
Sample records for remission efter rituximabbehandling

  1. Efter strejkerne -

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamhus, Jørgen; Scheuer, Steen; Christensen, Susanne

    Kan strejker betale sig? Dette klassiske spørgsmål blev rejst fra flere sider efter arbejdskonflikterne i forbindelse med overenskomstfornyelserne i den offentlige sektor foråret 2008. Spørgsmålet blev i pressen overvejende besvaret i generelle vendinger, med et bastant nej, og uden en nærmere vu...

  2. Efter Solingen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peters, Rikke Alberg


    Den 29. maj 1993 blev Tyskland rystet af en brutal mordbrand, der i den grad kom til at præge den offentlige debat om demokratiets vilkår efter murens fald. Stedet hvor attentatet foregik, var Solingen, en by med godt 160.000 indbyggere i den vestlige del af Tyskland. I brandattentatet omkom fem ...

  3. Komplet remission af højmalignt lymfom i ventriklen efter eradikation af Helicobacter pylori

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høeg, Rasmus Tetens; Skau, Anne-Marie; Nørgaard, Peter


    . The recommended treatment of DLBCL is chemotherapy followed by involved-field irradiation. However, small prospective trials have shown high rates of complete remission after eradication of H. pylori alone and this treatment is an option in patients of advanced age or with severe co-morbidities.......A 91 year-old man was found to have diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), localized to the stomach. Because of his age, his only treatment was anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy. He achieved a complete remission, and six months after the initial presentation, there were no signs of recurrence...

  4. På jagt efter klasse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Stine Thidemann

    I afhandlingen På jagt efter klasse undersøger Stine Thidemann Faber, hvordan klasse manifesterer sig i kvinders fortællinger om hverdagsliv, og hvordan klasserelaterede forskelle opleves og kommer til udtryk sammen med andre differentieringsformer, først og fremmest køn. Baggrunden for afhandlin...

  5. Nato efter Trump: Posen skal rystes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rynning, Sten; Ringsmose, Jens


    Efter valget af Donald Trump bør Danmark komme ind i kampen og involvere sig i Det Europæiske Forsvarsagentur EDA og søge dybere bilateral kontakt til Tyskland og Frankrig, som kommer til at være bannerførere på forsvarsområdet. Det skriver Sten Rynning og Jens Ringsmose i denne analyse.......Efter valget af Donald Trump bør Danmark komme ind i kampen og involvere sig i Det Europæiske Forsvarsagentur EDA og søge dybere bilateral kontakt til Tyskland og Frankrig, som kommer til at være bannerførere på forsvarsområdet. Det skriver Sten Rynning og Jens Ringsmose i denne analyse....

  6. Efter strejkerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamhus, Jørgen; Scheuer, Steen; Christensen, Ellen Susanne


    Kan strejker betale sig? Dette klassiske spørgsmål blev rejst fra flere sider efter arbejdskonflikterne i forbindelse med overenskomstfornyelserne i den offentlige sektor foråret 2008. Spørgsmålet blev i pressen overvejende besvaret i generelle vendinger, med et bastant nej, og uden en nærmere vu...

  7. 4 år efter grundskolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Dines

    begynde at kaste nyt lys over hvorfor-spørgsmålene. Denne rapport beskæftiger sig med unge 4 år efter grundskolen. Hvor langt er de kommet i deres uddannelsesforløb? Og hvordan kan vi forklare deres placering på dette tidspunkt? Nogle er tilsyneladende ingen veje kommet. De tilhører den uddannelsesmæssige...

  8. Forældres oplevelse af genindlæggelse af deres nyfødte barn efter ambulant fødsel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feenstra, Maria Monberg; Nilsson, Ingrid; Danbjørg, Dorthe Boe

    . telefon i døgnets 24 timer. Derudover kommer familien til ambulant opfølgning på sygehuset 48-72 timer efter fødslen. Til trods for den tætte kontakt til sundhedspersonalet, oplever stadig flere familier at blive genindlagt kort tid efter udskrivelsen grundet komplikationer vedrørende deres nyfødte barns...... fødslen og hvis nyfødte barn blev genindlagt på grund af manglende trivsel, blev inviteret til at deltage i undersøgelsen. Forældre, der ikke talte dansk, norsk eller svensk blev ekskluderet. Familierne blev interviewet via telefon efter de havde haft 1. sundhedsplejerskebesøg efter genindlæggelsen. Mødre...

  9. Hel igen efter amputation - og vejen dertil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Elisabeth Bomholt

    Hel igen efter amputation – og vejen dertil Elisabeth Bomholt Østergaard, PT, Master i sundhedsantropologi, Dip.pæd. Baggrund Sundhedsprofessionelle bør udvikle større opmærksomhed på og forståelse for, hvilke måder mennesker oplever ’inkorporation’ af diverse proteser, som fx pacemaker, benprotese.......000 og 300.000 mennesker type 2- diabetes og forekomsten er kraftigt stigende og forekommer i stadig yngre aldersgrupper (Dansk Sygeplejeråd 2006) med amputation som mulig konsekvens. Formål Opnå indsigt i hvad der kan medvirke til, at mennesker kan føle sig hele igen efter en benamputation, føle sig...... kropsbevidsthed/at mærke kroppen – at få fokus væk fra kroppen igen, så kroppen atter kan blive fraværende, så der frigives plads til at kunne rette opmærksomheden andre steder hen: meget tidligt at oplyse om muligheden for og helst opfordre til at få besøg af en person, der selv har oplevet amputation på egen...

  10. Russisk Politik i Arktis efter Ukrainekrisen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Kristian Søby; Sakstrup, Casper

    Arktis. Udviklingen af Ruslands politik i Arktis er således af afgørende betydning for rigsfællesskabet og betingelserne for dansk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik. Rapporten undersøger derfor udviklingen i russisk politik i Arktis på to dimensioner – diplomati og militær – før og efter Ukrainekrisen...... diplomati fortsat kan medvirke til at fastholde Arktis som et stabilt geopolitisk område præget af relativt lav spænding....

  11. Hel igen efter amputation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Elisabeth Bomholt


    aldersgrupper (Dansk Sygeplejeråd 2006) med amputation som mulig konsekvens. Formål Opnå indsigt i • hvad der kan medvirke til, at mennesker kan føle sig hele igen efter en benamputation, føle sig reintegreret i samfundet og opnå et tilfreds-stillende hverdagsliv • kropsforandringers indflydelse på identiteten...... frigives plads til at kunne rette opmærksomheden andre steder hen; meget tidligt at oplyse om muligheden for og helst opfordre til at få besøg af en person, der selv har oplevet amputation på egen krop; tilrettelægge tilbud til grupper, så der skabes mulighed for at møde andre i ’samme’ situation; tage...

  12. Index viktat efter omsättning : Presterar ett index viktat efter omsättning bättre än ett index viktat efter börsvärde?


    Walljaeger, Christoffer; Uhrdin, Susanna


    Om den effektiva marknadshypotesen inte gäller skulle varje aktie handlas över eller under aktiens verkliga värde. Om så är fallet skulle alla index som är viktade efter börsvärde automatiskt överexponeras när en aktie handlas över dess verkliga värde och underexponera när en aktie handlas under dess verkliga värde. Det här betyder att kapitalviktade index är fundamentalt och strukturellt bristfälliga och kommer kontinuerligt övervikta alla aktier som handlas över verkligt värde och undervikt...

  13. Tænk ikke, men se efter! - Wittgensteins brug af eksemplet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krause-Jensen, Niels Henrik


    I dette kapitel er ærindet at præsentere en filosofisk metode, som på en langt mere gennemgribende måde end vanligt orienterer sig efter eksempler. Udgangspunktet er sprogfilosoffen Ludwig Wittgensteins tænkning, hvor det vises, at der er noget ganske særligt på spil: Eksempler bruges ikke til...

  14. Executive functioning during full and partial remission (positive and negative symptomatic remission) of schizophrenia. (United States)

    Braw, Yoram; Benozio, Avi; Levkovitz, Yechiel


    Despite the upsurge of research regarding cognitive impairment in schizophrenia we still lack adequate understanding of the executive functioning of patients in symptomatic remission. Moreover, the cognitive functioning of patients in partial remission has not been studied previously although they comprise a significant proportion of schizophrenia patients. The current study therefore examined the executive functioning of patients in full symptomatic remission and for the first time assessed two sub-groups of patients in partial remission. Executive functioning of five groups was compared; symptomatic patients, patients in positive symptomatic remission, negative symptomatic remission, full symptomatic remission (SP, PSR, NSR, and FSR; N=101) and healthy controls (N=37). A graded cognitive profile was evident between the groups. SP patients exhibited widespread executive dysfunction while the performance of FSR patients was comparable to that of the healthy controls. Both PSR and NSR patients had working memory deficits, with PSR patients showing additional deficits in cognitive planning. The findings are encouraging, tentatively suggesting intact executive functioning among patients in full symptomatic remission. The graded cognitive profile of the patient groups strengthens earlier findings indicating the significant role of negative symptoms in determining executive dysfunction in schizophrenia. The findings point toward potential targets for therapeutic efforts and emphasize the need for further research of sub-groups of schizophrenia patients in partial remission. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Yummy Mummy – et forskningsprojekt om konstruktioner af kropsidentitet efter en fødsel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prinds, Christina Lange; Folmann, Birgitte; Nikolajsen, Helene


    “... those extra pounds make you sexyyou don't have to look like Beyonce, test me”. Sådan lød en tekstbid fra Phlake i P3’s “ugens uundgåelige” i uge 39 denne sensommer. Phlake hylder, med et solidt R&B beat, i hittet “Pregnant” hans kærestes gravide krop OG den særprægede længsel efter Oreos og...

  16. Betydelsen av historisk rättvisa efter kolonialismen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Göran Collste


    Full Text Available Artikeln tar sin utgångspunkt i två aktuella exempel på krav på historisk rättvisa efter kolonialismen: forna Mau-Mau-kämpars krav på gottgörelse för britternas övergrepp på 1950-talet och hererofolkets krav till Tyskland på gottgörelse för det folkmord som ägde rum 1904–1907. Dessa exempel aktualiserar frågan om historisk rättvisa. Vad innebär historisk rättvisa? Vilka krav på historisk rättvisa är berättigade att ställa? Hur lång tid efter övergrepp och våld finns det skäl att kräva gottgörelse? Kan kraven ärvas till efterkommande generationer? Vem bör gottgöra dem som drabbats? Dessa frågor måste besvaras för att man skall kunna ta ställning till krav på gottgörelse och rättvisa. Syftet med denna artikel är att identifiera och söka besvara en rad frågor som krav på gottgörande rättvisa efter kolonialismen ställer. Avslutningsvis diskuteras kraven från Mau-Mau-kämparna som var internerade i brittiska läger och hererofolkets krav på kompensation från Tyskland.Nyckelord: Gottgörande rättvisa, kompensation, kolonialism, herero, Mau-Mau, global rättvisa, historisk rättvisaEnglish summary: The Meaning of Historical Justice after ColonialismRecently, four Kikuyus and former Kenyan Mau-Mau fighters claimed compensation for castration, torture and rape committed in the British detention camps in the 1950s. Also recently, representatives of the Herero people went to Berlin to bring home skulls that Germans brought to Berlin after the genocide at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The detentions and abuses of Kikuyu and the genocide of the Herero people are just two examples of offenses carried out by European nations during colonialism. Do these offenses have any reverberations today? Should we simply forget about the deeds that happened such a long time ago or do they raise any legal or moral questions?The concept of justice has two dimensions, distributional and rectificatory. This

  17. Remission in IDDM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agner, T; Damm, P; Binder, C


    To elucidate beta-cell function, insulin requirement, and remission period in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), a study was undertaken comprising 268 patients consecutively admitted to Steno Memorial Hospital with newly diagnosed IDDM. The patients were characterized by sex, age......, and seasonal variation at onset of diabetes mellitus. During the first 36 mo of the disease, an evaluation was performed for basal C-peptide, HbA1c, and insulin dose per kilogram. Total remission was interpreted as complete discontinuation of insulin therapy for at least 1 wk while still metabolically well...

  18. Deep remission: a new concept? (United States)

    Colombel, Jean-Frédéric; Louis, Edouard; Peyrin-Biroulet, Laurent; Sandborn, William J; Panaccione, Remo


    Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by periods of clinical remission alternating with periods of relapse defined by recurrent clinical symptoms. Persistent inflammation is believed to lead to progressive bowel damage over time, which manifests with the development of strictures, fistulae and abscesses. These disease complications frequently lead to a need for surgical resection, which in turn leads to disability. So CD can be characterized as a chronic, progressive, destructive and disabling disease. In rheumatoid arthritis, treatment paradigms have evolved beyond partial symptom control alone toward the induction and maintenance of sustained biological remission, also known as a 'treat to target' strategy, with the goal of improving long-term disease outcomes. In CD, there is currently no accepted, well-defined, comprehensive treatment goal that entails the treatment of both clinical symptoms and biologic inflammation. It is important that such a treatment concept begins to evolve for CD. A treatment strategy that delays or halts the progression of CD to increasing damage and disability is a priority. As a starting point, a working definition of sustained deep remission (that includes long-term biological remission and symptom control) with defined patient outcomes (including no disease progression) has been proposed. The concept of sustained deep remission represents a goal for CD management that may still evolve. It is not clear if the concept also applies to ulcerative colitis. Clinical trials are needed to evaluate whether treatment algorithms that tailor therapy to achieve deep remission in patients with CD can prevent disease progression and disability. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. A remissão em esquizofrenia é possível? Is remission in schizophrenia possible?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hélio Elkis


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: O conceito de remissão já está bem definido em algumas patologias psiquiátricas, como é o caso do transtorno depressivo, porém só recentemente foi proposto um critério para esquizofrenia. OBJETIVO: Revisar o novo conceito de remissão em esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura usando o PubMed. RESULTADOS: Os conceitos de resposta, remissão, estabilidade e recuperação são amplamente discutidos neste artigo, bem como os itens das escalas utilizados para definição. CONCLUSÃO: O conceito de remissão caracteriza-se pela presença nos últimos 6 meses de sintomas que atingem um nível máximo de gravidade (nível 3 da Panss mas que permitem um certo funcionamento social. As dimensões do conceito e seus respectivos sintomas psicopatológicos são: Positiva: alucinações, delírios, conteúdo incomum do pensamento. Desorganização: desorganização conceitual, maneirismos e postura. Negativa: afeto embotado, afastamento social passivo/apático, falta de espontaneidade no fluxo da conversação.BACKGROUND: The concept of remission is well established in some psychiatric disorders such as depression, but only recently it has been proposed for schizophrenia. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present paper is to review the new proposed criteria for remission in schizophrenia. METHOD: PubMed search. RESULTS: The concept of remission, response, stability and recover are extensively discussed in the present article, as well as items of the scales used in the definition. CONCLUSION: The concept of remission is characterized by the presence in the last 6 months of symptoms with a maximum threshold severity level (Panss level 3 but which allows a certain degree of social functioning. The dimensions of the concept and respective psychopathological symptoms are: Positive: delusions, hallucinations and unusual thought content. Disorganization: conceptual disorganization and mannerisms and posturing; Negative: blunted affect, passive

  20. Brief Report: Remission Rates With Tofacitinib Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comparison of Various Remission Criteria. (United States)

    Smolen, Josef S; Aletaha, Daniel; Gruben, David; Zwillich, Samuel H; Krishnaswami, Sriram; Mebus, Charles


    Tofacitinib is an oral JAK inhibitor that is used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In previous clinical trials of tofacitinib, a Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (DAS28)-based analysis was used to assess outcomes. In this study, remission rates according to various remission criteria were evaluated across 5 phase III randomized controlled studies. In all 5 studies, tofacitinib was administered at a dosage of 5 mg twice daily or 10 mg twice daily, either as monotherapy or with background methotrexate or other conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. One of the studies included adalimumab 40 mg once every 2 weeks. In addition to the 4-variable DAS28 using the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-4[ESR]), a primary efficacy variable used in the phase III studies, disease activity was assessed post hoc by the 4-variable DAS28 using the C-reactive protein level (DAS28-4[CRP]), the Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI), the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI), and Boolean-based assessment. A total of 3,306 patients were analyzed (1,213 of these patients received tofacitinib 5 mg twice daily, 1,212 received tofacitinib 10 mg twice daily, 679 received placebo, and 202 received adalimumab 40 mg every 2 weeks). Remission rates varied according to the criteria used, with higher rates in the active-treatment groups for the DAS28-4(CRP) than for other scores. At month 3, remission rates with tofacitinib 5 mg twice daily were 18-22% using the DAS28-4(CRP), 5-10% using the DAS28-4(ESR), 4-7% using the SDAI, 5-6% using the CDAI, and 2-7% using the Boolean-based method. In contrast, the remission rates with placebo varied from 0% to 7%, with small differences between the DAS28-4(ESR) and the DAS28-4(CRP). Although tofacitinib at dosages of 5 mg twice daily and 10 mg twice daily was effective compared with placebo in achieving disease remission, regardless of the disease activity measure, remission rates were substantially higher when

  1. Remission of allergic rhinitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bødtger, Uffe; Linneberg, Allan


    in only 22% of remitting subjects yet was seen significantly more often than in nonremitting subjects (7.4%). Remission of sensitization occurred in 6% (HDM) to 11% (pollen-furry animal) and was predicted on the basis of low s-IgE levels (class 2) at baseline. CONCLUSION: Remission of AR symptoms...... months and s-IgE levels of class 2 or greater against pollen (birch, grass, or mugwort). This was similar for AR to animals (cat or dog) or house dust mites (HDMs). Remission of AR was defined as AR at baseline but no rhinitis symptoms at follow-up and sensitization (s-IgE level class > or =2 at baseline...... and class HDM AR; overall, 17%) and was predicted by low s-IgE levels. Age, sex, asthma, atopic predisposition, age at AR onset, and AR duration had no predictive value. A decrease in s-IgE level was observed...

  2. A framework for remission in SLE: consensus findings from a large international task force on definitions of remission in SLE (DORIS). (United States)

    van Vollenhoven, Ronald; Voskuyl, Alexandre; Bertsias, George; Aranow, Cynthia; Aringer, Martin; Arnaud, Laurent; Askanase, Anca; Balážová, Petra; Bonfa, Eloisa; Bootsma, Hendrika; Boumpas, Dimitrios; Bruce, Ian; Cervera, Ricard; Clarke, Ann; Coney, Cindy; Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie; Czirják, László; Derksen, Ronald; Doria, Andrea; Dörner, Thomas; Fischer-Betz, Rebecca; Fritsch-Stork, Ruth; Gordon, Caroline; Graninger, Winfried; Györi, Noémi; Houssiau, Frédéric; Isenberg, David; Jacobsen, Soren; Jayne, David; Kuhn, Annegret; Le Guern, Veronique; Lerstrøm, Kirsten; Levy, Roger; Machado-Ribeiro, Francinne; Mariette, Xavier; Missaykeh, Jamil; Morand, Eric; Mosca, Marta; Inanc, Murat; Navarra, Sandra; Neumann, Irmgard; Olesinska, Marzena; Petri, Michelle; Rahman, Anisur; Rekvig, Ole Petter; Rovensky, Jozef; Shoenfeld, Yehuda; Smolen, Josef; Tincani, Angela; Urowitz, Murray; van Leeuw, Bernadette; Vasconcelos, Carlos; Voss, Anne; Werth, Victoria P; Zakharova, Helena; Zoma, Asad; Schneider, Matthias; Ward, Michael


    Treat-to-target recommendations have identified 'remission' as a target in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but recognise that there is no universally accepted definition for this. Therefore, we initiated a process to achieve consensus on potential definitions for remission in SLE. An international task force of 60 specialists and patient representatives participated in preparatory exercises, a face-to-face meeting and follow-up electronic voting. The level for agreement was set at 90%. The task force agreed on eight key statements regarding remission in SLE and three principles to guide the further development of remission definitions:1. Definitions of remission will be worded as follows: remission in SLE is a durable state characterised by …………………. (reference to symptoms, signs, routine labs).2. For defining remission, a validated index must be used, for example, clinical systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI)=0, British Isles lupus assessment group (BILAG) 2004 D/E only, clinical European consensus lupus outcome measure (ECLAM)=0; with routine laboratory assessments included, and supplemented with physician's global assessment.3. Distinction is made between remission off and on therapy: remission off therapy requires the patient to be on no other treatment for SLE than maintenance antimalarials; and remission on therapy allows patients to be on stable maintenance antimalarials, low-dose corticosteroids (prednisone ≤5 mg/day), maintenance immunosuppressives and/or maintenance biologics.The task force also agreed that the most appropriate outcomes (dependent variables) for testing the prognostic value (construct validity) of potential remission definitions are: death, damage, flares and measures of health-related quality of life. The work of this international task force provides a framework for testing different definitions of remission against long-term outcomes. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For

  3. A framework for remission in SLE

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Vollenhoven, Ronald; Voskuyl, Alexandre; Bertsias, George


    , for example, clinical systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI)=0, British Isles lupus assessment group (BILAG) 2004 D/E only, clinical European consensus lupus outcome measure (ECLAM)=0; with routine laboratory assessments included, and supplemented with physician's global assessment.3....... Distinction is made between remission off and on therapy: remission off therapy requires the patient to be on no other treatment for SLE than maintenance antimalarials; and remission on therapy allows patients to be on stable maintenance antimalarials, low-dose corticosteroids (prednisone ≤5 mg...

  4. Cluster headache attack remission with sphenopalatine ganglion stimulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barloese, Mads C J; Jürgens, Tim P; May, Arne


    collected at regular clinic visits. The time point “after remission” was defined as the first visit after the end of the remission period. Results: Thirty percent (10/33) of enrolled patients experienced at least one period of complete attack remission. All remission periods followed the start of SPG...... stimulation, with the first period beginning 134 ± 86 (range 21-272) days after initiation of stimulation. On average, each patient’s longest remission period lasted 149 ± 97 (range 62-322) days. The ability to treat acute attacks before and after remission was similar (37 % ± 25 % before, 49 % ± 32 % after...

  5. Remission of rheumatoid arthritis: should we care about definitions? (United States)

    Aletaha, D; Smolen, J S


    A state of remission can be achieved in more and more rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. The combination of several RA disease activity measures seems to be important to provide an overall view of disease activity. Remission can be defined by two different approaches: one using a categorical model, requiring criteria for multiple variables to be fulfilled, each with its own threshold value (remission "criteria"); the other using a dimensional model, providing single measures of activity, which allow definition of remission by a single cut point (remission cut points for composite indices). The face validity of remission as defined by composite indices surpasses the one for the "criteria". Likewise, the ones that are not weighted seem to surpass the weighted ones, as can be seen by the significant proportion of patients that continues to have considerable swollen joint counts despite being in Disease Activity Score (DAS)-28 remission. All composite indices seem to perform similarly well as tests for remission using expert judgments as the gold standard.

  6. Støtte til mestring i udredningstiden efter indførelse af kræftpakken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adellund, Kamila; Frandsen, Helle Nørtved; Juhl, Inger Rudbeck


    I Danmark er de seneste år startet flere kræftskoler, som giver tilbud om uddannelse og støtte efter behandlingen. Der findes imidlertid ingen tilbud, der retter sig mod patienter og pårørende i udredningstiden. Gynækologisk Obstetrisk Afdeling D, Odense Universitetshospital, har fra Kræftens Bek...... kvalitative og kvantitative forskningsmetoder og der skal evalueres på støtteprogrammets effekt. Projektet starter medio maj 2009 og afsluttes ultimo 2010....

  7. Functional remission and employment among patients with schizophrenia in Malaysia. (United States)

    Dahlan, Rahima; Midin, Marhani; Shah, Shamsul Azhar; Nik Jaafar, Nik Ruzyanei; Abdul Rahman, Fairuz Nazri; Baharudin, Azlin; Das, Srijit; Sidi, Hatta


    The study aimed to determine the rates of functional remission and employment as well as the factors associated with functional remission among patients with Schizophrenia, receiving community psychiatric service in an urban setting in Malaysia. From a total of 250 patients randomly selected, 155 fulfilled the study requirement and were assessed on their functional remission status using the Personal and Social Performance Scale. The relationships between functional remission and socio-demographic factors, clinical factors, social support, symptom remission and rates of hospitalization were examined. The results revealed that 74% (n=115) of the respondents had functional remission with only 20% (n=31) currently employed. Functional remission was found to be significantly associated with good social support (84.4% versus 36.4% psocial support, lower hospitalization rate and symptom remission, as significant predictors of functional remission. A majority of patients with Schizophrenia in this study achieved functional remission, however, only a small percentage of them were employed. Functional remission was influenced by severity of illness and levels of social support in these patients. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Att drabbas av cancer i tonåren : En kvantitativ studie om hälsorelaterad livskvalitet två till fyra år efter diagnos


    Hiding, Markus; Lavemark, Niklas


    Syfte Studiens syfte var att undersöka: självskattad hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos tonåringar som drabbats av cancer två år (T5), tre år (T6) och fyra år (T7) efter diagnos, samt att jämföra deras skattningar med en referensgrupp randomiserad från befolkningen.   Metod Tonåringarna med cancer besvarade SF-36 2 år (N=38), 3 år (N=42) samt 4 år (N=39) efter diagnos. En referensgrupp (N=300) randomiserad av Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) besvarade samma formulär vid ett tillfälle. Samtlig data...

  9. Treated and Untreated Remission from Problem Drinking in Late Life: Post-Remission Functioning and Health-Related Quality of Life (United States)

    Schutte, Kathleen K.; Brennan, Penny L.; Moos, Rudolf H.


    Objective To evaluate the post-remission status of older remitted problem drinkers who achieved stable remission without treatment. Method The post-remission drinking behavior, health-related functioning, life context, coping, and help-seeking of older, untreated (n = 330) and treated (n = 120) former problem drinkers who had been remitted for a minimum of six years were compared twice over the course of six-years to each other and to lifetime nonproblem drinkers (n = 232). Analyses considered the impact of severity of drinking problem history. Results Untreated remitters were more likely than treated remitters to continue to drink, exhibited fewer chronic health problems and less depressive symptomatology, and were less likely to smoke. Untreated remitters’ life contexts were somewhat more benign than those of treated ones, and they were less likely to describe a coping motive for drinking and engage in post-remission help-seeking. Although untreated remitters more closely resembled lifetime nonproblem drinkers than did treated remitters, both untreated and treated remitter groups exhibited worse health-related functioning, more financial and interpersonal stressors, and more post-remission help-seeking than did lifetime nonproblem drinkers. Conclusions Regardless of whether late-life remission was gained without or with treatment, prior drinking problems conveyed a legacy of health-related and life context deficits. PMID:18829184

  10. ACR/EULAR Definitions of Remission Are Associated with Lower Residual Inflammatory Activity Compared with DAS28 Remission on Hand MRI in Rheumatoid Arthritis. (United States)

    Lisbona, Maria Pilar; Solano, Albert; Ares, Jesús; Almirall, Miriam; Salman-Monte, Tarek Carlos; Maymó, Joan


    To determine the level of residual inflammation [synovitis, bone marrow edema (BME), tenosynovitis, and total inflammation] quantified by hand magnetic resonance imaging (h-MRI) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in remission according to 3 different definitions of clinical remission, and to compare these remission definitions. A cross-sectional study. To assess the level of residual MRI inflammation in remission, cutoff levels associated to remission and median scores of MRI residual inflammatory lesions were calculated. Data from an MRI register of patients with RA who have various levels of disease activity were used. These were used for the analyses: synovitis, BME according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring system, tenosynovitis, total inflammation, and disease activity composite measures recorded at the time of MRI. Receiver-operating characteristic analysis was used to identify the best cutoffs associated with remission for each inflammatory lesion on h-MRI. Median values of each inflammatory lesion for each definition of remission were also calculated. A total of 388 h-MRI sets of patients with RA with different levels of disease activity, 130 in remission, were included. Cutoff values associated with remission according to the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI) ≤ 3.3 and the Boolean American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) definitions for BME and tenosynovitis (1 and 3, respectively) were lower than BME and tenosynovitis (2 and 5, respectively) for the Disease Activity Score on 28 joints (DAS28) ≤ 2.6. Median scores for synovitis, BME, and total inflammation were also lower for the SDAI and Boolean ACR/EULAR remission criteria compared with DAS28. Patients with RA in remission according to the SDAI and Boolean ACR/EULAR definitions showed lower levels of MRI-detected residual inflammation compared with DAS28.

  11. What does remission tell us about women with eating disorders? Investigating applications of various remission definitions and their associations with quality of life. (United States)

    Ackard, Diann M; Richter, Sara A; Egan, Amber M; Cronemeyer, Catherine L


    To compare remission rates, determine level of agreement and identify quality of life (QoL) distinctions across a broad spectrum of remission definitions among patients with eating disorders (ED). Women (N=195; 94 AN, 24 BN, and 77 EDNOS) from inpatient and partial hospital ED programs participated in a study of treatment outcomes. Remission rates were evaluated with percentages, kappa coefficients identified level of agreement and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon tests with Bonferroni corrections determined differences in quality of life between remitted and not remitted patients by remission definition. Depending on remission definition used, the percent of remitted patients varied from 13.2% to 40.5% for AN, 15.0% to 47.6% for BN and 24.2% to 53.1% for EDNOS. Several definitions demonstrated "very good" agreement across diagnoses. Remission was associated with higher quality of life in psychological, physical/cognitive, financial and work/school domains on a disease-specific measure, and in mental but not physical functioning on a generic measure. Remission rates vary widely depending on the definition used; several definitions show strong agreement. Remission is associated with quality of life, and often approximates scores for women who do not have an eating disorder. The ED field would benefit from adopting uniform criteria, which would allow for more accurate comparison of remission rates across therapeutic interventions, treatment modalities and facilities. We recommend using the Bardone-Cone criteria because it includes assessment of psychological functioning, was found to be applicable across diagnoses, demonstrated good agreement, and was able to distinguish quality of life differences between remitted and not remitted patients. © 2013.

  12. Verbal memory functioning in recurrent depression during partial remission and remission-Brief report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Åsa eHammar


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to investigate verbal memory performance in a group of patients with remitted and partial remitted major depressive disorder. Thirty-one patients and 31 healthy matched controls were included in the study. Results from the California Verbal Learning Test show intact verbal memory performance in the patient group regarding learning, recall and recognition. However, patients had significantly poorer performance compared to healthy controls in immediate recall of the first trial in the verbal memory test. In conclusion, the patient group showed intact memory performance, when material is presented more than once. These findings indicate that memory performance in MDD patients with partial remission and remission benefit from repetition of material.

  13. Airway function, inflammation and regulatory T cell function in subjects in asthma remission. (United States)

    Boulet, Louis-Philippe; Turcott, Hélène; Plante, Sophie; Chakir, Jamila


    Factors associated with asthma remission need to be determined, particularly when remission occurs in adulthood. To evaluate airway responsiveness and inflammation in adult patients in asthma remission compared with adults with mild, persistent symptomatic asthma. Adenosine monophosphate and methacholine responsiveness were evaluated in 26 patients in complete remission of asthma, 16 patients in symptomatic remission of asthma, 29 mild asthmatic patients and 15 healthy controls. Blood sampling and induced sputum were also obtained to measure inflammatory parameters. Perception of breathlessness at 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 s was similar among groups. In subjects with symptomatic remission of asthma, responsiveness to adenosine monophosphate and methacholine was intermediate between mild asthma and complete asthma remission, with the latter group similar to controls. Asthma remission was associated with a shorter duration of disease. Blood immunoglobulin E levels were significantly increased in the asthma group, and blood eosinophils were significantly elevated in the complete asthma remission, symptomatic remission and asthma groups compared with controls. The suppressive function of regulatory T cells was lower in asthma and remission groups compared with controls. A continuum of asthma remission was observed, with patients in complete asthma remission presenting features similar to controls, while patients in symptomatic asthma remission appeared to be in an intermediate state between complete asthma remission and symptomatic asthma. Remission was associated with a shorter disease duration. Despite remission of asthma, a decreased suppressor function of regulatory T cells was observed, which may predispose patients to future recurrence of the disease.

  14. Partial Remission Definition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Marie Louise Max; Hougaard, Philip; Pörksen, Sven


    OBJECTIVE: To validate the partial remission (PR) definition based on insulin dose-adjusted HbA1c (IDAA1c). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The IDAA1c was developed using data in 251 children from the European Hvidoere cohort. For validation, 129 children from a Danish cohort were followed from the onset...

  15. Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for cushing disease: techniques, outcomes, and predictors of remission. (United States)

    Starke, Robert M; Reames, Davis L; Chen, Ching-Jen; Laws, Edward R; Jane, John A


    The efficacy of endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETS) for Cushing disease has not been clearly established. To assess efficacy of a pure endoscopic approach for treatment of Cushing disease and determine predictors of remission. A prospectively acquired database of 61 patients undergoing ETS was reviewed. Remission was defined as postoperative morning serum cortisol of Cushing [100%], macroadenomas [87%]). At 2- to 3-month evaluations, 45 of 49 patients (91.8%) were in remission. Fifty patients were followed for at least 12 months (mean, 28 months; range, 12-72). Forty-two (84%) achieved remission from a single ETS. In these patients, there was no significant difference in remission rates between microadenomas (93%), magnetic resonance imaging-negative (70%), and macroadenomas (77%). Patients with history of previous surgery (n = 14, 23%) were 9 times less likely to achieve follow-up remission (P = .021). In-house cortisol level of Cushing disease provides high rates of remission with low rates of complications regardless of size. Although patients with a history of previous surgery are less likely to achieve remission, the majority can still achieve remission following treatment.

  16. Private Schools and Public Benefit: Fees, Fee Remissions, and Subsidies (United States)

    Davies, Peter


    The level of fee remissions offered by private schools bears upon the scope for relying on private schools to provide public benefit. Analyses of education voucher systems have generally ignored the possibility that they will partially crowd out school-financed fee remissions. Moreover, variation in fee remissions between private schools may be…

  17. A framework for remission in SLE : Consensus findings from a large international task force on definitions of remission in SLE (DORIS)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vollenhoven, Ronald F.; Voskuyl, Alexandre E.; Bertsias, George K.; Aranow, Cynthia; Aringer, Martin; Arnaud, Laurent; Askanase, Anca; Balazova, Petra; Bonfa, Eloisa; Bootsma, Hendrika; Boumpas, Dimitrios T.; Bruce, Ian N.; Cervera, Ricard; Clarke, Ann; Coney, Cindy; Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie; Czirjak, Laszlo; Derksen, Ronald; Doria, Andrea; Doerner, Thomas; Fischer-Betz, Rebecca; Fritsch-Stork, Ruth; Gordon, Caroline; Graninger, Winfried; Gyori, Noemi; Houssiau, Frederic A.; Isenberg, David A.; Jacobsen, Soren; Jayne, David; Kuhn, Annegret; Le Guern, Veronique; Lerstrom, Kirsten; Levy, Roger; Machado-Ribeiro, Francinne; Mariette, Xavier; Missaykeh, Jamil; Morand, Eric; Mosca, Marta; Inanc, Murat; Navarra, Sandra; Neumann, Irmgard; Olesinska, Marzena; Petri, Michelle; Rahman, Anisur; Rekvig, Ole Petter; Rovensky, Jozef; Shoenfeld, Yehuda; Smolen, Josef S.; Tincani, Angela; Urowitz, Murray; van Leeuw, Bernadette; Vasconcelos, Carlos; Voss, Anne; Werth, Victoria P.; Zakharova, Helena; Zoma, Asad; Schneider, Matthias; Ward, Michael

    Objectives Treat-to-target recommendations have identified `remission' as a target in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but recognise that there is no universally accepted definition for this. Therefore, we initiated a process to achieve consensus on potential definitions for remission in SLE.

  18. Intractable seizures after a lengthy remission in childhood-onset epilepsy. (United States)

    Camfield, Peter R; Camfield, Carol S


    To establish the risk of subsequent intractable epilepsy after ≥2, ≥5, and ≥10 years of remission in childhood-onset epilepsy. From the Nova Scotia childhood-onset epilepsy population-based cohort patients with all types of epilepsy were selected with ≥20 years follow-up from seizure onset (incidence cases). Children with childhood absence epilepsy were excluded. The rate of subsequent intractable epilepsy was then studied for patients with ≥5 years remission on or off AED treatment and compared with the rate for those with ≥2 and ≥10 years of remission. Three hundred eighty-eight eligible patients had ≥20 years follow-up (average 27.7 ± (standard deviation) 4 years) until they were an average of 34 ± 6.5 years of age. Overall, 297 (77%) had a period of ≥5 years of seizure freedom (average 21.2 ± 8 years), with 90% of these remissions continuing to the end of follow-up. Seizures recurred in 31 (10%) and were intractable in 7 (2%). For the 332 with a remission of ≥2 years seizure-free, 6.9% subsequently developed intractable epilepsy (p = 0.001). For the 260 with ≥10 years remission, 0.78% subsequently developed intractable epilepsy (p = 0.25 compared with ≥5 years remission). Even after ≥5 or ≥10 years of seizure freedom, childhood-onset epilepsy may reappear and be intractable. The risk is fortunately small, but for most patients it is not possible to guarantee a permanent remission. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 International League Against Epilepsy.

  19. Achieving symptomatic remission in out-patients with schizophrenia--a naturalistic study with quetiapine. (United States)

    Wobrock, T; Köhler, J; Klein, P; Falkai, P


    Symptomatic remission was defined as a score of mild or less on each of eight key schizophrenia symptoms on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS-8). To evaluate the symptomatic remission criterion in clinical practice and to determine predictors for achieving symptomatic remission, a 12-week non-interventional study (NIS) with quetiapine was conducted in Germany. For the comparison of patients with and without symptomatic remission, sociodemographic and clinical variables of 693 patients were analyzed by logistic regression for their predictive value to achieve remission. Four hundred and four patients (58.3%) achieved symptomatic remission after 12 weeks' treatment with quetiapine. Remission was significantly predicted by a low degree of PANSS-8 total score, PANSS single items blunted affect (N1), social withdrawal (N4), lack of spontaneity (N6), mannerism and posturing (G5), and low disease severity (CGI-S) at baseline. Predictors of non-remission were older age, diagnosis of schizophrenic residuum, multiple previous episodes, longer duration of current episode, presence of concomitant diseases, and alcohol abuse. This study demonstrated that the majority of schizophrenia out-patients achieved symptomatic remission after 12 weeks treatment and confirms the importance of managing negative symptoms in order to achieve disease remission.

  20. Seguimento do estado de remissão de crianças com artrite idiopática juvenil Remission status follow-up in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taciana A. P. Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a atividade inflamatória articular e sistêmica na artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ, determinando o estado de remissão com e sem uso de medicação. MÉTODOS: Um total de 165 casos de AIJ, acompanhados em média por 3,6 anos, foram revisados para caracterização de episódios de inatividade, remissão clínica com e sem medicação. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, análise de sobrevida, comparação das curvas de Kaplan-Meier, teste de log rank e análise de regressão logística binária para determinação de fatores preditivos para a remissão ou atividade persistente. RESULTADOS: Dos casos revisados, 108 preencheram os critérios de inclusão: 57 pacientes (52,7% apresentaram um total de 71 episódios de inatividade, com 2,9 anos em média para cada episódio; 36 episódios (50,7% de inatividade resultaram em remissão clínica sem medicação, sendo 35% do subtipo oligoarticular persistente. A probabilidade de remissão clínica com medicação em 2 anos foi de 81, 82, 97 e 83% para casos de AIJ oligoarticular persistente, oligoarticular estendida, poliarticular e sistêmica, respectivamente. A probabilidade de remissão clínica sem medicação em 5 anos após o início da remissão foi de 40 e 67% para pacientes com AIJ oligoarticular persistente e sistêmica, respectivamente. Houve associação significante da atividade persistente com o uso combinado de medicações para artrite. A idade de início da AIJ foi o único fator preditivo para remissão clínica (p = 0,002. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta coorte, a probabilidade da AIJ evoluir para remissão clínica foi maior nos subtipos oligoarticular persistente e sistêmico, comparados ao curso poliarticular.OBJECTIVE: To characterize articular and systemic inflammatory activity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA, identifying remission status with and without medication. METHODS: A total of 165 JIA cases, followed for a mean period

  1. Prognosis of Preschool Eczema and Factors of Importance for Remission. (United States)

    Johansson, Emma Kristin; Bergström, Anna; Kull, Inger; Lind, Tomas; Söderhäll, Cilla; Melén, Erik; Asad, Samina; Bradley, Maria; Liedén, Agne; Ballardini, Natalia; Wahlgren, Carl-Fredrik


    Information on factors of importance for remission of eczema is scarce. This study explored factors related to the remission and course of preschool eczema (eczema at 1, 2 and/or 4 years of age) to 16 years of age (n = 889) in a Swedish cohort. Half of the children were in complete remission by school age. In multivariate prognostic models, persistent preschool eczema (eczema at 1, 2 and 4 years of age) (odds ratio 0.27 (95% confidence interval 0.18-0.41)), preschool eczema with sleep disturbance (due to itch at least once a week at 1, 2 and/or 4 years of age) (0.59 (0.43-0.81)), parental allergy (0.73 (0.55-0.96)), parental smoking at child's birth (0.70 (0.50-0.99)) and filaggrin mutation (R501X, R2447X, 2282del4) (0.47 (0.26-0.85)) were inversely associated with complete remission by school age. Male sex (1.37 (1.03-1.82)) and exclusive breastfeeding ≥4 months (1.44 (1.01-2.05)) were positively associated with complete remission by school age. In conclusion, half of the children with preschool eczema were in complete remission by school age. The most important prognostic factors were persistent preschool eczema and preschool eczema with sleep disturbance due to itch.

  2. Can mumps vaccine induce remission in recurrent respiratory papilloma? (United States)

    Pashley, Nigel R T


    To describe our experience using laser excision and locally injected mumps vaccine to induce remission in patients with recurrent respiratory papilloma (RRP). Tertiary care regional medical center. Initially, 11 children with RRP treated in a pilot study with laser excision at regular intervals for at least a year without adjuvant therapy; later, a series of 18 children and 20 adults with RRP, some of whom had used various adjuvant therapy with interval laser excision. Both patient groups continued their same interval laser excision with the same or similar laser, same clinical setting, and same surgeon. Locally injected mumps vaccine was then administered into the excision site after each laser removal of papilloma. Larynx and trachea were microphotographed with each treatment. Two consecutive disease-free intervals and a follow-up of at least 1 year were required criteria for remission. In the pilot study, remission was induced in 9 (82%) of 11 patients by 1 to 10 injections, with follow-up of 5 to 19 years. In the subsequent series, remission was induced in 29 (76%) of 38 patients by 4 to 26 injections, and follow-up was 2 to 5 years. Combined with serial laser excision, mumps vaccine positively influences induction of remission in children with RRP. The mechanisms of this effect are unclear, but the treatment is readily available, inexpensive, and has a low risk of adverse effects.

  3. Factors associated with failure to achieve remission and with relapse after remission in patients with major depressive disorder in the PERFORM study. (United States)

    Saragoussi, Delphine; Touya, Maëlys; Haro, Josep Maria; Jönsson, Bengt; Knapp, Martin; Botrel, Bastien; Florea, Ioana; Loft, Henrik; Rive, Benoît


    The Prospective Epidemiological Research on Functioning Outcomes Related to Major Depressive Disorder (PERFORM) study has been initiated to better understand the course of a depressive episode and its impact on patient functioning. This analysis aimed to identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with failure to achieve remission at month 2 after initiating or switching antidepressant monotherapy and with subsequent relapse at month 6 for patients in remission at month 2. This was a 2-year observational cohort study in 1,159 outpatients aged 18-65 years with major depressive disorder initiating or undergoing the first switch of antidepressant monotherapy. Factors with P 8 weeks (OR 0.51), being in psychotherapy (OR 0.51), sexual dysfunction (OR 0.62), and severity of depression (OR 0.87). Factors significantly associated with relapse at month 6 were male sex (OR 2.47), being married or living as a couple (OR 2.73), residual patient-reported cognitive symptoms at 2 months (OR 1.12 per additional unit of Perceived Deficit Questionnaire-5 score) and residual depressive symptoms at 2 months (OR 1.27 per additional unit of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 score). Different factors appear to be associated with failure to achieve remission in patients with major depressive disorder and with subsequent relapse in patients who do achieve remission. Patient-reported cognitive dysfunction is an easily measurable and treatable characteristic that may be associated with an increased likelihood of relapse at 6 months in patients who have achieved remission.

  4. Duration of post-operative hypocortisolism predicts sustained remission after pituitary surgery for Cushing’s disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prachi Bansal


    Full Text Available Purpose: Transsphenoidal surgery (TSS is the primary treatment modality for Cushing’s disease (CD. However, the predictors of post-operative remission and recurrence remain debatable. Thus, we studied the post-operative remission and long-term recurrence rates, as well as their respective predictive factors. Methods: A retrospective analysis of case records of 230 CD patients who underwent primary microscopic TSS at our tertiary care referral centre between 1987 and 2015 was undertaken. Demographic features, pre- and post-operative hormonal values, MRI findings, histopathological features and follow-up data were recorded. Remission and recurrence rates as well as their respective predictive factors were studied. Results: Overall, the post-operative remission rate was 65.6% (early remission 46%; delayed remission 19.6%, while the recurrence rate was 41% at mean follow-up of 74 ± 61.1 months (12–270 months. Significantly higher early remission rates were observed in patients with microadenoma vs macroadenoma (51.7% vs 30.6%, P = 0.005 and those with unequivocal vs equivocal MRI for microadenoma (55.8% vs 38.5%, P = 0.007. Patients with invasive macroadenoma had poorer (4.5% vs 45%, P = 0.001 remission rates. Recurrence rates were higher in patients with delayed remission than those with early remission (61.5% vs 30.8%, P = 0.001. Duration of post-operative hypocortisolemia ≥13 months predicted sustained remission with 100% specificity and 46.4% sensitivity. Recurrence could be detected significantly earlier (27.7 vs 69.2 months, P < 0.001 in patients with available serial follow-up biochemistry as compared to those with infrequent follow-up after remission. Conclusion: In our study, remission and recurrence rates were similar to that of reported literature, but proportion of delayed remission was relatively higher. Negative/equivocal MRI findings and presence of macroadenoma, especially those with cavernous sinus invasion were

  5. Udvikling af antistoffer efter vaccination mod og podning med PRRSV

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonne Kristensen, Charlotte; Qvist Pawlowski, Mia; Thoning, Henrik

    konkludere, at det er muligt at vaccinere med begge PRRS vacciner på samme tid og opnå antistofsvar for begge typer PRRSV. Husk dog altid at give forskellige vacciner i hver sin side af nakken. Blodprøver fra grisene viste, at de havde dannet antistoffer og blev positive i ELISA-testen for PRRSV Type 1 21......-US samt IPT testene. Disse tests kan dog ikke skelne ”eksotiske” PRRSV subtyper fra de almindelige cirkulerende PRRSV subtyper i Danmark. Forsøget blev gennemført på Lindholm. Der indgik 66 grise fra en Blå SPF+Ap6+Ap12 besætning. Grisene blev ved ankomst fordelt i 4 grupper (VAC-T1, VAC-T2, VAC-T1T2 og...... NON-VAC): VAC-T1 blev vaccineret med Porcilis ® PRRS VET VAC-T2 blev vaccineret med Ingelvac ® PRRS VET VAC-T1T2 fik begge vacciner samtidig i hver sin side af nakken NON-VAC blev ikke vaccineret. Grisene blev gennem hele forsøget observeret dagligt. De fik taget temperatur den første uge efter...

  6. 19 CFR 351.519 - Remission or drawback of import charges upon export. (United States)


    ... export. 351.519 Section 351.519 Customs Duties INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE... Remission or drawback of import charges upon export. (a) Benefit—(1) In general. The term “remission or... import charges. In the case of the remission or drawback of import charges upon export, a benefit exists...

  7. Factors associated with sustained remission in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Martire, María Victoria; Marino Claverie, Lucila; Duarte, Vanesa; Secco, Anastasia; Mammani, Marta


    To find out the factors that are associated with sustained remission measured by DAS28 and boolean ACR EULAR 2011 criteria at the time of diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Medical records of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in sustained remission according to DAS28 were reviewed. They were compared with patients who did not achieved values of DAS28<2.6 in any visit during the first 3 years after diagnosis. We also evaluated if patients achieved the boolean ACR/EULAR criteria. Variables analyzed: sex, age, smoking, comorbidities, rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP, ESR, CRP, erosions, HAQ, DAS28, extra-articular manifestations, time to initiation of treatment, involvement of large joints, number of tender joints, number of swollen joints, pharmacological treatment. Forty five patients that achieved sustained remission were compared with 44 controls. The variables present at diagnosis that significantly were associated with remission by DAS28 were: lower values of DAS28, HAQ, ESR, NTJ, NSJ, negative CRP, absence of erosions, male sex and absence of involvement of large joints. Only 24.71% achieved the boolean criteria. The variables associated with sustained remission by these criteria were: lower values of DAS28, HAQ, ESR, number of tender joints and number of swollen joints, negative CRP and absence of erosions. The factors associated with sustained remission were the lower baseline disease activity, the low degree of functional disability and lower joint involvement. We consider it important to recognize these factors to optimize treatment. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Rehabilitering efter dekompression och diskoperation - framställandet av en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning : Ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus


    Nyberg, Jasmina


    Examensarbetet är ett praktiskt inriktat examensarbete med fokus på rehabiliteringen efter en dekompressions- och diskoperation. Det är ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus med syftet att framställa en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning. Önskemål från uppdragsgivare var att utforma en tydlig patientanvisning för ryggopererade bestående av skriftliga instruktioner angående postoperativ rehabilitering i form av vardagliga aktiviteter, fysisk aktivitet, ryggens viloställningar, vi...

  9. A remissão em esquizofrenia é possível?




    CONTEXTO: O conceito de remissão já está bem definido em algumas patologias psiquiátricas, como é o caso do transtorno depressivo, porém só recentemente foi proposto um critério para esquizofrenia. OBJETIVO: Revisar o novo conceito de remissão em esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura usando o PubMed. RESULTADOS: Os conceitos de resposta, remissão, estabilidade e recuperação são amplamente discutidos neste artigo, bem como os itens das escalas utilizados para definição. CONCLUSÃO: O con...

  10. [Project REMISSION(PLUS): clinical and radiological remission : new treatment goals in the management of rheumatoid arthritis]. (United States)

    Ostendorf, B; Scherer, A; Kellner, H; Backhaus, M


    In a large number of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), chronic inflammatory processes cause joint changes and loss of function even in the early stages of disease. Early, targeted use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs [DMARDs and TNF-alpha blockers ("biologicals")] can significantly reduce the risk of aggressive progression and irreversible joint damage. Hence, early identification of disease-specific processes of joint inflammation and erosion - at the onset of disease or later - is of key importance for the patient's prognosis and therapeutic strategy. This can be achieved today with great precision and reliability through the use of modern imaging methods like arthrosonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The REMISSION(PLUS) initiative aspire to integrate modern imaging technologies as standard methods in the care and management of RA patients. The main areas on which this initiative will be focusing are the conceptualization and implementation of educational programs and training seminars on sonography and MRI, the development and establishment of case report forms for standardized documentation of findings, and the systematic monitoring of patients on treatment, with the aim of producing very precise documentation of structural change processes in RA and also, if possible, to document radiological remission or even progression. The REMISSION(PLUS) project also includes the setting up of specialized centers of excellence, which will network to support the implementation and access to the various imaging procedures at hospitals, rheumatology clinics and rheumatology practices nationwide.

  11. Efficacy of Remission-Induction Regimens for ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (United States)

    Specks, Ulrich; Merkel, Peter A.; Seo, Philip; Spiera, Robert; Langford, Carol A.; Hoffman, Gary S.; Kallenberg, Cees G.M.; St. Clair, E. William; Fessler, Barri J.; Ding, Linna; Viviano, Lisa; Tchao, Nadia K.; Phippard, Deborah J.; Asare, Adam L.; Lim, Noha; Ikle, David; Jepson, Brett; Brunetta, Paul; Allen, Nancy B.; Fervenza, Fernando C.; Geetha, Duvuru; Keogh, Karina; Kissin, Eugene Y.; Monach, Paul A.; Peikert, Tobias; Stegeman, Coen; Ytterberg, Steven R.; Mueller, Mark; Sejismundo, Lourdes P.; Mieras, Kathleen; Stone, John H.


    Background The 18-month efficacy of a single course of rituximab as compared with conventional immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide followed by azathioprine in patients with severe (organ-threatening) antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)–associated vasculitis is unknown. Methods In a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, noninferiority trial, we compared rituximab (375 mg per square meter of body-surface area administered once a week for 4 weeks) followed by placebo with cyclophosphamide administered for 3 to 6 months followed by azathioprine for 12 to 15 months. The primary outcome measure was complete remission of disease by 6 months, with the remission maintained through 18 months. Results A total of 197 patients were enrolled. As reported previously, 64% of the patients in the rituximab group, as compared with 53% of the patients in the cyclophosphamide–azathioprine group, had a complete remission by 6 months. At 12 and 18 months, 48% and 39%, respectively, of the patients in the rituximab group had maintained the complete remissions, as compared with 39% and 33%, respectively, in the comparison group. Rituximab met the prespecified criteria for noninferiority (P<0.001, with a noninferiority margin of 20%). There was no significant difference between the groups in any efficacy measure, including the duration of complete remission and the frequency or severity of relapses. Among the 101 patients who had relapsing disease at baseline, rituximab was superior to conventional immunosuppression at 6 months (P = 0.01) and at 12 months (P = 0.009) but not at 18 months (P = 0.06), at which time most patients in the rituximab group had reconstituted B cells. There was no significant between-group difference in adverse events. Conclusions In patients with severe ANCA-associated vasculitis, a single course of rituximab was as effective as continuous conventional immunosuppressive therapy for the induction and maintenance of remissions over the

  12. Utility of baseline serum phosphorus levels for predicting remission in acromegaly patients. (United States)

    Yalin, G Y; Tanrikulu, S; Gul, N; Uzum, A K; Aral, F; Tanakol, R


    High GH and IGF I levels increase tubular phosphate reabsorption in patients with acromegaly. We aimed to investigate the utility of serum phosphorus levels as an indicator for predicting chance of remission in acromegaly patients. Fifty-one patients (n: 51; F: 24, M: 27) with diagnosis of acromegaly were included in the study. Plasma IGF-1, Phosphorus (P) and nadir GH levels on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at the time of diagnosis were analysed retrospectively. Patients were classified into two groups according to their plasma P levels; P ≤ 4.5 mg/dl (Group-1, n: 23, 45.1%), P > 4.5 mg/dl (Group-2, n: 28, 54.9%). Two groups were compared according to remission status; remission (n: 27) and non-remission (n: 24). Remission was defined with absence of clinical symptoms, normal plasma IGF-1 (adjusted for age and gender) and GH levels (acromegaly patients. Further studies with wider spectrum are needed to make specific suggestions.

  13. Interepisodic Functioning in Patients with Bipolar Disorder in Remission


    Wesley, Mareena Susan; Manjula, M.; Thirthalli, Jagadisha


    Background and Objectives: Patients with bipolar disorder (BD), despite recovering symptomatically, suffer from several functional impairments even in remission. The actual causes of impaired functioning are less known. Materials and Methods: The study aimed to examine the clinical and psychosocial determinants of functioning in patients with BD in remission. A cross-sectional single-group design was adopted (n = 150). Participants meeting the study criteria were screened with Mini-Internatio...

  14. Justice In Granting Remission For Corruption Prisoners A Review Of Indonesian Criminal Justice System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Abstract Prisoners are entitled to have a reduction in criminal past remission as stipulated in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System still being debated to this day. This research reviews the essence of the implementation of the substantive law in granting remission against inmate corruption cases from the perspective of public and individual interests. The type of research used in this paper is socio-legal research reviewing remission policy from the perspective of the criminal law system with philosophical and statute approach. The outcomes of the research indicate that the implementation of granting remission for corruption prisoners does not provide justice both procedural and substantive does not provide legal expediency and arising imbalance of justice for individuals communities and countries. The need to implement remissions with impartial justice for corruption prisoners in granting remission to be useful for individuals communities and countries.

  15. Remission of screen-detected metabolic syndrome and its determinants: an observational study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    den Engelsen Corine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Early detection and treatment of the metabolic syndrome may prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Our aim was to assess remission of the metabolic syndrome and its determinants after a population based screening without predefined intervention in the Netherlands. Methods In 2006 we detected 406 metabolic syndrome cases (The National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III definition among apparently healthy individuals with an increased waist circumference. They received usual care in a primary care setting. After three years metabolic syndrome status was re-measured. We evaluated which baseline determinants were independently associated with remission. Results The remission rate among the 194 participants was 53%. Baseline determinants independently associated with a remission were the presence of more than three metabolic syndrome components (OR 0.46 and higher levels of waist circumference (OR 0.91, blood pressure (OR 0.98 and fasting glucose (OR 0.60. Conclusions In a population with screen-detected metabolic syndrome receiving usual care, more than half of the participants achieved a remission after three years. This positive result after a relatively simple strategy provides a solid basis for a nation-wide implementation. Not so much socio-demographic variables but a higher number and level of the metabolic syndrome components were predictors of a lower chance of remission. In such cases, primary care physicians should be extra alert.

  16. Gruppebaseret behandling af BED - et faseopdelt behandlingstilbud

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laust, Jakob; Lau, Marianne Engelbrecht; Waaddegaard, Mette


    konsekvenser. BED blev i 2013 optaget i DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) som en selvstændig diagnose og BED forventes medtaget i den forestående revision af det internationale diagnose system, ICD-11. Sundhedsstyrelsen gav på denne baggrund satspuljemidler til erfaringsopsamling...... EDE-Q: 1,7 og ved EDI: 1,5), ligesom de generelle psykiske symptomer blev mindsket i høj grad (effectsize ved WHO-5: 1,0 og ved GSI meanscore: 0,8). I alt 82 % opfyldte før behandlingens start DSM-4’s diagnostiske kriterier for BED mod 11,5 % efter behandling. 52 % fik fuld remission (ingen...... accept af og tilfredshed med behandlingen. Der var stor effekt på antal overspisninger. Før behandling havde patienterne gennemsnitligt 23,7 overspisninger pr. mdr. mod 2,3 efter behandling (effect size: 5,4). Udbyttet i forhold til den samlede spiseforstyrrelsessymptomatologi var høj (effect size ved...

  17. Factors associated with failure to achieve remission and with relapse after remission in patients with major depressive disorder in the PERFORM study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saragoussi D


    Full Text Available Delphine Saragoussi,1 Maëlys Touya,2 Josep Maria Haro,3 Bengt Jönsson,4 Martin Knapp,5 Bastien Botrel,6 Ioana Florea,7 Henrik Loft,8 Benoît Rive9 1Real-World Evidence and Epidemiology, Lundbeck SAS, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France; 2Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Lundbeck, Deerfield, IL, US; 3Research and Teaching Unit, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu, CIBERSAM, University of Barcelona, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain; 4Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden; 5Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK; 6Biostatistics, Inferential, Paris, France; 7Clinical Research Paediatrics, H. Lundbeck A/S, Valby, Denmark; 8Biometrics, H. Lundbeck A/S, Valby, Denmark; 9Global Analytics, Lundbeck SAS, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France Background: The Prospective Epidemiological Research on Functioning Outcomes Related to Major Depressive Disorder (PERFORM study has been initiated to better understand the course of a depressive episode and its impact on patient functioning. This analysis aimed to identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with failure to achieve remission at month 2 after initiating or switching antidepressant monotherapy and with subsequent relapse at month 6 for patients in remission at month 2. Materials and methods: This was a 2-year observational cohort study in 1,159 outpatients aged 18–65 years with major depressive disorder initiating or undergoing the first switch of antidepressant monotherapy. Factors with P<0.20 in univariate logistic regression analyses were combined in a multiple logistic regression model to which backward variable selection was applied (ie, sequential removal of the least significant variable from the model and recomputation of the model until all remaining variables have P<0.05. Results: Baseline factors significantly associated with lower odds of remission at month 2 were body-mass index ≥30 kg/m2 (OR 0

  18. Magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist in defining remission of rheumatoid arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.; Lee, S.; Suh, J.; Yoon, M.; Song, J.; Lee, C.


    MRI is feasible for objectively defining remission and assessing the therapeutic effect of anti-rheumatic drugs ( methotrexate and hydroxy-chloroquine); utility of MRI measures in clinical remissions criteria remains to be verified. (N.C.)

  19. Remission and rheumatoid arthritis: Data on patients receiving usual care in twenty-four countries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sokka, Tuulikki; Hetland, Merete Lund; Mäkinen, Heidi


    and lowest remission rates was >/=15% in 10 countries, 5-14% in 7 countries, and generally low remission rates [definition of remission, male sex, higher education, shorter disease duration, smaller number of comorbidities, and regular......OBJECTIVE: To compare the performance of different definitions of remission in a large multinational cross-sectional cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: The Questionnaires in Standard Monitoring of Patients with RA (QUEST-RA) database, which (as of January 2008) included 5......,848 patients receiving usual care at 67 sites in 24 countries, was used for this study. Patients were clinically assessed by rheumatologists and completed a 4-page self-report questionnaire. The database was analyzed according to the following definitions of remission: American College of Rheumatology (ACR...

  20. Synovial features of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis in clinical and ultrasound remission differ under anti-TNF therapy: a clue to interpret different chances of relapse after clinical remission? (United States)

    Alivernini, Stefano; Tolusso, Barbara; Petricca, Luca; Bui, Laura; Di Sante, Gabriele; Peluso, Giusy; Benvenuto, Roberta; Fedele, Anna Laura; Federico, Franco; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco; Gremese, Elisa


    To define the synovial characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in clinical and ultrasound remission achieved by combination therapy with methotrexate (MTX) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) blockers. Patients with RA in remission (n=25) (disease activity score (DAS)<1.6 for at least 6 months), patients with RA in low disease activity (LDA) (n=10) (1.6remission (n=18) (DAS<1.6 and Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI)=0 for at least 6 months) achieved by MTX+anti-TNF (adalimumab 40 mg or etanercept 50 mg) with power Doppler (PDUS)-negative synovial hypertrophy underwent synovial tissue biopsy. Patients with RA with high/moderate disease naïve to treatment (n=50) were included as a comparison group. Immunostaining for cluster designation (CD)68, CD21, CD20, CD3, CD31 and collagen was performed. PDUS-negative patients with RA in remission showed lower histological scores for synovial CD68 + , CD20 + , CD3 + cells and CD31 + vessels and collagen deposition (p<0.05 for both lining and sublining) compared with PDUS-positive patients with RA with high/moderate disease. In addition, there was no significant difference in terms of lining and sublining CD68 + , CD20 + , CD3 + , CD31 + cells and collagen comparing PDUS-negative patients with RA in remission and in LDA, respectively. On the contrary, PDUS-negative patients with PsA in remission showed higher histological scores for sublining CD68 + (p=0.02) and CD3 + cells (p=0.04) as well as CD31 + vessels (p<0.001) than PDUS-negative patients with RA in remission. PDUS-negative patients with RA in remission have comparable synovial histological features than PDUS-negative patients with RA in LDA. However, patients with PsA in remission are characterised by a higher degree of residual synovial inflammation than patients with RA in remission, despite PDUS negativity under TNF inhibition. Published by the BMJ

  1. [Symptomatic remission and its relationship to social functioning in Tunisian out-patients with schizophrenia]. (United States)

    El Gharbi, I; Chhoumi, M; Mechri, A


    The concept of symptomatic and functional remission represents an important challenge in the care of the mentally ill, particularly in patients with schizophrenia. Operational criteria for symptomatic remission in schizophrenia have been proposed by Andreasen et al. (2005). Over the last decade, these criteria have been widely validated; however few studies have been conducted outside developed countries. Moreover, the association of symptomatic remission with functional outcome has not yet been established in developing countries including Tunisia, as there may be variability in the social and familial environment. To determine the frequency and associated factors of symptomatic remission in a sample of Tunisian out-patients with schizophrenia and to explore the relationship between symptomatic remission and some indicators of social functioning. A cross-sectional study was carried-out on 115 out-patients with schizophrenia (87 males, 28 females, mean age=37.56±10.2 years) in the psychiatry department of the university hospital in Monastir (Tunisia). Nearly all of the patients (98.26%) had been hospitalized at least once in a psychiatric unit. The last hospitalization dated back to 39 months on average (range=6 months to 16 years). Symptomatic remission was assessed by the eight core items of the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS). These are the items P1 "Delusions"; P3 "Hallucinatory behavior" and G9 "Unusual thought content" for the positive dimension, the items P2 "Conceptual disorganization" and G5 "Mannerism and disorders of posture" for the disorganization dimension and the items N1 "Blunted affect", N4 "Social withdrawal" and N6 "Lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation" for the negative dimension. A score of mild or less on all eight-core symptoms constitutes symptomatic remission. This symptom level should have been maintained for six months. The social functioning was assessed by the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale

  2. Nonremission and time to remission among remitters in major depressive disorder: Revisiting STAR*D. (United States)

    Mojtabai, Ramin


    Some individuals with major depressive disorder do not experience a remission even after one or more adequate treatment trials. In some others who experience remission, it happens at variable times. This study sought to estimate the prevalence of nonremission in a large sample of patient participating in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial and to identify correlates of nonremission and time to remission among remitters. Using data from 3,606 participants of STAR*D, the study used cure regression modeling to estimate nonremission and jointly model correlates of nonremission and time to remission among the remitters. Overall, 14.7% of the STAR*D participants were estimated to be nonremitters. Among remitters, the rate of remission declined over time. Greater severity, poorer physical health, and poor adherence with treatments were associated with both nonremission and a longer time to remission among the remitters in multivariable analyses, whereas unemployment, not having higher education, and longer duration of current episode were uniquely associated with nonremission; whereas, treatment in specialty mental health settings, poorer mental health functioning, and greater impairment in role functioning with a longer time to remission among remitters. Poor treatment adherence and poor physical health appear to be common risk factors for both nonremission and longer time to remission, highlighting the importance of integrated care models that address both medical and mental healthcare needs and interventions aimed at improving treatment adherence. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Miniaturized remission sensor for carbon dioxide detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martan, T; Will, M


    Recently, optical sensors for detection of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) have been explored for variety of applications in chemistry, industry, and medicine. This paper deals with the development of a planar optical remission sensor employing a dye immobilized in a polymer layer designed for gaseous CO 2 detection. The principle of CO 2 detection was based on colour changes of Tetraethylammonium Cresol red immobilized in a special composed polymer layer that was irradiated by LED diodes. Absorption properties of the dye were changed due to its chemical reaction with CO 2 and corresponding colour changes were detected by PIN diodes. These changes were analyzed by using a PC-controlled board connected by USB. The sensitivity, response time, and the detection limit of the remission sensor were characterized.

  4. [Clinical features of depression in the remission phase of paranoid schizophrenia]. (United States)

    Petrova, N N; Vishnevskaya, O A


    Phenomenological and pathogenetic features of depression developed in the remission phase of paranoid schizophrenia were studied in 75 patients (mean age 44.9±1.22 years). Depression was diagnosed in 58.7% patients. It has been shown that the psychopathological structure of depression was not homogenous and 63.6% cases were atypical. In 25% patients, depressive disorders were psychogenic. Depression concomitant with anxiety disorders was most common. Depression in the phase of remission developed most often in female patients older than 39 years and in male patients younger than 39 years. Cognitive function was not impaired in patients with depression in the remission phase of paranoid schizophrenia.

  5. Remission of Grave's disease after oral anti-thyroid drug treatment. (United States)

    Ishtiaq, Osama; Waseem, Sabiha; Haque, M Naeemul; Islam, Najmul; Jabbar, Abdul


    To evaluate remission rate of anti-thyroid drug treatment in patients with Grave's disease, and to study the factors associated with remission. A cross sectional study. The Endocrine Department of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from 1999 to 2000. Seventy four patients of Grave's disease were recruited who were prescribed medical treatment. Grave's disease was diagnosed in the presence of clinical and biochemical hyperthyroidism along with anti-microsomal (AMA) and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (ATA) and thyroid scan. These patients were prescribed oral anti-thyroid drugs using titration regime and followed at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. Patients were categorized into two groups: "remission group" and "treatment failure group" and results were compared using a chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression model with significance at p disease on initial presentation.

  6. Paternal alcoholism predicts the occurrence but not the remission of alcoholic drinking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knop, J; Penick, E C; Nickel, E J


    OBJECTIVE: To test the effects of father's alcoholism on the development and remission from alcoholic drinking by age 40. METHOD: Subjects were selected from a Danish birth cohort that included 223 sons of alcoholic fathers (high risk; HR) and 106 matched controls (low risk; LR). Clinical...... examinations were performed at age 40 (n = 202) by a psychiatrist using structured interviews and DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria. RESULTS: HR subjects were significantly more likely than LR subjects to develop alcohol dependence (31% vs. 16%), but not alcohol abuse (17% vs. 15%). More subjects with alcohol...... abuse were in remission at age 40 than subjects with alcohol dependence. Risk did not predict remission from either alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. CONCLUSION: Familial influences may play a stronger role in the development of alcoholism than in the remission or recovery from alcoholism....

  7. Factors associated with remission of eczema in children: a population-based follow-up study. (United States)

    von Kobyletzki, Laura B; Bornehag, Carl-Gustaf; Breeze, Elizabeth; Larsson, Malin; Lindström, Cecilia Boman; Svensson, Åke


    The aim of this study was to analyse factors associated with remission of atopic dermatitis (AD) in childhood. A population-based AD cohort of 894 children aged 1-3 years from a cross-sectional baseline study in 2000 was followed up in 2005. The association between remission, background, health, lifestyle, and environmental variables was estimated with crude and multivariable logistic regression. At follow-up, 52% of the children had remission. Independent factors at baseline predicting remission were: milder eczema (adjusted odds ratio (aOR), 1.43; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.16-1.77); later onset of eczema (aOR 1.40; 95% CI 1.08-1.80); non-flexural eczema (aOR 2.57; 95% CI 1.62-4.09); no food allergy (aOR 1.51; 95% CI 1.11-2.04), and rural living (aOR 1.48; 95% CI 1.07-2.05). Certain aspects of AD and rural living were important for remission, but despite the initial hypotheses to the contrary, the environmental factors examined in this paper were not substantial predictors of remission.

  8. Remission of eating disorder during pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ida Ringsborg; Hørder, Kirsten; Støving, René Klinkby


    Eating disorder during pregnancy is associated with a diversity of adverse outcomes and is of potential danger to both mother and child. There is, however, a tendency for remission of the eating disorder during pregnancy with improvement of symptoms such as restrictive dieting, binging and purgin...

  9. [Predictors of long-term remission after transsphenoidal surgery in Cushing's disease]. (United States)

    Abellán Galiana, Pablo; Fajardo Montañana, Carmen; Riesgo Suárez, Pedro Antonio; Gómez Vela, José; Escrivá, Carlos Meseguer; Lillo, Vicente Rovira


    There is no consensus on the remission criteria for Cushing's disease or on the definition of disease recurrence after transsphenoidal surgery, and comparison of the different published series is therefore difficult. A long-term recurrence rate of Cushing's disease ranging from 2%-25% has been reported. Predictors of long-term remission reported include: 1) adenoma-related factors (aggressiveness, size, preoperative identification in MRI), 2) surgery-related factors, mainly neurosurgeon experience, 3) clinical factors, of which dependence on and duration of glucocorticoid treatment are most important, and 4) biochemical factors. Among the latter, low postoperative cortisol levels, less than 2 mcg/dL predict for disease remission. However, even when undetectable plasma cortisol levels are present, long-term recurrence may still occur and lifetime follow-up is required. We report the preliminary results of the first 20 patients with Cushing's disease operated on at our hospital using nadir cortisol levels less than 2 mcg/dl as remission criterion. Copyright © 2012 SEEN. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  10. Radiological, pathological and DNA remission in recurrent metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chan Anthony TC


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Circulating plasma Epstein Barr Virus DNA (EBV-DNA is a sensitive and specific marker of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC. The mainstay of treatment of metastatic NPC is systemic chemotherapy and resection for solitary metastasis. Despite high response rate to chemotherapy, complete remission is uncommonly seen. Case Presentation We report a case of recurrent metastatic NPC in a 43-year-old man, who achieved complete remission three times with chemotherapy and surgery. Serial plasma EBV-DNA levels were measured during the course of disease. The patient had three episodes of recurrences of NPC manifested as distant metastasis. Both time, rise in the plasma EBV-DNA level preceded detection of recurrences by imaging. Following systemic chemotherapy, he achieved complete remission each time, of which was confirmed by 18-flourodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and hepatectomy pathology. The plasma EBV-DNA level dropped to zero copy/ml at the time of each remission. Conclusion This case highlights the high chemosensitivity of NPC by illustrating a rare occurrence of complete response of metastatic NPC to chemotherapy. This case also underscores the usefulness of EBV-DNA as a useful tool in monitoring NPC by its ability to detect early recurrence and excellent correlation with treatment response.

  11. Factors that predict remission of infant atopic dermatitis: a systematic review. (United States)

    von Kobyletzki, Laura; Svensson, Åke; Apfelbacher, Christian; Schmitt, Jochen


    The individual prognosis of infants with atopic dermatitis (AD) is important for parents, healthcare professionals, and society. The aim of this study was to investigate predictors for remission of infant AD until school age. A systematic review was carried out of clinical and epidemiological studies investigating the effect of filaggrin gene (FLG) loss-of-function mutations, sex, exposure to pets, topical anti-inflammatory treatment, disease severity, and atopic sensitization during infancy on complete remission of infant-onset AD until 6-7 years of age. Systematic electronic searches until September 2013, data abstraction, and study quality assessment (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale) were performed. From 3,316 abstracts identified, 2 studies of good study quality were included. Parental allergies and sex did not significantly affect remission. For non-remission of AD, the included articles reported an association with any atopic sensitization at 2 years old (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.76; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.29-5.91), frequent scratching with early AD (aOR 5.86; 95% CI 3.04-11.29), objective severity score at 2 years old (aOR 1.10; 95% CI 1.07-1.14), and exposure to pets (cat OR 2.33; 95% CI 0.85-6.38). It is largely unknown which factors predict remission of infant AD. This is a highly relevant research gap that hinders patient information on the prognosis of infant-onset AD.

  12. Gut-directed hypnotherapy significantly augments clinical remission in quiescent ulcerative colitis (United States)

    Keefer, Laurie; Taft, Tiffany H; Kiebles, Jennifer L; Martinovich, Zoran; Barrett, Terrence A; Palsson, Olafur S


    Summary Background Psychotherapy is not routinely recommended for in ulcerative colitis (UC). Gut-directed hypnotherapy (HYP) has been linked to improved function in the gastrointestinal tract and may operate through immune-mediated pathways in chronic diseases. Aims To determine the feasibility and acceptability of hypnotherapy and estimate the impact of hypnotherapy on clinical remission status over a 1 year period in patients with an historical flare rate of 1.3 times per year. Methods 54 patients were randomized at a single site to 7 sessions of gut-directed hypnotherapy (N = 26) or attention control (CON; N = 29) and followed for 1 year. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants in each condition that had remained clinically asymptomatic (clinical remission) through 52 weeks post-treatment. Results One-way ANOVA comparing hypnotherapy and control subjects on number of days to clinical relapse favored the hypnotherapy condition [F = 4.8 (1, 48), p = .03] by 78 days. Chi square analysis comparing the groups on proportion maintaining remission at 1 year was also significant [X2(1) = 3.9, p = .04], with 68% of hypnotherapy and 40% of control patients maintaining remission for 1 year. There were no significant differences between groups over time in quality of life, medication adherence, perceived stress or psychological factors. Conclusions This is the first prospective study that has demonstrated a significant effect of a psychological intervention on prolonging clinical remission in patients with quiescent UC. Clinical Trial # NCT00798642 PMID:23957526

  13. Remission of Maternal Depression: Relations to Family Functioning and Youth Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms (United States)

    Foster, Cynthia Ewell; Webster, Melissa C.; Weissman, Myrna M.; Pilowsky, Daniel J.; Wickramaratne, Priya J.; Talati, Ardesheer; Rush, A. John; Hughes, Carroll W.; Garber, Judy; Malloy, Erin; Cerda, Gabrielle; Kornstein, Susan G.; Alpert, Jonathan E.; Wisniewski, Stephen R.; Trivedi, Madhukar H.; Fava, Maurizio; King, Cheryl A.


    Family functioning and parenting were hypothesized to mediate the relation between remission of maternal depression and children's psychosocial adjustment. Participants were 114 mother-child dyads participating in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression Child 3-month follow-up. All mothers had been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and were treated initially with citalopram; 33% of mothers experienced remission of depressive symptoms. Youth ranged in age from 7 to 17. Remission of maternal depression was associated with changes in children's reports of their mothers' warmth/acceptance, which in turn partially mediated the relation between maternal depression remission and youth internalizing symptoms, accounting for 22.9% of the variance. PMID:18991123

  14. Pioglitazone could induce remission in major depression: a meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colle R


    Full Text Available Romain Colle,1,* Delphine de Larminat,1,* Samuel Rotenberg,1 Franz Hozer,1 Patrick Hardy,1 Céline Verstuyft,2 Bruno Fève,3,* Emmanuelle Corruble1,* 1Psychiatry Department, Hôpital Bicêtre, INSERM, UMR S1178, University Paris-Sud, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France; 2Molecular Genetic, Pharmacogenetics and Hormonology Department, Hôpital Bicêtre, INSERM UMR_S1184, Centre IMVA, University Paris-Sud, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France; 3Endocrinology Department, INSERM UMR_S938, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Centre de Recherche Saint-Antoine, Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire ICAN, Sorbonne Universités, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France *These authors contributed equally to this work Background: Pioglitazone, a selective agonist of the nuclear transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ, prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, could have antidepressant properties. However, its potential to induce remission of major depressive episodes, the optimal clinical target for an antidepressant drug, is a matter of concern. Indeed, only one out of four double-blind randomized controlled trials show higher remission rates with pioglitazone than with control treatments. Hence, the main aim of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of the efficacy of pioglitazone for the treatment of MDE, focusing on remission rates.Methods: Four double-blind randomized controlled trials, comprising 161 patients with an MDE, were included in this meta-analysis. Pioglitazone was studied either alone (one study or as add-on therapy to conventional treatments (antidepressant drugs or lithium salts. It was compared either to placebo (three studies or to metformin (one study. Remission was defined by a Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score <8 after treatment.Results: Pioglitazone could induce higher remission

  15. Period of remission after treatment with UVA-1 in sclerodermic skin diseases.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kroft, Ilse; Kerkhof, P.C.M. van de; Gerritsen, M.J.P.; Jong, E.M.G.J. de


    BACKGROUND: Sclerodermic skin diseases can cause severe morbidity and disability. UVA-1 has shown to be an effective therapy for sclerodermic skin diseases. However, the period of remission in these patients is not clear. In this study, the effect and remission period of UVA-1 phototherapy in

  16. Apoplexia pituitária seguida de remissão endócrina: relato de dois casos Pituitary apoplexy followed by endocrine remission: report of two cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available A apoplexia pituitária é evento raro e a ocorrência de remissão endócrina em pacientes portadores de tumores secretores é ainda mais incomum. O presente estudo relata os casos de dois pacientes portadores de macroadenomas (um com doença de Cushing e outro com acromegalia nos quais houve remissão endócrina após apoplexia tumoral. A primeira paciente era portadora de doença de Cushing e teve episódio ictal espontâneo de cefaléia e vômitos, após o qual iniciou remissão endócrina. Como houvesse persistência de imagem de macroadenoma à ressonância magnética, a paciente foi submetida a cirurgia transesfenoidal, sendo encontrado apenas cisto hemorrágico hipertensivo, sem sinais de tumor. O segundo paciente apresentava acromegalia e enquanto realizava um teste de LHRH teve evento agudo de cefaléia e vômitos, sem perda visual e instalação de diabetes insipidus. A tomografia computadorizada de sela túrcica mostrou sinais de sangue. Como não houve quadro visual agudo, o paciente foi seguido com exames de imagens seriadas, que demonstraram o desaparecimento completo da lesão e o aparecimento de sela vazia. A avaliação endócrina mostrou remissão da acromegalia. Tendo em vista a tendência à recidiva já documentada na literatura, esses pacientes devem continuar em seguimento a longo prazo.Pituitary apoplexy is rare and endocrine remission in patients with apopletic secreting pituitary adenomas is even rarer. This study reports on two patients with pituitary macroadenomas (one with Cushing's disease and the other with acromegaly in whom endocrine remission occurred after apoplexy. The first patient had Cushing's disease and had an ictus of headache and vomiting after which she started a progressive remission of hypercortisolism. A post-apoplexy MRI disclosed persistence of a sellar and supra-sellar mass. She was submitted to transesphenoidal surgery. An hypertensive hemorhagic cyst was found with no tumor. The second patient

  17. Remission in psoriatic arthritis: is it possible and how can it be predicted?

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Saber, Tajvur P


    Since remission is now possible in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) we wished to examine remission rates in PsA patients following anti tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) therapy and to examine possible predictors of response.

  18. Prolonged Remission in Neuromyelitis Optica Following Cessation of Rituximab Treatment. (United States)

    Weinfurtner, Kelley; Graves, Jennifer; Ness, Jayne; Krupp, Lauren; Milazzo, Maria; Waubant, Emmanuelle


    Neuromyelitis optica is an autoimmune disease characterized by acute episodes of transverse myelitis and optic neuritis. Several small, open-label studies suggest rituximab, a monoclonal antibody against CD20, prevents relapses in neuromyelitis optica; however, there is little consensus on timing or duration of treatment. Here we report four patients with severe relapsing neuromyelitis optica who were stabilized on rituximab and, after discontinuing treatment, continued to experience prolonged remission of their disease. Remission ranged from 4.5 to 10.5 years total, including 3 to 9 years off all therapies. The patients had sustained clinical responses despite normal B-lymphocyte levels and, in at least 2 patients, continued seropositivity for aquaporin-4 antibodies. These cases suggest that rituximab may induce prolonged remission in certain neuromyelitis optica patients, and they highlight the need for further elucidation of rituximab's mechanism in neuromyelitis optica. © The Author(s) 2014.

  19. 19 CFR 351.517 - Exemption or remission upon export of indirect taxes. (United States)


    ... taxes. 351.517 Section 351.517 Customs Duties INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE... Exemption or remission upon export of indirect taxes. (a) Benefit. In the case of the exemption or remission upon export of indirect taxes, a benefit exists to the extent that the Secretary determines that the...

  20. What could be learned from a decade with standardized remission criteria in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: An exploratory follow-up study. (United States)

    Johansson, Madeleine; Hjärthag, Fredrik; Helldin, Lars


    A decade has passed since the standardized remission criteria of schizophrenia spectrum disorders-the Andreasen Criteria-were defined. Over 2000 studies have been published, but only a few describe symptomatic remission over time. In this prospective study we followed patients for 3 and 5years, respectively. The aim was to investigate how different symptoms affect the occurrence of remission and how the remission cut-off level affects remission sustainability. The participants were patients diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (DSM-IV). First, the importance of each core symptom for remission was examined using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (n=274). Second, we investigated which items affect patients to either go in and out of remission or never achieve remission (n=154). Third, we investigated how the sustainability of remission is affected by a cut-off set to 2 (minimal) and 3 (mild) points, respectively (n=154). All core symptoms affected the occurence of remission, to a higher or lesser extent. Delusions and Hallucinatory behavior contributed the strongest to fluctuation between remission and non-remission, while the contribution of Mannerism and posturing was very marginal. Negative symptoms were enhanced when remission was never achieved. Moreover, the study found that remission duration was significantly longer for the cut-off score 2 rather than 3. The study shows that, over time, remission criteria discriminate between being stable, unstable, or never in remission. Patients with only a minimal occurrence of symptom intensity exhibit a significantly longer remission duration compared to patients with mild symptom intensity, indicating that the treatment goal should be minimal symptom intensity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Remission Time after Rituximab Treatment for Autoimmune Bullous Disease: A Proposed Update Definition. (United States)

    Iranzo, Pilar; Pigem, Ramon; Giavedoni, Priscila; Alsina-Gibert, Mercè


    A therapeutic endpoint is a very important tool to evaluate response in clinical trials. In 2005, a consensus statement identified two late endpoints of disease activity in pemphigus: complete remission off therapy and complete remission on therapy, both definitions applying to patients without lesions for at least 2 months. The same period of time was considered for partial remission off/on therapy. These definitions were later applied to bullous pemphigoid and are considered in most studies on autoimmune bullous disease. These endpoints were established for different adjuvant agents, but at that moment, rituximab was not considered. Rituximab is known for the long duration of its effect, and in most studies relapses have been reported later than 6 months after treatment. In our opinion, time to remission after rituximab treatment should be redefined. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  2. Sustained remission of Cushing's disease with mitotane and pituitary irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schteingart, D.E.; Tsao, H.S.; Taylor, C.I.; McKenzie, A.; Victoria, R.; Therrien, B.A.


    Low doses of mitotane were given orally to 36 patients with Cushing's disease, concurrently with or after pituitary cobalt irradiation. Clinical and biochemical remission occurred in 29. The response to treatment occurred early in 17 patients and late in 12. The different pattern of response to mitotane was not related to the dose given or to its serum level. Early biochemical indicators of adrenal suppression with mitotane were a sharp decrease in adrenal response to the infusion of ACTH and in plasma levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. Although mitotane was given together with pituitary irradiation, initial remission was due mainly to the adrenal effect of mitotane. Plasma ACTH levels were still elevated when cortisol had returned to normal. In seventeen of the 29 patients who responded to treatment drug therapy has been discontinued, and they remain in remission of Cushing's syndrome. Side-effects have been dose dependent, with anorexia, nausea, decreased memory, and gynecomastia in men being the commonest

  3. Factors associated with clinical remission in cats with diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Hsin Lien


    Full Text Available Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a common endocrine disease in cats. The aim of this study was to investigate factors that are associated with clinical remission in diabetic cats, and those that might influence survival time. Medical records of 29 cats with diabetes mellitus were evaluated retrospectively. Data collected from each record included breed, age, and sex, types of diet before and after admission, degree of weight loss, duration of clinical signs before admission, elevation of alanine aminotransferase activity and ketonuria at the time of admission, concurrent pancreatitis or renal failure, glipizide administration, insulin supplement, and survival time. The diet after establishing diagnosis (restriction to non-carbohydrate canned food was the only factor that was significantly associated with achieving clinical remission (P P = 0.004 with clinical remission status and the type of diet after admission (P = 0.04 and negatively associated with the presence of chronic renal failure (P = 0.04. This was the first report of feline diabetes mellitus from Taiwan.

  4. Remission and rheumatoid arthritis: Data on patients receiving usual care in twenty-four countries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sokka, Tuulikki; Hetland, Merete Lund; Mäkinen, Heidi


    and lowest remission rates was >/=15% in 10 countries, 5-14% in 7 countries, and definition of remission, male sex, higher education, shorter disease duration, smaller number of comorbidities, and regular......OBJECTIVE: To compare the performance of different definitions of remission in a large multinational cross-sectional cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: The Questionnaires in Standard Monitoring of Patients with RA (QUEST-RA) database, which (as of January 2008) included 5......,848 patients receiving usual care at 67 sites in 24 countries, was used for this study. Patients were clinically assessed by rheumatologists and completed a 4-page self-report questionnaire. The database was analyzed according to the following definitions of remission: American College of Rheumatology (ACR...

  5. Factors Associated with Remission of Eczema in Children: a Population-based Follow-up Study.


    von Kobyletzki, Laura; Bornehag, Carl-Gustaf; Breeze, Elizabeth; Larsson, Malin; Boman Lindström, Cecilia; Svensson, Åke


    The aim of this study was to analyse factors associated with remission of atopic dermatitis (AD) in childhood. A population-based AD cohort of 894 children aged 1-3 years from a cross-sectional baseline study in 2000 was followed up in 2005. The association between remission, background, health, lifestyle, and environmental variables was estimated with crude and multivariable logistic regression. At follow-up, 52% of the children had remission. Independent factors at baseline predicting remis...

  6. In-vivo remission spectroscopy on tattoos and topically applied photosensitizers in man (United States)

    Koenig, Karsten; Beck, Gerd C.; Boehncke, Wolf-Henning; Kaufmann, Roland; Hibst, Raimund


    In-vivo remission spectra of the human skin in the spectral region of 400 nm to 800 nm were recorded using a xenon lamp as an excitation source, a fiberoptical sensor combined with a polychromator, and a multichannel analyzer. The remission of amateur tattoos before and after laser treatment (Q-switched Nd:YAG) was measured and the degree of blanching determined. It was found that the process of blanching proceeds partly reversible. In another study, the time-dependent remission of human skin after topical administration of the photosensitizer Methylene Blue was studied. The additional application of the ceratolytic agent urea promotes the penetration of the thiazine dye. The experimental data were analyzed by the Kubelka Munk theory.

  7. Clinical Global Impression of Improvement (CGI-I) as a valid proxy measure for remission in schizophrenia: analyses of ziprasidone clinical study data. (United States)

    Masand, Prakash; O'Gorman, Cedric; Mandel, Francine S


    To determine the degree to which a proxy measure of remission in schizophrenia correlates with the criteria identified by the Remission in Schizophrenia Working Group, and how well early treatment response to ziprasidone predicts remission. Data from 10 ziprasidone studies were analyzed to determine rates of remission achieved with ziprasidone using a remission definition of Clinical Global Impression of Improvement (CGI-I) of 1, and compared with rates of remission achieved using the remission working group criteria. Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores were then investigated as predictors of remission. A CGI-I score of 1 correlated with the remission criteria developed by the remission working group. In the combined ziprasidone arms, BPRS scores at Weeks 1, 3, and 4 successfully predicted PANSS remission (pproxy measure for the assessment of remission should be easy to apply in a clinical setting and facilitates the prediction of remission in schizophrenia. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Intraoperation haemorrhage into hypophysis adenoma as the cause of acromegaly remission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V N Azizyan


    Full Text Available In this article we describe a spontaneous remission of acromegaly of intraoperative bleeding, with subsequent hemorrhage into the tumor. The cases of spontaneous remission of acromegaly described in the literature have been associated mainly with hemorrhage or ischemic apoplexy pituitary adenoma without surgical intervention. Most often, both processes, especially hemorrhage are accompanied by the development of panhypopituitarism. Cases in which there was a normalization of only growth hormone isolated.

  9. Factors predictive for incidence and remission of internet addiction in young adolescents: a prospective study. (United States)

    Ko, Chih-Hung; Yen, Ju-Yu; Yen, Cheng-Fang; Lin, Huang-Chi; Yang, Ming-Jen


    The aim of the study is to determine the incidence and remission rates for Internet addiction and the associated predictive factors in young adolescents over a 1-year follow-up. This was a prospective, population-based investigation. Five hundred seventeen students (267 male and 250 female) were recruited from three junior high schools in southern Taiwan. The factors examined included gender, personality, mental health, self-esteem, family function, life satisfaction, and Internet activities. The result revealed that the 1-year incidence and remission rates for Internet addiction were 7.5% and 49.5% respectively. High exploratory excitability, low reward dependence, low self-esteem, low family function, and online game playing predicted the emergency of the Internet addiction. Further, low hostility and low interpersonal sensitivity predicted remission of Internet addiction. The factors predictive incidence and remission of Internet addiction identified in this study could be provided for prevention and promoting remission of Internet addiction in adolescents.

  10. A probability score for preoperative prediction of type 2 diabetes remission following RYGB surgery (United States)

    Still, Christopher D.; Wood, G. Craig; Benotti, Peter; Petrick, Anthony T.; Gabrielsen, Jon; Strodel, William E.; Ibele, Anna; Seiler, Jamie; Irving, Brian A.; Celaya, Melisa P.; Blackstone, Robin; Gerhard, Glenn S.; Argyropoulos, George


    BACKGROUND Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disease with significant medical complications. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is one of the few interventions that remit T2D in ~60% of patients. However, there is no accurate method for predicting preoperatively the probability for T2D remission. METHODS A retrospective cohort of 2,300 RYGB patients at Geisinger Clinic was used to identify 690 patients with T2D and complete electronic data. Two additional T2D cohorts (N=276, and N=113) were used for replication at 14 months following RYGB. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used in the primary cohort to create survival curves until remission. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to estimate the hazard ratios on T2D remission. FINDINGS Using 259 preoperative clinical variables, four (use of insulin, age, HbA1c, and type of antidiabetic medication) were sufficient to develop an algorithm that produces a type 2 diabetes remission (DiaRem) score over five years. The DiaRem score spans from 0 to 22 and was divided into five groups corresponding to five probability-ranges for T2D remission: 0–2 (88%–99%), 3–7 (64%–88%), 8–12 (23%–49%), 13–17 (11%–33%), 18–22 (2%–16%). The DiaRem scores in the replication cohorts, as well as under various definitions of diabetes remission, conformed to the DiaRem score of the primary cohort. INTERPRETATION The DiaRem score is a novel preoperative method for predicting the probability (from 2% to 99%) for T2D remission following RYGB surgery. FUNDING This research was supported by the Geisinger Health System and the National Institutes of Health. PMID:24579062

  11. Comparison of outcomes parameters for induction of remission in new onset pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levine, Arie; Turner, Dan; Pfeffer Gik, Tamar


    BACKGROUND: Robust evaluation of induction therapies using both clinical and inflammatory outcomes in pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) are sparse. We attempted to evaluate clinical, inflammatory, and composite outcomes of induction of remission therapies (normal C reactive protein [CRP] remission) ...

  12. Predictive validity of proposed remission criteria in first-episode schizophrenic patients responding to antipsychotics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wunderink, Lex; Nienhuis, Fokko J.; Sytema, Sjoerd; Wiersma, Durk

    The objective of this study was to examine the predictive validity of the remission criteria proposed by Andreasen et all in first-episode patients responding to antipsychotics. Antipsychotic responsive patients with first-episode schizophrenia showing symptom remission (n = 60) were compared with


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Aleksandrovna Osipyants


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the association of ultrasound (US remission criteria with the clinical and laboratory indicators of inflammatory activity, functional status, and X-ray changes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA during tocilizumab (TCZ therapy.Subjects and methods. The trial included 36 patients with RA (meeting the 1987 American College of Rheumatology (ACR criteria who had received TCZ for 6 months. The authors made a clinical and laboratory assessment of RA activity (DAS28-CRP, and SDAI, functional impairments (HAQ index and US verification of wrist joint synovitis (a Voluson-i device, GE, 4-13-MHz linear transducer at baseline and 6 months after therapy. No signs of grey-scale (B-mode and power Doppler (PD synovitis (B = 0; PD = 0 or minimal B-mode synovitis, and not more one PD hypervascular signal (В ≤1; PD ≤1 were arbitrarily taken as US remission criteria. Destruction changes were evaluated by hand and foot X-ray using the Sharp method modified by van der Heijde (SHS.Results. After 6 months of therapy, about 80% of the patients in clinical remission retained moderate or significant synovitis, as evidenced by US studies. There were no clinical differences in clinical activity indices and functional impairments between the patients who were and were not in US remission (p > 0.05. The 12-month follow-up SHS score was significantly higher with the preservation of 6-month therapy signs of B-mode synovitis and PD hypervascularization (of not more than one signal than that in US remission (p < 0.05. There was no relationship of X-ray progression to the clinical and functional statuses (p > 0.05.Conclusion. Subclinical synovitis is observed even in clinical remission of RA. Destruction progression is significantlyrelated to synovitis persistence, as shown by ultrasonography.

  14. Curcumin for maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis. (United States)

    Kumar, Sushil; Ahuja, Vineet; Sankar, Mari Jeeva; Kumar, Atul; Moss, Alan C


    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the colon characterized by episodes of disease activity and symptom-free remission.There is paucity of evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of complementary or alternative medicines for the management of UC. Curcumin, an anti-inflammatory agent, has been used in many chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, esophagitis and post-surgical inflammation. The efficacy of this agent for maintenance of remission in patients with UC has not been systematically evaluated. The primary objective was to systematically review the efficacy and safety of curcumin for maintenance of remission in UC. A computer-assisted literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the Cochrane Inflammatory Bowel Disease Specialized Trial Register was performed on July 11, 2012 to identify relevant publications. Proceedings from major gastroenterology meetings and references from published articles were also searched to identify additional studies. Randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCT) of curcumin for maintenance of remission in UC were included. Studies included patients (of any age) who were in remission at the time of recruitment. Co-interventions were allowed. Two authors independently extracted data and assessed the methodological quality of the included studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Data were analyzed using Review Manager (RevMan 5.1). We calculated the relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) for each dichotomous outcome. For continuous outcomes we calculated the mean difference (MD) and 95% CI. Only one trial (89 patients) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. This trial randomized 45 patients to curcumin and 44 patients to placebo. All patients received treatment with sulfasalazine or mesalamine. The study was rated as low risk of bias. Curcumin was administered orally in a dose of 2 g/day for six months. Fewer patients

  15. Clinical validity of a population database definition of remission in patients with major depression. (United States)

    Sicras-Mainar, Antoni; Blanca-Tamayo, Milagrosa; Gutiérrez-Nicuesa, Laura; Salvatella-Pasant, Jordi; Navarro-Artieda, Ruth


    Major depression (MD) is one of the most frequent diagnoses in Primary Care. It is a disabling illness that increases the use of health resources. To describe the concordance between remission according to clinical assessment and remission obtained from the computerized prescription databases of patients with MD in a Spanish population. multicenter cross-sectional. The population under study was comprised of people from six primary care facilities, who had a MD episode between January 2003 and March 2007. A specialist in psychiatry assessed a random sample of patient histories and determined whether a certain patient was in remission according to clinical criteria (ICPC-2). Regarding the databases, patients were considered in remission when they did not need further prescriptions of AD for at least 6 months after completing treatment for a new episode. Validity indicators (sensitivity [S], specificity [Sp]) and clinical utility (positive and negative probability ratio [PPR] and [NPR]) were calculated. The concordance index was established using Cohen's kappa coefficient. Significance level was p Reliability analysis: Cronbach's alpha: 90.6% (CI was 95%: 85.6 - 95.6%). Results show an acceptable level of concordance between remission obtained from the computerized databases and clinical criteria. The major discrepancies were found in diagnostic accuracy.

  16. Relationship between somatization and remission with ECT. (United States)

    Rasmussen, Keith G; Snyder, Karen A; Knapp, Rebecca G; Mueller, Martina; Yim, Eunsil; Husain, Mustafa M; Rummans, Teresa A; Sampson, Shirlene M; O'Connor, M Kevin; Bernstein, Hilary J; Kellner, Charles H


    Patients treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) were divided into those with less severe depression and those with more severe depression. In the less severely depressed group, high somatic anxiety and hypochondriasis predicted a low likelihood of sustained remission with ECT. In the more severely depressed group, these traits were not predictive of ECT outcome.

  17. Bariatric surgery and diabetes remission: Who would have thought it?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Awadhesh Kumar Singh


    Full Text Available Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM and obesity are increasingly common and major global health problems. The Edmonton obesity staging system clearly pointed towards increased mortality proportionate to the severity of obesity. Obesity itself triggers insulin resistance and thereby poses the risk of T2DM. Both obesity and T2DM have been associated with higher morbidity and mortality and this calls for institution of effective therapies to deal with the rising trend of complications arising out of this dual menace. Although lifestyle changes form the cornerstone of therapy for both the ailments, sustained results from this modalities is far from satisfactory. While Look AHEAD (action for HEAalth in diabetes study showed significant weight loss, reduction in glycated hemoglobin and higher remission rate of T2DM at 1 st year following intensive lifestyle measures; recurrence and relapse rate bounced back in half of subjects at 4 years, thereby indicating that weight loss and glycemic control is difficult to maintain in the long term with lifestyle interventions. Same recurrence phenomenon was also observed with pharmacotherapy with rimonabant, sibutramine and orlistat. Bariatric surgery has been seen to associate with substantial and sustained weight loss in morbidly obese patients. Interestingly, bariatric surgeries also induce higher rates of short and long-term diabetes remission. Although the exact mechanism behinds this diabetes remission are not well understood; improved insulin action, beta-cell function and complex interplay of hormones in the entero-insular axis appears to play a major role. This article reviews the effectiveness of bariatric procedures on remission or improvement in diabetes and put a perspective on its implicated mechanisms.

  18. Validating Rheumatoid Arthritis Remission Using the Patients' Perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasch, Linda A; Boers, Maarten; Hill, Catherine L


    OBJECTIVE: The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) working group on the patients' perspective on remission in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been working on this topic since 2010. At OMERACT 2016, progress and preliminary data on validity of measurement instruments for pain, fatigue...

  19. No survival benefit associated with routine surveillance imaging for Hodgkin lymphoma in first remission

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, L. H.; Hutchings, M.; Brown, P d N


    The use of routine imaging for patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in complete remission (CR) is controversial. In a population-based study, we examined the post-remission survival of Danish and Swedish HL patients for whom follow-up practices were different. Follow-up in Denmark includ...

  20. Spontaneous remission of post-transplant recurrent focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bassam Saeed


    Full Text Available A 12-year-old girl with a history of steroid and cyclosporine (CsA resistant nephrotic syndrome owing to focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS has progressed to end-stage renal disease (ESRD for which she underwent hemodialysis for 18 months before she successfully received a fully matched kidney transplant from her sister at the age of nine years. The post transplantation (Tx period was marked by an early and massive proteinuria indicating recurrent FSGS for which she received 12 sessions of plasmapheresis (PP; unfortunately, she did not appear to have any response to the PP therapy; thereafter, a conservative management comprising essentially enalapril and losartan has been initiated and was also not successful during the first four months, however, a very gradual response has been noticed to occur after five months of conservative therapy and ultimately, the patient attained complete remission after 21 months of treatment. Amazingly, 15 months after discontinuation of enalapril and losartan, she remained in a complete and sustained remission with a good renal allograft function. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case ever reported in the literature of a "spontaneous" remission of post transplant recurrent FSGS.

  1. [Predictors of remission from major depressive disorder in secondary care]. (United States)

    Salvo, Lilian; Saldivia, Sandra; Parra, Carlos; Cifuentes, Manuel; Bustos, Claudio; Acevedo, Paola; Díaz, Marcela; Ormazabal, Mitza; Guerra, Ivonne; Navarrete, Nicol; Bravo, Verónica; Castro, Andrea


    Background The knowledge of predictive factors in depression should help to deal with the disease. Aim To assess potential predictors of remission of major depressive disorders (MDD) in secondary care and to propose a predictive model. Material and Methods A 12 month follow-up study was conducted in a sample of 112 outpatients at three psychiatric care centers of Chile, with baseline and quarterly assessments. Demographic, psychosocial, clinical and treatment factors as potential predictors, were assessed. A clinical interview with the checklist of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, the Hamilton Depression Scale and the List of Threatening Experiences and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support were applied. Results The number of stressful events, perceived social support, baseline depression scores, melancholic features, time prior to beginning treatment at the secondary level and psychotherapeutic sessions were included in the model as predictors of remission. Sex, age, number of previous depressive episodes, psychiatric comorbidity and medical comorbidity were not significantly related with remission. Conclusions This model allows to predict depression score at six months with 70% of accuracy and the score at 12 months with 72% of accuracy.

  2. Theory of mind and functionality in bipolar patients with symptomatic remission. (United States)

    Barrera, Angeles; Vázquez, Gustavo; Tannenhaus, Lucila; Lolich, María; Herbst, Luis


    Functional deficits are commonly observed in bipolar disorder after symptomatic remission. Social cognition deficits have also been reported, which could contribute to dysfunction in patients with bipolar disorder in remission. Twelve bipolar disorder patients in symptomatic remission (7 patients with bipolar disorder type I and 5 with bipolar disorder type II) and 12 healthy controls completed the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test and the Faux Pas Test to evaluate theory of mind (ToM). Both groups also completed the Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST). The performance of the bipolar patients in the cognitive component of ToM was below normal, although the difference between the control group was not statistically significant (P=.078), with a trend to a worse performance associated with a higher number of depressive episodes (P=.082). There were no statistically significant differences between groups for the emotional component of ToM. Global functionality was significantly lower in bipolar patients compared to the control group (P=.001). Significant differences were also observed between both groups in five of the six dimensions of functionality assessed. No significant correlation was found between functionality and theory of mind. Bipolar patients in symptomatic remission exhibit impairments in several areas of functioning. Cognitive ToM appears more affected than emotional ToM. Deficits in ToM were not related to functional impairment. Copyright © 2012 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  3. Discontinuation of infliximab therapy in patients with Crohn's disease in sustained complete remission (the STOP IT study)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhl, Sine Schnoor; Steenholdt, Casper; Brynskov, Jørn


    INTRODUCTION: Infliximab (IFX), a monoclonal chimeric antibody against tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α, is effective for induction and maintenance of remission in moderate to severe Crohn's disease. Discontinuation of IFX maintenance therapy in patients in remission should be considered in order......, biochemical and endoscopic remission (ie, Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score therapy. The primary end point...... a patient exhibits sustained remission. Study results will be published in an English language scientific medical journal. The study is approved by the Danish Medicines Agency (EudraCT-number: 2012-002702-51) and the Regional Ethics Committee of Region Hovedstaden Denmark (Approval-number: H-4...

  4. 19 CFR 162.96 - Remission of forfeitures and payment of fees, costs or interest. (United States)


    ... Asset Forfeiture Reform Act § 162.96 Remission of forfeitures and payment of fees, costs or interest... for purposes of collection of any fees, costs or interest from the Government. ... 19 Customs Duties 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Remission of forfeitures and payment of fees...

  5. Sustained Remission Improves Physical Function in Patients with Established Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Should Be a Treatment Goal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Einarsson, Jon Thorkell; Geborek, Pierre; Saxne, Tore


    of the strongest predictors of longterm outcomes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical function over a long time in patients with RA who achieved sustained remission (SR) compared with that of patients occasionally achieving remission [non-sustained remission (NSR)]. METHODS: Patients with RA...... treated with antitumor necrosis factor and included in the South Swedish Arthritis Treatment Group register were eligible for this study. We identified patients with a Disease Activity Score at 28 joints (DAS28) achieved...... SR, i.e., remission during consecutive visits for at least 6 months. The course of functional status was assessed using the HAQ at each visit. RESULTS: Of the 2416 patients, 1177 (48.7%) reached DAS28 remission at some point. SR was achieved by 382 (15.8%) for the DAS28 and 186 (7.7%) for the SDAI...

  6. “Everyone Needs a Friend Sometimes” – Social Predictors of Long-term Remission In first Episode psychosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jone Bjornestad


    Full Text Available BackgroundPredictors of long-term symptomatic remission are crucial to the successful tailoring of treatment in first episode psychosis. There is lack of studies distinguishing the predictive effects of different social factors. This prevents a valid evaluating of their independent effects.ObjectivesTo test specific social baseline predictors of long-term remission. We hypothesized that first, satisfaction with social relations predicts remission; second, that frequency of social interaction predicts remission; and third, that the effect of friend relationship satisfaction and frequency will be greater than that of family relations satisfaction and frequency.Material and MethodsA sample of first episode psychosis (n=186 completed baseline measures of social functioning, as well as clinical assessments. We compared groups of remitted and non-remitted individuals using generalized estimating equations analyses.ResultsFrequency of social interaction with friends was a significant positive predictor of remission over a two-year period. Neither global perceived social satisfaction nor frequency of family interaction showed significant effects. ConclusionsThe study findings are of particular clinical importance since frequency of friendship interaction is a possibly malleable factor. Frequency of interaction could be affected through behavioral modification and therapy already from an early stage in the course, and thus increase remission rates.KeywordsFirst-Episode Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Social factors, Baseline predictors, Long-term remission.

  7. Development of Preliminary Remission Criteria for Gout Using Delphi and 1000Minds® Consensus Exercises

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Lautour, Hugh; Taylor, William J; Adebajo, Ade


    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to establish consensus for potential remission criteria for use in clinical trials of gout. METHODS: Experts (n=88) in gout from multiple countries were invited to participate in a web-based questionnaire study. Three rounds of Delphi consensus exercises were...... months (51%) and one year (49%). In the discrete choice experiment, there was a preference towards 12 months as a timeframe for remission. CONCLUSION: These consensus exercises have identified domains and provisional definitions for gout remission criteria. Based on the results of these exercises...

  8. Uncertainties from a worldwide survey on antiepileptic drug withdrawal after seizure remission. (United States)

    Bartolini, Luca; Majidi, Shahram; Koubeissi, Mohamad Z


    We sought to determine differences in practice for discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) after seizure remission and stimulate the planning and conduction of withdrawal trials. We utilized a worldwide electronic survey that included questions about AED discontinuation for 3 paradigmatic cases in remission: (1) focal epilepsy of unknown etiology, (2) temporal lobe epilepsy after surgery, and (3) juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. We analyzed 466 complete questionnaires from 53 countries, including the United States. Statistical analysis included χ 2 and multivariate logistic regression. Case 1: responders in practice for <10 years were less likely to taper AEDs: odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) 0.52 (0.32-0.85), p = 0.02. The likelihood of stopping AEDs was higher among doctors treating children: OR (95% CI): 11.41 (2.51-40.13), p = 0.002. Doctors treating children were also more likely to stop after 2 years or less of remission: OR (95% CI): 6.91 (2.62-19.31), p = 0.002, and the same was observed for US physicians: OR (95% CI): 1.61 (1.01-2.57), p = 0.0049. Case 2: responders treating children were more likely to taper after 1 year or less of postoperative remission, with the goal of discontinuing all medications: OR (95% CI): 1.91 (1.09-3.12), p = 0.015, and so were US-based responders: OR (95% CI): 1.73 (1.21-2.41), p = 0.003. Case 3: epileptologists were less likely to withdraw the medication: OR (95% CI): 0.56 (0.39-0.82), p = 0.003, and so were those in practice for 10 or more years: OR (95% CI): 0.54 (0.31-0.95), p = 0.025. We observed several differences in practice for AED withdrawal after seizure remission that highlight global uncertainty. Trials of AED discontinuation are needed to provide evidence-based guidance.

  9. Semantic organizational strategy predicts verbal memory and remission rate of geriatric depression. (United States)

    Morimoto, Sarah Shizuko; Gunning, Faith M; Kanellopoulos, Dora; Murphy, Christopher F; Klimstra, Sibel A; Kelly, Robert E; Alexopoulos, George S


    This study tests the hypothesis that the use of semantic organizational strategy during the free-recall phase of a verbal memory task predicts remission of geriatric depression. Sixty-five older patients with major depression participated in a 12-week escitalopram treatment trial. Neuropsychological performance was assessed at baseline after a 2-week drug washout period. The Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised was used to assess verbal learning and memory. Remission was defined as a Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score of ≤ 7 for 2 consecutive weeks and no longer meeting the DSM-IV-TR criteria for major depression. The association between the number of clusters used at the final learning trial (trial 3) and remission was examined using Cox's proportional hazards survival analysis. The relationship between the number of clusters utilized in the final learning trial and the number of words recalled after a 25-min delay was examined in a regression with age and education as covariates. Higher number of clusters utilized predicted remission rates (hazard ratio, 1.26 (95% confidence interval, 1.04-1.54); χ(2)  = 4.23, df = 3, p = 0.04). There was a positive relationship between the total number of clusters used by the end of the third learning trial and the total number of words recalled at the delayed recall trial (F(3,58) = 7.93; p < 0.001). Effective semantic strategy use at baseline on a verbal list learning task by older depressed patients was associated with higher rates of remission with antidepressant treatment. This result provides support for previous findings indicating that measures of executive functioning at baseline are useful in predicting antidepressant response. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Mixed-state bipolar I and II depression: time to remission and clinical characteristics. (United States)

    Shim, In Hee; Woo, Young Sup; Jun, Tae-Youn; Bahk, Won-Myong


    We compared the time to achieve remission and the clinical characteristics of patients with bipolar depressive mixed state and those with bipolar depressive non-mixed state. The subjects (N=131) were inpatients diagnosed between 2006 and 2012 with bipolar I or II disorder, depression and were classified into the following three groups: "pure depressive state" (PD, n=70), "sub-threshold mixed state" (SMX, n=38), and "depressive mixed state" (DMX, n=23). Diagnosis of a DMX was in accordance with Benazzi's definition: three or more manic symptoms in a depressive episode. The subjects' charts were retrospectively reviewed to ascertain the time to achieve remission from the index episode and to identify other factors, such as demographic and clinical characteristics, specific manic symptoms, and pharmacological treatment, that may have contributed to remission. The time to achieve remission was significantly longer in the DMX (p=0.022) and SMX (p=0.035) groups than in the PD group. Adjustment for covariates using a Cox proportional hazards model did not change these results. Clinically, subjects with a DMX were more likely to have manic symptoms in the index episode, especially inflated self-esteem and psychomotor agitation than those in the PD. We investigated only inpatients and therefore could not comment on outpatients. These findings showed that sub-syndromal manic symptoms in bipolar depression had different clinical characteristics and a more severe illness course, including a longer time to achieve remission, than did a pure depressive state. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. 19 CFR 171.24 - Remission of forfeitures and payment of fees, costs or interest. (United States)


    ... Disposition of Petitions § 171.24 Remission of forfeitures and payment of fees, costs or interest. Any seizure... fees, costs or interest from the Government. [T.D. 00-88, 65 FR 78093, Dec. 14, 2000] ... 19 Customs Duties 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Remission of forfeitures and payment of fees...

  12. American College of Rheumatology/European League against Rheumatism Preliminary Definition of Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis for Clinical Trials (United States)

    Felson, David T.; Smolen, Josef S.; Wells, George; Zhang, Bin; van Tuyl, Lilian H. D.; Funovits, Julia; Aletaha, Daniel; Allaart, Renée; Bathon, Joan; Bombardieri, Stefano; Brooks, Peter; Brown, Andrew; Matucci-Cerinic, Marco; Choi, Hyon; Combe, Bernard; de Wit, Maarten; Dougados, Maxime; Emery, Paul; Furst, Dan; Gomez-Reino, Juan; Hawker , Gillian; Keystone, Edward; Khanna, Dinesh; Kirwan, John; Kvien, Tore; Landewé, Robert; Listing, Joachim; Michaud, Kaleb; Mola, Emilio Martin; Montie, Pam; Pincus, Ted; Richards, Pam; Siegel, Jeff; Simon, Lee; Sokka, Tuulikki; Strand, Vibeke; Tugwell, Peter; Tyndall, Alan; van der Heijde, Desirée; Verstappen, Suzan; White, Barbara; Wolfe, Fred; Zink, Angela; Boers, Maarten


    Background With remission in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) an increasingly attainable goal, there is no widely used definition of remission that is stringent but achievable and could be applied uniformly as an outcome in clinical trials. Methods A committee consisting of members of the American College of Rheumatology, the European League Against Rheumatism and the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Initiative (OMERACT) met to guide the process and review prespecified analyses from clinical trials of patients with RA. The committee requested a stringent definition (little, if any, active disease) and decided to use core set measures to define remission including at least joint counts and an acute phase reactant. Members were surveyed to select the level of each core set measure consistent with remission. Candidate definitions of remission were tested including those that constituted a number of individual measures in remission (Boolean approach) as well as definitions using disease activity indexes. To select a definition of remission, trial data were analyzed to examine the added contribution of patient reported outcomes and the ability of candidate measures to predict later good x-ray and functional outcomes. Results Survey results for the definition of remission pointed to indexes at published thresholds and to a count of core set measures with each measure scored as 1 or less (e.g. tender and swollen joint counts, CRP and global assessments on 0-10 scale). Analyses suggested the need to include a patient reported measure. Examination of 2 year follow-up data suggested that many candidate definitions performed comparably in terms of predicting later good x-ray and functional outcomes, although DAS28 based measures of remission did not predict good radiographic outcomes as well as did the other candidate definitions. Given these and other considerations, we propose that a patient be defined as in remission based on one of two definitions : 1: When their scores on the

  13. Remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus after bariatric surgery - comparison between procedures. (United States)

    Fernández-Soto, María L; Martín-Leyva, Ana; González-Jiménez, Amalia; García-Rubio, Jesús; Cózar-Ibáñez, Antonio; Zamora-Camacho, Francisco J; Leyva-Martínez, María S; Jiménez-Ríos, Jose A; Escobar-Jiménez, Fernándo


    We aimed to assess the mid-term type 2 diabetes mellitus recovery patterns in morbidly obese patients by comparing some relevant physiological parameters of patients of bariatric surgery between two types of surgical procedures: mixed (roux-en-Y gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion) and restrictive (sleeve gastrectomy). This is a prospective and observational study of co-morbid, type 2 diabetes mellitus evolution in 49 morbidly obese patients: 37 underwent mixed surgery procedures and 12 a restrictive surgery procedure. We recorded weight, height, body mass index, and glycaemic, lipid, and nutritional blood parameters, prior to procedure, as well as six and twelve months post-operatively. In addition, we tested for differences in patient recovery and investigated predictive factors in diabetes remission. Both glycaemic and lipid profiles diminished significantly to healthy levels by 6 and 12 months post intervention. Type 2 diabetes mellitus showed remission in more than 80% of patients of both types of surgical procedures, with no difference between them. Baseline body mass index, glycated haemoglobin, and insulin intake, among others, were shown to be valuable predictors of diabetes remission one year after the intervention. The choice of the type of surgical procedure did not significantly affect the remission rate of type 2 diabetes mellitus in morbidly obese patients. (Endokrynol Pol 2017; 68 (1): 18-25).

  14. Microbial shifts and signatures of long-term remission in ulcerative colitis after faecal microbiota transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fuentes Enriquez de Salamanca, Susana; Rossen, Noortje G.; Spek, van der Mirjam J.; Hartman, Jorn H.A.; Huuskonen, Laura; Korpela, Katri; Salojärvi, Jarkko; Aalvink, Steven; Vos, de Willem M.; Haens, D' Geert R.; Zoetendal, Erwin G.


    Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) may contribute towards disease remission in ulcerative colitis (UC), but it is unknown which factors determine long-term effect of treatment. Here, we aimed to identify bacterial signatures associated with sustained remission. To this end, samples from

  15. Psychological state is related to the remission of the Boolean-based definition of patient global assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Fusama, Mie; Miura, Yasushi; Yukioka, Kumiko; Kuroiwa, Takanori; Yukioka, Chikako; Inoue, Miyako; Nakanishi, Tae; Murata, Norikazu; Takai, Noriko; Higashi, Kayoko; Kuritani, Taro; Maeda, Keiji; Sano, Hajime; Yukioka, Masao; Nakahara, Hideko


    To evaluate whether the psychological state is related to the Boolean-based definition of patient global assessment (PGA) remission in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Patients with RA who met the criteria of swollen joint count (SJC) ≤ 1, tender joint count (TJC) ≤ 1 and C-reactive protein (CRP) ≤ 1 were divided into two groups, PGA remission group (PGA ≤ 1 cm) and non-remission group (PGA > 1 cm). Anxiety was evaluated utilizing the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety (HADS-A), while depression was evaluated with HADS-Depression (HADS-D) and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Comparison analyses were done between the PGA remission and non-remission groups in HADS-A, HADS-D and CES-D. Seventy-eight patients met the criteria for SJC ≤ 1, TJC ≤ 1 and CRP ≤ 1. There were no significant differences between the PGA remission group (n = 45) and the non-remission group (n = 33) in age, sex, disease duration and Steinbrocker's class and stage. HADS-A, HADS-D and CES-D scores were significantly lower in the PGA remission group. Patients with RA who did not meet the PGA remission criteria despite good disease condition were in a poorer psychological state than those who satisfied the Boolean-based definition of clinical remission. Psychological support might be effective for improvement of PGA, resulting in the attainment of true remission.

  16. Does early improvement in depressive symptoms predict subsequent remission in patients with depression who are treated with duloxetine?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sueki A


    Full Text Available Akitsugu Sueki, Eriko Suzuki, Hitoshi Takahashi, Jun Ishigooka Department of Neuropsychiatry, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan Purpose: In this prospective study, we examined whether early reduction in depressive symptoms predicts later remission to duloxetine in the treatment of depression, as monitored using the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS. Patients and methods: Among the 106 patients who were enrolled in this study, 67 were included in the statistical analysis. A clinical evaluation using the MADRS was performed at weeks 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 after commencing treatment. For each time point, the MADRS total score was separated into three components: dysphoria, retardation, and vegetative scores. Results: Remission was defined as an MADRS total score of ≤10 at end point. From our univariate logistic regression analysis, we found that improvements in both the MADRS total score and the dysphoria score at week 4 had a significant interaction with subsequent remission. Furthermore, age and sex were significant predictors of remission. There was an increase of approximately 4% in the odds of remission for each unit increase in age, and female sex had an odds of remission of 0.318 times that of male sex (remission rate for men was 73.1% [19/26] and for women 46.3% [19/41]. However, in the multivariate model using the change from baseline in the total MADRS, dysphoria, retardation, and vegetative scores at week 4, in which age and sex were included as covariates, only sex retained significance, except for an improvement in the dysphoria score. Conclusion: No significant interaction was found between early response to duloxetine and eventual remission in this study. Sex difference was found to be a predictor of subsequent remission in patients with depression who were treated with duloxetine, with the male sex having greater odds of remission. Keywords: antidepressant, early response, sex difference, serotonin

  17. Adherence predicts symptomatic and psychosocial remission in schizophrenia: Naturalistic study of patient integration in the community. (United States)

    Bernardo, Miguel; Cañas, Fernando; Herrera, Berta; García Dorado, Marta

    Psychosocial functioning in patients with schizophrenia attended in daily practice is an understudied aspect. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between symptomatic and psychosocial remission and adherence to treatment in schizophrenia. This cross-sectional, non-interventional, and multicenter study assessed symptomatic and psychosocial remission and community integration of 1,787 outpatients with schizophrenia attended in Spanish mental health services. Adherence to antipsychotic medication in the previous year was categorized as≥80% vs.<80%. Symptomatic remission was achieved in 28.5% of patients, and psychosocial remission in 26.1%. A total of 60.5% of patients were classified as adherent to antipsychotic treatment and 41% as adherent to non-pharmacological treatment. During the index visit, treatment was changed in 28.4% of patients, in 31.1% of them because of low adherence (8.8% of the total population). Adherent patients showed higher percentages of symptomatic and psychosocial remission than non-adherent patients (30.5 vs. 25.4%, P<.05; and 32 vs. 17%, P<.001, respectively). Only 3.5% of the patients showed an adequate level of community integration, which was also higher among adherent patients (73.0 vs. 60.1%, P<.05). Adherence to antipsychotic medication was associated with symptomatic and psychosocial remission as well as with community integration. Copyright © 2016 SEP y SEPB. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Active postoperative acromegaly: sustained remission after discontinuation of somatostatin analogues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Alvarez-Escola


    Full Text Available In patients with active acromegaly after pituitary surgery, somatostatin analogues are effective in controlling the disease and can even be curative in some cases. After treatment discontinuation, the likelihood of disease recurrence is high. However, a small subset of patients remains symptom-free after discontinuation, with normalized growth hormone (GH and insulin-like growth factor (IGF1 levels. The characteristics of patients most likely to achieve sustained remission after treatment discontinuation are not well understood, although limited evidence suggests that sustained remission is more likely in patients with lower GH and IGF1 levels before treatment withdrawal, in those who respond well to low-dose treatment, in those without evidence of adenoma on an MRI scan and/or in patients who receive long-term treatment. In this report, we describe the case of a 56-year-old female patient treated with lanreotide Autogel for 11 years. Treatment was successfully discontinued, and the patient is currently disease-free on all relevant parameters (clinical, biochemical and tumour status. The successful outcome in this case adds to the small body of literature suggesting that some well-selected patients who receive long-term treatment with somatostatin analogues may achieve sustained remission.

  19. Quality of life in panic disorder: looking beyond symptom remission. (United States)

    Davidoff, Julia; Christensen, Scott; Khalili, David N; Nguyen, Jaidyn; IsHak, Waguih William


    Panic Disorder (PD) is a classic example of a disease where symptom remission may be achieved, yet patient quality of life (QOL) remains low, providing further support for the need to measure QOL as an additional outcome in patient care. The objectives of this review are to examine the substantial QOL impairments in PD and to determine whether modern treatments for PD, which have been proven to achieve symptom remission, have been shown to restore QOL. We identified studies on QOL in PD from 1980 to 2010 by searching MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and PubMed databases. The literature reveals substantial QOL impairments in PD, often resulting in poor sense of health, frequent utilization of medical services, occupational deficiency, financial dependency, and marital strife. Modern therapies have been demonstrated to achieve symptom remission and improve QOL in PD; however, post-treatment QOL is still significantly lower than community averages. QOL needs to be added as an essential outcome measure in patient care. Further research should be conducted to better understand the nature of comorbidities in PD as well as to determine whether additional interventions that have been studied in other psychiatric disorders, such as exercise, meditation, yoga, humor, massage, and nutritional supplements, can be utilized to improve QOL in PD to normal community levels.

  20. Spontaneous remission of acromegaly or gigantism due to subclinical apoplexy of pituitary growth hormone adenoma. (United States)

    Wang, Xian-Ling; Dou, Jing-Tao; Lü, Zhao-Hui; Zhong, Wen-Wen; Ba, Jian-Ming; Jin, Du; Lu, Ju-Ming; Pan, Chang-Yu; Mu, Yi-Ming


    Subclinical apoplexy of pituitary functional adenoma can cause spontaneous remission of hormone hypersecretion. The typical presence of pituitary growth hormone (GH) adenoma is gigantism and/or acromegaly. We investigated the clinical characteristics of patients with spontaneous partial remission of acromegaly or gigantism due to subclinical apoplexy of GH adenoma. Six patients with spontaneous remission of acromegaly or gigantism were enrolled. The clinical characteristics, endocrinological evaluation and imageological characteristics were retrospectively analyzed. In these cases, the initial clinical presences were diabetes mellitus or hypogonadism. No abrupt headache, vomiting, visual function impairment, or conscious disturbance had ever been complained of. The base levels of GH and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) were normal or higher, but nadir GH levels were all still > 1 µg/L in 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Magnetic resonance imaging detected enlarged sella, partial empty sella and compressed pituitary. The transsphenoidal surgery was performed in 2 cases, and the other patients were conservatively managed. All the patients were in clinical remission. When the clinical presences, endocrine evaluation, biochemical examination and imageology indicate spontaneous remission of GH hypersecretion in patients with gigantism or acromegaly, the diagnosis of subclinical apoplexy of pituitary GH adenoma should be presumed. To these patients, conservative therapy may be appropriate.

  1. Relapse from remission at two- to four-year follow-up in two treatments for adolescent anorexia nervosa. (United States)

    Le Grange, Daniel; Lock, James; Accurso, Erin C; Agras, W Stewart; Darcy, Alison; Forsberg, Sarah; Bryson, Susan W


    Long-term follow-up studies documenting maintenance of treatment effects are few in adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN). This exploratory study reports relapse from full remission and attainment of remission during a 4-year open follow-up period using a convenience sample of a subgroup of 65% (n = 79) from an original cohort of 121 participants who completed a randomized clinical trial comparing family-based therapy (FBT) and adolescent-focused individual therapy (AFT). Follow-up assessments were completed up to 4 years posttreatment (average, 3.26 years). Available participants completed the Eating Disorder Examination as well as self-report measures of self-esteem and depression at 2 to 4 years posttreatment. Two participants (6.1%) relapsed (FBT: n = 1, 4.5%; AFT: n = 1, 9.1%), on average 1.98 years (SD = 0.14 years) after remission was achieved at 1-year follow-up. Ten new participants (22.7%) achieved remission (FBT: n = 1, 5.9%; AFT: n = 9, 33.3%). Mean time to remission for this group was 2.01 years (SD = 0.82 years) from 1-year follow-up. There were no differences based on treatment group assignment in either relapse from full remission or new remission during long-term follow-up. Other psychopathology was stable over time. There were few changes in the clinical presentation of participants who were assessed at long-term follow-up. These data suggest that outcomes are generally stable posttreatment regardless of treatment type once remission is achieved. Clinical trial registration information-Effectiveness of Family-Based Versus Individual Psychotherapy in Treating Adolescents With Anorexia Nervosa;; NCT00149786. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Baseline red blood cell distribution width predicts long-term glycemic remission in patients with type 2 diabetes. (United States)

    Xu, Lijuan; Wang, Liangjiao; Huang, Xinwei; Liu, Liehua; Ke, Weijian; He, Xiaoying; Huang, Zhimin; Liu, Juan; Wan, Xuesi; Cao, Xiaopei; Li, Yanbing


    We explored whether red blood cell distribution width (RDW), a routinely checked item of complete blood cell counts, was an indicator of long-term euglycemia remission in patients with type 2 diabetes after short-term continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). We analyzed the original data of patients enrolled in three randomized control trials from 2002 to 2014. CSII was administered to drug-naїve patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes to achieve and maintain euglycemia for 2weeks. A total of 185 patients were involved and 98 patients (52.97%) who achieved and maintained euglycemia for at least 12months were classified as the remission group, and the others as the non-remission group. Patients in remission group had a relatively lower value for baseline RDW (38.82±2.76vs 39.89±2.78fL, p=0.017) compared with those in non-remission group. A graded decrease of remission rate (67.50%, 55.00%, 53.66% and 30.77% for Quartile 1 to Quartile 4 respectively, P<0.05) was observed with the increasing of RDWs. The risk of hyperglycemic relapse was significantly increased for those in the highest quartile compared with the lowest (hazard ratio=2.68; 95% CI, 1.38-5.22). Those who achieved euglycemia within 7days or obtained a better fasting glucose after therapy had preferable remission rates. Patients with lower baseline RDWs are more likely to maintain a one-year euglycemia remission after short-term CSII. A faster normalization of glucose during treatment and a lower fasting glucose after therapy are correlated with a long-term glucose control. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Vasovagal tonus index (VVTI) as an indirect assessment of remission status in canine multicentric lymphoma undergoing multi-drug chemotherapy. (United States)

    Pecceu, Evi; Stebbing, Brittainy; Martinez Pereira, Yolanda; Handel, Ian; Culshaw, Geoff; Hodgkiss-Geere, Hannah; Lawrence, Jessica


    Vasovagal tonus index (VVTI) is an indirect measure of heart rate variability and may serve as a marker of disease severity. Higher heart rate variability has predicted lower tumour burden and improved survival in humans with various tumour types. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate VVTI as a biomarker of remission status in canine lymphoma. The primary hypothesis was that VVTI would be increased in dogs in remission compared to dogs out of remission. Twenty-seven dogs were prospectively enrolled if they had a diagnosis of intermediate to high-grade lymphoma and underwent multidrug chemotherapy. Serial electrocardiogram data were collected under standard conditions and relationships between VVTI, remission status and other clinical variables were evaluated. VVTI from dogs in remission (partial or complete) did not differ from dogs with fulminant lymphoma (naive or at time of relapse). Dogs in partial remission had higher VVTI than dogs in complete remission (p = 0.021). Higher baseline VVTI was associated with higher subsequent scores (p < 0.001). VVTI also correlated with anxiety level (p = 0.03). Based on this pilot study, VVTI did not hold any obvious promise as a useful clinical biomarker of remission status. Further investigation may better elucidate the clinical and prognostic utility of VVTI in dogs with lymphoma.

  4. Body composition in remission of childhood cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tseytlin, G Ja; Konovalova, M V; Vashura, A Yu; Anisimova, A V; Godina, E Z; Khomyakova, I A; Nikolaev, D V; Starunova, O A; Rudnev, S G


    Here, we describe the results of a cross-sectional bioimpedance study of body composition in 552 Russian children and adolescents aged 7-17 years in remission of various types of cancer (remission time 0-15 years, median 4 years). A sample of 1500 apparently healthy individuals of the same age interval was used for comparison. Our data show high frequency of malnutrition in total cancer patients group depending on type of cancer. 52.7% of patients were malnourished according to phase angle and percentage fat mass z-score with the range between 42.2% in children with solid tumors located outside CNS and 76.8% in children with CNS tumors. The body mass index failed to identify the proportion of patients with malnutrition and showed diagnostic sensitivity 50.6% for obesity on the basis of high percentage body fat and even much less so for undernutrition – 13.4% as judged by low phase angle. Our results suggest an advantage of using phase angle as the most sensitive bioimpedance indicator for the assessment of metabolic alterations, associated risks, and the effectiveness of rehabilitation strategies in childhood cancer patients.

  5. Body composition in remission of childhood cancer (United States)

    Tseytlin, G. Ja; Anisimova, A. V.; Godina, E. Z.; Khomyakova, I. A.; Konovalova, M. V.; Nikolaev, D. V.; Rudnev, S. G.; Starunova, O. A.; Vashura, A. Yu


    Here, we describe the results of a cross-sectional bioimpedance study of body composition in 552 Russian children and adolescents aged 7-17 years in remission of various types of cancer (remission time 0-15 years, median 4 years). A sample of 1500 apparently healthy individuals of the same age interval was used for comparison. Our data show high frequency of malnutrition in total cancer patients group depending on type of cancer. 52.7% of patients were malnourished according to phase angle and percentage fat mass z-score with the range between 42.2% in children with solid tumors located outside CNS and 76.8% in children with CNS tumors. The body mass index failed to identify the proportion of patients with malnutrition and showed diagnostic sensitivity 50.6% for obesity on the basis of high percentage body fat and even much less so for undernutrition - 13.4% as judged by low phase angle. Our results suggest an advantage of using phase angle as the most sensitive bioimpedance indicator for the assessment of metabolic alterations, associated risks, and the effectiveness of rehabilitation strategies in childhood cancer patients.

  6. Remission of migraine after clipping of saccular intracranial aneurysms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lebedeva, E R; Busygina, A V; Kolotvinov, V S


    interview. The remission rates of migraine and tension-type headache (TTH) in these patients were compared to 92 patients from a headache center. Diagnoses were made according to the ICHD-2. RESULTS: During 1 year preceding rupture 51 patients with SIA had migraine. During the year after clipping......BACKGROUND: Unruptured saccular intracranial aneurysm (SIA) is associated with an increased prevalence of migraine, but it is unclear whether this is altered by clipping of the aneurysm. The aim of our study was to determine whether remission rate of migraine and other recurrent headaches...... was greater in patients with SIA after clipping than in controls. METHODS: We prospectively studied 87 SIA patients with migraine or other recurrent headaches. They were interviewed about headaches in the preceding year before and 1 year after clipping using a validated semi-structured neurologist conducted...

  7. Predictors of Long-Term Remission and Relapse of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Following Gastric Bypass in Severely Obese Patients. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Vanessa Lopes Preto; Martins, Gianluca P; Mottin, Cláudio C; Rizzolli, Jacqueline; Friedman, Rogério


    Diabetes remission is not observed in all obese patients with type 2 diabetes submitted to bariatric surgery. Relapses occur in patients in whom remission is achieved. We investigated the factors associated with long-term (≥3 years) remission and relapse of type 2 diabetes after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) in these patients. By a retrospective review, we analyzed data from 254 patients with type 2 diabetes who had undergone RYGB from May 2000 to November 2011 and had at least 3 years of follow-up. The criteria for remission and relapse of type 2 diabetes followed the current American Diabetes Association recommendations. Remission was achieved in almost 82% of participants (69.7% complete, and 12.2% partial remission). Of these, 12% relapsed within a mean follow-up of 5.1 ± 2.0 years after surgery. Predictors of complete remission were younger age, better preoperative glycemic control, and shorter diabetes duration. Preoperative insulin use was associated with a ninefold increase in the relapse hazard (HR = 9.1 (95% CI: 3.3-25.4)). Use of two or more oral anti-diabetic agents increased the relapse hazard sixfold (HR = 6.1 (95% CI: 1.8-20.6)). Eighteen point one percent of patients did not achieve any remission during follow-up. However, they exhibited significant improvements in glycemic control. These data indicate that RYGB should not be delayed when remission of type 2 diabetes is a therapeutic goal, and also suggest that the best possible metabolic control should be sought in obese patients who may eventually be candidates for RYGB.

  8. Dynamics of postoperative serum cortisol after transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing's disease: implications for immediate reoperation and remission. (United States)

    Mayberg, Marc; Reintjes, Stephen; Patel, Anika; Moloney, Kelley; Mercado, Jennifer; Carlson, Alex; Scanlan, James; Broyles, Frances


    OBJECTIVE Successful transsphenoidal surgery for adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH)-producing pituitary tumors is associated with subnormal postoperative serum cortisol levels, which may guide decisions regarding immediate reoperation. However, little is known about the detailed temporal course of changes in serum cortisol in the immediate postoperative period, and the relationship of postoperative cortisol dynamics to remission and late recurrence. METHODS A single-center retrospective cohort analysis was performed for all patients undergoing pituitary surgery from 2007 through 2015. Standardized diagnostic and treatment algorithms were applied to all patients with potential Cushing's disease (CD), including microsurgical transsphenoidal adenomectomy (TSA) by a single surgeon. All patients had serum cortisol levels drawn at 6-hour intervals for 72 hours after surgery, and were offered reoperation within 3 days for normal or supranormal postoperative cortisol levels. Primary outcomes were 6-month remission and late recurrence; secondary outcomes were persistent postoperative hypocortisolism and surgical morbidity. Discriminatory levels of postoperative serum cortisol for predicting remission were calculated at various intervals after surgery using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. RESULTS Among 89 patients diagnosed with CD, 81 underwent initial TSA for a potentially curable lesion; 23 patients (25.8%) underwent an immediate second TSA. For the entire cohort, 6-month remission was achieved in 77.8% and late recurrences occurred in 9.5%, at a mean of 43.5 months. Compared with patients with a single surgery, those with an immediate second TSA had similar rates of remission (78.3% vs 77.6%) and late recurrence (5.6% vs 11.1%). The rate of hypocortisolism for patients with 2 surgeries (12/23, 52.2%) was significantly greater than that for patients with single surgeries (13/58, 22.4%; p surgery protocol. The temporal course of postoperative serum cortisol

  9. Transplantation of autologous bone marrow in three patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia during the first remission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenberg, B; Sizoo, W; Sintnicolaas, K; Hendriks, W D.H.; Poel, J van der [Rotterdams Radio Therapeutisch Inst. (Netherlands); Abels, J; Dzoljic, G [Akademisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam-Dijkzigt (Netherlands); Bekkum, D.W. van; Wagemaker, G [Gezondheidsorganisatie TNO, Rijswijk (Netherlands). Radiobiologisch Inst. TNO


    A report is presented on the first results of transplantation of autologous bone marrow in 3 adult patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia. The treatment consisted of intensive chemotherapy and whole-body irradiation and was followed by transplantation of a limited number of non-purified bone-marrow cells that had previously been collected from the patient. In all three patients, transplantation was followed by a stable remission. One patient had a fatal recurrence after a total period of 21 months of remission. In 2 patients, the remissions continue. The clinical significance of these findings is discussed.

  10. The microbiome and HIV persistence: implications for viral remission and cure. (United States)

    Koay, Wei Li A; Siems, Lilly V; Persaud, Deborah


    This article discusses the interaction between HIV infection, the gut microbiome, inflammation and immune activation, and HIV reservoirs, along with interventions to target the microbiome and their implications for HIV remission and cure. Most studies show that HIV-infected adults have a gut microbiome associated with decreased bacterial richness and diversity, and associated systemic inflammation and immune activation. A unique set of individuals, elite controllers, who spontaneously control HIV replication, have a similar microbiome to HIV-uninfected individuals. Conversely, exposure to maternal HIV in infants was shown to alter the gut microbiome, even in infants who escaped perinatal infection. Emerging research highlights the importance of the metabolomics and metaproteomics of the gut microbiome, which may have relevance for HIV remission and cure. Together, these studies illustrate the complexity of the relationship between HIV infection, the gut microbiome, and its systemic effects. Understanding the association of HIV with the microbiome, metabolome, and metaproteome may lead to novel therapies to decrease inflammation and immune activation, and impact HIV reservoir size and vaccine responses. Further research in this area is important to inform HIV remission and cure treatments.

  11. Cost per remission and cost per response with infliximab, adalimumab, and golimumab for the treatment of moderately-to-severely active ulcerative colitis. (United States)

    Toor, Kabirraaj; Druyts, Eric; Jansen, Jeroen P; Thorlund, Kristian


    To determine the short-term costs per sustained remission and sustained response of three tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (infliximab, adalimumab, and golimumab) in comparison to conventional therapy for the treatment of moderately-to-severely active ulcerative colitis. A probabilistic Markov model was developed. This included an 8-week induction period, and 22 subsequent 2-week cycles (up to 1 year). The model included three disease states: remission, response, and relapse. Costs were from a Canadian public payer perspective. Estimates for the additional cost per 1 year of sustained remission and sustained response were obtained. Golimumab 100 mg provided the lowest cost per additional remission ($935) and cost per additional response ($701) compared with conventional therapy. Golimumab 50 mg yielded slightly higher costs than golimumab 100 mg. Infliximab was associated with the largest additional number of estimated remissions and responses, but also higher cost at $1975 per remission and $1311 per response. Adalimumab was associated with the largest cost per remission ($7430) and cost per response ($2361). The cost per additional remission and cost per additional response associated with infliximab vs golimumab 100 mg was $14,659 and $4753, respectively. The results suggest that the additional cost of 1 full year of remission and response are lowest with golimumab 100 mg, followed by golimumab 50 mg. Although infliximab has the highest efficacy, it did not exhibit the lowest cost per additional remission or response. Adalimumab produced the highest cost per additional remission and response.

  12. Natalizumab for induction of remission in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Macdonald, J K; McDonald, J W D


    The pathogenesis of Crohn's disease involves migration of leukocytes into gut tissue and subsequent inflammation. Natalizumab (Tysabri, Elan Pharmaceuticals and Biogen Idec) a recombinant humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody that blocks adhesion and subsequent migration of leukocytes into the gut by binding the alpha4 integrin is a member of a new class of molecules known as selective adhesion molecule (SAM) inhibitors. The results of animal studies suggest that alpha4 integrin blockade could be a useful therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. The results of randomized controlled trials suggest that natalizumab may be an effective therapy for active Crohn's disease. This systematic review summarizes the current evidence on the use of natalizumab for the induction of remission in Crohn's disease. To determine the efficacy and safety of natalizumab for induction of remission in Crohn's disease. A computer assisted search of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Functional Bowel Disorders Review Group Specialized Trials Register, MEDLINE and EMBASE was performed to identify relevant publications between 1966 and June 2005. The medical subject heading (MeSH) terms "Crohn disease" or "inflammatory bowel disease", "Natalizumab" or "Antegren" or "Tysabri" and "Antibodies, Monoclonal" were used to perform key word searches of each database. Manual searches of reference lists from potentially relevant papers were performed in order to identify additional studies that may have been missed using the computer-assisted search strategy. Abstracts from major gastroenterological meetings were searched to identify research submitted in abstract form only. Personal contacts, leaders in the field, and the manufacturers were contacted to identify other studies which may not be published. We included only randomized controlled trials comparing natalizumab to a placebo or control therapy for the induction of remission in Crohn

  13. Neurocognitive predictors of remission of symptoms and social and role functioning in the early course of first-episode schizophrenia. (United States)

    Torgalsbøen, Anne-Kari; Mohn, Christine; Rishovd Rund, Bjørn


    In a Norwegian ongoing longitudinal study, we investigate the neurocognitive development in first-episode schizophrenia patients, and the influence of neurocognition on remission and real life functioning. In the present study, results from the early course of illness are reported. The sample includes 28 schizophrenia spectrum patients and 28 pairwise matched healthy controls. The patients were recruited from mental health service institutions and data on psychosocial functioning, remission and neurocognition were obtained through a clinical interview, an inventory on social and role functioning, operational criteria of remission, and a standardized neurocognitive test battery, the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB). Large effect size differences between patients and controls were observed at baseline on every cognitive domain, as well as statistically significant improvements on overall cognitive function at follow-up for the patient group. A remission rate of 61% was found. The neurocognitive baseline measure of Attention significantly predicted remission status at follow-up, whereas Attention and Working Memory at baseline predicted levels of social and role functioning. In the early course of the illness, more than half of the group of first-episode patients were in remission, and neurocognitive functions are significantly associated with both remission of symptoms and social and role functioning. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. CCK response in bulimia nervosa and following remission. (United States)

    Hannon-Engel, Sandra L; Filin, Evgeniy E; Wolfe, Barbara E


    The core defining features of bulimia nervosa (BN) are repeated binge eating episodes and inappropriate compensatory (e.g., purging) behavior. Previous studies suggest an abnormal post-prandial response in the satiety-signaling peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) in persons with BN. It is unknown whether this altered response persists following remission or if it may be a potential target for the development of clinical treatment strategies. To examine the nature of this altered response, this study assessed whether CCK normalizes following remission from BN (RBN). This study prospectively evaluated the plasma CCK response and corresponding eating behavior-related ratings (e.g., satiety, fullness, hunger, urge to binge and vomit) in individuals with BN-purging subtype (n=10), RBN-purging subtype (n=14), and healthy controls (CON, n=13) at baseline, +15, +30, and +60 min following the ingestion of a standardized liquid test meal. Subject groups did not significantly differ in CCK response to the test meal. A significant relationship between CCK response and satiety ratings was observed in the RBN group (r=.59, p<.05 two-tailed). A new and unanticipated finding in the BN group was a significant relationship between CCK response and ratings of "urge to vomit" (r=.86, p<.01, two-tailed). Unlike previous investigations, CCK response did not differ in BN and CON groups. Thus the role of symptom severity remains an area of further investigation. Additionally, findings suggest that in this sample, CCK functioning following remission from BN-purging subtype is not different from controls. It remains unknown whether or not CCK functioning may be a protective or liability factor in the stabilization and recovery process. Replication studies utilizing a larger sample size are needed to further elucidate the role of CCK in recovery from BN and its potential target of related novel treatment strategies. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Abu Dabrh, Abd Moain Abu; Singh Ospina, Naykky M; Al Nofal, Alaa; Farah, Wigdan H; Barrionuevo, Patricia; Sarigianni, Maria; Mohabbat, Arya B; Benkhadra, Khalid; Carranza Leon, Barbara G; Gionfriddo, Michael R; Wang, Zhen; Mohammed, Khaled; Ahmed, Ahmed T; Elraiyah, Tarig A; Haydour, Qusay; Alahdab, Fares; Prokop, Larry J; Murad, Mohammad Hassan


    We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to synthesize the evidence about predictors that may affect biochemical remission and recurrence after transsphenoidal surgery (TSS), radiosurgery (RS), and radiotherapy (RT) in Cushing disease. We searched multiple databases through December 2014 including original controlled and uncontrolled studies that enrolled patients with Cushing disease who received TSS (first-line), RS, or RT. We extracted data independently, in duplicates. Outcomes of interest were biochemical remission and recurrence. A meta-analysis was conducted using the random-effects model to estimate event rates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). First-line TSS was associated with high remission (76% [95% CI, 72 to 79%]) and low recurrence rates (10% [95% CI, 6 to 16%]). Remission after TSS was higher in patients with microadenomas or positive-adrenocorticotropic hormone tumor histology. RT was associated with a high remission rate (RS, 68% [95% CI, 61 to 77%]; RT, 66% [95% CI, 58 to 75%]) but also with a high recurrence rate (RS, 32% [95% CI, 16 to 60%]; RT, 26% [95% CI, 14 to 48%]). Remission after RS was higher at short-term follow-up (≤2 years) and with high-dose radiation, while recurrence was higher in women and with lower-dose radiation. Remission was after RT in adults who received TSS prior to RT, and with lower radiation doses. There was heterogeneity (nonstandardization) in the criteria and cutoff points used to define biochemical remission and recurrence. First-line TSS is associated with high remission and low recurrence, while RS and RT are associated with reasonable remission rates but important recurrence rates. The current evidence warrants low confidence due to the noncomparative nature of the studies, high heterogeneity, and imprecision.

  16. Clinical validity of a population database definition of remission in patients with major depression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvatella-Pasant Jordi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Major depression (MD is one of the most frequent diagnoses in Primary Care. It is a disabling illness that increases the use of health resources. Aim: To describe the concordance between remission according to clinical assessment and remission obtained from the computerized prescription databases of patients with MD in a Spanish population. Methods Design: multicenter cross-sectional. The population under study was comprised of people from six primary care facilities, who had a MD episode between January 2003 and March 2007. A specialist in psychiatry assessed a random sample of patient histories and determined whether a certain patient was in remission according to clinical criteria (ICPC-2. Regarding the databases, patients were considered in remission when they did not need further prescriptions of AD for at least 6 months after completing treatment for a new episode. Validity indicators (sensitivity [S], specificity [Sp] and clinical utility (positive and negative probability ratio [PPR] and [NPR] were calculated. The concordance index was established using Cohen's kappa coefficient. Significance level was p Results 133 patient histories were reviewed. The kappa coefficient was 82.8% (confidence intervals [CI] were 95%: 73.1 - 92.6, PPR 9.8% and NPR 0.1%. Allocation discrepancies between both criteria were found in 11 patients. S was 92.5% (CI was 95%: 88.0 - 96.9% and Sp was 90.6% (CI was 95%: 85.6 - 95.6%, p Conclusions Results show an acceptable level of concordance between remission obtained from the computerized databases and clinical criteria. The major discrepancies were found in diagnostic accuracy.

  17. Rifaximin-extended intestinal release induces remission in patients with moderately active Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Prantera, Cosimo; Lochs, Herbert; Grimaldi, Maria; Danese, Silvio; Scribano, Maria Lia; Gionchetti, Paolo


    Bacteria might be involved in the development and persistence of inflammation in patients with Crohn's disease (CD), and antibiotics could be used in therapy. We performed a clinical phase 2 trial to determine whether a gastroresistant formulation of rifaximin (extended intestinal release [EIR]) induced remission in patients with moderately active CD. We performed a multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial of the efficacy and safety of 400, 800, and 1200 mg rifaximin-EIR, given twice daily to 402 patients with moderately active CD for 12 weeks. Data from patients given rifaximin-EIR were compared with those from individuals given placebo, and collected during a 12-week follow-up period. The primary end point was remission (Crohn's Disease Activity Index <150) at the end of the treatment period. At the end of the 12-week treatment period, 62% of patients who received the 800-mg dosage of rifaximin-EIR (61 of 98) were in remission, compared with 43% of patients who received placebo (43 of 101) (P = .005). A difference was maintained throughout the 12-week follow-up period (45% [40 of 89] vs 29% [28 of 98]; P = .02). Remission was achieved by 54% (56 of 104) and 47% (47 of 99) of the patients given the 400-mg and 1200-mg dosages of rifaximin-EIR, respectively; these rates did not differ from those of placebo. Patients given the 400-mg and 800-mg dosages of rifaximin-EIR had low rates of withdrawal from the study because of adverse events; rates were significantly higher among patients given the 1200-mg dosage (16% [16 of 99]). Administration of 800 mg rifaximin-EIR twice daily for 12 weeks induced remission with few adverse events in patients with moderately active CD. Copyright © 2012 AGA Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. 46 CFR Sec. 3 - Application for remission of duties. (United States)


    ... Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A-NATIONAL SHIPPING AUTHORITY GENERAL AGENT'S RESPONSIBILITY IN CONNECTION WITH FOREIGN REPAIR CUSTOM'S ENTRIES Sec. 3 Application for remission... District Director of Customs as defined in 19 CFR 1.1(d) if the following circumstances prevail: (a) When...

  19. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Induces Early Plasma Metabolomic and Lipidomic Alterations in Humans Associated with Diabetes Remission.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tulika Arora

    Full Text Available Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB is an effective method to attain sustained weight loss and diabetes remission. We aimed to elucidate early changes in the plasma metabolome and lipidome after RYGB. Plasma samples from 16 insulin-resistant morbidly obese subjects, of whom 14 had diabetes, were subjected to global metabolomics and lipidomics analysis at pre-surgery and 4 and 42 days after RYGB. Metabolites and lipid species were compared between time points and between subjects who were in remission and not in remission from diabetes 2 years after surgery. We found that the variables that were most discriminatory between time points were decanoic acid and octanoic acid, which were elevated 42 days after surgery, and sphingomyelins (18:1/21:0 and 18:1/23:3, which were at their lowest level 42 days after surgery. Insulin levels were lower at 4 and 42 days after surgery compared with pre-surgery levels. At 4 days after surgery, insulin levels correlated positively with metabolites of branched chain and aromatic amino acid metabolism and negatively with triglycerides with long-chain fatty acids. Of the 14 subjects with diabetes prior to surgery, 7 were in remission 2 years after surgery. The subjects in remission displayed higher pre-surgery levels of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and triglycerides with long-chain fatty acids compared with subjects not in remission. Thus, metabolic alterations are induced soon after surgery and subjects with diabetes remission differ in the metabolic profiles at pre- and early post-surgery time points compared to patients not in remission.

  20. A Gut Feeling to Cure Diabetes: Potential Mechanisms of Diabetes Remission after Bariatric Surgery

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    Young Min Cho


    Full Text Available A cure for type 2 diabetes was once a mere dream but has now become a tangible and achievable goal with the unforeseen success of bariatric surgery in the treatment of both obesity and type 2 diabetes. Popular bariatric procedures such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy exhibit high rates of diabetes remission or marked improvement in glycemic control. However, the mechanism of diabetes remission following these procedures is still elusive and appears to be very complex and encompasses multiple anatomical and physiological changes. In this article, calorie restriction, improved β-cell function, improved insulin sensitivity, and alterations in gut physiology, bile acid metabolism, and gut microbiota are reviewed as potential mechanisms of diabetes remission after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.

  1. Ability to perform Actvities of Daily Living among patients with bipolar disorder in remission

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Decker, Lone; Träger, Conny; Miskowiak, Kamilla


    in the community. While participants reported decreased ADL ability, especially within instrumental ADL, they had a tendency towards evaluating themselves as more competent than what was observed. No relationships between measures of observed and self-reported ADL ability were found. Conclusion: Overall, patients......ABSTRACT Aims: Patients with bipolar disorder often experience disability in terms of cognitive impairments and activity limitations even in remission. However, knowledge is sparse concerning the ability to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADL) during remission. The aim of this study was to (1......) investigate the observed and self-reported ability to perform ADL tasks and (2) examine the association between observed and self-reported ability to perform ADL in patients with bipolar disorder in remission. Methods: The observed ADL ability was assessed with the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills...

  2. Transplantation of autologous bone marrow in three patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia during the first remission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loewenberg, B.; Sizoo, W.; Sintnicolaas, K.; Hendriks, W.D.H.; Poel, J. van der; Abels, J.; Dzoljic, G.; Bekkum, D.W. van; Wagemaker, G.


    A report is presented on the first results of transplantation of autologous bone marrow in 3 adult patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia. The treatment consisted of intensive chemotherapy and whole-body irradiation and was followed by transplantation of a limited number of non-purified bone-marrow cells that had previously been collected from the patient. In all three patients, transplantation was followed by a stable remission. One patient had a fatal recurrence after a total period of 21 months of remission. In 2 patients, the remissions continue. The clinical significance of these findings is discussed. (Auth.)

  3. Pulse versus daily oral cyclophosphamide for induction of remission in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis: a randomized trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Groot, Kirsten; Harper, Lorraine; Jayne, David R W


    BACKGROUND: Current therapies for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis are limited by toxicity. OBJECTIVE: To compare pulse cyclophosphamide with daily oral cyclophosphamide for induction of remission. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled trial. Random assignments were...... outcome); change in renal function, adverse events, and cumulative dose of cyclophosphamide (secondary outcomes). RESULTS: Groups did not differ in time to remission (hazard ratio, 1.098 [95% CI, 0.78 to 1.55]; P = 0.59) or proportion of patients who achieved remission at 9 months (88.1% vs. 87...... regimen induced remission of ANCA-associated vasculitis as well as the daily oral regimen at a reduced cumulative cyclophosphamide dose and caused fewer cases of leukopenia. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: The European Union....

  4. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Induces Early Plasma Metabolomic and Lipidomic Alterations in Humans Associated with Diabetes Remission

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arora, Tulika; Velagapudi, Vidya; Pournaras, Dimitri J


    -surgery levels. At 4 days after surgery, insulin levels correlated positively with metabolites of branched chain and aromatic amino acid metabolism and negatively with triglycerides with long-chain fatty acids. Of the 14 subjects with diabetes prior to surgery, 7 were in remission 2 years after surgery....... The subjects in remission displayed higher pre-surgery levels of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and triglycerides with long-chain fatty acids compared with subjects not in remission. Thus, metabolic alterations are induced soon after surgery and subjects with diabetes remission differ in the metabolic......Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is an effective method to attain sustained weight loss and diabetes remission. We aimed to elucidate early changes in the plasma metabolome and lipidome after RYGB. Plasma samples from 16 insulin-resistant morbidly obese subjects, of whom 14 had diabetes, were...

  5. Emotional rigidity negatively impacts remission from anxiety and recovery of well-being. (United States)

    Wiltgen, Anika; Shepard, Christopher; Smith, Ryan; Fowler, J Christopher


    Emotional rigidity is described in clinical literature as a significant barrier to recovery; however, few there are few empirical measures of the construct. The current study had two aims: Study 1 aimed to identify latent factors that may bear on the construct of emotional rigidity while Study 2 assessed the potential impact of the latent factor(s) on anxiety remission rates and well-being. This study utilized data from 2472 adult inpatients (1176 females and 1296 males) with severe psychopathology. Study 1 utilized exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to identify latent factors of emotional rigidity. Study 2 utilized hierarchical logistic regression analyses to assess the relationships among emotional rigidity factors and anxiety remission and well-being recovery at discharge. Study 1 yielded a two-factor solution identified in EFA was confirmed with CFA. Factor 1 consisted of neuroticism, experiential avoidance, non-acceptance of emotions, impaired goal-directed behavior, impulse control difficulties and limited access to emotion regulation strategies when experiencing negative emotions. Factor 2 consisted of lack of emotional awareness and lack of emotional clarity when experiencing negative emotions. Results of Study 2 indicated higher scores on Factor 1 was associated with lower remission rates from anxiety and poorer well-being upon discharge. Factor 2 was not predictive of outcome. Emotional rigidity appears to be a latent construct that negatively impacts remission rates from anxiety. Limitations of the present study include its retrospective design, and inefficient methods of assessing emotional rigidity. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  6. [Bone marrow autotransplantation in patients with acute myeloblastic leukemia in primary remission]. (United States)

    Richard, C; Iriondo, A; Baro, J; Conde, E; Hermosa, V; Alsar, M J; Gómez Casares, M T; Muruzabal, M J; Pérez Encinas, M; Zubizarreta, A


    Fifteen bone marrow autotransplants (BMAT) in patients with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) were performed after the first remission. The mean age was 37 years (range 12 to 60 years). According to the morphological classification FAB, 8 patients had monocytic leukemia (M4, M5) and 7 myeloid leukemia (M1, M2, M3). The mean interval elapsed between the date of complete remission and the BMAT was 3.9 months (range 1 to 5-9 months). In 8 patients this interval was longer than 6 months and in 7 cases it was shorter than 6 months. After achievement of the complete remission all patients underwent certain cycles of intensification before the BMAT. Eight patients received only a cycle whereas 7 patients received more than one cycle (between 2 and 4). The conditioning protocol consisted of cyclophosphamide (CP) (60 mg/kg x 2) and total body radiotherapy (TBR) (10 Gy) in 9 patients; CP and busulfan in five; and CP, cytarabine at high doses and melphalan in one case. Marrow extraction was performed after completion of chemotherapy of intensification. In 5 cases the bone marrow was depleted of leukemic cells by previous in vitro treatment with ASTA-Z. There are at present 8 alive patients. The survival free of illness was 51.8%. Seven patients died: 3 cases because relapse of the leukemia, 3 due to attachment failure of the transplantation, and one patient suffered a viral myocarditis. The survival free of illness was significantly longer in those patients transplanted after 6 months of the complete remission.

  7. [Intensity of negative symptoms, working memory and executive functions disturbances in schizophrenic patients in partial remission period]. (United States)

    Hintze, Beata; Borkowska, Alina


    The aim of the study was to assess the correlation between the level of working memory and executive functions impairment in schizophrenic subjects in their partial remission period and the intensity of psychopathological symptoms measured by PANSS scale. 45 patients with schizophrenia were included in the study (28 male and 17 female), aged 18-46 (mean 27 +/- 7) years during partial remission of psychopathological symptoms (PANSS partial remission period, the significant dysfunctions of working memory and executive functions show association with negative (not positive) schizophrenic symptoms.

  8. Data on correlations between T cell subset frequencies and length of partial remission in type 1 diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aditi Narsale


    Full Text Available Partial remission in patients newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes is a period of good glucose control that can last from several weeks to over a year. The clinical significance of the remission period is that patients might be more responsive to immunotherapy if treated within this period. This article provides clinical data that indicates the level of glucose control and insulin-secreting β-cell function of each patient in the study at baseline (within 3 months of diagnosis, and at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months post-baseline. The relative frequency of immune cell subsets in the PBMC of each patient and the association between the frequency of immune cell subsets measured and length of remission is also shown. These data support the findings reported in the accompanying publication, “A pilot study showing associations between frequency of CD4+ memory cell subsets at diagnosis and duration of partial remission in type 1 diabetes” (Moya et al., 2016 [1], where a full interpretation, including biological relevance of the study can be found. Keywords: Type 1 diabetes, T cell subsets, Partial remission

  9. Predictors of rate and time to remission in first-episode psychosis: a two-year outcome study. (United States)

    Malla, Ashok; Norman, Ross; Schmitz, Norbert; Manchanda, Rahul; Béchard-Evans, Laura; Takhar, Jatinder; Haricharan, Raj


    The evidence regarding the independent influence of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on rate and time to remission is far from unequivocal. The goal of the current study was to examine the role of predictors for rate and time to remission in first-episode psychosis (FEP). The differential effect of age, gender, age of onset, duration of untreated psychosis (DUP), duration of untreated illness (DUI), pre-morbid adjustment, co-morbid diagnosis of substance abuse and adherence to medication on the rate of and time to remission were estimated using a logistic and Poisson regression, and survival analysis respectively, in FEP patients. In a sample of 107 FEP patients 82.2% achieved remission over a period of 2 years after a mean of 10.3 weeks (range 1-72). Regression analysis, based on complete data on all variables of interest (n=80), showed status of remission to be positively influenced by better pre-morbid adjustment (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.34-0.95, p<0.05), later age of onset (RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.05-1.13, p<0.0001), higher level of adherence to medication (RR 1.96, 95% CI 1.38-2.76, p<0.001) and shorter DUI (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.997-0.999, p<0.005). Time to remission was influenced by age of onset (HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.00-1.08, p<0.04) and adherence to medication (HR 1.58, 95% CI 1.11-2.23, p<0.01). Improving adherence to medication early in the course of treatment may be an important intervention to improve short-term outcome.

  10. Spontaneous complete remission of type 1 diabetes mellitus in an adult – review and case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harsha Moole


    Full Text Available Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM is an autoimmune condition that results in low plasma insulin levels by destruction of beta cells of the pancreas. As part of the natural progression of this disease, some patients regain beta cell activity transiently. This period is often referred to as the ‘honeymoon period’ or remission of T1DM. During this period, patients manifest improved glycemic control with reduced or no use of insulin or anti-diabetic medications. The incidence rates of remission and duration of remission is extremely variable. Various factors seem to influence the remission rates and duration. These include but are not limited to C-peptide level, serum bicarbonate level at the time of diagnosis, duration of T1DM symptoms, haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C levels at the time of diagnosis, sex, and age of the patient. Mechanism of remission is not clearly understood. Extensive research is ongoing in regard to the possible prevention and reversal of T1DM. However, most of the studies that showed positive results were small and uncontrolled. We present a 32-year-old newly diagnosed T1DM patient who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA and HbA1C of 12.7%. She was on basal bolus insulin regimen for the first 4 months after diagnosis. Later, she stopped taking insulin and other anti-diabetic medications due to compliance and logistical issues. Eleven months after diagnosis, her HbA1C spontaneously improved to 5.6%. Currently (14 months after T1DM diagnosis, she is still in complete remission, not requiring insulin therapy.

  11. Spontaneous complete remission of type 1 diabetes mellitus in an adult – review and case report (United States)

    Moole, Harsha; Moole, Vishnu; Mamidipalli, Adrija; Dharmapuri, Sowmya; Boddireddy, Raghuveer; Taneja, Deepak; Sfeir, Hady; Gajula, Sonia


    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune condition that results in low plasma insulin levels by destruction of beta cells of the pancreas. As part of the natural progression of this disease, some patients regain beta cell activity transiently. This period is often referred to as the ‘honeymoon period’ or remission of T1DM. During this period, patients manifest improved glycemic control with reduced or no use of insulin or anti-diabetic medications. The incidence rates of remission and duration of remission is extremely variable. Various factors seem to influence the remission rates and duration. These include but are not limited to C-peptide level, serum bicarbonate level at the time of diagnosis, duration of T1DM symptoms, haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) levels at the time of diagnosis, sex, and age of the patient. Mechanism of remission is not clearly understood. Extensive research is ongoing in regard to the possible prevention and reversal of T1DM. However, most of the studies that showed positive results were small and uncontrolled. We present a 32-year-old newly diagnosed T1DM patient who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and HbA1C of 12.7%. She was on basal bolus insulin regimen for the first 4 months after diagnosis. Later, she stopped taking insulin and other anti-diabetic medications due to compliance and logistical issues. Eleven months after diagnosis, her HbA1C spontaneously improved to 5.6%. Currently (14 months after T1DM diagnosis), she is still in complete remission, not requiring insulin therapy. PMID:26486109

  12. Influence of disease remission on renal dimensions in childhood ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The hallmark of Nephrotic syndrome is massive proteinuria, with associated enlarged kidneys. However the association between remission status and size of the kidneys in patients with nephrotic syndrome is not known. This study is aimed at determining the dimensions of the kidneys of children with nephrotic ...

  13. Technetium uptake predicts remission and relapse in Grave's disease patients on antithyroid drugs for at least 1 year in South Indian subjects. (United States)

    Singhal, Neha; Praveen, V P; Bhavani, Nisha; Menon, Arun S; Menon, Usha; Abraham, Nithya; Kumar, Harish; JayKumar, R V; Nair, Vasantha; Sundaram, Shanmugha; Sundaram, Padma


    Most of the information on remission related factors in Grave's disease are derived from Western literature. It is likely that there may be additional prognostic factors and differences in the postdrug treatment course of Grave's disease in India. To study factors which predict remission/relapse in Grave's disease patients from South India. Also to establish if technetium (Tc) uptake has a role in predicting remission. Records of 174 patients with clinical, biochemical, and scintigraphic criteria consistent with Grave's disease, seen in our Institution between January 2006 and 2014 were analyzed. Patient factors, drug-related factors, Tc-99m uptake and other clinical factors were compared between the remission and nonremission groups. Mann-Whitney U-test and Chi-square tests were used when appropriate to compare the groups. Fifty-seven (32.7%) patients attained remission after at least 1 year of thionamide therapy. Of these, 11 (19.2%) patients relapsed within 1 year. Age, gender, goiter, and presence of extrathyroidal manifestations were not associated with remission. Higher values of Tc uptake were positively associated with remission (P- 0.02). Time to achievement of normal thyroid function and composite dose: Time scores were significantly associated with remission (P - 0.05 and P - 0.01, respectively). Patients with lower FT4 at presentation had a higher chance of remission (P - 0.01). The relapse rates were lower than previously reported in the literature. A higher Tc uptake was found to be significantly associated with relapse also (P - 0.009). The prognostic factors associated with remission in Graves's disease in this South Indian study are not the same as that reported in Western literature. Tc scintigraphy may have an additional role in identifying people who are likely to undergo remission and thus predict the outcome of Grave's disease.

  14. Technetium uptake predicts remission and relapse in Grave's disease patients on antithyroid drugs for at least 1 year in South Indian subjects

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    Neha Singhal


    Full Text Available Context: Most of the information on remission related factors in Grave's disease are derived from Western literature. It is likely that there may be additional prognostic factors and differences in the postdrug treatment course of Grave's disease in India. Aim: To study factors which predict remission/relapse in Grave's disease patients from South India. Also to establish if technetium (Tc uptake has a role in predicting remission. Subjects and Methods: Records of 174 patients with clinical, biochemical, and scintigraphic criteria consistent with Grave's disease, seen in our Institution between January 2006 and 2014 were analyzed. Patient factors, drug-related factors, Tc-99m uptake and other clinical factors were compared between the remission and nonremission groups. Statistical Analysis Used: Mann–Whitney U-test and Chi-square tests were used when appropriate to compare the groups. Results: Fifty-seven (32.7% patients attained remission after at least 1 year of thionamide therapy. Of these, 11 (19.2% patients relapsed within 1 year. Age, gender, goiter, and presence of extrathyroidal manifestations were not associated with remission. Higher values of Tc uptake were positively associated with remission (P- 0.02. Time to achievement of normal thyroid function and composite dose: Time scores were significantly associated with remission (P - 0.05 and P - 0.01, respectively. Patients with lower FT4 at presentation had a higher chance of remission (P - 0.01. The relapse rates were lower than previously reported in the literature. A higher Tc uptake was found to be significantly associated with relapse also (P - 0.009. Conclusion: The prognostic factors associated with remission in Graves's disease in this South Indian study are not the same as that reported in Western literature. Tc scintigraphy may have an additional role in identifying people who are likely to undergo remission and thus predict the outcome of Grave's disease.

  15. Multimodality assessment of cardiac involvement in Churg-Strauss syndrome patients in clinical remission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szczeklik, W.; Miszalski-Jamka, T.; Mastalerz, L.; Sokolowska, B.; Dropinski, J.; Musial, J.; Banys, R.; Hor, K.N.; Mazur, W.


    Cardiac involvement in Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is not uncommon, but its frequency varies widely and may depend on the activity of the disease. Therefore, the cardiac involvement in CSS patients in clinical remission was assessed in the present study. In 20 CSS patients in remission and 20 sex- and age-matched healthy controls, an electrocardiogram (ECG) stress test, echocardiography, and 24-h ECG Holter monitoring were performed, together with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI). Cardiac involvement was present in 90% (18/20) of CSS patients. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was on average lower in the CSS group than in controls (P<0.05), with 7 patients showing systolic heart failure (LVEF <50%). cMRI changes included late gadolinium enhancement lesions in the LV in 89% of patients (17/19), present in all layers of the myocardium. Signs of ongoing inflammation (early gadolinium enhancement) and edema (T2-weighted imaging) were present in 6/19 patients. Holter monitoring revealed both supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias more frequently in CSS patients when compared with controls (P<0.05). Absolute eosinophil count before the initiation of treatment was higher in rhythm disturbances (P<0.05), and inversely correlated with LV systolic function (rho -0.65). Heart involvement in CSS patients who are in clinical remission is very common. It is characterized not only by fibrosis, but also by an active inflammatory process. The latter finding might influence therapeutic decisions in CSS patients in full clinical remission. (author)

  16. Multimodality assessment of cardiac involvement in Churg-Strauss syndrome patients in clinical remission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szczeklik, W; Miszalski-Jamka, T; Mastalerz, L; Sokolowska, B; Dropinski, J; Musial, J [Medical Coll., Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow (Poland); Banys, R [John Paul II Hospital, Krakow (Poland); Hor, K N [Cincinnati Children' s Medical Center, OH (United States); Mazur, W [Heart and Vascular Center at The Christ Hospitals, OH (United States)


    Cardiac involvement in Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is not uncommon, but its frequency varies widely and may depend on the activity of the disease. Therefore, the cardiac involvement in CSS patients in clinical remission was assessed in the present study. In 20 CSS patients in remission and 20 sex- and age-matched healthy controls, an electrocardiogram (ECG) stress test, echocardiography, and 24-h ECG Holter monitoring were performed, together with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI). Cardiac involvement was present in 90% (18/20) of CSS patients. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was on average lower in the CSS group than in controls (P<0.05), with 7 patients showing systolic heart failure (LVEF <50%). cMRI changes included late gadolinium enhancement lesions in the LV in 89% of patients (17/19), present in all layers of the myocardium. Signs of ongoing inflammation (early gadolinium enhancement) and edema (T2-weighted imaging) were present in 6/19 patients. Holter monitoring revealed both supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias more frequently in CSS patients when compared with controls (P<0.05). Absolute eosinophil count before the initiation of treatment was higher in rhythm disturbances (P<0.05), and inversely correlated with LV systolic function (rho -0.65). Heart involvement in CSS patients who are in clinical remission is very common. It is characterized not only by fibrosis, but also by an active inflammatory process. The latter finding might influence therapeutic decisions in CSS patients in full clinical remission. (author)

  17. Adalimumab in the induction of Crohn's disease remission: results of a Brazilian multicenter case series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Gustavo Kotze


    Full Text Available Introduction: Adalimumab (ADA is a subcutaneous fully-human anti-TNF antibody which has a significant role in the management of Crohn's disease (CD. Its efficacy has been demonstrated in several clinical trials. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the role of ADA in the induction of clinical remission in a Brazilian series of CD cases. Method: A retrospective analysis of CD patients treated with ADA was performed in three Brazilian inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD reference centers. The following characteristics were analyzed: gender, age, indication to ADA treatment, type of response, previous exposure to infliximab (IFX, concomitant use of immunomodulators and adverse events, among others. Results: 54 patients (29 females were included in this series, with mean age of 36.72 years (ranging from 15 to 62 years. After induction regimen, 26 patients (48.14% were in clinical remission, 26 (48.14% had partial response, and 2 (3.72% were primary non-responders. After a mean follow-up of 9.83 (2 to 28 months, 17 patients (31.48% presented adverse events. The most common event was pain on the injection site (7 patients - 12.96%. Conclusions: ADA was effective to induce CD remission in this Brazilian case series. The remission and response rates were similar to the literature, as well as the safety profile of this drug.Introdução: O adalimumabe (ADA é um anticorpo anti-fator de necrose tumoral alfa totalmente humano, de uso subcutâneo, com eficácia e perfil de segurança bem determinados na doença de Crohn (DC. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi determinar o papel do ADA na indução da remissão na DC, em uma série brasileira de casos. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, realizado em três centros de referência em doenças inflamatórias intestinais, com usuários do ADA para tratamento da DC. As variáveis analisadas foram: idade, sexo, indicação do tratamento, forma de apresentação da doença, tipo de resposta (total, parcial

  18. Lung cancer: Value of computed tomography in radiotherapy planning and evaluation of tumour remission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feyerabend, T.; Schmitt, R.; Richter, E.; Bohndorf, W.


    434 CT examinations of 133 patients with histologically proven bronchogenic carcinoma (22 out of 133 with small cell lung cancer) were analysed before and after radiotherapy. The study evaluates the use of CT for determining target volume, tumour volume and remission rate: 1. Concerning determination of target volume conventional roentgendiagnostic simulator methods are much inferior to CT aided planning; as for our patients changes of the target volume were necessary in 50%, in 22% the changes were crucial. This happened more often in non-small cell lung cancer than in small cell carcinomas. 2. The response rate (CR + PR) after radiotherapy (based on the calculated tumour volumes by CT) was 70 to 80%. The rate of CR of the primary was 45% (non-small cell carcinoma) and 67% (small cell carcinoma). 3. The crucial point for the evaluation of tumour remission after radiotherapy is the point of time. One to three months and four to nine months after irradiation we found complete remissions in 19% and 62%, respectively. Hence, the evaluation of treatment results earlier than three months after radiotherapy may be incorrect. We deem it indispensable to use CT for determination of target, calculation of dose distribution and accurate evaluation of tumour remission and side effects during and after irradiation of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma. (orig.) [de

  19. Variations in diabetes remission rates after bariatric surgery in Spanish adults according to the use of different diagnostic criteria for diabetes. (United States)

    Alhambra-Expósito, María R; Molina-Puerta, María J; Prior-Sánchez, María I; Manzano-García, Gregorio; Calañas-Continente, Alfonso; Gálvez-Moreno, María A


    There are multiple criteria to define remission of type 2 diabetes (DM2) after bariatric surgery but there is not a specific one widely accepted. Our objectives were to compare diagnostic criteria for DM2 remission after bariatric surgery: Criteria from Spanish scientific associations (SEEN/SEEDO/SED) and from the American Diabetes Association (ADA). We also aim to analyse the degree of correlation between these sets of criteria. Retrospective observational study in 127 patients undergoing bariatric surgery in a single centre (Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Córdoba, Spain) between January 2001 and December 2009. We analysed DM2 remission following bariatric surgery comparing DM2 diagnostic criteria approved by Spanish scientific associations and ADA criteria. In total, 62.2% of patients were women; mean age was 47.1 years. Following surgery, 52% achieved complete remission according to ADA criteria, and 63.8% following the criteria approved by Spanish associations (p = 0.001);18.9 and 8.7%, respectively, showed partial remission (p = 0.007), and 29.1 and 27.6% no remission, according to the criteria approved by each association (p = 0.003). There was good correlation between both sets of criteria (Rho 0.781; p DM2 remission (ADA criteria) results in a lower rate of remission, although we found a a high degree of correlation between both sets of criteria.

  20. Weight Suppression Predicts Time to Remission from Bulimia Nervosa (United States)

    Lowe, Michael R.; Berner, Laura A.; Swanson, Sonja A.; Clark, Vicki L.; Eddy, Kamryn T.; Franko, Debra L.; Shaw, Jena A.; Ross, Stephanie; Herzog, David B.


    Objective: To investigate whether, at study entry, (a) weight suppression (WS), the difference between highest past adult weight and current weight, prospectively predicts time to first full remission from bulimia nervosa (BN) over a follow-up period of 8 years, and (b) weight change over time mediates the relationship between WS and time to first…

  1. Remission of chronic headache: Rates, potential predictors and the role of medication, follow-up results of the German Headache Consortium (GHC) Study. (United States)

    Henning, Verena; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Moebus, Susanne; Schramm, Sara


    Objectives To estimate remission rates of chronic headache (CH), focusing on potential predictors of headache remission and medication. Methods We used data from the longitudinal population-based German Headache Consortium (GHC) Study (n = 9,944, 18-65 years). Validated questionnaires were used at baseline (t 0 , 2003-2007, response rate: 55.2%), first follow-up after 1.87 ± 0.39 years (t 1 , 37.2%) and second follow-up after 3.26 ± 0.60 years (t 2 , 38.8%) to assess headache type and frequency, use of analgesics and anti-migraine drugs, medication overuse, education, BMI, smoking and alcohol consumption. CH was defined as ≥ 15 headache days/month at t 0 over three months. Outcomes were: CH remission (<15 headache days/month at both follow-ups), CH persistence (≥ 15 headache days/month at both follow-ups); all others were considered as partially remitted. To estimate predictors of remission, univariate and multiple logistic regression were calculated. Results At baseline, 255 (2.6%) participants were identified with CH. Of these, 158 (62.0%) participants responded at both follow-ups. Remission was observed in 58.2% of participants, partial remission in 17.7% and persistence in 24.1%. Remission was associated with female sex (adjusted odds ratio: 3.10, 95% confidence interval: 1.06-9.08) and no medication overuse (4.16, 1.45-11.94) compared to participants with persistent CH; participants with higher headache frequency at t 0 were less likely to remit (0.90, 0.84-0.97). Medication, age, education, BMI, smoking and drinking showed no effects on remission. Similar results were observed for partial remission. Conclusion The majority of CH participants remitted from CH. Female sex, no overuse of pain medication and lower headache frequency were associated with remission.

  2. Remission in Depressed Geriatric Primary Care Patients: A Report From the PROSPECT Study (United States)

    Alexopoulos, George S.; Katz, Ira R.; Bruce, Martha L.; Heo, Moonseong; Have, Thomas Ten; Raue, Patrick; Bogner, Hillary R.; Schulberg, Herbert C.; Mulsant, Benoit H.; Reynolds, Charles F.


    Objective This study compared time to first remission for elderly depressed patients in primary care for practices that implemented a care management model versus those providing usual care. In addition, it sought to identify risk factors for nonremission that could guide treatment planning and referral to care managers or specialists. Method Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial (PROSPECT) data were analyzed. Participants were older patients (≥60 years) selected following screening of 9,072 randomly identified primary care patients. The present analysis examined patients with major depression and a 24-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score of 18 or greater who were followed for at least 4 months (N=215). Primary care practices were randomly assigned to offer the PROSPECT intervention or usual care. The intervention consisted of services of trained care managers, who offered algorithm-based recommendations to physicians and helped patients with treatment adherence over 18 months. Results First remission occurred earlier and was more common among patients receiving the intervention than among those receiving usual care. For all patients, limitations in physical and emotional functions predicted poor remission rate. Patients experiencing hopelessness were more likely to achieve remission if treated in intervention practices. Similarly, the intervention was more effective in patients with low baseline anxiety. Conclusions Longitudinal assessment of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and physical and emotional functional limitations in depressed older primary care patients is critical. Patients with prominent symptoms or impairment in these areas may be candidates for care management or mental health care, since they are at risk for remaining depressed and disabled. PMID:15800144

  3. Achieving Remission in Gulf War Illness: A Simulation-Based Approach to Treatment Design.

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    Travis J A Craddock

    Full Text Available Gulf War Illness (GWI is a chronic multi-symptom disorder affecting up to one-third of the 700,000 returning veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War and for which there is no known cure. GWI symptoms span several of the body's principal regulatory systems and include debilitating fatigue, severe musculoskeletal pain, cognitive and neurological problems. Using computational models, our group reported previously that GWI might be perpetuated at least in part by natural homeostatic regulation of the neuroendocrine-immune network. In this work, we attempt to harness these regulatory dynamics to identify treatment courses that might produce lasting remission. Towards this we apply a combinatorial optimization scheme to the Monte Carlo simulation of a discrete ternary logic model that represents combined hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA, gonadal (HPG, and immune system regulation in males. In this work we found that no single intervention target allowed a robust return to normal homeostatic control. All combined interventions leading to a predicted remission involved an initial inhibition of Th1 inflammatory cytokines (Th1Cyt followed by a subsequent inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor function (GR. These first two intervention events alone ended in stable and lasting return to the normal regulatory control in 40% of the simulated cases. Applying a second cycle of this combined treatment improved this predicted remission rate to 2 out of 3 simulated subjects (63%. These results suggest that in a complex illness such as GWI, a multi-tiered intervention strategy that formally accounts for regulatory dynamics may be required to reset neuroendocrine-immune homeostasis and support extended remission.

  4. Remission and Recovery in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS): Acute and Long-Term Outcomes (United States)

    Kennard, Betsy D.; Silva, Susan G.; Tonev, Simon; Rohde, Paul; Hughes, Jennifer L.; Vitiello, Benedetto; Kratochvil, Christopher J.; Curry, John F.; Emslie, Graham J.; Reinecke, Mark; March, John


    The remission and recovery rates of adolescent patients with depression who were treated with fluoxetine, cognitive-behavioral therapy, their combination, and placebos were examined through a multisite clinical trial. It is concluded that most depressed adolescents who received such therapies achieved remission at the end of nine months.

  5. Utilising symptom dimensions with diagnostic categories improves prediction of time to first remission in first-episode psychosis. (United States)

    Ajnakina, Olesya; Lally, John; Di Forti, Marta; Stilo, Simona A; Kolliakou, Anna; Gardner-Sood, Poonam; Dazzan, Paola; Pariante, Carmine; Reis Marques, Tiago; Mondelli, Valeria; MacCabe, James; Gaughran, Fiona; David, Anthony S; Stamate, Daniel; Murray, Robin M; Fisher, Helen L


    There has been much recent debate concerning the relative clinical utility of symptom dimensions versus conventional diagnostic categories in patients with psychosis. We investigated whether symptom dimensions rated at presentation for first-episode psychosis (FEP) better predicted time to first remission than categorical diagnosis over a four-year follow-up. The sample comprised 193 FEP patients aged 18-65years who presented to psychiatric services in South London, UK, between 2006 and 2010. Psychopathology was assessed at baseline with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and five symptom dimensions were derived using Wallwork/Fortgang's model; baseline diagnoses were grouped using DSM-IV codes. Time to start of first remission was ascertained from clinical records. The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) was used to find the best fitting accelerated failure time model of dimensions, diagnoses and time to first remission. Sixty percent of patients remitted over the four years following first presentation to psychiatric services, and the average time to start of first remission was 18.3weeks (SD=26.0, median=8). The positive (BIC=166.26), excited (BIC=167.30) and disorganised/concrete (BIC=168.77) symptom dimensions, and a diagnosis of schizophrenia (BIC=166.91) predicted time to first remission. However, a combination of the DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia with all five symptom dimensions led to the best fitting model (BIC=164.35). Combining categorical diagnosis with symptom dimension scores in FEP patients improved the accuracy of predicting time to first remission. Thus our data suggest that the decision to consign symptom dimensions to an annexe in DSM-5 should be reconsidered at the earliest opportunity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Toward an online cognitive and emotional battery to predict treatment remission in depression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gordon E


    Full Text Available Evian Gordon,1 A John Rush,2 Donna M Palmer,3,4 Taylor A Braund,3 William Rekshan1 1Brain Resource, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Duke-NUS, Singapore; 3Brain Resource, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 4Brain Dynamics Center, Sydney Medical School – Westmead and Westmead Millennium Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia Purpose: To evaluate the performance of a cognitive and emotional test battery in a representative sample of depressed outpatients to inform likelihood of remission over 8 weeks of treatment with each of three common antidepressant medications. Patients and methods: Outpatients 18–65 years old with nonpsychotic major depressive disorder (17 sites were randomized to escitalopram, sertraline or venlafaxine-XR (extended release. Participants scored ≥12 on the baseline 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology – Self-Report and completed 8 weeks of treatment. The baseline test battery measured cognitive and emotional status. Exploratory multivariate logistic regression models predicting remission (16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology – Self-Report score ≤5 at 8 weeks were developed independently for each medication in subgroups stratified by age, sex, or cognitive and emotional test performance. The model with the highest cross-validated accuracy determined the participant proportion in each arm for whom remission could be predicted with an accuracy ≥10% above chance. The proportion for whom a prediction could be made with very high certainty (positive predictive value and negative predictive value exceeding 80% was calculated by incrementally increasing test battery thresholds to predict remission/non-remission. Results: The test battery, individually developed for each medication, improved identification of remitting and non-remitting participants by ≥10% beyond chance for 243 of 467 participants. The overall remission rates were escitalopram: 40.8%, sertraline: 30.3%, and

  7. Is Internet addiction transitory or persistent? Incidence and prospective predictors of remission of Internet addiction among Chinese secondary school students. (United States)

    Lau, Joseph T F; Wu, Anise M S; Gross, Danielle L; Cheng, Kit-Man; Lau, Mason M C


    Internet addiction (IA) is prevalent among adolescents but it is potentially revertible. Only three Taiwan adolescent studies reported IA remission and a few related factors. We investigated incidence and predictors of remission among Hong Kong Chinese secondary school students with a 12-month longitudinal study. IA was defined as Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS) score>63. Validated measures were used to assess students' psychosocial wellbeing at baseline and follow-up. Of 1545 students with IA at baseline, 1296 (83.9%) provided matched baseline/12-month follow-up data; their data were analyzed. Incidence of remission (CIAS≤63 at follow-up) was 59.29/100 person-years. Significant predictors included: 1) baseline CIAS score (ORa=.95), 2) baseline health belief model (HBM) constructs [perception of having severe IA (ORa=.34), perceived susceptibility to IA (ORa=0.82), perceived barrier (ORa=0.95), cue to action from parents (ORa=0.82), and self-efficacy for reducing Internet use (ORa=1.13)], and 3) baseline psychosocial health measures [self-esteem (ORa=1.03), severe depression (ORa=0.72) and social anxiety (ORa=0.96)] and their changes over time [depression (ORa=.95), anxiety (ORa=.94), loneliness (ORa=.93), self-esteem (ORa=1.07), positive affect (ORa=1.10) and family support (ORa=1.03)]. Two-thirds (64.3%) of the remission group presented reduced CIAS score>1.5 SD, and recorded larger improvements in psychosocial status over time than the non-remission group. Without noticeable interventions, incidence of remission was high and related to improvements in psychosocial health. Most of the HBM constructs, and baseline/changes in psychosocial measures predicted remission. Interventions to increase remission should modify these factors. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Remission from Depression among Adults with Arthritis: A 12-Year Followup of a Population-Based Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esme Fuller-Thomson


    Full Text Available Individuals with arthritis are vulnerable to depression. In this study, we calculated time to remission from depression in a representative community-based sample of depressed Canadians with arthritis who were followed for 12 years. We conducted secondary analysis of a longitudinal panel study, the National Population Health Survey, which was begun in 1994/95 and has included biennial assessment of depression since that time. Our analysis focused on a total of 216 respondents with arthritis who were depressed at baseline. The mean time to remission from depression was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier procedure and compared across categories of each of the potential predictors. The percentage of those no longer screening positive for depression was calculated at two years after baseline. At two years after baseline, 71% of the sample had achieved remission from depression. Time to remission was significantly longer for those depressed adults who were under the age of 55, those who reported more chronic pain at baseline, those with comorbid migraine, and those who experienced childhood physical abuse or parental addictions. These findings highlight the importance of screening for these factors to improve the targeting of interventions to depressed patients with arthritis.

  9. Global map of physical interactions among differentially expressed genes in multiple sclerosis relapses and remissions. (United States)

    Tuller, Tamir; Atar, Shimshi; Ruppin, Eytan; Gurevich, Michael; Achiron, Anat


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system autoimmune inflammatory T-cell-mediated disease with a relapsing-remitting course in the majority of patients. In this study, we performed a high-resolution systems biology analysis of gene expression and physical interactions in MS relapse and remission. To this end, we integrated 164 large-scale measurements of gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of MS patients in relapse or remission and healthy subjects, with large-scale information about the physical interactions between these genes obtained from public databases. These data were analyzed with a variety of computational methods. We find that there is a clear and significant global network-level signal that is related to the changes in gene expression of MS patients in comparison to healthy subjects. However, despite the clear differences in the clinical symptoms of MS patients in relapse versus remission, the network level signal is weaker when comparing patients in these two stages of the disease. This result suggests that most of the genes have relatively similar expression levels in the two stages of the disease. In accordance with previous studies, we found that the pathways related to regulation of cell death, chemotaxis and inflammatory response are differentially expressed in the disease in comparison to healthy subjects, while pathways related to cell adhesion, cell migration and cell-cell signaling are activated in relapse in comparison to remission. However, the current study includes a detailed report of the exact set of genes involved in these pathways and the interactions between them. For example, we found that the genes TP53 and IL1 are 'network-hub' that interacts with many of the differentially expressed genes in MS patients versus healthy subjects, and the epidermal growth factor receptor is a 'network-hub' in the case of MS patients with relapse versus remission. The statistical approaches employed in this study enabled us

  10. Impact of Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in First Complete Remission in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østgård, Lene Sofie Granfeldt; Lund, Jennifer L; Nørgaard, Jan Maxwell


    To examine the outcome of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in first complete remission (CR1) compared to chemotherapy alone in a population-based setting, we identified a cohort of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients aged 15-70 years diagnosed between 2000-2014 in Denmark. Using...... the Danish National Acute Leukemia Registry, we compared relapse risk, relapse-free survival (RFS), and overall survival between patients with non-favorable cytogenetic features receiving post-remission therapy with conventional chemotherapy-only versus those undergoing HSCT in CR1. To minimize immortal time...

  11. The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT): protocol for a cluster randomised trial. (United States)

    Leslie, Wilma S; Ford, Ian; Sattar, Naveed; Hollingsworth, Kieren G; Adamson, Ashley; Sniehotta, Falko F; McCombie, Louise; Brosnahan, Naomi; Ross, Hazel; Mathers, John C; Peters, Carl; Thom, George; Barnes, Alison; Kean, Sharon; McIlvenna, Yvonne; Rodrigues, Angela; Rehackova, Lucia; Zhyzhneuskaya, Sviatlana; Taylor, Roy; Lean, Mike E J


    Despite improving evidence-based practice following clinical guidelines to optimise drug therapy, Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) still exerts a devastating toll from vascular complications and premature death. Biochemical remission of T2DM has been demonstrated with weight loss around 15kg following bariatric surgery and in several small studies of non-surgical energy-restriction treatments. The non-surgical Counterweight-Plus programme, running in Primary Care where obesity and T2DM are routinely managed, produces >15 kg weight loss in 33% of all enrolled patients. The Diabetes UK-funded Counterpoint study suggested that this should be sufficient to reverse T2DM by removing ectopic fat in liver and pancreas, restoring first-phase insulin secretion. The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) was designed to determine whether a structured, intensive, weight management programme, delivered in a routine Primary Care setting, is a viable treatment for achieving durable normoglycaemia. Other aims are to understand the mechanistic basis of remission and to identify psychological predictors of response. Cluster-randomised design with GP practice as the unit of randomisation: 280 participants from around 30 practices in Scotland and England will be allocated either to continue usual guideline-based care or to add the Counterweight-Plus weight management programme, which includes primary care nurse or dietitian delivery of 12-20weeks low calorie diet replacement, food reintroduction, and long-term weight loss maintenance. Main inclusion criteria: men and women aged 20-65 years, all ethnicities, T2DM 0-6years duration, BMI 27-45 kg/m(2). Tyneside participants will undergo Magnetic Resonance (MR) studies of pancreatic and hepatic fat, and metabolic studies to determine mechanisms underlying T2DM remission. Co-primary endpoints: weight reduction ≥ 15 kg and HbA1c <48 mmol/mol at one year. Further follow-up at 2 years. This study will establish whether a structured weight

  12. Design and validation of standardized clinical and functional remission criteria in schizophrenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mosolov SN


    Full Text Available Sergey N Mosolov,1 Andrey V Potapov,1 Uriy V Ushakov,2 Aleksey A Shafarenko,1 Anastasiya B Kostyukova11Department of Mental Disorders Therapy, Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Moscow, Russia; 2Moscow Psychiatric Outpatient Services #21, Moscow, RussiaBackground: International Remission Criteria (IRC for schizophrenia were developed recently by a group of internationally known experts. The IRC detect only 10%–30% of cases and do not cover the diversity of forms and social functioning. Our aim was to design a more applicable tool and validate its use – the Standardized Clinical and Functional Remission Criteria (SCFRC.Methods: We used a 6-month follow-up study of 203 outpatients from two Moscow centers and another further sample of stable patients from a 1-year controlled trial of atypical versus typical medication. Diagnosis was confirmed by International Classification of Diseases Version 10 (ICD10 criteria and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI. Patients were assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, including intensity threshold, and further classified using the Russian domestic remission criteria and the level of social and personal functioning, according to the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP. The SCFRC were formulated and were validated by a data reanalysis on the first population sample and on a second independent sample (104 patients and in an open-label prospective randomized 12-month comparative study of risperidone long-acting injectable (RLAI versus olanzapine.Results: Only 64 of the 203 outpatients (31.5% initially met the IRC, and 53 patients (26.1% met the IRC after 6 months, without a change in treatment. Patients who were in remission had episodic and progressive deficit (39.6%, or remittent (15% paranoid schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder (17%. In addition, 105 patients of 139 (51.7%, who did not meet symptomatic IRC, remained stable within the period. Reanalysis of

  13. Remission rate of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all) in adolescents and young adults (aya)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vallacha, A.; Haider, G.; Kumar, D.


    To determine the remission rate in adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Study Design:Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study:Department of Oncology, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC), Karachi from January, 2016 to March, 2017. Methodology:Adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients aged 15-39 years, newly diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia from January, 2016 to March, 2017. Diagnosis was confirmed by bone marrow trephine biopsy and immuno-phenotyping. All the patients were treated with daunorubicin, vincristine, prednisone, and L-asparaginase in the induction phase. The response evaluation was done on day 35 of the induction phase and the remission rate was assessed by the bone marrow examination. Results:Of the total 50 AYA patients diagnosed with ALL, 41 patients could complete induction phase and 9 patients died during the first week of induction, therefore excluded from the study. Forty (97.8%) patients were <35years of age, 28 (68.3%) were male, of female 10 (24.4%) were housewives, 33 (80.5%) patients belonged to Sindh, 28 (68.3%) presented with fever and body ache, 17 (41.5%) patients had precursor B cell type ALL, with 7 (17.1%) patients had hemoglobin of <7 g/dL,11 (26.8%) patients had white cell count of >30x10/sup 9//L, platelet count of <20x103/mu L in 6 (14.6%) patients and complete morphological remission was reported in 29 (70.7%) patients. Conclusion:The remission induction rate was 70.7% in the adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the study centre. (author)

  14. Decreased activation and subsyndromal manic symptoms predict lower remission rates in bipolar depression. (United States)

    Caldieraro, Marco Antonio; Walsh, Samantha; Deckersbach, Thilo; Bobo, William V; Gao, Keming; Ketter, Terence A; Shelton, Richard C; Reilly-Harrington, Noreen A; Tohen, Mauricio; Calabrese, Joseph R; Thase, Michael E; Kocsis, James H; Sylvia, Louisa G; Nierenberg, Andrew A


    Activation encompasses energy and activity and is a central feature of bipolar disorder. However, the impact of activation on treatment response of bipolar depression requires further exploration. The aims of this study were to assess the association of decreased activation and sustained remission in bipolar depression and test for factors that could affect this association. We assessed participants with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed) bipolar depression ( n = 303) included in a comparative effectiveness study of lithium- and quetiapine-based treatments (the Bipolar CHOICE study). Activation was evaluated using items from the Bipolar Inventory of Symptoms Scale. The selection of these items was based on a dimension of energy and interest symptoms associated with poorer treatment response in major depression. Decreased activation was associated with lower remission rates in the raw analyses and in a logistic regression model adjusted for baseline severity and subsyndromal manic symptoms (odds ratio = 0.899; p = 0.015). The manic features also predicted lower remission (odds ratio = 0.934; p bipolar depression. Patients with these features may require specific treatment approaches, but new studies are necessary to identify treatments that could improve outcomes in this population.

  15. Full remission and relapse of obsessive-compulsive symptoms after cognitive-behavioral group therapy: a two-year follow-up Remissão completa e recaídas dos sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos depois da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo: dois anos de acompanhamento

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    Daniela Tusi Braga


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess whether the results obtained with 12 sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy with obsessive-compulsive patients were maintained after two years, and whether the degree of symptom remission was associated with relapse. METHOD: Forty-two patients were followed. The severity of symptoms was measured at the end of cognitive-behavioral group therapy and at 18 and 24 months of follow-up. The assessment scales used were the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, Clinical Global Impression, Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory. RESULTS: The reduction in symptom severity observed at the end of treatment was maintained during the two-year follow-up period (F = 57.881; p OBJETIVO: Avaliar se os resultados obtidos com 12 sessões de terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo para pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo foram mantidos depois de dois anos do final do tratamento e se o grau de remissão dos sintomas esteve associado às recaídas. MÉTODO: Quarenta e dois pacientes foram acompanhados. A gravidade dos sintomas foi avaliada no final da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo, 18 e 24 meses após o término do tratamento. As escalas utilizadas para avaliação foram Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, Clinical Global Impression, Beck Depression Inventory e Beck Anxiety Inventory. RESULTADOS: A redução da gravidade dos sintomas observada no final do tratamento foi mantida durante o período de dois anos de acompanhamento (F = 57,881; p < 0,001. Ao final do tratamento, 9 (21,4% pacientes apresentaram remissão completa, 22 (52,4% remissão parcial e 11 (26,2% não apresentaram mudança na Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Dois anos depois, 13 pacientes (31,0% apresentaram remissão completa dos sintomas, 20 (47,6% apresentaram remissão parcial, e 9 (21,4% não apresentaram mudança na Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. A remissão completa dos sintomas ao

  16. The course of asthma in young adults: a population-based nine-year follow-up on asthma remission and control.

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    Lucia Cazzoletti

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Only few longitudinal studies on the course of asthma among adults have been carried out. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present prospective study, carried out between 2000 and 2009 in Italy, is to assess asthma remission and control in adults with asthma, as well as their determinants. METHODS: All the subjects with current asthma (21-47 years identified in 2000 in the Italian Study on Asthma in Young Adults in 6 Italian centres were followed up. Asthma remission was assessed at follow-up in 2008-2009 (n = 214, asthma control at baseline and follow-up. Asthma remission and control were related to potential determinants by a binomial logistic and a multinomial logistic model. Separate models for remission were used for men and women. RESULTS: The estimate of the proportion of subjects who were in remission was 29.7% (95%CI: 14.4%;44.9%. Men who were not under control at baseline had a very low probability of being in remission at follow-up (OR = 0.06; 95%CI:0.01;0.33 when compared to women (OR = 0.40; 95%CI:0.17;0.94. The estimates of the proportion of subjects who were under control, partial control or who were not under control in our sample were 26.3% (95%CI: 21.2;31.3%, 51.6% (95%CI: 44.6;58.7% and 22.1% (95%CI: 16.6;27.6%, respectively. Female gender, increasing age, the presence of chronic cough and phlegm and partial or absent asthma control at baseline increased the risk of uncontrolled asthma at follow-up. CONCLUSION: Asthma remission was achieved in nearly 1/3 of the subjects with active asthma in the Italian adult population, whereas the proportion of the subjects with controlled asthma among the remaining subjects was still low.

  17. Time to relapse and remission of bipolar disorder: findings from a 1-year prospective study in Thailand

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    Leelahanaj T


    Full Text Available Thawatchai Leelahanaj,1 Ronnachai Kongsakon,2 Somrak Choovanichvong,3 Sookjaroen Tangwongchai,4 Suchat Paholpak,5 Thoranin Kongsuk,6 Manit Srisurapanont7 For the Thai Bipolar Registry Study Group 1Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Phramongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand; 2Department of Psychiatry, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; 3Srithanya Hospital, Nonthaburi, Thailand; 4Department of Psychiatry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; 5Department of Psychiatry, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand; 6Prasrimahabhodi Psychiatric Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand; 7Department of Psychiatry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand Background and methods: This study aimed to determine time to relapse and remission of mood episodes in Thai patients with bipolar disorder (BD. The Thai Bipolar Disorder Registry was a multicenter, prospective, naturalistic, observational study conducted in Thailand. Participants were adult inpatients or outpatients with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders bipolar disorder. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder, current psychiatric comorbidity, mood relapse, and mood remission were determined by using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Relapse and remission were assessed every 2 months. Results: Of 424 BD participants, 404 (95.3% were BD I, and 258 (60.8% were female. At entry, 260 (61.3% had recovered, and 49 (11.6% were recovering. During 1-year follow-up (381.7 person-years, 92 participants (21.7% had 119 relapses or 0.31 (95% confidence interval 0.25–0.35 episodes per person-year. Among 119 relapses, 58 (48.7%, 39 (32.7%, and 21 (17.6% of them were depressive, hypomanic, and manic episodes, respectively. Using the Kaplan–Meier method, we found that 25% of the participants relapsed in 361 days. Of the 400 participants who reached remission, 113 (28.2% had mood relapses. Of 173 mood events accountable for remission analysis, the

  18. Inequality and ethics in paediatric HIV remission research: From Mississippi to South Africa and back. (United States)

    Crane, Johanna T; Rossouw, Theresa M


    In 2013, physician-researchers announced that a baby in Mississippi had been 'functionally cured' of HIV [Persaud, D., Gay, H., Ziemniak, C. F., Chen, Y. H., Piatak, M., Chun, T.-W., … Luzuriaga, K. (2013b, March). Functional HIV cure after very early ART of an infected infant. Paper presented at the 20th conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections, Atlanta, GA]. Though the child later developed a detectable viral load, the case remains unprecedented, and trials to build on the findings are planned [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (2014). 'Mississippi baby' now has detectable HIV, researchers find. Retrieved from ]. Whether addressing HIV 'cure' or 'remission', scrutiny of this case has focused largely on scientific questions, with only introductory attention to ethics. The social inequalities and gaps in care that made the discovery possible - and their ethical implications for paediatric HIV remission - have gone largely unexamined. This paper describes structural inequalities surrounding the 'Mississippi baby' case and a parallel case in South Africa, where proof-of-concept studies are in the early stages. We argue that an ethical programme of research into infant HIV remission ought to be 'structurally competent', and recommend that paediatric remission studies consider including a research component focused on social protection and barriers to care.

  19. Chronic myelocytic leukaemia with unusual (27 years) complete remission terminating in acute undifferentiated leukaemia: a clinical and karyotypic study. (United States)

    Najean, Y; Miclea, M; Tanzer, J; Lessard, M; Sigaux, F


    A case of clinically typical CML (300 x 10(6)/l leukocytes, 400 x 10(6)/l platelets, splenomegaly) is presented. After complete remission induced by busulphan, no clinical or haematological abnormalities were observed for 27 years until the development of acute leukaemia (type M1), which was rapidly fatal after a brief chemotherapy-induced remission. The cytogenetic findings were also original: no chromosome Ph1 (during remission 3 years after the onset of the disease), no translocation (banding study 5 years later), and no bcr/abl rearrangement (during the terminal phase).

  20. [Disappearance of Philadelphia chromosomes after remission induction in lymphoid crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia]. (United States)

    Nagafuji, K; Iwakiri, R; Miyamoto, T; Okamura, H; Yokota, E; Matsumoto, I


    The authors report a rare case of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in which the Ph1 clone disappeared after remission induction of lymphoid crisis. A 58-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of fever in July 1988. The white cell count was elevated. Bone marrow aspirate showed hypercellularity with myeloid hyperplasia. In the chromosomal analysis, Ph1 chromosomes were detected in 100% of bone marrow cells analysed. Diagnosis of CML was made and treatment was initiated with recombinant interferon-alpha 2a. Hematological remission without cytogenetic improvement was achieved. In March 1990 he developed lymphoid crisis with proliferation of CD10-positive cells. The chromosomal analysis revealed additional abnormalities including, 45, X, -Y, t(9;22) (q34;q11), +1, -8. With vincristine 0.6 mgX4, pirarubicin 15 mgX4, dexamethasone 40 mgX4 therapy complete remission was obtained. In December 1990 the Ph1 positive clone completely disappeared judging from normal karyotypes in the chromosomal analysis and the disappearance of M-bcr gene rearrangement.

  1. Current evidence for a role of GLP-1 in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass-induced remission of type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rhee, Nicolai Alexander; Vilsbøll, T; Knop, F K


    Weight-reducing surgical procedures such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) have proven efficient as means of decreasing excess body weight. Furthermore, some studies report that up to 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) undergoing RYGB experience complete remission of their T2DM......-induced remission of T2DM are lacking. This article critically evaluates the current evidence for a role of GLP-1 in RYGB-induced remission of T2DM.......Weight-reducing surgical procedures such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) have proven efficient as means of decreasing excess body weight. Furthermore, some studies report that up to 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) undergoing RYGB experience complete remission of their T2DM...... antidiabetic effects of GLP-1 are thought to be key mediators in RYGB-induced remission of T2DM. However, the published studies on the impact of RYGB on GLP-1 secretion are few, small and often not controlled properly. Furthermore, mechanistic studies delineating the role of endogenous GLP-1 secretion in RYGB...

  2. Remission of acromegaly after treatment withdrawal in patients controlled by cabergoline alone or in combination with octreotide: results from a multicenter study. (United States)

    Casagrande, A; Bronstein, M D; Jallad, R S; Mota, J I; Tabet, A; Abucham, J


    Remission of acromegaly has been reported after somatostatin analogs withdrawal, but not after withdrawal of combination therapy with cabergoline, and only in case reports of patients controlled by cabergoline alone. To establish the remission rates (normal IGF-1 for age/sex: IGF-1 ≤ 1.00 xULN) after withdrawal of combined treatment with octreotide LAR and cabergoline and of cabergoline alone, we prospectively studied 16 patients with acromegaly controlled by those treatments in the preceding 2 years as part of a larger study on remission of acromegaly after withdrawal of different medical treatments. Among 97 patients with controlled acromegaly included in the entire study, only 16 patients had been on combination therapy (n = 12) or cabergoline alone (n = 4). At 8 weeks after treatment withdrawal, three patients (19%) were in remission (short-term remission). At 60 weeks (long-term remission), IGF-1 levels were still in the normal range in two patients (12.5%) and remained normal up to 108 weeks after treatment withdrawal (last visit). One patient had been treated with cabergoline alone and another one with combination of octreotide and cabergoline before treatment withdrawal. Remission of acromegaly after treatment withdrawal seems to be uncommon in patients controlled by cabergoline, either as monotherapy or in combination with octreotide. In the future, larger studies and/or meta-analysis will be necessary to accurately establish the remission rates of acromegaly after withdrawal of cabergoline with or without somatostatin analogs.

  3. Remission of aplastic anemia induced by treatment for Graves disease in a pediatric patient. (United States)

    Das, Prabodh Kumar; Wherrett, Diane; Dror, Yigal


    Aplastic anemia (AA) is mediated by T-cell autoimmunity in the majority of cases; it is rare and mostly idiopathic in children. We describe a child, who developed AA following Graves' disease which could not be attributed to antithyroid drugs. We hypothesized that both diseases were caused by similar autoimmune process. We monitored the blood counts and did not administer any conventional treatment for AA assuming that the existing anti- hematopoietic stem cell humoral and cellular immunity might subside with induction of remission of Grave's disease. The child went into complete remission with the treatment of the Graves' disease.


    Kluczniok, Dorothea; Boedeker, Katja; Fuchs, Anna; Hindi Attar, Catherine; Fydrich, Thomas; Fuehrer, Daniel; Dittrich, Katja; Reck, Corinna; Winter, Sibylle; Heinz, Andreas; Herpertz, Sabine C; Brunner, Romuald; Bermpohl, Felix


    The association between maternal depression and adverse outcomes in children is well established. Similar links have been found for maternal childhood abuse. One proposed pathway of risk transmission is reduced maternal emotional availability. Our aim was to investigate whether sensitive parenting is impaired in mothers with depression in remission, and whether among these mothers childhood abuse has an additional impact. The mother-child interaction of 188 dyads was assessed during a play situation using the Emotional Availability Scales, which measure the overall affective quality of the interaction: maternal sensitivity, structuring, nonhostility, and nonintrusiveness. Mothers with depression in remission were compared to healthy mothers. Children were between 5 and 12 years old. Group differences and impact of additional childhood abuse were analyzed by one-factorial analyses of covariance and planned contrasts. Mothers with depression in remission showed less emotional availability during mother-child interaction compared to healthy control mothers. Specifically, they were less sensitive and, at trend-level, less structuring and more hostile. Among these mothers, we found an additional effect of severe maternal childhood abuse on maternal sensitivity: Mothers with depression in remission and a history of severe childhood abuse were less sensitive than remitted mothers without childhood abuse. Our data suggest that depression impacts on maternal emotional availability during remission, which might represent a trait characteristic of depression. Mothers with depression in remission and additional severe childhood abuse were particularly affected. These findings may contribute to the understanding of children's vulnerability to develop a depressive disorder themselves. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Spontaneous complete remission of type 1 diabetes mellitus in an adult ? review and case report


    Moole, Harsha; Moole, Vishnu; Mamidipalli, Adrija; Dharmapuri, Sowmya; Boddireddy, Raghuveer; Taneja, Deepak; Sfeir, Hady; Gajula, Sonia


    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune condition that results in low plasma insulin levels by destruction of beta cells of the pancreas. As part of the natural progression of this disease, some patients regain beta cell activity transiently. This period is often referred to as the ‘honeymoon period’ or remission of T1DM. During this period, patients manifest improved glycemic control with reduced or no use of insulin or anti-diabetic medications. The incidence rates of remission and...

  6. Effects of major depression on remission and relapse of substance dependence. (United States)

    Hasin, Deborah; Liu, Xinhua; Nunes, Edward; McCloud, Steven; Samet, Sharon; Endicott, Jean


    The effects of major depressive disorder (MDD) on the course of substance dependence may differ depending on the temporal relationship of depression to dependence. We investigated the effects of MDD on the outcome of substance dependence under 3 circumstances: (1) lifetime onset of MDD prior to lifetime onset of dependence onset, (2) current MDD occurring during a period of abstinence, and (3) current MDD during substance use that exceeded the expected effects of intoxication or withdrawal. A sample of 250 inpatients with DSM-IV cocaine, heroin, and/or alcohol dependence were followed up at 6, 12, and 18 months. The Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders (PRISM) was used to make DSM-IV diagnoses. Using Cox proportional hazards models, stable remissions (those lasting at least 26 weeks) from DSM-IV cocaine, heroin, and/or alcohol dependence and from use were studied, as well as subsequent relapses of dependence and use. Patients with current substance-induced MDD were less likely to remit from dependence (adjusted hazards ratio, 0.11) than patients with no baseline MDD. A history of MDD prior to lifetime onset of substance dependence also reduced the likelihood of remission relative to the absence of such a history (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.49). Major depressive disorder during sustained abstinence predicted dependence relapse (adjusted hazards ratio, 3.07) and substance use after hospital discharge compared with those without abstinence MDD (adjusted hazards ratio, 1.45). The timing of depressive episodes relative to substance dependence served as an important factor in the remission and relapse of substance dependence and substance use.

  7. Design and validation of standardized clinical and functional remission criteria in schizophrenia (United States)

    Mosolov, Sergey N; Potapov, Andrey V; Ushakov, Uriy V; Shafarenko, Aleksey A; Kostyukova, Anastasiya B


    Background International Remission Criteria (IRC) for schizophrenia were developed recently by a group of internationally known experts. The IRC detect only 10%–30% of cases and do not cover the diversity of forms and social functioning. Our aim was to design a more applicable tool and validate its use – the Standardized Clinical and Functional Remission Criteria (SCFRC). Methods We used a 6-month follow-up study of 203 outpatients from two Moscow centers and another further sample of stable patients from a 1-year controlled trial of atypical versus typical medication. Diagnosis was confirmed by International Classification of Diseases Version 10 (ICD10) criteria and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Patients were assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, including intensity threshold, and further classified using the Russian domestic remission criteria and the level of social and personal functioning, according to the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP). The SCFRC were formulated and were validated by a data reanalysis on the first population sample and on a second independent sample (104 patients) and in an open-label prospective randomized 12-month comparative study of risperidone long-acting injectable (RLAI) versus olanzapine. Results Only 64 of the 203 outpatients (31.5%) initially met the IRC, and 53 patients (26.1%) met the IRC after 6 months, without a change in treatment. Patients who were in remission had episodic and progressive deficit (39.6%), or remittent (15%) paranoid schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder (17%). In addition, 105 patients of 139 (51.7%), who did not meet symptomatic IRC, remained stable within the period. Reanalysis of data revealed that 65.5% of the patients met the SCFRC. In the controlled trial, 70% of patients in the RLAI group met the SCFRC and only 19% the IRC. In the routine treatment group, 55.9% met the SCFRC and only 5.7% the IRC. Results of the further independent

  8. Influence of Bariatric Surgery on Remission of Type 2 Diabetes

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    Paweł Nalepa


    Full Text Available The plague of obesity afflicts an increasing group of people. Moreover type 2 diabetes, which is the most serious illness accompanying excessive weight, is becoming more and more common. Traditional methods of obesity treatment, such as diet and physical exercise, fail. This applies especially to people with class III obesity. The only successful way of treating obesity in their case is bariatric surgery. There are three types of bariatric surgery: restrictive procedures (reducing stomach volume, malabsorptive procedures, and mixed procedures, which combine both methods. In spite of the risk connected with the surgery and complications after it, bariatric procedures are advised to patients with class III obesity and class II with an accompanying illness which increases the probability of death. It has been proved that bariatric surgery not only eliminates obesity but also very frequently (in 90�0of cases leads to the remission of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the remission occurs very fast – it takes place a long time before the patients reduce their weight, even within a few days after surgery. Detailed studies have shown that the remission of diabetes is caused mostly by the change of the gastro-intestinal hormones’ profile, resulting from the surgery. These hormones include GLP-1, GIP, peptide YY, ghrelin and oxyntomodulin. Additionally, the change of the amount of adipose tissue after the surgery influences the level of adipokines, i.e. the hormones of the adipose tissue, among which the most important are leptin, adiponectin and resistin. Thus, bariatric surgery not only changes the shape of the gastrointestinal tract but it also modulates the hormonal activity. Bariatric surgery is considered as therapy not only for the obese but also for diabetic patients.

  9. Effect of Treat-to-target Strategies Aiming at Remission of Arterial Stiffness in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized Controlled Study. (United States)

    Tam, Lydia Ho-Pui; Shang, Qing; Li, Edmund Kwok-Ming; Wong, Priscilla Ching-Han; Kwok, Kitty Yan; Kun, Emily Wai-Lin; Yim, Isaac Cheuk-Wan; Lee, Violet Ka-Lai; Yip, Ronald Man-Lung; Pang, Steve Hin-Ting; Lao, Virginia Weng-Nga; Mak, Queenie Wah-Yan; Cheng, Isaac Tsz-Ho; Lau, Xerox Sze-Lok; Li, Tena Ka-Yan; Zhu, Tracy Yaner; Lee, Alex Pui-Wai; Tam, Lai-Shan


    To determine the efficacy of 2 tight control treatment strategies aiming at Simplified Disease Activity Score (SDAI) remission (SDAI ≤ 3.3) compared to 28-joint count Disease Activity Score (DAS28) remission (DAS28 < 2.6) in the prevention of arterial stiffness in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This was an open-label study in which 120 patients with early RA were randomized to receive 1 year of tight control treatment. Group 1 (n = 60) aimed to achieve SDAI ≤ 3.3 and Group 2 (n = 60), DAS28 < 2.6. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AIx) were measured at baseline and 12 months. A posthoc analysis was also performed to ascertain whether achieving sustained remission could prevent progression in arterial stiffness. The proportions of patients receiving methotrexate monotherapy were significantly lower in Group 1 throughout the study period. At 12 months, the proportions of patients achieving DAS28 and SDAI remission, and the change in PWV and AIx, were comparable between the 2 groups. In view of the lack of differences between the 2 groups, a posthoc analysis was performed at Month 12, including all 110 patients with PWV, to elucidate the independent predictors associated with the change in PWV. Multivariate analysis revealed that achieving sustained DAS28 remission at months 6, 9, and 12 and a shorter disease duration were independent explanatory variables associated with less progression of PWV. With limited access to biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, treatment efforts toward DAS28 and SDAI remission had similar effects in preventing the progression of arterial stiffness at 1 year. However, achieving sustained DAS28 remission was associated with a significantly greater improvement in PWV. [Clinical Trial registration: NCT01768923.].

  10. Development of personality and the remission and onset of personality pathology. (United States)

    Wright, Aidan G C; Pincus, Aaron L; Lenzenweger, Mark F


    The current study used the Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders data set (Lenzenweger, 1999) to examine the development of personality traits in the context of the remission and onset of personality disorder (PD) symptoms. Despite high levels of stability, past research on the development of basic personality traits has also found a mean trend toward increased maturity and that individuals vary in their trajectories of trait development. Research on PD change has shown a similar pattern. We employed individual growth curve modeling to examine the relationship between personality trait development and PD symptom course. We found that both are indeed related and that remission in PD symptoms is associated with patterns of trait development associated with more rapid maturity. In contrast, deviating from the mean of trait development either through no change (i.e., stagnation) or change in the opposite direction (i.e., regression) was associated with developing PD symptoms over the course of the study.

  11. Personality traits of Japanese patients in remission from an episode of primary unipolar depression. (United States)

    von Zerssen, D; Asukai, N; Tsuda, H; Ono, Y; Kizaki, Y; Cho, Y


    Personality traits were assessed by means of the Munich Personality Test (MPT) in 75 Japanese subjects, 27 patients in remission from an episode of moderate to severe primary unipolar depression, with melancholic features during one episode or more of the disorder, in 24 patients in remission from other non-organic mental disorders and in 24 healthy controls. Compared with healthy controls, unipolar depressives displayed decreased Frustration Tolerance and elevated Rigidity as well as a stronger Orientation towards Social Norms. No significant difference was found between patients in remission from either unipolar depression or other mental disorders. However, the increase in Rigidity in comparison with healthy subjects was significant in the depressives only whereas the other patients, in contrast to the depressives, had significantly lower scores in Extraversion than the healthy subjects. Our results in Japanese patients are similar to findings of previous German studies, including two high risk studies, in which the same assessment instrument was used. This suggests that, beyond cultural differences, Rigidity, possibly in combination with a strong Orientation towards Social Norms and a reduced Frustration Tolerance, is a stable vulnerability marker for at least the more severe forms of primary unipolar depression.

  12. Significance of molecular-cytogenetic aberrations for the achievement of first remission in de novo acute myeloid leukemia

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    Boriana M. Zaharieva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The majority of adults diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML display acquired cytogenetic aberrations at presentation. In this article, we present the major cytogenetic findings regarding AML and review their clinical significance for achievement of the first complete remission.METHODS: We studied 71 adult patients with de novo AML, without previous myelodysplasia or alkylating therapy. Conventional cytogenetics and FISH were performed on bone marrow cells. The patients with AML were assigned to 12 subgroups according to established data for cytogenetic, molecular and general laboratory results. The selection of the analyzed parameters is consistent with internationally accepted “prognostic factors” in adult AML.RESULTS: Complete remission upon induction therapy was achieved in 40% of cases (in a mean period of 2.3 months from therapy initiation. The patients with t(15;17 PML-RARA and inv(16/CBFbeta-MYH11ë demonstrated the highest frequency of complete remission. Patients with hypodiploidy, t(9;22/bcr-abl and complex karyotypes were therapy-resistant or died within the first three months after AML diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Molecular-cytogenetic findings have an important significance for achievement of first complete remission. However, laboratory and biologic features (age, WBC and LDH and type of AML have a large influence on the disease outcome.

  13. Establishing the cut-off score for remission and severity-ranges on the Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Søren D; Rothschild, Anthony J; Flint, Alastair J


    BACKGROUND: The Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) is a rating scale dedicated to the measurement of severity in psychotic depression (PD). The aim of this study was to establish the PDAS cut-off for remission of PD as well as PDAS score-ranges for mild, moderate, and severe PD...... on the PDAS and the severity-ranges for mild, moderate, and severe PD were defined using the Clinical Global Impression - Severity scale (CGI-S) as reference by means of pair-wise receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. Subsequently, it was tested whether remission on the PDAS could separate...... the effects of Olanzapine+Sertraline vs. Olanzapine+Placebo through an intention-to-treat, mixed-effects logistic regression of the data from STOP-PD. RESULTS: According to the ROC analyses, the ideal cut-off for remission of PD was a PDAS total score moderate...

  14. Predictors of early stable symptomatic remission after an exacerbation of schizophrenia: the significance of symptoms, neuropsychological performance and cognitive biases. (United States)

    Andreou, Christina; Roesch-Ely, Daniela; Veckenstedt, Ruth; Bohn, Francesca; Aghotor, Julia; Köther, Ulf; Pfueller, Ute; Moritz, Steffen


    Neuropsychological deficits and severity of initial psychopathology have been repeatedly associated with poor symptomatic outcomes in schizophrenia. The role of higher-order cognitive biases on symptomatic outcomes of the disorder has not yet been investigated. The present study aimed to assess the contribution of cognitive biases, psychopathology and neuropsychological deficits on the probability of achieving early symptomatic remission after a psychotic episode in patients with schizophrenia. Participants were 79 patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder undergoing an acute psychotic episode, and 25 healthy controls. According to psychopathology assessments, patients were split into those who had achieved remission after an average follow-up interval of 7 months, and those who had not (NR). Patients who achieved remission exhibited higher premorbid IQ and better performance on the TMT-B, as well as lower baseline positive, disorganized and distress symptoms than NR patients. TMT-B performance and positive symptoms at baseline were the best predictors of remission. Cognitive biases and negative symptoms were not associated with later remission. The findings highlight the significance of initial symptom severity for at least short-term symptomatic outcomes and, thus, the importance of adequate symptomatic treatment and prevention of psychotic outbreaks in patients. © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Validity and reliability problems with patient global as a component of the ACR/EULAR remission criteria as used in clinical practice. (United States)

    Masri, Karim R; Shaver, Timothy S; Shahouri, Shadi H; Wang, Shirley; Anderson, James D; Busch, Ruth E; Michaud, Kaleb; Mikuls, Ted R; Caplan, Liron; Wolfe, Frederick


    To investigate what factors influence patient global health assessment (PtGlobal), and how those factors and the reliability of PtGlobal affect the rate, reliability, and validity of recently published American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) rheumatoid arthritis (RA) remission criteria when used in clinical practice. We examined consecutive patients with RA in clinical practice and identified 77 who met ACR/EULAR joint criteria for remission (≤ 1 swollen joint and ≤ 1 tender joint). We evaluated factors associated with a PtGlobal > 1, because a PtGlobal ≤ 1 defined ACR/EULAR remission in this group of patients who had already met ACR/EULAR joint criteria. Of the 77 patients examined, only 17 (22.1%) had PtGlobal ≤ 1 and thus fully satisfied ACR/EULAR criteria. A large proportion of patients not in remission by ACR/EULAR criteria had high PtGlobal related to noninflammatory issues, including low back pain, fatigue, and functional limitations, and a number of patients clustered in the range of PtGlobal > 1 and ≤ 2. However, the minimal detectable difference for PtGlobal was 2.3. In addition, compared with a PtGlobal severity score, a PtGlobal activity score was 3.3% less likely to be abnormal (> 1). Noninflammatory factors contribute to the level of PtGlobal and result in the exclusion of many patients who would otherwise be in "true" remission according to the ACR/EULAR definition. Reliability problems associated with PtGlobal can also result in misclassification, and may explain the observation of low longterm remission rates in RA. As currently constituted, the use of the ACR/EULAR remission criteria in clinical practice appears to be problematic.

  16. Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Case Report on Controlled Remission of Symptoms by a Dietary Strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Maria Lattanzio


    Full Text Available A 34-year-old woman suffered from significant chronic pain, depression, non-restorative sleep, chronic fatigue, severe morning stiffness, leg cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, hypersensitivity to cold, concentration difficulties, and forgetfulness. Blood tests were negative for rheumatic disorders. The patient was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS. Due to the lack of effectiveness of pharmacological therapies in FMS, she approached a novel metabolic proposal for the symptomatic remission. Its core idea is supporting serotonin synthesis by allowing a proper absorption of tryptophan assumed with food, while avoiding, or at least minimizing the presence of interfering non-absorbed molecules, such as fructose and sorbitol. Such a strategy resulted in a rapid improvement of symptoms after only few days on diet, up to the remission of most symptoms in 2 months. Depression, widespread chronic pain, chronic fatigue, non-restorative sleep, morning stiffness, and the majority of the comorbidities remitted. Energy and vitality were recovered by the patient as prior to the onset of the disease, reverting the occupational and social disabilities. The patient episodically challenged herself breaking the dietary protocol leading to its negative test and to the evaluation of its benefit. These breaks correlated with the recurrence of the symptoms, supporting the correctness of the biochemical hypothesis underlying the diet design toward remission of symptoms, but not as a final cure. We propose this as a low risk and accessible therapeutic protocol for the symptomatic remission in FMS with virtually no costs other than those related to vitamin and mineral salt supplements in case of deficiencies. A pilot study is required to further ground this metabolic approach, and to finally evaluate its inclusion in the guidelines for clinical management of FMS.

  17. Influence of dietary isoflavone intake on gastrointestinal symptoms in ulcerative colitis individuals in remission. (United States)

    Głąbska, Dominika; Guzek, Dominika; Grudzińska, Dominika; Lech, Gustaw


    To analyse the association between isoflavone intake and ulcerative colitis motility symptoms in individuals in remission. Cross-sectional study was conducted in a group of ulcerative colitis remission individuals, in sub-groups characterised by various intestinal motility and functioning characteristics (abdominal pain, flatulence, constipations, tenesmus). Total of 56 individuals with ulcerative colitis in remission (19 males and 37 females) were recruited for the study. Assessment of diet was based on self-reported data from each patient's dietary records taken over a period of three typical, random days (2 weekdays and 1 d of the weekend). The daily isoflavone intake (daidzein, genistein, glycitein and total isoflavones) and daily isoflavone intake per 1000 kcal of diet were assessed. No correlations between isoflavone intake levels and number of bowel movements per day were observed both in the case of intake and intake per 1000 kcal of diet. In the group of individuals declaring lack of abdominal pain, the higher intakes of daidzein ( P = 0.0075), daidzein per 1000 kcal of diet ( P = 0.0358) and total isoflavone ( P = 0.0358) were stated, than in the group of individuals declaring abdominal pain. In the group of individuals declaring lack of constipations, the lower intakes of glycitein ( P = 0.0213) and glycitein per 1000 kcal of diet ( P = 0.0213) were stated, than in the group of individuals declaring presence of constipations. No differences were observed in isoflavone intake between groups of ulcerative colitis individuals declaring lack of flatulence and declaring presence of flatulence, as well as between groups declaring lack of tenesmus and declaring presence of tenesmus. The moderate dietary isoflavone intake may be beneficial for individuals with ulcerative colitis in remission, however, before including it into recommendations, further prospective studies are needed.

  18. Remission of post-transplant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis with angiotensin receptor blockers

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    S B Bansal


    Full Text Available Recurrence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS is common after kidney transplantation. Plasmapheresis (PP is considered to be the most effective treatment; however, results are variable and relapse is common after stopping plasmapheresis. Here, we report an unusual case of recurrent FSGS, who achieved complete remission with angiotensin receptor blocker therapy.

  19. Helpful and hindering factors for remission in dysthymia and panic disorder at 9-year follow-up: A mixed methods study

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    Lützen Kim


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A better understanding is needed of factors behind the long-term outcome of dysthymic and panic disorders. Combining patients' perceptions of factors that help and hind remission with objective assessments of outcome may give greater insight into mechanisms for maintaining recovery. Methods Twenty-three dysthymic and 15 panic disorder patients participated in a 9-year follow-up investigation of a naturalistic study with psychotherapy and antidepressants. Degree of remission was determined by reassessments with SCID-I & II interviews, self-reported symptoms and life-charting (aided by case records. Qualitative content analysis of in-depth interviews with all 38 patients was done to examine the phenomenon of enduring remission by exploring: 1 perceived helpful and hindering factors, 2 factors common to and specific for the diagnostic groups, 3 convergence between patients' subjective views on remission with objective diagnostic assessments. Results About 50% of the patients were in full or partial remission. Subjective and objective views on degree of remission generally converged, and remission was perceived as receiving 'Tools to handle life'. Common helpful factors were self-understanding, enhanced flexibility of thinking, and antidepressant medication, as well as confidence in the therapist and social support. The perceived main obstacle was difficulty in negotiating treatments. Remitted had overcome the obstacles, whereas many non-remitted had problems expressing their needs. Patients with dysthymia and panic disorder described specific helpful relationships with the therapist: 'As a parent' versus 'As a coach', and specific central areas for change: self-acceptance and resolution of relational problems versus awareness and handling of feelings. Conclusion A general model for recovery from dysthymic and panic disorders is proposed, involving: 1 understanding self and illness mechanisms, 2 enhanced flexibility of thinking

  20. Helpful and hindering factors for remission in dysthymia and panic disorder at 9-year follow-up: a mixed methods study. (United States)

    Svanborg, Cecilia; Bäärnhielm, Sofie; Aberg Wistedt, Anna; Lützen, Kim


    A better understanding is needed of factors behind the long-term outcome of dysthymic and panic disorders. Combining patients' perceptions of factors that help and hind remission with objective assessments of outcome may give greater insight into mechanisms for maintaining recovery. Twenty-three dysthymic and 15 panic disorder patients participated in a 9-year follow-up investigation of a naturalistic study with psychotherapy and antidepressants. Degree of remission was determined by reassessments with SCID-I & II interviews, self-reported symptoms and life-charting (aided by case records). Qualitative content analysis of in-depth interviews with all 38 patients was done to examine the phenomenon of enduring remission by exploring: 1) perceived helpful and hindering factors, 2) factors common to and specific for the diagnostic groups, 3) convergence between patients' subjective views on remission with objective diagnostic assessments. About 50% of the patients were in full or partial remission. Subjective and objective views on degree of remission generally converged, and remission was perceived as receiving 'Tools to handle life'. Common helpful factors were self-understanding, enhanced flexibility of thinking, and antidepressant medication, as well as confidence in the therapist and social support. The perceived main obstacle was difficulty in negotiating treatments. Remitted had overcome the obstacles, whereas many non-remitted had problems expressing their needs. Patients with dysthymia and panic disorder described specific helpful relationships with the therapist: 'As a parent' versus 'As a coach', and specific central areas for change: self-acceptance and resolution of relational problems versus awareness and handling of feelings. A general model for recovery from dysthymic and panic disorders is proposed, involving: 1) understanding self and illness mechanisms, 2) enhanced flexibility of thinking, and 3) change from avoidance coping to approach coping; and

  1. Modeling of Antilatency Treatment in HIV: What Is the Optimal Duration of Antiretroviral Therapy-Free HIV Remission? (United States)

    Cromer, Deborah; Pinkevych, Mykola; Rasmussen, Thomas A; Lewin, Sharon R; Kent, Stephen J; Davenport, Miles P


    A number of treatment strategies are currently being developed to promote antiretroviral therapy-free HIV cure or remission. While complete elimination of the HIV reservoir would prevent recurrence of infection, it is not clear how different remission lengths would affect viral rebound and transmission. In this work, we use a stochastic model to show that a treatment that achieves a 1-year average time to viral remission will still lead to nearly a quarter of subjects experiencing viral rebound within the first 3 months. Given quarterly viral testing intervals, this leads to an expected 39 (95% uncertainty interval [UI], 22 to 69) heterosexual transmissions and up to 262 (95% UI, 107 to 534) homosexual transmissions per 1,000 treated subjects over a 10-year period. Thus, a balance between high initial treatment levels, risk of recrudescence, and risk of transmission should be considered when assessing the "useful" or optimal length of antiretroviral therapy-free HIV remission to be targeted. We also investigate the trade-off between increasing the average duration of remission versus the risk of treatment failure (viral recrudescence) and the need for retreatment. To minimize drug exposure, we found that the optimal target of antilatency interventions is a 1,700-fold reduction in the size of the reservoir, which leads to an average time to recrudescence of 30 years. Interestingly, this is a significantly lower level of reduction than that required for complete elimination of the viral reservoir. Additionally, we show that when shorter periods are targeted, there is a real probability of viral transmission occurring between tests for viral rebound. IMPORTANCE Current treatment of HIV involves patients taking antiretroviral therapy to ensure that the level of virus remains very low or undetectable. Continuous therapy is required, as the virus persists in a latent state within cells, and when therapy is stopped, the virus rebounds, usually within 2 weeks. A major

  2. Association of bone edema with the progression of bone erosions quantified by hand magnetic resonance imaging in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission. (United States)

    Lisbona, Maria Pilar; Pàmies, Anna; Ares, Jesús; Almirall, Miriam; Navallas, Maria; Solano, Albert; Maymó, Joan


    To evaluate the association of synovitis, bone marrow edema (BME), and tenosynovitis in the progression of erosions quantified by hand magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1 year in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in remission. A total of 56 of 196 patients with early RA in remission at 1 year and with available MRI data at baseline and at 12 months were included. MRI images were assessed according to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring (RAMRIS) system. Persistent remission was defined as 28-joint Disease Activity Score-erythrocyte sedimentation rate ≤ 2.6 and/or Simplified Disease Activity Index ≤ 3.3 and/or the new boolean American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism remission criteria for a continuous period of at least 6 months. Progression of bone erosions was defined as an increase of 1 or more units in annual RAMRIS score for erosions compared to baseline. At 1 year, the majority of patients with RA in sustained remission showed some inflammatory activity on MRI (94.6% synovitis, 46.4% BME, and 58.9% tenosynovitis) and 19 of the 56 patients (33.9%) showed MRI progression of bone erosions. A significant difference was observed in MRI BME at 1 year, with higher mean score in patients with progression compared to nonprogression of erosions (4.8 ± 5.6 and 1.4 ± 2.6, p = 0.03). Subclinical inflammation was identified by MRI in 96.4% of patients with RA in sustained clinical remission. Significantly higher scores of BME after sustained remission were observed in patients with progression of erosions compared to patients with no progression. The persistence of higher scores of BME may explain the progression of bone erosions in patients with persistent clinical remission.

  3. Unrevealed Depression Involves Dysfunctional Coping Strategies in Crohn’s Disease Patients in Clinical Remission

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    Caterina Viganò


    Full Text Available Background and Aims. This study investigated the proportion of CD patients in clinical remission with clinical depression, and coping strategies in those with severe depressive disorders. Materials and Methods. One hundred consecutive CD patients in clinical remission were screened for anxiety and depression by using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and patients with depressive symptoms were further investigated by means of Cognitive Behavioural Assessment 2.0 and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI. Afterwards the coping strategies were assessed through the Brief-COPE questionnaire. Results. Twenty-one patients had anxious symptoms and 16 had depressive symptoms with or without anxiety. Seven of these patients (43.8% showed significant depressive symptoms. Compared to patients without psychiatric disorders, these patients showed significant lower score in “positive reframing” (p: 0.017 and in “planning” (p: 0.046 and higher score in “use of instrumental social support” (p<0.001, in “denial” scale (p: 0.001, and in “use of emotional social support” (p: 0.003. Conclusions. Depressed CD patients in clinical remission may have dysfunctional coping strategies, meaning that they may not be able to implement functional strategies to manage at best stress related with their disease.

  4. Subclinical Synovitis Measured by Ultrasound in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With Clinical Remission Induced by Synthetic and Biological Modifying Disease Drugs. (United States)

    Cruces, Marcos; Al Snih, Soham; Serra-Bonett, Natalí; Rivas, Juan C


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with disease in clinical remission might show subclinical synovitis, which can be related to the progress of structural joint damage. To determine and compare the degree of synovial inflammation by ultrasound (US) in patients with RA in clinical remission, treated with DMARD or combination therapy with DMARD and anti-TNF. Hospital-based cross-sectional study of 58 patients with RA in sustained remission for at least 6 months by DAS28 <2.6, who attended the Rheumatology Service at the Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Patients underwent clinical, functional, and laboratory assessments. Ultrasound was performed in hands measuring synovial effusion, synovial hypertrophy and power Doppler signal; using a semiquantitative 4-point scale of 0=none to 3=severe. Chi-square and t-test were used to compare the clinical, functional, laboratory and US assessments between the DMARD (N=37) and combination therapy with DMARD and anti-TNF (N=21) groups. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Out of 58 patients, 25.9% had remission by US and 74.1% had synovial effusion or hypertrophy or positive power Doppler signal. Non-significant differences in US synovitis between the two groups were found. Persistent US activity was evident in a high percentage of rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission by DAS28. No differences in subclinical synovitis measured by US were found between patients with DMARD and anti-TNF-induced clinical remission. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  5. Impact of psoriasis flare and remission on quality of life and work productivity: a real-world study in the USA. (United States)

    Korman, N J; Zhao, Y; Roberts, J; Pike, J; Sullivan, E; Tsang, Y; Karagiannis, T


    Although psoriasis patients often report a negative impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and work productivity, less is known about how disease burden varies between periods of flare and remission. The aim of this study was tocompare HRQoL and work productivity by disease activity level. Data were extracted from Adelphi 2011/2013 Disease Specific Programmes, two real world surveys of US dermatologists and psoriasis patients. HRQoL was measured using the EuroQOL 5-Dimension Health Questionnaire (EQ-5D) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Work productivity was measured using the Work Productivity Activity index (WPAI). Three levels of disease activity were constructed based on physician reports: remission, active not flaring, active, and flaring. Multivariable regression analyses explored the relationship between disease activity, HRQoL and work productivity, controlling for differences in demographics and comorbidities. Out of 681 psoriasis patients 24% were in remission, 62% had active disease without flaring, and 15% experienced active disease and were currently flaring. Greater disease activity was associated with worse HRQoL. EQ-5D scores decreased with more active disease (remission vs. active not flaring vs. active and flaring: 0.93 vs. 0.90 vs. 0.82; p<0.05), while DLQI scores increased (remission vs. active not flaring vs. active and flaring: 2.0 vs. 5.00 vs. 8.7; p<0.05). WPAI scores increased with disease activity indicating increased productivity loss (remission vs. active not flaring vs. active and flaring: 5.9 vs. 14.8 vs. 26.9; p<0.05). The same trends were confirmed by multivariable regression analyses.

  6. Predictors of impaired work functioning in employees with major depression in remission

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, G. de; Koeter, M.W.; Nieuwenhuijsen, K.; Hees, H.L.; Schene, A.H.


    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to (i) assess work functioning in employees returning to work with a major depression in remission, (ii) study the predictors of impaired work functioning. METHODS: Participants diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), on long term sick leave (mean 27 weeks) and

  7. Dose-remission of pulsating electromagnetic fields as augmentation in therapy-resistant depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Straasø, Birgit; Lauritzen, Lise; Lunde, Marianne


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate to what extent a twice daily dose of Transcranial Pulsating ElectroMagnetic Fields (T-PEMF) was superior to once daily in patients with treatment-resistant depression as to obtaining symptom remission after 8 weeks of augmentation therapy. METHODS: A self-treatment set...

  8. Continuation-Phase Cognitive Therapy's Effects on Remission and Recovery from Depression (United States)

    Vittengl, Jeffrey R.; Clark, Lee Anna; Jarrett, Robin B.


    The authors tested the effects of continuation-phase cognitive therapy (C-CT) on remission and recovery from recurrent major depressive disorder, defined as 6 weeks and 8 months, respectively, of continuously absent or minimal symptoms. Responders to acute-phase cognitive therapy were randomized to 8 months of C-CT (n = 41) or assessment control…

  9. Proinsulin, GLP-1, and glucagon are associated with partial remission in children and adolescents with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaas, A.; Andersen, M. L. M.; Fredheim, Siri


    .002) were significantly lower in remitters than in non-remitters at 6 and 12 months. Proinsulin associated positively with GLP-1 at 1 month (p = 0.004) and negatively at 6 (p = 0.002) and 12 months (p = 0.0002). Conclusions: In type 1 diabetes, patients in partial remission have higher levels of proinsulin......1C), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), glucagon, and remission status the first year after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Methods: Juvenile patients (n = 275) were followed 1, 6, and 12 months after diagnosis. At each visit, partial remission was defined as IDAA1C = 9%. The patients had a liquid meal...

  10. The effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions in improvement of sleep quality among non-remissive cancer patients: A systematic review of randomized trials

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    Fatmawati Fadli


    Full Text Available Statistical results estimated that most of non-remissive cancer patients face sleep problem and experience the symptoms of insomnia throughout and after the completion of cancer treatment. The purpose of this review was to compare the effectiveness between several types of non-pharmacological interventions and standard care or treatment to improve the sleep quality among non-remissive cancer patients. All randomized studies focused on non-pharmacological interventions to improve sleep quality among non-remissive cancer patients were included. Thirteen studies were selected with a total of 1,617 participants. The results found that only four interventions were significantly effective to improve sleep quality among non-remissive cancer patients, included cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation and guided imagery program, self-care behavior education program, and energy and sleep enhancement program.

  11. Fedmekirurgi er mere effektiv end medicinsk behandling til opnåelse af remission af type 2-diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klein, Mads; Rosenberg, Jacob; Gögenur, Ismail


    Observational studies have shown that bariatric surgery can lead to remission of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMII), but randomized controlled trials have been lacking. Recently, randomized controlled trials comparing bariatric surgery with optimal medical treatment in patients suffering from poorly...... controlled DMII, have been performed. These trials show that bariatric surgery in general, and the malabsorptive procedures in particular, are more effective than medical treatment in achieving remission of DMII. These procedures should therefore be considered in the treatment of patients with DMII...


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    M Ali Zaidan


    Full Text Available Corruption is an extraordinary crime, even though the laws have been revised and has a more progressive character has also established Anti-Corruption Commission the number of crimes of corruption still do not show any significant change. In the midst of public pessimism, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights has initiated efforts to revise the Government Regulation Number 99 Year 2012. The tightening of remission meant that the convict is not easy to get their sentences reduced. Attempts to revise the provisions concerning remission, it should consider how far can reduce corruption and its impact on inmates and the public

  13. Predictors of impaired work functioning in employees with major depression in remission

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vries, Gabe; Koeter, Maarten W. J.; Nieuwenhuijsen, Karen; Hees, Hiske L.; Schene, Aart H.


    This study aims to (i) assess work functioning in employees returning to work with a major depression in remission, (ii) study the predictors of impaired work functioning. Participants diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), on long term sick leave (mean 27 weeks) and treated in a

  14. Cognitive deficits in unipolar depression during remission-Auditory Verbal Learning test findings

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Preiss, M.; Kučerová, H.; Štěpánková, H.; Sos, P.; Lukavský, Jiří; Kawaciuková, R.


    Roč. 11, Suppl. 3 (2007), s. 79-83 ISSN 1211-7579 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70250504 Keywords : major depressive episode * remission * cognitive function Subject RIV: AN - Psychology

  15. Choking phobia: full remission following behavior therapy Fobia de deglutição: remissão com terapia comportamental

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    Silvia Scemes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: A phobic behavior pattern is learned by classical and operant conditioning mechanisms. The present article reviews the main determinants of choking phobia etiology and describes the behavior therapy of an adult patient. METHOD: Psychoeducation, functional analysis, and graded exposure to aversive stimuli were used to treat the patient, after extensive psychiatric and psychological assessment. Ingesta and anxiety levels were measured along treatment and at follow-up. RESULTS: A multiple assessment baseline design was used to demonstrate the complete remission of symptoms after seven sessions, each of them exposing the patient to a different group of foods. CONCLUSION: Psychoeducation and exposure were critical components of a successful choking phobia treatment.OBJETIVO: O padrão comportamental da fobia é adquirido com base no condicionamento clássico e mecanismos operantes de aprendizagem. Este artigo faz uma revisão dos principais determinantes da etiologia da fobia de deglutição e descreve o tratamento da terapia comportamental em uma paciente adulta. MÉTODO: Foram usadas psicoeducação, análise funcional e gradativa exposição a estímulos aversivos no tratamento da paciente, depois de uma extensiva avaliação psiquiátrica e psicológica. Níveis de ingesta e ansiedade foram medidos ao longo de todo o tratamento e no follow-up. RESULTADOS: Para demonstrar a completa remissão dos sintomas, após sete sessões de exposição a diferentes grupos de alimentos foi usado um delineamento de linha de base de avaliações múltiplas. CONCLUSÃO: Terapia de exposição e psicoeducação foram componentes que contribuíram de modo crítico para a obtenção de resultados positivos ao tratamento.

  16. Drawings reflect a new dimension of the psychological impact of long-term remission of Cushing's syndrome. (United States)

    Tiemensma, Jitske; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; van der Veen, Else M; Ramondt, Steven; Richardson, Stephanie K; Broadbent, Elizabeth; Romijn, Johannes A; Pereira, Alberto M; Biermasz, Nienke R; Kaptein, Adrian A


    Drawings can be used to assess perceptions of patients about their disease. We aimed to explore the utility of the drawing test and its relation to illness perceptions, quality of life (QoL), and clinical disease severity in patients after long-term remission of Cushing's syndrome. We conducted a cross-sectional study including 47 patients with long-term remission of Cushing's syndrome. Patients completed the drawing test, the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Short-Form 36, the EuroQoL-5D, and the Cushing QoL. The Cushing's syndrome severity index was scored based on medical records. Characteristics of the drawings were strongly associated with the Cushing's syndrome severity index and severity ratings of health professionals (all P Cushing's syndrome because drawings do not share common properties with parameters of QoL or illness perceptions, but do represent the clinical severity of the disease. The assessment of drawings may enable doctors to appreciate the perceptions of patients with long-term remission of Cushing's syndrome and will lead the way in dispelling idiosyncratic beliefs.

  17. Rates and predictors of remission, recurrence and conversion to bipolar disorder after the first lifetime episode of depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bukh, J. D.; Andersen, P. K.; Kessing, L. V.


    .6% converted to bipolar disorder (6.3% within the first 2 years). Non-remission increased with younger age, co-morbid anxiety and suicidal ideations. Recurrence increased with severity and treatment resistance of the first depression, and conversion to bipolar disorder with treatment resistance, a family......BACKGROUND: In depression, non-remission, recurrence of depressive episodes after remission and conversion to bipolar disorder are crucial determinants of poor outcome. The present study aimed to determine the cumulative incidences and clinical predictors of these long-term outcomes after the first...... lifetime episode of depression. METHOD: A total of 301 in- or out-patients aged 18-70 years with a validated diagnosis of a single depressive episode were assessed from 2005 to 2007. At 5 years of follow-up, 262 patients were reassessed by means of the life chart method and diagnostic interviews from 2011...

  18. Duration of remission after halving of the etanercept dose in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a randomized, prospective, long-term, follow-up study

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    Nannini C


    Full Text Available Fabrizio Cantini, Laura Niccoli, Emanuele Cassarà, Olga Kaloudi, Carlotta NanniniDivision of Rheumatology, Misericordia e Dolce Hospital, Prato, ItalyBackground: The aim of this study was to evaluate the proportion of patients with ankylosing spondylitis maintaining clinical remission after reduction of their subcutaneous etanercept dose to 50 mg every other week compared with that in patients receiving etanercept 50 mg weekly.Methods: In the first phase of this randomized, prospective, follow-up study, all biologic-naïve patients identified between January 2005 and December 2009 as satisfying the modified New York clinical criteria for ankylosing spondylitis treated with etanercept 50 mg weekly were evaluated for disease remission in January 2010. In the second phase, patients meeting the criteria for remission were randomized to receive subcutaneous etanercept as either 50 mg weekly or 50 mg every other week. The randomization allocation was 1:1. Remission was defined as Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index < 4, no extra-axial manifestations of peripheral arthritis, dactylitis, tenosynovitis, or iridocyclitis, and normal acute-phase reactants. The patients were assessed at baseline, at weeks 4 and 12, and every 12 weeks thereafter. The last visit constituted the end of the follow-up.Results: During the first phase, 78 patients with ankylosing spondylitis (57 males and 21 females, median age 38 years, median disease duration 12 years were recruited. In January 2010, after a mean follow-up of 25 ± 11 months, 43 (55.1% patients achieving clinical remission were randomized to one of the two treatment arms. Twenty-two patients received etanercept 50 mg every other week (group 1 and 21 received etanercept 50 mg weekly (group 2. At the end of follow-up, 19 of 22 (86.3% subjects in group 1 and 19 of 21 (90.4% in group 2 were still in remission, with no significant difference between the two groups. The mean follow-up duration in group

  19. Durable remission of leptomeningeal metastases from hormone-responsive prostate cancer. (United States)

    Zhang, Meng; Mahta, Ali; Kim, Ryan Y; Akar, Serra; Kesari, Santosh


    Prostate cancer is rarely associated with leptomeningeal metastasis. An 87-year-old man with a history of prostate cancer presented with leptomeningeal metastasis. He received hormonal therapy with leuprolide. Subsequently, he achieved an impressive response, indicated by a constant fall in his PSA levels and by the stabilization of leptomeningeal disease and clinical improvement. Hormonal therapy may be effective in inducing remission in hormone-sensitive prostate cancer with leptomeningeal metastasis.

  20. Motivational impairment predicts functional remission in first-episode psychosis: 3-Year follow-up of the randomized controlled trial on extended early intervention. (United States)

    Chang, Wing Chung; Kwong, Vivian Wing Yan; Or Chi Fai, Philip; Lau, Emily Sin Kei; Chan, Gloria Hoi Kei; Jim, Olivia Tsz Ting; Hui, Christy Lai Ming; Chan, Sherry Kit Wa; Lee, Edwin Ho Ming; Chen, Eric Yu Hai


    Functional remission represents an intermediate functional milestone toward recovery. Differential relationships of negative symptom sub-domains with functional remission in first-episode psychosis are understudied. We aimed to examine rate and predictors of functional remission in people with first-episode psychosis in the context of a 3-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial comparing 1-year extension of early intervention (i.e. 3-year early intervention) with step-down psychiatric care (i.e. 2-year early intervention). A total of 160 participants were recruited upon completion of a 2-year specialized early intervention program for first-episode psychosis in Hong Kong and underwent a 1-year randomized controlled trial comparing 1-year extended early intervention with step-down care. Participants were followed up and reassessed 3 years after inclusion to the trial (i.e. 3-year follow-up). Functional remission was operationalized as simultaneous fulfillment of attaining adequate functioning (measured by Social and Occupational Functioning Scale and Role Functioning Scale) at 3-year follow-up and sustained employment in the last 6 months of 3-year study period. Negative symptom measure was delineated into amotivation (i.e. motivational impairment) and diminished expression (i.e. reduced affect and speech output). Data analysis was based on 143 participants who completed follow-up functional assessments. A total of 31 (21.7%) participants achieved functional remission status at 3-year follow-up. Multivariate regression analysis showed that lower levels of amotivation ( p = 0.010) and better functioning at study intake ( p = 0.004) independently predicted functional remission (Final model: Nagelkerke R 2  = 0.40, χ 2  = 42.9, p amotivation may represent a critical therapeutic target for functional remission attainment in early psychosis.

  1. Children of Depressed Mothers 1 Year After Remission of Maternal Depression: Findings From the StAR*D-Child Study (United States)

    Wickramaratne, Priya; Gameroff, Marc J.; Pilowsky, Daniel J.; Hughes, Carroll W.; Garber, Judy; Malloy, Erin; King, Cheryl; Cerda, Gabrielle; Sood, A. Bela; Alpert, Jonathan E.; Trivedi, Madhukar H.; Fava, Maurizio; Rush, A. John; Wisniewski, Stephen; Weissman, Myrna M.


    Objective Maternal major depressive disorder is an established risk factor for child psychopathology. The authors previously reported that 1 year after initiation of treatment for maternal depression, children of mothers whose depression remitted had significantly improved functioning and psychiatric symptoms. This study extends these findings by examining changes in psychiatric symptoms, behavioral problems, and functioning among children of depressed mothers during the first year after the mothers' remission from depression. Method Children were assessed at baseline and at 3-month intervals with the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children–Present and Lifetime Version, the Child Behavior Checklist, and the Children's Global Assessment Scale for 1 year after their mothers' remission or for 2 years if the mothers did not remit. The authors compared children of early remitters (0–3 months; N=36), late remitters (3–12 months; N=28), and nonremitters (N=16). Results During the postremission year, children of early-remitting mothers showed significant improvement on all outcomes. Externalizing behavioral problems decreased in children of early- and late-remitting mothers but increased in children of nonremitting mothers. Psychiatric symptoms decreased significantly only in children of mothers who remitted, and functioning improved only in children of early-remitting mothers. Conclusions Remission of mothers' depression, regardless of its timing, appears to be related to decreases in problem behaviors and symptoms in their children over the year after remission. The favorable effect of mothers' remission on children's functioning was observed only in children of early-remitting mothers. PMID:21406462

  2. Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity during major depression and after remission of disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vakilian Alireza


    Full Text Available Background: There are a growing number of studies suggesting that depression may increase the risk of stroke. Impaired autoregulation of vascular tone may contribute to a higher risk of developing cerebrovascular diseases. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR reflects the compensatory dilatory capacity of cerebral arterioles to a dilatory stimulus and is an important mechanism that ensures constant cerebral blood flow. There is a hypothesis that CVR is reduced in major depression, which would explain the association between depression and stroke. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of depression on CVR in cerebral vessels by comparing CVR during the depression phase with that during remission. Material and Methods: Using the apnea test, we assessed CVR in 16 patients with unipolar depression during disease and after remission of disease by calculating the increase in cerebral blood flow velocity after breath-holding (the apnea test. Blood flow velocities were measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD. Results: CVR was significantly reduced in the depression phase in comparison to that in the remission phase. However, this change was not seen in all the patients. Conclusion: CVR was reduced in most of the depressed patients. The decreased CVR, as indicated by the changes in peak systolic velocity (PSV and mean flow velocity (MFV of the middle cerebral artery, in depressed patients was more marked on the right side, which could point to a vascular basis for some kinds of depression. We recommend that other studies, with larger samples, be done; future studies should assess whether the changes in the CVR varies with the severity and type of depression.

  3. Facial botryomycosis-like pyoderma in an HIV-infected patient: remission after initiation of darunavir and raltegravir

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    Walter de Araujo Eyer-Silva

    Full Text Available Abstract Botryomycosis is an uncommon, chronic, suppurative, bacterial infection that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissues. It has long been associated with defects of cellular immunity. We report a 28-year-old woman who presented with a chronic, ulcerated lesion with draining sinuses in the right malar region. Predisposing factors were HIV infection with poor immunological control, alcoholism, and a previous trauma to the right cheek. Several courses of antimicrobial therapy provided only partial and temporary remission. Complete clinical remission was only achieved 5 years later when a novel antiretroviral regimen composed of darunavir and raltegravir was initiated.

  4. Long-term course of severe depression: late remission and recurrence may be found in a follow-up after 38-53 years

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    Lisa Crona


    Full Text Available This study is a follow-up of inpatients diagnosed with severe depression/melancholia between 1956 and 1969. During this period, all inpatients at the Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital, Lund, were rated on a multidimensional diagnostic schedule on discharge. There were 471 patients born from 1920 onward. In the present follow-up, 2006 to 2010, 169 survivors could be traced. They were asked to participate in the study involving a telephone interview, in which a structured life chart was used. Of the patients contacted, 16 were ill or confused and 3 did not remember ever being depressed, leaving 150 who could participate. Seventy-five of these agreed to participate in the study. Long-term course of depression was evaluated by cluster analysis and compared to background variables, such as heredity for depression, perceived parental rearing behaviour, and treatment of index depressive episode. Using a cluster analysis the patients could be separated into six clusters describing the course: i single or few episodes followed by long-lasting remission; ii single or few episodes followed by long-lasting remission, although shorter; iii single or few episodes followed by late recurrence; iv single or few episodes, but more frequently ill, followed by late recurrence; v several episodes followed by lasting remission; vi chronic course of episodes. Remission or recurrence could there- fore occur even after more than a decade. In summary, there was a short-term course with or without recurrence or a chronic course with or without late remission. Heredity for depression was significantly related to a chronic course with or without late remission.

  5. Limited utility of routine surveillance imaging for classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients in first complete remission. (United States)

    Pingali, Sai Ravi; Jewell, Sarah W; Havlat, Luiza; Bast, Martin A; Thompson, Jonathan R; Eastwood, Daniel C; Bartlett, Nancy L; Armitage, James O; Wagner-Johnston, Nina D; Vose, Julie M; Fenske, Timothy S


    The objective of this study was to compare the outcomes of patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) who achieved complete remission with frontline therapy and then underwent either clinical surveillance or routine surveillance imaging. In total, 241 patients who were newly diagnosed with cHL between January 2000 and December 2010 at 3 participating tertiary care centers and achieved complete remission after first-line therapy were retrospectively analyzed. Of these, there were 174 patients in the routine surveillance imaging group and 67 patients in the clinical surveillance group, based on the intended mode of surveillance. In the routine surveillance imaging group, the intended plan of surveillance included computed tomography and/or positron emission tomography scans; whereas, in the clinical surveillance group, the intended plan of surveillance was clinical examination and laboratory studies, and scans were obtained only to evaluate concerning signs or symptoms. Baseline patient characteristics, prognostic features, treatment records, and outcomes were collected. The primary objective was to compare overall survival for patients in both groups. For secondary objectives, we compared the success of second-line therapy and estimated the costs of imaging for each group. After 5 years of follow-up, the overall survival rate was 97% (95% confidence interval, 92%-99%) in the routine surveillance imaging group and 96% (95% confidence interval, 87%-99%) in the clinical surveillance group (P = .41). There were few relapses in each group, and all patients who relapsed in both groups achieved complete remission with second-line therapy. The charges associated with routine surveillance imaging were significantly higher than those for the clinical surveillance strategy, with no apparent clinical benefit. Clinical surveillance was not inferior to routine surveillance imaging in patients with cHL who achieved complete remission with frontline therapy. Routine

  6. Elevated Plasma Chemokines for Eosinophils in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders during Remission

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    Yanping Tong


    Full Text Available BackgroundA prominent pathological feature of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD is markedly greater eosinophilic infiltration than that seen in other demyelinating diseases, like multiple sclerosis (MS. Eosinophils express the chemokine receptor CCR3, which is activated by eotaxins (CCL11/eotaxin-1, CCL24/eotaxin-2, CCL26/eotaxin-3 and CCL13 [monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-4]. Moreover, CCL13 is part of the chemokine set that activates CCR2. The present study aimed to evaluate plasma levels of eotaxins (CCL11, CCL24, and CCL26 and MCPs (CCL13, CCL2, CCL8, and CCL7 in patients with NMOSD during remission.MethodsHealthy controls (HC; n = 30 and patients with MS (n = 47 and NMOSD (n = 58 in remission were consecutively enrolled in this study between January 2016 and August 2017. Plasma CCL11, CCL24, CCL26, CCL2, CCL8, CCL7, CCL13, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α, and interleukin (IL-1β levels were detected using the human cytokine multiplex assay.ResultsPlasma CCL13, CCL11, and CCL26 levels were all significantly higher in patients with NMOSD than in HC and patients with MS. No significant differences were found in the CCL13, CCL11, or CCL26 levels between patients with NMOSD receiving and not receiving immunosuppressive therapy. The plasma levels of TNF-α and IL-1β, which stimulate the above chemokines, were higher in patients with NMOSD than in HC. There was no difference in CCL24 levels among the three groups. In most cases, the CCL7 levels were below the threshold value of the human cytokine multiplex assay, which is in line with other studies. Adjusted multiple regression analyses showed a positive association of CCL13 levels with the number of relapses after controlling gender, age, body mass index, and disease duration in patients with NMOSD.ConclusionThe study indicates that in NMOSD, the overproduction of cytokines such as IL-1β and TNF-α during remission stimulates eosinophilic chemoattractants such as

  7. Safety and efficacy of Profermin(R) to induce remission in ulcerative colitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krag, Aleksander; Israelsen, Hans; von Ryberg, Bjørn


    AIM: To test the efficacy and safety of Profermin(R) in inducing remission in patients with active ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: The study included 39 patients with mild to moderate UC defined as a Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index (SCCAI) > 4 and < 12 (median: 7.5), who were treated ope...

  8. New definition for the partial remission period in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Henrik B; Hougaard, Philip; Swift, Peter


    OBJECTIVE To find a simple definition of partial remission in type 1 diabetes that reflects both residual beta-cell function and efficacy of insulin treatment. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A total of 275 patients aged ..., stimulated C-peptide during a challenge was used as a measure of residual beta-cell function. RESULTS By multiple regression analysis, a negative association between stimulated C-peptide and A1C (regression coefficient -0.21, P ... the definition of an insulin dose-adjusted A1C (IDAA1C) as A1C (percent) + [4 x insulin dose (units per kilogram per 24 h)]. A calculated IDAA1C 300 pmol/l was used to define partial remission. The IDAA1C

  9. National Estimates of Recovery-Remission From Serious Mental Illness. (United States)

    Salzer, Mark S; Brusilovskiy, Eugene; Townley, Greg


    A broad range of estimates of recovery among previously institutionalized persons has been reported, but no current, community-based national estimate of recovery from serious mental illness exists. This study reports recovery rate results, based on a remission definition, and explores related demographic factors. A national, geographically stratified, and random cross-sectional survey conducted from September 2014 to December 2015 resulted in responses from more than 41,000 individuals. Lifetime prevalence of serious mental illness was assessed by asking about receipt of a diagnosis (major depression, bipolar disorder, manic depression, and schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder) and hospitalization and impairment associated with the diagnosis. Recovery was determined by asking about impairments over the past 12 months. Almost 17% reported receiving one of the diagnoses in their lifetime, 6% had a lifetime rate of a serious mental illness, and nearly 4% continued to experience interference associated with serious mental illness. One-third of those with a lifetime serious mental illness reported having been in remission for at least the past 12 months. Recovery rates were low until age 32 and then progressively increased. Lifetime estimates of diagnosed illness and current prevalence of serious mental illness are consistent with previous research. Results indicate that recovery is possible and is associated with age. Further research is needed to understand factors that promote recovery, and sustained evaluation efforts using similar parsimonious approaches may be useful in conducting timely assessments of national and local mental health policies.

  10. Diabetes mellitus remission in a cat with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism after trilostane treatment. (United States)

    Muschner, Adriana Cunha; Varela, Fernanda Venzon; Hazuchova, Katarina; Niessen, Stijn Jm; Pöppl, Álan Gomes


    An 8-year-old male neutered Persian cat was presented with polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and muscle weakness associated with a 7 month history of diabetes mellitus (DM). The cat had initially been treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin 2 U q12h, followed by porcine lente insulin 2 U q12h and, most recently, 3 U glargine insulin q12h, without improvement of clinical signs. The cat also suffered from concurrent symmetrical bilateral alopecia of thorax and forelimbs, abdominal distension and lethargy. Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), specifically pituitary-dependent HAC, was suspected and confirmed through abdominal ultrasonography demonstrating bilateral adrenal enlargement, and a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test using 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone intravenously. Trilostane treatment (initially 10 mg/cat PO q24h then increased to 10 mg/cat PO q12h) was started and insulin sensitivity gradually improved, ultimately leading to diabetic remission after an increased in trilostane dose to 13mg/cat PO q12h, 14 months after the DM diagnosis and 7 months after the initiation of trilostane therapy. DM in cats with HAC is a difficult combination of diseases to treat. To our knowledge this is the first reported case of diabetic remission in a feline patient with HAC as a result of treatment with trilostane. Further work should focus on whether fine-tuning of trilostane-treatment protocols in cats with concurrent DM and HAC could lead to a higher proportion of diabetic remissions in this patient group.

  11. Diabetes mellitus remission in a cat with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism after trilostane treatment (United States)

    Muschner, Adriana Cunha; Varela, Fernanda Venzon; Hazuchova, Katarina; Niessen, Stijn JM; Pöppl, Álan Gomes


    Case summary An 8-year-old male neutered Persian cat was presented with polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and muscle weakness associated with a 7 month history of diabetes mellitus (DM). The cat had initially been treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin 2 U q12h, followed by porcine lente insulin 2 U q12h and, most recently, 3 U glargine insulin q12h, without improvement of clinical signs. The cat also suffered from concurrent symmetrical bilateral alopecia of thorax and forelimbs, abdominal distension and lethargy. Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), specifically pituitary-dependent HAC, was suspected and confirmed through abdominal ultrasonography demonstrating bilateral adrenal enlargement, and a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test using 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone intravenously. Trilostane treatment (initially 10 mg/cat PO q24h then increased to 10 mg/cat PO q12h) was started and insulin sensitivity gradually improved, ultimately leading to diabetic remission after an increased in trilostane dose to 13mg/cat PO q12h, 14 months after the DM diagnosis and 7 months after the initiation of trilostane therapy. Relevance and novel information DM in cats with HAC is a difficult combination of diseases to treat. To our knowledge this is the first reported case of diabetic remission in a feline patient with HAC as a result of treatment with trilostane. Further work should focus on whether fine-tuning of trilostane-treatment protocols in cats with concurrent DM and HAC could lead to a higher proportion of diabetic remissions in this patient group. PMID:29707227

  12. A novel approach to measuring response and remission in schizophrenia in clinical trials. (United States)

    Aboraya, Ahmed; Leucht, Stefan; Nasrallah, Henry A; Samara, Myrto; Haro, Josep Maria; Elshazly, Ahmed; Zangeneh, Masood


    Pharmaceutical companies conduct clinical trials to show the efficacy and safety of new medications for the treatment of schizophrenia. After the new medications are marketed, clinicians treating patients with schizophrenia discover that a considerable number of patients do not respond to these new medications. The goals of the review are to examine the methodology and design of recent antipsychotic clinical trials, identify common flaws, and propose guidelines to fix the flaws and improve the quality of future clinical trials of antipsychotic medications. A review of recent antipsychotic clinical trials was conducted using a PubMed search. Ten recent trials published in the past four years were reviewed and their methods analyzed and critiqued. The authors identified six major methodological flaws that may explain the suboptimal response in many patients after a drug is approved. Most of the flaws are related to eligibility criteria, the misuse of the Positive and Negative Syndromes Scale (PANSS) and the lack of consensus on how to define remission, response and exacerbation in schizophrenia. Proposed guidelines for a more rigorous use of the PANSS are presented and recommendations are proposed for using uniform criteria for remission, response and exacerbation in schizophrenia. The authors recommend using standardized diagnostic interviews to screen patients for eligibility criteria and using the PANSS according to the author's recommendations and the proposed guidelines. Uniform criteria to define remission, response and exacerbation are recommended for clinical trials examining the efficacy and safety of antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Evaluation of treatment response for breast cancer: are we entering the era of "biological complete remission"?

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Li Bian; Tao Wang; Yi Liu; Hui-Qiang Zhang; Jin-Jie Song; Shao-Hua Zhang; Shi-Kai Wu; San-Tai Song; Ze-Fei Jiang


    Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women.The post-operative recurrence and metastasis are the leading causes of breast cancer-related mortality.In this study,we tried to explore the role of circulating tumor cell (CTC) detection combination PET/CT technology evaluating the prognosis and treatment response of patients with breast cancer; meanwhile,we attempted to assess the concept of "biological complete remission" (bCR) in this regard.A 56-year-old patient with breast cancer (T2N1M1,stage Ⅳ left breast cancer,with metastasis to axillary lymph nodes and lungs) received 6 cycles of salvage treatment with albumin-bound paclitaxel plus capecitabine and trastuzumab.Then,she underwent CTC detection and PET/CT for efficacy evaluation.CTC detection combination PET/CT is useful for the evaluation of the biological efficacy of therapies for breast cancer.The bCR of the patient appeared earlier than the conventional clinical imaging complete remission and promised the histological (pathological) complete remission.The integrated application of the concepts including bCR,imageological CR,and histological CR can achieve the early and accurate assessment of biological therapeutic reponse and prognosis of breast cancer.

  14. Incidence, Remission and Mortality of Convulsive Epilepsy in Rural Northeast South Africa. (United States)

    Wagner, Ryan G; Bottomley, Christian; Ngugi, Anthony K; Ibinda, Fredrick; Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier; Kahn, Kathleen; Tollman, Stephen; Newton, Charles R; Wagner, Ryan; Twine, Rhian; Connor, Myles; Collinson, Mark; Masanja, Honratio; Mathew, Alexander; Kakooza, Angelina; Pariyo, George; Peterson, Stefan; Ndyo-mughenyi, Donald; Odhiambo, Rachael; Chengo, Eddie; Chabi, Martin; Bauni, Evasius; Kamuyu, Gathoni; Odera, Victor Mung'ala; Mageto, James O; Ae-Ngibise, Ken; Akpalu, Bright; Akpalu, Albert; Agbokey, Francis; Adjei, Patrick; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Doku, Victor C K; Odermatt, Peter; Neville, Brian; Sander, Josemir W; White, Steve; Nutman, Thomas; Wilkins, Patricia; Noh, John


    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions globally, estimated to constitute 0.75% of the global burden of disease, with the majority of this burden found in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). Few studies from LMICs, including much of sub-Saharan Africa, have described the incidence, remission or mortality rates due to epilepsy, which are needed to quantify the burden and inform policy. This study investigates the epidemiological parameters of convulsive epilepsy within a context of high HIV prevalence and an emerging burden of cardiovascular disease. A cross-sectional population survey of 82,818 individuals, in the Agincourt Health and Socio-demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) in rural northeast South Africa was conducted in 2008, from which 296 people were identified with active convulsive epilepsy. A follow-up survey was conducted in 2012. Incidence and mortality rates were estimated, with duration and remission rates calculated using the DISMOD II software package. The crude incidence for convulsive epilepsy was 17.4/100,000 per year (95%CI: 13.1-23.0). Remission was 4.6% and 3.9% per year for males and females, respectively. The standardized mortality ratio was 2.6 (95%CI: 1.7-3.5), with 33.3% of deaths directly related to epilepsy. Mortality was higher in men than women (adjusted rate ratio (aRR) 2.6 (95%CI: 1.2-5.4)), and was significantly associated with older ages (50+ years versus those 0-5 years old (RR 4.8 (95%CI: 0.6-36.4)). The crude incidence was lower whilst mortality rates were similar to other African studies; however, this study found higher mortality amongst older males. Efforts aimed at further understanding what causes epilepsy in older people and developing interventions to reduce prolonged seizures are likely to reduce the overall burden of ACE in rural South Africa.

  15. Incidence, Remission and Mortality of Convulsive Epilepsy in Rural Northeast South Africa.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryan G Wagner

    Full Text Available Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions globally, estimated to constitute 0.75% of the global burden of disease, with the majority of this burden found in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs. Few studies from LMICs, including much of sub-Saharan Africa, have described the incidence, remission or mortality rates due to epilepsy, which are needed to quantify the burden and inform policy. This study investigates the epidemiological parameters of convulsive epilepsy within a context of high HIV prevalence and an emerging burden of cardiovascular disease.A cross-sectional population survey of 82,818 individuals, in the Agincourt Health and Socio-demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS in rural northeast South Africa was conducted in 2008, from which 296 people were identified with active convulsive epilepsy. A follow-up survey was conducted in 2012. Incidence and mortality rates were estimated, with duration and remission rates calculated using the DISMOD II software package.The crude incidence for convulsive epilepsy was 17.4/100,000 per year (95%CI: 13.1-23.0. Remission was 4.6% and 3.9% per year for males and females, respectively. The standardized mortality ratio was 2.6 (95%CI: 1.7-3.5, with 33.3% of deaths directly related to epilepsy. Mortality was higher in men than women (adjusted rate ratio (aRR 2.6 (95%CI: 1.2-5.4, and was significantly associated with older ages (50+ years versus those 0-5 years old (RR 4.8 (95%CI: 0.6-36.4.The crude incidence was lower whilst mortality rates were similar to other African studies; however, this study found higher mortality amongst older males. Efforts aimed at further understanding what causes epilepsy in older people and developing interventions to reduce prolonged seizures are likely to reduce the overall burden of ACE in rural South Africa.

  16. Intraocular methotrexate can induce extended remission in some patients in noninfectious uveitis. (United States)

    Taylor, Simon R J; Banker, Alay; Schlaen, Ariel; Couto, Cristobal; Matthe, Egbert; Joshi, Lavnish; Menezo, Victor; Nguyen, Ethan; Tomkins-Netzer, Oren; Bar, Asaf; Morarji, Jiten; McCluskey, Peter; Lightman, Sue


    To assess the outcomes of the intravitreal administration of methotrexate in uveitis. Multicenter, retrospective interventional case series of patients with noninfectious uveitis. Thirty-eight eyes of 30 patients were enrolled, including a total of 54 intravitreal injections of methotrexate at a dose of 400 µg in 0.1 mL. The primary outcome measure was visual acuity. Secondary outcome measures included control of intraocular inflammation and cystoid macular edema, time to relapse, development of adverse events, and levels of systemic corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy. Methotrexate proved effective in controlling intraocular inflammation and improving vision in 30 of 38 eyes (79%). The side effect profile was good, with no reported serious ocular adverse events and only one patient having an intraocular pressure of >21 mmHg. Of the 30 eyes that responded to treatment, 8 relapsed, but 22 (73%) entered an extended period of remission, with the Kaplan-Meier estimate of median time to relapse for the whole group being 17 months. The eight eyes that relapsed were reinjected and all responded to treatment. One eye relapsed at 3 months, but 7 eyes again entered extended remission. Of the 14 patients on systemic therapy at the start of the study, 8 (57%) were able to significantly reduce this following intravitreal methotrexate injection. In patients with uveitis and uveitic cystoid macular edema, intravitreal MTX can effectively improve visual acuity and reduce cystoid macular edema and, in some patients, allows the reduction of immunosuppressive therapy. Some patients relapse at 3 to 4 months, but a large proportion (73%) enter an extended period of remission of up to 18 months. This larger study extends the results obtained from previous smaller studies suggesting the viability of intravitreal methotrexate as a treatment option in uveitis.

  17. Does length of common limb influence remission of diabetes? Short-term results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramraj V Nagendra Gupta


    Full Text Available Background: Despite strict patient selection criteria, diabetes remission is not seen in all patients after gastric bypass. Can length of the common limb influence diabetes remission? Aim: To find if any correlation exists between the length of the common limb and remission of diabetes. Study Design: Prospective study. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five consecutive patients with Type II diabetes mellitus and a fasting C-peptide >1 ng/ml who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-y gastric bypass were included. All patients had standard limb lengths and length of the common limb was measured in all patients. Patients were followed up and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c was repeated at 6 months postoperatively. Pre- and postoperative HbA1c were then correlated with the lengths of common limb to look for any relation. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA. Results: Of the 25 patients, 15 were females and 10 were males. The mean age was 44.16 years and the mean body mass index (BMI was 43.96 kg/m 2 . Preoperative HbA1c varied from 5.8 to 12.3%. Length of the common limb varied from 210 to 790 cm (mean 470.4 cm. HbA1c at 6 months ranged from 4.8 to 7.7% (mean 5.81%. On comparison of preoperative and 6 months postoperative HbA1c and correlating with the length of common limb, we found that patients with a common limb of length 600 cm length (P = 0.004. Conclusion: A shorter common limb does appear to have better chances of resolution of Type II diabetes mellitus in our study, thus paving the way for further studies.

  18. Malnutrition in remission of childhood cancers as assessed by bioelectric impedance analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. V. Konovalova


    Full Text Available The results of our cross-sectional bioimpedance study of children aged 7–17 years cured of cancer during follow-up (patients’ group, n = 552, remission time range 0–15 years and of age-matched healthy controls (n = 1,500 show significant intergroup differences in body height and body composition parameters. The most pronounced alterations in the patients’ group were observed in standardized values of phase angle reflecting a sharp decrease in the percentage of metabolically active body cell mass in fat-free mass. Malnutrition, judged from the prevalence of obesity and low phase angle, was observed in 52.7 % of our patients reaching a maximum of 76.8 % in a subgroup of children with CNS tumors. In view of known association that exists between malnutrition and reduced tolerance to chemotherapy, increased susceptibility to infections and adverse outcomes rate, we recommend using bioimpedance analysis in remission of childhood cancers in order to monitoring and timely correction of nutritional state as well as for prevention of delayed cardiovascular risks.

  19. Malnutrition in remission of childhood cancers as assessed by bioelectric impedance analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. V. Konovalova


    Full Text Available The results of our cross-sectional bioimpedance study of children aged 7–17 years cured of cancer during follow-up (patients’ group, n = 552, remission time range 0–15 years and of age-matched healthy controls (n = 1,500 show significant intergroup differences in body height and body composition parameters. The most pronounced alterations in the patients’ group were observed in standardized values of phase angle reflecting a sharp decrease in the percentage of metabolically active body cell mass in fat-free mass. Malnutrition, judged from the prevalence of obesity and low phase angle, was observed in 52.7 % of our patients reaching a maximum of 76.8 % in a subgroup of children with CNS tumors. In view of known association that exists between malnutrition and reduced tolerance to chemotherapy, increased susceptibility to infections and adverse outcomes rate, we recommend using bioimpedance analysis in remission of childhood cancers in order to monitoring and timely correction of nutritional state as well as for prevention of delayed cardiovascular risks.

  20. Clinical Remission of Sight-Threatening Non-Infectious Uveitis Is Characterized by an Upregulation of Peripheral T-Regulatory Cell Polarized Towards T-bet and TIGIT. (United States)

    Gilbert, Rose M; Zhang, Xiaozhe; Sampson, Robert D; Ehrenstein, Michael R; Nguyen, Dao X; Chaudhry, Mahid; Mein, Charles; Mahmud, Nadiya; Galatowicz, Grazyna; Tomkins-Netzer, Oren; Calder, Virginia L; Lightman, Sue


    Non-infectious uveitis can cause chronic relapsing and remitting ocular inflammation, which may require high dose systemic immunosuppression to prevent severe sight loss. It has been classically described as an autoimmune disease, mediated by pro-inflammatory Th1 and Th17 T-cell subsets. Studies suggest that natural immunosuppressive CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + T-regulatory cells (Tregs) are involved in resolution of inflammation and may be involved in the maintenance of clinical remission. To investigate whether there is a peripheral blood immunoregulatory phenotype associated with clinical remission of sight-threatening non-infectious uveitis by comparing peripheral blood levels of Treg, Th1, and Th17, and associated DNA methylation and cytokine levels in patients with active uveitic disease, control subjects and patients (with previously active disease) in clinical remission induced by immunosuppressive drugs. Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from peripheral blood samples from prospectively recruited subjects were analyzed by flow cytometry for CD3, CD4, FoxP3, TIGIT, T-bet, and related orphan receptor γt. Epigenetic DNA methylation levels of FOXP3 Treg-specific demethylated region (TSDR), FOXP3 promoter, TBX21, RORC2, and TIGIT loci were determined in cryopreserved PBMC using a next-generation sequencing approach. Related cytokines were measured in blood sera. Functional suppressive capacity of Treg was assessed using T-cell proliferation assays. Fifty patients with uveitis (intermediate, posterior, and panuveitis) and 10 control subjects were recruited. The frequency of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + Treg, TIGIT + Treg, and T-bet + Treg and the ratio of Treg to Th1 were significantly higher in remission patients compared with patients with active uveitic disease; and TIGIT + Tregs were a significant predictor of clinical remission. Treg from patients in clinical remission demonstrated a high level of in vitro suppressive function compared with Treg from

  1. CD26: A Prognostic Marker of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children in the Post Remission Induction Phase. (United States)

    Mehde, Atheer Awad; Yusof, Faridah; Adel Mehdi, Wesen; Zainulabdeen, Jwan Abdulmohsin


    ALL is an irredeemable disease due to the resistance to treatment. There are several influences which are involved in such resistance to chemotherapy, including oxidative stress as a result of the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and presence of hypodiploid cells. Cluster of differentiation 26 (CD26), also known as dipeptidyl peptidase-4, is a 110 kDa, multifunctional, membrane-bound glycoprotein. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical significance of serum CD26 in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients in the post remission induction phase, as well as the relationship between CD26 activity and the oxidative stress status. CD26, total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), and oxidative stress index (OSI), in addition to activity of related enzymes myeloperoxidase, glutathione- s-transferase and xanthine oxidase, were analysed in sixty children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the post remission induction phase. The study showed significant elevation in CD26, TOS and OSI levels in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the post remission induction phase in comparison to healthy control samples. In contrast, myeloperoxidase, glutathione-s-transferase and xanthine oxidase activities were decreased significantly. A significant correlation between CD26 concentration and some oxidative stress parameters was evident in ALL patients. Serum levels of CD26 appear to be useful as a new biomarker of oxidative stress in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the post remission induction phase, and levels of antioxidants must be regularly estimated during the treatment of children with ALL.

  2. Temporary remission of disseminated paecilomycosis in a German shepherd dog treated with ketoconazole : case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.J. Booth


    Full Text Available Disseminated mycosis caused by Paecilomyces varioti in a female German shepherd dog presented with chronic forelimb lameness is described. Radiographs of the swollen carpal joint revealed geographic lysis of the radial epiphysis. Diagnosis was based on cytological demonstration of fungal hyphae and chlamydiospores, as well as fungal culture of fluid obtained by arthrocentesis. Temporary remission was characterised by markedly improved clinical signs and laboratory parameters, following treatment with ketoconazole. The dog was euthanased 9 months after the initial diagnosis, following the diagnosis of multifocal discospondylitis. This appears to be the longest described period of temporary remission obtained with treatment in dogs with paecilomycosis. Clinical, clinicopathological and necropsy findings of this disease in another German shepherd dog are briefly described.

  3. Knowledge and insight in relation to functional remission in patients with long-term psychotic disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alenius, Malin; Hammarlund-Udenaes, Margareta; Hartvig, Per


    : To investigate the knowledge and insight in relation to treatment response. METHODS: A naturalistic study was performed using patient interviews and information gathered from patient drug charts. Apart from the rating scales used for classification of treatment response (CANSEPT method), the SPKS knowledge......BACKGROUND: Patients with psychotic symptoms often respond poorly to treatment. Outcomes can be affected by biological, physiological and psychological factors according to the vulnerability-stress model. The patient's coping strategies and beliefs have been correlated with outcomes. OBJECTIVES...... of illness and drugs rating scale was utilized. RESULTS: In the group of patients in functional remission (FR; n = 38), 37% had insight into their illness as compared to 10% among those not in functional remission (non-FR; n = 78; P strategy for responding...

  4. Offloading the diabetic foot: toward healing wounds and extending ulcer-free days in remission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boghossian JA


    Full Text Available Jano A Boghossian,1 John D Miller,2 David G Armstrong1 1Department of Surgery, Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 2Department of Podiatric Surgery and Medicine, DVA Maryland Healthcare System, Baltimore, MD, USA Abstract: Management of the diabetic foot is multifaceted and requires constant monitoring from patients and health care providers. The alarmingly high rate of recurrence of ulcerations in diabetic foot requires a change in our approach to care and to the vernacular in the medical literature. With its high rates of morbidity and recurrence, care of the complex diabetic foot may be aptly comparable to many forms of cancer. Therefore, our efforts should be not only in rapid healing of open wounds but also in maximizing ulcer-free days for the patient in diabetic foot remission. One facet of the multidisciplinary approach in managing wounds is achieved by reducing peak plantar pressures by offloading the foot with various conservative and surgical techniques aimed at reducing areas of stress caused by ambulation and improper shoe gear. Evidence supports the use of total contact casts as the gold standard for offloading open wounds; however, other methods have gained popularity as well. Novel approaches in surgical techniques and advances in wearable technology appear to show promise in measuring and modulating dangerous pressure and inflammation to extend remission and improve quality of life for these most complex patients. Keywords: diabetic foot, ulcer, remission, amputation, offloading, wearables 

  5. Platelet antibody in prolonged remission of childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ware, R.; Kinney, T.R.; Rosse, W.


    Evaluations were performed in 20 patients with childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) who remained in remission longer than 12 months. The mean duration of follow-up from diagnosis was 39 months (range 17 to 87 months). Eleven patients (four girls) in group 1 had an acute course of ITP, defined as platelet count greater than 150 X 10(9)/L within 6 months of diagnosis. Nine patients (five girls) in group 2 had a chronic course, defined as platelet count less than 150 X 10(9)/L for greater than or equal to 1 year or requiring splenectomy in an attempt to control hemorrhagic symptoms. Platelet count and serum (indirect) platelet-associated IgG (PAIgG) levels were normal in all 20 patients at follow-up. Both direct and indirect PAIgG levels were measured using a 125 I-monoclonal anti-IgG antiglobulin assay. All had normal direct PAIgG levels, except for one patient in group 1 who had a borderline elevated value of 1209 molecules per platelet. These data suggest that the prevalence of elevated platelet antibodies is low during sustained remission without medication in patients with a history of childhood ITP. These data may be relevant for pregnant women with a history of childhood ITP, with regard to the risk of delivering an infant with thrombocytopenia secondary to transplacental passage of maternal platelet antibody

  6. Factors That Predict Remission of Infant Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review.


    von Kobyletzki, Laura; Svensson, Åke; Apfelbacher, Christian; Schmitt, Jochen


    The individual prognosis of infants with atopic dermatitis (AD) is important for parents, healthcare professionals, and society. The aim of this study was to investigate predictors for remission of infant AD until school age. A systematic review was carried out of clinical and epidemiological studies investigating the effect of filaggrin gene (FLG) loss-of-function mutations, sex, exposure to pets, topical anti-inflammatory treatment, disease severity, and atopic sensitization during infancy ...

  7. Most patients who reach disease remission following anti-TNF therapy continue to report fatigue: results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for Rheumatoid Arthritis. (United States)

    Druce, Katie L; Bhattacharya, Yagnaseni; Jones, Gareth T; Macfarlane, Gary J; Basu, Neil


    RA-related fatigue is common and debilitating, but does not always respond to immunotherapy. In the context of anti-TNF therapy, we aimed to examine whether patients achieving disease remission experienced remission of fatigue. Data from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for RA were used. In participants with severe baseline fatigue [36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) vitality score ⩽12.5], we identified those in disease remission [28-joint DAS (DAS28) 12.5) and complete remission (SF-36 vitality score >50) at follow-up. Demographic (e.g. sex, age), clinical (e.g. inflammation, joint erosion and co-morbidities) and psychosocial (e.g. SF-36 domains and HAQ) characteristics were compared between responder and non-responder groups. Severe baseline fatigue was reported by 2652 participants, of whom 271 (10%) achieved a DAS28 <2.6 by 6 months. In total, 225 participants (83%) reported partial remission and were distinguished from those who did not by better health status on all psychosocial domains. Far fewer [n = 101 (37.3%)] reported full fatigue remission. In addition to reporting clinically poorer health status, they were distinguished on the basis of a history of hypertension, depression and stroke as well as baseline treatment use of steroids and antidepressants. Despite achieving clinical remission, many RA patients do not achieve complete remission of their fatigue. Therefore, despite being important in overall disease control, reductions in disease activity are not always sufficient to ameliorate fatigue, so other symptom-specific management approaches must be considered for those for whom fatigue does not resolve. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  8. Decreased prefrontal functional brain response during memory testing in women with Cushing's syndrome in remission. (United States)

    Ragnarsson, Oskar; Stomby, Andreas; Dahlqvist, Per; Evang, Johan A; Ryberg, Mats; Olsson, Tommy; Bollerslev, Jens; Nyberg, Lars; Johannsson, Gudmundur


    Neurocognitive dysfunction is an important feature of Cushing's syndrome (CS). Our hypothesis was that patients with CS in remission have decreased functional brain responses in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus during memory testing. In this cross-sectional study we included 19 women previously treated for CS and 19 controls matched for age, gender, and education. The median remission time was 7 (IQR 6-10) years. Brain activity was studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging during episodic- and working-memory tasks. The primary regions of interest were the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. A voxel-wise comparison of functional brain responses in patients and controls was performed. During episodic-memory encoding, patients displayed lower functional brain responses in the left and right prefrontal gyrus (pright inferior occipital gyrus (pbrain responses in the left posterior hippocampus in patients (p=0.05). During episodic-memory retrieval, the patients displayed lower functional brain responses in several brain areas with the most predominant difference in the right prefrontal cortex (pbrain response during a more complex working memory task compared with a simpler one. In conclusion, women with CS in long-term remission have reduced functional brain responses during episodic and working memory testing. This observation extends previous findings showing long-term adverse effects of severe hypercortisolaemia on brain function. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Spontaneous remission of Crohn's disease following a febrile infection: case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    van Netten Johannes P


    Full Text Available Abstract Crohn's disease is a chronic illness that may often follow a relapsing-remitting course. Many of the factors that may be associated with the spontaneous remission of this disease (i.e. not related to specific treatment remain to be determined. In the present report, we review the medical history of a patient with a long history of moderate to severe Crohn's whose complete remission immediately followed the development of a febrile infection. The patient first developed symptoms of Crohn's in her late adolescent years. At the time of diagnosis at age 23, she was placed on mesalamine - without effective control her disease symptoms. Due to progressive deterioration, the patient underwent a bowel resection at age 25. Soon afterwards symptoms recurred, gradually increasing in severity. In February 2005, at age 36, the patient developed a painful abscess associated with a rectal fistula. Other symptoms at the time included chronic bone and stomach pain, swollen joints, and debilitating fatigue. Surgical correction was scheduled in mid-March. In late February, the patient developed a respiratory infection associated with fevers of 103-104°F. After the onset of fever, the abscess pain disappeared and this was soon followed by a disappearance of all other disease symptoms. By the time the corrective surgery occurred, she had no Crohn's symptoms. Her remission lasted 10 weeks when the previous symptoms then reappeared. The patient has subsequently used a variety of conventional therapies, but still suffers from severe symptoms of her disease. In recent years, a growing body of literature has emphasized the important role that innate immunity plays in the etiology of Crohn's disease; however, a key component of innate immunity, the febrile response, has been overlooked. Other cases of spontaneous remission following febrile infection in inflammatory bowel disease have been reported. Moreover, induction of a febrile response was in the past used

  10. The impact of patient global assessment in the definition of remission as a predictor of long-term radiographic damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: protocol for an individual patient data meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo J.O. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Background: Remission is the target for management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA and intensification of immunosuppressive therapy is recommended for those that do not achieve this status. Patient global assessment (PGA is the single patient reported outcome considered in the American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism remission criteria, but its use as target has been questioned. The primary aim of this study is to assess whether excluding PGA from the definition of disease remission changes the association of disease remission with long-term radiographic damage and physical function in patients with RA. Methods: Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis using data from randomized controlled trials of biological and targeted synthetic agents, identified through and PubMed. Different remission states will be defined: (i 4v-remission [tender (TJC28 and swollen 28-joint counts (SJC28 both≤1, C-reactive protein (CRP≤1 (mg/dl, and PGA≤1 (0-10 scale], (ii 4v-near-remission (TJC28≤1, SJC28≤1, CRP≤1, and PGA>1, (iii non-remission (TJC28>1 or SJC28>1 or CRP>1, all mutually exclusive, and (iv 3v-remission (TJC28≤1, SJC28≤1, CRP≤1. Likelihood ratios will be used to descriptively compare whether meeting the 3v and 4v-remission criteria in a single visit (at 6 or 12 months predicts good outcome in the second year (1-2y. Differences in the predictive value of PGA in the definition of remission will be assessed by comparing the three mutually exclusive disease states using logistic regression analysis. Good outcome is defined primarily by radiographic damage (no deterioration in radiographic scores, whatever the instrument used in each trial, and secondarily by functional disability (Health Assessment Questionnaire consistently ≤0.5 and no deterioration, and their combination (“overall good outcome”. Additional analyses will consider longer periods over which to (concurrently define remission status

  11. Spontaneous remission of acromegaly and Cushing’s disease following pituitary apoplexy: Two case reports

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roerink, S.H.P.P.; Lindert, E.J. van; Ven, A.C. van de


    In this double case report, we present two special cases of pituitary apoplexy. First, we describe a patient with growth hormone deficiency despite clinical suspicion of acromegaly. Imaging showed evidence of a recent pituitary apoplexy, which might have caused spontaneous remission of the

  12. The effect of internalization and other psychologic factors on the remission and severity of wheeze in children. (United States)

    Feitosa, Caroline A; Santos, Darci N; Barreto, Maurício L; Rodrigues, Laura C


    Asthma prevalence in Latin America is high and continues to increase. There is evidence that the psychologic characteristics of the child are associated with greater asthma morbidity. This study aimed to investigate the independent effect of internalizing/externalizing problems on two asthma/wheeze outcomes: (i) remission and (ii) progression to severity on Latin American children with mild asthma symptoms at baseline. This was a prospective study in a cohort of 371 asthmatic children living in a poor urban area in Salvador, Brazil. The psychologic characteristics of the child were assessed using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and wheezing was defined using the ISAAC questionnaire at the start and end of follow-up. A multiple logistic regression model with random effects was used to examine the association between the psychologic components and both outcomes. Remission of symptoms of wheeze was observed among 229 (61.73%) children. Remission was 56% lower among children with internalizing problems (OR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.33-0.87, p = 0.01). In addition, we found that 19 (8.76%) of the children acquired severe symptoms during follow-up and there was strong evidence of the effect of internalizing problems in increasing the risk of progression to severe wheeze symptoms (OR = 4.03, 95% CI 1.39-11.70, p = 0.01). Children with internalizing problems but not externalizing had less remission of wheezing, and a higher risk of acquiring severe symptoms. These results highlight the importance of psychologic care for children with asthma, to improve the prognosis of this condition. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Antipsychotic medication and remission of psychotic symptoms 10 years after a first-episode psychosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wils, Regitze Sølling; Gotfredsen, Ditte Resendal; Hjorthøj, Carsten


    medication for a period of time. This study investigated the long-term outcome and characteristics of patients in remission of psychotic symptoms with no use of antipsychotic medication at the 10-year follow-up. METHODS: The study was a cohort study including 496 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia...... spectrum disorders (ICD 10: F20 and F22-29). Patients were included in the Danish OPUS Trial and followed up 10years after inclusion, where patient data was collected on socio-demographic factors, psychopathology, level of functioning and medication. FINDINGS: 61% of the patients from the original cohort...... attended the 10-year follow up and 30% of these had remission of psychotic symptoms at the time of the 10-year follow up with no current use of antipsychotic medication. This outcome was associated with female gender, high GAF-F score, participation in the labour market and absence of substance abuse...

  14. Telomere length shortening is associated with treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Caocci


    Full Text Available Abstract We studied telomere length in 32 CML patients who discontinued imatinib after achieving complete molecular remission and 32 age-sex-matched controls. The relative telomere length (RTL was determined by q-PCR as the telomere to single copy gene (36B4 ratio normalized to a reference sample (K-562 DNA. Age-corrected RTL (acRTL was also obtained. The 36-month probability of treatment-free remission (TFR was 59.4 %. TFR patients showed shorter acRTL compared to relapsed (mean ± SD = 0.01 ± 0.14 vs 0.20 ± 0.21; p = 0.01. TFR was significantly higher in CML patients with acRTL ≤0.09 (78.9 vs 30.8 %, p = 0.002. CML stem cells harboring longer telomeres possibly maintain a proliferative potential after treatment discontinuation.

  15. Differential expression of NK receptors CD94 and NKG2A by T cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients in remission compared to active disease.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ceara E Walsh

    Full Text Available TNF inhibitors (TNFi have revolutionised the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA. Natural killer (NK cells and Natural Killer Cell Receptor+ T (NKT cells comprise important effector lymphocytes whose activity is tightly regulated through surface NK receptors (NKRs. Dysregulation of NKRs in patients with autoimmune diseases has been shown, however little is known regarding NKRs expression in patients with TNFi-induced remission and in those who maintain remission vs disease flare following TNFi withdrawal.Patients with RA were recruited for this study, (i RA patients in clinical remission following a minimum of one year of TNFi therapy (n = -15; (2 Active RA patients, not currently or ever receiving TNFi (n = 18; and healthy control volunteers (n = 15. Patients in remission were divided into two groups: those who were maintained on TNFi and those who withdrew from TNFi and maintained on DMARDS. All patients underwent full clinical assessment. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and NKR (CD94, NKG2A, CD161, CD69, CD57, CD158a, CD158b expression on T-(CD3+CD56-, NK-(CD3-CD56+ and NKT-(CD3+CD56+ cells was determined by flow cytometry.Following TNFi withdrawal, percentages and numbers of circulating T cells, NK cells or NKT cell populations were unchanged in patients in remission versus active RA or HCs. Expression of the NKRs CD161, CD57, CD94 and NKG2A was significantly increased on CD3+CD56-T cells from patients in remission compared to active RA (p<0.05. CD3+CD56-T cell expression of CD94 and NKG2A was significantly increased in patients who remained in remission compared with patients whose disease flared (p<0.05, with no differences observed for CD161 and CD57. CD3+CD56- cell expression of NKG2A was inversely related to DAS28 (r = -0.612, p<0.005.High CD94/NKG2A expression by T cells was demonstrated in remission patients following TNFi therapy compared to active RA, while low CD94/NKG2A were associated with

  16. A Cross-sectional, Comparative Study of Insight in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Patients in Remission. (United States)

    Ramachandran, Arul Saravanan; Ramanathan, Rajkumar; Praharaj, Samir Kumar; Kanradi, Haridas; Sharma, Podila Satya Venkata Narasimha


    To study insight correlates in schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder in remission among out-patients attending the Psychiatry Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital. In a cross-sectional, naturalistic study, adult patients with schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder in remission (n = 80; schizophrenia-40, mania-20, bipolar depression-20) were compared on insight measures and clinical correlates. Scale to Assess the Unawareness of Mental Disorders (SUMD) was used as the main tool to assess current and past measures of insight. Hogan's Drug Attitude Inventory was used to assess the drug attitude and compliance. Positive and Negative Symptom Scale for Schizophrenia, Young's Mania Rating Scale, and HAMD were used to rate psychopathology. Clinical Global Improvement was used as a screening tool for remission. For comparison of the three clinical groups, analysis of variance and Chi-square test were used. In the post-hoc analysis, the Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch test was used to find the group difference. About 40% in the schizophrenia group were unaware of their mental illness as against none in the bipolar group. The awareness of mental disorder for the current period, the awareness of the achieved effects of medications, and the awareness of social consequence was better in the bipolar group. The drug attitude (compliant positive attitude) increased as the SUMD item scale decreased or in other words, as the insight improved. Insight, both current and retrospect, showed significant differences between the schizophrenia and bipolar patients. Insight is significantly correlated with the observed compliance and drug attitude of the patient groups.

  17. TAILOR - tapered discontinuation versus maintenance therapy of antipsychotic medication in patients with newly diagnosed schizophrenia or persistent delusional disorder in remission of psychotic symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stürup, Anne Emilie; Jensen, Heidi Dorthe; Dolmer, Signe


    , substance and alcohol use, sexual functioning and quality of life. The primary outcome will be remission of psychotic symptoms and no antipsychotic medication after 1 year. Secondary outcome measures will include: co-occurrence of remission of psychotic symptoms and 0-1-mg haloperidol equivalents...

  18. Salg og markedsføring af brugskunst i EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rørdam, Mette Ohm


    Brugskunst kan i Danmark beskyttes efter reglerne i ophavsretsloven i indtil 70 år efter ophavsmandens død. I England beskyttes brugskunst kun i 25 år efter designretlige regler. Derfor kan der i England lovligt produceres og sælges brugskunst, der er ophavsretlig beskyttet i Danmark, uden aftale...

  19. Obesity and rates of clinical remission and low MRI inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    George, Michael D; Østergaard, Mikkel; Conaghan, Philip G; Emery, Paul; Baker, Daniel G; Baker, Joshua F


    Obesity has been proposed as a risk factor for refractory rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We evaluated the impact of obesity on achieving clinical and imaging definitions of low disease activity. This study evaluated 470 patients with RA from GO-BEFORE and GO-FORWARD randomised clinical trials. Included patients had blinded clinical disease activity measures and MRI at baseline, 24 and 52 weeks. Synovitis, osteitis and total inflammation scores were determined using the RA MRI scoring system. Multivariable logistic regression analyses compared odds of achieving Disease Activity Score using 28 joints and C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP) remission, low component measures, or low MRI inflammation measures at 24 weeks in patients with obesity versus no obesity. At 24 weeks, patients with obesity were significantly less likely to achieve DAS28(CRP) remission (OR 0.47; 95% CI 0.24 to 0.92, p=0.03). In contrast, patients with obesity had similar odds of achieving low synovitis (OR 0.94; 95% CI 0.51 to 1.72, p=0.84) and inflammation scores (OR 1.16; 95% CI 0.61 to 2.22, p=0.64) and greater odds of achieving low osteitis scores (OR 2.06; 95% CI 1.10 to 3.84, p=0.02) versus normal weight patients. Patients with RA and obesity have lower rates of DAS28 remission but similar rates of low MRI activity compared with patients without obesity, suggesting that obesity and its associated comorbidities can bias clinical disease activity measures. NCT00361335 and NCT00264550; Post-results. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  20. Quality of life in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: The impact of symptomatic remission and resilience. (United States)

    Hofer, A; Mizuno, Y; Wartelsteiner, F; Wolfgang Fleischhacker, W; Frajo-Apor, B; Kemmler, G; Mimura, M; Pardeller, S; Sondermann, C; Suzuki, T; Welte, A; Uchida, H


    Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is significantly affected in individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder (BD-I). The current study investigated whether symptomatic remission and resilience might differently impact HRQOL in these patients. Fifty-two patients with schizophrenia and 60 patients suffering from BD-I from outpatient mental health services as well as 77 healthy control subjects from the general community were included into a cross-sectional study. HRQOL and resilience were assessed using the WHOQOL-BREF and the Resilience Scale. In patients, psychopathology was quantified by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale or the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale and the Young Mania Rating Scale, respectively. Notably, both patient groups showed lower HRQOL and resilience compared to control subjects, non-remitted patients indicated lower HRQOL than remitted ones. The effect of remission on HRQOL was significantly larger in patients with BD-I than in those with schizophrenia but did not explain the difference in HRQOL between groups. Resilience predicted HRQOL in all three groups. When accounting for the effect of resilience among remitted patients, only the difference in HRQOL between schizophrenia patients and control subjects was significant. These findings demonstrate the impact of symptomatic remission and resilience on HRQOL of both patients suffering from schizophrenia and BD-I and indicate that these factors are especially relevant for HRQOL of patients with BD-I. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Remission of Maternal Depression: Relations to Family Functioning and Youth Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms (United States)

    Foster, Cynthia Ewell; Webster, Melissa C.; Weissman, Myrna M.; Pilowsky, Daniel J.; Wickramaratne, Priya J.; Talati, Ardesheer; Rush, A. John; Hughes, Carroll W.; Garber, Judy; Malloy, Erin; Cerda, Gabrielle; Kornstein, Susan G.; Alpert, Jonathan E.; Wisniewski, Stephen R.; Trivedi, Madhukar H.; Fava, Maurizio; King, Cheryl A.


    Family functioning and parenting were hypothesized to mediate the relation between remission of maternal depression and children's psychosocial adjustment. Participants were 114 mother-child dyads participating in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression Child 3-month follow-up. All mothers had been diagnosed with major…

  2. Incidence, Remission and Mortality of Convulsive Epilepsy in Rural Northeast South Africa (United States)

    Wagner, Ryan G.; Bottomley, Christian; Ngugi, Anthony K.; Ibinda, Fredrick; Gómez-Olivé, F. Xavier; Kahn, Kathleen; Tollman, Stephen; Newton, Charles R.


    Background Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions globally, estimated to constitute 0.75% of the global burden of disease, with the majority of this burden found in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). Few studies from LMICs, including much of sub-Saharan Africa, have described the incidence, remission or mortality rates due to epilepsy, which are needed to quantify the burden and inform policy. This study investigates the epidemiological parameters of convulsive epilepsy within a context of high HIV prevalence and an emerging burden of cardiovascular disease. Methods A cross-sectional population survey of 82,818 individuals, in the Agincourt Health and Socio-demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) in rural northeast South Africa was conducted in 2008, from which 296 people were identified with active convulsive epilepsy. A follow-up survey was conducted in 2012. Incidence and mortality rates were estimated, with duration and remission rates calculated using the DISMOD II software package. Results The crude incidence for convulsive epilepsy was 17.4/100,000 per year (95%CI: 13.1-23.0). Remission was 4.6% and 3.9% per year for males and females, respectively. The standardized mortality ratio was 2.6 (95%CI: 1.7-3.5), with 33.3% of deaths directly related to epilepsy. Mortality was higher in men than women (adjusted rate ratio (aRR) 2.6 (95%CI: 1.2-5.4)), and was significantly associated with older ages (50+ years versus those 0-5 years old (RR 4.8 (95%CI: 0.6-36.4)). Conclusions The crude incidence was lower whilst mortality rates were similar to other African studies; however, this study found higher mortality amongst older males. Efforts aimed at further understanding what causes epilepsy in older people and developing interventions to reduce prolonged seizures are likely to reduce the overall burden of ACE in rural South Africa. PMID:26053071

  3. Prediction of remission in Graves' disease after thionamide therapy by technetium-99m early uptake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misaki, Takashi; Dokoh, Shigeharu; Koh, Toshikiyo; Shimbo, Shin-ichiro; Hidaka, Akinari; Iida, Yasuhiro; Kasagi, Kanji; Konishi, Junji.


    In the clinical management of Graves' thyrotoxicosis, one of the most important subject is when to stop antithyroid drugs after achieving an euthyroid state. T 3 suppression test and other methods have been used to forecast the outcome after drug cessation, but the results were not always satisfactory. We have attempted to predict remission of Graves' disease by single measurement of early technetium uptake without administration of triiodothyronine. Drugs were discontinued in the seventy-five patients with Graves' disease on maintenance doses of either methimazole or propylthiouracil who showed normalized uptake (4.0% or less). Of 64 patients evaluable after twelve months, 55 (86%) remained euthyroid, 8 relapsed, and 1 became hypothyoid. With its accuracy in prediction of short-term remission comparable or superior to T 3 suppression test, this rapid and simple method seemed suitable for routine use in clinical practice. (author)

  4. Body composition and phase angle in Russian children in remission from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (United States)

    Tseytlin, G. Ja; Khomyakova, I. A.; Nikolaev, D. V.; Konovalova, M. V.; Vashura, A. Yu; Tretyak, A. V.; Godina, E. Z.; Rudnev, S. G.


    Elevated degree of body fatness and changes in other body composition parameters are known to be common effects of treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children. In order to study peculiarities of somatic growth and development in ALL survivors, we describe the results of BIA body composition analysis of 112 boys and 108 girls aged 5-18 years in remission from ALL (remission time range 1-13 years) compared to data from the same number of age- and sex-matched healthy controls (n=220). Detrimental effect on height in ALL boys was observed, whereas girls experienced additional weight gain compared to healthy subjects. In ALL patients, resistance, body fat, and percent body fat were significantly increased. The reactance, phase angle, absolute and relative values of skeletal muscle and body cell mass were significantly decreased. Principal component analysis revealed an early prevalence of adiposity traits in the somatic growth and development of ALL girls compared to healthy controls.

  5. Metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with Cushing's syndrome of different aetiologies during active disease and 1 year after remission. (United States)

    Giordano, Roberta; Picu, Andreea; Marinazzo, Elisa; D'Angelo, Valentina; Berardelli, Rita; Karamouzis, Ioannis; Forno, Daniela; Zinnà, Domenico; Maccario, Mauro; Ghigo, Ezio; Arvat, Emanuela


    Cushing's syndrome is associated with several comorbidities responsible for the increased cardiovascular risk, not only during the active phase but also after disease remission. In 29 patients with Cushing's syndrome (14 Cushing's diseases and 15 adrenal adenomas), waist circumference, fasting and 2-h glucose after oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), lipid profile and blood pressure were evaluated during the active disease and 1 year after remission and compared with those in 29 sex-, age- and BMI-matched controls. During the active disease, waist circumference, 2-h glucose after OGTT, total and LDL cholesterol were higher in patients with Cushing's syndrome than in controls (P Cushing's disease and adrenal adenomas. The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia and hypertension was higher (P Cushing's syndrome (27%, 24%, 59% and 72%) than in controls (10%, 0%, 21% and 10%), with no significant difference between Cushing's disease and adrenal adenomas. One year following hormonal remission, waist circumference persisted higher than in controls (P Cushing's disease and adrenal adenomas. Metabolic and cardiovascular abnormalities were still present in both groups, although with a lower prevalence, as well as with a more marked decrease in adrenal adenomas (P Cushing's disease after hormonal remission. Pituitary hormonal deficiencies, hormonal replacement treatments and/or incomplete cure from Cushing's disease may account for these findings. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  6. Periodontal disease bacteria specific to tonsil in IgA nephropathy patients predicts the remission by the treatment.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasuyuki Nagasawa

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Immunoglobulin (IgA nephropathy (IgAN is the most common form of primary glomerulonephritis in the world. Some bacteria were reported to be the candidate of the antigen or the pathogenesis of IgAN, but systematic analysis of bacterial flora in tonsil with IgAN has not been reported. Moreover, these bacteria specific to IgAN might be candidate for the indicator which can predict the remission of IgAN treated by the combination of tonsillectomy and steroid pulse. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We made a comprehensive analysis of tonsil flora in 68 IgAN patients and 28 control patients using Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis methods. We also analyzed the relationship between several bacteria specific to the IgAN and the prognosis of the IgAN. Treponema sp. were identified in 24% IgAN patients, while in 7% control patients (P = 0.062. Haemophilus segnis were detected in 53% IgAN patients, while in 25% control patients (P = 0.012. Campylobacter rectus were identified in 49% IgAN patients, while in 14% control patients (P = 0.002. Multiple Cox proportional-hazards model revealed that Treponema sp. or Campylobactor rectus are significant for the remission of proteinuria (Hazard ratio 2.35, p = 0.019. There was significant difference in remission rates between IgAN patients with Treponema sp. and those without the bacterium (p = 0.046, and in remission rates between IgAN patients with Campylobacter rectus and those without the bacterium (p = 0.037 by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Those bacteria are well known to be related with the periodontal disease. Periodontal bacteria has known to cause immune reaction and many diseases, and also might cause IgA nephropathy. CONCLUSION: This insight into IgAN might be useful for diagnosis of the IgAN patients and the decision of treatment of IgAN.

  7. Periodontal disease bacteria specific to tonsil in IgA nephropathy patients predicts the remission by the treatment. (United States)

    Nagasawa, Yasuyuki; Iio, Kenichiro; Fukuda, Shinji; Date, Yasuhiro; Iwatani, Hirotsugu; Yamamoto, Ryohei; Horii, Arata; Inohara, Hidenori; Imai, Enyu; Nakanishi, Takeshi; Ohno, Hiroshi; Rakugi, Hiromi; Isaka, Yoshitaka


    Immunoglobulin (Ig)A nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common form of primary glomerulonephritis in the world. Some bacteria were reported to be the candidate of the antigen or the pathogenesis of IgAN, but systematic analysis of bacterial flora in tonsil with IgAN has not been reported. Moreover, these bacteria specific to IgAN might be candidate for the indicator which can predict the remission of IgAN treated by the combination of tonsillectomy and steroid pulse. We made a comprehensive analysis of tonsil flora in 68 IgAN patients and 28 control patients using Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis methods. We also analyzed the relationship between several bacteria specific to the IgAN and the prognosis of the IgAN. Treponema sp. were identified in 24% IgAN patients, while in 7% control patients (P = 0.062). Haemophilus segnis were detected in 53% IgAN patients, while in 25% control patients (P = 0.012). Campylobacter rectus were identified in 49% IgAN patients, while in 14% control patients (P = 0.002). Multiple Cox proportional-hazards model revealed that Treponema sp. or Campylobactor rectus are significant for the remission of proteinuria (Hazard ratio 2.35, p = 0.019). There was significant difference in remission rates between IgAN patients with Treponema sp. and those without the bacterium (p = 0.046), and in remission rates between IgAN patients with Campylobacter rectus and those without the bacterium (p = 0.037) by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Those bacteria are well known to be related with the periodontal disease. Periodontal bacteria has known to cause immune reaction and many diseases, and also might cause IgA nephropathy. This insight into IgAN might be useful for diagnosis of the IgAN patients and the decision of treatment of IgAN.

  8. Predictors of remission in DSM hypochondriasis. (United States)

    Barsky, A J; Bailey, E D; Fama, J M; Ahern, D K


    Although hypochondriasis is generally believed to be a chronic and refractory disorder, relatively little is known about its natural history and course. Based on a cognitive/perceptual model of hypochondriasis, we hypothesized that the disorder would be more chronic in patients who both amplify benign bodily symptoms and tend to attribute them to disease. Thirty-eight patients with DSM hypochondriasis were assessed with a structured, diagnostic interview and self-report questionnaire. A logistic regression model containing sociodemographic characteristics and a 3-way interaction term composed of the tendency to amplify bodily sensations, the tendency to attribute common symptoms to disease, and somatization (all measured at inception) correctly classified the remission status of 81.6% of the patients at follow-up 4 years later. These results suggest that patients who somatize, who are amplifiers of bodily sensation, and those who tend to attribute ambiguous symptoms to disease have more chronic and more refractory hypochondriasis. It is the co-occurrence of these cognitive and perceptual characteristics, rather than their occurrence individually, which predicts the persistence of this disorder.

  9. A case of remission from pre-diabetes following intermittent hypoxic training. (United States)

    Fuller, Nicholas R; Courtney, Rosalba


    A female patient (49 years of age) with obesity (body mass index: 35.3kg/m(2)) and diagnosed with pre-diabetes presented to the clinic of one of the authors (RC) with recent weight gain (approximately 10kg) over the preceding 12 months, despite several unsuccessful attempts at weight loss. She reported being short of breath performing light activities and feeling fatigued the majority of the time. Treatment consisted of a run in period of five weeks following the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) diet, followed by four weeks of the CSIRO diet plus intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) using the GO2(®) altitude training device. Anthropometric measures, bloods and questionnaires were completed before treatment (week 0), end of diet phase (week 5), and end of diet plus IHT phase (week 9). At the end of week five, the patient had lost some weight and had an improvement in glycaemic control. However, there was a clinically greater improvement in weight loss and glycaemic control from week five to nine following the IHT, resulting in remission from pre-diabetes. This case study shows that incorporation of IHT has benefits existing beyond a standard dietary approach, helping to achieve remission from pre-diabetes back to a normal fasting glucose state. Copyright © 2016 Asia Oceania Association for the Study of Obesity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Do depression and anxiety reduce the likelihood of remission in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis? Data from the prospective multicentre NOR-DMARD study. (United States)

    Michelsen, Brigitte; Kristianslund, Eirik Klami; Sexton, Joseph; Hammer, Hilde Berner; Fagerli, Karen Minde; Lie, Elisabeth; Wierød, Ada; Kalstad, Synøve; Rødevand, Erik; Krøll, Frode; Haugeberg, Glenn; Kvien, Tore K


    To investigate the predictive value of baseline depression/anxiety on the likelihood of achieving joint remission in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) as well as the associations between baseline depression/anxiety and the components of the remission criteria at follow-up. We included 1326 patients with RA and 728 patients with PsA from the prospective observational NOR-DMARD study starting first-time tumour necrosis factor inhibitors or methotrexate. The predictive value of depression/anxiety on remission was explored in prespecified logistic regression models and the associations between baseline depression/anxiety and the components of the remission criteria in prespecified multiple linear regression models. Baseline depression/anxiety according to EuroQoL-5D-3L, Short Form-36 (SF-36) Mental Health subscale ≤56 and SF-36 Mental Component Summary ≤38 negatively predicted 28-joint Disease Activity Score anxiety was associated with increased patient's and evaluator's global assessment, tender joint count and joint pain in RA at follow-up, but not with swollen joint count and acute phase reactants. Depression and anxiety may reduce likelihood of joint remission based on composite scores in RA and PsA and should be taken into account in individual patients when making a shared decision on a treatment target. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  11. Prediction of electroconvulsive therapy response and remission in major depression : meta-analysis


    Diermen, van, Linda; Ameele, van den, Seline; Kamperman, Astrid M.; Sabbe, Bernard G.C.; Vermeulen, Tom; Schrijvers, Didier; Birkenhager, Tom K.


    Abstract: Background Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is considered to be the most effective treatment in severe major depression. The identification of reliable predictors of ECT response could contribute to a more targeted patient selection and consequently increased ECT response rates. Aims To investigate the predictive value of age, depression severity, psychotic and melancholic features for ECT response and remission in major depression. Method A meta-analysis was conducted according to t...

  12. Gender Differences in Remission and Recovery of Schizophrenic and Schizoaffective Patients: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Cohort Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Carpiniello


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper was to evaluate rates of clinical remission and recovery according to gender in a cohort of chronic outpatients attending a university community mental health center who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder according to DSM-IV-TR. A sample of 100 consecutive outpatients (70 males and 30 females underwent comprehensive psychiatric evaluation using the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis of Axis I and II DSM-IV (SCID-I and SCID-II, Version R and an assessment of psychopathology, social functioning, clinical severity, subjective wellbeing, and quality of life, respectively by means of PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, PSP (Personal and Social Performance, CGI-SCH (Clinical Global Impression—Schizophrenia scale, SWN-S (Subjective Well-being under Neuroleptics—scale, and WHOQOL (WHO Quality of Life. Rates of clinical remission and recovery according to different criteria were calculated by gender. Higher rates of clinical remission and recovery were generally observed in females than males, a result consistent with literature data. Overall findings from the paper support the hypothesis of a better outcome of the disorders in women, even in the very long term.

  13. Serum C-reactive protein concentration as an indicator of remission status in dogs with multicentric lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lise; Toft, Nils; Eckersall, David


    Background: The acute-phase protein C-reactive protein (CRP) is used as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in humans with various neoplasias, including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Objective: To evaluate if CRP could be used to detect different remission states in dogs with lymphoma. Animals: Twenty......-two dogs with untreated multicentric lymphoma. Methods: Prospective observational study. Blood samples were collected at the time of diagnosis, before each chemotherapy session, and at follow-up visits, resulting in 287 serum samples. Results: Before therapy, a statistically significant majority...... of the dogs (P = .0019) had CRP concentrations above the reference range (68%, 15/22). After achieving complete remission 90% (18/20) of the dogs had CRP concentrations within the reference range, and the difference in values before and after treatment was statistically significant (P

  14. Stringent or nonstringent complete remission and prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Øvlisen, Andreas K; Oest, Anders; Bendtsen, Mette D


    Stringent complete remission (sCR) of acute myeloid leukemia is defined as normal hematopoiesis after therapy. Less sCR, including non-sCR, was introduced as insufficient blood platelet, neutrophil, or erythrocyte recovery. These latter characteristics were defined retrospectively as postremission...... transfusion dependency and were suggested to be of prognostic value. In the present report, we evaluated the prognostic impact of achieving sCR and non-sCR in the Danish National Acute Leukaemia Registry, including 769 patients registered with classical CR (ie,

  15. Rates and predictors of remission, recurrence and conversion to bipolar disorder after the first lifetime episode of depression--a prospective 5-year follow-up study. (United States)

    Bukh, J D; Andersen, P K; Kessing, L V


    In depression, non-remission, recurrence of depressive episodes after remission and conversion to bipolar disorder are crucial determinants of poor outcome. The present study aimed to determine the cumulative incidences and clinical predictors of these long-term outcomes after the first lifetime episode of depression. A total of 301 in- or out-patients aged 18-70 years with a validated diagnosis of a single depressive episode were assessed from 2005 to 2007. At 5 years of follow-up, 262 patients were reassessed by means of the life chart method and diagnostic interviews from 2011 to 2013. Cumulative incidences and the influence of clinical variables on the rates of remission, recurrence and conversion to bipolar disorder, respectively, were estimated by survival analysis techniques. Within 5 years, 83.3% obtained remission, 31.5% experienced recurrence of depression and 8.6% converted to bipolar disorder (6.3% within the first 2 years). Non-remission increased with younger age, co-morbid anxiety and suicidal ideations. Recurrence increased with severity and treatment resistance of the first depression, and conversion to bipolar disorder with treatment resistance, a family history of affective disorder and co-morbid alcohol or drug abuse. The identified clinical characteristics of the first lifetime episode of depression should guide patients and clinicians for long-term individualized tailored treatment.

  16. Cyclosporine induced biochemical remission in childhood autoimmune hepatitis. (United States)

    Franulović, Orjena Zaja; Rajacić, Nada; Lesar, Tatjana; Kuna, Andrea Tesija; Morić, Bernardica Valent


    The conventional treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) in children, which includes prednisone alone or in combination with azathioprine, induces remission in most cases but is often associated with poorly tolerated side effects. To avoid the adverse effects, Alvarez et al. introduced an alternative treatment regimen, using cyclosporine A (CyA) as primary immunosuppression. We carried out a retrospective study to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of CyA treatment in children and adolescents with AIH treated in our center. During 2000-2010 period, nine children (6 female) aged 5-17.5 years, were diagnosed with AIH according to established international criteria. Following the suggested protocol, CyA was administered orally and when the transaminases tended to normalise, dose was adjusted to lover serum levels. Conversion to low dose of prednisone and azathioprine was started after 6 months, with gradual tapering and discontinuation of CyA. All nine patient had elevated transaminases and gammaglobulin levels, with proven histological changes typical for AIH in 8 patients that underwent liver biopsy (in one patient biopsy was contraindicated due to the prolonged prothrombin time). Serum ANA/SMA autoantibodies were positive in all but one patient, who had positive anti-LKM1. Complete or near complete and persistent normalisation of transaminase activity was observed in 8/9 patients within first 6 to 12 months. In one patient with partial response, an overlap syndrome was established. After ursodeoxycholic acid was added complete remission was observed. All patients had excellent clinical course and histological improvement. During the long-term follow-up (1.5-9 yrs; median 4.5 yrs), biochemical relapse occured in one patient after discontinuation of maintenance corticosteroid dose. Despite registered improvement, none of the patients fulfilled the criteria for therapy discontinuation, so all of them are still receiving maintenance doses of prednisone or azathioprine

  17. Remission of encephalopathy with status epilepticus (ESES) during sleep renormalizes regulation of slow wave sleep

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bölsterli, Bigna K.; Gardella, Elena; Pavlidis, Elena


    Objective: In previous studies, we showed an altered overnight decrease of non–rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep slow waves in children with encephalopathy related to status epilepticus during sleep (ESES). Here, we test the hypothesis that these alterations renormalize after remission of ESES...

  18. Spontaneous remission of hepatocellular carcinoma without any treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shao-Ciao Luo


    A 61 year old asymptomatic woman visited our outpatient clinic (OPC with a high alpha-fetal protein (AFP level. A computed tomogram (CT revealed a 4.1 cm hypervascular tumor (arterial phase at S4 of the liver and washed out in venous phase. Her Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg was negative and Hepatitis C Antibody (anti-HCV was positive. This patient also had esophageal varices. She refused any treatment and returned to our OPC about 2 years later. Her AFP level was 11.8 ng/ml. The following CT scan revealed a small amount of cirrhosis, but no mass, in the liver, so that spontaneous remission of HCC was determined. She was treated by oral diuretics. Here we report the case and review of literature.

  19. Mucosal healing and deep remission: What does it mean? (United States)

    Rogler, Gerhard; Vavricka, Stephan; Schoepfer, Alain; Lakatos, Peter L


    The use of specific terms under different meanings and varying definitions has always been a source of confusion in science. When we point our efforts towards an evidence based medicine for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) the same is true: Terms such as “mucosal healing” or “deep remission” as endpoints in clinical trials or treatment goals in daily patient care may contribute to misconceptions if meanings change over time or definitions are altered. It appears to be useful to first have a look at the development of terms and their definitions, to assess their intrinsic and context-independent problems and then to analyze the different relevance in present-day clinical studies and trials. The purpose of such an attempt would be to gain clearer insights into the true impact of the clinical findings behind the terms. It may also lead to a better defined use of those terms for future studies. The terms “mucosal healing” and “deep remission” have been introduced in recent years as new therapeutic targets in the treatment of IBD patients. Several clinical trials, cohort studies or inception cohorts provided data that the long term disease course is better, when mucosal healing is achieved. However, it is still unclear whether continued or increased therapeutic measures will aid or improve mucosal healing for patients in clinical remission. Clinical trials are under way to answer this question. Attention should be paid to clearly address what levels of IBD activity are looked at. In the present review article authors aim to summarize the current evidence available on mucosal healing and deep remission and try to highlight their value and position in the everyday decision making for gastroenterologists. PMID:24282345

  20. Remission in children and adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder via an effective and tolerable titration scheme for osmotic release oral system methylphenidate. (United States)

    Chou, Wen-Jiun; Chen, Shin-Jaw; Chen, Ying-Sheue; Liang, Hsin-Yi; Lin, Chih-Chien; Tang, Ching-Shu; Huang, Yu-Shu; Yeh, Chin-Bin; Chou, Miao-Chun; Lin, Dai-Yueh; Hou, Po-Hsun; Wu, Yu-Yu; Liu, Hung-Jen; Huang, Ya-Fen; Hwang, Kai-Ling; Chan, Chin-Hong; Pan, Chia-Ho; Chang, Hsueh-Ling; Huang, Chi-Fen; Hsu, Ju-Wei


    The purpose of this study was to identify the optimal dose of osmotic release oral system methylphenidate (OROS-MPH) using a dosage forced-titration scheme to achieve symptomatic remission in children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We also evaluated the efficacy and safety of, and patient and parent satisfaction with, the change in therapy from immediate-release methylphenidate (IR-MPH) to OROS-MPH over 10 weeks. We recruited 521 children and adolescents aged 6-18 years with an American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV) diagnosis of ADHD, who had received IR-MPH treatments (titration phase of OROS-MPH to achieve symptomatic remission (defined as a score of 0 or 1 for each of the first 18 ADHD items in the Chinese version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, Version IV [SNAP-IV]), followed by a 4-week maintenance phase. The global ADHD severity and drug side effects of the participants were evaluated. Parents completed the ratings scales for the ADHD-related symptoms. Patient and parent satisfaction for the OROS-MPH treatment was also assessed. Among the 439 participants with ADHD who completed the trial, 290 participants (66.1%) achieved symptomatic remission. The mean dose of OROS-MPH among participants in remission was 36.7 mg (1.08 mg/kg) per day. Increased efficacy, superior satisfaction, and safety equivalent to that of IR-MPH were demonstrated in intra-individual comparisons from the baseline to the end of study. Determinants for remission included less severe ADHD symptoms (SNAP-IV score history of ADHD, and an appropriate dosage of medication according to the patient's weight. The findings suggest remission as a treatment goal for ADHD therapy by providing an optimal dosage of medication for children and adolescents with ADHD through using an effective and tolerable forced-titration scheme.

  1. Effekten af udvidet periodisk syn på person- og varebiler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernhoft, Inger Marie; Pilegaard, Ninette

    Dette notat har til formål at gennemføre en beregning af costs og benefits af udvidet periodisk syn af person- og varebiler i Danmark, under forudsætning af der gennemføres ét syn af per-son- og varebiler efter fire år, derefter ét syn efter to år og derefter én gang årligt (4,2,1,1…), som...... skulle være efter fire år, derefter efter to år, derefter efter to år igen og derefter årligt (4,2,2,1,1…). Dvs. at der i vores basisscenarie vil være ét ekstra syn (ved 7. år) i forhold til ’Autofore-rapportens’ ba-sis-scenarie. Dog udføres i ’Autofore-rapporten’ også følsomhedsberegninger...

  2. Prognostic factors for remission of and survival in acquired hemophilia A (AHA): results from the GTH-AH 01/2010 study (United States)

    Klamroth, Robert; Scharf, Rüdiger E.; Trappe, Ralf U.; Holstein, Katharina; Huth-Kühne, Angela; Gottstein, Saskia; Geisen, Ulrich; Schenk, Joachim; Scholz, Ute; Schilling, Kristina; Neumeister, Peter; Miesbach, Wolfgang; Manner, Daniela; Greil, Richard; von Auer, Charis; Krause, Manuela; Leimkühler, Klaus; Kalus, Ulrich; Blumtritt, Jan-Malte; Werwitzke, Sonja; Budde, Eva; Koch, Armin; Knöbl, Paul


    Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is caused by autoantibodies against factor VIII (FVIII). Immunosuppressive treatment (IST) results in remission of disease in 60% to 80% of patients over a period of days to months. IST is associated with frequent adverse events, including infections as a leading cause of death. Predictors of time to remission could help guide IST intensity but have not been established. We analyzed prognostic factors in 102 prospectively enrolled patients treated with a uniform IST protocol. Partial remission (PR; defined as no active bleeding, FVIII restored >50 IU/dL, hemostatic treatment stopped >24 hours) was achieved by 83% of patients after a median of 31 days (range 7-362). Patients with baseline FVIII <1 IU/dL achieved PR less often and later (77%, 43 days) than patients with ≥1 IU/dL (89%, 24 days). After adjustment for other baseline characteristics, low FVIII remained associated with a lower rate of PR (hazard ratio 0.52, 95% confidence interval 0.33-0.81, P < .01). In contrast, PR achieved on steroids alone within ≤21 days was more common in patients with FVIII ≥1 IU/dL and inhibitor concentration <20 BU/mL (odds ratio 11.2, P < .0001). Low FVIII was also associated with a lower rate of complete remission and decreased survival. In conclusion, presenting FVIII and inhibitor concentration are potentially useful to tailor IST in AHA. PMID:25525118

  3. Is going into stable symptomatic remission associated with a more positive development of life satisfaction?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gardsjord, Erlend Strand; Romm, Kristin Lie; Røssberg, Jan Ivar


    BACKGROUND: Quality of life is an important outcome measure for patients with psychosis. We investigated whether going into stable symptomatic remission is associated with a more positive development of subjective quality of life (S-QoL) and if different patient characteristics are associated wit...

  4. Widespread reductions of white matter integrity in patients with long-term remission of Cushing's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steven J.A. van der Werff


    Conclusion: Patients with a history of endogenous hypercortisolism in present remission show widespread changes of white matter integrity in the brain, with abnormalities in the integrity of the uncinate fasciculus being related to the severity of depressive symptoms, suggesting persistent structural effects of hypercortisolism.

  5. Preoperative Fasting Plasma C-Peptide Levels as Predictors of Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus after Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Yan, Wenmao; Bai, Rixing; Yan, Ming; Song, Maomin


    The study evaluated the predictive role of preoperative fasting C-peptide, hemoglobin (Hb)A1c, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and body mass index (BMI) levels on diabetes remission in patients with type 2 diabetes following bariatric surgery. Medline, PubMed, Central, and Google Scholar databases of up to September 7, 2016 were searched using the following terms: type 2 diabetes mellitus, gastric bypass, Roux-en-Y, anastomosis, C-peptide, weight loss, HbA/HbA1c, predictive/predictor. Meta-analysis of the pooled data indicated that fasting C-peptide was predictive of increased chance of remission of type 2 diabetes (pooled difference in means = 0.93, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.61 to 1.25, p fasting plasma C-peptide was associated with increased type 2 diabetes remission after bariatric surgery, whereas baseline HbA1c and FPG levels were associated with reduced chance of remission. These parameters may be used as a guideline in weighing the risks and benefits for surgical intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes.

  6. Remission of depression following electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is associated with higher levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). (United States)

    Freire, Thiago Fernando Vasconcelos; Fleck, Marcelo Pio de Almeida; da Rocha, Neusa Sica


    Research on the association between electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and increased brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels has produced conflicting result. There have been few studies which have evaluated BDNF levels in clinical contexts where there was remission following treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate whether remission of depression following ECT is associated with changes in BDNF levels. Adult inpatients in a psychiatric unit were invited to participate in this naturalistic study. Diagnoses were made using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and symptoms were evaluated at admission and discharge using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HDRS-17). Thirty-one patients who received a diagnosis of depression and were subjected to ECT were included retrospectively. Clinical remission was defined as a score of less than eight on the HDRS-17 at discharge. Serum BDNF levels were measured in blood samples collected at admission and discharge with a commercial kit used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Subjects HDRS-17 scores improved following ECT (t = 13.29; p = 0.00). A generalized estimating equation (GEE) model revealed a remission × time interaction with BDNF levels as a dependent variable in a Wald chi-square test [Wald χ(2) = 5.98; p = 0.01]. A post hoc Bonferroni test revealed that non-remitters had lower BDNF levels at admission than remitters (p = 0.03), but there was no difference at discharge (p = 0.16). ECT remitters had higher serum BDNF levels at admission and the level did not vary during treatment. ECT non-remitters had lower serum BDNF levels at admission, but levels increased during treatment and were similar to those of ECT remitters at discharge. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Spontaneous remission of chiasmatic/hypothalamic masses in neurofibromatosis type 1: report of two cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gottschalk, S.; Tavakolian, R.; Lehmann, R.; Buske, A.; Tinschert, S.


    We report two children with neurofibromatosis type 1 showing enhancing masses on MRI suggesting neoplasms in the chiasm and hypothalamic region. In both patients no visual or endocrinal dysfunction was present. On serial MRI spontaneous partial remission was found, implying that a cautious approach to therapeutic management of similar cases should be taken. (orig.) (orig.)

  8. Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients After Different Types of Bariatric Surgery: A Population-Based Cohort Study in the United Kingdom. (United States)

    Yska, Jan Peter; van Roon, Eric N; de Boer, Anthonius; Leufkens, Hubert G M; Wilffert, Bob; de Heide, Loek J M; de Vries, Frank; Lalmohamed, Arief


    To our knowledge, an observational study on the remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) after different types of bariatric surgery based on data from general practice has not been carried out. To assess the effect of different types of bariatric surgery in patients with T2DM on diabetes remission compared with matched control patients, and the effect of the type of bariatric surgery on improvement of glycemic control and related clinical parameters. A retrospective cohort study conducted from May 2013 to May 2014 within the Clinical Practice Research Datalink involving 2978 patients with a record of bariatric surgery (2005-2012) and a body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) of 35 or greater. We identified 569 patients with T2DM and matched them to 1881 patients with diabetes without bariatric surgery. Data on the use of medication and laboratory results were evaluated. Bariatric surgery, stratified by type of surgery (gastric banding, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or other/unknown). Remission of T2DM (complete discontinuation of glycemic therapy, accompanied with a subsequently recorded hemoglobin A1c levelpatients undergoing bariatric surgery, we found a prevalence of 19.1% for T2DM. Per 1000 person-years, 94.5 diabetes mellitus remissions were found in patients who underwent bariatric surgery compared with 4.9 diabetes mellitus remissions in matched control patients. Patients with diabetes who underwent bariatric surgery had an 18-fold increased chance for T2DM remission (adjusted relative rate [RR], 17.8; 95% CI, 11.2-28.4) compared with matched control patients. The greatest effect size was observed for gastric bypass (adjusted RR, 43.1; 95% CI, 19.7-94.5), followed by sleeve gastrectomy (adjusted RR, 16.6; 95% CI, 4.7-58.4) and gastric banding (adjusted RR, 6.9; 95% CI, 3.1-15.2). Body mass index and triglyceride, blood glucose, and hemoglobin A1c levels sharply decreased during the first 2

  9. Cognitive remission: a novel objective for the treatment of major depression? (United States)

    Bortolato, Beatrice; Miskowiak, Kamilla W; Köhler, Cristiano A; Maes, Michael; Fernandes, Brisa S; Berk, Michael; Carvalho, André F


    Cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder (MDD) encompasses several domains, including but not limited to executive function, verbal memory, and attention. Furthermore, cognitive dysfunction is a frequent residual manifestation in depression and may persist during the remitted phase. Cognitive deficits may also impede functional recovery, including workforce performance, in patients with MDD. The overarching aims of this opinion article are to critically evaluate the effects of available antidepressants as well as novel therapeutic targets on neurocognitive dysfunction in MDD. Conventional antidepressant drugs mitigate cognitive dysfunction in some people with MDD. However, a significant proportion of MDD patients continue to experience significant cognitive impairment. Two multicenter randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reported that vortioxetine, a multimodal antidepressant, has significant precognitive effects in MDD unrelated to mood improvement. Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate was shown to alleviate executive dysfunction in an RCT of adults after full or partial remission of MDD. Preliminary evidence also indicates that erythropoietin may alleviate cognitive dysfunction in MDD. Several other novel agents may be repurposed as cognitive enhancers for MDD treatment, including minocycline, insulin, antidiabetic agents, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, S-adenosyl methionine, acetyl-L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, melatonin, modafinil, galantamine, scopolamine, N-acetylcysteine, curcumin, statins, and coenzyme Q10. The management of cognitive dysfunction remains an unmet need in the treatment of MDD. However, it is hoped that the development of novel therapeutic targets will contribute to 'cognitive remission', which may aid functional recovery in MDD.

  10. Impact of pain and remission in the functioning of patients with depression in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. (United States)

    Novick, Diego; Shi, Qiang; Yue, Li; Moneta, Maria Victoria; Siddi, Sara; Haro, Josep Maria


    The present study analyzes functioning during the course of treatment of a major depressive disorder in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Data in this post hoc analysis were taken from a 24-week prospective, observational study in 12 countries worldwide. Of these, 422 patients were included from Mainland China (N = 205; 48.6%), Taiwan (N = 199; 47.2%), and Hong Kong (N = 18; 4.2%). Functioning was measured with the Sheehan Disability Scale, pain with the Somatic Symptom Inventory, and depression severity with the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self Report 16. Patients were classified as having no pain, persistent pain, or remitted pain. A mixed model with repeated measures was fitted to analyze the relationship between pain and functioning, adjusting for severity and other factors. At baseline, 40% of the patients had painful physical symptoms. At 24 weeks, 6% of the patients had persistent pain. Sixty percent of the patients achieved remission. Patients with pain had a higher severity of depression score and lower functioning (P < .05) at baseline. At 24 weeks, patients with persistent pain had lower functioning (P < .05). The regression model found that clinical remission was associated with higher functioning at endpoint and that patients with persistent pain had lower functioning at endpoint when compared with the no-pain group. Patients presenting with pain had lower functioning at baseline. At 24 weeks, pain persistence was associated with significantly lower functioning as measured by the Sheehan Disability Scale. Clinical remission was associated with better functional outcomes. The course of pain was related to achieving remission. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  11. Depressive symptoms predict future simple disease activity index scores and simple disease activity index remission in a prospective cohort of patients with early inflammatory polyarthritis. (United States)

    Leblanc-Trudeau, Charlotte; Dobkin, Patricia L; Carrier, Nathalie; Cossette, Pierre; de Brum-Fernandes, Artur J; Liang, Patrick; Masetto, Ariel; Boire, Gilles


    To determine whether depressive symptoms assessed in treated patients with early inflammatory polyarthritis (EPA) influence disease activity during follow-up. Consecutively recruited EPA patients were actively treated to remission. Simple disease activity index (SDAI) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) scores were calculated at inclusion and up to 42 months into disease. SDAI scores were log-transformed to compute univariate and multivariate linear regressions. Parametric interval-censored Kaplan-Meier and survival regressions using Weibull distribution were used to assess time to and predictors of SDAI remission. A total of 275 EPA patients were recruited at a median of 4 months into disease. In multivariate linear regression models, accounting for baseline demographic, clinical, serological and functional variables and 12-month inflammation markers, CES-D scores at 12 months into disease were correlated (r(2) = 0.14) with subsequent SDAI scores. Patients with 12-month high CES-D (≥19; suggestive of depression) had a lower proportion of SDAI remission (31.3% vs 84.3%; P < 0.001) and reached SDAI remission less rapidly [hazard ratio = 0.25 (95% CI 0.12, 0.53); P < 0.001]. Each follow-up SDAI correlated significantly with 12-month depressive symptoms, a median of 7 months after initiation of treatment. CES-D scores suggestive of depression at 12 months were strongly correlated with delay and failure to reach remission later on. Depressive symptoms in treated EPA patients represent important clinical issues with long-term association with disease activity. Interventions to alleviate persistent depressive symptoms in treated EPA warrant careful evaluation of their potential to improve disease remission rates. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  12. Use of mesalazine slow release suppositories 1 g three times per week to maintain remission of ulcerative proctitis: a randomised double blind placebo controlled multicentre study (United States)

    Marteau, P; Crand, J; Foucault, M; Rambaud, J


    Background—Daily administration of rectal formulations of mesalazine is effective in preventing relapse of ulcerative proctitis. Maintenance of remission with lower doses would be an advantage. 
Aim—The efficacy of mesalazine suppositories (Pentasa) 1 g three times a week v placebo to maintain remission in patients with cryptogenetic proctitis was studied. 
Methods—Ninety five patients with cryptogenetic proctitis were randomised within two weeks of remission to receive for one year or until relapse three suppositories per week of either Pentasa (n=48) or placebo (n=47). In the case of a relapse, the patients received one suppository/day. 
Results—It was found that 25 of 48 subjects v 18 of 47 remained in remission in the mesalazine and placebo groups respectively. The relapse rate was lower in the mesalazine group for the following time intervals: 0-90 days (19% v 38%, p=0.035), 0-180 days (29% v 54%, p=0.017), 0-270 days (38% v 60%, p=0.031), and 0-365 days (48% v 62%, p=0.18). Treatment of relapse with one suppository/day induced remission in 11 of 18 and 2 of 26 patients in the mesalazine and placebo groups respectively (p=0.001). Overall, 61% v 28% patients remained in the protocol and were in remission at one year (p=0.001). Tolerance was good. 
Conclusion—Mesalazine suppositories 1 g three times a week are effective for preventing relapses of cryptogenetic proctitis. Increasing the dose to 1 g/day is effective in a high proportion of subjects who relapsed. 

 Keywords: inflammatory bowel disease; mesalazine; 5-aminosalicylic acid; topical treatments; proctitis PMID:9536943

  13. Complete Remission of Methotrexate-Related Epstein-Barr-Virus-Associated Hodgkin-Like Lymphoma following Withdrawal of MTX Coupled with Clarithromycin Administration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nobuo Takemori


    Full Text Available Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA are known to develop lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs during the course of illness, particularly in cases treated with methotrexate (MTX for long periods. We describe a case of MTX-related Epstein-Barr-virus-(EBV- associated LPD resembling Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL, in which a dramatic complete remission was achieved after withdrawal of MTX coupled with clarithromycin (CAM administration. Withdrawal of MTX coupled with CAM administration seemed to be effective for treating MTX-related EBV-associated LPDs. In particular, an immunomodulative effect of CAM might have been involved in achieving complete remission.

  14. Correlation between the Efficacy of Lamotrigine and the Serum Lamotrigine Level during the Remission Phase of Acute Bipolar II Depression: A Naturalistic and Unblinded Prospective Pilot Study. (United States)

    Kikkawa, Akiyoshi; Kitamura, Yoshihisa; Aiba, Tetsuya; Hiraki, Koichi; Sendo, Toshiaki


    Lamotrigine has acute antidepressant effects in patients with bipolar disorder. However, there is little information regarding appropriate serum levels of lamotrigine and the time until remission after the start of lamotrigine therapy in patients with bipolar II depression. This was a naturalistic and unblinded prospective pilot study. Twelve patients' depressive symptoms were evaluated using the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) at the start of treatment and at the time of remission, and blood samples were obtained at the time of remission. Mahalanobis distance was used to analyze the relationship between the MADRS improvement rate and the serum lamotrigine level. Furthermore, we calculated the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for the relationship between the MADRS improvement rate and the serum lamotrigine level, and produced box plots of the serum lamotrigine level at remission and the time until remission. The Mahalanobis distance for the patient that was co-administered lamotrigine and valproic acid differed significantly from those of the other patients (p<0.001). There was no linear relationship between the serum lamotrigine level and the MADRS improvement rate among the patients that did not receive valproic acid. The median time from the start of lamotrigine therapy until remission was 6 weeks. The serum lamotrigine level does not have an important impact on the acute therapeutic effects of lamotrigine on bipolar II depression. In addition, we consider that different treatment options should be considered for non-responders who do not exhibit any improvement after the administration of lamotrigine for approximately 6 weeks.

  15. Prediction of remission in Graves' disease after thionamide therapy by technetium-99m early uptake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Misaki, Takashi; Dokoh, Shigeharu; Koh, Toshikiyo; Shimbo, Shin-ichiro (Kyoto City Hospital, Kyoto (Japan)); Hidaka, Akinari; Iida, Yasuhiro; Kasagi, Kanji; Konishi, Junji


    In the clinical management of Graves' thyrotoxicosis, one of the most important subject is when to stop antithyroid drugs after achieving an euthyroid state. T{sub 3} suppression test and other methods have been used to forecast the outcome after drug cessation, but the results were not always satisfactory. We have attempted to predict remission of Graves' disease by single measurement of early technetium uptake without administration of triiodothyronine. Drugs were discontinued in the seventy-five patients with Graves' disease on maintenance doses of either methimazole or propylthiouracil who showed normalized uptake (4.0% or less). Of 64 patients evaluable after twelve months, 55 (86%) remained euthyroid, 8 relapsed, and 1 became hypothyoid. With its accuracy in prediction of short-term remission comparable or superior to T{sub 3} suppression test, this rapid and simple method seemed suitable for routine use in clinical practice. (author).

  16. Malnutrition in remission of childhood cancers as assessed by bioelectric impedance analysis


    M. V. Konovalova; A. V. Anisimova; A. Yu. Vashura; E. Z. Godina; D. V. Nikolaev; S. G. Rudnev; O. A. Starunova; I. A. Khomyakova; G. Ya. Tseytlin


    The results of our cross-sectional bioimpedance study of children aged 7–17 years cured of cancer during follow-up (patients’ group, n = 552, remission time range 0–15 years) and of age-matched healthy controls (n = 1,500) show significant intergroup differences in body height and body composition parameters. The most pronounced alterations in the patients’ group were observed in standardized values of phase angle reflecting a sharp decrease in the percentage of metabolically active body cell...

  17. Low-dose total body irradiation and G-CSF without hematopoietic stem cell support in the treatment of relapsed or refractory acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), or AML in second or subsequent remission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shulman, Lawrence N.; Tarbell, Nancy J.; Storen, Elizabeth; Marcus, Karen; Mauch, Peter M.


    Purpose: Patients with relapsed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), who are not eligible for bone marrow transplantation, have a poor prognosis when treated with chemotherapy alone. Total body irradiation (TBI) is an effective modality against AML when used in doses of 1000-1400 cGy with hematopoietic stem cell support. We undertook a phase I study of TBI with granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) support, without stem cell support in patients with AML either in relapse or second or subsequent remission. Methods and Materials: Patients with relapsed AML, or AML in second or subsequent remission were treated in a phase I study of TBI followed by G-CSF. The first dose level was 200 cGy. After the initial cohort of patients it was clear that patients with overt leukemia did not benefit from this treatment, and subsequent patients were required to be in remission at the time of TBI. Results: Eleven patients were treated, 4 in overt relapse, and 7 in remission. 200 cGy was used in all, and dose escalation was not possible due to prolonged thrombocytopenia in all patients but one. Neutrophil recovery was adequate in those patients who remained in remission after TBI. Patients with overt leukemia had transient reduction in blast counts, but rapid recurrence of their leukemia. Patients treated in remission had short remissions, with the exception of one patient who is in remission 32 months after treatment. Conclusion: There is some antileukemic effect of TBI even at 200 cGy, though this dose appears to be too low to help a significant number of patients. If TBI is to be escalated without stem cell support, then a thrombopoietic agent will need to be used

  18. Frontal white matter anisotropy and antidepressant remission in late-life depression.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warren D Taylor


    Full Text Available Neuroanatomic features associated with antidepressant treatment outcomes in older depressed individuals are not well established. This study used diffusion tensor imaging to examine frontal white matter structure in depressed subjects undergoing a 12-week trial of sertraline. We hypothesized that remission would be associated with higher frontal anisotropy measures, and failure to remit with lower anisotropy.74 subjects with Major Depressive Disorder and age 60 years or older were enrolled in a twelve-week open-label trial of sertraline and completed clinical assessments and 1.5T magnetic resonance brain imaging. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC and fractional anisotropy (FA were measured in regions of interest placed in the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and corpus callosum. Differences in ADC and FA values between subjects who did and did not remit to treatment over the study period were assessed using generalized estimating equations, controlling for age, sex, medical comorbidity and baseline depression severity.Subjects who did not remit to sertraline exhibited higher FA values in the superior frontal gyri and anterior cingulate cortices bilaterally. There were no statistically significant associations between ADC measures and remission.Failure to remit to sertraline is associated with higher frontal FA values. Functional imaging studies demonstrate that depression is characterized by functional disconnection between frontal and limbic regions. Those individuals where this disconnection is related to structural changes as detected by DTI may be more likely to respond to NCT00339066.

  19. Unexpected arterial wall and cellular inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission using biological therapy: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Bernelot Moens, Sophie J; van der Valk, Fleur M; Strang, Aart C; Kroon, Jeffrey; Smits, Loek P; Kneepkens, Eva L; Verberne, Hein J; van Buul, Jaap D; Nurmohamed, Michael T; Stroes, Erik S G


    Increasing numbers of patients (up to 40 %) with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) achieve remission, yet it remains to be elucidated whether this also normalizes their cardiovascular risk. Short-term treatment with TNF inhibitors lowers arterial wall inflammation, but not to levels of healthy controls. We investigated whether RA patients in long-term remission are characterized by normalized inflammatory activity of the arterial wall and if this is dependent on type of medication used (TNF-inhibitor versus nonbiological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)). Arterial wall inflammation, bone marrow and splenic activity (index of progenitor cell activity) was assessed with (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in RA patients in remission (disease activity score (DAS28) 6 months) and healthy controls. We performed ex vivo characterization of monocytes using flow cytometry and a transendothelial migration assay. Overall, arterial wall inflammation was comparable in RA patients (n = 23) in long-term remission and controls (n = 17). However, RA subjects using current anti-TNF therapy (n = 13, disease activity score 1.98[1.8-2.2]) have an almost 1.2-fold higher (18)F-FDG uptake in the arterial wall compared to those using DMARDs (but with previous anti-TNF therapy) (n = 10, disease activity score 2.24[1.3-2.5]), which seemed to be predominantly explained by longer duration of their rheumatic disease in a multivariate linear regression analysis. This coincided with increased expression of pro-adhesive (CCR2) and migratory (CD11c, CD18) surface markers on monocytes and a concomitant increased migratory capacity. Finally, we found increased activity in bone marrow and spleen in RA patients using anti-TNF therapy compared to those with DMARDs and controls. A subset of patients with RA in clinical remission have activated monocytes and increased inflammation in the arterial wall, despite the use of

  20. Female Overweight and Obesity in Adolescence: Developmental Trends and Ethnic Differences in Prevalence, Incidence, and Remission (United States)

    Huh, David; Stice, Eric; Shaw, Heather; Boutelle, Kerri


    Despite substantial increases in the prevalence of adolescent overweight and obesity documented in recent decades, few studies have prospectively tracked their development during the entire adolescent period. The aims of this study were to characterize developmental trends in prevalence, incidence, and remission of overweight and obesity using…

  1. Predictors of remission in the treatment of major depressive disorder: real-world evidence from a 6-month prospective observational study. (United States)

    Novick, Diego; Hong, Jihyung; Montgomery, William; Dueñas, Héctor; Gado, Magdy; Haro, Josep Maria


    This study examined potential predictors of remission among patients treated for major depressive disorder (MDD) in a naturalistic clinical setting, mostly in the Middle East, East Asia, and Mexico. Data for this post hoc analysis were taken from a 6-month prospective, noninterventional, observational study that involved 1,549 MDD patients without sexual dysfunction at baseline in 12 countries worldwide. Depression severity was measured using the Clinical Global Impression of Severity and the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Report (QIDS-SR16). Depression-related pain was measured using the pain-related items of the Somatic Symptom Inventory. Remission was defined as a QIDS-SR16 score ≤5. Generalized estimating equation regression models were used to examine baseline factors associated with remission during follow-up. Being from East Asia (odds ratio [OR] 0.48 versus Mexico; Pdepression severity at baseline (OR 0.77, P=0.003, for Clinical Global Impression of Severity; OR 0.92, Pdepression (OR 0.78, P=0.030), and having any significant psychiatric and medical comorbidity at baseline (OR 0.60, Pdepression-related pain and outcomes of depression.

  2. Usefulness of desmopressin testing to predict relapse during long-term follow-up in patients in remission from Cushing’s disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Giacinto Ambrogio


    Full Text Available Recurrence of Cushing’s disease after successful transsphenoidal surgery occurs in some 30% of the patients and the response to desmopressin shortly after surgery has been proposed as a marker for disease recurrence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the response to desmopressin over time after surgery. We tested 56 patients with Cushing’s disease in remission after transsphenoidal surgery with desmopressin for up to 20 years after surgery. The ACTH and cortisol response to desmopressin over time was evaluated in patients on long-term remission or undergoing relapse; an increase by at least 27 pg/mL in ACTH levels identified responders. The vast majority of patients who underwent successful adenomectomy failed to respond to desmopressin after surgery and this response pattern was maintained over time in patients on long-term remission. Conversely, a response to desmopressin reappeared in patients who subsequently developed a recurrence of Cushing’s disease, even years prior to frank hypercortisolism. It appears therefore that a change in the response pattern to desmopressin proves predictive of recurrence of Cushing’s disease and may indicate which patients require close monitoring.

  3. Incidence and remission of parasomnias among adolescent children in the Tucson Children’s Assessment of Sleep Apnea (TuCASA Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Furet O


    Full Text Available Background: Longitudinal assessments of parasomnias in the adolescent population are scarce. This analysis aims to identify the incidence and remission of parasomnias in the adolescent age group.Methods: The TuCASA study is a prospective cohort study that initially enrolled children between the ages of 6 and 11 years (Time 1 and subsequently re-studied them approximately 5 years later (Time 2. At both time points parents were asked to complete a comprehensive sleep habits questionnaire designed to assess the severity of sleep-related symptoms that included questions about enuresis (EN, sleep terrors (TR, sleep walking (SW and sleep talking (ST.Results: There were 350 children participating at Time 1 who were studied as adolescents at time 2. The mean interval between measurements was (4.6 years. The incidence of EN, TR, ST, and SW in these 10-18 year old children was 0.3%, 0.6%, 6.0% and 1.1% respectively. Remission rates were 70.8%, 100%, 64.8% and 50.0% respectively.Conclusions: The incidence rates of EN, TR, and SW were relatively low moving from childhood to adolescence while remission rates were high across all parasomnias.

  4. Granulocytic sarcoma in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia in complete haematological, cytogenetic and molecular remission. (United States)

    Kittai, Adam; Yu, Eun-Mi; Tabbara, Imad


    Granulocytic sarcoma, also known as myeloid sarcoma, is an extramedullary tumour composed of immature myeloid cells. Granulocytic sarcoma is typically found in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia, accelerated phase or blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, or as an isolated event without bone marrow involvement. We present a case of granulocytic sarcoma in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia in the setting of complete haematological, molecular and cytogenetic remission. Our patient was first treated with imatinib for chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukaemia. After maintaining remission for 42 months, he developed a granulocytic sarcoma in his spine. In this case report, we describe our case, along with the three other cases reported in the literature. In addition to being a rare diagnosis, this case demonstrates the importance of being vigilant in diagnosing the cause of back pain and atypical symptoms in patients with a history of leukaemia. 2014 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  5. The clinical status and economic savings associated with remission among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: leveraging linked registry and claims data for synergistic insights. (United States)

    Curtis, Jeffrey R; Chen, Lang; Greenberg, Jeffrey D; Harrold, Leslie; Kilgore, Meredith L; Kremer, Joel M; Solomon, Daniel H; Yun, Huifeng


    Treat to target guidelines recommend achieving remission or low disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, the reduction in adverse events and costs associated with lower disease activity is unclear. We used Corrona linked to Medicare data to identify RA patients. Time varying disease activity was measured using Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI); outcomes included all-cause hospitalization, a composite of hospitalization or emergency department (ED) visits, mortality, and medical costs. Outcome-specific Cox proportional models evaluated the adjusted hazard ratios between disease activity and outcomes, controlling for potential confounders including comorbidities grouped into four patient phenotypes. Costs were analyzed with mixed models using a Gaussian distribution with log transformation. Depending on outcome, 4593 RA patients contributed up to 12 001 person years. Median age was 71 years, 75% women. At baseline, approximately 50-60% of patients were in remission or low disease activity. There was a dose-response relationship between RA disease activity (remission, low, moderate, and high) and the incidence of hospitalizations (13.1, 17.8, 21.2, 27.5 per 100 py, respectively); all adjusted hazard ratios were significant: 0.68 (remission), 0.87 (low), and 1.24 (high) compared with moderate disease activity. Similar trends were observed for ED visits and mortality. The crude difference in annual medical costs between remission ($11 145) and moderate disease activity ($17 646) was $-6 500; the adjusted difference (95%CI) was $-3133 (-4737.72, -1528.43). Leveraging the benefits of linking registry and administrative data together, lower disease activity in RA was associated with incrementally reduced risks of all-cause hospitalization, ED visits, mortality, and medical costs in a dose-dependent fashion. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. Minimal Loss of Lifetime for Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in Remission and Event Free 24 Months After Treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Lasse Hjort; Bøgsted, Martin; Brown, Peter de Nully


    Purpose The general outlook for patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in first remission is important information for patients and for planning post-treatment follow-up. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival of patients with DLBCL in remission compared with a matched......). During the first 8 years after pEFS24, the average loss of lifetime was 0.31 mo/y (95% CI, 0.11 to 0.50 mo/y). Excess mortality diminished when analyzing death from lymphoma as competing event to death from other causes, suggesting that early and late relapse is responsible for increased mortality...

  7. Predictors of remission in the treatment of major depressive disorder: real-world evidence from a 6-month prospective observational study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Novick D


    Full Text Available Diego Novick,1 Jihyung Hong,1 William Montgomery,2 Héctor Dueñas,3 Magdy Gado,4 Josep Maria Haro5 1Eli Lilly and Company, Windlesham, UK; 2Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd, West Ryde, Australia; 3Eli Lilly de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; 4Eli Lilly and Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 5Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Background: This study examined potential predictors of remission among patients treated for major depressive disorder (MDD in a naturalistic clinical setting, mostly in the Middle East, East Asia, and Mexico. Methods: Data for this post hoc analysis were taken from a 6-month prospective, noninterventional, observational study that involved 1,549 MDD patients without sexual dysfunction at baseline in 12 countries worldwide. Depression severity was measured using the Clinical Global Impression of Severity and the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Report (QIDS-SR16. Depression-related pain was measured using the pain-related items of the Somatic Symptom Inventory. Remission was defined as a QIDS-SR16 score ≤5. Generalized estimating equation regression models were used to examine baseline factors associated with remission during follow-up. Results: Being from East Asia (odds ratio [OR] 0.48 versus Mexico; P<0.001, a higher level of depression severity at baseline (OR 0.77, P=0.003, for Clinical Global Impression of Severity; OR 0.92, P<0.001, for QIDS-SR16, more previous MDD episodes (OR 0.92, P=0.007, previous treatments/therapies for depression (OR 0.78, P=0.030, and having any significant psychiatric and medical comorbidity at baseline (OR 0.60, P<0.001 were negatively associated with remission, whereas being male (OR 1.29, P=0.026 and treatment with duloxetine (OR 2.38 versus selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, P<0.001 were positively associated with remission. However, the association between Somatic Symptom Inventory pain scores

  8. Serum protein profile at remission can accurately assess therapeutic outcomes and survival for serous ovarian cancer.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jinhua Wang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Biomarkers play critical roles in early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of therapeutic outcome and recurrence of cancer. Previous biomarker research on ovarian cancer (OC has mostly focused on the discovery and validation of diagnostic biomarkers. The primary purpose of this study is to identify serum biomarkers for prognosis and therapeutic outcomes of ovarian cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Forty serum proteins were analyzed in 70 serum samples from healthy controls (HC and 101 serum samples from serous OC patients at three different disease phases: post diagnosis (PD, remission (RM and recurrence (RC. The utility of serum proteins as OC biomarkers was evaluated using a variety of statistical methods including survival analysis. RESULTS: Ten serum proteins (PDGF-AB/BB, PDGF-AA, CRP, sFas, CA125, SAA, sTNFRII, sIL-6R, IGFBP6 and MDC have individually good area-under-the-curve (AUC values (AUC = 0.69-0.86 and more than 10 three-marker combinations have excellent AUC values (0.91-0.93 in distinguishing active cancer samples (PD & RC from HC. The mean serum protein levels for RM samples are usually intermediate between HC and OC patients with active cancer (PD & RC. Most importantly, five proteins (sICAM1, RANTES, sgp130, sTNFR-II and sVCAM1 measured at remission can classify, individually and in combination, serous OC patients into two subsets with significantly different overall survival (best HR = 17, p<10(-3. CONCLUSION: We identified five serum proteins which, when measured at remission, can accurately predict the overall survival of serous OC patients, suggesting that they may be useful for monitoring the therapeutic outcomes for ovarian cancer.

  9. Differential expression of NK receptors CD94 and NKG2A by T cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients in remission compared to active disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Walsh, Ceara E


    TNF inhibitors (TNFi) have revolutionised the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Natural killer (NK) cells and Natural Killer Cell Receptor+ T (NKT) cells comprise important effector lymphocytes whose activity is tightly regulated through surface NK receptors (NKRs). Dysregulation of NKRs in patients with autoimmune diseases has been shown, however little is known regarding NKRs expression in patients with TNFi-induced remission and in those who maintain remission vs disease flare following TNFi withdrawal.

  10. Affective alterations in patients with Cushing's syndrome in remission are associated with decreased BDNF and cortisone levels. (United States)

    Valassi, E; Crespo, I; Keevil, B G; Aulinas, A; Urgell, E; Santos, A; Trainer, P J; Webb, S M


    Affective alterations and poorer quality of life often persist in patients with Cushing's syndrome (CS) in remission. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and is highly expressed in brain areas controlling mood and response to stress. Our aims were to assess affective alterations after long-term remission of CS and evaluate whether they are associated with serum BDNF, salivary cortisol (SalF) and/or cortisone (SalE) concentrations. Thirty-six CS patients in remission (32 females/4 males; mean age (±s.d.), 48.8 ± 11.8 years; median duration of remission, 72 months) and 36 gender-, age- and BMI-matched controls were included. Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and EuroQoL and CushingQoL questionnaires were completed and measured to evaluate anxiety, depression, stress perception and quality of life (QoL) respectively. Salivary cortisol was measured using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/TMS). BDNF was measured in serum using an ELISA. Remitted CS patients showed worse scores in all questionnaires than controls: STAI (P BDNF was observed in CS vs controls (P = 0.038), and low BDNF was associated with more anxiety (r = -0.247, P = 0.037), depression (r = -0.249, P = 0.035), stress (r = -0.277, P = 0.019) and affective balance (r = 0.243, P = 0.04). Morning salivary cortisone was inversely associated with trait anxiety (r = -0.377, P = 0.040) and depressed affect (r = -0.392, P = 0.032) in CS patients. Delay to diagnosis was associated with depressive symptoms (BDI-II: r = 0.398, P = 0.036 and CES-D: r = 0.449, P = 0.017) and CushingQoL scoring (r = -0.460, P BDNF levels are associated with affective alterations in 'cured' CS patients, including depression, anxiety and impaired stress perception. Elevated levels of

  11. Neuropsychological correlates of remission in chronic schizophrenia subjects: The role of general and task-specific executive processes

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    Thais Rabanea-Souza


    Conclusion: The present findings suggest that executive function deficits are present in chronic schizophrenic patients. In addition, specific executive processes might be associated to symptom remission. Future studies examining prospectively first-episode, drug naive patients diagnosed with schizophrenia may be especially elucidative.



    Rita Aleksandrovna Osipyants; D E Karateev; E Yu Panasyuk; G V Lukina; A V Smirnov; S I Glukhova; E N Aleksandrova; A V Volkov; E L Nasonov


    Objective: to study the association of ultrasound (US) remission criteria with the clinical and laboratory indicators of inflammatory activity, functional status, and X-ray changes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) during tocilizumab (TCZ) therapy.Subjects and methods. The trial included 36 patients with RA (meeting the 1987 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria) who had received TCZ for 6 months. The authors made a clinical and laboratory assessment of RA activity (DAS28-C...

  13. Risk of losing remission, low disease activity or radiographic progression in case of bDMARD discontinuation or tapering in rheumatoid arthritis: systematic analysis of the literature and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Henaux, Sophie; Ruyssen-Witrand, Adeline; Cantagrel, Alain; Barnetche, Thomas; Fautrel, Bruno; Filippi, Nathalie; Lukas, Cédric; Raffeiner, Bernd; Rossini, Maurizio; Degboé, Yannick; Constantin, Arnaud


    To assess the risk of losing remission, low disease activity (LDA) or radiographic progression in the case of (1) discontinuing or (2) tapering doses of biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) compared with continuation of the initial treatment regimen in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with remission or LDA. A systematic literature analysis was carried out through May 2017 on the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane and international congress databases, selecting controlled trials comparing bDMARDs discontinuation/tapering versus continuation in RA patients with remission or LDA. The meta-analysis assessed the risk ratio (RR) and 95% CI of losing remission or LDA and the risk of radiographic progression after (1) discontinuing and (2) tapering doses of bDMARDs versus continuing the initial treatment. The meta-analysis comparing bDMARDs discontinuation versus continuation performed on nine trials showed an increased risk of losing remission (RR (95% CI)=1.97(1.43 to 2.73), P<0.0001) or LDA (RR (95% CI)=2.24(1.52 to 3.30), P<0.0001) and an increased risk of radiographic progression (RR (95% CI)=1.09(1.02 to 1.17), P=0.01) in case of bDMARD discontinuation. The meta-analysis comparing bDMARDs tapering versus continuation performed on 11 trials showed an increased risk of losing remission (RR (95% CI)=1.23(1.06 to 1.42), P=0.006) but no increased risk of losing LDA (RR (95% CI)=1.02 (0.85 to 1.23), P=0.81) nor any increased risk of radiographic progression (RR (95% CI)=1.09(0.94 to 1.26), P=0.26) in case of bDMARD tapering. Discontinuation of bDMARDs leads to an increased risk of losing remission or LDA and radiographic progression, while tapering doses of bDMARDs does not increase the risk of relapse (LDA) or radiographic progression, even though there is an increased risk of losing remission. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted

  14. Nutritional follow-up of patients with ulcerative colitis during periods of intestinal inflammatory activity and remission

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    Juliana Ripoli


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease involving superficial inflammation of the mucosa of the colon, rectum, and anus, sometimes including the terminal ileum. When in clinical activity, the disease is characterized by various daily evacuations containing blood, mucus and/or pus alternating periods of remission. OBJECTIVE: To compare nutritional parameters (dietary, biochemical and anthropometric among patients with ulcerative colitis followed up on an outpatient basis over a period of 1 year and during periods of intestinal inflammatory activity and remission. METHODS: Sixty-five patients were studied over a period of 1 year and divided into two groups: group 1 with inflammatory disease activity (n = 24, and group 2 without disease activity (n = 41. Anthropometric measures, biochemical parameters, quantitative food intake, and qualitative food frequency were analyzed. RESULTS: A significant reduction in body mass index and weight and in the intake of energy, proteins, lipids, calcium, iron and phosphorus was observed in the group with inflammatory activity (group 1 when compared to the period of clinical remission. The most affected food groups were cereals, legumes, oils, and fats. In contrast, in group 2 significant differences in triceps and sub scapular skin fold thickness, total protein, hemoglobin and hematocrit were observed between the first and final visit. Calcium and vitamin B6 intake, as well as the consumption of legumes, meat and eggs, and sugar and sweets, was significantly higher than on the first visit. CONCLUSION: Patients with ulcerative colitis followed up on an outpatient basis tend to be well nourished. However, the nutritional aspects studied tend to worsen during the period of inflammatory disease activity.CONTEXTO: A retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica compreende uma das doenças inflamatórias intestinais, com características de inflamação superficial da mucosa do cólon, reto, ânus, podendo

  15. [Consideration of the concepts of "remission" and "cured" in schizophrenia: a male case who experienced schizophrenia with psycho-motoric excitation 30 years ago]. (United States)

    Sekine, Yoshio


    Since the era of Kraepelin and Bleuler, schizophrenia has been considered to be very difficult to cure. Even if all symptoms of its acute phase have disappeared completely, it is customary to use the terms say "remission" instead of "cured". The chief reason why they have been unwilling to say "cured" is that, even if the present state seems to be "cured", there will be surely another attack in near future, so, the non-symptomatic state should not be understood as "cured". Whether schizophrenic patients can be cured or not is one of the great problems of modern psychiatry. Is there no probability for them to be cured? Recently, after a 30 years gap, I came to meet a man who had had a schizophrenic attack of the psychomotoric type when he was 25 years old and had been sent to the mental hospital where I had been at work and, by chance, had engaged in his treatment. After about 5 months' of acute state, he came at, so to speak, "Residualzustand" (Conrad) for about 1 year and then got insight into his psychosis. After the discharge, he had visited me as an outpatient once a month regularly. About one year thereafter, the change of my work place made us separate from each other. Since then, he stopped visiting the doctor and also stopped taking anti-psychotic drugs. He married at 29 years old and had 2 daughters and a son. In addition, he had started to work for his father's business. After his father's death, he became the owner of 5 shops and the supervisor of 50 workers. Is he not yet "cured"? Is he only in the state of "remission" even now? According to the principle of Kraepelin and Bleuler, he is not "cured" yet, because he will surely have a psychotic exacerbation in future. I wonder then, what is the difference of the two concepts of "remission" and "cured", and how is it possible to change "remission" to "cured"? Even Bleuler, E. has written in his world-famous textbook that the longer the duration of remission after the last attack, the smaller the

  16. Remission of diabetes mellitus in cats cannot be predicted by the arginine stimulation test


    Tschuor, F


    Background: Responsiveness of β-cells to arginine persists the longest during diabetes progression, making the intravenous arginine stimulation test (IVAST) a useful tool to assess residual insulin and glucagon secretion. Hypothesis: Diabetic cats with and without remission will have different arginine-induced insulin or glucagon response. Animals: 17 cats with diabetes, 7 healthy cats. Methods: Response to IVAST was assessed by calculating insulin and glucagon area under the c...

  17. Effects of prednisone and splenectomy in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura : only splenectomy induces a complete remission

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Louwes, H; Vellenga, E; Houwerzijl, EJ; de Wolf, JTM


    Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a heterogeneous disease, whereby it is unclear if and in which way prednisone and splenectomy affect the platelet kinetics leading to a complete remission. To determine the effects of prednisone and splenectomy on the mean platelet life (MPL) and platelet

  18. Det 'svage' subjekt. En undersøgelse af det litterære subjekts forandring i Antonio Tabucchis og Gianni Celatis forfatterskaber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lausten, Pia Schwarz

    Italiensk litteratur efter 1980; postmodernisme; subjektsforståelse; Antonio Tabucchi; Gianni Celati; Michail Bachtin; Gianni Vattimo......Italiensk litteratur efter 1980; postmodernisme; subjektsforståelse; Antonio Tabucchi; Gianni Celati; Michail Bachtin; Gianni Vattimo...

  19. Evaluation of erythropoietin hormone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during exacerbation and after remission

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    Ahmed G. El Gazzar


    Conclusion: EPO hormone level was significantly higher in grade (II, III than grade (I, IV COPD patients (p = 0.005, and also COPD with anemia was higher in stage (II, III than stage (I, IV, EPO hormone level significantly higher in anemic than non anemic COPD patients and was significantly higher (p = 0.005 during remission than during exacerbation.

  20. 27 CFR 25.286 - Claims for remission of tax on beer lost in transit between breweries. (United States)


    ... tax on beer lost in transit between breweries. 25.286 Section 25.286 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS BEER Refund or Adjustment of Tax or Relief From Liability § 25.286 Claims for remission of tax on beer lost in transit...

  1. The Diagnostic Apathia Scale predicts a dose-remission relationship of T-PEMF in treatment-resistant depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Per; Lunde, Marianne; Lauritzen, Lise


    . The remaining 31 patients received active T-PEMF twice daily. Duration of treatment was 8 weeks in both groups. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D17) and the Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale (MES) were used to measure remission. We also focused on the Diagnostic Apathia Scale, which is based on a mixture...

  2. Cushing`s disease: Fibrinogen and D-dimer levels fail to normalize despite early postoperative remission - a prospective, controlled study. (United States)

    Witek, Przemysław; Zieliński, Grzegorz; Szamotulska, Katarzyna; Witek, Joanna; Kamiński, Grzegorz


    Effective transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) for Cushing`s disease (CD) normalizes cortisol levels and reduces complications of hypercortisolism. However, there is evidence of increased cardiovascular morbidity even after successful surgery. A prospective, controlled study on the dynamics of fibrinogen and D-dimer levels with a six-month follow-up after an effective TSS for CD. Forty patients with CD and forty healthy age- and sex-matched subjects were included. We assessed ACTH, urinary and serum cortisol, and fibrinogen and D-dimer levels before TSS and during follow-up. Baseline BMI (P < 0.001), fibrinogen (P = 0.002), and D-dimer (P = 0.001) levels in CD patients were significantly higher than those in healthy controls. High fibrinogen levels in the CD group were independent of BMI, and were positively associated with hsCRP (rS = 0.61, P < 0.001) and arterial hypertension (P = 0.029). After the six-month follow-up we confirmed a sustained difference between the remission group and controls in fibrinogen and D-dimer levels (P = 0.001 and P = 0.017, respectively). Despite early biochemical remission of CD the levels of fibrinogen and D-dimer failed to decrease. This probably contributes to the high risk of thrombotic events and indicates the need for a close follow-up for signs of thromboembolic and cardiovascular complications in patients with early CD remission. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (3): 283-291).

  3. Concordance among remission and admission diagnoses at intensive care unit, Hospital Universitario San José, Popayán, 2011

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    Victor Daniel Montenegro


    Full Text Available There are few published studies about diagnostic concordance in hospital services. The objective of this study was to calculate the concordance among remission and admission diagnoses from Hospital Universitario San José adult intensive care unit (I.C.U. of Popayán, 2011. Methods: Descriptive and retrospective study about concordance between the main remission and admission diagnoses from patients admitted in the Hospital adult intensive care unit; 914 patients were studied from the intensive care unit database, months January to December 2011. Statistical analysis about sociodemographic variables was performed, and Kappa index according to Landis and Koch scale among remission and admission diagnoses defined as priority was calculated. Results: It was found al almost perfect level of concordance in the diagnoses pancreatitis and intoxication, a substantial level of concordance in the diagnoses acute coronary syndrome, convulsive status, gastric cancer and eclampsia, a moderate level of concordance in the diagnoses stroke, head trauma, politraumatism and cardiac failure, and a fair level of concordance in the diagnoses sepsis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute respiratory infection and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Conclusion: Six of the seventeen studied diagnoses presented an outstanding concordance level; this can be related to factors such as: physicians’, diagnostic ability, provenance of the patients remitted to the I.C.U. and diagnostic coding made by health staff.

  4. Interpersonal conflict strategies and their impact on positive symptom remission in persons aged 55 and older with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. (United States)

    Cohen, Carl I; Solanki, Dishal; Sodhi, Dimple


    Although interpersonal interactions are thought to affect psychopathology in schizophrenia, there is a paucity of data about how older adults with schizophrenia manage interpersonal conflicts. This paper examines interpersonal conflict strategies and their impact on positive symptom remission in older adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The schizophrenia group consisted of 198 persons aged 55 years and over living in the community who developed schizophrenia before age 45. A community comparison group (n = 113) was recruited using randomly selected block-groups. Straus' Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) was used to assess the ways that respondents handled interpersonal conflicts. Seven conflict management subscales were created based on a principal component analysis with equamax rotation of items from the CTS. The order of the frequency of the tactics that was used was similar for both the schizophrenia and community groups. Calm and Pray tactics were the most commonly used, and the Violent and Aggressive tactics were rarely utilized. In two separate logistic regression analysis, after controlling for confounding variables, positive symptom remission was found to be associated significantly with both the Calm and Pray subscales. The findings suggest that older persons with schizophrenia approximate normal distribution patterns of conflict management strategies and the most commonly used strategies are associated with positive symptom remission.

  5. Can baseline ultrasound results help to predict failure to achieve DAS28 remission after 1 year of tight control treatment in early RA patients? (United States)

    Ten Cate, D F; Jacobs, J W G; Swen, W A A; Hazes, J M W; de Jager, M H; Basoski, N M; Haagsma, C J; Luime, J J; Gerards, A H


    At present, there are no prognostic parameters unequivocally predicting treatment failure in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. We investigated whether baseline ultrasonography (US) findings of joints, when added to baseline clinical, laboratory, and radiographical data, could improve prediction of failure to achieve Disease Activity Score assessing 28 joints (DAS28) remission (baseline. Clinical, laboratory, and radiographical parameters were recorded. Primary analysis was the prediction by logistic regression of the absence of DAS28 remission 12 months after diagnosis and start of therapy. Of 194 patients included, 174 were used for the analysis, with complete data available for 159. In a multivariate model with baseline DAS28 (odds ratio (OR) 1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2-2.2), the presence of rheumatoid factor (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1-5.1), and type of monitoring strategy (OR 0.2, 95% CI 0.05-0.85), the addition of baseline US results for joints (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.89-1.04) did not significantly improve the prediction of failure to achieve DAS28 remission (likelihood ratio test, 1.04; p = 0.31). In an early RA population, adding baseline ultrasonography of the hands, wrists, and feet to commonly available baseline characteristics did not improve prediction of failure to achieve DAS28 remission at 12 months., NCT01752309 . Registered on 19 December 2012.

  6. TDAH: remissão na adolescência e preditores de persistência em adultos ADHD: Remission in adolescence and predictors of persistence into adulthood

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    Marcelo Schmitz


    Full Text Available Embora no passado se acreditasse que o TDAH persistia somente até a adolescência, atualmente já há um corpo sólido de conhecimento científico evidenciando que o TDAH freqüentemente persiste em adultos que foram diagnosticados como tendo TDAH na infância. São poucos os relatos na literatura sobre o padrão dessa evolução dos sintomas e, principalmente, sobre os fatores que predizem esse desfecho. O objetivo deste artigo é revisar a literatura científica sobre o TDAH, com foco específico em dados sobre remissão dos sintomas na adolescência e preditores de persistência do transtorno até a vida adulta. São apresentados dados de prevalência na adolescência e idade adulta, fatores relacionados à variabilidade de resultados entre os estudos, potenciais fatores de risco de persistência e o único estudo delineado especificamente com o objetivo de avaliar um conjunto abrangente de preditores do transtorno da infância à idade adulta.Although in the past it was thought that ADHD did not continue beyond adolescence, nowadays there is a consistent body of scientific knowledge showing that ADHD often persists in adults who had been diagnosed as having ADHD in childhood. There are very few studies in the literature on the pattern of the evolution of the symptoms and mainly on the factors that predict this outcome in adulthood. The aim of this paper is to review the scientific literature on ADHD with specific focus on data about symptom remission during adolescence and predictors of the disorder persistence into adulthood. The authors present data on prevalence in adolescence and adulthood, factors associated to results variability among studies, potential risk factors of persistence, and the only study delineated specifically with the objective of assessing a comprehensive set of predictors of the disorder from childhood up to adulthood.

  7. Predictors of incidence, remission and relapse of Axis I mental disorders in young women: A transdiagnostic approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lukat, J.; Becker, E.S.; Lavallee, K.L.; Veld, W.M. van der; Margraf, J.


    An understanding of etiological and maintaining factors of mental disorders is essential for the treatment of mental disorders, as well as mental health promotion and protection. The present study examines predictors of the incidence, remission and relapse of a wide range of Axis I mental disorders,

  8. The provisional ACR/EULAR definition of remission in RA : a comment on the patient global assessment criterion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeer, Marloes; Kuper, Hillechiena H.; van der Bijl, Arie E.; Baan, Henriette; Posthumus, Marcel D.; Brus, Herman L. M.; van Riel, Piet L. C. M.; van de Laar, Mart A. F. J.

    Objectives. The provisional ACR/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) definition of remission in RA requires a score of 41 on the patient global assessment (PGA, 0-10 scale). We explored the relation between the PGA criterion and the patient's clinical disease state in an observational dataset.

  9. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Presenting With Pancytopenia Followed by a 14-Month-Long Period of Transient Remission Possibly Supporting the Adrenal Hypothesis of Leukemogenesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lynggaard, Line Stensig; Marquart, Hanne V; Kjeldsen, Eigil


    A small group of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have a preleukemic phase of pancytopenia followed by a period of spontaneous remission before the diagnosis (pre-ALL). A 6-year-old girl presented with pancytopenia, fever, and myelodysplasia. Following transient remission pre-B ALL...... was diagnosed 14 months later. Clonal B-lineage blasts at the period of pancytopenia were identified retrospectively. The interval between pre-ALL and ALL-diagnosis was longer than previously reported. The infection was clinically severe and might have induced a significant endogenous corticosteroids production...

  10. Seventy Years of Asthma in Italy: Age, Period and Cohort Effects on Incidence and Remission of Self-Reported Asthma from 1940 to 2010.

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    Giancarlo Pesce

    Full Text Available It is well known that asthma prevalence has been increasing all over the world in the last decades. However, few data are available on temporal trends of incidence and remission of asthma.To evaluate the rates of asthma incidence and remission in Italy from 1940 to 2010.The subjects were randomly sampled from the general Italian population between 1991 and 2010 in the three population-based multicentre studies: ECRHS, ISAYA, and GEIRD. Individual information on the history of asthma (age at onset, age at the last attack, use of drugs for asthma control, co-presence of hay-fever was collected on 35,495 subjects aged 20-84 and born between 1925-1989. Temporal changes in rates of asthma incidence and remission in relation to age, birth cohort and calendar period (APC were modelled using Poisson regression and APC models.The average yearly rate of asthma incidence was 2.6/1000 (3,297 new cases among 1,263,885 person-years. The incidence rates have been linearly increasing, with a percentage increase of +3.9% (95%CI: 3.1-4.5, from 1940 up to the year 1995, when the rates begun to level off. The stabilization of asthma incidence was mainly due to a decrease in the rates of atopic asthma after 1995, while non-atopic asthma has continued to increase. The overall rate of remission was 43.2/1000person-years, and it did not vary significantly across generations, but was associated with atopy, age at asthma onset and duration of the disease.After 50 years of a continuous upward trend, the rates of asthma incidence underwent a substantial stabilization in the late 90s. Despite remarkable improvements in the treatment of asthma, the rate of remission did not change significantly in the last seventy years. Some caveats are required in interpreting our results, given that our estimates are based on self-reported events that could be affected by the recall bias.

  11. Predictors of impaired work functioning in employees with major depression in remission. (United States)

    de Vries, Gabe; Koeter, Maarten W J; Nieuwenhuijsen, Karen; Hees, Hiske L; Schene, Aart H


    This study aims to (i) assess work functioning in employees returning to work with a major depression in remission, (ii) study the predictors of impaired work functioning. Participants diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), on long term sick leave (mean 27 weeks) and treated in a specialized mental healthcare setting, were selected from an intervention study sample. They were eligible for this study if they were remitted from their depression and had returned to work for at least 50% of their contract hours at 18 month follow-up. Work functioning was assessed with the Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) and the Need For Recovery scale (NFR). Potential predictors of impaired work functioning were demographic characteristics (assessed at baseline), health characteristics (assessed at baseline, six and twelve month follow-up), and personality- and work characteristics (assessed at 18 month follow-up). After their return to work with MDD in remission, employees were on average still impaired in their work functioning. Personality characteristics were the strongest predictor of this impaired work functioning, followed by health and work characteristics. In the final prediction model, only a passive reaction coping style remained as predictor. We used self-report data with respect to work functioning and work characteristics and not an assessment by a supervisor. Personality trait, coping style, and ability to manage the work environment should be addressed in mental health and return-to-work interventions. Subsequent improved work functioning may be beneficial for mental health and may reduce societal costs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. The provisional ACR/EULAR definition of remission in RA: a comment on the patient global assessment criterion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeer, M.; Kuper, Hillechina H.; van der Bijl, Arie E.; Baan, H.; Posthumus, Marcel D.; Brus, Herman L.M.; van Riel, Piet L.C.M.; van de Laar, Mart A F J


    Objectives. The provisional ACR/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) definition of remission in RA requires a score of ≤1 on the patient global assessment (PGA, 0–10 scale). We explored the relation between the PGA criterion and the patient's clinical disease state in an observational dataset.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    This study was undertaken in order to determine whether long-term treatment with inhaled corticosteroid can induce a remission in childhood asthma, and to decide when stabilization of airway responsiveness occurred. We therefore carried out, an extended follow-up of 28-36 months in one of two groups

  14. Comparison between consecutive and intermittent steroid pulse therapy combined with tonsillectomy for clinical remission of IgA nephropathy. (United States)

    Kamei, Daigo; Moriyama, Takahito; Takei, Takashi; Wakai, Sachiko; Nitta, Kosaku


    In recent years, tonsillectomy and steroid pulse (TSP) therapy have been widely performed in Japan. However, there is no consensus about the treatment protocol and indication. In this retrospective analysis, we compared patients who received tonsillectomy plus intermittent steroid pulse (SP) therapy three times in 6 months (ISP group, n = 44) with patients who received tonsillectomy plus 3 weeks of consecutive SP therapy (CSP group, n = 46) within 1 year after renal biopsy. These two different protocols were performed at two different institutions. We analyzed the clinical and histological background and clinical remission (CR), defined as disappearance of urine abnormalities at 18 months after starting treatment. Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the clinical findings except for sex between the two groups. In ISP group and CSP group, mean estimated glomerular filtration rate was 82.1 ± 20.9 and 85.9 ± 19.1 ml/min/1.73 m(2), median proteinuria was 0.55 and 0.56 g/day, and median urinary red blood cells were 20 (10-20) and 20 (6-30)/high power filed. The histological (H) grade was lower in the CSP than the ISP group (p = 0.022). The remission rate of proteinuria, hematuria, and rate of CR by the Kaplan-Meier method and logrank test were significantly higher in the CSP group than in the ISP group (CSP vs. ISP group; proteinuria: 97.8 vs. 77.3 %, p forced entry), SP protocol and proteinuria before treatment were significantly associated with CR [SP protocol: hazard ratio (HR) 2.50, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.46-4.30, p = 0.001, proteinuria: HR 0.81, 95 % CI 0.68-0.96, p = 0.013)]. However H-grade was associated with remission of proteinuria (H-grade: hazard ratio (HR) 0.56, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.37-0.85, p = 0.006), and this result meant histological bias affected the remission of proteinuria. The difference of the protocol of TSP therapy may have some effect on the CR of IgAN, though the histological bias was observed in this

  15. The Culture of Memory in the ”Grandchildren Generation” in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, Helle


    En empirisk analyse af erindringskultur og historiebevidsthed om 2. verdenskrig og Holocaust i 3. generation efter 2. verdenskrig......En empirisk analyse af erindringskultur og historiebevidsthed om 2. verdenskrig og Holocaust i 3. generation efter 2. verdenskrig...

  16. Rutinemæssig igangsættelse i uge 39

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydahl, Eva; Hansen, Kit Dynnes; Schroll, Anne-Mette


    Flere epidemiologiske undersøgelser har vist, at risikoen for intrauterin mortalitet stiger efter 38. graviditetsuge for at øges betydeligt efter 42. graviditetsuge. Det har ført til, at amerikanske obstetrikere flirter med tanken om, at gravide rutinemæssigt skal have fødslen sat i gang efter ug...... 39 for at nedbringe forekomsten af intrauterin død. En gruppe danske jordemødre har set på evidens og på konsekvenser af tidligere igangsættelse i en dansk kontekst...

  17. Residuals in post-chemotherapy, non-depressed patients with leukemia that is in remission

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    Peterson K. Rachel


    Full Text Available Debate persists regarding the occurrence and etiology of neurocognitive deficits associated with the utilization of chemotherapeutic agents, commonly referred to as “chemobrain”. While some have previously attributed these features to other factors such as fatigue, emotional reactivity, etc., growing literature suggests that in fact chemotherapeutic agents may be the cause. Although research has investigated these deficits, greater investigation is warranted. The current study investigated the presence of residual neurocognitive deficits in non-depressed patients post-chemotherapy with a history of leukemia that was in remission in comparison to healthy controls. Methods: participants included 16 individuals with a history of leukemia post-chemotherapy, in remission and without depression and 48 healthy controls. Participants were assessed using the WJ-III with data from the first seven subtests entered for analysis. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant differences existed between groups. By way of a discriminant function analysis, subtest/domain specific discrepancies were noted. Specifically, participants with a history of leukemia who were post-chemotherapy and without depression were found to perform significantly worse on visual-auditory learning, concept formations, and sound blending than did healthy controls. Findings are seen as additional support of the idea that neurocognitive deficits do in fact occur following chemotherapy. However, they are particularly of interest as they are seen even in the absence of emotional distress and outside the active treatment phase. Additional findings of importance and clinical relevance will be discussed.

  18. Deep molecular responses for treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia. (United States)

    Dulucq, Stéphanie; Mahon, Francois-Xavier


    Several clinical trials have demonstrated that some patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP) who achieve sustained deep molecular responses on tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy can safely suspend therapy and attempt treatment-free remission (TFR). Many TFR studies to date have enrolled imatinib-treated patients; however, the feasibility of TFR following nilotinib or dasatinib has also been demonstrated. In this review, we discuss available data from TFR trials and what these data reveal about the molecular biology of TFR. With an increasing number of ongoing TFR clinical trials, TFR may become an achievable goal for patients with CML-CP. © 2016 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Complete remission of epileptic psychosis after temporal lobectomy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marchetti Renato Luiz


    Full Text Available We report a case of a female patient with refractory complex partial seizures since 15 years of age, recurrent postictal psychotic episodes since 35 which evolved to a chronic refractory interictal psychosis and MRI with right mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS. After a comprehensive investigation (video-EEG intensive monitoring, interictal and ictal SPECT, and a neuropsychological evaluation including WADA test she was submitted to a right temporal lobectomy. Since then, she has been seizure-free with remission of psychosis, although with some persistence of personality traits (hiperreligiosity, viscosity which had been present before surgery. This case supports the idea that temporal lobectomy can be a safe and effective therapeutic measure for patients with MTS, refractory epilepsy and recurrent postictal epileptic psychosis or interictal epileptic psychosis with postictal exacerbation.

  20. Quality of life and functional impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a comparison of patients with and without comorbidity, patients in remission, and healthy controls. (United States)

    Huppert, Jonathan D; Simpson, H Blair; Nissenson, Kore J; Liebowitz, Michael R; Foa, Edna B


    Several studies have demonstrated that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with interference in quality of life (QOL) and functional impairment. However, these studies did not compare individuals in remission to individuals who continue to have the disorder, predominantly used comparisons with norms and not with a matched normal sample, and did not always consider the impact of comorbidity. We administered multiple measures that assess QOL and functional impairment to 66 OCD patients who had previously consented for a clinical trial and to 36 age and sex matched individuals who denied any psychiatric history. Results confirm that OCD was associated with significantly lower QOL and functional impairment compared to healthy controls (HCs) in areas of work, social life, and family life. Individuals with OCD and other comorbid psychiatric diagnoses showed the poorest QOL and functioning, with comorbid depression accounting for much of the variance. The levels of QOL and functioning in individuals in remission tended to lie in between HCs and individuals with current OCD: their QOL or functioning did not differ significantly from HCs nor did they consistently differ significantly from those who had current OCD. These results suggest that individuals who are in remission have improved levels of QOL and functioning, whereas individuals with OCD are significantly impaired, and individuals with OCD and comorbid disorders are the most impaired. Treatment strategies should be focused on achieving remission of all symptoms to have the greatest impact on functioning and QOL. Published 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  1. Treating to the target of remission in early rheumatoid arthritis is cost-effective: results of the DREAM registry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeer, M.; Kievit, Wietske; Kuper, Hillechina H.; Braakman-Jansen, Louise Marie Antoinette; Bernelot Moens, Hein J.; Zijlstra, Theo; den Broeder, Alfons A.; van Riel, Piet L.C.M.; Fransen, Jaap; van de Laar, Mart A F J


    Background Where health economic studies are frequently performed using modelling, with input from randomized controlled trials and best guesses, we used real-life data to analyse the costeffectiveness and cost-utility of a treatment strategy aiming to the target of remission compared to usual care

  2. Spontaneous Remission of an Untreated, MYC and BCL2 Coexpressing, High-Grade B-Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report and Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Alan Potts


    Full Text Available Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL are a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies typically treated with multiagent chemotherapy. Rarely, spontaneous remissions can be observed, particularly in more indolent subtypes. The prognosis of aggressive NHL can be predicted using clinical and histopathologic factors. In aggressive B-cell NHL, the importance of MYC and BCL2 proto-oncogene coexpression (as assessed by immunohistochemistry and high-grade histologic features are particularly noteworthy. We report a unique case of spontaneous remission in a patient with an aggressive B-cell NHL which harbored high-risk histopathologic features, including MYC protein expression at 70–80%, BCL2 protein expression, and morphologic features suggestive of high-grade B-cell lymphoma, NOS (formerly B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma [BCLU]. After undergoing a biopsy to confirm this diagnosis, he opted to forego curative-intent chemotherapy. The single, yet relatively large area of involvement noted on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography steadily resolved on subsequent follow-up studies. He remained without evidence of recurrence one year later, having never received treatment. This case emphasizes the potential for spontaneous remission in NHL and demonstrates that this phenomenon can be observed despite contemporary high-risk histopathologic features.

  3. About a complete remission case after a postoperative chemo-radiotherapy for a biliary vesicular cancer in 2001; A propos d'un cas de remission complete apres chimioradiotherapie postoperatoire pour un cancer de la vesicule biliaire en 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aksil, N.; Boualga, K. [Service de radiotherapie-oncologie, Centre anti-cancer, Blida (Algeria)


    The authors report the case of a 70 year-old patient who has been operated in 2001 of a biliary vesicular adenocarcinoma. The patient was submitted to a concomitant treatment comprising an external radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The tolerance was good and the patient was still alive eight years later with a complete remission. Short communication

  4. Gradiva, Pigen der går fremad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Henrik


    Analyse af kopi i gips efter antikt relief, kaldet "Gradiva". Fra Sigmund Freud over Surrelismen til Alain Robbe-Grillet.......Analyse af kopi i gips efter antikt relief, kaldet "Gradiva". Fra Sigmund Freud over Surrelismen til Alain Robbe-Grillet....

  5. The Validity of the Different Versions of the Hamilton Depression Scale in Separating Remission Rates of Placebo and Antidepressants in Clinical Trials of Major Depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kyle, Phillip Raphael; Lemming, Ole Michael; Timmerby, Nina


    . The traditional HAM-D17 version was compared with the shorter HAM-D6 and the longer HAM-D21 or HAM-D24 in a fixed-dose placebo-controlled vortioxetine study. Clinical Global Impression of Severity scores were used to establish standardized cutoff scores for remission across each scale. Using these cutoff scores......Our objective was to validate the different versions of the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) both psychometrically (scalability) and clinically in discriminating antidepressants from placebo in terms of remission rates in an 8-week clinical trial in the acute treatment of major depression...... in the longer HAM-D versions indicated smaller discriminating validity over placebo. The HAM-D6 indicated a dose effect on remission for vortioxetine in both moderate and severe major depression. The brief HAM-D6 was thus found superior to HAM-D17, HAM-D21, and HAM-D24 both in terms of scalability...

  6. Listed Companies - between Company Law and Financial Market Law in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Nis Jul


    Efter en analyse af udviklingen i en række landes selskabs- og børsretlige reformen analyseres det, hvorledes skillelinjen mellem selskabsretlig og børsretlig regulering er i dansk ret efter reformen af selskabsloven i 2009/2010...

  7. Efficacy of Bifidobacterium breve Fermented Milk in Maintaining Remission of Ulcerative Colitis. (United States)

    Matsuoka, Katsuyoshi; Uemura, Yukari; Kanai, Takanori; Kunisaki, Reiko; Suzuki, Yasuo; Yokoyama, Kaoru; Yoshimura, Naoki; Hibi, Toshifumi


    Fermented milk products containing Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult (BFM) may improve clinical status in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients. To assess efficacy of BFM in maintaining remission in Japanese patients with quiescent UC. This double-blind study (B-FLORA) enrolled 195 patients with quiescent UC, randomized to receive one pack of BFM fermented milk per day [Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult (10 billion bacteria) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (1 billion bacteria)] (n = 98) or matching placebo (n = 97) for 48 weeks. The primary efficacy endpoint was relapse-free survival (relapse: rectal bleeding score ≥ 2 on Sutherland disease activity index scale for 3 consecutive days and/or initiation of remission induction therapy for worsening of UC). An interim analysis was conducted after inclusion and follow-up of one-third of patients for the first phase of the study (n = 195). Relapse-free survival was not significantly different between the BFM and placebo groups (P = 0.643; hazard ratio 1.16; 95% CI 0.63-2.14, log-rank test), nor was the incidence of relapse. Therefore, the study was discontinued for lack of efficacy. An exploratory analysis of fecal samples from a subgroup of patients revealed no effects of either study beverage on intestinal microbiota, but there was a significant decrease in Bifidobacterium species before relapse, regardless of treatment group. Three mild adverse events occurred for which a causal relationship with the study beverage could not be ruled out (placebo: abdominal bloating and stress in one patient; BFM: body odor in one patient). BFM had no effect on time to relapse in UC patients compared with placebo. UMIN000007593.

  8. Original research: rates of remission, improvement, and progression of urinary incontinence in Asian, Black, and White women. (United States)

    Townsend, Mary K; Curhan, Gary C; Resnick, Neil M; Grodstein, Francine


    Evidence suggests that race affects the prevalence and incidence of urinary incontinence (UI) in women. But little is known about racial differences in the rates of remission, improvement, and progression of UI in women. We sought to compare changes in UI frequency over two years among Asian, black, and white women with UI. Participants in the Nurses' Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study II responded to mailed questionnaires (in 2000 and 2002, and 2001 and 2003, respectively), giving information on race and the frequency of UI. Prospective analyses were conducted over two years from data gathered on 57,900 women, ages 37 to 79, who had at least monthly UI at baseline. Over the two two-year study periods, black women were significantly more likely than white women to report remission of UI (14% versus 9%, respectively), and Asian women were significantly more likely than white women to report less frequent UI (40% versus 31%, respectively). Improvement was more common in older black women than in older white women, but rates of improvement were comparable between younger black and younger white women. Black women were less likely than white women to report more frequent UI at follow-up (30% versus 34%, respectively), and, after adjusting for health and lifestyle factors, the difference was borderline statistically significant. Changes in the frequency of UI appear to vary by race, even after adjustment for risk factors. These findings may account for some of the previously observed differences in UI prevalence across racial groups. Although UI is a common condition in women of all races, nurses and other clinicians should be aware that its presentation may vary according to race. Such an understanding could increase clinicians' confidence in discussing UI with patients, reducing the possibility that the condition goes unrecognized. epidemiology, progression, race, remission, urinary incontinence.

  9. The value of power Doppler ultrasound in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical remission: Reclassifying disease activity? (United States)

    Vergara, Facundo; Ruta, Santiago; Rosa, Javier; Marín, Josefina; García-Mónaco, Ricardo; Soriano, Enrique R


    The aim of the present study was to describe the ultrasound (US) findings in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical remission, and to evaluate the ability of power Doppler (PD) US to reclassify disease activity in these patients. We included consecutive patients with RA according to 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism criteria, who were in clinical remission by the Disease Activity Score (DAS28<2.6). Twenty joints of both hands were assessed by US. PD signal was evaluated on a semi-quantitative scale from 0 to 3. Three different US-modified DAS28 (US-DAS28) were constructed, replacing the clinical swollen joint count by the PD US joint count using PD score ≥1, ≥2 or ≥3, respectively. Eighty-six patients were included. Twenty-three (26.7%) patients had at least one joint with abnormal US-positive PD signal. Thirteen percent of patients were reclassified to low disease activity by applying the US-DAS28 when joints were considered active with a PD signal ≥1; 12%, when a PD signal ≥2 was considered, and 2% of the patients were reclassified when a PD score of 3 was considered. No patients were reclassified to a level of moderate or high activity applying US-DAS28. Although around a quarter of patients with RA in clinical remission showed PD US features indicating residual activity, only a small percentage were reclassified to a state of low activity and none to a level of moderate or high activity, applying the proposed US-DAS28. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  10. Routine imaging for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in first remission is not associated with better survival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El-Galaly, Tarec; Jakobsen, Lasse Hjort; Hutchings, Martin


    Background: Routine surveillance imaging plays a limited role in detecting recurrent diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and the value of routine imaging is controversial. The present population-based study compares the post-remission survival of Danish and Swedish DLBCL patients-two neighbour......Background: Routine surveillance imaging plays a limited role in detecting recurrent diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and the value of routine imaging is controversial. The present population-based study compares the post-remission survival of Danish and Swedish DLBCL patients...... are fully publicly funded. Follow-up (FU) for Swedish patients included symptom assessment, clinical examinations, and blood tests with 3-month intervals for 2 years and with longer intervals later in follow-up. Imaging was only performed in response to suspected relapse. FU for Danish patients...... was equivalent but included additional routine surveillance imaging (usually half-yearly CT for 2 years as a minimum). Clinico-pathological features were retrieved from the national lymphoma registries, and vital status was updated using the civil registries. OS was defined as the time from end of treatment...

  11. Complete remission of a lymphoma-associated chylothorax by radiotherapy of the celiac trunk and thoracic duct

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerstein, J.; Fruehauf, J.; Bremer, M.; Kofahl-Krause, D.


    Background: a chylothorax is a rare complication of mostly advanced malignant lymphomas. A case of a refractory chylothorax unresponsive to chemotherapy and successfully treated with radiotherapy is reported. Case report: a 45-year-old woman with recurrent stage IV low-grade follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and a progressive chylothorax is described. The CT scans showed bulky lymphadenopathy at the thoracic trunk but no detectable enlargement of mediastinal lymph nodes. After ineffective pretreatment including chemotherapy and chest drainage, fractionated radiotherapy to the celiac trunk (20.4 Gy) and the thoracic duct (15 Gy) was performed. Result: already after 7.5 Gy a rapid decline of chylothorax was noted and the chest drain could be removed. A complete remission of the chylothorax could be achieved after 20.4 Gy. During a follow-up of 16 months no recurrence of chylothorax occurred. CT scans showed nearly complete remission of the lymphadenopathy of the celiac trunk 12 months after radiotherapy. Conclusion: radiotherapy with limited total doses is an effective treatment option for lymphoma-associated chylothorax and should always be taken into consideration, especially in cases unresponsive to chemotherapy. (orig.)

  12. A case of Lennert's lymphoma which had a complete remission by radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamada, Fumio; Ogawa, Yoshihiro; Inomata, Taisuke


    A 49-year-old woman, who complained of sore throat and swelling of bilateral tonsils, was pathologically diagnosed Lennert's lymphoma by biopsy of tonsils. She was treated by radiation with combined chemotherapy. She was restored to complete remission and still alive now. Lennert's lymphoma which was histologically characterized by a high content of epithelioid histocytes was first reported by Lennert and Mestdagh in 1968. Since then, some cases have been reported. But it's clinical entity is still a controversial entity, difficult to classify. Some consider it as a distinct entity, the others as a variant of the disease which have been already established. (author)

  13. Spontaneous chronic subdural hematoma development in chronic myeloid leukemia cases at remission phase under maintenance therapy, management strategy - a series with literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raheja Amol


    Full Text Available Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH is common squeal of trauma and rarely associated with anticoagulant therapy, antiplatelet, chemotherapeutic drugs, arteriovenous malformation, aneurysms and post-craniotomy. However its occurrence is very unusual with systemic haematological malignancy and mostly reported with acute myeloid leukemia; however incidence of SDH occurrence in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML is very rare. CML is a haematological malignancy characterized by chromosomal alteration, pathologically represents increased proliferation of the granulocytic cell line without loss of capacity to differentiate. CML has three phases - remission phase, accelerated phase and blast crisis. About 85 % of patients present in remission phase of disease and carries a favorable prognosis. As intracranial, subdural hematoma usually occur in the accelerated phase or blast crisis phase or extremely uncommon during chronic remission phase, although only those affected, who are neglecting therapeutic medication or discontinued therapy or rarely as an adverse effect of medications. However, important role of neurosurgeon lies in early detection and correction of platelet count and associated hematological abnormality as quite sizeable proportion of cases may not need surgical intervention instead can be managed conservatively under regular supervision in association with oncologist colleague, but few cases may need urgent surgical intervention. So, selecting a subgroup of CML cases in the remission phase requiring surgical intervention, presenting with CSDH is not only challenging, as failure to make an informed and timely precise decision can lead to catastrophic worse outcome and even mortality. So, purpose of current article is to formulate the management therapeutic plan. Authors report three cases of CML in chronic remission phase, receiving treatment under guidance of Haemto-oncologist at our institute presented with spontaneous chronic SDH. The mean

  14. Preserving Duodenal-Jejunal (Foregut) Transit Does Not Impair Glucose Tolerance and Diabetes Remission Following Gastric Bypass in Type 2 Diabetes Sprague-Dawley Rat Model. (United States)

    Dolo, Ponnie R; Yao, Libin; Li, Chao; Zhu, Xiaocheng; Shi, Linsen; Widjaja, Jason


    Possible mechanisms underlying diabetes remission following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) include eradication of putative factor(s) with duodenal-jejunal bypass. The objective of this study is to observe the effects of duodenal-jejunal transit on glucose tolerance and diabetes remission in gastric bypass rat model. In order to verify the effect of duodenal-jejunal transit on glucose tolerance and diabetes remission in gastric bypass, 22 type 2 diabetes Sprague-Dawley rat models established through high-fat diet and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) administered intraperitoneally were assigned to one of three groups: gastric bypass with duodenal-jejunal transit (GB-DJT n = 8), gastric bypass without duodenal-jejunal transit (RYGB n = 8), and sham (n = 6). Body weight, food intake, blood glucose, as well as meal-stimulated insulin, and incretin hormone responses were assessed to ascertain the effect of surgery in all groups. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and insulin tolerance test (ITT) were conducted three and 7 weeks after surgery. Comparing our GB-DJT to the RYGB group, we saw no differences in the mean decline in body weight, food intake, and blood glucose 8 weeks after surgery. GB-DJT group exhibited immediate and sustained glucose control throughout the study. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) levels were also significantly increased from preoperative level in the GB-DJT group (p transit does not impede glucose tolerance and diabetes remission after gastric bypass in type-2 diabetes Sprague-Dawley rat model.

  15. Grade and location of power Doppler are predictive of damage progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission by anti-tumour necrosis factor α. (United States)

    Raffeiner, Bernd; Grisan, Enrico; Botsios, Costantino; Stramare, Roberto; Rizzo, Gaia; Bernardi, Livio; Punzi, Leonardo; Ometto, Francesca; Doria, Andrea


    To investigate power Doppler (PD) signal, grade and location and their association with radiographic progression in RA patients in remission. A prospective observational study was conducted in 125 consecutive RA patients in stable 28-joint DAS (DAS28) remission (⩾6 months) achieved on anti-TNF-α. At baseline, patients in stable remission underwent radiographic and US examination of the wrists and MCP, PIP and MTP joints. Semi-quantitative PD scoring (0-3) was recorded. We scored PD according to two locations: capsular or within synovial tissue without bone contact (location 1) and with bone contact or penetrating bone cortex (location 2). Radiographic progression was evaluated at the 1 year follow-up and defined as a change in van der Heijde-modified total Sharp score >0. Risk ratios (RRs) of radiographic progression according to presence, grade and location of PD were calculated. Four patients were excluded because of missing data. At baseline, 59/121 (48.7%) patients had a PD signal in one or more joints. PD location 2 was found in 74.6% patients (44/59). At the 1 year follow-up, 17/121 patients experienced radiographic progression: all had PD signal in one or more joints at baseline (RR 2.47, P location 2 (RR 3.49, P < 0.0001). Higher PD grades and PD in contact with/or penetrating bone are associated with radiographic progression in patients in DAS28 remission. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. Bolig for livet - Home for life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ellen Kathrine; Lildholdt, Rikke


    Visionen, designprocessen og gennemgang af projektet Bolig for livet, det første byggeri efter Active House visionen og danske + energihus.......Visionen, designprocessen og gennemgang af projektet Bolig for livet, det første byggeri efter Active House visionen og danske + energihus....

  17. Immunologic prediction of relapse in patients with pemphigus vulgaris (PV) in clinical remission. (United States)

    Daneshpazhooh, Maryam; Zafarmand Sedigh, Vahid; Balighi, Kamran; Hosseini, S Hamed; Ramezani, Ali; Kalantari, Mohammad-Sadegh; Ghandi, Narges; Ghiasi, Maryam; Nikoo, Azita; Chams-Davatchi, Cheyda


    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is characterized by multiple relapses, occurring especially in patients on minimal therapy or off therapy. To identify immunologic predictors (anti-desmoglein [Dsg] 1 and 3 antibodies; direct immunofluorescence [DIF]) for relapse in PV patients. Eighty-nine patients in complete clinical remission for at least 6 months and receiving less than or equal to 10 mg prednisolone daily and no immunosuppressive drugs were evaluated using DIF (n=89) and Dsg ELISA (n=46). They were followed until relapse or for at least 18 months. DIF was positive in 44 of 89 patients (49.5%); anti-Dsg 3 antibodies were detected in 18 of 46 patients (39.1%) and anti-Dsg 1 antibodies were detected in 4 of 46 patients (8.7%). Relapse occurred in 38 patients (42.7%). Mean relapse-free time was significantly shorter in anti-Dsg 3-positive patients compared to anti-Dsg 3- negative patients (P = .015) and in DIF-positive patients compared to DIF-negative patients (P = .047), but not in anti-Dsg 1- positive patients compared to anti-Dsg 1-negative patients (P = .501). Sensitivity and predictive values of neither of these tests were high. Small number of anti-Dsg 1-positive patients and use of conventional ELISA. Positive anti-Dsg 3 ELISA and, to a lesser degree, positive DIF are predictors of relapse in PV patients in clinical remission. Decision on discontinuing treatment should be based on the results of these tests as well as on clinical findings. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Metabolic Approach Grounded in Biochemistry for the Remission of Symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Maria Lattanzio


    Full Text Available Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS is a chronic, complex, and heterogeneous disorder of still poorly understood etiopathophysiology associated with important musculoskeletal widespread pain, fatigue, non-restorative sleep, and mood disturbances. It is estimated to afflict 2–3% of the worldwide population, with clean prevalence among women. The objective of this paper is to propose a novel treatment for symptomatic remission of FMS, grounded in biochemistry and consisting in the withdrawal from the diet of molecules that can indirectly trigger the symptoms. The hypothesis develops from the evidence that low serotonin levels are involved in FMS. Serotonin is synthesized starting from the essential amino acid tryptophan. The presence of non-absorbed molecules in the gut, primarily fructose, reduces tryptophan absorption. Low tryptophan absorption leads to low serotonin synthesis that triggers FMS symptoms. Moreover not-absorbed sugars could also produce a microbiota deterioration activating a positive feedback loop: the increasing microbiota deterioration reduces the functionality of absorption both of fructose and tryptophan in the gut, entering a vicious circle. The therapeutic idea is to sustain serotonin synthesis allowing the proper tryptophan absorption. The core of the cure treatment is the exclusion from the diet of some carbohydrates and the marked reduction of some others. The main target is the limitation of total dietary fructose as marked as possible. It could be an effective strategy to get the remission of symptoms acting on the impaired biochemical pathways. The straying from the treatment is expected to cause the reappear of the symptoms.

  19. [Androgens and prolonged complete remissions in acute non lymphoblastic leukemias. Results of a systematic treatment with stanozolol associated with chemotherapy (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Sotto, J J; Hollard, D; Schaerer, R; Bensa, J C; Seigneurin, D


    An androgen (stanozolol: 0,15 mg/kg/d) was systematically associated to the treatment of acute non lymphoblastic leukemias, since the beginning of induction therapy (vincristin, daunorubicin, prednisone) and throughout the maintenance period (6-mercaptopurine and methotrexate). Thirty-six patients less than 60 years old (median age: 44 years) presenting with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia were entered to the study. Sixteen achieved complete remission (C.R.), i.e. 44% of the whole and 53% of treated patients. Out of 16 patients with complete remission, 4 relapsed during the observation period which lasted 4-1/2 years. The stability of the hematologic equilibrium in patients in C.R. is the main finding of the present study. The actuarial curve of the duration of the first complete remission reaches a "plateau"; after the 8th month only one relapse was observed in 9 patients. The rate of C.R. at 2 years is 76 +/- 23%. As compared to the results from other schedules of treatment, this rate appears significantly better, specially in the case of immunotherapy (p less than 0,001). A prospective randomized study is now suggested as to confirm this result; its therapeutic and theoretical basis and perspectives are discussed.

  20. Testicular function in young men in long-term remission after treatment for the early stages of Hodgkin's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Specht, L; Geisler, C; Hansen, M M


    16 young men in long-term remission after standard treatment for the early stages of Hodgkin's disease were examined for testicular function 48 to 125 months after termination of therapy. The patients had received mantle field irradiation, plus either irradiation of infradiaphragmatic lymph nodes...... to chemotherapy, especially including alkylating agents....

  1. Arthur Schopenhauers betydning for Johannes Jørgensens omvendelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nord, Johan Christian


    Artikel om Johannes Jørgensens interesse for Arthur Schopenhauers filosofi i tiden lige op til og efter Jørgensens konversion til katolicismen......Artikel om Johannes Jørgensens interesse for Arthur Schopenhauers filosofi i tiden lige op til og efter Jørgensens konversion til katolicismen...

  2. Use of primary health care prior to a postpartum psychiatric episode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk-Olsen, Trine; Pedersen, Henrik Søndergaard; Laursen, Thomas Munk


    Mange kvinder udvikler psykisk sygdom efter en fødsel. Dette studie undersøger mønstre i kontakten med den praktiserende læge for de kvinder, der rammes efter en fødsel. Resultaterne viser, at de kvinder, som senere udviklede psykisk sygdom, havde betydeligt flere konsultationer hos deres egen læ...... mere forskning på området, hvis det skal kunne forudsiges mere præcist, hvilke kvinder der rammes af fx depression efter en fødsel. Den nye viden vil give bedre muligheder for en tidlig forebyggende indsats, som vil kunne forbedre den enkelte kvindes prognose....



    M Ali Zaidan


    Corruption is an extraordinary crime, even though the laws have been revised and has a more progressive character has also established Anti-Corruption Commission the number of crimes of corruption still do not show any significant change. In the midst of public pessimism, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights has initiated efforts to revise the Government Regulation Number 99 Year 2012. The tightening of remission meant that the convict is not easy to get their sentences reduced. Attempts ...

  4. Adherence to a treat-to-target strategy in early rheumatoid arthritis : results of the DREAM remission induction cohort

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeer, Marloes; Kuper, Hillechiena H.; Moens, Hein J. Bernelot; Hoekstra, Monique; Posthumus, Marcel D.; van Riel, Piet L. C. M.; van de Laar, Mart A. F. J.


    Introduction: Clinical trials have demonstrated that treatment-to-target (T2T) is effective in achieving remission in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, the concept of T2T has not been fully implemented yet and the question is whether a T2T strategy is feasible in daily clinical practice. The

  5. Remission induction using alemtuzumab can permit chemotherapy-refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients to undergo allogeneic stem cell transplantation. (United States)

    Knauf, Wolfgang; Rieger, Kathrin; Blau, Wolfgang; Hegenbart, Ute; Von Gruenhagen, Ulrich; Niederwieser, Dietger; Thiel, Eckhard


    The outcome of allogeneic stem cell transplantation depends upon the disease status before transplantation. Patients with refractory disease are at high risk for relapse. To improve the curative potential of the transplant procedure, we treated 3 chemotherapy-refractory CLL patients with alemtuzumab before allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Prior to therapy, all patients suffered from B-symptoms, and had massive adenopathy, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and anemia; two patients had hepatomegaly. Alemtuzumab greatly reduced tumor mass in blood and bone marrow, B-symptoms resolved, and organomegaly improved. Two patients became blood product independent. All patients proceeded to transplantation after conditioning with TBI 2 Gy (n=1) or Treosulfan (n=2) in combination with Fludarabine either from an HLA-matched sibling (n=2) or from an HLA-matched unrelated donor (n=1). All patients engrafted, and are alive and well. Two patients reached complete remission (CR); one patient attained stable partial remission (PR). These heavily pre-treated refractory patients gained substantial clinical benefit from alemtuzumab, and received successful allografts.

  6. Efficacy between high and medium doses of glucocorticoid therapy in remission induction of IgG4-related diseases: a preliminary randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Wu, Qingjun; Chang, Jie; Chen, Hua; Chen, Yu; Yang, Hongxian; Fei, Yunyun; Zhang, Panpan; Zeng, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Fengchun; Zhang, Wen


    In order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of high versus medium doses of glucocorticoid therapy in remission induction of immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD), we set up a randomized controlled study. Newly diagnosed IgG4-RD patients were randomly assigned to two groups: high doses of prednisone (0.8-1.0 mg/kg/day) and medium doses (0.5-0.6 mg/kg/day). Patients were assessed at weeks 0, 4, 12 and 24. The primary outcome was the remission rate at week 24. The secondary endpoints included IgG4-RD responder index (IgG4-RD RI), IgG and IgG4 levels. Twenty cases in each group finished the study. At week 24, the total response rates were 95% and 80% in high and medium dose groups, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups. IgG4-RD RI reduced from 14.9 to 3.0 in the high dose group, while in the medium dose group it was from 13.1 to 3.2. At week 24, the average level of IgG4 reduced from 1576 to 324 mg/dL and from 1445 to 684 mg/dL in the two groups, respectively. Relapsed patients had higher baseline IgG4-RD RI. There was no severe adverse effect shown in both groups. The effect of remission induction was similar in high and medium glucocorticoid groups. However, patients with more organs involved and higher IgG4-RD RI score at baseline might get more benefit with high dose glucocorticoid for remission induction. © 2017 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  7. Long-Term Remission of an Aggressive Sebaceous Carcinoma following Chemotherapy (United States)

    Orcurto, Angela; Gay, Béatrice E.; Sozzi, Wendy Jeanneret; Gilliet, Michel; Leyvraz, Serge


    Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) is an uncommon neoplasm manifesting itself either in the eyelid or extraocularly in the head and neck area. Surgery is the standard of care. Irradiation is rarely proposed as monotherapy but is frequently administered as an adjuvant regimen following surgical resection. There is no known strategy concerning chemotherapeutic treatment in highly aggressive recurrent – or metastatic – forms of the disease. Our patient presented with an aggressive SC of the scalp recurring after multiple excisions and local radiotherapy. Chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin and docetaxel was then initiated; 4 cycles were administered, followed by capecitabine maintenance. Shortly after starting chemotherapy, dermal lesions had completely disappeared and radiological response could be seen. The patient experienced an extended period (>20 months) of complete remission. In this report, we show an excellent response of a highly aggressive SC after a combination of chemotherapy as for head and neck cancers. PMID:24748864

  8. Remission of type 2 diabetes in a hypogonadal man under long-term testosterone therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Haider


    Full Text Available In daily practice, clinicians are often confronted with obese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM patients for whom the treatment plan fails and who show an inadequate glycemic control and/or no sustainable weight loss. Untreated hypogonadism can be the reason for such treatment failure. This case describes the profound impact testosterone therapy can have on a male hypogonadal patient with metabolic syndrome, resulting in a substantial and sustained loss of body weight, pronounced improvement of all critical laboratory values and finally complete remission of diabetes.

  9. Consenso em reumatologia pediátrica: parte I - definição dos critérios de doença inativa e remissão em artrite idiopática juvenil/artrite reumatóide juvenil Consensus in pediatric rheumatology: part I - criteria definition of inactive disease and remission in juvenile idiopathic arthritis / juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    Claudia Machado


    Full Text Available Não há critérios universalmente aceitos para a remissão clínica em artrite idiopática juvenil/artrite reumatóide juvenil (AIJ/ARJ. OBJETIVO: formar consenso sobre estes critérios. MÉTODOS: foi utilizado um inquérito pelo método Delphi para reunir os critérios vigentes e utilizados por especialistas em reumatologia pediátrica (RP no mundo todo. A análise dos resultados constituiu a base para uma Consensus Conference utilizando a nominal group technique (NGT para alcançar o consenso nas questões não resolvidas após a análise dos questionários deste inquérito. Cento e trinta RP de 34 países responderam ao inquérito e 20 RP de nove países elegeram os critérios durante dois dias, em processo de discussão estruturada, para formar consenso pela NGT. RESULTADOS: os critérios de doença inativa deveriam incluir: 1 nenhuma articulação com artrite em atividade; 2 ausência de febre, rash, serosite, esplenomegalia ou linfadenopatia generalizada atribuída à AIJ/ARJ; 3 ausência de uveíte em atividade; 4 VHS ou PCR negativas (se ambos forem testados, ambos devem ser normais; 5 a avaliação global pelo médico deve indicar o melhor escore possível, indicando doença inativa. CONCLUSÕES: de acordo com o voto de consenso, seis meses contínuos de doença inativa são necessários para se considerar um paciente em estado de remissão com medicação; 12 meses contínuos de doença inativa e sem medicação são necessários para considerar um paciente em estado de remissão sem medicação. O critério para remissão sem medicação deve prever com acurácia de 95% a probabilidade inferior a 20% de recaída em cinco anos.Validated and widely accepted criteria for clinical remission in JIA/JRA do not currently exist. OBJECTIVE: To achieve consensus in this matter. METHODS: The Delphi consensus-formation approach was used to gather the criteria in use by pediatric rheumatologists (PR worldwide. Results from the questionnaires

  10. Faste vendinger med en bestemt betydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Bjærge, Esben


    Ordbogen giver oplysnnger om ca. 17.000 idiomer, ordsprog, bevingede ord og andre faste vendinger, som kan findes og er ordnet efter betydningen.......Ordbogen giver oplysnnger om ca. 17.000 idiomer, ordsprog, bevingede ord og andre faste vendinger, som kan findes og er ordnet efter betydningen....

  11. Confronting the Imaginary of the Artificial. From cyberspace to the internet and from the internet to us

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Anders Ib

    Afhandlingen undersøger det “artificielle efter computeren”, dvs. efter opfindelsen af “computation” (maskinberegnelig databehandling i bred forstand) i midten af det 20 århundrede som en form for kreativ imagination: det vil sige som en kreativ horisont for at forestille sig, artikulere og orien...

  12. Loss rather than downregulation of CD4+ T cells as a mechanism for remission from experimental allergic encephalomyelitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeine, R; Owens, T


    reduction in the number of CNS CD4+ T cells in remitted mice 10 days following the initial attack. More than 60% of CNS CD4+ cells were of a CD44high, CD45RBlow memory/effector phenotype both in active EAE, peak EAE and in remission, in contrast to lymph nodes where this phenotype never constituted more...... than 17%. The proportion of CD8+ T cells was not increased in remitted mice, and we detected no TCR gamma delta+ cells within the CNS. Our findings demonstrate an overt loss of CD4+ T cells from the CNS and the maintenance of an activated state by T cells within the CNS and during remission from EAE...... infiltrating the central nervous system (CNS) in symptomatic and remitted mice. We isolated mononuclear cells from the CNS at various time points during the course of EAE and used flow cytometry to describe the kinetics of CNS infiltration by CD45+, CD2+, CD3+, TCR alpha beta+, CD4+ cells. There was a 30-fold...

  13. Rapid and Complete Remission of Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma Persisting 10 Years After Treatment With Mitotane Monotherapy (United States)

    Ghorayeb, Nada El; Rondeau, Geneviève; Latour, Mathieu; Cohade, Christian; Olney, Harold; Lacroix, André; Perrotte, Paul; Sabourin, Alexis; Mazzuco, Tania L; Bourdeau, Isabelle


    Abstract Mitotane has been used for more than 5 decades as therapy for adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). However its mechanism of action and the extent of tumor response remain incompletely understood. To date no cases of rapid and complete remission of metastatic ACC with mitotane monotherapy has been reported. A 52-year-old French Canadian man presented with metastatic disease 2 years following a right adrenalectomy for stage III nonsecreting ACC. He was started on mitotane which was well tolerated despite rapid escalation of the dose. The patient course was exceptional as he responded to mitotane monotherapy after only few months of treatment. Initiation of chemotherapy was not needed and he remained disease-free with good quality of life on low maintenance dose of mitotane during the following 10 years. A germline heterozygous TP53 exon 4 polymorphism c.215C>G (p. Pro72Arg) was found. Immunohistochemical stainings for IGF-2 and cytoplasmic β-catenin were positive. Advanced ACC is an aggressive disease with poor prognosis and the current therapeutic options remain limited. These findings suggest that mitotane is a good option for the treatment of metastatic ACC and might result in rapid complete remission in selected patients. PMID:27043680

  14. Achieving simplified disease activity index remission in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis is associated with subsequent good functional and structural outcomes in a real-world clinical setting under a treat-to-target strategy. (United States)

    Hirano, Fumio; Yokoyama, Waka; Yamazaki, Hayato; Amano, Koichi; Kawakami, Atsushi; Hayashi, Taichi; Tamura, Naoto; Yasuda, Shinsuke; Dobashi, Hiroaki; Fujii, Takao; Ito, Satoshi; Kaneko, Yuko; Matsui, Toshihiro; Okuda, Yasuaki; Saito, Kazuyoshi; Suzuki, Fumihito; Yoshimi, Ryusuke; Sakai, Ryoko; Koike, Ryuji; Kohsaka, Hitoshi; Miyasaka, Nobuyuki; Harigai, Masayoshi


    To verify predictive validity of simplified disease activity index (SDAI) remission for subsequent functional and structural outcomes in real-world clinical settings under a treat-to-target strategy (T2T). In this multicenter, prospective cohort study, T2T was implemented in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with moderate-to-high disease activity. SDAI or clinical disease activity index (CDAI) was assessed every 12 weeks, and treatment was adjusted to achieve clinical remission or low disease activity (LDA). Multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the associations of SDAI remission (≤3.3) at week 24 with the health assessment questionnaire-disability index (HAQ-DI) ≤ 0.5 or with the delta van der Heijde-modified total Sharp score (ΔvdH-mTSS) remission at week 24 [2.99 (1.42-6.28), p = 0.004], baseline HAQ-DI [0.28 (0.18-0.45), p = 1.3 × 10 -7 ], and baseline vdH-mTSS [0.986 (0.976-0.996), p = 0.009]. A factor associated with ΔvdH-mTSS < SDC was SDAI remission at week 24 [3.53 (1.62-7.71), p = 0.002]. Predictive validity of SDAI remission for good outcomes was verified in a T2T-implementing cohort in the current clinical settings.

  15. Epidermal growth factor enemas for induction of remission in left-sided ulcerative colitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Nodarse-Cuní


    Full Text Available Introduction: ulcerative colitis is a little known chronic inflammatory disease in colonic mucosa. The positive effect of epidermal growth factor was shown in a previous report, with enema use for treatment of mild to moderate left-sided manifestation of the disease. This evidence provided the basis for evaluating the efficacy and safety profile of a viscous solution of this product. Methods: thirty-one patients were randomized to three groups for daily medications during 14 days. Twelve received one 10 mg enema of epidermal growth factor dissolved in 100 mL of viscous solution whereas nine were treated with placebo enema; both groups also received 1.2 g of oral mesalamine per day. The other group included ten patients with 3 g / 100 mL of mesalamine enema. Primary end point was clinical responses after two weeks of treatment, defined as a decreased of, at least three points from baseline, the Disease Activity Index and endoscopic or histological evidences of improvement. Results: remission of disease was observed in all patients in the epidermal growth factor group, and six in both, mesalamine enema and placebo group. All the comparisons between groups showed statistically significant superiority for epidermal growth factor, the only product with significant reduction in disease activity index as well as the presence and intensity of digestive symptoms in patients after treatment. None adverse event was reported. Conclusions: the results agree with previous molecular and clinical evidences, indicating that the epidermal growth factor is effective to reduce disease activity and to induce remission. A new study involving more patients should be conducted to confirm the efficacy of the epidermal growth factor enemas.

  16. Efficacy of Curcumin as Adjuvant Therapy to Induce or Maintain Remission in Ulcerative Colitis Patients: an Evidence-based Clinical Review

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    Marcellus Simadibrata


    Full Text Available Background: treatment guidelines for ulcerative colitis (UC not yet established. Currently, mesalazine, corticosteroids, and immunomodulators are treatment options for UC. However, they are known to have unpleaseant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, hepatitis, and male infertility. Curcumin is found in Turmeric plants (Curcuma longa L., which possesses both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This study aimed to determine whether curcumin as adjuvant therapy can induce or maintain remission in UC patients. Methods: structured search in three database (Cochrane, PubMed, Proquest using “Curcumin”, “remission” and “Ulcerative Colitis” as keywords. Inclusion criteria is randomized controlled trials (RCTs, meta-analysis, or systematic review using curcumin as adjuvant therapy in adult UC patients. Results: we found 49 articles. After exclusion, three RCTs were reviewed; two examined curcumin efficacy to induce remission and one for remision maintenance in UC. Curcumin was significantly more effective than placebo in all RCTs. The efficacy of curcumin could be explained by its anti-inflammatory properties, which inhibit NF-kB pathway. Regulation of oxidant/anti-oxidant balance can modify the release of cytokines. However, methods varied between RCTs. Therefore, they cannot be compared objectively. Futhermore, the sample size were small (n= 50, 45, 89 therefore the statistical power was not enough to generate representative results in all UC patients. Conclusion: Available evidence showed that curcumin has the potential to induce and maintain remission in UC patients with no serious side effects. However, further studies with larger sample size are needed to recommend it as adjuvant therapy of ulcerative colitis.

  17. Time courses of improvement and symptom remission in children treated with atomoxetine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: analysis of Canadian open-label studies

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    Turgay Atilla


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The relatively short durations of the initial pivotal randomized placebo-controlled trials involving atomoxetine HCl for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD provided limited insight into the time courses of ADHD core symptom responses to this nonstimulant, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. The aim of this analysis was to evaluate time courses of treatment responses or remission, as assessed by attainment of prespecified scores on the ADHD Rating Scale-IV-Parent Version: Investigator Administered and Scored (ADHDRS-IV-PI and the Clinical Global Impressions-ADHD-Severity (CGI-ADHD-S scales, during up to 1 year of atomoxetine treatment in children with ADHD. Methods Using pooled data from three Canadian open-label studies involving 338 children ages 6-11 years with ADHD who were treated with atomoxetine for 3, 6 and 12 months, and survival analysis methods for interval-censored data, we estimated the time to: 1 improvement and robust improvement defined by ≥25% and ≥40% reductions from baseline ADHDRS-IV-PI total scores, respectively; and 2 remission using two definitions: a final score of ADHDRS-IV-PI ≤18 or a final score of CGI-ADHD-S ≤2. Results The median time to improvement was 3.7 weeks (~1 month, but remission of symptoms did not occur until a median of 14.3 weeks (~3.5 months using the most stringent CGI-ADHD-S threshold. Probabilities of robust improvement were 47% at or before 4 weeks of treatment; 76% at 12 weeks; 85% at 26 weeks; and 96% at 52 weeks. Probabilities of remission at these corresponding time points were 30%, 59%, 77%, and 85% (using the ADHDRS-IV scale and 8%, 47%, 67%, and 75% (using the CGI-ADHD-S scale. The change from atomoxetine treatment month 5 to month 12 of -1.01 (1.03 was not statistically significant (p = .33. Conclusions Reductions in core ADHD symptoms during atomoxetine treatment are gradual. Although approximately one-half of study

  18. Coaching af nystartede universitetsstuderende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spaten, Ole Michael; Løkken, Lillith Olesen; Kyndesen, Anna Imer


    ). Kvalitative interviews med fire deltagere før og efter coaching interventionen. Metode: Ni erfarne coaches gennemførte fire sessioner med 52 første semesters studerende fra Aalborg universitet. Deltagerne udfyldte DASS-21, Subjective Wellbeing Scale og Adult Hope Scale før og efter coaching interventionerne...

  19. Starskuddet til det postfaktuelle demokrati: "Alternative kendsgerninger"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella


    Et nyt begreb har set dagens lys efter Donald Trumps tiltrædelse som USA’s 45. præsident – ”alternative kendsgerninger”.......Et nyt begreb har set dagens lys efter Donald Trumps tiltrædelse som USA’s 45. præsident – ”alternative kendsgerninger”....

  20. Notat vedr. muligheder for at styrke det faglige niveau i matematik og naturfag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busch, Henrik; Horst, Sebastian

    Dette notat er i foråret 2005 udarbejdet af Henrik Busch og Sebastian Horst for Undervisnings-ministeriet i forbindelse med forberedelsen til Globaliseringsrådets arbejde i efteråret 2005. Notatet er i november 2005 gjort offentligt tilgængeligt efter aftale med Undervisningsministeriet. I den fo...

  1. Direct comparison of treatment responses, remission rates, and drug adherence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with adalimumab, etanercept, or infliximab: Results from eight years of surveillance of clinical practice in the nationwide Danish DANBIO registry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hetland, Merete Lund; Christensen, Ib Jarle; Tarp, Ulrik


    response were identified. The odds ratios (ORs) for clinical responses and remission and hazard ratios (HRs) for drug withdrawal were calculated, corrected for age, disease duration, the Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (DAS28), seropositivity, concomitant methotrexate and prednisolone, number...... versus etanercept. Similar predictors and ORs were observed for a good response according to the European League Against Rheumatism criteria, DAS28 remission, and Clinical Disease Activity Index remission. At 48 months, the HRs for drug withdrawal were 1.98 for infliximab versus etanercept (95% 1...

  2. Association of interferon-gamma and interleukin 10 genotypes and serum levels with partial clinical remission in type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alizadeh, B Z; Hanifi-Moghaddam, P; Eerligh, P


    We studied whether serum interferon (IFN)-gamma or interleukin (IL)-10 levels and their corresponding functional polymorphic genotypes are associated with partial remission of type 1 diabetes (T1D). A multi-centre study was undertaken in patients with newly diagnosed T1D and matched controls. T1D...

  3. Unexpected arterial wall and cellular inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission using biological therapy: a cross-sectional study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bernelot Moens, Sophie J.; van der Valk, Fleur M.; Strang, Aart C.; Kroon, Jeffrey; Smits, Loek P.; Kneepkens, Eva L.; Verberne, Hein J.; van Buul, Jaap D.; Nurmohamed, Michael T.; Stroes, Erik S. G.


    Increasing numbers of patients (up to 40 %) with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) achieve remission, yet it remains to be elucidated whether this also normalizes their cardiovascular risk. Short-term treatment with TNF inhibitors lowers arterial wall inflammation, but not to levels of healthy controls. We

  4. Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial. (United States)

    Lean, Michael Ej; Leslie, Wilma S; Barnes, Alison C; Brosnahan, Naomi; Thom, George; McCombie, Louise; Peters, Carl; Zhyzhneuskaya, Sviatlana; Al-Mrabeh, Ahmad; Hollingsworth, Kieren G; Rodrigues, Angela M; Rehackova, Lucia; Adamson, Ashley J; Sniehotta, Falko F; Mathers, John C; Ross, Hazel M; McIlvenna, Yvonne; Stefanetti, Renae; Trenell, Michael; Welsh, Paul; Kean, Sharon; Ford, Ian; McConnachie, Alex; Sattar, Naveed; Taylor, Roy


    Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disorder that requires lifelong treatment. We aimed to assess whether intensive weight management within routine primary care would achieve remission of type 2 diabetes. We did this open-label, cluster-randomised trial (DiRECT) at 49 primary care practices in Scotland and the Tyneside region of England. Practices were randomly assigned (1:1), via a computer-generated list, to provide either a weight management programme (intervention) or best-practice care by guidelines (control), with stratification for study site (Tyneside or Scotland) and practice list size (>5700 or ≤5700). Participants, carers, and research assistants who collected outcome data were aware of group allocation; however, allocation was concealed from the study statistician. We recruited individuals aged 20-65 years who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the past 6 years, had a body-mass index of 27-45 kg/m 2 , and were not receiving insulin. The intervention comprised withdrawal of antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs, total diet replacement (825-853 kcal/day formula diet for 3-5 months), stepped food reintroduction (2-8 weeks), and structured support for long-term weight loss maintenance. Co-primary outcomes were weight loss of 15 kg or more, and remission of diabetes, defined as glycated haemoglobin (HbA 1c ) of less than 6·5% (<48 mmol/mol) after at least 2 months off all antidiabetic medications, from baseline to 12 months. These outcomes were analysed hierarchically. This trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry, number 03267836. Between July 25, 2014, and Aug 5, 2017, we recruited 306 individuals from 49 intervention (n=23) and control (n=26) general practices; 149 participants per group comprised the intention-to-treat population. At 12 months, we recorded weight loss of 15 kg or more in 36 (24%) participants in the intervention group and no participants in the control group (p<0·0001). Diabetes remission was achieved in 68 (46

  5. The concept of treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia (United States)

    Saußele, S; Richter, J; Hochhaus, A; Mahon, F-X


    The advent of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) into the management of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has profoundly improved prognosis. Survival of responders is approaching that of the general population but lifelong treatment is still recommended. In several trials, TKI treatment has been stopped successfully in approximately half of the patients with deep molecular response. This has prompted the development of a new concept in the evaluation of CML patients known as ‘treatment-free remission'. The future in CML treatment will be to define criteria for the safe and most promising discontinuation of TKI on one hand, and, on the other, to increase the number of patients available for such an attempt. Until safe criteria have been defined, discontinuation of therapy is still experimental and should be restricted to clinical trials or registries. This review will provide an overview of current knowledge as well as an outlook on future challenges. PMID:27133824

  6. Evolution in Lego. A physical simulation of adaptation by natural selection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jakob; Kanneworff, Morten


    En simulering af mekanismen bag naturlig udvælgelse ved at bruge legorger, organismer bygget af 6 legoklodser, og med en genetisk kode, der bestemmer hvordan klodserne er placeret og dermed formen på dyret. Legorgerne tildeles fitness efter, hvor langt de kan bevæge sig. Efter fem generationers s...

  7. Hvorfor sætter folk ild til sig selv?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harrebye, Silas


    Mellemøsten brød i brand efter en mand satte ild til sig selv. Et bevis på revolutioner skal selvantændes?......Mellemøsten brød i brand efter en mand satte ild til sig selv. Et bevis på revolutioner skal selvantændes?...

  8. En kvalitativ undersøgelse af gravides valg af nakkefoldscanning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Stina Lou; Dahl, Katja; Beck risør, Mette


    valg. Vi ønskede at undersøge informationens rolle i den gravides forståelse og valg af nakkefoldskanning. Materiale og metoder: Seksogtyve gravide blev interviewet efter første svangrekonsultation og igen efter misdannelseskanningen. Undersøgelsesresultaterne i denne artikel stammer primært fra første...

  9. Urinary incontinence 4 and 12 years after first delivery: risk factors associated with prevalence, incidence, remission, and persistence in a cohort of 236 women. (United States)

    Pizzoferrato, Anne-Cécile; Fauconnier, Arnaud; Quiboeuf, Emeline; Morel, Karine; Schaal, Jean-Patrick; Fritel, Xavier


    Our aim was to study risk factors associated with prevalence, incidence, and remission of UI 4 and 12 years after first delivery. Seven hundred seventy-four nulliparous women who gave birth in 1996 in two French maternity units at term received a questionnaire about their urinary symptoms in 2000 and again in 2008. Two hundred thirty-six women returned a questionnaire about UI 4 and 12 years after first delivery. Four groups of women were built: (A) women continent 4 and 12 years after first delivery; (B) women continent at 4 and incontinent at 12 years; (C) women incontinent at 4 and continent at 12 years; and (D) women incontinent at 4 and 12 years. Multivariate logistic regressions were used to determine risk factors of UI prevalence (groups B + D vs. A + C), incidence (B vs. A), remission (C vs. D), and onset of UI (D vs. Factors associated with UI 12 years after first pregnancy were: BMI (OR = 1.17 [95%CI: 1.04-1.32], by 1 kg/m(2) ) and increasing BMI (1.43 [1.19-1.73]), first child's weight (1.08 [1.001-1.16], by 100 g) and UI during first pregnancy (3.77 [1.83-7.76]). Factors associated with UI incidence were age at first delivery (0.86 [0.75-0.98]) and high BMI (1.24 [1.05-1.45]). Increasing BMI, UI during first pregnancy, and heavy first child reduce the likelihood of UI remission (0.37 [0.20-0.68], 0.11 [0.02-0.63], and 0.73[0.59-0.91], respectively). UI during first pregnancy could be indicative of individual susceptibility to UI. Obesity appears to be a modifiable factor for remission of UI in women. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Ultrasound of the hand is sufficient to detect subclinical inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis remission

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hammer, Hilde Berner; Kvien, Tore K; Terslev, Lene


    BACKGROUND: Ultrasound (US) is a sensitive method for detecting joint/tendon inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Subclinical inflammation is often found in patients with RA in composite score remission. The purpose of the present study was to explore whether US of only......-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) and after 6 months (184 patients) and 12 months (152 patients) of follow-up. They were assessed by US (greyscale [GS] and power Doppler [PD] of 36 joints and 4 tendons, scored 0-3) as well as clinical and laboratory examinations, and different disease activity composite...

  11. Combined treatment with immunoadsorption and rituximab leads to fast and prolonged clinical remission in difficult-to-treat pemphigus vulgaris. (United States)

    Behzad, M; Möbs, C; Kneisel, A; Möller, M; Hoyer, J; Hertl, M; Eming, R


    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a potentially life-threatening autoimmune bullous disorder which is characterized by blisters and erosions of the skin and mucous membranes. A frequently applied first-line therapy for PV consists of systemic corticosteroids (CS) combined with immunosuppressive agents. In refractory cases, novel therapeutic strategies such as immunoadsorption (IA) and the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab (Rtx) aim at directly interfering with pathogenic autoantibodies (auto-Abs). To investigate the long-term efficacy of IA in combination with Rtx in patients with difficult-to-treat PV, we assessed the clinical response to treatment by monitoring the Autoimmune Bullous Skin Disorder Intensity Score, IgG auto-Abs against desmoglein 1 and 3 (Dsg1 and Dsg3) and the dose of systemic CS. We retrospectively analysed clinical and serological parameters of 10 patients with difficult-to-treat PV who received IA at 4-week intervals, followed by Rtx either twice at 1000 mg or four times at 375mg m(-2) . During a 12-month follow-up period, CS were tapered according to the individual clinical status. Six months after the first IA treatment eight of 10 patients were in complete remission on therapy while one patient showed a partial response and one patient was unresponsive to the treatment. At 12 months, six of eight patients were in complete remission on therapy, one patient showed stable disease and one patient had relapsed. Overall, anti-Dsg3 IgG and anti-Dsg1 IgG auto-Abs correlated well with the clinical activity and systemic CS were tapered gradually. The present findings show that the combination of IA and Rtx induces rapid clinical remission and long-term control in difficult-to-treat pemphigus. © 2011 The Authors. BJD © 2011 British Association of Dermatologists.

  12. Stuttering children and the probability of remission--the role of cerebral dominance and speech production. (United States)

    Brosch, S; Haege, A; Kalehne, P; Johannsen, H S


    The identification of critical characteristics which might predict whether childhood stuttering will become chronic. Part of the study investigates the relationship between hearing and central processing of acoustic stimuli, cerebral dominance and the clinical course of the stuttering. A prospective study of 79 stuttering children aged 3-9 years. The subjects were examined with regard to their cerebral dominance in various tests of laterality, their peripheral hearing and their ability to discriminate sound using the dichotic discrimination test according to Uttenweiler (V. Uttenweiler, Dichotischer Diskriminationstest für Kinder, Sprache Stimme Gehör 4 (1980) 107-111). Results were correlated with the probability of remission of stuttering. Comparisons were made with a control group of 18 children of kindergarten age with normal speech. The period of investigation was 18 months. Seventy-two children underwent follow-up examinations. Of these, 36 achieved fluency of speech. The results of the dichotic discrimination test showed no relation to the rate of remission. When the relationship between handedness and stuttering was investigated, it was found that left-handed children had a significantly poorer chance of attaining speech fluency. The Uttenweiler test allowed no prognostic evaluation of the future course of stuttering in the age group studied, though auditory dominance was not completely developed in a majority of the 3-6 year-old children. Handedness, however, appears to be related to the probability that stuttering will become chronic.

  13. Assessing Compliance With Mercaptopurine Treatment in Younger Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in First Remission | Division of Cancer Prevention (United States)

    This randomized phase III trial studies compliance to a mercaptopurine treatment intervention compared to standard of care in younger patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission. Assessing ways to help patients who have acute lymphoblastic leukemia to take their medications as prescribed may help them in taking their medications more consistently and may improve

  14. Virtuelle lærings- og kommunikationsmiljøer i rehabiliteringen af mennesker med afasi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konnerup, Ulla


    Afasi er en betegnelse for forstyrrelser af sprogfunktionen efter en hjerne- skade. Skaden kan være opstået efter en blodprop, hjerneblødning eller traumer, men kan også skyldes andre skader, hvor hjernens blodkar er læderet . Afasi medfører kommunikationsforstyrrelser i varierende grad, alt ef...

  15. High cut-off haemodialysis induces remission of recurrent idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after renal transplantation but is no alternative to plasmapheresis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    I. Noorlander (Iris); D.A. Hesselink (Dennis); M. Wabbijn (Marike); M.G.H. Betjes (Michiel)


    textabstractA 26-year-old male experienced a recurrence of idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (iFSGS) after his second renal transplant. Reduction of proteinuria was rapidly induced by plasmapheresis (PP) and the patient has remained in remission with a once-weekly PP regimen, which has

  16. Toneren kvalitetskrise på Hawaii

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Redvall, Eva Novrup


    Syv år efter ’Sideways’ er Alexander Payne omsider tilbage med et nyt galleri af kantede karakterer og komplicerede livskriser i Hawaii-herligheden ’The Descendants’......Syv år efter ’Sideways’ er Alexander Payne omsider tilbage med et nyt galleri af kantede karakterer og komplicerede livskriser i Hawaii-herligheden ’The Descendants’...

  17. Levende branding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Majken


    Mottoet »Boston Strong« efter bombeangrebet ved Boston Marathon viser, at ingen branding er stærkere end det, der vokser ud af det levede liv.......Mottoet »Boston Strong« efter bombeangrebet ved Boston Marathon viser, at ingen branding er stærkere end det, der vokser ud af det levede liv....

  18. Din tandbørste og pejsen er online

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsgaard, Jan


    Det er snart definitivt slut med de store mysterier om flys forsvinden og massive eftersøgninger efter overlevende. Danske Naviair er i disse år med til at sende 66 satellitter i kredsløb om Jorden. Så kan alle kommercielle fly følges, uanset hvor på jordkloden de befinder sig....

  19. Calprotectin and TNF trough serum levels identify power Doppler ultrasound synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis patients in remission or with low disease activity. (United States)

    Inciarte-Mundo, José; Ramirez, Julio; Hernández, Maria Victoria; Ruiz-Esquide, Virginia; Cuervo, Andrea; Cabrera-Villalba, Sonia Raquel; Pascal, Mariona; Yagüe, Jordi; Cañete, Juan D; Sanmarti, Raimon


    Serum levels of calprotectin, a major S100 leucocyte protein, are associated with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients. Higher drug trough serum levels are associated with good response in patients treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi). Power Doppler ultrasound (PDUS) synovitis is predictive of flare and progression of structural damage in patients in clinical remission. The purpose of this study was to analyse the accuracy of calprotectin and TNFi trough serum levels in detecting PDUS synovitis in RA and PsA patients in clinical remission or with low disease activity who were receiving TNFi. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 92 patients (42 with RA, 50 with PsA) receiving adalimumab (ADA), etanercept (ETN) or infliximab who were in remission or had low disease activity (28-joint Disease Activity Score based on erythrocyte sedimentation rate ultrasound scores (all r coefficients >0.50 in RA). Calprotectin correlated with the PDUS synovitis score in patients treated with ADA and ETN. Using PDUS synovitis (yes or no) as the reference variable, calprotectin had an AUC of 0.826. The best cut-off was ≥1.66 μg/ml, with a likelihood ratio of 2.77. C-reactive protein (AUC 0.673) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (AUC 0.731) had a lower discriminatory capacity. TNFi trough serum levels were significantly associated with PDUS synovitis (OR 0.67, 95 % CI 0.52-0.85, p < 0.001) but their accuracy (AUC <0.5) was less than that of calprotectin. TNFi trough serum levels were inversely correlated with calprotectin and PDUS synovitis in RA and PsA patients receiving ADA and ETN. Calprotectin and TNFi trough serum levels may help identify PDUS synovitis in RA and PsA patients in clinical remission or with low disease activity.

  20. Higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with greater odds of remission with anti-tumour necrosis factor-α medications among patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Winter, R W; Collins, E; Cao, B; Carrellas, M; Crowell, A M; Korzenik, J R


    Vitamin D has been linked to disease activity among patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Prior investigation has also suggested that vitamin D levels may affect duration of therapy with anti-tumour necrosis factor-α (anti-TNF-α) medications among patients with IBD. To evaluate the relationship between vitamin D levels and odds of reaching remission while on an anti-TNF-α medication. A total of 521 IBD patients enrolled in the Brigham and Women's IBD Centre database were eligible for inclusion. Patients treated with anti-TNF-α therapy who had vitamin D levels drawn within 6 months prior or 2 weeks after initiation of anti-TNF-α medication and who had reported remission status at 3 months were included. A logistic regression model adjusting for age, gender, IBD diagnosis, anti-TNF-α medication (infliximab vs. adalimumab) and first or subsequent anti-TNF-α medication was used to identify the effect of vitamin D level on initial response to anti-TNF-α therapy. A total of 173 patients were included in the final analysis. On logistic regression, patients with normal vitamin D levels n = 122 at the time of anti-TNF-α medication initiation had a 2.64 increased odds of remission at 3 months compared to patients with low vitamin D levels n = 51 when controlling for age, gender, diagnosis, type of anti-TNF-α medication and first or subsequent anti-TNF-α medication (OR = 2.64, 95% CI = 1.31-5.32, P = 0.0067). These findings suggest that vitamin D levels may influence initial response to anti-TNF-α medication and that low vitamin D levels may pre-dispose patients to decreased odds of remission. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. HIV Reactivation from Latency after Treatment Interruption Occurs on Average Every 5-8 Days--Implications for HIV Remission.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mykola Pinkevych


    Full Text Available HIV infection can be effectively controlled by anti-retroviral therapy (ART in most patients. However therapy must be continued for life, because interruption of ART leads to rapid recrudescence of infection from long-lived latently infected cells. A number of approaches are currently being developed to 'purge' the reservoir of latently infected cells in order to either eliminate infection completely, or significantly delay the time to viral recrudescence after therapy interruption. A fundamental question in HIV research is how frequently the virus reactivates from latency, and thus how much the reservoir might need to be reduced to produce a prolonged antiretroviral-free HIV remission. Here we provide the first direct estimates of the frequency of viral recrudescence after ART interruption, combining data from four independent cohorts of patients undergoing treatment interruption, comprising 100 patients in total. We estimate that viral replication is initiated on average once every ≈6 days (range 5.1- 7.6 days. This rate is around 24 times lower than previous thought, and is very similar across the cohorts. In addition, we analyse data on the ratios of different 'reactivation founder' viruses in a separate cohort of patients undergoing ART-interruption, and estimate the frequency of successful reactivation to be once every 3.6 days. This suggests that a reduction in the reservoir size of around 50-70-fold would be required to increase the average time-to-recrudescence to about one year, and thus achieve at least a short period of anti-retroviral free HIV remission. Our analyses suggests that time-to-recrudescence studies will need to be large in order to detect modest changes in the reservoir, and that macaque models of SIV latency may have much higher frequencies of viral recrudescence after ART interruption than seen in human HIV infection. Understanding the mean frequency of recrudescence from latency is an important first step in

  2. Complete Long-Term Remission of an Inflammatory Pseudotumor under Corticosteroid Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lukas Pfeifer


    Full Text Available Inflammatory pseudotumors (IPT form a group of etiologically, histologically, and biologically heterogeneous tumefactive lesions that are histologically characterized by prominent inflammatory infiltrates. IPT has been described in various organs including the lungs, bladder, liver, spleen, heart, and others. It may mimic a malignant tumor clinically and radiologically. We report a case of a 26-year-old woman with an ALK1-negative IPT (7 cm in maximal diameter mainly located in the 12th right back muscles, surrounding a fractured rib. Histologically, the tumor consisted of an inflammatory infiltrate composed predominantly of diffusely distributed lymphoplasmacytic cells and stromal fibroblasts associated with focal obliterative phlebitis. Conservative steroid treatment resulted in complete remission and the patient remained disease-free for more than 1 year later. To our knowledge this is the first report of IPT involving the skeletal back muscle and complete resolution under corticosteroid treatment.

  3. Bipolar depression: the importance of being on remission Depressão bipolar: a importância da remissão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Kratz Gazalle


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study is to compare quality of life among currently depressed, subsyndromal and remitted patients with bipolar disorder (BD and to assess whether the level of depression correlates with the scores of quality of life in BD patients. METHOD: Sixty bipolar outpatients diagnosed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV who met criteria for diagnosis of BD type I, II or not otherwise specified (BD-NOS, and who were not currently on a manic or mixed episode were included. The main variables of interest were quality of life (QOL assessed using the 26-item World Health Organization QOL instrument (WHOQOL-BREF and depression assessed using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS. RESULTS: A linear trend test showed a dose response association between patients' current mood state and all domains of quality of life. Higher quality of life scores were found among remitted patients, followed by subsyndromal patients; depressed patients presented lower scores of quality of life, except for the social domain. The four domains of the WHOQOL scale correlated negatively with the HDRS. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that bipolar depression and residual symptoms of depression are negatively correlated with QOL in BD patients.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é o de comparar a qualidade de vida entre pacientes com transtorno bipolar que estão atualmente deprimidos, com depressão subsindrômica e com remissão de sintomas, e avaliar se o nível de depressão tem correlação com os escores de qualidade de vida em pacientes com transtorno bipolar. MÉTODO: Sessenta pacientes bipolares tratados ambulatorialmente, diagnosticados pela Entrevista Clínica Estruturada do DSM-IV, que preencheram critérios diagnósticos de transtorno bipolar tipo I, tipo II ou sem outra especificação (TB-SOE, e que não estavam atualmente em um episódio maníaco ou misto foram incluídos. As principais variáveis de interesse

  4. Nyfigen robot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Olaf Pepke


    Marsudforskning. Det rullende laboratorium Curiosity har nu kørt rundt på Mars i et halvt år. Hidtil har der ikke været de store overraskelser, og det er helt efter planen. Men nu har den kurs mod det 5.500 meter høje bjerg Aeolis Mons for at bore efter sedimenter....

  5. Post-construction evaluation of bird abundances and distributions in the Horns Rev 2 offshore wind farm area, 2011 and 2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Ib Krag; Nielsen, Rasmus Due; Mackenzie, Monique L.


    Optællinger af fugle fra fly efter linjetransekt-metoden blev anvendt til at beskrive fuglenes antal og udbredelse i undersøgelsesområdet. Ti optællinger før Horns Rev 2 mølleparkens opførelse blev sammenlignet med ti optællinger foretaget efter parkens etablering. Rumlig modellering blev anvendt...

  6. Bulkister og Bådgrav ved Bulbrogård

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bican, Josefine Franck


    oldsager. I seks af gravene var der bevaret kistespor, i fem tilfælde efter bulkister og i ét tilfælde efter en stammebåd anvendt som kiste. Fire af gravene indeholdt gravgods. Gravens konstruktion, udformning og indhold diskuteres med særlig fokus på bådgraven, og der sammenlignes med andre fladmarksgrave...

  7. Clusters in an age of increasing internationalisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illeris, Sven


    Artiklen studerer tekstil- og beklædningsklyngen i Herning, som opstod i 1930erne og voksede efter 2. verdenskrig. Da den blev udsat for konkurrence fra lavtlønslandene i Central- og Østeuropa og Østasien efter 1990, overlevede den næsten uden arbejdsløshed. På denne baggrund diskuteres spørgsmål...

  8. Data-driven criteria to assess fear remission and phenotypic variability of extinction in rats. (United States)

    Shumake, Jason; Jones, Carolyn; Auchter, Allison; Monfils, Marie-Hélène


    Fear conditioning is widely employed to examine the mechanisms that underlie dysregulations of the fear system. Various manipulations are often used following fear acquisition to attenuate fear memories. In rodent studies, freezing is often the main output measure to quantify 'fear'. Here, we developed data-driven criteria for defining a standard benchmark that indicates remission from conditioned fear and for identifying subgroups with differential treatment responses. These analyses will enable a better understanding of individual differences in treatment responding.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Of mice and mental health: facilitating dialogue between basic and clinical neuroscientists'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  9. Remission and regression in the nephropathy of type 1 diabetes when blood pressure is controlled aggressively

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hovind, P; Rossing, P; Tarnow, L


    BACKGROUND: Diabetic nephropathy is a chronic, progressive kidney disease with a mean rate of decline of in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 10 to 12 mL/min/year (natural history). The introduction of aggressive antihypertensive treatment has improved the renal prognosis during the last decades...... pressure, albuminuria, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c, and serum cholesterol were measured every three to four months during the study. In total, 271 patients received antihypertensive treatment, 179 patients predominantly with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Remission was defined as albuminuria...

  10. Dyssynergic defecation: a treatable cause of persistent symptoms when inflammatory bowel disease is in remission. (United States)

    Perera, Lilani P; Ananthakrishnan, Ashwin N; Guilday, Corinne; Remshak, Kristin; Zadvornova, Yelena; Naik, Amar S; Stein, Daniel J; Massey, Benson T


    Introduction of biologic agents in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has increased the likelihood of disease remission. Despite resolution of active inflammation, a subset of IBD patients report persistent defecatory symptoms. To evaluate a group of patients with inflammatory bowel disease with suspected functional defecatory disorders, by use of anorectal manometric testing and subsequent biofeedback therapy. A group of IBD patients with persistent defecatory problems despite clinical improvement were included in this study. These patients had no evidence of left-sided disease. Endoscopic and radiographic study findings and timing in relation to the manometry study were recorded. Anorectal manometry was performed by the standard protocol and included rectal sensory assessment, ability to expel a balloon, and pressure dynamics with simulated defecation. Thirty IBD patients (Crohn's 23 patients; ulcerative colitis six patients) presented with defecatory disorders including constipation (67%) increased stooling (10%), and rectal urgency and/or incontinence and rectal pain (6%). All but one patient had anorectal manometric criteria of dyssynergia (presence of anismus motor pattern and inability to expel the balloon). Of the patients who completed biofeedback therapy, 30% had a clinically significant (≥7-point) improvement in SIBDQ score, with a reduction in health-care utilization after a six-month period (p=0.02). Despite remission, some inflammatory bowel disease patients have persistent defecatory symptoms. Defecatory symptoms may not be predictive of an underlying inflammatory disorder. Lack of inflammatory activity and absence of left-sided disease should prompt investigation of functional disorders. Anorectal manometric testing and biofeedback therapy for patients with a diagnosis of dyssynergia may be a useful therapy.

  11. Subclinical synovitis and tenosynovitis by ultrasonography (US) 7 score in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with synthetic drugs, in clinical remission by DAS28. (United States)

    Ventura-Ríos, Lucio; Sánchez Bringas, Guadalupe; Hernández-Díaz, Cristina; Cruz-Arenas, Esteban; Burgos-Vargas, Rubén


    To identify synovitis and tenosynovitis active by using the Ultrasound 7 (US 7) scoring system in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical remission induced by synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). This is a multicentric, cross-sectional, observational study including 94 RA patients >18 years old who were in remission as defined by the 28-joints disease activity score (DAS28) <2.6 induced by synthetic DMARD during at least 6 months. Patients with a previous or current history of biologic DMARD treatment were not included in the study. Demographic and clinical data were collected by the local rheumatologist; the US evaluation was performed by a calibrated rheumatologist, who intended to detect grayscale synovitis and power Doppler (PD) using the 7-joint scale. Intra and inter-reader exercises of images between 2 ultrasonographers were realized. Patients' mean age was 49.1±13.7 years; 83% were women. The mean disease duration was 8±7 years and remission lasted for 27.5±31.8 months. The mean DAS28 score was 1.9±0.66. Grayscale synovitis was present in 94% of cases; it was mild in 87.5% and moderate in 12.5%. Only 12.8% of the patients had PD. The metatarsophalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, and carpal joints of the dominant hand were the joints more frequently affected by synovitis. Tenosynovitis by grayscale was observed in 9 patients (9.6%). The intra and inter-reading kappa value were 0.77, p<0.003 (CI 95%, 0.34-0.81) and 0.81, p<0.0001 (CI 95%, 0.27-0.83) respectively. Low percentage of synovitis and tenosynovitis active were founded according to PD US by 7 score in RA patients under synthetic DMARDs during long remission. This score has benefit because evaluate tenosynovitis, another element of subclinical disease activity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  12. Impacto psicológico de la enfermedad de Crohn en pacientes en remisión: riesgo de ansiedad y depresión Psychological impact of Crohn's disease on patients in remission: anxiety and depression risks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Iglesias


    Full Text Available Introducción: el papel de la ansiedad y depresión en pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn (EC en remisión es incierto. Objetivo: evaluar la frecuencia de ansiedad y depresión en pacientes con EC en remisión y potenciales factores que pueden influir en el desarrollo de esos síntomas. Métodos: se incluyeron pacientes con EC mayores de 18 años, que estuviesen en remisión durante al menos 6 meses. La remisión se definió como un CDAI Background: the role of anxiety and depression in CD patients in remission has been poorly investigated. Objective: the aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of anxiety and depression symptoms in CD patients in remission, and potential factors influencing the development of these symptoms. Methods: CD patients older than 18 years in remission for at least 6 months before study entry were included. CD remission was defined as a Crohn's disease Activity Index (CDAI < 150 points together with C-reactive protein < 5 mg/L. A demographic questionnaire was filled in, and all patients were clinically classified. The therapy maintaining remission was also recorded. A Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD was administered to all patients. Results are shown as OR and 95% CI, and analyzed by logistic regression. Results: 92 consecutive patients were included (48 male, mean age 37 years, range from 18 to 71 years. One patient failed to correctly fill in the questionnaire. Anxiety and depression symptoms were present in 36 (39% and 22 (24% patients, respectively. Infliximab therapy was the only factor associated with anxiety (OR = 3.11; 95% CI: 1.03-9.43; p < 0.05. In contrast, the presence of depressive symptoms is less frequent in patients under infliximab therapy (OR = 0.16; 95% CI: 0.02-0.97; p < 0.05. Conclusions: despite clinical remission, an important number of CD patients present with anxiety or depressive symptoms. Infliximab therapy in CD patients is associated to more anxiety but fewer depressive

  13. An analytical biomarker for treatment of patients with recurrent B-ALL after remission induced by infusion of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Yajing; Zhang, Wenying; Dai, Hanren; Wang, Yao; Shi, Fengxia; Wang, Chunmeng; Guo, Yelei; Liu, Yang; Chen, Meixia; Feng, Kaichao; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Chuanjie; Yang, Qingming; Li, Suxia; Han, Weidong


    Anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor-modified T (CAR-T-19) cells have emerged as a powerful targeted immunotherapy for B-cell lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a remarkable clinical response in recent trials. Nonetheless, few data are available on the subsequent clinical monitoring and treatment of the patients, especially those with disease recurrence after CAR-T-19 cell infusion. Here, we analyzed three patients who survived after our phase I clinical trial and who were studied by means of biomarkers reflecting persistence of CAR-T-19 cells in vivo and predictive factors directing further treatment. One patient achieved 9-week sustained complete remission and subsequently received an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Another patient who showed relapse after 20 weeks without detectable leukemia in the cerebrospinal fluid after CAR-T-19 cell treatment was able to achieve a morphological remission under the influence of stand-alone low-dose chemotherapeutic agents. The third patient gradually developed extensive extramedullary involvement in tissues with scarce immune- cell infiltration during a long period of hematopoietic remission after CAR-T-19 cell therapy. Long-term and discontinuous increases in serum cytokines (mainly interleukin 6 and C-reactive protein) were identified in two patients (Nos. 1 and 6) even though only a low copy number of CAR molecules could be detected in their peripheral blood. This finding was suggestive of persistent functional activity of CAR-T-19 cells. Combined analyses of laboratory biomarkers with their clinical manifestations before and after salvage treatment showed that the persistent immunosurveillance mediated by CAR-T-19 cells would inevitably potentiate the leukemia-killing effectiveness of subsequent chemotherapy in patients who showed relapse after CAR-T-19-induced remission.

  14. Complete Remission Obtained with Azacitidine in a Patient with Concomitant Therapy Related Myeloid Neoplasm and Pulmonary Mucormycosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saveria Capria


    Full Text Available Mucormycosis is the third cause of invasive mycosis after candidiasis and aspergillosis in AML patients, representing a poor prognostic factor associated with a high rate of fatal outcome. We report  a case of a patient with AML and a concomitant pulmonary mucormycosis at diagnosis,  who obtained a  complete remission both of her AML and of the fungal infection. The incidence of the infection at the onset of leukemia is extremely unusual, and, to our knowledge, the sporadic cases reported in the literature are included in heterogeneous series retrospectively examined. In our case, Liposomal Amphotericin B as single agent appeared incapable of controlling the infection, so anti-infective therapy was intensified with posaconazole and simultaneously antileukemic treatment with 5-azacitidine was started, with the understanding that the only antifungal treatment would not have been able to keep the infection under control for a long time if not associated with a reversal of neutropenia related to the disease. We observed a progressive improvement of the general conditions, a healing of pneumonia and a complete remission of the leukemic disease, suggesting that a careful utilization of the new compounds available today, in terms of both antifungal and antileukemic treatment, may offer a curative chance a patient who would have otherwise been considered unfit for a potentially curative therapeutic strategy.

  15. Sequential Kinase Inhibition (Idelalisib/Ibrutinib Induces Clinical Remission in B-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia Harboring a 17p Deletion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Coelho


    Full Text Available B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (B-PLL is a rare lymphoid neoplasm with an aggressive clinical course. Treatment strategies for B-PLL remain to be established, and, until recently, alemtuzumab was the only effective therapeutic option in patients harboring 17p deletions. Herein, we describe, for the first time, a case of B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia harboring a 17p deletion in a 48-year-old man that was successfully treated sequentially with idelalisib-rituximab/ibrutinib followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HSCT. After 5 months of therapy with idelalisib-rituximab, clinical remission was achieved, but the development of severe diarrhea led to its discontinuation. Subsequently, the patient was treated for 2 months with ibrutinib and the quality of the response was maintained with no severe adverse effects reported. A reduced-intensity conditioning allo-HSCT from a HLA-matched unrelated donor was performed, and, thereafter, the patient has been in complete remission for 10 months now. In conclusion, given the poor prognosis of B-PLL and the lack of effective treatment modalities, the findings here suggest that both ibrutinib and idelalisib should be considered as upfront therapy of B-PLL and as a bridge to allo-HSCT.

  16. Historiens mest groteske pengepolitiske eksperiment?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hougaard Nielsen, Rasmus


    Er bitcoin en boble? Givetvis. Men føj den bare til rækken af bobler, som verdens mest magtfulde centralbankchefer har pustet op efter finanskrisen, skriver økonom.......Er bitcoin en boble? Givetvis. Men føj den bare til rækken af bobler, som verdens mest magtfulde centralbankchefer har pustet op efter finanskrisen, skriver økonom....

  17. Offentlig administration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Elof Nellemann; Rehr, Preben René

    En undervisningsbog der henvender sig til administrationsbacheloruddannelsen. Kapitlerne er inddelt efter modulerne på uddannelsen og indeholder derfor elementer af administration, forvaltning, økonomistyring, innovation, samfundsvidenskabelige metoder og politisk styrede organisationer.......En undervisningsbog der henvender sig til administrationsbacheloruddannelsen. Kapitlerne er inddelt efter modulerne på uddannelsen og indeholder derfor elementer af administration, forvaltning, økonomistyring, innovation, samfundsvidenskabelige metoder og politisk styrede organisationer....

  18. On the estimation of short- and long-run elasticities in U.S. petroleum consumption : comment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentzen, Jan Børsen; Engsted, Tom


    Artiklen, der er formet som en kommentar til en tidligere artikel af Clifton Jones i Southern Economic Journal, anvender kointegrationsmetoder til analyse af efterspørgslen efter petroleum i USA.......Artiklen, der er formet som en kommentar til en tidligere artikel af Clifton Jones i Southern Economic Journal, anvender kointegrationsmetoder til analyse af efterspørgslen efter petroleum i USA....

  19. Remission, continuation, and incidence of eating disorders during early pregnancy: A validation study on a population-based birth cohort (United States)

    Watson, Hunna J.; Von Holle, Ann; Hamer, Robert M.; Berg, Cecilie Knoph; Torgersen, Leila; Magnus, Per; Stoltenberg, Camilla; Sullivan, Patrick; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Bulik, Cynthia M.


    Background The objective of this study was to validate previously published rates of remission, continuation, and incidence of broadly defined eating disorders during pregnancy. The previous rate modeling was done by our group (Bulik et al. 2007) and yielded participants halfway into recruitment of the planned 100,000 pregnancies in the Norwegian Mother and Child (MoBa) Cohort at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. This study aimed to internally validate the findings with the completed cohort. Methods 77267 pregnant women enrolled at 17 weeks gestation between 2001 and 2009 were included. Participants were split into a “training” sample (n=41243) based on participants in the MoBa version 2 dataset of the original study and a “validation” sample (n=36024) comprising individuals in the MoBa version 5 dataset that were not in the original study (Bulik et al. 2007). Internal validation of all original rate models involved fitting a calibration model to compare model parameters between the “training” and “validation” samples as well as bootstrap estimates of bias in the entire version 5 dataset. Results Remission, continuation, and incidence estimates from the “training” sample remained stable when evaluated via a split sample validation procedure. Pre-pregnancy prevalence estimates in the “validation” sample were 0.1% for anorexia nervosa, 1.0% for bulimia nervosa (BN), 3.3% for binge eating disorder (BED), and 0.1% for purging disorder (EDNOS-P). In early pregnancy, estimates were 0.2% for BN, 4.8% for BED, and eating disorders during pregnancy. Eating disorders during pregnancy were relatively common, occurring in nearly 1 in every 20 women, although almost all were cases of BED. Pregnancy was a window of remission from BN but a window of vulnerability for onset and continuation of BED. Training to detect the signs and symptoms of eating disorders by obstetricians/gynecologists and interventions to enhance pregnancy and neonatal outcomes

  20. CAR T-Cell therapy can lead to long-lasting remissions in patients with lymphoma | Center for Cancer Research (United States)

    More than three years after treatment, some clinical trial participants who received CAR T-cell therapy for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma remain in remission. These results are reported in a paper in Molecular Therapy by James Kochenderfer, M.D., of CCR's Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch. “This raises the possibility that CAR T cells can be curative for diffuse large B cell lymphoma,” Kochenderfer says.

  1. Remission and recovery in schizophrenia: practitioner and patient perspectives. (United States)

    Davidson, Larry; Schmutte, Timothy; Dinzeo, Thomas; Andres-Hyman, Raquel


    Schizophrenia remains a complex, dynamic, multi-dimensional, and poorly understood condition. Although the concept of heterogeneity in outcome has conceptually overturned the post Kraepelinian legacy of progressive deterioration, a number of factors appear to contribute to perpetuating a pessimistic attitude toward outcome within the field. These include the limited access people with schizophrenia have to effective interventions and the phenomenon of the "clinician's illusion," which refers to the tendency of practitioners to assume that patients remain seriously ill when outside of the clinical care settings in which they are typically seen. Longitudinal studies, however, continue to point to a large number of people who experience improvements in their condition over time. Pressure from patients and their families, who experience periods of symptomatic relief and enhanced functioning first-hand, has led to the introduction of such concepts as "remission" and being "in" recovery with schizophrenia, in addition to the conventional notion of recovering "from" schizophrenia. These developments are consistent with recent policy initiatives by the U.S. and other governments around the world and aim to re-orient research and clinical practice from a traditional focus on effecting cure to exploring ways to encourage and assist people with schizophrenia to live meaningful lives in the face of an enduring illness.

  2. Clinical Remission of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Auricle with Cetuximab and Nivolumab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Chen


    Full Text Available Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCC affecting the regions of the head and neck can be challenging to resect surgically and refractory to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Consequently; the treatment of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin is a focus of current research. One such advancement is immunotherapy. Herein we describe clinical remission of invasive, poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the pre-auricular region with external auditory canal involvement using cetuximab, an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR antibody; and nivolumab, a programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1 antibody. Such durable and comprehensive disease resolution demonstrates the therapeutic potential of cetuximab and nivolumab in surgically challenging, treatment-resistant cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

  3. Delayed somatic effects following extended radiotherapy. Studies of 135 patients with Hodgkin's disease in long-term remission (Freiburg collective, treatment years 1948 to 1974). Untersuchungen ueber somatische Spaetschaeden nach ausgedehnter Strahlentherapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slanina, J


    A group of 135 patients who suffered from Hodgkin's disease with long-term remission following radiotherapy was investigated. By restricting the investigations to the patient group with long-term remission and correlative examinations, it was tried to differentiate between exclusive or principal delayed radiation effects and delayed effects due to other factors. The study reports about the most significant results obtained in the fields of catamnesis, laboratory diagnostics, hematology, pulmology, cardiology, thyroid function tests, neurology, andrology and dermatology. Due to the numerous detectable delayed effects the group of patients with long-term remission receives a special status. Although those effects are in no proportion to the deletary risks of an untreated Hodgkin's disease and though they are consequently tolerable in the present state of the therapeutic development, they must initiate the completion of the therapeutic concept including performance of radiotherapy and aftercare, because only then the risk for the patient provoked by these effects, which ranges beyond the malignity of this disease can be reduced or prevented.

  4. Long-term risk of atrial fibrillation after the death of a partner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graff, Simon; Fenger-Grøn, Morten; Christensen, Bo


    Dette studie viser, at mennesker, som for nylig har mistet deres partner, har en øget risiko for at udvikle uregelmæssig hjerterytme i op til ét år efter tabet. Den øgede risiko forekommer i op til et år efter tabet, og den største risiko ses hos efterladte på under 60 år og ved uventede dødsfald...

  5. Predicting effects and risk of relapse into depression: The Danish ECT/MRI project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gbyl, Krzysztof; Rosenberg, Raben; Larsson, Henrik Bo Wiberg

    Formål: Vi ønsker at undersøge hjernen hos patienter med svær depression før og efter elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT), samt ved en kontrol efter 6 måneder med det formål at: 1. undersøge hjernevævet så en evt. skadelig effekt af ECT-behandling kan udelukkes 2. belyse mekanismerne bag ECT for at fin...

  6. Hvorfor skal Adam betale børnepenge, når Eva har bedraget ham?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Thomas Søbirk


    Juridisk abort bør være en mulighed for mænd, der er blevet bedraget, bestjålet eller som har brugt prævention, der ikke virker efter hensigten.......Juridisk abort bør være en mulighed for mænd, der er blevet bedraget, bestjålet eller som har brugt prævention, der ikke virker efter hensigten....

  7. Histamine release positive test associates with disease remission in chronic spontaneous urticaria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berti, A; Yacoub, M R; Skov, Per Stahl


    the correlations between HR test results and demographic features, quality of life, disease activity, clinical course, and autologous serum and plasma skin tests (ASST and APST). Results. All patients with positive HR test (9/9, 100%) had a more severe disease activity at onset (urticaria activity score, UAS > 2......Summary: Background. Histamine release (HR) test has previously been shown to predict the presence of endogenous histamine-releasing factors in chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). Objectives and methods. Twenty CSU patients unresponsive to antihistamine treatment were enrolled in order to evaluate...... with a positive HR test had a significant reduction of disease activity (p = 0.003) whereas patients with a negative HR test did not (p > 0.05), leading to disease remission and antihistamine treatment withdrawal in 67% (6/9) of positive HR test patients versus 18% (2/11) of negative HR test patients (p = 0...

  8. Radiological remission and recovery of thirst appreciation after infliximab therapy in adipsic diabetes insipidus secondary to neurosarcoidosis. (United States)

    O'Reilly, M W; Sexton, D J; Dennedy, M C; Counihan, T J; Finucane, F M; O'Brien, T; O'Regan, A W


    Neurosarcoidosis is a rare and aggressive variant of systemic sarcoidosis which may result in hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. We report a case of hypothalamic hypopituitarism secondary to neurosarcoidosis complicated by adipsic diabetes insipidus (ADI). Initiation of anti-tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) therapy resulted in both radiological disease remission and recovery of osmoregulated thirst appreciation after 3 months. A 22-year-old man was referred to the endocrinology service with profound weight gain, polyuria and lethargy. Biochemical testing confirmed anterior hypopituitarism while posterior pituitary failure was confirmed by hypotonic polyuria responding to desmopressin. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated extensive hypothalamic infiltration; neurosarcoidosis was confirmed histologically after excisional cervical lymph node biopsy. Osmoregulated thirst appreciation was normal early in the disease course despite severe hypotonic polyuria. However, subsequent subjective loss of thirst appreciation and development of severe hypernatraemia in the setting of normal cognitive function indicated onset of ADI. Clinical management involved daily weighing, regular plasma sodium measurement, fixed daily fluid intake and oral desmopressin. We initiated immunosuppressive therapy with pulsed intravenous anti-TNF-α therapy (infliximab) after multidisciplinary team consultation. Infliximab therapy resulted in successful radiological disease remission and complete recovery of osmoregulated thirst appreciation. This was confirmed by subjective return of thirst response and maintenance of plasma sodium in the normal range in the absence of close biochemical monitoring. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  9. NIRS Study of the Effects of Computerized Brain Training Games for Cognitive Rehabilitation of Major Depressive Disorder Patients in Remission: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Payzieva, Shaira; Maxmudova, D


    We used functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to estimate brain activity in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients (in remission), while they played a computerized brain training games for cognitive rehabilitation. MDD is characterized by marked deterioration in affect as well as significant impairment in cognitive function. It was found, that depressed patients showed long-lasting impaired cognitive performance on cognitive demanding tasks despite significant improvement in the depression symptoms. Previous studies have shown that video games can improve cognitive functions. But assessment was made only with cognitive tests. The main objective of this research was to study the effects of brain training games on cognitive functions of MDD patients in remission with objective instrumental NIRS method. Tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) and absolute concentrations of oxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]) and total hemoglobin ([tHb]) were measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) - Oxyprem (BORL, Zurich, Switzerland). Preliminary results are discussed.

  10. Alopecia universalis, hypothyroidism and pituitary hyperplasia: polyglandular autoimmune syndrome III in a patient in remission from treated Hodgkin lymphoma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Quintyne, K I


    We herein report a case of a 33-year-old man in remission from Hodgkin lymphoma, who presented with reduced potency and hair loss. Initial endocrine tests revealed autoimmune hypothyroidism. An MRI of his pituitary gland at onset revealed hyperplasia. He tolerated replacement endocrine therapy with good response, but with no improvement in his alopecia universalis. A repeat MRI, 6 months after his initial endocrine manipulation, showed resolution of his pituitary hyperplasia.

  11. Natural History of Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Japanese Americans: Change in Visceral Adiposity is Associated with Remission from Impaired Glucose Tolerance to Normal Glucose Tolerance. (United States)

    Onishi, Yukiko; Hayashi, Tomoshige; Sato, Kyoko K; Leonetti, Donna L; Kahn, Steven E; Fujimoto, Wilfred Y; Boyko, Edward J


    To describe the roles of intra-abdominal fat and its change in the remission of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to normal glucose tolerance (NGT). We followed 157 Japanese Americans with IGT at baseline for 10-11 years without external intervention. We measured intra-abdominal and abdominal subcutaneous fat area (IAFA and ASFA) by computed tomography at baseline and at 5-6 years of follow-up. Change in IAFA and ASFA (ΔIAFA and ΔASFA) were calculated by subtracting baseline fat area from 5-6 year follow-up fat area. Glucose and insulin at fasting and during a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, insulinogenic index (IGI [Δinsulin/Δglucose (30-0 min)]) and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were measured at baseline. Fourty-four subjects remitted to NGT. Among those with lower IAFA (≤median 91.31 cm 2 ) and the lowest tertile of ΔIAFA, 45% remitted, while with higher IAFA (>91.31 cm 2 ) and the highest tertile of ΔIAFA, only 12.5% remitted. ΔIAFA was significantly associated with remission to NGT (multiple-adjusted odd ratio [1-SD decrease] 1.93, 95% CI 1.10-3.36) independent of IAFA, ASFA, ΔASFA, IGI, HOMA-IR, age, sex, and family history of diabetes. In the natural history of IGT, change in intra-abdominal fat was associated with remission to NGT. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  12. Den europæiske drøm - om EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Anmeldelse af: Jeremy Rifkin: Den europæiske drøm (Informations Forlag, 2006). Oversat fra engelsk efter: "The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream" (2004)......Anmeldelse af: Jeremy Rifkin: Den europæiske drøm (Informations Forlag, 2006). Oversat fra engelsk efter: "The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream" (2004)...

  13. Hitler blev mere populær i de første år ved magten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Historisk set. Ønsket om revanche efter Versailles-freden var vigtigt for mange tyskere, men ønsket om arbejde gjorde udslaget. Kommentar i anledning af årsdagen for Hitlers magtovertagelse den 30. januar 1933.......Historisk set. Ønsket om revanche efter Versailles-freden var vigtigt for mange tyskere, men ønsket om arbejde gjorde udslaget. Kommentar i anledning af årsdagen for Hitlers magtovertagelse den 30. januar 1933....

  14. Del buen lugar al no-lugar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafsson, Jan

    Dette paper tager udgangspunkt i utopien som teoretisk begreb og i begrebets dobbelte etymologi og anvender det til en diskussion af forestillingen om Cuba i film og litteratur i perioden efter del 'specielle periode'.......Dette paper tager udgangspunkt i utopien som teoretisk begreb og i begrebets dobbelte etymologi og anvender det til en diskussion af forestillingen om Cuba i film og litteratur i perioden efter del 'specielle periode'....

  15. Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients After Different Types of Bariatric Surgery : A Population-Based Cohort Study in the United Kingdom

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yska, Jan Peter; van Roon, Eric N; de Boer, Anthonius; Leufkens, Hubert G M; Wilffert, Bob; de Heide, Loek J M; de Vries, Frank; Lalmohamed, Arief


    Importance: To our knowledge, an observational study on the remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) after different types of bariatric surgery based on data from general practice has not been carried out. Objective: To assess the effect of different types of bariatric surgery in patients with

  16. Remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients after different types of bariatric surgery : A population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yska, Jan Peter; Van Roon, Eric N.; De Boer, Anthonius; Leufkens, Hubert G M; Wilffert, Bob; De Heide, Loek J M; De Vries, Frank; Lalmohamed, Arief


    IMPORTANCE: To our knowledge, an observational study on the remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) after different types of bariatric surgery based on data from general practice has not been carried out. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of different types of bariatric surgery in patients with

  17. Maintenance of Remission with Etanercept-DMARD Combination Therapy Compared with DMARDs Alone in African and Middle Eastern Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis. (United States)

    Bassiouni, Hassan; Spargo, Catherine Elizabeth; Vlahos, Bonnie; Jones, Heather E; Pedersen, Ron; Shirazy, Khalid


    To compare etanercept (ETN) and placebo (PBO) for maintaining low disease activity (LDA) achieved with ETN in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) from Africa and the Middle East. In this subset analysis of the Treat-to-Target trial ( identifier NCT01981473), 53 adult patients with moderate-to-severe RA nonresponsive to methotrexate were treated with 50 mg ETN/week for 24 weeks (Period 1). Patients achieving LDA were randomized to continue ETN treatment or switched to PBO for an additional 28 weeks (Period 2). The proportion of patients maintaining LDA or remission in each arm at the end of Period 2 was determined. Additional efficacy and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) were also evaluated. During Period 1, 51 patients achieved LDA according to the disease activity score-28 joints-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR LDA) and 30 achieved remission. At week 52, nine of 22 and eight of 29 in the ETN and PBO groups, respectively, remained in DAS28-ESR LDA without experiencing a flare. Additionally, six of 14 and five of 16 in the ETN and PBO groups, respectively, remained in remission. Among patients experiencing a flare during Period 2, 13 of 22 and 21 of 29 received ETN or PBO, respectively. The median time to flare was 193 and 87 days in the ETN and PBO groups, respectively. At week 52, consistently more patients in the ETN group than in the PBO group achieved predetermined efficacy and PRO endpoints. These data suggest continuing ETN maintenance therapy is beneficial to patients after they have achieved their treatment target. However, this subset analysis is limited by the small patient population and must be interpreted with caution. Pfizer. identifier, NCT0198147.

  18. Impact of postremission consolidation chemotherapy on outcome after reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation for patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yeshurun, Moshe; Labopin, Myriam; Blaise, Didier


    The objective of the current study was to investigate the role of postremission consolidation chemotherapy before reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in first complete remission (CR1)....

  19. Metronomic Treatment with Low-Dose Trofosfamide Leads to a Long-Term Remission in a Patient with Docetaxel-Refractory Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jochen Greiner


    Full Text Available The treatment of metastatic prostate cancer patients refractory to androgen withdrawal and docetaxel therapy is currently discouraging and new therapeutic approaches are vastly needed. Here, we report a long-term remission over one year in a 68-year-old patient with metastatic docetaxel-refractory prostate cancer employing low-dose trofosfamide. The patient suffered from distant failure with several bone lesions and lymph node metastases depicted by a (11 C-Choline positron emission tomography/computerized tomography (PET/CT. After initiation of trofosfamide 100 mg taken orally once a day we observed a steadily decreasing PSA value from initial 46.6 down to 2.1 g/l. The Choline-PET/CT was repeated after 10 months of continuous therapy and demonstrated a partial remission of the bone lesions and a regression of all involved lymph nodes but one. Taken together we found an astonishing and durable activity of the alkylating agent trofosfamide given in a metronomic fashion. We rate the side effects as low and state an excellent therapeutic ratio of this drug in our patient.

  20. Formidling af praksisforløbet på Modul 12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    De studerende skal efter endt praksisforløb udarbejde et blogindlæg, som kommenteres af 3 andre medstuderendes grupper, samt vejleder. Dette materiale skal anvendes som baggrund for deres modulprøve på modul 12......De studerende skal efter endt praksisforløb udarbejde et blogindlæg, som kommenteres af 3 andre medstuderendes grupper, samt vejleder. Dette materiale skal anvendes som baggrund for deres modulprøve på modul 12...

  1. Stadig usikkerhed om skat på bitcoin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærsgaard, Louise Fjord; Weber, Katja Dyppel


    Kronik. Reglerne om skat på bitcoin er lidt klarere efter afgørelse i Skatterådet, men det er på tide at se på en ændring af de forældede regler.......Kronik. Reglerne om skat på bitcoin er lidt klarere efter afgørelse i Skatterådet, men det er på tide at se på en ændring af de forældede regler....

  2. Dyrkning af GMO-afgrøder er ikke problemfrit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Streibig, Jens Carl


    Middtvesten i USA oplever efter 16 år med GMO-afgrøder stigende problemer med resistent ukrudt - en udvikling der måske også kan ramme danske landmænd med de nye pesticidafgifter......Middtvesten i USA oplever efter 16 år med GMO-afgrøder stigende problemer med resistent ukrudt - en udvikling der måske også kan ramme danske landmænd med de nye pesticidafgifter...

  3. Brasiliens Arbejderparti giver op

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damgaard, Mads


    Efter 13 år måtte Brasiliens præsident Dilma Rousseff i maj 2016 udlevere nøglerne til præsidentpaladset til ventrum-højrepartiet PMDB (Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro)......Efter 13 år måtte Brasiliens præsident Dilma Rousseff i maj 2016 udlevere nøglerne til præsidentpaladset til ventrum-højrepartiet PMDB (Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro)...

  4. Residual symptoms in patients with partial versus complete remission of a major depressive disorder episode: patterns of painful physical symptoms in depression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harada E


    Full Text Available Eiji Harada,1 Yoichi Satoi,2 Toshiaki Kikuchi,3 Koichiro Watanabe,3 Levent Alev,1 Masaru Mimura4 1Medical Science, Medicines Development Unit-Japan, 2Statistical Science, Medicines Development Unit-Japan, Eli Lilly Japan K.K., Kobe, Hyogo, 3Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kyorin University School of Medicine, 4Department of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan Objective: The patterns of residual painful physical symptoms (PPS and emotional symptoms among patients with partial remission (PR or complete remission (CR of a major depressive disorder (MDD episode were compared. Methods: This is a multicenter, cross-sectional, observational study. Patients who had originally been diagnosed with MDD, were treated with an antidepressant for 12 weeks for that episode, and achieved either PR or CR at study entry were enrolled in the study. Using the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D17, PR was defined as a score of ≥8 and ≤18 and CR as a score of ≤7. Residual symptoms were assessed using the Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form (BPI-SF and the HAM-D17.Results: A total of 323 patients (CR =158, PR =165 were included in the study. Patients in the PR group had a higher mean (standard deviation score in the HAM-D17 than those in the CR group (11.8 [3.1] and 4.4 [2.0], respectively. BPI-SF results showed that “at least moderate PPS” (score ≥3 on BPI-SF question 5 was significantly more prevalent among patients with PR than those with CR (37.0% vs 16.5%, respectively; odds ratio =3.04; P<0.001. Presence of pain (any severity was also more prevalent among patients with PR than those with CR (54.5% vs 35.4%, respectively. The HAM-D17 results for individual items indicated that impaired work and activities, depressed mood, psychological and somatic anxiety, and general somatic symptoms were observed in at least 75% of patients with PR.Conclusion: PR was associated with a higher prevalence of at least moderate PPS

  5. The Role of Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in First Remission in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Narrative Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neel S. Bhatt


    Full Text Available Context Survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT for children with hematologic malignancies including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL continues to improve in part due to advancement in HLA typing and enhanced supportive care. Despite improved outcomes with HSCT, the decision to offer it in first remission (CR1 in children with ALL remains a topic of debate and uncertainty. This review aims to discuss the role of HSCT in CR1 for children with high-risk subsets of ALL in the current era. Evidence Acquisition A thorough review of the literature was performed using electronic databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, and bibliographies. Studies focusing on high-risk subsets of ALL (Primary Induction Failure, Severe Hypodiploidy, Philadelphia-chromosome positive ALL, T-Cell ALL, Infant ALL, ALL with persistent minimal residual disease (MRD, and Philadelphia-like ALL were included. Publications in non- English language were excluded. Results Based on our review of the current literature, HSCT should be considered in first remission for patients with primary induction failure, severe hypodiploidy, T-cell ALL with poor response, high-risk infant ALL, and persistently positive MRD. In contrast, HSCT in CR1 may not be warranted for patients with early T-cell progenitor ALL or Philadelphia-chromosome positive ALL. Further data are needed to make specific recommendations regarding Philadelphia-like ALL. Conclusions As our understanding of high-risk leukemia biology continues to develop, the role of HSCT in ALL CR1 will need to be revisited.

  6. Prognosis of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis after corticosteroid therapy-induced remission in terms of relapse and diabetes mellitus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masaki Miyazawa

    Full Text Available Relapse and diabetes mellitus (DM are major problems for the prognosis of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP. We examined the prognosis of type 1 AIP after corticosteroid therapy (CST-induced remission in terms of relapse and DM.The study enrolled 82 patients diagnosed with type 1 AIP who achieved remission with CST. We retrospectively evaluated the relapse rate in terms of the administration period of CST, clinical factors associated with relapse, and the temporal change in glucose tolerance.During follow-up, 32 patients (39.0% experienced relapse. There was no significant clinical factor that could predict relapse before beginning CST. AIP patients who ceased CST within 2 or 3 years experienced significantly earlier relapse than those who had the continuance of CST (p = 0.050 or p = 0.020. Of the 37 DM patients, 15 patients (40.5% had pre-existing DM, 17 (45.9% showed new-onset DM, and 5 (13.5% developed CST-induced DM. Patients with new-onset DM were significantly more likely to show improvement (p = 0.008 than those with pre-existing DM.It was difficult to predict relapse of AIP based on clinical parameters before beginning CST. Relapse was likely to occur within 3 years after the beginning of CST and maintenance of CST for at least 3 years reduced the risk of relapse. The early initiation of CST for AIP with impaired glucose tolerance is desirable because pre-existing DM is refractory to CST.

  7. Bussulfano e melfalano como regime de condicionamento para o transplante autogênico de células-tronco hematopoéticas na leucemia mielóide aguda em primeira remissão completa Busulfan and melphalan as conditioning regimen for autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nadjanara D. Bueno


    Full Text Available Vinte e dois pacientes consecutivos portadores de leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA em primeira remissão completa (1ªRC submetidos a transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas autogênico (TCTH Auto condicionados com bussulfano e melfalano (Bu/Mel foram selecionados entre 1993 e 2006. A probabilidade de sobrevida global (SG pelo método de Kaplan-Meier foi de 57,5% após 36 meses, com "plateau" aos 20 meses após o transplante. Fatores como sexo, classificação Franco-Americana-Britânica (FAB da LMA, tratamento de indução, consolidação intensiva, remissão após o primeiro ciclo de indução e fonte de células não tiveram impacto na sobrevida. Pela análise citogenética, um paciente de mau prognóstico submetido ao procedimento, foi a óbito um ano após o transplante. Nove pacientes foram a óbito, oito por recidiva e um por hemorragia. Morte antes dos 100 dias ocorreu em dois pacientes, um por recidiva e outro por hemorragia decorrente da plaquetopenia refratária, relacionada ao procedimento. Concluímos que o regime de condicionamento Bu/Mel é opção válida ao uso de outros regimes de condicionamento, apresentando excelente taxa da sobrevida.Twenty-two consecutive patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission submitted to autologous hematopoietic stem cells transplantation conditioned with busulfan and melphalan were evaluated between 1993 and 2006. The overall survival, according to the Kaplan-Meier curve, was 57.5% at 36 months, with a "plateau" at 20 months after transplant. Factors such as gender, French-American-British (FAB classification of acute myeloid leukemia, induction therapy, intensive consolidation, remission after the first cycle of induction and source of cells had no impact on survival. One patient with poor prognosis before the procedure died a year after transplantation. Nine patients died, eight by relapse and one because of bleeding. Death before 100 days occurred for two patients, one

  8. Ranking factors involved in diabetes remission after bariatric surgery using machine-learning integrating clinical and genomic biomarkers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Helle Krogh; Gudmundsdottir, Valborg; Pedersen, Mette Krogh


    , use of insulin-sensitising agents and baseline serum insulin levels, as the most informative variables with a decent internal validation performance (74% accuracy, area under the curve (AUC) 0.81). Adding information for the eight top-ranked single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly boosted...... classification performance to 84% accuracy (AUC 0.92). The eight SNPs mapped to eight genes — ABCA1, ARHGEF12, CTNNBL1, GLI3, PROK2, RYBP, SMUG1 and STXBP5 — three of which are known to have a role in insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity or obesity, but have not been indicated for diabetes remission after...

  9. IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis and sclerosing cholangitis independent of autoimmune pancreatitis. A recurrent case after a 5-year history of spontaneous remission. (United States)

    Miura, Hideaki; Miyachi, Yasutaka


    A new clinicopathological concept of IgG4-related sclerosing disease affecting various organs has recently been proposed in relation to autoimmune pancreatitis. This report describes the case of IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis and sclerosing cholangitis independent of autoimmune pancreatitis, which recurred after a long period of spontaneous remission. An 80-year-old Japanese man presented with obstructive jaundice owing to a hepatic hilum bile duct stricture. Coincidentally, a soft tissue mass surrounding the abdominal aorta, suggesting retroperitoneal fibrosis, was identified. Unexpectedly, spontaneous regression of obstructive jaundice together with retroperitoneal fibrosis occurred. The presence of high serum IgG4 concentrations measured later led us to consider a possible association with autoimmune pancreatitis; however, there were no clinical features confirming autoimmune pancreatitis. After a 5-year history of spontaneous clinical remission, there was an elevation of serum IgG4 levels and renal dysfunction owing to bilateral hydronephrosis caused by a reemergence of the retroperitoneal mass. Evaluation by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography revealed a biliary stricture, suggesting sclerosing cholangitis which was observed without the presence of any pancreatic duct abnormality. The subsequent excellent results obtained using steroid therapy, namely the decrease in serum IgG4 levels and the regression of the retroperitoneal mass, strongly suggested that the present case was an IgG4-related sclerosing disease. Aside from high serum IgG4 concentrations, markedly elevated levels of serum IgE was found retrospectively, although the clinical significance remains unknown. When we encounter fibrotic diseases of unknown etiology, we should measure serum IgG4 concentrations and monitor the disease activity over long periods even after achieving clinical remission.

  10. Patterns of remission, continuation and incidence of broadly defined eating disorders during early pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). (United States)

    Bulik, Cynthia M; Von Holle, Ann; Hamer, Robert; Knoph Berg, Cecilie; Torgersen, Leila; Magnus, Per; Stoltenberg, Camilla; Siega-Riz, Anna Maria; Sullivan, Patrick; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted


    We explored the course of broadly defined eating disorders during pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. A total of 41,157 pregnant women, enrolled at approximately 18 weeks' gestation, had valid data from the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry. We collected questionnaire-based diagnostic information on broadly defined anorexia nervosa (AN), and bulimia nervosa (BN), and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). EDNOS subtypes included binge eating disorder (BED) and recurrent self-induced purging in the absence of binge eating (EDNOS-P). We explored rates of remission, continuation and incidence of BN, BED and EDNOS-P during pregnancy. Prepregnancy prevalence estimates were 0.1% for AN, 0.7% for BN, 3.5% for BED and 0.1% for EDNOS-P. During early pregnancy, estimates were 0.2% (BN), 4.8% (BED) and 0.1% (EDNOS-P). Proportions of individuals remitting during pregnancy were 78% (EDNOS-P), 40% (BN purging), 39% (BED), 34% (BN any type) and 29% (BN non-purging type). Additional individuals with BN achieved partial remission. Incident BN and EDNOS-P during pregnancy were rare. For BED, the incidence rate was 1.1 per 1000 person-weeks, equating to 711 new cases of BED during pregnancy. Incident BED was associated with indices of lower socio-economic status. Pregnancy appears to be a catalyst for remission of some eating disorders but also a vulnerability window for the new onset of broadly defined BED, especially in economically disadvantaged individuals. Vigilance by health-care professionals for continuation and emergence of eating disorders in pregnancy is warranted.

  11. Complete mucosal healing of distal lesions induced by twice-daily budesonide 2-mg foam promoted clinical remission of mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with distal active inflammation: double-blind, randomized study. (United States)

    Naganuma, Makoto; Aoyama, Nobuo; Tada, Tomohiro; Kobayashi, Kiyonori; Hirai, Fumihito; Watanabe, Kenji; Watanabe, Mamoru; Hibi, Toshifumi


    Budesonide foam is used for the topical treatment of distal ulcerative colitis. This phase III study was performed to confirm mucosal healing and other therapeutic effects of twice-daily budesonide 2-mg foam in patients with mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis including left-sided colitis and pancolitis. This was a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. A total of 126 patients with mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with active inflammation in the distal colon were randomized to two groups receiving twice-daily budesonide 2 mg/25 ml foam or placebo foam. The primary endpoint was the percentage of complete mucosal healing of distal lesions (endoscopic subscore of 0) at week 6. Some patients continued the treatment through week 12. Drug efficacy and safety were evaluated. The percentages of both complete mucosal healing of distal lesions and clinical remission were significantly improved in the budesonide as compared with the placebo group (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.0035). Subgroup analysis showed similar efficacy of budesonide foam for complete mucosal healing of distal lesions and clinical remission regardless of disease type. The clinical remission percentage tended to be higher in patients achieving complete mucosal healing of distal lesions than in other patients. There were no safety concerns with budesonide foam. This study confirmed for the first time complete mucosal healing with twice-daily budesonide 2-mg foam in mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with distal active inflammation. The results also indicated that complete mucosal healing of distal lesions by budesonide foam promotes clinical remission of ulcerative colitis. Clinical trial registration no.: Japic CTI-142704.

  12. Helicobacter pylori-Negative Primary Rectal MALT Lymphoma: Complete Remission after Radiotherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takuma Okamura


    Full Text Available Rectal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma is a rare condition. Although the majority of patients undergo surgical resection, a definitive treatment for rectal MALT lymphoma has not yet been established. In the present study, we report the outcome of radiotherapy in 3 patients with rectal MALT lymphoma. Our cohort ranged from 56 to 65 years of age. The male/female ratio was 1:2, and all patients were in stage I (Lugano classification of the disease. Endoscopic findings revealed elevated lesions resembling submucosal tumors in 2 patients, and a sessile elevated lesion with a nodular surface in 1 patient. One of the 3 patients underwent magnifying endoscopy with crystal violet staining that demonstrated a type I pit pattern (Kudo’s classification lesion with a broad intervening area caused by the upthrust of the tumor from the submucosa. All patients tolerated radiotherapy at doses of 30 Gy without major complications and achieved complete remission. Follow-up ranged from 13 to 75 months (mean 51.0 months, revealing no recurrence of MALT lymphoma. As such, we propose radiotherapy to be a safe and effective means for treating rectal MALT lymphoma.

  13. NATO 1949-2009: Fra regional forsvarsorganisation til global militær aktør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villaume, Poul


    Baggrunden for Atlantpagtens oprettelse, NATOs formative periode i 1950erne, 'out-of-area'-operationer i Den Tredje Verden, atomstrategier, afspændingsperioden, den kolde krigs afslutning, samt NATOs transformation og udvidelse efter 1991 tematiseres i en oversigtlig analyse.......Baggrunden for Atlantpagtens oprettelse, NATOs formative periode i 1950erne, 'out-of-area'-operationer i Den Tredje Verden, atomstrategier, afspændingsperioden, den kolde krigs afslutning, samt NATOs transformation og udvidelse efter 1991 tematiseres i en oversigtlig analyse....

  14. Low molecular weight heparin may benefit nephrotic remission in steroid‑sensitive nephrotic syndrome via inhibiting elastase. (United States)

    Zhai, Songhui; Hu, Lijuan; Zhong, Lin; Tao, Yuhong; Wang, Zheng


    Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) has a structure similar to heparan sulfate, which exerts anti‑inflammatory effects via inhibiting elastase (Ela) activity. Release of Ela along the glomerular capillary wall may induce glomerular injury and proteinuria. The present study aimed to investigate the influence of LMWH on steroid‑sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) and the potential underlying mechanism. A total of 40 SSNS patients and 20 healthy controls were recruited. SSNS patients were treated with LMWH and prednisone simultaneously (LMWH+pred group) or with prednisone alone (pred group). Proteinuria, urinary glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), serum Ela and urinary creatinine levels were measured. The nephrotic period of SSNS was 15.93±5.78 days. The nephrotic period of SSNS in LMWH+pred group was significantly reduced compared with the pred group (14.13±4.56 vs. 18.63±6.49 days; PEla levels (77.64±10.99 ng/l) were significantly greater in the nephrotic period of SSNS compared with the remission period (0.107±0.026 g/24 h, 1.53±0.27 mg/mmol Cr and 41.92±7.81 ng/l, respectively) and the healthy control group (0.098±0.027 g/24 h, 1.40±0.26 mg/mmol creatinine and 38.43±9.83 ng/l, respectively; PEla levels in the LMWH+pred group were significantly reduced compared with the pred group (P0.05). Positive correlations were revealed between urinary GAG excretion and proteinuria (r=0.877; PEla levels (r=0.844; PEla levels and urinary GAG excretion (r=0.881; PEla levels may induce proteinuria by degrading GAGs in the glomerular basement membrane in children with SSNS. LMWH may benefit nephrotic remission of SSNS via inhibiting Ela.

  15. Protracted Clonal Trajectory of a JAK2 V617F-Positive Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Developing during Long-Term Remission from Acute Myeloid Leukemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen E. Langabeer


    Full Text Available Although transformation of the myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs to acute myeloid leukemia (AML is well documented, development of an MPN in patients previously treated for, and in remission from, AML is exceedingly rare. A case is described in which a patient was successfully treated for AML and in whom a JAK2 V617F-positive MPN was diagnosed after seven years in remission. Retrospective evaluation of the JAK2 V617F detected a low allele burden at AML diagnosis and following one course of induction chemotherapy. This putative chemoresistant clone subsequently expanded over the intervening seven years, resulting in a hematologically overt MPN. As AML relapse has not occurred, the MPN may have arose in a separate initiating cell from that of the AML. Alternatively, both malignancies possibly evolved from a common precursor defined by a predisposition mutation with divergent evolution into MPN through acquisition of the JAK2 V617F and AML through acquisition of different mutations. This case emphasizes the protracted time frame from acquisition of a disease-driving mutation to overt MPN and further underscores the clonal complexity in MPN evolution.

  16. Efter mindfulness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stjernholm, Ole; Ehrensvärd, Martin Gustaf

    Tematiserer nogle af de udfordringer, der møder dig, som regelmæssigt praktiserer mindfulness og kommer med bud på, hvad bevidsthedens vaner og mønstre betyder for dybden af stilhed - og hvordan man kan arbejde med den viden.......Tematiserer nogle af de udfordringer, der møder dig, som regelmæssigt praktiserer mindfulness og kommer med bud på, hvad bevidsthedens vaner og mønstre betyder for dybden af stilhed - og hvordan man kan arbejde med den viden....

  17. US and CT in the diagnosis of multiple hepatic lesions during the remission of acute leukemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Katsuhide; Itoh, Sachiko; Mori, Masaki; Azuma, Kazuyoshi; Naitoh, Kumiko


    The US and CT manifestations of multiple small hepatic lesions in 13 patients during their remissions following chemotherapy for acute leukemia were reviewed. Liver biopsies established the diagnosis in 5 of 13 cases. Three of them had microabscesses, 2 due to Candida and one due to Peptostreptococcus. The others had leukemic involvement. Ultrasonographically, the microabscesses and leukemic involvement in the liver consisted of multiple round or ovoid 0.5--2.5 cm hypoechoic mass, some of which had irregular margins and target-like appearances. With CT, the microabscesses and leukemic involvement appeared as multiple zones of diminished attenuation which were enhanced. Only distal acoustic enhancement with US differentiated these two diseases. (author)

  18. Cooccurrence of and remission from general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after acute lung injury: a 2-year longitudinal study. (United States)

    Bienvenu, O Joseph; Colantuoni, Elizabeth; Mendez-Tellez, Pedro A; Shanholtz, Carl; Dennison-Himmelfarb, Cheryl R; Pronovost, Peter J; Needham, Dale M


    To evaluate the cooccurrence, and predictors of remission, of general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms during 2-year follow-up in survivors of acute lung injury treated in an ICU. Prospective cohort study, with follow-up at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months post-acute lung injury. Thirteen medical and surgical ICUs in four hospitals. Survivors among 520 patients with acute lung injury. The outcomes of interest were measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale anxiety and depression subscales (scores ≥ 8 indicating substantial symptoms) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (scores ≥ 1.6 indicating substantial posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms). Of the 520 enrolled patients, 274 died before 3-month follow-up; 186 of 196 consenting survivors (95%) completed at least one Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Impact of Event Scale-Revised assessment during 2-year follow-up, and most completed multiple assessments. Across follow-up time points, the prevalence of suprathreshold general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms ranged from 38% to 44%, 26% to 33%, and 22% to 24%, respectively; more than half of the patients had suprathreshold symptoms in at least one domain during 2-year follow-up. The majority of survivors (59%) with any suprathreshold symptoms were above threshold for two or more types of symptoms (i.e., general anxiety, depression, and/or posttraumatic stress disorder). In fact, the most common pattern involved simultaneous general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Most patients with general anxiety, depression, or posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms during 2-year follow-up had suprathreshold symptoms at 24-month (last) follow-up. Higher Short-Form-36 physical functioning domain scores at the prior visit were associated with a greater likelihood of remission from general anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms during follow-up. The majority

  19. Disparity between General Symptom Relief and Remission Criteria in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS): A Post-treatment Bifactor Item Response Theory Model. (United States)

    Anderson, Ariana E; Reise, Steven P; Marder, Stephen R; Mansolf, Maxwell; Han, Carol; Bilder, Robert M


    Objective: Total scale scores derived by summing ratings from the 30-item PANSS are commonly used in clinical trial research to measure overall symptom severity, and percentage reductions in the total scores are sometimes used to document the efficacy of treatment. Acknowledging that some patients may have substantial changes in PANSS total scores but still be sufficiently symptomatic to warrant diagnosis, ratings on a subset of 8 items, referred to here as the "Remission set," are sometimes used to determine if patients' symptoms no longer satisfy diagnostic criteria. An unanswered question remains: is the goal of treatment better conceptualized as reduction in overall symptom severity, or reduction in symptoms below the threshold for diagnosis? We evaluated the psychometric properties of PANSS total scores, to assess whether having low symptom severity post-treatment is equivalent to attaining Remission. Design: We applied a bifactor item response theory (IRT) model to post-treatment PANSS ratings of 3,647 subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia assessed at the termination of 11 clinical trials. The bifactor model specified one general dimension to reflect overall symptom severity, and five domain-specific dimensions. We assessed how PANSS item discrimination and information parameters varied across the range of overall symptom severity (θ), with a special focus on low levels of symptoms (i.e., θexpected PANSS item score of 1.83, a rating between "Absent" and "Minimal" for a PANSS symptom. Results: The application of the bifactor IRT model revealed: (1) 88% of total score variation was attributable to variation in general symptom severity, and only 8% reflected secondary domain factors. This implies that a general factor may provide a good indicator of symptom severity, and that interpretation is not overly complicated by multidimensionality; (2) Post-treatment, 534 individuals (about 15% of the whole sample) scored in the "Relief" range of general symptom

  20. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in first remission abrogates poor outcomes associated with high-risk pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. (United States)

    Burke, Michael J; Wagner, John E; Cao, Qing; Ustun, Celalettin; Verneris, Michael R


    Despite remission rates of approximately 85% for children diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), greater than 40% will die from relapsed disease. Patients with poor-risk molecular/cytogenetics and/or inadequate response to up-front therapy are typically considered high-risk (HR) and historically have poor outcomes with chemotherapy alone. We investigated whether allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) with best available donor in first remission (CR1) would abrogate the poor outcomes associated with HR AML in children and young adults treated with chemotherapy. We reviewed the outcomes of 50 consecutive children and young adults (ages 0 to 30 years) with AML who received a myeloablative allo-HCT between 2001 and 2010. Thirty-six patients (72%) were HR, defined as having FLT3-ITD mutations, 11q23 MLL rearrangements, chromosome 5 or 7 abnormalities, induction failure, and/or having persistent disease. The majority of patients received cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation conditioning, and graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) prophylaxis was cyclosporine based. Transplantation outcomes for HR patients were compared to standard-risk patients, with no significant differences observed in overall survival (72% versus 78%, P = .72), leukemia-free survival (69% versus 79%, P = .62), relapse (11% versus 7%, P = .71), or treatment-related mortality (17% versus 14%, P = .89). Children and young adults with HR-AML have comparable outcomes to standard-risk patients following allo-HCT in CR1. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptom duration and remission in relation to cardiovascular disease risk among a large cohort of women. (United States)

    Gilsanz, P; Winning, A; Koenen, K C; Roberts, A L; Sumner, J A; Chen, Q; Glymour, M M; Rimm, E B; Kubzansky, L D


    Prior studies suggest that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with elevated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, but effects of duration and remission of PTSD symptoms have rarely been evaluated. We examined the association of time-updated PTSD symptom severity, remission and duration with incident CVD risk (552 confirmed myocardial infarctions or strokes) over 20 years in 49 859 women in the Nurses' Health Study II. Among women who reported trauma on the Brief Trauma Questionnaire, PTSD symptoms, assessed by a screener, were classified by symptom severity and chronicity: (a) no symptoms, (b) 1-3 ongoing, (c) 4-5 ongoing, (d) 6-7 ongoing, (e) 1-3 remitted, (f) 4-7 remitted symptoms. Inverse probability weighting was used to estimate marginal structural logistic regression models, adjusting for time-varying and time-invariant confounders. Compared with women with no trauma exposure, women with trauma/no PTSD [odds ratio (OR) 1.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.65] and women with trauma/6-7 symptoms (OR 1.69, 95% CI 1.08-2.63) had elevated risk of CVD; women with remitted symptoms did not have elevated CVD risk. Among women exposed to trauma, every 5 additional years of PTSD symptomology was associated with 9% higher CVD incidence compared with women with trauma/no PTSD. The findings suggest that alleviating PTSD symptoms shortly after onset may attenuate CVD risk.

  2. 3g mesalazine granules are superior to 9mg budesonide for achieving remission in active ulcerative colitis: a double-blind, double-dummy, randomised trial. (United States)

    Gross, Volker; Bunganic, Ivan; Belousova, Elena A; Mikhailova, Tatyana L; Kupcinskas, Limas; Kiudelis, Gediminas; Tulassay, Zsolt; Gabalec, Libor; Dorofeyev, Andrey E; Derova, Jelena; Dilger, Karin; Greinwald, Roland; Mueller, Ralph


    Budesonide may be an effective therapy for mild-to-moderately active ulcerative colitis (UC). This study aimed to demonstrate non-inferiority for oral 9mg budesonide once daily (OD) versus 3g mesalazine granules OD. This was an eight-week randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, multicentre study in which patients with mild-to-moderately active UC, defined as Clinical Activity Index (CAI) ≥6 and Endoscopic Index (EI) ≥4, received budesonide (Budenofalk® 3mg capsules×3) or mesalazine (Salofalk® 1000mg granules×3). The primary endpoint was clinical remission at week 8 (CAI ≤4 with stool frequency and rectal bleeding subscores of "0"). 343 patients were randomised (177 budesonide, 166 mesalazine). Fewer patients achieved the primary endpoint with budesonide versus mesalazine (70/177 [39.5%] versus 91/166 [54.8%]) with a difference in proportions of -15.3% (95% CI [-25.7%, -4.8%]; p=0.520 for non-inferiority). The median time to first resolution of symptoms was 14.0 days (budesonide) and 11.0 days (mesalazine) (hazard ratio 1.19; 95% CI [0.94, 1.51]). Mucosal healing was observed in 54/177 (30.5%) budesonide patients versus 65/166 (39.2%) mesalazine patients, a difference of -8.6% (95% CI [-18.7%, 1.4%]; p=0.093). The incidences of adverse events (budesonide 26.6%, mesalazine 25.3%) and serious adverse events (budesonide 1.7%, mesalazine 1.2%) were similar. Once-daily 3g mesalazine administered as granules is superior to 9mg budesonide OD administered as capsules for achieving remission in mild-to-moderately active UC. However, it is noteworthy that remission of UC was attained in about 40% of budesonide-treated patients with a rapid onset of resolution. Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Clinical and structural remission rates increased annually and radiographic progression was continuously inhibited during a 3-year administration of tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A multi-center, prospective cohort study by the Michinoku Tocilizumab Study Group. (United States)

    Hirabayashi, Yasuhiko; Munakata, Yasuhiko; Miyata, Masayuki; Urata, Yukitomo; Saito, Koichi; Okuno, Hiroshi; Yoshida, Masaaki; Kodera, Takao; Watanabe, Ryu; Miyamoto, Seiya; Ishii, Tomonori; Nakazawa, Shigeshi; Takemori, Hiromitsu; Ando, Takanobu; Kanno, Takashi; Komagamine, Masataka; Kato, Ichiro; Takahashi, Yuichi; Komatsuda, Atsushi; Endo, Kojiro; Murai, Chihiro; Takakubo, Yuya; Miura, Takao; Sato, Yukio; Ichikawa, Kazunobu; Konta, Tsuneo; Chiba, Noriyuki; Muryoi, Tai; Kobayashi, Hiroko; Fujii, Hiroshi; Sekiguchi, Yukio; Hatakeyama, Akira; Ogura, Ken; Sakuraba, Hirotake; Asano, Tomoyuki; Kanazawa, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Eiji; Takasaki, Satoshi; Asakura, Kenichi; Sugisaki, Kota; Suzuki, Yoko; Takagi, Michiaki; Nakayama, Takahiro; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Miura, Keiki; Mori, Yu


    To evaluate the clinical and structural efficacy of tocilizumab (TCZ) during its long-term administration in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In total, 693 patients with RA who started TCZ therapy were followed for 3 years. Clinical efficacy was evaluated by DAS28-ESR and Boolean remission rates in 544 patients. Joint damage was assessed by calculating the modified total Sharp score (mTSS) in 50 patients. When the reason for discontinuation was limited to inadequate response or adverse events, the 1-, 2-, and 3-year continuation rates were 84.0%, 76.8%, and 72.2%, respectively. The mean DAS28-ESR was initially 5.1 and decreased to 2.5 at 6 months and to 2.2 at 36 months. The Boolean remission rate was initially 0.9% and increased to 21.7% at 6 months and to 32.2% at 36 months. The structural remission rates (ΔmTSS/year ≤ 0.5) were 68.8%, 78.6%, and 88.9% within the first, second, and third years, respectively. The structural remission rate at 3 years (ΔmTSS ≤ 1.5) was 66.0%, and earlier achievement of swollen joint count (SJC) of 1 or less resulted in better outcomes. TCZ was highly efficacious, and bone destruction was strongly prevented. SJC was an easy-to-use indicator of joint destruction.

  4. The Imitation Game: Alan Turings enigmatiske imitationsspil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentzen, Martin Mose


    Alan Turing revolutionerede computervidenskaben og modtog først verdens anerkendelse længe efter sin død. Nu sætter filmen 'The Imitation Game', der har premiere i Danmark 29. januar 2015, fokus på det oversete geni.......Alan Turing revolutionerede computervidenskaben og modtog først verdens anerkendelse længe efter sin død. Nu sætter filmen 'The Imitation Game', der har premiere i Danmark 29. januar 2015, fokus på det oversete geni....

  5. Velkommen til produktionsuniversitetet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, Philip


    Universitetet er blevet en fabrik, der spytter forskning og elever ud i et sort hul til ære for ranglister og dimittendstatistikker. Tilbage står forvirrede og stressede forskere og elever, der desperate halser efter misforstået effektivitetskrav.......Universitetet er blevet en fabrik, der spytter forskning og elever ud i et sort hul til ære for ranglister og dimittendstatistikker. Tilbage står forvirrede og stressede forskere og elever, der desperate halser efter misforstået effektivitetskrav....

  6. The 1918-20 International Intervention in the Baltic Region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmesen, Michael Hesselholt


    Den britisk-ledede intervention i Baltikum efter Første Verdenskrig minder på afgørende punkter om indsatsen på Balkan samt senere i Irak og Afghanistan. Men operationerne fik afgørende succes på ét år......Den britisk-ledede intervention i Baltikum efter Første Verdenskrig minder på afgørende punkter om indsatsen på Balkan samt senere i Irak og Afghanistan. Men operationerne fik afgørende succes på ét år...

  7. New immunotherapy approach leads to remission in patients with the most common type of childhood cancer | Center for Cancer Research (United States)

    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy has emerged as a promising treatment for pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), the most common type of childhood cancer. B-ALL is characterized by an overproduction of immature white blood cells called lymphoblasts. In a trial led by Center for Cancer Research investigators, around 70 to 90 percent of patients whose B-ALL has relapsed or developed resistance to chemotherapy entered remission after CAR T-cell therapy targeting CD19. Read more…

  8. Kend dig selv - og dine omgivelser: Et værktøj for danske slagteriselskaber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Hans

    , at det ikke er tilstrækkeligt at analysere de traditionelle områder, men at det også er nødvendigt at se på udviklingen af de socialt konstruerede forståelser (bl.a. af virksomheden selv, dens kunder etc.), som opbygges i virksomhederne, og som ligger bag en virksomheds strukturer, produkter og...... omgivelser. Endvidere er tilgangen karakteriseret ved, at der i projektet hverken er søgt efter enkeltindividers opfattelser eller efter generelle sandheder, men efter de opfattelser og 'sandheder', som man udvikler i den enkelte virksomhed og i den enkelte sektor. De citater, der kommer fra interviewede...... personer i tilknytning til denne undersøgelse, og som er anført i denne rapport, skal ikke blot forstås som en subjektiv beskrivelse af produkterne, virksomhederne, markedet eller konkurrencesituationen osv., men derimod som en gengivelse af den måde ledelsen i den enkelte virksomhed - ud fra virksomhedens...

  9. Kompetenceudvikling integreret i jobfunktionen - en beskrivelse af ideen bag og metoden til videnoverførsel fra universitetet kombineret med læring på jobbet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flemming Fink


    Full Text Available Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 8: Tilrettelæggelse af efter- og videreuddannelse på universitetet, nov. 2006, red. Sanne Almeborg og Tom Nyvang.
    ISSN 1603-5518.

    Tilrettelæggelse af efter- og videreuddannelse på universitetsniveau har traditionelt været betragtet som en opgave på lige fod med planlægning af kurser for studerende. Den traditionelle forståelse har været, at man engang imellem havde godt af at komme en tur ”tilbage på skolebænken”. Denne artikel beskriver en anden måde at tænke efter- og videreuddannelse på, hvor der tages udgangspunkt i kravene til ny viden fra jobfunktionen, hvor arbejdspladsens behov vægtes mindst ligeså højst som den lærendes personlige behov. Artiklen bygger på flere års erfaring fra ingeniørernes arbejdsområde, fra såvel store som små virksomheder.

  10. Socioeconomic position and contact to general practice among persons with diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Else-Marie; Vedsted, Peter; Fenger-Grøn, Morten


    Det er velkendt at der er social gradient i prognosen for diabetes, men det er uklart on denne ulighed også gælder brug af almen praksis blandt personer med diabetes. En nationalt, populationsbaseret kohortestudie blev udført med 137.492 personer med incident diabetes i alderen 40-79 år og 687...... efter diagnose blev sammenlignet. Personer med diabetes havde 4,8 (95%CI:4,7-4,8) flere konsultationer i almen praksis første år efter diagnose. Denne ekstra konsultationsrate steg med faldende SEP; f.eks. 5,8 (95%CI: 5.6-6.0) for kvinder i aldersgruppen 40-54 år med laveste uddannelsesniveau og 4,9 (95......%CI: 4,7-5,1) for kvinder med det højeste uddannelsesniveau. Personer med diabetes havde næsten 5 ekstra konsultationer i almen praksis første år efter diagnoses og antallet var højest for de med lavest SEP....

  11. The Predictive Factors for Diabetic Remission in Chinese Patients with BMI > 30 kg/m2 and BMI < 30 kg/m2 Are Different. (United States)

    Liang, Hui; Cao, Qing; Liu, Huan; Guan, Wei; Wong, Claudia; Tong, Daniel


    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass has been proven to be beneficial for patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In less-obese patient (BMI 30-35 kg/m 2 ), surgical treatment is indicated when medication fails to control the T2DM. Asian develops diabetes at a lower BMI. For lower-BMI patients, the rate of diabetes amelioration varies significantly with patients of higher BMI after surgical treatment. The factors that contribute to the post-operative diabetes response rate in lower-BMI patients have not been elucidated. Between 2010 and 2014, a total of 144 patients who underwent gastric bypass for the treatment of T2DM were included for study. Patients were divided into two groups for subgroup analysis, namely BMI > 30 kg/m 2 and BMI BMI group (BMI > 30 kg/m 2 ) was 80% (n = 90) whereas for the lower BMI (BMI BMI group, low HbA1c and high fasting C-peptide are predictive factors whereas for lower-BMI group, along with elevated C-peptide level, disease duration is the positive predictive factor for DM remission. Patients with BMI > 30 kg/m 2 and those with BMI BMI patients while duration of diabetes is for high-low-BMI patients. C-peptide is a predictor of remission in both groups. Further large-scale studies are required to define the predictors of diabetes remission after gastric bypass in low- and high-BMI patients.

  12. Anakinra induces complete remission of nephrotic syndrome in a patient with familial mediterranean fever and amyloidosis. (United States)

    Sevillano, Ángel M; Hernandez, Eduardo; Gonzalez, Esther; Mateo, Isabel; Gutierrez, Eduardo; Morales, Enrique; Praga, Manuel


    Renal amyloidosis is one of the most severe complications of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). Colchicine has reduced the incidence of this complication, which now only appears in untreated, under-treated and resistant patients, but it is usually ineffective in patients with advanced amyloidosis. Here we report a patient with FMF and biopsy-proven amyloidosis who presented with nephrotic syndrome despite colchicine treatment. Anakinra (an interleukin-1β inhibitor) was started and a dramatic complete remission of nephrotic syndrome was observed in the following months. Anakinra can be an effective treatment for FMF patients with severe secondary amyloidosis. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. Hematological remission and long term hematological control of acute myeloblastic leukemia induced and maintained by granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy. (United States)

    Xavier, Luciana; Cunha, Manuel; Gonçalves, Cristina; Teixeira, Maria dos Anjos; Coutinho, Jorge; Ribeiro, António Carlos Pinto; Lima, Margarida


    We describe a case of a patient with CD34+, TdT+, CD13-, CD33-, MPO- undifferentiated acute leukemia who refused chemotherapy and who achieved complete hematological remission 14 months after the diagnosis, during a short course of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) for neutropenia and life threatening infection. Relapse occurred approximately one year later and G-CSF was reintroduced, being maintained for 4 months, at a dose and frequency adapted to maintain normal blood counts, a complete hematological remission being achieved again. Five months after withdrawing the G-CSF therapy a second relapse was observed; G-CSF was tried again with success, resulting in a very good hematological response that was sustained by G-CSF maintenance therapy. One year latter there was the need of increasing the doses of G-CSF in order to obtain the same hematological effect, at same time blast cells acquired a more mature CD34+, TdT-, CD13+, CD33-, MPO+ myeloid phenotype. Finally, the patient developed progressive neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute leukemia in spite of G-CSF therapy, dying 64 months after initial diagnosis (50 months after starting G-CSF therapy) with overt G-CSF resistant acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML), after failure of conventional induction chemotherapy.

  14. Ole Bjørn Kraft 1893-1980

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Christian Houlberg


    Ole Bjørn Kraft (1893-1980) var en central konservativ politiker i årene før og efter anden verdenskrig. Han markerede sig som udpræget idépolitiker og opnåede ad flere omgange at blive minister.......Ole Bjørn Kraft (1893-1980) var en central konservativ politiker i årene før og efter anden verdenskrig. Han markerede sig som udpræget idépolitiker og opnåede ad flere omgange at blive minister....

  15. 4 hovedproblemer med STU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Kommentaren oplister fire hovedproblemer ved den Særligt Tilrettelagte Ungdomsuddannelse, nemlig (1) beskrivelsen af målgruppen, (2) de unges forsørgelsesgrundlag, (3) hvad der følger efter én afsluttet STU, og (4) "lovjunglen" - manglende samspil mellem mange lovgivninger.......Kommentaren oplister fire hovedproblemer ved den Særligt Tilrettelagte Ungdomsuddannelse, nemlig (1) beskrivelsen af målgruppen, (2) de unges forsørgelsesgrundlag, (3) hvad der følger efter én afsluttet STU, og (4) "lovjunglen" - manglende samspil mellem mange lovgivninger....

  16. Co-occurrence of and remission from general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after acute lung injury: a 2-year longitudinal study (United States)

    Bienvenu, O. Joseph; Colantuoni, Elizabeth; Mendez-Tellez, Pedro A.; Shanholtz, Carl; Dennison-Himmelfarb, Cheryl R.; Pronovost, Peter J.; Needham, Dale M.


    Objective To evaluate the co-occurrence, and predictors of remission, of general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms during 2-year follow-up in survivors of acute lung injury (ALI) treated in an intensive care unit (ICU). Design, Setting, and Patients This prospective cohort study enrolled 520 patients from 13 medical and surgical ICUs in 4 hospitals, with follow-up at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months post-ALI. Measurements and Main Results The outcomes of interest were measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) anxiety and depression subscales (scores ≥8 indicating substantial symptoms) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IESR, scores ≥1.6 indicating substantial PTSD symptoms). Of the 520 enrolled patients, 274 died before 3-month follow-up; 186/196 consenting survivors (95%) completed at least one HADS and IESR assessment during 2-year follow-up, and most completed multiple assessments. Across follow-up time points, the prevalence of supra-threshold general anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms ranged from 38–44%, 26–33%, and 22–24%, respectively; more than half of the patients had supra-threshold symptoms in at least one domain during 2-year follow-up. The majority (59%) of survivors with any supra-threshold symptoms were above threshold for 2 or more types of symptoms (i.e., of general anxiety, depression, and/or PTSD). In fact, the most common pattern involved simultaneous general anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. Most patients with general anxiety, depression, or PTSD symptoms during 2-year follow-up had supra-threshold symptoms at 24-month (last) follow-up. Higher SF-36 physical functioning domain scores at the prior visit were associated with a greater likelihood of remission from general anxiety and PTSD symptoms during follow-up. Conclusions The majority of ALI survivors had clinically significant general anxiety, depressive, or PTSD symptoms, and these symptoms tended to co-occur across

  17. Favourable course of disease after incomplete remission on {sup 131}I therapy in children with pulmonary metastases of papillary thyroid carcinoma: 10 years follow-up

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biko, Johannes; Reiners, Christoph; Kreissl, Michael C.; Verburg, Frederik A. [University of Wuerzburg, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Wuerzburg (Germany); Demidchik, Yuri [Thyroid Cancer Centre, Minsk (Belarus); Drozd, Valentina [International Belarussian-German Foundation, Minsk (Belarus)


    The aim of this study is to report on a collective of 20 children from Belarus who had developed papillary thyroid carcinoma with pulmonary metastases after the Chernobyl disaster. In all children fractionated radioiodine therapy (RIT) was ceased before achieving complete remission due to a lack of further effects of {sup 131}I therapy and an increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis. The 20 children (12 girls) were treated with {sup 131}I using 50 MBq/kg body weight for thyroid remnant ablation and 100 MBq/kg for further therapy in intervals of 5-12 months. After five to six courses and a cumulative activity of about 24 GBq {sup 131}I no further RIT was conducted; the median thyroglobulin (TG) was 56 {mu}g/l at this time. All patients were followed for at least 10 years after cessation of RIT using diagnostic whole-body scintigraphy, CT of the chest, lung function testing and stimulated TG measurements every 1-3 years. During follow-up after the last RIT a continuous decline of values for TG levels of {proportional_to}35% per year was observed between individual visits. The median Tg level at the time of cessation of {sup 131}I therapy was 56 {mu}g/l; however, at the last visit 16 of 20 patients had a TG level {<=}10 {mu}g/l (median 2.4 {mu}g/l). Neither on diagnostic radioiodine whole-body scan nor on CT was progression of lung metastases observed. No significant pulmonary fibrosis developed. In spite of incomplete remission of thyroid cancer at cessation of RIT, a continuing spontaneous decline of TG and clinically stable partial remissions were observed in this collective of children. Therefore, if RIT does not show further effects, the administration of further courses should be handled restrictively. (orig.)

  18. Role of total body irradiation as based on the comparison of preparation regimens for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for acute leukemia in first complete remission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, T.; Ikeda, H.; Yamazaki, H.; Tang, J.T.; Song, C.; Teshima, T.; Murayama, S.; Ohtani, M.; Shibata, H.; Masaoka, T.


    The role of total body irradiation (TBI) for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for acute leukemia in first complete remission was reevaluated in this study. From Japanese BMT Registry, data of 123 acute leukemia patients in first complete remission who underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in 22 hospitals between 1988 and 1990 were available for the present comparative study of preparation regimens with or without total body irradiation. Two-year survivals were 77% and 51% in the TBI containing regimen group and in the non-TBI regimen group, respectively (p=0.0010). Corresponding two-year relapse rates were 16% and 37%, respectively (p=0.0197). Corresponding probabilities of developing interstitial pneumonitis were 21% and 24%, respectively (p=0.8127). The analysis of causes of death indicated that non-TBI regimen increased the incidence of septicemia and lethal organ failures, such as liver, heart, lung and other multiple sites. It was emphasized that an additional role of total body irradiation was to disperse the treatment-related toxicity in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for acute leukemia. (orig.) [de

  19. Rationale and motivating factors for treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia. (United States)

    Caldemeyer, Lauren; Akard, Luke P


    With BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), such as imatinib, nilotinib, dasatinib, bosutinib, and ponatinib, many patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP) can expect to live near-normal life spans. Current treatment recommendations of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the European LeukemiaNet state that patients with CML-CP should remain on TKI therapy indefinitely. However, there is increasing evidence from clinical trials that some patients with sustained deep molecular responses may be able to achieve treatment-free remission (TFR), whereby they can suspend TKI therapy without losing previously achieved responses. With many patients achieving deep molecular responses to TKI therapy, there is growing interest in whether such patients can achieve TFR. In addition, adverse events (AEs) with long-term TKI therapy, including both the potential for later-emerging AEs and chronic, low-grade AEs, represent a major motivator for oncologists and their patients to investigate the feasibility of TFR. In this review, we provide an overview of data from TFR clinical trials, discuss the importance of achieving a deep molecular response to TKI treatment, and consider potential reasons for investigating TFR following TKI therapy.

  20. Panencefalite esclerosante subaguda com remissão parcial: registro de um caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lúcia Maria Fontenelle Villaça


    Full Text Available A panencefalite esclerosante subaguda é doença quase sempre fatal, sendo muito raras as remissões, temporárias ou definitivas. É relatado o caso de uma criança de três anos de idade, do sexo masculino, previamente vacinada contra sarampo, que desenvolveu quadro progressivo de tremor, deterioração mental grave, convulsões parciais e mioclonias. O eletrencefalograma revelou surtos periódicos de hipervoltagem concomitantes com os abalos mioclônicos e o líquido cefalorraqueano mostrou aumento da fração gama-globulina, reação do benjoin coloidal desviada para a esquerda e positividade nos testes de anticorpos anti-sarampo (fixação de complemento 1:16; neutralização 1:32. Apesar disso, três meses após o início da doença, a criança começou a mostrar recuperação física, mental e eletrencefalográfica permanecendo atualmente, 11 meses depois do início da doença, discreto déficit motor e mental.

  1. Socio-economic status, family disruption and residential stability in childhood: relation to onset, recurrence and remission of major depression. (United States)

    Gilman, S E; Kawachi, I; Fitzmaurice, G M; Buka, L


    Childhood adversity significantly increases the risk of depression, but it is unclear whether this risk is most pronounced for depression occurring early in life. In the present study, we examine whether three aspects of childhood adversity--low socio-economic status (SES), family disruption, and residential instability--are related to increased risk of depression during specific stages of the life course. We also examine whether these aspects of childhood adversity are related to the severity of depression. A sample of 1089 of the 4140 births enrolled in the Providence, Rhode Island cohort of the National Collaborative Perinatal Project was interviewed between the ages of 18 and 39. Measures of parental SES, childhood family disruption and residential instability were obtained upon mother's enrolment and at age 7. Age at onset of major depressive episode, lifetime number of depressive episodes, and age at last episode were ascertained via structured diagnostic interviews. Survival analysis was used to identify risk factors for depression onset and remission and Poisson regression was used to model the recurrence rate of depressive episodes. Low parental SES, family disruption and a high level of residential instability, defined as three or more family moves, were related to elevated lifetime risks of depression; the effects of family disruption and residential instability were most pronounced on depression onset by age 14. Childhood adversity was also related to increased risk of recurrence and reduced likelihood of remission. Childhood social disadvantage significantly influences risk of depression onset both in childhood and in adulthood. Early childhood adversity is also related to poor prognosis.

  2. Medications for addiction treatment: an opportunity for prescribing clinicians to facilitate remission from alcohol and opioid use disorders. (United States)

    Park, Tae Woo; Friedmann, Peter D


    Substance use disorders are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Medications for the treatment of substance use disorders are effective yet underutilized. This article reviews recent literature examining medications used for the treatment of alcohol and opioid use disorders. The neurobehavioral rationale for medication treatment and the most common ways medications work in the treatment of substance use disorders are discussed. Finally, the medications and the evidence behind their effectiveness are briefly reviewed. Physicians and other prescribing clinicians should take an active role in facilitating remission and recovery from substance use disorders by prescribing these effective medications with brief medical management counseling.

  3. Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies are the strongest predictor of clinically relevant radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients achieving remission or low disease activity: A post hoc analysis of a nationwide cohort in Japan.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomohiro Koga

    Full Text Available To determine prognostic factors of clinically relevant radiographic progression (CRRP in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA achieving remission or low disease activity (LDA in clinical practice.Using data from a nationwide, multicenter, prospective study in Japan, we evaluated 198 biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (bDMARD-naïve RA patients who were in remission or had LDA at study entry after being treated with conventional synthetic DMARDs (csDMARDs. CRRP was defined as the yearly progression of modified total Sharp score (mTSS >3.0 U. We performed a multiple logistic regression analysis to explore the factors to predict CRRP at 1 year. We used receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve to estimate the performance of relevant variables for predicting CRRP.The mean Disease Activity Score in 28 joints-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR was 2.32 ± 0.58 at study entry. During the 1-year observation, remission or LDA persisted in 72% of the patients. CRRP was observed in 7.6% of the patients. The multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the independent variables to predict the development of CRRP were: anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPA positivity at baseline (OR = 15.2, 95%CI 2.64-299, time-integrated DAS28-ESR during the 1 year post-baseline (7.85-unit increase, OR = 1.83, 95%CI 1.03-3.45, and the mTSS at baseline (13-unit increase, OR = 1.22, 95%CI 1.06-1.42.ACPA positivity was the strongest independent predictor of CRRP in patients with RA in remission or LDA. Physicians should recognize ACPA as a poor-prognosis factor regarding the radiographic outcome of RA, even among patients showing a clinically favorable response to DMARDs.

  4. Impact of cytomegalovirus reactivation on relapse and survival in patients with acute leukemia who received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in first remission


    Yoon, Jae-Ho; Lee, Seok; Kim, Hee-Je; Jeon, Young-Woo; Lee, Sung-Eun; Cho, Byung-Sik; Lee, Dong-Gun; Eom, Ki-Seong; Kim, Yoo-Jin; Min, Chang-Ki; Cho, Seok-Goo; Min, Woo-Sung; Lee, Jong Wook


    Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-reactivation is associated with graft-vs-leukemia (GVL) effect by stimulating natural-killer or T-cells, which showed leukemia relapse prevention after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We enrolled patients with acute myeloid leukemia (n = 197) and acute lymphoid leukemia (n = 192) who underwent allogeneic-HSCT in first remission. We measured RQ-PCR weekly to detect CMV-reactivation and preemptively used ganciclovir (GCV) when the titer increased twice cons...

  5. Dansen om nøgenheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Tem Frank


    "50 ÅR EFTER har vi naturligvis rykket os noget på det punkt, hvad de kønspolitiske debatter viser. Er man hyppig bruger af Instagram, bliver det hurtigt klart, at vores kultur, i dette årtusinde, stadig har mange bøfler."......"50 ÅR EFTER har vi naturligvis rykket os noget på det punkt, hvad de kønspolitiske debatter viser. Er man hyppig bruger af Instagram, bliver det hurtigt klart, at vores kultur, i dette årtusinde, stadig har mange bøfler."...

  6. USA sender Able og Baker en tur i rummet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen



  7. Trepartsforhandlinger i Danmark og Europa følges ikke ad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailand, Mikkel


    Trepartsforhandlinger med flere emner på dagsordenen flore-rede særligt i 1990’erne og tidligt i 00’erne rundt omkring i Europa, hvor de var fraværende i Danmark. Efter den øko-nomiske krise synes billedet at være vendt.......Trepartsforhandlinger med flere emner på dagsordenen flore-rede særligt i 1990’erne og tidligt i 00’erne rundt omkring i Europa, hvor de var fraværende i Danmark. Efter den øko-nomiske krise synes billedet at være vendt....

  8. Frisættelse af fødderne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeby, Ole Fogh


    Kropskultur. Amerikansk journalist og forfatter hævder, at løb - og fødder - giver adgang til livets mening. Anmeldelse af: Christoffer McDougall: Født til løb. Oversat af Jacob Giese efter Born to Run. Forlaget Turbulenz, 400 sider.......Kropskultur. Amerikansk journalist og forfatter hævder, at løb - og fødder - giver adgang til livets mening. Anmeldelse af: Christoffer McDougall: Født til løb. Oversat af Jacob Giese efter Born to Run. Forlaget Turbulenz, 400 sider....

  9. Molecular measurement of BCR-ABL transcript variations in chronic myeloid leukemia patients in cytogenetic remission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Costa Juliana


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The monitoring of BCR-ABL transcript levels by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR has become important to assess minimal residual disease (MRD and standard of care in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML. In this study, we performed a prospective, sequential analysis using RT-qPCR monitoring of BCR-ABL gene rearrangements in blood samples from 91 CML patients in chronic phase (CP who achieved complete cytogenetic remission (CCyR and major molecular remission (MMR throughout imatinib treatment. Methods The absolute level of BCR-ABL transcript from peripheral blood was serially measured every 4 to 12 weeks by RT-qPCR. Only level variations > 0.5%, according to the international scale, was considered positive. Sequential cytogenetic analysis was also performed in bone marrow samples from all patients using standard protocols. Results Based on sequential analysis of BCR-ABL transcripts, the 91 patients were divided into three categories: (A 57 (62.6% had no variation on sequential analysis; (B 30 (32.9% had a single positive variation result obtained in a single sample; and (C 4 (4.39% had variations of BCR-ABL transcripts in at least two consecutive samples. Of the 34 patients who had elevated levels of transcripts (group B and C, 19 (55.8% had a BCR-ABL/BCR ratio, 13 (38.2% patients had a 1% to 10% increase and 2 patients had a >10% increase of RT-qPCR. The last two patients had lost a CCyR, and none of them showed mutations in the ABL gene. Transient cytogenetic alterations in Ph-negative cells were observed in five (5.5% patients, and none of whom lost CCyR. Conclusions Despite an increase levels of BCR-ABL/BCR ratio variations by RT-qPCR, the majority of CML patients with MMR remained in CCyR. Thus, such single variations should neither be considered predictive of subsequent failure and nor an indication for altering imatinib dose or switching to second generation therapy. Changing of

  10. The role of intrа- and postoperative ACTH and cortisol levels measurement in patients with Cushing’s disease as an early predictors of remission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Y. Nadezhdina


    Full Text Available Objectives. The aim of this research was to study the dynamic changes of intra- and early postoperative hormonal parameters (ACTH and cortisol as predictors of hypercorticism remission. Material and methods. 50 patients with confirmed Cushing`s disease (CD were sampled for this research. The patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the outcome of the operation. The first group – patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency confirmed by clinical picture and the level of cortisol less than 50 nmol/l; the second group – with normalization of levels of ACTH and cortisol; the third – with the persistence of the CD. The results of intraoperative studies during the transnasal adenomectomy were then studied. The group sample consisted of 38 women and 12 men, aged 15–66 years. To assess the levels of ACTH and cortisol blood sampling was performed from a peripheral vein. The first sample was taken during the incision of the Dura mater, the second – immediately after removal of the tumor and the last – 20 minutes after the removal of the adenoma. Then, 1 day after the surgery the hormones mentioned above were studied in all patients. The levels of ACTH and cortisol were measured by immunochemiluminescent analysis on the automated system Cobas 6000 (Roche, France. Reference intervals ACTH 0–30 ng/ml, cortisol123–626 nmol/l. Results. The analysis of the obtained data did not suggest a relationship between the changes of intraoperative indicators of hormonal status and the likelihood of disease remission (p > 0.125. In the postoperative period, of the 50 patients, 41 (82% developed adrenal insufficiency, 5 (10% showed normalization and in 4 patients (8% adrenal insufficiency was not observed. The results of the hormonal research after 1 day had a correlation with the frequency of postoperative remission (p < 0.125. Conclusion. Intraoperative measurement of levels of ACTH and cortisol is not appropriate and cannot serve as guidance for

  11. Five year remission of GHRH secreting bronchial neuroendocrine tumor with symptoms of acromegaly. Utility of chromogranin A in the monitoring of the disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolanowski, M.; Zatonska, K.; Kos-Kudla, B.; Rzeszutko, M.; Marciniak, M.


    Acromegaly is usually caused by excess GH (growth hormone) secretion by pituitary adenoma. Extremely rare (< 1% of cases) acromegaly can be a result of ectopic GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) secretion by bronchial tubes, lung, pancreatic or intestinal tumor. The aim of this description is to present the case of successfully treated acromegaly caused by ectopic GHRH secretion by bronchial neuroendocrine tumor and the usefulness of chromogranin A assay in the disease monitoring. The diagnosis of acromegaly in 61-year old woman was based on typical clinical picture and elevated GH and IGF-1(insulin-like growth factor-1) levels. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) images revealed no tumor in the pituitary but only the pituitary enlargement. Moreover, the right lung tumor (10 cm size) and elevated GHRH level were documented. The secretion of GH, IGF-1 and GHRH were normalized and progression of acromegaly was stopped after the carcinoid tumor surgery. Currently, 5 year after surgery, acromegaly is still in the remission, as the normal levels of GH, IGF-1, chromogranin A and normal chest and pituitary images confirm. The authors emphasize usefulness of measurement of chromogranin A concentration for the evaluation of the tumor remission in case the routine GHRH assay is not accessible. (authors)

  12. Daily chlorhexidine bathing does not increase skin toxicity after remission induction or stem cell transplantation. (United States)

    Deeren, Dries; Dewulf, Evelyne; Verfaillie, Lydie


    A recent multicenter study demonstrated that bathing with chlorhexidine reduces the transmission of resistant organisms and the risk of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in ICUs. We wanted to confirm the feasibility of this strategy in a cohort of patients in a typical intensive haematology unit. Patients treated with remission induction chemotherapy, autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplantation received daily chlorhexidine bathing. To avoid deshydratation of skin, we used prophylactic application of hydrating lotion, replaced by corticosteroid cream in case of skin toxicity of chemotherapy or conditioning. We studied 15 consecutive admissions of 12 patients. Daily chlorhexidine bathing never needed to be interrupted, even though 53% of patients were treated with intravenous cytarabine. Patients were satisfied with the skin treatment and reported few unwanted effects. Daily chlorhexidine bathing was feasible in our intensive haematology unit in all patients and did not increase skin toxicity, even when treated with IV cytarabine.

  13. Linear IgA dermatosis associated with ulcerative colitis: complete and sustained remission after total colectomy. (United States)

    Vargas, Thiago Jeunon de Sousa; Fialho, Mônica; Santos, Luiza Tavares dos; Rodrigues, Palmira Assis de Jesus Barreto; Vargas, Ana Luisa Bittencourt Sampaio Jeunon; Sousa, Maria Auxiliadora Jeunon


    Linear IgA dermatosis has been increasingly associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, particularly ulcerative colitis. A 13-year-old male patient with an 11-month history of ulcerative colitis developed vesicles, pustules and erosions on the skin of the face, trunk and buttocks and in the oral mucosa. The work-up revealed a neutrophil-rich sub-epidermal bullous disease and linear deposition of IgA along the dermoepidermal junction, establishing the diagnosis of linear IgA dermatosis. The patient experienced unsatisfactory partial control of skin and intestinal symptoms despite the use of adalimumab, mesalazine, prednisone and dapsone for some months. After total colectomy, he presented complete remission of skin lesions, with no need of medications during two years of follow-up. A review of previously reported cases of the association is provided here and the role of ulcerative colitis in triggering linear IgA dermatosis is discussed.

  14. Leukaemic infiltration and cytomegalovirus retinitis in a patient with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia in complete remission. (United States)

    Saldaña Garrido, J D; Martínez Rubio, M; Carrión Campo, R; Moya Moya, M A; Rico Sergado, L


    A 43-year-old woman in remission from T- cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia was referred to our hospital with suspected leukaemic retinitis. The funduscopic examination of her left eye revealed multifocal yellow-white peripheral retinitis and retinal haemorrhage. The patient was treated for cytomegalovirus retinitis after an extended haematological investigation showed no abnormalities. Initial improvement was followed by papillitis in the left eye and motility restriction in the right eye. Magnetic resonance and lumbar puncture confirmed leukaemia relapse. Specific treatment was initiated with complete resolution. Ocular involvement may precede haematological leukaemia relapse. Physicians should be alerted when ocular symptoms appear in these cases. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Study of etiologic factors of infectious diseases of respiratory tract in school-age children during period of remission of a respiratory disease]. (United States)

    Maĭorov, R V; Chereshneva, M V; Chereshnev, V A


    Detect features of microflora of upper respiratory tract on the example of flora of palatine tonsils and level of antibodies against intracellular parasites as markers of etiologic factors of respiratory infections in school-age children in remission period. 466 children from frequently and episodically ill groups were examined. Bacteriologic study of smears from the surface of palatine tonsils was carried out in all the children. By using EIA with the corresponding commercial test systems IgG level against Herpes simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Human respiratory syncytial virus was determined in blood sera according to instruction manual. During remission period of infectious process in the structure of microflora of upper respiratory tract in frequently ill children characteristic differences from their episodically ill peers were detected. In children with frequent respiratory infections a higher occurrence of antibodies against intracellular causative agents of these diseases was also detected. In the group of frequently ill, a direct correlation between frequency of infectious diseases of respiratory tract and occurrence of carriage of pathogenic and opportunistic microorgan isms as well as increase of antibodies against Herpesviridae, Cytomegalovirus, C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae was detected. Higher occurrence ofintra- and extra-cellular infectious agents as well as their associations may be considered as one of the reasons of insufficient effectiveness of prophylaxis measures in frequently ill children.

  16. Severe nivolumab-induced pneumonitis preceding durable clinical remission in a patient with refractory, metastatic lung squamous cell cancer: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong Li


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1 and its ligand 1 (PD-L1 inhibitors have quickly become standard of care for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer and increasing numbers of other cancer types. In this report, we discuss the clinical history, pathological evaluation, and genomic findings in a patient with metastatic lung squamous cell cancer (SCC who developed severe nivolumab-induced pneumonitis preceding durable clinical remission after three doses of nivolumab. Case presentation A patient with chemotherapy-refractory, metastatic lung SCC developed symptomatic pneumonitis by week 4 after nivolumab treatment, concurrently with onset of a potent antitumor response. Despite discontinuation of nivolumab after three doses and the use of high dose oral corticosteroids for grade 3 pneumonitis, continued tumor response to a complete remission by 3 months was evident by radiographic assessment. At the time of this submission, the patient has remained in clinical remission for 14 months. High PD-L1 expression by immunohistochemistry staining was seen in intra-alveolar macrophages and viable tumor cells in the pneumonitis and recurrent tumor specimens, respectively. Tumor genomic profiling by FoundationOne targeted exome sequencing revealed a very high tumor mutation burden (TMB corresponding to 95–96 percentile in lung SCC, i.e., 87.4–91.0 and 82.9 mut/Mb, respectively, in pre- and post-nivolumab tumor specimens. Except for one, the 13 functional genomic alterations remained the same in the diagnostic, recurrent, and post-treatment, relapsed tumor specimens, suggesting that nivolumab reset the patient’s immune system against one or more preexisting tumor-associated antigens (TAAs. One potential TAA candidate is telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT in which an oncogenic promoter -146C>T mutation was detected. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA typing revealed HLA-A*0201 homozygosity, which is the prevalent HLA class I

  17. Positive and cost-effectiveness effect of spa therapy on the resumption of occupational and non-occupational activities in women in breast cancer remission: a French multicentre randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Mourgues, Charline; Gerbaud, Laurent; Leger, Stéphanie; Auclair, Candy; Peyrol, Fleur; Blanquet, Marie; Kwiatkowski, Fabrice; Leger-Enreille, Anne; Bignon, Yves-Jean


    The main aim was to assess the effects of a spa treatment on the resumption of occupational and non-occupational activities and the abilities of women in breast cancer remission. A cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) was also performed. A multicentre randomised controlled trial was carried out between 2008 and 2010 in the University Hospital of Auvergne and two private hospitals in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Eligible patients were women in complete breast cancer remission without contraindication for physical activities or cognitive disorders and a body mass index between 18.5 and 40 kg/m(2). The intervention group underwent spa treatment combined with consultation with dietician whereas the control underwent consultations with the dietician only. Of the 181 patients randomised, 92 and 89 were included in the intervention and the control groups, respectively. The CEA involved 90 patients, 42 from the intervention group and 48 from the control group. The main results showed a higher rate of resumption of occupational activities in the intervention group (p = 0.0025) and a positive effect of the intervention on the women's ability to perform occupational activities 12 months after the beginning of the study (p = 0.0014), and on their ability to perform family activities (p = 0.033). The stay in a thermal centre was cost-effective at 12 months. Spa treatment is a cost-effective strategy to improve resumption of occupational and non-occupational activities and the abilities of women in breast cancer remission. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Som i et spejl - Hans Egede-receptionen gennem tre hundrede år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Kathrine


    stor, og længe ville man ikke vide af Hans Egede, der - skønt født i Norge - opfattedes som dansk. Først efter 1945, hvor Norge i kølvandet på Danskehjælpen under Anden Verdenskrig omsider forsonede sig med Danmark, tog man atter Hans Egede til sig. Blandt større mindesmærker, som er blevet til siden...... 1945, kan nævnes Nicolai Schiølls ungdommelige statue af grønlandsmissionæren i det centrale Oslo (1965) og Axel Revolds monumentale udskmykning af kirken i Hans Egedes nordnorske fødeby Harstad (1958). I Danmark, hvor sorgen over tabet af Norge var stor, var man i årene efter 1814 meget...... tilbageholdende med at omklamre tidligere norske landsmænd som Hans Egede. Først hen mod slutningen af 1800-tallet begyndte forbeholdene at smelte et efter et. Den definitive omdefinering af den dansk-norske 1700-tals patriot til national dansk kirkefyrste kom med opstillingen 1913 af hans statue ved Marmorkirken...

  19. Et nationalt studie af bankrøveri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Maj; Elklit, Ask

    11,1 % (n = 41) af ASD og seks måneder efter røveriet led 6,2 % (n = 23) af PTSD. Begge prævalenser var begrænset af kravet om undgåelsessymptomer (ASD uden undgåelse: 14 %, PTSD uden undgåelse: 17,8 %), men ASD diagnosen var især begrænset af kravet om dissociationssymptomer (ASD uden dissociation......: 26,7 %). Hierarkisk regressionsanalyse viste, at 51 % af variansen i PTSD sværhedsgrad blev forklaret af peritraumatisk dissociation, ASD sværhedsgrad, emotionel coping og negative tanker om egen person og evner. ASD sværhedsgrad var den stærkeste prædiktorer for PTSD sværhedsgrad og forudsagde alene...... diagnoser. Særligt ASD sværhedsgrad og negative tanker om egen person og evner synes at kunne forudsige PTSD sværhedsgrad efter bankrøveri. Det anbefales derfor, at ”Acute Stress Disorder Scale” anvendes til at screene for PTSD efter bankrøveri. Fremtidig forskning anbefales at fokusere på udvikling af...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. V. Lorina


    Full Text Available Objective. Case report of a rare form of multiple sclerosis, Balo’s concentric sclerosis (BCS.Materials and methods. 66 year old female patient L., admitted with complaints of gait disorder with tendency to fall towards the left side, left upper limb weakness and decreased memory. Neurological examination revealed left sided hemiparesis, and left sided positive Romberg’s test. Contrast brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI was performed. Treatment was prescribed as well as dynamic follow up during the course of 1.5 years.Results. Based on complaints, clinical picture and MRI result, patient was diagnosed with an atypical form of multiple sclerosis, Balo’s concentric sclerosis. The main diagnostic method used confirm the diagnosis was contrast brain MRI: Non homogenous circular-form space occupying lesion with dimensions 3.7 × 3.4 × 3.5 cm was visualized in the supraventricular area of right parietal lobe with increased and decreased signals on T2 and T1 weighted images respectively. Following intravenous administration of contrast substance, an increased T1-WI signal is observed along the periphery of the described lesion in the right parietal lobe. MRI conclusion: brain demyelination disease with large foci in the right post-frontal lobe region, typical of Balo’s concentric sclerosis. Following the acute clinical state, cytostatic and immunomodulation therapy was prescribed. MRI dynamic observation revealed decrease in dimensions of the significantly enhanced concentric areas. Follow up demonstrated marked remission.Conclusion. This clinical case is of interest due to the rarity of this disease. The basis of diagnosis in our study was MRI investigation which allows for in vivo diagnosis of this pathology. These observations confirm the fact that timely use of modern methods of treatment can achieve not only stabilization of the patients’ state, but also positive clinical and MRI dynamics.