
Sample records for remoto orbital em

  1. Controlo remoto de condições ambientais


    Valente, Bruno Alexandre Loureiro


    Relatório de projecto no âmbito de Bolsa Universidade de Lisboa/Fundação Amadeu Dias (2008/2009) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, LASIGE Foi tomado em conta neste projecto o desafio de oferecer um serviço remoto de domótica. Assumindo que a maioria das pessoas não têm tempo para pensar nelas mesmo nem no mundo que as rodeiam e que desejam uma forma fácil e eficiente de controlar as suas casas foi criada uma aplicação que lhes desse a oportunidade de desfrutarem...


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    André Luiz Conceição Santos, Celso Morato de Carvalho, Thiago Morato de Carvalho


    Full Text Available São discutidos aspectos relevantes sobre fragmentos florestados para a conservação da biodiversidade e especificamente são analisados 403 remanescentes florestais (31.000 ha na mata atlântica de Sergipe através de sensoriamento remoto com base em imagens Spot 5 e fotografias aéreas. Os remanescentes foram categorizados em cinco grupamentos: i Santa Luzia do Itanhy-Estância, ii Aracaju-São Cristóvão-Itabaiana, iii Rosário do Catete, iv Japaratuba, v Pacatuba-Japoatã. A maioria dos fragmentos variou entre 17 – 70 ha; os grupamentos entre Aracaju e Santa Luzia do Itanhy estão entre os maiores. A conectividade entre os fragmentos variou entre 2-19 km; as distâncias médias entre fragmentos variaram em torno de 1 km. Os índices de circularidade variaram entre 0,006-0,31, mostrando prevalência de fragmentos com bordas irregulares.

  3. Experiencia de Uso de un Laboratorio Remoto de Control

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    Nourdine Aliane


    Full Text Available Resumen: En los últimos años, hemos asistido a un desarrollo significativo de los laboratorios remotos. Su integración en el ámbito académico ofrece muchas ventajas desde el punto de vista logístico, pero también conlleva un impacto substancial desde el punto de vistas pedagógico. En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de utilización de un laboratorio remoto de control, cuyo objetivo es mostrar el alcance de la experimentación remota desde el punto de vista de los alumnos así como desde la perspectiva del profesor. Palabras clave: Laboratorios Remotos, Ingeniería de Control, Educación

  4. Classificação orientada a objeto de imagens de sensoriamento remoto em estudos epidemiológicos sobre leishmaniose visceral em área urbana

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    Andréa Sobral de Almeida


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, explorou-se o uso da classificação orientada a objeto de imagens de sensoriamento remoto em estudos epidemiológicos sobre leishmaniose visceral (LV em áreas urbanas. A classificação orientada a objeto foi aplicada a cenas Landsat 5 TM da cidade de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil, para obtenção de informações ambientais e temperatura. Para o período de 1993-1996, a taxa de incidência de LV nos setores censitários da cidade foi positivamente correlacionada com a área do setor censitário coberta por vegetação densa, rasteira e solo exposto e negativamente com a área coberta por água e áreas densamente ocupadas. No período de 2001-2006, foram encontradas correlações positivas com vegetação densa, rasteira, solo exposto e áreas densamente ocupadas e negativas com áreas urbanas com alguma vegetação. A temperatura da superfície terrestre foi negativamente associada à incidência de LV nos dois períodos. A classificação orientada a objeto pode ser útil para caracterizar paisagens associadas à ocorrência da LV em áreas urbanas e delimitar áreas de risco para definição de prioridades na implementação de intervenções.

  5. Sensoriamento remoto multifonte aplicado na detecção do fitoplâncton em águas interiores

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    Rejane E. Cicerelli


    Full Text Available Florações de fitoplanctôn podem constituir em riscos à saúde humana e biota aquática, sendo necessários o monitoramento da comunidade fitoplanctônica e a adoção de mecanismos visando à prevenção de sua ocorrência. Neste contexto métodos tradicionais de monitoramento podem ser mais efetivos se complementados por abordagens que utilizam as propriedades ópticas dos pigmentos fitoplanctônicos por meio do Sensoriamento Remoto. Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de dados espectrais multifonte na detecção remota do fitoplâncton, foi selecionada uma área de estudo no reservatório de Nova Avanhandava, SP, caracterizada por intensa atividade agrícola no seu entorno. Para esta análise foram adquiridos dados hiperespectrais em campo e imagens multiespectrais Modis e RapidEye, os quais foram relacionados a variáveis limnológicas indicadoras do comportamento fitoplanctônico; clorofila a e ficocianina. Os resultados mostram que imagens multiespectrais permitem uma avaliação da biomassa fitoplanctônica pela clorofila a; contudo, para ficocianina, pigmento fitoplanctônico diagnóstico da presença de cianobactérias, dados mais refinados são necessários, tais como os hiperespectrais.


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    Edilberto Bezerra de Sousa

    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta pesquisa consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de ensino, a partir da utilização de ferramentas da INTERNET, para a disciplina de Sensoriamento Remoto I, ministrada no DEAg (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola da UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba e está vinculada ao programa da UFPB para informatização de disciplinas dos cursos de Engenharia. Nesta metodologia são abordados todos os tópicos do seu programa. Na abordagem, apesar de ser dirigida aos cursos de Engenharia Agrícola, os temas básicos e aplicações são de interesse de diversos cursos de engenharia e áreas afins. A deficiência de material didático básico para dar suporte a tal disciplina é muito grande, principalmente nos cursos de Engenharia Agrícola, que tratam de um segmento específico relacionado aos Recursos Naturais, o que motivou a realização deste trabalho que, certamente, preencherá a lacuna de um material didático ilustrado e com várias aplicações na Engenharia Agrícola. Nesta pesquisa constatou-se que a utilização da informática nos seus mais diversos modos é uma experiência que, além de estimular e familiarizar o aluno ao uso de novas ferramentas de trabalho, permite formar um engenheiro melhor preparado para as novas necessidades do mercado de trabalho. Verificou-se ainda que a metodologia de ensino desenvolvida nesta pesquisa mostrou-se eficaz no aprendizado do conteúdo da disciplina Sensoriamento Remoto I, ministrada no curso de graduação em Engenharia Agrícola da UFPB.

  7. Infraestructura para laboratorios de acceso remoto

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    López Luro, Francisco


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de Internet permiten el uso de sistemas de software distribuido para el acceso en forma remota a laboratorios físicos y virtuales, para llevar a cabo actividades de investigación experimental a distancia. A partir de los marcos teóricos que definen los estructurantes de los laboratorios, los implementadores de laboratorios de acceso remoto deben diseñar y desarrollar arquitecturas de servicios que permitan un acceso flexible y controlado. Este trabajo define una infraestructura para la implementación de aplicaciones para el acceso remoto a laboratorios físicos y virtuales y para la gestión de los mismos. Se presentan conceptos que permiten extender la modalidad tradicional de conexión con un dispositivo, para llevar adelante actividades prácticas de laboratorio colaborativas y concurrentes.

  8. Controle Remoto: principio de funcionamento (parte 1 de 2

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    Marisa Almeida Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo a difusão da utilização do micro-controlador Arduino, no ensino e aprendizagem de Física Moderna. Para isso, elaboramos uma sequência didática com o objetivo de explorar o funcionamento de controles remoto. Esta sequência será apresentada em dois módulos; o primeiro deles destinado ao estudo dos fenômenos físicos envolvidos na transmissão de sinais sem fio por meio de radiação infravermelha e, que será objeto desta 1ª parte do artigo. O segundo módulo destinado à compreensão do modelo associado à lógica e interpretação dos sinais pelo receptor infravermelho. Para este último, atividades são desenvolvidas acoplando o receptor IR da serie PNA4601M ao micro-controlador Arduino, que interpreta e executa ações a partir dos códigos recebidos. Todos os experimentos propostos nestes módulos visam tornar possível a compreensão não apenas do funcionamento de um controle remoto, mas de todo o processo de comunicação envolvido e dos diferentes comandos/códigos advindos de cada tecla. Pretendemos, com isso, explorar conceitos de física a partir de instrumentos e aplicações tecnológicas presentes no dia a dia dos estudantes, tornando as aulas de Física mais dinâmicas e motivadoras.

  9. Diseño de Laboratorios Virtuales y/o Remotos. Un Caso Práctico

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    J.M. Andújar Márquez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este articulo se realiza un analisis sobre las formas de acceso a los recursos experimentales de un laboratorio universitario (presencial o remoto a traves de Internet, asi como de los propios elementos y/o sistemas para realizar los experimentos, los cuales pueden ser virtuales (simulados en un ordenador o fisicos tangibles (tradicionalmente usados en las practicas presenciales. A partir de aqui, se proponen unas pautas de diseno de laboratorios de acceso remoto con control de sistemas fisicos a traves de instrumentos virtuales. Como caso practico de aplicacion se presenta un proyecto educativo y de investigacion: el Laboratorio de Ensayo de Robots (LER, que dirigido a la ensenanza en Automatica, esta siendo llevado a cabo por profesores y alumnos de grado y posgrado de la Universidad de Huelva. Palabras clave: Educacion en Automatica, E-learning, Instrumento Remoto, Instrumento Virtual, Laboratorio Remoto, Laboratorio Virtual, Robotica

  10. Redes neurais artificiais auto-organizáveis na classificação não-supervisionada de imagens multiespectrais de sensoriamento remoto


    Christopher Silva de Pádua


    O uso de imagens provenientes de sensores remotos, tal como sistemas acoplados em aviões e satélites, é cada vez mais frequente, uma vez que permite o monitoramento continuo e periódico ao longo do tempo por meio de diversas observações de uma mesma região, por vezes ampla ou de difícil acesso. Essa ferramenta tem se mostrado importante e significativa em aplicações como o mapeamento de solo e fronteiras; acompanhamento de áreas de desmatamento, queimadas e de produção agrícola. Para gerar re...

  11. Evapotranspiração e estimativa da água consumida em perímetro irrigado do Semiárido brasileiro por sensoriamento remoto

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    Bernardo Barbosa da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear a evapotranspiração real (ETr e determinar o volume de água utilizado no projeto de irrigação de São Gonçalo, PB, no Semiárido brasileiro, com auxílio do sensoriamento remoto. Foram adquiridas imagens TM/Landsat 5 da área em estudo, em 2008, que foram utilizadas na obtenção dos mapas temáticos da ETr diária. Selecionaram-se dois pomares de coqueiro‑anão para validação dos resultados da evapotranspiração obtida com o "surface energy balance algorithm for land" (ET Sebal e com o método FAO‑56 (ET FAO. Para determinação da ET FAO, utilizou-se o produto entre o coeficiente de cultura, o coeficiente de ajuste e a evapotranspiração de referência. As diferenças obtidas, com uso das duas técnicas, resultaram em raiz do erro quadrado médio, erro relativo médio e erro absoluto médio iguais a 0,53 mm, 9,46% e 0,43 mm, respectivamente. Nas áreas irrigadas, a ETr representou 85% do saldo de radiação e, nas de sequeiro, apenas 12,5%. O mapeamento da ETr delimitou claramente as áreas irrigadas das de sequeiro, bem como as diferenças existentes no interior do perímetro irrigado do projeto em investigação. O volume de água empregado no projeto de irrigação representa, somente no período de julho a dezembro, mais de 60% da capacidade do açude de São Gonçalo.

  12. Diseño de un laboratorio remoto de robots y procesos de manufactura industriales

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    Rafael Castillo Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el diseño de un Laboratorio Remoto de Robots y Procesos de Manufactura Industriales. Primero se presenta el estado del arte y después se expone una propuesta que consiste en acceder por software al escritorio remoto de las PC que controlan dichos dispositivos y también acceder por hardware a un dispositivo diseñado para manipular el Teach pendant (consola de programación de los robots industriales para su programación sin modificar tanto el software propietario como el hardware original de cada equipo. Se utilizó un servidor web tipo LAMP programado con software libre para la administración del uso de los equipos; la retroalimentación de los usuarios remotos se realizó mediante monitoreo con cámaras IP.

  13. Sensoriamento remoto da vegetação: evolução e estado-da-arte = Remote sensing of vegetation: evolution and state of the art

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    Laerte Guimarães Ferreira


    Full Text Available Levantamentos sistemáticos da cobertura vegetal no Brasil, à escala desemidetalhe, incluem aqueles realizados no âmbito dos projetos Radam e Radambrasil, no período de 1971 a 1977, tendo por base imagens de radar aerotransportadas e, mais recentemente, os mapeamentos, com base em imagens Landsat 7 ETM+, dos remanescentes da cobertura vegetal nos biomas brasileiros (projeto MMA/PROBIO, concluídos em 2006. Nestes pouco mais de 30 anos, muitas mudanças ocorreram, tanto na cobertura vegetal do país quanto no sensoriamento remoto orbital. Neste artigo de revisão, apresentamos, do ponto de vista conceitual e tecnológico, a evolução e o estado-da-arte dos sistemas sensorese discutimos algumas das técnicas mais utilizadas para decodificar (ex. em parâmetros biofísicos etc. e classificar a resposta espectral da vegetação. Da mesma forma, apresentamos as principais iniciativas, históricas ou em curso, voltadas ao monitoramento da cobertura vegetal dos biomas brasileiros.Systematic surveys of the vegetative cover in Brazil include the semi-detailed mappings conducted within the scope of the Radam and Radambrasil projects, between 1971 and 1977, based on side-looking airborne radar images, and more recently, the assessments, based on Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery, of the remnant vegetation cover of the Brazilian biomes (MMA/PROBIO, finished in 2006. In a little more than 30 years, many changes have occurred, both in vegetation cover as well as in orbital remote sensing. In this review article,we discuss, from a conceptual and technological perspective, the evolution and the state of the art of imager sensors, as well as some of the enhancement techniques utilized for decoding (e.g., in biophysical parameters, etc. and classifying the spectral response ofvegetation. Likewise, we present the main current (pioneering initiatives for land cover monitoring of the Brazilian biomes.

  14. plataforma cloud computing como infraestructura tecnológica para laboratorios virtuales, remotos y adaptativos

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    Frey Alfonso Santamaría Buitrago,


    RESUMO Hoje em dia, as instituições de ensino superior estão a desenvolver processo de ensino apoiado em campus virtual, em sala de aula e blended learning; bem como a internacionalização do ensino cria novos desafios, tais como: a criação de redes de investigação, espaços de trabalho compartilhados, laboratórios virtuais e remotos, entre outros; apostando em sistemas de produção, publicação e distribuição de conteúdos digitais educativos que permitem a partilha de conhecimentos e material educativo. Esta proposta pretende potenciar o desenvolvimento de ecossistemas experimentação acadêmicos abertos, reutilizáveis e interoperáveis, através da concepção de um quadro ea integração tecnológica orientada para a implementação de laboratórios virtuais operados e tele, com base em IMS Learning Tools Interoperability ® (LTI® padrão . Isso, combinado com a caracterização de um conjunto de métodos e tecnologias aplicáveis ao desenvolvimento de laboratórios operados virtuais e tele, identificando o seu âmbito e critérios técnicos, a fim de oferecer serviços de informática em ambientes acadêmicos através da Internet e que permite uma alta escalabilidade e flexibilidade na modificar o dimensionamento do serviço, pesquisa acadêmica e científica, apoiada em padrões abertos, arquiteturas, tecnologias, ferramentas e aplicativos.

  15. Alarma activada por control remoto selectivo.


    Eguíluz Morán, Luis Ignacio; Lara Santillán, Pedro María; Mañana Canteli, Mario


    La finalidad de esta invención consiste en disponer de una alarma que bien evite el robo de objetos ligeros y portátiles por el procedimiento que se conoce como "del tirón" --es decir, arrebatar algo y salir corriendo--, bien permita identificar un equipaje entre otros. La originalidad del dispositivo reside en la activación/desactivación del dispositivo de sonido por control remoto, así como la posibilidad de seleccionar el sonido de salida dependiendo de su finalidad. Se reivindica como de ...

  16. Comportamento espectral dos solos na paisagem a partir de dados coletados por sensores terrestre e orbital Spectral response of soils in the landscape based on terrestrial and orbital data acquisition levels

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    José Geraldo de Abreu Sousa Junior


    Full Text Available Parte da variabilidade dos índices de produção agrícola está associada com as características do solo e da paisagem. Dessa forma, práticas de manejo, como a adubação, devem levar em consideração esta variabilidade. O sensoriamento remoto é uma ferramenta que pode fornecer, de maneira rápida, informações para o manejo do solo, pois relaciona a radiação eletromagnética com os atributos do solo. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento espectral, em dois níveis de aquisição de dados (terrestre e orbital, de diferentes classes de solos ao longo de toposseqüências na região de São Carlos e Ibaté, SP. Para isso, amostras de terra georreferenciadas foram coletadas em 319 pontos, em três profundidades. Em seguida, obtiveram-se os dados radiométricos em laboratório, na faixa espectral entre 450 e 2.500 nm. Os mesmos locais amostrados na camada superficial, no campo, foram avaliados na imagem de satélite. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: (a teores de areia grossa, argila e matéria orgânica, e cor tiveram relação com a reflectância dos solos; (b ao longo das vertentes ocorrem variações nos dados espectrais dos solos; e (c solos da mesma ordem taxonômica, porém com classes texturais diferentes, apresentam diferentes comportamentos espectrais, podendo ser discriminados por sensoriamento remoto.Part of agricultural production index variability is associated with soil and landscape characteristics. Management practices such as fertilizer application should therefore take the soil spatial variability into account. Remote sensing is a tool that can provide faster information for soil management because it relates electromagnetic radiation with soil attributes. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the spectral response, at two data acquisition levels (terrestrial and orbital, of different soil classes across toposequences in the region of São Carlos and Ibaté, SP. For this

  17. Web-LABAI: Laboratorio Remoto de Automatización Industrial

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    Francisco De La Cruz F.


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta un laboratorio remoto que permite a los alumnos interactuar y realizar, desde Internet, prácticas de automatización y control de procesos. Se desarrolló un sistema Hardware-Software que permite monitorizar y controlar variables, remotamente desde una pagina Web, de la maqueta de un proceso industrial localizado en el Laboratorio de Automatización Industrial del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Politécnica “Antonio José de Sucre”, UNEXPO, Barquisimeto, Venezuela. La interacción de un computador servidor, un Controlador Lógico Programable o PLC y una cámara IP permite el control y monitorización remota de una maqueta que simula un proceso de fabricación de alimentos. El software está constituido por una aplicación Servidor y una aplicación Cliente. La primera contiene un Servidor Modbus TCP/IP, embebido en el PLC, y un Servidor Web, que aloja una página Web a través de la cual los usuarios accederán al laboratorio remoto. La aplicación Cliente se compone de un conjunto de applets de JAVA que permite controlar y monitorizar el sistema, y además visualizar el proceso en tiempo real a través de la cámara IP. Palabras clave: Automatización, Laboratorio Remoto, Controlador Lógico Programable, Control en Tiempo Real, Ayudas educativas

  18. Integración de dispositivos físicos en un laboratorio remoto de control mediante diferentes plataformas: Labview, Matlab y C/C++

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    R. Costa-Castelló


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los laboratorios remotos de control posibilitan la realización de prácticas con equipos físicos reales que se encuentran ubicados en entornos remotos siendo accesibles por parte de los alumnos en cualquier instante de tiempo y desde cualquier lugar con conexión a Internet. En este artículo se presenta un conjunto de dispositivos físicos incorporados dentro de una esquema global de laboratorios remotos (AutomatL@bs que posibilitan la realización de prácticas a distancia con estos dispositivos. El rasgo principal común a estos dispositivos consiste en que posibilitan la actuación con sistemas físicos remotos para la realización de prácticas de control clásico con los mismos. Se prestará una especial atención a las diferentes posibilidades de comunicación entre la herramienta visual que dispone el usuario para su interconexión basada en Easy Java Simulations, y la conexión directa con los dispositivos físicos ubicados en los laboratorios remotos. Estos sistemas se han empleado para la realización de prácticas dentro del sistema AutomatL@bs desde el curso 1997/98. Palabras clave: Educación en Control, Laboratorio remoto, Laboratorio virtual, Control remoto, Control PID, Técnicas de Laboratorio


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    John Anderson Sandoval Moreno


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta el diseño y automatización de dos Laboratorios Remotos manejados virtualmente a través de Internet: Laboratorio Remoto de Estructuras y Laboratorio Remoto de Ingeniería Sísmica y Dinámica Estructural; el laboratorio de estructuras consta de 3 módulos correspondientes al Módulo de Estabilidad, Módulo de Resistencia de Materiales y Módulo del Marco Universal. El módulo de dinámica estructural es una mesa vibratoria que a través de un sistema de control reproducediferentes movimientos como sismos, impulsos y vibraciones armónicas y permite realizar ensayos con pequeñas estructuras modelo. A cada módulo se le adicionaron actuadores y sensores electrónicos de desplazamiento, aceleración, y fuerza, una tarjeta de adquisición de datos para enviar y recibir señales y comunicar el hardware de experimentación con el computador asociado; los cuales se interconectan a un Servidor Central que recibe a los usuarios y autoriza el acceso al móduloexperimental adecuado gracias a la interconexión de estos equipos por medio de un switch. Además, se presenta la estructura general de las interfaces de experimentación y el procedimiento realizado por el estudiante para utilizar los laboratorios remotos.

  20. Parâmetros biofísicos obtidos por sensoriamento remoto em região semiárida do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Joel M. Bezerra


    Full Text Available Apesar de ser o único bioma brasileiro cujos limites estão restritos ao território nacional, pouca atenção tem sido dada à conservação da diversificada paisagem da Caatinga. Em virtude da carência de dados de campo para monitorar os parâmetros biofísicos da Caatinga em região semiárida do Nordeste brasileiro, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica espaço-temporal por meio de técnicas e produtos de Sensoriamento Remoto. A área de estudo compreendeu a Unidade de Conservação do Parque Nacional da Furna Feia e suas adjacências, situada entre os municípios de Mossoró e Baraúna (RN, Brasil. Utilizaram-se seis imagens orbitais do TM LANDSAT 5, órbita 216 e ponto 63, no período de 2007 a 2010. Com auxílio da ferramenta Sistema de Informação Geográfica se implementaram os algoritmos com geração das cartas temáticas expressando a variabilidade dos parâmetros de albedo da superfície, NDVI e temperatura de superfície. Os resultados obtidos não só foram consistentes com dados da literatura para os diferentes usos do solo e variações climáticas. Além de demonstrar o potencial das geotecnologias, a compreensão da dinâmica dos padrões espaciais e temporais dos processos biofísicos de interação solo-planta-atmosfera da Caatinga no Semiárido.

  1. Laboratorio remoto para la enseñanza de la programación de un robot industrial

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    Carlos Ariza L.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe la evolución del desarrollo y funcionamiento de un laboratorio remoto para la enseñanza de la automatización. Por medio de una aplicación Web, un software de acceso remoto que permite una conexión multiusuario independiente y archivos que contienen código con comandos del símbolo del sistema. Con esto se logra administrar el laboratorio evitando conflictos de uso entre los usuarios. Con este desarrollo se busca incrementar el tiempo de productividad y eliminar las restricciones de espacio y tiempo para la utilización de un robot manipulador de tipo industrial.


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    Carolina Gusmão Souza

    Full Text Available A cafeicultura é uma das principais culturas agrícolas do Brasil e realizar o mapeamento e monitoramento desta cultura é fundamental para conhecer sua distribuição espacial. Porém, mapear estas áreas utilizando imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto não é uma tarefa fácil. Sendo assim, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar o uso de diferentes variáveis e algoritmos de classificação para o mapeamento de áreas cafeeiras. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas diferentes, que são bastante significativas na produção de café. Foram utilizados 5 algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas e 7 combinações de variáveis: espectrais, texturais e geométricas, associadas ao processo de classificação. Um total de 105 classificações foram realizadas, 35 classificações para cada uma das áreas. As classificações que não usaram variáveis espectrais não resultaram em bons índices de acurácia. Nas três áreas, o algoritmo que apresentou as melhores acurácias foi o Support vector machine, com acurácia global de 85,33% em Araguari, 87% em Carmo de Minas e 88,33% em Três Pontas. Os piores resultados foram encontrados com o algoritmo Random Forest em Araguari, com acurácia global de 76,66% e com o Naive Bayes em Carmo de Minas e Três Pontas, com 76% e 82% de acerto. Nas três áreas, variáveis texturais, quando associadas às espectrais, melhoraram a acurácia da classificação. O SVM apresentou o melhor desempenho para as três áreas

  3. Estimativa do balanço de radiação por sensoriamento remoto de diferentes ssos de solo so sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira / Estimative of radiation balance by remote sensing of different soil uses in the brazilian southern amazon

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    Luiz Carlos da Silva


    Full Text Available Mudanças no uso do solo têm motivado pesquisas sobre a dinâmica de trocas radiativas e energéticas na Amazônia Brasileira que, por sua vez, geram demanda destas informações de superfície em escalas espaciais e temporais. Enquanto a medição destas trocas em torres micrometeorológicas fornece resultados pontuais, o sensoriamento remoto apresenta resultados acurados e de baixo custo para estimá-las em escala regional. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a distribuição espacial e temporal de estimativas de saldo de radiação e parâmetros biofísicos por sensoriamento remoto de diferentes usos do solo no sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira. Foram selecionadas 04 áreas de solo coberto por floresta amazônica natural, floresta amazônica manejada, sistema silvipastoril e pastagem. O saldo de radiação, NDVI, índice de área foliar, albedo e temperatura radiométrica foram estimados pelo algoritmo SEBAL, usando imagens do sensor TM do satélite Landsat 5 em julho de 2009, 2010 e 2011. O NDVI, IAF, albedo e saldo de radiação apresentaram maiores valores na floresta natural, seguida por floresta manejada, sistema silvipastoril e pastagem. A temperatura radiométrica da superfície apresentou maiores valores para o sistema silvipastoril seguido por pastagem, floresta natural e floresta manejada.

  4. Orbital parameters of the multiple system EM Boo (United States)

    Özkardeş, B.; Bakış, H.; Bakış, V.


    EM Boo is a relatively bright (V = 8.98 mag.) and short orbital period (P⁓2.45 days) binary star member of the multiple system WDS J14485+2445AB. There is neither photometric nor spectroscopic study of the system in the literature. In this work, we obtained spectroscopic orbital parameters of the system from new high resolution spectroscopic observations made with échelle spectrograph attached to UBT60 telescope of Akdeniz University. The spectroscopic solution yielded the values K1 = 100.7±2.6 km/s, K2 = 120.1±2.6 km/s and Vγ = -14.6±3.1 km/s, and thus the mass ratio of the system q = 0.838±0.064.


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    Ana Letícia Silva Ferreira


    Full Text Available O sensoriamento remoto e a cartografia são campos do conhecimento geográfico e, como tais, não se devem dissociá-los ou negligenciar a sua existência, como comumente se observa em escolas de nível fundamental. O aluno do século XXI é por excelência um dominador nato da tecnologia. O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como pode ser utilizado o sensoriamento remoto e a cartografia enquanto instrumentos para melhoria da qualidade do componente curricular geografia no nível fundamental. Dentre os procedimentos metodológicos, foram feitos levantamentos bibliográficos, escolha do campo de aplicação e nível de ensino, bem como a preparação das propostas de trabalho. Durante a realização da pesquisa percebeu-se o interesse e a facilidade com que os alunos têm de aprender a cartografia (modos de implantação: pontual, linear e zonal, quando feita uma abordagem através de imagens de sensoriamento remoto (padrões de interpretação, conseguindo obter uma melhor percepção do espaço geográfico. Concluiu-se que aliar os conhecimentos do sensoriamento remoto e da cartografia, no contexto do ensino, permite aos alunos, conhecer melhor seu lugar, familiarizar-se com a visão vertical, fazer inter-relações entre problemáticas, bem como desenvolver o domínio da linguagem cartográfica. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Geografia; Geotecnologias; Cartografia; Ensino Fundamental.     THE REMOTE SENSING AND CARTOGRAPHY AS EDUCATIONAL TOOLS IN GEOGRAPHY TEACHING ABSTRACT Remote sensing and mapping are fields of geographical knowledge and as such, it should not dissociate them or neglect their existence, as commonly observed in elementary schools. The student of the XXI century is par excellence a born domineering technology. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how you can use the remote sensing and cartography as a tool for improving the quality of curricular geography component at the fundamental level. Among the methodological



    Ramírez Lora, Víctor; RITEC Riegos Tecnificados, Chiclayo, Perú; Fuentes Alcántara, Antonio Junior; RITEC Riegos Tecnificados, Chiclayo, Perú; Fuentes Alcántara, Susana Elizabeth; RITEC Riegos Tecnificados, Chiclayo, Perú


    El prototipo de máquina inteligente de fertiriego de control remoto y bajo costo desarrollado por la empresa RITEC Riegos Tecnificados E.I.R.L. optimiza el proceso de control y monitoreo remoto de inyección de nutrientes y ácidos en un sistema de riego tecnificado. El desarrollo de este prototipo identificó oportunidades y limitaciones en la confección de productos de alta tecnología para el sector agrícola en la región Lambayeque. El prototipo está compuesto de un hardware electrónico de baj...

  7. Arquitectura de un laboratorio remoto desde el enfoque de la formación de ingenieros en ead

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    Harold Esneider Pérez Waltero


    Full Text Available La Educación Abierta y a Distancia, EaD, soportada en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación TIC, se proyecta como una de las mejores alternativas para responder de manera pertinente al nuevo contexto de globalización, en procura de generar una sociedad incluyente, desarrollada y competitiva. Sin embargo, es necesario avanzar en el desarrollo de recursos tecnológicos que permitan garantizar procesos formativos de calidad a nivel de Ingeniería bajo esta modalidad, dado que aún persistencuestionamientos al respecto. Son varios los aspectos que se pueden abordar para evidenciar la calidad con la que se puede desarrollar un proceso de formación soportado en las Tecnología de la Informacióny la Comunicación, TIC. Uno de los aspectos estructurales en el proceso formativo de ingenieros en esta metodología, es la práctica de laboratorio; desde esta perspectiva se plantea un escenario real de práctica,aunque remoto, denominado Laboratorio de Acceso Remoto o Laboratorio Remoto (LR. En este sentido, lo que se plantea es el diseño de una arquitectura a nivel de ingeniería para LR, que elimine la barrera de espacio y tiempo, reduzca costos en infraestructura y tenga un mayor grado de universalidad en el acceso, sin sacrificar la calidad que demanda el ejercicio riguroso de la práctica de laboratorios en la formación del Ingeniero.

  8. Utilização de sensoriamento remoto em análises de albedo e temperatura de superfície em Londrina - PR: contribuições para estudos de ilha de calor urbana

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    Nancy Laura Rios Gamarra


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o albedo (αs e a temperatura de superfície continental (Tsup provenientes de sensoriamento remoto, e a temperatura do ar (Tar medida in situ no intuito de caracterizar a Ilha de Calor Urbana (ICU na cidade de Londrina (Paraná. Foram utilizados dados de αs e Tsup obtidos do sensor MODIS, e medições in situ de Tar realizadas entre junho e agosto de 2011 por sensores meteorológicos instalados em 13 locais na cidade. Os dados de αs e Tsup foram utilizados para calcular um índice de urbanização (IU na região e posteriormente comparado com Tar. A análise dos dados de αs e Tsup foi consistente com as medições in situ, evidenciando sua aplicabilidade na avaliação espaço-temporal de fenômenos acoplados continente-atmosfera, tais como a ICU. A mancha urbana da cidade de Londrina apresentou valores de IU compreendido entre 18 e 20, bem maiores que as áreas mais vegetadas (14 - 16. Nesse sentido, o IU demonstrou-se ser uma metodologia útil para representar a evolução espaço-temporal de áreas urbanas, o que pode propiciar uma avaliação detalhada do impacto da mudança de cobertura de solo no clima local e regional. Além disso, os resultados indicam que dados obtidos via satélite podem auxiliar grandemente na quantificação da ICU, quando dados in situ estiverem indisponíveis.


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    Morris Scherer Warren


    Full Text Available Estimativas remotas de evapotranspiração real têm sido utilizadas no monitoramento do balanço hídrico de bacias hidrográficas. Diferentes métodos têm sido empregados para a estimativa da evapotranspiração por sensoriamento remoto, incluindo métodos de bases físicas que utilizam a equação de balanço de energia. Mas o processamento da equação de balanço de energia é complexo e operacionalmente não eficiente. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar um procedimento que utiliza regressão linear para estimar a evapotranspiração real em diferentes imagens do sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, tornando mais ágil a construção de uma série temporal de evapotranspiração. A utilização de regressão linear, conjuntamente com o emprego da equação de balanço de energia em uma imagem de referência, se mostrou um procedimento viável, com erro máximo de 6% em todas as imagens analisadas.

  10. Acceso remoto seguro a cuentas de usuario utilizando plataformas de virtualización

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    Walter Fuertes, Maritza Enríquez y Diego Veloz


    Full Text Available En  las  universidades  persiste  el  problema  de  la subutilización de recursos tecnológicos; sin embargo, sesigue  incurriendo en gastos por adquisición de servidores,hardware  y  software. Frente  a  este  escenario,  en  laindustria se han venido desarrollando las tecnologías devirtualización, que ahorran energía y costos de inversiónde hardware. En  consecuencia,  el  artículo propone  elacceso remoto seguro a cuentas de usuario en un servidoruniversitario  virtualizado;  para  llevarlo  a  cabo  sediseñaron  e  implementaron  varias  topologías  deexperimentación, utilizando Virtual Box 3.1.3 y VMwareServer 2.0.2,  y  se  evaluaron diversas  tecnologías  deconexiones remotas seguras, bajo  idénticas condicionesy parámetros de  comprobación. En  cada  topología  seevaluó el rendimiento del servidor, el performance y  laseguridad  de  la  red  en  producción. Los  resultadosmuestran  la  funcionalidad  de  este  proyecto  deinvestigación  que  facilita  el  acceso  remoto  seguro deusuarios a los recursos informáticos universitarios.

  11. Desarrollo de un sensor de temperatura remoto basado en la radiación infrarroja


    Díaz García, Abraham de los Ángeles


    Este proyecto fin de carrera se centra en el estudio y diseño de un sensor de temperatura remoto. El objetivo principal del proyecto es desarrollar un dispositivo capaz de obtener la temperatura de un objeto situado a una cierta distancia, conocida su emisividad y la radiación infrarroja emitida por éste. Además, se plantea dentro de este proyecto el estudio de los principios básicos de termometría infrarroja y la clasificación de los distintos tipos de termopilas en el mercado atendiendo a s...

  12. Reversão de amaurose por neuropatia óptica em orbitopatia de Graves após descompressão orbitária: relato de caso Reversal of blindness due to Graves' optic neuropathy after orbital decompression: case report

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    Valmor Rios Leme


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever o caso de uma paciente portadora de orbitopatia de Graves com baixa visual no olho esquerdo há 9 meses e amaurose no direito há 20 dias secundária à neuropatia óptica. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada descompressão orbitária bilateral ínfero-medial por via transconjuntival. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia a paciente evoluiu lentamente com melhora progressiva da acuidade visual, obtendo 20/20 em ambos os olhos ao cabo de 10 meses. CONCLUSÕES: A descompressão orbitária é eficaz em restabelecer a visão em casos de amaurose por neuropatia óptica da orbitopatia de Graves com até 20 dias de instalação.PURPOSE: To describe a patient with Graves' orbitopathy who presented with loss of vision of the left eye for 9 months and amaurosis of the right eye for 20 days. METHODS: Bilateral inferomedial transnconjunctival orbital decompression was performed. RESULTS: After orbital decompression, vision slowly improved and ten months after the surgery the vision was normal in both eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Orbital decompression can reestablish optic nerve function at least 20 days after amaurosis.


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    Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho são utilizadas técnicas de sensoriamento remoto para identificação e análise do fenômeno de ilhas de calor em Goiânia-GO, tendo como recorte temporal o ano de 2001. Foi utilizada a proposta metodológica de Monteiro (1976, do Sistema de Clima Urbano – SCU, em particular o subsistema Termodinâmico, visando proceder a uma análise do funcionamento, desempenho e organização do fenômeno de ilhas de calor. A elaboração do trabalho baseou-se na classificação da cobertura do solo e em um mapeamento do campo térmico do município de Goiânia, por meio das imagens das bandas 3, 4, 5 e 6 (banda termal do Landsat 7, nas quais foram considerados como instrumentos de análise: a urbanização, as características geoecológicas (topografia e o sistema meteorológico (clima regional. Os resultados demonstram que o fenômeno de ilha de calor é constatado no município de Goiânia, havendo diferenças de temperatura de até 10°C entre a área urbana e a rural do município, sendo possível caracterizar determinados usos antrópicos (classes de cobertura do solo e intervalos altimétricos como potencializadores de maiores valores de temperatura.

  14. Gestión del acceso remoto a kits de laboratorio de prácticas CISCO


    Domínguez Parrón, Borja


    El presente trabajo está enfocado a facilitar la realización de prácticas con equipamiento de laboratorio físico en remoto, gestionando el acceso a los diferentes equipos de forma exclusiva para un alumno o grupo de alumnos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la realización de prácticas por parte de los alumnos, ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de realizar prácticas con equipamiento real, pero eliminando las dificultades inherentes al acceso físico a dicho laboratorio. La Escuela dispone de do...

  15. As bibliotecas brasileiras em 2018: resultados da técnica de delfos

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    Maira Murrieta Costa

    Full Text Available Apresenta os principais resultados de um estudo delphi, realizado com especialistas em bibliotecas, envolvidos no oferecimento de produtos e serviços de informação. Foram avaliadas as opiniões desses especialistas quanto ao futuro das bibliotecas brasileiras em 2018. Um sistema desenvolvido em ambiente web serviu como suporte para quatro rodadas da pesquisa, que recebeu contribuições de 16 especialistas (primeira rodada e de 14 respondentes nas três rodadas seguintes. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados em três categorias: consenso, tendência de consenso e sem consenso. Os dados revelam o impacto das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no acesso à informação, obrigando as bibliotecas a repensarem a oferta de serviços e produtos em ambientes digitais, utilizando novas tecnologias, como as colaborativas da web 2.0 e as novas formas de acesso à rede, como os tablets e smartphones. Em 2018, o atendimento remoto estará consolidado e, consequentemente, o atendimento presencial será reduzido, mas continuará sendo oferecido pelo bibliotecário.

  16. Análisis y monitoreo remoto de las variables ambientales en un entorno indoor, por medio de un dispositivo móvil con android

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    Diego Felipe Prieto Morales


    Full Text Available La implementación de técnicas de automatización en el desarrollo de actividades en la vida cotidiana, ha permitido elaborar sistemas orientados a mejorar el confort en el interior de las estructuras habitadas por personas, permitiendo estudiar variables ambientales como la temperatura, humedad e intensidad de luz. Entre las temáticas con mayor interés en investigación, se encuentra la domótica, la cual integra la necesidad de proporcionar seguridad, gestión energética y bienestar en el mismo. En el presente artículo, se expone los resultados obtenidos del análisis y control remoto de las variables ambientales en el interior de un prototipo de un apartamento. Los resultados obtenidos se orientaron a mejorar las condiciones de hospedaje y seguridad, en entornos cotidianos de la población urbana y de este modo realizar un monitoreo remoto por medio de un dispositivo móvil con sistema operativo Android.

  17. Aplicaciones y retos del sensado remoto hiperespectral en la geología colombiana

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    Ariolfo Camacho-Velasco


    Full Text Available El Sensado Remoto (SR es una técnica que permite captar información de una escena sin entrar en contacto físico con ella, mediante el empleo de sensores ubicados, principalmente, en plataformas aéreas, los cuales captan información en diferentes rangos del espectro electromagnético, incluyendo el visible (VIS, el cercano al infrarrojo (NIR y el de ondas cortas del infrarrojo (SWIR. Teniendo en cuenta que cada material presente en una escena tiene características espectrales diferentes, es posible, a través del análisis de las firmas espectrales, realizar su identificación o clasificación mediante algoritmos. Las Imágenes Hiperespectrales (HSI captadas por sensores remotos en cientos de bandas espectrales son de importancia en áreas como la geología, la mineralogía, la agronomía y la ecología, entre otras; sin embargo, el gran volumen de literatura dispersa en diferentes líneas (SR, HSI y geología dificulta su acceso y análisis. Este trabajo presenta un compendio de conceptos, principios básicos y fundamentos matemáticos del SR, e incluye investigaciones y tendencias de él, destacando su desarrollo y sus retos en Colombia, y un caso de uso de HSI en la geología colombiana, cuyas evaluaciones muestran la capacidad de detección del sensor hiperespectral Hyperion, ubicado en el satélite EO-1, para el mapeo geológico en un sitio de prueba al noroccidente del municipio de Girón, departamento de Santander. Los resultados de las evaluaciones son satisfactorios; espectralmente, el coeficiente de correlación fue alto y la relación espacial entre la firma espectral obtenida y la geología conocida del área fue aceptable y correspondió al análisis de Difracción de Rayos X (DRX realizado a muestras tomadas del área de estudio.

  18. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission: 10 Years of Exploration from Mars Orbit (United States)

    Johnston, M. Daniel; Zurek, Richard W.


    The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ( MRO ) entered Mars orbit on March 10, 2006. After five months of aerobraking, a series of propulsive maneuvers were used to establish the desired low -altitude science orbit. The spacecraft has been on station in its 255 x 320 k m, sun -synchronous (approximately 3 am -pm ), primary science orbit since September 2006 performing both scientific and Mars programmatic support functions. This paper will provide a summary of the major achievements of the mission to date and the major flight activities planned for the remainder of its third Extended Mission (EM3). Some of the major flight challenges the flight team has faced are also discussed.

  19. Fatores ambientais associados à ocorrência de leishmaniose visceral canina em uma área de recente introdução da doença no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Tuanne Rotti Abrantes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Foi avaliada a associação entre características ambientais obtidas por sensoriamento remoto e a prevalência da leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC no bairro do Jacaré, área de recente introdução da doença, no Município de Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo seccional para avaliação da prevalência de LVC, definida por meio da positividade no teste imunocromatográfico rápido em dupla plataforma (dual path platform - DPP, confirmada com o ensaio imunoenzimático (EIE. Foram incluídos 97 cães com prevalência de LVC de 21,6%. Houve maior frequência de LVC em cães com a convivência com outro cão, gambá, mico e ouriço-terrestre, assim como com a história de remoção de outros cães com LVC do domicílio. Na análise multivariada, ajustada por sexo e idade do cão, cães residentes em áreas com maior cobertura de vegetação esparsa apresentaram prevalência da infecção por Leishmania infantum cinco vezes maior do que aqueles que residiam em áreas menos vegetadas (OR = 5,72; IC95%: 1,47-22,20. Por outro lado, áreas mais urbanizadas caracterizadas como comerciais ou residenciais carentes, identificadas pelo sensoriamento remoto como aquelas com alta densidade de estruturas cinza, estiveram associadas à menor ocorrência da LVC (OR = 0,09; IC95%: 0,01-0,92. A maior prevalência de infecção em cães convivendo com outros animais silvestres e em áreas com maior cobertura vegetal, associada com menor prevalência em áreas urbanizadas, indica um padrão rural de transmissão da LVC nessa área.

  20. Quantificação da dinâmica dos remanescentes florestais no município de Jaquirana, RS, em imagens de satélite

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    Maria do Carmo Lima e Cunha


    Full Text Available Técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de geoprocessamento foram usadas com o objetivo de avaliar a dinâmica da cobertura vegetal, mais especificamente das classes Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Silvicultura, no Município de Jaquirana, Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 2002 e 2007. Os resultados revelaram significativo aumento da silvicultura em detrimento da cobertura florestal natural nesse curto espaço de tempo. A perda da mata natural pertencente à classe de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no município foi de 5.643,37 ha no espaço de cinco anos. No entanto, a silvicultura que ocupava 921,10 ha em 2002 passou a ocupar 4.814,37 em 2007. Foi observado também que extensas faixas ao longo das margens dos rios Antas, Tainhas e Camisas que permeiam a região estão ocupadas por plantações de Pinus sp.

  1. Síndrome do ápice orbital associado com herpes zoster oftálmico em paciente HIV positivo: relato de caso Orbital apex syndrome and herpes zoster ophthalmicus in an HIV positive patient: case report

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    João Baptista Nigro Santiago Malta


    Full Text Available O presente relato tem como objetivo apresentar um caso raro de síndrome do ápice orbital associado com herpes zoster oftálmico de prognóstico reservado em paciente HIV positivo que procurou o pronto-socorro com quadro clínico de lesões crostosas em hemiface esquerda, dolorosa, acompanhado de baixa acuidade visual, diminuição da sensibilidade corneal e oftalmoplegia completa do olho esquerdo. A síndrome do ápice orbital é entidade rara que se caracteriza por ptose, proptose, oftalmoplegia interna e externa (acometimento do II, III, IV e VI nervos cranianos, prejuízo funcional da primeira divisão do nervo trigêmeo (nervo oftálmico e graus variados de diminuição da acuidade visual. O tratamento do herpes zoster oftálmico baseia-se no uso de antivirais sistêmicos, sendo que o prognóstico irá variar conforme o acometimento ocular.To present a rare case of orbital apex syndrome associated with herpes zoster ophthalmicus of unfavorable prognosis in an HIV positive patient, who arrived at the Emergency Room with the following clinical history: left facial crust lesions, low visual acuity, ocular pain, low corneal sensitivity and complete ophthalmoplegia of the left eye. The orbital apex syndrome is a rare disorder which is characterized by ptosis, proptosis, internal and external ophthalmoplegia (involvement of the second, third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves, damage to the first division of the trigeminal (ophthalmic nerve, and varied degrees of visual acuity loss. The treatment of herpes zoster ophthalmicus is based on the use of systemic antiviral drugs and the prognosis will depend on ocular damage.

  2. Feições Oceanográficas em Imagens MODIS na Condição de Sunglint: Exemplos para a Costa Sudeste Brasileira

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    Lucas Barbedo de Freitas

    Full Text Available Resumo Imagens ópticas e no infravermelho-próximo adquiridas por sensores remotos em condição de reflexão especular bidirecional entre o sol, a superfície do mar e o sensor (condição de sunglint podem ser utilizadas para identificar filmes, feições, processos oceanográficos e meteorológicos atuantes sobre a superfície marinha. Imagens do sensor orbital Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS em condição de sunglint na plataforma continental sudeste brasileira foram processadas e analisadas, permitindo identificar feições como a borda Oeste da Corrente do Brasil, meandramentos e vórtices de mesoescala, ondas internas solitárias, rolos atmosféricos e filmes superficiais de origem biogênica e mineral. Uma correção atmosférica mais apropriada para detecção de feições no sunglint é aprensentada, assim como, detalhes sobre a geometria de aquisição. A dependência geométrica do sunglint torna sua ocorrência mais favorável entre outubro e fevereiro na região de estudo quando ocorrem zênites solares mais propícios. Os mecanismos e processos que permitem identificar estas feições no sunglint foram descritos e ilustrados. A partir deste entendimento, as complexas feições identificadas podem ser interpretadas e aplicadas na oceanografia operacional e detecção de vazamentos de óleo na superfície do mar, bem como, para melhorar nosso entendimento sobre os processos físicos e biológicos do meio marinho.

  3. Detecção de mudanças baseada em objetos para o bairro do Camorim/Jacarepaguá

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    Gabriel Lousada


    Full Text Available A detecção de mudanças baseada em objeto (Object-based Change Detection, OBCD configura-se como uma área em grande crescimento dentro das pesquisas em Sensoriamento Remoto, isto porque, utilizando-se das possibilidades oferecidas pela análise de imagens baseada em objetos (Geographic Object-based Image Analysis, GEOBIA é possível realizar a produção de mapeamentos de detecção de mudanças em uma única etapa, sem a necessidade da elaboração de mais de um mapa de cobertura da terra para posterior comparação entre as áreas que sofreram alterações. Partindo deste pressuposto, o presente trabalho buscou realizar um mapeamento de detecção de mudanças baseada em objetos para o bairro do Camorim em Jacarepaguá, zona oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 2011 e 2015. Os resultados obtidos indicam que 19,12% da área total do bairro sofreram modificações durante o intervalo de tempo em questão, tal resultado confirma que o bairro vem passando por grandes modificações para construção de infraestrutura dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. O processo de validação do mapeamento resultou em uma exatidão global de 0,80 e um índice Kappa de 0,60, considerado de boa qualidade para este tipo de mapeamento, especialmente se levado em conta sua replicabilidade para outras áreas.

  4. Descompressão orbitária antro-etmoidal na orbitopatia distireoidiana Antro-ethmoidal orbital decompression in dysthyroid orbitopathy

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    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados e as complicações da descompressão orbitária antro-etmoidal em pacientes com orbitopatia distireoidiana. Métodos: 14 pacientes sendo 10 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 41,7 anos, foram submetidos a 22 cirurgias de descompressão orbitária. Em 3 cirurgias (2 pacientes, na fase ativa da oftalmopatia a indicação cirúrgica foi ulceração de córnea, com risco de perfuração corneana. Estes pacientes estavam recebendo corticosteróides associados a ciclofosfamida e radioterapia tendo o tratamento prosseguido após a cirurgia. Dezenove órbitas foram operadas em fase inativa da orbitopatia por indicação cosmética associada a desconforto ocular por exposição corneana. Resultados: A redução da proptose oscilou entre 1 e 6 mm (média 3,91 mm. Nos pacientes operados na fase aguda a redução média foi de 5,33 ± 0,27 mm e na fase sequelar foi de 3,68 ± 0,25 mm. Nenhum paciente apresentou diplopia conseqüente a cirurgia. Correção de estrabismo prexistente foi realizada em 2 pacientes e tarsorrafia temporária foi associada a cirurgia descompressiva nas 3 cirurgias realizadas na fase aguda. Seis pacientes foram subseqüentemente submetidos à correção de retração palpebral prexistente. Em uma paciente houve piora da retração palpebral inferior como conseqüência da descompressão orbitária. Houve diminuição transitória da sensibilidade na região malar em quase todos os pacientes mas em nenhum deles ela foi definitiva. Conclusões: A descompressão óssea antro-etmoidal da órbita é eficiente em reduzir a proptose em pacientes com orbitopatia distireoidiana e apresenta baixa incidência de complicações. Associada a outras modalidades terapêuticas pode ser um procedimento útil em casos graves na fase congestiva. Da mesma forma, se mostrou benéfica na reabilitação cosmética de indivíduos na fase seqüelar.Purpose: To evaluate the results and complications of a restricted

  5. Uso de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto para identificação de ilhas de calor em Teresina - PI

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    Felipe Ferreira Monteiro


    Full Text Available As mudanças climáticas globais são uma das grandes preocupações da atualidade e em áreas urbanas o aumento de temperatura é o fenômeno mais percebido. O trabalho objetiva identificar ilhas de calor em bairros da zona leste de Teresina-PI utilizando dados do satélite Landsat-5, para o ano de 2010. Foi possível verificar a relação entre a densidade construída, o padrão de ocupação e a pouca cobertura vegetal com as áreas de maiores temperatura na área estudada. O estudo demonstrou a influência da urbanização no aumento da temperatura e a necessidade das áreas verdes para minimizar os efeitos das mudanças climáticas.

  6. Modelo computacional para o gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes para o acompanhamento remoto por meio de conferência multimídia Computational model for data and patients' exams management for remote follow-up by multimedia conferences

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    Huei Diana Lee


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo computacional para aquisição, gerenciamento e armazenamento de dados e exames de pacientes, e definir uma arquitetura de conferência multimídia para o acompanhamento remoto de exames. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Definiu-se uma arquitetura computacional para a aquisição de exames a partir de equipamentos hospitalares, e para o armazenamento e gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes foram utilizados o servidor de aplicações Jboss, o sistema gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL, o servidor de páginas Apache e o framework Jboss-Seam para o desenvolvimento de aplicações. Para a conferência multimídia, foi aplicado um estudo de caso utilizando a arquitetura Openmeetings. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos modelos computacionais para o gerenciamento consistente e seguro de dados e exames de pacientes e estudou-se uma arquitetura para conferência multimídia. CONCLUSÃO: Os modelos computacionais, o protótipo implementado e a arquitetura de conferência multimídia avaliada poderão ser aplicados em situações reais da área médica, contribuindo para o acompanhamento remoto de pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To develop a computational model for acquisition, management and storing data and patients' exams, and to define a multimedia conference architecture to remote patients' follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A computational architecture was defined to acquire exams' information from hospital equipment and to store and manage patients' data and exams using the JBoss application server, the MySql database manager system, the Apache web page server and the Jboss Seam framework for application development. For multimedia conference, a case study using the Openmeetins architecture was performed. RESULTS: computational models intended to the consistent and safe management of data and patients' exams were defined and a multimedia conference architecture was studied. CONCLUSION: The computational models, the prototype developed and

  7. Estrabismo após inflamação idiopática orbitária aguda na infância: relato de caso Strabismus after orbital inflammation in childhood: case report

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    Flávia Augusta Attié de Castro


    Full Text Available Em crianças, as inflamações orbitárias idiopáticas são extremamente raras e de difícil diagnóstico. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever um caso de inflamação orbitária idiopática aguda em criança de um ano e um mês de idade, que evoluiu com importante seqüela oculomotora. Além do estudo de caso, discute-se o diagnóstico diferencial entre a celulite orbitária e as inflamações orbitárias idiopáticas e faz-se uma revisão da literatura sobre a ocorrência das inflamações orbitárias idiopáticas na infância.In children, idiopathic orbital inflammations are extremely rare and difficult to diagnose. The present study describes one case of idiopathic orbital inflammation in a one-year-old child that led to important oculomotor impairment. The differential diagnosis between idiopathic orbital inflammation and orbital cellulitis is discussed and the literature on the idiopathic orbital inflammation in childhood is reviewed.

  8. Aplicação de modelos digitais do terreno (MDT em análises macrogeomorfológicas: o caso da bacia hidrográfica do Araguaia

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    Thiago Morato de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O trabalho consiste na aplicação e teste de técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto para estudo geomorfológico de macroescala em sistemas fluviais de grande porte. A área de estudo é a bacia do Rio Araguaia, 2 com uma área de drenagem que se estende por 375000 km ao longo do Brasil Central. Foi gerado um modelo digital do terreno (MDT através do sensor Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR, obtido da Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM. O objetivo foi identificar o potencial desta ferramenta para estudos geomorfológicos. Os principais produtos obtidos foram imagem sombreada, mapa hipsométrico, identificação de lineamentos estruturais, mapa de declividade e rede de drenagem, assim como perfis topográficos e o perfil longitudinal do rio Araguaia. Os resultados mostraram que em geral, os modelos tridimensionais do terreno - MDT - são ferramentas bastante eficientes para análises macrogeomorfológicas em grandes bacias hidrográficas. Entretanto, a baixa resolução vertical, produz alguns resultados de declividade relativamente pobres em áreas planas.

  9. A prevalência de complicações orbitárias entre crianças e adultos com rinossinusite aguda

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    Mousa Victor Al-Madani


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar as complicações orbitais em crianças e adultos com sinusite. MÉTODO: Os pacientes que frequentam clínica de Otorrinolaringologia com sinusite de janeiro de 2010 até janeiro de 2012 foram incluídos. Os pacientes foram classificados em dois grupos, de acordo com sua idade. O primeiro incluiu crianças idade inferior a 16 anos e, o segundo, pacientes com mais de 16 anos. Quadro clínico, seio envolvido, gestão e resultados foram comparados. RESULTADOS: O número total de pacientes foi 616. Complicações orbitais foram observadas em 36 pacientes (5,8%. Destes, 26 pacientes (72,2% eram crianças (21 tinham presseptal e cinco tiveram celulite orbitária e dez pacientes (27,8% eram adultos (cinco com pré-septal, três com celulite orbitária e dois com abscesso. A complicação mais comum foi celulite orbital presseptal (72,2%, seguida de celulite e abcesso orbital (22,2% e 5,6%, respectivamente. O seio mais comum envolvido foi etmoidal em crianças e sinusopatia mista em adultos. A maioria dos pacientes respondeu ao tratamento médico. CONCLUSÃO: As complicações orbitárias da sinusite são mais comuns em crianças do que em adultos e têm prognóstico favorável.


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    Juliana da Silva Oliveira


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar temporalmente o uso e cobertura da bacia hidrográfica do rio Cauamé, no ano de 2014 e análise visual para 1943 e 1975, para identificar as vulnerabilidades sócioambientais com base no padrão de uso destinado ao lazer nas praias do rio Cauamé. As etapas metodológicas foram baseadas em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto/geoprocessamento que foram utilizadas para a classificação do uso e cobertura da terra, perfil longitudinal, declividade e hipsometria; idas a campo, para a identificação dos pontos vulneráveis a impactos ambientais e sua caracterização. A bacia foi compartimentada com base em critérios geomorfológicos em três divisões: alta, média e baixa bacia as quais representem o alto, médio e baixo curso do rio Cauamé. Esses três compartimentos foram segmentados em quatro tipos de padrões de drenagem: retangular, paralelos, dendríticos e sub-dendríticos. Foram caracterizadas seis praias para o lazer: Praia do Caçari, Praia da Polar, Praia do Curupira, Banho da Ponte, Banho do Caranã e Banhoda Cachoeirinha. Os resultados desta pesquisa ajudarão a traçar o perfíl do meio físico, como o padrão de uso e cobertura da bacia do rio Cauamé, e servir de base para a caracterização das áreas destinadas ao lazer e seus respectivos impactos ambientais. Informações importantes para o gerenciamento/planejamento urbano e de áreas úmidas, assim como compor bases iniciais do entendimento dos aspectos hidrogeomorfológicos de Roraima.


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    Juliana da Silva Oliveira, Thiago Morato Carvalho


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar temporalmente o uso e cobertura da bacia hidrográfica do rio Cauamé, no ano de 2014 e análise visual para 1943 e 1975, para identificar as vulnerabilidades sócio-ambientais com base no padrão de uso destinado ao lazer nas praias do rio Cauamé. As etapas metodológicas foram baseadas em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto/geoprocessamento que foram utilizadas para a classificação do uso e cobertura da terra, perfil longitudinal, declividade e hipsometria; idas a campo, para a identificação dos pontos vulneráveis a impactos ambientais e sua caracterização. A bacia foi compartimentada com base em critérios geomorfológicos em três divisões: alta, média e baixa bacia as quais representem o alto, médio e baixo curso do rio Cauamé. Esses três compartimentos foram segmentados em quatro tipos de padrões de drenagem: retangular, paralelos, dendríticos e sub-dendríticos. Foram caracterizadas seis praias para o lazer: Praia do Caçari, Praia da Polar, Praia do Curupira, Banho da Ponte, Banho do Caranã e Banho da Cachoeirinha. Os resultados desta pesquisa ajudarão a traçar o perfíl do meio físico, como o padrão de uso e cobertura da bacia do rio Cauamé, e servir de base para a caracterização das áreas destinadas ao lazer e seus respectivos impactos ambientais. Informações importantes para o gerenciamento/planejamento urbano e de áreas úmidas, assim como compor bases iniciais do entendimento dos aspectos hidrogeomorfológicos de Roraima.

  12. Leishmaniose tegumentar americana em municípios da região noroeste do estado do Paraná: utilização de sensoriamento remoto para análise do tipo de vegetação e os locais de ocorrência da doença American cutaneous leishmaniasis in municipalities in the northwestern region of Paraná State: use of remote sensing for analysis of vegetation types and places with disease occurrence

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    Sandra Mara Alessi Aristides Arraes


    Full Text Available A leishmaniose tegumentar americana, doença endêmica da região noroeste do Paraná, é transmitida por flebotomíneos ao homem e a animais como cães, tatu, gambá e roedores silvestres. A doença vem ocorrendo em locais de derrubadas de matas e às margens de rios e lagoas com vegetação arbórea, onde o homem entra em contato com o inseto infectado. Esta doença constitui-se num problema de saúde pública devido à ocorrência de surtos epidêmicos em todo o Paraná. Em decorrência da importância de se conhecer áreas endêmicas, este trabalho utilizou dados de fichas epidemiológicas de pacientes atendidos no período de 1999 a 2004 associado às áreas de desmatamento identificadas por técnicas e produtos de sensoriamento remoto por satélite. Os resultados mostraram que a ocorrência de casos em municípios da região coincidem com as prováveis áreas supostas de infecção dos pacientes.American cutaneous leishmaniasis, an endemic disease in the northwestern region of Paraná, Brazil, is transmitted by phlebotomines to man and animals like dogs, armadillos, opossums and wild rodents. This disease has been occurring in places where forests have been felled and on the banks of rivers and lakes with arboreal vegetation, where man comes into contact with infected insects. This disease is a public health problem because of the occurrence of epidemic outbreaks throughout Paraná. Because of the importance of finding out about endemic areas, this study used epidemiological file data on patients attended between 1999 and 2004. These data were correlated with areas of forest felling that were identified by means of satellite remote sensing techniques and products. The results showed that the occurrences of cases in the municipalities of this region coincided with the presumed likely areas for patient infection.

  13. Estimación de evapotranspiración real en trigo con distintas condiciones de estrés hídrico: aplicación de modelos y sensores remotos


    Iglesias, María del Rosario


    Tesis (Magister en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, 2016. Maestría conjunta con el Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales "Mario Gulich"-CONAE El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estimar la evapotranspiración real de un cultivo de trigo, mediante modelos semiempírico, que incorporan datos de sensores remotos y de sensores meteorológicos a campo. También, se corroboró la...

  14. Gestão agroecológica de microbacias hidrográficas através de técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto: caso Fazenda Pantanoso

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    Santos Fioravante Jaekel dos


    Full Text Available O manejo sustentado de agroecossistemas passa pelo planejamento de uso dos mesmos, para o que necessita serem avaliados os recursos naturais e as condições sociais, culturais e econômicas dos habitantes. Técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto, que permitem avaliar os recursos de grandes áreas e anexá-los a bancos de dados georreferenciados, foram utilizados para caracterizar o meio físico e planejar o uso da fazenda El Pantanoso, Departamento de Cerro Largo, Uruguai. Dados topográficos, planialtimétricos, de solo e uso atual, foram usados para gerar os planos de informação: mapa base, modelo numérico do terreno, declividade, solos, aptidão de uso agrícola dos solos, uso atual, zoneamento ambiental e conflitos de uso. A pesquisa mostra que a região apresenta Planossolos, Argissolos, Chernossolos, Vertissolos, Organossolos, Neossolos e Gleissolos e que os mesmos apresentam ampla faixa de aptidão de uso, o que facilita seu zoneamento ambiental. Considerando-se que a tradicional pecuária desenvolvida nas áreas de topografia ondulada e arroz nas várzeas, constitui o uso adequado dos solos, então lavouras de arroz encontradas ao longo dos sistemas de drenagem, onde deveria ser mantida a vegetação ciliar natural, constitui o principal conflito de uso relacionado ao zoneamento ambiental da região. O geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto mostraram-se eficientes no planejamento de uso da Fazenda Pantanoso.

  15. Análise do Sequestro de Carbono em Áreas de Caatinga do Semiárido Pernambucano

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    Ygor Cristiano Brito Morais

    Full Text Available Resumo Diante do aumento das emissões dos gases do efeito estufa, o presente estudo analisou o sequestro de carbono em áreas de caatinga do município de Petrolina – PE, por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas imagens do sensor MODIS, referentes ao produto MOD17, o qual contém a estimativa da Produção primária bruta (GPP e da Produção primária líquida (NPP. A coleta das imagens ocorreu para os anos de 2011 e 2012. No período chuvoso, as áreas de caatinga preservada apresentaram maiores valores de assimilação total (até 160 g C/m2 em janeiro de 2011 e sequestro de carbono, enquanto no final do período seco foram registrados valores inferiores a 20 g C/m2. Quanto ao total anual, em 2011 as áreas de caatinga preservada juntamente com a agricultura irrigada apresentaram os maiores valores de GPP (> 900 g C/m2, enquanto que em 2012 a GPP das áreas de caatinga variaram, em geral, de 500 a 600 g C/m2, com algumas áreas chegando a 700 g C/m2. A NPP, ou seja, o sequestro de carbono, variou de 500 a 700 g C/m2 em 2011 e de 100 a 400 g C/m2 em 2012. Desse modo, são necessárias medidas e elaboração de instrumentos políticos que visem à preservação dos remanescentes de caatinga do município de Petrolina, como forma de contribuir com mitigação do aquecimento global.

  16. Complicações oftálmicas em pacientes com tumores malignos extra-orbitários Ophthalmic complications in patients with extraorbital malignant tumors

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    Ana Célia Baptista


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar as complicações oftálmicas, presentes em pacientes portadores de tumores malignos extra-orbitários, com o sítio de origem e diagnóstico histopatológico destas neoplasias, por meio de tomografia computadorizada. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente, por tomografia computadorizada, 29 pacientes com neoplasias malignas extra-orbitárias, sem qualquer tratamento prévio do tumor, e evidência clínico-radiológica de comprometimento orbitário associado. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio do carcinoma epidermóide (28%, seguido pelo carcinoma basocelular (14%. As complicações oftálmicas mais comumente observadas foram proptose (38%, epífora (24% e dor ocular (24%. Redução da acuidade visual foi referida em 14 % dos casos. Os sítios de origem mais comuns das neoplasias foram o seio maxilar (28%, o seio etmoidal (17% e a pele e subcutâneo da face (17%. Proptose ocular foi causada predominantemente por tumores não carcinomatosos e tumores originados no seio etmoidal, ao passo que epífora ocorreu preferencialmente nos casos de tumores carcinomatosos e de neoplasias do seio maxilar. Redução da motilidade ocular, irritação ocular e secreção no olho foram as complicações oftálmicas mais freqüentes em pacientes com tumores dos anexos oculares, ao passo que dor ocular foi a complicação oftálmica dominante nos pacientes com neoplasias originadas na pele e subcutâneo da face. CONCLUSÕES: Os autores sugerem que, diante de paciente com epífora e massa maxilo-nasal, carcinoma do seio maxilar deve ser considerado primariamente no diagnóstico diferencial da lesão. Da mesma forma, tumores não carcinomatosos, como sarcomas e linfomas, devem ser considerados, sobretudo no diagnóstico de pacientes com proptose e massa naso-etmoidal.OBJECTIVE: To correlate the ophthalmic complications in patients with extra-orbital malignant tumors with the site of origin and histopathologic diagnosis of the tumors by


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    Bruno Azevedo Cavalcanti Tavares


    Full Text Available Desde a sua identificação, a unidade geomórfica Gráben do Cariatá se tornou se fundamental importância para a interpretação do cenário morfotectônico regional no contexto do rebordo leste do nordeste do Brasil, desafiando algumas hipóteses prévias sobre a evolução geomórfica do piemonte do planalto da Borborema. Neste sentido faz-se necessário refinar o conhecimento referente à história geomórfica do gráben, de seus preenchimentos sedimentares, unidades pedo-estratigráficas e controles lito-estruturais sobre as associações de formas de relevo. Um estudo desta ordem pode lançar luz sobre a evolução dos compartimentos escalonados que antecedem a escarpa da Borborema e suas implicações sob pontos de vista páleo-climáticos e neotectônicos, a partir de abordagens que prescindam da utilização do conceito das superfícies regionais de aplainamento. A combinação de Modelos digitais do terreno e imagens de satélite propiciaram uma modelagem mais precisa da área de estudo, sendo uma importante ferramenta para a análise da influencia da neotectônica sobre a compartimentação do relevo. Desse modo, feições como escarpas, facetas triangulares, anfiteatros de erosão e vales lineares foram identificados a partir de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e estão estritamente ligadas às linhas de reativação de falhas no gráben. A rede de drenagem principal da área de estudo, o rio Paraíba, também está influenciada pela dinâmica morfotectônica, o que se faz explicitar a partir de uma incisão de maior ordem em determinados setores, resultando mesmo no abandono da antiga planície sob a forma de terraços erosivos.

  18. PEG Enhancement for EM1 and EM2+ Missions (United States)

    Von der Porten, Paul; Ahmad, Naeem; Hawkins, Matt


    NASA is currently building the Space Launch System (SLS) Block-1 launch vehicle for the Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1) test flight. The next evolution of SLS, the Block-1B Exploration Mission 2 (EM-2), is currently being designed. The Block-1 and Block-1B vehicles will use the Powered Explicit Guidance (PEG) algorithm. Due to the relatively low thrust-to-weight ratio of the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS), certain enhancements to the Block-1 PEG algorithm are needed to perform Block-1B missions. In order to accommodate mission design for EM-2 and beyond, PEG has been significantly improved since its use on the Space Shuttle program. The current version of PEG has the ability to switch to different targets during Core Stage (CS) or EUS flight, and can automatically reconfigure for a single Engine Out (EO) scenario, loss of communication with the Launch Abort System (LAS), and Inertial Navigation System (INS) failure. The Thrust Factor (TF) algorithm uses measured state information in addition to a priori parameters, providing PEG with an improved estimate of propulsion information. This provides robustness against unknown or undetected engine failures. A loft parameter input allows LAS jettison while maximizing payload mass. The current PEG algorithm is now able to handle various classes of missions with burn arcs much longer than were seen in the shuttle program. These missions include targeting a circular LEO orbit with a low-thrust, long-burn-duration upper stage, targeting a highly eccentric Trans-Lunar Injection (TLI) orbit, targeting a disposal orbit using the low-thrust Reaction Control System (RCS), and targeting a hyperbolic orbit. This paper will describe the design and implementation of the TF algorithm, the strategy to handle EO in various flight regimes, algorithms to cover off-nominal conditions, and other enhancements to the Block-1 PEG algorithm. This paper illustrates challenges posed by the Block-1B vehicle, and results show that the improved PEG

  19. Discos de acresção em sistemas Be-X (United States)

    Lopes de Oliveira, R.; Janot-Pacheco, E.


    Alguns fenômenos de outbursts em Be-X sugerem a existência, mesmo que temporária, de um disco de acresção quando da passagem do objeto compacto pelo periastro orbital. Neste trabalho avaliamos a possibilidade de formação do disco de acresção em sistemas Be+estrela de neutrons e Be+anã branca, e a influência da excentricidade orbital na ocorrência deste fenômeno. Utilizamos a expressão analítica para o momento angular específico da matéria constituinte de um meio em expansão lenta, como é o caso do disco circunstelar das estrelas Be, proposta por Wang(1981), sob a condição básica de que o raio de circularização deva ser maior do que o raio de Alfvén. Concluímos que existe um limite para o período orbital do sistema acima do qual não é possível a formação do disco de acresção, e que este valor aumenta para sistemas com excentricidade orbital maior.

  20. Análise florística e estrutural de sistemas silviagrícolas em Tomé-Açu, Pará

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    Édson Luis Bolfe


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a composição florística e estrutural de sistemas silviagrícolas em Tomé-Açu, Pará. Os dados dendrométricos foram obtidos por inventário em 40 parcelas amostrais, com três unidades cada uma, no total de 120 unidades de 10x10 m. Foi inventariada a média de 1.424,3 indivíduos por hectare, pertencentes a 27 famílias e a 54 espécies. Tendo-se considerado a variabilidade dos estágios vegetativos, os diferentes sistemas silviagrícolas (SAF foram divididos em quatro classes hierárquicas: SAF 1, SAF 2, SAF 3, e SAF 4, para estabelecer um sistema de classificação passível de ser utilizado em outras avaliações de campo e em classificações digitais por meio do sensoriamento remoto. Espécies observadas em outros sistemas da região amazônica também foram relevantes para este estudo, especialmente Theobroma cacao, T. grandiflorum e Euterpe oleracea que, juntas, apresentaram médias de frequência relativa de 51%, densidade relativa de 69,2%, dominância relativa de 50,1% e índice de valor de importância de 56,8%. Os dados médios de diversidade florística, abundância, área basal e valor de importância indicam os sistemas silviagrícolas da região de Tomé-Açu como sistemas de produção com potencial econômico e ambiental, se adotado manejo adequado e racional.

  1. Geometry of <em>BxB-orbit closures in equivariant embeddings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, X.; Thomsen, Jesper Funch


    Let X denote an equivariant embedding of a connected reductive group G over an algebraically closed field k. Let B denote a Borel subgroup of G and let Z denote a BxB-orbit closure in X. When the characteristic of k is positive and X is projective we prove that Z is globally F-regular. As a conse......-regular. As a consequence, Z is normal and Cohen-Macaulay for arbitrary X and arbitrary characteristics. Moreover, in characteristic zero it follows that Z has rational singularities. This extends earlier results by the second author and M. Brion....


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    Aguinaldo Silva, Sandra Mara Alves da Silva Neves, Ronaldo José Neves


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetivou investigar a dinâmica da margem esquerda do rio Paraguai, através da avaliaçãoda erosão do segmento localizado entre as ruas Cândido Mariano e Senador Azevedo, no Bairro SãoMiguel em Cáceres/MT, nos anos de 1977 e 2005. Para realização do estudo foram utilizadas: a plantabaixa do bairro, feita em 1977, que foi digitalizada visando sua manipulação em ambiente SIG; e imagemdo satélite Quick Bird do ano de 2005, georreferenciada via pontos de controle de campo, coletadoscom GPS Diferencial. Uma vez combinadas layer da planta e da imagem, no Sig ArcGis, foram realizadasas quantificações de perda de solo dos terrenos da área de estudo. A partir desta análise foi possívelperceber que a área de estudo vem passando por processo de solapamento e conseqüentementeocasionando a queda de blocos, provocando assim, a redução da área dos lotes, e destruição dos imóveis.No período analisado, o canal apresenta uma mobilidade relativamente alta, com média anual superior a0,70 metros por ano. Além disso, o fato da área estar localizada na margem côncava do canal, ondedesenvolve uma maior velocidade contribui para o processo de aceleração da erosão marginal.

  3. Correspondência eficiente de descritores SIFT para construção de mapas densos de pontos homólogos em imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    Marcelo Teixeira Silveira

    Full Text Available Métodos automáticos de localização de pontos homólogos em imagens digitais baseados em área, combinados com técnicas de crescimento de região, são capazes de produzir uma malha densa e exata de pontos homólogos. Entretanto, o processo de crescimento de região pode ser interrompido em regiões da imagem, cuja paralaxe no eixo horizontal apresenta variação abrupta. Essa situação geralmente é causada por uma descontinuidade na superfície ou espaço-objeto imageado, tal como um prédio numa cena urbana ou um paredão de exploração de uma mina a céu aberto. Nesses casos, novos pares de pontos homólogos (sementes devem ser introduzidos, normalmente por um operador humano, a partir dos quais o processo é reiniciado. Dependendo do tipo da imagem utilizada e da estrutura 3D da região mapeada, a intervenção humana pode ser considerável. Uma alternativa totalmente automatizada em que se combinam as técnicas SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform, pareamento por mínimos quadrados e crescimento de região foi proposta anteriormente pelos autores. O presente trabalho apresenta uma extensão a essa técnica. Basicamente, propõem-se alterações na etapa de correspondência do SIFT, que exploram características de estereogramas produzidos por sensores aéreos e orbitais. Avaliações experimentais demonstram que as modificações propostas trazem dois tipos de benefícios. Em primeiro lugar, obtém-se um aumento do número de pontos homólogos encontrados, sem aumento correspondente na proporção de falsas correspondências. Em segundo lugar, a carga computacional é reduzida substancialmente.


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    Rodrigo Vitor Barbosa Sousa


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar como a integração entre imagens orbitais, cartas sinóticas e dados meteorológicos coletados em superfície pode ser aplicada para a identificação de alguns fenômenos meteorológicos, sob uma perspectiva da climatologia. Nesse sentido, torna-se uma contribuição ao processo ensino-aprendizagem de climatologia. A relação estabelecida entre os diferentes dados foi importante para entender a gênese dos fenômenos investigados e verificar como a dinâmica atmosférica em escala regional repercute em escala local. Assim, observa-se que os dados registrados na estação meteorológica refletem a dinâmica atmosférica, espacialmente mais perceptível por meio das cartas sinóticas e das imagens orbitais. Foram identificados fenômenos como: Frentes estacionárias, frentes oclusas, nebulosidade, vapor d’água e ciclones. A elaboração desse artigo é resultado das discussões teóricas e das atividades práticas realizadas com alunos de graduação em geografia, especificamente, na disciplina de climatologia. Além disso, é decorrente também dos conhecimentos adquiridos na disciplina Tópicos Especiais: Sensoriamento Remoto e Meio Ambiente, ofertada no curso de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Presidente Prudente, em parceria com professores da Universidade de Rennes 2, França.

  5. Serviço de apoio a distância ao professor em sala de aula pela tv digital interativa

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    José Manuel Martin Rios


    Full Text Available Este é um artigo de um projeto em andamento desenvolvido em parceria com a Diretoria Técnica de Serviços do CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions e a Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP, que objetiva estabelecer um serviço de apoio a distância aos professores em sala de aula em 03 Escolas da região de Barão Geraldo em Campinas/ SP , para utilizar a TV Digital Interativa como ferramenta de busca e desenvolvimento de conteúdo multimídia interativo nas práticas pedagógicas. Fundamentalmente esta ferramenta será de fácil uso por utilizar como terminal de escolha e exibição um televisor colocado nas salas de aula das escolas e controlado por controle remoto. O professor poderá interagir com o conteúdo exibido no televisor de modo a obter uma programação não linear que se desenvolverá conforme o seu projeto pedagógico. As principais características do serviço são a facilidade de uso, fornecimento a distância de material multimídia interativo, baixo custo de implantação e grande área geográfica de cobertura, proporcionada pela disponibilidade quase total de sinal de televisão no território nacional. Este serviço é parte de um conjunto de serviços de teleducação que estão sendo desenvolvidos para o futuro Sistema de TV Digital terrestre que será implantado no Brasil.

  6. Registros neotectônicos no Distrito Federal : implicações para o condicionamento dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos


    Xavier, Thaísa Oliveira


    Os processos neotectônicos apesar de pouco estudados são de fundamental importância no entendimento de reativações recentes de estruturas como fraturas e outras anisotropias originadas em período geológico anterior. A identificação das reativações é principalmente evidenciada em feições impressas em depósitos quaternários, nos solos e no modelado da paisagem. Aliada a estas estruturas, estudos de outras áreas das geociências como hidrogeologia, geomorfologia, sismicidade, sensoriamento remoto...

  7. Sazonalidade de variáveis biofísicas em regiões semiáridas pelo emprego do sensoriamento remoto Biophysics variables seasonality on surface in semiarid regions by using remote sensing

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    Joseilson O. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Para investigar alterações no albedo, no Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI, no saldo de radiação e no fluxo de calor no solo, em decorrência do regime pluviométrico no semiárido cearense, desenvolveu-se um estudo na bacia do Rio Trussu - Ceará, empregando-se sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas duas imagens Landsat 7 ETM+, datadas de 25-10-2000 e 24-7-2001, sendo as variáveis estimadas pelo emprego do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land. Os resultados mostraram que as variáveis investigadas apresentaram alterações entre as duas estações, sendo os maiores valores de albedo registrados na estação seca. O NDVI apresentou maior sensibilidade ao regime hídrico, mostrando alto potencial de recuperação da vegetação ao efeito da precipitação. As margens do Rio Trussu apresentaram NDVI superior a 0,39, sendo indicativo de preservação da mata ciliar. A vegetação da bacia mostrou alto poder resiliente expresso pelo incremento nos valores de NDVI para o ano de 2001. A estação chuvosa exerceu também influência marcante sobre o saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo, confirmando o efeito da estação climática na modificação do balanço de energia sobre a bacia.To investigate the rainfall regime effects over the albedo, NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index, net radiation and soil heat flux in a semiarid region (Northeast of Brazil, a study in the Trussu watershed was developed by using remote sensing. The study focuses on two images (Landsat 7 ETM+ provided by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, from October 25, 2000 and July 24, 2001, each of them having a different rainfall regime (dry and wet seasons. The images were analyzed by using the SEBAL algorithm (surface energy balance algorithm for land. The results showed that the amount of rainfall affected the investigated variables, and the highest values of albedo were registered during the dry season

  8. A Strategy for Magnifying Vibration in High-Energy Orbits of a Bistable Oscillator at Low Excitation Levels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Guang-Qing; Liao Wei-Hsin


    This work focuses on how to maintain a high-energy orbit motion of a bistable oscillator when subjected to a low level excitation. An elastic magnifier (EM) positioned between the base and the bistable oscillator is used to magnify the base vibration displacement to significantly enhance the output characteristics of the bistable oscillator. The dimensionless electromechanical equations of the bistable oscillator with an EM are derived, and the effects of the mass and stiffness ratios between the EM and the bistable oscillator on the output displacement are studied. It is shown that the jump phenomenon occurs at a lower excitation level with increasing the mass and stiffness ratios. With the comparison of the displacement trajectories and the phase portraits obtained from experiments, it is validated that the bistable oscillator with an EM can effectively oscillate in a high-energy orbit and can generate a superior output vibration at a low excitation level as compared with the bistable oscillator without an EM. (paper)

  9. A Free-Return Earth-Moon Cycler Orbit for an Interplanetary Cruise Ship (United States)

    Genova, Anthony L.; Aldrin, Buzz


    A periodic circumlunar orbit is presented that can be used by an interplanetary cruise ship for regular travel between Earth and the Moon. This Earth-Moon cycler orbit was revealed by introducing solar gravity and modest phasing maneuvers (average of 39 m/s per month) which yields close-Earth encounters every 7 or 10 days. Lunar encounters occur every 26 days and offer the chance for a smaller craft to depart the cycler and enter lunar orbit, or head for a Lagrange point (e.g., EM-L2 halo orbit), distant retrograde orbit (DRO), or interplanetary destination such as a near-Earth object (NEO) or Mars. Additionally, return-to-Earth abort options are available from many points along the cycling trajectory.

  10. Validación de requisitos funcionales de un Laboratorio Virtual Remoto como apoyo al blended learning

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    Javier Gamo Aranda


    Full Text Available Esta investigación analiza los requisitos detectados entre estudiantes y profesores de enseñanzas científico-técnicas, sobre el diseño y funcionalidad de una futura plataforma web que implemente un Laboratorio Virtual Remoto (VRL. El VRL actualmente está en fase de diseño, y pretende servir como complemento a la enseñanza experimental en el laboratorio presencial, en las áreas de Óptica y Fotónica. A tal fin, se han diseñado dos cuestionarios (para profesores y estudiantes, respectivamente, con el fin de recabar las necesidades y expectativas de ambos colectivos, en el uso y contenidos de la plataforma virtual. Los cuestionarios se han editado en inglés y español , su contenido ha sido validado previamente por expertos nacionales e internacionales en ciencias, ingeniería y educación, y se han distribuido en línea entre estudiantes y profesores de universidades españolas y extranjeras. El trabajo detalla la estructura de los cuestionarios, la valoración de los expertos sobre su contenido, el análisis de fiabilidad realizado, los resultados obtenidos en la cumplimentación por profesores y estudiantes, y la discusión de dichos resultados, realizada con la ayuda de un grupo de expertos.

  11. Um comentário sobre Gerasa, a cidade de Decápolis

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    Marisa Balsamo Steingberg


    Full Text Available Num remoto e quieto vale, junto às montanhas de Gilead, extendem-se as ruínas de Gerasa (Jerash atual, cidade da Decápolis . Sente-se seu poderio através de suas ruas e monumentos em bom estado de conservação: um dos mais complexos de cidade provincial romana.


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    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou determinar o balanço radiativo na bacia hidrográfica do rio Tapacurá - PE, área com presença intensa de nebulosidade, por meio de produtos MODIS dos satélites Terra (MOD11A1 e MOD09GA e Aqua (MYD11A1 e MYD09GA. Instalou-se uma estação meteorológica experimental no período de janeiro/2010 a agosto/2011, destinada ao monitoramento de dados meteorológicos complementares ao processamento do saldo radiativo, além do cômputo in loco do mesmo. O saldo de radiação instantâneo estimado com os produtos MODIS situou-se entre 400 e 700 W m-2, com maiores valores registrados no reservatório do Tapacurá e os menores nas áreas urbanas. Já o saldo de radiação diário estimado variou de 95,4 a 157,5 W m-2, com média de 125,4 W m-2. As diferenças entre o saldo de radiação medido na estação experimental (área de pastagem e o estimado pelos produtos MODIS, resultaram em Diferença Absoluta Média, Diferença Relativa Média e Raiz da Diferença Quadrática Média, com valores de 122,4 W m-2, 30,1% e 140,7 W m-2, respectivamente, para o saldo de radiação instantâneo, e 7,4 W m-2, 5,8% e 9,7 W m-2, para o saldo de radiação diário. Concluiu-se que não obstante a intensa presença de nuvens na região foi possível obter o saldo radiativo na bacia do rio Tapacurá - PE, com base em produtos MODIS, onde os resultados foram compatíveis com outros estudos, confirmando a eficiência na aplicabilidade da técnica.

  13. Multiple brown tumors of the orbital walls: case report Tumor marrom múltiplo das paredes orbitárias: relato de caso

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    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro


    Full Text Available We report the case of a 40-year-old woman with chronic renal failure and secondary hyperparathyroidism that presented with slowly progressive proptosis of the right eye and mass sensation in the temporal and frontal orbital margins. Computerized tomography scan revealed two separate hyperdense and well-circumscribed lesions in the right orbital walls. A biopsy followed by histopathologic study revealed a dense lesion, with fibrous proliferation associated with osseous metaplasia and osteoclastic activity in the tumor, compatible with the diagnosis of brown tumor. The patient was submitted to surgical removal of the parathyroid glands that resulted in marked improvement in her condition and regression of the orbital tumors. Although the occurrence of more than one separate bone lesion in the orbit usually suggests metastasis, our case shows that brown tumors should also be included in the differential diagnosis of such lesions, particularly in patients with hyperparathyroidism.Este trabalho relata o caso de uma paciente de 40 anos, com insuficiência renal crônica e hiperparatireoidismo secundário que se apresentou com proptose progressiva e tumoração nas regiões lateral da órbita e superior da órbita. Tomografia computadorizada revelou duas lesões ósseas separadas, bem delimitadas e hiperdensas nas paredes orbitárias. Uma biópsia seguida de estudo histopatológico revelou um tumor denso, com proliferação fibrosa associada a metaplasia óssea e atividade osteoclástica no tumor, características compatíveis com tumor marrom. A paciente foi submetida a remoção das glândulas paratiróides que resultou em melhora dramática do seu estado geral e regressão dos tumores orbitais. Embora a presença de mais de uma lesão óssea separada na órbita geralmente sugira o diagnóstico de lesões metastáticas, nosso caso evidencia que tumores marrons devem também ser incluídos no diagnóstico diferencial, particularmente em pacientes com

  14. "Estimativa da produção primária e biomassa fitoplanctônica através de sensoriamento remoto da cor do oceano e dados in situ na Costa Sudeste Brasileira"


    Milton Kampel


    A biomassa e a produtividade primária fitoplanctônica da costa sudeste foram estimadas através de sensoriamento remoto da cor do oceano e dados in situ. Foram realizados quatro cruzeiros hidrográficos sazonais de mesoescala nas regiões de plataforma e talude continental durante os verões e invernos de 2001 e 2002. Com a descrição das características hidrográficas e distribuições de nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos, complementada pela análise de imagens orbitais (AVHRR e SeaWiFS), foi possív...

  15. Detecção da Infraestrutura para Exploração Florestal em Rondônia Utilizando Dados de Sensoriamento Remoto

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    Ekena Rangel Pinagé

    Full Text Available RESUMOA infraestrutura para exploração florestal é fundamental nas atividades de exploração madeireira, mas responde por grande parte dos impactos ambientais dessa atividade. O presente estudo aplicou e testou cinco técnicas de processamento digital de imagens orbitais com três resoluções espaciais distintas para a detecção de estradas e pátios florestais construídos em áreas sob manejo florestal sustentável na Floresta Nacional do Jamari, estado de Rondônia. Os resultados mostraram que o NDVI e a Análise de componentes principais apresentaram a melhor acurácia global nas resoluções espaciais de 5 e 10 metros e na de 30 metros, respectivamente. De maneira geral, a acurácia do produtor para a classe de interesse não foi alta, alcançando no máximo 39,2%, e índice Kappa de 0,38. A baixa performance das técnicas de geoprocessamento utilizadas na detecção de florestas exploradas seletivamente está relacionada às alterações ocorridas no dossel da floresta manejada, pouco perceptíveis em imagens de satélite.

  16. Caracterização física em duas bacias hidrográficas do Alto Juruá, Acre

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    Eth R. da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, realizar a caracterização física das Bacias Hidrográficas do Igarapé Canela Fina e Igarapé Preto, ambas localizadas no município de Cruzeiro do Sul, AC. Para a classificação não supervisionada empregou-se o ISODATA através dos produtos do sensor TM, a bordo do satélite Landsat-5 fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. O período avaliado se estende entre os anos de 2005 a 2010. Os resultados mostram um aumento médio de 48,11% em áreas desflorestadas para essas bacias e redução média em áreas florestadas de 50,58%, em consequência de intervenções antrópicas ocorridas ao longo dos últimos anos. As características físicas calculadas demonstraram similaridade entre as bacias hidrográficas, ambas respondem lentamente a eventos hidrológicos e, portanto, não propícias a enchentes. As modificações realizadas ao longo dos últimos anos na superfície das bacias hidrográficas alteraram possivelmente a dinâmica hídrica dos igarapés e os resultados obtidos indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica na análise da dinâmica espaço-tempo da vegetação e caracterização morfométrica das bacias hidrográficas.

  17. Dep?sitos sedimentares Pleistocenos-Holocenos da zona de conflu?ncia dos rios Solim?es e Purus, Amaz?nia Ocidental


    Passos, Marcel Silva


    O Rio Solim?es, na zona de conflu?ncia com o Rio Purus (Amaz?nia Ocidental), apresenta 3 n?veis de terra?os fluviais pleistocenos-holocenos, denominados informalmente de Superior (TS), Intermedi?rio (TI) e Inferior (TInf), definidos neste estudo com base em dados de sensores remotos, sedimentol?gicos, estratigr?ficos e geocronol?gicos. Em geral, os terra?os exibem distribui??o sim?trica, formam faixas paralelas ao rio e se estendem por dezenas de quil?metros. Localizam entre as cotas de 15 a ...

  18. LAS GEOTECNOLOGÍAS Y LA EDUCACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA: comparaciones metodológicas de la disciplina de teledetección

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    Roberto Barboza Castanho


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Esta investigación se refiere al período de estudios de Pos Doctorado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina, con el objetivo central de la comparación de las formas de enseñanza de las geotecnologías, que se desarrollan en la disciplina de sensores remotos, ofrecida en las instituciones de Brasil y Argentina. La realización de la investigación fue delineada a partir de lecturas, observaciones en el aula, visitas técnicas, las conversaciones con los educadores, el desarrollo de un cuestionario enviado a los profesores que enseñan la disciplina de sensores remotos en las universidades (UBA y UFU y, finalmente, análisis basadas en las conclusiones derivadas de dichos procedimientos. Ante este escenario, se obtuvieron las situaciones adversas, resultado de una diferencia tanto curricular, cuanto estructurales en relación a los procedimientos de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, pero que convergen en el mismo punto, y por lo tanto se obtienen resultados satisfactorios en relación con el conocimiento entre los alumnos. Una experiencia significativa, lo que permitió una vista previa de un contexto que sobrepasa las fronteras, sino que abarca un gran punto en común, la preocupación del docente en la enseñanza que en realidad será de utilidad a los estudiantes (futuros profesionales en el desarrollo de su actividades después de la graduación. RESUMO: Este artigo é fruto do período de realização de Estágio Pós Doutoral na Universidade de Buenos Aires (Argentina, tendo como o objetivo central comparar as formas de Ensino Superior das geotecnologías, sendo estas enfocadas na disciplina de Sensoriamento Remoto, ofertada em instituições do Brasil e da Argentina. A condução da pesquisa delineou-se a partir de leituras, observações em sala de aula, visitas técnicas, conversas com educadores, elaboração de um questionário dirigido aos docentes que ministram a disciplina de Sensoriamento Remoto das universidades

  19. Los docentes investigadores de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba como usuarios remotos de bibliotecas universitarias The Teacher Researchers Belong to the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba as Remote Users of the University Libraries

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    María Carmen Ladrón de Guevara


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la investigación "Los docentes investigadores de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC como usuarios remotos de bibliotecas universitarias". La misma tuvo como objetivos conocer si los docentes investigadores de la FFyH son usuarios remotos de las bibliotecas universitarias e identificar sus hábitos y conductas en relación con el uso de la Web, lo que ayudará a construir un perfil de esta tipología de usuarios para poder satisfacer sus necesidades de información. Mediante el análisis de los datos obtenidos, se pudo reconocer la situación de los docentes investigadores de la Facultad en cuanto a la integración y apropiación que han tenido de Internet por medio de diferentes herramientas y servicios remotos brindados, especialmente por la biblioteca de la FFyH.The results of the research "The teacher researchers belong to the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH of the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (UNC as remote users of the university libraries" are outlined. The aims of the research are to know if the PHS teacher researchers are remote users of the university libraries and to identify their habits and behaviors related to the use of the Web. This research will allow building a user profile in order to satisfy their information needs. The analysis of the information obtained revealed the teacher researchers situation about their integration and appropriation of the Internet, especially those remote tools and services offered by the PHS library.

  20. Aspectos clínico-tomográficos da mucocele com invasão orbitária Clinical and computed tomography aspects of mucocele with orbital invasion

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    Mary Lúcia Bedran


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e relacionar os achados clínico-radiológicos da mucocele orbitária. MÉTODOS: Análise clínica e de imagem referente a 166 pacientes com lesões expansivas da órbita examinadas com o tomógrafo Somaton DR da marca Siemens de terceira geração num período de 10 anos consecutivos em Hospital Universitário de referência. RESULTADOS: Os achados clínicos mais comuns foram tumoração e proptose do globo ocular. À tomografia computadorizada, o achado típico foi de massa com baixa densidade, originando-se em seios paranasais, com destruição óssea adjacente, invasão da órbita e deslocamento do globo ocular. CONCLUSÃO: O desenvolvimento da tomografia computadorizada foi decisivo no estudo da órbita pois propicia, por meio de exame radiológico altamente especializado, imagens de incrível fidelidade anatômica revelando informações sobre o processo patológico como sua localização, sua relação com as estruturas adjacentes e sua vascularização.PURPOSE: To analyze and establish clinical-radiological findings of orbital mucocele. METHODS: Clinical analysis and image of 166 patients with expansive orbital lesions submitted to third generation Siemens Somaton DR computed tomography from February 1986 to February 1995. RESULTS: The most common clinical findings were mass and proptosis. On computed tomography, the typical finding was mass with low density, coming from paranasal sinuses presenting adjacent bone destruction and orbital invasion, with displacement of ocular globe. CONCLUSION: The development of computed tomography was an important mark in orbital studies because it allows incredible anatomic imagings, yielding information about the pathologic process like its localization and anatomic relation.

  1. TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission (United States)

    Coustenis, A.; Atreya, S.K.; Balint, T.; Brown, R.H.; Dougherty, M.K.; Ferri, F.; Fulchignoni, M.; Gautier, D.; Gowen, R.A.; Griffith, C.A.; Gurvits, L.I.; Jaumann, R.; Langevin, Y.; Leese, M.R.; Lunine, J.I.; McKay, C.P.; Moussas, X.; Muller-Wodarg, I.; Neubauer, F.; Owen, T.C.; Raulin, F.; Sittler, E.C.; Sohl, F.; Sotin, Christophe; Tobie, G.; Tokano, T.; Turtle, E.P.; Wahlund, J.-E.; Waite, J.H.; Baines, K.H.; Blamont, J.; Coates, A.J.; Dandouras, I.; Krimigis, T.; Lellouch, E.; Lorenz, R.D.; Morse, A.; Porco, C.C.; Hirtzig, M.; Saur, J.; Spilker, T.; Zarnecki, J.C.; Choi, E.; Achilleos, N.; Amils, R.; Annan, P.; Atkinson, D.H.; Benilan, Y.; Bertucci, C.; Bezard, B.; Bjoraker, G.L.; Blanc, M.; Boireau, L.; Bouman, J.; Cabane, M.; Capria, M.T.; Chassefiere, E.; Coll, P.; Combes, M.; Cooper, J.F.; Coradini, A.; Crary, F.; Cravens, T.; Daglis, I.A.; de Angelis, E.; De Bergh, C.; de Pater, I.; Dunford, C.; Durry, G.; Dutuit, O.; Fairbrother, D.; Flasar, F.M.; Fortes, A.D.; Frampton, R.; Fujimoto, M.; Galand, M.; Grasset, O.; Grott, M.; Haltigin, T.; Herique, A.; Hersant, F.; Hussmann, H.; Ip, W.; Johnson, R.; Kallio, E.; Kempf, S.; Knapmeyer, M.; Kofman, W.; Koop, R.; Kostiuk, T.; Krupp, N.; Kuppers, M.; Lammer, H.; Lara, L.-M.; Lavvas, P.; Le, Mouelic S.; Lebonnois, S.; Ledvina, S.; Li, Ji; Livengood, T.A.; Lopes, R.M.; Lopez-Moreno, J. -J.; Luz, D.; Mahaffy, P.R.; Mall, U.; Martinez-Frias, J.; Marty, B.; McCord, T.; Salvan, C.M.; Milillo, A.; Mitchell, D.G.; Modolo, R.; Mousis, O.; Nakamura, M.; Neish, Catherine D.; Nixon, C.A.; Mvondo, D.N.; Orton, G.; Paetzold, M.; Pitman, J.; Pogrebenko, S.; Pollard, W.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Rannou, P.; Reh, K.; Richter, L.; Robb, F.T.; Rodrigo, R.; Rodriguez, S.; Romani, P.; Bermejo, M.R.; Sarris, E.T.; Schenk, P.; Schmitt, B.; Schmitz, N.; Schulze-Makuch, D.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Selig, A.; Sicardy, B.; Soderblom, L.; Spilker, L.J.; Stam, D.; Steele, A.; Stephan, K.; Strobel, D.F.; Szego, K.; Szopa,


    TandEM was proposed as an L-class (large) mission in response to ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015–2025 Call, and accepted for further studies, with the goal of exploring Titan and Enceladus. The mission concept is to perform in situ investigations of two worlds tied together by location and properties, whose remarkable natures have been partly revealed by the ongoing Cassini–Huygens mission. These bodies still hold mysteries requiring a complete exploration using a variety of vehicles and instruments. TandEM is an ambitious mission because its targets are two of the most exciting and challenging bodies in the Solar System. It is designed to build on but exceed the scientific and technological accomplishments of the Cassini–Huygens mission, exploring Titan and Enceladus in ways that are not currently possible (full close-up and in situ coverage over long periods of time). In the current mission architecture, TandEM proposes to deliver two medium-sized spacecraft to the Saturnian system. One spacecraft would be an orbiter with a large host of instruments which would perform several Enceladus flybys and deliver penetrators to its surface before going into a dedicated orbit around Titan alone, while the other spacecraft would carry the Titan in situ investigation components, i.e. a hot-air balloon (Montgolfière) and possibly several landing probes to be delivered through the atmosphere.

  2. O povo armênio e sua evolução histórica

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    Yessai Ohannes Kerouzian


    Full Text Available A finalidade das Conferências sôbre os assuntos Orientais (* é de ilustrar e orientar, de maneira prática, o público a respeito da cultura e da história dos povos do Oriente em geral, cujos filhos, desde tempos remotos, começaram a povoar o Brasil e no momento atual vivem e compartilham os destinos do país.

  3. Estudo histológico comparativo de implantes (ímãs em órbitas de coelhas Comparative histologic study of implants (magnets in orbits of female rabbits

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    Elcio Roque Kleinpaul


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliação microscópica dos sinais da reação inflamatória causada pela fixação de implante orbitário (ímã, recoberto por ouro. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental em 54 coelhas adultas, divididas em três grupos de 18, com 3 subgrupos de 6, avaliação com uma, três e seis semanas de pós-operatório. Fixação, no rebordo inferior da órbita, de implante (ímã e ouro por meio de cola, parafuso ou fio inabsorvível (Mersilene 5.0®. As órbitas contralaterais (sem implante compuseram o grupo-controle. RESULTADOS: Sinais histológicos de reação inflamatória à fixação orbitária do implante foram observados, com cianoacrilato, parafuso, ou sutura inabsorvível (Mersilene 5.0®, até a sexta semana pós-operatória, com predomínio do processo inflamatório crônico e fibrótico cicatricial, sem demonstrar diferenças estatisticamente significativas na maior parte dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: O exame histopatológico demonstrou, na maior parte das órbitas com e sem implante, presença de reação inflamatória aguda e crônica até a sexta semana pós-operatória, com predomínio de processo inflamatório crônico e fibrótico cicatricial, sem demonstrar, na maior parte dos casos, diferenças estatisticamente significante entre os grupos experimental e controle.PURPOSE: To evaluate microscopically the signs of inflammatory reaction due to the fixation of an orbitary implant (magnet, covered by gold. METHODS: An experimental study was performed in 54 adult female rabbits, divided into 3 groups of eighteen with 3 subgroups of 6; an evaluation at 1, 3 and 6 postoperative weeks was performed. An implant (magnet, covered by gold was fixed in the inferior orbital rim using biologic glue, screw or unabsorbable suture (Mersilene 5.0®. The opposite orbits (without implants represented the control group. RESULTS: Microscopic signs of inflammatory reaction due to orbitary fixation of the implant were observed with the use of the three

  4. Avaliação das tensões residuais em tubos de pequeno diâmetro soldados pelo processo TIG orbital Residual stress evaluation in small diameter pipes welded using orbital TIG process

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    George Luiz Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar o efeito da soldagem TIG orbital sobre o nível de tensões residuais da junta, sobre a microestrutura resultante e sobre o aspecto superficial do cordão de solda, considerando os efeitos da energia de soldagem, do número de passes e do tipo de pulsação (corrente e rotação em tubos de pequeno diâmetro e contribuir para a análise de decisões de se aplicar ou não testes hidrostáticos ou TTPS. Os corpos de prova soldados com diferentes níveis de energia, pulsação e número de passes foram submetidos à medição de tensões residuais em um difratômetro de Raios-X. As amostras também foram submetidas a análises metalográficas. Conclui-se que as tensões residuais na superfície externa dos tubos são de caráter compressivo. O nível de tensões residuais nos tubos cai com o aumento da energia de soldagem e é menor para tubos soldados utilizando pulsação do que com os soldados sem pulsação e, para esse trabalho, não foi influenciado substancialmente pelo número de passes. As amostras analisadas apresentaram microestruturas convencionais para o aço empregado.This work aims in evaluate the effect of orbital TIG welding on the joint's residual stress level, the final microstructure and the superficial aspect of the weld filet, observing the welding energy, number of passes and the type of pulsation effects in small diameter pipes. The test specimens were welded with different energy, pulsation and number of passes levels and after that it were submitted to residual stress measurement in a X-Ray diffractometer, samples were extracted from the test specimens and it were submitted to metallographic analysis. The ending of this work is that: residual stress in the pipes outer surface are compressive, residual stress level in pipes goes down with increasing welding energy, it is smaller for pipes welded with pulsation and in this work it were not effectively influenced by number of passes

  5. An experimental and theoretical investigation of the valence orbital momentum distributions and binding energy spectra of nitrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, J.P.D.; Pascual, R.; Weigold, E.


    A detailed electron momentum spectrosocpy (EMS) and a manybody theoretical study of the complete valence region of N 2 was carried out. The 1500eV EMS momentum distributions show that they provide a sensitive test for orbital wavefunctions of SCF calculations, and of correlation effects. The outermost 3σ g orbital is more sharply peaked at the origin than predicted by the orbital wavefunction. The inner valence 2σ g orbital is severely split, with spectroscopic strength ranging from 34eV to over 60eV in binding energy. The results of the present extended basis 1p Green's function calculations, as well as those of several previous manybody calculations, are only in semiquantitative agreement with this. There is a 2σ u pole at 25eV with a pole strength of approximately 0.067 in agreement with the results of manybody calculations. There is significant 2σ u and or 1π u strength and little 2σ g strength in the region 26-34eV. Poles observed at 29 and 32eV, previously attributed to the 2σ g orbital, are shown to be largely 2σ u in character. The manybody calculations predict too much 2σ g strength in the region 26-34eV. 29 refs., 1 tab., 16 figs


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    Ericson Hideki Hayakawa


    Full Text Available A caracterização da rede de drenagem atual utilizando variáveis como propriedade, padrão e morfologia, auxilia na identificação dos fatores que controlaram seu desenvolvimento na paisagem. A disponibilidade de diferentes produtos e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto potencializa estudos desse escopo, principalmente em áreas como a região amazônica, onde a obtenção de dados em campo é dificultada pela fisiografia. Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização do sistema de drenagem atual da média e baixa bacia do rio Madeira a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto, com o intuito de verificar o registro de influência tectônica no seu desenvolvimento, especialmente em áreas de cobertura sedimentar terciária e quaternária. A integração de diferentes produtos e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto foi eficiente na caracterização da rede de drenagem atual da área de estudo. Os resultados indicam padrão de drenagem predominantemente subdendrítico-subtreliça (39.6%, seguido dos padrões subdendrítico (23.5% e treliça-subtreliça (13.8%. Grande parte das bacias que constituem a área de estudo apresenta bacias de drenagem assimétricas. Anomalias de drenagem são abundantes, sendo exemplificados pelo alinhamento de rias, rios com segmentos retilíneos alternados com segmentos fortemente meandrantes, mudanças abruptas e ortogonais de cursos e meandramento isolado. O rio Madeira apresenta segmentos retilíneos de até 35 km de extensão. A densidade de drenagem e de lineamentos morfoestruturais é menor em área de sedimentação quaternária do que em áreas do embasamento cristalino. O direcionamento dos lineamentos morfoestruturais revela comportamento similar em toda a área de estudo e independente da cobertura geológica, sendo modas direcionais para E-W, NE-SW e NW-SE as mais comuns. Os resultados sugerem que as bacias de drenagem do médio e baixo rio Madeira são controladas por estruturas tectônicas. A integração com os

  7. Modelagem Simplificada Para Estimativa do Balanço de Energia à Superfície em Escala Regional (R-SSEB

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    Argemiro Lucena de Araújo

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia simplificada e ajustada a partir de algoritmos existentes a dados de sensores orbitais disponíveis para a região Nordeste do Brasil (NEB com o intuito de operacionalizar a determinação espacial da evapotranspiração (ET apenas com dados de sensoriamento remoto, utilizando dados MODIS/Terra do período de 2002 a 2011. Os resultados obtidos para diversos alvos espalhados pelo NEB foram comparados a dados CLM (Common Land Model e MOD16. Obteve-se erro médio percentual (EMP e erro médio absoluto (EMA da ordem de 23,6% e 181 mm.ano−1, respectivamente, nos valores de ET quando comparados a dados CLM. Avaliou-se a ET obtida pelo algoritmo proposto, com dados de ET do produto MOD16, o que resultou em valores de EMP e EMA de 38,6% e 288 mm.ano−1, respectivamente. Os dados médios anuais da ET variaram de 482 a 1105 mm.ano−1 relativos a áreas de Caatinga e floresta tropical pluvial, respectivamente. Os resultados apresentaram-se condizentes com a literatura e evidenciaram que a metodologia proposta possibilita operacionalizar o cômputo da ET em toda a região Nordeste, não obstante a grande heterogeneidade topográfica e climática da região.


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    Ian Willian Rodrigues da Silva, Rafael Coll Delgado, Leonardo Paula de Souza, Givanildo de Gois, José Francisco de Oliveira Júnior, Rafael de Ávila Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento da floresta e demais classes espectrais do Projeto de Assentamento Dirigido Santa Luzia, utilizando os recursos do Geoprocessamento e Sensoriamento Remoto. O período avaliado estende-se entre o ano de 2005 a 2010, e procurou avaliar o comportamento da evolução espacial de áreas como a floresta, pastagens e áreas utilizadas para agricultura, assim como demais benfeitorias realizadas no perímetro do assentamento. Neste sentido, os objetivos gerais deste trabalho foram: caracterizar a contração ou a expansão de classes de floresta, pastagens, regeneração da floresta e áreas alagadas, no PAD Santa Luzia, AC. Os resultados encontrados mostraram um significativo aumento do índice de regeneração da floresta e conversão de áreas de pastagens e cultivos em capoeira, considerando que esta tipologia florestal é essencial para o processo de transição de áreas desflorestadas em sua reestruturação à condição de floresta novamente. São ainda apresentados dados que demonstraram a elevação dos valores referentes a corpos d’água, embora as imagens tenham sido adquiridas em períodos de estiagem (período seco amazônico na região. Os dados obtidos pelo algoritmo de Mahalanobis, evidenciaram um significativo aumento destes recursos na superfície estudada. Os dados apresentaram o comportamento de leve decréscimo para a floresta durante o período avaliado.


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    Fernando Paz


    Full Text Available El uso de información espectral multi-angular de sensores remotos en plataformas espaciales tiene el potencial de discriminar clases de coberturas del suelo y otras aplicaciones. En este trabajo se explora el uso de la base del sensor POLDER-1(fuera de operación en la plataforma ADEOS, el cual permitió obtener hasta 14 mediciones multi-angulares de un mismo pixel. La base de datos fue analizada ajustando un modelo de la función de distribución bidireccional de las reflectancias (BRDF en las bandas centradas en 443, 565, 670, 765 y 865 micrómetros, para diferentes clases de cobertura del suelo del sistema GLC2000 y así analizar el potencial de usar información multi-angular para discriminar clases de cobertura. Los resultados mostraron los mejores ajustes en las bandas 765 y 865, seguidos por las bandas 565 y 670 y, finalmente, los peores ajustes se dieron en la banda 443. Los errores de ajuste pueden ser interpretados por problemas en la corrección atmosférica asociada a los aerosoles troposféricos (mayores efectos en las bandas del visible. Con el modelo de la BRDF ajustado, que usa un solo parámetro (G, se analizó su uso para discriminar clases de cobertura, resultando que la banda 670, seguida por la 443, mostraron un mayor potencial, con una precisión aceptable, de realizar una clasificación de coberturas del suelo.

  10. Uma avaliação de descritores de textura baseados em códigos binários locais para classificação de imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    Marcelo Musci

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avalia descritores texturais multiescalares invariantes à rotação baseados em Padrões Binários Locais e em Quantização de Fase Local (LPQ para a classificação de uso e cobertura do solo em uma imagem IKONOS-2 e uma imagem Quickbird-2. Os experimentos mostraram que ambas as representações de textura propiciaram elevada acurácia quando combinadas com a informação de variância. Além disso, propõe-se no trabalho um novo descritor formado pela concatenação do histograma de variância e o histograma dos códigos gerados a partir dos Padrões Binários Locais ou da Quantização de Fase Local. Com o novo descritor, não obstante serem comparativamente mais compacto, registraram-se os mesmos índices de desempenho obtidos a partir de histogramas bidimensionais que representam a distribuição conjunta de ambas as variáveis. O último experimento realizado indicou para os descritores baseados nos Padrões Binários Locais ou na Quantização de Fase Local um índice Kappa superior em 0,1 ao que alcançou quando se utilizaram atributos de textura derivados da matriz de co-ocorrência.

  11. Simultaneous Mean and Covariance Correction Filter for Orbit Estimation. (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoxu; Pan, Quan; Ding, Zhengtao; Ma, Zhengya


    This paper proposes a novel filtering design, from a viewpoint of identification instead of the conventional nonlinear estimation schemes (NESs), to improve the performance of orbit state estimation for a space target. First, a nonlinear perturbation is viewed or modeled as an unknown input (UI) coupled with the orbit state, to avoid the intractable nonlinear perturbation integral (INPI) required by NESs. Then, a simultaneous mean and covariance correction filter (SMCCF), based on a two-stage expectation maximization (EM) framework, is proposed to simply and analytically fit or identify the first two moments (FTM) of the perturbation (viewed as UI), instead of directly computing such the INPI in NESs. Orbit estimation performance is greatly improved by utilizing the fit UI-FTM to simultaneously correct the state estimation and its covariance. Third, depending on whether enough information is mined, SMCCF should outperform existing NESs or the standard identification algorithms (which view the UI as a constant independent of the state and only utilize the identified UI-mean to correct the state estimation, regardless of its covariance), since it further incorporates the useful covariance information in addition to the mean of the UI. Finally, our simulations demonstrate the superior performance of SMCCF via an orbit estimation example.

  12. Un Banco de Pruebas Remoto para Experimentación en Robótica Ubicua

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    Adrián Jiménez-González


    Full Text Available Resumen: La escasez de herramientas experimentales adecuadas ha sido señalada como un factor crítico en el desarrollo de la robótica ubícua. Este artículo describe un banco de pruebas remoto para experimentación en robótica ubicua integrando robots con redes inalámbricas de sensores. El banco de pruebas está compuesto por 5 robots Pioneer 3-AT, por una red de cámaras y por una red inalámbrica de sensores, todos ellos equipados con una amplia variedad de sensores. La arquitectura del banco de pruebas permite una gran diversidad de esquemas de cooperación entre sus elementos abstrayendo sus particularidades y capacidades sensoriales, computacionales y de comunicaciones. Permite ejecutar experimentos con distintos grados de descentralización. El banco de pruebas, instalado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla, es abierto y hace posible el acceso de forma remota mediante una interfaz gráfica intuitiva. Abstract: The lack of adequate experimental tools has been highligh- ted as a major critical issue in the development of ubiquitous ro- botics integrating mobile robots and wireless sensor networks. This paper describes a remotely operated testbed for ubiquitous robotics experimentation. It is currently comprised of 5 Pio- neer 3-AT robots, a camera network and a wireless sensor net- work WSN, each equipped with widespread off-the-shelf sen- sors. The testbed architecture allows wide variety of coopera- tion schemes among its elements, abstracting their particula- rities and sensory, computational and communication capabi- lities. It also allows performing experiments with different de- grees of decentralization. The testbed, currently deployed in the School of Engineering at the University of Seville, is open and can be accessed remotely through a friendly graphical user in- terface. Palabras clave: Bancos de pruebas, robótica ubicua, redes inalámbricas de sensores, Keywords: testbeds, networked

  13. Ciclo de vida da família e desmatamento na Amazônia: combinando informações de sensoriamento remoto com dados primários

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    Marcellus Marques Caldas


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina as relações entre as características sociodemográficas das famílias de pequenos produtores na Amazônia e a hipótese do ciclo de vida no processo de tomada de decisão de desmatar. A análise foi conduzida combinando informações de sensoriamento remoto e de sistema de informações geográficas com dados primários de 153 pequenos produtores estabelecidos ao longo da rodovia Transamazônica. Análises de regressões foram efetuadas juntamente com testes de autocorrelação espacial. Os resultados levaram à conclusão de que as características sociodemográficas das famílias, bem como fatores institucionais e de mercado, influenciam a tomada de decisão de uso da terra. Esses resultados permitem concluir ainda que, apesar de não serem muito populares entre os cientistas sociais brasileiros, os dados obtidos através das imagens de satélite podem ser muito úteis neste tipo de estudo. Além disso, a pesquisa aqui apresentada indica que dados sociodemográficos da família, bem como os de mercado, podem resultar em problemas de má especificação do modelo. O mesmo se aplica a modelos que não incorporem análises espaciais.This paper examines the relationships between the sociodemographic characteristics of small settlers in the Brazilian Amazon and the life cycle hypothesis in the process of deforestation. The analysis was conducted combining remote sensing and geographic data with primary data of 153 small settlers along the Transamazon Highway. Regression analyses and spatial autocorrelation tests were conducted. The results from the empirical model indicate that sociodemographic characteristics of households, as well as institutional and market factors, affect the land use decision. Although remotely sensed information are not yet very popular among Brazilian social scientists, these results confirm that they can be very useful for this kind of study. Furthermore, the research presented by this paper strongly

  14. Localização de áreas de monitoramento telemétrico em ambientes aquáticos da Amazônia Location of telemetric monitoring sites in Amazon floodplain lakes

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    Ivan Bergier Tavares de Lima


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho demonstra a aplicabilidade de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e de métodos de processamento de imagens digitais para definição de locais adequados à instalação de sistemas telemétricos de monitoramento de variáveis ambientais em sistemas aquáticos, localizados em regiões de difícil acesso. A técnica consiste essencialmente da aplicação de operações Booleanas entre mapas da pluma do Rio Amazonas e de zonas inundadas do Lago de Curuai em diferentes etapas do ciclo hidrológico. A localização exata para o sistema de monitoramento telemétrico será vital para o desenvolvimento de modelos de troca de gases traço entre a planície de inundação Amazônica e a atmosfera.The present work illustrates the application of remote sensing and image processing methods to define appropriate sites for installing buoy moored telemetric systems at the surface of Amazon floodplain lakes for long-term limnologic-micrometeorologic monitoring. The technique consists essentially of Boolean operations over Amazon plume maps and historic inundation of the Curuai Lake at distinct stages of the hydrologic cycle. The precise location for the long-term monitoring is vital to the development of models concerning air-water trace gas exchange in the Amazon floodplains.

  15. Uma Avaliação da Variação da Temperatura da Superfície do Mar durante a Passagem do Furacão Catarina

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    Rodrigo Carvalho de Sousa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho tenta-se observar a variação da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM durante a passagem do ciclone tropical que atingiu a costa leste do Brasil em 2004, conhecido como furação Catarina, utilizando dados de temperatura da superfície do mar estimado via sensoriamento remoto orbital provenientes de dois sensores nos espectros de micro-ondas e infravermelho termal. Os resultados apontam que houve resfriamento máximo de aproximadamente 2,00o C quando comparados com dados de anos subsequentes ao evento. Além disso, os resultados indicaram, conforme esperado, que durante a passagem do Catarina o resfriamento da TSM realmente ocorreu, atingindo os valores máximos de -1,00o C e -0,99o C quando comparados com a TSM diária do sensor TMI e a composição diária de TSM usando dados dos sensores TMI e AVHRR (via método de interpolação de Barnes, respectivamente. Estimativa de TSM via dados infravermelho pouco contribuiu na análise, enquanto os dados de TSM micro-ondas apresentaram uma razoável capacidade de representar o comportamento qualitativo da TSM durante o evento Catarina. Os resultados estão em conformidade com os encontrados na literatura

  16. Investigation of Spectroscopic Properties and Spin-Orbit Splitting in the X2Π and A2Π Electronic States of the SO+ Cation

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    Zunlue Zhu


    Full Text Available The potential energy curves (PECs of the X2Π and A2Π electronic states of the SO+ ion are calculated using the complete active space self-consistent field method, which is followed by the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (MRCI approach for internuclear separations from 0.08 to 1.06 nm. The spin-orbit coupling effect on the spectroscopic parameters is included using the Breit-Pauli operator. To improve the quality of PECs and spin-orbit coupling constant (<em>A>0, core-valence correlation and scalar relativistic corrections are included. To obtain more reliable results, the PECs obtained by the MRCI calculations are corrected for size-extensivity errors by means of the Davidson modification (MRCI+Q. At the MRCI+Q/aug-cc-pV5Z+CV+DK level, the <em>A>0 values of the SO+(X2Π1/2, 3/2 and SO+(A2Π1/2, 3/2 are 362.13 and 58.16 cm−1 when the aug-cc-pCVTZ basis set is used to calculate the spin-orbit coupling splitting, and the <em>A>0 of the SO+(X2Π1/2, 3/2 and SO+(A2Π1/2, 3/2 are 344.36 and 52.90 cm−1 when the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set is used to calculate the spin-orbit coupling splitting. The conclusion is drawn that the core-valence correlations correction makes the <em>A>0 slightly larger. The spectroscopic results are obtained and compared with those reported in the literature. Excellent agreement exists between the present results and the measurements. The vibrational manifolds are calculated, and those of the first 30 vibrational states are reported for the <em>J em>= 0 case. Comparison with the measurements shows that the present vibrational manifolds are both reliable and accurate.

  17. Remote sensing applied to the study of vegetation with emphasis on index of vegetation and landscapes metrics

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    Karla Maria Pedra de Abreu


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho consiste em uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o sensoriamento remoto, com enfoque no estudo da vegetação. Nele são abordados fundamentos, conceitos e métodos. Delimitam sua história os períodos de uso de sistemas fotográficos, a evolução e a multiplicidade dos sistemas imageadores. Descrevem-se princípios e métodos necessários para correção, tratamento, interpretação visual, avaliação de parâmetros das imagens e cruzamento de dados aplicados a estudos de índices de vegetação (NDVI e de paisagens. A eficácia dos estudos da vegetação via sensoriamento remoto é embasada pelos resultados e pelas considerações obtidas por revisão conceitual, que priorizou a consulta a periódicos especializados.


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    Rafael Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica nouso e cobertura da terra em área de abrangência de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e o método de classificação não supervisionada por meio do algoritmo ISODATA. Foi utilizada uma série históricade temperatura do ar (ºC, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional (EMC do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET e imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, noperíodo que compreendeu 16 anos (1994-2010. Os resultados mostraram que nos anosde 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 e 2010 mais de 20 mil hectares foram antropizadas, porém, a partir de 1999 inicia-se um acentuado crescimento das áreas classificadas como mata. Os valores demonstraram avanço das áreas antropizadas (58,92% em 1994 para 71,90% em 2010 e uma redução das áreas de pastagens (27,04% em 1994 para 5,90% em 2010. A temperatura da superfície estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL para os anos de 1994 e 2010, apresentaram valores máximos de 38ºC em áreas antropizadas e valores mínimos de 18ºC em áreas de vegetação. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que os dados estimados da temperatura da superfície apresentaram boa correlação de 0,67 com os dados do INMET, já que as temperaturas foram subestimadas e superestimadas com valores mínimos e máximos de -3,83ºC e 2,65ºC em 1994 e 2003. Os resultados obtidos, ainda que em caráter preliminar, indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto (SR por meio da análise das bandas refletivas e termal do satélite Landsat 5 como ferramenta de análise na identificação da dinâmica do uso do solo, mostrando-se eficaz quanto à espacialização dessas anomalias no espaço e no tempo.


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    Rafael Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica nouso e cobertura da terra em área de abrangência de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e o método de classificação não supervisionada por meio do algoritmo ISODATA. Foi utilizada uma série históricade temperatura do ar (ºC, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional (EMC do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET e imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, noperíodo que compreendeu 16 anos (1994-2010. Os resultados mostraram que nos anosde 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 e 2010 mais de 20 mil hectares foram antropizadas, porém, a partir de 1999 inicia-se um acentuado crescimento das áreas classificadas como mata. Os valores demonstraram avanço das áreas antropizadas (58,92% em 1994 para 71,90% em 2010 e uma redução das áreas de pastagens (27,04% em 1994 para 5,90% em 2010. A temperatura da superfície estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL para os anos de 1994 e 2010, apresentaram valores máximos de 38ºC em áreas antropizadas e valores mínimos de 18ºC em áreas de vegetação. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que os dados estimados da temperatura da superfície apresentaram boa correlação de 0,67 com os dados do INMET, já que as temperaturas foram subestimadas e superestimadas com valores mínimos e máximos de -3,83ºC e 2,65ºC em 1994 e 2003. Os resultados obtidos, ainda que em caráter preliminar, indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto (SR por meio da análise das bandas refletivas e termal do satélite Landsat 5 como ferramenta de análise na identificação da dinâmica do uso do solo, mostrando-se eficaz quanto à espacialização dessas anomalias no espaço e no tempo.

  20. Evapotranspiração real diária em sub-bacias do Paracatu, utilizando produtos do sensor Modis

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    Evaldo de Paiva Lima


    Full Text Available A evapotranspiração define a perda total de água do sistema solo-planta para a atmosfera. Nas áreas agrícolas, particularmente onde se pratica algum tipo de irrigação, a determinação da evapotranspiração, por via de sensoriamento remoto, vem ganhando cada vez mais importância, pois possibilita identificar a eficiência com que a água tem sido utilizada. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de determinar a evapotranspiração real diária (ETr diária, com a utilização de produtos do sensor MODIS, nas sub-bacias do Ribeirão Entre Ribeiros e Rio Preto, que ficam entre os Estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais. O SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land foi utilizado para a obtenção da ETr diária em quatro dias diferentes, no período de julho a outubro de 2007. Os resultados encontrados foram compatíveis com os citados em outras literaturas e a comparação entre a evapotranspiração, obtida pelo SEBAL, e a evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc demonstraram que esse algoritmo pode ser utilizado como boa opção para determinar, com a utilização de produtos do sensor MODIS, a evapotranspiração diária nas condições das sub-bacias do ribeirão Entre Ribeiros e rio Preto.

  1. Análise de solos afetados por sais nas paisagens do semi-árido de Pernambuco, Brasil.


    Luiz Guilherme Medeiros Pessoa


    A sodificação e salinização do solo são os principais tipos de degradação do semi-árido de Pernambuco. Em casos extremos , a vegetação não se desenvolve nestes solos , tornando-as degradadas. Conseqüentemente, há um abandono destas áreas. Hoje em dia, pode não existir a identificação dessas áreas para o estado de Pernambuco , o que poderia ser feito por meio de ferramentas como o sensoriamento remoto e SIG. Este estudo foi realizado a fim de identificar e diagnosticar as áreas afetadas pela s...


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    Thiago Vinicius N. de Menezes


    Full Text Available O foco deste estudo foi saber as características do Município de João Dourado, Estado da Bahia, Região Nordeste do Brasil, onde foi detectados o primeiro caso confirmado de sarampo em 2006 e avaliar o impacto das ações de vigilância epidemiológicas adotadas para a contenção do mesmo. Foi avaliado o número de casos de sarampo por faixa etária, com a utilização de dados secundários existentes na base do Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação, e de cobertura vacinal da base de dados do Sistema de Avaliação do Programa de Imunizações. Bem como na caracterização do local de incidência com o Google Earth e imagens provenientes de sensoriamento remoto. Esta técnica permitiu a identificação do espaço geográfico como um sistema de objetos e ações, que trouxe a tona um novo cenário para a transmissão da doença e o planejamento de ações de controle.

  3. Evolução do processo de ocupação da soja de 2000 a 2006 em Campo Novo dos Parecis - Mato Grosso, através do sensoriamento remoto Evolução do processo de ocupação da soja de 2000 a 2006 em Campo Novo dos Parecis - Mato Grosso, através do sensoriamento remoto

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    Lunalva Moura Schwenk


    cultural and social differences and the appearance of prostitution and diseases like Aids, syphilis and drugs. Soybean has simplified and fragmented the natural vegetation with losses in biodiversity and of much valued economical, industrial and pharmaceutical species. It also, contributes to erosion processes, soil losses, silting and change in the hydrological regime of rivers, as well as the contamination of both water and soil caused by the agro toxics.A pesquisa trata da espacialização e do avanço da soja no período de seis anos neste município situado em áreas planas do Planalto e Chapada dos Parecis coberto pelo cerrado sobre areias quartzosas álicas e Latossolos-Vermelho Escuro distróficos. Também, refere-se aos impactos ambientais e sociais gerados e que são agravados à medida que novas áreas são incorporadas ao processo produtivo dando lugar a uma paisagem cada vez mais mecanizada e modernizada com presença de tecnologia de ponta na busca da maior produtividade voltada à exportação e, a exclusão da população rural tradicional para as cidades. A classificação supervisionada usando o classificador Bhattacharya disponível no Spring 4.3 para comparar as regiões das imagens com as classes discriminadas foi feita nas imagens de satélite Landsat-TM5 com resolução de 30x30m em 2000 e nas imagens CBERS com resolução de 20x20m em 2006 apresentando uma escala final de 1:500.000. Nas grandes e médias propriedades ocupadas com a soja predominam a agricultura mecanizada de alta tecnologia associada aos produtores empresariais e familiares de grande porte econômico, apresentando similaridade nas características da ocupação realizada por grupos empresariais. Dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que na área total do município as áreas ocupadas no processo produtivo da soja, sobem de 35,66% no ano 2000 para 48,32%em 2006. A vegetação natural com predominância dos cerrados que cobria o município em 2000 em torno de 59,18%, cai para 41,07% em


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    Felipe Martins Marques da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo:Atualmente, sensores de alta resolução espacial e radiométrica adquirem imagens onde feições terrestres são representadas por pixels de resolução espacial submétrica. Aliado a isto, o ALS (Airborne LiDAR System - tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto ativo de varredura a laser acoplada em aeronaves - é capaz de coletar dados de altimetria de milhares de coordenadas de pontos na superfície terrestre. A integração destas tecnologias é desejada, pois geram dados complementares. Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia para detecção de edificações em ambiente urbano, utilizando imagem GeoEye(r e dados ALS, baseada na segmentação de objetos, e submetidos a um processo de classificação baseada em árvores de decisão. Os dados adquiridos pelo ALS permitem gerar o MDS (Modelo Digital de Superfície, o MDT (Modelo Digital de Terreno e o MDSn (Modelo Digital de Terreno normalizado da área de estudo. Com o MDS e a imagem GeoEye, fez-se a ortorretificação da imagem, a qual, junto com o MDSn, foi segmentada pela ação do segmentador FLSA (Full-Lambda Schedule Algorithm. Amostras representativas das classes de interesse, foram usadas para treinar o processo de classificação, com a finalidade de criar regras de decisão. Os experimentos realizados buscaram verificar os atributos mais importantes para a detecção de edificações

  5. Sistema de monitoramento remoto online de sinais cardíacos via rede GPRS


    Vargas, Ricardo Emanuel Vaz


    Doenças cardiovasculares são consideradas atualmente a principal causa de morte e de lesões físicas limitantes e definitivas, que ocorrem em muitas das vezes em idade precoce. O exame de ECG é considerado, pelos especialistas, o padrão ouro para diagnóstico desse tipo de doença. Isso porque tal exame é barato, não-invasivo e fundamental para diagnóstico de diversas arritmias cardíacas. Portanto, o monitoramento de ECG pode significar a diferença entre o falecimento e a vida de muitos pa...

  6. Implante orbital misto para reconstrução de cavidade anoftálmica: relato de caso Miscellaneous orbital implant for anophthalmic cavity reconstruction surgery: case report

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    Davi Araf


    Full Text Available Apresentamos um novo modelo de implante orbital unindo o baixo custo da esfera de luxite (PMMA com as vantagens da utilização do polietileno poroso (Porex®. O novo modelo consiste de uma esfera de luxite na qual em sua face anterior foi colocado um recorte de dura-máter do mesmo diâmetro da esfera, e na face posterior um recorte de polietileno poroso foi anexado à esfera de luxite por meio de cola (Cianoacrilato estéril. A dura-máter foi fixada ao polietileno poroso por meio de suturas com fio nylon monofilamentar 6.0. Foi realizada cirurgia em um paciente que já havia tido extrusão anterior do implante em um dos olhos, sendo este avaliado em seu pós-operatório imediato, 7º, 15º, 30º dia, além de 3 e 6 meses de pós-operatório quando foi avaliado por meio de tomografia computadorizada. Observou-se bom resultado cosmético, de mobilidade e de volume após adaptação da prótese escleral, não havendo nenhum sinal de infecção, migração ou extrusão do implante até o momento. O caso nos mostrou ser possível a utilização de um implante orbital mais acessível economicamente com resultados semelhantes aos dos implantes biointegráveis.A new model of orbital implant, matching the low cost of acrylic implants (PMMA with the advantages of medpor (Porex® is presented herein. The new implant model consists of a PMMA implant with a dura mater scrap adhered on its anterior face of the same diameter of the acrylic implant and a medpor snip adhered on its posterior face by sterile cyanoacrylate. Dura mater was fixed to medpor with 6.0 mononylon. One patient who presented previous extrusion of the implant was submited to surgery and was evaluated on the 1st, 7th, 15th, 30th postoperative days, and 3 and 6 months after surgery when a computed tomography was performed. A good cosmetic, mobility and volume result was noted after an escleral prosthesis was adapted, with no infection, migration or extrusion of the implant until this

  7. Orogenias: das margens continentais ao interior remoto das placas, uma revisão no tema

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    Benjamim Bley de Brito Neves


    Full Text Available Esta síntese do conceito de orogenias abrange desde a Tectônica de Placas dos anos 1970, adendos e modelos "alternativos", que buscam explicar orogenias distantes das zonas de interação de placas. A análise crítica dos modelos originais resultou em adendos que incluem domínios proterozoicos e paleozoicos e observações sobre reologia e história termo-tectônica da litosfera. Os modelos alternativos explicam a orogênese por subdução local de litosfera continental, sem envolver litosfera oceânica. Nos anos 1990, houve notável avanço no estudo das causas da subsidência (tectônica formadora de bacias e estudos que contestam a rigidez das placas e propõem modelos de enfraquecimento devido à ação termal. Orogenias intracontinentais, entendidas como caso extremo da inversão de bacias, ocorrem em praticamente todos os continentes. Esforços gerados em zonas de interação de placas podem ser transmitidas continente adentro por milhares de quilômetros e gerar tectônica deformadora longe de suturas. Embora esteja ainda em estágio de fluxo, o conceito de orogenias intracontinentais ("telessuturais" vem se consolidando, embora não tenha sido incorporado a livros-texto. O histórico e o reexame do tema possibilitam classificar os orógenos segundo três variáveis principais: posição em relação às zonas de sutura, organização geométrico-geológica (em planta e nível de exumação.

  8. Mean Orbital Elements for Geosynchronous Orbit - II - Orbital inclination, longitude of ascending node, mean longitude

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    Kyu-Hong Choi


    Full Text Available The osculating orbital elements include the mean, secular, long period, and short period terms. The iterative algorithm used for conversion of osculating orbital elements to mean orbital elements is described. The mean orbital elements of Wc, Ws, and L are obtained.

  9. Desenvolvimento e Validação de Algoritmos para Emprego de Sensores na Soldagem Robótica Orbital do Passe de Raiz de Tubulações

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    Renan Medeiros Kindermann


    Full Text Available Resumo Os sistemas comerciais destinados à automação da soldagem orbital enfrentam desafios perante o controle da trajetória e a parametrização do processo. Os tubos e dutos do setor de Petróleo e Gás apresentam descontinuidades, advindas de sua fabricação, críticas para o processo de soldagem. Para superar isto, o presente trabalho investiga a utilização de sensores para correção em tempo real da soldagem orbital. Um robô antropomórfico atua na condução da tocha. Um sensor a arco para seguimento de junta e um sensor baseado no contato elétrico para procura da junta foram empregados. Um programa em forma de algoritmos para geração de uma trajetória orbital automática e alocação dos parâmetros de soldagem foi desenvolvido. A validação da estratégia proposta e do controle da tocha pelo sensor a arco foi realizada com depósitos em corpos de prova de tubos. A soldagem do passe de raiz com um processo MIG/MAG com controle de corrente no curto-circuito também foi executada em conjunto com o sensor a arco.

  10. Evaluation of <em>HER2em> Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Using Nuclei Microarray <em>in em>S>itu em>Hybridization

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    Xuefeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Fluorescence<em> em>>in situ em>hybridization (FISH assay is considered the “gold standard” in evaluating <em>HER2/neu (HER2em> gene status. However, FISH detection is costly and time consuming. Thus, we established nuclei microarray with extracted intact nuclei from paraffin embedded breast cancer tissues for FISH detection. The nuclei microarray FISH (NMFISH technology serves as a useful platform for analyzing <em>HER2em> gene/chromosome 17 centromere ratio. We examined <em>HER2em> gene status in 152 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast that were resected surgically with FISH and NMFISH. <em>HER2em> gene amplification status was classified according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP. Comparison of the cut-off values for <em>HER2em>/chromosome 17 centromere copy number ratio obtained by NMFISH and FISH showed that there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods (κ coefficient 0.920. The results of the two methods were almost consistent for the evaluation of <em>HER2em> gene counts. The present study proved that NMFISH is comparable with FISH for evaluating <em>HER2em> gene status. The use of nuclei microarray technology is highly efficient, time and reagent conserving and inexpensive.

  11. Ivermectina no tratamento de miíase orbitária: relato de caso Ivermectine in the treatment of orbital myiasis: case report

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    Mario Enrique Lovatón Rodriguez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso de miíase associada a carcinoma basocelular de órbita, tratada com ivermectina previamente ao ato cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: Apresentamos um caso e enfatizamos a eficácia da ivermectina no tratamento da miíase como terapêutica alternativa. RESULTADO: Após o tratamento com ivermectina via oral em dose única, observou-se a resolução completa do quadro de miíase num período de 48 horas. CONCLUSÃO: A ivermectina pode ser utilizada com eficácia no tratamento da miíase orbitária, tornado desnecessária a remoção mecânica das larvas.OBJECTIVE: We report a case of myiasis in a patient with basocellular carcinoma of the orbit, treated with ivermectine prior to surgery. METHODS: We report a case and emphasize the efficacy of ivermectine in the treatment of myiasis, as alternative therapy. RESULTS: After oral administration of a single dose of ivermectine we saw a complete resolution of the myiasis in a 48-hour period. CONCLUSION: Ivermectine can be used successfully in the treatment of orbital myiasis, turning the mechanical removal of larvae an unnecessary procedure.

  12. Neonatal Phosphate Nutrition Alters <em>in em>Vivo> and <em>in em>Vitro> Satellite Cell Activity in Pigs

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    Chad H. Stahl


    Full Text Available Satellite cell activity is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth. Severe phosphate (PO4 deficiency can alter satellite cell activity, however the role of neonatal PO4 nutrition on satellite cell biology remains obscure. Twenty-one piglets (1 day of age, 1.8 ± 0.2 kg BW were pair-fed liquid diets that were either PO4 adequate (0.9% total P, supra-adequate (1.2% total P in PO4 requirement or deficient (0.7% total P in PO4 content for 12 days. Body weight was recorded daily and blood samples collected every 6 days. At day 12, pigs were orally dosed with BrdU and 12 h later, satellite cells were isolated. Satellite cells were also cultured <em>in vitroem> for 7 days to determine if PO4 nutrition alters their ability to proceed through their myogenic lineage. Dietary PO4 deficiency resulted in reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 sera PO4 and parathyroid hormone (PTH concentrations, while supra-adequate dietary PO4 improved (<em>P> < 0.05 feed conversion efficiency as compared to the PO4 adequate group. <em>In vivoem> satellite cell proliferation was reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 among the PO4 deficient pigs, and these cells had altered <em>in vitroem> expression of markers of myogenic progression. Further work to better understand early nutritional programming of satellite cells and the potential benefits of emphasizing early PO4 nutrition for future lean growth potential is warranted.

  13. A educação conciliadora: tensões na elaboração, redação e implatação de reformas eduacionais

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    José Gondra


    Full Text Available Ao tomar as reformas educacionais como objeto, busco apontar para uma outra possibilidade de seu exame, como também recolocar em discussão intervenções ocorridas em tempos mais remotos. Assim sendo, concentro-me na reflexão acerca da reforma educacional promovida em 1854, na Corte imperial, no âmbito de uma conjuntura de "conciliação". Que elementos culturais e políticos tornaram esta reforma possível? O que ela prevê? Quais foram os seus desdobramentos? Tripla questão que reendereça o olhar para pesquisar e debater os argumentos, mecanismos e procedimentos acionados na produção da "necessidade da reforma", redação e aplicação, isto é, sua legitimidade, legalidade e controle.

  14. [Orbital inflammation]. (United States)

    Mouriaux, F; Coffin-Pichonnet, S; Robert, P-Y; Abad, S; Martin-Silva, N


    Orbital inflammation is a generic term encompassing inflammatory pathologies affecting all structures within the orbit : anterior (involvement up to the posterior aspect of the globe), diffuse (involvement of intra- and/or extraconal fat), apical (involvement of the posterior orbit), myositis (involvement of only the extraocular muscles), dacryoadenitis (involvement of the lacrimal gland). We distinguish between specific inflammation and non-specific inflammation, commonly referred to as idiopathic inflammation. Specific orbital inflammation corresponds to a secondary localization of a "generalized" disease (systemic or auto-immune). Idiopathic orbital inflammation corresponds to uniquely orbital inflammation without generalized disease, and thus an unknown etiology. At the top of the differential diagnosis for specific or idiopathic orbital inflammation are malignant tumors, represented most commonly in the adult by lympho-proliferative syndromes and metastases. Treatment of specific orbital inflammation begins with treatment of the underlying disease. For idiopathic orbital inflammation, treatment (most often corticosteroids) is indicated above all in cases of visual loss due to optic neuropathy, in the presence of pain or oculomotor palsy. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. PyORBIT: A Python Shell For ORBIT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jean-Francois Ostiguy; Jeffrey Holmes


    ORBIT is code developed at SNS to simulate beam dynamics in accumulation rings and synchrotrons. The code is structured as a collection of external C++ modules for SuperCode, a high level interpreter shell developed at LLNL in the early 1990s. SuperCode is no longer actively supported and there has for some time been interest in replacing it by a modern scripting language, while preserving the feel of the original ORBIT program. In this paper, we describe a new version of ORBIT where the role of SuperCode is assumed by Python, a free, well-documented and widely supported object-oriented scripting language. We also compare PyORBIT to ORBIT from the standpoint of features, performance and future expandability.

  16. PyORBIT: A Python Shell For ORBIT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jean-Francois Ostiguy; Jeffrey Holmes


    ORBIT is code developed at SNS to simulate beam dynamics in accumulation rings and synchrotrons. The code is structured as a collection of external C++ modules for SuperCode, a high level interpreter shell developed at LLNL in the early 1990s. SuperCode is no longer actively supported and there has for some time been interest in replacing it by a modern scripting language, while preserving the feel of the original ORBIT program. In this paper, we describe a new version of ORBIT where the role of SuperCode is assumed by Python, a free, well-documented and widely supported object-oriented scripting language. We also compare PyORBIT to ORBIT from the standpoint of features, performance and future expandability

  17. Investigation of electron momentum distributions for outer valence orbitals of trichlorofluoromethane by (e, 2e) electron momentum spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, L.X.; Shan, X.; Chen, X.J.; Yin, X.F.; Zhang, X.H.; Xu, C.K.; Wei, Z.; Xu, K.Z.


    The binding energy spectra and electron momentum distributions for the outer valence orbitals of trichlorofluoromethane (CFCl 3 ) have been measured by binary (e, 2e) electron momentum spectroscopy (EMS) at an impact energy of 1200 eV + binding energy. The experimental electron momentum profiles are compared with Hartree-Fock and density functional theory (DFT) calculations with different-sized basis sets. Generally, the DFT calculations employing B3LYP functional with large basis sets of AUG-cc-pVDZ and AUG-cc-pVTZ give better description of the experimental results. But for 3e orbital, all the theoretical calculations underestimate the experiment, which is probably due to the distorted-wave effect that often occurs in π*-like molecular orbital

  18. Orbit Propagation and Determination of Low Earth Orbit Satellites

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    Ho-Nien Shou


    Full Text Available This paper represents orbit propagation and determination of low Earth orbit (LEO satellites. Satellite global positioning system (GPS configured receiver provides position and velocity measures by navigating filter to get the coordinates of the orbit propagation (OP. The main contradictions in real-time orbit which is determined by the problem are orbit positioning accuracy and the amount of calculating two indicators. This paper is dedicated to solving the problem of tradeoffs. To plan to use a nonlinear filtering method for immediate orbit tasks requires more precise satellite orbit state parameters in a short time. Although the traditional extended Kalman filter (EKF method is widely used, its linear approximation of the drawbacks in dealing with nonlinear problems was especially evident, without compromising Kalman filter (unscented Kalman Filter, UKF. As a new nonlinear estimation method, it is measured at the estimated measurements on more and more applications. This paper will be the first study on UKF microsatellites in LEO orbit in real time, trying to explore the real-time precision orbit determination techniques. Through the preliminary simulation results, they show that, based on orbit mission requirements and conditions using UKF, they can satisfy the positioning accuracy and compute two indicators.

  19. Rehabilitation of orbital cavity after orbital exenteration using polymethyl methacrylate orbital prosthesis

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    Sumeet Jain


    Full Text Available Squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid is the second most common malignant neoplasm of the eye with the incidence of 0.09 and 2.42 cases/100 000 people. Orbital invasion is a rare complication but, if recognized early, can be treated effectively with exenteration. Although with advancements in technology such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, material science, and retentive methods like implants, orbital prosthesis with stock ocular prosthesis made of methyl methacrylate retained by anatomic undercuts is quiet effective and should not be overlooked and forgotten. This clinical report describes prosthetic rehabilitation of two male patients with polymethyl methacrylate resin orbital prosthesis after orbital exenteration, for squamous cell carcinoma of the upper eyelid. The orbital prosthesis was sufficiently retained by hard and soft tissue undercuts without any complications. The patients using the prosthesis are quite satisfied with the cosmetic results and felt comfortable attending the social events.


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    Andrej Kansky


    Full Text Available Background. Orbit is involved in 40% of all facial fractures. There is considerable variety in severity, ranging from simple nondisplaced to complex comminuted fractures. Complex comminuted fractures (up to 20% are responsible for the majority of complications and unfavorable results. Orbital fractures are classified as internal orbital fractures, zygomatico-orbital fractures, naso-orbito-ethmoidal fractures and combined fractures. The ophtalmic sequelae of midfacial fractures are usually edema and ecchymosis of the soft tissues, subconjuctival hemorrhage, diplopia, iritis, retinal edema, ptosis, enophthalmos, ocular muscle paresis, mechanical restriction of ocular movement and nasolacrimal disturbances. More severe injuries such as optic nerve trauma and retinal detachments have also been reported. Within the wide range of orbital fractures small group of complex fractures causes most of the sequelae. Therefore identification of severe injuries and adequate treatment is of major importance. The introduction of craniofacial techniques made possible a wide exposure even of large orbital wall defects and their reconstruction by bone grafts. In spite of significant progress, repair of complex orbital wall defects remains a problem even for the experienced surgeons.Results. In 1999 121 facial injuries were treated at our department (Clinical Centre Ljubljana Dept. Of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery. Orbit was involved in 65% of cases. Isolated inner orbital fractures presented 4% of all fractures. 17 (14% complex cases were treated, 5 of them being NOE, 5 orbital (frame and inner walls, 3 zygomatico-orbital, 2 FNO and 2 maxillo-orbital fractures.Conclusions. Final result of the surgical treatment depends on severity of maxillofacial trauma. Complex comminuted fractures are responsable for most of the unfavorable results and ocular function is often permanently damaged (up to 75% in these fractures.

  1. Orbital


    Yourshaw, Matthew Stephen


    Orbital is a virtual reality gaming experience designed to explore the use of traditional narrative structure to enhance immersion in virtual reality. The story structure of Orbital was developed based on the developmental steps of 'The Hero's Journey,' a narrative pattern identified by Joseph Campbell. Using this standard narrative pattern, Orbital is capable of immersing the player quickly and completely for the entirety of play time. MFA

  2. Orbit Functions

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    Anatoliy Klimyk


    Full Text Available In the paper, properties of orbit functions are reviewed and further developed. Orbit functions on the Euclidean space E_n are symmetrized exponential functions. The symmetrization is fulfilled by a Weyl group corresponding to a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram. Properties of such functions will be described. An orbit function is the contribution to an irreducible character of a compact semisimple Lie group G of rank n from one of its Weyl group orbits. It is shown that values of orbit functions are repeated on copies of the fundamental domain F of the affine Weyl group (determined by the initial Weyl group in the entire Euclidean space E_n. Orbit functions are solutions of the corresponding Laplace equation in E_n, satisfying the Neumann condition on the boundary of F. Orbit functions determine a symmetrized Fourier transform and a transform on a finite set of points.

  3. Neurofibroma orbitário isolado e endotropia: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Isolated orbital neurofibroma: case report and literature review

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    Christine Mae Morello Abbud


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso de neurofibroma orbitário, isolado, associado à endotropia do olho esquerdo, incomitante, de aparecimento lento e progressivo há 5 anos, sem referência à diplopia. O exame da sensorialidade mostrava acuidade visual normal em ambos os olhos e ausência de diplopia devido à supressão alternante. Exames de imagem da órbita (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética revelaram lesão alongada intracônica junto ao músculo reto lateral esquerdo. A paciente foi submetida à orbitotomia para exérese de massa intra-orbitária, sem procedimento específico para a correção do estrabismo, deixada para uma segunda oportunidade. Após a cirurgia, houve diminuição do ângulo do desvio, com manutenção do quadro supressivo.The authors report a case of a patient who presented with a slowly progressive expanding isolated orbital neurofibroma for 5 years, associated with incomitant endotropia of the left eye, without complaint of diplopia. Sensorial examination showed a normal visual acuity in both eyes and suppression of one eye. Orbital imaging (computed tomography and magnetic ressonance depicted an elongated intraconal lesion adjacent to the left lateral muscle. The patient was submitted to an orbitotomy for the removal of the lesion. After surgery, the eye deviation decreased without changes in the suppression pattern.

  4. Reference Gene Selection in the Desert Plant <em>Eremosparton songoricuem>m>

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    Dao-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available <em>Eremosparton songoricum em>(Litv. Vass. (<em>E. songoricumem> is a rare and extremely drought-tolerant desert plant that holds promise as a model organism for the identification of genes associated with water deficit stress. Here, we cloned and evaluated the expression of eight candidate reference genes using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions. The expression of these candidate reference genes was analyzed in a diverse set of 20 samples including various <em>E. songoricumem> plant tissues exposed to multiple environmental stresses. GeNorm analysis indicated that expression stability varied between the reference genes in the different experimental conditions, but the two most stable reference genes were sufficient for normalization in most conditions.<em> EsEFem> and <em>Esα-TUB> were sufficient for various stress conditions, <em>EsEF> and <em>EsACT> were suitable for samples of differing germination stages, and <em>EsGAPDH>and <em>Es>UBQ em>were most stable across multiple adult tissue samples. The <em>Es18Sem> gene was unsuitable as a reference gene in our analysis. In addition, the expression level of the drought-stress related transcription factor <em>EsDREB2em>> em>verified the utility of<em> E. songoricumem> reference genes and indicated that no single gene was adequate for normalization on its own. This is the first systematic report on the selection of reference genes in <em>E. songoricumem>, and these data will facilitate future work on gene expression in this species.

  5. ERS orbit control (United States)

    Rosengren, Mats


    The European remote sensing mission orbit control is addressed. For the commissioning phase, the orbit is defined by the following requirements: Sun synchronous, local time of descending node 10:30; three days repeat cycle with 43 orbital revolutions; overhead Venice tower (12.508206 deg east, 45.314222 deg north). The launch, maneuvers for the initial acquisition of the operational orbit, orbit maintenance maneuvers, evaluation of the orbit control, and the drift of the inclination are summarized.

  6. Teleoperación de un vehículo remoto en un medio de acceso inalámbrico mediante el uso de una interfaz háptica Remote vehicle teleoperation through a haptic interface

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    Arys Carrasquilla Batista


    Full Text Available La teleoperación permite que el ser humano pueda llevar a cabo ciertas tareas en lugares muy lejanos, de difícil acceso o de condiciones hostiles para la presencia de un operador. Con este proyecto se logró teleoperar un vehículo remoto por medio del protocolo de comunicación Bluetooth, para lo cual se adaptó una interfaz háptica (Novint Falcon. Desde la interfaz, el operador puede enviar la consigna de movimiento y, además, obtener sensaciones conforme a la información de los sensores incluidos al sistema. Como vehículo remoto se utilizó un Lego Mindstorms con capacidad de comunicación Bluetooth, al cual se incorporó un sensor de contacto y otro de ultrasonido con el fin de percibir en la interfaz háptica la retroalimentación de fuerzas. A una computadora estándar se le dio capacidad de comunicación Bluetooth por medio de un adaptador USB, desde la cual se ejecuta un programa creado en C++ para controlar las acciones de la interfaz háptica, enviar los comandos de movimiento al vehículo y recibir la información de los sensores, la cual reproduce sensaciones al operador.Teleoperation allows human beings to carry out certain tasks in places far away, inaccessible or with hostile conditions for the presence of an operator. In this project a remote vehicle is teleoperated using a bluetooth wireless connection, to accomplish this an haptic interface (Novint Falcon was used. The operator can give movement instructions to the vehicle and obtain sensations, according to the information received from the sensors connected to the system. The remote vehicle was a Lego Mindstorms with bluetooth communication capabilities, a touch sensor and ultrasonic sensor were included in order to perceive reflection of forces through the haptic interface. A USB adapter for bluetooth communication was added to a standard computer; a program in C++ is executed over this computer to control the haptic interface, send movement commands to the vehicle and

  7. A Typical Presentation of Orbital Pseudotumor Mimicking Orbital Cellulitis

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    J. Ayatollahi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Orbital pseudotumor, also known as idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome (IOIS, is a benign, non- infective inflammatory condition of the orbit without identifiable local or systemic causes. The disease may mimics a variety of pathologic conditions. We pre-sent a case of pseudotumor observed in a patient admitted under the name of orbital celluli-ties. Case Report: A 26-year-old woman reffered to our hospital with the history of left ocular pain and headache 2 days before her visit.. Ophthalmological examination of the patient was normal except for the redness and lid edema, mild chemosis and conjunctival injection. Gen-eral assessment was normal but a low grade fever was observed. She was hospitalized as an orbital cellulitis patient. She was treated with intravenous antibiotics. On the third day , sud-denly diplopia, proptosis in her left eye and ocular pain in her right side appeared. MRI re-vealed bilateral enlargement of extraocular muscles. Diagnosis of orbital pseudotumor was made and the patient was treated with oral steroid.She responded promptly to the treatment. Antibiotics were discontinued and steroid was tapered in one month period under close fol-low up. Conclusion: The clinical features of orbital pseudotumor vary widely . Orbital pseudotumor and orbital cellulitis can occasionally demonstrate overlapping features.. Despite complete physical examination and appropriate imaging, sometimes correct diagnosis of the disease would be difficult (Sci J Hamadan Univ Med Sci 2013; 20 (3:256-259

  8. Transit-Time Damping, Landau Damping, and Perturbed Orbits (United States)

    Simon, A.; Short, R. W.


    Transit-time damping(G.J. Morales and Y.C. Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33), 1534 (1974).*^,*(P.A. Robinson, Phys. Fluids B 3), 545 (1991).** has traditionally been obtained by calculating the net energy gain of transiting electrons, of velocity v, to order E^2* in the amplitude of a localized electric field. This necessarily requires inclusion of the perturbed orbits in the equation of motion. A similar method has been used by others(D.R. Nicholson, Introduction to Plasma Theory) (Wiley, 1983).*^,*(E.M. Lifshitz and L.P. Pitaevskifi, Physical Kinetics) (Pergamon, 1981).** to obtain a ``physical'' picture of Landau damping in a nonlocalized field. The use of perturbed orbits seems odd since the original derivation of Landau (and that of Dawson) never went beyond a linear picture of the dynamics. We introduce a novel method that takes advantage of the time-reversal invariance of the Vlasov equation and requires only the unperturbed orbits to obtain the result. Obviously, there is much reduction in complexity. Application to finite slab geometry yields a simple expression for the damping rate. Equivalence to much more complicated results^2* is demonstrated. This method allows us to calculate damping in more complicated geometries and more complex electric fields, such as occur in SRS in filaments. See accompanying talk.(R.W. Short and A. Simon, this conference.) This work was supported by the U.S. DOE Office of Inertial Confinement Fusion under Co-op Agreement No. DE-FC03-92SF19460.

  9. Deadly Sunflower Orbits (United States)

    Hamilton, Douglas P.


    Solar radiation pressure is usually very effective at removing hazardous millimeter-sized debris from distant orbits around asteroidsand other small solar system bodies (Hamilton and Burns 1992). Theprimary loss mechanism, driven by the azimuthal component of radiationpressure, is eccentricity growth followed by a forced collision withthe central body. One large class of orbits, however, neatly sidestepsthis fate. Orbits oriented nearly perpendicular to the solar directioncan maintain their face-on geometry, oscillating slowly around a stableequilibrium orbit. These orbits, designated sunflower orbits, arerelated to terminator orbits studied by spacecraft mission designers(Broschart etal. 2014).Destabilization of sunflower orbits occurs only for particles smallenough that radiation pressure is some tens of percent the strength ofthe central body's direct gravity. This greatly enhanced stability,which follows from the inability of radiation incident normal to theorbit to efficiently drive eccentricities, presents a threat tospacecraft missions, as numerous dangerous projectiles are potentiallyretained in orbit. We have investigated sunflower orbits insupport of the New Horizons, Aida, and Lucy missions and find thatthese orbits are stable for hazardous particle sizes at asteroids,comets, and Kuiper belt objects of differing dimensions. Weinvestigate the sources and sinks for debris that might populate suchorbits, estimate timescales and equilibrium populations, and willreport on our findings.

  10. Orbits

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Guochang


    This is the first book of the satellite era which describes orbit theory with analytical solutions of the second order with respect to all possible disturbances. Based on such theory, the algorithms of orbits determination are completely revolutionized.

  11. Rotating-bed reactor as a power source for EM gun applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Powell, J.; Botts, T.; Stickley, C.M.; Meth, S.


    Electromagnetic gun applications of the Rotating Bed Reactor (RBR) are examined. The RBR is a compact (approx. 1 m/sup 3/), (up to several thousand MW(th)), high-power reactor concept, capable of producing a high-temperature (up to approx. 300/sup 0/K) gas stream with a MHD generator coupled to it, the RBR can generate electric power (up to approx. 1000 MW(e)) in the pulsed or cw modes. Three EM gun applications are investigated: a rail gun thruster for orbit transfer, a rapid-fire EM gun for point defense, and a direct ground-to-space launch. The RBR appears suitable for all applications.

  12. Rotating-bed reactor as a power source for EM gun applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, J.; Botts, T.; Stickley, C.M.; Meth, S.


    Electromagnetic gun applications of the Rotating Bed Reactor (RBR) are examined. The RBR is a compact (approx. 1 m 3 ), (up to several thousand MW(th)), high-power reactor concept, capable of producing a high-temperature (up to approx. 300 0 K) gas stream with a MHD generator coupled to it, the RBR can generate electric power (up to approx. 1000 MW(e)) in the pulsed or cw modes. Three EM gun applications are investigated: a rail gun thruster for orbit transfer, a rapid-fire EM gun for point defense, and a direct ground-to-space launch. The RBR appears suitable for all applications

  13. Orbital Chondroma: A rare mesenchymal tumor of orbit

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    Ruchi S Kabra


    Full Text Available While relatively common in the skeletal system, cartilaginous tumors are rarely seen originating from the orbit. Here, we report a rare case of an orbital chondroma. A 27-year-old male patient presented with a painless hard mass in the superonasal quadrant (SNQ of left orbit since 3 months. On examination, best-corrected visual acuity of both eyes was 20/20, with normal anterior and posterior segment with full movements of eyeballs and normal intraocular pressure. Computerized tomography scan revealed well defined soft tissue density lesion in SNQ of left orbit. Patient was operated for anteromedial orbitotomy under general anesthesia. Mass was excised intact and sent for histopathological examination (HPE. HPE report showed lobular aggregates of benign cartilaginous cells with mild atypia suggesting of benign cartilaginous tumor - chondroma. Very few cases of orbital chondroma have been reported in literature so far.

  14. A specimen of <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> in Barn Owl's pellets from Murge plateau (Apulia, Italy / Su di un <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> (Insectivora, Soricidae rinvenuto in borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge (Puglia, Italia

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    Giovanni Ferrara


    Full Text Available Abstract In a lot of Barn Owl's pellets from the Murge plateau a specimen of <em>Sorex> sp. was detected. Thank to some morphological and morphometrical features, the cranial bones can be tentatively attributed to <em>Sorex samniticusem> Altobello, 1926. The genus <em>Sorex> was not yet included in the Apulia's fauna southwards of the Gargano district; the origin and significance of the above record is briefly discussed, the actual presence of a natural population of <em>Sorex> in the Murge being not yet proved. Riassunto Viene segnalato il rinvenimento di un esemplare di <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> da borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge. Poiché il genere non era stato ancora segnalato nella Puglia a sud del Gargano, viene discusso il significato faunistico del reperto.

  15. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


    Full Text Available

    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  16. Estudo experimental da biocompatibilidade de novo material para implante orbitário

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    Rodrigo Beraldi Kormann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Avaliar a biocompatibilidade de material FullCure 720®, que é uma resina, na confecção de implante orbitário. Avaliou-se a resposta clínica dos animais, toxicidade sistêmica e a resposta inflamatória crônica. Os animais foram pesados, exames bioquímicos e resposta inflamatória foram avaliados. Foi efetuada evisceração e colocado implante esférico orbitário. Os animais foram acompanhados durante o período de 60 dias, onde se avaliou o comportamento clínico e sinais locais. Após este período, procedeu-se a eutanásia seguida da enucleação. Foi realizada análise macroscópica e histomorfométrica. Os resultados revelaram comportamento normal dos animais, com ausência de exposição ou extrusão dos implantes, morte de algum animal e ausência de toxicidade sistêmica. Houve formação de uma cápsula fibrosa entre a capa escleral e o implante orbitário, resposta inflamatória considerada normal quando em contato com o tecido do coelho. A resina FullCure 720® utilizada como implante orbitário, mostrou-se biocompatível neste estudo.

  17. Rapid Development of Microsatellite Markers with 454 Pyrosequencing in a Vulnerable Fish<em>,> the Mottled Skate<em>, Raja em>pulchra>

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    Jung-Ha Kang


    Full Text Available The mottled skate, <em>Raja pulchraem>, is an economically valuable fish. However, due to a severe population decline, it is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To analyze its genetic structure and diversity, microsatellite markers were developed using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 17,033 reads containing dinucleotide microsatellite repeat units (mean, 487 base pairs were identified from 453,549 reads. Among 32 loci containing more than nine repeat units, 20 primer sets (62% produced strong PCR products, of which 14 were polymorphic. In an analysis of 60 individuals from two <em>R. pulchra em>populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1–10, and the mean allelic richness was 4.7. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any pair of loci, indicating that the markers were independent. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test showed significant deviation in two of the 28 single-loci after sequential Bonferroni’s correction. Using 11 primer sets, cross-species amplification was demonstrated in nine related species from four families within two classes. Among the 11 loci amplified from three other <em>Rajidae> family species; three loci were polymorphic. A monomorphic locus was amplified in all three <em>Rajidae> family species and the <em>Dasyatidae> family. Two <em>Rajidae> polymorphic loci amplified monomorphic target DNAs in four species belonging to the Carcharhiniformes class, and another was polymorphic in two Carcharhiniformes species.

  18. Local orbitals by minimizing powers of the orbital variance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jansik, Branislav; Høst, Stinne; Kristensen, Kasper


    's correlation consistent basis sets, it is seen that for larger penalties, the virtual orbitals become more local than the occupied ones. We also show that the local virtual HF orbitals are significantly more local than the redundant projected atomic orbitals, which often have been used to span the virtual...

  19. Projeto de arquitetura - proteção contra incêndio em elementos estruturais de aço


    Cleide Cedeni Andrade; João Carlos Souza


    O desenvolvimento da humanidade, desde os mais remotos tempos, foi e continua sendo submetido a constantes desafios, testando sua capacidade de sobrevivência. Acontecimentos desastrosos causados por incêndios ao longo da história propiciaram a criação de mecanismos legais, impulsionados pela necessidade de construir ambientes seguros. Mostrou-se, a importância do arquiteto, profissional responsável pelo projeto de arquitetura e pelo gerenciamento dos projetos complementares, conheça os sistem...

  20. A New Natural Lactone from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. Seeds

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    Zhongjun Li


    Full Text Available A new natural product named longanlactone was isolated from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. seeds. Its structure was determined as 3-(2-acetyl-1<em>H>-pyrrol-1-yl-5-(prop-2-yn-1-yldihydrofuran-2(3H-one by spectroscopic methods and HRESIMS.

  1. Análise ambiental de fragmentos florestais em assentamentos rurais

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    Stela Maris Alves ASCENÇO


    Full Text Available O processo de Reforma Agrária constitui-se em um agente transformador e ao mesmo tempo criador de espaços diferenciados, já que está associado às formas de apropriação e exploração da superfície terrestre. Dessa forma, os assentamentos rurais, produtos desse processo de transformação, tornam-se objetos de estudos da Geografia. Por causa das rápidas e inevitáveis transformações no uso da terra ocorridas nos assentamentos, que conduzem à fragmentação e até à supressão da vegetação natural, o objetivo da presente pesquisa consistiu em identificar e caracterizar ambientalmente os fragmentos florestais de ocorrência natural em áreas de assentamentos rurais, mais especificamente no Projeto de Assentamento Ireno Alves dos Santos, situado nos Municípios de Rio Bonito do Iguaçu e Nova Laranjeiras - PR, no período de 1996 a 2002; tais fragmentos são remanescentes da Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, cuja manutenção tornou-se bastante delicada, uma vez que deixaram de fazer parte de uma área florestada maior e passaram a ficar “ilhadas”, cercadas por áreas agrícolas, desencadeando diversas alterações ambientais (efeitos de borda. O objetivo proposto foi atendido mediante a aplicação de metodologia para a identificação e manejo de fragmentos de áreas naturais proposta por PIRES et al. (1998. As tarefas necessárias ao desenvolvimento da metodologia foram operacionalizadas a partir de técnicas de Geoprocessamento e Sensoriamento Remoto, que permitiram a elaboração de mapas temáticos digitais representando a evolução da fragmentação florestal; ao final, foi gerado o mapasíntese da espacialização dos fragmentos florestais. Algumas hipóteses procuraram explicar as causas para as alterações verificadas ao longo dos anos na área do assentamento, tais como: a instalação da empresa madeireira proprietária da área; a construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Salto Santiago; a

  2. Purification, Characterization and Antioxidant Activities <em>in Vitroem>> em>and <em>in Vivoem> of the Polysaccharides from <em>Boletus edulisem> Bull

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    Yijun Fan


    Full Text Available A water-soluble polysaccharide (BEBP was extracted from <em>Boletus edulis em>Bull using hot water extraction followed by ethanol precipitation. The polysaccharide BEBP was further purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column, giving three major polysaccharide fractions termed BEBP-1, BEBP-2 and BEBP-3. In the next experiment, the average molecular weight (Mw, IR and monosaccharide compositional analysis of the three polysaccharide fractions were determined. The evaluation of antioxidant activities both <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivo em>suggested that BEBP-3 had good potential antioxidant activity, and should be explored as a novel potential antioxidant.

  3. <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> in red foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and badgers (<em>Meles melesem> from Central and Northern Italy

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    Marta Magi


    Full Text Available Abstract During 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, 189 foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and 6 badgers (<em>Meles melesem> were collected in different areas of Central Northern Italy (Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany and examined for <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> infection. The prevalence of the infection was significantly different in the areas considered, with the highest values in the district of Imperia (80%, Liguria and in Montezemolo (70%, southern Piedmont; the prevalence in Tuscany was 7%. One badger collected in the area of Imperia turned out to be infected, representing the first report of the parasite in this species in Italy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role played by fox populations as reservoirs of infection and the probability of its spreading to domestic dogs.
    Riassunto <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> nella volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e nel tasso (<em>Meles melesem> in Italia centro-settentrionale. Nel 2004-2005 e 2007-2008, 189 volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e 6 tassi (<em>Meles melesem> provenienti da differenti aree dell'Italia settentrionale e centrale (Piemonte, Liguria Toscana, sono stati esaminati per la ricerca di <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem>. La prevalenza del nematode è risultata significativamente diversa nelle varie zone, con valori elevati nelle zone di Imperia (80% e di Montezemolo (70%, provincia di Cuneo; la prevalenza in Toscana è risultata del 7%. Un tasso proveniente dall'area di Imperia è risultato positivo per A. vasorum; questa è la prima segnalazione del parassita in tale specie in Italia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per valutare il potenziale della volpe come serbatoio e la possibilità di diffusione della parassitosi ai cani domestici.


  4. Assessment of Genetic Fidelity in <em>Rauvolfia em>s>erpentina em>Plantlets Grown from Synthetic (Encapsulated Seeds Following <em>in Vitroem> Storage at 4 °C

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    Mohammad Anis


    Full Text Available An efficient method was developed for plant regeneration and establishment from alginate encapsulated synthetic seeds of <em>Rauvolfia serpentinaem>. Synthetic seeds were produced using <em>in vitroem> proliferated microshoots upon complexation of 3% sodium alginate prepared in Llyod and McCown woody plant medium (WPM and 100 mM calcium chloride. Re-growth ability of encapsulated nodal segments was evaluated after storage at 4 °C for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and compared with non-encapsulated buds. Effects of different media <em>viz>; Murashige and Skoog medium; Lloyd and McCown woody Plant medium, Gamborg’s B5 medium and Schenk and Hildebrandt medium was also investigated for conversion into plantlets. The maximum frequency of conversion into plantlets from encapsulated nodal segments stored at 4 °C for 4 weeks was achieved on woody plant medium supplement with 5.0 μM BA and 1.0 μM NAA. Rooting in plantlets was achieved in half-strength Murashige and Skoog liquid medium containing 0.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA on filter paper bridges. Plantlets obtained from stored synseeds were hardened, established successfully <em>ex vitroem> and were morphologically similar to each other as well as their mother plant. The genetic fidelity of <em>Rauvolfia em>clones raised from synthetic seeds following four weeks of storage at 4 °C were assessed by using random amplified polymorphic<em> em>DNA (RAPD and inter-simple sequence repeat<em> em>(ISSR markers. All the RAPD and ISSR profiles from generated plantlets were monomorphic and comparable<em> em>to the mother plant, which confirms the genetic<em> em>stability among the clones. This synseed protocol could be useful for establishing a particular system for conservation, short-term storage and production of genetically identical and stable plants before it is released for commercial purposes.

  5. Orbital Dynamics of Low-Earth Orbit Laser-Propelled Space Vehicles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamakawa, Hiroshi; Funaki, Ikkoh; Komurasaki, Kimiya


    Trajectories applicable to laser-propelled space vehicles with a laser station in low-Earth orbit are investigated. Laser vehicles are initially located in the vicinity of the Earth-orbiting laser station in low-earth orbit at an altitude of several hundreds kilometers, and are accelerated by laser beaming from the laser station. The laser-propelled vehicles start from low-earth orbit and finally escape from the Earth gravity well, enabling interplanetary trajectories and planetary exploration

  6. Sulla presenza di <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, <em>Neomys anomalusem> (Insectivora, Soricidae e <em>Talpa caecaem> (Insectivora, Talpidae in Umbria

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    A.M. Paci


    Full Text Available Lo scopo del contributo è di fornire un aggiornamento sulla presenza del Toporagno del Vallese <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, del Toporagno acquatico di Miller <em>Neomys anomalusem> e della Talpa cieca <em>Talpa caecaem> in Umbria, dove le specie risultano accertate ormai da qualche anno. A tal fine sono stati rivisitati i reperti collezionati e la bibliografia conosciuta. Toporagno del Vallese: elevato di recente a livello di specie da Brünner et al. (2002, altrimenti considerato sottospecie del Toporagno comune (<em>S. araneus antinoriiem>. È conservato uno di tre crani incompleti (mancano mandibole ed incisivi superiori al momento prudenzialmente riferiti a <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>antinorii>, provenienti dall?Appennino umbro-marchigiano settentrionale (dintorni di Scalocchio - PG, 590 m. s.l.m. e determinati sulla base della pigmentazione rossa degli ipoconi del M1 e M2; Toporagno acquatico di Miller: tre crani (Breda in Paci e Romano op. cit. e un esemplare intero (Paci, ined. sono stati trovati a pochi chilometri di distanza gli uni dall?altro tra i comuni di Assisi e Valfabbrica, in ambienti mediocollinari limitrofi al Parco Regionale del M.te Subasio (Perugia. In provincia di Terni la specie viene segnalata da Isotti (op. cit. per i dintorni di Orvieto. Talpa cieca: sono noti una femmina e un maschio raccolti nel comune di Pietralunga (PG, rispettivamente in una conifereta a <em>Pinus nigraem> (m. 630 s.l.m. e nelle vicinanze di un bosco misto collinare a prevalenza di <em>Quercus cerrisem> (m. 640 s.l.m.. Recentemente un terzo individuo è stato rinvenuto nel comune di Sigillo (PG, all?interno del Parco Regionale di M.te Cucco, sul margine di una faggeta a 1100 m s.l.m. In entrambi i casi l?areale della specie è risultato parapatrico con quello di <em>Talpa europaeaem>.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    was done without contrast and 3mm/5mm/10mm slices were obtained to cover the orbit, skull base and brain. The findings included a soft tissue mass arising from the orbit. The left eye ball was extra orbital. There was no defect .... love's Short Practice of Surgery. 7 Edition,. Levis London, 1997; 45-64. 2. Orbital tumor Part 1, ...

  8. Four Novel Cellulose Synthase (CESA Genes from <em>Birch> (<em>Betula platyphylla em>Suk. Involved in Primary and Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis

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    Xuemei Liu


    Full Text Available Cellulose synthase (CESA, which is an essential catalyst for the generation of plant cell wall biomass, is mainly encoded by the <em>CesA> gene family that contains ten or more members. In this study; four full-length cDNAs encoding CESA were isolated from<em> Betula platyphyllaem> Suk., which is an important timber species, using RT-PCR combined with the RACE method and were named as <em>BplCesA3em>, <em>−4em>,> −7 em>and> −8em>. These deduced CESAs contained the same typical domains and regions as their <em>Arabidopsis> homologs. The cDNA lengths differed among these four genes, as did the locations of the various protein domains inferred from the deduced amino acid sequences, which shared amino acid sequence identities ranging from only 63.8% to 70.5%. Real-time RT-PCR showed that all four <em>BplCesAs> were expressed at different levels in diverse tissues. Results indicated that BplCESA8 might be involved in secondary cell wall biosynthesis and floral development. BplCESA3 appeared in a unique expression pattern and was possibly involved in primary cell wall biosynthesis and seed development; it might also be related to the homogalacturonan synthesis. BplCESA7 and BplCESA4 may be related to the formation of a cellulose synthase complex and participate mainly in secondary cell wall biosynthesis. The extremely low expression abundance of the four BplCESAs in mature pollen suggested very little involvement of them in mature pollen formation in <em>Betula>. The distinct expression pattern of the four <em>BplCesAs> suggested they might participate in developments of various tissues and that they are possibly controlled by distinct mechanisms in <em>Betula.>

  9. Microsatellite Loci in the Gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatum em>(Brassicaceae, and Transferability to Other <em>Lepidieae>

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    José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues


    Full Text Available Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Ibero-North African, strict gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatumem> to unravel the effects of habitat fragmentation in levels of genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow among its populations. Using 454 pyrosequencing 12 microsatellite loci including di- and tri-nucleotide repeats were characterized in <em>L. subulatumem>. They amplified a total of 80 alleles (2–12 alleles per locus in a sample of 35 individuals of <em>L. subulatumem>, showing relatively high levels of genetic diversity, <em>H>O = 0.645, <em>H>E = 0.627. Cross-species transferability of all 12 loci was successful for the Iberian endemics <em>Lepidium cardaminesem>, <em>Lepidium stylatumem>, and the widespread, <em>Lepidium graminifoliumem> and one species each of two related genera, <em>Cardaria drabaem> and <em>Coronopus didymusem>. These microsatellite primers will be useful to investigate genetic diversity, population structure and to address conservation genetics in species of <em>Lepidium>.

  10. Teratoma cístico da órbita: estudo clínico patológico: relato de caso Cystic orbital teratoma: clinicopathologic study: case report

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    Iluska Fagundes Andrade


    Full Text Available Apresentamos um caso de tumor orbitário congênito de grande tamanho, ocorrendo em criança recém-nascida. A paciente foi submetida a exenteração da órbita e o diagnóstico anatomopatológico foi de teratoma cístico. Os aspectos clínico-patológicos desta rara doença são comentados.We report on a case of an congenital orbital tumor of impressive size, occurring in a newborn. The patient underwent orbital exenteration with a histopathologic diagnosis of cystic teratoma. The clinicopathological aspects of such a rare disease are commented.

  11. Radiovolumetry of the orbit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abujamra, S.


    The authors present a method called ''Radiovolumetry of the orbit'' that permits the evaluation of the orbital volume from anteroposterior skull X-Rays (CALDWELL 30 0 position). The research was based in the determination of the orbital volume with lead spheres, in 1010 orbits of 505 dry skulls of Anatomy Museums. After the dry skulls was X-rayed six frontal orbital diameters were made, with care to correct the radiographic amplification. PEARSON correlation coeficient test was applied between the mean orbital diameter and the orbital volume. The result was r = 0,8 with P [pt

  12. Constituents from <em>Vigna em>vexillata> and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity

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    Guo-Feng Chen


    Full Text Available The seeds of <em>Vigna em>genus are important food resources and there have already been many reports regarding their bioactivities. In our preliminary bioassay, the chloroform layer of methanol extracts of<em> V. vexillata em>demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory bioactivity. Therefore, the present research is aimed to purify and identify the anti-inflammatory principles of <em>V. vexillataem>. One new sterol (1 and two new isoflavones (2,3 were reported from the natural sources for the first time and their chemical structures were determined by the spectroscopic and mass spectrometric analyses. In addition, 37 known compounds were identified by comparison of their physical and spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature. Among the isolates, daidzein (23, abscisic acid (25, and quercetin (40 displayed the most significant inhibition of superoxide anion generation and elastase release.

  13. Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Luminescent Property of Cd (II Complex with <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine

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    Xishi Tai


    Full Text Available A new trinuclear Cd (II complex [Cd3(L6(2,2-bipyridine3] [L =<em> Nem>-phenylsulfonyl-L>-leucinato] has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. The results show that the complex belongs to the orthorhombic, space group<em> Pem>212121 with<em> aem> = 16.877(3 Å, <em>b> em>= 22.875(5 Å, <em>c em>= 29.495(6 Å, <em>α> em>= <emem>= <emem>= 90°, <em>V> em>= 11387(4 Å3, <em>Z> em>= 4, <em>Dc>= 1.416 μg·m−3, <emem>= 0.737 mm−1, <em>F> em>(000 = 4992, and final <em>R>1 = 0.0390, <em>ωR>2 = 0.0989. The complex comprises two seven-coordinated Cd (II atoms, with a N2O5 distorted pengonal bipyramidal coordination environment and a six-coordinated Cd (II atom, with a N2O4 distorted octahedral coordination environment. The molecules form one dimensional chain structure by the interaction of bridged carboxylato groups, hydrogen bonds and p-p interaction of 2,2-bipyridine. The luminescent properties of the Cd (II complex and <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine in solid and in CH3OH solution also have been investigated.

  14. Orbital wall fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iinuma, Toshitaka; Ishio, Ken-ichirou; Yoshinami, Hiroyoshi; Kuriyama, Jun-ichi; Hirota, Yoshiharu.


    A total of 59 cases of mild facial fractures (simple orbital wall fractures, 34 cases, other facial fractures, 25 cases) with the clinical suspects of orbital wall fractures were evaluated both by conventional views (Waters' and Caldwell views) and coronal CT scans. Conventional views were obtained, as an average, after 4 days and CT after 7 days of injuries. Both the medial wall and the floor were evaluated at two sites, i.e., anterior and posterior. The ethmoid-maxillary plate was also included in the study. The degree of fractures was classified as, no fractures, fractures of discontinuity, dislocation and fragmentation. The coronal CT images in bone window condition was used as reference and the findings were compared between conventional views and CT. The correct diagnosis was obtained as follows: orbital floor (anterior, 78%, posterior, 73%), medial orbital wall (anterior, 72%, posterior, 72%) and ethmoid-maxillary plate (64%). The false positive diagnosis was as follows: orbital floor (anterior only, 13%), medial orbital wall (anterior only, 7%) and ethmoid-maxillary plate (11%). The false negative diagnosis was as follows: orbital floor (anterior, 9%, posterior, 10%), medial orbital wall (anterior, 21%, posterior, 28%) and ethmoid-maxillary plate (21%). The results were compared with those of others in the past. (author)

  15. <em>N>-Substituted 5-Chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-ones: Synthesis, Insecticidal Activity Against <em>Plutella xylostella em>(L. and SAR Study

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    Song Yang


    Full Text Available A series of <em>N>-substituted 5-chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one derivatives were synthesized based on our previous work; all compounds were characterized by spectral data and tested for <em>in vitroem> insecticidal activity against <em>Plutella xylostellaem>. The results showed that the synthesized pyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one compounds possessed good insecticidal activities, especially the compounds 4b, 4d, and 4h which showed > 90% activity at 100 mg/L. The structure-activity relationships (SAR for these compounds were also discussed.

  16. Iterative reconstruction with attenuation compensation from cone-beam projections acquired via nonplanar orbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng, G.L.; Weng, Y.; Gullberg, G.T.


    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging with cone-beam collimators provides improved sensitivity and spatial resolution for imaging small objects with large field-of-view detectors. It is known that Tuy's cone-beam data sufficiency condition must be met to obtain artifact-free reconstructions. Even though Tuy's condition was derived for an attenuation-free situation, the authors hypothesize that an artifact-free reconstruction can be obtained even if the cone-beam data are attenuated, provided the imaging orbit satisfies Tuy's condition and the exact attenuation map is known. In the authors' studies, emission data are acquired using nonplanar circle-and-line orbits to acquire cone-beam data for tomographic reconstructions. An extended iterative ML-EM (maximum likelihood-expectation maximization) reconstruction algorithm is derived and used to reconstruct projection data with either a pre-acquired or assumed attenuation map. Quantitative accuracy of the attenuation corrected emission reconstruction is significantly improved

  17. RCS Diversity of Electromagnetic Wave Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum. (United States)

    Zhang, Chao; Chen, Dong; Jiang, Xuefeng


    An electromagnetic (EM) wave with orbital angular momentum (OAM) has a helical wave front, which is different from that of the plane wave. The phase gradient can be found perpendicular to the direction of propagation and proportional to the number of OAM modes. Herein, we study the backscattering property of the EM wave with different OAM modes, i.e., the radar cross section (RCS) of the target is measured and evaluated with different OAM waves. As indicated by the experimental results, different OAM waves have the same RCS fluctuation for the simple target, e.g., a small metal ball as the target. However, for complicated targets, e.g., two transverse-deployed small metal balls, different RCSs can be identified from the same incident angle. This valuable fact helps to obtain RCS diversity, e.g., equal gain or selective combining of different OAM wave scattering. The majority of the targets are complicated targets or expanded targets; the RCS diversity can be utilized to detect a weak target traditionally measured by the plane wave, which is very helpful for anti-stealth radar to detect the traditional stealth target by increasing the RCS with OAM waves.

  18. Charge-spin-orbital dynamics of one-dimensional two-orbital Hubbard model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Onishi, Hiroaki [Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195 (Japan)


    We study the real-time evolution of a charge-excited state in a one-dimensional e{sub g}-orbital degenerate Hubbard model, by a time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method. Considering a chain along the z direction, electrons hop between adjacent 3z{sup 2}-r{sup 2} orbitals, while x{sup 2}-y{sup 2} orbitals are localized. For the charge-excited state, a holon-doublon pair is introduced into the ground state at quarter filling. At initial time, there is no electron in a holon site, while a pair of electrons occupies 3z{sup 2}-r{sup 2} orbital in a doublon site. As the time evolves, the holon motion is governed by the nearest-neighbor hopping, but the electron pair can transfer between 3z{sup 2}-r{sup 2} orbital and x{sup 2}-y{sup 2} orbital through the pair hopping in addition to the nearest-neighbor hopping. Thus holon and doublon propagate at different speed due to the pair hopping that is characteristic of multi-orbital systems.


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    Guy Hamelin


    Full Text Available Na sua obra, Pedro Abelardo (1079-1142 destaca duas noções metafísicas que fundamentam sua teoria lógica: o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">statusem> e o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">dictum propositionisem>, ao causar, respectivamente, a imposição (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">impositioem> dos termos universais e o valor de verdade das proposições. Trata-se de expressões que se referem a naturezas ontológicas peculiares, na medida em que não são consideradas coisas (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">resem>, mesmo que constituem causas. Todavia, também não são nada. Abelardo as chama de ‘quase coisas’ (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">quasi resem>. No presente artigo, explicamos, primeiro, essas duas noções essenciais da lógica abelardiana, antes de tentar, em seguida, encontrar a fonte dessa metafísica particular. Em oposição a comentadores importantes da lógica de Abelardo, que estimam que haja uma forte influência platônica sobre essa concepção específica, defendemos antes, com apoio de textos significativos e de acordo com o nominalismo abelardiano, que a maior ascendência sobre a metafísica do nosso autor é a do estoicismo, sobretudo, antigo.In his work, Peter Abelard (1079-1142 highlights two metaphysical notions, which sustain his logical theory: the <em>status> and the <em>dictum propositionisem>, causing respectively both the imposition (<em>impositio> of universal terms and the thuth-value of propositions. Both expressions refer to peculiar ontological natures, in so far as they are not considered things (<em>res>, even if they constitute causes. Nevertheless, neither are they ‘nothing’. Abelard calls them ‘quasi-things’ (<em>quasi resem>. In the present article, we expound first these two essential notions of Abelardian logic before then trying to find the source of this particular metaphysics. Contrary to some important

  20. Traumatic orbital CSF leak (United States)

    Borumandi, Farzad


    Compared to the cerebrospinalfluid (CSF) leak through the nose and ear, the orbital CSF leak is a rare and underreported condition following head trauma. We present the case of a 49-year-old woman with oedematous eyelid swelling and ecchymosis after a seemingly trivial fall onto the right orbit. Apart from the above, she was clinically unremarkable. The CT scan revealed a minimally displaced fracture of the orbital roof with no emphysema or intracranial bleeding. The fractured orbital roof in combination with the oedematous eyelid swelling raised the suspicion for orbital CSF leak. The MRI of the neurocranium demonstrated a small-sized CSF fistula extending from the anterior cranial fossa to the right orbit. The patient was treated conservatively and the lid swelling resolved completely after 5 days. Although rare, orbital CSF leak needs to be included in the differential diagnosis of periorbital swelling following orbital trauma. PMID:24323381

  1. Orbitals from local RDMFT: Are they Kohn-Sham or natural orbitals?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theophilou, Iris; Helbig, Nicole; Lathiotakis, Nektarios N.; Gidopoulos, Nikitas I.; Rubio, Angel


    Recently, an approximate theoretical framework was introduced, called local reduced density matrix functional theory (local-RDMFT), where functionals of the one-body reduced density matrix (1-RDM) are minimized under the additional condition that the optimal orbitals satisfy a single electron Schrödinger equation with a local potential. In the present work, we focus on the character of these optimal orbitals. In particular, we compare orbitals obtained by local-RDMFT with those obtained with the full minimization (without the extra condition) by contrasting them against the exact NOs and orbitals from a density functional calculation using the local density approximation (LDA). We find that the orbitals from local-RMDFT are very close to LDA orbitals, contrary to those of the full minimization that resemble the exact NOs. Since local RDMFT preserves the good quality of the description of strong static correlation, this finding opens the way to a mixed density/density matrix scheme, where Kohn-Sham orbitals obtain fractional occupations from a minimization of the occupation numbers using 1-RDM functionals. This will allow for a description of strong correlation at a cost only minimally higher than a density functional calculation

  2. Natural Products from Antarctic Colonial Ascidians of the Genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum>: Variability and Defensive Role

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    Conxita Avila


    Full Text Available Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum> to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species <em>A.> <em>falklandicum>, <em>A.> <em>fuegiense>, <em>A.> <em>meridianum>, <em>A.> <em>millari> and <em>S.> <em>adareanum> were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish <em>Odontaster> <em>validus>, and the amphipod <em>Cheirimedon> <em>femoratus>. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins A–G, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.

  3. Antisymmetric Orbit Functions

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    Anatoliy Klimyk


    Full Text Available In the paper, properties of antisymmetric orbit functions are reviewed and further developed. Antisymmetric orbit functions on the Euclidean space $E_n$ are antisymmetrized exponential functions. Antisymmetrization is fulfilled by a Weyl group, corresponding to a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram. Properties of such functions are described. These functions are closely related to irreducible characters of a compact semisimple Lie group $G$ of rank $n$. Up to a sign, values of antisymmetric orbit functions are repeated on copies of the fundamental domain $F$ of the affine Weyl group (determined by the initial Weyl group in the entire Euclidean space $E_n$. Antisymmetric orbit functions are solutions of the corresponding Laplace equation in $E_n$, vanishing on the boundary of the fundamental domain $F$. Antisymmetric orbit functions determine a so-called antisymmetrized Fourier transform which is closely related to expansions of central functions in characters of irreducible representations of the group $G$. They also determine a transform on a finite set of points of $F$ (the discrete antisymmetric orbit function transform. Symmetric and antisymmetric multivariate exponential, sine and cosine discrete transforms are given.

  4. Tercerização segundo Maquiavel

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    Valter de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O princípio da terceirização já existia mesmo em tempos bem remotos. Na Roma antiga, senhores nobres e grandes latifundiários constituíam os próprios exércitos para protegerem os seus patrimônios. Também os reis, príncipes e imperadores se utilizavam desse expediente para a proteção das polis, as cidades-Estado do período. Cada cidade, portanto, mantinha um exército para garantia da segurança do governante e da soberania do território.

  5. Angles-only relative orbit determination in low earth orbit (United States)

    Ardaens, Jean-Sébastien; Gaias, Gabriella


    The paper provides an overview of the angles-only relative orbit determination activities conducted to support the Autonomous Vision Approach Navigation and Target Identification (AVANTI) experiment. This in-orbit endeavor was carried out by the German Space Operations Center (DLR/GSOC) in autumn 2016 to demonstrate the capability to perform spaceborne autonomous close-proximity operations using solely line-of-sight measurements. The images collected onboard have been reprocessed by an independent on-ground facility for precise relative orbit determination, which served as ultimate instance to monitor the formation safety and to characterize the onboard navigation and control performances. During two months, several rendezvous have been executed, generating a valuable collection of images taken at distances ranging from 50 km to only 50 m. Despite challenging experimental conditions characterized by a poor visibility and strong orbit perturbations, angles-only relative positioning products could be continuously derived throughout the whole experiment timeline, promising accuracy at the meter level during the close approaches. The results presented in the paper are complemented with former angles-only experience gained with the PRISMA satellites to better highlight the specificities induced by different orbits and satellite designs.

  6. Orbital fractures: a review

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    Jeffrey M Joseph


    Full Text Available Jeffrey M Joseph, Ioannis P GlavasDivision of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, New York University, New York, NY, USA; Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, New York, NY, USAAbstract: This review of orbital fractures has three goals: 1 to understand the clinically relevant orbital anatomy with regard to periorbital trauma and orbital fractures, 2 to explain how to assess and examine a patient after periorbital trauma, and 3 to understand the medical and surgical management of orbital fractures. The article aims to summarize the evaluation and management of commonly encountered orbital fractures from the ophthalmologic perspective and to provide an overview for all practicing ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists in training.Keywords: orbit, trauma, fracture, orbital floor, medial wall, zygomatic, zygomatic complex, zmc fracture, zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures 

  7. Fumigant Antifungal Activity of Myrtaceae Essential Oils and Constituents from <em>Leptospermum petersoniiem> against Three <em>Aspergillus> Species

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    Il-Kwon Park


    Full Text Available Commercial plant essential oils obtained from 11 Myrtaceae plant species were tested for their fumigant antifungal activity against <em>Aspergillus ochraceusem>, <em>A. flavusem>, and <em>A. nigerem>. Essential oils extracted from<em> em>Leptospermum> <em>petersonii> at air concentrations of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL and 28 × 10−3 mg/mL completely inhibited the growth of the three <em>Aspergillus> species. However, at an air concentration of 14 × 10−3 mg/mL, inhibition rates of <em>L. petersoniiem> essential oils were reduced to 20.2% and 18.8% in the case of <em>A. flavusem> and <em>A. nigerem>, respectively. The other Myrtaceae essential oils (56 × 10−3 mg/mL only weakly inhibited the fungi or had no detectable affect. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis identified 16 compounds in <em>L. petersoniiem>> em>essential> em>oil.> em>The antifungal activity of the identified compounds was tested individually by using standard or synthesized compounds. Of these, neral and geranial inhibited growth by 100%, at an air concentration of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL, whereas the activity of citronellol was somewhat lover (80%. The other compounds exhibited only moderate or weak antifungal activity. The antifungal activities of blends of constituents identified in <em>L. petersoniiem> oil indicated that neral and geranial were the major contributors to the fumigant and antifungal activities.

  8. The BioSentinel Bioanalytical Microsystem: Characterizing DNA Radiation Damage in Living Organisms Beyond Earth Orbit (United States)

    Ricco, A. J.; Hanel, R.; Bhattacharya, S.; Boone, T.; Tan, M.; Mousavi, A.; Rademacher, A.; Schooley, A.; Klamm, B.; Benton, J.; hide


    We will present details and initial lab test results from an integrated bioanalytical microsystem designed to conduct the first biology experiments beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) since Apollo 17 (1972). The 14-kg, 12x24x37-cm BioSentinel spacecraft (Figure 1) assays radiation-responsive yeast in its science payload by measuring DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) repaired via homologous recombination, a mechanism common to all eukaryotes including humans. S. cerevisiae (brewer's yeast) in 288 microwells are provided with nutrient and optically assayed for growth and metabolism via 3-color absorptimetry monthly during the 18-month mission. BioSentinel is one of several secondary payloads to be deployed by NASA's Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1) launch vehicle into approximately 0.95 AU heliocentric orbit in July 2018; it will communicate with Earth from up to 100 million km.

  9. Clinical Relevance of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-Methylation in Serum of Cervical Cancer Patients

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    Günther K. Bonn


    Full Text Available This study was designed to investigate the DNA-methylation status of <em>E>-cadherin (<em>CDH1em> and <em>H>-cadherin (<em>CDH13em> in serum samples of cervical cancer patients and control patients with no malignant diseases and to evaluate the clinical utility of these markers. DNA-methylation status of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> was analyzed by means of MethyLight-technology in serum samples from 49 cervical cancer patients and 40 patients with diseases other than cancer. To compare this methylation analysis with another technique, we analyzed the samples with a denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC PCR-method. The specificity and sensitivity of <em>CDH1em> DNA-methylation measured by MethyLight was 75% and 55%, and for <em>CDH13em> DNA-methylation 95% and 10%. We identified a specificity of 92.5% and a sensitivity of only 27% for the <em>CDH1em> DHPLC-PCR analysis. Multivariate analysis showed that serum <em>CDH1em> methylation-positive patients had a 7.8-fold risk for death (95% CI: 2.2–27.7; <em>p> = 0.001 and a 92.8-fold risk for relapse (95% CI: 3.9–2207.1; <em>p> = 0.005. We concluded that the serological detection of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-hypermethylation is not an ideal diagnostic tool due to low diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. However, it was validated that <em>CDH1em> methylation analysis in serum samples may be of potential use as a prognostic marker for cervical cancer patients.

  10. Peripheral orbit model

    CERN Document Server

    Hara, Yasuo


    Peripheral orbit model, in which an incoming hadron is assumed to revolve in a peripheral orbit around a target hadron, is discussed. The non-diffractive parts of two-body reaction amplitudes of hadrons are expressed in terms of the radius, width an absorptivity of the orbit. The radius of the orbit is about 1 fm and the width of the orbit is determined by the range of the interaction between the hadrons. The model reproduces all available experimental data on differential cross-sections and polarizations of $K^{-}p\\to K^{-}p$ and $\\bar K^{\\circ}n$ reactions for all angles successfully. This contribution is not included in the proceedings since it will appear in Progress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 51 (1974) No 2. Any person interested in the subject may apply for reprints to the author.

  11. Orbital transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oertel, H. Jr.; Koerner, H.


    The Third Aerospace Symposium in Braunschweig presented, for the first time, the possibility of bringing together the classical disciplines of aerospace engineering and the natural science disciplines of meteorology and air chemistry in a european setting. In this way, aspects of environmental impact on the atmosphere could be examined quantitatively. An essential finding of the european conference, is the unrestricted agreement of the experts that the given launch frequencies of the present orbital transport result in a negligible amount of pollutants being released in the atmosphere. The symposium does, however, call attention to the increasing need to consider the effect of orbital and atmospheric environmental impact of a future increase in launch frequencies of orbital transport in connection with future space stations. The Third Aerospace Symposium, 'Orbital Transport, Technical, Meteorological and Chemical Aspects', constituted a first forum of discussion for engineers and scientists. Questions of new orbital transport technologies and their environmental impact were to be discussed towards a first consensus. Through the 34 reports and articles, the general problems of space transportation and environmental protection were addressed, as well as particular aspects of high temperatures during reentry in the atmosphere of the earth, precision navigation of flight vehicles or flow behavior and air chemistry in the stratosphere. (orig./CT). 342 figs

  12. Orbital apex syndrome associated with fractures of the inferomedial orbital wall

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sugamata A


    Full Text Available Akira SugamataDepartment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center, Tokyo, JapanAbstract: Although trauma is one of the main causes of orbital apex syndrome (OAS, reports of OAS associated with orbital fractures are relatively rare. We recently treated two patients who sustained severe visual impairment with damage to multiple cranial nerves (third to sixth associated with inferomedial orbital wall fractures. In these patients, posterior movement of the globe caused neuropathy of the cranial and optic nerves by posterior globe edema and hemorrhage, or direct impact between the globe and wall, which might then have induced OAS in the cases described in this report. Steroid therapy was unsuccessful for optic neuropathy due to the delay between injury and administration. When treating patients with inferomedial orbital blowout fractures due to globe-to-wall contact, it is necessary to routinely assess and monitor visual acuity since there may be a delay between the injury and OAS onset.Keywords: orbital apex syndrome, orbital fracture, blowout fracture, optic nerve, globe-to-wall contact mechanism

  13. Extraction of Dihydroquercetin<em> em>from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> em>with Ultrasound-Assisted and Microwave-Assisted Alternant Digestion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available An ultrasound and microwave assisted alternant extraction method (UMAE was applied for extracting dihydroquercetin (DHQ from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> wood. This investigation was conducted using 60% ethanol as solvent, 1:12 solid to liquid ratio, and 3 h soaking time. The optimum treatment time was ultrasound 40 min, microwave 20 min, respectively, and the extraction was performed once. Under the optimized conditions, satisfactory extraction yield of the target analyte was obtained. Relative to ultrasound-assisted or microwave-assisted method, the proposed approach provides higher extraction yield. The effect of DHQ of different concentrations and synthetic antioxidants on oxidative stability in soy bean oil stored for 20 days at different temperatures (25 °C and 60 °C was compared. DHQ was more effective in restraining soy bean oil oxidation, and a dose-response relationship was observed. The antioxidant activity of DHQ was a little stronger than that of BHA and BHT. Soy bean oil supplemented with 0.08 mg/g DHQ exhibited favorable antioxidant effects and is preferable for effectively avoiding oxidation. The <em>L. gmeliniiem> wood samples before and after extraction were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the UMAE method is a simple and efficient technique for sample preparation.

  14. How <em>Varroa> Parasitism Affects the Immunological and Nutritional Status of the Honey Bee, <em>Apis melliferaem>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katherine A. Aronstein


    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of the parasitic mite <em>Varroa destructorem> on the immunological and nutritional condition of honey bees, <em>Apis melliferaem>, from the perspective of the individual bee and the colony. Pupae, newly-emerged adults and foraging adults were sampled from honey bee colonies at one site in S. Texas, USA. <em>Varroa>‑infested bees displayed elevated titer of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV, suggestive of depressed capacity to limit viral replication. Expression of genes coding three anti-microbial peptides (<em>defensin1, abaecin, hymenoptaecinem> was either not significantly different between <em>Varroa>-infested and uninfested bees or was significantly elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested bees, varying with sampling date and bee developmental age. The effect of <em>Varroa> on nutritional indices of the bees was complex, with protein, triglyceride, glycogen and sugar levels strongly influenced by life-stage of the bee and individual colony. Protein content was depressed and free amino acid content elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested pupae, suggesting that protein synthesis, and consequently growth, may be limited in these insects. No simple relationship between the values of nutritional and immune-related indices was observed, and colony-scale effects were indicated by the reduced weight of pupae in colonies with high <em>Varroa> abundance, irrespective of whether the individual pupa bore <em>Varroa>.

  15. On the atmospheric drag in orbit determination for low Earth orbit (United States)

    Tang, Jingshi; Liu, Lin; Miao, Manqian


    The atmosphere model is always a major limitation for low Earth orbit (LEO) in orbit prediction and determination. The accelerometer can work around the non-gravitational perturbations in orbit determination, but it helps little to improve the atmosphere model or to predict the orbit. For certain satellites, there may be some specific software to handle the orbit problem. This solution can improve the orbit accuracy for both prediction and determination, yet it always contains empirical terms and is exclusive for certain satellites. This report introduces a simple way to handle the atmosphere drag for LEO, which does not depend on instantaneous atmosphere conditions and improves accuracy of predicted orbit. This approach, which is based on mean atmospheric density, is supported by two reasons. One is that although instantaneous atmospheric density is very complicated with time and height, the major pattern is determined by the exponential variation caused by hydrostatic equilibrium and periodic variation caused by solar radiation. The mean density can include the major variations while neglect other minor details. The other reason is that the predicted orbit is mathematically the result from integral and the really determinant factor is the mean density instead of instantaneous density for every time and spot. Using the mean atmospheric density, which is mainly determined by F10.7 solar flux and geomagnetic index, can be combined into an overall parameter B^{*} = C_{D}(S/m)ρ_{p_{0}}. The combined parameter contains several less accurate parameters and can be corrected during orbit determination. This approach has been confirmed in various LEO computations and an example is given below using Tiangong-1 spacecraft. Precise orbit determination (POD) is done using one-day GPS positioning data without any accurate a-priori knowledge on spacecraft or atmosphere conditions. Using the corrected initial state vector of the spacecraft and the parameter B^* from POD, the

  16. Space station orbit maintenance (United States)

    Kaplan, D. I.; Jones, R. M.


    The orbit maintenance problem is examined for two low-earth-orbiting space station concepts - the large, manned Space Operations Center (SOC) and the smaller, unmanned Science and Applications Space Platform (SASP). Atmospheric drag forces are calculated, and circular orbit altitudes are selected to assure a 90 day decay period in the event of catastrophic propulsion system failure. Several thrusting strategies for orbit maintenance are discussed. Various chemical and electric propulsion systems for orbit maintenance are compared on the basis of propellant resupply requirements, power requirements, Shuttle launch costs, and technology readiness.

  17. Orbit error characteristic and distribution of TLE using CHAMP orbit data (United States)

    Xu, Xiao-li; Xiong, Yong-qing


    Space object orbital covariance data is required for collision risk assessments, but publicly accessible two line element (TLE) data does not provide orbital error information. This paper compared historical TLE data and GPS precision ephemerides of CHAMP to assess TLE orbit accuracy from 2002 to 2008, inclusive. TLE error spatial variations with longitude and latitude were calculated to analyze error characteristics and distribution. The results indicate that TLE orbit data are systematically biased from the limited SGP4 model. The biases can reach the level of kilometers, and the sign and magnitude are correlate significantly with longitude.

  18. An Orbit Propagation Software for Mars Orbiting Spacecraft

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Young-Joo Song


    Full Text Available An orbit propagation software for the Mars orbiting spacecraft has been developed and verified in preparations for the future Korean Mars missions. Dynamic model for Mars orbiting spacecraft has been studied, and Mars centered coordinate systems are utilized to express spacecraft state vectors. Coordinate corrections to the Mars centered coordinate system have been made to adjust the effects caused by Mars precession and nutation. After spacecraft enters Sphere of Influence (SOI of the Mars, the spacecraft experiences various perturbation effects as it approaches to Mars. Every possible perturbation effect is considered during integrations of spacecraft state vectors. The Mars50c gravity field model and the Mars-GRAM 2001 model are used to compute perturbation effects due to Mars gravity field and Mars atmospheric drag, respectively. To compute exact locations of other planets, JPL's DE405 ephemerides are used. Phobos and Deimos's ephemeris are computed using analytical method because their informations are not released with DE405. Mars Global Surveyor's mapping orbital data are used to verify the developed propagator performances. After one Martian day propagation (12 orbital periods, the results show about maximum ±5 meter errors, in every position state components(radial, cross-track and along-track, when compared to these from the Astrogator propagation in the Satellite Tool Kit. This result shows high reliability of the developed software which can be used to design near Mars missions for Korea, in future.

  19. Burn Delay Analysis of the Lunar Orbit Insertion for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (United States)

    Bae, Jonghee; Song, Young-Joo; Kim, Young-Rok; Kim, Bangyeop


    The first Korea lunar orbiter, Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), has been in development since 2016. After launch, the KPLO will execute several maneuvers to enter into the lunar mission orbit, and will then perform lunar science missions for one year. Among these maneuvers, the lunar orbit insertion (LOI) is the most critical maneuver because the KPLO will experience an extreme velocity change in the presence of the Moon’s gravitational pull. However, the lunar orbiter may have a delayed LOI burn during operation due to hardware limitations and telemetry delays. This delayed burn could occur in different captured lunar orbits; in the worst case, the KPLO could fly away from the Moon. Therefore, in this study, the burn delay for the first LOI maneuver is analyzed to successfully enter the desired lunar orbit. Numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the difference between the desired and delayed lunar orbits due to a burn delay in the LOI maneuver. Based on this analysis, critical factors in the LOI maneuver, the periselene altitude and orbit period, are significantly changed and an additional delta-V in the second LOI maneuver is required as the delay burn interval increases to 10 min from the planned maneuver epoch.

  20. Trophic systems and chorology: data from shrews, moles and voles of Italy preyed by the barn owl / Sistemi trofici e corologia: dati su <em>Soricidae>, <em>Talpidae> ed <em>Arvicolidae> d'Italia predati da <em>Tyto albaem> (Scopoli 1769

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Longino Contoli


    Full Text Available Abstract In small Mammals biogeography, available data are up to now by far too scanty for elucidate the distribution of a lot of taxa, especially with regard to the absence from a given area. In this respect, standardized quantitative sampling techniques, like Owl pellets analysis can enable not only to enhance faunistic knowledges, but also to estimate the actual absence probability of a given taxon "m", lacking from the diet of an individual raptor. For the last purpose, the relevant frequencies of "m" in the other ecologically similar sites of the same raptor species diets are averaged ($f_m$ : the relevant standard error (multiplicated by a coefficient, according to the desired degree of accuracy, in relation of the integral of probabilities subtracted ($overline{F}_m - a E$: then, the probability that a single specimen is not pertaining to "m" is obtained ($P_0 = 1 - F_m + a E$; lastly, the desiderate accuracy probability ($P_d$ is chosen. Now, "$N_d$" (the number of individuals of all prey species in a single site needed for obtain, with the desired probability, a specimen at least of "m" is obtained through $$N = frac{ln P_d}{ln P_0}$$ Obviously, every site-diet with more than "N" preyed individuals and without any "i" specimen is considered to be lacking of such taxon. A "usefulness index" for the above purposes is outlined and checked about three raptors. Some exanples about usefulness of the Owl pellet analysis method in biogeography are given, concerning <em>Tyto albaem> diets in peninsular Italy about: - <em>Sorex minutusem>, lacking in some quite insulated areas; - <em>Sorex araneusem> (sensu stricto, after GRAF et al., 1979, present also in lowland areas in Emilia-Romagna; - <em>Crocidura suaveolensem> and - <em>Suncus etruscusem>, present also in the southermost part of Calabria (Reggio province; - <em>Talpa caecaem>, present also in the Antiapennines of Latium (Cimini mounts; - <em>Talpa romanaem

  1. GLONASS Orbits in Teqc: Methodology and Future Extension for Using SP3 Orbits (United States)

    Estey, L.; Wier, S.


    UNAVCO's teqc software package provides translation of a wide variety of GNSS receiver formats, metadata editing (either during translation to RINEX or on existing RINEX files), time-windowing and epoch decimation editing, and quality check (qc) analysis. Teqc is used extensively in GNSS pre-processing, and is designed to handle mixed satellite constellations, such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and SBAS. The latest release of teqc adds GLONASS orbit calculations using GLONASS broadcast navigation messages, read from RINEX file format, during qc. The ephemerides for each GLONASS SV have time and orbit position in Earth-centered, Earth-fixed x, y, and z coordinates. Following Schenewerk [2003], we use trigonometric interpolation, essentially a fit of a partial sum of the Fourier series for each time-varying cartesian orbital component, allowing estimates of orbit positions at most GLONASS observation times. Tests show the interpolated GLONASS orbits made from the broadcast messages diverge from final orbits little more than the same differences using GPS orbits computed from their broadcast messages. Since GLONASS ephemerides do not use Keplerian orbital elements, GLONASS SV orbits can only be interpolated using this method for time intervals when an adequate sequence of ephemerides are available. For typical daily navigation messages collected at a single sit, when a GLONASS SV is in view less than three hours, that SV's signals are generally not used by teqc due to less precise orbit positions. Teqc quality control including SV position can now use GPS alone, GLONASS alone, or the joint solution. Future work will extend teqc to use SP3 format files, such as the IGS final orbit files, and SBAS data, which have broadcast ephemerides with elements similar to GLONASS.

  2. Nontraumatic orbital roof encephalocele. (United States)

    Hoang, Amber; Maugans, Todd; Ngo, Thang; Ikeda, Jamie


    Intraorbital meningoencephaloceles occur most commonly as a complication of traumatic orbital roof fractures. Nontraumatic congenital orbital meningoncephaloceles are very rare, with most secondary to destructive processes affecting the orbit and primary skull defects. Treatment for intraorbital meningoencephaloceles is surgical repair, involving the excision of herniated brain parenchyma and meninges and reconstruction of the osseous defect. Most congenital lesions present in infancy with obvious globe and orbital deformities; we report an orbital meningoencephalocele in a 3-year-old girl who presented with ptosis. Copyright © 2017 American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. E-Orbit Functions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiri Patera


    Full Text Available We review and further develop the theory of $E$-orbit functions. They are functions on the Euclidean space $E_n$ obtained from the multivariate exponential function by symmetrization by means of an even part $W_{e}$ of a Weyl group $W$, corresponding to a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram. Properties of such functions are described. They are closely related to symmetric and antisymmetric orbit functions which are received from exponential functions by symmetrization and antisymmetrization procedure by means of a Weyl group $W$. The $E$-orbit functions, determined by integral parameters, are invariant withrespect to even part $W^{aff}_{e}$ of the affine Weyl group corresponding to $W$. The $E$-orbit functions determine a symmetrized Fourier transform, where these functions serve as a kernel of the transform. They also determine a transform on a finite set of points of the fundamental domain $F^{e}$ of the group $W^{aff}_{e}$ (the discrete $E$-orbit function transform.

  4. Congenital orbital encephalocele, orbital dystopia, and exophthalmos. (United States)

    Hwang, Kun; Kim, Han Joon


    We present here an exceedingly rare variant of a nonmidline basal encephalocele of the spheno-orbital type, and this was accompanied with orbital dystopia in a 56-year-old man. On examination, his left eye was located more inferolaterally than his right eye, and the patient said this had been this way since his birth. The protrusion of his left eye was aggravated when he is tired. His naked visual acuity was 0.7/0.3, and the ocular pressure was 14/12 mm Hg. The exophthalmometry was 10/14 to 16 mm. His eyeball motion was not restricted, yet diplopia was present in all directions. The distance from the midline to the medial canthus was 20/15 mm. The distance from the midline to the midpupillary line was 35/22 mm. The vertical dimension of the palpebral fissure was 12/9 mm. The height difference of the upper eyelid margin was 11 mm, and the height difference of the lower eyelid margin was 8 mm. Facial computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed left sphenoid wing hypoplasia and herniation of the left anterior temporal pole and dura mater into the orbit, and this resulted into left exophthalmos and encephalomalacia in the left anterior temporal pole. To the best of our knowledge, our case is the second case of basal encephalocele and orbital dystopia.

  5. Measurement of orbital volume by computed tomography. Especially on the growth of orbit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furuta, Minoru [Fukushima Medical Coll. (Japan)


    Using reconstructed X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of serial coronal sections, we measured the orbital volume and studied its changes with age. The subjects consisted of 109 patients (74 males, 35 females) who had undergone X-ray CT. After the reproducibility of orbital volume measurements and laterality in individuals were confirmed, the relation between the orbital volume and the age, sex, weight, and interlateral orbital rim distance were examined. The difference between two measurements in the same patients was 0.4% for measured volume, which showed the reproducibility of this measurement to be good. The laterality in individuals was 0.06 cm{sup 3}: this difference was very small and not significant. The orbital volume showed no unbalance between the right and left at any stage of growth. Both the height and the interlateral orbital rim distance had a strong correlation with the orbital volume. Referring to the relation between age and orbital volume, a strong correlation with an almost identical approximate equation was obtained for both sexes under 12 years of age. Presumably, the rapid growth of the orbit comes to an end by 15 years of age in males and 11 years in females. This means that more than 95% growth of adults has already been completed in the first half of the teens. The mean orbital volume in adult Japanese is 23.6{+-}2.0 (mean{+-}standard deviation) cm{sup 3} in males and 20.9{+-}1.3 cm{sup 3} in females. (author)

  6. Measurement of orbital volume by computed tomography. Especially on the growth of orbit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furuta, Minoru


    Using reconstructed X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of serial coronal sections, we measured the orbital volume and studied its changes with age. The subjects consisted of 109 patients (74 males, 35 females) who had undergone X-ray CT. After the reproducibility of orbital volume measurements and laterality in individuals were confirmed, the relation between the orbital volume and the age, sex, weight, and interlateral orbital rim distance were examined. The difference between two measurements in the same patients was 0.4% for measured volume, which showed the reproducibility of this measurement to be good. The laterality in individuals was 0.06 cm 3 : this difference was very small and not significant. The orbital volume showed no unbalance between the right and left at any stage of growth. Both the height and the interlateral orbital rim distance had a strong correlation with the orbital volume. Referring to the relation between age and orbital volume, a strong correlation with an almost identical approximate equation was obtained for both sexes under 12 years of age. Presumably, the rapid growth of the orbit comes to an end by 15 years of age in males and 11 years in females. This means that more than 95% growth of adults has already been completed in the first half of the teens. The mean orbital volume in adult Japanese is 23.6±2.0 (mean±standard deviation) cm 3 in males and 20.9±1.3 cm 3 in females. (author)

  7. Low-Cost 3D Printing Orbital Implant Templates in Secondary Orbital Reconstructions. (United States)

    Callahan, Alison B; Campbell, Ashley A; Petris, Carisa; Kazim, Michael

    Despite its increasing use in craniofacial reconstructions, three-dimensional (3D) printing of customized orbital implants has not been widely adopted. Limitations include the cost of 3D printers able to print in a biocompatible material suitable for implantation in the orbit and the breadth of available implant materials. The authors report the technique of low-cost 3D printing of orbital implant templates used in complex, often secondary, orbital reconstructions. A retrospective case series of 5 orbital reconstructions utilizing a technique of 3D printed orbital implant templates is presented. Each patient's Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine data were uploaded and processed to create 3D renderings upon which a customized implant was designed and sent electronically to printers open for student use at our affiliated institutions. The mock implants were sterilized and used intraoperatively as a stencil and mold. The final implant material was chosen by the surgeons based on the requirements of the case. Five orbital reconstructions were performed with this technique: 3 tumor reconstructions and 2 orbital fractures. Four of the 5 cases were secondary reconstructions. Molded Medpor Titan (Stryker, Kalamazoo, MI) implants were used in 4 cases and titanium mesh in 1 case. The stenciled and molded implants were adjusted no more than 2 times before anchored in place (mean 1). No case underwent further revision. The technique and cases presented demonstrate 1) the feasibility and accessibility of low-cost, independent use of 3D printing technology to fashion patient-specific implants in orbital reconstructions, 2) the ability to apply this technology to the surgeon's preference of any routinely implantable material, and 3) the utility of this technique in complex, secondary reconstructions.

  8. Stable low-altitude orbits around Ganymede considering a disturbing body in a circular orbit (United States)

    Cardoso dos Santos, J.; Carvalho, J. P. S.; Vilhena de Moraes, R.


    Some missions are being planned to visit Ganymede like the Europa Jupiter System Mission that is a cooperation between NASA and ESA to insert the spacecraft JGO (Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter) into Ganymedes orbit. This comprehension of the dynamics of these orbits around this planetary satellite is essential for the success of this type of mission. Thus, this work aims to perform a search for low-altitude orbits around Ganymede. An emphasis is given in polar orbits and it can be useful in the planning of space missions to be conducted around, with respect to the stability of orbits of artificial satellites. The study considers orbits of artificial satellites around Ganymede under the influence of the third-body (Jupiter's gravitational attraction) and the polygenic perturbations like those due to non-uniform distribution of mass (J_2 and J_3) of the main body. A simplified dynamic model for these perturbations is used. The Lagrange planetary equations are used to describe the orbital motion of the artificial satellite. The equations of motion are developed in closed form to avoid expansions in eccentricity and inclination. The results show the argument of pericenter circulating. However, low-altitude (100 and 150 km) polar orbits are stable. Another orbital elements behaved variating with small amplitudes. Thus, such orbits are convenient to be applied to future space missions to Ganymede. Acknowledgments: FAPESP (processes n° 2011/05671-5, 2012/12539-9 and 2012/21023-6).

  9. Titan Orbiter Aerorover Mission (United States)

    Sittler Jr., E. C.; Acuna, M.; Burchell, M. J.; Coates, A.; Farrell, W.; Flasar, M.; Goldstein, B. E.; Gorevan, S.; Hartle, R. E.; Johnson, W. T. K.


    We propose a combined Titan orbiter and Titan Aerorover mission with an emphasis on both in situ and remote sensing measurements of Titan's surface, atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetospheric interaction. The biological aspect of the Titan environment will be emphasized by the mission (i.e., search for organic materials which may include simple organics to 'amono' analogues of amino acids and possibly more complex, lightening detection and infrared, ultraviolet, and charged particle interactions with Titan's surface and atmosphere). An international mission is assumed to control costs. NASA will provide the orbiter, launch vehicle, DSN coverage and operations, while international partners will provide the Aerorover and up to 30% of the cost for the scientific instruments through collaborative efforts. To further reduce costs we propose a single PI for orbiter science instruments and a single PI for Aerorover science instruments. This approach will provide single command/data and power interface between spacecraft and orbiter instruments that will have redundant central DPU and power converter for their instruments. A similar approach could be used for the Aerorover. The mission profile will be constructed to minimize conflicts between Aerorover science, orbiter radar science, orbiter radio science, orbiter imaging science, and orbiter fields and particles (FP) science. Additional information is contained in the original extended abstract.

  10. Harmonically excited orbital variations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morgan, T.


    Rephrasing the equations of motion for orbital maneuvers in terms of Lagrangian generalized coordinates instead of Newtonian rectangular cartesian coordinates can make certain harmonic terms in the orbital angular momentum vector more readily apparent. In this formulation the equations of motion adopt the form of a damped harmonic oscillator when torques are applied to the orbit in a variationally prescribed manner. The frequencies of the oscillator equation are in some ways unexpected but can nonetheless be exploited through resonant forcing functions to achieve large secular variations in the orbital elements. Two cases are discussed using a circular orbit as the control case: (1) large changes in orbital inclination achieved by harmonic excitation rather than one impulsive velocity change, and (2) periodic and secular changes to the longitude of the ascending node using both stable and unstable excitation strategies. The implications of these equations are also discussed for both artificial satellites and natural satellites. For the former, two utilitarian orbits are suggested, each exploiting a form of harmonic excitation. 5 refs

  11. Dynamic and reduced-dynamic precise orbit determination of satellites in low earth orbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swatschina, P.


    The precise positioning of satellites in Low Earth Orbits (LEO) has become a key technology for advanced space missions. Dedicated satellite missions, such as CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE, that aim to map the Earths gravity field and its variation over time with unprecedented accuracy, initiated the demand for highly precise orbit solutions of LEO satellites. Furthermore, a wide range of additional science opportunities opens up with the capability to generate accurate LEO orbits. For all considered satellite missions, the primary measurement system for navigation is a spaceborne GPS receiver. The goal of this thesis is to establish and implement methods for Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of LEO satellites using GPS. Striving for highest precision using yet efficient orbit generation strategies, the attained orbit solutions are aimed to be competitive with the most advanced solutions of other institutions. Dynamic and reduced-dynamic orbit models provide the basic concepts of this work. These orbit models are subsequently adjusted to the highly accurate GPS measurements. The GPS measurements are introduced at the zero difference level in the ionosphere free linear combination. Appropriate procedures for GPS data screening and editing are established to detect erroneous data and to employ measurements of good quality only. For the dynamic orbit model a sophisticated force model, especially designed for LEO satellites, has been developed. In order to overcome the limitations that are induced by the deficiencies of the purely dynamical model, two different types of empirical parameters are introduced into the force model. These reduced-dynamic orbit models allow for the generation of much longer orbital arcs while preserving the spacecraft dynamics to the most possible extent. The two methods for reduced-dynamic orbit modeling are instantaneous velocity changes (pulses) or piecewise constant accelerations. For both techniques highly efficient modeling algorithms are

  12. Spin-orbit torques from interfacial spin-orbit coupling for various interfaces (United States)

    Kim, Kyoung-Whan; Lee, Kyung-Jin; Sinova, Jairo; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Stiles, M. D.


    We use a perturbative approach to study the effects of interfacial spin-orbit coupling in magnetic multilayers by treating the two-dimensional Rashba model in a fully three-dimensional description of electron transport near an interface. This formalism provides a compact analytic expression for current-induced spin-orbit torques in terms of unperturbed scattering coefficients, allowing computation of spin-orbit torques for various contexts, by simply substituting scattering coefficients into the formulas. It applies to calculations of spin-orbit torques for magnetic bilayers with bulk magnetism, those with interface magnetism, a normal-metal/ferromagnetic insulator junction, and a topological insulator/ferromagnet junction. It predicts a dampinglike component of spin-orbit torque that is distinct from any intrinsic contribution or those that arise from particular spin relaxation mechanisms. We discuss the effects of proximity-induced magnetism and insertion of an additional layer and provide formulas for in-plane current, which is induced by a perpendicular bias, anisotropic magnetoresistance, and spin memory loss in the same formalism.

  13. Orbit-attitude coupled motion around small bodies: Sun-synchronous orbits with Sun-tracking attitude motion (United States)

    Kikuchi, Shota; Howell, Kathleen C.; Tsuda, Yuichi; Kawaguchi, Jun'ichiro


    The motion of a spacecraft in proximity to a small body is significantly perturbed due to its irregular gravity field and solar radiation pressure. In such a strongly perturbed environment, the coupling effect of the orbital and attitude motions exerts a large influence that cannot be neglected. However, natural orbit-attitude coupled dynamics around small bodies that are stationary in both orbital and attitude motions have yet to be observed. The present study therefore investigates natural coupled motion that involves both a Sun-synchronous orbit and Sun-tracking attitude motion. This orbit-attitude coupled motion enables a spacecraft to maintain its orbital geometry and attitude state with respect to the Sun without requiring active control. Therefore, the proposed method can reduce the use of an orbit and attitude control system. This paper first presents analytical conditions to achieve Sun-synchronous orbits and Sun-tracking attitude motion. These analytical solutions are then numerically propagated based on non-linear coupled orbit-attitude equations of motion. Consequently, the possibility of implementing Sun-synchronous orbits with Sun-tracking attitude motion is demonstrated.

  14. Proximate Composition, Nutritional Attributes and Mineral Composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L. (Ketumpangan Air Grown in Malaysia

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    Maznah Ismail


    Full Text Available This study presents the proximate and mineral composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L., an underexploited weed plant in Malaysia. Proximate analysis was performed using standard AOAC methods and mineral contents were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicated <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> to be rich in crude protein, carbohydrate and total ash contents. The high amount of total ash (31.22% suggests a high-value mineral composition comprising potassium, calcium and iron as the main elements. The present study inferred that <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> would serve as a good source of protein and energy as well as micronutrients in the form of a leafy vegetable for human consumption.

  15. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts and Fractionation of Different Parts of <em>Elsholtzia em>ciliata>

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of extract and fractions from various parts of <em>Elsholtzia ciliataem>. The inflorescences, leaves, stems and roots of <em>E. ciliataem> were extracted separately and two phenolic component enrichment methods: ethyl acetate-water liquid-liquid extraction and macroporous resin adsorption-desorption, were adopted in this study. The antioxidant activities of water extracts and fractions of <em>E. ciliataem> were examined using different assay model systems <em>in vitroem>. The fraction root E (purified by HPD300 macroporous resin exhibited the highest total phenolics content (497.2 ± 24.9 mg GAE/g, accompanied with the highest antioxidant activity against various antioxidant systems <em>in vitroem> compared to other fractions. On the basis of the results obtained, <em>E. ciliataem> extracts can be used potentially as a ready accessible and valuable bioactive source of natural antioxidants.

  16. Congenital orbital teratoma


    Aiyub, Shereen; Chan, Weng Onn; Szetu, John; Sullivan, Laurence J; Pater, John; Cooper, Peter; Selva, Dinesh


    We present a case of mature congenital orbital teratoma managed with lid-sparing exenteration and dermis fat graft. This is a case report on the management of congenital orbital teratoma. A full-term baby was born in Fiji with prolapsed right globe which was surrounded by a nonpulsatile, cystic mass. Clinical and imaging features were consistent with congenital orbital teratoma. Due to limited surgical expertise, the patient was transferred to Adelaide, Australia for further management. The p...

  17. On the variation of e/m ratio in the five-dimensional theory of gravity, electromagnetism and scalar field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vladimirov, Yu.S.; Kislov, V.V.


    Basic equations of the united five-dimensional theory of gravity, electromagnetism and scalar field are given. Discussed is one of the given theory consequences - dependence of electric charge ratio to the e/m test, particle mass on fundamental scalar field value in the specified point. The latter is determined by the solution of the Einstein, Maxwell and Klein-Fock equations system. In particular, this field varies in the Sun-Earth system for an observer bound to the Earth owing to orbit ellipticity of the Earth. The formula describing the e/m variation is given. Data on measuring Josephson frequency revealing the tendency of season dependence (Earth-Sun distances) which raises the problem of performing direct experiments for controlling e/m ratio stability are reproduced

  18. A Small Spacecraft Swarm Deployment and Stationkeeping Strategy for Sun-Earth L1 Halo Orbits (United States)

    Renea Conn, Tracie; Bookbinder, Jay


    Spacecraft orbits about the Sun-Earth librarian point L1 have been of interest since the 1950s. An L1 halo orbit was first achieved with the International Sun-Earth Explorer-3 (ISEE-3) mission, and similar orbits around Sun-Earth L1 were achieved in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), Genesis, and Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) missions. With recent advancements in CubeSat technology, we envision that it will soon be feasible to deploy CubeSats at L1. As opposed to these prior missions where one large satellite orbited alone, a swarm of CubeSats at L1 would enable novel science data return, providing a topology for intersatellite measurements of heliophysics phenomena both spatially and temporally, at varying spatial scales.The purpose of this iPoster is to present a flight dynamics strategy for a swarm of numerous CubeSats orbiting Sun-Earth L1. The presented method is a coupled, two-part solution. First, we present a deployment strategy for the CubeSats that is optimized to produce prescribed, time-varying intersatellite baselines for the purposes of collecting magnetometer data as well as radiometric measurements from cross-links. Second, we employ a loose control strategy that was successfully applied to SOHO and ACE for minimized stationkeeping propellant expenditure. We emphasize that the presented solution is practical within the current state-of-the-art and heritage CubeSat technology, citing capabilities of CubeSat designs that will launch on the upcoming Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1) to lunar orbits and beyond. Within this iPoster, we present animations of the simulated deployment strategy and resulting spacecraft trajectories. Mission design parameters such as total Δv required for long-term station keeping and minimum/maximum/mean spacecraft separation distances are also presented.

  19. Topology of tokamak orbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rome, J.A.; Peng, Y.K.M.


    Guiding center orbits in noncircular axisymmetric tokamak plasmas are studied in the constants of motion (COM) space of (v, zeta, psi/sub m/). Here, v is the particle speed, zeta is the pitch angle with respect to the parallel equilibrium current, J/sub parallels/, and psi/sub m/ is the maximum value of the poloidal flux function (increasing from the magnetic axis) along the guiding center orbit. Two D-shaped equilibria in a flux-conserving tokamak having β's of 1.3% and 7.7% are used as examples. In this space, each confined orbit corresponds to one and only one point and different types of orbits (e.g., circulating, trapped, stagnation and pinch orbits) are represented by separate regions or surfaces in the space. It is also shown that the existence of an absolute minimum B in the higher β (7.7%) equilibrium results in a dramatically different orbit topology from that of the lower β case. The differences indicate the confinement of additional high energy (v → c, within the guiding center approximation) trapped, co- and countercirculating particles whose orbit psi/sub m/ falls within the absolute B well

  20. Correlation between the 2-Dimensional Extent of Orbital Defects and the 3-Dimensional Volume of Herniated Orbital Content in Patients with Isolated Orbital Wall Fractures

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    Jong Hyun Cha


    Full Text Available BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to assess the correlation between the 2-dimensional (2D extent of orbital defects and the 3-dimensional (3D volume of herniated orbital content in patients with an orbital wall fracture.MethodsThis retrospective study was based on the medical records and radiologic data of 60 patients from January 2014 to June 2016 for a unilateral isolated orbital wall fracture. They were classified into 2 groups depending on whether the fracture involved the inferior wall (group I, n=30 or the medial wall (group M, n=30. The 2D area of the orbital defect was calculated using the conventional formula. The 2D extent of the orbital defect and the 3D volume of herniated orbital content were measured with 3D image processing software. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the correlations between the 2D and 3D parameters.ResultsVarying degrees of positive correlation were found between the 2D extent of the orbital defects and the 3D herniated orbital volume in both groups (Pearson correlation coefficient, 0.568−0.788; R2=32.2%−62.1%.ConclusionsBoth the calculated and measured 2D extent of the orbital defects showed a positive correlation with the 3D herniated orbital volume in orbital wall fractures. However, a relatively large volume of herniation (>0.9 cm3 occurred not infrequently despite the presence of a small orbital defect (<1.9 cm2. Therefore, estimating the 3D volume of the herniated content in addition to the 2D orbital defect would be helpful for determining whether surgery is indicated and ensuring adequate surgical outcomes.

  1. Allometric and Isometric variations in the Italian <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> with respect to the conditions of allopatry and sympatry / Variazioni allometriche e isometriche in <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> e <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> italiani, rispetto alle condizioni di allopatria e simpatria

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    Giovanni Amori


    Full Text Available Abstract In Italy there are two species of <em>Apodemus> (<em>Sylvaemus>: <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> on the mainland and the main island, and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> only on the mainland. The trend of some morphometric characters of the skull (incisive foramen length - FI; interorbital breadth = IO; length of palatal bridge = PP; upper alveolar length = $M^1M^3$ was analized and some theoretical models verified for <em>A. sylvaticusem>. If one considers the sympatric population of <em>A. sylvaticusem> and <em>A. flavicollisem> simultaneously the characters PP, IO and $M^1M^3$ appear significantly isometric being directly correlated ($P leq O.O1$, while FI character results allometric with respect to the previous ones, as expected. If one considers the sympatric populations of each of the species separately, the scenario is different. For <em>A. sylvaticusem> only PP and $M^1M^3$ are isometric ($P leq 0.05$. For <em>A. flavicollisem> only $M^1M^3$ and FI appear to be correlated, although not as significantly as for <em>A. sylvaticusem> ($P le 0.05$; one tail. The insular populations of <em>A. sylvaticusem> do not show significant correlations, except for FI and $M^1M^3$ ($P le 0.05$. On the contrary, considering all populations, sympatric and allopatric, of <em>A. sylvaticusem> at the same time are significant correlations ($P le 0.05$ in all combinations of characters, except for those involving the IO. We suggest that the isometric relations in sympatric assemblages are confined within a morphological range available to the genus <em>Apodemus>. In such a space, the two species are split in two different and innerly homogeneous distributions. We found no evidence to confirm the niche variation hypothesis. On the contrary, the variability expressed as SO or CV's appears higher in the sympatric populations than in the allopatric ones, for three of the four characters, confirming previous results

  2. Neonatal orbital abscess

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    Khalil M Al-Salem


    Full Text Available Orbital complications due to ethmoiditis are rare in neonates. A case of orbital abscess due to acute ethmoiditis in a 28-day-old girl is presented. A Successful outcome was achieved following antimicrobial therapy alone; spontaneous drainage of the abscess occurred from the lower lid without the need for surgery. From this case report, we intend to emphasize on eyelid retraction as a sign of neonatal orbital abscess, and to review all the available literature of similar cases.

  3. A Novel Apoptosis Correlated Molecule: Expression and Characterization of Protein Latcripin-1 from <em>Lentinula em>edodes> C91–3

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    Min Huang


    Full Text Available An apoptosis correlated molecule—protein Latcripin-1 of <em>Lentinula> edodesem> C91-3—was expressed and characterized in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115. The total RNA was obtained from <em>Lentinula edodesem> C91–3. According to the transcriptome, the full-length gene of Latcripin-1 was isolated with 3'-Full Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE and 5'-Full RACE methods. The full-length gene was inserted into the secretory expression vector pPIC9K. The protein Latcripin-1 was expressed in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115 and analyzed by Sodium Dodecylsulfonate Polyacrylate Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The Western blot showed that the protein was expressed successfully. The biological function of protein Latcripin-1 on A549 cells was studied with flow cytometry and the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-Diphenyl-tetrazolium Bromide (MTT method. The toxic effect of protein Latcripin-1 was detected with the MTT method by co-culturing the characterized protein with chick embryo fibroblasts. The MTT assay results showed that there was a great difference between protein Latcripin-1 groups and the control group (<em>p em>< 0.05. There was no toxic effect of the characterized protein on chick embryo fibroblasts. The flow cytometry showed that there was a significant difference between the protein groups of interest and the control group according to apoptosis function (<em>p em>< 0.05. At the same time, cell ultrastructure observed by transmission electron microscopy supported the results of flow cytometry. The work demonstrates that protein Latcripin-1 can induce apoptosis of human lung cancer cells A549 and brings new insights into and advantages to finding anti-tumor proteins.

  4. Maintaining Aura's Orbit Requirements While Performing Orbit Maintenance Maneuvers Containing an Orbit Normal Delta-V Component (United States)

    Johnson, Megan R.; Petersen, Jeremy D.


    The Earth Observing System (EOS) Afternoon Constellation consists of five member missions (GCOM-W1, Aqua, CALIPSO, CloudSat, and Aura), each of which maintain a frozen, sun-synchronous orbit with a 16-day repeating ground track that follows the Worldwide Reference System-2 (WRS-2). Under nominal science operations for Aura, the propulsion system is oriented such that the resultant thrust vector is aligned 13.493 degrees away from the velocity vector along the yaw axis. When performing orbit maintenance maneuvers, the spacecraft performs a yaw slew to align the thrust vector in the appropriate direction. A new Drag Make Up (DMU) maneuver operations scheme has been implemented for Aura alleviating the need for the 13.493 degree yaw slew. The focus of this investigation is to assess the impact that no-slew DMU maneuver operations will have on Aura's Mean Local Time (MLT) which drives the required along track separation between Aura and the constellation members, as well as Aura's frozen orbit properties, eccentricity and argument of perigee. Seven maneuver strategies were analyzed to determine the best operational approach. A mirror pole strategy, with maneuvers alternating at the North and South poles, was implemented operationally to minimize impact to the MLT. Additional analysis determined that the mirror pole strategy could be further modified to include frozen orbit maneuvers and thus maintain both MLT and the frozen orbit properties under noslew operations.

  5. Update on orbital reconstruction. (United States)

    Chen, Chien-Tzung; Chen, Yu-Ray


    Orbital trauma is common and frequently complicated by ocular injuries. The recent literature on orbital fracture is analyzed with emphasis on epidemiological data assessment, surgical timing, method of approach and reconstruction materials. Computed tomographic (CT) scan has become a routine evaluation tool for orbital trauma, and mobile CT can be applied intraoperatively if necessary. Concomitant serious ocular injury should be carefully evaluated preoperatively. Patients presenting with nonresolving oculocardiac reflex, 'white-eyed' blowout fracture, or diplopia with a positive forced duction test and CT evidence of orbital tissue entrapment require early surgical repair. Otherwise, enophthalmos can be corrected by late surgery with a similar outcome to early surgery. The use of an endoscope-assisted approach for orbital reconstruction continues to grow, offering an alternative method. Advances in alloplastic materials have improved surgical outcome and shortened operating time. In this review of modern orbital reconstruction, several controversial issues such as surgical indication, surgical timing, method of approach and choice of reconstruction material are discussed. Preoperative fine-cut CT image and thorough ophthalmologic examination are key elements to determine surgical indications. The choice of surgical approach and reconstruction materials much depends on the surgeon's experience and the reconstruction area. Prefabricated alloplastic implants together with image software and stereolithographic models are significant advances that help to more accurately reconstruct the traumatized orbit. The recent evolution of orbit reconstruction improves functional and aesthetic results and minimizes surgical complications.

  6. Uso do sensoriamento remoto para estudar a influência de alterações ambientais na distribuição da malária na Amazônia brasileira Use of remote sensing to study the influence of environmental changes on malaria distribution in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Cíntia Honório Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available A construção da hidroelétrica de Tucuruí, no sudeste do Estado do Pará, Brasil, em 1981, impôs grandes mudanças ambientais, desmatamentos e migração para a região. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a influência destas mudanças na ocorrência da malária no Município de Jacundá, Pará, Brasil, utilizando-se técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e sistemas de informações geográficas. Os parâmetros utilizados para a construção dos mapas foram: distância das estradas, classe agrossilvopastoril, distância de coleções hídricas (rios, igarapés e do reservatório e da área urbana do município. Neste estudo, verificou-se o caráter epidêmico da malária a partir da construção da barragem de Tucuruí. Sugere-se que o padrão sazonal da incidência está relacionado com o período de maior estabilidade das margens do reservatório e ocorrência de áreas alagadas, além de maior exposição de trabalhadores na época de colheita na região. Foi observado que a distribuição dos casos está relacionada com as formas de uso e ocupação da terra, principalmente em áreas de maior influência das estradas, locais onde se concentra grande parte da população.Construction of the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam in Southeast Pará State, Brazil, in 1981, caused enormous environmental changes, deforestation, and human migration to the region. This study focuses on the influence of these changes and the appearance of malaria in the municipality of Jacundá, Pará, using remote sensing and geographic information systems. The variables used to construct maps were distances from roads, farming areas, rivers, the dam, streams, and the urban area. This study confirmed the elevation of malaria to the epidemic level since the construction of the Tucuruí dam. The study suggests that a seasonal pattern of malaria incidence is associated with the flooding season and exposure of workers during harvest. Malaria cases were related to the form of

  7. Satellite laser ranging to low Earth orbiters: orbit and network validation (United States)

    Arnold, Daniel; Montenbruck, Oliver; Hackel, Stefan; Sośnica, Krzysztof


    Satellite laser ranging (SLR) to low Earth orbiters (LEOs) provides optical distance measurements with mm-to-cm-level precision. SLR residuals, i.e., differences between measured and modeled ranges, serve as a common figure of merit for the quality assessment of orbits derived by radiometric tracking techniques. We discuss relevant processing standards for the modeling of SLR observations and highlight the importance of line-of-sight-dependent range corrections for the various types of laser retroreflector arrays. A 1-3 cm consistency of SLR observations and GPS-based precise orbits is demonstrated for a wide range of past and present LEO missions supported by the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS). A parameter estimation approach is presented to investigate systematic orbit errors and it is shown that SLR validation of LEO satellites is not only able to detect radial but also along-track and cross-track offsets. SLR residual statistics clearly depend on the employed precise orbit determination technique (kinematic vs. reduced-dynamic, float vs. fixed ambiguities) but also reveal pronounced differences in the ILRS station performance. Using the residual-based parameter estimation approach, corrections to ILRS station coordinates, range biases, and timing offsets are derived. As a result, root-mean-square residuals of 5-10 mm have been achieved over a 1-year data arc in 2016 using observations from a subset of high-performance stations and ambiguity-fixed orbits of four LEO missions. As a final contribution, we demonstrate that SLR can not only validate single-satellite orbit solutions but also precise baseline solutions of formation flying missions such as GRACE, TanDEM-X, and Swarm.

  8. Orbital glass in HTSC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kusmartsev, F.V.


    The physical reasons why the orbital glass may exist in granular high-temperature superconductors and the existing experimental data appeared recently are discussed. The orbital glass is characterized by the coexistence of the orbital paramagnetic state with the superconducting state and occurs at small magnetic fields H c0 c1 . The transition in orbital glass arises at the critical field H c0 which is inversely proportional to the surface cross-area S of an average grain. In connection with theoretical predictions the possible experiments are proposed. (author). 10 refs

  9. Orbital Infarction due to Sickle Cell Disease without Orbital Pain

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    Cameron L. McBride


    Full Text Available Sickle cell disease is a hemoglobinopathy that results in paroxysmal arteriolar occlusion and tissue infarction that can manifest in a plurality of tissues. Rarely, these infarcted crises manifest in the bony orbit. Orbital infarction usually presents with acute onset of periorbital tenderness, swelling, erythema, and pain. Soft tissue swelling can result in proptosis and attenuation of extraocular movements. Expedient diagnosis of sickle cell orbital infarction is crucial because this is a potentially sight-threatening entity. Diagnosis can be delayed since the presentation has physical and radiographic findings mimicking various infectious and traumatic processes. We describe a patient who presented with sickle cell orbital crisis without pain. This case highlights the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion in patients with known sickle cell disease or of African descent born outside the United States in a region where screening for hemoglobinopathy is not routine, even when the presentation is not classic.

  10. Eye and orbital cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panfilova, G.V.; Koval', G.Yu.


    Radioanatomy of eyes and orbit is described. Diseases of the orbit (developmental anomalies, inflammatory diseases, lacrimal apparatus deseases, toxoplasmosis, tumors and cysts et al.), methods of foreign body localization in the eye are considered. Roentgenograms of the orbit and calculation table for foreign body localization in spherical eyes of dissimilar diameter are presented

  11. Local orbit feedback

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Critically aligned experiments are sensitive to small changes in the electron beam orbit. At the NSLS storage rings, the electron beam and photon beam motions have been monitored over the past several years. In the survey conducted in 1986 by the NSLS Users Executive Committee, experimenters requested the vertical beam position variation and the vertical angle variation, within a given fill, remain within 10 μm and 10 μr, respectively. This requires improvement in the beam stability by about one order of magnitude. At the NSLS and SSRL storage rings, the beam that is originally centered on the position monitor by a dc orbit correction is observed to have two kinds of motion: a dc drift over a storage period of several hours and a beam bounce about its nominal position. These motions are a result of the equilibrium orbit not being held perfectly stable due to time-varying errors introduced into the magnetic guide field by power supplies, mechanical vibration of the magnets, cooling water temperature variations, etc. The approach to orbit stabilization includes (1) identifying and suppressing as many noise sources on the machine as possible, (2) correcting the beam position globally (see Section 6) by controlling a number of correctors around the circumference of the machine, and (3) correcting the beam position and angle at a given source location by position feedback using local detectors and local orbit bumps. The third approach, called Local Orbit Feedback will be discussed in this section

  12. Momentos em freios e em embraiagens


    Mimoso, Rui Miguel Pereira


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica Nesta dissertação reúnem-se os modelos de cálculo utilizados na determinação dos momentos em freios e em embraiagens. Neste trabalho consideram-se os casos de freios e embraiagens de atrito seco e atrito viscoso. Nos freios de atrito viscoso são considerados casos em que as características dos fluidos não são induzidas, e outros em que são induzidas modificações a essas mesmas características. São a...

  13. Validation of Galileo orbits using SLR with a focus on satellites launched into incorrect orbital planes (United States)

    Sośnica, Krzysztof; Prange, Lars; Kaźmierski, Kamil; Bury, Grzegorz; Drożdżewski, Mateusz; Zajdel, Radosław; Hadas, Tomasz


    The space segment of the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Galileo consists of In-Orbit Validation (IOV) and Full Operational Capability (FOC) spacecraft. The first pair of FOC satellites was launched into an incorrect, highly eccentric orbital plane with a lower than nominal inclination angle. All Galileo satellites are equipped with satellite laser ranging (SLR) retroreflectors which allow, for example, for the assessment of the orbit quality or for the SLR-GNSS co-location in space. The number of SLR observations to Galileo satellites has been continuously increasing thanks to a series of intensive campaigns devoted to SLR tracking of GNSS satellites initiated by the International Laser Ranging Service. This paper assesses systematic effects and quality of Galileo orbits using SLR data with a main focus on Galileo satellites launched into incorrect orbits. We compare the SLR observations with respect to microwave-based Galileo orbits generated by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) in the framework of the International GNSS Service Multi-GNSS Experiment for the period 2014.0-2016.5. We analyze the SLR signature effect, which is characterized by the dependency of SLR residuals with respect to various incidence angles of laser beams for stations equipped with single-photon and multi-photon detectors. Surprisingly, the CODE orbit quality of satellites in the incorrect orbital planes is not worse than that of nominal FOC and IOV orbits. The RMS of SLR residuals is even lower by 5.0 and 1.5 mm for satellites in the incorrect orbital planes than for FOC and IOV satellites, respectively. The mean SLR offsets equal -44.9, -35.0, and -22.4 mm for IOV, FOC, and satellites in the incorrect orbital plane. Finally, we found that the empirical orbit models, which were originally designed for precise orbit determination of GNSS satellites in circular orbits, provide fully appropriate results also for highly eccentric orbits with variable linear

  14. Orbital preservation in a maxillectomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, Katsuhiko; Nishikawa, Hitomi; Kumagai, Masahiko; Dosaka, Yoshihiro; Kuroda, Toru; Atago, Yoshihiro; Nishio, Masamichi [Sapporo National Hospital (Japan)


    In the past 9 years, 38 patients of the maxillary cancer were treated by a combination of radiation and surgery. Sixteen patients showed the orbital involvement as confirmed by a CT scan and/or MRI. An orbital excenteration was necessary in 6 patients, due mainly to deep intraorbital invasion, while in 10, the orbital contents were preserved despite the involvement of the orbital capsule. The local rate of the orbital region in the latter patients evaluated at 48 months after the initial surgery was 44%. For the treatment of the recurrence at the orbital capsule. The application of gold grain (Au{sup 198}) thus appeared to be a useful tool for further preserving the eye. (author)

  15. Orbital preservation in a maxillectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Katsuhiko; Nishikawa, Hitomi; Kumagai, Masahiko; Dosaka, Yoshihiro; Kuroda, Toru; Atago, Yoshihiro; Nishio, Masamichi


    In the past 9 years, 38 patients of the maxillary cancer were treated by a combination of radiation and surgery. Sixteen patients showed the orbital involvement as confirmed by a CT scan and/or MRI. An orbital excenteration was necessary in 6 patients, due mainly to deep intraorbital invasion, while in 10, the orbital contents were preserved despite the involvement of the orbital capsule. The local rate of the orbital region in the latter patients evaluated at 48 months after the initial surgery was 44%. For the treatment of the recurrence at the orbital capsule. The application of gold grain (Au 198 ) thus appeared to be a useful tool for further preserving the eye. (author)



    Maria Madalena Sousa; Wallace de Oliveira


    A caracterização da rede de drenagem utilizando variáveis como morfologia, propriedade e padrão auxiliam na identificação dos fatores de evolução da área. O uso dos dados e técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto fornece ajuda significante em áreas com fisiografia complexa de difícil acesso como é o caso da Amazônia. Este trabalho consiste numa análise morfológica da rede de drenagem atual do Rio Juruá mais especificamente na região denominada Alto Juruá, no estado do Acre, utilizando imagens obtida...



    Mickaelle Braga da Silva; Rubson Pinheiro Maia


    O presente trabalho propõe uma análise morfoestrutural do alto curso da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaguaribe, Ceará-Brasil, através da relação litologia/drenagem/relevo. A análise baseou-se em levantamentos bibliográficos e cartográficos; na aplicação de técnicas de geoprocessamento e tabulação e análise dos dados. Dentre os produtos de sensoriamento remoto disponíveis para a área, destacam-se os dados Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-SRTM, com resolução espacial de 30 metros. Este produto com...

  18. Parasitic zoonoses: survey in foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the northern Apennines / Zoonosi parassitarie: indagini in volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> dell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Vittorio Guberti


    Full Text Available Abstract A parasitological survey on 153 foxes was carried out in the northern Apennines, during the period 1984-1987. The following parasites were identified: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46.4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11.8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11.1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3.9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3.3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3.3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2.6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. All foxes were negative for <em>Trichinella> sp. A statistical analysis was performed to evaluate differences in the parasitic fauna according to the sex and age classes of the hosts. The role that the fox could have as a reservoir of helminthic zoonoses is discussed. The results are compared with those of similar studies carried out in Italy. Riassunto Nel periodo 1984-1987 è stata condotta un'indagine parassitologica su 153 volpi abbattute nell'Appennino romagnolo. Sono stati reperiti i seguenti parassiti: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46,4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11,8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11,1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3,9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3,3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3,3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2,6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. Tutte le volpi esaminate sono risultate negative per <em>Trichinella> sp. È stata effettuata l'analisi statistica dei dati per evidenziare eventuali differenze della fauna parassitaria in relazione al sesso e all'età delle volpi. Sulla base dei dati ottenuti viene discussa l'importanza che la Volpe può assumere come serbatoio di zoonosi elmintiche. I risultati acquisiti sono inoltre comparati con quelli ottenuti in analoghe ricerche condotte in Italia.

  19. Introducing Earth's Orbital Eccentricity (United States)

    Oostra, Benjamin


    Most students know that planetary orbits, including Earth's, are elliptical; that is Kepler's first law, and it is found in many science textbooks. But quite a few are mistaken about the details, thinking that the orbit is very eccentric, or that this effect is somehow responsible for the seasons. In fact, the Earth's orbital eccentricity is…

  20. The Coupled Orbit-Attitude Dynamics and Control of Electric Sail in Displaced Solar Orbits

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    Mingying Huo


    Full Text Available Displaced solar orbits for spacecraft propelled by electric sails are investigated. Since the propulsive thrust is induced by the sail attitude, the orbital and attitude dynamics of electric-sail-based spacecraft are coupled and required to be investigated together. However, the coupled dynamics and control of electric sails have not been discussed in most published literatures. In this paper, the equilibrium point of the coupled dynamical system in displaced orbit is obtained, and its stability is analyzed through a linearization. The results of stability analysis show that only some of the orbits are marginally stable. For unstable displaced orbits, linear quadratic regulator is employed to control the coupled attitude-orbit system. Numerical simulations show that the proposed strategy can control the coupled system and a small torque can stabilize both the attitude and orbit. In order to generate the control force and torque, the voltage distribution problem is studied in an optimal framework. The numerical results show that the control force and torque of electric sail can be realized by adjusting the voltage distribution of charged tethers.

  1. Application of orbital strong magnet in the extraction of deep orbital magnetic foreign bodies

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    Jin-Chen Jia


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate the surgical method and efficacy of extraction of deep orbital magnetic foreign bodies by mean of an orbital strong magnet. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of clinical data of patients with deep orbital magnetic foreign bodies(OMFBin Hebei Eye Hospital from June 2014 to May 2017 was processed. A total of 23 eyes were enrolled, among them, 14 eyes of extraorbital OMFB, 9 eyes of intraorbital OMFB. The rate of extraction of foreign bodies and the postoperative complications were observed. RESULTS: All eyes of intraorbital foreign bodies were successfully extracted with 100% success rate. Twelve of 14 eyes of extraorbital foreign bodies were extracted with 86% success rate. Mild orbital hemorrhage were found in 2 eyes. There was no other obvious complication such as visual loss, orbital massive hemorrhage or limited ocular movement. CONCLUSION: It's an ideal surgical method to extract the deep orbital magnetic foreign bodies by mean of an orbital strong magnet, with mini-injury, high success rate, short duration and few complications.

  2. <em>In Vivoem> Histamine Optical Nanosensors

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    Heather A. Clark


    Full Text Available In this communication we discuss the development of ionophore based nanosensors for the detection and monitoring of histamine levels <em>in vivoem>. This approach is based on the use of an amine-reactive, broad spectrum ionophore which is capable of recognizing and binding to histamine. We pair this ionophore with our already established nanosensor platform, and demonstrate <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem> monitoring of histamine levels. This approach enables capturing rapid kinetics of histamine after injection, which are more difficult to measure with standard approaches such as blood sampling, especially on small research models. The coupling together of <em>in vivoem> nanosensors with ionophores such as nonactin provide a way to generate nanosensors for novel targets without the difficult process of designing and synthesizing novel ionophores.

  3. Congenital orbital teratoma. (United States)

    Aiyub, Shereen; Chan, Wengonn; Szetu, John; Sullivan, Laurence J; Pater, John; Cooper, Peter; Selva, Dinesh


    We present a case of mature congenital orbital teratoma managed with lid-sparing exenteration and dermis fat graft. This is a case report on the management of congenital orbital teratoma. A full-term baby was born in Fiji with prolapsed right globe which was surrounded by a nonpulsatile, cystic mass. Clinical and imaging features were consistent with congenital orbital teratoma. Due to limited surgical expertise, the patient was transferred to Adelaide, Australia for further management. The patient underwent a lid-sparing exenteration with frozen section control of the apical margin. A dermis fat graft from the groin was placed beneath the lid skin to provide volume. Histopathology revealed mature tissues from each of the three germ cell layers which confirmed the diagnosis of mature teratoma. We describe the successful use of demis fat graft in socket reconstruction following lid-sparing exenteration for congenital orbital teratoma.

  4. Congenital orbital teratoma

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    Shereen Aiyub


    Full Text Available We present a case of mature congenital orbital teratoma managed with lid-sparing exenteration and dermis fat graft. This is a case report on the management of congenital orbital teratoma. A full-term baby was born in Fiji with prolapsed right globe which was surrounded by a nonpulsatile, cystic mass. Clinical and imaging features were consistent with congenital orbital teratoma. Due to limited surgical expertise, the patient was transferred to Adelaide, Australia for further management. The patient underwent a lid-sparing exenteration with frozen section control of the apical margin. A dermis fat graft from the groin was placed beneath the lid skin to provide volume. Histopathology revealed mature tissues from each of the three germ cell layers which confirmed the diagnosis of mature teratoma. We describe the successful use of demis fat graft in socket reconstruction following lid-sparing exenteration for congenital orbital teratoma.

  5. Variabilità morfologica ed ecologica in <em>Neomys fodiensem> e <em>Neomys anomalusem> nell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Dino Scaravelli


    Full Text Available I due <em>Neomys> italiani sono ancora da chiarire dal punto di vista della loro caratterizzazione morfologica e ecologica. Il lavoro prende in considerazione un campione di entrambe le specie proveniente da habitat forestali dell?Appennino settentrionale per i quali sono stati identificati i principali parametri ambientali. Vengono quindi descritte la variabilità dei tratti morfologici delle due specie in aree localizzate nel Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna nell?Appennino tosco-romagnolo. Risultano di sicuro effetto discriminatorio la maschera facciale, il rapporto piede posteriore/coda e i caratteri cranici. Sulla base dei criteri identificativi si sono realizzate rilevazioni di misure corporee per le due specie e una comparazione degli habitat utilizzati. <em>N. fodiensem> appare unica specie nelle faggete-abetine e dominante nei castagneti, mentre nell?Ontaneta e nelle zone aperte e termofile si registra la sola presenza di <em>N. anomalusem>. Mancano entrambi nei prati cespugliati, nella pecceta e nella cerreta. I gradienti presenti sono quindi illustrati. Non appare una differenza altitudinale nel campione esaminato, posto in stazioni tra i 400 e i 1300 m, ma per entrambe vi sono maggiori riscontri nella fascia tra 700 e 850 m. Nell?analisi multivariata rispetto alle altre specie e alle variabili ambientali si riscontra sempre una discreta correlazione con la presenza di acqua di una certa ampiezza, che comunque è significativa solo per <em>N. fodiensem>, mentre risulta di interesse la positiva correlazione di <em>N. anomalusem> con <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem>.


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    Rodrigo Praes de Almeida


    Full Text Available Com a intensificação das atividades humanas, com aumento das taxas de uso e ocupação dos solos, aumentaram as discussões no âmbito da reforma agrária e da viabilidade dos assentamentos rurais. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o uso e a ocupação dos solos em áreas de assentamentos rurais na região norte de Minas Gerais. Três assentamentos rurais foram selecionados para comparação das classes de uso da terra nos anos de 2003 e 2014, com auxílio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. A amostragem de solo foi realizada nas classes do uso definidas para determinação dos atributos químicos. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05, com auxílio do programa R. Foi possível verificar que os três assentamentos rurais, apresentaram decréscimo nas áreas de vegetação nativa e acréscimo nas áreas de culturas e de solo exposto. Na análise da acurácia da classificação foi observado um Índice Kappa satisfatório, e pode-se inferir que os assentamentos rurais tiveram significante mudança no intervalo de 11 anos de uso. A fertilidade do solo melhorou na camada superficial (0-20 cm das áreas ocupadas com culturas e que foram bem manejadas.

  7. Orbit Determination of Spacecraft in Earth-Moon L1 and L2 Libration Point Orbits (United States)

    Woodard, Mark; Cosgrove, Daniel; Morinelli, Patrick; Marchese, Jeff; Owens, Brandon; Folta, David


    The ARTEMIS mission, part of the THEMIS extended mission, is the first to fly spacecraft in the Earth-Moon Lissajous regions. In 2009, two of the five THEMIS spacecraft were redeployed from Earth-centered orbits to arrive in Earth-Moon Lissajous orbits in late 2010. Starting in August 2010, the ARTEMIS P1 spacecraft executed numerous stationkeeping maneuvers, initially maintaining a lunar L2 Lissajous orbit before transitioning into a lunar L1 orbit. The ARTEMIS P2 spacecraft entered a L1 Lissajous orbit in October 2010. In April 2011, both ARTEMIS spacecraft will suspend Lissajous stationkeeping and will be maneuvered into lunar orbits. The success of the ARTEMIS mission has allowed the science team to gather unprecedented magnetospheric measurements in the lunar Lissajous regions. In order to effectively perform lunar Lissajous stationkeeping maneuvers, the ARTEMIS operations team has provided orbit determination solutions with typical accuracies on the order of 0.1 km in position and 0.1 cm/s in velocity. The ARTEMIS team utilizes the Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS), using a batch least squares method, to process range and Doppler tracking measurements from the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN), Berkeley Ground Station (BGS), Merritt Island (MILA) station, and United Space Network (USN). The team has also investigated processing of the same tracking data measurements using the Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK) software, which uses an extended Kalman filter and recursive smoother to estimate the orbit. The orbit determination results from each of these methods will be presented and we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with using each method in the lunar Lissajous regions. Orbit determination accuracy is dependent on both the quality and quantity of tracking measurements, fidelity of the orbit force models, and the estimation techniques used. Prior to Lissajous operations, the team determined the appropriate quantity of tracking


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    Philippe Maillard, Priscilla S. Costa-Pereira


    Full Text Available Nas regiões em que a rede de monitoramento hidrossedimentológico é precária ou inexistente, a utilização de modelos hidrológicos, de base física que proporcionem estimativas da geração de escoamento superficial e a perda de solo, se torna muito útil para fins de planejamento das bacias hidrográficas. O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do modelo hidrossedimentológico “Soil And Water Assessment Tool” nas Sub-Bacias 2 e 1 da Bacia Experimental de São João do Cariri. O modelo com a interface ArcSWAT, que se une ao SIG, necessita da entrada de “Modelo Digital de Elevação” (MDE da bacia e as simulações foram realizadas utilizando dois MDEs para fins de análise comparativa: um originado a partir da interpolação de dados de campo e outro obtido através de sensoriamento remoto. Com isto foi possível verificar a confiabilidade do uso de MDE obtido por sensoriamento remoto. Em nível das sub-bacias experimentais, foi realizada a parametrização, na Sub-Bacia 2, e a validação, na Sub-Bacia 1. O desempenho do modelo, para a geração da lâmina escoada, foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de determinação (R² e do fator da eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe. Os resultados mostram desempenho satisfatório para ambos os MDEs, mostrando a pouca sensibilidade da topografia da geração de lâmina simulada em pequenas bacias. Por outro lado, a produção de sedimentos apresentou resultados insatisfatórios, além do que foi significativa a discrepância da distribuição da erosão do solo na superfície da bacia pelos dois MDEs utilizados.

  9. Echolocation calls and morphology in the Mehelyi’s (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> and mediterranean (<em>R. euryaleem> horseshoe bats: implications for resource partitioning

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    Egoitz Salsamendi


    Full Text Available Abstract <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> and <em>R. mehelyiem> are morphologically very similar species and their distributions overlap extensively in the Mediterranean basin. We modelled their foraging behaviour using echolocation calls and wing morphology and, assuming niche segregation occurs between the two species, we explored how it is shaped by these factors. Resting frequency of echolocation calls was recorded and weight, forearm length, wing loading, aspect ratio and wing tip shape index were measured. <em>R. mehelyiem> showed a significantly higher resting frequency than <em>R. euryaleem>, but differences are deemed insufficient for dietary niche segregation. Weight and forearm length were significantly larger in <em>R. mehelyiem>. The higher values of aspect ratio and wing loading and a lower value of wing tip shape index in <em>R. melehyiem> restrict its flight manoeuvrability and agility. Therefore, the flight ability of <em>R. mehelyiem> may decrease as habitat complexity increases. Thus, the principal mechanism for resource partitioning seems to be based on differing habitat use arising from differences in wing morphology. Riassunto Ecolocalizzazione e morfologia nei rinolofi di Mehely (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> e euriale (<em>R. euryaleem>: implicazioni nella segregazione delle risorse trofiche. <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> e <em>R. mehelyiem> sono specie morfologicamente molto simili, la cui distribuzione risulta largamente coincidente in area mediterranea. Il comportamento di foraggiamento delle due specie è stato analizzato in funzione delle caratteristiche dei segnali di ecolocalizzazione e della morfologia alare, ed è stata valutata l’incidenza di questi fattori nell’ipotesi di una segregazione delle nicchie. È stata rilevata la frequenza a riposo dei segnali ultrasonori, così come il peso, la lunghezza dell’avambraccio, il carico alare, e due

  10. Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activities of <em>Amaranthus cruentusem> L. and <em>Amaranthus hybridusem> L. Extracts

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    Jeanne F. Millogo


    Full Text Available This paper describes a preliminary assessment of the nutraceutical value of <em>Amaranthus cruentus (A. cruentusem> and <em>Amaranthus hybridus (A. hybridusem>, two food plant species found in Burkina Faso. Hydroacetonic (HAE, methanolic (ME, and aqueous extracts (AE from the aerial parts were screened for <em>in vitroem> antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities. Phytochemical analyses revealed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, saponins and betalains. Hydroacetonic extracts have shown the most diversity for secondary metabolites. The TLC analyses of flavonoids from HAE extracts showed the presence of rutin and other unidentified compounds. The phenolic compound contents of the HAE, ME and AE extracts were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu method and ranged from 7.55 to 10.18 mg Gallic acid equivalent GAE/100 mg. Tannins, flavonoids, and flavonols ranged from 2.83 to 10.17 mg tannic acid equivalent (TAE/100 mg, 0.37 to 7.06 mg quercetin equivalent (QE /100 mg, and 0.09 to 1.31 mg QE/100 mg, respectively. The betacyanin contents were 40.42 and 6.35 mg Amaranthin Equivalent/100 g aerial parts (dry weight in <em>A. cruentusem> and <em>A. hybridusem>, respectively. Free-radical scavenging activity expressed as IC50 (DPPH method and iron reducing power (FRAP method ranged from 56 to 423 µg/mL and from 2.26 to 2.56 mmol AAE/g, respectively. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities of extracts of <em>A. cruentus em>and <em>A. hybridusem> were 3.18% and 38.22%, respectively.<em> em>The> A. hybridusem> extract showed the best antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities. The results indicated that the phytochemical contents of the two species justify their traditional uses as nutraceutical food plants.

  11. Sistema de apoio a reablilitação neuromotora: modelo de acompanhamento remoto para a terapia do espelho


    Rodolfo Dias Correia


    A terapia do espelho, técnica utilizada no tratamento de pacientes em reabilitação neurológica, tem mostrado bons resultados a um custo relativamente baixo. Nessa terapia, um espelho é colocado ao longo do plano sagital mediano do paciente entre os dois membros, superiores ou inferiores, com o intuito de transmitir estímulos visuais para o cérebro para induzir a ilusão dos membros em questão estarem se deslocando de forma síncrona. Considerando a simplicidade, os resultados obtidos e o baixo ...

  12. Dermatoses em renais cronicos em terapia dialitica

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    Luis Alberto Batista Peres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: As desordens cutâneas e das mucosas são comuns em pacientes em hemodiálise a longo prazo. A diálise prolonga a expectativa de vida, dando tempo para a manifestação destas anormalidades. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a prevalência de problemas dermatológicos em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC em hemodiálise. Métodos: Cento e quarenta e cinco pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise foram estudados. Todos os pacientes foram completamente analisados para as alterações cutâneas, de cabelos, mucosas e unhas por um único examinador e foram coletados dados de exames laboratoriais. Os dados foram armazenados em um banco de dados do Microsolft Excel e analisados por estatística descritiva. As variáveis contínuas foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student e as variáveis categóricas utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste Exato de Fischer, conforme adequado. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 145 pacientes, com idade média de 53,6 ± 14,7 anos, predominantemente do sexo masculino (64,1% e caucasianos (90,0%. O tempo médio de diálise foi de 43,3 ± 42,3 meses. As principais doenças subjacentes foram: hipertensão arterial em 33,8%, diabetes mellitus em 29,6% e glomerulonefrite crônica em 13,1%. As principais manifestações dermatológicas observadas foram: xerose em 109 (75,2%, equimose em 87 (60,0%, prurido em 78 (53,8% e lentigo em 33 (22,8% pacientes. Conclusão: O nosso estudo mostrou a presença de mais do que uma dermatose por paciente. As alterações cutâneas são frequentes em pacientes em diálise. Mais estudos são necessários para melhor caracterização e manejo destas dermatoses.

  13. Cytotoxicity and Glycan-Binding Properties of an 18 kDa Lectin Isolated from the Marine Sponge <em>Halichondria em>okadai>

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    Yasuhiro Ozeki


    Full Text Available A divalent cation-independent lectin—HOL-18, with cytotoxic activity against leukemia cells, was purified from a demosponge, <em>Halichondria okadaiem>. HOL-18 is a 72 kDa tetrameric lectin that consists of four non-covalently bonded 18 kDa subunits. Hemagglutination activity of the lectin was strongly inhibited by chitotriose (GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAc, fetuin and mucins from porcine stomach and bovine submaxillary gland. Lectin activity was stable at pH 4–12 and temperatures lower than 60 °C. Frontal affinity chromatography with 16 types of pyridylaminated oligosaccharides indicated that the lectin had an affinity for <em>N>-linked complex-type and sphingolipid-type oligosaccharides with <em>N>-acetylated hexosamines and neuramic acid at the non-reducing termini. The lectin killed Jurkat leukemia T cells and K562 erythroleukemia cells in a dose- and carbohydrate-dependent manner.

  14. Radiology of orbital trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, J.K.; Lazo, A.; Metes, J.J.


    Computed tomography has become the gold standard against which to measure orbital imaging modalities. The simultaneous display of bone, soft tissues, paranasal sinuses, and intracranial structures is a unique advantage. Radiation dose and cost have been cited as disadvantages. These would suggest that CT be reserved for the patient with significant orbital injury or difficult diagnostic problems. Magnetic resonance is limited in the investigation of orbital trauma

  15. Over-Expression of CYP2E1 mRNA and Protein: Implications of Xenobiotic Induced Damage in Patients with <em>De Novoem> Acute Myeloid Leukemia with inv(16(p13.1q22; <em>CBFβ>-MYH11em>

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    Carlos E. Bueso-Ramos


    Full Text Available Environmental exposure to benzene occurs through cigarette smoke, unleaded gasoline and certain types of plastic. Benzene is converted to hematotoxic metabolites by the hepatic phase-I enzyme CYP2E1, and these metabolites are detoxified by the phase-II enzyme NQO1. The genes encoding these enzymes are highly polymorphic and studies of these polymorphisms have shown different pathogenic and prognostic features in various hematological malignancies. The potential role of different cytochrome p450 metabolizing enzymes in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML in an area of active interest. In this study, we demonstrate aberrant CYP2E1 mRNA over-expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 11 cases of <em>de novoem> AML with inv(16; CBFβ-MYH11. CYP2E1 mRNA levels correlated with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and with bone marrow blast counts in all cases. CYP2E1 over-expression correlated positively with NQO1 mRNA levels (R2 = 0.934, n = 7. By immunohistochemistry, CYP2E1 protein was more frequently expressed in AML with inv(16 compared with other types of AML (<em>p> < 0.001. We obtained serial bone marrow samples from two patients with AML with inv(16 before and after treatment. CYP2E1 mRNA expression levels decreased in parallel with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and blast counts following chemotherapy. In contrast, CYP1A2 transcript levels did not change in either patient. This is the first study to demonstrate concurrent over-expression of CYP2E1 and NQO1 mRNA in AML with inv(16. These findings also suggest that a balance between CYP2E1 and NQO1 may be important in the pathogenesis of AML with inv(16.

  16. Manipulation and application of orbital ordering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheng Zhigao; Sun Yuping


    Under certain conditions, the orbits of the outmost shell electrons in strong correlated materials can be localized in order, which gives birth to so-called orbital ordering. During the construction or destruction of the orbital ordering, strongly correlated materials show fruitful quantum critical phenomena with great potential for future applications. We first present the mechanism for the construction of orbital ordering. Then, some physical properties associated with orbits are discussed. Finally, we emphasize the key points and progress in the research of orbital ordering controlling. (authors)

  17. Pictorial essay: Orbital tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narula, Mahender K; Chaudhary, Vikas; Baruah, Dhiraj; Kathuria, Manoj; Anand, Rama


    Tuberculosis of the orbit is rare, even in places where tuberculosis is endemic. The disease may involve soft tissue, the lacrimal gland, or the periosteum or bones of the orbital wall. Intracranial extension, in the form of extradural abscess, and infratemporal fossa extension has been described. This pictorial essay illustrates the imaging findings of nine histopathologically confirmed cases of orbital tuberculosis. All these patients responded to antituberculous treatment

  18. Traumatic orbital encephalocele: Presentation and imaging. (United States)

    Wei, Leslie A; Kennedy, Tabassum A; Paul, Sean; Wells, Timothy S; Griepentrog, Greg J; Lucarelli, Mark J


    Traumatic orbital encephalocele is a rare but severe complication of orbital roof fractures. We describe 3 cases of orbital encephalocele due to trauma in children. Retrospective case series from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and Medical College of Wisconsin. Three cases of traumatic orbital encephalocele in pediatric patients were found. The mechanism of injury was motor vehicle accident in 2 patients and accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound in 1 patient. All 3 patients sustained orbital roof fractures (4 mm to 19 mm in width) and frontal lobe contusions with high intracranial pressure. A key finding in all 3 cases was progression of proptosis and globe displacement 4 to 11 days after initial injury. On initial CT, all were diagnosed with extraconal hemorrhage adjacent to the roof fractures, with subsequent enlargement of the mass and eventual diagnosis of encephalocele. Orbital encephalocele is a severe and sight-threatening complication of orbital roof fractures. Post-traumatic orbital encephalocele can be challenging to diagnose on CT as patients with this condition often have associated orbital and intracranial hematoma, which can be difficult to distinguish from herniated brain tissue. When there is a high index of suspicion for encephalocele, an MRI of the orbits and brain with contrast should be obtained for additional characterization. Imaging signs that should raise suspicion for traumatic orbital encephalocele include an enlarging heterogeneous orbital mass in conjunction with a roof fracture and/or widening fracture segments.

  19. PS Booster Orbit Correction

    CERN Document Server

    Chanel, M; Rumolo, G; Tomás, R; CERN. Geneva. AB Department


    At the end of the 2007 run, orbit measurements were carried out in the 4 rings of the PS Booster (PSB) for different working points and beam energies. The aim of these measurements was to provide the necessary input data for a PSB realignment campaign during the 2007/2008 shutdown. Currently, only very few corrector magnets can be operated reliably in the PSB; therefore the orbit correction has to be achieved by displacing (horizontally and vertically) and/or tilting some of the defocusing quadrupoles (QDs). In this report we first describe the orbit measurements, followed by a detailed explanation of the orbit correction strategy. Results and conclusions are presented in the last section.

  20. Controle orbital de satélites artificiais com propulsão e uso de gravidade lunar (United States)

    Torres, K. S.; de Almeida Prado, A. F. B.


    A redução do custo de combustível de uma manobra é atualmente a grande prioridade de todos os programas espaciais existentes no mundo. As manobras assistidas pela gravidade são uma ótima forma de se contornar o problema pois proporcionam economias com vasto impacto no custo final da missão. Neste trabalho é feito um estudo particular do controle orbital de um satélite artificial da Terra usando a gravidade da Lua. O objetivo é estudar uma técnica econômica para uma mudança de plano de um satélite que está em órbita em volta da Terra. A idéia principal desta abordagem é enviar primeiramente o veículo espacial em direção à Lua usando uma manobra mono-impulsiva para que assim o campo gravitacional da Lua possa fazer a mudança de plano desejada (sem custo de combustível) e só então retornar o veículo aos valores iniciais de semi-eixo e excentricidade usando uma manobra bi-impulsiva tipo Hohmann. Para tanto, é assumido que a espaçonave inicia em uma órbita circular coplanar à órbita da lua em torno da Terra e a meta é colocá-la em uma órbita similar que difere da órbita inicial somente pela inclinação. São usadas equações analíticas baseadas na abordagem Patched Conics para se calcular a variação na velocidade, momento angular, energia e inclinação do veículo espacial que realiza esta manobra. Várias simulações são feitas para se avaliar as economias de combustível envolvidas.

  1. Effects of DeOrbitSail as applied to Lifetime predictions of Low Earth Orbit Satellites (United States)

    Afful, Andoh; Opperman, Ben; Steyn, Herman


    Orbit lifetime prediction is an important component of satellite mission design and post-launch space operations. Throughout its lifetime in space, a spacecraft is exposed to risk of collision with orbital debris or operational satellites. This risk is especially high within the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) region where the highest density of space debris is accumulated. This paper investigates orbital decay of some LEO micro-satellites and accelerating orbit decay by using a deorbitsail. The Semi-Analytical Liu Theory (SALT) and the Satellite Toolkit was employed to determine the mean elements and expressions for the time rates of change. Test cases of observed decayed satellites (Iridium-85 and Starshine-1) are used to evaluate the predicted theory. Results for the test cases indicated that the theory fitted observational data well within acceptable limits. Orbit decay progress of the SUNSAT micro-satellite was analysed using relevant orbital parameters derived from historic Two Line Element (TLE) sets and comparing with decay and lifetime prediction models. This paper also explored the deorbit date and time for a 1U CubeSat (ZACUBE-01). The use of solar sails as devices to speed up the deorbiting of LEO satellites is considered. In a drag sail mode, the deorbitsail technique significantly increases the effective cross-sectional area of a satellite, subsequently increasing atmospheric drag and accelerating orbit decay. The concept proposed in this study introduced a very useful technique of orbit decay as well as deorbiting of spacecraft.

  2. Complicações orbitárias em pacientes com sinusite aguda

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    Voegels Richard Louis


    Full Text Available Introdução: As complicações orbitárias das sinusites permanecem como tópico importante dentro da otorrinoloringologia, a despeito do decréscimo de sua prevalência observado após o advento da antibioticoterapia. Objetivo: Tendo por objetivo determinar as características clínicas e terapêuticas nos casos de sinusites complicadas. Forma de estudo: Clínico prospectivo randomizado. Material e método: Realizamos um estudo retrospectivo de 128 pacientes internados nos últimos 15 anos na Divisão de Clínica Otorrinolaringológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A maior parte destes pacientes eram crianças ou adultos jovens (82,81% dos pacientes tinham menos de 30 anos de idade e 57,81% eram do sexo masculino. Todos os pacientes apresentaram evolução satisfatória, sem seqüelas tardias. Conclusão: Observamos que o diagnóstico precoce destas patologias é importante, bem como o é a instituição de terapêutica adequada e agressiva (clínica ou cirúrgica. É a ação conjunta destes dois fatores que irá promover uma diminuição da morbimortalidade destas afecções.

  3. Use of Orbital Conformer to Improve Speech in Patients with Confluent Maxillectomy and Orbital Defects (United States)

    Colebeck, Amanda C.; Kase, Michael T.; Nichols, Cindy B.; Golden, Marjorie; Huryn, Joseph M.


    The basic objective in prosthetic restoration of confluent maxillary and orbital defects is to achieve a comfortable, cosmetically acceptable prosthesis that restores speech, deglutition, and mastication. It is a challenging task complicated by the size and shape of the defects. The maxillary obturator prosthesis often satisfies the objective of adequate deglutition; however, orbital defects that are not obturated in the medial septal or posterior walls allow air to escape, negatively impacting phonation. This article describes a technique to achieve favorable prosthetic rehabilitation in a patient with a maxillectomy and ipsilateral orbital exenteration. The prosthetic components include maxillary obturator, orbital conformer, and orbital prosthesis connected using rigid magnetic attachments. PMID:25953143

  4. Robustness analysis method for orbit control (United States)

    Zhang, Jingrui; Yang, Keying; Qi, Rui; Zhao, Shuge; Li, Yanyan


    Satellite orbits require periodical maintenance due to the presence of perturbations. However, random errors caused by inaccurate orbit determination and thrust implementation may lead to failure of the orbit control strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the robustness of the orbit control methods. Feasible strategies which are tolerant to errors of a certain magnitude can be developed to perform reliable orbit control for the satellite. In this paper, first, the orbital dynamic model is formulated by Gauss' form of the planetary equation using the mean orbit elements; the atmospheric drag and the Earth's non-spherical perturbations are taken into consideration in this model. Second, an impulsive control strategy employing the differential correction algorithm is developed to maintain the satellite trajectory parameters in given ranges. Finally, the robustness of the impulsive control method is analyzed through Monte Carlo simulations while taking orbit determination error and thrust error into account.

  5. Recent advances in high-capacity free-space optical and radio-frequency communications using orbital angular momentum multiplexing (United States)

    Ren, Yongxiong; Xie, Guodong; Yan, Yan; Li, Long; Zhao, Zhe; Wang, Jian; Tur, Moshe; Molisch, Andreas F.; Ashrafi, Solyman


    There is a continuing growth in the demand for data bandwidth, and the multiplexing of multiple independent data streams has the potential to provide the needed data capacity. One technique uses the spatial domain of an electromagnetic (EM) wave, and space division multiplexing (SDM) has become increasingly important for increased transmission capacity and spectral efficiency of a communication system. A subset of SDM is mode division multiplexing (MDM), in which multiple orthogonal beams each on a different mode can be multiplexed. A potential modal basis set to achieve MDM is to use orbital angular momentum (OAM) of EM waves. In such a system, multiple OAM beams each carrying an independent data stream are multiplexed at the transmitter, propagate through a common medium and are demultiplexed at the receiver. As a result, the total capacity and spectral efficiency of the communication system can be multiplied by a factor equal to the number of transmitted OAM modes. Over the past few years, progress has been made in understanding the advantages and limitations of using multiplexed OAM beams for communication systems. In this review paper, we highlight recent advances in the use of OAM multiplexing for high-capacity free-space optical and millimetre-wave communications. We discuss different technical challenges (e.g. atmospheric turbulence and crosstalk) as well as potential techniques to mitigate such degrading effects. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Optical orbital angular momentum’. PMID:28069770

  6. Orbiter OMS and RCS technology (United States)

    Boudreaux, R. A.


    Orbiter Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) and Reaction Control Subsystem (RCS) tankage has proved to be highly successful in shuttle flights on-orbit propellant transfer tests were done. Tank qualification tests along with flight demonstrations were carried out future uses of storable propellants are cited.

  7. [Secondary orbital lymphoma]. (United States)

    Basanta, I; Sevillano, C; Álvarez, M D


    A case is presented of an 85 year-old Caucasian female with lymphoma that recurred in the orbit (secondary ocular adnexal lymphoma). The orbital tumour was a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma according to the REAL classification (Revised European-American Lymphoma Classification). Orbital lymphomas are predominantly B-cell proliferations of a variety of histological types, and most are low-grade tumours. Patients are usually middle-aged or elderly, and it is slightly more common in women. A palpable mass, proptosis and blepharoptosis are the most common signs of presentation. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. JSC Orbital Debris Website Description (United States)

    Johnson, Nicholas L.


    Purpose: The website provides information about the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office at JSC, which is the lead NASA center for orbital debris research. It is recognized world-wide for its leadership in addressing orbital debris issues. The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office has taken the international lead in conducting measurements of the environment and in developing the technical consensus for adopting mitigation measures to protect users of the orbital environment. Work at the center continues with developing an improved understanding of the orbital debris environment and measures that can be taken to control its growth. Major Contents: Orbital Debris research is divided into the following five broad efforts. Each area of research contains specific information as follows: 1) Modeling - NASA scientists continue to develop and upgrade orbital debris models to describe and characterize the current and future debris environment. Evolutionary and engineering models are described in detail. Downloadable items include a document in PDF format and executable software. 2) Measurements - Measurements of near-Earth orbital debris are accomplished by conducting ground-based and space-based observations of the orbital debris environment. The data from these sources provide validation of the environment models and identify the presence of new sources. Radar, optical and surface examinations are described. External links to related topics are provided. 3) Protection - Orbital debris protection involves conducting hypervelocity impact measurements to assess the risk presented by orbital debris to operating spacecraft and developing new materials and new designs to provide better protection from the environment with less weight penalty. The data from this work provides the link between the environment defined by the models and the risk presented by that environment to operating spacecraft and provides recommendations on design and operations procedures to reduce the risk as

  9. Orbits in weak and strong bars

    CERN Document Server

    Contopoulos, George


    The authors study the plane orbits in simple bar models embedded in an axisymmetric background when the bar density is about 1% (weak), 10% (intermediate) or 100% (strong bar) of the axisymmetric density. Most orbits follow the stable periodic orbits. The basic families of periodic orbits are described. In weak bars with two Inner Lindblad Resonances there is a family of stable orbits extending from the center up to the Outer Lindblad Resonance. This family contains the long period orbits near corotation. Other stable families appear between the Inner Lindblad Resonances, outside the Outer Lindblad Resonance, around corotation (short period orbits) and around the center (retrograde). Some families become unstable or disappear in strong bars. A comparison is made with cases having one or no Inner Lindblad Resonance. (12 refs).

  10. The Eccentric Behavior of Nearly Frozen Orbits (United States)

    Sweetser, Theodore H.; Vincent, Mark A.


    Frozen orbits are orbits which have only short-period changes in their mean eccentricity and argument of periapse, so that they basically keep a fixed orientation within their plane of motion. Nearly frozen orbits are those whose eccentricity and argument of periapse have values close to those of a frozen orbit. We call them "nearly" frozen because their eccentricity vector (a vector whose polar coordinates are eccentricity and argument of periapse) will stay within a bounded distance from the frozen orbit eccentricity vector, circulating around it over time. For highly inclined orbits around the Earth, this distance is effectively constant over time. Furthermore, frozen orbit eccentricity values are low enough that these orbits are essentially eccentric (i.e., off center) circles, so that nearly frozen orbits around Earth are bounded above and below by frozen orbits.

  11. GLONASS orbit/clock combination in VNIIFTRI (United States)

    Bezmenov, I.; Pasynok, S.


    An algorithm and a program for GLONASS satellites orbit/clock combination based on daily precise orbits submitted by several Analytic Centers were developed. Some theoretical estimates for combine orbit positions RMS were derived. It was shown that under condition that RMS of satellite orbits provided by the Analytic Centers during a long time interval are commensurable the RMS of combine orbit positions is no greater than RMS of other satellite positions estimated by any of the Analytic Centers.

  12. Thermal Studies of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II Complexes of Some <em>N-Alkyl-N>-Phenyl-Dithiocarbamates

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    Peter A. Ajibade


    Full Text Available The thermal decomposition of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II complexes of <em>N-ethyl-N>-phenyl and <em>N-butyl-N>-phenyl dithiocarbamates have been studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The products of the decomposition, at two different temperatures, were further characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX. The results show that while the zinc and cadmium complexes undergo decomposition to form metal sulphides, and further undergo oxidation forming metal oxides as final products, the mercury complexes gave unstable volatiles as the final product.

  13. Nucleon molecular orbitals and the transition mechanism between molecular orbitals in nucleus-nucleus collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imanishi, B.; Misono, S.; von Oertzen, W.; Voit, H.


    The molecular orbitals of the nucleon(s) in nucleus-nucleus collisions are dynamically defined as a linear combination of nucleon single-particle orbits (LCNO) in a rotating frame by using the coupled-reaction-channel (CRC) theory. Nucleon molecular orbitals and the promotions of nucleon, - especially due to the Landau-Zener radial coupling are discussed with the method above mentioned. (author)

  14. A case report of orbital Langerhans cell histiocytosis presenting as a orbital cellulitis. (United States)

    Albert-Fort, M; González-Candial, M


    A 10-year-old girl was seen with a 3-week history of right upper lid swelling and with no other symptoms or fever. There was no recent history of sinusitis, trauma, or previous infection involving the periorbital area, or response to oral antibiotic treatment. Orbital computed tomography showed a lesion involving the upper margin of the orbit, and bone destruction at the orbital roof. Biopsy performed revealed the presence of Langerhans cell Histiocytosis. The lesion was surgically debulked and corticosteroids were used intra-operatively. The lesion responded to treatment. The orbital involvement of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, despite its low incidence, should be considered in the examination of acute peri-orbital swelling. It usually presents as an osteolytic lesion, and it is confirmed with a histological examination and immunohistochemical techniques for CD1a and S100. An interdisciplinary approach is recommended to rule out multifocal or multisystemic diseases, as well as to develop an appropriate treatment strategy. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. Quantitative evaluation of orbital hybridization in carbon nanotubes under radial deformation using π-orbital axis vector

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    Masato Ohnishi


    Full Text Available When a radial strain is applied to a carbon nanotube (CNT, the increase in local curvature induces orbital hybridization. The effect of the curvature-induced orbital hybridization on the electronic properties of CNTs, however, has not been evaluated quantitatively. In this study, the strength of orbital hybridization in CNTs under homogeneous radial strain was evaluated quantitatively. Our analyses revealed the detailed procedure of the change in electronic structure of CNTs. In addition, the dihedral angle, the angle between π-orbital axis vectors of adjacent atoms, was found to effectively predict the strength of local orbital hybridization in deformed CNTs.

  16. The conservation of orbital symmetry

    CERN Document Server

    Woodward, R B


    The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry examines the principle of conservation of orbital symmetry and its use. The central content of the principle was that reactions occur readily when there is congruence between orbital symmetry characteristics of reactants and products, and only with difficulty when that congruence does not obtain-or to put it more succinctly, orbital symmetry is conserved in concerted reaction. This principle is expected to endure, whatever the language in which it may be couched, or whatever greater precision may be developed in its application and extension. The book ope

  17. Similarity in Bilateral Isolated Internal Orbital Fractures. (United States)

    Chen, Hung-Chang; Cox, Jacob T; Sanyal, Abanti; Mahoney, Nicholas R


    In evaluating patients sustaining bilateral isolated internal orbital fractures, the authors have observed both similar fracture locations and also similar expansion of orbital volumes. In this study, we aim to investigate if there is a propensity for the 2 orbits to fracture in symmetrically similar patterns when sustaining similar trauma. A retrospective chart review was performed studying all cases at our institution of bilateral isolated internal orbital fractures involving the medial wall and/or the floor at the time of presentation. The similarity of the bilateral fracture locations was evaluated using the Fisher's exact test. The bilateral expanded orbital volumes were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to assess for orbital volume similarity. Twenty-four patients with bilateral internal orbital fractures were analyzed for fracture location similarity. Seventeen patients (70.8%) had 100% concordance in the orbital subregion fractured, and the association between the right and the left orbital fracture subregion locations was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). Fifteen patients were analyzed for orbital volume similarity. The average orbital cavity volume was 31.2 ± 3.8 cm on the right and 32.0 ± 3.7 cm on the left. There was a statistically significant difference between right and left orbital cavity volumes (P = 0.0026). The data from this study suggest that an individual who suffers isolated bilateral internal orbital fractures has a statistically significant similarity in the location of their orbital fractures. However, there does not appear to be statistically significant similarity in the expansion of the orbital volumes in these patients.

  18. Orbital Debris and NASA's Measurement Program (United States)

    Africano, J. L.; Stansbery, E. G.


    Since the launch of Sputnik in 1957, the number of manmade objects in orbit around the Earth has dramatically increased. The United States Space Surveillance Network (SSN) tracks and maintains orbits on over nine thousand objects down to a limiting diameter of about ten centimeters. Unfortunately, active spacecraft are only a small percentage ( ~ 7%) of this population. The rest of the population is orbital debris or ``space junk" consisting of expended rocket bodies, dead payloads, bits and pieces from satellite launches, and fragments from satellite breakups. The number of these smaller orbital debris objects increases rapidly with decreasing size. It is estimated that there are at least 130,000 orbital debris objects between one and ten centimeters in diameter. Most objects smaller than 10 centimeters go untracked! As the orbital debris population grows, the risk to other orbiting objects, most importantly manned space vehicles, of a collision with a piece of debris also grows. The kinetic energy of a solid 1 cm aluminum sphere traveling at an orbital velocity of 10 km/sec is equivalent to a 400 lb. safe traveling at 60 mph. Fortunately, the volume of space in which the orbiting population resides is large, collisions are infrequent, but they do occur. The Space Shuttle often returns to earth with its windshield pocked with small pits or craters caused by collisions with very small, sub-millimeter-size pieces of debris (paint flakes, particles from solid rocket exhaust, etc.), and micrometeoroids. To get a more complete picture of the orbital-debris environment, NASA has been using both radar and optical techniques to monitor the orbital debris environment. This paper gives an overview of the orbital debris environment and NASA's measurement program.

  19. Orbital structure in oscillating galactic potentials (United States)

    Terzić, Balša; Kandrup, Henry E.


    Subjecting a galactic potential to (possibly damped) nearly periodic, time-dependent variations can lead to large numbers of chaotic orbits experiencing systematic changes in energy, and the resulting chaotic phase mixing could play an important role in explaining such phenomena as violent relaxation. This paper focuses on the simplest case of spherically symmetric potentials subjected to strictly periodic driving with the aim of understanding precisely why orbits become chaotic and under what circumstances they will exhibit systematic changes in energy. Four unperturbed potentials V0(r) were considered, each subjected to a time dependence of the form V(r, t) =V0(r)(1 +m0 sinωt). In each case, the orbits divide clearly into regular and chaotic, distinctions which appear absolute. In particular, transitions from regularity to chaos are seemingly impossible. Over finite time intervals, chaotic orbits subdivide into what can be termed `sticky' chaotic orbits, which exhibit no large-scale secular changes in energy and remain trapped in the phase-space region where they started; and `wildly' chaotic orbits, which do exhibit systematic drifts in energy as the orbits diffuse to different phase-space regions. This latter distinction is not absolute, transitions corresponding apparently to orbits penetrating a `leaky' phase-space barrier. The three different orbit types can be identified simply in terms of the frequencies for which their Fourier spectra have the most power. An examination of the statistical properties of orbit ensembles as a function of driving frequency ω allows us to identify the specific resonances that determine orbital structure. Attention focuses also on how, for fixed amplitude m0, such quantities as the mean energy shift, the relative measure of chaotic orbits and the mean value of the largest Lyapunov exponent vary with driving frequency ω and how, for fixed ω, the same quantities depend on m0.

  20. Orbital roof encephalocele mimicking a destructive neoplasm. (United States)

    Alsuhaibani, Adel H; Hitchon, Patrick W; Smoker, Wendy R K; Lee, Andrew G; Nerad, Jeffrey A


    The purpose of this case report is to report an orbital roof encephalocele mimicking a destructive orbital neoplasm. Orbital roof encephalocele is uncommon but can mimic neoplasm. One potential mechanism for the orbital roof destruction is a post-traumatic "growing orbital roof fracture." The growing fracture has been reported mostly in children but can occur in adults. Alternative potential etiologies for the encephalocele are discussed, including Gorham syndrome. Orbital roof encephalocele is uncommon in adults, and the findings can superficially resemble an orbital neoplasm. Radiographic and clinical features that might suggest the correct diagnosis include a prior history of trauma, overlying frontal lobe encephalomalacia without significant mass effect or edema, and an orbital roof defect. The "growing fracture" mechanism may be a potential explanation for the orbital roof destruction in some cases.

  1. The globe and orbit in Laron syndrome. (United States)

    Kornreich, L; Konen, O; Lilos, P; Laron, Z


    Patients with LS have an inborn growth hormone resistance, resulting in failure to generate IGF-1. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the size of the eye and orbit in LS. We retrospectively reviewed the MR imaging of the brain in 9 patients with LS for the following parameters: axial diameter of the globe, interzygomatic distance, perpendicular distance from the interzygomatic line to margins of the globe, medial-to-lateral diameter of the orbit at the anterior orbital rim, distance from the anterior orbital rim to the anterior globe, maximal distance between the medial walls of the orbits, lateral orbital wall angle, lateral orbital wall length, and mediolateral thickness of the intraorbital fat in the most cranial image of the orbit. All measurements were made bilaterally. Twenty patients referred for MR imaging for unrelated reasons served as control subjects. Compared with the control group, the patients with LS had a significantly smaller maximal globe diameter and shallower but wider orbits due to a shorter lateral wall, a smaller medial distance between the orbits, and a larger angle of the orbit. The ratio between the most anterior orbital diameter and the globe was greater than that in controls. The position of the globe was more anterior in relation to the interzygomatic line. Shallow and wide orbits and small globes relative to orbital size are seen in LS and may be secondary to IGF-1 deficiency.

  2. Orbiting compressor for residential air-conditioners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyun Jin; Kim, Woo Young; Ahn, Jong Min [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Incheon, 12-1 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-840 (Korea)


    A new type of compressor, called an orbiting compressor, is introduced in this paper. The orbiting compressor is characterized by an orbiting piston, and the piston or orbiter consists of a circular base plate and a ring type vane protruding vertically from the base plate. The orbiter is made to orbit in an annular space formed between two concentric circular walls via an Oldham-ring mechanism, producing two sealed gas pockets on both sides of the vane wrap with a 180 phase difference. This operating mechanism leads to alternating compression and discharge processes, which results in low torque variation. The orbiting compressor has been designed for an R410A residential air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 10.0 kW. The performance of the orbiting compressor model has been analytically investigated, where the volumetric, adiabatic and mechanical efficiencies were calculated to be 94.8%, 90.4% and 93.4%, respectively for the ARI condition. The EER was estimated to be about 10.86 with a motor efficiency of 89%. (author)

  3. Conservazione e gestione della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem>

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    Francesco Riga


    Full Text Available Il recente riconoscimento dello <em>status> specifico della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem> e l?accertamento dell?areale distributivo rappresentano le azioni più importanti per la conservazione di un <em>taxon endemicoem> che si era creduto estinto. Nella penisola la specie presenta un areale discontinuo, il cui limite settentrionale è dato dal comune di Manciano (GR, sul versante tirrenico e da una linea che dalla provincia de L'Aquila arriva al Gargano. In Sicilia la distribuzione è relativamente continua anche in aree non protette. Dati genetici hanno permesso di confermare la presenza in Corsica. Al contrario, nell?Isola d'Elba, a seguito di estese ricerche, sono stati identificati solo esemplari di <em>L. europaeusem>. Nell?Italia peninsulare <em>L. corsicanusem> è spesso presente in simpatria con popolazioni di <em>L. europaeusem>, mentre in Sicilia la lepre europea non ha originato popolazioni stabili, nonostante l?immissione di molte migliaia di individui. La distribuzione ecologica di <em>L. corsicanusem> ed analisi ambientali specifiche, suggeriscono l?adattamento prevalente agli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, benché essa sia presente anche a quote elevate (> 1.500 m s.l.m.. Dati preliminari di abbondanza relativa hanno evidenziato una situazione diversificata tra la penisola e la Sicilia e tra aree a diverso regime di gestione; un confronto tra le aree protette ha evidenziato rispettivamente valori di 5,54 e 11,73 ind./km². La riduzione quali-quantitativa e la frammentazione dell?<em>habitat> delle lepri è un fenomeno potenzialmente pericoloso per la sopravvivenza delle popolazioni, determinando fenomeni di estinzione locale dovuti alle basse densità di popolazione, inducendo fenomeni di erosione della variabilità genetica e di riduzione della <em>fitness> degli individui. L?introduzione di <em>L. europaeusem> può costituire un importante fattore limitante sia per la possibile competizione

  4. Methyl 2-Benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate

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    Alami Anouar


    Full Text Available The heterocyclic carboxylic α-aminoester methyl 2-benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate is obtained by <em>O>-alkylation of methyl α-azido glycinate <em>N>-benzoylated with 1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethanol.

  5. Técnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto aplicadas na identificação de conflitos do uso da terra em Seropédica-RJ

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    Kaio Allan Cruz Gasparini

    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o uso e a cobertura da terra, e comparou os dados obtidos com aqueles das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs, para identificar conflitos do uso da terra no município de Seropédica-RJ. Utilizaram-se duas cenas do satélite CBERS2 e a classificação supervisionada com o método da mínima distância. As APPs foram delimitadas com o auxílio de geotecnologias, baseando-se na legislação ambiental (Lei n.º 12.651/2012 (Brasil, 2012. Utilizou-se no mapeamento das APPs um Modelo Digital de Elevação (1:25.000 e, para a rede de drenagem, cartas planialtimétricas (1:10.000. Identificaram-se 40,02 km² de APPs, o que correspondeu a 15,01% do município. A APP do rio Guandu apresentou maior área (7,23% e lagos urbanos, a menor (0,04%. O município não apresentou APPs de declividade (<40° e de topo de morro (declividade < 25° com altitude < 100. Em relação aos conflitos do uso da terra, o solo exposto correspondeu a 58,1%, pastagem a 21,7%, areia/mineração a 7,8% e área urbana a 3,9%. Os resultados obtidos indicam eficiência dessas geotecnologias na gestão municipal.

  6. Applicability of meteor radiant determination methods depending on orbit type. I. High-eccentric orbits (United States)

    Svoren, J.; Neslusan, L.; Porubcan, V.


    It is evident that there is no uniform method of calculating meteor radiants which would yield reliable results for all types of cometary orbits. In the present paper an analysis of this problem is presented, together with recommended methods for various types of orbits. Some additional methods resulting from mathematical modelling are presented and discussed together with Porter's, Steel-Baggaley's and Hasegawa's methods. In order to be able to compare how suitable the application of the individual radiant determination methods is, it is necessary to determine the accuracy with which they approximate real meteor orbits. To verify the accuracy with which the orbit of a meteoroid with at least one node at 1 AU fits the original orbit of the parent body, we applied the Southworth-Hawkins D-criterion (Southworth, R.B., Hawkins, G.S.: 1963, Smithson. Contr. Astrophys 7, 261). D0.2 the fit is rather poor and the change of orbit unrealistic. The optimal methods with the smallest values of D for given types of orbits are shown in two series of six plots. The new method of rotation around the line of apsides we propose is very appropriate in the region of small inclinations. There is no doubt that Hasegawa's omega-adjustment method (Hasegawa, I.: 1990, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 42, 175) has the widest application. A comparison of the theoretical radiants with the observed radiants of seven known meteor showers is also presented.

  7. Estudo macroscópico e dinamométrico comparativo de implantes (ímãs recobertos e de suas técnicas de fixação em órbitas de coelhas Comparative macroscopic and dynamometric study of implants (covered magnets and techniques of their fixation in orbits of female rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elcio Roque Kleinpaul


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliação clínica dos sinais da reação inflamatória de fixação de implante orbitário (ímã recoberto por ouro e avaliação macroscópica de sua resistência aos fluidos orgânicos. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental em 54 coelhas adultas, divididas em três grupos de 18, com 3 subgrupos de 6 de acordo com o material usado para fixação, avaliação com uma, três e seis semanas de pós-operatório. Fixação, no rebordo inferior da órbita, de implante (ímã e ouro por meio de cola ou parafuso ou fio inabsorvível (Mersilene 5.0®. As órbitas contralaterais (sem implante compuseram o grupo-controle. Medidas da resistência à tração tangencial do implante fixado. RESULTADOS: Sinais clínicos de reação inflamatória à fixação orbitária do implante foram observados com cianoacrilato, parafuso, ou sutura inabsorvível (Mersilene 5.0®, até a sexta semana de pós-operatório, sendo mais intensa no grupo F (fixação com fio. A força de tração de 80 gf, independentemente do tipo de fixação, não produziu arrancamentos em 94,5% dos implantes na primeira semana, 100% na terceira semana e em 94,5% dos casos na sexta semana. CONCLUSÃO: Sinais clínicos de reação inflamatória do implante e sua fixação foram observados com cianoacrilato ou parafuso ou sutura inabsorvível (Mersilene 5.0® até a sexta semana pós-operatória, sendo mais intensa no grupo F (fio. A resistência do implante aos fluídos orgânicos mostrou falha em 9,3% (implante com dano.PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical signs of inflammatory reaction in the fixation of an orbitary implant (magnet, covered by gold, and to evaluate the macroscopic resistance to organic fluids of the used implants. METHODS: An experimental study was performed in 54 adult female rabbits, divided into 3 groups of eighteen with 3 subgroups of 6 according to the material used for fixation; the implants were evaluated at weeks 1, 3 and 6 after surgery. An implant (magnet

  8. Orbital tomography: Molecular band maps, momentum maps and the imaging of real space orbitals of adsorbed molecules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Offenbacher, Hannes; Lüftner, Daniel; Ules, Thomas; Reinisch, Eva Maria; Koller, Georg, E-mail:; Puschnig, Peter; Ramsey, Michael G., E-mail:


    Highlights: • Orbital tomography within the plane wave final state approximation. • One electron orbital predictions versus angle resolved photoemission experiment. • Geometric and electronic structure of organic thin films elucidated by ARUPS. • Influence of molecular conformation and orientation on ARUPS. • Retrieval of sexiphenyl and pentacene orbitals in real space. - Abstract: The frontier orbitals of molecules are the prime determinants of their chemical, optical and electronic properties. Arguably, the most direct method of addressing the (filled) frontier orbitals is ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS). Although UPS is a mature technique from the early 1970s on, the angular distribution of the photoemitted electrons was thought to be too complex to be analysed quantitatively. Recently angle resolved UPS (ARUPS) work on conjugated molecules both, in ordered thick films and chemisorbed monolayers, has shown that the angular (momentum) distribution of the photocurrent from orbital emissions can be simply understood. The approach, based on the assumption of a plane wave final state is becoming known as orbital tomography. Here we will demonstrate, with selected examples of pentacene (5A) and sexiphenyl (6P), the potential of orbital tomography. First it will be shown how the full angular distribution of the photocurrent (momentum map) from a specific orbital is related to the real space orbital by a Fourier transform. Examples of the reconstruction of 5A orbitals will be given and the procedure for recovering the lost phase information will be outlined. We then move to examples of sexiphenyl where we interrogate the original band maps of thick sexiphenyl in the light of our understanding of orbital tomography that has developed since then. With comparison to theoretical simulations of the molecular band maps, the molecular conformation and orientation will be concluded. New results for the sexiphenyl monolayer on Al(1 1 0) will then be

  9. Quark Orbital Angular Momentum

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    Burkardt Matthias


    Full Text Available Definitions of orbital angular momentum based on Wigner distributions are used as a framework to discuss the connection between the Ji definition of the quark orbital angular momentum and that of Jaffe and Manohar. We find that the difference between these two definitions can be interpreted as the change in the quark orbital angular momentum as it leaves the target in a DIS experiment. The mechanism responsible for that change is similar to the mechanism that causes transverse single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering.

  10. Código para imageamento indireto de estrelas em sistemas binarios: simulação de variações elipsoidais e do perfil das linhas (United States)

    Souza, T. R.; Baptista, R.


    As estrelas secundárias em variáveis cataclí smicas (VCs) e binárias-x de baixa massa (BXBMs) são cruciais para o entendimento da origem, evolução e comportamento destas binárias interagentes. Elas são estrelas magneticamente ativas submetidas a condições ambientais extremas [e.g., estão muito próximas de uma fonte quente e irradiante; têm rotação extremamente rápida e forma distorcida; estão perdendo massa a taxas de 10-8-10-10 M¤/ano] que contribuem para que suas propriedades sejam distintas das de estrelas de mesma massa na seqüência principal. Por outro lado, o padrão de irradiação na face da secundária fornece informação sobre a geometria das estruturas de acréscimo em torno da estrela primária. Assim, a obtenção de imagens da superfície destas estrelas é de grande interesse astrofísico. A Tomografia Roche usa as variações no perfil das linhas de emissão/absorção da estrela secundária em função da fase orbital para mapear a distribuição de brilho em sua superfície. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados iniciais do desenvolvimento de um programa para o mapeamento da distribuição de brilho na superfí cie das estrelas secundárias em VCs e BXBMs com técnicas de astro-tomografia. Presentemente temos em operação um código que simula as variações no perfil das linhas em conseqüência de efeito Doppler resultante da combinação de rotação e translação de uma estrela em forma de lobo de Roche em torno do centro de massa da binária, em função da distribuição de brilho na superfície desta estrela. O código igualmente produz a curva de luz resultante das variações de aspecto da estrela em função da fase orbital (variações elipsoidais).

  11. Stellar orbits around Sgr A*

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trippe, S; Gillessen, S; Ott, T; Eisenhauer, F; Paumard, T; Martins, F; Genzel, R; Schoedel, R; Eckart, A; Alexander, T


    In this article we present and discuss the latest results from the observations of stars (''S-stars'') orbiting Sgr A* . With improving data quality the number of observed S-stars has increased substantially in the last years. The combination of radial velocity and proper motion information allows an ever more precise determination of orbital parameters and of the mass of and the distance to the supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way. Additionally, the orbital solutions allow us to verify an agreement between the NIR source Sgr A* and the dynamical centre of the stellar orbits to within 2 mas


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    Paola Emanuele Bragato


    Full Text Available As rugas são sulcos ou pregas cutâneas que se apresentam de forma progressiva pelo declínio da junção dermoepidérmica, em que ocorre um distúrbio nos componentes do tecido conjuntivo. O colágeno torna-se mais rígido e a elastina perde a sua elasticidade natural com a redução do número de fibras elásticas e de outros componentes do tecido. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar osefeitos da aplicação de eletrolifting em rugas. É um relato de caso, com uma participante do sexo feminino, de 54 anos, com rugas estáticas em regiões frontal, orbital, bucal e nasolabial, que foi submetida a seis sessões de aplicação de eletrolifting, com intervalo de sete dias entre cada intervenção, os resultados foram avaliados pela análise fotográfica e questionário de satisfação pessoal. Observou-se melhora no aspecto da face, atenuação das linhas de expressão, e como consequência melhora da auto-estima e aparência estética. A aplicação de eletrolifting mostrou resultados satisfatórios.

  13. Evolução e mapeamento do uso da terra, através de imagens aerofotogramétricas e orbitais em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP Land use mapping and evolution through aerial photographs and orbital images, in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP

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    M.H. Borges


    Full Text Available Em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste,SP, foram realizados dois mapeamentos do uso da terra em área de 14.625 ha. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas (data de 25/6/78, na escala 1:35.000, e no segundo utilizou-se imagens orbitais do satélite LANDSAT-5 com sensor "Thematic Mapper" (data de 12/8/91, escala 1: 100.000, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5. Para auxiliar a confecção desses mapas, obteve-se chaves de interpretação, tanto para as aerofotos como para as imagens orbitais. As fotografias aéreas proporcionaram um maior nível de detalhamento na identificação do uso da terra. A banda 3 e a composição colorida 3/4/5 foram as mais eficientes entre as imagens orbitais. Entre 1978 e 1991, a área de ocorrência de cana-de-açúcar permaneceu a mesma, as áreas de mata e pastagem diminuíram, enquanto que as áreas de reflorestamento e urbana aumentaram. Essa região teve sua capacidade de uso enquadrada, na maior parte, na classe IV: terras mais apropriadas para pastagens ou plantas perenes como a cana-de-açúcar, devendo-se aplicar técnicas intensivas de conservação, e com aptidão baseada em práticas agrícolas que refletem um alto nível tecnológico.Land use was studied in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste,SP in an area of 14,625 ha. Two land use mappings were made using pancromatic aerial photographs (date 25/6/78, in a scale of 1:35,000 and orbital images from LANDSAT-5 satellite (date 12/8/91 in a scale 1:100,000, at bands 3, 4 and 5 and color composition 3/4/5. Interpretation keys for aerial photos and orbital images were established to assist map making. For land use identification photos presented more details. On the other hand, orbital images at band 3 and color composition 3/4/5 were more efficient in relation to the other bands. Sugar cane crop area did not change in the studied period (1978-1991, forest and pasture areas had a reduction and urban areas increased. Using the land capability

  14. Orbital and adnexal sarcoidosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prabhakaran, Venkatesh C.; Saeed, Perooz; Esmaeli, Bita; Sullivan, Timothy J.; Mcnab, Alan; Davis, Garry; Valenzuela, Alejandra; Leibovitch, Igal; Kesler, Anat; Sivak-Callcott, Jennifer; Hoyama, Erika; Selva, Dinesh


    To present the clinical features and management in a series of patients with orbital and adnexal sarcoidosis. This multicenter retrospective study included patients with biopsy-proven noncaseating granuloma involving the orbit or adnexa and evidence of systemic sarcoidosis. Clinical records were

  15. About periodic and quasi-periodic orbits of a new type for twist maps of the torus

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    Full Text Available We prove that for a large and important class of C¹ twist maps of the torus periodic and quasi-periodic orbits of a new type exist, provided that there are no rotational invariant circles (R.I.C's. These orbits have a non-zero "vertical rotation number'' (V.R.N., in contrast to what happens to Birkhoff periodic orbits and Aubry-Mather sets. The V.R.N. is rational for a periodic orbit and irrational for a quasi-periodic. We also prove that the existence of an orbit with a V.R.N = a > 0, implies the existence of orbits with V.R.N = b, for all 0 Provamos que para uma relevante classe de aplicações C¹ no toro, que desviam a vertical para a direita, existem órbitas periódicas e quase-periódicas de um novo tipo, se e somente se, não existem círculos rotacionais invariantes. Essas órbitas têm um número de rotação vertical não nulo (N.R.V, em contraste com o que ocorre para órbitas periódicas do tipo Birkhoff e para os conjuntos de Aubry-Mather. O número de rotação vertical é racional para uma órbita periódica e irracional para uma quase-periódica. Também provamos que a existência de uma órbita com N.R.V = a implica a existência de órbitas com N.R.V = b, para todo 0 < b < a. Como consequência destes resultados, obtemos que uma aplicação do toro que desvia a vertical e não possui círculos rotacionais invariates, necessariamente tem entropia topológica positiva, que é um resultado clássico. No fim deste trabalho apresentamos aplicações e exemplos, como o Standard map, dos resultados obtidos.

  16. Classificação híbrida: pixel a pixel e baseada em objetos para o monitoramento da condição da superfície dos pavimentos rodoviários

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    Marcos Ribeiro Resende

    Full Text Available Monitorar a condição de uso de toda a extensão das rodovias brasileiras é tarefa dispendiosa e demorada. Este trabalho trata de novas técnicas que permitem o levantamento da condição da superfície dos pavimentos rodoviários de forma ágil utilizando imagens hiperespectrais de sensor digital aeroembarcado. Nos últimos anos, um número crescente de imagens de alta resolução espacial tem surgido no mercado mundial com o aparecimento dos novos satélites e sensores aeroembarcados de sensoriamento remoto. Propõe-se uma metodologia para identificação dos pavimentos asfálticos e classificação das principais ocorrências dos defeitos na superfície do pavimento. A primeira etapa da metodologia é a identificação da superfície asfáltica na imagem, utilizando uma classificação híbrida baseada inicialmente em pixel e depois refinada por objetos. A segunda etapa da metodologia é a identificação e classificação das ocorrências dos principais defeitos nos pavimentos flexíveis que são observáveis nas imagens de alta resolução espacial. Esta última etapa faz uso intensivo das novas técnicas de classificação de imagens baseadas em objetos. O resultado final é a geração de índices da condição da superfície do pavimento a partir das imagens que possam ser comparados com os indicadores vigentes da condição da superfície do pavimento já normatizados pelos órgãos competentes no país.

  17. Development of 101 Gene-based Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers in Sea Cucumber, <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>>

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    Wei Lu


    Full Text Available Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs are currently the marker of choice in a variety of genetic studies. Using the high resolution melting (HRM genotyping approach, 101 gene-based SNP markers were developed for <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>, a sea cucumber species with economic significance for the aquaculture industry in East Asian countries. HRM analysis revealed that all the loci showed polymorphisms when evaluated using 40 <em>A. japonicusem> individuals collected from a natural population. The minor allele frequency ranged from 0.035 to 0.489. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.050 to 0.833 and 0.073 to 0.907, respectively. Thirteen loci were found to depart significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE after Bonferroni corrections. Significant linkage disequilibrium (LD was detected in one pair of markers. These SNP markers are expected to be useful for future quantitative trait loci (QTL analysis, and to facilitate marker-assisted selection (MAS in <em>A. japonicusem>.

  18. Algorithms for orbit control on SPEAR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corbett, J.; Keeley, D.; Hettel, R.; Linscott, I.; Sebek, J.


    A global orbit feedback system has been installed on SPEAR to help stabilize the position of the photon beams. The orbit control algorithms depend on either harmonic reconstruction of the orbit or eigenvector decomposition. The orbit motion is corrected by dipole corrector kicks determined from the inverse corrector-to-bpm response matrix. This paper outlines features of these control algorithms as applied to SPEAR

  19. Orbital Resonances in the Vinti Solution (United States)

    Zurita, L. D.

    As space becomes more congested, contested, and competitive, high-accuracy orbital predictions become critical for space operations. Current orbit propagators use the two-body solution with perturbations added, which have significant error growth when numerically integrated for long time periods. The Vinti Solution is a more accurate model than the two-body problem because it also accounts for the equatorial bulge of the Earth. Unfortunately, the Vinti solution contains small divisors near orbital resonances in the perturbative terms of the Hamiltonian, which lead to inaccurate orbital predictions. One approach to avoid the small divisors is to apply transformation theory, which is presented in this research. The methodology of this research is to identify the perturbative terms of the Vinti Solution, perform a coordinate transformation, and derive the new equations of motion for the Vinti system near orbital resonances. An analysis of these equations of motion offers insight into the dynamics found near orbital resonances. The analysis in this research focuses on the 2:1 resonance, which includes the Global Positioning System. The phase portrait of a nominal Global Positioning System satellite orbit is found to contain a libration region and a chaotic region. Further analysis shows that the dynamics of the 2:1 resonance affects orbits with semi-major axes ranging from -5.0 to +5.4 kilometers from an exactly 2:1 resonant orbit. Truth orbits of seven Global Positioning System satellites are produced for 10 years. Two of the satellites are found to be outside of the resonance region and three are found to be influenced by the libration dynamics of the resonance. The final satellite is found to be influenced by the chaotic dynamics of the resonance. This research provides a method of avoiding the small divisors found in the perturbative terms of the Vinti Solution near orbital resonances.

  20. Activity-Guided Isolation of Antioxidant Compounds from <em>Rhizophora apiculataem>

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    Hongbin Xiao


    Full Text Available <em>Rhizophora apiculataem> (<em>R. apiculataem> contains an abundance of biologically active compounds due its special salt-tolerant living surroundings. In this study, the total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of various extract and fractions of stem of <em>R. apiculataem> were investigated. Results indicated that butanol fraction possesses the highest total phenolic content (181.84 mg/g GAE/g dry extract with strongest antioxidant abilities. Following <em>in vitroem> antioxidant activity-guided phytochemical separation procedures, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-arabinopyranoside (1, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-rhamnoside (2, and afzelechin-3-<em>O>-L-rhamno-pyranoside (3 were separated from the butanol fraction. These compounds showed more noticeable antioxidant activity than a BHT standard in the DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radical scavenging assays. HPLC analysis results showed that among different plant parts, the highest content of 13 was located in the bark (0.068%, 0.066% and 0.011%, respectively. The results imply that the <em>R. apiculataem> might be a potential source of natural antioxidants and 13 are antioxidant ingredients in <em>R. apiculataem>.

  1. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of Novel 1<em>H-Benzo[d>]imidazoles Phenyl Sulfonylpiperazines

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    Amjad M. Qandil


    Full Text Available A group of benzimidazole analogs of sildenafil, 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-phenylsulfonylpiperazines 2–4 and 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-<em>N,N>-dimethyl- benzenesulfonamide (5, were efficiently synthesized. Compounds 2–5 were characterized by NMR and MS and contrary to the reported mass spectra of sildenafil, the spectra of the piperazine-containing compounds 2–4 showed a novel fragmentation pattern leading to an <em>m/z> = 316. A mechanism for the formation of this fragment was proposed.

  2. Orbit determination for ISRO satellite missions (United States)

    Rao, Ch. Sreehari; Sinha, S. K.

    Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been successful in using the in-house developed orbit determination and prediction software for satellite missions of Bhaskara, Rohini and APPLE. Considering the requirements of satellite missions, software packages are developed, tested and their accuracies are assessed. Orbit determination packages developed are SOIP, for low earth orbits of Bhaskara and Rohini missions, ORIGIN and ODPM, for orbits related to all phases of geo-stationary missions and SEGNIP, for drift and geo-stationary orbits. Software is tested and qualified using tracking data of SIGNE-3, D5-B, OTS, SYMPHONIE satellites with the help of software available with CNES, ESA and DFVLR. The results match well with those available from these agencies. These packages have supported orbit determination successfully throughout the mission life for all ISRO satellite missions. Member-Secretary

  3. Space Tourism: Orbital Debris Considerations (United States)

    Mahmoudian, N.; Shajiee, S.; Moghani, T.; Bahrami, M.


    Space activities after a phase of research and development, political competition and national prestige have entered an era of real commercialization. Remote sensing, earth observation, and communication are among the areas in which this growing industry is facing competition and declining government money. A project like International Space Station, which draws from public money, has not only opened a window of real multinational cooperation, but also changed space travel from a mere fantasy into a real world activity. Besides research activities for sending man to moon and Mars and other outer planets, space travel has attracted a considerable attention in recent years in the form of space tourism. Four countries from space fairing nations are actively involved in the development of space tourism. Even, nations which are either in early stages of space technology development or just beginning their space activities, have high ambitions in this area. This is worth noting considering their limited resources. At present, trips to space are available, but limited and expensive. To move beyond this point to generally available trips to orbit and week long stays in LEO, in orbital hotels, some of the required basic transportations, living requirements, and technological developments required for long stay in orbit are already underway. For tourism to develop to a real everyday business, not only the price has to come down to meaningful levels, but also safety considerations should be fully developed to attract travelers' trust. A serious hazard to space activities in general and space tourism in particular is space debris in earth orbit. Orbiting debris are man-made objects left over by space operations, hazardous to space missions. Since the higher density of debris population occurs in low earth orbit, which is also the same orbit of interest to space tourism, a careful attention should be paid to the effect of debris on tourism activities. In this study, after a

  4. Performance assessment of density functional methods with Gaussian and Slater basis sets using 7σ orbital momentum distributions of N2O (United States)

    Wang, Feng; Pang, Wenning; Duffy, Patrick


    Performance of a number of commonly used density functional methods in chemistry (B3LYP, Bhandh, BP86, PW91, VWN, LB94, PBe0, SAOP and X3LYP and the Hartree-Fock (HF) method) has been assessed using orbital momentum distributions of the 7σ orbital of nitrous oxide (NNO), which models electron behaviour in a chemically significant region. The density functional methods are combined with a number of Gaussian basis sets (Pople's 6-31G*, 6-311G**, DGauss TZVP and Dunning's aug-cc-pVTZ as well as even-tempered Slater basis sets, namely, et-DZPp, et-QZ3P, et-QZ+5P and et-pVQZ). Orbital momentum distributions of the 7σ orbital in the ground electronic state of NNO, which are obtained from a Fourier transform into momentum space from single point electronic calculations employing the above models, are compared with experimental measurement of the same orbital from electron momentum spectroscopy (EMS). The present study reveals information on performance of (a) the density functional methods, (b) Gaussian and Slater basis sets, (c) combinations of the density functional methods and basis sets, that is, the models, (d) orbital momentum distributions, rather than a group of specific molecular properties and (e) the entire region of chemical significance of the orbital. It is found that discrepancies of this orbital between the measured and the calculated occur in the small momentum region (i.e. large r region). In general, Slater basis sets achieve better overall performance than the Gaussian basis sets. Performance of the Gaussian basis sets varies noticeably when combining with different Vxc functionals, but Dunning's augcc-pVTZ basis set achieves the best performance for the momentum distributions of this orbital. The overall performance of the B3LYP and BP86 models is similar to newer models such as X3LYP and SAOP. The present study also demonstrates that the combinations of the density functional methods and the basis sets indeed make a difference in the quality of the

  5. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Verspertilionidae

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    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Abstract Captivity observation on body weight cycle and digestive efficiency in <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> and <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae Many bat species of cold-temperate climate are subject to seasonal variation of temperature and food availability. Fat reserve during summer-autumn is therefore a physiological adaptation to spend the winter months by hibernating or to sustain migration. During a research on bats in urban areas, two juveniles of Kuhl's bat (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 females and two juveniles of Savi's bat (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 male and 1 female were collected in 1997 in the urban area of Florence (central Italy. Bats were kept in a cage of 50x40x30 cm with a temperature between 17° and 22° C. Every day they were weighted with an electronic balance before eating mealworms (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. Digestive efficiency, calculated on dry material, was about 90% for both species. In about six months <em>P. kuhliiem> and <em>H. saviiem> increased on the average of 450% and 280% in weight respectively. Deposition of fat reserve seemed to be faster in <em>P. kuhliiem> than in <em>H. saviiem>. Both species showed a circannual cycle in the variation of weight. Riassunto Molte specie di pipistrelli dei climi temperato-freddi sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in tarda estate-autunno è quindi un adattamento fisiologico per trascorrere in ibernazione i mesi invernali o per intraprendere la migrazione. Nell'ambito di una ricerca pluriennale sui pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, 4 esemplari giovani, di cui 2 di Pipistrello albolimbato (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 femmine e due di Pipistrello di Savi (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 maschio e 1 femmina, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l'estate del 1997 e mantenuti in un contenitore di 50x40x30 cm ad

  6. Thrombosis of orbital varices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boschi Oyhenart, J.; Tenyi, A.; Boschi Pau, J.


    Orbital varices are venous malformations produced by an abnormal dilatation of one or more orbital veins, probably associated with congenital weakness of the vascular wall. They are rare lesions, usually occurring in young patients, that produce intermittent proptosis related to the increase in the systemic venous pressure. The presence of hemorrhage or thrombosis is associated with rapid development of proptosis, pain and decreased ocular motility. We report the cases of two adult patients with orbital varices complicated by thrombosis in whom the diagnosis was based on computed tomography. The ultrasound and magnetic resonance findings are also discussed. (Author) 16 refs

  7. Spatial analysis of galactic cosmic ray particles in low earth orbit/near equator orbit using SPENVIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suparta, W; Zulkeple, S K


    The space environment has grown intensively harmful to spacecraft and astronauts. Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are one of the radiation sources that composed of high energetic particles originated from space and capable of damaging electronic systems through single event upset (SEU) process. In this paper, we analyzed GCR fluxes at different altitudes by using Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS) software and the results are compared to determine their intensities with respect to distance in the Earth's orbit. The altitudes are set at low earth orbit (400 km and 685 km), medium earth orbit (19,100 km and 20,200 km) and high earth orbit (35,793 km and 1,000,000 km). Then, within Low Earth Orbit (LEO) near the equator (NEqO), we used altitude of 685 km to compare GCRs with the intensities of solar particles and trapped particles in the radiation belt to determine the significance of GCRs in the orbit itself.

  8. Supra-orbital keyhole removal of anterior fossa and parasellar meningiomas Minicraniotomia supra-orbitária superciliar no tratamento de meningiomas na fossa craniana anterior e para-selares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoel Antonio de Paiva-Neto


    Full Text Available The improvement of surgical techniques as well as the introduction of new surgical instruments promoted the use of keyhole craniotomies in neurosurgery. We evaluated the technical aspects of the supra-orbital keyhole approach considering the indications, limitations, and complications of this approach to treat anterior cranial fossa and parasellar meningiomas. Twenty-four patients (21 females; mean age, 53±8.6 years operated on between 2002 and 2006 through a supra-orbital eyebrow approach were studied. Maximal tumor diameter ranged from 1.6 to 6 cm. Gross total resection was done in 20 (83.3%. All tumors were histologically benign. Two patients (8% experienced CSF rinorhea and another two patients suffered transitory diabetes insipidus (8%. One patient experienced transitory hemiparesis. There was one case of meningitis and one mortality. Follow-up ranged between 6 to 66 months (mean 31.5±20.1 months, with no recurrence. The supra-orbital keyhole craniotomy is a useful minimally invasive approach to treat selected anterior fossa and parasellar meningiomas.A evolução técnica e a introdução de instrumentais cirúrgicos mais delicados proporcionaram o uso de craniotomias menores no tratamento de patologias intracranianas. Avaliamos os aspectos técnicos da minicraniotomia supra-orbitária superciliar, considerando as indicações, limitações e complicações no tratamento de meningiomas na fossa craniana anterior e para-selares. Vinte e quarto pacientes (21 mulheres; idade média, 53±8,6 anos operados entre 2002 e 2006 foram estudados. O diâmetro tumoral máximo variou de 1,6 a 6 cm. Ressecção total foi obtida em 20 (83,3%. Todos os tumores eram histologicamente benignos. Dois pacientes (8% apresentaram fistula liquórica pós-operatória e outros dois diabetes insipido transitórioa (8%. Um paciente evoluiu com hemiparesia transitória. Houve um caso de meningite e um de evolução fatal. O seguimento variou de 6 a 66 meses (m

  9. Orbital and Landing Operations at Near-Earth (United States)

    Scheeres, D. J.


    Orbital and landing operations about near-Earth asteroids are different than classical orbital operations about large bodies. The major differences lie with the small mass of the asteroid, the lower orbital velocities, the larger Solar tide and radiation pressure perturbations, the irregular shape of the asteroid and the potential for non-uniform rotation of the asteroid. These differences change the nature of orbits about an asteroid to where it is often common to find trajectories that evolve from stable, near-circular orbits to crashing or escaping orbits in a matter of days. The understanding and control of such orbits is important if a human or robotic presence at asteroids is to be commonplace in the future.

  10. Metrics in Keplerian orbits quotient spaces (United States)

    Milanov, Danila V.


    Quotient spaces of Keplerian orbits are important instruments for the modelling of orbit samples of celestial bodies on a large time span. We suppose that variations of the orbital eccentricities, inclinations and semi-major axes remain sufficiently small, while arbitrary perturbations are allowed for the arguments of pericentres or longitudes of the nodes, or both. The distance between orbits or their images in quotient spaces serves as a numerical criterion for such problems of Celestial Mechanics as search for common origin of meteoroid streams, comets, and asteroids, asteroid families identification, and others. In this paper, we consider quotient sets of the non-rectilinear Keplerian orbits space H. Their elements are identified irrespective of the values of pericentre arguments or node longitudes. We prove that distance functions on the quotient sets, introduced in Kholshevnikov et al. (Mon Not R Astron Soc 462:2275-2283, 2016), satisfy metric space axioms and discuss theoretical and practical importance of this result. Isometric embeddings of the quotient spaces into R^n, and a space of compact subsets of H with Hausdorff metric are constructed. The Euclidean representations of the orbits spaces find its applications in a problem of orbit averaging and computational algorithms specific to Euclidean space. We also explore completions of H and its quotient spaces with respect to corresponding metrics and establish a relation between elements of the extended spaces and rectilinear trajectories. Distance between an orbit and subsets of elliptic and hyperbolic orbits is calculated. This quantity provides an upper bound for the metric value in a problem of close orbits identification. Finally the invariance of the equivalence relations in H under coordinates change is discussed.

  11. Posttraumatic Orbital Emphysema: A Numerical Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrzej Skorek


    Full Text Available Orbital emphysema is a common symptom accompanying orbital fracture. The pathomechanism is still not recognized and the usually assumed cause, elevated pressure in the upper airways connected with sneezing or coughing, does not always contribute to the occurrence of this type of fracture. Observations based on the finite model (simulating blowout type fracture of the deformations of the inferior orbital wall after a strike in its lower rim. Authors created a computer numeric model of the orbit with specified features—thickness and resilience modulus. During simulation an evenly spread 14400 N force was applied to the nodular points in the inferior rim (the maximal value not causing cracking of the outer rim, but only ruptures in the inferior wall. The observation was made from 1·10-3 to 1·10-2 second after a strike. Right after a strike dislocations of the inferior orbital wall toward the maxillary sinus were observed. Afterwards a retrograde wave of the dislocation of the inferior wall toward the orbit was noticed. Overall dislocation amplitude reached about 6 mm. Based on a numeric model of the orbit submitted to a strike in the inferior wall an existence of a retrograde shock wave causing orbital emphysema has been found.

  12. Hemangiopericitoma de órbita Orbital hemangiopericytoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Ximenes Alves


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever um raro caso de hemangiopericitoma orbital. Métodos: Relato de caso de associação entre hemangipericitoma orbital e blefaroptose. Resultados: A exérese da neoplasia normalizou o posicionamento palpebral. Conclusões: Lesões orbitais anteriores são causas de blefaroptose por compressão do músculo elevador palpebral.Purpose: To describe a rare case of orbital hemangiope- ricytoma. Methods: Case report of an association of blepha-roptosis with orbital hemangiopericytoma. Results: When the lesion was surgically removed the position of the upper eyelid returned to normal. Conclusions: Anterior orbital lesions can lead to blepharoptosis by compression of the levator palpebrae muscle.

  13. Theory and design methods of special space orbits

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang, Yasheng; Zhou, Haijun


    This book focuses on the theory and design of special space orbits. Offering a systematic and detailed introduction to the hovering orbit, spiral cruising orbit, multi-target rendezvous orbit, initiative approaching orbit, responsive orbit and earth pole-sitter orbit, it also discusses the concept, theory, design methods and application of special space orbits, particularly the design and control method based on kinematics and astrodynamics. In addition the book presents the latest research and its application in space missions. It is intended for researchers, engineers and postgraduates, especially those working in the fields of orbit design and control, as well as space-mission planning and research.

  14. On the lunar node resonance of the orbital plane evolution of the Earth's satellite orbits (United States)

    Zhu, Ting-Lei


    This paper aims to investigate the effects of lunar node resonance on the circular medium Earth orbits (MEO). The dynamical model is established in classical Hamiltonian systems with the application of Lie transform to remove the non-resonant terms. Resonant condition, stability and phase structures are studied. The lunar node resonance occurs when the secular changing rates of the orbital node (with respect to the equator) and the lunar node (with respect to the ecliptic) form a simple integer ratio. The resonant conditions are satisfied for both inclined and equatorial orbits. The orbital plane would have long period (with typical timescales of several centuries) fluctuation due to the resonance.

  15. Meteoroid Orbits from Observations (United States)

    Campbell-Brown, Margaret


    Millions of orbits of meteoroids have been measured over the last few decades, and they comprise the largest sample of orbits of solar system bodies which exists. The orbits of these objects can shed light on the distribution and evolution of comets and asteroids in near-Earth space (e.g. Neslusan et al. 2016). If orbits can be measured at sufficiently high resolution, individual meteoroids can be traced back to their parent bodies and, in principle, even to their ejection time (Rudawska et al. 2012). Orbits can be measured with multi-station optical observations or with radar observations.The most fundamental measured quantities are the speed of the meteor and the two angles of the radiant, or point in the sky from which the meteor appears to come. There are many methods used to determine these from observations, but not all produce the most accurate results (Egal et al. 2017). These three measured quantities, along with the time and location of the observation, are sufficient to obtain an orbit (see, e.g., Clark & Wiegert 2011), but the measurements must be corrected for the deceleration of the meteoroid in the atmosphere before it was detected, the rotation of the Earth, and the gravitational attraction of the Earth (including higher order moments if great precision is necessary).Once meteor orbits have been determined, studies of the age and origin of meteor showers (Bruzzone et al., 2015), the parent bodies of sporadic sources (Pokorny et al. 2014), and the dynamics of the meteoroid complex as a whole can be constrained.Bruzzone, J. S., Brown, P., Weryk, R., Campbell-Brown, M., 2015. MNRAS 446, 1625.Clark, D., Wiegert, P., 2011. M&PS 46, 1217.Egal, A., Gural, P., Vaubaillon, J., Colas, F., Thuillot, W., 2017. Icarus 294, 43.Neslusan, L., Vaubaillon, J., Hajdukova, M., 2016. A&A 589, id.A100.Pokorny, P., Vokrouhlicky, D., Nesvorny, D., Campbell-Brown, M., Brown, P., 2014. ApJ 789, id.25.Rudawska, R., Vaubaillon, J., Atreya, P., 2012. A&A 541, id.A2

  16. Orbital Reconstruction: Patient-Specific Orbital Floor Reconstruction Using a Mirroring Technique and a Customized Titanium Mesh. (United States)

    Tarsitano, Achille; Badiali, Giovanni; Pizzigallo, Angelo; Marchetti, Claudio


    Enophthalmos is a severe complication of primary reconstruction of orbital floor fractures. The goal of secondary reconstruction procedures is to restore symmetrical globe positions to recover function and aesthetics. The authors propose a new method of orbital floor reconstruction using a mirroring technique and a customized titanium mesh, printed using a direct metal laser-sintering method. This reconstructive protocol involves 4 steps: mirroring of the healthy orbit at the affected site, virtual design of a patient-specific orbital floor mesh, CAM procedures for direct laser-sintering of the customized titanium mesh, and surgical insertion of the device. Using a computed tomography data set, the normal, uninjured side of the craniofacial skeleton was reflected onto the contralateral injured side, and a reconstructive orbital floor mesh was designed virtually on the mirrored orbital bone surface. The solid-to-layer files of the mesh were then manufactured using direct metal laser sintering, which resolves the shaping and bending biases inherent in the indirect method. An intraoperative navigation system ensured accuracy of the entire procedure. Clinical outcomes were assessed using 3dMD photogrammetry and computed tomography data in 7 treated patients. The technique described here appears to be a viable method to correct complex orbital floor defects needing delayed reconstruction. This study represents the first step in the development of a wider experimental protocol for orbital floor reconstruction using computer-assisted design-computer-assisted manufacturing technology.

  17. Influência da Posição e dos Parâmetros de Soldagem na Soldagem TIG Orbital Aplicada a Tubulações de Aço Baixo Carbono

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    Daniel Wallerstein Figueirôa


    Full Text Available Resumo A característica mais marcante da soldagem TIG Orbital é a constante alteração na posição de soldagem enquanto a tocha acompanha o perfil geométrico dos tubos. No contexto da soldagem TIG orbital de tubos de grande diâmetro e paredes espessas, é investigada a relação entre a posição de soldagem, uso de corrente constante ou pulsada e ainda valor da corrente média nas características geométricas dos cordões obtidos. Foram realizadas soldas de deposição em tubos de aço carbono SAE 1020, bem como macrografias das seções transversais dos cordões via microscopia óptica. Filmagens em alta definição contribuíram para a compreensão do comportamento da poça de fusão nas diferentes posições de soldagem. As características geométricas foram quantificadas através das macrografias com o uso de um software e foi traçada a relação destas com as variáveis citadas. Além disso, foi feita uma análise microestrutural das amostras, correlacionando com a microdureza Vickers. Concluiu-se que cordões soldados com corrente pulsada apresentam maiores reforço e largura, bem como maior dureza e microestrutura mais refinada. A posição vertical ascendente resulta em cordões com menor fator de forma e maior penetração, e a posição sobre cabeça resulta em cordões de baixo fator de forma.

  18. Estudo comparativo entre as esferas de silicone gelatinosas e rígidas em cavidade eviscerada de coelho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayumi Shirota Kanamura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a biocompatibilidade de esferas de silicone gelatinosas e rígidas em cavidades evisceradas de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Trinta coelhos tiveram o olho direito eviscerado com implantação de esferas de silicone gelatinosas (Grupo I ou rígidas (Grupo II. Foi realizada avaliação clínica diária, ultrassonografia da cavidade orbitária, análise histológica e morfométrica da pseudocápsula que se formou ao redor dos implantes aos 7, 30 e 90 dias após a cirurgia, com avaliação estatística dos resultados. RESULTADOS: Houve boa integração das esferas com os tecidos orbitários e semelhança de resposta tecidual com ambas as esferas. Duas esferas de silicone gelatinosas e uma rígida extruíram. A pseudocápsula que se formou ao redor das esferas gelatinosas foi mais organizada, com espessura e reação inflamatória menores que a observada nas esferas rígidas. CONCLUSÕES: Esferas de silicone gelatinosas e rígidas tiveram boa integração tecidual em cavidades evisceradas de coelhos.

  19. Cost Per Pound From Orbit (United States)

    Merriam, M. L.


    Traditional studies of Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) designs have focused on designs that are completely reusable except for the fuel. This may not be realistic with current technology . An alternate approach is to look at partially reusable launch vehicles. This raises the question of which parts should be reused and which parts should be expendable. One approach is to consider the cost/pound of returning these parts from orbit. With the shuttle, this cost is about three times the cost/pound of launching payload into orbit. A subtle corollary is that RLVs are much less practical for higher orbits, such as the one on which the International Space Station resides, than they are for low earth orbits.

  20. Modification of an impulse-factoring orbital transfer technique to account for orbit determination and maneuver execution errors (United States)

    Kibler, J. F.; Green, R. N.; Young, G. R.; Kelly, M. G.


    A method has previously been developed to satisfy terminal rendezvous and intermediate timing constraints for planetary missions involving orbital operations. The method uses impulse factoring in which a two-impulse transfer is divided into three or four impulses which add one or two intermediate orbits. The periods of the intermediate orbits and the number of revolutions in each orbit are varied to satisfy timing constraints. Techniques are developed to retarget the orbital transfer in the presence of orbit-determination and maneuver-execution errors. Sample results indicate that the nominal transfer can be retargeted with little change in either the magnitude (Delta V) or location of the individual impulses. Additonally, the total Delta V required for the retargeted transfer is little different from that required for the nominal transfer. A digital computer program developed to implement the techniques is described.

  1. The Carter constant for inclined orbits about a massive Kerr black hole: I. Circular orbits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komorowski, P G; Valluri, S R; Houde, M, E-mail: pkomorow@uwo.c, E-mail: valluri@uwo.c, E-mail: mhoude2@uwo.c [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario (Canada)


    In an extreme binary black hole system, an orbit will increase its angle of inclination ({iota}) as it evolves in Kerr spacetime. We focus our attention on the behaviour of the Carter constant (Q) for near-polar orbits, and develop an analysis that is independent of and complements radiation-reaction models. For a Schwarzschild black hole, the polar orbits represent the abutment between the prograde and retrograde orbits at which Q is at its maximum value for given values of the latus rectum ({tilde l}) and the eccentricity (e). The introduction of spin ({tilde S}={vert_bar}J{vert_bar}/M{sup 2}) to the massive black hole causes this boundary, or abutment, to be moved towards greater orbital inclination; thus, it no longer cleanly separates prograde and retrograde orbits. To characterize the abutment of a Kerr black hole (KBH), we first investigated the last stable orbit (LSO) of a test-particle about a KBH, and then extended this work to general orbits. To develop a better understanding of the evolution of Q we developed analytical formulae for Q in terms of {tilde l}, e and {tilde S} to describe elliptical orbits at the abutment, polar orbits and LSOs. By knowing the analytical form of {partial_derivative}Q/{partial_derivative}{tilde l} at the abutment, we were able to test a 2PN flux equation for Q. We also used these formulae to numerically calculate the {partial_derivative}{iota}/{partial_derivative}{tilde l} of hypothetical circular orbits that evolve along the abutment. From these values we have determined that {partial_derivative}{iota}/{partial_derivative}{tilde l} = -(122.7{tilde S} - 36{tilde S}{sup 3}){tilde l}{sup -11/2} - (63/2 {tilde S} + 35/4 {tilde S}{sup 3}){tilde l}{sup -9/2} - 15/2 {tilde S}{tilde l}{sup -7/2} - 9/2 {tilde S}{tilde l}{sup -5/2}. By taking the limit of this equation for {tilde l} {yields} {infinity}, and comparing it with the published result for the weak-field radiation reaction, we found the upper limit on

  2. Analysis of orbit determination from Earth-based tracking for relay satellites in a perturbed areostationary orbit (United States)

    Romero, P.; Pablos, B.; Barderas, G.


    Areostationary satellites are considered a high interest group of satellites to satisfy the telecommunications needs of the foreseen missions to Mars. An areostationary satellite, in an areoequatorial circular orbit with a period of 1 Martian sidereal day, would orbit Mars remaining at a fixed location over the Martian surface, analogous to a geostationary satellite around the Earth. This work addresses an analysis of the perturbed orbital motion of an areostationary satellite as well as a preliminary analysis of the aerostationary orbit estimation accuracy based on Earth tracking observations. First, the models for the perturbations due to the Mars gravitational field, the gravitational attraction of the Sun and the Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, and solar radiation pressure are described. Then, the observability from Earth including possible occultations by Mars of an areostationary satellite in a perturbed areosynchronous motion is analyzed. The results show that continuous Earth-based tracking is achievable using observations from the three NASA Deep Space Network Complexes in Madrid, Goldstone and Canberra in an occultation-free scenario. Finally, an analysis of the orbit determination accuracy is addressed considering several scenarios including discontinuous tracking schedules for different epochs and different areoestationary satellites. Simulations also allow to quantify the aerostationary orbit estimation accuracy for various tracking series durations and observed orbit arc-lengths.

  3. Antenatal sonographic appearance of a large orbital encephalocele: a case report and differential diagnosis of orbital cystic mass. (United States)

    Ahmed, Ahmed; Noureldin, Rehab; Gendy, Mohamed; Sakr, Sharif; Abdel Naby, Mahmoud


    Orbital meningoceles and encephaloceles are rare extracranial extensions of the brain and meninges with or without direct communication between the central nervous system and the abnormal mass. We reported a rare case of large fetal orbital encephalocele; the diagnosis was suspected initially by prenatal ultrasound and confirmed by postnatal MRI and CT scans. The differential diagnosis of an intrauterine fetal cystic orbital mass includes orbital teratoma, epidermoid inclusion cysts, hemangioma or lymphangioma, congenital cystic eye, dacryocystocele, and orbital cephalocele. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Periodic orbits near the particle resonance in galaxies

    CERN Document Server

    Contopoulos, George


    Near the particle resonance of a spiral galaxy the almost circular periodic orbits that exist inside the resonance (direct) or outside it (retrograde) are replaced by elongated trapped orbits around the maxima of the potential L/sub 4/ and L/sub 5/. These are the long- period trapped periodic orbits. The long-period orbits shrink to the points L/sub 4/, L/sub 5/ for a critical value of the Hamiltonian h. For still larger h, a family of short-period trapped orbits appears, with continuously growing size. The evolution of the periodic orbits with h is followed, theoretically and numerically, from the untrapped orbits to the long-periodic orbits and then to the short-periodic orbits, mainly in the case of a bar. In a tight spiral case an explanation of the asymmetric periodic and banana orbits is given, and an example of short-period orbits not surrounding L/sub 4/ or L/sub 5/ is provided. Another family of periodic orbits reaching corotation is trapped at the inner Lindblad resonance. (5 refs).

  5. Meta-orbital transition in heavy-fermion systems. Analysis by dynamical mean field theory and self-consistent renormalization theory of orbital fluctuations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hattori, Kazumasa


    We investigate a two-orbital Anderson lattice model with Ising orbital intersite exchange interactions on the basis of a dynamical mean field theory combined with the static mean field approximation of intersite orbital interactions. Focusing on Ce-based heavy-fermion compounds, we examine the orbital crossover between two orbital states, when the total f-electron number per site n f is ∼1. We show that a 'meta-orbital' transition, at which the occupancy of two orbitals changes steeply, occurs when the hybridization between the ground-state f-electron orbital and conduction electrons is smaller than that between the excited f-electron orbital and conduction electrons at low pressures. Near the meta-orbital critical end point, orbital fluctuations are enhanced and couple with charge fluctuations. A critical theory of meta-orbital fluctuations is also developed by applying the self-consistent renormalization theory of itinerant electron magnetism to orbital fluctuations. The critical end point, first-order transition, and crossover are described within Gaussian approximations of orbital fluctuations. We discuss the relevance of our results to CeAl 2 , CeCu 2 Si 2 , CeCu 2 Ge 2 , and related compounds, which all have low-lying crystalline-electric-field excited states. (author)

  6. GridOrbit public display

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramos, Juan David Hincapie; Tabard, Aurélien; Bardram, Jakob


    We introduce GridOrbit, a public awareness display that visualizes the activity of a community grid used in a biology laboratory. This community grid executes bioin-formatics algorithms and relies on users to donate CPU cycles to the grid. The goal of GridOrbit is to create a shared awareness about...

  7. [1012.5676] The Exoplanet Orbit Database (United States)

    : The Exoplanet Orbit Database Authors: Jason T Wright, Onsi Fakhouri, Geoffrey W. Marcy, Eunkyu Han present a database of well determined orbital parameters of exoplanets. This database comprises parameters, and the method used for the planets discovery. This Exoplanet Orbit Database includes all planets

  8. Physical Meaning of Virtual Kohn-Sham Orbitals and Orbital Energies: An Ideal Basis for the Description of Molecular Excitations. (United States)

    van Meer, R; Gritsenko, O V; Baerends, E J


    In recent years, several benchmark studies on the performance of large sets of functionals in time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations of excitation energies have been performed. The tested functionals do not approximate exact Kohn-Sham orbitals and orbital energies closely. We highlight the advantages of (close to) exact Kohn-Sham orbitals and orbital energies for a simple description, very often as just a single orbital-to-orbital transition, of molecular excitations. Benchmark calculations are performed for the statistical average of orbital potentials (SAOP) functional for the potential [J. Chem. Phys. 2000, 112, 1344; 2001, 114, 652], which approximates the true Kohn-Sham potential much better than LDA, GGA, mGGA, and hybrid potentials do. An accurate Kohn-Sham potential does not only perform satisfactorily for calculated vertical excitation energies of both valence and Rydberg transitions but also exhibits appealing properties of the KS orbitals including occupied orbital energies close to ionization energies, virtual-occupied orbital energy gaps very close to excitation energies, realistic shapes of virtual orbitals, leading to straightforward interpretation of most excitations as single orbital transitions. We stress that such advantages are completely lost in time-dependent Hartree-Fock and partly in hybrid approaches. Many excitations and excitation energies calculated with local density, generalized gradient, and hybrid functionals are spurious. There is, with an accurate KS, or even the LDA or GGA potentials, nothing problematic about the "band gap" in molecules: the HOMO-LUMO gap is close to the first excitation energy (the optical gap).

  9. Glycosylation of Vanillin and 8-Nordihydrocapsaicin by Cultured <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naoji Kubota


    Full Text Available Glycosylation of vanilloids such as vanillin and 8-nordihydrocapsaicin by cultured plant cells of <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> was studied. Vanillin was converted into vanillin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside, vanillyl alcohol, and 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranosylvanillyl alcohol by <em>E. perriniana em>cells. Incubation of cultured <em>E. perrinianaem> cells with 8-nor- dihydrocapsaicin gave 8-nordihydrocapsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside and 8-nordihydro- capsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-gentiobioside.

  10. An Overview of the Jupiter Europa Orbiter Concept's Europa Science Phase Orbit Design (United States)

    Lock, Robert E.; Ludwinski, Jan M.; Petropoulos, Anastassios E.; Clark, Karla B.; Pappalardo, Robert T.


    Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO), the proposed NASA element of the proposed joint NASA-ESA Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM), could launch in February 2020 and conceivably arrive at Jupiter in December of 2025. The concept is to perform a multi-year study of Europa and the Jupiter system, including 30 months of Jupiter system science and a comprehensive Europa orbit phase of 9 months. This paper provides an overview of the JEO concept and describes the Europa Science phase orbit design and the related science priorities, model pay-load and operations scenarios needed to conduct the Europa Science phase. This overview is for planning and discussion purposes only.

  11. Methods of orbit correction system optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chao, Yu-Chiu.


    Extracting optimal performance out of an orbit correction system is an important component of accelerator design and evaluation. The question of effectiveness vs. economy, however, is not always easily tractable. This is especially true in cases where betatron function magnitude and phase advance do not have smooth or periodic dependencies on the physical distance. In this report a program is presented using linear algebraic techniques to address this problem. A systematic recipe is given, supported with quantitative criteria, for arriving at an orbit correction system design with the optimal balance between performance and economy. The orbit referred to in this context can be generalized to include angle, path length, orbit effects on the optical transfer matrix, and simultaneous effects on multiple pass orbits

  12. Discrete symmetries in periodic-orbit theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robbins, J.M.


    The application of periodic-orbit theory to systems which possess a discrete symmetry is considered. A semiclassical expression for the symmetry-projected Green's function is obtained; it involves a sum over classical periodic orbits on a symmetry-reduced phase space, weighted by characters of the symmetry group. These periodic orbits correspond to trajectories on the full phase space which are not necessarily periodic, but whose end points are related by symmetry. If the symmetry-projected Green's functions are summed, the contributions of the unperiodic orbits cancel, and one recovers the usual periodic-orbit sum for the full Green's function. Several examples are considered, including the stadium billiard, a particle in a periodic potential, the Sinai billiard, the quartic oscillator, and the rotational spectrum of SF 6

  13. Preferencia alimenticia del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. en condiciones controladas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muñoz Karen


    Full Text Available

    Se evaluó la preferencia de presas de <em>Balaustium> sp., enemigo natural de diferentes artrópodos plaga, y el cual es nativo de la Sabana de Bogotá. En unidades experimentales construidas con foliolos de plantas de rosa se colocaron independientemente individuos de <em>Balaustium> sp. y se registró el número de presas consumidas. De esta manera se determinó la preferencia de los tres estados móviles del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. por diferentes edades de tres presas. Las especies y edades de las presas estudiadas fueron: huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Trialeurodes vaporariorumem>, huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Tetranychus urticaeem>, y larvas de primer y segundo instar y adultos de <em>Frankliniella occidentalisem>. Los estados menos desarrollados fueron preferidos, aunque se observó que los adultos del depredador tienen gran habilidad para consumir adultos de <em>T. vaporariorumem>. La presa preferida por las larvas de <em>Balaustium> sp. fue los huevos de <em>T. urticaeem> con una proporción de consumo de 0,54 de los huevos que se ofrecieron de esta presa; las deutoninfas del depredador eligieron huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,537 o de <em>T. urticaeem> (0,497 y los adultos de <em>Balaustium> sp. prefrieron los huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,588.

  14. Orbital welding technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeschen, W.


    The TIG (Tungsten-inert gas) orbital welding technique is applied in all areas of pipe welding. The process is mainly used for austenitic and ferritic materials but also for materials like aluminium, nickel, and titanium alloys are commonly welded according to this technique. Thin-walled as well as thick-walled pipes are welded economically. The application of orbital welding is of particular interest in the area of maintenance of thick-walled pipes that is described in this article. (orig.) [de

  15. Application of Semi-analytical Satellite Theory orbit propagator to orbit determination for space object catalog maintenance (United States)

    Setty, Srinivas J.; Cefola, Paul J.; Montenbruck, Oliver; Fiedler, Hauke


    Catalog maintenance for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) demands an accurate and computationally lean orbit propagation and orbit determination technique to cope with the ever increasing number of observed space objects. As an alternative to established numerical and analytical methods, we investigate the accuracy and computational load of the Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST). The standalone version of the DSST was enhanced with additional perturbation models to improve its recovery of short periodic motion. The accuracy of DSST is, for the first time, compared to a numerical propagator with fidelity force models for a comprehensive grid of low, medium, and high altitude orbits with varying eccentricity and different inclinations. Furthermore, the run-time of both propagators is compared as a function of propagation arc, output step size and gravity field order to assess its performance for a full range of relevant use cases. For use in orbit determination, a robust performance of DSST is demonstrated even in the case of sparse observations, which is most sensitive to mismodeled short periodic perturbations. Overall, DSST is shown to exhibit adequate accuracy at favorable computational speed for the full set of orbits that need to be considered in space surveillance. Along with the inherent benefits of a semi-analytical orbit representation, DSST provides an attractive alternative to the more common numerical orbit propagation techniques.

  16. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Rosmarinic Acid Using Ionic Liquid Solution from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunjian Zhao


    Full Text Available Ionic liquid based, ultrasound-assisted extraction was successfully applied to the extraction of phenolcarboxylic acids, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>. Eight ionic liquids, with different cations and anions, were investigated in this work and [C8mim]Br was selected as the optimal solvent. Ultrasound extraction parameters, including soaking time, solid–liquid ratio, ultrasound power and time, and the number of extraction cycles, were discussed by single factor experiments and the main influence factors were optimized by response surface methodology. The proposed approach was demonstrated as having higher efficiency, shorter extraction time and as a new alternative for the extraction of carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid from <em>R. officinalisem>> em>compared with traditional reference extraction methods. Ionic liquids are considered to be green solvents, in the ultrasound-assisted extraction of key chemicals from medicinal plants, and show great potential.

  17. Large orbit neoclassical transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Z.; Tang, W.M.; Lee, W.W.


    Neoclassical transport in the presence of large ion orbits is investigated. The study is motivated by the recent experimental results that ion thermal transport levels in enhanced confinement tokamak plasmas fall below the open-quotes irreducible minimum levelclose quotes predicted by standard neoclassical theory. This apparent contradiction is resolved in the present analysis by relaxing the basic neoclassical assumption that the ions orbital excursions are much smaller than the local toroidal minor radius and the equilibrium scale lengths of the system. Analytical and simulation results are in agreement with trends from experiments. The development of a general formalism for neoclassical transport theory with finite orbit width is also discussed. copyright 1997 American Institute of Physics

  18. Closed orbit related problems: Correction, feedback, and analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozoki, E.S.


    Orbit correction - moving the orbit to a desired orbit, orbit stability - keeping the orbit on the desired orbit using feedback to filter out unwanted noise, and orbit analysis - to learn more about the model of the machine, are strongly interrelated. They are the three facets of the same problem. The better one knows the model of the machine, the better the predictions that can be made on the behavior of the machine (inverse modeling) and the more accurately one can control the machine. On the other hand, one of the tools to learn more about the machine (modeling) is to study and analyze the orbit response to open-quotes kicks.close quotes

  19. Real-time orbit feedback at the APS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carwardine, J.


    A real-time orbit feedback system has been implemented at the Advanced Photon Source in order to meet the stringent orbit stability requirements. The system reduces global orbit motion below 30Hz by a factor of four to below 5 microm rms horizontally and 2 microm rms vertically. This paper focuses on dynamic orbit stability and describes the all-digital orbit feedback system that has been implemented at the APS. Implementation of the global orbit feedback system is described and its latest performance is presented. Ultimately, the system will provide local feedback at each x-ray source point using installed photon BPMs to measure x-ray beam position and angle directly. Technical challenges associated with local feedback and with dynamics of the associated corrector magnets are described. The unique diagnostic capabilities provided by the APS system are discussed with reference to their use in identifying sources of the underlying orbit motion

  20. Antioxidant Profile of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heidy Schwartsova


    Full Text Available In order to examine the antioxidant properties of five different extracts of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L. (Leguminosae leaves, various assays which measure free radical scavenging ability were carried out: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl, superoxide anion and nitric oxide radical scavenger capacity tests and lipid peroxidation assay. In all of the tests, only the H2O and (to some extent the EtOAc extracts showed a potent antioxidant effect compared with BHT and BHA, well-known synthetic antioxidants. In addition, <em>in vivo em>experiments were conducted with antioxidant systems (activities of GSHPx, GSHR, Px, CAT, XOD, GSH content and intensity of LPx in liver homogenate and blood of mice after their treatment with extracts of <em>T. pratenseem> leaves, or in combination with CCl4. Besides, in the extracts examined the total phenolic and flavonoid amounts were also determined, together with presence of the selected flavonoids: quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, naringenin and kaempferol, which were studied using a HPLC-DAD technique. HPLC-DAD analysis showed a noticeable content of natural products according to which the examined <em>Trifolium pratenseem> species could well be regarded as a promising new source of bioactive natural compounds, which can be used both as a food supplement and a remedy.

  1. Interrater reliability of sonographic examinations of orbital fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegfried, Jank; Martina, Deibl; Heinrich, Strobl; Andreas, Oberrauch; Alessandro, Nicasi; Martin, Missmann; Gerd, Bodner


    Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are statistically significant variations among different observers when examining fractures of the orbital walls. Material and methods: From December 2003 to April 2004, 28 patients with clinically suspected orbital fractures were examined by ultrasound prospectively. The US images of the infra-orbital margins, the orbital floors, the medial and lateral orbital walls of each patient were reexamined by two independent investigators. Results: Computed tomography revealed fractures of the orbital floor in 28 out of 31 patients (90.3%). The infra-orbital margins showed fractures of 14 of 31 patients (45.2%). The ultrasound examinations of the orbits by the three examiners presented satisfactory correlation regarding sensitivity and specificity. There were no significant differences between investigators. There was good agreement among the ultrasound examiners regarding the infra-orbital margins. This was not the case for the orbital floors. Conclusions: If there are clear cut clinical findings ultrasound examination could represent an alternative to computed tomography. If the clinical findings were indeterminate, computed tomography was essential as implicated by this study. Accordingly, further evaluation of ultrasound examinations of fractures of the orbital margins and floors are necessary

  2. Aplicação de dados de sensoriamento remoto orbital de alta resolução à análise da cobertura vegetal intra-urbana e de seu estado de conservação


    Paulina Lopes Hoffmann Domingos


    A contribuição da cobertura vegetal intra-urbana nos ciclos funcionais das cidades está relacionada ao seu estado de conservação. Coberturas vegetais abandonadas podem esconder zonas de proliferação de doenças, depósitos ilegais de detritos e ainda servir como potenciais áreas de loteamentos clandestinos. Portanto, o monitoramento da cobertura vegetal intra-urbana é importante para que o poder público possa vigiar a situação dessas áreas com o intuito de mantê-las em boas condições. Dentro de...

  3. Evolution of the Orbital Elements for Geosynchronous Orbit of Communications Satellite, II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyu-Hong Choi


    Full Text Available For a geostationary satellite north-south station keeping maneuver must control the inclination elements. The effects on the orbit plane of maneuvers and natural perturbations may be represented by a plane plot of Wc versus Ws, since these inclination elements represent the projection of the unit orbit normal onto the equatorial plane. The evolution of the semi-major axis and the inclination elements are obtained.

  4. Bioassay-Guided Antidiabetic Study of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> Fruit Extract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohd Z. Asmawi


    Full Text Available An earlier anti-hyperglycemic study with serial crude extracts of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> (PM fruit indicated methanol extract (ME as the most effective. In the present investigation, the methanol extract was further fractionated to obtain chloroform (CF, ethyl acetate (EAF, <em>n>-butanol (NBF and aqueous (AF fractions, which were tested for antidiabetic activity. The NBF reduced blood glucose (<em>p> < 0.05 15 min after administration, in an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT similar to metformin. Moreover, it lowered blood glucose in diabetic rats by 66.67% (<em>p> em>< 0.05, similar to metformin (51.11%, glibenclamide (66.67% and insulin (71.43% after a 12-day treatment, hence considered to be the most active fraction. Further fractionation of NBF yielded sub-fractions I (SFI and II (SFII, and only SFI lowered blood glucose (<em>p em>< 0.05, in IPGTT similar to glibenclamide. The ME, NBF, and SFI correspondingly lowered plasma insulin (<em>p em>< 0.05 and dose-dependently inhibited glucose transport across isolated rat jejunum implying an extra-pancreatic mechanism. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of flavonoids, terpenes and tannins, in ME, NBF and SFI, and LC-MS analyses revealed 9.52%, 33.30% and 22.50% mangiferin respectively. PM fruit possesses anti-hyperglycemic effect, exerted probably through extra-pancreatic action. Magniferin, contained therein may be responsible for this reported activity.

  5. The international environment UNISPACE '82 and the ITU: A relationship between orbit-spectrum resource allocation and orbital debris (United States)

    Olmstead, D.


    The 1985 Space WARC will examine and potentially modify the current geostationary orbit spectrum resource allocation methodology. Discussions in this international political environment could likely associate the geostationary orbital debris issue with the politicized issue of orbit spectrum allocation.

  6. Advances in the management of orbital fractures. (United States)

    Nguyen, P N; Sullivan, P


    Great progress has been made in both the basic science and the clinical knowledge base used in orbital reconstruction. With this, increasing complex orbital reconstructive problems are better managed. The diagnosis, treatment plan, and the actual reconstruction have evolved to a higher level. Several areas of progress are of note: the greater appreciation of the intimate relation between the bony orbit's shape and the position of the globe; application of computer technology in orbital injuries; effect of rigid fixation on autogenous and alloplastic graft; and the use of advanced biocompatible synthetic materials in orbital reconstruction. Although this progress has great impact on treatment of orbital injuries, there are many unanswered challenges in the treatment of the fragile frame of the window to the human soul.

  7. Real-time orbit feedback at the APS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carwardine, J.A.; Lenkszus, F.R.


    A real-time orbit feedback system has been implemented at the Advanced Photon Source in order to meet the stringent orbit stability requirements. The system reduces global orbit motion below 30 Hz by a factor of four to below 5 μm rms horizontally and 2 μm rms vertically. This paper focuses on dynamic orbit stability and describes the all-digital orbit feedback system that has been implemented at the APS. Implementation of the global orbit feedback system is described and its latest performance is presented. Ultimately, the system will provide local feedback at each x-ray source point using installed photon BPMs to measure x-ray beam position and angle directly. Technical challenges associated with local feedback and with dynamics of the associated corrector magnets are described. The unique diagnostic capabilities provided by the APS system are discussed with reference to their use in identifying sources of the underlying orbit motion. copyright 1998 American Institute of Physics

  8. Real-time orbit feedback at the APS.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carwardine, J.


    A real-time orbit feedback system has been implemented at the Advanced Photon Source in order to meet the stringent orbit stability requirements. The system reduces global orbit motion below 30Hz by a factor of four to below 5{micro}m rms horizontally and 2{micro}m rms vertically. This paper focuses on dynamic orbit stability and describes the all-digital orbit feedback system that has been implemented at the APS. Implementation of the global orbit feedback system is described and its latest performance is presented. Ultimately, the system will provide local feedback at each x-ray source point using installed photon BPMs to measure x-ray beam position and angle directly. Technical challenges associated with local feedback and with dynamics of the associated corrector magnets are described. The unique diagnostic capabilities provided by the APS system are discussed with reference to their use in identifying sources of the underlying orbit motion.

  9. Linfoma não-Hodgkin de órbita: relato de caso Non-Hodgkin orbital lymphoma: case report

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    Cristiane do Prado Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo é relatar manifestação incomum de linfoma não-Hodgkin de órbita. Paciente masculino, de 75 anos, se apresentou com queixa de lacrimejamento crônico bilateral. Havia feito dacriocistorrinostomia endonasal à direita e à esquerda por duas vezes, sem sucesso. Ao exame, massas de consistência fibroelástica, em topografia das "bolsas" de gordura das pálpebras inferiores e proptose axial. O paciente negava outros sintomas ou sinais sistêmicos. Hemograma sem alteração, hormônios tireoidianos normais. A tomografia computadorizada mostrava infiltrado difuso na órbita e proptose axial. Biópsia de gordura orbitária e de medula óssea diagnosticaram linfoma não-Hodgkin. O paciente foi tratado com quimioterapia, sendo em seguida submetido à cirurgia da via lacrimal bilateral, com resolução do quadro. A doença sistêmica que exigia diagnóstico e tratamento adequados para que se tivesse bom prognóstico estava mascarada pelo quadro de epífora bilateral.The purpose is to report an unusual case of orbital non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A 75-year-old man presented with bilateral chronic epiphora complaint and inferior eyelid tumors, axial proptosis, without previous systemic manifestation. The patient was submitted to bilateral endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy twice and the epiphora complaint persisted. The inferior eyelid and bone marrow biopsy revealed non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The patient was treated with systemic chemotherapy and dacryocystorhinostomy with good resolution. The precise diagnosis and the treatment were very important to reach a good resolution of the bilateral epiphora complaint.

  10. Theory of orbital magnetoelectric response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malashevich, Andrei; Souza, Ivo; Coh, Sinisa; Vanderbilt, David


    We extend the recently developed theory of bulk orbital magnetization to finite electric fields, and use it to calculate the orbital magnetoelectric (ME) response of periodic insulators. Working in the independent-particle framework, we find that the finite-field orbital magnetization can be written as a sum of three gauge-invariant contributions, one of which has no counterpart at zero field. The extra contribution is collinear with and explicitly dependent on the electric field. The expression for the orbital magnetization is suitable for first-principles implementations, allowing one to calculate the ME response coefficients by numerical differentiation. Alternatively, perturbation-theory techniques may be used, and for that purpose we derive an expression directly for the linear ME tensor by taking the first field-derivative analytically. Two types of terms are obtained. One, the 'Chern-Simons' term, depends only on the unperturbed occupied orbitals and is purely isotropic. The other, 'Kubo' terms, involve the first-order change in the orbitals and give isotropic as well as anisotropic contributions to the response. In ordinary ME insulators all terms are generally present, while in strong Z 2 topological insulators only the Chern-Simons term is allowed, and is quantized. In order to validate the theory, we have calculated under periodic boundary conditions the linear ME susceptibility for a 3D tight-binding model of an ordinary ME insulator, using both the finite-field and perturbation-theory expressions. The results are in excellent agreement with calculations on bounded samples.

  11. Small Orbital Stereo Tracking Camera Technology Development (United States)

    Gagliano, L.; Bryan, T.; MacLeod, T.

    On-Orbit Small Debris Tracking and Characterization is a technical gap in the current National Space Situational Awareness necessary to safeguard orbital assets and crew. This poses a major risk of MOD damage to ISS and Exploration vehicles. In 2015 this technology was added to NASAs Office of Chief Technologist roadmap. For missions flying in or assembled in or staging from LEO, the physical threat to vehicle and crew is needed in order to properly design the proper level of MOD impact shielding and proper mission design restrictions. Need to verify debris flux and size population versus ground RADAR tracking. Use of ISS for In-Situ Orbital Debris Tracking development provides attitude, power, data and orbital access without a dedicated spacecraft or restricted operations on-board a host vehicle as a secondary payload. Sensor Applicable to in-situ measuring orbital debris in flux and population in other orbits or on other vehicles. Could enhance safety on and around ISS. Some technologies extensible to monitoring of extraterrestrial debris as well To help accomplish this, new technologies must be developed quickly. The Small Orbital Stereo Tracking Camera is one such up and coming technology. It consists of flying a pair of intensified megapixel telephoto cameras to evaluate Orbital Debris (OD) monitoring in proximity of International Space Station. It will demonstrate on-orbit optical tracking (in situ) of various sized objects versus ground RADAR tracking and small OD models. The cameras are based on Flight Proven Advanced Video Guidance Sensor pixel to spot algorithms (Orbital Express) and military targeting cameras. And by using twin cameras we can provide Stereo images for ranging & mission redundancy. When pointed into the orbital velocity vector (RAM), objects approaching or near the stereo camera set can be differentiated from the stars moving upward in background.

  12. Orbital debris: a technical assessment

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Committee on Space Debris, National Research Council

    ..., and other debris created as a byproduct of space operations. Orbital Debris examines the methods we can use to characterize orbital debris, estimates the magnitude of the debris population, and assesses the hazard that this population poses to spacecraft...

  13. Progress in reconstruction of orbital wall after fracture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lu-Lu Xu


    Full Text Available At present, the orbital wall fracture is a very common facial trauma. The orbital contents are often incarcerated in the fracture cracks resulting in changes in the orbital eye position, then can bring a lifetime of diplopia and enophthalmos, which greatly affects the visual acuity and facial appearance. The purpose of repairing of orbital fracture is reconstructing orbital wall, repairing defect to correct eye position, avoiding enophthalmos and recovering visual function. The review will provide a comprehensive overview of orbital fracture reconstruction.

  14. Alimentazione di <em>Marmota marmotaem> in praterie altimontane delle dolomiti bellunesi

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    Alessandro Rudatis


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of <em>Marmota marmotaem> in the mountain prairie of south-eastern Italian Alps. Diet composition of two family groups of alpine marmots was investigated in two areas of the Agordino’s Dolomites (Italian Alps in June-September 2001, by means of microscopic analysis of faeces and of direct observation of feeding activity. During the whole period of activity, a high consume of Angiosperms was confirmed, especially plants in flower; among them the “graminoids” seemed to play an important role only during the initial part of the active period. Generally vegetative parts predominated over flowers. The ingestion of animal preys was not confirmed by the analysis of droppings. Comparing diet composition of the two groups, Graminaceae (<em>Poa>, <em>Phleum>, Compositae (<em>Achillea>, Cyperaceae/Juncaceae, Leguminosae (<em>Anthyllis>, Rosaceae, and Labiatae (<em>Prunella>, <em>Stachys> formed the bulk of marmot diet in the study areas. Diet showed low diversity considering the abundance of plant species in the surrounding environment. Food resources were probably used in relation to their easy digestibility, with a high content in proteins, sugar and water. The knowledge of vegetation features in relation to marmot trophic habits can represent a useful tool for the management of this species. Riassunto Il regime alimentare di due gruppi di Marmotta alpina è stato studiato in giugno-settembre 2001 in due aree delle Dolomiti agordine (SE Italia, attraverso l’analisi microscopica delle feci e l’osservazione diretta dell’attività alimentare. Durante tutto il periodo di attività si è notato un forte consumo di Angiosperme, specialmente piante a fiore, mentre le ”graminoidi” sembra giochino un ruolo importante all’inizio della stagione. In generale le parti vegetali predominano sui fiori. L’ingestione di prede animali non è stata

  15. Optimal selection of Orbital Replacement Unit on-orbit spares - A Space Station system availability model (United States)

    Schwaab, Douglas G.


    A mathematical programing model is presented to optimize the selection of Orbital Replacement Unit on-orbit spares for the Space Station. The model maximizes system availability under the constraints of logistics resupply-cargo weight and volume allocations.

  16. Utilização de series temporais de imagens AVHRR/NOAA no apoio a estimativa operacional da produção da cana-de-açucar no Estado de São Paulo


    Cristina Rodrigues Nascimento


    Resumo: O Brasil é líder mundial na fabricação, exportação de açúcar e na produção de álcool. O estado de São Paulo responde por 60% da produção de açúcar e 61% de todo o álcool produzido no país. Em função da alta relevância da produção, é importante que se tenham estimativas e levantamentos seguros das áreas cultivadas com a cultura. O avanço das diferentes técnicas de sensoriamento remoto tem permitido utilizar imagens de satélites para monitorar e auxiliar a estimativa dessas áreas. São i...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morris Scherer Warren


    Full Text Available A hidrologia geográfica busca o entendimento do padrão espacial da água em sua fase terrestre. Para monitorar e simular a água terrestre, diferentes ferramentas tecnológicas têm sido utilizadas nos últimos anos, com especial destaque para o sensoriamento remoto e a modelagem hidrológica. O presente artigo traz uma revisão acerca da utilização dessas ferramentas no entendimento da evapotranspiração, uma variável-chave na análise geográfica. O levantamento realizado mostra o benefício de se utilizar estimativas remotas de evapotranspiração para diminuir a incerteza das simulações realizadas com modelos hidrológicos.

  18. The acute orbit: Differentiation of orbital cellulitis from subperiosteal abscess by computerized tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Handler, L.C.; Davey, I.C.; Hill, J.C.; Lauryssen, C.


    A series of 65 patients suffering from acute inflammatory disease of the orbit was studied by CT. Ethmoiditis was the cause in the vast majority; trauma and dental extraction played a lesser role in causation. Orbital cellulitis was diagnosed in 17 and subperiosteal abscess in the remaining 48. It was not possible to differentiate 33 pus-containing abscesses from the six with inflammatory masses (phlegmons). The satisfactory response to aggressive medical treatment in those patients with inflammatory masses that were not drained justifies a more conservative approach; surgical drainage being reserved for those with a deterioration in proptosis, ocular movements or vision. Six abscesses arose de novo, of which some were in the orbital fat rather than the subperiosteal space. (orig.)

  19. An Ontological Architecture for Orbital Debris Data


    Rovetto, Robert J.


    The orbital debris problem presents an opportunity for inter-agency and international cooperation toward the mutually beneficial goals of debris prevention, mitigation, remediation, and improved space situational awareness (SSA). Achieving these goals requires sharing orbital debris and other SSA data. Toward this, I present an ontological architecture for the orbital debris domain, taking steps in the creation of an orbital debris ontology (ODO). The purpose of this ontological system is to ...

  20. Study of orbit stability in the SSRF storage ring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dai Zhimin; Liu Guimin; Huang Nan


    In this paper, analysis of the beam orbit stability and conceptual study of the dynamic orbit feedback in the SSRF storage ring are presented. It is shown that beam orbit position movement at the photon source points is smaller than the orbit stability requirements in horizontal plane, but exceeds the orbit stability requirements in vertical plane. A dynamic global orbit feedback system, which consists of 38 high-bandwidth air-coil correctors and 40 high-precise BPMs, is proposed to suppress the vertical beam orbit position movement. Numerical simulations show that this dynamic orbit feedback system can stabilize the vertical beam orbit position movement in the frequency range up to 100 Hz

  1. Stability of orbits around planetary satellites considering a disturbing body in an elliptical orbit: Applications to Europa and Ganymede (United States)

    Cardoso dos Santos, Josué; Carvalho, Jean Paulo; Vilhena de Moraes, Rodolpho

    Europa and Ganymede are two of the four Jupiter’s moons which compose the Galilean satellite. These ones are planetary satellites of greater interest at the present moment among the scientific community. There are some missions being planned to visit them and and the Jovian system. One of them is the cooperation between NASA and ESA for the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM). In this mission are planned the insertion of the spacecrafts JEO (Jupiter Europa Orbiter) and JGO (Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter) into Europa and Ganymede’s orbit. Thus, there is a great necessity for having a better comprehension of the dynamics of the orbits around this planetary satellite. This comprehension is essential for the success of this type of mission. In this context, this work aims to perform a search for low-altitude orbits around these planetary satellites. An emphasis is given in polar orbits. These orbits can be useful in the planning of aerospace activities to be conducted around this planetary satellite, with respect to the stability of orbits of artificial satellites. The study considers orbits of an artificial satellite around Europa and Ganymede under the influence of the third-body perturbation (the gravitational attraction of Jupiter) and the polygenic perturbations. These last ones occur due to forces such as the non-uniform distribution of mass (J2 and J3) of the main (central) body. A simplified dynamic model for polygenic perturbations is used. A new model for the third-body disturbance is presented considering it in an elliptical orbit. The Lagrange planetary equations, which compose a system of nonlinear differential equations, are used to describe the orbital motion of the artificial satellite around Ganymede. The equations showed here are developed in closed form to avoid expansions in inclination and eccentricity.

  2. Quadratically convergent algorithm for orbital optimization in the orbital-optimized coupled-cluster doubles method and in orbital-optimized second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (United States)

    Bozkaya, Uǧur; Turney, Justin M.; Yamaguchi, Yukio; Schaefer, Henry F.; Sherrill, C. David


    Using a Lagrangian-based approach, we present a more elegant derivation of the equations necessary for the variational optimization of the molecular orbitals (MOs) for the coupled-cluster doubles (CCD) method and second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). These orbital-optimized theories are referred to as OO-CCD and OO-MP2 (or simply "OD" and "OMP2" for short), respectively. We also present an improved algorithm for orbital optimization in these methods. Explicit equations for response density matrices, the MO gradient, and the MO Hessian are reported both in spin-orbital and closed-shell spin-adapted forms. The Newton-Raphson algorithm is used for the optimization procedure using the MO gradient and Hessian. Further, orbital stability analyses are also carried out at correlated levels. The OD and OMP2 approaches are compared with the standard MP2, CCD, CCSD, and CCSD(T) methods. All these methods are applied to H2O, three diatomics, and the O_4^+ molecule. Results demonstrate that the CCSD and OD methods give nearly identical results for H2O and diatomics; however, in symmetry-breaking problems as exemplified by O_4^+, the OD method provides better results for vibrational frequencies. The OD method has further advantages over CCSD: its analytic gradients are easier to compute since there is no need to solve the coupled-perturbed equations for the orbital response, the computation of one-electron properties are easier because there is no response contribution to the particle density matrices, the variational optimized orbitals can be readily extended to allow inactive orbitals, it avoids spurious second-order poles in its response function, and its transition dipole moments are gauge invariant. The OMP2 has these same advantages over canonical MP2, making it promising for excited state properties via linear response theory. The quadratically convergent orbital-optimization procedure converges quickly for OMP2, and provides molecular properties that

  3. <em>Ipomoea aquaticaem> Extract Shows Protective Action Against Thioacetamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Hamid A. Hadi


    Full Text Available In the Indian system of traditional medicine (Ayurveda it is recommended to consume <em>Ipomoea em>aquatica> to mitigate disorders like jaundice. In this study, the protective effects of ethanol extract of <em>I. aquaticaem> against liver damage were evaluated in thioacetamide (TAA-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in rats. There was no sign of toxicity in the acute toxicity study, in which Sprague-Dawley (SD rats were orally fed with <em>I. aquaticaem> (250 and 500 mg/kg for two months along with administration of TAA (i.p injection 200 mg/kg three times a week for two months. The results showed that the treatment of <em>I. aquaticaem> significantly lowered the TAA-induced serum levels of hepatic enzyme markers (ALP, ALT, AST, protein, albumin, bilirubin and prothrombin time. The hepatic content of activities and expressions SOD and CAT that were reduced by TAA were brought back to control levels by the plant extract supplement. Meanwhile, the rise in MDA level in the TAA receiving groups also were significantly reduced by <em>I. aquaticaem> treatment. Histopathology of hepatic tissues by H&E and Masson trichrome stains displayed that <em>I. aquaticaem> has reduced the incidence of liver lesions, including hepatic cells cloudy swelling, infiltration, hepatic necrosis, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation induced by TAA in rats. Therefore, the results of this study show that the protective effect of <em>I. aquaticaem> in TAA-induced liver damage might be contributed to its modulation on detoxification enzymes and its antioxidant and free radical scavenger effects. Moreover, it confirms a scientific basis for the traditional use of <em>I. aquaticaem> for the treatment of liver disorders.

  4. Classe social: conceitos e esquemas operacionais em pesquisa em saude

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    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available Discute-se a utilização do conceito de classe em pesquisas em saúde, as diferentes abordagens sociológicas de estratificação social e de estrutura de classes, o potencial explicativo do conceito em estudos de determinação social e desigualdades em saúde, os modelos de operacionalização elaborados para uso em pesquisas sociológicas, demográficas ou de saúde e os limites e possibilidades desses modelos. Foram destacados quatro modelos de operacionalização: de Singer para estudo da distribuição de renda no Brasil, adaptado por Barros para uso em pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Bronfman & Tuirán para o censo demográfico mexicano, adaptado por Lombardi et al para pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Goldthorpe para estudos socioeconômicos ingleses, adaptado pela Sociedade Espanhola de Epidemiologia; e o modelo de Wright para pesquisa em sociologia e ciência política, também usado em inquéritos populacionais em saúde. Em conclusão, conceitualmente cada um dos modelos apresentados é coerente com a concepção teórica que os embasam, mas não há como optar por qualquer deles, descartando os demais.

  5. Climatic changes on orbital and sub-orbital time scale recorded by the Guliya ice core in Tibetan Plateau

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    姚檀栋; 徐柏青; 蒲健辰


    Based on ice core records in the Tibetan Plateau and Greenland, the features and possible causes of climatic changes on orbital and sub-orbital time scale were discussed. Orbital time scale climatic change recorded in ice core from the Tibetan Plateau is typically ahead of that from polar regions, which indicates that climatic change in the Tibetan Plateau might be earlier than polar regions. The solar radiation change is a major factor that dominates the climatic change on orbital time scale. However, climatic events on sub-orbital time scale occurred later in the Tibetan Plateau than in the Arctic Region, indicating a different mechanism. For example, the Younger Dryas and Heinrich events took place earlier in Greenland ice core record than in Guliya ice core record. It is reasonable to propose the hypothesis that these climatic events were affected possibly by the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Therefore, ice sheet is critically important to climatic change on sub-orbital time scale in some ice ages.

  6. Characteristics of pellet injuries to the orbit. (United States)

    Kükner, A Sahap; Yilmaz, Turgut; Celebi, Serdal; Karslioğlu, Safak; Alagöz, Gürsoy; Serin, Didem; Acar, M Akif; Ozveren, M Faik


    To investigate the features of orbital injuries by pellets fired from the front. Retrospective, 4 cases of pellet injuries. Five orbits of 4 patients who sustained pellet injuries received from the front were reviewed retrospectively. The course of injury and results were assessed. Radiological examinations were reviewed. The patients were evaluated between December 1996 and June 2004. Five orbits of 4 patients sustained injuries caused by pellets fired from an anterior direction. The globe in the injured orbit was intact in 2 cases. Severe loss of vision was also present in these 2 globes due to optic nerve involvement. Final visual acuity was down to no light perception in 4 eyes and limited to light perception in 1 eye. The prognosis of orbital pellet injuries is, unfortunately, poor. A pellet passing through the floor of the orbit often causes double perforation of the globe and, once in the orbital aperture, it travels towards the apex as a result of the conical shape of the orbit and lodges in the optic canal or its entrance, severely damaging the optic nerve. Surgery or other treatments are usually unsuccessful. Even if the globe is intact, vision is usually severely impaired. Copyright 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  7. Spin-orbit beams for optical chirality measurement (United States)

    Samlan, C. T.; Suna, Rashmi Ranjan; Naik, Dinesh N.; Viswanathan, Nirmal K.


    Accurate measurement of chirality is essential for the advancement of natural and pharmaceutical sciences. We report here a method to measure chirality using non-separable states of light with geometric phase-gradient in the circular polarization basis, which we refer to as spin-orbit beams. A modified polarization Sagnac interferometer is used to generate spin-orbit beams wherein the spin and orbital angular momentum of the input Gaussian beam are coupled. The out-of-phase interference between counter-propagating Gaussian beams with orthogonal spin states and lateral-shear or/and linear-phase difference between them results in spin-orbit beams with linear and azimuthal phase gradient. The spin-orbit beams interact efficiently with the chiral medium, inducing a measurable change in the center-of-mass of the beam, using the polarization rotation angle and hence the chirality of the medium are accurately calculated. Tunable dynamic range of measurement and flexibility to introduce large values of orbital angular momentum for the spin-orbit beam, to improve the measurement sensitivity, highlight the techniques' versatility.

  8. NASA Orbital Debris Baseline Populations (United States)

    Krisko, Paula H.; Vavrin, A. B.


    The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office has created high fidelity populations of the debris environment. The populations include objects of 1 cm and larger in Low Earth Orbit through Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit. They were designed for the purpose of assisting debris researchers and sensor developers in planning and testing. This environment is derived directly from the newest ORDEM model populations which include a background derived from LEGEND, as well as specific events such as the Chinese ASAT test, the Iridium 33/Cosmos 2251 accidental collision, the RORSAT sodium-potassium droplet releases, and other miscellaneous events. It is the most realistic ODPO debris population to date. In this paper we present the populations in chart form. We describe derivations of the background population and the specific populations added on. We validate our 1 cm and larger Low Earth Orbit population against SSN, Haystack, and HAX radar measurements.

  9. Orbits of the inner satellites of Neptune (United States)

    Brozovic, Marina; Showalter, Mark R.; Jacobson, Robert Arthur; French, Robert S.; de Pater, Imke; Lissauer, Jack


    We report on the numerically integrated orbits of seven inner satellites of Neptune, including S/2004 N1, the last moon of Neptune to be discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The dataset includes Voyager imaging data as well as the HST and Earth-based astrometric data. The observations span time period from 1989 to 2016. Our orbital model accounts for the equatorial bulge of Neptune, perturbations from the Sun and the planets, and perturbations from Triton. The initial orbital integration assumed that the satellites are massless, but the residuals improved significantly as the masses adjusted toward values that implied that the density of the satellites is in the realm of 1 g/cm3. We will discuss how the integrated orbits compare to the precessing ellipses fits, mean orbital elements, current orbital uncertainties, and the need for future observations.

  10. Influence of the Choice of Lunar Gravity Model on Orbit Determination for Lunar Orbiters

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    Young-Rok Kim


    Full Text Available We examine the influence of the lunar gravity model on the orbit determination (OD of a lunar orbiter operating in a 100 km high, lunar polar orbit. Doppler and sequential range measurements by three Deep Space Network antennas and one Korea Deep Space Antenna were used. For measurement simulation and OD analysis, STK11 and ODTK6 were utilized. GLGM2, LP100K, LP150Q, GRAIL420A, and GRAIL660B were used for investigation of lunar gravity model selection effect. OD results were assessed by position and velocity uncertainties with error covariance and an external orbit comparison using simulated true orbit. The effect of the lunar gravity models on the long-term OD, degree and order level, measurement-acquisition condition, and lunar altitude was investigated. For efficiency verification, computational times for the five lunar gravity models were compared. Results showed that significant improvements to OD accuracy are observed by applying a GRAIL-based model; however, applying a full order and degree gravity modeling is not always the best strategy, owing to the computational burden. Consequently, we consider that OD using GRAIL660B with 70 × 70 degree and order is the most efficient strategy for mission preanalysis. This study provides useful guideline for KPLO OD analysis during nominal mission operation.

  11. Orbits 2nd order singularity-free solutions

    CERN Document Server

    Xu, Guochang


    In its 2nd edition, this book covers the theory of satellite orbits, derives the complete solutions of orbital disturbances, describes the algorithms of orbits determination and the applications of the theory to the phenomenon of physical satellite formation.

  12. Single-stage-to-orbit versus two-stage-two-orbit: A cost perspective (United States)

    Hamaker, Joseph W.


    This paper considers the possible life-cycle costs of single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) and two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) reusable launch vehicles (RLV's). The analysis parametrically addresses the issue such that the preferred economic choice comes down to the relative complexity of the TSTO compared to the SSTO. The analysis defines the boundary complexity conditions at which the two configurations have equal life-cycle costs, and finally, makes a case for the economic preference of SSTO over TSTO.

  13. Uso do implante esférico Medpor ™: análise de 61 cirurgias orbitárias Use of Medpor ™ spherical implant: analysis of 61 orbital surgeries

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    Eurípedes da Mota Moura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o uso do implante biointegrável Medpor™ em cirurgias de evisceração, enucleação ou implantação secundária em cavidades anoftálmicas. MÉTODOS: Em 61 cirurgias foi utilizado o implante orbitário Medpor™ . Em 18 casos de evisceração, não houve necessidade do revestimento do implante. Em 12 cirurgias de enucleação e implantação secundária o material utilizado para revestir o implante foi duramater homóloga. Nas demais 31 cirurgias, o revestimento foi de material autólogo (esclera, derme, músculo orbicular ou cartilagem auricular, utilizando-se a técnica de "solidéu", recobrindo apenas a superfície anterior do Medpor ™ . RESULTADOS: Os pacientes foram operados no período de janeiro/1998 a dezembro/2004, com tempo de seguimento médio de 30 meses. Em todos os casos houve aceitação do implante, permitindo boa adaptação da prótese. Em dois pacientes ocorreu exposição tardia do implante: o primeiro caso foi corrigido pelo reposicionamento do implante na cavidade, e no segundo caso a exposição foi coberta com um retalho de tarso. CONCLUSÕES: Na nossa experiência o implante Medpor ™ apresenta boa aceitação com taxa de exposição pequena do mesmo (apenas 2 casos, nenhum caso de infecção ou migração, e boa adaptação da prótese em todos os pacientes. O uso de tecido autólogo para revestir a superfície anterior do implante elimina o risco inerente ao uso de tecidos homólogos.PURPOSE: To analyze the use of Medpor ™ biointegrated implant in surgeries of evisceration, enucleation or secondary implantation in anophthalmic sockets. METHODS: The Medpor™ orbitary implant was used in 61 surgeries. In 18 cases of evisceration the implant's wrapping was not necessary. In 12 enucleation and secondary implantation surgeries the utilized material to wrap the implant was homologous duramater. In the other 31 surgeries, the implant wrapping was made from autologous tissue (sclera, dermis

  14. Endoscopic endonasal anatomy of superior orbital fissure and orbital apex regions: critical considerations for clinical applications. (United States)

    Dallan, Iacopo; Castelnuovo, Paolo; de Notaris, Matteo; Sellari-Franceschini, Stefano; Lenzi, Riccardo; Turri-Zanoni, Mario; Battaglia, Paolo; Prats-Galino, Alberto


    The superior orbital fissure is a critical three-dimensional space connecting the middle cranial fossa and the orbit. From an endoscopic viewpoint, only the medial aspect has a clinical significance. It presents a critical relationship with the lateral sellar compartment, the pterygopalatine fossa and the middle cranial fossa. The connective tissue layers and neural and vascular structures of this region are described. The role of Muller's muscle is confirmed, and the utility of the maxillary and optic strut is outlined. Muller's muscle extends for the whole length of the inferior orbital fissure, passes over the maxillary strut and enters the superior orbital fissure, representing a critical surgical landmark. Dividing the tendon between the medial and inferior rectus muscle allows the identification of the main trunk of the oculomotor nerve, and a little laterally, it is usually possible to visualize the first part of the ophthalmic artery. Based on a better knowledge of anatomy, we trust that this area could be readily addressed in clinical situations requiring an extended approach in proximity of the orbital apex.

  15. Generating Animated Displays of Spacecraft Orbits (United States)

    Candey, Robert M.; Chimiak, Reine A.; Harris, Bernard T.


    Tool for Interactive Plotting, Sonification, and 3D Orbit Display (TIPSOD) is a computer program for generating interactive, animated, four-dimensional (space and time) displays of spacecraft orbits. TIPSOD utilizes the programming interface of the Satellite Situation Center Web (SSCWeb) services to communicate with the SSC logic and database by use of the open protocols of the Internet. TIPSOD is implemented in Java 3D and effects an extension of the preexisting SSCWeb two-dimensional static graphical displays of orbits. Orbits can be displayed in any or all of the following seven reference systems: true-of-date (an inertial system), J2000 (another inertial system), geographic, geomagnetic, geocentric solar ecliptic, geocentric solar magnetospheric, and solar magnetic. In addition to orbits, TIPSOD computes and displays Sibeck's magnetopause and Fairfield's bow-shock surfaces. TIPSOD can be used by the scientific community as a means of projection or interpretation. It also has potential as an educational tool.

  16. A retrograde object near Jupiter's orbit (United States)

    Connors, M.; Wiegert, P.


    Asteroid 2007 VW266 is among the rare objects with a heliocentric retrograde orbit, and its semimajor axis is within a Hill sphere radius of that of Jupiter. This raised the interesting possibility that it could be in co-orbital retrograde resonance with Jupiter, a second "counter-orbital" object in addition to recently discovered 2015 BZ509. We find instead that the object is in 13/14 retrograde mean motion resonance (also referred to as 13/-14). The object is shown to have entered its present orbit about 1700 years ago, and it will leave it in about 8000 years, both through close approach to Jupiter. Entry and exit states both avoid 1:1 retrograde resonance, but the retrograde nature is preserved. The temporary stable state is due to an elliptic orbit with high inclination keeping nodal passages far from the associated planet. We discuss the motion of this unusual object based on modeling and theory, and its observational prospects.

  17. Evaluation of the synchrotron close orbit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bashmakov, Yu.A.; Karpov, V.A.


    The knowledge of the closed orbit position is an essential condition for the effective work of any accelerator. Therefore questions of calculations, measurements and controls have great importance. For example, during injection of particles into a synchrotron, the amplitudes of their betatron oscillations may become commensurable with the working region of the synchrotron. This makes one pay attention at the problem of formation of the optimum orbit with use of correcting optical elements. In addition, it is often necessary to calculate such an orbit at the end of the acceleration cycle when particles are deposited at internal targets or removed from the synchrotron. In this paper, the computation of the close orbit is reduced to a determination at an arbitrarily chosen azimuth of the eigenvector of the total transfer matrix of the synchrotron ring and to tracing with this vector desired orbit. The eigenvector is found as a result of an iteration

  18. A new kinematical definition of orbital eccentricity

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    Ninković S.


    Full Text Available A new concept of orbital eccentricity is given. The dimensionless quantities proposed in the present paper to serve as orbital eccentricities have a kinematical nature. The purpose is to use them in describing the motion for the case of three-dimensional orbits. A comparison done for nearly planar orbits shows that the values of the eccentricities proposed here do not differ significantly from those corresponding to the eccentricities of geometric nature usually applied.


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    Marcos Ronielly Silva Santos


    Full Text Available A identificação dos montantes de chuva para uma região corrobora para a gestão eficiente das politicas públicas e o desenvolvimento social, econômico e ambiental dos centros urbanos.  A mesorregião metropolitana de Belém detém a maior concentração populacional e urbana da Amazônia Oriental, apresentando elevados índices pluviômetros durante todo o ano. Neste contexto o presente trabalho visa identificar a distribuição temporal e espacial da precipitação na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém e associa-la aos principais sistemas precipitantes que atuam na região. Para isto se utilizou o sensoriamento remoto por meio da técnica do CPC MORPHing technique (CMORPH com resolução temporal de 30 min e espacial de 8/8 km. A partir da técnica empregada foram gerados mapas da distribuição têmporo-espacial da chuva com as médias mensais para os dozes meses do ano, decorrentes dos acumulados do período de Jan/2000 a Dez/2010. Os resultados mostram que há uma grande variação temporal e espacial da chuva na mesorregião evidenciando de modo satisfatório a sazonalidade regional da precipitação, com altos índices durante o período chuvoso e baixos índices no período menos chuvoso. Trabalhos que visem à interdisciplinaridade podem contribuir de forma eficaz para estruturação das ciências ambientais e para a tomada de decisões.

  20. Critical homoclinic orbits lead to snap-back repellers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gardini, Laura; Sushko, Iryna; Avrutin, Viktor; Schanz, Michael


    Highlights: → We consider critical homoclinic orbits in continuous and discontinuous maps. → Unbounded homoclinic orbits in maps on unbounded domains are considered as well. → We show that a snapback-repeller (SBR) with a non-critical homoclinic orbit implies chaos. → We show also that a SBR with a critical homoclinic orbit may or may not imply chaos. - Abstract: When nondegenerate homoclinic orbits to an expanding fixed point of a map f:X→X,X subset or equal R n , exist, the point is called a snap-back repeller. It is known that the relevance of a snap-back repeller (in its original definition) is due to the fact that it implies the existence of an invariant set on which the map is chaotic. However, when does the first homoclinic orbit appear? When can other homoclinic explosions, i.e., appearance of infinitely many new homoclinic orbits, occur? As noticed by many authors, these problems are still open. In this work we characterize these bifurcations, for any kind of map, smooth or piecewise smooth, continuous or discontinuous, defined in a bounded or unbounded closed set. We define a noncritical homoclinic orbit and a homoclinic orbit of an expanding fixed point is structurally stable iff it is noncritical. That is, only critical homoclinic orbits are responsible for the homoclinic explosions. The possible kinds of critical homoclinic orbits will be also investigated, as well as their dynamic role.

  1. ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter provides atmospheric data during Aerobraking into its final orbit (United States)

    Svedhem, Hakan; Vago, Jorge L.; Bruinsma, Sean; Müller-Wodarg, Ingo; ExoMars 2016 Team


    After the arrival of the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) at Mars on 19 October 2016 a number of initial orbit change manoeuvres were executed and the spacecraft was put in an orbit with a 24 hour period and 74 degrees inclination. The spacecraft and its four instruments were thoroughly checked out after arrival and a few measurements and images were taken in November 2016 and in Feb-March 2017. The solar occultation observations have however not yet been possible due to lack of the proper geometry.On 15 March a long period of aerobraking to reach the final 400km semi-circular frozen orbit (370x430km, with a fixed pericentre latitude). This orbit is optimised for the payload observations and for the communication relay with the ExoMars Rover, due to arrive in 2021.The aerobraking is proceeding well and the final orbit is expected to be reached in April 2018. A large data set is being acquired for the upper atmosphere of Mars, from the limit of the sensitivity of the accelerometer, down to lowest altitude of the aerobraking at about 105km. Initial analysis has shown a highly variable atmosphere with a slightly lower density then predicted by existing models. Until the time of the abstract writing no dust storms have been observed.The ExoMars programme is a joint activity by the European Space Agency(ESA) and ROSCOSMOS, Russia. ESA is providing the TGO spacecraft and Schiaparelli (EDM) and two of the TGO instruments and ROSCOSMOS is providing the Proton launcher and the other two TGO instruments. After the arrival of the ExoMars 2020 mission, consisting of a Rover and a Surface platform also launched by a Proton rocket, the TGO will handle the communication between the Earth and the Rover and Surface Platform through its (NASA provided) UHF communication system.

  2. Outcomes After Orbital Atherectomy of Severely Calcified Left Main Lesions: Analysis of the ORBIT II Study. (United States)

    Lee, Michael S; Shlofmitz, Evan; Shlofmitz, Richard; Sahni, Sheila; Martinsen, Brad; Chambers, Jeffrey


    The ORBIT II trial reported excellent outcomes in patients with severely calcified coronary lesions treated with orbital atherectomy. Severe calcification of the left main (LM) artery represents a complex coronary lesion subset. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of coronary orbital atherectomy to prepare severely calcified protected LM artery lesions for stent placement. The ORBIT II trial was a prospective, multicenter clinical trial that enrolled 443 patients with severely calcified coronary lesions in the United States. The major adverse cardiac event (MACE) rate through 2 years post procedure, defined by cardiac death, myocardial infarction (CK-MB >3x upper limit of normal with or without a new pathologic Q-wave) and target-vessel revascularization, was compared in the LM and non-left main (NLM) groups. Among the 443 patients, a total of 10 underwent orbital atherectomy of protected LM artery lesions. At 2 years, there was no significant difference in the 2-year MACE rate in the LM and NLM groups (30.0% vs 19.1%, respectively; P=.36). Cardiac death was low in both groups (0% vs 4.4%, respectively; P=.99). Myocardial infarction occurred within 30 days in both groups (10.0% vs 9.7%, respectively; P=.99). Severe dissection, perforation, persistent slow flow, and persistent no reflow did not occur in the LM group. Abrupt closure occurred in 1 patient in the LM group. Orbital atherectomy for patients with heavily calcified LM coronary artery lesions is safe and feasible. Further studies are needed to assess the safety and efficacy of orbital atherectomy in patients with severely calcified LM artery lesions.

  3. The diet of the fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in woodlands of Orobie Alps (Lombardy region, Northern Italy / Alimentazione della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie

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    Marco Cantini


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the fox was investigated by analysis of 273 scats, collected along standard trails from April to November 1987 and 1988. Food habits of foxes were described for three altitudinal ranges. Mammals, mainly <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> and <em>Microtus multiplexem>, were the staple food (percentage of frequency 42.8%, followed by fruits and other vegetables (26.7% and 37.3% respectively. Birds, Invertebrates (mainly Insects and garbage were little eaten. The game species (ungulates, hares, pheasants occurred with a low frequency (8.4% in the diet. The trophic niche breadth varied little through the altitudinal ranges and the seasons. The trophic niche overlap between the fox and the genus <em>Martes> (190 scats of <em>M. martesem> and <em>M. foinaem> were examined is relatively wide (O=0.868. Riassunto La dieta della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie (Val Lesina è stata indagata nel periodo aprile-novembre 1987 e 1988 mediante l'analisi di 273 feci, raccolte lungo percorsi-campione ricadenti in tre piani vegetazionali. I Mammiferi, in particolare <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> e <em>Microtus multiplexem>, sono la componente principale della dieta (frequenza percentuale 42,8%. Rilevante è anche il consumo di frutti (soprattutto in estate e autunno e di altri vegetali (26,7% e 37,3% rispettivamente, mentre poco frequente è quello di Uccelli, Invertebrati e rifiuti. Complessivamente ridotta è l'azione predatoria della Volpe nei confronti delle specie di interesse venatorio (Ungulati, lepri, Galliformi. L'ampiezza della nicchia trofica mostra modeste variazioni stagionali e altitudinali. I1 grado di sovrapposizione tra la nicchia trofica della Volpe e quella del genere <em>Martes>, quest'ultima ricavata dall'analisi di 190 feci di Martora (<em>M. martesem> e Faina (<em>M. foinaem>, è elevato (O=0,868. Tuttavia, poiché in condizioni di

  4. An analysis of near-circular lunar mapping orbits

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Numerical investigations have been carried out to analyse the evolution of lunar circular orbits and the influence of the higher order harmonics of the lunar gravity field. The aim is to select the appropriate near-circular orbit characteristics, which extend orbit life through passive orbit maintenance. The spherical harmonic ...

  5. Diplopia and Orbital Wall Fractures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boffano, P.; Roccia, F.; Gallesio, C.; Karagozoglu, K.H.; Forouzanfar, T.


    Diplopia is a symptom that is frequently associated with orbital wall fractures. The aim of this article was to present the incidence and patterns of diplopia after orbital wall blow-out fractures in 2 European centers, Turin and Amsterdam, and to identify any correlation between this symptom and

  6. Diplopia and orbital wall fractures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boffano, P.; Roccia, F.; Gallesio, C.; Karagozoglu, K.H.; Forouzanfar, T.


    Diplopia is a symptom that is frequently associated with orbital wall fractures. The aim of this article was to present the incidence and patterns of diplopia after orbital wall blow-out fractures in 2 European centers, Turin and Amsterdam, and to identify any correlation between this symptom and

  7. Exoftalmo unilateral por metástase orbitária de carcinoma de próstata Unilateral exophthalmos secondary to orbital metastatic carcinoma of the prostate: a case report

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    José Carlos Corrêa Barbosa


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de exoftalmo ou proptose unilateral direita, causado por metástase orbitária de carcinoma da próstata em paciente negro, na 6.ª década de vida, com evolução de 9 meses. O exame neuro-ocular revelou acentuada diminuição da agudeza visual, perturbação para visão de cores, perda da convergência, diminuição dos reflexos à luz e acomodação e restrição dos movimentos oculares. O paciente apresentava discreta disbasia esquerda por metástase no fêmur. Exames laboratoriais, radiológicos e a biópsia confirmaram a etiologia carcinomatosa da manifestação ocular.A case of right unilateral exophthalmos secondary to metastatic carcinoma of the prostate, in a 68 years old negro patient in which the ocular manifestation lasted 9 months is reported The extrinsic movements of the eye were limited. Pupils reacted slightly to light and accommodation. There was no ocular convergence. The vision of the right eye was blurred and there was mild color vision. The prostate was found to be petrous by touch specially in the right portion. The laboratory findings pointed to a prostatic carcinoma. Bone X-rays were strongly suggestive of metastatic tumour. The histological examination of the orbital tumour showed prostatic tumour cells.

  8. Diagnose nutricional com o uso de sensor óptico ativo em algodoeiro Nutritional diagnosis with the use of active optical sensor in cotton

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    Anamari V. de A. Motomiya


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a resposta espectral do dossel de plantas à variação de doses de nitrogênio (N e sua relação com os teores foliares de N, índice de clorofila e produtividade na cultura do algodoeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em Chapadão do Sul, MS, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco doses de N: 0, 30, 70, 110 e 150 kg ha-1, divididas em duas aplicações aos 28 e 41 dias após a emergência utilizando-se, como fonte, o fertilizante ureia. As maiores correlações dos índices de clorofila e do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada com a produtividade foram observadas na quarta leitura, aos 56 dias após a emergência, indicando que neste período a produtividade já pode estar comprometida caso haja falhas no suprimento de N à cultura. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o sensor se torna mais sensível à variação do teor foliar de N conforme a planta se desenvolve mas não quando ela atinge um alto índice de área foliar e começa a entrar em senescência. Concluiu-se, então, que o sensoriamento remoto ao nível terrestre permite estimar indiretamente a quantidade de N absorvido, o índice de clorofila e a produtividade do algodoeiro.This research aimed to evaluate the spectral response to variation of nitrogen levels and its relationship with leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll and yield in cotton crop. The experiment was conducted in Chapadão do Céu, MS, in a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of five N rates of 0, 30, 70, 110 and 150 kg ha-1, divided in two applications at 28 and 41 days after emergence, using urea fertilizer as a source. The highest correlations of the chlorophyll index and normalized difference vegetation index with yield were observed in the fourth observation, at 56 days after emergence, indicating that in this period, yield may already be compromised if there is shortage in the

  9. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae

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    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Molte specie di pipistrelli delle fasce climatiche temperato-fredde sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in autunno è quindi un adattamento per trascorrere, in uno stato di profondo torpore definibile ibernazione, i mesi invernali, aumentando così la probabilità di sopravvivenza durante tale periodo. Nell?ambito di una attività pluriennale relativa alla raccolta, studio e, quando possibile, riabilitazione di pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, due esemplari di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> (2 femmine e due di <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (1 maschio e 1 femmina, in entrambi casi giovani che ancora non avevano acquisito una sufficiente capacità nel volo e quindi non liberabili, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l?estate del 1998 e mantenuti in condizioni di temperatura ambientale oscillante tra i 17 e i 22°C, in un contenitore di 150x40x30 cm. Ogni sera sono stati pesati, prima della somministrazione di cibo e acqua, con una bilancia elettronica con precisione di 0.1 g (modello Tanita 1479. L'alimentazione è stata a base di vermi della farina (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. L?efficienza digestiva è calcolata nel seguente modo, su materiale disidratato: (quantità ingerita ? quantità escrementi/quantità ingerita*100. Per il calcolo di tale indice gli esemplari delle due specie sono stati separati e mantenuti per 24 ore a partire dalla successiva sera dell?ultima somministrazione, favorendo così lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Successivamente, per due giorni è stato fornito del cibo <em>ad libitumem>, pesando i singoli esemplari una volta terminata la fase di alimentazione, per determinare la quantità ingerita. Al termine abbiamo mantenuto gli esemplari a digiuno per 24 ore successive all?ultima somministrazione per permettere lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Gli escrementi raccolti sono stati posti in forno elettrico a 90 °C per 24 ore e successivamente pesati

  10. Titan Orbiter with Aerorover Mission (TOAM) (United States)

    Sittler, Edward C.; Cooper, J. F.; Mahaffey, P.; Esper, J.; Fairbrother, D.; Farley, R.; Pitman, J.; Kojiro, D. R.; TOAM Team


    We propose to develop a new mission to Titan called Titan Orbiter with Aerorover Mission (TOAM). This mission is motivated by the recent discoveries of Titan, its atmosphere and its surface by the Huygens Probe, and a combination of in situ, remote sensing and radar mapping measurements of Titan by the Cassini orbiter. Titan is a body for which Astrobiology (i.e., prebiotic chemistry) will be the primary science goal of any future missions to it. TOAM is planned to use an orbiter and balloon technology (i.e., aerorover). Aerobraking will be used to put payload into orbit around Titan. The Aerorover will probably use a hot air balloon concept using the waste heat from the MMRTG 500 watts. Orbiter support for the Aerorover is unique to our approach for Titan. Our strategy to use an orbiter is contrary to some studies using just a single probe with balloon. Autonomous operation and navigation of the Aerorover around Titan will be required, which will include descent near to the surface to collect surface samples for analysis (i.e., touch and go technique). The orbiter can provide both relay station and GPS roles for the Aerorover. The Aerorover will have all the instruments needed to sample Titan’s atmosphere, surface, possible methane lakes-rivers, use multi-spectral imagers for surface reconnaissance; to take close up surface images; take core samples and deploy seismometers during landing phase. Both active and passive broadband remote sensing techniques will be used for surface topography, winds and composition measurements.

  11. Net Energy, CO2 Emission and Land-Based Cost-Benefit Analyses of <em>Jatropha> em>Biodiesel: A Case Study of the Panzhihua Region of Sichuan Province in China

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    Xiangzheng Deng


    Full Text Available Bioenergy is currently regarded as a renewable energy source with a high growth potential. Forest-based biodiesel, with the significant advantage of not competing with grain production on cultivated land, has been considered as a promising substitute for diesel fuel by many countries, including China. Consequently, extracting biodiesel from <em>Jatropha> curcasem> has become a growing industry. However, many key issues related to the development of this industry are still not fully resolved and the prospects for this industry are complicated. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the net energy, CO2 emission, and cost efficiency of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel as a substitute fuel in China to help resolve some of the key issues by studying data from this region of China that is well suited to growing <em>Jatropha>. Our results show that: (1 <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is preferable for global warming mitigation over diesel fuel in terms of the carbon sink during <em>Jatropha> tree growth. (2 The net energy yield of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is much lower than that of fossil fuel, induced by the high energy consumption during <em>Jatropha> plantation establishment and the conversion from seed oil to diesel fuel step. Therefore, the energy efficiencies of the production of <em>Jatropha> and its conversion to biodiesel need to be improved. (3 Due to current low profit and high risk in the study area, farmers have little incentive to continue or increase <em>Jatropha> production. (4 It is necessary to provide more subsidies and preferential policies for <em>Jatropha> plantations if this industry is to grow. It is also necessary for local government to set realistic objectives and make rational plans to choose proper sites for <em>Jatropha> biodiesel development and the work reported here should assist that effort. Future research focused on breading high-yield varieties, development of efficient field

  12. Transection of inferior orbital fissure contents for improved access and visibility in orbital surgery. (United States)

    Ricketts, Sophie; Chew, Hall F; Sunderland, Ian R P; Kiss, Alex; Fialkov, Jeffrey A


    Selective inferior orbital fissure (IOF) content transection for the purpose of surgical access to the posterior orbital floor is a technique that facilitates visualization of the posterior bony ledges of traumatic orbital floor defects. It also has potential advantages in achieving stable placement of reconstructive materials. Although not new, the surgical technique has not yet been described, and the morbidity of the technique has not been quantified. This article describes the procedure and assesses the morbidity specific to the division of related neural structures. The technique and surgical anatomy are described and illustrated with intraoperative photographs. Postoperative assessment of neural structures relevant to the division of IOF contents is performed. These values are compared with the nonoperated side to evaluate the morbidity of the technique. The technique, which is consistently used by the senior author in the repair of orbital floor defects with very small posterior ledges or which extend to and involve the IOF, facilitates better visualization of the posterior ledge and posterolateral ledge in such cases. Surgical outcomes including facial sensation and lacrimal function on the operated side remain within the reference range and are not significantly different when compared with the contralateral nonoperated side. Selective IOF transection aids in the direct visualization of the posterior bony ledges in the repair of posterior orbital floor defects. It therefore may facilitate the placement of reconstructive materials on bony ledges circumferentially, providing stable reconstruction, potentially reducing implant-related complications without causing increased morbidity.

  13. Beam closed orbit feedback based on PID control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xuan Ke; Wang Lin; Liu Gongfa; Li Weimin; Li Chuan; Wang Jigang; Bao Xun; Xu Hongliang


    The algorithm in the feedback system has important influence on the performance of the beam orbit. Good feedback algorithm can greatly improve the beam orbit stability. In this paper, the theory of beam closed orbit correction, the principle of PID control and the beam closed orbit feedback correction using PID control were introduced. The simulation results were given. Compared with least-square method, the PID feedback algorithm makes the steady-state error smaller and more accurate, and enhances the beam orbit stability. (authors)

  14. Man-Made Debris In and From Lunar Orbit (United States)

    Johnson, Nicholas L.; McKay, Gordon A. (Technical Monitor)


    During 1966-1976, as part of the first phase of lunar exploration, 29 manned and robotic missions placed more than 40 objects into lunar orbit. Whereas several vehicles later successfully landed on the Moon and/or returned to Earth, others were either abandoned in orbit or intentionally sent to their destruction on the lunar surface. The former now constitute a small population of lunar orbital debris; the latter, including four Lunar Orbiters and four Lunar Module ascent stages, have contributed to nearly 50 lunar sites of man's refuse. Other lunar satellites are known or suspected of having fallen from orbit. Unlike Earth satellite orbital decays and deorbits, lunar satellites impact the lunar surface unscathed by atmospheric burning or melting. Fragmentations of lunar satellites, which would produce clouds of numerous orbital debris, have not yet been detected. The return to lunar orbit in the 1990's by the Hagoromo, Hiten, Clementine, and Lunar Prospector spacecraft and plans for increased lunar exploration early in the 21st century, raise questions of how best to minimize and to dispose of lunar orbital debris. Some of the lessons learned from more than 40 years of Earth orbit exploitation can be applied to the lunar orbital environment. For the near-term, perhaps the most important of these is postmission passivation. Unique solutions, e.g., lunar equatorial dumps, may also prove attractive. However, as with Earth satellites, debris mitigation measures are most effectively adopted early in the concept and design phase, and prevention is less costly than remediation.

  15. Orbital manifestations in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. (United States)

    Sodhi, Punita Kumari


    The orbital manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) are uncommon. To provide a review of orbital manifestations of AIDS, the predisposing factors, investigations, treatment and outcome. Meticulous and systematic literature search of Pubmed to identify manuscripts describing orbital manifestations of AIDS was done and the articles were reviewed.The keywords used in the search were “orbit and AIDS”, “HIV positive and orbit”,“orbit manifestations in AIDS”, “orbital disease and AIDS” and “orbital infections and AIDS”. The orbital involvement in AIDS may present with opportunistic infections from organisms like fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa or with malignancies like Kaposi’s sarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, smooth muscle cell tumors and lymphoma.The predisposing factors for orbital involvement in AIDS are low CD4+ cell count and the immunosuppressive states like diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, intravenous drug abuse and neutropenia. A patient may present with fever, headache, nausea, vomiting,decreased vision, ocular pain, and, in cases of mass formation, there is periorbital swelling, axial proptosis, globe displacement and swollen optic disc. Radiologically,mass formation, orbital bony destruction, and spread of disease to contiguous structures including the central nervous system may be seen. The medical management includes therapy for infection and HIV-1 protease inhibitors (highly active antiretroviral therapy)to suppress HIV-1 replication. For tumors, radical surgery including debulking followed by postoperative radiotherapy is generally needed. Orbital involvements with AIDS in any form, infective or malignancy, causes significant morbidity and mortality and should be diagnosed and managed as early as possible.

  16. Computed tomography of orbital myositis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dresner, S.C.; Rothfus, W.E.; Slamovits, T.L.; Kennerdell, J.S.; Curtin, H.D.


    The computerized tomographic (CT) scans of 11 consecutive patients with orbital myositis were reviewed to better characterize the CT appearance of this condition. The findings in this series differed from those of previous reports in several ways. Multiple muscle involvement predominated. Bilateral involvement was more frequent than previously reported. Enlargement of the tendon as well as the muscle was a frequent finding, but a normal tendinous insertion did not preclude the diagnosis of orbital myositis. Although the CT appearance of orbital myositis is often helpful, the findings are not pathognomonic; correlation with history, clinical findings, and therapeutic response must be considered in making the diagnosis

  17. Threatening “the Good Order”: West Meets East in Cecil B. DeMille’s <em>The Cheatem> and John Updike’s <em>Terrorist>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bradley M. Freeman


    Full Text Available

    Despite almost a hundred years of separation, both Cecil B. DeMille’s film <em>The Cheatem> (1915 and John Updike’s novel <em>Terrorist> (2006 deploy a clear-cut territorial divide between Western and Eastern spaces in order to envision a unified American space. These narratives superimpose a “natural” division on these historically opposed spaces and thereby suggest that any contact between these spaces will have dangerous consequences. These consequences include the potential dissolution and eventual destruction of American productivity, surveillance, and territorial integrity. DeMille’s film and Updike’s novel represent America as a nation-state that must be protected from the East. In 1915, <em>The Cheatem> warned against an interracial America and the upsurge in immigration that characterized the turn of the century. Nearly a century later, <em>Terrorist> presupposes an interracial America but still constructs an East that threatens the security of America. While registering the particular concerns of two distinct historical moments, these narratives represent a larger attempt in American aesthetics to imagine an East that jeopardizes the utopian possibilities of an overly idealized American space.

  18. <em>In Vitro em>Phytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Flavonoids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Patrizia Aquino


    Full Text Available The knowledge of flavonoids involved in plant-plant interactions and their mechanisms of action are poor and, moreover, the structural characteristics required for these biological activities are scarcely known. The objective of this work was to study the possible <em>in vitro em>phytotoxic effects of 27 flavonoids on the germination and early radical growth of <em>Raphanus sativus em>L.> and <em>Lepidium sativumem> L., with the aim to evaluate the possible structure/activity relationship. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the same compounds was also evaluated. Generally, in response to various tested flavonoids, germination was only slightly affected, whereas significant differences were observed in the activity of the various tested flavonoids against radical elongation. DPPH test confirms the antioxidant activity of luteolin, quercetin, catechol, morin, and catechin. The biological activity recorded is discussed in relation to the structure of compounds and their capability to interact with cell structures and physiology. No correlation was found between phytotoxic and antioxidant activities.

  19. GPS Based Reduced-Dynamic Orbit Determination for Low Earth Orbiters with Ambiguity Fixing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Yang


    Full Text Available With the ever-increasing number of satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO for scientific missions, the precise determination of the position and velocity of the satellite is a necessity. GPS (Global Positioning System based reduced-dynamic orbit determination (RPOD method is commonly used in the post processing with high precision. This paper presents a sequential RPOD strategy for LEO satellite in the framework of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF. Precise Point Positioning (PPP technique is used to process the GPS observations, with carrier phase ambiguity resolution using Integer Phase Clocks (IPCs products. A set of GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment mission data is used to test and validate the RPOD performance. Results indicate that orbit determination accuracy could be improved by 15% in terms of 3D RMS error in comparison with traditional RPOD method with float ambiguity solutions.

  20. Orbital Evolution and Orbital Phase Resolved Spectroscopy of the ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    binary. We have carried out orbital phase resolved spectroscopy to mea- ... agreement with a simple model of a spherically symmetric stellar wind from the .... has a set of Narrow Field Instruments (NFI) comprising one Low Energy Concen-.

  1. Bilateral orbital bone infarction in sickle-cell disease. (United States)

    Ghafouri, Roya H; Lee, Irene; Freitag, Suzanne K; Pira, Tony N


    This is a case of a 2-year-old boy with sickle cell disease who presented with bilateral eyelid swelling, limited extraocular motility, and lateral subperiosteal fluid collection associated with bilateral lateral orbital wall infarctions on MRI. The patient was managed medically with intravenous fluids, analgesics, broad-spectrum antibiotics, systemic steroids, and clinically improved. Patients with sickle cell disease are susceptible to infarction of the orbital bones during vaso-occlusive crises. Orbital wall infarction can lead to acute proptosis and restricted extraocular motility. Orbital wall infarction should be considered in sickle cell patients with orbital diseases so that appropriate treatment can be instituted promptly to prevent the serious sequelae of orbital compression syndrome.

  2. Orbital selective spin-texture in a topological insulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Bahadur, E-mail:; Prasad, R. [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016 (India)


    Three-dimensional topological insulators support a metallic non-trivial surface state with unique spin texture, where spin and momentum are locked perpendicular to each other. In this work, we investigate the orbital selective spin-texture associated with the topological surface states in Sb2Te{sub 3}, using the first principles calculations. Sb2Te{sub 3} is a strong topological insulator with a p-p type bulk band inversion at the Γ-point and supports a single topological metallic surface state with upper (lower) Dirac-cone has left (right) handed spin-texture. Here, we show that the topological surface state has an additional locking between the spin and orbitals, leading to an orbital selective spin-texture. The out-of-plane orbitals (p{sub z} orbitals) have an isotropic orbital texture for both the Dirac cones with an associated left and right handed spin-texture for the upper and lower Dirac cones, respectively. In contrast, the in-planar orbital texture (p{sub x} and p{sub y} projections) is tangential for the upper Dirac-cone and is radial for the lower Dirac-cone surface state. The dominant in-planar orbital texture in both the Dirac cones lead to a right handed orbital-selective spin-texture.

  3. Efficient orbit integration by manifold correction methods. (United States)

    Fukushima, Toshio


    Triggered by a desire to investigate, numerically, the planetary precession through a long-term numerical integration of the solar system, we developed a new formulation of numerical integration of orbital motion named manifold correct on methods. The main trick is to rigorously retain the consistency of physical relations, such as the orbital energy, the orbital angular momentum, or the Laplace integral, of a binary subsystem. This maintenance is done by applying a correction to the integrated variables at each integration step. Typical methods of correction are certain geometric transformations, such as spatial scaling and spatial rotation, which are commonly used in the comparison of reference frames, or mathematically reasonable operations, such as modularization of angle variables into the standard domain [-pi, pi). The form of the manifold correction methods finally evolved are the orbital longitude methods, which enable us to conduct an extremely precise integration of orbital motions. In unperturbed orbits, the integration errors are suppressed at the machine epsilon level for an indefinitely long period. In perturbed cases, on the other hand, the errors initially grow in proportion to the square root of time and then increase more rapidly, the onset of which depends on the type and magnitude of the perturbations. This feature is also realized for highly eccentric orbits by applying the same idea as used in KS-regularization. In particular, the introduction of time elements greatly enhances the performance of numerical integration of KS-regularized orbits, whether the scaling is applied or not.

  4. Orbit stability of the ALS storage ring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keller, R.; Nishimura, H.; Biocca, A.


    The Advanced Light Source (ALS) storage ring, a synchrotron light source of the third generation, is specified to maintain its electron orbit stable within one tenth of the rms beam size. In the absence of a dedicated orbit feed-back system, several orbit-distorting effects were investigated, aided by a new interactive simulation tool, the code TRACY V. The effort has led to a better understanding of the behavior of a variety of accelerator subsystems and in consequence produced a substantial improvement in day-to-day orbit stability

  5. Evaluation of the global orbit correction algorithm for the APS real-time orbit feedback system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carwardine, J.; Evans, K. Jr.


    The APS real-time orbit feedback system uses 38 correctors per plane and has available up to 320 rf beam position monitors. Orbit correction is implemented using multiple digital signal processors. Singular value decomposition is used to generate a correction matrix from a linear response matrix model of the storage ring lattice. This paper evaluates the performance of the APS system in terms of its ability to correct localized and distributed sources of orbit motion. The impact of regulator gain and bandwidth, choice of beam position monitors, and corrector dynamics are discussed. The weighted least-squares algorithm is reviewed in the context of local feedback

  6. A FDTD solution of scattering of laser beam with orbital angular momentum by dielectric particles: Far-field characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Wenbo; Hu, Yongxiang; Weimer, Carl; Ayers, Kirk; Baize, Rosemary R.; Lee, Tsengdar


    Electromagnetic (EM) beams with orbital angular momentum (OAM) may have great potential applications in communication technology and in remote sensing of the Earth-atmosphere system and outer planets. Study of their interaction with optical lenses and dielectric or metallic objects, or scattering of them by particles in the Earth-atmosphere system, is a necessary step to explore the advantage of the OAM EM beams. In this study, the 3-dimensional (3D) scattered-field (SF) finite-difference time domain (FDTD) technique with the convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) is applied to calculate the scattering of the purely azimuthal (the radial mode number is assumed to be zero) Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) beams with the OAM by dielectric particles. We found that for OAM beam's interaction with dielectric particles, the forward-scattering peak in the conventional phase function (P11) disappears, and light scattering peak occurs at a scattering angle of ~15° to 45°. The disappearance of forward-scattering peak means that, in laser communications most of the particle-scattered noise cannot enter the receiver, thus the received light is optimally the original OAM-encoded signal. This feature of the OAM beam also implies that in lidar remote sensing of the atmospheric particulates, most of the multiple-scattering energy will be off lidar sensors, and this may result in an accurate profiling of particle layers in the atmosphere or in the oceans by lidar, or even in the ground when a ground penetration radar (GPR) with the OAM is applied. This far-field characteristics of the scattered OAM light also imply that the optical theorem, which is derived from plane-parallel wave scattering case and relates the forward scattering amplitude to the total cross section of the scatterer, is invalid for the scattering of OAM beams by dielectric particles. - Highlights: • Scattering of orbital angular momentum (OAM) laser beam by dielectric

  7. Magnetorresistência colossal em La5/8-yPr yCa3/8MnO3 Magnetoresistance in La5/8-yPr yCa3/8MnO3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. H. Masunaga


    Full Text Available Amostras policristalinas de La5/8-yPr yCa3/8MnO3, 0 0,35 também mostram uma transição para o estado de ordenamento de carga/orbital T OC. Uma análise das medidas de ro(T, H sugere a coexistência de pelo menos duas fases distintas nesses materiais: uma ferromagnética-metálica FMM e uma segunda, com ordenamento de carga/orbital e comportamento isolante OCI. Os resultados também permitem concluir que as frações volumétricas dessas fases podem ser manipuladas, alterando-se parâmetros termodinâmicos como T e H. A magnetorresistência MR(T, determinada através das medidas de ro(T, H, foi observada ocorrer em uma larga faixa de temperatura e em todas as amostras pertencentes à série. Amostras ricas em Pr (y > 0,35 revelam um efeito de magnetorresistência colossal amplificado devido à coexistência e competição das FMM e OCI cujas frações volumétricas podem ser alteradas via mudança da temperatura e aplicação de um campo magnético externo.Polycrystalline samples of La5/8-yPr yCa3/8MnO3; 0 0.35 a transition to a charge and orbital-ordered state was also observed. The rho(T, H data analyses suggest the coexistence of at least two ordered phases in these samples: a ferromagnetic metallic phase FMM and a charge and orbital-ordered insulating COI phase.The data also indicate that the volume fraction of these phases can be changed by the variation of thermodynamic parameters like temperature T and magnetic field H. The magnetoresistance MR(T determined from rho(T, H data were observed in a large temperature range for all samples. In addition, samples with y > 0.35 were found to display a pronounced colossal magnetoresistance effect due to a severe competition between FMM and COI coexisting phases.

  8. Reconstruction of Orbital Floor With Auricular Concha. (United States)

    Seven, Ergin; Tellioglu, Ali Teoman; Inozu, Emre; Ozakpinar, Hulda Rifat; Horoz, Ugur; Eryilmaz, Avni Tolga; Karamursel, Sebat


    Orbital floor fractures of varying sizes commonly occur after orbital injuries and remain a serious challenge. Serious complications of such fractures include enopthalmos, restriction of extraocular movement, and diplopia. There is a dearth of literature that can be applied widely, easily, and successfully in all such situations, and therefore there is no consensus on the treatment protocol of this pathology yet. Autogenous grafts and alloplastic and allogenic materials with a wide variety of advantages and disadvantages have been discussed. The value of preoperative and postoperative ophthalmological examination should be standard of care in all orbital fracture patients. An ideal reconstructed orbital floor fracture should accelerate the restoration of orbital function with acceptable cosmetic results. Management parameters of orbital fractures such as timing of surgery, incision type, and implant materials, though widely discussed, remain controversial. In this study, 55 patients with orbital floor fractures surgically reconstructed with conchal cartilage grafts between 2008 and 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. Complications and long-time follow-up visit results have been reported with clinical and radiographic findings. The aim of this study was to present the authors' clinical experiences of reconstruction of blow-out fractures with auricular conchal graft and to evaluate the other materials available for use.

  9. NanoSail - D Orbital and Attitude Dynamics (United States)

    Heaton, Andrew F.; Faller, Brent F.; Katan, Chelsea K.


    NanoSail-D unfurled January 20th, 2011 and successfully demonstrated the deployment and deorbit capability of a solar sail in low Earth orbit. The orbit was strongly perturbed by solar radiation pressure, aerodynamic drag, and oblate gravity which were modeled using STK HPOP. A comparison of the ballistic coefficient history to the orbit parameters exhibits a strong relationship between orbital lighting, the decay rate of the mean semi-major axis and mean eccentricity. A similar comparison of mean solar area using the STK HPOP solar radiation pressure model exhibits a strong correlation of solar radiation pressure to mean eccentricity and mean argument of perigee. NanoSail-D was not actively controlled and had no capability on-board for attitude or orbit determination. To estimate attitude dynamics we created a 3-DOF attitude dynamics simulation that incorporated highly realistic estimates of perturbing forces into NanoSail-D torque models. By comparing the results of this simulation to the orbital behavior and ground observations of NanoSail-D, we conclude that there is a coupling between the orbit and attitude dynamics as well as establish approximate limits on the location of the NanoSail-D solar center of pressure. Both of these observations contribute valuable data for future solar sail designs and missions.

  10. Orbital lymphoma masquerading as thyroid ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Boyce, P J


    Lymphoid tumors are known to originate within the lacrimal gland and orbital fat. Ocular findings commonly seen are a palpable mass with proptosis and downward displacement of the globe. Graves' ophthalmopathy is the most common orbital pathology occurring in the general population. Signs and symptoms of Graves' ophthalmopathy, such as unilateral or bilateral proptosis, double vision, limitation of movement of the extraocular muscles, are not specific for this condition. A 57-year-old man came to us with a chief symptom of "eye swelling" for the last 3 years. He had been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and had received three surgical procedures for orbital decompression. Clinical findings included limitation of upward and downward gaze, exophthalmometry readings of 30 1/2 mm O.D. and 31 mm O.S. (with a base of 112), and profound proptosis with fatty tissue prolapse. Subsequent thyroid testing revealed euthyroid status and computed tomography scan revealed orbital lymphoma. Orbital involvement from a malignant nodular histiocytic lymphoma resulted in a proptosis similar to that observed in Graves' ophthalmopathy. This very unusual presentation of orbital lymphoma mimicked Graves' disease so closely that the true cause was overlooked. This case emphasizes the need to include space-occupying lesions in the differential diagnosis of proptosis and gaze restrictions. The disease process and controversial management strategies are discussed.

  11. Effective orbital volume and eyeball position: an MRI study. (United States)

    Detorakis, Efstathios T; Drakonaki, Eleni; Papadaki, Efrosini; Pallikaris, Ioannis G; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis K


    Previous studies have examined factors affecting the position of the eyeball to the orbit. This study examined the role of effective orbital volume (EOV), defined as the difference between orbital and eyeball volume, as a determinant of eyeball position, using MRI scans. Forty-six patients were recruited from the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete Greece. Patients with a history of orbital disease were excluded. Distances between eyeball poles and orbital landmarks were measured in T1 weighted transverse, sagittal and coronal orbital images. The protrusion of the eyeball in the sagittal and transverse planes was recorded. The volume of the eyeball and bony orbit, the EOV, the volume of the extraocular muscles as well as clinical information (age, gender, Hertel exophthalmometry) were also recorded. EOV was significantly associated with orbital volume but not with eyeball volume. EOV was also significantly associated with transverse and sagittal globe protrusions. Females displayed significantly lower orbital and eyeball volumes as well as EOV than males but higher transverse globe protrusion than males. Variations in EOV are associated with orbital volume rather than with eyeball volume. EOV is associated with globe protrusion and may be taken into account in the planning of various procedures, including orbital decompression, treatment of enophthalmos or the size of orbital implants following enucleation.

  12. Continuation of Sets of Constrained Orbit Segments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schilder, Frank; Brøns, Morten; Chamoun, George Chaouki

    Sets of constrained orbit segments of time continuous flows are collections of trajectories that represent a whole or parts of an invariant set. A non-trivial but simple example is a homoclinic orbit. A typical representation of this set consists of an equilibrium point of the flow and a trajectory...... that starts close and returns close to this fixed point within finite time. More complicated examples are hybrid periodic orbits of piecewise smooth systems or quasi-periodic invariant tori. Even though it is possible to define generalised two-point boundary value problems for computing sets of constrained...... orbit segments, this is very disadvantageous in practice. In this talk we will present an algorithm that allows the efficient continuation of sets of constrained orbit segments together with the solution of the full variational problem....

  13. Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA): Assessment of the orbital maneuvering system FMEA/CIL, volume 1 (United States)

    Prust, Chet D.; Haufler, W. A.; Marino, A. J.


    The results of the Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA) of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Critical Items List (CIL) are presented. The IOA effort first completed an analysis of the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) hardware and Electrical Power Distribution and Control (EPD and C), generating draft failure modes and potential critical items. To preserve independence, this analysis was accomplished without reliance upon the results contained within the NASA FMEA/CIL documentation. The IOA results were then compared to the proposed Post 51-L NASA FMEA/CIL baseline. This report documents the results of that comparison for the Orbiter OMS hardware. The IOA analysis defined the OMS as being comprised of the following subsystems: helium pressurization, propellant storage and distribution, Orbital Maneuvering Engine, and EPD and C. The IOA product for the OMS analysis consisted of 284 hardware and 667 EPD and C failure mode worksheets that resulted in 160 hardware and 216 EPD and C potential critical items (PCIs) being identified. A comparison was made of the IOA product to the NASA FMEA/CIL baseline which consisted of 101 hardware and 142 EPD and C CIL items.

  14. Infected orbital cyst following exenteration. (United States)

    Barak, A; Hirsh, A; Rosner, M; Rosen, N


    An orbital cyst is a rare complication of orbital trauma and exenteration. Infections of such cysts have not been described, and are potentially dangerous unless treated immediately. The authors describe a case of delayed treatment of such an infected cyst, which resolved following surgical drainage. The potentially hazardous outcome makes knowledge of such cases important.

  15. Three Temperate Neptunes Orbiting Nearby Stars (United States)

    Fulton, Benjamin J.; Howard, Andrew W.; Weiss, Lauren M.; Sinukoff, Evan; Petigura, Erik A.; Isaacson, Howard; Hirsch, Lea; Marcy, Geoffrey W.; Henry, Gregory W.; Grunblatt, Samuel K.; Huber, Daniel; von Braun, Kaspar; Boyajian, Tabetha S.; Kane, Stephen R.; Wittrock, Justin; Horch, Elliott P.; Ciardi, David R.; Howell, Steve B.; Wright, Jason T.; Ford, Eric B.


    We present the discovery of three modestly irradiated, roughly Neptune-mass planets orbiting three nearby Solar-type stars. HD 42618 b has a minimum mass of 15.4 ± 2.4 {M}\\oplus , a semimajor axis of 0.55 au, an equilibrium temperature of 337 K, and is the first planet discovered to orbit the solar analogue host star, HD 42618. We also discover new planets orbiting the known exoplanet host stars HD 164922 and HD 143761 (ρ CrB). The new planet orbiting HD 164922 has a minimum mass of 12.9 ± 1.6 {M}\\oplus and orbits interior to the previously known Jovian mass planet orbiting at 2.1 au. HD 164922 c has a semimajor axis of 0.34 au and an equilibrium temperature of 418 K. HD 143761 c orbits with a semimajor axis of 0.44 au, has a minimum mass of 25 ± 2 {M}\\oplus , and is the warmest of the three new planets with an equilibrium temperature of 445 K. It orbits exterior to the previously known warm Jupiter in the system. A transit search using space-based CoRoT data and ground-based photometry from the Automated Photometric Telescopes (APTs) at Fairborn Observatory failed to detect any transits, but the precise, high-cadence APT photometry helped to disentangle planetary-reflex motion from stellar activity. These planets were discovered as part of an ongoing radial velocity survey of bright, nearby, chromospherically inactive stars using the Automated Planet Finder (APF) telescope at Lick Observatory. The high-cadence APF data combined with nearly two decades of radial velocity data from Keck Observatory and gives unprecedented sensitivity to both short-period low-mass, and long-period intermediate-mass planets. Based on observations obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly by the University of California and the California Institute of Technology. Keck time was granted for this project by the University of Hawai‘I, the University of California, and NASA.

  16. Closed orbit analysis for RHIC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milutinovic, J.; Ruggiero, A.G.


    We examine the effects of four types of errors in the RHIC dipoles and quadrupoles on the on-momentum closed orbit in the machine. We use PATRIS both to handle statistically the effects of kick-modeled errors and to check the performance of the Fermilab correcting scheme in a framework of a more realistic modeling. On the basis of the accepted rms values of the lattice errors, we conclude that in about 40% of all studied cases the lattice must be to some extent pre-corrected in the framework of the so-called ''first turn around strategy,'' in order to get a closed orbit within the aperture limitations at all and, furthermore, for approximately 2/3 of the remaining cases we find that a single pass algorithm of the Fermilab scheme is not sufficient to bring closed orbit distortions down to acceptable levels. We have modified the scheme and have allowed repeated applications of the otherwise unchanged three bump method and in doing so we have been able to correct the orbit in a satisfactory manner. 4 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs

  17. Cholesterol granuloma of the orbit: An atypical presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syed A R Rizvi


    Full Text Available Cholesterol granuloma is a rare, well-defined lesion of the orbit. In the orbit, diploe of the frontal bone is involved almost exclusively. We report an atypical case of cholesterol granuloma involving superomedial quadrant of orbit. A 42-year-old male presented with progressive, painless, proptosis with infero-temporal displacement of left eye. A large mass was felt beneath the bony orbital margin in the superomedial quadrant of the left orbit. Computerized tomography (CT scan revealed an extraconal superomedial, heterogeneous enhancing mass which was isodense with brain and pushing the globe inferolaterally and anteriorly. Excision biopsy of the tumor revealed the typical features of a cholesterol granuloma without any epithelial elements. Cholesterol granuloma of the orbit is a rare entity, but it can be diagnosed and differentiated from other lesions of the superior orbit by its characteristic clinical, radiological and histopathological features. An appropriate intervention in time carries a good prognosis with almost no recurrence.

  18. Relativistic spin-orbit interactions of photons and electrons (United States)

    Smirnova, D. A.; Travin, V. M.; Bliokh, K. Y.; Nori, F.


    Laboratory optics, typically dealing with monochromatic light beams in a single reference frame, exhibits numerous spin-orbit interaction phenomena due to the coupling between the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of light. Similar phenomena appear for electrons and other spinning particles. Here we examine transformations of paraxial photon and relativistic-electron states carrying the spin and orbital angular momenta (AM) under the Lorentz boosts between different reference frames. We show that transverse boosts inevitably produce a rather nontrivial conversion from spin to orbital AM. The converted part is then separated between the intrinsic (vortex) and extrinsic (transverse shift or Hall effect) contributions. Although the spin, intrinsic-orbital, and extrinsic-orbital parts all point in different directions, such complex behavior is necessary for the proper Lorentz transformation of the total AM of the particle. Relativistic spin-orbit interactions can be important in scattering processes involving photons, electrons, and other relativistic spinning particles, as well as when studying light emitted by fast-moving bodies.

  19. Orbit Feedback Operation with RCBX (MD 1209)

    CERN Document Server

    Wenninger, Jorg; Nisbet, David; Ponce, Laurette; Louro Alves, Diogo Miguel; CERN. Geneva. ATS Department


    The LHC Orbit Feedback (OFB) is able to drive any orbit corrector circuit (COD) to steer the LHC orbit. But during the first feedback tests in 2010, all attempts to use the common triplet orbit correctors (MCBX) failed because the QPS system installed to protect those magnets triggered power aborts as soon as the OFB steered the beam with those CODs. The reason was most likely the violation of the RCBX circuit acceleration limits. For this reason the MCBX orbit correctors were never driven by the OFB in regular operation. Although the performance of the OFB is generally excellent, the quality of the beam steering around IRs could be improved if the OFB could correct the orbit with the MCBX to counteract locally triplet quadrupole movements. The aim of this MD was to make a new attempt to use the MCBX in the OFB. The test was successful at injection (no circuit trip) and failed during the ramp (QPS power abort). The PC voltages and QPS Ures signals revealed the presence of voltage spikes with a period of 10~s...

  20. Busca de estruturas em grandes escalas em altos redshifts (United States)

    Boris, N. V.; Sodré, L., Jr.; Cypriano, E.


    A busca por estruturas em grandes escalas (aglomerados de galáxias, por exemplo) é um ativo tópico de pesquisas hoje em dia, pois a detecção de um único aglomerado em altos redshifts pode por vínculos fortes sobre os modelos cosmológicos. Neste projeto estamos fazendo uma busca de estruturas distantes em campos contendo pares de quasares próximos entre si em z Â3 0.9. Os pares de quasares foram extraídos do catálogo de Véron-Cetty & Véron (2001) e estão sendo observados com os telescópios: 2,2m da University of Hawaii (UH), 2,5m do Observatório de Las Campanas e com o GEMINI. Apresentamos aqui a análise preliminar de um par de quasares observado nos filtros i'(7800 Å) e z'(9500 Å) com o GEMINI. A cor (i'-z') mostrou-se útil para detectar objetos "early-type" em redshifts menores que 1.1. No estudo do par 131046+0006/J131055+0008, com redshift ~ 0.9, o uso deste método possibilitou a detecção de sete objetos candidatos a galáxias "early-type". Num mapa da distribuição projetada dos objetos para 22 escala. Um outro argumento em favor dessa hipótese é que eles obedecem uma relação do tipo Kormendy (raio equivalente X brilho superficial dentro desse raio), como a apresentada pelas galáxias elípticas em z = 0.

  1. Retrieval of RTG'S in earth orbit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raab, B.; Frieder, M.A.; Skrabek, A.


    Since 1961, some ten Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTG's) have been placed into a variety of spacecraft which are now in earth orbit. All of these spacecraft are in orbits with lifetimes in excess of 100 years and pose no risk. However, since most of these spacecraft are no longer being actively used, these may be subject to an active removal program to reduce the population of objects in space. Therefore, a study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of retrieving or disposing of spacecraft with RTGs on board. Intervention scenarios are developed and an orbital rendezvous vehicle is conceptualized. The costs of RTG retrieval are derived and compared to the costs of RTG disposal, i.e., boost to a higher, multi-millenium-lifetime orbit, and are found to be not significantly different

  2. Encapsulation-Induced Stress Helps <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>Resist Convertible Lignocellulose Derived Inhibitors

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    Johan O. Westman


    Full Text Available The ability of macroencapsulated <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>CBS8066<em> em>to withstand readily and not readily <em>in situem> convertible lignocellulose-derived inhibitors was investigated in anaerobic batch cultivations. It was shown that encapsulation increased the tolerance against readily convertible furan aldehyde inhibitors and to dilute acid spruce hydrolysate, but not to organic acid inhibitors that cannot be metabolized anaerobically. Gene expression analysis showed that the protective effect arising from the encapsulation is evident also on the transcriptome level, as the expression of the stress-related genes <em>YAP1em>, <em>ATR1em> and <em>FLR1em> was induced upon encapsulation. The transcript levels were increased due to encapsulation already in the medium without added inhibitors, indicating that the cells sensed low stress level arising from the encapsulation itself. We present a model, where the stress response is induced by nutrient limitation, that this helps the cells to cope with the increased stress added by a toxic medium, and that superficial cells in the capsules degrade convertible inhibitors, alleviating the inhibition for the cells deeper in the capsule.


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    Clayton Maciel Costa


    Full Text Available A expansão da Web, o advento das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e a massificação dos dispositivos móveis tornaram possíveis novas possibilidades de gerenciamento, interações e compartilhamento de informações. Na área petrolífera, sistemas de monitoramento utilizando dispositivos móveis vêm sendo utilizados para otimização de processos, monitoramento de dados, geração de relatórios, geração de alertas e identificação de falhas em tempo-real nas plataformas petrolíferas. Contudo, ainda são poucos os sistemas que identificam problemas em tempo-real, já que a maioria não emprega técnicas de sistemas de tempo-real. Este artigo propõe o sistema SiMoS, um sistema de tempo-real para o monitoramento remoto de plataformas de poços de petróleo através de dispositivos móveis.

  4. On-Orbit Propulsion OMS/RCS (United States)

    Hurlbert, Eric A.


    This slide presentation reviews the Space Shuttle's On-Orbit Propulsion systems: the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) and the Reaction Control System (RCS). The functions of each of the systems is described, and the diagrams of the systems are presented. The OMS/RCS thruster is detailed and a trade study comparison of non-toxic propellants is presented.

  5. Beam-beam-induced orbit effects at LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaumann, M; Fernandez, R Alemany


    For high bunch intensities the long-range beam-beam interactions are strong enough to provoke effects on the orbit. As a consequence the closed orbit changes. The closed orbit of an unperturbed machine with respect to a machine where the beam-beam force becomes more and more important has been studied and the results are presented in this paper

  6. Morphological identification of the Soprano Pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pygmaeusem> Leach, 1825 in Croatia.

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    Igor Pavlinić


    Full Text Available Abstract After the discovery of two different phonic types within the common pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem>, mtDNA analysis confirmed the existence of two separate species named as common pipistrelle (<em>P. pipistrellusem> and soprano pipistrelle (<em>P. pygmaeusem>. The discrimination of these two cryptic species using external characters and measures has proved to be somewhat problematic. We examined two colonies of soprano pipistrelle from Donji Miholjac, Croatia. As a result, only two characters proved to be of help for field identification: wing venation (89% of cases and penis morphology and colour for males. The difference in length between the 2nd and 3rd phalanxes of the 3rd finger should be discarded as diagnostic trait between <em>P. pipistrellusem> and <em>P. pygmaeusem> in Croatia. Riassunto Identificazione su basi morfologiche del pipistrello pigmeo (<em>Pipistrellus pygmeausem>, Leach, 1825 in Croazia. A seguito della descrizione di due differenti "tipi fonici" nel pipistrello nano (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem> e della successiva conferma su basi genetiche dell'esistenza di due specie distinte, designate come pipistrello nano (<em>P. pipistrellusem> e pipistrello pigmeo (<em>P. pygmaeusem>, la distinzione delle due specie in base a caratteristiche morfologiche esterne si è dimostrata un problema di difficile soluzione. Sulla base delle caratteristiche distintive e delle differenze biometriche proposte da altri Autori, sono state esaminate due colonie di pipistrello pigmeo a Donji Miholjac, in Croazia. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che, tra tutti i potenziali caratteri sinora proposti, solo due risultano utili per un'identificazione diretta sul campo: la venatura delle ali, risultata utile alla discriminazione nell'89% degli esemplari analizzati, e la colorazione e morfologia del pene nei maschi. La

  7. Altitudinal distribution of the common longeared bat <em>Plecotus auritusem> (Linnaeus, 1758 and grey long-eared bat <em>Plecotus austriacusem> (J. B. Fischer, 1829 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae in the Tatra mountains (southern Poland

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    Krzysztof Piksa


    Full Text Available Riassunto Distribuzione altitudinale di Orecchione bruno (<em>Plecotus auritusem> e Orecchione meridionale (<em>Plecotus austriacusem> nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale. Vengono riportati nuovi dati relativi alla distribuzione altitudinale nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale di <em>Plecotus auritusem> e <em>P. austriacusem>. Tali segnalazioni incrementano le conoscenze relative alla presenza di questi chirotteri a quote elevate, in particolare per la Polonia. In inverno <em>P. auritusem> è stato rinvenuto a 1921 m s.l.m. mentre in estate è stato rinvenuto a 2250 m s.l.m.; in aggiunta, sono stati ritrovati resti ossei a 1929 m s.l.m. <em>P. austriacusem> è stato segnalato in ibernazione a 1294 m s.l.m.

  8. Microscopic Stern-Gerlach effect and spin-orbit pendulum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozmej, P.; Arvieu, R.


    The motion of a particle with spin in spherical harmonic oscillator potential with spin-orbit interaction is discussed. The attention is focused on the spatial motion of wave packets. The particular case of wave packets moving along the circular orbits for which the most transparent and pedagogical description is possible is considered. The splitting of the wave packets into two components moving differently along classical orbits reflects a strong analogy with the Stern-Gerlach experiment. The periodic transfer of average angular momentum between spin and orbital subspaces accompanying this time evolution is called the spin-orbit pendulum. (author). 6 refs, 3 figs

  9. Action of Chitosan Against <em>Xanthomonas> Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>

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    Yanli Wang


    Full Text Available The antibacterial activity and mechanism of two kinds of chitosan were investigated against twelve <em>Xanthomonas> strains recovered from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>. Results indicated that both chitosans markedly inhibited bacterial growth based on OD loss. Furthermore, the release of DNA and RNA from three selected strains was increased by both chitosans. However, the release of intracellular proteins was inhibited by both chitosans at different concentration and incubation times, except chitosan A at 0.1 mg/mL for 0.5 h incubation and 0.2 mg/mL for 2.0 h incubation increased the release of proteins, indicating the complexity of the interaction and cell membranes, which was affected by incubation time, bacterial species, chitosan type and concentration. Transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that chitosan caused changes in protoplast concentration and surface morphology. In some cells, the membranes and walls were badly distorted and disrupted, while other cells were enveloped by a thick and compact ribbon-like layer. The contrary influence on cell morphology may explain the differential effect in the release of material. In addition, scanning electron microscope and biofilm formation test revealed that both chitosans removed biofilm biomass. Overall, this study showed that membrane and biofilm play an important role in the antibacterial mechanism of chitosan.

  10. Study of the <em>in Vitroem> Antiplasmodial, Antileishmanial and Antitrypanosomal Activities of Medicinal Plants from Saudi Arabia

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    Nawal M. Al-Musayeib


    Full Text Available The present study investigated the <em>in vitroem> antiprotozoal activity of sixteen selected medicinal plants. Plant materials were extracted with methanol and screened <em>in vitroem> against erythrocytic schizonts of <em>Plasmodium falciparumem>, intracellular amastigotes of <em>Leishmania infantum em>and <em>Trypanosoma cruzi em>and free trypomastigotes of<em> T. bruceiem>. Cytotoxic activity was determined against MRC-5 cells to assess selectivity<em>. em>The criterion for activity was an IC50 < 10 µg/mL (4. Antiplasmodial activity was found in the<em> em>extracts of<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem> and <em>Punica granatumem>. Antileishmanial activity<em> em>against <em>L. infantumem> was demonstrated in <em>Caralluma sinaicaem> and <em>Periploca aphylla.em> Amastigotes of<em> T. cruzi em>were affected by the methanol extract of<em> em>>Albizia lebbeckem>> em>pericarp, <em>Caralluma sinaicaem>,> Periploca aphylla em>and <em>Prosopius julifloraem>. Activity against<em> T. brucei em>was obtained in<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem>. Cytotoxicity (MRC-5 IC50 < 10 µg/mL and hence non-specific activities were observed for<em> em>>Conocarpus lancifoliusem>.>

  11. Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Atmosféricas em Engenharia - 2005 -Teses Defendidas - Doutorado - Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ

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    Full Text Available 213 Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ ISSN 0101-9759 Vol. 28-2 / 2005 p. 213-216 Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Atmosféricas em Engenharia Teses Defendidas - Doutorado Autora: Célia Maria Paiva Orientadores: Otto Corrêa Rotunno Filho, Gutemberg Borges França e William Tse Liu Horng Título: Estimativa do balanço de energia e da temperatura da superfície via satélite Noaa-Avhrr. No de páginas: 218 Resumo Neste trabalho são discutidas as estimativas do balanço de energia (ECB e da temperatura da superfície terrestre (TST obtidas por meio de dados de sensoriamento remoto, bem como os experimentos de validação das metodologias utilizadas. Para a estimativa das componentes do balanço de energia (CBE e da TST foram utilizados dados NOAA-AVHRR. As CBE foram estimadas pelo algoritmo SEBAL proposto por Bastiaanssen (1995 e as estimativas da TST foram geradas pelas metodologias sugeridas por Bastiaanssen (1995 (saídas de TST do SEBAL, França (1994, Coll et al. (1994a e Sobrino et al. (1991 e seus resultados foram comparados entre si. Para validação dos resultados, dois experimentos de campo foram organizados em Londrina e Dourados durante o inverno e o verão de 1999, respectivamente. Devido a problemas operacionais durante o experimento de Londrina, apenas os dados de Dourados puderam ser usados neste trabalho. Nesses experimentos, simultaneamente às passagens dos satélite, foram realizados lançamentos de radiossondas, medidas de emissividade e temperatura da superfície e medidas de fluxos em superfície. Os resultados do modelo SEBAL apresentaram erros de estimativa inferiores a 4%, 6% e 7% para a radiação líquida, fluxo de calor sensível e fluxo de calor latente, respectivamente, quando 214 Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Atmosféricas em Engenharia Teses Defendidas - Doutorado Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ ISSN 0101-9759 - Vol. 28-2 /2005 p. 213-216 comparados com as medidas de

  12. Sensoriamento Remoto com VANTs: uma nova possibilidade para a aquisição de geoinformações

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    Henrique Lima de Sousa


    Full Text Available Os Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs – ou Drones, como conhecidos popularmente – estão cada vez mais em alta, como se pode notar na excitação do mercado geoinformacional. Muitas são as possibilidades de aplicações oferecidas, com os mais diversos tipos de modelos e sensores. Contudo, não se pode negar que ainda existem dúvidas com relação aos reais ganhos ao optar por esta plataforma. Refletindo acerca dessas incógnitas, já é possível encontrar pesquisas que buscam respostas ou confirmações técnico-científicas sobre o que é exposto comercialmente. Seguindo, então, o mesmo raciocínio, este trabalho avaliou o quão de fato já é viável o emprego desses equipamentos para aquisição de geoinformações, seus ganhos e seus desafios (até o momento, a partir de uma revisão da literatura e também de uma análise da qualidade posicional – que apresentou resultados positivos – de um projeto piloto realizado com imagens adquiridas por uma Aeronave Remotamente Pilotada (ARP em Portugal.

  13. ESOC activities during the MIR de-orbit (United States)

    Klinkrad, H.; Flury, W.; Hernández, C.; Landgraf, M.; Jehn, R.; Christ, U.; Sintoni, F.


    On March 23, 2001, MIR was de-orbited in a controlled fashion, following a successful mission of 15 years. The de-orbiting operations were conducted by the TsUP Mission Control Center, who also consulted entities outside Russia, in order to consolidate their knowledge on the MIR orbit and attitude prior to the initiation of the de-orbit sequence. The European Space Agency ESA through their operations centre ESOC was tasked to support the pre-entry analysis of TsUP by own results, and by routing of Russian and European data via a dedicated communications network. Analysis results produced by ESOC, and details on the data exchange will be highlighted in this paper. The MIR de-orbit and its assessed risk potential will also be compared with the re-entries of Skylab and Salyut-7/Kosmos-1686.

  14. Primary Orbital Chondromyxoid Fibroma: A Rare Case. (United States)

    Mullen, Martin G; Somogyi, Marie; Maxwell, Sean P; Prabhu, Vikram; Yoo, David K

    A 56-year-old male with history of chronic sinusitis was found to have a 3 cm left orbital lesion on CT. Subsequent MRI demonstrated a multilobulated enhancing soft tissue lesion at the superotemporal region of the left orbit. Initial biopsy was reported as a low-grade sarcoma. On further evaluation, a consensus was made that the lesion was likely a benign mixed mesenchymal type tumor but should nonetheless be surgically removed. Left lateral orbitotomy was performed which revealed a tumor originating in the lateral orbital bone with segments eroding through the wall of the orbit. Intraoperative frozen sections revealed myoepitheliod tissue with locally aggressive features and the tumor was completely removed. The final histopathologic analysis of the tissue was consistent with a chondromyxoid fibroma. Chondomyxoid fibroma is a rare entity in the orbital bones and is more commonly seen in long bones.

  15. A PUC-Campinas: as mudanças institucionais narradas por seus docentes mais velhos - PUC-University of campinas (Brazil: the institutional changes narrated by its oldest teachers

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    Rogério Canciam, Vera Lúcia de Carvalho Machado


    Full Text Available Resumo O estudo realizado insere-se na área da Educação e articula à linha de pesquisa Universidade, Docência e Formação de Professores. A pesquisa realizada teve como objetivo recuperar, com base nos relatos de professores mais velhos em atividades docente na PUC-Campinas, informações que pudessem contribuir para a história dessa instituição educacional em tempos mais remotos. Com esse intuito, foram adotados procedimentos metodológicos derivados da história oral, sendo efetuadas entrevistas com cinco docentes mais antigos. Palavras-chave: educação superior, PUC-Campinas, universidade.   PUC-UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS (BRAZIL: THE INSTITUTIONAL CHANGES NARRATED BY ITS OLDEST TEACHERS Abstract The carried through study is inserted in the Education area and is joined the University research line, Education and Teachers Formation The carried through research had as objective to recoup on the basis of the older teachers stories in teaching activities at PUC-Campinas, information that could contribute for the history of this educational institution in more remote times. With this intention methodological procedures derived of Verbal History had been adopted and five older professors have been interviewed. Keywords: further education; PUC-Campinas-Brazil; university.   PUC-CAMPINAS: LOS CAMBIOS INSTITUCIONALES NARRADOS POR SUS DOCENTES MÁS ANTIGUOS Resumen El estudio realizado se inserte en el área de la Educación y articula a la línea de investigación Universidad, Docencia y Formación de Profesores. La investigación realizada tuvo como objetivo recuperar, con base en los relatos de profesores más antiguos en actividades docentes en la PUC-Campinas, informaciones que pudieran contribuir para la historia de esa institución educacional en tiempos más remotos. Con ese intuito, fueron adoptados procedimientos metodológicos derivados de la Historia Oral, siendo realizadas encuestas con cinco docentes más antiguos. Palabras

  16. Distant retrograde orbits and the asteroid hazard (United States)

    Perozzi, Ettore; Ceccaroni, Marta; Valsecchi, Giovanni B.; Rossi, Alessandro


    Distant Retrograde Orbits (DROs) gained a novel wave of fame in space mission design because of their numerous advantages within the framework of the US plans for bringing a large asteroid sample in the vicinity of the Earth as the next target for human exploration. DROs are stable solutions of the three-body problem that can be used whenever an object, whether of natural or artificial nature, is required to remain in the neighborhood of a celestial body without being gravitationally captured by it. As such, they represent an alternative option to Halo orbits around the collinear Lagrangian points L1 and L2. Also known under other names ( e.g., quasi-satellite orbits, cis-lunar orbits, family- f orbits) these orbital configurations found interesting applications in several mission profiles, like that of a spacecraft orbiting around the small irregularly shaped satellite of Mars Phobos or the large Jovian moon Europa. In this paper a basic explanation of the DRO dynamics is presented in order to clarify some geometrical properties that characterize them. Their accessibility is then discussed from the point of view of mission analysis under different assumptions. Finally, their relevance within the framework of the present asteroid hazard protection programs is shown, stressing the significant increase in warning time they would provide in the prediction of impactors coming from the direction of the Sun.

  17. <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> como promotor del crecimiento vegetal del maracuyá (<em>Passiflora edulisem> var. <em>flavicarpa> Degener

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    Cubillos-Hinojosa Juan


    Full Text Available

    Se realizó un experimento en condiciones de laboratorio e invernadero, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de la cepa nativa TCN-014 y la cepa comercial TCC-005 de <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> sobre la germinación y el crecimiento temprano del maracuyá. Se adecuaron inóculos de 104, 106 y 108 conidias/mL para cada cepa y se aplicaron a semillas de maracuyá; se evaluó el número de semillas germinadas durante 15 días; se calculó el porcentaje de germinación, el índice de velocidad de germinación y el tiempo medio de germinación. Posteriormente las semillas germinadas se llevaron a condiciones de invernadero y transcurridos dos meses se midió la altura de las plántulas, el grosor del tallo, el número de hojas, la longitud de la raíz y el peso seco total. Todos los tratamientos estimularon la germinación de las semillas y el desarrollo de las plántulas; sin embargo la cepa nativa en concentraciones 106 y 108 conidias/mL mostró resultados superiores frente a la cepa comercial. Los resultados sugieren una acción efectiva de <em>T. harzianumem> como promotor de crecimiento vegetal, mostrando que tiene potencial para la elaboración de un bioproducto útil para el manejo ecológico del cultivo de maracuyá.

  18. Considerações sobre eficiência administrativa relacionado aos exames de ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética nas afecções orbitárias Reasons for the administrative efficiency related to ultrassonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging tests in orbital diseases

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    Magno Watanabe


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Enfocar os exames de ultra-sonografia (US, tomografia computadorizada (TC e ressonância magnética (RM, levantando, revisando e discutindo as seguintes medidas na melhoria da eficiência destes procedimentos na órbita: 1- Defasagem dos honorários médicos; 2- Vantagens e desvantagens dos exames; 3- Diretrizes clínicas. MÉTODOS: No período de julho de 2002 a março de 2003, realizou-se um levantamento dos valores dos exames orbitários de US, TC e RM pagos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, operadoras de planos e seguros de saúde e particulares cobrados em três clínicas oftalmológicas e três clínicas radiológicas referenciadas. Pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão na literatura dos referidos exames e suas diretrizes clínicas nas afecções orbitárias. RESULTADOS: 1- Valores dos exames em reais (R$: US: 9,05 - SUS / 81,77 - AMB 90 / 57,01 - AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 102,00 - AMB/LPM 99 / 158,33 - particular. TC: 86,76 - SUS / 193,70 - AMB 90 / 196,30 - AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 204,12 - AMB/LPM 99 / 255,33 - particular. RM: 268,75 - SUS / 475,80 - AMB 90 e AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 472,50 - AMB/LPM 99 / 563,33 - particular; 2- Vantagens e desvantagens dos exames descritos de acordo com a revisão da literatura; 3- As doenças da órbita não têm ainda listadas suas diretrizes. CONCLUSÃO: Estes exames são os mais utilizados e consagrados pela sua eficácia no estudo da órbita. Para uma maior eficiência, devemos considerar as seguintes recomendações administrativas: 1- Modernização e atualização das tabelas de honorários com índices mínimos e mais justos na remuneração dos exames com reembolso dos insumos utilizados como filmes radiológicos e contrastes: 2- Promover e estimular a educação médica continuada, evitando o excesso de exames desnecessários ou inapropriados: 3- Elaboração e implementação de diretrizes e protocolos clínicos baseados em evidências nas principais doenças orbitárias que possam ser utilizados como refer

  19. Cephalic Tetanus from Penetrating Orbital Wound

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    Eloïse Guyennet


    Full Text Available Tetanus is a neurologic disorder caused by tetanospasmin, a protein toxin elaborated by Clostridium tetani. Cephalic tetanus is a localized form of the disease causing trismus and dysfunction of cranial nerves. We report the case of a man who presented with facial trauma, complete ophthalmoplegia, exophthalmos, areactive mydriasis, and periorbital hematoma. An orbital CT revealed air bubbles in the right orbital apex. The patient was given a tetanus toxoid booster and antibiotherapy. After extraction of a wooden foreign body, the patient developed right facial nerve palsy, disorders of swallowing, contralateral III cranial nerve palsy, and trismus. Only one case of cephalic tetanus from penetrating orbital wound has been reported in literature 20 years ago. When a patient presents with an orbital wound with ophthalmoplegia and signs of anaerobic infection, cephalic tetanus should be ruled out.

  20. The relationship of the globe to the orbital rim. (United States)

    Eckstein, Lauren A; Shadpour, Joseph M; Menghani, Ravi; Goldberg, Robert A


    To present a novel method for accurately characterizing the position of the globe relative to the orbital rim. The appearance and function of the eyelids are dependent on the underlying orbital bony architecture and globe position; however, no comprehensive language to describe these complex 3-dimensional relationships exists. Three-dimensional orbital reconstructions were generated from computed tomographic scans of 15 Occidental and 12 Oriental orbits without orbital pathologic disease. Globe and orbital rim anatomy were identified and outlined. Reference points were measured along 2 independent axes: (1) the distance between a plane defined by the corneal apex and the sagittal projection of the orbital rim and (2) the distance between the circumference of the globe and the coronal projection of the orbital rim. For Occidental orbits, the mean (SD) elevation of the sagittal projection of the orbital rim relative to the anterior projection of the globe was 4.6 (4.2) mm superiorly, 5.9 (3.0) mm nasally, 12.6 (3.7) mm inferiorly, and 20.6 (2.6) mm laterally. The mean (SD) radial distance between the coronal projection of the orbital rim and the circumference of the globe was 3.7 (2.1) mm superiorly, 7.6 (1.8) mm nasally, 6.6 (2.2) mm inferiorly, and 4.6 (2.3) mm laterally. For Oriental orbits, the mean (SD) elevation of the sagittal projection of the orbital rim relative to the anterior projection of the globe was 5.0 (4.5) mm superiorly, 6.8 (4.1) mm nasally, 11.1 (4.3) mm inferiorly, and 17.5 (3.3) mm laterally. The mean (SD) radial distance between the coronal projection of the orbital rim and the circumference of the globe was 2.1 (1.2) mm superiorly, 8.2 (2.0) mm nasally, 6.5 (1.9) mm inferiorly, and 4.5 (1.7) mm laterally. Comparison of Occidental and Oriental orbital rim and globe configurations revealed quantitative and qualitative differences. In addition to differences in soft-tissue anatomy, bony architectural variations may contribute substantially to

  1. Orbital resonances of Taiwan's FORMOSAT-2 remote sensing satellite (United States)

    Lin, Shin-Fa; Hwang, Cheinway


    Unlike a typical remote sensing satellite that has a global coverage and non-integral orbital revolutions per day, Taiwan's FORMOSAT-2 (FS-2) satellite has a non-global coverage due to the mission requirements of one-day repeat cycle and daily visit around Taiwan. These orbital characteristics result in an integer number of revolutions a day and orbital resonances caused by certain components of the Earth's gravity field. Orbital flight data indicated amplified variations in the amplitudes of FS-2's Keplerian elements. We use twelve years of orbital observations and maneuver data to analyze the cause of the resonances and explain the differences between the simulated (at the pre-launch stage) and real orbits of FS-2. The differences are quantified using orbital perturbation theories that describe secular and long-period orbital evolutions caused by resonances. The resonance-induced orbital rising rate of FS-2 reaches +1.425 m/day, due to the combined (modeled) effect of resonances and atmospheric drags (the relative modeling errors remote sensing mission similar to FS-2, especially in the early mission design and planning phase.

  2. Feasibility analysis of cislunar flight using the Shuttle Orbiter (United States)

    Haynes, Davy A.


    A first order orbital mechanics analysis was conducted to examine the possibility of utilizing the Space Shuttle Orbiter to perform payload delivery missions to lunar orbit. In the analysis, the earth orbit of departure was constrained to be that of Space Station Freedom. Furthermore, no enhancements of the Orbiter's thermal protection system were assumed. Therefore, earth orbit insertion maneuvers were constrained to be all propulsive. Only minimal constraints were placed on the lunar orbits and no consideration was given to possible landing sites for lunar surface payloads. The various phases and maneuvers of the mission are discussed for both a conventional (Apollo type) and an unconventional mission profile. The velocity impulses needed, and the propellant masses required are presented for all of the mission maneuvers. Maximum payload capabilities were determined for both of the mission profiles examined. In addition, other issues relating to the feasibility of such lunar shuttle missions are discussed. The results of the analysis indicate that the Shuttle Orbiter would be a poor vehicle for payload delivery missions to lunar orbit.

  3. Parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma (including the orbit): results of orbital irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jereb, B.; Haik, B.G.; Ong, R.; Ghavimi, F.


    Twenty-three patients with parameningeal (including orbital rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS)) were treated at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) between July 1971 and January 1983. Twenty were children with a mean age of 6 and 3 were adults. In 6 patients, the primary tumor was from the orbit, whereas the remaining 17 had other parameningeal primary sites. The tumors were in a very progressive local stage, with extensive destruction of the facial bones in 19 patients. Eight patients were treated with T2 chemotherapy protocol and 15 received T6. Seven patients received 5,000 to 7,200 rad delivered to the primary tumor in 11-16 weeks, 15 patients received between 4,500 to 5,000 rad in 4-7 weeks, and 1 patient received 3,000 rad in 3 weeks for residual microscopic disease following surgery. Two patients were treated with radiation to the whole brain; no patients received radiation of the whole central nervous axis (CNA). Fifteen of the 23 patients (65%) are alive and well with a medical follow-up time of 5 years. Two patients died of therapeutic complications and six died of tumor spread. In five patients, involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) was the cause of death. The prognosis of orbital RMS with parameningeal involvement is no better than in other tumors of parameningeal sites. In those patients who had impaired vision because of optic nerve damage prior to treatment, the vision did not improve following treatment. There was no impaired vision seen due to radiation damage of eye structures except in the lens

  4. Characterizing Longitude-Dependent Orbital Debris Congestion in the Geosynchronous Orbit Regime (United States)

    Anderson, Paul V.

    The geosynchronous orbit (GEO) is a unique commodity of the satellite industry that is becoming increasingly contaminated with orbital debris, but is heavily populated with high-value assets from the civil, commercial, and defense sectors. The GEO arena is home to hundreds of communications, data transmission, and intelligence satellites collectively insured for an estimated 18.3 billion USD. As the lack of natural cleansing mechanisms at the GEO altitude renders the lifetimes of GEO debris essentially infinite, conjunction and risk assessment must be performed to safeguard operational assets from debris collisions. In this thesis, longitude-dependent debris congestion is characterized by predicting the number of near-miss events per day for every longitude slot at GEO, using custom debris propagation tools and a torus intersection metric. Near-miss events with the present-day debris population are assigned risk levels based on GEO-relative position and speed, and this risk information is used to prioritize the population for debris removal target selection. Long-term projections of debris growth under nominal launch traffic, mitigation practices, and fragmentation events are also discussed, and latitudinal synchronization of the GEO debris population is explained via node variations arising from luni-solar gravity. In addition to characterizing localized debris congestion in the GEO ring, this thesis further investigates the conjunction risk to operational satellites or debris removal systems applying low-thrust propulsion to raise orbit altitude at end-of-life to a super-synchronous disposal orbit. Conjunction risks as a function of thrust level, miss distance, longitude, and semi-major axis are evaluated, and a guidance method for evading conjuncting debris with continuous thrust by means of a thrust heading change via single-shooting is developed.

  5. Caracterização da floresta urbana de Curitiba-Pr por meio de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolução espacial


    Monteiro, Mayssa Mascarenhas Grise


    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Daniela Biondi Co-orientador : Prof. Dr. Hideo Araki Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/02/2015 Inclui referências Área de concentração : Conservação da natureza Resumo: Na medida em que a concentração da população mundial nas cidades aumenta, estas se tornam áreas cada vez mais vulneráveis, tanto social quanto ecologicamente. Desta manei...

  6. Effect of β,β-Dimethylacrylshikonin on Inhibition of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth <em>in Vitro em>and <em>in Vivoem>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ting Feng


    Full Text Available In traditional Chinese medicine, shikonin and its derivatives, has been used in East Asia for several years for the prevention and treatment of several diseases, including cancer. We previously identified that β,β-dimethylacrylshikonin (DA could inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma growth. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of DA on human colorectal cancer (CRC cell line HCT-116 <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem>. A viability assay showed that DA could inhibit tumor cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Flow cytometry showed that DA blocks the cell cycle at G0/G1 phase. Western blotting results demonstrated that the induction of apoptosis by DA correlated with the induction of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, and Bid, and a decrease in the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Furthermore, treatment of HCT-116 bearing nude mice with DA significantly retarded the growth of xenografts. Consistent with the results <em>in vitroem>, the DA-mediated suppression of HCT-116 xenografts correlated with Bax and Bcl-2. Taken together, these results suggest that DA could be a novel and promising approach to the treatment of CRC.

  7. Dynamic orbital textures in 3He-A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, H.E.; Hook, J.R.; Main, P.C.; Bagley, M.


    Three related pieces of work on the dynamic orbital texture of 3 He-A in a slab geometry have been carried out. (1) The non-linear equation of motion of the orbital axis has been studied analytically and numerically for heat flow normal to a slab. If the product of counter-flow velocity and slab thickness is greater than 5 π h/3 m, the lower energy uniform texture is unstable, and persistent orbital oscillation results in. (2) The torsion pendulum experiment has demonstrated the alignment of l by flow in a channel of width 380 μm. In this experiment, the oscillation was rapid as compared with the orbital relaxation time, so that the texture is controlled by the root mean square velocity. (3) In an attempt to observe directly the dissipation by orbital viscosity, the torsion pendulum experiment has been repeated with 17μm flow channels, for which orbital relaxation time and oscillation period should be comparable. Dissipation above a critical amplitude that occurs in the A-phase but not in the B-phase was observed. The dissipation is of the expected magnitude. (Kobatake, H

  8. Orbital motion in pre-main sequence binaries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaefer, G. H. [The CHARA Array of Georgia State University, Mount Wilson Observatory, Mount Wilson, CA 91023 (United States); Prato, L. [Lowell Observatory, 1400 West Mars Hill Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (United States); Simon, M. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794 (United States); Patience, J., E-mail: [Astrophysics Group, School of Physics, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QL (United Kingdom)


    We present results from our ongoing program to map the visual orbits of pre-main sequence (PMS) binaries in the Taurus star forming region using adaptive optics imaging at the Keck Observatory. We combine our results with measurements reported in the literature to analyze the orbital motion for each binary. We present preliminary orbits for DF Tau, T Tau S, ZZ Tau, and the Pleiades binary HBC 351. Seven additional binaries show curvature in their relative motion. Currently, we can place lower limits on the orbital periods for these systems; full solutions will be possible with more orbital coverage. Five other binaries show motion that is indistinguishable from linear motion. We suspect that these systems are bound and might show curvature with additional measurements in the future. The observations reported herein lay critical groundwork toward the goal of measuring precise masses for low-mass PMS stars.

  9. CASA Uno GPS orbit and baseline experiments (United States)

    Schutz, B. E.; Ho, C. S.; Abusali, P. A. M.; Tapley, B. D.


    CASA Uno data from sites distributed in longitude from Australia to Europe have been used to determine orbits of the GPS satellites. The characteristics of the orbits determined from double difference phase have been evaluated through comparisons of two-week solutions with one-week solutions and by comparisons of predicted and estimated orbits. Evidence of unmodeled effects is demonstrated, particularly associated with the orbit planes that experience solar eclipse. The orbit accuracy has been assessed through the repeatability of unconstrained estimated baseline vectors ranging from 245 km to 5400 km. Both the baseline repeatability and the comparison with independent space geodetic methods give results at the level of 1-2 parts in 100,000,000. In addition, the Mojave/Owens Valley (245 km) and Kokee Park/Ft. Davis (5409 km) estimates agree with VLBI and SLR to better than 1 part in 100,000,000.

  10. Aplicación del Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia en Asignaturas de Regulación Automática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Santana


    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es combinar adecuadamente las prácticas presenciales y remotas para la docencia de asignaturas de control. El uso de Laboratorios Virtuales y Remotos en la docencia de asignaturas de Automática es cada vez más un método recurrido por las universidades con vistas a brindar un servicio flexible en horarios y una mayor y mejor explotación de los recursos disponibles. Se presenta en este artículo la implementación de prácticas de laboratorio remotas en combinación con docencia presencial en la asignatura Regulación Automática I de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid usando el Sistema de Laboratorios a Distancia (SLD desarrollado en la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas. Palabras clave: educación en control, control remoto, laboratorios virtuales, laboratorios remotos, tiempo real

  11. Beam-beam diagnostics from closed-orbit distortion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furman, M.; Chin, Y.H.; Eden, J.; Kozanecki, W.; Tennyson, J.; Ziemann, V.


    We study the applicability of beam-beam deflection techniques as a tuning tool for asymmetric B factories, focusing on PEP-II as an example. Assuming that the closed orbits of the two beams are separated vertically at the interaction point by a local orbit bump that is nominally closed, we calculate the residual beam orbit distortions due to the beam-beam interaction. Difference orbit measurements, performed at points conveniently distant from the interaction point (IP), provide distinct signatures that can be used to maintain the beams in collision and perform detailed optical diagnostics at the IP. A proposal to test this method experimentally at the TRISTAN ring is briefly discussed

  12. Enrichment and Purification of Syringin, Eleutheroside E and Isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus> by Macroporous Resin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available In order to screen a suitable resin for the preparative simultaneous separation and purification of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus>, the adsorption and desorption properties of 17 widely used commercial macroporous resins were evaluated. According to our results, HPD100C, which adsorbs by the molecular tiers model, was the best macroporous resin, offering higher adsorption and desorption capacities and higher adsorption speed for syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin than other resins. Dynamic adsorption and desorption tests were carried out to optimize the process parameters. The optimal conditions were as follows: for adsorption, processing volume: 24 BV, flow rate: 2 BV/h; for desorption, ethanol–water solution: 60:40 (v/v, eluent volume: 4 BV, flow rate: 3 BV/h. Under the above conditions, the contents of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin increased 174-fold, 20-fold and 5-fold and their recoveries were 80.93%, 93.97% and 93.79%, respectively.

  13. Resolução espacial de um modelo digital de elevação definida pela função wavelet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre ten Caten


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir a resolução espacial mais apropriada para representar a variabilidade da elevação, declividade, curvatura em perfil e índice de umidade topográfica de um terreno, por meio de avaliações com a transformada wavelet. Os dados utilizados no estudo têm sua origem em três transectos de 27 km, posicionados em áreas do Planalto, Rebordo do Planalto e Depressão Central na região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As variáveis - elevação, declividade, curvatura em perfil e índice de umidade topográfica - foram derivadas de um modelo digital de elevação Topodata com resolução de 30 m. A avaliação da resolução com a máxima variabilidade foi realizada pela aplicação da wavelet-mãe, denominada Morlet. Os resultados foram analisados a partir do isograma e do escalograma dos coeficientes wavelet e indicaram que sensores remotos com resolução espacial próxima a 32 e 40 m podem ser utilizados em pesquisas que considerem os atributos de terreno, como declividade, curvatura em perfil e índice de umidade topográfica, ou, ainda, fenômenos ambientais correlacionados a eles. No entanto, não foi possível estabelecer um valor conclusivo para a resolução espacial mais adequada para a variável elevação.

  14. Cranio-orbital primary intraosseous haemangioma. (United States)

    Gupta, T; Rose, G E; Manisali, M; Minhas, P; Uddin, J M; Verity, D H


    Primary intraosseous haemangioma (IOH) is a rare benign neoplasm presenting in the fourth and fifth decades of life. The spine and skull are the most commonly involved, orbital involvement is extremely rare. We describe six patients with cranio-orbital IOH, the largest case series to date. Retrospective review of six patients with histologically confirmed primary IOH involving the orbit. Clinical characteristics, imaging features, approach to management, and histopathological findings are described. Five patients were male with a median age of 56. Pain and diplopia were the most common presenting features. A characteristic 'honeycomb' pattern on CT imaging was demonstrated in three of the cases. Complete surgical excision was performed in all cases with presurgical embolisation carried out in one case. In all the cases, histological studies identified cavernous vascular spaces within the bony tissue. These channels were lined by single layer of cytologically normal endothelial cells. IOCH of the cranio-orbital region is rare; in the absence of typical imaging features, the differential diagnosis includes chondroma, chondrosarcoma, bony metastasis, and lymphoma. Surgical excision may be necessary to exclude more sinister pathology. Intraoperative haemorrhage can be severe and may be reduced by preoperative embolisation.

  15. Periodic orbits around areostationary points in the Martian gravity field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiaodong; Baoyin Hexi; Ma Xingrui


    This study investigates the problem of areostationary orbits around Mars in three-dimensional space. Areostationary orbits are expected to be used to establish a future telecommunication network for the exploration of Mars. However, no artificial satellites have been placed in these orbits thus far. The characteristics of the Martian gravity field are presented, and areostationary points and their linear stability are calculated. By taking linearized solutions in the planar case as the initial guesses and utilizing the Levenberg-Marquardt method, families of periodic orbits around areostationary points are shown to exist. Short-period orbits and long-period orbits are found around linearly stable areostationary points, but only short-period orbits are found around unstable areostationary points. Vertical periodic orbits around both linearly stable and unstable areostationary points are also examined. Satellites in these periodic orbits could depart from areostationary points by a few degrees in longitude, which would facilitate observation of the Martian topography. Based on the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix, the evolution of the stability index of periodic orbits is determined. Finally, heteroclinic orbits connecting the two unstable areostationary points are found, providing the possibility for orbital transfer with minimal energy consumption.

  16. Training for Defense? From Stochastic Traits to Synchrony in Giant Honey Bees (<em>Apis dorsataem>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerald Kastberger


    Full Text Available In Giant Honey Bees, abdomen flipping happens in a variety of contexts. It can be either synchronous or cascaded, such as in the collective defense traits of shimmering and rearing-up, or it can happen as single-agent behavior. Abdomen flipping is also involved in flickering behavior, which occurs regularly under quiescent colony state displaying singular or collective traits, with stochastic, and (semi- synchronized properties. It presumably acts via visual, mechanoceptive, and pheromonal pathways and its goals are still unknown. This study questions whether flickering is preliminary to shimmering which is subject of the <em>fs em>(flickering-shimmering-transition> hypothesis? We tested the respective prediction that trigger sites (<em>ts> at the nest surface (where shimmering waves had been generated show higher flickering activity than the alternative non-trigger sites (<em>nts>. We measured the flickering activity of <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-surface bees from two experimental nests, before and after the colony had been aroused by a dummy wasp. Arousal increased rate and intensity of the flickering activity of both <em>ts>- and <em>nts> cohorts (P < 0.05, whereby the flickering intensity of <em>ts>-bees were higher than that of <em>nts>-bees (P < 0.05. Under arousal, the colonies also increased the number of flickering-active <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-cohorts (P < 0.05. This provides evidence that cohorts which are specialist at launching shimmering waves are found across the quiescent nest zone. It also proves that arousal may reinforce the responsiveness of quiescent curtain bees for participating in shimmering, practically by recruiting additional trigger site bees for expanding repetition of rate and intensity of shimmering waves. This finding confirms the <em>fs-transition> hypothesis and constitutes evidence that flickering is part of a basal colony-intrinsic information system

  17. Verifying black hole orbits with gravitational spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drasco, Steve


    Gravitational waves from test masses bound to geodesic orbits of rotating black holes are simulated, using Teukolsky's black hole perturbation formalism, for about ten thousand generic orbital configurations. Each binary radiates power exclusively in modes with frequencies that are integer-linear combinations of the orbit's three fundamental frequencies. General spectral properties are found with a survey of orbits about a black hole taken to be rotating at 80% of the maximal spin. The orbital eccentricity is varied from 0.1 to 0.9. Inclination ranges from 20 deg. to 160 deg. and comes to within 20 deg. of polar. Semilatus rectum is varied from 1.2 to 3 times the value at the innermost stable circular orbits. The following general spectral properties are found: (i) 99% of the radiated power is typically carried by a few hundred modes, and at most by about a thousand modes, (ii) the dominant frequencies can be grouped into a small number of families defined by fixing two of the three integer frequency multipliers, and (iii) the specifics of these trends can be qualitatively inferred from the geometry of the orbit under consideration. Detections using triperiodic analytic templates modeled on these general properties would constitute a verification of radiation from an adiabatic sequence of black hole orbits and would recover the evolution of the fundamental orbital frequencies. In an analogy with ordinary spectroscopy, this would compare to observing the Bohr model's atomic hydrogen spectrum without being able to rule out alternative atomic theories or nuclei. The suitability of such a detection technique is demonstrated using snapshots computed at 12-hour intervals throughout the last three years before merger of a kludged inspiral. The system chosen is typical of those thought to occur in galactic nuclei and to be observable with space-based gravitational wave detectors like LISA. Because of circularization, the number of excited modes decreases as the binary

  18. Natural excitation orbitals from linear response theories : Time-dependent density functional theory, time-dependent Hartree-Fock, and time-dependent natural orbital functional theory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Meer, R.; Gritsenko, O. V.; Baerends, E. J.


    Straightforward interpretation of excitations is possible if they can be described as simple single orbital-to-orbital (or double, etc.) transitions. In linear response time-dependent density functional theory (LR-TDDFT), the (ground state) Kohn-Sham orbitals prove to be such an orbital basis. In

  19. Complete BWR--EM LOCA analysis using the WRAP--EM system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckmeyer, R.R.; Gregory, M.V.; Buckner, M.R.


    The Water Reactor Analysis Package, Evaluation Model (WRAP--EM), provides a complete analysis of postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA's) in light--water nuclear power reactors. The system is being developed at the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) for use by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to interpret and evaluate reactor vendor, evaluation model (EM) analyses. The initial version of the WRAP--EM system for analysis of boiling water reactors (BWR's) is operational. To demonstrate the complete capability of the WRAP--BWR--EM system, a LOCA analysis has been performed for the Hope Creek Plant

  20. Environmental studies using earth orbital photography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wobber, F J


    Orbital remote sensing, and particularly orbital photography, can provide immediately useful data for scientists familiar with applying aerial photographic techniques to environmental problems. Despite the expansion of analytical techniques in the earth sciences, the environmental data base has remained relatively static compared with increased information needs because of the difficulty of effective worldwide surveys and the high cost of timely data collection. Color, color infrared and black and white space photographs obtained incident to the Gemini and Apollo programs provide unique synoptic tools for analyzing modern environments and processes, and data that cannot be duplicated by aerial photographic mosaics. Principal advantages of orbital surveys include repetitious worldwide coverage promising environmental synthesis within the full spectrum of seasonal contrasts, and synoptic observations on a scale generally impossible from aircraft. The general categories of environmental data that can be extracted from orbital photography are summarized. 26 references, 37 figures, 3 tables.

  1. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of <em>Eucalyptus globulusem> Bark—A Promising Approach for Triterpenoid Production<em>>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos M. Silva


    Full Text Available Eucalyptus bark contains significant amounts of triterpenoids with demonstrated bioactivity, namely triterpenic acids and their acetyl derivatives (ursolic, betulinic, oleanolic, betulonic, 3-acetylursolic, and 3-acetyloleanolic acids. In this work, the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE of <em>Eucalyptus> <em>globulus> deciduous bark was carried out with pure and modified carbon dioxide to recover this fraction, and the results were compared with those obtained by Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane. The effects of pressure (100–200 bar, co-solvent (ethanol content (0, 5 and 8% wt, and multistep operation were studied in order to evaluate the applicability of SFE for their selective and efficient production. The individual extraction curves of the main families of compounds were measured, and the extracts analyzed by GC-MS. Results pointed out the influence of pressure and the important role played by the co-solvent. Ethanol can be used with advantage, since its effect is more important than increasing pressure by several tens of bar. At 160 bar and 40 °C, the introduction of 8% (wt of ethanol greatly improves the yield of triterpenoids more than threefold.

  2. <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> Disrupts Host Cell Membranes, Initiating a Repair Response and Cell Proliferation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsueh-Fen Juan


    Full Text Available <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> (<em>H. pyloriem>, the human stomach pathogen, lives on the inner surface of the stomach and causes chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. Plasma membrane repair response is a matter of life and death for human cells against physical and biological damage. We here test the hypothesis that <em>H. pyloriem> also causes plasma membrane disruption injury, and that not only a membrane repair response but also a cell proliferation response are thereby activated. Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA and cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA have been considered to be major <em>H. pyloriem> virulence factors. Gastric cancer cells were infected with <em>H. pyloriem> wild type (vacA+/cagA+, single mutant (ΔvacA or ΔcagA or double mutant (ΔvacA/ΔcagA strains and plasma membrane disruption events and consequent activation of membrane repair components monitored. <em>H. pyloriem> disrupts the host cell plasma membrane, allowing localized dye and extracellular Ca2+ influx. Ca2+-triggered members of the annexin family, A1 and A4, translocate, in response to injury, to the plasma membrane, and cell surface expression of an exocytotic maker of repair, LAMP-2, increases. Additional forms of plasma membrane disruption, unrelated to <em>H.> pylori em>exposure, also promote host cell proliferation. We propose that <em>H. pyloriem> activation of a plasma membrane repair is pro-proliferative. This study might therefore provide new insight into potential mechanisms of <em>H. pyloriem>-induced gastric carcinogenesis.

  3. Slow Orbit Feedback at the ALS Using Matlab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Portmann, G.


    The third generation Advanced Light Source (ALS) produces extremely bright and finely focused photon beams using undulatory, wigglers, and bend magnets. In order to position the photon beams accurately, a slow global orbit feedback system has been developed. The dominant causes of orbit motion at the ALS are temperature variation and insertion device motion. This type of motion can be removed using slow global orbit feedback with a data rate of a few Hertz. The remaining orbit motion in the ALS is only 1-3 micron rms. Slow orbit feedback does not require high computational throughput. At the ALS, the global orbit feedback algorithm, based on the singular valued decomposition method, is coded in MATLAB and runs on a control room workstation. Using the MATLAB environment to develop, test, and run the storage ring control algorithms has proven to be a fast and efficient way to operate the ALS

  4. Orbital Dynamics of Exomoons During Planet–Planet Scattering (United States)

    Hong, Yu-Cian; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Nicholson, Philip; Raymond, Sean N.


    Planet–planet scattering is the leading mechanism to explain the broad eccentricity distribution of observed giant exoplanets. Here we study the orbital stability of primordial giant planet moons in this scenario. We use N-body simulations including realistic oblateness and evolving spin evolution for the giant planets. We find that the vast majority (~80%–90% across all our simulations) of orbital parameter space for moons is destabilized. There is a strong radial dependence, as moons past are systematically removed. Closer-in moons on Galilean-moon-like orbits (system, be captured by another planet, be ejected but still orbiting its free-floating host planet, or survive on heliocentric orbits as "planets." The survival rate of moons increases with the host planet mass but is independent of the planet's final (post-scattering) orbits. Based on our simulations, we predict the existence of an abundant galactic population of free-floating (former) moons.

  5. Solar Radiation Pressure Binning for the Geosynchronous Orbit (United States)

    Hejduk, M. D.; Ghrist, R. W.


    Orbital maintenance parameters for individual satellites or groups of satellites have traditionally been set by examining orbital parameters alone, such as through apogee and perigee height binning; this approach ignored the other factors that governed an individual satellite's susceptibility to non-conservative forces. In the atmospheric drag regime, this problem has been addressed by the introduction of the "energy dissipation rate," a quantity that represents the amount of energy being removed from the orbit; such an approach is able to consider both atmospheric density and satellite frontal area characteristics and thus serve as a mechanism for binning satellites of similar behavior. The geo-synchronous orbit (of broader definition than the geostationary orbit -- here taken to be from 1300 to 1800 minutes in orbital period) is not affected by drag; rather, its principal non-conservative force is that of solar radiation pressure -- the momentum imparted to the satellite by solar radiometric energy. While this perturbation is solved for as part of the orbit determination update, no binning or division scheme, analogous to the drag regime, has been developed for the geo-synchronous orbit. The present analysis has begun such an effort by examining the behavior of geosynchronous rocket bodies and non-stabilized payloads as a function of solar radiation pressure susceptibility. A preliminary examination of binning techniques used in the drag regime gives initial guidance regarding the criteria for useful bin divisions. Applying these criteria to the object type, solar radiation pressure, and resultant state vector accuracy for the analyzed dataset, a single division of "large" satellites into two bins for the purposes of setting related sensor tasking and orbit determination (OD) controls is suggested. When an accompanying analysis of high area-to-mass objects is complete, a full set of binning recommendations for the geosynchronous orbit will be available.

  6. Orbital computed tomography for exophthalmos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ok Keun; Lee, Hyun; Sol, Chang Hyo; Kim, Byung Soo


    Since exophthalmos is caused by any decrease in the size of bony orbit or occurrence of mass within the rigid orbit, the accurate diagnosis of its causes are essential in determining the therapeutic aims. Exophthalmos is one of the important signs being the indication for orbital computed tomography along with periorbital swelling, visual loss, orbital trauma and diplopia. CT as the diagnostic tool for the cause of exophthalmos not only displays a superb role with uncomparable quality in comparison to any conventional diagnostic methods but also has a decisive role in determining the therapeutic aims and the appropriate operative method when the operation is indicated. The orbital CT was performed from May in 1983 to May in 1985 whose with chief complaints were exophthalmos and 23 cases were confirmed by operation, biopsy, clinical progression or other diagnostic procedures. Here was report thoroughly analyzed 23 cases. The results were as follows : 1. The etiologic disease of exophthalmos were 6 cases of pseudotumor, 4 cases of thyroid ophthalmopathy, 4 cases of maxill ary sinus and nasal cavity Ca., 3 cases of mucocele and 1 case of alveolar soft part sarcoma, osteoma, dermoid cyst, pleomorphic adenoma, meningioma, and C.C.F. each. 2. The origin of the etiologic diseases of exophthalmos were 13 cases of primary within bony orbit and 10 cases of secondary from adjacent structure. 3. The site of lesions were 11 cases of intraconal and extraconal, 10 cases of extraconal, and 2 cases of intraconal origin. 4. The degree of exophthalmos in CT scan was in proportion to the volume of the mass except in the case of thyroid ophthalmopathy. The upper limit of normal range by CT scan using regression line equation was 16.2 mm in approximation. 5. CT was a very useful diagnostic tool in the accurate assessment of the kinds of lesion, its location, and its relationship to adjacent structures in the diagnosis of etiologic diseases of exophthalmos

  7. Orbital computed tomography for exophthalmos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ok Keun; Lee, Hyun; Sol, Chang Hyo; Kim, Byung Soo [College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Since exophthalmos is caused by any decrease in the size of bony orbit or occurrence of mass within the rigid orbit, the accurate diagnosis of its causes are essential in determining the therapeutic aims. Exophthalmos is one of the important signs being the indication for orbital computed tomography along with periorbital swelling, visual loss, orbital trauma and diplopia. CT as the diagnostic tool for the cause of exophthalmos not only displays a superb role with uncomparable quality in comparison to any conventional diagnostic methods but also has a decisive role in determining the therapeutic aims and the appropriate operative method when the operation is indicated. The orbital CT was performed from May in 1983 to May in 1985 whose with chief complaints were exophthalmos and 23 cases were confirmed by operation, biopsy, clinical progression or other diagnostic procedures. Here was report thoroughly analyzed 23 cases. The results were as follows : 1. The etiologic disease of exophthalmos were 6 cases of pseudotumor, 4 cases of thyroid ophthalmopathy, 4 cases of maxill ary sinus and nasal cavity Ca., 3 cases of mucocele and 1 case of alveolar soft part sarcoma, osteoma, dermoid cyst, pleomorphic adenoma, meningioma, and C.C.F. each. 2. The origin of the etiologic diseases of exophthalmos were 13 cases of primary within bony orbit and 10 cases of secondary from adjacent structure. 3. The site of lesions were 11 cases of intraconal and extraconal, 10 cases of extraconal, and 2 cases of intraconal origin. 4. The degree of exophthalmos in CT scan was in proportion to the volume of the mass except in the case of thyroid ophthalmopathy. The upper limit of normal range by CT scan using regression line equation was 16.2 mm in approximation. 5. CT was a very useful diagnostic tool in the accurate assessment of the kinds of lesion, its location, and its relationship to adjacent structures in the diagnosis of etiologic diseases of exophthalmos.

  8. Frozen orbit realization using LQR analogy (United States)

    Nagarajan, N.; Rayan, H. Reno

    In the case of remote sensing orbits, the Frozen Orbit concept minimizes altitude variations over a given region using passive means. This is achieved by establishing the mean eccentricity vector at the orbital poles i.e., by fixing the mean argument of perigee at 90 deg with an appropriate eccentricity to balance the perturbations due to zonal harmonics J2 and J3 of the Earth's potential. Eccentricity vector is a vector whose magnitude is the eccentricity and direction is the argument of perigee. The launcher dispersions result in an eccentricity vector which is away from the frozen orbit values. The objective is then to formulate an orbit maneuver strategy to optimize the fuel required to achieve the frozen orbit in the presence of visibility and impulse constraints. It is shown that the motion of the eccentricity vector around the frozen perigee can be approximated as a circle. Combining the circular motion of the eccentricity vector around the frozen point and the maneuver equation, the following discrete equation is obtained. X(k+1) = AX(k) + Bu(k), where X is the state (i.e. eccentricity vector components), A the state transition matrix, u the scalar control force (i.e. dV in this case) and B the control matrix which transforms dV into eccentricity vector change. Based on this, it is shown that the problem of optimizing the fuel can be treated as a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem in which the maneuver can be solved by using control system design tools like MATLAB by deriving an analogy LQR design.

  9. The Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar Orbital System (SAAMER-OS): An Initial Sporadic Meteoroid Orbital Survey in the Southern Sky (United States)

    Janches, D.; Close, S.; Hormaechea, J. L.; Swarnalingam, N.; Murphy, A.; O'Connor, D.; Vandepeer, B.; Fuller, B.; Fritts, D. C.; Brunini, C.


    We present an initial survey in the southern sky of the sporadic meteoroid orbital environment obtained with the Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar (SAAMER) Orbital System (OS), in which over three-quarters of a million orbits of dust particles were determined from 2012 January through 2015 April. SAAMER-OS is located at the southernmost tip of Argentina and is currently the only operational radar with orbit determination capability providing continuous observations of the southern hemisphere. Distributions of the observed meteoroid speed, radiant, and heliocentric orbital parameters are presented, as well as those corrected by the observational biases associated with the SAAMER-OS operating parameters. The results are compared with those reported by three previous surveys performed with the Harvard Radio Meteor Project, the Advanced Meteor Orbit Radar, and the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar, and they are in agreement with these previous studies. Weighted distributions for meteoroids above the thresholds for meteor trail electron line density, meteoroid mass, and meteoroid kinetic energy are also considered. Finally, the minimum line density and kinetic energy weighting factors are found to be very suitable for meteoroid applications. The outcomes of this work show that, given SAAMERs location, the system is ideal for providing crucial data to continuously study the South Toroidal and South Apex sporadic meteoroid apparent sources.

  10. A retrograde co-orbital asteroid of Jupiter. (United States)

    Wiegert, Paul; Connors, Martin; Veillet, Christian


    Recent theoretical work in celestial mechanics has revealed that an asteroid may orbit stably in the same region as a planet, despite revolving around the Sun in the sense opposite to that of the planet itself. Asteroid 2015 BZ 509 was discovered in 2015, but with too much uncertainty in its measured orbit to establish whether it was such a retrograde co-orbital body. Here we report observations and analysis that demonstrates that asteroid 2015 BZ 509 is indeed a retrograde co-orbital asteroid of the planet Jupiter. We find that 2015 BZ 509 has long-term stability, having been in its current, resonant state for around a million years. This is long enough to preclude precise calculation of the time or mechanism of its injection to its present state, but it may be a Halley-family comet that entered the resonance through an interaction with Saturn. Retrograde co-orbital asteroids of Jupiter and other planets may be more common than previously expected.


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    Alfredo Carlos Storck


    Full Text Available

    In a very famous passage of his <em>Institutes>, the ancient jurist Gaius had divided the Roman Private Law in two parts: the Civil Law and the Law of People. The former is the Law created by the Roman people, whereas the latter is the Law followed by every nation.

    Despite its classical origin, there is some disagreement among specialists about the right way to interpret this distinction. By the beginning of the 20th century, historians like Michel Villey had seen in this distinction the influence of Greek philosophy (Stoic but even Aristotelian among the Roman jurists. But Levy and more recently Kelly have challenged this view and proposed that, in the roman period, philosophers and jurists had completely distinct notions of nature and natural law. The aim of this paper is not to prove the exact influence of Greek philosophy among jurists, but only to suggest that it is not possible to give an interpretation of the classical texts without ascribing to them a theoretical notion of the natural law.

    Em uma famosa passagem de suas <em>Institutas>, o jurista romano Gaio dividiu o direito privado em duas partes: o direito civil e o direito dos povos. O primeiro é o direito criado pelo povo romano enquanto o segundo é o direito seguido por todas as nações. A despeito de sua origem clássica, os especialistas discordam acerca do modo de interpretar essa tese. No início do século XX, historiadores como Michel Villey viram na distinção sinais da influência da filosofia grega (estóica e mesmo aristotélica entre os juristas romanos. Posteriormente Levy e mais recentemente Kelly contestaram essa afirmação e defenderam que filósofos e juristas possuíam, no período clássico, noções de natureza e direito natural completamente distintas. O objetivo desse artigo não está em provar a exata influência da filosofia grega entre os juristas, mas apenas em sugerir que não é possível fornecer uma interpretação dos

  12. Local feeding specialization of the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in response to eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> introduction (NW Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Balestrieri


    Full Text Available Abstract To appreciate the influence of the introduction of the Eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> on the food habits of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, between June 1998 and February 2000 fox diet was investigated by means of scat analysis (N=115 in a 250 ha wide Natural Reserve of NW Italy, and compared with data collected in the same area prior to cottontail colonization (1988-1989. Comparison included also the diet of badgers (<em>Meles melesem>, considered as potential competitors for food resources. Alien lagomorphs (mean percent volume, Vm% = 68% represented by far the most exploited resource, only three other food items reaching values of mean percent volume barely higher than 5%. Cottontails frequency of occurrence did not vary according either to season or to their reproductive cycle (II-IX vs. X-I, whilst diet niche breadth varied inversely proportional to the use of this key-resource. Overall fox trophic niche breadth varied from 0.64 in 1988-89 to 0.31 in 1998-00 (B, Levin’s index. These findings led us to consider the feeding habits of the fox in the study area as a result of local specialization of a typical generalist carnivore, according to the predictions of optimal foraging theory. No variation occurred in the badger niche breadth since cottontail introduction, whilst niche overlap between foxes and badgers decreased from 0.59 to 0.13 (O, Pianka’s index, possibly reducing competition for food in summer. Riassunto Specializzazione alimentare a livello locale della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in risposta all’introduzione del Silvilago <em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> (Italia nord occidentale. Per valutare gli effetti dell’introduzione del Silvilago (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> sul comportamento alimentare della volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem>, nel periodo giugno 1998-febbraio 2000, la dieta del carnivoro è stata definita tramite l’analisi di 115

  13. Non-isochronous spiral orbit particle accelerator and fixed frequency closed orbit particle accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujisawa, Takashi; Hattori, Toshiyuki


    One of the present inventions provides a spiral orbit charged particle accelerator in which the magnetic field increases as the radius increases more rapidly than an isochronous magnetic field distribution, and the distribution of fixed-frequency accelerating RF voltage is formed so that a harmonic number changes in integer for every particle revolution. The other invention realizes to make the closed orbit charged particle accelerator having a fixed frequency amplitude modulator that is able to modulate amplitude of the RF voltage so that a harmonic number decreases in integer in an every particle revolution. (author)

  14. Reducing orbital eccentricity in binary black hole simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pfeiffer, Harald P; Brown, Duncan A; Kidder, Lawrence E; Lindblom, Lee; Lovelace, Geoffrey; Scheel, Mark A


    Binary black hole simulations starting from quasi-circular (i.e., zero radial velocity) initial data have orbits with small but nonzero orbital eccentricities. In this paper, the quasi-equilibrium initial-data method is extended to allow nonzero radial velocities to be specified in binary black hole initial data. New low-eccentricity initial data are obtained by adjusting the orbital frequency and radial velocities to minimize the orbital eccentricity, and the resulting (∼5 orbit) evolutions are compared with those of quasi-circular initial data. Evolutions of the quasi-circular data clearly show eccentric orbits, with eccentricity that decays over time. The precise decay rate depends on the definition of eccentricity; if defined in terms of variations in the orbital frequency, the decay rate agrees well with the prediction of Peters (1964 Phys. Rev. 136 1224-32). The gravitational waveforms, which contain ∼8 cycles in the dominant l = m = 2 mode, are largely unaffected by the eccentricity of the quasi-circular initial data. The overlap between the dominant mode in the quasi-circular evolution and the same mode in the low-eccentricity evolution is about 0.99

  15. Displaced Electric Sail Orbits Design and Transition Trajectory Optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naiming Qi


    Full Text Available Displaced orbits for spacecraft propelled by electric sails are investigated as an alternative to the use of solar sails. The orbital dynamics of electric sails based spacecraft are studied within a spherical coordinate system, which permits finding the solutions of displaced electric sail orbits and optimize transfer trajectory. Transfer trajectories from Earth's orbit to displaced orbit are also studied in an optimal framework, by using genetic algorithm and Gauss pseudospectral method. The initial guesses for the state and control histories used in the Gauss pseudospectral method are interpolated from the best solution of a genetic algorithm. Numerical simulations show that the electric sail is able to perform the transfer from Earth’s orbit to displaced orbit in acceptable time, and the hybrid optimization method has the capability to search the feasible and optimal solution without any initial value guess.

  16. Orbital fractures due to domestic violence: an epidemiologic study. (United States)

    Goldberg, Stuart H.; McRill, Connie M.; Bruno, Christopher R.; Ten Have, Tom; Lehman, Erik


    Domestic violence is an important cause of orbital fractures in women. Physicians who treat patients with orbital fractures may not suspect this mechanism of injury. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between domestic violence and orbital fractures. A medical center-based case-control study with matching on age and site of admission was done. Medical center databases were searched using ICD-9 codes to identify all cases of orbital fractures encountered during a three-year period. Medical records of female patients age 13 and older were reviewed along with those of age, gender and site of admission matched controls. A stratified exact test was employed to test the association between domestic violence and orbital fracture. Among 41 adult female cases with orbital fractures treated at our medical center, three (7.3%) reported domestic violence compared to zero among the matched controls (p = 0.037). We believe that domestic violence may be under-reported in both orbital fracture cases and controls. This may result in an underestimate of the orbital fracture versus domestic violence association. Domestic violence is a serious women's health and societal problem. Domestic violence may have a variety of presentations, including illnesses and injuries. Orbital fracture is an identifiable manifestation of domestic violence. Domestic violence is more likely to be detected in adult female hospital patients with orbital fracture than in matched controls with any other diagnosis. Physicians who treat patients with orbital fractures should be familiar with this mechanism of injury.

  17. Uncertainty Requirement Analysis for the Orbit, Attitude, and Burn Performance of the 1st Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Young-Joo Song


    Full Text Available In this study, the uncertainty requirements for orbit, attitude, and burn performance were estimated and analyzed for the execution of the 1st lunar orbit insertion (LOI maneuver of the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO mission. During the early design phase of the system, associate analysis is an essential design factor as the 1st LOI maneuver is the largest burn that utilizes the onboard propulsion system; the success of the lunar capture is directly affected by the performance achieved. For the analysis, the spacecraft is assumed to have already approached the periselene with a hyperbolic arrival trajectory around the moon. In addition, diverse arrival conditions and mission constraints were considered, such as varying periselene approach velocity, altitude, and orbital period of the capture orbit after execution of the 1st LOI maneuver. The current analysis assumed an impulsive LOI maneuver, and two-body equations of motion were adapted to simplify the problem for a preliminary analysis. Monte Carlo simulations were performed for the statistical analysis to analyze diverse uncertainties that might arise at the moment when the maneuver is executed. As a result, three major requirements were analyzed and estimated for the early design phase. First, the minimum requirements were estimated for the burn performance to be captured around the moon. Second, the requirements for orbit, attitude, and maneuver burn performances were simultaneously estimated and analyzed to maintain the 1st elliptical orbit achieved around the moon within the specified orbital period. Finally, the dispersion requirements on the B-plane aiming at target points to meet the target insertion goal were analyzed and can be utilized as reference target guidelines for a mid-course correction (MCC maneuver during the transfer. More detailed system requirements for the KPLO mission, particularly for the spacecraft bus itself and for the flight dynamics subsystem at the ground

  18. Angular dependence of spin-orbit spin-transfer torques

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Ki-Seung


    In ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, an in-plane current gives rise to spin-orbit spin-transfer torque, which is usually decomposed into fieldlike and dampinglike torques. For two-dimensional free-electron and tight-binding models with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the fieldlike torque acquires nontrivial dependence on the magnetization direction when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling becomes comparable to the exchange interaction. This nontrivial angular dependence of the fieldlike torque is related to the Fermi surface distortion, determined by the ratio of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling to the exchange interaction. On the other hand, the dampinglike torque acquires nontrivial angular dependence when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling is comparable to or stronger than the exchange interaction. It is related to the combined effects of the Fermi surface distortion and the Fermi sea contribution. The angular dependence is consistent with experimental observations and can be important to understand magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit spin-transfer torques.

  19. Angular dependence of spin-orbit spin-transfer torques

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Ki-Seung; Go, Dongwook; Manchon, Aurelien; Haney, Paul M.; Stiles, M. D.; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Lee, Kyung-Jin


    In ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, an in-plane current gives rise to spin-orbit spin-transfer torque, which is usually decomposed into fieldlike and dampinglike torques. For two-dimensional free-electron and tight-binding models with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the fieldlike torque acquires nontrivial dependence on the magnetization direction when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling becomes comparable to the exchange interaction. This nontrivial angular dependence of the fieldlike torque is related to the Fermi surface distortion, determined by the ratio of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling to the exchange interaction. On the other hand, the dampinglike torque acquires nontrivial angular dependence when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling is comparable to or stronger than the exchange interaction. It is related to the combined effects of the Fermi surface distortion and the Fermi sea contribution. The angular dependence is consistent with experimental observations and can be important to understand magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit spin-transfer torques.

  20. Metabolic Profiling of <em>Lactococcus lactisem> Under Different Culture Conditions

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    Normah Mohd Noor


    Full Text Available Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS and headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS/GC-MS were used to study metabolites produced by <em>Lactococcus lactisem> subsp. <em>cremoris> MG1363 grown at a temperature of 30 °C with and without agitation at 150 rpm, and at 37 °C without agitation. It was observed that <em>L. lactisem> produced more organic acids under agitation. Primary alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and polyols were identified as the corresponding trimethylsilyl (TMS derivatives, whereas amino acids and organic acids, including fatty acids, were detected through methyl chloroformate derivatization. HS analysis indicated that branched-chain methyl aldehydes, including 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and 2-methylpropanal are degdradation products of isoleucine, leucine or valine. Multivariate analysis (MVA using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA revealed the major differences between treatments were due to changes of amino acids and fermentation products.

  1. ORBIT-3.0 - a computer code for simulation and correction of the closed orbit and first turn in synchrotrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dinev, D.


    A new computer program ORBIT-3.0 for simulation and correction of the closed orbit and first turn in synchrotrons is described. The program works under WINDOWS 95/98/NT and is a full object of oriented applications. It has an interactive interface, enhanced graphical capabilities and on-line printing. The original algorithms DINAM - for closed orbit correction and FTURN - for first turn steering are described as well

  2. Satellite orbits in Levi-Civita space (United States)

    Humi, Mayer


    In this paper we consider satellite orbits in central force field with quadratic drag using two formalisms. The first using polar coordinates in which the satellite angular momentum plays a dominant role. The second is in Levi-Civita coordinates in which the energy plays a central role. We then merge these two formalisms by introducing polar coordinates in Levi-Civita space and derive a new equation for satellite orbits which unifies these two paradigms. In this equation energy and angular momentum appear on equal footing and thus characterize the orbit by its two invariants. Using this formalism we show that equatorial orbits around oblate spheroids can be expressed analytically in terms of Elliptic functions. In the second part of the paper we derive in Levi-Civita coordinates a linearized equation for the relative motion of two spacecrafts whose trajectories are in the same plane. We carry out also a numerical verification of these equations.

  3. Matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó, comercializadas no estado de São Paulo

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    CORREIA Marlene


    Full Text Available Com objetivos de padronizar metodologias para matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó e de avaliar as condições higiênicas desses condimentos, foram adquiridas, no período de agosto a novembro de 1998, 78 amostras de canela em pó e 56 de páprica em pó, em estabelecimentos comerciais de seis cidades do Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC - 1995, 16.14.12/968.38b para canela em pó e 16.14.22/977.25B para páprica em pó. Os métodos mostraram-se adequados, sem resíduos interferentes no papel de filtro que dificultasse o diagnóstico da análise e viáveis de serem utilizados nos laboratórios de Microscopia de Alimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram 100% das amostras contendo fragmentos de insetos; pêlos de roedor foram isolados em 73,1% de amostras de canela em pó e 34,0% de páprica em pó, enquanto ácaros mortos apareceram, respectivamente, em 37,2% e 12,5% de amostras. É necessário revisão da legislação de alimentos em vigor, com o estabelecimento de níveis de tolerância para fragmentos de insetos.

  4. Global orbit feedback utilizing analog and digital technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, O.; Tang, Y.; Ramamoorthy, S.; Krinsky, S.; Yu, L.H.


    At the NSLS, an analog global orbit feedback system is used in regular operations, and a digital global orbit feedback system is available in machine physics studies on the X-Ray Ring. Here, the authors discuss the relative merits of utilizing analog and digital technology in orbit feedback. Results of experiments are reported characterizing the performance of the analog and digital systems when operated individually or together. They give their thoughts on plans for future development of the orbit feedback systems at the NSLS

  5. Geosynchronous inclined orbits for high-latitude communications (United States)

    Fantino, E.; Flores, R. M.; Di Carlo, M.; Di Salvo, A.; Cabot, E.


    We present and discuss a solution to the growing demand for satellite telecommunication coverage in the high-latitude geographical regions (beyond 55°N), where the signal from geostationary satellites is limited or unavailable. We focus on the dynamical issues associated to the design, the coverage, the maintenance and the disposal of a set of orbits selected for the purpose. Specifically, we identify a group of highly inclined, moderately eccentric geosynchronous orbits derived from the Tundra orbit (geosynchronous, eccentric and critically inclined). Continuous coverage can be guaranteed by a constellation of three satellites in equally spaced planes and suitably phased. By means of a high-precision model of the terrestrial gravity field and the relevant environmental perturbations, we study the evolution of these orbits. The effects of the different perturbations on the ground track (which is more important for coverage than the orbital elements themselves) are isolated and analyzed. The physical model and the numerical setup are optimized with respect to computing time and accuracy. We show that, in order to maintain the ground track unchanged, the key parameters are the orbital period and the argument of perigee. Furthermore, corrections to the right ascension of the ascending node are needed in order to preserve the relative orientation of the orbital planes. A station-keeping strategy that minimizes propellant consumption is then devised, and comparisons are made between the cost of a solution based on impulsive maneuvers and one with continuous thrust. Finally, the issue of end-of-life disposal is discussed.

  6. Research on orbit prediction for solar-based calibration proper satellite (United States)

    Chen, Xuan; Qi, Wenwen; Xu, Peng


    Utilizing the mathematical model of the orbit mechanics, the orbit prediction is to forecast the space target's orbit information of a certain time based on the orbit of the initial moment. The proper satellite radiometric calibration and calibration orbit prediction process are introduced briefly. On the basis of the research of the calibration space position design method and the radiative transfer model, an orbit prediction method for proper satellite radiometric calibration is proposed to select the appropriate calibration arc for the remote sensor and to predict the orbit information of the proper satellite and the remote sensor. By analyzing the orbit constraint of the proper satellite calibration, the GF-1solar synchronous orbit is chose as the proper satellite orbit in order to simulate the calibration visible durance for different satellites to be calibrated. The results of simulation and analysis provide the basis for the improvement of the radiometric calibration accuracy of the satellite remote sensor, which lays the foundation for the high precision and high frequency radiometric calibration.

  7. Linear Magnetoelectric Effect by Orbital Magnetism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scaramucci, A.; Bousquet, E.; Fechner, M.; Mostovoy, M.; Spaldin, N. A.


    We use symmetry analysis and first-principles calculations to show that the linear magnetoelectric effect can originate from the response of orbital magnetic moments to the polar distortions induced by an applied electric field. Using LiFePO4 as a model compound we show that spin-orbit coupling

  8. Sorting photons of different rotational Doppler shifts (RDS) by orbital angular momentum of single-photon with spin-orbit-RDS entanglement. (United States)

    Chen, Lixiang; She, Weilong


    We demonstrate that single photons from a rotating q-plate exhibit an entanglement in three degrees of freedom of spin, orbital angular momentum, and the rotational Doppler shift (RDS) due to the nonconservation of total spin and orbital angular momenta. We find that the rotational Doppler shift deltaomega = Omega((delta)s + deltal) , where s, l and Omega are quantum numbers of spin, orbital angular momentum, and rotating velocity of the q-plate, respectively. Of interest is that the rotational Doppler shift directly reflects the rotational symmetry of q-plates and can be also expressed as deltaomega = (Omega)n , where n = 2(q-1) denotes the fold number of rotational symmetry. Besides, based on this single-photon spin-orbit-RDS entanglement, we propose an experimental scheme to sort photons of different frequency shifts according to individual orbital angular momentum.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wright, D. J.; Wittenmyer, R. A.; Tinney, C. G.; Bentley, J. S.; Zhao, Jinglin, E-mail: [Department of Astronomy and Australian Centre for Astrobiology, School of Physics, University of New South Wales, NSW 2052 (Australia)


    We use archival HARPS spectra to detect three planets orbiting the M3 dwarf Wolf 1061 (GJ 628). We detect a 1.36 M{sub ⊕} minimum-mass planet with an orbital period P = 4.888 days (Wolf 1061b), a 4.25 M{sub ⊕} minimum-mass planet with orbital period P = 17.867 days (Wolf 1061c), and a likely 5.21 M{sub ⊕} minimum-mass planet with orbital period P = 67.274 days (Wolf 1061d). All of the planets are of sufficiently low mass that they may be rocky in nature. The 17.867 day planet falls within the habitable zone for Wolf 1061 and the 67.274 day planet falls just outside the outer boundary of the habitable zone. There are no signs of activity observed in the bisector spans, cross-correlation FWHMs, calcium H and K indices, NaD indices, or Hα indices near the planetary periods. We use custom methods to generate a cross-correlation template tailored to the star. The resulting velocities do not suffer the strong annual variation observed in the HARPS DRS velocities. This differential technique should deliver better exploitation of the archival HARPS data for the detection of planets at extremely low amplitudes.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Janches, D.; Swarnalingam, N. [Space Weather Laboratory, Mail Code 674, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Close, S. [Space Environment and Satellite Systems Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA (United States); Hormaechea, J. L. [Estacion Astronomica Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego (Argentina); Murphy, A.; O’Connor, D.; Vandepeer, B.; Fuller, B. [Genesis Software Pty Ltd, Adelaide (Australia); Fritts, D. C. [GATS Inc., Boulder CO (United States); Brunini, C., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Departmento de Astronomia y Geofísica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata (Argentina)


    We present an initial survey in the southern sky of the sporadic meteoroid orbital environment obtained with the Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar (SAAMER) Orbital System (OS), in which over three-quarters of a million orbits of dust particles were determined from 2012 January through 2015 April. SAAMER-OS is located at the southernmost tip of Argentina and is currently the only operational radar with orbit determination capability providing continuous observations of the southern hemisphere. Distributions of the observed meteoroid speed, radiant, and heliocentric orbital parameters are presented, as well as those corrected by the observational biases associated with the SAAMER-OS operating parameters. The results are compared with those reported by three previous surveys performed with the Harvard Radio Meteor Project, the Advanced Meteor Orbit Radar, and the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar, and they are in agreement with these previous studies. Weighted distributions for meteoroids above the thresholds for meteor trail electron line density, meteoroid mass, and meteoroid kinetic energy are also considered. Finally, the minimum line density and kinetic energy weighting factors are found to be very suitable for meteroid applications. The outcomes of this work show that, given SAAMER’s location, the system is ideal for providing crucial data to continuously study the South Toroidal and South Apex sporadic meteoroid apparent sources.

  11. Identification of <em>Colletotrichum> species causing anthracnose on Tahiti lime, tree tomato and mango

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez Erika P.


    Full Text Available

    In Colombia, citrus, tree tomato and mango crops are likely to suffer considerable losses from anthracnose caused by several <em>Colletotrichum> species, which were identified by the present study on infected organs of the three fruit crops, sampled in different regions of the country. Identification was based on their morphological and molecular characteristics, as well as on fungicide (benomyl and copper hydroxide sensitivity and pathogenicity tests. The latter assessed infectivity on both the original hosting crop and the other two crops (crossed infection, by putting the fungi in contact with organs taken from the three fruit crops. Molecular identification of the <em>Colletotrichum> species was carried out through amplification of rDNA ITS regions by means of <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> (CgInt and <em>C. acutatumem> (CaInt2 specific primer PCR combining the use of ITS4 universal primer. The results indicate that <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in Tahiti lime and tree tomato, and so is <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> in mango. Although <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in two diferent fruit species, the strains proved to be specific of their original hosts.

  12. Topology and slowing down of high energy ion orbits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eriksson, L G [Commission of the European Communities, Abingdon (United Kingdom). JET Joint Undertaking; Porcelli, F [Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy); Berk, H L [Texas Univ., Austin, TX (United States). Inst. for Fusion Studies


    An analysis of nonstandard guiding centre orbits is presented, which is relevant to MeV ions in a Tokamak. The orbit equation has been simplified from the start, allowing to present an analytic classification of the possible orbits. The topological transitions of the orbits during collisional slowing down are described. In particular, the characteristic equations reveal the existence of a single fixed point in the relevant phase plane, and the presence of a bifurcation curve corresponding to the locus of the pinch orbits. A significant particle inward pinch has been discovered. (authors). 7 figs.

  13. A Survey of Ballistic Transfers to Low Lunar Orbit (United States)

    Parker, Jeffrey S.; Anderson, Rodney L.; Peterson, Andrew


    A simple strategy is identified to generate ballistic transfers between the Earth and Moon, i.e., transfers that perform two maneuvers: a trans-lunar injection maneuver to depart the Earth and a Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver to insert into orbit at the Moon. This strategy is used to survey the performance of numerous transfers between varying Earth parking orbits and varying low lunar target orbits. The transfers surveyed include short 3-6 day direct transfers, longer 3-4 month low energy transfers, and variants that include Earth phasing orbits and/or lunar flybys.

  14. The method of coadjoint orbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delius, G.W.; Van Nieuwenhuizen, P.; Rodgers, V.G.J.


    The method of coadjoint orbits produces for any infinite dimensional Lie (super) algebra A with nontrivial central charge an action for scalar (super) fields which has at least the symmetry A. In this article, the authors try to make this method accessible to a larger audience by analyzing several examples in more detail than in the literature. After working through the Kac-Moody and Virasoro cases, we apply the method to the super Virasoro algebra and reobtain the super-symmetric extension of Polyakov's local nonpolynomial action for two-dimensional quantum gravity. As in the Virasoro case this action corresponds to the coadjoint orbit of a pure central extension. The authors further consider the actions corresponding to the other orbits of the super Virasoro algebra. As a new result the authors construct the actions for the N = 2 super Virasoro algebra

  15. Gravity Probe B orbit determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shestople, P; Ndili, A; Parkinson, B W; Small, H; Hanuschak, G


    The Gravity Probe B (GP-B) satellite was equipped with a pair of redundant Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers used to provide navigation solutions for real-time and post-processed orbit determination (OD), as well as to establish the relation between vehicle time and coordinated universal time. The receivers performed better than the real-time position requirement of 100 m rms per axis. Post-processed solutions indicated an rms position error of 2.5 m and an rms velocity error of 2.2 mm s −1 . Satellite laser ranging measurements provided independent verification of the GPS-derived GP-B orbit. We discuss the modifications and performance of the Trimble Advance Navigation System Vector III GPS receivers. We describe the GP-B precision orbit and detail the OD methodology, including ephemeris errors and the laser ranging measurements. (paper)


    CERN Document Server

    Kelliher, D J; Sheehy, S L


    EMMA - the Electron Model of Many Applications - is to be built at the STFC Daresbury Laboratory in the UK and will be the first non-scaling FFAG ever constructed. The purpose of EMMA is to study beam dynamics in such an accelerator. The EMMA orbit correction scheme must deal with two characteristics of a non-scaling FFAG: i.e. the lack of a well defined reference orbit and the variation with momentum of the phase advance. In this study we present a novel orbit correction scheme that avoids the former problem by instead aiming to maximise both the symmetry of the orbit and the physical aperture of the beam. The latter problem is dealt with by optimising the corrector strengths over the energy range.

  17. Tailoring spin-orbit torque in diluted magnetic semiconductors

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang; Wang, Xuhui; Doǧan, Fatih; Manchon, Aurelien


    We study the spin orbit torque arising from an intrinsic linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in a single layer III-V diluted magnetic semiconductor. We investigate the transport properties and spin torque using the linear response theory, and we report here: (1) a strong correlation exists between the angular dependence of the torque and the anisotropy of the Fermi surface; (2) the spin orbit torque depends nonlinearly on the exchange coupling. Our findings suggest the possibility to tailor the spin orbit torque magnitude and angular dependence by structural design.

  18. The History of Orbiter Corrosion Control (1981 - 2011) (United States)

    Russell, Richard W.


    After 135 missions and 30 years the Orbiter fleet was retired in 2011. Working with Orbiter project management and a world class engineering team the CCRB was successful in providing successful sustaining engineering support for approximately 20 years. Lessons learned from the Orbiter program have aided NASA and contractor engineers in the design and manufacture of new spacecraft so that exploration of space can continue. The Orbiters are proudly being displayed for all the public to see in New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

  19. Tailoring spin-orbit torque in diluted magnetic semiconductors

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang


    We study the spin orbit torque arising from an intrinsic linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in a single layer III-V diluted magnetic semiconductor. We investigate the transport properties and spin torque using the linear response theory, and we report here: (1) a strong correlation exists between the angular dependence of the torque and the anisotropy of the Fermi surface; (2) the spin orbit torque depends nonlinearly on the exchange coupling. Our findings suggest the possibility to tailor the spin orbit torque magnitude and angular dependence by structural design.

  20. [A Case of an Orbital Angioleiomyoma]. (United States)

    Sato, Kohei; Ogawa, Yukari; Kinoshita, Keita; Takai, Hiroki; Hirai, Satoshi; Ishihara, Manabu; Hara, Keijiro; Toi, Hiroyuki; Matsubara, Shunji; Uno, Masaaki


    A 70-year-old woman presented with a 4-year history of painless conjunctival congestion and proptosis of the right eye. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 48-mm lesion in the right medial orbit. As the symptoms progressed, the tumor was resected by performing fronto-orbital craniotomy. Histopathological examination revealed a vascular tumor surrounded by smooth muscle fibers and immunohistochemistry demonstrated tumor positivity for smooth muscle actin and desmin. The tumor was diagnosed as an angioleiomyoma, and no recurrence has been observed as of 5 years postoperatively. Angioleiomyomas in the orbit are extremely rare;thus, we have reported this case with reference to the literature.

  1. Differentiation of orbital lymphoma and idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor: combined diagnostic value of conventional MRI and histogram analysis of ADC maps. (United States)

    Ren, Jiliang; Yuan, Ying; Wu, Yingwei; Tao, Xiaofeng


    The overlap of morphological feature and mean ADC value restricted clinical application of MRI in the differential diagnosis of orbital lymphoma and idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor (IOIP). In this paper, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate the combined diagnostic value of conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and whole-tumor histogram analysis of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps in the differentiation of the two lesions. In total, 18 patients with orbital lymphoma and 22 patients with IOIP were included, who underwent both conventional MRI and diffusion weighted imaging before treatment. Conventional MRI features and histogram parameters derived from ADC maps, including mean ADC (ADC mean ), median ADC (ADC median ), skewness, kurtosis, 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentiles of ADC (ADC 10 , ADC 25 , ADC 75 , ADC 90 ) were evaluated and compared between orbital lymphoma and IOIP. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the most valuable variables for discriminating. Differential model was built upon the selected variables and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was also performed to determine the differential ability of the model. Multivariate logistic regression showed ADC 10 (P = 0.023) and involvement of orbit preseptal space (P = 0.029) were the most promising indexes in the discrimination of orbital lymphoma and IOIP. The logistic model defined by ADC 10 and involvement of orbit preseptal space was built, which achieved an AUC of 0.939, with sensitivity of 77.30% and specificity of 94.40%. Conventional MRI feature of involvement of orbit preseptal space and ADC histogram parameter of ADC 10 are valuable in differential diagnosis of orbital lymphoma and IOIP.

  2. Effect of orbital symmetry on the anisotropic superexchange interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Beom Hyun; Min, B I


    Employing the microscopic superexchange model incorporating the effect of spin-orbit interaction, we have investigated the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction in perovskite transition-metal (TM) oxides and explored the interplay between the DM interaction and the TM-3d orbital symmetry. For d 3 and d 5 systems with isotropic orbital symmetry, the DM vectors are well described by a simple symmetry analysis considering only the bond geometry. In contrast, the DM interaction for d 4 systems with anisotropic orbital symmetry shows slightly different behavior, which does not obey simple symmetry analysis. The direction as well as the strength of the DM vector varies depending on the occupied orbital shape. We have understood this behavior based on the orbital symmetry induced by local crystal field variation.

  3. Topological imprint for periodic orbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martín, Jesús San; Moscoso, Ma José; Gómez, A González


    The more self-crossing points an orbit has the more complex it is. We introduce the topological imprint to characterize crossing points and focus on the period-doubling cascade. The period-doubling cascade topological imprint determines the topological imprint for orbits in chaotic bands. In addition, there is a closer link between this concept and the braids studied by Lettelier et al (2000 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33 1809–25). (paper)

  4. Isolamento de micobactérias em Felis concolor em cativeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Julia Traversa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado em uma reserva natural da Argentina com antecedentes de tuberculose em uma suçuarana adulta. O objetivo foi identificar por meio de técnicas bacteriológicas e de biologia molecular as espécies isoladas da orofaringe de cinco suçuaranas que apresentavam sinais clínicos inespecíficos. As amostras foram colhidas das suçuaranas após sedação. Posteriormente foram processadas para obtenção do isolamento e identificação por meio de provas bioquímicas do gênero Mycobacterium pela técnica de PCR. Investigou-se a presença das seqüências de inserção IS6110 e IS1081 e hsp65. Obtiveram-se resultados positivos à coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen de quatro amostras, isolando cinco cepas de crescimento lento. As cepas foram classificadas como M. gordonae em dois casos e M. simiae, M scrofulaceum e M. avium/intracellulare em um. Por PRA, identificou-se o padrão de M. gordonae em três cepas e M. avium III ou M. simiae em dois.

  5. Marketing em moda


    Leães, Sabrina Durgante


    Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing O actual estado do Marketing em Moda é uma das questões ainda complexa com que se debate a sociedade global. As questões do Marketing em Moda percorrem alguns aspectos fundamentais tais como as constantes mutações do meio envolvente, a forma de como é percebida e comunicada a identidade das marcas de moda, em busca da melhor forma de segmentar o mercado e definir o seu posicionamento, bem como a reacção ao produto de moda do consumidor final. ...

  6. Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of New <em>N>-acylhydrazone Derivatives from Dehydroabietic Acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wen Gu


    Full Text Available A series of new <em>N>-acylhydrazone derivatives were synthesized in good yields through the reactions of dehydroabietic acid hydrazide with a variety of substituted arylaldehydes. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR, ESI-MS, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. From the crystal structure of compound 4l, the C=N double bonds of these <em>N>-acylhydrazones showed (<em>E>-configuration, while the NMR data of compounds 4aq indicated the existence of two rotamers for each compound in solution. The target compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against four microbial strains. The result suggested that several compounds exhibited pronounced antibacterial activities. Particularly, compound 4p exhibited good antibacterial activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> and <em>Bacillus subtilisem> comparable to positive control. The possible antibacterial metabolism and the strategy for further optimization of this compound were also discussed.

  7. Sticky orbits in a kicked-oscillator model

    CERN Document Server

    Lowenstein, J H; Vivaldi, F


    We study a 4-fold symmetric kicked-oscillator map with sawtooth kick function. For the values of the kick amplitude $\\lambda=2\\cos(2\\pi p/q)$ with rational $p/q$, the dynamics is known to be pseudochaotic, with no stochastic web of non-zero Lebesgue measure. We show that this system can be represented as a piecewise affine map of the unit square ---the so-called local map--- driving a lattice map. We develop a framework for the study of long-time behaviour of the orbits, in the case in which the local map features exact scaling. We apply this method to several quadratic irrational values of $\\lambda$, for which the local map possesses a full Legesgue measure of periodic orbits; these are promoted to either periodic orbits or accelerator modes of the kicked-oscillator map. By constrast, the aperiodic orbits of the local map can generate various asymptotic behaviours. For some parameter values the orbits remain bounded, while others have excursions which grow logarithmically or as a power of the time. In the po...

  8. Determination of orbitals for use in configuration interaction calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunning, T.H. Jr.; Davidson, E.R.; Ruedenberg, K.; Hinze, J.


    For a full configuration interaction (CI) calculation the choice of orbitals is completely irrelevant, i.e., the calculated wavefunction is unaffected by an arbitrary unitary transformation of the orbitals; it depends only on the space spanned by the original basis set. For most chemical systems it is not possible to realistically carry out a full CI calculation, so that specification of the orbital set is important. Even for less-than-full CI calculations, it can be shown, however, that for certain types of calculations the wavefunction is unaffected by restricted transformations among the orbital set. For example, for CI calculations based on a single configuration plus a complete set of excitations of a given type (single, double, etc.), the calculated wavefunction is independent of transformations among the set of occupied orbitals and among the set of virtual orbitals. The wavefunction does, however, depend on transformations which mix the occupied and virtual orbitals

  9. [Orbital decompression in Grave's disease: comparison of techniques]. (United States)

    Sellari-Franceschini, S; Berrettini, S; Forli, F; Bartalena, L; Marcocci, C; Tanda, M L; Nardi, M; Lepri, A; Pinchera, A


    Grave's ophthalmopathy is an inflammatory, autoimmune disorder often associated with Grave's disease. The inflammatory infiltration involves the retrobulbar fatty tissue and the extrinsic eye muscles, causing proptosis, extraocular muscle dysfunction and often diplopia. Orbital decompression is an effective treatment in such cases, particularly when resistant to drugs and external radiation therapy. This work compares the results of orbital decompression performed by removing: a) the medial and lateral walls (Mourits technique) in 10 patients (19 orbits) and b) the medial and lower walls (Walsh-Ogura technique) in 17 patients (31 orbits). The results show that removing the floor of the orbit enables better reduction of proptosis but more easily leads to post-operative diplopia. Thus it proves necessary to combine the two techniques, modifying the surgical approach on a case-by-case basis.

  10. The value of X-ray CT in orbital fractures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Myung Hee; Lee, Jae Mun; Kim, Choon Yul; Bahk, Yong Whee [Catholic Medical College, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    On the pulse from the trauma transiting to posterior side of the orbit, orbital fractures are occurred through the weak point of the orbital wall. Invagination of soft tissue or entrapment of muscles may be associated with orbital fracture. In condition of inaccurate diagnosis, appropriate surgical repairment is impossible and complication such as diplopia or enophthalmia are developed. CT scan is diagnostic procedure which demonstrates accurately the site and state of orbital fracture, and its associated findings. The authors has been studied in 21 orbital CT scan to evaluate the relative value of plain X rays and CT scans in the diagnosis of orbital fractures during the period from January 1982 to September 1985. The conclusions were as follows: 1. Diagnostic rate was 100% by CT, 40% by initial and 80% by retrospective interpretation of conventional X-ray films. 2. Low X-ray diagnostic rate of medical wall fractures (26.7%) was due to thinness of the bone. 3. Medial wall fractures were associated with floor fractures in 46%. 4. Orbital soft tissue injuries and abnormalities of PNS were precisely evaluated by CT scan.

  11. Characterizing the Survey Strategy and Initial Orbit Determination Abilities of the NASA MCAT Telescope for Geosynchronous Orbital Debris Environmental Studies (United States)

    Frith, J.; Barker, E.; Cowardin, H.; Buckalew, B.; Anz-Meador, P.; Lederer, S.

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Orbital Debris Program Office (ODPO) recently commissioned the Meter Class Autonomous Telescope (MCAT) on Ascension Island with the primary goal of obtaining population statistics of the geosynchronous (GEO) orbital debris environment. To help facilitate this, studies have been conducted using MCAT’s known and projected capabilities to estimate the accuracy and timeliness in which it can survey the GEO environment, including collected weather data and the proposed observational data collection cadence. To optimize observing cadences and probability of detection, on-going work using a simulated GEO debris population sampled at various cadences are run through the Constrained Admissible Region Multi Hypotheses Filter (CAR-MHF). The orbits computed from the results are then compared to the simulated data to assess MCAT’s ability to determine accurately the orbits of debris at various sample rates. The goal of this work is to discriminate GEO and near-GEO objects from GEO transfer orbit objects that can appear as GEO objects in the environmental models due to the short arc observation and an assumed circular orbit. The specific methods and results are presented here.

  12. Radiotherapy of lymphoid diseases of the orbit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Austin-Seymour, M.M.; Donaldson, S.S.; Egbert, P.R.; McDougall, I.R.; Kriss, J.P.


    Thirty-two patients with orbital pseudotumor (18), reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (2), atypical lymphoid infiltrate (4) or malignant lymphoma (8) were treated in the Division of Radiation Therapy at Stanford University between January 1973 and May 1983. Of the 20 patients with pseudotumor or reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, 10 had unilateral lesions and 10 had bilateral lesions. Biopsy samples were obtained in 15 patients; in five patients with bilateral disease the diagnosis was made on the basis of computed tomography (CT) and clinical findings. The majority of patients were referred because of disease refractory to treatment with corticosteroids. The patients were given a mean dose of 2360 rad using complex, individualized megavoltage techniques including lens shielding. Radiotherapy was well tolerated with no significant acute or late complications. Fifteen patients had complete resolution of symptoms after treatment; five had continued symptoms. Of the 12 patients with malignant lymphoma or atypical lymphoid infiltrate, four had systemic lymphoma with orbital involvement and eight had orbital involvement only. A mean dose of 3625 rad was delivered to the orbit only. Most of the patients received complex megavoltage treatment using bolus. All patients in this group had a complete response and local control. Two patients developed cataracts. Carefullly planned orbital radiotherapy provides local control without symptomatic sequelae for orbital masses ranging from pseudotumor to malignant lymphoma

  13. Multi-GNSS orbit determination using satellite laser ranging (United States)

    Bury, Grzegorz; Sośnica, Krzysztof; Zajdel, Radosław


    Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, and NavIC are emerging global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) and regional navigation satellite systems all of which are equipped with laser retroreflector arrays for range measurements. This paper summarizes the GNSS-intensive tracking campaigns conducted by the International Laser Ranging Service and provides results from multi-GNSS orbit determination using solely SLR observations. We consider the whole constellation of GLONASS, all active Galileo, four BeiDou satellites: 1 MEO, 3 IGSO, and one QZSS. We analyze the influence of the number of SLR observations on the quality of the 3-day multi-GNSS orbit solution. About 60 SLR observations are needed for obtaining MEO orbits of sufficient quality with the root mean square (RMS) of 3 cm for the radial component when compared to microwave-based orbits. From the analysis of a minimum number of tracking stations, when considering the 3-day arcs, 5 SLR stations do not provide a sufficient geometry of observations. The solution obtained using ten stations is characterized with RMS of 4, 9, and 18 cm in the radial, along-track, and cross-track direction, respectively, for MEO satellites. We also investigate the impact of the length of orbital arc on the quality of SLR-derived orbits. Hence, 5- and 7-day arcs constitute the best solution, whereas 3-day arcs are of inferior quality due to an insufficient number of SLR observations and 9-day arcs deteriorate the along-track component. The median RMS from the comparison between 7-day orbital arcs determined using SLR data with microwave-based orbits assumes values in the range of 3-4, 11-16, and 15-27 cm in radial, along-track, and cross-track, respectively, for MEO satellites. BeiDou IGSO and QZSS are characterized by RMS values higher by a factor of 8 and 24, respectively, than MEO orbits.

  14. Orbital atherectomy for treating de novo, severely calcified coronary lesions: 3-year results of the pivotal ORBIT II trial. (United States)

    Lee, Michael; Généreux, Philippe; Shlofmitz, Richard; Phillipson, Daniel; Anose, Bynthia M; Martinsen, Brad J; Himmelstein, Stevan I; Chambers, Jeff W


    The presence of heavy coronary artery calcification increases the complexity of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and increases the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE): death, myocardial infarction (MI), target vessel revascularization (TVR), and stent thrombosis. The ORBIT II (Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of OAS in Treating Severely Calcified Coronary Lesions) trial reported low rates of procedural, 30-day, 1-year, and 2-year ischemic complications after treatment of de novo, severely calcified lesions with the Diamondback 360° Coronary Orbital Atherectomy System (OAS) (Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.). ORBIT II was a single-arm trial that enrolled 443 patients at 49U.S. sites; in this study, de novo, severely calcified coronary lesions were treated with OAS prior to stenting. The primary safety endpoint was 30-day MACE: the composite of cardiac death, MI, and TVR (inclusive of target lesion revascularization (TLR)). The primary efficacy endpoint was procedural success: stent delivery with a residual stenosis of atherectomy. There were 360 (81.3%) subjects who completed the protocol-mandated 3-year visit.The overall cumulative rate of 3-year MACE was 23.5%, including cardiac death (6.7%), MI (11.2%), and TVR (10.2%). The 3-year target lesion revascularization rate was 7.8%. In the final 3-year analysis of the ORBIT II trial, orbital atherectomy of severely calcified coronary lesions followed by stenting resulted in a low rate of adverse ischemic events compared with historical controls.Orbital atherectomy represents a safe and effective revascularization strategy for patients with severely calcified coronary lesions. The ORBIT II trial enrolled 443 subjects to study orbital atherectomy followed by stenting for de novo severely calcified coronary lesions. The overall cumulative 3-year MACE rate was 23.5%, including cardiac death (6.7%), MI (11.2%), and TVR (10.2%); the 3-year target lesion revascularization rate was 7.8%. Orbital atherectomy


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenstreet, S.; Gladman, B.; Ngo, H.; Granvik, M.; Larson, S.


    While computing an improved near-Earth object (NEO) steady-state orbital distribution model, we discovered in the numerical integrations the unexpected production of retrograde orbits for asteroids that had originally exited from the accepted main-belt source regions. Our model indicates that ∼0.1% (a factor of two uncertainty) of the steady-state NEO population (perihelion q < 1.3 AU) is on retrograde orbits. These rare outcomes typically happen when asteroid orbits flip to a retrograde configuration while in the 3:1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and then live for ∼0.001 to 100 Myr. The model predicts, given the estimated near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population, that a few retrograde 0.1-1 km NEAs should exist. Currently, there are two known MPC NEOs with asteroidal designations on retrograde orbits which we therefore claim could be escaped asteroids instead of devolatilized comets. This retrograde NEA population may also answer a long-standing question in the meteoritical literature regarding the origin of high-strength, high-velocity meteoroids on retrograde orbits.

  16. Small Aerostationary Telecommunications Orbiter Concept for Mars in the 2020s (United States)

    Lock, Robert E.; Edwards, Charles D., Jr.; Nicholas, Austin; Woolley, Ryan; Bell, David J.


    Current Mars science orbiters carry UHF proximity payloads to provide limited access and data services to landers and rovers on Mars surface. In the era of human spaceflight to Mars, very high rate and reliable relay services will be needed to serve a large number of supporting vehicles, habitats, and orbiters, as well as astronaut EVAs. These will likely be provided by a robust network of orbiting assets in very high orbits, such as areostationary orbits. In the decade leading to that era, telecommunications orbits can be operated at areostationary orbit that can support a significant population of robotic precursor missions and build the network capabilities needed for the human spaceflight era. Telecommunications orbiters of modest size and cost, delivered by Solar Electric Propulsion to areostationary orbit, can provide continuous access at very high data rates to users on the surface and in Mars orbit.In the era of human spaceflight to Mars very high rate andreliable relay services will be needed to serve a largenumber of supporting vehicles, habitats, and orbiters, aswell as astronaut EVAs. These could be provided by arobust network of orbiting assets in very high orbits. In thedecade leading to that era, telecommunications orbiterscould be operated at areostationary orbit that could support asignificant population of robotic precursor missions andbuild the network capabilities needed for the humanspaceflight era. These orbiters could demonstrate thecapabilities and services needed for the future but withoutthe high bandwidth and high reliability requirements neededfor human spaceflight.Telecommunications orbiters of modest size and cost,delivered by Solar Electric Propulsion to areostationaryorbit, could provide continuous access at very high datarates to users on the surface and in Mars orbit. Twoexamples highlighting the wide variety of orbiter deliveryand configuration options were shown that could providehigh-performance service to users.

  17. Impacts on Explorer 46 from an Earth orbiting population (United States)

    Kessler, D. J.


    Explorer 46 was launched into Earth orbit in August 1972 to evaluate the effectiveness of using double-wall structures to protect against meteoroids. The data from the Meteoroid Bumper Experiment on Explorer 46 is reexamined and it is concluded that most of the impacts originated from an Earth orbiting population. The probable source of this orbiting population is solid rocket motors fired in Earth orbit.

  18. The Double Star Orbit Initial Value Problem (United States)

    Hensley, Hagan


    Many precise algorithms exist to find a best-fit orbital solution for a double star system given a good enough initial value. Desmos is an online graphing calculator tool with extensive capabilities to support animations and defining functions. It can provide a useful visual means of analyzing double star data to arrive at a best guess approximation of the orbital solution. This is a necessary requirement before using a gradient-descent algorithm to find the best-fit orbital solution for a binary system.

  19. Neural networks and orbit control in accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozoki, E.; Friedman, A.


    An overview of the architecture, workings and training of Neural Networks is given. We stress the aspects which are important for the use of Neural Networks for orbit control in accelerators and storage rings, especially its ability to cope with the nonlinear behavior of the orbit response to 'kicks' and the slow drift in the orbit response during long-term operation. Results obtained for the two NSLS storage rings with several network architectures and various training methods for each architecture are given

  20. Operational factors affecting microgravity levels in orbit (United States)

    Olsen, R. E.; Mockovciak, J., Jr.


    Microgravity levels desired for proposed materials processing payloads are fundamental considerations in the design of future space platforms. Disturbance sources, such as aerodynamic drag, attitude control torques, crew motion and orbital dynamics, influence the microgravity levels attainable in orbit. The nature of these effects are assessed relative to platform design parameters such as orbital altitude and configuration geometry, and examples are presented for a representative spacecraft configuration. The possible applications of control techniques to provide extremely low acceleration levels are also discussed.