart Meri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meri, Lennart, 1929-2006


    Tartus 21. juunil 2002. a. peetud kõne Balti Kaitsekolledzhi kolonelide esimese kursuse ja vanemohvitseride kolmanda kursuse lõpuaktusel. Aja väärtuse ja aja kordumatuse täpne tajumine on oluline julgeolekutegur niisugustes väikestes riikides nagu Eesti, Läti ja Leedu või meie lähedased partnerid Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopas. Aeg ei esita küsimusi. Meie ise peame ajale aru andma, kas me oleme teinud kõik, et tõsta oma riigi usaldusväärsust ja kaasa aidata stabiilse julgeoleku tagamisele

  12. Simultaneous /sup 99m/Tc-p-butyl-IDA and 131I-rose bengal scintigraphy in neonatal jaundice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collier, B.D.; Treves, S.; Davis, M.A.; Heyman, S.; Subramanian, G.; McAfee, J.G.


    Eight neonates with jaundice were studied simultaneously with /sup 99m/Tc-p-butyl-IDA and 131 I-rose bengal. Due to physical decay, /sup 99m/Tc-p-butyl-IDA failed to demonstrate delayed excretion through the patent extrahepatic biliary tract in 3 of 5 patients with concomitant hepatitis; 131 I-rose bengal showed small-bowel activity in all 5. Neither agent demonstrated small-bowel activity in 3 neonates with extrahepatic biliary atresia. Based on this clinical trial, 131 I-rose bengal remains the radiopharmaceutical of choice for distinguishing between hepatitis and biliary atresia in these patients

  13. Dendrobium okinawense Hatusima & Ida (Orchidaceae: A Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shih-Wen Chung


    Full Text Available A newly recorded species, Dendrobium okinawense Hatusima & Ida, in Taiwan is described and illustrated. This species is rare and endemic to Ryukyu Islands. We recently found it in the mountains along the coast of southeastern Taiwan. Although the flower of D. okinawense is somewhat structurally similar to that of D. moniliforme, they are evidently different from each other in floral dimension, petals, lip shape and floral color.

  14. Synthesis of 2,6-diisopropyl-phenylcarbamoylmethyl-iminodiacetic acid (DISIDA) and 4-n-p-butyl-phenylcarbamoylmethyl-iminodiacetic acid (BUTYL-IDA). Preparation of lyophilized kit to be used as 99(supm)Tc agent in hepatobiliary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamada, E.S.; Barbosa, M.F. de; Theodora, M.A.; Almeida, M. de; Colturato, M.T.; Muramoto, E.; Silva, C.P.G. da.


    The synthesis of 2,6 diisopropyl IDA (DISIDA) and 4-n-butyl IDA (BUTIL-IDA) is described. Their spectroscopic properties, radiopharmaceutical preparation and their use as 99 (sup m)Tc complex agent in hepatobiliary studies, are also reported. (Author) [pt

  15. The National Water-Quality Assessment Program Invertebrate Data Analysis System (IDAS) Software: Version 3 (User's Manual)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Cuffney, Thomas F


    ... as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program and stored in the Biological Transactional Database (Bio-TDB). The IDAS software is a stand-alone program for personal computers that run Microsoft...

  16. Eestile väljamakstud ELi toetused ületavad Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa keskmist / Triin Värav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Värav, Triin


    KPMG Ungari kontori poolt läbiviidud uuringu kokkuvõte "EU Funds in Central and Eastern Europe - Progress report 2007-10" annab ülevaate Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa rahastamisvahenditest aastateks 2007-2013

  17. Integrated disturbance analysis (IDA): A basis for expert systems in nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastl, W.


    In the framework of a project sponsored by the Bundesminister fur Forschung und Technologie (BMFT) and the Rheinisch-Westfalisches Elektrizitatswerk AG (RWE) the concept of Integrated Disturbance Analysis (IDA) has been developed and applied to the Biblis Unit B Nuclear Power Plant. Rather than using the classical approach, which aims at finding the cause of a plant disturbance, the main goal was to make transparent to the operator what it really means for the process, when a set of parameters begins to deviate from its normal state. Therefore the goal was to help the operator to combine the information on the individual process parameters to the complete picture of the evolving transient, thus facilitating the decision about the importance of a disturbance for operational safety. Considering this goal the most important subjects taken care of were: to extend event sequence analysis by means of analog information; to provide adequate modelling of time dependent processes and feedback loops; to integrate IDA information effectively into the existing control room environment

  18. Erakonnad kombineerivad valimisnimekirju / Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gamzejev, Erik, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 5. okt. lk. 1,3. Suuremad erakonnad on praeguseks Ida-Virus suuremalt jaolt välja valinud kandidaadid, kes hakkavad parlamendivalimistel hääli koguma. Tabelid: Häälte jagunemine erakondadel vahel 2003. aasta riigikogu valimistel; Suuremad häältekogujad Ida-Virus 2003. a. riigikogu valimistel

  19. Comparison of future energy scenarios for Denmark: IDA 2050, CEESA (Coherent Energy and Environmental System Analysis), and Climate Commission 2050

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Pil Seok; Østergaard, Poul Alberg


    Scenario-making is becoming an important tool in energy policy making and energy systems analyses. This article probes into the making of scenarios for Denmark by presenting a comparison of three future scenarios which narrate 100% renewable energy system for Denmark in 2050; IDA 2050, Climate Commission 2050, and CEESA (Coherent Energy and Environmental System Analysis). Generally, although with minor differences, the scenarios suggest the same technological solutions for the future such as expansion of biomass usage and wind power capacity, integration of transport sector into the other energy sectors. The methodologies used in two academic scenarios, IDA 2050 and CEESA, are compared. The main differences in the methodologies of IDA 2050 and CEESA are found in the estimation of future biomass potential, transport demand assessment, and a trial to examine future power grid in an electrical engineering perspective. The above-mentioned methodologies are compared in an evolutionary perspective to determine if the methodologies reflect the complex reality well. The results of the scenarios are also assessed within the framework of “radical technological change” in order to show which future scenario assumes more radical change within five dimensions of technology; technique, knowledge, organization, product, and profit. -- Highlights: ► Three future scenarios for Danish future in 2050 are compared. ► All of these scenarios suggest the same solutions for the future with minor differences. ► There are differences in methodologies for IDA 2050 and CEESA such as biomass, transport, and power grid. ► The contents of scenarios are assessed which scenario assume more radical technological change in the future.

  20. EKL osales AIAP/IAA Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa komitee taasasutamiskonverentsil / Jaan Elken

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elken, Jaan, 1954-


    21.-23. IX toimus Bratislavas AIAP/IAA (Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques - AIAP UNESCO) Euroopa komitee taasasutamiskonverents. Ida-Euroopa komitee juhatuse presidendiks valiti Mehmet Gyleryuz, Lääne-Euroopa komitee presidendiks Werner Schaub. Euroopa IAA kongress toimub Heidelbergis mais 2002 (kaasneval portreenäitusel esindavad Eestit Mall Nukke, Maria-Kristiina Ulas), maailmakongress Ateenas septembris 2002.

  1. User's manual for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program Invertebrate Data Analysis System (IDAS) software, version 5 (United States)

    Cuffney, Thomas F.; Brightbill, Robin A.


    The Invertebrate Data Analysis System (IDAS) software was developed to provide an accurate, consistent, and efficient mechanism for analyzing invertebrate data collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The IDAS software is a stand-alone program for personal computers that run Microsoft Windows(Registered). It allows users to read data downloaded from the NAWQA Program Biological Transactional Database (Bio-TDB) or to import data from other sources either as Microsoft Excel(Registered) or Microsoft Access(Registered) files. The program consists of five modules: Edit Data, Data Preparation, Calculate Community Metrics, Calculate Diversities and Similarities, and Data Export. The Edit Data module allows the user to subset data on the basis of taxonomy or sample type, extract a random subsample of data, combine or delete data, summarize distributions, resolve ambiguous taxa (see glossary) and conditional/provisional taxa, import non-NAWQA data, and maintain and create files of invertebrate attributes that are used in the calculation of invertebrate metrics. The Data Preparation module allows the user to select the type(s) of sample(s) to process, calculate densities, delete taxa on the basis of laboratory processing notes, delete pupae or terrestrial adults, combine lifestages or keep them separate, select a lowest taxonomic level for analysis, delete rare taxa on the basis of the number of sites where a taxon occurs and (or) the abundance of a taxon in a sample, and resolve taxonomic ambiguities by one of four methods. The Calculate Community Metrics module allows the user to calculate 184 community metrics, including metrics based on organism tolerances, functional feeding groups, and behavior. The Calculate Diversities and Similarities module allows the user to calculate nine diversity and eight similarity indices. The Data Export module allows the user to export data to other software packages (CANOCO, Primer

  2. The clinical pharmacology of technetium diethyl-IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjen, H.S.L.M.


    In this presentation the performance of the cholescintigraphic study is evaluated from a patho-physiological point of view. With this approach studies of bilirubin metabolism may also provide important information about the mechanisms whereby other organic compounds are transported, metabolized and excreted by the liver cells. The results indicate that diethyl-IDA is a hepatobiliary agent with excellent biological properties. The behaviour of the reagent in normal and pathological individuals can be correlated to bilirubin metabolism. The performance of the cholescintigraphic study is less dependent on the serum bilirubin level in contrast to routinely used radiologic examinations. The level of alkaline phosphatase and serum transaminases is of no influence to the performance of the examination. Combining serial scintigraphy with time-activity curves and functional images from the computer provides additional information so that a differentiation between parenchymal liver disease and bile duct obstruction can be made. (Auth.)

  3. The radiopharmacological behaviour of Ida-derivatives in normal experimental animals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, P.H.


    Whilst Technetium-Ida derivatives all show basically similar patterns of biodistribution and as such are suited for cholescintigraphy they nevertheless differ significantly enough from each other to have warranted more detailed comparisons to select the reagent most suited for cholescintigraphy in humans. A review of the basic biological behaviour in animals immediately demonstrates that not only are there observable differences between derivatives but there are also differences in the biological behaviour of any one derivative in different species of animal. Animal data does not therefore directly relate to human biodistribution although many qualitative resemblances can be found. (Auth.)

  4. Juhan Parts tuleb Ida-Virumaale kuulama kohalike inimeste mõtteid / Juhan Parts ; interv. Sergei Stepanov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 25. juuli lk. 5, Narvskaja Nedelja 26. juuli lk. 5. 1. ja 2. augustil teeb Eesti Vabariigi peaminister Juhan Parts visiidi Ida-Virumaale, et külastada ettevõtteid, omavalitsusi ja kohtuda inimestega. Peaminister räägib, milliste eesmärkide ja ootustega ta visiidile läheb

  5. Kontrrevolutsioon kontrrevolutsiooni vastu. Tänapäeva Ida-Euroopa / Gaspar Miklos Tamas ; tõlk. Märt Väljataga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamas, Gaspar Miklos


    Vastureaktsioonist vasakliberaalse valitsuse poliitikale Ungaris. Nõukogude bloki riikide "reaalne sotsialism" kui riigikapitalismi erivorm. 1989. aasta režiimimuutusest Ida-Euroopa maades, vastupanust neokonservatiivsele kontrrevolutsioonile, idaeurooplaste protestiliikumistele iseloomulikest joontest. Lisa: Ungari filosoof Gaspar Miklos Tamas

  6. Kaug-Ida autoäri eripärast - sae kas või maastur pooleks / Jaanus Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirsalu, Jaanus, 1973-


    2009. a. tõsteti Venemaal sisseveetavate kasutatud autode tollimakse. Nüüd saetakse Vladivostokki teel olevad kasutatud autod Jaapanis pooleks ja tuuakse üle piiri kui varuosad. Poolitatud autod keevitatakse Vladivostokis taas kokku. Kasutatud autode äri on Kaug-Idas vähenenud kümneid kordi

  7. Evaluation of six new /sup 99m/Tc-IDA agents for hepatobiliary imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chervu, L.R.; Joseph, J.A.; Chun, S.B.; Rolleston, R.E.; Synnes, E.I.; Thompson, L.M.; Aldis, A.E.; Rosenthall, L.


    IDA derivatives of three substituted benzothiazol, and two substituted chlorophenyl and one substituted pyrazoline compounds have been labeled with /sup 99m/Tc and screened with four rat models with hepatocellular dysfunction manifesting varying degrees of change of liver architecture and hepatocellular damage associated with an active parenchymal destruction, fatty metamorphosis and cirrhosis. Organ distribution studies at 1 h postinjection have been compared in normal and diseased animal models for each agent labeled with /sup 99m/Tc and with /sup 99m/Tc-Disofenin (Disida) and Lidofenin (Hida) and /sup 131/I-Rose Bengal. From the data obtained with the six new IDA derivatives, the distribution kinetics of /sup 99m/Tc-Arclophenin, (N-N'-2-benzoyl-4-chlorophenyl)carbamoylmethyl) imino diacetic acid (Phenida), are closely comparable to /sup 99m/Tc-Disofenin in all animal models. Crossover patient studies (n = 14) for clinical evaluation of /sup 99m/Tc-Arclophenin vs /sup 99m/Tc-Disofenin indicate the close similarity of the 2 agents with regard to blood pool retention, gross liver/heart ratios and liver washout, suggesting Arclophenin as a suitable agent for hepatobiliary function studies. The impaired hepatocellular animal models presented should serve for fast screening of hepatobiliary agents and enable comparison of a series of closely related compounds.

  8. Life on wood - the carnivorous deep-sea mussel Idas argenteus (Bathymodiolinae, Mytilidae, Bivalvia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ockelmann, Kurt W.; Dinesen, Grete E.


    to an ephemeral habitat in the deep sea of both species are described herein. Although larviphagi is known to occur in some filter-feeding bivalves, Idas argenteus is the first mytilid known to be specifically adapted to a carnivorous life. Further, it is argued that the modifications of I. argenteus with regard...... to its shell development, alimentary system, gill anatomy and life habits provide important clues to the evolution of the Bathymodiolinae....

  9. Value of an hepatobiliary imaging agent for diagnosing hepatoma. Example of diethyl-IDA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourguet, P; Estable, P; Herry, J Y


    A comparative study was performed using two hepatic tracers, a Tc 99m labelled colloid and an hepatobiliary agent Tc 99m labelled diethyl-IDA. In some patients with isolated primary hepatocarcinoma the uptake of the hepatobiliary agent was observed but the colloid was not taken up. In the contrary, the hepatobiliary agent has proved to be of limited value for the diagnosis of hepatomas coexisting with cirrhosis and for the detection of secondary hepatocarcinoma.

  10. Value of an hepatobiliary imaging agent for diagnosing hepatoma. Example of diethyl-IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourguet, P.; Estable, P.; Herry, J.Y.


    A comparative study was performed using two hepatic tracers, a Tc 99m labelled colloid and an hepatobiliary agent Tc 99m labelled diethyl-IDA. In some patients with isolated primary hepatocarcinoma the uptake of the hepatobiliary agent was observed but the colloid was not taken up. In the contrary, the hepatobiliary agent has proved to be of limited value for the diagnosis of hepatomas coexisting with cirrhosis and for the detection of secondary hepatocarcinoma [fr

  11. Mürgitankeri jäätmed võivad minna Ida-Virumaale töötlusse / Ingvar Bärenklau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bärenklau, Ingvar, 1967-


    Mürgitamiskahtlusega tanker Probo Koala võib Paldiski sadamast lahkuda, kui lahendatakse logistikaülesanne, kuidas toimetada ligi 600 kuupmeetrit mürgist vett Paldiskist Ida-Virumaale Vaivara ohtlike jäätmete käitlemise keskusse. Lisa: Probo Koala Eestis

  12. Professor Jüri Talvetist sai Ida-Lääne akadeemia liige / intervjueerinud Rein Veidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvet, Jüri, 1945-


    Intervjuu Tartu ülikooli maailmakirjanduse professori Jüri Talvetiga luulefestivalist Curtea de Argeş ("Nopţile de Poezie de la Curtea de Argeş") ja tema rumeenia keelde tõlgitud luulekogust „Unest, lumest” ("De din somn, de din zăpadă" - tõlkija Dumitru M. Ion), mida autor seal esitlemas käis ning Ida-Lääne akadeemiast (Academia Internationala Orient-Occident), mille tegevliikmeks ta valiti

  13. Floral organ abscission peptide IDA and its HAE/HSL2 receptors control cell separation during lateral root emergence. (United States)

    Kumpf, Robert P; Shi, Chun-Lin; Larrieu, Antoine; Stø, Ida Myhrer; Butenko, Melinka A; Péret, Benjamin; Riiser, Even Sannes; Bennett, Malcolm J; Aalen, Reidunn B


    Throughout their life cycle, plants produce new organs, such as leaves, flowers, and lateral roots. Organs that have served their purpose may be shed after breakdown of primary cell walls between adjacent cell files at the site of detachment. In Arabidopsis, floral organs abscise after pollination, and this cell separation event is controlled by the peptide INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA), which signals through the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases HAESA (HAE) and HAESA-LIKE2 (HSL2). Emergence of new lateral root primordia, initiated deep inside the root under the influence of auxin, is similarly dependent on cell wall dissolution between cells in the overlaying endodermal, cortical, and epidermal tissues. Here we show that this process requires IDA, HAE, and HSL2. Mutation in these genes constrains the passage of the growing lateral root primordia through the overlaying layers, resulting in altered shapes of the lateral root primordia and of the overlaying cells. The HAE and HSL2 receptors are redundant in function during floral organ abscission, but during lateral root emergence they are differentially involved in regulating cell wall remodeling genes. In the root, IDA is strongly auxin-inducible and dependent on key regulators of lateral root emergence--the auxin influx carrier LIKE AUX1-3 and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7. The expression levels of the receptor genes are only transiently induced by auxin, suggesting they are limiting factors for cell separation. We conclude that elements of the same cell separation signaling module have been adapted to function in different developmental programs.

  14. Use of TC 99-IDA in the differential diagnosis of bile ducts atresia in the newborn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sosky, R.A.; Arias Coehl, S.; Jara York, J.; Calabro, M.A.


    Two newborn with jaundice, acholia, coluria, elevated bilirubinemia and alchaline fosfatase were studied at the Nuclear Medicine Unit at the IICS with Tc 99-IDA. Differential diagnosis between bile ducts atresia and neonatal hepatitis can be done with this method. This technique is reliable, low radiation dose to patient and no adverse reaction occurs with this radiopharmaceutical

  15. Observation on the changes of serum erythropoietin (EPO) and ferritin (SF) levels after preserved red cells (PRC) transfusion in patients with iron deficiency anemia (IDA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Keqin; Lv Haijun; Li Xinghua


    Objective: To study the changes of serum EPO and SF levels after preserved red cells transfusion in patients with IDA. Methods: Serum EPO and SF levels were detected with RIA both before and after transfusing preserved red cells in 35 patients with IDA as well as in 30 controls. Results: Before transfusion serum EPO levels in the patients were significantly higher than those in the controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Transfusing preserved red cells is an effective treatment and has important role in clinical application. (authors)

  16. Chemical and biological properties of 2,6-diisopropyl IDA labelled with sup(99m)Tc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zmbova, B.; Djokic, D.; Ninkovic, D.; Obradovic, V.; Kostic, K.


    A procedure is described for the synthesis of 2,6-diisopropyl IDA (DISIDA) and for preparation of the radiopharmaceutical by ''instant technique''. The chemical parameters affecting the formation of the Sn(II)-DISIDA complex were also determined. Biological studies involved lypophylic measurements, determination of binding constants as well as rate of binding to proteins and biodistribution. Clinical investigation demonstrated good hepatobilliary features of this radiopharmaceutical. (author)

  17. CTC Sentinel. Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2009. Al-Qa’ida’s Five Aspects of Power (United States)


    strategic messaging efforts—the conduit for brand awareness and the expansion of the movement. The distributed social movement that is al-Qa`ida is multi...far beyond message projection and brand awareness efforts. Indeed, the efforts to segment its audience have enabled a far more nuanced messaging

  18. Synthesis and quality control of sup(99m)Tc-p-butyl IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zmbova, B.; Konstantinovska-Djokic, D.; Tadzer, I.


    A procedure is described for synthesis of p-butyl IDA and for identification of the product by i.r. and NMR spectroscopy and by chemical analysis. A method for preparing this compound by ''instant'' technique and for its labelling with sup(99m)Tc is also given, as well as a procedure for control of the chemical and biological properties of the radiopharmaceutical. Radiochemical study shows a high labelling yield of 95%. Investigation of the biodistribution proves that this preparation is a good hepatobiliary reagent, suitable for use in investigation of the liver functions and for quantitative visualization of the hepatobiliary system. (author)

  19. Mooring observations of the near-inertial wave wake of Hurricane Ida (2009) (United States)

    Pallàs-Sanz, Enric; Candela, Julio; Sheinbaum, Julio; Ochoa, José


    The near-inertial wave wake of Hurricane Ida is examined of the basis of horizontal velocity observations acquired from 7 moorings instrumented with acoustic Doppler current profilers deployed across the shelf break, slope, and at the abyssal plain of the Yucatan Peninsula, from 130 m to ∼3300 m. During the forced stage, background mean-flow consisted on a dominant cyclonic circulation of ∼100 km of diameter intensified toward the Yucatan's shelf (topographic constraint) and bounded by anticyclonic vorticity northeastward (north 25° N). In the low frequency band, subinertial signals of ∈ [5.5-7.5] day period propagating along the Yucatan shelf break. After the passage of Hurricane Ida, energetic near-inertial oscillations spread away from the storm's track over cyclonic vorticity. The wave's Eulerian frequency increases shoreward and toward the Yucatan's shelf. After Ida's passage, mooring data show a contrasting velocity response: semi-diurnal and diurnal tides are enhanced at the shelf break of the Yucatan Peninsula and near-inertial oscillations at the slope and abyssal plain. The near-inertial kinetic energy is largest to the right of the storm track because of the asymmetric wind-stress and amplified due to vorticity trapping near z =-500 m, which is a proxy of the base of the mesoscale structure and where the mean-flow is nearly zero. The blue frequency shifted wave wake propagates downward at ∼57-70 m day-1 and horizontally at 23-28 km day-1 leading a downward vertical energy flux of [1.3-1.6] × 10-2 W m-2. This represents a 7-9% of the total wind power input to near-inertial oscillations that, ultimately, became available for interior ocean mixing. The results suggest that the most energetic wave packet propagated poleward and downward from a broad upwelling region located near the Hurricane's track. The vertical structure of the near-inertial kinetic energy is described as a sum of the first 12 standing vertical modes and as vertically

  20. The IDA cognitive model for the analysis of nuclear power plant operator response under accident conditions. Part I: problem solving and decision making model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smidts, C.; Shen, S.H.; Mosleh, A.


    This paper is the first of a series of papers describing IDA which is a cognitive model for analysing the behaviour of nuclear power plant operators under accident conditions. The domain of applicability of the model is a relatively constrained environment where behaviour is significantly influenced by high levels of training and explicit requirement to follow written procedures. IDA consists of a model for individual operator behaviour and a model for control room operating crew expanded from the individual model. The model and its derivatives such as an error taxonomy and data collection approach has been designed with ultimate objective of becoming a quantitative method for human reliability analysis (HRA) in probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). The present paper gives a description of the main components of IDA such as memory structure, goals, and problem solving and decision making strategies. It also identifies factors that are at the origin of transitions between goals or between strategies. These factors cover the effects of external conditions and psychological state of the operator. The description is generic at first and then made specific to the nuclear power plant environment and more precisely to abnormal conditions

  1. 研究炉事故・故障データベースシステム,IDAS-RR; 使用手引書


    松本 潔; 鴻坂 厚夫; 神永 雅紀; 村山 洋二; 大西 信秋; 間庭 正樹


    国内外の研究炉の事故・故障に関する情報を収録した研究炉事故・故障データベースシステムIDAS-RR(Incident Data Base System for Research Reactors)を開発した。IDAS-RRは、メニュー形式によってデータの入力、検索、更新、集計処理等、様々な形態の利用が可能なデータベースシステムであり、パーソナルコンピュータPC-9801上で作動する。IDAS-RRは、現在の目的も含め、研究炉を所有する機関に有用なデータベースと考えられる。1)研究炉における事故・故障分析の対象もしくは参考データ、2)研究炉異常診断システムの知識ベース構築のための解析用起因事象参考データ、3)研究炉における緊急時計画の策定の参考データ、本報告書はIDAS-RRの使用手引書である。...

  2. Di case, lingue e finestre: Ida Kaminska, attrice yiddish

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giulia Randone


    Full Text Available This paper aims to explore the artistic biography of Ida Kaminska – the leading figure of the Yiddish theatre in Poland in the 20th century – proposing a new metaphor for the theatrical experience of the Ashkenazi Jews and a different use of the audio-visual sources. First, I will explain why we can look at the Yiddish theatre as a house (heym with a lot of windows, then I will examine Kaminska’s performance in three different films – On a heym (Without a Home, 1939, Obchod na korze (The Shop on Main Street, 1965 and The Angel Levine (1970 – through this peculiar metaphor. Even if they are not recordings of the theatrical performance, these documents could help us to understand some of the features of Kaminska’s art (i.e., the focus on identity, otherness and Yiddish language and how they changed after the Holocaust.

  3. Keskerakonna Ida-Viru piirkonna juht Eevi Paasmäe: "Mulle meeldib olla otsustamise juures!" / Eevi Paasmäe ; interv. Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paasmäe, Eevi, 1952-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota 10. sets., lk. 3. Keskerakonna Ida-Viru piirkonna juht lõppenud kohalike valimiste tulemustest, erakonna edust. Arvamust avaldavad Riigikogu spiiker Toomas Varek ja Keskerakonna Jõhvi osakonna juht Villu Pung. Eevi Paasmäe CV

  4. 77 FR 2118 - In the Matter of the Designation of al-Qa'ida Kurdish Battalions (AQKB), Also Known as Kurdistan... (United States)


    ... Battalions (AQKB), Also Known as Kurdistan Brigades, Also Known as Kurdistan Battalion of Islamic State in Iraq, Also Known as Kurdistan Brigade of al-Qaeda in Iraq, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist... known as al-Qa'ida Kurdish Battalions (AQKB), also known as Kurdistan Brigades, also known as, Kurdistan...

  5. Clearance of sup(99m)Tc-diisopropyl-IDA in the steady state

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karimeddini, M K; Vogler, M A; Spencer, R P


    A 77-year-old man with a stent in lace for biliary drainage was examined. Intravenously administered sup(99m)Tc-diisopropyl-IDA showed little accumulation of activity in the abdomen while the stent was draining internally. Upon switching the stent to external drainage, it was possible to monitor the slow movement of the bile which contained radioactivity. Imaging over the liver and comparing activity changes with a sup(99a)Tc standard showed that the decrease in hepatic radioactivity was identical to that occurring in the sup(99m)Tc standard. The liver was thus in a ''steady state'' for excretion of the sup(99m)Tc hepatobiliary agent, for it was extracting as much radioactivity from the circulation as it was excreting.

  6. Jogando a cartada transatlântica: as campanhas anti-linchamento britânicas de Ida B. Wells


    Paisana, Joanne


    This paper shows the effectiveness of nineteenth-century transatlantic social campaigns, highlighting the usefulness of using existing reform networks for one black American female agitator in particular, Ida B. Wells. Wells’ 1893 and 1894 British anti-lynching campaigns aimed to raise public awareness and consequently support in Britain for stamping out lynching in America and thereafter to galvanize Americans into doing the same. She was supported by Catherine Impey and temperance campaigne...

  7. The Ongoing Addition of Infrasound Sensors and the Flexette Wind-Noise Reducing System to Global Seismic Network Stations Operated by Project IDA (United States)

    Ebeling, C. W.; Coon, C.


    Infrasound sensors are now being installed at Global Seismic Network (GSN) stations meeting certain infrastructure criteria. Manufactured by Hyperion Technology Group, Inc., these instruments (model IFS-3312) have a nominal sensitivity of 140 mV/Pa (at 1 Hz), a full-scale range of ±100 Pa, and a dynamic range of 120 dB. Low power consumption (750 mW at 12 VDC) and small size (153 mm x 178 mm) ease incorporation into the mix of existing GSN instrumentation. The accompanying flexible rosette ("Flexette") acoustic wind-noise reducing system, designed by Project IDA (International Deployment of Accelerometers-IDA), optimally includes 24 inlets, 4 secondary manifolds, and a single primary manifold. Each secondary manifold is connected to 6 inlets and to the primary manifold by 10-ft air hoses, thus eliminating stresses and the greater potential for leaks associated with the use of pipe. While the main design goal was to maximize the reduction of acoustic wind-noise over the widest range of wind speeds possible, consideration of additional criteria resulted in a Flexette base design easily tailored to meet individual station constraints and restrictions, made up of inexpensive (total cost Marshall Islands), in August 2017. During the next 6 months infrasound capability will be extended to IDA GSN stations BORG (Borganes, Iceland), EFI (Mount Kent, East Falkland Islands), and SACV (Santiago Island, Cape Verde).As with other data from GSN stations, real-time infrasound data are freely available from the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology-Data Management Center (IRIS-DMC).

  8. Hepatic blood flow determination. A comparison of 99mTc-diethyl-IDA and indocyanine green as hepatic blood flow indicators in man

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Jens Henrik Sahl; Winkler, K


    99mTc-diethyl-acetanilide-iminodiacetic acid (IDA) was compared with indocyanine green (ICG) as an indicator of hepatic blood flow (HBF). Twelve subjects (8 with cirrhosis, 2 with fatty liver, one with pancreatitis, and one with intestinal angina) were studied during hepatic vein catheterization...

  9. Study on changes of serum ferritin (SF), folic acid (FA) and vitamin B12 levels after transfusion of preserved red cells (PRC) in patients with iron deficiency anemia (IDA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Hongsu; Li Xinhua; Li Keqin


    Objective: To explore the changes of serum SF, FA and VitB 12 levels after transfusion of preserved red cells in patients with IDA. Methods: Serum SF, FA and VitB 12 levels (with RIA) were detected both before and after transfusion of preserved red cells in 32 patients with IDA as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before transfusion of preserved red cells, the serum SF levels were significantly lower than those in controls (P 12 levels were significantly higher (P 12 were not much different from those in the controls. Conclusion: Transfusion of preserved red cells proves to be very useful. (authors)

  10. Liquid chromatography, in combination with a quadrupole time-of-flight instrument (LC QTOF), with sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment-ion spectra (SWATH) acquisition: systematic studies on its use for screenings in clinical and forensic toxicology and comparison with information-dependent acquisition (IDA). (United States)

    Roemmelt, Andreas T; Steuer, Andrea E; Poetzsch, Michael; Kraemer, Thomas


    Forensic and clinical toxicological screening procedures are employing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) techniques with information-dependent acquisition (IDA) approaches more and more often. It is known that the complexity of a sample and the IDA settings might prevent important compounds from being triggered. Therefore, data-independent acquisition (DIA) methods should be more suitable for systematic toxicological analysis (STA). The DIA method sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment-ion spectra (SWATH), which uses Q1 windows of 20-35 Da for data-independent fragmentation, was systematically investigated for its suitability for STA. Quality of SWATH-generated mass spectra were evaluated with regard to mass error, relative abundance of the fragments, and library hits. With the Q1 window set to 20-25 Da, several precursors pass Q1 at the same time and are fragmented, thus impairing the library search algorithms to a different extent: forward fit was less affected than reverse fit and purity fit. Mass error was not affected. The relative abundance of the fragments was concentration dependent for some analytes and was influenced by cofragmentation, especially of deuterated analogues. Also, the detection rate of IDA compared to SWATH was investigated in a forced coelution experiment (up to 20 analytes coeluting). Even using several different IDA settings, it was observed that IDA failed to trigger relevant compounds. Screening results of 382 authentic forensic cases revealed that SWATH's detection rate was superior to IDA, which failed to trigger ∼10% of the analytes.

  11. Die Rolle der Grenze in der regionalen Identitätsbildung aus der Sicht der Regionalelite im Südosten und Nordosten Estlands (Setomaa und Ida-Virumaa) / Sigrid Rand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rand, Sigrid


    Setumaa ja Ida-Virumaa võrdlus, nende Eesti idapoolsete äärealade kohaliku identiteedi kujunemisest ja piiri mõjust sellele. Artikkel tugineb 2002. aastatel tehtud intervjuudele kohaliku võimueliidi esindajatega

  12. Floral organ abscission peptide IDA and its HAE/HSL2 receptors control cell separation during lateral root emergence


    Kumpf, Robert P.; Shi, Chun-Lin; Larrieu, Antoine; Stø, Ida Myhrer; Butenko, Melinka A.; Péret, Benjamin; Riiser, Even Sannes; Bennett, Malcolm J.; Aalen, Reidunn B.


    Throughout their life cycle, plants produce new organs, such as leaves, flowers, and lateral roots. Organs that have served their purpose may be shed after breakdown of primary cell walls between adjacent cell files at the site of detachment. In Arabidopsis, floral organs abscise after pollination, and this cell separation event is controlled by the peptide INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA), which signals through the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases HAESA (HAE) and HAESA-LI...

  13. Ida-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans orthologue of mammalian diabetes autoantigen IA-2, potentially acts as a common modulator between Parkinson's disease and Diabetes: role of Daf-2/Daf-16 insulin like signalling pathway. (United States)

    Fatima, Soobiya; Haque, Rizwanul; Jadiya, Pooja; Shamsuzzama; Kumar, Lalit; Nazir, Aamir


    The lack of cure to age associated Parkinson's disease (PD) has been challenging the efforts of researchers as well as health care providers. Recent evidences suggest that diabetic patients tend to show a higher future risk for PD advocating a strong correlation between PD and Diabetes, thus making it intriguing to decipher common genetic cues behind these ailments. We carried out studies on ida-1, the C. elegans orthologue of mammalian type-1 diabetes auto-antigen IA-2 towards achieving its functional workup vis-à-vis various associated endpoints of PD and Diabetes. Employing transgenic C. elegans strain expressing "human" alpha synuclein (NL5901) under normal and increased glucose concentrations, we studied aggregation of alpha synuclein, content of dopamine, expression of dopamine transporter, content of reactive oxygen species, locomotor activity, nuclear translocation of FOXO transcription factor Daf-16, and quantification of Daf2/Daf-16 mRNA. Our findings indicate that ida-1 affords protection in the studied disease conditions as absence of ida-1 resulted in higher alpha-synuclein aggregation under conditions that mimic the blood glucose levels of diabetic patients. We also observed reduced dopamine content, decreased motility, defective Daf-16 translocation and reduced expression of Daf-2 and Daf-16. Our studies establish important function of ida-1 as a modulator in Daf-2/Daf-16 insulin like signalling pathway thus possibly being a common link between PD and Diabetes.

  14. Parliamentary speaker on thin ice / Laima Vaiga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaiga, Laima


    Leedu seimi spiikri Viktoras Muntianase koht on ohus, kuna tema juhitav Kodanikudemokraatia Partei võib koalitsioonist lahkuda. Parlamendist lahkus Kodanikudemokraatia Partei saadik Algimantas Matulevicius

  15. Motion of the moonlet in the binary system 243 Ida (United States)

    Lan, L.; Ni, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Li, J.


    The motion of the moonlet Dactyl in the binary system 243 Ida is investigated in this paper. First, periodic orbits in the vicinity of the primary are calculated, including the orbits around the equilibrium points and large-scale orbits. The Floquet multipliers' topological cases of periodic orbits are calculated to study the orbits' stabilities. During the continuation of the retrograde near-circular orbits near the equatorial plane, two period-doubling bifurcations and one Neimark-Sacker bifurcation occur one by one, leading to two stable regions and two unstable regions. Bifurcations occur at the boundaries of these regions. Periodic orbits in the stable regions are all stable, but in the unstable regions are all unstable. Moreover, many quasi-periodic orbits exist near the equatorial plane. Long-term integration indicates that a particle in a quasi-periodic orbit runs in a space like a tire. Quasi-periodic orbits in different regions have different styles of motion indicated by the Poincare sections. There is the possibility that moonlet Dactyl is in a quasi-periodic orbit near the stable region I, which is enlightening for the stability of the binary system.

  16. Afanasjev porugalsja s Pindre na sobranii Sojuza rossiiskihh grazhdan / Roman Vikulov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vikulov, Roman


    Vene kodanike liidu korraldatud valimiseelsest koosolekust, kus toetati Vene Erakonna Eestis kandidaate Gennadi Afanasjevit ja Jelena Ziolkovskat ning millest võttis osa ka Tallinna linnavalitsuse saadik Dimitri Klenski

  17. Geologie des Ida ou Zal (Maroc) Stratigraphie,petrographie et tectonique de la partie SW du bloc occidental du massif ancien du Haut Atlas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koning, de G.


    The present publication deals with the geology of the area known as the Ida ou Zal, situated principally in the Palaeozoic of the Western High Atlas mountains in Morocco. The area extends grosso modo between Argana (N), Sidi Idir (E), Menizla (S) and Tirkou (W); its centre lies at 34°10 N—12°65 W.

  18. Itaallane Giulietto Chiesa - 9/11 tabulõhkuja / Ivari Vee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vee, Ivari


    Itaalia publitsist ja politoloog ning Europarlamendi saadik Giulietto Chiesa kohtus Tallinnas ajakirjanike ja teiste huvilistega ning tutvustas oma raamatut "Zero" ning selle ainetel valminud filmi "9/11. Uurimine nullist"

  19. The IDA-80 measurement evaluation programme on mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis of uranium and plutonium. Vol. 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beyrich, W.; Golly, W.; Spannagel, G.


    The evaluation data derived from the measurement results of the laboratories participating in the IDA-80 programme have been compiled in tables and graphs. They concern a total of more than 2000 determinations of isotope ratios, isotope abundances and concentrations for uranium and plutonium obtained on test materials of industrial origin which contained fission products, and on fission product free synthetic reference solutions. Comparisons are made with data certified by CBNM and NBS, and estimates are given which were calculated by variance analyses for within- and between laboratory variations. (orig.) [de

  20. Estonian ambassador ensures support for Ignalina extension

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti saadik Vilniuses Andres Tropp kinnitas Eesti toetust Leedu püüdlustele pikendada Ignalina tuumareaktori töötamisaega. Einari Kisel majandusministeeriumist arvas, et sulgemine kiirendaks uue tuumajaama ehitust

  1. 23. august 1989: Balti kett / koostanud Vesta Reest, Kadi Tarand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Balti riikide ühist protestiavaldust Molotovi-Ribbentropi pakti sõlmimise 50. aastapäeval meenutavad kunstnik Heinz Valk, Euroopa Kontrollikoja liige Kersti Kaljulaid ja Euroopa Parlamendi saadik Vilja Savisaar-Toomast

  2. Oriented immobilization of His-tagged kinase RIO1 protein on redox active N-(IDA-like)-Cu(II) monolayer deposited on gold electrode—The base of electrochemical biosensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mielecki, Marcin; Wojtasik, Justyn; Zborowska, Magdalena; Kurzątkowska, Katarzyna; Grzelak, Krystyna; Dehaen, Wim; Radecki, Jerzy; Radecka, Hanna


    Highlights: ► The redox active N-(IDA-like)-Cu(II) monolayer is suitable for oriented and stable immobilization of His-tagged kinase Rio1. ► Cu(II) deposited onto the electrode surface play double role: immobilization sites for His-tagged proteins and transduction centres tracking the protein–small molecule interactions. ► The base of biosensor response towards target compound is the change of Rio1 conformation lading to alternation of the permeability of counter ions to Cu(II) redox centres. -- Abstract: The fabrication of electrochemical biosensor consists of the following successive steps: formation of thiol derivative of iminodiacetic acid (IDA-like/N-heterocyclic donor) and N-acetylcysteamine (NAC) self-assembled monolayer on the Au electrode, complexation of Cu(II) by N(IDA-like) attached to the surface of the Au electrode and immobilization of kinase protein Rio1 through N(IDA-like)-Cu(II)-histidine-tag covalent bond formation. Each step of modification was controlled by cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectrometry and atomic force microscopy. The interactions between rHis 6 -Rio1 attached to the surface of the electrode and tyrphostin inhibitor (2E)-N-Benzyl-2-cyano-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-acrylamide (AG-490) and its analogue (2-cyano-N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(pyridin-3-yl)prop-2-enamide) (CPE), present in aqueous solution were monitored with Osteryoung square wave voltammetry. The basis of the biosensor response was the change in the electrochemical properties of Cu(II) redox centres upon formation of the rHis 6 -Rio1-inhibitor complex. A linear responses with high reproducibility and stability were observed between 0.10 and 0.40 μM of AG-490 as well as of CPE. The interaction between rHis 6 -Rio1 and AG-490 was stronger than the interaction with its analogue CPE. Cu(II) redox current decrease of 37.9 ± 1.6% and 23.3 ± 1.0% were observed in the presence of 0.40 μM of AG-490 and CPE, respectively. The presented biosensor could be

  3. "Kui teil on võimalik seda vältida - vältige..." : Nõukogude Liidu poliitika Ida-Euroopas ja külma sõja algus / Kaarel Piirimäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirimäe, Kaarel


    Nõukogude Liidu eesmärkidest Teise maailmasõja järgses Euroopas, rahvademokraatiarežiimide kujundamisest Ida-Euroopa riikides, USA riigisekretäri George Marshalli algatatud Euroopa Taastamise Programmist, Euroopa kommunistlike parteide uue koordinatsioonikeskuse Kominformi asutamiskonverentsist Poolas 1947. a.

  4. Ujuv saadik / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Kohtumisest Eestis viibinud Louis Kahni projekteeritud kontserdilaeval ringi sõitva American Wind Symphony Orchresta juhataja Robert Boudreau'ga. Laeva sünnist, tema loojast, laeva tulevikust, Eestis 2011. a. kontserttuuri tegemisest. Eesti Arhitektide Liidu ideest osta 2011. a. kultuuripealinna ürituste raames toimuva L. Kahnile pühendatud seminari puhuks tema kavandatud kontserdilaev

  5. Peaminister lendas Ida-Virus ringi / Argo Soolep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soolep, Argo, 1972-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 17. apr. 2004, lk. 1. Peaminister Juhan Parts ja siseminister Margus Leivo kohtusid Kohtla-Järve linnapea Jevgeni Solovjoviga ning kontrollisid koos piirivalvetöötajatega Euroopa Liidu idapiiri kordoneid

  6. The interlaboratory experiment IDA-72 on mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis. Vol. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beyrich, W.; Drosselmeyer, E.


    Volume II of the report on the IDA-72 experiment contains papers written by different authors on a number of special topics connected with the preparation, performance and evaluation of the interlaboratory test. In detail the sampling procedures for active samples of the reprocessing plant and the preparation of inactive reference and spike solution from standard material are described as well as new methods of sample conditioning by evaporation. An extra chapter is devoted to the chemical sample treatment as a preparation for mass spectrometric analysis of the U and Pu content of the solutions. Special topics are also methods for mass discrimination corrections, α-spectrometer measurements as a supplement for the determination of Pu-238 and the comparison of concentration determinations by mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis with those performed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The last part of this volume contains papers connected with the computerized statistical evaluation of the high number of data. (orig.) [de

  7. Birma hunta jätkab repressioone / Igor Taro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taro, Igor


    Amnesty International teatas, et Birma diktaatorlikud võimud jätkavad teisitimõtlejate vahistamist, samal ajal teeb ÜRO saadik Ibrahim Gambari huntale poliitilise surve avaldamiseks ringsõitu Kagu-Aasias. Lisa: Rahutu riik Birma

  8. Vino Dionisiiskihh prazdnestv / Jelena Skulskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Skulskaja, Jelena, 1950-


    Rahvusvahelise teatripäeva tähistamine Vene Draamateatris, küsimustele vastavad näitlejad Lembit Ulfsak, Aleksandr Ivashkevitsh, Julia Popova, lavastajad Eduard Toman ja Svetlana Krassman ning Venemaa saadik Eestis Konstantin Provalov


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Argenziano


    Si fornirà quindi una descrizione delle soluzioni linguistiche del testo - con particolare attenzione al rapporto con le scelte manzoniane - opportunamente messe in relazione con l’impostazione pedagogica conservatrice manifestata dalla Baccini, che appare ancora ben lontana dalle idee emancipazioniste abbracciate in seguito. Thus speaks the good damsel: morals and language in “Come vorrei una fanciulla” by Ida Baccini  The post-unification period was a decisive moment in Italian linguistic history, characterized by the gradual and difficult replacement of local dialects with Tuscan-Florentine Italian used by increasingly large numbers of the population, thanks to the synergistic actions of lexicography, educational manuals and children's literature. This paper focuses on a prominent figure in the linguistic and cultural Italianization process: the writer and journalist Ida Baccini (1850-1911. She was the author of pedagogical works for children, among which stands out Le memorie di un pulcino (1875. The paper focuses on one of Baccini’s manuals for the education of young women, a sector which counts numerous late nineteenth century contributions. Come vorrei una fanciulla (1884, like all pedagogical writings of the time, proposed an explicit behavioral model and implicitly conveyed at the same time a specific linguistic style for females. Descriptions of the linguistic solutions in the text - with particular attention on the relationship to Manzonian choices - linked toBaccini’s conservative pedagogical approach, appears very distant from the ideas later embraced by emancipationists.

  10. Keisri madrusest impeeriumi esivedurijuhiks / Lui Pikkov ; kommenteerinud Hans Treimann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikkov, Lui, 1935-2008


    Lui Pikkov oma onust Otto Piksarist (Pikkov), kes sündis Raplamaal Saunakülas, oli madruseks Nikolai II jahtlaeval Poljarnaja Zvezda, töötas vedurijuhina Eestis, oli Eesti NSV Ülemnõukogu saadik

  11. Euroopa Liidu äärepoolseimad piirkonnad / Margie Sudre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sudre, Margie


    Prantsuse ülemdepartemange esindav Euroopa Parlamendi saadik tutvustab Euroopa Liidu seitset äärepoolseimat piirkonda: Prantsuse meretaguseid departemange (Guadeloupe, Guajaana, Martinique, Réunion), Hispaaniale kuuluvaid Kanaari saari ning autonoomseid Portugalile kuuluvaid alasid - Assoorid ja Madeira

  12. Привет от российской оппозиции / Илья Громов

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Громов, Илья


    Riigikogus toimunud Venemaa ja Euroopa Liidu suhete teemalisest ümarlauast võtsid osa ka Venemaa endine peaminister Mihhail Kasjanov, Bulgaaria endine välisminister Solomon Passy, Euroopa Parlamendi saadik Henrik Lax ja Riigikogu asespiiker Kristiina Ojuland

  13. Infrared coagulation: a preferred option in treating early hemorrhoids Coagulação por raios infravermelhos: opção preferencial para o tratamento de hemorróidas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pravin J. Gupta


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The ideal therapy for hemorrhoids is always debated. For early grades of the disease, many different modalities of treatment have been proposed. Some are effective but are more painful, others are less painful but their efficacy is not assured on long term. Infrared photocoagulation has emerged as a new addition to the list. In this procedure, the tissue is coagulated by infrared radiation. During treatment, mechanical pressure and radiation energy are applied simultaneously to ablate the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal mass. METHODS: In the present retrospective study, the effect of infrared coagulation on patients with early grades of hemorrhoids is described. In a separate study, a comparison is made between Infrared coagulation and rubber band ligation in terms of their effectiveness and discomfort. RESULTS: 212 patients were treated by infrared coagulation and were followed up for a period of 18 months. Only 28 patients had persistence or recurrence of bleeding. Overall ratio of comfort and patient satisfaction from pain and bleeding was quite satisfactory. The comparative study showed that though rubber band ligation is more effective, it is a more painful procedure. CONCLUSION: These studies shows that Infrared coagulation for hemorrhoids in early stages could prove to be a easy and effective alternative to conventional methods as it is quick, less painful and safe. The procedure can be repeated in case of recurrence and should be considered as the first choice in early hemorrhoids.OBJETIVO: Mostrar os benefícios do uso dos raios infravermelhos como alternativa no tratamento de hemorróidas sangrantes, comparado a outras modalidades habitualmente utilizadas. MÉTODOS: 212 pacientes com hemorróidas sangrantes foram tratados com raios infravermelhos e foram acompanhados por período de 18 meses a fim de se observar os efeitos do procedimento. Comparou-se com outras modalidades usuais de tratamento. RESULTADOS: Apenas 28

  14. Emission of pollutants and the dynamics of air quality in Ida-Viru County in 1995-1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liblik, Valdo; Kundel, Helmut; Maalma, Kaiu


    The organisation of monitoring atmospheric air in Ida-Viru County is described and data on the emission of pollutants in 1995-1998 are presented by industrial enterprises and by individual pollutants. A thorough analysis of the concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air and air quality of towns and concrete air monitoring data are presented. Changes in the air quality are analysed by towns as well as by pollutants. An analysis of the dynamics of the changes in emissions and air quality showed that after a low concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air in 1993-1995 a tendency towards worsening air quality occurred in 1995-1997. The concentration of some pollutants, for example phenol, has again reached the level of 1990-1991 when the largest amounts of pollutants were emitted into the air. These are signs of some new intensification of production activity in the region, but also of decreasing interest in environmental issues. Although according to reports the total volume of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere in Ida-Viru County has fallen nearly twice as compared with 1991, air monitoring data do not corroborate this. Hazardous pollution incidences may emerge at Saka and in the district of Jaerve in Kohtla-Jaerve in case of unfavourable weather conditions (no wind, high air temperature). The analysis of monitoring data revealed a necessity to improve the system of collecting and processing air monitoring data. For example, at present it is not possible to make a thorough analysis (including correlation analysis of the concentrations of pollutants and direction of winds) of the towns of Narva various objects on an undermine objective conclusions about the origin of pollutants cannot be drawn. It is necessary to guarantee that the existing automatic monitoring system OPSIS should be kept in working order as it is of great significance in monitoring and objective estimation of the air quality in Jaerve district in Kohtla-Jaerve. Presently OPSIS is

  15. Vzgljad s obeihh storon ekrana : obrushivshiisja most / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тух, Борис, 1946-


    Vene telekanali Pervõi Kanal Tallinn-Moskva telesillana vormistatud poliitiline väitlussaade "Otsustage ise" 18. jaanuaril, kus Eesti poolt esindasid Riigikogu liige Raivo Järvi ja Eesti saadik Moskvas Marina Kaljurand, Moskvat teiste seas ka Nikita Mihhalkov

  16. Russian officials attempt to smash "myths" about the Mari / Ksenia Repson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Repson, Ksenia


    7. juulil kohtusid Vene Riigiduuma saadik Valeri Komissarov ja Marimaa regiooni aseminister Galina Shirjajeva Tallinnas Vene suursaadikuga Eestis Konstantin Provaloviga ja regionaalministri nõuniku Aarne Veedlaga, et lükata ümber kuulujutud maride inimõiguste rikkumisest Venemaal

  17. Cooperative study with sup(99m)Tc diisopropil-IDA on biliary tract diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitta, A.E.A.; Mollerach, F; Almeida, C.A.


    The results of a cooperative study on the investigation of the biliary tract with sup(99m)Tc diisopropyl-IDA are presented. 15 normal volunteers and 75 patients with acute cholecystitis (AC), chronic cholecystitis (CC), hepatocellular jaundice (HCJ), incomplete extrahepatic biliary obstruction (IEBO) and complete extrahepatic biliary obstruction (CEBO) were studied. The biological behaviour of the radiopharmaceutical in the two groups was determined through the measurement of the uptake times and of the times of arrival in the hepatic parenchyma, in the intra and extrahepatic bile ducts, in the gallbladder, in the duodenum and in the kidneys. The pathophysiologic features found in the AC, CC, HCJ, IEBO and CEBO are described. It is concluded that the procedure has a selective indication in the AC, that its value is limited in the CC, and that in jaundice, except in very special situations, the method gives very little information of clinic value. The possibility of performing cooperative scientific studies between Latin-American Departments, increasing their efficiency, is emphasized. (author) [es

  18. The IDA-80 measurement evaluation programme on mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis of uranium and plutonium. Vol. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bievre, P. de; Gallet, M.; Hendrickx, F.; Lycke, E.; Wolters, W.H.; Mainka, E.; Wertenbach, H.


    A description is given of the test samples for the IDA-80 interlaboratory measurement evaluation programme. The preparation is described from the delivery of authentic reprocessing plant input samples (WAK Karlsruhe), their treatment at the IRCh-KfK and their further preparation and bottling at CBNM-Geel. All test samples have been characterized with best methods and instrumentation available at CBNM Geel and NBS Washington. Joint certified values for U/Pu element and isotopes content of a real-life and of a synthetic input test material were established, to serve the evaluation of participant's results. Full details of packaging, transport requirements and transport formalities in order to dispatch the samples world wide are also given. (orig.) [de

  19. Euroopa lennujaamadesse võivad ilmuda kõike paljastavad skannerid / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Euroopa lennujaamade turvakontrollis võidakse kasutusele võtta skannerid, Euroopa Komisjoni väitel sellist turvameedet alles kaalutakse. Euroopa Parlamendi saadik Baibre de Brun ei pea neid vajalikuks, vaid hoopis õigusi riivavaks. Euroopa Komisjoni esindaja selgitus. Lisa: Austraalias käib juba katsetamine

  20. Külaliikumine Euroopas ja maailmas / Sirje Vinni, Vanessa Halhead

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vinni, Sirje


    Ilmunud ka: VI Rural Parliament of Estonian Villages : July 21-23, 2005 in Lepanina, Pärnu County. Ülevaade erinevatest külaliikumise organisatsioonidest maailmas ja ettepanekutest loodava Euroopa Maarahvaühenduse Liidu põhimõteteks. Arutelul osales ka Europarlamendi saadik ja kultuurikomisjoni liige Marianne Mikko

  1. Nobeli rahupreemia: vastuolulised valikud ilma Obamatagi / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Autor käsitleb Nobeli rahupreemia andmist USA presidentidele Barack Obamale, Theodore Rooseveltile, Woodrow Wilsonile, asepresident Al Gore'ile ja ekspresident Jimmy Carterile ning politoloog Ronald Krebsi artiklit "Ohtlik auhind? Nobeli rahupreemia valelubadus", mille kohaselt on Nobeli komitee II maailmasõjast saadik kaugenenud algsest rahupreemia mandaadist

  2. Aspartic acid based nucleoside phosphoramidate prodrugs as potent inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication. (United States)

    Maiti, Munmun; Maiti, Mohitosh; Rozenski, Jef; De Jonghe, Steven; Herdewijn, Piet


    In view of a persistent threat to mankind, the development of nucleotide-based prodrugs against hepatitis C virus (HCV) is considered as a constant effort in many medicinal chemistry groups. In an attempt to identify novel nucleoside phosphoramidate analogues for improving the anti-HCV activity, we have explored, for the first time, aspartic acid (Asp) and iminodiacetic acid (IDA) esters as amidate counterparts by considering three 2'-C-methyl containing nucleosides, 2'-C-Me-cytidine, 2'-C-Me-uridine and 2'-C-Me-2'-fluoro-uridine. Synthesis of these analogues required protection for the vicinal diol functionality of the sugar moiety and the amino group of the cytidine nucleoside to regioselectively perform phosphorylation reaction at the 5'-hydroxyl group. Anti-HCV data demonstrate that the Asp-based phosphoramidates are ∼550 fold more potent than the parent nucleosides. The inhibitory activity of the Asp-ProTides was higher than the Ala-ProTides, suggesting that Asp would be a potential amino acid candidate to be considered for developing novel antiviral prodrugs.

  3. Value of sup(99m)Tc-diethyl-IDA scintigraphy for the diagnosis of biliary atresia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourdelat, D.; Gruel, Y.; Guibert, L.; Babut, J.M. (Hopital Pontchaillou 35 - Rennes (France)); Bourguet, P.; Herry, J.Y. (Centre Eugene Marquis, CHR Pontchaillou, 35 - Rennes (France))


    With reference to three cases, the value of cholescintigraphy for the diagnosis of biliary atresia is underscored. With this procedure, surgical indications can be determined in neonates with jaundice persisting beyond the physiologic period. Clolescintigraphy can be repeated as it is easy to perform, safe and well tolerated. sup(99m)Tc-diethyl-IDA (technetium 99m labelled N-(2,6 diethyl-acetanilide)-iminodiacetic acid) scintigraphy was carried out in eight neonates. This procedure helped to outrule the diagnosis of biliary atresia in 5 cases (1 choledochal cyst, 1 alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and 3 neonatal hepatitis'). Scintigraphic images and time/activity curves generated simultaneously from equal surfaces over the heart and liver were analyzed separately. A good uptake by the liver (rapid decrease in the cardiac curve) with subsequent retention (no decrease in the hepatic curve) is suggestive of biliary atresia. No activity is detected in the biliary ducts or intestinal tract. Post-operatively, cholescintigraphy is a useful tool for controling the efficiency of the surgical procedure.

  4. The ability of turism events to generate destination loyalty towards the country: an Estonian case study. Turismiürituste võime genereerida sihtkohalojaalsust riigi suhtes: Eesti juhtum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andres Kuusik


    Full Text Available Globaliseerumise taustal on riigid ja kohad üha rohkem hakanud omavahel konkureerima. Konkureeritakse nii välisinvesteeringute, külastajate, ettevõtete asukoha kui ka kohalike elanike pärast. (Kotler et al. 1999 Mida liikuvamad on kapital, inimesed ja ettevõtted, seda rohkem peavad kohad muutma end atraktiivseks. Selle tõttu on eraldi turunduse suunana välja kujunenud kohaturundus (place marketing. Kohaturunduse ühte osa, mis tegeleb turistide sihtgrupiga, nimetatakse sihtkohaturunduseks (destination marketing. Ürituste korraldamine on üks võimalus sihtkohaturunduse viljelemiseks. Väga palju on uuritud suurürituste mõju sihtriigi imagole ja inimeste teadlikkuse tõusule sihtriigi suhtes. Palju vähem on aga tähelepanu pööratud ürituste võimele genereerida korduvkülastusi. Seetõttu on üsna tavaline, et riigi tasemel toetatakse suurüritusi, mis tekitavad maailmas kära, samas, kui võib-olla mõistlikum oleks toetada hoopis väiksemate ja keskmise suurusega ürituste korraldamist, mis genereeriks riigile lojaalseid külastajaid. Just sellele valdkonnale selle artikli raames keskendutakse

  5. Noorte rõivakollektsioonid jõuavad lavalaudadele / Kertu Kula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kula, Kertu, 1990-


    Kristliku põhikooli 9. klassi õpilane Karoliina Saarna ja Tartu ülikooli ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni eriala tudeng Eleen Laasner, on sügisest saadik käinud mitu korda nädalas koos Anne noortekeskuse õmblusringis, et teha moesõu MoeP.A.R.K. finaaliks päris oma kollektsioon

  6. Naisjuhtidega ettevõtete TOP 100

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Naisjuhtidega ettevõtete TOP 100. Käibe TOP 20. Käibe kasvu TOP 20. Kasumi TOP 20. Kasumi kasvu TOP 20. Rentaabluse TOP 20. Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 20. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste naisjuhtide TOP 25. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste eelarve TOP 25. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste töötajate arvu TOP 25. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste naisjuhtide palga TOP 25

  7. Catherine Ashton avas naistele ukse / Siiri Oviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oviir, Siiri, 1947-


    Europarlamendi saadik Siiri Oviir peab Catherine Ashtoni EL-i välisministriks valimist suureks sammuks soolise võrdõiguslikkuse ja tasakaalustatuse poole. Samas taunib ta EL tippjuhtide valimist kinnises ringis, kuna otsuste kehv läbipaistvus ei soodusta liikmesriikide ja nende kodanike aktiivsuse kasvu ning nad ei tunne end piisavalt seotud ELi institutsioonidega

  8. Bunyaviridae and Their Replication. Part 2. Replication of Bunyaviridae (United States)


    8217 idae, and Rhabdoviridae ), viruses in the BunyaviridaeI I have no internal matrix proteins (see Chapters 31, 34, U and 39). No enzymatic activity...segment mRNA of SSH (45) all have been shown as the Orthomyxoviridae (10), Rhabdoviridae (94). and to be truncated at their 3’ termini by about 100 nu

  9. Ebola Virus and Marburg Virus (United States)

    Ebola virus and Marburg virus Overview Ebola virus and Marburg virus are related viruses that cause hemorrhagic fevers — illnesses marked by severe bleeding (hemorrhage), organ failure and, in many ...

  10. Anna Politkovskaja mälestus Euroopas / Marianne Mikko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikko, Marianne, 1961-


    Ilmunud ka: Virumaa Teataja, 18. sept. 2007, lk. 11; Põhjarannik, 18. sept. 2007, lk. 4; Severnoje Poberezhje, 18. sept. 2007, lk. 4; Sakala, 21. sept. 2007, lk. 2. Euroopa Parlamendi saadik toetas ideed anda Euroopa Parlamendi pressiruumile Anna Politkovskaja nimi, sellega antakse Venemaale ka teada, mida europarlament arvab Vene võimude tegevusest Tšetšeenias

  11. Andrus Saar: Neid inimesi, kes peavad õhtul tühja kõhuga magama minema, on ka parimatel aegadel olnud liiga palju / Andrus Saar ; intervjueerinud Katre Ratassepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Andrus, 1946-


    Vaesuse ja sotsiaalse tõrjutuse vastu võitlemise Euroopa aasta Eesti hea tahte saadik leiab, et hirm kaotada töökoht on igati normaalne olukorras, kus inimesed ei ole informeeritud ettevõtte arengust ja perspektiividest ning et praegu oleks viimane aeg muuta toetuste süsteemi. Saar Polli poolt läbiviidud Eurobarometer Flash uuringust

  12. Ne smotrite na nas s zhalostju / Andrei Babin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babin, Andrei


    Andrei Tantsõrevi filmi "Sergei ja Boris" ühest kangelasest, harrastuskunstnik Sergei Groshevist, kes põeb sclerosis multiplex' juba sündimisest saadik. Igor Leontjev, kellega peaosas käivad proovid Irina Tominga lavastatud näidendis "Ozhidanije Godot v odnoi otdelno vzjatoi semje". Arst Natalja Zenevitshist, kes julgustab parandamatu haigusega toime tulema ja elust rõõmu tundma

  13. La relación entre la antropología mexicana y ecuatoriana: ¿Un camino de ida y vuelta?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando García


    Full Text Available Este trabajo consiste en una revisión del desarrollo de la antropología mexicana y ecuatoriana desde la perspectiva de los diálogos que atraviesan las propuestas teóricas y metodológicas, considerando desde la formación de profesionales hasta la puesta en marcha de políticas públicas relacionadas con la llamada “antropología aplicada”. Mediante un esbozo rápido y general de seis décadas del naciente pensamiento antropológico ecuatoriano –aunque sin que este sea un balance– se busca establecer cómo la interrelación entre antropología mexicana y ecuatoriana, muestra un camino de ida y vuelta, construido por el cruce de diversas perspectivas teóricas generadas al interior del debate disciplinar con los énfasis e intereses diferenciados de los actores locales.

  14. The Constraints of Literary Paradigms: Christian Mythology and the Jungle in Ida, a non-fiction picturebook on evolution by Jørn Hurum, Torstein Helleve and Esther van Hulsen


    Ørjasæter, Kristin


    Ida (2011), written by Jørn Hurum and Torstein Helleve and illustrated by Esther van Hulsen, is a non-fiction picturebook for children with an ambitious objective. It presents a fossil, the findings from the study of this fossil, and the dispute over the validity of the results. The composition of the text is threefold: the book opens with an illustrative story about the life and death of the primate that ends up becoming the fossil in question, subsequently introduces a lexicographical secti...

  15. Ülemiste Citysse kasvab innovatsioonikeskus / Rain Laane ; interv. Einar Ellermaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laane, Rain


    Microsoft Eesti tegevjuht Rain Laane e-riigi arengust ja selle toetamisest riiklikul tasandil, e-riigi innovatsioonikeskuse loomisest, e-riigi lahenduse Brüsselisse müümist takistavatest teguritest. Lisa: Rain Laane teesid loodava innovatsioonikeskuse ülesannetest. Vt. samas: Siim-Valmar Kiisler. Riik peab hakkama e-eksporti toetama!

  16. Análisis de materiales didácticos para enseñar Ciencias Sociales en Educación Primaria: “Un camino de ida y vuelta”


    Mon Alday, Estefanía


    Con este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se pretende un acercamiento al tema del análisis de materiales didácticos para enseñar Ciencias Sociales en Educación Primaria y más concretamente se pretende analizar los materiales utilizados con el alumnado de 5º de primaria durante el desarrollo del Proyecto “Un Camino de Ida y Vuelta” en el Colegio Público de Educación Infantil y Primaria “Marqués de Santillana” en la localidad de Palencia. En la primera parte de este trabajo se realiza una revisión t...

  17. Application of Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA Method for Studying the Dynamic Behavior of Structures During Earthquakes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Javanpour


    Full Text Available Prediction of existing buildings’ vulnerability by future earthquakes is one of the most essential topics in structural engineering. Modeling steel structures is a giant step in determining the damage caused by the earthquake, as such structures are increasingly being used in constructions. Hence, two same-order steel structures with two types of structural systems were selected (coaxial moment frames and moment frame. In most cases, a specific structure needs to satisfy several functional levels. For this purpose, a method is required to determine the input request to the structures under possible earthquakes. Therefore, the Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA was preferred to the Push-Over non-linear static method for the analysis and design of the considered steel structures, due its accuracy and effect of higher modes at the same time intervals. OpenSees software was used to perform accurate nonlinear analysis of the steel structure. Two parameters (spectral acceleration and maximum ground acceleration were introduced to the modeled frames to compare the numerical correlations of seismic vulnerability obtained by two statistical methods based on the "log-normal distribution" and "logistics distribution", and finally, the parameters of displacement and drift were assessed after analysis.

  18. Measurement of isotope abundance variations in nature by gravimetric spiking isotope dilution analysis (GS-IDA). (United States)

    Chew, Gina; Walczyk, Thomas


    Subtle variations in the isotopic composition of elements carry unique information about physical and chemical processes in nature and are now exploited widely in diverse areas of research. Reliable measurement of natural isotope abundance variations is among the biggest challenges in inorganic mass spectrometry as they are highly sensitive to methodological bias. For decades, double spiking of the sample with a mix of two stable isotopes has been considered the reference technique for measuring such variations both by multicollector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) and multicollector-thermal ionization mass spectrometry (MC-TIMS). However, this technique can only be applied to elements having at least four stable isotopes. Here we present a novel approach that requires measurement of three isotope signals only and which is more robust than the conventional double spiking technique. This became possible by gravimetric mixing of the sample with an isotopic spike in different proportions and by applying principles of isotope dilution for data analysis (GS-IDA). The potential and principle use of the technique is demonstrated for Mg in human urine using MC-TIMS for isotopic analysis. Mg is an element inaccessible to double spiking methods as it consists of three stable isotopes only and shows great potential for metabolically induced isotope effects waiting to be explored.

  19. Naisjuhtidega ettevõtete TOP 70

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Naisjuhtidega ettevõtete TOP 70. Käibe TOP 30. Käibe kasvu TOP 30. Kasumi TOP 30. Kasumi kasvu TOP 30. Rentaabluse TOP 30. Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 30. Nais- ja meesjuhtidega ettevõtted 2001. aasta 500 edukama ettevõtte hulgas. Naistegevjuhtidega firmade TOP 2001 ja 2002. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste naisjuhtide TOP 20. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste eelarve TOP 20. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste töötajate arvu TOP 20. Naistegevjuhtidega firmade osakaal 2001. aastal. Riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste naisjuhtide aastapalga TOP 20. Kommenteerib Tiina Raitviir.

  20. Hemorroidectomia híbrida: uma nova abordagem no tratamento das hemorróidas mistas Hybrid hemorrhoidectomy: a new approach in the treatment of hemorrhoids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haroldo Alfredo Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma nova abordagem mini-invasiva das Hemorróidas Mistas, a Hemorroidectomia Híbrida, que consiste na associação da Ligadura Elástica (LE das Hemorróidas Internas com a ressecção complementar dos Plicomas Externos sob anestesia local. Num universo de 326 cirurgias orificiais realizadas na Proctoclínica num período de 4 anos, 300 (92% foram submetidos a procedimentos mini-invasivos, 223 (68,40% foram submetidos a LE como tratamento exclusivo e 77 (23,60% à Hemoirroidectomia Híbrida e 26 (8% foram submetidos a outros procedimentos cirúrgicos (Hemorroidectomias a Milligan-Morgan, Fistulectomias etc. A abordagem proposta permite absenteísmo mínimo ao trabalho, mini-invasividade e baixa morbidade pós-operatória, ressaltando-se ainda a realização ambulatorial, excelente tolerabilidade e baixos custos.The goal of this work is to present a new mini-invasive approach of the Internal and External Hemorrhoids Treatment, the Hybrid Hemorrhoidectomy, that consists of an association of the Rubber Band Ligation (RBL of the Internal Hemorrhoids with complementary withdraw of the External Piles under local anesthesia. In a universe of 326 anal surgeries carried through in Proctoclínica in a period of 4 years, a number of 300 patients (92% had been submitted to mini-invasive procedures (223 (68,40% had been submitted to RBL as exclusive treatment and 77 (23,60% to Hybrid Hemorrhoidectomy and 26 patients (8% had been submitted to other surgical procedures (Hemorrhoidectomy Milligan-Morgan, Fistulectomy, etc. The proposal approach allows minimum absenteism to the work, mini-invasivity and low pos-operative morbidity with the advantage of office and outpatient procedures, excellent tolerability and low costs.

  1. Prospective evaluation of /sup 99m/Tc-IDA cholescintigraphy and gray-scale ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ralls, P.W.; Colletti, P.M.; Halls, J.M.; Siemsen, J.K.


    Prospective analysis of the efficacy of /sup 99m/Tc-IDA cholescintigraphy and cholecystosonography showed that both are excellent techniques for assessing patients with suspected acute cholecystitis (accuracy 84.7% and 88.1% respectively). Consequently, the choice of tests selected to evaluate patients with suspected acute cholecystitis depends on several factors including; (a.) quality of equipment available; (b.) capability of the technologist performing the examination; (c.) relative experience of the physician supervising the examination; and (d.) willingness of the surgical consultant to accept a positive examination as sufficient evidence to perform emergency surgery. The authors feel that cholecystosonography should be used to assess the presence of acute cholecystitis in jaundiced patients because of its capability in the assessment of bile duct dilatation, and because of the lower reliability of cholescintigraphy when bile duct obstruction is possible (i.e., in jaundice). Ancillary findings in cholecystosonography and cholescintigraphy can aid in the differential diagnosis of acute right upper quandrant pain syndromes

  2. Prospective evaluation of 99/sup m/Tc-IDA cholescintigraphy and Gray-scale ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ralls, P.W.; Colletti, P.M.; Halls, J.M.; Siemsen, J.K.


    Prospective analysis of the efficacy of 99 /sup m/Tc-IDA cholescintigraphy and cholecystosonography showed that both are excellent techniques for assessing patients with suspected acute cholecystitis (accuracy 84.7% and 88.1% respectively). Consequently, the choice of tests selected to evaluate patients with suspected acute cholecystitis depends on several factors, including; (a.) quality of equipment available; (b.) capability of the technologist performing the examination; (c.) relative experience of the physician supervising the examination; and (d.) willingness of the surgical consultant to accept a positive examination as sufficient evidence to perform emergency surgery. The authors feel that cholecystosonography should be used to asses the presence of acute cholecystitis in jaundiced patients because of its capability in the assessment of bile duct dilation, and because of the lower reliability of cholescintigraphy when bile duct obstruction is possible (i.e., in jaundice). Ancillary findings in cholecystosonography and cholescintigraphy can aid in the differential diagnosis of acute right upper quadrant pain syndromes

  3. Virus-Vectored Influenza Virus Vaccines (United States)

    Tripp, Ralph A.; Tompkins, S. Mark


    Despite the availability of an inactivated vaccine that has been licensed for >50 years, the influenza virus continues to cause morbidity and mortality worldwide. Constant evolution of circulating influenza virus strains and the emergence of new strains diminishes the effectiveness of annual vaccines that rely on a match with circulating influenza strains. Thus, there is a continued need for new, efficacious vaccines conferring cross-clade protection to avoid the need for biannual reformulation of seasonal influenza vaccines. Recombinant virus-vectored vaccines are an appealing alternative to classical inactivated vaccines because virus vectors enable native expression of influenza antigens, even from virulent influenza viruses, while expressed in the context of the vector that can improve immunogenicity. In addition, a vectored vaccine often enables delivery of the vaccine to sites of inductive immunity such as the respiratory tract enabling protection from influenza virus infection. Moreover, the ability to readily manipulate virus vectors to produce novel influenza vaccines may provide the quickest path toward a universal vaccine protecting against all influenza viruses. This review will discuss experimental virus-vectored vaccines for use in humans, comparing them to licensed vaccines and the hurdles faced for licensure of these next-generation influenza virus vaccines. PMID:25105278

  4. Eesti miljardid rippusid juuksekarva otsas / Sulev Vedler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vedler, Sulev, 1970-


    Riigikassa investeeris üle 13% Eesti riigi reservidest Debfa panka, mis sattus ülemaailmse rahanduskriisi tõttu raskustesse. Pank kuulub sakslaste Hypo Real Estate Groupile, Saksa konsortsium andis pangale 50 mld. euro suuruse krediidiliini ja valitsuse garantii. Diagramm: Kuhu on paigutatud Eesti riigi reservid? Lisa: Kuidas Eesti riigi kõige olulisemad säästud ohtu sattusid

  5. A methodology for collection and analysis of human error data based on a cognitive model: IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, S.-H.; Smidts, C.; Mosleh, A.


    This paper presents a model-based human error taxonomy and data collection. The underlying model, IDA (described in two companion papers), is a cognitive model of behavior developed for analysis of the actions of nuclear power plant operating crew during abnormal situations. The taxonomy is established with reference to three external reference points (i.e. plant status, procedures, and crew) and four reference points internal to the model (i.e. information collected, diagnosis, decision, action). The taxonomy helps the analyst: (1) recognize errors as such; (2) categorize the error in terms of generic characteristics such as 'error in selection of problem solving strategies' and (3) identify the root causes of the error. The data collection methodology is summarized in post event operator interview and analysis summary forms. The root cause analysis methodology is illustrated using a subset of an actual event. Statistics, which extract generic characteristics of error prone behaviors and error prone situations are presented. Finally, applications of the human error data collection are reviewed. A primary benefit of this methodology is to define better symptom-based and other auxiliary procedures with associated training to minimize or preclude certain human errors. It also helps in design of control rooms, and in assessment of human error probabilities in the probabilistic risk assessment framework. (orig.)

  6. Morphological and functional criteria of hepatobiliary scintigraphy with IDA derivatives in patients with hepatocellular jaundice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biersack, H.J.; Breuel, H.P.; Altland, H.; Bell, E.


    In 31 Patients with histologically proven hepatocellular jaundice hepatobiliary scintigraphy with Tc-99m labelled IDA derivatives was performed. Results were classified under morphological (demonstration of liver parenchyma, ductus choledochus, bile ducts, gallbladder, kidney) and functional (Tsub(max), halftime of bile excretion, appearance of activity in ductus choledochus, gallbladder, and intestines) criteria. The liver parenchyma could be demonstrated in 90.3% of cases, ductus choledochus in 71% and the gallbladder in 72.4%. The type of tracer excretion into the intestines showed 9.5% activity accumulation in the gallbladder with late bile excretion into the intestines and 90.5% early activity excretion into the duodenum with late filling of the gallbladder. The intrahepatic bile ducts were demonstrated in 22.6% (left hepatic duct) and 6.5% (right hepatic duct). In 35.5% of cases the kidneys were still visible after 15 min p.i. All cases showed - sometimes delayed - bile excretion into the GI tract. The time of appearance of activity in ductus choledochus (18.4 min) and gallbladder (39.5 min) was delayed. The liver histogram showed likewise delayed values concerning Tsub(max) (14.3 min) and half life of tracer excretion (> 30 min) when compared to controls. The differentiation of hepatocellular jaundice from obstructive jaundice is possible by the demonstration of bile excretion into the intestines, normal width of the bile ducts, and filling of the gallbladder. (orig.) [de

  7. Direct protein detection with a nano-interdigitated array gate MOSFET. (United States)

    Tang, Xiaohui; Jonas, Alain M; Nysten, Bernard; Demoustier-Champagne, Sophie; Blondeau, Franoise; Prévot, Pierre-Paul; Pampin, Rémi; Godfroid, Edmond; Iñiguez, Benjamin; Colinge, Jean-Pierre; Raskin, Jean-Pierre; Flandre, Denis; Bayot, Vincent


    A new protein sensor is demonstrated by replacing the gate of a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) with a nano-interdigitated array (nIDA). The sensor is able to detect the binding reaction of a typical antibody Ixodes ricinus immunosuppressor (anti-Iris) protein at a concentration lower than 1 ng/ml. The sensor exhibits a high selectivity and reproducible specific detection. We provide a simple model that describes the behavior of the sensor and explains the origin of its high sensitivity. The simulated and experimental results indicate that the drain current of nIDA-gate MOSFET sensor is significantly increased with the successive binding of the thiol layer, Iris and anti-Iris protein layers. It is found that the sensor detection limit can be improved by well optimizing the geometrical parameters of nIDA-gate MOSFET. This nanobiosensor, with real-time and label-free capabilities, can easily be used for the detection of other proteins, DNA, virus and cancer markers. Moreover, an on-chip associated electronics nearby the sensor can be integrated since its fabrication is compatible with complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology.

  8. Eesti Vabariigi 89. aastapäeva tähistamine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti iseseisvuspäeva tähistamisest Londonis. 20. veebruaril 2007 korraldas Eesti Vabariigi suursaatkond vastuvõtu Crown Plaza hotellis, kus ligi 300 külalist tervitas president Toomas Hendrik Ilves. 19. veebruaril 2007 külastas president Oxfordi, kus ta esines kõnega üliõpilastele. Lisatud foto, millel on kujutatud president Toomas Hendrik Ilves, kolonelleitnant Lauri Einre ja Eesti Vabariigi saadik Londonis dr. Margus Laidre

  9. Problema ne v korruptsii, no v jevrobjurokratii / Dmitri Kulikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kulikov, Dmitri


    Eesti korrumpeerumise madal tase - 31. koht 145 riigi seas organisatsiooni Transparency International aruandes - tagab riigi konkurentsivõime ning välisinvestorite huvi. Konjunktuuriinstituudi uuring suhtumisest korruptsiooni

  10. Teo omistamine riigile rahvusvahelises õiguses : [bakalaureusetöö] / Kadri Paris ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Juhani Kortteinen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Kadri


    Riigivastutuse areng rahvusvahelises õiguses, riigivastutuse üldised põhimõtted, teo riigile omistamine õigusliku sideme olemasolul teo toimepanija ja riigi vahel, riigi vastutus eraisikute tegude eest

  11. The IDA-80 measurement evaluation programme on mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis of uranium and plutonium. Vol. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beyrich, W.; Golly, W.; Spannagel, G.; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H.; Bievre, P. de; Wolters, W.


    The main objective was the acquisition of basic data on the uncertainties involved in the mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis as applied to the determination of uranium and plutonium in active feed solutions of reprocessing plants. The element concentrations and isotopic compositions of all test materials used were determined by CBNM and NBS with high accuracy. The more than 60000 analytical data reported by the participating laboratories were evaluated by statistical methods applied mainly to the calculation of estimates of the variances for the different uncertainty components contributing to the total uncertainty of this analytical technique. Attention was given to such topics as sample ageing, influence of fission products, spike calibration, ion fractionation, Pu-241 decay correction, minor isotope measurement and errors in data transfer. Furthermore, the performance of the 'dried sample' technique and the 'in-situ' spiking method of undiluted samples of reprocessing fuel solution with U-235/Pu-242 metal alloy spikes, were tested successfully. Considerable improvement of isotope dilution analysis in this safeguards relevant application during the last decade is shown as compared to the results obtained in the IDA-72 interlaboratory experiment, organized by KfK in 1972 on the same subject. (orig./HP) [de

  12. Varjupaigataotleja suhtes kehtestatavad isikuvabaduse piirangud : [bakalaureusetöö] / Veiko Kopamees ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Tanel Kerikmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopamees, Veiko


    Euroopa ja Eesti varjupaigaõiguse arengust, varjupaigataotleja riigis viibimise alus, isikuvabaduse piirangud, liikumispiirangud, kinnipidamine (riigi territooriumil, piiril, kinnipidamise seaduslikkuse nõue, õigus vaidlustada, õigus hüvitisele)

  13. Doominokivide kolin läheneb? / Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aru, Erik


    Läti Parex Banka ja Põhjamaade vanima investeerimispanga Carnegie probleemidest ja üleminek riigi kontrolli alla. Autori arvates tuleks kaaluda ideed tuua Eesti riigi reservid kodumaistesse kommertspankadesse

  14. Rethinking the origins of autism: Ida Frye and the unraveling of children's inner world in the Netherlands in the late 1930s. (United States)

    Van Drenth, Annemieke


    Historiographies on the phenomenon of "autism" display Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger as the great pioneers. The recent controversy on who was first in "discovering" autism urges research into the question of how scientific discoveries relate to processes of academic reflection and social intervention. The Netherlands provide an interesting case in pioneering work in autism, since Dutch experts described autism in children already in the late 1930s, preceding the first publications on autism in children by Kanner and Asperger. This paper examines the Dutch origins of autism by focusing on Ida Frye's contribution to the teamwork at the Paedological Institute in Nijmegen, which resulted in descriptions of children with autism. The theoretical aim of this paper is to underline the importance of the productive interplay between social interventions and scientific efforts concerning the complex inner world of special children. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. [Miks uurib politsei Ottise ja ehitusfirma Facio vahelist tüli?] / Tarmo Vahter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahter, Tarmo, 1970-


    Seoses koolitüdruku Veronika Dari tapmisega, kus tegelikuks sihtmärgiks oli Riigi Kinnisvara juht Tiit Ottis, tunneb politsei huvi kolme riigi poolt tellitud ehitustöö vastu. Need on keskkriminaalpolitsei peakorteri ning Tallinna Pae ja Mustamäe gümnaasiumi renoveerimine. Uurimise käigust. Vt. samas: Katkeid Riigi Kinnisvara ja Facio Ehituse juhtide kirjavahetusest Pae ja Mustamäe gümnaasiumide remondi teemal. Tiit Ottis: "Mehed, te rikastute alusetult!"

  16. Nairobi sheep disease virus/Ganjam virus. (United States)

    M D, Baron; B, Holzer


    Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV) is a tick-borne virus which causes a severe disease in sheep and goats, and has been responsible for several outbreaks of disease in East Africa. The virus is also found in the Indian subcontinent, where it is known as Ganjam virus. The virus only spreads through the feeding of competent infected ticks, and is therefore limited in its geographic distribution by the distribution of those ticks, Rhipicephalus appendiculata in Africa and Haemaphysalis intermedia in India. Animals bred in endemic areas do not normally develop disease, and the impact is therefore primarily on animals being moved for trade or breeding purposes. The disease caused by NSDV has similarities to several other ruminant diseases, and laboratory diagnosis is necessary for confirmation. There are published methods for diagnosis based on polymerase chain reaction, for virus growth in cell culture and for other simple diagnostic tests, though none has been commercialised. There is no established vaccine against NSDV, although cell-culture attenuated strains have been developed which show promise and could be put into field trials if it were deemed necessary. The virus is closely related to Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, and studies on NSDV may therefore be useful in understanding this important human pathogen.

  17. Social mobility and class identity: the role of economic conditions in 33 societies, 1999-2009 / Josh Curtis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Curtis, Josh


    Artiklis käsitletakse sotsiaalse mobiilsuse (nii indiviidi kui ka riigi tasandil) ja sotsiaalse klassi seoseid ning majanduslike tingimuste mõju sellele protsessile 33 riigis (sh. Eesti) aastatel 1999-2009

  18. Avatud andmed muudavad ühiskonna paremaks / Indrek Petersoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petersoo, Indrek


    Riigi poolt kogutavad andmed on kättesaadavad erinevate andmebaaside vahendusel. Riigi eesmärgiks on parandada andmete liikumist ja kasutamist erinevate andmekogude vahel. Lisa: Valitsuse 8 open data printsiipi

  19. Välismaalased ja õigus perekonnaelu puutumatusele / Uno Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Uno, 1952-


    Riigi õigusest kontrollida välismaalaste lubamist riiki, riigis viibimist ja väljasaatmist; perekonnaelu mõistest ning välismaalaste õigusest perekonnaelu puutumatusele Strasbourg'i kohtu ja Riigikohtu praktikas

  20. Taastuvenergiaallikad ja Eesti rahvuslikud huvid / Rein Veski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veski, Rein, 1933-


    Eesti riigi huvides on kasulik rahvusvaheliste energeetikaalaste lepete täitmine, sest need suurendavad taastuvenergiaallikate osatähtsust, mis omakorda suurendab riigi energeetilist sõltumatust, mis vastab Eesti rahvuslikele huvidele. Tabelid

  1. Riigi teaduspreemiad akadeemikutele

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Teaduspreemiad: tehnikateaduste alal Raimund-Johannes Ubarile; humanitaarteaduste alal Arvo Krikmannile; H. Küütsile kollektiivi koosseisus põllumajandusteaduste alal; täppisteaduste alal Ülo Lumistele; keemia ja molekulaarbioloogia alal Agu Laisk


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Július Rozák


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of viral phytopathogen Plum pox virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and Prunus dwarf virus in selected localities of Slovakia and diagnose them using a molecular and biological methods. Forty samples of fruit trees of the genus Prunus, twenty samples from intensive plantings and twenty samples from wild subject were analysed. Biological diagnostic by using biological indicators Prunus persica cv. GF 305, Prunus serrulata cv. Schirofugen and molecular diagnostic by mRT-PCR were applied. Five samples with Plum pox virus were infected. The two samples positive for Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and one sample for Prunus dwarf virus were confirmed. The two samples were found to be infected with two viruses Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and Prunus dwarf virus. This work focuses on two techniques, their application to the diagnosis of stone fruit viruses and their routinely used for sanitary and certification programmes.

  3. Republic of Moldova on the European Pathway / Iurie Gotisan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gotisan, Iurie


    Moldova Vabariik oli üks esimesi iseseisvunud endisi Nõukogude Liidu vabariike. Riigi areng 90-ndatel. Arvesse võttes geopoliitilisi, majanduslikke ja sotsiaalseid väärtusi on riigi sihiks Euroopa Liidu liikmelisus

  4. Baltic leaders who returned from West to East

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Artiklis tutvustatakse kolme Balti riigi presidentide sarnast minevikku eksiilis ning nenditakse, et varasem demokraatlikus riigis elamise kogemus on kindlasti kaasa aidanud Eesti, Läti ja Leedu majanduslikule ning välispoliitilisele edule

  5. The hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacterium Cobetia sp. strain MM1IDA2H-1 produces a biosurfactant that interferes with quorum sensing of fish pathogens by signal hijacking (United States)

    Ibacache-Quiroga, C; Ojeda, J; Espinoza-Vergara, G; Olivero, P; Cuellar, M; Dinamarca, M A


    Summary Biosurfactants are produced by hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacteria in response to the presence of water-insoluble hydrocarbons. This is believed to facilitate the uptake of hydrocarbons by bacteria. However, these diffusible amphiphilic surface-active molecules are involved in several other biological functions such as microbial competition and intra-or inter-species communication. We report the isolation and characterization of a marine bacterial strain identified as Cobetia sp. MM1IDA2H-1, which can grow using the sulfur-containing heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dibenzothiophene (DBT). As with DBT, when the isolated strain is grown in the presence of a microbial competitor, it produces a biosurfactant. Because the obtained biosurfactant was formed by hydroxy fatty acids and extracellular lipidic structures were observed during bacterial growth, we investigated whether the biosurfactant at its critical micelle concentration can interfere with bacterial communication systems such as quorum sensing. We focused on Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, a fish pathogen whose virulence relies on quorum sensing signals. Using biosensors for quorum sensing based on Chromobacterium violaceum and Vibrio anguillarum, we showed that when the purified biosurfactant was mixed with N-acyl homoserine lactones produced by A. salmonicida, quorum sensing was inhibited, although bacterial growth was not affected. In addition, the transcriptional activities of A. salmonicida virulence genes that are controlled by quorum sensing were repressed by both the purified biosurfactant and the growth in the presence of Cobetia sp. MM1IDA2H-1. We propose that the biosurfactant, or the lipid structures interact with the N-acyl homoserine lactones, inhibiting their function. This could be used as a strategy to interfere with the quorum sensing systems of bacterial fish pathogens, which represents an attractive alternative to classical antimicrobial therapies in fish

  6. Die Politik der EZB an den Grenzen ihres Mandats? / Lutz Lammers

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lammers, Lutz


    Riigi võlakirjade ostmisega seotud rahanduspoliitikast. Saksamaa põhiseaduskohtu seisukohast Euroopa Keskpanga väljakuulutatud OMT-programmi kohta, mis võimaldab keskpangal piiramatult võlakirju osta. Riigi võlakirjade ostmisest järelturgudel

  7. Oncogenic Viruses and Breast Cancer: Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV, Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV, and Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James S. Lawson


    Full Text Available BackgroundAlthough the risk factors for breast cancer are well established, namely female gender, early menarche and late menopause plus the protective influence of early pregnancy, the underlying causes of breast cancer remain unknown. The development of substantial recent evidence indicates that a handful of viruses may have a role in breast cancer. These viruses are mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV, bovine leukemia virus (BLV, human papilloma viruses (HPVs, and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV-also known as human herpes virus type 4. Each of these viruses has documented oncogenic potential. The aim of this review is to inform the scientific and general community about this recent evidence.The evidenceMMTV and human breast cancer—the evidence is detailed and comprehensive but cannot be regarded as conclusive. BLV and human breast cancer—the evidence is limited. However, in view of the emerging information about BLV in human breast cancer, it is prudent to encourage the elimination of BLV in cattle, particularly in the dairy industry. HPVs and breast cancer—the evidence is substantial but not conclusive. The availability of effective preventive vaccines is a major advantage and their use should be encouraged. EBV and breast cancer—the evidence is also substantial but not conclusive. Currently, there are no practical means of either prevention or treatment. Although there is evidence of genetic predisposition, and cancer in general is a culmination of events, there is no evidence that inherited genetic traits are causal.ConclusionThe influence of oncogenic viruses is currently the major plausible hypothesis for a direct cause of human breast cancer.

  8. Oncogenic Viruses and Breast Cancer: Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV), Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). (United States)

    Lawson, James S; Salmons, Brian; Glenn, Wendy K


    Although the risk factors for breast cancer are well established, namely female gender, early menarche and late menopause plus the protective influence of early pregnancy, the underlying causes of breast cancer remain unknown. The development of substantial recent evidence indicates that a handful of viruses may have a role in breast cancer. These viruses are mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), bovine leukemia virus (BLV), human papilloma viruses (HPVs), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV-also known as human herpes virus type 4). Each of these viruses has documented oncogenic potential. The aim of this review is to inform the scientific and general community about this recent evidence. MMTV and human breast cancer-the evidence is detailed and comprehensive but cannot be regarded as conclusive. BLV and human breast cancer-the evidence is limited. However, in view of the emerging information about BLV in human breast cancer, it is prudent to encourage the elimination of BLV in cattle, particularly in the dairy industry. HPVs and breast cancer-the evidence is substantial but not conclusive. The availability of effective preventive vaccines is a major advantage and their use should be encouraged. EBV and breast cancer-the evidence is also substantial but not conclusive. Currently, there are no practical means of either prevention or treatment. Although there is evidence of genetic predisposition, and cancer in general is a culmination of events, there is no evidence that inherited genetic traits are causal. The influence of oncogenic viruses is currently the major plausible hypothesis for a direct cause of human breast cancer.

  9. Avaliku sektori juhtimine seoses ühiskonna ja majandusega / Taivo-Ahti Adamson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Adamson, Taivo-Ahti, 1963-


    Bibliogr. lk. 18-19. - Kokkuvõte ingl. k. lk. 19-20. Eesti riigi edukus sõltub sellest, kuidas suudetakse käsitleda ühiskonda kui tervikut kohalike elanike heaolu ja riigi elanike integreeritusest tulenevalt

  10. Evolutionary relationship of alfalfa mosaic virus with cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus


    Savithri, HS; Murthy, MRN


    The amino acid sequences of the non-structural protein (molecular weight 35,000; 3a protein) from three plant viruses - cucumber mosaic, brome mosaic and alfalfa mosaic have been systematically compared using the partial genomic sequences for these three viruses already available. The 3a protein of cucumber mosaic virus has an amino acid sequence homology of 33.7% with the corresponding protein of brome mosaic virus. A similar protein from alfalfa mosaic virus has a homology of 18.2% and 14.2...

  11. Rahvas palkab 101 töötajat / Tarmo Pikner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikner, Tarmo


    Saare Maavalitsuse arengu- ja planeeringu osakonna juhataja Tarmo Pikneri sõnul on piirkondlike erinevustega arvestamine meie riigi seadusandluses enam kui puudulik. Igal Riigikogu liikmel peaks olema ette näidata tema panus Eesti riigi seadusloomesse

  12. Poola teadlane uurib kraatrit / Aare Laine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laine, Aare, 1951-


    Poznani ülikooli geoloogiainstituudi direktor Wojciech Stankowaki koos tudengitega võtab pinnaseproove edasiseks uurimiseks. Kahe riigi koostöö toimub mõlema riigi teaduste akadeemia ühisprogrammi "Eesti ja Poola meteoriidikraatrite võrdlev uurimine" alusel

  13. Comparative analysis of chrysanthemum transcriptome in response to three RNA viruses: Cucumber mosaic virus, Tomato spotted wilt virus and Potato virus X. (United States)

    Choi, Hoseong; Jo, Yeonhwa; Lian, Sen; Jo, Kyoung-Min; Chu, Hyosub; Yoon, Ju-Yeon; Choi, Seung-Kook; Kim, Kook-Hyung; Cho, Won Kyong


    The chrysanthemum is one of popular flowers in the world and a host for several viruses. So far, molecular interaction studies between the chrysanthemum and viruses are limited. In this study, we carried out a transcriptome analysis of chrysanthemum in response to three different viruses including Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Potato virus X (PVX). A chrysanthemum 135K microarray derived from expressed sequence tags was successfully applied for the expression profiles of the chrysanthemum at early stage of virus infection. Finally, we identified a total of 125, 70 and 124 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for CMV, TSWV and PVX, respectively. Many DEGs were virus specific; however, 33 DEGs were commonly regulated by three viruses. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis identified a total of 132 GO terms, and of them, six GO terms related stress response and MCM complex were commonly identified for three viruses. Several genes functioning in stress response such as chitin response and ethylene mediated signaling pathway were up-regulated indicating their involvement in establishment of host immune system. In particular, TSWV infection significantly down-regulated genes related to DNA metabolic process including DNA replication, chromatin organization, histone modification and cytokinesis, and they are mostly targeted to nucleosome and MCM complex. Taken together, our comparative transcriptome analysis revealed several genes related to hormone mediated viral stress response and DNA modification. The identified chrysanthemums genes could be good candidates for further functional study associated with resistant to various plant viruses.

  14. Preemiad said Rein Raud, fs, Mart Kivastik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali 2004. aasta kirjanduse aastapreemia laureaadid on: Rein Raud ("Hector ja Bernard"), fs (luulekogu "2004"), Mart Kivastik (näidend "Külmetava kunstniku portree"), Jaan Rannap ("Nelja nimega koer"), Toomas Haug ("Troojamäe tõotus"), Harald Rajamets (tõlkeluule kogumik "Pegasos ja peegel"), Antoine Chalvin ("Kalevipoja" tõlge prantsuse keelde"), Ilmar Talve ("Eesti kultuurilugu"), Lauri Sommer (artikkel Uku Masingu käsikirja "Saadik Magellani pilvest" vaimne, ajalis-ruumiline ja elulooline taust), Boris Tuch ("Gorjatshaja desjatka estonskihh pisatelei")

  15. Competitive virus assay method for titration of noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea viruses (END⁺ and END⁻ viruses). (United States)

    Muhsen, Mahmod; Ohi, Kota; Aoki, Hiroshi; Ikeda, Hidetoshi; Fukusho, Akio


    A new, reliable and secure virus assay method, named the competitive virus assay (CVA) method, has been established for the titration of bovine viral diarrhea viruses (BVDVs) that either show the exaltation of Newcastle disease virus (END) phenomenon or heterologous interference phenomenon (but not the END phenomenon). This method is based on the principle of (1) homologous interference between BVDVs, by using BVDV RK13/E(-) or BVDV RK13/E(+) strains as competitor virus, and (2) END phenomenon and heterologous interference, by using attenuated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) TCND strain as challenge virus. In titration of BVDV END(+) and BVDV END(-) viruses, no significant difference in estimated virus titer was observed between CVA and conventional methods. CVA method demonstrated comparable levels of sensitivity and accuracy as conventional END and interference methods, which require the use of a velogenic Miyadera strain of NDV and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), both of which are agents of high-risk diseases. As such, the CVA method is a safer alternative, with increased bio-safety and bio-containment, through avoidance of virulent strains that are commonly employed with conventional methods. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Бизнесмены хотят взять на себя госбухгалтерию / Андрус Карнау

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Карнау, Андрус


    Kuuest ettevõttest koosnev kontsortsium (Helmes, Ernst & Young, Oracle, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Raidla Leijins & Norcous ja SAP Estonia) tahab Eesti riigi senisest palju tõhusamalt toimima panna, luues hiigelfirma, mis oleks ühel ajal riigi raamatupidaja, personalijuht, IT-korraldaja ja vajaliku kauba ostja

  17. EC suspicious of Latvian audit results

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Alates 1. novembrist 2010 ei ole Läti Euroopa Liidu Solidaarsusfondist finantseerimist saanud, kuigi selle abil läbiviidavad projektid pole peatatud, kuna see oli riigi otsus. Finantseerimine peaks taastuma juunis, kui Euroopa Komisjoniga lepitakse riigi rahanduse juhtimis- ja järelevalveprogrammis kokku

  18. Awareness and the usage of business support measures by SME-s in Estonia / Kristina Värno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Värno, Kristina


    Ülevaade ettevõtete teadlikkusest riigi toetusprogrammidest ja nende kasutamisest. Soovitusi riigi toetusmeetmete tõhusamaks ülesehituseks ning tutvustamiseks. Analüüs põhineb majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi poolt 2002. a. ettevõtjate seas läbi viidud telefoniküsitlusele. Diagrammid

  19. Vremena illjuzii proshli, no utopistõ ostaliss / Rafik Grigorjan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grigorjan, Rafik, 1948-


    Autor analüüsib Eesti riigi integratsiooni- ja keelepoliitikat ning vähemusrahvuste kohta ühiskonnas. Aprillisündmused näitasid, et vähemusrahvused ei taha olla pelgalt integratsiooniobjektiks ja tahavad võrdsetel alustel otsustada riigi tuleviku üle

  20. The IDA-LIKE peptides IDL6 and IDL7 are negative modulators of stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Vie, Ane Kjersti; Najafi, Javad; Winge, Per; Cattan, Ester; Wrzaczek, Michael; Kangasjärvi, Jaakko; Miller, Gad; Brembu, Tore; Bones, Atle M


    Small signalling peptides have emerged as important cell to cell messengers in plant development and stress responses. However, only a few of the predicted peptides have been functionally characterized. Here, we present functional characterization of two members of the IDA-LIKE (IDL) peptide family in Arabidopsis thaliana, IDL6 and IDL7. Localization studies suggest that the peptides require a signal peptide and C-terminal processing to be correctly transported out of the cell. Both IDL6 and IDL7 appear to be unstable transcripts under post-transcriptional regulation. Treatment of plants with synthetic IDL6 and IDL7 peptides resulted in down-regulation of a broad range of stress-responsive genes, including early stress-responsive transcripts, dominated by a large group of ZINC FINGER PROTEIN (ZFP) genes, WRKY genes, and genes encoding calcium-dependent proteins. IDL7 expression was rapidly induced by hydrogen peroxide, and idl7 and idl6 idl7 double mutants displayed reduced cell death upon exposure to extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). Co-treatment of the bacterial elicitor flg22 with IDL7 peptide attenuated the rapid ROS burst induced by treatment with flg22 alone. Taken together, our results suggest that IDL7, and possibly IDL6, act as negative modulators of stress-induced ROS signalling in Arabidopsis. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  1. Virus wars: using one virus to block the spread of another

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew L. Paff


    Full Text Available The failure of traditional interventions to block and cure HIV infections has led to novel proposals that involve treating infections with therapeutic viruses–infectious viruses that specifically inhibit HIV propagation in the host. Early efforts in evaluating these proposals have been limited chiefly to mathematical models of dynamics, for lack of suitable empirical systems. Here we propose, develop and analyze an empirical system of a therapeutic virus that protects a host cell population against a lethal virus. The empirical system uses E. coli bacteria as the host cell population, an RNA phage as the lethal virus and a filamentous phage as the therapeutic virus. Basic dynamic properties are established for each virus alone and then together. Observed dynamics broadly agree with those predicted by a computer simulation model, although some differences are noted. Two cases of dynamics are contrasted, differing in whether the therapeutic virus is introduced before the lethal virus or after the lethal virus. The therapeutic virus increases in both cases but by different mechanisms. With the therapeutic virus introduced first, it spreads infectiously without any appreciable change in host dynamics. With the therapeutic virus introduced second, host abundance is depressed at the time therapy is applied; following an initial period of therapeutic virus spread by infection, the subsequent rise of protection is through reproduction by hosts already protected. This latter outcome is due to inheritance of the therapeutic virus state when the protected cell divides. Overall, the work establishes the feasibility and robustness to details of a viral interference using a therapeutic virus.

  2. Zika virus disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adel I Al-Afaleq


    Full Text Available The Zika virus is an arbovirus belonging to the virus family Flaviviridae. The virus was isolated in 1947 from a rhesus monkey in the Zika Forest of Uganda. The virus causes sporadic mild human infections in Africa and later in Asia. However, by 2007 a major shift in its infection pattern was noticed and thousands of human infections were reported in the State of Yap and Federated States of Micronesia. In the last 3 years, major outbreaks have continued to occur and the virus has spread to several Pacific and American countries. These outbreaks were mostly asymptomatic; however, there were more severe clinical signs associated with the infections. Those signs included microcephaly and Guillain–Barre syndrome. It is believed that various species of mosquitoes can biologically transmit the virus. However, Aedes aegypti is most widely associated with the Zika virus. Recently, new modes of virus transmission have been reported, including mother-to-fetus, sexual, blood transfusion, animal bites, laboratory exposure and breast milk. Differential diagnosis is very important as some other arboviruses such as yellow fever virus, West Nile virus, dengue virus, and chikungunya virus have similar clinical manifestations to the Zika virus infection as well as relating serologically to some of these viruses. Established laboratory diagnostic tests to detect the Zika virus are limited, with reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction being the most widely used test. Taking into consideration the quickness of the spread of infection, size of the infected population and change of the infection severity pattern, the Zika virus infection merits collective efforts on all levels to prevent and control the disease. Limited research work and data, concurrent infection with other arboviruses, involvement of biological vectors, mass crowd events, human and trade movements and lack of vaccines are some of the challenges that we face in our efforts to prevent and

  3. Dengue virus receptor


    Hidari, Kazuya I.P.J.; Suzuki, Takashi


    Dengue virus is an arthropod-borne virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Dengue virus causes fever and hemorrhagic disorders in humans and non-human primates. Direct interaction of the virus introduced by a mosquito bite with host receptor molecule(s) is crucial for virus propagation and the pathological progression of dengue diseases. Therefore, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between dengue virus and its receptor(s) in both humans and mosquitoes is essent...

  4. Maison Carre - uus Soome saadik Prantsusmaal / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    2007. a. septembris avati laiale publikule Alvar Aalto projekteeritud villa Maison Carre Pariisi lähedal. A. Aalto projekteeris maja prantsuse kunstikollektsionäärile Louis Carre'le (1897-1977) 1956. a., villa valmis 1959. a. Soome Kulttuurirahasto ostis villa ära 2007. a. Värv. sisevaade, 2 välisvaadet

  5. Kui riskantne on India? / Mehul Srivastava, Nandini Lakshman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Srivastava, Mehul


    Seni suure majanduskasvuga välisinvestoreid ja välisettevõtjaid ahvatlenud India on pärast 26. novembril 2008 aset leidnud tulistamisi Mumbai lõunaosas sattunud vastamisi olukorraga, kus on paljastunud lõhe riigi positiivse maine ja reaalsuse vahel. Aruteludest riigi tuleviku üle

  6. Kas tõmbame vee peale? / Ivar Tallo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    Autori hinnangul on riigi uuendamise teema jäänud viimase kolme valitsuse tähelepanu alt täiesti kõrvale - nagu oleks Eesti riik valmis saanud. Tema sõnul oleks e-riigi arendamisega võimalik Eesti murenevat positiivset mainet püsti hoida

  7. ECHO virus (United States)

    ... page: // ECHO virus To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Enteric cytopathic human orphan (ECHO) viruses are a group of viruses that can lead ...

  8. Hepatitis E virus coinfection with hepatotropic viruses in Egyptian children. (United States)

    Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed; Salama, Osama Saad; Mansour, Fathy Awaad; Hossein, Shaimaa


    Major hepatotropic viruses continue to be important causes of acute viral hepatitis in developing countries. This work was carried out to detect the seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) markers in children with acute viral hepatitis due to hepatotropic viruses (A, B and C) and non-A, non-B, non-C acute hepatitis, and to ascertain the influence of HEV superinfection in individuals infected with hepatitis viruses (A, B and C). We studied prospectively 162 children with sporadic acute hepatitis who reported to our hospital. Thirteen healthy controls were also included in the study. Laboratory investigations were performed, including complete liver function tests. Complete serological profiles for hepatitis viruses A, B, C and E were evaluated. HEV immunoglobulin G was detected with highest percentage among patients with hepatitis B (56.7%), followed by patients with hepatitis C virus (52.0%), hepatitis A virus (34.1%) and combined hepatitis B and C viruses (30.0%). The detection rate among patients with non-A, non-B, non-C hepatitis was 7.1%. HEV immunoglobulin M was found in 4.5% of hepatitis A virus patients and in 3.3% of hepatitis B patients. The prevalence of HEV immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M correlated with the levels of hepatic aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in patients with dual markers of infection with hepatitis E and other viruses compared to patients with acute hepatitis due to A and C viruses. HEV serological markers are common among children with acute viral hepatitis, especially from hepatitis C and B viruses. There may be increased sensitivity to HEV coinfection in association with hepatitis B and C infections. Dual infection with HEV and other hepatotropic viruses was associated with greater elevation of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases.

  9. Phytophthora viruses. (United States)

    Cai, Guohong; Hillman, Bradley I


    Phytophthora sp. is a genus in the oomycetes, which are similar to filamentous fungi in morphology and habitat, but phylogenetically more closely related to brown algae and diatoms and fall in the kingdom Stramenopila. In the past few years, several viruses have been characterized in Phytophthora species, including four viruses from Phytophthora infestans, the late blight pathogen, and an endornavirus from an unnamed Phytophthora species from Douglas fir. Studies on Phytophthora viruses have revealed several interesting systems. Phytophthora infestans RNA virus 1 (PiRV-1) and PiRV-2 are likely the first members of two new virus families; studies on PiRV-3 support the establishment of a new virus genus that is not affiliated with established virus families; PiRV-4 is a member of Narnaviridae, most likely in the genus Narnavirus; and Phytophthora endornavirus 1 (PEV1) was the first nonplant endornavirus at the time of reporting. Viral capsids have not been found in any of the above-mentioned viruses. PiRV-1 demonstrated a unique genome organization that requires further examination, and PiRV-2 may have played a role in late blight resurgence in 1980s-1990s. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Viruses infecting reptiles. (United States)

    Marschang, Rachel E


    A large number of viruses have been described in many different reptiles. These viruses include arboviruses that primarily infect mammals or birds as well as viruses that are specific for reptiles. Interest in arboviruses infecting reptiles has mainly focused on the role reptiles may play in the epidemiology of these viruses, especially over winter. Interest in reptile specific viruses has concentrated on both their importance for reptile medicine as well as virus taxonomy and evolution. The impact of many viral infections on reptile health is not known. Koch's postulates have only been fulfilled for a limited number of reptilian viruses. As diagnostic testing becomes more sensitive, multiple infections with various viruses and other infectious agents are also being detected. In most cases the interactions between these different agents are not known. This review provides an update on viruses described in reptiles, the animal species in which they have been detected, and what is known about their taxonomic positions.

  11. Viruses Infecting Reptiles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rachel E. Marschang


    Full Text Available A large number of viruses have been described in many different reptiles. These viruses include arboviruses that primarily infect mammals or birds as well as viruses that are specific for reptiles. Interest in arboviruses infecting reptiles has mainly focused on the role reptiles may play in the epidemiology of these viruses, especially over winter. Interest in reptile specific viruses has concentrated on both their importance for reptile medicine as well as virus taxonomy and evolution. The impact of many viral infections on reptile health is not known. Koch’s postulates have only been fulfilled for a limited number of reptilian viruses. As diagnostic testing becomes more sensitive, multiple infections with various viruses and other infectious agents are also being detected. In most cases the interactions between these different agents are not known. This review provides an update on viruses described in reptiles, the animal species in which they have been detected, and what is known about their taxonomic positions.

  12. Characterization of uncultivable bat influenza virus using a replicative synthetic virus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bin Zhou


    Full Text Available Bats harbor many viruses, which are periodically transmitted to humans resulting in outbreaks of disease (e.g., Ebola, SARS-CoV. Recently, influenza virus-like sequences were identified in bats; however, the viruses could not be cultured. This discovery aroused great interest in understanding the evolutionary history and pandemic potential of bat-influenza. Using synthetic genomics, we were unable to rescue the wild type bat virus, but could rescue a modified bat-influenza virus that had the HA and NA coding regions replaced with those of A/PR/8/1934 (H1N1. This modified bat-influenza virus replicated efficiently in vitro and in mice, resulting in severe disease. Additional studies using a bat-influenza virus that had the HA and NA of A/swine/Texas/4199-2/1998 (H3N2 showed that the PR8 HA and NA contributed to the pathogenicity in mice. Unlike other influenza viruses, engineering truncations hypothesized to reduce interferon antagonism into the NS1 protein didn't attenuate bat-influenza. In contrast, substitution of a putative virulence mutation from the bat-influenza PB2 significantly attenuated the virus in mice and introduction of a putative virulence mutation increased its pathogenicity. Mini-genome replication studies and virus reassortment experiments demonstrated that bat-influenza has very limited genetic and protein compatibility with Type A or Type B influenza viruses, yet it readily reassorts with another divergent bat-influenza virus, suggesting that the bat-influenza lineage may represent a new Genus/Species within the Orthomyxoviridae family. Collectively, our data indicate that the bat-influenza viruses recently identified are authentic viruses that pose little, if any, pandemic threat to humans; however, they provide new insights into the evolution and basic biology of influenza viruses.

  13. Characterization of uncultivable bat influenza virus using a replicative synthetic virus. (United States)

    Zhou, Bin; Ma, Jingjiao; Liu, Qinfang; Bawa, Bhupinder; Wang, Wei; Shabman, Reed S; Duff, Michael; Lee, Jinhwa; Lang, Yuekun; Cao, Nan; Nagy, Abdou; Lin, Xudong; Stockwell, Timothy B; Richt, Juergen A; Wentworth, David E; Ma, Wenjun


    Bats harbor many viruses, which are periodically transmitted to humans resulting in outbreaks of disease (e.g., Ebola, SARS-CoV). Recently, influenza virus-like sequences were identified in bats; however, the viruses could not be cultured. This discovery aroused great interest in understanding the evolutionary history and pandemic potential of bat-influenza. Using synthetic genomics, we were unable to rescue the wild type bat virus, but could rescue a modified bat-influenza virus that had the HA and NA coding regions replaced with those of A/PR/8/1934 (H1N1). This modified bat-influenza virus replicated efficiently in vitro and in mice, resulting in severe disease. Additional studies using a bat-influenza virus that had the HA and NA of A/swine/Texas/4199-2/1998 (H3N2) showed that the PR8 HA and NA contributed to the pathogenicity in mice. Unlike other influenza viruses, engineering truncations hypothesized to reduce interferon antagonism into the NS1 protein didn't attenuate bat-influenza. In contrast, substitution of a putative virulence mutation from the bat-influenza PB2 significantly attenuated the virus in mice and introduction of a putative virulence mutation increased its pathogenicity. Mini-genome replication studies and virus reassortment experiments demonstrated that bat-influenza has very limited genetic and protein compatibility with Type A or Type B influenza viruses, yet it readily reassorts with another divergent bat-influenza virus, suggesting that the bat-influenza lineage may represent a new Genus/Species within the Orthomyxoviridae family. Collectively, our data indicate that the bat-influenza viruses recently identified are authentic viruses that pose little, if any, pandemic threat to humans; however, they provide new insights into the evolution and basic biology of influenza viruses.

  14. Haridus peaks olema tasuline / Aarne Leisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leisalu, Aarne


    Isetasuv haridussüsteem, kus koolitatav maksab oma haridusinvesteeringute eest, lahendaks probleemi, et madalama elatustasemega riigi haridusinvesteeringud muutuvad rikka riigi eduteguriks. Käivitumas on Euroopa Liidu 6. raamprogramm, mille üks põhisuunitlus on luua teaduspotentsiaali mobiilsusele ja teadlaste liikumisele võimalikult head tingimused ning teadustegevuse baas

  15. Löögiüksuse "Admiral Pitka" formeerimine ja tegevus / Toomas Hiio

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiio, Toomas, 1965-


    Johan Pitka tegevusest 1940-1944. Tema lähematest kaastöölistest Paul Laamannist ja Evald Karotoomest. Löögiüksuse formeerimisest Saksa ametkondade asjaajamises ning Evald Karotoomi ja Paul Laamanni tunnistuste järgi. Kes kuulusid Pitka löögirühma. Saadik Aleksander Warma suhtumisest Pitka löögiüksuse moodustamisse. Vastuolust Soomes viibinud mõõdukate eestlaste ja Harald Vellneri ning Karl Talpaku vahel. Löögirühma tegevusest Tallinnas sakslaste taandumise ajal.

  16. Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and syphilis remain major infections around the world. In Angola, about 166 000 individuals are living with HIV, representing a prevalence of 1.98% in adults between 15 and 49 years of age. In a 2003 study in Luanda, 4.5% ...

  17. Epstein - Barr Virus


    Štorkánová, Lenka


    Epstein-Barr virus Bachelor thesis summarizes the findings of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), its general characteristics, transmission and spread of the virus, symptoms of disease and subsequent therapy and recovery. More specifically, it focuses on infectious mononucleosis, as well as more generally to other diseases, which the Epstein-Barr virus causes. It includes details of the vaccine against EB virus. There are the statistics on the incidence of infectious mononucleosis.

  18. Põlevkivi kasutamise riiklikust arengukavast ja sellest tulenevatest nõuetest / Anto Raukas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raukas, Anto, 1935-


    Energeetika on iga riigi põhialus ja tegutsemise suunis on Eestis pidevalt uuendatav riiklik arengukava. Eesti energiaressurss põhineb valdavalt põlevkivil, mis annab riigi elektrivarustuses äärmiselt vajaliku strateegilise sõltumatuse. Põlevkivi kasutamise eelised, kaevandamine, riiklik arengukava. Tabel: Ettevõtete soovid põlevkivi kasutamiseks 2007-2015

  19. Tee Kilkennysse läheb läbi... Liivalaia / William Elliott ; tõlk. Marek Laane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elliott, William


    Suurbritannia diplomaat rõhutab vajadust tunda hästi olukorda selles riigis, mida hakatakse rajama või taas üles ehitama. Ta esitab kolm teesi, mida peaks silmas pidama riigi taasülesehitusel. Nn. riskiriikidega diplomaatiliste sidemete säilitamise tähtsusest. Lisa: Rumalaid diplomaatilistest suhetest loobumisi

  20. Eliidi kesksusest / Fredo Arias-King ; tõlk. Riita-Ilona Märka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arias-King, Fredo


    Eliidi- ja juhtimisteooria ei pruugi seletada, miks ühes riigis tekkis demokraatia ja teises mitte, kuid ta näitab põhjuseid, miks mõnes postkommunistlikus riigis toimus edukas üleminek demokraatiale või turumajandusele, teises see aga ebaõnnestus. Tabelid. Tõlgitud käsikirjast "The centrality of elites"

  1. Emerging influenza viruses and the prospect of a universal influenza virus vaccine. (United States)

    Krammer, Florian


    Influenza viruses cause annual seasonal epidemics and pandemics at irregular intervals. Several cases of human infections with avian and swine influenza viruses have been detected recently, warranting enhanced surveillance and the development of more effective countermeasures to address the pandemic potential of these viruses. The most effective countermeasure against influenza virus infection is the use of prophylactic vaccines. However, vaccines that are currently in use for seasonal influenza viruses have to be re-formulated and re-administered in a cumbersome process every year due to the antigenic drift of the virus. Furthermore, current seasonal vaccines are ineffective against novel pandemic strains. This paper reviews zoonotic influenza viruses with pandemic potential and technological advances towards better vaccines that induce broad and long lasting protection from influenza virus infection. Recent efforts have focused on the development of broadly protective/universal influenza virus vaccines that can provide immunity against drifted seasonal influenza virus strains but also against potential pandemic viruses. Copyright © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Virus-host interaction in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection. (United States)

    Taniwaki, Sueli Akemi; Figueiredo, Andreza Soriano; Araujo, João Pessoa


    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection has been the focus of several studies because this virus exhibits genetic and pathogenic characteristics that are similar to those of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). FIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in cats, nevertheless, a large fraction of infected cats remain asymptomatic throughout life despite of persistent chronic infection. This slow disease progression may be due to the presence of factors that are involved in the natural resistance to infection and the immune response that is mounted by the animals, as well as due to the adaptation of the virus to the host. Therefore, the study of virus-host interaction is essential to the understanding of the different patterns of disease course and the virus persistence in the host, and to help with the development of effective vaccines and perhaps the cure of FIV and HIV infections. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Systematic analysis of protein identity between Zika virus and other arthropod-borne viruses. (United States)

    Chang, Hsiao-Han; Huber, Roland G; Bond, Peter J; Grad, Yonatan H; Camerini, David; Maurer-Stroh, Sebastian; Lipsitch, Marc


    To analyse the proportions of protein identity between Zika virus and dengue, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, West Nile and chikungunya viruses as well as polymorphism between different Zika virus strains. We used published protein sequences for the Zika virus and obtained protein sequences for the other viruses from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) protein database or the NCBI virus variation resource. We used BLASTP to find regions of identity between viruses. We quantified the identity between the Zika virus and each of the other viruses, as well as within-Zika virus polymorphism for all amino acid k -mers across the proteome, with k ranging from 6 to 100. We assessed accessibility of protein fragments by calculating the solvent accessible surface area for the envelope and nonstructural-1 (NS1) proteins. In total, we identified 294 Zika virus protein fragments with both low proportion of identity with other viruses and low levels of polymorphisms among Zika virus strains. The list includes protein fragments from all Zika virus proteins, except NS3. NS4A has the highest number (190 k -mers) of protein fragments on the list. We provide a candidate list of protein fragments that could be used when developing a sensitive and specific serological test to detect previous Zika virus infections.

  4. Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)-Virus Diseases (United States)

    At least six viruses have been found in highbush blueberry plantings in the Pacific Northwest: Blueberry mosaic virus, Blueberry red ringspot virus, Blueberry scorch virus, Blueberry shock virus, Tobacco ringspot virus, and Tomato ringspot virus. Six other virus and virus-like diseases of highbush b...

  5. Single virus genomics: a new tool for virus discovery.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa Zeigler Allen

    Full Text Available Whole genome amplification and sequencing of single microbial cells has significantly influenced genomics and microbial ecology by facilitating direct recovery of reference genome data. However, viral genomics continues to suffer due to difficulties related to the isolation and characterization of uncultivated viruses. We report here on a new approach called 'Single Virus Genomics', which enabled the isolation and complete genome sequencing of the first single virus particle. A mixed assemblage comprised of two known viruses; E. coli bacteriophages lambda and T4, were sorted using flow cytometric methods and subsequently immobilized in an agarose matrix. Genome amplification was then achieved in situ via multiple displacement amplification (MDA. The complete lambda phage genome was recovered with an average depth of coverage of approximately 437X. The isolation and genome sequencing of uncultivated viruses using Single Virus Genomics approaches will enable researchers to address questions about viral diversity, evolution, adaptation and ecology that were previously unattainable.

  6. Resistance to Two Heterologous Neurotropic Oncolytic Viruses, Semliki Forest Virus and Vaccinia Virus, in Experimental Glioma (United States)

    Le Boeuf, Fabrice; Lemay, Chantal; De Silva, Naomi; Diallo, Jean-Simon; Cox, Julie; Becker, Michelle; Choi, Youngmin; Ananth, Abhirami; Sellers, Clara; Breton, Sophie; Roy, Dominic; Falls, Theresa; Brun, Jan; Hemminki, Akseli; Hinkkanen, Ari; Bell, John C.


    Attenuated Semliki Forest virus (SFV) may be suitable for targeting malignant glioma due to its natural neurotropism, but its replication in brain tumor cells may be restricted by innate antiviral defenses. We attempted to facilitate SFV replication in glioma cells by combining it with vaccinia virus, which is capable of antagonizing such defenses. Surprisingly, we found parenchymal mouse brain tumors to be refractory to both viruses. Also, vaccinia virus appears to be sensitive to SFV-induced antiviral interference. PMID:23221568

  7. Boratilt tuleb jõulusingel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Briti koomiku Sacha Baron Coheni loodud peategelasega USA film "Borat - kultuurialased õppetunnid Ameerikast abiks suursuguse Kasahstani riigi ülesehitamisel" on kasahhi rahvale tuntust toonud ning peategelane väärib Kasahstani riigi auhinda. Sellise üleskutse esitas Kasahhi romaanikirjanik Sapabek Asip-uly. Inglismaal annab Cohen välja oma singli

  8. Spetsoperatsija "Rossija". Rasklad sil / Kirill Kabanov, Mihhail Krasnov, Leonid Nikitinski...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Bürokraatia Venemaal on oma kontrolli alla võtnud poliitika põhifunktsiooni - riigi arengustrateegia kujundamise. Riik, kus eksisteerib ainult üks poliitik, ei saa olla demokraatlik. Korruptsioon Venemaal. Eliiti ei ole ajalugu õpetanud, riigipöörded Venemaal ei lõpe vandenõulaste võidu, vaid kogu riigi kaotusega. Tulevikustsenaariumid

  9. Detection of sweet potato virus C, sweet potato virus 2 and sweet potato feathery mottle virus in Portugal. (United States)

    Varanda, Carla M R; Santos, Susana J; Oliveira, Mônica D M; Clara, Maria Ivone E; Félix, Maria Rosário F


    Field sweet potato plants showing virus-like symptoms, as stunting, leaf distortion, mosaic and chlorosis, were collected in southwest Portugal and tested for the presence of four potyviruses, sweet potato virus C (SPVC), sweet potato virus 2 (SPV2), sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV), sweet potato virus G (SPVG), and the crinivirus sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV). DsRNA fractions were extracted from symptomatic leaves and used as templates in single and multiplex RT-PCR assays using previously described specific primers for each analyzed virus. The amplified reaction products for SPVC, SPV2 and SPFMV were of expected size, and direct sequencing of PCR products revealed that they correspond to the coat protein gene (CP) and showed 98%, 99% and 99% identity, respectively, to those viruses. Comparison of the CP genomic and amino acid sequences of the Portuguese viral isolates recovered here with those of ten other sequences of isolates obtained in different countries retrieved from the GenBank showed very few differences. The application of the RT-PCR assays revealed for the first time the presence of SPVC and SPFMV in the sweet potato crop in Portugal, the absence of SPVG and SPCSV in tested plants, as well as the occurrence of triple virus infections under field conditions.

  10. Hepatitis E virus and fulminant hepatitis--a virus or host-specific pathology? (United States)

    Smith, Donald B; Simmonds, Peter


    Fulminant hepatitis is a rare outcome of infection with hepatitis E virus. Several recent reports suggest that virus variation is an important determinant of disease progression. To critically examine the evidence that virus-specific factors underlie the development of fulminant hepatitis following hepatitis E virus infection. Published sequence information of hepatitis E virus isolates from patients with and without fulminant hepatitis was collected and analysed using statistical tests to identify associations between virus polymorphisms and disease outcome. Fulminant hepatitis has been reported following infection with all four hepatitis E virus genotypes that infect humans comprising multiple phylogenetic lineages within genotypes 1, 3 and 4. Analysis of virus sequences from individuals infected by a common source did not detect any common substitutions associated with progression to fulminant hepatitis. Re-analysis of previously reported associations between virus substitutions and fulminant hepatitis suggests that these were probably the result of sampling biases. Host-specific factors rather than virus genotype, variants or specific substitutions appear to be responsible for the development of fulminant hepatitis. © 2014 The Authors. Liver International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Circulating avian influenza viruses closely related to the 1918 virus have pandemic potential (United States)

    Watanabe, Tokiko; Zhong, Gongxun; Russell, Colin A.; Nakajima, Noriko; Hatta, Masato; Hanson, Anthony; McBride, Ryan; Burke, David F.; Takahashi, Kenta; Fukuyama, Satoshi; Tomita, Yuriko; Maher, Eileen A.; Watanabe, Shinji; Imai, Masaki; Neumann, Gabriele; Hasegawa, Hideki; Paulson, James C.; Smith, Derek J.; Kawaoka, Yoshihiro


    Summary Wild birds harbor a large gene pool of influenza A viruses that have the potential to cause influenza pandemics. Foreseeing and understanding this potential is important for effective surveillance. Our phylogenetic and geographic analyses revealed the global prevalence of avian influenza virus genes whose proteins differ only a few amino acids from the 1918 pandemic influenza virus, suggesting that 1918-like pandemic viruses may emerge in the future. To assess this risk, we generated and characterized a virus composed of avian influenza viral segments with high homology to the 1918 virus. This virus exhibited higher pathogenicity in mice and ferrets than an authentic avian influenza virus. Further, acquisition of seven amino acid substitutions in the viral polymerases and the hemagglutinin surface glycoprotein conferred respiratory droplet transmission to the 1918-like avian virus in ferrets, demonstrating that contemporary avian influenza viruses with 1918 virus-like proteins may have pandemic potential. PMID:24922572

  12. Lack of Durable Cross-Neutralizing Antibodies Against Zika Virus from Dengue Virus Infection. (United States)

    Collins, Matthew H; McGowan, Eileen; Jadi, Ramesh; Young, Ellen; Lopez, Cesar A; Baric, Ralph S; Lazear, Helen M; de Silva, Aravinda M


    Cross-reactive antibodies elicited by dengue virus (DENV) infection might affect Zika virus infection and confound serologic tests. Recent data demonstrate neutralization of Zika virus by monoclonal antibodies or human serum collected early after DENV infection. Whether this finding is true in late DENV convalescence (>6 months after infection) is unknown. We studied late convalescent serum samples from persons with prior DENV or Zika virus exposure. Despite extensive cross-reactivity in IgG binding, Zika virus neutralization was not observed among primary DENV infections. We observed low-frequency (23%) Zika virus cross-neutralization in repeat DENV infections. DENV-immune persons who had Zika virus as a secondary infection had distinct populations of antibodies that neutralized DENVs and Zika virus, as shown by DENV-reactive antibody depletion experiments. These data suggest that most DENV infections do not induce durable, high-level Zika virus cross-neutralizing antibodies. Zika virus-specific antibody populations develop after Zika virus infection irrespective of prior DENV immunity.

  13. Ganjam virus. (United States)

    Sudeep, A B; Jadi, R S; Mishra, A C


    Ganjam virus (GANV), a member of genus Nairovirus of family Bunyavirdae is of considerable veterinary importance in India. Though, predominantly tick borne, GANV was also isolated from mosquitoes, man and sheep. Neutralizing and complement fixing antibodies to GANV have been detected in animal and human sera collected from different parts of the country. Thirty three strains of GANV have been isolated from India, mainly from Haemaphysalis ticks. The virus replicated in certain vertebrate and mosquito cell lines and found pathogenic to laboratory animals. One natural infection and five laboratory-acquired infections in men were also reported. GANV is antigenically related to Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV) of Africa, which is highly pathogenic for sheep and goats causing 70-90 per cent mortality among the susceptible population. Recent molecular studies have demonstrated that GANV is an Asian variant of NSDV and both these viruses are related to the dreaded Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) group viruses. The versatility of the virus to replicate in different arthropod species, its ability to infect sheep, goat and man makes it an important zoonotic agent.

  14. The Drosophila Nora virus is an enteric virus, transmitted via feces. (United States)

    Habayeb, Mazen S; Cantera, Rafael; Casanova, Gabriela; Ekström, Jens-Ola; Albright, Shannon; Hultmark, Dan


    The biology of the Drosophila viruses has not been intensely investigated. Here we have investigated the biology of the Nora virus, a persistent Drosophila virus. We find that injected Nora virus is able to replicate in the files, reaching a high titer that is maintained in the next generation. There is a remarkable variation in the viral loads of individual flies in persistently infected stocks; the titers can differ by three orders of magnitude. The Nora virus is mainly found in the intestine of infected flies, and the histology of these infected intestines show increased vacuolization. The virus is excreted in the feces and is horizontally transmitted. The Nora virus infection has a very mild effect on the longevity of the flies, and no significant effect on the number of eggs laid and the percent of eggs that develop to adults.

  15. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dimitrios Ioannidis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6 and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. METHODS: Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. RESULTS: Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4% versus controls (4/38; 10.5%, but the difference did not reach significance (p = 0.06. Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29% versus controls (10/38; 26.32%,p = 0.13. In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%, and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%, versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11. CONCLUSION: Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis.

  16. Evaluation of recombinant influenza virus-simian immunodeficiency virus vaccines in macaques. (United States)

    Sexton, Amy; De Rose, Robert; Reece, Jeanette C; Alcantara, Sheilajen; Loh, Liyen; Moffat, Jessica M; Laurie, Karen; Hurt, Aeron; Doherty, Peter C; Turner, Stephen J; Kent, Stephen J; Stambas, John


    There is an urgent need for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccines that induce robust mucosal immunity. Influenza A viruses (both H1N1 and H3N2) were engineered to express simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) CD8 T-cell epitopes and evaluated following administration to the respiratory tracts of 11 pigtail macaques. Influenza virus was readily detected from respiratory tract secretions, although the infections were asymptomatic. Animals seroconverted to influenza virus and generated CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses to influenza virus proteins. SIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses bearing the mucosal homing marker beta7 integrin were induced by vaccination of naïve animals. Further, SIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses could be boosted by recombinant influenza virus-SIV vaccination of animals with already-established SIV infection. Sequential vaccination with influenza virus-SIV recombinants of different subtypes (H1N1 followed by H3N2 or vice versa) produced only a limited boost in immunity, probably reflecting T-cell immunity to conserved internal proteins of influenza A virus. SIV challenge of macaques vaccinated with an influenza virus expressing a single SIV CD8 T cell resulted in a large anamnestic recall CD8 T-cell response, but immune escape rapidly ensued and there was no impact on chronic SIV viremia. Although our results suggest that influenza virus-HIV vaccines hold promise for the induction of mucosal immunity to HIV, broader antigen cover will be needed to limit cytotoxic T-lymphocyte escape.

  17. Võitsite Eurovisiooni ja edasi? / Wally Olins ; interv. Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olins, Wally


    Firma Saffron Brand Consultants juhatuse esimees, mitme riigi turundusega tegelenud brändimeister vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Eesti riigi brändimist ja olemasoleva Eesti brändinguprogrammi mittetoimimist ning tutvustab oma bränditeooriat. Lisad: Kas teate?; Noppeid seminarilt "Rahvas ja bränd ning rahvas kui bränd"

  18. Schmallenberg virus – et nyt virus hos drøvtyggere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lohse, Louise

    undersøgelser på laboratoriet, blev alle prøver i en længere periode testet negative for kendte patogener, der evt. kunne tænkes at knytte sig til disse sygdomsudbrud. Efterfølgende fandt man ved sekvensanalyse på DNA/RNA oprenset fra prøvematerialet lighed med virus fra orthobunyavirusgruppen. Disse virus er...... normalt vektorbårne og er kendt som årsag til sygdom i drøvtyggere i Australien, Asien, Afrika og Mellemøsten. Det nye virus blev kaldt Schmallenberg virus (SBV) efter stedet hvor det første tilfælde blev påvist. Siden har Schmallenberg virus spredt sig og er nu påvist i får, kvæg og geder i Tyskland......, Holland, Belgien, Luxembourg, Frankrig, Spanien, Italien og Storbritannien (status april 2012). Det antages, at virus overføres med mitter og myg og inkubationstiden har fra eksperimentelle forsøg vist sig at være kort (1-4 dage). Virus cirkulerer få dage i blodet og manifesterer sig ved milde uspecifikke...

  19. Sensitive radioimmunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses. [Cauliflower mosaic virus, lettuce mosaic virus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghabrial, S A; Shepherd, R J [Kentucky Univ., Lexington (USA); California Univ., Davis (USA))


    A simple and highly sensitive radioimmunosorbent assay (RISA) for the detection of plant viruses is described. The RISA procedure is a microplate method based on the principle of 'double-antibody sandwich' and follows essentially the protocol of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Clark and Adams, 1977), with the exception that /sup 125/I-labelled ..gamma..-globulin is substituted for the ..gamma..-globulin enzyme conjugate; the bound /sup 125/I-..gamma..-globulin is dissociated by acidification from the double-antibody sandwich. The radioactivity is proportional to virus concentration, and cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) and lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) could be detected at concentrations as low as 5 and 2 ng/ml, respectively. Direct evidence of the adverse effects of conjugation with enzyme on the binding abilities of antibodies is presented. The RISA procedure should prove valuable with viruses for which the ELISA values are too low to be dependable.

  20. Release of Virus from Lymphoid Tissue Affects Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Hepatitis C Virus Kinetics in the Blood

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Müller, Viktor; Marée, Athanasius F.M.; Boer, R.J. de


    Kinetic parameters of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections have been estimated from plasma virus levels following perturbation of the chronically infected (quasi-) steady state. We extend previous models by also considering the large pool of virus

  1. Hepatitis E Virus and Related Viruses in Animals. (United States)

    Thiry, D; Mauroy, A; Pavio, N; Purdy, M A; Rose, N; Thiry, E; de Oliveira-Filho, E F


    Hepatitis E is an acute human liver disease in healthy individuals which may eventually become chronic. It is caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV) and can have a zoonotic origin. Nearly 57,000 people die yearly from hepatitis E-related conditions. The disease is endemic in both developing and developed countries with distinct epidemiologic profiles. In developing countries, the disease is associated with inadequate water treatment, while in developed countries, transmission is associated with animal contact and the ingestion of raw or uncooked meat, especially liver. All human HEV are grouped into at least four genotypes, while HEV or HEV-related viruses have been identified in an increasing number of domestic and wild animal species. Despite a high genetic diversity, only one single HEV serotype has been described to date for HEV genotypes 1-4. The discovery of new HEV or HEV-related viruses leads to a continuing increase in the number of genotypes. In addition, the genome organization of all these viruses is variable with overlapping open reading frames (ORF) and differences in the location of ORF3. In spite of the role of some domestic and wild animals as reservoir, the origin of HEV and HEV-related viruses in humans and animals is still unclear. This review discusses aspects of the detection, molecular virology, zoonotic transmission and origin of HEV and HEV-related viruses in the context of 'One Health' and establishes a link between the previous and the new taxonomy of this growing virus family. © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  2. "The evil virus cell": Students' knowledge and beliefs about viruses. (United States)

    Simon, Uwe K; Enzinger, Sonja M; Fink, Andreas


    Education about virus biology at school is of pivotal interest to raise public awareness concerning means of disease transmission and, thus, methods to prevent infection, and to reduce unnecessary antibiotic treatment due to patient pressure on physicians in case of viral diseases such as influenza. This study aimed at making visible the knowledge of Austrian high school and university students with respect to virus biology, virus structure and health-education issues. The data presented here stem from comprehensive questionnaire analyses, including the task to draw a virus, from a cross-sectional study with 133 grade 7 and 199 grade 10 high school students, and 133 first-year biology and 181 first-year non-biology university students. Analyses were performed both quantitatively and qualitatively. ANOVA revealed a highly significant group effect for total knowledge relating to virus biology and health issues (F(3, 642) = 44.17, p students and grade 10 high school students. Students enrolled in university-level biology outperformed all other groups, even though they had not yet encountered this topic at their courses; part of this phenomenon might be due to their affinity for learning about biological topics. However, even many first-year biology students had a high number of severe misconceptions, e.g., defining a virus as a pro- or eukaryotic cell, or falsely naming malaria as a viral disease. Since there was no significant difference in virus-related knowledge between high schools, virus biology seems to have been taught similarly among the tested schools. However, the majority of participants stated that the virus-related knowledge they had acquired at school was not sufficient. Based on the results presented here we urgently suggest improving and intensifying teaching this topic at school, since virus-related knowledge was by far too fragmentary among many participants. Such lack of health-relevant knowledge may contribute to pressure on physicians by patients

  3. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls. (United States)

    Ioannidis, Dimitrios; Lachanas, Vasileios A; Florou, Zoe; Bizakis, John G; Petinaki, Efthymia; Skoulakis, Charalampos E


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6) and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4%) versus controls (4/38; 10.5%), but the difference did not reach significance (p=0.06). Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29%) versus controls (10/38; 26.32%, p=0.13). In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%), and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%), versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59) and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11). Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  4. Computer Virus and Trends


    Tutut Handayani; Soenarto Usna,Drs.MMSI


    Since its appearance the first time in the mid-1980s, computer virus has invited various controversies that still lasts to this day. Along with the development of computer systems technology, viruses komputerpun find new ways to spread itself through a variety of existing communications media. This paper discusses about some things related to computer viruses, namely: the definition and history of computer viruses; the basics of computer viruses; state of computer viruses at this time; and ...

  5. Tallinna linn palus riigilt maad, et ehitada vaestele perekondadele 450 uut korterit. Keskkonnaminister Villu Reiljan vahetas soovitud krundid ärimeestele eesotsas Merko omaniku Toomas Annusega / Tarmo Vahter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahter, Tarmo, 1970-


    Tallinn taotles elamuehituseks riigilt krunte, vastuseks teatati, et maa jäetakse riigi omandisse seoses vajadusega arvata see riigi maareservi. Taotletud kruntide omanikeks said ärimehed, kes ehitavad kruntidele elamuid. Lilleküla elanike vastuseisust kortermajade ehitusele. Vt. samas: Sunnitud maadevahetused; Riik eelistas omavalitsustele ärimehi. Vastuseks vt. Eesti Ekspress 15. veebr. lk. A8

  6. Viruses in reptiles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel Ellen


    Full Text Available Abstract The etiology of reptilian viral diseases can be attributed to a wide range of viruses occurring across different genera and families. Thirty to forty years ago, studies of viruses in reptiles focused mainly on the zoonotic potential of arboviruses in reptiles and much effort went into surveys and challenge trials of a range of reptiles with eastern and western equine encephalitis as well as Japanese encephalitis viruses. In the past decade, outbreaks of infection with West Nile virus in human populations and in farmed alligators in the USA has seen the research emphasis placed on the issue of reptiles, particularly crocodiles and alligators, being susceptible to, and reservoirs for, this serious zoonotic disease. Although there are many recognised reptilian viruses, the evidence for those being primary pathogens is relatively limited. Transmission studies establishing pathogenicity and cofactors are likewise scarce, possibly due to the relatively low commercial importance of reptiles, difficulties with the availability of animals and permits for statistically sound experiments, difficulties with housing of reptiles in an experimental setting or the inability to propagate some viruses in cell culture to sufficient titres for transmission studies. Viruses as causes of direct loss of threatened species, such as the chelonid fibropapilloma associated herpesvirus and ranaviruses in farmed and wild tortoises and turtles, have re-focused attention back to the characterisation of the viruses as well as diagnosis and pathogenesis in the host itself. 1. Introduction 2. Methods for working with reptilian viruses 3. Reptilian viruses described by virus families 3.1. Herpesviridae 3.2. Iridoviridae 3.2.1 Ranavirus 3.2.2 Erythrocytic virus 3.2.3 Iridovirus 3.3. Poxviridae 3.4. Adenoviridae 3.5. Papillomaviridae 3.6. Parvoviridae 3.7. Reoviridae 3.8. Retroviridae and inclusion body disease of Boid snakes 3.9. Arboviruses 3.9.1. Flaviviridae 3

  7. Genomic characterisation of Almpiwar virus, Harrison Dam virus and Walkabout Creek virus; three novel rhabdoviruses from northern Australia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane McAllister


    Full Text Available Rhabdoviridae represent a diverse group of viruses with the potential to cause disease in humans, animals and plants. Currently there are nine genera in the family; however a large number of rhabdoviruses remain unassigned. Here we characterise three novel rhabdoviruses genomes. Almpiwar virus (ALMV, isolated from skinks in northern Queensland, is the first completely sequenced rhabdovirus from squamates, with serological studies indicating multiple animal host species. Harrison Dam virus (HARDV and Walkabout Creek virus (WACV were isolated from mosquitoes in the Northern Territory and biting midges in southern Queensland respectively and their vertebrate hosts remain unknown. Serological cross-neutralisation tests with other Australian rhabdoviruses indicate that ALMV, WACV and HARDV are distinct viruses with little antigenic cross-reactivity. Next-generation sequencing revealed that all viruses encode the core proteins common to rhabdoviruses (N, P, M, G and L, plus additional ORFs between the M and G genes. HARDV also contains a small ORF between the G and L genes. Phylogenetic analysis of N and L proteins suggests that HARDV and WACV share a common lineage with the tupaviruses and Sandjimba group, whereas ALMV is a distinct and divergent virus showing no clear relationship to any rhabdovirus except the recently characterised Niahka virus (NIAV.

  8. Powassan (POW) Virus Basics (United States)

    ... Health Professionals Related Topics For International Travelers Powassan Virus Disease Basics Download this fact sheet formatted for ... Virus Disease Fact Sheet (PDF) What is Powassan virus? Powassan virus is a tickborne flavivirus that is ...

  9. Initial characterization of Vaccinia Virus B4 suggests a role in virus spread

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burles, Kristin; Irwin, Chad R.; Burton, Robyn-Lee [Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2S2 (Canada); Schriewer, Jill [Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (United States); Evans, David H. [Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2S2 (Canada); Buller, R. Mark [Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (United States); Barry, Michele, E-mail: [Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2S2 (Canada)


    Currently, little is known about the ankyrin/F-box protein B4. Here, we report that B4R-null viruses exhibited reduced plaque size in tissue culture, and decreased ability to spread, as assessed by multiple-step growth analysis. Electron microscopy indicated that B4R-null viruses still formed mature and extracellular virions; however, there was a slight decrease of virions released into the media following deletion of B4R. Deletion of B4R did not affect the ability of the virus to rearrange actin; however, VACV811, a large vaccinia virus deletion mutant missing 55 open reading frames, had decreased ability to produce actin tails. Using ectromelia virus, a natural mouse pathogen, we demonstrated that virus devoid of EVM154, the B4R homolog, showed decreased spread to organs and was attenuated during infection. This initial characterization suggests that B4 may play a role in virus spread, and that other unidentified mediators of actin tail formation may exist in vaccinia virus. - Highlights: • B4R-null viruses show reduced plaque size, and decreased ability to spread. • B4R-null viruses formed mature and extracellular virions; and rearranged actin. • Virus devoid of EVM154, the B4R homolog, was attenuated during infection. • Initial characterization suggests that B4 may play a role in virus spread. • Unidentified mediators of actin tail formation may exist in vaccinia virus.

  10. Initial characterization of Vaccinia Virus B4 suggests a role in virus spread

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burles, Kristin; Irwin, Chad R.; Burton, Robyn-Lee; Schriewer, Jill; Evans, David H.; Buller, R. Mark; Barry, Michele


    Currently, little is known about the ankyrin/F-box protein B4. Here, we report that B4R-null viruses exhibited reduced plaque size in tissue culture, and decreased ability to spread, as assessed by multiple-step growth analysis. Electron microscopy indicated that B4R-null viruses still formed mature and extracellular virions; however, there was a slight decrease of virions released into the media following deletion of B4R. Deletion of B4R did not affect the ability of the virus to rearrange actin; however, VACV811, a large vaccinia virus deletion mutant missing 55 open reading frames, had decreased ability to produce actin tails. Using ectromelia virus, a natural mouse pathogen, we demonstrated that virus devoid of EVM154, the B4R homolog, showed decreased spread to organs and was attenuated during infection. This initial characterization suggests that B4 may play a role in virus spread, and that other unidentified mediators of actin tail formation may exist in vaccinia virus. - Highlights: • B4R-null viruses show reduced plaque size, and decreased ability to spread. • B4R-null viruses formed mature and extracellular virions; and rearranged actin. • Virus devoid of EVM154, the B4R homolog, was attenuated during infection. • Initial characterization suggests that B4 may play a role in virus spread. • Unidentified mediators of actin tail formation may exist in vaccinia virus

  11. How Hepatitis D Virus Can Hinder the Control of Hepatitis B Virus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xiridiou, M.; Borkent-Raven, B.; Hulshof, J.; Wallinga, J.


    Background: Hepatitis D (or hepatitis delta) virus is a defective virus that relies on hepatitis B virus (HBV) for transmission; infection with hepatitis D can occur only as coinfection with HBV or superinfection of an existing HBV infection. Because of the bond between the two viruses, control

  12. 9 CFR 113.215 - Bovine Virus Diarrhea Vaccine, Killed Virus. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Bovine Virus Diarrhea Vaccine, Killed Virus. 113.215 Section 113.215 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS STANDARD...

  13. Influenza (Flu) Viruses (United States)

    ... Types Seasonal Avian Swine Variant Pandemic Other Influenza (Flu) Viruses Language: English (US) Español Recommend on Facebook ... influenza circulate and cause illness. More Information about Flu Viruses Types of Influenza Viruses Influenza A and ...

  14. [The growth of attenuated strains of canine parvovirus, mink enteritis virus, feline panleukopenia virus, and rabies virus on various types of cell cultures]. (United States)

    Zuffa, T


    The growth characteristics were studied in the attenuated strains of canine parvovirus CPVA-BN 80/82, mink enteritis virus MEVA-BN 63/82 and feline panleucopenia virus FPVA-BN 110/83 on the stable feline kidney cell line FE, and in the attenuated canine distemper virus CDV-F-BN 10/83 on chicken embryo cell cultures (KEB) and cultures of the stable cell line VERO. When the FE cultures were infected with different parvoviruses in cell suspension at MOI 2-4 TKID50 per cell, the first multiplication of the intracellular virus was recorded 20 hours p. i. In the canine parvovirus, the content of intracellular and extracellular virus continued increasing parallelly until the fourth day; then, from the fourth to the sixth day, the content of extracellular virus still increased whereas that of intracellular virus fell rapidly. In the case of the mink enteritis virus the release of the virus into the culture medium continued parallelly with the production of the cellular virus until the sixth day. In the case of the feline panleucopenia virus the values concerning free virus and virus bound to cells were lower, starting from the second day p. i. When KEB or VERO cultures were infected in cell suspension with the canine distemper virus at MOI about 0.004 per 1 cell, the replicated intracellular virus was first recorded in the KEB cultures five hours after infection but in the VERO cultures only 20 hours after infection, with a timely release of the virus into the culture medium in both kinds of tissue. In the KEB and VERO cultures the highest values of infection titres were recorded on the fourth day p. i., the course of virus multiplication on the cells being parallel with its release into the culture medium.

  15. Laguneva Belgia sõjahaavad valutavad ka tänapäeval / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    Juunis Belgias toimunud erakorralised valimised võitnud rahvuslik konservatiivse Uus-Flaami Alliansi (NVA) juhtfiguuri Bart De Weveri süüdistuse kohaselt ei tunnista riigi prantsuskeelne kogukond tänaseni, et nad tegid Teise maailmasõja ajal koostööd natsionaalsotsialistidega. Esitatud süüdistus ähvardab lõhenenud riigi veelgi suuremasse kriisi tõugata

  16. Viruses of asparagus. (United States)

    Tomassoli, Laura; Tiberini, Antonio; Vetten, Heinrich-Josef


    The current knowledge on viruses infecting asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is reviewed. Over half a century, nine virus species belonging to the genera Ilarvirus, Cucumovirus, Nepovirus, Tobamovirus, Potexvirus, and Potyvirus have been found in this crop. The potyvirus Asparagus virus 1 (AV1) and the ilarvirus Asparagus virus 2 (AV2) are widespread and negatively affect the economic life of asparagus crops reducing yield and increasing the susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stress. The main properties and epidemiology of AV1 and AV2 as well as diagnostic techniques for their detection and identification are described. Minor viruses and control are briefly outlined. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Viruses and Breast Cancer (United States)

    Lawson, James S.; Heng, Benjamin


    Viruses are the accepted cause of many important cancers including cancers of the cervix and anogenital area, the liver, some lymphomas, head and neck cancers and indirectly human immunodeficiency virus associated cancers. For over 50 years, there have been serious attempts to identify viruses which may have a role in breast cancer. Despite these efforts, the establishment of conclusive evidence for such a role has been elusive. However, the development of extremely sophisticated new experimental techniques has allowed the recent development of evidence that human papilloma virus, Epstein-Barr virus, mouse mammary tumor virus and bovine leukemia virus may each have a role in the causation of human breast cancers. This is potentially good news as effective vaccines are already available to prevent infections from carcinogenic strains of human papilloma virus, which causes cancer of the uterine cervix. PMID:24281093

  18. Viruses and Breast Cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawson, James S.; Heng, Benjamin


    Viruses are the accepted cause of many important cancers including cancers of the cervix and anogenital area, the liver, some lymphomas, head and neck cancers and indirectly human immunodeficiency virus associated cancers. For over 50 years, there have been serious attempts to identify viruses which may have a role in breast cancer. Despite these efforts, the establishment of conclusive evidence for such a role has been elusive. However, the development of extremely sophisticated new experimental techniques has allowed the recent development of evidence that human papilloma virus, Epstein-Barr virus, mouse mammary tumor virus and bovine leukemia virus may each have a role in the causation of human breast cancers. This is potentially good news as effective vaccines are already available to prevent infections from carcinogenic strains of human papilloma virus, which causes cancer of the uterine cervix

  19. Viruses and Breast Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lawson, James S., E-mail:; Heng, Benjamin [School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia)


    Viruses are the accepted cause of many important cancers including cancers of the cervix and anogenital area, the liver, some lymphomas, head and neck cancers and indirectly human immunodeficiency virus associated cancers. For over 50 years, there have been serious attempts to identify viruses which may have a role in breast cancer. Despite these efforts, the establishment of conclusive evidence for such a role has been elusive. However, the development of extremely sophisticated new experimental techniques has allowed the recent development of evidence that human papilloma virus, Epstein-Barr virus, mouse mammary tumor virus and bovine leukemia virus may each have a role in the causation of human breast cancers. This is potentially good news as effective vaccines are already available to prevent infections from carcinogenic strains of human papilloma virus, which causes cancer of the uterine cervix.

  20. "The evil virus cell": Students‘ knowledge and beliefs about viruses (United States)

    Enzinger, Sonja M.; Fink, Andreas


    Education about virus biology at school is of pivotal interest to raise public awareness concerning means of disease transmission and, thus, methods to prevent infection, and to reduce unnecessary antibiotic treatment due to patient pressure on physicians in case of viral diseases such as influenza. This study aimed at making visible the knowledge of Austrian high school and university students with respect to virus biology, virus structure and health-education issues. The data presented here stem from comprehensive questionnaire analyses, including the task to draw a virus, from a cross-sectional study with 133 grade 7 and 199 grade 10 high school students, and 133 first-year biology and 181 first-year non-biology university students. Analyses were performed both quantitatively and qualitatively. ANOVA revealed a highly significant group effect for total knowledge relating to virus biology and health issues (F(3, 642) = 44.17, p students and grade 10 high school students. Students enrolled in university-level biology outperformed all other groups, even though they had not yet encountered this topic at their courses; part of this phenomenon might be due to their affinity for learning about biological topics. However, even many first-year biology students had a high number of severe misconceptions, e.g., defining a virus as a pro- or eukaryotic cell, or falsely naming malaria as a viral disease. Since there was no significant difference in virus-related knowledge between high schools, virus biology seems to have been taught similarly among the tested schools. However, the majority of participants stated that the virus-related knowledge they had acquired at school was not sufficient. Based on the results presented here we urgently suggest improving and intensifying teaching this topic at school, since virus-related knowledge was by far too fragmentary among many participants. Such lack of health-relevant knowledge may contribute to pressure on physicians by patients

  1. Influenza virus inactivated by artificial ribonucleases as a prospective killed virus vaccine. (United States)

    Fedorova, Antonina A; Goncharova, Elena P; Kovpak, Mikhail P; Vlassov, Valentin V; Zenkova, Marina A


    The inactivation of viral particles with agents causing minimal damage to the structure of surface epitopes is a well-established approach for the production of killed virus vaccines. Here, we describe new agents for the inactivation of influenza virus, artificial ribonucleases (aRNases), which are chemical compounds capable of cleaving RNA molecules. Several aRNases were identified, exhibiting significant virucidal activity against the influenza A virus and causing a minimal effect on the affinity of monoclonal antibodies for the inactivated virus. Using a murine model of the influenza virus infection, a high protective activity of the aRNase-inactivated virus as a vaccine was demonstrated. The results of the experiments demonstrate the efficacy of novel chemical agents in the preparation of vaccines against influenza and, perhaps, against other infections caused by RNA viruses. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. [The great virus comeback]. (United States)

    Forterre, Patrick


    Viruses have been considered for a long time as by-products of biological evolution. This view is changing now as a result of several recent discoveries. Viral ecologists have shown that viral particles are the most abundant biological entities on our planet, whereas metagenomic analyses have revealed an unexpected abundance and diversity of viral genes in the biosphere. Comparative genomics have highlighted the uniqueness of viral sequences, in contradiction with the traditional view of viruses as pickpockets of cellular genes. On the contrary, cellular genomes, especially eukaryotic ones, turned out to be full of genes derived from viruses or related elements (plasmids, transposons, retroelements and so on). The discovery of unusual viruses infecting archaea has shown that the viral world is much more diverse than previously thought, ruining the traditional dichotomy between bacteriophages and viruses. Finally, the discovery of giant viruses has blurred the traditional image of viruses as small entities. Furthermore, essential clues on virus history have been obtained in the last ten years. In particular, structural analyses of capsid proteins have uncovered deeply rooted homologies between viruses infecting different cellular domains, suggesting that viruses originated before the last universal common ancestor (LUCA). These studies have shown that several lineages of viruses originated independently, i.e., viruses are polyphyletic. From the time of LUCA, viruses have coevolved with their hosts, and viral lineages can be viewed as lianas wrapping around the trunk, branches and leaves of the tree of life. Although viruses are very diverse, with genomes encoding from one to more than one thousand proteins, they can all be simply defined as organisms producing virions. Virions themselves can be defined as infectious particles made of at least one protein associated with the viral nucleic acid, endowed with the capability to protect the viral genome and ensure its

  3. Protoplasts and plant viruses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murakishi, H.; Lesney, M.S.; Carlson, P.


    The use of protoplasts in the study of plant viruses has attracted considerable attention since its inception in the late 1960s. This article is an attempt to assess the current status of protoplasts (primarily) and all cell cultures (in some instances) in studies of virus infection, virus replication, cytopathology, cross-protection, virus resistance, and the use of in vitro methods and genetic engineering to recover virus-resistant plants. These areas of study proved difficult to do entirely with whole plants or plant parts. However, because protoplasts could be synchronously infected with virus, they provided a valuable alternative means of following biochemical and cytological events in relation to the virus growth cycle in a more precise manner than previously possible

  4. Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus: Emerging and Re-Emerging Enterically Transmitted Hepatitis Viruses. (United States)

    Lemon, Stanley M; Walker, Christopher M


    Over the past two decades, progress in understanding human infections with hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) has been eclipsed by the priority of combating persistent hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. During that time, the global burden of liver disease caused by enteric hepatitis viruses has not abated. Because of vaccines, hepatitis A has become increasingly a disease of adults instead of early childhood in many regions of the world, resulting in an age-related shift toward more severe disease. HEV has remained endemic in many developing countries, and in well-developed, economically advanced countries it is now recognized as a cause of chronic, progressive liver disease in individuals with compromised immunity. The goal of this collection of articles is to review recent progress and to shine a bright light on gaps in our understanding of how these viruses replicate, cause disease, interact with the liver and host immune system, and are transmitted, along with prospects for improved control in human populations. Renewed efforts to study and compare HAV and HEV biology in humans and animal models have high potential to enhance our understanding of host-pathogen balance in the liver, and may contribute ultimately to the control of other infectious diseases of the liver. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  5. Evolutionary ecology of virus emergence. (United States)

    Dennehy, John J


    The cross-species transmission of viruses into new host populations, termed virus emergence, is a significant issue in public health, agriculture, wildlife management, and related fields. Virus emergence requires overlap between host populations, alterations in virus genetics to permit infection of new hosts, and adaptation to novel hosts such that between-host transmission is sustainable, all of which are the purview of the fields of ecology and evolution. A firm understanding of the ecology of viruses and how they evolve is required for understanding how and why viruses emerge. In this paper, I address the evolutionary mechanisms of virus emergence and how they relate to virus ecology. I argue that, while virus acquisition of the ability to infect new hosts is not difficult, limited evolutionary trajectories to sustained virus between-host transmission and the combined effects of mutational meltdown, bottlenecking, demographic stochasticity, density dependence, and genetic erosion in ecological sinks limit most emergence events to dead-end spillover infections. Despite the relative rarity of pandemic emerging viruses, the potential of viruses to search evolutionary space and find means to spread epidemically and the consequences of pandemic viruses that do emerge necessitate sustained attention to virus research, surveillance, prophylaxis, and treatment. © 2016 New York Academy of Sciences.

  6. A virus of hyperthermophilic archaea with a unique architecture among DNA viruses. (United States)

    Rensen, Elena Ilka; Mochizuki, Tomohiro; Quemin, Emmanuelle; Schouten, Stefan; Krupovic, Mart; Prangishvili, David


    Viruses package their genetic material in diverse ways. Most known strategies include encapsulation of nucleic acids into spherical or filamentous virions with icosahedral or helical symmetry, respectively. Filamentous viruses with dsDNA genomes are currently associated exclusively with Archaea. Here, we describe a filamentous hyperthermophilic archaeal virus, Pyrobaculum filamentous virus 1 (PFV1), with a type of virion organization not previously observed in DNA viruses. The PFV1 virion, 400 ± 20 × 32 ± 3 nm, contains an envelope and an inner core consisting of two structural units: a rod-shaped helical nucleocapsid formed of two 14-kDa major virion proteins and a nucleocapsid-encompassing protein sheath composed of a single major virion protein of 18 kDa. The virion organization of PFV1 is superficially similar to that of negative-sense RNA viruses of the family Filoviridae, including Ebola virus and Marburg virus. The linear dsDNA of PFV1 carries 17,714 bp, including 60-bp-long terminal inverted repeats, and contains 39 predicted ORFs, most of which do not show similarities to sequences in public databases. PFV1 is a lytic virus that completely disrupts the host cell membrane at the end of the infection cycle.



    Július Rozák; Zdenka Gálová


    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of viral phytopathogen Plum pox virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and Prunus dwarf virus in selected localities of Slovakia and diagnose them using a molecular and biological methods. Forty samples of fruit trees of the genus Prunus, twenty samples from intensive plantings and twenty samples from wild subject were analysed. Biological diagnostic by using biological indicators Prunus persica cv. GF 305, Prunus serrulata cv. Schirofugen a...

  8. Functional properties of Virus-Encoded and Virus-Regulated 7TM Receptors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spiess, Katja; Rosenkilde, Mette Marie


    During co-evolution with their hosts, viruses have developed several survival strategies that involve exploitation of 7TM receptors. These include virus-encoded 7TM receptors and ligands and viral regulation of endogenous receptors. Many functional properties have been ascribed to virus-exploited...

  9. Electron microscopic identification of Zinga virus as a strain of Rift Valley fever virus. (United States)

    Olaleye, O D; Baigent, C L; Mueller, G; Tomori, O; Schmitz, H


    Electron microscopic examination of a negatively stained suspension of Zinga virus showed particles 90-100 nm in diameter, enveloped with spikes 12-20 nm in length and 5 nm in diameter. Further identification of the virus by immune electron microscopy showed the reactivity of human Rift Valley fever virus-positive serum with Zinga virus. Results of this study are in agreement with earlier reports that Zinga virus is a strain of Rift Valley fever virus.

  10. Nonhuman Primate Models of Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Infections. (United States)

    Lanford, Robert E; Walker, Christopher M; Lemon, Stanley M


    Although phylogenetically unrelated, human hepatitis viruses share an exclusive or near exclusive tropism for replication in differentiated hepatocytes. This narrow tissue tropism may contribute to the restriction of the host ranges of these viruses to relatively few host species, mostly nonhuman primates. Nonhuman primate models thus figure prominently in our current understanding of the replication and pathogenesis of these viruses, including the enterically transmitted hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV), and have also played major roles in vaccine development. This review draws comparisons of HAV and HEV infection from studies conducted in nonhuman primates, and describes how such studies have contributed to our current understanding of the biology of these viruses. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  11. Zika Virus (United States)

    ... Funding CDC Activities For Healthcare Providers Clinical Evaluation & Disease Sexual Transmission HIV Infection & Zika Virus Testing for Zika Test Specimens – At Time of Birth Diagnostic Tests Understanding Zika Virus Test Results ...

  12. Hepatitis C virus infection in the human immunodeficiency virus infected patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Louise Nygaard; Lundbo, Lene Fogt; Benfield, Thomas


    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) share the same transmission routes; therefore, coinfection is frequent. An estimated 5-10 million individuals alone in the western world are infected with both viruses. The majority of people acquire HCV by injection drug use and...

  13. Immunological responses against human papilloma virus and human papilloma virus induced laryngeal cancer. (United States)

    Chitose, Shun-ichi; Sakazaki, T; Ono, T; Kurita, T; Mihashi, H; Nakashima, T


    This study aimed to clarify the local immune status in the larynx in the presence of infection or carcinogenesis associated with human papilloma virus. Cytological samples (for human papilloma virus detection) and laryngeal secretions (for immunoglobulin assessment) were obtained from 31 patients with laryngeal disease, during microscopic laryngeal surgery. On histological examination, 12 patients had squamous cell carcinoma, four had laryngeal papilloma and 15 had other benign laryngeal disease. Cytological samples were tested for human papilloma virus DNA using the Hybrid Capture 2 assay. High risk human papilloma virus DNA was detected in 25 per cent of patients (three of 12) with laryngeal cancer. Low risk human papilloma virus DNA was detected only in three laryngeal papilloma patients. The mean laryngeal secretion concentrations of immunoglobulins M, G and A and secretory immunoglobulin A in human papilloma virus DNA positive patients were more than twice those in human papilloma virus DNA negative patients. A statistically significant difference was observed between the secretory immunoglobulin A concentrations in the two groups. Patients with laryngeal cancer had higher laryngeal secretion concentrations of each immunoglobulin type, compared with patients with benign laryngeal disease. The study assessed the mean laryngeal secretion concentrations of each immunoglobulin type in the 12 laryngeal cancer patients, comparing human papilloma virus DNA positive patients (n = 3) and human papilloma virus DNA negative patients (n = 9); the mean concentrations of immunoglobulins M, G and A and secretory immunoglobulin A tended to be greater in human papilloma virus DNA positive cancer patients, compared with human papilloma virus DNA negative cancer patients. These results suggest that the local laryngeal immune response is activated by infection or carcinogenesis due to human papilloma virus. The findings strongly suggest that secretory IgA has inhibitory activity

  14. Bosnia esimesed sammud EL-i teel / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    EL alustas Bosnia ja Hertsegoviinaga läbirääkimisi stabilisatsiooni ja assotsiatsioonilepingu sõlmimiseks. Riigi kolme etnilise grupi - serblaste, horvaatide ja muslimite juhid andsid lubaduse luua ühtne riigipea ametikoht. Olukorrast Bosnias ja Hertsegoviinas kümme aastat pärast Daytoni rahuleppe sõlmimist. Skeem: Riigi ülesehitus. Vt. samas: Ahtisaari üritab Kosovo staatust kokku leppida

  15. Alanud on Neu/Now online-festival

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    4. okt.-l avatud Neu/Now festivali online-keskonnas esitletakse 23 riigi 135 noore kunstiprojekte. Nimetatud Eestist festivalile pääsenud 9 tööd. 17.-20. nov.-ni toimuval live-festivail esitletakse Tallinnas 17 riigi 35 kunstiprojekti (Eestist 5). Kandideerida said lõpetavad või äsja lõpetanud kunsti- ja muusikaerialade tudengid ELIA võrgustikku kuuluvatest ülikoolidest

  16. Eesti Vabariigi eriotstarbelised metsad perioodil 1918-1940 / Toivo Meikar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meikar, Toivo, 1947-


    Riigi eriotstarbelisteks metsadeks loeti Eesti Vabariigis perioodil 1918-1940 väljaspool riigi metsavalitsust teiste riiklike institutsioonide halduses olevaid metsi. Suurimaks metsavaldajaks oli kaitseministeerium, teiseks suurimaks metsavaldajaks oli Tartu Ülikool, kellele anti õppe- ja katsemetskonna loomiseks 1912. a kasutada Kastre-Peravalla (Järvselja) 8439 ha suurune mets. Ka 1905. a. Vene metsaseadusest ning Eesti 1919. a. ja 1934. a. metsaseadustest

  17. Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Viruses Compensate for Microbial Metabolism in Virus-Host Interactions. (United States)

    He, Tianliang; Li, Hongyun; Zhang, Xiaobo


    Viruses are believed to be responsible for the mortality of host organisms. However, some recent investigations reveal that viruses may be essential for host survival. To date, it remains unclear whether viruses are beneficial or harmful to their hosts. To reveal the roles of viruses in the virus-host interactions, viromes and microbiomes of sediment samples from three deep-sea hydrothermal vents were explored in this study. To exclude the influence of exogenous DNAs on viromes, the virus particles were purified with nuclease (DNase I and RNase A) treatments and cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation. The metagenomic analysis of viromes without exogenous DNA contamination and microbiomes of vent samples indicated that viruses had compensation effects on the metabolisms of their host microorganisms. Viral genes not only participated in most of the microbial metabolic pathways but also formed branched pathways in microbial metabolisms, including pyrimidine metabolism; alanine, aspartate, and glutamate metabolism; nitrogen metabolism and assimilation pathways of the two-component system; selenocompound metabolism; aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis; and amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism. As is well known, deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems exist in relatively isolated environments which are barely influenced by other ecosystems. The metabolic compensation of hosts mediated by viruses might represent a very important aspect of virus-host interactions. IMPORTANCE Viruses are the most abundant biological entities in the oceans and have very important roles in regulating microbial community structure and biogeochemical cycles. The relationship between virus and host microbes is broadly thought to be that of predator and prey. Viruses can lyse host cells to control microbial population sizes and affect community structures of hosts by killing specific microbes. However, viruses also influence their hosts through manipulation of bacterial metabolism. We found

  18. Viruses in reptiles. (United States)

    Ariel, Ellen


    The etiology of reptilian viral diseases can be attributed to a wide range of viruses occurring across different genera and families. Thirty to forty years ago, studies of viruses in reptiles focused mainly on the zoonotic potential of arboviruses in reptiles and much effort went into surveys and challenge trials of a range of reptiles with eastern and western equine encephalitis as well as Japanese encephalitis viruses. In the past decade, outbreaks of infection with West Nile virus in human populations and in farmed alligators in the USA has seen the research emphasis placed on the issue of reptiles, particularly crocodiles and alligators, being susceptible to, and reservoirs for, this serious zoonotic disease. Although there are many recognised reptilian viruses, the evidence for those being primary pathogens is relatively limited. Transmission studies establishing pathogenicity and cofactors are likewise scarce, possibly due to the relatively low commercial importance of reptiles, difficulties with the availability of animals and permits for statistically sound experiments, difficulties with housing of reptiles in an experimental setting or the inability to propagate some viruses in cell culture to sufficient titres for transmission studies. Viruses as causes of direct loss of threatened species, such as the chelonid fibropapilloma associated herpesvirus and ranaviruses in farmed and wild tortoises and turtles, have re-focused attention back to the characterisation of the viruses as well as diagnosis and pathogenesis in the host itself.

  19. Coastal Storm Surge Analysis: Modeling System Validation. Report 4: Intermediate Submission No. 2.0 (United States)


    Hurricane Isabel, Hurricane Ernesto, and Extratropical Storm Ida. Model skill was accessed by quantitative comparison of model output to wind, wave...25. Extratropical Storm Nor’Ida maximum wind speeds. ......................................................... 41  Figure 26. Extratropical Storm ...Nor’Ida wind validation stations. ........................................................ 42  Figure 27. Comparisons of Extratropical Storm Nor’Ida wind



    1Rafiya Begum, 2 Raafia Aseena, 3Nuha Rasheed and 4 Abdul Saleem Mohammad


    Research on zika virus examine the virus that is spread to humans through a mosquito bite, with symptoms that include fever, rash, joint pain, and conjuctivities. For most people zika virus is not necessarily anything to worry, as it is not fatal and symptoms are generally mild for period up to a week. Hospitalization because of zika virus is almost always not necessary. However, the zika virus can be extremely dangerous to pregnant womes. Key Words: Zika, virus, transmission, fatal, flavivir...

  1. Type C virus activation in nontransformed mouse cells by uv-irradiated herpes simplex virus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hampar, B. (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD); Hatanaka, M.; Aulakh, G.; Derge, J.G.; Lee, L.; Showalter, S.


    Infection of nontransformed mouse cells with uv-irradiated herpes simplex virus (uv-HSV) resulted in the activation of an endogenous xenotropic (x-tropic) type C virus. Synthesis of type C virus persisted for only a few days, with most of the virus remaining cell associated. The levels of type C virus activated by uv-HSV varied depending on the multiplicity of infection (m.o.i.) and the uv dose. At low uv doses, where cell killing occurred, little or no type C virus synthesis was observed. Maximum levels of type C virus synthesis were observed with the minimum uv dose which eliminated cell killing by HSV. Synthesis of type C virus, albeit at lower levels, was still observed at uv doses beyond those required to prevent cell killing.

  2. Type C virus activation in nontransformed mouse cells by uv-irradiated herpes simplex virus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hampar, B.; Hatanaka, M.; Aulakh, G.; Derge, J.G.; Lee, L.; Showalter, S.


    Infection of nontransformed mouse cells with uv-irradiated herpes simplex virus (uv-HSV) resulted in the activation of an endogenous xenotropic (x-tropic) type C virus. Synthesis of type C virus persisted for only a few days, with most of the virus remaining cell associated. The levels of type C virus activated by uv-HSV varied depending on the multiplicity of infection (m.o.i.) and the uv dose. At low uv doses, where cell killing occurred, little or no type C virus synthesis was observed. Maximum levels of type C virus synthesis were observed with the minimum uv dose which eliminated cell killing by HSV. Synthesis of type C virus, albeit at lower levels, was still observed at uv doses beyond those required to prevent cell killing

  3. Chikungunya virus (United States)

    Chikungunya virus infection; Chikungunya ... Where Chikungunya is Found Before 2013, the virus was found in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Indian and Pacific oceans. In late 2013, outbreaks occurred for the first time in the ...

  4. Perinatal hepatitis B virus detection by hepatitis B virus-DNA analysis.


    De Virgiliis, S; Frau, F; Sanna, G; Turco, M P; Figus, A L; Cornacchia, G; Cao, A


    Maternal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection in relation to the hepatitis B e antigen/antibody system and serum hepatitis B virus-DNA were evaluated. Results indicate that hepatitis B virus-DNA analysis can identify hepatitis B serum antigen positive mothers who may transmit infection to their offspring.

  5. Virus like particle-based vaccines against emerging infectious disease viruses. (United States)

    Liu, Jinliang; Dai, Shiyu; Wang, Manli; Hu, Zhihong; Wang, Hualin; Deng, Fei


    Emerging infectious diseases are major threats to human health. Most severe viral disease outbreaks occur in developing regions where health conditions are poor. With increased international travel and business, the possibility of eventually transmitting infectious viruses between different countries is increasing. The most effective approach in preventing viral diseases is vaccination. However, vaccines are not currently available for numerous viral diseases. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are engineered vaccine candidates that have been studied for decades. VLPs are constructed by viral protein expression in various expression systems that promote the selfassembly of proteins into structures resembling virus particles. VLPs have antigenicity similar to that of the native virus, but are non-infectious as they lack key viral genetic material. VLP vaccines have attracted considerable research interest because they offer several advantages over traditional vaccines. Studies have shown that VLP vaccines can stimulate both humoral and cellular immune responses, which may offer effective antiviral protection. Here we review recent developments with VLP-based vaccines for several highly virulent emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases. The infectious agents discussed include RNA viruses from different virus families, such as the Arenaviridae, Bunyaviridae, Caliciviridae, Coronaviridae, Filoviridae, Flaviviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Paramyxoviridae, and Togaviridae families.

  6. USA uus ÜRO saadik alustas pealetungi / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ameerika Ühendriikide uus ÜRO suursaadik John Bolton nõuab 190 liikmesriigile saadetud kirjas ÜRO reformikavades suurte ja oluliste muudatuste tegemist: reformikavast peaks USA arvates kustutama vähemalt 400 paragrahvi

  7. Vene saadik Rootsis - gaasitorust ja Birmast / Evelyn Höglund

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Höglund, Evelyn


    Venemaa Rootsi suursaadiku Aleksandr Kadakini esinemisest Rootsi televisiooni populaarses telesaates, kus ta avaldas oma seisukohti Birma sündmuste, Vene-Saksa rajatava gaasijuhtme teemadel, samuti Rootsi meedia kohta. Vt. samas: Valitsust ei kritiseeri, küll aga meediat; Demokraatia on Venemaal olemas

  8. Immunogenicity of a modified-live virus vaccine against bovine viral diarrhea virus types 1 and 2, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine parainfluenza-3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus when administered intranasally in young calves. (United States)

    Xue, Wenzhi; Ellis, John; Mattick, Debra; Smith, Linda; Brady, Ryan; Trigo, Emilio


    The immunogenicity of an intranasally-administered modified-live virus (MLV) vaccine in 3-8 day old calves was evaluated against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) types 1 and 2, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus, parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) virus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Calves were intranasally vaccinated with a single dose of a multivalent MLV vaccine and were challenged with one of the respective viruses three to four weeks post-vaccination in five separate studies. There was significant sparing of diseases in calves intranasally vaccinated with the MLV vaccine, as indicated by significantly fewer clinical signs, lower rectal temperatures, reduced viral shedding, greater white blood cell and platelet counts, and less severe pulmonary lesions than control animals. This was the first MLV combination vaccine to demonstrate efficacy against BVDV types 1 and 2, IBR, PI-3 and BRSV in calves 3-8 days of age. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Ocular Tropism of Respiratory Viruses (United States)

    Rota, Paul A.; Tumpey, Terrence M.


    SUMMARY Respiratory viruses (including adenovirus, influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus, and rhinovirus) cause a broad spectrum of disease in humans, ranging from mild influenza-like symptoms to acute respiratory failure. While species D adenoviruses and subtype H7 influenza viruses are known to possess an ocular tropism, documented human ocular disease has been reported following infection with all principal respiratory viruses. In this review, we describe the anatomical proximity and cellular receptor distribution between ocular and respiratory tissues. All major respiratory viruses and their association with human ocular disease are discussed. Research utilizing in vitro and in vivo models to study the ability of respiratory viruses to use the eye as a portal of entry as well as a primary site of virus replication is highlighted. Identification of shared receptor-binding preferences, host responses, and laboratory modeling protocols among these viruses provides a needed bridge between clinical and laboratory studies of virus tropism. PMID:23471620

  10. Understanding Ebola Virus Transmission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seth Judson


    Full Text Available An unprecedented number of Ebola virus infections among healthcare workers and patients have raised questions about our understanding of Ebola virus transmission. Here, we explore different routes of Ebola virus transmission between people, summarizing the known epidemiological and experimental data. From this data, we expose important gaps in Ebola virus research pertinent to outbreak situations. We further propose experiments and methods of data collection that will enable scientists to fill these voids in our knowledge about the transmission of Ebola virus.

  11. Ganjam virus/Nairobi sheep disease virus induces a pro-inflammatory response in infected sheep


    bin Tarif, Abid; Lasecka, Lidia; Holzer, Barbara; Baron, Michael D


    Abstract Partly due to climate change, and partly due to changes of human habitat occupation, the impact of tick-borne viruses is increasing. Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV) and Ganjam virus (GV) are two names for the same virus, which causes disease in sheep and goats and is currently known to be circulating in India and East Africa. The virus is transmitted by ixodid ticks and causes a severe hemorrhagic disease. We have developed a real-time PCR assay for the virus genome and validated ...

  12. Zika Virus (United States)

    ... through blood transfusions. There have been outbreaks of Zika virus in the United States, Africa, Southeast Asia, the ... not travel to areas where there is a Zika virus outbreak. If you do decide to travel, first ...

  13. Ganjam virus/Nairobi sheep disease virus induces a pro-inflammatory response in infected sheep

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    bin Tarif Abid


    Full Text Available Abstract Partly due to climate change, and partly due to changes of human habitat occupation, the impact of tick-borne viruses is increasing. Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV and Ganjam virus (GV are two names for the same virus, which causes disease in sheep and goats and is currently known to be circulating in India and East Africa. The virus is transmitted by ixodid ticks and causes a severe hemorrhagic disease. We have developed a real-time PCR assay for the virus genome and validated it in a pilot study of the pathogenicity induced by two different isolates of NSDV/GV. One isolate was highly adapted to tissue culture, grew in most cell lines tested, and was essentially apathogenic in sheep. The second isolate appeared to be poorly adapted to cell culture and retained pathogenicity in sheep. The real-time PCR assay for virus easily detected 4 copies or less of the viral genome, and allowed a quantitative measure of the virus in whole blood. Measurement of the changes in cytokine mRNAs showed similar changes to those observed in humans infected by the closely related virus Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.

  14. Ganjam virus/Nairobi sheep disease virus induces a pro-inflammatory response in infected sheep. (United States)

    Bin Tarif, Abid; Lasecka, Lidia; Holzer, Barbara; Baron, Michael D


    Partly due to climate change, and partly due to changes of human habitat occupation, the impact of tick-borne viruses is increasing. Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV) and Ganjam virus (GV) are two names for the same virus, which causes disease in sheep and goats and is currently known to be circulating in India and East Africa. The virus is transmitted by ixodid ticks and causes a severe hemorrhagic disease. We have developed a real-time PCR assay for the virus genome and validated it in a pilot study of the pathogenicity induced by two different isolates of NSDV/GV. One isolate was highly adapted to tissue culture, grew in most cell lines tested, and was essentially apathogenic in sheep. The second isolate appeared to be poorly adapted to cell culture and retained pathogenicity in sheep. The real-time PCR assay for virus easily detected 4 copies or less of the viral genome, and allowed a quantitative measure of the virus in whole blood. Measurement of the changes in cytokine mRNAs showed similar changes to those observed in humans infected by the closely related virus Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.

  15. Transmission of Influenza A Viruses (United States)

    Neumann, Gabriele; Kawaoka, Yoshihiro


    Influenza A viruses cause respiratory infections that range from asymptomatic to deadly in humans. Widespread outbreaks (pandemics) are attributable to ‘novel’ viruses that possess a viral hemagglutinin (HA) gene to which humans lack immunity. After a pandemic, these novel viruses form stable virus lineages in humans and circulate until they are replaced by other novel viruses. The factors and mechanisms that facilitate virus transmission among hosts and the establishment of novel lineages are not completely understood, but the HA and basic polymerase 2 (PB2) proteins are thought to play essential roles in these processes by enabling avian influenza viruses to infect mammals and replicate efficiently in their new host. Here, we summarize our current knowledge of the contributions of HA, PB2, and other viral components to virus transmission and the formation of new virus lineages. PMID:25812763

  16. New frontiers in oncolytic viruses: optimizing and selecting for virus strains with improved efficacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lundstrom K


    Full Text Available Kenneth Lundstrom PanTherapeutics, Lutry, Switzerland Abstract: Oncolytic viruses have demonstrated selective replication and killing of tumor cells. Different types of oncolytic viruses – adenoviruses, alphaviruses, herpes simplex viruses, Newcastle disease viruses, rhabdoviruses, Coxsackie viruses, and vaccinia viruses – have been applied as either naturally occurring or engineered vectors. Numerous studies in animal-tumor models have demonstrated substantial tumor regression and prolonged survival rates. Moreover, clinical trials have confirmed good safety profiles and therapeutic efficacy for oncolytic viruses. Most encouragingly, the first cancer gene-therapy drug – Gendicine, based on oncolytic adenovirus type 5 – was approved in China. Likewise, a second-generation oncolytic herpes simplex virus-based drug for the treatment of melanoma has been registered in the US and Europe as talimogene laherparepvec. Keywords: immunotherapy, viral vectors, clinical trials, drug approval

  17. Postmortem stability of Ebola virus. (United States)

    Prescott, Joseph; Bushmaker, Trenton; Fischer, Robert; Miazgowicz, Kerri; Judson, Seth; Munster, Vincent J


    The ongoing Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has highlighted questions regarding stability of the virus and detection of RNA from corpses. We used Ebola virus-infected macaques to model humans who died of Ebola virus disease. Viable virus was isolated <7 days posteuthanasia; viral RNA was detectable for 10 weeks.

  18. A Foxtail mosaic virus Vector for Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Maize. (United States)

    Mei, Yu; Zhang, Chunquan; Kernodle, Bliss M; Hill, John H; Whitham, Steven A


    Plant viruses have been widely used as vectors for foreign gene expression and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). A limited number of viruses have been developed into viral vectors for the purposes of gene expression or VIGS in monocotyledonous plants, and among these, the tripartite viruses Brome mosaic virus and Cucumber mosaic virus have been shown to induce VIGS in maize (Zea mays). We describe here a new DNA-based VIGS system derived from Foxtail mosaic virus (FoMV), a monopartite virus that is able to establish systemic infection and silencing of endogenous maize genes homologous to gene fragments inserted into the FoMV genome. To demonstrate VIGS applications of this FoMV vector system, four genes, phytoene desaturase (functions in carotenoid biosynthesis), lesion mimic22 (encodes a key enzyme of the porphyrin pathway), iojap (functions in plastid development), and brown midrib3 (caffeic acid O-methyltransferase), were silenced and characterized in the sweet corn line Golden × Bantam. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the FoMV infectious clone establishes systemic infection in maize inbred lines, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and green foxtail (Setaria viridis), indicating the potential wide applications of this viral vector system for functional genomics studies in maize and other monocots. © 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

  19. Efficient production of infectious viruses requires enzymatic activity of Epstein-Barr virus protein kinase. (United States)

    Murata, Takayuki; Isomura, Hiroki; Yamashita, Yoriko; Toyama, Shigenori; Sato, Yoshitaka; Nakayama, Sanae; Kudoh, Ayumi; Iwahori, Satoko; Kanda, Teru; Tsurumi, Tatsuya


    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) BGLF4 gene product is the only protein kinase encoded by the virus genome. In order to elucidate its physiological roles in viral productive replication, we here established a BGLF4-knockout mutant and a revertant virus. While the levels of viral DNA replication of the deficient mutant were equivalent to those of the wild-type and the revertant, virus production was significantly impaired. Expression of the BGLF4 protein in trans fully complemented the low yield of the mutant virus, while expression of a kinase-dead (K102I) form of the protein failed to restore the virus titer. These results demonstrate that BGLF4 plays a significant role in production of infectious viruses and that the kinase activity is crucial.

  20. Propagation Effect of a Virus Outbreak on a Network with Limited Anti-Virus Ability.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yonghong Xu

    Full Text Available This paper describes a new computer virus spreading model which takes into account the possibility of a virus outbreak on a network with limited anti-virus ability. Then, the model is investigated for the existence of equilibria and their stabilities are proved and illustrated. Moreover, it is found that these two factors are not only relative to the threshold value determining whether the virus becomes extinct or not, but that they are also relative to the virus epidemic levels. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that, in some ways, it would be practically possible to eradicate the virus or suppress its prevalence below a suitable level. Consequently, some suggestions are proposed that may help eradicate or suppress virus propagation over a real computer network.

  1. An introduction to computer viruses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, D.R.


    This report on computer viruses is based upon a thesis written for the Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Tennessee in December 1989 by David R. Brown. This thesis is entitled An Analysis of Computer Virus Construction, Proliferation, and Control and is available through the University of Tennessee Library. This paper contains an overview of the computer virus arena that can help the reader to evaluate the threat that computer viruses pose. The extent of this threat can only be determined by evaluating many different factors. These factors include the relative ease with which a computer virus can be written, the motivation involved in writing a computer virus, the damage and overhead incurred by infected systems, and the legal implications of computer viruses, among others. Based upon the research, the development of a computer virus seems to require more persistence than technical expertise. This is a frightening proclamation to the computing community. The education of computer professionals to the dangers that viruses pose to the welfare of the computing industry as a whole is stressed as a means of inhibiting the current proliferation of computer virus programs. Recommendations are made to assist computer users in preventing infection by computer viruses. These recommendations support solid general computer security practices as a means of combating computer viruses.

  2. Viruses infecting marine molluscs. (United States)

    Arzul, Isabelle; Corbeil, Serge; Morga, Benjamin; Renault, Tristan


    Although a wide range of viruses have been reported in marine molluscs, most of these reports rely on ultrastructural examination and few of these viruses have been fully characterized. The lack of marine mollusc cell lines restricts virus isolation capacities and subsequent characterization works. Our current knowledge is mostly restricted to viruses affecting farmed species such as oysters Crassostrea gigas, abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta or the scallop Chlamys farreri. Molecular approaches which are needed to identify virus affiliation have been carried out for a small number of viruses, most of them belonging to the Herpesviridae and birnaviridae families. These last years, the use of New Generation Sequencing approach has allowed increasing the number of sequenced viral genomes and has improved our capacity to investigate the diversity of viruses infecting marine molluscs. This new information has in turn allowed designing more efficient diagnostic tools. Moreover, the development of experimental infection protocols has answered some questions regarding the pathogenesis of these viruses and their interactions with their hosts. Control and management of viral diseases in molluscs mostly involve active surveillance, implementation of effective bio security measures and development of breeding programs. However factors triggering pathogen development and the life cycle and status of the viruses outside their mollusc hosts still need further investigations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Iron deficiency anemia and cognitive function in infancy. (United States)

    Carter, R Colin; Jacobson, Joseph L; Burden, Matthew J; Armony-Sivan, Rinat; Dodge, Neil C; Angelilli, Mary Lu; Lozoff, Betsy; Jacobson, Sandra W


    This study examined effects of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) on specific domains of infant cognitive function and the role of IDA-related socioemotional deficits in mediating and/or moderating these effects. Infants were recruited during routine 9-month visits to an inner-city clinic. IDA was defined as hemoglobin level or =2 abnormal iron deficiency indicators (mean corpuscular volume, red cell distribution width, zinc protoporphyrin, transferrin saturation, and ferritin). At 9 and 12 months, the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence (FTII); A-not-B task; Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability Temperament Survey; and Behavior Rating Scale were administered. Analyses were adjusted for potential confounders, including age and sociodemographic variables. Twenty-eight infants met criteria for IDA, 28 had nonanemic iron deficiency (NA ID) and 21 had iron sufficiency (IS). There was a linear effect for object permanence at 9 months: infants with IDA were least likely to exhibit object permanence, IS most likely, and NA ID intermediate. Infants with IDA and those with hemoglobin level object permanence and short-term memory encoding and/or retrieval in infants with IDA at 9 months. These cognitive effects were attributable, in part, to IDA-related deficits in socioemotional function. Children with poor socioemotional performance seem to be more vulnerable to the effects of IDA on cognitive function.

  4. C. R. Jakobsoni kaks senitundmatut käsikirja / Vello Paatsi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paatsi, Vello, 1948-2015


    Läti Riiklikust Ajalooarhiivist 2005. aasta suvel leitud kahest, usureformaatoritelele Brescia Arnoldile ja John Wycliffe'le pühendatud C. R. Jakobsoni käsikirjast (Valguse riigi vägevad võitlejad. Kirja pannud C. R. Jakobson. I Breshja Arnold ;Valguse riigi vägevad võitlejad. Kirja pannud C. R. Jakobson. II Juhan Wikliffe). Ka C. R. Jakobsoni seisukohtadest kiriku ja usu küsimustes

  5. Kas riik võib kliimamuutuste tõttu kaduda? Rahvusvahelise õiguse probleemid / Marion Ross

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ross, Marion, 1988-


    Riigi staatusest, kui tema territoorium jääb kliima soojenemise tõttu püsivalt vee alla. Võimalikud lahendused riigi staatuse säilitamiseks - territooriumi ostmisest, rentimisest ja tehissaartele ümberasumisest. Riikide õiguste ja kohustuste konventsioonist (Montevideo, 1933). Artikkel põhineb autori 2013. a. kevadel Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskonnas kaitstud magistritööl "Kas riik võib kliima soojenedes kaduda? Rahvusvahelis-õiguslikud probleemid"

  6. Coinfection with Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Polyoma BK Virus (BKPyV) in Laryngeal, Oropharyngeal and Oral Cavity Cancer


    Drop, Bartłomiej; Strycharz-Dudziak, Małgorzata; Kliszczewska, Ewa; Polz-Dacewicz, Małgorzata


    Most research providing evidence for the role of oncogenic viruses in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) development is focused on one type of virus without analyzing possible interactions between two or more types of viruses. The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of co-infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and polyoma BK virus (BKPyV) in oral, oropharyngeal and laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas in Polish patients. The correlations between...

  7. RNA viruses in the sea. (United States)

    Lang, Andrew S; Rise, Matthew L; Culley, Alexander I; Steward, Grieg F


    Viruses are ubiquitous in the sea and appear to outnumber all other forms of marine life by at least an order of magnitude. Through selective infection, viruses influence nutrient cycling, community structure, and evolution in the ocean. Over the past 20 years we have learned a great deal about the diversity and ecology of the viruses that constitute the marine virioplankton, but until recently the emphasis has been on DNA viruses. Along with expanding knowledge about RNA viruses that infect important marine animals, recent isolations of RNA viruses that infect single-celled eukaryotes and molecular analyses of the RNA virioplankton have revealed that marine RNA viruses are novel, widespread, and genetically diverse. Discoveries in marine RNA virology are broadening our understanding of the biology, ecology, and evolution of viruses, and the epidemiology of viral diseases, but there is still much that we need to learn about the ecology and diversity of RNA viruses before we can fully appreciate their contributions to the dynamics of marine ecosystems. As a step toward making sense of how RNA viruses contribute to the extraordinary viral diversity in the sea, we summarize in this review what is currently known about RNA viruses that infect marine organisms.

  8. Reverse genetics of measles virus and resulting multivalent recombinant vaccines: applications of recombinant measles viruses. (United States)

    Billeter, M A; Naim, H Y; Udem, S A


    An overview is given on the development of technologies to allow reverse genetics of RNA viruses, i.e., the rescue of viruses from cDNA, with emphasis on nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses (Mononegavirales), as exemplified for measles virus (MV). Primarily, these technologies allowed site-directed mutagenesis, enabling important insights into a variety of aspects of the biology of these viruses. Concomitantly, foreign coding sequences were inserted to (a) allow localization of virus replication in vivo through marker gene expression, (b) develop candidate multivalent vaccines against measles and other pathogens, and (c) create candidate oncolytic viruses. The vector use of these viruses was experimentally encouraged by the pronounced genetic stability of the recombinants unexpected for RNA viruses, and by the high load of insertable genetic material, in excess of 6 kb. The known assets, such as the small genome size of the vector in comparison to DNA viruses proposed as vectors, the extensive clinical experience of attenuated MV as vaccine with a proven record of high safety and efficacy, and the low production cost per vaccination dose are thus favorably complemented.

  9. Schmallenberg Virus

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    explore the potential of this infection crossing the species barrier and thereby .... The virus targets mainly the brain of the unborn animal resulting in neurological ... The virus is located in the blood of the adult infected animal or in the central ...

  10. A combination in-ovo vaccine for avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus. (United States)

    Steel, John; Burmakina, Svetlana V; Thomas, Colleen; Spackman, Erica; García-Sastre, Adolfo; Swayne, David E; Palese, Peter


    The protection of poultry from H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza A (HPAI) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can be achieved through vaccination, as part of a broader disease control strategy. We have previously generated a recombinant influenza virus expressing, (i) an H5 hemagglutinin protein, modified by the removal of the polybasic cleavage peptide and (ii) the ectodomain of the NDV hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein in the place of the ectodomain of influenza neuraminidase (Park MS, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006;103(21):8203-8). Here we show this virus is attenuated in primary normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cell culture, and demonstrate protection of C57BL/6 mice from lethal challenge with an H5 HA-containing influenza virus through immunisation with the recombinant virus. In addition, in-ovo vaccination of 18-day-old embryonated chicken eggs provided 90% and 80% protection against highly stringent lethal challenge by NDV and H5N1 virus, respectively. We propose that this virus has potential as a safe in-ovo live, attenuated, bivalent avian influenza and Newcastle disease virus vaccine.

  11. Evaluation of the suitability of a plant virus, pepper mild mottle virus, as a surrogate of human enteric viruses for assessment of the efficacy of coagulation-rapid sand filtration to remove those viruses. (United States)

    Shirasaki, N; Matsushita, T; Matsui, Y; Yamashita, R


    Here, we evaluated the removal of three representative human enteric viruses - adenovirus (AdV) type 40, coxsackievirus (CV) B5, and hepatitis A virus (HAV) IB - and one surrogate of human caliciviruses - murine norovirus (MNV) type 1 - by coagulation-rapid sand filtration, using water samples from eight water sources for drinking water treatment plants in Japan. The removal ratios of a plant virus (pepper mild mottle virus; PMMoV) and two bacteriophages (MS2 and φX174) were compared with the removal ratios of human enteric viruses to assess the suitability of PMMoV, MS2, and φX174 as surrogates for human enteric viruses. The removal ratios of AdV, CV, HAV, and MNV, evaluated via the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, were 0.8-2.5-log 10 when commercially available polyaluminum chloride (PACl, basicity 1.5) and virgin silica sand were used as the coagulant and filter medium, respectively. The type of coagulant affected the virus removal efficiency, but the age of silica sand used in the rapid sand filtration did not. Coagulation-rapid sand filtration with non-sulfated, high-basicity PACls (basicity 2.1 or 2.5) removed viruses more efficiently than the other aluminum-based coagulants. The removal ratios of MS2 were sometimes higher than those of the three human enteric viruses and MNV, whereas the removal ratios of φX174 tended to be smaller than those of the three human enteric viruses and MNV. In contrast, the removal ratios of PMMoV were similar to and strongly correlated with those of the three human enteric viruses and MNV. Thus, PMMoV appears to be a suitable surrogate for human enteric viruses for the assessment of the efficacy of coagulation-rapid sand filtration to remove viruses. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. An inactivated whole-virus porcine parvovirus vaccine protects pigs against disease but does not prevent virus shedding even after homologous virus challenge. (United States)

    Foerster, Tessa; Streck, André Felipe; Speck, Stephanie; Selbitz, Hans-Joachim; Lindner, Thomas; Truyen, Uwe


    Inactivated whole-virus vaccines against porcine parvovirus (PPV) can prevent disease but not infection and virus shedding after heterologous virus challenge. Here, we showed that the same is true for a homologous challenge. Pregnant sows were vaccinated with an experimental inactivated vaccine based on PPV strain 27a. They were challenged on day 40 of gestation with the virulent porcine parvovirus PPV-27a from which the vaccine was prepared (homologous challenge). On day 90 of gestation, the fetuses from vaccinated sows were protected against disease, while the fetuses of the non-vaccinated sows (control group) exhibited signs of parvovirus disease. All gilts, whether vaccinated or not vaccinated, showed a boost of PPV-specific antibodies indicative of virus infection and replication. Low DNA copy numbers, but not infectious virus, could be demonstrated in nasal or rectal swabs of immunized sows, but high copy numbers of challenge virus DNA as well as infectious virus could both be demonstrated in non-vaccinated sows.

  13. Dinucleotide Composition in Animal RNA Viruses Is Shaped More by Virus Family than by Host Species. (United States)

    Di Giallonardo, Francesca; Schlub, Timothy E; Shi, Mang; Holmes, Edward C


    Viruses use the cellular machinery of their hosts for replication. It has therefore been proposed that the nucleotide and dinucleotide compositions of viruses should match those of their host species. If this is upheld, it may then be possible to use dinucleotide composition to predict the true host species of viruses sampled in metagenomic surveys. However, it is also clear that different taxonomic groups of viruses tend to have distinctive patterns of dinucleotide composition that may be independent of host species. To determine the relative strength of the effect of host versus virus family in shaping dinucleotide composition, we performed a comparative analysis of 20 RNA virus families from 15 host groupings, spanning two animal phyla and more than 900 virus species. In particular, we determined the odds ratios for the 16 possible dinucleotides and performed a discriminant analysis to evaluate the capability of virus dinucleotide composition to predict the correct virus family or host taxon from which it was isolated. Notably, while 81% of the data analyzed here were predicted to the correct virus family, only 62% of these data were predicted to their correct subphylum/class host and a mere 32% to their correct mammalian order. Similarly, dinucleotide composition has a weak predictive power for different hosts within individual virus families. We therefore conclude that dinucleotide composition is generally uniform within a virus family but less well reflects that of its host species. This has obvious implications for attempts to accurately predict host species from virus genome sequences alone. IMPORTANCE Determining the processes that shape virus genomes is central to understanding virus evolution and emergence. One question of particular importance is why nucleotide and dinucleotide frequencies differ so markedly between viruses. In particular, it is currently unclear whether host species or virus family has the biggest impact on dinucleotide frequencies and

  14. Monoclonal antibodies against plant viruses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandler, E.; Dietzgen, R.G.


    Ever since antigenic properties of plant viruses were discovered antisera have been raised and used for plant virus diagnosis and for the analysis of virus structure as well. From the early qualitative diagnosis method of precipitating the virus in clarified sap of an infected plant and the first quantitative application of the precipitin test vast progress has been made with regard to the development of highly sensitive and highly quantitative methods for virus detection. Of equal importance was the improvement of methods for separating virus from host cell components since the specificity of antisera raised against a virus could be increased by using an antigen for immunization highly concentrated and largely freed from contaminating host substances. The introduction of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) into plant virology allows detection of virus in nanogram quantities. Still, the conventionally raised antisera, no matter how pure an antigen was used for immunization, are polyclonal. They contain products of thousands of different antibody-secreting plasma cell clones which can be directed against all antigenic determinants (epitopes) of the virus, but also against antigens of the host plant that may not have been entirely separated from the immunizing virus during the purification procedure. Even after cross adsorption of polyclonal antisera some residual heterogeneity can be expected to remain. Within these boundaries the information gained with polyclonal antisera on virus structure and on virus diagnosis has to be interpreted

  15. Zika Virus and Pregnancy (United States)

    ... Management Education & Events Advocacy For Patients About ACOG Zika Virus and Pregnancy Home For Patients Zika Virus and ... Patient Education Pamphlets - Spanish Share: PEV002, September 2016 Zika Virus and Pregnancy There are risks to your fetus ...

  16. Zika Virus (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Zika Virus Credit: NIAID A female Aedes mosquito. This type of mosquito can transmit Zika, ... transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Zika virus can be transmitted from an infected pregnant woman ...


    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. CHANDIPURA VIRUS. First isolated from a village called Chandipura near Nagpur in 1965 in India. Belongs to rhabdoviridae family. Used as a Model System to study RNA virus multiplication in the infected cell at molecular level. Notes:

  18. Clinical and biological differences between recurrent herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straus, S.E.


    The major features that distinguish recurrent herpes simplex virus infections from zoster are illustrated in this article by two case histories. The clinical and epidemiologic features that characterize recurrent herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus infections are reviewed. It is noted that herpesvirus infections are more common and severe in patients with cellular immune deficiency. Each virus evokes both humoral and cellular immune response in the course of primary infection. DNA hybridization studies with RNA probes labelled with sulfur-35 indicate that herpes simplex viruses persist within neurons, and that varicella-zoster virus is found in the satellite cells that encircle the neurons

  19. Zika Virus and Pregnancy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Management Education & Events Advocacy For Patients About ACOG Zika Virus and Pregnancy Home For Patients Zika Virus ... Patient Education Pamphlets - Spanish Share: PEV002, September 2016 Zika Virus and Pregnancy There are risks to your ...

  20. Zika Virus and Pregnancy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Education & Events Advocacy For Patients About ACOG Zika Virus and Pregnancy Home For Patients Zika Virus and ... Education Pamphlets - Spanish Share: PEV002, September 2016 Zika Virus and Pregnancy There are risks to your fetus ...

  1. What's West Nile Virus? (United States)

    ... for Educators Search English Español What's West Nile Virus? KidsHealth / For Kids / What's West Nile Virus? Print en español ¿Qué es el Virus del Nilo Occidental? What exactly is the West ...

  2. Zika Virus and Pregnancy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Advocacy For Patients About ACOG Zika Virus and Pregnancy Home For Patients Zika Virus and Pregnancy Page ... Spanish Share: PEV002, September 2016 Zika Virus and Pregnancy There are risks to your fetus if you ...

  3. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Co-infection ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Co-infection in Cameroon: Investigation of the Genetic Diversity and Virulent ... AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search · USING AJOL · RESOURCES ... DNA sequencing, and bioinformatics tools for sequence management and analysis.

  4. "Gorjatshaja desjatka" industrianogo regiona / Jevgeni Ashihmin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ashihmin, Jevgeni


    Narva-Jõesuus toimunud ajalehe Äripäev Ida-Virumaa arengukonverentsil anti üle auhinnad edukamatele Ida-Virumaa ettevõtetele. Ajakirja Äripäev Ida-Virumaa TOP-i esikolmikusse kuuluvad Kohtla-Järve ettevõtted AS Nitrofert ja AS Viru Keemia Grupp ning Jõhvis asuv OÜ T.R.Tamme Auto. Ülevaade konverentsist ja Ida-Virumaa maavanema Ago Silde esinemisest

  5. Virus world as an evolutionary network of viruses and capsidless selfish elements. (United States)

    Koonin, Eugene V; Dolja, Valerian V


    Viruses were defined as one of the two principal types of organisms in the biosphere, namely, as capsid-encoding organisms in contrast to ribosome-encoding organisms, i.e., all cellular life forms. Structurally similar, apparently homologous capsids are present in a huge variety of icosahedral viruses that infect bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. These findings prompted the concept of the capsid as the virus "self" that defines the identity of deep, ancient viral lineages. However, several other widespread viral "hallmark genes" encode key components of the viral replication apparatus (such as polymerases and helicases) and combine with different capsid proteins, given the inherently modular character of viral evolution. Furthermore, diverse, widespread, capsidless selfish genetic elements, such as plasmids and various types of transposons, share hallmark genes with viruses. Viruses appear to have evolved from capsidless selfish elements, and vice versa, on multiple occasions during evolution. At the earliest, precellular stage of life's evolution, capsidless genetic parasites most likely emerged first and subsequently gave rise to different classes of viruses. In this review, we develop the concept of a greater virus world which forms an evolutionary network that is held together by shared conserved genes and includes both bona fide capsid-encoding viruses and different classes of capsidless replicons. Theoretical studies indicate that selfish replicons (genetic parasites) inevitably emerge in any sufficiently complex evolving ensemble of replicators. Therefore, the key signature of the greater virus world is not the presence of a capsid but rather genetic, informational parasitism itself, i.e., various degrees of reliance on the information processing systems of the host. Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  6. Replacement of Murine Leukemia Virus Readthrough Mechanism by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Frameshift Allows Synthesis of Viral Proteins and Virus Replication (United States)

    Brunelle, Marie-Noëlle; Brakier-Gingras, Léa; Lemay, Guy


    Retroviruses use unusual recoding strategies to synthesize the Gag-Pol polyprotein precursor of viral enzymes. In human immunodeficiency virus, ribosomes translating full-length viral RNA can shift back by 1 nucleotide at a specific site defined by the presence of both a slippery sequence and a downstream stimulatory element made of an extensive secondary structure. This so-called frameshift mechanism could become a target for the development of novel antiviral strategies. A different recoding strategy is used by other retroviruses, such as murine leukemia viruses, to synthesize the Gag-Pol precursor; in this case, a stop codon is suppressed in a readthrough process, again due to the presence of a specific structure adopted by the mRNA. Development of antiframeshift agents will greatly benefit from the availability of a simple animal and virus model. For this purpose, the murine leukemia virus readthrough region was rendered inactive by mutagenesis and the frameshift region of human immunodeficiency virus was inserted to generate a chimeric provirus. This substitution of readthrough by frameshift allows the synthesis of viral proteins, and the chimeric provirus sequence was found to generate infectious viruses. This system could be a most interesting alternative to study ribosomal frameshift in the context of a virus amenable to the use of a simple animal model. PMID:12584361

  7. [Mumps vaccine virus transmission]. (United States)

    Otrashevskaia, E V; Kulak, M V; Otrashevskaia, A V; Karpov, I A; Fisenko, E G; Ignat'ev, G M


    In this work we report the mumps vaccine virus shedding based on the laboratory confirmed cases of the mumps virus (MuV) infection. The likely epidemiological sources of the transmitted mumps virus were children who were recently vaccinated with the mumps vaccine containing Leningrad-Zagreb or Leningrad-3 MuV. The etiology of the described cases of the horizontal transmission of both mumps vaccine viruses was confirmed by PCR with the sequential restriction analysis.

  8. Zika Virus and Pregnancy

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Management Education & Events Advocacy For Patients About ACOG Zika Virus and Pregnancy Home For Patients Zika Virus and ... Patient Education Pamphlets - Spanish Share: PEV002, September 2016 Zika Virus and Pregnancy There are risks to your fetus ...

  9. Zika Virus Fact Sheet (United States)

    ... is caused by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes. People with Zika virus disease can have symptoms including mild fever, skin ... framework. Q&A: Zika virus and complication ... mosquito from the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypti in tropical regions. Aedes ...

  10. Computer Viruses: An Overview. (United States)

    Marmion, Dan


    Discusses the early history and current proliferation of computer viruses that occur on Macintosh and DOS personal computers, mentions virus detection programs, and offers suggestions for how libraries can protect themselves and their users from damage by computer viruses. (LRW)

  11. Chemins de fer en mutation dans l'Europe médiane / Antoine Kunth

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kunth, Antoine


    Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa raudteestruktuuride arengust sotsialismiperioodist tänapäevani. Reformid ja erastamine. Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikide vahelistest raudteeliinidest. Tabelid. Joonis: Kümme Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa transpordikoridori.

  12. An infectious bat-derived chimeric influenza virus harbouring the entry machinery of an influenza A virus. (United States)

    Juozapaitis, Mindaugas; Aguiar Moreira, Étori; Mena, Ignacio; Giese, Sebastian; Riegger, David; Pohlmann, Anne; Höper, Dirk; Zimmer, Gert; Beer, Martin; García-Sastre, Adolfo; Schwemmle, Martin


    In 2012, the complete genomic sequence of a new and potentially harmful influenza A-like virus from bats (H17N10) was identified. However, infectious influenza virus was neither isolated from infected bats nor reconstituted, impeding further characterization of this virus. Here we show the generation of an infectious chimeric virus containing six out of the eight bat virus genes, with the remaining two genes encoding the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins of a prototypic influenza A virus. This engineered virus replicates well in a broad range of mammalian cell cultures, human primary airway epithelial cells and mice, but poorly in avian cells and chicken embryos without further adaptation. Importantly, the bat chimeric virus is unable to reassort with other influenza A viruses. Although our data do not exclude the possibility of zoonotic transmission of bat influenza viruses into the human population, they indicate that multiple barriers exist that makes this an unlikely event.

  13. Zika virus infection. (United States)

    Pougnet, Laurence; Thill, Chloé; Pougnet, Richard; Auvinet, Henri; Giacardi, Christophe; Drouillard, Isabelle


    A 21-year old woman from New-Caledonia had 40 ̊C fever with vomiting, arthralgia, myalgia, and measles-like rash. Etiological analyses showed primary infection with Zika virus. Because of severe clinical presentation, she was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Brest military Hospital. Zika virus is mainly transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. If they settle in Metropolitan France, Zika virus might also spread there.

  14. Comparative analysis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) and new RHDV2 virus antigenicity, using specific virus-like particles. (United States)

    Bárcena, Juan; Guerra, Beatriz; Angulo, Iván; González, Julia; Valcárcel, Félix; Mata, Carlos P; Castón, José R; Blanco, Esther; Alejo, Alí


    In 2010 a new Lagovirus related to rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) emerged in France and has since rapidly spread throughout domestic and wild rabbit populations of several European countries. The new virus, termed RHDV2, exhibits distinctive genetic, antigenic and pathogenic features. Notably, RHDV2 kills rabbits previously vaccinated with RHDV vaccines. Here we report for the first time the generation and characterization of RHDV2-specific virus-like particles (VLPs). Our results further confirmed the differential antigenic properties exhibited by RHDV and RHDV2, highlighting the need of using RHDV2-specific diagnostic assays to monitor the spread of this new virus.

  15. Structural and Functional Studies on the Fusion and Attachment Envelope Glycoproteins of Nipah Virus and Hendra Virus (United States)


    including measles virus (MeV), mumps virus, Sendai virus (SeV), Newcastle disease virus (NDV), rinderpest virus, canine distemper virus (CDV), human...Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. Hut 102, MT2, MT4, and CEM human T cell lines were provided by Chou-Zen Giam, USUHS, Bethesda, MD. The human osteosarcoma

  16. Single Assay Detection of Acute Bee Paralysis Virus, Kashmir Bee Virus and Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Francis, Roy Mathew; Kryger, Per


    A new RT-PCR primer pair designed to identify Acute Bee Paralysis Virus (ABPV), Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV) or Israeli Acute Bee Paralysis Virus (IAPV) of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) in a single assay is described. These primers are used to screen samples for ABPV, KBV, or IAPV in a single RT-PCR ......-PCR reaction saving time and money. The primers are located in the predicted overlapping gene (pog/ORFX) which is highly conserved across ABPV, KBV, IAPV and other dicistroviruses of social insects. This study has also identified the first case of IAPV in Denmark....

  17. Structure of viruses: a short history. (United States)

    Rossmann, Michael G


    This review is a partially personal account of the discovery of virus structure and its implication for virus function. Although I have endeavored to cover all aspects of structural virology and to acknowledge relevant individuals, I know that I have favored taking examples from my own experience in telling this story. I am anxious to apologize to all those who I might have unintentionally offended by omitting their work. The first knowledge of virus structure was a result of Stanley's studies of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and the subsequent X-ray fiber diffraction analysis by Bernal and Fankuchen in the 1930s. At about the same time it became apparent that crystals of small RNA plant and animal viruses could diffract X-rays, demonstrating that viruses must have distinct and unique structures. More advances were made in the 1950s with the realization by Watson and Crick that viruses might have icosahedral symmetry. With the improvement of experimental and computational techniques in the 1970s, it became possible to determine the three-dimensional, near-atomic resolution structures of some small icosahedral plant and animal RNA viruses. It was a great surprise that the protecting capsids of the first virus structures to be determined had the same architecture. The capsid proteins of these viruses all had a 'jelly-roll' fold and, furthermore, the organization of the capsid protein in the virus were similar, suggesting a common ancestral virus from which many of today's viruses have evolved. By this time a more detailed structure of TMV had also been established, but both the architecture and capsid protein fold were quite different to that of the icosahedral viruses. The small icosahedral RNA virus structures were also informative of how and where cellular receptors, anti-viral compounds, and neutralizing antibodies bound to these viruses. However, larger lipid membrane enveloped viruses did not form sufficiently ordered crystals to obtain good X-ray diffraction

  18. Computer Viruses: Pathology and Detection. (United States)

    Maxwell, John R.; Lamon, William E.


    Explains how computer viruses were originally created, how a computer can become infected by a virus, how viruses operate, symptoms that indicate a computer is infected, how to detect and remove viruses, and how to prevent a reinfection. A sidebar lists eight antivirus resources. (four references) (LRW)

  19. Yeast for virus research (United States)

    Zhao, Richard Yuqi


    Budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) are two popular model organisms for virus research. They are natural hosts for viruses as they carry their own indigenous viruses. Both yeasts have been used for studies of plant, animal and human viruses. Many positive sense (+) RNA viruses and some DNA viruses replicate with various levels in yeasts, thus allowing study of those viral activities during viral life cycle. Yeasts are single cell eukaryotic organisms. Hence, many of the fundamental cellular functions such as cell cycle regulation or programed cell death are highly conserved from yeasts to higher eukaryotes. Therefore, they are particularly suited to study the impact of those viral activities on related cellular activities during virus-host interactions. Yeasts present many unique advantages in virus research over high eukaryotes. Yeast cells are easy to maintain in the laboratory with relative short doubling time. They are non-biohazardous, genetically amendable with small genomes that permit genome-wide analysis of virologic and cellular functions. In this review, similarities and differences of these two yeasts are described. Studies of virologic activities such as viral translation, viral replication and genome-wide study of virus-cell interactions in yeasts are highlighted. Impacts of viral proteins on basic cellular functions such as cell cycle regulation and programed cell death are discussed. Potential applications of using yeasts as hosts to carry out functional analysis of small viral genome and to develop high throughput drug screening platform for the discovery of antiviral drugs are presented. PMID:29082230

  20. Special Issue: Honey Bee Viruses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastian Gisder


    Full Text Available Pollination of flowering plants is an important ecosystem service provided by wild insect pollinators and managed honey bees. Hence, losses and declines of pollinating insect species threaten human food security and are of major concern not only for apiculture or agriculture but for human society in general. Honey bee colony losses and bumblebee declines have attracted intensive research interest over the last decade and although the problem is far from being solved we now know that viruses are among the key players of many of these bee losses and bumblebee declines. With this special issue on bee viruses we, therefore, aimed to collect high quality original papers reflecting the current state of bee virus research. To this end, we focused on newly discovered viruses (Lake Sinai viruses, bee macula-like virus, or a so far neglected virus species (Apis mellifera filamentous virus, and cutting edge technologies (mass spectrometry, RNAi approach applied in the field.

  1. Special Issue: Honey Bee Viruses (United States)

    Gisder, Sebastian; Genersch, Elke


    Pollination of flowering plants is an important ecosystem service provided by wild insect pollinators and managed honey bees. Hence, losses and declines of pollinating insect species threaten human food security and are of major concern not only for apiculture or agriculture but for human society in general. Honey bee colony losses and bumblebee declines have attracted intensive research interest over the last decade and although the problem is far from being solved we now know that viruses are among the key players of many of these bee losses and bumblebee declines. With this special issue on bee viruses we, therefore, aimed to collect high quality original papers reflecting the current state of bee virus research. To this end, we focused on newly discovered viruses (Lake Sinai viruses, bee macula-like virus), or a so far neglected virus species (Apis mellifera filamentous virus), and cutting edge technologies (mass spectrometry, RNAi approach) applied in the field. PMID:26702462

  2. Diversity of viruses in Ixodes ricinus, and characterization of a neurotropic strain of Eyach virus. (United States)

    Moutailler, S; Popovici, I; Devillers, E; Vayssier-Taussat, M; Eloit, M


    Ticks transmit more pathogens-including bacteria, parasites and viruses-than any other arthropod vector. Although the epidemiological status of many tick-borne bacteria is very well characterized, tick-borne viruses are still relatively under-studied. Recently, several novel tick-borne viruses have been isolated from human febrile illnesses following tick bites, indicating the existence of other potential new and unknown tick-borne viruses. We used high-throughput sequencing to analyse the virome of Ixodes ricinus, the main vector of tick-borne pathogens in Europe. The majority of collected viral sequences were assigned to two potentially novel Nairovirus and Phlebovirus viruses, with prevalence rates ranging from 3.95% to 23.88% in adults and estimated to be between 0.14% and 72.16% in nymphs. These viruses could not be isolated from the brains of inoculated immunocompromised mice, perhaps indicating that they are unable to infect vertebrates. Within the I. ricinus virome, we also identified contigs with >90% identity to the known Eyach virus. Initially isolated in the 1980s, this virus was indirectly associated with human disease, but had never been extensively studied. Eyach virus prevalence varied between 0.07% and 5.26% in ticks from the French Ardennes and Alsace regions. Eyach virus was successfully isolated following intracerebral inoculation of immunocompromised mice with Eyach virus-positive tick extracts. This virus was also able to multiply and persist in the blood of immunocompetent mice inoculated by intraperitoneal injection, and caused brain infections in three of nine juveniles, without any obvious deleterious effects.

  3. Zika Virus: An Emerging Worldwide Threat


    Irfan A. Rather; Jameel B. Lone; Vivek K. Bajpai; Woon K. Paek; Jeongheui Lim


    ZIKA virus (ZIKV) poses a severe threat to the world. Recent outbreaks of ZIKV after 2007 along with its quick transmission have made this virus a matter of international concern. The virus shows symptoms that are similar to those caused in the wake of dengue virus (DENV) and other flaviviruses, which makes it difficult to discern the viral infection. Diagnosis is further complicated as the virus cross-reacts with antibodies of other viruses. Currently, molecular diagnosis of the virus is bei...

  4. How hepatitis D virus can hinder the control of hepatitis B virus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Xiridou

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Hepatitis D (or hepatitis delta virus is a defective virus that relies on hepatitis B virus (HBV for transmission; infection with hepatitis D can occur only as coinfection with HBV or superinfection of an existing HBV infection. Because of the bond between the two viruses, control measures for HBV may have also affected the spread of hepatitis D, as evidenced by the decline of hepatitis D in recent years. Since the presence of hepatitis D is associated with suppressed HBV replication and possibly infectivity, it is reasonable to speculate that hepatitis D may facilitate the control of HBV. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We introduced a mathematical model for the transmission of HBV and hepatitis D, where individuals with dual HBV and hepatitis D infection transmit both viruses. We calculated the reproduction numbers of single HBV infections and dual HBV and hepatitis D infections and examined the endemic prevalences of the two viruses. The results show that hepatitis D virus modulates not only the severity of the HBV epidemic, but also the impact of interventions for HBV. Surprisingly we find that the presence of hepatitis D virus may hamper the eradication of HBV. Interventions that aim to reduce the basic reproduction number of HBV below one may not be sufficient to eradicate the virus, as control of HBV depends also on the reproduction numbers of dual infections. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: For populations where hepatitis D is endemic, plans for control programs ignoring the presence of hepatitis D may underestimate the HBV epidemic and produce overoptimistic results. The current HBV surveillance should be augmented with monitoring of hepatitis D, in order to improve accuracy of the monitoring and the efficacy of control measures.

  5. Archaeal viruses of the sulfolobales

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Erdmann, Susanne; Garrett, Roger Antony


    in CRISPR loci of Sulfolobus species from a second coinfecting conjugative plasmid or virus (Erdmann and Garrett, Mol Microbiol 85:1044-1056, 2012; Erdmann et al. Mol Microbiol 91:900-917, 2014). Here we describe, firstly, the isolation of archaeal virus mixtures from terrestrial hot springs...... with an environmental virus mixture isolated from Yellowstone National Park (Erdmann and Garrett, Mol Microbiol 85:1044-1056, 2012). Experimental studies of isolated genetic elements from this mixture revealed that SMV1 (S ulfolobus Monocauda Virus 1), a tailed spindle-shaped virus, can induce spacer acquisition...... and the techniques used both to infect laboratory strains with these virus mixtures and to obtain purified virus particles. Secondly, we present the experimental conditions required for activating SMV1-induced spacer acquisition in two different Sulfolobus species....

  6. Seasonal and pandemic human influenza viruses attach better to human upper respiratory tract epithelium than avian influenza viruses. (United States)

    van Riel, Debby; den Bakker, Michael A; Leijten, Lonneke M E; Chutinimitkul, Salin; Munster, Vincent J; de Wit, Emmie; Rimmelzwaan, Guus F; Fouchier, Ron A M; Osterhaus, Albert D M E; Kuiken, Thijs


    Influenza viruses vary markedly in their efficiency of human-to-human transmission. This variation has been speculated to be determined in part by the tropism of influenza virus for the human upper respiratory tract. To study this tropism, we determined the pattern of virus attachment by virus histochemistry of three human and three avian influenza viruses in human nasal septum, conchae, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, and larynx. We found that the human influenza viruses-two seasonal influenza viruses and pandemic H1N1 virus-attached abundantly to ciliated epithelial cells and goblet cells throughout the upper respiratory tract. In contrast, the avian influenza viruses, including the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus, attached only rarely to epithelial cells or goblet cells. Both human and avian viruses attached occasionally to cells of the submucosal glands. The pattern of virus attachment was similar among the different sites of the human upper respiratory tract for each virus tested. We conclude that influenza viruses that are transmitted efficiently among humans attach abundantly to human upper respiratory tract, whereas inefficiently transmitted influenza viruses attach rarely. These results suggest that the ability of an influenza virus to attach to human upper respiratory tract is a critical factor for efficient transmission in the human population.

  7. Mutagenesis-mediated virus extinction: virus-dependent effect of viral load on sensitivity to lethal defection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor Moreno

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Lethal mutagenesis is a transition towards virus extinction mediated by enhanced mutation rates during viral genome replication, and it is currently under investigation as a potential new antiviral strategy. Viral load and virus fitness are known to influence virus extinction. Here we examine the effect or the multiplicity of infection (MOI on progeny production of several RNA viruses under enhanced mutagenesis. RESULTS: The effect of the mutagenic base analogue 5-fluorouracil (FU on the replication of the arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV can result either in inhibition of progeny production and virus extinction in infections carried out at low multiplicity of infection (MOI, or in a moderate titer decrease without extinction at high MOI. The effect of the MOI is similar for LCMV and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV, but minimal or absent for the picornaviruses foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV. The increase in mutation frequency and Shannon entropy (mutant spectrum complexity as a result of virus passage in the presence of FU was more accentuated at low MOI for LCMV and VSV, and at high MOI for FMDV and EMCV. We present an extension of the lethal defection model that agrees with the experimental results. CONCLUSIONS: (i Low infecting load favoured the extinction of negative strand viruses, LCMV or VSV, with an increase of mutant spectrum complexity. (ii This behaviour is not observed in RNA positive strand viruses, FMDV or EMCV. (iii The accumulation of defector genomes may underlie the MOI-dependent behaviour. (iv LCMV coinfections are allowed but superinfection is strongly restricted in BHK-21 cells. (v The dissimilar effects of the MOI on the efficiency of mutagenic-based extinction of different RNA viruses can have implications for the design of antiviral protocols based on lethal mutagenesis, presently under development.

  8. Coinfection of hepatitis E virus and other hepatitis virus in Colombia and its genotypic characterization. (United States)

    Peláez, Dioselina; Martínez-Vargas, Daniel; Escalante-Mora, Martha; Palacios-Vivero, Mariel; Contreras-Gómez, Lady


    Hepatitis E virus has emerged as a public health problem, particularly in developing countries. The four genotypes identified in mammals include the G3 found in indigenous hepatitis in countries and regions with high porcine population, and the G1, associated with maternal deaths.  To determine coinfection by hepatitis E virus and the circulating genotypes in Colombia in 1,097 samples using serological markers for hepatitis A, B and C.  Serum samples of 1,097 patients from different regions of Colombia stored at the Laboratorio de Virología of the Instituto Nacional de Salud were selected to detect IgG and IgM anti-hepatitis E virus antibodies. The viral genomes of positive samples were amplified by RT-PCR, and the products were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed by comparing ORF2 sequences deposited in the GenBank.  IgG anti-hepatitis E virus antibodies were found in 278 samples, IgM in 62, and both markers in 64. Hepatitis E virus and hepatitis A virus coinfection determined by IgG anti-hepatitis E virus was 33.6% and 16.1% by IgM; hepatitis E virus and hepatitis B virus coinfection was 23.4% and 8.1%, and hepatitis E virus and hepatitis C virus coinfection was 35.4% and 5.83%, respectively. Among the 52 positive samples by PCR nine were sequenced and grouped within genotype 3A of the American porcine strain.  The highest seropositivity was observed for hepatitis A and E. The incidence of hepatitis E virus coinfection with other hepatotropic viruses indicated that this pathogen is more frequent than expected. The circulation of genotype 3A implies that this disease may occur in outbreaks and as zoonosis in Colombia.

  9. Comparative Pathology of Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Infection. (United States)

    Cullen, John M; Lemon, Stanley M


    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) cause acute, self-limiting hepatic infections that are usually spread by the fecal-oral route in humans. Naturally occurring and experimental infections are possible in a variety of nonhuman primates and, in the case of HEV, a number of other species. Many advances in understanding the pathogenesis of these viruses have come from studies in experimental animals. In general, animals infected with these viruses recapitulate the histologic lesions seen in infected humans, but typically with less severe clinical and histopathological manifestations. This review describes the histopathologic changes associated with HAV and HEV infection in humans and experimental animals. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  10. [Zika virus infection during pregnancy]. (United States)

    Picone, O; Vauloup-Fellous, C; D'Ortenzio, E; Huissoud, C; Carles, G; Benachi, A; Faye, A; Luton, D; Paty, M-C; Ayoubi, J-M; Yazdanpanah, Y; Mandelbrot, L; Matheron, S


    A Zika virus epidemic is currently ongoing in the Americas. This virus is linked to congenital infections with potential severe neurodevelopmental dysfunction. However, incidence of fetal infection and whether this virus is responsible of other fetal complications are still unknown. National and international public health authorities recommend caution and several prevention measures. Declaration of Zika virus infection is now mandatory in France. Given the available knowledge on Zika virus, we suggest here a review of the current recommendations for management of pregnancy in case of suspicious or infection by Zika virus in a pregnant woman. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Computer virus information update CIAC-2301

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orvis, W.J.


    While CIAC periodically issues bulletins about specific computer viruses, these bulletins do not cover all the computer viruses that affect desktop computers. The purpose of this document is to identify most of the known viruses for the MS-DOS and Macintosh platforms and give an overview of the effects of each virus. The authors also include information on some windows, Atari, and Amiga viruses. This document is revised periodically as new virus information becomes available. This document replaces all earlier versions of the CIAC Computer virus Information Update. The date on the front cover indicates date on which the information in this document was extracted from CIAC`s Virus database.

  12. Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitus B virus co-infection ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitus B virus co-infection amog patients in Kano Nigeria. EE Nwokedi, MA Emokpae, AI Dutse. Abstract. No Abstract. Nigerian Journal of Medicine Vol. 15(3) July-September 2006: 227-229. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD ...

  13. Vaccination with Recombinant Parainfluenza Virus 5 Expressing Neuraminidase Protects against Homologous and Heterologous Influenza Virus Challenge. (United States)

    Mooney, Alaina J; Gabbard, Jon D; Li, Zhuo; Dlugolenski, Daniel A; Johnson, Scott K; Tripp, Ralph A; He, Biao; Tompkins, S Mark


    Seasonal human influenza virus continues to cause morbidity and mortality annually, and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses along with other emerging influenza viruses continue to pose pandemic threats. Vaccination is considered the most effective measure for controlling influenza; however, current strategies rely on a precise vaccine match with currently circulating virus strains for efficacy, requiring constant surveillance and regular development of matched vaccines. Current vaccines focus on eliciting specific antibody responses against the hemagglutinin (HA) surface glycoprotein; however, the diversity of HAs across species and antigenic drift of circulating strains enable the evasion of virus-inhibiting antibody responses, resulting in vaccine failure. The neuraminidase (NA) surface glycoprotein, while diverse, has a conserved enzymatic site and presents an appealing target for priming broadly effective antibody responses. Here we show that vaccination with parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), a promising live viral vector expressing NA from avian (H5N1) or pandemic (H1N1) influenza virus, elicited NA-specific antibody and T cell responses, which conferred protection against homologous and heterologous influenza virus challenges. Vaccination with PIV5-N1 NA provided cross-protection against challenge with a heterosubtypic (H3N2) virus. Experiments using antibody transfer indicate that antibodies to NA have an important role in protection. These findings indicate that PIV5 expressing NA may be effective as a broadly protective vaccine against seasonal influenza and emerging pandemic threats. IMPORTANCE Seasonal influenza viruses cause considerable morbidity and mortality annually, while emerging viruses pose potential pandemic threats. Currently licensed influenza virus vaccines rely on the antigenic match of hemagglutinin (HA) for vaccine strain selection, and most vaccines rely on HA inhibition titers to determine efficacy, despite the growing

  14. Influenza A virus targets a cGAS-independent STING pathway that controls enveloped RNA viruses. (United States)

    Holm, Christian K; Rahbek, Stine H; Gad, Hans Henrik; Bak, Rasmus O; Jakobsen, Martin R; Jiang, Zhaozaho; Hansen, Anne Louise; Jensen, Simon K; Sun, Chenglong; Thomsen, Martin K; Laustsen, Anders; Nielsen, Camilla G; Severinsen, Kasper; Xiong, Yingluo; Burdette, Dara L; Hornung, Veit; Lebbink, Robert Jan; Duch, Mogens; Fitzgerald, Katherine A; Bahrami, Shervin; Mikkelsen, Jakob Giehm; Hartmann, Rune; Paludan, Søren R


    Stimulator of interferon genes (STING) is known be involved in control of DNA viruses but has an unexplored role in control of RNA viruses. During infection with DNA viruses STING is activated downstream of cGAMP synthase (cGAS) to induce type I interferon. Here we identify a STING-dependent, cGAS-independent pathway important for full interferon production and antiviral control of enveloped RNA viruses, including influenza A virus (IAV). Further, IAV interacts with STING through its conserved hemagglutinin fusion peptide (FP). Interestingly, FP antagonizes interferon production induced by membrane fusion or IAV but not by cGAMP or DNA. Similar to the enveloped RNA viruses, membrane fusion stimulates interferon production in a STING-dependent but cGAS-independent manner. Abolishment of this pathway led to reduced interferon production and impaired control of enveloped RNA viruses. Thus, enveloped RNA viruses stimulate a cGAS-independent STING pathway, which is targeted by IAV.

  15. Enhanced light microscopy visualization of virus particles from Zika virus to filamentous ebolaviruses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George G Daaboul

    Full Text Available Light microscopy is a powerful tool in the detection and analysis of parasites, fungi, and prokaryotes, but has been challenging to use for the detection of individual virus particles. Unlabeled virus particles are too small to be visualized using standard visible light microscopy. Characterization of virus particles is typically performed using higher resolution approaches such as electron microscopy or atomic force microscopy. These approaches require purification of virions away from their normal millieu, requiring significant levels of expertise, and can only enumerate small numbers of particles per field of view. Here, we utilize a visible light imaging approach called Single Particle Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (SP-IRIS that allows automated counting and sizing of thousands of individual virions. Virions are captured directly from complex solutions onto a silicon chip and then detected using a reflectance interference imaging modality. We show that the use of different imaging wavelengths allows the visualization of a multitude of virus particles. Using Violet/UV illumination, the SP-IRIS technique is able to detect individual flavivirus particles (~40 nm, while green light illumination is capable of identifying and discriminating between vesicular stomatitis virus and vaccinia virus (~360 nm. Strikingly, the technology allows the clear identification of filamentous infectious ebolavirus particles and virus-like particles. The ability to differentiate and quantify unlabeled virus particles extends the usefulness of traditional light microscopy and can be embodied in a straightforward benchtop approach allowing widespread applications ranging from rapid detection in biological fluids to analysis of virus-like particles for vaccine development and production.

  16. Cowpea viruses: Effect of single and mixed infections on symptomatology and virus concentration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nsa Imade Y


    Full Text Available Abstract Natural multiple viral infections of cultivated cowpeas have been reported in Nigeria. In this study, three Nigerian commercial cowpea cultivars ("Olo 11", "Oloyin" and "White" and two lines from the IITA (IT86D- 719 and TVU 76 were mechanically inoculated with Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV, Bean southern mosaic virus (SBMV and Cowpea mottle virus (CMeV singly, as well as in all possible combinations at 10, 20 and 30 days after planting (DAP. Samples of leaves or stems were collected at 10, 20 and 30 days after inoculation (DAI and analyzed for relative virus concentration by Enzyme-Linked Immunosrbent Assay. All the cultivars and lines {CVS/L} were susceptible to the viruses but the commercial CVS showed more severe symptoms and had relatively higher viral concentration. In single virus infections, CABMV which induced the most severe symptoms had absorbance values (at 405 nm of 0.11 to 0.46 while SBMV and CMeV which induced moderate symptoms had virus titre of 0.74 to 1.99 and 0.11 to 0.90 respectively. Plants inoculated 10 DAP had significantly higher virus concentration than those inoculated 30 DAP. In mixed infections involving CABMV (10 DAP apical necrosis and death were observed in commercial cultivars "Olo 11" and "White". Enhancement of CMeV titers were observed in plants infected with CMeV + CABMV. Multiple viral infections of cowpeas may result in complete yield loss, hence, the availability of seeds of cultivars with a high level of multiple virus resistance is recommended as a means of control.

  17. Genome Sequence of Bivens Arm Virus, a Tibrovirus Belonging to the Species Tibrogargan virus (Mononegavirales: Rhabdoviridae). (United States)

    Lauck, Michael; Yú, Shu Qìng; Caì, Yíngyún; Hensley, Lisa E; Chiu, Charles Y; O'Connor, David H; Kuhn, Jens H


    The new rhabdoviral genus Tibrovirus currently has two members, Coastal Plains virus and Tibrogargan virus. Here, we report the coding-complete genome sequence of a putative member of this genus, Bivens Arm virus. A genomic comparison reveals Bivens Arm virus to be closely related to, but distinct from, Tibrogargan virus. Copyright © 2015 Lauck et al.

  18. Replication and clearance of respiratory syncytial virus - Apoptosis is an important pathway of virus clearance after experimental infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Viuff, B.; Tjørnehøj, Kirsten; Larsen, Lars Erik


    and clearance in a natural target animal. Replication of BRSV was demonstrated in the luminal part of the respiratory epithelial cells and replication in the upper respiratory tract preceded the replication in the lower respiratory tract. Virus excreted to the lumen of the respiratory tract was cleared...... and the infections with human respiratory syncytial. virus and BRSV have similar clinical, pathological, and epidemiological characteristics. In this study we used experimental BRSV infection in calves as a model of respiratory syncytial virus infection to demonstrate important aspects of viral replication......Human respiratory syncytial virus is an important cause of severe respiratory disease in young children, the elderly, and in immunocompromised adults. Similarly, bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is causing severe, sometimes fatal, respiratory disease in calves. Both viruses are pneumovirus...

  19. Temporal Analysis of Andes Virus and Sin Nombre Virus Infections of Syrian Hamsters (United States)


    Microbiology . All Rights Reserved. Temporal Analysis of Andes Virus and Sin Nombre Virus Infections of Syrian Hamsters Victoria Wahl-Jensen,1 Jennifer...Ye, C., J. Prescott , R. Nofchissey, D. Goade, and B. Hjelle. 2004. Neutralizing antibodies and Sin Nombre virus RNA after recovery from hantavirus

  20. Monitoring virus entry into living cells using DiD-labeled dengue virus particles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ayala Nunez, Vanesa; Wilschut, Jan; Smit, Jolanda M.


    A variety of approaches can be applied to investigate the multiple steps and interactions that occur during virus entry into the host cell. Single-virus tracking is a powerful real-time imaging technique that offers the possibility to monitor virus-cell binding, internalization, intracellular

  1. Neutralizing antibodies against flaviviruses, Babanki virus, and Rift Valley fever virus in Ugandan bats. (United States)

    Kading, Rebekah C; Kityo, Robert M; Mossel, Eric C; Borland, Erin M; Nakayiki, Teddie; Nalikka, Betty; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Ledermann, Jeremy P; Panella, Nicholas A; Gilbert, Amy T; Crabtree, Mary B; Peterhans, Julian Kerbis; Towner, Jonathan S; Amman, Brian R; Sealy, Tara K; Nichol, Stuart T; Powers, Ann M; Lutwama, Julius J; Miller, Barry R


    Introduction: A number of arboviruses have previously been isolated from naturally-infected East African bats, however the role of bats in arbovirus maintenance is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the exposure history of Ugandan bats to a panel of arboviruses. Materials and methods: Insectivorous and fruit bats were captured from multiple locations throughout Uganda during 2009 and 2011-2013. All serum samples were tested for neutralizing antibodies against West Nile virus (WNV), yellow fever virus (YFV), dengue 2 virus (DENV-2), Zika virus (ZIKV), Babanki virus (BBKV), and Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) by plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Sera from up to 626 bats were screened for antibodies against each virus. Results and Discussion:  Key findings include the presence of neutralizing antibodies against RVFV in 5/52 (9.6%) of little epauletted fruit bats ( Epomophorus labiatus ) captured from Kawuku and 3/54 (5.6%) Egyptian rousette bats from Kasokero cave. Antibodies reactive to flaviviruses were widespread across bat taxa and sampling locations. Conclusion: The data presented demonstrate the widespread exposure of bats in Uganda to arboviruses, and highlight particular virus-bat associations that warrant further investigation.

  2. Seasonal Dynamics of Haptophytes and dsDNA Algal Viruses Suggest Complex Virus-Host Relationship. (United States)

    Johannessen, Torill Vik; Larsen, Aud; Bratbak, Gunnar; Pagarete, António; Edvardsen, Bente; Egge, Elianne D; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne


    Viruses influence the ecology and diversity of phytoplankton in the ocean. Most studies of phytoplankton host-virus interactions have focused on bloom-forming species like Emiliania huxleyi or Phaeocystis spp. The role of viruses infecting phytoplankton that do not form conspicuous blooms have received less attention. Here we explore the dynamics of phytoplankton and algal viruses over several sequential seasons, with a focus on the ubiquitous and diverse phytoplankton division Haptophyta, and their double-stranded DNA viruses, potentially with the capacity to infect the haptophytes. Viral and phytoplankton abundance and diversity showed recurrent seasonal changes, mainly explained by hydrographic conditions. By 454 tag-sequencing we revealed 93 unique haptophyte operational taxonomic units (OTUs), with seasonal changes in abundance. Sixty-one unique viral OTUs, representing Megaviridae and Phycodnaviridae , showed only distant relationship with currently isolated algal viruses. Haptophyte and virus community composition and diversity varied substantially throughout the year, but in an uncoordinated manner. A minority of the viral OTUs were highly abundant at specific time-points, indicating a boom-bust relationship with their host. Most of the viral OTUs were very persistent, which may represent viruses that coexist with their hosts, or able to exploit several host species.

  3. Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR analysis in virus infected cells: SARS corona virus, Yellow fever virus, Human Herpesvirus-6, Camelpox virus and Cytomegalovirus infections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Müller Marcel A


    Full Text Available Abstract Ten potential reference genes were compared for their use in experiments investigating cellular mRNA expression of virus infected cells. Human cell lines were infected with Cytomegalovirus, Human Herpesvirus-6, Camelpox virus, SARS coronavirus or Yellow fever virus. The expression levels of these genes and the viral replication were determined by real-time PCR. Genes were ranked by the BestKeeper tool, the GeNorm tool and by criteria we reported previously. Ranking lists of the genes tested were tool dependent. However, over all, β-actin is an unsuitable as reference gene, whereas TATA-Box binding protein and peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase A are stable reference genes for expression studies in virus infected cells.

  4. Filovirus pathogenesis and immune evasion: insights from Ebola virus and Marburg virus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Messaoudi, Ilhem; Amarasinghe, Gaya K.; Basler, Christopher F.


    Ebola viruses and Marburg viruses, members of the filovirus family, are zoonotic pathogens that cause severe disease in people, as highlighted by the latest Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. Filovirus disease is characterized by uncontrolled virus replication and the activation of host responses that contribute to pathogenesis. Underlying these phenomena is the potent suppression of host innate antiviral responses, particularly the type I interferon response, by viral proteins, which allows high levels of viral replication. In this Review, we describe the mechanisms used by filoviruses to block host innate immunity and discuss the links between immune evasion and filovirus pathogenesis.

  5. PREFACE The physics of virus assembly The physics of virus assembly (United States)

    Stockley, Peter G.; Twarock, Reidun


    Viruses are pathogens in every kingdom of life and are major causes of human disease and suffering. They are known to encompass a size range that overlaps with that of the smallest bacterial cells, and the largest viruses now seem to be hosts of their own viral pathogens. Recent genomic sequencing efforts show that many organisms have genes that are likely to be descended in evolution from viral progenitors. Even more astonishingly, analysis of the world's oceans has shown that some of the simplest viruses, the tailed dsDNA phages, are the most common biological entities on the planet, with estimates of their numbers ranging up to 1031, with ~ 1021 infection events every second, leading to a turnover of around 20% of the biomass in the sea every few days. These cycles of infection and lysis of oceanic bacteria and algae provide the nutrients for the smallest organisms lying at the bottom of the food chain. Without viruses, therefore, life on Earth would probably not be sustainable. These are remarkable facts for systems that are non-living in the strict sense, and are composed of simple materials—nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. Many viruses consist of little more than a protective protein coat surrounding their genomic nucleic acids, which can be either DNA or RNA. Their simplicity leads to highly symmetrical structures with protein containers based on helical or icosahedral lattices. Many simple viruses self-assemble rapidly and with great fidelity, and many groups are busy trying to exploit these properties to make virus-like particles for a wide range of applications, including targeted drug-delivery, medical imaging and even novel materials. This issue of Physical Biology contains a series of papers describing some of the latest experimental and theoretical research on viruses, their structures and assembly, as well as their regulated disassembly during infection. These range from a dissection of the in vivo assembly mechanism of a filamentous virus

  6. Coping with Computer Viruses: General Discussion and Review of Symantec Anti-Virus for the Macintosh. (United States)

    Primich, Tracy


    Discusses computer viruses that attack the Macintosh and describes Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh (SAM), a commercial program designed to detect and eliminate viruses; sample screen displays are included. SAM is recommended for use in library settings as well as two public domain virus protection programs. (four references) (MES)

  7. Odnim blazhennõm dnjom : [luuletused] / Uku Masing ; lühibiograafia: A. K. [Ain Kaalep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Masing, Uku, 1909-1985


    Sisu: Odnim blazhennõm dnjom ; Veter tshelnok bõl ; Pesn soldat, otstupajushishih pod natiskom netshistoi silõ / tlk. Svetlan Semenenko ; "Tõ groznaja gora..." ; "Ne mozhet ditja bez ottsa naroditsja..." ; K predelam ; Vestnik iz "Magellanovõh oblakov" : katkend ; Postigaja i verja ; V kazhdom strannike - nadezhda / tlk. A. Zorin. Orig.: Ühel kaunil päeval ; Süstik on tuul ; Tontide eest taganejate sõdurite laul ; "Sa oled mägi, mida kardavad me karjad..." ; "Välja südamest visata..." ; Piiridele püüdes ; Saadik Magellani pilvest : katkend ; Mõistu saades ja uskudes ; Iga rändur on lootus

  8. Presence and Distribution of Oilseed Pumpkin Viruses and Molecular Detection of Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Vučurović


    Full Text Available Over the past decade, intensive spread of virus infections of oilseed pumpkin has resulted in significant economic losses in pumpkin crop production, which is currently expanding in our country. In 2007 and 2008, a survey for the presence and distribution of oilseed pumpkin viruses was carried out in order to identify viruses responsible for epidemics and incidences of very destructive symptoms on cucurbit leaves and fruits. Monitoring andcollecting samples of oil pumpkin, as well as other species such as winter and butternut squash and buffalo and bottle gourd with viral infection symptoms, was conducted in several localities of Vojvodina Province. The collected plant samples were tested by DAS-ELISA using polyclonal antisera specific for the detection of six most economically harmful pumpkin viruses: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV, Watermelon mosaic virus (WMW, Squash mosaic virus (SqMV, Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV and Tobaccoringspot virus (TRSV that are included in A1 quarantine list of harmful organisms in Serbia.Identification of viruses in the collected samples indicated the presence of three viruses, ZYMV, WMV and CMV, in individual and mixed infections. Frequency of the identified viruses varied depending on locality and year of investigations. In 2007, WMV was the most frequent virus (94.2%, while ZYMV was prevalent (98.04% in 2008. High frequency of ZYMV determined in both years of investigation indicated the need for its rapid and reliable molecular detection. During this investigation, a protocol for ZYMVdetection was developed and optimized using specific primers CPfwd/Cprev and commercial kits for total RNA extraction, as well as for RT-PCR. In RT-PCR reaction using these primers, a DNA fragment of approximately 1100 bp, which included coat protein gene, was amplified in the samples of infected pumkin leaves. Although serological methods are still useful for large-scale testing of a great number of

  9. Archaeal virus-host interactions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Quax, T.E.F.


    The work presented in this thesis provides novel insights in several aspects of the molecular

    biology of archaea, bacteria and their viruses.

    Three fundamentally different groups of viruses are associated with the three domains of life.

    Archaeal viruses are

  10. Prevalence of hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D virus and hepatitis E virus as causes of acute viral hepatitis in North India: a hospital based study. (United States)

    Jain, P; Prakash, S; Gupta, S; Singh, K P; Shrivastava, S; Singh, D D; Singh, J; Jain, A


    Acute viral hepatitis (AVH) is a major public health problem and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) as causes of AVH in a tertiary care hospital of North India. Blood samples and clinical information was collected from cases of AVH referred to the Grade I viral diagnostic laboratory over a 1-year period. Samples were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-HCV total antibodies, anti-HAV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and anti-HEV IgM by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. PCR for nucleic acid detection of HBV and HCV was also carried out. Those positive for HBV infection were tested for anti-HDV antibodies. Fisher's exact test was used and a P hepatitis cases, 62 (23.22%) patients presented as acute hepatic failure. HAV (26.96%) was identified as the most common cause of acute hepatitis followed by HEV (17.97%), HBV (16.10%) and HCV (11.98%). Co-infections with more than one virus were present in 34 cases; HAV-HEV co-infection being the most common. HEV was the most important cause of acute hepatic failure followed by co-infection with HAV and HEV. An indication towards epidemiological shift of HAV infection from children to adults with a rise in HAV prevalence was seen. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report indicating epidemiological shift of HAV in Uttar Pradesh.

  11. Epstein-Barr virus, human papillomavirus and mouse mammary tumour virus as multiple viruses in breast cancer. (United States)

    Glenn, Wendy K; Heng, Benjamin; Delprado, Warick; Iacopetta, Barry; Whitaker, Noel J; Lawson, James S


    The purpose of this investigation is to determine if Epstein Barr virus (EBV), high risk human papillomavirus (HPV), and mouse mammary tumour viruses (MMTV) co-exist in some breast cancers. All the specimens were from women residing in Australia. For investigations based on standard PCR, we used fresh frozen DNA extracts from 50 unselected invasive breast cancers. For normal breast specimens, we used DNA extracts from epithelial cells from milk donated by 40 lactating women. For investigations based on in situ PCR we used 27 unselected archival formalin fixed breast cancer specimens and 18 unselected archival formalin fixed normal breast specimens from women who had breast reduction surgery. Thirteen of these fixed breast cancer specimens were ductal carcinoma in situ (dcis) and 14 were predominantly invasive ductal carcinomas (idc). EBV sequences were identified in 68%, high risk HPV sequences in 50%, and MMTV sequences in 78% of DNA extracted from 50 invasive breast cancer specimens. These same viruses were identified in selected normal and breast cancer specimens by in situ PCR. Sequences from more than one viral type were identified in 72% of the same breast cancer specimens. Normal controls showed these viruses were also present in epithelial cells in human milk - EBV (35%), HPV, 20%) and MMTV (32%) of 40 milk samples from normal lactating women, with multiple viruses being identified in 13% of the same milk samples. We conclude that (i) EBV, HPV and MMTV gene sequences are present and co-exist in many human breast cancers, (ii) the presence of these viruses in breast cancer is associated with young age of diagnosis and possibly an increased grade of breast cancer.

  12. EAARL Coastal Topography-Fire Island National Seashore, New York, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009 (United States)

    Nayegandhi, Amar; Vivekanandan, Saisudha; Brock, J.C.; Wright, C.W.; Nagle, D.B.; Bonisteel-Cormier, J.M.; Fredericks, Xan; Stevens, Sara


    These remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements of lidar-derived bare-earth (BE) and first-surface (FS) topography datasets were produced collaboratively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, St. Petersburg, FL, and the National Park Service (NPS), Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network, Kingston, RI. This project provides highly detailed and accurate datasets of a portion of the Fire Island National Seashore in New York, acquired post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter) on December 4, 2009. The datasets are made available for use as a management tool to research scientists and natural-resource managers. An innovative airborne lidar instrument originally developed at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility, and known as the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), was used during data acquisition. The EAARL system is a raster-scanning, waveform-resolving, green-wavelength (532-nanometer) lidar designed to map near-shore bathymetry, topography, and vegetation structure simultaneously. The EAARL sensor suite includes the raster-scanning, water-penetrating full-waveform adaptive lidar, a down-looking red-green-blue (RGB) digital camera, a high-resolution multispectral color-infrared (CIR) camera, two precision dual-frequency kinematic carrier-phase GPS receivers, and an integrated miniature digital inertial measurement unit, which provide for sub-meter georeferencing of each laser sample. The nominal EAARL platform is a twin-engine aircraft, but the instrument was deployed on a Pilatus PC-6. A single pilot, a lidar operator, and a data analyst constitute the crew for most survey operations. This sensor has the potential to make significant contributions in measuring sub-aerial and submarine coastal topography within cross-environmental surveys. Elevation measurements were collected over the survey area using the EAARL system, and the resulting data were then processed using the Airborne

  13. Inhibition of Interferon Induction and Action by the Nairovirus Nairobi Sheep Disease Virus/Ganjam Virus


    Holzer, Barbara; Bakshi, Siddharth; Bridgen, Anne; Baron, Michael D.


    The Nairoviruses are an important group of tick-borne viruses that includes pathogens of man (Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus) and livestock animals (Dugbe virus, Nairobi sheep disease virus (NSDV)). NSDV is found in large parts of East Africa and the Indian subcontinent (where it is known as Ganjam virus). We have investigated the ability of NSDV to antagonise the induction and actions of interferon. Both pathogenic and apathogenic isolates could actively inhibit the induction of type ...

  14. Characterization of Ebola Virus Entry by Using Pseudotyped Viruses: Identification of Receptor-Deficient Cell Lines


    Wool-Lewis, Rouven J.; Bates, Paul


    Studies analyzing Ebola virus replication have been severely hampered by the extreme pathogenicity of this virus. To permit analysis of the host range and function of the Ebola virus glycoprotein (Ebo-GP), we have developed a system for pseudotyping these glycoproteins into murine leukemia virus (MLV). This pseudotyped virus, MLV(Ebola), can be readily concentrated to titers which exceed 5 × 106 infectious units/ml and is effectively neutralized by antibodies specific for Ebo-GP. Analysis of ...

  15. Das Epstein-Barr-Virus ( = Epstein-Barr virus)


    Niller, H. H.; Wolf, Hans J.


    Epstein-Barr virus is an ubiquitous humanpathogenic herpesvirus. It has been identified as the etiologic agent of infectious mononucleosis. In addition it is associated with the cancers nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt's lymphoma. Like other herpesviruses it infects cells in a lytic way or it persists in a latent state. Classically, the serologic diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infections is done by the agglutination of sheep erythrocytes according to Paul and Bunnell as a rapid testing m...

  16. [Viruses and civilization]. (United States)

    Chastel, C


    A few million years ago, when primates moved from the east African forest to the savannah, they were already infected with endogenous viruses and occultly transmitted them to the prime Homo species. However it was much later with the building of the first large cities in Mesopotamia that interhuman viral transmission began in earnest. Spreading was further enhanced with the organization of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Arab empires around the Mediterranean. Discovery of the New World in 1492 led to an unprecedented clash of civilizations and the destruction of pre-Columbian Indian civilizations. It also led to a rapid spread of viruses across the Atlantic Ocean with the emergence of yellow fever and appearance of smallpox and measles throughout the world. However the greatest opportunities for worldwide viral development have been created by our present, modern civilization. This fact is illustrated by epidemic outbreaks of human immunodeficiency virus, Venezuela hemorrhagic fever, Rift valley fever virus, and monkey pox virus. Close analysis underscores the major role of human intervention in producing these events.

  17. Comparative analysis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) and new RHDV2 virus antigenicity, using specific virus-like particles


    Bárcena, Juan; Guerra, Beatriz; Angulo, Iván; González, Julia; Valcárcel, Félix; Mata, Carlos P.; Castón, José R.; Blanco, Esther; Alejo, Alí


    International audience; In 2010 a new Lagovirus related to rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) emerged in France and has since rapidly spread throughout domestic and wild rabbit populations of several European countries. The new virus, termed RHDV2, exhibits distinctive genetic, antigenic and pathogenic features. Notably, RHDV2 kills rabbits previously vaccinated with RHDV vaccines. Here we report for the first time the generation and characterization of RHDV2-specific virus-like particl...

  18. Strategy for the investigation of hazardous substances in industrial effluents: IDA (Industrial Discharge Assessment)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reemtsma, T.; Klinkow, N.


    The assessment of amounts and effects of hazardous substances in industrial effluents necessitates a combination of chemical and biological investigations. Therefore in this study a strategy for the investigation of hazardous substances in wastewater discharges was developed which connects the parameters persistence, bioaccumulation, and aquatic toxicity. The strategy IDA (Industrial Discharge Assessment) was elaborated based on the evaluation of existing investigation strategies and the available test systems. The strategy has a modular structure to assure a flexible investigation with regard to the particularities of a given wastewater. After the determination of acute and chronic toxicity and genotoxicity a microbial degradation test is carried out to obtain the persistent wastewater fraction. The bioaccumulating substances are determined from this fraction by solid-phase extraction. Within the strategy differences between direct and indirect discharges are taken into account and particulate matter is considered as well. By the modular linking it can be determined if a wastewater contains toxic and persistent and bioaccumulating substances, which present an important potential of hazard for the aquatic environment. The first application of the strategy on three wastewater samples of the chemical and the metal processing industry showed that the strategy can be used as planned. (orig.) [German] Die Erfassung der Gehalte und Wirkungen gefaehrlicher Stoffe in Abwassereinleitungen der Industrie erfordert eine Kombination chemischer und biologischer Untersuchungen, die ueber das bisher in der AbwV festgelegte Mass hinausgeht. In dieser Studie wurde deshalb eine Untersuchungsstrategie fuer gefaehrliche Stoffe in Abwasserleitungen entwickelt, die die Parameter Persistenz, Bioakkumulierbarkeit und Toxizitaet auch experimentell verknuepft. Die Ausarbeitung erfolgte nach Auswertung der international bestehenden Untersuchungsstrategien sowie der zur Verfuegung stehenden

  19. RECOVIR Software for Identifying Viruses (United States)

    Chakravarty, Sugoto; Fox, George E.; Zhu, Dianhui


    Most single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses mutate rapidly to generate a large number of strains with highly divergent capsid sequences. Determining the capsid residues or nucleotides that uniquely characterize these strains is critical in understanding the strain diversity of these viruses. RECOVIR (an acronym for "recognize viruses") software predicts the strains of some ssRNA viruses from their limited sequence data. Novel phylogenetic-tree-based databases of protein or nucleic acid residues that uniquely characterize these virus strains are created. Strains of input virus sequences (partial or complete) are predicted through residue-wise comparisons with the databases. RECOVIR uses unique characterizing residues to identify automatically strains of partial or complete capsid sequences of picorna and caliciviruses, two of the most highly diverse ssRNA virus families. Partition-wise comparisons of the database residues with the corresponding residues of more than 300 complete and partial sequences of these viruses resulted in correct strain identification for all of these sequences. This study shows the feasibility of creating databases of hitherto unknown residues uniquely characterizing the capsid sequences of two of the most highly divergent ssRNA virus families. These databases enable automated strain identification from partial or complete capsid sequences of these human and animal pathogens.

  20. Hepatitis virus panel (United States)

    ... page: // Hepatitis virus panel To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The hepatitis virus panel is a series of blood tests used ...

  1. Polyomavirus specific cellular immunity: from BK-virus-specific cellular immunity to BK-virus-associated nephropathy ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    manon edekeyser


    Full Text Available In renal transplantation, BK-virus-associated nephropathy has emerged as a major complication, with a prevalence of 5–10% and graft loss in >50% of cases. BK-virus is a member of the Polyomavirus family and rarely induces apparent clinical disease in the general population. However, replication of polyomaviruses, associated with significant organ disease, is observed in patients with acquired immunosuppression, which suggests a critical role for virus-specific cellular immunity to control virus replication and prevent chronic disease. Monitoring of specific immunity combined with viral load could be used to individually assess the risk of viral reactivation and virus control. We review the current knowledge on BK-virus specific cellular immunity and, more specifically, in immunocompromised patients. In the future, immune-based therapies could allow us to treat and prevent BK-virus-associated nephropathy.

  2. Outbreaks of influenza A virus in farmed mink (Neovison vison) in Denmark: molecular characterization of the viruses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Lars Erik; Breum, Solvej Østergaard; Trebbien, Ramona


    that the virus was a human/swine reassortant, with the H and N gene most related to human H3N2 viruses circulating in 2005. The remaining 6 genes were most closely related to H1N2 influenza viruses circulating in Danish swine. This virus had not previously been described in swine, mink or humans. PCRs assays...... specifically targeting the new reassortant were developed and used to screen influenza positive samples from humans and swine in Denmark with negative results. Thus, there was no evidence that this virus had spread to humans or was circulating in Danish pigs. In 2010 and 2011, influenza virus was again...... diagnosed in diseased mink in a few farms. The genetic typing showed that the virus was similar to the pandemic H1N1 virus circulating in humans and swine. The H3N2 virus was not detected in 2010 and 2011. Taken together, these findings indicate that mink is highly susceptible for influenza A virus of human...

  3. Diversity of viruses in Ixodes ricinus, and characterization of a neurotropic strain of Eyach virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Moutailler


    Full Text Available Ticks transmit more pathogens—including bacteria, parasites and viruses—than any other arthropod vector. Although the epidemiological status of many tick-borne bacteria is very well characterized, tick-borne viruses are still relatively under-studied. Recently, several novel tick-borne viruses have been isolated from human febrile illnesses following tick bites, indicating the existence of other potential new and unknown tick-borne viruses. We used high-throughput sequencing to analyse the virome of Ixodes ricinus, the main vector of tick-borne pathogens in Europe. The majority of collected viral sequences were assigned to two potentially novel Nairovirus and Phlebovirus viruses, with prevalence rates ranging from 3.95% to 23.88% in adults and estimated to be between 0.14% and 72.16% in nymphs. These viruses could not be isolated from the brains of inoculated immunocompromised mice, perhaps indicating that they are unable to infect vertebrates. Within the I. ricinus virome, we also identified contigs with >90% identity to the known Eyach virus. Initially isolated in the 1980s, this virus was indirectly associated with human disease, but had never been extensively studied. Eyach virus prevalence varied between 0.07% and 5.26% in ticks from the French Ardennes and Alsace regions. Eyach virus was successfully isolated following intracerebral inoculation of immunocompromised mice with Eyach virus-positive tick extracts. This virus was also able to multiply and persist in the blood of immunocompetent mice inoculated by intraperitoneal injection, and caused brain infections in three of nine juveniles, without any obvious deleterious effects.

  4. Analysis of proteins of mouse sarcoma pseudotype viruses: type-specific radioimmunoassays for ecotropic virus p30's

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kennel, S.J.; Tennant, R.W.


    Murine sarcoma virus pseudotypes were prepared by infection of nonproducer cells (A1-2), which were transformed by the Gazdar strain of mouse sarcoma virus, with Gross (N-tropic), WN1802B (B-tropic), or Moloney (NB-tropic) viruses. The respective host range pseudotype sarcoma viruses were defined by the tritration characteristics on cells with the appropriate Fv-1 genotype. Proteins from virus progeny were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bands present in both the 65,000- and the 10,000- to 20,000-molecular-weight regions of the gel distinguished the pseudotype viruses from their respective helpers. Furthermore, two protein bands were noted in the p30 region of murine sarcoma virus (Gross), one corresponding to Gross virus p30, and another of slightly slower mobility. However, since the mobility of the putative sarcoma p30 is nearly indentical to that of WN1802B, its presence could not be established by sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Type-specific radioimmunossays for Gross virus p30 and for WN1802B p30 were applied for analysis of pseudotype preparations, and among several ecotropic viruses tested, only the homologous virus scored in the respective assay. By use of these assays, pseudotype viruses were found to contain only 8 to 48% helper-specific p30's; the remainder is presumably derived from the sarcoma virus

  5. Characteristic of pandemic virus

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Graphics. Characteristic of pandemic virus. The virus was highly transmissible. Risk of hospitalization was 2X and risk of death was about 11X more in comparison to seasonal influenza. Virus continues to be susceptible to Osaltamivir, the only drug available. Vaccines are available but ...

  6. Avian influenza viruses in humans. (United States)

    Malik Peiris, J S


    Past pandemics arose from low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses. In more recent times, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1, LPAI H9N2 and both HPAI and LPAI H7 viruses have repeatedly caused zoonotic disease in humans. Such infections did not lead to sustained human-to-human transmission. Experimental infection of human volunteers and seroepidemiological studies suggest that avian influenza viruses of other subtypes may also infect humans. Viruses of the H7 subtype appear to have a predilection to cause conjunctivitis and influenza-like illness (ILI), although HPAI H7N7 virus has also caused fatal respiratory disease. Low pathogenic H9N2 viruses have caused mild ILI and its occurrence may be under-recognised for this reason. In contrast, contemporary HPAI H5N1 viruses are exceptional in their virulence for humans and differ from human seasonal influenza viruses in their pathogenesis. Patients have a primary viral pneumonia progressing to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Over 380 human cases have been confirmed to date, with an overall case fatality of 63%. The zoonotic transmission of avian influenza is a rare occurrence, butthe greater public health concern is the adaptation of such viruses to efficient human transmission, which could lead to a pandemic. A better understanding of the ecology of avian influenza viruses and the biological determinants of transmissibility and pathogenicity in humans is important for pandemic preparedness.

  7. Zika virus infection: a public health emergency!


    Qureshi, Muhammad Salman Haider; Qureshi, Bakhtawar Wajeeha; Khan, Ramsha


    Zika virus belongs to the family of Flaviviridae. The Flaviviridae family also includes other human pathogens like West Nile virus (WNV), Yellow fever virus (YFV), mosquito transmitted Dengue virus (DENV), Tick borne encephalitic virus (TBEV) and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). Zika virus is a mosquito-borne disease and is transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito.

  8. Human Parainfluenza Viruses (United States)

    ... Search Form Controls Cancel Submit Search The CDC Human Parainfluenza Viruses (HPIVs) Note: Javascript is disabled or ... . Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) commonly cause respiratory illnesses in ...

  9. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Credit: CDC This is the ... the United States. Why Is the Study of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) a Priority for NIAID? In ...

  10. Antiviral Activity of Sukomycin Against Potato Virus Y And Tomato Mosaic Virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolay Petrov


    Full Text Available Potato virus Y (PVY and Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV are one of the most important plant viruses that strongly influence the quality and quantity of vegetable production and cause substantial losses to farmers. The most convetional and common method of pest and disease control is trough the use of pesticides. Unfortunately, most of them are synthetic compounds without antiviral activities and possess inherent toxicities that endanger the health of the farm operators, consumers and the environment. In order to carry out a control of viral infections in plants and to reduce the loss of production it is necessary the search for alternative and environmentally friendly methods for control. Sukomycin is a complex of substances with antimicrobial and antiviral activities produced from Streptomyces hygroscopicus isolated from soil. This natural complex reduces significantly symptoms and DAS-ELISA values of Potato virus Y and Tomato mosaic virus in tobacco plants.

  11. Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Transmission ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections in hemodialysis (HD) patients are associated with adverse outcomes, especially after kidney transplantation. Review: In the HD setting, cross-contamination to patients via environmental surfaces, supplies, equipment, multiple-dose medication vials ...

  12. Ilmus uus võõrkeelte õpetamise uuring

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Üleeuroopaline hariduse infovõrgustik Eurydice European Network on oma järjekordse uuringu pühendanud võõrkeelte õpetamisele. Võrdlev uuring viidi läbi 29 "Socratese" programmiga liitunud Euroopa riigis. Uuringust on ilmunud kokkuvõte, mis sisaldab infot selle kohta, kuidas mingis riigis võõrkeelt õpetatakse, milline on õppekava sisu, kuidas leitakse õpetajaid ning organiseeritakse õpetajakoolitust. Kokkuvõte uuringust on ilmunud raamatuna "Foreign Language Teaching in Schools in Europe".

  13. A fusion-inhibiting peptide against Rift Valley fever virus inhibits multiple, diverse viruses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey W Koehler

    Full Text Available For enveloped viruses, fusion of the viral envelope with a cellular membrane is critical for a productive infection to occur. This fusion process is mediated by at least three classes of fusion proteins (Class I, II, and III based on the protein sequence and structure. For Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV, the glycoprotein Gc (Class II fusion protein mediates this fusion event following entry into the endocytic pathway, allowing the viral genome access to the cell cytoplasm. Here, we show that peptides analogous to the RVFV Gc stem region inhibited RVFV infectivity in cell culture by inhibiting the fusion process. Further, we show that infectivity can be inhibited for diverse, unrelated RNA viruses that have Class I (Ebola virus, Class II (Andes virus, or Class III (vesicular stomatitis virus fusion proteins using this single peptide. Our findings are consistent with an inhibition mechanism similar to that proposed for stem peptide fusion inhibitors of dengue virus in which the RVFV inhibitory peptide first binds to both the virion and cell membranes, allowing it to traffic with the virus into the endocytic pathway. Upon acidification and rearrangement of Gc, the peptide is then able to specifically bind to Gc and prevent fusion of the viral and endocytic membranes, thus inhibiting viral infection. These results could provide novel insights into conserved features among the three classes of viral fusion proteins and offer direction for the future development of broadly active fusion inhibitors.

  14. Inactivated Recombinant Rabies Viruses Displaying Canine Distemper Virus Glycoproteins Induce Protective Immunity against Both Pathogens. (United States)

    da Fontoura Budaszewski, Renata; Hudacek, Andrew; Sawatsky, Bevan; Krämer, Beate; Yin, Xiangping; Schnell, Matthias J; von Messling, Veronika


    The development of multivalent vaccines is an attractive methodology for the simultaneous prevention of several infectious diseases in vulnerable populations. Both canine distemper virus (CDV) and rabies virus (RABV) cause lethal disease in wild and domestic carnivores. While RABV vaccines are inactivated, the live-attenuated CDV vaccines retain residual virulence for highly susceptible wildlife species. In this study, we developed recombinant bivalent vaccine candidates based on recombinant vaccine strain rabies virus particles, which concurrently display the protective CDV and RABV glycoprotein antigens. The recombinant viruses replicated to near-wild-type titers, and the heterologous glycoproteins were efficiently expressed and incorporated in the viral particles. Immunization of ferrets with beta-propiolactone-inactivated recombinant virus particles elicited protective RABV antibody titers, and animals immunized with a combination of CDV attachment protein- and fusion protein-expressing recombinant viruses were protected from lethal CDV challenge. However, animals that were immunized with only a RABV expressing the attachment protein of CDV vaccine strain Onderstepoort succumbed to infection with a more recent wild-type strain, indicating that immune responses to the more conserved fusion protein contribute to protection against heterologous CDV strains. IMPORTANCE Rabies virus and canine distemper virus (CDV) cause high mortality rates and death in many carnivores. While rabies vaccines are inactivated and thus have an excellent safety profile and high stability, live-attenuated CDV vaccines can retain residual virulence in highly susceptible species. Here we generated recombinant inactivated rabies viruses that carry one of the CDV glycoproteins on their surface. Ferrets immunized twice with a mix of recombinant rabies viruses carrying the CDV fusion and attachment glycoproteins were protected from lethal CDV challenge, whereas all animals that received

  15. Archaeal Viruses from High-Temperature Environments. (United States)

    Munson-McGee, Jacob H; Snyder, Jamie C; Young, Mark J


    Archaeal viruses are some of the most enigmatic viruses known, due to the small number that have been characterized to date. The number of known archaeal viruses lags behind known bacteriophages by over an order of magnitude. Despite this, the high levels of genetic and morphological diversity that archaeal viruses display has attracted researchers for over 45 years. Extreme natural environments, such as acidic hot springs, are almost exclusively populated by Archaea and their viruses, making these attractive environments for the discovery and characterization of new viruses. The archaeal viruses from these environments have provided insights into archaeal biology, gene function, and viral evolution. This review focuses on advances from over four decades of archaeal virology, with a particular focus on archaeal viruses from high temperature environments, the existing challenges in understanding archaeal virus gene function, and approaches being taken to overcome these limitations.

  16. Archaeal Viruses from High-Temperature Environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacob H. Munson-McGee


    Full Text Available Archaeal viruses are some of the most enigmatic viruses known, due to the small number that have been characterized to date. The number of known archaeal viruses lags behind known bacteriophages by over an order of magnitude. Despite this, the high levels of genetic and morphological diversity that archaeal viruses display has attracted researchers for over 45 years. Extreme natural environments, such as acidic hot springs, are almost exclusively populated by Archaea and their viruses, making these attractive environments for the discovery and characterization of new viruses. The archaeal viruses from these environments have provided insights into archaeal biology, gene function, and viral evolution. This review focuses on advances from over four decades of archaeal virology, with a particular focus on archaeal viruses from high temperature environments, the existing challenges in understanding archaeal virus gene function, and approaches being taken to overcome these limitations.

  17. Invariant density analysis: modeling and analysis of the postural control system using Markov chains. (United States)

    Hur, Pilwon; Shorter, K Alex; Mehta, Prashant G; Hsiao-Wecksler, Elizabeth T


    In this paper, a novel analysis technique, invariant density analysis (IDA), is introduced. IDA quantifies steady-state behavior of the postural control system using center of pressure (COP) data collected during quiet standing. IDA relies on the analysis of a reduced-order finite Markov model to characterize stochastic behavior observed during postural sway. Five IDA parameters characterize the model and offer physiological insight into the long-term dynamical behavior of the postural control system. Two studies were performed to demonstrate the efficacy of IDA. Study 1 showed that multiple short trials can be concatenated to create a dataset suitable for IDA. Study 2 demonstrated that IDA was effective at distinguishing age-related differences in postural control behavior between young, middle-aged, and older adults. These results suggest that the postural control system of young adults converges more quickly to their steady-state behavior while maintaining COP nearer an overall centroid than either the middle-aged or older adults. Additionally, larger entropy values for older adults indicate that their COP follows a more stochastic path, while smaller entropy values for young adults indicate a more deterministic path. These results illustrate the potential of IDA as a quantitative tool for the assessment of the quiet-standing postural control system.

  18. Current opinion on the management of iron deficiency anaemia in gastrointestinal diseases. (United States)

    Derovs, Aleksejs; Pokrotnieks, Juris; Derova, Jelena; Danilans, Anatolijs; Pukitis, Aldis; Dombure, Polina; Leiniece, Sandra; Zeltina Indra


    Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia in the world. Despite frequently weak and masked clinical presentation of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), this disease is very serious with complications leading to early mortality. In the developed countries IDA is predominantly diagnosed as the complication of another disease or as the result of major bleeding events. Diagnosis of IDA should be based on laboratory findings i.e. haemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and ferritin. Latter is the most sensitive marker for iron deficiency. Anaemia of chronic disease should be taken into an account as a potential differential diagnosis or coexisting state. For women in fertility age with IDA, gynaecological disorders should be ruled out first. Males and postmenopausal women with IDA should undergo upper, lower and in certain cases capsule endoscopy and/or enteroscopy to find a plausible cause of IDA. The ultimate goal of therapy is to find out and treat the primary cause of IDA. Iron body stores should be restored using either oral or parenteral iron preparations. The use of parenteral iron preparations in patients with gastrointestinal pathologies is often clinically substantiated for the treatment of IDA. Red blood cell transfusion should be administered in emergency cases only.

  19. Chelating capture and magnetic removal of non-magnetic heavy metal substances from soil (United States)

    Fan, Liren; Song, Jiqing; Bai, Wenbo; Wang, Shengping; Zeng, Ming; Li, Xiaoming; Zhou, Yang; Li, Haifeng; Lu, Haiwei


    A soil remediation method based on magnetic beneficiation is reported. A new magnetic solid chelator powder, FS@IDA (core-shell Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles coated with iminodiacetic acid chelators), was used as a reactive magnetic carrier to selectively capture non-magnetic heavy metals in soil by chelation and removal by magnetic separation. FS@IDA was prepared via inorganic-organic and organic synthesis reactions that generated chelating groups on the surface of magnetic, multi-core, core-shell Fe3O4@SiO2 (FS) nanoparticles. These reactions used a silane coupling agent and sodium chloroacetate. The results show that FS@IDA could chelate the heavy metal component of Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu and Ni carbonates, lead sulfate and lead chloride in water-insoluble salt systems. The resulting FS@IDA-Cd and FS@IDA-Pb chelates could be magnetically separated, resulting in removal rates of approximately 84.9% and 72.2% for Cd and Pb, respectively. FS@IDA could not remove the residual heavy metals and those bound to organic matter in the soil. FS@IDA did not significantly alter the chemical composition of the soil, and it allowed for fast chelating capture, simple magnetic separation and facilitated heavy metal elution. FS@IDA could also be easily prepared and reprocessed.

  20. A Foxtail mosaic virus Vector for Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Maize1[OPEN (United States)

    Mei, Yu; Kernodle, Bliss M.; Hill, John H.


    Plant viruses have been widely used as vectors for foreign gene expression and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). A limited number of viruses have been developed into viral vectors for the purposes of gene expression or VIGS in monocotyledonous plants, and among these, the tripartite viruses Brome mosaic virus and Cucumber mosaic virus have been shown to induce VIGS in maize (Zea mays). We describe here a new DNA-based VIGS system derived from Foxtail mosaic virus (FoMV), a monopartite virus that is able to establish systemic infection and silencing of endogenous maize genes homologous to gene fragments inserted into the FoMV genome. To demonstrate VIGS applications of this FoMV vector system, four genes, phytoene desaturase (functions in carotenoid biosynthesis), lesion mimic22 (encodes a key enzyme of the porphyrin pathway), iojap (functions in plastid development), and brown midrib3 (caffeic acid O-methyltransferase), were silenced and characterized in the sweet corn line Golden × Bantam. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the FoMV infectious clone establishes systemic infection in maize inbred lines, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and green foxtail (Setaria viridis), indicating the potential wide applications of this viral vector system for functional genomics studies in maize and other monocots. PMID:27208311

  1. Avian influenza virus transmission to mammals. (United States)

    Herfst, S; Imai, M; Kawaoka, Y; Fouchier, R A M


    Influenza A viruses cause yearly epidemics and occasional pandemics. In addition, zoonotic influenza A viruses sporadically infect humans and may cause severe respiratory disease and fatalities. Fortunately, most of these viruses do not have the ability to be efficiently spread among humans via aerosols or respiratory droplets (airborne transmission) and to subsequently cause a pandemic. However, adaptation of these zoonotic viruses to humans by mutation or reassortment with human influenza A viruses may result in airborne transmissible viruses with pandemic potential. Although our knowledge of factors that affect mammalian adaptation and transmissibility of influenza viruses is still limited, we are beginning to understand some of the biological traits that drive airborne transmission of influenza viruses among mammals. Increased understanding of the determinants and mechanisms of airborne transmission may aid in assessing the risks posed by avian influenza viruses to human health, and preparedness for such risks. This chapter summarizes recent discoveries on the genetic and phenotypic traits required for avian influenza viruses to become airborne transmissible between mammals.

  2. Zika virus disease (United States)

    ... May 2015, the virus was discovered for the first time in Brazil. It has now spread to many territories, states, and countries in: Caribbean Islands Central America Mexico South America Pacific Islands Africa The virus ...

  3. A recombinant canine distemper virus expressing a modified rabies virus glycoprotein induces immune responses in mice. (United States)

    Li, Zhili; Wang, Jigui; Yuan, Daoli; Wang, Shuang; Sun, Jiazeng; Yi, Bao; Hou, Qiang; Mao, Yaping; Liu, Weiquan


    Canine distemper virus (CDV) and rabies virus (RV) are two important pathogens of the dog. CDV, a member of the morbillivirus genus, has shown promise as an expression vector. The glycoprotein from RV is a main contributor to protective immunity and capable of eliciting the production of virus-neutralizing antibodies. In this study, we recovered an attenuated strain of canine distemper virus and constructed a recombinant virus, rCDV-RV-G, expressing a modified (R333Q) rabies virus glycoprotein (RV-G) of RV Flury strain LEP. RV-G expression by the recombinant viruses was confirmed. Furthermore, G was proved to be incorporated into the surface of CDV particles. While replication of the recombinant virus was slightly reduced compared with the parental CDV, it stably expressed the RV-G over ten serial passages. Inoculation of mice induced specific neutralizing antibodies against both RV-G and CDV. Therefore, the rCDV-RV-G has the potential as a vaccine that may be used to control rabies virus infection in dogs and other animals.

  4. Identification and characterization of a virus-specific continuous B-cell epitope on the PrM/M protein of Japanese Encephalitis Virus: potential application in the detection of antibodies to distinguish Japanese Encephalitis Virus infection from West Nile Virus and Dengue Virus infections


    Hua, Rong-Hong; Chen, Na-Sha; Qin, Cheng-Feng; Deng, Yong-Qiang; Ge, Jin-Ying; Wang, Xi-Jun; Qiao, Zu-Jian; Chen, Wei-Ye; Wen, Zhi-Yuan; Liu, Wen-Xin; Hu, Sen; Bu, Zhi-Gao


    Abstract Background Differential diagnose of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection from other flavivirus especially West Nile virus (WNV) and Dengue virus (DV) infection was greatly hindered for the serological cross-reactive. Virus specific epitopes could benefit for developing JEV specific antibodies detection methods. To identify the JEV specific epitopes, we fully mapped and characterized the continuous B-cell epitope of the PrM/M protein of JEV. Results To map the epitopes on the P...

  5. Expression of varicella-zoster virus and herpes simplex virus in normal human trigeminal ganglia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vafai, A.; Wellish, M.; Devlin, M.; Gilden, D.H.; Murray, R.S.


    Lysates of radiolabeled explants from four human trigeminal ganglia were immunoprecipitated with antibodies to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and to herpes simplex virus. Both herpes simplex virus- and VZV-specific proteins were detected in lysates of all four ganglia. Absence of reactivity in ganglion explants with monoclonal antibodies suggested that herpes simplex virus and VZV were not reactivated during the culture period. In situ hybridization studies demonstrated the presence of RNA transcripts from the VZV immediate early gene 63. This approach to the detection of herpes simplex virus and VZV expression in human ganglia should facilitate analysis of viral RNA and proteins in human sensory ganglia

  6. Thermoactivation of viruses by microwaves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahnel, H.; von Brodorotti, H.S.


    Eight different viruses, suspended in drinking water, were examined for their ability to be inactivated by microwaves from a microwave oven. Up to a virus content of 10/sup 5/ TCID/sub 50//ml inactivation was successful within a few minutes of microwave treatment and occurred in parallel to the heat stability of the viruses. Evidence for direct effects of microwaves on viruses could not be detected. 7 of the viruses studied were inactivated rapidly when temperatures of 50 to 65/sup 0/C under microwave treatment were reached in the flowing water, while a bovine parvovirus was only inactivated by temperatures above 90/sup 0/C. The advantages of a thermal virus-decontamination of fluids and material by microwaves are discussed.

  7. Tc-99m-BrIDA hepatobiliary (HIDA) scan has a low sensitivity for detecting biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation in patients with hyperbilirubinemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopkins, L.O.; Feyssa, E.; Parsikia, A.; Khanmoradi, K.; Zaki, R.; Campos, S.; Araya, V.; Tran, H.; Ortiz, J.


    Tc-99m-BrIDA hepatobiliary scans are noninvasive tests for detecting biliary leaks and obstructions. However, there is low sensitivity and specificity in patients with hyperbilirubinemia. Biliary complications (BC) are the Achilles heel of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). We questioned whether hyperbilirubinemia in liver transplant recipients rendered HIDA scanning less dependable. HIDA findings were compared to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, laparotomy, and clinical course. Results were categorized as follows: true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), false negative (FN), or nondiagnostic/inconclusive. We searched for variables associated with erroneous or nondiagnostic tests which we defined as all examinations determined to be FP, FN and/or nondiagnostic/inconclusive. Thirty-four patients underwent a HIDA scan. The sensitivity and specificity were 70 and 100%. The sensitivity of HIDA improved to 100% in patients with a total bilirubin (TB) 5 mg/dl. One FN had a TB <5 mg/dl, but was determined inconclusive due to the roux-en-Y. HIDA scans performed when the total bilirubin was <5 mg/dl had a high sensitivity and specificity for detecting biliary complications after OLT. However, when the total bilirubin exceeded 5 mg/dl, the specificity was still 100% but the numbers of nondiagnostic/inconclusive and FN exams were increased. (author)

  8. Autophagic machinery activated by dengue virus enhances virus replication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Y.-R.; Lei, H.-Y.; Liu, M.-T.; Wang, J.-R.; Chen, S.-H.; Jiang-Shieh, Y.-F.; Lin, Y.-S.; Yeh, T.-M.; Liu, C.-C.; Liu, H.-S.


    Autophagy is a cellular response against stresses which include the infection of viruses and bacteria. We unravel that Dengue virus-2 (DV2) can trigger autophagic process in various infected cell lines demonstrated by GFP-LC3 dot formation and increased LC3-II formation. Autophagosome formation was also observed under the transmission electron microscope. DV2-induced autophagy further enhances the titers of extracellular and intracellular viruses indicating that autophagy can promote viral replication in the infected cells. Moreover, our data show that ATG5 protein is required to execute DV2-induced autophagy. All together, we are the first to demonstrate that DV can activate autophagic machinery that is favorable for viral replication

  9. Riigi ehitamine / Toomas Hendrik Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 1953-


    Raamatuarvustus: Fukuyama, Francis. State Building: Governance and World Order in the Twenty-first Century. Cornell University Press, 2004. Arvustus ilmunud ka: Sirp : Diplomaatia 18. märts 2005 nr. 18/19, lk. 22-24

  10. Animal Models of Zika Virus (United States)

    Bradley, Michael P; Nagamine, Claude M


    Zika virus has garnered great attention over the last several years, as outbreaks of the disease have emerged throughout the Western Hemisphere. Until quite recently Zika virus was considered a fairly benign virus, with limited clinical severity in both people and animals. The size and scope of the outbreak in the Western Hemisphere has allowed for the identification of severe clinical disease that is associated with Zika virus infection, most notably microcephaly among newborns, and an association with Guillian–Barré syndrome in adults. This recent association with severe clinical disease, of which further analysis strongly suggested causation by Zika virus, has resulted in a massive increase in the amount of both basic and applied research of this virus. Both small and large animal models are being used to uncover the pathogenesis of this emerging disease and to develop vaccine and therapeutic strategies. Here we review the animal-model–based Zika virus research that has been performed to date. PMID:28662753

  11. 78 FR 29755 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient-Focused Drug Development and Human Immunodeficiency Virus... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2013-N-0473] Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient-Focused Drug Development and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Cure... an opportunity for public comment on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Patient-Focused Drug...

  12. Natural history and treatment of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus coinfection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keeffe Emmet B


    Full Text Available Abstract Hepatitis B virus (HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV coinfection is not uncommon as a result of similar routes of infection. Patients who are coinfected represent a unique group with diverse serologic profiles. Combined chronic hepatitis B and C leads to more severe liver disease and an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Furthermore, coinfected patients represent a treatment challenge. No standard recommendations exist for treatment of viral hepatitis due to dual HBV/HCV infection, and therefore treatment must be individualized based on patient variables such as serologic and virologic profiles, patient's prior exposure to antiviral treatment, and the presence of other parenterally transmitted viruses such as hepatitis D virus and human immunodeficiency virus. The natural history and treatment of patients with HBV and HCV coinfection is reviewed.

  13. Codon usage bias and the evolution of influenza A viruses. Codon Usage Biases of Influenza Virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wong Emily HM


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The influenza A virus is an important infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and was responsible for 3 pandemics in the 20th century. As the replication of the influenza virus is based on its host's machinery, codon usage of its viral genes might be subject to host selection pressures, especially after interspecies transmission. A better understanding of viral evolution and host adaptive responses might help control this disease. Results Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU values of the genes from segment 1 to segment 6 of avian and human influenza viruses, including pandemic H1N1, were studied via Correspondence Analysis (CA. The codon usage patterns of seasonal human influenza viruses were distinct among their subtypes and different from those of avian viruses. Newly isolated viruses could be added to the CA results, creating a tool to investigate the host origin and evolution of viral genes. It was found that the 1918 pandemic H1N1 virus contained genes with mammalian-like viral codon usage patterns, indicating that the introduction of this virus to humans was not through in toto transfer of an avian influenza virus. Many human viral genes had directional changes in codon usage over time of viral isolation, indicating the effect of host selection pressures. These changes reduced the overall GC content and the usage of G at the third codon position in the viral genome. Limited evidence of translational selection pressure was found in a few viral genes. Conclusions Codon usage patterns from CA allowed identification of host origin and evolutionary trends in influenza viruses, providing an alternative method and a tool to understand the evolution of influenza viruses. Human influenza viruses are subject to selection pressure on codon usage which might assist in understanding the characteristics of newly emerging viruses.

  14. Gclust Server: 97794 [Gclust Server

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 97794 CEL_B0244.2_25143920 Cluster Sequences Related Sequences(171) 767 ida-1: related to Islet cell Diabete...ida-1: related to Islet cell Diabetes Autoantigen family member (ida-1) Number of Sequences 1 Homologs 1 Clu

  15. 78 FR 46969 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient-Focused Drug Development and Human Immunodeficiency Virus... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2013-N-0473] Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient-Focused Drug Development and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Cure... for the notice of public meeting entitled ``Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Patient-Focused Drug...

  16. Chimeric human parainfluenza virus bearing the Ebola virus glycoprotein as the sole surface protein is immunogenic and highly protective against Ebola virus challenge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bukreyev, Alexander; Marzi, Andrea; Feldmann, Friederike; Zhang Liqun; Yang Lijuan; Ward, Jerrold M.; Dorward, David W.; Pickles, Raymond J.; Murphy, Brian R.; Feldmann, Heinz; Collins, Peter L.


    We generated a new live-attenuated vaccine against Ebola virus (EBOV) based on a chimeric virus HPIV3/ΔF-HN/EboGP that contains the EBOV glycoprotein (GP) as the sole transmembrane envelope protein combined with the internal proteins of human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3). Electron microscopy analysis of the virus particles showed that they have an envelope and surface spikes resembling those of EBOV and a particle size and shape resembling those of HPIV3. When HPIV3/ΔF-HN/EboGP was inoculated via apical surface of an in vitro model of human ciliated airway epithelium, the virus was released from the apical surface; when applied to basolateral surface, the virus infected basolateral cells but did not spread through the tissue. Following intranasal (IN) inoculation of guinea pigs, scattered infected cells were detected in the lungs by immunohistochemistry, but infectious HPIV3/ΔF-HN/EboGP could not be recovered from the lungs, blood, or other tissues. Despite the attenuation, the virus was highly immunogenic, and a single IN dose completely protected the animals against a highly lethal intraperitoneal challenge of guinea pig-adapted EBOV

  17. VIRUS instrument enclosures (United States)

    Prochaska, T.; Allen, R.; Mondrik, N.; Rheault, J. P.; Sauseda, M.; Boster, E.; James, M.; Rodriguez-Patino, M.; Torres, G.; Ham, J.; Cook, E.; Baker, D.; DePoy, Darren L.; Marshall, Jennifer L.; Hill, G. J.; Perry, D.; Savage, R. D.; Good, J. M.; Vattiat, Brian L.


    The Visible Integral-Field Replicable Unit Spectrograph (VIRUS) instrument will be installed at the Hobby-Eberly Telescope† in the near future. The instrument will be housed in two enclosures that are mounted adjacent to the telescope, via the VIRUS Support Structure (VSS). We have designed the enclosures to support and protect the instrument, to enable servicing of the instrument, and to cool the instrument appropriately while not adversely affecting the dome environment. The system uses simple HVAC air handling techniques in conjunction with thermoelectric and standard glycol heat exchangers to provide efficient heat removal. The enclosures also provide power and data transfer to and from each VIRUS unit, liquid nitrogen cooling to the detectors, and environmental monitoring of the instrument and dome environments. In this paper, we describe the design and fabrication of the VIRUS enclosures and their subsystems.

  18. Hepatitis A virus antibody

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novak, J.; Kselikova, M.; Urbankova, J.


    A description is presented of a radioimmunoassay designed to prove the presence of the antibody against the hepatitis A virus (HA Ab, anti-Ha) using an Abbott HAVAB set. This proof as well as the proof of the antibody against the nucleus of the hepatitis B virus is based on competition between a normal antibody against hepatitis A virus and a 125 I-labelled antibody for the binding sites of a specific antigen spread all over the surface of a tiny ball; this is then indirect proof of the antibody under investigation. The method is described of reading the results from the number of impulses per 60 seconds: the higher the titre of the antibody against the hepatitis A virus in the serum examined, the lower the activity of the specimen concerned. The rate is reported of incidence of the antibody against the hepatitis A virus in a total of 68 convalescents after hepatitis A; the antibody was found in 94.1%. The immunoglobulin made from the convalescents' plasma showed the presence of antibodies in dilutions as high as 1:250 000 while the comparable ratio for normal immunoglobulin Norga was only 1:2500. Differences are discussed in the time incidence of the antibodies against the hepatitis A virus, the antibodies against the surface antigen of hepatitis B, and the antibody against the nucleus of the hepatitis V virus. (author)

  19. Avian influenza A virus and Newcastle disease virus mono- and co-infections in birds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iv. Zarkov


    Full Text Available The main features of avian influenza viruses (AIV and Newcastle disease virus (APMV-1, the possibilities for isolation and identification in laboratory conditions, methods of diagnostics, main hosts, clinical signs and virus shedding are reviewed in chronological order. The other part of the review explains the mechanisms and interactions in cases of co-infection of AIV and APMV-1, either between them or with other pathogens in various indicator systems – cell cultures, chick embryos or birds. The emphasis is placed on quantitative data on the virus present mainly in the first ten days following experimental infection of birds, the periods of virus carrier ship and shedding, clinical signs, pathological changes, diagnostic challenges

  20. BS-virus-finder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, Shengjie; Hu, Xuesong; Xu, Fengping


    Background: DNA methylation plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression and carcinogenesis. Bisulfite sequencing studies mainly focus on calling SNP, DMR, and ASM. Until now, only a few software tools focus on virus integration using bisulfite sequencing data. Findings: We have developed...... a new and easy-to-use software tool, named BS-virus-finder (BSVF, RRID:SCR_015727), to detect viral integration breakpoints in whole human genomes. The tool is hosted at Conclusions: BS-virus-finder demonstrates high sensitivity and specificity. It is useful in epigenetic...