
Sample records for relacionados ao trauma

  1. Instrumentos relacionados ao diabetes mellitus adaptados e validados para a cultura brasileira

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    Raquel Curcio


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa, cujo objetivo foi buscar evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre os instrumentos e escalas relacionados ao diabetes mellitus adaptados e validados para a cultura brasileira. Após busca nas bases eletrônicas BDENF, SciELO, LILACS, foram incluídos sete instrumentos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão: Diabetes Mellitus Knowledge (DKN-A; Diabetes Mellitus Attitude (ATT-19; Diabetes Quality of Life Measure (DQOL-Brasil; Diabetes Quality of Life for Youths (DQOLY-Brasil; Diabetes 39 (D-39; Insulin Management Diabetes Self-efficacy (IMDSES; Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID e Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Questionnaire (QAD. Os resultados permitiram traçar uma comparação entre os instrumentos disponíveis, além de conhecer as limitações quanto ao processo de validação e aplicação clínica. Espera-se que esse estudo possa contribuir para uma maior divulgação dos instrumentos relacionados ao diabetes mellitus disponíveis para a cultura brasileira, e oferecer subsídios para a sua utilização em pesquisa ou assistência de enfermagem.

  2. Ressalto no canto posteromedial do joelho relacionado ao músculo sartório

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    Marcello Henrique Nogueira-Barbosa


    Full Text Available As causas da síndrome de ressalto no joelho relatadas com maior frequência são relacionadas a anormalidades meniscais, ao tendão do músculo bíceps femoral e aos tendões grácil e semitendíneo. Neste trabalho é descrito um caso de ressalto no canto posteromedial relacionado à junção miotendínea do músculo sartório em um paciente do sexo masculino, de 58 anos de idade, com hiperextensão do joelho.

  3. Suporte relacionado ao cuidado em saúde ao doente com aids: o modelo de comboio e a enfermagem

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    Edilene Aparecida Araújo da Silveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a relação e a troca de suporte entre o doente com AIDS e pessoas à sua volta. O estudo está baseado no modelo de comboio das relações sociais que tem como uma de suas características a representação da rede em três círculos concêntricos. Os participantes eram pessoas que estavam internadas e que falaram sobre o suporte relacionado ao cuidado em saúde proporcionado por pessoas próximas, ou seja, que pertenciam ao círculo interno do comboio. A maioria dos participantes descreveu o círculo como sendo composto por no máximo cinco integrantes, sendo que pessoas da família foram as mais citadas. Os profissionais de saúde precisam conhecer o paciente e seu comboio, reconhecendo-os no contexto psicossocial e cultural de forma a favorecer a aceitação da soropositividade, mudanças no estilo de vida, ajuda nos cuidados de saúde e adesão ao tratamento.

  4. Perfil das vítimas de acidentes de transporte terrestre relacionados ao trabalho em unidades de saúde sentinelas de Pernambuco, 2012 - 2014

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    Caroline Cordeiro Souto

    Full Text Available Resumo OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil das vítimas de acidentes de transporte terrestre (ATT relacionados ao trabalho, notificados nas Unidades Sentinelas de Informação sobre Acidentes de Transporte Terrestre no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, no período 2012-2014. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo das vítimas (fatais e não fatais de acidente de transporte terrestre relacionados ao trabalho, notificados em 21 Unidades Sentinelas de Informação sobre ATT de Pernambuco. RESULTADOS: dos 10.691 casos notificados, 87,8% ocorreram entre homens; do total dos registros, 69,0% concentraram-se na faixa etária de 20 a 39 anos; os setores com mais trabalhadores acidentados foram Transporte (24,4% e Comércio (21,3%; a maioria das vítimas eram condutores (82,0% e a motocicleta o meio de locomoção mais utilizado no momento do acidente (77,0%. CONCLUSÃO: entre as vítimas, predominaram motociclistas jovens e do sexo masculino; os achados poderão subsidiar ações intersetoriais de prevenção dos ATT relacionados ao trabalho, adequadas ao perfil das vítimas.

  5. Sintomatologia osteomuscular e qualidade de vida de portadores de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho

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    Giselle Santana Dosea

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar, a partir de um perfil ocupacional, os aspectos da sintomatologia osteomuscular e da qualidade de vida (QV de trabalhadores notificados como portadores de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT no estado de Sergipe. Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada entre os meses de julho/2013 e julho/2014 e utilizou-se os questionários Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares e o SF-36, em 56 voluntários. Resultados: Observou-se maior severidade dos sintomas na região dos ombros e cervical, e baixas médias de QV em todos os domínios, com relação significativa entre sexo e sintomatologia nos membros superiores, e entre componentes mentais e físicos da QV e a sintomatologia em ombros e punhos. Considerações finais: Esta pesquisa possuiu limites metodológicos relacionados ao reduzido número de indivíduos da amostra, no entanto, ainda assim, foi possível atingir seus objetivos, através da análise do perfil ocupacional, da sintomatologia osteomuscular e da QV dos trabalhadores notificados como portadores de DORT no estado de Sergipe. A QV do portador de DORT é reduzida, embora sua relação com a sintomatologia da doença precise ser investigada mais profundamente.

  6. Medo, ansiedade e controle relacionados ao tratamento odontológico Fear, anxiety and control related to dental treatment

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    Kira Anayansi SINGH


    Full Text Available Nosso objetivo foi avaliar medo, ansiedade e controle relacionados ao tratamento odontológico. Os sujeitos foram 364 crianças da faixa etária de 7 a 13 anos. Três questionários com questões de múltipla escolha foram aplicados em grupos de 10 crianças. O primeiro questionário destinou-se à avaliação do medo ao tratamento odontológico e outras situações. Foi traduzido e adaptado do "Child’s Fear Survey Schedule"9 e contém 15 itens. O segundo questionário contém 20 itens relacionados as situações potencialmente produtoras de ansiedade. Foi traduzido e adaptado do "State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children"16. O terceiro questionário contém 40 itens sendo 20 relacionados ao controle percebido e 20 ao controle desejado e foi traduzido e adaptado do "Child Dental Control Assessment"19. Em relação ao medo e ansiedade, a média dos escores foi mais elevada para o sexo feminino do que para o sexo masculino (P The aim of this study was to test fear, anxiety and control related to dental treatment. The subjects were 364 children with ages between 7 and 13 years. Three questionnaires with multiple choice questions were applied in groups of 10 children. The first instrument was the 15-item dental subscale from the Children’s Fear Survey Schedule9. The subjects rated their level of fear on a 5-point scale. The second survey instrument was the 20-item subscale from the State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children16. This measure was used to capture how anxious the child was, in general. The third instrument was the Child Dental Control Assessment19. It contained 20 items to assess perceived control and 20 items to assess desired control. The results of the survey indicated that dental fear and anxiety were slightly higher for females when compared with male subjects (P < 0.05. Older children (11 to 13 years old obtained higher fear scores than younger ones (7 to 9 years old. Concerning perceived control, the results indicate that

  7. Atributos físicos do solo relacionados ao armazenamento de água em um Argissolo Vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de preparo

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    Silva Mellissa Ananias Soler da


    Full Text Available Os sistemas de preparo afetam a estrutura do solo e podem influenciar o armazenamento de água disponível para as plantas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de longo prazo (17 anos dos sistemas de preparo convencional (PC, preparo reduzido (PR e semeadura direta (SD sobre os atributos físicos relacionados ao armazenamento e disponibilidade de água de um Argissolo Vermelho com textura média, em Eldorado do Sul, RS. Amostras de solo (0-2,5, 2,5-7,5, 7,5-12,5, 12,5-17,5cm foram coletadas numa seqüência ervilhaca/milho. Adicionalmente, amostrou-se uma área sob campo nativo (CN, adjacente à área experimental, como referência à condição natural do solo. O solo em SD apresentou maiores teores de carbono orgânico (CO na camada superficial e maiores valores de resistência ao penetrômetro em profundidade, em relação ao solo em preparo convencional. Os sistemas de preparo não se diferenciaram quanto ao seu efeito na macro e microporosidade do solo, contudo o revolvimento no PC aumentou a condutividade hidráulica saturada em profundidade. Não se verificou nenhuma restrição física ao desenvolvimento radicular sob os diferentes sistemas de preparo, o que foi comprovado pelos valores de densidade (1,35 a 1,65 Mg m-3, macroporosidade (0,09 a 0,20 m³ m-3 e resistência ao penetrômetro (0,25 a 0,75 MPa. Do ponto de vista hídrico, as curvas de retenção e o volume de água disponível (AD = 10 kPa (capacidade de campo - 1.500 kPa (ponto de murcha permanente, não foram influenciados pelos sistemas de preparo, sendo o baixo volume de água disponível (0,05 a 0,09 m³ m-3 relacionado à textura desse solo. Nesse caso, o aumento da taxa de infiltração e a diminuição da evaporação da água decorrente da manutenção dos resíduos vegetais sobre o solo nos sistemas de preparo reduzido e semeadura direta, podem contribuir para uma maior disponibilidade hídrica na fase inicial do estabelecimento das culturas nesses sistemas

  8. Impacto na qualidade de vida de um programa educacional para prevenção de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (LERDORT)


    Antonio Cardoso dos Santos


    Introdução: Os Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (LERDORT) são um grande problema em saúde pública e frequentemente são causas de incapacidade temporária ou permanente. LERDORT constitui uma síndrome que se manifesta por patologias diversas: sinovites, tenossinovites, neurites, síndrome miofascial, epicondilites, tendinites, bursites, que acometem principalmente os membros superiores, coluna, mas também os membros inferiores. São de etiologia multifatorial: ergonômicas, orga...

  9. Sentimentos do adolescente relacionados ao fenômeno BULLYING: possibilidades para a Assistência de Enfermagem nesse contexto

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    Agnes Schutz de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O bullying é um fenômeno devastador podendo vir a afetar a auto-estima e a saúde mental dos adolescentes. Geralmente ocorre quando o adolescente é mais suscetível ou vulnerável às agressões verbais ou morais que lhes causam angústia e dor, principalmente quando ocorrido em ambiente escolar traduzindo-se como uma forma de exclusão social. Pode desencadear alguns problemas de saúde tais como a anorexia, bulimia, depressão, ansiedade e até mesmo o suicídio. A enfermagem, pautada com princípios de prevenir agravos de diversos males, preocupa-se também com esta intercorrência traumática na adolescência. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar sentimentos que possam estar relacionados com o bullying em adolescentes alunos de 5ª a 8ª séries. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em uma escola de segmento religioso conveniada com o estado. A coleta de dados ocorreu auxiliada por entrevistas gravadas, posteriormente transcritas e submetidas à análise temática. Os resultados mostraram que os sentimentos relacionados ao fenômeno são múltiplos e variados, sendo categorizados como aspectos de caráter positivo, aspectos de caráter negativo e aspectos de caráter necessário.

  10. Distúrbios relacionados ao álcool em um setor de urgências psiquiátricas. Ribeirão Preto, Brasil (1988-1990

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    Oliveira Eliene Reis de


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta o resultado de uma investigação conduzida no setor de urgências psiquiátricas do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (1988-1990, objetivando caracterizar distúrbios pasiquiátricos relacionados ao consumo de álcool. A amostra incluiu um total de 1.082 pacientes diagnosticados durante o período da investigação. Ao todo, 576 casos foram diagnosticados com "síndrome de dependência alcoólica", 379 com "psicose alcoólica" e 127 pacientes com "álcool sem dependência". A maioria dos atendimentos recaiu sobre pacientes do sexo masculino e o grupo de idade mais afetado foi, para ambos os sexos, o de 25-44 anos. O estudo chama atenção para a importância do abuso de álcool como um problema em saúde pública.

  11. Trauma complexo e suas implicações diagnósticas Complex trauma and diagnostic implications

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    Thiago Wendt Viola


    Full Text Available A exposição prolongada a múltiplos eventos traumáticos de natureza interpessoal, sobretudo durante o desenvolvimento, tem demonstrado consequências e sintomas psiquiátricos não considerados pelo atual diagnóstico de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT. Essas situações negativas e crônicas durante a infância e adolescência evidenciam a existência de uma síndrome psicopatológica associada a complexas (desadaptações a efeitos traumáticos diversos. A ausência de um diagnóstico coeso e fidedigno para essas vítimas interfere negativamente na identificação sintomatológica e no método de tratamento. O presente trabalho visa revisar a definição de trauma, apresentando o conceito de trauma complexo, explorando suas implicações clínicas, bem como as categorias diagnósticas derivadas desse constructo. Importantes questões são levantadas acerca das diferenças entre trauma complexo e TEPT, investigando os sintomas e transtornos comórbidos ao diagnóstico de TEPT, assim como as limitações inerentes a esse diagnóstico. Considerando o impacto psicopatológico relacionado ao trauma complexo, discute-se a possível inserção de uma nova categoria diagnóstica na 5ª versão do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico dos Transtornos Mentais, adjunta ao espectro de psicopatologias pós-traumáticas.Prolonged exposure to multiple traumatic events of an interpersonal nature, particularly during development, has shown psychological consequences and symptoms not included among the current diagnostic criteria of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD. These negative and chronic situations during childhood and adolescence provide further evidence of the existence of a psychopathological syndrome associated with complex (disadaptations to a number of traumatic effects. The absence of a cohesive and reliable diagnosis for these patients negatively affects symptom identification and treatment planning. The aim of the present study

  12. Influência do vício, relacionado ao uso de mídias sociais, na extensão dos limites da confiança


    Lopez, Manuel Jesus Mamani


    É fato que as mídias eletrônicas são utilizadas cada dia mais como ferramentas de comunicação e interação entre usuários, criando assim as chamadas comunidades sociovirtuais. Um dos problemas decorrentes disso, como em qualquer outra situação, está relacionado aos excessos no seu uso. A sociedade se dá conta de que alguns usuários transgridem limites considerados razoáveis do ponto de vista da dependência das mídias, do tempo a elas dedicado e dos conteúdos compartilhados. Esse vício surge em...

  13. O papel do fator nuclear eritróide 2 relacionado ao fator 2 (Nrf2 no diabetes mellitus

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    Gabriela Fernandes Hahn


    Full Text Available O diabetes mellitus (DM é uma doença metabólica complexa. Sua etiologia é atribuída a uma combinação entre fatores genéticos, ambientais e de estilo de vida. Contudo, sabe-se que o estresse oxidativo desempenha papel crucial na patogênese do DM, acarretando em disfunção das células β pancreáticas e resistência à insulina. Neste contexto, o fator nuclear eritroide 2 relacionado ao fator 2 (Nrf2 é considerado o regulador mestre da resposta antioxidante do organismo, sendo um mecanismo de importância crítica para a manutenção da homeostase e sobrevivência celular. Todavia, a função do Nrf2 não se limita somente à resposta antioxidante. Ao interagir com outras vias metabólicas, o Nrf2 possui importante papel na regulação do metabolismo, atuando no metabolismo dos lipídios, manutenção da glicemia, resposta inflamatória, entre outros. Entretanto, a exata relação do Nrf2 com outras vias metabólicas ainda não é totalmente conhecida. Contudo, sabe-se que o comprometimento da função do Nrf2 é evidente na fisiopatologia do DM bem como no desenvolvimento de suas complicações clínicas. A ativação do Nrf2 protege contra os danos mediados pelo DM, podendo ser adequada uma intervenção exógena para aumentar a sua atividade. Palavras-chave: Complicações do diabetes; estresse oxidativo; antioxidantes; inflamação; obesidade

  14. Toxicologia do tolueno: aspectos relacionados ao abuso

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    Forster Letícia M.K.


    Full Text Available O tolueno está presente em muitos produtos de uso doméstico e industrial e é o principal solvente envolvido no abuso de substâncias e na exposição ocupacional. O problema mais grave no estudo de patologias relacionadas ao tolueno é que este está geralmente associado, em suas preparações comerciais, a outras substâncias. O potencial tóxico do tolueno foi abordado nos seguintes aspectos: parâmetros farmacológicos; características físico-químicas; exposição; estudos clínicos; diagnóstico; pesquisa experimental; tolerância e dependência; efeitos agudos e crônicos; neurotoxicidade; teratogenicidade; doenças psiquiátricas; carcinogenicidade e tratamento. Conclui-se ser de grande importância e urgência que se realizem estudos clínicos com amostras maiores para definição mais precisa das conseqüências do uso crônico

  15. Toxicologia do tolueno: aspectos relacionados ao abuso

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    Letícia M.K. Forster


    Full Text Available O tolueno está presente em muitos produtos de uso doméstico e industrial e é o principal solvente envolvido no abuso de substâncias e na exposição ocupacional. O problema mais grave no estudo de patologias relacionadas ao tolueno é que este está geralmente associado, em suas preparações comerciais, a outras substâncias. O potencial tóxico do tolueno foi abordado nos seguintes aspectos: parâmetros farmacológicos; características físico-químicas; exposição; estudos clínicos; diagnóstico; pesquisa experimental; tolerância e dependência; efeitos agudos e crônicos; neurotoxicidade; teratogenicidade; doenças psiquiátricas; carcinogenicidade e tratamento. Conclui-se ser de grande importância e urgência que se realizem estudos clínicos com amostras maiores para definição mais precisa das conseqüências do uso crônico

  16. Avaliação geoestatística do depósito estano-tungstenífero relacionado ao Maciço Granítico Correas-Ribeirão Branco-SP


    José Maximino Tadeu Miras Ferron


    Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de um estudo geoestatístico realizado sobre os dados de pesquisa em um depósito estano-tungstenífero relacionado ao Maciço Granítico Correas, localizado no Município de Ribeirão Branco - SP. Este depósito mineral foi intensivamente pesquisado pela Mineração Taboca S.A., em cooperação com o Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Est. de São Paulo - IPT. Cerca de 5000 metros de sondagem rotativa a diamante foram realizados resultando na descoberta de sei...

  17. Factors relating to depressive symptoms among elderly people with chronic vestibular dysfunction Fatores relacionados aos sintomas depressivos de idosos com disfunção vestibular crônica

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    Juliana Maria Gazzola


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To identify factors relating to depressive symptoms among elderly people with chronic vestibular dysfunction. METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study in which 120 elderly people with chronic vestibular dysfunction answered the Geriatric Depression Scale questionnaire. Multivariate linear regression analysis was performed (pOBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores relacionados aos sintomas depressivos de idosos com disfunção vestibular crônica. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal, em que 120 idosos com disfunção vestibular crônica submeteram-se ao questionário Geriatric Depression Scale. Realizou-se análise de regressão linear multivariada (p<0,05 e IC de 95%. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram média de 12,86 ± 6,39 pontos no GDS, sendo que 67 idosos (55,8% pontuaram acima da nota de corte 11. O modelo preditivo para piora dos sintomas depressivos foi composto por gênero feminino, distúrbios de memória e da concentração, insônia, hipoacusia, visão péssima, não utilização de dispositivo de auxílio à marcha e maior impacto da tontura no aspecto emocional. CONCLUSÃO: O maior número de sintomas depressivos de idosos vestibulopatas crônicos está relacionado à presença de distúrbios de memória e da concentração, insônia, hipoacusia, visão péssima, maior impacto da tontura no aspecto emocional, gênero feminino e não utilização de dispositivo de auxílio à marcha.

  18. Facilitadores e barreiras de retorno ao trabalho de trabalhadores acometidos por LER/DORT

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    Jorge Henrique Santos Saldanha

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (LER/DORT causam afastamento do trabalho de uma grande parcela de trabalhadores. OBJETIVO: Entender e sistematizar de que forma os fatores relacionados ao retorno ao trabalho (RT de trabalhadores acometidos por LER/DORT são descritos na literatura como facilitadores ou barreiras. MÉTODOS: Revisão crítica de literatura do período de janeiro de 2005 a outubro de 2010 disponível nas bases Lilacs, MedLine e SciELO. As informações foram sistematizadas em três categorias de fatores que influenciam o RT e como facilitadores ou barreiras - de ordem pessoal, de ordem organizacional e relacionadas às características dos serviços, sistemas e políticas. RESULTADOS: Dos 633 artigos inicialmente levantados, 21 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Fatores identificados como mais relevantes: de ordem pessoal - dor, fatores psicossociais, afastamento do trabalho; organizacionais - modificações nos postos de trabalho, demanda psicológica do trabalho, apoio organizacional, apoio de colegas e da chefia; relacionados aos serviços, sistemas e políticas - programa de retorno ao trabalho, tempo de afastamento e serviços de apoio. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo evidenciou que o RT é um processo complexo, que demanda políticas intersetoriais, cooperação técnica e pactuação de metas entre os atores envolvidos no processo.

  19. Fatores relacionados ao diagnóstico de enfermagem autocontrole ineficaz da saúde entre diabéticos Factores relacionados al diagnóstico de enfermería autocontrol ineficaz de la salud entre diabéticos Factors related to nursing diagnosis, ineffective self-health management, among diabetics

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    Roberto Wagner Júnior Freire de Freitas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar os fatores relacionados ao diagnóstico de enfermagem autocontrole ineficaz da saúde em usuários, de serviço de atenção básica à saúde, com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tratados com antidiabéticos orais (AO, segundo o sexo. MÉTODOS: Estudo de análise secundária de um banco de dados de pesquisa realizada, entre janeiro e julho de 2009, nos domicílios de 377 usuários de 12 centros de saúde da família de Fortaleza-CE. Para determinar a presença do diagnóstico de enfermagem foi realizada uma analogia entre as questões do teste Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento e quatro das cinco características definidoras do diagnóstico pesquisado. RESULTADOS: Os homens tinham um sentimento de impotência maior (30,4% que as mulheres (18,4% acerca da tomada dos AO (p=0,034. As mulheres conseguiram perceber melhor os benefícios da tomada correta dos AO no controle do Diabetes (p=0,002. CONCLUSÃO: Fatores de caráter socioeconômico importantes no controle da doença como a demanda excessiva e deficit de apoio social foram predominantes e significativos entre os homens.OBJETIVO: Investigar los factores relacionados al diagnóstico de enfermería autocontrol ineficaz de la salud en usuarios, del servicio de atención básica a la salud, con Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tratados con antidiabéticos orales (AO, según el sexo. MÉTODOS: Estudio de análisis secundario de un banco de datos de investigación realizada, entre enero y julio del 2009, en los domicilios de 377 usuarios de 12 centros de salud de la familia de Fortaleza-CE. Para determinar la presencia del diagnóstico de enfermería fue realizada una analogía entre las preguntas del test Medida de Adhesión al Tratamiento y cuatro de las cinco características definidoras del diagnóstico investigado. RESULTADOS: los hombres tenían un sentimiento de impotencia mayor (30,4% que el de las mujeres (18,4% respecto a la toma de los AO (p=0,034. Las mujeres consiguieron percibir

  20. Câncer de mama e sofrimento psicológico: aspectos relacionados ao feminino


    Silva, Lucia Cecilia da


    No Brasil e no mundo a incidência do câncer de mama vem aumentando e aparecendo cada vez mais cedo na vida da mulher. O tratamento envolve mastectomia, quimioterapia e radioterapia, que, pelos seus efeitos físicos, podem comprometer em variados graus a auto-estima, a imagem corporal e a identidade feminina daquelas que recebem o diagnóstico da doença. Além disso, em nossa sociedade o câncer adquiriu significados relacionados a culpa, punição, deterioração, dor e morte, agravando o sofrimento ...

  1. Gender and sex hormones influence the response to trauma and sepsis: potential therapeutic approaches Hormônios sexuais influenciam a resposta ao trauma e à sepsis: possíveis soluções terapêuticas

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    Martin K. Angele


    Full Text Available Several clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated gender dimorphism in immune and organ responsiveness and in the susceptibility to and morbidity from shock, trauma, and sepsis. In this respect, cell-mediated immune responses have been shown to be depressed in males following trauma-hemorrhage, whereas they were aintained/enhanced in proestrus females. Furthermore, sex hormones have been shown to be responsible for this gender-specific immune response following adverse circulatory conditions. More specifically, studies indicate that androgens produce immunodepression following trauma-hemorrhage in males. In contrast, female sex steroids appear to exhibit immunoprotective properties following trauma and severe blood loss. With regard to the underlying mechanisms, receptors for sex hormones have been identified on various immune cells suggesting direct effects of these hormones on the immune cells. Alternatively, indirect effects of sex hormones, ie, modulation of cardiovascular responses or androgen- and estrogen-synthesizing enzymes, might contribute to gender-specific immune responses. Recent studies indicate that sex hormones, eg, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, also modulate the function of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in surgical patients. Thus, the immunomodulatory properties of sex hormones/receptor antagonists/sex steroid synthesizing enzymes following trauma-hemorrhage suggests novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of immunodepression in surgical patients.Uma série de estudos clínicos e experimentais demonstram a existência de dimorfismo sexual das respostas imunológicas e orgânicas, bem como da suscetibilidade e morbidade em relação ao choque, ao trauma e à sepse. Respostas imunes celularmente mediadas apresentam-se deprimidas em machos em resposta ao binômio trauma-hemorragia, mas conservados/enaltecidos em fêmeas em proestro. Adicionalmente demonstra-se que os hormônios sexuais são responsáveis por

  2. Fatores relacionados à fidelidade ao tratamento do glaucoma: opiniões de pacientes de um hospital universitário Factors related to glaucoma treatment compliance: patients' opinions from a University Hospital

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    Lucas Ravagnani Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Considerando que a não-adesão ao tratamento do glaucoma é um dos fatores de risco para a sua progressão, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi coletar informações sobre: 1 conhecimento e sentimentos dos pacientes sobre a doença; 2 a não-fidelidade ao tratamento e fatores relacionados; e 3 eventual influência da doença no estilo de vida participantes. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas, utilizando questionário semiestruturado, com 50 pacientes com glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto. A análise das respostas foi feita utilizando a técnica do ''Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo'' (DSC (qualitativa/quantitativa. RESULTADOS: Trinta e oito por cento dos pacientes não se consideraram bem informados sobre o glaucoma. A porcentagem de pacientes que declararam nãofidelidade ao tratamento foi de 20%. Os principais fatores relacionados foram: efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos (24%; falta de informação sobre a doença (22%; dificuldade de comunicação com o médico (14%; dificuldades na administração do tratamento (14%; falta de recursos financeiros para adquirir medicamentos (10%; atitudes e crenças (10%. Dezoito por cento dos participantes afirmaram que a doença alterou a qualidade de vida. CONCLUSÃO: Na população estudada, os fatores relacionados à não-adesão ao tratamento de glaucoma, abrangem desde o desconhecimento do que é a doença até atitudes, valores e crenças. Na sua maioria, podem causar a progressão da doença. A influência desses fatores pode ser diminuída com medidas educacionais, intervenções sobre comportamentos e atitudes, melhora da relação médico-paciente e suprimento de medicamentos.PURPOSE: Considering that noncompliance to glaucoma treatment is one of the risk factors associated with disease´s progression, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate: 1 knowledge and feelings about the disease; 2 self-reported noncompliance to treatment and related factors; and 3 influence of


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    Nileide Lima Araújo


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue investigar la alimentación y los factores relacionados con la lactancia materna de lactantes en Picos-PI, Brasil. Estudio descriptivo y transversal, llevado a cabo con 90 niños menores de 12 meses de edad, cuyas madres comparecieron a las Unidades de Salud de la Familia para vacunarlos, en abril y mayo 2011. Se utilizó encuesta para recolectar datos socioeconómicos de la familia y del niño, y acerca de la comida que ofrecida. La tasa de lactancia materna exclusiva y la lactancia materna predominante fueron 57,8% y 47,8% respectivamente, siendo que la lactancia materna exclusiva tuvo duración media de 1 mes. Presentaron relación estadísticamente significativa (p <0,05 y positiva con la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva: haber sido amamantado en la primera hora después del parto, edad materna y nivel de educación de la madre. Las prácticas alimentarias fueron inadecuadas para niños menores de un año.

  4. Trauma & the reproductive lifecycle in women Trauma e o ciclo reprodutivo feminino

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    Leslie Born


    comparadas a mulheres com TDPM e sem história de abuso ou mulheres sem TDPM. Além disso, mulheres com histórico de trauma ou abuso podem apresentar recidiva de sintomas durante a gravidez. Por fim, aquelas que sofrem abortamento estão mais sujeitas ao desenvolvimento de sintomas do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Neste artigo, examinamos os dados existentes sobre diferenças de gênero e transtorno de estresse pós-traumático, com enfoque especial nos fatores psicológicos e fisiológicos mais relevantes para o surgimento de sintomas após exposição a eventos traumáticos relacionados ao ciclo reprodutivo feminino. Opções terapêuticas existentes são criticamente revistas, incluído terapias de aconselhamento e a técnica de debriefing psicológico.

  5. Diabetes Mellitus: desafios relacionados ao autocuidado abordados em Grupo de Apoio Psicológico

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    Nunila Ferreira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi identificar os sentimentos dos usuários associados ao diagnóstico do Diabetes Mellitus (DM, as dificuldades inerentes ao controle glicêmico e estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas diante das demandas impostas pela doença. Estudo qualitativo realizado com grupo de pessoas acompanhadas por equipe multiprofissional de um centro de pesquisa e extensão universitária de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Quatro sessões grupais que constituíram o corpus da pesquisa, foram audiogravadas e transcritas. A análise temática originou as categorias: sentimentos despertados a partir do diagnóstico do DM; dificuldades no controle da doença e estratégias de enfrentamento. Os resultados evidenciaram diferentes modos de lidar com os desafios suscitados pela doença no cotidiano, que influenciam diretamente na adesão ao tratamento e constituem elementos relevantes para o planejamento de intervenções mais efetivas.

  6. Perfil epidemiológico do trauma ocular penetrante antes e após o novo código de trânsito Epidemiological profile of penetrating ocular trauma before and after the new traffic code

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    Paulo Caldas Silber


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes com trauma ocular penetrante (TOP antes e após a regulamentação do novo código de trânsito. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 253 pacientes com TOP examinados na Seção de Trauma Ocular (UNIFESP de janeiro de 1997 a abril de 1999. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I, pacientes com trauma ocular antes da implantação do novo código; Grupo II, história de trauma após sua implantação. Os pacientes foram avaliados em relação a diferentes aspectos do trauma e exame oftalmológico. Resultados: Os achados epidemiológicos em relação à idade, sexo e raça foram similares em ambos os grupos. No grupo I, os pacientes entre 21 e 50 anos apresentaram distribuição similar quanto à etiologia do trauma, ao passo que no grupo II, no mesmo intervalo de idade, predominaram os acidentes automobilísticos. Em relação ao uso do cinto de segurança, 60% e 92% dos pacientes não estavam usando o cinto, nos grupos I e II, respectivamente. 60% dos pacientes no grupo II mencionaram consumo de álcool, contra 40%, no grupo I. Conclusão: Apesar das medidas de impacto tomadas pelo governo para controlar os acidentes, os danos do trauma ocular continuam relacionados a fatores passíveis de prevenção, como o uso do cinto de segurança e consumo de álcool.Purpose: To study the epidemiologic profile of the patients with penetrating ocular trauma (POT before and after the application of the new traffic code. Methods: Retrospective study of 253 patients with POT examined at the Ocular Trauma Section (UNIFESP from January 1997 to April 1999. The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I, patients with ocular trauma before the new traffic code; Group II, trauma history after the new code. The patients were evaluated regarding different aspects on trauma and ophthalmic evaluation. Results: The epidemiological findings regarding age, sex and race were similar in both groups. In

  7. Trauma no idoso Trauma in the elderly

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    Full Text Available O crescimento populacional de idosos, associado a uma forma de vida mais saudável e mais ativa, deixa este grupo de pessoas mais exposto ao risco de acidentes. Em alguns países, o trauma do idoso responde por uma elevada taxa de mortalidade, a qual se apresenta de forma desproporcionalmente maior do que a observada entre a população de adultos jovens. Tal fato acarreta um grande consumo de recursos financeiros destinados à assistência da saúde e um elevado custo social. As características fisiológicas próprias do idoso, assim como a presença freqüente de doenças associadas, faz com que estes pacientes se comportem diferentemente e de forma mais complexa do que os demais grupos etários. Estas particularidades fazem com que o atendimento ao idoso vítima de trauma se faça de forma diferenciada. A presente revisão aborda aspectos da epidemiologia, da prevenção, da fisiologia, do atendimento e da reabilitação do idoso vítima de trauma.The populational growth of the elderly, associated to a healthier and more active life, make this group of people more exposed to accidents. In some countries, trauma in the elderly is responsible for a high mortality rate, desproportionately higher than in the adults. This fact consumes a great portion of health care resources and implies in a high social cost. The distinct physiologic characteristics of the elderly and the frequent presence of associated diseases make that these patients behave diferently and in a more complex way than patients of other ages. These particularities make that health care to the elderly victims of trauma have to be different. The present revision is about aspects of epidemiology, prevention, physiology, health care and reabilitation of the elderly victims of trauma.

  8. Lesões por esforços repetitivos/distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho de cirurgiões-dentistas: aspectos biomecânicos Cumulative trauma disorders/work related musculoskeletal disorder affecting surgeon-dentists: biomechanical aspects

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    Gilsée Ivan Regis Filho


    Full Text Available As patologias denominadas genericamente Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (LERs/DORTs e que apresentam sinais e sintomas de inflamações dos músculos, tendões, fáscias e nervos dos membros superiores, cintura escapular e pescoço, entre outros, têm chamado a atenção não só pelo aumento de sua incidência mas por também existirem evidências de sua associação com o ritmo de trabalho. O exercício profissional obriga que cirurgiões-dentistas utilizem na execução de suas tarefas os membros superiores e estruturas adjacentes, frequentemente com repetitividade de um mesmo padrão de movimento, compressão mecânica das estruturas localizadas na região e a adoção de posturas incorretas, utilizando força excessiva e, na maioria dos casos, trabalhando, ainda, sob a pressão do tempo de realização. O presente estudo utilizou a análise biomecânica, através da cinemetria e da eletromiografia, para buscar evidências da relação entre as tarefas executadas pelo cirurgião-dentista e as LERs/DORTs. A análise dos dados cinemáticos revelou que as principais atividades realizadas pelos cirurgiões-dentistas submetem duas ou mais regiões do corpo do profissional a posturas consideradas de risco médio e alto, sendo que a análise dos sinais eletromiográficos revelou um grande comprometimento dos grupamentos musculares flexores e extensores do carpo e do trapézio. Finalmente, o presente estudo é mais um indicativo de que a atividade desses profissionais os expõe a risco considerável de adquirir LERs/DORTs.Pathologies generally named Cumulative Trauma Disorders/Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (CTDs/WRMDs, presenting signs and symptoms of inflammation of muscles, tendons, fascia and nerves of the upper members, shoulder girdle and neck, among others, have been observed not only on account of their incidence but also their association with work rhythms. Professional

  9. Hepatic trauma: a 21-year experience


    Zago, Thiago Messias; Pereira, Bruno Monteiro; Nascimento, Bartolomeu; Alves, Maria Silveira Carvalho; Calderan, Thiago Rodrigues Araujo; Fraga, Gustavo Pereira


    OBJETIVO: avaliar os aspectos epidemiológicos, conduta, morbidade e resultados do tratamento trauma hepático. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de doentes com mais de 13 anos de idade admitidos em um hospital universitário de 1990 a 2010, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico ou não operatório (TNO). RESULTADOS: foram admitidos 748 pacientes com trauma hepático. O mecanismo de trauma mais frequente foi o trauma penetrante (461 casos; 61,6%). O trauma fechado ocorreu em 287 pacientes (38,4%). De acor...

  10. Adesão e não-adesão ao tratamento farmacológico para depressão

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    Marines de Fátima Cunha

    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou compreender aspectos relacionados à adesão e a não-adesão ao tratamento farmacológico para depressão, envolvendo usuários e ex-usuários de um serviço público de saúde mental. Foram entrevistados, individualmente, 24 pacientes (12 aderentes e 12 não aderentes ao tratamento medicamentoso para depressão. Por meio da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas, identificou-se que o fenômeno da adesão/não-adesão estaria inter-relacionado a aspectos intrapessoais, interpessoais e ao contexto do tratamento do paciente. Os resultados fomentaram reflexões acerca do papel de equipes de saúde mental no incremento da adesão ao tratamento, bem como da necessidade de uma maior consideração do indivíduo, da família e do atendimento prestado pela instituição.


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    Vanessa Sequeira Fontes


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Sintetizar os achados sobre a quemerina e os fatores relacionados ao risco cardiovascular em crianças e adolescentes. Fontes de dados: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática de acordo com os itens propostos pela diretriz PRISMA nas bases de dados PubMed, Science Direct e Lilacs. Utilizaram-se os descritores chemerin de forma associada a children e adolescent, sem limite de tempo. A pesquisa limitou-se a artigos originais realizados com seres humanos, em língua inglesa, excluindo-se a população adulta e idosa, assim como os artigos de revisão, comunicação breve, cartas e editoriais. Síntese dos dados: Após análise dos estudos por dois revisores, de forma independente, segundo os critérios de elegibilidade, permaneceram na revisão sete artigos, publicados entre 2012 e 2016. Foram incluídos estudos de delineamento transversal, prospectivo, coorte e caso-controle. A importância da adipocina quemerina nos fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares é demonstrada por meio de sua associação com obesidade e diabetes melito, assim como com parâmetros clínicos, antropométricos e bioquímicos. Entretanto, a força da evidência dos estudos é relativamente baixa, em função da heterogeneidade das publicações, destacando-se como limitações o número reduzido das amostras e sua ausência de representatividade, a falta de padronização dos métodos de dosagem, o delineamento transversal de grande parte dos estudos e a impossibilidade de extrapolação dos resultados. Conclusões: A desregulação da quemerina provocada pelo aumento de tecido adiposo pode contribuir para o aparecimento de doenças cardiovasculares, sugerindo que tal adipocina tem papel relevante na identificação precoce de indivíduos em risco.

  12. Trauma hepático: prevalência e características epidemiológicas de vítimas encaminhadas ao Instituto Médico Legal de Palmas, Tocantins = Liver trauma: prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of victims referred to the Forensic Department of Palmas, Tocantins


    Castro, Danilo Lopes; Ferreira, Maurício Barbosa; Pereira, Marcus Vinicius Moura; Reis Junior, Paulo Martins


    Objetivos: Analisar a prevalência e as características epidemiológicas relacionadas ao trauma hepático nas vítimas encaminhadas ao Instituto Médico Legal de Palmas, Tocantins. Métodos: Um estudo transversal retrospectivo foi realizado no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Palmas, Tocantins, incluindo todas as vítimas encaminhadas para esse serviço, no período de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2010, consistindo em óbitos por causas violentas e que possuíssem lesões traumáticas de tecido hepático. ...

  13. Trauma da Veia Porta

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    Gustavo Pereira Fraga

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O trauma da veia porta é raro e freqüentemente fatal por causa de exsanguinação e alta incidência de lesões de estruturas adjacentes. Devido às pecualiaridades desta lesão e diferentes condutas propostas na literatura, o objetivo dos autores é relatar a experiência neste tipo de lesão. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, de janeiro de 1994 e dezembro de 2001, de 1370 pacientes submetidos à laparotomia devido trauma abdominal. Entre esses, 15 pacientes apresentavam lesão da veia porta. As lesões foram classificadas conforme a sua extensão e localização. RESULTADOS: O mecanismo de trauma predominante foi o penetrante. O diagnóstico da lesão foi realizado no intraoperatório. Os procedimentos executados foram: sutura, anastomose término-terminal e ligadura da veia porta. A mortalidade foi de 53,3%. CONCLUSÃO: A lesão da veia porta possui alta taxa de mortalidade e o atendimento adequado está diretamente relacionado à sobrevida.

  14. Prevalência e fatores de risco relacionados ao uso de drogas entre escolares Prevalence and risk factors associated with drug use among school students, Brazil

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    José Baus


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência e os fatores de risco relacionados ao uso indevido de drogas entre estudantes de uma escola pública de primeiro e segundo graus. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo descritivo transversal, utilizando, como instrumento de pesquisa, um questionário anônimo, padronizado e amplamente testado no Brasil para levantamento do uso de drogas. A população estudada foi constituída de 478 estudantes de escola pública de primeiro e segundo graus, de Florianópolis, SC. Os questionários foram aplicados por estudantes universitários devidamente treinados. Entre os estudantes pesquisados, 43% e 32% foram de faixa etária de 13 a 15 anos e de 16 a 18 anos, respectivamente, com predomínio de classes socioeconômicas mais altas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de uso de maconha na vida (19,9%, solventes (18,2%, anfetamínicos (8,4% e álcool (86,8% foi elevada em Florianópolis, comparada a outras capitais da região Sul e à média brasileira. Notou-se elevado e freqüente uso (seis ou mais vezes por mês de álcool (24,2%, maconha (4,9%, solventes (2,5% e anfetamínicos (2,3%. Os fatores demográficos relacionados ao uso de drogas na vida foram idade, sexo, classe socioeconômica e vida junto aos pais. A chance de garotas usarem remédios para emagrecer ou ficarem acordadas foi o dobro da chance de garotos e, quanto ao uso de tranqüilizantes, quase o triplo. Os garotos tinham um risco quase duas vezes maior de uso de solvente do que as garotas. A classe socioeconômica alta foi associada a um risco duas vezes maior do uso de álcool do que a classe baixa. O risco de uso de cigarro e maconha na vida foi 84% e 67% maior, respectivamente, para alunos cujos pais estavam separados. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se alta prevalência de uso de várias drogas entre os alunos de primeiro e segundo graus.OBJECTIVE: To assess prevalence and risk factors associated with drug abuse among public elementary and high school students in the southern

  15. Prehospital pediatric trauma classification (PHPTC as a tool for optimizing trauma care resources in the city of São Paulo, Brazil Classificação do atendimento pré-hospitalar pediátrico como instrumento para otimizar a alocação de recursos no atendimento do trauma na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Simone de Campos Vieira Abib


    São Paulo (SAMU forneceu relatórios médicos de 604 vítimas, enquanto os bombeiros forneceram relatórios de 12.761 vitimas (UR+USA. A classificação do trauma pré-hospitalar pediátrico é baseada na condição fisiológica, mecanismo de trauma e lesões anatômicas das vítimas. A classificação do trauma pré-hospitalar pediátrico foi comparada à Escala de Coma de Glasgow (GCS e ao Escore de Trauma Revisado (RTS. RESULTADOS: Houve predominância do sexo masculino em ambos bancos de dados. O mecanismo de trauma mais freqüente foi relacionado a transporte, seguido de quedas. A mortalidade foi 1,6% nas Unidades Básicas e 9,6% no Suporte Avançado. Houve associação entre a classificação do trauma pré-hospitalar pediátrico, Escala de Coma de Glasgow (GCS e ao Escore de Trauma Revisado (RTS GCS e RTS (p<0,0001. CONCLUSÃO: A classificação do trauma pré-hospitalar pediátrico é um método simples e confiável para a avaliação, triagem e recrutamento de recursos para o atendimento pré-hospitalar do trauma pediátrico.

  16. Fatores prognósticos relacionados à falha do tratamento não-operatório de lesões esplênicas no trauma abdominal fechado

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    Fábio Henrique de Carvalho

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores prognósticos relacionados com a falha do tratamento não-operatório (TNO de lesões esplênicas no trauma abdominal fechado. MÉTODOS: Análise prospectiva de 56 pacientes adultos submetidos à TNO e divididos em um grupo de sucesso e outro de falha, que foi definida como necessidade de laparotomia por qualquer indicação. As lesões foram diagnosticadas por tomografia computadorizada e classificadas de acordo com os critérios da AAST (American Association for Surgery of Trauma. Os parâmetros estudados foram: na admissão - pressão arterial sistólica, frequências cardíaca e respiratória, nível de consciência (Escala de Glasgow e RTS (Revised Trauma Score; durante a hospitalização - presença de lesões associadas, transfusão sanguínea e parâmetros hematológicos, tempo de internação e ISS (Injury Severity Score. RESULTADOS: As falhas do TNO (19,6% foram devidas à dor abdominal (45,4%, instabilidade hemodinâmica (36,4%, queda do volume globular associada a hematoma esplênico (9,1% e abscesso esplênico (9,1%. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos de sucesso e de falha nos dados na admissão. A taxa de falha de acordo com o grau da lesão esplênica foi 0% nos graus I e II agrupados; 17,5% nos graus III e IV agrupados e 80% no grau V (p = 0,0008. O uso de hemoderivados foi maior e mais frequente no grupo de falha (p=0,05. As relação do ISS (Injury Severity Score com as taxas de falha foram 0% nos pacientes com ISS = 8; 15,9% nos com ISS entre 9 e 25, e 50% nos com ISS = 26 (p = 0,05. Não houve mortalidade e nem lesões de vísceras ocas despercebidas. CONCLUSÃO: O Injury Severity Score e grau da lesão esplênica relacionaram-se com a falha do tratamento não-operatório.

  17. Profissionais do sexo: sentidos produzidos no cotidiano de trabalho e aspectos relacionados ao HIV Sex professionals: HIV-related aspects and generating meanings in daily work

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    Ana Paula Gomes Esposito


    Full Text Available Nesta pesquisa qualitativa foi analisado o processo de construção da subjetividade de nove profissionais do sexo entrevistadas, apreendendo o processo de produção de sentidos relacionados à contextualização do HIV em seu cotidiano de trabalho. Destas, quatro eram soropositivas. Foram identificados e analisados sete núcleos de significado (Família como desencadeadora e mantedora da atividade de profissional do sexo; Identidades diversas nos diferentes ambientes freqüentados: cisão trabalho x afetividade; Contradições vividas acerca do trabalho; AIDS como fator limitante dos prazeres em suas vidas e como empecilho para a continuidade do exercício de suas atividades; Fatores associados ao aumento da vulnerabilidade ao HIV; Serviço de Saúde como facilitador do processo de adesão ao tratamento e Entrevista como propiciadora de intervenções. Enquanto nas entrevistadas soronegativas predominaram sentimentos ambivalentes e contraditórios em relação à atividade, nas soropositivas foi observada uma polarização nos desprazeres desta atividade, inviabilizando sua continuidade após processo de adoecimento desencadeado pela AIDS.This qualitative research analyzes the construction process of subjectivity of nine sex professionals who have been interviewed, grasping the process of generating meanings in the context of HIV in their daily work. Amongst these nine women, four were HIV carriers. Seven nodes of signification were identified and analyzed (Family as an element that causes and maintains their activity as sex professionals; Varying identities in different frequented environments: separation of work from affectivity; Contradictions that were experienced concerning work; AIDS as a limiting factor for pleasure in their lives and as an impediment to continue to practice their activities; Factors associated with the increase of vulnerability to HIV; Health Care as a facilitator in the process of adhering to treatment and the

  18. Diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à amamentação em unidade de alojamento conjunto

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    Evilene Pinto da Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou identificar, em uma unidade de Alojamento Conjunto, diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados ao fenômeno da Amamentação de acordo com a taxonomia II da NANDA-I. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo-exploratório, envolvendo 83 mães e seus bebês, no período de fevereiro a abril de 2011. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento fundamentado na Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas e, após tratamento estatístico, apresentados em tabelas. Nos resultados, o diagnóstico mais frequente foi Amamentação eficaz, com 65 (78,3%. Estima-se que os diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à Amamentação contribuirão para que os cuidados de enfermagem possam ser mais direcionados, de modo a promover uma assistência mais qualificada, humanizada e eficaz.


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    Sângela Ramos de Souza


    Full Text Available A produção brasileira de cerâmica continua em seu processo de expansão. O tamanho do mercado nordestino e os custos de transportes associados ao baixo valor agregado dos revestimentos cerâmicos estimularam um movimento de desconcentração regional da produção, uma vez que a implantação de unidades produtivas no Nordeste passou a fazer parte da estratégia competitiva de algumas empresas. O presente trabalho busca mostrar os principais autos de infração relacionados aos empreendimentos de Cerâmica no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Renováveis do RN - IBAMA/RN, órgão ambiental fiscalizador no Estado, no período de 01/01/2002 a 04/10/2005. O levantamento de dados foi realizado através do acesso a Sistemas operados pelo IBAMA/RN, que informou o número de indústrias cadastradas no Rio Grande do Norte, o número de infrações, entre outras. Foram verificadas 140 indústrias cadastradas no Estado, distribuídas em 24 municípios. O alto número de indústrias do setor pode ser decorrente da centralização da atividade como alternativa econômica visto que a região apresenta condições ambientais que prejudicam seu potencial produtivo. O levantamento dos dados revelou que as principais infrações eram receber, armazenar ou transportar produto florestal sem cobertura de ATPF (Autorização de Transporte de Produtos Florestais e funcionar sem prévio registro no IBAMA. A atuação dos órgãos governamentais foi constatada como de fundamental importância para a diminuição do número de autos de infração das indústrias de cerâmica, referente ao período avaliado. A substituição da matriz energética, nas indústrias de cerâmica, de lenha para gás natural é a alternativa ideal no combate à poluição e de outras formas impactantes. Parece haver um direcionamento dos empreendedores, buscando um desenvolvimento sustentável, ainda que seja na intenção de obterem

  20. Características dos primeiros casos de microcefalia possivelmente relacionados ao vírus Zika notificados na Região Metropolitana de Recife, Pernambuco

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    Alexander Vargas


    Full Text Available Resumo OBJETIVO: descrever os primeiros casos de microcefalia possivelmente relacionados ao vírus Zika em nascidos vivos notificados na Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de tipo série de casos (notificados de 1º de agosto a 31 de outubro de 2015, com dados obtidos dos registros médicos e de questionário aplicado às mães. RESULTADOS: foram confirmados 40 casos com microcefalia, distribuídos em oito municípios da Região Metropolitana do Recife, com maior concentração no Recife (n=12; a mediana do perímetro cefálico foi de 29 cm, do perímetro torácico, 31 cm, e do peso, 2.628 gramas; 21/25 casos apresentaram calcificação cerebral, ventriculomegalia ou lisencefalia; entre as 40 mães, 27 referiram exantema na gestação, 20 no primeiro trimestre e sete no segundo, além de prurido, cefaleia, mialgia e ausência de febre. CONCLUSÃO: a maioria dos casos apresentou características de infecção congênita; a maioria das mães apresentou quadro sugestivo de infecção pelo vírus Zika na gestação.

  1. Distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho em profissionais de enfermagem: revisão integrativa da literatura Disturbios osteomusculares relacionados al trabajo en profesionales de enfermería: revisión integrativa de la literatura Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in nursing professionals: an integrative literature review

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    Cheila Maíra Lelis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as evidências sobre o adoecimento de trabalhadores de enfermagem pelos Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT. MÉTODOS: Revisão integrativa da literatura utilizando as bases: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS, BVS Enfermagem, Scopus e Banco de Teses da Universidade de São Paulo (USP obtendo-se 17 estudos. RESULTADOS: Evidenciou-se que os DORT acometem os profissionais de enfermagem e relacionam-se às condições inadequadas dos ambientes de trabalho, à organização e estrutura do trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: É necessário investir em programas preventivos, capacitações, educação em saúde, estratégias de intervenção e organização dos serviços existentes.OBJETIVO: Evaluar las evidencias sobre el padecimiento de trabajadores de enfermería por los Disturbios Osteomusculares Relacionados al Trabajo (DORT. MÉTODOS: Revisión integrativa de la literatura utilizando las bases: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS, BVS Enfermagem, Scopus y Banco de Tesis de la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP obteniéndose 17 estudios. RESULTADOS: Se evidenció que los DORT atacan a los profesionales de enfermería y se relacionan a las condiciones inadecuadas de los ambientes de trabajo, a la organización y estructura del trabajo. CONCLUSIÓN: es necesario invertir en programas preventivos, capacitaciones, educación en salud, estrategias de intervencion y organización de los servicios existentes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate evidence of the susceptibility of the nursing staff for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMD. METHODS: An integrative review of the literature using the databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL , VHL Nursing, Scopus and Theses Database of the University of São Paulo (USP, obtained 17 studies. RESULTS: It was evident that WRMD affect nursing professionals and relate to the inadequate conditions of the workplace, and to the organization and structure of work. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to invest in

  2. Trabalho em turnos: estado geral de saúde relacionado ao sono em trabalhadores de enfermagem

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    Sandra Soares Mendes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os sintomas referentes ao estado geral de saúde associado ao trabalho em turnos de enfermagem e relacioná-los com a qualidade do sono. O estudo foi realizado no Hospital da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais. Participaram 136 profissionais de enfermagem, com média de idade de 33,1 anos, divididos nas seguintes categorias: enfermeiro (8,1%; técnico de enfermagem (80,9%; auxiliar de enfermagem dos turnos diurno e noturno (11%. Os sintomas de saúde foram identificados a partir do Inventário de Estado Geral de Saúde, e a qualidade do sono foi avaliada pelo Diário do Sono. Os dados foram estatisticamente significativos pelo Teste Qui-Quadrado (p=0,021 para a presença do sintoma de flatulência ou distensão abdominal no turno noturno. Constatou-se com a análise de regressão linear múltipla que os sujeitos do turno diurno que apresentaram os sintomas de má digestão (às vezes ou sempre e irritabilidade (sempre tiveram pior qualidade de sono noturno.

  3. Lesões por esforços repetitivos/distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho em cirurgiões-dentistas Work related musculoskeletal disorders in dentists

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    Gilsée Ivan Regis Filho


    Full Text Available As patologias denominadas genericamente de Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LERs/Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORTs, apresentando sinais e sintomas de inflamações dos músculos, tendões, fáscias e nervos dos membros superiores, cintura escapular e pescoço, entre outros, têm chamado a atenção não só pelo aumento da sua incidência mas por existirem evidências de sua associação com o ritmo de trabalho. O exercício profissional obriga que cirurgiões-dentistas utilizem na execução das tarefas os membros superiores e estruturas adjacentes, freqüentemente com repetitividade de um mesmo padrão de movimento, compressão mecânica das estruturas localizadas na região, assumindo posturas incorretas, utilizando força excessiva e ainda, na maioria dos casos, trabalhando sob pressão temporal. O presente estudo utilizou o método epidemiológico transversal para buscar evidências da existência da relação entre as tarefas executadas pelo cirurgião-dentista e as LERs/DORTs. Os estudos empíricos revelaram presença de associação estatisticamente significante entre os dois sexos e as patologias. O sexo feminino apresenta mais lesões que o masculino. Ombro/braço (39,40%, punho/mão (18,30% e pescoço (17,20% são as regiões mais afetadas. Finalmente, o presente estudo é mais um indicativo de que as tarefas executadas estão expondo esses profissionais a um risco considerável de adquirir LERs/DORTs.Conditions generally named Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD / Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMD, that present with signs and symptoms of inflammation in the muscles, tendons, fascia and nerves of the upper limb, shoulder girdle and neck, among others, have been observed not only on account of their incidence but also for their association with work. Dentists are forced to use upper and adjacent structures during their professional activities and frequently perform the same movement pattern, or cause

  4. Analysis of the Revised Trauma Score (RTS) in 200 victims of different trauma mechanisms. (United States)

    Alvarez, Bruno Durante; Razente, Danilo Mardegam; Lacerda, Daniel Augusto Mauad; Lother, Nicole Silveira; VON-Bahten, Luiz Carlos; Stahlschmidt, Carla Martinez Menini


    to analyze the epidemiological profile and mortality associated with the Revised Trauma Score (RTS) in trauma victims treated at a university hospital. we conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional study of trauma protocols (prospectively collected) from December 2013 to February 2014, including trauma victims admitted in the emergency room of the Cajuru University Hospital. We set up three groups: (G1) penetrating trauma to the abdomen and chest, (G2) blunt trauma to the abdomen and chest, and (G3) traumatic brain injury. The variables we analyzed were: gender, age, day of week, mechanism of injury, type of transportation, RTS, hospitalization time and mortality. we analyzed 200 patients, with a mean age of 36.42 ± 17.63 years, and 73.5% were male. The mean age was significantly lower in G1 than in the other groups (p grupos foram criados: (G1) trauma penetrante em abdome e tórax, (G2) trauma contuso em abdome e tórax, e (G3) trauma cranioencefálico. As variáveis analisadas foram: sexo, idade, dia da semana, mecanismo de trauma, tipo de transporte, RTS, tempo de internamento e mortalidade. analisou-se 200 pacientes, com média de idade de 36,42 ± 17,63 anos, sendo 73,5% do sexo masculino. A média de idade no G1 foi significativamente menor do que nos demais grupos (p grupos (p grupos G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. A mediana do RTS entre os óbitos foi 5,49, 7,84 e 1,16, respectivamente, para os três grupos. a maioria dos pacientes eram homens jovens. O RTS mostrou-se efetivo na predição de mortalidade no trauma cranioencefálico, entretanto falhou ao analisar pacientes vítimas de trauma contuso e penetrante.

  5. Factors associated to the development of hypothermia in the intraoperative period Factores relacionados al desarrollo de hipotermia en el período intraoperatorio Fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento de hipotermia no período intra-operatório

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    Vanessa de Brito Poveda


    Full Text Available This study aimed to assess factors associated to body temperature changes intraoperatively in patients undergoing elective surgery. A prospective study including 70 patients was carried out in a charity hospital. A data collection instrument was developed and its face and content validity was established. The variables measured were operating room temperature and humidity and patient body temperature at different times. In the multivariate linear regression, the variables type of anesthesia, duration of anesthesia, body mass index, and operating room temperature were directly associated to mean body temperature. Nurses are responsible for planning and implementing effective interventions that can contribute to minimize costs and most importantly reduce hypothermia complications.La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los factores relacionados a las alteraciones de la temperatura corporal del paciente sometido a cirugía electiva en el período intraoperatorio. Para esto, se realizó un estudio de correlación, prospectivo, en un hospital filantrópico. Fue elaborado un instrumento y sometido a validación aparente y de contenido, el cual fue utilizado para recolectar datos de 70 pacientes. La temperatura y humedad de la sala de operación y la temperatura corporal del paciente, en diferentes momentos, fueron las variables mensuradas. En la regresión linear multivariada, las variables: tipo de anestesia, duración de la anestesia, índice de masa corporal y temperatura de la sala de operación estaban directamente relacionadas a la temperatura corporal promedio de los sujetos investigados. Es el enfermero quien debe planificar e implementar intervenciones efectivas que contribuyan para minimizar los costos y principalmente reducir las complicaciones asociadas a la hipotermia.A pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os fatores relacionados às alterações da temperatura corporal do paciente submetido à cirurgia eletiva no período intra


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    Pedro Camargo Amaral


    Full Text Available Considerando o aumento da importância de poluentes locais, regionais e globais nas atividades humanas, notados os acordos internacionais para controlar e reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa destaca-se o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo do Protocolo de Kyoto, como ferramenta para promover a redução de emissões de GEE e contribuir para o controle de poluição e desenvolvimento local e regional. Dentro do processo de aprovação de projetos de MDL no Brasil, existe a necessidade de se atender aos critérios relacionados à sustentabilidade local, definidos pelo governo brasileiro no documento denominado Anexo III. O presente estudo busca avaliar o processo que culminou com a definição dos critérios de sustentabilidade para projetos de MDL no Brasil e avaliar o impacto local e regional de projetos aprovados pelo governo brasileiro, no que concerne os poluentes ambientais CO, NOx, SOx, MP e hidrocarbonetos, assim como impactos diretos à fauna, flora e recursos hídricos. Para a avaliação dos projetos foi proposta uma metodologia, baseada em metodologias previamente sugeridas para avaliação de projetos de MDL. Concluí-se que os critérios estabelecidos para o Anexo III contemplam, em essência, os critérios sugeridos nos trabalhos que antecederam sua definição. Por outro lado, é notável a diminuição do peso de benefícios secundários no mecanismo, como critérios obrigatórios ou classificatórios, quando se comparam as idéias originais àquelas que de fato foram implementadas. Ao mesmo tempo, devem ser valorizados os impactos secundários positivos advindos dos projetos de MDL, notados àqueles apresentados neste trabalho. Ressalta-se que os impactos ambientais positivos são extremamente relacionados ao menor consumo de combustíveis fósseis (não desconsiderando também a menor necessidade de produção dos mesmos e aos impactos associados a estes combustíveis.

  7. Toxicologia do tolueno: aspectos relacionados ao abuso Toluene toxicology: abuse aspects

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    Letícia M.K. Forster


    Full Text Available O tolueno está presente em muitos produtos de uso doméstico e industrial e é o principal solvente envolvido no abuso de substâncias e na exposição ocupacional. O problema mais grave no estudo de patologias relacionadas ao tolueno é que este está geralmente associado, em suas preparações comerciais, a outras substâncias. O potencial tóxico do tolueno foi abordado nos seguintes aspectos: parâmetros farmacológicos; características físico-químicas; exposição; estudos clínicos; diagnóstico; pesquisa experimental; tolerância e dependência; efeitos agudos e crônicos; neurotoxicidade; teratogenicidade; doenças psiquiátricas; carcinogenicidade e tratamento. Conclui-se ser de grande importância e urgência que se realizem estudos clínicos com amostras maiores para definição mais precisa das conseqüências do uso crônicoToluene, present in many industrial and domestic products, is the main solvent involved in solvent abuse and occupational exposure. The main problem in studying toluene-related pathologies is the fact that it is frequently combined with other substances. This review focuses on its potential toxicity. The following subjects are discussed: pharmacologic parameters; physico-chemical features; exposure; clinical trials; experimental research; diagnosis; tolerance and dependence; acute and chronic effects; neurotoxicity; teratogenicity; psychiatric disorders; carcinogenicity; and treatment. It is concluded that is important more research on larger population samples with a view to better definition of the consequences.of chronic use should be undertaken.

  8. Estágios de mudança de comportamento relacionados ao exercício físico em adolescentes doi: 10.5007/1980-0037.2010v12n5p367

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    Maick da Silveira Viana


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os estágios de mudança de comportamento (EMC relacionados aos exercícios físicos em adolescentes estudantes de escolas públicas do Município de Florianópolis/SC. Participaram do estudo 400 adolescentes com idade entre 14 e 18 anos, sendo 53,8% meninas (idade média de 16,3 anos e 46,2% meninos (idade média de 16,4 anos, selecionados aleatoriamente nas escolas estaduais que contemplavam o Ensino Médio no município de Florianópolis. As associações entre as variáveis foram verificadas por meio do teste Qui-Quadrado (α=0,05. Praticam algum tipo de exercício físico com regularidade 67,6% dos estudantes (estágios de ação e manutenção, enquanto apenas 9,8% não praticam e não pretendem praticar (estágio de pré-contemplação. Meninos praticam mais exercícios físicos do que as meninas, pois se encontram em EMC mais avançados (p<0,000. Idade, série e turno de estudo não estiveram estatisticamente associados aos EMC para a amostra geral, porém, entre os meninos, os estudantes do período matutino são mais sedentários (p=0,050. As análises evidenciam uma população que, em sua maioria, pratica algum exercício físico, porém atenção deve ser dada a minoria que apresenta comportamento sedentário, especialmente, aos que não pretendem praticar exercícios físicos. Destaca-se a importância dos EMC para uma intervenção mais efetiva em saúde, pois mesmo que um programa não torne, em um curto espaço de tempo, um indivíduo ativo, a sua evolução nos estágios é considerada positiva.

  9. Pneumonia em organização secundária ao uso de amiodarona

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    Full Text Available A pneumonia em organização secundária ao uso de amiodarona é rara, com apenas oito casos relacionados na literatura. No presente relato uma paciente de 75 anos, com uso cumulativo de 43g, apresentou tosse produtiva, dispnéia progressiva e infiltrados bilaterais na radiografia do tórax. A biópsia transbrônquica confirmou o diagnóstico. Com a retirada da droga houve melhora clínica e funcional.

  10. Trauma abdominal em grávidas Abdominal trauma in pregnant women

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    Gustavo Pereira Fraga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar os fatores indicativos (parâmetros clínicos e índices de gravidade fisiológicos e anatômicos da evolução materna e fetal entre gestantes vítimas de trauma abdominal submetidas à laparotomia e discutir as particularidades do atendimento nesta situação. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva dos prontuários de 245 mulheres com trauma abdominal e tratamento operatório, atendidas entre 1990 e 2002. Foram identificadas 13 gestantes com lesão abdominal submetidas à laparotomia. Para registro e análise estatística dos dados foram utilizados o protocolo Epi-Info 6.04 e o teste exato de Fisher, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Foram relacionados com a mortalidade fetal: escore na escala de coma de Glasgow, pressão arterial sistólica, índices de trauma (RTS, ATI, ISS e lesão uterina. RESULTADOS: a idade variou de 13 a 34 anos (média de 22,5. Seis mulheres (46,2% estavam no terceiro trimestre de gestação. O trauma penetrante correspondeu a 53,8% das lesões e em seis dessas pacientes o mecanismo de trauma foi ferimento por projétil de arma de fogo. Três pacientes tiveram lesões uterinas, associadas com óbito fetal. Não houve óbito materno e a mortalidade fetal foi de 30,7%. Não houve associação entre os índices de trauma e a mortalidade materna e fetal. A lesão uterina foi o único fator preditivo de risco para perda fetal (p=0,014. CONCLUSÕES: apesar da casuística pequena e de se tratar de estudo retrospectivo de gestantes com trauma grave, os achados deste estudo mostram que não há indicadores com boa acurácia para indicação da evolução materna e fetal.PURPOSE: to evaluate the predictors (clinical findings and physiological and anatomical scores of the maternal and fetal outcomes among pregnant women victims of abdominal trauma who were submitted to laparotomy and to discuss particularities of assessment in this situation. METHODS: retrospective analysis of the medical records of 245 women with

  11. Padrões de seletividade relacionados aos casais homossexuais e heterossexuais no Brasil

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    Fernanda Fortes de Lena


    Full Text Available Resumo Esse artigo tem por objetivo analisar os padrões de seletividade marital entre os casais heterossexuais e os casais homossexuais no Brasil, investigando os níveis de escolaridade, cor/raça e grupo etário. Inicialmente foi feita uma análise descritiva dos dados com o intuito de caracterizar a população estudada e os diferenciais entre os tipos de casais. Além disso, esse artigo utiliza tabelas de contingência e modelos log-lineares para compreender as formas de associações entre os casais e quais variáveis influenciam a seletividade dos parceiros. Os resultados mostram que cor/raça e escolaridade têm maior influência na seletividade dos casais heterossexuais, enquanto cor/raça e grupo etário são mais relevantes para os casais homossexuais em relação aos seus padrões de seletividade. Portanto, é possível identificar a existência de diferenças entre as características de seletividade entre esses casais e seus padrões, o que abre margem para estudos posteriores que possam aprofundar a compreensão das distinções entre esses padrões, no sentido de encontrar formas de tentar explicá-las e suas possíveis consequências no Brasil.

  12. Gênero e trauma Gender and trauma

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    Gláucio Ary Dillon Soares


    Full Text Available As conseqüências sociais e psicológicas da violência urbana sobre os parentes e amigos de pessoas vitimadas por mortes violentas (homicídio, suicídio ou acidentes são analisadas à luz das diferenças de gênero. A literatura especializada nesta área propõe que mulheres e homens vivenciam experiências traumáticas de forma peculiar. Porém, os traumas típicos são diferentes em cada gênero, deixando em aberto a questão sobre quanto das diferenças entre as respostas se devem a gênero e quanto se devem ao tipo de trauma. Testamos a hipótese de que as mulheres são mais suscetíveis à desordem de estresse pós-trauma (DEPT numa situação traumática comum, usando dados qualitativos e quantitativos. Comparamos os sintomas do trauma e as percepções sobre o significado da perda de seus entes queridos. A amostra, de 425 mulheres (62% e 265 homens (38%, foi retirada de uma lista de parentes de pessoas que sofreram morte violenta na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Incluímos trinta relatos de parentes e amigos próximos das vítimas diretas. Os resultados revelaram que 54% das mulheres e 41% dos homens tiveram o cotidiano alterado depois da morte de um parente/amigo. Há diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos problemas de saúde e na diversão. Essa área foi a mais afetada, atingindo metade dos entrevistados. Uma variável intimamente correlacionada com os sintomas da DEPT é o contato com o corpo: controlando a extensão do contato (fez o reconhecimento do corpo; viu, mas não reconheceu e nem viu nem reconheceu. Em cada uma dessas categorias, as mulheres foram mais afetadas do que os homens. O artigo conclui que as mulheres sentem mais as perdas do que os homens, mas que parte das diferenças não são internas aos gêneros, mas externas a eles, dependendo das interações e dos contatos pessoais.The social and psychological consequences endured by friends and relatives of people victimized by violent death (homicide, suicide or

  13. Abordagem multidisciplinar no trauma facial: um relato de caso

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    Carolina Ando Matsuno


    Full Text Available Introdução: Em todo o mundo, diversas medidas de segurança têm sido aplicadas para minimizar os danos relacionados aos acidentes de trabalho. Ainda assim, muitos casos são rotineiramente encaminhados aos Prontos Socorros do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, particularmente nas zonas rurais. Objetivo: Relatar a abordagem multidisciplinar de um caso de traumatismo facial grave secundário a acidente de trabalho atendido no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba (CHS. Relato do Caso: Paciente masculino, 19 anos, branco, trabalhador rural, vítima de trauma após ter saltado de um trator em movimento durante o exercício de sua atividade laboral, trazido por seus familiares com hemiface direita, desfigurada pela avulsão da pele e da musculatura com exposição óssea, caracterizada à TC como fratura complexa zigomático-maxilar Le Fort tipo 2 à direita além da destruição do seio maxilar, do assoalho da órbita e dos rebordos orbitários lateral, superior e inferior. A abordagem cirúrgica foi realizada pelas equipes de Cirurgia Plástica, Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial e Cirurgia Oftalmológica que procederam à reconstrução óssea por placas de titânio, estabilização da arcada dentária superior por amarramento e reposicionamento das partes moles. O globo ocular foi preservado por apresentar-se íntegro. Conclusões: A abordagem multidisciplinar das fraturas faciais complexas busca primariamente restaurar a complexa anatomia de toda essa região por primeira intenção. Considerando tratar-se de fratura secundária a um “acidente de trabalho”, ilustramos aqui uma trágica consequência do não uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual e da inobservância das normas de segurança.


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    Olízio Claudino da Silva


    Full Text Available A dermatite digital bovina é uma enfermidade de etiologia multifatorial e patogenia complexa que representa grande entrave produtivo e econômico à pecuária mundial.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar aspectos relacionados à evolução clínica da enfermidade após antibioticoterapia parenteral. Foram utilizadas 28 fêmeas bovinas, da raça Girolando, com idade entre quatro a dez anos, portadoras de lesões digitais clinicamente caracterizadas como dermatite digital. Os bovinos enfermos foram distribuídos em dois grupos (I e II de quatorze animais. Aqueles pertencentes ao grupo I constituíram o grupo-controle, em que,portanto, não foi utilizada antibioticoterapia. Nas vacas que compuseram o grupo II, aplicaram-se, por via intramuscular,20 mg/kg de peso corporal de oxitetraciclina, em intervalos de 48 horas, até completar quatro aplicações. Ao final de um ano de observação, a maioria das lesões na pele do espaço interdigital entre os talões evoluiu para a forma clínica erosiva e aquelas localizadas nos pontos limítrofes entre apele e o cório coronário dos talões, na parede abaxial do estojo córneo ou no espaço interdigital dorsal, evoluíram para a forma proliferativa. Não houve cura de nenhum animal em ambos os grupos, porém a antibioticoterapia parenteral reduziu a gravidade das lesões. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Antibioticoterapia, bovinos, dermatite digital, evolução clínica.

  15. Problema crônico de coluna e diagnóstico de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT autorreferidos no Brasil: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013

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    Max Moura de Oliveira

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:descrever a prevalência de problemas crônicos de coluna e de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT autorreferidos em adultos brasileiros, segundo variáveis sociodemográficas.MÉTODOS:estudo descritivo com 60.202 indivíduos ≥18 anos incluídos na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2013; foram estimadas prevalências e intervalos de confiança (IC95%.RESULTADOS:a prevalência de problema crônico de coluna foi de 18,5% (IC95%:17,8-19,1, maior em mulheres (21,1%; IC95%:20,2-21,9, indivíduos com baixa escolaridade (24,6%; IC95%:23,5-25,6 e residentes na região Sul (23,3%; IC95%:21,6-25,1; dos que referiram problema de coluna, 16,4% (IC95%:15,2-17,6 relataram possuir grau intenso/muito intenso de limitações nas atividades habituais, principalmente na área rural (20,3%; IC95%:17,5-23,0; a prevalência de DORT foi de 2,4% (IC95%:2,2-2,7, superior entre mulheres (3,3%; IC95%:2,9-3,7 e indivíduos com Ensino Superior (3,8; IC95%:3,0-4,7, e mais baixa no Norte (0,7%; IC95%:0,5-1,0.CONCLUSÃO:a prevalência de problema crônico de coluna foi elevada mas a prevalência de DORT, baixa, possivelmente indicando falta deste diagnóstico.

  16. Trauma no idoso e prevenção ao longo dos anos: revisão integrativa

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    Elen Ferraz Teston


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar a origem dos traumas sofridos pelas pessoas idosas, bem como as condutas preventivas desenvolvidas para a redução deste evento. Revisão integrativa realizada a partir da seleção de artigos na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, em janeiro de 2012, utilizando os descritores trauma, urgência e emergência, enfermagem, causas eternas, idoso e prevenção. O período de publicação não foi delimitado. O estudo foi composto por 25 artigos na íntegra e analisados segundo a análise de conteúdo. Evidenciou-se que as principais causas do trauma na pessoa idosa foram as quedas e os acidentes de trânsito. Além disso, as ações de prevenção evidenciadas foram a promoção do exercício físico, hidroterapia e atividades de educação no trânsito. Destaca-se a influência negativa do trauma para a qualidade de vida do idoso e a necessidade de planejamento de ações de prevenção para a redução do trauma geriátrico.  

  17. CT scan findings in mild head trauma: a series of 2,000 patients Achados tomográficos no trauma cranioencefálico leve: análise de 2000 casos

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    Kelly C. Bordignon


    Full Text Available The present study describes the cranial computed tomography (CT scan findings of 2,000 cases of mild head trauma (HT in Curitiba, Southern Brazil. The mean age of the entire series was 30.8 ±19 years. The overall male to female ratio was 2:1. The most common causes of head injury were interpersonal aggression (17.9%, falls (17.4%, automobile accidents (16.2%, falls to the ground (13.1% and pedestrian injuries (13 %. Alcohol intoxication was associated with HT in 158 cases (7.9%. A normal CT scan was seen in 60.75% (1215 and an abnormal CT scan in 39.25% (785 of patients. Out of 785 abnormal CT scan, 518(65.9% lesions were related to HT. The most common CT scan HT related findings were: soft tissue swelling (8.9 %, skull fractures (4.3 %, intracranial and subgaleal hematomas (3.4% and 2.4 %, brain swelling (2 % and brain contusion (1.2%. Out of 785 abnormal CT scans, 267 (34.1% lesions were not related to head trauma. Incidental CT scan findings included brain atrophy (5.9%, one calcification (5.2% several calcifications (2.4% (probably neurocysticercosis in most cases, ischemic infarct (1.9% and leukoaraiosis (1.3%. These findings showed the importance of CT scan examination in mild head injuries. Further studies to identify mild HT patients at higher risk of significant brain injury are warranted in order to optimize its use.São descritos os achados de tomografia computadorizada craniana (TC de 2000 casos de trauma cranio-encefálico (TCE leve em Curitiba, Paraná. A idade média de toda série de pacientes foi 30,8 ± 19 anos. A razão homem/mulher foi 2:1. A causas mais comuns de TCE foram agressão interpessoal (17,9%, quedas de nível (17,4%, acidentes automobilísticos (16,2%, queda ao solo (13,1% e atropelamento (13%. Intoxicação por álcool foi um importante fator associado ao TCE e esteve presente em 158 casos (7,9% de 2000 pacientes. Uma TC normal ocorreu em 60,75% (1215 e uma TC anormal em 39,25% (785 dos pacientes. Das 785 TC

  18. The Experiences and Consequences of a Multiple Trauma Event from the Perspective of the Patient Experiencia del paciente politraumatizado y sus consecuencias Experiência do paciente politraumatizado e suas consequências

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    Luciana Paiva


    -enfermedad y fundamentales para la planificación de acciones de salud pública dirigidas a la atención de las necesidades individuales.Esta é uma investigação etnográfica, realizada com o objetivo de compreender os significados da experiência do trauma entre pacientes politraumatizados. Foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas de coleta de dados: observação direta, entrevista semiestruturada e diário de campo. Obtiveram-se narrativas biográficas de 11 pessoas, vítimas de traumas, e 10 familiares, como informantes secundários. A análise dos dados considerou o conjunto dos dados de cada participante e o todo dos dados de todos os sujeitos, buscando por diferenças e similaridades. Os sentidos atribuídos à experiência do trauma se associam a sentimentos inter-relacionados de medo, insegurança, revolta, vulnerabilidade e sofrimento e aos significados de qualidade de vida que convergem para a valorização da saúde, trabalho e apoio pelas redes sociais. Esta análise mostrou que as concepções e vivências do trauma são fatores condicionantes do processo saúde/doença e fundamentais para o planejamento de ações de saúde pública voltadas ao atendimento das necessidades individuais.

  19. Acesso aos serviços de urgência e internação hospitalar por crianças de 0 a 2 anos residentes em Juiz de Fora – MG


    Toledo, Luana Vieira


    O acesso aos serviços de saúde tem sido objeto de grande interesse na área da saúde coletiva, na qual diversos autores adotam diferentes conceitos para o tema, envolvendo aspectos relacionados aos serviços, aos usuários e a interação entre eles. Nesta pesquisa, com o objetivo de identificar como ocorre o acesso das crianças menores de 2 anos do município de Juiz de Fora aos serviços de urgência e internação hospitalar, utilizou-se como base a reflexão teórica de Mcintyre, Thiede e Birch (2009...

  20. Câncer de mama e sofrimento psicológico: aspectos relacionados ao feminino El cáncer de mama y el sufrimiento psicológico: aspectos relacionados con el femenino Breast cancer and psychological suffering: female-related aspects

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    Lucia Cecilia da Silva


    Full Text Available No Brasil e no mundo a incidência do câncer de mama vem aumentando e aparecendo cada vez mais cedo na vida da mulher. O tratamento envolve mastectomia, quimioterapia e radioterapia, que, pelos seus efeitos físicos, podem comprometer em variados graus a auto-estima, a imagem corporal e a identidade feminina daquelas que recebem o diagnóstico da doença. Além disso, em nossa sociedade o câncer adquiriu significados relacionados a culpa, punição, deterioração, dor e morte, agravando o sofrimento psicológico das doentes. Neste sentido, este artigo tem o objetivo de levantar alguns pontos de reflexão no que se relaciona aos significados culturais da doença e do significado do seio enquanto ícone da identidade feminina. Partimos do princípio de que enriquecer a compreensão dos aspectos que influenciam o sofrimento da mulher com câncer de mama contribui para que os profissionais de saúde, principalmente os de saúde mental, possam assisti-la de maneira mais eficiente e abrangente.En Brasil y en el mundo la incidencia del cáncer de mama está en acenso. Es una enfermedad que está manifestándose cada vez más temprano en la vida de la mujer. El tratamiento envuelve mastectomía, quimioterapia y radioterapia que, por sus efectos físicos, pueden comprometer en variados grados la autoestima, la imagen corporal y la identidad femenina de aquellas mujeres que reciben el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Además de eso, en nuestra sociedad el cáncer ha adquirido significados relacionados con la culpa, punición, deterioración, dolor y muerte, agravando el sufrimiento psicológico de las enfermas. En este sentido, este artículo tiene como objetivo levantar algunos puntos de reflexión en lo que se relaciona con los significados culturales de la enfermedad y del significado del seno como icono de la identidad femenina. Partimos del supuesto de que enriquecer la comprensión de los aspectos que pueden influenciar el sufrimiento de la mujer

  1. Estudio comparativo del tratamiento ortésico en las fracturas toraco-lumbosacras según la gravedad del trauma Estudo comparativo do tratamento ortótico nas fraturas toraco-lombosacro segundo a gravidade do trauma Comparative study on orthotic treatment of thoraco-lumbo-sacral fractures according to severity of trauma

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    Patricio Manzone


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar si la gravedad del trauma en lesiones toracolumbosacras mayores estables permite decidir la selección del tipo de ortesis en un tratamiento ortopédico. MÉTODOS: Estudio Retrospectivo de casos 12/1990 - 12/2006 (16 años. Criterios de Selección: 1 Seguimiento mínimo: 2 años. 2 Estudios radiológicos convencionales completos. 3 Ausencia de Litigio. 4 Tratamiento ortésico con TLSO a medida para los traumas de alta energía cinética y con ortesis prefabricadas para los de baja energía. 5 Tratamiento efectuado o supervisado por el autor Sénior. Evaluación por observadores independientes de Parámetros Geométricos (ángulo de Cobb sagital, cifosis vertebral, grado de colapso vertebral pretratamiento y seguimiento en Rx simple, y Parámetros Funcionales (Dolor según SRS, Índice de Oswestry, Retorno a la Actividad Previa. Subdivisión de los diferentes tipos de fracturas (según AO y Denis en Alta (Grupo A y Baja Energía [Grupo B] de acuerdo con la energía cinética del trauma. Comparación de Parámetros Geométricos con Grupo Control. Análisis Estadístico: chi cuadrado y t-test de Student. RESULTADOS: 41 pacientes (44 fracturas] tratados (23 mujeres/18 varones, con 25 fracturas Grupo "A", y 19 Grupo "B". Edad promedio: 46 años (12 - 83. Seguimiento promedio: 4,5 años (2.2 - 15.5. Localización predominante: T11 - L2. Tipos Predominantes: tipo A (AO o por compresión y por estallido. No hubo diferencias significativas en las mediciones efectuadas en cada grupo pretratamiento y al seguimiento. La única diferencia significativa entre grupos fue en la cifosis vertebral inicial tanto en general como según la clasificación AO entre los tipos A de alta y baja energía. La comparación al seguimiento de los parámetros geométricos entre grupo control y grupos A y B así como entre grupo control y cada tipo (AO/Denis subdivididos en alta o baja energía, arrojó siempre diferencias significativas. Los par

  2. Gender differences in the associations between childhood trauma and parental bonding in panic disorder Diferenças de gênero nas associações de trauma na infância e apego no transtorno do pânico

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    Ana Carolina Gaspar Seganfredo


    ao grupo controle. De acordo com o gênero, nos homens, apenas a superproteção materna permanece independentemente associada ao transtorno de pânico (OR = 3,28; p = 0,032. Já as mulheres com transtorno de pânico descreveram mais frequentemente o pai como sendo superprotetor (OR = 2,2; p = 0,017 e pouco amoroso (OR = 0,48; p = 0,039 e referiram mais negligência emocional em comparação aos controles. CONCLUSÃO: Altas taxas de diferentes tipos de trauma, especialmente abuso emocional, foram encontradas em pacientes com transtorno de pânico quando comparados com o grupo controle. As diferenças com relação ao gênero e ao vínculo parental podem ser explicadas à luz da teoria psicodinâmica.


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    Carmem Milena Rodrigues Siqueira Carvalho


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la literatura publicada sobre los aspectos de bioseguridad relacionados al uso del jaleco por profesionales del área de la salud. Se trata de una revisión narrativa de la literatura publicada en el período de 1991 a 2008. Se utilizaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, LILACS y SciELO, siendo seleccionados 22 artículos que fueron agrupados para su análisis considerando los enfoques cuyo énfasis es dado en: infecciones cruzadas causadas por los jalecos; jalecos contaminados; flora bacteriana presente en los uniformes de los profesionales de salud. El jaleco fue considerado como fuente de contaminación y como equipo de protección individual en la prevención de las infecciones. Por lo tanto, son necesarias campañas educativas en el sentido de orientar los profesionales de salud sobre el uso del jaleco.

  4. Manejo do paciente com transtornos relacionados ao uso de substância psicoativa na emergência psiquiátrica Management of patients with substance use illnesses in psychiatric emergency department

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    Ricardo Abrantes do Amaral


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Transtornos por uso de substâncias são prevalentes em setores de emergência gerais e psiquiátricos, atingindo taxas de 28% das ocorrências em prontos-socorros gerais. Todavia, profissionais dos setores de emergência identificam menos que 50% dos casos de problemas relacionados ao álcool. Este artigo visa fornecer base fundamentada em evidências para o tratamento específico a pacientes que preencham os critérios diagnósticos de transtornos por uso de substâncias e que se apresentam ao pronto-socorro em quadros de intoxicação ou abstinência. MÉTODO: Uma revisão sobre o tema foi realizada na base de dados Medline, usando-se os descritores "intoxicação aguda", "abstinência", "álcool", "cocaína", "cannabis", "opioides", "inalantes" e "manejo", tendo o inglês como idioma. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: O cuidado de pessoas com transtornos por uso de substâncias deve conter: avaliação completa (médica geral e psiquiátrica, tratamento dos quadros diagnosticados (abstinência, intoxicação e quadros clínicos que caracterizem uma emergência, sensibilização do paciente para realizar tratamento, se for necessário, e elaboração de encaminhamento.OBJECTIVE: Substance use disorders are prevalent in emergency departments in medical and psychiatric services, reaching rates of 28% of cases in medical emergency departments. However, professionals in the emergency department identify less than 50% of cases of alcohol-related problems. This article aims to provide evidence-based interventions for the specific treatment to patients who meet diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders and who present to emergency rooms during intoxication or abstinence. METHOD: A literature review was performed on Medline database, using the descriptors "acute intoxication", "withdrawal", "alcohol", "cocaine", "cannabis", "opioid", "inhalant", "management", using English as the language. RESULTS: AND CONCLUSION: The care of persons with



    Alexandre Alberto Tonin


    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização de um tratamento padrão contra a infecção causada pelo T. evansi, baseado na utilização do aceturato de diminazeno associado ao selenito de sódio e a vitamina E. Os testes in vitro mostraram um efeito tripanocida relacionados ao tratamento com aceturato de diminazeno e selenito de sódio; contudo a vitamina E não gerou nenhum efeito nocivo sobre o tripanossomas. Experimentos in vivo utilizaram um total de 72 fêmeas adultas de rato...

  6. Atores profissionais e estudantes de teatro: aspectos vocais relacionados à prática

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    Juliana Richinitti Vilanova

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: identificar e comparar, em atores profissionais e estudantes de teatro, os aspectos relacionados à prática profissional, ao uso profissional da voz, hábitos e cuidados vocais, hábitos de saúde e condições ambientais no trabalho. Métodos: participaram 60 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, subdivididos em 2 grupos: Grupo Profissional - atores profissionais de teatro e Grupo Alunos - alunos de teatro sem experiência profissional teatral. Ambos os grupos responderam a um questionário que abordou aspectos relacionados à prática profissional, à voz, hábitos vocais, de saúde, condições ambientais e cuidados vocais. Resultados: os indivíduos do Grupo Profissional apresentaram maior ocorrência de rouquidão; maior ocorrência dos hábitos de usar a voz profissional quando está gripado, em posturas corporais e com respiração inadequadas, gritar, e permanecer em local com mofo ou pouca ventilação, fechado e empoeirado, e realizar ensaio em local diferente do local do espetáculo. O hábito de saúde de ingerir bebidas geladas foi maior no Grupo Alunos. O número de sujeitos que não possuem dificuldade em cena e que realizam aquecimento vocal é significantemente maior no Grupo Profissional. O tipo de aquecimento realizado significantemente mais pelo Grupo Profissional foi som de "s", respiração costo-diafragmática, som basal e vogais. Conclusão: constatou-se que ambos os grupos realizam hábitos prejudiciais e estão expostos a ambiente de trabalho inadequado para saúde vocal. Estes dados apontam a necessidade de ações de saúde vocal, a fim de minimizar o risco de alterações vocais nos profissionais e preparar os estudantes para o aumento da demanda vocal.

  7. Diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à amamentação em unidade de alojamento conjunto Diagnósticos de enfermería relacionados a la lactancia materna en unidad de alojamiento conjunto Nursing diagnoses related to breastfeeding in a rooming-in unit

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    Evilene Pinto da Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou identificar, em uma unidade de Alojamento Conjunto, diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados ao fenômeno da Amamentação de acordo com a taxonomia II da NANDA-I. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo-exploratório, envolvendo 83 mães e seus bebês, no período de fevereiro a abril de 2011. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento fundamentado na Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas e, após tratamento estatístico, apresentados em tabelas. Nos resultados, o diagnóstico mais frequente foi Amamentação eficaz, com 65 (78,3%. Estima-se que os diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à Amamentação contribuirão para que os cuidados de enfermagem possam ser mais direcionados, de modo a promover uma assistência mais qualificada, humanizada e eficaz.El objetivo del estudio fue identificar, en una unidad de Alojamiento Conjunto, los diagnósticos de enfermería relacionados con la Lactancia materna, así como sus factores relacionados y características definitorias. Realizó-se un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, involucrando 83 madres y sus bebés, de febrero a abril de 2011. Los datos fueran recogidos por medio de un instrumento basado en la Teoría de las Necesidades Humanas Básicas, presentados en tablas estadísticas. En los resultados, el diagnóstico más frecuente fue la Lactancia materna eficaz, con 65 (78,3% casos. Se estima que los diagnósticos de enfermería relacionados con la Lactancia materna contribuyen para que la atención de enfermería pueda ser más específica con el fin de promover una asistencia más calificada, humana y efectiva.The study aimed to identify, in a Rooming-in unit, diagnoses related to the phenomenon of breastfeeding according to the NANDA-I Taxonomy II. It was conducted a descriptive exploratory study involving 83 mothers and their babies in the period of February to April 2011. Data were collected by means of an instrument based on the Theory of Basic Human Needs and

  8. Stress relacionado com o trabalho e burnout em técnicos de radiologia


    Melo, Sandra da Piedade Gonçalves de


    RESUMO - O fenómeno stress relacionado com o trabalho é um tema atual, bastante debatido e alvo de diversas investigações. No entanto, os estudos portugueses sobre o stress relacionado com o trabalho em profissionais de saúde não são muito frequentes, apesar de desempenharem uma atividade considerada de alto risco em termos de stress. O síndrome de burnout é a consequência de prolongados níveis de stress relacionado com o trabalho e compreende três dimensões: exaustão emocional (EE), despe...

  9. Reacciones adversas y problemas relacionados con medicamentos en un servicio de urgencia

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    Güemes Artiles Martín


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Las Reacciones Adversas a Medicamentos y los Problemas Relacionados con Medicamentos (PRM, son una causa frecuente de asistencia en los servicios de urgencias y requieren una mejor evaluación. MÉTODO: Se analizaron 1.097 admisiones consecutivas en el servicio de urgencias de "Nuestra Señora de los Volcanes" (actualmente "Hospital General de Lanzarote" en Arrecife de Lanzarote (Islas Canarias durante un período de tres meses, para determinar la existencia de Reacciones Adversas a Medicamentos o de otros problemas relacionados con fármacos. RESULTADOS: Diecinueve de las 1.097 admisiones se debieron a reacciones adversas a medicamentos (1.73%; 95 % CI: 0.96 % - 2.5%. Entre los otros "Problemas Relacionados con los Medicamentos", destacaron la intoxicación por medicamentos, que se diagnosticó en 5 de los pacientes (0.45%; el agravamiento del cuadro clínico por supresión del medicamento apareció en 8 (0.72% y los tratamientos inadecuados que precisaron atención médica en el servicio de urgencia fueron 11 (1.0%. El número total de problemas relacionados con medicamentos en la muestra fue de 43 (3.9%. Los problemas relacionados con medicamentos causaron hospitalización en el 1.9% de los pacientes atendidos en urgencias y resultó ser la causa de hospitalización en el 9.6% del total de ingresos urgentes en el hospital durante el periodo de estudio. En cuanto a las reacciones adversas a medicamentos causaron 4.1% del total de ingresos en el hospital. CONCLUSIONES: Los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos son un problema frecuente, importante y no bien estudiado en los servicios de urgencias. Además, los servicios de urgencias pueden actuar como el primer sitio de reconocimiento para las reacciones adversas a medicamentos en la población ambulatoria.

  10. O impacto do Programa de Inclusão Social da Universidade de São Paulo no acesso de estudantes de escola pública ao ensino superior público gratuito


    Matos,Mauricio dos Santos; Pimenta,Selma Garrido; Almeida,Maria Isabel de; Oliveira,Maria Amélia de Campos


    Analisa o impacto do Programa de Inclusão Social da Universidade de São Paulo (Inclusp) no acesso de estudantes de escola pública ao ensino superior público gratuito. Os dados foram coletados priorizando-se informações sobre renda, cor e outros aspectos de interesse relacionados aos candidatos oriundos de escola pública, em diferentes etapas do vestibular. Como resultado, foi observada a contribuição significativa do sistema de pontuação acrescida para o ingresso de estudantes de escola públi...

  11. Instrumento mensurador de adesao para hipertensos: contribuicao da Teoria da Resposta ao Item

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    Malvina Thais Pacheco Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar instrumento de medição da adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão por meio da "Teoria da Resposta ao Item". MÉTODOS: Estudo analítico com 406 hipertensos com complicações associadas, atendidos na atenção básica em Fortaleza, CE, 2011, pela "Teoria da Resposta ao Item". As etapas de execução foram: teste de dimensionalidade, calibração dos itens; tratamento dos dados e construção da escala, analisadas com base no modelo de resposta gradual. Estudo da dimensionalidade do instrumento foi feito pela análise da matriz de correlação policórica e análise fatorial de informação completa. Utilizou-se o software Multilog para calibração dos itens e estimação dos escores. RESULTADOS: Os itens referentes ao tratamento medicamentoso foram os mais diretamente relacionados à adesão, enquanto aqueles referentes ao tratamento não medicamentoso precisam ser reformulados, pois possuíram menor quantidade de informação psicométrica e baixa discriminação. A independência dos itens, o reduzido número de níveis da escala e as baixas variâncias explicadas no ajuste dos modelos mostraram as principais fragilidades do instrumento analisado. A "Teoria da Resposta ao Item" mostrou-se relevante para análise, pois avaliou o respondente quanto à adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão, ao nível de dificuldade dos itens e à sua capacidade de discriminação entre indivíduos com diferentes níveis de adesão, o que gerou maior quantidade de informação. CONCLUSÕES: O instrumento analisado é limitado para medir a adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão, mediante análise pela "Teoria da Resposta ao Item", e necessita de ajustes. A adequada formulação dos itens é importante para medir precisamente o traço latente desejado.

  12. Câncer de mama e sofrimento psicológico: aspectos relacionados ao feminino El cáncer de mama y el sufrimiento psicológico: aspectos relacionados con el femenino Breast cancer and psychological suffering: female-related aspects


    Lucia Cecilia da Silva


    No Brasil e no mundo a incidência do câncer de mama vem aumentando e aparecendo cada vez mais cedo na vida da mulher. O tratamento envolve mastectomia, quimioterapia e radioterapia, que, pelos seus efeitos físicos, podem comprometer em variados graus a auto-estima, a imagem corporal e a identidade feminina daquelas que recebem o diagnóstico da doença. Além disso, em nossa sociedade o câncer adquiriu significados relacionados a culpa, punição, deterioração, dor e morte, agravando o sofrimento ...

  13. Trauma no idoso e prevenção ao longo dos anos: revisão integrativa


    Teston, Elen Ferraz; Universidade Estadual de Maringá.; Guimarães, Percival Vitorino; Universidade Estadual de Londrina; Marcon, Sonia Silva; Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) e NEPAAF.


    Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar a origem dos traumas sofridos pelas pessoas idosas, bem como as condutas preventivas desenvolvidas para a redução deste evento. Revisão integrativa realizada a partir da seleção de artigos na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, em janeiro de 2012, utilizando os descritores trauma, urgência e emergência, enfermagem, causas eternas, idoso e prevenção. O período de publicação não foi delimitado. O estudo foi composto por 25 artigos na íntegra e analisados segu...

  14. Biofeedback no tratamento de transtornos relacionados ao estresse e à ansiedade: uma revisão crítica Biofeedback en el tratamiento de trastornos relacionados con el estrés y la ansiedad: una revisión crítica Biofeedback in the treatment of stress and anxiety-related disorders: a critical review

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    Ricardo da Costa Padovani


    Full Text Available O treinamento em biofeedback tem sido utilizado para o tratamento de diferentes quadros clínicos e para a prevenção/alívio de sintomas relacionados ao estresse/ansiedade. Este trabalho analisou a literatura de 2008 a 2012 sobre o tema "biofeedback, estresse e ansiedade" publicada nas bases MEDLINE, LILACS e Web of Sciences, utilizando como palavras-chave "biofeedback", "anxiety", "stress", "psychology" e "biofeedback training". Os resultados demonstram que técnicas de biofeedback são eficazes no manejo do estresse/ansiedade nas diferentes populações estudadas. Entretanto, todos os estudos encontrados foram realizados fora do Brasil, o que sugere que técnicas de biofeedback como ferramenta terapêutica não tem sido utilizadas no país, por algum motivo que merece ser melhor investigado.El entrenamiento con biofeedback se ha utilizado para el tratamiento de diferentes manifestaciones clínicas y para la prevención y alivio de síntomas relacionados con el estrés/ansiedad. Este estudio analizó la literatura desde 2008 hasta 2012 sobre el tema "biofeedback, estrés y ansiedad", publicada en MEDLINE, LILACS y Web of Sciences, utilizando como palabras clave "biofeedback", "anxiety", "stress", "psychology" y "biofeedback training". Los resultados demuestran que técnicas de biofeedback son eficaces para el tratamiento del estrés y la ansiedad en diferentes poblaciones. Sin embargo, todos los estudios encontrados se realizaron fuera de Brasil, un indicador de que el biofeedback como herramienta terapéutica no ha sido utilizado en el país por una razón que debe investigarse más a fondo.Biofeedback training has been utilized for the treatment of different pathological conditions, in particular those related to stress/anxiety. This study reviews the scientific literature from 2008 to 2012 about the subject "biofeedback, stress and anxiety", published in MEDLINE, LILACS and Web of Sciences, using as keywords "biofeedback", "anxiety

  15. Velações e partidas: o trauma em Antes de nascer o mundo, de Mia Couto

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    Juliana Ciambra Rahe


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise do trauma na obra Antes de nascer o mundo, do moçambicano Mia Couto. Partindo das reflexões freudianas, pretendemos examinar os efeitos negativos e positivos do trauma, confrontando os posicionamentos dos personagens Silvestre Vitalício e Marta diante da experiência traumática vivenciada por cada um deles. Valendo-nos como referencial teórico, principalmente, das reflexões de Sigmund Freud, Márcio Seligmann-Silva e Stuart Hall, examinaremos como a narrativa da catástrofe possibilita aos personagens do romance a (reinvenção das identidades abaladas pelo trauma.

  16. Can countertransference at the early stage of trauma care predict patient dropout of psychiatric treatment? Contratransferência no atendimento inicial de vítimas de trauma pode predizer o abandono do tratamento psiquiátrico?

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    Érico de Moura Silveira Júnior


    com os sentimentos contratransferenciais dos terapeutas. Os pacientes foram acompanhados ao longo do tratamento para verificar a associação entre a CT e o desfecho do tratamento, operacionalizado como alta ou abandono. RESULTADOS: A mediana de consultas realizadas foi 5 [4; 8], faltas 1 [0; 1] e taxa de abandono 34,4%. As características demográficas e clínicas dos pacientes dos grupos alta e abandono foram similares. Na análise multivariada, identificou-se que pacientes com relato de trauma na infância tiveram uma chance 61% menor de abandonar o tratamento que pacientes sem relato de trauma na infância (OR = 0,39; p = 0,039; IC 95% 0,16-0,95. Não foi detectada associação entre sentimentos contratransferenciais iniciais com os desfechos do tratamento. Conclusões: A CT no atendimento inicial de vítimas de trauma não esteve associada ao desfecho do tratamento. Estudos futuros devem avaliar a modificação da CT ao longo do tratamento e seu impacto sobre os desfechos.

  17. Rastreamento do câncer de mama: aspectos relacionados ao médico Breast cancer screening: physicians related issues.

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    Eduardo Rodrigues Godinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Reconhecer as características dos médicos do Estado de Goiás, suas condutas, crenças, opiniões e conhecimentos sobre câncer de mama. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram enviados 592 questionários aos ginecologistas, mastologistas e geriatras de Goiás. Os principais aspectos pesquisados foram: 1 - características sócio-demográficas (sexo, idade, ano de formatura, atuação em serviços públicos ou particulares; 2 - capacidade de reconhecimento dos fatores de risco para câncer de mama; 3 - atividades educativas desenvolvidas pelos médicos; 4 - percepção de elementos limitadores ao rastreamento; 5 - perguntas genéricas. RESULTADOS: Os questionários respondidos totalizaram 105 (21,2%; 70,5% dos médicos eram do sexo masculino; idade média de 43,9 anos (26 a 70 anos; 73,5% tinham menos de 20 anos de formado; 88,6% ginecologistas, 4,8% ginecologistas/mastologistas, 3,8% mastologistas, 2,8% geriatras; 62,5% atuavam na rede pública e particular simultaneamente. Apenas 13,3% identificaram os cinco fatores de risco apresentados. Cerca de 95% responderam ter participado de cursos de atualização nos dois anos que antecederam a pesquisa. Outros resultados serão apresentados. CONCLUSÕES: As recomendações sobre rastreamento do câncer de mama pareceram pouco claras aos médicos. As respostas sobre atividades educativas mostraram-se algumas vezes conflitantes. As crenças e opiniões sobre rastreamento foram bastante positivas. Escassez de equipamentos e custo do exame foram identificados como obstáculos ao rastreamento do câncer de mama.OBJECTIVE: To identify the characteristics of physicians in the State of Goiás, Brazil, regarding patient management, beliefs, opinions and knowledge about breast cancer. MATERIALS END METHODS: A total of 592 questionnaires were mailed to gynecologists, mastologists and geriatricians. The survey covered the following main aspects: 1 - socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age, year of graduation

  18. Tratamento não-operatório do trauma abdominal fechado

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    Luiz H. M. Mestieri


    Full Text Available Introdução - A mudança da rotina operatória para o tratamento não-operatório (TNO de traumas fechados nos órgãos abdominais sólidos é uma das tendências mais notáveis no cuidado aos pacientes politraumatizados nos últimos 14 anos. Médicos estão sentindo-se seguros para aplicar a técnica não-operatória em tais pacientes. Entretanto, surpreende-nos o fato de que, após uma mudança tão radical, nosso conhecimento seja, ainda, baseado em dados retrospectivos. Quesitos importantes, como as taxas de TNO, suas causas e fatores predisponentes foram obtidos, principalmente, através de revisões de prontuário. Objetivo - Análise da literatura científica sobre as possibilidades de tratamento não-operatório dos traumas abdominais fechados. Material e Método - A literatura científica pesquisada consta de 45 publicações de diversas revistas publicadas entre 1990 e 2004. Nosso trabalho foi realizado sob a forma de metanálise comparativa dentre as díspares condutas de tratamento dos traumas abdominais fechados. Conclusão - O trauma abdominal fechado (contuso representa parcela importante dos traumas. Seu tratamento inicialmente era cirúrgico, mas ultimamente vem-se optando pelo tratamento não-operatório, evitando-se, assim, as complicações decorrentes das cirurgias, como infecções e hemorragias. Existem, contudo, indicações adequadas para que seja realizado o tratamento não-operatório, e não existe um consenso sobre a utilização ou não dessa terapêutica em todos os casos. Diversos estudos mostram os órgãos mais afetados no trauma, os critérios de diagnóstico utilizados para identificar as lesões e as considerações sobre o monitoramento do paciente, que levarão à escolha da conduta e aos resultados do tratamento; mas as opiniões divergem.

  19. Abusive head trauma in children: a literature review

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    Nahara R.L. Lopes


    síndrome do bebê sacudido” e “trauma craniano violento” em inglês, espanhol e português. Síntese dos dados: O trauma craniano violento é definido como a lesão ao crânio ou ao conteúdo intracraniano de um bebê ou criança menor de cinco anos devido a um impacto brusco intencional e/ou a uma sacudida violenta. Ocorre principalmente com bebês e crianças menores de um ano de idade, e pode resultar em consequências graves, desde deficiências físicas ou mentais até a morte. Apesar de haver sinais específicos para esta forma de maus-tratos, eles podem se confundir com doenças comuns em crianças ou traumas cranianos acidentais, sendo imprescindível o preparo clínico dos profissionais envolvidos na avaliação dos casos para o diagnóstico correto. As estratégias de prevenção devem incluir tanto a identificação precoce dos casos, como a educação parental sobre o desenvolvimento infantil, especialmente sobre o padrão de choro do bebê. Conclusões: Considerando a gravidade do trauma craniano violento pediátrico, é fundamental que estratégias de prevenção sejam implementadas e avaliadas no contexto brasileiro. Sugere-se que indicadores de sua incidência sejam pesquisados nacionalmente. Keywords: Abusive head trauma, Shaken baby syndrome, Child maltreatment, Physical violence, Palavras-chave: Trauma craniano violento, Síndrome do bebê sacudido, Maus-tratos infantis, Violência física

  20. Brief motivational interview and educational brochure in emergency room settings for adolescents and young adults with alcohol-related problems: a randomized single-blind clinical trial Intervenção motivacional breve e brochura educacional em pronto-socorro para adolescentes e adultos jovens com problemas relacionados ao álcool: um ensaio clínico simples-cego randomizado

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    Maria Luiza Segatto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of brief motivational interviewing and an educational brochure when delivered in emergency room to reduce alcohol abuse and related problems among adolescents and young adults. METHOD: A randomized single-blind clinical trial with a three-month follow-up was carried out at three emergency rooms from October 2004 to November 2005; subjects assessed were 16-25 years old treated for alcohol related events up to 6 hours after consumption. Socio-demographic data, quantity, frequency and negative consequences of alcohol consumption, motivation to change habits and future risk perception were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed on subjects who completed follow-up (completers. ANCOVA model was used to analyze the difference between the intervention groups with statistical significance level α = 5% and confidence interval (CI of 95%. RESULTS: 186 subjects formed the initial sample, being 175 included and randomized to the educational brochure group (n = 88 or motivational interviewing group (n = 87. Follow-up assessment was performed in 85.2% of the sample. No significant difference between groups was observed. However, significant reductions (p OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da entrevista motivacional breve e de uma brochura educativa quando aplicadas em prontos-socorros para reduzir o abuso e problemas relacionados ao álcool entre os jovens. MÉTODO: Um ensaio clínico randomizado simples-cego com três meses de seguimento foi realizado em três prontos-socorros de outubro de 2004 a novembro de 2005, com indivíduos de 16-25 anos tratados por eventos relacionados ao álcool com até 6 horas após o consumo. Dados sociodemográficos, quantidade, frequência e consequências negativas, motivação para mudanças de hábitos e percepção para riscos do consumo de álcool foram avaliados. A análise estatística foi realizada em indivíduos que completaram o seguimento (completados. Modelo de ANCOVA

  1. Brief motivational interview and educational brochure in emergency room settings for adolescents and young adults with alcohol related problems: a randomized single blind clinical trial Intervenção motivacional breve e brochura educacional em pronto-socorro para adolescentes e adultos jovens com problemas relacionados ao álcool: um ensaio clínico simples cego randomizado

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    Maria Luiza Segatto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of brief motivational interviewing and an educational brochure when delivered in emergency room to reduce alcohol abuse and related problems among adolescents and young adults. METHOD: a randomized single blind clinical trial with a 3 month follow-up was carried out at three emergency rooms from October 2004 to November 2005; subjects assessed were 16-25 years old treated for alcohol related events up to 6 hours after consumption. Socio-demographic data, quantity, frequency and negative consequences of alcohol consumption, motivation to change habits and future risk preception were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed on subjects who completed follow up (completers. ANCOVA model was used to analyze the difference between the intervention groups with statistical significance level α = 5% and Confidence Interval (CI 95%. RESULTS: 186 subjects formed the initial sample, being n = 175 included and randomized to educational brochure group (n = 88 or motivational interviewing group (n = 87. Follow-up assessment was performed in 85.2% sample. No significant difference between groups was observed. However, significant reductions (p OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da entrevista motivacional breve e de uma brochura educativa quando aplicadas em prontos-socorros para reduzir o abuso e problemas relacionados ao álcool entre os jovens. MÉTODO: Um ensaio clínico randomizado simples-cego com três meses de seguimento foi realizado em três prontos-socorros de outubro de 2004 a novembro de 2005, com indivíduos de 16-25 anos tratados por eventos relacionados ao álcool com até 6 horas após o consumo. Dados sociodemográficos, quantidade, frequência e consequências negativas, motivação para mudanças de hábitos e percepção para riscos do consumo de álcool foram avaliados. A análise estatística foi realizada em indivíduos que completaram o seguimento (completados. Modelo de ANCOVA foi utilizado

  2. Factores de riesgo y de protección relacionados con el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de enfermería Fatores de risco e proteção relacionados ao consumo de substâncias psicoativas em alunos de graduação em enfermagem Risk and protection factors related to the consumption of psychoactive substances in undergraduate nursing students

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    Blanca Nivia Morales


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la frecuencia de factores de riesgo y de protección relacionados con el consumo de drogas en estudiantes de enfermería. Es un estudio de corte transversal en que se aplicó el instrumento de Factores de Riesgo y de Protección para el Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas validado (FRP-SPA a estudiantes de enfermería. La información se analizó en el programa STATA 10. Se encuestaron 390 estudiantes. Los dominios "preconceptos y valoración", "permisividad social y accesibilidad a SPA", "habilidades sociales y de autocontrol" son factores de riesgo en casi el 100% de los encuestados para el consumo de drogas. La "Espiritualidad" y "satisfacción con relaciones interpersonales" son los dominios protectores predominantes. Con base en los datos, se puede presumir que los estudiantes no dimensionan los riesgos frente al consumo de alcohol y tabaco, lo que los lleva a considerar su consumo como normal y de aceptación social.O estudo apresentou como objetivo identificar a frequência de fatores de risco e proteção, relacionados ao consumo de drogas, em estudantes de enfermagem. É estudo de coorte transversal, onde foi aplicado instrumento de fatores de risco e proteção para o consumo de substâncias psicoativas validado (FRP-SPA para alunos de graduação em enfermagem. Os dados foram analisados por meio do programa STATA 10. Participaram do estudo 390 estudantes. Os domínios "pré-conceito e valoração", "permissividade social e acesso a SPA", "habilidades sociais e autocontrole" são fatores de risco para o consumo de drogas em quase 100% dos participantes. "Espiritualidade" e "satisfação com as relações interpessoais" são domínios protetores predominantes. Com base nos dados, pode-se presumir que os estudantes não dimensionam os riscos frente ao consumo de álcool e cigarro, o que os leva a considerar seu consumo como normal e de aceitação social.This study aims to identify the


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    Júlia Moreira de Deus


    Full Text Available Está sendo realizado um projeto de pesquisa com a finalidade de elaborar um dicionário trilíngue (PortuguêsInglês-Espanhol com termos relacionados ao turismo. O dicionário visa contribuir com a comunicação no campo do turismo e disponibilizar uma fonte de consulta para profissionais e estudantes. A esta pesquisa coube levantar, selecionar e sistematizar os termos relativos aos meios de hospedagem. Para isso, foi feito um levantamento em cinco dicionários especializados e três obras que tratavam do assunto; foram selecionados os termos que designam meios de hospedagem;as definições e contextos foram inseridos em fichas e foram identificadas as principais características dos termos; foi organizado um mapa conceitual dos meios de hospedagem. Por fim, um especialista foi consultado para validar os termos. Os dados coletados nessa primeira etapa da pesquisa foram usados na redação das definições dos termos selecionados. Palavras-chave: Dicionário. Meios de Hospedagem. Terminologia.

  4. Mild traumatic brain injury and immediate hypopituitarism in children = Trauma cranioencefálico leve e hipopituitarismo imediato em crianças

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    Nordon, David Gonçalves


    Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo apontam para disfunções endócrinas provavelmente pouco importantes, já que algumas das alterações encontradas podem estar relacionadas à resposta ao trauma agudo. Considerando a literatura e os resultados, é possível especular que a relação do trauma cranioencefálico com hipopituitarismo em crianças é diferente dos adultos

  5. Trauma craniano violento pediátrico: uma revisão da literatura

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    Nahara R.L. Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Fornecer uma revisão de literatura científica sobre trauma craniano violento pediátrico enquanto forma de maus-tratos físicos contra bebês e crianças, ressaltando prevalência, sinais e sintomas, consequências, fatores de risco para sua ocorrência e, principalmente, estratégias de prevenção. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS e Web of Science no período de 2001 a 2012 utilizando os termos "síndrome do bebê sacudido" e "trauma craniano violento" em inglês, espanhol e português. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: O trauma craniano violento é definido como a lesão ao crânio ou ao conteúdo intracraniano de um bebê ou criança menor de cinco anos devido a um impacto brusco intencional e/ou a uma sacudida violenta. Ocorre principalmente com bebês e crianças menores de um ano de idade, e pode resultar em consequências graves, desde deficiências físicas ou mentais até a morte. Apesar de haver sinais específicos para esta forma de maus-tratos, eles podem se confundir com doenças comuns em crianças ou traumas cranianos acidentais, sendo imprescindível o preparo clínico dos profissionais envolvidos na avaliação dos casos para o diagnóstico correto. As estratégias de prevenção devem incluir tanto a identificação precoce dos casos, como a educação parental sobre o desenvolvimento infantil, especialmente sobre o padrão de choro do bebê. CONCLUSÕES: Considerando a gravidade do trauma craniano violento pediátrico, é fundamental que estratégias de prevenção sejam implementadas e avaliadas no contexto brasileiro. Sugere-se que indicadores de sua incidência sejam pesquisados nacionalmente.

  6. Trauma of the lumbar spine and the thoracolumbar junction; Trauma der Lendenwirbelsaeule und des thorakolumbalen Uebergangs

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    Reith, W.; Harsch, N.; Kraus, C. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Homburg/Saar (Germany)


    Patients who have experienced high energy trauma have a particularly high risk of suffering from fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine. The detection of spinal injuries and the correct classification of fractures before surgery are not only absolute requirements for the implementation of appropriate surgical treatment but they are also decisive for the choice of surgical procedure. By the application of spiral computed tomography (CT) crucial additional information on the morphology of the fracture can be gained in order to estimate the fracture type and possibly the indications for specific surgical treatment options. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is ideally suited to provide valuable additional information regarding injuries to the discoligamentous structures of the spine. Magerl et al. developed a comprehensive classification especially for injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine, which was adopted by the working group for osteosynthesis (AO). This is based on a 2-pillar model of the spinal column. The classification is based on the pathomorphological characteristics of fractures recognizable by imaging. The injury pattern is of particular importance. In spinal trauma a distinction is made between stable and unstable fractures. The treatment of spinal injuries depends on the severity of the overall injury pattern. Besides adequate initial treatment at the scene, a trauma CT should be immediately carried out in order that no injuries are overlooked and to ensure a rapid decision on the treatment procedure. (orig.) [German] Insbesondere bei Patienten, die Hochenergie- oder Rasanztraumata erfahren haben, besteht ein erhoehtes Risiko, Frakturen der BWS und LWS zu erleiden. Die Erkennung von Verletzungen der Wirbelsaeule und die korrekte Klassifikation der Frakturen vor der Operation sind nicht nur unbedingte Voraussetzungen fuer die Einleitung einer adaequaten, ggf. operativen Therapie, sondern mitentscheidend fuer die Wahl des operativen Verfahrens. Bei

  7. Fundus autofluorescence in blunt ocular trauma

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    Ricardo Luz Leitão Guerra


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever os achados do exame de autofluorescência do fundo de olho (AFF em pacientes vítimas de trauma ocular contuso. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, não intervencionista, realizado através da revisão de prontuários e exames de imagem. Os dados analisados foram: sexo, idade, lateralidade, etiologia do trauma, tempo decorrente entre o trauma e a realização do exame, acuidade visual, alterações na periferia da retina, diagnóstico fundoscópico e achados ao exame de AFF (realizada no aparelho Topcon TRC-50DX Retinal Camera. Resultados: Oito olhos de 8 pacientes foram estudados. A idade média foi de 27,6 anos (de 19 a 43 anos, o sexo masculino (n=7 foi mais acometido do que o feminino (n=1, agressão física foi a etiologia mais comum do trauma (n=3, seguido de acidente com fogos de artifício (n=2. Outras causas foram acidente automobilístico (n=1, trauma ocupacional com lixadeira (n=1 e pedrada (n=1. A acuidade visual variou de 20/80 a percepção luminosa. Epiteliopatia pigmentar traumática (EPT foi identificada em 5 casos, rotura de coroide em 3, hemorragia subretiniana em 3 e retinopatia de Purtscher em 1 caso. Hipoautofluorescência foi observada nos casos de rotura de coroide, hemorragia subretiniana recente, hemorragia intrarretiniana e em 2 casos de EPT. Hiperautofluorescência foi visualizada nos casos de hemorragia subretiniana em degradação, na borda de 2 casos de roturas de coroide e discretamente no polo posterior na retinopatia de Purtcher. Três casos de EPT apresentaram hipoautofluorescência com pontos hiperautofluorescentes difusos. Conclusão: O exame de AFF permite avaliar as alterações do segmento posterior do olho decorrentes do trauma ocular contuso de forma não invasiva, somando informações valiosas. Foram descritos achados do exame em casos de epiteliopatia pigmentar traumática, rotura de coroide, hemorragia sub-retiniana e retinopatia de Purtscher.

  8. Traumas maxilofaciais em vítimas de violência interpessoal periciadas no Instituto Médico Legal de Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais


    Luiza Valeria de Abreu Maia


    O trauma maxilofacial é um tipo muito específico de trauma que ocorre em casos de acidentes de trânsito ou de violência interpessoal. Seu aumento se deve à violência crescente nas cidades representando um impacto na vida social, psíquica e profissional das vítimas e um dos maiores desafios aos serviços de saúde pública, por sua alta incidência e custos financeiros. Este estudo avaliou a prevalência dos traumas maxilofaciais em pessoas vivas vítimas de agressão física examinadas no Instituto M...

  9. AoS28D, a proline-Xaa carboxypeptidase secreted by Aspergillus oryzae. (United States)

    Salamin, Karine; Eugster, Philippe J; Jousson, Olivier; Waridel, Patrice; Grouzmann, Eric; Monod, Michel


    Prolyl peptidases of the MEROPS S28 family are of particular interest because they are key enzymes in the digestion of proline-rich peptides. A BLAST analysis of the Aspergillus oryzae genome revealed sequences coding for four proteases of the S28 family. Three of these proteases, AoS28A, AoS28B, and AoS28C, were previously characterized as acidic prolyl endopeptidases. The fourth protease, AoS28D, showed high sequence divergence with other S28 proteases and belongs to a phylogenetically distinct cluster together with orthologous proteases from other Aspergillus species. The objective of the present paper was to characterize AoS28D protease in terms of substrate specificity and activity. AoS28D produced by gene overexpression in A. oryzae and in Pichia pastoris was a 70-kDa glycoprotein with a 10-kDa sugar moiety. In contrast with other S28 proteases, AoS28D did not hydrolyze internal Pro-Xaa bonds of several tested peptides. Similarly, to human lysosomal Pro-Xaa carboxypeptidase, AoS28D demonstrated selectivity for cleaving C-terminal Pro-Xaa bonds which are resistant to carboxypeptidases of the S10 family concomitantly secreted by A. oryzae. Therefore, AoS28D could act in synergy with these enzymes during sequential degradation of a peptide from its C-terminus.

  10. Abordagem Tardia do Trauma de Pênis: Relato de Caso/Late Approach of Penile Trauma: Case Report.

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    Miria Freitas Andrade


    Full Text Available Introdução: A fratura de pênis trata-se de uma urgência urológica incomum e pode ser definida como trauma peniano fechado que resulta na ruptura da túnica albugínea. A apresentação clínica do quadro é descrita pelo paciente como um “estalido” ocorrido pelo rompimento do corpo cavernoso, acompanhado de dor, detumescência peniana imediata, edema e hematoma. Durante o exame observa-se o desvio peniano para o lado oposto ao da fratura. O diagnóstico da fratura peniana é clínico. O tratamento preconizado seria a intervenção cirúrgica com identificação do local do trauma, evacuação do hematoma, hemostasia e sutura do corpo cavernoso. Devendo ser associado antibioticoterapia profilática. Casuística: O presente relato tem como objetivo descrever um quadro atípico de fratura de pênis em que o paciente não apresentou “estalido”, nem detumescência como nos casos relatados na literatura. Além disso, a conduta tomada frente ao trauma foi diferenciada, visto que a abordagem cirúrgica ocorreu 18 dias após a fratura. Discussão: O tratamento preconizado, de intervenção cirúrgica imediata foi contraindicada em decorrência do edema volumoso que o paciente apresentava no momento do atendimento inicial. A equipe médica optou por reduzir o edema com o uso de anti-inflamatórios e a abordagem cirúrgica foi realizada tardiamente. Diferentemente do que foi encontrado na literatura, a intervenção cirúrgica é preconizada como tratamento imediato. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que a conduta adotada, reduzir o edema local e abordar cirurgicamente em um segundo momento, foi bem indicada uma vez que o paciente apresentou uma boa evolução. Introduction: The penis fracture is an unusual urological emergency and can be defined as closed penile trauma resulting in rupture of the tunica albuginea. The clinical presentation of the patient table is described as a "click" occurred by disruption of the corpus cavernosum, followed by pain

  11. Valoración de la atención de urgencias al paciente con trauma grave

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    Gabriel Rodríguez Suárez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la calidad de la atención de urgencias a los pacientes que ingresaron en el Hospital Universitario "Doctor Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" de Cienfuegos, con el diagnóstico de trauma grave, se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacionar. Se incluyeron 95 pacientes admitidos en unidades de cuidados progresivos durante el período de estudio, siguiendo el protocolo general de atención al trauma vigente en el Servicio. La edad media total de los lesionados fue de 39 años, con predominio del sexo masculino. El traumatismo craneoencefálico fue el más frecuente y de mayor mortalidad. Un análisis multivariado demostró que cerca del 50 % de los fallecimientos estuvo relacionado con la severidad de las lesiones, el tipo de trasporte utilizado y la demora en recibir los cuidados definitivosIn order to determine the quality of the emergency care received by the patients that were admitted at Doctor Gustavo Aldereguía Lima Teaching Hospital of Cienfuegos with the diagnosis of severe trauma, a correlative descriptive study was conducted. 95 patients who were admitted in progressive care units during the studied period were included, following the general protocol of trauma care that is in force at the Service. Total average age of the injured was 39. A predominance of males was observed. The cranioencephalic trauma was the most common and that with the highest mortality. A multivariate analysis showed that at about 50 % of the deaths were connected with the severity of the injuries, the type of transportation used and the delay in receiving the definitive care

  12. Investigando a adesão ao atendimento fonoaudiológico no contexto da atenção básica

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    César Augusto Paro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar os motivos relacionados a não-adesão de pacientes à terapia fonoaudiológica em um Centro de Saúde de Atenção Básica do Município de Campinas. MÉTODO:estudo exploratório do tipo ex-post facto de caráter qualitativo desenvolvido com os pacientes ou seus responsáveis, atendidos em um serviço de saúde e que não aderiram à fonoterapia. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com questões semidirigidas, a fim de apreender os motivos e atitudes enunciados pelos pacientes ou seus responsáveis em relação a não-adesão à terapia fonoaudiológica. As entrevistas foram transcritas e sistematizadas considerando-se os pressupostos da Análise Temática, técnica da Análise do Conteúdo. RESULTADOS: foram entrevistados dez sujeitos. Na análise, emergiu uma diversidade de temas e subtemas, desde relativos ao motivo do abandono, até a avaliação dos atendimentos de fonoaudiologia na visão dos usuários e organização da dinâmica familiar para comparecer ao atendimento. Este estudo indicou serem diversos os motivos do abandono à terapia fonoaudiológica no contexto da Atenção Básica, tais como: incompatibilidade de horário, dinâmica dos atendimentos, observação de melhora/resolução do caso, desmotivação do paciente e necessidade de realizar tratamento prévio em outra área. CONCLUSÃO: foi possível observar a presença de distintos motivos relacionados ao abandono numa mesma entrevista, aspecto que corrobora com o apontado pela literatura nacional e internacional, que caracteriza o processo de adesão/não-adesão como complexo e multifatorial.

  13. Identificação de marcadores microssatélites relacionados ao escurecimento de grãos em feijão

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    Karla Rodrigues Couto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores microssatélites ligados ao loco de características quantitativas (QTL responsável pelo escurecimento tardio do tegumento de feijões do tipo carioca, a fim de reduzir o tempo de avaliação necessário para seleção quanto a essa característica. Foram utilizados dados de avaliação fenotípica de 185 progênies F2:3 derivadas do cruzamento VC-3 x 'BRSMG Majestoso', para o estudo do controle genético do escurecimento dos grãos. Com esses dados, foram confeccionados dois "bulks" segregantes de DNA, empregados para a avaliação de 444 pares de primers SSR. Os aplicativos computacionais GQMOL e Sisvar foram utilizados para avaliar as segregações, confeccionar um grupo de ligação e realizar análises de marca simples e de regressão múltipla pelo método "backward". Oito marcadores apresentaram polimorfismo nos "bulks". Seis desses marcadores foram agrupados em um grupo de ligação de 80,49 cM, e destes, três mostraram-se estreitamente ligados ao QTL responsável pelo escurecimento tardio dos grãos. O marcador PVM02TC116 cossegregou com o QTL em questão, e os marcadores PVESTBR-98 (2,00 cM e PV176 (12,24 cM flanqueiam essa região, o que sugere elevada eficiência para possível uso na seleção assistida.

  14. Do imaginário ao real: mitos e medos acerca do parto normal.

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    Denismar Borges de MIRANDA


    Full Text Available Objetivo: conhecer mitos e medos relacionados ao parto normal segundo primigestas ao término da gestação, e a confirmação ou não destes mitos e/ou medos durante o puerpério tardio. Método: trata-se de pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa utilizando a técnica de entrevista aberta em profundidade e aplicação de questionários em dois momentos distintos: inicialmente na condição de gestante e posteriormente como puérperas. Os dados foram levantados em uma maternidade pública na cidade de Goiânia após aprovação do comitê de ética em pesquisa (0004.0.168.000-08; análise de conteúdo foi estabelecida para identificação das categorias temáticas. Resultados: emergiram três categorias: A chegada de um bebê, O verdadeiro significado do parto normal e Mitos e medos que permeiam o nascimento. Conclusão: a dor foi identificada como principal fator cultural que interfere na escolha pelo tipo de parto em primigestas. E o parto normal esteve associado à desmistificação acerca do nascimento pelas puérperas.

  15. Catarata pediátrica pós-trauma Traumatic pediatric cataract

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    Fernando Antonio de M. Leal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a catarata pediátrica pós-trauma, com relação ao tipo de trauma, o tempo decorrido entre este e a cirurgia e a correlação entre a acuidade visual obtida com o tratamento realizado. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes atendidos no serviço de Catarata Congênita da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, no período de agosto de 1988 a dezembro de 2001, com diagnóstico de catarata pediátrica pós-trauma. RESULTADOS: Foram revisados 66 prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de catarata pediátrica após trauma, correspondendo a uma incidência de 4,80% do total de casos atendidos no serviço. Com relação ao sexo, 47 (71,22% eram do sexo masculino e 19 (28,78% do sexo feminino. Do total de casos de trauma, 35 (53,03% foram contusos, 21 (31,82% penetrantes e 10 (15,15% não classificados. O tempo médio decorrido entre o trauma e a cirurgia foi de 7 anos e seis meses. As principais complicações pós-operatórias descritas foram seqüelas de uveítes em 13 pacientes (21,12% e opacificação de cápsula posterior em 10 (15,15%. Em 30 olhos foi possível obtermos as acuidades visuais inicial e final; deste total, 1 olho (3,33% possuía AV inicial superior ou igual a 20/60 com melhor correção e 12 (40% olhos AV final superior ou igual a 20/60 com melhor correção. Os pacientes foram acompanhados em média por 2 anos. CONCLUSÃO: A melhora da acuidade visual foi estatisticamen-te significante (teste de Wilcoxon pPURPOSE: To study the pediatric cataract after trauma, it's relation to the kind of the trauma, the time elapsed between trauma and surgery and the correlation between corrected visual acuity and treatment. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of all patients who presented diagnosis of traumatic cataract between August 1988 and December 2001 at the Congenital Cataract Service of Federal University of São Paulo. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients with diagnosis of pediatric cataract after trauma were studied

  16. Trauma team activation: Not just for trauma patients

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    Phoenix Vuong


    Full Text Available Specialized trauma teams have been shown to improve outcomes in critically injured patients. At our institution, an the American College of Surgeons Committee on trauma level I Trauma center, the trauma team activation (TTA criteria includes both physiologic and anatomic criteria, but any attending physician can activate the trauma team at their discretion outside criteria. As a result, the trauma team has been activated for noninjured patients meeting physiologic criteria secondary to nontraumatic hemorrhage. We present two cases in which the trauma team was activated for noninjured patients in hemorrhagic shock. The utilization of the TTA protocol and subsequent management by the trauma team are reviewed as we believe these were critical factors in the successful recovery of both patients. Beyond the primary improved survival outcomes of severely injured patients, trauma center designation has a “halo effect” that encompasses patients with nontraumatic hemorrhage.

  17. Avaliação de seis anos de fraturas cervicais subaxiais Evaluación de seis años de fracturas cervicales subaxiales Evaluation of six years of cervical sub-axial fractures

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    Leonardo Franco Pinheiro Gaia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente os fatores relacionados ao trauma cervical, segundo o tipo de fratura baseado na classificação AO. Levando-se em consideração aspectos etiológicos e epidemiológicos do evento. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente prontuários de pacientes com fratura cervical, no período de 2004 a 2009. Estudou-se as fraturas subaxiais (C3-C7, por se enquadrarem em apenas uma classificação (AO. Usou-se radiografias frente e perfil, e tomografias para dividir as fraturas em A (compressão, B (distração e C (rotação, de acordo com o padrão apresentado. Analisou-se os seguintes parâmetros: sexo, idade, classificação AO, mecanismo de trauma, presença de déficit neurológico, e tratamento cirúrgico ou conservador. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 264 prontuários, sendo 216 pacientes do sexo masculino e 48 femininos. A média de idade destes pacientes foi de 38,55 anos. O mecanismo de trauma mais comum das fraturas cervical subaxiais foi o acidente automobilístico com 84 casos. Quanto ao tipo de fratura pela classificação AO, a mais frequente foi do tipo B. Dos casos avaliados, 136 pacientes apresentaram déficit neurológico, parcial ou completo. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado em 166 casos. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados apresentados demonstram que as fraturas cervicais representam um importante problema para a saúde no Brasil, pública e privada. A prevenção das fraturas cervicais apresenta a melhor relação custo benefício na abordagem destas lesões.OBJETIVO: Evaluar retrospectivamente los factores relacionados al trauma cervical, según el tipo de fractura, basándose en la clasificación AO, considerandose los aspectos etiológicos y epidemiológicos del evento. MÉTODOS: Fueron analizadas retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de pacientes con fractura cervical, desde el 2004 hasta el 2009. Se estudiaron las fracturas subaxiales (C3-C7, ya que éstas se encuadran en apenas una clasificaci

  18. Acute diagnosis of spinal trauma; Akutdiagnostik des Wirbelsaeulentraumas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rieger, M.; Mallouhi, A.; Jaschke, W. [Medizinische Universitaet, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Innsbruck (Austria); El Attal, R.; Kathrein, A.; Knop, C.; Blauth, M. [Medizinische Universitaet, Universitaetsklinik fuer Unfallchirurgie, Innsbruck (Austria)


    Most traumatic spinal injuries result from a high-energy process and are accompanied by other injuries. Following the CCSPR study, the presence of all low-risk factors (simple trauma mechanism, fully conscious, ambulatory at any time since trauma, neck rotation exceeding 45 bilaterally) obviates the need to acutely image the cervical spine. Imaging is indicated in all other patients. Emergency spiral CT should be performed as the first imaging method in high-risk and moderate-risk patients; only in low-risk patients should conventional radiography be performed and trusted as the sole modality. The AO classification according to Magerl et al. is used for the subaxial spine, whereas the upper cervical spine should be classified separately because the anatomy is different at each level. Radiological evaluation of traumatic spinal injuries should be done systematically using the ''ABCS'' scheme. (orig.) [German] Wirbelsaeulentraumen entstehen zumeist infolge hochenergetischer Mechanismen und sind haeufig von weiteren Verletzungen begleitet. Auf eine Diagnostik der Wirbelsaeule kann laut CCSPR-Studie nur dann verzichtet werden, wenn alle Niedrigrisikofaktoren (bewusstseinsklar, gehfaehig, ausreichender Bewegungsumfang, einfacher Unfallmechanismus) erfuellt sind. Alle anderen Patienten muessen radiologisch abgeklaert werden. Dabei sollten Patienten mit einer hohen und mittleren Verletzungswahrscheinlichkeit primaer computertomographisch untersucht werden, nur bei einer geringen Verletzungswahrscheinlichkeit kann der konventionellen Diagnostik vertraut werden. Die Frakturen der subaxialen Wirbelsaeule werden nach der Magerl-AO-Klassifikation eingeteilt, wohingegen fuer die obere HWS separate Einteilungen angewandt werden. Die radiologische Beurteilung des Wirbelsaeulentraumas sollte systematisch anhand des ''ABCS''-Schemas erfolgen. (orig.)

  19. Trauma Tactics: Rethinking Trauma Education for Professional Nurses. (United States)

    Garvey, Paula; Liddil, Jessica; Eley, Scott; Winfield, Scott


    According to the National Trauma Institute (2015), trauma accounts for more than 180,000 deaths each year in the United States. Nurses play a significant role in the care of trauma patients and therefore need appropriate education and training (L. ). Although several courses exist for trauma education, many nurses have not received adequate education in trauma management (B. ; L. ). Trauma Tactics, a 2-day course that focuses on high-fidelity human patient simulation, was created to meet this educational need. This descriptive study was conducted retrospectively to assess the effectiveness of the Trauma Tactics course. Pre- and postsurveys, tests, and simulation performance were used to evaluate professional nurses who participated in Trauma Tactics over a 10-month period. Fifty-five nurses were included in the study. Pre- and postsurveys revealed an increase in overall confidence, test scores increased by an average of 2.5 points, and simulation performance scores increased by an average of 16 points. Trauma Tactics is a high-quality course that provides a valuable and impactful educational experience for nurses. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term effects of Trauma Tactics and its impacts on quality of care and patient outcomes.

  20. Acidentes com material biológico relacionados ao trabalho: análise de uma abordagem institucional

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    Ana Isabel Dias da Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO OBJETIVO: analisar o perfil de relatórios, instrumentos de registros e fluxos de tratamento, notificações, acompanhamentos, profilaxias e encaminhamentos devidos a acidentes causados por material perfurocortante em trabalhadores de saúde em uma instituição de saúde pública. Métodos: a coleta de dados usou um questionário semiestruturado aplicado aos profissionais responsáveis pelos registros de acidentes e avaliou os formulários utilizados em três setores da instituição de estudo. RESULTADOS: foram analisados 134 registros de acidentes biológicos. Quando comparamos os registros da instituição com os 50 registrados no mesmo período pelo banco de dados da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro, apenas 11 casos foram concordantes. Também identificamos falta de padronização nos formulários utilizados, fluxos diferentes e falta de registros de investigações dos casos, além de ausência de acompanhamento do desfecho dos acidentes. CONCLUSÃO: constataram-se subnotificação e discordância entre as fontes. Um formulário de registro para acidentes biológicos foi elaborado para informações de notificação e investigações, bem como criado um programa para monitorar acidentes causados por material perfurocortante, visando melhorar a vigilância de saúde dos trabalhadores da instituição.

  1. Pode o peso ao nascer influenciar o estado nutricional, os níveis de atividade física e a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de crianças e jovens?

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    João Wellington Oliveira Barros


    Full Text Available A aptidão física relacionada à saúde é definida como um conjunto de atributos fisiológicos que o indivíduo apresenta para o desempenho de atividades físicas diárias sem fadiga excessiva. Sabe-se que fatores como atividade física e estado nutricional influenciam diretamente os níveis de aptidão física. Entretanto, o aporte adequado de nutrientes nos períodos iniciais da vida é determinante para o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de órgãos e de sistemas. O peso ao nascer está relacionado ao desenvolvimento intrauterino bem como à prevalência de doenças cardiovasculares e metabólicas. Recentemente o peso ao nascer tem sido associado aos níveis de aptidão física relacionada à saúde. O mecanismo subjacente pode estar relacionado aos efeitos decorrentes de insultos ocorridos no período crítico do desenvolvimento, com alterações no padrão de eventos celulares. As consequências estão na aquisição de padrões fisiológicos maduros do organismo e na ocorrência de eventos metabólicos, com prejuízo na aptidão física. O presente estudo propõe uma análise sobre a aptidão física relacionada à saúde e sua relação com a atividade física, o estado nutricional e com o peso ao nascer do indivíduo. Os termos de indexação utilizados foram: physical fitness, programming, physical activity, nutritional status e low birth weight. Concluiu-se que indivíduos nascidos com baixo peso apresentam alterações no estado nutricional com consequências negativas para a atividade física e aptidão física relacionada à saúde.

  2. Adesao ao guia alimentar para populacao brasileira

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    Eliseu Verly Junior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Analisar a adesão ao Guia Alimentar para População Brasileira. MÉTODOS : Amostra composta por participantes do Inquérito de Saúde de São Paulo (n = 1.661 que preencheram dois recordatórios de 24 horas. Foi utilizado modelo bivariado de efeito misto para a razão entre o consumo de energia do grupo de alimentos e o consumo calórico total. A razão estimada foi utilizada para calcular o percentual de indivíduos com consumo abaixo ou acima da recomendação. RESULTADOS : Pelo menos 80,0% da população consome abaixo do recomendado para: leite e derivados; frutas e sucos de frutas; e cereais, tubérculos e raízes; aproximadamente 60,0% para legumes e verduras; 30,0% para feijões; e 8,0% para carnes e ovos. Adolescentes apresentaram a maior inadequação para legumes e verduras (90,0%, e o estrato de maior renda foi associado à menor inadequação para óleos, gorduras e sementes oleaginosas (57,0%. CONCLUSÕES : Foi observado consumo inadequado dos grupos de alimentos relacionados com aumento do risco de doenças crônicas.

  3. Current trauma care system and trauma care training in China

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    Lian-Yang Zhang


    Full Text Available Trauma is a life-threatening “modern disease”. The outcomes could only be optimized by cost-efficient and prompt trauma care, which embarks on the improvement of essential capacities and conceptual revolution in addition to the disruptive innovation of the trauma care system. According to experiences from the developed countries, systematic trauma care training is the cornerstone of the generalization and the improvement on the trauma care, such as the Advance Trauma Life Support (ATLS. Currently, the pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS has been one of the essential elements of infrastructure of health services in China, which is also fundamental to the trauma care system. Hereby, the China Trauma Care Training (CTCT with independent intellectual property rights has been initiated and launched by the Chinese Trauma Surgeon Association to extend the up-to-date concepts and techniques in the field of trauma care as well to reinforce the generally well-accepted standardized protocols in the practices. This article reviews the current status of the trauma care system as well as the trauma care training. Keywords: Trauma care system, Trauma care training, China

  4. Factors related to the development of stress and burnout among nursing professionals who work in the care of people living with HIV/aids / Fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento de estresse e burnout entre profissionais de enfermagem que atuam na assistência a pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids

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    Roberta Seron Sanches


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar quais os fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento de desgaste emocional, estresse e burnout estão presentes na assistência de enfermagem às pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids. Método: Revisão integrativa de literatura, com busca eletrônica de publicações nas bases de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, utilizando-se os descritores: esgotamento profissional, enfermagem, infecções por HIV em português e/ou em suas variações na língua inglesa. Resultados: Somente 9 artigos foram incluídos na seleção por se enquadrarem nos critérios de inclusão e atender a questão norteadora. Ressalta-se que 100% destes artigos são originários de periódicos internacionais, assim como desenvolvidos no continente africano. Conclusão: Estressores como falta de recursos, dificuldades para atender às expectativas da clientela, sobrecarga de trabalho, necessidade de lidar com a morte dos clientes e medo de contaminação estão presentes no cotidiano desses profissionais, podendo culminar na ocorrência de estresse e burnout, e comprometer a assistência prestada.

  5. Análise dos fatores de risco relacionados às amputações maiores e menores de membros inferiores em hospital terciário (United States)

    de Jesus-Silva, Seleno Glauber; de Oliveira, João Pedro; Brianezi, Matheus Henrique Colepicolo; Silva, Melissa Andreia de Moraes; Krupa, Arturo Eduardo; Cardoso, Rodolfo Souza


    Resumo Contexto As amputações dos membros inferiores, sejam definidas como maiores ou menores, são um grave problema de saúde, com altos índices de morbimortalidade e de relevante impacto social. Diferentes características clínicas dos pacientes parecem estar relacionadas aos diferentes tipos de amputação realizados. Objetivos Analisar os fatores de risco presentes em pacientes submetidos a amputações de membros inferiores em hospital terciário. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo, transversal, envolvendo 109 pacientes submetidos a amputação de membro inferior em um período de 31 meses, através da análise de gênero e idade, 15 dados clínicos e cinco parâmetros laboratoriais presentes no momento da admissão. Os dados foram submetidos a estatística descritiva e comparativa através do teste t de Student não pareado (para variáveis numéricas), e dos testes de Mann-Whitney e exato de Fisher (para variáveis categóricas). Resultados Das 109 amputações realizadas, 59 foram maiores e 50 menores. A maioria dos pacientes era do gênero masculino (65%), e a média de idade foi de 65 anos (mín. 39, máx. 93). Dentre os fatores de risco observados, idade avançada, acidente vascular encefálico, isquemia, sepse e níveis baixos de hemoglobina e hematócrito estavam estatisticamente mais relacionados às amputações maiores (p < 0,05). Diabetes melito, neuropatia e pulsos distais palpáveis foram fatores mais associados às amputações menores. Conclusões Os níveis das amputações de membros inferiores estão relacionados a diferentes fatores de risco. Os quadros isquêmicos mais graves e de maior morbidade estiveram associados a amputações maiores, enquanto a neuropatia e perfusão preservada, mais relacionados às amputações menores. PMID:29930618

  6. Análise dos fatores de risco relacionados às amputações maiores e menores de membros inferiores em hospital terciário

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    Seleno Glauber de Jesus-Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Contexto As amputações dos membros inferiores, sejam definidas como maiores ou menores, são um grave problema de saúde, com altos índices de morbimortalidade e de relevante impacto social. Diferentes características clínicas dos pacientes parecem estar relacionadas aos diferentes tipos de amputação realizados. Objetivos Analisar os fatores de risco presentes em pacientes submetidos a amputações de membros inferiores em hospital terciário. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo, transversal, envolvendo 109 pacientes submetidos a amputação de membro inferior em um período de 31 meses, através da análise de gênero e idade, 15 dados clínicos e cinco parâmetros laboratoriais presentes no momento da admissão. Os dados foram submetidos a estatística descritiva e comparativa através do teste t de Student não pareado (para variáveis numéricas, e dos testes de Mann-Whitney e exato de Fisher (para variáveis categóricas. Resultados Das 109 amputações realizadas, 59 foram maiores e 50 menores. A maioria dos pacientes era do gênero masculino (65%, e a média de idade foi de 65 anos (mín. 39, máx. 93. Dentre os fatores de risco observados, idade avançada, acidente vascular encefálico, isquemia, sepse e níveis baixos de hemoglobina e hematócrito estavam estatisticamente mais relacionados às amputações maiores (p < 0,05. Diabetes melito, neuropatia e pulsos distais palpáveis foram fatores mais associados às amputações menores. Conclusões Os níveis das amputações de membros inferiores estão relacionados a diferentes fatores de risco. Os quadros isquêmicos mais graves e de maior morbidade estiveram associados a amputações maiores, enquanto a neuropatia e perfusão preservada, mais relacionados às amputações menores.

  7. Estudo da morbimortalidade em pacientes com trauma pancreático Morbimortality in patients with pancreatic trauma

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    Olival Cirilo Lucena da Fonseca Neto


    e apenas um foi E. Apenas três pacientes não foram reoperados (média de 1,7 cirurgias por paciente. Em 46,15%, ocorreu hipertensão intra-abdominal sendo necessário colocação de bolsa de Bogotá. O tempo de internamento variou de 30 à 365 dias (média = 53,4 dias. Ocorreu apenas um óbito. CONCLUSÃO: A pancreatite traumática é de elevada morbimortalidade, e uma das complicações mais importantes relacionada ao trauma pancreático, sendo o seu diagnóstico precoce junto com o acompanhamento multidisciplinar intensivo, o fator que poderá interferir favoravelmente na evolução desses pacientes.BACKGROUND: Pancreatic lesion is uncommon after closed or penetrating abdominal trauma, being related between 0,2 to 12% in severe closed abdominal traumas and in 5 to 7% of penetrating traumas. The majority of pancreatic lesions occur in young men and is associated with an increased incidence of trauma in adjacent organs and major vascular structures. AIM: To evaluate morbimortality rates, evolution and handling of patients with pancreatic trauma. METHODS: A prospective study of patients admitted to the trauma unit was made. Thirteen adults (>13 years-old were divided into two groups one composed of severe and the other composed of non-severe patients according to clinical criterion in the moment of identification of trauma using the Balthazars' criteria (A, B, C, D and E. The type of external trauma (opened or closed, classification of pancreatic trauma, number of organs reached by trauma, number of reoperations, type of nutritional support and period of time in the hospital were also analyzed. Presence of compartmental abdominal syndrome and necessity to close trauma temporarily were studied and compared to morbimortality in patients. RESULTS: All patients were male, with an average age of 28,6 years (13 to 60 years of age, presenting postoperatory traumatic pancreatitis. Seven patients, showed penetrating wounds due to firearms; three had closed abdomen; two had

  8. Expressao genica associada ao estresse oxidativo no coracao de camundongo apos isquemia intestinal

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    Frederico Somaio Neto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O fenômeno da isquemia e reperfusão intestinal é um evento frequente na clínica e está associado a repercussões deletérias em órgãos a distância, em especial ao coração. OBJETIVO: Investigar a expressão gênica do estresse oxidativo e defesa antioxidante no coração de camundongos isogênicos, submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (IR. MÉTODOS: Doze camundongos (C57BL/6 foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo IR (GIR com 60 min de oclusão da artéria mesentérica superior, seguidos de 60 min de reperfusão. Grupo Controle (GC submetidos a anestesia e a laparotomia sem o procedimento de IR observados por 120 min. As amostras de intestino e coração foram processadas pelo método (RT-qPCR / Reverse transcriptase - quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction para determinar a expressão gênica de 84 genes relacionados ao estresse oxidativo ("t" de Student, p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Observou-se no tecido intestinal (GIR uma expressão significantemente aumentada em 65 (74,71% genes em relação ao tecido normal (GC, e 37 (44,04% genes estiveram hiperexpressos (maior que três vezes o limiar permitido pelo algoritmo. No tocante aos efeitos da I/R intestinal a distância no tecido cardíaco verificou-se a expressão significantemente aumentada de 28 genes (33,33%, mas somente oito genes (9,52% se hiperexpressaram três vezes acima do limiar. Quatro (7,14% desses oito genes se expressaram simultaneamente nos tecidos intestinal e cardíaco. No GIR notaram-se cardiomiócitos com núcleos de menor tamanho, picnóticos, ricos em heterocromatina e raros nucléolos, indicando sofrimento cardíaco. CONCLUSÃO: A I/R intestinal promoveu a hiperexpressão estatisticamente significante de oito genes associados ao estresse oxidativo a distância no tecido miocárdico.

  9. Tutoria em escola médica: avaliação por discentes após seu término e ao final do curso

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    Maria Mônica Freitas Ribeiro

    Full Text Available Na Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG, a tutoria, no formato mentoring, vincula-se ao Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico ao Estudante e é atividade obrigatória. Como em outras escolas médicas, propõe ser um espaço de acolhimento ao estudante no início do ciclo profissional. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar, na visão do estudante, a relevância da tutoria em sua formação e as características comuns aos vários grupos. Foram aplicados questionários com perguntas fechadas e abertas aos estudantes do 6º, 11º e 12º períodos do curso médico, com análise descritiva dos resultados quantitativos e análise de conteúdo das questões abertas. Participaram da pesquisa 81% dos estudantes do sexto período e 51% do sexto ano. Houve controvérsia sobre a relevância da atividade, muitas vezes relacionada com obrigatoriedade e inadequação dos tutores, imediatamente após a mesma e ao final do curso. A necessidade de espaço para discutir temas não relacionados com a formação médica puramente técnica também foi salientada. Numa perspectiva geral, a tutoria é atividade importante no quadro curricular, mas é urgente aprimorar o programa, a seleção e a formação dos tutores.

  10. Satisfação de estudantes formandos em administração de Joinville/SC com o seu curso e com sua instituição de ensino superior: aspectos relacionados ao mercado de trabalho [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.20100901004

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    Emerson Wagner Mainardes


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE SATISFAÇÃO DE ESTUDANTES FORMANDOS EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE JOINVILLE/SC COM O SEU CURSO E COM SUA INSTITUIÇÃO DE ENSINO SUPERIOR: ASPECTOS RELACIONADOS AO MERCADO DE TRABALHO   RESUMO Em um mercado de ensino superior competitivo, como é o caso do Brasil, oferecer um ensino que satisfaça alunos e mercado de trabalho tem sido fundamental para atrair e reter alunos em uma instituição de ensino superior (IES. Este estudo objetivou determinar a satisfação dos atuais alunos com os aspectos da graduação em administração ligados ao mercado de trabalho nas IES de Joinville, SC. Para a realização do estudo, buscou-se estudos que tratam da satisfação de estudantes, encontrando-se 5 atributos que medem a satisfação com atributos ligados ao mercado de trabalho. Em seguida, realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa-descritiva junto aos alunos formandos em duas das cinco IES que oferecem o curso de administração em Joinville, SC. Aplicou-se um questionário estruturado junto a 283 formandos destas duas IES. Com os dados coletados, caracterizou-se estes formandos e identificou-se os atributos de melhor e pior desempenho quanto a satisfação dos alunos nos aspectos ligados ao mercado de trabalho. Encontrou-se também os atributos que mais contribuem para a satisfação dos alunos. Os alunos mostraram-se satisfeitos, e ressaltaram que a imagem da IES no mercado, a empregabilidade e o atendimento às necessidades dos alunos e do mercado de trabalho são essenciais para os estudantes se sentirem satisfeitos com seu curso e sua IES.   Palavras-chave Satisfação de estudantes; mercado de trabalho; formandos em administração; instituições de ensino superior.     SATISFACTION OF GRADUATES IN ADMINISTRATION OF JOINVILLE/SC WITH THE COURSE AND WITH THE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION: ASPECTS RELATED TO THE JOB MARKET   ABSTRACT In a market of competitive higher education, as it is the case of

  11. A violência como objeto da assistência em um hospital de trauma: "o olhar" da enfermagem Violence as object of care in a trauma intensive care unit: the nurses' "view"

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    Sandra Maria Cezar Leal


    Full Text Available A pesquisa apóia-se na tipologia dos estudos híbridos. O objetivo é conhecer e compreender o "olhar" e o fazer das trabalhadoras de enfermagem no cuidado ao paciente vítima de violência, hospitalizado em serviços de emergência em trauma. Foi realizada em um hospital público de emergência em trauma, em Porto Alegre. Os sujeitos são os profissionais da equipe de enfermagem das unidades de internação e os pacientes internados vítimas de violência, em 2001. Os dados quantitativos são originários dos registros de internação do hospital e foram analisados com índices freqüenciais absolutos e relativos, com auxílio do software Epi-Info; para os dados discursivos adotou-se a Análise de Conteúdo. Dos 697 pacientes hospitalizados, vítimas de violência, 90,5% eram do sexo masculino; 73% brancos e 27% negros ou descendentes dessa etnia; a faixa etária dos 11 aos 39 anos corresponde a 78,9% das internações; 47,9% agredidos por arma de fogo, 26,5% por arma branca, 25% por agressão física, 0,3% vítimas de estupro. Em relação ao "olhar" da enfermagem no cuidado ao paciente ficou evidente a preocupação das trabalhadoras e as dificuldades desse enfrentamento. Aponta-se, que os serviços públicos de saúde necessitam se auto-avaliar e propiciar a criação de espaços de co-responsabilização nesse processo.This study is based on hybrid typology. The objective is to know and understand the "perspective" and responses of the nurses when caring for a patient that was the victim of violence and hospitalized with services in a trauma intensive care unit. The study was carried out in Porto Alegre, in a public hospital in the emergency trauma center. The subjects are professionals of the nursing team from intensive care units and the patients hospitalized were victims of violence in 2001. The quantitative data came from the hospitalization records and were analyzed with absolute and relative frequency rates with help from Epi

  12. Gravidade do trauma avaliada na fase pré-hospitalar Trauma severity assessment in prehospital setting

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    I.Y. Whitaker


    Full Text Available A avaliação da gravidade do trauma e a instituição de manobras para manutenção básica da vida, no local do evento, podem representar a oportunidade de sobrevida para as vítimas de trauma até a sua chegada ao hospital. OBJETIVO: Estudar vítimas de causas externas avaliadas por um índice fisiológico denominado Trauma Score modificado (TSm aplicado durante o atendimento pré-hospitalar. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Analisaram-se, retrospectivamente, 1.414 vítimas de causas externas atendidas pelo Sistema de Atendimento Móvel às Urgências (SAMU-RESGATE-SP no município de São Paulo, no ano de 1991. Os dados foram obtidos da ficha de atendimento pré-hospitalar e laudo de necropsia. RESULTADOS: O atendimento pré-hospitalar em 81,31% ocorreu até 40 minutos, dos quais 83,96% das vítimas não-fatais obtiveram escores TSm 12 e 11, e 53,96% das vítimas fatais obtiveram escores 0, 1 e 2. Superfície externa (30,25% e região da cabeça/pescoço (20,98% foram as mais acometidas. Das vítimas fatais, 63,63% com Injury Severity Score (ISS > ou = 16 morreram nas primeiras 24 horas. No cotejamento dos escores TSm e ISS, verificou-se que vítimas fatais com escore TSm entre 0 e 11 foram confirmadas como com ISS crítico (ISS > ou = 16. CONCLUSÃO: Constataram-se fortes indícios de que vítimas fatais com escores TSm baixos relacionaram-se com escores ISS altos.The trauma severity assessment and basic life support maneuvers in prehospital setting can represent to the trauma victim the opportunity of survival until his/her can get assistance in the hospital. PURPOSE: To study external cause victims assessed in the prehospital phase by the physiologic index named Trauma Score modificado (TSm. METHODS: Retrospective analyses were made of 1414 victims attended by Sistema de Atendimento Móvel às Urgências (SAMU-RESGATE-SP in the Municipality of São Paulo during 1991. Data were gathered from prehospital data recording sheets and necropsy records

  13. A atenção à saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho no SUS: desafios e possibilidades

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    Marcia Hespanhol Bernardo

    Full Text Available Este ensaio contextualiza a estruturação das áreas de saúde mental e saúde do trabalhador no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS com o intuito de discutir as possibilidades de atuação intrassetorial com relação à saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho. Inicia mostrando a complexidade das áreas programáticas de Saúde Mental e de Saúde do Trabalhador e indica que os maiores desafios a serem superados no contexto atual são a integração entre elas e a superação de uma "cultura" ainda presente na sociedade, segundo a qual o trabalho, quase sempre, tem uma conotação positiva e o sofrimento/adoecimento psíquico é visto como um sinal de fraqueza pessoal. A partir do relato de experiências, também aborda as possibilidades e os desafios na atenção à saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho nos diferentes níveis de atenção do SUS. Focaliza, mais especificamente, as ações possíveis na rede básica, o potencial da integração entre serviços especializados de saúde mental e de saúde do trabalhador para o estabelecimento de nexo causal, a importância dos eventos sentinelas e a necessidade da notificação dos agravos à saúde mental relacionados ao trabalho.

  14. Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático e transtorno de humor bipolar

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    Machado Vieira Rodrigo


    Full Text Available O Transtorno Bipolar (THB não é somente uma condição endógena. Severos eventos negativos durante a vida influenciam o desenvolvimento do primeiro episódio e alteram o curso do THB durante a vida. O Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT é uma severa e incapacitante doença mental que afeta uma significativa parcela da população, em algum momento de suas vidas. A presença concomitante de TEPT e THB parece mais freqüente que anteriormente sugerido, e pacientes psicóticos com história de trauma tem sintomas mais severos e maior tendência a abusar de substância psicoativas ilícitas. Pensamentos intrusivos e pesadelos ocorrem com freqüência nos pacientes com TEPT e têm sido associados aos transtornos de humor. O tratamento farmacológico dessa comorbidade ainda está relacionado a estudo empíricos ou não-controlados. Neste artigo, são revisados aspectos atuais relacionados a essa comorbidade e enfatizados aspectos referentes à epidemiologia, etiologia, curso e tratamento farmacológico da comorbidade entre TEPT e THB. Especialmente, este estudo enfatiza a importância de avaliar sistematicamente a história de trauma em pacientes com THB.

  15. The impact of specialist trauma service on major trauma mortality. (United States)

    Wong, Ting Hway; Lumsdaine, William; Hardy, Benjamin M; Lee, Keegan; Balogh, Zsolt J


    Trauma services throughout the world have had positive effects on trauma-related mortality. Australian trauma services are generally more consultative in nature rather than the North American model of full trauma admission service. We hypothesized that the introduction of a consultative specialist trauma service in a Level I Australian trauma center would reduce mortality of the severely injured. A 10-year retrospective study (January 1, 2002-December 31, 2011) was performed on all trauma patients admitted with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) > 15. Patients were identified from the trauma registry, and data for age, sex, mechanism of injury, ISS, survival to discharge, and length of stay were collected. Mortality was examined for patients with severe injury (ISS > 15) and patients with critical injury (ISS > 24) and compared for the three periods: 2002-2004 (without trauma specialist), 2005-2007 (with trauma specialist), and 2008-2011 (with specialist trauma service). A total of 3,869 severely injured (ISS > 15) trauma patients were identified during the 10-year period. Of these, 2,826 (73%) were male, 1,513 (39%) were critically injured (ISS > 24), and more than 97% (3,754) were the victim of blunt trauma. Overall mortality decreased from 12.4% to 9.3% (relative risk, 0.75) from period one to period three and from 25.4% to 20.3% (relative risk, 0.80) for patients with critical injury. A 0.46% per year decrease (p = 0.018) in mortality was detected (odds ratio, 0.63; p 24), the trend was (0.61% per year; odds ratio, 0.68; p = 0.039). The introduction of a specialist trauma service decreased the mortality of patients with severe injury, the model of care should be considered to implement state- and nationwide in Australia. Epidemiologic study, level III.

  16. Instrumentos relacionados con la actividad textil de época tardoantigua y altomedieval en Cantabria

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    Gutiérrez Cuenca, E.


    Full Text Available Los instrumentos relacionados con la actividad textil son relativamente abundantes en el repertorio de cultura material de época tardoantigua y altomedieval en Cantabria. Muchos de estos objetos han pasado desapercibidos o no han sido correctamente identificados en trabajos previos. Recogemos en este estudio un inventario detallado de los diferentes instrumentos, relacionados con el hilado (fusayolas, ganchos de huso, ruecas de mano y con el tejido (punzones, pesas de telar, con numerosos paralelos en diferentes zonas de Europa. La mayor parte de los hallazgos procede de cuevas, algunas con depósitos sepulcrales, y se pueden datar en líneas generales entre los siglos VI y X.

  17. Fatores associados ao óbito de motociclistas nas ocorrências de trânsito

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    Nelson Luiz Batista de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Para identificar fatores associados ao óbito em motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito, em Maringá-PR, foi realizado estudo retrospectivo incluindo os motociclistas envolvidos em acidentes no ano de 2004. As fontes de dados foram os registros da Polícia Militar, do SIATE e do Instituto Médico Legal. Foram realizadas análises bivariadas e regressão logística binária. Identificaram-se 2.362 motociclistas nos Boletins de Ocorrência e, destes, 1.743 tinham registros nos Relatórios de Atendimento do Socorrista. As vítimas fatais diferiram das demais quanto à faixa etária, ao local de residência, ao tempo de habilitação e as suas condições fisiológicas na cena da ocorrência. No modelo final permaneceram as seguintes variáveis: Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECGl, Revised Trauma Score (RTS, pulso e saturação de O2 no sangue. As condições fisiológicas das vítimas na cena do acidente se destacaram no modelo final e a ECGl superou o RTS na associação com óbito.

  18. Caracterização funcional da mímica facial na paralisia facial em trauma de face: relato de caso clínico Functional characterization of facial mimicry in facial paralysis of face trauma: a clinical case report

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    Leila Bonfim de Jesus


    Full Text Available TEMA: mímica facial na paralisia facial ocasionada por trauma de face. PROCEDIMENTOS: estudo de caso da mímica facial de um paciente com paralisia facial periférica no lado direito com sequelas decorrente de trauma por projétil de arma de fogo, adulto jovem do sexo masculino, comerciante autônomo. Foi realizada análise documental e fotográfica por meio de anamnese, avaliação e escala de graduação de da paralisia facial House e Brackmann. RESULTADOS: na avaliação da paralisia facial em repouso encontrou-se no lado direito (lesado: desvio de comissura labial, desvio de filtro, narina mais elevada e olho mais aberto. Em movimento, ainda no lado da lesão, observou-se: abolição de rugas frontais, incompetência no fechamento ocular natural e fechamento completo ao forçar, ausência de elevação de narina, rima naso-labial mais pronunciada, protrusão labial desviada para este lado, pouca retração labial, eversão de lábio inferior, comissura labial elevada, desvio de filtro, reduzida capacidade de inflar bochechas. O paciente apresentou sincinesia de olho/lábios e contratura com hipertonia de frontal, prócero, levantador da asa do nariz, risório, zigomático maior, zigomático menor, levantador do lábio superior, depressor do lábio inferior, mentual no lado da lesão e a fratura ocorreu em côndilo direito e o paciente referiu dor orofacial ao dormir e ao mastigar no lado comprometido. CONCLUSÃO: a lesão do nervo facial associada ao trauma de face provocou a alteração da mímica facial no lado direito o que gerou desfiguramento e distúrbios da mastigação.BACKGROUND: facial mimicry in the paralysis of the face that occurs because of a trauma in the face. PROCEDURES: case study of facial mimicry of a patient with peripheral facial paralysis, on the right side of the face, with sequels that happened because of a trauma because of a fire gun projectile; a young man, a self-employed trader. A documental and photographical

  19. Significado atribuído por trabalhadores da saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG ao princípio da resolutividade nas ações cotidianas

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    Lilian Machado Torres


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, fundamentado na sociologia compreensiva, cujo objetivo foi o de compreender o significado atribuído pelos profissionais da rede hierarquizada de saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil, ao princípio da resolutividade nas ações cotidianas de saúde. Trinta e dois trabalhadores foram os informantes desta pesquisa. Foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada e a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Profissionais descrevem o que é resolutividade e fatores que dificultam sua concretização. Percebem, também, que os pacientes nem sempre saem das Unidades com a resposta que desejam; e que o serviço é resolutivo no que corresponde ao seu nível de atenção, embora para a população e alguns gerentes seja o inverso. Conclui-se que se torna premente a reorganização de aspectos relacionados a este princípio doutrinário do SUS.

  20. Incremental cost-effectiveness of trauma service improvements for road trauma casualties: experience of an Australian major trauma centre. (United States)

    Dinh, Michael M; Bein, Kendall J; Hendrie, Delia; Gabbe, Belinda; Byrne, Christopher M; Ivers, Rebecca


    Objective The aim of the present study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of trauma service funding enhancements at an inner city major trauma centre. Methods The present study was a cost-effectiveness analysis using retrospective trauma registry data of all major trauma patients (injury severity score >15) presenting after road trauma between 2001 and 2012. The primary outcome was cost per life year gained associated with the intervention period (2007-12) compared with the pre-intervention period (2001-06). Incremental costs were represented by all trauma-related funding enhancements undertaken between 2007 and 2010. Risk adjustment for years of life lost was conducted using zero-inflated negative binomial regression modelling. All costs were expressed in 2012 Australian dollar values. Results In all, 876 patients were identified during the study period. The incremental cost of trauma enhancements between 2007 and 2012 totalled $7.91million, of which $2.86million (36%) was attributable to road trauma patients. After adjustment for important covariates, the odds of in-hospital mortality reduced by around half (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 0.48; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27, 0.82; P=0.01). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was A$7600 per life year gained (95% CI A$5524, $19333). Conclusion Trauma service funding enhancements that enabled a quality improvement program at a single major trauma centre were found to be cost-effective based on current international and Australian standards. What is known about this topic? Trauma quality improvement programs have been implemented across most designated trauma hospitals in an effort to improve hospital care processes and outcomes for injured patients. These involve a combination of education and training, the use of audit and key performance indicators. What does this paper add? A trauma quality improvement program initiated at an Australian Major Trauma Centre was found to be cost-effective over 12 years with

  1. The Role of Cumulative Trauma, Betrayal, and Appraisals in Understanding Trauma Symptomatology. (United States)

    Martin, Christina Gamache; Cromer, Lisa Demarni; Deprince, Anne P; Freyd, Jennifer J


    Poor psychological outcomes are common among trauma survivors, yet not all survivors experience adverse sequelae. The current study examined links between cumulative trauma exposure as a function of the level of betrayal (measured by the relational closeness of the survivor and the perpetrator), trauma appraisals, gender, and trauma symptoms. Participants were 273 college students who reported experiencing at least one traumatic event on a trauma checklist. Three cumulative indices were constructed to assess the number of different types of traumas experienced that were low (LBTs), moderate (MBTs), or high in betrayal (HBTs). Greater trauma exposure was related to more symptoms of depression, dissociation, and PTSD, with exposure to HBTs contributing the most. Women were more likely to experience HBTs than men, but there were no gender differences in trauma-related symptoms. Appraisals of trauma were predictive of trauma-related symptoms over and above the effects explained by cumulative trauma at each level of betrayal. The survivor's relationship with the perpetrator, the effect of cumulative trauma, and their combined impact on trauma symptomatology are discussed.

  2. Percepção de servidores municipais frente ao diagnóstico de distúrbio osteomuscular relacionado ao trabalho Public officers' perceptions of work-related musculoskeletal disorder diagnosis

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    Mirna Albuquerque Frota


    Full Text Available As doenças osteomusculares relacionadas ao trabalho (DORT são distúrbios do aparelho locomotor de etiologia ligada à atividade laboral que vêm apresentando incidência crescente em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve o objetivo de descrever a forma como servidores municipais de Fortaleza, CE, vivenciam as DORT. O estudo qualitativo foi realizado em uma clínica de fisioterapia em 2004. Os informantes foram nove servidores (com idades entre 40 e 57 anos em atendimento fisioterápico na clínica - agentes administrativos, professores e um técnico. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação participante e de entrevista semi-estruturada. Da análise emergiram as categorias temáticas "reações frente ao diagnóstico e tratamento" e "vivência da doença nas relações interpessoais". Os resultados permitiram inferir o impacto do diagnóstico da DORT no cotidiano do trabalhador: a limitação funcional leva à frustração e indignação; o não-reconhecimento pelos colegas gera a percepção de rejeição ou exclusão social. A reação de negação inicial, que leva o trabalhador a evitar a procura de atendimento especializado, é importante pela subnotificação gerada, que provoca limitação nas medidas de prevenção e controle das DORT.Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMD have shown increasing incidence all over the world. This study aimed at describing how public officers (in Fortaleza, CE react to a WRMD diagnosis. In this qualitative study, data were collected by means of participant observation and interviews with nine informants (aged 40 through 57, recruited at a rehabilitation clinic in 2004; they were office clerks, teachers, and a technician. Two subject-matter categories emerged from data analysis: reactions to diagnosis and treatment; and interpersonal relation changes after diagnosis. Results allowed for inferring the impact of WRMD in workers' daily lives: functional limitation leads to frustration and indignation

  3. Diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à oxigenação, atribuídos a vítimas de trauma admitidos em CTI

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    Aurilene Josefa Cartaxo Gomes de Arruda


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo, realizado em um hospital público, do município de João Pessoa - PB, cujo objetivo geral foi o de estabelecer, à luz do modo fisiológico de adaptação de Roy, um perfil dos diagnósticos de enfermagem do componente oxigenação em pacientes vítimas de trauma. A população do estudo constituiu-se de pacientes vítimas de trauma, encaminhados para o CTI dessa instituição após atendimento na Unidade de Emergência. Para a organização da amostra determinou-se um recorte temporal, durante o qual foram coletados os dados de 22 pacientes. Foram estabelecidos para esses pacientes 6 diferentes diagnósticos de enfermagem no componente oxigenação, dos quais 4 alcançaram uma freqüência³ 50% na amostra de casos estudados e passaram a ser considerados como fazendo parte do perfil diagnóstico pretendido: Perfusão tissular periférica alterada (81,8%, Padrão respiratório ineficaz (77,3%, Troca de gases inadequada (77,3% e Hipoxia (77,3%.

  4. Resistência ao tratamento nos transtornos de ansiedade: fobia social, transtorno de ansiedade generalizada e transtorno do pânico Treatment-resistant anxiety disorders: social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder

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    Gabriela Bezerra de Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Os transtornos de ansiedade são condições psiquiátricas prevalentes que determinam importante prejuízo funcional, piora na qualidade de vida do indivíduo e um enorme custo social. Embora diversas medicações eficazes para os transtornos de ansiedade encontrem-se disponíveis, um número significativo de pacientes não responde adequadamente ao tratamento e muitos permanecem com sintomas residuais clinicamente significativos. O objetivo deste estudo é rever aspectos relacionados à resistência ao tratamento e estratégias farmacológicas no manejo dos transtornos de ansiedade resistentes ao tratamento. MÉTODO: Revisão narrativa. RESULTADOS: São discutidos os diversos aspectos conceituais relacionados à resistência ao tratamento, os possíveis preditores de resistência e, finalmente, algumas estratégias a serem utilizadas no manejo dos transtornos de ansiedade (incluindo transtorno de ansiedade social, transtorno de ansiedade generalizada e transtorno do pânico que não respondem às abordagens terapêuticas convencionais. CONCLUSÃO: A resistência ao tratamento ainda é um desafio para a prática clínica que começa em conceitos não operacionalizados de resposta e resistência e termina na escassez de estudos controlados sobre estratégias de tratamento nesse último cenário clínico.OBJECTIVES: Anxiety disorders are common psychiatric conditions that cause significant disability, poor quality of life and enormous social cost. Although treatments with demonstrable efficacy are available a great number of patients fail to respond or remains with clinically significant residual symptoms after treatment. The objective of this study is to review aspects related to treatment resistance and pharmacological strategies to deal with anxiety disorders resistant to treatment. METHOD: Narrative review. RESULTS: We discuss conceptual aspects related to treatment resistance or refractoriness, predictors of poor treatment outcome

  5. Eventos adversos e motivos de descarte relacionados ao reuso de produtos médicos hospitalares em angioplastia coronária Adverse events and reasons for discard related to the reuse of cardiac catheters in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

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    Margarete Ártico Batista


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os eventos adversos ocorridos durante e após angioplastia coronária (ATC, possivelmente relacionados ao reuso de produtos médico-hospitalares, além de quantificar e identificar os motivos de descarte em relação ao primeiro uso e ao reuso. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 60 pacientes, sendo que 29 (48,3% apresentavam angina instável, 27 (45% IAM e quatro (6,7% outros diagnósticos. Durante o procedimento e na permanência na Unidade Intensiva Coronariana, atentou-se à possibilidade de ocorrência dos eventos adversos febre, hipertensão, hipotensão, calafrios, sudorese, sangramento, náuseas e vômitos. Foram avaliados sete produtos médico-hospitalares: introdutor, cateter-guia, fio-guia 0.35, fio-guia 0.014, cateter- balão para angioplastia, seringa com manômetro para insuflar balão (indeflator e torneira de três vias (manifold. No total de produtos (76 de primeiro uso e 410 reprocessados, verificou-se se houve descarte e se isto ocorreu antes ou durante o procedimento e quais os motivos para tanto. Utilizou-se o teste Qui Quadrado, admitindo-se erro alfa de 5%. RESULTADOS: Vinte e seis pacientes apresentaram eventos adversos. A hipotensão foi o evento mais prevalente e ocorreu em 11(18,3% casos. Não houve, porém, significância estatística entre o evento adverso hipotensão e reuso ou não dos produtos médico-hospitalares. Por não estarem íntegros, foram descartados três produtos de primeiro uso e 55 produtos dos reutilizados. CONCLUSÃO: Os eventos adversos apresentados pelos pacientes submetidos à angioplastia não estão associados ao reuso dos produtos médico-hospitalares. A integridade e funcionalidade foram os motivos principais de descarte.OBJECTIVE: To describe the adverse effects that occur during and after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA possibly related to the reuse of medical equipment. An additional objective is to quantify and identify the reasons of discard in respect to

  6. Trauma Center Staffing, Infrastructure, and Patient Characteristics that Influence Trauma Center Need

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    Faul, Mark


    Full Text Available Introduction: The most effective use of trauma center resources helps reduce morbidity and mortality, while saving costs. Identifying critical infrastructure characteristics, patient characteristics and staffing components of a trauma center associated with the proportion of patients needing major trauma care will help planners create better systems for patient care.   Methods: We used the 2009 National Trauma Data Bank-Research Dataset to determine the proportion of critically injured patients requiring the resources of a trauma center within each Level I-IV trauma center (n=443. The outcome variable was defined as the portion of treated patients who were critically injured. We defined the need for critical trauma resources and interventions (“trauma center need” as death prior to hospital discharge, admission to the intensive care unit, or admission to the operating room from the emergency department as a result of acute traumatic injury. Generalized Linear Modeling (GLM was used to determine how hospital infrastructure, staffing Levels, and patient characteristics contributed to trauma center need.     Results: Nonprofit Level I and II trauma centers were significantly associated with higher levels of trauma center need. Trauma centers that had a higher percentage of transferred patients or a lower percentage of insured patients were associated with a higher proportion of trauma center need.  Hospital infrastructure characteristics, such as bed capacity and intensive care unit capacity, were not associated with trauma center need. A GLM for Level III and IV trauma centers showed that the number of trauma surgeons on staff was associated with trauma center need. Conclusion: Because the proportion of trauma center need is predominantly influenced by hospital type, transfer frequency, and insurance status, it is important for administrators to consider patient population characteristics of the catchment area when planning the

  7. Análise retrospectiva dos traumas faciais associados aos traumas cervicais dos pacientes atendidos na área de Cirurgia Buco-maxilo-facial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - UNICAMP, no período de 1999 a 2009


    Paulo Maria Santos Rabêlo Junior


    Resumo: Este trabalho foi baseado em um estudo observacional, seccional, retrospectivo do tipo caso-controle, com o objetivo de analisar a prevalência e características epidemiológicas da associação entre traumas faciais e traumas cervicais nos pacientes atendidos pela Área de Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba (FOP)-Unicamp, na cidade de Piracicaba e região, no período de abril de 1999 a dezembro de 2009. Um total de 3095 pacientes com trauma facial foi inc...


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    Ruanna Lorna Vieira Fernandes


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del artículo fueron investigar Conocimiento, Actitud y Práctica (CAP de mujeres cuanto al condón femenino, antes y después de intervención educativa, e identificar el número de mujeres que adhirieron a la utilización del método. Investigación cuasi experimental, pre y post, con 35 mujeres. Los datos fueron obtenidos con el estudio de CAP (pre test, intervención educativa, oferta de tres condones femeninos y cuestionario de CAP (post test, 30 días después de la intervención. En el pre test, 17 (48,6% mujeres presentaron conocimiento moderado, 12 (34,3% mala actitud, 34 (97,1% habían practicado. El post-test indicó adecuado conocimiento (n = 30, el 85,3%; actitud moderada (n = 21, 62,9% y práctica importante (n = 19, 55,9%. Doce (35,3% participantes informaran intención de continuar con el uso del condón femenino. Las mujeres estubieron dispuestas a usarlo, mediante intervención educativa eficaz, con resultado también en la mejora de los marcadores de CAP.

  9. Os cuidados de enfermagem ao paciente pós-transplantado de medula óssea

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    Marina Assunção Rocha


    Full Text Available O transplante de medula óssea (TMO é um procedimento médico complexo utilizado atualmente no tratamento de uma série de enfermidades graves. É indicado no tratamento de patologias malignas ou não, modificando o prognóstico do paciente em questão. Porém, não é um método plenamente resolutivo, podendo curar o paciente ou levá-lo a morte. Este estudo tem como objetivos a elucidação dos principais conceitos relacionados ao tema e a identificação de um planejamento assistencial do enfermeiro que contemple a etapa de pós TMO. Os resultados obtidos relacionam a fase do pós-transplante às necessidades específicas dos pacientes e o plano assistencial de enfermagem, evidenciando a necessidade de um suporte profissional que englobe os âmbitos social e psicológico do paciente.

  10. Trauma of the lumbar spine and the thoracolumbar junction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reith, W.; Harsch, N.; Kraus, C.


    Patients who have experienced high energy trauma have a particularly high risk of suffering from fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine. The detection of spinal injuries and the correct classification of fractures before surgery are not only absolute requirements for the implementation of appropriate surgical treatment but they are also decisive for the choice of surgical procedure. By the application of spiral computed tomography (CT) crucial additional information on the morphology of the fracture can be gained in order to estimate the fracture type and possibly the indications for specific surgical treatment options. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is ideally suited to provide valuable additional information regarding injuries to the discoligamentous structures of the spine. Magerl et al. developed a comprehensive classification especially for injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine, which was adopted by the working group for osteosynthesis (AO). This is based on a 2-pillar model of the spinal column. The classification is based on the pathomorphological characteristics of fractures recognizable by imaging. The injury pattern is of particular importance. In spinal trauma a distinction is made between stable and unstable fractures. The treatment of spinal injuries depends on the severity of the overall injury pattern. Besides adequate initial treatment at the scene, a trauma CT should be immediately carried out in order that no injuries are overlooked and to ensure a rapid decision on the treatment procedure. (orig.) [de

  11. The role of the trauma nurse leader in a pediatric trauma center. (United States)

    Wurster, Lee Ann; Coffey, Carla; Haley, Kathy; Covert, Julia


    The trauma nurse leader role was developed by a group of trauma surgeons, hospital administrators, and emergency department and trauma leaders at Nationwide Children's Hospital who recognized the need for the development of a core group of nurses who provided expert trauma care. The intent was to provide an experienced group of nurses who could identify and resolve issues in the trauma room. Through increased education, exposure, mentoring, and professional development, the trauma nurse leader role has become an essential part of the specialized pediatric trauma care provided at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

  12. The trauma ecosystem: The impact and economics of new trauma centers on a mature statewide trauma system. (United States)

    Ciesla, David J; Pracht, Etienne E; Leitz, Pablo T; Spain, David A; Staudenmayer, Kristan L; Tepas, Joseph J


    Florida serves as a model for the study of trauma system performance. Between 2010 and 2104, 5 new trauma centers were opened alongside 20 existing centers. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of trauma system expansion on system triage performance and trauma center patients' profiles. A statewide data set was queried for all injury-related discharges from adult acute care hospitals using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes for 2010 and 2014. The data set, inclusion criteria, and definitions of high-risk injury were chosen to match those used by the Florida Department of Health in its trauma registry. Hospitals were classified as existing Level I (E1) or Level II (E2) trauma centers and new E2 (N2) centers. Five N2 centers were established 11.6 to 85.3 miles from existing centers. Field and overall trauma system triage of high-risk patients was less accurate with increased overtriage and no change in undertriage. Annual volume at N2 centers increased but did not change at E1 and E2 centers. In 2014, Patients at E1 and E2 centers were slightly older and less severely injured, while those at N2 centers were substantially younger and more severely injured than in 2010. The injured patient-payer mix changed with a decrease in self-pay and commercial patients and an increase in government-sponsored patients at E1 and E2 centers and an increase in self-pay and commercial patients with a decrease in government-sponsored patients at N2 centers. Designation of new trauma centers in a mature system was associated with a change in established trauma center demographics and economics without an improvement in trauma system triage performance. These findings suggest that the health of an entire trauma system network must be considered in the design and implementation of a regional trauma system. Therapeutic/care management study, level IV; epidemiological, level IV.

  13. Trauma pattern in a level I east-European trauma center

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    Bogdan Stoica


    Conclusions: Our trauma pattern profile is similar to the one found in west-European countries, with a predominance of traffic-related injuries and falls. The severity and anatomical puzzle for trauma lesions were more complex secondary to motorcycle or bicycle-to-auto vehicles collisions. A trauma registry, with prospective enrollment of patients, is a very effective tool for constant improvements in trauma care.

  14. Ultrasonography in trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weile, Jesper; Nielsen, Klaus; Primdahl, Stine C


    BACKGROUND: The Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) protocol is considered beneficial in emergent evaluation of trauma patients with blunt or penetrating injury and has become integrated into the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol. No guidelines exist as to the use...... of ultrasonography in trauma in Denmark. We aimed to determine the current use of ultrasonography for assessing trauma patients in Denmark. METHODS: We conducted a nation-wide cross-sectional investigation of ultrasonography usage in trauma care. The first phase consisted of an Internet-based investigation....... Twenty-one (95.5%) of the guidelines included and recommended FAST as part of trauma assessment. The recommended person to perform the examination was the radiologist in n = 11 (50.0%), the surgeon in n = 6 (27.3%), the anesthesiologist in n = 1 (4.5%), and unspecified in n = 3 (13.6%) facilities. FAST...

  15. Facial trauma. (United States)

    Peeters, N; Lemkens, P; Leach, R; Gemels B; Schepers, S; Lemmens, W

    Facial trauma. Patients with facial trauma must be assessed in a systematic way so as to avoid missing any injury. Severe and disfiguring facial injuries can be distracting. However, clinicians must first focus on the basics of trauma care, following the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) system of care. Maxillofacial trauma occurs in a significant number of severely injured patients. Life- and sight-threatening injuries must be excluded during the primary and secondary surveys. Special attention must be paid to sight-threatening injuries in stabilized patients through early referral to an appropriate specialist or the early initiation of emergency care treatment. The gold standard for the radiographic evaluation of facial injuries is computed tomography (CT) imaging. Nasal fractures are the most frequent isolated facial fractures. Isolated nasal fractures are principally diagnosed through history and clinical examination. Closed reduction is the most frequently performed treatment for isolated nasal fractures, with a fractured nasal septum as a predictor of failure. Ear, nose and throat surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons and ophthalmologists must all develop an adequate treatment plan for patients with complex maxillofacial trauma.

  16. Caracterização dos traumas abdominais em pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá, 2006 = Abdominal trauma at the University Hospital of Maringá, 2006

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    Orlando Ribeiro Prado Filho


    Full Text Available De todas as mortes por causas externas por trauma, metade poderia ser evitada, e um terço delas é dito potencialmente evitável. Objetiva-se determinar as características comuns referentes ao paciente com traumatismo abdominal. Realizou-se um estudo de 57 casos de pacientes com traumatismo abdominal atendidos no Hospital UniversitárioRegional de Maringá, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2006. Constatou-se que a maioria das vítimas é do sexo masculino; a faixa etária mais acometida é a terceira década de vida; o trauma abdominal aberto mostrou-se discretamente mais frequente, sendo o ferimento por arma branca mais comum; a maioria das contusões abdominais se deveu aacidentes de trânsito; a realização de intervenção cirúrgica supera o tratamento conservador nos traumas abdominais abertos; nos traumas contusos, o baço e os rins foram os órgãos mais acometidos, enquanto nos ferimentos abertos a víscera mais acometida foi o intestinodelgado; a evolução para óbito predominou nos traumas abdominais abertos. Em virtude da prevalência, gravidade e importância do tema, sugere-se que mais estudos sejam realizados para que, assim, seja possível estabelecer condutas cada vez mais apropriadas à realidade doSistema Único de Saúde.Of all the deaths due to external cause trauma, half could be avoided, and a third are potentially preventable. The objective of this study was to determine the common characteristics related to patients with abdominal trauma. A study was conducted of 57 cases of abdominal trauma at the University Hospital of Maringá, during the period from January to December 2006. The majority of victims are male; the most affected age group is in its third decade oflife; open abdominal trauma proved to be slightly more prevalent, and wounds from cold steel weapons were the most common; most abdominal injuries were due to traffic accidents; the conduct of surgical intervention overcomes conservative treatment in

  17. Tumor de Pindborg relacionado con trauma facial Pindborg's tumor in relationship with facial traumata

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    Niorgy Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El tumor de Pindborg es una neoplasia benigna, rara, con carácter invasivo local y tendencia a la recidiva, que representa entre el 0,17 y el 1,8 % de todos los tumores odontogénicos, del cual tan solo se han publicado unos 200 casos, con una media de 4 casos nuevos por año en el mundo. Se presentó el caso de un hombre de 39 años de edad que acudió a la consulta de cirugía maxilofacial remitido de neurocirugía postraumatismo craneofacial, por presentar un aumento de volumen en el ángulo mandibular derecho. Se tuvo como objetivo publicar la existencia de esta infrecuente neoplasia por lo interesantes que resultan estos tumores por su evolución, dificultad en el diagnóstico, variantes de tratamiento y tendencia a la recidiva. Después de realizar exámenes de laboratorio, radiografías, tomografía axial computarizada y biopsia de fragmento óseo, se obtuvo extensión y diagnóstico de tumor de Pindborg en hemimandíbula derecha. Se realizó la técnica quirúrgica de hemimandibulectomía derecha y reconstrucción con injerto óseo de cresta ilíaca. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria.The Pindborg's tumor is a benign and uncommon neoplasm with a local invasive character and a trend to relapse accounting for the 0.17 and the 1.8 % of all odontogenic tumors with only 200 cases published in the literature and a mean of four cases per year at world scale. This is the case of a man aged 39 came our consultation of Maxillofacial Surgery referred from Neurosurgery Service after a craniofacial trauma and an increase of volume in right mandibular angle with the aim to publish the existence of this uncommon neoplasm due to the interesting of this type of tumor by its evolution, difficulty for diagnosis, variants of treatment and trend to relapse. After carry out laboratory examinations, X-rays, axial tomography computerize and biopsy of bone fragment, it was possible the extension and diagnosis of Pindbog's tumor in right hemi

  18. Trauma facilities in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weile, Jesper; Nielsen, Klaus; Primdahl, Stine C


    Background: Trauma is a leading cause of death among adults aged challenge. Evidence supports the centralization of trauma facilities and the use multidisciplinary trauma teams. Because knowledge is sparse on the existing distribution of trauma facilities...... and the organisation of trauma care in Denmark, the aim of this study was to identify all Danish facilities that care for traumatized patients and to investigate the diversity in organization of trauma management. Methods: We conducted a systematic observational cross-sectional study. First, all hospitals in Denmark...... were identified via online services and clarifying phone calls to each facility. Second, all trauma care manuals on all facilities that receive traumatized patients were gathered. Third, anesthesiologists and orthopedic surgeons on call at all trauma facilities were contacted via telephone...

  19. The Role of Cumulative Trauma, Betrayal, and Appraisals in Understanding Trauma Symptomatology


    Martin, Christina Gamache; Cromer, Lisa DeMarni; DePrince, Anne P.; Freyd, Jennifer J.


    Poor psychological outcomes are common among trauma survivors, yet not all survivors experience adverse sequelae. The current study examined links between cumulative trauma exposure as a function of the level of betrayal (measured by the relational closeness of the survivor and the perpetrator), trauma appraisals, gender, and trauma symptoms. Participants were 273 college students who reported experiencing at least one traumatic event on a trauma checklist. Three cumulative indices were const...

  20. Riscos e doenças ocupacionais relacionados ao exercício da anestesiologia Riesgos y enfermedades ocupacionales relacionados con el ejercicio de la anestesiología Occupational hazards and diseases related to the practice of anesthesiology

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    Daniel Volquind


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O exercício da anestesiologia não é isento de riscos para o anestesiologista. Considerada um local de trabalho insalubre em razão dos riscos potenciais que oferece, a sala de operações (SO é o local no qual o anestesiologista passa a maior parte do tempo. Nesta revisão, propomos uma análise dos riscos ocupacionais aos quais estão expostos os anestesiologistas em sua prática diária. CONTEÚDO: Apresentamos a classificação dos riscos e suas relações com as doenças ocupacionais. CONCLUSÃO: O controle dos riscos ocupacionais, aos quais os anestesiologistas são expostos diariamente, se faz necessário para o desenvolvimento de um local de trabalho adequado e com riscos reduzidos para a boa prática da anestesiologia. Isso contribui para a diminuição do absenteísmo, a melhora da assistência prestada ao paciente e da qualidade de vida do anestesiologista.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El ejercicio de la anestesiología no está exento de riesgos para el anestesiólogo. Considerado como un local de trabajo insalubre a causa de los riesgos potenciales a que conlleva, el quirófano es el local en donde el anestesiólogo pasa la mayor parte del tiempo. En esta revisión, proponemos un análisis de los riesgos ocupacionales a los que están expuestos los anestesiólogos en su práctica diaria. CONTENIDO: Presentamos una clasificación de los riesgos y sus relaciones con las enfermedades ocupacionales. CONCLUSIONES: El control de los riesgos ocupacionales a los que están expuestos los anestesiólogos diariamente es necesario para lograr un local de trabajo adecuado y con riesgos reducidos para la buena práctica de la anestesiología, lo que contribuye para la disminución del absentismo, la mejoría de la asistencia prestada al paciente y de la calidad de vida del anestesiólogo.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The practice of anesthesiology is not without risks to the anesthesiologist. The operating room (OR, in

  1. Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático: formulação diagnóstica e questões sobre comorbidade

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    Câmara Filho José Waldo S


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Atualizar os principais aspectos relacionados ao quadro clínico e ao diagnóstico do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT, assim como discutir sua validade como entidade nosológica e sua comorbidade. MÉTODOS: Descrição da sintomatologia clínica, detendo-se em seu significado fenomenológico, e revisão da literatura sobre comorbidade e validação diagnóstica. RESULTADOS: O TEPT tem sua apresentação clínica dividida em três grupos sintomatológicos relacionados à reexperiência traumática, ao comportamento de esquiva e distanciamento emocional e à hiperexcitabilidade psíquica. A estruturação diagnóstica do TEPT, especialmente a validade do constructo, vem sendo confirmada por evidências crescentes oriundas de estudos de natureza epidemiológica e neurobiológica. A prevalência de transtornos co-mórbidos próxima a 80% desperta a atenção sobre a maneira em que é conceituado o diagnóstico. Questiona-se se a imprecisão descritiva dos critérios diagnósticos, permitindo a sobreposição de sintomas de outros transtornos, não estaria contribuindo para uma superestimação da prevalência co-mórbida. CONCLUSÃO: O TEPT é considerado válido como diagnóstico, reconhecendo e legitimando a condição clínica, não necessariamente temporária, derivada essencialmente do trauma psicológico.

  2. Geriatric trauma. (United States)

    Adams, Sasha D; Holcomb, John B


    The landscape of trauma is changing due to an aging population. Geriatric patients represent an increasing number and proportion of trauma admissions and deaths. This review explores recent literature on geriatric trauma, including triage criteria, assessment of frailty, fall-related injury, treatment of head injury complicated by coagulopathy, goals of care, and the need for ongoing education of all surgeons in the care of the elderly. Early identification of high-risk geriatric patients is imperative to initiate early resuscitative efforts. Geriatric patients are typically undertriaged because of their baseline frailty being underappreciated; however, centers that see more geriatric patients do better. Rapid reversal of anticoagulation is important in preventing progression of brain injury. Anticipation of difficult disposition necessitates early involvement of physical therapy for rehabilitation and case management for appropriate placement. Optimal care of geriatric trauma patients will be based on the well established tenets of trauma resuscitation and injury repair, but with distinct elements that address the physiological and anatomical challenges presented by geriatric patients.

  3. Trauma Africa

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    Victor Y. Kong


    Full Text Available “Major Trauma. Dr. Kong, please come to the Trauma Unit immediately. Dr. Kong, please come to the Trauma Unit immediately.” Even though I have been working at Edendale Hospital as a trauma registrar for over a year, whenever I hear this announcement over the hospital intercom system, my heart beats just a little faster than normal. When I first arrived at Edendale my colleagues told me that the adrenaline rush I would experience after being called out to attend a new emergency would decrease over time, and indeed they were right. However, it is also true to say that on some occasions more than others, it is still felt more strongly than ever.

  4. Traumatismos vasculares revisão de 5 anos Vascular Trauma a five year review

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    Luís F. Antunes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende avaliar a casuística dos traumatismos vasculares agudos admitidos no Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra (HUC durante o período de 5 anos, compreendido entre Julho de 2004 e Junho de 2009. Foram avaliados 97 doentes, sendo a principal causa de traumatismo as lesões iatrogénicas, seguida dos acidentes de viação. No grupo de doentes não relacionados com procedimentos coronários percutâneos verificou-se que no membro superior as artérias umeral e radial foram as mais afectadas, enquanto no membro inferior foram as artérias femoral superficial e poplítea. A isquémia aguda foi a principal forma de apresentação. Relativamente ao tratamento deste grupo de doentes, a RATT (ressecção e anastomose topo-topo e o enxerto foram os mais utlizados no membro superior, enquanto a trombectomia e o bypass foram as técnicas mais aplicadas a nível do membro inferior. Não houve mortalidade mas a morbilidade foi elevada, predominando as lesões neurológicas nos traumatismos do membro superior, e a amputação nos do membro inferior. Os resultados deste trabalho foram concordantes com o que está publicado na literatura em que se demonstra um aumento progressivo dos traumatismos de origem iatrogénica.This review intended to evaluate the series of acute vascular trauma in the Vascular Surgery Service of the Coimbra University Hospital in the period between July 2004 and June 2009. A total of 97 patients were evaluated with iatrogenic lesions being the main cause of trauma injuries, followed by traffic accidents. In group of patients not related with percutaneous coronary angioplasty, it was found that brachial and radial arteries were the most affected in upper limb, while in the lower limb were the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries. The main clinical manifestation was acute ischemic limb. In this group, resection with end-to-end anastomosis and grafts were the main treatment

  5. Estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA asociado con adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes de un hospital de Lima, Perú 2014

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    Jessica Hanae Zafra-Tanaka

    Full Text Available Objetivos.Determinar el nivel de estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA y su asociación con la adherencia al tratamientoantirretroviral (TARV en pacientes de un hospital nacional de Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal que incluyó a pacientes adultos que seguían el programa de TARV con un mínimo de seis meses. Se consideró el estigma como la desvalorización de la persona por tener la infección de VIH y se midió con la escala de Berger para estigma relacionado a VIH, la adherencia a la toma adecuada de los medicamentos fue medida con la encuesta Simplified medication adherence questionaire (SMAQ. Para evaluar los factores asociados a estigma se calcularon razones de prevalencia (RP usando la regresión de Poisson. Resultados. Se analizaron 339 encuestas, la mediana de edad fue 39 años (RIC: 16 donde 74,0% eran hombres. Se halló un estigma alto en 25,4% y moderado en 47,5% de los encuestados. Una reducción de 10 puntos en la escala de estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA se asoció a un aumento de 5% de adherencia al TARV en hombres (RPa 0,95, IC95%: 0,91-0,99 y un aumento del 7% en mujeres (RPa 0,93, IC95%: 0,87-0,98. Conclusiones. Existe un alto nivel de estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA y se asocia a la falta de adherencia al tratamiento con diferencias de acuerdo al sexo. Se recomiendan intervenciones dirigidas a reducir el estigma relacionado a divulgación de estatus en las mujeres y el relacionado a actitudes públicas en hombres.

  6. Videotoracoscopia no trauma de tórax

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    Vicente Dorgan Neto

    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Com o intuito de definir a função da videotoracoscopia no diagnóstico e tratamento no trauma torácico, foram estudados 51 traumatizados por traumas penetrantes ocasionados por arma branca, ferimentos por projétil de arma de fogo ou traumas fechados do tórax, com suspeita diagnóstica por exame clínico e/ou radiológico de lesões torácicas. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados doentes estáveis vítimas de trauma torácico (pressão arterial sistólica igual ou superior a 90mmHg com diagnóstico de: hemotórax em 20 (cinco hemotórax estacionários, quatro hemotórax progressivos e 11 hemotórax coagulados, contusões e ferimentos precordiais (três, ferimentos da zona de transição tóraco-abdominal (24, corpo estranho no tórax (dois e ferimentos transfixantes do mediastino (dois. Todos foram submetidos à videotoracoscopia. RESULTADOS: A videotoracoscopia se mostrou eficiente na investigação diagnóstica nos casos de hemotórax progressivo (quatro casos, hemotórax coagulado (11 casos, contusões e ferimentos precordiais (três casos, ferimentos da zona da transição tóraco-abdominal (confirmação de nove lesões diafragmáticas em 24 traumatizados examinados, 37,5% e corpos estranhos no tórax, retirada do corpo estranho com sucesso (dois casos. O procedimento também foi eficiente, além do diagnóstico, no tratamento de hemotórax progressivo (ligadura de artéria mamária um caso, cauterização de vasos intercostais um caso, hemotórax coagulado (remoção de coágulos e decorticação, 11 casos tendo evitado a realização de toracotomia em 33,3% dos traumatizados examinados. CONCLUSÕES: A videotoracoscopia é método eficiente para diagnóstico e tratamento no traumatismo do tórax e ainda pode evitar a toracotomia em expressivo número de pacientes submetidos ao procedimento.

  7. A Internet das Coisas aplicada ao conceito de eficiência energética: uma análise quantitativo-qualitativa do estado da arte da literatura

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    Arildo Antônio Sônego


    Full Text Available Introdução: A Internet das Coisas corresponde a um novo paradigma, que imputa aos objetos a capacidade de disponibilizar informações a respeito de seu funcionamento e ao ambiente no qual tais objetos estão inseridos, caracterizando-se como abrangentes e diversificados os universos de prováveis aplicações a ela relacionadas. Em uma época em que se evidenciam ações e discussões dedicadas à sustentabilidade e ao meio ambiente, este artigo objetiva apurar o estado atual das pesquisas envolvendo a Internet das Coisas associado ao conceito de “eficiência energética”. Método: Tendo como referência a base de dados Scopus procedeu-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura, acompanhada de uma análise quantitativo-qualitativa. Foram aferidas informações no período compreendido entre os anos de 2001 a 2016, além da análise das cinquenta publicações com maiores citações. Resultados: Constatou-se a existência de 895 documentos relacionados aos assuntos pesquisados. Contudo, poucos (foram identificados sete documentos discorrem sobre a efetiva aplicação da Internet das Coisas à “eficiência energética”. Conclusão: Além de se determinar o estado da arte das pesquisas a nível mundial dos temas propostos, foi possível ratificar os conceitos a eles associados, bem como identificar as publicações mais relevantes, para que possam servir de referência e ponto de partida a outros trabalhos do gênero.

  8. Head Trauma: First Aid (United States)

    First aid Head trauma: First aid Head trauma: First aid By Mayo Clinic Staff Most head trauma involves injuries that are minor and don't require ... 21, 2015 Original article: . Mayo ...

  9. Prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in severe mental illness

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mauritz, M.W.; Goossens, P.J.J.; Draijer, N.; Achterberg, T. van


    BACKGROUND: Interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with severe mental illness (SMI) are often not recognized in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To substantiate the prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with SMI. METHODS: We

  10. Prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in severe mental illness

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mauritz, M.W.; Goossens, P.J.J.; Draijer, N.; van Achterberg, T.


    Background: Interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with severe mental illness (SMI) are often not recognized in clinical practice. Objective: To substantiate the prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with SMI. Methods: We

  11. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamiento abierto convencional.   Material y métodos Entre 2004 y 2012, se evaluaron 32 fracturas de tibia distal tratadas con técnica MIPO. 20 varones y 12 mujeres. Edad promedio: 40,1 años. El 59,4% presentó fracturas tipo AO 43A; y el 40,6% AO 43C. Tiempo trauma/cirugía: 6,8 días promedio. 24 casos presentaron fractura de peroné. Estadía hospitalaria: 1,5 días promedio. Seguimiento promedio: 39,6 meses, mediante score AOFAS y radiología. Se consignaron complicaciones. Se compararon resultados de grupos  tipo AO A y los tipo AO C.   Resultados Incremento del score AOFAS entre pre y post-operatorio: 73,3 puntos promedio. El grupo AO tipo A: media de 95,89 puntos AOFAS PO. El grupo AO tipo C1-2: media de 92,15 puntos PO. Carga del peso corporal: a las 8,7 semanas promedio. Comparando A= 43A y AO 43C: p: 0,46 (no significativa. Retorno a actividad previa a la lesión:9.3 meses promedio. Comparando tipo A y tipo C: p=0,16 (no significativa. Hubo 18,75% de complicaciones y retiro de osteosíntesis en 14 casos.  Conclusiones  La osteosíntesis mínimamente invasiva con placa y tornillos, es una buena opción para las fracturas de tibia distal; con buena evolución clínico-funcional, y escasas complicaciones comparadas a la cirugía abierta. Las fracturas 43A presentan menos complicaciones mayores que las 43C, tratadas con técnica MIPO.

  12. Spinal cord injury: epidemiologycal study of 386 cases with emphasis on those patients admitted more than four hours after the trauma Trauma raquimedular: estudo epidemiológico de 386 casos com ênfase para aqueles pacientes admitidos após quatro horas do trauma

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    Manoel Baldoino Leal-Filho


    Full Text Available We studied 386 cases of spinal cord injury to analyze the follow up of the patients admitted most of the time more than four hours, the majority of the injuries happening far from the attending health service and first specialized care received long after the accident. This is a clinical study based on data collected during hospitalization of the patients, operated or not, in a Brazilian public health service. The lesion mainly seen was fracture and dislocation, isolated or on multiple levels, and the most important clinical complications were due to respiratory failure and hypotension, especially because 73.8% were from outside and they were admitted more then four hours after the trauma. The mortality rate was 11.9%, but just 2.1% had undergone a surgery. The complications resulted in major risk of death when the trauma was at the cervical level and the patients were over 50 years old, especially when admitted more than four hours after the trauma. We emphasize the importance of the first health care concerning the clinical treatment, aiming to reduce the mortality rate.Estudamos 386 casos de trauma raquimedular, observando a evolução dos pacientes admitidos na maioria das vezes após quatro horas do trauma, a maioria procedente de lugar distante do serviço de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo clínico baseado em dados coletados durante a hospitalização, de pacientes operados ou não, em serviço de saúde pública no Brasil. Na maioria das vezes a lesão principal foi fratura-luxação, isolada ou em múltiplos níveis, e as complicações clínicas mais importantes foram devido à insuficiência respiratória e hipotensão, especialmente porque 73.8% dos casos eram de lugares distantes, tendo sido admitidos mais de quatro horas após o trauma. A taxa de mortalidade foi 11,9%, sendo 2,1% em pós-operatório. As complicações resultaram em maior risco de morte quando o trauma foi ao nível cervical, idade acima de 50 anos, especialmente

  13. [Chest trauma]. (United States)

    Freixinet Gilart, Jorge; Ramírez Gil, María Elena; Gallardo Valera, Gregorio; Moreno Casado, Paula


    Chest trauma is a frequent problem arising from lesions caused by domestic and occupational activities and especially road traffic accidents. These injuries can be analyzed from distinct points of view, ranging from consideration of the most severe injuries, especially in the context of multiple trauma, to the specific characteristics of blunt and open trauma. In the present article, these injuries are discussed according to the involvement of the various thoracic structures. Rib fractures are the most frequent chest injuries and their diagnosis and treatment is straightforward, although these injuries can be severe if more than three ribs are affected and when there is major associated morbidity. Lung contusion is the most common visceral lesion. These injuries are usually found in severe chest trauma and are often associated with other thoracic and intrathoracic lesions. Treatment is based on general support measures. Pleural complications, such as hemothorax and pneumothorax, are also frequent. Their diagnosis is also straightforward and treatment is based on pleural drainage. This article also analyzes other complex situations, notably airway trauma, which is usually very severe in blunt chest trauma and less severe and even suitable for conservative treatment in iatrogenic injury due to tracheal intubation. Rupture of the diaphragm usually causes a diaphragmatic hernia. Treatment is always surgical. Myocardial contusions should be suspected in anterior chest trauma and in sternal fractures. Treatment is conservative. Other chest injuries, such as those of the great thoracic and esophageal vessels, are less frequent but are especially severe. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  14. Factors related to patient adherence to antidiabetic drug therapy Factores relacionados a la adhesión del paciente diabético a la terapéutica medicamentosa Fatores relacionados à adesão do paciente diabético à terapêutica medicamentosa

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    Heloisa Turcatto Gimenes


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to assess patient adherence to antidiabetic drug therapy and its association with factors related to the patient, patient-provider relationship, therapeutic regimen and the disease itself. The study comprised 46 diabetic patients enrolled in a research and extension education center in the State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, in 2007. Data was collected through interviews using a questionnaire and the Treatment Adherence Measure (TAM. The patient adherence level to antidiabetic drug therapy was 78.3%. In conclusion, since prevalence of adherence is below that recommended in the literature, and in the light of poor blood glucose control and alleged failure of therapeutic regimen, health providers are urged to measure diabetic patient treatment adherence, because it is key to adequate diabetes management with drugs.Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de determinar la adhesión del paciente diabético a la terapéutica medicamentosa y verificar la asociación de la adhesión con factores relacionados al paciente, a la relación profesional-paciente, al esquema terapéutico y a la enfermedad. Participaron 46 diabéticos registrados en un centro de investigación y extensión universitaria en el interior del Estado de San Pablo, en 2007. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante entrevista, utilizándose un cuestionario y la prueba de Medida de Adhesión al Tratamiento - MAT. Los resultados mostraron que la adhesión del paciente diabético al tratamiento medicamentoso para tratamiento de la diabetes fue de 78,3%. Se concluye que, al considerar que la prevalencia de la adhesión obtenida en el presente estudio estuvo por debajo de la recomendada en la literatura y frente a la vigencia del mal control de la glucemia y de la supuesta falencia en el esquema terapéutico, se urgente que los profesionales de la salud reconozcan la importancia de evaluar la adhesión de los pacientes diabéticos, al tratamiento medicamentoso

  15. The impact of patient volume on surgical trauma training in a Scandinavian trauma centre. (United States)

    Gaarder, Christine; Skaga, Nils Oddvar; Eken, Torsten; Pillgram-Larsen, Johan; Buanes, Trond; Naess, Paal Aksel


    Some of the problems faced in trauma surgery are increasing non-operative management of abdominal injuries, decreasing work hours and increasing sub-specialisation. We wanted to document the experience of trauma team leaders at the largest trauma centre in Norway, hypothesising that the patient volume would be inadequate to secure optimal trauma care. Patients registered in the hospital based Trauma Registry during the 2-year period from 1 August 2000 to 31 July 2002 were included. Of a total of 1667 patients registered, 645 patients (39%) had an Injury Severity Score (ISS)>15. Abdominal injuries were diagnosed in 205 patients with a median ISS of 30. An average trauma team leader assessed a total of 119 trauma cases a year (46 patients with ISS>15) and participated in 10 trauma laparotomies. Although the total number of trauma cases seems adequate, the experience of the trauma team leaders with challenging abdominal injuries is limited. With increasing sub-specialisation and general surgery vanishing, fewer surgical specialties provide operative competence in dealing with complicated torso trauma. A system of additional education and quality assurance measures is a prerequisite of high quality, and has consequently been introduced in our institution.

  16. Prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in severe mental illness


    Mauritz, Maria W.; Goossens, Peter J.J.; Draijer, Nel; Achterberg, Theo van


    Background: Interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with severe mental illness (SMI) are often not recognized in clinical practice.Objective: To substantiate the prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with SMI.Methods: We conducted a systematic review of four databases (1980-2010) and then described and analysed 33 studies in terms of primary diagnosis and instruments used to measure trauma exposure and traumarelated dis...

  17. Prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in severe mental illness. (United States)

    Mauritz, Maria W; Goossens, Peter J J; Draijer, Nel; van Achterberg, Theo


    Interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with severe mental illness (SMI) are often not recognized in clinical practice. To substantiate the prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with SMI. We conducted a systematic review of four databases (1980-2010) and then described and analysed 33 studies in terms of primary diagnosis and instruments used to measure trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders. Population-weighted mean prevalence rates in SMI were physical abuse 47% (range 25-72%), sexual abuse 37% (range 24-49%), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 30% (range 20-47%). Compared to men, women showed a higher prevalence of sexual abuse in schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and mixed diagnosis groups labelled as having SMI. Prevalence rates of interpersonal trauma and trauma-related disorders were significantly higher in SMI than in the general population. Emotional abuse and neglect, physical neglect, complex PTSD, and dissociative disorders have been scarcely examined in SMI.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    interest in developing an appropriate and sustainable trauma system in South ... trauma evolved with the social instability which accompanied political change in the ... increased use of military style assault weapons resulted in severe injuries ...

  19. Trauma-Focused CBT for Youth with Complex Trauma (United States)

    Cohen, Judith A.; Mannarino, Anthony P.; Kliethermes, Matthew; Murray, Laura A.


    Objectives: Many youth develop complex trauma, which includes regulation problems in the domains of affect, attachment, behavior, biology, cognition, and perception. Therapists often request strategies for using evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for this population. This article describes practical strategies for applying Trauma-Focused Cognitive…

  20. Major trauma: the unseen financial burden to trauma centres, a descriptive multicentre analysis. (United States)

    Curtis, Kate; Lam, Mary; Mitchell, Rebecca; Dickson, Cara; McDonnell, Karon


    This research examines the existing funding model for in-hospital trauma patient episodes in New South Wales (NSW), Australia and identifies factors that cause above-average treatment costs. Accurate information on the treatment costs of injury is needed to guide health-funding strategy and prevent inadvertent underfunding of specialist trauma centres, which treat a high trauma casemix. Admitted trauma patient data provided by 12 trauma centres were linked with financial data for 2008-09. Actual costs incurred by each hospital were compared with state-wide Australian Refined Diagnostic Related Groups (AR-DRG) average costs. Patient episodes where actual cost was higher than AR-DRG cost allocation were examined. There were 16693 patients at a total cost of AU$178.7million. The total costs incurred by trauma centres were $14.7million above the NSW peer-group average cost estimates. There were 10 AR-DRG where the total cost variance was greater than $500000. The AR-DRG with the largest proportion of patients were the upper limb injury categories, many of whom had multiple body regions injured and/or a traumatic brain injury (P<0.001). AR-DRG classifications do not adequately describe the trauma patient episode and are not commensurate with the expense of trauma treatment. A revision of AR-DRG used for trauma is needed. WHAT IS KNOWN ABOUT THIS TOPIC? Severely injured trauma patients often have multiple injuries, in more than one body region and the determination of appropriate AR-DRG can be difficult. Pilot research suggests that the AR-DRG do not accurately represent the care that is required for these patients. WHAT DOES THIS PAPER ADD? This is the first multicentre analysis of treatment costs and coding variance for major trauma in Australia. This research identifies the limitations of the current AR-DRGS and those that are particularly problematic. The value of linking trauma registry and financial data within each trauma centre is demonstrated. WHAT ARE THE

  1. A emancipação psicopolítica frente ao trauma epistêmico e a teoria da comunicação

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    Evandro Vieira Ouriques


    Full Text Available Neste artigo trato de como a constituição epistêmica da teoria da comunicação depende do pensamento crítico compreender que a emancipação é desdobramento da superação do trauma epistêmico do dualismo, superação que é o fundamento da perspectiva psicopolítica da teoria. Tal trauma tende a estar embodied and embedded de maneira hegemônica no território mental do filósofo, do cientista social, do comunicólogo, do profissional de comunicação e do ativista, bem como, de maneira geral, nas ciências, nas artes e nos indivíduos das sociedades centrais da globalização e naquelas fixadas no dualismo, nos quais se expressa teórica, metodológica e vivencialmente.

  2. Assistência de enfermagem ao cliente queimado no ambulatório e/ou no domicílio após alta da unidade de internação

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    Dulce de Oliveira Azevedo


    Full Text Available A investigação realizada por quatro enfermeiras objetiva ressaltar a importância desse profissional na assistência ao queimado, após alta hospitalar, para averiguar o aparecimento de possíveis seqüelas e, diagnosticando-as, utilizar meios para miniminzá-las. Também foi preocupação do grupo certificar se as orientações dadas a cliente/família sobre higiene, uso de suportes ortopédicos e máscaras haviam sido assimiladas. Os resultados confirmam a ocorrência de problemas relacionados à cicatrização das lesões.

  3. Hemophilia and child abuse as possible causes of epidural hematoma: case report Hemofilia e abuso infantil como possíveis causas de hematoma extradural: relato de caso

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    Fernando Campos Gomes Pinto


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Head trauma is an important consequence of child abuse. Specific pathophysiological mechanisms in child abuse are responsible for the ''whiplash shaken-baby syndrome'', which would favour the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhages. CASE REPORT: We report the case of a child who developed epidural hematoma following minor-intensity head trauma. Initial diagnosis of child abuse was made, but subsequent investigation led to the diagnosis of hemophilia A. CONCLUSION: Even though epidural hematoma is not closely associated with child abuse, this aethiology must always be considered when the reported trauma mechanism is out of proportion to the magnitude of the encountered lesions.INTRODUÇÃO: Traumatismo crânio-encefálico é importante conseqüência de abuso infantil. Mecanismos fisiopatológicos específicos do abuso infantil são responsáveis pela ''whiplash shaken-baby syndrome'', o que favoreceria o aparecimento de hemorragias intracranianas. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos o caso de uma criança que desenvolveu hematoma extradural após trauma de pequena intensidade. Foi feito diagnóstico inicial de abuso infantil, mas investigações subseqüentes levaram ao diagnóstico de hemofilia A. CONCLUSÃO: Embora o hematoma extradural não esteja intimamente relacionado com abuso infantil, esta etiologia deve ser sempre considerada quando o mecanismo de trauma relatado estiver fora de proporção com as lesões encontradas.

  4. Blood culture gram stain, acridine orange stain and direct sensitivity-based antimicrobial therapy of bloodstream infection in patients with trauma. (United States)

    Behera, B; Mathur, P; Gupta, B


    The purpose of this study was to ascertain if the simple practice of Gram stain, acridine orange stain and direct sensitivity determination of positive blood culture bottles could be used to guide early and appropriate treatment in trauma patients with clinical suspicion of sepsis. The study also aimed to evaluate the error in interpreting antimicrobial sensitivity by direct method when compared to standard method and find out if specific antibiotic-organism combination had more discrepancies. Findings from consecutive episodes of blood stream infection at an Apex Trauma centre over a 12-month period are summarized. A total of 509 consecutive positive blood cultures were subjected to Gram staining. AO staining was done in BacT/ALERT-positive Gram-stain negative blood cultures. Direct sensitivity was performed from 369 blood culture broths, showing single type of growth in Gram and acridine orange staining. Results of direct sensitivity were compared to conventional sensitivity for errors. No 'very major' discrepancy was found in this study. About 5.2 and 1.8% minor error rates were noted in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, respectively, while comparing the two methods. Most of the discrepancies in gram-negative bacteria were noted in beta lactam - beta lactamase inhibitor combinations. Direct sensitivity testing was not reliable for reporting of methicillin and vancomycin resistance in Staphylococci. Gram stain result together with direct sensitivity testing is required for optimizing initial antimicrobial therapy in trauma patients with clinical suspicion of sepsis. Gram staining and AO staining proved particularly helpful in the early detection of candidaemia.

  5. Confusão de línguas, trauma e hospitalidade em Sándor Ferenczi

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    Alan Osmo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho discutimos as ideias de confusão de línguas, de trauma e de hospitalidade no campo psicanalítico. Para Ferenczi, a relação adulto-criança é marcada por uma confusão decorrente de uma diferença de línguas, de forma que muitas vezes um não entende o outro. Nesse contexto, é possível a emergência do trauma patogênico. A experiência analítica, ao invés de levar o acontecimento traumático a domínios psíquicos melhores, pode reproduzir e até agravar o que foi vivido como catastrófico na infância. Neste sentido, o princípio de hospitalidade na clínica analítica é de suma importância para se evitar uma possível reprodução do trauma entre analista e analisando. Neste artigo utilizamos como referência principal a obra de Sándor Ferenczi, estabelecendo relações em alguns pontos com textos de Jacques Derrida e de Walter Benjamin, que discutem a origem da confusão de línguas e o problema da possibilidade da tradução.

  6. Argyria mimicking a blue nevis: dermoscopy features Argyria imitando um nevo azul: características dermatoscópicas

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    Maria Leonor Enei


    Full Text Available Argyria is a rare disease caused by prolonged skin contact with silver. Localized cases have been described regarding the use of topical medications, and trauma with objects containing this metal such as acupuncture needles and jewelry. Clinically, a macule or a patch, round or oval, appears in the infected area, with a characteristic bluey-gray color. To our knowledge this is the first time that this clinical condition has been described through the use of dermoscopy.A argíria é uma doença rara, causada pelo contato prolongado da pele com prata. Foram descritos casos localizados relacionados ao uso de medicamentos tópicos e traumas com objetos que contem esse metal, como agulhas de acupuntura e jóias, por exemplo. Clinicamente, aparecem máculas ou manchas redondas ou ovais na área afetada, com uma característica cor azul-acinzentada. Até onde sabemos esta é a primeira vez que este quadro clínico foi descrito através da dermatoscopia.

  7. [First aid and management of multiple trauma: in-hospital trauma care]. (United States)

    Boschin, Matthias; Vordemvenne, Thomas


    Injuries remain the leading cause of death in children and young adults. Management of multiple trauma patients has improved in recent years by quality initiatives (trauma network, S3 guideline "Polytrauma"). On this basis, strong links with preclinical management, structured treatment algorithms, training standards (ATLS®), clear diagnostic rules and an established risk- and quality management are the important factors of a modern emergency room trauma care. We describe the organizational components that lead to successful management of trauma in hospital. © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York.

  8. Computed tomography in trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toombs, B.D.; Sandler, C.M.


    This book begins with a chapter dealing with the epidemiology and mechanisms of trauma. Trauma accounts for more lives lost in the United States than cancer and heart disease. The fact that 30%-40% of trauma-related deaths are caused by improper or delayed diagnoses or treatment emphasizes the importance of rapid and accurate methods to establish a diagnosis. Acute thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic trauma and their complications are discussed. A chapter on high-resolution CT of spinal and facial trauma and the role of three-dimensional reconstruction images is presented

  9. Computed tomography in trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toombs, B.D.; Sandler, C.M.


    This book begins with a chapter dealing with the epidemiology and mechanisms of trauma. Trauma accounts for more lives lost in the United States than cancer and heart disease. The fact that 30%-40% of trauma-related deaths are caused by improper or delayed diagnoses or treatment emphasizes the importance of rapid and accurate methods to establish a diagnosis. Acute thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic trauma and their complications are discussed. A chapter on high-resolution CT of spinal and facial trauma and the role of three-dimensional reconstruction images is presented.

  10. Prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in severe mental illness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria W. Mauritz


    Full Text Available Background: Interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with severe mental illness (SMI are often not recognized in clinical practice. Objective: To substantiate the prevalence of interpersonal trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders in people with SMI. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of four databases (1980–2010 and then described and analysed 33 studies in terms of primary diagnosis and instruments used to measure trauma exposure and trauma-related disorders. Results: Population-weighted mean prevalence rates in SMI were physical abuse 47% (range 25–72%, sexual abuse 37% (range 24–49%, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD 30% (range 20–47%. Compared to men, women showed a higher prevalence of sexual abuse in schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and mixed diagnosis groups labelled as having SMI. Conclusions: Prevalence rates of interpersonal trauma and trauma-related disorders were significantly higher in SMI than in the general population. Emotional abuse and neglect, physical neglect, complex PTSD, and dissociative disorders have been scarcely examined in SMI.

  11. Trauma care system in Iran

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    Zargar Moussa


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Objective: The high burden of injuries in Iran necessitates the establishment of a comprehensive trauma care system. The purpose of this paper is to de- scribe the current status of trauma system regarding the components and function. Methods: The current status of trauma system in all components of a trauma system was described through ex- pert panels and semi-structured interviews with trauma spe- cialists and policy makers. Results: Currently, various organizations are involved in prevention, management and rehabilitation of injuries, but an integrative system approach to trauma is rather deficient. There has been ongoing progress in areas of pub- lic education through media, traffic regulation reinforcement, hospital care and prehospital services. Meanwhile, there are gaps regarding financing, legislations and education of high risk groups. The issues on education and training stan- dards of the front line medical team and continuing educa- tion and evaluation are yet to be addressed. Trauma regis- try has been piloted in some provinces, but as it needs the well-developed infrastructure (regarding staff, maintenance, financial resources, it is not yet established in our system of trauma care. Conclusions: It seems that one of the problems with trauma care in Iran is lack of coordination among trauma system organizations. Although the clinical management of trauma patients has improved in our country in the recent decade, decreasing the burden of injuries necessitates an organized approach to prevention and management of trauma in the context of a trauma system. Key words: Emergency medical services; Trauma centers; Wounds and injuries

  12. Profile of thoracic trauma victims submitted to chest drainage. (United States)

    Broska, Cesar Augusto; Botelho, Adriane Barbosa; Linhares, André DE Castro; DE-Oliveria, Mariana Santos; Veronese, Gabriela; Naufel, Carlos Roberto; Batista, Lislaine Cruz; Diogo, Maria Angélica Kurpel


    . Os atendimentos geralmente ocorreram à noite sem predomínio entre mecanismo aberto ou fechado e/ou em relação ao sexo ou idade. A maioria dos pacientes com trauma torácico que necessitaram de drenagem teve diagnóstico feito por anamnese e exame físico (41,1%) e foram drenados no pronto socorro (80,8%). Grande parte dos pacientes (66,2%) teve outra lesão associada, na maioria alguma víscera abdominal. Complicações estiveram presentes em 16,6% (81 pacientes), a maior parte por erro de posicionamento do dreno (9,2%). O tempo médio de internamento foi 15 dias e de drenagem, 8,1 dias, sem diferença estatística entre trauma aberto e fechado. O desfecho clínico envolveu alta na maioria dos casos. o perfil dos pacientes com trauma torácico é o de homens jovens, atendidos durante a noite, com alguma outra lesão associada. Apesar do diagnóstico e do tratamento serem feitos de modo rápido e, na maior parte das vezes, sem a necessidade de exames complexos, o tempo de drenagem, internamento e complicações foram mais alto do que na literatura, o que pode ser explicado pela drenagem no próprio pronto-socorro e pela presença de outras lesões associadas.

  13. Trauma na infância e adolescência: epidemiologia, tratamento e aspectos econômicos em um hospital público Epidemiology, treatment and economical aspects of multiple trauma in children and adolescents in a public hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Franciozi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A realização deste trabalho foi motivada pela escassez de artigos encontrados na literatura que estudam o politrauma na infância e na adolescência.. O objetivo é descrever o perfil epidemiológico das lesões traumáticas na infância tratadas num centro de trauma, avaliar os aspectos econômicos relacionados com o gasto hospitalar e o tempo de internação de acordo com o tratamento realizado. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: analisamos todos os prontuários do hospital Geral de Pirajussara no período de dezembro de 2005 a dezembro de 2006. Obtivemos 182 pacientes, sendo 71% do sexo masculino e 29% do feminino; 48% brancos e 52% não brancos. RESULTADOS: houve predominância dos indivíduos do sexo masculino com 71% dos pacientes. O mecanismo de trauma mais freqüente foi a queda (36%. A média de dias de internação foi 4,1 dias, com gasto estimado de R$ 649,50 para cada paciente. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 2,74%, sendo o traumatismo crânio-encefálico responsável por 80% da mortalidade e os maus tratos presentes em 40% dos óbitos. CONCLUSÃO: a população pediátrica tem particularidades que a tornam distinta da população adulta em relação à epidemiologia e manejo das lesões.INTRODUCTION: the motivation to conduct this study was the reduced number of articles in literature correlating multiple trauma in childhood and infancy. The objective here was to describe the epidemiological profile of traumatic injuries treated in a trauma center, evaluating the economic aspects associated with hospitalized patients' costs and the period of hospital stay according to the treatment provided. MATERIAL AND METHODS: we assessed all Pirajussara Hospital patients' files in the period of December of 2005 to December 2006. We selected 182 patients, 129 (71% males and 53 (29% females; 88 (48% Caucasian and 94 (52% non-Caucasian children. RESULTS: male patients were prevalent, with 129 (71% cases. The most frequent trauma mechanism was fall

  14. Ao leitor sem medo

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    José Eisenberg


    Full Text Available O texto resenha Ao leitor sem medo, de Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999.This text is a review of Ao leitor sem medo by Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999

  15. Mobilization of endothelial precursor cells: systemic vascular response to musculoskeletal trauma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Laing, A J


    Postnatal vasculogenesis, the process by which vascular committed bone marrow stem cells or endothelial precursor cells (EPC) migrate, differentiate, and incorporate into the nacent endothelium contributing to physiological and pathological neovascularization, has stimulated much interest. Its contribution to tumor nonvascularization, wound healing, and revascularization associated with skeletal and cardiac muscles ischaemia is established. We evaluated the mobilization of EPCs in response to musculoskeletal trauma. Blood from patients (n = 15) following AO type 42a1 closed diaphyseal tibial fractures was analyzed for CD34 and AC133 cell surface marker expression. Immunomagnetically enriched CD34+ mononuclear cell (MNC(CD34+)) populations were cultured and examined for phenotypic and functional vascular endothelial differentiation. Circulating MNC(CD34+) levels increased sevenfold by day 3 postinjury. Circulating MNC(AC133+) increased 2.5-fold. Enriched MNC(CD34+) populations from day 3 samples in culture exhibited cell cluster formation with sprouting spindles. These cells bound UEA-1 and incorporated fluorescent DiI-Ac-LDL intracellularily. Our findings suggest a systemic provascular response is initiated in response to musculoskeletal trauma. Its therapeutic manipulation may have implications for the potential enhancement of fracture healing.

  16. Avaliação do envelhecimento facial relacionado ao tabagismo


    Suehara,Letícia Yumi; Simone,Karine; Maia,Marcus


    FUNDAMENTOS: O tabagismo é responsável por diversas doenças crônicas e pelo envelhecimento da pele. OBJETIVO: Comparar a pele facial de fumantes e não fumantes. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 77 pacientes, 43 não tabagistas e 34 tabagistas, entre 40 e 60 anos, excluídos aqueles com exposição solar excessiva, etilistas e submetidos a tratamento estético da face. As alterações faciais foram avaliadas com base em escore de características da pele da face descrita por Model (fácies de tabagismo). Os in...

  17. Images in kidney trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, Jose Luis; Rodriguez, Sonia Pilar; Manzano, Ana Cristina


    A case of a 3 years old female patient, who suffered blunt lumbar trauma (horse kick) with secondary kidney trauma, is reported. Imaging findings are described. Renal trauma classification and imaging findings are reviewed

  18. Comparison of quality control for trauma management between Western and Eastern European trauma center

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gambale Giorgio


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Quality control of trauma care is essential to define the effectiveness of trauma center and trauma system. To identify the troublesome issues of the system is the first step for validation of the focused customized solutions. This is a comparative study of two level I trauma centers in Italy and Romania and it has been designed to give an overview of the entire trauma care program adopted in these two countries. This study was aimed to use the results as the basis for recommending and planning changes in the two trauma systems for a better trauma care. Methods We retrospectively reviewed a total of 182 major trauma patients treated in the two hospitals included in the study, between January and June 2002. Every case was analyzed according to the recommended minimal audit filters for trauma quality assurance by The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACSCOT. Results Satisfactory yields have been reached in both centers for the management of head and abdominal trauma, airway management, Emergency Department length of stay and early diagnosis and treatment. The main significant differences between the two centers were in the patients' transfers, the leadership of trauma team and the patients' outcome. The main concerns have been in the surgical treatment of fractures, the outcome and the lacking of documentation. Conclusion The analyzed hospitals are classified as Level I trauma center and are within the group of the highest quality level centers in their own countries. Nevertheless, both of them experience major lacks and for few audit filters do not reach the mmum standard requirements of ACS Audit Filters. The differences between the western and the eastern European center were slight. The parameters not reaching the minimum requirements are probably occurring even more often in suburban settings.

  19. International survey among orthopaedic trauma surgeons: Lack of a definition of fracture-related infection. (United States)

    Morgenstern, M; Moriarty, T F; Kuehl, R; Richards, R G; McNally, M A; Verhofstad, M H J; Borens, O; Zalavras, C; Raschke, M; Kates, S L; Metsemakers, W J


    Fracture-related infection (FRI) is one of the most challenging musculoskeletal complications in orthopaedic-trauma surgery. Although the orthopaedic community has developed and adopted a consensus definition of prosthetic joint infections (PJI), it still remains unclear how the trauma surgery community defines FRI in daily clinical practice or in performing clinical research studies. The central aim of this study was to survey the opinions of a global network of trauma surgeons on the definitions and criteria they routinely use, and their opinion on the need for a unified definition of FRI. The secondary aims were to survey their opinion on the utility of currently used definitions that may be at least partially applicable for FRI, and finally their opinion on the important clinical parameters that should be considered as diagnostic criteria for FRI. An 11-item questionnaire was developed to cover the above-mentioned aims. The questionnaire was administered by SurveyMonkey and was sent via blast email to all registered users of AO Trauma (Davos, Switzerland). Out of the 26'563 recipients who opened the email, 2'327 (8.8%) completed the questionnaire. Nearly 90% of respondents agreed that a consensus-derived definition for FRI is required and 66% of the surgeons also agreed that PJI and FRI are not equal with respect to diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Furthermore, "positive cultures from microbiology testing", "elevation of CRP", "purulent drainage" and "local clinical signs of infection" were voted the most important diagnostic parameters for FRI. This international survey infers the need for a consensus definition of FRI and provides insight into the clinical parameters seen by an international community of trauma surgeons as being critical for defining FRI. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Trauma facilities in Denmark - a nationwide cross-sectional benchmark study of facilities and trauma care organisation. (United States)

    Weile, Jesper; Nielsen, Klaus; Primdahl, Stine C; Frederiksen, Christian A; Laursen, Christian B; Sloth, Erik; Mølgaard, Ole; Knudsen, Lars; Kirkegaard, Hans


    Trauma is a leading cause of death among adults aged facilities and the use multidisciplinary trauma teams. Because knowledge is sparse on the existing distribution of trauma facilities and the organisation of trauma care in Denmark, the aim of this study was to identify all Danish facilities that care for traumatized patients and to investigate the diversity in organization of trauma management. We conducted a systematic observational cross-sectional study. First, all hospitals in Denmark were identified via online services and clarifying phone calls to each facility. Second, all trauma care manuals on all facilities that receive traumatized patients were gathered. Third, anesthesiologists and orthopedic surgeons on call at all trauma facilities were contacted via telephone for structured interviews. A total of 22 facilities in Denmark were found to receive traumatized patients. All facilities used a trauma care manual and all had a multidisciplinary trauma team. The study found three different trauma team activation criteria and nine different compositions of teams who participate in trauma care. Training was heterogeneous and, beyond the major trauma centers, databases were only maintained in a few facilities. The study established an inventory of the existing Danish facilities that receive traumatized patients. The trauma team activation criteria and the trauma teams were heterogeneous in both size and composition. A national database for traumatized patients, research on nationwide trauma team activation criteria, and team composition guidelines are all called for.

  1. Childhood trauma, combat trauma, and substance use in National Guard and reserve soldiers. (United States)

    Vest, Bonnie M; Hoopsick, Rachel A; Homish, D Lynn; Daws, Rachel C; Homish, Gregory G


    The goal of this work was to examine associations among childhood trauma, combat trauma, and substance use (alcohol problems, frequent heavy drinking [FHD], current cigarette smoking, and current/lifetime drug use) and the interaction effects of childhood trauma and combat exposure on those associations among National Guard/reserve soldiers. Participants (N = 248) completed an electronic survey asking questions about their military experiences, physical and mental health, and substance use. Childhood trauma and combat exposure were examined jointly in regression models, controlling for age, marital satisfaction, and number of deployments. Childhood trauma was associated with current drug use (trend level, odds ratio [OR] = 1.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.97, 2.14; P = .072) in the main effect model; however, there was not a significant interaction with combat. Combat exposure had a significant interaction with childhood trauma on alcohol problems (b = -0.56, 95% CI: -1.12, -0.01; P = .048), FHD (b = -0.27, 95% CI: -0.47, -0.08; P = .007), and lifetime drug use (OR = 1.78, 95% CI: 1.04, 3.04; P = .035). There were no associations with either of the trauma measures and current cigarette smoking. These results demonstrate that childhood and combat trauma have differential effects on alcohol use, such that combat trauma may not add to the effect on alcohol use in those with greater child maltreatment but may contribute to greater alcohol use among those with low child maltreatment. As expected, childhood and combat trauma had synergistic effects on lifetime drug use. Screening for multiple types of trauma prior to enlistment and/or deployment may help to identify at-risk individuals and allow time for early intervention to prevent future adverse outcomes.

  2. Promovendo resiliência em vítimas de trauma psicológico Promoviendo resiliencia en víctimas de trauma psicológico Fostering resilience in psychological trauma victims

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio F. P. Peres


    Full Text Available A exposição a eventos estressores e violentos ocorre com relativa freqüência em grande parte da população. A busca pela compreensão das respostas ao trauma está voltada também para a contribuição dos fatores da personalidade. A maneira como os indivíduos processam o evento estressor é crítica para a determinação ou não do trauma. O encéfalo não armazena propriamente registros factuais, mas traços de informações que serão usados para recriar memórias, as quais nem sempre expressam um retrato completamente fidedigno da experiência passada. Sempre que um evento traumático é recordado, este pode submeter-se a mudanças cognitivas e emocionais. Postulamos que os psicoterapeutas devem trabalhar, além do evento traumático em si, os diálogos internos que mantêm a relação patológica com o episódio passado. A exposição imaginária e a reestruturação cognitiva podem auxiliar as vítimas de experiências traumáticas a evoluir a partir de suas experiências negativas, com o desenvolvimento de diálogos internos saudáveis e resilientes.La exposición a eventos estresores y violentos ocurre con relativa frecuencia en grande parte de la población. La búsqueda por la comprensión de las respuestas al trauma también está dirigida a la contribución de los factores de la personalidad. La manera como los individuos procesan el evento estresor es crítica para la determinación o no del trauma. El encéfalo no almacena propiamente registros factuales, sino rasgos de informaciones que serán usados para recrear memorias, las que no siempre expresan un retrato completamente fidedigno de la experiencia pasada. Siempre que se recuerda un evento traumático, éste puede ser sometido a cambios cognitivos y emocionales. Postulamos que los psicoterapeutas deben trabajar, además del evento traumático mismo, los diálogos internos que mantienen la relación patológica con el episodio del pasado. La exposición imaginaria y la

  3. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faruque, A. V.; Qazi, S. H.; Khan, M. A. M.


    Objective: To evaluate the role of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma patients, and to see if the role of computed tomography scan could be limited to only those cases in which sonography was positive. Methods: The retrospective study covered 10 years, from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2009, and was conducted at the Department of Radiology and Department of Emergency Medicine, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. It comprised cases of 174 children from birth to 14 years who had presented with blunt abdominal trauma and had focussed abdominal sonography for trauma done at the hospital. The findings were correlated with computed tomography scan of the abdomen and clinical follow-up. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma were calculated for blunt abdominal trauma. SPSS 17 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Of the total 174 cases, 31 (17.81%) were later confirmed by abdominal scan. Of these 31 children, sonography had been positive in 29 (93.54%) children. In 21 (67.74%) of the 31 children, sonography had been true positive; 8 (25%) (8/31) were false positive; and 2 (6%) (2/31) were false negative. There were 6 (19.3%) children in which sonography was positive and converted to laparotomy. There was no significant difference on account of gender (p>0.356). Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in the study had sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95%, positive predictive value of 73%, and negative predictive value of 73% with accuracy of 94%. All patients who had negative sonography were discharged later, and had no complication on clinical follow-up. Conclusions: Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma is a fairly reliable mode to assess blunt abdominal trauma in children. It is a useful tool to pick high-grade solid and hollow viscous injury. The results suggest that the role of computed tomography scan can be

  4. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma. (United States)

    Faruque, Ahmad Vaqas; Qazi, Saqib Hamid; Khan, Muhammad Arif Mateen; Akhtar, Wassem; Majeed, Amina


    To evaluate the role of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in blunt paediatric abdominal trauma patients, and to see if the role of computed tomography scan could be limited to only those cases in which sonography was positive. The retrospective study covered 10 years, from January 1,2000 to December 31,2009, and was conducted at the Department of Radiology and Department of Emergency Medicine, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. It comprised cases of 174 children from birth to 14 years who had presented with blunt abdominal trauma and had focussed abdominal sonography for trauma done at the hospital. The findings were correlated with computed tomography scan of the abdomen and clinical follow-up. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of focussed abdominal sonography for trauma were calculated for blunt abdominal trauma. SPSS 17 was used for statistical analysis. Of the total 174 cases, 31 (17.81%) were later confirmed by abdominal scan. Of these 31 children, sonography had been positive in 29 (93.54%) children. In 21 (67.74%) of the 31 children, sonograpy had been true positive; 8 (25%) (8/31) were false positive; and 2 (6%) (2/31) were false negative. There were 6 (19.3%) children in which sonography was positive and converted to laparotomy. There was no significant difference on account of gender (p>0.356). Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma in the study had sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95%, positive predictive value of 73%, and negative predictive value of 73% with accuracy of 94%. All patients who had negative sonography were discharged later, and had no complication on clinical follow-up. Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma is a fairly reliable mode to assess blunt abdominal trauma in children. It is a useful tool to pick high-grade solid and hollow viscous injury. The results suggest that the role of computed tomography scan can be limited to those cases in which focussed

  5. The value of trauma registries. (United States)

    Moore, Lynne; Clark, David E


    Trauma registries are databases that document acute care delivered to patients hospitalised with injuries. They are designed to provide information that can be used to improve the efficiency and quality of trauma care. Indeed, the combination of trauma registry data at regional or national levels can produce very large databases that allow unprecedented opportunities for the evaluation of patient outcomes and inter-hospital comparisons. However, the creation and upkeep of trauma registries requires a substantial investment of money, time and effort, data quality is an important challenge and aggregated trauma data sets rarely represent a population-based sample of trauma. In addition, trauma hospitalisations are already routinely documented in administrative hospital discharge databases. The present review aims to provide evidence that trauma registry data can be used to improve the care dispensed to victims of injury in ways that could not be achieved with information from administrative databases alone. In addition, we will define the structure and purpose of contemporary trauma registries, acknowledge their limitations, and discuss possible ways to make them more useful.

  6. Management of duodenal trauma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CHEN Guo-qing


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Duodenal trauma is uncommon but nowadays seen more and more frequently due to the increased automobile accidents and violent events. The management of duodenal trauma can be complicated, especially when massive injury to the pancreatic-duodenal-biliary complex occurs simultaneously. Even the patients receive surgeries in time, multiple postoperative complications and high mortality are common. To know and manage duodenal trauma better, we searched the recent related literature in PubMed by the keywords of duodenal trauma, therapy, diagnosis and abdomen. It shows that because the diagnosis and management are complicated and the mortality is high, duodenal trauma should be treated in time and tactfully. And application of new technology can help improve the management. In this review, we discussed the incidence, diagnosis, management, and complications as well as mortality of duodenal trauma. Key words: Duodenum; Wounds and injuries; Diagnosis; Therapeutics

  7. Trauma facilities in Denmark - A nationwide cross-sectional benchmark study of facilities and trauma care organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weile, Jesper; Nielsen, Klaus; Primdahl, Stine C.


    Background: Trauma is a leading cause of death among adults aged trauma facilities and the use multidisciplinary trauma teams. Because knowledge is sparse on the existing distribution of trauma facilities...... and the organisation of trauma care in Denmark, the aim of this study was to identify all Danish facilities that care for traumatized patients and to investigate the diversity in organization of trauma management. Methods: We conducted a systematic observational cross-sectional study. First, all hospitals in Denmark...... were identified via online services and clarifying phone calls to each facility. Second, all trauma care manuals on all facilities that receive traumatized patients were gathered. Third, anesthesiologists and orthopedic surgeons on call at all trauma facilities were contacted via telephone...

  8. TraumaTutor: Perceptions of a Smartphone Application as a Learning Resource for Trauma Management

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    James Wigley


    Full Text Available Aim. We investigated perceptions of a new smartphone application (app as a learning resource. Methods. We developed TraumaTutor, an iPhone app consisting of 150 questions and explanatory answers on trauma management. This was used by 20 hospital staff that either had a special interest in managing trauma or who were studying for relevant exams, such as ATLS. A subsequent questionnaire assessed users’ experience of smartphone applications and their perceptions of TraumaTutor. Results. Of those surveyed, 85% had a device capable of running app software, and 94% of them had used apps for medical education. Specific to TraumaTutor, 85% agreed that it was pitched at the right level, 95% felt that the explanations improved understanding of trauma management, and 100% found the app easy to use. In fact, on open questioning, the clear user interface and the quality of the educational material were seen as the major advantages of TraumaTutor, and 85% agreed that the app would be a useful learning resource. Conclusions. Smartphone applications are considered a valuable educational adjunct and are commonly used by our target audience. TraumaTutor shows overwhelming promise as a learning supplement due to its immediacy, accessibility, and relevance to those preparing for courses and managing trauma.

  9. Sentimentos do estudante de enfermagem em seu primeiro contato com pacientes

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    Janaína Gomes Perbone


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os sentimentos dos estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem nos primeiros contatos com o paciente. A Técnica do Incidente Crítico foi utilizada para coletar dados. Quarenta e um estudantes participaram do estudo e responderam a um questionário de três perguntas abertas. Foram identificados sentimentos relacionados ao próprio estudante, sentimentos relacionados ao paciente e ao curso; apenas 36,8% dos relatos apresentaram sentimentos positivos. Este estudo contribui para refletir sobre os planos de ensino propostos, as consequências negativas e a importância de reforço das experiências positivas, favorecendo ao aluno ser mais confiante, sentir-se útil, e compromissado com a futura profissão.

  10. External Validation of the Emergency Trauma Score for Early Prediction of Mortality in Trauma Patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Joosse, Pieter; de Jong, Willem-Jan J.; Wendt, Klaus W.; Schep, Niels W.; Goslings, J. Carel; Reitsma, J.

    Objectives: The Emergency Trauma Score has been developed for early estimation of mortality risk in adult trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score of 16 or higher. Emergency Trauma Score combines four early predictors available at the trauma resuscitation room: age, Glasgow Coma Scale, base

  11. Trauma and Coagulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murat Yılmaz


    Full Text Available Bleeding and coagulation disorders related to trauma are pathological processes which are frequently seen and increase mortality. For the purpose, trauma patients should be protected from hypoperfusion, hypothermia, acidosis and hemodilution which may aggravate the increase in physiological responses to trauma as anticoagulation and fibrinolysis. Performing damage control surgery and resuscitation and transfusion of adequate blood and blood products in terms of amount and content as stated in protocols may increase the rate of survival. Medical treatments augmenting fibrin formation (fibrinogen, desmopressin, factor VIIa or preventing fibrin degradation (tranexamic acid have been proposed in selected cases but the efficacy of these agents in trauma patients are not proven. (Journal of the Turkish Society Intensive Care 2011; 9:71-6

  12. Hepatic trauma: a 21-year experience. (United States)

    Zago, Thiago Messias; Pereira, Bruno Monteiro; Nascimento, Bartolomeu; Alves, Maria Silveira Carvalho; Calderan, Thiago Rodrigues Araujo; Fraga, Gustavo Pereira


    To evaluate the epidemiological aspects, behavior, morbidity and treatment outcomes for liver trauma. We conducted a retrospective study of patients over 13 years of age admitted to a university hospital from 1990 to 2010, submitted to surgery or nonoperative management (NOM). 748 patients were admitted with liver trauma. The most common mechanism of injury was penetrating trauma (461 cases, 61.6%), blunt trauma occurring in 287 patients (38.4%). According to the degree of liver injury (AAST-OIS) in blunt trauma we predominantly observed Grades I and II and in penetrating trauma, Grade III. NOM was performed in 25.7% of patients with blunt injury. As for surgical procedures, suturing was performed more frequently (41.2%). The liver-related morbidity was 16.7%. The survival rate for patients with liver trauma was 73.5% for blunt and 84.2% for penetrating trauma. Mortality in complex trauma was 45.9%. trauma remains more common in younger populations and in males. There was a reduction of penetrating liver trauma. NOM proved safe and effective, and often has been used to treat patients with penetrating liver trauma. Morbidity was high and mortality was higher in victims of blunt trauma and complex liver injuries.

  13. Pancreatic trauma. (United States)

    Lahiri, R; Bhattacharya, S


    Pancreatic trauma occurs in approximately 4% of all patients sustaining abdominal injuries. The pancreas has an intimate relationship with the major upper abdominal vessels, and there is significant morbidity and mortality associated with severe pancreatic injury. Immediate resuscitation and investigations are essential to delineate the nature of the injury, and to plan further management. If main pancreatic duct injuries are identified, specialised input from a tertiary hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) team is advised. A comprehensive online literature search was performed using PubMed. Relevant articles from international journals were selected. The search terms used were: 'pancreatic trauma', 'pancreatic duct injury', 'radiology AND pancreas injury', 'diagnosis of pancreatic trauma', and 'management AND surgery'. Articles that were not published in English were excluded. All articles used were selected on relevance to this review and read by both authors. Pancreatic trauma is rare and associated with injury to other upper abdominal viscera. Patients present with non-specific abdominal findings and serum amylase is of little use in diagnosis. Computed tomography is effective in diagnosing pancreatic injury but not duct disruption, which is most easily seen on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography or operative pancreatography. If pancreatic injury is suspected, inspection of the entire pancreas and duodenum is required to ensure full evaluation at laparotomy. The operative management of pancreatic injury depends on the grade of injury found at laparotomy. The most important prognostic factor is main duct disruption and, if found, reconstructive options should be determined by an experienced HPB surgeon. The diagnosis of pancreatic trauma requires a high index of suspicion and detailed imaging studies. Grading pancreatic injury is important to guide operative management. The most important prognostic factor is pancreatic duct disruption and in these cases

  14. External validation of the Emergency Trauma Score for early prediction of mortality in trauma patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Joosse, Pieter; de Jong, Willem-Jan J.; Reitsma, Johannes B.; Wendt, Klaus W.; Schep, Niels W.; Goslings, J. Carel


    The Emergency Trauma Score has been developed for early estimation of mortality risk in adult trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score of 16 or higher. Emergency Trauma Score combines four early predictors available at the trauma resuscitation room: age, Glasgow Coma Scale, base excess, and

  15. Classifying and Standardizing Panfacial Trauma With a New Bony Facial Trauma Score. (United States)

    Casale, Garrett G A; Fishero, Brian A; Park, Stephen S; Sochor, Mark; Heltzel, Sara B; Christophel, J Jared


    The practice of facial trauma surgery would benefit from a useful quantitative scale that measures the extent of injury. To develop a facial trauma scale that incorporates only reducible fractures and is able to be reliably communicated to health care professionals. A cadaveric tissue study was conducted from October 1 to 3, 2014. Ten cadaveric heads were subjected to various degrees of facial trauma by dropping a fixed mass onto each head. The heads were then imaged with fine-cut computed tomography. A Bony Facial Trauma Scale (BFTS) for grading facial trauma was developed based only on clinically relevant (reducible) fractures. The traumatized cadaveric heads were then scored using this scale as well as 3 existing scoring systems. Regression analysis was used to determine correlation between degree of incursion of the fixed mass on the cadaveric heads and trauma severity as rated by the scoring systems. Statistical analysis was performed to determine correlation of the scores obtained using the BFTS with those of the 3 existing scoring systems. Scores obtained using the BFTS were not correlated with dentition (95% CI, -0.087 to 1.053; P = .08; measured as absolute number of teeth) or age of the cadaveric donor (95% CI, -0.068 to 0.944; P = .08). Facial trauma scores. Among all 10 cadaveric specimens (9 male donors and 1 female donor; age range, 41-87 years; mean age, 57.2 years), the facial trauma scores obtained using the BFTS correlated with depth of penetration of the mass into the face (odds ratio, 4.071; 95% CI, 1.676-6.448) P = .007) when controlling for presence of dentition and age. The BFTS scores also correlated with scores obtained using 3 existing facial trauma models (Facial Fracture Severity Scale, rs = 0.920; Craniofacial Disruption Score, rs = 0.945; and ZS Score, rs = 0.902; P trauma scales. Scores obtained using the BFTS were not correlated with dentition (odds ratio, .482; 95% CI, -0.087 to 1.053; P = .08; measured

  16. Specific trauma subtypes improve the predictive validity of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire in Iraqi refugees. (United States)

    Arnetz, Bengt B; Broadbridge, Carissa L; Jamil, Hikmet; Lumley, Mark A; Pole, Nnamdi; Barkho, Evone; Fakhouri, Monty; Talia, Yousif Rofa; Arnetz, Judith E


    Trauma exposure contributes to poor mental health among refugees, and exposure often is measured using a cumulative index of items from the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ). Few studies, however, have asked whether trauma subtypes derived from the HTQ could be superior to this cumulative index in predicting mental health outcomes. A community sample of recently arrived Iraqi refugees (N = 298) completed the HTQ and measures of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms. Principal components analysis of HTQ items revealed a 5-component subtype model of trauma that accounted for more item variance than a 1-component solution. These trauma subtypes also accounted for more variance in PTSD and depression symptoms (12 and 10%, respectively) than did the cumulative trauma index (7 and 3%, respectively). Trauma subtypes provided more information than cumulative trauma in the prediction of negative mental health outcomes. Therefore, use of these subtypes may enhance the utility of the HTQ when assessing at-risk populations.

  17. Specific Trauma Subtypes Improve the Predictive Validity of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire in Iraqi Refugees (United States)

    Arnetz, Bengt B.; Broadbridge, Carissa L.; Jamil, Hikmet; Lumley, Mark A.; Pole, Nnamdi; Barkho, Evone; Fakhouri, Monty; Talia, Yousif Rofa; Arnetz, Judith E.


    Background Trauma exposure contributes to poor mental health among refugees, and exposure often is measured using a cumulative index of items from the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ). Few studies, however, have asked whether trauma subtypes derived from the HTQ could be superior to this cumulative index in predicting mental health outcomes. Methods A community sample of recently arrived Iraqi refugees (N = 298) completed the HTQ and measures of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms. Results Principal components analysis of HTQ items revealed a 5-component subtype model of trauma that accounted for more item variance than a 1-component solution. These trauma subtypes also accounted for more variance in PTSD and depression symptoms (12% and 10%, respectively) than did the cumulative trauma index (7% and 3%, respectively). Discussion Trauma subtypes provided more information than cumulative trauma in the prediction of negative mental health outcomes. Therefore, use of these subtypes may enhance the utility of the HTQ when assessing at-risk populations. PMID:24549491

  18. Male genital trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jordan, G.H.; Gilbert, D.A.


    We have attempted to discuss genital trauma in relatively broad terms. In most cases, patients present with relatively minimal trauma. However, because of the complexity of the structures involved, minimal trauma can lead to significant disability later on. The process of erection requires correct functioning of the arterial, neurologic, and venous systems coupled with intact erectile bodies. The penis is composed of structures that are compliant and distensible to the limits of their compliance. These structures therefore tumesce in equal proportion to each other, allowing for straight erection. Relatively minimal trauma can upset this balance of elasticity, leading to disabling chordee. Likewise, relatively minimal injuries to the vascular erectile structures can lead to significantly disabling spongiofibrosis. The urethra is a conduit of paramount importance. Whereas the development of stricture is generally related to the nature of the trauma, the extent of stricture and of attendant complications is clearly a function of the immediate management. Overzealous debridement can greatly complicate subsequent reconstruction. A delicate balance between aggressive initial management and maximal preservation of viable structures must be achieved. 38 references

  19. Radiology in chest trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenz, W.; Kloehn, I.; Wolfart, W.; Freiburg Univ.


    In chest trauma, a routine chest film, preferably in the lateral as well as the frontal projection, is the basic part of the work-up. Occasionally valuable additional methods are fluoroscopy, tomography, bronchography, contrast studies of the GI Tract and angiography and angiocardiography. In 679 chest trauma patients, traffic accidents and falls were the main reason for the trauma. There were 248 fractures; then - in order of frequency - hemopneumothorax (76), lung contusion (58), subcutaneous emphysema (33) cardiac (16) and vascular trauma (12) and damage to other organs. While 20-30% mistakes are made in diagnosing rib fractures in acute trauma, there is high accuracy in the diagnosis of the other injuries. Many cases are shown to demonstrate the value of diagnostic radiology. (orig.) [de

  20. Impact of a TeamSTEPPS Trauma Nurse Academy at a Level 1 Trauma Center. (United States)

    Peters, V Kristen; Harvey, Ellen M; Wright, Andi; Bath, Jennifer; Freeman, Dan; Collier, Bryan


    Nurses are crucial members of the team caring for the acutely injured trauma patient. Until recently, nurses and physicians gained an understanding of leadership and supportive roles separately. With the advent of a multidisciplinary team approach to trauma care, formal team training and simulation has transpired. Since 2007, our Level I trauma system has integrated TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance & Patient Safety; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD) into our clinical care, joint training of nurses and physicians, using simulations with participation of all health care providers. With the increased expectations of a well-orchestrated team and larger number of emergency nurses, our program created the Trauma Nurse Academy. This academy provides a core of experienced nurses with an advanced level of training while decreasing the variability of personnel in the trauma bay. Components of the academy include multidisciplinary didactic education, the Essentials of TeamSTEPPS, and interactive trauma bay learning, to include both equipment and drug use. Once completed, academy graduates participate in the orientation and training of General Surgery and Emergency Medicine residents' trauma bay experience and injury prevention activities. Internal and published data have demonstrated growing evidence linking trauma teamwork training to knowledge and self-confidence in clinical judgment to team performance, patient outcomes, and quality of care. Although trauma resuscitations are stressful, high risk, dynamic, and a prime environment for error, new methods of teamwork training and collaboration among trauma team members have become essential. Copyright © 2017 Emergency Nurses Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Benchmarking of trauma care worldwide: the potential value of an International Trauma Data Bank (ITDB). (United States)

    Haider, Adil H; Hashmi, Zain G; Gupta, Sonia; Zafar, Syed Nabeel; David, Jean-Stephane; Efron, David T; Stevens, Kent A; Zafar, Hasnain; Schneider, Eric B; Voiglio, Eric; Coimbra, Raul; Haut, Elliott R


    National trauma registries have helped improve patient outcomes across the world. Recently, the idea of an International Trauma Data Bank (ITDB) has been suggested to establish global comparative assessments of trauma outcomes. The objective of this study was to determine whether global trauma data could be combined to perform international outcomes benchmarking. We used observed/expected (O/E) mortality ratios to compare two trauma centers [European high-income country (HIC) and Asian lower-middle income country (LMIC)] with centers in the North American National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). Patients (≥16 years) with blunt/penetrating injuries were included. Multivariable logistic regression, adjusting for known predictors of trauma mortality, was performed. Estimates were used to predict the expected deaths at each center and to calculate O/E mortality ratios for benchmarking. A total of 375,433 patients from 301 centers were included from the NTDB (2002-2010). The LMIC trauma center had 806 patients (2002-2010), whereas the HIC reported 1,003 patients (2002-2004). The most important known predictors of trauma mortality were adequately recorded in all datasets. Mortality benchmarking revealed that the HIC center performed similarly to the NTDB centers [O/E = 1.11 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.92-1.35)], whereas the LMIC center showed significantly worse survival [O/E = 1.52 (1.23-1.88)]. Subset analyses of patients with blunt or penetrating injury showed similar results. Using only a few key covariates, aggregated global trauma data can be used to adequately perform international trauma center benchmarking. The creation of the ITDB is feasible and recommended as it may be a pivotal step towards improving global trauma outcomes.

  2. Validação do envelhecimento como fator relacionado do diagnóstico de enfermagem memória prejudicada


    Enaura Helena Brandão Chaves


    Objetiva-se validar o envelhecimento como Fator Relacionado do Diagnóstico de Enfermagem Memória Prejudicada (DEMP). Realizou-se o estudo em duas etapas metodológicas. A primeira etapa constou da validação de conteúdo das Características Definidoras do DEMP, através da Validação de Conteúdo Diagnóstico de Fehring (1987), da validação do conceito e dos Fatores Relacionados, incluindo-se o envelhecimento. Enviou-se 20 instrumentos para enfermeiros experts selecionados através dos critérios adap...

  3. Posttraumatic Stress Among Syrian Refugees: Trauma Exposure Characteristics, Trauma Centrality, and Emotional Suppression. (United States)

    Chung, Man Cheung; Shakra, Mudar; AlQarni, Nowf; AlMazrouei, Mariam; Al Mazrouei, Sara; Al Hashimi, Shurooq


    This study revisited the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and examined a hypothesized model describing the interrelationship between trauma exposure characteristics, trauma centrality, emotional suppression, PTSD, and psychiatric comorbidity among Syrian refugees. A total of 564 Syrian refugees participated in the study and completed the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), Centrality of Event Scale, and Courtauld Emotional Control Scale. Of the participants, 30% met the cutoff for PTSD. Trauma exposure characteristics (experiencing or witnessing horror and murder, kidnapping or disappearance of family members or friends) were associated with trauma centrality, which was associated with emotional suppression. Emotional suppression was associated with PTSD and psychiatric comorbid symptom severities. Suppression mediated the path between trauma centrality and distress outcomes. Almost one-third of refugees can develop PTSD and other psychiatric problems following exposure to traumatic events during war. A traumatized identity can develop, of which life-threatening experiences is a dominant feature, leading to suppression of depression with associated psychological distress.

  4. Management of thoracolumbar spine trauma An overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Rajasekaran


    Full Text Available Thoracolumbar spine fractures are common injuries that can result in significant disability, deformity and neurological deficit. Controversies exist regarding the appropriate radiological investigations, the indications for surgical management and the timing, approach and type of surgery. This review provides an overview of the epidemiology, biomechanical principles, radiological and clinical evaluation, classification and management principles. Literature review of all relevant articles published in PubMed covering thoracolumbar spine fractures with or without neurologic deficit was performed. The search terms used were thoracolumbar, thoracic, lumbar, fracture, trauma and management. All relevant articles and abstracts covering thoracolumbar spine fractures with and without neurologic deficit were reviewed. Biomechanically the thoracolumbar spine is predisposed to a higher incidence of spinal injuries. Computed tomography provides adequate bony detail for assessing spinal stability while magnetic resonance imaging shows injuries to soft tissues (posterior ligamentous complex [PLC] and neurological structures. Different classification systems exist and the most recent is the AO spine knowledge forum classification of thoracolumbar trauma. Treatment includes both nonoperative and operative methods and selected based on the degree of bony injury, neurological involvement, presence of associated injuries and the integrity of the PLC. Significant advances in imaging have helped in the better understanding of thoracolumbar fractures, including information on canal morphology and injury to soft tissue structures. The ideal classification that is simple, comprehensive and guides management is still elusive. Involvement of three columns, progressive neurological deficit, significant kyphosis and canal compromise with neurological deficit are accepted indications for surgical stabilization through anterior, posterior or combined approaches.

  5. Forma clínica e fatores de risco associados ao estrabismo na binocularidade visual

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    Maria Nice Araujo Moraes Rocha


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar e analisar fatores de risco associados ao estrabismo, dados oftalmológicos e antecedentes pessoais e familiares. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, descritivo e analítico realizado com 240 pacientes que consultaram pela primeira vez nos ambulatórios de estrabismo. Foram avaliadas a frequência e associação entre estrabismo, dados de exames oftalmológicos e antecedentes pessoais e familiares para identificação dos fatores de risco. Resultados: Observou-se maior prevalência de estrabismo em mulheres (56,96% em relação aos homens (43,02%. A faixa etária mais atendida no ambulatório de estrabismo foi composta de crianças até 15 anos de idade (83,54%. Encontrou-se mais esotropia (55,27% que exotropia (42,20% e parcela menor de estrabismo vertical isolado (2,53%. A prematuridade foi associada ao estrabismo convergente (p=0,023 e não ao divergente (p=0,086. O diabetes mellitus materno foi associado à esotropia (p=0,024 e exotropia (p=0,036 no filho, mas a hipertensão arterial materna, uso de medicamentos para hipertensão e diabetes durante a gravidez e drogas ilícitas não foram estatisticamente significativos. Pacientes com paralisia cerebral tiveram mais associação com exotropia (p=0,008 que esotropia (p=0,019. Malformações congênitas, consanguinidade entre os pais e traumas oculares não apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa para o estrabismo. A maioria dos pacientes com estrabismo apresentou boa acuidade visual corrigida e fundoscopia normal. Na análise de proporções a hipermetropia foi mais frequente na esotropia (68,7%. Conclusão: Os fatores de riscos internos e externos podem interferir na formação e desenvolvimento do olho na fase de plasticidade ocular, com prejuízo da binocularidade visual, podendo resultar em estrabismo. Há divergências com relação aos fatores de risco realmente associados e mais estudos são necessários para a identificação.

  6. O impacto do Programa de Inclusão Social da Universidade de São Paulo no acesso de estudantes de escola pública ao ensino superior público gratuito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio dos Santos Matos

    Full Text Available Analisa o impacto do Programa de Inclusão Social da Universidade de São Paulo (Inclusp no acesso de estudantes de escola pública ao ensino superior público gratuito. Os dados foram coletados priorizando-se informações sobre renda, cor e outros aspectos de interesse relacionados aos candidatos oriundos de escola pública, em diferentes etapas do vestibular. Como resultado, foi observada a contribuição significativa do sistema de pontuação acrescida para o ingresso de estudantes de escola pública nos cursos de graduação da USP. Todavia, a contínua e intensa diminuição do percentual desses estudantes no vestibular tem contribuído para a diminuição do impacto das políticas de inclusão social implementadas, indicando a necessidade de maior aproximação entre a Universidade e as escolas públicas, bem como a ampliação das ações de inclusão social em desenvolvimento, visando reverter essa tendência.

  7. Percepción de riesgo en adolescentes relacionado con aborto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bárbara Díaz Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los estudios realizados sobre la educación de la sexualidad han permitido constatar que aún son insuficientes los conocimientos que poseen los adolescentes sobre aspectos relacionados con el tema, en especial los riesgos del aborto y su repercusión de manera desfavorable en la salud sexual. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de riesgo en adolescentes relacionado con aborto por embarazos no deseados. Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo, se utilizaron encuestas y entrevistas, así como métodos estadísticos para el procesamiento de la información. El universo estuvo conformado por 354 adolescentes pertenecientes a los consultorios médicos 20, 28 y 30 del Grupo Básico de Trabajo 2 del policlínico Pedro Borrás Astorga, la muestra de 190 adolescentes se encontraron entre las edades de 14 a 18 años. Resultados: Se evidenció una tendencia de los jóvenes a practicar conductas sexuales precoces y riesgosas, lo que favorece el aumento creciente de la práctica del aborto, con insuficientes conocimientos y percepción de riesgo sobre las consecuencias y riesgos de una interrupción de embarazo, donde se encuentran debilitados el rol de los padres y el papel del personal de salud de las áreas donde pertenecen. Conclusiones: Se demostró que el proceso de educación para la salud muestra insuficiencias en cuanto a la creación de programas educativos más creativos que fomentan actividades de promoción y prevención de salud dirigidos a los adolescentes.

  8. Trauma Induced Coagulopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Genét, Gustav Folmer; Johansson, Per; Meyer, Martin Abild Stengaard


    It remains debated whether traumatic brain injury (TBI) induces a different coagulopathy compared to non-TBI. This study investigated traditional coagulation tests, biomarkers of coagulopathy and endothelial damage in trauma patients with and without TBI. Blood from 80 adult trauma patients were...... sampled (median of 68 min (IQR 48-88) post-injury) upon admission to our trauma centre. Plasma/serum were retrospectively analysed for biomarkers reflecting sympathoadrenal activation (adrenaline, noradrenaline), coagulation activation/inhibition and fibrinolysis (protein C, activated protein C, tissue...

  9. Abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giordany, B.R.


    Abdominal injury is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood. Ten percent of trauma-related deaths are due to abdominal injury. Thousands of children are involved in auto accidents annually; many suffer severe internal injury. Child abuse is a second less frequent but equally serious cause of internal abdominal injury. The descriptions of McCort and Eisenstein and their associates in the 1960s first brought to attention the frequency and severity of visceral injury as important manifestations of the child abuse syndrome. Blunt abdominal trauma often causes multiple injuries; in the past, many children have been subjected to exploratory surgery to evaluate the extent of possible hidden injury. Since the advent of noninvasive radiologic imaging techniques including radionuclide scans and ultrasound and, especially, computed tomography (CT), the radiologist has been better able to assess (accurately) the extent of abdominal injury and thus allow conservative therapy in many cases. Penetrating abdominal trauma occurs following gunshot wounds, stabbing, and other similar injury. This is fortunately, a relatively uncommon occurrence in most pediatric centers and will not be discussed specifically here, although many principles of blunt trauma diagnosis are valid for evaluation of penetrating abdominal trauma. If there is any question that a wound has extended intraperitonelly, a sinogram with water-soluble contrast material allows quick, accurate diagnosis. The presence of large amounts of free intraperitoneal gas suggests penetrating injury to the colon or other gas-containing viscus and is generally considered an indication for surgery

  10. Trauma Systems. An Era of Development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lansink, K.W.W.


    The introduction of an inclusive trauma system in the Netherlands during last decade of the past century, has led to an improvement in Dutch trauma care. Eleven trauma regions were formed nationwide each surrounding a level I trauma center. All hospitals in a trauma region were assigned levels I, II

  11. Dentoalveolar trauma and minor trauma as precipitating factors for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yazdi, Pouya Masroori; Schiodt, Morten


    OBJECTIVE: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is often preceded by dentoalveolar trauma. The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of dentoalveolar trauma precipitated ONJ and compare trauma-precipitated ONJ with spontaneously developing ONJ. STUDY DESIGN......: This was a retrospective study. All patients were examined according to a standard ONJ chart. RESULTS: Among 149 consecutive ONJ patients from the Copenhagen Cohort, 95 (64%) had a dentoalveolar trauma before referral (trauma group): dental extractions (n = 80); denture-related sore mouth (n = 12); and others (n = 3......). The remaining 54 patients had spontaneous ONJ (spontaneous group). The mean time from oral trauma to referral for ONJ was 8 months. CONCLUSION: This study documented that dentoalveolar trauma precipitated ONJ in the majority of cases. However, even minor trauma, such as intubation and impression tray lesions...

  12. Influence of socioeconomic status on trauma center performance evaluations in a Canadian trauma system. (United States)

    Moore, Lynne; Turgeon, Alexis F; Sirois, Marie-Josée; Murat, Valérie; Lavoie, André


    Trauma center performance evaluations generally include adjustment for injury severity, age, and comorbidity. However, disparities across trauma centers may be due to other differences in source populations that are not accounted for, such as socioeconomic status (SES). We aimed to evaluate whether SES influences trauma center performance evaluations in an inclusive trauma system with universal access to health care. The study was based on data collected between 1999 and 2006 in a Canadian trauma system. Patient SES was quantified using an ecologic index of social and material deprivation. Performance evaluations were based on mortality adjusted using the Trauma Risk Adjustment Model. Agreement between performance results with and without additional adjustment for SES was evaluated with correlation coefficients. The study sample comprised a total of 71,784 patients from 48 trauma centers, including 3,828 deaths within 30 days (4.5%) and 5,549 deaths within 6 months (7.7%). The proportion of patients in the highest quintile of social and material deprivation varied from 3% to 43% and from 11% to 90% across hospitals, respectively. The correlation between performance results with or without adjustment for SES was almost perfect (r = 0.997; 95% CI 0.995-0.998) and the same hospital outliers were identified. We observed an important variation in SES across trauma centers but no change in risk-adjusted mortality estimates when SES was added to adjustment models. Results suggest that after adjustment for injury severity, age, comorbidity, and transfer status, disparities in SES across trauma center source populations do not influence trauma center performance evaluations in a system offering universal health coverage. Copyright © 2011 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Airway management in trauma. (United States)

    Langeron, O; Birenbaum, A; Amour, J


    Maintenance of a patent and prevention of aspiration are essential for the management of the trauma patient, that requires experienced physicians in airway control techniques. Difficulties of the airway control in the trauma setting are increased by the vital failures, the risk of aspiration, the potential cervical spine injury, the combative patient, and the obvious risk of difficult tracheal intubation related to specific injury related to the trauma. Endotracheal intubation remains the gold standard in trauma patient airway management and should be performed via the oral route with a rapid sequence induction and a manual in-line stabilization maneuver, to decrease the risks previously mentioned. Different techniques to control the airway in trauma patients are presented: improvement of the laryngoscopic vision, lighted stylet tracheal intubation, retrograde technique for orotracheal intubation, the laryngeal mask and the intubating laryngeal mask airways, the combitube and cricothyroidotomy. Management of the airway in trauma patients requires regular training in these techniques and the knowledge of complementary techniques allowing tracheal intubation or oxygenation to overcome difficult intubation and to prevent major complications as hypoxemia and aspiration.

  14. Trauma torácico: importância da antibioticoterapia sobre o tempo de internação


    Fontelles, Mauro José; Mantovani, Mario


    No que tange a comprovada eficácia da drenagem pleural fechada, grande controvérsia ainda persiste em relação ao uso associado da antibioticoterapia. Os autores estudaram 167 pacientes, com trauma isolado do tórax, com objetivo de avaliar a importância do uso do antibiótico sobre o tempo de internação pós-drenagem pleural fechada. Dois grupos de pacientes foram incluídos num estudo longitudinal e prospectivo de acompanhamento de coortes. O grupo controle incluiu 104 pacientes sem uso da antib...

  15. Trauma teams and time to early management during in situ trauma team training. (United States)

    Härgestam, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Jacobsson, Maritha; Brulin, Christine; Hultin, Magnus


    To investigate the association between the time taken to make a decision to go to surgery and gender, ethnicity, years in profession, experience of trauma team training, experience of structured trauma courses and trauma in the trauma team, as well as use of closed-loop communication and leadership styles during trauma team training. In situ trauma team training. The patient simulator was preprogrammed to represent a severely injured patient (injury severity score: 25) suffering from hypovolemia due to external trauma. An emergency room in an urban Scandinavian level one trauma centre. A total of 96 participants were divided into 16 trauma teams. Each team consisted of six team members: one surgeon/emergency physician (designated team leader), one anaesthesiologist, one registered nurse anaesthetist, one registered nurse from the emergency department, one enrolled nurse from the emergency department and one enrolled nurse from the operating theatre. HRs with CIs (95% CI) for the time taken to make a decision to go to surgery was computed from a Cox proportional hazards model. Three variables remained significant in the final model. Closed-loop communication initiated by the team leader increased the chance of a decision to go to surgery (HR: 3.88; CI 1.02 to 14.69). Only 8 of the 16 teams made the decision to go to surgery within the timeframe of the trauma team training. Conversely, call-outs and closed-loop communication initiated by the team members significantly decreased the chance of a decision to go to surgery, (HR: 0.82; CI 0.71 to 0.96, and HR: 0.23; CI 0.08 to 0.71, respectively). Closed-loop communication initiated by the leader appears to be beneficial for teamwork. In contrast, a high number of call-outs and closed-loop communication initiated by team members might lead to a communication overload. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. Is trauma in Switzerland any different? epidemiology and patterns of injury in major trauma - a 5-year review from a Swiss trauma centre. (United States)

    Heim, C; Bosisio, F; Roth, A; Bloch, J; Borens, O; Daniel, R T; Denys, A; Oddo, M; Pasquier, M; Schmidt, S; Schoettker, P; Zingg, T; Wasserfallen, J B


    Switzerland, the country with the highest health expenditure per capita, is lacking data on trauma care and system planning. Recently, 12 trauma centres were designated to be reassessed through a future national trauma registry by 2015. Lausanne University Hospital launched the first Swiss trauma registry in 2008, which contains the largest database on trauma activity nationwide. Prospective analysis of data from consecutively admitted shock room patients from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2012. Shock room admission is based on physiology and mechanism of injury, assessed by prehospital physicians. Management follows a surgeon-led multidisciplinary approach. Injuries are coded by Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) certified coders. Over the 5 years, 1,599 trauma patients were admitted, predominantly males with a median age of 41.4 years and median injury severity score (ISS) of 13. Rate of ISS >15 was 42%. Principal mechanisms of injury were road traffic (40.4%) and falls (34.4%), with 91.5% blunt trauma. Principal patterns were brain (64.4%), chest (59.8%) and extremity/pelvic girdle (52.9%) injuries. Severe (abbreviated injury scale [AIS] score ≥ 3) orthopaedic injuries, defined as extremity and spine injuries together, accounted for 67.1%. Overall, 29.1% underwent immediate intervention, mainly by orthopaedics (27.3%), neurosurgeons (26.3 %) and visceral surgeons (13.9%); 43.8% underwent a surgical intervention within the first 24 hours and 59.1% during their hospitalisation. In-hospital mortality for patients with ISS >15 was 26.2%. This is the first 5-year report on trauma in Switzerland. Trauma workload was similar to other European countries. Despite high levels of healthcare, mortality exceeds published rates by >50%. Regardless of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, trauma remains a surgical disease and needs dedicated surgical resources.

  17. Teletandem e episódios relacionados a cultura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Antonio TELLES


    Full Text Available Teletandem é um contexto telecolaborativo de aprendizagem que envolve dois falantes nativos (ou competentes de diferentes línguas. Utilizando o Skype, cada participante faz papel de aluno por meia hora, falando e praticando a língua do seu parceiro. Este artigo enfoca a interação em teletandem entre dois estudantes universitários - uma brasileira e um estadunidense. Na primeira parte, sustentamos nossa pressuposição de que os participantes do teletandem compartilham informações acerca das respectivas culturas. Na segunda, apresentamos cinco dimensões do conceito de cultura, definimos aprendizagem cultural e propomos uma unidade de análise para interpretação dos dados - o episódio relacionado a cultura. Por fim, sugerimos diretrizes para futuras pesquisas relacionadas à aprendizagem de línguas e culturas em contextos colaborativos on-line.

  18. Epidemiological Trends of Spine Trauma: An Australian Level 1 Trauma Centre Study


    Tee, J. W.; Chan, C. H. P.; Fitzgerald, M. C. B.; Liew, S. M.; Rosenfeld, J. V.


    Knowledge of current epidemiology and spine trauma trends assists in public resource allocation, fine-tuning of primary prevention methods, and benchmarking purposes. Data on all patients with traumatic spine injuries admitted to the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne between May 1, 2009, and January 1, 2011, were collected from the Alfred Trauma Registry, Alfred Health medical database, and Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry. Epidemiological trends were analyzed as a general cohort, with...

  19. Faltas ao trabalho por problemas de saúde na indústria Work days lost due to health problems in industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvia Regina Trindade Yano


    Full Text Available Neste estudo transversal, estima-se a prevalência de episódios de faltas ao trabalho por motivo de saúde (FTS, e fatores associados, focalizando o trabalho na indústria. A população do estudo foi uma amostra aleatória por conglomerado de 3.403 trabalhadores de 16 a 65 anos residentes em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Dados foram obtidos em entrevistas domiciliares. Entre os trabalhadores da indústria, a prevalência em um ano de FTS em geral, foi 12,5%, 5,5% para FTS relacionados ao trabalho, e 4,1% para FTS agravados pelo trabalho. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação aos demais trabalhadores. Fatores associados à FTS foram percepção de perigo no trabalho, história de acidente de trabalho, e saúde autopercebida como ruim. Os resultados indicam que a ocorrência de faltas ao trabalho é comum, tanto na indústria como nos demais ramos de atividade, podem afetar a produtividade, o que requer programas de prevenção de agentes de risco em locais de trabalho.This cross-sectional study estimated the prevalence of work days lost due to health problems and associated factors among industrial workers. The study population was a simple random cluster sample of 3,403 workers from 16 to 65 years of age in the city of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. Data were collected with individual home interviews. Among industrial workers, one-year prevalence of work days lost to health problems was 12.5%, of which 5.5% were directly work-related and 4.1% aggravated by work. There were no statistically significant differences when compared to other worker categories. Self-perceived workplace hazards, history of work-related injury, and poor self-rated health were associated with work days lost due to work-related injuries/diseases. The findings showed that work days lost are common among both industrial and non-industrial workers, thereby affecting productivity and requiring prevention programs.


    Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Marzán-Rodríguez, Melissa; Neilands, Torsten B.


    Existe estigma relacionado al VIH. A las personas con VIH/SIDA-PCVS se les viola sus derechos y obstaculiza su bienestar mental/físico. Profesionales de la salud-PS son fuente de apoyo primordial, sin embargo estos/as le estigmatizan. Es útil adiestrar a PS en relación al estigma social. Implantamos la intervención para reducir el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA con 507 estudiantes de medicina. Resultó ser una intervención efectiva, hubo reducción en los niveles de estigma a partir de nuestra intervención y diferencias significativas con el grupo control (p≤.05). Generar espacios de adiestramiento para atender el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA es pertinente para la psicología comunitaria porque colaboramos en la reducción de actitudes estigmatizantes que afectan adversamente la prevención de nuevas infecciones, la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral y la calidad de vida. PMID:27829690



    Coronel, Daniel Arruda; Sonaglio, Claudia Maria; Angelo, Helena Dezordi; Zamberlan, Carlos Otavio; Silva, Angelita Freitas Da


    Este artigo demonstra conceitos e modelos relacionados à mensuração da satisfação de clientes, focando a satisfação dos agricultores do Assentamento Itamarati I, com relação aos financiamentos do Pronaf (Programa de fortalecimento da agricultura familiar) adquiridos no Banco do Brasil de Ponta Porã-MS. Para isso foram entrevistados 179 assentados. A metodologia utilizada envolveu uma fundamentação teórica embasada em pesquisa bibliográfica, que abordou os principais conceitos relacionados ao ...

  2. Knowledge of industrialized dairy products labels by parents of patients allergic to cow's milk


    Binsfeld, Bruna de Lima; Pastorino, Antonio Carlos; Castro, Ana Paula B. M.; Yonamine, Glauce Hiromi; Gushken, Andréa Keiko F.; Jacob, Cristina Miuki A.


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade de identificação dos termos relacionados ao leite de vaca em rótulos de produtos industrializados por familiares de pacientes com alergia à bebida. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo, baseado em entrevista com familiares de pacientes. Inicialmente, aplicou-se um questionário sobre o hábito de leitura de rótulos e identificação de termos relacionados ao leite e, posteriormente, apresentaram-se rótulos de 12 produtos industrializados para que os familiares de...

  3. Conhecimento da rotulagem de produtos industrializados por familiares de pacientes com alergia a leite de vaca


    Binsfeld,Bruna de Lima; Pastorino,Antonio Carlos; Castro,Ana Paula B. M.; Yonamine,Glauce Hiromi; Gushken,Andréa Keiko F.; Jacob,Cristina Miuki A.


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade de identificação dos termos relacionados ao leite de vaca em rótulos de produtos industrializados por familiares de pacientes com alergia à bebida. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo, baseado em entrevista com familiares de pacientes. Inicialmente, aplicou-se um questionário sobre o hábito de leitura de rótulos e identificação de termos relacionados ao leite e, posteriormente, apresentaram-se rótulos de 12 produtos industrializados para que os familiares de...

  4. Dental Trauma Guide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jens Ove; Lauridsen, Eva Fejerskov; Christensen, Søren Steno Ahrensburg


    Diagnose and treatment of traumatic dental injuries is very complex due to the multiple trauma entities represented by 6 lunation types and 9 fracture types affecting both the primary and the permanent dentition. When it is further considered that fracture and lunation injuries are often combined...... problems in selecting proper treatment for some of these trauma types. To remedy this situation, an internet based knowledge base consisting of 4000 dental trauma cases with long term follow up is now available to the public and professionals, on the internet using the address www...

  5. Dental Trauma Guide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jens Ove; Lauridsen, Eva; Gerds, Thomas Alexander


    Diagnosis and treatment for traumatic dental injuries are very complex owing to the multiple trauma entities represented by six luxation types and nine fracture types affecting both the primary and the permanent dentition. When it is further considered that fracture and luxation injuries are often...... problems in selecting proper treatment for some of these trauma types. To remedy this situation, an Internet-based knowledge base consisting of 4000 dental trauma cases with long-term follow up is now available to the public and the professions on the Internet using the address http://www.Dental...

  6. The associations of earlier trauma exposures and history of mental disorders with PTSD after subsequent traumas. (United States)

    Kessler, R C; Aguilar-Gaxiola, S; Alonso, J; Bromet, E J; Gureje, O; Karam, E G; Koenen, K C; Lee, S; Liu, H; Pennell, B-E; Petukhova, M V; Sampson, N A; Shahly, V; Stein, D J; Atwoli, L; Borges, G; Bunting, B; de Girolamo, G; Gluzman, S F; Haro, J M; Hinkov, H; Kawakami, N; Kovess-Masfety, V; Navarro-Mateu, F; Posada-Villa, J; Scott, K M; Shalev, A Y; Ten Have, M; Torres, Y; Viana, M C; Zaslavsky, A M


    Although earlier trauma exposure is known to predict posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after subsequent traumas, it is unclear whether this association is limited to cases where the earlier trauma led to PTSD. Resolution of this uncertainty has important implications for research on pretrauma vulnerability to PTSD. We examined this issue in the World Health Organization (WHO) World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys with 34 676 respondents who reported lifetime trauma exposure. One lifetime trauma was selected randomly for each respondent. DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition) PTSD due to that trauma was assessed. We reported in a previous paper that four earlier traumas involving interpersonal violence significantly predicted PTSD after subsequent random traumas (odds ratio (OR)=1.3-2.5). We also assessed 14 lifetime DSM-IV mood, anxiety, disruptive behavior and substance disorders before random traumas. We show in the current report that only prior anxiety disorders significantly predicted PTSD in a multivariate model (OR=1.5-4.3) and that these disorders interacted significantly with three of the earlier traumas (witnessing atrocities, physical violence victimization and rape). History of witnessing atrocities significantly predicted PTSD after subsequent random traumas only among respondents with prior PTSD (OR=5.6). Histories of physical violence victimization (OR=1.5) and rape after age 17 years (OR=17.6) significantly predicted only among respondents with no history of prior anxiety disorders. Although only preliminary due to reliance on retrospective reports, these results suggest that history of anxiety disorders and history of a limited number of earlier traumas might usefully be targeted in future prospective studies as distinct foci of research on individual differences in vulnerability to PTSD after subsequent traumas.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 19 September 2017; doi:10.1038/mp.2017.194.

  7. SRAO: the first southern robotic AO system (United States)

    Law, Nicholas M.; Ziegler, Carl; Tokovinin, Andrei


    We present plans for SRAO, the first Southern Robotic AO system. SRAO will use AO-assisted speckle imaging and Robo-AO-heritage high efficiency observing to confirm and characterize thousands of planet candidates produced by major new transit surveys like TESS, and is the first AO system to be capable of building a comprehensive several-thousand-target multiplicity survey at sub-AU scales across the main sequence. We will also describe results from Robo-AO, the first robotic LGS-AO system. Robo-AO has observed tens of thousands of Northern targets, often using a similar speckle or Lucky-Imaging assisted mode. SRAO will be a moderate-order natural-guide-star adaptive optics system which uses an innovative photoncounting wavefront sensor and EMCCD speckle-imaging camera to guide on faint stars with the 4.1m SOAR telescope. The system will produce diffraction-limited imaging in the NIR on targets as faint as mν = 16. In AO-assisted speckle imaging mode the system will attain the 30-mas visible diffraction limit on targets at least as faint as mν = 17. The system will be the first Southern hemisphere robotic adaptive optics system, with overheads an order of magnitude smaller than comparable systems. Using Robo-AO's proven robotic AO software, SRAO will be capable of observing overheads on sub-minute scales, allowing the observation of at least 200 targets per night. SRAO will attain three times the angular resolution of the Palomar Robo-AO system in the visible.

  8. Multiple trauma in children: critical care overview. (United States)

    Wetzel, Randall C; Burns, R Cartland


    Multiple trauma is more than the sum of the injuries. Management not only of the physiologic injury but also of the pathophysiologic responses, along with integration of the child's emotional and developmental needs and the child's family, forms the basis of trauma care. Multiple trauma in children also elicits profound psychological responses from the healthcare providers involved with these children. This overview will address the pathophysiology of multiple trauma in children and the general principles of trauma management by an integrated trauma team. Trauma is a systemic disease. Multiple trauma stimulates the release of multiple inflammatory mediators. A lethal triad of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy is the direct result of trauma and secondary injury from the systemic response to trauma. Controlling and responding to the secondary pathophysiologic sequelae of trauma is the cornerstone of trauma management in the multiply injured, critically ill child. Damage control surgery is a new, rational approach to the child with multiple trauma. The selection of children for damage control surgery depends on the severity of injury. Major abdominal vascular injuries and multiple visceral injuries are best considered for this approach. The effective management of childhood multiple trauma requires a combined team approach, consideration of the child and family, an organized trauma system, and an effective quality assurance and improvement mechanism.

  9. Role of focused assessment with sonography for trauma as a screening tool for blunt abdominal trauma in young children after high energy trauma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tummers, W.; Schuppen, J.V. (J Van); H.R. Langeveld-Benders (Hester); Wilde, J.; Banderker, E.; Van, A.


    textabstractBackground: The objective of the study was to review the utility of focused assessement with sonography for trauma (FAST) as a screening tool for blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in children involved in high energy trauma (HET), and to determine whether a FAST could replace computed

  10. Spectrum and outcome of pancreatic trauma. (United States)

    Kantharia, Chetan V; Prabhu, R Y; Dalvi, A N; Raut, Abhijit; Bapat, R D; Supe, Avinash N


    Pancreatic trauma is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis is often difficult and surgery poses a formidable challenge. Data from 17 patients of pancreatic trauma gathered from a prospectively maintained database were analysed and the following parameters were considered: mode of injury, diagnostic modalities, associated injury, grade of pancreatic trauma and management. Pancreatic trauma was graded from I through IV, as per Modified Lucas Classification. The median age was 39 years (range 19-61). The aetiology of pancreatic trauma was blunt abdominal trauma in 14 patients and penetrating injury in 3. Associated bowel injury was present in 4 cases (3 penetrating injury and 1 blunt trauma) and 1 case had associated vascular injury. 5 patients had grade I, 3 had grade II, 7 had grade III and 2 had grade IV pancreatic trauma. Contrast enhanced computed tomography scan was used to diagnose pancreatic trauma in all patients with blunt abdominal injury. Immediate diagnosis could be reached in only 4 (28.5%) patients. 7 patients responded to conservative treatment. Of the 10 patients who underwent surgery, 6 required it for the pancreas and the duodenum. (distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy-3, pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomy-1, debridement with external drainage-1, associated injuries-duodenum-1). Pancreatic fistula, recurrent pancreatitis and pseudocyst formation were seen in 3 (17.05%), 2 (11.7%) and 1 (5.4%) patient respectively. Death occurred in 4 cases (23.5%), 2 each in grades III and IV pancreatic trauma. Contrast enhanced computed tomography scan is a useful modality for diagnosing, grading and following up patients with pancreatic trauma. Although a majority of cases with pancreatic trauma respond to conservative treatment, patients with penetrating trauma, and associated bowel injury and higher grade pancreatic trauma require surgical intervention and are also associated with higher morbidity and mortality.

  11. Role of focused assessment with sonography for trauma as a screening tool for blunt abdominal trauma in young children after high energy trauma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tummers, W.; van Schuppen, J.; Langeveld, H.; Wilde, J.; Banderker, E.; van As, A.


    The objective of the study was to review the utility of focused assessement with sonography for trauma (FAST) as a screening tool for blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in children involved in high energy trauma (HET), and to determine whether a FAST could replace computed tomography (CT) in clinical

  12. [Trauma-Informed Peer Counselling in the Care of Refugees with Trauma-Related Disorders]. (United States)

    Wöller, Wolfgang


    Providing adequate culture-sensitive care for a large number of refugees with trauma-related disorders constitutes a major challenge. In this context, peer support and trauma-informed peer counselling can be regarded as a valuable means to complement the psychosocial care systems. In recent years, peer support and peer education have been successfully implemented e. g. in health care education, in psychiatric care, and in the treatment of traumatized individuals. Only little research data is available for traumatized refugees. However, results are encouraging. A program is presented which integrates trauma-informed peer educators (TIP) with migration background in the care of traumatized refugees. Peers' responsibility includes emotional support and understanding the refugees' needs, sensitizing for trauma-related disorders, providing psychoeducation, and teaching trauma-specific stabilization techniques under supervision of professional psychotherapists. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  13. Evaluating trauma team performance in a Level I trauma center: Validation of the trauma team communication assessment (TTCA-24). (United States)

    DeMoor, Stephanie; Abdel-Rehim, Shady; Olmsted, Richard; Myers, John G; Parker-Raley, Jessica


    Nontechnical skills (NTS), such as team communication, are well-recognized determinants of trauma team performance and good patient care. Measuring these competencies during trauma resuscitations is essential, yet few valid and reliable tools are available. We aimed to demonstrate that the Trauma Team Communication Assessment (TTCA-24) is a valid and reliable instrument that measures communication effectiveness during activations. Two tools with adequate psychometric strength (Trauma Nontechnical Skills Scale [T-NOTECHS], Team Emergency Assessment Measure [TEAM]) were identified during a systematic review of medical literature and compared with TTCA-24. Three coders used each tool to evaluate 35 stable and 35 unstable patient activations (defined according to Advanced Trauma Life Support criteria). Interrater reliability was calculated between coders using the intraclass correlation coefficient. Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to establish concurrent validity between TTCA-24 and the other two validated tools. Coders achieved an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.87 for stable patient activations and 0.78 for unstable activations scoring excellent on the interrater agreement guidelines. The median score for each assessment showed good team communication for all 70 videos (TEAM, 39.8 of 54; T-NOTECHS, 17.4 of 25; and TTCA-24, 87.4 of 96). A significant correlation between TTTC-24 and T-NOTECHS was revealed (p = 0.029), but no significant correlation between TTCA-24 and TEAM (p = 0.77). Team communication was rated slightly better across all assessments for stable versus unstable patient activations, but not statistically significant. TTCA-24 correlated with T-NOTECHS, an instrument measuring nontechnical skills for trauma teams, but not TEAM, a tool that assesses communication in generic emergency settings. TTCA-24 is a reliable and valid assessment that can be a useful adjunct when evaluating interpersonal and team communication during trauma

  14. Imaging of thoracic trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uffmann, M.; Herold, C.J.; Fuchs, M.


    Blunt trauma to the chest results from transfer of kinetic energy to the human body. It may cause a wide range of mostly life-threatening injuries, including fractures of the thoracic skeleton, disintegration of the pleural space, contusion or laceration of pulmonary parenchyma and damage to the mediastinal structures. For a systematic approach it may be helpful to follow an organ-based evaluation of thoracic trauma. However, it should be borne in mind that subtle injuries may be associated with serious complications. Trauma to the chest may affect different anatomic compartments at the same time, requiring and extending diagnostic approach. Conventional radiography plays a major role in diagnosting thoracic trauma, complemented by ultrasound examination of the pleura and abdomen. It is well documented that CT scanning represents a major technological improvement for assessment of thoracic trauma. With the advent of fast helical CT scanning this method becomes more applicable for severly traumatized patients and potentially replaces other time-consuming procedures. State-of-the-art imaging of both projection and cross-sectional techniques provides useful information for immediate and appropriate treatment mandatory in patients with thoracic trauma. (orig.) [de

  15. Head trauma and CT with special reference to diagnosis of complications of head trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samejima, Kanji; Yoshii, Nobuo; Tobari, Chitose


    Cases in which CT was useful for the diagnosis of complications of head trauma were reported. First, complications of head trauma were given an outline, and then, cases of protrusion of the brain, traumatic pneumocephalus, and cerebro-vascular disorders caused by head trauma were mentioned. (Tsunoda, M.)

  16. Disseminated intravascular coagulation or acute coagulopathy of trauma shock early after trauma? A prospective observational study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansson, Per Ingemar; Sorensen, Anne Marie; Perner, Anders


    the prevalence of overt DIC and ACoTS in trauma patients and characterized these conditions based on their biomarker profiles. METHODS: Observational study at a single Level I Trauma Centre. Inclusion of 80 adult trauma patients ([greater than or equal to]18 years) who met criteria for full trauma team...

  17. Is Trauma Memory Special? Trauma Narrative Fragmentation in PTSD: Effects of Treatment and Response. (United States)

    Bedard-Gilligan, Michele; Zoellner, Lori A; Feeny, Norah C


    Seminal theories posit that fragmented trauma memories are critical to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; van der Kolk & Fisler, 1995; Brewin, 2014) and that elaboration of the trauma narrative is necessary for recovery (e.g., Foa, Huppert, & Cahill, 2006). According to fragmentation theories, trauma narrative changes, particularly for those receiving trauma-focused treatment, should accompany symptom reduction. Trauma and control narratives in 77 men and women with chronic PTSD were examined pre- and post-treatment, comparing prolonged exposure (PE) and sertraline. Utilizing self-report, rater coding, and objective coding of narrative content, fragmentation was compared across narrative types (trauma, negative, positive) by treatment modality and response, controlling for potential confounds. Although sensory components increased with PE ( d = 0.23 - 0.44), there were no consistent differences in fragmentation from pre- to post-treatment between PE and sertraline or treatment responders and non-responders. Contrary to theories, changes in fragmentation may not be a crucial mechanism underlying PTSD therapeutic recovery.

  18. [Trauma registry and injury]. (United States)

    Shapira, S C


    The trauma registry network constitutes an essential database in every injury prevention system. In order to rationally estimate the extent of injury in general, and injuries from traffic accidents in particular, the trauma registry systems should contain the most comprehensive and broad database possible, in line with the operational definitions. Ideally, the base of the injury pyramid should also include mild injuries and even "near-misses". The Israeli National Trauma Registry has come a long way in the last few years. The eventual inclusion of all trauma centers in Israel will enable the establishment of a firm base for the allocation of resources by decision-makers.

  19. Gender differences among recidivist trauma patients. (United States)

    Kwan, Rita O; Cureton, Elizabeth L; Dozier, Kristopher C; Victorino, Gregory P


    Gender differences among trauma recidivist patients are not well-understood. We hypothesized that males are more likely to be repeatedly involved in the trauma system and have a shorter time to recurrence between repeat episodes of injury compared with females. A retrospective analysis of trauma patients treated at an urban university-based trauma center was performed. Variables including gender, race, insurance status, age, mechanism of injury, outcomes, and injury secondary to domestic violence were compared. Differences were compared using χ(2) tests and log-rank (Mantel-Cox) Kaplan-Meier cumulative event curves. We identified 689 trauma recidivist patients (4.0% of all trauma visits) over a 10-y period. Compared to single-visit patients, recidivist patients were more likely to be male (87% versus 73%), uninsured (78% versus 66%), and have injuries secondary to assaults (54% versus 37%) (P trauma visit was shorter for females compared with males (23 ± 2.5 versus 30 ± 1.2 mo, P trauma than were male recidivists (69% versus 43%, P trauma patients have a much shorter time to recurrence for a second traumatic injury than do males. Female recidivists have a high likelihood of assault-associated injuries and domestic violence. Trauma centers should screen for domestic violence among trauma patients to aid in preventing further repeat episodes of injury. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Distúrbios do sono em adultos de uma cidade do Estado de São Paulo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Everton Alex Carvalho Zanuto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência de distúrbios relacionados ao sono entre adultos de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, bem como identificar suas associações com variáveis comportamentais, sociodemográficas e de estado nutricional. MÉTODOS: Após a seleção aleatória da amostra, foram realizadas entrevistas face a face com 743 adultos de ambos os sexos, residentes na cidade de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo. Foram aplicados questionários para análise de distúrbios relacionados ao sono, variáveis sociodemográficas (sexo, idade, etnia, escolaridade, comportamentais (atividade física no lazer, etilismo e tabagismo e de estado nutricional. RESULTADOS: Foram observados distúrbios relacionados ao sono em 46,7% da amostra, com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95% 43,1 - 50,2. Após a análise multivariada, foi observado que o sexo feminino, com odds ratio (OR = 1,74 (IC95% 1,26 - 2,40, escolaridade (OR = 0,49; IC95% 0,28 - 0,82, sobrepeso (OR = 1,99; IC95% 1,39 - 2,85 e obesidade (OR = 2,90; IC95% 1,94 - 4,35 foram associados à ocorrência de distúrbios relacionados ao sono. CONCLUSÃO: É elevada a ocorrência de distúrbios de sono na amostra analisada, os quais foram mais frequentes em mulheres, pessoas de menor escolaridade e com sobrepeso e obesidade.

  1. Epidemiological Trends of Spine Trauma: An Australian Level 1 Trauma Centre Study (United States)

    Tee, J. W.; Chan, C. H. P.; Fitzgerald, M. C. B.; Liew, S. M.; Rosenfeld, J. V.


    Knowledge of current epidemiology and spine trauma trends assists in public resource allocation, fine-tuning of primary prevention methods, and benchmarking purposes. Data on all patients with traumatic spine injuries admitted to the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne between May 1, 2009, and January 1, 2011, were collected from the Alfred Trauma Registry, Alfred Health medical database, and Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry. Epidemiological trends were analyzed as a general cohort, with comparison cohorts of nonsurvivors versus survivors and elderly versus nonelderly. Linear regression analysis was utilized to demonstrate trends with statistical significance. There were 965 patients with traumatic spine injuries with 2,333 spine trauma levels. The general cohort showed a trimodal age distribution, male-to-female ratio of 2:2, motor vehicle accidents as the primary spine trauma mechanism, 47.7% patients with severe polytrauma as graded using the Injury Severity Score (ISS), 17.3% with traumatic brain injury (TBI), the majority of patients with one spine injury level, 7% neurological deficit rate, 12.8% spine trauma operative rate, and 5.2% mortality rate. Variables with statistical significance trending toward mortality were the elderly, motor vehicle occupants, severe ISS, TBI, C1–2 dissociations, and American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) A, B, and C neurological grades. Variables with statistical significance trending toward the elderly were females; low falls; one spine injury level; type 2 odontoid fractures; subaxial cervical spine distraction injuries; ASIA A, B, and C neurological grades; and patients without neurological deficits. Of the general cohort, 50.3% of spine trauma survivors were discharged home, and 48.1% were discharged to rehabilitation facilities. This study provides baseline spine trauma epidemiological data. The trimodal age distribution of patients with traumatic spine injuries calls for further studies and intervention targeted

  2. Isolated hip fracture care in an inclusive trauma system : A trauma system wide evaluation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Laarhoven, J. J E M; van Lammeren, G. W.; Houwert, R. M.; van Laarhoven, Constance; Hietbrink, F.; Leenen, L. P H; Verleisdonk, E. J M M


    Introduction: Elderly patients with a hip fracture represent a large proportion of the trauma population; however, little is known about outcome differences between different levels of trauma care for these patients. The aim of this study is to analyse the outcome of trauma care in patients with a

  3. Epidemiologia das lesões traumáticas de alta energia em idosos Epidemiology of high-energy trauma injuries among the elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio Katz


    Full Text Available O aumento proporcional de idosos na população mundial associado à melhoria nas condições de saúde e suporte preventivo para essa faixa etária, permite forma de vida mais ativa, expondo-os a risco mais elevado de acidentes e traumas de alta energia. Esses pacientes têm características fisiológicas, doenças associadas, padrão comportamental e complicações pós-operatórias que levam a resposta sistêmica diferente dos demais grupos etários. Esse trabalho avaliou prospectivamente 28 pacientes com idade superior a 65 anos - 16 mulheres e 12 homens. O mecanismo de trauma mais prevalente foi atropelamento, resultando principalmente, em fraturas dos membros inferiores. O tempo de internação foi superior ao de pacientes de faixas etárias inferiores e 90% dos casos apresentaram algum tipo de complicação clínica após a osteossíntese. A idade age isoladamente como fator preditivo positivo para tais complicações no paciente politraumatizado. As doenças prévias e a idade dos doentes não influenciaram o desenvolvimento de complicações ortopédicas. As lesões associadas às fraturas apresentaram correlação com o mecanismo de trauma. Estes pacientes normalmente precisam ser operados para tratamento definitivo de suas fraturas. O fato de serem mais idosos e apresentarem doenças anteriormente ao acidente não aumenta o período pré-cirúrgico.The increasing proportion of elderly people in the world's population, together with improvements in their health status and the preventive support for this age group, have allowed them to have more active lifestyles, which have exposed them to higher risks of high-energy accidents and trauma. These patients have physiological characteristics, associated diseases, behavioral patterns and postoperative complications that lead to different systemic responses from those on other age groups. This study prospectively evaluated 28 patients aged over 65 years - 16 women and 12 men. The most

  4. O ensino a distância e o setor produtivo: levando a universidade ao local de trabalho

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    Dulce Márcia Cruz


    Full Text Available Este artigo decreve a experiência de dois cursos a distância por videoconferência e Internet oferecidos pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção da UFSC para a Petrobras e para a Siemmens. Respondendo à demanda do setor produtivo, a criação e administração destes cursos vem incorporando as tendências de flexibilização dos processos produtivos identificados com a etapa do Pós-Fordismo. A análise da percepção dos alunos e professores dos dois cursos mostra que as estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas são fortemente determinadas pelas limitações técnicas e pelo preparo docente para usar a tecnologia. Além disso, o novo modelo ilumina questionamentos não resolvidos no ensino presencial, principalmente aqueles relacionados ao papel do professor como facilitador e não mais como única fonte de conhecimento e informação.

  5. Paediatric Blunt Liver Trauma in a Dutch Level 1 Trauma Center

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nellensteijn, D.; Porte, R. J.; van Zuuren, W.; ten Duis, H. J.; Hulscher, J. B. F.


    Introduction: Paediatric blunt hepatic trauma treatment is changing from operative treatment (OT) to non-operative treatment (NOT). In 2000 the American Pediatric Surgical Association has published guidelines for NOT of these injuries. Little is known about the treatment of paediatric liver trauma

  6. History of the Dental Trauma Guide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jens Ove; Christensen, Søren Steno Ahrensburg


    The history of the Dental Trauma Guide dates back to 1965, where guidelines were developed for trauma records and treatment of various trauma entities at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital in Copenhagen. In 1972, a unique possibility came up at the Serum...... Institute in Copenhagen to test various dental trauma procedures in monkeys, which served as kidney donors in the polio vaccine production. Over the years, 40 000 dental trauma patients were treated at the Trauma Centre according to established guidelines, and 4000 of these have been enrolled in long...

  7. Attachment Dimensions and Post-traumatic Symptoms Following Interpersonal Traumas versus Impersonal Traumas in Young Adults in Taiwan. (United States)

    Huang, Yu-Lien; Chen, Sue-Huei; Su, Yi-Jen; Kung, Yi-Wen


    Greater risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is seen in individuals exposed to interpersonal traumatic events. Based on an attachment perspective, interpersonal trauma exposure may activate one's attachment insecurity system and disrupt affect, behaviour and interpersonal function, which may in turn create more difficulties to cope with interpersonal traumas and exacerbate PTSD symptomatology. The present study examined whether attachment anxiety relative to attachment avoidance would be a stronger predictor of greater PTSD symptoms following interpersonal traumas versus impersonal traumas in a Taiwanese sample. One hundred and sixty-two trauma-exposed Taiwanese young adults completed the measures of symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD, and attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. In this Taiwanese study, higher attachment anxiety was observed in individuals who were exposed to interpersonal traumas. The interpersonal trauma group reported greater PTSD symptoms than did the impersonal trauma group. Specifically, after controlling for age, occurrence of trauma and distress of trauma, attachment anxiety, but not attachment avoidance, predicted more PTSD total severity and avoidance symptoms in the interpersonal trauma group. The findings may be pertinent to attachment anxiety-related hyperactivating strategies, as well as specific cultural values and a forbearance strategy applied to regulate traumatic distress in a collectivist society. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



    Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Marzán-Rodríguez, Melissa; Neilands, Torsten B.


    Existe estigma relacionado al VIH. A las personas con VIH/SIDA-PCVS se les viola sus derechos y obstaculiza su bienestar mental/físico. Profesionales de la salud-PS son fuente de apoyo primordial, sin embargo estos/as le estigmatizan. Es útil adiestrar a PS en relación al estigma social. Implantamos la intervención para reducir el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA con 507 estudiantes de medicina. Resultó ser una intervención efectiva, hubo reducción en los niveles de estigma a partir de nuestra...


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    Leonardo Vieira Wandelli


    Full Text Available O presente artigo procura traçar alguns elementos que pretendem articular como, a partir do discurso jurídico, podem ser significados os aportes sobre saúde e trabalho, especialmente aqueles trazidos pela abordagem da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Um caminho, assim, que vai dos estudos sobre sujeito, trabalho e saúde até o Direito Constitucional, que afirma como seu fundamento a dignidade humana, indissociável da centralidade antropológica do trabalho; um vínculo expressado pelo direito fundamental ao trabalho que, aqui, se propõe reconstruir a partir do desvelamento de um direito fundamental ao conteúdo do próprio trabalho, articulado ao conceito de meio ambiente organizacional do trabalho. 

  10. Management of duodenal trauma


    CHEN Guo-qing; YANG Hua


    【Abstract】Duodenal trauma is uncommon but nowadays seen more and more frequently due to the increased automobile accidents and violent events. The management of duodenal trauma can be complicated, especially when massive injury to the pancreatic-duodenal-biliary complex occurs simultaneously. Even the patients receive surgeries in time, multiple postoperative complications and high mortality are common. To know and manage duodenal trauma better, we searched the recent related literature...

  11. Sistema de plataformas de força e identificação de movimentos por processamento de imagem para aplicação em treinamento do equilíbrio baseado em biofeedback


    Lavarda, Marcos Dinís


    Parte da população mundial sofre com distúrbios relacionados ao controle muscular de membros superiores e inferiores que, em muitos casos, podem ter sua origem devido a interrupção da comunicação sensório-motora entre o cérebro e os grupos musculares. Estes fatores podem estar relacionados à idade, doenças neuro-degenerativas ou acidentes vasculares cerebrais (AVC). Dessa forma, devido ao gradativo envelhecimento da população, em função do aumento da expectativa de vida e consequentemente da ...

  12. Educação a distância: uma análise estatística dos fatores relacionados à evasão e à permanência

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    Ricardo Antonio Cornelio


    Full Text Available O maior desafio que as organizações enfrentam nos dias atuais está relacionado à adoção de medidas adequadas para lidar com a grande velocidade de inovação. A Educação a Distância (EaD, com a utilização das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs, tem viabilizado o acesso a um número cada vez maior de sujeitos. Uma das vantagens frequentemente citada da EaD é permitir ao aluno estudar onde quer que esteja e quando lhe for mais conveniente. Junte-se a essa liberdade a utilização de computadores cada vez mais velozes e o desenvolvimento de novos aplicativos, propiciando o crescimento da educação a distância. Entretanto, essa expansão e o uso das tecnologias, por si só, não são capazes de evitar a ocorrência de evasão. Evitar o aumento da evasão e levantar as suas causas é atividade relevante para as instituições que tenham a capacidade de dar apoio aos estudantes durante o desenvolvimento de seu curso. Para identificar as questões que mais retratam as facilidades e dificuldades enfrentadas pelo alunado em cursos EaD, optou-se pela técnica da Análise Fatorial Exploratória, aplicada em duas categorias de alunos, uma delas constituída pelos alunos matriculados e alunos formados e a outra categoria composta de alunos que abandonaram o curso em um polo de apoio presencial do município de Itabira – MG.

  13. Epigenética, Cuidados Maternais e Vulnerabilidade ao Estresse: Conceitos Básicos e Aplicabilidade

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    Grazielle Noro


    Full Text Available ResumoCuidados maternais são experiências do início da vida que têm sido consistentemente relacionados com alterações na expressão gênica por meio de mecanismos epigenéticos como a metilação do DNA ou a modificação de suas histonas. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma investigação teórica sobre cuidados maternais enquanto evento ambiental que pode produzir alterações epigenéticas atuantes na composição da vulnerabilidade ao estresse. A investigação teve por base estudos empíricos e de revisão de literatura com animais não humanos sobre Epigenética, estresse e cuidados maternais. Apresenta também alguns estudos com humanos que mostram tais efeitos, destacando-se aqueles que influenciam ou são influenciados pelo comportamento operante. A partir da investigação realizada encontrou-se que cuidados maternais pós-parto são uma condição ambiental que produz efeitos no eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA, participando da composição da vulnerabilidade ao estresse. Seus possíveis efeitos fisiológicos no condicionamento operante sinalizam alternativas para intervenções baseadas na plasticidade da formação do epigenoma. Este conhecimento, além de promover a aproximação entre a Epigenética e a Análise do Comportamento em nível básico por meio de estudos com animais não humanos, poderá contribuir em nível aplicado para um melhor entendimento do neurodesenvolvimento infantil e adequado planejamento de intervenções efetivas com mães e filhos.


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    Aline Oliveira de SOUZA, Andrews Marques do NASCIMENTO, Eduardo Roberto COLE


    Full Text Available A busca pelo corpo perfeito está assumindo proporções assustadoras em todas as partes do mundo. O culto ao corpo desencadeou uma busca desenfreada por artifícios que permitam alcançar um ideal de beleza fora da realidade para a maior parte da população. Dentre estes artifícios, destaca-se o uso de esteroides anabólicos androgênicos (EAA. Os EAA sintéticos são substâncias consideradas “construtoras” de músculos, pois conseguem potencializar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre os músculos, que apresentam efeitos semelhantes aos da testosterona, promovendo aumento da força de contratilidade e do volume das células musculares. O farmacêutico, enquanto profissional devidamente habilitado em medicamentos, insere-se neste contexto de forma decisiva, assumindo o papel de “educador em saúde”, e esclarecendo aos usuários (ou futuros usuários sobre os riscos inerentes a tal prática. A participação efetiva do profissional farmacêutico em um trabalho educativo direcionado aos usuários dessas drogas é de suma importância, atuando de forma decisiva no desencorajamento do uso de EAA ao se depararem nas drogarias com indivíduos intencionados a fazer o uso não médico/ilícito de EAA, procurando sempre abordagens que fujam das tradicionais campanhas de conscientização (que poucos resultados têm obtido nos últimos anos.

  15. Epidemiological study of patients with facial trauma treated at the Antônio Targino Hospital - Campina Grande/Paraíba Estudo epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos com trauma de face no Hospital Antônio Targino - Campina Grande/Paraíba

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    Josuel Raimundo Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Information contained in the present study can better explain the type of care performed in this service, which is paramount in order to plan, organize and improve medical care here. AIM: the goal of the present study was to carry out a retrospective epidemiological study concerning facial trauma from August 2006 to August 2007. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 211 charts were studied in order to collect patient data regarding the number of patients seen, gender, age, year and their origin, surgical approaches and cases. RESULTS: Among the surgical cases, facial fractures were the most prevalent (73.9%. Male patients prevailed (81.5%, in the ages between 11 and 40 years from the arid Paraíba mesoregion. The most frequent causes we motorcycle accidents, making up 64.5% of the sample, and the zygomatic-orbital complex was the most affected site. CONCLUSION: The most affected patients were males, and those from the Paraíba arid mesoregion were the ones who benefited the most from the service. Among the most frequent etiological factors we list: motorcycle accidents, physical fights and falls from one's own height.As informações contidas na presente pesquisa provêem dados para um melhor esclarecimento do tipo de atendimento realizado pelo serviço, sendo de fundamental importância para o planejamento, organização e melhoria do atendimento. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve como finalidade realizar um estudo epidemiológico retrospectivo dos traumas de face, no período compreendido entre agosto de 2006 a agosto de 2007. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram examinados 211 prontuários e coletados dados relacionados ao número de pacientes atendidos, gênero, idade, ano e procedência, modalidades e acessos cirúrgicos realizados. RESULTADO: Dentre as modalidades cirúrgicas, as fraturas faciais foram as mais prevalentes (73,9%. Houve uma predominância de pacientes do gênero masculino (81,5%, na faixa etária compreendida entre 11 e 40 anos e oriundos da mesorregi

  16. [Surgical tactics in duodenal trauma]. (United States)

    Ivanov, P A; Grishin, A V


    Results of surgical treatment of 61 patients with injuries of the duodenum are analyzed. The causes of injuries were stab-incised wounds in 24 patients, missile wound -- in 7, closed abdominal trauma -- in 26, trauma of the duodenum during endoscopic papillosphincterotomy -- in 4. All the patients underwent surgery. Complications were seen in 32 (52.5%) patients, 21 patients died, lethality was 34.4%. Within the first 24 hours since the trauma 7 patients died due to severe combined trauma, blood loss, 54 patients survived acute period of trauma, including 28 patients after open trauma, 26 -- after closed and 4 -- after trauma of the duodenum during endoscopic papillosphincterotomy. Diagnostic and surgical policies are discussed. Results of treatment depending on kind and time of surgery are regarded. It is demonstrated that purulent complications due to retroperitoneal phlegmona, traumatic pancreatitis, pneumonia are the causes of significant number of unfavorable outcomes. Therefore, it is important to adequately incise and drainage infected parts of retroperitoneal fat tissue with two-lumen drainages. Decompression through duodenal tube is the effective procedure for prophylaxis of suture insufficiency and traumatic pancreatitis. Suppression of pancreatic and duodenal secretion with octreotid improves significantly surgical treatment results.

  17. An evolution of trauma care evaluation: A thesis on trauma registry and outcome prediction models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Joosse, P.


    Outcome prediction models play an invaluable role in the evaluation and improvement of modern trauma care. Trauma registries underlying these outcome prediction models need to be accurate, complete and consistent. This thesis focused on the opportunities and limitations of trauma registries and

  18. Survivors of early childhood trauma: evaluating a two-dimensional diagnostic model of the impact of trauma and neglect

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    Marleen Wildschut


    Full Text Available Background: A two-dimensional diagnostic model for (complex trauma-related and personality disorders has been proposed to assess the severity and prognosis of the impact of early childhood trauma and emotional neglect. An important question that awaits empirical examination is whether a distinction between trauma-related disorders and personality disorders reflects reality when focusing on survivors of early childhood trauma. And, is a continuum of trauma diagnoses a correct assumption and, if yes, what does it look like? Objective: We describe the design of a cross-sectional cohort study evaluating this two-dimensional model of the impact of trauma and neglect. To provide the rationale of our study objectives, we review the existing literature on the impact of early childhood trauma and neglect on trauma-related disorders and personality disorders. Aims of the study are to: (1 quantify the two-dimensional model and test the relation with trauma and neglect; and (2 compare the two study groups. Method: A total of 200 consecutive patients referred to two specific treatment programs (100 from a personality disorder program and 100 from a trauma-related disorder program in the north of Holland will be included. Data are collected at the start of treatment. The assessments include all DSM-5 trauma-related and personality disorders, and general psychiatric symptoms, trauma history, and perceived emotional neglect. Discussion: The results will provide an evaluation of the model and an improvement of the understanding of the relationship between trauma-related disorders and personality disorders and early childhood trauma and emotional neglect. This may improve both diagnostic as well as indication procedures. We will discuss possible strengths and limitations of the design.

  19. agradecimento aos consultores ad hoc

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    REA Editor


    Full Text Available Agradecemos aos professores Nildo Viana (UFG e Flavio Sofiati (UFG, organizadores do DOSSIÊ JUVENTUDE & SOCIEDADE, e aos Consultores Ad hoc pela leitura e apreciação crítica dos artigos submetidos e publicados nesta edição.

  20. Childhood trauma and compulsive buying. (United States)

    Sansone, Randy A; Chang, Joy; Jewell, Bryan; Rock, Rachel


    Childhood trauma has been empirically associated with various types of self-regulatory difficulties in adulthood. However, according to the extant literature, no study has examined relationships between various types of childhood trauma and compulsive buying behavior in adulthood. Using a self-report survey methodology in a cross-sectional consecutive sample of 370 obstetrics/gynecology patients, we examined five types of childhood trauma before the age of 12 years (i.e. witnessing violence, physical neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse) in relationship to compulsive buying as assessed by the Compulsive Buying Scale (CBS). All forms of trauma demonstrated statistically significant correlations with the CBS. Using a linear regression analysis, both witnessing violence and emotional abuse significantly contributed to CBS scores. Further analyses indicated that race did not moderate the relationship between childhood trauma and compulsive buying. Findings indicate that various forms of childhood trauma are correlated with compulsive buying behavior, particularly witnessing violence and emotional abuse.

  1. Analysis of the Revised Trauma Score (RTS in 200 victims of different trauma mechanisms

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the epidemiological profile and mortality associated with the Revised Trauma Score (RTS in trauma victims treated at a university hospital. Methods: we conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional study of trauma protocols (prospectively collected from December 2013 to February 2014, including trauma victims admitted in the emergency room of the Cajuru University Hospital. We set up three groups: (G1 penetrating trauma to the abdomen and chest, (G2 blunt trauma to the abdomen and chest, and (G3 traumatic brain injury. The variables we analyzed were: gender, age, day of week, mechanism of injury, type of transportation, RTS, hospitalization time and mortality. Results: we analyzed 200 patients, with a mean age of 36.42 ± 17.63 years, and 73.5% were male. The mean age was significantly lower in G1 than in the other groups (p <0.001. Most (40% of the visits occurred on weekends and the most common pre-hospital transport service (58% was the SIATE (Emergency Trauma Care Integrated Service. The hospital stay was significantly higher in G1 compared with the other groups (p <0.01. Regarding mortality, there were 12%, 1.35% and 3.95% of deaths in G1, G2 and G3, respectively. The median RTS among the deaths was 5.49, 7.84 and 1.16, respectively, for the three groups. Conclusion: the majority of patients were young men. RTS was effective in predicting mortality in traumatic brain injury, however failing to predict it in patients suffering from blunt and penetrating trauma.

  2. Combate ao niilismo e ao totalitarismo em Camus

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    Emanuel Ricardo Germano


    Full Text Available A partir de uma leitura da peça Calígula, elaborada entre 1941 e 1943, procurar-se-á contribuir na restituição das preocupações éticas, políticas e filosóficas em cena no teatro de Albert Camus, analisando o sentido de sua expressão teatral no contexto de dois combates,ao niilismo filosófico e ao totalitarismo político de seu tempo. Observaremos em Calígula um importante registro do amadurecimento das leituras de duas heranças filosóficas relevantes na formação intelectual de Camus, Nietzsche e Heráclito, à luz da experiência do totalitarismo, observando e ressaltando com isso a amplitude de seu intertexto filosófico e a importância do aporte ético e político de Camus como pensador multifacetado, engajado nos enfrentamentos históricos e solicitações críticas de seu tempo.

  3. A comparison of severely injured trauma patients admitted to level 1 trauma centres in Queensland and Germany

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijboer, Johanna M. M.; Wullschleger, Martin E.; Nielsen, Susan E.; McNamee, Anitia M.; Lefering, Rolf; ten Duis, Hendrik-Jan; Schuetz, Michael A.

    Background: The allocation of a trauma network in Queensland is still in the developmental phase. In a search for indicators to improve trauma care both locally as state-wide, a study was carried out comparing trauma patients in Queensland to trauma patients in Germany, a country with 82.4 million

  4. A Prediction of the Damping Properties of Hindered Phenol AO-60/polyacrylate Rubber (AO-60/ACM) Composites through Molecular Dynamics Simulation (United States)

    Yang, Da-Wei; Zhao, Xiu-Ying; Zhang, Geng; Li, Qiang-Guo; Wu, Si-Zhu


    Molecule dynamics (MD) simulation, a molecular-level method, was applied to predict the damping properties of AO-60/polyacrylate rubber (AO-60/ACM) composites before experimental measures were performed. MD simulation results revealed that two types of hydrogen bond, namely, type A (AO-60) -OH•••O=C- (ACM), type B (AO-60) - OH•••O=C- (AO-60) were formed. Then, the AO-60/ACM composites were fabricated and tested to verify the accuracy of the MD simulation through dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). DMTA results showed that the introduction of AO-60 could remarkably improve the damping properties of the composites, including the increase of glass transition temperature (Tg) alongside with the loss factor (tan δ), also indicating the AO-60/ACM(98/100) had the best damping performance amongst the composites which verified by the experimental.

  5. Acute coagulopathy of trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansson, P I; Ostrowski, S R


    Acute coagulopathy of trauma predicts a poor clinical outcome. Tissue trauma activates the sympathoadrenal system resulting in high circulating levels of catecholamines that influence hemostasis dose-dependently through immediate effects on the two major compartments of hemostasis, i.......e., the circulating blood and the vascular endothelium. There appears to be a dose-dependency with regards to injury severity and the hemostatic response to trauma evaluated in whole blood by viscoelastic assays like thrombelastography (TEG), changing from normal to hypercoagulable, to hypocoagulable and finally......, is an evolutionary developed response that counterbalances the injury and catecholamine induced endothelial activation and damage. Given this, the rise in circulating catecholamines in trauma patients may favor a switch from hyper- to hypocoagulability in the blood to keep the progressively more procoagulant...

  6. An in-situ simulation-based educational outreach project for pediatric trauma care in a rural trauma system. (United States)

    Bayouth, Lilly; Ashley, Sarah; Brady, Jackie; Lake, Bryan; Keeter, Morgan; Schiller, David; Robey, Walter C; Charles, Stephen; Beasley, Kari M; Toschlog, Eric A; Longshore, Shannon W


    Outcome disparities between urban and rural pediatric trauma patients persist, despite regionalization of trauma systems. Rural patients are initially transported to the nearest emergency department (ED), where pediatric care is infrequent. We aim to identify educational intervention targets and increase provider experience via pediatric trauma simulation. Prospective study of simulation-based pediatric trauma resuscitation was performed at three community EDs. Level one trauma center providers facilitated simulations, providing educational feedback. Provider performance comfort and skill with tasks essential to initial trauma care were assessed, comparing pre-/postsimulations. Primary outcomes were: 1) improved comfort performing skills, and 2) team performance during resuscitation. Provider comfort with the following improved (p-values education improves provider comfort and performance. Comparison of patient outcomes to evaluate improvement in pediatric trauma care is warranted. IV. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. What Are the Costs of Trauma Center Readiness? Defining and Standardizing Readiness Costs for Trauma Centers Statewide. (United States)

    Ashley, Dennis W; Mullins, Robert F; Dente, Christopher J; Garlow, Laura; Medeiros, Regina S; Atkins, Elizabeth V; Solomon, Gina; Abston, Dena; Ferdinand, Colville H


    Trauma center readiness costs are incurred to maintain essential infrastructure and capacity to provide emergent services on a 24/7 basis. These costs are not captured by traditional hospital cost accounting, and no national consensus exists on appropriate definitions for each cost. Therefore, in 2010, stakeholders from all Level I and II trauma centers developed a survey tool standardizing and defining trauma center readiness costs. The survey tool underwent minor revisions to provide further clarity, and the survey was repeated in 2013. The purpose of this study was to provide a follow-up analysis of readiness costs for Georgia's Level I and Level II trauma centers. Using the American College of Surgeons Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient guidelines, four readiness cost categories were identified: Administrative, Clinical Medical Staff, Operating Room, and Education/Outreach. Through conference calls, webinars and face-to-face meetings with financial officers, trauma medical directors, and program managers from all trauma centers, standardized definitions for reporting readiness costs within each category were developed. This resulted in a survey tool for centers to report their individual readiness costs for one year. The total readiness cost for all Level I trauma centers was $34,105,318 (avg $6,821,064) and all Level II trauma centers was $20,998,019 (avg $2,333,113). Methodology to standardize and define readiness costs for all trauma centers within the state was developed. Average costs for Level I and Level II trauma centers were identified. This model may be used to help other states define and standardize their trauma readiness costs.

  8. O Paradoxo da Macrossecuritização: Quando a Guerra ao Terror não Securitiza Outras “Guerras” na América do Sul

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    Rafael Duarte Villa


    Full Text Available A tese principal deste trabalho é de que a política do governo dos EUA de guerra global ao terror lhe ofereceu a oportunidade de passar de uma lógica de securitização simples para uma de macrossecuritização no tratamento dos problemas da proliferação das drogas e da presença de guerrilhas no caso colombiano, e no tratamento dos problemas de crime transnacional, no caso da Tríplice Fronteira no Cone Sul. Em outras palavras, os problemas relacionados ao tráfico de drogas, guerrilhas e crime transnacional em ambos os lugares foram tratados menos como um processo com dinâmicas autônomas e sim subordinados à macrossecuritização que a doutrina da guerra global contra o terror impôs. No entanto, embora os Estados Unidos tenham tido algum sucesso na macrossecuritização na Colômbia e na Tríplice Fronteira, em ambos os casos há um paradoxo nos resultados emergentes das políticas norte-americanas: o éxito na macrossecuritização não corresponde necessariamente a umsucesso na securitização de processos e atores envolvidos.

  9. Evaluating trauma care capabilities in Mexico with the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care publication. (United States)

    Arreola-Risa, Carlos; Mock, Charles; Vega Rivera, Felipe; Romero Hicks, Eduardo; Guzmán Solana, Felipe; Porras Ramírez, Giovanni; Montiel Amoroso, Gilberto; de Boer, Melanie


    To identify affordable, sustainable methods to strengthen trauma care capabilities in Mexico, using the standards in the Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care, a publication that was developed by the World Health Organization and the International Society of Surgery to provide recommendations on elements of trauma care that should be in place in the various levels of health facilities in all countries. The Guidelines publication was used as a basis for needs assessments conducted in 2003 and 2004 in three Mexican states. The states were selected to represent the range of geographic and economic conditions in the country: Oaxaca (south, lower economic status), Puebla (center, middle economic status), and Nuevo León (north, higher economic status). The sixteen facilities that were assessed included rural clinics, small hospitals, and large hospitals. Site visits incorporated direct inspection of physical resources as well as interviews with key administrative and clinical staff. Human and physical resources for trauma care were adequate in the hospitals, especially the larger ones. The survey did identify some deficiencies, such as shortages of stiff suction tips, pulse oximetry equipment, and some trauma-related medications. All of the clinics had difficulties with basic supplies for resuscitation, even though some received substantial numbers of trauma patients. In all levels of facilities there was room for improvement in administrative functions to assure quality trauma care, including trauma registries, trauma-related quality improvement programs, and uniform in-service training. This study identified several low-cost ways to strengthen trauma care in Mexico. The study also highlighted the usefulness of the recommended norms in the Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care publication in providing a standardized template by which to assess trauma care capabilities in nations worldwide.

  10. Vascular emergencies in liver trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taourel, P. [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lapeyronie, Montpellier (France)], E-mail:; Vernhet, H. [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Arnaud de Villeneuve, Montpellier (France); Suau, A.; Granier, C. [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lapeyronie, Montpellier (France); Lopez, F.M. [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Nimes (France); Aufort, S. [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lapeyronie, Montpellier (France)


    The use of CT in the diagnosis and management of liver trauma is responsible for the shift from routine surgical versus non-surgical treatment in the management of traumatic liver injuries, even when they are of high grade. The main cause of compli cation and of death in liver trauma is related to vascular injury. The goal of this review focussed on the vascular complications of liver trauma is to describe the elementary lesions shown by CT in liver trauma including laceration, parenchymal hematoma and contusions, partial devascularisation, subcapsular hematomas, hemoperitoneum, active bleeding, pseudoaneurysm of the hepatic artery, bile leak, and periportal oedema, to illustrate the possible pitfalls in CT diagnosis of liver trauma and to underline the key-points which may absolutely be present in a CT report of liver trauma. Then we will remind the grading system based on the CT features and we will analyze the interest and limitations of such grading systems. Last we will discuss the diagnostic strategy at the early phase in patients with suspected liver trauma according to their clinical conditions and underline the conditions of arterial embolization, and then we will discuss the diagnosis strategy at the delayed phase according to the suspected complications.

  11. Vascular emergencies in liver trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taourel, P.; Vernhet, H.; Suau, A.; Granier, C.; Lopez, F.M.; Aufort, S.


    The use of CT in the diagnosis and management of liver trauma is responsible for the shift from routine surgical versus non-surgical treatment in the management of traumatic liver injuries, even when they are of high grade. The main cause of compli cation and of death in liver trauma is related to vascular injury. The goal of this review focussed on the vascular complications of liver trauma is to describe the elementary lesions shown by CT in liver trauma including laceration, parenchymal hematoma and contusions, partial devascularisation, subcapsular hematomas, hemoperitoneum, active bleeding, pseudoaneurysm of the hepatic artery, bile leak, and periportal oedema, to illustrate the possible pitfalls in CT diagnosis of liver trauma and to underline the key-points which may absolutely be present in a CT report of liver trauma. Then we will remind the grading system based on the CT features and we will analyze the interest and limitations of such grading systems. Last we will discuss the diagnostic strategy at the early phase in patients with suspected liver trauma according to their clinical conditions and underline the conditions of arterial embolization, and then we will discuss the diagnosis strategy at the delayed phase according to the suspected complications

  12. Radiologic findings of thoracic trauma

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    Akgul Ozmen C


    Full Text Available Cihan Akgul Ozmen,1 Serdar Onat,2 Delal Aycicek3 1Department of Radiology, 2Department of Chest Surgery, Dicle University School of Medicine, Diyarbakir, 3Radiology Unit, Siirt State Hospital, Siirt, Turkey Introduction: Chest trauma may be blunt or penetrating and the chest is the third most common trauma region. It is a significant cause of mortality. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT has been an increasingly used method to evaluate chest trauma because of its high success in detecting tissue and organ injuries. Herein, we aimed to present MDCT findings in patients with blunt and penetrating chest trauma admitted to our department. Methods: A total of 240 patients admitted to the emergency department of our hospital between April 2012 and July 2013 with a diagnosis of chest trauma who underwent MDCT evaluations were included. Most of the patients were male (83.3% and victims of a blunt chest trauma. The images were analyzed with respect to the presence of fractures of bony structures, hemothorax, pneumothorax, mediastinal organ injury, and pulmonary and vascular injuries. Results: MDCT images of the 240 patients yielded a prevalence of 41.7% rib fractures, 11.2% scapular fractures, and 7.5% clavicle fractures. The prevalence of thoracic vertebral fracture was 13.8% and that of sternal fracture was 3.8%. The prevalence of hemothorax, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and subcutaneous emphysema was 34.6%, 62.1%, 9.6%, and 35.4%, respectively. The prevalence of rib, clavicle, and thoracic vertebral fractures and pulmonary contusion was higher in the blunt trauma group, whereas the prevalence of hemothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, diaphragmatic injury, and other vascular lacerations was significantly higher in the penetrating trauma group than in the blunt trauma group (p<0.05. Conclusion: MDCT images may yield a high prevalence of fracture of bony structures, soft tissue lacerations, and vascular lesions, which should be well understood by

  13. Perfil da sociedade natalense frente aos resíduos sólidos urbanos sob o olhar do gari

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    Brunna Soares Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar uma análise crítica referente a postura da sociedade da cidade do Natal/RN diante dos resíduos sólidos urbanos por meio do olhar do gari. As pesquisas se baseiam no estudo da percepção de garis que trabalham em quatro locais distintos, sendo estes: O Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN Campus Natal Central, o Parque das Dunas, o centro comercial do Alecrim e a praia de Ponta Negra, onde foram entrevistados individualmente tendo por base uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Através das análises das respostas obtidas percebeu-se que a população natalense seja ela infantil, jovem ou adulta necessita que uma educação ambiental seja trabalhada a fim de que o quadro relacionado aos resíduos mude, melhorando, portanto, a qualidade do meio ambiente e da vida das pessoas.

  14. Comparing premodern melancholy/mania and modern trauma: an argument in favor of historical experiences of trauma. (United States)

    Trembinski, Donna


    Historians and psychiatrists have repeatedly looked to both real and imagined individuals of the past, like Achilles and Samuel Pepys, and found evidence that they were suffering from symptoms of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder. The assumptions that allow such historical "diagnoses" have, however, recently been called into question by philosophers such as lan Hacking, anthropologists like Allan Young and psychiatrists such as Patrick Bracken. These scholars have all suggested in various ways that experiences of trauma could not have occurred until the diagnosis of trauma and its symptoms had been formalized and the language of trauma had been developed in the late 19th century. This article attempts to resolve this bifurcation of opinion on the universality of the mind and historical experiences of trauma in two ways. First, it argues for the necessity of applying modern categories of analysis to further present understandings of the past. Second, it considers discussions of"melancholia" and "mania" in premodern medical literature and argues that there are enough similarities between the causes and symptoms of these premodern disorders and modern trauma to suggest that experiences of trauma may not be wholly culturally bound to the modern world, as the above scholars have suggested. While melancholy or mania cannot simply be understood as premodern names for trauma, and it is not always correct to "diagnose" a premodern person who exhibits symptoms of these illnesses with trauma, such an assumption is not always ahistorical or incorrect either.

  15. Perfil dos pacientes e características do tratamento fisioterapêutico aplicado aos trabalhadores com LER/DORT em Juiz de Fora, MG

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    Vanusa Caiafa Caetano

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A reestruturação do processo produtivo verificada nas últimas décadas implicou alterações diretas na saúde do trabalhador, modificando o perfil de adoecimento e sofrimento desses indivíduos. Dentro desse contexto, observa-se um aumento significativo dos casos de Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER e dos Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT. OBJETIVO: Conhecer o perfil dos trabalhadores com LER/DORT e a assistência fisioterapêutica aos quais são submetidos. METODOLOGIA: Pela aplicação de um questionário estruturado, foram entrevistados 80 trabalhadores, usuários do SUS, inseridos no Programa de Reabilitação Física do Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (Cerest, por meio do Departamento de Saúde do Trabalhador (DSAT, Prefeitura Municipal de Juiz de Fora, Secretaria de Saúde (SS. RESULTADOS: Há um predomínio de casos de DORT no sexo feminino, e em 83,8% dos casos a renda pessoal não passa de um salário mínimo. Das ocupações encontradas, 76 (95% estavam relacionadas com o trabalho braçal, e quanto ao tempo de trabalho em uma mesma função, a média foi de 16 anos. Setenta e oito (97,5% trabalhadores afirmaram impossibilidades na realização das atividades de vida diária (AVDs. Quanto ao tratamento fisioterapêutico, 30 (37,6% relataram realizar algum tipo de cinesioterapia. CONCLUSÃO: A visão estritamente fisiopatológica, baseada no modelo unidirecional e curativista, não mostram resultados satisfatórios e eficazes. Isso implica a não resolução dos quadros álgicos, favorecendo períodos extensos de tratamento fisioterapêutico, sobrecarga do serviço público de saúde e repercussões no âmbito emocional e sócio-econômico desses trabalhadores.

  16. Enfrentamento de problemas conceituais e de planejamento ao final da formação inicial Facing conceptual and planning problems at the end of initial training

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    Sandro Rogério Vargas Ustra


    Full Text Available Apresentase uma reflexão sobre o processo de enfrentamento de problemas por futuros professores de Física, no período de estágio supervisionado, a partir de modelos construídos numa pesquisa desenvolvida junto a um grupo de professores em formação continuada. A atuação em grupo também foi preferida pelos estagiários para enfrentar problemas relacionados ao planejamento didático e de ordem conceitual. Os professores, quanto aos problemas conceituais, são mais persistentes ao tentarem resolvê-los, o que está associado ao contexto próprio de sua atuação, distinto daquele dos estagiários. O engajamento dos estagiários no enfrentamento de problemas genuínos associados ao planejamento, à semelhança do que ocorreu no grupo de professores, representou um processo importante para a construção do conhecimento profissional, individual e coletivo. As contribuições do trabalho apontam para o fortalecimento das disciplinas de práticas de ensino na formação inicial e sugerem atividades para a formação continuada.This article presents a discussion about the process of facing problems experienced by future teachers of physics in the period of supervised probation, from models found among a group of teachers in continuing training. The action group was also in method most used by the trainees to face problems related to didactic planning and conceptual order. Teachers when confronted with conceptual problems are more persistent when trying to solve them than the trainees; this is linked to the context itself. The engagement of trainees in facing genuine problems related to planning, as it occurred in the group of teachers, represented an important process for the construction of professional knowledge, individually and collectively. The contributions of this work strengthen the disciplines of teaching practices in initial education and suggest activities for the continuing training of teachers.

  17. Organizational network in trauma management in Italy

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    Osvaldo Chiara


    Full Text Available In Italy, as in other western countries, trauma is a leading cause of death during the first four decades of life, with almost 18.000 of deaths per year. Since 80s organized systems for trauma care, including a pre-hospital emergency medical system and a network of hospitals designated as Trauma Centres, have been developed in north American countries. Effectiveness of trauma systems has been investigated comparing the post-system to the pre-system trauma care with the method of panel evaluation of preventable death rates and comparison of observed survival with expected probability of survival. In Italy, a pre-hospital emergency medical system has been implemented on a national scale, while a trauma network has not been developed. Nowadays, trauma patients are often admitted to the closest hospital, independently from local resources. The Superior Council of Ministry of Health has presented in 2004 a new trauma system model (SIAT based on the recognition in the field of patients with more serious injuries and the transportation to general hospitals with resources and multidisciplinary teams specialized in trauma care (trauma team. The designation of few trauma team hospitals, one highly specialized Centre (CTS and two area Centres (CTZ every two millions of inhabitants allows each Centre to treat at least 250 severe trauma patients per year to increase experience. Less severe injured patients may be treated in non-trauma team acute care facilities, according to the inclusive system model. The development of trauma team services in some Italian hospitals has demonstrated an increase in survival and a decrease in preventable death rate from 42% to 7,6%. Economic studies of Ministry of Health have established that the implementation of a trauma system model on a national scale with a 25% decrease of preventable trauma deaths and disabilities would save 7500 million of euros of public money. Therefore, in our country the concentration of severely

  18. Imaging of blunt chest trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wicky, S.; Wintermark, M.; Schnyder, P.; Capasso, P.; Denys, A.


    In western European countries most blunt chest traumas are associated with motor vehicle and sport-related accidents. In Switzerland, 39 of 10,000 inhabitants were involved and severely injured in road accidents in 1998. Fifty two percent of them suffered from blunt chest trauma. According to the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics, traumas represented in men the fourth major cause of death (4 %) after cardiovascular disease (38 %), cancer (28 %), and respiratory disease (7 %) in 1998. The outcome of chest trauma patients is determined mainly by the severity of the lesions, the prompt appropriate treatment delivered on the scene of the accident, the time needed to transport the patient to a trauma center, and the immediate recognition of the lesions by a trained emergency team. Other determining factors include age as well as coexisting cardiac, pulmonary, and renal diseases. Our purpose was to review the wide spectrum of pathologies related to blunt chest trauma involving the chest wall, pleura, lungs, trachea and bronchi, aorta, aortic arch vessels, and diaphragm. A particular focus on the diagnostic impact of CT is demonstrated. (orig.)

  19. Systematic analysis of ocular trauma by a new proposed ocular trauma classification

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    Bhartendu Shukla


    Full Text Available Purpose: The current classification of ocular trauma does not incorporate adnexal trauma, injuries that are attributable to a nonmechanical cause and destructive globe injuries. This study proposes a new classification system of ocular trauma which is broader-based to allow for the classification of a wider range of ocular injuries not covered by the current classification. Methods: A clinic-based cross-sectional study to validate the proposed classification. We analyzed 535 cases of ocular injury from January 1, 2012 to February 28, 2012 over a 4-year period in an eye hospital in central India using our proposed classification system and compared it with conventional classification. Results: The new classification system allowed for classification of all 535 cases of ocular injury. The conventional classification was only able to classify 364 of the 535 trauma cases. Injuries involving the adnexa, nonmechanical injuries and destructive globe injuries could not be classified by the conventional classification, thus missing about 33% of cases. Conclusions: Our classification system shows an improvement over existing ocular trauma classification as it allows for the classification of all type of ocular injuries and will allow for better and specific prognostication. This system has the potential to aid communication between physicians and result in better patient care. It can also provide a more authentic, wide spectrum of ocular injuries in correlation with etiology. By including adnexal injuries and nonmechanical injuries, we have been able to classify all 535 cases of trauma. Otherwise, about 30% of cases would have been excluded from the study.

  20. Spinal trauma. An imaging approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cassar-Pullicino, V.N. [The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, Shropshire (United Kingdom). Dept. of Radiology; Imhof, H. [University and General Hospital Vienna (Austria). Dept. of Radiodiagnostics


    The diagnosis of trauma to the spine - where the slightest oversight may have catastrophic results - requires a thorough grasp of the spectrum of resultant pathology as well as the imaging modalities used in making an accurate diagnosis. In Spinal Trauma, the internationally renowned team of experts provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge exposition of the current vital role of imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the axial skeleton. Beginning with a valuable clinical perspective of spinal trauma, the book offers the reader a unique overview of the biomechanics underlying the pathology of cervical trauma. Acute trauma topics include: - Optimization of imaging modalities - Malalignment - signs and significance - Vertebral fractures - detection and implications - Classification of thoraco-lumbar fractures - rationale and relevance - Neurovascular injury. Distilling decades of clinical and teaching expertise, the contributors further discuss the current role of imaging in special focus topics, which include: - The pediatric spine - Sports injuries - The rigid spine - Trauma in the elderly - Vertebral collapse, benign and malignant - Spinal trauma therapy - Vertebral fractures and osteoporosis - Neuropathic spine. All throughout the book, the focus is on understanding the injury, and its implications and complications, through 'an imaging approach'. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of superb MR images and CT scans, and clear full-color drawings, the authors conclude with a look into the future, defining clinical trends and research directions. Spinal Trauma - with its broad scope, practical imaging approach, and current focus - is designed to enhance confidence and accuracy, making it essential reading for clinicians and radiologists at all levels. (orig.)

  1. Spinal trauma. An imaging approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassar-Pullicino, V.N.; Imhof, H.


    The diagnosis of trauma to the spine - where the slightest oversight may have catastrophic results - requires a thorough grasp of the spectrum of resultant pathology as well as the imaging modalities used in making an accurate diagnosis. In Spinal Trauma, the internationally renowned team of experts provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge exposition of the current vital role of imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the axial skeleton. Beginning with a valuable clinical perspective of spinal trauma, the book offers the reader a unique overview of the biomechanics underlying the pathology of cervical trauma. Acute trauma topics include: - Optimization of imaging modalities - Malalignment - signs and significance - Vertebral fractures - detection and implications - Classification of thoraco-lumbar fractures - rationale and relevance - Neurovascular injury. Distilling decades of clinical and teaching expertise, the contributors further discuss the current role of imaging in special focus topics, which include: - The pediatric spine - Sports injuries - The rigid spine - Trauma in the elderly - Vertebral collapse, benign and malignant - Spinal trauma therapy - Vertebral fractures and osteoporosis - Neuropathic spine. All throughout the book, the focus is on understanding the injury, and its implications and complications, through 'an imaging approach'. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of superb MR images and CT scans, and clear full-color drawings, the authors conclude with a look into the future, defining clinical trends and research directions. Spinal Trauma - with its broad scope, practical imaging approach, and current focus - is designed to enhance confidence and accuracy, making it essential reading for clinicians and radiologists at all levels. (orig.)

  2. Impact of Sexual Trauma on HIV Care Engagement: Perspectives of Female Patients with Trauma Histories in Cape Town, South Africa. (United States)

    Watt, Melissa H; Dennis, Alexis C; Choi, Karmel W; Ciya, Nonceba; Joska, John A; Robertson, Corne; Sikkema, Kathleen J


    South African women have disproportionately high rates of both sexual trauma and HIV. To understand how sexual trauma impacts HIV care engagement, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 15 HIV-infected women with sexual trauma histories, recruited from a public clinic in Cape Town. Interviews explored trauma narratives, coping behaviors and care engagement, and transcripts were analyzed using a constant comparison method. Participants reported multiple and complex traumas across their lifetimes. Sexual trauma hindered HIV care engagement, especially immediately following HIV diagnosis, and there were indications that sexual trauma may interfere with future care engagement, via traumatic stress symptoms including avoidance. Disclosure of sexual trauma was limited; no women had disclosed to an HIV provider. Routine screening for sexual trauma in HIV care settings may help to identify individuals at risk of poor care engagement. Efficacious treatments are needed to address the psychological and behavioral sequelae of trauma.

  3. Adrenal trauma: Elvis Presley Memorial Trauma Center experience. (United States)

    Mehrazin, Reza; Derweesh, Ithaar H; Kincade, Matthew C; Thomas, Adam C; Gold, Robert; Wake, Robert W


    Adrenal gland injury is a potentially devastating event if unrecognized in the treatment course of a trauma patient. We reviewed our single-center experience and outcomes in patients with adrenal gland trauma. We performed a retrospective review of all patients presenting with trauma to the Regional Medical Center at Memphis who had adrenal gland injuries from January 1991 through March 2006. Each chart was reviewed with attention to the demographics, associated injuries, complications, and outcomes. Patients were stratified into two subgroups according to age (35 years or younger and older than 35 years) to allow for an age-based comparison between the two groups. Of 58,000 patients presenting with trauma, 130 (0.22%) were identified with adrenal injuries, of which 8 (6.2%) were isolated and 122 (93.8%) were not. Of these 130 patients, 125 (96.2%) had their injury diagnosed by computed tomography and 5 (3.8%) had their injury diagnosed during exploratory laparotomy. Right-sided injuries predominated (78.5%), with six (4.6%) bilateral. Four patients (3.1%) underwent adrenalectomy. Seven patients (5.4%) with adrenal injuries died. One patient (0.77%) required chronic steroid therapy. Patients older than 35 years were more likely to have complications such as deep venous thrombosis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. Patient age of 35 years or younger was associated with a significantly increased incidence of liver lacerations. Adrenal gland injury is uncommon, although mostly associated with greater injury severity. Although adding to morbidity, most are self-limited and do not require intervention.

  4. Contemporary management of high-grade renal trauma: Results from the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Genitourinary Trauma study. (United States)

    Keihani, Sorena; Xu, Yizhe; Presson, Angela P; Hotaling, James M; Nirula, Raminder; Piotrowski, Joshua; Dodgion, Christopher M; Black, Cullen M; Mukherjee, Kaushik; Morris, Bradley J; Majercik, Sarah; Smith, Brian P; Schwartz, Ian; Elliott, Sean P; DeSoucy, Erik S; Zakaluzny, Scott; Thomsen, Peter B; Erickson, Bradley A; Baradaran, Nima; Breyer, Benjamin N; Miller, Brandi; Santucci, Richard A; Carrick, Matthew M; Hewitt, Timothy; Burks, Frank N; Kocik, Jurek F; Askari, Reza; Myers, Jeremy B


    The rarity of renal trauma limits its study and the strength of evidence-based guidelines. Although management of renal injuries has shifted toward a nonoperative approach, nephrectomy remains the most common intervention for high-grade renal trauma (HGRT). We aimed to describe the contemporary management of HGRT in the United States and also evaluate clinical factors associated with nephrectomy after HGRT. From 2014 to 2017, data on HGRT (American Association for the Surgery of Trauma grades III-V) were collected from 14 participating Level-1 trauma centers. Data were gathered on demographics, injury characteristics, management, and short-term outcomes. Management was classified into three groups-expectant, conservative/minimally invasive, and open operative. Descriptive statistics were used to report management of renal trauma. Univariate and multivariate logistic mixed effect models with clustering by facility were used to look at associations between proposed risk factors and nephrectomy. A total of 431 adult HGRT were recorded; 79% were male, and mechanism of injury was blunt in 71%. Injuries were graded as III, IV, and V in 236 (55%), 142 (33%), and 53 (12%), respectively. Laparotomy was performed in 169 (39%) patients. Overall, 300 (70%) patients were managed expectantly and 47 (11%) underwent conservative/minimally invasive management. Eighty-four (19%) underwent renal-related open operative management with 55 (67%) of them undergoing nephrectomy. Nephrectomy rates were 15% and 62% for grades IV and V, respectively. Penetrating injuries had significantly higher American Association for the Surgery of Trauma grades and higher rates of nephrectomy. In multivariable analysis, only renal injury grade and penetrating mechanism of injury were significantly associated with undergoing nephrectomy. Expectant and conservative management is currently utilized in 80% of HGRT; however, the rate of nephrectomy remains high. Clinical factors, such as surrogates of

  5. Trauma Imaging: A Literature Review. (United States)

    Vela, Jason Heath; Wertz, Christopher Ira; Onstott, Kimberly L; Wertz, Joss R


    To inform radiologic technologists about which imaging modalities and examinations are best suited for evaluating specific anatomical structures in patients who have sustained a traumatic injury. Two scholarly research databases were searched to identify articles focused on trauma imaging of the head, cervical spine, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Articles focused on trauma diagnosis were excluded. Thirty-two articles were selected for analysis. Physical examination and plain-film radiographs typically are used to assess nasal bone fracures. Computed tomography (CT) can be used to assess zygomaticomaxillary complex, mandibular, and temporal bone fractures. Traumatic brain injuries are difficult to assess, and broad classifications are used. Depending on the severity of cervical spine trauma, plain-film radiographs or CT imaging is adequate, with magnetic resonance imaging used as a means for further evaluation. Trauma to the thorax typically is assessed with radiography and CT, and CT is recommended for assesment of abdominal and pelvic trauma. The literature was consistent regarding which examinations to perform to best evaluate suspected injuries to the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. The need for, and correct use of, imaging in evaluating trauma to the head and cervical spine is more controversial. Despite the need for additional research, emergency department care providers should be familiar with the structures most commonly injured during trauma and the role of medical imaging for diagnosis.

  6. Patterns of ocular trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babar, T.F.; Khan, M.T.; Marwat, M.; Shah, A.; Murad, Y.; Khan, M.D.


    To describe the patterns of ocular trauma, cause of injury and its effects on eye. A retrospective case series. Medical records of 1105 patients admitted with ocular trauma were reviewed. The details of patients regarding age, gender, literacy, cause of injury and its effects on eye were entered into specially-designed performa. Sample selection consisted of all patients with history of ocular trauma and who were admitted to hospital. Population details consisted patients who were referred to the hospital from all parts of N.W.F.P. Thus, the frequency of trauma in the hospital admissions was analysed. Ophthalmic trauma comprised 6.78% of the hospital admission. One thousand one hundred and five patients presented with eye injuries. Out of them, 21 patients suffered from trauma to both eyes. Almost 80% patients were male and 69% patients were below 30 years of age. Delayed presentation was more common and 63.61% patients presented after one week. Open globe injuries were more common (520 eyes (46.18%)) than closed globe injuries (484 eyes (42.98%)). 23.26% of open globe injuries were associated with intraocular and intra-orbital foreign bodies. Superficial non-perforating, eyelid and adnexal and burns were seen in 122 eyes (10.83%). Among the complications, lens damage and hyphema was seen in more than 50% of the patients, 16.60% eyes were infected at the time of admission and 4.88% of eyes needed enucleation or evisceration. The common causes of injury were violence in 37.37%, occupational in 24.43% and domestic accidents in 19.18%. Ophthalmic trauma is a major public health problem. Majority of the involved are male and under 30 years of age. Delayed presentation is more common. Open globe injuries are more frequent. Violence and occupational injuries are the major causes. (author)

  7. Epidemiology of severe trauma. (United States)

    Alberdi, F; García, I; Atutxa, L; Zabarte, M


    Major injury is the sixth leading cause of death worldwide. Among those under 35 years of age, it is the leading cause of death and disability. Traffic accidents alone are the main cause, fundamentally in low- and middle-income countries. Patients over 65 years of age are an increasingly affected group. For similar levels of injury, these patients have twice the mortality rate of young individuals, due to the existence of important comorbidities and associated treatments, and are more likely to die of medical complications late during hospital admission. No worldwide, standardized definitions exist for documenting, reporting and comparing data on severely injured trauma patients. The most common trauma scores are the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), the Injury Severity Score (ISS) and the Trauma and Injury severity Score (TRISS). Documenting the burden of injury also requires evaluation of the impact of post-trauma impairments, disabilities and handicaps. Trauma epidemiology helps define health service and research priorities, contributes to identify disadvantaged groups, and also facilitates the elaboration of comparable measures for outcome predictions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y SEMICYUC. All rights reserved.

  8. Relato de Caso - Nefropatia de IgA associada ao ANCA com evolução favorável

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    Flávia Lara Barcelos


    Full Text Available ResumoIntrodução:Os anticorpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA comumente estão relacionados a glomerulonefrites rapidamente progressivas (GnRP com padrão pauci-imune. Apesar disso, a literatura mostra uma incidência além da esperada de ANCA nas GnRP por imunocomplexos. A nefropatia por imunoglobulina A (NIgA crescêntica é uma das GnRP que pode se associar ao ANCA.Objetivo:Relatar caso de NigA com sinais clínicos de mau prognóstico associado ao ANCA com evolução favorável após imunossupressão.Método:Foi relatado caso de paciente com 38 anos com quadro de hipertensão arterial (HAS, insuficiência renal (CKD-EPI- 37 ml/min/1,73 m2, proteinúria subnefrótica e hematúria. Nos antecedentes pessoais, relatava epistaxes ocasionais, rinossinusite e episódio de artrite com remissão espontânea. Durante a investigação diagnóstica, foram detectados ANCA positivo 1/160 e anti-PR3, porém, com biópsia renal compatível com NIgA com 38% de crescentes na amostra. Foi realizado diagnóstico de NIgA associada ao ANCA, sendo indicado tratamento imunossupressor por seis meses com corticoterapia (pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona 1 g por 3 dias, seguido de prednisona 1 mg/kg/dia e ciclofosfamida (500 mg com aumento crescente da dose até 750 mg/m2. Paciente evolui com recuperação da função renal, além da redução da proteinúria e da titulação de ANCA.Conclusão:A importância da identificação dessa sobreposição está no comportamento agressivo dessa doença caracterizada pela presença de crescentes, atrofia tubular e disfunção renal que podem regredir com início precoce da imunossupressão.

  9. Emergency Department Management of Trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    MacKenzie, Colin; Lippert, Freddy


    Initial assessment and management of severely injured patients may occur in a specialized area of an emergency department or in a specialized area of a trauma center. The time from injury until definitive management is of essence for survival of life-threatening trauma. The initial care delivered...... injured patients after these patients reach a hospital emergency department or a trauma center....

  10. Urological injuries following trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bent, C.; Iyngkaran, T.; Power, N.; Matson, M.; Hajdinjak, T.; Buchholz, N.; Fotheringham, T.


    Blunt renal trauma is the third most common injury in abdominal trauma following splenic and hepatic injuries, respectively. In the majority, such injuries are associated with other abdominal organ injuries. As urological injuries are not usually life-threatening, and clinical signs and symptoms are non-specific, diagnosis is often delayed. We present a practical approach to the diagnosis and management of these injuries based on our experience in a busy inner city trauma hospital with a review of the current evidence-based practice. Diagnostic imaging signs are illustrated

  11. Urological injuries following trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bent, C. [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Barts and The London NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom)], E-mail:; Iyngkaran, T.; Power, N.; Matson, M. [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Barts and The London NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom); Hajdinjak, T.; Buchholz, N. [Department of Urology, Barts and The London NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom); Fotheringham, T. [Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Barts and The London NHS Trust, London (United Kingdom)


    Blunt renal trauma is the third most common injury in abdominal trauma following splenic and hepatic injuries, respectively. In the majority, such injuries are associated with other abdominal organ injuries. As urological injuries are not usually life-threatening, and clinical signs and symptoms are non-specific, diagnosis is often delayed. We present a practical approach to the diagnosis and management of these injuries based on our experience in a busy inner city trauma hospital with a review of the current evidence-based practice. Diagnostic imaging signs are illustrated.

  12. Urological injuries following trauma. (United States)

    Bent, C; Iyngkaran, T; Power, N; Matson, M; Hajdinjak, T; Buchholz, N; Fotheringham, T


    Blunt renal trauma is the third most common injury in abdominal trauma following splenic and hepatic injuries, respectively. In the majority, such injuries are associated with other abdominal organ injuries. As urological injuries are not usually life-threatening, and clinical signs and symptoms are non-specific, diagnosis is often delayed. We present a practical approach to the diagnosis and management of these injuries based on our experience in a busy inner city trauma hospital with a review of the current evidence-based practice. Diagnostic imaging signs are illustrated.

  13. Tram-related trauma in Melbourne, Victoria. (United States)

    Mitra, Biswadev; Al Jubair, Jubair; Cameron, Peter A; Gabbe, Belinda J


    To establish the incidence and pattern of injuries in patients presenting to hospital with tram-related injuries. Data on tram-related injury pertaining to 2001-2008 calendar years were extracted from three datasets: the population-based Victorian State Trauma Registry for major trauma cases, the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset for ED presentations and the National Coroners' Information System for deaths. Incidence rates adjusted for the population of Melbourne, and trends in the incidence of tram-related ED presentations and major trauma cases, were analysed and presented as incidence rate ratios (IRR). There were 1769 patients who presented to ED after trauma related to trams in Melbourne during the study period. Of these, 107 patients had injuries classified as major trauma. There was a significant increase in the rate of ED presentations (IRR 1.03, P = 0.010) with falls (46%) the most commonly reported mechanism. Most falls occurred inside the trams. There was also a significant increase in the incidence rates of major trauma cases (IRR 1.12, P = 0.006) with pedestrians accounting for most major trauma cases. Most cases of trauma related to trams have minor injuries and are discharged following ED management. Primary prevention of falls in trams and the separation of pedestrians from trams are key areas requiring immediate improvement. In the face of increasing trauma associated with trams, continuing safety surveillance and targeted public safety messages are important to sustain trams as safe and effective mode of transport.

  14. Evaluating trauma center structural performance: The experience of a Canadian provincial trauma system

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    Lynne Moore


    Full Text Available Background: Indicators of structure, process, and outcome are required to evaluate the performance of trauma centers to improve the quality and efficiency of care. While periodic external accreditation visits are part of most trauma systems, a quantitative indicator of structural performance has yet to be proposed. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a trauma center structural performance indicator using accreditation report data. Materials and Methods: Analyses were based on accreditation reports completed during on-site visits in the Quebec trauma system (1994-2005. Qualitative report data was retrospectively transposed onto an evaluation grid and the weighted average of grid items was used to quantify performance. The indicator of structural performance was evaluated in terms of test-retest reliability (kappa statistic, discrimination between centers (coefficient of variation, content validity (correlation with accreditation decision, designation level, and patient volume and forecasting (correlation between visits performed in 1994-1999 and 1998-2005. Results: Kappa statistics were >0.8 for 66 of the 73 (90% grid items. Mean structural performance score over 59 trauma centers was 47.4 (95% CI: 43.6-51.1. Two centers were flagged as outliers and the coefficient of variation was 31.2% (95% CI: 25.5% to 37.6%, showing good discrimination. Correlation coefficients of associations with accreditation decision, designation level, and volume were all statistically significant (r = 0.61, -0.40, and 0.24, respectively. No correlation was observed over time (r = 0.03. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the feasibility of quantifying trauma center structural performance using accreditation reports. The proposed performance indicator shows good test-retest reliability, between-center discrimination, and construct validity. The observed variability in structural performance across centers and over-time underlines the importance of

  15. Splenic Trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortes Diaz, Fabio F; Buitrago Mejia, Francisco; Ulloa Guerrero, Luis Heber


    The spleen is the organ that is injured during the closed trauma with more frequency and it is the cause more common of foregone death in the patients with wounded abdominal. At the present time the complications of the splenic trauma are related with their severity, associate wounds, diagnostic fail or inadequate treatments. The lesions that are diagnosed in early form are managed quick and satisfactorily, but the forgotten wounds or the diagnoses and late treatments take for themselves high rates of morbid-mortality. The paper includes their phyto pathology, diagnoses, classification and treatment

  16. Thoracic Trauma. (United States)

    Dennis, Bradley M; Bellister, Seth A; Guillamondegui, Oscar D


    Management of chest trauma is integral to patient outcomes owing to the vital structures held within the thoracic cavity. Understanding traumatic chest injuries and appropriate management plays a pivotal role in the overall well-being of both blunt and penetrating trauma patients. Whether the injury includes rib fractures, associated pulmonary injuries, or tracheobronchial tree injuries, every facet of management may impact the short- and long-term outcomes, including mortality. This article elucidates the workup and management of the thoracic cage, pulmonary and tracheobronchial injuries. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Blunt abdominal trauma in children. (United States)

    Schonfeld, Deborah; Lee, Lois K


    This review will examine the current evidence regarding pediatric blunt abdominal trauma and the physical exam findings, laboratory values, and radiographic imaging associated with the diagnosis of intra-abdominal injuries (IAI), as well as review the current literature on pediatric hollow viscus injuries and emergency department disposition after diagnosis. The importance of the seat belt sign on physical examination and screening laboratory data remains controversial, although screening hepatic enzymes are recommended in the evaluation of nonaccidental trauma to identify occult abdominal organ injuries. Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) has modest sensitivity for hemoperitoneum and IAI in the pediatric trauma patient. Patients with concern for undiagnosed IAI, including bowel injury, may be considered for hospital admission and serial abdominal exams without an increased risk of complications, if an exploratory laparotomy is not performed emergently. Although the FAST exam is not recommended as the sole screening tool to rule out IAI in hemodynamically stable trauma patients, it may be used in conjunction with the physical exam and laboratory findings to identify children at risk for IAI. Children with a normal physical exam and normal abdominal CT may not require routine hospitalization after blunt abdominal trauma.

  18. Prehospital Trauma Care in Singapore. (United States)

    Ho, Andrew Fu Wah; Chew, David; Wong, Ting Hway; Ng, Yih Yng; Pek, Pin Pin; Lim, Swee Han; Anantharaman, Venkataraman; Hock Ong, Marcus Eng


    Prehospital emergency care in Singapore has taken shape over almost a century. What began as a hospital-based ambulance service intended to ferry medical cases was later complemented by an ambulance service under the Singapore Fire Brigade to transport trauma cases. The two ambulance services would later combine and come under the Singapore Civil Defence Force. The development of prehospital care systems in island city-state Singapore faces unique challenges as a result of its land area and population density. This article defines aspects of prehospital trauma care in Singapore. It outlines key historical milestones and current initiatives in service, training, and research. It makes propositions for the future direction of trauma care in Singapore. The progress Singapore has made given her circumstances may serve as lessons for the future development of prehospital trauma systems in similar environments. Key words: Singapore; trauma; prehospital emergency care; emergency medical services.

  19. Psychiatric diagnoses, trauma, and suicidiality

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    Elklit Ask


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This study aimed to examine the associations between psychiatric diagnoses, trauma and suicidiality in psychiatric patients at intake. Methods During two months, all consecutive patients (n = 139 in a psychiatric hospital in Western Norway were interviewed (response rate 72%. Results Ninety-one percent had been exposed to at least one trauma; 69 percent had been repeatedly exposed to trauma for longer periods of time. Only 7% acquired a PTSD diagnosis. The comorbidity of PTSD and other psychiatric diagnoses were 78%. A number of diagnoses were associated with specific traumas. Sixty-seven percent of the patients reported suicidal thoughts in the month prior to intake; thirty-one percent had attempted suicide in the preceding week. Suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviour, and suicide attempts were associated with specific traumas. Conclusion Traumatised patients appear to be under- or misdiagnosed which could have an impact on the efficiency of treatment.

  20. Factores prenatales relacionados con la prematuridad

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    Guillermo Arias Macías


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 130 madres y sus recién nacidos prematuros con su correspondiente grupo control, nacidos en el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico Provincial Docente "Justo Legón Padilla", de Pinar del Río, desde febrero hasta julio de 1998, con el objetivo de analizar algunos factores perinatales relacionados con la prematuridad. Se analizaron las variables: edad materna, paridad, peso al inicio del embarazo, talla materna, período intergenésico, edad gestacional, oligoamnios, hipertensión arterial materna y sexo del niño. Se demostró que la edad materna inferior a 17 años, la baja talla materna, el oligoamnio, la sepsis ovular y el período intergenésico de más de 5 años tuvieron resultados significativos para el nacimiento de pretérminos.130 mothers and their premature infants with their corresponding control group delivered at "Justo Legón Padilla" Provincial Gynecoobstetric Teaching Hospital, in Pinar del Río, from February to July, 1998, were studied aimed at analyzing some perinatal factors connected with prematurity. The following variables were analyzed: maternal age, parity, weight at the beginning of pregnancy, maternal height, intergenesic period, gestational age, oligohydramnios, maternal hypertension and sex of the child. It was proved that maternal age under 17, low maternal height, the oligohydramnios, vulvar sepsis and the intergenesic period of more than 5 years had significant results for the birth of preterm infants.

  1. Utilisation of a trauma meeting handover proforma to improve trauma patient pathway. (United States)

    Smyth, Rachel; Parton, Felicity; Trikha, Paul


    Decision making within orthopaedic centres predominantly occurs at the trauma meeting, where all decisions are made as a part of the multidisciplinary process. This is an essential handover process. Difficulties occur when teaching and detailed case discussions detract from the actual decision making process, leading to failure in documentation and implementing treatment plans. An audit was carried out in a busy district general hospital (DGH), assessing the quality of trauma meeting documentation in patient records, and assessing whether the introduction of a proforma document would improve this. Prospective clinical reviews were performed on all patients discussed in the trauma meeting over a one month period. Following the initial audit cycle a proforma was introduced, and the audit process was repeated at a two month and six month interval. The quality of the entries were assessed and compared to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Standards for the clinical structure and content of patient records, and The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) of England Guidelines for Clinicians on Medical Records and Notes. Sixty three patient records during a one month period from 1 August 2014 found that only 16% had any documentation of the trauma meeting, none of which met the standard set at the beginning of the audit. Following the introduction of the proforma, 102 patient records were reviewed from October 2014, showing 70% had documentation of the trauma meeting. This improved further to 84% in February 2015. The proforma has provided an effective means of documenting and communicating management plans, and in turn also improved the trauma patient pathway to theatre or discharge.

  2. Triage and mortality in 2875 consecutive trauma patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meisler, Rikke; Thomsen, A B; Abildstrøm, H


    Most studies on trauma and trauma systems have been conducted in the United States. We aimed to describe the factors predicting mortality in European trauma patients, with focus on triage.......Most studies on trauma and trauma systems have been conducted in the United States. We aimed to describe the factors predicting mortality in European trauma patients, with focus on triage....

  3. Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho e Ambiente de Inovação: encontros e desencontros no serviço de atendimento ao cliente

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    Luis Paulo Bresciani


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda a percepção de trabalhadores de atendimento ao cliente sobre a capacidade de inovação das empresas nas quais trabalham, bem como os fatores que influenciam o bem-estar em duas situações distintas: no ato do atendimento ao cliente e nas mudanças no conteúdo das atividades propostas pela coordenação do trabalho. Apresenta ainda as principais atividades identificadas pelos empregados como propostas das organizações para a melhoria da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT. Os dados foram coletados por intermédio de levantamento exploratório, com amostra de 97 empregados envolvidos com inovação, incumbidos de atender clientes para oferecer-lhes novos produtos e serviços ou melhorias nestes. Os resultados contribuem com o conhecimento relacionado ao vínculo entre gestão da inovação e gestão de pessoas. Oferece também um diagnóstico para o estabelecimento de diretrizes na implantação de programas de QVT em empresas que buscam realizar mudanças na área de atendimento ao cliente.This article deals with workers acting in customer service areas, their perception of the innovation capability in the companies they work for, as well as the factors influencing their welfare status when performing the job. The article also reports the main quality of working life programs at the workplace according to the employees, including the different activities related to these programs. The data was collected through an exploratory survey, with a sample of 97 employees whose task is to assist customers and to offer new products and services to them, or to improve the existing ones. The authors discuss the processes of innovation and work management, considering the quality of working life and the innovative organization as core concepts for an integrated approach.

  4. Apert syndrome: factors involved in the cognitive development Síndrome de Apert: fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento cognitivo destes pacientes

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    Adriano Yacubian-Fernandes


    Full Text Available Apert syndrome is characterized by craniosynostosis, symmetric syndactyly and other systemic malformations, with mental retardation usually present. The objective of this study was to correlate brain malformations and timing for surgery with neuropsychological evaluation. We also tried to determine other relevant aspects involved in cognitive development of these patients such as social classification of families and parents’ education. Eighteen patients with Apert syndrome were studied, whose ages were between 14 and 322 months. Brain abnormalities were observed in 55.6% of them. The intelligence quotient or developmental quotient values observed were between 45 and 108. Mental development was related to the quality of family environment and parents’ education. Mental development was not correlated to brain malformation or age at time of operation. In conclusion, quality of family environment was the most significant factor directly involved in mental development of patients with Apert syndrome.A síndrome de Apert é caracterizada por cranioestenose, sindactilia simétrica e outras malformações sistêmicas. O retardo no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor é freqüentemente observado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as malformações do sistema nervoso central, o momento da cirurgia e a classe sócio-econômica associada ao nível educacional dos pais como variáveis que possam influenciar no desenvolvimento cognitivo. Foram estudados 18 pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome de Apert com idade entre 14 e 322 meses e as alterações encefálicas foram observadas em 55,6%. O quociente de inteligência variou de 45 a 108 e estava correlacionado com a classe sócio-econômica e com o nível de instrução dos pais; não se correlacionou com as alterações encefálicas nem com o momento do tratamento neurocirúrgico. Em conclusão, a condição sócio-econômica e o nível de instrução dos pais foram relevantes na determinação do

  5. Penetrating ureteral trauma

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    Gustavo P. Fraga


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this series is to report our experience in managing ureteral trauma, focusing on the importance of early diagnosis, correct treatment, and the impact of associated injuries on the management and morbid-mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1994 to December 2002, 1487 laparotomies for abdominal trauma were performed and 20 patients with ureteral lesions were identified, all of them secondary to penetrating injury. Medical charts were analyzed as well as information about trauma mechanisms, diagnostic routine, treatment and outcome. RESULTS: All patients were men. Mean age was 27 years. The mechanisms of injury were gunshot wounds in 18 cases (90% and stab wounds in two (10%. All penetrating abdominal injuries had primary indication of laparotomy, and neither excretory urography nor computed tomography were used in any case before surgery. The diagnosis of ureteric injury was made intra-operatively in 17 cases (85%. Two ureteral injuries (10% were initially missed. All patients had associated injuries. The treatment was dictated by the location, extension and time necessary to identify the injury. The overall incidence of complications was 55%. The presence of shock on admission, delayed diagnosis, Abdominal Trauma Index > 25, Injury Severity Score > 25 and colon injuries were associated to a high complication rate, however, there was no statistically significant difference. There were no mortalities in this group. CONCLUSIONS: A high index of suspicion is required for diagnosis of ureteral injuries. A thorough exploration of all retroperitoneal hematoma after penetrating trauma should be an accurate method of diagnosis; even though it failed in 10% of our cases.

  6. Trauma team leaders' non-verbal communication: video registration during trauma team training. (United States)

    Härgestam, Maria; Hultin, Magnus; Brulin, Christine; Jacobsson, Maritha


    There is widespread consensus on the importance of safe and secure communication in healthcare, especially in trauma care where time is a limiting factor. Although non-verbal communication has an impact on communication between individuals, there is only limited knowledge of how trauma team leaders communicate. The purpose of this study was to investigate how trauma team members are positioned in the emergency room, and how leaders communicate in terms of gaze direction, vocal nuances, and gestures during trauma team training. Eighteen trauma teams were audio and video recorded during trauma team training in the emergency department of a hospital in northern Sweden. Quantitative content analysis was used to categorize the team members' positions and the leaders' non-verbal communication: gaze direction, vocal nuances, and gestures. The quantitative data were interpreted in relation to the specific context. Time sequences of the leaders' gaze direction, speech time, and gestures were identified separately and registered as time (seconds) and proportions (%) of the total training time. The team leaders who gained control over the most important area in the emergency room, the "inner circle", positioned themselves as heads over the team, using gaze direction, gestures, vocal nuances, and verbal commands that solidified their verbal message. Changes in position required both attention and collaboration. Leaders who spoke in a hesitant voice, or were silent, expressed ambiguity in their non-verbal communication: and other team members took over the leader's tasks. In teams where the leader had control over the inner circle, the members seemed to have an awareness of each other's roles and tasks, knowing when in time and where in space these tasks needed to be executed. Deviations in the leaders' communication increased the ambiguity in the communication, which had consequences for the teamwork. Communication cannot be taken for granted; it needs to be practiced

  7. Eventos toxicológicos relacionados a medicamentos no Estado de São Paulo Drug-related toxic events in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Eliane Gandolfi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as características epidemiológicas dos eventos toxicológicos relacionados a medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico descritivo de série de casos. Utilizando a categoria "evento toxicológico relacionado a medicamentos", analisaram-se 6.673 casos registrados em centros de assistência toxicológica do Estado de São Paulo, no ano de 1998. As variáveis estudadas compreenderam características dos eventos, das pessoas afetadas, dos agentes tóxicos e das circunstâncias envolvidas. A análise dos agentes tóxicos considerou três níveis de desagregação: grupos terapêuticos, princípios ativos e nomes comerciais. RESULTADOS: Os medicamentos ocuparam o primeiro lugar entre todos os tipos de agentes tóxicos registrados pelos centros. Os eventos toxicológicos relacionados a medicamentos caracterizaram-se por serem registrados por telefone (78,5%, a partir de hospitais (86,6%; originaram-se de exposições agudas, pela via oral (90,2%, ocorridas em residência (85,7% de área urbana (95%. Houve predomínio do sexo feminino (59% e maior concentração na primeira década de vida (49,4%, sobretudo aos dois e três anos de idade. Os princípios ativos mais freqüentemente encontrados foram: fenobarbital, diazepam, haloperidol, carbamazepina e bromazepam. As principais circunstâncias foram as acidentais (38,8% e tentativas de suicídio (36,5%. Entre os princípios ativos relacionados predominaram os dos grupos terapêuticos psiquiatria, analgesia/anestesia e respiratório. CONCLUSÕES: Aponta-se a necessidade de cumprimento da legislação quanto à venda de medicamentos sob receituário médico e de construção da toxicovigilância conforme diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde.OBJECTIVE: To assess the epidemiological characteristics of drug-related toxic events in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A descriptive epidemiological case series study was conducted. Using the category "drug

  8. Emotional intelligence, trauma severity, and emotional expression. (United States)

    Kao, Min C; Chen, Yung Y


    This study investigated Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a moderator for the association between emotional expression and adaptive trauma processing, as measured by depressive symptoms. Using Pennebaker's written emotional expression paradigm, 105 participants were assigned to either a conventional trauma-writing or religious trauma-writing condition. Depressive symptoms were assessed at baseline and again at one-month post writing. No significant association between EI and religiousness was found at baseline. Results indicated a three-way interaction among EI, trauma severity, and writing condition on depressive symptoms at follow-up. For the religious trauma-writing condition only, there was a significant difference between high- versus low-EI participants who experienced more severe trauma in depressive symptoms at follow-up, such that low-EI participants registered less depressive symptoms than high-EI participants; while there was no significant difference between low versus high EI for participants with less severe trauma. These findings encourage further investigation of the conditions under which religion may be a beneficial factor in trauma adaptation.

  9. Drug abuse in hospitalized trauma patients in a university trauma care center: an explorative study

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    A.R. Soroush


    Full Text Available Background: Drug abuse has been known as a growing contributing factor to all types of trauma in the world. The goal of this article is to provide insight into demographic and substance use factors associated with trauma and to determine the prevalence of drug abuse in trauma patients. Methods: Evidence of substance abuse was assessed in trauma patients presenting to Sina trauma hospital over a 3-month period. They were interviewed and provided urine samples to detect the presence of drug/metabolites of opium, morphine, cannabis and heroin by “Morphine Check” kits. Demographic data, mechanisms of injury, history of smoking and drug abuse were recorded. Results: A total of 358 patients with a mean age of 28.4 years were studied. The Patients were predominantly male (94.7%. There was a history of smoking in 136 cases (38%. 58 cases (16.2% reported to abuse drugs (91.5% opium. The commonest route of administration was smoke inhalation (37.2%. Screening by Morphine Check test revealed 95 samples to be positive (26.5%. The preponderance of test-positive cases was among young people (of 20-30 years of age with a history of smoking. Victims of violence and those with penetrating injuries also showed a higher percentage of positive screens (P=0.038 and P<0.001, respectively. Conclusion: These results suggest that drug abuse is a contributing factor to trauma especially in violent injuries and among the young. Regarding the considerable prevalence of drug abuse among trauma patients, it’s highly recommended that all trauma patients be screened for illicit drugs

  10. Transfusion practices in trauma

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    V Trichur Ramakrishnan


    Full Text Available Resuscitation of a severely traumatised patient with the administration of crystalloids, or colloids along with blood products is a common transfusion practice in trauma patients. The determination of this review article is to update on current transfusion practices in trauma. A search of PubMed, Google Scholar, and bibliographies of published studies were conducted using a combination of key-words. Recent articles addressing the transfusion practises in trauma from 2000 to 2014 were identified and reviewed. Trauma induced consumption and dilution of clotting factors, acidosis and hypothermia in a severely injured patient commonly causes trauma-induced coagulopathy. Early infusion of blood products and early control of bleeding decreases trauma-induced coagulopathy. Hypothermia and dilutional coagulopathy are associated with infusion of large volumes of crystalloids. Hence, the predominant focus is on damage control resuscitation, which is a combination of permissive hypotension, haemorrhage control and haemostatic resuscitation. Massive transfusion protocols improve survival in severely injured patients. Early recognition that the patient will need massive blood transfusion will limit the use of crystalloids. Initially during resuscitation, fresh frozen plasma, packed red blood cells (PRBCs and platelets should be transfused in the ratio of 1:1:1 in severely injured patients. Fresh whole blood can be an alternative in patients who need a transfusion of 1:1:1 thawed plasma, PRBCs and platelets. Close monitoring of bleeding and point of care coagulation tests are employed, to allow goal-directed plasma, PRBCs and platelets transfusions, in order to decrease the risk of transfusion-related acute lung injury.

  11. Use of laparoscopy in trauma at a level II trauma center. (United States)

    Barzana, Daniel C; Kotwall, Cyrus A; Clancy, Thomas V; Hope, William W


    Enthusiasm for the use of laparoscopy in trauma has not rivaled that for general surgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate our experience with laparoscopy at a level II trauma center. A retrospective review of all trauma patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopy was performed from January 2004 to July 2010. Laparoscopy was performed in 16 patients during the study period. The average age was 35 years. Injuries included left diaphragm in 4 patients, mesenteric injury in 2, and vaginal laceration, liver laceration, small bowel injury, renal laceration, urethral/pelvic, and colon injury in 1 patient each. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed in 11 patients (69%) with 3 patients requiring conversion to an open procedure. Successful therapeutic laparoscopy was performed in 5 patients for repair of isolated diaphragm injuries (2), a small bowel injury, a colon injury, and placement of a suprapubic bladder catheter. Average length of stay was 5.6 days (range, 0 to 23), and 75% of patients were discharged home. Morbidity rate was 13% with no mortalities or missed injuries. Laparoscopy is a seldom-used modality at our trauma center; however, it may play a role in a select subset of patients.

  12. Fatores associados ao sedentarismo no lazer em idosos, Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil Variables associated with sedentary leisure time in the elderly in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Paula do Amaral Zaitune


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a prevalência de sedentários no lazer (que referem não praticar nenhum exercício físico no lazer ao menos uma vez por semana em idosos de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, segundo fatores demográficos e sócio-econômicos, outros comportamentos relacionados à saúde e à presença de morbidades. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostragem em múltiplos estágios. A análise dos dados levou em conta o desenho amostral. A prevalência de sedentários foi 70,9%, sendo que as razões de prevalências foram significativamente maiores que um para os idosos de menor renda (1,31: 1,11-1,55, tabagistas (1,39: 1,23-1,57, com transtorno mental comum (1,20: 1,04-1,39 e do sexo feminino (1,16: 1,00-1,35. A prevalência de caminhada foi 23,5%, seguida por ginástica ou musculação (3,8% e por natação ou hidroginástica (3,6%. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade do desenvolvimento de ações globais com respeito aos comportamentos relacionados à saúde. Atenção especial deve ser dada aos idosos do sexo feminino, àqueles com transtorno mental comum e aos de menor nível sócio-econômico a fim de garantir eqüidade em relação às práticas de promoção da saúde.The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of sedentary leisure time (no type of leisure-time exercise once a week or more among the elderly in the city of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, according to demographic and socioeconomic factors, other health-related behaviors, and the presence of morbidity. This was a population-based cross-sectional study with multiple-stage sampling. Data analysis considered the sample design. Prevalence of sedentary leisure time was 70.9%, and the prevalence ratio was significantly higher than 1.0 for the elderly with lower socioeconomic status (1.31: 1.11-1.55, smokers (1.39: 1.23-1.57, those with common mental disorders (1.20: 1.04-1.39, and females (1.16: 1

  13. Prospects after Major Trauma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holtslag, H.R.


    Introduction. After patients survived major trauma, their prospects, in terms of the consequences for functioning, are uncertain, which may impact severely on patient, family and society. The studies in this thesis describes the long-term outcomes of severe injured patients after major trauma. In

  14. Helicopter overtriage in pediatric trauma. (United States)

    Michailidou, Maria; Goldstein, Seth D; Salazar, Jose; Aboagye, Jonathan; Stewart, Dylan; Efron, David; Abdullah, Fizan; Haut, Elliot R


    Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) have been designed to provide faster access to trauma center care in cases of life-threatening injury. However, the ideal recipient population is not fully characterized, and indications for helicopter transport in pediatric trauma vary dramatically by county, state, and region. Overtriage, or unnecessary utilization, can lead to additional patient risk and expense. In this study we perform a nationwide descriptive analysis of HEMS for pediatric trauma and assess the incidence of overtriage in this group. We reviewed records from the American College of Surgeons National Trauma Data Bank (2008-11) and included patients less than 16 years of age who were transferred from the scene of injury to a trauma center via HEMS. Overtriage was defined as patients meeting all of the following criteria: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) equal to 15, absence of hypotension, an Injury Severity Score (ISS) less than 9, no need for procedure or critical care, and a hospital length of stay of less than 24 hours. A total of 19,725 patients were identified with a mean age of 10.5 years. The majority of injuries were blunt (95.6%) and resulted from motor vehicle crashes (48%) and falls (15%). HEMS transported patients were predominately normotensive (96%), had a GCS of 15 (67%), and presented with minor injuries (ISS<9, 41%). Overall, 28 % of patients stayed in the hospital for less than 24 hours, and the incidence of overtriage was 17%. Helicopter overtriage is prevalent among pediatric trauma patients nationwide. The ideal model to predict need for HEMS must consider clinical outcomes in the context of judicious resource utilization. The development of guidelines for HEMS use in pediatric trauma could potentially limit unnecessary transfers while still identifying children who require trauma center care in a timely fashion. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  15. Trauma team activation criteria in managing trauma patients at an emergency room in Thailand. (United States)

    Wuthisuthimethawee, P


    Trauma team activation (TTA) criteria were first implemented in the Emergency Department (ED) of Songklanagarind Hospital in 2009 to treat severe trauma patients. To determine the efficacy of the TTA criteria on the acute trauma care process in the ED and the 28-day mortality rate. A 1-year prospective cohort study was conducted at the ED. Trauma patients who were 18 years old and over who met the TTA criteria were enrolled. Demographic data, physiologic parameters, ED length of stay (EDLOS), and the injury severity score (ISS) were recorded. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the factors affecting 28-day mortality. Institutional review board approval was obtained from the Prince of Songkla University. A total of 80 patients (74 male and 6 female) were eligible with a mean age of 34.3 years old. Shock, penetrating torso injury, and pulse rate >120 beats per minute were the three most common criteria for trauma team consultation. At the ED, 9 patients (11.3 %) were non-survivors, 30 patients (37.5 %) needed immediate operation, and 41 patients (51.2 %) were admitted. All of the arrest patients died (p team activation criteria improved acute trauma care in the ED which was demonstrated by the decreased EDLOS and mortality rate. A high ISS is the sole parameter predicting mortality.

  16. Trauma research in Qatar: a literature review and discussion of progress after establishment of a trauma research centre. (United States)

    El-Menyar, A; Asim, M; Zarour, A; Abdelrahman, H; Peralta, R; Parchani, A; Al-Thani, H


    A structured research programme is one of the main pillars of a trauma care system. Despite the high rate of injury-related mortalities, especially road traffic accidents, in Qatar, little consideration has been given to research in trauma. This review aimed to analyse research publications on the subject of trauma published from Qatar and to discuss the progress of clinical research in Qatar and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries with special emphasis on trauma research. A literature search using PubMed and Google Scholar search engines located 757 English-language articles within the fields of internal medicine, surgery and trauma originating from Qatar between the years 1993 and 2013. A steep increase in the number of trauma publications since 2010 could be linked to the setting up of a trauma research centre in Qatar in 2011. We believe that establishing a research unit has made a major impact on research productivity, which ultimately benefits health care.

  17. Adaptação transcultural e consistência interna do Early Trauma Inventory (ETI Early Trauma Inventory (ETI: cross-cultural adaptation and internal consistency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Feijó de Mello


    Full Text Available As experiências traumáticas precoces são um fator de risco preditivo de problemas psicopatológicos futuros. O Early Trauma Inventory (ETI é um instrumento que avalia em indivíduos adultos experiências traumáticas ocorridas antes dos 18 anos de idade. Tal instrumento foi traduzido, transculturalmente adaptado e sua consistência interna foi avaliada. Vítimas de violência que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram submetidas a uma entrevista diagnóstica (SCID-I e ao ETI. Foram incluídos 91 pacientes com o transtorno do estresse pós-traumático (TEPT. O alfa de Cronbach nos diferentes domínios variou de 0,595-0,793, e o escore total foi de 0,878. A maior parte dos itens nos vários domínios, com exceção do abuso emocional, apresentou índices de correlação interitem entre 0,51-0,99. A versão adaptada foi útil tanto na clínica quanto na pesquisa. Apresentou boa consistência interna e na correlação interitem. O ETI é um instrumento válido, com boa consistência para se avaliar a presença de história de traumas precoces em indivíduos adultos.Early life stress is a strong predictor of future psychopathology during adulthood. The Early Trauma Inventory (ETI was developed to detect the presence and impact of traumatic experiences that occurred up to 18 years of age. The ETI was translated and cross-culturally adapted and had its consistency evaluated. Victims of violence that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were submitted to SCID-I and ETI. Ninety-one patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD were included. Cronbach's alpha in the different domains varied from 0.595 to 0.793, and the total score was 0.878. Except for emotional abuse, most of the various domains displayed inter-item correlation rates of 0.51 to 0.99. The adapted version was useful for clinical and research purposes and showed good internal consistency and inter-item correlation. The ETI is a valid instrument with good

  18. Predictors of Intrathoracic Injury after Blunt Torso Trauma in Children Presenting to an Emergency Department as Trauma Activations. (United States)

    McNamara, Caitlin; Mironova, Irina; Lehman, Erik; Olympia, Robert P


    Thoracic injuries are a major cause of death associated with blunt trauma in children. Screening for injury with chest x-ray study, compared with chest computed tomography (CT) scan, has been controversial, weighing the benefits of specificity with the detriment of radiation exposure. To identify predictors of thoracic injury in children presenting as trauma activations to a Level I trauma center after blunt torso trauma, and to compare these predictors with those previously reported in the literature. We performed a retrospective chart review of pediatric patients (trauma center between June 2010 and June 2013 as a trauma activation after sustaining a blunt torso trauma and who received diagnostic imaging of the chest as part of their initial evaluation. Data analysis was performed on 166 patients. There were 33 patients (20%) with 45 abnormalities detected on diagnostic imaging of the chest, with the most common abnormalities being lung contusion (36%), pneumothorax (22%), and rib fracture (13%). Statistically significant predictors of abnormal diagnostic imaging of the chest included Glasgow Coma Scale score (GCS) trauma include GCS < 15, hypoxia, syncope/dizziness, cervical spine tenderness, thoraco-lumbar-sacral spine tenderness, and abdominal/pelvic tenderness. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Fibrinogen depletion in trauma: early, easy to estimate and central to trauma-induced coagulopathy. (United States)

    Davenport, Ross; Brohi, Karim


    Fibrinogen is fundamental to hemostasis and falls rapidly in trauma hemorrhage, although levels are not routinely measured in the acute bleeding episode. Prompt identification of critically low levels of fibrinogen and early supplementation has the potential to correct trauma-induced coagulation and improve outcomes. Early estimation of hypofibrinogenemia is possible using surrogate markers of shock and hemorrhage; for example, hemoglobin and base excess. Rapid replacement with fibrinogen concentrate or cryoprecipitate should be considered a clinical priority in major trauma hemorrhage.

  20. Decolonizing Trauma Theory : Retrospect and Prospects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, Irene


    Decolonizing trauma theory has been a major project in postcolonial literary scholarship ever since its first sustained engagements with trauma theory. Since then, trauma theory and postcolonial literary studies have been uneasy bedfellows, and the time has now come to take stock of what remains in

  1. Endovascular interventions for multiple trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinstner, C.; Funovics, M.


    In recent years interventional radiology has significantly changed the management of injured patients with multiple trauma. Currently nearly all vessels can be reached within a reasonably short time with the help of specially preshaped catheters and guide wires to achieve bleeding control of arterial und venous bleeding. Whereas bleeding control formerly required extensive open surgery, current interventional methods allow temporary vessel occlusion (occlusion balloons), permanent embolization and stenting. In injured patients with multiple trauma preinterventional procedural planning is performed with the help of multidetector computed tomography whenever possible. Interventional radiology not only allows minimization of therapeutic trauma but also a considerably shorter treatment time. Interventional bleeding control has developed into a standard method in the management of vascular trauma of the chest and abdomen as well as in vascular injuries of the upper and lower extremities when open surgical access is associated with increased risk. Additionally, pelvic trauma, vascular trauma of the superior thoracic aperture and parenchymal arterial lacerations of organs that can be at least partially preserved are primarily managed by interventional methods. In an interdisciplinary setting interventional radiology provides a safe and efficient means of rapid bleeding control in nearly all vascular territories in addition to open surgical access. (orig.) [de

  2. Radiographic evaluation of hepatic trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Federle, M.P.


    The incidence of significant abdominal trauma continues to rise and accounts currently for approximately 10 percent of the annual 130,000 trauma-related deaths in the United States. Over 60 percent of patients are from 10 to 40 years of age, with a striking predominance of males. Children are mostly victims of blunt trauma, while some large reviews of liver trauma in adults show a prevalence of penetrating injuries. Injury to the liver is second only to the spleen in incidence of intraperitoneal injuries. Morbidity and mortality from hepatic trauma are related to the mechanism and extent of injury. Penetrating injuries generally have a lower mortality, about 5 percent, especially if they are due to stab wounds or low velocity gunshot wounds. Shotgun and high velocity gunshot wounds may cause massive fragmentation of the liver and are associated with proportionately greater mortality. The mortality from blunt trauma is from 15 to 45 percent in many large series. Death from isolated liver injury is uncommon, but is usually due to uncontrolled hemorrhage. Injury to other abdominal organs is associated in many cases, as are injuries to the head, chest, and limbs. The extraabdominal injuries are frequently more apparent clinically, but may mask potentially life-threatening abdominal visceral injuries

  3. Frecuencia y factores de riesgo de enfermedad cerebrovascular en esquizofrenia y trastornos relacionados


    Berrocal Izquierdo, Núria


    [spa] La salud física de los pacientes con trastorno mental grave es un campo de interés creciente en medicina. En concreto, la enfermedad cerebrovascular es la causa más frecuente de muerte natural prematura en los pacientes con trastornos relacionados con la esquizofrenia, por lo que debería incluirse en toda estrategia de salud que incluya a dicha población. La tesis presentada nace de la percepción de los neurólogos del Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu de que los pacientes con trastornos ...

  4. Evaluating trauma nursing education: An integrative literature review. (United States)

    Ding, Min; Metcalfe, Helene; Gallagher, Olivia; Hamdorf, Jeffrey M


    A review of the current literature evaluating trauma nursing education. A variety of trauma nursing courses exist, to educate nurses working in trauma settings, and to maintain their continuing professional development. Despite an increase in the number of courses delivered, there appears to be a lack of evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of trauma nursing education and in particular the justification for this resource allocation. Integrative literature review. A search of international literature on trauma nursing education evaluation published in English from 1985 to 2015 was conducted through electronic databases CINAHL Plus, Google Scholar, PubMed, Austhealth, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Sciverse Science Direct (Elsevier) & One file (Gale). Only peer reviewed journal articles identifying trauma course and trauma nursing course evaluation have been included in the selection criteria. An integrative review of both quantitative and qualitative literature guided by Whittemore and Knafl's theoretical framework using Bowling's and Pearson's validated appraisal checklists, has been conducted for three months. Only 17 studies met the inclusion criteria, including 14 on trauma course evaluation and 3 on trauma nursing course evaluation. Study findings are presented as two main themes: the historical evolution of trauma nursing education and evaluation of trauma nursing education outcomes. Trauma nursing remains in its infancy and education in this specialty is mainly led by continuing professional development courses. The shortage of evaluation studies on trauma nursing courses reflects the similar status in continuing professional development course evaluation. A trauma nursing course evaluation study will address the gap in this under researched area. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Trauma patient discharge and care transition experiences: Identifying opportunities for quality improvement in trauma centres. (United States)

    Gotlib Conn, Lesley; Zwaiman, Ashley; DasGupta, Tracey; Hales, Brigette; Watamaniuk, Aaron; Nathens, Avery B


    Challenges delivering quality care are especially salient during hospital discharge and care transitions. Severely injured patients discharged from a trauma centre will go either home, to rehabilitation or another acute care hospital with complex management needs. This purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of trauma patients and families treated in a regional academic trauma centre to better understand and improve their discharge and care transition experiences. A qualitative study using inductive thematic analysis was conducted between March and October 2016. Telephone interviews were conducted with trauma patients and/or a family member after discharge from the trauma centre. Data collection and analysis were completed inductively and iteratively consistent with a qualitative approach. Twenty-four interviews included 19 patients and 7 family members. Participants' experiences drew attention to discharge and transfer processes that either (1) Fostered quality discharge or (2) Impeded quality discharge. Fostering quality discharge was ward staff preparation efforts; establishing effective care continuity; and, adequate emotional support. Impeding discharge quality was perceived pressure to leave the hospital; imposed transfer decisions; and, sub-optimal communication and coordination around discharge. Patient-provider communication was viewed to be driven by system, rather than patient need. Inter-facility information gaps raised concern about receiving facilities' ability to care for injured patients. The quality of trauma patient discharge and transition experiences is undermined by system- and ward-level processes that compete, rather than align, in producing high quality patient-centred discharge. Local improvement solutions focused on modifiable factors within the trauma centre include patient-oriented discharge education and patient navigation; however, these approaches alone may be insufficient to enhance patient experiences. Trauma patients

  6. The sequential trauma score - a new instrument for the sequential mortality prediction in major trauma*

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    Huber-Wagner S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There are several well established scores for the assessment of the prognosis of major trauma patients that all have in common that they can be calculated at the earliest during intensive care unit stay. We intended to develop a sequential trauma score (STS that allows prognosis at several early stages based on the information that is available at a particular time. Study design In a retrospective, multicenter study using data derived from the Trauma Registry of the German Trauma Society (2002-2006, we identified the most relevant prognostic factors from the patients basic data (P, prehospital phase (A, early (B1, and late (B2 trauma room phase. Univariate and logistic regression models as well as score quality criteria and the explanatory power have been calculated. Results A total of 2,354 patients with complete data were identified. From the patients basic data (P, logistic regression showed that age was a significant predictor of survival (AUCmodel p, area under the curve = 0.63. Logistic regression of the prehospital data (A showed that blood pressure, pulse rate, Glasgow coma scale (GCS, and anisocoria were significant predictors (AUCmodel A = 0.76; AUCmodel P + A = 0.82. Logistic regression of the early trauma room phase (B1 showed that peripheral oxygen saturation, GCS, anisocoria, base excess, and thromboplastin time to be significant predictors of survival (AUCmodel B1 = 0.78; AUCmodel P +A + B1 = 0.85. Multivariate analysis of the late trauma room phase (B2 detected cardiac massage, abbreviated injury score (AIS of the head ≥ 3, the maximum AIS, the need for transfusion or massive blood transfusion, to be the most important predictors (AUCmodel B2 = 0.84; AUCfinal model P + A + B1 + B2 = 0.90. The explanatory power - a tool for the assessment of the relative impact of each segment to mortality - is 25% for P, 7% for A, 17% for B1 and 51% for B2. A spreadsheet for the easy calculation of the sequential trauma

  7. Trauma and the endocrine system. (United States)

    Mesquita, Joana; Varela, Ana; Medina, José Luís


    The endocrine system may be the target of different types of trauma with varied consequences. The present article discusses trauma of the hypothalamic-pituitary axes, adrenal glands, gonads, and pancreas. In addition to changes in circulating hormone levels due to direct injury to these structures, there may be an endocrine response in the context of the stress caused by the trauma. Copyright © 2010 SEEN. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.



    Marlon Regis Leite


    O envelhecimento biológico é o declínio gradual e progressivo das funções físicas que começam com o nascimento e terminam com a morte em todas as espécies animais. Uma das características mais comuns do envelhecimento é a redução da capacidade de aprender e lembrar novas informações. Mudanças relacionadas à idade nos fundamentos neurais dos processos de memória estão intimamente ligadas ao estresse oxidativo. Neste estudo, os efeitos da cafeína e do SCH58261, antagonistas de receptores de ade...

  9. Assessing sexual trauma histories in homeless women. (United States)

    Weinrich, Sally; Hardin, Sally; Glaser, Dale; Barger, Mary; Bormann, Jill; Lizarraga, Cabiria; Terry, Micheal; Criscenzo, Jeeni; Allard, Carolyn B


    Almost 1 out of every 3 homeless women (32%) in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia has experienced childhood sexual trauma. We assessed lifetime sexual trauma histories among 29 homeless women from three Southern California community sites: one residential safe house and two safe parking areas. More than half of the women (54%) reported a history of sexual trauma. That rate was higher (86%) among women living at the safe home than among women staying at the safe parking sites (only 42%). All four of the women who had served in the military reported having experienced military sexual trauma. The high percentages of sexual trauma found in homeless women highlight the need for effective interventions for sexual trauma.

  10. [First aid system for trauma: development and status]. (United States)

    Chen, D K; Lin, W C; Zhang, P; Kuang, S J; Huang, W; Wang, T B


    With the great progress of the economy, the level of industrialization has been increasing year by year, which leads to an increase in accidental trauma accidents. Chinese annual death of trauma is already more than 400 000, which makes trauma the fifth most common cause of death, following malignant tumor, heart, brain and respiratory diseases. Trauma is the leading cause of the death of young adults. At the same time, trauma has become a serious social problem in peace time. Trauma throws great treats on human health and life. As an important part in the medical and social security system, the emergency of trauma system occupies a very important position in the emergency medical service system. In European countries as well as the United States and also many other developed countries, trauma service system had a long history, and progressed to an advanced stage. However, Chinese trauma service system started late and is still developing. It has not turned into a complete and standardized system yet. This review summarizes the histories and current situations of the development of traumatic first aid system separately in European countries, the United States and our country. Special attentions are paid to the effects of the pre- and in-hospital emergency care. We also further try to explore the Chinese trauma emergency model that adapts to the situations of China and characteristics of different regions of China. Our review also introduces the trauma service system that suits the situations of China proposed by Professor Jiang Baoguo's team in details, taking Chinese conditions into account, they conducted a thematic study and made an expert consensus on pre-hospital emergency treatment of severe trauma, providing a basic routine and guidance of severe trauma treatment for those pre-hospital emergency physicians. They also advised to establish independent trauma disciplines and trauma specialist training systems, and to build the regional trauma care system as

  11. Effectiveness of trauma team on medical resource utilization and quality of care for patients with major trauma. (United States)

    Wang, Chih-Jung; Yen, Shu-Ting; Huang, Shih-Fang; Hsu, Su-Chen; Ying, Jeremy C; Shan, Yan-Shen


    Trauma is one of the leading causes of death in Taiwan, and its medical expenditure escalated drastically. This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of trauma team, which was established in September 2010, on medical resource utilization and quality of care among major trauma patients. This was a retrospective study, using trauma registry data bank and inpatient medical service charge databases. Study subjects were major trauma patients admitted to a medical center in Tainan during 2009 and 2013, and was divided into case group (from January, 2011 to August, 2013) and comparison group (from January, 2009 to August, 2010). Significant reductions in several items of medical resource utilization were identified after the establishment of trauma team. In the sub-group of patients who survived to discharge, examination, radiology and operation charges declined significantly. The radiation and examination charges reduced significantly in the subcategories of ISS = 16 ~ 24 and ISS > 24 respectively. However, no significant effectiveness on quality of care was identified. The establishment of trauma team is effective in containing medical resource utilization. In order to verify the effectiveness on quality of care, extended time frame and extra study subjects are needed.

  12. Addressing Trauma in Substance Abuse Treatment (United States)

    Giordano, Amanda L.; Prosek, Elizabeth A.; Stamman, Julia; Callahan, Molly M.; Loseu, Sahar; Bevly, Cynthia M.; Cross, Kaitlin; Woehler, Elliott S.; Calzada, Richard-Michael R.; Chadwell, Katie


    Trauma is prevalent among clients with substance abuse issues, yet addictions counselors' training in trauma approaches is limited. The purpose of the current article is to provide pertinent information regarding trauma treatment including the use of assessments, empirically supported clinical approaches, self-help groups and the risk of vicarious…

  13. Acute appendicitis after blunt abdominal trauma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjan Joudi


    Full Text Available Appendecitis is one of the most frequent surgeries. Inflammation of appendix may be due to variable causes such as fecalit, hypertrophy of Peyer’s plaques, seeds of fruits and parasites. In this study we presented an uncommon type of appendicitis which occurred after abdominal blunt trauma. In this article three children present who involved acute appendicitis after blunt abdominal trauma. These patients were 2 boys (5 and 6-year-old and one girl (8-year-old who after blunt abdominal trauma admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain and symptoms of acute abdomen and appendectomy had been done for them.Trauma can induce intramural hematoma at appendix process and may cause appendicitis. Therefore, physicians should be aware of appendicitis after blunt abdominal trauma

  14. Sexuality following trauma injury: A literature review

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    Kylie Marie Connell


    Full Text Available Restoration of the quality of life (QoL of trauma injury survivors is the aim of trauma rehabilitation. It is generally acknowledged that sexuality is an important component of QoL; however, rehabilitation services frequently fall short of including sexuality as a matter of routine. The literature was reviewed to examine the experiences of trauma survivors from three groups: spinal cord injury (SCI, traumatic brain injury (TBI and burns. The focus was on the impact of trauma on the QoL to identify future research directions and to advocate for the inclusion of sexuality as an integral part of rehabilitation. Databases searched were Proquest, Ovid, Cinahl, Medline, PsycInfo and Cochrane Central Register of controlled trials. A total of 36 eligible studies were included: SCI (n = 25, TBI (n = 6, burns (n = 5. Four themes were identified across the three trauma groups that were labeled as physiological impact of trauma on sexuality, cognitive-genital dissociation (CGD, sexual disenfranchisement (SD and sexual rediscovery (SR. Trauma injury has a significant impact on sexuality, which is not routinely addressed within rehabilitation services. Further sexuality research is required among all trauma groups to improve rehabilitation services and in turn QoL outcomes for all trauma survivors.

  15. Da produção ao mercado: "delitos económicos", penas e controlo municipal na Idade Média, segundo o testemunho dos Costumes e Foros portugueses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Alice da Silveira Tavares

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este texto tem como objetivo principal fazer uma reflexão sobre conflitos e os "delitos económicos", bem como os mecanismos de controlo penal e social ao dispor dos concelhos medievais portugueses (Alfaiates, Castelo Bom, Castelo Melhor, Castelo Rodrigo, Guarda, Santarém, Torres Novas, Évora e Beja para regulamentar os setores económicos, defendendo as suas populações e garantindo-lhes o abastecimento de produtos e de gêneros alimentares indispensáveis no dia a dia, a partir dos seus direitos consuetudinários, os seus costumes e foros (séculos XIII. Partindo destes pressupostos, é possível também conhecer algumas profissões (mesteres e agentes comerciais, locais de comércio, entre outros detalhes relacionados com desenvolvimento das atividades económicas urbanas.

  16. Validation of assessment tools for identifying trauma symptomatology in young children exposed to trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schandorph Løkkegaard, Sille; Elmose, Mette; Elklit, Ask

    There is a lack of Danish validated, developmentally sensitive assessment tools for preschool and young school children exposed to psychological trauma. Consequently, young traumatised children are at risk of not being identified. The purpose of this project is to validate three assessment tools...... that identify trauma symptomatology in young children; a caregiver interview called the Diagnostic Infant and Preschool Assessment (DIPA), a structured play test called the Odense Child Trauma Screening (OCTS), and a child questionnaire called the Darryl Cartoon Test. Three validity studies were conducted...

  17. Representações sociais e adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral (Social Representations and Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment

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    Brigido Vizeu Camargo


    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as representações sociais e os fatores que influenciam a adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. Participaram do estudo 154 pessoas que faziam tratamento antirretroviral, sendo 82 homens com média de idade de 40 anos e 3 meses. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas diretivas e por uma escala de adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. O material textual sobre o significado do tratamento foi analisado pelo software IRAMUTEQ. O tratamento é representado a partir de duas concepções: a primeira a uma vida normal mantida pela ideia de uso contínuo e regular dos medicamentos, compartilhada pelas pessoas com alta adesão ao tratamento. Já a segunda, como algo que gera sofrimento e isolamento social, mais característica de pessoas com baixa/inadequada e insuficiente/ regular adesão. Sobre o nível de adesão, os resultados indicaram que 22.7% dos participantes apresentaram adesão alta/ estrita, e que a relação com o médico, a equipe de saúde e a informação sobre o tratamento estão relacionados com a alta/estrita adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral dos participantes. Abstract This study aims to identify the social representations and the factors that influence in the adherence to antiretroviral treatment. The participants in the study were 154 people who were undergoing antiretroviral treatment, 82 men with an average age of 40 years and three months. The data was obtained through direct interviews and through a scale of adherence to antiretroviral treatment. The textual material in relation to the meaning of the treatment was analyzed by the IRAMUTEQ software. The treatment is represented in two concepts: First, from a normal life maintained by the idea of continuous and regular use of medications shared by people with high adherence to treatment. Second, as something which generates social suffering, and isolation, most characteristic of people with low/inadequate, and

  18. Trauma outcome analysis of a Jakarta University Hospital using the TRISS method: validation and limitation in comparison with the major trauma outcome study. Trauma and Injury Severity Score

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Joosse, P.; Soedarmo, S.; Luitse, J. S.; Ponsen, K. J.


    In this prospective study, the TRISS methodology is used to compare trauma care at a University Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the standards reported in the Major Trauma Outcome Study (MTOS). Between February 24, 1999, and July 1, 1999, all consecutive patients with multiple and severe trauma

  19. Helpers in Distress: Preventing Secondary Trauma (United States)

    Whitfield, Natasha; Kanter, Deborah


    Those in close contact with trauma survivors are themselves at risk for trauma (e.g., Bride, 2007; Figley, 1995). Family, friends, and professionals who bear witness to the emotional retelling and re-enacting of traumatic events can experience what is called "secondary trauma" (Elwood, Mott, Lohr, & Galovski, 2011). The literature…

  20. Patient perspectives of care in a regionalised trauma system: lessons from the Victorian State Trauma System. (United States)

    Gabbe, Belinda J; Sleney, Jude S; Gosling, Cameron M; Wilson, Krystle; Hart, Melissa J; Sutherland, Ann M; Christie, Nicola


    To explore injured patients' experiences of trauma care to identify areas for improvement in service delivery. Qualitative study using in-depth, semi-structured interviews, conducted from 1 April 2011 to 31 January 2012, with 120 trauma patients registered by the Victorian State Trauma Registry and the Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry and managed at the major adult trauma services (MTS) in Victoria. Emergent themes from patients' experiences of acute, rehabilitation and post-discharge care in the Victorian State Trauma System (VSTS). Patients perceived their acute hospital care as high quality, although 3s with communication and surgical management delays were common. Discharge from hospital was perceived as stressful, and many felt ill prepared for discharge. A consistent emerging theme was the sense of a lack of coordination of post-discharge care, and the absence of a consistent point of contact for ongoing management. Most patients' primary point of contact after discharge was outpatient clinics at the MTS, which were widely criticised because of substantial delays in receiving an appointment, prolonged waiting times, limited time with clinicians, lack of continuity of care and inability to see senior clinicians. This study highlights perceived 3s in the patient care pathway in the VSTS, especially those relating to communication, information provision and post-discharge care. Trauma patients perceived the need for a single point of contact for coordination of post-discharge care.

  1. Imaging of blunt chest trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prosch, H.; Negrin, L.


    Blunt chest trauma is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Consequently, all patients should be evaluated radiologically after blunt chest trauma to allow timely and appropriate treatment. Conventional chest radiographs and computed tomography (CT) are proven modalities with which to evaluate patients after blunt chest trauma. Over the last several years extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (eFAST) has gained increasing importance for the initial assessment of seriously injured patients. In the acute phase of severely injured patients eFAST examinations are helpful to exclude pneumothorax, hemothorax and hemopericardium. Chest radiographs may also be used to diagnose a pneumothorax or hemothorax; however, the sensitivity is limited and CT is the diagnostic modality of choice to evaluate severely injured patients. (orig.) [de

  2. Life Stories and Trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kongshøj, Inge Lise Lundsgaard; Bohn, Annette; Berntsen, Dorthe

    Research has shown a connection between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and integration of traumatic experiences into the life story. Furthermore, empirical evidence suggests that life story formation begins in mid to late adolescence. Following these findings, the present study investigated...... whether experiencing trauma in youth was associated with a greater risk to integrate the trauma into the life story compared to adult traumatic exposure. Life stories were collected from 115 participants recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Moreover, participants filled out questionnaires regarding...... often integrate the trauma into their life story? Results will be discussed in relation to theories of development of life stories and of PTSD....

  3. CT of chest trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodman, P.C.


    There appears to be a limited role for computed tomography in the evaluation of chest trauma. The literature contains few papers specifically addressing the use of CT in the setting of chest trauma. Another series of articles relates anecdotal experiences in this regard. This paucity of reports attests to the remarkable amount of information present on conventional chest radiographs as well as the lack of clear indications for CT in the setting of chest trauma. In this chapter traumatic lesions of various areas of the thorax are discussed. The conventional radiographic findings are briefly described and the potential or proven application of CT is addressed

  4. Platelet aggregation following trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Windeløv, Nis A; Sørensen, Anne M; Perner, Anders


    We aimed to elucidate platelet function in trauma patients, as it is pivotal for hemostasis yet remains scarcely investigated in this population. We conducted a prospective observational study of platelet aggregation capacity in 213 adult trauma patients on admission to an emergency department (ED...... severity score (ISS) was 17; 14 (7%) patients received 10 or more units of red blood cells in the ED (massive transfusion); 24 (11%) patients died within 28 days of trauma: 17 due to cerebral injuries, four due to exsanguination, and three from other causes. No significant association was found between...... aggregation response and ISS. Higher TRAP values were associated with death due to cerebral injuries (P 

  5. Caracterização dos traumas abdominais em pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá, 2006 - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i2.1998 Abdominal trauma at the University Hospital of Maringá, 2006 - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i2.1998

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    Josiane Miyaji Daniel


    Full Text Available De todas as mortes por causas externas por trauma, metade poderia ser evitada, e um terço delas é dito potencialmente evitável. Objetiva-se determinar as características comuns referentes ao paciente com traumatismo abdominal. Realizou-se um estudo de 57 casos de pacientes com traumatismo abdominal atendidos no Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2006. Constatou-se que a maioria das vítimas é do sexo masculino; a faixa etária mais acometida é a terceira década de vida; o trauma abdominal aberto mostrou-se discretamente mais frequente, sendo o ferimento por arma branca mais comum; a maioria das contusões abdominais se deveu a acidentes de trânsito; a realização de intervenção cirúrgica supera o tratamento conservador nos traumas abdominais abertos; nos traumas contusos, o baço e os rins foram os órgãos mais acometidos, enquanto nos ferimentos abertos a víscera mais acometida foi o intestino delgado; a evolução para óbito predominou nos traumas abdominais abertos. Em virtude da prevalência, gravidade e importância do tema, sugere-se que mais estudos sejam realizados para que, assim, seja possível estabelecer condutas cada vez mais apropriadas à realidade do Sistema Único de Saúde.Of all the deaths due to external cause trauma, half could be avoided, and a third are potentially preventable. The objective of this study was to determine the common characteristics related to patients with abdominal trauma. A study was conducted of 57 cases of abdominal trauma at the University Hospital of Maringá, during the period from January to December 2006. The majority of victims are male; the most affected age group is in its third decade of life; open abdominal trauma proved to be slightly more prevalent, and wounds from cold steel weapons were the most common; most abdominal injuries were due to traffic accidents; the conduct of surgical intervention overcomes conservative treatment

  6. Prevalence of Domestic Violence Among Trauma Patients. (United States)

    Joseph, Bellal; Khalil, Mazhar; Zangbar, Bardiya; Kulvatunyou, Narong; Orouji, Tahereh; Pandit, Viraj; O'Keeffe, Terence; Tang, Andrew; Gries, Lynn; Friese, Randall S; Rhee, Peter; Davis, James W


    Domestic violence is an extremely underreported crime and a growing social problem in the United States. However, the true burden of the problem remains unknown. To assess the reported prevalence of domestic violence among trauma patients. A 6-year (2007-2012) retrospective analysis of the prospectively maintained National Trauma Data Bank. Trauma patients who experienced domestic violence and who presented to trauma centers participating in the National Trauma Data Bank were identified using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision diagnosis codes (995.80-995.85, 995.50, 995.52-995.55, and 995.59) and E codes (E967.0-E967.9). Patients were stratified by age into 3 groups: children (≤18 years), adults (19-54 years), and elderly patients (≥55 years). Trend analysis was performed on April 10, 2014, to assess the reported prevalence of domestic violence over the years. Trauma patients presenting to trauma centers participating in the National Trauma Data Bank. To assess the reported prevalence of domestic violence among trauma patients. A total of 16 575 trauma patients who experienced domestic violence were included. Of these trauma patients, 10 224 (61.7%) were children, 5503 (33.2%) were adults, and 848 (5.1%) were elderly patients. The mean (SD) age was 15.9 (20.6), the mean (SD) Injury Severity Score was 10.9 (9.6), and 8397 (50.7%) were male patients. Head injuries (46.8% of patients) and extremity fractures (31.2% of patients) were the most common injuries. A total of 12 515 patients (75.1%) were discharged home, and the overall mortality rate was 5.9% (n = 980). The overall reported prevalence of domestic violence among trauma patients was 5.7 cases per 1000 trauma center discharges. The prevalence of domestic violence increased among children (14.0 cases per 1000 trauma center discharges in 2007 to 18.5 case per 1000 trauma center discharges in 2012; P = .001) and adults (3.2 cases per 1000 discharges in 2007 to 4.5 cases per

  7. Quality of trauma care and trauma registries. (United States)

    Pino Sánchez, F I; Ballesteros Sanz, M A; Cordero Lorenzana, L; Guerrero López, F


    Traumatic disease is a major public health concern. Monitoring the quality of services provided is essential for the maintenance and improvement thereof. Assessing and monitoring the quality of care in trauma patient through quality indicators would allow identifying opportunities for improvement whose implementation would improve outcomes in hospital mortality, functional outcomes and quality of life of survivors. Many quality indicators have been used in this condition, although very few ones have a solid level of scientific evidence to recommend their routine use. The information contained in the trauma registries, spread around the world in recent decades, is essential to know the current health care reality, identify opportunities for improvement and contribute to the clinical and epidemiological research. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and SEMICYUC. All rights reserved.

  8. Trauma care in Africa: a status report from Botswana, guided by the World Health Organization's "Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care". (United States)

    Hanche-Olsen, Terje Peder; Alemu, Lulseged; Viste, Asgaut; Wisborg, Torben; Hansen, Kari S


    Trauma represents a significant and increasing challenge to health care systems all over the world. This study aimed to evaluate the trauma care capabilities of Botswana, a middle-income African country, by applying the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care. All 27 government (16 primary, 9 district, 2 referral) hospitals were surveyed. A questionnaire and checklist, based on "Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care" and locally adapted, were developed as situation analysis tools. The questionnaire assessed local trauma organization, capacity, and the presence of quality improvement activity. The checklist assessed physical availability of equipment and timely availability of trauma-related skills. Information was collected by interviews with hospital administrators, key personnel within trauma care, and through on-site physical inspection. Hospitals in Botswana are reasonably well supplied with human and physical resources for trauma care, although deficiencies were noted. At the primary and district levels, both capacity and equipment for airway/breathing management and vascular access was limited. Trauma administrative functions were largely absent at all levels. No hospital in Botswana had any plans for trauma education, separate from or incorporated into other improvement activities. Team organization was nonexistent, and training activities in the emergency room were limited. This study draws a picture of trauma care capabilities of an entire African country. Despite good organizational structures, Botswana has room for substantial improvement. Administrative functions, training, and human and physical resources could be improved. By applying the guidelines, this study creates an objective foundation for improved trauma care in Botswana.

  9. Intensive care nurses' perceptions of Inter Specialty Trauma Nursing Rounds to improve trauma patient care-A quality improvement project. (United States)

    Jennings, Fiona L; Mitchell, Marion


    Trauma patient management is complex and challenging for nurses in the Intensive Care Unit. One strategy to promote quality and evidence based care may be through utilising specialty nursing experts both internal and external to the Intensive Care Unit in the form of a nursing round. Inter Specialty Trauma Nursing Rounds have the potential to improve patient care, collaboration and nurses' knowledge. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to improve trauma patient care and evaluate the nurses perception of improvement. The project included structured, weekly rounds that were conducted at the bedside. Nursing experts and others collaborated to assess and make changes to trauma patients' care. The rounds were evaluated to assess the nurse's perception of improvement. There were 132 trauma patients assessed. A total of 452 changes to patient care occurred. On average, three changes per patient resulted. Changes included nursing management, medical management and wound care. Nursing staff reported an overall improvement of trauma patient care, trauma knowledge, and collaboration with colleagues. Inter Specialty Trauma Nursing Rounds utilizes expert nursing knowledge. They are suggested as an innovative way to address the clinical challenges of caring for trauma patients and are perceived to enhance patient care and nursing knowledge. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Traducción y comentario de texto relacionado con enfermedades infantiles raras


    Oliver Calabuig, Aaron


    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs: 2013/2014 La traducción científica es, quizás, uno de los campos en los que más se requiere a sus profesionales que tengan un amplio bagaje cultural relacionado con su propio ámbito. En mi opinión, esto es en gran parte debido al hecho de que, en traducción científica, gran parte de las decisiones que se toman se basan en el uso de la lengua entre profesionales, desdeñando lo prescriptivo y los consejos y n...

  11. Fatores relacionados à institucionalização: perspectivas de crianças vítimas de violência intrafamiliar Factores relacionados con la institucionalización: perspectiva de niños víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar Factors associated with institutionalization: perspectives for children who suffered domestic violence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Irmgard Bärtschi Gabatz


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa que objetivou compreender os fatores relacionados à institucionalização de crianças vítimas de violência intrafamiliar. Foi desenvolvida em duas instituições de abrigo localizadas no sul do Brasil, nos meses de junho e julho de 2008. Para produção dos dados, utilizou-se o Método Criativo Sensível desenvolvendo-se duas dinâmicas de criatividade e sensibilidade, brincar em cena e corpo saber, com quatro crianças, com idades entre 8 e 11 anos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de discurso francesa. Os resultados apontaram como fatores associados à institucionalização: problemas mentais e uso abusivo de álcool da mãe e agressão. Acredita-se que o reconhecimento dos fatores associados à violência intrafamiliar possibilita atuar preventivamente, minimizando os efeitos deletérios que esta pode causar aos integrantes da família. Assim, o cuidado não deve se resumir somente às crianças vítimas de violência, mas necessita envolver o cuidado às famílias, abrangendo vítimas e agressores.Investigación cualitativa que ha objetivado comprender los factores relacionados a la institucionalización de niños víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar. Ha sido desarrollada en dos instituciones de abrigo ubicadas en el sur de Brasil, durante los meses de junio y julio de 2008. Ha sido empleado el Método Creativo Sensible con la realización de dos dinámicas de creatividad y sensibilidad: Jugar en Escena y Cuerpo Saber, con cuatro niños cuya edad variaba entre 8 y 11 años. Los datos han sido sometidos al análisis del discurso francés. Los resultados: problemas mentales e empleo abusivo del alcohol de la madre y agresión. Se cree que el reconocimiento los factores relacionados a la violencia intrafamiliar posibilita actuar preventivamente y reducir los efectos nocivos. Así pues, no se puede solamente dar atención y cuidado a los niños, sino hay que asistir también a las familias, es decir, atender a las v

  12. Afastamento do trabalho por transtornos mentais e estressores psicossociais ocupacionais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Silvestre Silva-Junior


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Introdução: Os transtornos mentais são a terceira principal causa de concessão de benefício previdenciário por incapacidade no Brasil. A exposição ocupacional a estressores psicossociais pode comprometer a saúde mental dos trabalhadores. Cabe ao perito médico previdenciário caracterizar se o adoecimento incapacitante está relacionado com as condições de trabalho. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores associados ao afastamento do trabalho por transtornos mentais relacionados ao trabalho, em especial a percepção dos trabalhadores sobre fatores psicossociais no trabalho. Métodos: Estudo analítico realizado em São Paulo com 131 requerentes de auxílio-doença por transtornos mentais. Foram preenchidos questionários sociodemográfico, de hábitos/estilo de vida e fatores psicossociais no trabalho. Resultados: Os quadros mais frequentes foram transtornos depressivos (40,4%. Entre todos os requerimentos, 23,7% foram considerados relacionados ao trabalho. O perfil da maioria dos participantes era: sexo feminino (68,7%, até 40 anos de idade (73,3%, casado/união estável (51,1%, escolaridade igual ou superior a 11 anos (80,2%, não tabagista (80,9%, não ingeria bebida alcoólica (84%, fazia atividade física (77,9%. Sobre os fatores psicossociais, prevaleceu trabalho de alta exigência (56,5%, baixo apoio social (52,7%, desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa (55,7% e comprometimento excessivo (87,0%. Não houve associação estatística entre casos de transtornos mentais relacionados ao trabalho e as variáveis independentes. Conclusão: A concessão do benefício auxílio-doença acidentário não foi associada a variáveis sóciodemográficas, hábitos/estilo de vida ou fatores psicossociais no trabalho. A exposição ocupacional a estressores psicossociais esteve presente no relato da maioria dos trabalhadores afastados do trabalho por transtornos mentais. Entretanto, diversos casos não foram reconhecidos pela perícia m

  13. Implicações monetárias das infecções de sítio cirúrgico aos serviços de saúde: uma revisão integrativa

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    Suellen Rodrigues de Oliveira Maier


    Full Text Available Justificativa e Objetivo: Com o intuito de conhecer os custos relacionados à Infecção do Sítio Cirúrgico (ISC e a que eles estavam atrelados, esta pesquisa pautada na literatura científica foi desenvolvida com o seguinte objetivo: realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura relacionada aos gastos e custos da infecção de sítio cirúrgico, ou ferida operatória, aos sistemas de saúde. Métodos: Foram selecionados 11 artigos científicos, disponíveis nas bases de dados eletrônicas do Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE, e Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS, por meio do portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS. É também, um dos métodos de pesquisa utilizados na Prática Baseada na Evidência (PBE. Resultados: Foi possível observar que as ISC são onerosas aos serviços de saúde, as publicações em muito diferem e os métodos usados não descrevem especificamente como os resultados sobre os custos foram obtidos. Conclusão: Assim, outros estudos que adotem uma avaliação eficaz e padronizada para a obtenção e cálculo dos custos são necessários, para garantir uma maior confiabilidade nas informações obtidas. DESCRITORES: Infecção da ferida operatória. Custos. Serviços de Saúde.

  14. Transfusion therapy in paediatric trauma patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nystrup, Kristin Brønnum; Stensballe, Jakob; Bøttger, Morten


    Haemorrhage is a leading cause of death in paediatric trauma patients. Predefined massive transfusion protocols (MTP) have the potential to significantly reduce mortality by treating haemorrhagic shock and coagulopathy, in adhering to the principles of haemostatic resuscitation with rapid...... in paediatric trauma patients is challenging, and the optimal blood product ratio that will increase survival in massively bleeding paediatric trauma patients has yet to be determined. To date, only a few small descriptive studies and case reports have investigated the use of predefined MTP in paediatric trauma...... patients.MTP with increased FFP or PLT to RBC ratios combined with viscoelastic haemostatic assay (VHA) guided haemostatic resuscitation have not yet been tested in paediatric populations but based on results from adult trauma patients, this therapeutic approach seems promising.Considering the high...

  15. Trauma and the truth

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeter, Martijn


    Witnessing horrible things may leave a person scarred for life — an effect usually referred to as psychological trauma. We do not know exactly what it does or how it worms its way into our psyche, but psychological trauma has been linked to a wide range of fear- and depression-related symptoms

  16. [Pancreatic trauma]. (United States)

    Arvieux, C; Guillon, F; Létoublon, Ch; Oughriss, M


    Early diagnosis of pancreatic trauma has always been challenging because of the lack of correlation between the initial clinical symptomatology, radiologic and laboratory findings, and the severity of the injury. Thanks to the improved performance of spiral CT scanning and magnetic resonance pancreatography, it is now often possible to make an early diagnosis of pancreatic contusion, to localize the site of the injury, and (most importantly) to identify injury to the main pancreatic duct which has major implications for the management of the case. When the trauma victim is unstable, radiologic work-up may be impossible and urgent laparotomy is required. Control of hemorrhage is the primary concern here and a damage control approach with packing may be appropriate; if the pancreatic head has been destroyed, a pancreaticoduodenectomy with delayed reconstruction may be required. If the trauma victim is stable, the treatment strategy will be governed by a variety of parameters--age, clinical condition, associated local anatomic findings (pancreatitis, injury to the duodenum or biliary tract), involvement of the pancreatic duct, and localization of the injury within the gland (to right or left of the mesenteric vessels).

  17. Epidemiological evaluation of hepatic trauma victims undergoing surgery. (United States)

    Kalil, Mitre; Amaral, Isaac Massaud Amim


    to evaluate the epidemiological variables and diagnostic and therapeutic modalities related to hepatic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy in a public referral hospital in the metropolitan region of Vitória-ES. we conducted a retrospective study, reviewing charts of trauma patients with liver injuries, whether isolated or in association with other organs, who underwent exploratory laparotomy, from January 2011 to December 2013. We studied 392 patients, 107 of these with liver injury. The male: female ratio was 6.6 : 1 and the mean age was 30.12 years. Penetrating liver trauma occurred in 78.5% of patients, mostly with firearms. Associated injuries occurred in 86% of cases and intra-abdominal injuries were more common in penetrating trauma (p trauma was 60%, and penetrating trauma, 87.5% (p trauma remain high, especially in patients suffering from blunt trauma in relation to penetrating one.

  18. Simulated Trauma and Resuscitation Team Training course-evolution of a multidisciplinary trauma crisis resource management simulation course. (United States)

    Gillman, Lawrence M; Brindley, Peter; Paton-Gay, John Damian; Engels, Paul T; Park, Jason; Vergis, Ashley; Widder, Sandy


    We previously reported on a pilot trauma multidisciplinary crisis resource course titled S.T.A.R.T.T. (Simulated Trauma and Resuscitative Team Training). Here, we study the course's evolution. Satisfaction was evaluated by postcourse survey. Trauma teams were evaluated using the Ottawa global rating scale and an Advanced Trauma Life Support primary survey checklist. Eleven "trauma teams," consisting of physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists, each completed 4 crisis simulations over 3 courses. Satisfaction remained high among participants with overall mean satisfaction being 4.39 on a 5-point Likert scale. As participants progressed through scenarios, improvements in global rating scale scores were seen between the 1st and 4th (29.8 vs 36.1 of 42, P = .022), 2nd and 3rd (28.2 vs 34.6, P = .017), and 2nd and 4th (28.2 vs 36.1, P = .003) scenarios. There were no differences in Advanced Trauma Life Support checklist with mean scores for each scenario ranging 11.3 to 13.2 of 17. The evolved Simulated Trauma and Resuscitative Team Training curriculum has maintained high participant satisfaction and is associated with improvement in team crisis resource management skills over the duration of the course. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Interdisciplinary trauma room management: staff-related apparative and logistic concepts in three level trauma centers in Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kroetz, M.; Linsenmaier, U.; Pfeifer, K.J.; Reiser, M.; Bode, P.J.; Haeuser, H.


    Objective. To analyse common and divergent features of staff-related, equipmental and spatial/logistical concepts of three large trauma centers of highest health care level.Methods. The health care mandate as well as the staff management, the organisational and the constructional-spacial structure of trauma room diagnostics and therapy of the trauma centers of the Universities of Leiden and Munich (Innenstadt) and the Zentralklinikum Augsburg are described. In particular the technical equipment and the process of the radiological diagnostic procedures in the trauma room are outlined.Results. Staff availability and basic technical equipment of the trauma rooms are comparable between the three hospitals. Divergent concepts exist concerning the complexity of the initial radiologic examination protocols. Spacial connection and importance of computed tomography are also discussed controversially. Urgent interventional procedures are increasingly performed within the trauma room. Magnetic-resonance-tomography does not play a role in early care from multiple injured patients.Conclusion. Trauma centers have to meet certain personnel and technical prerequisites to guarantee a temporally optimised care for multiple injured patients. Differences between the three centers concerning the logistic sequence and the radiologic examination techniques used are mainly due to variable emphasis put on CT in the initial phase of patient care. (orig.) [de

  20. Trauma Studies: prospettive e problemi

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    Rachele Branchini


    Full Text Available The trauma paradigm pervades contemporary life. In newspapers, on television, on the web, even in ordinary conversation, experiences of every kind (both figurative and positive ones are described as “traumatic”. Thus the very meaning of the term is often overturned. This article seeks to reshape the limits of the concept of trauma by tracing its evolution from the psychological debate of the early nineteenth century to the recent setting up of the specific discipline of Trauma Studies.

  1. Ballistic trauma

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    Parvathi Devi Munishwar


    Full Text Available Gunshot injuries are rather serious but uncommon type of trauma in India. Radiologists can contribute substantially in the evaluation and treatment of patients with gunshot wounds. Foreign bodies that enter a patient as a result of trauma are contaminated and produce a range of symptoms. Oral and maxillofacial gunshot injuries are usually fatal due to close proximity with vital structures. Here, we report a case in which radiographic evidence of foreign bodies in the right orofacial region exposed a history of a gunshot injury. The patient did not have any major complaints except for reduced mouth opening. These foreign bodies were clinically silent for approximately 12 years.

  2. CT evaluation of abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Ruiting


    Objective: An evaluation of CT diagnosis of abdominal trauma. Methods: CT appearance of abdominal trauma was analyzed retrospectively in 95 cases. thirty-three patients were cured by operation, and the other 59 patients received conservative treatment. Fifty-one patients out of 59 were seen healed or improved by a follow up CT scan after the conservative treatment. Results: The study included: 31 cases of splenic contusion, accompanying with hemoperitoneum in 25 cases; 3 cases of hepatic laceration; 33 cases of liver and spleen compound trauma accompanying with hemoperitoneum; 18 cases of renal contusion, with subcapsular hemorrhage in 12 cases; 4 cases of midriff colic; 3 cases of mesentery breach; 3 cases of digestive tract perforation. Conclusion: CT is sensitive and precise in evaluating abdominal trauma, providing important information for treatment. (author)

  3. Efeito agudo do exercício realizado em diferentes intensidades sobre a fome, hormônios relacionados ao apetite e ingestão alimentar em homens e mulheres


    Valéria Leme Gonçalves Panissa


    A manutenção da saúde, depende, dentre outros aspectos, do controle da massa corporal, uma vez que a obesidade está associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas. Sendo assim, o exercício pode ser considerado uma ferramenta eficaz nesse controle. Contudo, está evidenciado que o exercício realizado em alta intensidade pode ocasionar maior redução da gordura corporal. Dentre as hipóteses sugeridas para explicar tal fenômeno, a supressão do apetite pós-exercício foi levantada, no entanto, o e...

  4. Aspects related to the permanence of undergraduate and graduate students in semi-presential classes Aspectos relativos a la estancia de los estudiantes universitarios y de pos graduación en disciplinas semipresenciales Aspectos relacionados à permanência de graduandos e pós-graduandos em disciplinas semipresenciais

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    Henry Maia Peixoto


    (94,5% postgraduandos presentaron promedios superiores a siete, demostrando que el uso del ambiente virtual, la flexibilidad del tiempo y del espacio, los costos involucrados, el uso de las herramientas informáticas y los procedimientos de interacción, fueron bien evaluados. CONCLUSIÓN: Graduandos y postgraduandos consideraron que los requisitos relacionados al ambiente de estudio y a los procedimientos de interacción facilitaron la permanencia en las disciplinas.OBJETIVO: Avaliar os aspectos do ambiente de estudo e da interação, relacionados à permanência de graduandos e pós-graduandos em disciplinas semipresenciais da área da saúde. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, exploratória, que analisou os dados originados com base em um questionário validado, baseado nos modelos MAIS e IMPACT com 18 itens, organizados em uma escala que variou de zero (dificultou minha permanência na disciplina a 10 (não dificultou minha permanência na disciplina. Foram convidados todos os 220 alunos concluintes das disciplinas de graduação e pós-graduação ofertadas na Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da UnB, dos quais 148 (67,3% alunos aceitaram participar do estudo. RESULTADOS: Todos os 18 itens (100% respondidos pelos graduandos e 17 (94,5% pelos pós-graduandos apresentaram médias superiores a sete, demonstrando que o uso do ambiente virtual, a flexibilidade do tempo e do espaço, os custos envolvidos, o uso das ferramentas computacionais e aos procedimentos de interação, foram bem avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: Graduandos e pós-graduandos consideraram que os quesitos relacionados ao ambiente de estudo e aos procedimentos de interação facilitaram a permanência nas disciplinas.

  5. Radiology of trauma to kidney and lower urinary tract

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dorph, S [Herlev University Hospital, Copenhagen (Denmark). Dept. of Radiology


    The contents are trauma to kidney, imaging of kidney trauma, management of renal trauma, delayed complications, trauma to the lower urinary tract, trauma to urinary bladder, radiologic diagnosis, ethiology of blunt bladder injury, urethal injury (6 refs.).

  6. Radiology of trauma to kidney and lower urinary tract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dorph, S.


    The contents are trauma to kidney, imaging of kidney trauma, management of renal trauma, delayed complications, trauma to the lower urinary tract, trauma to urinary bladder, radiologic diagnosis, ethiology of blunt bladder injury, urethal injury (6 refs.)

  7. Análise exploratória dos fatores relacionados ao prognóstico em idosos com sepse grave e choque séptico Related prognostic factors in elderly patients with severe sepsis and septic shock

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta de Lima Machado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar variáveis relacionadas à mortalidade intra-hospitalar em 28 dias, de idosos com diagnóstico de sepse grave ou choque séptico em unidade de terapia intensiva clínica. MÉTODOS: Cento e cinqüenta e dois pacientes, com idade > 65 anos internados com sepse grave ou choque séptico foram acompanhados durante 28 dias e as variáveis foram coletadas nos dias 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 e 28 de internação. Para a comparação das variáveis categóricas, empregaram-se os testes Qui-quadrado e para as variáveis contínuas o teste de Mann-Whitney ou teste T, quando apropriado. Todos os testes foram bicaudais com erro alfa de 0,05. RESULTADOS: A média da idade foi de 82,0 �� 9,0 anos, com 64,5% de mulheres, sendo a mortalidade de 47,4%. Foram relacionados ao óbito: índice Acute Physiologic and Chronic Heatlh Evaluation II (p OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate variables related to intra hospital mortality at 28 days, of aged persons with severe sepsis and septic shock in a clinical ICU. METHODS: One hundred and fifty-two patients aged > 65 years with severe sepsis and septic shock were followed for 28 days and the variables were collected on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 28 of stay. To compare categorical variables the Chi-square test was used and the Mann-Whitney or t test for continuous variables. All tests were double-tailed, alpha error of 0.05. RESULTS: Mean age was 82.0 ± 9.0 years and 64.5% were female. Mortality was of 47.4%. Related to death were the following: Acute Physiological and Chronic Heath Evaluation II score (p < 0.001, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score on days 1, 3, 5, 7 (p < 0.001, length of stay in intensive care (p < 0.001, number of organ failures (p < 0.001, high serum lactate on day 3 (p = 0.05, positive troponin I (p < 0.01, echocardiographic variables (systolic diameter p = 0.005; diastolic diameter p = 0.05; shortening fraction p = 0.02, previous renal

  8. Obesity in pediatric trauma. (United States)

    Witt, Cordelie E; Arbabi, Saman; Nathens, Avery B; Vavilala, Monica S; Rivara, Frederick P


    The implications of childhood obesity on pediatric trauma outcomes are not clearly established. Anthropomorphic data were recently added to the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) Research Datasets, enabling a large, multicenter evaluation of the effect of obesity on pediatric trauma patients. Children ages 2 to 19years who required hospitalization for traumatic injury were identified in the 2013-2014 NTDB Research Datasets. Age and gender-specific body mass indices (BMI) were calculated. Outcomes included injury patterns, operative procedures, complications, and hospital utilization parameters. Data from 149,817 pediatric patients were analyzed; higher BMI percentiles were associated with significantly more extremity injuries, and fewer injuries to the head, abdomen, thorax and spine (p values Obese children also had significantly longer lengths of stay and more frequent ventilator requirement. Among children admitted after trauma, increased BMI percentile is associated with increased risk of death and potentially preventable complications. These findings suggest that obese children may require different management than nonobese counterparts to prevent complications. Level III; prognosis study. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Variability in interhospital trauma data coding and scoring: A challenge to the accuracy of aggregated trauma registries. (United States)

    Arabian, Sandra S; Marcus, Michael; Captain, Kevin; Pomphrey, Michelle; Breeze, Janis; Wolfe, Jennefer; Bugaev, Nikolay; Rabinovici, Reuven


    Analyses of data aggregated in state and national trauma registries provide the platform for clinical, research, development, and quality improvement efforts in trauma systems. However, the interhospital variability and accuracy in data abstraction and coding have not yet been directly evaluated. This multi-institutional, Web-based, anonymous study examines interhospital variability and accuracy in data coding and scoring by registrars. Eighty-two American College of Surgeons (ACS)/state-verified Level I and II trauma centers were invited to determine different data elements including diagnostic, procedure, and Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) coding as well as selected National Trauma Data Bank definitions for the same fictitious case. Variability and accuracy in data entries were assessed by the maximal percent agreement among the registrars for the tested data elements, and 95% confidence intervals were computed to compare this level of agreement to the ideal value of 100%. Variability and accuracy in all elements were compared (χ testing) based on Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) membership, level of trauma center, ACS verification, and registrar's certifications. Fifty registrars (61%) completed the survey. The overall accuracy for all tested elements was 64%. Variability was noted in all examined parameters except for the place of occurrence code in all groups and the lower extremity AIS code in Level II trauma centers and in the Certified Specialist in Trauma Registry- and Certified Abbreviated Injury Scale Specialist-certified registrar groups. No differences in variability were noted when groups were compared based on TQIP membership, level of center, ACS verification, and registrar's certifications, except for prehospital Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), where TQIP respondents agreed more than non-TQIP centers (p = 0.004). There is variability and inaccuracy in interhospital data coding and scoring of injury information. This finding casts doubt on the

  10. TRAUMA

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 4, 2017 ... unit in Durban, and to correlate it with injury severity, length of hospital stay ... and via a password protected mobile application program within 6 ..... usage and costs performed in larger numbers on major trauma patients will ...

  11. Outcome of severely injured trauma patients at a designated trauma centre in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (United States)

    Leung, Ka Kit Gilberto; Ho, Wendy; Tong, King Hung Daniel; Yuen, Wai Key


    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has seen significant changes in its trauma service over the last ten years including the implementation of a regional trauma system. The author's institution is one of the five trauma centres designated in 2003. This article reports our initial clinical experience. A prospective single-centre trauma registry from January 2004 to December 2008 was reviewed. The primary clinical outcome measure was hospital mortality. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) methodology was used for bench-marking with the North America Major Trauma Outcome Study (MTOS) database. There were 1451 patients. The majority (83.9%) suffered from blunt injury. The overall mortality rate was 7.8%. Severe injury, defined as the Injury Severity Score > 15, occurred in 22.5% of patients, and was associated with a mortality rate of 31.6%. A trend of progressive improvement was noted. The M-statistic was 0.99, indicating comparable case-mix with the MTOS. The Z- and W-statistics of each individual year revealed fewer, but not significantly so, number of survivors than expected. Trauma centre designation was feasible in the HKSAR and was associated with a gradual improvement in patient care. Trauma system implementation may be considered in regions equipped with the necessary socio-economic and organizational set-up.

  12. Non-trauma-associated additional findings in whole-body CT examinations in patients with multiple trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffstetter, P.; Herold, T.; Daneschnejad, M.; Zorger, N.; Jung, E.M.; Feuerbach, S.; Schreyer, A.G.


    Purpose: whole-body CT scans for patients with multiple trauma represent an increasingly accepted first diagnostic tool. The multidetector approach in particular provides appropriate diagnostic algorithms for detecting nearly all relevant traumatic findings in a short time with a high grade of sensitivity and specificity. Non-trauma-associated additional findings are commonly depicted based on these CT examinations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the number and quality of these additional findings in consecutive patients with multiple trauma. Materials and methods: between 3/04 and 8/06 we scanned 304 patients according to our dedicated multiple trauma protocol. The examination protocol includes a head scan without intravenous contrast followed by a whole-body scan including the neck, thorax and abdomen acquired by a 16-row CT Scanner (Siemens, Sensation 16). The CT scans were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists with respect to non-trauma-associated findings. Lesions were assessed according to their clinical relevance (highly relevant, moderately relevant, not relevant). For patients with highly relevant findings, additional follow-up research was performed. Results: The average age was 43 years (range 3 - 92). 236 of the patients were male (77.6%), 68 female (22.4%). 153 patients (50.3%) had additional non-trauma-associated findings. In 20 cases (6.6%) lesions with high clinical relevance were detected (e.g. carcinoma of the kidney or the ovary). In 71 patients (23.4%) findings with moderate relevance were described. In 63 patients (20.7%) additional findings without major relevance were diagnosed. Conclusion: Whole-body CT scans of patients randomized by a trauma show a considerable number of non-trauma-associated additional findings. In about 30% of cases, these findings are clinically relevant because further diagnostic workup or treatment in the short or medium-term is needed. The results of these analyses emphasize the diagnostic value of CT

  13. Splenic trauma: Is splenectomy redundant?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Tandon


    Full Text Available 41 year old male, serving air warrior sustained blunt abdominal trauma, CECT revealed grade III splenic injury. He was managed conservatively with good clinical outcome. Conservatism is the new approach to splenic trauma.

  14. The Dental Trauma Internet Calculator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerds, Thomas Alexander; Lauridsen, Eva Fejerskov; Christensen, Søren Steno Ahrensburg


    Background/Aim Prediction tools are increasingly used to inform patients about the future dental health outcome. Advanced statistical methods are required to arrive at unbiased predictions based on follow-up studies. Material and Methods The Internet risk calculator at the Dental Trauma Guide...... provides prognoses for teeth with traumatic injuries based on the Copenhagen trauma database: The database includes 2191 traumatized permanent teeth from 1282 patients that were treated at the dental trauma unit at the University Hospital in Copenhagen (Denmark...

  15. Psychic trauma as cause of death. (United States)

    Terranova, C; Snenghi, R; Thiene, G; Ferrara, S D


    of study Psychic trauma is described as the action of 'an emotionally overwhelming factor' capable of causing neurovegetative alterations leading to transitory or persisting bodily changes. The medico-legal concept of psychic trauma and its definition as a cause in penal cases is debated. The authors present three cases of death after psychic trauma, and discuss the definition of cause within the penal ambit of identified 'emotionally overwhelming factors'. The methodological approach to ascertainment and criterion-based assessment in each case involved the following phases: (1) examination of circumstantial evidence, clinical records and documentation; (2) autopsy; (3) ascertainment of cause of death; and (4) ascertainment of psychic trauma, and its coexisting relationship with the cause of death. The results and assessment of each of the three cases are discussed from the viewpoint of the causal connotation of psychic trauma. In the cases presented, psychic trauma caused death, as deduced from assessment of the type of externally caused emotional insult, the subjects' personal characteristics and the circumstances of the event causing death. In cases of death due to psychic trauma, careful methodological ascertainment is essential, with the double aim of defining 'emotionally overwhelming factors' as a significant cause of death from the penal point of view, and of identifying the responsibility of third parties involved in the death event and associated dynamics of homicide.

  16. Blunt chest trauma. (United States)

    Stewart, Daphne J


    Blunt chest trauma is associated with a wide range of injuries, many of which are life threatening. This article is a case study demonstrating a variety of traumatic chest injuries, including pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Literature on the diagnosis and treatment was reviewed, including both theoretical and research literature, from a variety of disciplines. The role of the advance practice nurse in trauma is also discussed as it relates to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with traumatic chest injuries.

  17. Chest trauma in children, single center experience. (United States)

    Ismail, Mohamed Fouad; al-Refaie, Reda Ibrahim


    Trauma is the leading cause of mortality in children over one year of age in industrialized countries. In this retrospective study we reviewed all chest trauma in pediatric patients admitted to Mansoura University Emergency Hospital from January 1997 to January 2007. Our hospital received 472 patients under the age of 18. Male patients were 374 with a mean age of 9.2±4.9 years. Causes were penetrating trauma (2.1%) and blunt trauma (97.9%). The trauma was pedestrian injuries (38.3%), motor vehicle (28.1%), motorcycle crash (19.9%), falling from height (6.7%), animal trauma (2.9%), and sports injury (1.2%). Type of injury was pulmonary contusions (27.1%) and lacerations (6.9%), rib fractures (23.9%), flail chest (2.5%), hemothorax (18%), hemopneumothorax (11.8%), pneumothorax (23.7%), surgical emphysema (6.1%), tracheobronchial injury (5.3%), and diaphragm injury (2.1%). Associated lesions were head injuries (38.9%), bone fractures (33.5%), and abdominal injuries (16.7%). Management was conservative (29.9%), tube thoracostomy (58.1%), and thoracotomy (12.1%). Mortality rate was 7.2% and multiple trauma was the main cause of death (82.3%) (Ptrauma is the most common cause of pediatric chest trauma and often due to pedestrian injuries. Rib fractures and pulmonary contusions are the most frequent injuries. Delay in diagnosis and multiple trauma are associated with high incidence of mortality. Copyright © 2011 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  18. Dia Mundial da Alimentação: duas décadas no combate aos problemas alimentares mundiais World Food Day: two decades of struggle against the world's food problems

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    Ana Íris Mendes Coelho


    Full Text Available A celebração do Dia Mundial da Alimentação ocorre no dia 16 de outubro e, a cada ano, é escolhido um tema relacionado aos problemas alimentares mundiais, e são desenvolvidas ações para combatê-las. O objetivo desta comunicação é fazer uma retrospectiva descritiva dos temas que têm contribuído para colocar em evidência os problemas que necessitam de ações efetivas para serem erradicados e, ao mesmo tempo, alertar a população sobre a urgência de medidas preventivas que garantam a sobrevivência às gerações futuras.World Food Day is celebrated on October 16, and every year a theme related to global food problems is chosen, and strategies to solve these problems are developed. The objective of this communication is to present a comprehensive review of those chosen themes, by decade, from its creation until the beginning of the 3rd millennium. Such themes have contributed to substantiating the problems whose eradication requires effective actions, as well as to warning the population about the urgent need for preventive measures that will ensure the survival of future generations.

  19. Is paediatric trauma severity overestimated at triage?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    DO, H Q; Hesselfeldt, R; Steinmetz, J


    BACKGROUND: Severe paediatric trauma is rare, and pre-hospital and local hospital personnel experience with injured children is often limited. We hypothesised that a higher proportion of paediatric trauma victims were taken to the regional trauma centre (TC). METHODS: This is an observational...... follow-up study that involves one level I TC and seven local hospitals. We included paediatric (trauma patients with a driving distance to the TC > 30 minutes. The primary end-point was the proportion of trauma patients arriving in the TC. RESULTS: We included 1934...... trauma patients, 238 children and 1696 adults. A total of 33/238 children (13.9%) vs. 304/1696 adults (17.9%) were transported to the TC post-injury (P = 0.14). Among these, children were significantly less injured than adults [median Injury Severity Score (ISS) 9 vs. 14, P 

  20. Trauma and traumatic neurosis: Freud's concepts revisited. (United States)

    Zepf, Siegfried; Zepf, Florian D


    The authors examine Freud 's concepts of 'trauma', 'protective shield against stimuli ' and 'traumatic neurosis' in the light of recent findings. 'Protective shield against stimuli' is regarded as a biological concept which appears in mental life as the striving to avoid unpleasant affects. 'Trauma' is a twofold concept in that it relates to mental experience and links an external event with the specific after-effects on an individual 's psychic reality. A distinction needs to be made between mentally destructive trauma and affective trauma. A destructive trauma does not break through the protective shield but does breach the pleasure-unpleasure principle, so that in the course of its subsequent mastery it leads to a traumatic neurosis. An affective trauma can be warded off under the rule of the pleasure-unpleasure principle and leads to a psychoneurosis.

  1. Nonpathologizing trauma interventions in abnormal psychology courses. (United States)

    Hoover, Stephanie M; Luchner, Andrew F; Pickett, Rachel F


    Because abnormal psychology courses presuppose a focus on pathological human functioning, nonpathologizing interventions within these classes are particularly powerful and can reach survivors, bystanders, and perpetrators. Interventions are needed to improve the social response to trauma on college campuses. By applying psychodynamic and feminist multicultural theory, instructors can deliver nonpathologizing interventions about trauma and trauma response within these classes. We recommend class-based interventions with the following aims: (a) intentionally using nonpathologizing language, (b) normalizing trauma responses, (c) subjectively defining trauma, (d) challenging secondary victimization, and (e) questioning the delineation of abnormal and normal. The recommendations promote implications for instructor self-reflection, therapy interventions, and future research.

  2. Trauma in Auckland: an overview. (United States)

    Streat, S J; Donaldson, M L; Judson, J A


    Data are presented on all 569 subjects who, as a result of trauma, either died or were admitted to hospital in Auckland over a four week period. Median age was 23 with an overall 3:2 male:female ratio. Median injury severity score (ISS) was five with 9% of subjects having an ISS of 16 or more (major trauma). Blunt trauma accounted for 84% of all injuries. Life threatening injuries were most commonly to the head, thorax and abdomen while the largest number of less severe injuries were to the extremities. Eight subjects died before admission to hospital and a further six in hospital. Definitive care was given to 98% of patients at Middlemore and Auckland hospitals (including the onsite Princess Mary paediatric facility) but 26% had presented first to other hospitals and 43% of all patients were transferred from one hospital to another. The 561 patients used 6380 hospital days (including 314 intensive care days) and the following services--operating room 63%, orthopaedic ward 45%, plastic surgical ward 17%, paediatric ward 15%, neurosurgical ward 10%, general surgical ward 5%, intensive care 5% and CT scanner 4%. Only one hospital death was judged potentially preventable. This study reveals areas where trauma care could be improved, demonstrates the large amount of hospital resources required to treat trauma and particularly highlights the urgent need for studies into strategies for trauma prevention in New Zealand.

  3. Imaging of Combat-Related Thoracic Trauma - Blunt Trauma and Blast Lung Injury. (United States)

    Lichtenberger, John P; Kim, Andrew M; Fisher, Dane; Tatum, Peter S; Neubauer, Brian; Peterson, P Gabriel; Carter, Brett W


    Combat-related thoracic trauma (CRTT) is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality of the casualties from Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Penetrating, blunt, and blast injuries are the most common mechanisms of trauma to the chest. Imaging plays a key role in the battlefield management of CRTT casualties. This work discusses the imaging manifestations of thoracic injuries from blunt trauma and blast injury, emphasizing epidemiology and diagnostic clues seen during OEF and OIF. The assessment of radiologic findings in patients who suffer from combat-related blunt thoracic trauma and blast injury is the basis of this work. The imaging modalities for this work include multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) and chest radiography. Multiple imaging modalities are available to imagers on or near the battlefront, including radiography, fluoroscopy, and MDCT. MDCT with multi-planar reconstructions is the most sensitive imaging modality available in combat hospitals for the evaluation of CRTT. In modern combat, blunt and blast injuries account for a significant portion of CRTT. Individual body armor converts penetrating trauma to blunt trauma, leading to pulmonary contusion that accounted for 50.2% of thoracic injuries during OIF and OEF. Flail chest, a subset of blunt chest injury, is caused by significant blunt force to the chest and occurs four times as frequently in combat casualties when compared with the civilian population. Imaging features of CRTT have significant diagnostic and prognostic value. Pulmonary contusions on chest radiography appear as patchy consolidations in the acute setting with ill-defined and non-segmental borders. MDCT of the chest is a superior imaging modality in diagnosing and evaluating pulmonary contusion. Contusions on MDCT appear as crescentic ground-glass opacities (opacities through which lung interstitium and vasculature are still visible) and areas of consolidation that often do not


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    trauma and on most vascular injuries. South Africa is one of the few .... scan of the brain and abdomen showed a sliver of left subdural and subarachnoid .... and especially on RT. In the event of a life-threatening condition, the rapid response ...

  5. Effect of Advanced Trauma Life Support program on medical interns' performance in simulated trauma patient management. (United States)

    Ahmadi, Koorosh; Sedaghat, Mohammad; Safdarian, Mahdi; Hashemian, Amir-Masoud; Nezamdoust, Zahra; Vaseie, Mohammad; Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa


    Since appropriate and time-table methods in trauma care have an important impact on patients'outcome, we evaluated the effect of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) program on medical interns' performance in simulated trauma patient management. A descriptive and analytical study before and after the training was conducted on 24 randomly selected undergraduate medical interns from Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad, Iran. On the first day, we assessed interns' clinical knowledge and their practical skill performance in confronting simulated trauma patients. After 2 days of ATLS training, we performed the same study and evaluated their score again on the fourth day. The two findings, pre- and post- ATLS periods, were compared through SPSS version 15.0 software. P values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Our findings showed that interns'ability in all the three tasks improved after the training course. On the fourth day after training, there was a statistically significant increase in interns' clinical knowledge of ATLS procedures, the sequence of procedures and skill performance in trauma situations (P less than 0.001, P equal to 0.016 and P equal to 0.01 respectively). ATLS course has an important role in increasing clinical knowledge and practical skill performance of trauma care in medical interns.

  6. PTSD Symptom Severities, Interpersonal Traumas, and Benzodiazepines Are Associated with Substance-Related Problems in Trauma Patients (United States)

    Guina, Jeffrey; Nahhas, Ramzi W.; Goldberg, Adam J.; Farnsworth, Seth


    Background: Trauma is commonly associated with substance-related problems, yet associations between specific substances and specific posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSSs) are understudied. We hypothesized that substance-related problems are associated with PTSS severities, interpersonal traumas, and benzodiazepine prescriptions. Methods: Using a cross-sectional survey methodology in a consecutive sample of adult outpatients with trauma histories (n = 472), we used logistic regression to examine substance-related problems in general (primary, confirmatory analysis), as well as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug problems specifically (secondary, exploratory analyses) in relation to demographics, trauma type, PTSSs, and benzodiazepine prescriptions. Results: After adjusting for multiple testing, several factors were significantly associated with substance-related problems, particularly benzodiazepines (AOR = 2.78; 1.99 for alcohol, 2.42 for tobacco, 8.02 for illicit drugs), DSM-5 PTSD diagnosis (AOR = 1.92; 2.38 for alcohol, 2.00 for tobacco, 2.14 for illicit drugs), most PTSSs (especially negative beliefs, recklessness, and avoidance), and interpersonal traumas (e.g., assaults and child abuse). Conclusion: In this clinical sample, there were consistent and strong associations between several trauma-related variables and substance-related problems, consistent with our hypotheses. We discuss possible explanations and implications of these findings, which we hope will stimulate further research, and improve screening and treatment. PMID:27517964

  7. PTSD Symptom Severities, Interpersonal Traumas, and Benzodiazepines Are Associated with Substance-Related Problems in Trauma Patients

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    Jeffrey Guina


    Full Text Available Background: Trauma is commonly associated with substance-related problems, yet associations between specific substances and specific posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSSs are understudied. We hypothesized that substance-related problems are associated with PTSS severities, interpersonal traumas, and benzodiazepine prescriptions. Methods: Using a cross-sectional survey methodology in a consecutive sample of adult outpatients with trauma histories (n = 472, we used logistic regression to examine substance-related problems in general (primary, confirmatory analysis, as well as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug problems specifically (secondary, exploratory analyses in relation to demographics, trauma type, PTSSs, and benzodiazepine prescriptions. Results: After adjusting for multiple testing, several factors were significantly associated with substance-related problems, particularly benzodiazepines (AOR = 2.78; 1.99 for alcohol, 2.42 for tobacco, 8.02 for illicit drugs, DSM-5 PTSD diagnosis (AOR = 1.92; 2.38 for alcohol, 2.00 for tobacco, 2.14 for illicit drugs, most PTSSs (especially negative beliefs, recklessness, and avoidance, and interpersonal traumas (e.g., assaults and child abuse. Conclusion: In this clinical sample, there were consistent and strong associations between several trauma-related variables and substance-related problems, consistent with our hypotheses. We discuss possible explanations and implications of these findings, which we hope will stimulate further research, and improve screening and treatment.

  8. Neuroimaging of nonaccidental head trauma: pitfalls and controversies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernando, Sujan [University of Missouri-Kansas School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Kansas City, MO (United States); Obaldo, Ruby E. [The University of Kansas Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Kansas City, MO (United States); Walsh, Irene R. [The University of Missouri-Kansas City, Children' s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kansas City, MO (United States); Lowe, Lisa H. [The University of Missouri-Kansas City, Children' s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Department of Radiology, Kansas City, MO (United States)


    Although certain neuroimaging appearances are highly suggestive of abuse, radiological findings are often nonspecific. The objective of this review is to discuss pitfalls, controversies, and mimics occurring in neuroimaging of nonaccidental head trauma in order to allow the reader to establish an increased level of comfort in distinguishing between nonaccidental and accidental head trauma. Specific topics discussed include risk factors, general biomechanics and imaging strategies in nonaccidental head trauma, followed by the characteristics of skull fractures, normal prominent tentorium and falx versus subdural hematoma, birth trauma versus nonaccidental head trauma, hyperacute versus acute on chronic subdural hematomas, expanded subarachnoid space versus subdural hemorrhage, controversy regarding subdural hematomas associated with benign enlarged subarachnoid spaces, controversy regarding hypoxia as a cause of subdural hematoma and/or retinal hemorrhages without trauma, controversy regarding the significance of retinal hemorrhages related to nonaccidental head trauma, controversy regarding the significance of subdural hematomas in general, and pitfalls of glutaric aciduria type 1 and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis mimicking nonaccidental head trauma. (orig.)

  9. Neuroimaging of nonaccidental head trauma: pitfalls and controversies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernando, Sujan; Obaldo, Ruby E.; Walsh, Irene R.; Lowe, Lisa H.


    Although certain neuroimaging appearances are highly suggestive of abuse, radiological findings are often nonspecific. The objective of this review is to discuss pitfalls, controversies, and mimics occurring in neuroimaging of nonaccidental head trauma in order to allow the reader to establish an increased level of comfort in distinguishing between nonaccidental and accidental head trauma. Specific topics discussed include risk factors, general biomechanics and imaging strategies in nonaccidental head trauma, followed by the characteristics of skull fractures, normal prominent tentorium and falx versus subdural hematoma, birth trauma versus nonaccidental head trauma, hyperacute versus acute on chronic subdural hematomas, expanded subarachnoid space versus subdural hemorrhage, controversy regarding subdural hematomas associated with benign enlarged subarachnoid spaces, controversy regarding hypoxia as a cause of subdural hematoma and/or retinal hemorrhages without trauma, controversy regarding the significance of retinal hemorrhages related to nonaccidental head trauma, controversy regarding the significance of subdural hematomas in general, and pitfalls of glutaric aciduria type 1 and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis mimicking nonaccidental head trauma. (orig.)

  10. [Current treatment of hepatic trauma]. (United States)

    Silvio-Estaba, Leonardo; Madrazo-González, Zoilo; Ramos-Rubio, Emilio


    The therapeutic and diagnostic approach of liver trauma injuries (by extension, of abdominal trauma) has evolved remarkably in the last decades. The current non-surgical treatment in the vast majority of liver injuries is supported by the accumulated experience and optimal results in the current series. It is considered that the non-surgical treatment of liver injuries has a current rate of success of 83-100%, with an associated morbidity of 5-42%. The haemodynamic stability of the patient will determine the applicability of the non-surgical treatment. Arteriography with angioembolisation constitutes a key technical tool in the context of liver trauma. Patients with haemodynamic instability will need an urgent operation and can benefit from abdominal packing techniques, damage control and post-operative arteriography. The present review attempts to contribute to the current, global and practical management in the care of liver trauma.

  11. [Morbimortality in patients with hepatic trauma]. (United States)

    Fonseca-Neto, Olival Cirilo Lucena da; Ehrhardt, Rogério; Miranda, Antonio Lopes de


    The liver is the intra-abdominal organ more injured in patient victims of trauma. The injury occurs more frequently in the penetrating trauma. The incidence of mortality for injuries of the liver is 10%. To evaluate the mortality of the patients with hepatic trauma, the treatment applied and its evolution. Were analyzed, retrospectively, the charts of all patients with hepatic trauma and surgical indication. Were analyzed: gender, age, ISS (injury severity score), classification of the abdominal trauma type (open or closed), causing instrument of the open traumas, degree of the injury, hepatic segments involved, presence of associated injuries, type of surgical treatment: not-therapeutic laparotomy and therapeutic laparotomy, reoperations, complications, time of hospitalization in days and mortality. One hundred and thirty-seven patients participated. Of these, 124 were men (90.5%). The majority (56.2%) had 20-29 years old. Closed abdominal trauma was most prevalent (67.9%). Of the penetrating traumas, the originated with firearms were in 24.8%. One hundred and three patients had only one injured hepatic segment (75.2%) and 34 (24.8%) two. Grade II injuries were in 66.4%. Of the 137 patients with laparotomy, 89 had been not-therapeutic, while in 48 it was necessary to repair associated injuries. Spleen and diaphragm had been the more frequently injured structures, 30% and 26%, respectively. The ISS varied of eight to 72, being the ISS > 50 (eight patients) associate with fatal evolution (five patients). Biliary fistula and hepatic abscess had been the main complications. Seven deaths had occurred. Concomitant injuries, hepatic and other organs, associated with ISS > 50 presented higher possibility of complications and death.

  12. Trauma dos ossos temporais e suas complicações: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada Temporal bone trauma and complications: computed tomography findings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Maria Doffémond Costa


    Full Text Available A maioria das fraturas dos ossos temporais resulta de traumas cranianos bruscos, de alta energia, estando muitas vezes relacionadas a outras fraturas cranianas ou a politraumatismo. As fraturas e os deslocamentos da cadeia ossicular, na orelha média, representam umas das principais complicações das injúrias nos ossos temporais e, por isso, serão abordadas de maneira mais profunda neste artigo. Os outros tipos de injúrias englobam as fraturas labirínticas, fístula dural, paralisia facial e extensão da linha de fratura ao canal carotídeo. A tomografia computadorizada tem papel fundamental na avaliação inicial dos pacientes politraumatizados, pois é capaz de identificar injúrias em importantes estruturas que podem causar graves complicações, como perda auditiva de condução ou neurossensorial, tonturas e disfunções do equilíbrio, fístulas perilinfáticas, paralisia do nervo facial, lesões vasculares, entre outras.Most temporal bone fractures result from high-energy blunt head trauma, and are frequently related to other skull fractures or to polytrauma. Fractures and displacements of ossicular chain in the middle ear represent some of the main complications of temporal bone injury, and hence they will be more deeply approached in the present article. Other types of injuries include labyrinthine fractures, dural fistula, facial nerve paralysis and extension into the carotid canal. Computed tomography plays a fundamental role in the initial evaluation of polytrauma patients, as it can help to identify important structural injuries that may lead to severe complications such as sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, dizziness and balance dysfunction, perilymphatic fistulas, facial nerve paralysis, vascular injury and others.

  13. A evolução do processo de avaliação e gerenciamento de material relacionado às atividades de dragagem no Brasil: Uma análise comparativa entre as Resoluções CONAMA n° 344/04 e n° 454/12

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    Miguel Franco Frohlich


    Full Text Available Em 2004, o Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente (CONAMA aprovou a primeira regulamentação brasileira sobre os procedimentos para avaliação de material oriundo de dragagens: a Resolução CONAMA n° 344/04. Esse ato normativo estabeleceu que, no prazo de cinco anos, contados da data de sua publicação, haveria uma revisão para que fossem estabelecidos os valores orientadores nacionais para a classificação do material dragado. Tal revisão ocorreu, o que culminou na publicação da Resolução CONAMA n° 454/12. Este artigo realiza uma análise comparativa entre a Resolução CONAMA n° 344/04 e a Resolução CONAMA n° 454/12, com o intuito de verificar as principais alterações e acréscimos que foram realizados. Conclui-se que a Resolução CONAMA n° 454/12 não apenas refinou os valores orientadores nacionais para a classificação do material dragado, como também regulamentou aspectos relevantes relacionados ao licenciamento ambiental de dragagens e ao gerenciamento e disposição de material dragado.

  14. Management of adult blunt hepatic trauma. (United States)

    Kozar, Rosemary A; McNutt, Michelle K


    To review the nonoperative and operative management of blunt hepatic injury in the adult trauma population. Although liver injury scale does not predict need for surgical intervention, a high-grade complex liver injury should alert the physician to a patient at increased risk of hepatic complications following nonoperative management. Blunt hepatic injury remains a frequent intraabdominal injury in the adult trauma population. The management of blunt hepatic injury has undergone a major paradigm shift from mandatory operative exploration to nonoperative management. Hemodynamic instability with a positive focused abdominal sonography for trauma and peritonitis are indications for emergent operative intervention. Although surgical intervention for blunt hepatic trauma is not as common as in years past, it is imperative that the current trauma surgeon be familiar with the surgical skill set to manage complex hepatic injuries. This study represents a review of both nonoperative and operative management of blunt hepatic injury.

  15. Desafio ao uso das preparações alcoólicas para higienização das mãos nos serviços de saúde

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    Maria Fernanda do Prado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Propor uma reflexão teórica sobre os aspectos relacionados ao uso das preparações alcoólicas para higienização das mãos, no contexto dos serviços de saúde, na perspectiva das recomendações internacionais e nacionais, da eficácia antimicrobiana e fatores associados. Método: Reflexão teórica acerca do uso das preparações alcoólicas para a higienização das mãos nos serviços de saúde, fundamentada nas normativas internacionais e nacionais vigentes. Resultados: A comprovação da eficácia antimicrobiana das preparações alcoólicas por métodos rigorosos que simulam condições práticas de uso é fundamental para a utilização destes produtos nos serviços de saúde. Coexistem ainda outras variáveis envolvidas na eficácia do procedimento de higienização das mãos, tais como a sua duração, o volume do produto a ser aplicado e a aceitabilidade. Conclusão: Identificam-se lacunas nas normativas oficiais, referentes aos aspectos supracitados que podem comprometer um dos componentes mais importantes do controle de infecções e a segurança do paciente.

  16. Otimização hemodinâmica em trauma grave: uma revisão sistemática e metanálise

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    Carlos Corredor


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O trauma grave pode associar-se a ocorrência de importante choque hemorrágico e ao comprometimento da perfusão dos órgãos. Formulamos a hipótese de que o tratamento direcionado por objetivo conferiria benefícios em termos de morbidade e mortalidade, em casos graves de trauma. Métodos: Realizamos uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados MedLine, Embase e Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register com relação a pacientes vítimas de trauma grave. A mortalidade foi o desfecho primário dessa revisão. Os desfechos secundários incluíram taxas de complicações, duração da permanência no hospital e na unidade de terapia intensiva, e o volume de fluidos administrados. A metanálise foi realizada utilizando o programa de computador RevMan, e os dados apresentados são as odds ratios (OR para desfechos dicotomizados e as diferenças médias e diferenças médias padrão para desfechos contínuos. Resultados: Foram analisados quatro estudos clínicos randomizados e controlados, que incluíram 419 pacientes. O risco de mortalidade foi significantemente reduzido nos pacientes com tratamento direcionado por objetivo, em comparação ao grupo controle (OR=0,56; IC95%: 0,34-0,92. A duração da permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva (DM: 3,7 dias; IC95%: 1,06-6,5 e no hospital (DM: 3,5 dias; IC95%: 2,75-4,25 foi significantemente mais curta no grupo de pacientes do grupo tratado conforme o protocolo. Não houve diferenças nos relatos relativos a volume total de fluidos infundidos e a transfusões sanguíneas. A heterogeneidade nos relatos entre os estudos impediu uma análise quantitativa das complicações. Conclusão: Após a ocorrência de trauma grave, o uso precoce de tratamento direcionado por objetivo se associou com mortalidade mais baixa e com menos dias de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva e no hospital. Os achados desta análise devem ser interpretados com cautela, em razão da importante

  17. [Trauma in the elderly]. (United States)

    de Souza, José Antonio Gomes; Iglesias, Antonio Carlos R G


    The populational growth of the elderly, associated to a healthier and more active life, make this group of people more exposed to accidents. In some countries, trauma in the elderly is responsible for a high mortality rate, disproportionately higher than in the adults. This fact consumes a great portion of health care resources and implies in a high social cost. The distinct physiologic characteristics of the elderly and the frequent presence of associated diseases make that these patients behave differently and in a more complex way than patients of other ages. These particularities make that health care to the elderly victims of trauma have to be different. The present revision is about aspects of epidemiology, prevention, physiology, health care and rehabilitation of the elderly victims of trauma.

  18. Prehospital trauma care reduces mortality. Ten-year results from a time-cohort and trauma audit study in Iraq

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    Murad Mudhafar K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Blunt implementation of Western trauma system models is not feasible in low-resource communities with long prehospital transit times. The aims of the study were to evaluate to which extent a low-cost prehospital trauma system reduces trauma deaths where prehospital transit times are long, and to identify specific life support interventions that contributed to survival. Methods In the study period from 1997 to 2006, 2,788 patients injured by land mines, war, and traffic accidents were managed by a chain-of-survival trauma system where non-graduate paramedics were the key care providers. The study was conducted with a time-period cohort design. Results 37% of the study patients had serious injuries with Injury Severity Score ≥ 9. The mean prehospital transport time was 2.5 hours (95% CI 1.9 - 3.2. During the ten-year study period trauma mortality was reduced from 17% (95% CI 15 -19 to 4% (95% CI 3.5 - 5, survival especially improving in major trauma victims. In most patients with airway problems, in chest injured, and in patients with external hemorrhage, simple life support measures were sufficient to improve physiological severity indicators. Conclusion In case of long prehospital transit times simple life support measures by paramedics and lay first responders reduce trauma mortality in major injuries. Delegating life-saving skills to paramedics and lay people is a key factor for efficient prehospital trauma systems in low-resource communities.

  19. Balizas do conhecimento: análise das instruções aos autores das revistas brasileiras da área de saúde

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    Stella Regina Taquette

    Full Text Available Resumo Pesquisadores da área da saúde referem que a dificuldade em publicar é uma barreira à realização de estudos qualitativos. Buscou-se identificar que periódicos brasileiros indexados no SciELO na área de ciências da saúde incluem instruções aos autores que possibilitam a publicação de estudos originais realizados com métodos qualitativos. Dos 88 títulos analisados, mais da metade (52 impõem condições incompatíveis com a pesquisa qualitativa, sendo a maioria revistas médicas. Alguns periódicos (19 não disponibilizam informações relativas ao tipo de estudo, mas não fazem exigências típicas de pesquisas quantitativas, como testes estatísticos e reprodutibilidade. Revistas que demonstram aceitar investigações qualitativas (17 permitem textos mais longos, desenhos de estudo que incluem entrevistas e algumas explicitam a aceitação de estudos com abordagens qualitativas. Em geral estas são da área de saúde coletiva ou enfermagem, e têm pontuações mais altas na CAPES. A falta de instruções claras para manuscritos de natureza qualitativa e a exigência de quantificação são barreiras à publicação de estudos qualitativos, não favorecendo a ampliação do olhar do clínico para os fenômenos humanos relacionados à saúde. Critérios de cientificidade e rigor devem ser revistos.

  20. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. (United States)

    Mancuso, C; Barnoski, A; Tinnell, C; Fallon, W


    Presently, no trauma system exists in Ohio. Since 1993, all hospitals in Cuyahoga County (CUY), northeast Ohio (n = 22) provide data to a trauma registry. In return, each received hospital-specific data, comparison data by trauma care level and a county-wide aggregate summary. This report describes the results of this approach in our region. All cases were entered by paper abstract or electronic download. Interrater reliability audits and z score analysis was performed by using the Major Trauma Outcome Study and the CUY 1994 baseline groups. Risk adjustment of mortality data was performed using statistical modeling and logistic regression (Trauma and Injury Severity Score, Major Trauma Outcome Study, CUY). Trauma severity measures were defined. In 1995, 3,375 patients were entered. Two hundred ninety-one died (8.6%). Severity measures differed by level of trauma care, indicating differences in case mix. Probability of survival was lowest in the Level I centers, highest in the acute care hospitals. Outcomes z scores demonstrated survival differences for all levels. In a functioning trauma system, the most severely injured patients should be cared for at the trauma centers. A low volume at acute care hospitals is desirable. By using Trauma and Injury Severity Score with community-specific constants, NE Ohio is accomplishing these goals. The Level I performance data are an interesting finding compared with the data from the Level II centers in the region

  1. [Firework-related eye trauma from 2005 to 2013]. (United States)

    Unterlauft, J D; Wiedemann, P; Meier, P


    Fireworks combusted during New Year's Eve festivities can cause different eye traumas which often need complex reconstructive surgery. It was our aim to systematically analyse these eye trauma cases which were treated at our clinic during the last eight years. Age, gender, side, trauma mechanism, treatment methods and outcome were analysed for all eye trauma cases caused by fireworks during the New Year's Eve celebrations from 2006 to 2013. For statistical analysis all trauma cases were divided into two groups of major and non-major eye trauma. The total number of patients treated was 122 (28 women, 94 men, mean age 26.2±13.0 years) with 137 traumatised eyes (77 right, 60 left). 24.6% of patients were ≤18 years of age. 76.2% were bystanders. 50 eyes from 46 patients (37.7%) suffered from major eye trauma. 26 patients (21.3%) were hospitalised. 8 eyes (5.8%) suffered from a penetrating injury or globe rupture and underwent primary reconstructive surgery. Further 16 eyes (11.7%) suffered from major eye trauma without open globe injury. In the aftermath 11 eyes (8.0%) went blind (visual acuityfireworks. However older patients suffer from major eye trauma more often. More education and prophylaxis of eye trauma caused by fireworks is desirable. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. Facial trauma (United States)

    Maxillofacial injury; Midface trauma; Facial injury; LeFort injuries ... Hockberger RS, Walls RM, eds. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice . 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier ...

  3. Papel da dosagem seriada de troponina nos pacientes com suspeita de contusão miocárdica após trauma torácico fechado The role of serial measurement of troponin in patients with a suspected myocardial injury after chest trauma

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    Thiago Domingos Corrêa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A contusão miocárdica está freqüentemente associada ao trauma torácico fechado. Seu correto diagnóstico é um constante desafio aos profissionais que trabalham em unidades de emergência, devido aos seus sintomas inespecíficos e a ausência de exames subsidiários com precisão para fazer o diagnóstico. Dentre os diversos métodos diagnósticos estudados, tem-se destacado nos últimos anos o papel dos indicadores de necrose miocárdica troponina I e troponina T. Por serem proteí­nas constituintes do aparelho de regulação contrátil celular, são liberadas na corrente sanguínea somente após a perda da integridade de membrana dos miócitos e, portanto, são altamente específicas para detectar lesão miocárdica. CONTEUDO: Foi realizada uma revisão de estudos clínicos nas bases eletrônicas de dados MedLine e LILACS, no período de janeiro de 1980 a novembro de 2006, sobre a importância da dosagem seriada de troponina como instrumento diagnóstico e preditor de evolução clínica desfavorável nos pacientes com contusão miocárdica. CONCLUSÕES: Embora exista maior especificidade das troponinas I e T quando comparadas aos indicadores tradicionais, CKMB massa e CPK total, esses dois indicadores apresentarem sensibilidade e valor preditivo positivo baixos para diagnosticar contusão miocárdica. Pacientes que apresentam alterações eletrocardiográficas, elevação de troponinas, ou ambas, devem permanecer em observação em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI, por no mínimo 24 horas, período em que se desenvolve a maioria das complicações decorrentes da contusão miocárdica.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Myocardial contusion is often associated with blunt chest trauma. Its diagnosis is challenging to the professionals who work in emergency department due to nonspecific symptoms and the lack of auxiliary exams with enough accuracy to diagnose. Among the available diagnostic tools, the biomarkers of

  4. Outcomes following trauma laparotomy for hypotensive trauma patients: a UK military and civilian perspective. (United States)

    Marsden, Max; Carden, Rich; Navaratne, Lalin; Smith, Iain M; Penn-Barwell, Jowan G; Kraven, Luke M; Brohi, Karim; Tai, Nigel R M; Bowley, Douglas M


    The management of trauma patients has changed radically in the last decade and studies have shown overall improvements in survival. However, reduction in mortality for the many may obscure a lack of progress in some high-risk patients. We sought to examine the outcomes for hypotensive patients requiring laparotomy in UK military and civilian cohorts. We undertook a review of two prospectively maintained trauma databases; the UK Joint Theatre Trauma Registry (JTTR) for the military cohort (4th February 2003 to 21st September 2014), and the trauma registry of the Royal London Hospital MTC (1st January 2012 to 1st January 2017) for civilian patients. Adults undergoing trauma laparotomy within 90 minutes of arrival at the Emergency Department (ED) were included. Hypotension was present on arrival at the ED in 155/761 (20.4%) military patients. Mortality was higher in hypotensive casualties 25.8% vs 9.7% normotensive casualties (p<0.001). Hypotension was present on arrival at the ED in 63/176 (35.7%) civilian patients. Mortality was higher in hypotensive patients 47.6% vs 12.4% normotensive patients (p<0.001). In both cohorts of hypotensive patients neither the average injury severity, the prehospital time, the ED arrival SBP, nor mortality rate changed significantly during the study period. Despite improvements in survival after trauma for patients overall, the mortality for patients undergoing laparotomy who arrive at the Emergency Department with hypotension has not changed and appears stubbornly resistant to all efforts. Specific enquiry and research should continue to be directed at this high-risk group of patients. IV; Observational Cohort Study.

  5. Influência das inundações na distribuição de espécies arbóreas ao longo do Rio Massaguaçu (Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brasil), e potencial alelopático de Annona glabra L.


    Reginaldo Sadao Matsumoto


    A vegetação estuário do rio Massaguaçu está sujeita a alagamentos periódicos. Esse regime de alagamento pode ser um fator importante na distribuição e composição da flora arbórea local. O presente trabalho objetivou a determinação da distribuição de espécies arbóreo-arbustivas do estuário do rio Massaguaçu, relacionado ao seu regime de inundações. A partir da foz sentido a montante, foram determinadas 5 bancos de vegetação inundável (A, B, C, D, e E). Em cada área, foram sorteadas 80 parcelas...

  6. Dental and General Trauma in Team Handball. (United States)

    Petrović, Mateja; Kühl, Sebastian; Šlaj, Martina; Connert, Thomas; Filippi, Andreas

    Handball has developed into a much faster and high-impact sport over the past few years because of rule changes. Fast sports with close body contact are especially prone to orofacial trauma. Handball belongs to a category of sports with medium risk for dental trauma. Even so, there is only little literature on this subject. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and the type of injuries, especially the occurrence of orofacial trauma, habits of wearing mouthguards, as well as degree of familiarity with the tooth rescue box. For this purpose, 77.1% (n=542/703) of all top athletes and coaches from the two highest Swiss leagues (National League A and National League B), namely 507 professional players and 35 coaches, were personally interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. 19.7% (n=100/507) of the players experienced dental trauma in their handball careers, with 40.8% (n=51/125) crown fractures being the most frequent by far. In spite of the relatively high risk of lip or dental trauma, only 5.7% (n=29/507) of the players wear mouthguards. The results of this study show that dental trauma is common among Swiss handball players. In spite of the high risk of dental trauma, the mouthguard as prevention is not adequately known, and correct procedure following dental trauma is rarely known at all.

  7. Partner preferences among survivors of betrayal trauma. (United States)

    Gobin, Robyn L


    Betrayal trauma theory suggests that social and cognitive development may be affected by early trauma such that individuals develop survival strategies, particularly dissociation and lack of betrayal awareness, that may place them at risk for further victimization. Several experiences of victimization in the context of relationships predicated on trust and dependence may contribute to the development of relational schema whereby abuse is perceived as normal. The current exploratory study investigates interpersonal trauma as an early experience that might impact the traits that are desired in potential romantic partners. Participants in the current study were asked to rate the desirability of several characteristics in potential romantic partners. Although loyalty was desirable to most participants regardless of their trauma history, those who reported experiences of high betrayal trauma rated loyalty less desirable than those who reported experiences of traumas that were low and medium in betrayal. Participants who reported experiences of revictimization (defined as the experience of trauma perpetrated by a close other during 2 different developmental periods) differed from participants who only reported 1 experience of high betrayal trauma in their self-reported desire for a romantic partner who possessed the traits of sincerity and trustworthiness. Preference for a partner who uses the tactic of verbal aggression was also associated with revictimization status. These preliminary findings suggest that victimization perpetrated by close others may affect partner preferences.

  8. Factores relacionados con el rendimiento académico en alumnos de fisiopatología


    Sanguinetti, José María; López, Raquel; Vieta, María Eugenia; Berruezo, Silvana; Chagra, Carolina


    Introducción: El rendimiento académico está relacionado con diferentes variables. Objetivos: Evaluar factores sociales, demográficos y hábitos, así como determinar su relación con el rendimiento académico. Material y métodos: Trabajo observacional, transversal, correlacional entre abril y noviembre de 2012. Se realizó una encuesta a alumnos de Fisiopatología, de la Universidad Nacional de Salta y se constató en noviembre quienes habían regularizado la asignatura. Variables estudiadas: edad, s...

  9. Pre-migration trauma and HIV-risk behavior. (United States)

    Steel, Jennifer; Herlitz, Claes; Matthews, Jesse; Snyder, Wendy; Mazzaferro, Kathryn; Baum, Andy; Theorell, Töres


    This study examined the relationship between pre-migration trauma and HIV-risk behavior in refugees from sub-Saharan Africa. The sample comprised 122 persons who had emigrated from sub-Saharan Africa and were currently residing in Sweden. Qualitative methods including individual interviews, focus groups, and interviews with key informants addressed questions regarding trauma experience and HIV-risk behavior. A history of pre-migration trauma was found to be associated with HIV-risk behavior. According to the participants, symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, adjustment disorder, and substance use mediated the relationship between pre-migration trauma and sexual risk behavior. In contrast, a minority of the participants who reported pre-migration trauma but not psychological sequelae, or experienced post-traumatic growth, reported safer sexual practices. It appears that for some individuals, pre-migration trauma resulted in psychiatric sequelae, which may increase an individual's risk to be infected with HIV. Interventions targeted at individuals at increased risk (i.e. pre-migration trauma with unresolved psychiatric symptomatology) may facilitate the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in this population. Integration of multiple psychosocial and health issues is recommended for comprehensive treatment and prevention programs.

  10. Re-authoring life narratives of trauma survivors: Spiritual perspective

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    Charles Manda


    Full Text Available Traditionally, the exploration of the impact of trauma on trauma survivors in South Africa has been focused mainly on the bio-psychosocial aspects. The bio-psychosocial approach recognises that trauma affects people biologically, socially and psychologically. In this article, the author explores a holistic understanding of the effects of trauma on people from communities historically affected by political violence in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Using a participatory action research design (PAR as a way of working through trauma, a longitudinal study was conducted in Pietermaritzburg from 2009–2013. At the end of the study, life narratives were documented and published. The textual analysis of these life narratives reveals that, besides the bio-psychosocial effects that research participants experienced during and after the trauma, they also sustained moral and spiritual injuries. Trauma took its toll in their lives emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, morally and in their relationships with themselves, others and God. From these findings, the author argues that the bio-psychosocial approach is incomplete for understanding the holistic effects of trauma on the whole person. Therefore, he recommends the integration of the moral and spiritual aspects of trauma to come up with a holistic model of understanding the effects of trauma on traumatised individuals. The holistic model will enhance the treatment, healing and recovery of trauma survivors. This, in turn, will alleviate the severe disruption of many aspects of psychological functioning and well-being of trauma survivors caused by the effects of trauma.

  11. Avaliação do padrão e das queixas relativas ao sono, cronotipo e adaptação ao fuso horário dos atletas brasileiros participantes da paraolimpíada em Sidney - 2000 Evaluation of sleep patterns and sleep-related complaints, chronotype, and time zone adaptation of Brazilian athletes participant in the Sydney 2000 paralympic games

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    Marco Túlio de Mello


    Full Text Available Diversas metodologias têm sido desenvolvidas para investigar a qualidade e as principais queixas e distúrbios relacionados ao sono. Uma forma conhecida de investigar as características temporais dos organismos é a cronobiologia, ciência divide a população em três cronotipos básicos para avaliar as diferenças individuais na prevalência pelos horários de vigília e de sono: os matutinos, os vespertinos e os indiferentes. Outro ponto importante, é que existem poucos estudos relacionando o padrão do sono em indivíduos com necessidades especiais e a atividade física. O sono é considerado como restaurador e o exercício está associado diversas alterações no padrão de sono. A maioria dos estudos referente ao feito do exercício sobre o sono podem ser abordados ou correlacionados com a teoria de restauração das funções do sono. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar o padrão, queixas relativas ao sono, cronotipo e adaptação ao fuso horário de Sidney dos atletas brasileiros que disputaram a paraolimpíada em 2000. Participaram da avaliação 64 atletas paraolímpicos, com idades de 26,3 (± 5,9. Todos os atletas responderam aos questionários de padrão e queixas relativas ao sono e cronotipo, passando também por uma adaptação ao fuso horário de Sidney. Oprocesso de sincronização ao fuso horário foi realizado de forma abrupta, na tentativa de romper com o ciclo claro-escuro que estava relacionado ao horário brasileiro. Os resultados demonstram que 34,4% dos atletas apresentavam uma insatisfação com o seu próprio sono, sendo que os distúrbios de sono mais relatados foram: apnéia (14%, refluxo gástrico (15,6%, dor de cabeça (14,1%, ansiedade pós-pesadelo (39,1%, caimbras (20,3%, sonilóquio (26,6%, pânico noturno (9,4%, PLM (9,4% e bruxismo (9,4%. Em relação a avaliação do cronotipo dos atletas, 73,43% se demonstraram indiferentes, 6,22% vespertinos moderados e 20,31% matutinos moderados. Observou-se boa

  12. Sexuality following trauma injury: A literature review


    Kylie Marie Connell; Rosemary Coates; Fiona Melanie Wood


    Restoration of the quality of life (QoL) of trauma injury survivors is the aim of trauma rehabilitation. It is generally acknowledged that sexuality is an important component of QoL; however, rehabilitation services frequently fall short of including sexuality as a matter of routine. The literature was reviewed to examine the experiences of trauma survivors from three groups: spinal cord injury (SCI), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and burns. The focus was on the impact of trauma on the QoL to ...

  13. Conservação ambiental no campo ou estratégia de transferência de recursos do rural ao urbano / Environmental Conservation Strategy In The Field Or Transfer Of Funds From Rural To Urban

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    Fabiana Faxina,


    Full Text Available Os discursos recentemente formulados por grupos sociais relacionados ao meio rural sobre áreas protegidas trazem de volta o antigo confl ito entre o rural e o urbano, conhecido na literatura como urban bias. O pressuposto subjacente neste confl ito é de que o viés urbano das políticas públicas está orientado para transferir riqueza do campo para as áreas urbanas, reproduzindo, desta forma, a pobreza no campo. Analisa-se aqui como reagem os proprietários de imóveis, nos quais se desenvolvem ações relacionadas ao turismo rural, quanto às políticas públicas sobre áreas de conservação. A verificação empírica fundamenta-se em entrevistas efetuadas com 22 proprietários rurais, no entorno do Parque do Iguaçu, Paraná. Os resultados indicam que quase todos entrevistados acreditam que a existência de áreas protegidas traz benefícios para a sociedade; mas, ao considerar o desenvolvimento local e o imóvel, um número expressivo tende a uma percepção negativa das áreas protegidas, em razão do modelo político de conservação que imputa aos donos dos empreendimentos rurais o custo total, enquanto toda a sociedade recebe os benefícios. Discute-se a necessidade de revisão das políticas públicas voltadas para a conservação, no sentido de dividir com toda a sociedade os custos resultantes de medidas que benefi ciam a todos.

  14. Desastres relacionados à seca e saúde coletiva – uma revisão da literatura científica

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    Tais Ariza Alpino


    Full Text Available Resumo No Brasil, a história das secas é marcada por seguidas tragédias sociais e sanitárias, com estimativas de 3 milhões de óbitos entre o início do século XIX e o final do século XX e o registro de quase 32 mil eventos e mais de 96 milhões de afetados entre 1991 e 2010. Apesar de no Brasil a seca ser um desastre histórico, não encontramos, desde a expedição científica de Arthur Neiva e Belisário Penna em 1912 nas zonas flageladas pela seca, muitas pesquisas sobre a relação seca e saúde no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão dos artigos científicos sobre a relação seca e saúde coletiva. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados PubMed, Portal Preparação e Respostas a Desastres da BVS e Portal de Periódicos da Capes, utilizando-se os descritoresdrought and health no título e resumo, selecionando-se somente artigos em inglês e espanhol com relação direta com os temas em saúde. Dentre os efeitos sobre a saúde encontrados, destacam-se os relacionados à desnutrição e deficiências nutricionais, saúde mental, qualidade das águas e do ar, além do comprometimento da qualidade e do acesso aos serviços de saúde. Considerando-se as tendências de episódios de seca mais intensos e frequentes e de escassez de água até 2030, torna-se urgente ampliar as pesquisas sobre o tema e revisões da literatura.

  15. Relação entre tamanho e estrutura da rede de apoio e o tempo individual dedicado à atenção ao idoso na cidade de São Paulo, 2000

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    Cristiane Silva Corrêa


    Full Text Available O presente artigo investiga como o tamanho e a estrutura da rede social do idoso influenciam a atenção que lhe é dedicada por cada indivíduo de sua rede. Para tanto, foram criados dois índices de atenção ao idoso, a partir de dados da Pesquisa Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento na América Latina e Caribe (Sabe para a cidade de São Paulo, em 2000, e utilizados modelos de regressão logística ordenados. Considerou-se que a atenção dedicada ao idoso requer tempo e comunicação e que sua rede de apoio engloba tanto os corresidentes quanto seus filhos e irmãos não corresidentes e demais pessoas não corresidentes que possuem alguma relação com o idoso. Utilizando modelos de regressão logística ordenados, encontraram-se associações entre a atenção que cada indivíduo dedica ao idoso e as variáveis que designam a estrutura e o tamanho familiar. Constatou-se que a atenção e o tempo dedicado ao idoso, além de relacionados às características das pessoas envolvidas, a estrutura e o tamanho da rede, estão também associados à estrutura, tamanho e características das redes sociais dessas pessoas. Por exemplo, uma rede maior implica que o idoso recebe menos atenção de cada membro dela. A pessoa que casou apenas uma vez tem maior chance de receber níveis mais elevados de atenção. Uma maior proporção de filhas na prole implica que estas assumem a maior parte da responsabilidade, enquanto outros membros da rede são menos presentes.

  16. Feasibility and profitability of a radiology department providing trauma US as part of a trauma alert team. (United States)

    Nunes, L W; Simmons, S; Kozar, R; Kinback, R; Hallowell, M J; Mulhern, C


    The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility and profitability of a radiology department providing a six-point trauma ultrasound (US) examination for abdominal or pelvic free fluid as part of a trauma alert team. The study included 191 trauma alerts, which generated 156 US examinations. A radiologist and a departmental technologist carried beepers and responded to level I and II traumas. A departmental secretary or technologist recorded when the responding technologist exited and re-entered the department and if US was performed. If performed, the US examination evaluated the four abdominal and pelvic quadrants and the suprapubic and subxiphoid regions. For 64 patients, the responding technologist recorded the times of the trauma alert, emergency room arrival, US start and finish, and return to the radiology department. Median response, wait, scan duration, and return times were 2, 8, 5, and 7 minutes, respectively. Median costs for the technician, physician, archiving, transcription, and equipment were $8.17, $30.85, $0.97, $4.80, and $41.22, respectively. Reimbursement per examination averaged $110.60. Sensitivity analyses that varied the time spent (median vs mean), US non-use rate (10%-18%), and years of depreciation (5-7 years) yielded net results ranging from a $36.60 profit to a $6.12 loss per examination. A radiology department can profitably respond to trauma alerts and provide a six-point trauma US examination for free fluid.

  17. Aspectos nutricionais relacionados ao ciclo menstrual Nutritional aspects related to menstrual cycle

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    Helena Alves de Carvalho SAMPAIO


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente revisão é apresentar os principais tópicos discutidos na literatura quanto à associação da nutrição com o ciclo menstrual, contribuindo para a implementação do atendimento nutricional de mulheres. São revisados aspectos referentes à fisiologia da menstruação, alterações metabólicas durante o ciclo menstrual e comportamentos alimentares associados a ele. Considerando-se o ciclo menstrual dividido em duas fases, a folicular e a lútea, é nesta última que são descritas mais alterações, como retenção de água, elevação de peso, aumento de demanda energética, modificações no perfil lipídico e no metabolismo de vitamina D, cálcio, magnésio e ferro, hipersensibilidade emocional, dores generalizadas e mudança do comportamento alimentar. Em relação a este último item, podem ocorrer maior ingestão energética e o desenvolvimento de compulsões alimentares, principalmente por chocolate, doces e alimentos muito salgados. É fundamental que todos os aspectos citados sejam investigados durante a consulta nutricional, a fim de serem adotadas condutas mais específicas.The aim of the present review is to show the most important topics discussed in literature about the association between nutrition and menstrual cycle, contributing to improve the nutritional care for women. Aspects related to physiology of the menstruation, metabolic changes and feeding behavior during the menstrual cycle are reviewed. Considering the menstrual cycle divided in two phases, follicular and luteal, it is in this last one that more alterations are described, like fluid retention, weight gain, increase in caloric needs, modifications in the lipid profile and in the metabolism of vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and iron, emotional hypersensitivity, aches and changes in feeding behavior. In relation to this last item, it can occur a higher caloric intake and the development of food cravings, mainly for chocolate, candies and salty foods. It is fundamental that all the cited aspects are considered during nutritional consultation in order to facilitate the adoption of more specific procedures.

  18. Impacto da terapia cognitivo-comportamental nos fatores neurobiológicos relacionados à resiliência

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    Carlos Eduardo Norte


    Full Text Available A resiliência, como uma variável de desfecho, tem sido largamente negligenciada no campo terapêutico. Nosso objetivo foi investigar os efeitos da terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC nos marcadores neurobiológicos de resiliência em pacientes com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT. Nesta pesquisa experimental de caso único, foram acessadas variáveis fisiológicas (frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, tônus vagal cardíaco, balanço simpático e condutância da pele e neuroendócrinas (cortisol e de-hidroepiandrosterona - DHEA e medidas psicométricas de autorrelato (afeto negativo, resiliência, sintomas de TEPT, depressão, ansiedade e apoio social. Foram medidas as respostas fisiológicas, neuroendócrinas e psicométricas em repouso antes e após quatro meses de TCC. O paciente era um homem de 45 anos que sofreu dois assaltos com arma de fogo e não respondeu adequadamente ao tratamento farmacológico com paroxetina. A TCC levou a uma redução da frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, balanço simpático, condutância da pele e cortisol, bem como a um aumento no tônus vagal e DHEA. Além disso, a TCC promoveu redução na pontuação dos sintomas de TEPT, depressão, ansiedade e afeto negativo e aumento da pontuação de resiliência e apoio social. Nossos dados sugerem que a TCC aumenta os fatores relacionados à resiliência (DHEA, tônus vagal, autorrelato de resiliência e apoio social. Isso não é somente "antipatológico", mas também pode ser considerado "pró-bem-estar". Adicionalmente, nossos resultados mostram a relevância da investigação dos efeitos do tratamento psicológico em múltiplos sistemas neurobiológicos no mesmo paciente com TEPT, visando desvendar as bases neurobiológicas dos fatores de resiliência.

  19. Trauma and PTSD in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. (United States)

    Kessler, Ronald C; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio; Alonso, Jordi; Benjet, Corina; Bromet, Evelyn J; Cardoso, Graça; Degenhardt, Louisa; de Girolamo, Giovanni; Dinolova, Rumyana V; Ferry, Finola; Florescu, Silvia; Gureje, Oye; Haro, Josep Maria; Huang, Yueqin; Karam, Elie G; Kawakami, Norito; Lee, Sing; Lepine, Jean-Pierre; Levinson, Daphna; Navarro-Mateu, Fernando; Pennell, Beth-Ellen; Piazza, Marina; Posada-Villa, José; Scott, Kate M; Stein, Dan J; Ten Have, Margreet; Torres, Yolanda; Viana, Maria Carmen; Petukhova, Maria V; Sampson, Nancy A; Zaslavsky, Alan M; Koenen, Karestan C


    Background : Although post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) onset-persistence is thought to vary significantly by trauma type, most epidemiological surveys are incapable of assessing this because they evaluate lifetime PTSD only for traumas nominated by respondents as their 'worst.' Objective : To review research on associations of trauma type with PTSD in the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys, a series of epidemiological surveys that obtained representative data on trauma-specific PTSD. Method : WMH Surveys in 24 countries (n = 68,894) assessed 29 lifetime traumas and evaluated PTSD twice for each respondent: once for the 'worst' lifetime trauma and separately for a randomly-selected trauma with weighting to adjust for individual differences in trauma exposures. PTSD onset-persistence was evaluated with the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Results : In total, 70.4% of respondents experienced lifetime traumas, with exposure averaging 3.2 traumas per capita. Substantial between-trauma differences were found in PTSD onset but less in persistence. Traumas involving interpersonal violence had highest risk. Burden of PTSD, determined by multiplying trauma prevalence by trauma-specific PTSD risk and persistence, was 77.7 person-years/100 respondents. The trauma types with highest proportions of this burden were rape (13.1%), other sexual assault (15.1%), being stalked (9.8%), and unexpected death of a loved one (11.6%). The first three of these four represent relatively uncommon traumas with high PTSD risk and the last a very common trauma with low PTSD risk. The broad category of intimate partner sexual violence accounted for nearly 42.7% of all person-years with PTSD. Prior trauma history predicted both future trauma exposure and future PTSD risk. Conclusions : Trauma exposure is common throughout the world, unequally distributed, and differential across trauma types with respect to PTSD risk. Although a substantial minority of PTSD cases remits

  20. Success factors in cause-related marketing projects Determinantes de suceso en cumplimiento de programas de marketing relacionado a causas Determinantes de sucesso na implementação de programas de marketing relacionado a causas

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    Maíse Soares Pereira


    considerações éticas, fazer com que objetivos organizacionais caminhem lado a lado com objetivos sociais. Uma das formas encontradas para aliar tais objetivos refere-se ao esforço de utilização de ferramentas de MarketingRelacionado a Causas (MRC. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é identificar o conjunto de fatores que influenciam o sucesso de campanhas de MRC, a partir de sua adoção pelas empresas mais atuantes e representativas do estado da arte nesta área. As campanhas desenvolvidas em três empresas atuantes no Brasil foram avaliadas com base no modelo de fatores extraído das propostas de Adkins (1999 e de Pringle e Thompson (2000. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi alcançado por meio de pesquisa qualitativa com casos múltiplos. Fatores como ampla divulgação e utilização dos componentes (mix de marketing, sinergia entre causa e negócio da empresa e duração de longo prazo, aliados a forte reputação de responsabilidade social, independentemente das campanhas, foram identificados como os pilares necessários para o sucesso no alcance dos objetivos de campanhas de MRC

  1. Blunt cardiac trauma


    Alvarado, Camilo; Vargas, Fernando; Guzmán, Fernando; Zárate, Alejandro; Correa, José L.; Ramírez, Alejandro; M. Quintero, Diana; Ramírez, Erika M.


    El trauma cardiaco constituye una de las primeras causas de mortalidad en la población general. Requiere alto índice de sospecha en trauma cerrado severo, mecanismo de desaceleración y en presencia de signos indirectos como: equimosis, huella del volante o del cinturón en el tórax anterior. Las lesiones incluyen: conmoción cardiaca, ruptura cardiaca, lesión cardiaca indirecta como la trombosis coronaria aguda, lesión aórtica, lesión del pericardio y herniación cardiaca. Entre las manifestacio...

  2. Trauma cardiaco cerrado


    Camilo Alvarado; Fernando Vargas; Fernando Guzmán; Alejandro Zárate; José L. Correa; Alejandro Ramírez; Diana M. Quintero; Erika M. Ramírez


    El trauma cardiaco constituye una de las primeras causas de mortalidad en la población general. Requiere alto índice de sospecha en trauma cerrado severo, mecanismo de desaceleración y en presencia de signos indirectos como: equimosis, huella del volante o del cinturón en el tórax anterior. Las lesiones incluyen: conmoción cardiaca, ruptura cardiaca, lesión cardiaca indirecta como la trombosis coronaria aguda, lesión aórtica, lesión del pericardio y herniación cardiaca. Entre las manifestacio...

  3. Prevalência de sintomas osteomusculares em operadores de máquina de colheita florestal

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    Emília Pio Silva


    Full Text Available O processo de adoecimento dos trabalhadores está relacionado com o modo que o trabalho é realizado. A principal consequência das inadequações do trabalho são as Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho. Por isso, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar a prevalência de sintomas osteomusculares em operadores de máquina de colheita florestal. A partir da utilização do censo de ergonomia e do questionário nórdico-padrão, os dados foram obtidos em uma empresa de base florestal que realizava colheita mecanizada de madeira. Os resultados evidenciaram que a prevalência osteomuscular em operadores era elevada, estando os sintomas relacionados com as LER/DORT. Ao término da pesquisa, pôde-se concluir que a atividade laboral dos operadores poderia estar causando efeitos negativos sobre a saúde deles.

  4. Establishing a legal service for major trauma patients at a major trauma centre in the UK. (United States)

    Seligman, William H; Thompson, Julian; Thould, Hannah E; Tan, Charlotte; Dinsmore, Andrew; Lockey, David J


    Major trauma causes unanticipated critical illness and patients have often made few arrangements for what are sudden and life-changing circumstances. This can lead to financial, housing, insurance, legal and employment issues for patients and their families.A UK law firm worked with the major trauma services to develop a free and comprehensive legal service for major trauma patients and their families at a major trauma centre (MTC) in the UK. In 2013, a legal service was established at North Bristol NHS Trust. Referrals are made by trauma nurse practitioners and it operates within a strict ethical framework. A retrospective analysis of the activity of this legal service between September 2013 and October 2015 was undertaken. 66 major trauma patients were seen by the legal teams at the MTC. 535 hours of free legal advice were provided on non-compensation issues-an average of 8 hours per patient. This initiative confirms a demand for the early availability of legal advice for major trauma patients to address a range of non-compensation issues as well as for identification of potential compensation claims. The availability of advice at the MTC is convenient for relatives who may be spending the majority of their time with injured relatives in hospital. More data are needed to establish the rehabilitation and health effects of receiving non-compensation advice after major injury; however, the utilisation of this service suggests that it should be considered at the UK MTCs. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  5. Hotspots in trauma memories and their relationship to successful trauma-focused psychotherapy: a pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijdam, Mirjam J.; Baas, Melanie A. M.; Olff, Miranda; Gersons, Berthold P. R.


    Imaginal exposure is an essential element of trauma-focused psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Exposure should in particular focus on the "hotspots," the parts of trauma memories that cause high levels of emotional distress which are often reexperienced. Our aim was to

  6. Head trauma in female professional wrestlers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomoto, Jun; Seiki, Yoshikatsu; Nemoto, Masaaki


    The clinical characteristics of head trauma were evaluated in 18 wrestlers belonging to a female professional wrestling organization, 13 regular members and five trainees aged 15-34 years. Medical examinations for head trauma were performed in all wrestlers, and wrestlers treated at our emergency outpatient department were clinically evaluated. In addition, the relationships of head trauma with duration of the wrestling career of 1-16 years (mean 8 years) in the regular members, and less than 1 year in the five trainees, and body mass index (BMI) of 21.0-32.0 in the 16 subjects, excluding two trainees, was evaluated. Chronic symptoms were noted in four of the 18 wrestlers with long wrestling careers (16 years in 1, 13 years in 1, and 5 years in 2). Three wrestlers with symptoms immediately after head trauma showed recurrent retrograde amnesia and had low BMI (21.6, 21.6, and 23.1). Five wrestlers were treated at our emergency outpatient clinic, three required hospitalization and two showed intracranial traumatic changes on computed tomography (acute subdural hematoma in 1 and diffuse brain swelling in 1). Head trauma in female professional wrestlers is associated with longer wrestling career and low BMI. Periodic medical examinations are recommended to monitor for signs of head trauma. (author)

  7. Skeleton scintigraphy in trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ansari, M.


    Skeletal trauma is common and presents both an opportunity and a problem in skeletal scintigraphy. The opportunity arises in the ability of skeletal scintigraphy to demonstrate abnormalities early after direct trauma. It is well recognized that the early detection of fractures in some sites cannot be reliably achieved by standard radiography, especially in the femoral neck and scaphoid bone. The problem comes in recognizing the effects of skeletal trauma when using skeletal scintigraphy for another purpose, such as the detection of metastatic disease. iatrogenic trauma to either the skeleton or soft tissues may be manifest scintigraphic ally. For example Craniotomy typically leaves a rim pattern at the surgical margin. Rib Retraction during thoracotomy can elicit periosteal reaction. Areas of the skeletal receiving curative levels of ionizing radiation (typically 4000 rads or greater) characteristically demonstrate decreased uptake within 6 months to 1 year after therapy. The generally high sensitivity of the skeletal scintigraphy seems to make it an ideal survey test in cases of suspected child abuse especially in which radiographs are unrevealing. Because of difficulties in obtaining a history of trauma from a preschool child or even eliciting a satisfactory description of the location and nature of the pain, skeletal scintigraphy provides a simple and reliable investigation in these children. Subtle trauma, such as that from stress fractures is often difficult to visualize on a plain radiograph. Skeletal scintigraphy is frequently positive at the time of clinical presentation. Skeletal scintigraphy is exquisitely sensitive to the remodeling process and typically shows abnormalities 1 to 2 weeks or more before the appearance of radiographic changes in stress fractures. The periosteal reaction can be visualized within hours of the injury. Insufficiency and fatigue fractures such as vertebral compression fracture, which is probably the most common consequence of

  8. What is optimal timing for trauma team alerts? A retrospective observational study of alert timing effects on the initial management of trauma patients

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    Lillebo B


    Full Text Available Borge Lillebo,1 Andreas Seim,2 Ole-Petter Vinjevoll,3 Oddvar Uleberg31Norwegian EHR Research Centre, Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; 2Department of Computer and Information Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; 3Department of Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine, St Olav's University Hospital, Trondheim, NorwayBackground: Trauma teams improve the initial management of trauma patients. Optimal timing of trauma alerts could improve team preparedness and performance while also limiting adverse ripple effects throughout the hospital. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how timing of trauma team activation and notification affects initial in-hospital management of trauma patients.Methods: Data from a single hospital trauma care quality registry were matched with data from a trauma team alert log. The time from patient arrival to chest X-ray, and the emergency department length of stay were compared with the timing of trauma team activations and whether or not trauma team members received a preactivation notification.Results: In 2009, the trauma team was activated 352 times; 269 times met the inclusion criteria. There were statistically significant differences in time to chest X-ray for differently timed trauma team activations (P = 0.003. Median time to chest X-ray for teams activated 15–20 minutes prearrival was 5 minutes, and 8 minutes for teams activated <5 minutes before patient arrival. Timing had no effect on length of stay in the emergency department (P = 0.694. We found no effect of preactivation notification on time to chest X-ray (P = 0.474 or length of stay (P = 0.684.Conclusion: Proactive trauma team activation improved the initial management of trauma patients. Trauma teams should be activated prior to patient arrival.Keywords: emergency medical service communication systems

  9. The Selfie Wrist – Selfie induced trauma

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Lyons, RF


    The selfie phenomenon has exploded worldwide over the past two years. Selfies have been linked to a large number of mortalities and significant morbidity worldwide. However, trauma associated with selfies including fractures, is rarely publicised. Here we present a case series of upper extremity trauma secondary to selfies across all age groups during the summer period. Four cases of distal radius and ulna trauma in all age groups were reported. This case series highlights the dangers associated with taking selfies and the trauma that can result.

  10. Compassionate listening - managing psychological trauma in refugees. (United States)

    Gardiner, Joanne; Walker, Kate


    The physical and psychosocial effects of trauma in refugees are wide ranging and long lasting. They can affect symptom presentation, the patient-doctor relationship and management of refugee victims of trauma. This article discusses how refugees survivors of trauma may present to the general practitioner and gives an approach to psychological assessment and management. A strong therapeutic relationship built by patient led, sensitive assessment over time is the foundation to care. A management framework based on trauma recovery stages and adapted for general practice, is presented.

  11. Utilização do FAST-Estendido (EFAST-Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma em terapia intensiva Usefulness of Extended-FAST (EFAST-Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma in critical care setting

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    Uri Adrian Prync Flato


    Full Text Available A principal causa de morte no Brasil, em pacientes com idade inferior a 45 anos, está relacionada ao trauma, sendo responsável por um terço das internações em unidades de terapia intensiva. Em virtude do crescente conhecimento e disponibilidade da ultrassonografia para o diagnóstico e monitoramento de lesões ameaçadoras à vida, como tamponamento cardíaco e ruptura de órgão sólido na cavidade abdominal com choque hemorrágico, foi desenvolvido um protocolo denominado FAST (Focused Assesment with Sonography for Trauma no ambiente de emergência e terapia intensiva. Esta tecnologia está ganhando adeptos por sua reprodutibilidade, ausência de exposição à radiação ao paciente e facilidade beira leito. Uma nova complementação a este protocolo, denominada FAST-Estendido, proporciona informações valiosas na condução desses pacientes, ampliando o diagnóstico de doenças antes reservadas à cavidade abdominal e pericárdica, conjuntamente com doenças localizadas na cavidade torácica, em busca de hemotórax, derrame pleural e pneumotórax. Devemos salientar que esta modalidade de exame complementar substitui a tomografia computadorizada e o lavado peritoneal diagnóstico, mas não o retardo de intervenções cirúrgicas. Sua avaliação criteriosa, conjuntamente com dados clínicos, deve nortear as condutas terapêuticas, principalmente em locais inóspitos e/ou com limitações de recursos, como pré-hospitalar, unidades de terapia intensiva em zonas de conflito armado, áreas rurais e/ou geograficamente distantes, nas quais não há disponibilidade de outros métodos de imagem.Trauma is the leading cause of death in people below 45 years-old in Brazil, and responsible for one third of all intensive care unit admissions. The increasing knowledge on ultrasound diagnosis methods and its availability for life-threatening injuries (such as cardiac tamponade and abdominal cavity solid organs rupture leading to hemorrhagic shock

  12. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2

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    María Pilar Castañeda-Ojeda


    Full Text Available The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts.

  13. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2 (United States)

    Castañeda-Ojeda, María Pilar; Moreno-Pérez, Alba; Ramos, Cayo; López-Solanilla, Emilia


    The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E) in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts. PMID:28529516

  14. Acute pulmonary injury induced by experimental muscle trauma Lesão pulmonar aguda induzida por trauma muscular experimental

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    Márcia Andréa da Silva Carvalho Sombra


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To develop an easily reproducible model of acute lung injury due to experimental muscle trauma in healthy rats. METHODS: Eighteen adult Wistar rats were randomized in 3 groups (n=6: G-1- control, G-2 - saline+trauma and G-3 - dexamethasone+trauma. Groups G-1 and G-2 were treated with saline 2,0ml i.p; G-3 rats were treated with dexamethasone (DE (2 mg/kg body weight i.p.. Saline and DE were applied 2h before trauma and 12h later. Trauma was induced in G-2 and G-3 anesthetized (tribromoethanol 97% 100 ml/kg i.p. rats by sharp section of anterior thigh muscles just above the knee, preserving major vessels and nerves. Tissue samples (lung were collected for myeloperoxidase (MPO assay and histopathological evaluation. RESULTS: Twenty-four hours after muscle injury there was a significant increase in lung neutrophil infiltration, myeloperoxidase activity and edema, all reversed by dexamethasone in G-3. CONCLUSION: Trauma by severance of thigh muscles in healthy rats is a simple and efficient model to induce distant lung lesions.OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo facilmente reprodutível de lesão pulmonar aguda decorrente de trauma muscular experimental em ratos sadios. MÉTODOS: Dezoito ratos Wistar adultos foram randomizados em 3 grupos (n=6: G-1-controle, G-2 - trauma+salina e G-3 - trauma+dexametasona. Grupos G-1 e G-2 foram tratados com salina 2,0 ml ip, G-3 ratos foram tratados com dexametasona (DE (2 mg/kg peso corporal ip. Salina e DE foram aplicadas 2h antes e 12h depois do trauma. Trauma foi induzido em ratos G-2 e G-3 anestesiados (tribromoetanol 97% de 100 ml/kg, i.p. por secção da musculatura anterior da coxa logo acima da articulação do joelho, preservando os grandes vasos e nervos. Amostras de tecido (pulmão foram coletadas para avaliação da mieloperoxidase (MPO, e exames histopatológicos. RESULTADOS: Vinte e quatro horas após a indução da lesão muscular houve um aumento significativo na infiltração de neutr

  15. Trauma-Inspired Prosocial Leadership Development (United States)

    Williams, Jenifer Wolf; Allen, Stuart


    Though trauma survivors sometimes emerge as leaders in prosocial causes related to their previous negative or traumatic experiences, little is known about this transition, and limited guidance is available for survivors who hope to make prosocial contributions. To understand what enables trauma-inspired prosocial leadership development, the…

  16. Fatores associados à amnésia pós-traumática de longa duração Fatores asociados a la amnesia post-traumática de larga duración Factors associated with long-term post-traumatic amnesia

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    Silvia Cristina Fürbringer e Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores relacionados à amnésia pós-traumática de longa duração. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo, longitudinal, com 187 vítimas de trauma cranioencefálico contuso, idade >14 anos, atendidos em hospital de referência para trauma. As variáveis independentes foram: idade, sexo, gravidade do trauma cranioencefálico, local e tipo de lesão, número de lesões encefálicas e uso de medicação com atividade em sistema nervoso central ou corticoides. RESULTADO: O modelo de regressão logística múltipla ajustado pela variável área de lesão (intra/extra axial evidenciou: Escala de Coma de Glasgow inicial 3 (OR=2,80 e uso de Fenitoína (OR=2,60, Midazolan (OR=2,83 ou ambas as drogas (OR=3,83. CONCLUSÃO: O uso do Midazolan e da Fenitoína, além da gravidade do trauma cranioencefálico, destacaram-se como fatores relacionados à amnésia de longa duração.OBJETIVO: Identificar factores relacionados a la amnesia post-traumática de larga duración. MÉTODO: Estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, realizado con 187 víctimas de trauma craneoencefálico contuso, edad >14 años, atendidos en un hospital de referencia para trauma. Las variables independientes fueron: edad, sexo, gravedad del trauma craneoencefálico, local y tipo de lesión, número de lesiones encefálicas y uso de medicación con actividad en el sistema nervioso central o corticoides. RESULTADO: El modelo de regresión logística múltiple ajustado por la variable área de lesión (intra/extra axial evidenció: Escala de Coma de Glasgow inicial 3 (OR=2,80 y uso de Fenitoína (OR=2,60, Midazolan (OR=2,83 o ambas drogas (OR=3,83. CONCLUSIÓN: El uso del Midazolan y de Fenitoína, además de la gravedad del trauma craneoencefálico, se destacaron como factores relacionados a la amnesia de larga duración.OBJECTIVE: To identify factors related to post-traumatic amnesia of long duration. METHOD: A prospective, longitudinal study, with 187 victims of blunt head trauma

  17. Computed tomography in the evaluation of trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Federle, M.P.; Brant-Zawadzki, M.


    This book is intended to be the current standard for computed tomography in the evaluation of trauma. It summarizes two years of experience at San Francisco General Hospital. The book is organized into seven chapters, covering head, maxillofacial, laryngeal, spinal, chest, abdominal, acetabular, and pelvic trauma. Extremity trauma is not discussed

  18. Non-operative management of isolated liver trauma. (United States)

    Li, Min; Yu, Wen-Kui; Wang, Xin-Bo; Ji, Wu; Li, Jie-Shou; Li, Ning


    Liver trauma is the most common abdominal emergency with high morbidity and mortality. Now, non-operative management (NOM) is a selective method for liver trauma. The aim of this study was to determine the success rate, mortality and morbidity of NOM for isolated liver trauma. Medical records of 81 patients with isolated liver trauma in our unit were analyzed retrospectively. The success rate, mortality and morbidity of NOM were evaluated. In this series, 9 patients with grade IV-V liver injuries underwent emergent operation due to hemodynamic instability; 72 patients, 6 with grade V, 18 grade IV, 29 grade III, 15 grade II and 4 grade I, with hemodynamic stability received NOM. The overall success rate of NOM was 97.2% (70/72). The success rates of NOM in the patients with grade I-III, IV and V liver trauma were 100%, 94.4% and 83.3%. The complication rates were 10.0% and 45.5% in the patients who underwent NOM and surgical treatment, respectively. No patient with grade I-II liver trauma had complications. All patients who underwent NOM survived. NOM is the first option for the treatment of liver trauma if the patient is hemodynamically stable. The grade of liver injury and the volume of hemoperitoneum are not suitable criteria for selecting NOM. Hepatic angioembolization associated with the correction of hypothermia, coagulopathy and acidosis is important in the conservative treatment for liver trauma.

  19. Epidemiology of acute wrist trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, C F; Lauritsen, Jens


    Epidemiological data on wrist injuries in a population can be used for planning by applying them to criteria for care and thus deriving estimates of provisions for care according to currently desirable standards. In a 1-year study all patients > or = 15 years with acute wrist trauma and treated...... in the emergency room were examined according to an algorithm until a diagnosis was established. The overall incidence of wrist trauma was 69 per 10,000 inhabitants per year. Incidence of wrist trauma requiring x-ray examination was 58 per 10,000 per year. The incidence of distal radius fractures was 27 per 10...... using data from a population-based study. A completeness rate of 0.56 (95% confidence interval: 0.31-0.78) was found. An x-ray had been taken for all patients reporting a fracture thus justifying the use of fractures as an incidence measure when comparing groups of patients with wrist trauma....

  20. Prevalência de traumatismos maxilo-faciais e dentais em pacientes atendidos no pronto-socorro municipal de São José dos Campos/SP = Prevalence of maxillofacial and dental traumatisms in patients attended at the first-aid municipal clinic of São José dos Campos/SP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Menezes, Marcia Maciel


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento sobre as causas de traumatismos maxilo-faciais e dentais em pacientes atendidos no ambulatório do setor de Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial do Pronto Socorro Municipal de uma cidade do Estado de São Paulo com 600. 000 habitantes no período de janeiro de 1998 a abril de 2002. Foram selecionados 756 casos e os dados referentes ao sexo, idade, data de atendimento, causa do trauma, áreas envolvidas, envolvimento dentário e tipo de trauma dental foram anotados em uma ficha. Os resultados mostraram que: 80,29% dos traumatismos ocorreram no sexo masculino; a faixa etária mais envolvida foi 25-29 anos (51,87%; a causa mais freqüente foi acidente automobilístico/bicicleta (25,33%; a região dos ossos nasais foi a mais acometida representando 32% dos casos; os dentes permanentes anteriores os mais afetados (69,39% e o tipo de trauma dental mais freqüente foi a avulsão (35,37%. Verificou-se pelo teste qui-quadrado de aderência a uma distribuição uniforme que houve diferença estatística em todos os 6 itens analisados (p < 0,05. Concluiu-se que a ocorrência de traumatismo maxilo-facial foi mais freqüente em adultos do sexo masculino, relacionados a acidente automobilístico/bicicleta, sendo a região dos ossos nasais a área mais acometida, os dentes permanentes anteriores os mais envolvidos e a avulsão, o trauma dental mais freqüente

  1. Effect of a brief intervention for alcohol and illicit drug use on trauma recidivism in a cohort of trauma patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Cordovilla-Guardia

    Full Text Available Estimate the effectiveness of brief interventions in reducing trauma recidivism in hospitalized trauma patients who screened positive for alcohol and/or illicit drug use.Dynamic cohort study based on registry data from 1818 patients included in a screening and brief intervention program for alcohol and illicit drug use for hospitalized trauma patients. Three subcohorts emerged from the data analysis: patients who screened negative, those who screened positive and were offered brief intervention, and those who screened positive and were not offered brief intervention. Follow-up lasted from 10 to 52 months. Trauma-free survival, adjusted hazard rate ratios (aHRR and adjusted incidence rate ratios (aIRR were calculated, and complier average causal effect (CACE analysis was used.We found a higher cumulative risk of trauma recidivism in the subcohort who screened positive. In this subcohort, an aHRR of 0.63 (95% CI: 0.41-0.95 was obtained for the group offered brief intervention compared to the group not offered intervention. CACE analysis yielded an estimated 52% reduction in trauma recidivism associated with the brief intervention.The brief intervention offered during hospitalization in trauma patients positive for alcohol and/or illicit drug use can halve the incidence of trauma recidivism.

  2. Effect of a brief intervention for alcohol and illicit drug use on trauma recidivism in a cohort of trauma patients. (United States)

    Cordovilla-Guardia, Sergio; Fernández-Mondéjar, Enrique; Vilar-López, Raquel; Navas, Juan F; Portillo-Santamaría, Mónica; Rico-Martín, Sergio; Lardelli-Claret, Pablo


    Estimate the effectiveness of brief interventions in reducing trauma recidivism in hospitalized trauma patients who screened positive for alcohol and/or illicit drug use. Dynamic cohort study based on registry data from 1818 patients included in a screening and brief intervention program for alcohol and illicit drug use for hospitalized trauma patients. Three subcohorts emerged from the data analysis: patients who screened negative, those who screened positive and were offered brief intervention, and those who screened positive and were not offered brief intervention. Follow-up lasted from 10 to 52 months. Trauma-free survival, adjusted hazard rate ratios (aHRR) and adjusted incidence rate ratios (aIRR) were calculated, and complier average causal effect (CACE) analysis was used. We found a higher cumulative risk of trauma recidivism in the subcohort who screened positive. In this subcohort, an aHRR of 0.63 (95% CI: 0.41-0.95) was obtained for the group offered brief intervention compared to the group not offered intervention. CACE analysis yielded an estimated 52% reduction in trauma recidivism associated with the brief intervention. The brief intervention offered during hospitalization in trauma patients positive for alcohol and/or illicit drug use can halve the incidence of trauma recidivism.

  3. Effect of a brief intervention for alcohol and illicit drug use on trauma recidivism in a cohort of trauma patients (United States)

    Fernández-Mondéjar, Enrique; Vilar-López, Raquel; Navas, Juan F.; Portillo-Santamaría, Mónica; Rico-Martín, Sergio; Lardelli-Claret, Pablo


    Objective Estimate the effectiveness of brief interventions in reducing trauma recidivism in hospitalized trauma patients who screened positive for alcohol and/or illicit drug use. Methods Dynamic cohort study based on registry data from 1818 patients included in a screening and brief intervention program for alcohol and illicit drug use for hospitalized trauma patients. Three subcohorts emerged from the data analysis: patients who screened negative, those who screened positive and were offered brief intervention, and those who screened positive and were not offered brief intervention. Follow-up lasted from 10 to 52 months. Trauma-free survival, adjusted hazard rate ratios (aHRR) and adjusted incidence rate ratios (aIRR) were calculated, and complier average causal effect (CACE) analysis was used. Results We found a higher cumulative risk of trauma recidivism in the subcohort who screened positive. In this subcohort, an aHRR of 0.63 (95% CI: 0.41–0.95) was obtained for the group offered brief intervention compared to the group not offered intervention. CACE analysis yielded an estimated 52% reduction in trauma recidivism associated with the brief intervention. Conclusion The brief intervention offered during hospitalization in trauma patients positive for alcohol and/or illicit drug use can halve the incidence of trauma recidivism. PMID:28813444

  4. Trauma and Memory in Magical Realism: Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach as Trauma Narrative

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anja Mrak


    Full Text Available The fundamental characteristic of magical realism is its duality, which enables alternative representations of society and history. Its specific narrative devices make magical realism a viable form for rendering traumatic experience and memories. Monkey Beach (2000 by Eden Robinson, a member of the Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations in Canada, is a repository of memories, triggered and fuelled by trauma. Fragmented temporality, mixing of discourses, shifts in focalization, wordplays, repetition, and the magical are some of the devices the novel uses to address the complex landscape of trauma and memory. By unveiling personal memories, Monkey Beach gives way to the unconscious to enter the narrative structure, gradually revealing a much larger issue of the mistreatment of the Haisla people in Canada—and the resulting collective trauma. As trauma cannot be integrated into the narrative, it can only be uncovered indirectly and through a double distancing: firstly through the techniques of magical realism, and secondly, through the seemingly detached point of view of the narrator, who ultimately realises that her life is also encumbered with the dark stain of colonialism.

  5. Emergency Anaesthetic Management of Extensive Thoracic Trauma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H C Chandola


    Full Text Available High speed vehicles, drug abuse, alcohol and easy availability of handguns are the main reasons of increasing number of trauma especially thoracic trauma. Anaesthesiologist plays an important role in the management of extensive thoracic trauma. Thoracic trauma, penetrating or blunt, may cause damage to organs suspended in thorax viz. pleura, lungs, heart, great vessels, trachea and oesophagus. It may lead to pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade or life threatening haemorrhage. With aggressive care and management of these factors, majority of patients can survive and return to normal life.

  6. Protocol compliance and time management in blunt trauma resuscitation. (United States)

    Spanjersberg, W R; Bergs, E A; Mushkudiani, N; Klimek, M; Schipper, I B


    To study advanced trauma life support (ATLS) protocol adherence prospectively in trauma resuscitation and to analyse time management of daily multidisciplinary trauma resuscitation at a level 1 trauma centre, for both moderately and severely injured patients. All victims of severe blunt trauma were consecutively included. Patients with a revised trauma score (RTS) of 12 were resuscitated by a "minor trauma" team and patients with an RTS of less than 12 were resuscitated by a "severe trauma" team. Digital video recordings were used to analyse protocol compliance and time management during initial assessment. From 1 May to 1 September 2003, 193 resuscitations were included. The "minor trauma" team assessed 119 patients, with a mean injury severity score (ISS) of 7 (range 1-45). Overall protocol compliance was 42%, ranging from 0% for thoracic percussion to 93% for thoracic auscultation. The median resuscitation time was 45.9 minutes (range 39.7-55.9). The "severe team" assessed 74 patients, with a mean ISS of 22 (range 1-59). Overall protocol compliance was 53%, ranging from 4% for thoracic percussion to 95% for thoracic auscultation. Resuscitation took 34.8 minutes median (range 21.6-44.1). Results showed the current trauma resuscitation to be ATLS-like, with sometimes very low protocol compliance rates. Timing of secondary survey and radiology and thus time efficiency remains a challenge in all trauma patients. To assess the effect of trauma resuscitation protocols on outcome, protocol adherence needs to be improved.

  7. Trauma Severity at Level 2 Trauma Center – Attainability of Retrospective Documentation on Severity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hebsgaard, Stine; Zwisler, Stine Thorhauge; Lauritsen, Jens M


    -MT patients were excluded, giving 221 adult MT cases for analysis. Forty-one patients (19%, CI: 14-24) had mAIS ≥ 3. Percentages varied with year from 0-29% with no up- or downwards trend throughout the decade. Proportion of mAIS ≥ 3 in the years before implementing the MECU in Svendborg was 17.1% (CI: 10...... month. Based on clinical record reviews and radiology findings, we decided if the patient was Multi Trauma (MT) defined as received by trauma response team and/or CT trauma scanned. Diagnoses were evaluated and maximum Abbreviated Injury Score (mAIS) was assigned dividing patients in severe injured...... with mAIS ≥ 3 and less injured with mAIS

  8. Chest trauma in children: A local experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Saigh, A.; Fazili, Fiaz M.; Allam, Abdulla R.


    Chest trauma in childhood is relatively uncommon in clinical practice andhas been the subject of few reports in literature. This study was undertakento examine our experience in dealing with chest trauma in children. This wasa retrospective study of 74 children who sustained chest trauma and werereferred to King Fahd Hospital in Medina over a two-year period. The age,cause of injury, severity of injury, associated extrathoracic injuries,treatment and outcome were analyzed. The median age of patients was nineyears. Fifty-nine of them (80%) sustained blunt trauma in 62% of thechildren, gun shot wounds were seen in five and stab wounds in 10 children.Head injury was the most common injury associated with thoracic trauma andwas seen in 14 patients (19%) and associated intra-abdominal injuries wereseen in nine patients. Chest x-ray of the blunt trauma patients revealedfractured ribs in 24 children, pneumothorax in six, hemothorax in four,hemoneumothorax in three, and pulmonary contusions in 22 patients. Fifty onepercent of children were managed conservatively, 37% required tubethoracostomy, 8% were mechanically ventilated and 4% underwent thoractomy.The prevalence of chest trauma in children due to road traffic accidents ishigh in Saudi Arabia. Head injury is thought to be the most common associatedextrathoracic injuries, however, most of these patients can be managedconservatively. (author)

  9. Thoracic trauma: analysis of 100 consecutive cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maíra Benito Scapolan


    Full Text Available Objective: To analyze thoracic trauma assisted by the EmergencyService of Hospital da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia deSão Paulo. Methods: One hundred patients with thoracic trauma wereassisted throughout six months in 2006. Data from their records werecollected and a protocol of thoracic trauma was fulfilled. The RevisedTrauma Score was used to evaluate gravity of injury and to calculatethe survival index. Results: Prevalence of trauma injury in male from20 to 29 years old was observed. Out of all patients, 44 had blunttrauma and 56 penetrating trauma (78.6% presented stab woundsand 21.4% gun shots. Up to the settings of injuries, 23% were in thethoracoabdominal transition, 7% in the precordium and 70% in theremainder thoracic area. In those with the thoracoabdominal transitioninjury, 22.7% were hemodynamically unstable and 77.3% stable.Thoracoabdominal injury patients presented 40.9% of diaphragmwound and all were stable. Of those with precordium wound, 37.5%presented cardiac injury. In cardiac onset, 66.7% presented stableand 33.3% unstable. Thoracic drainage was the most accomplishedsurgical procedure (71%. Conclusions: The thoracic trauma patientis most prevalently young male with stab wound penetrating injury,without associated injuries, hemodynamically stable, presentinghemothorax, with high probability of survival.

  10. Key performance indicators in British military trauma. (United States)

    Stannard, Adam; Tai, Nigel R; Bowley, Douglas M; Midwinter, Mark; Hodgetts, Tim J


    Key performance indicators (KPI) are tools for assessing process and outcome in systems of health care provision and are an essential component in performance improvement. Although KPI have been used in British military trauma for 10 years, they remain poorly defined and are derived from civilian metrics that do not adjust for the realities of field trauma care. Our aim was to modify current trauma KPI to ensure they more faithfully reflect both the military setting and contemporary evidence in order to both aid accurate calibration of the performance of the British Defence Medical Services and act as a driver for performance improvement. A workshop was convened that was attended by senior, experienced doctors and nurses from all disciplines of trauma care in the British military. "Speciality-specific" KPI were developed by interest groups using evidence-based data where available and collective experience where this was lacking. In a final discussion these were streamlined into 60 KPI covering each phase of trauma management. The introduction of these KPI sets a number of important benchmarks by which British military trauma can be measured. As part of a performance improvement programme, these will allow closer monitoring of our performance and assist efforts to develop, train, and resource British military trauma providers.

  11. Decision-Making in Management of the Complex Trauma Patient: Changing the Mindset of the non-trauma Surgeon. (United States)

    Sonesson, Linda; Boffard, Kenneth; Lundberg, Lars; Rydmark, Martin; Karlgren, Klas


    European surgeons are frequently subspecialized and trained primarily in elective surgical techniques. As trauma leaders, they may occasionally have to deal with complex polytrauma, advanced management techniques, differing priorities, and the need for multidisciplinary care. There is a lack of expertise, experience, and a low trauma volume, as well as a lack of research, with limited support as to the decision-making and teaching challenges present. We studied what experienced trauma experts describe as the challenges that are specific to the advanced surgical decision-making required, whether civilian, humanitarian, or military. Design-based research using combined methods including interviews, reviews of authentic trauma cases, and video-recorded resuscitations performed at a high-volume civilian academic trauma center. Several educational dilemmas were identified: (1) thinking physiologically, (2) the application of damage control resuscitation and surgery, (3) differing priorities and time management, (4) impact of environment, (5) managing limited resources, (6) lack of general surgical skills, (7) different cultural behavior, and (8) ethical issues. The challenges presented, and the educational domains identified, constitute a basis for improved development of education and training in complex surgical decision-making. This study contributes new knowledge about the mindset required for decision-making in patients with complex multisystem trauma and competing priorities of care. This is, especially important in countries having a low intensity of trauma in both military and civilian environments, and consequential limited skills, and lack of expertise. Guidelines focused on the same decision-making process, using virtual patients and blended learning, can be developed.

  12. The transgenerational transmission of refugee trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgård, Nina Thorup; Montgomery, Edith


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of family functioning in the transgenerational transmission of trauma in a sample of 30 refugee families with traumatized parents and children without a history of direct trauma exposure from the Middle East. Design/methodology/approach Based...... and lower scores on the SDQ. Originality/value These findings suggest that the transgenerational transmission of trauma may be associated with family functioning and have implications for interventions at several levels....

  13. Protocol compliance and time management in blunt trauma resuscitation.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spanjersberg, W.R.; Bergs, E.A.; Mushkudiani, N.; Klimek, M.; Schipper, I.B.


    OBJECTIVES: To study advanced trauma life support (ATLS) protocol adherence prospectively in trauma resuscitation and to analyse time management of daily multidisciplinary trauma resuscitation at a level 1 trauma centre, for both moderately and severely injured patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All

  14. Ameaças à Infância: do Trauma Psíquico ao Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático


    Silva, Flávia Cristina Amaro da


    Esta pesquisa é resultado da dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Clínica no Núcleo de Psicossomática e Psicologia Hospitalar da PUC-SP, com referencial na teoria psicanalítica. O estudo teve como um primeiro objetivo a revisão de literatura do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TETP) na criança; como segundo, a revisão de literatura sobre a psicodinâmica da experiência do trauma na clínica psicanalítica e como terceiro objetivo, a compreensão da apresentação clínica do transtorno de est...

  15. European trauma guideline compliance assessment: the ETRAUSS study. (United States)

    Hamada, Sophie Rym; Gauss, Tobias; Pann, Jakob; Dünser, Martin; Leone, Marc; Duranteau, Jacques


    Haemorrhagic shock is the leading cause of preventable death in trauma patients. The 2013 European trauma guidelines emphasise a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, protocol-based approach to trauma care. The aim of the present Europe-wide survey was to compare 2015 practice with the 2013 guidelines. A group of members of the Trauma and Emergency Medicine section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine developed a 50-item questionnaire based upon the core recommendations of the 2013 guidelines, employing a multistep approach. The questionnaire covered five fields: care structure and organisation, haemodynamic resuscitation targets, fluid management, transfusion and coagulopathy, and haemorrhage control. The sampling used a two-step approach comprising initial purposive sampling of eminent trauma care providers in each European country, followed by snowball sampling of a maximum number of trauma care providers. A total of 296 responses were collected, 243 (81 %) from European countries. Those from outside the European Union were excluded from the analysis. Approximately three-fourths (74 %) of responders were working in a designated trauma centre. Blunt trauma predominated, accounting for more than 90 % of trauma cases. Considerable heterogeneity was observed in all five core aspects of trauma care, along with frequent deviations from the 2013 guidelines. Only 92 (38 %) of responders claimed to comply with the recommended systolic blood pressure target, and only 81 (33 %) responded that they complied with the target pressure in patients with traumatic brain injury. Crystalloid use was predominant (n = 209; 86 %), and vasopressor use was frequent (n = 171, 76 %) but remained controversial. Only 160 respondents (66 %) declared that they used tranexamic acid always or often. This is the first European trauma survey, to our knowledge. Heterogeneity is significant across centres with regard to the clinical protocols for trauma patients and as to locally


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    Dova Subba


    Full Text Available AIM To estimate the incidence of Liver Trauma injuries and grade their severity of injury. To assess the factors responsible for morbidity and mortality after Liver Trauma. To study the postoperative complications and the management of Liver Trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present prospective study was conducted on 100 patients who were admitted to Department of General Surgery for treatment who were managed operatively or non-operatively for abdominal trauma and having liver injury forms the material of the study. This study was conducted over a span of 24 months from June 2013 to November 2015. RESULTS Maximum number of patients are in the age group of 21-30 years (46%. 85% patients (85/100 are males and 15% of patients (15/100 are females. Lapse time of injury and admission varied from 25 minutes to 66 hours and 30 minutes. 75 % of the patients (75/100 presented within 24 hours after injury. Death rate of patients who reached hospital after 24 hours of injury was higher than the patients who reached hospital within 24 hours of injury. 28% of patients (28/100 had associated bony injuries, out of which 5% of patients (5/100 expired due to primary haemorrhage of fractured femur. More than one segment was injured in many patients. Segment V is involved commonly making 55% (55/100 of patients. Next common segment involved is segment VII, making 39% (39/100. CONCLUSION Mechanism of injury is the important factor which is responsible for morbidity in liver injury. Nonoperative management proved to be safe and effective and often has been used to treat patients with liver trauma.

  17. Emergency Department Management of Trauma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    MacKenzie, Colin; Lippert, Freddy


    services (EMS) response times and advanced prehospital care increase the number of critically injured patients surviving sufficiently long to reach a hospital “in extremis.” Both scenarios provide challenges in the management of traumatized patients. This article addresses the management of severely......Initial assessment and management of severely injured patients may occur in a specialized area of an emergency department or in a specialized area of a trauma center. The time from injury until definitive management is of essence for survival of life-threatening trauma. The initial care delivered...... injured patients after these patients reach a hospital emergency department or a trauma center....

  18. Trauma management: Chernobyl in Belarus and Ukraine. (United States)

    Zhukova, Ekatherina


    Although the Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened in the Soviet Union in 1986, we still do not know how the most affected states - Ukraine and Belarus - have managed this tragedy since independence. Drawing on the concept of cultural trauma, this article compares Chernobyl narratives in Belarus and Ukraine over the past 28 years. It shows that national narratives of Chernobyl differ, representing the varying ways in which the state overcomes trauma. Our understanding of post-communist transformations can be improved by analysing trauma management narratives and their importance for new national identity construction. These narratives also bring new insights to our vision of cultural trauma by linking it to ontological insecurity. The article demonstrates how the state can become an arena of trauma process as it commands material and symbolic resources to deal with trauma. In general, it contributes to a better understanding of how the same traumatic event can become a source of solidarity in one community, but a source of hostility in another. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2016.

  19. Initial evaluation of the "Trauma surgery course"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tugnoli Gregorio


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The consequence of the low rate of penetrating injuries in Europe and the increase in non-operative management of blunt trauma is a decrease in surgeons' confidence in managing traumatic injuries has led to the need for new didactic tools. The aim of this retrospective study was to present the Corso di Chirurgia del Politrauma (Trauma Surgery Course, developed as a model for teaching operative trauma techniques, and assess its efficacy. Method the two-day course consisted of theoretical lectures and practical experience on large-sized swine. Data of the first 126 participants were collected and analyzed. Results All of the 126 general surgeons who had participated in the course judged it to be an efficient model to improve knowledge about the surgical treatment of trauma. Conclusion A two-day course, focusing on trauma surgery, with lectures and life-like operation situations, represents a model for simulated training and can be useful to improve surgeons' confidence in managing trauma patients. Cooperation between organizers of similar initiatives would be beneficial and could lead to standardizing and improving such courses.

  20. [Establishement for regional pelvic trauma database in Hunan Province]. (United States)

    Cheng, Liang; Zhu, Yong; Long, Haitao; Yang, Junxiao; Sun, Buhua; Li, Kanghua


    To establish a database for pelvic trauma in Hunan Province, and to start the work of multicenter pelvic trauma registry.
 Methods: To establish the database, literatures relevant to pelvic trauma were screened, the experiences from the established trauma database in China and abroad were learned, and the actual situations for pelvic trauma rescue in Hunan Province were considered. The database for pelvic trauma was established based on the PostgreSQL and the advanced programming language Java 1.6.
 Results: The complex procedure for pelvic trauma rescue was described structurally. The contents for the database included general patient information, injurious condition, prehospital rescue, conditions in admission, treatment in hospital, status on discharge, diagnosis, classification, complication, trauma scoring and therapeutic effect. The database can be accessed through the internet by browser/servicer. The functions for the database include patient information management, data export, history query, progress report, video-image management and personal information management.
 Conclusion: The database with whole life cycle pelvic trauma is successfully established for the first time in China. It is scientific, functional, practical, and user-friendly.

  1. Computed tomography in facial trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zilkha, A.


    Computed tomography (CT), plain radiography, and conventional tomography were performed on 30 patients with facial trauma. CT demonstrated bone and soft-tissue involvement. In all cases, CT was superior to tomography in the assessment of facial injury. It is suggested that CT follow plain radiography in the evaluation of facial trauma

  2. Robo-AO KP: A new era in robotic adaptive optics (United States)

    Riddle, Reed L.; Baranec, Christoph; Law, Nicholas M.; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; Duev, Dmitry; Ziegler, Carl; Jensen-Clem, Rebecca M.; Atkinson, Dani Eleanor; Tanner, Angelle M.; Zhang, Celia; Ray, Amy


    Robo-AO is the first and only fully automated adaptive optics laser guide star AO instrument. It was developed as an instrument for 1-3m robotic telescopes, in order to take advantage of their availability to pursue large survey programs and target of opportunity observations that aren't possible with other AO systems. Robo-AO is currently the most efficient AO system in existence, and it can achieve an observation rate of 20+ science targets per hour. In more than three years of operations at Palomar Observatory, it has been quite successful, producing technology that is being adapted by other AO systems and robotic telescope projects, as well as several high impact scientific publications. Now, Robo-AO has been selected to take over operation of the Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope. This will give Robo-AO KP the opportunity to pursue multiple science programs consisting of several thousand targets each during the three years it will be on the telescope. One-sixth of the observing time will be allocated to the US community through the NOAO TAC process. This presentation will discuss the process adapting Robo-AO to the KPNO 2.1m telescope, the plans for integration and initial operations, and the science operations and programs to be pursued.


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    Ankareddi Vijaya Lakshmi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Blunt abdominal trauma is an emergency and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study is to study incidence, demographic profile, epidemiological factors, mechanism of trauma, treatment modalities, associated injuries, postoperative complications and morbidity and mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective analysis of 72 patients of blunt abdominal trauma who were admitted in government general hospital between May 2013 to April 2015 in Department of General Surgery, Government General Hospital, Guntur, with in a span of 24 months were studied. Demographic data, mechanism of trauma, management and outcome were studied. RESULTS Most of the patients in our study were in the age group of 21-30 years. Spleen was the commonest organ involved and most common procedure performed was splenectomy. Most common extra-abdominal injury was rib fractures. Wound infection was the commonest complication. CONCLUSION Initial resuscitative measures, thorough clinical examination and correct diagnosis forms the vital part of the management. FAST is more useful in blunt abdominal trauma patients who are unstable. X-ray revealed 100% accuracy in hollow viscous perforation in blunt abdominal trauma patients. CT abdomen is more useful in stable patients. Definitive indication for laparotomy was haemodynamic instability and peritonitis. Associated injuries influenced morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can save many lives.

  4. Adesão ao tratamento da ambliopia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arakaki Mara Regina


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da adesão no resultado do tratamento da ambliopia. MÉTODOS: Foi feito estudo retrospectivo avaliando a resposta ao tratamento da ambliopia em 151 crianças portadoras de ambliopia, tratadas com esquema de oclusão diária, com o número de dias variando de acordo com a idade da criança. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos que diferiam entre si pela adesão ou não ao tratamento. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que o tratamento teve melhores resultados nas crianças de 4 a 7 anos e que aderiram ao tratamento; as crianças que aderiram ao tratamento necessitaram de tempo menor de permanência em tratamento. Mesmo crianças com idade superior a 7 anos tiveram resultados positivos com a oclusão. CONCLUSÃO:O tratamento oclusivo é um meio terapêutico eficiente desde que haja a cooperação do paciente.

  5. Negative body experience in women with early childhood trauma : Associations with trauma severity and dissociation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scheffers, Wilhelmina; Hoek, Maike; Bosscher, Ruud J.; van Duijn, Marijtje A. J.; Schoevers, Robert A.; van Busschbach, Jooske T.


    Background:A crucial but often overlooked impact of early life exposure to trauma is its farreaching effect on a person's relationship with their body. Several domains of body experience may be negatively influenced or damaged as a result of early childhood trauma. Objective: The aim of this study

  6. Situações vivenciadas pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem na assistência ao portador de tuberculose pulmonar La asistencia al portador de tuberculosis pulmonar bajo la óptica de los trabajadores de enfermería Nursing workers' experiences in care for pulmonary tuberculosis patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Érika do Carmo Bertazone


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os aspectos positivos e negativos relacionados à assistência prestada ao portador de tuberculose pulmonar, com base nos relatos dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma unidade de isolamento. Categorizamos os relatos de 26 trabalhadores de enfermagem (enfermeiros, auxiliares, técnicos e atendentes de enfermagem, com referências positivas e negativas. Obtivemos 24 relatos, dos quais extraímos um total de 94 (100% situações, sendo 38 (40,5% consideradas positivas e 56 (59,5% negativas. As categorias de situações que apresentaram maior frequência foram relacionadas às orientações sobre o tratamento, aos sentimentos vivenciados pelo paciente em relação à sua doença e ao despreparo da equipe de enfermagem.La finalidad de este estudio fue identificar los aspectos positivos y negativos relacionados a la atención prestada al portador de tuberculosis pulmonar, con base en los informes de los trabajadores de enfermería de una unidad de aislamiento. Categorizamos los informes de 26 trabajadores de enfermería (enfermeros, auxiliares, técnicos y asistentes de enfermería. Obtuvimos 24 relatos, con un total de 94 (100% situaciones, de las cuales 38 (40,5% fueron considerados positivos y 56 (59,5% negativos. Las categorías de situaciones con mayor frecuencia estaban relacionadas a las orientaciones sobre el tratamiento, a los sentimientos vividos por el paciente respecto a su enfermedad y a la falta de preparación del equipo de enfermería.This descriptive study aimed to identify the positive and negative aspects related to nursing care for pulmonary tuberculosis patients, based on the reports of nursing workers at an isolation unit. We categorized the reports of 26 nursing workers (nurses, auxiliaries, technicians and nursing attendants in terms of positive and negative references. We obtained 24 reports, resulting in 94 (100% situations, 38 (40.5% of which were seen as positive and 56 (59.5% as

  7. Tamanho ao nascer e problemas de saúde mental aos 11 anos em uma coorte brasileira de nascimentos

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    Erika Alejandra Giraldo Gallo


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a associação entre tamanho ao nascer e problemas de saúde mental aos 11 anos na Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 1993. Foram pesados e medidos ao nascer 4.358 recém-nascidos. Avaliou-se problemas de saúde mental com o questionário de capacidades e dificuldades (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - SDQ. A prevalência de problemas de saúde mental foi de 32% (IC95%: 31-33. Na análise ajustada, os 291 (6,7% recém-nascidos com escorez de peso/idade e os 268 (6,2% com índice de massa corporal (IMC/idade +2 DP tiveram, respectivamente, 34% (IC95%: 6-71 e 19% (IC95%: 1-40 maior risco de apresentar esses problemas se comparados com aqueles com escore normal. Os resultados sugerem que fatores ocorridos na gestação e refletidos nas medidas de tamanho ao nascer podem ocasionar problemas de saúde mental em etapas tardias.

  8. Transcatheter Treatment of Liver Laceration from Blunt Trauma


    Hardy, Andrew Hal; Phan, Ho; Khanna, Pavan; Nolan, Timothy; Dong, Paul


    Blunt hepatic trauma is a fairly common pathology seen in trauma centers. We describe a pediatric patient who suffered blunt hepatic trauma that was managed successfully with a combination of exploratory laparotomy and liver packing, followed by hepatic artery embolization by interventional radiology (IR) after he continued to have significant arterial extravasation. Also discussed are trends in overall blunt hepatic trauma management and the technique of IR management.

  9. Disseminated intravascular coagulation or acute coagulopathy of trauma shock early after trauma? A prospective observational study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansson, Per Ingemar; Sorensen, Anne Marie; Perner, Anders


    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: It is debated whether the early trauma induced coagulopathy (TIC) in severely injured patients reflects disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with a fibrinolytic phenotype, acute coagulopathy of trauma shock (ACoTS) or yet other entities. This study investigated the...

  10. Retorno à produtividade após reabilitação de pacientes deambuladores vítimas de trauma craniencefálico Return to productivity after rehabilitation by walking patients, traumatic brain injury survivors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleuza Braga da Silva


    Full Text Available Vítimas de trauma craniencefálico (TCE freqüentemente alcançam independência nas atividades de vida diária, mas encontram limitações quanto à participação na comunidade ou no trabalho produtivo. Este estudo visou verificar o índice de retorno, após programa de reabilitação, à produtividade (estudo e/ou trabalho de sujeitos que haviam tido TCE. Participaram 60 sujeitos deambuladores comunitários (média de idade 30,4 anos, mínima 18, máxima 53, selecionados dentre os prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de TCE que freqüentaram o programa de reabilitação entre 2002 a 2004 no Setor de Fisioterapia Adulto da Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente (AACD em São Paulo, SP. Em entrevista, foi aplicado um questionário elaborado pela equipe da AACD. Os participantes - 51 homens e 9 mulheres - tinham sofrido em sua maioria (95% trauma grave. Os resultados mostram que 71,7% dos participantes retomaram atividades ocupacionais ou escolares, mas apenas 38,3% estavam trabalhando por ocasião da entrevista. Embora sem significância estatística, o tempo decorrido entre o trauma e o início da reabilitação parece estar associado ao retorno à produtividade. O nível de escolaridade prévio ao trauma mostrou ter influência (pTraumatic brain injury (TBI survivors are frequently independent regarding daily life activities, but often face limitations concerning community participation or productive work. This study aimed at determining the rate of return to productivity (studying or working of subjects having suffered TBI. Sixty walking TBI patients (mean age 30.4, range 18 to 53 years old were selected by chart review of TBI patients who attended a rehabilitation program between 2002 and 2004 in AACD, São Paulo, and were interviewed to answer a questionnaire. Participants - 51 men, 9 women - had mostly (95% undergone severe trauma. Results show that 71.7% of the patients returned to productivity (but only 38.3% were

  11. Psychological Trauma in the Context of Familial Relationships: A Concept Analysis. (United States)

    Isobel, Sophie; Goodyear, Melinda; Foster, Kim


    Many forms of psychological trauma are known to develop interpersonally within important relationships, particularly familial. Within the varying theoretical constructs of psychological traumas, and distinct from the processes of diagnosis, there is a need to refine the scope and definitions of psychological traumas that occur within important familial relationships to ensure a cohesive evidence base and fidelity of the concept in application to practice. This review used a philosophical inquiry methodology of concept analysis to identify the definitions, antecedents, characteristics, and consequences of the varying conceptualizations of psychological trauma occurring within important relationships. Interactions between concepts of interpersonal trauma, relational trauma, betrayal trauma, attachment trauma, developmental trauma, complex trauma, cumulative trauma, and intergenerational trauma are presented. Understanding of the discrete forms and pathways of transmission of psychological trauma between individuals, including transgenerationally within families, creates opportunities for prevention and early intervention within trauma-focused practice. This review found that concepts of psychological trauma occurring within familial relationships are not exclusive of each other but overlap in their encompassment of events and circumstances as well as the effect on individuals of events in the short term and long term. These traumas develop and are transmitted in the space between people, both purposefully and incidentally, and have particularly profound effects when they involve a dependent infant or child. Linguistic and conceptual clarity is paramount for trauma research and practice.

  12. Birth order--a risk factor for dental trauma? (United States)

    Käch, Matthias; Krastl, Gabriel; Zitzmann, Nicola U; Kühl, Sebastian; Filippi, Andreas


    Many character traits are influenced by birth order with greatest differences between first and lastborns. To investigate the influence of birth order on the risk of dental trauma. Five hundred mothers in Switzerland were interviewed personally regarding dental trauma in their children. Inclusion criteria were a family size of at least two children. Data of 1282 children were collected. Thirty-two percent of the children had sustained one or more dental trauma before the age of 16 (57% male, 43% female). In children who had sustained dental trauma twice, the gender ratio moved to 68% male and 32% female (P = 0.003). Regarding birth order, lastborns sustained more second dental traumas. Relative risk of second dental trauma was 2.1 times higher in lastborns than in firstborns (P = 0.02). Moreover, certain character traits in children are influenced by birth order. According to their mothers, lastborns were more curious, less calm and less deliberate than firstborns (P Birth order is a risk factor for sustaining dental trauma twice. Character traits of lastborns (curious, not calm/deliberate and aggressive) could be reasons for higher risk of dental trauma. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Scoring systems of severity in patients with multiple trauma. (United States)

    Rapsang, Amy Grace; Shyam, Devajit Chowlek


    Trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality; hence severity scales are important adjuncts to trauma care in order to characterize the nature and extent of injury. Trauma scoring models can assist with triage and help in evaluation and prediction of prognosis in order to organise and improve trauma systems. Given the wide variety of scoring instruments available to assess the injured patient, it is imperative that the choice of the severity score accurately match the application. Even though trauma scores are not the key elements of trauma treatment, they are however, an essential part of improvement in triage decisions and in identifying patients with unexpected outcomes. This article provides the reader with a compendium of trauma severity scales along with their predicted death rate calculation, which can be adopted in order to improve decision making, trauma care, research and in comparative analyses in quality assessment. Copyright © 2013 AEC. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. A summary of trauma and trauma-related papers published in BJOMS during 2008-2009. (United States)

    Kusanale, Atul; Mackenzie, Neil; Arakeri, Gururaj; McLeod, Niall; Brennan, Peter A


    This paper provides a summary of the 49 trauma and related papers published in British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery during the period January 2008 to December 2009. 16/49 (32%) of these publications were full length articles, which covered areas such as epidemiology, service provision, materials and operative surgery. In addition there were other articles including short communications, technical notes, letters to the editor and interesting cases. Whilst fewer full length articles were published compared to the other sub-specialties, it was reassuring to see that the studies represent all aspects of trauma. More basic science and randomized control studies relating to trauma need to be encouraged. Copyright 2010 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. The Genesis of a Trauma Performance Improvement Plan. (United States)

    Pidgeon, Kristopher


    The purpose of this article is to assist the trauma medical and program director with developing a performance improvement and patients safety plan (PIPS), which is a required component of a successful trauma verification process by the American College of Surgeons. This article will review trauma quality standards and will describe in detail the required elements of a successful trauma center's performance improvement plan including a written comprehensive plan that outlines the mission and vision of the PIPS Program, authority of the PIPS Program, PIPS Program Committee reporting structure to the other hospital committees, list of required PIPS multidisciplinary team members, the operational components of the utilized data management system (trauma registry), list of indicators/audit filters, levels of review, peer determinations, corrective action plan with implementation, event resolution, and reevaluation. Strategies to develop a successful trauma performance improvement plan are presented.

  16. Traumatismos oculares Ocular traumas

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    Gelen Welch Ruiz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo longitudinal cuyo universo estuvo constituido por 72 ojos de 72 pacientes con traumatismos oculares mecánicos que fueron hospitalizados en el Hospital Militar Central “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” desde enero de 1999 hasta enero de 2005. Para el análisis estadístico de la información se utilizó el programa automatizado SPSS versión 11.5 en el cual también se conformó la base de datos y se realizaron los cálculos de acuerdo con el tipo de variable analizada. Se utilizaron medidas de resumen, tendencia central y asociación estadística con un nivel de significación de p A retrospective longitudinal and descriptive study was carried out in 72 eyes from 72 patients with mechanical occular traumas, who had been hospitalized in “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” Military Hospital from December 1999 to January 2005. For the statistical data analysis, an automated program (SPSS 11.5 version was used to create the database and estimations were made according to the variable types. Summary measures, central tendency measures and statistical association with significance level equal to p < 0.05 were employed. Males prevailed (95.8%, the average age was 30.26 years with a minimum rate of 17 years and maximum rate of 82 years. The most frequent mechanisms of trauma were aggressions (23. 6% and injures from secondary projectiles (13.9%. The anterior segment traumas were more frequent (61, 1% than posterior segment traumas (6.94%. Both segments of the eyeball were affected in 39, 1% of eyes which evinced the worst visual acuity. The most common associated injures were hyphema (54, 2% and vitreous hemorrhage (16.6%. Closed trauma (contusions were more common and most of the eyes had better final visual acuity (45, 2% with vision range of 0.6-1.0 and 26.2% with vision range of 0.59-0.1. On the other hand, eyes affected by open trauma (simple wound, contusion-wound, wound with intraocular foreign body and

  17. Burnout, Perceived Stress, and Job Satisfaction Among Trauma Nurses at a Level I Safety-Net Trauma Center. (United States)

    Munnangi, Swapna; Dupiton, Lynore; Boutin, Anthony; Angus, L D George

    Nurses are at the forefront of our health care delivery system and have been reported to exhibit a high level of burnout. Burnout and stress in trauma nurses at a safety-net hospital can negatively impact patient care. Safety-net hospitals are confronted with unique social, financial, as well as resource problems that can potentially make the work environment frustrating. The purpose of this study was to explore the levels of burnout, stress, and job satisfaction in nurses providing care to trauma patients at a Level I safety-net trauma center. A cross-sectional survey design was used to investigate principal factors including personal and professional demographics, burnout, perceived stress, and job satisfaction. Trauma nurses working at a Level I safety-net trauma center are stressed and exhibited moderate degree of burnout. The extent of emotional exhaustion experienced by the nurses varied with work location and was highest in surgical intensive care unit nurses. The level of job satisfaction in terms of opportunities for promotion differed significantly by race and the health status of the nurses. Satisfaction with coworkers was lowest in those nurses between the ages of 60-69 years. Female nurses were more satisfied with their coworkers than male nurses. In addition, the study revealed that significant relationships exist among perceived stress, burnout, and job satisfaction. Work environment significantly impacts burnout, job satisfaction, and perceived stress experienced by trauma nurses in a safety-net hospital. Nursing administration can make an effort to understand the levels of burnout and strategically improve work environment for trauma nurses in order to minimize stressors leading to attrition and enhance job satisfaction.

  18. Paediatric trauma

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Trauma Unit, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Cape Town ... projects, educational initiatives and advocacy roles on child safety initiatives regarding child injuries as well as child abuse. ... The development of the total body digital.

  19. TRAUMA

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 4, 2017 ... However, the physical and financial resources to manage this massive burden of disease are inadequate. This is especially the case in terms of access to critical care facilities. The development of an electronic trauma registry at our institution has allowed us to capture data in real time on all patients and.

  20. Combined trauma in peaceful time

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    Chaika V.A.


    Full Text Available In the article epidemiological features of combined trauma (CT, characteristic for the industrial region were summarized. 486 cases of CT were analyzed for the period from 2010 to 2012. Male patients dominated. 267 (54.9% patients were the age from 25 to 44 years. Most often the damage occurred in 2 anatomic regions (AR - 224 (46.1%, 3 AR - 177 (36.4% and 4 or more - 85 (17.5%. Trau¬matic brain injury - 94.2%, skeletal trauma - 70.6%, the trauma of the chest and abdomen - 68.4% and 35.7%, respectively prevailed. Injury of the abdominal cavity as a dominant one - 148 (30.5% occupied the first place. In 17 (3.5% cases it was impossible to establish the dominant damage. Mortality rate was directly dependent on the type of the trauma and patient's age. Maximum values were found in the combined brain injury and that of abdominal organs - 28.6%, as well as in the group of patients older than 60 years - 35.1%. From 2010 to 2012 the overall mortality decreased by 3.5%.

  1. Predictors of poor outcomes after significant chest trauma in multiply injured patients: a retrospective analysis from the German Trauma Registry (Trauma Register DGU®). (United States)

    Huber, Stephan; Biberthaler, Peter; Delhey, Patrick; Trentzsch, Heiko; Winter, Hauke; van Griensven, Martijn; Lefering, Rolf; Huber-Wagner, Stefan


    Blunt thoracic trauma is one of the critical injury mechanisms in multiply injured trauma victims. Although these patients present a plethora of potential structural damages to vital organs, it remains debated which injuries actually influence outcome and thereby should be addressed initially. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify the influence of critical structural damages on mortality. All patients in the database of the TraumaRegister DGU® (TR-DGU) from 2002-2011 with AIS Chest ≥ 2, blunt trauma, age of 16 or older and an ISS ≥ 16 were analyzed. Outcome parameters were in-hospital mortality as well as ventilation time in patients surviving the initial 14 days after trauma. 22613 Patients were included (mean ISS 30.5 ± 12.6; 74.7% male; Mean Age 46.1 ± 197 years; mortality 17.5%; mean duration of ventilation 7.3 ± 11.5; mean ICU stay 11.7 ± 14.1 days). Only a limited number of specific injuries had a significant impact on survival. Major thoracic vessel injuries (AIS ≥5), bilateral lung contusion, bilateral flail chest, structural heart injury (AIS ≥3) significantly influence mortality in study patients. Several extrathoracic factors (age, blood transfusion, systolic blood pressure and extrathoracic severe injuries) were also predictive of increased mortality. Most injuries of the thoracic wall had no or only a moderate effect on the duration of ventilation. Injuries to the lung (laceration, contusion or pneumothoraces) had a moderate prolonging effect. Cardiac injuries and severe injuries to the thoracic vessels induced a substantially prolonged ventilation interval. We demonstrate quantitatively the influence of specific structural damages of the chest on critical outcome parameters. While most injuries of the chest wall have no or only limited impact in the study collective, injuries to the lung overall show adverse outcome. Injuries to the heart or thoracic vessels have a devastating prognosis following blunt

  2. Intervenção fisioterapêutica em casos de pacientes admitidos por trauma torácico: um estudo retrospectivo

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    Kátia Cirílo Costa Nóbrega


    Full Text Available O fisioterapeuta pode atuar junto à equipe multidisciplinar na unidade de emergência através de uma intervenção precoce em pacientes com trauma torácico. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar a relação da intervenção fisioterapêutica com o tempo de internação, dos casos admitidos. A pesquisa iniciou após aprovação do Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Estado do Amapá, com base na coleta de dados dos prontuários de pacientes com trauma torácico admitidos no Hospital de Emergência de Macapá, no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2010. Com as variáveis de estudo idade, sexo, mês de admissão, tempo de internação, tipo de ferimento, entre outros. Sendo utilizados como critérios de inclusão pacientes com diagnostico trauma torácico, admitido no Hospital de Emergência de Macapá, permanência acima de 24 horas no hospital de emergência, ferimento de arma de fogo ou arma branca, sendo excluídos da pesquisas os que não se encaixarem aos mesmos. Observou-se estatisticamente a correlação entre o tempo de internação e o tratamento fisioterapêutico, que são diretamente proporcionais para uma boa evolução do paciente. Pois a fisioterapia no paciente com trauma torácico traz uma melhor recuperação, um tempo de internação reduzido e com diminuição de complicações do quadro clinico

  3. Intervenção fisioterapêutica em casos de pacientes admitidos por trauma torácico: um estudo retrospectivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kátia Cirílo Costa Nóbrega


    Full Text Available O fisioterapeuta pode atuar junto à equipe multidisciplinar na unidade de emergência através de uma intervenção precoce em pacientes com trauma torácico. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar a relação da intervenção fisioterapêutica com o tempo de internação, dos casos admitidos. A pesquisa iniciou após aprovação do Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Estado do Amapá, com base na coleta de dados dos prontuários de pacientes com trauma torácico admitidos no Hospital de Emergência de Macapá, no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2010. Com as variáveis de estudo idade, sexo, mês de admissão, tempo de internação, tipo de ferimento, entre outros. Sendo utilizados como critérios de inclusão pacientes com diagnostico trauma torácico, admitido no Hospital de Emergência de Macapá, permanência acima de 24 horas no hospital de emergência, ferimento de arma de fogo ou arma branca, sendo excluídos da pesquisas os que não se encaixarem aos mesmos. Observou-se estatisticamente a correlação entre o tempo de internação e o tratamento fisioterapêutico, que são diretamente proporcionais para uma boa evolução do paciente. Pois a fisioterapia no paciente com trauma torácico traz uma melhor recuperação, um tempo de internação reduzido e com diminuição de complicações do quadro clinico

  4. Um objeto-modelo didático do movimento aparente do Sol em relação ao fundo de estrelas

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    Francisco Catelli


    “Por que o Sol nunca passa pela constelação de Órion?” A resposta a essa pergunta, feita por um aluno, inicia com uma revisão da literatura sobre modelos, em especial aqueles relacionados aos objetos-modelo didáticos. A pergunta é respondida, então, inicialmente, usando um mapa do céu, o qual é, em seguida, transformado em um cilindro, e este, por sua vez, é montado em um dispositivo didático de modo a materializar o movimento aparente da abóbada celeste, em uma latitude escolhida, constituindo-se, assim, em um verdadeiro “mini planetário”. Contudo, para chegar a um nível de resposta que inclua conceitos como o da vertical do lugar, a invariância da orientação do eixo de rotação da Terra, o equador celeste e a eclíptica, fazem-se necessários outros modelos. Por fim, conclui-se que não é apenas um, mas sim um conjunto articulado de modelos que pode levar a uma resposta aceitável à questão proposta.


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    Fahad Bin Abdul Majeed


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Blunt abdominal trauma is a common case that comes to an emergency department and it is the most easily missed diagnosis resulting in catastrophic consequences. Delay in diagnosing a case is due to the nonspecific character of the symptoms with which it presents. Clinical signs that could be elicited in blunt trauma abdomen are equally nonspecific. Thus, to avoid delay and save the life of the patient, a doctor has to depend on various investigations to rule out blunt trauma abdomen. The modalities which help include paracentesis, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma (FAST and ContrastEnhanced Computed Tomography (CECT. To choose the right investigation for the right patient helps in saving precious lives. Validity of each investigation, availability, condition of the patient are the main points to look into before deciding on the right investigative modality. Paracentesis is the simplest investigation that could be done in emergency department and also at the site of accident to triage the patient. Paracentesis has low sensitivity to detect blunt trauma. FAST is a better investigation with higher validity rates than paracentesis. This study aims to validate paracentesis, which is the simplest and commonest investigation used to identify blunt abdominal trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, 106 patients who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were followed up by detailed history, clinical examination, paracentesis and FAST to identify blunt abdominal trauma and then compared with a gold standard investigation, which was assigned as CECT for haemodynamically stable patients and laparotomy for haemodynamically unstable patients. Commonest organs injured in blunt trauma and their management was noted. Patients were followed up till discharge or death. Subsequently, the data were compiled using excel sheet and evaluated using tables and charts. RESULTS Paracentesis is found to have a

  6. Management of Acute Skin Trauma

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Joel W. Beam


    @@ Acute skin trauma (ie, abrasions, avulsions, blisters, incisions, lacerations, and punctures) is common among individuals involved in work, recreational, and athletic activities. Appropriate management of these wounds is important to promote healing and lessen the risk of cross-contamination and infection. Wound management techniques have undergone significant changes in the past 40 years but many clinicians continue to manage acute skin trauma with long-established, traditional techniques (ie, use of hydrogen peroxide, adhesive strips/patches, sterile gauze, or no dressing) that can delay healing and increase the risk of infection. The purpose of this review is to discuss evidence-based cleansing, debridement, and dressing techniques for the management of acute skin trauma.

  7. Factores relacionados al uso excesivo de alcohol en adultos jóvenes en Puerto Rico

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    David Pérez-Jiménez


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue identificar los factores relacionados con el uso excesivo de alcohol en personas jóvenes en Puerto Rico. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio de tipo cualitativo mediante el cual se entrevistaron de forma cualitativa a 20 adultos jóvenes (10 hombres y 10 mujeres, entre las edades de 21 a 29 años. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido cualitativo. Los/as jóvenes identificaron más factores sociales y culturales que individuales. Algunos de los factores sociales más mencionados incluyen a la familia y a las campañas publicitarias que se transmiten por los medios de comunicación. Con respecto a la familia indicaron que en esta se comienza a transmitir valores de aceptación y uso del alcohol. Sobre las campañas publicitarias mencionaron que van dirigidas a resaltar la necesidad de consumir alcohol como una condición imprescindible para pasarla bien. También mencionaron que hay jóvenes que usan alcohol como un mecanismo para lidiar con los problemas que enfrentan. Esta investigación documenta algunos de los factores más relevantes relacionado con el uso de alcohol en jóvenes. Los esfuerzos de prevención deben ir dirigidos a minimizar esos factores de riesgo presentes en la cultura puertorriqueña y posiblemente latinoamericana

  8. Determinants of Mortality in Chest Trauma Patients | Ekpe | Nigerian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Chest trauma is an important trauma globally accounting for about 10% of trauma admission and 25‑50% of trauma death. Different types and severity of ... Data were collected and were analyzed using WINPEPI Stone Mountain, Georgia: USD Inc; 1995 statistical software. Results: A total 149 patients with ...

  9. Migration, Trauma, PTSD: A Gender Study in Morrison's Jazz (United States)

    Motlagh, Leila Tafreshi; Yahya, Wan Roselezam Wan


    Toni Morrison is an acknowledged master of trauma literature, however trauma theory and a gender response to trauma remain largely unaccounted for her migration literature, specifically "Jazz" (1992). In her novel, two migrant women are affected by the same trauma, a crime of passion. But they choose different reactions and coping…

  10. Imaging in spinal trauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goethem, J.W.M. van [Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Department of Radiology, Edegem (Belgium); Algemeen Ziekenhuis Maria Middelares, Department of Radiology, Sint-Niklaas (Belgium); Maes, Menno; Oezsarlak, Oezkan; Hauwe, Luc van den; Parizel, Paul M. [Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Department of Radiology, Edegem (Belgium)


    Because it may cause paralysis, injury to the spine is one of the most feared traumas, and spinal cord injury is a major cause of disability. In the USA approximately 10,000 traumatic cervical spine fractures and 4000 traumatic thoracolumbar fractures are diagnosed each year. Although the number of individuals sustaining paralysis is far less than those with moderate or severe brain injury, the socioeconomic costs are significant. Since most of the spinal trauma patients survive their injuries, almost one out of 1000 inhabitants in the USA are currently being cared for partial or complete paralysis. Little controversy exists regarding the need for accurate and emergent imaging assessment of the traumatized spine in order to evaluate spinal stability and integrity of neural elements. Because clinicians fear missing occult spine injuries, they obtain radiographs for nearly all patients who present with blunt trauma. We are influenced on one side by fear of litigation and the possible devastating medical, psychologic and financial consequences of cervical spine injury, and on the other side by pressure to reduce health care costs. A set of clinical and/or anamnestic criteria, however, can be very useful in identifying patients who have an extremely low probability of injury and who consequently have no need for imaging studies. Multidetector (or multislice) computed tomography (MDCT) is the preferred primary imaging modality in blunt spinal trauma patients who do need imaging. Not only is CT more accurate in diagnosing spinal injury, it also reduces imaging time and patient manipulation. Evidence-based research has established that MDCT improves patient outcome and saves money in comparison to plain film. This review discusses the use, advantages and disadvantages of the different imaging techniques used in spinal trauma patients and the criteria used in selecting patients who do not need imaging. Finally an overview of different types of spinal injuries is given

  11. Imaging in spinal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goethem, J.W.M. van; Maes, Menno; Oezsarlak, Oezkan; Hauwe, Luc van den; Parizel, Paul M.


    Because it may cause paralysis, injury to the spine is one of the most feared traumas, and spinal cord injury is a major cause of disability. In the USA approximately 10,000 traumatic cervical spine fractures and 4000 traumatic thoracolumbar fractures are diagnosed each year. Although the number of individuals sustaining paralysis is far less than those with moderate or severe brain injury, the socioeconomic costs are significant. Since most of the spinal trauma patients survive their injuries, almost one out of 1000 inhabitants in the USA are currently being cared for partial or complete paralysis. Little controversy exists regarding the need for accurate and emergent imaging assessment of the traumatized spine in order to evaluate spinal stability and integrity of neural elements. Because clinicians fear missing occult spine injuries, they obtain radiographs for nearly all patients who present with blunt trauma. We are influenced on one side by fear of litigation and the possible devastating medical, psychologic and financial consequences of cervical spine injury, and on the other side by pressure to reduce health care costs. A set of clinical and/or anamnestic criteria, however, can be very useful in identifying patients who have an extremely low probability of injury and who consequently have no need for imaging studies. Multidetector (or multislice) computed tomography (MDCT) is the preferred primary imaging modality in blunt spinal trauma patients who do need imaging. Not only is CT more accurate in diagnosing spinal injury, it also reduces imaging time and patient manipulation. Evidence-based research has established that MDCT improves patient outcome and saves money in comparison to plain film. This review discusses the use, advantages and disadvantages of the different imaging techniques used in spinal trauma patients and the criteria used in selecting patients who do not need imaging. Finally an overview of different types of spinal injuries is given

  12. Pseudofracture: an acute peripheral tissue trauma model. (United States)

    Darwiche, Sophie S; Kobbe, Philipp; Pfeifer, Roman; Kohut, Lauryn; Pape, Hans-Christoph; Billiar, Timothy


    Following trauma there is an early hyper-reactive inflammatory response that can lead to multiple organ dysfunction and high mortality in trauma patients; this response is often accompanied by a delayed immunosuppression that adds the clinical complications of infection and can also increase mortality. Many studies have begun to assess these changes in the reactivity of the immune system following trauma. Immunologic studies are greatly supported through the wide variety of transgenic and knockout mice available for in vivo modeling; these strains aid in detailed investigations to assess the molecular pathways involved in the immunologic responses. The challenge in experimental murine trauma modeling is long term investigation, as fracture fixation techniques in mice, can be complex and not easily reproducible. This pseudofracture model, an easily reproduced trauma model, overcomes these difficulties by immunologically mimicking an extremity fracture environment, while allowing freedom of movement in the animals and long term survival without the continual, prolonged use of anaesthesia. The intent is to recreate the features of long bone fracture; injured muscle and soft tissue are exposed to damaged bone and bone marrow without breaking the native bone. The pseudofracture model consists of two parts: a bilateral muscle crush injury to the hindlimbs, followed by injection of a bone solution into these injured muscles. The bone solution is prepared by harvesting the long bones from both hindlimbs of an age- and weight-matched syngeneic donor. These bones are then crushed and resuspended in phosphate buffered saline to create the bone solution. Bilateral femur fracture is a commonly used and well-established model of extremity trauma, and was the comparative model during the development of the pseudofracture model. Among the variety of available fracture models, we chose to use a closed method of fracture with soft tissue injury as our comparison to the


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Ángeles Pérez-Morente


    Full Text Available Conocer los factores determinantes en Infecciones de Transmisión sexual (ITS es necesario para evaluar y diseñar medidas efectivas para su prevención y tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores de riesgo relacionados con la sexualidad de sujetos atendidos en un centro de control de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y analizar si hubo diferencias en función del sexo. Método: Estudio transversal utilizando como fuente de información 496 historias clínicas correspondientes al periodo 2010-2014, de sujetos que acudieron al Centro de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual y Orientación Sexual de la provincia de Granada por sospecha de ITS. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, clínicos y relacionados con pautas sexuales. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y análisis bivariante mediante comparación de proporciones con test de la chi-cuadrado. Resultados: El 56% de los sujetos eran hombres y el 44% mujeres. La edad media fue de 29,01 años (DT=9,07. El 85,9% estaban solteros. El 54,2% presentaba un nivel de estudios superior. Las infecciones más prevalentes fueron el virus del papiloma humano (18,8%, Molluscum contagioso (5,6% y candidiasis (3,8%. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas por sexo con la variable conducta sexual, hallando 89 hombres homosexuales y 4 mujeres, así como 22 hombres bisexuales frente a 7 mujeres(p<0,001.También se hallaron diferencias entre sexo y vida sexual, encontrando mayor prevalencia de hombres con entre 10-20 parejas (n=23 y más de 20 parejas (n=20 que mujeres (n=10, n= 4, respectivamente (p<0,001. Conclusiones: El perfil es el de una persona joven, soltera, con estudios superiores. La infección más prevalente es el virus del papiloma humano. Los hombres siguen constituyendo la población más vulnerable para contraer infecciones de transmisión sexual debido a sus prácticas sexuales.

  14. Otolith function in patients with head trauma. (United States)

    Lee, Jong Dae; Park, Moo Kyun; Lee, Byung Don; Park, Ji Yun; Lee, Tae Kyung; Sung, Ki-Bum


    This study evaluates the otolith function of patients with head trauma, postulating that otolith dysfunction is a cause of nonspecific dizziness after head trauma. We prospectively enrolled 28 patients referred within 3 months after head trauma between March 2007 and December 2009. Pure tone audiometry, caloric testing and otolith function tests, including cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) and subjective visual vertical (SVV) tests, were performed on all patients. The relationship between otolith function and otologic symptoms was analyzed. Of the 28 patients with head trauma, 18 complained of dizziness and 12 experienced hearing loss, including 6 patients who complained of both. On defining otolith dysfunction as an abnormal cVEMP or abnormal SVV, a significant difference in otolith dysfunction existed between the groups with and without dizziness [72 (13/18) vs. 20% (2/10)]. In contrast, no significant difference in otolith dysfunction was detected between the abnormal and normal hearing groups. A significant number of the patients who complained of nonspecific dizziness after trauma had abnormal otolith function. After trauma, when patients complain of dizziness, vestibular function tests, including otolith function tests, should be considered.

  15. ACR appropriateness criteria blunt chest trauma. (United States)

    Chung, Jonathan H; Cox, Christian W; Mohammed, Tan-Lucien H; Kirsch, Jacobo; Brown, Kathleen; Dyer, Debra Sue; Ginsburg, Mark E; Heitkamp, Darel E; Kanne, Jeffrey P; Kazerooni, Ella A; Ketai, Loren H; Ravenel, James G; Saleh, Anthony G; Shah, Rakesh D; Steiner, Robert M; Suh, Robert D


    Imaging is paramount in the setting of blunt trauma and is now the standard of care at any trauma center. Although anteroposterior radiography has inherent limitations, the ability to acquire a radiograph in the trauma bay with little interruption in clinical survey, monitoring, and treatment, as well as radiography's accepted role in screening for traumatic aortic injury, supports the routine use of chest radiography. Chest CT or CT angiography is the gold-standard routine imaging modality for detecting thoracic injuries caused by blunt trauma. There is disagreement on whether routine chest CT is necessary in all patients with histories of blunt trauma. Ultimately, the frequency and timing of CT chest imaging should be site specific and should depend on the local resources of the trauma center as well as patient status. Ultrasound may be beneficial in the detection of pneumothorax, hemothorax, and pericardial hemorrhage; transesophageal echocardiography is a first-line imaging tool in the setting of suspected cardiac injury. In the blunt trauma setting, MRI and nuclear medicine likely play no role in the acute setting, although these modalities may be helpful as problem-solving tools after initial assessment. The ACR Appropriateness Criteria are evidence-based guidelines for specific clinical conditions that are reviewed every 2 years by a multidisciplinary expert panel. The guideline development and review include an extensive analysis of current medical literature from peer-reviewed journals and the application of a well-established consensus methodology (modified Delphi) to rate the appropriateness of imaging and treatment procedures by the panel. In those instances in which evidence is lacking or not definitive, expert opinion may be used to recommend imaging or treatment. Copyright © 2014 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Contemporary evaluation and management of renal trauma. (United States)

    Chouhan, Jyoti D; Winer, Andrew G; Johnson, Christina; Weiss, Jeffrey P; Hyacinthe, Llewellyn M


    Renal trauma occurs in approximately 1%-5% of all trauma cases. Improvements in imaging and management over the last two decades have caused a shift in the treatment of this clinical condition. A systematic search of PubMed was performed to identify relevant and contemporary articles that referred to the management and evaluation of renal trauma. Computed tomography remains a mainstay of radiological evaluation in hemodynamically stable patients. There is a growing body of literature showing that conservative, non-operative management of renal trauma is safe, even for Grade IV-V renal injuries. If surgical exploration is planned due to other injuries, a conservative approach to the kidney can often be utilized. Follow up imaging may be warranted in certain circumstances. Urinoma, delayed bleeding, and hypertension are complications that require follow up. Appropriate imaging and conservative approaches are a mainstay of current renal trauma management.

  17. Thoracic trauma: presentation and management outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saaiq, M.; Shah, S. A.


    To determine the presentation and management outcome of thoracic trauma in a tertiary care setting. A total of 143 patients, who presented with chest trauma, were included in the study. All the patients were assessed by the history, physical examination and ancillary investigations. Appropriate managements were instituted as required. Data was described in percentages. out of 143 patients, 119 (83)% were males and 24 (17)% were females. Most of the patients belonged to the age group of 21-50 years. Ninety seven (66)% patients were admitted for indoor management. Blunt injury was found in 125 (87.4%) patients, while penetrating injuries in only 18 (12.6%) patients. Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) were the commonest cause of trauma (n=103, 72%). Rib fracture was the commonest chest injury (74% patients). Head injury was the most frequently associated injury (18% of the patients). Tube thoracostomy was the commonest intervention undertaken in 65 (45%) patients. Seventeen (11.88%) patients were managed with mechanical ventilation. there were 17 deaths with a mortality rate of 11.88%. Thoracic trauma is an important cause of hospitalization, morbidity and mortality in the younger population. RTAs constitute the leading cause of thoracic trauma in our setup. Tube thoracostomy is the most frequent and at times the only invasive procedure required as a definitive measure in thoracic trauma patients. A policy of selective hospitalization helps to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions. (author)

  18. Cost-effectiveness of trauma CT in the trauma room versus the radiology department: the REACT trial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saltzherr, T.P.; Goslings, J.C. [Academic Medical Center, Trauma Unit Department of Surgery, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Bakker, F.C. [VU University Medical Center, Department of Traumatology, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Beenen, L.F.M. [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Olff, M. [Academic Medical Center, AMC de Meren, Department of Psychiatry, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Meijssen, K. [VU University Medical Center, Economics Department, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Asselman, F.F. [Academic Medical Center, Concern Staff Department, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Reitsma, J.B. [Academic Medical Center, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Dijkgraaf, M.G.W. [Academic Medical Center, Clinical Research Unit, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Collaboration: on behalf of the REACT study group


    To determine the cost-effectiveness of trauma room CT compared with CT performed at the radiology department. In this randomised controlled trial, adult patients requiring evaluation in a level 1 trauma centre were included. In the intervention hospital the CT system was located within the trauma room and in the control hospital within the radiology department. Direct and indirect medical costs of the institutionalised stay and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were calculated. A total of 1,124 patients were randomised with comparable demographic characteristics. Mean number of non-institutionalised days alive was 322.5 in the intervention group (95 % CI 314-331) and 320.7 in the control group (95 % CI 312.1-329.2). Mean costs of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures per hospital inpatient day were EUR554 for the intervention group and EUR468 for the control group. Total mean costs in the intervention group were EUR16,002 (95 % CI 13,075-18,929) and EUR16,635 (95 % CI 13,528-19,743) for the control group (P = 0.77). The present study showed that in trauma patients the setting with a CT system located in the trauma room did not provide any advantages or disadvantages from a health economics perspective over a CT system located in the radiology department. (orig.)

  19. Cost-effectiveness of trauma CT in the trauma room versus the radiology department: the REACT trial

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saltzherr, T.P.; Goslings, J.C.; Bakker, F.C.; Beenen, L.F.M.; Olff, M.; Meijssen, K.; Asselman, F.F.; Reitsma, J.B.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.


    To determine the cost-effectiveness of trauma room CT compared with CT performed at the radiology department. In this randomised controlled trial, adult patients requiring evaluation in a level 1 trauma centre were included. In the intervention hospital the CT system was located within the trauma room and in the control hospital within the radiology department. Direct and indirect medical costs of the institutionalised stay and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were calculated. A total of 1,124 patients were randomised with comparable demographic characteristics. Mean number of non-institutionalised days alive was 322.5 in the intervention group (95 % CI 314-331) and 320.7 in the control group (95 % CI 312.1-329.2). Mean costs of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures per hospital inpatient day were EUR554 for the intervention group and EUR468 for the control group. Total mean costs in the intervention group were EUR16,002 (95 % CI 13,075-18,929) and EUR16,635 (95 % CI 13,528-19,743) for the control group (P = 0.77). The present study showed that in trauma patients the setting with a CT system located in the trauma room did not provide any advantages or disadvantages from a health economics perspective over a CT system located in the radiology department. (orig.)

  20. Sustainable Effectiveness of Applying Trauma Team Activation in Managing Trauma Patients in the Emergency Department. (United States)

    Wuthisuthimethawee, Prasit; Molloy, Michael S; Ciottone, Gregory R


    To determine long term effectiveness of trauma team activation criteria by measuring emergency department length of stay (EDLOS) and 28-day mortality. A 3-year retrospective cohort study conducted in adult trauma patients who met one of the trauma team activation criteria (shock, penetrating torso injury, post traumatic arrest, respiratory rate of less than 12 or more than 30, and pulse rate of more than 120). Specific demographic data, physiologic parameters, EDLOS, injury severity score (ISS), and 28-day mortality were prospectively recorded into the Trauma Registry database. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine factors affecting mortality. The Institutional Review Board approval was obtained prior to undertaking the project. Two hundred eighty two patients with a mean age of35.1 years old were eligible. The median ISS was 25 (range, 13-30). The median EDLOS was 85 minutes (range, 50-135) and the 28-day mortality rate was 46.5%. The mean age was 31.7 years in the survival group and 38.7 years in the fatal group (p = 0.001). The median ISS was 17 in the survival group and 26 in the fatal group (p = 0.000) and the median EDLOS was 110 minutes in the survival group and 82 minutes in the fatal group (p = 0.034). When compared to data prior to the TTA application, the median time of EDLOS improvedsustainably from 184 to 85 minutes (p = 0.000) and the mortality rate decreased from 66.7% to 46.5% (p = 0.057). The parameters affecting patient mortality were older age, high ISS, and shorter EDLOS. Trauma team activation criteria significantly improved acute trauma care in the emergency department and decreased mortality.