
Sample records for religioso argentino 1985-2000

  1. Diversidad no es lo mismo que pluralismo: cambios en el campo religioso argentino (1985-2000 y lucha de los evangélicos por sus derechos religiosos Diversity is not the same as pluralism: changes in Argentina's religious field (1985-2000 and the evangelicals' fight for their religious rights

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    Alejandro Frigerio


    Full Text Available El trabajo argumentará que, para entender adecuadamente las modificaciones del campo religioso argentino, es necesario también incluir las resistencias sociales a esos cambios debido a las consecuencias que traen para la práctica y el desarrollo de las religiones minoritarias. A partir de aportes conceptuales de Beckford, el trabajo se propone distinguir diversidad de pluralismo religioso y, atentos a la perspectiva de las "economías religiosas" propuesta por Stark y Iannaccone, se considerará al grado de regulación del mercado religioso como una variable de principal importancia para entender los cambios, tomando en cuenta tanto la acción gubernamental como la regulación social. Estas ideas se ejemplificarán examinando el aumento del movimiento social evangélico - más allá de su prioridad meramente religiosa - que lucha por derechos religiosos igualitarios en una situación de supuesto pluralismo religioso en Argentina.The paper argues that in order to understand the current state of the Argentine religious field and the development of new religions it is necessary to include the social resistance they encounter into our analysis. It criticizes the widespread idea that after the erosion of Catholic monopoly a religious market is effortlessly formed and pluralism simply ensues. Drawing on recent work by James Beckford, it argues that religious diversity does not necessarily entail pluralism (its positive evaluation. Emphasizing the idea central to the religious economies paradigm (Stark, Iannaccone that the degree of regulation of a religious market is always a crucial variable to consider, it follows Grim and Finke's multidimensional approach to regulation, taking into account governmental as well as social regulation. It exemplifies these ideas by examining the rise of an evangelical social movement - out of a prior merely religious one - that strives for equal religious rights in a situation of supposed religious pluralism in

  2. Características de los suicidas en Bogotá:1985-2000


    Sánchez, Ricardo; Orejarena, Silvia; Guzmán, Yahira


    OBJETIVOS: Establecer tipologías de los suicidas en relación con un grupo de variables descritas como factores de riesgo y describir el comportamiento de dichas tipologías a lo largo del tiempo. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional-analítico con base en registros de necropsia de los casos de suicidio en Bogotá en 1985, 1990, 1995 y 2000. Para determinar las tipologías se utilizó el método de análisis multivariado de correspondencias múltiples. RESULTADOS: Se detectaron 171 casos de suicidio en 1985...

  3. El así, la ira y la indigencia: la recuperación filosófica del símbolo religioso en el pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch

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    Damián J. Burgardt


    Full Text Available Rodolfo Kusch pertenece a esa generación de pensadores argentinos —y latinoamericanos— que se atrevió a abordar filosóficamente el problema de lo humano desde el pensamiento popular de nuestro subcontinente. Estas páginas proponen una breve presentación de su recuperación filosófica del saber contenido en los símbolos religiosos populares y del modo en que estos operan, centrándose en el análisis de dos obras tempranas: América profunda y El pensamiento indígena y popular en América . En estos escritos, Kusch elabora una primera aproximación al símbolo religioso popular como puesta en juego de una determinada configuración de la totalidad, es decir, de un horizonte de ultimidad en que se despliegan y reúnen las posibilidades de la existencia: el mundo, el dios y el hombre aparecen —en el mutuo darse de su “mero estar”— como el así , la ira y la indigencia.


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    Catón Carini


    Full Text Available En el artículo exploramos el proceso de conversión experimentado por los miembros de grupos budistas zen argentinos a partir de un enfoque etnográfico. En primer lugar, efectuamos un breve recorrido por las distintas formas en que se ha concebido la conversión desde la perspectiva de las ciencias de la religión a fin de situar la inquisición dentro de un marco conceptual apropiado. En segundo lugar, transcribimos algunos fragmentos de entrevistas que ilustran la diversidad de formas en que nuestros interlocutores comienzan su tránsito religioso hacia esta religión. Finalmente, a la luz de la información anterior determinamos los factores que propician la llegada de nuevos practicantes a los centros budistas, establecemos las principales etapas de su proceso de conversión y analizamos la relación entre movilidad religiosa y cambios en la identidad individual.

  5. Trânsito religioso e reinvenções femininas do sagrado na modernidade

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    Sandra Duarte de Souza


    Full Text Available O trânsito religioso é indicador de que os “modelos oficiais e religião” têm sido substituídos, ou coexistem com  oferenciais religiosos cambiantes, respondendo à demanda dos sujeitos de fé. Os anseios de significação imediata dos sujeitos de fé encontram na “vagabundagem religiosa” sua atitude mais coerente. A vagabundagem semântica dos crentes infiéis é o elemento dinamizador do campo religioso moderno. No presente texto nos propomos a discutir o trânsito religioso de mulheres, suas motivações e as implicações dessa “andança religiosa” para a concepção que estas têm a respeito do sagrado. Para tanto nos utilizamos e dados de nossa pesquisa de campo realizada para a Universidade Católica de Goiás no ano 2000 em Alto Paraíso – GO, bem como de dados obtidos em pesquisa que realizamos para a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo – SP em 2003, como parte do projeto intitulado: “Religiosidade caleidoscópica – nomadismo espiritual: implicações de gênero”. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram um trânsito maior das mulheres por força das representações de gênero.Palavras-chave: Trânsito religioso; Secularização; Gênero.ABSTRACTReligious transit indicates that ‘official models of religion’ have been replaced, or coexist with mutable religious references, answering the believers’ demand. Their desire for immediate signification finds their most coherent attitude in ‘religious nomadism’. Unfaithful believers’ semantic nomadism is the dynamic element of modern religion. This text discusses women’s religious transit, their motivations and the implications of that ‘religious walk’ to their conception of the sacred. The date used are from a field research for the Universidade Católica de Goiás, developed in Alto Paraíso - State of Goiás, in 2000, and from a research for the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, carried out in São Bernardo do

  6. A Predictive Method of Teacher's Structure in China's University (1985--2000)


    Chen Ling; Pen Guozhong


    In this paper, a predictive model is designed to provide the Educational Department of China with the information necessary to draw up the program (1985--2000) for education development. This model contains two submodels, that is, the predictive model to the annual teacher's number of each title and the fuzzy predictive model to the annual teacher's number of each age. The first submodel is a Markov Chain model and the second submodel is a fuzzy predictive model. Before establishing the secon...

  7. Envolvimento religioso e bem-estar subjetivo em idosos

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    Myrian Cristina da Silva Cardoso

    Full Text Available As inter-relações do envolvimento religioso com o bem-estar subjetivo em idosos foram investigadas neste trabalho. Participaram da pesquisa 256 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idades variando de 60 a 90 anos, que responderam a três instrumentos destinados a mensurar sua satisfação com a vida, seus afetos positivos e negativos e seu envolvimento religioso bem como a perguntas de natureza sociodemográfica. Os resultados evidenciaram que, dentre as dimensões do envolvimento religioso, apenas a religiosidade subjetiva se correlacionou positiva e significativamente com a satisfação com a vida, que não foram observadas correlações entre o envolvimento religioso e os afetos positivos e negativos, e que os idosos protestantes apresentaram níveis mais elevados de afetos positivos que os católicos. Tais resultados são discutidos à luz dos estudos empíricos e dos modelos conceituais que deram suporte à pesquisa.

  8. Turismo religioso: fenómeno social y económico

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    Sandra Maribel Tobón Perilla


    Full Text Available El turismo religioso, como fenómeno social y económico, ha cobrado interés entre académicos y empresarios por las dinámicas que ha generado en las comunidades receptoras de visitantes. Para los primeros, el interés radica en el estudio de las motivaciones, intereses y necesidades espirituales o culturales que parecen haber despertado los centros religiosos; para los segundos, el impacto económico y las oportunidades de rentas adicionales que generan los visitantes, creando nuevas oportunidades de negocios y fuentes de ingresos y empleo para las comunidades aledañas. Este documento hace una revisión a la bibliografía sobre el tema de turismo religioso en el mundo, para lo cual se consultaron las bases de datos ScienceDirect, Jstor, Ebsco, ProQuest y Google Académico, a fin de rastrear las publicaciones más relevantes y estudios empíricos sobre el tema, haciendo un recorrido desde 1963 hasta 2013. Se concluye que el turismo religioso es un fenómeno que tiene su antecedente en el peregrinaje a centros religiosos, pero donde además de las motivaciones, netamente religiosas –ofrecer un sacrificio, obtener un beneficio divino o expiar pecados–, existe un interés cultural, en términos de conocer centros históricos o profundizar sobre las raíces de un credo religioso. Adicionalmente, se observa cómo el turismo religioso se ha convertido en un motor de desarrollo económico de las ciudades receptoras de viajeros a sitios religioso.

  9. [Estimates of the availability of energy and protein by province for the period 1985-2000]. (United States)

    Jus'at, I; Idrus, D


    An attempt is made to estimate the availability of adequate per capita food supplies and protein in the provinces of Indonesia over the period 1985 to 2000. The estimates are based on official population projections. Variations in food supply by province are discussed. (summary in ENG)

  10. Retrenchments in unemployment insurance benefits and wage inequality: Longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands, 19852000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mooi-Reci, I.


    This study includes retrenchments in unemployment insurance (UI) benefits as an understudied mechanism to investigate possible explanations for wage inequality in the labor market. Using longitudinal data from the Dutch Labor Supply Panel (OSA) over the period 1985-2000, and adopting a


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    Martínez Cárdenas Rogelio


    Full Text Available Resumen: La región de los Altos de Jalisco es una zona turística basada en la religiosidad y principalmente en la devoción hacia la Virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción más conocida como “Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos”. Debido a la canonización que hizo el Papa Juan Pablo II de 25 mártires cristeros, han urgido en esta zona, nuevos centros de devoción religiosa. En el caso de Santa Ana de Guadalupe se estima que recibe alrededor de un millón de visitantes anualmente. Es sorprendente el crecimiento logrado por este último santuario. Se ha convertido en un importante centro de turismo religioso; lo asombroso es que está ubicada a 20 kilómetros de San Juan de los Lagos, segundo centro religioso del país, lo que hace aún más interesante la manera en que han podido integrarse estos dos sitios. Palabras clave: Turismo Religioso. Santuario. San Juan de los Lagos, Santo Toribio.

  12. Compilation of Technical Papers Published Under Work Unit 72312501 (71844501) "Acceleration Performance in Advanced Operational Systems," 1985-2000

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Albery, William


    ... at the Dynamic Environment Simulator centrifuge, in the Biodynamics and Acceleration Branch (AFRL/HEPA), from 1985-2000. The papers are listed by first author and chronologically under ten different categories...

  13. Auge e declínio do "neodesarrollismo" argentino

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    Iderley Colombini Neto

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo busca analisar o neodesenvolvimentismo argentino a partir dos seus eixos constituintes e de como eles se modificaram ao longo dessa última década. O novo desenvolvimentismo argentino entendido aqui não é visto como uma atitude isolada do 'kirchnerismo' e das políticas governamentais, mas como um processo da junção do ambiente interno argentino com a nova reestruturação do sistema capitalista pós-crise neoliberal.

  14. La metáfora como principio estético en el arte prehispánico del noroeste argentino

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    María Alba Bovisio

    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se plantean una serie de hipótesis respecto a la metáfora como principio estético que rige el funcionamiento simbólico de un tipo específico de piezas que corresponden al Período Medio del noroeste argentino (400-900 d.C.. Consideramos que el funcionamiento metafórico no se restringe a la configuración icónica sino a la experiencia que se tiene de los objetos en determinados contextos. Se analiza el caso de procesos metafóricos que involucran la relación hombre-felinos en objetos poco trabajados hasta el presente y de los que se conservan pocos ejemplares: se trata de vasos de piedra y de un mango de hacha de madera, que por sus características suponemos que eran utilizados en rituales en los que los hombres se sacralizaban en función del poder político religioso.

  15. Maternity Leave in Turbulent Times: Effects on Labor Market Transitions and Fertility in Russia, 1985-2000 (United States)

    Gerber, Theodore P.; Perelli-Harris, Brienna


    Maternity leave policies are designed to ease the tension between women's employment and fertility, but whether they actually play such a role remains unclear. We analyze the individual-level effects of maternity leave on employment outcomes and on second conception rates among Russian first-time mothers from 1985-2000 using retrospective job and…

  16. O ponto de vista religioso de Wittgenstein


    Mandeli, Alison Vander


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Florianópolis, 2016. O ponto de partida desta tese é a frase "Eu não sou um homem religioso, mas não consigo deixar de ver todo problema a partir de um ponto de vista religioso" (frase-W) dita por Wittgenstein em uma conversa com o amigo e ex-aluno Maurice Drury. Nosso objetivo é apresentar uma interpretação que articule a frase-W com a filosofia de Wit...

  17. Empreendedorismo religioso: quando Weber se associa a Granovetter

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    Victor Silva Corrêa


    Full Text Available O fenômeno religioso no Brasil vem atraindo crescente atenção da academia, impulsionado, em grande parte, pela expansão das seitas protestantes no país, sobretudo de vertente pentecostal. Na esteira dessa transformação, um tema, em particular, reveste-se de especial importância. Trata-se do papel dos chamados empreendedores religiosos aqui compreendidos como os novos pastores evangélicos. No entanto, tais atores não vêm sendo muito estudados. O presente trabalho busca preencher essa lacuna. Recorre-se, para isso, às contribuições teóricas clássicas derivadas de Weber, em associação às contribuições contemporâneas originárias de Granovetter, em particular, sobre acoplamento e desacoplamento. Conclui-se o trabalho propondo um novo referencial para a análise de certas dimensões do empreendedorismo religioso.

  18. Cruce de caminos entre la literatura y la historia: conversación con el escritor argentino Martín Kohan

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    Karen Saban


    Full Text Available Entrevista con el novelista argentino Martín Kohan, doctor en Letras y profesor de las Universidades de Buenos Aires y la Patagonia, y autor de, entre otras obras, El informe (1997, Los cautivos (2000, Dos veces junio (2002, Segundos afuera (2005 y Ciencias morales (2007.

  19. Senso religioso dos sem religião: estudo a partir da noção de cristianismo não religioso de Gianni Vattimo

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    Sandson Almeida Rotterdan


    Full Text Available DissertaçãoROTTERDAN, Sandson Almeida. Senso religioso dos sem religião: estudo a partir da noção de cristianismo não religioso de Gianni Vattimo. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte

  20. Factores que determinan el crecimiento del turismo en destinos religiosos

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    Genoveva Millán Vázquez de la Torre


    Full Text Available El turismo en destinos religiosos está incrementando en todo el mundo en lugares asociados a casi todas las religiones, convirtiéndose en un importante motor del desarrollo económico local. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en esta materia siguen siendo escasas. Este artículo se centra en identificar los factores que han favorecido el desarrollo del turismo en los destinos religiosos. El diseño de investigación es de carácter no experimental, siendo un estudio descriptivo en el que se utilizan distintos instrumentos de recolección de información, como entrevistas semi-estructuradas con informantes clave y cuestionarios a turistas, a fin de realizar un análisis comparativo de destinos de diferentes religiones y países, con especial referencia a destinos católicos, profundizando especialmente en México y España. Como principales factores que determinan el turismo hacia destinos religiosos destacan: la expansión de ciertas religiones, la diversificación de las motivaciones de los turistas, el desarrollo e interés de los medios de comunicación por los lugares o eventos religiosos, y el papel dinámico y coordinado de todas las autoridades, laicas y eclesiásticas. Como principal conclusión destaca la necesidad de diseñar planes estratégicos eficaces para el fomento de las actividades turísticas hacia destinos religiosos, redundando en el desarrollo económico de las regiones.

  1. El Autoconcepto en Niños Mexicanos y Argentinos

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    José Luis Valdez Medina


    Full Text Available Se trabajó con una muestra de 67 participantes mexicanos y 108 argentinos de ambos sexos, de 11 a 13 años de edad, parahacer una comparación de su estructura mental de autoconcepto. A través de análisis factoriales de componentes principalescon rotación Varimax, se encontraron tanto similitudes como diferencias en la estructura y contenido del autoconcepto deambas muestras, como efecto de la cultura. En ambas muestras se encontró una tendencia a comportarse con base en lanormatividad social, la afiliación y la expresión de los afectos. Las diferencias muestran que los argentinos se orientan deforma más natural hacia el desarrollo intelectual, en comparación con los mexicanos que requieren de mayor orden yseveridad para ello. Asimismo, se observó que los adjetivos de rebeldía, autoafirmación que se agruparon en ambasmuestras, fueron más abundantes entre los participantes argentinos que en los mexicanos. Este dato permite observar unamayor tendencia de los niños argentinos hacia la asertividad

  2. Representación social de "los argentinos", "los españoles", "los latinoamericanos" y "los europeos" en estudiantes universitarios argentinos


    Néstor Daniel Roselli


    El objetivo de la investigación es descriptivo: producir una caracterización de cómo los estudiantes universitarios argentinos definen subjetivamente a los referidos grupos nacionales ("los "los argentinos", "los españoles" y supranacionales, "los latinoamericanos" y "los europeos"). Sin embargo, no esun mero estudio de estereotipos nacionales. La originalidad consiste en el encuadre metodológico, propio de análisis de las representaciones sociales. Se basa en un análisis estadístico d...


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    Ana Lourdes Suárez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se efectúa una aproximación a la situación religiosa del país recurriendo al análisis de datos recogidos por encuestas realizadas a muestras representativas de todo el país utilizando principalmente los datos generados por el Barómetro de la Deuda Social de la UCA. Primero discutimos las limitaciones de emplear este tipo de estrategia metodológica y las precauciones que requiere el uso de datos agregados para describir el campo religioso en Argentina. Luego efectuamos una aproximación al alcance de la creencia en Dios; continuamos con la caracterización de la afiliación/identidad/adscripción religiosa; y luego abordamos la práctica y participación religiosa. Para todas estas dimensiones analizamos en qué medida y cómo son influidas por el sexo, la edad, el nivel de instrucción, la pobreza estructural y la región del país.

  4. A teologia católica face ao pluralismo religioso

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    Faustino Luiz Couto Teixeira


    Full Text Available O pluralismo religioso apresenta-se hoje com uma das questões decisivas para a teologia cristã, a ponto de delinear uma fisionomia nova para a reflexão em curso. Não há como fazer teologia no século XXI fora da interlocução criativa com os diversos caminhos religiosos que vão se apresentando no tempo atual. E a novidade está em reconhecer a dignidade da diferença, acolhendo esse pluralismo como um dado positivo no desígnio misterioso de Deus. O pluralismo deixa de ser visto como expressão negativa, como dado conjuntural ou expressão da cegueira dos humanos, para ser reconhecido como um fenômeno rico e fecundo. E a questão que se coloca para o cristianismo é o desafio de manter viva a sua identidade própria colocando-se à disposição para a escuta e o diálogo construtivo com as outras expressões religiosas. Partindo de considerações sobre os posicionamentos teológicos em torno do pluralismo religioso, o texto busca destacar os embaraços e desafios que se apresentam em particular para a cristologia e a eclesiologia.

  5. O papel dos valores religiosos em escolas públicas do interior paulista.

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    Aline Pereira Lima


    Full Text Available Pretendeu-se com esta pesquisa verificar a presença e uso de valores religiosos em salas segunda e terceira série, de escolas públicas de Presidente Prudente. Buscou-se investigar como professores lidam com valores religiosos e os motivos pelos quais isto é feito. Inicialmente foram escolhidas dez escolas, onde observou-se dez salas de segunda e dez salas de terceira série em diferentes períodos. Posteriormente, tendo como foco quatro escolas onde a incidência do uso de valores religiosos foi maior, constatou-se que os valores religiosos se fazem presentes nas escolas com as mais diversas finalidades, sendo as principais, disciplinar e moralizar. Abstract: This search aims to verify the presence and use of religious values in second and third grades of public schools in Presidente Prudente. The aim was to investigate how teachers deal with religious values and the reasons why this is done. Initially ten schools were chosen, where it was observed ten classrooms of second grade and ten third grades of rooms of different periods. Later, focusing on four schools where the incidence of religious values were higher, we concluded that these values were applied for diverse reasons, mainly, disciplinary and morality purposes.

  6. Turismo religioso en la Basílica del Cristo Negro de Esquipulas, Guatemala.

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    Leonardo Daniel Rosas Paz


    Full Text Available Los santuarios religiosos representan, en la actualidad, espacios de atracción de turistas, creyentes o no, y de devotos; sobresalen algunos que, por su magnetismo espiritual, exhiben áreas extendidas de adherencia devocional y turística. Guatemala se inserta en el escenario anterior a través del caso de la Basílica de Esquipulas que resguarda a la venerada imagen del Cristo Negro; ubicada en la Ciudad-Santuario homónima al suroriente del arribo cíclico de miles de turistas y peregrinos que incentivan la economía local. El contexto territorial referido motivó la realización de este trabajo que tiene como objetivo revelar características geográficas del turismo religioso en el Santuario del Cristo Negro de Esquipulas; en una primera parte, se precisan los postulados teórico-conceptuales examinados que atañen al turismo religioso; posteriormente, se describen particularidades geográficas del contexto regional y local; finalmente, se detallan los hallazgos que comprueban la importancia geográfica del turismo religioso en el Santuario a partir de la investigación en gabinete y el trabajo realizado en campo.

  7. Bullying y cyberbulling: diferencias entre colegios públicos-privados y religiosos-laicos

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    Maite Garaigordobil


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar diferencias en el bullying presencial y el cyberbulling entre colegios públicos-privados y religiosos-laicos. Método. Participaron 3026 adolescentes y jóvenes del País Vasco (España, de 12 a 18 años (48.5% varones y 51.5% mujeres. Se administró el Test Cyberbullying (Garaigordobil, 2013 para evaluar el bullying cara a cara y el cyberbulling. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo y comparativo de corte transversal. Resultados. Los resultados evidenciaron: (a la cantidad de conductas de bullying que sufren, realizan y observan es similar en centros públicos y privados; en cyberbulling la cantidad de conductas que sufren y realizan es similar, aunque en los centros privados se observa mayor cantidad de conductas; (b el porcentaje de víctimas, agresores y observadores de bullying fue similar en centros públicos y privados; entre tanto, el porcentaje de cibervíctimas y ciberagresores fue similar, sin embargo el porcentaje de ciberobservadores fue mayor en los centros privados; (c la cantidad de conductas de bullying y cyberbulling que sufren las víctimas y realizan los agresores fue similar en los centros religiosos y laicos, sin embargo en los religiosos se observaron más conductas de bullying y cyberbulling; y (d se encontró un mayor porcentaje de agresores y observadores de bullying en centros religiosos, no obstante el porcentaje de víctimas de bullying, cibervíctimas, ciberagresores y ciberobservadores fue similar en los colegios religiosos y laicos. Conclusión. El debate se centra en la presencia del acoso en todos los centros educativos, con independencia del nivel socioeconómico y de la orientación religiosa de los mismos.

  8. [Trends in antibiotic consumption in Spain, 1985-2000]. (United States)

    Lázaro Bengoa, Edurne; Madurga Sanz, Mariano; de Abajo Iglesias, Francisco J


    The purpose of this study was to analyse the trend in antibiotics consumption to draw on the National Health System (NHS) over the last 16 years in Spain and its different Autonomous Communities (AC). Consumption data for all antibiotics used in Spain, either alone or in fixed-dose combinations, were obtained using the database ECOM. This database includes all the packages sold through retail pharmacies and reimbursed by the NHS. Data are expressed as defined dairy doses per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DHD), in accordance with the methodology recommended by the World Health Organization. Demographic data were provided by the National Institute of Statistics. In 1985 the overall consumption of antibiotics was 21.9 DHD, while in 2000 it was 20.4 DHD. It was possible to distinguish three phases over the study period. The first phase lasts until 1989, where a mild decreasing trend was observed (1.1 DHD; 5.0%), mainly due to the fall of fixed-dose combinations of antibiotics and the association of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. The second phase, lasting until 1996, was characterized by a generalized increase in the consumption in all AC, with an average of 2.3 DHD (+ 11.1%), ranging from 0.4 to 4.6 DHD; this increase was mainly due to the marketing of new macrolides, cephalosporins and quinolones. Finally, there was a third phase beginning in 1996, where the consumption of antibiotics came into a sustained and generalized decline, ranging from 0.5 to 5.1 DHD, and depending on the AC (national average 2.7 DHD, 11.7% lower than that in 1996). This latter trend was mainly due to the fall of wide-spectrum penicillins. Differences between AC regarding the level of consumption were huge over the study period, although the pattern of use was quite similar. There was, for instance, a difference of 10.4 DHD between Región de Murcia and Islas Baleares in 2000, or 9.9 DHD between the former and Madrid in the same year. The consumption of antibiotics in Spain and all its AC has

  9. Standardized Thyroid Cancer Mortality in Korea between 1985 and 2010. (United States)

    Choi, Yun Mi; Kim, Tae Yong; Jang, Eun Kyung; Kwon, Hyemi; Jeon, Min Ji; Kim, Won Gu; Shong, Young Kee; Kim, Won Bae


    The prevalence of thyroid cancer has increased very rapidly in Korea. However, there is no published report focusing on thyroid cancer mortality in Korea. In this study, we aimed to evaluate standardized thyroid cancer mortality using data from Statistics Korea (the Statistical Office of Korea). Population and mortality data from 1985 to 2010 were obtained from Statistics Korea. Age-standardized rates of thyroid cancer mortality were calculated according to the standard population of Korea, as well as World Health Organization (WHO) standard population and International Cancer Survival Standard (ICSS) population weights. The crude thyroid cancer mortality rate increased from 0.1 to 0.7 per 100,000 between 1985 and 2010. The pattern was the same for both sexes. The age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) for thyroid cancer for Korean resident registration population increased from 0.19 to 0.67 between 1985 and 2000. However, it decreased slightly, from 0.67 to 0.55, between 2000 and 2010. When mortality was adjusted using the WHO standard population and ICSS population weights, the ASMR similarly increased until 2000, and then decreased between 2000 and 2010. Thyroid cancer mortality increased until 2000 in Korea. It started to decrease from 2000.

  10. Visões do transe religioso

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    Nilse Davanço Rizzi


    Full Text Available O ponto de partida é o fenômeno do transe considerado num contexto ritual religioso, procurando, num primeiro momento, conceituar os diferentes tipos de transe, relacionando-os às religiões nas quais aparece. Num segundo momento, a preocupação é desvendar como o transe é visto pelas pessoas e quais opiniões elas tem a respeito. Neste sentido, buscamos resgatar a partir de quais religiões o transe está mais frequentemente associado, quais manifestações estão identificadas a ele e como as pessoas veem tais manifestações

  11. Issues in the future supply of electricity to the Northeast. [1985 and 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, P.M.; McCoy, T.H.; Rahman, S.


    This assessment of the problems of the electric sector is part of the BNL study on the Energy Future of the Northeast. Topics covered by the issue papers include the potential supply of energy to the Northeast from coal, oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, nuclear power, municipal waste, solar energy, and wind power, and the demand for energy in the Northeast from the industrial, transportation, and residential and commercial sectors. This paper compares energy demand projections derived in other parts of the Northeast Energy Perspectives Study to current utility projections; discusses major technical issues in capacity forecasting, including system load factors, outage rates, scale economies, unit sizes, and generation mix planning; discusses major siting constraints faced by each type of generation in the Northeast; and prepares preliminary forecasts of the number and type of new generation facilities necessary by 1985 and 2000, and an analysis of the implications for regional siting policy. (MCW)

  12. Standardized Thyroid Cancer Mortality in Korea between 1985 and 2010

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    Yun Mi Choi


    Full Text Available BackgroundThe prevalence of thyroid cancer has increased very rapidly in Korea. However, there is no published report focusing on thyroid cancer mortality in Korea. In this study, we aimed to evaluate standardized thyroid cancer mortality using data from Statistics Korea (the Statistical Office of Korea.MethodsPopulation and mortality data from 1985 to 2010 were obtained from Statistics Korea. Age-standardized rates of thyroid cancer mortality were calculated according to the standard population of Korea, as well as World Health Organization (WHO standard population and International Cancer Survival Standard (ICSS population weights.ResultsThe crude thyroid cancer mortality rate increased from 0.1 to 0.7 per 100,000 between 1985 and 2010. The pattern was the same for both sexes. The age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR for thyroid cancer for Korean resident registration population increased from 0.19 to 0.67 between 1985 and 2000. However, it decreased slightly, from 0.67 to 0.55, between 2000 and 2010. When mortality was adjusted using the WHO standard population and ICSS population weights, the ASMR similarly increased until 2000, and then decreased between 2000 and 2010.ConclusionThyroid cancer mortality increased until 2000 in Korea. It started to decrease from 2000.


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    Daniele Trindade Mesquita


    Full Text Available Resumo A homossexualidade tem sido pauta de diversos discursos religiosos nos últimos anos, sobretudo cristãos, transpondo as arenas religiosas e penetrando em espaços políticos e do direito. O presente artigo pretende, por meio da análise de vídeos de indivíduos que ocupam posições de porta-vozes das religiões católica e evangélica pentecostal e neopentecostal, analisar e problematizar as concepções de homossexualidade dos/as cristãos/ãs, utilizando para tal a Análise do Discurso Foucaultiana como referencial metodológico. Foi verificado um difuso arsenal de discursos acerca da homossexualidade, englobando saberes religiosos, "científicos", entre outros.

  14. El estudio sobre lo religioso en México: hacia un estado de la cuestión

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    Armando García Chiang


    Full Text Available El presente texto muestra los antecedentes y el desarrollo de los estudios que analizan los fenómenos religiosos en México. Con el fin de presentar una visión general del desarrollo de este tipo de trabajos, este papel está dividido en tres secciones. En la primera de ellas se hace una presentación de las disciplinas que abordan el estudio religioso. La segunda presenta una cronología de su desarrollo hasta finales de la década de los setenta del siglo pasado. Finalmente, la tercera sección se ocupa de los trabajos que sobre lo religioso se han publicado en México a partir de la década de los ochenta.


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    Faustino Teixeira


    Full Text Available O artigo visa apresentar um breve panorama da reflexão teológica asiática em curso no continente sobre as religiões e o pluralismo religioso. Darse-á um destaque especial à incidência dessa reflexão nos diversos documentos da Federação das Conferências Episcopais da Ásia (FABC em seu papel singular e pioneiro na abordagem dessa questão. Parte-se de uma reflexão sobre a pluralidade religiosa na ˘sia e a busca teológica de uma sintonia com tal realidade, com ênfase na acolhida teológica de um pluralismo de princípio. Em seguida, abordam-se alguns traços específicos da reflexão teológica nos campos da cristologia, eclesiologia, missiologia e diálogo inter-religioso. ABSTRACT: The article aims to present a brief panorama of the current Asian theological reflection on the religions and religious pluralism on the continent. A special prominence is given to the incidence of this reflection in diverse documents of the Federation of the Episcopal Conferences of Asia (FABC in its singular and pioneering role of exploring this question. It begins with a reflection on the religious plurality in Asia and the theological search of a convergence with such reality, with emphasis on the theological reception of a pluralism of principle. After that, some specific traces of the theological reflection in the fields of the cristology, eclesiology, missiology and Inter-religious dialogue are approached.

  16. Energy: global prospects 1985-2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, C.L.


    The results from the evaluation of global energy resources up to year 2000, done by the Group of Energetic Strategy of Energy Studies are presented. The studies were concentrated in the fuel supply and demand for the next 25 years, such as: petroleum, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy. The national and international energy policy are studied. (E.G.) [pt

  17. Definiendo modelos de administración electoral. El caso argentino a examen

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    Vanesa Valverde Camiña


    Full Text Available Los regímenes democráticos de América Latina han superado en una gran mayoría la fase de consolidación democrática, lo que actualmente sitúa su análisis en una cuestión de calidad. Si bien la calidad de la democracia es un concepto que parte indudablemente de los principios poliárquicos (Alcántara, 2008, éste abarca múltiples elementos entre los que la Administración Electoral juega un papel determinante como garantizadora de unas verdaderas elecciones limpias, libres e imparciales. La Administración Electoral en la región latinoamericana se presenta en diversos modelos que se articulan en un continuo cuyos extremos están marcados por la total independencia formal-legal de los Organismos de Gestión Electoral –OGE- y la dependencia de éstos respecto de los Poderes del Estado. Considerando que la literatura al respecto apuesta por la independencia de estos OGE para su correcto desempeño (Hartlyn, McCoy y Mustillo, 2008, en este trabajo se pretende llevar a cabo un análisis desde la perspectiva de los ciudadanos y legisladores argentinos del modelo de administración electoral argentino, que se caracteriza por cierta dependencia de sus OGE respecto del Ejecutivo y del Poder Judicial (López Pintor, 2000, para observar si esta dependencia tiene relación con el acusado descenso de la participación electoral en las últimas elecciones presidenciales de octubre de 2007, cuyo porcentaje (76,20% es el menor desde el regreso a la democracia.

  18. Nomadismo Religioso: Trânsito religioso em questão (Religious Nomadism: the question of the traffic - DOI:10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n22p493

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    Ricardo Bitun


    Full Text Available Procuramos mostrar neste breve artigo que o processo de secularização estudado por Max Weber, levou a religião a adaptar-se num ambiente de livre-escolha, conduzindo os sujeitos a uma escolha na qual o indivíduo, diante de inúmeras possibilidades e necessidades, é capaz de optar por aquela que melhor lhe servir. Apesar de a secularização ter perdido sua hegemonia, ela continua a suscitar calorosas discussões e inúmeros debates entre os pesquisadores do fenômeno religioso, particularmente sobre o pluralismo, as mudanças dos papéis sociais das organizações religiosas, a competição entre agências produtoras de sentido, as novas possibilidades de escolhas. Diante desse quadro, procuramos mostrar que o movimento neopentecostal oferece ao indivíduo inúmeras opções de bens religiosos, provocando com isso o trânsito religioso. Esse trânsito tem feito com que os líderes das igrejas neopentecostais, na tentativa de atrair novos adeptos, produzam com maior intensidade “novos” bens religiosos, assim como busquem fidelizar esses novos membros à sua igreja. Como resultado, percebemos dentro do campo religioso brasileiro uma intensa movimentação de fiéis, bens e igrejas produzindo e consumindo religião para o seu próprio deleite e consumo. Palavras-chave: Neopentecostalismo; Secularização; Trânsito Religioso. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show that the process of secularization studied by Max Weber, led religion to adapt itself in an environment of free choice, leading subjects to a personal choice, where the individual, confronted by innumerous possibilities and necessities, can opt for the one that bests suits him. Although secularization has lost its hegemony, it keeps on inspiring discussions and debates among researchers of religious phenomena, particularly on pluralism, the changes on social roles of religious organizations, the competition among agencies producing meaning, the new possibilities of

  19. Comparing primary prevention with secondary prevention to explain decreasing coronary heart disease death rates in Ireland, 1985-2000.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kabir, Zubair


    BACKGROUND: To investigate whether primary prevention might be more favourable than secondary prevention (risk factor reduction in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD)). METHODS: The cell-based IMPACT CHD mortality model was used to integrate data for Ireland describing CHD patient numbers, uptake of specific treatments, trends in major cardiovascular risk factors, and the mortality benefits of these specific risk factor changes in CHD patients and in healthy people without recognised CHD. RESULTS: Between 1985 and 2000, approximately 2,530 fewer deaths were attributable to reductions in the three major risk factors in Ireland. Overall smoking prevalence declined by 14% between 1985 and 2000, resulting in about 685 fewer deaths (minimum estimate 330, maximum estimate 1,285) attributable to smoking cessation: about 275 in healthy people and 410 in known CHD patients. Population total cholesterol concentrations fell by 4.6%, resulting in approximately 1,300 (minimum estimate 1,115, maximum estimate 1,660) fewer deaths attributable to dietary changes(1,185 in healthy people and 115 in CHD patients) plus 305 fewer deaths attributable to statin treatment (45 in people without CHD and 260 in CHD patients). Mean population diastolic blood pressure fell by 7.2%, resulting in approximately 170 (minimum estimate 105, maximum estimate 300) fewer deaths attributable to secular falls in blood pressure (140 in healthy people and 30 in CHD patients), plus approximately 70 fewer deaths attributable to antihypertensive treatments in people without CHD. Of all the deaths attributable to risk factor falls, some 1,715 (68%) occurred in people without recognized CHD and 815(32%) in CHD patients. CONCLUSION: Compared with secondary prevention, primary prevention achieved a two-fold larger reduction in CHD deaths. Future national CHD policies should therefore prioritize nationwide interventions to promote healthy diets and reduce smoking.

  20. O ensino religioso em Franz Rosenzwieg


    Guarnieri, Maria Cristina Mariante


    Frente a discussão que se apresenta sobre “Ensino de Religião”, essa comunicação pretende propor uma reflexão a partir do pensador Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929). Partindo do pressuposto que a religião se dá na experiência concreta, Rosenzweig terá como preocupação principal o ensino religioso, o que transforma uma possível teoria da religião em uma pedagogia da religião, pois, para ele, compreender judaísmo é praticar judaísmo. O objetivo de Rosenzweig não é validar o judaísmo – a religião. É ...

  1. Quale sapere religioso nella scuola pubblica? Dall’orizzonte europeo al caso Italia

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    Flavio Pajer


    Full Text Available Il trattamento della materia religiosa nei curricoli scolastici si diversifica secondo una vasta gamma di variabili. Da un punto di vista epistemologico, si possono inventariare 4 modelli di sapere religioso: un insegnamento a base teologica, uno a base mista tra scienze teologiche e scienze della religione, un terzo a base di scienze religiose non teologiche, e infine un approccio al fatto religioso operato all’interno dei saperi profani. Questi modelli sono contestuali a situazioni socio-religiose in evoluzione. Il sistema educativo italiano, dipendente dal concordato, è sollecitato oggi da molti fattori extrascolastici a evolvere verso un profilo di istruzione religiosa meno legato alla tradizione confessionale e più attento al confronto con diversità religiosa, con la società della conoscenza, con la metodologia della didattica interculturale.

  2. O processo de leitura do discurso religioso

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    Arnaldo Cortina


    Full Text Available

    Foi analisado o discurso proferido pelo Papa João Paulo II aos operários de São Paulo, no estádio do Morumbi, em três de julho de 1980, a fim de verificar como este se estrutura internamente, uma vez que permitiu, na época, leituras tão diferentes entre si. Verificou-se que o processo interpretativo ressalta a ambigüidade do texto religioso em questão, uma vez que cada leitor retira do texto do Papa o que lhe interessa ideologicamente.

  3. El reconocimiento jurídico de diversos tipos familiares en el nuevo Código Civil y Comercial argentino


    PellegrinI, María Victoria


    La reforma y unificación del Código Civil y Comercial argentino sancionada en octubre de 2014 incorpora al ordenamiento jurídico argentino la regulación sistematizada y autónoma de las uniones convivenciales –convivencias de pareja– y sus efectos

  4. Pluralismo religioso y educación

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    Jiménez de Madariaga, Celeste


    Full Text Available The Spanish Constitution (1978 and Law of Religious Freedom (1980 open the possibility of religious pluralism in Spain, a possibility that in principle will stagnate within the framework legislative without a projection in the social practice. The passage towards the exercise of the religious plurality, its institutionalization, is intensifying in the last years as result of the diversification of the religions and the increase foreign immigration. In this paper, the author dwells to analyze how religious pluralism in the Spanish educative scope is being fitted. She shows the problems that consider when the right to the education of the religion –of the religions– it is applied in the schools where, in addition, the historical presence of the catholic religion prevails.

    La Constitución Española (1978 y Ley de Libertad Religiosa (1980 abren la posibilidad del pluralismo religioso en España, una posibilidad que en principio se estancará en el marco legislativo sin una proyección en la práctica social. El paso hacia el ejercicio de la pluralidad religiosa, su institucionalización, se está intensificando en los últimos años a raíz de la diversificación de las religiones y el aumento de inmigración extranjera. En este artículo, la autora se detiene a analizar cómo se está encajando el pluralismo religioso en el ámbito educativo español. Muestra los problemas que se plantean cuando el derecho a la enseñanza de la religión –de las religiones– se aplica en las escuelas donde, además, prevalece la histórica presencia de la religión católica.

  5. ¿Cabe la discriminación positiva en relación con el factor religioso?


    López-Sidro López, Ángel; Palomino Lozano, Rafael


    1. Introducción: planteamiento del tema. 2. Conceptos básicos. 2.1. El pluralismo religioso, principio informador. 2.2. Concepto de discriminación positiva. 3. Discriminación positiva y factor religioso. 3.1. ¿Existe un mandato constitucional que obligue a la discriminación positiva en materia de religión o creencias? La congruencia ad extra de la discriminación positiva. 3.2. ¿Tiene cabida la discriminación positiva en materia de religión en el Derecho Eclesiástico español? La congruencia ad...

  6. O retorno do religioso na contemporaneidade

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    Tiago Ribeiro Nunes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende analisar os novos modos de relação, entre a civilização e o sagrado, que emergem no contexto da contemporaneidade. Partindo principalmente das formulações freudianas e lacanianas sobre o tema, nosso objetivo primordial ao longo deste artigo é estabelecer parâmetros para compreender a ocorrência do "retorno ao sagrado no exato momento em que a humanidade enfrenta crises cada vez mais profundas e permanentes. Tal empreendimento nos permitirá verificar até que ponto o fortalecimento dos movimentos religiosos pode ser considerado como uma das conseqüências da queda dos referenciais que se realiza na contemporaneidade.

  7. Sinesio de Cirene, ¿un hito del "conflicto" religioso?

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Lo que se pretende en este trabajo es plantear una visión de Sinesio de Cirene, contextualizada en el entramado ideológico y religioso del momento. El énfasis de la reflexión, más que en analizar las diferencias entre los «dos mundos» de los que bebe el obispo, recae en subrayar los puntos de encuentro y permanencias que conforman el pensamiento de la época. Con Sinesio como guía, se intenta llegar a algunas deducciones sobre un cambio religioso que -como se tratará de demostrar- no permite hablar de un verdadero conflicto paganismo-cristianismo, más allá del interesadamente inducido.ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to show an image of Synesius of Cyrene involved in the religious and ideological context of his time. The emphasis of this reflection tries to underline common features which shape the intellectual framework of the period, instead of stressing the differences between the «two sources» of the bishop's ideology. Using Synesius as a model, some ideas about religious change are tried to be reached. One change that is far from being considered a real conflict between paganism and Christianity as this was mostly induced.

  8. Por que o panorama religioso no Brasil mudou tanto?

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    Alberto Antoniazzi


    Full Text Available Entre 1991 e 2000, a porcentagem de católicos caiu de 83,3% para 73,9%, a dos evangélicos cresceu de 9% para 15,6% e a dos “sem religião” subiu de 4,7% para 7,4%. Como entender essas mudanças? Qual a responsabilidade da Igreja católica? O artigo apresenta, primeiramente, a visão sobre a diversidade religiosa, as mudanças ocorridas nas últimas décadas. Discute a seguir sobre a “Força e fraqueza da presença católica”, construindo um “mapa do catolicismo”. O terceiro enfoque reflete sobre as causas desse “enfraquecimento”, especialmente, os movimentos migratórios da população brasileira e os problemas da resposta da Igreja para acompanhar essa mudança, tanto nas “novas frentes migratórias” quanto nas periferias dos grandes centros. Deixando o campo católico, analisa-se a diversidade das igrejas evangélicas ou os protestantes tradicionais e depois a “expansão pentecostal”, em sua enorme diversidade, com destaque ao neopentecostalismo e seu profissionalismo empresarial. Finalmente, aborda-se o fenômeno das “outras religiões” e o crescimento dos “sem-religião”.Palabras clave: Religião; Diversidade religiosa; Panorama religioso brasileiro; Censo 2000; Igreja católica.ABSTRACTBetween 1991 and 2000, the percentage of catholics dropped from 83,3% to 73,9%, that o the evangelicalsgrew from 9% to 15,6%, and that of people ‘without a religion’ rose from 4,7% to 7,4%. How can we understand those changes? How far is the Catholic church responsible? This article starts with a view of religious diversity and the changes that took place in the last decades. It then goes on to discuss the ‘power and weakness of the Catholic presence’, drawing a ‘map of Catholicism’. O terceiro The third part focuses on the causes of that ‘weakening’, mainly the migratory flows of the Brazilian population and the problems of the church response to those changes, in the ‘new migratory fronts’ as well as in

  9. Trends in colorectal cancer survival in northern Denmark: 1985-2004

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Lene Hjerrild; Nørgaard, Mette; Jepsen, Peter


    OBJECTIVE: The prognosis for colorectal cancer (CRC) is less favourable in Denmark than in neighbouring countries. To improve cancer treatment in Denmark, a National Cancer Plan was proposed in 2000. We conducted this population-based study to monitor recent trends in CRC survival and mortality...... for age and gender. A total of 19,515 CRC patients were identified and linked with the Central Office of Civil Registration to ascertain survival through January 2005. Results: From 1985 to 2004, 1-year and 5-year survival improved both for patients with colon and rectal cancer. From 1995-1999 to 2000......-2004, overall 1-year survival of 65% for colon cancer did not improve, and some age groups experienced a decreasing 1-year survival probability. For rectal cancer, overall 1-year survival increased from 71% in 1995-1999 to 74% in 2000-2004. Using 1985-1989 as reference period, 30-day mortality did not decrease...

  10. Una mirada sobre lo popular. Reflexiones sobre el etnocentrismo en el nuevo cine argentino

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    Gonzalo Assusa


    Full Text Available La emergencia del nuevo cine argentino desata una serie de debates teóricos. Probablemente una de las caracterizaciones más convincentes es la que lo define como surgido de una misma crisis, no sólo en el campo cinematográfico, sino también de una misma crisis social. En el marco de un análisis sociológico de este fenómeno cultural, el presente trabajo planteará una hipótesis de lectura para algunas de las producciones audiovisuales del denominado nuevo cine argentino, en pos de establecer conceptualmente la estructuración desde el polo productivo de la elaboración imaginaria de esta crisis social, concretamente, de la emergencia de las clases populares en sus filmes. Para finalizar, se evaluará la productividad de la hipótesis de lectura basada en una definición teórica de lo popular, aplicándola a un cuerpo de filmes del realizador argentino Adrián Caetano, para concluir con reflexiones sobre la importancia del cruce entre la estructuración textual y la estructuración en el momento del consumo.

  11. Trends in colorectal cancer survival in northern Denmark: 1985-2004. (United States)

    Iversen, L H; Nørgaard, M; Jepsen, P; Jacobsen, J; Christensen, M M; Gandrup, P; Madsen, M R; Laurberg, S; Wogelius, P; Sørensen, H T


    The prognosis for colorectal cancer (CRC) is less favourable in Denmark than in neighbouring countries. To improve cancer treatment in Denmark, a National Cancer Plan was proposed in 2000. We conducted this population-based study to monitor recent trends in CRC survival and mortality in four Danish counties. We used hospital discharge registry data for the period January 1985-March 2004 in the counties of north Jutland, Ringkjøbing, Viborg and Aarhus. We computed crude survival and used Cox proportional hazards regression analysis to compare mortality over time, adjusted for age and gender. A total of 19,515 CRC patients were identified and linked with the Central Office of Civil Registration to ascertain survival through January 2005. From 1985 to 2004, 1-year and 5-year survival improved both for patients with colon and rectal cancer. From 1995-1999 to 2000-2004, overall 1-year survival of 65% for colon cancer did not improve, and some age groups experienced a decreasing 1-year survival probability. For rectal cancer, overall 1-year survival increased from 71% in 1995-1999 to 74% in 2000-2004. Using 1985-1989 as reference period, 30-day mortality did not decrease after implementation of the National Cancer Plan in 2000, neither for patients with colon nor rectal cancer. However, 1-year mortality for patients with rectal cancer did decline after its implementation. Survival and mortality from colon and rectal cancer improved before the National Cancer Plan was proposed; after its implementation, however, improvement has been observed for rectal cancer only.

  12. ¿Es la gestión turística importante para el patrimonio religioso de la ciudad de Bogotá?

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    Nancy Rocío Rueda Esteban


    Full Text Available Un gran reto para el desarrollo del turismo religioso es la gestión turística del patrimonio religioso, para lograr un equilibrio entre ser un lugar de culto y un atractivo turístico, dos funciones que en un comienzo parecen contrarias, pero que pueden funcionar de la mano, alcanzando una actividad organizada y eficiente. En Colombia, la mayor parte del patrimonio religioso sigue siendo utilizado como lugares de culto así que conservan sus valores y tradiciones espirituales; en la capital del país, Bogotá, la gran mayoría de los templos, iglesias, catedrales y santuarios que pertenecen al patrimonio cultural pertenecen a la Iglesia Católica. Muchos de estos templos por su importancia espiritual, historia, belleza, riqueza artística y arquitectónica son considerados atractivos turísticos.

  13. Dos casos de intersexualidad en el cine argentino

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    Santiago Peidro

    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza los filmes argentinos XXY (Lucía Puenzo, 2007 y El último verano de la boyita (Julia Solomonoff, 2009 para indagar sobre el modo en el que la intersexualidad puede ser leída a partir de las conceptualizaciones de anatomopolítica individual y regulaciones poblacionales que Michel Foucault describe, principalmente en sus cursos Los anormales, Defender la sociedad y en su texto, Historia de la sexualidad.

  14. Influencia de los estilos de atribución en la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes argentinos

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    Carmen SALVADOR


    Full Text Available El objeto del presente estudio es analizar cómo influyen los estilos de atribución en la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes argentinos. Para ello, se ha utilizado la escala de Causalidad Multidimensional Multiatribucional, en el caso de la atribución, con una fiabilidad de .67, mientras que, para la inteligencia emocional, se han empleado los instrumentos Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS y Schutte Self Report Inventory (SSRI, -fiabilidad de .851-. El trabajo fue realizado en una muestra de 376 estudiantes argentinos (69% mujeres y 31% hombres. Los resultados, obtenidos a través de ecuaciones estructurales, indican que todos las adscripciones causales propuestas por Weiner y cols. (1971: capacidad, esfuerzo, dificultad y suerte, influyen en el dominio emocional, tanto en lo concerniente al éxito como al fracaso. Aún más, los aspectos que más peso presentan en el control emocional de los estudiantes argentinos son el esfuerzo asociado al éxito y la suerte asociada al éxito.

  15. Fronteras en la construcción del territorio argentino

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    Alejandro Benedetti


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo reflexiona sobre las múltiples funciones que tuvieron las fronteras en la construcción del territorio argentino. En este se identifican diferentes momentos en el devenir histórico de la Argentina que llevaron a eliminar, mover, establecer o resignificar fronteras. Se pretende identificar, localizar y caracterizar tres arquetipos de fronteras y, en forma ulterior, analizar los elementos clave para una conceptualización.

  16. A reappraisal of transport aircraft needs 1985 - 2000: Perceptions of airline management in a changing economic, regulatory, and technological environment (United States)

    Spencer, F. A.


    Views of the executives of 24 major, national, regional, and commuter airlines concerning the effect of recent regulatory, economic, and technological changes on the roles they see for their airlines, and consequent changes in their plans for acquiring aircraft for the 1985 to 2000 period were surveyed. Differing perceptions on the economic justification for new-technology jets in the context of the carriers' present and projected financial conditions are outlined. After examining the cases for new or intermediate size jets, the study discusses turboprop powered transports, including the carriers' potential interest in an advanced technology, high-speed turboprop or prop-fan. Finally, the implications of foreign competition are examined in terms of each carrier's evaluation of the quality and financial offerings, as well as possible 'Buy American' policy predisposition.


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    Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer


    Full Text Available O presente texto procura pensar o estatuto da teologia cristã no atual contexto de modernidade, secularização e pluralismo religioso. Após fazer uma breve análise do percurso do pluralismo religioso na história do cristianismo, desde suas origens, o texto propõe a centralidade da experiência religiosa e da espiritualidade como caminho fecundo para que a teologia possa reelaborar-se a si mesma em atitude de abertura e diálogo com as outras formas de crer e as outras tradições que formam o tecido religioso do mundo contemporâneo. ABSTRACT: The present text seeks to reflect upon the statute of Christian theology in the following actual contexts: modernity, secularization, and religious pluralism. After briefly analyzing the itinerary of religious pluralism in the history of Christianity since its origins, the text proposes the centrality of the religious experience and spirituality as the fertile path by which theology may re-elaborate itself with an attitude of openness and dialogue with other forms of believing and other traditions that are woven into the religious fabric of the contemporary world.

  18. A contribuição de John Hick para o diálogo inter-religioso: a leitura do evento crístico como metáfora

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    Rodrigo Portella


    Full Text Available Este é um comentário crítico do livro A metáfora do Deus encarnado (2000, de John Hick. Hick busca rever axiomas cristológicos, tentando reinterpretá-los no intuito de fazê-los significativos para o diálogo inter-religioso. Propõe uma cristologia pluralista, desconstruindo tradicionais premissas e dando novos significados ao evento Jesus. A partir de uma nova cristologia, oferece uma soteriologia que transcende o evento crístico.Palavras-chave: Cristologia; Soteriologia; Diálogo interreligioso; Teologia contemporânea.ABSTRACTThis is a critical review of John Hick’s book The metaphor of red God (2000. Hick reviews Christological axioms, attempting to reinterpret them so as to render them significant to the dialogue between religions. He proposes a pluralist Christology, deconstructing traditional premises and investing Jesus’ event with new meanings. With basis on a new Christology, he offers a soteriology that transcends Christ’s event.Key words: Christology; Soteriology; Dialogue between religions; Contemporary theology.

  19. Maestros argentinos: patriotas y nacionalistas. La pedagogía de la patria en las escuelas primarias (1930-1940

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    Matías Emiliano Casas


    Full Text Available El sistema escolar argentino estuvo caracterizado, desde sus inicios, por la “imperiosa necesidad” de inculcar sentimientos de patriotismo en sus estudiantes. Un conjunto de ceremonias y efemérides fueron constituyendo los “rituales patrióticos” que se ocupaban, y se ocupan, de exaltar a personajes de la historia y a emblemas de la nación. Este trabajo se concentra en las prescripciones esbozadas para el personal de educación argentino en el contexto del fervor nacionalista que caracterizó la década del treinta. En ese período, la impronta nacionalista –con diversas facetas y manifestaciones- se visualizaba en expresiones políticas, culturales, religiosas y sociales. Para ese estudio, nos concentramos en las publicaciones de las revistas educativas que reprodujeron las normativas e intervinieron en los debates desde sus editoriales. Las recetas patrióticas recuperadas en ese período consolidaron prácticas educativas que se cristalizaron en el sistema escolar argentino.

  20. El liderazgo carismático religioso como elemento fundamental en la permanencia del movimiento independiente de renovación absoluta (MIRA) en el panorama electoral colombiano (2000-2014)


    Barros Acosta, Laura Milena


    El propósito de esta investigación es explorar los efectos del liderazgo carismático religioso sobre el desempeño electoral y la supervivencia del movimiento político MIRA en Colombia. Para ello, emplea una metodología cualitativa, que se vale principalmente de entrevistas a profundidad y observación no participante, para acercarse a las prácticas religiosas y a las actitudes políticas de los fieles de la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial de Jesucristo Internacional. A partir de la información reca...

  1. La Participación Transnacional en los Aspectos Religiosos de las Fiestas del Santo Patrón en una Comunidad Michoacana

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    Sergio M. Martínez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación se analiza la participación transnacional en las mayordomías y en los aspectos religiosos durante las fiestas patronales de San Miguel Arcángel en un pueblo de la rivera del Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. Mediante un acercamiento etnográfico colaborativo en que los investigadores han participado activamente y han tomado apuntes durante los días de la fiesta se ha involucrando la descripción densa y análisis reflexivo de cada uno de los eventos religiosos. Al final se han triangulado los resultados para concluir que participación transnacional en esta comunidad es de suma importancia en varios aspectos, pero especialmente para mantener los vínculos religiosos de los emigrantes y lugareños y de la participación en el culto al santo patrón de futuras generaciones que transmigran entre México—Estados Unidos.

  2. El concilio Vaticano II y su impacto en el campo episcopal argentino The Second Vatican Council and its impact on argentinian Episcopal field

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    Paulo Margaria


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca explorar el impacto que tuvo el Concilio Vaticano II en la Iglesia Católica Argentina, haciendo especial hincapié en el campo de los obispos, desde una perspectiva socio-religiosa que pretende dar cuenta de la complejidad del campo católico. Para ello nos parece adecuado utilizar la noción de "campo" en términos bourdianos. Consideramos que hablar de "campo religioso" nos permite concebir el catolicismo como un espacio social dinámico y atravesado por constantes conflictos y luchas llevadas a cabo por grupos de agentes que intentan dominar dicho campo. Esto nos permitirá caracterizar las diversas posturas que el Concilio acentuará en el catolicismo argentino, actuando de este modo como un propulsor y legitimador de reflexiones y conflictos que existían previamente.This article examines the impact that Second Vatican Council had on argentinian Catholic Church, with special emphasis on the Bishops field, from a socio-religious perspective that seeks to explain the complexity of Catholic field. Therefore, it seems appropriate to use the Pierre Bourdieu's notion of "field". We believe that talk about "religious field" allows us to conceive Catholicism as a dynamic social space spanned by constant conflicts and struggles carried out by groups of agents who tried to dominate the field. Again, this allows us to characterize the positions that the Council emphasized in the Argentine Catholicism, acting as a propellant and legitimizing ideas and conflicts that existed previously.

  3. Zure depositie in Nederland: Scenarioresultaten voor 1994 en 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schutter MAA; de Leeuw FAAM


    By means of an atmospheric transport model estimates have been made of the total potential acid deposition in the Netherlands for the years 1980, 1985, 1994 and 2000. Spatial resolution of the calculation was 5 x 5 km2. Emission inventories appied for 1994 and 2000 are based on the emission

  4. Energy balances for Europe and North America 1970-2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication is based on the ECE Energy Data Bank collected by the Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Energy, supplemented by other official data available to the secretariat. The Energy Data Base contains energy balances from 1960 to 1985 for the market economy countries of western Europe and North America and from 1965 to 1985 for the centrally planned economy countries of eastern Europe. During the first session of the Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Energy held in 1979, countries decided to circulate a questionnaire on Selected Energy Issues covering the years 1973, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1990 and 2000 (ECE/ENERGY/2, para. 29). While the methodology for establishing the balances has been mutually agreed, the assumptions underlying each country's forecast are not necessarily comparable. At their fifth session held from 23 to 27 September 1985, the Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Energy agreed to issue a second questionnaire to collect revised projections for the years 1990 and 2000 (ECE/ENERGY/11, para. 50(b)). Information received served as benchmarks to construct a time series from 1970 to 1985. Commodities listed include solid fossil fuels, petroleum fuels, gaseous fuels both natural and derived, nuclear energy, hydro- and geothermal energy, electricity, steam and hot water, energy derived from non-conventional energy sources (solar, wind, wave, tidal, etc.)


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    Maria Lúcia da Cunha Victório de Oliveira Andrade


    Full Text Available Partindo da hagiografia de São Frutuoso de Braga, pretendemos analisar como se instaura a interação em um texto que objetiva persuadir o leitor por meio da narrativa sobre a vida de um santo, tornando um exemplo a ser seguido. O intuito da Igreja ao solicitar que os religiosos redigissem uma hagiografia era produzir textos para o uso litúrgico, nas missas ou ofícios monásticos; propagar os feitos de um determinado santo, atraindo, assim, ofertas e doações para os Templos e Mosteiros que os tinham como patronos; para leitura privada ou como textos de escola; instruir e edificar os cristãos na fé; divulgar os ensinamentos oficiais da Igreja, etc.

  6. El papel de los líderes religiosos de Israel-Palestina en el proceso de paz israelo-palestino

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    Luis Fontes


    Full Text Available En Israel-Palestina, como en el resto de Medio Oriente, la religión conforma la identidad de los pueblos y abarca todos los aspectos de la vida social y política. Hay que abordar necesariamente el capítulo de la religión si se quiere alcanzar una verdadera paz, más allá de compromisos efímeros. Sin embargo, la dependencia del poder político de las principales figuras religiosas de Israel y de Palestina, les imposibilita para jugar un papel profético de reconciliación. Con todo, ha sido un trágico error de los políticos israelíes y también de la antigua Autoridad Nacional Palestina ignorar, apartar del proceso de paz, a los líderes religiosos judíos y musulmanes, respectivamente. El efecto ha sido el contrario del perseguido: suscitar los recelos de los líderes religiosos hacia el proceso de paz y polarizar aún más la opinión pública de ambas partes. Además, será imposible resolver el espinoso asunto del estatuto de los lugares santos de Jerusalén sin el concurso activo del estamento religioso.

  7. Fronteras en la construcción del territorio argentino

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    Alejandro Benedetti


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo reflexiona sobre las múltiples funciones que tuvieron las fronteras en la construcción del territorio argentino. En este se identifican diferentes momentos en el devenir histórico de la Argentina que llevaron a eliminar, mover, establecer o resignificar fronteras. Se pretende identificar, localizar y caracterizar tres arquetipos de fronteras y, en forma ulterior, analizar los elementos clave para una conceptualización.

  8. La fe de Prometeo: Crítica y secularización en el catolicismo argentino de los años cincuenta

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    José A Zanca


    Full Text Available El artículo propone observar las transformaciones de la cultura católica argentina en la segunda posguerra. Recurre al uso de la crítica literaria, cinematográfica y teatral como insumo, un prisma para observar el proceso de secularización interna del campo católico, entendido como la diferenciación de esferas de pertinencia y la disminución de la capacidad normativa de la jerarquía eclesiástica para fijar pautas de análisis incontrovertibles. Sostiene el carácter disruptivo de la nueva novela católica, así como las formas alternativas que propone el cine de posguerra al abordar temáticas religiosas. Apropiadas en distintos registros, estas mutaciones originadas en el viejo continente catalizaron la constitución de un imaginario religioso alternativo, en una nueva generación de intelectuales católicos argentinos.This article intends to observe the transformations of the Catholic culture in Argentina after World War II. It uses literary, film and theater criticism as a source, to observe the process of internal secularization of the Catholic field. The process of secularization is understood as the differentiation of relevant areas and the decline of the regulatory power of the church hierarchy to establish guidelines of indisputable analysis. The article argues that the new Catholic novel as well as the postwar cinema proposed disruptive forms to approach religious themes. Originated in Europe, these mutations -materialized in different forms- catalyzed the formation of an alternative religious imagery in a new generation of Catholic intellectuals in Argentina.

  9. Guardianes de la memoria. La conmemoración del golpe militar entre los exiliados argentinos en México


    Susana Sosenski


    Este artículo reconstruye la conmemoración pública y colectiva entre los exiliados argentinos en México del 24 de marzo, fecha del golpe militar que sufrió Argentina en 1976 y que inició la última dictadura en ese país. Para miles de hombres, mujeres y niños esta fecha significó la irrupción violenta de la historia nacional en su historia personal. Entre los exiliados políticos argentinos en México el 24 de marzo aparece como un lugar de la memoria, como un espacio de lucha...

  10. El voto religioso en España y Portugal

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    Montero, Jóse Ramón


    Full Text Available This article explores the relationship between religiosity and voting decisions in Spain and Portugal. We study whether religion (measured as church attendance and opinions about moral issues influences voting for the two main political parties. Results show a different relationship between religion and voting in both countries: only in Spain religious beliefs play an important role in electoral behaviour. We claim that to account for this finding several factors need to be considered, namely the different configuration of the party systems and religious maps, the distinctive mechanisms linking religious identities with voting and, above all, the important role played by political leaders in activating religiosity within the electoral competition.

    Este artículo explora la relación entre la religiosidad y las preferencias electorales en España y Portugal. Estudiamos si la religión (medida como asistencia a oficios religiosos y opiniones sobre asuntos morales tiene influencia sobre el voto a los dos principales partidos nacionales. Los resultados del análisis apuntan a una relación diferente entre religión y voto en ambos países: sólo en España las creencias religiosas desempeñan un papel destacado en el comportamiento electoral. Defendemos que la explicación a este hallazgo se encuentra en un conjunto de factores entre los que cabe destacar la diferente configuración del sistema de partidos y de los mapas religiosos, los distintos mecanismos que canalizan las identidades religiosas hacia el voto y, fundamentalmente, el importante papel desempeñado por las elites políticas en la activación de la religiosidad dentro de la competición electoral.

  11. Carcass characteristics, fatty acid composition, and meat quality of Criollo Argentino and Braford steers raised on forage in a semi-tropical region of Argentina. (United States)

    Orellana, Carlos; Peña, F; García, A; Perea, J; Martos, J; Domenech, V; Acero, R


    The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare the carcass characteristics, cholesterol concentration, fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat and subcutaneous fat, and meat quality of Criollo Argentino and Braford steers reared in an extensive system, without supplementation, and slaughtered at approximately 400kg live weight. The Braford steers had greater (PCriollo Argentino steers. The tissue composition of the 10th rib was: 68.1% vs. 63.6% muscle, 23.9% vs. 20.4% bone and 8.2% vs. 16.3% fat for the Criollo Argentino and Braford breeds, respectively. The meat of Longissimus muscle from Braford steers was lighter, redder, yellower and more tender than that from Criollo Argentino steers. The meat of Longissimus muscle from Braford steers had a higher fat content, similar protein and ash contents and a lower (P⩽0.001) cholesterol concentration than that from Criollo Argentino steers. The subcutaneous depot was the most saturated, while the intramuscular fat had the most polyunsaturated fatty acids. Intramuscular fat showed the highest ∑h fatty acids, and PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios and for MUFA/SFA, 16:0/18:0 and h/H ratios were not significantly different between adipose tissue depots. The influence of breed on the fatty acid profile varies among adipose tissues. In general, both intramuscular fat and subcutaneous fat from Criollo steers contained more unsaturated fatty acids and less saturated fatty acids, than did fat from Braford steers.

  12. Psicologia, Democracia e Laicidade em Tempos de Fundamentalismo Religioso no Brasil


    Lionço, Tatiana


    Resumo: A laicidade é um princípio fundamental para a garantia da ética democrática, pois promove o reconhecimento e proteção da diversidade social, moral, cultural e religiosa de uma sociedade. As liberdades individuais são direitos modernos relativos à dissociação entre poder estatal e dogma religioso, de modo a garantir liberdade de consciência e de expressão, fundamentais à dignidade humana. A Psicologia afirmou historicamente compromisso com a ética democrática e com os direitos humanos,...

  13. Estudo da cadeia produtiva do leite em Santa Catarina no período 19852000

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    Vilmar Nogueira Duarte


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo estudar a cadeia produtiva do leite em Santa Catarina e mostrar as mudanças ocorridas ao longo da cadeia, no período de 1985 a 2000, diante das profundas alterações observadas na economia brasileira, caracterizadas pela abertura comercial e consolidação do Mercosul, pela desregulamentação do mercado e pela estabilização econômica pós-Plano Real. O estudo mostra que esse novo ambiente provocou um intenso processo de reestruturação no setor, o que resultou num maior nível de especialização no segmento de produção primária, com melhoria considerável da qualidade do leite entregue às indústrias e aumento do volume comercializado sob inspeção; grande concentração no setor de captação e processamento, com as principais indústrias do setor buscando se equiparar às principais do País em termos de tecnologia; além de mudanças significativas no segmento de distribuição de produtos lácteos, propiciadas pelo avanço tecnológico no setor de embalagens, principalmente no que se refere aos esterilizados. O trabalho conclui que apesar das mudanças observadas no ambiente competitivo, a cadeia produtiva do leite reagiu positivamente às turbulências ocorridas no período estudado, com a produção aumentando regularmente a cada ano e com a Região Oeste, cada vez mais, assumindo a posição de maior produtora do Estado.Abstract This paper aimed to study the milk productive chain in Santa Catarina and show the changes that occurred along the dairy chain, from 1985 to 2000, before the deep changes observed in the Brazilian economy, characterized by the trade opening and Mercosul consolidation, by the market deregulation and pos Real economical stabilization. The study show that this new environment provoked an intensive restructuring process in the area, what resulted in a bigger level of specialization in the primary production segment, with a considerable improvement of the milk delivered in

  14. O reinocentrismo de jesus como chave para uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso = The Kingdom of God Jesus as key to a Christology in religious pluralism

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    Lima, Adriano Sousa


    Full Text Available Este artigo resume a dissertação de mestrado do autor, sobre o tema “O Reinocentrismo de Jesus como chave para uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso”. Buscamos averiguar em que medida o Reino de Deus pode ser uma chave hermenêutica em favor de uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso. Para fundamentar essa questão, percorremos, através de uma análise bibliográfica, o pensamento de alguns teólogos da área sistemática, bem como teólogos da área bíblica. Na primeira parte, apresentamos o conceito de cultura, desenvolvemos a ideia da diversidade cultural, inclusive no Brasil, e afirmamos o pluralismo como fator cultural. No segundo momento, a partir da reflexão sobre a virada hermenêutica e a apresentação de alguns paradigmas teológicos, fundamentamos o pluralismo religioso como paradigma da teologia, do qual a reflexão cristã não poderá escapar. Finalmente, na terceira e última parte, o enfoque da categoria Reino de Deus e sua centralidade na vida de Jesus de Nazaré foi fundamental para afirmar a possibilidade de uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso

  15. El discurso religioso en Mistral, Uribe y Quezada

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    Ana María Cuneo


    Full Text Available En la poesía chilena del siglo XX hay una corriente sostenida de preocupación religiosa, que reaccionando contra el positivismo imperante, busca respuestas a los problemas de la existencia humana en una realidad trascendente. En el artículo el fenómeno es estudiado en tres poetas de generaciones diversas: Gabriela Mistral, Armando Uribe y Jaime Quezada, observando el modo específico de darse lo religioso en cada uno de ellos.   Twentieth century Chilean poetry contains a persistent current of religious concern, that reacts against the dominant positivism and looks for answers to the problems of human existence in a transcendent reality. This phenomena is studied in the article in three poets from different generations: Gabriela Mistral, Armando Uribe and Jaime Quezada, focusing on the specific way each one treats the religious theme.

  16. Cancer among indigenous people in the Amazon basin of Ecuador, 1985-2000 El cáncer en la población indígena de la cuenca Amazónica del Ecuador, 1985-2000

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    Miguel San Sebastián


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To provide some of the first data on cancer incidence among indigenous people in the Amazon basin of Ecuador, and to compare that incidence with the level found among nonindigenous persons living in that same area. METHODS: From the study area 1 207 cancer cases were reported to the National Cancer Registry over the 1985-2000 period. Frequency and relative risks were calculated for the indigenous residents and for the nonindigenous residents of the area. RESULTS: Cancer of the testes and leukemia were the most common cancer types among indigenous men, and cancer of the cervix uteri was the most common among indigenous women. Indigenous men were at significantly lower risk for cancer of the stomach, skin, prostate, and lymph nodes and for leukemia than were nonindigenous men. Indigenous women were at significantly lower risk for cancer of the stomach, skin, breast, cervix uteri, and lymph nodes than were nonindigenous women. CONCLUSION: Our data from the Ecuadorian Amazon indicate the need to develop appropriate mechanisms to register the indigenous population in the national census as well as in the National Cancer Registry. Also needed are cancer early detection programs, more health education efforts, and stronger health services that are adapted to the local conditions. Future research should focus on factors that may help to explain the different cancer patterns found among indigenous persons and nonindigenous persons.OBJETIVO: Proporcionar los primeros datos sobre la incidencia de cáncer en la población indígena de la cuenca amazónica del Ecuador y comparar dicha incidencia con la hallada en la población no indígena que habita en la misma zona. MÉTODOS: En la zona estudiada se notificaron 1 207 casos de cáncer al Registro Nacional de Cáncer en el período de 1985-2000. Se calcularon las respectivas frecuencias y riegos relativos de los residentes indígenas del territorio y de los residentes no indígenas. RESULTADOS: El

  17. El pensamiento religioso de Vicente Rocafuerte

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    Fazio Fernández, Mariano


    Full Text Available This is evident in his deeds as president and also in his writings, and hence he is a significant example of the predominant mentality of some of the Latin-American intellectual circles in the years between 1820 and 1845. The prevail-ing circumstances in Ecuador at that time forced Rocafuerte to adapt his more radical theoretical positions, although without totally renouncing his liberal and imperial vision that will become the precedent to the confrontation between the Church and the State in the second half of the 19th Century.

    Vicente Rocafuerte (1783-1847, presidente del Ecuador entre 1835 y 1839, presenta un pensamiento religioso rico en matices, que se manifestará en sus acciones de gobierno y en sus escritos, configurando un ejemplo significativo de la mentalidad dominante de algunas élites intelectuales hispanoamericanas entre 1820-1845. Las circunstancias del Ecuador de ese momento obligaron a Rocafuerte a adecuar las posiciones teóricas más radicales, aunque sin desmentir completamente su visión religiosa liberal y regalista, que constituirá un precedente del enfrentamiento entre Iglesia y Estado en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.

  18. Macroeconomia do Turismo Argentino em Santa Catarina

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    Roberto Meurer


    Full Text Available Resumo O Estado de Santa Catarina experimentou um considerável crescimento do setor de turismo nas últimas décadas. O fluxo turístico de origem argentina revelou-se um ingrediente importante dessa trajetória. Este artigo focaliza um aspecto pouco explorado, aparentemente, da participação argentina no turismo estadual: a relação entre a situação macroeconômica do país vizinho e a demanda turística por Santa Catarina lá originada. Começa-se abordando brevemente a problemática geral da macroeconomia do turismo. Depois, discorre-se sobre o crescimento desse setor em Santa Catarina, destacando a presença de argentinos. A terceira parte desenvolve uma análise baseada em tratamento estatístico de dados sobre demanda e receita geradas por esses turistas no estado, com exame das correlações envolvendo taxa de câmbio e taxa de crescimento do PIB da Argentina. Palavras-chave: turismo; Santa Catarina; turistas argentinos; economia argentina Abstract The State of Santa Catarina has witnessed a considerable development of its tourist sector in the last decades. The demand from Argentina has proved to be an important factor of that growth. This article deals with a feature of the presence of Argentinians in the state which seems to be scarcely studied: the relationship between the macroeconomic situation of Argentina and the tourist demand in Santa Catarina originated from that country. The first part of the article considers briefly the general issue of tourism macroeconomics. The second one looks upon tourism growth in Santa Catarina, stressing the presence of visitors from Argentine. The third section develops an analysis based on statistical treatment of data concerning demand and income generated by such tourists in Santa Catarina, involving correlations that consider aspects like exchange rate and the rate of GDP increase in Argentina. Keywords: tourism; Santa Catarina; tourists from Argentina; Argentina’s economy

  19. Il fatto religioso e la nascita della biopolitica

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    Domenico Bilotti


    Full Text Available contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Attualità e rilevanza della riflessione foucaultiana – 2. La disciplina del fatto religioso qualificante di un ordinamento giuridico costituzionale – 3. La dimensione globale dell’appartenenza religiosa e la crisi della sovranità statuale – 4. L’assenza e l’eccesso di legislazione: caratteristiche strutturali dellabiopolitica – 5. Prime conclusioni: laicità e confessionismo in quanto strumenti del governo.ABSTRACT Michel Foucault’s inner perspective about the relationships between the strength of power and common life still represents an interesting point of view to analyse the concepts of legitimacy and individual behaviour in our societies. This essay tries to underline how Foucault described a system of rules not only focused on economics and politics, but a complex theoretical construction to take a look at religious beliefs and their effects into a modern juridical order.

  20. The use of religious/spiritual coping among patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatment La utilización del enfrentamiento religioso/espiritual por pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento quimioterápico A utilização do enfrentamento religioso/espiritual por pacientes com câncer em tratamento quimioterápico

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    Ana Cláudia Mesquita


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to investigate the use of religious/spiritual coping among people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. METHODS: a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 101 patients undergoing intravenous chemotherapy in an oncology outpatients center in a public hospital in Minas Gerais, made in the first semester of 2011. For data collection, an interview was held, using a questionnaire for characterizing the sample and the Brief Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale. RESULTS: all subjects made use of religious/spiritual coping (mean=3.67; sd=0.37; the younger individuals, those with no religion and those who consider spiritual support unimportant tend to use coping negatively; individuals who would like to receive spiritual support and who participate in support groups for cancer patients, on the other hand, use coping positively. CONCLUSIONS: the study reinforces that religious/spiritual coping is an important strategy for coping with cancer, and contributes to an understanding of the same as a useful tool for spiritual care. OBJETIVO: investigar el uso del enfrentamiento religioso/espiritual por personas con cáncer en quimioterapia. MÉTODOS: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal, con 101 pacientes en quimioterapia endovenosa en un ambulatorio de oncología de un hospital público de Minas Gerais, desarrollado en el primero semestre del 2011. Para recolectar los datos, fueron utilizadas entrevistas, aplicándose un cuestionario para caracterizar la muestra y la Escala de Coping Religioso/Espiritual Abreviada. RESULTADOS: todos los sujetos utilizaron el coping religioso/espiritual (promedio=3,67; de=0,37; los individuos más jóvenes, sin religión y que no consideran importante el apoyo espiritual tienden a utilizar el coping de manera negativa; mientras los individuos a quienes les gustaría recibir apoyo espiritual y que participan de un grupo de apoyo al paciente con cáncer utilizan el coping de manera positiva

  1. Bullying y cyberbulling: diferencias entre colegios públicos-privados y religiosos-laicos


    Maite Garaigordobil; Vanesa Martínez-Valderrey; Darío Páez; Griselda Cardozo


    Objetivo. Analizar diferencias en el bullying presencial y el cyberbulling entre colegios públicos-privados y religiosos-laicos. Método. Participaron 3026 adolescentes y jóvenes del País Vasco (España), de 12 a 18 años (48.5% varones y 51.5% mujeres). Se administró el Test Cyberbullying (Garaigordobil, 2013) para evaluar el bullying cara a cara y el cyberbulling. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo y comparativo de corte transversal. Resultados. Los resultados evidenciaron: (a) la cant...

  2. Novas perspectivas para o ensino religioso: a educação para a convivência e a paz

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    Rodrigo Augusto de Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar a contribuição que o Ensino Religioso, como disciplina escolar, pode oferecer para a formação de uma cultura de paz. Valendo-se da força ética das religiões, o Ensino Religioso pode promover uma educação baseada na tolerância e na paz como valores fundamentais da convivência humana em sociedade. Foi utilizado o método de revisão de literatura sobre o assunto. O Ensino Religioso, dentro de um perfil pedagógico, preserva a diversidade religiosa e o pluralismo de crenças de acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e a legislação educacional brasileira. Como parte da formação para a cidadania, essa disciplina escolar pode fomentar o respeito entre crentes e não crentes em vista da formação de uma ética mundial. As religiões estão presentes na vida em sociedade, mesmo os não crentes precisam compreender, respeitar e conviver com os crentes. Desse modo, a disciplina de Ensino Religioso pode educar para a tolerância, a convivência pacífica e harmoniosa entre as pessoas de crenças e convicções religiosas diferentes.Abstract This article aims to demonstrate the contribution that Religious Education as a school discipline, can provide for the formation of a peace culture. Drawing on the ethical force of religions, Religious Education can promote education based on tolerance and peace as fundamental values of human coexistence in society. It is used as a method to review the literature on the subject. Religious Education within a pedagogical profile, preserving diversity and plurality of religious beliefs in accordance with the National Curriculum and the Brazilian educational legislation. As part of the training for citizenship, that school discipline can foster respect between believers and non-believers in view of the formation of a global ethic. The religions are present in society, even the non-believers need to understand, respect and live with believers. Thus, the

  3. El pensamiento alemán en el derecho penal argentino


    Guido L. Croxatto; Eugenio R. Zaffaroni


    El objetivo de este ensayo es abordar desde una perspectiva histórica la influencia del pensamiento alemán (la filosofía alemana, la dogmática alemana) en el derecho penal argentino, rescatando la forma en que distintos teóricos alemanes fueron leídos y receptados en Argentina. Se pretende pensar la codificación penal argentina como un diálogo – muchas veces como una mera recepción acrítica – entre los juristas y codificadores latinoamericanos y los pensado...

  4. Estimates of water use and trends in the Colorado River Basin, Southwestern United States, 1985–2010 (United States)

    Maupin, Molly A.; Ivahnenko, Tamara I.; Bruce, Breton


    The Colorado River Basin (CRB) drains 246,000 square miles and includes parts of California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, and all of Arizona (Basin States). This report contains water-use estimates by category of use for drainage basins (Hydrologic Unit Code 8; HUC‑8) within the CRB from 1985 to 2010, at 5-year intervals. Estimates for public supply, domestic, commercial, industrial, irrigation, livestock, mining, aquaculture, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power, and wastewater returns are tabulated as (1) water withdrawals from groundwater or surface‑water sources of fresh or saline quality, (2) water delivered for domestic use, (3) wastewater returns and instream use (hydroelectric), and (4) consumptive use, or water that is consumed (USGS definition) and not available for immediate reuse. Water transported outside of the CRB (interbasin transfers) is not included as part of withdrawals and are not accounted for in any category of use within the CRB.Total withdrawals in the CRB (excluding interbasin transfers) averaged about 17 million acre-feet (maf) from 1985 to 2010, peaked at about 17.76 maf in 2000, and reached their lowest levels of 16.43 maf in 1990. Interbasin transfers to serve mostly public-supply and irrigation needs outside of the CRB are reported for 2000, 2005, and 2010 only, and averaged 5.40 maf. More surface water was used in the CRB than groundwater, averaging about 78 percent of total withdrawals, and its use increased less than 2 percent from 1985 to 2010, while groundwater withdrawals decreased about 12 percent. From 1985 to 2010, surface water averaged 98 percent of withdrawals in the upper CRB, and about 59 percent in the lower CRB. Nearly all withdrawals were freshwater, but some saline groundwater was used for mining and self-supplied industrial.Interbasin transfers have a large effect on flows in the Colorado River and are listed in this report separately with no explanation of how the water is used outside of

  5. Discursos sanitarios y rieles. Noroeste argentino entre las décadas de 1920 y 1940

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    Ricardo Cicerchia


    Full Text Available Este ensayo propone visibilizar la vinculación del ferrocarril estatal argentino Central Norte y el campo de las políticas sanitarias tanto nacionales como provinciales en el Noroeste Argentino, entre las décadas de 1920 y 1940. En este análisis, focaliza en la experiencia del tren sanitario de la Misión de Estudios de la Patología Regional Argentina creado por iniciativa de Salvador Mazza y en las campañas contra el paludismo. La primera da cuenta de la importancia del ferrocarril para el desarrollo de la investigación científica in situ. Las segundas permiten estudiar cómo la expansión de las vías podía ser leída como una oportunidad para expandir las políticas sanitarias y, al mismo tiempo, como una ocasión para extender el contagio.


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    Karina Berenice Bárcenas


    Full Text Available Las identidades lésbico-gay, así como las bisexuales y las trans, fueron invisibilizadas del campo religioso. Sin embargo, desde hace algunas décadas han desplegado distintas tácticas de visibilización que están influyendo en la transformación y diversificación de este campo. Aún cuando la presencia de las iglesias para la diversidad sexual es poco notoria, la mayoría de las veces operan por redes invisibles transversales al cristianismo o a las grandes religiones históricas (mormones, judíos, musulmanes, generando versiones ecuménicas así como un paisaje espiritual marcado por la subjetivación e individualización de las creencias. En este texto se muestra cómo aún cuando la presencia de las iglesias para la diversidad sexual en el campo religioso forma parte de un movimiento mundial, observable en la influencia que tuvo la Iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana (ICM, de Estados Unidos de América (EUA en la fundación y desarrollo de esta iglesia en México, su configuración, expansión y dinámica, está condicionada a las reglas del juego del campo religioso nacional, en el caso mexicano, impuestas en gran medida por la iglesia católica.


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    Miguel Anxo Santos Rego


    Full Text Available La diversidad cultural subsume también la diversidad religiosa de una sociedad y, por extensión, del mundo. Partiendo de esta premisa, lo que defendemos en el estudio es una pedagogía dialógica capaz de abrir vías de innovación educativa intercultural susceptibles de optimizar en los alumnos el conocimiento y la valoración del pluralismo religioso en la sociedad civil. En este trabajo pretendemos resaltar la posibilidad de desarrollar, también en esta dimensión, una acción educativa bien diseñada, abordando el aprecio por el pluralismo religioso en las aulas desde primaria hasta la universidad. Considerando distintas hipótesis acerca de la construcción dialógica del aprendizaje, realizamos una revisión de los componentes históricos que fluyen en el tratamiento del tema (diálogo y desarrollo ético; flujos migratorios y diversidad religiosa; educación intercultural y nueva ilustración; religión, ciudadanía y derechos humanos; o religión, diversidad cultural y pedagogía dialógica. Se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que la educación intercultural aborde claramente la cuestión del pluralismo religioso, para lo cual se justifica, con criterio pedagógico-curricular, el aprendizaje cooperativo, con propuesta de nuevas técnicas de acción en el aula, concretamente, Jigsaw, estudio de casos y las narrativas autobiográficas. Cuidando de no mistificarlas, las técnicas de acción cooperativa en el aula pueden ayudar al progreso de una pedagogía dialógica que, en este caso, supondría que los alumnos aumenten su toma de conciencia acerca de las distintas visiones religiosas de la existencia. Y, por supuesto, tal pedagogía no repele el despliegue de controversias constructivas en torno a cuestiones cruciales de la vida.

  8. Impacto social de la expansión de los nuevos movimientos religiosos entre los indígenas colombianos

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    William Mauricio Beltrán Cely


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca hacer un balance acerca del estado actual de la pluralización religiosa entre las comunidades indígenas asentadas en territorio colombiano; para este propósito compara algunos estudios de caso. Explora, además, el impacto de la expansión de los nuevos movimientos religiosos entre dichas comunidades. En general, como en el resto del país, el movimiento religioso más dinámico entre los indígenas colombianos es el movimiento pentecostal, cuya expansión ha tenido notorias consecuencias, puesto que ha modificado las estructuras comunitarias y los sistemas simbólicos e identitarios. Sin embargo, la hibridación entre el pentecostalismo y las tradiciones y creencias ancestrales ha dado lugar a nuevas expresiones religiosas: “pentecostalismos étnicos” que pueden ser observados como formas de resistencia cultural y mecanismos de adaptación frente a la expansión de una modernización voraz.

  9. El presidente de Brasil agasaja al presidente argentino, Jorge Rafael Videla


    Figueiredo, João Baptista de; Videla, Jorge Rafael


    El presidente de Brasil, Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo agasaja con un banquete para 300 personas en el Palacio de Itamaraty, en Brasilia, al presidente de facto de la Argentina, teniente general Jorge Rafael Videla. En su discurso, legitima el gobierno dictatorial argentino y destaca la hermandad y entendimiento político y económico. En su respuesta, Videla se refiere al contexto internacional y los desafíos para Sudamérica como proveedora de alimentos y energía. Define la pertenen...

  10. Guardianes de la memoria. La conmemoración del golpe militar entre los exiliados argentinos en México

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    Susana Sosenski


    Full Text Available Este artículo reconstruye la conmemoración pública y colectiva entre los exiliados argentinos en México del 24 de marzo, fecha del golpe militar que sufrió Argentina en 1976 y que inició la última dictadura en ese país. Para miles de hombres, mujeres y niños esta fecha significó la irrupción violenta de la historia nacional en su historia personal. Entre los exiliados políticos argentinos en México el 24 de marzo aparece como un lugar de la memoria, como un espacio de lucha y de exigencia de justicia. El acercamiento que aquí se propone reinterpreta el exilio a partir de la conmemoración, de su uso, sus sentidos, intenciones y actores.

  11. El nuevo modelo de matrimonio civil en el derecho argentino

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    Adriana N. Krasnow


    Full Text Available La nueva visión del derecho de familia a la luz de una progresiva apertura de la autonomía privada en las relaciones familia de nuestro tiempo señala el contraste de la institución matrimonial actual con los esquemas de la época del Código Civil. Este cambio de modelo matrimonial que responde a la dinámica social es motivo de análisis en este trabajo, donde se intenta brindar un panorama general que permita mostrar el impacto de la nueva ley 26.618 sobre matrimonio civil en el derecho argentino.

  12. Perfil antropométrico en adultos del noroeste argentino: comparación con una referencia internacional

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    Lomaglio, Delia Beatriz


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva bioantropológica las mediciones antropométricas en adultos son exhaustivamente utilizadas en la evaluación morfológica de poblaciones argentinas extintas. La mayoría de los estudios antropométricos en adultos argentinos contemporáneos se limitan a la evaluación de talla, peso e IMC. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir otras variables antropométricas en adultos del Noroeste argentino (NOA y compararlas con una referencia internacional. Los datos de peso, talla, perímetros (brazo, muslo, pierna, cintura y pliegues (tríceps, subescapular proceden de 881 individuos (526 mujeres; 355 varones sanos de 20-60 años de edad de distintas localidades de Catamarca y Jujuy. Se calcularon estadísticos descriptivos (media y DS por sexo y dos PALABRAS CLAVE adultos; Noroeste Argentino; perímetros; pliegues; antropometría grupos de edad: 20-39 y 40-60 años. Las comparaciones se establecieron con adultos de EEUU de origen mejicano (Centers for Disease Control, CDC 2003-2006 con la prueba t. Se calcularon los percentilos con el método LMS. En ambos sexos y grupos de edad los adultos del NOA presentaron valores significativamente inferiores a los de la referencia en todas las variables consideradas, excepto para pliegues tricipital y subescapular en varones de 40-60 años. No se han encontrado antecedentes antropométricos comparables semejantes para poblaciones argentinas y del NOA. El perfil antropométrico de los adultos del NOA difiere significativamente con respecto a la población de referencia con un origen étnico afín.


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    Mario de França Miranda


    Full Text Available Não podemos negar que o encurtamento das distâncias devido à era dos aviões a jato e dos modernos meios de comunicação social, fez com que as grandes religiões da humanidade se tornassem bastante próximas umas às outras. O cristianismo, tendo já que se enfrentar com a cultura moderna e pós-moderna, independentemente de como as podemos entender e avaliar, não pode se furtar ao exame e ao estudo deste fato novo em sua história: os tradicionais sistemas religiosos, até então mantidos fora de seu território e vistos como metas de sua atividade missionária, encontram-se hoje dentro de seu próprio reduto.

  14. Lo status di rifugiato religioso nelle fonti del diritto internazionale: le nuove frontiere delle libertà dello spirito

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    Daniele Ferrari


    Full Text Available SOMMARIO: 1. Libertà religiosa e protezione internazionale: note introduttive e di metodo - 2. La nozione di religione perseguitata - 3. I contenuti di tutela della libertà religiosa dei perseguitati - 4. Le condizioni di riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato religioso - 5. La procedura di valutazione delle domande - 6. Conclusioni.

  15. Valoración de la Infraestructura de los Edificios Religiosos para el Turismo Accesible en Villahermosa, Tabasco, México

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    Lidia Guillén Valencia


    Full Text Available Los turismos religioso y accesible han promovido conciencia social, aprendizaje y salud en todos sus aspectos, y han generado una considerable derrama económica debido al desplazamiento masivo de sus practicantes. No obstante, el turismo accesible ha encontrado una serie de obstáculos arquitectónicos para acceder a los templos. Por tal razón, fueron valorados antropometricamente los edificios religiosos de Villahermosa, Tabasco, México, para determinar si su infraestructura es incluyente con este tipo de turistas. Se caracterizaron los templos, se entrevistaron informantes clave y se disenso una matriz de evaluación considerando los trece criterios antropometricos de Gutiérrez y Buenfil (2005. El resultado fue que los siete templos valorados cumplen de manera parcial con los requisitos de accesibilidad, esto significa que las necesidades de los turistas no fueron consideradas apropiadamente. Es pertinente aplicar la normatividad para la adecuación de la infraestructura y equipamiento no solo de este tipo de edificios sino para cualquiera.

  16. José Muzlera, Mariana Poggi y Ximena Carreras Doalla, compiladores. Aportes, sujetos y miradas del conflicto agrario argentino (1910-2010

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    Adrián Alejandro Almirón


    Full Text Available El campo argentino es el lugar en donde se gestó la identidad nacional. A lo largo de estos primeros doscientos años, se han realizado investigaciones históricas desde diferentes perspectivas historiográficas. Sin embargo, el común que une a todos estos trabajos es la intención de definir y describir el comportamiento del mundo agrario. Tal como lo menciona Barsky y Gelman “El campo parece ser el refugio de lo que algunos llaman el ‘ser nacional’, el espacio donde se buscaron las figuras clave de la identidad nacional”.* Por este motivo, el estudio del agro argentino permite reconstruir de forma parcial la realidad de este país.

  17. A gradient analysis on urban sprawl and urban landscape pattern between 1985 and 2000 in the Pearl River Delta, China (United States)

    Dai, Erfu; Wu, Zhuo; Du, Xiaodian


    Urbanization is an irreversible trend worldwide, especially in rapidly developing China. Accelerated urbanization has resulted in rapid urban sprawl and urban landscape pattern changes. Quantifying the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban land use and landscape pattern not only can reveal the characteristics of social transfer and economic development, but also can provide insights into the driving mechanisms of land use changes. In this study, we integrated remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS), landscape metrics, and gradient analysis to quantitatively compare the spatiotemporal dynamics of land use, urban sprawl, and landscape pattern for nine cities in the Pearl River Delta from 19852000. For the whole study region, urbanization was obvious. The results show an increase in urban buildup land and shrinkage of cropland in the Pearl River Delta. However, the nine cities differed greatly in terms of the process and magnitude of urban sprawl for both the spatial and temporal dimensions. This was most evident for the cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Gradient analysis on urban landscape changes could deepen understanding of the stages of urban development and provide a scientific foundation for future urban planning and land management strategies in China.

  18. Las ciencias biológicas en el arte argentino contemporáneo


    Matewecki, Natalia


    En este trabajo se describen las obras más recientes del arte argentino ligado a la ciencia y a la tecnología. Desde las producciones desarrolladas en el marco de la vida artificial que incluyen algoritmos evolutivos, algoritmos genéticos, autómatas celulares y robóticos, hasta los proyectos de bioarte que comprenden el uso de la biotecnología, todas estas obras marcan la pauta de un siglo caracterizado por el despliegue de las ciencias biológicas.

  19. El encantamiento de la ecología : capitales religiosos en el ecologismo moderno


    Díaz Diego, José


    La crisis ambiental y la secularización de la sociedad están obligando a las instituciones religiosas a elaborar nuevos discursos más coherentes con la cultura postmoderna y la dinámica socioambiental. De igual forma, el pensamiento ecologista se está volviendo más complejo debido a la incorporación de valores morales a sus decálogos ideológicos y a sus acciones prácticas. Ello supone la intrusión de capitales religiosos en la ecología, hasta ahora de fuerte cariz laico y cientificista. Se ab...

  20. Só Jesus Na Causa: Fé E Percepção de Crowding em Evento Religioso

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    Izabelle Quezado


    Full Text Available Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21 + (2013 54-60. doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2013.09.004 Frank Pons Crowding; Density; Expectations; Dissatisfaction; Scarcity 12.00 Mediante a forte representatividade cultural e econômica do turismo motivado pela religião, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre percepção de crowding, emoções e satisfação do consumidor em situação de alta densidade em evento religioso, testando a moderação da variável fé. A pesquisa empírica tem abordagem quantitativa e apresenta uma amostra de 201 casos, com dados analisados por meio da técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os resultados indicaram influência positiva da percepção de crowding na satisfação em evento religioso. No entanto, ao contrário do esperado, as emoções negativas não mediaram essa relação, exclusivamente as positivas. Com relação à moderação da variável fé, esta foi atestada na pesquisa empírica, fortalecendo reações positivas e enfraquecendo reações negativas à aglomeração. Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

  1. El Sindicalismo Argentino en Clave de Diálogo y Confrontación Desde la Llegada del Peronismo

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    Vanesa Coscia


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone describir y analizar las características de los sindicatos argentinos, en base a discursos historiográficos de la literatura especializada, a partir de 1943 hasta la última dictadura militar (1976. Específicamente se centra en el rol de su principal actor sindical, la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT, a partir de la identificación de momentos históricos claves de 'diálogo y confrontación'. Estas categorías 'analíticas', creadas en función de concepciones políticas e ideológicas del sindicalismo argentino (“peronista” y “clasista” se articulan con los posicionamientos y las dinámicas sindicales, a partir de su interacción con los gobiernos, los trabajadores y las distintas corrientes gremiales. Palabras claves: sindicatos argentinos; peronismo; clasismo; diálogo; confrontación The purpose of this article is to describe and to analyze the argentinian trade unions features between 1943 and the last military dictatorship (1976, based on historiographical discourses of specialized literature. Specifically, it focuses on the role of the union leadership, the General Labour Confederation (CGT, starting from identifying key historical moments of dialogue and conflict. These analytical categories, that have their roots in the political and ideological conceptions of trade unions in Argentina (“peronism” and “classism”, are articulated with trade unions positions and dynamics, through their interaction with governments, workers and different trade union tendencies.

  2. El pensamiento alemán en el derecho penal argentino

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    Guido L. Croxatto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este ensayo es abordar desde una perspectiva histórica la influencia del pensamiento alemán (la filosofía alemana, la dogmática alemana en el derecho penal argentino, rescatando la forma en que distintos teóricos alemanes fueron leídos y receptados en Argentina. Se pretende pensar la codificación penal argentina como un diálogo – muchas veces como una mera recepción acrítica – entre los juristas y codificadores latinoamericanos y los pensadores alemanes, en sus distintas vertientes y etapas históricas. Se analizan distintos debates –como la polémica entre el causalismo y el finalismo- tanto por la forma en que se sucedieron en Alemania, como por la forma en que se dieron en Argentina (el debate causalismo-finalismo se sucedió en los complejos años setenta en Argentina, tomando en cuenta sobretodo los contextos políticos en que surgieron esas polémicas; qué significado tuvieron estas discusiones – y qué significaba asumir determinadas posiciones – en función de los contextos políticos donde se evidenciaron. De este modo se espera trazar un panorama de la discusión actual en el derecho penal argentino, haciendo énfasis en el análisis histórico de las problemáticas que aún enfrenta el Derecho Penal, tratando de generar, al mismo tiempo, un pensamiento penal crítico, consciente – pero no rehén – de las influencias provenientes de Europa, es decir, un pensamiento penal crítico que tome en cuenta las particulares condiciones sociales e históricas de la región en que se aplica el Derecho.

  3. Reindeer investigations prior to the prospective hydroelectric power project Kangerluarsunnguaq/Buksefjord Nuuk/Godthaab 1984-1985. Rensdyrundersoegelser ved vandkraftprojekt Kangerluarsunnguaq/Buksefjord Nuuk/Godthaab 1984-1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report contains the final results of investigations concerning the caribou herd south of Ameralik fjord in the period 1982-1985. The purpose of the investigations was to get a background knowledge for evaluating the effects of the proposed hydropower project at Kangerluarsunnguaq/Buksefjord. The herd was estimated to number 2000-2500 individuals in November 1985 and seemed to be slightly increasing. During the investigations the proportion of younger individuals has increased. It is concluded that the herd most years is ''limited'' by snow conditions making a large part of the winter food unavailable. The hydropower project might influence the caribou during calving through construction activities. Furthermore, the transmission line could be expected to influence the use of different areas at different seasons, but it is not expected to exclude the animals from tho coastal areas. A suitable planning of construction activities in relation to season could relieve the effects. 24 refs.

  4. A política da Igreja Universal e seus reflexos nos campos religioso e político brasileiros

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    Oro Ari Pedro


    Full Text Available Este texto versa sobre a inserção da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD na política nacional e seus efeitos nos campos religioso e político. Em razão da eficácia de seu carisma institucional, a Universal procedeu, dentro do próprio grupo religioso, a uma ressemantização do ato de votar em particular e da percepção da política em geral, inscrevendo-os em sua lógica religiosa. Isso é uma importante chave explicativa para o elevado grau de fidelidade de votos e o êxito político cada vez maior constatado nas últimas eleições. Ademais, a prática política da Universal está produzindo um efeito mimético em outra igrejas evangélicas, que tendem a imitar seu modelo de fazer política. Sua inserção política, sobretudo por intermédio do Partido Liberal, não passa despercebida pelos partidos, constituindo-se, assim, em um ator relevante na atual conjuntura política brasileira.

  5. Osvaldo Barsky y Mabel Dávila. 2008. La rebelión del campo. Historia del conflicto agrario argentino : Buenos Aires: Sudamericana. 352 p.


    Ledesma, Leonardo


    "La rebelión del campo. Historia del conflicto agrario argentino" es un análisis que considera múltiples aspectos del agro argentino y pone un énfasis especial en el conflicto agrario que convulsionó a la sociedad argentina desde el 11 de marzo de 2008 y por más de 128 días. El conflicto se examina desde un plano procesual y se contemplan las diferentes etapas históricas de conformación del sector agropecuario. Los autores sostienen que la región pampeana, principal área económica de la Argen...

  6. Laicità, radici cristiane e regolamentazione del fenomeno religioso nella dimensione dell’U.E.

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    Giovanni B. Varnier


    Full Text Available Relazione presentata al Convegno su “L’Unione Europea dopo la riforma di Lisbona del 18 ottobre 2007” (Spoleto, 29 novembre 2007 organizzato dal Centro Internazionale per lo Studio del Diritto Comparato della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”. SOMMARIO: 1. L’Europa tra laicità e laicismo – 2. Distinzione e collaborazione tra Stato e confessioni religiose – 3. La disciplina del fenomeno religioso a livello europeo – 4. Il fronte islamico – 5. La dimensione universale della Chiesa cattolica – 6. Considerazioni conclusive.

  7. Salmo 127, versículo 1: ativismo religioso e ordenamentos da segurança em uma periferia de São Paulo

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    Ana Paula Galdeano


    Full Text Available Este artigo explora algumas relações entre ativismo evangélico e "violência". Mais especificamente, discute o protagonismo político-religioso de um fiel da IURD, e da própria igreja, nos conflitos relativos à "violência". Seguindo a trajetória de José, argumento que o diagrama religião - empreendedorismo - segurança - política partidária e assistência contribui para sua atuação como ordenador da segurança no gerenciamento das tensões e conflitos nas periferias. As redes de José e uma etnografia de um culto da IURD são mobilizadas para indicar as performances miméticas do poder do Estado, as relações entre o secular e o religioso e a maneira como a "guerra justa" está no enfeixamento entre a "Guerra de combate ao crime" e a "Guerra entre Deus e o Diabo".

  8. Presencia de Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae en el Noroeste Argentino (NOA Record of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae in North West Argentina

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    Lucrecia Augier


    Full Text Available Se amplía la distribución de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae para el Noroeste Argentino.The distribution of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae is expanded to North West Argentina.

  9. Emission scenarios 1985-2010: Their influence on ozone in Switzerland - Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keller, J.; Andreani-Aksoyoglu, S.; Tinguely, M.; Prevot, A


    Ozone levels often exceed the ambient air quality standards during summer time. Since 1985, numerous regulations have been enforced or proposed to improve air quality in Europe. In this study we investigated the effect of these measures on ozone. Seven anthropogenic emission scenarios have been selected: scenario 0: emissions as reported for 2000 (base case); scenario 1: emissions as reported for 1985; scenario 2: emissions in 2000, if economy (and emissions) grows without control; scenario 3: emissions in 2010, if the Gothenburg Protocol is in force; scenario 4: emissions in 2010 according to the current legislation; scenario 5: emissions in 2010: 100% and 50% of the Gothenburg target emissions in Europe and in Switzerland, respectively; scenario 6: emissions in 2010: 50% and 50% of the Gothenburg target emissions in Europe and in Switzerland, respectively; scenario 7: zero anthropogenic emissions in Switzerland, base case emissions elsewhere. The 4-day period from 4 to 7 August 2003 was studied by means of the 3-dimensional photochemical model CAMx with 2 nested domains. The coarse domain covered a large part of Europe with a horizontal resolution of 27 km x 27 km. Switzerland and parts of the surrounding countries including the Greater Milan area were covered by the fine domain with resolution of 9 km x 9 km. Gridded meteorological data were obtained from MM5 meteorological model. The emission inventory was prepared by compiling European and Swiss anthropogenic emissions from various sources. Reference year was 2000. Biogenic emissions were calculated with temperature and irradiance dependent algorithms using land use and meteorological data. Initial and boundary conditions were adjusted from the output of the global model MOZART. The model could reproduce peak ozone concentrations around large urban areas. Model results were strongly affected by meteorological parameterization and emissions. Compared to 2000, ozone concentrations in 1985 were about 5% higher in

  10. Emission scenarios 1985-2010: Their influence on ozone in Switzerland - Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keller, J.; Andreani-Aksoyoglu, S.; Tinguely, M.; Prevot, A.


    Ozone levels often exceed the ambient air quality standards during summer time. Since 1985, numerous regulations have been enforced or proposed to improve air quality in Europe. In this study we investigated the effect of these measures on ozone. Seven anthropogenic emission scenarios have been selected: scenario 0: emissions as reported for 2000 (base case); scenario 1: emissions as reported for 1985; scenario 2: emissions in 2000, if economy (and emissions) grows without control; scenario 3: emissions in 2010, if the Gothenburg Protocol is in force; scenario 4: emissions in 2010 according to the current legislation; scenario 5: emissions in 2010: 100% and 50% of the Gothenburg target emissions in Europe and in Switzerland, respectively; scenario 6: emissions in 2010: 50% and 50% of the Gothenburg target emissions in Europe and in Switzerland, respectively; scenario 7: zero anthropogenic emissions in Switzerland, base case emissions elsewhere. The 4-day period from 4 to 7 August 2003 was studied by means of the 3-dimensional photochemical model CAMx with 2 nested domains. The coarse domain covered a large part of Europe with a horizontal resolution of 27 km x 27 km. Switzerland and parts of the surrounding countries including the Greater Milan area were covered by the fine domain with resolution of 9 km x 9 km. Gridded meteorological data were obtained from MM5 meteorological model. The emission inventory was prepared by compiling European and Swiss anthropogenic emissions from various sources. Reference year was 2000. Biogenic emissions were calculated with temperature and irradiance dependent algorithms using land use and meteorological data. Initial and boundary conditions were adjusted from the output of the global model MOZART. The model could reproduce peak ozone concentrations around large urban areas. Model results were strongly affected by meteorological parameterization and emissions. Compared to 2000, ozone concentrations in 1985 were about 5% higher in

  11. Reflejos territoriales en destinos religiosos y de sol y playa. De Fátima a Benidorm


    Santos Solla, Xosé Manuel


    El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre destinos turísticos neogénicos surgidos a partir de motivaciones diferentes. En concreto focalizamos el trabajo en dos localidades ibéricas seleccionadas como representativas del turismo religioso y de sol y playa: Fátima y Benidorm. Los argumentos que desarrollamos insisten en la idea de que la aparición y evolución de estos destinos no es neutra desde el punto de vista geográfico. Del mismo modo existen coincidencias a la hora de entender su...


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    Marina Bustamante


    La intención del presente trabajo es, entonces, contribuir a desenmarañar la trama social que articula al agro pampeano argentino en el marco de la producción capitalista, identificando las categorías sociales que lo integran y le dan forma y contribuyendo, así, a la construcción metodológica de tipologías sociales agrarias que permitan dar cuenta del dinamismo de la realidad social agropecuaria de la región pampeana argentina.

  13. Reflexiones sobre la influencia de los componentes religiosos en el asociacionismo inmigrante

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    Mata Romeu, Anna


    Full Text Available The text reflects on the importance (real and symbolic religious component in the birth and consolidation of the associations of immigrants from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis focuses exclusively on the Islamic religion, as is most common in people from this source. The field work was developed in three Autonomous Communities: Catalonia, Community Valencia and Navarra, between 2009 and 2010. Research shows, among others, shared religious beliefs of the members of the association are important (in some cases decisive to understand both the birth of the partnership, including joint and internal cohesion. As will be seen also throughout the text, the religious component is also useful to understand the relations that these associations together, with those considered similar and the different public administrations.El texto reflexiona sobre la importancia (real y simbólica de los componentes religiosos en el nacimiento y consolidación de las asociaciones de personas inmigrantes procedentes de el Magreb y el África subsahariana. El análisis se centra de forma exclusiva en la religión islámica, dado que es la mayoritaria en las personas de esta procedencia. El trabajo de campo se ha desarrollado en tres comunidades autónomas: Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana y Navarra, entre los años 2009 y 2010. De la investigación se desprende, entre otras, que las creencias religiosas compartidas de los miembros de la asociación resultan importantes (incluso en algunos casos determinantes para entender tanto el nacimiento de la asociación, como su articulación y cohesión interna. Como se verá también a lo largo del texto, el componente religioso será también de utilidad para comprender las relaciones que sostienen estas asociaciones entre sí, con aquellas consideradas análogas y con las distintas administraciones públicas.

  14. Representaciones de la otredad en el cine argentino contemporáneo

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    Alfredo Dillon


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza los modos de representación de la otredad en tres películas del cine argentino contemporáneo: Bolivia (2001, Cama adentro (2004 y El hombre de al lado (2009. En las tres obras se problematiza la relación con la diferencia a partir de la presencia de personajes “otros” que encarnan formas de vida diversas: un inmigrante, una mucama y un vecino, respectivamente. Cada película propone, a su vez, una manera distinta de resolver la relación con la alteridad: desde la eliminación del otro hasta la conciliación, el cine ofrece un abanico de respuestas imaginarias para esta encrucijada social.

  15. Electricity from geothermal energy: analysis of the trend to the year 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dickson, M.H.; Fanelli, M.


    At the beginning of the 1980s the installed geothermal electric capacity in the world was 1960 MW, rising to 3698.5 MW in 1985, and 5835.5. MW in 1990. At the beginning of 1993 the installed capacity had reached 5915 MW, an increase of 202% with respect to 1980. The percentage increase in installed capacity worldwide per annum in that same period, however, dropped from 13.5 in the 1980-1984 period to 9.6 in the period 1985-1989 and 0.5 in 1990-1992. Geothermal development has recently assumed a downward trend. There is evidence, however, to show that the situation will improve in the near future. Based on data from reliable sources, approximately 10,200 MW will be installed throughout the world by the year 2000, increasing 72% with respect to 1993 figures. The greatest increase (167%) is expected in Asia. The percentage increase per annum in the world in the period 1993-2000 should rise to 8.1. (author)

  16. Atores religiosos populares e midiático-consumismo católico / Popular religious actors and catholic media-consumerism

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    Emerson Sena da Silveira


    Full Text Available Propõe-se, com o presente artigo, refletir sobre as implicações da cultura de consumo bem como da mídia sobre os atores religiosos populares, a partir do estudo de uma comunidade católico-carismática de estrato popular. Perpassarão as reflexões questionamentos tais como as mediações entre os atores religiosos, por meio de suas atividades, e a dimensão das forças midiáticas e do consumo. Partindo dessas considerações, constata-se que os fluxos e fronteiras entre mídia, consumo e carismatismo católico põem em pauta novas formas de hibridação entre religião e mundo pós-moderno. / This article aims to reflect upon the implications of the culture of consumerism as well as the media for popular religious actors, starting from the study of a poor Catholic Charismatic community. The reflections will touch questions such as the mediations between the religious actors, through their activities, and the dimension of media forces and consumerism. Starting from these considerations, it is noticed that the flows and boundaries between media, consumerism and Catholic Charismaticism put in debate new forms of hybridization between religion and post-modern world.

  17. La información y los textos jurídicos de la colonia / El poder religioso. Tercer y última parte

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    Lic. Annie Badilla Calderón


    Full Text Available Como ya se ha indicado, una fuente fundamental de información de los hechos que sucedieron durante la colonia se encuentra en los textos jurídicos: los juicios por desacato, por herencias, por ventas, etc. También, a través de estos textos se sabe de qué manera se manifiesta el poder religioso.

  18. Influências da Guerra Fria no discurso nacionalista argentino. O retrato dos conflictos internacionais no Semanário Nacionalista Azul y Blanco

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    Maria Valeria Galvan


    Full Text Available As notícias sobre as guerras internacionais desencadeadas no marco da Guerra Fria têm sido utilizadas pela discursividade nacionalista em pós do seu programa político próprio, mais vinculado ao contexto local do que ao internacional.O semanário político dos anos cinqüenta e sessenta, Azul y Blanco, virou testemunha disso. Este, embora tenha-se concentrado principalmente na política nacional, deixou filtrar em suas páginas notícias internacionais que expunham as problemáticas mais importantes da Guerra Fria nesses anos, desde uma óptica nacionalista que ia mais longe das identidades nacionais para construir um “nós” geograficamente mais amplo. Assim, apesar da maior relevância da Revolução Cubana nas páginas da revista, a situação do bloco oriental europeu e a Guerra do Vietnã foram também importantes na secção internacional. Essas notícias eram escritas por correspondentes e editores argentinos e estrangeiros. Ambos argentinos e estrangeiros tiveram posicionamentos políticos e ideológicos que ficaram comprometidos com seus respectivos cenários locais. Assim, eles contribuíram especialmente para as transformações que atravessava o discurso nacionalista local. Nesse sentido, as redefinições ideológicas e políticas do nacionalismo argentino desses anhos nutriram-se também de aqueles olhares.

  19. Espaço de representação e territorialidade do sagrado: notas para uma teoria do fato religioso

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    Sylvio Fausto GIL FILHO


    Full Text Available As relações entre o fato religioso e o território revelam-se por meio da ruptura qualitativa do sagrado e da prática institucional da religião que se apresenta com um sistema de símbolos no qual circula o poder. Torna-se necessário resgatar a espacialidade e redimensioná-la sob a ótica do devir da sociedade.

  20. Trends in overweight and obesity among rural children and adolescents from 1985 to 2014 in Shandong, China. (United States)

    Zhang, Ying-Xiu; Wang, Zhao-Xia; Zhao, Jin-Shan; Chu, Zun-Hua


    Childhood overweight and obesity has increased dramatically during the past decades, both in developing and developed countries. The present study examined the prevalent trends in overweight and obesity among rural children and adolescents over the past 29 years (1985-2014) in Shandong, China. Data for this study were obtained from six cross-sectional surveys (1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014) of schoolchildren in Shandong Province, China. A total of 27,840 rural students aged 7-18 years were included in this study. Body mass index cut-off points recommended by the Working Group on Obesity in China (WGOC), the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) were used to define overweight and obesity. The prevalence of overweight and obesity has been increasing continually in rural areas over the past 29 years (1985-2014). Using WGOC criteria, for boys, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased from 0.74% and 0.03% in 1985 to 16.35% and 17.20% in 2014, and for girls it increased from 1.45% and 0.12% in 1985 to 13.91% and 9.11% in 2014, respectively. A similar increasing trend was observed by IOTF and WHO criteria. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in Shangdong rural areas increased rapidly between 1985 and 2014. Rural areas should not be neglected in obesity intervention, policy-makers and experts should pay more attention to the new tendency. © The European Society of Cardiology 2016.

  1. Coping religioso-espiritual e consumo de alcoólicos em hepatopatas do sexo masculino Coping religioso-espiritual y consumo alcohólico en hepatópatas de sexo masculino Religious-spiritual coping and the consumption of alcoholic beverages in male patients with liver disease

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    Maria Evangelista Martins


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal realizado com o objetivo de avaliar uso do Coping Religioso-Espiritual (CRE e verificar suas possíveis modulações com o padrão de consumo de alcoólicos em pacientes atendidos em ambulatório de hepatologia entre abril e dezembro de 2009, utilizando o CAGE, o AUDIT e a escala CRE. Foram encontradas associações entre coping religioso-espiritual negativo (CREN e consumo de alcoólicos na vida no último ano e com a combinação resultante. Sujeitos identificados como CAGE negativos com uso de baixo risco no último ano tiveram frequência acima da esperada na categoria abaixo da mediana. Os identificados como CAGE positivo com uso de médio risco foram relativamente mais frequentes na categoria acima da mediana (p=0,017. Resultados reforçam a relevância do CREN na avaliação de eventos relacionados com a saúde.Estudio transversal realizado con el objetivo de evaluar el uso del Coping Religioso Espiritual (CRE y verificar sus posibles modulaciones con el estándar de consumo de alcohol en pacientes atendidos en ambulatorio de hepatología entre abril y diciembre de 2009, utilizando el CAGE, el AUDIT y la escala CRE. Se encontraron asociaciones entre coping religioso espiritual negativo (CREN y consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en la vida, en el último año y con la combinación resultante. Sujetos identificados como CAGE negativos con abuso de bajo riesgo en el último año tuvieron frecuencia por sobre la esperada en la categoría por debajo de la mediana. Los identificados como CAGE positivo con abuso de mediano riesgo fueron relativamente más frecuentes en la categoría por encima de la mediana (p=0,017. Los resultados refuerzan la importancia del CREN en la evaluación de eventos relacionados a la salud.This cross-sectional study was performed with the objective to evaluate the use of Religious Spiritual Coping (RSC and verify its relationship with the pattern of alcoholic beverage consumption in patients attending

  2. Tendencias modernistas en el naturalismo argentino

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    Carlos Javier Morales


    Full Text Available La narrativa de Emile Zola, que ejerciera una influencia poderosa en toda Europa, originó también en Argentina una honda renovación novelística, que empieza en la década de los 80 del pasado siglo y se generaliza en la década siguiente. No obstante, la novela argentina de final de siglo se halla en la encrucijada de varias corrientes estéticas. Entre ellas, la fuerza cosmovisionaria y estilística del modernismo no encuentra resistencia. En este artículo se analizan los ideales y técnicas modernistas en tres novelas representativas del naturalismo argentino: Sin rumbo, de Eugenio Cambaceres; Horas de fiebre, de Segundo I. Villafane, y La Bolsa, de julián Martel. The narrative art of Zola which exerted such powerful influence all over Europe, also marked profound changes in Argentine fiction, beginning in the decade of the 1980's and becoming generalized in the ensuing period. The end-of-the-century Argentine novel, however found itself at the crossroads of several esthetic tendencies. Among the latter, the cosmovisionary and stylistic strength of modernism found no resistance. The present article analyses modernist techniques and ideals is three novels representative of Argentine naturalism, namely, Sin rumbo of E. Cambaceres; Horas de fiebre, of S.I. Villafane; and La Bolsa, of Julián Martel.

  3. Imaginário religioso: o simbolismo do herói à luz de Joseph Campbell e Carl Gustav Jung. 2011.

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    Solange Missagia Matos


    Full Text Available DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADOMATTOS, Solange Missagia. Imaginário religioso: o simbolismo do herói à luz de Joseph Campbell e Carl Gustav Jung. 2011. 115 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.

  4. Sintomas de conteúdo religioso em pacientes psiquiátricos Symptoms of religious content on psychiatric patients

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    Clarissa de Rosalmeida Dantas


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Vários trabalhos têm identificado a importância da religiosidade na vida pessoal, nas relações sociais, nas atitudes e representações relacionadas a saúde e doença, assim como na composição dos sintomas psiquiátricos. Poucos estudos empíricos em nosso meio têm investigado as relações entre religiosidade e perfil psicopatológico. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho visa avaliar fatores socioculturais e sintomas psicopatológicos gerais associados à presença e intensidade de sintomas com conteúdos religiosos ou místicos. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas 200 internações consecutivas na unidade psiquiátrica da Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas. As escalas de avaliação de sintomas psicopatológicos foram: BPRS-forma expandida e o GAS, acrescentando-se um item referente a sintomas religiosos, o qual explicitamente solicitava ao avaliador que verificasse a presença e intensidade de sintomas de conteúdo religioso. O nível de significância estatística considerado foi pBACKGROUND: A number of studies have identified the role of religion in personal life, social relationships, attitudes and values related to health and mental illness. Moreover, religious personal experience has been proved to contribute to the genesis and configuration of psychiatric symptoms. Few empirical studies have investigated in Brazil the interaction of religiosity and psychopathology. OBJECTIVE: The study aims to evaluate the relationship between mental symptoms of religious content, social and cultural factors and general psychiatric symptoms. METHOD: A number of 200 consecutive admissions in a General Hospital psychiatric in-patient unit were reviewed. In order to identify symptoms of religious content, a specific item was added to the BPRS-extended form. Statistical significance was considered above the 0.01 level. RESULTS: Moderate to intense symptoms of religious content were present in 15.7% of all patients. No significant interactions

  5. Atomic energy policy in fiscal year 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurada, Michio


    The international demand and supply of petroleum advance in relaxed condition at present, but tend to get stringent in long term. Nuclear power is the most promising substitute energy for petroleum, and in Japan, 28 nuclear power plants with 20.56 million kW output are in operation, generating 20.4% of the total generated power in 1983. According to the perspective of long term power supply, the installed capacity of nuclear power plants will reach 62 million kW and 27% of the total installed capacity by 2000. It is important to positively deal with the industrialization of nuclear fuel cycle, the upgrading of nuclear power generation, the development of the reactors of new types and so on, preparing for the age that nuclear power generation will become the center of power supply. The atomic energy policy of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in fiscal year 1985 is reflected to the budget, financial investment and funding and other measures based on the above viewpoint. The outline of the budget and financial investment and funding for fiscal year 1985 is explained. The points are the promotion of industrialization of nuclear fuel cycle, the promotion of nuclear power generation and the promotion of understanding and cooperation of nation on the location of electric power sources. (Kako, I.)


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    Raimundo Freitas Aragão


    Full Text Available La Torre “Luzeiro do Sertão”, ubicado en la ciudad de Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, inaugurado en 2005, no ha conocido el verdadero significado político de su desarrollo económico y religioso. Patrimonio tecnológico inventado y diseñado para ser fijado en el espacio religioso dinámica de la ciudad en lo intento de parecer absoluto y único en comparación con otros activos que la rodean, con el objetivo de atraer turistas y servir como un símbolo expresivo de la religión cristiana católica, ahora se encuentra perdido en el paisaje urbano. Este artículo aborda la historia de este emblemático atractivo deseado por las esferas seculares (estatales y municipales y la esfera religiosa (Iglesia Católica como motor del desarrollo económico orientado al turismo. El texto se basa en lecturas geográficas y multidisciplinaria, así como visitas de campo a Juazeiro, hecha por los autores entre los años 2009 y 2011. Tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento geográfico de un patrimonio artificial erigido en el lugar específico de concentración de las peregrinaciones y cuyo ámbito de actuación y la irradiación fuera debilitado en poco tiempo.

  7. La influencia católica en la configuración del sistema político y educativo nacional argentino a fines del siglo XIX

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    Oscar Daniel Duarte


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe las diferentes corrientes de pensamiento que influenciaron en el proceso de conformación estatal argentino. Sobresalen entre ellas la línea liberal y la línea católica de fuerte influencia en la elite dirigente del país. A partir de allí realizamos un análisis sobre la orientación política tomada por el Estado y la influencia impelida por el catolicismo particularmente en el debate sobre la conformación del aparato educativo nacional. La conclusión a la que arribamos en este estudio explica el por qué del sometimiento político e ideológico al que se vio sujeto el Estado argentino respecto a la influencia del Vaticano.

  8. Tendencias a la pluralidad y la diversificación del paisaje religioso en el México contemporáneo Tendencies towards plurality and diversification of the religious landscape in contemporary Mexico

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    Renée de la Torre


    Full Text Available Aunque México continúa siendo un país mayoritariamente católico, durante las últimas décadas ha habido importantes transformaciones en el panorama religioso de este país que se manifiestan en: disminución de membresía católica; aumento de población adscrita a otras religiones (en su mayoría cristianas de tipo evangélico, pentecostal, protestante o paraprotestante; aumento proporcional de quienes no se adscriben a ninguna religión (sin religión; el rescate de los nativismos, neo-indigenismos o religiosidades étnicas que tienden a deslindarse del catolicismo popular; y, por último, una marcada tendencia a la subjetivación y desinstitucionalización de las creencias y valores que transversalizan y diversifican las prácticas de culto, los modos de creer y actuar al interior del catolicismo. Con el propósito de dar cuenta de estas tendencias al cambio religioso, en este espacio analizaremos distintas fuentes que arrojan datos empíricos con escala nacional: las censales del Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística (Inegi 1950-2000 para el estudio de la pluralidad de adscripciones religiosas; los resultados de un estudio sobre católicos en México para atender la diversidad al interior del catolicismo; los resultados comparativos de México con otros países del mundo, mediante el análisis de los datos ofrecidos por el World Values Survey (WVS (Encuesta Mundial de Valores (1990 y 2000, y los datos extraídos de un estudio longitudinal en la ciudad de Guadalajara, para apreciar las tendencias a la desinstitucionalización y subjetivación en los mexicanos.Even though Mexico continues to be predominantly Catholic, during the last few decades there have been significant transformations of this country's religious panorama that manifest themselves as: a decrease of Catholic-professing members; an increase of population becoming members of other religions (mostly Christian Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant or Para

  9. Abusos sexuales de menores cometidos por clérigos y religiosos de la Iglesia Católica


    Aznar Gil, Federico


    El autor de este artí-culo, que ya ha publicado con ante-rioridad otros dedicados a la misma temática, expone aquí la legisla-ción general de la Iglesia sobre este delicado y complejo tema, que tanta repercusión ha tenido y está teniendo en la actualidad: describe el cambio de actitud de la Iglesia cató-lica frente a estos comportamientos delictivos de sus clérigos y religiosos, y analiza los cambios operados tanto en la legislación general de ...

  10. Muerte, donación de órganos y eutanasia. Abordaje jurídico, ético y religioso.


    Hierro Vázquez, María Eugenia


    En la sanidad vemos a las personas desde una perspectiva holística, en la cual incluimos la espiritualidad. Los valores y creencias de las personas son de gran importancia en la hora de la muerte y definen sus posturas frente a algunas prácticas como la eutanasia o la donación de órganos. Por ello es vital conocer los aspectos jurídicos y religiosos sobre estas prácticas para poder hacer un abordaje ético y ayudar a alcanzar una muerte lo más digna posible.

  11. Los graneros: Un caso de almacenaje incaico en el Noroeste Argentino

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    Myriam N. Tarrago


    Full Text Available En este aporte se comentan las características de una instalación de almacenamiento correspondiente a los momentos de ocupación incaica en el Noroeste argentino. La instalación, ubicada en la quebrada de Los Graneros, en el alto valle Calchaquí, fue relevada en 1969 pero los detalles de los trabajos realizados nunca fueron publicados, aunque varios autores consignaron su existencia. Además de la descripción de las estructuras que fueron documentadas en su oportunidad, se ofrece una estimación del volumen de almacenamiento que habría contado la instalación, proponiéndose alternativas para su función en el sistema de asentamiento planificado por el imperio en la región.

  12. Religious/spiritual coping in institutionalized elderly Coping religiosos y espirituales de los ancianos institucionalizados Coping religioso/espiritual de idosos institucionalizados

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    Luciano Magalhães Vitorino


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the spiritual/religious coping (SRC of elderly of two institutions of long-stay for elderly, from two towns Pouso Alegre and Santa Rita in south of Minas Gerais state Brazil and to correlate the SRC with personal characteristics. METHODS: The work is based on epidemiological and analytical cross-sectional design method with nonprobability sampling and sample of 77 elderly. The instruments used are characterization staff which consists of 15 multiple choice questions, scale of two dimensions SRC, SRC positive and SRC negative. RESULTS: both groups were balanced between the sexes, by the average age of 76 years old, 81.6 % did not complete primary education and 96.1 % practiced a religion. There was a high use of the SRC total average use and showed higher scores with age and time of residence and SRC Total. CONCLUSION: final analyses of the data demonstrated that the elderly uneducated and with religion presented SRC strategies so high and positive.OBJETIVOS: Evaliar el coping religioso/espiritual (CRE de los instituciones de ancianos em Pouso Alegre y Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais y correlacionar La CRE con características personales. METODOS: estudio epidemiológico, transversal analítico com El deseñ de muestreo no probabilístico y La muestra de 77 ancianos. Instrumentos: 1- caracterizacion 1 Caracterización del personal se compone de 15 preguntas de opción múltiple, 2 a gran escala con dos dimensiones CRE, CRE positivo y negativo. RESULTADOS: Ambos grupos fueron equilibrados entre los sexos, con edad promedio 76,6 años, 81,6% no completó la educación primaria, el 96,1% practica una religión. Hubo un alto uso de la CRE Total y mostraron mayores puntuaciones con las variables edad y tiempo de residencia y cree total. Las variables correlacionadas con la escala y factores. CONCLUSIÓN: Los mayores, sin educación y la religión se presentan las estrategias de CRE tan alto y positivo para las dificultades

  13. Tener amor es morirse. Poetry, Music and Romanticism In El Cancionero Argentino (Buenos Aires, 1837-1838

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    Guillermina Mariel Guillamon


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to investigate about the emergence of the genre "song" in Buenos Aires during the 1830 decade to inquire the four volumes of the de “El Cancionero Argentino. Colección de poesías adaptadas para el canto”. Published by Antonio Wilde between 1837 and 1838, the songbooks collected two hundred songs that circulated in Buenos Aires and were the product of the leading intellectuals and musicians and relatives belonging to the so-called "young romantic generation".

  14. Annual Report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muenze, R.


    This annual report covers the work carried out at the Radioisotope Department, ZfK Rossendorf, during the year 1985. It contains 12 contributions related to the development of processes for generating radioisotopes, 23 contributions related to the synthesis of radioactive compounds, and 26 contributions related to the characterization of radioactive compounds. All contributions are published in summary form only and are individually processed for the INIS database. Additionally, a list is given of publications and lectures issued between January and December 1985

  15. Reflexión crítica en torno al hecho religioso

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    John Alexis Rengifo Carpintero


    Full Text Available El hecho religioso, como objeto de estudio, es un acontecimiento que ha de ser abordado desde distintos enfoques disciplinarios si se quiere adentrar en su comprensión más amplia. Por ello, este artículo es un bosquejo investigativo de tal hecho bajo el horizonte conceptual de su origen dogmático-teológico, el de su acción socio-cultural y el del marco de referencia reflexivo filosófico, horizontes que dan cuerpo, cada uno y en su orden, a un apartado, desde los cuales se piensa como acontecimiento que cumple una doble finalidad: la de sacar al hombre de su ser precario, su biología carencial; y la de mostrar que este siempre, en todo momento y lugar, se dirige al mismo fin, brindarle la esperanza al hombre de su propia trascendencia. Pero a un terrible costo, la pérdida del juicio crítico. Cada uno de estos horizontes de análisis da cuerpo a un apartado.

  16. Infant mortality trends in a region of Belarus, 1980–2000

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    Lawvere Silvana


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and the breakup of the former Soviet Union (FSU in 1991 challenged the public health infrastructure in the former Soviet republic of Belarus. Because infant mortality is regarded as a sensitive measure of the overall health of a population, patterns of neonatal and postneonatal deaths were examined within the Mogilev region of Belarus between 1980 and 2000. Methods Employing administrative death files, this study utilized a regional cohort design that included all infant deaths occurring among persons residing within the Mogilev oblast of Belarus between 1980 and 2000. Patterns of death and death rates were examined across 3 intervals: 1980–1985 (pre-Chernobyl, 1986–1991 (post-Chernobyl & pre-FSU breakup, and 1992–2000 (post-Chernobyl & post-FSU breakup. Results Annual infant mortality rates declined during the 1980s, increased during the early 1990s, and have remained stable thereafter. While infant mortality rates in Mogilev have decreased since the period 1980–1985 among both males and females, this decrement appears due to decreases in postneonatal mortality. Rates of postneonatal mortality in Mogilev have decreased since the period 1980–1985 among both males and females. Analyses of trends for infant mortality and neonatal mortality demonstrated continuous decreases between 1990, followed by a bell-shaped excess in the 1990's. Compared to rates of infant mortality for other countries, rates in the Mogilev region are generally higher than rates for the United States, but lower than rates in Russia. During the 1990s, rates for both neonatal and postneonatal mortality in Mogilev were two times the comparable rates for East and West Germany. Conclusions While neonatal mortality rates in Mogilev have remained stable, rates for postneonatal mortality have decreased among both males and females during the period examined. Infant mortality rates in the Mogilev region of Belarus remain

  17. Escribiendo memorias de la dictadura: Las asignaturas pendientes del cine argentino

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    Susana Kaiser


    Full Text Available Por más de un cuarto de siglo, el cine argentino ha venido escribiendo memorias de la última dictadura (1976‑1983. La cámara convertida en historiadora se encuentra frente a ciertos desafíos. Qué pasó, por qué pasó, cómo pudo suceder, quiénes son los responsables, y cuáles son las secuelas en el tejido social, son algunas de las preguntas en busca de respuestas. Este artículo explora cómo se ha representado la dictadura y analiza cuatro películas de ficción producidas y estrenadas en este siglo veintiuno: Kamchatka (Marcelo Piñeyro, 2002, Cautiva (Gastón Biraben, 2003, Hermanas (Julia Solomonoff, 2004, y Crónica de una fuga (Israel Adrián Caetano, 2006.

  18. Na pista do crime: o policial argentino como gênero em Betibú


    Lusvarghi, Luiza


    Entre 2010 e 2014, o policial argentino viveu um de seus períodos mais efervescentes, com “O Segredo dos seus olhos” (2010), de Juan José Campanella, que conquistou um Oscar, “Tese sobre um homicídio” (2013), de Hernán Goldfrid, êxito de bilheteria e crítica, e “Betibú” (2014), de Michel Cohen, película que lança um novo olhar sobre o gênero e sobre a realidade do país. A narrativa policial na Argentina está ligada à  tradição literária, que teve em Jorge Luís Borges e Bioy Casares fortes def...

  19. The influence of institutions and organizations on urban waste collection systems: an analysis of waste collection system in Accra, Ghana (1985-2000). (United States)

    Fobil, Julius N; Armah, Nathaniel A; Hogarh, Jonathan N; Carboo, Derick


    Urban waste collection system is a pivotal component of all waste management schemes around the world. Therefore, the efficient performance and the success of these schemes in urban pollution control rest on the ability of the collection systems to fully adapt to the prevailing cultural and social contexts within which they operate. Conceptually, institutions being the rules guiding the conduct of public service provision and routine social interactions, waste collection systems embedded in institutions can only realize their potentials if they fully evolve continuously to reflect evolving social and technical matrices underlying the cultures, organizations, institutions and social conditions they are designed to address. This paper is a product of an analysis of waste collection performance in Ghana under two different institutional and/or organizational regimes; from an initial entirely public sector dependence to a current mix of public-private sector participation drawing on actual planning data from 1985 to 2000. The analysis found that the overall performance of waste collection services in Ghana increased under the coupled system, with efficiency (in terms of total waste clearance and coverage of service provision) increasing rapidly with increased private-sector controls and levels of involvement, e.g. for solid waste, collection rate and disposal improved from 51% in 1998 to about 91% in the year 2000. However, such an increase in performance could not be sustained beyond 10 years of public-private partnerships. This analysis argues that the sustainability of improved waste collection efficiency is a function of the franchise and lease arrangements between private sector group on the one hand and public sector group (local authorities) on the other hand. The analysis therefore concludes that if such franchise and lease arrangements are not conceived out of an initial transparent process, such a provision could undermine the overall sustainability of

  20. Unemployment scarring by gender: Human capital depreciation or stigmatization? Longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands, 1980-2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mooi-Reci, Irma; Ganzeboom, H.B.G.


    Using longitudinal data from the Dutch Labor Force Supply Panel (OSA), this article examines how unemployment scarring (i.e., wage setbacks following unemployment) and its underlying mechanisms operate across gender in the Netherlands over the period 1985-2000. A series of fixed effect panel models

  1. del tango argentino desde un estudio de recepción

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    María de los Ángeles Montes Argentina


    Full Text Available Este artículo expone los resultados de una investigación sociosemiótica realizada en Córdoba, Argentina, en torno a las interpretaciones que realizan los actuales consumidores de tango argentino para apropiarse de una poesía popular, edificada sobre una moral que tiene fuertes puntos de contraste con la de la clase media. Para ello, se realizaron dos ruedas de entrevistas a una muestra teórica compuesta de 26 personas, con el fin de indagar sobre sus preferencias y creencias en las que sustentan sus selecciones. Se ofrece, finalmente, una hipótesis que nos permite comprender por qué la poesía romántica del tango es la selección preferencial: el prototipo de amor que han incorporado es, en parte, coherente con estos poemas y, cuando no lo es, les basta juzgar ese caso particular como menos adecuado al tópico —en lugar de revisar el prototipo interpretativo.

  2. Lake-level variations and tides in Lago Argentino, Patagonia: insights from pressure tide gauge records

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    Andreas Richter


    Full Text Available Based on precise pressure tide gauge observations lake-level records are derived for two sites in Lago Argentino, southern Patagonia, of 2.5 and 1 years of duration. Applying the tools of time series analysis, the principal processes affecting the lake level are identified and quantified. Lake-level changes reflecting variations in lake volume are dominated by a seasonal cycle of 1.2 m in amplitude. Lake-volume changes occur in addition with a daily period in response to melt water influx from surrounding glaciers. Sporadic lake-volume jumps are caused by bursting of the ice dam of Perito Moreno glacier. Water movements in Lago Argentino are dominated by surface seiches reaching 20 cm in amplitude. Lake tides reach a maximum amplitude of 3 mm. The comparison of the tidal signal extracted from the lake-level observations with a model composed of the contributions of body tide and ocean tidal loading indicates a phase shift of 23° which is most likely explained by an 1 hour phase lag of global ocean tide models in the region of the highly fragmented Pacific coast. The comparison of the obtained results with those of a previous study of Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego, allows to relate differences in the hydrological and hydrodynamic processes between both lakes to morphological properties. This leads to a tentative prediction of the lake-level variability to be expected from other great Patagonian lakes. The presented geodetic results shall serve as a starting point for a detailed limnological investigation of these aquatic ecosystems.

  3. Funciones de la responsabilidad civil: cambio de paradigmas en el sistema de Derecho Privado argentino

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    Sandra Natalia Umansky


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por finalidad comentar la transformación operada en el sistema del Derecho Privado patrimonial argentino; a través de la inclusión de una variedad de funciones de la responsabilidad civil; tradicionalmente pergeñada en el Código de Vélez como compensatoria. Se ha propuesto; asimismo; analizar la evolución de estas funciones desde la incorporación de algunos institutos provenientes de distintos microsistemas del Derecho Civil; como el Derecho Ambiental y el de Consumo; para estudiar el proceso de modificación de la legislación privada argentina desde el Anteproyecto de 2012 hasta su regulación actual el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación -en adelante CCCN-; en aras de explicitar la configuración actual del sistema de responsabilidad civil vigente. Para ello se ha realizado una investigación de abordaje cualitativo; con técnicas descriptivas y bibliográficas; caracterizada como pura; si se analizan sus objetivos extrínsecos; y longitudinal en cuanto a su temporalización. Como conclusión principal podemos derivar que la responsabilidad en el Derecho privado patrimonial argentino asume una pluralidad de funciones; centralmente preventiva y resarcitoria; y periféricamente precautoria y punitiva; debiendo el intérprete realizar un adecuado diálogo de fuentes para la articulación del sistema a fin de mantener la plena vigencia de esta polifuncionalidad.



    Sévane Garibian; Traducción: Xavi Antón


    “El Estado turco ha cometido el delito de genocidio contra el Pueblo Armenio, en el periodo comprendido entre los años 1915 y 1923”. Esta declaración, realizada por un juez federal argentino el primero de abril de 2011 en Buenos Aires, se encuentra en el núcleo de una sentencia definitiva que constituye una primicia mundial y conlleva la consagración jurídica –el (re)conocimiento– de los testigos olvidados de un crimen negado por Turquía. La sentencia se inscribe en un marco singular y único ...

  5. Reproductive Parameters of the Dogo Argentino Bitch

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    Marina Caffaratti


    Full Text Available The Dogo Argentino (DA is the first and only breed from Argentina recognized worldwide. Although its morphologic features have been well established, its normal reproductive parameters are not clearly known. The aim of this study was to determine the main DA bitch reproductive parameters. One hundred and forty-nine surveys were obtained from breeders from Córdoba province, Argentina: one for each intact DA bitch from 1 to 14 years old. The DA bitch reached puberty at an average of 8.93 months. The mean duration of vulval bleeding found in this study was 11.11 days. The clinical signs characteristic for proestrous-estrous were vulval edema (89.93%, bleeding during the time of mating (32.21%, holding the tail to the side (95.30%, and docility during mating (85.91%. DA bitches had a whelping rate of 84%. Out of 299 pregnancies, 89.30% exhibited a normal parturition, 6.69% presented dystocia, 2.68% needed Cesarean section, and 1.34% aborted. In conclusion, the reproductive parameters of the DA bitch are similar to those identified for other large breeds. DA often showed a prolonged vulval bleeding longer than proestrus. Its high whelping rate, its low incidence of dystocia, and its good maternal ability define the DA as a good reproductive breed with normal reproductive functions.


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    Facundo Cersosimo


    Full Text Available El 2 de abril de 1982 las autoridades de la dictadura militar argentina decidieron recuperar las islas del Atlántico Sur en poder de Inglaterra. La Guerra de Malvinas, como se denominó el enfrentamiento armado, produjo al interior del catolicismo argentino pronunciamientos disímiles que tensionaron el campo católico. En el presente artículo analizaremos las posturas de los grupos que denomino tradicionalistas católicos, tratando de reflejar sus diferencias internas como las mantenidas con las autoridades de la Iglesia Católica argentina.

  7. La movilidad laboral transnacional de los inmigrantes argentinos en España

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    Fernando Osvaldo Esteban


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la movilidad laboral de los inmigrantes argentinos en España, utilizando como fuente principal la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes 2007. Se intenta contrastar la hipótesis de una movilidad ocupacional en forma de "U", con relación al último empleo que tuvieron los migrantes en Argentina y el primero y posteriores empleos en España. Los resultados contribuyen a refutar parcialmente la hipótesis. Hasta el año 2007, cuando se acaba el ciclo expansivo de la economía, la mayoría de los emigrantes experimentaron una movilidad descendente desde una posición más alta en Argentina. Desde 2007 hasta la actualidad, la crisis económica constituyó un contexto desfavorable para la movilidad laboral.

  8. La identidad nacional de los estados brasileño y argentino como construcción literaria a través de las figuras del bandeirante y del gaucho * A identidade nacional dos estados brasileiro e argentino como construção literária através das figuras do...

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    Full Text Available Resumen: Gran parte de las obras literarias sobre el bandeirante brasileño y el gaucho argentino se ha escrito con posterioridad a la extinción de tales modos de vida, pero han generado sendos mitos literarios relacionados con la creación del estado moderno y el establecimiento de sus fronteras, especialmente en el siglo XIX. La visión épica y la supuesta democratización de los elementos componentes de las bandeiras así como el enfoque, ya romántico, ya eurocentrista en la caracterización del gaucho argentino en la literatura, muestran una imagen demasiado simplista cuando no folclórica de la realidad de las empresas de exploración paulista y del papel del gaucho en las zonas de frontera. Este trabajo se propone mostrar las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos procesos de mitificación literarios, así como su grado de éxito en la construcción de una identidad nacional.Palabras-clave: Gaucho – Bandeirante – Mito Literario. Resumo: Uma parte importante das obras literárias sobre o bandeirante brasileiro e o gaucho argentino foi escrita após a extinção de seus estilos de vida; porém, foram gerados dois mitos literários em relação com a criação do estado moderno e o estabelecimento das suas fronteiras, especialmente no século XIX. A visão épica e a suposta democratização dos elementos componentes das bandeiras, mais o enfoque, já romântico, já eurocentrista na caracterização do gaúcho argentino na literatura, aportam uma imagem muito simplista além de folclórica em relação com a realidade das empresas de exploração paulista e o papel do gaúcho nas zonas de fronteira. Este trabalho se propõe mostrar as similitudes e diferenças entre os dois processos de mitificação literária no contexto histórico em que são produzidos, refletindo sobre seu grado de sucesso na construção duma identidade nacional.Palavras-chave: Gaúcho – Bandeirante – Mito Literário.

  9. El uso de resinas de intercambio aniónico en la determinación del fósforo disponible en algunos suelos argentinos


    Giuffré de López Camelo, Lidia L.; Barrandeguy de Tiraboschi, Diana; Massani de Sesé, Zulema M.; Barberis, Agustín Alberto


    p.165-172 Se realiza una revisión de los antecedentes de la metodología, destacándose las ventajas de la técnica de Sibbesen sobre las utilizadas anteriormente. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos al adaptarla para su utilización en 30 suelos argentinos.

  10. O Conselho Argentino para as Relações Internacionais (CARI nos anos 1990 e a virada neoliberal argentina

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    Christiane Sauerbronn


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura identificar a participação do Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI na difusão de idéias neoliberais e na condução de algumas mudanças de paradigma que serviram de instrumento para a formulação da política externa Argentina durante o governo de Carlos Saul Menem (1989-1999. Entendemos o CARI como um think tank que interconecta uma rede de tomadores de decisão, acadêmicos e empresários, e contribui para a propagação de novos rumos de política externa. Por meio da política de revolving door de seus membros e da produção de seminários, grupos de estudos e publicações, o Consejo penetra na política externa do país como uma força doméstica dentro da estrutura de formulação da política externa argentina, refletindo também a agenda de política internacional em suas atividades. A idéia é identificar, por meio da análise da atuação do CARI frente aos temas caros de política externa da época e ao relacionamento com atores-chave como os Estados Unidos e a Grã-Bretanha, a participação do Consejo, com o apoio do Governo Menem, nos desdobramentos da política externa argentina durante o período. A mudança do posicionamento político argentino e a nova postura no padrão de votação em fóruns internacionais, nas parcerias bilaterais, no apoio a políticas neoliberais, na defesa dos interesses argentinos no Antártico, associados ao apoio governamental e o papel ativo do CARI entre 1989-1999, denotam que o Consejo esteve atento à conjuntura daquele momento e contribuiu para a difusão e implementação de mudanças na política externa do país.

  11. Argonne National Laboratory 1985 publications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopta, J.A.; Hale, M.R.


    This report is a bibliography of scientific and technical 1985 publications of Argonne National Laboratory. Some are ANL contributions to outside organizations' reports published in 1985. This compilation, prepared by the Technical Information Services Technical Publications Section (TPB), lists all nonrestricted 1985 publications submitted to TPS by Laboratory's Divisions. The report is divided into seven parts: Journal Articles - Listed by first author, ANL Reports - Listed by report number, ANL and non-ANL Unnumbered Reports - Listed by report number, Non-ANL Numbered Reports - Listed by report number, Books and Book Chapters - Listed by first author, Conference Papers - Listed by first author, Complete Author Index

  12. The 1985 México earthquake The 1985 México earthquake

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    Moreno Murillo Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available

    This paper includes a bibliographic review with the description of the various aspects about the (Ms = 8.1 Michoacan, Mexico earthquake, which comprised of three events. The main shock of the September 19, 1985 earthquake occurred on Thursday at 7h. 17m. 46.6s. local time in Mexico City, and had (Ms = 8.1. The focus of the event was a depth of approximately 18 km. A second shock occurred on Friday evening 21 September at 7h. 38m. p.m. local time. The last aftershock occurred on 30 April of 1986 (Ms = 7.0. A prior event occurred to the September 1985 earthquake, occurred on 28 May, 1985 (mb = 5.2 and is described too. This event, was a terrible natural disaster for that country, at least 9,500 people were killed, about 30,000 were injured, more that 100,000 were left homeless and severe damage occurred in many parts of Mexico City and several states of central Mexico. According to some sources, It is estimated that the earthquake seriously affected an area of approximately 825,000 square kilometers. This paper describes a summary of the global tectonic setting, genesis and location of the epicenter, an interpretation of the source mechanism and a analyses at these results from some stations that recorded this earthquake and at the same time, a comparison between the two largest earthquake of 1985. Moreover, this paper describes the principal damage resulting and a description of effects from tsunami produced from earthquake. The 1985 Mexico earthquake occurred as a result of slipping in the subduction process between the Cocos and American plates. This was a shallow interplate thrust type event which occurred in the intersection of the Orozco fracture with the Middle American trench.

  13. Aberraciones cromáticas en aves de la colección ornitológica del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” Chromatic aberrations in birds of the ornithological collection of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”

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    Matías Ricardo Urcola


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se determinan las aberraciones cromáticas que afectan el plumaje de las aves en la colección ornitológica del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales de Buenos Aires. Estas alteraciones se deben a exceso o defecto en la producción y/o deposición del pigmento melanina, las familias afectadas pertenecen a Tinamidae, Spheniscidae, Ardeidae, Threskiornithidae, Anatidae, Falconidae, Rallidae, Charadriidae, Columbidae, Strigidae, Momotidae, Furnariidae, Mimidae, Motacillidae, Emberizidae e Icteridae. Dentro de las aberraciones propuestas el leucismo parcial (40,5 % es la más numerosa, seguida por la dilución pastel (23,8 %, albinismo (14,3 % y finalmente los plumajes brown, ino y eumelanismo parcial (7,1 % cada una.The paper makes out a strong case for determine chromatic aberrations that affect the coloring of the birds in the ornithological collection of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales de Buenos Aires. These alterations are due to excess or deficiency in the production and/or deposition of melanin pigment, the affect families belong to Tinamidae, Spheniscidae, Ardeidae, Threskiornithidae, Anatidae, Falconidae, Rallidae, Charadriidae, Columbidae, Strigidae, Momotidae, Furnariidae, Mimidae, Motacillidae, Emberizidae and Icteridae. Within the proposed changes, the partial leucism (40,5 % is the most numerous, followed by pastel dilution (23,8 %, albinism (14,3 % and finally brown aberrations, ino and partial eumelanism, each one of then had (7,1 %.

  14. El factor religioso en el conflicto de las Comunidades de Castilla (1520-1521. El papel del clero

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    Diago Hernando, Máximo


    Full Text Available The conflict of the «Comunidades» of Castile is analyzed in the context of the social movements, with a religious component, that took place in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century and during the first decades of the sixteenth century. It is tried to determine the role played in that conflict by the religious factor, paying attention to several questions, namely: the political role of the religious confraternities, the spread of millenaristic prophecies, or the use of preaching as an instrument of political propaganda. And, next, attention is paid to the participation in the conflict of the clerics. It is valued the role that they played in the rebel institutions, and the social profile of the clerics that joined the rebels is finally analyzed.Se analiza el conflicto de las Comunidades de Castilla en el contexto de los movimientos sociales con componente religioso que tuvieron lugar en Europa a fines del siglo XV y durante las primeras décadas del siglo XVI. Se trata de determinar el papel que en dicho conflicto desempeñó el factor religioso, prestando atención a diversas cuestiones como el papel político de las cofradías, la difusión de las profecías milenaristas o la utilización de la predicación como medio de propaganda política. Y a continuación se llama la atención sobre la participación en el conflicto de los miembros del clero, valorando el papel que desempeñaron en las instituciones comuneras, y el perfil social de los que militaron en el bando rebelde.


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    Enrique Antonio Lalana Torres


    Full Text Available Resumen El pentecostalismo como componente del campo religioso del territorio de Victoria de Las Tunas, los aportes a la identidad cultural son los hilos conductores de este trabajo. Comprende además un análisis del proceso de asentamiento y desarrollo del mismo a partir del análisis de las fuentes históricas y socioculturales. Su génesis primaria responde a condicionantes propias de las transformaciones de Europa Occidental durante el siglo XVI y, consciente o no sus fundadores promulgaron las bases para el correlato religioso del nuevo orden socio económico que se gestaba: el capitalismo. Las implicaciones a la identidad cultural en las regiones donde se asentaron y desarrollaron este tipo de denominaciones generaron comportamientos interesantes que constituyen un importante objeto de estudio para su mejor comprensión. ABSTRACT Pentecostalism as a component of the religious field of the territory of Victoria de Las Tunas, contributions to cultural identity are the threads of this work. It includes an analysis of the process of settlement and development of the same from the analysis of historical and sociocultural sources. Its primary genesis responds to own conditions of transformations of Western Europe during the sixteenth century and, consciously or not its founders enacted the basis for the religious correlate the new socioeconomic order that was brewing: capitalism. The implications for cultural identity in the regions where they settled and developed this kind of names generated interesting behaviors that constitute an important object of study for better understanding.


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    Adriano Lopes Saraiva


    Full Text Available O artigo apresentado analisa a religiosidade popular contida nos momentos do festejar das festas de santo das comunidades ribeirinhas de São Carlos e Nazaré, localizadas no município de Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia. Eventos religiosos que nos mostram que esses festejos são exemplificações da história cultural na qual a impregnação do universo cultural do grupo está presente; marcada por atividades coletivas, pela qualidade e quantidade da religiosidade, pela efervescência coletiva, pelas inúmeras representações de crenças e pela celebração em torno da imagem do santo protetor.

  17. 96. Annual report: 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report of the Chamber of Mines of South Africa covers various aspects of mining in South Africa during 1985. The report deals with coal, diamonds, gold, platinum and uranium. It also covers research, safety, industrial relations, taxation and the South African economy. Statistical tables on information concerning coal, gold, silver and uranium are also given. Long-term economic views strongly favour nuclear-generated electricity in most parts of the world and thus the demand for uranium can be expected to increase with rising energy needs. During 1985 members of the Nuclear Fuels Corporation of South Africa (Nufcor) produced 5541 metric ton U 3 O 8 . Statistics are given on the production of Uranium Oxide U 3 O 8 at the different South African mines. A quarterley analysis of working results during the year 1985 are given

  18. Argonne National Laboratory 1985 publications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kopta, J.A. (ED.); Hale, M.R. (comp.)


    This report is a bibliography of scientific and technical 1985 publications of Argonne National Laboratory. Some are ANL contributions to outside organizations' reports published in 1985. This compilation, prepared by the Technical Information Services Technical Publications Section (TPB), lists all nonrestricted 1985 publications submitted to TPS by Laboratory's Divisions. The report is divided into seven parts: Journal Articles - Listed by first author, ANL Reports - Listed by report number, ANL and non-ANL Unnumbered Reports - Listed by report number, Non-ANL Numbered Reports - Listed by report number, Books and Book Chapters - Listed by first author, Conference Papers - Listed by first author, Complete Author Index.

  19. Secular trends of obesity prevalence in Chinese children from 1985 to 2010: Urban-rural disparity. (United States)

    Song, Yi; Ma, Jun; Wang, Hai-Jun; Wang, Zhiqiang; Hu, Peijin; Zhang, Bing; Agard, Anette


    To examine the trend of urban-rural disparity in obesity prevalence among Chinese children from 1985 to 2010. The data were from five cross-sectional surveys (1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010) of Chinese National Surveys on Students' Constitution and Health. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio (POR) of urban-rural areas for obesity prevalence in different surveys. The standardized prevalence of obesity in Chinese children increased rapidly from 0.1% in 1985 to 5.0% in 2010, and significant differences were found between two adjacent surveys in most of the age subgroups (Pobesity prevalence was significantly higher in urban than in rural children of all age subgroups at different survey points, the changing pace was faster in rural than in urban areas from 1995 to 2010. The PORs had increased in 1995 in most age subgroups and then began to decline in all age subgroups after 1995. The gradually decreasing urban-rural disparity suggests that the obesity prevalence in rural areas would contribute to a growing proportion of obese children. Therefore, rural children should be included in obesity prevention efforts even though obesity rates are still lower in rural than in urban areas. © 2014 The Obesity Society.

  20. The voluntad organizada. The CGT de los Argentinos, a Radical Union Experience

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    Juan Alberto Domingo Bozza


    Full Text Available This paper is framed by a collective project for research on the conditions of the rise of the "new left" in Argentina, during the 1960s. It offers an examination of a radical union experience: the CGT "de los argentinos", created in 1968. The article reconstructs the historic plot of the rise of the CGT, during the military government of the "Revolution Argentina". The paper analyzes the building of a pluralist trade unionism, anti-bureaucratic and decentralized; it investigates the contents of its anti-imperialist critic to the economic structures of Argentina; it describes its participation in social and political fights against the military regime, like the Cordobazo; it assess its strategy of alliances with the student movement, middle class, professionals and intellectuals and it points the obstacles and challenges that besieged and disintegrated the organization.

  1. El proteccionismo en retirada. Las dificultades del Centro Azucarero Argentino (1912-1923

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    Lenis, María


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyze the impact that had the sanction of the so-called law Saavedra Lamas in the Centro Azucarero Argentino. Likewise it will try to explain of what way the arrival of the radicalism to the power, obliged the sugar trade union to change its strategies and practices of lobby. In this sense there will be contemplated the roll fulfilled by the Revista Azucarera, monthly publication of the Centro Azucarero, and for the representatives tucumanos in the Congress of the Nation. Finally, there will be examined the changes introduced by the statutory reform of 1923, especially there to will be attended the creation of the socalled regional commissions, especially that of Tucumán, and in that what measurement this process of decentralization was expressing the existing tensions among the sugar industrialists.

  2. Los medios y la privatización del ENTEL. El tratamiento noticioso del servicio telefónico argentino antes y después de su transferencia (agosto de 1990 – enero de 1991). Un estudio exploratorio


    Aruguete, Natalia


    Aruguete, N. (2015). Los medios y la privatización del ENTEL. El tratamiento noticioso del servicio telefónico argentino antes y después de su transferencia (agosto de 1990 – enero de 1991). Un estudio exploratorio (Tesis de Doctorado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina. El objetivo de esta Tesis es analizar el tratamiento y la percepción mediáticos de la última etapa de gestión estatal del servicio telefónico argentino (agosto – octubre de 1990) vis a vis la primera de ad...

  3. Attitudes of speech and language therapists towards stammering: 1985 and 2000. (United States)

    Crichton-Smith, Isobel; Wright, Jannet; Stackhouse, Joy


    Past research has indicated that speech and language therapists hold some negative attitudes towards people who stammer, their parents and the treatment of stammering. However, studies on attitudes towards stammering have predominantly focussed on therapists in the USA. Recent trends towards earlier intervention suggest that more therapists in the UK will be involved in working with stammering. This study aimed to gather current attitudes of therapists in the UK and to compare them with attitudes measured 15 years previously. It also considered the impact of postgraduate training on attitudes and examined the attitudes of therapists trained in the Lidcombe Programme. The attitudes of 261 speech and language therapists were measured in a postal survey using the Clinician Attitudes Toward Stuttering (CATS) Inventory. The survey revealed an increase in positive attitudes towards early intervention and a reduction in negative attitudes towards people who stammer since the CATS inventory was carried out in 1985. An analysis of generalist and specialist attitudes revealed that generalists were unsure about appropriate treatments to use with people who stammer. Therapists trained in the Lidcombe Programme held some different attitudes about early intervention, people who stammer and the treatment of stammering; however, they continued to view parental counselling as a critical factor in the treatment of the preschool child. The survey indicated that although therapists were more positive about some aspects of stammering, the treatment of stammering remains a complex issue. All therapists working with clients who stammer would therefore benefit from undertaking ongoing professional development in this area such as additional training, liaison with colleagues and joining a special interest group.

  4. La nación en la cancha: un diálogo comparativo entre los relatos nacionales argentinos y brasileros durante la Copa del mundo Brasil 2014

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    Full Text Available Resumen En el presente trabajo buscaremos retomar el dialogo entre el fútbol y los nacionalismos desde una estrategia metodológica un tanto disímil en relación a nuestros antecedentes bibliográficos: pretendemos desplazarnos de la óptica naciocentrica. Para ello pondremos nuestro foco en los intercambios simbólicos dialogantes entre las narrativas nacionales construidas por los hinchas argentinos y los torcedores brasileros durante la Copa del Mundo Brasil 2014. El trabajo cuenta con dos apartados: en el primero intentaremos sistematizar algunas reflexiones pertinentes para pensar el fútbol y el mundial como terrenos simbólicos privilegiados donde leer la tensión local-global. En el segundo apartado nos adentramos al análisis de los cánticos desplegados entre los hinchas argentinos y los torcedores brasileros durante la Copa del Mundo Brasil 2014.

  5. Household energy conservation attitudes and behaviors in the Northwest: Tracking changes between 1983 and 1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, J.M.; Hattrup, M.P.; Nordi, R.T.; Shankle, S.A.; Ivey, D.L.


    Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) has analyzed the changes in consumer energy conservation attitudes and behaviors in the Pacific Northwest between 1983 and 1985. The information was collected through stratified random telephone surveys on 2000 and 1058 households, respectively, for 1983 and 1985 in the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) service area in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Western Montana. This report covers four topic areas and tests two hypotheses. The topics are as follows: consumer perceptions and attitudes of energy use and conservation in the home; consumer perceptions of energy institutions and other entities; past and intended conservation actions and investments; and segmentation of homeowners into market prospect groups. The hypotheses tested are as follows: (1) There has been no change in the size and psychographic make-up of the original three market segments found in the 1983 survey analysis; and (2) image profiles of institutions with respect to familiarity, overall impression, and believability as sources of energy conservation information remain unchanged since 1983.


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    Katheleen McIntyre


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la compleja dinámica que rodea los inicios del crecimiento del protestantismo en la región zapoteca de Oaxaca; examina también la interacción entre organizaciones transnacionales como la Convención Nacional Bautista, la identidad étnica, género y la memoria histórica. El crecimiento del protestantismo ha creado su propiosistema de mártires, memorias e historias de creación que unen a protestantes a través de las fronteras políticas y étnicas. El cambio religioso ha redefinido qué significa ser mexicano, ser indígena, y ser cristiano en comunidades rurales. En particular, este trabajo investiga la violencia religiosa y agrarista en Tlacochahuaya durante los años 20s y 30s y sus implicaciones en dicho pueblo, hasta el día de hoy.

  7. Incorporación de Vicia sativa L. y fertilización fosfatada en un pastizal del nordeste argentino


    Porta, M.; Hack, C.M.; Castelán, M.E.; Golluscio, R.A.


    En el nordeste argentino, los pastizales megatérmicos constituyen un importante recurso forrajero para la ganadería. Sus principales limitantes son el déficit forrajero invernal y la baja calidad nutritiva. En amplias regiones se agrega, además, el bajo contenido de P en el suelo y, consecuentemente, en el forraje. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar el potencial de la incorporación de una leguminosa y la fertilización fosfatada para aumentar la biomasa de leguminosas y el contenido ...

  8. Un movimiento étnico-religioso en el área de Copán (Honduras): la Iglesia Milenarista del Siglo Nuevo


    Ignacio R. Mena Cabezas; Lázaro H. Flores Mejía


    La aparición de un movimiento mesiánico y milenarista en el área chortí del norte de Honduras junto con los procesos de etnogénesis indígenas emprendidos sirven de referente etnográfico para analizar y reflexionar sobre las relaciones entre fenómenos sociales, religiosos, políticos e identitarios en el contexto de la globalización en Honduras. Las reivindicaciones económicas, sociales, educativas, sanitarias o las reclamaciones de tierras se reelaboran desde perspectivas étnicas mayas,...

  9. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 494, October 1985. Part 2 (comprehensive reports). Data for April 1985, January-June 1984, and miscellanea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.


    Contents include: Detailed index for 1985; Data for April 1985 (Meudon carte synoptique, Solar radio bursts at fixed frequencies, Solar x-ray radiation from GOES satellite, Mass ejections from the sun, Active prominences and filaments); Data for January - June 1984--(Solar flares January 1984, Solar flares February 1984, Solar flares March 1984, Solar flares April 1984, Solar flares May 1984, Solar flares June 1984, Number of flares August 1966 - June 1984); Miscellaneous data--(Interplanetary solar wind July 1984-March 1985, Errata--Solar x-rays event list January 1985)

  10. A identidade do Ensino Religioso no contexto da laicidade (The identity of Religious Education in the context of secularism - DOI: 10.5752/ P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p101

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    Sergio Rogerio Junqueira


    Full Text Available A discussão sobre o Ensino Religioso na escola pública das diferentes unidades da Federação é uma polêmica constante ao longo da história da República brasileira. A imposição legal do Ensino Religioso no âmbito escolar pode remeter à ideia de um Estado não laico e acarretar mais preocupações e discussões do que propriamente promover uma formação integral que favoreça os estudantes. No Estado laico, as religiões são livres contanto que respeitem a neutralidade confessional da esfera pública e a garantia de cuidar do bem comum. O Ensino Religioso, no espaço da educação, contribui para prevenir a intolerância e instiga os estudantes a buscar seus direitos e liberdades. Isto não significa abrir mão do direito de expressão da confessionalidade de alunos e professores, mas permitir ao outro ser sujeito de sua cultura e de seus desejos. O Ensino Religioso como componente curricular está alicerçado nos princípios da cidadania, no entendimento do outro enquanto outro. E isso só é possível num Estado laico, pois é competência do Estado assegurar aos alunos o direito de receber a formação religiosa desejada. É um direito cidadão. Palavras-chave: Educação; Ensino Religioso; Estado laico. Abstract The discussion of Religious Education in public schools of the various units of the federation is a constant debate throughout the history of the Brazilian Republic. The legal imposition on Religious Education in schools may refer to the idea of a secular State and not cause more concern and discussion than actually promote an integral formation that favors students. In the secular State, religions are free provided, they satisfy the confessional neutrality of the public sphere and ensuring care for the common good. The Religious Education in the area of education helps to prevent intolerance and encourages students to pursue their rights and freedoms. This does not mean giving up the right of expression of denominational

  11. [Trends in overweight and obesity among Chinese children of 7-18 years old during 1985-2014]. (United States)

    Wang, S; Dong, Y H; Wang, Z H; Zou, Z Y; Ma, J


    Objective: To investigate the trends in overweight and obesity in Chinese students during 1985-2014. Methods: Data were collected from the Chinese National Survey on Students Constitution and Health in 1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2014, with the sample size of 409 946, 204 977, 216 786, 234 421, 215 319, and 214 354, respectively. The prevalence of overweight and obesity as well as the increase rates were calculated based on the body mass index (BMI) percentile criteria of Working Group on Obesity in China (WGOC). Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in 2014 was 19.4% (41 608/214 354) among 7-18 y Chinese children. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 24.2% (25 975/107 216) among boys, and 14.6% (15 633/107 138) among girls, with the prevalence among boys exceeding girls ( Poverweight and obesity was 22.3% (23 911/107 239) among urban students, and 16.5% (17 697/107 115) among rural students, with the prevalence among urban students exceeding rural students ( Poverweight and obesity among 7-18 y Chinese children increased continuously, with the annual increase rate of overweight ranging 0.27%-0.63%, and the annual increase rate of obesity ranging 0.10%-0.58%. The annual increase rates in 2010-2014 of obesity among the urban boys, urban girls, rural boys and rural girls were 0.62%, 0.42%, 0.79%, and 0.49%,respectively, peaking the annual increase rates during 1985-2014. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight and obesity among 7-18 y Chinese children increased continuously during 1985-2014, with the annual increase rate of obesity in 2010-2014 peaking the increase rates during 1985-2014. There were gender and regional differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among 7-18 y Chinese children in 2014.

  12. Fidelidad y realidades en el campo religioso: el clero y la independencia en el Perú (1820-1826

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    Fernando Armas Asín


    Full Text Available El presente texto busca precisar los términos en que fueron afectadas las relaciones entre la religión, el poder y la sociedad por las guerras de independencia. Se evidencia que esto ocurrió no solamente por las ideas, la estructuración del nuevo Estado o las actitudes personales, sino también por los acontecimientos económicos y por los nuevos imponderables pastorales. El documento trabaja esos términos y sus resultados prácticos, que permiten explicar la real envergadura que implicó para el campo religioso el giro de la nueva idelidad política de los eclesiásticos.

  13. Las Formas Políticas del Cine Argentino: Montajes, Disrupciones y Estéticas de una Tradición Political Forms of Argentinean Cinema: Editing, Disrupting, and the Aesthetics of a Tradition


    Esteban Dipaola


    El artículo indaga y analiza las formas políticas del cine argentino desde los años sesenta a la actualidad, pero centrándose especialmente en el cine argentino contemporáneo (1995-2010). Se propone hablar de «formas políticas» y no de «cine político» como ejercicio para pensar la política y la estética en sus relaciones inmanentes. Así, establece tres períodos: los años sesenta y setenta como la irrupción de la política en el cine; los años ochenta como el desplazamiento de la política por l...

  14. Amount of radioactive wastes in the Federal Republic of Germany - waste inquiry for the year 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brennecke, P.; Schumacher, J.


    On December 31, 1985, about 61 400 waste packages were stored in intermediate storage facilities. The unconditioned radioactive wastes amounted to about 6 300 m 3 . The volume of the conditioned radioactive wastes amounted to about 29 600 m 3 . Thereof the waste from nuclear research establishments made up about 11 200 m 3 , the waste from the operation of nuclear power plants about 9 900 m 3 and the waste from reprocessing of spent fuel elements about 5 800 m 3 . In addition the future amount of conditioned radioactive wastes with negligible heat generation was prognosticated. Due to this forecast an amount of about 227 600 m 3 of these wastes is expected in the year 2000. In 1985 a capacity of about 88 700 m 3 for the intermediate storage of radioactive wastes was available in the Federal Republic of Germany. On December 31, 1985, this capacity was utilized by unconditioned and conditioned radioactive wastes at an average of about 40%. It may be concluded from the data on the expected amount of radioactive wastes with negligible heat generation and on the utilization factor of the intermediate storage facilities that no bottlenecks are to be assumed up to the planned operation of the Konrad repository. (orig./HP) [de

  15. Valores occidentales en el discurso publicitario audiovisual argentino

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    Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se desarrolla un análisis del discurso publicitario audiovisual argentino. Se pretende identificar los valores sociales que comunica con mayor predominancia y su posible vinculación con los valores característicos de la sociedad occidental posmoderna. Con este propósito se analizó la frecuencia de aparición de valores sociales para el estudio de 28 anuncios de diferentes anunciantes . Como modelo de análisis se utilizó el modelo “Seven/Seven” (siete pecados capitales y siete virtudes cardinales ya que se considera que los valores tradicionales son herederos de las virtudes y los pecados, utilizados por la publicidad para resolver necesidades relacionadas con el consumo. La publicidad audiovisual argentina promueve y anima ideas relacionadas con las virtudes y pecados a través de los comportamientos de los personajes de los relatos audiovisuales. Los resultados evidencian una mayor frecuencia de valores sociales caracterizados como pecados que de valores sociales caracterizados como virtudes ya que los pecados se transforman a través de la publicidad en virtudes que dinamizan el deseo y que favorecen el consumo fortaleciendo el aprendizaje de las marcas. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados obtenidos se reflexiona acerca de los usos y alcances sociales que el discurso publicitario posee.

  16. RA research nuclear reactor - Annual report 1985; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1985. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1985 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1985 godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.

  17. Comunicaciones para la formación de las islas eléctricas del Sistema Argentino de Interconexión


    Issouribehere, Pedro; Rodríguez, José; Gutiérrez, Alfredo


    El Sistema de Comunicaciones descripto tiene por misión dar soporte al “Proyecto Islas Eléctricas del Sistema Argentino de Interconexión”. Etapa I. Se presenta la definición de un Sistema de Referencia que permite caracterizar en forma general los requerimientos del Sistema de Telecomunicaciones y Teleprotección con el objetivo de estimar un costo mínimo justificable para la aplicación y un plazo acorde en su ejecución.

  18. The argentine electric sector reform and its correlation with energy efficiency; La reforma del sector electrico argentino y su relacion con la eficiencia energetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carpio, Claudio [MGM International (Argentina)


    The reforms in the Argentine electrical sector and the effect these have originated in the energy efficiency policies for public sector are presented. The characteristics exposed of the Argentina Electric sector previous to the 1992 transformation are the departing base that gave rise to the reform fundaments, generating privatizations and a vertical economic scheme. The transformation of the electric sector departing from its environmental regulations yielded in a quality service, good electricity distribution, better prices and proper energy efficiency. [Spanish] Se presentan las reformas en el sector electrico argentino y el efecto que han tenido sobre las politicas de eficiencia energetica elaboradas en el sector publico. Las caracteristicas expuestas del sector electrico argentino previas a la transformacion de 1992 son la base de partida que dio lugar a los fundamentos de la reforma generando privatizaciones y un esquema economico vertical. La transformacion del sector electrico a partir de sus regulaciones energeticas y ambientales redituaron en calidad de servicio, de distribucion de electricidad, precios y en la propia eficiencia energetica.

  19. Ceremonias, mujer y jerarquía social en el modelo religioso barroco = Ceremonies, woman and social hierarchy in the baroque religious model

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    Juan Manuel Valencia Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Resumen: El imaginario o modelo religioso barroco representaba un universo mental capaz de ofrecer una concepción global del mundo y de la sociedad, de contornos bien definidos. Entre sus elementos recurrentes figuran los tres aquí estudiados: primero, la importancia concedida al ceremonial, en favor de una religiosidad externa y ritualizada que reafirmaba el papel indispensable de los sacerdotes; segundo, la visión negativa que el catolicismo emite sobre la mujer, conceptuada como un ser inferior; finalmente, la relación entre el discurso eclesiástico y el sistema jerárquico de la sociedad, al que el modelo religioso contribuye a legitimar. Tales mensajes se analizan a través de cinco obras de la época.Abstract: The imaginary or Baroque religious model represented a mental universe capable to offer a global conception of the world and the society with well-defined outlines. Among its recurrent elements are the three treated here; first: the importance given to the ceremonial in favour of an external and ritualized religiosity that reaffirmed the essential role of priests; second: the negative view of Catholicism about the woman, seen as a lower human being; finally, the relationship between the ecclesiastical speech and the hierarchical system of the society, that the religious model contributes to legitimize. Such messages are analyzed through five works of the period.

  20. The response of denervated muscle to long-term stimulation (1985, revisited here in 2014

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    Terje Lomo


    Full Text Available In 1985, at a meeting in Abano, I presented results showing that direct stimulation of skeletal muscles with appropriate stimulus patterns prevents the effects of denervation on non-junctional properties of muscle fibers. Hence, it appeared unnecessary to postulate that unknown nerve-derived trophic factors control such properties, as posited by the (anterograde neurotrophic hypothesis. Here I discuss this conclusion in the light of what we know today, particularly with respect to the many lines of evidence that were then taken to support the trophic hypothesis, but which today have alternative interpretations consistent with control by evoked impulse activity. Despite much effort, no one has yet identified any nerve-derived factor consistent with the neurotrophic hypothesis. Reports favoring the existence of neurotrophic factors were numerous before 2000. Now they have essentially disappeared from the literature, including original research papers, textbooks and handbooks, suggesting that the hypothesis is no longer arguable. Thus, the results that I presented in our paper in 1985 seem to have held up rather well.

  1. O direito à vida no contexto do aborto e da pesquisa com células-tronco embrionárias: disputas de agentes e valores religiosos em um estado laico

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    Naara Luna


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o debate público sobre o direito à vida no contexto da autorização da pesquisa com células-tronco embrionárias e no debate sobre o aborto, enfocando a participação de atores religiosos e seus valores. Serão examinados o debate legislativo e judiciário da Lei de Biossegurança e a audiência pública da ADPF 54, referente à antecipação de parto de anencéfalo. Esta pesquisa documental analisa a transcrição da audiência pública da ADPF 54, e os registros do processo legislativo no Congresso Nacional e da ADI 3510 no Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os resultados revelam, além da centralidade do argumento do valor da vida, a diversidade na atuação dos agentes religiosos, com hegemonia da Igreja Católica e a emergência de evangélicos e espíritas.

  2. The type specimens of Tachinidae (Diptera) housed in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires. (United States)

    Mulieri, Pablo Ricardo; Patitucci, Luciano Damián; Bachmann, Axel Oscar; O'Hara, James E


    The type material of species of Tachinidae (Diptera) housed in the collection of the Entomology Division of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" were examined and are herein documented. The collection contains 202 type specimens consisting of 54 species described by E.E. Blanchard and 12 described by J. Brèthes. Comparison of their original descriptions with the label information reveals the existence of 24 holotypes, 1 lectotype, 141 syntypes and 36 paratypes. Complete information is given for each type, including reference to the original description, label data, and preservation condition.

  3. Uranium supply to 2000, Canada and the world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, R.M.


    Annual world uranium demand is expected to increase 12-to 15-fold by the year 2000. In response to this demand, annual world production capacity will grow by 35 per cent to 44 000 tonnes of uranium by 1978. Further expansion is possible, contingent on early production decisions, sufficient to meet annual world requirements approaching 90 000 tonnes of uranium in 1985. Known low-cost uranium reserves do not provide sufficient forward reserves for production levels forecast beyond 1979, and known higher-cost reserves extend the satisfactory forward reserve position by only five years. Since 1965, Canada has dropped from first to fourth place, after Australia, South Africa, and the United States, in terms of low-cost, reasonably assured resources. Canada continues to rank second, after the United States, in terms of production. Canadian nuclear fuel requirements are expected to grow by 14 per cent a year, approaching 12,600 tonnes of uranium in 2000. (author)

  4. Teletrabajadores: entre los discursos optimistas y los contextos precarizados. Una aproximación desde el caso argentino


    Rodríguez, Alejandro Damián; D'Errico, Julieta


    Resumen Este artículo pretende aportar al conocimiento del teletrabajo para el caso argentino, prestando especial atención a la perspectiva de una multiplicidad de actores que tienen intereses distintos sobre él, incluso contrapuestos si se toma en consideración la dicotomía capital-trabajo. Con base en una metodología cualitativa se elaboró, por un lado, un análisis de fuentes para dar cuenta de 10 que algunos actores específicos de la órbita estatal y de los medios masivos de comunicación s...

  5. La consagración jurídica de testigos olvidados. El juez argentino frente al genocidio armenio


    Garibian, Sévane


    “El Estado turco ha cometido el delito de genocidio contra el Pueblo Armenio, en el periodo comprendido entre los años 1915 y 1923”. Esta declaración, realizada por un juez federal argentino el primero de abril de 2011 en Buenos Aires, se encuentra en el núcleo de una sentencia definitiva que constituye una primicia mundial y conlleva la consagración jurídica –el (re)conocimiento– de los testigos olvidados de un crimen negado por Turquía. La sentencia se inscribe en un marco singular y único ...

  6. Impacts of Land Use Change on Net Ecosystem Production in China's Taihu Lake Basin in 1985-2010 (United States)

    Xu, X.; Yang, G.


    Land use change play a major role in determining sources and sinks of carbon at regional and global scales. This study employs a modified BIOME-BGC model to examine the changes in the spatio-temporal pattern of net ecosystem production (NEP) in China's Taihu Lake Basin in 1985-2010 and the extent to which land use change impacted NEP. The BIOME-BGC model was calibrated with observed NEP at three open-path eddy covariance flux sites for three dominant land-use types in the Basin including cropland, evergreen needleleaf forest, and mixed forest. Land use data were interpreted from Landsat TM images in 1985, 2000, 2005 and 2010 at the scale of 1:100,000 based on a decision tree method. Two simulations are conducted to distinguish the net effects of land use change and increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and nitrogen deposition on NEP. S1 deals with the actual outcomes of NEP under the interactions between land use change and increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 and N deposition. S2 assumes that atmospheric CO2 concentration and N deposition remain unchanged at their 1985 levels: 338.32 ppm and 0.0005 kg m-2, respectively. The study estimates that NEP in the Basin showed an overall downward trend, decreasing by 9.8% (1.57 TgC) and 3.21 TgC (or 20.9%) from 1985 to 2010 under situation S1 and S2, respectively. The NEP distribution exhibits an apparent spatial heterogeneity at the municipal level. Land use changesin 1985-2010 reduced the regional NEP (3.21 Tg C in year 2010) by 19.9% compared to its 1985 level, while the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations and nitrogen deposition compensated for a half of the total carbon loss. Critical measures for regulating rapid urban expansion and population growth and reinforcing environment protection programs are recommended to increase the regional carbon sink.

  7. Prospects for nuclear power development in the medium term (up to 2000)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konstantinov, L.V.; Char, N.L.; Bennett, L.L.


    There were at the end of 1985 374 nuclear power plants, with a total capacity of 250 GW(e), in operation in the world. In energy, nuclear power plants accounted for some 14% of the world's electricity generation during 1985. Relatively high reserve capacities, uncertainties about future rates of growth in demand and financial constraints in most market economy countries seem to be the major reasons for the continuing low rate of ordering of new nuclear power plants. This may cause severe problems for the nuclear industry in the second half of this decade and may constrain the electricity supply during the 1990s, particularly in view of the possible decrease of new orders for fossil-fuelled plants also, which is at least partly due to increasing concern about the environmental impact of such plants. To meet even a low estimate of worldwide nuclear capacity of 505 GW(e), corresponding to a 13% nuclear share of the total electricity generating capacity (but providing about 20% of the total electrical energy production), by the year 2000, some 125-150 GW(e) will have to be ordered between now and the early 1990s. The addition of this capacity appears reasonable in light of the fact that about the same increase will occur during 1985-1990. The developing countries will need to add some 600-800 GW(e) of generating capacity during the next 15 years, increasing their total installed capacity by a factor of 2.3 to 2.8. The IAEA estimates that, realistically, only some 35-75 GW(e) of these capacity additions up to 2000 would likely be with nuclear power plants. Thus, it is clear that, although nuclear power will be important in a few developing countries, most of the electricity needs in the developing world will continue to be met by other energy sources

  8. Promoção da saúde no cenário religioso: possibilidades para o cuidado de enfermagem Promoción de la salud en un ambiente religioso: posibilidades para el cuidado de enfermería Health promotion in the religious scenario: opportunities for nursing care

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    Adriana Gomes Nogueira Ferreira


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo, do tipo documental, desenvolvido no primeiro semestre de 2008, objetivando descrever as práticas de promoção da saúde desenvolvidas no cenário religioso católico em município do interior do Ceará. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas áudio-gravadas, junto ao sacerdote responsável pela paróquia e a três coordenadores de projetos vinculados à Igreja Católica, selecionados a partir da identificação dos projetos com o pároco. Os resultados apontam que a promoção e educação em saúde estão presentes nas atividades desenvolvidas por voluntários no cenário religioso. A Igreja busca a mudança de atitude e adoção de comportamento saudável dos indivíduos, por meio de ações individuais e coletivas. Urge necessidade da inserção de profissionais de saúde para atuar neste cenário, fortalecendo-o como rede social de apoio, reduzindo gradativamente atividades assistenciais e intensificando aquelas voltadas à promoção da saúde, com apoio da Enfermagem, com vistas a aprimorar o cuidado à saúde neste cenário.Estudio cualitativo, de tipo documental, desarrollado en el primer semestre de 2008, con el objetivo de describir las prácticas de promoción de la salud desarrolladas en un ambiente religioso en municipio del interior de Ceará, Brasil. Las informaciones fueron colectadas por medio de entrevistas audio-grabadas, junto al sacerdote de la parroquia y tres coordinadores de proyectos. Los resultados indican que la promoción y educación en salud están presentes en las actividades desarrolladas por voluntarios en un ambiente religioso. La iglesia busca un cambio de actitud y la adopción de comportamientos saludables de los individuos, por medio de acciones individuales y colectivas. Urge la necesidad de inserción de profesionales de salud para actuar en este ambiente fortaleciéndolo como red social de apoyo, reduciendo actividades asistenciales e intensificando la promoción de

  9. «A Monstrous Regiment of Women»: nascite mostruose come stigma del dissenso religioso delle donne negli anni delle guerre civili inglesi (1642-1652

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    Luca Baratta


    Full Text Available Il presente lavoro prende in esame quattro resoconti di nascite di esseri umani con malformazioni congenite pubblicati a Londra tra il 1642 e 1652. Messi in circolazione dalla stampa nel frastagliato quadro del conflitto tra Carlo I e il Parlamento, e più nello specifico negli anni in cui non si era ancora del tutto spenta la polemica sulla chiesa riformata, i quattro pamphlet sono accomunati dalla medesima lettura della nascita mostruosa, vista come esito di una qualche forma di dissenso religioso da parte delle madri protagoniste. La colpevolizzazione delle donne non era un fenomeno nuovo: già nei decenni precedenti alle guerre civili, le narrazioni di nascite mostruose avevano frequentemente messo in luce negativa le donne, spesso attraverso il sillogismo per cui la nascita di un figlio deforme dichiarava una colpa segreta della genitrice. La novità dei documenti che raccontarono le cosiddette monstrous births negli anni 1642-1652 fu di appuntare il proprio stigma su una colpa materna che non era più di tipo sessuale, o più in generale morale: la propaganda religiosa e politica strumentalizzò i parti di bambini deformi, interpretandoli come punizioni divine per il dissenso religioso manifestato dalle loro madri.

  10. Análisis de la diversidad genética de una población de caballos Criollo Argentino mediante polimorfismos de nucleótido simple de los genes IL12B y TNF-α

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    Claudia Corbi Botto


    Full Text Available La caracterización de una población es el primer paso en el camino hacia su conservación y utilización. La raza Criollo Argentino es una de las referentes de la especie equina en Argentina y, por lo tanto, un patrimonio ganadero local que representa un recurso único en cuanto a la identidad y al sistema productivo del país. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar una población de caballos Criollo Argentino del norte de Argentina por medio de la caracterización de la variabilidad genética de cuatro marcadores moleculares del tipo single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP localizados en los genes que codifican para las citoquinas IL-12B y TNF-α. Se recolectaron muestras de 50 caballos Criollo Argentino y se extrajo ADN genómico que se utilizó para tipificar mediante PCR-Pirosecuenciación®, tres SNPs en el promotor del gen TNF-α y uno localizado en el exón 5 del gen IL-12B. Se estimaron frecuencias génicas y genotípicas, equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg y diversidad genética. En IL-12B se detectaron dos alelos, mientras que en TNF-α se observaron 4 haplotipos, entre ellos uno no descripto hasta el momento en equinos. Los resultados muestran que la heterocigosis esperada fue superior en TNF-α (He=0,764 y la población se encuentra en equilibrio para el locus IL-12B (p-valor ≥0,05. Se destaca la importancia del caballo Criollo Argentino como acervo génico para el estudio de características genéticas y enfermedades de la especie equina.


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    María Lenis


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto que tuvo la sanción de la llamada ley Saavedra Lamas en el Centro Azucarero Argentino. Asimismo se intentará explicar de qué manera la llegada del radicalismo al poder, obligó a la corporación empresaria a cambiar sus estrategias y prácticas de lobby. En este sentido se contemplará el rol cumplido por la Revista Azucarera, publicación mensual del Centro Azucarero, y por los representantes tucumanos en el Congreso de la Nación. Por último, se examinarán los cambios introducidos por la reforma estatutaria de 1923, especialmente se atenderá la creación de las llamadas comisiones regionales, sobre todo la de Tucumán, y en que qué medida este proceso de descentralización expresaba las tensiones existentes entre los industriales azucareros.

  12. Annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soerensen, H.C.


    The activities in 1985 comprehended cooperation in nuclear waste management risk assessment, safety concepts, research in corrosion of the construction materials as well as the advanced information technology. Financing and budgets are evaluated. (EG)

  13. Federal health services grants, 1985. (United States)

    Zwick, D I


    Federal health services grants amounted to about $1.8 billion in fiscal year 1985. The total amount was about $100 million less, about 6 percent, than in 1980. Reductions in the health planning program accounted for most of the decline in absolute dollars. The four formula grants to State agencies amounted to about $1.0 billion in 1985, about 60 percent of the total. The largest formula grants were for maternal and child health services and for alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health services. Project grants to selected State and local agencies amounted to about $.8 billion. There was 12 such grants in 1985 (compared with 34 in 1980). The largest, for community health services, equaled almost half the total. In real, inflation-adjusted dollars, the decline in Federal funds for these programs exceeded a third during the 5-year period. The overall dollar total in real terms in 1985 approximated the 1970 level. The ratio of formula grants to project grants in 1985 was similar to that in 1965. Studies of the impact of changes in Federal grants have found that while the development of health programs has been seriously constrained in most cases, their nature has not been substantially altered. In some cases broader program approaches and allocations have been favored. Established modes of operations and administration have generally been strengthened. Some efficiencies but few savings in administration have been identified. Replacement of reduced Federal funding by the States has been modest but has increased over time, especially for direct service activities. These changes reflect the important influence of professionalism in the health fields and the varying strengths of political interest and influence among program supporters. The long-term impact on program innovation is not yet clear.

  14. Conceptual design study of 1985 commercial tilt rotor transports. Volume 3. STOL design summary. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sambell, K.W.


    A conceptual design study is presented of 1,985 commercial tilt rotor STOL transports for a NASA 200 n. mi. (370 km) STOL Mission. A 100-passenger STOL Variant (Bell D313) of the Phase I VTOL Tilt Rotor Aircraft is defined. Aircraft characteristics are given; with the aircraft redesigned to meet 2,000-foot (610 m) field criteria, with emphasis on low fuel consumption and low direct operating cost. The 100-passenger STOL Tilt Rotor Aircraft was analyzed for performance, weights, economics, handling qualities, noise footprint and aeroelastic stability. (GRA)

  15. Baden-Wuerttemberg energy report 1985/1986. Baden-Wuerttemberg Energiebericht 1985/1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The 1985/86 energy report submitted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Technology shows that primary energy consumption has been experiencing its second considerable increase since 1979. However, even increasingly slumping oil prices observed since 1986 have not been ringing in a turn and new trend towards an increasing energy consumption. The increase mainly roots in market and weather conditions and does also include considerable quantities of stored heating oils. The energy report informs about the 1985 energy supply of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Both internationally and nationally it does also report on the country's present energy policy which was determined by the slump in oil prices and by the Chernobyl reactor accident. The accident has been stimulating the Baden-Wuerttemberg government to reflect upon the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

  16. Lei civilizadora e inspirada nos princípios da nossa Santa Religião”: Reflexões sobre o uso de símbolos religiosos na Lei de 28 de Setembro de 1871 (Lei do Ventre Livre) – Pará, século XIX


    Freitas Neves, Fernando Arthur; Chaves, Kelly Tavares


    O estudo a seguir tem o objetivo de demonstrar os usos dos símbolos religiosos do Catolicismo na lei de emancipação da escravidão nº. 2.040 de 28 de Setembro de 1871, conhecida na historiografia como a Lei do Ventre Livre. Apresentamos as características enfatizadas ou iluminadas sobre esses símbolos religiosos utilizados pelos membros da oligarquia política do Pará, durante o Império, para se propagar ideais de civilização e progresso material para o Estado advindos com a nova Lei; ao mesmo ...

  17. Uso político da religião e uso religioso da política: uma análise a partir de duas interpretações exemplares - Marsílio e Maquiavel

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    José Luiz Ames


    Full Text Available Estamos confrontados na atualidade com um vertiginoso crescimento do fenômeno religioso. Isso pode ser observado não apenas pelo surgimento de novas religiões e o aumento da frequência aos cultos, mas também pela presença da linguagem religiosa no discurso político de tal modo que podemos falar num uso político da religião e um uso religioso da política. Quando abordamos as religiões na longa duração, percebemos que em todas elas coabitam estes dois aspectos, contraditórios e excludentes apenas na aparência. Esta constatação leva ao questionamento: existiriam religiões mais políticas, ou mais conquistadoras, do que outras? Ou então, talvez, a natureza belicosa das religiões emergiria a partir do momento em que elas se erigem em ideologias, da mesma forma como as ideologias se impõem politicamente quando agem à maneira de religiões? Neste trabalho nos orientaremos por esta hipótese para explorar a relação ambígua entre política e religião, pois foi precisamente após a morte das ideologias que as religiões, independente do credo, retornaram com toda a força. Para tanto, tomaremos como referência teórica dois pensadores, Marsílio de Pádua e Nicolau Maquiavel, para pensar, respectivamente, o uso religioso da política e o uso político da religião.

  18. Reciprocidades y gubernamentalidad tras la inserción del dispositivo religioso en cárceles de mediana y máxima seguridad de la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina

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    Mauricio Manchado


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo indagaremos sobre la reconfiguración de las dinámicas institucionales en dos cárceles de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, tras la inserción del dispositivo religiosoevangélico- pentecostal. Los casos serán las penitenciarías n° 3 —mediana seguridad— y n° 11 — máxima seguridad—, y nos interrogaremos sobre las relaciones de reciprocidad que el dispositivo religioso configura en el encierro, en cómo dichas relaciones definen nuevas estrategias de gobierno por parte del servicio penitenciario y de qué manera se rediseñan las relaciones de poder en el dispositivo carcelario. Abordaje comparativo que responde a la hipótesis de que el dispositivo religioso-evangélicopentecostal construye matrices comunes de ordenamiento social, funcionamiento y reciprocidades en el encierro pero, al mismo tiempo, consolida su funcionamiento a raíz de una identificación precisa de las necesidades y oportunidades de los sujetos según atraviesen situaciones de ingreso o egreso carcelario.

  19. Diferença sexual e religiosa no currículo de ensino religioso em escolas de Recife

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    Aurenéa Maria de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This article discusses the results of a post-doctoral research conducted at the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana and funded by Capes (2014-2015. Its main objective was to evaluate the curriculum of the Religious Education discipline (ER, the presence or not of content that addresses sexual and religious differences in state and municipal schools in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco. To this end, making use of the Discourse Theory (TD, we attempted to find the most relevant hegemonic discourses on the topics researched, seeking the meanings of concepts such as pluralism, citizenship, difference, tolerance, otherness, etc., among our respondents: school administrators, teachers of the discipline, and representatives of the state and municipal departments of education. Discourse Analysis (AD was used as methodology, giving priority to identify the most current ideologies, in the main hegemonic discourses, in the speeches of the respondents surveyed. Results obtained in a total of 11 schools visited show difficulties in dealing with the themes of sexual difference and sexual diversity in religious education classes; difficulties in addressing the issue of religious pluralism involving non-Christian religions, particularly the African-Brazilian ones, which are neglected especially by evangelical teachers of the Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal lines, who believe these religions present dangerous values and practices and, therefore, are not likely to be discussed in their classes. Este artigo discute os resultados de pesquisa de pós-doutorado, realizada na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná e financiada pela Capes (2014-2015, cujo objetivo principal foi o de avaliar, no currículo da disciplina de Ensino Religioso (ER, a presença ou não de conteúdos que tratem da diferença sexual e religiosa em escolas estaduais e municipais da cidade de Recife, no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Assim, fazendo uso da Teoria do Discurso (TD

  20. U.S. phosphate industry as a source of U3O8 to the year 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borg, I.Y.


    U 3 O 8 recovered as a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry may equal 3600-5200 tons by 1985 and represent 7-10 percent of the anticipated annual U.S. demand. If the enormous U.S. phosphate reserves and resources are mined primarily for their uranium content they appear sufficient to fill more than twice the projected cumulative U.S. demand to the year 2000

  1. Um desafio ao respeito e à tolerância: reflexões sobre o campo religioso daimista na atualidade

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    Isabela Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a composição do campo religioso daimista na atualidade e como se estruturam os discursos que legitimam as práticas da religião no âmbito dos principais grupos que a compõem, a saber: o conjunto de centros daimistas situados na região do Alto Santo, em Rio Branco, e as igrejas filiadas à Igreja do Culto Eclético da Fluente Luz Universal Patrono Sebastião Mota de Melo (Iceflu. Demonstra-se aqui como as diferentes posições políticas e ideológicas presentes nesses discursos são construídas historicamente e se inserem, de maneira mais ampla, na dinâmica social das religiões na atualidade.

  2. Report on Childhood Obesity in China (4) Prevalence and Trends of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Urban School-age Children and Adolescents, 1985-2000

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Objective To describe the nationwide prevalence of childhood overweight/obesity, and their group variations and trends over the past 20 years in the Chinese urban population. Methods Data sets of boys and girls at the age of 7-18 years collected from the series of Chinese national surveillance on students' constitution and health (CNSSCH) between 1985 and 2000 were divided into five socioeconomic and demographic groups, while BMI classification reference proposed by Working Group on Obesity in China (WGOC) was used as screening reference to calculate the prevalence and trends of overweight/obesity in these groups. Results In 2000, the prevalence of obesity and overweight in boys aged 7-18 years was 11.3% and 6.5% in Beijing, 13.2% and 4.9% in Shanghai, 9.9% and 4.5% in coastal big cities, and 5.8% and 2.0% in coastal medium/small-sized cities, respectively, while the prevalence of of obesity and overweight in girls of the same age group was 8.2% and 3.7% in Beijing, 7.3% and 2.6% in Shanghai, 5.9% and 2.8% in coastal big cities, and 4.8% and 1.7% in coastal medium/small-sized cities, respectively. The prevalence of obesity was low in most of the inland cities at an early stage of epidemic overweight. The epidemic manifested a gradient distribution in groups, which was closely related to socioeconomic status (SES) of the study population. However, a dramatic and steady increasing trend was witnessed among all sex-age subgroups in the five urban groups, and such a trend was stronger in boys than in girls, and much stronger in children than in adolescents. Conclusion Although China is at an early stage of epidemic obesity by and large, the prevalence of obesity in her urban population, particularly in coastal big cities has reached the average level of developed countries. The increasing trend has been rapid since early 1990s, and the increments in obesity and overweight are exceptionally high. The prospect of epidemic obesity in China is in no way optimistic

  3. Limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico: aspectos religiosos y culturales

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    Gilberto de Jesús Betancourt Betancourt

    Full Text Available La comprensión de la muerte varía según la época, la cultura, la religión y la edad. Con anterioridad al desarrollo que la ciencia médica ha experimentado desde finales del siglo XIX, en la mayoría de las culturas y religiones había una aceptación de la muerte y se consideraba como parte del ciclo vital de la persona donde se trascendía a una forma celestial y puramente sobrenatural. Los avances científicos de la medicina han venido a cambiar esta situación. La muerte se empezó a ver como un enemigo y dio comienzo a una lucha encarnizada entre ambas. El concepto de "muerte natural" se sustituyó por el de "muerte intervenida," dando origen a numerosas cuestiones relacionadas con la toma de decisiones y actuaciones a realizar en pacientes ingresados y en situación terminal. En este trabajo se realiza una reflexión teórica que tiene como objetivo el análisis bioético acerca de las diferencias entre los aspectos religiosos y culturales relacionados con la práctica de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico.

  4. SI 1985 No. 1048 - The Radioactive Substances (Luminous Articles) Exemption Order 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Order, which came into force on 17 September 1985, is concerned with exemptions and exclusions under the Radioactive Substances Act 1960 in respect of radioactive luminous instruments and indicators. (NEA) [fr

  5. Hibridaciones y variaciones del canon ficcional en una serie de films argentinos del período clásico-industrial

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    Ana Laura Lusnich


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza las prácticas de ruptura planteadas en el períodoclásico-industrial del cine argentino por cuatro directores emblemáticos. Se estudian dosaspectos que se destacan por su novedad: a las tensiones vigentes entre la vocaciónhacia el entretenimiento y la emergente concepción educativa y formativa del mediocinematográfico, y b los intercambios y contaminaciones manifiestos entre las prácticasficcionales y documentales, situación que otorga potencia expresiva y una inusualverosimilitud a las situaciones dramáticas.

  6. José Muzlera, Mariana Poggi y Ximena Carreras Doalla, compiladores. Aportes, sujetos y miradas del conflicto agrario argentino (1910-2010)


    Adrián Alejandro Almirón


    El campo argentino es el lugar en donde se gestó la identidad nacional. A lo largo de estos primeros doscientos años, se han realizado investigaciones históricas desde diferentes perspectivas historiográficas. Sin embargo, el común que une a todos estos trabajos es la intención de definir y describir el comportamiento del mundo agrario. Tal como lo menciona Barsky y Gelman “El campo parece ser el refugio de lo que algunos llaman el ‘ser nacional’, el espacio donde se buscaron las figuras clav...

  7. The uranium market: 1986-2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewiner, C.; Walton, D.; Sinclair-Smith, D.


    This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the 1986 supply and demand report of the Uranium Institute. The probable nuclear generating capacity is estimated for 1986-2000. Previous capacity forecasts (1981-1986) are compared with actual generating capacity. When looking at demand, a distinction has to be made between what reactor operators require to fuel reactors (reactor requirements) and what they intend to purchase (uranium procurements). This distinction is defined and discussed. The interaction between supply and demand is shown and factors affecting trade (eg government policies) are discussed. 1985 was the first year when uranium production was less than reactor requirements. This shortfall will continue for a number of years with the current excess in consumer inventories supplying the difference between reactor requirements and uranium procurements. Uranium demand should exceed production by 1988 but additional capacity should be available from planned and possible restart and possible new facilities. (U.K.)

  8. Cambios en la ecología trófica de los depredadores apicales del Mar Argentino durante el Holoceno


    Saporiti, Fabiana


    [spa] El Mar Argentino ha sufrido un impacto humano creciente desde el Holoceno medio hasta hoy en día, fruto del cual se han producido importantes cambios en los niveles más altos de la red trófica. Las actividades extractivas (caza y pesca), tanto la aborigen como la actual, tienen la tendencia a explotar las especies de mayor tamaño, produciendo el efecto conocido en gestión de pesquerías como “fishing down the food web”. En otras palabras el impacto humano llevaría a cadenas tróficas más ...

  9. Más allá del bipartidismo: el sistema argentino de partidos

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    Juan Abal Medina


    Full Text Available El presente artículo representa un intento de describir la existencia de un patrón de sistema partidario estable en un sistema político de alta inestabilidad. En el caso argentino, fue la propia interrupción institucional de las poliarquías (alimentada por el carácter movimientista y polarizado del sistema de partidos la que actuó como un factor favorable al congelamiento del sistema. Así, un patrón de competencia estable constituyó un obstáculo para que el régimen pudiera avanzar hacia formas más democráticas. Al suspender toda actividad partidaria, los interregnos autoritarios no sólo impidieron que los actores fueran variando sus comportamientos, sino que evitaron que los votantes juzgaran el desempeño de su partido preferido en el largo plazo. En la medida en que la consolidación de la democracia inauguró en la Argentina un juego político abierto e impredecible, ningún actor puede sentirse seguro de antemano del lugar que ocupará en la estructura de la competencia.

  10. Nuclear safety project. Annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report 1985 is a detailed description (in German language) of work within the nuclear safety project performed in 1985 in the nuclear safety field by KfK institutes and departments and by external institutes on behalf of KfK. It includes for each individual research activity short summaries in English language on work performed, results obtained and plans for future work. This report was compiled by the project management. (orig./HP) [de


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    Agustina Altman


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo abordar la mirada sobre el catolicismo que construyeron los primeros menonitas establecidos en Argentina, entre su llegada al país en 1917 y el comienzo del Concilio Vaticano II en 1962. Para ello, utilizaremos los escritos personales de diversos miembros de la Iglesia Menonita, incluyendo sus análisis de notas periodísticas, y las publicaciones menonitas en Argentina. Las divergencias en puntos centrales como la separación entre la iglesia, el Estado y la política partidaria, y una concepción no jerárquica de la comunidad de fieles, serán temas recurrentes en la disputa por una posición dentro de un campo religioso en plena conformación.

  12. Nuclear power statistics 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oelgaard, P.L.


    In this report an attempt is made to collect literature data on nuclear power production and to present it on graphical form. Data is given not only for 1985, but for a number of years so that the trends in the development of nuclear power can be seen. The global capacity of nuclear power plants in operation and those in operation, under construction, or on order is considered. Further the average capacity factor for nuclear plants of a specific type and for various geographical areas is given. The contribution of nuclear power to the total electricity production is considered for a number of countries and areas. Finally, the accumulated years of commercial operation for the various reactor types up to the end of 1985 is presented. (author)

  13. 1985-1995 - 10 years of geothermal drilling in Austria; 1985-1995 - 10 Jahre Geothermiebohrungen in Oesterreich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldbrunner, J


    From 1985 to 1995 19 deep drillings with a cumulative length of more than 35 were sunk in Austria for thermal water for energetic or balneological use. Most of the drillings took place in the Styrian Basin and the Upper Austrian Molasse basin, which are the most favourable reas for the exploitation of geothermal energy. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Zeitraum 1985-1995 war in Oesterreich durch eine intensive Tiefbohrtaetigkeit zur Erschliessung thermaler Tiefengrundwaesser gekennzeichntet. Insgesamt wurden 35.180 Bohrmeter niedergebracht. (orig.)

  14. Las acciones ambientales en el derecho argentino. Amparo ambiental y acción popular

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    María Laura Peluffo


    Full Text Available Las acciones ambientales intentan tanto la recomposición del ambiente como el resarcimiento de los daños y perjuicios. Existen distintas acciones a través de las cuales se ha intentado acceder a la justicia a los fines de la tutela del derecho al ambiente sano de acuerdo con las disposiciones del artículo 41 de la Constitución nacional, y ello se ha prestado a diversas interpretaciones. El constituyente argentino previó una acción colectiva frente a un derecho de incidencia colectiva a todos los titulares del mismo, y el legislador, al reglamentar la prescripción constitucional, no legitima a cualquiera que no sea el titular del derecho a ejercer una acción, porque se trataría de una acción popular, y en Argentina no existe la misma.

  15. Experiencias e interpretaciones en performances rituales (Iruya y El Cajón, noroeste argentino

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    Karen Avenburg


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone reflexionar acerca del modo en que dos performances rituales del noroeste argentino recrean en sus puestas en escena diferentes experiencias. Desde un enfoque etnográfico apoyado en los respectivos trabajos de campo de las autoras, se analizan comparativamente la Fiesta Patronal de la Virgen del Rosario de Iruya (Salta y la Semana Santa de El Cajón (Catamarca. En particular, se discuten algunas de las razones por la cuales en un contexto ritual la puesta en escena implica la recreación de su historia sociocultural y política, mientras que en el otro el eje central transcurre reactualizando eventos cosmológicos. El marco teórico utilizado se basa en el concepto de performance y su relación con la experiencia, siguiendo los aportes realizados por Edward Bruner y Victor Turner.

  16. «Al fin voy a recuperar la oscuridad»

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    Ramón Chao


    Full Text Available Entre 1978 y 1985 Jorge Luis Borges concedió en París una serie de entrevistas, condensadas por el autor. Alojado en el mismo hotel de la calle Beaux-Arts donde murió Oscar Wilde, una de sus admiradas lecturas, el gran escritor argentino deslumbra con sus habituales reflexiones y es interpelado sobre sus simpatías por los regímenes militares, la guerra de Malvinas y su muerte, inminente.

  17. Radiological effluent and onsite area monitoring report for the Nevada Test Site (January 1985 through December 1985)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, D.A.


    This report documents the environmental surveillance program at the Nevada Test Site as conducted by the Department of Energy (DOE) onsite radiological safety contractor from January 1985 through December 1985. The results and evaluations of measurements of radioactivity in air and water, and of direct gamma radiation exposure rates are presented. Relevancy to DOE concentration guides (CG'S) is established. This report was formerly titled ''Environmental Surveillance Report for the Nevada Test Site.''

  18. A dialogação: a práxis do diálogo inter-religioso no paradigma ecológico

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    Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista


    Full Text Available O artigo procura responder a um dos grandes desafios teológicos da atualidade: o diálogo inter-religioso. Trabalha a dimensão da práxis do diálogo, especialmente, no pensamento de Leonardo Boff, identificado a partir de 1992 em um novo paradigma - o paradigma ecológico. A dialogação (como práxis dialogal é pensada num grande encontro teoantropocósmico, articulando Deus, Ser humano e Natureza. Três momentos compõem essa práxis dialógica: dialogação mística ou espiritual; dialogação fraterna; e a ética da vida. Não são três momentos separados. Articulam-se e estão interconectados. Começam e terminam com a mística, expressam-se no estarcom-o-outro, na fraternidade e nos critérios de pensar e agir eticamente.Palavras-chave: Diálogo inter-religioso; Práxis; Mística; Fraternidade; Ecologia; Ética. ABSTRACTThis paper aims at responding to one of the great theological challenges at present: inter-religions dialogue. It focuses on the dimension of the praxis of dialogue, especially on Leonardo Boff´s thought, identified as of 1992 according to a new paradigm - the ecological one. Dialogue as praxis is taken into account within the scope of a wide Theo-anthropo-cosmic encounter, articulating God, the Human Being and Nature. Such dialogical praxis comprises three moments: mystical or spiritual dialogue; fraternal dialogue; and the ethics of life. Those are not three separate moments: they are articulated and interconnected. They start and end with mystics, and they express themselves in being-with-the-other in fraternity and in the criteria for ethical thought and action.Key words: Inter-religions dialogue; Praxis; Mystics; raternity; Ecology; Ethics.


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    Jazmín Tavera Colonna


    Full Text Available Sudamérica atravesada por los Andes presenta un contexto rico en diversidad pero incierto. Los fuertes cambios climáticos y terremotos han determinado cambios drásticos en la cosmogonía andina, así las primeras culturas andinas desarrolladas a orillas del mar le dan la espalda y reorientan sus dioses a los nevados de la cordillera. La escritura por su poder de comunicación en el tiempo ha revestido un cierto poder mágico para diferentes culturas. Las gracias impresas son agradecimientos a Dios o a los Santos por los favores concedidos. Al evaluar para Perú, el impacto de variables macroeconómicas sobre la cantidad de gracias por motivos económicos en sectores de clase media, encontramos que sólo los factores que reflejan el animismo andino guardan un impacto significativo. Ello sería el reflejo de un marco institucional débil en el que un individuo encuentra en la religión una institucionalidad legítima que le ofrece respuestas a necesidades básicas para su supervivencia como tal. El sincretismo religioso logró establecer el catolicismo en la Sudamérica andina, pero con una interesante reinterpretación, en la que la naturaleza y los ancestros siguen ocupando un lugar preponderante, sus señales son más claras que la de las instituciones que norman su sociedad.

  20. Energy research and development projects in the Nordic countries. Directory 1985. Energiforskningsprojekter i Norden. Katalog 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the third directory of research, development and demonstration projects in the Nordic countries within the field of energy. The 1985 directory includes projects running in 1985. 1757 projects are described and all of them are financed through special public funds (i.e. external funding). The directory is published at the request of the Nordic Council of Ministers and a special Energy Research Committee set up by the Nordic energy ministers in order to coordinate and promote Nordic information sharing in the energy field. (author)

  1. CSIR Annual report 1985

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1985. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial statements are also presented in the report....

  2. Forest types of the "Argentino River Valley" Natural Reserve

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    Bagnato S


    Full Text Available Forest classification is a fundamental target for understanding forest stand dynamics and for sustainable management strategy applications. In this paper the methodological approach of forest types, already used in other Italians region, was applied for the classification of the RNO "Argentino River Valley" (southern Apennine, Italy. This study has been organized in 4 steps: 1 bibliographic analysis and collection of the acquired knowledge; 2 preliminary verification of forest types in the field; 3 description of the different units; 4 final validation of typological units. Using this approach we have characterized 9 categories and 12 forest types units. The description of each units has been filed as cards, where information of different nature is summarized and related to the organization of the typological units, to its location, to the description of the qualitative indicators (disturbances, cohort, mortality, natural dynamic tendencies, SDT, CWD etc. and quantitative indicators (dbh, average height, current annual increment, etc., to the functioning and the current management. For a better understanding of types functioning, "sylvology models" based on the "Spatial Pattern of Relative Collective Interaction" (PSICR and on the principal characteristics influencing and characterizing forest stand dynamics (availability of resources, type and frequency of disturbances, stand development, etc. have been singled out and proposed. The "forest types map" and other maps useful for the management of forest resources have been obtained. Moreover, data collected did allow to formulate several hypotheses on sustainable management.

  3. Accesibilidad web en el espacio universitario público argentino

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    Laitano, María Inés


    Full Text Available The study presents a first web accessibility diagnosis carried out in 2012 on a sample of pages from the Argentine public university space. The evaluation establishes the compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0, taking into account the methodological recommendations from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C. The results suggest that the web accessibility barriers encountered are serious for the most part (level A. The most frequent are related to markup language syntax, content presentation, non-text content and visual readability of text. Likewise it is shown that by addressing these barriers, certain groups of people could benefit specifically.El estudio presenta un primer diagnóstico de accesibilidad web realizado en 2012 sobre una muestra de páginas del espacio universitario público argentino. La evaluación comprueba el cumplimiento de las Pautas de Accesibilidad para el Contenido Web (WCAG en su versión 2.0, contemplando las recomendaciones metodológicas del World Wide Web Consortium (W3C. Los resultados sugieren que las barreras de accesibilidad web encontradas son mayoritariamente graves (nivel A. Las más frecuentes están relacionadas con la sintaxis del lenguaje de marcado, con la presentación del contenido, con el contenido no textual y con la legibilidad visual del texto. De igual modo se muestra que ciertos grupos de personas podrían verse particularmente favorecidos por la solución de estas barreras.

  4. National Energy Balance - 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The National Energy Balance - 1985 shows energy fluxes of several primary and secondary energy sources, since the production to the final consumption in the main economic sectors, since 1974 to 1984 (E.G.) [pt

  5. Lavaca Bay 1985-1987 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Samples were collected from October 15, 1985 through June 12, 1987 in emergent marsh and non-vegetated habitats throughout the Lavaca Bay system to characterize...

  6. Memorias privadas, imágenes públicas. La primera persona en dos documentales argentinos recientes

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    Ernesto Livon-Grosman


    Full Text Available En este ensayo comparo dos documentales argentinos, La televisión y yo (2001 de Andrés Di Tella y Los rubios (2003 de Albertina Carri. Ambos proponen explorar la reconstrucción de una memoria de infancia. El primero parte de la premisa del deseo del director de trazar la historia de la televisión que no ha podido ver en los siete años durante los cuales sus padres estuvieron exiliados en Inglaterra a consecuencia de la dictadura militar que se extendió de 1966 a1973. El segundo documental, Los rubios, busca reconstruir y examinar la vida personal y política de los padres de la directora, ambos militantes desaparecidos durante la última dictadura militar, que tuvo lugar entre 1976 y 1983, cuando la directora tenía tres años.

  7. Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caplan, H.S.


    Last year was reported on the first year of the upgrading project to add an energy compressor system, a pulse stretcher ring, and a magnetic spectometer to our existing 300 MeV electron linear accelerator. As well as giving a description of the project, the 1984 Annual Report included statements on the function of the laboratory and how its performance is evaluated. This year two items have been added to the upgrading project. In April 1985 a photon tagging systems was funded by NSERC and in October 1985 a surplus 44 inch magnetic spectrometer was received from the High Energy Physics Laboratory at Stanford. The status of these two items is given later in this report. During 1985 there have been two visits of the Saskatchewan Advisory Committee: SAC 5 on 14th-15th March and SAC 6 on 24th-25th October. The committee has continued to report satisfactory progress in the project to the presidents of NSERC and the University of Saskatchewan

  8. Incidence of multiple sclerosis among European Economic Area populations, 1985-2009: the framework for monitoring (United States)


    Background A debate surrounding multiple sclerosis epidemiology has centred on time-related incidence increases and the need of monitoring. The purpose of this study is to reassess multiple sclerosis incidence in the European Economic Area. Methods We conducted a systematic review of literature from 1965 onwards and integrated elements of original research, including requested or completed data by surveys authors and specific analyses. Results The review of 5323 documents yielded ten studies for age- and sex-specific analyses, and 21 studies for time-trend analysis of single data sets. After 1985, the incidence of multiple sclerosis ranged from 1.12 to 6.96 per 100,000 population, was higher in females, tripled with latitude, and doubled with study midpoint year. The north registered increasing trends from the 1960s and 1970s, with a historic drop in the Faroe Islands, and fairly stable data in the period 1980-2000; incidence rose in Italian and French populations in the period 1970-2000, in Evros (Greece) in the 1980s, and in the French West Indies in around 2000. Conclusions We conclude that the increase in multiple sclerosis incidence is only apparent, and that it is not specific to women. Monitoring of multiple sclerosis incidence might be appropriate for the European Economic Area. PMID:23758972


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    Alfredo Bolsi


    Full Text Available Según investigaciones recientes el Norte Grande Argentino conforma el territorio más pobre del país. Se conjetura que esta condición no ha presentado cambios significativos en los últimos años. En este trabajo se busca interpretar el vínculo entre pobreza y mortalidad infantil, que se manifiesta en las denominadas «enfermedades de la pobreza». Se plantea como propósito contribuir a la formulación de políticas públicas que permitan la construcción de un territorio más equilibrado.

  10. Catálogo de tipos de algas depositados en el Herbario Nacional de Plantas Celulares (BA del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Argentina Catalogue of algae types deposited in the National Cryptogamic Herbarium (BA of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Argentina

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    Andrea Coradeghini


    Full Text Available El Herbario Nacional de Plantas Celulares (BA alberga 50.000 especímenes, de los cuales 9.000 son ejemplares de algas marinas y continentales. El catálogo consta de 11 tipos argentinos y 20 tipos del exterior: Australia y Brasil. Cinco de los tipos argentinos fueron depositados por la Lic. Carmen Pujals quién se desempeñó como investigadora de este Museo. El trabajo incluye la lista de nombres ordenados alfabéticamente, sus autores, fecha y cita original seguido por la categoría del tipo, país, provincia, localidad, fecha y datos del colector. De existir una Exsiccata se señalan nombre y número de la misma, número de BA y las observaciones y notas consideradas relevantes. En el caso que corresponde se anota sinonimia y autores.The National Cryptogamic Herbarium (BA contains 50.000 specimens, of which 9.000 are continental and marine algae. The catalogue consists of 11 argentine types and 20 foreign types from Australia and Brazil. Five of the argentine types were deposited by Lic. Carmen Pujals, a former researcher at the Museum. The paper includes the alphabetically ordered list of names, their authors, date and original citation, followed by the type category, country, province, city, date and collector number and original citation. If there is an Exsiccata the name, number, number of BA, observations and relevant notes are reported. When necessary, synonymy and authors are given.

  11. Serviço de Enfermagem do atual Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso (1950-1951: De laico a religioso

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    Camila Pureza Guimarães da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Discutir as repercussões da luta simbólica entre enfermeiras laicas e Irmãs de Caridade pela chefia do Serviço de Enfermagem para o referido hospital. Métodos: Estudo histórico-social. Fontes primárias: documentos escritos e depoimentos orais. Fontes secundárias: bibliografias acerca da temática. Resultados: Os dados organizados e analisados evidenciaram que as enfermeiras religiosas foram bem sucedidas em suas estratégias de luta pela ocupação de espaços de poder no hospital, logrando êxito na substituição de enfermeiras laicas. Conclusão: O habitus religioso associado ao capital social e capital simbólico, representado pelas importantes alianças com a direção do hospital, foram eficientes na luta por posições de poder e prestígio no hospital.

  12. Baixa do Noroeste Argentino e Baixa do Chaco: caracterísitcas, diferenças e semelhanças The Northewestern Argentinean Low and The Chaco Low: their characteristics, differences and similarities

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    Marcelo Enrique Seluchi


    Full Text Available A Baixa do Chaco e a Baixa do Noroeste Argentino são frequentemente confundidas ou tratadas como um único sistema. Isso se deve a vários fatores: o pouco conhecimento que se tem sobre elas, especialmente sobre a Baixa do Chaco, a baixa resolução das reanálises globais que as mostram como um único sistema e a relativamente escassa cobertura de dados sobre a região que ocupam. Este trabalho tenta contribuir para o melhor entendimento das diferenças e semelhanças entre ambos os sistemas, analisando algumas características dinâmicas e termodinâmicas da região em que elas atuam, com a finalidade de aprofundar seu conhecimento e de possibilitar a sua melhor identificação e diferenciação. O estudo utiliza as reanálises do modelo regional Eta/CPTEC do período (2000-2004 e considera os meses de verão, período no qual as duas baixas estão ativas. Os resultados mostraram que a Baixa do Noroeste Argentino está mais relacionada com a atividade transiente, o que pode ser comprovado através da influência do jato subtropical e da variabilidade temporal de algumas variáveis, como a pressão e a temperatura potencial equivalente. A Baixa do Chaco se desenvolve numa atmosfera mais instável do ponto de vista termodinâmico, porém menos afetada pela dinâmica das latitudes médias.The Chaco Low and the Northwestern Argentinean Low are frequently confounded or treated as a single system, due to our limited knowledge about them (especially concerning the Chaco Low, the low resolution of global analyses -that show them as a single low pressure system-, and the relatively poor data coverage over the region where they are usually located. This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of the differences and similarities between them, as well as to analyze the atmospheric dynamical and thermo-dynamical conditions where they evolve. It is considered that this study will aid to a better recognition of both systems. With this purpose

  13. Dos igarapés da Amazônia para o outro lado do Atlântico: a expansão e internacionalização do Santo Daime no contexto religioso global

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    Glauber Loures de Assis


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa os processos de expansão da religião ayahuasqueira do Santo Daime da Amazônia para o mundo. O crescimento e internacionalização daimistas são explicados em função de suas características estruturais, a psicoatividade e miscibilidade. Essa expansão é contextualizada dentro do movimento diaspórico das religiões do sul global, isto é, responde ao crescente papel do Brasil e da América Latina no cenário religioso global contemporâneo. Tal crescimento, contudo, foi conflituoso e permeado de tensões nos vários locais em que ocorreu. A expansão também produziu varias consequências nas comunidades tradicionais amazônicas. Argumenta-se que a internacionalização do Santo Daime ilustra as controvérsias e ambivalências religiosas de nosso tempo, estimulando o debate sobre questões fundamentais relacionadas ao contexto religioso global e à própria modernidade.


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    Glauber Henrique Corrêa Rocha


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Este artigo consiste numa apresentação dos principais resultados obtidos através de entrevistas concedidas por professores de Geografia, no que tange à influência de valores religiosos sobre a aplicação dos conteúdos apresentados pela lei 10.639. A análise que será apresentada busca demonstrar as dificuldades destacadas pelos docentes dessa disciplina no que se refere ao debater sobre o Continente Africano no ambiente escolar. Destacamos este último como sendo o palco onde o currículo praticado é construído e também onde pode ser observada a ação dos valores religiosos – expressos através da prática de professores, alunos e funcionários – que, em alguns casos, apresentam-se como fatores que dificultam o desenvolvimento dos temas apresentados pela lei.    Palavras-Chave: Lei 10.639; ambiente escolar; currículo praticado; valores religiosos.   Abstract   This article is a presentation of the main results obtained through interviews granted by teachers of Geography, regarding the application of content provided by law 10,639. The analysis that will be presented seeks to demonstrate the difficulties highlighted by the teachers of this discipline with regard to the debate on the African continent in the

  15. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 492, August 1985. Part 2 (comprehensive reports). Data for February 1985, August, September 1983, and miscellanea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.


    Contents include: detailed index for 1984-1985; data for february 1985 -- meudon Carte Synoptique, solar radio bursts at fixed frequencies, solar x-ray radiation from GOES satellite, mass ejections from the sun, active prominences and filaments; data for August - September 1983 -- solar flares August 1983, solar flares September 1983, number of flares August 1966 - September 1983

  16. Jet joint undertaking. Annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a presentation of the Jet and nuclear fusion, the results of Jet operations in 1985 are given: energy confinement, MHD activity and disruptive instabilities, impurities and radiation losses, plasma evolution, plasma boundary phenomena, control of plasma current, position and shape, RF heating. Technical achievements in 1985 are summarized: vacuum systems, first wall, multi-pellet injection for fuelling and re-fuelling, containment of forces during vertical instabilities, magnet systems, safety systems, power supplies, neutral beam heating, radio-frequency heating, remote handling, tritium handling, control and data acquisition, diagnostic systems are implied

  17. 3. Report: 1 January 1985 - 31 December 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The commissioning of Unit 2 of the Koeberg nuclear power station and the problems with ferritic inclusions in stainless steel elbows which led to the shutdown of Koeberg's Unit 1 for some months were one of the major concerns during 1985. The investigation involved discussions with officials of ESCOM as well as the contractor. Several matters concerning the Koeberg nuclear power station have been the subject of continuing discussion. The Atomic Energy Corporation has referred its proposals for the construction and operation of a semi-commercial enrichment plant to the Council for recommendations

  18. Illinois forest statistics, 1985. (United States)

    Jerold T. Hahn


    The third inventory of the timber resource of Illinois shows a 1% increase in commercial forest area and a 40% gain in growing-stock volume between 1962 and 1985. Presented are highlights and statistics on area, volume, growth, mortality, removals, utilization, and biomass.


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    Sylvio Fausto GIL FILHO


    Full Text Available Nas transformações do catolicismo brasileiro, o foco regional se relaciona com a análise da escala local e global como dimensões extremamente articuladas. Esta articulação caracteriza a Igreja local de Curitiba (PR com uma territorialidade de duas instâncias, influenciadas por tensões escalares de caráter global próprias da hierarquia universal da Igreja e tensões regionais específicas da Igreja local. Afora estas forças de caráter endógeno da estrutura eclesiástica, verificam-se também tensões exógenas à própria Igreja, representadas por instituições não-católicas e mesmo instituições seculares. O último quarto do século XX demonstrou uma crise da representação dominante da Igreja Católica Romana no Brasil. A conjuntura secular das cidades e a retração no espírito missionário da Igreja motivaram o diagnóstico de uma certa estagnação do domínio simbólico da Igreja. Com efeito, o pluralismo religioso dos grandes centros urbanos cunhou uma nova realidade, baseada em um crescente questionamento do mito do Brasil católico. O crescimento de movimentos religiosos pentecostais e neopentecostais representou nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 um impacto considerável na forma de a religiosidade popular fazer uma segunda identidade religiosa. Roman Catholic Church in Curitiba (PR: structures of territoriality under the religious pluralism Abstract In the transformation process of Brazilian Catholicism, the regional focus links with the analysis of the local and global scale as extremely articulated dimensions. This articulation characterizes the local Church of Curitiba (PR with a territoriality of two instances, influenced by scale tensions of global character peculiar to the head of the universal hierarchy of the Church and regional tensions specific of the local Church. Beyond these forces of endogenous character of the ecclesiastical structure, we also verified exogenous tensions of the Church itself, represented by

  20. Jet joint undertaking. Progress report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A brief introduction and some background information relevant to the Report is first provided. Progress on JET during 1984 is overviewed and, with a survey of scientific and technical achievements during 1984, these advances are set in their general context. This summary is specifically crossreferenced to reports and articles prepared and presented by JET staff during 1985. The more important of these articles, which are of general interest, are reproduced as appendices to this Report. Certain developments are considered, which might enable additional improvements/modifications of the machine to further improve its overall performance. These improvements are considered to overcome certain limitations encountered generally on Tokmaks, particularly concerned with density limits, with plasma MHD behaviour, with impurities and with plasma transport. Some attention has been devoted to methods of surmounting these limitations and these are detailed in this section. In the Appendices, selected articles prepared by JET authors are reproduced in detail, and provide more details of the activities and achievements made on JET during 1985. In addition, a full list is included of all Articles, Reports and Conference papers published in 1985

  1. Silêncios e diálogos: o catolicismo e a defesa dos direitos sociais e humanos ante à intolerância política da ditadura militar no Brasil (1964-1985

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    Lucília de Almeida Neves


    Full Text Available Os anos 1964-1985 se caracterizam pela mobilização popular e pela emergência de uma poderosa vontade de mudança social. Queria-se uma libertação das opressões históricas que a maioria do povo vinha sofrendo. Paradoxalmente, foi um tempo de autoritarismo e desrespeito aos direitos sociais e humanos. Este trabalho pretende analisar o movimento do catolicismo brasileiro, especialmente sua luta por esses direitos. Diversos aspectos atuam e influenciam no contexto político-religioso desse período. A reconstrução do significado desse movimento valeu-se de ampla documentação. Apesar dos entraves e das limitações, o catolicismo fez seu percurso e assinalou um passo importante na trajetória histórica desse período. Na compreensão e análise desse caminho, está a proposta deste estudo.Palabras clave: Catolicismo; Direitos sociais e humanos.ABSTRACTThe years 1964-1985 were characterised by popular mobilisation and the emergence of a powerful wish for social change, in the sence of a liberation from historical oppressions suffered by most people. Paradoxically, it was a time of authoritarianism and disregard for social and human rights. This paper aims at analysing the movemnt of Brazilian Catholicism, especially its fight for those rights. Various aspects play a part in and influence the political and religious context of that period. A wide range of documents was used for reconstructing the meaning of that movement. Despite hindrances and constraints, Catholicism made its way and pointed out an important step in the historical development of the period. This paper aims at understanding and analysing that way.Key words: Catholicism; Social and human rights.

  2. La huella de San Ignacio de Loyola en Manresa, ¿otra oportunidad perdida para el turismo religioso?

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    Joan Carles Llurdés i Coit


    Full Text Available Los intentos de la ciudad de Manresa para conseguir un mejor posicionamiento turístico no han fructificado y sigue estancada en un estadio de desarrollo turístico poco consolidado. La última iniciativa planteada por su ayuntamiento (proyecto “Manresa 2022” pretende recuperar la figura de San Ignacio de Loyola aprovechando que en ese año se celebrará el V centenario de la estancia de este personaje en la ciudad y que fue aquí donde tuvo sus experiencias místicas. Sin embargo, a pesar de que Manresa es centro de peregrinaje de jesuitas, esto no se ha traducido en un movimiento turístico significativo. En este texto se abordan las dificultades para hacer que el turismo religioso se convierta en un verdadero motor económico y también en un instrumento que contribuya a la revitalización del patrimonio y regeneración de ciertos espacios urbanos.

  3. Utopia in Exile: A Try for Ethnographic Writing ‘Against Culture’

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    del Olmo, Margarita


    Full Text Available This paper provides the reader with an analysis of ethnographic writing based upon two different texts produced from a single fieldwork. This fieldwork, which was done in Madrid and Buenos Aires between January, 1985 and December, 1988, concerned Argentine exiles from the Junta Militar dictatorship of 1976 to 1983.El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer al lector una reflexión sobre la escritura etnográfica basándome en dos textos diferentes producidos a partir del mismo trabajo de campo, realizado en Buenos Aires y en Madrid entre enero de 1985 y diciembre de 1988, sobre los exilados argentinos en España a causa de la dictadura de la Junta militar entre 1976 y 1983.

  4. European Music Year 1985. (United States)

    Alexanderson, Thomas; And Others


    Articles concerning music are included in this newsletter dedicated to cultural venture to be jointly carried out by the Council of Europe and the European communities. Many events will mark Music Year 1985, including concerts, dance performances, operas, publications, recordings, festivals, exhibitions, competitions, and conferences on musical…

  5. Annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) continues its mandated functions and responsibilities to exploit the beneficial peaceful application of nuclear energy for national development and to protect the public from the hazards posed by radiation. This report summarizes the major accomplishments of PAEC for 1985. Details of studies conducted are not included in the report but are produced as technical reports of the commission. (ELC)

  6. Consumo de álcool e violência entre adolescentes argentinos

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    Mariaelena Pierobon


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo investigou a associação entre álcool e violência na população de jovens argentinos. MÉTODOS: Dados da Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS de 2007, uma pesquisa representativa em termos nacionais com alunos do ensino médio, foram examinados utilizando-se modelos de regressão logística ajustados por idade. RESULTADOS: Dos 1328 alunos participantes entre 13 e 15 anos de idade, 51,9% declararam ter consumido álcool no último mês, com taxas mais elevadas entre meninos (p = 0,04 e alunos mais velhos (p < 0,01. Homens e mulheres que bebem demonstraram estar quase duas vezes mais propensos a relatar agressão física, quando em uma briga física, e pensamentos sobre violência autoinfligida do que aqueles que não bebem. Entre as pessoas que bebem, aquelas que reportaram saúde mental precária, haviam sido vítimas de bullying, fumavam, faziam uso de drogas ou abandonaram a escola sem permissão se mostraram duas vezes mais propensas ao envolvimento em atividades violentas do que outras pessoas que também bebem. CONCLUSÃO: Intervenções de saúde pública quanto à violência entre jovens adolescentes devem ser desenvolvidas em combinação com programas de educação sobre álcool.

  7. Un mito en piedra : la sexualidad en el contexto religioso de la Iglesia

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    María de los Ángeles Menéndez Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Investigación sobre la temática sexual en la escultura románica de la primitiva Castilla, en la que se aborda un estudio iconográfico de aquellas representaciones que, por su propio carácter, se apartan del marco bíblico, entrando de lleno en esa iconografía denominada obscena, reunida en el marco religioso de la iglesia por toda una serie de festividades que las lleva a reactualizar todo un ciclo natural, cósmico y genésico, en íntima relación con las creencias de unos monjes y un pueblo llano, apegados a sus antiguas tradiciones, que continuaban manteniendo y aún celebrando sus ancestrales ritos relacionados con los ciclos vitales.This investigation is about tfie sexual theme of the Romanesque sculpture in the early «Castilla». It is an iconographical study of tfiose representations separated from a Biblical field, tfiat one knowing as obscene iconography. Ttiis obscene iconography is located at the religiouse environment of the church and it is connected thanks to several festivities. So a natural, cosmic and genetic cycle is updated again because it is connected intimately with some monks and people's believes. People, devoted to ancient traditions, kept and celebrated their ancestral rites related with Ufe cycles.

  8. Offsite doses from SRP radioactive releases - 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marter, W.L.


    This memorandum summarizes the offsite doses from releases of radioactive materials to the environment from SRP operations in 1985. These doses were calculated for inclusion in the environmental report for 1985 to be issued by the Health Protection Department (DPSPU-86-30-1). The environmental report is prepared annually for distribution to state environmental agencies, the news media, and interested members of the public. More detailed data on offsite exposures by radionuclide and exposure pathway will be included in the environmental report

  9. Estructura de oportunidades y comportamiento emprendedor: Empresarios argentinos en Cataluña, España

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    Fabiola Baltar


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar los factores asociados a las características de los emprendedores argentinos en Cataluña, y los tipos de emprendimientos que crean (oportunidad-necesidad. La hipótesis es que el empresario inmigrante de los países en desarrollo puede detectar oportunidades que los empresarios nativos no visualizan en épocas de crisis, y no sólo iniciar empresas motivados por necesidad. Esta detección de oportunidades es explicada, por un lado, por sus capacidades empresariales adquiridas en contextos turbulentos; y por otro, por el marco institu­ cional del país receptor que facilita la generación de oportunidades empresariales. Se diseñó un método mixto que permitió construir tipologías de emprendedores e identificar casos de oportunidad por medio de entrevistas a profundidad. Los re­ sultados abren nuevas perspectivas acerca del fenómeno emprendedor inmigrante en España.

  10. NEA activities in 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the main features of the Agency's work during 1985. It deals with current nuclear trends, nuclear developments and the fuel cycle, nuclear safety research and licensing, radiological and environmental impacts of nuclear fuel cycle activities, legal affairs, nuclear science, joint undertakings, and, organization and administration

  11. Availability of thermal power plants 1976-1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nitsch, D.; Schmitz, H.


    This assessment is the 15th annual assessment since 1970. It covers the decade 1976 to 1985 and contains the availability figures for 395 power stations in Germany and abroad with an output of about 93,750 MW and 3,642 years of power station operation. The availability figures of fossil fired units, combined units (plant with combined gas/steam circuit), nuclear power stations and gas turbine plants are given, which are classified according to unit size, fuel, type of construction, age and method of use. The German plants are covered separately. All output figures are gross figures (output at the generator terminals). For comparison purposes, apart for the results of 1985, the annual values determined since 1976 and the mean values for the decade 1976-1985 are given. The non-availability is divided into faults and planned outages since 1978. Availability figures for the years 1970 to 1975 can be found in the VGB assessment 'Availability of thermal power plants 1970-1981'. (orig./GL) [de


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    Isadora Mencarelli Ortega


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo, resultado de pesquisa que deu origem à Monografia de Conclusão de Curso em Hotelaria, da UAM, 2011, é apresentar os resultados de uma investigação sobre o grau de satisfação dos visitantes do Santuário mariano de Aparecida do Norte, S.P, relativo ao sistema de hospedagem e serviços gastronômicos, supostamente insuficientes e deficitários na cidade. O trabalho fundamenta-se teoricamente nas idéias do geógrafo Christian Dennys Monteiro Oliveira que compreende o turismo religioso como peregrinação contemporânea e o visitante de Aparecida como romeiro urbano acostumado a acessar bens e serviços das metrópoles. Metodologicamente primeiramente foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com consultas a sites oficiais e comerciais que levaram à confirmação da precariedade dos serviços de hotelaria e alimentação na cidade. Em um segundo momento foi aplicado um questionário em uma amostra composta de 100 visitantes, entre hóspedes e não-hóspedes da cidade, que recebeu posteriormente análise probabilística. Os resultados apontam uma avaliação majoritariamente positiva em relação aos recursos de hospedagem e alimentação de Aparecida. Concluiu-se que a cidade e a municipalidade sofreram um atrofiamento em função da presença do Santuário, que exerce um monopólio das ações receptivas impostas pelo poder clerical desde suas origens, não havendo políticas públicas para o planejamento e gestão do turismo religioso em Aparecida. Por outro lado, concluiu-se que o novo romeiro urbano que para lá se dirige habituado ao uso de bens turísticos, apresenta uma crítica diminuída em relação à qualidade dos serviços ofertados na região, conformando-se com a precariedade. É possível que a submissão às deficientes condições de hospedagem e serviços alimentícios seja o remanescente contemporâneo do sofrimento que no passado se fazia necessário na peregrinação, penitência ou romaria.

  13. Obtención tecnológica de mullita a partir de arcillas y caolines refractarios argentinos, y alúmina calcinada o alúminas hidratadas


    Moreno Erazo, Ángela Ximena


    En el presente trabajo de investigación se busca mostrar la posibilidad de producir mullita de alta calidad en Argentina, utilizando materias primas nacionales y comodities internacionales con el objetivo de obtener un material confiable, de excelentes propiedades en el uso y con un costo razonable para ser incorporada en la producción de refractarios. El estudio de la obtención tecnológica de mullita a partir de arcillas y caolines refractarios argentinos, y alúmina calcinada ó alú...

  14. Gremialismo y política en los profesionales universitarios argentinos : el problema de la identidad de clase durante la primera mitad del siglo XX.


    Adamovsky, Ezequiel


    Adamovsky, E. (2011) Gremialismo y política en los profesionales universitarios argentinos: el problema de la identidad de clase durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. Redes, 17(33), 35-61. Este trabajo se propone contribuir al conocimiento sobre la formación de la clase media en Argentina, a partir del estudio empírico del gremialismo de uno de los sectores que la componen: el de los profesionales universitarios. Indagaremos en las prácticas reivindicativas de este grupo y en las identida...

  15. The 1985 méxico earthquake


    Moreno Murillo, Juan Manuel


    Se incluye una revisión bibliográfica junto con la descripción de varios aspectos relacionados con el terremoto de Michoacan, México (Ms = 8.1), el cual comprendió tres eventos. Un evento premonitorio ocurrió el 28 de mayo de 1985 (Ms = 5.2). El evento principal ocurrió el jueves 19 de septiembre de 1985 a las 7h. 17m. 46.6 s. hora local de la ciudad de México. El foco se determinó a una profundidad de aproximadamente 18 km. Un segundo evento ocurrió el viernes 21 de septiembre a las 7h. 38 m...

  16. [Secular trends of height among Chinese students aged 17 in 18 ethnic minorities from 1985 to 2010]. (United States)

    Song, Yi; Hu, Pei-jin; Zhang, Bing; Ma, Jun


    To analyze the secular trends of height among Chinese students aged 17 in different ethnic minorities from 1985 to 2010. A total of 18 Chinese ethnic minorities' students, including Mongolian, Hui, Uygur, Zhuang, Korean, Tibetan, Miao, Buyi, Dong, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Dai, Lisu, Wa, Nakhi, Tu and Qiang as subjects were sampled from the 1985, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 Chinese National Surveys on Students' Constitution and Health. The heights of 17 years old people by gender in various ethnic minorities were analyzed and compared. From 1985 to 2010, the increments of adult heights increased significantly in many ethnic minorities' boys. In 2010, the average height of boys aged 17 years in each minority group was higher than 162 cm and was higher than 170 cm among boys from Hui, Mongolian and Korean groups. The ethnics with height growth rates of more than 2 cm per decade in boys were Hui (2.64 cm/decade) and Dong (2.05 cm/decade) and the ethnics with height growth rates of more than 1 cm per decade were Korean (1.99 cm/decade), Tibetan (1.90 cm/decade), Hani (1.80 cm/decade) and the other 9 minority groups. The average height of girls aged 17 years in each minority group was higher than 150 cm in 2010. The heights showed an upward trend in 15 minority groups, but with different degrees. The ethnics with height growth rates of more than 1 cm per decade were Hui (1.56 cm/decade) and Korean (1.29 cm/decade). The increments that were significant between 1985 and 2010 were Hui (3.89 cm), Korean (3.23 cm), Dong (2.35 cm) and the other 6 minority groups (Pminority groups during the past 25 years, but there was an obvious disequilibrium among various ethnic minorities. We should pay more attention to the minority groups with poor growth and give them more help. Meanwhile, we should also pay attention to the negative effects of the secular growth trend on those minority groups with fast increasing adult height.

  17. Reconstruyendo redes, repensando espacios: experiencias migrantes de argentinos en Madrid (2002/2003

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    Susana Schmidt


    Full Text Available Los proyectos migratorios implican importantes cambios en la articulación de los espacios sociales. No sólo porque las redes se amplían a nuevos contactos y amistades en el lugar de radicación sino también porque las antiguas relaciones con quienes se quedan en el lugar de procedencia entran en un proceso de transformación. En esta contribución utilizamos la historia oral para acercarnos a las experiencias de un grupo de argentinos que vino a establecerse a Madrid a raíz de la crisis de 2001. Indagamos en la reconstrucción de sus redes sociales en destino y en la manera en que comienzan a repensar sus vínculos con Argentina.___________________ABSTRACT:The migratory projects carry important changes in the articulation of the social spaces. Not only because the networks widen to include new contacts and friendships, also because the old relations in the origin country begin a transformation process. This paper uses the oral history to examine the experiences of a group of Argentines settled in Madrid as a result of the crisis of 2001. It investigates the reconstruction of their social networks in destination and how they rethink their links to Argentina.

  18. Caracterización bromatológica del polen apícola argentino

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    Bertha Baldi Coronel


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de conocer si el polen apícola para uso alimentario conserva sus características nutricionales luego de las diferentes prácticas tecnológicas para su manipuleo y envasado y posterior almacenamiento, se analizaron muestras del producto fraccionado destinadas al comercio interno, recolectadas de los lugares de venta al público. Se estudiaron la composición químico-nutricional y microbiológica, las características sensoriales y granulométricas atinentes a su calidad comercial, y se relevaron las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias, de almacenamiento, procedimiento de fraccionado, tipos de envases utilizados y vida útil declarada. Estos datos se pusieron en referencia con los obtenidos para productos deshidratados, y los resultados obtenidos se contrastaron con las normas internacionales y el Código Alimentario Argentino. Los resultados indican que el producto presenta una buena alternativa comercial por su presentación en granos de tamaño adecuado, de buena consistencia y características organolépticas normales. El almacenamiento no ha influido en la composición físico-química y el secado aplicado ha permitido obtener la humedad adecuada para mantener una buena conservación durante el período de vida útil.

  19. Report on the year 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This anneal report accounts for the market situation, marketing, structure of cooperation (URENCO), centrifuge production and development, financial aspects and personnel affairs, during the year 1985, of Ultra-Centrifuge Nederland n.v. (UCN). (H.W.). figs.; tabs

  20. Listas negras y protesta obrera. El Ferrocarril Central Argentino y sus trabajadores durante la Primera Guerra Mundial

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    Laura Badaloni


    Full Text Available The main objective of this article is to analyze the corporate policies of the Ferrocarril Central Argentino and the workers’ responses in the context of World War I. In this sense, the research question it poses is: What was the impact of World War I in labor relations within a British railroad company installed in Argentina? Based on the triangulation of diverse types of sources (company files, union newspapers, official government documents and Foreign Office correspondence it shows, on the one hand, the company’s symbolic use of the war to justify wage cuts and layoffs and to involve segments of the working class in support of the British army. On the other hand, it also shows the limitations of the company’s patriotic discourse and how its co-optation strategies failed to block the workers’ participation in violent protests.

  1. Account 1985-86

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The main objectives of the Board's technical programme for 1985/86 were achieved, although scientific and technical advice and support to the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment interrupted progress with some of the Board's basic research programmes. The provision of advice, personal dosimetry and radiological protection services to industry and the public were maintained at the levels of previous years. The demand for consequence assessments and technical advice from Government Departments and other public bodies continued to be high. Financial objectives for 1985/86 were to fund the technical programme and restore the working balance to a level in the region of Pound200K as at 31st March, 1986. To achieve these objectives strict budgets were set at the beginning of the year for a revenue expenditure programme of Pound6340K and a capital programme of Pound472K. To fund the difference between planned revenue expenditure and the DHSS revenue grant receipts of Pound2880K were needed before allowing for non-recoverable VAT. In the event all objectives were attained with minor variances on the anticipated planned budget profiles with the net result that the working balance has been restored to Pound194K. (author)

  2. Londres y Catamarca: la articulación rural / urbano en una localidad del no argentino a fines del S. XX

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    Andrea Mastrángelo


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo organiza el espacio la expansión capitalista de fines del S. XX? A partir del análisis del caso de un emprendimiento minero en el noroeste argentino, este artículo realiza una revisión histórica de cómo se organiza, articuló históricamente y articula en la actualidad un centro urbano con unidades sociales mayores.How does capitalist expansion manage space at the end of XXth Century? Beginning with a case study on a mining mega enterprise in argentinian NW, this article makes a historical revision on how did a little community survive and how did it managed and articulated with greater social units.

  3. Daresbury 1985/6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The paper is the annual report of the Daresbury Laboratory, United Kingdom, 1985/6. The research programme using the Nuclear Structure Facility (NSF) and the Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) is described, along with some of the scientific highlights. The performance, operation and other activities associated with the SRS and NSF are summarized. Computational science studies concerned with atoms, molecules, condensed matter, chemical databank service and the FPS-164 computer system, are also outlined. (U.K.)

  4. Dengue mortality in Colombia, 1985-2012. (United States)

    Chaparro-Narváez, Pablo; León-Quevedo, Willian; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos Andrés


    Dengue in Colombia is an important public health problem due to the huge economic and social costs it has caused, especially during the disease outbreaks.  To describe the behavior of dengue mortality in Colombia between 1985 and 2012.  We conducted a descriptive study. Information was obtained from mortality and population projection databases provided by the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) for the 1985-2012 period. Mortality rates, rate ratios, and case fatality rates were estimated.  A total of 1,990 dengue deaths were registered during this period in Colombia. Dengue mortality rates presented an increasing trend with statistical significance between 1985 and 1998. Higher mortality rates were reported in men both younger than 5 years and older than 65 years. Between 1995 and 2012, category 1 to 4 municipalities reported the highest mortality rates. Case fatality rates varied during the period between 0.01% and 0.39%.  Dengue is an avoidable disease that should disappear from mortality statistics as a cause of death. The event is avoidable if the proposed activities from the Estrategia de Gestión Integrada (EGI)-Dengue are implemented and evaluated. We recommend encouraging the development of an informational culture to contribute to decision making and prioritizing resource allocation.

  5. Políticas de la última dictadura argentina frente a la “brecha generacional”

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    María Florencia Osuna


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza, desde una perspectiva historiográfica, un conjunto de discursos y políticas del Ministerio de Bienestar Social argentino destinado a la niñez, la juventud y la tercera edad durante la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983. Desde los años sesenta, distintos sectores de militares, civiles y religiosos comenzaron a preocuparse por la “brecha generacional” entre los más jóvenes y los ancianos. Esta distancia generacional habría sido producto de los cambios políticos y culturales propios del proceso de modernización de los años sesenta. En el período 1976-1983, en el marco de una dictadura autoritaria y represiva, el gobierno difundió discursos y políticas basados en un ideario católico tradicional tendientes a acercar a las diferentes generaciones y a establecer claramente el rol de cada integrante de la familia.

  6. Secular trends in age at menarche among Chinese girls from 24 ethnic minorities, 1985 to 2010. (United States)

    Song, Yi; Ma, Jun; Agardh, Anette; Lau, Patrick W C; Hu, Peijin; Zhang, Bing


    Declining age at menarche has been observed in many countries. In China, a decrease of 4.5 months per decade in the average age at menarche among the majority Han girls has recently been reported. However, the trends in age at menarche among ethnic minority girls over the past 25 years remain unknown. To compare the differences in median age at menarche among girls aged 9-18 years across 24 ethnic minorities in 2010 and to estimate the trends in age at menarche in different ethnic minorities from 1985 to 2010. We used data from six cross-sectional Chinese National Surveys on Students' Constitution and Health (1985, 1991, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010). The median age at menarche was estimated by using probit analysis. In 2010, the ethnic minorities with the earliest age at menarche were the Koreans (11.79 years), Mongolians (12.44 years), and Zhuang (12.52 years). The three ethnic minorities with the latest age at menarche were the Sala (14.32 years), Yi (13.74 years), and Uighurs (13.67 years). From 1985 to 2010, the age at menarche declined in all 24 minority groups. The Lisu, Kazakh, and Korean minorities showed the largest reductions in age at menarche by 1.79 (pminorities showed the smallest reductions, with age at menarche declining by only 0.06 (p>0.05), 0.15 (p>0.05), and 0.15 (p>0.05) years, respectively, in the same period. A large variation in age at menarche was observed among different ethnic minorities, with the earliest age at menarche found among Korean girls. A reduction in the average age at menarche appeared among most of the ethnic minorities over time, and the largest decrease was observed in Lisu, Kazakh, and Korean girls. Thus, health education should focus on targeting the specific needs of each ethnic minority group.

  7. Resiliencia, percepción de enfermedad, creencia y afrontamiento espiritual religioso y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide

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    Japcy Margarita Quiceno


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las relaciones entre resiliencia, percepción de enfermedad, creencias y afrontamiento espiritual-religioso y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en 41 pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia. Instrumentos: Escala de Resiliencia RS , Cuestionario Breve de Percepción de Enfermedad IPQ-B , Inventario de Sistema de Creencias SBI-15R , Escala Estrategias de Afrontamiento Espirituale SCS y Cuestionario de Salud MOS SF -36 . Los resultados mostraron relaciones negativas de la representación cognitiva y emocional de la enfermedad del IPQ-B con la calidad de vida física y mental, y las estrategias de afrontamiento no religioso ( SCS se asociaron positivamente con la calidad de vida mental. En el análisis de regresión lineal, las consecuencias de la enfermedad del IPQ-B y el tratamiento farmacológico tuvieron un peso negativo sobre la calidad de vida a nivel físico, mientras que la aceptación de sí mismo y de la vida de resiliencia y el estrato socioeconómico lo tuvieron positivamente sobre la salud mental. En conclusión, la percepción de la calidad de vida de los pacientes con AR es mediada por las representaciones de la enfermedad y por factores salutogénicos como un afrontamiento de tipo trascendental y la resiliencia.

  8. Fresa y chocolate: lo religioso en la construcción de la identidad en Cuba

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    Anabella Aurora Castro Avelleyra


    Full Text Available Tras el triunfo de la Revolución cubana en 1959 no se concedió a la religión un espacio social significativo. La imposición del “ateísmo científico” en los setenta incrementó los prejuicios y la discriminación sobre las prácticas religiosas. La irrupción de la crisis conocida como Período especial en tiempos de paz en 1990 propició tanto desde el discurso oficial como desde el quehacer cultural la aceptación de la religiosidad y su comprensión como parte constitutiva de la identidad cubana. El propósito del artículo es relevar los orígenes transculturales de la identidad y la religiosidad cubanas, hipotetizar sobre los cambios acaecidos en la definición de la cubanidad a partir de la crisis y el lugar ocupado por la religión en ese proceso, y analizar los mecanismos de construcción de la cubanidad en el film Fresa y chocolate (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea y Juan Carlos Tabío, 1993 a partir de la inclusión de elementos religiosos.

  9. Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 1985 (United States)

    Solley, Wayne B.; Merk, Charles F.; Pierce, Robert R.


    Water withdrawals in the United States during 1985 were estimated to average 399,000 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of freshwater and saline water for offstream uses--10 percent less than the 1980 estimate. Average per-capita use for all offstream uses was 1,650 gallons per day (gal/d) of freshwater and saline water combined and 1,400 gal/d of freshwater alone. Offstream water-use categories are classified in this report as public supply, domestic, commercial, irrigation, livestock, industrial, mining, and thermoelectric power. During 1985, public-supply withdrawals were estimated to be 36,500 Mgal/d, and self-supplied withdrawals were estimated as follows: domestic, 3,320 Mgal/d: commercial, 1,230 Mgal/d; irrigation, 137,000 Mgal/d: livestock, 4,470 Mgal/d; industrial, 25,800 Mgal/d; mining, 3,440 Mgal/d; and thermoelectric power, 187,000 Mgal/d. Water use for hydroelectric power generation, the only instream use compiled in this report, was estimated to be 3,050,000 Mgal/d during 1985, or 7 percent less than during 1980. This is in contrast to an increasing trend that persisted from 1950 to 1980. Estimates of withdrawals by source indicate that, during 1985, total surface-water withdrawals were 325,000 Mgal/d, or 10 percent less than during 1980, and total ground-water withdrawals were 74,000 Mgal/d, or 12 percent less than during 1980. Total saline-water withdrawals during 1985 were 60,300 Mgal/d, or 16 percent less than during 1980; most was saline surface water. Reclaimed sewage averaged about 579 Mgal/d during 1985, or 22 percent more than during 1980. Total freshwater consumptive use was estimated to be 92,300 Mgal/d during 1985, or 9 percent less than during 1980. Consumptive use by irrigation accounted for the largest part of consumptive use during 1985 and was estimated to be 73,800 Mgal/d. A comparison of total withdrawals (fresh and saline) by State indicates that 37 States and Puerto Rico had less water withdrawn for offstream uses during 1985 than

  10. 1985 environmental monitoring report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Day, L.E.; Miltenberger, R.P.; Naidu, J.R. (eds.)


    The environmental monitoring program is designed to determine that BNL facilities operate such that the applicable environmental standards and effluent control requirements have been met. The data were evaluated using the appropriate environmental regulatory criteria. The environmental levels of radioactivity and other pollutants found in the vicinity of BNL during 1985 are summarized in this report. Detailed data are not included in the main body of the report, but are tabulated and presented in Appendix D. The environmental data include external radiation levels; radioactive air particulates; tritium concentrations; the amounts and concentrations of radioactivity in and the water quality of the stream into which liquid effluents are released; the water quality of the potable supply wells; the concentrations of radioactivity in biota from the stream; the concentrations of radioactivity in and the water quality of ground waters underlying the Laboratoy; concentrations of radioactivity in milk samples obtained in the vicinity of the Laboratory; and the 1984 strontium-90 data which was not available for inclusion in the 1984 Environmental Monitoring Report. In 1985, the results of the surveillance program demonstraed that the Laboratory has operated within the applicable environmental standards.

  11. 1985 : new energy deal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The 540-mile Norman Wells pipeline was completed by Interprovincial Pipe Line in 1985, allowing 25,000 barrels per day of commercial crude deliveries from Esso Resources. A new energy deal was also announced by the federal energy minister, ending 11 years of administered oil prices. The new energy deal also marked the demise of the National Energy Program. The Western Accord deregulated oil prices and eliminated oil export charges. It also provided for the phasing out of the petroleum and gas revenue tax and frontier exploration grants under the Petroleum Incentive Program (PIP). However, grandfathering provisions in the energy deal extended the PIP until 1987. The agreement was viewed by industry as a measure for national economic recovery from the recession of the early 1980s. In 1985, the Newfoundland Accord provided a $300 million offshore development fund and co-management of resources. Safety regulations were also overhauled following the sinking of the Ocean Ranger. The first 100,000 barrel shipment of crude oil from the Bent Horn Field was sent to Montreal after nearly 2 decades of work in the Arctic. 1 tab., 1 fig

  12. Los conflictos político-religiosos en Colombia durante el siglo XIX

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    Fernando Santamaría Lambás


    Full Text Available Este artículo está publicado en España como “Los conflictos político-religiosos en Colombia durante el siglo XIX”, publicado en J.J. Caerols (ed., Religio in labyrintho, Madrid, Escolar y Mayo Editores, 2013, pp. 211-225, ISBN 978-84-941056-8-5 incluyendo en él referencia y cita bibliográfica de la publicación originalSUMARIO: 1. Introducción – 2. Las guerras civiles – 2.1. Las guerras por la definición del sujeto político – 2.1.a La guerra de los Supremos (1839-1842 – 2.1.b Las guerras de 1851 y 1854 – 2.2. Las guerras por la definición del sujeto político y el carácter de la educación – 2..2.a La guerra de 1861 – 2.2.b La guerra de 1876 – 2.2.c La guerra de 1885 – 2.3. Las guerras contra la exclusión en las que entran en juego los límites de la centralización – 2.3.a La guerra de 1895 – 2.3.b La guerra de los Mil Días. Abstract: During the nineteenth century in Colombia conflict is settled through political parties, the liberal and conservative, and civil wars, in which the religious element is sometimes the trigger of the conflict and sometimes the convener. We will use the literature to approach these wars and to better understand what happened in reality.Keywords Colombia, civil wars, political parties, religion.

  13. Activities of ENEA in 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colombo, U.


    Activities of ENEA in the years 1985 and 1986 are described in detail, specifying the results obtained in all the centers. In addition, the operational structure of ENEA and its budget are also mentioned

  14. Inequality trends of health workforce in different stages of medical system reform (1985-2011) in China. (United States)

    Zhou, Kaiyuan; Zhang, Xinyi; Ding, Yi; Wang, Duolao; Lu, Zhou; Yu, Min


    The aim of this study was to identify whether policies in different stages of medical system reform had been effective in decreasing inequalities and increasing the density of health workers in rural areas in China between 1985 and 2011. With data from China Health Statistics Yearbooks from 2004 to 2012, we measured the Gini coefficient and the Theil L index across the urban and rural areas from 1985 to 2011 to investigate changes in inequalities in the distributions of health workers, doctors, and nurses by states, regions, and urban-rural stratum and account for the sources of inequalities. We found that the overall inequalities in the distribution of health workers decreased to the lowest in 2000, then increased gently until 2011. Nurses were the most unequally distributed between urban-rural districts among health workers. Most of the overall inequalities in the distribution of health workers across regions were due to inequalities within the rural-urban stratum. Different policies and interventions in different stages would result in important changes in inequality in the distribution of the health workforce. It was also influenced by other system reforms, like the urbanization, education, and employment reforms in China. The results are useful for the Chinese government to decide how to narrow the gap of the health workforce and meet its citizens' health needs to the maximum extent.

  15. KfK Nuclear Safety Project. First semiannual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The semiannual progress report 1985/1 is a description of work within the Nuclear Safety Project performed in the first six month of 1985 in the nuclear safety field by KfK institutes and departements and by external institutions on behalf of KfK. The chosen kind of this report is that of short summaries, containing the topics: work performed, results obtained and plans for future work. (orig./HP) [de

  16. Biological patterns of the Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus in the slope trawl fishery off Brazil Patrones biológicos del calamar argentino Illex argentinus en la pesquería de arrastre en el talud continental de Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Angel Alvarez Perez


    Full Text Available Commercial exploitation of the Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus was virtually non-existent in Brazilian waters until 2000 when foreign trawlers initiated their operations on slope grounds as part of a government-induced chartering program. Since then, the species has been included among the targets of a developing slope trawl fishing off southeastern and southern Brazil. Biological samples were collected from commercial catches of 25 national and seven foreign (chartered trawlers between 23°-33°S and 170-740 m depth. These samples represent two periods of the commercial exploitation of Illex argentinus in Brazil: 2001-2003, when both chartered and national trawlers operated simultaneously, and 2006-2007, when only national vessels continued to exploit I. argentinus along with other slope stocks. Catches contained immature and ma-turing squid throughout the year, as well as at least two distinct, fully mature, spawning groups: one composed of small-sized males and females present year-round on the shelf-break/ upper slope (La explotación comercial del calamar argentino (Illex argentinus no existía en aguas brasilenas hasta el año 2000, cuando buques extranjeros iniciaron sus operaciones en el talud como parte de un programa gubernamental de arrendamiento. Desde entonces la especie forma parte de un conjunto de recursos que han motivado el desarrollo de una pesquería de arrastre en el talud del sur y sureste de Brasil. Se colectaron muestras biológicas de las capturas comerciales de 25 buques arrastreros nacionales y siete extranjeros entre los paralelos 23°-33°S y en profundidades de 170 a 740 m. Estas muestras representaron dos periodos de la explotación comercial de I. argentinus en Brasil: 2001-2003, cuando buques nacionales y extranjeros operaron simultáneamente, y 2006-2007 cuando sólo buques nacionales permanecieron explotando el calamar argentino en conjunto con otros recursos del talud. Las capturas estuvieron

  17. Skadestuestrukturen i Danmark 1985-1992

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, T B; Rebling, H; Larsen, C F


    routinely, and 29 (42%) used the Glasgow Coma Scale as a routine. It is concluded that there has only been a minor centralisation in trauma treatment structure in Denmark over the period 1985-1992, and there are still many accident and emergency departments with relatively few annual patient contacts...

  18. Papers, Volume 1 1962-1985

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thoft-Christensen, Palle

    In this Volume 1 of “Papers”, 20 papers published from 1962 to 1985 are presented. The papers are reproduced by using scanning techniques and retyping of equations. During this work, small modifications and corrections have been made. Unfortunately, new errors may have been introduced. This is my...

  19. Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH (HKG). Annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report presents the agenda of the general meeting of members, held on July 3, 1986 at Hamm-Uentrop, the report of the managing board, and the annual financial statement as of December 31, 1985, including the profit and loss account of the period January 1 to December 31, 1985. The object of the HKG GmbH is the planning, financing, installation, and operation of the Hamm-Uentrop nuclear power station equipped with a high-temperature reactor, as a joint enterprise of the European partners. (UA) [de

  20. Amenazas, declinaciones poblacionales y extinciones en anfibios argentinos


    Lavilla, Esteban O.


    ¿Cuál es la situación actual de los anfibios de la República Argentina? La herramienta más valiosa con que contamos en este momento es el libro Categorización de los anfibios y reptiles de la República Argentina, publicado por la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (Lavailla et al., 2000b), donde se vuelcan los aportes de alrededor de medio centenar de herpetólogos que trabajaron entre septiembre de 1998 y marzo de 2000 para sumar experiencias y sintetizar la información disponible sobre el es...

  1. La visibilidad mediática de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los diarios correntinos Época y El Litoral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Daniel Chao


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo parte de la categoría régimen escópico de Martin Jay, para poder articularla con otras teorías que nos permitan entender el fenómeno de la visibilidad y abordar un caso particular.Una vez construido el entramado teórico, se propone una lectura centrada en la visibilidad de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los periódicos correntinos Época y El Litoral, en los meses que van de abril a junio de 1982. Una vez establecidas algunas regularidades, se intentará ligarlas a determinadas condiciones discursivas que puedan generarlas.

  2. Temperature profiles from bathythermograph casts from VOLNA and other PLATFORMS in the Atlantic Ocean and other locations from 31 March 1985 to 27 April 1985 (NODC Accession 8500291) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathythermograph data was collected from VOLNA and other PLATFORMS in the Atlantic Ocean and other locations. Data was collected from 1 March 1985 to 27 April 1985....

  3. Annual report 1985-86

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The paper presents the annual report of the Universities Research Reactor, Risley, United Kingdom, for the period 1985-86. The contents of the report contains: the research programme, activation analysis service, teaching programme, and the reactor operation and safety arrangements. The research programme includes topics on: radiation biology, radiation chemistry, radionuclide migration, trace elements, gamma-ray penetration, reactor studies, neutron monitors, neutron activation, and ultracold neutrons. (U.K.)

  4. Annual report 1985 Chemistry Department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report describes the activities carried out in 1985 by the Chemistry Department in the following fields: Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physicochemistry (Interphases, Surfaces), General Chemical Analysis, Active Materials Analysis, X Ray Fluorescence Analysis, Mass Spectroscopy (Isotopic Analysis, Instrumentation) and Optical Spectroscopy. A list of publications is enclosed. (M.E.L.) [es

  5. Shifting Patterns of BMI and Skinfold Fatness among US Children: 1985/87 vs. 2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan Yang


    Full Text Available Background: Childhood obesity has been recognized as a major public health concern. The purpose of this study was to determine specific shifting patterns of BMI and skinfold fatness across different age and sex groups between 1985/87 and 2012. Methods: The data of 9,366 children aged 8-15 years from two nationally representative surveys, i.e., 1985/87 National Children and Youth Fitness Study I & II and 2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey National Youth Fitness Survey, were analyzed. Specifically, changes of BMI-based obesity prevalence and shifting patterns of BMI, height, weight, skinfold body fat percentage (skinfold-fat%, subscapular skinfold, and triceps skinfold from 1985/87 to 2012 were estimated by age and sex using the 1985/87 quartiles as the baseline. Results: Significantly increased obesity prevalence were reconfirmed for both boys (12.12%, P <.001 and girls (3.53%, P <.001 from 1985/87 to 2012. Except for height, all other measures in 2012 experienced an unbalanced shifting pattern, mainly from other quartiles into the 4th quartile of 1985/87. Conclusion: The shifting of both boys’ and girls’ BMI and skinfold-fat% were all concentrated in the 4th quartile of 1985/87, indicating not only that there was a significant increase in BMI and skinfold-fat% in the U.S. children from 1985/87 to 2012, but also into the overweight and obese subgroups, which serves as a serious warning for childhood obesity epidemic and public health.

  6. CEBAF/SURA 1985 Summer Workshop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crannel, H.


    The 1985 Summer Workshop began a new phase of planning for the experimental program at CEBAF. One goal of the Workshop was to define and describe options for equipping the CEBAF and stations with experimental equipment. Starting with an initial list of options which grew out of discussions during the Winter of 1984 and the Spring of 1985, the five working groups met during the Workshop and developed their final reports, included in these proceedings. The program of the Workshop consisted of invited talks on both theoretical and experimental topics, and working group meetings. The five working groups, include: Magnetic Spectrometers; Large Acceptance Detectors and Low Intensity Beams; Internal Targets; Positrons; Theory. These proceedings begin with an overview of CEBAF, and a report on progress made by the Magnetic Spectrometer and Internal Target Working Groups prior to the Workshop. The next part contains the invited talks, presented in the order which they were given during the week. The final reports of the five working groups follow this, and the proceedings conclude with papers contributed to the Workshop

  7. Coping religioso/espiritual: uma revisão sistemática de literatura (2003–2013

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    Gisele Fernandes de Lima Foch


    Full Text Available El “ coping religioso/espiritual” (CRE para afrontar el estrés contiene estrategias de enfrentamiento presentadas por personas de diversas culturas y se relaciona con mejo- res predictores de salud física y mental, y calidad de vida. Se analizó este concepto en los estudios del campo de la salud, mediante revisión sistemática (2003–2013 en las bases electrónicas SciELO, BVS, PePsic y PubMed, utilizando los descriptores “ coping religioso” y “salud”, en portugués e inglés. Fueron localizados 1.092 artículos; pero, con la aplicación de los criterios de exclusión, fueron analizados en su totalidad 31 artículos. Los resultados muestran una publicación creciente sobre el tema después de 2010, una pequeña producción brasileña sobre el tema, la asociación del CRE positivo con mejores resultados en las enfermedades crónicas, especialmente el cáncer, y en los trastornos mentales, como la depresión, por lo general evaluado por instrumentos estandarizados. Se destaca la importancia de la formación de profesionales para hacer frente a las cuestiones religiosas/espirituales en el área de la Salud.

  8. Activity Progress report 1982-1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reports gives a summary of all activities of the Elementary Particle Physics Department at Saclay between the beginning of 1982 and the end of 1985. The experiments in progress or in preparation are presented by subject. The main technical studies and achievements are also described. Finally lists of publications and information concerning Department organization are given [fr

  9. Publications of Los Alamos research, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheridan, C.J.; McClary, W.J.; Rich, J.A.; Dussart, S.A.


    This bibliography is a compilation of unclassified publications of work done at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for 1985, including laboratory reports, papers released as non-laboratory reports, journal articles, books, conference papers, papers published in congrssional hearings, theses, and US patents


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    Fernández, Rodrigo A.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estiman los rendimientos privados de la inversión en educación. Se estimaron las tasas anuales de rendimiento, para los aglomerados del Noreste Argentino (NEA, entre el tercer trimestre del 2003 y tercer trimestre de 2009, utilizando la base de micro-datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH. En la estimación del rendimiento se propusieron modelos diferentes para los hombres y mujeres, de forma de corregir en estas últimas los problemas de sesgo muestral, evidenciados en su menor participación en la Población Económicamente Activa (PEA. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un rendimiento de la educación mayor para los hombres que para las mujeres, un rendimiento diferencial en el aglomerado Posadas superior a la media del NEA, una elevada penalización por desempeñarse en el sector informal de la economía (trabajo en negro y una relación directa entre el tamaño de la empresa y los rendimientos de los varones que a la vez reportaría una menor volatilidad en su evolución temporal.

  11. Annual report 1985-86

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitley, J.E.


    The paper is the annual report of the Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre, 1985-86. The contents include a description of the research activities, and the reactor and associated activities. The research activities include: environmental radioactivity, neutron activation analysis, clinical studies, gamma ray irradiation processing, radiation effects on insulation, radiogenic isotope geology, stable isotopes in geology and biological sciences, and radiocarbon studies. The reactor activities include: reactor operation, isotope production, and computing and counting systems. (U.K.)

  12. A Profile of the U.S. Student Abroad--1984 and 1985. (United States)

    Koester, Jolene

    A survey of United States students studying and traveling abroad was conducted with a questionnaire distributed in the 1984 and 1985 applications for the International Student Identity Card. In 1984 all applications processed in New York were included in this study; in 1985 one out of every three applications was sampled. The total number of…

  13. Development of the world energy requirement until 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitt, D.


    In its final report entitled 'Energy Global Prospects 1985 - 2000' and in three technical reports the Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies (WAES), which was attended by 70 experts from 15 countries, in the summer of this year published the first worldwide forecast of the energy requirement up to the year 2000. The uncertainties affecting the long term development caused the WAES to employ a scenario in which the variables were economic growth, price levels of energy (and oil, respectively), and energy policy. Additional variables included to describe the long term problems arising in meeting the energy requirement are the coal vs. nuclear power alternative, the gross additions to the oil reserves, and assumptions about OPEC production limits. In view of the long lead times of technological developments and the extraordinarily high capital investments involved, rethinking is necessary right now, according to the WAES study, to find a possibility to change to other sources of fossil energy, nuclear power and, finally, renewable sources of energy, in view of the impending scarcity of the most important present source of energy, i.e., oil. Since the chances to meet a growing energy requirement by natural gas are viewed sceptically and a major contribution of new sources of energy is not expected to come forth before the next century, coal and nuclear power will be the main sources of energy supply for a foreseeable period of time to come. (orig.) [de

  14. Astronomy Books of 1985: The Technical List. (United States)

    Fraknoi, Andrew


    Consists of the second part of the 1985 annotated review of technical books done by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. This listing was primarily designed for graduate students or research scientists. (TW)

  15. Las polémicas inaugurales de la transición a la democracia: los casos argentino y paraguayo

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    Carla Daniela Benisz


    Full Text Available Tras la caída de las dictaduras del Cono Sur, el cambio político generó también cambios de paradigmas estéticos y éticos en el campo intelectual, que se expresaron en polémicas en distintos países de la región. Los casos, por lo general, han sido estudiados individualmente para cada país, pero las similitudes justifican un abordaje en conjunto. Este artículo presenta, como primera instancia, un estudio comparado de los casos argentino y paraguayo, con especial énfasis en este último, puesto que ha sido menos trabajado por la crítica literaria latinoamericana. De estos casos, a su vez, se enfoca en dos cruces polémicos concretos: por un lado, una famosa polémica entre Julio Cortázar y Liliana Heker y, por otro, las polémicas de Augusto Roa Bastos con Carlos Villagra Marsal y Guido Rodríguez-Alcalá.

  16. Nomenclatural notes on the Eurytomids (Chalcidoidea: Eurytomidae) described by Jean Brèthes housed in Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". (United States)

    Gates, Michael W


    Ten Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera) parasitic wasp species described by Jean Brèthes and deposited in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales in Buenos Aires are treated and their nomenclature stabilized. The condition of the type material is described. Lectotypes are designated for Decatoma cecidosiphaga Brèthes, Prodecatoma parodii Brèthes, Eudecatoma opposita Brèthes, and Eurytoma caridei Brèthes. One new generic synonymy, Xanthosomodes Brèthes with Tetramesa Walker, n. syn., and five new combinations are proposed: Tetramesa albiangulata (Brèthes), n. comb.; Phylloxeroxenus caridei (Brèthes), n. comb.; Aximopsis vulgata (Brèthes), n. comb.; Proseurytoma parodii (Brèthes), n. comb.; and Bruchophagus opposita (Brèthes), n. comb. Sycophila paranensis Brèthes is declared incertae sedis.

  17. A Summary of the Foundation Research Program, Fiscal Year 1985. (United States)


    system in the domain of actuarial science. Publication: T. R. Sivasankaran and M. Jarke, "Coupling Expert .z- Systems and Actuarial Pricing Models... Actuarial Pricing Models," Workshop on Coupling Symbolic and Numerical Computing in Expert Systems, Bellevue, Washington, August 1985. 16 Title: Application...Ramjets", AIAA-85-1177, AIAA/SAE/ ASME /ASEE 21st Joint Propulsion Conference, July 8-10, 1985. A. Gany and D. W. Netzer, "Fuel Performance Evaluation

  18. PERSONAS CORPORIZADAS, MULTIPLICIDADES Y EXTENSIONES: UN ACERCAMIENTO A LAS NOCIONES de cuerpo y persona entre los tobas (qom del chaco argentino

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    Full Text Available ESTE ARTÍCULO ANALIZA LAS NOCIONES DE PERSONA Y CUERPO ENTRE LOS INDÍGENAS tobas (qom del Chaco argentino y despliega una serie de conceptos derivados del trabajo etnográfico. A partir de dos mitos centrales entre los tobas, analiza el papel de la posesión de un cuerpo en la definición de la persona y en la diferenciación entre humanos y no-humanos. Luego, aborda algunos de los criterios que definen la existencia de personas humanas y no-humanas que poseen o carecen de cuerpo. Seguidamente, analiza las características de la noción toba de persona por medio de la constitución colectiva del cuerpo en función de la circulación de componentes provenientes de otras personas-cuerpos.

  19. "Sin religión no puede existir legado alguno". El fenómeno religioso y la ideología providencialista en el Perú durante las guerras de la independencia, 1810-1825


    Morán, Daniel


    Los procesos de independencia en América Latina vienen siendo repensados desde diversas ópticas historiográficas promoviendo nuevas interpretaciones que permitan explicar con mayor exhaustividad la realidad de la experiencia revolucionaria. En esa tendencia, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal advertir el fenómeno religioso y la trayectoria de la ideología providencialista en el Perú a través del análisis sistemático de la prensa y los sermones que circularon durante toda la coyu...

  20. Dentocronología: Relaciones temporales de una muestra del noroeste argentino

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    Bollini, Gabriel A.


    Full Text Available La morfología dentaria ha sido utilizada por Turner (1986 para establecer distancias biológicas comparando distintos rasgos extraídos de la corona y la raíz. Con estos datos sugirió que el promedio mundial de tasa de microevolución es de 0,01003 con un error de 0,004 del valor de la Medida Media de la Divergencia cada 1000 años. Utilizando este método se ha calculado la distancia de separación temporal entre una serie de cráneos de aborígenes del noroeste argentino y poblaciones mundiales de distintos continentes considerando caracteres dentales discontinuos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las poblaciones asiáticas del noreste de China son las de separación más reciente (0,1441, seguidas por las poblaciones de los japonenses modernos (0,1603 y los urga-mongoles un poco más alejados (0,2070 Mayor separación muestran las poblaciones ancestrales japonesas como los Jomon (0,4627 y Ainu (0,5643. Las mayores distancias y, por lo tanto, separaciones temporales presentan las poblaciones del Sudeste asiático (0,9821 y australianas (1,1936. Cuando se comparan con poblaciones americanas los menores valores se encuentran con los Dakotas del sur (0,0881 con valores aún inferiores a las halladas para los Chinos del NE. En concordancia con estudios de otros autores, las poblaciones africanas y europeas son las que presentan los mayores tiempos de separación con la serie argentina estudiada. Los valores obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de poblamiento enunciada por Turner.

  1. United States Earthquake Intensity Database, 1638-1985 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The United States Earthquake Intensity Database is a collection of damage and felt reports for over 23,000 U.S. earthquakes from 1638-1985. The majority of...

  2. Annual report 1985 Chemistry Department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funck, J.; Larsen, E.; Nielsen, O.J.


    This report contains a brief survey of the main activities in the Chemistry Department. All particles and reports published and lectures given in 1985 are presented. The facilities and equipment are mentioned briefly. The activities are divided into the following groups: radioisotope chemistry, analytical- and organic chemistry, environmental chemistry, polymer chemistry, geochemistry and waste disposal, radical chemistry, positron annihilation, mineral processing, and general. (author)

  3. Scientific technical reports of the GKSS 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The survey gives the names of authors and the titles of all external GKSS reports published in 1985, of which - with the exception of reprints in journals - abstracts and/or bibliographic data are given. (orig./PW) [de

  4. Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material. 1985 ed. Supplement 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Following a six-year effort, a major revision to the Agency's Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (Safety Series No. 6) was issued in 1985. In order to address minor problems with the 1985 Edition of Safety Series No. 6, a panel of experts convened by the International Atomic Energy Agency met from 13 to 17 January 1986. This panel considered minor inconsistencies, omissions or errors that had occurred in the course of preparing the 1985 Edition of Safety Series No. 6, and recommended that two types of change be made. First, changes which will correct errors in the presentation of the text, translation errors (in the French, Russian and Spanish versions of the 1985 Edition), and drafting which failed to express the intent of the panels which reviewed the previous edition of the Regulations; these minor changes are promulgated herewith by the authority of the Director General. Secondly, changes of detail which can only be introduced in accordance with the procedure approved by the Board of Governors on 22 September 1972, which authorizes the Director General to promulgate such changes after giving Governments not less than ninety days' notice and taking into account any comments that they make. Three changes of this second type were recommended by the panel, and were circulated according to the 'ninety-day rule' amendment procedure on 3 February 1986. Those changes which received unanimous support by Member States are included in this Supplement. Corrected text to the 1985 Edition of Safety Series No. 6 (paragraphs, tables, etc.) is provided in this Supplement, and this corrected text supersedes the corresponding portions of the 1985 Edition of Safety Series No. 6.


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    María del Pilar Babot


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se exploran las trayectorias de los recursos vegetales en el Noroeste argentino prehispánico a través de evidencias materiales de elaboración de alimentos, confección de tecnofacturas y consumo de psicoactivos. Con este objetivo, se analizan registros de plantas útiles procedentes de distintos sitios de la Puna, la Prepuna y del Área Valliserrana, abarcando el lapso ca. 6500-400 años AP. Todos los casos analizados tienen en común que en ciertos puntos de sus cadenas de procesamiento/ consumo fueron sometidos a algún tipo de trituración o molienda, lo cual ha permitido identificarlos a través de sus residuos (indicadores microscópicos constituidos por microfósiles contenidos en los artefactos empleados para esa tarea (molinos, morteros y manos. A la luz de la información etnográfica, etnoarqueológica e histórica se proponen modalidades de procesamiento de los recursos útiles y se los relaciona con cadenas de producción de bienes durables y consumibles.

  6. Problemas enfrentados por los extensionistas rurales argentinos en el ejercicio de su labor desde su propia perspectiva

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    Fernando Pablo Landini


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se propone identificar, describir y analizar los problemas que los extensionistas argentinos enfrentan en su práctica. Con este fin se aplicó una encuesta, la cual fue respondida por 219 extensionistas. Las respuestas fueron categorizadas con apoyo del software Atlas Ti a partir de la identificación de problemas que iban repitiéndose en distintas encuestas. Seguidamente, los resultados fueron cuantificados, considerándose presencia de la variable en una encuesta cuando la categoría que la expresaba había aparecido al menos una vez en ella. Mediante el uso del programa SPSS, también se estudió la asociación de los principales problemas identificados con diversas variables de interés. Se concluye que las dificultades más importantes enfrentadas por los extensionistas encuestados son (1 el individualismo, la desconfianza y la falta de asociaciones de productores, (2 los problemas para la comercialización y (3 la falta de apoyo público y de políticas de desarrollo rural.

  7. Energy markets in the European Community - short-term outlook 1985-86

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peirce, T


    The Community's consumption of primary energy is expected to increase by 2.6% in 1985 and 2.9% in 1986. The four main reasons for this are the expected increases in the Community's GDP (2.3% for both years), 3-4% growth rates of industrial production, weaker energy prices (led by lower oil prices) and cold weather in the early part of 1985. The base case forecast also assumes some ECU reevaluation against the dollar which, if correct will accelerate the fall in real energy prices. Following the ending of the United Kingdom mining strike in early 1985, coal consumption could be 3% higher this year than in 1984, but oil consumption is forecast to fall by 2-3% in 1985 but perhaps increase very slightly in 1986. Gas and electricity consumption should increase in both years and at similar rates, but the most telling factor in the period will be the increase in nuclear power. In 1986 nuclear should provide nearly 15% of the Community's energy needs, as against only 4% in 1980. The Community's net energy import dependence is expected to fall to 42% in 1986, as compared to 44% last year.

  8. Major Natural Disasters in China, 1985-2014: Occurrence and Damages. (United States)

    Han, Weixiao; Liang, Chen; Jiang, Baofa; Ma, Wei; Zhang, Ying


    This study aimed to describe the characteristics of natural disasters and associated losses from 1985 to 2014. The Mann-Kendall method was used to detect any long-term trends and abrupt changes. Hotspot analysis was conducted to detect the spatial clusters of disasters. We found an increasing trend in the occurrence of integrated natural disasters ( tau = 0.594 , p natural disasters in 1998-2000. Hotspots of droughts, floods, landslides and storms were identified in central, southern, southwest and southeast areas of China, respectively. Annual deaths from integrated natural disasters were decreasing (tau = -0.237, p = 0.068) at about 32 persons/year, decreasing at 17 persons/year for floods ( tau = -0.154, p = 0.239), and decreasing at approximately 12 persons/year for storms ( tau = -0.338, p = 0.009). No significant trend was detected in inflation-adjusted damages while a declining trend was detected in the ratio of year damage against GDP (gross domestic product). In conclusion, there has been an increasing trend in occurrence of natural disasters in China with the absence of an increase in life and economic losses. Despite the progress in the disaster adaption, there will be great challenges in disaster control for China in the future.

  9. Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report describes the environmental surveillance program conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory during 1985. Routine monitoring for radiation and radioactive or chemical substances is conducted on the Laboratory site as well as in the surrounding region. Monitoring results are used to determine compliance with appropriate standards and to permit early identification of possible undesirable trends. Results and interpretation of data for 1985 cover: external penetrating radiation; chemical and radiochemical quality of ambient air, surface and ground waters, municipal water supply, soils and sediments, and foodstuffs; quantities of airborne emissions and liquid effluents; and environmental compliance. Comparisons with appropriate standards, regulations, and background levels from natural or other non-Laboratory sources provide the basis for concluding that environmental effects attributable to Laboratory operations are insignificant and are not considered hazardous to the population of the area or Laboratory employees

  10. Presentación

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    Bianchi, Susana


    Full Text Available Since the end of de latter military dictatorship in 1983, the history of the Catholicism in Argentina ceased to be a matter concerning only to the Catholic historians to enter in the academic ground. This situation permitted the development of new perspectives and renewal theoretical and methodological views. But, despite the advances realised, there are still many gaps, as happen in the case of the religious minorities. This dossier present some lines of research developed in the last years concerning to the history of the Catholicism.

    Desde fines la última dictadura militar, la historia del catolicismo dejó de ser una cuestión confesional para ingresar en el ámbito académico. Esto permitió el desarrollo de nuevas perspectivas y nuevos planteos teóricos y metodológicos. A pesar de los avances, aún quedan vacíos. Uno de ellos es el estudio de las minorías religiosas que integran el campo religioso argentino. Este dossier presenta algunas de las últimas líneas de investigación.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los movimientos socioreligiosos que tuvieron lugar en el Gran Chaco a principios del siglo XX y el proceso de gestación, consolidación y vigencia de la Iglesia Evangélica Unida a partir de la década de 1940, como momentos significativos en la serie de respuestas al sometimiento de los pueblos indígenas del Chaco argentino, producto de la conquista y la colonización. Para ello se reflexiona sobre el modo en que lo «religioso» y lo «político», lo «mítico» y lo «racional» se articulan en relación a estrategias de reconstrucción identitaria y redimensionalización territorial en el contexto de la búsqueda de concreción de los derechos indígenas. Proponemos pensar las rebeliones indígenas en el contexto de los denominados movimientos sociales, resaltando su contenido político y sin limitarnos a la idea de «nuevos movimientos sociales.

  12. Nucor review 1984-1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report discusses the activities of the Nuclear Development Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd. (NUCOR) for the period 1 April 1984 to 31 March 1985. The commissioning and raising to power of Koeberg's Unit 1 was completed and the plant taken over in July 1984. On 21 January 1985 it was shut down for an in-service inspection. Development at the Gouriqua Nuclear research site and the Vaalputs waste disposal site proceeded. The Geology department is responsible for establishing the extent and nature of uranium deposits in South Africa and for compiling statistics in this connection. Work in connection with uranium extraction was continued by MINTEK. The Chemistry department is responsible for developing new and improved analytical techniques for the location of uranium. Radiometric analyses of uranium ores are carried out. The Uranium Enrichment Corporation is responsible for all development and production aspects of uranium enrichment. The ELPROD-plant is used for the manufacturing of fuel elements. NUCOR concentrates on actively encouraging the use of radioisotopes and radiation in specific applications in industry, medicine, agriculture and research. Further success was achieved with the irradiation of bananas and strawberries. Modest attention was again paid to several projects of a fundamental nature. These projects relate to nuclear physics, theoretical physics, plasma physics, radiation physics, health physics, solid-state physics, nuclear chemistry, radiation chemistry and life sciences. The demand for the development, construction and maintenance of electronic systems also continued

  13. Hazards Control Department annual technology review, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffith, R.V.; Anderson, K.J.


    The report highlights research performed from October 1984 to September 1985. The major sections cover the areas of industrial hygiene, aerosol physics, health physics, fire science, dosimetry, criticality safety, and safety analysis. Separate abstracts have been prepared for individual papers

  14. Annual environmental monitoring report, January-December 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A general description of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the site's climate, geology, facility water usage, land use, and demography of the area is given. The environmental status for 1985 is reported with respect to non-radioactive and radioactive discharge

  15. Hazards Control Department annual technology review, 1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Griffith, R.V.; Anderson, K.J. (eds.)


    The report highlights research performed from October 1984 to September 1985. The major sections cover the areas of industrial hygiene, aerosol physics, health physics, fire science, dosimetry, criticality safety, and safety analysis. Separate abstracts have been prepared for individual papers. (ACR)

  16. Mirada maquínica y vigilancia digital: reflexiones a partir del caso del nuevo DNI argentino

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    Lucía Abreu


    Full Text Available Las transformaciones tecnológicas que afectan los sistemas de seguridad nacional no son para nada nuevas, por el contrario, responden a una serie de cambios epistemológicos que han venido sucediéndose en las sociedades desde, por lo menos, el siglo XVII. El objetivo del presente ensayo radica en observar cómo la figura del hombre, surgida a partir del XVIII, en la actual sociedad de control -visto a través máquinas que pueden ver, reconocer, vigilar y, si se quiere, destruir con total autonomía con respecto a la mirada humana- es transformada en una figura numérica que responde a la manera en la que los algoritmos informáticos ven y reconocen la realidad empírica. Estas ideas están desarrolladas valiéndonos del caso del nuevo DNI argentino -que utiliza tecnologías digitales en la identificación de los ciudadanos nacionales y extranjeros- y la selección de algunos documentales del cineasta alemán Farocki, por ser pertinentes a la hora de ilustrar el papel de las máquinas en los procesos de vigilancia.


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    Mariano Yedro


    Full Text Available Este texto busca dar cuenta de algunas ideas en torno al ensayo el caso particular de Nicolás Casullo, figura intelectual relevante del ensayismo del medio cultural argentino en las últimas décadas. Particularmente en su método de rememoración, esto es la crítica esbozada contra lógicas neoliberales apelando a saberes de la historia moderna. El texto tiene tres partes: la primera aborda, sucintamente, algunas ideas sobre el ensayo que aparecen en el medio intelectual argentino en el siglo XX. La segunda atiende al género del ensayo en la perspectiva de Casullo. Finalmente, tomando la figura del autor nos centraremos en su crítica al neoliberalismo desde la rememoración de la historia moderna. / This paper explores some ideas about the essay seen as cultural policy of resistance and transformation that in the Argentine intellectual scene operated in the form of criticism towards certain logics unfolded during the years of neoliberalism. We focus on the particular case of Nicolás Casullo, a relevant intellectual figure of essayism in the Argentine cultural scenario in the last decades. Particularly, in his method of reminiscence there is a criticism against neoliberal logics referring to instances of knowledge from modern history. The article is organized into three parts: the first one examines some ideas on the essay in the Argentine intellectual scene in the Twentieth Century. The second one deals with the genre of the essay from the perspective of Casullo. Finally, taking the figure of the author into account we concentrate on his critique towards neoliberalism from the reminiscence of modern history.

  18. La "república posible" y sus problemas en Argentina: Normalistas e industriales debaten el plan educativo alberdiano de las dos gestiones presidenciales de Julio Argentino Roca (1880-1886 y 1898-1901 The "Possible Republic" and its Problems in Argentina: Student Teachers and Industrialists Debate the Alberdian Educational Plan of the Two Administrations of President Julio Argentino Roca (1880-1886 and 1898-1901

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    Alejandro Herrero


    Full Text Available Julio Argentino Roca, en sus dos presidencias a fines del siglo XIX, se adhiere al programa alberdiano de la república posible en Argentina. Intenta cambiar el sistema educativo que se opone a la república de habitantes productores de riqueza y, finalmente, se encuentra con algo peor: no sólo fracasa en este intento, sino que advierte en la misma contienda verbal que el mismo programa de la república posible es cuestionado por diferentes actores. En este artículo se estudia, como una primera aproximación al tema, a los normalistas y a los industriales, ya que parte del normalismo y de la corporación industrial apoyan decididamente la propuesta educativa alberdiana de Roca, sin embargo, cuestionan la república posible y manifiestan que se debe avanzar hacia una república de ciudadanos.During his two administrations in the late 19th century, Julio Argentino Roca adhered to Alberdi's program of the possible republic in Argentina. He attempted to change the education system that opposed the republic of inhabitants that created wealth and eventually discovered something worse: not only did he fail in this attempt, but he noticed, during the same verbal competition, that the program of the possible republic was questioned by different actors. As an initial approach to the topic, this article examines student teachers and industrialists, since a section of student teachers and the industrial Corporation determinedly supported Rocas Alberdian educational proposal. Nevertheless, they questioned the possible republic, adding that it should advance towards a republic of citizens.

  19. La lealtad al monarca español en el discurso político religioso en el Nuevo Reino de Granada

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    José David Cortés Guerrero


    Full Text Available El artículo muestra cómo, por medio del discurso político religioso, se defendió a Fernando VII de la usurpación que sufrió por la invasión francesa de 1808. Esta defensa estaba conformada por la tríada Religión, Patria y Rey, es decir, que al defender a alguno de sus componentes se estaba defendiendo a los otros dos, siendo, a nuestro entender, la religión la parte más importante. El artículo está dividido en cuatro partes: Dios, patria y Fernando VII; La sacra imagen del monarca Fernando VII; Francia, la personificación del mal; y Buscando la igualdad. De igual forma, mostramos cómo el discurso de defensa al monarca se fue desgastando con el paso del tiempo siendo reemplazado por la posibilidad de defender la república pero sin dejar de lado lo más importante, insistimos, la defensa de la religión.

  20. Alteraciones de los bosques nativos en el norte argentino: normativas y mecanismos de compensación por servicios ambientales

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    Claudia Luna


    Full Text Available Los recursos naturales conforman los insumos de cualquier actividad económica desarrollada por el hombre; pero es una realidad que la mayoría de los ecosistemas forestales nativos de Argentina presentan desde serias alteraciones con su consecuente pérdida de biodiversidad; no hay mejor estrategia de política ambiental que aquélla que concurra simultáneamente a resolver los problemas ambientales y los socio-económicos con la insustituible acción del Estado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la situación de los bosques del norte argentino luego de la ley de presupuestos mínimos para la protección ambiental de los mismos; para conocer en profundidad los procesos asociados a su alteración, las normativas vigentes para su protección y uso sustentable, como así también los mecanismos de compensación por servicios ambientales que surgen a partir de ellos.

  1. En la conversación fluía. Arte verbal, consideraciones emic y procesos conmemorativos judíos argentinos

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    Fernando Fischman


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina las conexiones entre el pasado y el presente realizadasmediante manifestaciones de arte verbal en su contexto de actuación y de reflexionesmetapragmáticas acerca de ellas por integrantes del colectivo social judío argentino.El objetivo es determinar los modos en que se configura la memoria grupala través de expresiones de la poética del habla. El trabajo se centra en un géneronarrativo particular, a partir de la definición de los hablantes y de su uso. Se establecenasí las maneras en que mediante el juego con el lenguaje en contextos informaleslos narradores, hijos de inmigrantes judíos nacidos en Argentina, delinean en lasituación de enunciación actual ejes de continuidad y discontinuidad con diferentespasados: el vivido propiamente por los hablantes o sus antepasados, otro provenientede la vida judía en Europa Oriental, y uno procedente de textos sagrados.

  2. West Virginia Dropout Study, 1985-86. (United States)

    West Virginia State Dept. of Education, Charleston. Div. of General and Special Educational Development.

    Reported in this document are dropout statistics from the State of West Virginia for the school year 1985-86. This annual survey of the 55 county school systems has been conducted since the 1968-69 school year. Topics surveyed include Education Consolidation and Improvement Act (ECIA) status, exit interviews, grade at exit, month dropout left…

  3. Trends of syphilis in Posadas city (Misiones State, Argentina, 1997-2000 Incidência de sífilis na cidade de Posadas (estado de Misiones, Argentina, 1997-2000

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    Ramón Alberto de Torres


    Full Text Available Objectives: Misiones State is situated in the north-east of Argentina. The main objective was to establish the evolution of syphilis in Posadas city (300.000 inhabitants from 1997 to 2000. Methods: Outpatients were studied at the STD clinics during 1997. Records of all pregnant women with babies due to the months of April to June, from 1997 to 2000 (n = 4700, were studied. Syphilis was confirmed by clinic, epidemiological and laboratory tests (VDRL and FTA-ABS. Results: Higher incidence of primary syphilis in outpatients was established among 15-19 year-old women and in 20-24 year-old men. The percentages of pregnant women with syphilis were 2.1% (1997, 2.6% (1998, 4.6% (1999 and 3.7% (2000. The most vulnerable age group was 15 to 19 year-old. Geographical distribution of cases changed from four clusters in 1997 to a wide occurrence in all city quarters with lower socioeconomic level (30% of population. Conclusion: Posadas city had an increase in cases of syphilis in pregnant women from 1997 to 1999. This evolution indicates that traditional STD-Aids programs have had no effect on safe sex practices, specially among adolescents. Home by home visits aimed at improving prenatal control as a priority, started in 1999. The incidence of the disease became stable in 2000, but still at a high rate. It is necessary to continue and improve the outreach activities. A cooperative program in these big "twin" cities: Encarnación (Paraguay and Posadas (Argentina - will be also of great help for syphilis control in the area.Objetivos: O estado de Misiones está situado no noroeste argentino, nas fronteiras oeste e norte com o Brasil e a leste do Paraguai. Este foi o interesse para estabelecer a evolução da sífilis na cidade de Posadas (300.000 habitantes, capital do estado de Misiones, desde 1997 até 2000. Métodos: A sífilis foi analisada por meio da avaliação epidemiológica, clínica e confirmação laboratorial (VDRL e FTA- ABS. Todas as mulheres


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    Sévane Garibian


    Full Text Available “El Estado turco ha cometido el delito de genocidio contra el Pueblo Armenio, en el periodo comprendido entre los años 1915 y 1923”. Esta declaración, realizada por un juez federal argentino el primero de abril de 2011 en Buenos Aires, se encuentra en el núcleo de una sentencia definitiva que constituye una primicia mundial y conlleva la consagración jurídica –el (reconocimiento– de los testigos olvidados de un crimen negado por Turquía. La sentencia se inscribe en un marco singular y único en su género: la práctica judicial sui generis de los juicios por la verdad, auténtica especificidad nacional creada en Argentina en los años noventa para revertir la política del olvido de la época en lo relativo a los crímenes de la dictadura militar. Una práctica cuya existencia misma es el producto directo de una situación inicial de borrado e impunidad, que incita a la creación de mecanismos judiciales alternativos de certificación del hecho criminal y de consagración de sus víctimas/testigos.

  5. Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States, July/August 1985


    Warden, Thomas


    U.S. agricultural exports slipped 14 percent to $25.6 billion during the first 9 months of fiscal year (FY) 1985 (October 1984-June 1985). Rising U.S. consumer demand and a strong dollar spurred U.S. agricultural. imports 8 percent over year-earlier levels to $15.1 billion. The U.S. dollar advanced against all five currencies most important to U.S. agricultural trade in May, immediately followed by declines in June. Agricultural exports under U.s. Government-financed programs totaled $1.5 bil...


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    Juan Cruz Esquivel

    Full Text Available Resumen La educación sexual y las condiciones para una "muerte digna" han sido objeto de debate parlamentario en la última década en Argentina. El artículo aborda comparativamente el proceso que desembocó en la aprobación de las leyes de Educación Sexual Integral y "muerte digna" por parte del Congreso de la Nación, examinando las estrategias de intervención y los fundamentos discursivos de instituciones religiosas -principalmente, de la Iglesia católica- en los debates públicos. El análisis de ambos procesos permite describir estrategias disímiles de posicionamiento de actores y discursos religiosos en la esfera pública, tendientes a incidir en la legislación y en las políticas públicas.

  7. Teenage Suicide in Oregon 1983-1985. (United States)

    Oregon State Dept. of Human Resources, Portland.

    During the 3-year period from 1983 through 1985, 80 Oregon teenagers intentionally took their own lives, making suicide second only to accidents as the leading cause of death among Oregon teenagers. Data on suicides committed by individuals between the ages of 10 and 19 were retrieved from death certificates on file with the Oregon Health Division…

  8. Temperature and Salinity Profile Data Collected from the Bering Sea in Support of the Inner Shelf Transfer and Recycling Project from from 15 September 1985 to 22 September 1985 (NODC Accession 0000414) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — CTD and other data were collected from the Bering Sea from the ALPHA HELIX from 15 September 1985 to 22 September 1985. Data were collected by the University of...

  9. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report FY 1985, October 1984-September 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heiken, J.H.


    This report describes progress in the major research and development programs carried out in FY 1985 by the Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division. It covers radiochemical diagnostics of weapons tests; weapons radiochemical diagnostics research and development; other unclassified weapons research; stable and radioactive isotope production, separation, and applications (including biomedical applications); element and isotope transport and fixation; actinide and transition metal chemistry; structural chemistry, spectroscopy, and applications; nuclear structure and reactions; irradiations facilities; advanced analytical techniques; development and applications; atmospheric chemistry and transport; and earth and planetary processes

  10. PACS-Graz, 1985-2000: from a scientific pilot to a state-wide multimedia radiological information system (United States)

    Gell, Guenther


    1971/72 began the implementation of a computerized radiological documentation system as the Department of Radiology of the University of Graz, which developed over the years into a full RIS. 1985 started a scientific cooperation with SIEMENS to develop a PACS. The two systems were linked and evolved into a highly integrated RIS-PACS for the state wide hospital system in Styria. During its lifetime the RIS, originally implemented in FORTRAN on a UNIVAC 494 mainframe migrated to a PDP15, on to a PDP11, then VAX and Alphas. The flexible original record structure with variable length fields and the powerful retrieval language were retained. The data acquisition part with the user interface was rewritten several times and many service programs have been added. During our PACS cooperation many ideas like the folder concept or functionalities of the GUI have been designed and tested and were then implemented in the SIENET product. The actual RIS/PACS supports the whole workflow in the Radiology Department. It is installed in a 2.300 bed university hospital and the smaller hospitals of the State of Styria. Modalities from different vendors are connected via DICOM to the RIS (modality worklist) and to the PACS. PACSubsystems from other vendors have been integrated. Images are distributed to referring clinics and for teleconsultation and image processing and reports are available on line to all connected hospitals. We spent great efforts to guarantee optimal support of the workflow and to ensure an enhanced cost/benefit ratio for each user (class). Another special feature is selective image distribution. Using the high level retrieval language individual filters can be constructed easily to implement any image distribution policy agreed upon by radiologists and referring clinicians.

  11. Distribución de Lutzomyia longipalpis en el Chaco Argentino, 2010

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    Oscar D. Salomón


    Full Text Available El riesgo de leishmaniasis visceral (LV urbana epidémica se registró por primera vez en la Argentina en el año 2004, por presencia del vector Lutzomyia longipalpis en la provincia de Formosa, la provincia de Misiones registra casos de LV humana, LV canina y vector en el año 2006, y la provincia de Corrientes en el verano 2008-2009. En la provincia de Santiago del Estero los casos de LV humana y LV canina en el año 2008 estuvieron asociados posiblemente a vectores secundarios. Por ello, para conocer la distribución del riesgo en la región del Chaco, entre enero y abril del 2010 se realizó la búsqueda sistemática del vector de LV en 30 localidades de las provincias de Formosa, Chaco y en la ciudad de Reconquista, Santa Fe (224 trampas/noche. Se comprobó la presencia de Lu. longipalpis, por primera vez, en las localidades de Resistencia y Puerto Antequera (Chaco. En Clorinda y Puerto Pilcomayo (Formosa se obtuvieron las trampas con más ejemplares, 158 y 241 Lu. longipalpis trampa/sitio/noche respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que el vector de la LV urbana epidémica continúa dispersándose en el territorio argentino, habiendo ingresado a la provincia de Chaco. La notificación de casos esporádicos en la región chaqueña, transmitidos por vectores secundarios, como Lu. migonei, podría aumentar también debido a la vigilancia intensificada, y a la dispersión del parásito asociada al tránsito de perros infectados, sintomáticos o asintomáticos.

  12. Housing, Equipment, and Design Research and Scholarship: A Family and Consumer Sciences Perspective. (United States)

    Beamish, Julia O.; Ahn, Mira; Seiling, Sharon


    Analysis of research on housing, equipment, and design (n=333) in the Journal of Home Economics/Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences (1985-2000), Home Economics Research Journal/Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (1985- 2000), and Housing and Society (1985-1999) found that articles declined by more than 50% and behavior theories were…

  13. Estimated use of water in Nebraska, 1985 (United States)

    Steele, Eugene K.


    The estimated volume of 19,187,200 acre-feet of water used in Nebraska during 1985 is an average of 17,116.15 million gallons per day. Surface water supplied 12,925,040 acre-feet or 67.4 percent of the total volume used. The

  14. Marine Mammal Sighting and Census data from Coastal Alaska from 1985-05-05 to 1985-06-13 (NODC Accession 8600633) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Marine Mammal Sighting and Census data were collected from Coastal Alaska. Data were collected by Alaska Department of Fish and Game from 05 May 1985 to 13 June...

  15. Iconografía religiosa andina en el noroeste argentino

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    Full Text Available L'examen du 'Disque de Lafone Quevedo ou Disque de Chaquiago' s'inscrit dans deux perspectives: l'importance de l'étude de l'histoire des Andes méridionales et l'andin comme unité dynamique. Une telle analyse nous permet de faire des rapprochements intéressants: ainsi, sont mis en évidence des liens entre les disques et les plaques de bronze du Nord de l'Argentine et de Bolivie, la vision de Pachacutec (le promoteur de l'expansion Inca et l'image principale (Punchao du Coricancha. Enfin, de nouveaux éléments sont proposés en faveur de l'existence d'une divinité polyvalente dont la longue histoire rassemble les 'récits sacrés' de plusieurs dieux andins. El examen del 'Disco de Lafone Quevedo o Disco de Chaquiago' está enmarcado dentro de dos perspectivas: la importancia del estudio de la historia de los Andes meridionales y 'lo andino' como unidad dinámica. Su análisis nos permite señalar correspondencias interesantes. Así, se hallarán evidencias que establezcan las vinculaciones entre los discos y placas de bronce del NO. argentino y Bolivia, la visión de Pachacuti (que dio origen a la expansión de los Incas y la imagen principal (Punchao del Coricancha. Para finalizar, se propone nuevos elementos en favor de la existencia de una deidad polivalente en cuya larga historia se recoge las 'historias sagradas' de varios dioses andinos. The examination of the 'Disc of Lafone Quevedo or Disc of Chaquiago' is inscribed in two perspectives: the importance of the study of the history of the meridional Andes and lo andino as a dynamic unit. Such an analysis permits us to make interesting comparisons: thus are placed on evidence links between the discs and the bronze plaques from the North of Argentina and Bolivia, the vision of Pachacutec (the instigator of the Inca expansion and the principal image (Punchao of the Coricancha. Finally, new elements are proposed in favor of the existence of a polyvalent divinity of which the long history

  16. Ritual y poder en los centros budistas zen argentinos

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    Catón Eduardo Carini


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente artículo es un estudio de los grupos budistas zen argentinos desde la perspectiva de la antropología política. El objetivo es, en primer lugar, explorar las distintas posiciones sociales que los miembros pueden ocupar al interior de un grupo zen y los sistemas nativos de clasificación social, es decir, las categorías que nombran y crean distinciones rituales. En segundo lugar, analizar la estructura de autoridad y de poder al interior de una comunidad zen, indagando los vínculos entre el sistema ritual de posiciones sociales y la distribución del poder y la autoridad. La investigación etnográfica se efectuó siguiendo una metodología cualitativa, que incluyó la observación participante en los encuentros que los centros zen organizan periódicamente y la realización de entrevistas semi-estructuradas e historias de vida a sus miembros. Las conclusiones giran en torno a la importancia del ritual para la vida política de la comunidad, y la centralización del poder en la figura del maestro zen mediante la particular dinámica que evidencia la estructura de autoridad. Palabras clave: Argentina; Budismo zen; Política; Poder. Abstract The present anthropological study takes a political approach to the Argentinean Zen Buddhism groups. The first objective is to explore the variety of native social classification systems, that is to say the categories naming and creating rituals. Secondly, we try to analyze the authority and power system within a Zen community, investigating the relation between the ritual system of social positions and the distribution of power and authority. This article is based on qualitative research, which included periodic participant observation in gatherings organized by the Zen Buddhism centres and semistructured interviews with and life histories of their members. The conclusions focus on the importance of ritual for the community’s political life, and the centralization of power in the

  17. Licensee contractor and vendor inspection status report. Quarterly report, July-September 1985. Volume 9, No. 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This periodical covers the results of inspections performed by the NRC's Vendor Program Branch that have been distributed to the inspected organizations during the period from July 1985 through September 1985. Also included in this issue are the results of certain inspections performed prior to July 1985 that were not included in previous issues of NUREG-0040

  18. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 498, February 1986. Part 2 (comprehensive reports). Data for August 1985, and miscellanea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.


    Contents include: Detailed index for 1985-86; Data for August 1985--(Solar flares, Solar radio bursts at fixed frequencies, Solar x-ray radiation from GOES satellite, Mass ejections from the sun, Active prominences and filaments); Miscellaneous data--Meudon carte synoptique 13 May - 7 July 1985

  19. La arquitectura de los puestos de pastoreo en las tierras altas del norte argentino (Susques, provincia de Jujuy

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    Jorge Tomasi


    Full Text Available En este artículo nos proponemos analizar las características que presentan los puestos de pastoreo en las tierras altas de la provincia de Jujuy, en el noroeste argentino. El análisis considerará las lógicas de emplazamiento, las configuraciones y las materialidades de estos puestos. Tomaremos en cuenta particularmente los sentidos que la topografía tiene en la configuración de la arquitectura doméstica. Estas construcciones tienen un sentido específico en el marco de los sistemas de asentamiento de los grupos pastoriles, en relación con las estrategias de movilidad de las familias junto con los rebaños. El estudio se basa en el material del trabajo de campo etnográfico que se ha venido desarrollando desde el 2004 en la localidad de Susques, el cual ha implicado un relevamiento sistemático de los distintos tipos de asentamiento, en el marco de una investigación sobre las espacialidades y la arquitectura pastoril en los Andes.

  20. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory progress report for FY 1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Green, D.W.; Heinrich, R.R.; Jensen, K.J.


    The Analytical Chemistry Laboratory is a full-cost-recovery service center, with the primary mission of providing a broad range of technical support services to the scientific and engineering programs at ANL. In addition, ACL conducts a research program in analytical chemistry, works on instrumental and methods development, and provides analytical services for governmental, educational, and industrial organizations. The ACL handles a wide range of analytical problems, from routine standard analyses to unique problems that require significant development of methods and techniques. The purpose of this report is to summarize the technical and administrative activities of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (ACL) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for Fiscal Year 1985 (October 1984 through September 1985). This is the second annual report for the ACL. 4 figs., 1 tab.

  1. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory progress report for FY 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, D.W.; Heinrich, R.R.; Jensen, K.J.


    The Analytical Chemistry Laboratory is a full-cost-recovery service center, with the primary mission of providing a broad range of technical support services to the scientific and engineering programs at ANL. In addition, ACL conducts a research program in analytical chemistry, works on instrumental and methods development, and provides analytical services for governmental, educational, and industrial organizations. The ACL handles a wide range of analytical problems, from routine standard analyses to unique problems that require significant development of methods and techniques. The purpose of this report is to summarize the technical and administrative activities of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (ACL) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for Fiscal Year 1985 (October 1984 through September 1985). This is the second annual report for the ACL. 4 figs., 1 tab

  2. Female breast cancer incidence and survival in Utah according to religious preference, 1985-1999. (United States)

    Merrill, Ray M; Folsom, Jeffrey A


    Female breast cancer incidence rates in Utah are among the lowest in the U.S. The influence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (LDS or Mormon) religion on these rates, as well as on disease-specific survival, will be explored for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer in Utah from 1985 through 1999. Population-based records for incident female breast cancer patients were linked with membership records from the LDS Church to determine religious affiliation and, for LDS Church members, level of religiosity. Incidence rates were age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population using the direct method. Cox proportional hazards model was used to compare survival among religiously active LDS, less religiously active LDS, and non-LDS with simultaneous adjustment for prognostic factors. Age-adjusted breast cancer incidence rates were consistently lower for LDS than non-LDS in Utah from 1985 through 1999. Rates were lower among LDS compared with non-LDS across the age span. In 1995-99, the age-adjusted incidence rates were 107.6 (95% CI: 103.9 - 111.3) for LDS women and 130.5 (123.2 - 137.9) for non-LDS women. If non-LDS women in Utah had the same breast cancer risk profile as LDS women, an estimated 214 (4.8%) fewer malignant breast cancer cases would have occurred during 1995-99. With religiously active LDS serving as the reference group, the adjusted death hazard ratio for religiously less active LDS was 1.09 (0.94 - 1.27) and for non-LDS was 0.86 (0.75 - 0.98). In Utah, LDS lifestyle is associated with lower incidence rates of female breast cancer. However, LDS experience poorer survivability from breast cancer than their non-LDS counterparts. Parity and breastfeeding, while protective factors against breast cancer, may contribute to poorer prognosis of female breast cancer in LDS women.

  3. Quadro institucional e internacionalização: um estudo de caso da Brasil Sul Fitness no mercado argentino. [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.20100901008

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    Alisson Eduardo Maehler


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE QUADRO INSTITUCIONAL E INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO: UM ESTUDO DE CASO DA BRASIL SUL FITNESS NO MERCADO ARGENTINO   RESUMO Pesquisas em temas internacionais têm ganhado significativa relevância em estudos acadêmicos. Desde o fim do século passado, o Brasil vem passando por um processo de prospecção de novos mercados, o que permite a empresas brasileiras buscarem novos mercados para transacionar, em diferentes quadros institucionais. Dentro deste contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de internacionalização via mercado argentino da Brasil Sul Fitness. Observou-se que a decisão de entrar em um mercado internacional pode comprometer muitos recursos da empresa, porém por outro lado traz a possibilidade da mesma buscar novas oportunidades de transacionar além das fronteiras nacionais. Esta decisão de entrar e permanecer no país hospedeiro pode variar de acordo com diversos quadros institucionais encontrados.   Palavras-Chave Internacionalização, Relações comerciais e Quadro Institucional.     INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND INTERNATIONALIZATION: A STUDY OF CASE OF BRASIL SUL FITNESS IN THE ARGENTINE MARKET   ABSTRACT Research on international issues have acquired significant importance in academic studies. Since the end of the last century, Brazil has been undergoing a process of exploring new markets, allowing local companies to seek for new markets in different institutional frameworks. The purpose of this article is to analyze the internationalization process of Brasil Sul Fitness inside the Argentinean market. It was observed that the decision to reach an international market may undermine many resources of the firm, but on the other hand it brings possibilities to seek for new opportunities of transactions beyond national borders. The decision to enter and stay in a foreign country may vary according to different institutional frameworks found.   Keywords

  4. Annual report on occupational safety 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents information on occupational safety relating to the Company's employees for the year 1985, and compares data with figures for the previous year. The following headings are listed: principle activities of BNFL, general policy and organisation, radiological safety, including whole body, skin and extremity, and internal organ doses, non-radiological safety, incidents reportable to the health and safety executive. (U.K.)

  5. Ensino religioso e assistência religiosa no Rio Grande do Sul: quadros exploratórios = Religious education and religious assistance in Rio Grande do Sul: exploratory frameworks

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    Giumbelli, Emerson


    Full Text Available Partindo de uma perspectiva que se interessa pelas configurações geradas pela relação entre sociedade e religião, o texto aborda dois temas: ensino religioso em escolas públicas e assistência religiosa em instituições destinadas à internação de adolescentes que cumprem medida socioeducativa. A maior parte dos dados refere-se ao Rio Grande do Sul, procurando-se apresentar um quadro exploratório para ambos os temas. Mais especificamente, os resultados incidem sobre as formas que caracterizam o modo de relação entre determinadas instituições públicas e a religião e o modo pelo qual se definem configurações de diversidade religiosa


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    Hedilberto Aguilar de la Cruz


    Full Text Available La guerra interna en el Perú durante el período 1980-2000 marcó profundamente no solo las estructuras sociopolíticas del país, sino que generó también cambios en los sistemas religiosos, tanto de la sierra, como en Lima. Fueron las iglesias evangélicas, especialmente pentecostales, las que se convirtieron en un polo de atracción para la población andina de la sierra centro-sur, aquellos que más sufrieron las consecuencias del conflicto. El desplazamiento forzado y la rápida actuación del Concilio Nacional Evangélico del Perú potenciaron el surgimiento de cultos en quechua en algunas iglesias evangélicas, dinámica que posteriormente tomó sus propios caminos. En una ciudad y una sociedad marcadas por las profundas divisiones étnico-raciales y de clase, los cultos en quechua impulsaron la visibilización de una amplia población étnicamente negada. Además, las iglesias evangélicas compitieron con Sendero Luminoso por atraer al mismo público, constituyendo uno de los pocos espacios para la reorganización sociopolítica y étnica de los andinos quechuahablantes en las zonas en conflicto, urbanas y rurales, lo cual les dio legitimidad religiosa, social y política.

  7. ¿América Latina ya no es católica? Pluralismo cultural y religioso creciente

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    Cristian PARKER


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Estamos en presencia del pluralismo en el campo religioso latinoamericano. América Latina ya no es católica en el sentido tradicional del término. Han crecido las otras religiones –entre ellas el protestantismo pentecostal– y también es notable la presencia de no creyentes y de «católicos a mi manera». Esta transformación tiene raíces en la expansión de la educación, en el acceso a los medios de comunicación (incluyendo Internet y en la creciente presencia de movimientos sociales e indígenas. En conjunto, representan un pluralismo social y cultural que puede servir de base para un avance democrático en la vida política del continente.ABSTRACT: There is now real religious pluralism in Latin America. Latin America can no longer be considered «Catholic» in the traditional sense of the term. Other religions –including pentecostal Protestantism– have grown and there is now a notable presence of non believers and of those who define themselves as «Catholics in my own way». This transformation has roots in the expansion of education, in the access to mass media and to Internet, and in the growing presence of new social movements, including indigenous movements. Together, they constitute a social and cultural pluralism that may provide the bases for greater democracy in political life.

  8. Major Natural Disasters in China, 1985–2014: Occurrence and Damages (United States)

    Han, Weixiao; Liang, Chen; Jiang, Baofa; Ma, Wei; Zhang, Ying


    This study aimed to describe the characteristics of natural disasters and associated losses from 1985 to 2014. The Mann-Kendall method was used to detect any long-term trends and abrupt changes. Hotspot analysis was conducted to detect the spatial clusters of disasters. We found an increasing trend in the occurrence of integrated natural disasters (tau = 0.594, p natural disasters in 1998–2000. Hotspots of droughts, floods, landslides and storms were identified in central, southern, southwest and southeast areas of China, respectively. Annual deaths from integrated natural disasters were decreasing (tau = −0.237, p = 0.068) at about 32 persons/year, decreasing at 17 persons/year for floods (tau = −0.154, p = 0.239), and decreasing at approximately 12 persons/year for storms (tau = −0.338, p = 0.009). No significant trend was detected in inflation-adjusted damages while a declining trend was detected in the ratio of year damage against GDP (gross domestic product). In conclusion, there has been an increasing trend in occurrence of natural disasters in China with the absence of an increase in life and economic losses. Despite the progress in the disaster adaption, there will be great challenges in disaster control for China in the future. PMID:27834899

  9. La polémica sobre los símbolos religiosos en Francia. La laicidad republicana como principio de integración

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    Full Text Available La discusión sobre cuál es el modo más adecuado para lograr la integración de los inmigrantes se ha reavivado recientemente en Francia como consecuencia de las reivindicaciones de algunos grupos culturales en las escuelas. Si tradicionalmente Francia había adoptado un modelo de integración basado en la asimilación voluntaria junto al respeto a las prácticas culturales privadas, en los últimos años el debate se ha visto dominado progresivamente por quienes pretenden reafirmar la laicidad republicana como la forma más adecuada de lograr la convivencia dentro de la diversidad cultural y religiosa. En este artículo se expone la evolución del debate sobre los símbolos religiosos en las escuelas en Francia. Un debate que ha pasado desde la tolerancia inicial a su reciente prohibición por ley, a partir de las recomendaciones del Informe de la Comisión Stasi, pero basando siempre la argumentación en la laicidad de las instituciones.

  10. El flujo que no cesa: aproximación a las razones, cronología y perfil de los argentinos radicados en España (1975-2001

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    Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti


    Full Text Available Se estudia el fenómeno de la llegada cada vez más numerosa de argentinos a España desde la segunda mitad de la década de 1960 hasta el aluvión posterior a 1997, cuya magnitud y consecuencias aún son difíciles de evaluar. Plantea una cronología, de acuerdo a las causas de la salida, y procura indagar en los cambios que ha sufrido el perfil de los emigrantes argentinos que se dirigieron a España a lo largo de estos 40 años. Fenómeno paradójico, porque sociedad argentina fue creada por un aluvión inmigratorio, y dramático, porque los últimos arribos nos hablan de gente que abandona su tierra en respuesta a una falta total de expectativas y una situación económica insostenible, a pesar de la frecuente caracterización de Argentina como país dotado con grandes recursos naturales.________________________ABSTRACT:This article studies the phenomenon of the more and more numerous arrivals from Argentineans to Spain from second half of the decade of 1960 to the later alluvium to 1997, whose magnitude and consequences still are difficult to evaluate. It raises a chronology, according to the causes of the exit, and it tries to investigate in the changes that the profile of the Argentine emigrants has undergone who went to Spain throughout these 40 years. Paradoxical phenomenon, because Argentine society was created by an immigratory alluvium, and dramatic, because the last arrivals speak us of people who leave her earth in answer to a total lack of expectations and an untenable economic situation, in spite of the frequent characterization of Argentina like country equipped with great natural resources.

  11. Las leyes laicas y la Iglesia Católica en los territorios del interior argentino (1884-1920

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    Ana María T. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo investigamos aspectos de la religión en el interior argentino, de manera concreta del Territorio Nacional de la Pampa, desde la última década del siglo XIX hasta los años treinta del siglo XX. Analizamos los múltiples lugares ocupados por la religión, en una “sociedad en formación”, construida sobre el desmembramiento de la sociedad indígena y repoblada por migrantes internos y de origen europeo. En este artículo analizamos la implementación de las denominadas “leyes laicas” a la luz de la problemática de la secularización, interpretada como reacomodamiento permanente, y de la laicidad como expresión de la secularización en el ámbito institucional de las relaciones entre la Iglesia, el Estado y la sociedad civil -todos en construcción-. La particularidad del caso se que focaliza en una sociedad que nació plural, a diferencia de zonas de antigua colonización, donde existía un sustrato católico plurisecular.

  12. IPN. Annual progress report. 1 Sep 1984 - 30 Aug 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the work of the year 1985 of research in the Division of experimental physics of the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Orsay, the activities are conducted in six axes: nuclear structure, high excitation energy nuclear states, heavy ion collision phenomena, intermediate energy nuclear physics, radiochemistry and perinuclear research. The second part presents the studies of the theoretical physics division of the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Orsay in 1985. The different research axes are the following: nuclear physics, intermediate energy nuclear physics, elementary particles. A compilation of publications of meetings of the year is finally given [fr

  13. Synthesis and applications of isotopically labeled compounds 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mucino, R.R.


    This volume contains the typescript texts of six plenary lectures plus short (ca. 2 pp) versions of a very large number of papers from the Second International Symposium, held in Kansas City in 1985; author and subject indexes

  14. State energy severance taxes, 1985-1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report analyzes changes in aggregate and State-level energy severance taxes for 1985 through 1993. Data are presented for crude oil, natural gas, and coal. The report highlights trends in severance tax receipts relative to energy prices and production, using severance tax data published by the Bureau of the Census of the US Department of Commerce and production data published by the Energy Information Administration

  15. Synthesis and applications of isotopically labeled compounds 1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muccino, R.R. (ed.)


    The typescript texts of six plenary lectures plus short (ca. 2 pp) versions of a very large number of papers from the Second International Symposium, held in Kansas City in 1985 are presented. Author and subject indexes are included.

  16. Refugiados en Argentina. El rol de las organizaciones de derechos humanos de la comunidad peruana.

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    María Paula A. Cicogna


    Full Text Available Desde 1985 hasta hoy, Argentina se ha convertido en uno de los países en el mundo que más estatutos de refugio ha otorgado. Pero a pesar de ello, el Estado argentino no cumple a menudo con sus obligaciones. En este artículo se describirán, través del análisis del trabajo de campo realizado en esas organizaciones, las acciones llevadas a cabo por las O.N.G. formadas en el seno de la comunidad peruana, las cuales asumieron el rol de protectoras de los derechos humanos de los solicitantes de refugio y refugiados que viven en Buenos Aires.

  17. Estructura de la población prehistórica del noroeste argentino (sector septentrional

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    Varela, Héctor Hugo


    Full Text Available Se estudió la estructura de la poblaci6n prehistórica del sector septentrional del noroeste argentino mediante el empleo de caracteres no-métricos del cráneo. La muestra está constituida por 673 individuos pertenecientes a las regiones de Puna (111, Quebrada de Humahuaca (269, Selvas Occidentales (50 y Valliserrana (243. Se observaron 33 caracteres y se aplicó un diseño tipo factorial "i" por "j" para tablas de contingencia. Mediante la prueba X2 se analizó la distribuci6n de la muestra por sexo, edad, deformación artificial y región. La estructura de la población se estudió empleando análisis de correspondencia, medida media de divergencia estandarizada (sMMD y análisis de agrupamiento. Se comprobó que seis rasgos están asociados con deformación, cinco con sexo, siete con edad y doce con región. Los resultados multivariados revelaron la existencia de dos componentes biológicos, uno constituido por Quebrada de Humahuaca y la Puna y otro por Valliserrana y Las Pirguas. Es posible que dichos componentes se hayan originado a partir de un mismo grupo ancestral probablemente de origen andino y que luego se diferenciaron por la acción de diferentes factores evolutivos (pautas particulares de apareamiento, deriva y migración.

  18. The Flight Service Station Training Program : 1981-1985. (United States)


    This report describes the performance of the ATC classes in the Flight Service Station Training Program 1981 to 1985 on the skills tests and laboratory exercises in Preflight (pilot briefing), Inflight, and Emergency Services. Over 80% of the final g...

  19. LLE Review. Quarterly report, April-June 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skupsky, S.


    This volume of the LLE Review contains articles on the fully UV-converted OMEGA laser system, mass-ablation rate experiments, reactor-size target designs, plasma processes in the target corona, degradation in optical performance of dielectric thin films, and the National Laser Users Facility activities for April-June 1985. 65 refs., 35 figs

  20. Photometry of occultation candidate stars. I - Uranus 1985 and Saturn 1985-1991 (United States)

    French, L. M.; Morales, G.; Dalton, A. S.; Klavetter, J. J.; Conner, S. R.


    Photometric observations of five stars to be occulted by the rings around Uranus are presented. The four stars to be occulted by Saturn or its rings during the period 1985-1991 were also observed. The observations were carried out with a CCD detector attached to the Kitt Peak McGraw-Hill 1.30-m telescope. Landolt standards of widely ranging V-I color indices were used to determine the extinction coefficients, transformation coefficients, and zero points of the stars. Mean extinction coefficients are given for each night of observation. K magnitudes for each star were estimated on the basis of the results of Johnson (1967). The complete photometric data set is given in a series of tables.

  1. Radioactivity monitoring of the Irish marine environment 1985-86

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunningham, J.D.; O'Grady, J.; Rush, T.


    This report presents the results of the monitoring programme for the two-year period from January 1985 to December 1986. Information on the radioactive contamination of the marine environment is obtained from the analysis of environmental samples taken at a number of locations along the coastline and various sampling stations in the western Irish Sea. These usually include samples of surface seawater, sediment, seaweed, fish and shellfish. Estimates are presented of the individual and collective doses received by the Irish public from the consumption of fish and shellfish during the period 1985-1986. These doses are assessed in terms of the system of dose limitation recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection and embodied in the Basic Safety Standards Directive of the European Community

  2. Implementation of IRR99 and IRMER2000 in UK hospitals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beddoe, A.; Temperton, D.; Rafiqi, E.; Larkin, E.; Jones, T.


    In the United Kingdom, the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) replaced the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985 (IRR85) from January 2000. The main aim of the new regulations and the associated Code of Practice was similar to the old ones, namely to establish a framework for ensuring that exposure to ionising radiation from work activities was kept as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). IRR99 reflects the 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP60) via the 1996 (European) Basic Safety Standards Directive 96/29/EURATOM. Major changes were revised dose limits, the introduction of prior risk assessment for new premises or practices, and a formally instituted QA programme on radiation equipment used for medical exposures. In May 2000, the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (IR(ME)R2000) came into force to implement requirements of the European Directive 97/43/EURATOM. These further extended the justification and optimisation principles of the previous Ionising Radiation (Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Exposure or Treatment) Regulations 1988 (POPUMET) by requiring every medical exposure to be justified by a practitioner and by introducing diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for radiological exposures (including nuclear medicine). Other roles were also defined, including referrers, operators and medical physics experts, each with legal responsibility under IR(ME)R2000 for their part in the diagnostic or therapeutic process. Many aspects of good professional practice were made mandatory and the overall management of medical exposures had to be documented into formal written procedures. Examples of these procedures include: the methods by which the patient is identified, the system for ensuring a written report of the outcome of an examination is carried out and how the procedures themselves are controlled. In addition, staff who are entitled to carry out the various roles under IR

  3. Data qualification summary for 1985 L-Area AC Flow Tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, T.B.; Eghbali, D.A.; Liebmann, M.L.; Shine, E.P.


    The 1985 L-Area AC Flow Tests were conducted to provide an extended data base for upgrading the reactor system models employed in predicting normal process water flows. This report summarizes the results of the recently completed, formal, technical review of the data from the 1985 L-Area AC Flow Tests as detailed in document SCS-CMAS-910045. The purpose of that review was to provide corroborating technical information as to the quality (fitness for use) of these experimental data. Reference [1] required three volumes to fully document the results of that Data Qualification process. This report has been prepared to provide the important conclusions from that process in a manageable and understandable format. Consult reference [1] if any additional information or detail is needed. This report provides highlights from that study: an overview of the tests and data, a description of the instrumentation used, an explanation of the data qualification methods employed to review the data, and the important conclusions reached from the study. Reference 1: Edwards, T.B., D.A. Eghbali, M.L. Liebmann, and E.P. Shine, open-quotes Data Qualification for 1985 L-Area AC Flow Tests,close quotes SCS-CMAS-910045, December 31, 1991

  4. La “Auténtica Democracia”. Una trama del nacionalismo argentino en los años 30 y 40

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    Boris Matías Grinchpun


    Full Text Available El nacionalismo de derecha en Argentina ha sido visto, generalmente, como un movimiento elitista y antidemocrático. Sin embargo, también hubo intelectuales nacionalistas que tendieron puentes hacia una “tradición democrática”. Carlos Ibarguren y Ernesto Palacio anunciaron, en el contexto de la Gran Depresión, que la “falsa” democracia liberal dejaría su lugar a otra más “genuina”: el fascismo italiano, que reconstruía los lazos entre el Estado y la sociedad, a partir de liderazgos carismáticos, el corporativismo e el intervencionismo económico. Al mismo tiempo, según estos intelectuales, el fin del parlamentarismo y del liberalismo económico clausuraría las disputas políticas y posibilitaría una colaboración entre las clases sociales. Se estudia esta reformulación autoritaria de la democracia, fruto de la lectura que Palacio e Ibarguren hicieron del escenario político argentino e internacional.

  5. Small and medium power reactors 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is intended for designers and planners concerned with Small and Medium Power Reactors. It provides a record of the presentations during the meetings held on this subject at the Agency's General Conference in September 1985. This information should be useful as it indicates the principal findings and main conclusions and recommendations resulting from these meetings. A separate abstract was prepared for each of the 10 presentations in this report

  6. Nutrients profile data from the R/V ALPHA HELIX in the Bering Sea in support of the Inner Shelf Transport and Recycling Project (ISHTAR) from 13 July 1985 to 14 October 1985 (NODC Accession 0000276) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, and urea data were collected from the R/V ALPHA HELIX from July 13, 1985 to October 14, 1985. Data were submitted by...

  7. Survey of nuclear fuel cycle economics: 1970--1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prince, B.E.; Peerenboom, J.P.; Delene, J.G.


    This report is intended to provide a coherent view of the diversity of factors that may affect nuclear fuel cycle economics through about 1985. The nuclear fuel cycle was surveyed as to past trends, current problems, and future considerations. Unit costs were projected for each step in the fuel cycle. Nuclear fuel accounting procedures were reviewed; methods of calculating fuel costs were examined; and application was made to Light Water Reactors (LWR) over the next decade. A method conforming to Federal Power Commission accounting procedures and used by utilities to account for backend fuel-cycle costs was described which assigns a zero net salvage value to discharged fuel. LWR fuel cycle costs of from 4 to 6 mills/kWhr (1976 dollars) were estimated for 1985. These are expected to reach 6 to 9 mills/kWr if the effect of inflation is included

  8. Epidemia de dengue en Nicaragua, 1985 Epidemic dengue in Nicaragua 1985

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    G. Kouri


    Full Text Available En el segundo semestre de 1985, coincidiendo con el período de lluvias se produjo en Nicaragua una epidemia de Dengue en la que se reportaron 17,483 casos. La mayor morbilidad y las más elevadas tasas de ataque se registraron entre Agosto y Noviembre, siendo afectadas fundamentalmente las regiones II (León y Chinandega, III (Managua y IV (Masaya, Granada, Carazo, Rivas que acumularon el 89% de los reportes. Estas regiones se corresponden precisamente con las zonas más densamente pobladas ubicadas en la costa del Pacífico, en donde se encuentran los núcleos urbanos mas importantes y populosos del país. León y Chinandega fueron las ciudades mas afectadas, pues reportaron el 41% del total de casos registrados. El 66.8% de los casos eran adultos y el 57.6% del sexo femenino. La tasa global de ataque para el país fue de 55.24 x 10.000 habitantes. Una campaña de lucha antivectorial, fue iniciada de inmediato, manteniéndose en forma intensiva hasta el mes de Octubre. Al final de este período la morbilidad disminuyó considerablemente y la enfermedad entró en una fase de escasos reportes y posiblemente de endemia. Se reportaron 7 adultos fallecidos que fueron considerados como portadores de una FHD/SCD por un grupo mixto de patólogos y clínicos teniendo en cuenta la experiencia adquirida en los pacientes adultos durante la epidemia ocurrida en Cuba en 1981. El brote fue interpretado como una epidemia de Dengue Clásico en la cual se produjeron 7 casos fatales. Se aislaron los serotipos 1 y 2 del Dengue en sueros de fase aguda de pacientes y el serotipo 1 en el de uno de los fallecidos.In the second half of the year 1985, during the rainy season, an epidemic of Dengue Fever was recognized in Nicaragua. A total of 17.483 cases were reported by the health services. The highest morbidity and attack rates were reported between August and November of the same year. Regions II (Leon and Chinandega, III (Managua and IV (Masaya, Granada, Carazo y

  9. Danish emission inventory for agriculture. Inventories 1985 - 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hjorth Mikkelsen, M; Albrektsen, R; Gyldenkaerne, S


    By regulations given in international conventions Denmark is obliged to work out an annual emission inventory and document the methodology. The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) at Aarhus University (AU) in Denmark is responsible for calculating and reporting the emissions. This report contains a description of the emissions from the agricultural sector from 1985 to 2009. Furthermore, the report includes a detailed description of methods and data used to calculate the emissions, which is based on national methodologies as well as international guidelines. For the Danish emissions calculations and data management an Integrated Database model for Agricultural emissions (IDA) is used. The emission from the agricultural sector includes emission of the greenhouse gases methane (CH{sub 4}), nitrous oxide (N{sub 2}O), ammonia (NH{sub 3}), particulate matter (PM), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and other pollutants related to the field burning of agricultural residue such as NO{sub x}, CO{sub 2}, CO, SO{sub 2}, heavy metals, dioxin and PAH. The ammonia emission from 1985 to 2009 has decreased from 119 300 tonnes of NH{sub 3} to 73 800 tonnes NH{sub 3}, corresponding to a 38 % reduction. The emission of greenhouse gases has decreased by 25 % from 12.9 M tonnes CO{sub 2} equivalents to 9.6 M tonnes CO{sub 2} equivalents from 1985 to 2009. Improvements in feed efficiency and utilisation of nitrogen in livestock manure are the most important reasons for the reduction of both the ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. (Author)

  10. Estéticas de una nación: representaciones y narrativas sobre el Bicentenario argentino en los cortometrajes 25 miradas – 200 minutos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esteban Dipaola


    Full Text Available El artículo realiza un análisis de las estéticas y los discursos sobre el bicentenario argentino a partir de los cortometrajes “25 miradas – 200 minutos”. Desde ese punto de partida, el objetivo es analizar las modalidades de ficcionalización y representación de la historia de la nación argentina y las variaciones de relatos sobre la historia y lo nacional que se configuran en el contexto de tiempos globales y postmodernos. Para esto se expone una comprensión de la experiencia histórica, en sus niveles estéticos y políticos, partiendo de tres ejes de análisis: a figuración del pasado; b representación de la memoria; c apelación a sensibilidades y emociones.

  11. El campesinado en el agro argentino: ¿repensando el debate teórico o un intento de reconceptualización?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Paz


    explotaciones agropecuarias, otras regiones como  el noroeste argentino (NOA muestran procesos  de mantenimiento o de leve crecimiento en el número de las pequeñas explotaciones. Es en este  contexto donde nuevamente resurge el debate  teórico de la pequeña producción en general, y de  manera más específica de la viabilidad del campesinado bajo las condiciones del actual régimen de  acumulación impuesto en América Latina y más especialmente en Argentina. El artículo se propone analizar los datos provenientes de los dos últimos censos nacionales agropecuarios (1988 y  2002 y establecer una comparación entre la región pampeana, con un capitalismo dinámico y similar a los países más desarrollados, y la región  del noroeste argentino, con un capitalismo más  lento y limitado. ¿Qué es un campesino?, ¿Hacia  donde van los procesos de transformación social?,  ¿Están los campesinos desapareciendo o dicha  visión proviene de un debilitamiento de la capacidad de análisis de las ciencias sociales? Estas preguntas se irán delineando y tratando de responder durante el desarrollo del trabajo. Luego de  haber establecido la presencia de explotaciones  campesinas en la estructura agraria del noroeste  argentino y su actual vigencia, el artículo propone una discusión en base a los interrogantes anteriormente expuestos, mostrando la necesidad de repensar el debate sobre la cuestión campesina.

  12. Licensee contractor and vendor inspection status report. Quarterly report, October-December 1985. Volume 9, No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This periodical covers the results of inspections performed by the NRCs vendor program branch that have been distribution to the inspected organizations during the period from October 1985 through December 1985

  13. Imigrantes e argentinos no processo civilizatório: uma análise do pensamento político de Alberdi e Sarmiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Sevaybricker Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visa discutir comparativamente as obras de Alberdi e Sarmiento – dois grandes nomes do pensamento político argentino oitocentista – focando nos temas da imigração e da formação do povo e da nação argentina, no contexto de ajuste do país a um modelo de civilização. Embora existam algumas diferenças no entendimento de cada um desses autores quanto ao que seja civilização, ambos assumem a imigração européia como instrumento fundamental para a construção de uma Argentina civilizada no século XIX, construção essa que significou, em alguma medida, a destruição e/ou assimilação das culturas locais, indígena, negra e gaúcha.

  14. ANSTO Tritium list no. 1: 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calf, G.E.; Stokes, R.C.


    Details are given of the concentration of the environmental radioisotope, tritium, in monthly precipitation samples taken during the period 1985-1986, at eleven stations throughout Australia. Tritium levels in Australian rainfall have been estimated for seventeen years and published first as reports of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission and now of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  15. State laws and the provision of family planning and abortion services in 1985. (United States)

    Sollom, T; Donovan, P


    65 laws relating to fertility were enacted by the 49 state legislatures that held sessions in 1985. This was the largest enacted since 1973, and the 2nd largest total since. Some of the 1985 abortion laws are designed to protect abortion rights. Several states in the US took action to severely punish the perpetrators of violence against abortion clinics. Lesislation dealing with the delivery of family planning services was subjected to public funding restrictions in 1985. Attempts have been made recently on the federal level to prevent Title X recipients from being provided with information on abortion in their pregnancy counseling sessions. These actions are similar to some of the state laws attempting to reach the same end. Many states included funds for family planning in general appropriations bills. Differences among legislators regarding the right of minors to consent to reproductive health care have led to 2 patterns of response: 1) affirmation of the right of minors to receive family planning services on their own consent; or 2) laws mandating parental involvement in a minor's abortion decision. The most troubling aspect of the fertility related legislation endated in 1985 is the effort by a number of legislatures to attach restrictions on abortion counseling and referral to family planning appropriations bills. In 1985, state laws were enacted to regulate the disposal of fetal remains, to prohibit the use of fetal remains for commercial purposes and to impose criminal sanctions for causing the miscarriage of a fetus during a felony.

  16. A língua vernácula na música católica no Brasil desde o século XIX: cânticos espirituais e as representações acerca da participação ativa dos fiéis nos ritos religiosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Lacerda Simões Duarte


    Full Text Available Durante o Concílio Vaticano II (1962-1965 a liturgia católica experimentou um processo de revisão que ocasionou reformas profundas, algumas das quais já se encontravam em curso há pelo menos duas décadas. Considerado útil à participação ativa dos fiéis nos ritos, o uso da língua vernácula nas cerimônias religiosas foi ampliado. Assim, passaram a existir representações de que antes do Concílio inexistia uma preocupação da instituição religiosa com a participação dos fiéis, bem como de que a língua vernácula não era utilizada na música e nos ritos religiosos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir os possíveis usos de cantos em língua vernácula na Igreja Católica no Brasil já na segunda metade do século XIX, os chamados cânticos espirituais ou cantos religiosos populares. Os dados obtidos em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental foram interpretados a partir de Roger Chartier, Walter Buckley e Niklas Luhmann. São abordados no artigo o papel dado aos cânticos espirituais na ótica da Igreja institucionalizada, as possíveis origens deste gênero, os principais movimentos que determinaram as metas musicais e globais do sistema religioso e a presença dos cânticos espirituais no Brasil. Os resultados apontam para a uma divergência entre as representações feitas acerca da música após o Concílio Vaticano II ou durante o século XX enquanto período do desenvolvimento da música religiosa em língua vernácula e as práticas musicais desde pelo menos a segunda metade do século XIX.

  17. Annual report of operation management in nuclear power stations, fiscal year 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Twenty years have elapsed since the first practical nuclear reactor in Japan started the operation. In the generated power in fiscal year 1985, that of nuclear power stations for the first time overtook that of thermal power stations, and now the age of nuclear power as the main and oil power as the subordinate has begun. As of the end of fiscal year 1985, there were 32 nuclear power plants in operation, having total output capacity of 24.521 million kW. In fiscal year 1985, nuclear power plants generated about 159 billion kWh, which is about 26 % of electric power supply. As to the capacity factor, 76 % was attained in fiscal year 1985, and this is ranked in the top group of LWR-operating countries in the world. It showed that the Japanese technology of nuclear power generation is at the top level in the world. However, in order to increase nuclear power generation and to accomplish the role of main electric power source hereafter, it is necessary to further increase the reliability and economical efficiency. The list of nuclear power stations in Japan, the state of operation of nuclear power stations, the state of accidents and troubles, the state of regular inspection, the management of radioactive wastes and the radiation exposure of workers in nuclear power stations, the operational management and others are reported. (Kako, I.)

  18. 26 CFR 1.61-2T - Taxation of fringe benefits-1985 through 1988 (temporary). (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Taxation of fringe benefits-1985 through 1988 (temporary). 1.61-2T Section 1.61-2T Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY..., and Taxable Income § 1.61-2T Taxation of fringe benefits—1985 through 1988 (temporary). (a) Fringe...

  19. Rasgos de personalidad, bienestar psicologico y rendimiento academico en adolescentes argentinos

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    Alejandro Castro Solano


    Full Text Available Las diferencias individuales en el rendimiento escolar obedecen a tres tipos de factores: los intelectuales, los de aptitud para el estudio y los de personalidad. Los dos primeros han sido ampliamente estudiados. Recientemente comenzaron a surgir investigaciones que señalan que los factores exclusivamente intelectuales son pobres predictores del rendimiento académico a largo plazo y del éxito laboral fuera de los entornos educativos. Una gran cantidad de estudios revela que las variables de personalidad son importantes predictores de las adaptaciones que las personas realizan a los diferentes contextos en los cuales les toca vivir. El enfoque de los cinco factores de personalidad ha sido ampliamente estudiado, sin embargo casi no existen estudios con este enfoque en población adolescente, específicamente estudios locales. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo replicar la estructura pentafactorial de los rasgos de personalidad en adolescentes de 13 a 19 años. Asimismo se analiza cuales son los rasgos de personalidad que están más relacionados con el logro académico y si existe alguna asociación entre el rendimiento académico y el bienestar autopercibido derivado de la adaptación efectiva a determinados contextos vitales relevantes para los jóvenes. Participaron de este estudio 337 jóvenes que vivían en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y en el conurbano bonaerense (Argentina. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de los Cinco Factores de Personalidad (BFI de John (1990, como así también una encuesta sobre rendimiento esco- lar y otra sobre satisfacción vital por áreas (Escala D-1 de Andrews y Withey, 1976. Los resultados señalan que en adolescentes argentinos se verifica la misma estructura pentafactorial que en jóvenes estadounidenses. La dimensión conciencia apareció como el componente más relacionado con el mejor rendimiento. La dimensión neuroticismo no diferenciaba entre jóvenes con alto y bajo rendimiento.

  20. Annual progress report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The experimental research program has two major themes -the study of hydromagnetic waves and RF heating using the TORTUS tokamak and the development of diagnostic techniques. Some highlights during 1985 were: the completion of an experiment which shows that antennas used in Alfven wave heating should not have current elements parallel to the magnetic field and that they should be operated at frequencies well below the ion cyclotron frequency - otherwise, the antenna directly excites unwanted Alfven waves in the edge plasma; the use of the scanning submillimetre laser inteferometer to determine the radial profile of the electron density in TORTUS; and the completion of the experimental observation of laser induced fluorescence using the SUPPER II plasma

  1. “O religioso após a religião”: um debate entre Marcel Gauchet e Luc Ferry (“The religious after religion”: an debate between Marcel Gauchet and Luc Ferry - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p71

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique Marques Lott


    Full Text Available A riqueza do debate ocorrido entre os filósofos Luc Ferry e Marcel Gauchet, em janeiro de 1999, deu origem a este artigo, em que os autores exploram os temas e as questões discutidas naquela ocasião. O artigo apresenta as diferentes posições dos dois pensadores franceses, cuja preocupação maior é pensar as condições de possibilidade da religião e do religioso nos tempos atuais. Tempos em que, segundo os debatedores, predomina a individualização da crença e nos quais a presença de uma religiosidade sempre mais inquieta, difusa e incerta convive com o enfraquecimento institucional das religiões. Longe de desaparecer num universo cada vez mais laicizado, o religioso, como indagação sobre o sentido último da vida ou como aspiração ao absoluto, tende a permanecer como um substrato insuperável. Como, então, pensar o religioso após a religião? O texto apresenta as diferentes e divergentes posições de Ferry e Gauchet acerca da pertinência do uso de termos clássicos como "sagrado", "divino", "transcendente", dentre outros, para tratar os constituintes dessa religiosidade contemporânea e inquieta, própria de uma época na qual se torna impossível a edificação de um mundo de parte a parte estruturado pela religião e na qual o religioso impregnaria todos os setores da vida pública e privada. Palavras-chave: Religião; Religiosidade; Secularização; Autonomia; Heteronomia.   Abstract This paper analyses the questions and problems that was discussed during an important debate between the French philosophers Marcel Gauchet and Luc Ferry, which take place at Paris on January, 1999. The paper discusses the different conceptions of these thinkers about the status of religion and the religious in nowadays. Days that witnesses the individualization of religious belief and the presence of a restless, uncertain and spread religiosity which however, lives side by side with an institutional weakening of the historical religions

  2. Metallurgy Department progress report for the period 1 January to 31 December 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schroeder Pedersen, A.; Bilde Soerensen, J.B.


    The activities of the Metallurgy department at Risoe during 1985 are described. The work is presented in four chapters: General Materials Research, Technology and Materials Development, Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Research and Development, and Fuel elements. A survey is given of the Department's participation in international collaboration and of its activities within education and training. A list (with abstracts) of publications and lectures by the staff during 1985 is included. (author)

  3. Inertial fusion research: Annual technical report, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsen, J.T.; Terry, N.C.


    This report describes the inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research activities undertaken at KMS Fusion (KMSF) during 1985. It is organized into three main technical sections; the first covers fusion experiments and theoretical physics, the second is devoted to progress in materials development and target fabrication, and the third describes laser technology research. These three individual sections have been cataloged separately

  4. Recurring dynamically induced thinning during 1985 to 2010 on Upernavik Isstrøm, West Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khan, Shfaqat Abbas; Kjaer, K.H.; Korsgaard, N.J.


    elevation satellite laser altimeter data supplemented with altimeter surveys from NASA's Airborne Topographic Mapper during 2002 to 2010. To assess thinning prior to 2002, we analyze aerial photographs from 1985. We document at least two distinct periods of dynamically induced ice loss during 1985 to 2010...

  5. Progress report - physics division 1985 January 01 - June 30

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report reviews progress made during the first half of 1985 in the following areas: development of the TASCC facility; experimental and theoretical nuclear physics research; accelerator physics; condensed matter physics; applied mathematics and computer facility operation

  6. A Survey of Archaeological Samples Dated in 1985

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mejdahl, Vagn


    A survey is given of archaeological samples received for dating in 1985 at the Nordic Laboratory for Thermoluminescence Dating. A total of 66 samples were dated, 42 of which were burnt stones. All results were corrected for short-term fading as measured for samples stored at room temperature...

  7. Injury-related South African mortality children, 1981 -1985

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1474. 6880. 427. % due to injury. 8,1. 49,5. 14,4. 26,7. Rank order of injury as cause of death. 5. 1. 3 .... Eleven per cent were 'accidental' and 9% were uicide. Discussion. Deaths are known to ..... SAS Institute Inc., 1985. 18. Waller AE, Baker ...

  8. Pierre Bourdieu y el hecho social religioso: Análisis de su obra y apropiaciones desde el trabajo histórico y etnográfico Pierre Bourdieu and the social fact religious: Analysis about his work and appropriation since historical and ethnographic work

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    Mariana E. Espinosa


    Full Text Available En este artículo reflexionamos sobre los textos de Pierre Bourdieu que toman por objeto de análisis el hecho social religioso. Proponemos pensar en las posibilidades de un análisis sociológico y antropológico al que las nociones bourdieuanas nos habilita para el estudio de diversos mundos empíricos, distintos a los referentes del campo católico que encontramos claramente en sus textos de sociología de la religión de reciente publicación en lengua española (2009. Esta tarea pretendo llevarla en la sucesión de dos análisis. Primero me referiré a tres textos de sociología de la religión de Bourdieu ([1971] 2009; [1971] 1991; [1975] 1985. Aquí analizo cómo el autor. incorpora a las discusiones de la sociología clásica y la lingüística saussuriana un análisis relacional y disposicional, se observa en los tres textos la co-existencia de una preocupación epistemológica y una búsqueda sociológica en tal sentido. En la segunda parte, mediante dos investigaciones empíricas (histórica y antropológica analizamos dos modos de retención fecunda de la propuesta de Bourdieu, dejamos aun lado la lista de límites y alcances de sus nociones para acercarnos como investigadores, no al "uso del concepto", sino a la propuesta del sociólogo francés.This article reflects to the texts of Pierre Bourdieu that take under study the social fact religious. We propose thinking about the possibilities of an analysis sociological and anthropological which the notions bourdieuanas enables for the study of different worlds empirical, other than those concerning the field catholic we find in their texts of sociology of religion recently published in Spanish (2009. I pretend do this task in two analysis. First, I report to three texts about sociology of religion of Bourdieu. ([1971] 2009; [1971] 1991; [1975] 1985. Here examine how Bourdieu adds to the discussions of the classic sociology and the linguistic saussureiana an analysis relational and

  9. Jobson's mining year book, 1985-1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Newbold, D M [ed.


    This 1985/86 edition of Jobson's Mining Year Book examines and analyses economic and political factors in the world market place which threaten the prosperity of the minerals industry and, therefore, that of Australia as a whole. In this edition a new feature to complement the Company Listings section has been introduced, called Directory of Subsidiaries. This section contains all subsidiaries included in each Company listing, set out in alphabetical sequence and cross-referenced to the parent company.

  10. Heavy quarks and CP: Moriond 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjorken, J.D.


    The presentations at the Fifth Moriond Workshop on Heavy Quarks, Flavor Mixing, and CP Violation (La Plagne, France, January 13-19, 1985) are summarized. The following topics are reviewed. What's New (beyond the top, top quarks, bottom quarks, charm quarks, strange quarks, and others); why is all this being done (strong interactions and hadron structure, and electroweak properties); and what next (facilities and can one see CP violation in the B-anti B system). 64 refs., 10 figs

  11. 2000 Annual report: synthesis; 2000 Resenia de actividades

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This synthesis of the Annual Report 2000 present information of the main activities on the scope of the radiation protection and nuclear safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentina during 2000.

  12. Using the Landsat data archive to assess long-term regional forest dynamics assessment in Eastern Europe, 1985-2012 (United States)

    Turubanova, S.; Potapov, P.; Krylov, A.; Tyukavina, A.; McCarty, J. L.; Radeloff, V. C.; Hansen, M. C.


    Dramatic political and economic changes in Eastern European countries following the dissolution of the "Eastern Bloc" and the collapse of the Soviet Union greatly affected land-cover and land-use trends. In particular, changes in forest cover dynamics may be attributed to the collapse of the planned economy, agricultural land abandonment, economy liberalization, and market conditions. However, changes in forest cover are hard to quantify given inconsistent forest statistics collected by different countries over the last 30 years. The objective of our research was to consistently quantify forest cover change across Eastern Europe from 1985 until 2012 using the complete Landsat data archive. We developed an algorithm for processing imagery from different Landsat platforms and sensors (TM and ETM+), aggregating these images into a common set of multi-temporal metrics, and mapping annual gross forest cover loss and decadal gross forest cover gain. Our results show that forest cover area increased from 1985 to 2012 by 4.7% across the region. Average annual gross forest cover loss was 0.41% of total forest cover area, with a statistically significant increase from 1985 to 2012. Most forest disturbance recovered fast, with only 12% of the areas of forest loss prior to 1995 not being recovered by 2012. Timber harvesting was the main cause of forest loss. Logging area declined after the collapse of socialism in the late 1980s, increased in the early 2000s, and decreased in most countries after 2007 due to the global economic crisis. By 2012, Central and Baltic Eastern European countries showed higher logging rates compared to their Western neighbours. Comparing our results with official forest cover and change estimates showed agreement in total forest area for year 2010, but with substantial disagreement between Landsat-based and official net forest cover area change. Landsat-based logging areas exhibit strong relationship with reported roundwood production at national

  13. Annual report 2000; Rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the activities of the Cogema group, its reports on management and its financial situation for the year 2000: presentation of TOPCO, boards of directors, profile, main consolidated data, year 2000 highlights, group activities (mining-chemistry, enrichment, reprocessing-recycling, engineering, services, sustainable development, health and safety, quality policy, human resources, R and D, communication), organization chart of the consolidated Cogema group, financial statements, directory. (J.S.)

  14. Het ledig gewicht van motorvoertuigen : ontwikkelingen sinds 1985.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kampen, L.T.B. van


    Vehicle mass, or (kerb) motor vehicle weight plays an important role in the course, and especially the outcome, of collisions. In this report, the development of the (kerb) mass of vehicles for 1985-2001 is described. There has been a steady increase in the vehicle mass during this period for all

  15. Computer Courseware Evaluations, June 1985 to March 1986. (United States)

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton. Curriculum Branch.

    The fifth in a series, this report reviews Apple microcomputer courseware--and some IBM computer courseware--authorized by Alberta Education from June 1985 to March 1986. It provides detailed evaluations of 97 authorized programs in business education (11), business education/math (1), computer literacy (4), computer literacy/math/problem solving…

  16. Progress at LAMPF. Progress report, January-December 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allred, J.C.; Talley, B.


    Research performed at LAMPF during 1985 is reported in the areas of: nuclear and particle physics; atomic and molecular physics; materials science; radiation-effects studies; biomedical research and instrumentation; nuclear chemistry; radioisotope production; and physics theory. Also reported are the status of LAMPF-II, facility development work, and accelerator operations

  17. Progress at LAMPF. Progress report, January-December 1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allred, J.C.; Talley, B. (eds.)


    Research performed at LAMPF during 1985 is reported in the areas of: nuclear and particle physics; atomic and molecular physics; materials science; radiation-effects studies; biomedical research and instrumentation; nuclear chemistry; radioisotope production; and physics theory. Also reported are the status of LAMPF-II, facility development work, and accelerator operations. (LEW)

  18. Las salamancas mestizas: de las religiones indígenas a la hechicería colonial. Santiago del Estero, siglo XVIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Farberman


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los folcloristas ha coincidido en el origen hispano del estereotipo de escuela de magia conocida como salamanca, de amplia difusión en el noroeste argentino. Este trabajo postula la configuración mestiza del mismo y su desarrollo a partir de la hibridación de elementos religiosos y culturales entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. Como fuentes principales me he valido de dos procesos civiles contra hechiceras sustanciados en Santiago del Estero y, secundariamente, de materiales como Cartas Anuas jesuíticas, catecismos y confesionarios de indios.In general folklore studies agreed upon the Spanish origins of the magic school known as Salamanca, widely spread in the northwest of Argentina. Based on the existence of hybrid elements, found in culture and religion, this article poses the existence of a mestizo influence in its development in Santiago del Estero during the XVI and XVII centuries. The main sources analyzed were judicial processes held against witches in the area under study, and secondarily some material such us the Jesuits' Cartas Anuas, and Indian catechisms and confessionaries.

  19. The annual report for 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nuclear power: 1. The total installed nuclear power-generating capacity in the world increased by 13.77% during 1985, reaching 250 GW(e) by the end of the year. Nuclear power plants accounted for 15% of the world's electricity generation in 1985, at the end of which there were 374 nuclear power plants in operation; 32 new plants came on line during the year. 2. There was still no general upturn in the ordering of nuclear power plants, and construction work started on only six new plants. However, vigorous nuclear power programmes continued in a number of Member States - notably France, Japan and the East European Member States belonging to CMEA. At the same time, five developing countries (China, Egypt, the Republic of Korea, Turkey and Yugoslavia) issued bid invitations or were negotiating contracts for nuclear power plants. Two new plants came on line in developing countries, one in India and one in the Republic of Korea. 3. Last year was the first year since 1973 without any cancellations of nuclear power plant orders or suspensions of plant construction. 4. Three nuclear power plants (El-4 and Chinon-A2 in France and VAK Kahl in the Federal Republic of Germany) were permanently shut down at what was judged to be the end of their economically useful lifetimes. 5. In contrast with the uncertainties about the current nuclear power programmes in some countries, the development of advanced nuclear systems was highlighted in 1985 by three major events: by the start-up of the 1200 MW(e) Super Phenix in France; by the start-up of the THTR-300 prototype high-temperature reactor in the Federal Republic of Germany; and by the start-up of India's fast breeder test reactor. 6. The Agency's efforts to help strengthen nuclear power planning in developing Member States continued, through advisory missions, training courses and guidebooks. Issues relating to the financing of nuclear power programmes were discussed at a seminar where the participants concluded that the Agency

  20. Entre el discurso religioso y las prácticas de sexualidad femenina en una iglesia pentecostal en Tijuana, México

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    Ester Espinoza Reyes


    Full Text Available El pentecostalismo ha sido señalado como una fuente de beneficios para las mujeres convertidas a éste; sin embargo, tales ganancias se acompañan de una serie de mecanismos de control sobre sus cuerpos, especialmente en lo que a la sexualidad se refiere. Por su parte, las mujeres nacidas dentro del pentecostalismo no experimentan esas mismas ganancias, pero sí viven el mismo régimen de control. Este artículo explora la relación entre los discursos y prácticas de sexualidad femenina en una iglesia pentecostal, entrevistando a 12 mujeres que han sido socializadas en ésta desde su nacimiento. A partir de la información obtenida, se analiza la forma en que se negocia entre la doctrina institucional y los intereses de las creyentes mediante distintas estrategias. Los resultados dejan ver que si bien la sexualidad es uno de los ejes más estrictamente regulados del deber ser de estas mujeres, ésta actualmente se encuentra en un proceso de transición, y la forma en que es vivida por cada una de las apostólicas es afectada por distintos factores como su escolaridad, linaje religioso y generación a la que pertenecen.

  1. Unemployment scarring by gender: Human capital depreciation or stigmatization? Longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands, 1980-2000. (United States)

    Mooi-Reci, Irma; Ganzeboom, Harry B


    Using longitudinal data from the Dutch Labor Force Supply Panel (OSA), this article examines how unemployment scarring (i.e., wage setbacks following unemployment) and its underlying mechanisms operate across gender in the Netherlands over the period 1985-2000. A series of fixed effect panel models that correct for unobserved heterogeneity, reveal a notable disparity in unemployment scarring by gender. Interestingly, while unemployment scarring is short-lived and partly conditional upon human capital differences among women, it is strongly persistent among men and contingent upon old age, ethnicity, and tight economic conditions. Our findings provide new evidence regarding unemployment scarring by gender while they support the hypothesis that among women the effects of unemployment scarring are predominantly driven by human capital depreciation, while among men stigma effects dominate. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory. Annual Report, July 1985-June 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Contents include: reports on laboratory research programs--(quantum optics, magnetism, condensed matter chemistry, superconductivity, magnetic separation, magnetic fields of the brain, molecular biophysics, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, magnet technology, instrumentation for high-magnetic-field research); reports of visiting scientists-- (reports of users of the high-magnetic-field facility, reports of users of the pulsed-field facility, reports of users of the squid magnetometer and Moessbauer facility); appendices: (publications and meeting speeches, organization, summary of high-field magnet facility use January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1985, July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986, geographic distribution of high-field magnet users (excluding laboratory staff), summary of educational activities); author index

  3. Temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from THOMAS G. THOMPSON in the North Pacific Ocean from 1985-08-04 to 1985-09-07 (NCEI Accession 0143394) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NCEI Accession 0143394 includes discrete sample and profile data collected from THOMAS G. THOMPSON in the North Pacific Ocean from 1985-08-04 to 1985-09-07 and...

  4. Saudade do partido: referencias nostálgicas entre militantes de las bases de sustentación de los gobiernos argentinos y brasileros (2003-2015

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    María Dolores Rocca Rivarola

    Full Text Available Resumen El artículo examina de modo comparativo la presencia de referencias nostálgicas entre militantes de organizaciones y espacios políticos que forman parte de las bases de sustentación de los gobiernos argentinos y brasileros desde 2003. Como parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la militancia oficialista, el fenómeno de nostalgia abordado en este trabajo es interpretado como una de las dos caras del impacto que escenarios político-electorales de intensa fluctuación en las identidades políticas y de volatilidad en el comportamiento electoral han tenido sobre las prácticas y concepciones de la militancia activa: por un lado, una adaptación a esas condiciones de la vida política – a través de la transformación del vínculo militante y de los formatos que asume esa militancia oficialista – y, por otro, un fenómeno paralelo – al que se dedica específicamente este artículo – de apelaciones nostálgicas referidas a un pasado de identidades políticas arraigadas y de partidos (o del propio partido con una intensa vida orgánica y un fuerte lazo con el electorado. El trabajo adopta una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa, recuperando las interpretaciones de los propios actores a través del análisis de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas en cuatro distritos: las ciudades de San Pablo y Río de Janeiro, en Brasil; y la ciudad de Buenos Aires y algunos distritos del conurbano bonaerense – con especial foco en La Matanza – en Argentina (56 entrevistas desde 2013, y la consulta selectiva de otras 74 realizadas entre 2005 y 2010 para una investigación previa. A partir del agrupamiento de distintas categorías creadas en el proceso de codificación de las entrevistas se han identificado dos dimensiones de esa nostalgia: las apelaciones al perfil del militante del pasado, por un lado, y la referencia al contexto o condiciones en las que se militaba, por otro. El análisis cualitativo permite confirmar el

  5. Revised field pinch experiments. Annual progress report, June 1, 1984-May 31, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robertson, S.


    The dielectric breaks in the Reversatron vacuum chamber were replaced by bellows sections in December 1984, and operation was resumed in January 1985. The plasma current was limited to 20 kA due to the inefficiency of the air-core transformer. RFP discharges were not obtained due to the pinch parameter theta being below the required value of 1.6. Diagnostics indicated n approx. 4 x 10 13 cm -3 and T/sub e/ approx. 75 eV. Inductively decoupled vertical field coils were used to vary the equilibrium position of the plasma and to maximize the plasma current. A new air-core transformer is being installed which will give an increased plasma current and pinch parameter. Operation with the shell in place will begin in June 1985. If adequate theta values and RFP discharges are obtained, operation without the shell will begin in October 1985

  6. The 1985 state-by-state assessment of low-level radioactive wastes shipped to commercial disposal sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1985 report uses the volume of low-level waste reported as received at each commercial disposal site as the national baseline figure. A volume of 75,909 m 3 of radioactive waste containing 748,903 Ci of activity was reported disposed at the commercial sites in 1985. The distribution of these waste volumes by disposal site is presented in Table 1. Table 2 displays typical radionuclides in low-level wastes by sector. Table 3 presents predominant waste forms associated with low-level waste by sector. The total volume and curie values tabulated for each state were obtained directly from the commercial disposal site operators. The total is the sum of the volume and radioactivity reported by Chem Nuclear and US Ecology for each state. Figure 1 displays the disposal capacity remaining at Barnwell, Richland, and Beatty commercial disposal sites as of December 31, 1985. Summary information on commercial nuclear power plant wastes was obtained from semiannual waste and effluent reports submitted to the NRC in accordance with the NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21. Where reported data were not available, data were obtained by communication with the utility. Nonreactor waste volumes are actual amounts recorded as received at the commercial waste repositories in 1985. Waste categories are defined as academic, medical, government, and industrial. New to the 1985 report is Appendix B, 1985 Assessments Listed By Ratified Compacts, as well as the proposed Western and Appalachian compacts. Inclusion of the most accurate information available from all sources has resulted in an improved national waste distribution profile of generator sectors. 11 refs

  7. Report 1984-1985. Department of Basic Research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A report is presented of the activities performed by the Department of Basic research of the Bariloche Atomic Center during the period 1984-1985. In this report, works on different subjects related to Physics, are grouped in six sections: Low temperatures, Atomic collisions, Metals, Neutrons and Reactors, Magnetic Resonances and Theory. In addition, a list of publications, made by the Department during said period, is included. (M.E.L.) [es

  8. A review of the Italian fast reactor programme - April 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pierantoni, F.; Tavoni, R.


    On February 28th 1985 the government committee for economic planning recommended the budget for the next 1985-1989 plan of ENEA for a total amount of 5,340 billion lire. At a cabinet meeting this allocation was subsequently approved (3rd April 1985). During the same period the personnel in ENEA is expected to increase from about 5,000 people in 1985 up to 5,700 people in 1989. The largest effort is devoted to the development of the FBRs, with a total of 1,760 billion lire. This figure includes: 1,050 billion for the completion of the PEC reactor; 220 billion to be used for industrial promotion activities; this figure also covers the ENEA effort in supporting Italian industry in the design and construction of the power plant to be built in Europe after SPX-1; 250 billion will be spent on the R and D to be carried out in the ENEA centres, laboratories and facilities, mainly oriented towards verifying safety and reliability aspects of subsystems and components, including the fuel element; the balance should cover current costs and investments for services, especially in the Brasimone Centre, where the PEC reactor is under construction. As far as European cooperation is concerned, a first significant result has been achieved in the negotiation of the R and D agreement foreseen by the ''Memorandum of Understanding'' of March 2nd 1984. The delegations of different countries have completed an agreed text, whose signing is expected in the coming months. The Italian attitude is to aim to achieve a coherent framework of agreements between utilities, industries and research bodies so as to ensure that the construction of the power station following SPX-1 can actually be the first step towards a European '' Common model'' fast breeder reactor plant. In 1984 the sum assigned by ENEA for fast reactors was about 380 billion lire of which 287 billion was for the PEC reactor

  9. JAS'2000

    CERN Multimedia


    Are you interested in beam dynamics? Do you work on the LHC injectors or CLIC or maybe feasibility studies fornew machines? Then this is for youJAS'2000: Joint CERN-Japan-JINR-Russia-US SchoolFrontiers of Accelerator Technology: High Quality Beams to be held on a river boat between St. Petersburg and Moscow 1 to 14 July 2000. For further information see either or

  10. Poverty Monitor 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Original title: Armoedemonitor 2000. The Poverty Monitor 2000 (Armoedemonitor 2000) contains the most up-to-date figures on poverty in the Netherlands. The data were collected and analysed by the Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP and Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The extent of

  11. Energy and transport in comparison: Immaterialisation, dematerialisation and decarbonisation in the EU15 between 1970 and 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tapio, P.; Luukkanen, J.; Vehmas, J.; Banister, D.; Willamo, R.


    This article compares the development of transport and energy use with a focus on carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions in the EU15 countries between 1960 and 2000, and separately by each individual EU country between 1970 and 2000. Based on a review on the literature, immaterialisation can be defined as the reduction of energy intensity and transport intensity; dematerialisation can be defined as the reduction in carbon intensity of energy production and the carbon intensity of transport; decarbonisation can be defined as the reduction in (total and transport) carbon intensity of the whole economy. Although there is a clear pattern of reduction in energy intensity of the economy and carbon intensity of energy production, a similar patter cannot be found in transport. Neither the transport intensity of the economy nor the carbon intensity of transport has been reduced. In particular, freight transport intensity has grown between 1985 and 2000. Data presented by country have shown even more variation. The EU15 countries were aggregated into six groups by cluster analysis to establish the different patterns on each of the three measures. It is concluded that the EU15 countries will have problems in achieving the EU White Paper target of decoupling transport growth from economic growth and the Kyoto target of reducing total CO 2 emissions by 8% from the 1990 level between 2008 and 2012. However, there are some weak signals suggesting a more sustainable passenger transport system. (author)

  12. Energy and transport in comparison: Immaterialisation, dematerialisation and decarbonisation in the EU15 between 1970 and 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tapio, Petri; Banister, David; Luukkanen, Jyrki; Vehmas, Jarmo; Willamo, Risto


    This article compares the development of transport and energy use with a focus on carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions in the EU15 countries between 1960 and 2000, and separately by each individual EU country between 1970 and 2000. Based on a review on the literature, immaterialisation can be defined as the reduction of energy intensity and transport intensity; dematerialisation can be defined as the reduction in carbon intensity of energy production and the carbon intensity of transport; decarbonisation can be defined as the reduction in (total and transport) carbon intensity of the whole economy. Although there is a clear pattern of reduction in energy intensity of the economy and carbon intensity of energy production, a similar pattern cannot be found in transport. Neither the transport intensity of the economy nor the carbon intensity of transport has been reduced. In particular, freight transport intensity has grown between 1985 and 2000. Data presented by country have shown even more variation. The EU15 countries were aggregated into six groups by cluster analysis to establish the different patterns on each of the three measures. It is concluded that the EU15 countries will have problems in achieving the EU White Paper target of decoupling transport growth from economic growth and the Kyoto target of reducing total CO 2 emissions by 8% from the 1990 level between 2008 and 2012. However, there are some weak signals suggesting a more sustainable passenger transport system

  13. Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland 1985-2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Simon; Therkildsen, Marianne H; Bjørndal, Kristine


    -up on these topics. METHODS: The Danish Pathology Data Bank was searched for parotid pleomorphic adenoma and Ca-ex-PA in the period 1985 to 2010 and all pathology descriptions were reviewed. Ca-ex-PA specimens were reviewed by a pathologist. RESULTS: A total of 5.497 patients were identified and 2.86% had at least...

  14. ESTADO Y DERECHO EN LA ERA DE LA GLOBALIZACION NEOLIBERAL: la estructura del Estado argentino propia de la década de los 90. Estado y Derecho en la era de la globalizacion neoliberal: La estructura del Estado argentino propia de la década de los 90 / State and law in the neoliberal globalization era: the structure of the Argentinean State in the nineties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Gabriel Manzo


    Full Text Available  Resumen: este artículo analiza las características que poseyó el Estado neoliberal argentino durante los años 90 dividiendo su estructura en cinco áreas de reformas en las cuales los organismos multilaterales de crédito focalizaron por entonces su atención. Este análisis se realiza tomando como marco de referencia empírico a las leyes a través de las cuales estas reformas se instrumentalizaron.Palabras claves: Derecho, Reformas del Estado y Neoliberalismo. Abstract: this article analyzes the characteristics that the Neoliberal State had during the 90s in Argentina dividing its structure in five areas of reforms in which the multilateral financial organizations focused its attention. This analysis is carried out taking the laws across which these reforms were institutionalized as empirical frame of data.Keywords: Law, State reform and neoliberalism.  Resumen Este artículo analiza las características que poseyó el Estado neoliberal argentino durante los años 90 dividiendo su estructura en cinco áreas de reformas en las cuales los organismos multilaterales de crédito focalizaron por entonces su atención. Este análisis se realiza tomando como marco de referencia empírico a las leyes a través de las cuales estas reformas se instrumentalizaron. Palabras claves: Derecho, Reformas del Estado y Neoliberalismo. Abstract This article analyzes the characteristics that the Neoliberal State had during the 90s in Argentina dividing its structure in five areas of reforms in which the multilateral financial organizations focused its attention. This analysis is carried out taking the laws across which these reforms were institutionalized as empirical frame of data. Keywords: Law, State reform and neoliberalism.

  15. Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Strains of Clinical and Food Chain Origins in Belgium between 1985 and 2014 (United States)

    Ceyssens, P. J.; Yde, M.; Dierick, K.; Boyen, F.; Vanderpas, J.; Vanhoof, R.; Mattheus, W.


    Listeriosis is a rare but severe disease, mainly caused by Listeria monocytogenes. This study shows the results of the laboratory-based surveillance of Listeriosis in Belgium over the period 1985–2014. Besides the incidence and some demographic data we present also more detailed microbiological and molecular characteristics of human strains isolated since 2000. The strains from the latter period were compared to food and animal strains from the same period. Our study shows that different food matrices were commonly contaminated with L. monocytogenes presenting the same PFGE profile as in patient’s isolates. Since 1985, we observed a significant decrease in incidence of the Materno-Neonatal cases (from 0.15 to 0.04 cases /100,000 inhabitants-year), which is probably to be attributed to active prevention campaigns targeting pregnant women. Despite the strengthening of different control measures by the food industry, the incidence of non-Materno-Neonatal listeriosis increased in Belgium (from 0.3 to 0.7 cases /100,000 inhabitants-year), probably due to the rise of highly susceptible patients in an aging population. This significant increase found in non-Materno-Neonatal cases (slope coefficient 7.42%/year, Pmonocytogenes isolates, a trend to increasing MIC values is evident with chloramphenicol, amoxicillin, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin. We show that fluoroquinolone resistance is not linked to chromosomal mutations, but caused by a variety of efflux pumps. Our study also shows that huge majority of known underlying pathologies (426 out of 785 cases) were cancers (185/426, 43.1%) and haematological malignancies (75/185, 40.5%). Moreover the risk population is susceptible to low levels of contamination in food stressing the need of prevention campaigns specifically targeting these persons. PMID:27723768

  16. Accesibilidad en el ámbito de la salud materna de mujeres rurales de tres localidades del norte argentino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Landini


    Full Text Available Si bien las mujeres rurales poseen mayor riesgo de morir por causas relacionadas con el embarazo, el parto y puerperio, los estudios que abordan el tema suelen prestar escasa atención a la variable 'ruralidad'. Se realizó un estudio comparativo de tres casos apoyado en un abordaje cualitativo orientado a identificar, describir y analizar las barreras de orden geográfico, económico y administrativo que limitan el acceso de mujeres rurales al sistema público de salud en el ámbito de la salud materna. Se seleccionaron tres territorios de diferentes provincias del norte argentino: el municipio de Goya (provincia de Corrientes, el municipio de Dos Arroyos (provincia de Misiones y la comuna de Ranchillos (provincia de Tucumán. En cada caso se realizaron 15 entrevistas, en su mayoría a mujeres rurales y a profesionales que atienden en el ámbito de la salud materna. Las entrevistas fueron transcriptas y los textos categorizados a partir de ejes temáticos expresados en los objetivos de la investigación. Se concluye que existen importantes barreras de accesibilidad que articulan problemas de nivel geográfico, económico y administrativo en ámbitos rurales.

  17. El compromiso profético de los antropólogos sociales argentinos, 1960-1976

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Guber


    Full Text Available Norbert Elias señalaba que calificar a las investigaciones según su grado de compromiso o distanciamiento de los objetos de estudio, es parte de los valores en tanto juicios prácticos que los intelectuales empleamos en el desarrollo de nuestra actividad. La profusa invocación al compromiso en la antropología latinoamerican, habla de lo que quienes lo invocan desean hacer con sus antropologías, y también de cómo este ideal nos ha modelado a los antropólogos. En este artículo muestro las formas y razones antropológicas y específicamente argentinas por las cuales la "antropología social" y el "compromiso" se constituyeron recíprocamente en el sentido común de nuestra subdisciplina en la Argentina. un doble posicionamiento-político-universitario y epistemológico-de un sector de los antropólogos argentinos que caracterizaré como profético.According to Norbert Elias, to qualify research according to its degree of commitment to, or detachment from its objects, is a practical value that intellectuals use in pursuing their job. Current references to commitment (compromiso by Latin American anthropologists, talk about those colleagues' perspectives on anthropology, and also about the ways in which such a notion has modeled them as anthropologists. Here I examine how and why Argentine anthropologists have made of "social anthropology" and "commitment" the backbone of their discipline in Argentina, both in university politics and in academic work in the 60-70s. I also suggest that anthropological debates on prophets and prophetism may cast some light upon this process.

  18. «Soy un instrumento de Dios». Un análisis etnográfico del carisma en el catolicismo contemporáneo argentino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Lucía Olmos Álvarez


    Full Text Available El carisma, su definición y su alcance constituyeron una problemática transversal a las ciencias sociales durante el siglo XX, preocupadas por explicar procesos en los que se solapaban rasgos individuales y fuentes sobrenaturales de conocimiento y poder; estos procesos oficiaban de base para las relaciones sociales. El presente artículo busca aportar nuevas miradas a estas discusiones, analizándolas en el contexto del catolicismo contemporáneo argentino. Específicamente el análisis se centra en un movimiento de sanación formado en torno a un sacerdote católico de origen asiático. Exploraremos estas cuestiones a partir del análisis de los elementos que configuran como excepcional la figura del líder y atribuyen sentidos a la experiencia del encuentro con sus seguidores: lugar de procedencia, rasgos físicos y características mágicas.

  19. Progress report 1984-1985. Department of Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Physics of the National Atomic Energy Commission reports on the advances and achievements performed during 1984-1985 within its three divisions: (1) Tandar Project; (2) Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions Intermediate Energies) and (3) Solid State Physics (Vibrational Spectroscopy, Cristallography and Phase transitions, Moessbauer Spectroscopy, Theoretical Solid State Physics, Crystal growth). Finally, a list of publications made by the personnel during said period, is included. (M.E.L.)

  20. Progress report 1984-1985. Department of Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Physics of the National Atomic Energy Commission reports on the advances and achievements performed during 1984-1985, within its three divisions: 1) Tandar Project; 2) Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions Intermediate Energies) and 3) Solid State Physics (Vibrational Spectroscopy, Cristallography and Phase transitions, Moessbauer Spectroscopy, Theoretical Solid State Physics, Crystal growth). Finally, a list of publications made by the personnel during said period, is included. (M.E.L.) [es

  1. Tokamak power systems studies, FY 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, C.C.; Brooks, J.N.; Ehst, D.A.; Smith, D.L.; Sze, D.K.


    The Tokamak Power System Studies (TPSS) at ANL in FY-1985 were devoted to exploring innovative design concepts which have the potential for making substantial improvements in the tokamak as a commercial power reactor. Major objectives of this work included improved reactor economics, improved environmental and safety features, and the exploration of a wide range of reactor plant outputs with emphasis on reduced plant sizes compared to STARFIRE. The activities concentrated on three areas: plasma engineering, impurity control, and blanket/first wall/shield technology. 205 refs., 125 figs., 107 tabs

  2. Tokamak power systems studies, FY 1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baker, C.C.; Brooks, J.N.; Ehst, D.A.; Smith, D.L.; Sze, D.K.


    The Tokamak Power System Studies (TPSS) at ANL in FY-1985 were devoted to exploring innovative design concepts which have the potential for making substantial improvements in the tokamak as a commercial power reactor. Major objectives of this work included improved reactor economics, improved environmental and safety features, and the exploration of a wide range of reactor plant outputs with emphasis on reduced plant sizes compared to STARFIRE. The activities concentrated on three areas: plasma engineering, impurity control, and blanket/first wall/shield technology. 205 refs., 125 figs., 107 tabs.

  3. Report 1984/1985 Centro Atomico Bariloche

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A summary of the activities performed by the Bariloche Atomic Center during the period 1984-1985 is presented. These activities are: Basic Research, with its divisions: Low Temperatures, Atomic Collisions, Metals, Neutrons and Reactors; Magnetic Resonance; Theory, (includes Elementary Particles, Solid Theory, Relativity, Gravitation and Unified Theories); Applied Research, with its divisions: Development; Ceramics and Industrial Carbons; Metallurgy, and finally the Division of Nuclear Engineering, with its sections: Thermohydraulics; Computational Mechanics; Radioprotection; Reactors' Control; RA6 Reactor. Publications during this period, are also included. (M.E.L.) [es

  4. Enfoques y Prácticas de Extensión Rural Públicas en el Noreste Argentino ,

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Pablo Landini


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los enfoques y prácticas de extensión se han transformado notablemente en las últimas décadas. A la vez, numerosos autores han señalado la persistencia de enfoques difusionistas tanto en las instituciones como en las prácticas de los extensionistas. En esta investigación se analizan las prácticas de extensión implementadas en el noreste argentino, se las compara con propuestas institucionales y académicas actuales y se extraen aprendizajes. Para esto se realizaron 40 entrevistas a extensionistas que trabajan en el ámbito público en las provincias de Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa y Misiones. El estudio muestra que los entrevistados orientan sus prácticas a la mejora productiva y al fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de productores, valoran organizar su trabajo según la demanda y priorizan abordajes grupales. Las tres áreas de acción más mencionadas son la asistencia técnica, la articulación interinstitucional y el trabajo grupal. En términos generales, se observa una práctica consistente con la propuesta del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y con buena parte de los lineamientos de la literatura especializada, aunque existen dudas por el valor real dado al trabajo grupal, la articulación interinstitucional y la participación, y preocupación por la falta de interés en relación a temas como género y evaluación de proyectos.

  5. Technical Report 2000; Memoria Tecnica 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The technical memory 2000 of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentine Republic, compile the papers published in the subject on radiation protection and nuclear safety, safeguards and physical protection, and presented in congress or meetings of these specialities by personnel of the mentioned institution during 2000. In this edition the documents are presented on: Nuclear safety; Radiobiology; Occupational doses; Radiochemical; Environmental studies; Emergency plans; Radiation accidents; and International safeguards. Some of them are realized by agreements between the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina, universities and other national and international organizations.

  6. El impacto de la crisis fiscal en el trabajo en negro: las provincias de noroeste argentino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Panaia


    Full Text Available El trabajo se enmarca dentro de los estudios de génesis, crecimiento y dinamismo del sector informal y aumento o disminución de la propensión a trabajar en condiciones de informalidad, ya sea por la forma de contrato (precariedad; por la falta de pago (evasión previsional o comunmente llamado «en gris» o « en negro» por su característica de clandestinidad (ilegalidad o por realizarse en unidades económicas informales. En el contexto económico de la década del '90, en la Argentina, con las nuevas medidas que construyen un nuevo perfil del mercado de trabajo, se analizan los determinantes del mercado de trabajo sin aportes utilizando los datos de la construcción de un mapa de propensión al trabajo en negro, en base a un método de análisis de inobservables de fenómenos de multiples causas y múltiples consecuencias. El mapa construido para todo el país, en una investigación anterior, sirve de base para un análisis más profundo de la zona del Noroeste Argentino, una de las regiones más desfavorecidas del país y donde la propensión al aumento del trabajo en negro es más intensa, contrastándolo con los del total del país.

  7. Learning Disabled College Writers Project, Evaluation Report, 1985-86. (United States)

    Dunham, Trudy

    This report describes the Learning Disabled College Writer's Project, implemented at the University of Minnesota during the 1985-86 school year and designed to aid learning disabled college students master composition skills through training in the use of microcomputer word processors. Following an executive summary, an introduction states the…

  8. Mortality among Danish merchant seamen from 1970 to 1985

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, L P; Kirk, N U; Jensen, O C


    A retrospective cohort study was performed to analyze the mortality patterns of Danish merchant seamen in the period 1970-1985. The population census in 1970 in Denmark was the source of information on individual occupation, age, and marital status. All men aged 20-64 years and economically activ...

  9. Female breast cancer incidence and survival in Utah according to religious preference, 1985–1999 (United States)

    Merrill, Ray M; Folsom, Jeffrey A


    Background Female breast cancer incidence rates in Utah are among the lowest in the U.S. The influence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (LDS or Mormon) religion on these rates, as well as on disease-specific survival, will be explored for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer in Utah from 1985 through 1999. Methods Population-based records for incident female breast cancer patients were linked with membership records from the LDS Church to determine religious affiliation and, for LDS Church members, level of religiosity. Incidence rates were age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population using the direct method. Cox proportional hazards model was used to compare survival among religiously active LDS, less religiously active LDS, and non-LDS with simultaneous adjustment for prognostic factors. Results Age-adjusted breast cancer incidence rates were consistently lower for LDS than non-LDS in Utah from 1985 through 1999. Rates were lower among LDS compared with non-LDS across the age span. In 1995–99, the age-adjusted incidence rates were 107.6 (95% CI: 103.9 – 111.3) for LDS women and 130.5 (123.2 – 137.9) for non-LDS women. If non-LDS women in Utah had the same breast cancer risk profile as LDS women, an estimated 214 (4.8%) fewer malignant breast cancer cases would have occurred during 1995–99. With religiously active LDS serving as the reference group, the adjusted death hazard ratio for religiously less active LDS was 1.09 (0.94 – 1.27) and for non-LDS was 0.86 (0.75 – 0.98). Conclusion In Utah, LDS lifestyle is associated with lower incidence rates of female breast cancer. However, LDS experience poorer survivability from breast cancer than their non-LDS counterparts. Parity and breastfeeding, while protective factors against breast cancer, may contribute to poorer prognosis of female breast cancer in LDS women. PMID:15904509

  10. Mortalidad por cáncer infantil en Colombia durante 1985 a 2008 Child mortality from cancer in Colombia, 1985-2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marion Piñeros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la magnitud de la mortalidad por cáncer infantil en Colombia y evaluar las tendencias en su evolución entre 1985 y 2008. MÉTODOS: Se analizó durante dicho período la mortalidad en la población colombiana de 0 a 14 años provocada por cáncer en todas las localizaciones -leucemias, tumores malignos del sistema nervioso central (SNC, linfomas no Hodgkin, linfomas Hodgkin, tumores óseos y tumores renales. Se calculó el cambio promedio en las variaciones de las tendencias de mortalidad por cáncer en dicho grupo etario. RESULTADOS: Las muertes por cáncer constituyeron el 3,5% de la mortalidad en menores de 15 años. Entre los períodos 1985-1989 y 2005-2008 las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer mostraron un descenso en ambos sexos, pasando de 54,4 muertes por millón a 44,8 muertes por millón en niños y de 40,9 muertes por millón a 37,9 muertes por millón en niñas. La mortalidad por leucemias y linfomas registró un descenso estadísticamente significativo, mientras que la mortalidad por cánceres del SNC, contrariamente, aumentó también de manera significativa. CONCLUSIONES: Pese a leves tendencias a la baja en la mortalidad por leucemias y linfomas no Hodgkin, las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer infantil en Colombia permanecen altas y requieren esfuerzos importantes en los tratamientos para obtener mayores logros.OBJECTIVE: Determine the magnitude of child mortality from cancer in Colombia and evaluate the trends in its evolution from 1985 to 2008. METHODS: Mortality in the Colombian population aged 0-14 years from cancer in any site (e.g., leukemia, malignant tumors of the central nervous system (CNS, nonHodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, bone tumors, kidney tumors during this period was analyzed. The mean change in the variations of cancer mortality trends in this age group was calculated. RESULTS: Deaths from cancer accounted for 3.5% of mortality in children under 15 years of age. During the periods 1985

  11. Rockwell Hanford Operations effluents and solid waste burials during calendar year 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boothe, G.F.; Aldrich, R.C.; Shay, R.S.; Stanfield, L.J.


    Rockwell Hanford Operations (Rockwell) operates facilities at the Hanford Site under contract to the US Department of Energy (DOE). The facilities generate radioactive and nonradioactive solid, liquid, and airborne wastes that must be disposed of, stored, or discharged to the environment. No radioactive liquid or solid wastes are discharged or disposed of offsite. The quantities of solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes buried or discharged during calendar year (CY) 1985 are reported in this document in compliance with DOE Order 5484.1, ''Environmental Protection, Safety, and Health Protection Information Reporting Requirements.'' In CY 1985, all liquid and airborne discharges of radioactive materials were in compliance with DOE requirements. The Plutonium-Uranium Extraction (PUREX) Facility ammonia scrubber discharge stack (296-A-24) exceeded the Rockwell administrative control value for 106 Ru by a factor of 1.17. All other radioactive airborne discharges were below control values. Two liquid streams exceeded Rockwell administrative control values. The PUREX process condensate stream exceeded the /sup 239,240/Pu control value by a factor of 2.7 and the 241 Pu control value by a factor of 1.6. The PUREX ammonia scrubber stream exceeded the /sup 89,90/Sr control value by a factor of 3.2. All other liquid streams were below control values. The 200 Area power plants operated in compliance with the requirements of the Benton-Franklin-Walla Walla County Air Pollution Control Authority. There were no opacity violations; all deviations from opacity guidelines were promptly reported. Six deviations were reported in CY 1985. Oxides of nitrogen (NO/sub x/) emissions from PUREX and the UO 3 Plant were below annual limits for CY 1985

  12. Radiation exposures for DOE and DOE contractor employees Eighteenth annual report, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    All US Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE contractors are required to submit occupational radiation exposure records to a central repository. The data required include a summary of whole-body exposures to ionizing radiation, a summary of internal depositions of radioactive materials above specified limits, and occupational exposure reports for terminating employees. This report is a summary of the data submitted by DOE and DOE contractors for 1985. A total of 95,806 DOE and DOE contractor employees were monitored for whole-body ionizing radiation exposures in 1985. In addition to the employees, 96,665 visitors were monitored. Of all employees monitored, 58.4% received a dose equivalent that was less than measurable, 39.8% a measurable exposure less than 1 rem, and 1.9% an exposure greater than 1 rem. One employee received a dose equivalent greater than 5 rem (8.66 rem). The exposure received by 91.9% of the visitors to DOE facilities was less than measurable. No visitors received a dose equivalent greater than 2 rem. The collective dose equivalent for DOE and DOE contractor employees was 8223 person-rem. The collective dose equivalent for visitors was 461 person-rem. These averages are significantly less than the DOE 5-rem/year radiation protection standard for whole-body exposures. Ten new cases of internal depositions were reported in 1985 that exceeded 50% of the pertinent annual dose-equivalent standard. Of these ten cases, eight occurred in a previous year and are reported now because recent revisions in the dose calculations established these cases as reportable depositions. Twenty-six cases reported during 1985 were considered to be the continued tracking of previous depositions. 5 figs., 32 tabs

  13. Uranium in South Africa: 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    South Africa's participation in the nuclear industry was limited to the production of uranium and research, with minor commercial activities. The commissioning of the Koeberg Nuclear power station in 1984 placed South Africa firmly on the path of commercial nuclear power generation. A unique, locally developed uranium enrichment process will enable South Africa to be self-sufficient in its nuclear-fuel needs. Uranium has always been of secondary importance to gold as a target commodity in the exploration of the quartz-pebble conglomerates. In the Witwatersrand Basin it is estimated that in excess of R100 million was spent on exploration during 1985. This was spent primarily in the search for gold but as many of the gold reefs are uraniferous, new uranium resources are being discovered concurrently with those of gold. Uranium mineralization is present in rocks which encompass almost the whole of the geological history of South Africa. Significant mineralization is restricted to five fairly well-defined time periods. Each period is characterized by a distinct type or combination of types of mineralization. Resource estimates are divided into separate categories that reflect different levels of confidence in the quantities reported. The resource categories are further separated into levels of exploitability based on the estimated cost of their exploitation. A major part (87%) of South Africa's uranium resources is present as a by-product of gold in the quartz-pebble conglomerates of the Witwatersrand Basin. The uranium resources in the reasonably assured resources (RAR) and estimated additional resources - category I (EAR-I) catogories were 483 300 t U. Production during 1985 was 4880 t U. Although a production peaking at over 1200 t U/a is theoretically attainable, it is considered, from market projections, that a production ceilling of 10 000 t U/a would be more realistic

  14. Estimation of the fiscal year 1985 expenditures in nuclear energy relation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In Japan, the electric power by nuclear energy accounts for about 20 % of the total power at present. Then, radiation is utilized extensively in such fields as industries, agriculture and medicine. The expenditures (budgets) estimated for the fiscal year 1985 are about 343.8 billion yen plus contract authorization limitation about 146.7 billion yen. In connection with the expenditures estimation (of which a breakdown is given in tables), the research and development plans for nuclear energy relation for fiscal year 1985 are presented: strengthening in nuclear energy safety, promotion of nuclear power generation, establishment of the nuclear fuel cycle, development of advanced power reactors, research on nuclear fusion, promotion of radiation utilizations, strengthening in the research and development infrastructure, promotion of international cooperation, etc. (Mori, K.)

  15. Santos e contrabandistas: a nacionalização de São Sebastião e a fronteira austral argentino-chilena

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    Rolando J. Silla


    Full Text Available Este texto analisa relatos que giram em torno de como e por que uma imagem de São Sebastião teve de ser importada do Chile para ser instalada em uma capela do norte neuquino (Argentina. Este fato nos permitirá apreciar uma das maneiras como a conformação do Estado-nação argentino e a implantação de suas fronteiras nacionais foi percebida, significada e vivenciada pelos habitantes fronteiriços. Em particular, iluminará as relações existentes em alguns contextos entre religião e nacionalismo, assim como o fenômeno da invisibilidade/visibilidade das relações intercordilheira.This article analises how and why an image of San Sebastian had to be imported from Chile and settled in a church of north Neuquén (Argentina. This fact will allow us to understand how the emergence of the nation-state in Argentina was perceived, signified and lived by the frontier's inhabitants. Particulary, it will throw some light on the relations between religion and nationalism and on the invisivility/visibility of the relations across the Andean mountains.

  16. Australian minerals industry 1985-6

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The performance of the Australian mineral industry in 1985-86 was again adversely affected by low commodity prices and tight market conditions. This is shown in a survey conducted by chartered accountants Coopers and Lybrand and published by the Australian Mining Industry Council (AMIC). In a preface to the report, the president of AMIC (Sir Bruce Watson) said: In just 10 years the minerals industry has emerged as Australia's major exporter, accounting for over 40% of total Australian exports of goods. This preeminent ranking has depended on a significant investment effort, and in the creation of a very large asset base. Financing this investment, and achieving the cash flow necessary to service it, are enormous tasks.

  17. Report on 1985 research result on the R and D of observation system for probing resources. 1/4; 1985 nendo shigen tansayo kansoku system no kenkyu kaihatsu. 1/4

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Since fiscal 1984, the technological association for resource remote-sensing system has been entrusted with the 'R and D of observation system for probing resources' from the Government Research Institute and has been carrying out the researches. In 1985, on the basis of the preliminary design implemented in 1984, a design for the exclusive use was worked out for each system, namely, total system, sensor system and data transmission system, towards the development of EM (engineering model) scheduled to start in fiscal 1986, while a trial test was performed simultaneously for the critical components. In addition, in 1985, since the main contractor of the ERS-1 satellite body was decided to be Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. by the National Space Development Agency, a system was established for the purpose of adjusting the wide-ranging interface between the satellite body and the observation system, with a concrete adjusting operation started. In connection with these assigned researches, the intended objectives were mostly achieved through the cooperation by each member of the nine associations, for which the results were summarized in this paper under the contract for research assignment and submitted as the 'report on 1985 results of assigned research'. (NEDO)

  18. Clinical value of miR-198-5p in lung squamous cell carcinoma assessed using microarray and RT-qPCR. (United States)

    Liang, Yue-Ya; Huang, Jia-Cheng; Tang, Rui-Xue; Chen, Wen-Jie; Chen, Peng; Cen, Wei-Luan; Shi, Ke; Gao, Li; Gao, Xiang; Liu, An-Gui; Peng, Xiao-Tong; Chen, Gang; Huang, Su-Ning; Fang, Ye-Ying; Gu, Yong-Yao


    To examine the clinical value of miR-198-5p in lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) microarray datasets were used to explore the miR-198-5p expression and its diagnostic value in LUSC. Real-time reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to evaluate the expression of miR-198-5p in 23 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) LUSC tissues and corresponding non-cancerous tissues. The correlation between miR-198-5p expression and clinic pathological features was assessed. Meanwhile, putative target messenger RNAs of miR-198-5p were identified based on the analysis of differentially expressed genes in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and 12 miRNA prediction tools. Subsequently, the putative target genes were sent to Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analyses. MiR-198-5p was low expressed in LUSC tissues. The combined standard mean difference (SMD) values of miR-198-5p expression based on GEO datasets were - 0.30 (95% confidence interval (CI) - 0.54, - 0.06) and - 0.39 (95% CI - 0.83, 0.05) using fixed effect model and random effect model, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity were not sufficiently high, as the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.7749 (Q* = 0.7143) based on summarized receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curves constructed using GEO datasets. Based on the in-house RT-qPCR, miR-198-5p expression was 4.3826 ± 1.7660 in LUSC tissues and 4.4522 ± 1.8263 in adjacent normal tissues (P = 0.885). The expression of miR-198-5p was significantly higher in patients with early TNM stages (I-II) than that in cases with advanced TNM stages (III-IV) (5.4400 ± 1.5277 vs 3.5690 ± 1.5228, P = 0.008). Continuous variable-based meta-analysis of GEO and PCR data displayed the SMD values of - 0.26 (95% CI - 0.48, - 0.04) and - 0.34 (95% CI - 0.71, 0.04) based on fixed and random effect models, respectively. As for the diagnostic

  19. Las principales políticas públicas de Formación Docente desde las voces de los actores. El caso de los Polos de Desarrollo (2000-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Porta


    Full Text Available En la historia reciente de la formación docente de nuestro país han sucedido diversos procesos que pretendieron generar y construir proyectos de formación diferenciados y con alto recupero pedagógico. En este artículo expondremos, las principales políticas públicas para el sector de la formación docente no universitario que a nuestro criterio merecen ser destacadas y recuperadas. Consideramos que el Magisterio de Educación Básica (MEB, el Programa de Transformación de la Formación Docente (PTFD, el Proyecto Polos de Desarrollo, el Programa de Renovación Pedagógica y la creación del Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente (INFOD, vertebran el esqueleto de políticas públicas más importante desde la restitución democrática en materia de formación docente y cuyas huellas hoy se reconocen sedimentadas de maneras diversas en las instituciones y en el subsistema formador argentino. Recuperaremos particularmente el proyecto “Polos de Desarrollo (2000-2001” a partir de los testimonios de los propios actores y de referentes del campo de la formación docente.

  20. Environmental radiological studies downstream from the Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Station, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noshkin, V.E.; Wong, K.M.; Eagle, R.J.; Brunk, J.L.; Jokela, T.A.


    Information compiled in 1985 while assessing the environmental impact of radionuclides previously discharged with aqueous releases from the Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Plant is presented. In October 1984, the quantities of gamma-emitting radionuclides in water discharged to Clay Creek from the plant were reduced below operationally defined detection limits for liquid effluents. However, radionuclides previously discharged persist in the downstream environment and are found in many aquatic dietary components. 134 Cs and 137 Cs are the primary gamma-emitting radionuclides detected in the edible flesh of different fish, crayfish, and frogs. Coefficients for exponential equations are generated, from a least square analysis, that relate the change in concentration of 137 Cs in fish to distance downstream and time between March and October 1985. Concentrations of 137 Cs in surface creek sediments also decreased in the downstream direction much in the same manner as concentrations decreased in fish. However, there was no significant difference in the radiocesium concentrations in surface sediements collected from comparable locations during both 1984 and 1985

  1. Summary of activities of the Research Department 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report of teh Research Department concerns the year 1985. It describes the work carried out in the following fields: Physics, Reactor Chemistry, Radiobiology, Prospective and Special Studies, Biomathematics and Radiochemistry. During the year the first experiments employing heavy ion beams of the new electrostatic accelerator Tandar were made. A list of publications of the Department is enclosed here. (M.E.L.) [es

  2. Performance of PWR Nuclear power plants, up to 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muniz, A.A.


    The performance of PWR nuclear power plants is studied, based on operational data up to 1985. The availability analysis was made with 793 unit-year and the reliability analysis was made with 5851 unit x month. The results were discussed and the availability of those nuclear power plants were estimated. (E.G.) [pt

  3. Fuel Chemistry Division: progress report for 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Fuel Chemistry Division was formed in May 1985 to give a larger emphasis on the research and development in chemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle. The areas of research in Fuel Chemistry Division are fuel development and its chemical quality control, understanding of the fuel behaviour and post irradiation examinations, chemistry of reprocessing and waste management processes as also the basic aspects of actinide and relevant fission product elements. This report summarises the work by the staff of the Division during 1985 and also some work from the previous periods which was not reported in the progress reports of the Radiochemistry Division. The work related to the FBTR fuel was one of the highlights during this period. In the area of process chemistry useful work has been carried out for processing of plutonium bearing solutions. In the area of mass spectrometry, the determination of trace constituents by spark source mass spectrometry has been a major area of research. Significant progress has also been made in the use of alpha spectromet ry techniques for the determination of plutonium in dissolver solution and other samples. The technology of plutonium utilisation is quite complex and the Division would continue to look into the chemical aspects of this technology and provide the necessary base for future developments in this area. (author)

  4. Radioactive fallout in air and rain: results for 1985 and 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cambray, R.S.; Playford, K.; Lewis, G.N.J.; Burton, P.J.


    Samples of atmospheric particulate and rainwater have been collected from the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Results are presented of analyses of these samples for various fission products and certain other radionuclides. The average concentrations of long-lived fission products in air and rain in the United Kingdom in 1985 were near to or below the limit of detection and lower than at any time since measurements began in 1953. The Chernobyl accident of 26 April 1986 produced a sharp increase in the concentrations of caesium-137 in air and rain in the northern hemisphere. Levels of Cs-137 in some parts of the United Kingdom were greater than any previously recorded. Plutonium concentrations in air and rainwater were a very small fraction of the NRPB's Generalised Derived Limit for members of the public. There was negligible contribution from the Chernobyl accident. Strontium-90 deposited in the United Kingdom in 1985 was below the limit of detection. The deposits in 1986 were generally about 2% of that from Cs-137. The estimated cumulative worldwide deposit of Cs-137 at the end of 1986 is about 10% greater than at the end of 1985. This increase is attributable to the Chernobyl accident. The gamma and beta-ray dose rates from fallout at Chilton are estimated from the observed deposition. (author)

  5. Prognostic factors in multiple myeloma: definition of risk groups in 410 previously untreated patients: a Grupo Argentino de Tratamiento de la Leucemia Aguda study. (United States)

    Corrado, C; Santarelli, M T; Pavlovsky, S; Pizzolato, M


    Four hundred ten previously untreated multiple myeloma patients entered onto two consecutive Grupo Argentino de Tratamiento de la Leucemia Aguda (GATLA) protocols were analyzed to identify significant prognostic factors influencing survival. The univariate analysis selected the following variables: performance status, renal function, percentage of bone marrow plasma cells at diagnosis, hemoglobin, and age. A multivariate analysis showed that performance status, renal function, percentage of bone marrow plasma cells, hemoglobin, and age were the best predictive variables for survival. A score was assigned to each patient according to these variables, which led to their classification in three groups: good, intermediate, and poor risk, with a probability of survival of 26% and 10% at 96 months, and 5% at 56 months, and median survival of 60, 37, and 14 months, respectively (P = .0000). In our patient population, this model proved to be superior to the Durie-Salmon staging system in defining prognostic risk groups, and separating patients with significantly different risks within each Durie-Salmon stage.

  6. Muerte en Exhibición. Necrológicas en el Boletín del Instituto Geográfico Argentino

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    Andrea Castro


    Full Text Available The article analyses 14 obituaries of men of science that appeared in the journal Boletín Geográfico Argentino between 1889 and 1910. It is argued that together they form a pantheon of memorable bodies that stands out in contrast to other bodies, namely those that, at the same time and by the same men, are being collected for the museums of natural history. The focus of the article lies on how the figure of the scientist is constructed through a series of recurrent themes, such as laboriosity, productivity and devotion to the nation. These, contrasted with other articles in the magazine, help us visualize the practices of power and of knowledge embedded in the genre. The discussion raises questions about the tensions between the private and the public as well as those between the individual and the community. The analysis shows that although the worthiness of a place in the pantheon of memorable men is closely linked to the exercise of violence in the name of a nation and in the name of science, this exercise is silenced at the moment of exhibiting death in the studied obituaries. Palabras claves: siglo XIX; ciencia y literatura; muerte; tema; silencio; nación

  7. The 1985 United Kingdom radioactive waste inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fletcher, A.M.; Wear, F.J.; Haselden, H.; Shepherd, J.; Tymons, B.J.


    This report provides a compilation of stocks of radioactive wastes in the UK by volume, as at 1 January 1985, and estimates of future arisings to the year 2030. It includes radionuclide contents as available, together with specific activities, notional conditioning factors and disposal routes. In the main the stock volumes are given as unconditioned waste. However for clarity and precision some of the data relates to treated wastes (ie compacted wastes, incinerator ash, etc). These are clearly marked in the Tables. (author)

  8. Trends in emissions of acidifying species in Asia, 1985-1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streets, D. G.; Tsai, N. Y.; Akimoto, H.; Oka, K.


    Acid deposition is a serious problem throughout much of Asia. Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NO x ) have been increasing steadily, as nations strive to increase their levels of economic development. Coal and fuel oil have been the main choices for powering industrial development; and, until recently, only a few countries (notably Japan and Taiwan) had taken significant steps to avert the atmospheric emissions that accompany fuel combustion. This paper discusses trends in emissions of SO 2 and NO x that have occurred in Asian countries in the period 1985--1997, using results from the RAINS-ASIA computer model and energy-use trends from the IEA Energy Statistics and Balances database. Emissions of SO 2 in Asia grew from 26.6 Tg in 1985 to 33.7 Tg in 1990 and to 39.2 Tg in 1997. Though SO 2 emissions used to grow as fast as fossil-fuel use, recent limitations on the sulfur content of coal and oil have slowed the growth. The annual-average emissions growth between 1990 and 1997 was only 1.1%, considerably less than the economic growth rate. Emissions of NO x , on the other hand, continue to grow rapidly, from 14.1 Tg in 1985 to 18.7 Tg in 1990 and 28.5 Tg in 1997, with no signs of abating. Thus, though SO 2 remains the major contributor to acidifying emissions in Asia, the role of NO x , will become more and more important in the future

  9. International Laboratory of Marine Radioactivity: Biennial report 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A review of the scientific activities of the ILMR in 1985-1986 is presented. The scientific programs of the Radiobiology Laboratory, Radiochemistry-Geochemistry Laboratory and Marine Environmental Studies Laboratory are briefly described. In addition lists of the visiting consultants/experts, trainees/fellows, publications/meetings, Committee/Expert group membership, courses and research/technical contracts are given

  10. Modelo de predisposición adquirida para el uso de alcohol en adolescentes argentinos

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    Gabriela Rivarola Montejano


    Full Text Available Se analizó, en una muestra de adolescentes argentinos, el modelo de predisposición adquirida. El modelo propone que el rasgo desinhibición influye de manera indirecta, a través de variables cognitivas, sobre el consumo de alcohol. La exposición a modelos de consumo del grupo de pares influye directa e indirectamente (mediante las expectativas hacia el alcohol sobre el uso de alcohol. Participaron 343 adolescentes asistentes a colegios públicos de educación media de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina. Se midió impulsividad, expectativas hacia el alcohol, motivos de consumo de alcohol, normas sociales de consumo y consumo de alcohol de los adolescentes. Para determinar el efecto de las variables señaladas como antecedentes del consumo se aplicó un análisis de senderos. Se propusieron dos modelos teóricos que diferían en la inclusión, o no, de las normas sociales del consumo de alcohol. Los resultados apoyan el modelo de predisposición adquirida e indican que el efecto de impulsividad sobre el consumo de alcohol es indirecto mediado por las expectativas hacia el alcohol. Aunque ambos modelos presentan adecuado ajuste a los datos, el modelo que incorpora el efecto de las normas sociales de consumo presenta un ajuste excelente. Los resultados de este trabajo, el primero de nuestro medio en evaluar el modelo de predisposición adquirida sobre el consumo de alcohol, destacan la utilidad de diagramar esfuerzos preventivos focalizados en el control de los impulsos, en las expectativas positivas hacia el alcohol y en la reducción de la percepción del consumo de los pares.

  11. Annual Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document describes the research and development projects carried out at CIEMAT in the areas that form the basis of our activities; energy and environment, along with the objectives, scope and most significant results; information on human resources, as well as direct and indirect expenditures and cost of personnel is included for each project in order to given an idea of its real dimensions. The results complied here correspond to 2000 achievements. Finally, the predicted dedication of personnel with degrees presented in the general data for each project corresponds to the year 2000. We hope that this information will be of use to persons and institutions interested in CIEMAT activities and that it will stimulate collaboration with other researchers, technology centres and companies interested in the same and related subjects. Annex I and II compile some general data on CIEMAT FOR 2000: A flowchart, 2000 collaboration, financial and human resources (i), and a bibliography of articles published in national and international journals during 2000. (Author)

  12. Dictadura en Brasil (1964 -1985. La militancia política, el encarcelamiento y la tortura

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    Antonio Torres Montenegro


    Full Text Available This paper develops a reflection on the Military and Civil Regime who held state power in Brazil from 1964 to 1985.'s Life story interviews conducted with former political prisoners, torture target, constituted a fundamental part in the researched documentation . Newspapers and magazines of the period from 1964 to 1985 and official documents of the military government were also extensively researched and contributed to the historical analyses in this article. 



    Tadao, MINAMI; Toshihide, KASHIMA; Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Building Research Institute, Ministry of Construction


    We had the opportunity to measure the microtremors of 46 buildings in Mexico City as members of the Technical Cooperation Mission that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) dispatched to work in Mexico from 19 October to 22 November 1985. Fourier analyses of the recorded microtremor data provided useful information about the dynamic properties of buildings damaged or undamaged by the 1985 Michoacan earthquake. The measured natural periods suggested that the rigidity of the undamag...

  14. A guide to experimental elementary particle physics literature, 1985--1989

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekhin, S.I.; Bazeeva, V.V.; Ezhela, V.V.; Filimonov, B.B.; Lugovsky, S.B.; Nikolaev, A.S.; Petrova, N.L.; Slabospitsky, S.R.; Striganov, S.I.; Stroganov, Y.G.; Shelkovenko, A.N.; Yuschenko, O.P.


    We present an indexed guide to experimental high energy physics literature for the years 1985--1989. No actual data are given, but approximately 3500 papers are indexed by Beam/Target/Momentum, Reaction/Momentum (including the final stare), Final State Particle, and Accelerator/Experiment/ Detector

  15. 1985 Effluent and environmental monitoring report for the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The results of the radiological and non-radiological environmental monitoring programs for 1985 at the Bettis Laboratory are presented. The results obtained from the monitoring programs demonstrate that the existing procedures ensure that all environmental releases during 1985 were in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations. Evaluation of the environmental data indicates that operation of the Laboratory continued to have no adverse effect on the quality of the environment. Furthermore, a conservative assessment of radiation exposure to the general public as a result of Laboratory operations demonstrated that the dose received by any member of the public was well below the most restrictive dose limits prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy

  16. Radioactive liquid wastes discharged to ground in the 200 areas during 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aldrich, R.C.


    This document summarizes radioactive liquids discharged to the ground in the 200 areas of the Hanford site and is provided pursuant to Department of Energy (DOE) Order 5484.1A, ''Environmental Protection, Safety, and Health Protection Information Reporting Requirements.'' There are twenty-eight liquid discharge streams in the 200 areas excluding sanitary sewers. Twenty-five streams were normally or potentially contaminated with radioactive material in 1985. Two streams had no potential for radioactive contamination but were included as adjustments in this report to maintain an accurate record of the total volume of the discharges to each disposal site. One stream, the 242-S Evaporator cooling water discharge, was not used during 1985

  17. Carrasco, Morita. 2014. Derecho a la identidad: organización comunitaria y territorio indígena. Estudio de caso: Lhaka Honhat c/Estado Argentino. Buenos Aires: La Ley/Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. 400 p

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    Luis Fernando García Álvarez


    Full Text Available El Estado Argentino presenta una incapacidad para hacer efectivos los derechos que tienen los pueblos originarios al territorio que ancestralmente han habitado y a la organización comunitaria basada en la identidad cultural de cada grupo, aldea o pueblo que configuran la diversidad étnica y lingüística en este espacio geográfico y sociopolítico ubicado al sur de Latinoamericana.

  18. Las Formas Políticas del Cine Argentino: Montajes, Disrupciones y Estéticas de una Tradición Political Forms of Argentinean Cinema: Editing, Disrupting, and the Aesthetics of a Tradition

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    Esteban Dipaola


    Full Text Available El artículo indaga y analiza las formas políticas del cine argentino desde los años sesenta a la actualidad, pero centrándose especialmente en el cine argentino contemporáneo (1995-2010. Se propone hablar de «formas políticas» y no de «cine político» como ejercicio para pensar la política y la estética en sus relaciones inmanentes. Así, establece tres períodos: los años sesenta y setenta como la irrupción de la política en el cine; los años ochenta como el desplazamiento de la política por la denuncia moral y los años noventa y post 2001 como un retorno de lo sensible o como el advenimiento de las «políticas de lo sensible». Así, se indaga en las formas políticas del cine y conjuntamente se interroga el dispositivo de representación estética de la cinematografía.This article examines and analyzes political forms of argentine cinema from the sixties to the present, focusing especially on contemporary argentine cinema (1995-2010. It will try to deal with «political forms» rather than with the notion of a «political film», an exercise to think about politics and aesthetics as an immanent relation. Thus, three periods are considered in this article: the sixties and seventies as the emergence of political cinema; the eighties as the displacement of politics by moral denunciation and the nineties and after 2001 as a return of the sensory experience or as the advent of «sensible policies.» The text will explore political forms in films, and will question this device of aesthetic representation in cinematography.

  19. Reliability of Holistic Scoring for the 1985 MCAT Essays. (United States)

    Mitchell, Karen J.; Anderson, Judith A.

    A pilot essay was included in the 1985 Spring and Fall administrations of the Medical College Admission Test. A sample of 320 of the essays written by Fall examinees who had expressed an interest in allopathic medicine was used to calculate interrater reliability estimates. Sixteen of 20 readers who had been trained by White's suggestions for…

  20. Clustering of multiple sclerosis in Galion, Ohio, 1982-1985

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ingalls, T.H. (Boston Univ. School of Medicine, MA (USA))


    Epidemiologic evidence indicates that the outbreak of 30-40 cases of multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating syndromes in Galion, Ohio, USA, during 1982-1985 was related to an excess concentration of heavy-metal wastes, especially of cadmium and chromium in sewage and river water. Both multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis were diagnosed by board-certified neurologists.

  1. Memoir 1985. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A brief review of the National Institute of Nuclear Research is given and its activities in 1985 summarized, among which were the Institute's fabrication of nuclear fuel rods, advisory and technical support of the national nucleoelectric program, encouragement of the utilization of nuclear techniques in farming, livestock breeding, industry and health, improving processes in radioisotope production, construction of a metrology building for ionizing radiation measurement, training of manpower for the nucleoelectric industry, for applying nuclear techniques, and the assemblying of a pelletron electron accelerator. (m.r.)

  2. Historically Black Colleges and Universities Radioactive Waste Management Research Program: Summary of activities, 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes the 1985 to 1986 activities of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Radioactive Waste Management Research Program sponsored by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management of the US Department of Energy (DOE). The first set of three awards was made in September,1984. In September, 1985, two of these projects were renewed and a new proposal was funded. The program has been enthusiastically received by the community of HBCUs and the program sponsor

  3. Rocky Mountain Arsenal Ecological Chemical Data (1984-1985) (United States)


    0 0.00 0.05 LT DL US6 EPA ERR - ERR P,.ACOL LIV 3001 84242- 84243 CIMP 2 0 0.00 0.05 LT OL U66 ERR ERR - ERR PHACOL LIV O’ i4279- -4271 01? M0. 0...001 1094 M 84242 85058 CPMS02 LT 2.000 -1 UGG DBCP LT 2.000 -2 U6S cIMP LT 5.000 -2 UGS DITH LT 2.000 -1 U6G DLDRN 5.000 -2 UGG ENORN LT 2.000 -2 UGG

  4. Political transition of Albania 1985-1991

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    Brunilda Duriçi


    Full Text Available Political transition of Albania is a phenomenon that started since the death of Enver Hoxha, the dictator of communist regime in Albania. After the death of Enver Hoxha on 11 April 1985, Ramiz Alia was appointed as his successor, who for 40 years had been at Enver Hoxha’s side as his most trusted man. He succeeded Hoxha for nearly 6 years believing that he would maintain the communist system. Ramiz Alia came on duty as the head of the Albanian state when the economic situation was very precarious. Political and economic legacy led by Hoxha was almost miserable. The country had the severest political system throughout the communist bloc. In a political point of view, the country’s new leader was elected precisely to continue the political legacy of former leader Hoxha. Ramiz Alia was forced to take immediate measures to change the degraded situation. He undertook several reforms to improve the situation in the country. Among other things, Alia expressed the equality of Albanian citizens, freedoms and human rights. Events were passing each other, marking a great historical importance. Among other things, Alia approved the political pluralism giving way to significant social changes. Echoes of these events and the positive developments in the country do not remain outside the attention of internationals. The arrival of political pluralism and the establishment of Democratic Party, the first opposition party in the country and other political entities exposed the European dream of Albanians. Massive movements in the form of protests and rallies, aimed at overturning the communist regime in the country Main objective of this paper is the analysis of the Political transition of Albania 1985-1991.

  5. O modelo escolar paulistano na revista Escola municipal (1968-1985 - The São Paulo school model by Municipal School magazine (1968-1985

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    Alexandre Pianelli Godoy, Brasil


    Full Text Available  O artigo pretende documentar um modelo escolar que foi implantado na cidade de São Paulo no processo de institucionalização do seu ensino municipal durante a ditadura militar por meio da revista Escola Municipal (1968-1985, principal veículo de divulgação e circulação desse modelo. Na primeira parte aborda o debate teórico e metodológico de modo a configurar um modelo escolar paulistano na transição entre uma sociedade disciplinar e uma sociedade de controle. A segunda parte procura desvendar os caminhos da produção e circulação da materialidade do impresso em suas diferentes fases, mostrando as características e fragilidades de tal modelo. A última parte procura estabelecer as relações entre o modelo escolar paulistano e o tipo de leitor desejado pela publicação e nas políticas municipais de educação do período.Palavras-chave: impresso escolar, modelo escolar, São Paulo, ditadura militar, sociedades disciplinares e de controle. The São Paulo school model by Municipal School magazine (1968-1985 AbstractThe article aims to document a school model which was implemented in the city of Sao Paulo in the process of institutionalization of their Municipal teaching during the military dictatorship through the magazine Municipal School (1968-1985, the main vehicle for dissemination and circulation of this model. The first part discusses the theoretical and methodological debates in order to set up a "São Paulo school model" in the transition between a disciplinary society and a society of control. The second part seeks to uncover the ways of production and circulation of the materiality of print in its various stages, showing the features and weaknesses of a such model. The last part seeks to establish relations between the São Paulo school model and the publication desirable readers type and the municipal education policies of the period.Key-words: printed school, school model, Sao Paulo, military dictatorship

  6. Thermal regulation 2000: one year later; RT 2000: un an apres

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This meeting, organized by the research center of Gaz de France (Cegibat), aims at drawing up a progress status of the French thermal regulation (RT 2000), one year after its enforcement on June 1, 2000: status, experience feedback and recommendations; Gaz de France assistance and solutions; tools at the disposition of designers (labelling of equipments, simulation softwares..); practical examples of implementation of the RT 2000 in office buildings, residential buildings and sport complexes. (J.S.)

  7. Relación entre la imagen corporal y los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario en una serie de jóvenes españoles y argentinos

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    Marrodán, María D.


    Full Text Available Se analizó la conformidad con la imagen corporal y prevalencia de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA en una muestra de 517 jóvenes españoles y 490 argentinos. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC y se relacionó la imagen real con la estimada mediante un método gráfico de siluetas. Para conocer la conducta alimentaria se utilizó un el test psicométrico de respuesta múltiple. Respecto a la autopercepción no existen diferencias significativas en función del país de origen pero si hay diferencias de género. También se tuvieron en cuenta las preferencias por el sexo contrario, así como la imagen considerada más saludable. La insatisfacción con la propia imagen aparece como probable factor de predisposición al desarrollo de TCA, que presenta una frecuencia mas elevada en la serie femenina española.

  8. The prevalence of statistical reporting errors in psychology (1985-2013)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nuijten, M.B.; Hartgerink, C.H.J.; van Assen, M.A.L.M.; Epskamp, S.; Wicherts, J.M.


    This study documents reporting errors in a sample of over 250,000 p-values reported in eight major psychology journals from 1985 until 2013, using the new R package “statcheck.” statcheck retrieved null-hypothesis significance testing (NHST) results from over half of the articles from this period.

  9. Writings and correspondence: 1961-1985: Hubert Damisch and Jean Dubuffet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berrebi, S.


    This dossier comprises a selection of the correspondence between Hubert Damisch and Jean Dubuffet as well as six essays written by Damisch on Dubuffet between 1962 and 1985. Both the correspondence and texts are here published in English for the first time. "Jean Dubuffet and the Awakening of

  10. Report 1985 of the Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf. Abridged version

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwach, G.W.


    The report gives a short survey of the work carried out by the Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf in 1985. The working programme comprises five main areas: Energy and safety; Materials research, isotope and radiation techniques; Measuring techniques and information processing; Environmental protection, health and food; Industrial consulting. (Author)

  11. Eutanasia, estado constitucional y democracia: la validez de los argumentos religiosos en las decisiones de la Corte Constitucional Colombiana a la luz de la propuesta de Habermas sobre el rol de la religión en la esfera pública


    Aguirre Román, Javier; Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga; Silva Rojas, Alonso; Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga; Pabón Mantilla, Ana Patricia; Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga


    El producto de investigación que se presenta gira alrededor de la pregunta por la postura de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia en relación con los argumentos religiosos a la hora de fundamentar y expresar sus decisiones en algunos casos controvertidos. Para analizar dicho problema se ha propuesto abordar una interpretación sistemática y crítica de un aspecto concreto de la filosofía de JürgenHabermas, a saber, su propuesta acerca del rol de la religión en la esfera pública. La reflexión con...

  12. Eutanasia, estado constitucional y democracia: la validez de los argumentos religiosos en las decisiones de la Corte Constitucional colombiana a la luz de la propuesta de Habermas sobre el rol de la religión en la esfera pública


    Aguirre Román, Javier; Silva Rojas, Alonso; Pabón Mantilla, Ana Patricia


    El producto de investigación que se presenta gira alrededor de la pregunta por la postura de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia en relación con los argumentos religiosos a la hora de fundamentar y expresar sus decisiones en algunos casos controvertidos. Para analizar dicho problema se ha propuesto abordar una interpretación sistemática y crítica de un aspecto concreto de la filosofía de Jürgen Habermas, a saber, su propuesta acerca del rol de la religión en la esfera pública. La reflexión co...

  13. Abridged Life Tables for Registered Indians in Canada, 1976-1980 to 1996-2000

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    Michalowski, Margaret


    Full Text Available EnglishThis paper presents the analyses of the new estimates of abridged life tablescomprising life expectancy at birth, and their estimates of variance andconfidence limits by males and females for Registered Indians in Canada andtwo broad regions (East: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba; and West:Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and Northwest Territories forthe periods, 1976-80, 1981-1985, 1986-1990, 1991-1995 and 1996-2000. Thelife tables were constructed using the Chiang Method based on the adjusted dataon deaths and population by age and sex from the Indian Registry, maintainedby the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Government ofCanada. The data on the register are subjected to late reported and non reportedvital events. At the Canada level, life expectancy at birth for Registered Indianmales was 59.9 years in 1976-1980, rising to 68.3 years in 1996-2000. Forfemales, the life expectancy at birth was relatively higher, 66.6 years in 1976-80,and 74.5 years in 1996-2000. The recent life expectancies at birth forRegistered Indians are comparable to those observed for the total Canadian maleand female populations during the period 1960-1962 at 68.4 and 74.3 years. In1999, life expectancy at birth for the total Canadian population was reported to be 76.3 years formales and 81.7 years for females. The life expectancy at birthfor the Registered Indians in the Eastern region was higher than for those in theWestern region. The pattern of regional variation in life expectancy at birth forthis population seems to be the reverse of the regional variation for the totalCanadian population.FrenchCe document présente les analyses des nouvelles estimations des tables desurvie abrégées comprenant l’espérance de vie à la naissance, l’estimation deleur variance et la limite de confiance selon le sexe pour les Indiens inscrits auCanada et dans 2 grandes régions (Est : Atlantique, Québec, Ontario etManitoba; et

  14. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission annual report, 1985. Volume 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The decisions and actions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during fiscal year 1985 are reported. Areas covered include reactor regulation, cleanup at Three Mile Island, analysis and evaluation of operational experience, nuclear materials, waste management, safeguards, inspection, enforcement, quality assurance, emergency preparedness, and nuclear regulatory research. Also, cooperation with the states, international programs, proceedings and litigation, and management are discussed

  15. The 1985 central chile earthquake: a repeat of previous great earthquakes in the region? (United States)

    Comte, D; Eisenberg, A; Lorca, E; Pardo, M; Ponce, L; Saragoni, R; Singh, S K; Suárez, G


    A great earthquake (surface-wave magnitude, 7.8) occurred along the coast of central Chile on 3 March 1985, causing heavy damage to coastal towns. Intense foreshock activity near the epicenter of the main shock occurred for 11 days before the earthquake. The aftershocks of the 1985 earthquake define a rupture area of 170 by 110 square kilometers. The earthquake was forecast on the basis of the nearly constant repeat time (83 +/- 9 years) of great earthquakes in this region. An analysis of previous earthquakes suggests that the rupture lengths of great shocks in the region vary by a factor of about 3. The nearly constant repeat time and variable rupture lengths cannot be reconciled with time- or slip-predictable models of earthquake recurrence. The great earthquakes in the region seem to involve a variable rupture mode and yet, for unknown reasons, remain periodic. Historical data suggest that the region south of the 1985 rupture zone should now be considered a gap of high seismic potential that may rupture in a great earthquake in the next few tens of years.

  16. Temperature profiles from bathythermograph casts from PACBARONESS and other PLATFORMS in the Atlantic Ocean and other locations from 28 February 1985 to 31 March 1985 (NODC Accession 8500240) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathythermograph data was collected from PACBARONESS and other PLATFORMS in the Atlantic Ocean and other locations. Data was collected from 28 February 1985 to 31...

  17. Biomass thermochemical conversion program. 1985 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schiefelbein, G.F.; Stevens, D.J.; Gerber, M.A.


    Wood and crop residues constitute a vast majority of the biomass feedstocks available for conversion, and thermochemical processes are well suited for conversion of these materials. The US Department of Energy (DOE) is sponsoring research on this conversion technology for renewable energy through its Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program. The Program is part of DOE's Biofuels and Municipal Waste Technology Division, Office of Renewable Technologies. This report briefly describes the Thermochemical Conversion Program structure and summarizes the activities and major accomplishments during fiscal year 1985. 32 figs., 4 tabs.

  18. American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings 1985: A Selected List. (United States)

    Library of Congress, Washington, DC. American Folklife Center.

    Thirty outstanding records and tapes of traditional music and folklore which were released in 1985 are described in this illustrated booklet. All of these recordings are annotated with liner notes or accompanying booklets relating the recordings to the performers, their communities, genres, styles, or other pertinent information. The items are…

  19. JAERI TANDEM, LINAC and V.D.G. annual report, 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report describes research activities which have been performed with the JAERI tandem accelerator, the electron linear accelerator and the Van de Graaff accelerator from April 1, 1985 to March 31, 1986. Summary reports of 52 papers, and list of publications, personnel and cooperative researches with universities are contained. (author)

  20. Therapeutic apheresis in the Republic of Macedonia - our five years experience (2000-2004). (United States)

    Milovanceva-Popovska, M; Stojkovski, Lj; Grcevska, L; Dzikova, S; Ristovska, V; Gogovska, L; Polenakovic, M


    Membrane plasma exchange (PE) is a mode of extracorporeal blood purification. Since 1985 membrane PE has been in regular use at the Department of Nephrology, Medical Faculty of Skopje, R.Macedonia. In this paper we report on five years (2000-2004) of single centre plasma exchange activity. We performed 540 PE treatments (108 PE/per year) on 99 patients. The M/F ratio was 40/48. The patients underwent a median of 5.45 procedures (range, 1-16). The treated patients were from different Departments. Protocols for PE depend on the disease and its severity. PE were performed 2-4 times weekly using Gambro PF 2000 N filters with an adaptation of the Gambro AK10 dialysis machine or with the Gambro Prizma machine (2 cases). Blood access was achieved through femoral vein. Substitution was made with fresh frozen plasma and/or with 20% human albumin combined with Ringer's solution. An average amount of 2150 ml plasmafiltrate per treatment (respectively 30 to 40 ml plasmafiltrate/kg body weight) was eliminated. Most therapeutic procedures were performed on patients from the Department of Neurology. 63.6% of all patients were referred for Myasthenia gravis and the Guillian Barre syndrome. The total number of procedures per year has remained fairly stable, corresponding to a median of 5.4 treatments/100 000 inhabitants. We observed hypocalcaemia in 8% of the patients, urticarial reactions in 7.3%, pruritic reactions in 12%, and hypotension/headache in 6.8%. No major procedural complications were seen.

  1. Potentiometric-level monitoring program, Mississippi and Louisiana: Annual status report for fiscal year 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Potentiometric-level data presented in this report were collected at 82 wells in Mississippi and Louisiana from October 1984 through September 1985. These wells are located near Richton and Cypress Creek Domes in Mississippi and Vacherie dome in Louisiana. Three wells were reinstated to the program during this period. Two previously destroyed wells were deleted from the program. Protective barriers were installed around 26 shallow borings in Mississippi. Cursory analysis of the data in Mississippi indicated minimal, if any, change in potentiometric level during the past year in the Citronelle, Hattiesburg, Cockfield, Sparta, and Wilcox Formations. A slight decline, on the order of 0.3 meter (1 foot), occurred during the past year in well MCCG-1, which is screened in the caprock of Cypress Creek Dome. The potentiometric level in well MRIG-9, in the caprock of Richton Dome, stabilized during fiscal year 1985 following 5 years of increase. The Catahoula Formation experienced a continuing decline of about 0.3 meter/year (1 foot/year). Well MH-5C, screened in the Cook Mountain Formation, showed a continuing, long-term, upward trend on the order of 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) during the past year. The potentiometric level of well MH-8C, screened in the Cook Mountain Formation, stabilized during fiscal year 1985, following 5 years of large annual increases. Wells screened in the Austin Formation in Louisiana showed a downward trend of 0.3 to 1 meter (1 to 3.3 feet) during fiscal year 1985. Other formations in Louisiana generally showed no change in potentiometric level

  2. Almacenamiento y distribución de producciones audiovisuales argentinas en Internet: los casos de Contenidos Digitales Abiertos y Cinema Argentino

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    Nayla Berenice Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available En los últimos diez años hemos presenciado importantes cambios tecnológicos marcados por el desarrollo de Internet y otras tecnologías. En ese contexto además, hay que ubicar a la República Argentina y las políticas públicas que se desarrollaron teniendo en cuenta estas tecnologías –que por lo demás no se están plateando desde un punto de vista instrumental sino como espacios en relación con flujos, usos sociales, entes que las regulan- y sus potencialidades transformadoras para la construcción (y en algunos casos preservación de una memoria social nacional apreciable a través del arte. En concreto, este trabajo pone el foco sobre el vínculo existente entre la producción audiovisual argentina, los repositorios digitales que la democratizan por Internet y las políticas públicas que los crearon y reglamentaron, teniendo en cuenta a modo comparativo experiencias autogestivas que persiguen el mismo fin. En el artículo se describen tres casos: Contenidos Digitales Abiertos (CDA, Cinema Argentino y una breve introducción al recientemente creado Odeón, popularmente conocido como el “Netflix argentino”.

  3. History and evaluation of the AUTRC Program 1985--1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ransom, J.M.; Seale, S.K.


    The Alabama Universities/Tennessee Valley Authority Research Consortium (AUTRC), established in 1985, includes two state agencies and one federal agency working cooperatively with seven Alabama public research institutions to promote research and support economic development in Alabama. In 1985 the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) was awarded a grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to establish a consortium of research universities and promote the economic development of the Appalachian counties of north Alabama. The following year, the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) requested funding from the state legislature (Special Educational Trust Fund) to provide continuing support for AUTRC. One of the principal goals of this Consortium was to facilitate job creation in the state through the commercialization of TVA research. Since that time, continuing appropriations from ACHE and support from TVA, the universities, and the private sector have continued to support research activities and commercialization efforts. This report provides a ten-year overview of the program`s evolution, describes its research and commercialization activities, identifies the roles and contributions of the parties to the Consortium, and presents conclusions and recommendations for the future.

  4. The Military Dictatorship (1964-1985 in Brazilian educational narratives

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    Helenice Rocha


    Full Text Available The text presents the partial conclusions of the research in which a comparative analysis was made of narratives that address the issue of Brazilian Military Dictatorship (1964-1985 within the set of History textbooks of Elementary School approved by the Brazilian National Textbook Program (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático - PNLD/2011. Possible trends of sense production based on reading are looked for in the set of narratives, considering that, in the organization of their components, such texts carry a potential of meanings which are updated at each reading. Since the narratives cover recent historical events, it is concluded that social memory and history play a peculiar role as mechanisms external to narrative that reflect their internal mechanisms and possibilities of history meaning. In this analysis, elements of language studies and theory of history, with regard to its teaching, are broadly present. How to reference this article Rocha, H. (2015. A Ditadura Militar (1964-1985 nas narrativas didáticas brasileiras. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 2(1, pp. 97-120. doi:

  5. Review of JT-60 experiment (April-June, 1985)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Initial ohmic heating experiments in JT-60 were performed for a three month period of April-June 1985. A maximum plasma current of 1.6 MA was obtained for both divertor and limiter discharges. Low-q discharges of q eff = 2.5 and high density discharges of 4.8 x 10 19 m -3 were obtained in the divertor configuration. Typical divertor actions, i.e. particle exhaust, heat exhaust, impurity reduction and remote radiative cooling were demonstrated. (author)

  6. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 in milk (consuming districts) (from Aug. 1984 to May 1985)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Sr-90 and Cs-137 in milk from consuming districts were determined using radiochemical analysis. Commercial milk was purchased from 26 sampling locations. Milk in a stainless steel pan or a porcelain dish was evaporated to dryness followed by carbonization and ashing. The maximum value of Sr-90 was 2.9 +- 0.28 pCi/l in milk purchased from Hokkaido in February 1985; that of Cs-137 was 3.7 +- 0.27 pCi/l in milk purchased from Fukui in February 1985. (Namekawa, K.)

  7. The Agency's technical co-operation activities in 1985. Report by the Director General

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Although total resources and disbursements were higher in 1985 than in previous years, the growth rates for both declined somewhat. New resources for the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund (TACF) increased by 13%, the TACF accounting for over 66% of all technical co-operation resources in 1985. Pledges made towards the 1985 target for voluntary contributions to the TACF came close to 90% of the target. Although a significant loss on exchange had to be absorbed by the Fund, 96.9% of the target was covered thanks to additional income. Although extrabudgetary resources declined in 1985, they still accounted for one fifth of all technical assistance resources. There was a significant increase in in-kind contributions; this was attributable to the support for non-destructive testing training in Latin America given by Canada, which was the second largest donor of in-kind assistance after the United States. UNDP resources rose very slightly. With UNDP's new five-year programming cycle beginning in 1987, there may be further increases if new projects are identified and timely action taken. New information on implementation expressed as net expenditure and net expenditure rates has been introduced in the form of Expenditure Summaries I, II and III, which provide a more precise picture of performance by fund, geographic area, programme component, field of activity and technical Division. Net expenditure against all funds stood at 57.9%. Net expenditure against the TACF was 66.3%. As UNDP resources and funds in trust account for relatively small shares of the programme, their utilization does not influence the overall net expenditure rate significantly. However, the slow utilization of extrabudgetary resources did have an adverse effect on programme performance as a whole. Net expenditures from the TACF continued to increase at a higher rate than resources, so that the unobligated balance declined for the second consecutive year. In the past, the growing unobligated

  8. FTS2000 network architecture (United States)

    Klenart, John


    The network architecture of FTS2000 is graphically depicted. A map of network A topology is provided, with interservice nodes. Next, the four basic element of the architecture is laid out. Then, the FTS2000 time line is reproduced. A list of equipment supporting FTS2000 dedicated transmissions is given. Finally, access alternatives are shown.

  9. The low-level waste handbook: A user's guide to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, H.


    This report provides a detailed, section-by-section analysis of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985. Appendices include lists of relevant law and legislation, relevant Congressional committees, members of Congress mentioned in the report, and exact copies of the 1980 and 1985 Acts

  10. Variabilidad y evolución del rendimiento en cultivares argentinos de maíz duro


    Loffler, C. M.; Salaberry, M. T.; Stinziani, J.; Favoretti, C. H.


    p.125-132 Se ilustra sobre el uso de una metodología para el análisis e interpretación de datos de redes territoriales de ensayos de cultivares. Se evaluaron datos de veinticinco cultivares de maíz (Zea mays l.) duro, en seis ambientes de la subregión ecológica IX y de todos los cultivares de ensayos conducidos en dos localidades de cada una de las subregiones IX y VI entre 1972 y 1985. Se determinó variabilidad genética y relaciones entre caracteres para la subregión IX y progreso genétic...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Pedrazzini


    Full Text Available El suplemento argentino Sátira/12 del diario Página/12, publicado de forma ininterrumpida desde 1987, es el periódico satírico-humorístico más antiguo del período postdictadura en la Argentina, que comienza en 1983. Pese a ello, no conocemos estudios previos que analicen su producción. Desde una perspectiva semiótica y retórico-estilística y de un análisis de contenido, estudiamos los recursos que son puestos en juego no sólo para criticar, ridiculizar y descalificar a la figura presidencial, sino también para subvertir las formas y contenidos propios del género periodístico, y más particularmente, del diario del cual este suplemento depende. Componentes metatextuales, autorreferenciales y polifónicos se unen a los más característicos del género satírico, dando lugar a una trama compleja e interesante. Estudiamos todos los títulos que hacen referencia al presidente Carlos Menem durante dos períodos históricos (inicio de su primer y segundo mandato. De todas las figuras retóricas, las de pensamiento, macroestructurales, emergen como elementos clave del discurso. Las mismas trascienden el discurso de la noticia al incorporar elementos extratextuales, y proponen un tratamiento irónico, absurdo y ficticio de los hechos de actualidad. Lo verosímil del género periodístico parodiado contrasta con lo inverosímil del contenido, a partir del bulo o la falsa noticia, que representa el 42% de los títulos considerados. Este análisis es además enriquecido con una entrevista en profundidad al fundador y director del suplemento.

  12. European Stirling forum 2000. Proceedings; Europaeisches Stirling Forum 2000. Tagungsband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document comprises all 42 papers presented at the 'European Stirling Forum 2000', held in Osnabrueck on February 22-24, 2000. Among others, the following subjects were discussed: Thermodynamics, new developments, Stirling engines, free piston heat pumps, flow optimisation of regenerators for Stirling engines, simulation for modelling of flow and heat transfer in the gas cycle of Stirling engines, design and performance, Stirling refrigerators, economic efficiency of biomass Stirling engines, power control of a Stirling CHP system, a Stirling refrigerator for ultralow temperatures in the refrigeration industry. [German] Das vorliegende Dokument enthaelt alle (42) Beitraege der Referenten des 'Europaeischen Stirling Forums 2000', das vom 22. bis 24. Februar 2000 in Osnabrueck stattgefunden hat. Einige der behandelten Themenschwerpunkte im Zusammenhang mit der Stirling-Maschine waren die Thermodynamik, neue Entwicklungen des Kreisprozesses, Heissgasmotoren, Freikolben-Waermepumpe, stroemungstechnische Optimierung von Regeneratoren fuer Stirling-Maschinen, Simulation zur Modellierung der Stroemung und Waermeuebertragung im Gaskreislauf von Stirling-Maschinen, Entwurf und Betriebsverhalten, Stirling-Kaeltemaschine, Wirtschaftlichkeit von Biomasse-Stirlingmotoren, Leistungsregelung eines Stirling-Blockheizkraftwerks, Anwendung eines Stirling-Kuehlers, zum Ultratiefkuehlen in der Kuehlindustrie. (AKF)

  13. Trends in wood dust inhalation exposure in the UK, 1985-2005.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Galea, K.S.; van Tongeren, M.; Sleeuwenhoek, A.J.; While, D.; Graham, M.; Bolton, A.; Kromhout, H.; Cherrie, J.W.


    OBJECTIVES: Wood dust data held in the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) National Exposure DataBase (NEDB) were reviewed to investigate the long-term changes in inhalation exposure from 1985 to 2005. In addition, follow-up sampling measurements were obtained from selected companies where exposure

  14. Lifestyles & Values of College Students: Classes of 1980 through 1985. (United States)

    Blai, Boris, Jr.

    The values and desired lifestyles of college freshmen from the classes of 1980 through 1985 are examined, based on University of Michigan survey results. The following goals were rated by the freshmen: a good marriage and family life, strong friendships, finding purpose and meaning in life, finding steady work, achieving work success, making a…

  15. Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 1985-2002. OJJDP Fact Sheet #04 (United States)

    Livsey, Sarah


    This fact sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases resulting in probation, 2002. Probation was the disposition in 38 percent of all delinquency cases processed by the juvenile courts in 2002. The number of cases placed on probation increased 44 percent between 1985 and 2002. Property offense cases made up the greatest proportion of the…

  16. The Fidia-Georgetown Institute for the Neurosciences (FGIN) 1985-1994. (United States)

    Mocchetti, Italo; Guidotti, Alessandro


    This article describes briefly the history and activities of the Fidia-Georgetown Institute for the Neurosciences (FGIN), from its establishment in 1985 to its closure in 1994. It also provides a list of those colleagues and students who worked at FGIN and contributed to various research projects. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Child support and alimony: 1985 (supplemental report). (United States)

    Hanlon, R A


    This report on child support and alimony is based on data from the 1987 and 1986 US Current Population Surveys. As of spring 1986, 8.8 million mothers were living with children under 21 years of age whose fathers were not living in the household; 61%, or about 5.4 million, of these women were awarded or had an agreement to receive child support payments for their children as of the survey date. Of the 5.4 million women awarded child support, 4.4 million were supposed to receive child support for their children in 1985. Of those due payment, about half received the full amount they were due. Of the remaining women, there was no evidence of a difference between the proportion receiving partial payment and those receiving no payment at all--about 26% each. Of the 5.4 million women with awards for their children, 45% had health insurance included as part of the award. Of the 3.4 million women without child support awards, about half (48%) wanted but could not obtain awards for their children. The child support award rate reported in 1986 showed a slight increase from that of 1984 (up 2.2% to 58%). The proportion of women awarded child support payments in 1986 was higher for Whites (71%) than for Blacks (36%) or Hispanics (42%). Women with 4 or more years of college were more likely to have been awarded support payments (77%) than women with 4 years of high school (63%). The average (mean) amount of child support received in 1985 was $2200.

  18. Marcas de identidad en y a través de la fotografía. Aproximaciones a la memoria y el imaginario del nordeste argentino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleopatra Barrios


    Full Text Available El trabajo pone en discusión dos estudios de caso que abordan la fotografía como objeto y como herramienta de análisis en las provincias argentinas de Chaco y Corrientes. El primero examina las representaciones del cuerpo en fotos de indígenas e inmigrantes chaqueños de mediados del siglo XX y las respuestas actuales de un grupo indígena del Chaco antes tales imágenes. El segundo aborda las prácticas de religiosidad en fotos de localidades correntinas obtenidas entre los siglos XX y XXI y se complementa con un trabajo etnográfico en las festividades actuales. El análisis de las imágenes de diferentes fotógrafos por un lado y la utilización de dicho corpus como disparador de recuerdos (relevado mediante el registro oral por otro, revela aspectos comunes a ambos estudios: los alcances y límites de la fotografía para convocar el pasado y afectar el presente reafirmando pertenencias comunitarias, étnicas y religiosas del nordeste argentino.

  19. Department of Energy Technology annual progress report 1 January - 31 December 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Micheelsen, B.; List, F.


    The general development of the Department of Energy Technology at Risoe during 1985 is presented, and the activities within the major subject fields are described in some detail. Lists of staff and publications are included. (author)

  20. Temperature profiles from bathythermograph casts from VALKIRIYA and other PLATFORMS in the North Atlantic Ocean and other locations from 28 February 1985 to 31 March 1985 (NODC Accession 8500294) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathythermograph data was collected from VALKIRIYA and other PLATFORMS in the North Atlantic Ocean and other locations. Data was collected from 10 March 1985 to 02...