
Sample records for rhiju das curriculum

  1. Das Curriculum Health Technology Assessment (HTA, Version 2.0

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    Perleth, Matthias


    Full Text Available Health Technology Assessments (HTAs liefern für zahlreiche Entscheidungen im Gesundheitswesen relevante Informationen. Die Erstellung von HTA-Berichten erfordert gut ausgebildete, interdisziplinär arbeitende Spezialisten, die angemessene Interpretation und Umsetzung in Entscheidungen erfordert Verständnis seitens der Entscheidungsträger.Der Verein zur Förderung der Technologiebewertung im Gesundheitswesen (Health Technology Assessment e.V. und das Deutsche Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin e.V. haben bereits 2006 ein HTA-Curriculum entwickelt, das als Grundlage für HTA-Fortbildungskurse sowohl für Nutzer von HTA-Informationen wie auch für HTA-Autoren dient. Das Curriculum ist u.a. Grundlage für Fortbildungskurse an mehreren Universitäten. Aufgrund methodischer Weiterentwicklungen wurde nun eine Überarbeitung des Curriculums erforderlich. Das Curriculum greift auf Struktur und Inhalte international etablierter Studiengänge zurück, berücksichtigt aber auch die Besonderheiten der Regulation von Technologien und der Entscheidungsfindung in den Gesundheitssystemen der deutschsprachigen Länder. Es ist in insgesamt 10 Module untergliedert, die neben Grundlagen und Prinzipien von HTA u.a. auf die Statusbestimmung von Technologien, Prioritätensetzung, Wissens- und Informationsmanagement, Methodik der Erstellung von HTA-Berichten und Interessenkonflikte eingehen. Gegenüber der ursprünglichen Version wurden viele Inhalte präzisiert und Erfahrungen aus Lehrveranstaltungen, die das Curriculum umsetzen, wurden berücksichtigt.

  2. Das Longitudinale Curriculum "Soziale und kommunikative Komptenzen" im Bologna-reformierten Medizinstudium in Basel [The longitudinal curriculum "social and communicative competencies" within Bologna-reformed undergraduate medical education in Basel

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    Langewitz, Wolf


    Full Text Available [english] Background: Within the Bologna reform, a longitudinal curriculum of “social and communicative competencies” (SOKO was implemented into the new Bachelor-Master structure of undergraduate medical education in Basel (Switzerland. Project description: The aim of the SOKO curriculum is to enable students to use techniques of patient-centred communication to elicit and provide information to patients in order to involve them as informed partners in decision making processes. The SOKO curriculum consists of 57 lessons for the individual student from the first bachelor year to the first master year. Teaching encompasses lectures and small group learning. Didactic methods include role play, video feedback, and consultations with simulated and real patients. Summative assessment takes place in objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE. Conclusion: In Basel, a longitudinal SOKO curriculum based on students’ cumulative learning was successfully implemented. Goals and contents were coordinated with the remaining curriculum and are regularly assessed in OSCEs. At present, most of the workload rests on the shoulders of the department of psychosomatic medicine at the university hospital. For the curriculum to be successful in the long-term, sustainable structures need to be instituted at the medical faculty and the university hospital to guarantee high quality teaching and assessment.[german] Hintergrund: Mit der Umstellung auf die Bachelor-/Masterstruktur wurde in Basel (Schweiz ein longitudinales Curriculum „soziale und Kommunikative Kompetenzen“ (SOKO in das Medizinstudium implementiert. Projektbeschreibung: Ziel ist es, den Studierenden grundlegende Techniken einer patientenzentrierten Kommunikation in dem Sinne zu vermitteln, dass die Studierenden in der Lage sind, Informationen zu erheben und Informationen an Patientinnen und Patienten weiterzugeben, um sie als gut informierte Partner am Entscheidungsprozess zu beteiligen. Das

  3. Threshold-Konzepte, das ANCIL-Curriculum und die Metaliteracy – Überlegungen zu Konsequenzen für die Förderung von Informationskompetenz in deutschen Hochschulen

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    Wilfried Sühl-Strohmenger


    Full Text Available Das Verständnis von Informationskompetenz, wie es sich im deutschsprachigen Raum seit etwa 15 Jahren entwickelt hat, steht auch aufgrund neuer Ansätze und Ideen zur Information Literacy aus dem angloamerikanischen Raum zur Diskussion. Vor allem bezieht sich das auf die Threshold-Konzepte sowie das Framework-Modell der US-amerikanischen Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL, ferner die Metaliteracy-Theorie von Mackey und Jacobson und schließlich auf das neue britische ANCIL-Curriculum. Nun sind aus deutscher bibliothekarischer Sicht nicht alle mit den oben genannten neuen Konzepten verbundenen Gedankengänge und Argumente der Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den USA und aus Großbritannien ohne weiteres nachvollziehbar gewesen. Und wie verhalten sie sich zu den Standards der Informationskompetenz? Jetzt liegen erste Ansätze in den USA vor, die explizit auf dem Threshold-Modell bzw. dem ACRL-Framework aufbauen, so dass eine konkretere Grundlage für mögliche Übertragungen der Modelle auf Kurs- und Schulungskonzepte zur Förderung von Informationskompetenz im deutschsprachigen Raum gegeben ist.   The concept of information competency, as developed in the German-speaking countries for about 15 years, has recently come up for discussion because of new approaches and ideas about information literacy from the Anglo-American countries. This mostly refers to the threshold concepts as well as the framework model of the US-American ACRL, the Metaliteracy Theory by Mackey and Jacobson and finally the new curriculum of the British ANCIL. From a German librarian's point of view, not all of the ideas and arguments of our American and British colleagues which are connected to the above-mentioned new concepts were easy to understand. Another question is how they relate to the standards of information competency. By now, first approaches in the US, which are explicitly based on the Threshold Model or the ACRL Framework, have been made available

  4. Eine studentische Wiki-Bibliothek für unterrichtsbegleitende Materialien: Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluation für das Medizinische Curriculum München (MeCuM [A student-driven wiki-library for educational materials: Concept, implementation, and evaluation for the Medical Curriculum Munich (MeCuM

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    Berger, Michael


    school. [german] Problemstellung: Mit Einführung der neuen ärztlichen Approbationsordnung ist eine umfassende Reform der medizinischen Curricula in Deutschland verbunden. An der Universität München (LMU wurde das Medizinische Curriculum München (MeCuM 2004 schrittweise eingeführt. Es fordert von den Studierenden verstärkte Eigenverantwortung beim Lernen und einen problemorientierten Denkansatz. Durch unser Projekt wird den Studierenden eine offene webbasierte Plattform als Wiki zur Gestaltung der Curriculums-spezifischen Lern- und Lehrinhalte bereitgestellt. Methoden: Wir konzipierten die Online-Bibliothek in Anlehnung an die curriculare Struktur des MeCuM nach fachbezogenen Themen. Die technische Implementierung erfolgte mit der MediaWiki-Open-Source Software. Inhalte können von allen Studierenden des MeCuM sowohl anonym als auch personalisiert editiert werden. Zur Evaluation wurde ein Online-Fragebogen mit sechs Fragen und ein Freitext-Kommentarfeld eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Eine Online-Bibliothek als Wiki ist die erste Lösung dieser Art an einer medizinischen Fakultät in Deutschland. Das Konzept konnte ohne wesentliche technische Probleme von studentischer Seite implementiert werden und ist an die offiziellen Internetseiten der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität München angebunden. Im Zeitraum von Dezember 2005 bis Juni 2007 wurden die Inhalte des MeCuM-Wikis insgesamt 417.808 Mal aufgerufen. Eine Online-Evaluation zeigte, dass das Projekt positiv von den Studierenden aufgenommen wird und dass die Studierenden zur aktiven Teilnahme motiviert sind. Ausblick: Das Projekt weist einen hohen Bezug zu den Lehrveranstaltungen im MeCuM auf und bietet Raum für eine neuartige Interaktion zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden. Das Design als Open-Source Projekt erlaubt einfache Handhabung und eine häufige Kontrolle der Inhalte. Die Vollständigkeit und die qualitative Verbesserung der verfügbaren Inhalte erfordern weitere Anstrengungen. Zusätzliche Evaluationen

  5. Hybride Lernarrangements in der universitären Weiterbildung. Das Beispiel Educational Media

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    Claudia de Witt


    Full Text Available Der Artikel beschreibt eine hybride Lernform, in der Online-Lernphasen mit Präsenzphasen kombiniert werden. "Educational Media" ist ein weiterbildender Masterstudiengang an der Universität Essen-Duisburg, der technische und didaktische Kenntnisse zur Medienerziehung vermittelt. Nach einer Bedarfs- und Zielgruppenanalyse wurde ein Curriculum entwickelt, das hier vorgestellt wird. Während in der Anfangszeit Präsenzphasen und Gruppenelemente (Chatforen besonders wichtig sind, steigt in späteren Phasen das Bedürfnis nach selbstgesteuerten Lernperioden. Eine intensive persönliche Betreuung durch Tutoren sowie die Anbindung an die Institution steigern die Motivation und verringern die Abbrecherquote.

  6. Durkheim, Vygotsky e o currículo do futuro Durkheim, Vigotsky and the curriculum

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    Michael F. D. Young


    Full Text Available Este artigo reporta-se às bases epistemológicas do currículo do futuro. Inicia examinando os debates em curso sobre o impacto das mudanças curriculares na economia global. A parte principal do texto refere-se à explicação e comparação de duas teorias sociais do conhecimento - a de Emile Durkheim e a do psicólogo russo Lev Vygotsky, focalizando particularmente a questão das origens do conhecimento e a relação entre o conhecimento cotidiano e o conhecimento teórico. O autor argumenta que a abordagem genético-histórica adotada por Vygotsky precisa ser combinada com a ênfase durkheimiana na realidade social do conhecimento. Finalmente, conclui com algumas observações acerca das implicações da comparação para a teoria de currículo contemporânea.This article is concerned with the epistemological basics of the curriculum of the future. It begins by examining current debates on the impact on the curriculum of changes in the global economy. The major part of the paper is concerned with an explication and comparison of two social theories of knowledge - those of Emile Durkheim and the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, with a particular focus on the concern with the origins of knowledge and the relationship between everyday and theoretical knowledge. It argues that the genetic/historical approach adopted by Vygotsky needs to be combined with Durkheim's focus on the social reality of knowledge itself. It concludes with some observations on the implications of the comparison for contemporary curriculum theory.

  7. Juventude ciborgue e a transgressão das fronteiras de gênero Cyborg youth and gender-border transgression

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    Shirlei Rezende Sales


    Full Text Available Pessoas e máquinas estão cada vez mais conectadas por meio de um processo de intensa simbiose. As/os jovens são o alvo primordial desse processo, constituindo a subjetividade ciborgue. Este artigo analisa o processo de ciborguização da juventude na interface entre currículo escolar e currículo do Orkut (site de relacionamentos. A pesquisa que subsidia este artigo investigou a interface entre o currículo de uma escola pública de ensino médio e as comunidades e os perfis no Orkut das/os alunas/os dessa escola. O referencial teórico é constituído pelos estudos de gênero e de currículo, em uma perspectiva pós-crítica. O argumento desenvolvido é o de que as estratégias utilizadas em um currículo podem ser traduzidas no outro, por meio da interface entre eles, tendo como efeito ora a transgressão, ora o fortalecimento das fronteiras de gênero.People and machines are increasingly connected, by an intensely symbiotic process. Youth are especially affected by this procedure, developing a cyborg subjectivity. This article analyses the cyborging process in the interface between the school curriculum and the Orkut curriculum. The research that subsidizes this article investigated the interface between the public high school curriculum, and the communities and profiles of students from this school in Orkut. The theoretical basis is constituted by gender and curriculum studies, and the perspective is post-critical. The argument developed is that the strategies used in one curriculum can be translated into the other by the interface between them, resulting both in the transgression and the strengthening of gender borders.

  8. Engineering the curriculum: Towards an adaptive curriculum (United States)

    Johns-Boast, Lynette Frances

    The curriculum is one of the most important artefacts produced by higher education institutions, yet it is one of the least studied. Additionally, little is known about the decision-making of academics when designing and developing their curricula, nor how they make use of them. This research investigates how 22 Australian higher education engineering, software engineering, computer science, and information systems academics conceive of curriculum, what approaches they take when designing, and developing course and program curricula, and what use they make of the curriculum. It also considers the implications of these conceptions and behaviour upon their curricula. Data were collected through a series of one-to-one, in-depth, qualitative interviews as well as small focus group sessions and were analysed following Charmaz’ (2006) approach to grounded theory. In this thesis, I argue that the development of curricula for new higher degree programs and courses and / or the updating and innovating of an existing curriculum is a design problem. I also argue that curriculum is a complex adaptive system. Surrounding the design and development of a curriculum is a process of design that leads to the creation of a designed object - the official-curriculum. The official-curriculum provides the guiding principles for its implementation, which involves the design and development of the curriculum-in-use, its delivery, and evaluation. Data show that while the participants conceive of curriculum as a problem of design involving a design process leading to the development of the official-curriculum, surprisingly, their behaviour does not match their conceptions. Over a very short period, their behaviour leads to a process I have called curriculum drift where the official-curriculum and the curriculum-in-use drift away from each other causing the curriculum to lose its integrity. Curricular integrity is characterised through the attributes of alignment, coherence, and

  9. easyDAS: Automatic creation of DAS servers

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    Jimenez Rafael C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Distributed Annotation System (DAS has proven to be a successful way to publish and share biological data. Although there are more than 750 active registered servers from around 50 organizations, setting up a DAS server comprises a fair amount of work, making it difficult for many research groups to share their biological annotations. Given the clear advantage that the generalized sharing of relevant biological data is for the research community it would be desirable to facilitate the sharing process. Results Here we present easyDAS, a web-based system enabling anyone to publish biological annotations with just some clicks. The system, available at is capable of reading different standard data file formats, process the data and create a new publicly available DAS source in a completely automated way. The created sources are hosted on the EBI systems and can take advantage of its high storage capacity and network connection, freeing the data provider from any network management work. easyDAS is an open source project under the GNU LGPL license. Conclusions easyDAS is an automated DAS source creation system which can help many researchers in sharing their biological data, potentially increasing the amount of relevant biological data available to the scientific community.

  10. Curriculum

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    Robi Kroflič


    Full Text Available Modern curriculum theories emphasize that if we understand the curriculum as a real core substance of education. We have to bear in mind, when planning the curriculum, the whole multitude of factors (curricula which have an influence on the educational impact. In the field of andragogy, we especially have to consider educational needs, and linking the strategies of instruction with those of learning. The best way of realizing this principle is the open strategy of planning the national curriculum and process-developmental strategy of planning with the microandragogic situation. This planning strategy is S1m1lar to the system-integration strategy and Jarvis's model of negotiated curriculum, which derive from the basic andragogic principle: that the interests and capacities of adults for education increase if we enable them to cooperate in the planning and production of the curriculum.

  11. Kalyan Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Kalyan Das. Articles written in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 5 Issue 12 December 2000 pp 76-76 Book Review. Linear Algebra and Linear Models · Kalyan Das · More Details Fulltext PDF ...

  12. Curriculum, Curriculum Development, Curriculum Studies? Problematising Theoretical Ambiguities in Doctoral Theses in the Education Field (United States)

    du Preez, Petro; Simmonds, Shan


    Theoretical ambiguities in curriculum studies result in conceptual mayhem. Accordingly, they hinder the development of the complicated conversation on curriculum as a verb. This article aims to contribute to reconceptualizing curriculum studies as a dynamic social practice that aspires to thinking and acting with intelligences and sensitivity so…

  13. Integrated Curriculum and Subject-based Curriculum: Achievement and Attitudes (United States)

    Casady, Victoria

    The research conducted for this mixed-method study, qualitative and quantitative, analyzed the results of an academic year-long study to determine whether the use of an integrated fourth grade curriculum would benefit student achievement in the areas of English language arts, social studies, and science more than a subject-based traditional curriculum. The research was conducted based on the international, national, and state test scores, which show a slowing or lack of growth. Through pre- and post-assessments, student questionnaires, and administrative interviews, the researcher analyzed the phenomenological experiences of the students to determine if the integrated curriculum was a beneficial restructuring of the curriculum. The research questions for this study focused on the achievement and attitudes of the students in the study and whether the curriculum they were taught impacted their achievement and attitudes over the course of one school year. The curricula for the study were organized to cover the current standards, where the integrated curriculum focused on connections between subject areas to help students make connections to what they are learning and the world beyond the classroom. The findings of this study indicated that utilizing the integrated curriculum could increase achievement as well as students' attitudes toward specific content areas. The ANOVA analysis for English language arts was not determined to be significant; although, greater growth in the students from the integrated curriculum setting was recorded. The ANOVA for social studies (0.05) and the paired t-tests (0.001) for science both determined significant positive differences. The qualitative analysis led to the discovery that the experiences of the students from the integrated curriculum setting were more positive. The evaluation of the data from this study led the researcher to determine that the integrated curriculum was a worthwhile endeavor to increase achievement and attitudes

  14. S Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. S Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 25 Issue 6 November 2002 pp 557-560. 3-D mapping with ellipsometrically determined physical thickness/refractive index of spin coated sol–gel silica layer · S Das P Pal S Roy S Chakraboarty P K Biswas.

  15. Envisioning Curriculum as Six Simultaneities (United States)

    Hussain, Hanin; Conner, Lindsey; Mayo, Elaine


    This paper uses the discourse of complexity thinking to envision curriculum as six partial and coupled facets that exist simultaneously: curriculum as structure, curriculum as process, curriculum as content, curriculum as teaching, curriculum as learning and curriculum as activity. Such a curriculum is emergent and self-organising. It is emergent…


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    Yusuf Suyono


    Full Text Available Abstract:This paper embarks from the question why the valuable Islamic ethics cannot be ethos grounded in the nation-state Muslim majority country-including in Indonesia? Phenomena such as the majlis taklim, majlis dhikr, interest pilgrimage exceeds the quota, the Islamic banking activity is equally excited, is real. However, it is not enough. Muslims should master the science, economics, and the strategic role of national politics. Islamic ethics is Dassollen, the Muslims condition is DasSein. ProphetMuḥammad has abled to unite Das sein andDassollenin his life, because Islam hasbecomehis bloodso that he is a mirror and store front of Islampar excellence. Muslims, as his follower, not been able todo like him. Al-Amir ArsalanSyākib, Muḥammad ‘Abduh, MohammadIqbal, Muḥammadal-Ghazālī, Ḥassan Ḥanafihavetried to formulatehow tobridge the gapbetween Das sollenandDasSein forMuslims. Theyhave adeep concern about thewide gapbetweenDasSeinpraxis in life of Muslims with DassollenIslamicteachings in slogan ya’lu walā yu’la ‘alaih. Whileatthe same timetheyseehowthe berufethos of Calvinismcouldencouragethe ethos ofmoderncapitalismto its adherentsin Western Europe, a Zen Buddhistethoscouldpushthe Japaneseintothe Asiantigers, andspirit Confucius encouragethe Korean peopleintothe Asiandragon. Abstrak:Tulisan ini berangkat dari pertanyaan mengapa etika Islam yang adiluhung itu tidak bisa membumi menjadi etos bangsa di negara-negara yang mayoritas penduduknya Muslim–termasuk di Indonesia. Fenomena seperti majlis taklim, majlis zikir, minat menunaikan ibadah haji melebihi kuota, aktivitas perbankan syariah tak kalah bersemangat, adalah nyata. Namun, itu tidak cukup. Umat Islam seharusnya lebih dari itu dalam penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, ekonomi, dan peran strategis politik kebangsaan. Etika Islam itulah Das Sollen, keadaan kaum Muslimin itulah Das Sein. Muhammad Rasulullah telah mampu menyatukan Das Sein dan Das Sollen dalam hidupnya. Hal

  17. DAS performance analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bates, G.; Bodine, S.; Carroll, T.; Keller, M.


    This report begins with an overview of the Data Acquisition System (DAS), which supports several of PPPL's experimental devices. Performance measurements which were taken on DAS and the tools used to make them are then described

  18. Sociology of Hidden Curriculum

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    Alireza Moradi


    Full Text Available This paper reviews the concept of hidden curriculum in the sociological theories and wants to explain sociological aspects of formation of hidden curriculum. The main question concentrates on the theoretical approaches in which hidden curriculum is explained sociologically.For this purpose it was applied qualitative research methodology. The relevant data include various sociological concepts and theories of hidden curriculum collected by the documentary method. The study showed a set of rules, procedures, relationships and social structure of education have decisive role in the formation of hidden curriculum. A hidden curriculum reinforces by existed inequalities among learners (based on their social classes or statues. There is, in fact, a balance between the learner's "knowledge receptions" with their "inequality proportion".The hidden curriculum studies from different major sociological theories such as Functionalism, Marxism and critical theory, Symbolic internationalism and Feminism. According to the functionalist perspective a hidden curriculum has a social function because it transmits social values. Marxists and critical thinkers correlate between hidden curriculum and the totality of social structure. They depicts that curriculum prepares learners for the exploitation in the work markets. Symbolic internationalism rejects absolute hegemony of hidden curriculum on education and looks to the socialization as a result of interaction between learner and instructor. Feminism theory also considers hidden curriculum as a vehicle which legitimates gender stereotypes.

  19. CuDAS: An interactive curriculum combining pedagogic composition with interactive software for the teaching of music technology


    Leaman, Oliver


    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University. Within the framework of education of Music Technology for 16-18 year olds there exists a lack of thorough teaching and learning resources sufficient for a broad understanding of the basics of audio and electronic synthesis. This PhD submission outlines the role of the composer in the classroom in addressing this fundamental issue through the development of a curriculum containing pedago...

  20. Automotive Mechanics Curriculum Outline for Secondary Schools. Vocational Education Curriculum Guide. (United States)

    Louisiana State Dept. of Education, Baton Rouge. Div. of Vocational Education.

    This curriculum outline for secondary automotive mechanics is structured around Louisiana's Vocational-Technical Automotive Mechanics Curriculum. The curriculum is composed of 16 units of instruction, covering the following topics: benchwork, fundamentals of automotive engines, preventive maintenance, automotive brakes, steering and front…

  1. [Chicano Counselor Training: Curriculum and Beyond Curriculum]. (United States)

    Aleman, Ramon

    The particulars of the evolved curriculum and how the training has evolved around the change-agent concept are stressed in this presentation. The measure of success achieved in attempting to influence the staff and course of studies of the regular guidance department is also emphasized. The curriculum of this counselor training institute has, from…

  2. MiDAS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McIlroy, Simon Jon; Saunders, Aaron Marc; Albertsen, Mads


    The Microbial Database for Activated Sludge (MiDAS) field guide is a freely available online resource linking the identity of abundant and process critical microorganisms in activated sludge wastewater treatment systems to available data related to their functional importance. Phenotypic properties...... of some of these genera are described, but most are known only from sequence data. The MiDAS taxonomy is a manual curation of the SILVA taxonomy that proposes a name for all genus-level taxa observed to be abundant by large-scale 16 S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of full-scale activated sludge...... communities. The taxonomy can be used to classify unknown sequences, and the online MiDAS field guide links the identity to the available information about their morphology, diversity, physiology and distribution. The use of a common taxonomy across the field will provide a solid foundation for the study...

  3. Curriculum Differential Enactment: The Interplay of Teacher, Class, and Curriculum Materials (United States)

    Eisenmann, Tammy


    Curriculum materials' developers typically assume the existence of certain general social-educational classroom practices and norms. Conversely, the current study addresses the effects of context on curriculum enactment, focusing on the interrelations between teacher, class and curriculum materials. Each of the two case studies presented herein…

  4. Engendering Curriculum History. Studies in Curriculum Theory Series (United States)

    Hendry, Petra


    How can curriculum history be re-envisioned from a feminist, poststructuralist perspective? "Engendering Curriculum History" disrupts dominant notions of history as linear, as inevitable progress, and as embedded in the individual. This conversation requires a history that seeks "rememberance" not representation, "reflexivity" not linearity, and…

  5. P K Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. P K Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 23 Issue 4 August 2000 pp 249-253 Nitride Ceramics. Optimization of time–temperature schedule for nitridation of silicon compact on the basis of silicon and nitrogen reaction kinetics · J Rakshit P K Das.

  6. P Chaitanya Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    P Chaitanya Das G Srinivasa Murthy C P Gopalakrishnan P C Deshmukh · More Details Fulltext PDF. Volume 9 Issue 7 July 2004 pp 77-85 Classroom. Motion of Charged Particles in Electromagnetic Fields and Special Theory of Relativity · P Chaitanya Das G Srinivasa Murthy P C Deshmukh K Satish Kumar T A Venkatesh.

  7. S K Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. S K Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 24 Issue 4 August 2001 pp 373-378 Metals and Alloys. Evaluation of solid–liquid interface profile during continuous casting by a spline based formalism · S K Das · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF. A numerical ...

  8. Curriculum as a Discourse: Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Revive Curriculum Reconceptualists' Thought (United States)

    Harb, Majed


    Curriculum reconceptualists seek to reshape the field of curriculum studies. Unlike traditional curricularists, they reprobate the technical approach of curriculum development because of its pure functional and managerial tendency. Reconceptualists look at curriculum from various philosophy-saturated perspectives. One of their claims is…

  9. B P Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. B P Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 25 Issue 6 November 2002 pp 517-519. Structural, dielectric and electrical properties of Sm-modified Pb(SnTi)O3 ferroelectric system · B P Das R N P Choudhary P K Mahapatra · More Details Abstract Fulltext ...

  10. A K Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. A K Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 28 Issue 2 April 2005 pp 131-136 Fly Ash. Some studies on the reaction between fly ash and lime · A Basumajumdar A K Das N Bandyopadhyay S Maitra · More Details Abstract Fulltext PDF. The reaction between ...

  11. Curriculum Online Review System: Proposing Curriculum with Collaboration (United States)

    Rhinehart, Marilyn; Barlow, Rhonda; Shafer, Stu; Hassur, Debby


    The Curriculum Online Review System (CORS) at Johnson County Community College (JCCC) uses SharePoint as a Web platform for the JCCC Curriculum Proposals Process. The CORS application manages proposals throughout the approval process using collaboration tools and workflows to notify all stakeholders. This innovative new program has changed the way…

  12. Estimativa do vigor das sementes e das plântulas de Bixa orellana L.

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    Roberta Leopoldo Ferreira

    Full Text Available RESUMO A multiplicação de espécies como as da planta de urucum tem limitações em função do conhecimento limitado das características morfológicas e fisiológicas das sementes e das plântulas e da restrição de métodos para determinar a qualidade dessas sementes. Nessa pesquisa, o objetivo foi estudar a adequação do teste de envelhecimento acelerado para estimar o vigor das sementes de urucum (Bixa orellana L., relacionando os resultados desse teste com a formação das plântulas e as diferenças de genótipo dos acessos genéticos. As sementes de urucum, representadas por quatro acessos genéticos, e por três lotes, foram avaliadas pelos testes de germinação, primeira contagem da germinação, classificação do vigor das plântulas e emergência das plântulas (total e índice de velocidade. No teste de envelhecimento acelerado foram avaliados a temperatura, de 41 ºC, e os períodos, de 48; 72 e 96 horas, de exposição das sementes às umidades relativas de 100% (água e de 76% (solução saturada de NaCl. A solução saturada reduz a quantidade de água absorvida pelas sementes de urucum, expostas às condições do teste de envelhecimento acelerado, reduzindo a deterioração das sementes, favorecendo a uniformidade dos resultados e a redução da proliferação de fungos, comuns na germinação das sementes de urucum. O teste de envelhecimento acelerado, com água ou solução salina, por 72 horas ou 96 horas, é eficiente para classificar as sementes de urucum quanto à qualidade. Assim, as variações dos teores de água das sementes de urucum devem ser entre 23;6 e 28;9% (72 horas e 29;7 e 32;9% (96 horas para a utilização da água e entre 7,3 e 9,5% para a utilização da solução salina de NaCl.

  13. Why American curriculum research could enrich Swiss curriculum stud-ies


    Brühwiler Ingrid


    Implementing American curriculum research in another country is very problematic and frequently undesired because curriculum studies are complex as there are differences in terms history research approaches and political and social contexts. Nevertheless it is worthwhile to consider some North American curriculum theories as the findings lead to an enriching understanding of schools and hence of curricula and society. In this article William Pinar’s method of “currere” is explained to determ...

  14. Examining the Gaps between Teaching and Learning in the Technology Curriculum within Taiwan's 9-Year Articulated Curriculum Reform from the Perspective of Curriculum Implementation (United States)

    Lin, Kuen-Yi; Chang, Liang-Te; Tsai, Fu-Hsing; Kao, Chia-Pin


    Curriculum reform has frequently focused on the curriculum-development stage, overlooking considerations regarding curriculum implementation, which has led to reform failure. In this study, consideration was placed primarily on the curriculum implementation stage. The gaps between teachers' and students' perceptions of content, learning…

  15. Thematic curriculum approach

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    Šefer Jasmina P.


    Full Text Available Thematic curriculum combines disciplines and media. The process is problem-oriented and the scenario most often follows the logic of exploring or storytelling. Those two approaches to teaching are appropriate because they fit into interdisciplinary and creative open-ended problem solving through play, as insisted upon by thematic curriculum. The matrix, where seven types of abilities intersect with five types of problems according to their degree of openness, defines well the outcomes of teaching. However, it did not prove to be suitable for planning the majority of activities in thematic curriculum, for it follows with difficulty the process of exploring or storytelling i.e. it disrupts the subject matter coherence of thematic curriculum. Therefore, it is suggested that matrix should be used for disciplinary curriculum planning but for that of thematic curriculum only in exclusive cases. The matrix should be used primarily as a framework for evaluating the distribution of various types of abilities and problem situations in teaching. The logic of diverse approaches to teaching reflects itself in the manner of planning and organizing the teaching process. Conceptual, visual-graphic, structural and other aids employed during educational process planning should suit the nature of the approach chosen. On the basis of qualitative investigations of educational process, in the present paper considerations are given to various approaches to teaching development of various drafts for the planning of teaching, and recognition of the logic of storytelling and exploring in thematic curriculum.

  16. CurriM : Curriculum mining (Poster)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pechenizkiy, M.; Trcka, N.; De Bra, P.M.E.; Toledo, P.


    Curriculum mining includes three main kinds of tasks: (i) actual curriculum model discovery, i.e. constructing complete and compact academic curriculum models that are able to reproduce the observed behavior of students, (ii) curriculum model conformance checking, i.e. checking whether the observed

  17. International Curriculums. (United States)

    Neal, Larry L.

    This workshop presentation on international curriculums in the field of parks, recreation, leisure, cultural services, and travel/tourism comments that the literature is replete with articles addressing what the field is about, but not about curriculum issues, models, and structure. It reports an international survey of 12 college educators…

  18. Engaging Stakeholders in Curriculum Development (United States)

    Wood, Jo Nell


    This article investigates the importance of parent and community engagement in curriculum development, along with curriculum leadership, engaging stakeholders, and the importance of curriculum. Parent and community member engagement is examined in light of curriculum committee participation as reported by Missouri superintendents. Survey responses…

  19. Curriculum Development in Geomorphology. (United States)

    Gregory, Kenneth J.


    Examines the context of present curriculum development in geomorphology and the way in which it has developed in recent years. Discusses the content of the geomorphology curriculum in higher education and the consequences of curriculum development together with a consideration of future trends and their implications. (GEA)

  20. State-Based Curriculum-Making: Approaches to Local Curriculum Work in Norway and Finland (United States)

    Mølstad, Christina Elde


    This article investigates how state authorities in Norway and Finland design national curriculum to provide different policy conditions for local curriculum work in municipalities and schools. The topic is explored by comparing how national authorities in Norway and Finland create a scope for local curriculum. The data consist of interviews with…

  1. Das Bauhaus in Bewegung - wie das Bauhausgebäude in Dessau funktioniert


    Seyler Thomas


    Analyse und Deutung des Bauhausentwurfs - wie das Bauhaus funktioniert Ein Architekt analysiert und deutet den Bauhausentwurf Das Bauhaus in Dessau gilt als Inbegriff einer räumlich freien Anordnung. Diese lässt sich jedoch auf den Prozess einer Entfaltung zurückführen. Der Autor erklärt Schritt für Schritt die Systematik des Entwurfs aus seiner beruflichen Erfahrung.

  2. Die Einführung des "Intensivstudium München" in das Curriculum der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München [Introducing a clinical rotation system into the curriculum of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich

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    Stadler, Oliver


    Full Text Available [english] In April 2005, a clinical rotation was introduced in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich to improve quality of clinical education. The eigth and ninth semesters were merged into one semester, and the prescribed semester breaks were abandoned. The clinical year was divided into 14 rotations of 3.5 weeks each and included a 3-week break over Christmas and New Year’s. Each clinic offers a range of different rotations among which students have to choose six. Because of the general nature of Germany’s veterinary license, which includes all species and clinical disciplines, students are required to follow certain guidelines while selecting their preferred rotations. For each student, a mandatory 7-week rotation is required in which pathology, food hygiene, and animal welfare is taught. Due to various constraints, the numbers of students admitted to different rotations varies, and therefore not all requests for rotations can be fulfilled. To this end, students are not only asked to indicate their favourite six rotations but also to rank these in order of preference during registration. If demand turns out to exceed the rotations offered, then an alternative rotation is assigned to a student depending on ranked preferences. In an attempt to control quality of new curriculum, student performance is evaluated after each block in nearly all of their rotations. In addition, students are invited to evaluate teachers as well as facilities. [german] Im Sommersemester 2005 wurde an der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München das „Intensivstudium München“ („Klinische Rotation“ in Form eines Rotationssystems eingeführt. Diese Umstellung hatte die Verbesserung der Qualität der klinischen Ausbildung zum Ziel. Das bisherige achte und neunte Fachsemester wurden zu einem Studienjahr zusammengefasst; die davor übliche Unterteilung in allgemein gültige Vorlesungs- und

  3. I M L Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. I M L Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 33 Issue 4 August 2010 pp 383-390 Electrical Properties. Temperature dependence of electromechanical properties of PLZT /57/43 ceramics · A K Shukla V K Agrawal I M L Das Janardan Singh S L Srivastava.

  4. State-Based Curriculum-Making, Part 2, the Tool-Kit for the State's Curriculum-Making (United States)

    Westbury, Ian; Sivesind, Kirsten


    The paper identifies three tools that support the administrative instrument of a state-based curriculum commission: compartmentalization, licensing, and segmentation. These tools channel the state's curriculum-making towards forms of symbolic rather than regulatory action. The state curriculum becomes a framework for the ideological governance of…

  5. Curriculum theory in physical education (United States)

    Jewett, Ann E.


    Primary current concerns of curriculum theorists in sport and physical education relate to clarification of value orientations underlying curricular decision-making, selection and statement of curriculum goals, identification and organization of programme content, and the process of curriculum change. Disciplinary mastery is the most traditional value orientation and that which is most frequently found in practice. Curriculum theorists have identified four other value orientations for study: social reconstruction, self-actualization, learning process, and ecological validity. Health-related fitness and the development of motor skills have long been the primary goals of physical education. In recent years, however, curriculum specialists have begun to assign higher priorities to goals of personal integration and challenge, of social development and multicultural understanding. There is general agreement that human movement activities constitute the subject-matter of the sport and physical education curriculum. Differences exist, however, as to how learning activities should be selected for particular programmes. The current trend in seeking better understanding of content is toward studying the operational curriculum with particular attention to the historical and social contexts. An important contemporary focus is the need to translate short-term results into lifestyle changes. The curriculum in sports and physical education should be viewed as a multitude of possibilities.

  6. Project-Based Learning in Post-WWII Japanese School Curriculum: An Analysis via Curriculum Orientations (United States)

    Nomura, Kazuyuki


    In the 2000s, the new national curriculum, dubbed as the "yutori curriculum," introduced a new subject for project-based learning "Integrated Study" as its prominent feature. Comparing curriculum orientations in project-based learning in three historical periods after the WWII including Integrated Study, this paper aims to…

  7. How To Make a Curriculum: The 1987 Guidelines for Curriculum Development in the Norwegian High School--A New Paradigma in Curriculum Development Practice? (United States)

    Gundem, Bjorg B.

    This paper relates to a research project on the history and current practice of curriculum administration in Norway. An elaboration is provided on the changing high school system and the growing impact of curriculum scholarship on curriculum development. The discussion revolves around three objectives: (1) to determine if the newly formulated set…

  8. Mountain-Plains Curriculum. (United States)

    Mountain-Plains Education and Economic Development Program, Inc., Glasgow AFB, MT.

    The document lists the Mountain-Plains curriculum by job title (where applicable), including support courses. The curriculum areas covered are mathematics skills, communication skills, office education, lodging services, food services, marketing and distribution, welding support, automotive, small engines, career guidance, World of Work, health…

  9. The teacher and the curriculum;

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Priestley, M.; Biesta, G.; Philippou, Stavroula


    A key debate in the curriculum field has centred on the extent to which teachers should or could achieve agency over the curriculum they enact. Risks to teacher agency have come from top-down control of curricula, either through input regulation (prescription of content, methods and/or teaching m...... with a discussion of why it is important to understand and take into account teacher agency, when formulating and developing curriculum policy.......A key debate in the curriculum field has centred on the extent to which teachers should or could achieve agency over the curriculum they enact. Risks to teacher agency have come from top-down control of curricula, either through input regulation (prescription of content, methods and/or teaching...

  10. Whatever Happened to Curriculum Theory? Critical Realism and Curriculum Change (United States)

    Priestley, Mark


    In the face of what has been characterised by some as a "crisis" in curriculum--an apparent decline of some aspects of curriculum studies combined with the emergence of new types of national curricula which downgrade knowledge--some writers have been arguing for the use of realist theory to address these issues. This article offers a…

  11. Curriculum Prototypes and the Seven Dwarfs. (United States)

    Chapman, Shirley

    Jonathan Culler's notion, that each change of perspective a reader makes brings something different from the text, is explored by using four curricula. They are: the traditional language arts curriculum, an active reading comprehension curriculum, a psychology curriculum, and a feminist curriculum. By analyzing the same text, "Snow White and…

  12. School Leadership and Curriculum: German Perspectives (United States)

    Huber, Stephan; Tulowitzki, Pierre; Hameyer, Uwe


    This article looks at the role of school leadership vis-à-vis the curriculum. First, it offers a brief overview of school leadership in Germany. Next, curriculum development and curriculum research in Germany is briefly recapped. We present empirical data on school leadership preferences, strain experience, and practices as to curriculum work.…



    P. H. Kusumawathie; Norhisham Mohamad; Ferdous Azam


    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the conceptual awareness of curriculum policy makers on curriculum development process based on SOLO Taxonomy curriculum approach in secondary level schools. Further, the study explored the relationship between the curriculum development inputs and the SOLO based curriculum development process. The curriculum development inputs are teacher effectiveness, school community, school environment and technology availability. Method: Data was collecte...

  14. The same teacher, the same curriculum materials, different schools: What is the enacted curriculum? (United States)

    Eisenmann, Tammy

    This research examines how the same teacher implements the same curriculum material in two different schools. The aim of the study is to examine how the enacted algebra curriculum may change when the same teacher enacts the same written curriculum materials in different classes. This research comprises two case studies. Each case examines one teacher who taught the beginning of the mathematical topic "equivalent algebraic expressions", to two 7th grade classes from different schools. The same textbook was used in all four classes. The data collected includes: 1. Observations: 25930 lessons throughout the school year in each of the participating classes; Other mathematics classes in each of the schools; Other non9mathematics classes in the participating classes. A total of 130 lessons were observed. The observations included continuous observations of the teaching of "equivalent algebraic expressions" (15919 lessons) in each class. These observations are the main data source of this research; 2. Interviews with the teachers; 3. Informal conversations; and 4. Field notes. The data was analyzed both through quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research focuses on the following two aspects of the enacted curriculum: implementation of the recommendation that appeared in the curriculum materials and the types of algebraic activity that the students were exposed to during the teaching of the mathematical topic. Kieran's framework (Kieran, 1996, 2004), which distinguishes between three types of algebraic activities 9 generational, transformational and global/meta9level 9 was employed for the examination of the algebraic activities. Comparisons were made for two aspects of the research: between the enacted curriculum in each of the classes and the curriculum materials; and between each of the classes taught by same teacher. It was found that in case study 1, that examined teacher Sara and schools Carmel and Tavor -- most of the recommendations for instruction that

  15. Educational Borrowing and Mathematics Curriculum: Realistic Mathematics Education in the Dutch and Indonesian Primary Curriculum

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    Shintia Revina


    Full Text Available Since the late 1990s, Indonesian mathematics educators have considered Realistic Mathematics Education (RME, the Dutch approach to mathematics instruction, to be the basis for educational reform. In the National curriculum development, RME has, therefore, been reviewed as among the theoretical references to the curriculum goals and content. In the present study, an analysis of the consistency between RME and the curriculum descriptors and contents in Indonesia is presented. This is supplemented with some comparisons to that in the Netherlands. Findings in this study revealed that while most of RME principles are reflected in the Indonesian curriculum, the descriptions were often very general and less explicit compared to the Dutch curriculum. They were also limited by the content-based approach as well as by the centralized decision making process of the contents to be taught which have been pre-determined at the national level. This study suggests future research to see how the curriculum may influence teachers’ enactment of RME at classroom level.

  16. "Das Konkrete ist das Abstrakte, an das man sich schließlich gewöhnt hat." (Laurent Schwartz) Über den Ablauf des mathematischen Verstehens (United States)

    Lowsky, Martin

    Die im Titel genannte Aussage findet sich in den Lebenserinnerungen von Laurent Schwartz (1915-2002), einem der fruchtbarsten Mathematiker, Mitglied der Gruppe Bourbaki. Im Original lautet die Aussage: "un objet concret est un objet abstrait auquel on a fini par s'habituer." Schwartz erläutert sie am Beispiel des Integrals über {e^{-1/2{x^2}}} , das den Wert Wurzel aus 2π hat und in dem sich also die Zahlen e und π verknüpfen. Was Schwartz aber vor allem ausdrücken will, ist dies: Das mathematische Verständnisd geht langsam vor sich und es bedarf der Anstrengung. "Es ist eine Frage der Zeit und der Energie", sagt Schwartz, und gerade dies mache es so schwer, die höhere Mathematik unter das Volk zu bringen. Das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik laufe eben mühevoll und langsam ab.


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    Célia Regina Vendramini


    Full Text Available RESUMO:Tendo como ponto de partida a questão sobre o futuro das escolas rurais ou do campo, o artigo aborda o contexto social, político e econômico que suporta ou não a existência das escolas, bem como uma análise sobre a situação das escolas em diferentes contextos, particularmente no Brasil, em Portugal e nos Estados Unidos. Problematizamos as respostas dadas pelo poder público, acadêmicos e organizações e movimentos sociais sobre o fechamento, a redução do número de alunos e de comunidades rurais com escola, as condições de funcionamento, a distância percorrida pelos alunos, além das implicações das escolas para a vitalidade do campo. Concluímos que o futuro das escolas está diretamente relacionado com o futuro do campo.

  18. Global curriculum in surgical oncology. (United States)

    Are, C; Berman, R S; Wyld, L; Cummings, C; Lecoq, C; Audisio, R A


    The significant global variations in surgical oncology training paradigms can have a detrimental effect on tackling the rising global cancer burden. While some variations in training are essential to account for the differences in types of cancer and biology, the fundamental principles of providing care to a cancer patient remain the same. The development of a global curriculum in surgical oncology with incorporated essential standards could be very useful in building an adequately trained surgical oncology workforce, which in turn could help in tackling the rising global cancer burden. The leaders of the Society of Surgical Oncology and European Society of Surgical Oncology convened a global curriculum committee to develop a global curriculum in surgical oncology. A global curriculum in surgical oncology was developed to incorporate the required domains considered to be essential in training a surgical oncologist. The curriculum was constructed in a modular fashion to permit flexibility to suit the needs of the different regions of the world. Similarly, recognizing the various sociocultural, financial and cultural influences across the world, the proposed curriculum is aspirational and not mandatory in intent. A global curriculum was developed which may be considered as a foundational scaffolding for training surgical oncologists worldwide. It is envisioned that this initial global curriculum will provide a flexible and modular scaffolding that can be tailored by individual countries or regions to train surgical oncologists in a way that is appropriate for practice in their local environment. Copyright © 2016 Society of Surgical Oncology, European Society of Surgical Oncology. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  19. O currículo entre o relativismo e o universalismo Curriculum: between relativism and universalism

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    Jean-Claude Forquin


    Full Text Available O texto examina a questão do relativismo e do universalismo no currículo. Segundo o autor, os relativistas defendem o questionamento da validade do que se ensina. Já para os universalistas, há saberes "públicos" aos quais todos devem ter acesso e que apresentam valor independentemente de circunstâncias e interesses particulares. Após analisar as implicações pedagógicas das duas perspectivas, o autor advoga que escolas e professores ofereçam a cada aluno a possibilidade de compreender a multiplicidade das vozes que se falam no mundo como uma polifonia cristalina.This article examines the issues of relativism and universalism in the curriculum. According to the author, the relativist approach holds that the validity of what is taught should be questioned. For the universalist approach, there is a common body of knowledge that everyone should learn and that are valuable regardless of particular circumstances and interests. The author discusses the pedagogical implications of the two perspectives and argues that schools and teachers should offer their students the possibility of regarding the multiplicity of voices in the world as analogous to polyphony.

  20. The Mathematics Teacher and Curriculum Change (El Profesor de Matemáticas y el Cambio de Currículo

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    Jeremy Kilpatrick


    Full Text Available One of the most compelling lessons of the new math reform era —from the mid 1950s to the mid 1970s— concerned the pivotal role of the mathematics teacher in effecting curriculum change. Recent efforts to change the school mathematics curriculum are rediscovering that old lesson: The teacher is the key to change. Consequently, when teachers are confronted with arguments against the direction that proposals for curriculum change are taking, it is important for them to analyze and discuss the proposed changes. Recent experiences in the United States, which does not have the same centralized curriculum organization as Portugal but which is experiencing some of the same proposals and arguments against them, may be helpful in understanding the role that teachers can play in the social process of creating a curriculum. Una de las lecciones más destacadas extraídas de la era de la reforma de la matemática moderna hacía referencia al papel esencial que el profesor de matemáticas desempeñaba en el cambio del currículo. Los recientes esfuerzos por cambiar el currículo de las matemáticas escolares están redescubriendo esta vieja lección: El profesor es la clave para el cambio. Consecuentemente, cuando los profesores argumentan en contra de las propuestas de cambio curricular, es importante que analicen y discutan los cambios propuestos. Las experiencias recientes en Estados Unidos, donde no existe la misma organización curricular centralizada de Portugal pero que experimenta parte de las mismas propuestas y argumentos contra ellas, puede ser útil para comprender el papel que los profesores pueden jugar en el proceso social de creación de un currículo.

  1. Curriculum Implementation and Reform: Teachers' Views about Kuwait's New Science Curriculum (United States)

    Alshammari, Ahmad


    The MoE (Ministry of Education) in the state of Kuwait is starting to reform the science curriculum in all school academic stages: primary (1-5) grades, intermediate (6-9) grades, and secondary (10-12) grades. The purpose of this study was to explore the opinions of science teachers about Kuwait's new sixth and seventh grade science curriculum,…

  2. Hidden Curriculum: An Analytical Definition

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    Mohammad Reza Andarvazh


    Full Text Available Background: The concept of hidden curriculum was first used by Philip Jackson in 1968, and Hafferty brought this concept to the medical education. Many of the subjects that medical students learn are attributed to this curriculum. So far several definitions have been presented for the hidden curriculum, which on the one hand made this concept richer, and on the other hand, led to confusion and ambiguity.This paper tries to provide a clear and comprehensive definition of it.Methods: In this study, concept analysis of McKenna method was used. Using keywords and searching in the databases, 561 English and 26 Persian references related to the concept was found, then by limitingthe research scope, 125 abstracts and by finding more relevant references, 55 articles were fully studied.Results: After analyzing the definitions by McKenna method, the hidden curriculum is defined as follows: The hidden curriculum is a hidden, powerful, intrinsic in organizational structure and culture and sometimes contradictory message, conveyed implicitly and tacitly in the learning environment by structural and human factors and its contents includes cultural habits and customs, norms, values, belief systems, attitudes, skills, desires and behavioral and social expectations can have a positive or negative effect, unplanned, neither planners nor teachers, nor learners are aware of it. The ultimate consequence of the hidden curriculum includes reproducing the existing class structure, socialization, and familiarizing learners for transmission and joining the professional world.Conclusion: Based on the concept analysis, we arrived at an analytical definition of the hidden curriculum that could be useful for further studies in this area.Keywords: CONCEPT ANALYSIS, HIDDEN CURRICULUM, MCKENNA’S METHOD


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    Rogério Luiz Covaleski


    Full Text Available Tendo em vista que o processo de consumo não se resume à compra de mercadorias, e que vivenciamos um momento de negociação de discursos entre consumidores e anunciantes, potencializado pelas ferramentas dos meios de comunicação pós-massivos, este artigo pretende refletir sobre o fenômeno da humanização do discurso das marcas. Para isso, tomaremos como referência as considerações sobre a mudança do fluxo comunicacional da linguagem publicitária (BEKESAS, 2012, as características da cibercultura (LEMOS; LÉVY, 2010, a cultura da participação (SHIRKY, 2011 e a necessidade de uma conduta ética para a manutenção da credibilidade das empresas (BLACKSHAW, 2010. Neste trabalho, também citaremos casos ilustrativos da humanização dos discursos das marcas colhidas nas redes sociais na Internet, como forma de exemplificar os esforços das empresas em manter a integridade da imagem da marca no atual cenário do refluxo comunicacional. Palavras-chave: Discurso. Marcas. Consumo. Refluxo comunicacional. Mídias sociais.

  4. Policy and Curriculum Development in Greece. the Case of Secondary School Curriculum (United States)

    Ifanti, Amalia A.


    This paper examines the politics and values of the secondary school curriculum in Greece and attempts to find out the influences of cultural tradition and centralized control on curriculum development. In particular, it studies the decision-making process and the politics of educational control, employing some theoretical elements from centralist…

  5. Pasos Adelante (Steps Forward): A Resiliency Enhancement Curriculum for Preschoolers and Their Parents. Volume 1: Preschool Curriculum. Volume 2: Parent Curriculum. (United States)

    Peck, Lucy; And Others

    This guide presents a curriculum designed to promote resiliency in Hispanic preschool children whose parents are undergoing treatment for substance abuse, and includes a 12-week parent and child component. The curriculum focuses on increasing cultural awareness, motor skills, language skills, early childhood coping strategies, and social…

  6. Formative Evaluation of EFNEP Curriculum: Ensuring the Eating Smart • Being Active Curriculum Is Theory Based (United States)

    Natker, Elana; Baker, Susan S.; Auld, Garry; McGirr, Kathryn; Sutherland, Barbara; Cason, Katherine L.


    The project reported here served to assess a curriculum for EFNEP to ensure theory compliance and content validity. Adherence to Adult Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory tenets was determined. A curriculum assessment tool was developed and used by five reviewers to assess initial and revised versions of the curriculum. T-tests for…

  7. Evaluation of an Eating Disorder Curriculum. (United States)

    Moriarty, Dick; And Others


    A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of "A Preventive Curriculum for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia" is reported. The evaluation, which included teachers, researchers, health professionals, and students, included development of the curriculum as well as pilot testing activities. The curriculum development and evaluation consisted of…

  8. 14 CFR 121.911 - Indoctrination curriculum. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Indoctrination curriculum. 121.911 Section... Indoctrination curriculum. Each indoctrination curriculum must include the following: (a) For newly hired persons being trained under an AQP: The certificate holder's policies and operating practices and general...

  9. Electromechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum. (United States)

    Georgia State Univ., Atlanta. Dept. of Vocational and Career Development.

    This guide offers information and procedures necessary to train electromechanical engineering technicians. Discussed first are the rationale and objectives of the curriculum. The occupational field of electromechanical engineering technology is described. Next, a curriculum model is set forth that contains information on the standard…

  10. Equasions for Curriculum Improvement. (United States)

    Eckenrod, James S.


    Describes the Technology in Curriculum (TIC) program resource guides which will be distributed to California schools in the fall of 1986. These guides match available instructional television programs and computer software to existing California curriculum guides in order to facilitate teachers' classroom use. (JDH)

  11. Influência das novas tecnologias na gestão das finanças pessoais: desenho de um robo-advisor


    Pérez Ares, Iago Roi


    A crise económica global atual, junto com a profunda evolução das novas tecnologias, está a produzir a necessidade de aumentar a eficiência da gestão de numerosas atividades da nossa vida. Desta forma, uma das principais preocupações na vida das pessoas, como demonstram numerosos estudos, é a sua gestão das finanças familiares. Se a isto lhe for adicionado a crescente desconfiança no sector bancário, produzida em parte pela duvidosa gestão dos seus responsáveis, entende-se que a gestão patri...

  12. Resident Education Curriculum in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: The Short Curriculum 2.0. (United States)

    Talib, Hina J; Karjane, Nicole; Teelin, Karen; Abraham, Margaret; Holt, Stephanie; Chelvakumar, Gayaythri; Dumont, Tania; Huguelet, Patricia S; Conner, Lindsay; Wheeler, Carol; Fleming, Nathalie


    The degree of exposure to pediatric and adolescent gynecology (PAG) varies across residency programs in obstetrics and gynecology and pediatrics. Nevertheless, these programs are responsible for training residents and providing opportunities within their programs to fulfill PAG learning objectives. To that end, the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology has taken a leadership role in PAG resident education by creating and systematically updating the Short Curriculum. This curriculum outlines specific learning objectives that are central to PAG education and lists essential resources for learners' reference. This updated curriculum replaces the previous 2014 publication with added content, resources, and updated references. Additionally, attention to the needs of learners in pediatrics and adolescent medicine is given greater emphasis in this revised North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Short Curriculum 2.0. Copyright © 2017 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Perceptions of Private College Teachers of Karachi about the Curriculum Prescribed by Sindh Bureau of Curriculum (BOC) (United States)

    Syeda, Talat Jehan


    Curriculum at the college level is prescribed at provincial level to ensure a standardized education throughout. A prescribed curriculum aligns educational standards and maintains them to ensure teaching standards. In Pakistan the curriculum for intermediate students at both private and government colleges is designed and proposed by Sindh Bureau…

  14. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: The development of a curriculum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    approach to environmental education and curriculum innovation. ... transition from an external and rational strategy of curriculum ... 'scientific' approaches to curriculum development .... 'get the conservation message across' so as to foster.

  15. Solar Technology Curriculum, 1980. (United States)

    Seward County Community Coll., Liberal, KS.

    This curriculum guide contains lecture outlines and handouts for training solar technicians in the installation, maintenance, and repair of solar energy hot water and space heating systems. The curriculum consists of four modular units developed to provide a model through which community colleges and area vocational/technical schools can respond…

  16. The Galapagos Jason Curriculum. (United States)

    National Science Teachers Association, Arlington, VA.

    The JASON Curriculum Project materials are designed to prepare teachers and students for an exploration around the Galapagos Islands via satellite transmission of live images and sound. This curriculum package contains five units, 25 lesson plans, and over 50 activities, along with teacher background material, student worksheets and readings, a…

  17. Problem based learning (PBL) vs. Case based curriculum in clinical clerkship, Internal Medicine innovated Curriculum, Student prospective. (United States)

    Aljarallah, Badr; Hassan, Mohammad Saleh


    The vast majority of PBL experience is in basic science courses. Application of classic Problem based learning in clerkship phase is challenging. Although the clinical case is considered a problem, yet solving this problem following the burrow's law has faced hurdles. The difficulties are facing the learner, the teacher and curricula. We implement innovative curriculum for the clerkship year in internal medicine course. We surveyed the student just before coming to an internal medicine course to ask them about continuing PBL or other types of learning in clinical years. A committee was created to study the possible ways to integrate PBL in the course. After multiple brainstorming meeting, an innovated curriculum was implemented. Student surveyed again after they completed their course. The survey is asking them about what is the effect of the implemented curriculum in their skills, attitude, and knowledge. 70% of Students, who finished their basic science in PBL, preferred not to have classical PBL, but more a clinical oriented case based curriculum in the clinical years. After this innovated curriculum, 50-60 % of students who completed it showed a positive response in all aspects of effects including skill, attitude, and knowledge. The Innovated curriculum includes daily morning report, 3 bedside teaching, investigation session, and clinical reasoning weekly, and Lectures up to twice a week. We suggest implementing a curriculum with PBL and case-based criteria in clinical phase are feasible, we are providing a framework with this innovated curriculum.

  18. Teacher collaborative curriculum design in technical vocational colleges: a strategy for maintaining curriculum consistency?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albashiry, N.M.; Voogt, J.M.; Pieters, J.M.


    The Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) curriculum requires continuous renewal and constant involvement of stakeholders in the redesign process. Due to a lack of curriculum design expertise, TVET institutions in developing contexts encounter challenges maintaining and advancing the

  19. Curriculum Designed for an Equitable Pedagogy (United States)

    Cullen, Roxanne; Hill, Reinhold R.


    Rather than viewing curriculum as linear, a post-modern, learner-centered curriculum design is a spiral or recursive curriculum. Post-modernism provides a much less stable foundation upon which to build a model of student learning, a model that recognizes and even celebrates individual difference and one that is supported by research on how people…

  20. Psicoterapia das depressões

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    Sidnei Schestatsky


    Full Text Available Os autores examinam o status atual das psicoterapias no tratamento das depressões, principalmente das quatro formas melhor testadas empiricamente nos últimos 10 anos: psicoterapia interpessoal, psicoterapia cognitiva e comportamental, e psicoterapia psicodinâmica breve. São descritos os principais estudos de eficácia dessas psicoterapias assim como uma revisão metaanalítica sobre o assunto. Conclui-se que já há sólidas evidências de bons resultados nas depressões ambulatoriais e unipolares quando tratadas por intervenções psicossociais, combinadas ou não com farmacoterapia.It is examined the present status of psychotherapeutic treatment of depression, specially the impact of the four types of psychotherapy best empirically tested for the past 10 years: interpersonal therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapies, and brief psychodynamic therapy. Both the main efficacy studies of those therapies as well as a meta-analytic review of their results are described. The conclusion is that there are already strong evidences of good outcome when ambulatorial unipolar depression is treated by psychossocial interventions, alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy.

  1. A vantagem competitiva das nações e a vantagem competitiva das empresas: o que importa na localização?

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    Martim Francisco de Oliveira e Silva


    Full Text Available Há dois enfoques dominantes para explicar o desempenho das empresas: a visão da Organização Industrial e a Visão Baseada em Recursos, ambos amplamente pesquisados. Entretanto, a relação entre o desempenho das empresas e a competitividade das nações ainda é pouco explorada. Este estudo buscou verificar se o desempenho das empresas se relaciona ao ambiente de seus países e quais fatores destes são mais relevantes. Foram encontradas evidências da relação entre os indicadores de competitividade dos países e o desempenho sustentável de suas empresas. O estudo relacionou de maneira pioneira os conceitos da vantagem competitiva das nações e da vantagem competitiva das empresas, testou empiricamente o modelo do Diamante Competitivo do professor Michael Porter, destacou três variáveis habitualmente negligenciadas na linha de pesquisas das fontes de desempenho de empresas (a Sofisticação dos Compradores, o PIB e as Compras Governamentais e criou um indicador de desempenho que também traduz sua sustentabilidade, associado à linha da pesquisa da persistência dos retornos extraordinários.

  2. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Curriculum Guides for Pediatrics Faculty: Health Professions Education Curriculum Resources Series, Medicine 4. (United States)

    Milman, Doris H.; And Others

    This document provides two separate curriculum guides for pediatrics faculty to use in teaching medical students. The first section contains the alcohol abuse curriculum guide; the second section contains the drug abuse curriculum guide. The drug abuse guide concentrates on cannabis as a paradigm for all nonalcoholic drugs of abuse. Each guide…

  3. Desvelando a Internet das Coisas

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    Lucia Santaella


    Full Text Available O presente artigo pretende relatar as origens da Internet das Coisas, seu estado de arte e evidenciar seus principais vetores. Para tal, o estudo percorrerá as eras midiáticas de Santaella (2007, p. 179-189, a par da discussão das máquinas de Turing, da arquitetura Von Neumann até chegar à Internet e seu estado atual, implementada nas coisas.

  4. Changing Curriculum: A Critical Inquiry into the Revision of the British Columbia Science Curriculum For Grades K-9 (United States)

    Searchfield, Mary A.

    In 2010 British Columbia's Ministry of Education started the process of redesigning the provincial school curriculum, Kindergarten to Grade 12. Mandatory implementation of the new curriculum was set for the 2016/17 school year for Grades K-9, and 2017/18 for Grades 10-12. With a concerted emphasis on personalized learning and through the frame of a Know-Do-Understand curriculum model, the new curriculum aims to meet the needs of today's learners, described as living in a technology-rich, fast-paced and ever-changing world, through a concept-based and competency-driven emphasis. This thesis is a critical analysis of the BC K-9 Science curriculum as written and published, looking specifically at how science is treated as a form of knowledge, its claimed presentation as a story, and on whether the intentions claimed by the designers are matched in the curriculum's final form.

  5. Estigma e currículo oculto Stigma and hidden curriculum

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    Rita de Cássia Barbosa Paiva Magalhães


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo - um ensaio teórico - é realizar uma discussão sobre estigma e suas formas de manifestação no currículo da escola, tomando por base a noção de currículo oculto. Esta discussão será realizada tendo como pano de fundo os processos de escolarização de alunos com deficiência. Os processos de estigmatização no âmbito da vida social são muitos e têm múltiplas manifestações. O estigma depende diretamente da existência de alguma forma de julgamento que cria categorias de sujeitos considerados socialmente "desacreditáveis". Isto pode repercutir de forma avassaladora no processo de constituição de identidades e na forma como instituições, como a escola, lida com os processos de ensino e aprendizagem para alunos que historicamente são estigmatizados, tais como os que apresentam deficiências. As situações de estigmatização e discriminação evidenciadas na escola são construções sociais e se personificam no contexto do currículo. Consubstanciadas no denominado corpus formal de conhecimento escolar (conteúdos curriculares, nas ações cotidianas da escola (currículo em ação e no denominado currículo oculto. Os desdobramentos ideológicos e a legitimação são sedimentados em aspectos explícitos e implícitos do currículo e situam-se em sua materialidade e no domínio do simbólico. Nestes dois âmbitos as questões da educação das pessoas com deficiência podem ser observadas, em situações que evidenciam a presença de estigmas e preconceito sob a aparente inclusão escolar. Em plena efervescência da chamada Educação Inclusiva investigações na confluência entre currículo e estigma podem ser oportunas na busca pela construção de currículos mais atentos a diversidade humana.The purpose of this article - a theoretical essay - is to conduct a discussion about stigma and its manifestations in the school curriculum, based on the notion of Hidden Curriculum. This discussion will be

  6. Surviving the Implementation of a New Science Curriculum (United States)

    Lowe, Beverly; Appleton, Ken


    Queensland schools are currently teaching with the first National Curriculum for Australia. This new curriculum was one of a number of political responses to address the recurring low scores in literacy, mathematics, and science that continue to hold Australia in poor international rankings. Teachers have spent 2 years getting to know the new science curriculum through meetings, training, and exploring the new Australian curriculum documents. This article examines the support and preparation for implementation provided in two regional schools, with a closer look at six specific teachers and their science teaching practices as they attempted to implement the new science curriculum. The use of a survey, field observations, and interviews revealed the schools' preparation practices and the teachers' practices, including the support provided to implement the new science curriculum. A description and analysis of school support and preparation as well as teachers' views of their experiences implementing the new science curriculum reveal both achievements and shortcomings. Problematic issues for the two schools and teachers include time to read and comprehend the curriculum documents and content expectations as well as time to train and change the current processes effectively. The case teachers' experiences reveal implications for the successful and effective implementation of new curriculum and curriculum reform.


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    Carlos Cesar Santos


    Full Text Available Na ultima década a internet tornou-se uma ferramenta presente no cotidiano das pessoas e das organizações e por vez indispensável ao bom funcionamento dos negócios. Com o crescente incremento das infraestruturas de redes e popularização em massa da rede de alta velocidade, emerge um avanço relacionado à utilização da internet tornando-a uma plataforma global para deixar máquinas e objetos inteligentes capazes de comunicarem-se de forma autônoma. Esta possibilidade permite que conteúdos e serviços estejam em torno das pessoas, sempre disponíveis, facilitando a comunicação e abrindo o caminho para novas aplicações, possibilitando novas formas de trabalho, de interação e de entretenimento, fazendo com que um novo padrão de vida e de trabalho seja desenvolvido. Este novo padrão torna-se possível através dos avanços das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação - TICs até uma nova concepção definida como Internet of Things - IoT. Entretanto, com uma variada coleta de dados e informações, para variados fins, no cotidiano das pessoas e das organizações, a coleta autônoma dos dados e das informações torna a privacidade um dos principais desafios em relação à IoT. Neste contexto, este artigo objetiva discutir em âmbito teórico a privacidade dos usuários da tecnologias da Internet das Coisas, diante de sua legalidade, explorando possíveis soluções neste cenário ainda em construção.

  8. Evolution of the New Pathway curriculum at Harvard Medical School: the new integrated curriculum. (United States)

    Dienstag, Jules L


    In 1985, Harvard Medical School adopted a "New Pathway" curriculum, based on active, adult learning through problem-based, faculty-facilitated small-group tutorials designed to promote lifelong skills of self-directed learning. Despite the successful integration of clinically relevant material in basic science courses, the New Pathway goals were confined primarily to the preclinical years. In addition, the shifting balance in the delivery of health care from inpatient to ambulatory settings limited the richness of clinical education in clinical clerkships, creating obstacles for faculty in their traditional roles as teachers. In 2006, Harvard Medical School adopted a more integrated curriculum based on four principles that emerged after half a decade of self-reflection and planning: (1) integrate the teaching of basic/population science and clinical medicine throughout the entire student experience; (2) reestablish meaningful and intensive faculty-student interactions and reengage the faculty; (3) develop a new model of clinical education that offers longitudinal continuity of patient experience, cross-disciplinary curriculum, faculty mentoring, and student evaluation; and (4) provide opportunities for all students to pursue an in-depth, faculty-mentored scholarly project. These principles of our New Integrated Curriculum reflect our vision for a curriculum that fosters a partnership between students and faculty in the pursuit of scholarship and leadership.

  9. White Paper: Curriculum in Interventional Radiology. (United States)

    Mahnken, Andreas H; Bücker, Arno; Hohl, Christian; Berlis, Ansgar


    Purpose  Scope and clinical importance of interventional radiology markedly evolved over the last decades. Consequently it was acknowledged as independent subspecialty by the "European Union of Medical Specialists" (UEMS). Based on radiological imaging techniques Interventional Radiology is an integral part of Radiology. Materials und Methods  In 2009 the German Society for Interventional Radiology and minimally-invasive therapy (DeGIR) developed a structured training in Interventional Radiology. In cooperation with the German Society of Neuroradiology (DGNR) this training was extended to also cover Interventional Neuroradiology in 2012. Tailored for this training in Interventional Radiology a structured curriculum was developed, covering the scope of this modular training. Results  The curriculum is based on the DeGIR/DGNR modular training concept in Interventional Radiology. There is also an European Curriculum and Syllabus for Interventional Radiology developed by the "Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe" (CIRSE). The presented curriculum in Interventional Radiology is designed to provide a uniform base for the training in Interventional Radiology in Germany, based on the competencies obtained during residency. Conclusion  This curriculum can be used as a basis for training in Interventional Radiology by all training sites. Key Points: · Interventional Radiology is an integral part of clinical radiology. · The German Society for Interventional Radiology and minimally-invasive therapy (DeGIR) developed a curriculum in Interventional Radiology. · This curriculum is an integrative basis for the training in interventional. Citation Format · Mahnken AH, Bücker A, Hohl C et al. White Paper: Curriculum in Interventional Radiology. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2017; 189: 309 - 311. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. It’s The Curriculum, Stupid!

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    Grayling, Ian


    Full Text Available In this paper we, firstly, explore the importance and positioning of ‘thinking skills’ within the Further Education (FE curriculum in hard times - for society generally and education in particular. Secondly, we argue that ‘thinking skills’ have been lost from the curriculum over recent years and are now in urgent need of rehabilitation; not as a bolt-on, but at the heart of the curriculum. We then invite readers to consider the Learning and Skills Improvement Service’s (LSIS endorsed framework for ‘Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural’ education as a powerful means of re-embedding ‘thinking’ within the vocational curriculum in support of both the ‘skills’ and the ‘social cohesion’ agendas. Finally, we consider the implications of this for the development of vocational pedagogy and for teacher education.

  11. Processing Approaches for DAS-Enabled Continuous Seismic Monitoring (United States)

    Dou, S.; Wood, T.; Freifeld, B. M.; Robertson, M.; McDonald, S.; Pevzner, R.; Lindsey, N.; Gelvin, A.; Saari, S.; Morales, A.; Ekblaw, I.; Wagner, A. M.; Ulrich, C.; Daley, T. M.; Ajo Franklin, J. B.


    Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is creating a "field as laboratory" capability for seismic monitoring of subsurface changes. By providing unprecedented spatial and temporal sampling at a relatively low cost, DAS enables field-scale seismic monitoring to have durations and temporal resolutions that are comparable to those of laboratory experiments. Here we report on seismic processing approaches developed during data analyses of three case studies all using DAS-enabled seismic monitoring with applications ranging from shallow permafrost to deep reservoirs: (1) 10-hour downhole monitoring of cement curing at Otway, Australia; (2) 2-month surface monitoring of controlled permafrost thaw at Fairbanks, Alaska; (3) multi-month downhole and surface monitoring of carbon sequestration at Decatur, Illinois. We emphasize the data management and processing components relevant to DAS-based seismic monitoring, which include scalable approaches to data management, pre-processing, denoising, filtering, and wavefield decomposition. DAS has dramatically increased the data volume to the extent that terabyte-per-day data loads are now typical, straining conventional approaches to data storage and processing. To achieve more efficient use of disk space and network bandwidth, we explore improved file structures and data compression schemes. Because noise floor of DAS measurements is higher than that of conventional sensors, optimal processing workflow involving advanced denoising, deconvolution (of the source signatures), and stacking approaches are being established to maximize signal content of DAS data. The resulting workflow of data management and processing could accelerate the broader adaption of DAS for continuous monitoring of critical processes.

  12. Kajian Degradasi Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pengendalian Banjir di DAS Juwana

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    Arina Miardini


    Full Text Available Adanya pemanfaatan lahan yang intensif dan ekspolitatif dapat menurunkan daya dukung dan fungsi lingkungan DAS yang menyebabkan lahan menjadi terdegradasi. Tingginya luasan lahan kritis menjadi ancaman terhadap daya dukung DAS yang akan berdampak pada ketidakseimbangan hidrologi dalam DAS. Salah satu akibat ketidakseimbangan hidrologi dalam DAS adalah terjadinya banjir. DAS Juwana merupakan DAS Prioritas I berdasarkan penetapan 108 DAS prioritas. Salah satu indikator untuk menentukan degradasi dalam DAS dapat diketahui berdasarkan nilai koefisien aliran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik DAS yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan koefisien aliran, menghitung koefisien aliran dengan mempertimbangkan parameter karakteristik fisik DAS dan memberikan rekomendasi pengelolaan banjir di DAS Juwana yang potensial banjir dalam mendukung upaya pengelolaan DAS dari hulu sampai hilir. Koefisien aliran dihitung denggan menggunakan metode cook yang memperhitungkan parameter kemiringan lereng, infiltrasi tanah, tutupan vegetasi dan simpanan permukaan. Perumusan pengendalian banjir dilakukan dengan melakukan penatagunaan lahan yang disesuaikan dengan arahan fungsi penggunaan lahan sehingga diharapkan menurunkan nilai koefisien aliran dan debit banjir. Karakteristik fisik DAS Juwana yang mempengaruhi penentuan koefisien aliran berdasarkan metode Cook yaitu Kemiringan lereng dengan rata-rata skor C sebesar 0,178, kerapatan aliran dengan rata-rata skor 0,084, infiltrasi dengan rata-rata skor 0,115 dan tutupan vegetasi dengan rata-rata skor 0,127. Kontribusi masing masing parameter dalam penilaian koefisien aliran yang memiliki pengaruh paling terbesar sampai paling terkecil dalam besarnya koefisien aliran yaitu kemiringan lereng yang memiliki pengaruh sebesar 35,39%, kemudian tutupan vegetasi sebesar 25,25%, infiltrasi sebesar 22,86% dan terakhir adalah kerapatan aliran yang berkontribusi sebesar 16,70%. Nilai koefisien aliran di DAS

  13. Australian Curriculum Implementation in a Remote Aboriginal School: A Curriculum Leader's Search for a Transformational Compromise (United States)

    Parkinson, Chloe


    This paper examines the trial implementation of the Australian Curriculum in a remote Aboriginal school. It was a school that at the time was beginning to achieve successes with the development of dual-knowledge, transformational outcomes based curriculum that had its justification in the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework. Drawing on the…

  14. Das Muťafi-Lazische


    Kutscher, Silvia; Mattissen, Johanna; Wodarg, Anke


    Die in der vorliegenden Publikation untersuchte Sprache ist ein Dialekt des Lazischen, der in Muťafi und Umgebung gesprochen wird. Dieser Dialekt ist bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht wissenschaftlich untersucht worden. Da er einige Charakteristika aufweist, die in anderen lazischen Dialekten nicht zu finden sind, hielten wir es für notwendig, unsere Untersuchungsergebnisse zu veröffentlichen. Eine auffällige Besonderheit findet sich z.B. im Kasussystem: Sowohl das Georgische als auch das Za...

  15. Rethinking the mathematics curriculum

    CERN Document Server

    Hoyles, Celia; Woodhouse, Geoffrey


    At a time when political interest in mathematics education is at its highest, this book demonstrates that the issues are far from straightforward. A wide range of international contributors address such questions as: What is mathematics, and what is it for? What skills does mathematics education need to provide as technology advances? What are the implications for teacher education? What can we learn from past attempts to change the mathematics curriculum? Rethinking the Mathematics Curriculum offers stimulating discussions, showing much is to be learnt from the differences in culture, national expectations, and political restraints revealed in the book. This accessible book will be of particular interest to policy makers, curriculum developers, educators, researchers and employers as well as the general reader.

  16. Einstellungen von Studierenden zur Allgemeinmedizin: Einflüsse von Geschlecht, Blockpraktikum und Gesamtcurriculum [Attitudes of medical students towards general practice: Effects of gender, a general practice clerkship and a modern curriculum

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    Kruschinski, Carsten


    Full Text Available [english] Aims: Planning a career in general practice depends on positive attitudes towards primary care. The aim of this study was to compare attitudes of medical students of a Modern Curriculum at Hannover Medical School with those of the Traditional Curriculum before (pre and after (post a three-week clerkship in general practice. In parallel, we aimed to analyse several other variables such as age and gender, which could influence the attitudes.Methods: Prospective survey of n=287 5th-year students. Attitudes (dependent variable, Likert-scale items as well as socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, rural/urban background, school leaving examination grades, former qualifications, experiences in general practice and career plans were requested. Attitudes were analysed separately according to these characteristics (e.g. career plans: general practitioner (GP/specialist, curriculum type and pre/post the clerkship in general practice. Bi- and multivariate statistical analysis was used including a factor analysis for grouping of the attitude items. Results: Most and remarkable differences of attitudes were seen after analysis according to gender. Women appreciated general practice more than men including a greater interest in chronic diseases, communication and psychosocial aspects. The clerkship (a total of n=165 students of the “post” survey could be matched contributed to positive attitudes of students of both gender, whereas the different curricula did not show such effects.Conclusions: Affective learning goals such as a positive attitude towards general practice have depended more on characteristics of students (gender and effects of a clerkship in general practice than on the curriculum type (modern, traditional so far. For the development of outcomes in medical education research as well as for the evolution of the Modern Curriculum such attitudes and other affective learning goals should be considered more frequently. [german

  17. Curriculum as Colour and Curves: A Synthesis of Black Theory, Design and Creativity Realised as Critical Curriculum Writing (United States)

    McKnight, Lucinda


    This article looks to three inspirational Black women, bell hooks, Stacey McBride-Irby and Patricia Williams, in the pursuit of radical curriculum. While today curriculum is critiqued as racialised, gendered, sexualised and classed, the formats of curriculum documents such as text books, units of work and lesson plans have changed little. These…

  18. Analisis Laju Sedimen DAS Serayu Hulu dengan Menggunakan Model SWAT

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    Nugroho Christanto


    Full Text Available Wilayah DAS Serayu Hulu merupakan DAS prioritas yang memerlukan langkah pengelolaan yang komprehensif. Aplikasi model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk  perencanaan konservasi ataupun evaluasi respon DAS (debit aliran permukaan, sedimen dan pencemaran sungai. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menjalankan model SWAT di DAS Serayu Hulu untuk mengetahui laju sedimen di wilayah ini. Pemodelan SWAT membutuhkan sejumlah input parameter berupa relief, tanah, tutupan lahan dan pengelolaan lahan. Pedogeomorfologi digunakan sebagai batas satuan tanah karena tidak tersedianya peta tanah di wilayah penelitian. Hasil Penerapan model SWAT di DAS Serayu Hulu menghasilkan nilai yang cukup memuaskan, hal ini ditunjukkan nilai R2 mencapai 0,94. Hasil pemodelan SWAT dengan menggunakan data selama 10 tahun (2004-2013 menunjukkan bahwa DAS Serayu Hulu memiliki rerata hasil sedimen sebesar 1.926.900 ton/tahun. Sub DAS 8,9 11, 17, 18, dan 19 merupakan penghasil sedimen tertinggi di DAS Serayu Hulu dengan hasil sedimen 43.931– 121.434 ton/ha/tahun.

  19. Contribuição das incubadoras tecnológicas na internacionalização das empresas incubadas

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    Raquel Engelman


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, teve-se como propósito verificar como as incubadoras tecnológicas brasileiras contribuem para a internacionalização das empresas incubadas no ponto de vista dos gestores das incubadoras. Para atender a esse propósito, desenvolveu-se um modelo que, além de oferecer suporte à pesquisa, possa servir de base para estudos e ações sobre internacionalização de empresas de base tecnológica incubadas. O modelo foi elaborado a partir da literatura sobre as duas áreas de interesse do trabalho. De um lado, foram abordadas referências sobre internacionalização de empresas, fazendo-se um levantamento sobre os fatores que influenciam sua internacionalização, principalmente micro e pequenas empresas de base tecnológica; de outro, foram estudados aspectos sobre o processo de incubação de empreendimentos tecnológicos, bem como as ações e os serviços disponibilizados pelas incubadoras. A pesquisa descritiva foi realizada com 40 incubadoras tecnológicas brasileiras (50% da população e que atenderam aos seguintes critérios: estar em efetiva operação há um tempo superior a dois anos e com pelo menos uma empresa graduada. A partir de questionários identificou-se que 40% das incubadoras da amostra possuem programa formal voltado para a internacionalização das incubadas e 60% das incubadoras têm empresas que iniciaram processo de internacionalização. Os resultados apontaram uma relação positiva entre incubação e internacionalização. A pesquisa forneceu indicações de ações e serviços que são efetivos na internacionalização das empresas.

  20. An International Marketing Curriculum - Development and Analysis. (United States)

    Abboushi, Suhail; Lackman, Conway; Peace, A. Graham


    Describes the process of market-driven curriculum design in the development of an undergraduate International Marketing (IM) major at Duquesne University (Pennsylvania) School of Business Administration. Reports on a market study revealing profiles and IM curriculum design preferences of exporting companies. Discusses the curriculum development,…

  1. Business Mathematics Curriculum Guide. Bulletin 1612. Revised. (United States)

    Louisiana State Dept. of Education, Baton Rouge. Div. of Academic Programs.

    This curriculum guide for business mathematics was developed to establish statewide curriculum standards for the Louisiana Competency-based Education Program. Following an overview of the secondary school mathematics curriculum, eight goals for the business mathematics course are listed. A pacing chart with suggested time periods for each major…

  2. Determinação das curvas de secagem das sementes de andiroba em secador solar

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    Andreza P. Mendonça


    Full Text Available Comumente, o óleo de andiroba é extraído na Amazônia pelo método tradicional ou ainda por prensa. A eficiência na extração está relacionada ao aquecimento e ao teor de água das sementes. Desta forma, a determinação de um modelo de secagem que represente satisfatoriamente os dados experimentais é de suma importância para minimizar as alterações promovidas pelo processo obtendo-se, consequentemente, produto de qualidade. O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever a cinética de secagem das sementes de andiroba, tal como ajustar os modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais usando-se secador solar. Foi utilizado, como critério do ajuste dos modelos matemáticos, o coeficiente de determinação, a magnitude do erro médio relativo e o desvio-padrão da estimativa. A secagem em menor tempo (14 dias da Carapa surinamensis para atingir o teor de água de equilíbrio (12,28% se deve, possivelmente, ao menor tamanho das sementes e à maior quantidade de óleo em relação à Carapa guianensis. O modelo Logarítmico e o de Midilli et al. foram os que melhor se ajustaram aos dados experimentais para as sementes das duas espécies de andiroba.

  3. George Herbert Mead, Curriculum Theorist: The Curriculum Field and the Problem of Social Control. (United States)

    Franklin, Barry M.

    This paper is one of three presented at a symposium intended to suggest how historical studies of the curriculum field can aid in identifying alternative perspectives to the prevailing scientific-technical perspective, an orientation that has dominated the curriculum field since its inception as a formal area of study. This paper contends that…

  4. Curriculum Design for Inquiry: Preservice Elementary Teachers' Mobilization and Adaptation of Science Curriculum Materials (United States)

    Forbes, Cory T.; Davis, Elizabeth A.


    Curriculum materials are crucial tools with which teachers engage students in science as inquiry. In order to use curriculum materials effectively, however, teachers must develop a robust capacity for pedagogical design, or the ability to mobilize a variety of personal and curricular resources to promote student learning. The purpose of this study…

  5. Evaluating the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Mardiana


    Full Text Available The study was to: (1 identify the interpretation toward the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum; and (2 evaluate the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum. In order to achieve these objectives, the researchers implemented the method of philosophy interpretation, namely a method that might discover an individual’s paradigm through the texts or the articles that he or she composed. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum the researchers implemented certain criteria and this effort was supported by the expert interview. The data were analyzed by means of hermeneutic method, namely the presence of a relationship among the three elements namely text, interpreter and reader. The conclusions of the study then were as follows: (1 the interpretation toward the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum contained six points namely: (a establishing and developing the nation’s attitude and civilization or the nation’s character, (b developing the curriculum based on the nation’s culture, (c referring to the fact that education had been a process of developing the learning participants’ potentials, (d referring to the fact that education had been based on the nation’s culture and experience in the past, (e referring to the fact that education had been basis of the nation’s life continuity and (f Referring to the fact that education had been adjusted to the life of the learning participants as an individual, a society member and a citizen; (2 the six philosophical reasons namely: (a perennialism, (b essentialism, (c progressivism, (d pragmatism, (e existentialism and (f reconstructionism; (3 the following evaluation results: (a the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum based on the interpretation results had provided clear educational objectives and functions, (b the philosophical foundation of 2013 Curriculum had been in accordance to facts, (c the philosophical foundation of 2013

  6. Tendências temporais e espaciais da qualidade das águas superficiais da sub-bacia do Rio das Velhas, estado de Minas Gerais


    Trindade, Ana Laura Cerqueira; Almeida, Katiane Cristina de Brito; Barbosa, Pedro Engler; Oliveira, Sílvia Maria Alves Corrêa


    RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma análise da tendência temporal e espacial da qualidade das águas superficiais da sub-bacia do Rio das Velhas, inserida na bacia do Rio São Francisco, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram analisados 16.625 dados coletados no período de 2002 a 2011 pelo programa de monitoramento de qualidade das águas superficiais efetuado pelo Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas (Igam). Testes estatísticos, multivariados e não paramétricos foram utilizados para avaliar 11 variáveis ...

  7. National Curriculum and Federalism: The Australian Experience (United States)

    Harris-Hart, Catherine


    Whilst the past 35 years have seen numerous attempts at national curriculum collaboration in Australia, these have invariably failed largely due to the constitutional reality that the States have responsibility for curriculum. Federal government involvement in curriculum can only be achieved, therefore, with the consent of the States. To achieve…

  8. Curriculum Redesign in Veterinary Medicine: Part I. (United States)

    Chaney, Kristin P; Macik, Maria L; Turner, Jacqueline S; Korich, Jodi A; Rogers, Kenita S; Fowler, Debra; Scallan, Elizabeth M; Keefe, Lisa M

    Curricular review is considered a necessary component for growth and enhancement of academic programs and requires time, energy, creativity, and persistence from both faculty and administration. At Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (TAMU), the faculty and administration partnered with the university's Center for Teaching Excellence to create a faculty-driven, data-enhanced curricular redesign process. The 8-step process begins with the formation of a dedicated faculty curriculum design team to drive the redesign process and to support the college curriculum committee. The next steps include defining graduate outcomes and mapping the current curriculum to identify gaps and redundancies across the curriculum. Data are collected from internal and external stakeholders including veterinary students, faculty, alumni, and employers of graduates. Data collected through curriculum mapping and stakeholder engagement substantiate the curriculum redesign. The guidelines, supporting documents, and 8-step process developed at TAMU are provided to assist other veterinary schools in successful curricular redesign. This is the first of a two-part report that provides the background, context, and description of the process for charting the course for curricular change. The process involves defining expected learning outcomes for new graduates, conducting a curriculum mapping exercise, and collecting stakeholder data for curricular evaluation (steps 1-4). The second part of the report describes the development of rubrics that were applied to the graduate learning outcomes (steps 5-8) and engagement of faculty during the implementation phases of data-driven curriculum change.

  9. Dismantling the Curriculum in Higher Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Hall


    Full Text Available The higher education curriculum in the global North is increasingly co-opted for the production of measurable outcomes, framed by determinist narratives of employability and enterprise. Such co-option is immanent to processes of financialisation and marketisation, which encourage the production of quantifiable curriculum activities and tradable academic services. Yet the university is also affected by global socio-economic and socio-environmental crises, which can be expressed as a function of a broader crisis of social reproduction or sociability. As the labour of academics and students is increasingly driven by a commodity-valuation rooted in the measurement of performance, the ability for academics and students to respond to crises from inside the university is constrained by the market. This article argues that in understanding the relationship between the university and society, and in responding to a crisis of sociability, revealing the bounded nature of the curriculum is central. One possible way to address this crisis is by re-imagining the university through the co-operative practices of groups like the Dismantling the Masters House community and the Social Science Centre. Such an exploration, rooted in the organising principles of the curriculum, asks educators to consider how their curriculum reproduces an on-going colonisation by Capital. It is argued that such work enables a re-imagination of higher education that is rooted in a co-operative curriculum, and which might enable activist-educators to build an engaged curriculum, through which students and academics no longer simply learn to internalise, monitor and manage their own alienation.

  10. Advanced Texas Studies: Curriculum Guide. (United States)

    Harlandale Independent School District, San Antonio, TX. Career Education Center.

    The guide is arranged in vertical columns relating curriculum concepts in Texas studies to curriculum performance objectives, career concepts and career performance objectives, suggested teaching methods, and audio-visual and resource materials. Career information is included on 24 related occupations. Space is provided for teachers' notes which…

  11. Transportation Consumer Education Curriculum Guide. (United States)

    Finn, Peter; And Others

    Materials in this curriculum guide represent a selection of the major transportation consumer topics and ideas and are designed to set the stage for more intensive transportation consumer education curriculum development and teacher efforts. (Eleven manuals covering the four transportation topics of public transportation, transportation and the…

  12. Discrete Mathematics and Curriculum Reform. (United States)

    Kenney, Margaret J.


    Defines discrete mathematics as the mathematics necessary to effect reasoned decision making in finite situations and explains how its use supports the current view of mathematics education. Discrete mathematics can be used by curriculum developers to improve the curriculum for students of all ages and abilities. (SLD)

  13. Por que a elasticidade-preço das importações é baixa no Brasil? Evidências a partir das desagregações das importações por categorias de uso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudio Hamilton Matos dos Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo Estudos recentes indicam que a elasticidade-preço das importações brasileiras é baixa. Este trabalho procura racionalizar o referido resultado revisitando as estimativas das importações do país desagregadas por “categoria de uso”. Os resultados reportados sugerem que a baixa elasticidade-preço das importações agregadas reflete fundamentalmente a baixa elasticidade-preço das importações de combustíveis, bens intermediários e de alguns tipos de serviços - notadamente, transporte, aluguel de equipamentos e pagamentos de royalties - produtos que, somados, respondem por pouco menos de dois terços do total importado. Isso ocorre porque vários desses produtos têm pouca ou nenhuma possibilidade de substituição por similares nacionais, devido principalmente a deficiências estruturais na oferta nacional.

  14. Das, Prof. Saumitra

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Fellow Profile. Elected: 2009 Section: General Biology. Das, Prof. Saumitra Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA. Date of birth: 20 January 1962. Specialization: Molecular Virology, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology Address: Microbiology and Cell Biology Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Karnataka

  15. Practical use of medical terminology in curriculum mapping. (United States)

    Komenda, Martin; Schwarz, Daniel; Švancara, Jan; Vaitsis, Christos; Zary, Nabil; Dušek, Ladislav


    Various information systems for medical curriculum mapping and harmonization have been developed and successfully applied to date. However, the methods for exploiting the datasets captured inside the systems are rather lacking. We reviewed the existing medical terminologies, nomenclatures, coding and classification systems in order to select the most suitable one and apply it in delivering visual analytic tools and reports for the benefit of medical curriculum designers and innovators. A formal description of a particular curriculum of general medicine is based on 1347 learning units covering 7075 learning outcomes. Two data-analytical reports have been developed and discussed, showing how the curriculum is consistent with the MeSH thesaurus and how the MeSH thesaurus can be used to demonstrate interconnectivity of the curriculum through association analysis. Although the MeSH thesaurus is designed mainly to index medical literature and support searching through bibliographic databases, we have proved its use in medical curriculum mapping as being beneficial for curriculum designers and innovators. The presented approach can be followed wherever needed to identify all the mandatory components used for transparent and comprehensive overview of medical curriculum data. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Tides. Ocean Related Curriculum Activities. (United States)

    Marrett, Andrea

    The ocean affects all of our lives. Therefore, awareness of and information about the interconnections between humans and oceans are prerequisites to making sound decisions for the future. Project ORCA (Ocean Related Curriculum Activities) has developed interdisciplinary curriculum materials designed to meet the needs of students and teachers…

  17. Meta-Theory and Curriculum Development. (United States)

    Hartoonian, H. Michael

    Curriculum development in any area should be imbued with a meaning that focuses on the cultural values of motivation, logic, and human relationships. The term "meaning" implies seeing relationships (linguistic, economic, political, moral), understanding logic, and being sensitive to the enduring values of the culture. Curriculum developers and…

  18. Customizing Curriculum with Digital Resources (United States)

    Miller, Jeffrey


    To effectively use digital resources in the classroom, teachers must customize the information, merge it with pre-existing curriculum, differentiate it for diverse student populations, and still meet standards-based learning goals. This article describes a solution to these challenges: the Curriculum Customization Service, which provides access to…

  19. Guidelines for Developing Competency-Based Curriculum. (United States)

    Goodson, Ludy


    Presents guidelines for the development of competency-based curriculum formulated as a result of an automotive mechanics curriculum workshop. Listed are specific guidelines for content development, writing style, and illustration. (LRA)

  20. Re-sourcing curriculum materials : in search of appropriate frameworks for researching the enacted mathematics curriculum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pepin, B.


    This article provides a commentary to the eight papers of this issue of ZDM entitled "Researching the enacted mathematics curriculum." It is structured around three main questions concerning (1) the layers of the curriculum addressed in the eight papers; (2) an identification of the main theoretical

  1. Evaluation of oral microbiology lab curriculum reform. (United States)

    Nie, Min; Gao, Zhen Y; Wu, Xin Y; Jiang, Chen X; Du, Jia H


    According to the updated concept of oral microbiology, the School of Stomatology, Wuhan University, has carried out oral microbiology teaching reforms during the last 5 years. There was no lab curriculum before 2009 except for a theory course of oral microbiology. The school has implemented an innovative curriculum with oral medicine characteristics to strengthen understanding of knowledge, cultivate students' scientific interest and develop their potential, to cultivate the comprehensive ability of students. This study was designed to evaluate the oral microbiology lab curriculum by analyzing student performance and perceptions regarding the curriculum from 2009 to 2013. The lab curriculum adopted modalities for cooperative learning. Students collected dental plaque from each other and isolated the cariogenic bacteria with selective medium plates. Then they purified the enrichment culture medium and identified the cariogenic strains by Gram stain and biochemical tests. Both quantitative and qualitative data for 5 years were analysed in this study. Part One of the current study assessed student performance in the lab from 2009 to 2013. Part Two used qualitative means to assess students' perceptions by an open questionnaire. The 271 study students' grades on oral microbiology improved during the lab curriculum: "A" grades rose from 60.5 to 81.2 %, and "C" grades fell from 28.4 to 6.3 %. All students considered the lab curriculum to be interesting and helpful. Quantitative and qualitative data converge to suggest that the lab curriculum has strengthened students' grasp of important microbiology-related theory, cultivated their scientific interest, and developed their potential and comprehensive abilities. Our student performance and perception data support the continued use of the innovative teaching system. As an extension and complement of the theory course, the oral microbiology lab curriculum appears to improve the quality of oral medicine education and help to

  2. Leading Change in the Primary Science Curriculum (United States)

    Waller, Nicky; Baker, Chris


    Nicky Waller and Chris Baker believe that change can be a good thing and explain how their training has helped others to adjust to the new science curriculum. In September 2013, teachers across England received the definitive version of the new primary curriculum "Leading Change in the Primary Science Curriculum." This course aimed to…

  3. 'Knowledge,' Curriculum and Social Justice (United States)

    Wrigley, Terry


    This article considers the place of knowledge in developing a socially just curriculum. It pursues the unusual route of a critique of Social Realism, a small but influential tendency in curriculum studies which claims that knowledge has been squeezed out by recent curriculum reforms and that there has been a descent into relativism. This paper…

  4. O impacto das redes sociais no marketing: perspectiva portuguesa


    Rosa, Nuno Gonçalo Henriques da


    Mestrado em Marketing As mudanças ocorridas nos últimos anos, no panorama dos media, associados aos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos, originaram novos comportamentos no consumidor. O poder das comunicações das marcas deixou de estar centrada apenas nas iniciativas das empresas, o que permitiu um novo relacionamento das marcas com o consumidor, transformando-o num Prosumer. As Redes Sociais e a importância que as suas plataformas assumem na nossa vida, o que para alguns autores é uma extensão ...

  5. Das, Prof. Gobardhan

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Das, Prof. Gobardhan Ph.D. (Imtech), FNASc. Date of birth: 10 December 1966. Specialization: Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Cell Biology Address: Special Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, U.T.. Contact: Office: (011) 2670 4559, 2673 8824. Residence: (0124) 424 2351

  6. Models for Instruction and Curriculum. (United States)

    Toth, Elizabeth L.


    Proposes three models of course-specific curricula and a content-curriculum model for undergraduate public-relations education, and proposes core and elective areas for a master's of public-relations curriculum. Agrees that public-relations curricula should have a broad liberal arts and science basis, and recommended more attention to ethics,…

  7. The Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum. (United States)

    Krogh, Suzanne

    This textbook provides an outline of an integrated curriculum for early childhood education. Part 1 discusses the human element in school: the child and the teacher and child development. Part 2 contains the curriculum itself and covers the subjects of language, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, and movement. Guidelines provide…

  8. A Substantiation of Macdonald's Models in Science Curriculum Development. (United States)

    Searles, W. E.


    A history and analysis of science curriculum development is presented. Factors which influence the selection and organization of content in a science curriculum are discussed, including Macdonald's curriculum development models, propositions for curriculum development, and changes made in science curricula during the last century. (CJ)

  9. Learners, teachers and curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Karen Bjerg


    of virtual e-learning, interviews with teachers and 10 learner participants in a virtual classroom setting, and discourse analysis of curriculum developed for the particular e-learning course The research has taken place in the context of a study of e-learning and virtual teaching of Danish as a Second...... language for adults. The research results indicate that teachers seem to compensate by trying to create virtual communities of learning. Learners, however, experience disembedded relations. Conversely, curriculum development, on tends to ‘exploit’ the conditions of disembedding social relations in e-learning......, locationally distant”. The aim of the paper is to analyse and discuss how different positions in e-learning settings result in different answers to modernity. These settings can be applied to either teacher, learner or curriculum positions. The research was based on a qualitative longitudinal case study...

  10. The Concept of the Absent Curriculum: The Case of the Muslim Contribution and the English National Curriculum for History (United States)

    Wilkinson, Matthew L. N.


    This paper introduces the concept of the "absent curriculum" on the premise that the study of curriculum has been prone to privileging curricular presence to the exclusion of curricular absence. In order to address this imbalance and to articulate a theory of absence in the curriculum, the paper applies ideas derived from the philosophy…

  11. Materiality and discourse in school curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valero, Paola


    We bring contemporary theoretical approaches to bear on the question of the relationship between the material and the discursive in curriculum studies when researching the effects of power of the school curriculum in generating the inclusion/exclusion of learners. We argue for the need to bring...... of intellectual, social, and economic poverty are organized in the curriculum. Our focus on school mathematics is essential, since this is a curricular area that is seldom approached as a field of cultural politics....

  12. Alternativas técnicas para o controle das alterações dimensionais das resinas acrílicas em prótese total


    GOMEZ Tomas; MORI Matsuyoshi; CORRÊA Gerson de Arruda; MATSON Edmir


    Os autores propõem uma nova técnica para diminuição dos problemas provenientes das alterações dimensionais das resinas acrílicas utilizadas na confecção das próteses totais. Com essa proposta, conseguiu-se praticamente eliminar essas alterações dimensionais tão prejudiciais às próteses totais.

  13. Curriculum changes and moral issues in nursing education. (United States)

    Karseth, Berit


    Through history nursing education has strongly advocated the importance of educating students towards moral and ethical responsibility. In today's society however, it has become increasingly difficult to honour this concern. One peephole to capture the ongoing struggle is to look into the curriculum where different stakeholders voice different opinions. Following a social constructive perspective the curriculum texts represent specific interest among stakeholders related to nursing education in a certain historical periods. By analysing the two last versions of the curriculum we get an insight into moral and ethical issues at stake and different ways of addressing these questions. While moral and ethical issues in the curriculum of 1987 follow a disciplinary discourse emphasising the importance of learning ethical concepts and modes of arguments, the curriculum of 2000 places ethical and moral issues within an employability discourse. In this curriculum moral issues are seen as an obligation linked to students practical and technical skills. The 2000 curriculum represents a shift from emphasising the independent and reflective professional to underline the skillful and morally obliged practitioner.

  14. Guidelines for Curriculum Development. Revised. (United States)

    Kistler, K.; And Others

    The curriculum development process explained in this booklet was first implemented at College of the Redwoods in May 1986 and then revised in June 1989. First, information on the college's Curriculum Committee is provided, indicating that the committee was formed to plan credit/non-credit courses; evaluate and approve additions, modifications, or…

  15. Rethinking the Tertiary Mathematics Curriculum (United States)

    Petocz, Peter; Reid, Anna


    Mathematics curriculum at the tertiary level is located within a range of social and cultural theories, and is often constructed by academics seeking to promulgate a particular view of mathematics. We argue that such a curriculum should incorporate a real acknowledgement of the different ways in which students understand the nature of mathematics…

  16. A educação das crianças menores de três anos na cúpula das américas /oea: direito ou favor? / The education of children under three years of age in the summit of the americas: a right or a favor?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosânia Campos


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem por objetivo discutir as indicações provenientes para educação infantil presentes no Projeto Interamericano de Educação (PIE sob coordenação da Cúpula das Américas/OEA. Para tanto, utilizamos o referencial analítico de políticas de Roger Dale e como metodologia de análise dos documentoselegemos os estudos de Shiroma, Campos e Garcia (2004. Nossas análises evidenciaram um duplo encaminhamento para a organização da educação infantil, isto é, um currículo para as crianças menores de três anos e um outro para a educação das crianças em idade mais próximas da escolaridade obrigatória. O currículo para as crianças menores de três é organizado a partir de duas perspectivas: a idéia de educar as famílias – potencializar o desenvolvimento infantil e a idéia de assistência – educação para saúde e nutrição. Sendo as linhas de ação articuladas a partir de dois pólos: políticas compensatórias e população vulnerável. Ao contemplar a educação infantil seguindo essas perspectivas, o PIE, retira-a da esfera do direito e ratifica concepções curriculares historicamente debatidas pela área.Abstract This text aims to discuss the indications for child education present in the Inter- American Program for Education under the coordination of the Summit of the Americas. For that purpose, analytical reference to Roger Dale’s policies was used and the studies of Shiroma, Campos, and Garcia (2004 were engaged as a methodology for the analysis of documents. Our analyses showed a twofold way for the organization of child education, that is, a curriculum for children under three years of age and another for the education of children aged closer to compulsory education. The curriculum for children under three is organized from two perspectives: the idea of educating their families – promoting child development and the idea of assistance – education oriented to health and nutrition. The lines of

  17. O processo de constituição histórica das diretrizes curriculares na formação de professores de Educação Física The process of historical constitution of curriculum guidelines in the formation of Physical Education teachers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larissa Cerignoni Benites


    Full Text Available Os processos históricos que permeiam as diretrizes curriculares possibilitaram enxergar quais são as idéias e as preocupações para com a formação de professores no âmbito da Educação Física. Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo foi averiguar, nas políticas públicas de formação de professor dessa disciplina, como ocorreu o processo de qualificação e certificação, buscando entender as justificativas que orientaram a regulamentação dos normativos legais de 1939 a 2004. Portanto, trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de análise qualitativa, tendo como fonte primária as Diretrizes Curriculares veiculada pela imprensa oficial. As novas Diretrizes Curriculares (Resoluções CNE/CP 01/2002, 02/2002 e 7/2004 apontaram perspectivas na formação de um professor mais qualificado para o seu campo de atuação, priorizando a questão da dimensão política da profissão, das competências e do corpo de conhecimento da área. Embora haja progressos em relação aos normativos anteriores, chama-se atenção para a necessidade de que as propostas em construção façam a mediação entre a proposta atual, o percurso histórico do próprio curso e a relação teoria-prática, visando o equilíbrio na formação. A proposta das novas diretrizes não deixa de evidenciar avanços significativos no horizonte da profissionalidade docente e da identidade profissional docente. Da mesma forma, para o leitor ou estudioso atento, não deixa de causar preocupação o excesso de competências técnicas colocadas, passando-se a impressão de que agora o que vale é o primado do "saber fazer".The historical processes that permeate curriculum guidelines made it possible to see what are the ideas and concerns in the formation of teachers of Physical Education. In this context, the objective here was of investigating how the qualification and certification processes were developed in the public policies for the education of these teachers, in an attempt to

  18. Planejamento das Atividades de Auditoria Interna na UFSC


    Platt Neto, Orion Augusto; Vieira, Audí Luiz


    Este artigo aborda o planejamento das unidades de auditoria interna que integram o sistema de controle interno do Poder Executivo Federal junto às instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES). O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar noções e instrumentos do planejamento das atividades nas unidades de auditoria interna vinculadas às IFES. Neste sentido, apresenta-se o embasamento normativo, as competências e as atividades das unidades de auditoria interna. Para auxiliar a consec...

  19. Lageroptimierung 2.0: Das Online-WMS


    Wolf, Oliver; Geißen, Tim; Rahn, Jonas; Haselberger, Julia


    Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML unterstützt zahlreiche Unternehmen sowohl bei der Auswahl des richtigen Warehouse Management Systems als auch durch die Entwicklung einer Plattform, die das Anbieten, Mieten und Anwenden logistischer IT-Unterstützung in der Cloud möglich macht. Von »warehouse logistics« zur »Logistics Mall« - vom konventionell betriebenen Warehouse Management System zum WMS aus der Steckdose.

  20. The co-curriculum: Re-defining boundaries of academic spaces

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    citizenship and social justice? Are these issues located within the co-curriculum or ought they to be mainstreamed and explored in the curriculum? Another question about the co-curriculum is about its alignment with government policy. We remember too well what happened when the co-curriculum was aligned with public ...

  1. Teachers' sense-making of curriculum structures and its impact on the implementation of an innovative reform-based science curriculum (United States)

    Beckford-Smart, Meredith

    This study discusses the social interactions involved in teachers' enactment and use of new science curricula. The teachers studied participated in the LiFE program, a university-school partnership, which is an inquiry based science and nutrition education program. In this program fifth and sixth grade students learned science through the study of food. The program used the study of food and food systems to teach life sciences and nutrition through inquiry based studies. Through the partnership teachers received professional development which aimed to deepen their conceptual understandings of life science and develop skills in implementing inquiry-base teaching. Using qualitative research methods of ethnography and narrative inquiry to study teachers' sense-making of messages from curriculum structures, the intention was to explore how teachers' sense-making of these structures guided their classroom practices. Two research questions were addressed: (a) How do teachers make sense of curriculum given their perceptions, their school context and their curricular context; (b) What influence do their identities as science teachers/learners have on their enactment of an innovative science curriculum. I used comparative analysis to examine teacher's beliefs and identities as teachers/learners. In the process of studying these teachers an understanding of how teachers' stories and identities shape their use and enactment of science curriculum came to light. The initial analysis revealed four distinct teacher identities: (a) social responsibility teacher/learner; (b) experiential teacher/learner; (c) supportive institution teacher/learner; and (d) turning point teacher. Besides these distinct teacher identities three cross cutting themes emerged: (a) creating environments conducive to their teaching visions; (b) empowering student through science teaching; and (c) dealing with the uncertainty of teaching. The information gathered from this study will illuminate how these

  2. Ikea das Rendas


    Bergman, Aeron; Salinas, Alejandra


    FIALENA fabric design by Anna Svanfeldt for IKEA of Sweden. It took Maria da Guia 2 months to reproduce the Ikea pattern using traditional Portuguese improvised knots. 2008 Installasjon i Museu das Rendas, Vila do Conde, Portugal, 01.09.2008 - 01.10.2008. Sponsor: City of Villa do Conde.

  3. Implementing Reform: Teachers' Beliefs about Students and the Curriculum (United States)

    Bartiromo, Tara; Etkina, Eugenia


    This paper presents findings on how consistent teachers' perceptions of their students, their own role in the classroom, and the reformed curriculum are with the actual implementation of the reformed curriculum in the classroom. This study shows that the five participating teachers were consistent with their perceptions and their actual behavior in the classroom. The teachers who were engaged in designing the curriculum demonstrated consistent reformed teaching views and behaviors. The degree to which the teachers viewed the curriculum as useful to them and their students was an indicator of how reformed their teaching was as measured by the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) [1][2]. Finally, it was determined that faithful implementation of a curriculum can mean faithfully implementing the theoretical foundation of the curriculum materials during instruction instead of implementing every component or lesson of the reformed curriculum.

  4. Bases para el Curriculum de las Escuelas de Nivel Elemental (Bases for the Elementary School Curriculum). (United States)

    Ministerio de Cultura y Educacion, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Centro National de Documentacion e Informacion Educativa.

    This document proposes a detailed foundation for curriculum planning in grades 1, 2, and 3 in the Argentine elementary schools. The book covers such topics as curriculum objectives, contents and activities, personalization and individualization, socialization and regionalization, quality, organization, and suggestions for subject matter and…

  5. Development of Curriculum of Learning through Photograph (United States)

    Suzuki, Keiko; Aoki, Naokazu; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki

    A curriculum of an integrated learning using power of photography in the junior highschool was constructed, and was experimented in the class "Seminar for Photographic Expression" of the integrated learning at a junior high school. The center of the curriculum is viewing photographs and self-expression using photography. By comparing the results of questionnaires investigation between before and after the class it is suggested that the curriculum brings about increase in self-esteem, empathy, and motivation for learning. This educational effect is really to foster ability to live self-sufficient lives. On the basis of these results curriculums which can be conducted by anyone at every junior highschool were proposed.

  6. Curriculum Change Management and Workload (United States)

    Alkahtani, Aishah


    This study examines the ways in which Saudi teachers have responded or are responding to the challenges posed by a new curriculum. It also deals with issues relating to workload demands which affect teachers' performance when they apply a new curriculum in a Saudi Arabian secondary school. In addition, problems such as scheduling and sharing space…

  7. Large-Scale Curriculum Reform in Finland--Exploring the Interrelation between Implementation Strategy, the Function of the Reform, and Curriculum Coherence (United States)

    Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Soini, Tiina


    The study aims to gain a better understanding of the national large-scale curriculum process in terms of the used implementation strategies, the function of the reform, and the curriculum coherence perceived by the stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland. A large body of school reform literature has shown…

  8. Gastroenterology Curriculum in the Canadian Medical School System. (United States)

    Dang, ThucNhi Tran; Wong, Clarence; Bistritz, Lana


    Background and Purpose. Gastroenterology is a diverse subspecialty that covers a wide array of topics. The preclinical gastroenterology curriculum is often the only formal training that medical students receive prior to becoming residents. There is no Canadian consensus on learning objectives or instructional methods and a general lack of awareness of curriculum at other institutions. This results in variable background knowledge for residents and lack of guidance for course development. Objectives. (1) Elucidate gastroenterology topics being taught at the preclinical level. (2) Determine instructional methods employed to teach gastroenterology content. Results . A curriculum map of gastroenterology topics was constructed from 10 of the medical schools that responded. Topics often not taught included pediatric GI diseases, surgery and trauma, food allergies/intolerances, and obesity. Gastroenterology was taught primarily by gastroenterologists and surgeons. Didactic and small group teaching was the most employed teaching method. Conclusion. This study is the first step in examining the Canadian gastroenterology curriculum at a preclinical level. The data can be used to inform curriculum development so that topics generally lacking are better incorporated in the curriculum. The study can also be used as a guide for further curriculum design and alignment across the country.

  9. Crowdsourced Curriculum Development for Online Medical Education. (United States)

    Shappell, Eric; Chan, Teresa M; Thoma, Brent; Trueger, N Seth; Stuntz, Bob; Cooney, Robert; Ahn, James


    In recent years online educational content, efforts at quality appraisal, and integration of online material into institutional teaching initiatives have increased. However, medical education has yet to develop large-scale online learning centers. Crowd-sourced curriculum development may expedite the realization of this potential while providing opportunities for innovation and scholarship. This article describes the current landscape, best practices, and future directions for crowdsourced curriculum development using Kern's framework for curriculum development and the example topic of core content in emergency medicine. A scoping review of online educational content was performed by a panel of subject area experts for each step in Kern's framework. Best practices and recommendations for future development for each step were established by the same panel using a modified nominal group consensus process. The most prevalent curriculum design steps were (1) educational content and (2) needs assessments. Identified areas of potential innovation within these steps included targeting gaps in specific content areas and developing underrepresented instructional methods. Steps in curriculum development without significant representation included (1) articulation of goals and objectives and (2) tools for curricular evaluation. By leveraging the power of the community, crowd-sourced curriculum development offers a mechanism to diffuse the burden associated with creating comprehensive online learning centers. There is fertile ground for innovation and scholarship in each step along the continuum of curriculum development. Realization of this paradigm's full potential will require individual developers to strongly consider how their contributions will align with the work of others.

  10. Curriculum Development for Enhancing Grade Nine Students' Systems Thinking (United States)

    Hernthaisong, Preeyanan; Sitti, Somsong; Sonsupap, Kanyarat


    The objectives of this research were to study the development of a curriculum for enhancing grade 9 students' cognitive skills using a curriculum based on Systems Thinking Process. There were 3 phases: 1) studying of the problem; 2) development of tentative curriculum; and 3) implementation of the curriculum in a pilot study. The samples were 32…

  11. Leading curriculum change: Reflections on how Abakhwezeli stoked ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Curriculum leadership is a complex and demanding practice, which goes beyond the research and disciplinary expertise of the curriculum leader. Engaging and leading educators in a process of curriculum change is not easy: it can be a difficult, and sometimes chaotic journey which is often characterised by philosophical ...

  12. Uma leitura semiótica das multidões

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    Alexandre Rocha da Silva


    Full Text Available Uma leitura semiótica das multidões tem o objetivo de problematizar as funções do incomensurável na semiose. Tal problematização envolve os problemas da imanência, do primado da mediação que caracteriza o pensamento semiótico contemporâneo e da desconstrução das identidades operada pelas teorias queer. Para tanto, metodologicamente, (1 apresentamos os conceitos de multidão desenvolvidos por Charles Sanders Peirce, Antônio Negri e Michael Hardt; (2 discutimos o caráter descritivo das categorias faneroscópicas de Peirce para propor a Zeroidade como condição e imanência de toda a semiose; (3 identificamos a dupla face – virtual e mediada – da singularidade e (4 demonstramos de que maneira a singularidade, que é uma potência, dá lugar na semiose a identidades. É o caráter indissociável da singularidade, da identidade e das crenças/hábitos que permite a este artigo denunciar falsas dicotomias e afirmar o perspectivismo como horizonte fundamental para os estudos semióticos das multidões.

  13. A statistical analysis of the characteristics of the intended curriculum for Japanese primary science and its relationship to the attained curriculum

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    Kenji Matsubara


    Full Text Available Abstract This study statistically investigates the characteristics of the intended curriculum for Japanese primary science, focusing on the learning content. The study used the TIMSS 2011 Grade 4 Curriculum Questionnaire data as a major source for the learning content prescribed at the national level. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the extent to which a topic area was covered, as compared to the average among the 59 TIMSS 2011 participating countries. The study revealed that the topic areas of “Human Health” and “Changes in Environments,” both in the life science domain, showed statistically less coverage in the Japanese primary science curriculum when compared to the international average. Furthermore, in discussion, the study relates the characteristics found in the intended curriculum to those in the attained curriculum, examining the percent correct statistics for relevant items from the science assessment. Based on these findings, the study proposes two recommendations for revision of the Japanese primary science curriculum.

  14. Kohapärimuslik luule nädalalehes Das Inland / Die Sagendichtung in der Wochenschrift Das Inland

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    Liina Lukas


    Full Text Available Das spätromantische Interesse für Ortsüberlieferungen, angeregt von den “Deutschen Sagen” (1816–1818 der Brüder Grimm, blühte im Baltikum in den 1830er und 1840er Jahren auf und gipfelte – im estnischen Sprachgebiet – in der zweisprachigen Ausgabe des estnischen Nationalepos “Kalevipoeg” / “Kalew’s Sohn” (1857–1861, dem Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald seine Endgestalt gab, aber das von mehreren Sammlern und Bearbeitern geprägt wurde. Literarische Bearbeitungen von Volkssagen fanden schnell ihren Weg in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, in Gedichtbände und Anthologien – oft in modischer Balladenform, die dem mythisch-romantischen Inhalt der Volkssage am besten zu entsprechen schien. Die Blütezeit der Sagendichtung im Baltikum sind die 1840er Jahre, als vor allem in der Zeitschrift „Das Inland“ mehrere dichterischen Bearbeitungen estnischer und lettischer Volkssagen erschienen (von Heinrich Blindner, Otto Dreistern, Eduard Pabst, Minna von Mädler, Theodor Rutenberg, Robert Falck, P. Otto u. a. 1845 erschien hier das nach einer Sage von Friedrich Robert Faehlmann verfasste Gedicht „Koit und Hämarik / Morgenroth und Abendroth“ von Minna von Mädler – fünf Jahre vor der Fassung von Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwalds estnischsprachiger Ballade „Koit ja Hämarik“. Zwischen 1831 und 1836 verfasste Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald seine deutschsprachigen Balladen, von denen „Die Belagerung von Bewerin im Jahre 1207“ 1846 im „Inland“ gedruckt wurde. Das Jahr 1846 kann als „Balladenjahr“ der Zeitschrift bezeichnet werden. Die eigentliche Domäne der deutschbaltischen (lyro-epischen Dichtung ist die historische Ballade, die fußend auf baltischen Chroniken und Familiengeschichten zumeist von Ruinen alter Schlösser und den sie einst bewohnenden historischen Personen und deren Heldentaten berichtet. Doch schon im Jahre 1847 kann man im Inland die Kritik gegenüber diesem Balladenboom vernehmen, u.a. mit dem

  15. Information-Processing Models and Curriculum Design (United States)

    Calfee, Robert C.


    "This paper consists of three sections--(a) the relation of theoretical analyses of learning to curriculum design, (b) the role of information-processing models in analyses of learning processes, and (c) selected examples of the application of information-processing models to curriculum design problems." (Author)

  16. The Gas Laws and the Kinetic Theory: Curriculum Guide for the Thirteen-College Curriculum Program. (United States)

    Daniel, Army; And Others

    This booklet is both a teacher's manual and a student's manual in a series of booklets that make up the core of a Physical Science course designed for the freshman year of college and used by teachers in the 27 colleges participating in the Thirteen College Curriculum Program. This program is a curriculum revision project in support of 13…

  17. Psychological Approaches to Learner Centered Curriculum in Kerala (United States)

    Nath, Baiju K.; Sajitha, P. S.


    The major curricular innovations that have taken place in Kerala secondary education system in recent years is so revolutionary. This paper examines the basic psychological theories of the learner centered curriculum of school education in the state of Kerala. Initially the curriculum was based on the principles of behaviorism. The curriculum then…

  18. Controlling Curriculum Redesign with a Process Improvement Model (United States)

    Drinka, Dennis; Yen, Minnie Yi-Miin


    A portion of the curriculum for a Management Information Systems degree was redesigned to enhance the experiential learning of students by focusing it on a three-semester community-based system development project. The entire curriculum was then redesigned to have a project-centric focus with each course in the curriculum contributing to the…

  19. Diretrizes curriculares do curso de pedagogia no Brasil: disputas de projetos no campo da formação do profissional da educação Curriculum guidelines of the pedagogy course in Brazil: project disputes in the field of the training of education professionals

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    Márcia Angela da S. Aguiar


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, os autores analisam as novas diretrizes curriculares do curso de pedagogia, objeto de normatização do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE, em 2005, a partir do debate feito à luz do acervo de conhecimentos teórico-práticos sistematizados pelas principais entidades do campo educacional (ANFOPE, ANPED, CEDES, FORUMDIR, ANPAE.1 Evidenciam, criticamente, alguns dos problemas e das tensões que marcam a trajetória desse curso ao longo da história da educação brasileira. Focalizam, no âmbito das políticas educacionais, em especial, o movimento dos educadores pela definição das diretrizes curriculares para a formação dos profissionais da Educação Básica, que reflete posições de ordem epistemológica, pedagógica e política atinentes às visões e aos projetos educacionais em disputa, no Brasil, nas últimas décadas. A problematização das diretrizes curriculares concorre para ampliar a compreensão da complexidade do campo da pedagogia e dos desafios teórico-práticos com que as instituições de ensino superior, em particular as universidades, deparam-se para materializar a reforma do curso de pedagogia, na esteira das novas regulamentações legais e na perspectiva de uma formação cidadã.Based on the debate conducted in the light of the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired by the main organisms of the educational field (ANFOPE, ANPED, CEDES, FORUMDIR, ANPAE, the authors analyze the new curriculum guidelines of the pedagogy course, which was regulated by the Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE - Brazilian Council for Education in 2005. They critically highlight some of the problems and tensions that have marked the trajectory of this course along the history of Brazilian education. Within the educational policies, they more particularly focus on the educator movement for the definition of curriculum guidelines for the training of basic education professionals, which reflects some epistemological

  20. Curriculum development in the Netherlands: introduction of tracks in the 2001 curriculum at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. (United States)

    van Beukelen, Peter


    The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht has recently introduced two major curriculum changes in order to keep pace with developments in research (the vast increase in scientific knowledge), in society (the quality awareness of veterinary clients), and in the veterinary profession, where a species and sector differentiation can be observed. After about 15 years during which the curriculum remained more or less unchanged, a radical curriculum revision was introduced in 1995. A further revision, with the introduction of separate study tracks, began in 2001. The 2001 curriculum focuses on academic and scientific training, active learning and problem solving, training in communication and professional behavior, and lifelong learning. It is divided into a four-year core curriculum, in which a broad, cross-species pathobiological insight is central, and a two-year track curriculum, through which students achieve a starting competence in a specific species or sector. The main teaching methods are tutorials and group tasks; practical work is used mainly to achieve specific veterinary skills. Teaching hours represent 30-35% of all study hours. Self-teaching is encouraged by providing study materials, self-teaching questions, teachers assigned to assist with self-teaching, and adequate facilities. The five tracks offered are Companion Animals/Equine; Food Animals; Veterinary Public Health; Veterinary Research; and Veterinary Administration and Management. All students follow a uniform 30-week clinical rotation program, while the track program is 42 weeks. A summary of admission procedures is given, as well as the times and procedures for track selection.


    Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. Graduate School of Education.


  2. Integrating components of culture in curriculum planning

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    Grace Chibiko Offorma


    Full Text Available Culture is seen from different perspectives but the focus of this paper is on the totality of people’s way of life; those things that bind the society together. In this paper, the key concepts of curriculum, culture, and curriculum planning are explained. The components of culture, namely, universals of culture, specialties of culture and alternatives of culture are discussed. Integration is briefly presented and how to integrate culture in the curriculum planning is discussed. This can be done through situational analysis to identify the necessary cultural contents to be included or integrated in the curriculum. Different modes of delivery to be used are role play, dramatization, collaboration, field trips, games and simulation, and other interactive modes that make learning meaningful and worthwhile.

  3. Das perguntas wittgensteinianas à pedagogia das competências: ou desmontando a caixa-preta de Perrenoud

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    Rafael Ferreira de Souza Mendes Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa de mestrado que se propõe a analisar conceitos educacionais e curriculares por meio da filosofia da linguagem elaborada por Ludwig Wittgenstein. Dessa perspectiva, examinamos alguns pressupostos teóricos da chamada pedagogia das competências e interrogamos se esse modelo pedagógico, em nome de pretensa renovação do ensino, não encorajaria a reificação de conceitos mentais concernentes ao processo de aprendizagem. Com este fim, abordamos a reformulação que essa pedagogia oferece a respeito de conceitos como aprender, saber, compreender, destacando as ambiguidades daí decorrentes. Argumenta-se que é possível obter uma leitura mais rigorosa das suas propostas de modernização pedagógica se investigarmos o uso dado a esses conceitos nos jogos de linguagem em que eles são mobilizados. Wittgenstein, na segunda fase de sua produção intelectual, mostrou como a negligência linguística à dinâmica que dá significado aos conceitos e metáforas referentes à nossa vida mental fez com que diversas filosofias assumissem um perfil metafísico. Este artigo não apenas examina como um fenômeno análogo pode ocorrer no campo pedagógico, como também defende que as ferramentas analíticas construídas por Wittgenstein podem ser usadas contra os diferentes dogmatismos pedagógicos. Desse modo, o artigo aponta vias alternativas de problematização acerca do significado das reformas dos sistemas escolares que têm buscado fundamentos naquela pedagogia.

  4. Das DELA-NOBA Projekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daryai-Hansen, Petra; Meister, Maive; Tonello, Elisa


    in the English language classroom in Argentina and Denmark var et delprojekt under et større internationalt samarbejde, koordineret af Michael Byram, og belyste, hvordan interkulturelt medborgerskab kan styrkes i grundskolens læringsrum (Byram et al. under udgivelse). Grundidéen i interkulturelle......Artiklen præsenterer et udviklings- og forskningsprojekt på Randersgades Skole. I projektet deltog elever fra 7.v og en 5./6. klasse fra Argentina i et arrangeret kultur- og sprogmøde inden for rammerne af deres engelskundervisning. Projektet Green Kidz. Intercultural environmental citizenship...... langues-Ansatz noch weitreichend unbekannt. Das Projekt Developing the Language Awareness/ Éveil aux langues Approach in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DELA- NOBA), das von 2013 bis 2016 von NordPlus Horizontal finanziert wird, etabliert eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Universitäten und Pilotschulen aus...




  6. Curriculum at the Interface

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This Symposium presents curriculum design and content issues in a Scandinavian business school at its Centenary. The aim is an exploration of an educational institution at the interface of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) within the historical trends of the European Union. We hope...... of interdisciplinarity, use of text production as a tool in support of project and thesis writing, and the use of plurilingual content based teaching in a cooperative learning model for European studies. The history of one curriculum model initiated to educate better citizens, combining interdisciplinary methods...

  7. Curriculum and Law: An Elaboration of the Analogy. (United States)

    Orpwood, Graham W. F.

    A new conceptualization of the curriculum field is offered that is based on an analogy with the field of law. The conceptualization is able to account for the existence in curriculum of a variety of differing normative curriculum theories. Two theories of law (natural law and legal positivism) are described and shown to have exact counterparts in…

  8. Tendências temporais e espaciais da qualidade das águas superficiais da sub-bacia do Rio das Velhas, estado de Minas Gerais

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    Ana Laura Cerqueira Trindade

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma análise da tendência temporal e espacial da qualidade das águas superficiais da sub-bacia do Rio das Velhas, inserida na bacia do Rio São Francisco, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram analisados 16.625 dados coletados no período de 2002 a 2011 pelo programa de monitoramento de qualidade das águas superficiais efetuado pelo Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas (Igam. Testes estatísticos, multivariados e não paramétricos foram utilizados para avaliar 11 variáveis físicas, químicas e microbiológicas de 29 estações de monitoramento. Os resultados das análises de tendência Mann-Kendall/Sazonal de Mann-Kendall sugeriram que a maioria dos cursos d'água da região apresentam valores estáveis das variáveis ao longo do período estudado, com maiores alterações associadas a coliformes termotolerantes, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, nitrato e índice de qualidade das águas (IQA, principalmente nas proximidades dos grandes centros urbanos. A análise de Cluster definiu três grandes grupos de estações de monitoramento, agrupadas segundo a qualidade de suas águas, correspondentes aos níveis de alta poluição, poluição moderada e baixa poluição. No entanto, ao longo de toda a sub-bacia, foi observada a degradação da qualidade da água durante o período estudado, principalmente relacionada ao lançamento de esgotos domésticos. Uma importante constatação foi a alteração da qualidade da água no baixo Rio das Velhas, apontada pela tendência de redução do IQA em estações localizadas nessa região, o que merece atenção dos órgãos governamentais para ações de manejo.

  9. Tendências temporais e espaciais da qualidade das águas superficiais da sub-bacia do Rio das Velhas, estado de Minas Gerais

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    Ana Laura Cerqueira Trindade


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma análise da tendência temporal e espacial da qualidade das águas superficiais da sub-bacia do Rio das Velhas, inserida na bacia do Rio São Francisco, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram analisados 16.625 dados coletados no período de 2002 a 2011 pelo programa de monitoramento de qualidade das águas superficiais efetuado pelo Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas (Igam. Testes estatísticos, multivariados e não paramétricos foram utilizados para avaliar 11 variáveis físicas, químicas e microbiológicas de 29 estações de monitoramento. Os resultados das análises de tendência Mann-Kendall/Sazonal de Mann-Kendall sugeriram que a maioria dos cursos d'água da região apresentam valores estáveis das variáveis ao longo do período estudado, com maiores alterações associadas a coliformes termotolerantes, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, nitrato e índice de qualidade das águas (IQA, principalmente nas proximidades dos grandes centros urbanos. A análise de Cluster definiu três grandes grupos de estações de monitoramento, agrupadas segundo a qualidade de suas águas, correspondentes aos níveis de alta poluição, poluição moderada e baixa poluição. No entanto, ao longo de toda a sub-bacia, foi observada a degradação da qualidade da água durante o período estudado, principalmente relacionada ao lançamento de esgotos domésticos. Uma importante constatação foi a alteração da qualidade da água no baixo Rio das Velhas, apontada pela tendência de redução do IQA em estações localizadas nessa região, o que merece atenção dos órgãos governamentais para ações de manejo.

  10. General or Vocational Curriculum: LD Preference (United States)

    Dupoux, Errol


    This study assessed the perceptions of high school students with learning disabilities about the suitability or preference of an academic or vocational curriculum. Students were administered the Vocational Academic Choice Survey (VACS), designed to measure students' perceptions of which curriculum is more suitable for them. Results revealed that a…

  11. Students' Perspectives on LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum (United States)

    Snapp, Shannon D.; Burdge, Hilary; Licona, Adela C.; Moody, Raymond L.; Russell, Stephen T.


    Implementing curriculum that is inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) people has the potential to create an equitable learning environment. In order to learn more about students' experiences of LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, 26 high school students with diverse racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender identities…

  12. Digestive oncologist in the gastroenterology training curriculum (United States)

    Mulder, Chris Jacob Johan; Peeters, Marc; Cats, Annemieke; Dahele, Anna; Droste, Jochim Terhaar sive


    Until the late 1980s, gastroenterology (GE) was considered a subspecialty of Internal Medicine. Today, GE also incorporates Hepatology. However, Digestive Oncology training is poorly defined in the Hepatogastroenterology (HGE)-curriculum. Therefore, a Digestive Oncology curriculum should be developed and this document might be a starting point for such a curriculum. HGE-specialists are increasingly resisting the paradigm in which they play only a diagnostic and technical role in the management of digestive tumors. We suggest minimum end-points in the standard HGE-curriculum for oncology, and recommend a focus year in the Netherlands for Digestive Oncology in the HGE-curriculum. To produce well-trained digestive oncologists, an advanced Digestive Oncology training program with specific qualifications in Digestive Oncology (2 years) has been developed. The schedule in Belgium includes a period of at least 6 mo to be spent in a medical oncology department. The goal of these programs remains the production of well-trained digestive oncologists. HGE specialists are part of the multidisciplinary oncological teams, and some have been administering chemotherapy in their countries for years. In this article, we provide a road map for the organization of a proper training in Digestive Oncology. We hope that the World Gastroenterology Organisation and other (inter)national societies will support the necessary certifications for this specific training in the HGE-curriculum. PMID:21556128

  13. Energy Management Curriculum Starter Kit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turner, W.C.


    The Energy Management Curriculum Starter Kit was designed to help engineering educators develop and teach energy management courses. Montana State University and Oklahoma State University courses are embodied in the model curriculum given. The curricula offered at many other universities throughout the United States are also presented. The kit was designed specifically to train engineering students to be good energy managers. Courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level are presented.

  14. Impact of the Curriculum Reform on Problem Solving Ability in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An ex post facto study was conducted to examine the effect of the curriculum reform on 60 Dilla University chemistry education students' problem solving ability. The study shows that the curriculum reform that shifted university introductory courses of the old curriculum into preparatory school levels in the new curriculum ...

  15. Sarma, Prof. Dipankar Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Fellowship. Fellow Profile. Elected: 1993 Section: Chemistry. Sarma, Prof. Dipankar Das Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS Council Service: 2016-. Date of birth: 15 September 1955. Specialization: Strongly Interacting Electron Systems, Disordered Systems, Nanomaterials and Energy Materials Address: Professor ...

  16. Curriculum Q-Learning for Visual Vocabulary Acquisition


    Zaidi, Ahmed H.; Moore, Russell; Briscoe, Ted


    The structure of curriculum plays a vital role in our learning process, both as children and adults. Presenting material in ascending order of difficulty that also exploits prior knowledge can have a significant impact on the rate of learning. However, the notion of difficulty and prior knowledge differs from person to person. Motivated by the need for a personalised curriculum, we present a novel method of curriculum learning for vocabulary words in the form of visual prompts. We employ a re...

  17. Scientific Skills and Processes in Curriculum Resources (United States)

    Kremer, Joe


    Increasingly, the science education community has recognized the need for curriculum resources that support student development of authentic scientific practices, rather than focusing exclusively on content knowledge. This paper proposes a tool for teachers and researchers to assess the degree to which certain curriculum resources and lessons achieve this goal. After describing a method for reflecting on and categorizing curriculum resources, I apply the method to highlight differences across three teaching methods: Modeling Instruction, Physics Union Mathematics, and a traditional, lecture-based approach.

  18. A Prospective Curriculum Using Visual Literacy. (United States)

    Hortin, John A.

    This report describes the uses of visual literacy programs in the schools and outlines four categories for incorporating training in visual thinking into school curriculums as part of the back to basics movement in education. The report recommends that curriculum writers include materials pertaining to: (1) reading visual language and…

  19. Anatomy of a Bible Course Curriculum. (United States)

    Paterson, Frances R. A.


    Examines case law on the subject of Bible instruction in the public schools, offers a detailed analysis and critique of the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools curriculum, and provides suggestions for public schools contemplating adding a course on the Bible to their curricula. (Contains 89 references.) (Author/PKP)

  20. The Reformulation of National Identity in the New Taiwanese Citizenship Curriculum through the Lens of Curriculum Reformers (United States)

    Hung, Cheng-Yu


    The national curriculum reformers, regarded as members of the social elites and intellectuals, projected their vision of identity onto the curriculum which they constructed and influenced the next generation's national consciousness. In the tangled relationship between politics and education, the selection of the reformers in a sense dictates the…

  1. Curriculum enrichment through indigenous Zulu games | Roux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Curriculum enrichment through indigenous Zulu games. ... 1997). The aim of the study was to document and analyze indigenous Zulu games for possible curriculum enrichment of physical ... AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL.

  2. Problem Based Learning, curriculum development and change ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Problem Based Learning, curriculum development and change process at ... was started in 1924 and has been running a traditional curriculum for 79 years. ... Methods: The stages taken during the process were described and analysed.

  3. Teachers' knowledge about language in mathematics professional development courses : From an intended curriculum to a curriculum in action

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maaike Hajer; Eva Norén


    Explicit language objectives are included in the Swedish national curriculum for mathematics. The curriculum states that students should be given opportunities to develop the ability to formulate problems, use and analyse mathematical concepts and relationships between concepts, show and follow

  4. Bridging Innovation and Curriculum in Higher Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Fenzhi; Kolmos, Anette; Du, Xiangyun


    As innovation is seen as a key factor in economic competitiveness, graduates who can contribute to and participate in innovation are in great need.. Higher education is confronted with the demands that the curriculum practice and learning environments should facilitate innovation and competences...... for innovation. Problem and project based learning has been seen as a strategy for renewing the teaching practice and the learning environment by integrating the competence demands of the curriculum and of work life during the process of education. However, the integrations of innovation into curriculum...... are minor in the problem and project based learning (PBL) literature. Based on theoretical reflections and practical cases in Aalborg University (Denmark), this article presents the basis of PBL knowledge and curriculum conceptualization, and explores a case experience which bridges innovation and PBL...

  5. Do We Need a National Standards-Based K-12 Deaf Studies Curriculum? An Analytic History of Trends and Discourse in Development of Deaf Studies Curriculum (United States)

    Zernovoj, Alexander


    This study provides a complete review of discussion and development leading up to the current trends in Deaf Studies curriculum development, and also analyzes existing known curriculum (or curriculum-like) materials to help inform development of an ideal standards-based Deaf Studies curriculum. The common shared arguments identified in this…

  6. Auditoria de enfermagem: o impacto das anotaçóes de enfermagem no contexto das glosas hospitalares


    Ferreira, Tânia S; de Souza-Braga, André Luiz; Cavalcanti-Valente, Geilsa Soraia; Ferreira de Souza, Deise; Moreira Carvalho-Alves, Enilda


    Este estudo tratou da nossa observação frente ao impacto das anotações de enfermagem no contexto das glosas hospitalares. Nesta perspectiva, a pesquisa se norteia pela seguinte questão: como o profissional de enfermagem pode contribuir através dos registros para não ocorrência da glosa? Temos como objetivo identificar o impacto causado pelo não registro de enfermagem contrapondo às eventuais glosas, evidenciando os principais tipos decorrentes destes registros. Metodologicamente a pesquisa ut...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    - Prihantini


    Full Text Available Abstract:. This study is based on various issues of Curriculum 2013, both in terms of teacher readiness to accept the Curriculum 2013, an understanding of the idea of Curriculum 2013, as well as in the implementation of teaching and learning. In the curriculum development theory, curriculum ideas are an important component that the curriculum development team needs to understand, so that the development of curriculum documents composed reflects continuity with curriculum ideas. The purpose of this study is to describe and explore the understanding of principals and teachers about the idea of Curriculum 2013 and its consistency on developing Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP at elementary school in Sukalarang sub-district, Sukabumi regency. The research method applied is qualitative research with descriptive exploratory approach. The conclusions of the study are: (1 the understanding of principals and teachers about the idea of the  Curriculum 2013 at the know stage, the understanding that curriculum ideas have consistency in the development of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP document is not yet owned; (2 the development of KTSP document shows no consistency between the idea of Curriculum 2013 with the documents of Book I KTSP, Book II KTSP, and Book III KTSP; (3 the problems faced by school principals and teachers in relation to the Curriculum 2013 is assessment of learning, both with regard to the techniques and types of assessment and techniques of administering the results of the assessment.Recommendations are proposed to policy makers that training strategies need to be changed from "theory oriented" to "practice oriented" and need to be varied in implementation at the Kecamatan or Cluster levels and enhanced effectiveness of curriculum counseling 2013. For principals and teachers expected to disseminate the 2013 Curriculum should be supported by presenting expert resources during the workshop, Principal Working Group (K3S and

  8. Enquiring Minds: A "Radical" Curriculum Project? (United States)

    Morgan, John


    This article focuses on Enquiring Minds, a three-year curriculum development project funded by Microsoft as part of its Partners in Learning programme and run by Futurelab. The article suggests that the project is best understood as an example of a new type of "curriculum entrepreneurialism" that is impatient with the traditional…

  9. Dissect, Design, and Customize the Curriculum (United States)

    Tienken, Christopher H.


    Education bureaucrats in 45 states have approved the Common Core State Standards ([CCSS], 2010) as the de facto national curriculum. The implementation of the CCSS will be monitored by a national standardized test in language arts and mathematics. The confluence of a standardized curriculum enforced with a standardized test will entrench a…

  10. Dental Curriculum Development in Developing Countries. (United States)

    Phantumvanit, Prathip


    Since establishment of formal dental education in Southeast Asia, changes stemming from research and technology have led to dental curriculum changes. Development of the dental curriculum can be divided into three phases: disease oriented; health oriented; and community oriented. Evolution of these phases is traced in the dental curricula of Laos,…

  11. Curriculum-based neurosurgery digital library. (United States)

    Langevin, Jean-Philippe; Dang, Thai; Kon, David; Sapo, Monica; Batzdorf, Ulrich; Martin, Neil


    Recent work-hour restrictions and the constantly evolving body of knowledge are challenging the current ways of teaching neurosurgery residents. To develop a curriculum-based digital library of multimedia content to face the challenges in neurosurgery education. We used the residency program curriculum developed by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons to structure the library and Microsoft Sharepoint as the user interface. This project led to the creation of a user-friendly and searchable digital library that could be accessed remotely and throughout the hospital, including the operating rooms. The electronic format allows standardization of the content and transformation of the operating room into a classroom. This in turn facilitates the implementation of a curriculum within the training program and improves teaching efficiency. Future work will focus on evaluating the efficacy of the library as a teaching tool for residents.

  12. Staying afloat: surviving curriculum change. (United States)

    Brady, Debra; Welborn-Brown, Pauline; Smith, Debra; Giddens, Jean; Harris, Judith; Wright, Mary; Nichols, Ruth


    In response to calls for nursing education reform, a content-based curriculum was changed to a concept-based curriculum, using Kanter's 7 skills for effective change model. The skills include tuning in to the environment, challenging the prevailing organizational wisdom, communicating a compelling aspiration, building coalitions, transferring ownership to a working team, learning to persevere, and making everyone a hero. The authors describe the steps taken to successfully accomplish this arduous task.

  13. Core curriculum illustration: rib fractures. (United States)

    Dunham, Gregor M; Perez-Girbes, Alexandre; Linnau, Ken F


    This is the 24th installment of a series that will highlight one case per publication issue from the bank of cases available online as part of the American Society of Emergency Radiology (ASER) educational resources. Our goal is to generate more interest in and use of our online materials. To view more cases online, please visit the ASER Core Curriculum and Recommendations for Study online at .

  14. Business ethics across the curriculum?


    Brinkmann, Johannes; Sims, Ronald R.; Nelson, Lawrence J.


    This is the authors’ final, accepted and refereed manuscript to the article. This article describes and discusses team teaching and particularly guest lectures as a way of integrating ethics into the business curriculum. After a brief discussion of business school responsibilities and the teaching of ethics, the article looks at efforts to integrate the teaching of ethics across the curriculum. Then, findings from a small pilot study among business ethics and business school co...

  15. Das IHS und die Rolle der Forschungsinstitute


    Keuschnigg, Christian


    Das Institut für Höhere Studien und wissenschaftliche Forschung (IHS) ist ein unabhängiges Forschungsinstitut und leistet Forschung und Ausbildung auf Spitzenniveau für Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Im Wettbewerb zwischen Universitäten und angewandten Forschungsinstituten ist das IHS einzigartig, weil es unter einem Dach Grundlagenforschung und forschungsnahe Lehre mit angewandter Forschung für die wissenschaftliche Politikberatung verbindet. Mit den drei Disziplinen Ökonomie, Soziolo...

  16. MiDAS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McIlroy, Simon Jon; Kirkegaard, Rasmus Hansen; McIlroy, Bianca

    A deep understanding of the microbial communities and dynamics in wastewater treatment systems is a powerful tool for process optimization and design (Rittmann et al., 2006). With the advent of amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, the diversity within the microbial communities can now...... web platform about the microbes in activated sludge and their associated ADs. The MiDAS taxonomy proposes putative names for each genus-level-taxon that can be used as a common vocabulary for all researchers in the field....

  17. Evolution of Singapore's School Mathematics Curriculum (United States)

    Kaur, Berinderjeet


    The evolution of Singapore's school mathematics curriculum is in tandem with developments in the education system of Singapore. In the last six decades, economic policies of the government that are necessary for the survival of Singapore in a fast changing world have shaped the aims of the school mathematics curriculum. The present day curriculum…

  18. Hydrogen Technology and Energy Curriculum (HyTEC)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagle, Barbara


    The Lawrence Hall of Science of the University of California, Berkeley has collaborated with scientists and engineers, a local transit agency, school districts, and a commercial curriculum publisher to develop, field-test nationally, and publish a two-week curriculum module on hydrogen and fuel cells for high school science. Key partners in this project are the Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC) of Humboldt State University, the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), FilmSight Productions, Lab-Aids, Inc., and 32 teachers and 2,370 students in field-test classrooms in California, Connecticut, Ohio, New York, South Carolina, and Washington. Field-test teachers received two to three days of professional development before teaching the curriculum and providing feedback used for revision of the curriculum. The curriculum, titled Investigating Alternative Energy: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and published by Lab-Aids, Inc., includes a teachers guide (with lesson plans, resources, and student handout pages), two interactive computer animations, a video, a website, and a laboratory materials kit. The project has been disseminated to over 950 teachers through awareness workshops at state, regional, and national science teacher conferences.

  19. The Hegemonic Curriculum and School Dropout: The Newfoundland Case. (United States)

    Gedge, Joseph L.


    Confronted by a disturbing dropout rate and low student achievement, the Newfoundland (Canada) government is attempting to rationalize organizational restructuring and curriculum reform based on a centralized core academic curriculum aimed at college entrance. This article argues for an expanded, hegemonic curriculum that is organic to the…

  20. Curriculum leadership in action : A tale of four community college Heads of Department leading a curriculum development project

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albashiry, N.M.; Voogt, J.M.; Pieters, J.M.


    College Heads of Department (HoDs) are increasingly expected to perform more curriculum-leadership tasks, maintaining and advancing the department curriculum, especially in developing countries. However, in practice, HoDs are reported to pay little attention to this aspect of their job due to

  1. Curriculum Leadership in Action: A Tale of Four Community College Heads of Department Leading a Curriculum-Development Project

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albashiry, Nabeel; Voogt, Joke; Pieters, Julius Marie


    College Heads of Department (HoDs) are increasingly expected to perform more curriculum-leadership tasks, maintaining and advancing the department curriculum, especially in developing countries. However, in practice, HoDs are reported to pay little attention to this aspect of their job due to

  2. A Development Curriculum Plan To Achieve a Sequenced Curriculum between High School Courses in Automotive Mechanics and the Mattatuck Community College Automotive Technician Program. Final Report. (United States)

    Mattatuck Community Coll., Waterbury, CT.

    This document contains a developmental curriculum plan for an articulated curriculum in automotive mechanics for Connecticut's Mattatuck Community College and area high schools. The curriculum guide includes a course description, criteria for evaluation, attendance policy, objectives, a curriculum outline, a three-part automotive technician test,…

  3. Medical humanities in the undergraduate medical curriculum. (United States)

    Supe, Avinash


    The medical humanities have been introduced in medical curricula over the past 30 years in the western world. Having medical humanities in a medical school curriculum can nurture positive attitudes in the regular work of a clinician and contribute equally to personality development. Though substantial evidence in favour of a medical humanities curriculum may be lacking, the feedback is positive. It is recommended that medical humanities be introduced into the curriculum of every medical school with the purpose of improving the quality of healthcare, and the attitudes of medical graduates.

  4. Humanitarian engineering in the engineering curriculum (United States)

    Vandersteen, Jonathan Daniel James

    There are many opportunities to use engineering skills to improve the conditions for marginalized communities, but our current engineering education praxis does not instruct on how engineering can be a force for human development. In a time of great inequality and exploitation, the desire to work with the impoverished is prevalent, and it has been proposed to adjust the engineering curriculum to include a larger focus on human needs. This proposed curriculum philosophy is called humanitarian engineering. Professional engineers have played an important role in the modern history of power, wealth, economic development, war, and industrialization; they have also contributed to infrastructure, sanitation, and energy sources necessary to meet human need. Engineers are currently at an important point in time when they must look back on their history in order to be more clear about how to move forward. The changing role of the engineer in history puts into context the call for a more balanced, community-centred engineering curriculum. Qualitative, phenomenographic research was conducted in order to understand the need, opportunity, benefits, and limitations of a proposed humanitarian engineering curriculum. The potential role of the engineer in marginalized communities and details regarding what a humanitarian engineering program could look like were also investigated. Thirty-two semi-structured research interviews were conducted in Canada and Ghana in order to collect a pool of understanding before a phenomenographic analysis resulted in five distinct outcome spaces. The data suggests that an effective curriculum design will include teaching technical skills in conjunction with instructing about issues of social justice, social location, cultural awareness, root causes of marginalization, a broader understanding of technology, and unlearning many elements about the role of the engineer and the dominant economic/political ideology. Cross-cultural engineering development

  5. Curriculum Review Process in the Context of ZIMASSET: Possible ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... structures in implementing the CIET proposed school curriculum. On two different diagrams, the paper shows how the CIET structure could bring about a relevant and appropriate curriculum for the Zimbabwean school objectives for the 21st Century – the psychomotor skills centred curriculum. The two structures raise vital ...

  6. Bringing Curriculum Theory and Didactics Together: A Deweyan Perspective (United States)

    Deng, Zongyi


    Using Dewey's method of resolution for resolving a dualism exemplified in "The Child and the Curriculum," this article reconciles and brings together two rival schools of thought--curriculum theory and didactics--in China. The central thesis is that the rapprochement requires a reconceptualisation of curriculum theory and didactics in…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fadli Irsyad


    Full Text Available Degradasi lahan merupakan penyebab utama tingginya runoff dibandingkan dengan faktor lainnya. Perubahan tata guna lahan yang terjadi pada suatu kawasan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan kondisi catchment area dan dapat menyebabkan perubahan aliran permukaan (runoff.  Jika limpasan yang terjadi saat hujan kecil dan infiltrasi air ke dalam tanah besar, maka air terlebih dahulu disimpan di dalam tanah sehingga akan meningkatkan ketersediaan air tanah. DAS Kuanji merupakan salah satu DAS di Kota Padang yang memiliki luas 202,7 km2 dan terdiri dari 5 sub-DAS. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kawasan DAS Kuranji yang secara geografis terletak pada 100o20’31,20” – 100o33’50.40” BT dan 00o55’59.88” - 00o47’24” LS. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – Juni 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan aplikasi open sources software MapWindows GIS 4.8 RC1 (4.8.1 dari  Tahapan awal dalam penelitian ini yakni pengumpuan data, analisis SWAT di DAS Kuranji, dan penentuan wilayah konservasi DAS Kuranji. Hasil peneltian yang menggunakan MWSWAT untuk DAS Kuranji didapatkan HRU DAS sebanyak 2.034 HRU. Limpasan terbesar yang terjadi yakni 84 mm dengan luasan 75,195 ha, dan tersebar di empat kecamatan (Pauh, Padang Utara, Nanggalo, dan Kototengah. Wilayah konservasi yang direkomendasikan yakni  Limau Manih (81,56 ha, Lambung Bukit (42,27 ha, Gunung Sarik (86,32 ha, Kuranji (60,20 ha, dan Lubuk Minturun (64,45 ha. Kata kunci: Alih Fungsi Lahan,  DAS Kuranji, Konservasi, Limpasan, MWSWAT.

  8. Does Curriculum 2005 promote successful learning of elementary algebra?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelis Vermeulen


    Full Text Available This article reviews literature, previous to the development of Curriculum 2005, describing possible causes and solutions for learners’ poor performance in algebra. It then analyses the Revised National Curriculum Statement for Mathematics in an attempt to determine whether it addresses these causes and suggested solutions. This analysis finds that the curriculum to a large extent does address them, but that some are either not addressed, or addressed only implicitly. Consequently, Curriculum 2005 may only partly promote successful learning of elementary algebra.

  9. Designing Research in Environmental Education Curriculum Policy ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There is increasing dissatisfaction at many levels with existing environmental education curricula in southern Africa. The resulting change and innovation is opening up possibilities for innovative research into the construction, conceptualisation and implementation of the curriculum. However, researching the curriculum ...

  10. Can curriculum managers' reflections produce new strategies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    managers) who used Moodle visions to manage their school curriculum at a school in Durban, South Africa. The curriculum managers' main aim of using Moodle was to improve teacher and learner performance. The purpose of the study was to ...

  11. Systems Approach to Japanese Language Teacher Training Curriculum


    Nuibe, Yoshinori


    The purpose of the present article is to present a conceptual framework for systematizing the Japanese-language teacher training curriculum. Firstly, I discussed what an outstanding Japanese language teacher is like. Secondly, I focussed on teacher development. Thirdly, I proposed the principles of constructing a systematic curriculum. Lastly, I insisted that a new curriculum for human dynamics in Japanese be introduced and established in the Japanese language teacher training course.

  12. Building a Competency-Based Curriculum in Social Work Education (United States)

    Bracy, Wanda


    The focus on competency in social work education makes the development of a competency-based curriculum critical. This article describes an approach to curriculum building taking into account the integration, coherency, and integrity of such a curriculum. A presentation of how performance outcomes are fundamental to the relationship between the…

  13. Food Technology on the School Curriculum in England: Is It a Curriculum for the Twenty-First Century? (United States)

    Rutland, Marion; Owen-Jackson, Gwyneth


    In England, food technology is part of the curriculum for design and technology but the purpose of food technology education is not clear. Over the years, food on the school curriculum has generally been seen as a practical, learning to cook, activity initially for girls to prepare them for domestic employment or housewifery. As society has…

  14. Uncovering Portuguese teachers’ difficulties in implementing sciences curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clara Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Many countries recognize the positive and effective results of improving science education through the introduction of reforms in the sciences curriculum. However, some important issues are generally neglected like, for example, the involvement of the teachers in the reform process. Taking the sciences curriculum reform under analysis and benefitting from 10 years of teachers’ experiences in teaching sciences based on this curriculum, 19 semi-structure interviews were applied so as to identify the major difficulties felt by science teachers when implementing the Portuguese sciences curriculum in the third cycle of middle school (pupils’ age range of 12–15. Some of the difficulties depicted by the data analysis include: length of the curriculum, lack of time, unsuitable laboratory facilities, insufficient means and materials for experimental work, pupils’ indiscipline and little interest in learning sciences. Although less frequently mentioned, the lack of professional development was also referred to as a constraint that seems to play an essential role in this process. Some recommendations for improving the success of sciences curriculum reforms’ implementation are given: defining and conceptualizing curricular policies by relating the reality of both the schools and the science classrooms; reorganizing and restructuring pre-service teachers’ courses; organizing professional development courses for in-service teachers.

  15. Integrating gender into a basic medical curriculum.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verdonk, P.; Mans, L.J.L.; Lagro-Janssen, A.L.M.


    INTRODUCTION: In 1998, gaps were found to exist in the basic medical curriculum of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre regarding health-related gender differences in terms of biological, psychological and social factors. After screening the curriculum for language, content and context,

  16. Teacher and Lay Participation in Local Curriculum Change Considerations. (United States)

    Schaffarzick, Jon

    This study examines the roles of teachers and citizens in decision-making related to curriculum planning and change. Interviews were conducted with persons involved in curriculum decision-making in 34 school districts in order to ascertain how they determined whether or not to make elementary-level curriculum changes. The rational and political…

  17. The sick-building syndrome; Das Sick-Building-Syndrom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henne, A.; Neumann, H.F.; Winneke, G.


    The sick-building syndrome is characterized by the presence of general, non-specific symptoms (e.g., headache, tiredness, respiratory problems, eye trouble, vertigo, nausea, unspecific hypersensitivity) in association with a particular indoor ambience. It is clearly distinguishable from `building-related illness`, referring to a well-defined clinical syndrome due to staying in a building and for which a cause can, in general, be established. Disorders in the case of the sick-building syndrome are manifold and confirmed objectifiable results are hardly available so far. Yet there are some organ-related methods for the confirmation of findings concerning, for instance, the eyes, the skin and the area of the nose. The causes of the incidence of sick-building syndrome are more or less unclear. It is a multifactorial phenomenon involving physical, biological, chemical, individual-specific and psychological factors. Buildings where sick-building syndrome occurs typically exhibit certain properties. The European Community has already made proposals for the investigation of incriminated buildings. A systematic survey by questionnaire together with individual interviews plays an import part towards clarifying the syndrome. (orig./UWA) [Deutsch] Das Sick-Building-Syndrom beschreibt das Vorhandensein von allgemeinen, nicht spezifischen Symptomen (z.B. Kopfschmerzen, Muedigkeit, Atembeschwerden, Augenreizungen, Schwindelgefuehl, Uebelkeit, unspezifische Ueberempfindlichkeit), assoziiert mit einer besonderen Innenraumumgebung. Deutlich hiervon abzugrenzen ist die ``Building related illness``, bei der ein klinisch definiertes Krankheitsbild vorliegt, das durch den Aufenthalt im Gebaeude verursacht wird und fuer das im allgemeinen eine Ursache ermittelt werden kann. Das Beschwerdebild beim Sick-Building-Syndrom ist vielfaeltig, und gesicherte, objektivierbare Befunde liegen hierzu bisher kaum vor. Dennoch gibt es einige organbezogenen Methoden zur Befundabsicherung, z.B. fuer das

  18. Georgia science curriculum alignment and accountability: A blueprint for student success (United States)

    Reining-Gray, Kimberly M.

    Current trends and legislation in education indicate an increased dependency on standardized test results as a measure for learner success. This study analyzed test data in an effort to assess the impact of curriculum alignment on learner success as well as teacher perceptions of the changes in classroom instruction due to curriculum alignment. Qualitative and quantitative design methods were used to determine the impact of science curriculum alignment in grades 9-12. To determine the impact of science curriculum alignment from the Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) test data and teacher opinion surveys from one Georgia School system were examined. Standardized test scores before and after curriculum alignment were analyzed as well as teacher perception survey data regarding the impact of curriculum change. A quantitative teacher perception survey was administered to science teachers in the school system to identify significant changes in teacher perceptions or teaching strategies following curriculum realignment. Responses to the survey were assigned Likert scale values for analysis purposes. Selected teachers were also interviewed using panel-approved questions to further determine teacher opinions of curriculum realignment and the impact on student success and teaching strategies. Results of this study indicate significant changes related to curriculum alignment. Teachers reported a positive change in teaching strategies and instructional delivery as a result of curriculum alignment and implementation. Student scores also showed improvement, but more research is recommended in this area.

  19. Money matters: a resident curriculum for financial management. (United States)

    Mizell, Jason S; Berry, Katherine S; Kimbrough, Mary Katherine; Bentley, Frederick R; Clardy, James A; Turnage, Richard H


    A 2005 survey reported 87% of surgery program directors believed practice management training should occur during residency. However, only 8% of program directors believed residents received adequate training in practice management [1]. In addition to the gap in practice financial management knowledge, we recognized the need for training in personal finance among residents. A literature review and needs assessment led to the development of a novel curriculum for surgery residents combining principles of practice management and personal finance. An 18-h curriculum was administered over the 2012 academic year to 28 post graduate year 1-5 surgery residents and faculty. A self-assessment survey was given at the onset and conclusion of the curriculum [2]. Pre-tests and post-tests were given to objectively evaluate each twice monthly session's content. Self-perception of learning, interest, and acquired knowledge were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Initial self-assessment data revealed high interest in practice management and personal finance principles but a deficiency in knowledge of and exposure to these topics. Throughout the curriculum, interest increased. Residents believed their knowledge of these topics increased after completing the curriculum, and objective data revealed various impacts on knowledge. Although surgery residents receive less exposure to these topics than residents in other specialties, their need to know is no less. We developed, implemented, and evaluated a curriculum that bridged this gap in surgery education. After the curriculum, residents reported an increase in interest, knowledge, and responsible behavior relating to personal and practice financial management. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Religious Tolerance in the Hidden Curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kevin Nobel Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Religious intolerance is spreading within the Indonesian institution of education. Previous studies have shown that the growth of intolerance is due to the state’s regulation and pedagogical apparatus. In contrast to the previous studies, I argue that the intolerance is related to hidden curriculum applied by the institution of education.  Normatively, the hidden curriculum contains the value of religious tolerance. However, factually, the author found that there are practices of intolerance, through the formal and informal spheres in the school’s structure, within the hidden curriculum. This article applies a qualitative approach with a mixed method research strategy to analyze data collected from students, teachers, and alumnis through field observation, in-depth interview, and survey.

  1. Welding Curriculum. (United States)

    Alaska State Dept. of Education, Juneau. Div. of Adult and Vocational Education.

    This competency-based curriculum guide is a handbook for the development of welding trade programs. Based on a survey of Alaskan welding employers, it includes all competencies a student should acquire in such a welding program. The handbook stresses the importance of understanding the principles associated with the various elements of welding.…

  2. Localization of thrombi using the Ga-67-DFO-DAS fibrinogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Eriko; Ohta, Yoshiko; Kawasaki, Sachiko; Maki, Masako; Hiroe, Michiaki; Kusakabe, Kiyoko; Kohno, Atsushi; Shigeta, Akiko


    This report shows demonstrable thrombus imaging with Ga-67-DFO-DAS fibrinogen in a patient with Marfan's syndrome. Significant Ga-67-DFO-DAS fibrinogen deposition was noted in the leakage surrounding replased graft of ascending aorta and lesion of pulmonary parenchyma which was suspicious of pulmonary infarction. This results promises that Ga-67-DFO-DAS fibrinogen is a useful tool for evaluation of the clotting under various forms of therapy. (author)

  3. Números reais e curiosidades das somas infinitas


    Moreno, Priscila Klitzke


    Podemos encontrar muitas surpresas interessantes no estudo das somas infinitas de números reais (series). Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho traz um estudo sobre as somas infinitas e mostra algumas curiosidades sobre elas, em especial sobre a serie harmônica. Começamos nosso estudo sobre somas infinitas, considerando exemplos com interpretações geométricas que tornam o estudo de series mais atraente. Discutimos também propriedades aritméticas, comutativa e associativa, das somas ...

  4. Academic Knowledge Construction and Multimodal Curriculum Development (United States)

    Loveless, Douglas J., Ed.; Griffith, Bryant, Ed.; Bérci, Margaret E., Ed.; Ortlieb, Evan, Ed.; Sullivan, Pamela, Ed.


    While incorporating digital technologies into the classroom has offered new ways of teaching and learning into educational processes, it is essential to take a look at how the digital shift impacts teachers, school administration, and curriculum development. "Academic Knowledge Construction and Multimodal Curriculum Development" presents…

  5. Development of mathematics curriculum for Medialogy studentsat Aalborg University

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Timcenko, Olga

    Abstract This paper addresses mathematics curriculum development for Medialogy education. Medialogy as a study line was established in 2002 at Faculty for Engineering and Natural Sciences at Aalborg University, and mathematics curriculum has already been revised tree times. Some of the reasoning...... behind curriculum development, lessons learned and remaining issues are presented and discussed....

  6. Curriculum and instruction in nuclear waste disposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, M.; Lugaski, T.; Pankratius, B.


    Curriculum and instruction in nuclear waste disposal is part of the larger problem of curriculum and instruction in science. At a time when science and technological literacy is crucial to the nation's economic future fewer students are electing to take needed courses in science that might promote such literacy. The problem is directly related to what science teachers teach and how they teach it. Science content that is more relevant and interesting to students must be a part of the curriculum. Science instruction must allow students to be actively involved in investigating or playing the game of science

  7. Curriculum-based library instruction from cultivating faculty relationships to assessment

    CERN Document Server

    Blevins, Amy


    Curriculum-Based Library Instruction: From Cultivating Faculty Relationships to Assessment highlights the movement beyond one-shot instruction sessions, specifically focusing on situations where academic librarians have developed curriculum based sessions and/or become involved in curriculum committees.

  8. A Developmental Curriculum Plan To Achieve a Sequenced Curriculum between High School Courses in Food Preparation and the Mattatuck Community College Hospitality/Food Services Program. Final Report. (United States)

    Mattatuck Community Coll., Waterbury, CT.

    This document contains a developmental curriculum plan for an articulated curriculum in hospitality/food service for Connecticut's Mattatuck Community College and area high schools. The curriculum guide includes a course description, criteria for evaluation, attendance policy, objectives, a curriculum area outline, 17 content area objectives, a…

  9. Curriculum Trends in Medical Education in Mauritius

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aprajita Panwar


    Full Text Available Medical education began in Mauritius with the establishment of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam (SSR Medical college in 1999 followed by a breakthrough in field of medicine with opening of Anna Medical College and Research Center (AMCRC in 2010 and Padhamshree DY PatilMedical College in 2013.Though it was an appreciable beginning of medical education in Mauritius, medical schools are currently experiencing hardships in delivering right medical exposure to health care professionals.Mauritian medical schools now need to review their current teaching methodology and present curriculum to keep pace with global standards. Integrated curriculum which is now gaining popularity world-wide is to be introduced and strongly implemented in medical schools in Mauritius. This curriculum would breach barriers and improve integration between pre-clinical and clinical sciences thus facilitating long-term retention of knowledge in medical schools and develop a professionally soundapproach towards management of health care. Horizontal curriculum can be replaced by vertical and spiral integration. For this major change, faculty engaged in medical profession are to be acquainted about innovative strategies and emerging trends in medical education. Thus this article aims to highlight the current scenario of medical education in Mauritius and also offer suggestions about possible future strategies to be implemented in medical colleges.Keywords: MEDICAL EDUCATION, CURRICULUM, CHALLENGES

  10. O \\"reino das plantas\\" nos livros didáticos de ciências: análise das imagens


    Rená Manoel de Souza e Silva


    As imagens sempre desempenharam papel fundamental na compreensão do conhecimento científico e, portanto, também nos livros didáticos de ciências. Porém, pesquisas têm mostrado que as imagens não são transparentes; por isso, defendemos a fundamental compreensão dos professores em relação ao uso das imagens no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, e na orientação da leitura e no uso desse recurso como suporte das atividades pedagógicas. Esta pesquisa analisou as imagens presentes nos livros didático...

  11. Curriculum structure: principles and strategy. (United States)

    Oliver, R; Kersten, H; Vinkka-Puhakka, H; Alpasan, G; Bearn, D; Cema, I; Delap, E; Dummer, P; Goulet, J P; Gugushe, T; Jeniati, E; Jerolimov, V; Kotsanos, N; Krifka, S; Levy, G; Neway, M; Ogawa, T; Saag, M; Sidlauskas, A; Skaleric, U; Vervoorn, M; White, D


    This report provides general guidelines for the structure of a curriculum, followed by specific advice on the principles of learning and teaching, the process of restructuring and change leadership and management. It provides examples of several educational philosophies, including vertical and horizontal integration. It discusses the use of competence, learning outcomes, level of degree and assessment and provides a number of recommendations. It does not seek to be prescriptive of time allocation to disciplines within a curriculum. Although this report has been written primarily for those who will develop an undergraduate curriculum, the information may be sufficiently generic to apply to the recent development in graduate entry ('shortened dental' or 'accelerated') courses and to postgraduate degree planning and higher education certificate or diploma courses for other dental care professionals (auxiliaries). The report may have a European bias as progress is made to converge and enhance educational standards in 29 countries with different educational approaches - a microcosm of global collaboration.

  12. The medical school curriculum committee revisited. (United States)

    Hendricson, W D; Payer, A F; Rogers, L P; Markus, J F


    Numerous study commissions have contended that departmental territoriality and lack of coordinated planning are stagnating contemporary medical education. As a cure, these commissions have recommended the creation of centralized academic management units empowered to oversee revitalization of the curriculum through a series of reforms, including better definition of graduation competencies, community-based training, interdisciplinary courses, problem-based learning, and modernization of evaluation strategies. To determine the extent to which these recommendations were being adopted, in 1990 the authors sent a questionnaire on curriculum committee functions, current innovation efforts, and future priorities to academic administrators and members of medical school curriculum committees at 143 North American medical schools. Responses were received from administrators (primarily associate deans for academic affairs) at 118 schools and committee members (primarily faculty) at 111 schools. Recommendations for enhancing curriculum committee effectiveness were also elicited. The authors conclude that centralization of curricular management has occurred at very few institutions, and that the commonly mentioned reforms are being adopted at a modest pace. The results are analyzed in light of theories of the institutional change process and strategies for introducing educational innovations into established institutions.

  13. Using deliberation to address controversial issues: Developing Holocaust education curriculum.

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    Full Text Available This paper explores how a cross-cultural project responded to the need for new Holocaust educational materials for the Republic of Latvia through the method of curriculum deliberation. Analysis of interview, observational, and document data drawn from seven curriculum writers and numerous project members suggest that curriculum deliberation helped awaken a controversial and silenced history while attending to a wide range of needs and concerns for a variety of stakeholders. The findings highlight structural features that empowered the curriculum writers as they engaged in protracted rumination, reflected upon competing norms, and considered the nuances of the curriculum problem in relation to implementation. Understanding the process, challenges, and promises of cross-cultural curriculum deliberation holds significance for educators, curricularists, and educational researchers wishing to advance teaching and learning within silenced histories and controversial issues.

  14. Next generation of procedural skills curriculum development: Proficiency-based progression

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    Richard M. Satava


    Conclusion: The FRS use a new process (full life-cycle curriculum development with proficiency-based progression which can be used in order to develop any quantitative procedural curriculum, through generic templates that have been developed. Such an approach will dramatically decrease the cost, time and effort to develop a new specific curriculum, while producing uniformity in approach, inter-operability among different curricula and consistency in objective assessment. This process is currently online, open source and freely available, to encourage the adoption of a scholarly and rigorous approach to curriculum development which is flexible enough to be adopted and adapted to most technical skills curriculum needs.

  15. Phenomenology and Curriculum Implementation: Discerning a Living Curriculum through the Analysis of Ted Aoki's Situational Praxis (United States)

    Magrini, James M.


    The argumentation in this paper is grounded in a critical and conceptual analysis of Ted Aoki's phenomenology, wherein curriculum is read as "phenomenological text." The problem explored emerges from Aoki's critique of the Tyler rationale for curriculum design, implementation and evaluation as it is conceived and practised in…

  16. Desafio ao uso das preparações alcoólicas para higienização das mãos nos serviços de saúde

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    Maria Fernanda do Prado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Propor uma reflexão teórica sobre os aspectos relacionados ao uso das preparações alcoólicas para higienização das mãos, no contexto dos serviços de saúde, na perspectiva das recomendações internacionais e nacionais, da eficácia antimicrobiana e fatores associados. Método: Reflexão teórica acerca do uso das preparações alcoólicas para a higienização das mãos nos serviços de saúde, fundamentada nas normativas internacionais e nacionais vigentes. Resultados: A comprovação da eficácia antimicrobiana das preparações alcoólicas por métodos rigorosos que simulam condições práticas de uso é fundamental para a utilização destes produtos nos serviços de saúde. Coexistem ainda outras variáveis envolvidas na eficácia do procedimento de higienização das mãos, tais como a sua duração, o volume do produto a ser aplicado e a aceitabilidade. Conclusão: Identificam-se lacunas nas normativas oficiais, referentes aos aspectos supracitados que podem comprometer um dos componentes mais importantes do controle de infecções e a segurança do paciente.

  17. Incorporating Dynamical Systems into the Traditional Curriculum. (United States)

    Natov, Jonathan


    Presents a brief overview of dynamical systems. Gives examples from dynamical systems and where they fit into the current curriculum. Points out that these examples are accessible to undergraduate freshmen and sophomore students, add continuity to the standard curriculum, and are worth including in classes. (MM)

  18. Science Curriculum Components Favored by Taiwanese Biology Teachers (United States)

    Lin, Chen-Yung; Hu, Reping; Changlai, Miao-Li


    The new 1-9 curriculum framework in Taiwan provides a remarkable change from previous frameworks in terms of the coverage of content and the powers of teachers. This study employs a modified repertory grid technique to investigate biology teachers' preferences with regard to six curriculum components. One hundred and eighty-five in-service and pre-service biology teachers were asked to determine which science curriculum components they liked and disliked most of all to include in their biology classes. The data show that the rank order of these science curriculum components, from top to bottom, was as follows: application of science, manipulation skills, scientific concepts, social/ethical issues, problem-solving skills, and the history of science. They also showed that pre-service biology teachers, as compared with in-service biology teachers, favored problem-solving skills significantly more than manipulative skills, while in-service biology teachers, as compared with pre-service biology teachers, favored manipulative skills significantly more than problem-solving skills. Some recommendations for ensuring the successful implementation of the Taiwanese 1-9 curriculum framework are also proposed.

  19. Following Industry's Lead: Revising the Automotive Technology Curriculum (United States)

    Crouse, William H.; Anglin, Donald L.


    Today's automotive technology curriculum is changing; curriculum revisions are being made in response to both the changing automobile and to the latest social trends and laws affecting students and teachers alike. (Author)

  20. Didáctica y Curriculum: controversia inacabada

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Uno de los sucesos más notables y de mayor alcance dentro de la Didáctica ha sido en los últimos años la incorporación del curriculum a su ámbito de estudio. Este hecho está permitiendo formas nuevas de plantear los fenómenos escolares, la incorporación de nuevos marcos conceptuales y nuevas investigaciones que enriquecen el panorama escolar y educativo. Nos parece que desde las nuevas teorías del curriculum se retroalimenta y rejuvenece el árbol de la Didáctica.El hecho de que actualmente didáctica y curriculum se empleen en ámbitos profesionales casi de forma equivalente no nos faculta para conceptualizar ambos como sinónimos o tendentes a una igualación en un proceso evolutivo. Pensamos que la conflictividad entre los dos términos es una nota muy presente en la actualidad, que generará nuevas visiones de estos conceptos, ricos y fecundos los dos y que los investigadores seguiremos trabajando en la línea de las respectivas demarcaciones y clarificaciones.ABSTRACT: One of he most relevance success during the last years linked to the Didactic field has been the inclusión of the curriculum matter this discipline. News ways of managed the scholars' phenomena, the incorporation of new conceptual frames and new researches that enriches the scholar and learning panorama, have been making possible by that. We think the curriculum theories are able to rejuvenate the Didactics tree.Actually both didactic and curriculum are used in professional fields in the same way and, but that case don't let us conceptualize both matters as a synonymous words or as a fields trending to an evolution process. We think the conflictive between both matters is a very typical thing happening in the current days and that is generating new visions about both concepts, and also we think that the researchers will continué working in the fields limited by the didactic and curriculum theories.RÉSUMÉ: Un des événements les plus importants de ees

  1. Peran Industri Dan Produk Tekstil Pada Kelestarian Sumberdaya Lingkungan Perairan DAS Citarum


    sudradjat, ade


    Telah diketahui bahwa sebagian besar industri yang beroperasi di DAS Citarum adalah industri tekstil, yang sebagian besar belum mengolah limbahnya dengan baik dan membuangnya ke DAS Citarum. Oleh karena itulah maka tidak mengherankan jika keberadaan industri- industri tekstil tersebut sering dinyatakan sebagai salah satu penyebab utama tercemarnya kualitas lingkungan perairan DAS Citarum.Untuk mengetahui dengan benar tentang peran industri tekstil di DAS Citarum maka paper ini disusun. Paper ...



    sudradjat, ade


    Telah diketahui bahwa sebagian besar industri yang beroperasi di DAS Citarum adalah industri tekstil, yang sebagian besar belum mengolah limbahnya dengan baik dan membuangnya ke DAS Citarum. Oleh karena itulah maka tidak mengherankan jika keberadaan industri- industri tekstil tersebut sering dinyatakan sebagai salah satu penyebab utama tercemarnya kualitas lingkungan perairan DAS Citarum.Untuk mengetahui dengan benar tentang peran industri tekstil di DAS Citarum maka paper ini disusun. Paper ...

  3. Water Pollution, Environmental Science Curriculum Guide Supplement. (United States)

    McKenna, Harold J.

    This curriculum guide is a 40-day unit plan on water pollution developed, in part, from the National Science Foundation Environmental Science Institutes' Ninth Grade Environmental Science Curriculum Guide. This unit contains teacher lesson plans, suggested teacher and student modules, case studies, and activities to be developed by teachers…

  4. A Review of New Mathematics Curriculum Materials. (United States)

    Vanderlin, Carl J., Jr.

    This manual outlines the nature of some of the major curriculum projects in mathematics and lists materials which are available from these projects. An introductory statement concerning the history and philosophy of each program is indicated. The curriculum projects reported on are: (1) Boston College Mathematics Institute, (2) Cambridge…

  5. Innovative Conference Curriculum: Maximizing Learning and Professionalism (United States)

    Hyland, Nancy; Kranzow, Jeannine


    This action research study evaluated the potential of an innovative curriculum to move 73 graduate students toward professional development. The curriculum was grounded in the professional conference and utilized the motivation and expertise of conference presenters. This innovation required students to be more independent, act as a critical…

  6. A radical-local perspective on curriculum elaboration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chaiklin, Seth

    of educational actions. In practice, a curriculum does not provide much analytic insight for how to realise the ideals which they express, nor does it provide insight into the interactions that arise as students engage with the content of the curriculum. To illustrate how a cultural-historical perspective can...

  7. Curriculum Change in Nunavut: Towards Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (United States)

    McGregor, Heather Elizabeth


    Between 1985 and the present, curriculum developers, educators and Elders in Nunavut have been working towards reconceptualization of curriculum to better meet the strengths and needs of Inuit students and to reflect, preserve, and revitalize Inuit worldview, language, and culture. This article outlines the development of the 1989 curriculum…

  8. Marine Biology Activities. Ocean Related Curriculum Activities. (United States)

    Pauls, John

    The ocean affects all of our lives. Therefore, awareness of and information about the interconnections between humans and oceans are prerequisites to making sound decisions for the future. Project ORCA (Ocean Related Curriculum Activities) has developed interdisciplinary curriculum materials designed to meet the needs of students and teachers…

  9. Development of a subspecialty cardiology curriculum for paediatric ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This online interactive curriculum was followed by several site visits to ... Evaluation of the curriculum model included post-module quizzes on cardiac topics as ... Conclusions: Our innovative hybrid approach, combining online educational ...

  10. Curriculum design in transformation: consideration about educational institutions and beyond them

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    FELDMANN, Marina Graziela; MASETTO, Marcos Tarciso

    Full Text Available This article looks for calling to the attention of our readers some thoughts about the need to rethink the curriculum designs in our educational institutions, most of which still remain with a curriculum of traditional organization called features. Currently, both the authors who write about the significance of education in our society, such as curriculum experts warn of the need to review our curricula. It’s a compulsory agenda in many conferences and educational events. In the course of these concerns, we bring our collaboration nowadays. For the case of transformation of a curriculum design it´s is necessary to agree on a conception of curriculum, its historical contextualization, the redefinition and reorganization of the elements that compose it and the current demands that a curriculum should respond. In this article, we will discuss two aspects that appear to contain special relevance to our theme: the first concerns the design of curriculum and its developments; and the second, the teaching staff and their training in curriculum redesign.

  11. Financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas: análise das empresas do distrito do Porto em Portugal

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    Fernando Oliveira Tavares


    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste artigo, o objetivo é conhecer e analisar as formas de financiamento e produtos mais utilizados pelas pequenas e médias empresas do distrito do Porto, em Portugal. Pretende-se ainda perceber a aceitabilidade e a propensão para utilização de formas de financiamento alternativas e compreender quais as dificuldades das empresas no acesso ao crédito. O método utilizado é quantitativo e exploratório, um inquérito foi enviado a 1.600 empresas do distrito do Porto, acerca das diferentes formas de financiamento das organizações. Os resultados permitem concluir que o crédito bancário é a principal fonte de financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas, seguindo-se o autofinanciamento. O financiamento pela emissão de ações e obrigações é residual. Os resultados apresentam três fatores preponderantes quando as empresas têm necessidade de financiar-se: o crescimento da empresa, o custo do empréstimo e os aspetos burocráticos. Apesar de tratar-se de um estudo exploratório, os três fatores encontrados são um contributo para o estudo sobre o financiamento de pequenas e médias empresas, merecendo atenção por parte de investidores, gestores e detentores de capital.

  12. Clinical nutrition in the hepatogastroenterology curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mulder, Chris J J; Wanten, Geert J A; Semrad, Carol E


    of Gastroenterology and Hepatology has defined specific expertise areas in Advanced endoscopy, hepatology, digestive oncology and clinical nutrition, training for the latter topic is lacking in the current hepatogastroenterology (HGE) curriculum. Given its relevance for HGE practice, and being at the core...... of gastrointestinal functioning, there is an obvious need for training in nutrition and related issues including the treatment of disease-related malnutrition and obesity and its associated metabolic derangements. This document aims to be a starting point for the integration of nutritional expertise in the HGE...... curriculum, allowing a central role in the management of malnutrition and obesity. We suggest minimum endpoints for nutritional knowledge and expertise in the standard curriculum and recommend a focus period of training in nutrition issues in order to produce well-trained HGE specialists. This article...

  13. Moral education and values education in curriculum reform In China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Zhu Xiaoman


    In the new curriculum reform in China,moral education and values education have been defined from the angles of the integrity and conformity of curriculum functions.Accordingly, a new education concept based on complete/integral curriculum functions is established.By discussing the essences of the curriculum,the basis of moral and values education,integrated curriculum setting in instruction structure,the presence of emotional and attitudinal goals in the subject standards,and teaching methods,this text points out that this curriculum reform looks to moral and values education in schools.The reform also emphasizes and will guarantee moral and values education in schools.Finally,the article recommends to elementary and secondary schools the studies on moral education in class conducted by the Research Institute of Moral Education of Nanjing Normal University,one of the Key Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences Research for the Ministry of Education.

  14. Curriculum and Cognition (United States)

    Rosenstein, Joseph


    Paper presented at the Summer Meeting of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf held in Philadelphia, June 24-27, 1970. Discussed are concepts of curriculum development, cognitive development, and educational methods with implications for the handicapped. (CB)

  15. Study of morphometry to debit drainage basin (DAS) arau Padang city (United States)

    Utama, Lusi; Amrizal, Berd, Isril; Zuherna


    High intensity rain that happened in Padang city cause the happening of floods at DAS Arau. Floods that happened in Padang besides caused high rain intensity, require to be by research about morphometry that is cause parameter the happening of floods. Morphometry drainage basin physical network (DAS) quantitatively related to DAS geomorphology that is related to form of DAS, river network, closeness of stream, ramp, usage of farm, high and gradient steepness of river. Form DAS will influence rain concentration to outlet. Make an index to closeness of stream depict closeness of river stream at one particular DAS. Speed of river stream influenced by storey, level steepness of river. Steepness storey, level is comparison of difference height of river downstream and upstream. Ever greater of steepness of river stream, excelsior speed of river stream that way on the contrary. High to lower speed of river stream influence occurrence of floods, more than anything else if when influenced by debit big. Usage of farm in glove its link to process of infiltration where if geology type which is impermeable, be difficult the happening of infiltration, this matter will enlarge value of run off. Research by descriptive qualitative that is about characteristic of DAS. Method the used is method survey with data collecting, in the form of rainfall data of year 2005 until year 2015 and Image of DEM IFSAR with resolution 5 meter, analyzed use Software ARGIS. Result of research got by DAS reside in at condition of floods gristle.

  16. Graduates from a reformed undergraduate medical curriculum based on Tomorrow's Doctors evaluate the effectiveness of their curriculum 6 years after graduation through interviews. (United States)

    Watmough, Simon D; O'Sullivan, Helen; Taylor, David C M


    In 1996 Liverpool reformed its medical curriculum from a traditional lecture based course to a curriculum based on the recommendations in Tomorrow's Doctors. A project has been underway since 2000 to evaluate this change. This paper focuses on the views of graduates from that reformed curriculum 6 years after they had graduated. Between 2007 and 2009 45 interviews took place with doctors from the first two cohorts to graduate from the reformed curriculum. The interviewees felt like they had been clinically well prepared to work as doctors and in particular had graduated with good clinical and communication skills and had a good knowledge of what the role of doctor entailed. They also felt they had good self directed learning and research skills. They did feel their basic science knowledge level was weaker than traditional graduates and perceived they had to work harder to pass postgraduate exams. Whilst many had enjoyed the curriculum and in particular the clinical skills resource centre and the clinical exposure of the final year including the "shadowing" and A & E attachment they would have liked more "structure" alongside the PBL when learning the basic sciences. According to the graduates themselves many of the aims of curriculum reform have been met by the reformed curriculum and they were well prepared clinically to work as doctors. However, further reforms may be needed to give confidence to science knowledge acquisition.

  17. From Too Much Freedom to Too Much Restriction: The Case of Teacher Autonomy from National Curriculum Statement (NCS) to Curriculum and Assessment Statement (CAPS) (United States)

    Ramatlapana, K.; Makonye, J. P.


    The major curricula revisions in South Africa in the last two decades or so have changed the curriculum landscape. These revisions are meant to effect among other issues, the socio-economic development for all through quality education. The latest curricula transition from National Curriculum Statement (NCS) to Curriculum and Assessment Policy…

  18. Texas Real Estate Curriculum Workshop Summary Report. (United States)

    Lyon, Robert

    The Texas Real Estate Research Center-Texas Education Agency (TRERC-TEA) curriculum workshop was attended by over 40 participants representing 26 Texas community colleges. These participants divided into eight small groups by real estate specialty area and developed curriculum outlines and learning objectives for the following real estate courses:…

  19. Adolescent Sexual Education: Designing Curriculum That Works (United States)

    Quincy, Michael L.


    The purpose of this review paper, "Adolescent Sexual Education: Designing Curriculum That Works", is to present some basic curriculum necessities for developing an in-school sexual education program that results in decreasing the number of teenagers initiating sex, thus reducing the number of teen pregnancies and cases of sexually transmitted…

  20. Ground Motion Analysis of Co-Located DAS and Seismometer Sensors (United States)

    Wang, H. F.; Fratta, D.; Lord, N. E.; Lancelle, C.; Thurber, C. H.; Zeng, X.; Parker, L.; Chalari, A.; Miller, D.; Feigl, K. L.; Team, P.


    The PoroTomo research team deployed 8700-meters of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) cable in a shallow trench and 400-meters in a borehole at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada in March 2016 together with an array of 246, three-component geophones. The seismic sensors occupied a natural laboratory 1500 x 500 x 400 meters overlying the Brady geothermal field. The DAS cable was laid out in three parallel zig-zag lines with line segments approximately 100-meters in length and geophones were spaced at approximately 50-m intervals. In several line segments, geophones were co-located within one meter of the DAS cable. Both DAS and the conventional geophones recorded continuously over 15 days. A large Vibroseis truck (T-Rex) provided the seismic source at approximately 250 locations outside and within the array. The Vibroseis protocol called for excitation in one vertical and two orthogonal horizontal directions at each location. For each mode, three, 5-to-80-Hz upsweeps were made over 20 seconds. In addition, a moderate-sized earthquake with a local magnitude of 4.3 was recorded on March 21, 2016. Its epicenter was approximately 150-km away. Several DAS line segments with co-located geophone stations were used to test relationships between the strain rate recorded by DAS and ground velocity recorded by the geophones.

  1. Teachers’ Readiness to Implement Digital Curriculum in Kuwaiti Schools

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    Hamed Mubarak Al-Awidi


    Findings\tTeachers are moderately ready for implementation of the digital curriculum in both components of readiness (technical and pedagogical. Teachers identified some factors that that hinder their readiness. These factors are related to time constraints, knowledge and skills, infrastructure, and technical support. Recommendations for Practitioners: This paper will guide curriculum decision makers to find the best ways to help and support teachers to effectively implement the digital. Future Research: Follow up studies may examine the effectiveness of teacher education pro-grams in preparing students teachers to implement the digital curriculum, and the role of education decision makers in facilitating the implementation of the digital curriculum.

  2. Tradition and Change in the Social Studies Curriculum. (United States)

    Schneider, Donald O.


    The historical development of curriculum materials in the social studies is outlined. Principles offering the potential to effect major changes are described and a set of guidelines for a rational social studies curriculum is established. (JMF)

  3. Standardised Curriculum and Hermeneutics: The Case of Australian Vocational Educators (United States)

    Hodge, Steven


    Curriculum theorists have acknowledged the relevance of "hermeneutics", or theory of interpretation and understanding, to curriculum studies. In the European "Didaktik" tradition hermeneutics has also been applied to the curriculum work of educators, but such an extension is rarer in the Anglo-American tradition. Educators in…

  4. Designing Web-Based Educative Curriculum Materials for the Social Studies (United States)

    Callahan, Cory; Saye, John; Brush, Thomas


    This paper reports on a design experiment of web-based curriculum materials explicitly created to help social studies teachers develop their professional teaching knowledge. Web-based social studies curriculum reform efforts, human-centered interface design, and investigations into educative curriculum materials are reviewed, as well as…

  5. Curriculum as Environments for Learning: A Practicel Meaning and Model. (United States)

    Sinclair, Robert L.; Ghory, Ward J.

    Effective curriculum development and implementation may be achieved by considering the multidimensional nature of the term "curriculum." A definition of curriculum should be considered in terms of its expressed, implied, and emergent dimensions. The expressed dimension is the written statement of learning objectives, sequence of contents, learning…

  6. DAS: A Data Management System for Instrument Tests and Operations (United States)

    Frailis, M.; Sartor, S.; Zacchei, A.; Lodi, M.; Cirami, R.; Pasian, F.; Trifoglio, M.; Bulgarelli, A.; Gianotti, F.; Franceschi, E.; Nicastro, L.; Conforti, V.; Zoli, A.; Smart, R.; Morbidelli, R.; Dadina, M.


    The Data Access System (DAS) is a and data management software system, providing a reusable solution for the storage of data acquired both from telescopes and auxiliary data sources during the instrument development phases and operations. It is part of the Customizable Instrument WorkStation system (CIWS-FW), a framework for the storage, processing and quick-look at the data acquired from scientific instruments. The DAS provides a data access layer mainly targeted to software applications: quick-look displays, pre-processing pipelines and scientific workflows. It is logically organized in three main components: an intuitive and compact Data Definition Language (DAS DDL) in XML format, aimed for user-defined data types; an Application Programming Interface (DAS API), automatically adding classes and methods supporting the DDL data types, and providing an object-oriented query language; a data management component, which maps the metadata of the DDL data types in a relational Data Base Management System (DBMS), and stores the data in a shared (network) file system. With the DAS DDL, developers define the data model for a particular project, specifying for each data type the metadata attributes, the data format and layout (if applicable), and named references to related or aggregated data types. Together with the DDL user-defined data types, the DAS API acts as the only interface to store, query and retrieve the metadata and data in the DAS system, providing both an abstract interface and a data model specific one in C, C++ and Python. The mapping of metadata in the back-end database is automatic and supports several relational DBMSs, including MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL.

  7. [Creating an integrated nursing curriculum]. (United States)

    Romano, R A; Papa, L M; Lopes, G T


    During the last two decades, Brazilian society has gone through great changes into political, ideological and economical fields. These changes left their strings into society, specially in population health. The nurse formation based on the Law n(o) 5540/68 and on the Statement n(o) 163/72, no more meets population demands. Since 1992, the Nursing Faculty of UERJ-FEUerj intensifies the reflection movement upon teaching-learning process searching for transforming its own reality. The making of this project presents two complementary and important reasons: FEUerj docents and discents' desire in elaborating a curriculum which searches for nurses' formation that articulates teaching-work-community, theory and practice, based on a Critical Theory of Education, on the line of PROBLEMATIZATION, and the accomplishment of Statement n(o) 314/94 from the CFE and from the Letter of Order MEC n(o) 1171/15/dez/94. From debating, the professional profile has been defined from the social environment where the profession is performed and the alumnate's characteristics; area determination or group of attributions, according to professional praxis adequation, concept hierachization, processes, etc., which in the process of 'classification and syntheses' of knowledge results into a netlike chained and related tree. In the first phase of the curriculum study, it has diagnosed as principal condition, the actual curriculum 'DECONTEXTUALIZATION' and the 'US' to be faced to lead it to an end the Curriculum Reformulation Proposal. The Process of Pedagogical Abilitation for professors, workshops, researches on the desirable and present profile, seminars, performance, abilities and principles systematization, identification of areas which compose the integrated curriculum, subjects localization into areas and articulation between professional subjects and other activities, has been implemented. Based on this work on the problematized pedagogy first step, an instrument 'Research on the

  8. Understanding the curriculum the light of training guiding health in Brazil. (United States)

    Moraes, Bibiana Arantes; Costa, Nilce Maria da Silva


    To analyze Pedagogical Projects Courses (PPCs) from the healthcare field in light of the National Curriculum Standards (NCS) policies on healthcare training. Exploratory descriptive study of qualitative approach, in which were carried out analyzes of PPPs of Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition and Dentistry of a federal university in the Midwest region of Brazil. As technical analysis of documentary sources, adopted the content analysis in the thematic mode. The analysis of PPC showed the general aspects of PPC as the course features the historical percursso and construction, professional skills and competences required for professional performance and the guiding principles of formation characterized by technical, professional practice, articulation theory/ practice, interdisciplinarity and ethical / social training. PPC presented is consistent with the proposals set out in DCN and carry training policies in health in Brazil, providing adequate training for health professionals, the demands of the population and the National Health System. Analisar os Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos (PPC) da área da saúde à luz das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) e das políticas indutoras de formação em saúde do Brasil. Pesquisa descritiva exploratória de abordagem qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas análises dos PPC dos cursos de Enfermagem, Farmácia, Medicina, Nutrição e Odontologia de uma instituição federal de ensino superior da região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Como técnica de análises das fontes documentais, adotou-se a análise de conteúdo, na modalidade temática. As análises dos PPC evidenciaram os aspectos gerais dos PPC como as características do curso, o percursso histórico e sua construção, habilidades e competências profissionais requeridas para o desempenho profissional e os princípios norteadores da formação caracterizados pela técnica, prática profissional, articulação teoria/prática, interdisciplinaridade e formação

  9. O desenvolvimento das competências coletivas no terceiro setor

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    Lorena Tello‐Gamarra


    Full Text Available Dentro da abordagem de competências que se focam na gestão de recursos humanos, a abordagem de competências coletivas é uma área de pesquisa emergente. O objetivo da presente pesquisa é compreender as competências coletivas em um projeto voluntário do terceiro setor. O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso, tendo como objeto de estudo o terceiro setor, mais especificamente um projeto social. Para isto, se fez a escolha da Organização Não Governamental Parceiros Voluntários (PV com o projeto «Desenvolvimento de Princípios de Transparência e Prestação de Contas em Organizações da Sociedade Civil». Entre os resultados teóricos se identificaram 7 dimensões das competências coletivas. No que tange aos resultados empíricos referidos ao entendimento das competências coletivas no projeto voluntário do terceiro setor, observaram‐se 4 resultados: (1 todas as dimensões das competências coletivas foram comprovadas no projeto; (2 essas dimensões conseguiram ser determinantes para o desempenho do projeto, (3 as 7 dimensões influenciaram também o desempenho de toda a ONG, (4 as dimensões das competências coletivas do projeto contribuíram para que as organizações sociais pratiquem os princípios da transparência e da prestação de contas em suas atividades. Finalmente, o fato da confirmação das dimensões das competências coletivas como elemento‐chave do desenvolvimento abre a possiblidade de avançar na operacionalização deste construto.

  10. Regionalism as a Principle for Curriculum Relevance. (United States)

    Blunt, R. J. S.


    Examines the rhetoric of a curriculum development proposal at the University of Port Elizabeth (South Africa) which uses the concept of regionalism as a principal for curriculum development. The regionalist approach is then examined in light of two different approaches to the function of the university. It is concluded that postmodern universities…

  11. Web-Based Engine for Program Curriculum Designers (United States)

    Hamam, H.; Loucif, S.


    Educational institutions pay careful attention to the design of program curricula, which represent a framework to meet institutional goals and missions. Of course, the success of any institution depends highly on the quality of its program curriculum. The development of such a curriculum and, more importantly, the evaluation of its quality are…

  12. Análise e caracterização das questões das provas da Olimpíada Brasileira de Física

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    Joao Paulo Casaro Erthal


    Full Text Available No Brasil, anualmente, são organizadas e praticadas olimpíadas escolares em diversas áreas do conhecimento, tais como: língua portuguesa, matemática, biologia, física, entre outras. A Olimpíada Brasileira de Física (OBF tem como objetivo despertar e estimular nos estudantes o interesse pela física, proporcionando desafios e incentivando-os a seguir carreiras científicas e tecnológicas. Este trabalho visa investigar os conteúdos exigidos nas provas da OBF e a forma como estes são abordados, com a finalidade de traçar um perfil das provas da OBF, aplicadas aos estudantes do ensino médio. Para isso, realizou-se uma análise das questões das provas do período de 1999 a 2013, distribuindo os conteúdos das questões das provas em seis áreas de conhecimento da física: mecânica, ondulatória, física térmica, eletromagnetismo, óptica geométrica e física moderna. Após a análise foram construídos gráficos que auxiliaram a identificar peculiaridades destas provas. Os resultados mostram uma evolução no perfil da prova, que atualmente possui uma abordagem mais contextualizada e interdisciplinar quando comparada às edições anteriores, em consonância ao que está descrito nos documentos oficiais da educação brasileira.

  13. Survey and Research on Continuing Education Curriculum Construction for Primary and Secondary School Teachers

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    Yang Chao


    Full Text Available Continuing education curriculum construction is the key work to complete the teachers’ continuing education system, it is also an important part of the teachers’ specialization. This study aims to master the main problems of the current primary and secondary school teachers’ continuing education curriculum construction and put forward the corresponding improvement countermeasures. Research in Yunnan province of China as a case, through the Questionnaire Method, Interview Method and Factors Analysis Method, this study make an thorough analysis on the prominent questions of the curriculum resources informationization level, curriculum structure, curriculum practicability, curriculum management and curriculum evaluation mechanism of the primary and secondary school teachers continuing education curriculums construction. Study found that the curriculum construction should also increase the intensity of curriculum resources informatization, develop diversified curriculum resources, complete six modules, carry out a standardized and scientific management and diversified curriculum evaluation mechanism. Research data and conclusions both enrich the theory of the con-struction of the teachers continuing education curriculum, and also provide a practical reference for the admin-istrative department of education and teacher training institutions to formulate measures.

  14. Aspectos das fortalezas e fragilidades no uso das metodologias ativas de aprendizagem

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    Maria José Sanches Marin

    Full Text Available A implementação de novos modelos de ensino-aprendizagem vem ocorrendo na Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema há mais de uma década. O presente estudo analisa as fortalezas e fragilidades dos métodos ativos de aprendizagem na ótica dos estudantes. Para a coleta de dados, realizaram-se entrevistas com estudantes dos cursos de Enfermagem e Medicina. Os dados foram interpretados por meio dos parâmetros da hermenêutica dialética. Os sentidos extraídos das falas dos estudantes indicam que as metodologias ativas estimulam o estudo constante, a independência e a responsabilidade, possibilitam a integração das dimensões biopsicossociais, preparam para o trabalho em equipe e aproximam os alunos dos usuários e da equipe. No entanto, nem todos estão preparados para isso; algumas vezes, sentem-se perdidos em busca de conhecimentos, além de apresentarem dificuldades quanto a sua inserção na equipe de saúde. A construção de novos modelos de aprendizagem requer constante empenho, visando ao seu aperfeiçoamento.

  15. Droht den "kleinen Sprachen" das Aussterben?

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    Anita Lemić


    Full Text Available Die Prozesse der Globalisierung sind die Ursache für viele Änderungen in der Weltgemeinschaft, vor allem die Entfernung von Unterscheidungsmerkmalen (in Bezug darauf, dass „zwischen vielen ethnischen Zeichen, das was dauernd ist, ist die Dichotomisierung/Differenzierung eines „Wir-und-die-Anderen“ (Grbić, 2003, 93-64. Diese Zeichen wirken als Zeichen der Resozialisierung, die die bestehenden Identitäten löschen und sich an der Schaffung neuer Strukturen beteiligen. Die Zeit der Romantik in Europa ermöglichte die Schaffung von Nationalstaaten und ihr Hauptmerkmal war die Nationalsprache. Diese Art der sozialen Differenzierung hatte das Ziel, die Illusion einer vollständig homogenisierten Gesellschaft zu schaffen und damit den Prozess der Zerstörung der „kleinen“ Sprachen zu beginnen. Sprache und Kultur erwiesen sich als Grundlage der Gemeinschaftserhaltung. Die Homogenisierung ermöglicht Aktivitäten mit dem Ziel, einem Individuum zu helfen, sich als Individuum und als Mitglied der Gemeinschaft zu behaupten. Keine dieser beiden Identitäten kann ohne die Wechselwirkung mit der Umgebung erreicht werden. Die sprachliche Interaktion mit anderen Mitgliedern ist das Schlüsselsegment, das Menschen von anderen Lebensformen unterscheidet. Durch den Austausch von Erfahrungen mit anderen kommt der Mensch auf allen Ebenen voran und mit der Erfindung der Schrift öffnete er die Tür zur Entwicklung der Zivilisation. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit der Frage der „Prestige“-Sprachen, die auf der Grundlage der Macht der Gemeinschaft der Muttersprachler ihren Bereich weit über die Grenzen des eigenen Landes hinaus erweitern und so eine politische und wirtschaftliche Vormachtstellung schaffen, aber auch mit den Auswirkungen jener Sprachen auf die Dekonstruktion oder möglicherweise vollständige Ausrottung der Sprachen, die auf diese Weise an Einfluss verlieren, unmodern werden und sich die Frage der Notwendigkeit ihrer

  16. Neuroscience and humanistic psychiatry: a residency curriculum. (United States)

    Griffith, James L


    Psychiatry residencies with a commitment to humanism commonly prioritize training in psychotherapy, cultural psychiatry, mental health policy, promotion of human rights, and similar areas reliant upon dialogue and collaborative therapeutic relationships. The advent of neuroscience as a defining paradigm for psychiatry has challenged residencies with a humanistic focus due to common perceptions that it would entail constriction of psychiatric practice to diagnostic and psychopharmacology roles. The author describes a neuroscience curriculum that has taught psychopharmacology effectively, while also advancing effectiveness of language-based and relationship-based therapeutics. In 2000, the George Washington University psychiatry residency initiated a neuroscience curriculum consisting of (1) a foundational postgraduate year 2 seminar teaching cognitive and social neuroscience and its integration into clinical psychopharmacology, (2) advanced seminars that utilized a neuroscience perspective in teaching specific psychotherapeutic skill sets, and (3) case-based teaching in outpatient clinical supervisions that incorporated a neuroscience perspective into traditional psychotherapy supervisions. Curricular assessment was conducted by (1) RRC reaccreditation site visit feedback, (2) examining career trajectories of residency graduates, (3) comparing PRITE exam Somatic Treatments subscale scores for 2010-2012 residents with pre-implementation residents, and (4) postresidency survey assessment by 2010-2012 graduates. The 2011 RRC site visit report recommended a "notable practice" citation for "innovative neurosciences curriculum." Three of twenty 2010-2012 graduates entered neuroscience research fellowships, as compared to none before the new curriculum. PRITE Somatic Treatments subscale scores improved from the 23rd percentile to the 62nd percentile in pre- to post-implementation of curriculum (p neuroscience curriculum for a residency committed to humanistic psychiatry



    Rafael Beltrame


    O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de determinar as deformações residuais longitudinais (DRL), decorrentes das tensões de crescimento em árvores em pé e vivas de diferentes clones de Eucalyptus spp. Para tanto, foram selecionados 12 clones do gênero Eucalyptus com 9 anos de idade, por meio da área basal (G), sendo, estes, plantados em um espaçamento 3,0 x 2,7 m . Para as medições das variáveis do estudo, foram selecionadas 12 árvores de cada clone, onde foram medidas as vari...

  18. O impacto das crenças e das percepções de diversidade na relação entre diversidade e eficácia do trabalho em equipa


    Ferreira, Inês de Moura


    Mestrado em Psicologia Social e das Organizações Apesar das várias tipologias e abordagens para explicar e compreender os efeitos da diversidade no funcionamento e na eficácia do trabalho em equipa, os resultados das investigações empíricas têm-se revelado muitas vezes inconclusivos e contraditórios. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos efeitos da diversidade no desempenho das equipas, não só pela forma alternativa de definir e operacionalizar a...

  19. Das DNA-Puzzle (United States)

    Kirchner, Stefan

    Im Jahre 1953 wurde von James Watson und Francis Crick erstmalig der strukturelle Aufbau der sogenannten DNA (Desoxyribonukleinsäure) beschrieben, welche das Erbgut jedes Lebewesens enthält. Der wesentliche Teil des Erbguts wird dabei durch eine sehr lange Folge der vier Basen Adenin (A), Cytosin (C), Guanin (G) und Thymin (T) codiert. Seit einigen Jahren ist es möglich, die Folge der vier Basen zu einer gegebenen DNA zu bestimmen. Biologen bezeichnen diesen Vorgang als Sequenzierung.

  20. Filosofia das ciências sociais: temas atuais


    Kincaid, Harold


    A filosofia das ciências sociais, concebida da maneira adequada, tem algo a oferecer aos que praticam as ciências sociais. Os cientistas sociais adotam em suas pesquisas, ainda que de forma implícita, alguma filosofia de sua ciência. Para evitar impasses, é melhor explicitar essa filosofia e ser criticamente consciente dos seus méritos. A filosofia das ciências sociais, por sua vez, não pode ser praticada sem um envolvimento íntimo com a pesquisa social. O artigo esboça alguns desenvolvimento...

  1. Das Bild behinderter Menschen in den Medien


    Radtke, Peter


    Das Bild von Behinderung und behinderten Menschen in den Medien“ - dieses Thema führt sehr leicht zur Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei. Bekanntlich fällt es schwer, es allen recht zu machen. So nimmt es nicht Wunder, dass sich Betroffene und ihre Angehörigen in den Medien sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ oftmals nicht angemessen repräsentiert fühlen. [...] In dieser Situation bilden die Medien die wichtigste und oft einzige Informationsquelle über das Leben und die Möglichkeiten von Menschen mit e...

  2. Creating a National HIV Curriculum. (United States)

    Spach, David H; Wood, Brian R; Karpenko, Andrew; Unruh, Kenton T; Kinney, Rebecca G; Roscoe, Clay; Nelson, John


    In recent years, the HIV care provider workforce has not kept pace with an expanding HIV epidemic. To effectively address this HIV workforce shortage, a multipronged approach is needed that includes high-quality, easily accessible, up-to-date HIV education for trainees and practicing providers. Toward this objective, the University of Washington, in collaboration with the AIDS Education and Training Center National Coordinating Resource Center, is developing a modular, dynamic curriculum that addresses the entire spectrum of the HIV care continuum. Herein, we outline the general principles, content, organization, and features of this federally funded National HIV Curriculum, which allows for longitudinal, active, self-directed learning, as well as real-time evaluation, tracking, and feedback at the individual and group level. The online curriculum, which is in development, will provide a free, comprehensive, interactive HIV training and resource tool that can support national efforts to expand and strengthen the United States HIV clinical care workforce. Copyright © 2016 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. One Newspaper's Role in the Demise of the Tasmanian Essential Learnings Curriculum: Adding New Understandings to Cohen's Moral Panic Theory in Analyzing Curriculum Change (United States)

    Rodwell, Grant


    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of print media in the development of systemwide curriculum change. Consideration is given to the nature and influence of newspapers on public opinion about curriculum change through the examination of the role of the "Mercury" in one period in the history of Tasmanian curriculum change.…

  4. ASTRO's 2007 Core Physics Curriculum for Radiation Oncology Residents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, Eric E.; Gerbi, Bruce J.; Price, Robert A.; Balter, James M.; Paliwal, Bhudatt; Hughes, Lesley; Huang, Eugene


    In 2004, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) published a curriculum for physics education. The document described a 54-hour course. In 2006, the committee reconvened to update the curriculum. The committee is composed of physicists and physicians from various residency program teaching institutions. Simultaneously, members have associations with American Association of Physicists in Medicine, ASTRO, Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology, American Board of Radiology, and American College of Radiology. Representatives from the latter two organizations are key to provide feedback between the examining organizations and ASTRO. Subjects are based on Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education requirements (particles and hyperthermia), whereas the majority of subjects and appropriated hours/subject were developed by consensus. The new curriculum is 55 hours, containing new subjects, redistribution of subjects with updates, and reorganization of core topics. For each subject, learning objectives are provided, and for each lecture hour, a detailed outline of material to be covered is provided. Some changes include a decrease in basic radiologic physics, addition of informatics as a subject, increase in intensity-modulated radiotherapy, and migration of some brachytherapy hours to radiopharmaceuticals. The new curriculum was approved by the ASTRO board in late 2006. It is hoped that physicists will adopt the curriculum for structuring their didactic teaching program, and simultaneously, American Board of Radiology, for its written examination. American College of Radiology uses the ASTRO curriculum for their training examination topics. In addition to the curriculum, the committee added suggested references, a glossary, and a condensed version of lectures for a Postgraduate Year 2 resident physics orientation. To ensure continued commitment to a current and relevant curriculum, subject matter will be updated again in 2 years

  5. Curriculum-Making in School and College: The Case of Hospitality (United States)

    Edwards, Richard; Miller, Kate; Priestley, Mark


    Drawing upon research in the curriculum of hospitality, this article explores the contrasting ways in which the prescribed curriculum is translated into the enacted curriculum in school and college contexts. It identifies organisational culture and teacher and student backgrounds and dispositions as central to the emerging contrasts. It uses this…

  6. Graduates from a reformed undergraduate medical curriculum based on Tomorrow's Doctors evaluate the effectiveness of their curriculum 6 years after graduation through interviews

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    Taylor David CM


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In 1996 Liverpool reformed its medical curriculum from a traditional lecture based course to a curriculum based on the recommendations in Tomorrow's Doctors. A project has been underway since 2000 to evaluate this change. This paper focuses on the views of graduates from that reformed curriculum 6 years after they had graduated. Methods Between 2007 and 2009 45 interviews took place with doctors from the first two cohorts to graduate from the reformed curriculum. Results The interviewees felt like they had been clinically well prepared to work as doctors and in particular had graduated with good clinical and communication skills and had a good knowledge of what the role of doctor entailed. They also felt they had good self directed learning and research skills. They did feel their basic science knowledge level was weaker than traditional graduates and perceived they had to work harder to pass postgraduate exams. Whilst many had enjoyed the curriculum and in particular the clinical skills resource centre and the clinical exposure of the final year including the "shadowing" and A & E attachment they would have liked more "structure" alongside the PBL when learning the basic sciences. Conclusion According to the graduates themselves many of the aims of curriculum reform have been met by the reformed curriculum and they were well prepared clinically to work as doctors. However, further reforms may be needed to give confidence to science knowledge acquisition.

  7. Ambientes Colaborativos Virtuais: potencial das redes sociais. O caso das empresas do Algarve

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    Ana Belo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o potencial das redes sociais no desempenho das pequenas e médias empresas da região do Algarve, tendo sido efectuado um questionário para o efeito. O estudo empírico realizado revela que os dados recolhidos (de 70 empresas possuem boas qualidades psico-métricas. Procedeu-se a uma análise categórica de componentes principais, a qual identificou duas principais tipologias de objectivos nas redes sociais: redes sociais para interacção produto-cliente e pesquisa ou conhecimento; e redes sociais com potencial para o marketing. Uma análise suplementar - análise hierárquica de clusters (com recurso ao método de agrupamento de Ward - identificou três padrões de empresas consoante o seu grau de envolvimento em redes sociais: cluster Social Tec Grau 1; cluster Social Tec Grau 2 e cluster Social Tec Grau 3. Estas análises permitem validar uma metodologia sustentável para este tipo de avaliação.

  8. Dealing with the challenges of curriculum implementation: Lessons ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The article suggests solutions to the educational challenges experienced by rural schoolteachers in implementing the national curriculum policy statements. The results should be of interest to curriculum developers, administrators, and evaluators responsible for solving implementation problems. Este estudo pretende ...

  9. Entrepreneurship: A Viable Addition to Home Economics Curriculum. (United States)

    Fortenberry, Sally L.


    Argues that information relating to entrepreneurship should be part of every curriculum within the field of home economics. Discusses characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and discusses how the curriculum can be modified to develop these characteristics. Reviews sources of entrepreneurship materials. (CH)

  10. Avaliação das guias condilar e incisal em função da curva de compensação e da altura das cúspides - Releitura das Leis de Articulação de Hanau


    Roger Nishyama


    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a variação das guias sagitais (guia condilar e guia incisal), em função do plano de orientação (curvatura e inclinação) e da altura das cúspides, no movimento protrusivo mandibular, in vitro, buscando as relações entre esses fatores, tanto de forma analógica como digital. No estudo analógico foram avaliadas as inclinações das guias condilares, inclinações da guia incisal, proeminência da curva de compensação e inclinação do plano oclusal. Para isso foram...

  11. Novel horizontal and vertical integrated bioethics curriculum for medical courses. (United States)

    D'Souza, Russell F; Mathew, Mary; D'Souza, Derek S J; Palatty, Princy


    Studies conducted by the University of Haifa, Israel in 2001, evaluating the effectiveness of bioethics being taught in medical colleges, suggested that there was a significant lack of translation in clinical care. Analysis also revealed, ineffectiveness with the teaching methodology used, lack of longitudinal integration of bioethics into the undergraduate medical curriculum, and the limited exposure to the technology in decision making when confronting ethical dilemmas. A modern novel bioethics curriculum and innovative methodology for teaching bioethics for the medical course was developed by the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Haifa. The horizontal (subject-wise) curriculum was vertically integrated seamlessly through the entire course. An innovative bioethics teaching methodology was employed to implement the curriculum. This new curriculum was piloted in a few medical colleges in India from 2011 to 2015 and the outcomes were evaluated. The evaluation confirmed gains over the earlier identified translation gap with added high student acceptability and satisfaction. This integrated curriculum is now formally implemented in the Indian program's Health Science Universities which is affiliated with over 200 medical schools in India. This article offers insights from the evaluated novel integrated bioethics curriculum and the innovative bioethics teaching methodology that was used in the pilot program.

  12. A Need for a Framework for Curriculum Evaluation in Oman (United States)

    Al-Jardani, Khalid Salim; Siraj, Saedah; Abedalaziz, Nabeel


    The field of curriculum evaluation is a key part of the educational process. This means that this area needs to be developed continuously and requires ongoing research. This paper highlights curriculum evaluation in Oman, different evaluation procedures and methods and instruments used. The need for a framework for curriculum evaluation is a vital…

  13. Leading Curriculum Change: Reflections on How "Abakhwezeli" Stoked the Fire (United States)

    Geduld, Deidre; Sathorar, Heloise


    Curriculum leadership is a complex and demanding practice, which goes beyond the research and disciplinary expertise of the curriculum leader. Engaging and leading educators in a process of curriculum change is not easy: it can be a difficult, and sometimes chaotic journey which is often characterised by philosophical debate, the calling into…

  14. A core curriculum for clinical fellowship training in pathology informatics

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    David S McClintock


    Full Text Available Background: In 2007, our healthcare system established a clinical fellowship program in Pathology Informatics. In 2010 a core didactic course was implemented to supplement the fellowship research and operational rotations. In 2011, the course was enhanced by a formal, structured core curriculum and reading list. We present and discuss our rationale and development process for the Core Curriculum and the role it plays in our Pathology Informatics Fellowship Training Program. Materials and Methods: The Core Curriculum for Pathology Informatics was developed, and is maintained, through the combined efforts of our Pathology Informatics Fellows and Faculty. The curriculum was created with a three-tiered structure, consisting of divisions, topics, and subtopics. Primary (required and suggested readings were selected for each subtopic in the curriculum and incorporated into a curated reading list, which is reviewed and maintained on a regular basis. Results: Our Core Curriculum is composed of four major divisions, 22 topics, and 92 subtopics that cover the wide breadth of Pathology Informatics. The four major divisions include: (1 Information Fundamentals, (2 Information Systems, (3 Workflow and Process, and (4 Governance and Management. A detailed, comprehensive reading list for the curriculum is presented in the Appendix to the manuscript and contains 570 total readings (current as of March 2012. Discussion: The adoption of a formal, core curriculum in a Pathology Informatics fellowship has significant impacts on both fellowship training and the general field of Pathology Informatics itself. For a fellowship, a core curriculum defines a basic, common scope of knowledge that the fellowship expects all of its graduates will know, while at the same time enhancing and broadening the traditional fellowship experience of research and operational rotations. For the field of Pathology Informatics itself, a core curriculum defines to the outside world

  15. Curriculum Mapping with Academic Analytics in Medical and Healthcare Education. (United States)

    Komenda, Martin; Víta, Martin; Vaitsis, Christos; Schwarz, Daniel; Pokorná, Andrea; Zary, Nabil; Dušek, Ladislav


    No universal solution, based on an approved pedagogical approach, exists to parametrically describe, effectively manage, and clearly visualize a higher education institution's curriculum, including tools for unveiling relationships inside curricular datasets. We aim to solve the issue of medical curriculum mapping to improve understanding of the complex structure and content of medical education programs. Our effort is based on the long-term development and implementation of an original web-based platform, which supports an outcomes-based approach to medical and healthcare education and is suitable for repeated updates and adoption to curriculum innovations. We adopted data exploration and visualization approaches in the context of medical curriculum innovations in higher education institutions domain. We have developed a robust platform, covering detailed formal metadata specifications down to the level of learning units, interconnections, and learning outcomes, in accordance with Bloom's taxonomy and direct links to a particular biomedical nomenclature. Furthermore, we used selected modeling techniques and data mining methods to generate academic analytics reports from medical curriculum mapping datasets. We present a solution that allows users to effectively optimize a curriculum structure that is described with appropriate metadata, such as course attributes, learning units and outcomes, a standardized vocabulary nomenclature, and a tree structure of essential terms. We present a case study implementation that includes effective support for curriculum reengineering efforts of academics through a comprehensive overview of the General Medicine study program. Moreover, we introduce deep content analysis of a dataset that was captured with the use of the curriculum mapping platform; this may assist in detecting any potentially problematic areas, and hence it may help to construct a comprehensive overview for the subsequent global in-depth medical curriculum

  16. Percepções de enfermeiros acerca das vulnerabilidades para DST/Aids diante das conexões do processo de adolescer


    Silva, Ítalo Rodolfo; Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery; Valadares, Glaucia Valente; Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery; Gomes, Antonio Marcos Tosoli; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Santos, Nereida Lucia Palko dos; Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery; Silva, Thiago Privado da; Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery; Leite, Joséte Luzia; Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ


    Objetivo: conhecer a percepção de enfermeiros acerca das vulnerabilidades para as DST/Aids diante das conexões do processo de adolescer.Método: pesquisa qualitativa, com 15 enfermeiros, em um núcleo de estudos da saúde do adolescente de um hospital universitário do Rio de Janeiro/Brasil. Utilizou-se como referenciais teórico e metodológico, respectivamente, a Teoria da Complexidade e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Técnica de coleta de dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas de janei...

  17. Blueprint for an Undergraduate Primary Care Curriculum. (United States)

    Fazio, Sara B; Demasi, Monica; Farren, Erin; Frankl, Susan; Gottlieb, Barbara; Hoy, Jessica; Johnson, Amanda; Kasper, Jill; Lee, Patrick; McCarthy, Claire; Miller, Kathe; Morris, Juliana; O'Hare, Kitty; Rosales, Rachael; Simmons, Leigh; Smith, Benjamin; Treadway, Katherine; Goodell, Kristen; Ogur, Barbara


    In light of the increasing demand for primary care services and the changing scope of health care, it is important to consider how the principles of primary care are taught in medical school. While the majority of schools have increased students' exposure to primary care, they have not developed a standardized primary care curriculum for undergraduate medical education. In 2013, the authors convened a group of educators from primary care internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine, and medicine-pediatrics, as well as five medical students to create a blueprint for a primary care curriculum that could be integrated into a longitudinal primary care experience spanning undergraduate medical education and delivered to all students regardless of their eventual career choice.The authors organized this blueprint into three domains: care management, specific areas of content expertise, and understanding the role of primary care in the health care system. Within each domain, they described specific curriculum content, including longitudinality, generalism, central responsibility for managing care, therapeutic alliance/communication, approach to acute and chronic care, wellness and prevention, mental and behavioral health, systems improvement, interprofessional training, and population health, as well as competencies that all medical students should attain by graduation.The proposed curriculum incorporates important core features of doctoring, which are often affirmed by all disciplines but owned by none. The authors argue that primary care educators are natural stewards of this curriculum content and can ensure that it complements and strengthens all aspects of undergraduate medical education.

  18. Putting culture in the curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sairanen, Raija; Richardson, Eileen; Kelly, Hélène


    The purpose of this paper is to describe the rationale for and the method of designing a framework for a European curriculum to promote intercultural competence in health care students. The background relating to the migration of people into and across Europe is cited as the factor driving the need...... for such a project. The project group emerged from the European organisation known as COHEHRE (Consortium of Higher Education Institutes in Health and Rehabilitation in Europe). Composed of a group of nurse educators from 5 European countries it charts the process which led them to create a curriculum framework...

  19. Pemetaan Kelembagaan dalam Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis DAS Bengawan Solo Hulu

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    Sri Rum Giyarsih


    Full Text Available Fakta empiris memberikan pembuktian terhadap pentingnya pengembangan kelembagaan dalam rangka mencapai keberhasilan suatu program pembangunan, bahkan seringkali program pembangunan yang mengabaikan pengembangan kelembagaan berakhir dengan kegagalan. Pengembangan kelembagaan telah menjadi bagian dari strategi pembangunan tak terkecuali dalam Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis di DAS Bengawan Solo Hulu. Sasaran yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengembangan kelembagaan adalah tumbuhnya kelembagaan yang tangguh, dinamis, dan berdaya saing serta mandiri dalam melakukan pengelolaan lingkungan. Untuk mencapai hal ini maka perlu dilakukan pemetaan kelembagaan di DAS tersebut. Dari pemetaan kelembagaan yang ada di wilayah ini terdapat tiga lembaga yang dapat melakukan kegiatan Koordinasi, Intergrasi, Sinergitas, Sinkronisasi (KISS yaitu BKPRD (Badan Koordinasi Penataan Ruang Daerah, BP DAS (Badan Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai/Forum DAS, dan TKPSDA WS Bengawan Solo (Tim Koordinasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo. Di antara ketiga lembaga tersebut maka TKPSDA adalah lembaga yang dipercaya untuk melakukan Koordinasi, Intergrasi, Sinergitas, Sinkronisasi (KISS dalam pengelolaan lingkungan DAS Bengawan Solo Hulu.

  20. Apontamentos acerca das relações entre corpo feminino e cidade

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    Denise Sales Vieira


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo geral discorrer, de maneira introdutória, acerca das relações entre corpo feminino e cidade, e busca entender como o estudo dessas relações pode contribuir para o entendimento da vivência feminina das cidades. Com esses apontamentos, busco investigar como se deram as abordagens da oposição mente/corpo, e como essa oposição é determinante na forma como enxergamos o corpo feminino na cidade. Deixo algumas questões passíveis de aprofundamento: Por que estudar a história das mulheres a partir da constituição de seus corpos? Que elementos acerca da história das mulheres, o corpo feminino, visto através das lentes da cidade, pode nos revelar? Há algo de específico acerca da constituição do corpo feminino que tem a ver com sua vivência da cidade?

  1. Linking geometry and algebra in the school mathematics curriculum


    Jones, Keith


    This chapter focuses on the linking of geometry and algebra in the teaching and learning of mathematics - and how, through such linking, the mathematics curriculum might be strengthened. Through reviewing the case of the school mathematics curriculum in England, together with examples of how the power of geometry can bring contemporary mathematics to life in the classroom, the chapter argues for greater concinnity in the mathematics curriculum, especially in terms of the harmonious/purposeful...

  2. Influência das fibras de aço e das adições minerais na fissuração de tirantes de concreto armado

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    L. A. Oliveira Júnior

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é investigada a influência das fibras de aço e das adições minerais (sílica ativa e cinza volante na fissuração de tirantes de concreto armado. Fibras de aço com gancho nas extremidades e relação de aspecto igual a 65 foram usadas nas frações volumétricas de 0,75%, 1,00% e 1,50%. Dezesseis tirantes de 800 mm de comprimento e seção transversal quadrada de 150 mm de lado reforçados com uma barra de aço CA-50 de 20 mm de diâmetro foram submetidos à tração axial para determinação das aberturas das fissuras. Os resultados mostraram que as fibras reduziram a abertura média de fissuras em até 75% e que as adições minerais melhoraram o comportamento do concreto na fissuração. As aberturas de fissuras foram comparadas aos valores sugeridos pelas recomendações das normas brasileira, americana e européia, que se mostraram inadequadas para estimar a abertura de fissuras em concretos reforçados com fibras.

  3. [Needs assessment of a core curriculum for residency training]. (United States)

    Kwon, Hyo-Jin; Lee, Young-Mee; Chang, Hyung-Joo; Kim, Ae-Ri


    The core curriculum in graduate medical education (GME) is an educational program that covers the minimum body of knowledge and skills that is required of all residents, regardless of their specialty. This study examined the opinions of stakeholders in GME regarding the core curriculum. A questionnaire was administered at three tertiary hospitals that were affiliated with one university; 192 residents and 61 faculty members and attending physicians participated in the survey. The questionnaire comprised six items on physician competency and the needs for a core curriculum. Questions on subjects or topics and adequate training years for each topics were asked only to residents. Most residents (78.6%) and faculty members (86.9%) chose "medical expertise" as the "doctor's role in the 21st century." In contrast, communicator, manager, and collaborator were recognized by less than 30% of all participants. Most residents (74.1%) responded that a core curriculum is "necessary but not feasible," whereas 68.3% of faculty members answered that it is "absolutely needed." Regarding subjects that should be included in the core curriculum, residents and faculty members had disparate preferences- residents preferred more "management of a private clinic" and "financial management," whereas faculty members desired "medical ethics" and "communication skills." Residents and faculty members agree that residents should develop a wide range of competencies in their training. However, the perception of the feasibility and opinions on the contents of the core curriculum differed between groups. Further studies with larger samples should be conducted to define the roles and professional competencies of physicians and the needs for a core curriculum in GME.

  4. The design of a medical school social justice curriculum. (United States)

    Coria, Alexandra; McKelvey, T Greg; Charlton, Paul; Woodworth, Michael; Lahey, Timothy


    The acquisition of skills to recognize and redress adverse social determinants of disease is an important component of undergraduate medical education. In this article, the authors justify and define "social justice curriculum" and then describe the medical school social justice curriculum designed by the multidisciplinary Social Justice Vertical Integration Group (SJVIG) at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. The SJVIG addressed five goals: (1) to define core competencies in social justice education, (2) to identify key topics that a social justice curriculum should cover, (3) to assess social justice curricula at other institutions, (4) to catalog institutionally affiliated community outreach sites at which teaching could be paired with hands-on service work, and (5) to provide examples of the integration of social justice teaching into the core (i.e., basic science) curriculum. The SJVIG felt a social justice curriculum should cover the scope of health disparities, reasons to address health disparities, and means of addressing these disparities. The group recommended competency-based student evaluations and advocated assessing the impact of medical students' social justice work on communities. The group identified the use of class discussion of physicians' obligation to participate in social justice work as an educational tool, and they emphasized the importance of a mandatory, longitudinal, immersive, mentored community outreach practicum. Faculty and administrators are implementing these changes as part of an overall curriculum redesign (2012-2015). A well-designed medical school social justice curriculum should improve student recognition and rectification of adverse social determinants of disease.

  5. Building bridges: how research may improve curriculum policies and classroom practices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Akker, Jan; Stoney, Sheila M.


    Curriculum development is almost notorious for its weak relationship with research. Socio-political arguments usually dominate curriculum decision making (in most, including European, countries, with all their variety). Priorities for curriculum projects seldom arise from systematic monitoring and

  6. A preliminary psychometric evaluation of Music in Dementia Assessment Scales (MiDAS). (United States)

    McDermott, Orii; Orgeta, Vasiliki; Ridder, Hanne Mette; Orrell, Martin


    Music in Dementia Assessment Scales (MiDAS), an observational outcome measure for music therapy with people with moderate to severe dementia, was developed from qualitative data of focus groups and interviews. Expert and peer consultations were conducted at each stage of the scale development to maximize its content validity. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of MiDAS. Care home residents with dementia attended weekly group music therapy for up to ten sessions. Music therapists and care home staff were requested to complete weekly MiDAS ratings. The Quality of Life Scale (QoL-AD) was completed at three time-points. A total of 629 (staff = 306, therapist = 323) MiDAS forms were completed. The statistical analysis revealed that MiDAS has high therapist inter-rater reliability, low staff inter-rater reliability, adequate staff test-retest reliability, adequate concurrent validity, and good construct validity. High factor loadings between the five MiDAS Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) items, levels of Interest, Response, Initiation, Involvement, and Enjoyment, were found. This study indicates that MiDAS has good psychometric properties despite the small sample size. Future research with a larger sample size could provide a more in-depth psychometric evaluation, including further exploration of the underlying factors. MiDAS provides a measure of engagement with musical experience and offers insight into who is likely to benefit on other outcomes such as quality of life or reduction in psychiatric symptoms.

  7. Evaluation of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation curriculum in a low resource environment. (United States)

    Chang, Mary P; Lyon, Camila B; Janiszewski, David; Aksamit, Deborah; Kateh, Francis; Sampson, John


    To evaluate whether a 2-day International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Universal Algorithm-based curriculum taught in a tertiary care hospital in Liberia increases local health care provider knowledge and skill comfort level. A combined basic and advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) curriculum was developed for low-resource settings that included lectures and low-fidelity manikin-based simulations. In March 2014, the curriculum was taught to healthcare providers in a tertiary care hospital in Liberia. In a quality assurance review, participants were evaluated for knowledge and comfort levels with resuscitation before and after the workshop. They were also videotaped during simulation sessions and evaluated on standardized performance metrics. Fifty-two hospital staff completed both pre-and post-curriculum surveys. The median score was 45% pre-curriculum and 82% post-curriculum (presuscitation in this low-resource setting.

  8. Reno Orthopaedic Trauma Fellowship business curriculum. (United States)

    Althausen, Peter L; Bray, Timothy J; Hill, Austin D


    The Reno Orthopaedic Center (ROC) Trauma Fellowship business curriculum is designed to provide the fellow with a graduate level business practicum and research experience. The time commitments in a typical 12-month trauma fellowship are significant, rendering a traditional didactic master's in business administration difficult to complete during this short time. An organized, structured, practical business education can provide the trauma leaders of tomorrow with the knowledge and experience required to effectively navigate the convoluted and constantly changing healthcare system. The underlying principle throughout the curriculum is to provide the fellow with the practical knowledge to participate in cost-efficient improvements in healthcare delivery. Through the ROC Trauma Fellowship business curriculum, the fellow will learn that delivering healthcare in a manner that provides better outcomes for equal or lower costs is not only possible but a professional and ethical responsibility. However, instilling these values without providing actionable knowledge and programs would be insufficient and ineffective. For this reason, the core of the curriculum is based on individual teaching sessions with a wide array of hospital and private practice administrators. In addition, each section is equipped with a suggested reading list to maximize the learning experience. Upon completion of the curriculum, the fellow should be able to: (1) Participate in strategic planning at both the hospital and practice level based on analysis of financial and clinical data, (2) Understand the function of healthcare systems at both a macro and micro level, (3) Possess the knowledge and skills to be strong leaders and effective communicators in the business lexicon of healthcare, (4) Be a partner and innovator in the improvement of the delivery of orthopaedic services, (5) Combine scientific and strategic viewpoints to provide an evidence-based strategy for improving quality of care in a

  9. Community as Curriculum (United States)

    Cummins, Jim; Chow, Patricia; Schechter, Sandra R.


    This article describes a project involving teachers, parents, and university researchers in collaborations to support multilingual children's development and use of language. Strategies for fostering an inclusive climate included building on the interests and resources of the local community, involving community members in curriculum development,…

  10. Curriculum change in Uganda: teacher perspectives on the new thematic curriculum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Altinyelken, H.K.


    Based on a fieldwork study, this article seeks to investigate the implementation of ‘thematic curriculum’ in Uganda from the perspectives of teachers. The article shows that although the majority of teachers are enthusiastic about the new curriculum, their implementation efforts are constrained by a

  11. Das Kapital e Eu

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    David Schweickart


    Full Text Available A partir da sua própria biografia, o autor ensaia sobre sua interpretação de Das Kapital, de Karl Marx. Argumenta sobre a exploração capitalista, sobre o fetichismo e aponta para o problema central do capitalismo: a falta de controle dos concernidos sobre a produção de produtor úteis.

  12. Formação profissional ética: um compromisso a partir das diretrizes curriculares? Ethical professional education: a commitment based on the curricular guidelines?

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    Mirelle Finkler


    Full Text Available Esta reflexão problematiza o discurso e a prática que se estabelecem em torno do tema da formação ética dos profissionais da saúde e, mais particularmente, do cirurgião-dentista, situando o atual momento de implantação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais no ensino superior brasileiro. Procura-se, desta forma, indicar alguns limites e possibilidades para uma formação ética condizente com o novo perfil profissional almejado.This reflection questions the discourse and practice surrounding the ethical education of health professionals and, more particularly, of dentists, situating the current state of deployment of the National Curriculum Guidelines in Brazilian Higher Education. The goal is to point to a few limits and possibilities for an ethical education in line with the new professional profile that is sought.

  13. O Core Curriculum da Unesco como Base para Formação em Bioética

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    Fabiano Maluf

    Full Text Available RESUMO A revolução biotecnológica das últimas décadas teve como resultado o desenvolvimento de um poder quase sem limites sobre a vida humana. Tal contexto exige do profissional uma visão globalizada dos problemas éticos e sociais da era contemporânea, alicerçada em sólidas bases filosóficas e legais. Este contexto torna necessária a promoção de novas competências e habilidades relacionadas à vida profissional. Neste sentido, o ensino da Bioética desponta como uma possibilidade de inovação curricular alternativa ao tradicional modelo prescritivo e normativo. Este artigo relata a experiência da Cátedra Unesco de Bioética da Universidade de Brasília com a utilização do Core Curriculum proposto pela Unesco como instrumento didático-pedagógico adequado ao ensino da Bioética. Entre os dilemas pedagógicos enfrentados pela Bioética como disciplina encontram-se: a construção de seus conteúdos, sua estruturação, as concepções teóricas a serem seguidas e seus objetivos. A contextualização e o aperfeiçoamento da estratégia proposta pelo Core Curriculum podem significar importantes instrumentos facilitadores para docentes que buscam organizar práticas didático-pedagógicas inovadoras em Bioética com o intuito de proporcionar resultados efetivos na formação de seus estudantes.


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    Eliana Marcia Martins Fittipaldi Torga


    Full Text Available No Brasil, o microcrédito tem sido aplicado para o combate à pobreza e estímulo ao crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico. É uma operação de crédito que constitui um dos temas relevantes estudados pela área da administração financeira. Esta pesquisa buscou investigar mediante a utilização das técnicas de duração e convexidade, qual é o risco das operações de microcrédito realizadas por bancos governamentais brasileiros e abordou o tema com relação á gestão de risco de crédito. Este estudo verificou que as oscilações nas taxas constituem um risco, que pode causar problemas nos resultados financeiros das Instituições de Microfinanças se os retornos obtidos no cumprimento das obrigações contratadas passarem a ser insuficientes. As parcerias institucionais com agências de desenvolvimento podem se constituir um importante fator para garantir a concessão de crédito. Sugerem-se novos estudos para a análise das regulamentações do setor, os métodos de concessão e a avaliação de risco das operações.

  15. Developing curriculum design expertise through teacher design teams

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huizinga, T.


    To foster the design and especially the implementation of curriculum reform, teacher involvement from the early stages of curriculum reform processes is advocated. By fulfilling the role of designer, it is expected that teachers’ understanding of the reform and their ownership concerning the reform

  16. Preschool Principal's Curriculum Leadership Indicators: A Taiwan Perspective (United States)

    Lin, Chia-Fen; Lee, John Chi-Kin


    The role of a principal's curriculum leadership has become an educational issue in Taiwan's early childhood education. This study represents a pioneering attempt in adopting a target school interview, fuzzy Delphi, and analytic hierarchy process for constructing preschool principal's curriculum leadership indicators. Fifteen experts and…

  17. Curriculum-Dependent and Curriculum-Independent Factors in Preservice Elementary Teachers' Adaptation of Science Curriculum Materials for Inquiry-Based Science (United States)

    Forbes, Cory T.


    In this nested mixed methods study I investigate factors influencing preservice elementary teachers' adaptation of science curriculum materials to better support students' engagement in science as inquiry. Analyses focus on two "reflective teaching assignments" completed by 46 preservice elementary teachers in an undergraduate elementary science…

  18. Das imagens do mundo ao mundo das imagens − as possibilidades da TV digital para a educação

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    Simone de Lucena Ferreira


    Full Text Available O uso de imagens foi uma das primeirasformas da comunicação humana quecomeçou com as garatujas nas cavernasno período da pré-história. O desenvolvimentode tecnologias, como a máquinafotográfica, o cinema e a televisãopermitiu que as imagens pudessem serregistradas e apresentadas a um maiornúmero de pessoas. As tecnologias digitaisdesenvolvidas a partir na metadedo século XX, possibilitaram mudançasna forma de agir, pensar, se relacionare estudar dos indivíduos. A TV digital éuma dessas tecnologias que poderátrazer grandes transformações sociaisa depender das escolhas políticas eeconômicas feitas por cada país. Nesteartigo, abordamos sobre as possibilidadese potencialidades na TV digital naeducação considerando o uso das redescolaborativas como importantes para aimplantação do Canal de Educação naTV digital.

  19. Technical writing in the radiologic technology curriculum. (United States)

    Bell, R


    Although courses in technical writing are no longer suggested in the Curriculum Guide for Programs in Radiologic Technology, the writer believes that writing is essential to the growth of the profession and development of the professional. Emphasis is placed on some of the benefits that accrue to students who are exposed to technical writing as part of their technology curriculum.

  20. Taking Chances: A New Librarian and Curriculum Redesign. (United States)

    Kovar-Gough, Iris


    As technology becomes ubiquitous in designing and delivering medical school curricula, health sciences librarians can embrace emerging opportunities for participation in curriculum design. A new medical librarian at Michigan State University Libraries engaged her user base outside of established duties, learned new skills, and challenged preconceived notions about librarians' roles. In the process, she became a partner in copyright education, amended license agreements for enhanced curricular multimedia use, and facilitated curriculum mapping through taxonomy building. These projects helped create the informational foundation for a novel hybrid medical education curriculum and introduced new curricular roles for the librarian.

  1. Designing a Standardized Laparoscopy Curriculum for Gynecology Residents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shore, Eliane M; Lefebvre, Guylaine G; Husslein, Heinrich


    surgery, and asked 39 experts in gynecologic education to rate the items on a Likert scale (1-5) for inclusion in the curriculum. Consensus was predefined as Cronbach α of ≥0.80. We then conducted another Delphi survey with 9 experienced users of laparoscopic virtual reality simulators to delineate...... of the curriculum Delphi, and after 2 rounds (Cronbach α=0.80) in the virtual reality curriculum Delphi. Consensus was reached for cognitive, technical, and nontechnical skills as well as for 6 virtual reality tasks. Median time and economy of movement scores defined benchmarks for all tasks. CONCLUSIONS...

  2. Testing Times for the Implementation of Curriculum Change

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    Judy Smeed


    Full Text Available School curriculum change processes have traditionally been managed internally. However, in Queensland, Australia, as a response to the current high-stakes accountability regime, more and more principals are outsourcing this work to external change agents (ECAs. In 2009, one of the authors (a university lecturer and ECA developed a curriculum change model (the Controlled Rapid Approach to Curriculum Change [CRACC], specifically outlining the involvement of an ECA in the initiation phase of a school’s curriculum change process. The purpose of this article is to extend the CRACC model by unpacking the implementation phase, drawing on data from a pilot study of a single school. Interview responses revealed that during the implementation phase, teachers wanted to be kept informed of the wider educational context, use data to constantly track students, relate pedagogical practices to testing practices, share information between departments and professional levels, and own whole school performance. It is suggested that the findings would be transferable to other school settings and internal leadership of curriculum change. The article also strikes a chord of concern: Do the responses from teachers operating under thecurrent accountability regime live their professional lives within this corporate and globalized ideology whether they want to or not?

  3. Extending the theoretical framework for curriculum integration in pre-clinical medical education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vergel, John; Stentoft, Diana; Montoya, Juny


    students' knowledge integration. Therefore, we aimed to uncover how curriculum integration is manifested through context. METHODS: We collected data from the official curriculum and interviewed ten participants (including curriculum designers, facilitators, and students) in the bachelor's medical program......INTRODUCTION: Curriculum integration is widely discussed in medical education but remains ill defined. Although there is plenty of information on logistical aspects of curriculum integration, little attention has been paid to the contextual issues that emerge from its practice and may complicate...... at Aalborg University. We observed various learning activities focused on pre-clinical education. Inspired by grounded theory, we analyzed the information we gathered. RESULTS: The following theoretical constructs emerged after the inductive analysis: 1) curriculum integration complexity is embedded...

  4. On track for success: an innovative behavioral science curriculum model. (United States)

    Freedy, John R; Carek, Peter J; Dickerson, Lori M; Mallin, Robert M


    This article describes the behavioral science curriculum currently in place at the Trident/MUSC Family Medicine Residency Program. The Trident/MUSC Program is a 10-10-10 community-based, university-affiliated program in Charleston, South Carolina. Over the years, the Trident/MUSC residency program has graduated over 400 Family Medicine physicians. The current behavioral science curriculum consists of both required core elements (didactic lectures, clinical observation, Balint groups, and Resident Grand Rounds) as well as optional elements (longitudinal patient care experiences, elective rotations, behavioral science editorial experience, and scholars project with a behavioral science focus). All Trident/MUSC residents complete core behavioral science curriculum elements and are free to participate in none, some, or all of the optional behavioral science curriculum elements. This flexibility allows resident physicians to tailor the educational program in a manner to meet individual educational needs. The behavioral science curriculum is based upon faculty interpretation of existing "best practice" guidelines (Residency Review Committee-Family Medicine and AAFP). This article provides sufficient curriculum detail to allow the interested reader the opportunity to adapt elements of the behavioral science curriculum to other residency training programs. While this behavioral science track system is currently in an early stage of implementation, the article discusses track advantages as well as future plans to evaluate various aspects of this innovative educational approach.

  5. A Cooking Curriculum. (United States)

    Wright, Wynn D., Ed.

    This cooking curriculum, issued by the Washington District Early Childhood Council, details specific ways in which language arts, math, science, and social studies may be taught through cooking specific recipes. Cooking activities and recipes are presented for the fall, winter, and spring months, and guidelines are provided for preparing…

  6. Developing a comprehensive curriculum for public health advocacy. (United States)

    Hines, Ayelet; Jernigan, David H


    There is a substantial gap in public health school curricula regarding advocacy. Development of such a curriculum faces three challenges: faculty lack advocacy skills and experience; the public health literature on effective advocacy is limited; and yet a successful curriculum must be scalable to meet the needs of approximately 9,000 public health students graduating each year. To meet these challenges, we propose a 100-hour interactive online curriculum in five sections: campaigning and organizing, policy making and lobbying, campaign communications, new media, and fund-raising. We outline the content for individual modules in each of these sections, describe how the curriculum would build on existing interactive learning and social media technologies, and provide readers the opportunity to "test-drive" excerpts of a module on "grasstops" organizing. Developing advocacy skills and expertise is critical to meeting the challenges of public health today, and we provide a blueprint for how such training might be brought to scale in the field.

  7. Influence of the geographical curriculum on competences of geography teachers

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    Tatjana Resnik Planinc


    Full Text Available The paper analyses the influence of geographical curriculum on competences of geography teacher. It is focused on complex and symbiotic relation between curriculum and achieved and recommended competences of geography teacher and their importance for geographical education. The competences should therefore be derived from the theories, concerning values, knowledge, curriculum and whole educational process, which underpin good pedagogical practice.

  8. Designing a Mathematics Curriculum

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    Lee Peng Yee


    Full Text Available A decade of PMRI saw the changes in the classroom in some of the primary schools in Indonesia. Based on observation, we can say that though the mathematics syllabus in Indonesia did not change, its curriculum has changed under the movement of PMRI. In this article, we put in writing some of the experience gained through the involvement in designing curricula since 1971. Hopefully, some of the observations made may be of use to the colleagues in Indonesia. The discussion below will cover some deciding factors in designing a curriculum, some practices, and the latest trends. For convenience, we keep the discussion general, and do not refer to a specific syllabus. Also, in many cases, we refer mainly to secondary schools, that is, Grade 7 to Grade 10.

  9. Problems and the present status of radiation educational curriculum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiroi, Tadashi; Muraishi, Yukimasa; Mikado, Shogo; Watanabe, Tomohiro


    To examine teaching curriculum for radiation education requires a collective and extensive consideration on various subjects from many fields. The present study has been made from 4 points of view, namely 'physics', physics experiment', 'chemistry', and 'general science'. In 'physics', a curriculum in which learning about radiation followed by learning Newtonian mechanics was examined. Some group experiments taking radiation as the subject, a curriculum including radiation and radioactivity in high school chemistry course and general science are proposed and discussed briefly. (S. Ohno)

  10. Leadership and management curriculum planning for Iranian general practitioners. (United States)

    Khosravan, Shahla; Karimi Moonaghi, Hossein; Yazdani, Shahram; Ahmadi, Soleiman; Mansoorian, Mohammad Reza


    Leadership and management are two expected features and competencies for general practitioners (GPs). The purpose of this study was leadership and management curriculum planning for GPs which was performed based on Kern's curriculum planning cycle. This study was conducted in 2011- 2012 in Iran using an explanatory mixed-methods approach. It was conducted through an initial qualitative phase using two focus group discussions and 28 semi-structured interviews with key informants to capture their experiences and viewpoints about the necessity of management courses for undergraduate medical students, goals, objectives, and educational strategies according to Kern's curriculum planning cycle. The data was used to develop a questionnaire to be used in a quantitative written survey. Results of these two phases and that of the review of medical curriculum in other countries and management curriculum of other medical disciplines in Iran were used in management and leadership curriculum planning. In the qualitative phase, purposeful sampling and content analysis with constant comparison based on Strauss and Corbin's method were used; descriptive and analytic tests were used for quantitative data by SPSS version 14. In the qualitatively stage of  this research, 6 main categories including the necessity of management course, features and objectives of management curriculum, proper educational setting, educational methods and strategies, evolutionary method and feedback result were determined. In the quantitatively stage of the research, from the viewpoints of 51.6% of 126 units of research who filled out the questionnaire, ranked high necessary of management courses. The coordination of care and clinical leadership was determined as the most important role for GPs with a mean of 6.2 from sample viewpoint. Also, team working and group dynamics had the first priority related to the principles and basics of management with a mean of 3.59. Other results were shown in the paper

  11. Como a diferença passa do centro à margem nos currículos: o exemplo dos PCN How difference moves from the center to the margins: the case of Brazilian national curriculum

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    Elizabeth Macedo


    Full Text Available O texto parte do pressuposto de que os estudos de política curricular centrados no Estado empobrecem a análise por não darem conta da relação entre estrutura e agência. Apoia-se na teoria discursiva de E. Laclau e C. Mouffe para analisar as políticas curriculares como articulações hegemônicas em torno do preenchimento do significante qualidade da educação. Centra-se na análise dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, especialmente os de Ciência e os Temas Transversais, tendo como foco articulações universalistas que buscam minar as demandas da diferença. Considerando que essas articulações podem ser percebidas pela análise dos textos curriculares tais como enunciados, a autora destaca duas estratégias utilizadas nos PCN: a criação de dois componentes curriculares, com a localização das demandas da diferença no menos institucionalizado deles; e as lutas por hegemonia no interior desse componente.This paper assumes that the analysis of the curriculum policy is weakened by a state-centered model that cannot correctly address the relationship between structure and agency. Based on E. Laclau's and C. Mouffe's discursive theory, it analyzes the curriculum policy to show they are hegemonic articulations to fill up the empty signifier "quality of education". It examines the Brazilian National Curriculum, especially the Science and the Transversal Themes components, focusing on how universalistic articulations try to undermine the demands of difference. Considering that such articulations may be spotlighted in the way these curriculum texts were enunciated, it highlights two major strategies used in the National Curriculum: its division into two components, the less institutionalized one containing the demands of difference; and the struggles to control this latter component from within.

  12. Curriculum in radiology for residents: what, why, how, when, and where. (United States)

    Collins, J


    Developing a curriculum in chest radiology should follow the same general principles that are used when developing a curriculum in any subspecialty area of radiology. A curriculum is more than a "list of topics" with which a resident should be familiar after 4 years of training. It includes objectives and goals, content, faculty, methods, and evaluation. Numerous resources are available for those who are charged with developing a curriculum in chest radiology. In addition to faculty members in the department, whose input during development can ensure successful implementation of the curriculum, organizations (i.e., ACR, APDR, STR) already have begun to develop "model" curricula. Attending the annual meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges is a way to meet and hear from professionals who develop and oversee curriculum development at their medical schools, and another important resource available at some medical schools is the Office of Medical Education. The faculty within such offices are uniquely qualified to assist with curriculum and faculty development, especially for those areas in which radiology faculty traditionally are less experienced, such as development of valid and reliable assessment forms and construction of behaviorally based objectives.

  13. Critical review of ESL curriculum: Practical application to the UAE context

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    Mary Cullinan


    Full Text Available This paper is a critical analysis of curriculum with a discussion of its main tenets and exploration of issues within the literature. The focus is on curriculum in English as a Second Language (ESL using critical applied linguistics as a framework. The ideas explored in the paper are synthesized and applied to ESL curriculum in the United Arab Emirates (UAE and includes a discussion on the feasibility and challenges of introducing a critical stance on curriculum in this context.

  14. High Tide, Low Tide. Ocean Related Curriculum Activities. (United States)

    Snively, Gloria

    The ocean affects all of our lives. Therefore, awareness of and information about the interconnections between humans and oceans are prerequisites to making sound decisions for the future. Project ORCA (Ocean Related Curriculum Activities) has developed interdisciplinary curriculum materials designed to meet the needs of students and teachers…

  15. Assessing Sustainability Curriculum: From Transmissive to Transformative Approaches (United States)

    Gaard, Greta C.; Blades, Jarod; Wright, Mary


    Purpose: This paper aims to describe a two-stage sustainability curriculum assessment, providing tools and strategies for other faculty to use in implementing their own sustainability assessments. Design/methodology/approach: In the first stage of the five-year curriculum assessment, the authors used an anonymous survey of sustainability faculty…

  16. The Death of Curriculum Studies and Its Ghosts (United States)

    Snaza, Nathan


    This article analyzes the rhetoric of "death" and "haunting" in curriculum studies by closely reading Pinar, Reynolds, Slattery, and Taubman's "Understanding Curriculum" (2002). Drawing on the work of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, I argue in the first section of the article that the rhetoric of death appears at…

  17. A strategy for teacher involvement in curriculum development ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hence this study focuses on an effective strategy for teacher involvement in curriculum development. The strength of the strategy is that it involves formal teacher training with semesterised courses. There is phased- in implementation of the different phases of the curriculum development process. This formal training course ...

  18. The Lifeworld of Christopher Nolan: Vitalizing the Curriculum. (United States)

    Sheridan, Rillah


    Asserts that curriculum design has traditionally been left to the experts who have forgotten or lost touch with the children. Explores an autobiographical account by Christopher Nolan, expressing the desire to build a curriculum that is richer, more energetic, and more truthful than the ones in the past. (MG)

  19. Sociocultural Dimension of Hidden Content in a Professional Language Curriculum

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    Ekaterina E. Shishlova


    Full Text Available Introduction: studying curriculum as a pedagogical problem has traditionally been reduced to the analysis of its explicit content, set in official educational documents. However, a much less studied hidden content plays a significant role in education. So, what is the role of the hidden curriculum during professional language training? The purpose of the article is to determine the potential impact of hidden curriculum on students’ conceptual worldview. Comparing the worldview presented in textbooks with students’ one has allowed us to estimate the rate of influence of hidden curr iculum. Materials and Methods: the methodological basis of the work is the cultural concept of personalityoriented education. The methodology for studying the role of hidden curriculum includes four stages: at the first stage, the authors set the criteria for selecting textbooks for analysis and do the selection; at the second stage, the authors select sociocultural concepts for analysis; at the third stage, the scheme of analysis is designed and the analysis of textbooks is done; at the fourth stage, the authors identify the potential influence of hidden curriculum on students’ conceptual worldview. Results: the structure of hidden curriculum has been determined and the scheme for analysing its subject component has been developed. The authors have identified a significant influence of hidden curriculum on students’ worldview, which represents the scientific novelty of the article. Discussion and Conclusions: the article gives the definition of a hidden curriculum which is new for Russian pedagogy and presents a methodology for its analysis in EFL textbooks. That analysis is recommended to be conducted when selecting teaching materials both i n languages and other humanities.

  20. Fontes de financiamento para planos de mobilidade urbana: a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades


    Ruiz, Isadora


    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento de elaboração e implementação dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana, atualmente geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades. Para tanto, foi primeiramente realizado um diagnóstico da Mobilidade Urbana no Brasil, desenvolvido o conceito de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana, bem como identificadas as janelas de oportunidade de financiamento. Em seguida, o trabalho descreve em detalhes cada uma das janelas de oportuni...

  1. Classical Curriculum Design (United States)

    George, Judith W.


    The article identifies some key findings in pedagogical research over recent decades, placing them within a framework of logical curriculum development and current practice in quality assurance and enhancement. Throughout, the ideas and comments are related to the practice of teaching classics in university. (Contains 1 figure and 3 notes.)

  2. Across the Curriculum. (United States)

    Burns, Marilyn; And Others


    Across-the-curriculum articles focus on four areas. A math activity describes optical illusions and the properties of shapes. A hands-on science activity presents the chemistry of secret messages. A writing lesson helps students capture the essence of character. An art lesson presents a project on medieval castles. (SM)

  3. Towards the innovation for microbiology curriculum change: students' perception. (United States)

    Saha, Rumpa; Das, Shukla; Kaur, Iqbal R


    For a medical curriculum to be an effective means of learning for today's students, it has to be designed with knowledge of their priorities, needs and abilities. This can be best achieved by inviting students' view-point during curriculum planning. The present study thus elicits opinion of the medical students through a randomly issued set of questionnaires, towards the present microbiology curriculum in order to quantitate from their view-point, the weakness as well as the strengths of the existing curriculum. Their evaluation reveals that they welcome new techniques like problem-based learning but at the same time emphasise the need to integrate what is taught in close association with clinical circumstance. Hence it is important to understand the minds and needs of our students before implementing the syllabus content across to the consumers.

  4. A moeda como um fator interferente na escolha locacional das empresas

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    Ana Tereza Lanna Figueiredo


    Full Text Available A literatura sobre economia regional, historicamente, conferiu pouco destaque à moeda e à sua capacidade de afetar a economia. Dentre as razões, pode-se apontar a postura ortodoxa assumida pelos economistas regionais como uma das principais. Se a moeda não impacta a economia real no âmbito nacional, certamente não irá desempenhar papel no contexto regional. A despeito da tendência de negligenciar a importância das variáveis monetárias no crescimento das regiões, alguns estudos sobre desenvolvimento regional vêm mostrando que a moeda não é neutra e produz impacto diferenciado no espaço. Entretanto, ainda que tais estudos tenham contribuído para o avanço na discussão regional, não foi elaborado um aparato conceitual que revele como a moeda influencia na decisão locacional das empresas. Este indagação servirá de eixo para o desenvolvimento das reflexões apresentadas no artigo.

  5. Dealing with Distinctiveness. Development of Chinese in the "Australian Curriculum: Languages" (United States)

    Scrimgeour, Andrew; Foster, Marnie; Mao, Weifeng


    This article explores some of the distinctive challenges in Chinese language education in schools and discusses how the development of the "Australian Curriculum: Chinese" has responded to these challenges. It details how the curriculum framework outlined in the "Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Languages" (ACARA, 2011)…

  6. The primary school teachers’ competence in implementing the 2013 curriculum

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    Maba Wayan


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to analyze the competence of primary school teachers in implementing the 2013 curriculum. The 2013 curriculum has been implemented in almost all schools and there are still many unsuccessful implementations in several Indonesian schools. Therefore it is important to study the teachers’ competence in implementing the 2013 curriculum. A qualitative research design was carried out in this study by utilizing argumentative descriptive analysis. The data was collected by carrying out in depth interviews to the primary schools teachers who were selected by random sampling techniques. The results of this study indicated that primary school teachers have insufficient competence in implementing the 2013 curriculum especially in designing lesson plan, lesson plan implementation and assessment practices. Consequently, it is recommended that further intensive training and focus group discussion should be held to improve the teachers’ competence in implementing the 2013 curriculum.

  7. Developing a new industrial engineering curriculum using a systems engineering approach (United States)

    Buyurgan, Nebil; Kiassat, Corey


    This paper reports on the development of an engineering curriculum for a new industrial engineering programme at a medium-sized private university in the northeast United States. A systems engineering process has been followed to design and develop the new curriculum. Considering the programme curriculum as a system, first the stakeholders have been identified, and some preliminary analysis on their needs and requirements has been conducted. Following that, the phases of conceptual design, preliminary design, and detailed design have been pursued during which different levels of validation, assessment, and evaluation processes have been utilised. In addition, a curriculum assessment and continuous improvement process have been developed to assess the curriculum and the courses frequently. The resulting curriculum is flexible, allowing the pursuit of accelerated graduate programmes, a second major, various minor options, and study-abroad; relevant, tailored to the needs of industry partners in the vicinity; and practical, providing hands-on education, resulting in employment-ready graduates.

  8. Estudo das estratégias operacionais das empresas de tubos e conexões de PVC na indústria plástica joinvillense nos anos 90


    Klug, Jonas Fernandes


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia Esta dissertação de mestrado, cujo título é Estudo das Estratégias Operacionais das Empresas de Tubos e Conexões de PVC na Indústria Plástica Joinvilense nos anos 90, focaliza determinados aspectos da competitividade industrial no atual contexto econômico, com base nos principais acontecimentos das décadas de 70, 80 e 90, a partir da problemática: O setor industria...

  9. Developing a Telecommunications Curriculum for Students with Physical Disabilities. (United States)

    Gandell, Terry S.; Laufer, Dorothy


    A telecommunications curriculum was developed for students (ages 15-21) with physical disabilities. Curriculum content included an internal mailbox program (Mailbox), interactive communication system (Blisscom), bulletin board system (Arctel), and a mainframe system (Compuserv). (JDD)

  10. the impact of digital technology revolution on surveying curriculum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    the impact of digital technology revolution on surveying curriculum review in ... Global Journal of Environmental Sciences ... Also, it focuses on the need to review the current surveying curriculum to meet the technological advancement. Finally ...

  11. Das ATHENA-Projekt: [

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    Passenheim, Renate


    Full Text Available [english] Since the winter semester of 2002/03, the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg has been using the electronic learning environment ATHENA. It is the "virtual bulletin board" for the exchange and provision of information on the study of medicine within the faculty. Since 2004/05, the platform has been operated using the open source system LRN. The system is used with the focus on document management. The use of the interactive learning contents and programme takes place as a web-based support of the required attendance classes and independent study. The tools available on the platform are used within the departments for the integration of computer-assisted examination concepts, and the conducting of online course evaluations. [german] Seit dem Wintersemester 2002/03 setzt die Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg die elektronische Lernumgebung ATHENA ein. Sie ist das "Virtuelle Schwarze Brett" für den Austausch und die Bereitstellung von Informationen zum Medizinstudium an der Fakultät. Seit 2004/05 wird die Plattform mit dem Open-Source-System .LRN betrieben. Das System wird eingesetzt mit dem Schwerpunkt der Kurs- und Dokumentenverwaltung. Die Nutzung der interaktiven Lerninhalte und -programme erfolgt als webbasierte Unterstützung der Präsenzveranstaltungen sowie im Selbststudium. Die in der Plattform verfügbaren Tools werden in den Fachbereichen zur Integration computerunterstützter Prüfungskonzepte sowie zur Durchführung von Online-Kursevaluationen eingesetzt.

  12. Curriculum Guidelines for Periodontics. (United States)

    Journal of Dental Education, 1985


    Guidelines describe the interrelationships of this and other dental fields, give an overview of the curriculum and its primary educational objectives, and outline the suggested prerequisites, core content, specific behavioral objectives, sequencing, and faculty requirements. (MSE)

  13. From Curriculum to Workplace Requirements: Do They "Match"? (United States)

    Lomas, Gregor; Mills, Kelvin


    This paper examines correspondences and disjunctions within a national curriculum and between various aspects of its delivery, and how these align with the mathematical needs of the workplace. This is investigated in the context of the New Zealand school mathematics curriculum; the Numeracy Development Project; the senior school assessment regime,…

  14. History Lessons: Inequality, Diversity and the National Curriculum (United States)

    Alexander, Claire; Weekes-Bernard, Debbie


    This article explores the continued importance of teaching a diverse curriculum at a time when issues of racial and ethnic equality and diversity have been increasingly sidelined in the political discussion around "British" values and identities, and how these should be taught in schools. The 2014 History National curriculum, in…

  15. Evaluation of the Positive Prevention HIV/STD Curriculum (United States)

    LaChausse, Robert G.


    This study evaluated the effectiveness of Positive Prevention, a theory-based, HIV/STD prevention education curriculum for high school youth. Three hundred fifty-three students participated in a longitudinal experimental design to determine the impact of the curriculum on HIV/AIDS knowledge, self-efficacy to abstain from sex, self-efficacy of…

  16. Marketing and Distributive Education. Food Marketing Curriculum Guide (United States)

    Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb. Dept. of Business Education and Administration Services.

    This document is one of four curriculum guides designed to provide the curriculum coordinator with a basis for planning a comprehensive program in the field of marketing as well as to provide marketing and distributive education teachers with maximum flexibility. Introductory information provides directions for using the guide and information on…

  17. Curriculum Consonance and Dissonance in Technology Education Classrooms (United States)

    Brown, Ryan A.


    In a time of increased accountability, a tightened curriculum, and fewer curricular choices for students, technology education in the United States is in the position of defending itself by "carving a niche" in the school curriculum. Justifying the place of technology education is becoming increasingly difficult, as there has been little…

  18. Development of an Aviation Maintenance Curriculum in an Aerospace Engineering Department. (United States)

    Miau, Jiun-Jih; Chiu, Huei-Huang; Wu, Yuh-Yi; Lin, Chin-E; Choi, Siu-Tong; Yang, Shih-Ming; Jenq, Syh-Tsang

    This paper describes the motivation of developing the Aviation Maintenance Curriculum, at National Chang Kung University (seven elective courses) contents of the elective courses, and university-industry collaborations developed along with the Curriculum. The curriculum represents an effort to respond to the needs of manpower in the aviation…

  19. Identifying values and beliefs in an outcomes-based curriculum

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Erna Kinsey

    In an analysis of Curriculum 2005 and the National Curriculum Statement, value and belief systems ... directives for teachers about the identification of values within the ... Parks (Fowler et al., 1992:106) makes a distinction between religion,.


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    Wanderson Vilton Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Na perspectiva da Psicologia Social em diálogo com as teorizações de Michel Foucault e Giorgio Agamben, o objetivo deste artigo é problematizar de que maneira as drogas são constituídas como explicação para assassinatos de moradores de rua, construindo práticas e discursos relacionados ao governo da vida e da morte nas cidades. O material que apresentamos consiste em textos midiáticos e documentos públicos elaborados entre julho de 2010 e novembro de 2012 abordando tais assassinatos. Analisamos como o dispositivo das drogas formula uma ambiguidade e uma complexidade importantes para o governo dos moradores de rua a partir da construção de oposições: criminoso ou em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Procuramos contribuir criticamente com políticas públicas que visem os diversos modos de existir na cidade, pensar os espaços urbanos, os modos de governo e os processos de subjetivação, considerando a análise da ambiguidade e da complexidade produzidas em torno do dispositivo das drogas.

  1. Box City Curriculum. (United States)

    Center for Understanding the Built Environment, Prairie Village, KS.

    This curriculum packet contains two lesson plans about cities and architecture intended for use with students in upper elementary grades and middle schools. The first lesson plan, "City People, City Stories" (Jan Ham), states that understanding architecture and cities must begin with an understanding of the people of the city. The children create…

  2. The co-curriculum: Re-defining boundaries of academic spaces

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    address issues concerning the co-curriculum in a colloquium on 14 May 2014 ... lifelong and life-wide learning (Jackson, 2010), student development ... the framework for the design of the co-curriculum is simply about employability, which is.

  3. Overview of the Visual Arts Curriculum, and Its Relationship with Evaluation and Instruction. (United States)

    Imonikebe, Manasseh Emamoke


    Evaluation and instruction play very important roles in curriculum implementation. As a result, the two concepts are often enshrined in the curriculum document. This article therefore examined the Visual Arts curriculum and its relationship with evaluation and instruction. Furthermore, the roles of Evaluation and Instruction in curriculum planning…

  4. Training Psychiatry Residents in Quality Improvement: An Integrated, Year-Long Curriculum (United States)

    Arbuckle, Melissa R.; Weinberg, Michael; Cabaniss, Deborah L.; Kistler; Susan C.; Isaacs, Abby J.; Sederer, Lloyd I.; Essock, Susan M.


    Objective: The authors describe a curriculum for psychiatry residents in Quality Improvement (QI) methodology. Methods: All PGY3 residents (N=12) participated in a QI curriculum that included a year-long group project. Knowledge and attitudes were assessed before and after the curriculum, using a modified Quality Improvement Knowledge Assessment…

  5. Development of a Curriculum Management Process by Applying Lean Concept for Waste Elimination to Enhance Curriculum Implementation of Primary School Teacher (United States)

    Chitrangsan, Nadrudee; Sawekngam, Wichai; Thongthew, Sumlee


    This research aims to study and develop a curriculum management process by applying Lean concept for waste elimination to enhance curriculum implementation of primary school teacher. This study was conducted with a focus on qualitative data collection by dividing into 2 phases, including (1) analyze and synthesize relevant notions, theories,…

  6. Transforming the Economics Curriculum by Integrating Threshold Concepts (United States)

    Karunaratne, Prashan Shayanka Mendis; Breyer, Yvonne A.; Wood, Leigh N.


    Purpose: Economics is catering to a diverse student cohort. This cohort needs to be equipped with transformative concepts that students can integrate beyond university. When a curriculum is content-driven, threshold concepts are a useful tool in guiding curriculum re-design. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/Methodology/Approach: The…

  7. Mentoring BUGS: An Integrated Science and Technology Curriculum (United States)

    Harrell, Pamela Esprivalo; Walker, Michelle; Hildreth, Bertina; Tyler-Wood, Tandra


    The current study describes an authentic learning experience designed to develop technology and science process skills through a carefully scaffolded curriculum using mealworms as a content focus. An individual mentor assigned to each 4th and 5th grade girl participating in the program delivered the curriculum. Results indicate mastery of science…

  8. Media Literacy Education: No Longer a Curriculum Option (United States)

    Martinson, David L.


    Establishing a curriculum program in media literacy education is important. In a postmodern era and new millennium, communication and its technology play an increasingly important role. This author asserts that it is imperative that young people be prepared for that reality. If budget and other academic or curriculum restraints make it impossible…

  9. Curriculum Reform in Higher Education: A Contested Space (United States)

    Shay, Suellen


    Drawing on the theoretical and analytical tools from the sociology of education, in particular the work of Basil Bernstein and Karl Maton, the paper explores the tensions within curriculum reform discourses and how these tensions play out in different global contexts. The analysis focuses on two curriculum reform policies--Hong Kong and South…

  10. Paving the road for a European postgraduate training curriculum. (United States)

    van der Aa, Jessica E; Goverde, Angelique J; Teunissen, Pim W; Scheele, Fedde


    The 'Project for Achieving Consensus in Training' has been initiated by the European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to harmonise training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology throughout Europe. In this project called the EBCOG-PACT, a state of the art pan-European training curriculum will be developed. Implementation of a pan-European curriculum will enhance harmonisation of both quality standards of women's healthcare practice and standards of postgraduate training. Secondly, it will assure equal quality of training of gynaecologists, promoting mobility throughout Europe. Thirdly, it will enhance cooperation and exchange of best practices between medical specialists and hospitals within Europe. The project is expecting to deliver (1) a description of the core and electives of the curriculum based on previously defined standards of care, (2) a societally responsive competency framework based on input from societal stakeholders and (3) strategies for education and assessment based on the current literature. Also, the project focuses on implementation and sustainability of the curriculum by delivering (4) a SWOT-analysis for the implementation based on insights into transcultural differences, (5) recommendations for implementation, change management and sustainability based on the SWOT analysis (6) and finally a handbook for other specialties initiating European curriculum development. The development and the implementation of this modern pan-European curriculum in Obstetrics and Gynaecology aims to serve as an example for the harmonisation of postgraduate training in Europe. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  11. Medical Education and Curriculum Reform: Putting Reform Proposals in Context

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    Daniel Kam Yin Chan, MD, MB.BS, MHA


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to elaborate criteria by which the principles of curriculum reform can be judged. To this end, the paper presents an overview of standard critiques of medical education and examines the ways medical curriculum reforms have responded to these critiques. The paper then sets out our assessment of these curriculum reforms along three parameters: pedagogy, educational context, and knowledge status. Following on from this evaluation of recent curriculum reforms, the paper puts forward four criteria with which to gauge the adequacy medical curriculum reform. These criteria enable us to question the extent to which new curricula incorporate methods and approaches for ensuring that its substance: overcomes the traditional opposition between clinical and resource dimensions of care; emphasizes that the clinical work needs to be systematized in so far as that it feasible; promotes multi-disciplinary team work, and balances clinical autonomy with accountability to non-clinical stakeholders.

  12. A Formalized Three-Year Emergency Medicine Residency Ultrasound Education Curriculum

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    Andrew King


    Full Text Available Audience and type of curriculum: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residency Program Ultrasound Education Curriculum is a three-year curriculum for PGY-1 to PGY-3 learners. Introduction/Background: Each year of the three-year The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Curriculum focuses on different aspects of emergency ultrasonography, thereby promoting progressive understanding and utilization of point-of-care ultrasound in medical decision-making during residency training. Ultrasound is an invaluable bedside tool for emergency physicians; this skill must be mastered by resident learners during residency training, and ultrasound competency is a required ACGME milestone.1 The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP currently recommends that 11 applications of emergency ultrasound be part of the core skills of an emergency physician.2 This curriculum acknowledges the standards developed by ACEP and the ACGME. Objectives: Learners will 1 know the indications for each the 11 ACEP point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS applications; 2 perform each of the 11 ACEP POCUS applications; 3 integrate POCUS into medical decision-making. Methods: The educational strategies used in this curriculum include: independent, self-directed learning (textbook and literature reading, brief didactic sessions describing indications and technique for each examination, hands-on ultrasound scanning under the direct supervision of ultrasound faculty with real-time feedback, and quality assurance review of ultrasound images. Residents are expected to perform a minimum of 150 ultrasound examinations with associated quality assurance during the course of their residency training. The time requirements, reading material, and ultrasound techniques taught vary depending on the year of training. Length of curriculum: The entirety of the curriculum is three years; however, each year of residency training has

  13. Nurse Educator Pathway Project: a competency-based intersectoral curriculum. (United States)

    Young, Lynne; Frost, Linda J; Bigl, Julie; Clauson, Marion; McRae, Cora; Scarborough, Kathy S; Murphy, Sue; Jillings, Carol; Gillespie, Frank


    In this paper, we begin by providing an overview of the Educator Pathway Project (EPP), an education infrastructure that was developed in response to emerging critical nursing workplace issues, and the related demand for enhanced workplace education. We then describe the EPP competency-based curriculum designed to prepare nurses as preceptors, mentors, and educators to lead learning with diverse learner groups. This competency-based curriculum was developed through a collaboration of nurse leaders across practice, academic, and union sectors and drew from a widely embraced curriculum development model (Iwasiw, Goldenberg, & Andrusyzyn, 2005). The goal of the curriculum was to prepare nurses through a four-level career pathway model that contextualized practice and education theory to various education-related roles and levels of experience within the practice setting. Over 1,100 nurses participated in this innovative intersectoral nursing initiative.



    kurniasih, nia


    Sungai citarum merupakan sungai utama di DAS Citarum yang dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan, tidak hanya digunakan oleh 7 kabupaten dan 2 Kota di Jawa Barat tetapi juga sebagai sumber air baku air minum Kota Jakarta. Penurunan kualitas maupun kuantitas Sungai Citarum sudah sangat memprihatinkan, kondisi tersebut diakibatkan oleh kesadaran masyarakat dan pemerintah yang belu optimal. Peraturan-peraturan Pemerintah sudah ada tetapi pelaksanaan dilapangan belum maksimal dibarengi penegakan h...


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    Eduardo Pozzi Lucchesi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as variáveis relacionadas aos aspectos operacionais e conjunturais que influenciam o Market Value das empresas do segmento de carnes e derivados listadas na BM&FBovespa, no período de 2007 a 2013. O estudo foi elaborado sob a perspectiva de dois eixos teóricos. O primeiro foi uma análise das contribuições do Market Value como um indicador útil para determinação do valor justo de mercado criado aos acionistas e, portanto, constituindo uma base sólida para mensuração do desempenho das empresas. O segundo foi a Hipótese de Mercado Eficiente que considera a eficiência da informação ou o impacto de determinadas informações na precificação dos ativos. O modelo especificado produziu resultados que ratificaram algumas hipóteses da pesquisa, tanto na significância individual, quanto no sinal de algumas variáveis independentes. Além disso, o modelo apresentou significância global, dada pelo teste F, a 5%, com um coeficiente de determinação múltiplo ajustado de 9,22%.

  16. Sustainability as a Cross-Curricular Priority in the Australian Curriculum: A Tasmanian Investigation (United States)

    Dyment, Janet E.; Hill, Allen; Emery, Sherridan


    In this paper, we report on an investigation into sustainability education in schools in the Australian state of Tasmania following the implementation of the Australian Curriculum. Sustainability is one of three cross-curriculum priorities in the new national curriculum and is the focus of this research (sustainability cross-curriculum priority…

  17. Orogenias: das margens continentais ao interior remoto das placas, uma revisão no tema

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    Benjamim Bley de Brito Neves


    Full Text Available Esta síntese do conceito de orogenias abrange desde a Tectônica de Placas dos anos 1970, adendos e modelos "alternativos", que buscam explicar orogenias distantes das zonas de interação de placas. A análise crítica dos modelos originais resultou em adendos que incluem domínios proterozoicos e paleozoicos e observações sobre reologia e história termo-tectônica da litosfera. Os modelos alternativos explicam a orogênese por subdução local de litosfera continental, sem envolver litosfera oceânica. Nos anos 1990, houve notável avanço no estudo das causas da subsidência (tectônica formadora de bacias e estudos que contestam a rigidez das placas e propõem modelos de enfraquecimento devido à ação termal. Orogenias intracontinentais, entendidas como caso extremo da inversão de bacias, ocorrem em praticamente todos os continentes. Esforços gerados em zonas de interação de placas podem ser transmitidas continente adentro por milhares de quilômetros e gerar tectônica deformadora longe de suturas. Embora esteja ainda em estágio de fluxo, o conceito de orogenias intracontinentais ("telessuturais" vem se consolidando, embora não tenha sido incorporado a livros-texto. O histórico e o reexame do tema possibilitam classificar os orógenos segundo três variáveis principais: posição em relação às zonas de sutura, organização geométrico-geológica (em planta e nível de exumação.

  18. A Curriculum Development Route Map for a Technology Enhanced Learning Era (United States)

    Castañeda, Linda; Prendes, Paz


    In this paper we are trying to present a model of analysis that includes a comprehensive perspective of the state of the art in the specialized literature about curriculum development. From this theoretical approach, we get a complete curriculum overview. Including insights into: what are the curriculum principal elements, what we already know…

  19. Developing a New Industrial Engineering Curriculum Using a Systems Engineering Approach (United States)

    Buyurgan, Nebil; Kiassat, Corey


    This paper reports on the development of an engineering curriculum for a new industrial engineering programme at a medium-sized private university in the northeast United States. A systems engineering process has been followed to design and develop the new curriculum. Considering the programme curriculum as a system, first the stakeholders have…

  20. Teachers' Perspectives of a New Food Literacy Curriculum in Australia (United States)

    Nanayakkara, Janandani; Margerison, Claire; Worsley, Anthony


    Purpose: Implementation of a new food literacy curriculum provides multiple health and social benefits to school students. The success of any new curriculum execution is partly determined by teachers' perceptions about the new curriculum contents, and barriers and challenges for its delivery. The purpose of this paper is to explore teachers' views…

  1. The law concerning the environmental impact assessment. Vol. 1. Collection of regulations with an introduction to EIA law; Das Recht der Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefung. Bd. 1. Vorschriftensammlung mit Einfuehrung in das UVP-Recht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peters, H.J.


    The present book contains all regulations relevant to EIA in compact form: The EU EIA Directive; the Federal Law on the EIA; the Procedural Rules of Atomic Energy Law; the Ninth Ordinance on the Federal Emissions Control Law including the pertinent general administrative regulation; the Federal Mining Law; the Federal Building Law; the Federal Regional Planning Law; and the EIA laws of the Laender such as implementing regulations, the Land EIA Laws, and the Land Planning Laws. There is a basic introduction to EIA law preceding this collection of regulations and laws. (orig./HP) [Deutsch] Das Buch bietet alle UVP-Vorschriften in kompakter Form, die UVPRL der EU, das UVPG, die Atomrechtliche Verfahrensverordnung (AtVfV) und die 9. BImSchV einschliesslich der entsprechenden Allgemeinen Verwaltungsvorschrift sowie das BBergG, das BauGB, das ROG bis hin zum UVP-Recht der Laender wie DurchfuehrungsVO, LUVPG und Landesplanungsgesetzen. Vorangestellt ist diesen Vorschriften eine grundlegende Einfuehrung in das Recht des UVP. (orig./HP)


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    Yuli Rachmawati


    Full Text Available In this era, the importance of English leads people to introduce English education even in preschools. English education for preschoolers isbelieved to help fosterchildren’s language and cognitive developments. However, to achieve this benefit, a sound curriculum is required.Since creating a sound English curriculum is not an easy thing to do, a careful examination on English in the preschool curriculum needs to be performed. This study therefore aims to find out the goals of integrating English as an intra-school curriculum in a preschool in Bandung and the teacher’s attempts to achieve these goals in terms of four basic components of curriculum taken fromCayadong (2011 and Tyler (Posner,1992; the objectives, the materials, the methods and the assessments. A descriptive study using a document analysis, an interview and an observation as the data collection techniques was employed. The finding showed that English was integrated to help children to be able to communicate using English in school and family context in a simple language. Theme-based teaching and learning using drilling and total physical response (TPR as methods were conducted to achieve the goals. Meanwhile, to make sure of the goals attainment, students wereassessed by using observations and tests.

  3. Latin Curriculum Guide. (United States)

    North Carolina State Dept. of Public Instruction, Raleigh. Instructional Services.

    North Carolina's Latin curriculum guide describes the overarching concepts for Latin study, particularly at the secondary level, and outlines what students should know and be able to do at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. It is designed to provide directions to school districts as they plan and/or continue to improve their Latin…


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    Clécio Moreira Lopes


      Analisa-se a participação das universidades estaduais no ensino superior do Brasil, comparando-as com as federais, municipais e privadas em termos do número de instituições, vagas, ingressantes, matrículas e concluintes antes e depois da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Pergunta-se: qual a contribuição para o ensino superior brasileiro e que efeitos as inovações da LDB provocaram no setor? Deseja-se dimensionar essa participação, comparando a parcela de contribuição das UEs com a dos demais segmentos antes das inovações da lei geral. Tomam-se por base os Censos do Ensino Superior realizados pelo INEP, analisando a proporção do segmento em relação ao total. Constatou-se que as estaduais são as primeiras instituições universitárias e que, salvo nas primeiras décadas, quando a federalização subtraiu algumas unidades, até 1996, ampliava sua participação com 20% das instituições, 15% dos ingressantes, 17% das matrículas, 19% de concluintes e  13% das vagas. Desde então, apesar dos acréscimos, tem reduzido sua fatia, tendo, em 2013, 19% das universidades, 5% das vagas, 8% dos ingressantes, 13% das matrículas e 14% dos concluintes, não acompanhando o crescimento das federais e, principalmente, das privadas que, favorecidas com as alterações na legislação, tornaram-se o maior segmento. Conclui-se, então, que a participação das universidades estaduais no ensino superior brasileiro tem experimentado ora ampliação, ora redução, mas sempre favorecendo o acesso ao ensino superior de grandes camadas da população brasileira.   Palavras-chave: Ensino superior. Educação brasileira. Universidades estaduais. Ensino superior estadual.

  5. Developing the New Columbia Core Curriculum: A Case Study in Managing Radical Curriculum Change (United States)

    Galea, Sandro; Fried, Linda P.; Walker, Julia R.; Rudenstine, Sasha; Glover, Jim W.


    Curricular change is essential for maintaining vibrant, timely, and relevant educational programming. However, major renewal of a long-standing curriculum at an established university presents many challenges for leaders, faculty, staff, and students. We present a case study of a dramatic curriculum renewal of one of the nation’s largest Master of Public Health degree programs: Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. We discuss context, motivation for change, the administrative structure established to support the process, data sources to inform our steps, the project timeline, methods for engaging the school community, and the extensive planning that was devoted to evaluation and communication efforts. We highlight key features that we believe are essential for successful curricular change. PMID:25706010

  6. Dewey, "Democracy and Education," and the School Curriculum (United States)

    Hopkins, Neil


    This paper will investigate Dewey's "Democracy and Education" in relation to the curriculum. There are two overarching themes to the paper: the concept of the democratic curriculum and the academic/vocational divide. Dewey is seen as a pivotal thinker in relation to collaborative learning and the child as a vital voice in any learning…

  7. Interior Design Standards in the Secondary FCS Curriculum (United States)

    Katz, Shana H.; Smith, Bettye P.


    This article deals with a study on interior design standards in the secondary FCS curriculum. This study assessed the importance FCS teachers placed on content standards in the interior design curriculum to help determine the amount of time and emphasis to place on the units within the courses. A cover letter and questionnaire were sent…

  8. Holistic curriculum development: tutoring as a support process ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The tutor's role in these involves different aspects of teaching and learning. In this article I explore the value of tutoring as a means of supporting the holistic curriculum development process. I reflect on the reason for introducing a system of tutoring for students in curriculum studies and the results of its implementation on ...

  9. Surviving the Implementation of a New Science Curriculum (United States)

    Lowe, Beverly; Appleton, Ken


    Queensland schools are currently teaching with the first National Curriculum for Australia. This new curriculum was one of a number of political responses to address the recurring low scores in literacy, mathematics, and science that continue to hold Australia in poor international rankings. Teachers have spent 2 years getting to know the new…

  10. Adaptive leadership curriculum for Indian paramedic trainees. (United States)

    Mantha, Aditya; Coggins, Nathaniel L; Mahadevan, Aditya; Strehlow, Rebecca N; Strehlow, Matthew C; Mahadevan, S V


    Paramedic trainees in developing countries face complex and chaotic clinical environments that demand effective leadership, communication, and teamwork. Providers must rely on non-technical skills (NTS) to manage bystanders and attendees, collaborate with other emergency professionals, and safely and appropriately treat patients. The authors designed a NTS curriculum for paramedic trainees focused on adaptive leadership, teamwork, and communication skills critical to the Indian prehospital environment. Forty paramedic trainees in the first academic year of the 2-year Advanced Post-Graduate Degree in Emergency Care (EMT-paramedic equivalent) program at the GVK-Emergency Management and Research Institute campus in Hyderabad, India, participated in the 6-day leadership course. Trainees completed self-assessments and delivered two brief video-recorded presentations before and after completion of the curriculum. Independent blinded observers scored the pre- and post-intervention presentations delivered by 10 randomly selected paramedic trainees. The third-party judges reported significant improvement in both confidence (25 %, p leadership (2.6 vs. 4.6, p confidence (3.0 vs. 4.8, p leadership curriculum for prehospital providers demonstrated significant improvement in self-reported NTS commonly required of paramedics in the field. The authors recommend integrating focused NTS development curriculum into Indian paramedic education and further evaluation of the long term impacts of this adaptive leadership training.


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    Abdur Rahman


    Full Text Available Telah terjadi terjadi kerusakan habitat lingkungan mangrove, abrasi dan akresi yang menyebabkan semakin tingginya muka air  di sepanjang DAS Sungai Barito (DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak dan DAS Kuin, sebab erjadinya proses abrasi dan akresi  yang terjadi di sepanjang garis pantai, terutama DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak dan DAS Kuin. Klasifikasi pemanfaatan lahan dan konversinya serta perubahan pesisir berupa akresi dan abrasi di sepanjang pantai area penelitian di analisis dengan memanfaatkan informasi dari data citra satelit Landsat multi temporal yang di peroleh pada tanggal 29 Juni tahun 1985, dan 03 September 2006. Dominasi pemanfaatan lahan berupa HPH, pertambangan dan pemukiman dengan konversi lahan pada hutan untuk pemanfaatan lain memberikan dampak erosi yang cukup besar dengan ditunjukannya wilayah pesisir yang mengalami peningkatan akresi terutama pada bagian muara sungai (delta. Tren perubahan yang terlihat pada kawasan pesisir di area penelitian selama 21 tahun adalah abrasi sebesar 294,55 m2 di daerah Muara S. Martapura, 75,53 m2 di sekitar muara S. Alalak. Dan perubahan Abrasi sebesar 177,42 m2 , dan akresi sebesar 610,86 m2 di sekitar Muara S. Barito/Kuin. Have happened happened damage of environmental habitat of mangrove, and abrasi of akresi causing its excelsior of face irrigate alongside DAS River of Barito (DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak and of DAS Kuin, because the happening of process of abrasi and of akresi that happened alongside coastline, especially DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak and  DAS Kuin. Classification exploiting of farm and its conversion and also change of coastal area in the form of and akresi of abrasi alongside research area coast in analysis by exploiting information of satellite image data of Landsat temporal multi which in obtaining on 29 June year 1985, and 03 September 2006. Domination exploiting of farm in the form of HPH, settlement and mining with farm conversion at forest for other exploiting give big enough

  12. Nutrition educator adoption and implementation of an experiential foods curriculum. (United States)

    Diker, Ann; Cunningham-Sabo, Leslie; Bachman, Kari; Stacey, Jane E; Walters, Lynn M; Wells, Linda


    Describe changes in Nutrition Educator (NE) and Extension Agent (EA) motivation, self-efficacy, and behavioral capability over time after experiential food tasting curriculum training. Identify promoters of curriculum adoption, implementation, and future use. Mixed methods design including surveys, lesson implementation reports, and interviews. New Mexico limited-resource schools. Convenience sample of New Mexico Extension NE (n = 42) and their EA supervisors (n = 21). Three-hour curriculum training employing Social Cognitive Theory and Diffusion of Innovations. Perceived change in motivation, self-efficacy, and behavioral capability from post-training through 8-month post-training; promoters and challenges to curriculum adoption, implementation, and future use. Repeated-measures ANOVA analyzed perceived behavior change over time. Significance was set at P ≤ .05. Qualitative responses were categorized by theme. Gains in NE motivation, self-efficacy, and behavioral capability were sustained at 8 months post-training. High adoption/implementation rates (79%) were attributed to strong implementation expectations, observational learning, experiential training elements, and perceived curriculum compatibility. Environmental factors including time constraints, personnel turnover, and scheduling conflicts proved challenging. Maximizing curriculum simplicity and compatibility and incorporating behavioral capability, observational learning, and expectations into training support adoption and use. Adaptations and techniques to problem-solve challenges should be provided to new curricula implementers. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. Action Research for Curriculum Development: An Alternative Approach in the Algerian Centralised Framework

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    Ikhlas GHERZOULI


    Full Text Available Literature in the field of curriculum is debating the extent to which teachers should or could participate in the developmental process of the curriculum they enact. Being the practitioners, teachers are the ones who transmit theory into practice. However, they are not only consumers of curriculum knowledge, but also significant producers of it. Thus, teachers’ active participation as primary stakeholders in the curriculum development process is a necessity. The paper outlines one approach for teacher participation in curriculum development, which is action research. The main aim of this paper is twofold; first: it explores literature about ‘curriculum’, ‘curriculum development’ and ‘action research’; and second, it emphasizes the prominence of teachers’ involvement and research in curriculum development, paying specific attention to the Algerian secondary school educational reform, which is highly controlled and centralised.

  14. From Piketty’s Capital to Marx’s das Kapital

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Øjvind


    as the title Capital claims to be a follow up of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital for the twenty-first century. Piketty is similar to Marx in his ambition to give a large historical, or a world historical perspective on the significance of capitalist economy for the development of global society. Given this background...... it could be interesting to consider the relations between Piketty’s Capital and Marx’s Das Kapital....

  15. Die Entdeckung des Higgs-Teilchens oder wie das Universum seine Masse bekam

    CERN Document Server


    Im Oktober 2013 setzte der Nobelpreis für Peter Higgs und François Englert den vorläufigen Höhepunkt in der verrückten Geschichte um das sogenannte Gottesteilchen, das Higgs-Boson. Schon im Juli des Vorjahres hatten die Physiker weltweit gejubelt: Mehr als fünfzig Jahre nachdem Peter Higgs und andere Wissenschaftler die Existenz des Teilchens theoretisch begründet hatten, war es im gigantischen Teilchenbeschleuniger CERN gefunden worden. Jetzt erzählen Harald Lesch und seine Co-Autoren, warum sich rund um das Higgs-Teilchen so viele skurrile Missverständnisse und mediale Sensationen ranken. Gewohnt kurzweilig und gut verständlich enthüllen sie, wie aus dem verzweifelt gesuchten „gottverdammten Teilchen“ das Gottesteilchen wurde, dass der Urknall nicht simuliert werden kann und dass Schwarze Löcher nicht unbedingt alles verschlingende Monster sind. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Suche nach den geheimnisvollen Kräften, die das Universum, unsere Erde und letztlich auch uns Menschen zusammenhalten...

  16. The politics of accountability for school curriculum: An Australian case study (United States)

    Smithson, Alan


    This normative-descriptive case study of accountability for state school curriculum in South Australia has the following objectives. First, to seek to draw a distinction between accountability and responsibility: terms which have been confused by two South Australian Directors-General of Education (position akin to C.E.O. in the U.K. and Superintendent in the U.S.A.) with important consequences. Second, to present a model of accountability for state school curriculum, by which accountability for such curriculum may be judged democratic or non-democratic, and against which accountability for curriculum in South Australian state schools will be gauged. Third, to show that whilst the South Australian school system exhibits a large measure of bureaucratic or technocratic accountability for curriculum, there is no effective democratic accountability for curriculum, and to indicate a remedy for this situation. Finally, to point out the wider significance of the South Australian case study, and suggest that democracies currently re-structuring their educational systems would do well to keep the need for democratic accountability foremost in mind.

  17. Bases para el Curriculum del Primer Ciclo de las Escuelas de Nivel Intermedio (Bases for the First Term Curriculum in Intermediate Schools). (United States)

    Fermin Mignone, Emilio; And Others

    This curriculum guide for intermediate schools in Argentina begins with a discussion of the historical development of such schools and of their place in the overall educational scheme. The section on the curriculum provides detailed information on objectives, content, and activities; philosophical, political, sociological, methodological, and…

  18. Os conteúdos das visões da ayahuasca




    Este artigo examina os conteúdos das alucinações visuais induzidas pela infusão psicotrópica ayahuasca. Ele faz parte de uma investigação fenomenológica mais ampla que busca estudar a ayahuasca de uma perspectiva psicológico-cognitiva. (Até agora, quase todos os estudos da ayahuasca partiram das ciências naturais ou da antropologia.) Análises comparativas quantitativas revelam que certos itens de conteúdo específico são especialmente prevalescentes em visões da ayahuasca e se reencontram em r...

  19. Examining occupational therapy education through faculty engagement in curriculum mapping and pedagogical reflection. (United States)

    MacNeil, Cheryl; Hand, Theresa


    This article discusses a 1-yr evaluation study of a master of science in occupational therapy program to examine curriculum content and pedagogical practices as a way to gauge program preparedness to move to a clinical doctorate. Faculty members participated in a multitiered qualitative study that included curriculum mapping, semistructured individual interviewing, and iterative group analysis. Findings indicate that curriculum mapping and authentic dialogue helped the program formulate a more streamlined and integrated curriculum with increased faculty collaboration. Curriculum mapping and collaborative pedagogical reflection are valuable evaluation strategies for examining preparedness to offer a clinical doctorate, enhancing a self-study process, and providing information for ongoing formative curriculum review. Copyright © 2014 by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

  20. A Historical Review of Curriculum in American Higher Education: 1636-1900. (United States)

    Denham, Thomas J.

    The U.S. college curriculum has its origin in the medieval university of England. This classical education based on the seven liberal arts formed the basis for the early colonial colleges. From its earliest days, the curriculum was relevant in the preparation of students for the professions of the period. Over time, the curriculum evolved and…

  1. Five Levels of Curriculum Integration Defined, Refined, and Described. (United States)

    Schumacher, Donna H.


    Provides a description of five levels of curriculum integration at the middle level, specifically: departmentalization, reinforcement, complementary or shared units, webbed, and integrated themes. Discusses curriculum integration in relation to preservice and inservice programs, common planning time, team composition, time issues, and…

  2. Autonomy and Interests: The Social Life of a Curriculum. (United States)

    Reddiford, Gordon


    Examines the arguments that students should determine their own curriculum. Reviews the case for student autonomy based on philosophical anarchism and Immanuel Kant's views on autonomy. Argues that curriculum should be a result of the shared autonomy of students and teachers. (CFR)

  3. The Development of e-tutorial on Implementation National Curriculum 2013 for Mathematics Teacher (United States)

    Roza, Yenita; Satria, Gita; Nur Siregar, Syarifah


    Curriculum 2013 is the new national Curriculum in Indonesia that is targeted to be used in all Indonesian schools in 2019. At this time the teacher training continues but the number and locations of teachers very diffuse and time constraints to be an obstacle for the government to be able to conduct training for teachers. This research resulted in the e-tutorial which is designed for mathematics teachers in studying the process of Curriculum implementation. This product will assist the government in accelerating the preparation of teachers in implementation of Curriculum 2013. This e-tutorial contains the dynamics of Curriculum development, learning model, learning assessment, lesson plan, curriculum stages of implementation and government regulation that is relevant to the implementation of Curriculum 2013. The product development started with a needs analysis through discussions with mathematics teachers about their difficulties in the implementation of the Curriculum 2013. This e-tutorial was developed using Application of Adobe Director 11. This paper discusses the results of need analysis, process development and results of product revisions made based on input from teachers during the FGD. From the discussion, it can be concluded that this e-tutorial easily understood by teachers and help them to understand the implementation of Curriculum 2013

  4. Meanings about bioethics that emerged in a medical curriculum

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    Villegas-Múnera, Elsa María


    Full Text Available This study was carried out in a medical curriculum in Medellín, Colombia. Its goal was to correlate the meanings about bioethics that emerged in the educational guidance with those produced among students and professors. A methodological triangulation was used, namely: analysis of the curriculum foundation documents; a representative survey to students, and interviews and focal groups. Results revealed that the main problem of bioethics in the curriculum is the dissociation between the discursive emphasis ascribed to the training in that field, and its development in the curricular practice. The triad patient –student – professor, projected to the family and the community, emerged as the foundation of the curriculum inasmuch as they are the protagonic agents of their lives. It is then possible to overcome the marginality of patients and the community when they are considered only as objects of study.

  5. Evaluation of an Integrated Curriculum in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, and Chemistry (United States)

    Beichner, Robert


    An experimental, student centered, introductory curriculum called IMPEC (for Integrated Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry curriculum) is in its third year of pilot-testing at NCSU. The curriculum is taught by a multidisciplinary team of professors using a combination of traditional lecturing and alternative instructional methods including cooperative learning, activity-based class sessions, and extensive use of computer modeling, simulations, and the world wide web. This talk will discuss the research basis for our design and implementation of the curriculum, the qualitative and quantitative methods we have been using to assess its effectiveness, and the educational outcomes we have noted so far.

  6. Models and automation technologies for the curriculum development

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    V. N. Volkova


    Full Text Available The aim of the research was to determine the sequence of the curriculum development stages on the basis of the system analysis, as well as to create models and information technologies for the implementation of thesestages.The methods and the models of the systems’ theory and the system analysis, including methods and automated procedures for structuring organizational aims, models and automated procedures for organizing complex expertise.On the basis of the analysis of existing studies in the field of curriculum modeling, using formal mathematical language, including optimization models, that help to make distribution of disciplines by years and semesters in accordance with the relevant restrictions, it is shown, that the complexity and dimension of these tasks require the development of special software; the problem of defining the input data and restrictions requires a large time investment, that seems to be difficult to provide in real conditions of plans’ developing, thus it is almost impossible to verify the objectivity of the input data and the restrictions in such models. For a complete analysis of the process of curriculum development it is proposed to use the system definition, based on the system-targeted approach. On the basis of this definition the reasonable sequence of the integrated stages for the development of the curriculum was justified: 1 definition (specification of the requirements for the educational content; 2 determining the number of subjects, included in the curriculum; 3 definition of the sequence of the subjects; 4 distribution of subjects by semesters. The models and technologies for the implementation of these stages of curriculum development were given in the article: 1 models, based on the information approach of A.Denisov and the modified degree of compliance with objectives based on Denisov’s evaluation index (in the article the idea of evaluating the degree of the impact of disciplines for realization

  7. Global curriculum in research literacy for the surgical oncologist. (United States)

    Are, C; Yanala, U; Malhotra, G; Hall, B; Smith, L; Cummings, C; Lecoq, C; Wyld, L; Audisio, R A; Berman, R S


    The ability to provide optimal care to cancer patients depends on awareness of current evidence-based practices emanating from research or involvement in research where circumstances permit. The significant global variations in cancer-related research activity and its correlation to cancer-specific outcomes may have an influence on the care provided to cancer patients and their outcomes. The aim of this project is to develop a global curriculum in research literacy for the surgical oncologist. The leadership of the Society of Surgical Oncology and European Society of Surgical Oncology convened a global curriculum committee to develop a global curriculum in research literacy for the Surgical Oncologist. A global curriculum in research literacy is developed to incorporate the required domains considered to be essential to interpret the published research or become involved in research activity where circumstances permit. The purpose of this curriculum is to promote research literacy for the surgical oncologist, wherever they are based. It does not mandate direct research participation which may not be feasible due to restrictions within the local health-care delivery environment, socio-economic priorities and the educational environment of the individual institution where they work. A global curriculum in research literacy is proposed which may promote research literacy or encourage involvement in research activity where circumstances permit. It is hoped that this will enhance cancer-related research activity, promote awareness of optimal evidence-based practices and improve outcomes for cancer patients globally. Copyright © 2017 Society of Surgical Oncology, European Society of Surgical Oncology. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  8. A Curriculum and Software Design Scaffolding Goal Directed Teaching in Classrooms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Misfeldt, Morten; Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Slot, Marie Falkesgaard

    , the tool itself, and selected findings from qualitative and quantitative studies in the project. 2. International trends in goal oriented and data driven teaching The Danish curriculum reform builds on recent trends in school development and curriculum research suggesting the importance of a competence...... development and curriculum research suggesting the importance of a competence framework, learning goals and aggregation of classroom data to efficient teaching (Earl & Fullan 2003). Learning goals are supposed to support the student’s pace and sense of progression, inform classroom decisions, structure...... student has knowledge of text structure”). The curriculum can be presented in a number of graphical modes, e.g. in a matrix or in a hypertext structure. The curriculum reform was implemented in order to promote a goal oriented teaching and learning practice based heavily on research around data driven...

  9. Metrópole de Risco : o caso da Vila Dique e do aterro sanitário da zona norte na poluição das águas superficiais e subterrâneas das bacias hidrográficas do Arroio da Areia e Passo das Pedras/Porto Alegre-RS


    Adriano Lima Troleis


    O presente estudo investigou a influência da vila Dique o do Aterro Sanitário da Zona Norte, na qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas, das bacias hidrográficas do arroio da Areia e Passo das Pedras, no município de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A metodologia deste estudo envolveu duas estratégias de abordagem: teórico-conceitual e operacional. A teórica orientou-se pelos eixos de abordagem: qualidade das águas; processo de urbanização mundial, brasileiro e da cidade de Po...

  10. Implementing a new mathematics curriculum: Mathematics teachers’ beliefs and practices


    Ernest Ampadu


    Mathematics has become a ‘critical filter’ in the social, economic and professional development of individuals and forms a core component of the school curriculum in most countries. It is upon this utilitarian nature of mathematics to the individual and the society as a whole that the school mathematics curriculum has been undergoing a number of restructuring over the last three decades. In Ghana, a new mathematics curriculum was introduced in September 2007 which aims at shifting the teachin...

  11. Simetria das medidas timpanométricas e as respostas das emissões otoacústicas transientes em neonatos

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    Liliane Aparecida Fagundes Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a ocorrência de simetria maior ou igual à 70%, entre as orelhas, comparando os resultados da timpanometria nas frequências de 226 e 1000Hz com as respostas das emissões otoacústicas em neonatos. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 39 neonatos, em média com 60 horas de vida, sendo 20 do sexo feminino e 19 do sexo masculino. Cada recém-nascido foi submetido à avaliação timpanométrica com as sondas de 226 e 1000 Hz, e avaliação das emissões otoacústicas transientes em ambas as orelhas. Os resultados foram submetidos a testes estatísticos. RESULTADOS: na análise da amostra pode-se observar ocorrência de simetria <70% nas respostas das emissões otoacústicas em 74,4% do total de neonatos. Por outro lado, na timpanometria, houve uma maior ocorrência de simetria ≥ 70%, tanto para sonda de 226 quanto para 1000Hz (76,9% e 84,6%, respectivamente. No que diz respeito ao gênero e orelha, as diferenças encontradas em cada teste não foram significantes, embora tenha sido observada maior amplitude de respostas de emissões otoacústicas na orelha direita. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados sugerem haver simetria no sistema auditivo em sua porção mais periférica, e início de assimetrias a partir da cóclea.

  12. Politische Bildung und das Web 2.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heike Schaumburg


    Full Text Available Aktuell erhält die Diskussion um die Rolle des Internet in der Politischen Bildung neuen Auftrieb durch die Entwicklung der sogenannten Web-2.0- Technologien, die im Vergleich zum Web 1.0 ein erheblich grösseres Potenzial zur Mitgestaltung politischer Inhalte und Prozesse und bzw. zur Partizipation bieten, aber auch neue Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation und Vernetzung eröffnen. In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit das Internet und speziell das Web 2.0 in der Lage sind, die in die Technik gesetzten Hoffnungen zu erfüllen. Dabei wird zunächst ausgelotet, welche Potenziale das Web 2.0 für die Politische Bildung mit Blick auf ihre didaktische Gestaltung bieten könnte. Im Anschluss daran wird auf der Basis einer Analyse des Internet-Angebots der traditionellen Anbieter Politischer Bildung (Bundes- und Landeszentralen für Politische Bildung, politische Stiftungen sowie von Internetportalen im Bereich Politische Bildung festgestellt, welche Verbreitung Web-2.0-Angebote gegenwärtig besitzen. Schliesslich wird auf der Grundlage einer Nutzerbefragung an knapp 300 Teilnehmern virtueller politischer Bildungsangebote einer politischen Stiftung der Frage nachgegangen, wie Web-2.0-Angebote in der Politischen Bildungsarbeit aus Nutzersicht beurteilt werden.

  13. Marketing and Retailing. A Curriculum Guide for a Two-Year Postsecondary Program. (United States)

    Overton, R. Jean; Proffitt, Sally

    This manual was developed to provide a comprehensive curriculum guideline for postsecondary marketing and retailing programs. It contains competence-based materials and integrates the Interstate Distributive Education Curriculum Consortium (IDECC) Learning Activity Packages into the curriculum. The first of seven chapters in this manual presents…

  14. Clinical applications of Ga-67 DFO-DAS-fibrinogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iio, Masahiro; Ohtake, Tohru; Nishikawa, Junichi; Watanabe, Toshiaki; Yasuhara, Hiroshi; Ohashi, Shigenobu; Takayama, Yutaka; Tada, Yusuke; Shirakawa, Motoaki


    Ga-67 DFO-DAS-fibrinogen scanning was performed in 15 patients to detect fresh arterial thrombus. Seven patients were preoperative cases of aortic aneurysm and eight were postoperative cases of graft bypass. Scanning was performed on the first and second days after the injection. Nine of 13 grafts in eight cases were visualized by 67 Ga-DFO-DAS-fibrinogen scan. Velour Dacron grafts were more strongly visualized compared with woven Dacron or Goatex. In three patients with aortic aneurysm in whom fresh thrombus was identified by operative findings, arterial thrombus was clearly visualized by 67 Ga-DFO-DAS-fibrinogen scan, whereas in three other patients with aortic aneurysm, thrombus was not visualized, although it was identified by other examinations. In one case, a marked accumulation was observed in the abdominal aorta, although no arterial thrombus was found at operation. This was thought to be an accumulation in a blood pool because it decreased on the second day. We think it important to observe the relative changes of accumulation. (author)

  15. An Evaluation of the New Curriculum at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry. (United States)

    Harris, Michael G.; Kashani, Sandy; Saroj, Namrata


    Evaluated the new curriculum at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry by comparing the content of the new curriculum to the old curriculum and by surveying faculty and students regarding their opinion of the new curriculum. Findings indicated that the curriculum is successful in implementing desired changes, including reduced…

  16. Spaceship Earth: A partnership in curriculum writing (United States)

    Lindstrom, Marilyn M.


    As the Apollo astronauts left Earth to venture onto the surface of another planetary body, they saw their home planet in a new global perspective. Unmanned NASA missions have given us a closer look at all the other planets in our solar system and emphasized the uniqueness of Earth as the only place in our solar system that can sustain life as we know it. Spaceship Earth is a new science curriculum which was developed to help students and teachers to explore the Earth, to see it in the global perspective, and to understand the relationships among life, the planet, and the sun. Astronaut photographs, especially shuttle pictures, are used as groundbased studies to help students to understand global Earth Science and integrate various aspects of physical, life, and social science. The Spaceship Earth curriculum was developed at by a team of JSC scientists working in collaboration with teachers from local school districts. This project was done under the auspices of Partner-In-Space, a local non-profit organization dedicated to improving science education and our general knowledge of space. The team met once a month for a year then assembled the curriculum during the summer. The project is now in the testing stage as the teachers try it out in their classrooms. It was supported by the Texas Education Agency and will be offered by the State of Texas as a supplemental curriculum for statewide use. Because the curriculum was developed by teachers, it is self contained and the lessons are easy to implement and give students concrete experiences. The three sub-units follow in a logical order, but may be used independently. If they are used separately, they may be tied together by the teacher returning to the basic theme of the global Earth as each unit is completed.

  17. A structured four-step curriculum in basic laparoscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strandbygaard, Jeanett; Bjerrum, Flemming; Maagaard, Mathilde


    The objective of this study was to develop a 4-step curriculum in basic laparoscopy consisting of validated modules integrating a cognitive component, a practical component and a procedural component.......The objective of this study was to develop a 4-step curriculum in basic laparoscopy consisting of validated modules integrating a cognitive component, a practical component and a procedural component....

  18. Columbia Public Health Core Curriculum: Short-Term Impact. (United States)

    Begg, Melissa D; Fried, Linda P; Glover, Jim W; Delva, Marlyn; Wiggin, Maggie; Hooper, Leah; Saxena, Roheeni; de Pinho, Helen; Slomin, Emily; Walker, Julia R; Galea, Sandro


    We evaluated a transformed core curriculum for the Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health (New York, New York) master of public health (MPH) degree. The curriculum, launched in 2012, aims to teach public health as it is practiced: in interdisciplinary teams, drawing on expertise from multiple domains to address complex health challenges. We collected evaluation data starting when the first class of students entered the program and ending with their graduation in May 2014. Students reported being very satisfied with and challenged by the rigorous curriculum and felt prepared to integrate concepts across varied domains and disciplines to solve public health problems. This novel interdisciplinary program could serve as a prototype for other schools that wish to reinvigorate MPH training.

  19. Biology Reflective Assessment Curriculum (United States)

    Bayley, Cheryl Ann

    Often students and educators view assessments as an obligation and finality for a unit. In the current climate of high-stakes testing and accountability, the balance of time, resources and emphasis on students' scores related to assessment have been slanted considerably toward the summative side. This tension between assessment for accountability and assessment to inform teaching strains instruction and educators' ability to use that information to design learning opportunities that help students develop deeper conceptual understanding. A substantive body of research indicates that formative and reflective assessment can significantly improve student learning. Biology Reflective Assessment Curriculum (BRAC) examines support provided for high school science students through assessment practices. This investigation incorporates the usage of reflective assessments as a guiding practice for differentiated instruction and student choice. Reflective assessment is a metacognitive strategy that promotes self-monitoring and evaluation. The goals of the curriculum are to promote self-efficacy and conceptual understanding in students learning biology through developing their metacognitive awareness. BRAC was implemented in a high school biology classroom. Data from assessments, metacognitive surveys, self-efficacy surveys, reflective journals, student work, a culminating task and field notes were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum. The results suggest that students who develop their metacognitive skills developed a deeper conceptual understanding and improved feelings of self-efficacy when they were engaged in a reflective assessment unit embedded with student choice. BRAC is a tool for teachers to use assessments to assist students in becoming metacognitive and to guide student choice in learning opportunities.

  20. Student Preferences for Instructional Methods in an Accounting Curriculum (United States)

    Abeysekera, Indra


    Student preferences among instructional methods are largely unexplored across the accounting curriculum. The algorithmic rigor of courses and the societal culture can influence these preferences. This study explored students' preferences of instructional methods for learning in six courses of the accounting curriculum that differ in algorithmic…

  1. "Pedagogy of Third Space": A Multidimensional Early Childhood Curriculum (United States)

    Gupta, Amita


    This paper will illustrate how philosophical and pedagogical boundaries that are defined by diverse cultures and ideologies might be navigated in the practical implementation of an early childhood curriculum in postcolonial urban India. Findings from a qualitative naturalistic inquiry indicated that a complex, multifaceted curriculum shaped by…

  2. Autonomy and the Curriculum: An Exploration of Three Views. (United States)

    Wesson, Anthony J.


    The nature of autonomy and the relevance of education to its development is explored through a discussion of three theories--progressive, liberal-rational, and social class--of the curriculum. Reasons are advanced for preference for a "collaborative" over a "negotiated" curriculum. Defends the liberal-rational theory.…

  3. A European core curriculum in cariology: the knowledge base

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anderson, P.; Beeley, J.; Monteiro, P.M.; de Soet, H.; Andrian, S.; Amaechi, B.; Huysmans, M.C.D.N.J.M.


    This paper is part of a series of papers towards a European Core Curriculum in Cariology for undergraduate dental students. The European Core Curriculum in Cariology is the outcome of a joint workshop of the European Organization for Caries Research (ORCA) together with the Association for Dental

  4. The Reliability of Randomly Generated Math Curriculum-Based Measurements (United States)

    Strait, Gerald G.; Smith, Bradley H.; Pender, Carolyn; Malone, Patrick S.; Roberts, Jarod; Hall, John D.


    "Curriculum-Based Measurement" (CBM) is a direct method of academic assessment used to screen and evaluate students' skills and monitor their responses to academic instruction and intervention. offers a math worksheet generator at no cost that creates randomly generated "math curriculum-based measures"…

  5. A model curriculum of health care informatics for Dutch higher professional education. (United States)

    Aarts, J.


    This paper describes the results of a two year project to design a model curriculum of health care informatics for Dutch higher professional education. The core of the curriculum are sixteen modules which cover the broad range of medical informatics and which are closely related to the profiles of the professions involved (nursing, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and dietetics). The curriculum emphasizes the need of using structured data and information to perform tasks in health care delivery and management, for which modern information technology is indispensable. The model curriculum will enable faculty to redesign existing undergraduate programs and to select the contents they see appropriate. In this way we hope that the model curriculum will contribute to an innovative attitude of future graduating health care professionals. A new three year project just has started to develop learning materials using professional health care software based on the sixteen modules of the curriculum. PMID:8563329

  6. Curriculum reform and the market

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Karen Bjerg


    A neo-liberal discourse in the 2000s has been prevalent not only in international and Danish educational policy contexts, but also within a specific area, namely the education of adult immigrants in Denmark. With the adoption of a new law in 2003 high-stakes testing, standards, new market economy...... in Denmark. Based on studies of curriculum reform and research about headmasters’ and teachers’ attitudes the article addresses paradoxes rising in the wake of the neo-liberal education policy. Despite the intention of high-stakes testing to increase adult migrants’ language and employment related....... Teachers furthermore find the new working conditions stressing. It is discussed whether a neo-liberal discourse in adult teaching is ‘dumping down’ the intentions of curriculum and education reform....

  7. Curriculum reform and the market

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Karen Bjerg


    A neo-liberal discourse in the 2000s has been prevalent not only in international and Danish educational policy contexts, but also within a specific area, namely the education of adult immigrants in Denmark. With the adoption of a new law in 2003 high-stakes testing, standards, new market economy...... in Denmark. Based on studies of curriculum reform and research about headmasters’ and teachers’ attitudes the article addresses paradoxes rising in the wake of the neo-liberal education policy. Despite the intention of high-stakes testing to increase adult migrants’ language and employment related....... Teachers furthermore find the new working conditions stressing. It is discussed whether a neo-liberal discourse in adult teaching is ‘dumping down’ the intentions of curriculum and education reform....

  8. A theory-based curriculum design for remediation of residents' communication skills. (United States)

    Leung, Fok-Han; Martin, Dawn; Batty, Helen


    Residents requiring remediation are often deficient in communication skills, namely clinical interviewing skills. Residents have to digest large amounts of knowledge, and then apply it in a clinical interview. The patient-centered approach, as demonstrated in the Calgary-Cambridge model and Martin's Map, can be difficult to teach. Before implementing a remediation curriculum, the theoretical educational underpinnings must be sound; curriculum evaluation is often expensive. Before establishing metrics for curriculum evaluation, a starting point is to perform a mental experiment to test theoretical adherence. This article describes an experiential remedial curriculum for communication skills. Educational theories of Kolb, Knowles, Bandura, and Bloom are used to design the curriculum into theory-based design components. Kolb's experiential cycle models the natural sequence of experiencing, teaching, and learning interviewing skills. A curriculum structured around this cycle has multiple intercalations with the above educational theories. The design is strengthened by appropriately timed use of education strategies such as learning contracts, taped interviews, simulations, structured reflection, and teacher role modeling. Importantly, it also models the form of the clinical interview format desired. Through understanding and application of contemporary educational theories, a program to remediate interviewing skills can increase its potential for success.

  9. Dansk oversættelse af MiDAS, et redskab til assessment af musikterapi for personer med demens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner; Lykkegaard, Chris; McDermott, Orii


    DAS explored which procedures is used for outcome measure translation and cultural adaptation, and based on this recommended a ten-step procedure. We applied this procedure in order to translate MiDAS and hereby develop the Danish MiDAS-DK. The Danish MiDAS version has been tested by more than 20 professionals......) musikterapeuten umiddelbart efter sessionen for at vurdere forandringer i selve sessionen. Der har været stor interesse for at anvende MiDAS i flere Europæiske lande, herunder Danmark. Derfor undersøgte udviklerne af MiDAS hvilke procedurer der anvendes til oversættelse og kulturel tilpasning af...... assessmentredskaber, og anbefalede på den baggrund en ti-trins procedure. Vi anvendte denne procedure til oversættelsen af MiDAS og således udviklingen af den danske MiDAS-DK. Den danske version af MiDAS er afprøvet af mere end 20 fagpersoner på baggrund af 296 udfyldte MiDAS-skemaer. Målet med artiklen er...

  10. Segurança Alimentar no Quotidiano das Famílias Amarantinas


    Machado, Célia Maria Brás


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança Os cidadãos têm “a expectativa de que os alimentos que consomem sejam seguros e adequados para o consumo. As doenças e os danos provocados por alimentos são, na melhor das hipóteses, desagradáveis, e, na pior das hipóteses, fatais (Codex Alimentarius - Higiene do Alimentos Textos Básicos, 2006, p.10). Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar os hábitos das famílias da cidade de Amarante, ...

  11. Estudo comparativo entre algoritmos das transformadas discretas de Fourier e Wavelet

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    Wilson Hissamu Shirado


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo das complexidades dos algoritmos das Transformadas Discretas de Fourier, Wavelet e Transformada Rápida de Fourier. As formalizações matemáticas e algumas características dos algoritmos são apresentadas, assim como alguns conceitos de complexidade assintótica. Por fim, é realizado um ensaio prático para comparação dos algoritmos, abrangendo questões como tempo de execução, vantagens e desvantagens de cada transformada assim como avaliações a respeito das diferentes resoluções tempo/frequência de cada algoritmo.


    Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. Graduate School of Education.


  13. Das Leben ist nur ein Spiegel“ – Schopenhauers kritischer Lebensbegriff

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    Matthias Kossler


    Full Text Available   Schopenhauer gilt als Vorreiter oder erster Vertreter der Lebensphilosophie, wie sie später von Dilthey, Nietzsche, Bergson und anderen entfaltet wurde. Im Unterschied zur klassischen Lebensphilosophie und zu den an sie anknüpfenden ethischen Entwürfen wird das Leben bei Schopenhauer aber nicht als Zweck betrachtet, sondern als Mittel zu einem anderen Zweck, nämlich für die Ethik, die in der Verneinung des Willens zum Leben gipfelt. Schon in den frühesten handschriftlichen Aufzeichnungen verwendet Schopenhauer verschiedene Metaphern, um das Leben als Medium der ethischen Erkenntnis zu charakterisieren. Besonders häufig tritt dabei das Bild vom Leben als Spiegel auf, in dem der Mensch sein eigenes Wesen und damit auch das Wesen der Welt erblickt. Im Hauptwerk wird dann dieses Bild vom Begriff der Objektivation des Willens abgelöst. Insofern die höchste und deutlichste Objektivation des Willens der Lebenslauf des menschlichen Individuums darstellt, ist Schopenhauers Lebensbegriff eng mit seiner Charakterlehre verknüpft. In dem Beitrag wird das verwickelte Verhältnis von Leben, Erkennen und Ethik vor dem Hintergrund der proto-hermeneutischen Metaphysikkonzeption Schopenhauers anhand der Entwicklung der Spiegelmetapher betrachtet.

  14. An overview of curriculum development in the different periods of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2005. ... The objective of this article is to overview the practices of elementary and secondary schools curriculum development in the different periods. ... Public and professional engagement in curriculum development is little or non-existent.

  15. Educating Business Marketers: A Lack of Common Ground in the Curriculum?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brennan, Ross; Skaates, Maria Anne


    The paper is concerned with the issue of curriculum development in the field of business to business marketing. While there is no single right way to teach business marketing, many students, educators and practitioners prefer a curriculum composed of a single, widely accepted body of knowledge....... By analysing textbooks (in French, German, English and Swedish) and course designs (from five countries) it is established that there is no single accepted business marketing curriculum, and that there are implicit controversies in the curriculum. The purpose of the paper is to make explicit those implicit...... controversies, and to promote debate on the transmission of business marketing knowledge through the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula....

  16. Aspectos sociotécnicos das TI & Relacionamento Humano & Sinergia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Vieira Holtz Filho


    Full Text Available As Tecnologias de Informação (TI estão entre os principais agentes de mudança sociais. Para gerir tais mudanças, uma miríade de áreas do conhecimento humano têm muito a contribuir para a abordagem dos aspectos sociotécnicos das TI e promover sinergia. Como uma organização empresarial atua no sentido de provocar mudanças no comportamento das pessoas, visando a melhoria contínua, esse processo de mudança provocada chama-se aprendizagem. Isto posto, neste artigo apresentaremos resultados observados em empresas em processo de reengenharia e submetidas a utilização de metodologias integradas (PDCA, Método Paulo Freire e Roteiro Integração de Equipes, abordando os aspectos sociotécnicos das TI & relacionamentos humanos pela praxe da pedagogia como elemento de sinergia.

  17. Projets de developpement de curriculum niveau secondaire (Secondary Level Curriculum Development Projects). (United States)

    Martin, Anne L.

    Two Australian language curriculum development projects are discussed: the Australian Language Levels (ALL) Project and the National Assessment Framework for Languages at Senior Secondary Level (NAFLSSL). While distinct, both projects are closely linked. Each project was launched in 1985 in a favorable climate and in response to cost, enrollment,…

  18. Obstetric and Gynecologic Ultrasound Curriculum and Competency Assessment in Residency Training Programs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abuhamad, Alfred; Minton, Katherine K; Benson, Carol B


    in Medicine assembled a multisociety task force to develop a consensus-based, standardized curriculum and competency assessment tools for obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound training in residency programs. The curriculum and competency assessment tools were developed based on existing national...... and international guidelines for the performance of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound examinations and thus are intended to represent the minimum requirement for such training. By expert consensus, the curriculum was developed for each year of training, criteria for each competency assessment image were...... that the criteria set forth in this document will evolve with time. The task force also encourages use of ultrasound simulation in residency training and expects that simulation will play a significant part in the curriculum and the competency assessment process. Incorporating this training curriculum...

  19. Obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound curriculum and competency assessment in residency training programs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abuhamad, Alfred; Minton, Katherine K; Benson, Carol B


    in Medicine assembled a multisociety task force to develop a consensus-based, standardized curriculum and competency assessment tools for obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound training in residency programs. The curriculum and competency assessment tools were developed based on existing national...... and international guidelines for the performance of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound examinations and thus are intended to represent the minimum requirement for such training. By expert consensus, the curriculum was developed for each year of training, criteria for each competency assessment image were...... that the criteria set forth in this document will evolve with time. The task force also encourages use of ultrasound simulation in residency training and expects that simulation will play a significant part in the curriculum and the competency assessment process. Incorporating this training curriculum...

  20. Washington State Nursing Home Administrator Model Curriculum. Final Report. (United States)

    Cowan, Florence Kelly

    The course outlines presented in this final report comprise a proposed Fort Steilacoom Community College curriculum to be used as a statewide model two-year associate degree curriculum for nursing home administrators. The eight courses described are introduction to nursing, home administration, financial management of nursing homes, nursing home…

  1. Life Cycle of the Salmon. Ocean Related Curriculum Activities. (United States)

    Tarabochia, Kathy

    The ocean affects all of our lives. Therefore, awareness of and information about the interconnections between humans and oceans are prerequisites to making sound decisions for the future. Project ORCA (Ocean Related Curriculum Activities) has developed interdisciplinary curriculum materials designed to meet the needs of students and teachers…

  2. Curriculum Model for Medical Technology: Lessons from International Benchmarking (United States)

    Pring-Valdez, Anacleta


    Curriculum is a crucial component of any educational process. Curriculum development and instructional management serve as effective tools for meeting the present and future needs of the local and national communities. In trying to strengthen the quality assurance system in Philippine higher education, institutions of higher learning were mandated…

  3. Developing Sport Psychology in a Girls' Sport Academy Curriculum (United States)

    Lewis, Andrew


    This article explores the initial steps in developing and presenting Sport Psychology in a leadership and sport curriculum at Stellenbosch University's (SU) Centre for Human Performance Sciences' (CHPS) Academy for Girls' Leadership and Sport Development. Sport Psychology does not feature within the South African school curriculum specifically,…

  4. The Philosophical Practitioner and the Curriculum Space

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dredge, Dianne; Benckendorff, Pierre; Day, Michele


    the balance between higher order knowledge in liberal education and skills-based vocational education required by industry; and it builds upon the Philosophic Practitioner Education to conceptualise a curriculum space that is socially constructed, dynamic and flexible. The proposed framework incorporates......This chapter reviews contemporary debates about tourism and hospitality education to conceptualise a curriculum space framework that can be used to facilitate understanding and decision making. The chapter is conceptual and makes two key contributions: it draws together diverse discourses about...

  5. Analysing the hidden curriculum: use of a cultural web. (United States)

    Mossop, Liz; Dennick, Reg; Hammond, Richard; Robbé, Iain


    Major influences on learning about medical professionalism come from the hidden curriculum. These influences can contribute positively or negatively towards the professional enculturation of clinical students. The fact that there is no validated method for identifying the components of the hidden curriculum poses problems for educators considering professionalism. The aim of this study was to analyse whether a cultural web, adapted from a business context, might assist in the identification of elements of the hidden curriculum at a UK veterinary school. A qualitative approach was used. Seven focus groups consisting of three staff groups and four student groups were organised. Questioning was framed using the cultural web, which is a model used by business owners to assess their environment and consider how it affects their employees and customers. The focus group discussions were recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically using a combination of a priori and emergent themes. The cultural web identified elements of the hidden curriculum for both students and staff. These included: core assumptions; routines; rituals; control systems; organisational factors; power structures, and symbols. Discussions occurred about how and where these issues may affect students' professional identity development. The cultural web framework functioned well to help participants identify elements of the hidden curriculum. These aspects aligned broadly with previously described factors such as role models and institutional slang. The influence of these issues on a student's development of a professional identity requires discussion amongst faculty staff, and could be used to develop learning opportunities for students. The framework is promising for the analysis of the hidden curriculum and could be developed as an instrument for implementation in other clinical teaching environments. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2013.

  6. Effectiveness of a quality improvement curriculum for medical students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kimberly M. Tartaglia


    Full Text Available Introduction: As health systems find ways to improve quality of care, medical training programs are finding opportunities to prepare learners on principles of quality improvement (QI. The impact of QI curricula for medical students as measured by student learning is not well delineated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a QI curriculum for senior medical students as measured by student knowledge and skills. Methods: This study was an observational study that involved a self-assessment and post-test Quality Improvement Knowledge Application Tool (QIKAT for intervention and control students. A QI curriculum consisting of online modules, live discussions, independent readings and reflective writing, and participation in a mentored QI project was offered to fourth-year medical students completing an honor's elective (intervention group. Senior medical students who received the standard QI curriculum only were recruited as controls. Results: A total of 22 intervention students and 12 control students completed the self-assessment and QIKAT. At baseline, there was no difference between groups in self-reported prior exposure to QI principles. Students in the intervention group reported more comfort with their skills in QI overall and in 9 of the 12 domains (p<0.05. Additionally, intervention students performed better in each of the three case scenarios (p<0.01. Discussion: A brief QI curriculum for senior medical students results in improved comfort and knowledge with QI principles. The strengths of our curriculum include effective use of classroom time and faculty mentorship with reliance on pre-existing online modules and written resources. Additionally, the curriculum is easily expandable to larger groups of students and transferable to other institutions.

  7. A Learner-Created Virtual Patient Curriculum for Surgical Residents: Successes and Failures. (United States)

    McKendy, Katherine M; Posel, Nancy; Fleiszer, David M; Vassiliou, Melina C


    To determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a learner-created virtual patient (VP) curriculum for postgraduate year 2 surgical residents. Using a social-constructivist model of learning, we designed a learner-created VP curriculum to help postgraduate year 2 residents prepare for their in-training surgical examination. Each resident was assigned to create a VP curriculum based on the learning objectives for this examination, and VP cases were then disseminated to all residents for completion. To measure the learning effects of the curriculum, participants completed 2 simulated in-training examinations, both at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. Study participants also participated in a focus group and completed an online questionnaire about the perceived learning value of the curriculum. The study was conducted at the McGill University Health Centre, a tertiary care hospital in Montreal, Canada. In total, 24 residents from 7 surgical specialties completed both the pretest and posttest, as well as took part in the creation of a VP curriculum. Of those 24 residents, only 19 residents completed the cases created by their peers, with 7 completing greater than 50% of the cases and 12 completing less than 50%. In all 17 residents responded to the online questionnaire and 11 residents participated in the focus group. The VP curriculum failed to improve scores from pretest (59.6%, standard deviation = 8.1) to posttest (55.4%, standard deviation = 6.6; p = 0.01) on the simulated in-training examination. Nonetheless, survey results demonstrated that most residents felt that creating a VP case (89%) and completing cases created by their peers (71%) had educational value. Overall, 71% preferred active participation in a curriculum to traditional didactic teaching. The focus group identified time-related constraints, concern about the quality of the peer-created cases, and questioning of the relationship between the curriculum and the Surgical Foundations

  8. The Design of Curriculum Development Based on Entrepreneurship through Balanced Scorecard Approach (United States)

    Hidayat, Muhammad; Musa, Chalid Imran; Haerani, Siti; Sudirman, Indrianti


    This research is intended to develop curriculum based on entrepreneurship through balanced scorecard approach at the School of Business or "Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi" (STIE) Nobel Indonesia. In order to develop the curriculum, a need analysis in terms of curriculum development that involves all stakeholders at STIE Nobel in Indonesia…

  9. Curriculum optimization of College of Optical Science and Engineering (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoping; Zheng, Zhenrong; Wang, Kaiwei; Zheng, Xiaodong; Ye, Song; Zhu, Yuhui


    The optimized curriculum of College of Optical Science and Engineering is accomplished at Zhejiang University, based on new trends from both research and industry. The curriculum includes general courses, foundation courses such as mathematics and physics, major core courses, laboratory courses and several module courses. Module courses include optical system designing, optical telecommunication, imaging and vision, electronics and computer science, optoelectronic sensing and metrology, optical mechanics and materials, basics and extension. These curricula reflect the direction of latest researches and relates closely with optoelectronics. Therefore, students may combine flexibly compulsory courses with elective courses, and establish the personalized curriculum of "optoelectronics + X", according to their individual strengths and preferences.

  10. Copa do Mundo de 2014: Dados Estatísticos das quatro melhores equipes


    Marques Junior, Nelson Kautzner


    O objetivo do estudo foi apresentar a estatística das quatro melhores seleções da Copa do Mundo de 2014. Foram coletados do site oficial da FIFA os dados estatísticos das quatro melhores seleções da Copa do Mundo de 2014. A Anova one way calculou a diferença dos resultados de performance das quatro melhores seleções da Copa do Mundo de 2014, com resultados aceitos com nível de significância de p≤0,05. O post hoc Tukey detectou a diferença das medidas aceitando um nível de significância de p≤0...

  11. Exploring the Relational Efforts Making up a Curriculum Concept--An Actor-Network Theory Analysis of the Curriculum Concept of "Children's Interests" (United States)

    Moberg, Emilie


    This paper undertakes an investigation of the "life" of the curriculum concept of "children's interests" in a preschool practice. The concept of "children's interests" plays a vital role in the Swedish preschool curriculum text and in the preschool field. Strongly inspired by Actor-network theory readings, the paper…

  12. The Emergence of Enterprise Systems Management - A Challenge to the IS Curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles; Kræmmergaard, Pernille; Rikhardsson, Pall M.


    This paper proposes four cornerstones of a future Information Systems curriculum. It analyzes the challenges of the IS curriculum based on the development of enterprise systems, and further argues that the practice and the research into enterprise systems have progressed to a new stage resulting...... in the emergence of Enterprise Systems Management (ESM). Enterprise Systems Management calls for new competences and consequently represents new challenges to the IS curriculum. The paper outlines potential teaching issues and discusses the impact on the IS curriculum. Finally the paper suggests ways...

  13. The emergence of enterprise systems management: a challenge to the IS curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles; Kræmmergaard, Pernille; Rikhardsson, Pall M.


    This paper proposes four cornerstones of a future Information Systems (IS) curriculum. It analyses the challenges of the IS curriculum based on the development of enterprise systems, and further argues that the practice and the research into enterprise systems have progressed to a new stage...... resulting in the emergence of Enterprise Systems Management (ESM). ESM calls for new competences and consequently represents new challenges to the IS curriculum. The paper outlines potential teaching issues and discusses the impact on the IS curriculum. Finally the paper suggests ways of approaching...

  14. The role of a critical ethnomathematics curriculum in transforming and empowering learners

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nirmala Naresh


    Full Text Available When thinking about mathematics, seldom does one think about culture, context, history, or diversity. Many teachers believe that there is no place for such constructs in their mathematics classrooms. As an ethnomathematician, my primary goal is to find meaningful ways to bring components of ethnomathematics into the mainstream mathematics curriculum and classrooms. In this paper, I describe key aspects of a mathematics curriculum that was designed to promote meaningful connections between ethnomathematics theory and practice and highlight how this curriculum might help address the key tenets of a critical ethnomathematics curriculum.

  15. Mathematizing: An Emergent Math Curriculum Approach for Young Children (United States)

    Rosales, Allen C.


    Based on years of research with early childhood teachers, author Allen Rosales provides an approach to create an emergent math curriculum that integrates children's interests with math concepts. The mathematizing approach is different from traditional math curriculums, as it immerses children in a process that is designed to develop their…

  16. The Technology Transfer of the ICT Curriculum in Taiwan (United States)

    Huang, Teng


    Focusing on the process of "technology transfer", this paper aims to critically examine the production and usage of the information and communication technology (ICT) curriculum, and discusses its possibilities. It is found that the goals in both of the two stages of the ICT curriculum in Taiwan were rather "rhetorical". Three…

  17. An appraisal of undergraduate curriculum of technical education in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The purpose of this study was to appraise the curriculum of technical teacher education in terms of its compatibility to the goals of the programme. A sample of three Universities offering technical teacher programme was used for the study. Components of the technical teacher education curriculum in each institution were ...

  18. Sex Education, A Way Forward towards Biology Curriculum Delivery ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study examined the need for the inclusion of sex education in the secondary school biology curriculum in Anambra State since the noninclusion was viewed as an inadequacy in the biology curriculum. The study was a survey design. Three research questions and one null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study.

  19. Integrating Curriculum: A Case Study of Teaching Global Education (United States)

    Ferguson-Patrick, Kate; Reynolds, Ruth; Macqueen, Suzanne


    Despite widespread support for integrated approaches to teaching, classroom practice reveals a lack of implementation. This paper explores challenges and opportunities in teaching an integrated curriculum, and connects this with the contemporary notion of a twenty-first century curriculum and pedagogy. A case study of Global Education (GE) is used…

  20. Advanced Marketing Core Curriculum. Test Items and Assessment Techniques. (United States)

    Smith, Clifton L.; And Others

    This document contains duties and tasks, multiple-choice test items, and other assessment techniques for Missouri's advanced marketing core curriculum. The core curriculum begins with a list of 13 suggested textbook resources. Next, nine duties with their associated tasks are given. Under each task appears one or more citations to appropriate…

  1. Curriculum Analysis and Education for Sustainable Development in Iceland (United States)

    Johannesson, Ingolfur Asgeir; Norodahl, Kristin; Oskarsdottir, Gunnhildur; Palsdottir, Auour; Petursdottir, Bjorg


    The article explores how the Icelandic public school curriculum for early childhood, compulsory and upper secondary school deals with education for sustainable development. As the curriculum does not often mention the term sustainability, a key with which to investigate signs of education for sustainable development in the three curricula was…

  2. The Guinea Pigs of a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum (United States)

    Reddy, Sarasvathie; McKenna, Sioux


    Participants in a study on learning the clinical aspects of medicine in a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum repeatedly referred to themselves as "Guinea pigs" at the mercy of a curriculum experiment. This article interrogates and problematises the "Guinea pig" identity ascribed to and assumed by the first cohort of…

  3. The "Invisible" Drama/Theatre in Education Curriculum in Kenya (United States)

    Joseph, Christopher Odhiambo


    This vignette presents the state of theatre in Education Kenya. The paper argues that though there are several theatre in education like practices, these have not been entrenched in the school curriculum. Theatre in Education finds expression and manifestations outside the mainstream school curriculum for instance in schools and colleges drama…

  4. Curriculum Stasis: The Disconnect between Music and Technology in the Australian Curriculum (United States)

    Crawford, Renée; Southcott, Jane


    Technology is a dominant mediating factor impacting on current human behaviour and social change, which both acts on and is acted upon by other phenomena. This changing social landscape, along with new expectations and requirements, drives our educational priorities and curriculum agenda. There is no denying the prevalence of technology found in…

  5. Evolution of the Pathology Residency Curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wesley Y. Naritoku MD, PhD


    Full Text Available The required medical knowledge and skill set for the pathologist of 2020 are different than in 2005. Pathology residency training curriculum must accordingly change to fulfill the needs of these ever-changing requirements. In order to make rational curricular adjustments, it is important for us to know the current trajectory of resident training in pathology—where we have been, what our actual current training curriculum is now—to understand how that might change in anticipation of meeting the needs of a changing patient and provider population and to fit within the evolving future biomedical and socioeconomic health-care setting. In 2013, there were 143 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited pathology residency training programs in the United States, with approximately 2400 residents. There is diversity among residency training programs not only with respect to the number of residents but also in training venue(s. To characterize this diversity among pathology residency training programs, a curriculum survey was conducted of pathology residency program directors in 2013 and compared with a similar survey taken almost 9 years previously in 2005 to identify trends in pathology residency curriculum. Clinical pathology has not changed significantly in the number of rotations over 9 years; however, anatomic pathology has changed dramatically, with an increase in the number of surgical pathology rotations coupled with a decline in stand-alone autopsy rotations. With ever-expanding medical knowledge that the graduating pathology resident must know, it is necessary to (1 reflect upon what are the critical need subjects, (2 identify areas that have become of lesser importance, and then (3 prioritize training accordingly.

  6. Evolution of the Pathology Residency Curriculum (United States)

    Powell, Suzanne Z.; Black-Schaffer, W. Stephen


    The required medical knowledge and skill set for the pathologist of 2020 are different than in 2005. Pathology residency training curriculum must accordingly change to fulfill the needs of these ever-changing requirements. In order to make rational curricular adjustments, it is important for us to know the current trajectory of resident training in pathology—where we have been, what our actual current training curriculum is now—to understand how that might change in anticipation of meeting the needs of a changing patient and provider population and to fit within the evolving future biomedical and socioeconomic health-care setting. In 2013, there were 143 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited pathology residency training programs in the United States, with approximately 2400 residents. There is diversity among residency training programs not only with respect to the number of residents but also in training venue(s). To characterize this diversity among pathology residency training programs, a curriculum survey was conducted of pathology residency program directors in 2013 and compared with a similar survey taken almost 9 years previously in 2005 to identify trends in pathology residency curriculum. Clinical pathology has not changed significantly in the number of rotations over 9 years; however, anatomic pathology has changed dramatically, with an increase in the number of surgical pathology rotations coupled with a decline in stand-alone autopsy rotations. With ever-expanding medical knowledge that the graduating pathology resident must know, it is necessary to (1) reflect upon what are the critical need subjects, (2) identify areas that have become of lesser importance, and then (3) prioritize training accordingly. PMID:28725779

  7. Reconciliation through Dialogical Nostalgia in Post-Conflict Societies: A Curriculum to Intersect (United States)

    du Preez, Petro


    The curriculum has been proposed as a powerful means with the potential to initiate social transformation. It reflects the dominant social, economical and political discourses and for this reason it seems reasonable to situate reconciliatory discourses in relation to the curriculum. Whilst curriculum scholars mostly agree that we need to seek new…

  8. Examining Student Work for Evidence of Teacher Uptake of Educative Curriculum Materials (United States)

    Bismack, Amber Schultz; Arias, Anna Maria; Davis, Elizabeth A.; Palincsar, Annemarie Sullivan


    The purpose of this study was to identify evidence in student work of teachers' uptake of educative features in educative curriculum materials. These are features in curriculum materials designed with the specific intent of supporting teacher learning and enactment. This study was prompted by previous work on educative curriculum materials and the…

  9. Multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-professional CATs: (Curriculum Analysis Tools). (United States)

    Eisner, J


    A consortium of dental schools and allied dental programs was established in 1991 with the expressed purpose of creating a curriculum database program that was end-user modifiable [1]. In April of 1994, a beta version (Beta 2.5 written in FoxPro(TM) 2.5) of the software CATs, an acronym for Curriculum Analysis Tools, was released for use by over 30 of the consortium's 60 member institutions, while the remainder either waited for the Macintosh (TM) or Windows (TM) versions of the program or were simply not ready to begin an institutional curriculum analysis project. Shortly after this release, the design specifications were rewritten based on a thorough critique of the Beta 2.5 design and coding structures and user feedback. The result was Beta 3.0 which has been designed to accommodate any health professions curriculum, in any country that uses English or French as one of its languages. Given the program's extensive use of screen generation tools, it was quite easy to offer screen displays in a second language. As more languages become available as part of the Unified Medical Language System, used to document curriculum content, the program's design will allow their incorporation. When the software arrives at a new institution, the choice of language and health profession will have been preselected, leaving the Curriculum Database Manager to identify the country where the member institution is located. With these 'macro' end-user decisions completed, the database manager can turn to a more specific set of end-user questions including: 1) will the curriculum view selected for analysis be created by the course directors (provider entry of structured course outlines) or by the students (consumer entry of class session summaries)?; 2) which elements within the provided course outline or class session modules will be used?; 3) which, if any, internal curriculum validation measures will be included?; and 4) which, if any, external validation measures will be included

  10. Impact of a structured surgical curriculum on ophthalmic resident cataract surgery complication rates. (United States)

    Rogers, Gina M; Oetting, Thomas A; Lee, Andrew G; Grignon, Connie; Greenlee, Emily; Johnson, A Tim; Beaver, Hilary A; Carter, Keith


    To determine whether institution of a structured surgical curriculum for ophthalmology residents decreased the rate of sentinel surgical complications. Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. A retrospective review was performed of third-year ophthalmic resident quality-assurance surgical outcomes data at a single residency-training site from 1998 to 2008. The primary outcome measure was defined as a sentinel event; that is, a posterior capsule tear (with or without vitreous loss) or vitreous loss (from any cause) occurring during a resident-performed case. The study population was divided into 2 groups. Group 1 comprised surgical cases of residents trained before the surgical curriculum change (academic years 1998 to 2003) and Group 2, surgical cases of residents trained with the enhanced curriculum (academic years 2004 to 2008). Data from 1 year (academic year 2003 to 2004) were excluded because the transition to the enhanced curriculum occurred during that period. The data were analyzed and adjusted for surgical experience. In Group 1 (before institution of surgical curriculum), there were 823 cases with 59 sentinel complications. In Group 2 (after institution of surgical curriculum), there were 1009 cases with 38 sentinel complications. There was a statistically significant reduction in the sentinel complication rate, from 7.17% before the curriculum changes to 3.77% with the enhanced curriculum (P = .001, unpaired 2-tailed t test). Implementation of a structured surgical curriculum resulted in a statistically significant reduction in sentinel event complications, even after adjusting for surgical experience.

  11. Integrating student feedback during "Dental Curriculum Hack-A-thon". (United States)

    Saffari, Shawheen S; Frederick Lambert, R; Dang, Lucy; Pagni, Sarah; Dragan, Irina F


    The future of dental education is at crossroads. This study used the parameter of the 2016 Dental Curriculum Hack-a-Thon to assess intra- and inter-institutional agreement between student and faculty views regarding dental curriculums to determine if there is an impact in student perceptions towards dental education from before and after the event. This exploratory, cross-sectional study involved two surveys, with Survey 1 being distributed among four faculty-student pairs of the four participating dental schools answering 14 questions. Survey 2 assessed the views of 20 participating dental students through 26 questions in a pre- and post- event survey design. Descriptive statistics were used to explore differences in perceptions towards dental education across both instrument surveys. The results revealed valuable student insights regarding intra- and inter-institutional agreement relevant for the change in dental curriculum that needs to occur. Survey 2 revealed that mandatory attendance in didactic courses, electronic based examination preferences, and the preference of preclinical courses being held in the first and second years of a four-year dental curriculum were of particular importance to student participants. The results of this study indicate that exposure and participation in subjects pertaining to dental education can be influential on student preferences and opinions on how dental education should be delivered in a four-year curriculum.

  12. Curriculum Theory and the Welfare State

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin Justice


    Full Text Available How do states make citizens? The question is as old as states themselves. Surprisingly, however, the approaches to answering it have emerged as a form of parallel play, uncoordinated (and poorly understood across fields. This essay attempts to reconcile disparate realms of social research that address the question. The first, curriculum theory, grows out of educational research that for a century has focused almost exclusively on schools, schooling, and intentional settings for academic knowledge transmission. The second realm draws primarily on research from psychology, sociology, and political science to look empirically for effects of exposure to particular kinds of social phenomena. These include, but are not exclusive to, public institutions and policies. This essay begins by developing a mainstream conception of curriculum theory. It then compares and contrasts social science traditions that engage questions related to the state’s role in civic identity formation. Finally, it offers a case study on New York City’s controversial policing strategy known as Stop, Question, and Frisk, exploring how curriculum theory (developed in the context of mass schooling can be a useful framework for understanding the educational features of a distinct social policy.

  13. The essential research curriculum for doctor of pharmacy degree programs. (United States)

    Lee, Mary W; Clay, Patrick G; Kennedy, W Klugh; Kennedy, Mary Jayne; Sifontis, Nicole M; Simonson, Dana; Sowinski, Kevin M; Taylor, William J; Teply, Robyn M; Vardeny, Orly; Welty, Timothy E


    In 2008, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy appointed the Task Force on Research in the Professional Curriculum to review and make recommendations on the essential research curriculum that should be part of doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree programs. The essential research curriculum provides all students with critical and analytical thinking and lifelong learning skills, which will apply to current and future practice and stimulate some students to pursue a career in this field. Eight key curricular competencies are as follows: identifying relevant problems and gaps in pharmacotherapeutic knowledge; generating a research hypothesis; designing a study to test the hypothesis; analyzing data results using appropriate statistical tests; interpreting and applying the results of a research study to practice; effectively communicating research and clinical findings to pharmacy, medical, and basic science audiences; interpreting and effectively communicating research and clinical findings to patients and caregivers; and applying regulatory and ethical principles when conducting research or using research results. Faculty are encouraged to use research-related examples across the curriculum in nonresearch courses and to employ interactive teaching methods to promote student engagement. Examples of successful strategies used by Pharm.D. degree programs to integrate research content into the curriculum are provided. Current pharmacy school curricula allow variable amounts of time for instructional content in research, which may or may not include hands-on experiences for students to develop research-related skills. Therefore, an important opportunity exists for schools to incorporate the essential research curriculum. Despite the challenges of implementing these recommendations, the essential research curriculum will position pharmacy school graduates to understand the importance of research and its applications to practice. This perspective is provided as an aid

  14. A Model for the Development of a CDIO Based Curriculum in Electrical Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Erik; Kjærgaard, Claus


    This paper deals with a model providing a structured method for engineering curriculum design. The model is developed to show the major influencers on the curriculum design and the relations between the influencers. These influencers are identified as the engineering science, the business...... environment, the university environment, and the teachers and students. Each of them and their influence on the curriculum is described and the sources of information about the influencers are discussed. The CDIO syllabus has been defined as part of the basis for the Bachelor of Engineering programs...... at the Technical University of Denmark and this gives a strong direct impact of the university environment on the resulting curriculum in electrical engineering. The resulting Bachelor of Engineering curriculum is presented and it is discussed how it complies with the model for curriculum development. The main...

  15. The American Society for Radiation Oncology's 2010 core physics curriculum for radiation oncology residents. (United States)

    Xiao, Ying; Bernstein, Karen De Amorim; Chetty, Indrin J; Eifel, Patricia; Hughes, Lesley; Klein, Eric E; McDermott, Patrick; Prisciandaro, Joann; Paliwal, Bhudatt; Price, Robert A; Werner-Wasik, Maria; Palta, Jatinder R


    In 2004, the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) published its first physics education curriculum for residents, which was updated in 2007. A committee composed of physicists and physicians from various residency program teaching institutions was reconvened again to update the curriculum in 2009. Members of this committee have associations with ASTRO, the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, the Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology, the American Board of Radiology (ABR), and the American College of Radiology. Members reviewed and updated assigned subjects from the last curriculum. The updated curriculum was carefully reviewed by a representative from the ABR and other physics and clinical experts. The new curriculum resulted in a recommended 56-h course, excluding initial orientation. Learning objectives are provided for each subject area, and a detailed outline of material to be covered is given for each lecture hour. Some recent changes in the curriculum include the addition of Radiation Incidents and Bioterrorism Response Training as a subject and updates that reflect new treatment techniques and modalities in a number of core subjects. The new curriculum was approved by the ASTRO board in April 2010. We anticipate that physicists will use this curriculum for structuring their teaching programs, and subsequently the ABR will adopt this educational program for its written examination. Currently, the American College of Radiology uses the ASTRO curriculum for their training examination topics. In addition to the curriculum, the committee updated suggested references and the glossary. The ASTRO physics education curriculum for radiation oncology residents has been updated. To ensure continued commitment to a current and relevant curriculum, the subject matter will be updated again in 2 years. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Relativism, Values and Morals in the New Zealand Curriculum Framework (United States)

    Jorgensen, Lone Morris; Ryan, Sueann

    The New Zealand Curriculum Framework, 1993, is the official document for teaching, learning and assessment in New Zealand schools. It consists of a set of curriculum statements, which define the learning principles, achievement aims and essential skills for seven learning areas. It also indicates the place of attitudes and values in the school curriculum. This paper investigates the requirements for teaching attitudes, values and ethics in the curriculum statements for Science, Biology and Technology. The question is raised whether the teaching of skills for resolving moral and ethical dilemmas are required by the official education standards in New Zealand, and internationally. The paper reports on a survey done on pre-service teacher trainees of their understanding of these requirements. Implications for courses that might need to be provided in future pre-service teacher education programmes are briefly discussed.

  17. An analysis of curriculum implementation on high schools in Yogyakarta (United States)

    Febriana, Beta Wulan; Arlianty, Widinda Normalia; Diniaty, Artina; Fauzi'ah, Lina


    This study aims to find out how the implementation of the curriculum at three schools in Yogyakarta. The selection of these three schools is based on the use of different curriculum in each school. The analysis was done by distributing questionnaire analysis of eight national education standards (NES). The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out how the curriculum implemented in the schools. In addition, to find out whether or not the implementation was done in accordance with the expectations of the curriculum. The questionnaire distributed in the form of indicators on each NES. These indicators include, Content Standards, Process Standards, Graduates Competency Standards, Teacher and Education Staff Standards, Facility and Infrastructure Standards, Management Standards, Financing Standards and Assessment Standards. Results of the observation indicate that there is a discrepancy between the expectations and the reality of the three schools observed.

  18. User Manual for the AZ-101 Data Acquisition System (AS-101 DAS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    User manual for the TK AZ-101 Waste Retrieval System Data Acquisition System. The purpose of this document is to describe use of the AZ-101 Data Acquisition System (AZ-101 DAS). The AZ-101 DAS is provided to fulfill the requirements for data collection and monitoring as defined in Letters of Instruction (LOI) from Numatec Hanford Corporation (NHC) to Fluor Federal Services (FFS). For a complete description of the system, including design, please refer to the AZ-101 DAS System Description document, RPP-5572.

  19. User Manual for the AZ-101 Data Acquisition System (AS-101 DAS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    User manual for the TK AZ-101 Waste Retrieval System Data Acquisition System. The purpose of this document is to describe use of the AZ-101 Data Acquisition System (AZ-101 DAS). The AZ-101 DAS is provided to fulfill the requirements for data collection and monitoring as defined in Letters of Instruction (LOI) from Numatec Hanford Corporation (NHC) to Fluor Federal Services (FFS). For a complete description of the system, including design, please refer to the AZ-101 DAS System Description document, RPP-5572

  20. Advanced Technical Drafting (Industrial Arts) Curriculum Guide. Bulletin 1751. (United States)

    Louisiana State Dept. of Education, Baton Rouge. Div. of Vocational Education.

    This curriculum guide contains materials for a 17-unit course in advanced technical drafting, a followup to the basic technical drafting course in the industrial arts curriculum for grades 10-12. It is intended for use by industrial arts teachers, supervisors, counselors, administrators, and teacher educators. A three-page course overview provides…

  1. James Madison High School. A Curriculum for American Students. (United States)

    Bennett, William J.

    This document presents the Secretary of Education's personal concept of a sound secondary school core curriculum. It is called "James Madison High School" in honor of President James Madison and his strong views that the people, in order to govern properly, must arm themselves with knowledge. The theoretical curriculum consists of four…

  2. Reconsidering the Technologies of Intellectual Inquiry in Curriculum Design (United States)

    Costa, Cristina; Harris, Lisa


    This paper reports on the design and delivery of classroom pedagogies and students' engagement with it in two different UK universities. Under the banner of curriculum design and Bourdieu's curriculum principles, the study set out to create modules that provided students with an interdisciplinary perspective on how the web is changing the way…

  3. Finance and Credit. Curriculum Guide. Marketing and Distributive Education. (United States)

    Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb. Dept. of Business Education and Administration Services.

    Designed to be used with the General Marketing Curriculum Guide (ED 156 860), this guide is intended to provide the curriculum coordinator with a basis for planning a comprehensive program in the field of marketing and to allow marketing and distributive education teacher-coordinators maximum flexibility. It contains job competency sheets in ten…

  4. Content Analysis of Curriculum-Related Studies in Turkey between 2000 and 2014 (United States)

    Aksan, Elif; Baki, Adnan


    This study aims to carry out a content analysis determining the general framework of studies related to curriculum. For this purpose, 154 curriculum-related studies carried out in Turkey between 2000 and 2014 were examined in terms of year, sample, method, data collection technique, purpose, and result. The most studies related to curriculum were…

  5. School Curriculum in Japan (United States)

    Nakayasu, Chie


    This article examines Japanese education system especially relevant to the school curriculum, which might support Japanese high performance in the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), mainly through Japanese policy documents. The Japanese education systems have been constructed by the local context of society and politics,…

  6. Rethinking the MSW Curriculum (United States)

    Colby, Ira C.


    The foundation year and specialization year of study are the accepted framework for graduate social work education. A common belief among educators is that accreditation standards are prescriptive by design, resulting in a rigidity that neither encourages nor supports curricular innovation. This article outlines a newly developed curriculum model…

  7. Student profiling on university co-curriculum activities using data visualization tools (United States)

    Jamil, Jastini Mohd.; Shaharanee, Izwan Nizal Mohd


    Co-curricular activities are playing a vital role in the development of a holistic student. Co-curriculum can be described as an extension of the formal learning experiences in a course or academic program. There are many co-curriculum activities such as students' participation in sports, volunteerism, leadership, entrepreneurship, uniform body, student council, and other social events. The number of student involves in co-curriculum activities are large, thus creating an enormous volume of data including their demographic facts, academic performance and co-curriculum types. The task for discovering and analyzing these information becomes increasingly difficult and hard to comprehend. Data visualization offer a better ways in handling with large volume of information. The need for an understanding of these various co-curriculum activities and their effect towards student performance are essential. Visualizing these information can help related stakeholders to become aware of hidden and interesting information from large amount of data drowning in their student data. The main objective of this study is to provide a clearer understanding of the different trends hidden in the student co-curriculum activities data with related to their activities and academic performances. The data visualization software was used to help visualize the data extracted from the database.

  8. Analyzing the Curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira using Harden's 10 questions framework. (United States)

    Ahmed, Yasar Albushra; Alneel, Salma


    Despite the importance of curriculum analysis for internal refinement of a programme, the approach for such a step in under-described in the literature. This article describes the analysis of the medical curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira (FMUG). This analysis is crucial in the era of innovative medical education since introducing new curricula and curricular changes has become a common occurrence in medical education worldwide. The curriculum analysis was qualitatively approached using descriptive analysis and adopting Harden's 10 Questions of curriculum development framework approach. Answering Harden's questions reflects the fundamental curricular components and how the different aspects of a curriculum framework fit together. The key features highlighted in the curriculum-related material and literature have been presented. The analysis of the curriculum of FMUG reveals a curriculum with interactive components. Clear structured objectives and goals reflect the faculty's vision. The approach for needs assessment is based on a scientific ground, and the curriculum integrated contents have been set to meet national and international requirements. Adopting SPICES strategies helps FMUG and students achieve the objectives of the curriculum. Multiple motivated instructional methods are adopted, fostering coping with the programme objectives and outcomes. A wide range of assessment methods has been adopted to assess the learning outcomes of the curriculum correctly, reliably, and in alignment with the intended outcomes. The prevailing conducive educational environment of FMUG is favourable for its operation and profoundly influences the outcome of the programme. And there is a well-defined policy for curriculum management, monitoring and evaluation. Harden's 10 questions are satisfactorily addressed by the multi-disciplinary and well-developed FMUG curriculum. The current curriculum supports the well-written faculty missions and educational

  9. Sustainability Infused Curriculum (United States)

    Ibarra, D. L.


    The Independent Schools Foundation Academy (ISF) in Hong Kong established a sustainability policy in 2015, which explicitly states, "an experimentally integrated, environmentally and ethically sustainable system of science education and conservation practices based on the 2012 Jeju Declaration of the World Conservation Congress will be implemented through the school". ISF Academy is a private Chinese bilingual school in Hong Kong serving over 1500 students K-12, following the framework and curriculum of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The strategy behind the implementation of this policy includes: development of a scientific sustainable curriculum that is age appropriate; establish a culture of sustainability within the ISF community and beyond to the wider HK community; install sustainable infrastructure that allows students to learn; and learn first hand sustainable living practices. It is well understood that solutions to the environmental challenges facing Hong Kong and our planet will require multiple disciplines. The current sustainability programs at ISF include: a) a whole school aerobic food waste composting system and organic farming, b) energy consumption monitoring of existing buildings, c) upcoming installation of an air pollution monitoring equipment that will correlate with the AQHI data collected by the Hong Kong government, d) a Renewable Energy Education Center (REEC) that will teach students about RE and also produce solar energy for classroom consumption, and e) student lead environmental group that manages the paper and used cooking oil recycling on campus. The Shuyuan Science and Sustainability faculty work closely with classroom teachers to ensure that the above mentioned projects are incorporated into the curriculum throughout the school. Interdisciplinary units (IDU) of study are being developed that encourage faculty and students to work across subject areas. Projects include Personal Projects, Extended Essays

  10. Participação das metaloproteinases da matriz na etiopatogenia dos cistos odontogênicos


    Silveira,Éricka Janine Dantas da; Piva,Marta Rabello; Galvão,Hébel Cavalcanti; Souza,Lélia Batista de; Freitas,Roseana de Almeida


    Visando contribuir para um melhor entendimento do crescimento das lesões odontogênicas e do papel das metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs) nesse processo, realizou-se uma análise da expressão imuno-histoquímica das MMPs -1, -2 e -9, em 15 cistos radiculares (CR), 10 cistos radiculares residuais (CRR), 10 cistos dentígeros (CD) e 10 ceratocistos odontogênicos (CO). Analisou-se, no epitélio e no mesênquima, a imunopositividade das lesões, atribuindo-se os escores: (-) ausência de marcação, (+) ma...

  11. A Whitewashed Curriculum? The Construction of Race in Contemporary PE Curriculum Policy (United States)

    Dowling, Fiona; Flintoff, Anne


    Analyses of curricula in a range of countries show how they tend to reinforce, rather than challenge, popular theories of racism. To date, we know little about the contribution of physical education (PE) curriculum policy to the overall policy landscape. This paper examines the construction of race and racism in two national contexts (Norway and…

  12. Culture, Identity and the Curriculum. (United States)

    Burtonwood, Neil


    Critiques recent versions of pluralism by examining the concepts of culture and identity underlying them. Proposes a model of education that rejects cultural transmission in favor of a transformational curriculum that goes beyond culture. (SK)

  13. A Future-Oriented, Globally Based Curriculum Model for Industrial Technology. (United States)

    Hacker, Michael


    Presents a future-oriented curriculum approach for industrial technology programs. Major global issues provide the basic structure for curriculum development. These issues include energy management, resource management, technological advancement, and international relations. Rationales for industrial technology are discussed and a curriculum…

  14. Community-oriented Curriculum Design for Medical Humanities

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    Duu-Jian Tsai


    Full Text Available Various recent surveys in Taiwan show physicians' decreasing satisfaction and increasing frustration with their working environment. Their major complaints are stress, long hours, salary, management's disrespect, and lack of trust from patients and society. To move towards restoration of social trust, this paper proposes incorporating the concept of “doctor as mediator in the changing relationship with patients” into the medical curriculum, as will be described in detail. This paper argues that structured community service for medical students facilitates self-learning, and will not only motivate them to develop good clinical and communication skills, but will also lead them to realize that the essence of medicine must be social trust. These effects have been seen after several years of an experimental curriculum involving more than 800 students. A program using methodology for community empowerment has been realized in a two-stage curriculum design. Students' self-assessment of achievements in these courses included further improvement in communication skills, courage to express own position, appropriate planning in advance, management of human resources, ability to deal with limited space and time, and experience of a profoundly moving learning process. In conclusion, community-based curriculum designs that facilitate self-learning for medical students should be the key element of reformed humanities education in Taiwan medical schools. Moreover, medical humanities continues to be a key element contributing to ongoing intellectual movements in Taiwan for building civil society and rooting democracy in the community.

  15. Emergency Medicine Residency Boot Camp Curriculum: A Pilot Study

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    Ataya, Ramsey


    Full Text Available Introduction: Establishing a boot camp curriculum is pertinent for emergency medicine (EM residents in order to develop proficiency in a large scope of procedures and leadership skills.  In this article, we describe our program’s EM boot camp curriculum as well as measure the confidence levels of resident physicians through a pre- and post-boot camp survey. Methods: We designed a one-month boot camp curriculum with the intention of improving the confidence, procedural performance, leadership, communication and resource management of EM interns. Our curriculum consisted of 12 hours of initial training and culminated in a two-day boot camp. The initial day consisted of clinical skill training and the second day included code drill scenarios followed by interprofessional debriefing.   Results: Twelve EM interns entered residency with an overall confidence score of 3.2 (1-5 scale across all surveyed skills. Interns reported the highest pre-survey confidence scores in suturing (4.3 and genitourinary exams (3.9. The lowest pre-survey confidence score was in thoracostomy (2.4. Following the capstone experience, overall confidence scores increased to 4.0. Confidence increased the most in defibrillation and thoracostomy. Additionally, all interns reported post-survey confidence scores of at least 3.0 in all skills, representing an internal anchor of “moderately confident/need guidance at times to perform procedure.” Conclusion: At the completion of the boot camp curriculum, EM interns had improvement in self-reported confidence across all surveyed skills and procedures. The described EM boot camp curriculum was effective, feasible and provided a foundation to our trainees during their first month of residency. [West J Emerg Med. 2015;16(2:356–361.

  16. Improving Family Meetings in Intensive Care Units: A Quality Improvement Curriculum. (United States)

    Gruenewald, David A; Gabriel, Michelle; Rizzo, Dorothy; Luhrs, Carol A


    Family meetings in the intensive care unit are associated with beneficial outcomes for patients, their families, and health care systems, yet these meetings often do not occur in a timely, effective, reliable way. The Department of Veterans Affairs Comprehensive End-of-Life Care Implementation Center sponsored a national initiative to improve family meetings in Veterans Affairs intensive care units across the United States. Process measures of success for the initiative were identified, including development of a curriculum to support facility-based quality improvement projects to implement high-quality family meetings. Identified curriculum requirements included suitability for distance learning and applicability to many clinical intensive care units. Curriculum modules were cross-mapped to the "Plan-Do-Study-Act" model to aid in planning quality improvement projects. A questionnaire was e-mailed to users to evaluate the curriculum's effectiveness. Users rated the curriculum's effectiveness in supporting and achieving aims of the initiative as 3.6 on a scale of 0 (not effective) to 4 (very effective). Users adapted the curriculum to meet local needs. The number of users increased from 6 to 17 quality improvement teams in 2 years. All but 3 teams progressed to implementation of an action plan. Users were satisfied with the effectiveness and adaptability of a family-meeting quality improvement curriculum to support implementation of a quality improvement project in Veterans Affairs intensive care units. This tool may be useful in facilitating projects to improve the quality of family meetings in other intensive care units. ©2017 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.

  17. Secret Codes: The Hidden Curriculum of Semantic Web Technologies (United States)

    Edwards, Richard; Carmichael, Patrick


    There is a long tradition in education of examination of the hidden curriculum, those elements which are implicit or tacit to the formal goals of education. This article draws upon that tradition to open up for investigation the hidden curriculum and assumptions about students and knowledge that are embedded in the coding undertaken to facilitate…

  18. A desconstrução das narrativas e a reconstrução do currículo: a inclusão dos saberes matemáticos dos negros e dos índios Brasileiros Narratives deconstruction and curriculum reconstruction: the inclusion of Brazilian indians' and black people's mathematical knowledge

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    Wanderleya Gonçalves Costa


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, problematizamos as narrativas da nação brasileira que mascaram a identidade múltipla do País e ressaltamos mecanismos de exclusão presentes nas escolas. Lembramos que o Brasil, devido à sua formação histórico-social, é multirracial e pluriétnico, mas a escola continua a desconsiderar essa realidade, o que tem contribuído para elevar os índices de evasão e repetência de crianças provenientes de alguns grupos socioculturais. Então, remetendo-nos à aprovação da Lei 11.645/08, que inclui no currículo oficial dos estabelecimentos de ensino básico das redes pública e privada a obrigatoriedade do estudo da história e culturas africana, afro-brasileira e indígena, encaminhamos nossas discussões para o ensino de Matemática. Nesse contexto, discorremos sobre algumas das formas por meio das quais as pesquisas em Etnomatemática podem contribuir para discutir e destacar, no espaço escolar, os conhecimentos que possuem essas matrizes culturais. A partir daí, apresentamos algumas reflexões suscitadas por pesquisas que temos realizado na região de Pirituba, no município de São Paulo, onde atua o segundo autor e junto aos índios A'uwe-xavante do Mato Grosso, onde atua a primeira autora.In this article, narratives from the Brazilian nation are problematized, which disguise the country multiple identity and we emphasize mechanisms of exclusion present in schools. We remind that Brazil, because of its historical and social organization is multiracial and pluriethnical, but school continues to ignore this reality, which has contributed to raise the dropout and repetition rates of children from some socio-cultural groups. Then, concerning the 11.645/08 Law approval, which includes the compulsory study of the history and culture from Africans, Brazilian Africans and indigenous added in the official curriculum of private and public elementary schools, we guided our discussions for the teaching of Mathematics. In this

  19. Impact of a competency based curriculum on quality improvement among internal medicine residents. (United States)

    Fok, Mark C; Wong, Roger Y


    Teaching quality improvement (QI) principles during residency is an important component of promoting patient safety and improving quality of care. The literature on QI curricula for internal medicine residents is limited. We sought to evaluate the impact of a competency based curriculum on QI among internal medicine residents. This was a prospective, cohort study over four years (2007-2011) using pre-post curriculum comparison design in an internal medicine residency program in Canada. Overall 175 post-graduate year one internal medicine residents participated. A two-phase, competency based curriculum on QI was developed with didactic workshops and longitudinal, team-based QI projects. The main outcome measures included self-assessment, objective assessment using the Quality Improvement Knowledge Assessment Tool (QIKAT) scores to assess QI knowledge, and performance-based assessment via presentation of longitudinal QI projects. Overall 175 residents participated, with a response rate of 160/175 (91%) post-curriculum and 114/175 (65%) after conducting their longitudinal QI project. Residents' self-reported confidence in making changes to improve health increased and was sustained at twelve months post-curriculum. Self-assessment scores of QI skills improved significantly from pre-curriculum (53.4 to 69.2 percent post-curriculum [p-value 0.002]) and scores were sustained at twelve months after conducting their longitudinal QI projects (53.4 to 72.2 percent [p-value 0.005]). Objective scores using the QIKAT increased post-curriculum from 8.3 to 10.1 out of 15 (p-value for difference value for difference from pre-curriculum based assessment occurred via presentation of all projects at the annual QI Project Podium Presentation Day. The competency based curriculum on QI improved residents' QI knowledge and skills during residency training. Importantly, residents perceived that their QI knowledge improved after the curriculum and this also correlated to improved QIKAT


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    Célia Gomez Sardinha Silva


    Full Text Available O ambiente escolar é um espaço profícuo de interações sociais que se organiza de modo a mesclar diferentes representações, quer seja dos agentes da instituição escolar, dos membros da família ou das pessoas da comunidade. Diante disso, objetiva-se com este estudo básico, qualitativo e exploratório, caracterizado como estudo bibliográfico, refletir sobre os aspectos conceituais da Teoria das Representações Sociais no contexto educacional. Conclui-se, portanto que a Teoria das Representações Sociais, pode ajudar a compreender a realidade do contexto educacional, em suas múltiplas facetas, a partir das práticas que se desenvolvem frente às representações construídas.