
Sample records for regional epidemiologia fisiopatologia

  1. Tendências no ensino da epidemiologia no Brasil


    Barata Rita Barradas


    O ensino da epidemiologia teve início no Brasil na década de 20 e sempre foi voltado para a saúde pública. Na década de 70, o ensino de epidemiologia passou por um crescimento em nível de pós-graduação. Os anos 80 foram marcados pela "epidemiologia social", que incorporava as ciências sociais e seus métodos; a segunda metade da década foi marcada pelo desenvolvimento das técnicas da bioestatística. No momento atual, a definição de diretrizes para o ensino da epidemiologia depende da reflexão ...

  2. O conceito de espaço na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas

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    Silva Luiz Jacintho da


    Full Text Available Análise teórica da utilização do conceito de espaço na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas. Faz-se uma breve retrospectiva do uso de diferentes conceituações de espaço e de suas implicações. Ênfase é dada à teoria dos focos naturais de Pavlovsky e às interações entre a epidemiologia e a geografia. O problema atual das infecções emergentes é visto como determinante da necessidade de se intensificarem as discussões sobre este conceito na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas.

  3. O conceito de espaço na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas

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    Luiz Jacintho da Silva

    Full Text Available Análise teórica da utilização do conceito de espaço na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas. Faz-se uma breve retrospectiva do uso de diferentes conceituações de espaço e de suas implicações. Ênfase é dada à teoria dos focos naturais de Pavlovsky e às interações entre a epidemiologia e a geografia. O problema atual das infecções emergentes é visto como determinante da necessidade de se intensificarem as discussões sobre este conceito na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas.

  4. Bases históricas da Epidemiologia

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    Naomar de Almeida Filho


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio tenta sistematizar uma série de informações esquemáticas sobre a história da Epidemiologia, a fim de compreender a sua evolução enquanto disciplina articulada ao desenvolvimento histórico dos principais movimentos sociais na área da saúde. Discute-se as raízes da Epidemiologia a partir do tripé Clínica-Estatística-Medicina Social, o seu desenvolvimento inicial subsidiário à Saúde Pública, a sua constituição ideológica e o seu avanço técnico no bojo do projeto preventivista. Finalmente, a Epidemiologia moderna é vista como uma disciplina que retorna às suas raízes históricas e políticas no movimento da Saúde Coletiva, opondo-se, a nível teórico, às pressões para torná-la um mero instrumento "método-lógico " da pesquisa clínica.The present article is an attempt to organize some information about the history of Epidemiology, in order to understand its evolution as a scientific discipline connected with the historical development of major social movements in the health fields. The roots of Epidemiology from the triad Clinics-Statistics-Social Medicine, its initial development depending on the Public Health, its Technical advancement and ideological constitution within the preventive project, are all discussed. Finnally, modem Epidemiology is seen as a discipline that recovers its historical and roots through the movement of Collective Health, in opposition, at a theoretical level, to pressures to make it a mere "methodological" tool for clinical research.

  5. O conceito de saúde: ponto-cego da epidemiologia?


    Almeida Filho,Naomar de


    O trabalho faz uma avaliação da proposição de que o conceito de 'saúde' constitui um ponto-cego para a ciência epidemiológica, postulando que não há base lógica para uma definição negativa da Saúde, tanto no nível individual quanto no coletivo. Também analisa brevemente as tentativas de produzir uma "epidemiologia da saúde" em bases simétricas à epidemiologia dos riscos, bem como as abordagens econométricas que reforçam e complementam o repertório epidemiológico destinado à medida da saúde. F...

  6. Paralisia de Bell: fisiopatologia e tratamento = Bell’s palsy: physiopathology and treatment

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    Falavigna, Asdrubal


    Conclusões: a fisiopatologia da paralisia de Bell ainda permanece não bem esclarecida, embora tenha sido demonstrada associação com a presença do vírus Herpes simplex. O seu tratamento permanece controverso, no entanto recentes ensaios clínicos bem conduzidos confirmam o benefício dos corticosteróides

  7. O que a epidemiologia pode ainda fazer de relevante?

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    Marisa de Souza Cardim


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma sucinta revisão de alguns aspectos da epidemiologia ainda mal conhecidos, - por serem polêmicos ou cujo desenvolvimento é recente ou apenas se esboça. Enquanto método, haveria duas epidemiologias: uma em que se esmera cada vez mais no rigor metodológico e análise sofisticada dos dados em computador; a outra contenta-se com métodos simples, alia-se fortemente com as ciências sociais, a economia e as ciências do comportamento, - com o objetivo de achar soluções para os problemas de saúde. A importância das conseqüências dos fatores sócio-econômicos sobre a saúde foi avaliada a partir de publicações das pesquisas epidemiológica e clínica; aquela importância aumentou no primeiro tipo de pesquisa e tende a desaparecer no segundo. A questão de avaliar o estado de saúde de populações ficou sem avançar, pois, sem operacionalizar indicadores de saúde positiva, de fato avalia-se estado de doença. Enfim, reconheceu-se o advento algo original de um desdobramento promissor da epidemiologia: o estudo das representações da Antropologia, tais como mitos, crenças, comportamento e instituições.

  8. Marcadores periféricos e a fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar


    Pedro V. S. Magalhães; Gabriel R. Fries; Flávio Kapczinski


    INTRODUÇÃO: O entendimento da fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar vem tendo avanços consistentes nos últimos anos. Um enfoque na relação entre carga alostática e alterações sistêmicas vem tomando corpo, com o objetivo de se entender a frequente progressão da doença. Proeminentes entre os mediadores periféricos têm sido as moléculas que poderiam ser amplamente agrupadas em neurotrofinas, marcadores de estresse oxidativo e marcadores inflamatórios. OBJETIVO: Descrever achados recentes em relaç...

  9. Epidemiologia da insônia


    Souza,José Carlos; Reimão,Rubens


    Os autores fizeram uma ampla revisão da literatura científica mundial sobre a epidemiologia da insônia, o mais prevalente dos distúrbios do sono. Foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico, no período de janeiro de 2002 a novembro de 2003, das publicações dos últimos 30 anos, nos bancos de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, sobre a definição e prevalência da insônia, além de suas conseqüências socioeconômicas. As palavras-chaves pesquisadas foram: distúrbio de iniciar o sono, distúrbio de manutenção do son...

  10. Síndrome dolorosa complexa regional: epidemiologia, fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, testes diagnósticos e propostas terapêuticas Síndrome dolorosa compleja regional: epidemiología, fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, tests diagnósticos y propuestas terapéuticas Complex regional pain syndrome: epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests and therapeutic proposals

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    Francisco Carlos Obata Cordon


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A Síndrome Dolorosa Complexa Regional (SDCR, assim denominada a partir de 1994 pelo Consenso da Associação Internacional para o Estudo da Dor (AIED e anteriormente denominada de várias formas, tais como Distrofia Simpático Reflexa, Causalgia, Algodistrofia ou Atrofia de Sudeck, é uma doença cuja compreensão dos limites clínicos, fisiopatologia e implicações de patogenia ainda é pobre. Disto resulta a enorme insatisfação não só para os pacientes como para os profissionais da saúde quanto aos métodos terapêuticos atualmente disponíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho é rever a literatura e atualizar um conjunto de informações com o intuito da melhor compreensão desta importante síndrome dolorosa. CONTEÚDO: Este é um trabalho de revisão da literatura nos diversos aspectos da SDCR, com ênfase em suas causas, definição e taxonomia, fisiopatologia, características clínicas, testes diagnósticos e propostas de tratamentos mais recentes. CONCLUSÕES: Poucos são os estudos controlados adequadamente, encobertos e aleatórios, publicados com grandes amostras, havendo muitas dúvidas sobre esta doença. Desta forma, ainda há enorme empirismo na sua terapêutica, e os resultados obtidos são insatisfatórios.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La Síndrome Dolorosa Compleja Regional (SDCR, así denominada a partir de 1994 pelo Consenso de la Associación Internacional para el Estudió del Dolor (AIED y anteriormente denominada de varias formas, tales como Distrofia Simpático Refleja, Causalgia, Algodistrofia o Atrofia de Sudeck, es una enfermedad cuya comprensión de los limites clínicos, fisiopatología e implicaciones de patogenia aun es pobre. De esto resulta la enorme insatisfacción no solamente para los pacientes como para los profesionales de la salud, cuanto a los métodos terapéuticos actualmente disponibles. El objetivo de este trabajo es rever la literatura y actualizar un conjunto de

  11. O problema do conhecimento verdadeiro na epidemiologia

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    Ayres José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita


    Full Text Available São examinadas as bases filosóficas da validação do conhecimento científico, com o intuito de estabelecer uma visão crítica a respeito da adoção das proposições de Popper na epidemiologia. Ressalta-se o caráter conservador que resulta das limitações técnicas implicadas na sua adoção, não obstante o evidente aumento da racionalidade e da criatividade heurística que propicia.

  12. A epidemiologia como referencial teórico-metodológico no processo de trabalho do enfermeiro


    Adeli Regina Prizybicien de Medeiros; Liliana Müller Larocca; Marta Maria Nolasco Chaves; Marineli Joaquim Meier; Marilene Loewen Wall


    Esta reflexão teve como objetivo compreender a Epidemiologia como referencial teórico-metodológico para a prática da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. O método de pesquisa foi uma investigação bibliográfica, com a análise de artigos e livros de estudiosos que apontam as possibilidades e limites das Epidemiologias clássica, social e crítica, com intuito de aproximar suas concepções à prática do enfermeiro. Discute-se que a articulação dos conhecimentos advindos das supracitadas visões de Epidemiol...

  13. Epidemiologia e geografia: o complexo patogênico de Max. Sorre


    Ferreira, Marcelo Urbano


    Apresentam-se alguns traços essenciais do conceito de complexo patogênico, formulado pelo geógrafo francês Max. Sorre, com o objetivo de estimular estudos de integração entre a epidemiologia e a geografia.Some essential features of the pathogenic complex concept formulated by the French geographer Max. Sorre are presented, aiming at integrating epidemiological and geografic studies.

  14. Epidemiologia e geografia: o complexo patogênico de Max. Sorre

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    Marcelo Urbano Ferreira


    Full Text Available Apresentam-se alguns traços essenciais do conceito de complexo patogênico, formulado pelo geógrafo francês Max. Sorre, com o objetivo de estimular estudos de integração entre a epidemiologia e a geografia.Some essential features of the pathogenic complex concept formulated by the French geographer Max. Sorre are presented, aiming at integrating epidemiological and geografic studies.

  15. O que a epidemiologia pode ainda fazer de relevante?

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    Marisa de Souza Cardim


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma sucinta revisão de alguns aspectos da epidemiologia ainda mal conhecidos, - por serem polêmicos ou cujo desenvolvimento é recente ou apenas se esboça. Enquanto método, haveria duas epidemiologias: uma em que se esmera cada vez mais no rigor metodológico e análise sofisticada dos dados em computador; a outra contenta-se com métodos simples, alia-se fortemente com as ciências sociais, a economia e as ciências do comportamento, - com o objetivo de achar soluções para os problemas de saúde. A importância das conseqüências dos fatores sócio-econômicos sobre a saúde foi avaliada a partir de publicações das pesquisas epidemiológica e clínica; aquela importância aumentou no primeiro tipo de pesquisa e tende a desaparecer no segundo. A questão de avaliar o estado de saúde de populações ficou sem avançar, pois, sem operacionalizar indicadores de saúde positiva, de fato avalia-se estado de doença. Enfim, reconheceu-se o advento algo original de um desdobramento promissor da epidemiologia: o estudo das representações da Antropologia, tais como mitos, crenças, comportamento e instituições.Some new approaches on the use of epidemiology were concisely reviewed in this paper. Firstly, the importance of the health consequences of socio-economic factors, which have increased in epidemiologic research, and decreased too much in studies from the clinical research area. The population's health state evaluation was then discussed, when was remarked that without operational indicators of positive health that evaluation is necessarily limited. Attention was also paid to progress in methods, from which two epidemiologic approaches have been developed. In one of them rigour in methods and in data analysis by computer are endlessly searched for, while health solve-problem is focused in the other. Therefore, epidemiology cannot be separated from social, economic and behavior sciences, which altogether may achieve that

  16. Síndrome de fragilidade geriátrica


    Baptista, Cristina Sofia Freitas


    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Geriatria), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra A Síndrome de Fragilidade Geriátrica (SF) representa um dos grandes desafios atuais para a classe médica, e como tal, o principal objetivo deste artigo de revisão é a sumarização acerca de alguns aspetos relacionados com a Síndrome de Fragilidade Geriátrica, tais como a sua definição, epidemiologia, etiologia e fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, métodos...

  17. Fisiopatologia da deficiência de vitamina B12 e seu diagnóstico laboratorial


    Paniz,Clóvis; Grotto,Denise; Schmitt,Gabriela Cristina; Valentini,Juliana; Schott,Karen Lílian; Pomblum,Valdeci Juarez; Garcia,Solange Cristina


    INTRODUÇÃO: A vitamina B12 é hidrossolúvel, não-sintetizada pelo organismo humano, presente em alimentos de origem animal. Sua deficiência é muito freqüente entre idosos, vegetarianos e indivíduos que adotam baixa dieta protéica ou apresentam problemas de absorção gastrintestinal. FISIOPATOLOGIA: A deficiência de vitamina B12 leva a transtornos hematológicos, neurológicos e cardiovasculares, principalmente, por interferir no metabolismo da homocisteína (Hcy) e nas reações de metilação do orga...

  18. Tendências no ensino da epidemiologia no Brasil Trends in the teaching of epidemiology in Brazil

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    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available O ensino da epidemiologia teve início no Brasil na década de 20 e sempre foi voltado para a saúde pública. Na década de 70, o ensino de epidemiologia passou por um crescimento em nível de pós-graduação. Os anos 80 foram marcados pela "epidemiologia social", que incorporava as ciências sociais e seus métodos; a segunda metade da década foi marcada pelo desenvolvimento das técnicas da bioestatística. No momento atual, a definição de diretrizes para o ensino da epidemiologia depende da reflexão acerca de vários pontos, entre os quais a reformulação ou extinção dos programas de residência médica em medicina preventiva, medicina social ou saúde coletiva; implantação de programas de mestrado e doutorado exclusivamente em ; oposição entre formação instrumental e formação teórica; e desenvolvimento de estratégias para o fortalecimento de novos grupos de docentes em instituições de ensino nas regiões mais pobres do país. Existe uma tendência positiva de aproximação entre instituições de ensino e serviços de saúde, tanto para o cumprimento de tarefas de ensino e formação de pessoal, quanto para o assessoramento técnico no planejamento, organização e avaliação de programas. Em relação aos profissionais que atuam em serviços de saúde, a efetividade dos programas em epidemiologia depende da capacidade dos docentes de trabalharem com situações de ensino-aprendizagem que facilitem a apreensão por parte dos alunos nas condições reais de seu trabalho, situações concretas em que a teorização seja uma decorrência natural.The teaching of epidemiology in Brazil began in the 1920s and has always been connected to public health. The 1970s witnessed an expansion in the number of graduate-level courses in epidemiology. The 1980s were characterized by "social epidemiology," which incorporated the social sciences and their methods into epidemiology; the second half of the decade was marked by the

  19. O conceito de espaço na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas The concept of space in infectious disease epidemiology

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    Luiz Jacintho da Silva


    Full Text Available Análise teórica da utilização do conceito de espaço na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas. Faz-se uma breve retrospectiva do uso de diferentes conceituações de espaço e de suas implicações. Ênfase é dada à teoria dos focos naturais de Pavlovsky e às interações entre a epidemiologia e a geografia. O problema atual das infecções emergentes é visto como determinante da necessidade de se intensificarem as discussões sobre este conceito na epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas.This article analyzes how space is employed in infectious disease epidemiology, with a brief retrospective of the various definitions of space and its implications. Emphasis is given to the theory of natural foci of infectious diseases formulated by Pavlovsky and the interactions of epidemiology and geography.The current problem posed by emerging infections is seen as a determinant of the need for further discussion on the concept of space in infectious disease epidemiology.

  20. Epidemiologia da insônia Epidemiology of the insomnia


    José Carlos Souza; Rubens Reimão


    Os autores fizeram uma ampla revisão da literatura científica mundial sobre a epidemiologia da insônia, o mais prevalente dos distúrbios do sono. Foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico, no período de janeiro de 2002 a novembro de 2003, das publicações dos últimos 30 anos, nos bancos de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, sobre a definição e prevalência da insônia, além de suas conseqüências socioeconômicas. As palavras-chaves pesquisadas foram: distúrbio de iniciar o sono, distúrbio de manutenção do son...

  1. Avaliação e tratamento da hiperglicemia em pacientes graves

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    Marina Verçoza Viana


    Full Text Available A hiperglicemia é um problema frequentemente encontrado em pacientes graves em ambiente de terapia intensiva. Sua presença se associa ao aumento da morbidade e da mortalidade, independentemente da causa da admissão (infarto agudo do miocárdio, condição após cirurgia cardiovascular, acidente vascular cerebral e sepse. Entretanto, permanecem muitas dúvidas com relação à fisiopatologia e, particularmente, em relação ao tratamento da hiperglicemia no paciente graves. Na prática clínica, devem ser levados em consideração diversos aspectos para o controle desses pacientes, inclusive os alvos de glicemia, o histórico de diabetes mellitus, a via de nutrição (enteral ou parenteral e o equipamento de monitoramento disponível, o que aumenta substancialmente a carga de trabalho dos profissionais envolvidos nesse tratamento. Esta revisão descreveu a epidemiologia, a fisiopatologia, o tratamento e o monitoramento da hiperglicemia no paciente adulto grave.

  2. Epidemiologia da insônia Epidemiology of the insomnia

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    José Carlos Souza


    Full Text Available Os autores fizeram uma ampla revisão da literatura científica mundial sobre a epidemiologia da insônia, o mais prevalente dos distúrbios do sono. Foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico, no período de janeiro de 2002 a novembro de 2003, das publicações dos últimos 30 anos, nos bancos de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, sobre a definição e prevalência da insônia, além de suas conseqüências socioeconômicas. As palavras-chaves pesquisadas foram: distúrbio de iniciar o sono, distúrbio de manutenção do sono, distúrbio do despertar precoce, insônia, distúrbios do sono, prevalência da insônia, conseqüências da insônia. Observou-se uma grande variação dos critérios de definição da insônia, dos desenhos metodológicos e dos resultados dos estudos epidemiológicos, o que prejudicou as comparações dos dados das várias pesquisas. As futuras linhas de pesquisa sobre a epidemiologia da insônia devem se embasar em um consenso sobre sua definição e critérios metodológicos mais bem-definidos.A vast literature review on the insomnia epidemiology, the most common sleep disorder, using MEDLINE and LILACS last 30 years of data, was performed from January 2002 to November 2003. The key-words were: sleep initiation disorders, sleep maintenance disorders, early awakening disorder, insomnia, sleep disorders, insomnia prevalence, insomnia consequences. Several insomnia definition criteria and epidemiology researches methods, with data comparison difficulties, were noticed. In the future it will be necessary similar insomnia definition and epidemiology studies criteria.

  3. Epidemiologia molecular de papilomavírus bovino identificados em sarcoides equinos


    Brígida Kussumoto de Alcântara


    Em equinos os sarcoides são considerados tumores fibroblásticos de pele mais comuns e raramente apresentam regressão espontânea. Os papilomavírus bovino (BPV) tipos 1 e 2 estão envolvidos na etiologia dos sarcoides e, provavelmente, o BPV13 descrito recentemente também pode apresentar participação na etiopatogenia destes tumores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi definir a epidemiologia molecular do BPV em uma coleção de 20 espécimes de sarcoide equino de 15 animais provenientes de quatro reg...

  4. Desenvolvimento histórico-epistemológico da Epidemiologia e do conceito de risco The historical and epistemological development of epidemiology and the concept of risk

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    José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita Ayres


    Full Text Available O raciocínio estatístico nas práticas de saúde foi disseminado pela Epidemiologia e é amplamente utilizado em todas as suas áreas de conhecimento. O objetivo deste artigo é revisitar o desenvolvimento histórico da Epidemiologia e a formalização do conceito de risco, responsável pelo uso da chance estatística como parte do raciocínio causal nas ciências da saúde. O período de estudo abrange os anos de 1872 a 1965 e sua base documental é constituída por trabalhos de periódicos científicos relacionados à construção do campo epidemiológico e outras publicações científicas. Foram identificadas três etapas de desenvolvimento da Epidemiologia: Epidemiologia da Constituição, Epidemiologia da Exposição e Epidemiologia do Risco, discutindo-se aspectos epistemológicos e sociossanitários que permitem compreender cada uma delas sob um ponto de vista histórico. Destaca-se a importância da reflexão crítica sobre a ciência epidemiológica e as suas relações com as práticas de saúde, de saúde pública em particular, para aperfeiçoar seu uso atual e propiciar sua constante e criativa reconstrução.Statistical reasoning in health practice was disseminated by epidemiology and is widely used in various health fields. This paper revisits the historical development of epidemiology and the concept of risk, responsible for the use of statistical chance as part of causal thinking in health sciences. The study covered the period from 1872 to 1965, and the documental base consisted of scientific articles related to the development of epidemiology as a field, particularly in the American Journal of Hygiene, as well as scientific books. Three phases were identified in the development of epidemiology: constitution, exposure, and risk. The article proceeds to discuss epistemological and social and health aspects required for the historical understanding of each phase. It concludes by stressing the relevance of critical reflection

  5. O futuro da epidemiologia genética de características complexas

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    Feitosa Mary F.


    Full Text Available A epidemiologia genética evoluiu de um enfoque em estudos sobre doenças mendelianas raras para a análise genética de características complexas. Com o advento de informações sobre a completa seqüência de genes ao longo do genoma humano e de outros organismos, o interesse da epidemiologia genética em desvendar a natureza dos fatores que influenciam essas características se tornou primordial. São apresentados os principais métodos empregados no estudo de doenças complexas bem como suas principais vantagens e desvantagens. Discute-se a importância na determinação da amostra e o uso de fenótipos e marcadores genéticos apropriados. Como exemplo das estratégias citadas tomamos o estudo de índice de massa corporal (BMI para ilustrar um fator genético principal localizado no cromossomo 7. Em uma discussão sobre tendências no estudo de ligação, embora reconhecendo que famílias e genealogias continuarão sendo o foco principal das amostras, discute-se alguns novos e eficientes tipos de amostragem (como por exemplo, controles não-relacionados em que amostras de conjunto de DNA serão universalmente empregadas. O reconhecimento da heterogeneidade genética entre estudos e sua interpretação será uma das mais importantes características no futuro das análises de características complexas.

  6. Fisiopatologia da enxaqueca Migraine pathophysiology

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    Full Text Available A fisiopatologia da enxaqueca ainda não foi completamente elucidada. As principais estruturas envolvidas parecem ser o sistema nervoso central (córtex e tronco cerebral, o sistema trigeminovascular e os vasos correspondentes, outras fibras autonômicas que inervam estes vasos, e os vários agentes vasoativos locais, como a SP, CGRP, NO, VIP, NPY, ACh, NA, NKA, entre outros. A depressão alastrante é o fenômeno neurológico que provavelmente justifica achados experimenais e clínicos na enxaqueca. Ela tem velocidade de propagação semelhante à aura, ativa o núcleo espinhal do trigêmeo e está relacionada à liberação de CGRP e NO. Alterações circulatórias detectadas por métodos complementares reforçam o papel da depressão alastrante. A identificação de anormalidades em pelo menos três loci (cromossomas 19 e 1 na enxaqueca hemiplégica familiar ocorreu recentemente. Elas estão relacionadas a anormalidades nos canais de cálcio voltagem dependentes tipo P/Q, específicos do sistema nervoso central, que regulam a liberação de vários neurotransmissores, incluindo possivelmente a serotonina. A exemplo de outras anormalidades neurológicas paroxísticas que resultam da hiperexcitabilidade da membrana plasmática, é possível que a enxaqueca ocorra devido a uma desordem de canais iônicos.The pathophysiology of migraine is not yet fully understood. The most important structures involved seem to be the central nervous system (cortex and brain stem, the trigeminovascular system and related cranial arteries, other autonomic fibres innervating such vessels, and various local vasoactive agents, including SP, CGRP, NO, VIP, NPY, ACh, NA, NKA, among others. The spreading depression phenomenon may explain clinical as well experimental findings in migraine. Its propagation velocity mirrors what is found in clinical aura, it may activate the spinal trigeminal nucleus and may induce CGRP and NO release. Circulatory changes detected with

  7. Campilobacteriose genital bovina e tricomonose genital bovina: epidemiologia, diagnóstico e controle

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    T.M. Alves


    Full Text Available A presente atualização trata de duas das mais importantes doenças sexualmente transmitidas de bovinos, a campilobacteriose genital bovina e a tricomonose genital bovina. São abordados aspectos relacionados à epidemiologia destas doenças, principalmente em relação a sua distribuição no Brasil. Também são revisados aspectos importantes de diagnóstico, incluindo as técnicas e interpretação dos resultados, além de medidas de controle para ambas as doenças.


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    Isabel Talina Fernando Ferreira Catraio


    Full Text Available A malária configura-se em um grave problema de Saúde Pública que afeta, sobretudo populações menos favorecidas socialmente. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: reconhecer a realidade objetiva da malária por meio da investigação dos casos notificados no Serviço de Epidemiologia Hospitalar de um hospital escola do município de Curitiba. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva-documental. Para sua realização foram utilizados os dados contidosno Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação Obrigatória (SINAN, as fichas de Investigação Epidemiológica e prontuários dos indivíduos acometidos por malária e notificados no período de 1° janeiro de 2003 e 30 de novembro de 2010 no cenário estudado. A coleta de dados foi realizada no mês de novembro de 2010, e sua análise baseada em estudos realizados por Egry (1996 e Breilh (1989. Os objetivos do estudo foram alcançados e acredita-se que a inclusão de informações qualitativas às investigações epidemiológicas contribui significativamente nas ações de promoção da saúde, prevenção e controle da malária. A partir disso, a epidemiologia crítica é capaz de melhorar seu processo de análise ao considerar que os determinantes de saúde podem ser influenciados pelos processos da saúde na dimensão estrutural, particular e singular de determinação do processo saúde-doença vivenciado pelas populações.

  9. Epidemiologia e saúde bucal coletiva: um caminhar compartilhado Epidemiology and public health dentistry: a shared walkway

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    Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli


    Full Text Available A saúde bucal coletiva, na medida em que surge como um modo de trazer a saúde bucal para o SUS (e vice-versa, tem, na epidemiologia, um de seus mais contundentes aliados. Este artigo discute o modo como se deu esse caminhar, trilhado compartilhadamente, entre a saúde bucal coletiva e a epidemiologia. Analisa, inicialmente, os esforços na tentativa de estabelecer modelos metodológicos para pesquisas transversais, bem como a possibilidade da construção de uma base de dados nacional. Num segundo momento, discute-se como esse conjunto de conhecimentos tem se corporificado em uma produção científica qualificada e compartilhada com seus pares, refletindo sobre o modo como este processo vem contribuindo para a consolidação do campo da saúde bucal coletiva. Percebe-se que este caminhar compartilhado esteve e está condicionado pela conjuntura política que, em momentos distintos, proporcionou o crescimento da saúde bucal coletiva. A epidemiologia em saúde bucal, ao mesmo tempo em que se consolida como área de conhecimento no plano da produção científica no Brasil, articula-se com este movimento, proporcionando, de um lado, uma ferramenta que aproxima os modelos assistenciais em saúde bucal do ideário do SUS; e, de outro, aprofunda as discussões a respeito dos determinantes biopsicossociais das doenças bucais.The public health dentistry is a way to bring oral health to Brazilian National Health System (SUS and vice-versa. Thus, the epidemiology, in this context, it is one of the most important allies. In this article we intend to discuss the "shared walkway" between epidemiology and public health dentistry, through two views: first, we analyzed the efforts to establish methodological models for oral health sectional studies and the possibilities to construct a national data base. Second, we discussed how this knowledge has been transformed in a qualified scientific production presented in meetings and papers, which reflects, at the

  10. O conceito de espaço em epidemiologia: uma interpretação histórica e epistemológica

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    Dina Czeresnia

    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma interpretação a respeito da utilização do conceito de espaço em epidemiologia. Destaca que o que orienta epistemologicamente a concepção do espaço em epidemiologia é a teoria da doença, assinalando a importância do conceito de transmissão de agentes específicos como estrutura nuclear da apreensão da relação entre espaço e corpo. A caracterização do espaço de circulação de agentes etiológicos das doenças foi a base epistemológica que configurou a utilização de sucessivos desenvolvimentos teóricos da geografia, possibilitando a construção das diferentes vertentes explicativas do conceito de espaço. O artigo analisa especificamente a produção da vertente latino-americana, revisando os principais autores que orientam esses estudos, como Pavlovsky, Max Sorre e Samuel Pessoa. Ressalta o pensamento de Milton Santos como referência fundamental das pesquisas mais recentes acerca da organização social do espaço e emergência ou prevalência de doenças. Aborda, ainda, transformações contemporâneas na apreensão do espaço e seus reflexos nos estudos epidemiológicos.

  11. O conceito de espaço em epidemiologia: uma interpretação histórica e epistemológica

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    Czeresnia Dina


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma interpretação a respeito da utilização do conceito de espaço em epidemiologia. Destaca que o que orienta epistemologicamente a concepção do espaço em epidemiologia é a teoria da doença, assinalando a importância do conceito de transmissão de agentes específicos como estrutura nuclear da apreensão da relação entre espaço e corpo. A caracterização do espaço de circulação de agentes etiológicos das doenças foi a base epistemológica que configurou a utilização de sucessivos desenvolvimentos teóricos da geografia, possibilitando a construção das diferentes vertentes explicativas do conceito de espaço. O artigo analisa especificamente a produção da vertente latino-americana, revisando os principais autores que orientam esses estudos, como Pavlovsky, Max Sorre e Samuel Pessoa. Ressalta o pensamento de Milton Santos como referência fundamental das pesquisas mais recentes acerca da organização social do espaço e emergência ou prevalência de doenças. Aborda, ainda, transformações contemporâneas na apreensão do espaço e seus reflexos nos estudos epidemiológicos.

  12. Epidemiologia e etiologia das dermatofitoses em Goiânia, GO, Brasil

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    Costa Milce


    Full Text Available Os dermatófitos são um grupo de fungos taxonomicamente relacionados que têm a capacidade de invadir os tecidos queratinizados (pele, pêlo e unha dos homens e animais produzindo infecções denominadas dermatofitoses. Com o intuito de avaliar a epidemiologia e etiologia das infecções causadas por estes fungos em Goiânia, GO, foram examinadas no Laboratório de Micologia do Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública da Universidade Federal de Goiás, de janeiro a dezembro de 1999, 1.955 amostras de indivíduos com suspeita clínica de dermatofitoses. Foram isolados 445 (22,8% cepas de dermatófitos e identificados principalmente Trichophyton rubrum (49,4%, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (30,8% e Microsporum canis (12,6%. Quanto à localização das lesões, os membros inferiores, unhas dos pés e couro cabeludo foram as regiões mais acometidas. Neste estudo foram avaliados dados correlacionados a sexo, faixa etária, local das lesões e agente etiológico.

  13. A Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia: 18 anos de contribuição à difusão de conhecimentos

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    Márcia Furquim de Almeida


    Full Text Available Resumo A Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia está completando 18 anos como veículo da comunidade da Saúde na difusão de conhecimentos, tanto na perspectiva teórica quanto na analise da realidade sanitária, bem como no exercício da prática em serviços de saúde. Afinada com o conjunto de disciplinas do campo da Saúde Coletiva, as suas origens e concepções atendem aos movimentos do setor sanitário e seguem as áreas de atuação propostas nos “Planos Diretores para o Desenvolvimento da Epidemiologia no Brasil”. Tem apresentado ao longo do tempo demanda crescente para publicação de artigos, fato que tem favorecido seu crescente fator de impacto. A RBE adotou como política editorial disseminar sua produção de forma bilíngue, com o objetivo de proporcionar maior visibilidade internacional e atender, igualmente, os pesquisadores e os profissionais da área. Como os demais periódicos científicos nacionais, ressente-se da ausência de política nacional de ciência e tecnologia em um apoio mais efetivo visando a garantir a sua sustentabilidade. Como perspectiva futura, espera-se alcançar maior repercussão da revista nos meios acadêmicos, junto aos profissionais dos serviços de saúde e, não menos importante, altos impactos junto à sociedade em geral.

  14. Epidemiologia genética: epidemiologia, genética ou nenhuma das anteriores?

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    Aguinaldo Gonçalves


    Full Text Available No esforço de contribuir para melhor entendimento da identidade da Epidemiologia Genética, são revistas sua concepção, campo de atuação, métodos e técnicas pertinentes e algumas instâncias de aplicação. Entendendo-a como a área de interesse dos fatores genéticos das doenças e suas interações ambientais, apresenta-se seu campo de atuação como constituído por dois segmentos: um descritivo, que lida com conhecimento da distribuição de tais afecções em famílias e populações, seu impacto a nível do coletivo e sua vigilância epidemiológica, bem como o estudo de seus determinantes; o segundo, caracterizado pela intervenção, refere-se às respectivas medidas preventivas. Em que pese possível limitação pela não-consideração de todas as situações existentes, particular atenção é destinada à revisão de métodos e técnicas que possam ser convergentemente aplicados, a partir de procedimentos genéticos e epidemiológicos. Entre eles, destacam-se como estudos de casos tanto metodologias laboratoriais (como os dermatóglifos quanto quantitativos, como cálculo de herdabilidade e análise multivariada. Alguns objetos de estudo são tomados como instância de aplicação, por contarem com investigações específicas em nosso meio: a hanseníase, o hidrargirismo e a esquizofrenia.In an attempt to contribute to a better undestanding of the identity of Genetic Epidemiology, we review its conception, its field of influence, its appropriate methods and techniques and, at last, some of its applications. Genetic Epidemiology involves the study of genetic factors acting on diseases and on their environmental interactions. These includes two major areas: a descriptive one, related to the distribution of such conditions in families and populations, to the epidemiologic surveillance and to the study of determinants; and another characterized by intervention, which is related to preventive measures. Because of the dificulty in

  15. O problema do conhecimento verdadeiro na epidemiologia The problem of true knowledge in epidemiology

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    José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita Ayres


    Full Text Available São examinadas as bases filosóficas da validação do conhecimento científico, com o intuito de estabelecer uma visão crítica a respeito da adoção das proposições de Popper na epidemiologia. Ressalta-se o caráter conservador que resulta das limitações técnicas implicadas na sua adoção, não obstante o evidente aumento da racionalidade e da criatividade heurística que propicia.The philosophical basis of the validation of scientific knowledge, with a view to stablishing a critical point of view as to the adoption of Popper's propositions in epidemiology is examined. The conservative character that results from the technical limitations implied in this adoption is a noteworthy aspect of the discussion, despite the evident increase in heuristic rationality and creativity that result.

  16. Epidemiologia e qualidade de vida em indivíduos com neuropatia diabética dolorosa: uma revisão bibliográfica


    Layz Alves Ferreira Souza; Ana Paula da Costa Pessoa; Letícia Cunha Franco; Lílian Varanda Pereira


    A neuropatia diabética dolorosa (NDD) é conceituada como dor iniciada ou causada por lesão primária ou disfunção ou perturbação transitória no sistema nervoso periférico ou central. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a produção bibliográfica acerca da epidemiologia e do impacto da NDD na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. Pesquisa bibliográfica de estudos indexados em cinco fontes de dados, utilizando-se os descritores diabetes, diabetes mellitus, neuropatia dolorosa, dor neuropática, qualidade...

  17. Fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia: aspectos atuais Physiopathology of schizophrenia: current aspects

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    Ary Gadelha de Alencar Araripe Neto


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A esquizofrenia é uma das mais intrigantes doenças psiquiátricas e, talvez por isso, a mais pesquisada, com grandes avanços sobre sua fisiopatologia no último século. OBJETIVO: Revisar os principais avanços na compreensão fisiopatológica da esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura para cada tópico proposto a partir de artigos levantados no Medline e/ou considerados importantes a partir da experiência dos autores. RESULTADOS: A hipótese dopaminérgica representa uma das primeiras teorias etiológicas e permanece até os dias atuais como uma das que apresenta evidências mais consistentes. No entanto, essa teoria falha em explicar a história natural, os prejuízos cognitivos e as alterações estruturais encontradas na esquizofrenia. A demonstração de estudos epidemiológicos de fatores de risco genéticos e ambientais, somados aos estudos neuropatológicos e de neuroimagem, sugerem um modelo interativo em que inúmeros fatores atuam conjuntamente para alterações mais globais do desenvolvimento cerebral. CONCLUSÃO: A compreensão fisiopatológica da esquizofrenia avançou bastante no último século, evoluindo de teorias etiológicas unicausais para modelos mais complexos que consideram a interação de inúmeros fatores genéticos e ambientais.BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is one of the most intriguing and studied psychiatric diseases and its physiopathology has advanced a lot in the last century. OBJECTIVE: To review the most important advances in the physiopathology of schizophrenia. METHOD: Review of the literature of each proposed topic by articles searched in Medline and/or chosen accordingly the authors’ experience. RESULTS: The dopaminergic hypothesis was one of the first ethiological theories and until today is among the ones that presents the most consistent evidences. However, it fails to explain important features found in schizophrenia, such as the natural history, the cognitive impairments and the

  18. The many faces of epidemiology: evolutionary epidemiology As muitas faces da epidemiologia: epidemiologia evolucionária

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    Claudio José Struchiner


    Full Text Available We review important issues revealed by the application of the evolutionary theory to epidemiological problems. The scope is restricted to infectious diseases and the evolution of virulence as a consequence of public health strategies to control transmission. We focus on the discussion about the possibility of virulence management and explore current scenarios in which recent advances in molecular biology and genetics offer new tools to monitor and change diversity among pathogens, vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. We stress the need to integrate the analytical framework of epidemiology into population genetics and evolutionary theory. We anticipate as an outcome of this process the development of study designs and analytical tools to predict the evolutionary implications of control measures in the population and surveillance mechanisms to continuously monitor the changes in pathogen virulence patterns. Communication among modelers, epidemiologists and molecular biologists is essential in order to design model-driven field trials and to develop data-driven analytical tools leading to conclusive findings that can inform the public health oriented decision making process.Apresentamos os principais conceitos relacionados à aplicação da teoria evolutiva a problemas epidemiológicos. Limitamo-nos às doenças infecciosas e à evolução da virulência como conseqüência das estratégias de controle da transmissão em saúde pública. Nosso foco é voltado à discussão sobre a possibilidade de controle da virulência e exploramos possíveis cenários atuais em que os avanços recentes em biologia molecular e genética oferecem novas ferramentas de controle e monitoramento de variações na diversidade em patógenos e hospedeiros. Chamamos a atenção para a necessidade de integrar a estrutura analítica da epidemiologia com a genética de populações e a teoria evolutiva. Seguindo a tradição epidemiológica, antecipamos como resultado deste

  19. Ética e epidemiologia Ethics and epidemiology

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    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available As ações humanas acontecem na confluência de circunstâncias em meio às quais é preciso discernir o modo correto de agir. A ética situa-se no campo do saber prático, do conhecimento acerca do que é contingente. A ética é do domínio dos juízos morais ou juízos de valor. O desencantamento do mundo contemporâneo tem sua contrapartida no esforço para recompor o interesse pela ética. As relações entre saúde pública e direitos humanos são principalmente de três ordens: a busca do equilíbrio entre o bem coletivo e os direitos individuais; os métodos e técnicas para identificar as violações aos direitos humanos e avaliar seu impacto negativo; e, a vinculação entre proteção dos direitos humanos e promoção da saúde. As relações entre ética e epidemiologia vão além dos aspectos éticos relacionados à pesquisa em seres humanos. Desdobram-se em compromissos políticos, práticas nos serviços de saúde e produção de conhecimentos.Human actions take place at the confluence of circumstances that require us to discern the proper way to act. Ethics falls within the terrain of practical knowledge, of knowledge about what is contingent. It belongs to the domain of moral judgments or value judgments. The counterpart of disenchantment with our contemporary world lies in an effort to re-establish an interest in ethics. There are basically three orders of relations between public health and human rights: the quest for balance between the collective good and individual rights; methods and techniques for identifying human rights violations and assessing their negative impact; and the tie between protecting individual rights and promoting health. The relationship between ethics and epidemiology goes beyond the ethical aspects involving research on human beings to encompass political commitments, practices within health services, and the production of knowledge.

  20. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available Resumo: O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença. Abstract: Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease. Palavras-chave: Tomografia computadorizada espiral, bronquiectasia, radiologia, fisiologia, patologia, Key-words: Tomography, spiral computed, bronchiectasis, radiology, physiology pathology

  1. Interpretação histórica e transformação científica: a tarefa hermenêutica de uma teoria crítica da epidemiologia Historical interpretation and scientific transformation: the hermeneutical task of a critical theory of epidemiology

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    José Ricardo de C. M. Ayres


    Full Text Available São discutidas as contribuições trazidas pela abordagem histórica ao debate epistemológico da epidemiologia. Buscando-se na teoria do agir comunicativo, de Habermas, e na filosofia hermenêutica de Gadamer, enriquecimentos para uma compreensão práxica das ciências, procura-se explorar o sentido em que a perspectiva histórica redimensiona as questões epistemológicas básicas da epidemiologia. A argumentação aponta para a maior fecundidade desta aproximação, em contraste com as aproximações estritamente lógico-formais, na apreensão dos impasses teóricos com que se defronta a epidemiologia na busca de seus axiomas científicos. Destaca-se, em particular, o potencial emancipador do resgate da historicidade no âmbito da própria atividade epistemológica.The objective of this work is to discuss the scope of historical issues in an epistemological approach to epidemiology. Considering the contributions to a practical comprehension of science made by Habermas's theory of communicative action and Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics, this study attempts to explore the sense in which a historical point of view redirects the main epistemological questions of epidemiology. In contrast to strictly formal approaches, a historically enhanced epistemology seems to be a more prolific source of reasoning about the striving of epidemiology for scientific axioms. The relevance of historical theoretical improvements to epistemological methods themselves, with regard to emancipatory ideals, is particularly emphasized.

  2. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available Resumo: O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 627-639 Abstract: Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 627-639 Palavras-chave: Tomografia computadorizada espiral, bronquiectasia, radiologia, fisiologia, patologia, Key-words: Tomography, spiral computed, bronchiectasis, radiology, physiology pathology

  3. Epidemiologia de lesões musculoesqueléticas em praticantes amadores de futebol

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    Marcus Victor Prudencio Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a epidemiologia de lesões musculoesqueléticas (LME no futebol, relacionando-as com frequência de prática e nível de atividade física. A casuística integrou 126 participantes homens, praticantes regulares de futebol amador em diferentes centros poliesportivos de Campo Grande/MS. Os participantes foram distribuídos em quatro grupos, de acordo com a frequência semanal de prática de futebol: G1, um dia, G2, dois dias, G3, três dias, e G4, quatro ou mais dias de atividade, com duração de 10 a 60 minutos. Para a tomada de informações sobre o nível de atividade física e LME, foram utilizados, respectivamente, o questionário internacional de atividade física (IPAQ e um inquérito de morbidade referida. Não se constatou uma associação entre prática de futebol e nível de atividade física; o G4 mostrou maiores valores de gasto metabólico. Foram registrados 96 LME, envolvendo 87 participantes (69%, totalizando 1,52 LME/ praticante. Constatou-se um predomínio de lesões musculares (36% e articulares (34% em membros inferiores. O trauma constituiu o principal mecanismo de lesão (28%, destacando-se como a maior causa no G3. Foi possível constatar que a frequência de prática de futebol não se associa diretamente com a ocorrência de LME entre jogadores amadores de futebol.

  4. Fisiopatologia do sistema extrapiramidal: Novos conceitos decorrentes dos resultados experimentais E cirúrgicos

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    Horácio M. Canelas


    Full Text Available O autor revê o histórico do tratamento cirúrgico das afecções extrapiramidais, desde Horsley (1890 até Buey e Buchanan (1931 e outros adeptos das intervenções sôbre o sistema "piramidal", e depois, a partir de Meyers (1940, as agressões sôbre os núcleos da base. Os efeitos favoráveis da palidectomia e da talamectomia sôbre o tremor e a rigidez parkinsonianos forçaram a reformulação dos conceitos sôbre a fisiopatologia do sistema extrapiramidal. O autor discute a localização da lesão responsável pela sintomatologia parkinsoniana, aceitando a opinião dos que consideram a destruição da substância negra como a base dos distúrbios hipercinéticos e tônicos, da mesma forma que a lesão do núcleo subtalâmico origina o hemibalismo. É feita a crítica do conceito clássico da sede preponderantemente palidal da lesão e da errônea interpretação jacksoniana dos fenômenos. É destacada a contribuição experimental e cirúrgica para o conhecimento da patofisiologia do pálido medial e dos núcleos ventrolaterais do tálamo. O tremor parkinsoniano pode ser considerado como resultante da hiperatividade da formação reticular pontomesencefálica (Jenkner e Ward, condicionada pela perda da ação inibidora do locus niger, associada à persistência da facilitação palidotalâmica. Na periferia, os estímulos reticulos-pinais "tremorogênicos" seguem a rota α. A rigidez parkinsoniana decorreria dos mesmos processos patológicos encefálicos, porém sua fisiopatogenia periférica é controvertida. Para alguns, resulta de hiperatividade γ, associada à hipersensibilidade das vias inibidoras dos motoneurônios (sistema δ de Hufschmidt. Outros pesquisadores, entretanto, aduziram dados experimentais em favor de uma paralisia parcial do sistema γ, com hiperatividade α. Finalmente, são referidas algumas teorias que tentam explicar o mecanismo básico do processo fisiopatológico nas afecções extrapiramidais, particularmente

  5. Geografia da Fome: clínica de paisagens ou epidemiologia crítica? The Geography of Hunger: clinical interpretation of landscapes or critical epidemiology?

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    Djalma Agripino de Melo Filho


    Full Text Available Procede-se a uma releitura da Geografia da Fome, de Josué de Castro, na perspectiva da convergência de três saberes: geografia, clínica e epidemiologia. Embora haja uma fixidez nos procedimentos metodológicos, observam-se múltiplas configurações de objetos e um arcabouço teórico transdisciplinar para explicar o fenômeno da fome.This article provides a new interpretation of Geografia da Fome [The Geography of Hunger], by Josué de Castro, focusing on the convergence of three fields of knowledge: geography, clinical science, and epidemiology. Although there is a certain commonality in the methodological procedures, the book offers multiple configurations of objects and a cross-disciplinary theoretical framework for explaining the phenomenon of hunger.

  6. Interface entre a Climatologia e a Epidemiologia: uma abordagem geográfica

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    Emanuel Fernando Reis de Jesus


    Full Text Available As relações estabelecidas entre clima e saúde são inúmeras e vêm desde a Antiguidade. A Climatologia e a Epidemiologia possuem estreitos laços históricos que têm se tornado cada vez mais próximos, ao longo de suas etapas evolutivas, em função dos atuais problemas ambientais que produzem efeitos impactantes para a saúde humana. Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal tecer algumas considerações sobre as interfaces dessas duas áreas de conhecimento, focalizando os métodos e as técnicas comuns em estudos de caráter interdisciplinar. Clima e saúde são um binômio de extremo interesse por parte de inúmeros profissionais envolvendo discussões de natureza inter e multidisciplinares. O espaço no contexto desta temática representa uma importante categoria de análise, sendo concebido como uma contingência histórica do processo de reprodução social, geradora da necessidade de organização econômica e social de um determinado ordenamento espacial. Na Geografia, o espaço é físico, é econômico, é político, não há, pois, como pensar o homem abstraindo essa categoria. No âmbito dos estudos epidemiológicos, o espaço tem sido considerado sob diferentes abordagens, mais do que a mera identificação de fatores causais, envolvendo, cada vez mais, o estabelecimento do contexto ambiental e social em que se processam os fenômenos de saúde. Em suma, as questões aqui apresentadas estão diretamente associadas ao descompasso existente no mundo cada vez mais globalizado e ao mesmo tempo comprometido com a relação sociedade-natureza.

  7. Constituição epidêmica: velho e novo nas teorias e práticas da epidemiologia Epidemic constitution: old and new theories and practices in epidemiology

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    Dina Czeresnia


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a importância da idéia de constituição epidêmica, identificada pela presença recorrente do pensamento hipocrático na história da epidemiologia. Em termos gerais, constituição relaciona epidemias a circunstâncias geográfico-atmosféricas. O que se destaca é a concepção do fenômeno epidêmico como desequilíbrio da harmonia da natureza, como totalidade e ultrapassando a dimensão geográfica. Permanência de um pensamento hipocrático não significa a existência de uma continuidade. A idéia de constituição foi marcada por descontinuidades e definida por conceitos distintos no decorrer da história. A força desse pensamento deve ser compreendida a partir da base filosófica que a origina: a physis. O interesse pelo pensamento pré-socrático ganha significado especial na crise da modernidade, trazendo novos elementos, também, para a interpretação da idéia de constituição em epidemiologia.The article analyzes the importance of the concept of epidemic constitution, whose presence has been recurrently identified in Hippocratic thinking throughout the history of epidemiology. In general terms, constitution relates epidemics to geographic and atmospheric conditions. The outstanding point in the article is the view of epidemics as phenomena associated to disruption in the harmony of nature, here understood as a whole beyond geographic dimensions. The permanence of Hippocratic thinking does not imply continuity. The concept of epidemic constitution has been discontinuous and structurally different throughout history. The power of the concept lies on its philosophical foundations: physis. Pre-Socratic ideas gain special significance for the understanding of the crisis of modern times and introduces new elements for the interpretation and conceptualization of constitution in epidemiology.

  8. Epidemiologia dos transtornos alimentares: estado atual e desenvolvimentos futuros Epidemiology of eating disorders: current status and future developments

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    Phillipa J Hay


    Full Text Available Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: fornecer uma avaliação do progresso da epidemiologia na área de transtornos alimentares, desde estudos sobre incidência e prevalência até os estudos comunitários prospectivos, bem como estudos caso-controle; sintetizar o atual estado da incidência e prevalência dos transtornos alimentares; discutir os estudos epidemiológicos analíticos sobre os transtornos alimentares, enfocando estudos comunitários sobre fatores de risco e nosologia; e apontar as áreas de estudos futuros, especialmente sobre a carga social e econômica e o grau de "conhecimento sobre saúde mental" da população em geral a respeito das pessoas com transtornos alimentares. Apesar dos problemas para identificar e recrutar um número suficiente de pessoas com anorexia nervosa e os métodos variáveis de recrutamento de casos, os estudos sobre incidência e prevalência dos transtornos alimentares atingiram um consenso e em geral não corroboram uma incidência ascendente atual, exceto, possivelmente, por um pequeno aumento na anorexia nervosa em mulheres jovens. A aplicação de métodos epidemiológicos analíticos permitiu uma compreensão melhor dos fatores ambientais e genéticos, em comparação com os sociais e econômicos, quanto ao risco de desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares, bem como ajudaram no refinamento da nosologia desses transtornos. Futuramente, a epidemiologia analítica terá potencial para responder a questões-chave sobre a natureza e os determinantes dos transtornos alimentares e para ajudar a decidir como auxiliar os que mais necessitem.The present paper aims were: to provide an overview of development of epidemiology in the area of eating disorders, from studies of incidence and prevalence, through to community based prospective as well as case controlled studies; to summarise the current status of incidence and prevalence of eating disorders; to discuss analytic epidemiological studies of eating

  9. Epidemiologia das helmintoses pulmonares e gastrintestinais de bezerros em região de baixada do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    Pimentel Neto Manoel


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a epidemiologia das helmintoses pulmonares e gastrintestinais em bezerros mestiços (Zebu x Holandês mantidos em regime de pastoreio permanente em região de baixada, correspondente ao clima Aw, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os animais tinham entre 6 e 9 meses de idade, e o experimento teve duração de 24 meses. Os animais eram portadores de infecção natural por diversas espécies de helmintos e o trabalho baseou-se na contagem de ovos por grama de fezes e necropsias de pelo menos quatro animais a cada 28 dias. Observou-se a tendência dos animais abrigarem maiores populações de helmintos nas estações de outono e primavera. Os parâmetros bioclimatográficos representados por elipse, obtida por meio da relação precipitação pluviométrica e temperatura média das mínimas, foram eficientes para demonstrar o potencial de parasitose clínica, a qual correspondeu às estações de outono e primavera.

  10. Fisiopatologia do transtorno afetivo bipolar: o que mudou nos últimos 10 anos? Physiopathology of bipolar disorders: what has changed in the last 10 years?

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    Flávio Kapczinski


    Full Text Available Apesar dos crescentes esforços para o entendimento da neurobiologia do transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB, sua exata fisiopatologia permanece indeterminada. Inicialmente, a pesquisa estava voltada para o estudo das aminas biogênicas, devido aos efeitos dos diversos agentes psicofarmacológicos. Mais recentemente, evidências apontam que disfunções nos sistemas de sinalização intracelular e de expressão gênica podem estar associadas ao TAB. Estas alterações podem estar associadas a interrupções nos circuitos reguladores do humor, como sistema límbico, estriado e córtex pré-frontal, sendo que os efeitos neuroprotetores do uso crônico dos estabilizadores de humor podem reverter este processo patológico. Este artigo tem como objetivo trazer uma atualização dos achados recentes sobre a neuroquímica do TAB.Despite recent efforts to understand the neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder (BD, the exact pathophysiology remains undetermined. Due to the effects of various psychopharmacological agents, initial research focused on the study of biogenic amines. Recent evidence has shown that dysfunction in intracellular signaling systems and gene expression may be associated with BD. These alterations may cause interruptions in mood regulating circuits such as the limbic system, striatum and prefrontal cortex, and the neuroprotective effects of mood stabilizers may reverse this pathological process. This study aims to update the recent findings relative to the neurochemistry of BD.

  11. Epidemiologia e distribuição de lesões extrarrenais de uremia em 161 cães

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    Isadora P. Silveira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Com o objetivo de determinar a epidemiologia e as características morfológicas, incluindo a localização anatômica, das lesões extrarrenais de uremia, bem como determinar as principais lesões do sistema urinário associadas à ocorrência de uremia, foram revisados os protocolos de necropsias de cães realizadas no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria de janeiro de 1996 a dezembro de 2012 (17 anos. Nesse período foram necropsiados 4.201 cães, sendo que 161 (3,8% apresentaram lesões extrarrenais de uremia. Em 134 cães (83,2% foram descritos sinais clínicos associados à uremia. As lesões extrarrenais mais frequentes, em ordem decrescente, foram: gastrite ulcerativa e hemorrágica (56,5%, mineralização de tecidos moles (55,9%, edema pulmonar (47,2%, estomatite e/ou glossite ulcerativa (30,4%, endocardite/trombose atrial e aórtica (28,6%, hiperplasia das paratireoides (9,3%, osteodistrofia fibrosa (8,1%, anemia (6,2%, laringite ulcerativa (5%, enterite ulcerativa/hemorrágica (3,7%, esofagite fibrinonecrótica (1,9% e pericardite fibrinosa (1.9%. Na maioria dos casos as lesões extrarrenais de uremia foram decorrentes de azotemia prolongada por lesões renais graves, sendo as mais prevalentes a nefrite intersticial e a glomerulonefrite.

  12. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias Understanding the classification, physiopathology and the diagnostic radiology of bronchiectasis

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença.Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease.

  13. Raça e epidemiologia: as estratégias para construção de diferenças biológicas Race and epidemiology: strategies to build on biological differences

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    Josué Laguardia


    Full Text Available Nas controvérsias atuais sobre raça e diferença racial nos agravos à saúde, a epidemiologia é vista como detentora de autoridade para confirmar ou refutar a verdade científica dessas diferenças. Ao apontar as discussões sobre as limitações da epidemiologia dos fatores de risco, vertente hegemônica nas abordagens epidemiológicas, buscou-se destacar nesse artigo o caráter ideológico dos pressupostos causais e as estratégias epistemológicas que reiteram e reificam as diferenças raciais na saúde com base no determinismo biológico e no reducionismo estatístico. O objetivo deste trabalho é destacar as possibilidades de contestação de algumas interpretações dos achados epidemiológicos sobre diferenças raciais na saúde, enfatizando os aspectos políticos e ideológicos da ciência e provendo os investigadores de argumentos que ajudem a superar o racialismo que permeia algumas hipóteses causais acerca da diversidade humana e doença.In the current controversies about race and racial differences in health, epidemiology is seen as the authority that confirms or refutes the scientific truth of these differences. Pointing out the current discussions about the limitations of risk factor epidemiology, hegemonic branch of the epidemiological approaches, it is the aim of this article to highlight the ideological character of the causal assumptions and epistemological strategies that restate and reify the racial differences in health based on biological determinism and statistical reductionism. The objective of this work is to highlight the possibilities of contestation of some interpretations about epidemiological findings on racial differences in health, emphasizing the political and ideological aspects of science and providing the investigators with arguments that can help to overcome the racialism that permeates certain causal hypothesis about human diversity and disease.

  14. Movimentos migratórios e sua importância na epidemiologia de doenças parasitárias no Brasil

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    Mauro Pereira Barretto


    Full Text Available Depois de analisar, de um modo geral, o problema da grande mobilidade do homem brasileiro, ilustrando com alguns dados o vulto das principais correntes migratórias internas que se verificam em nosso País, o autor discute a influência que êstes deslocamentos humanos têm na epidemiologia de nossas endemias parasitárias. Para isto considera os movimentos migratórios ligados aos seguintes tipos de atividades humanas: 1 deslocamento da fronteira agrícola, quer por expansão de áreas já colonizadas, quer pela instalação de núcleos coloniais com pontos remotos da zona pioneira, criando novas ilhas demográficas nos grandes espaços vazios da população brasileira; 2 cultura itinerante caracterizada pela constante procura de áreas virgens para o plantio, com abandono das áreas velhas já esgotadas; 3 indústria extrativa vegetal e mineral; 4 construção de ferrovias e rodovias de penetração, com estabelecimento e desenvolvimento de núcleos populacionais ao longo delas; 5 construção de Brasília e desenvolvimento do Brasil Centro-Ocidental; 6 mecanização da agricultura e industrialização dos centros urbanos condicionando o êxodo rural.

  15. A epidemiologia dos "edifícios doentes" The epidemiology of "sick buildings"

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    Theodor D. Sterling


    Full Text Available O meio ambiente interno dos edifícios modernos, especialmente aqueles designados para uso comercial e administrativo, constitui nicho ecológico com seu próprio meio bioquímico, fauna e flora. Sofisticados métodos de construção e os novos materiais e equipamentos necessários para manter o meio ambiente interno destas estruturas fechadas produzem grande número de sub-produtos químicos e permitem o desenvolvimento de diversos microorganismos. Estes edifícios, por serem hermeticamente fechados, apresentam um dilema quanto a regulagem da umidade e temperatura do ar que circula pelos duetos, uma vez que diferentes espécies de microoganismos se desenvolvem em diferentes combinações de umidade e temperatura. Se o meio ambiente interno dos edifícios fechados não for mantido de forma adequada, pode se tornar nocivo para a saúde dos seus ocupantes. Nessas condições, edifícios fechados, são chamados de "Edifícios Doentes". Apresenta-se uma revisão da epidemiologia das doenças ocasionadas por esses edifícios fechados, etiologia das doenças dos ocupantes, origens das substâncias tóxicas e métodos possíveis para manter um ambiente interno seguro.The indoor environment of modern buildings, especially those designed for commercial and administrative purposes, constitutes a unique ecological niche with its own biochemical environment, fauna and flora. Sophisticated construction methods and the new materials and machinery required to maintain the indoor environment of these enclosed structures produce a large number of chemical by-products and permit the growth of many different microorganisms. Because modern office buildings are sealed, the regulation of humidification and temperature of ducted air presents a dilemma, since difference species of microorganisms flourish at different combinations of humidity and temperature. If the indoor environment of modern office buildings is not properly maintened, the environment may become

  16. Epidemiologia da Leptospirose em animais silvestres na Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo

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    Sandra Helena Ramiro Corrêa


    Full Text Available A Leptospirose é uma doença bacteriana de caráter zoonótico que afeta os animais domésticos, silvestres e o homem. Levantamentos sorológicos têm demonstrado o envolvimento de diferentes espécies sinantrópicas e silvestres na epidemiologia da doença. Com o objetivo de conhecer melhor a epidemiologia da Leptospirose dentro da Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo, foi realizado um estudo sorológico nos animais silvestres mantidos em cativeiro, no período de 1996 a 1999. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 302 animais atendidos na rotina da Divisão de Veterinária, das quais 59 apresentaram resultado positivo (19.5% para a prova de Soroaglutinação Microscópica. Os sorovares mais prováveis para o conjunto total de resultados foram : copenhageni (15/59=25.4%, pomona (13/59=22% e castellonis (10/59=16.9%. Entre os animais silvestres examinados os sorovares mais prováveis foram : Família Callithrichidae : castellonis (3/3=100%, Família cebidae : copenhageni : (13/21=65%, grippotyphosa (2/21=9.5% e castellonis (1/21=44.7%. Família felidae : pomona (12/17=70.5%, icterohaemorrhagiae (2/17=11.7% e grippotyphosa (1/17=5.8%, Família canidae : castellonis (2/4=50%, cynopteri (1/4=25% e mini (1/4=25%, Família cervidae : mini (1/1=100%, Família bovidae : copenhageni (2/3=66.6%, pomona (1/3=33.3%, Família dasyproctidae : castellonis (2/3=66.6%, Família macropodidae: sentot (1/1=100%, família giraffidae : castellonis (1/1=100%. Animais de vida livre como ratos (Rattus norvegicus e gambás (Didelphis marsupialis também foram submetidos a prova de soroaglutinação necroscópica e cultura bacteriológica. Foram encontrados testes positivos para o sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae em 42,8% dos ratos e 40% dos gambás estudados. As freqüências de positivos quando analisadas do ponto de vista da localização espacial dos recintos destes animais, permitiram a verificação da existência de áreas críticas para exposição à leptospira

  17. Epidemiology of bacterial meningitis among children in Brazil, 1997-1998 Epidemiologia de meningites bacterianas entre crianças no Brasil, 1997 a 1998

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    Débora PL Weiss


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To document the incidence and the descriptive epidemiology of bacterial meningitis among individuals under age 20 in a geographically defined region in Brazil during the two-year period immediately preceding the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib vaccines into the national immunization program of Brazil. METHODS: Population-based epidemiological study of all cases of bacterial meningitis reported among residents of Campinas, Brazil, under age 20 (n=316,570 during the period of 1997-98, using comprehensive surveillance records compiled by the Campinas Health Department from cases reported among hospital inpatients, outpatients, emergency room visits, death certificates, and autopsy reports. RESULTS: The incidence of bacterial meningitis (n=274 was 334.9, 115 and 43.5 cases/10(5 person-years (pys for residents of Campinas under age 1, 5 and 20, respectively. All cases were hospitalized, with an average length of stay of 12 days. Documented prior antibiotic use was 4.0%. The case-fatality rate of bacterial meningitis in individuals under age 20 was 9% (24/274 with 75% of deaths occurring in children under the age of five. The incidence of Hib meningitis (n=26 was 62.8 and 17 cases/10(5 pys in children age OBJETIVO: Documentar a incidência e a epidemiologia descritiva de meningites bacterianas entre pessoas com idade inferior a 20 anos em uma região geográfica definida do Brasil. O período foi de dois anos, imediatamente anterior à introdução da vacina contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib, no Programa Nacional de Imunização do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico populacional dos casos de meningites bacterianas notificados entre residentes em Campinas, SP, Brasil, com idade inferior a 20 anos (n=316.570, entre 1997 e 1998. Baseia-se em dados de notificação da vigilância epidemiológica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Campinas, relatados entre casos provenientes de pacientes hospitalizados

  18. A epidemiologia como referencial teórico-metodológico no processo de trabalho do enfermeiro La epidemiología como referencial teórico-metodológico en el proceso de trabajo del enfermero Epidemiology as a theoretical-methodological framework in the nurses' working process

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    Adeli Regina Prizybicien de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Esta reflexão teve como objetivo compreender a Epidemiologia como referencial teórico-metodológico para a prática da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. O método de pesquisa foi uma investigação bibliográfica, com a análise de artigos e livros de estudiosos que apontam as possibilidades e limites das Epidemiologias clássica, social e crítica, com intuito de aproximar suas concepções à prática do enfermeiro. Discute-se que a articulação dos conhecimentos advindos das supracitadas visões de Epidemiologia possibilita a construção de intervenções de Enfermagem para a transformação de realidades de saúde. A Epidemiologia Crítica ampara-se no reconhecimento dos processos protetores e de desgastes determinantes do processo saúde-doença vividos por grupos de classes sociais distintas. Assim, cabe ao enfermeiro planejar a intervenção em saúde para além do adoecimento identificado, propondo intervenções comprometidas com a mudança de processos históricos e sociais, nas dimensões singular, particular ou estrutural, que acabam por determinar o processo saúde-doença em indivíduos ou grupos.Reflexión que objetivó comprender la Epidemiología como referencial teórico-metodológico para la práctica de Enfermería en Salud Colectiva. Se realizó una investigación bibliográfica, con análisis de artículos y libros de expertos que sugieren las posibilidades y límites de las Epidemiologías clásica, social y crítica, con la intención de aproximar sus concepciones a la práctica del enfermero. Se discute que la articulación de los conocimientos devenidos de las citadas visiones de Epidemiología posibilita la construcción de intervenciones de Enfermería para la transformación de realidades de salud. La Epidemiología Crítica se ampara en el reconocimiento de procesos protectores y desgastes determinantes del proceso salud-enfermedad experimentados por grupos de distintos estratos sociales. Corresponde al enfermero

  19. Determinação Social da Tuberculose: análise da realidade objetiva do agravo em um serviço de epidemiologia hospitalar

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    Flaviane Marizete LIMAS


    Full Text Available Pesquisa descritiva documental que teve como objetivo reconhecer a determinação social da tuberculose pulmonar e pulmonar + extrapulmonar, não-HIV, em um Serviço de Epidemiologia Hospitalar de Curitiba/PR. Os dados foram coletados utilizandose um instrumento baseado no referencial TIPESC – Teoria da Intervenção Práxica de Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. Resultados: Na dimensão estrutural observou-se um sistema de referência e contra-referência em andamento. Na dimensão particular notou-se precariedade nas condições de trabalho, vários contatos intra-domiciliares entre crianças e baixa renda. Por fim na dimensão singular verificou-se que 32% traziam seu grau de escolaridade “ignorado” sendo que em 23% dos casos não haviam atingido a idade escolar. As principais comorbidades associadas foram tabagismo e alcoolismo, tendo como principais sintomas relatados tosse, perda de peso e febre. Considerações Finais: O estudo demonstrou a determinação das condições de vida no desenvolvimento do agravo, percebida na baixa escolarização e renda, precarização do trabalho e alta incidência em crianças.

  20. Importância econômica, epidemiologia e controle das intoxicações por plantas no Brasil

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    Clarice R.M. Pessoa


    Full Text Available A importância econômica, epidemiologia e controle das intoxicações por plantas em animais domésticos no Brasil são revisadas. Com os dados dos laboratórios de diagnóstico de diferentes regiões do país, as perdas anuais por mortes de animais foram estimadas em 820.761 a 1.755.763 bovinos, 399.800 a 445.309 ovinos, 52.675 a 63.292 caprinos e 38.559 equinos. No Brasil, atualmente, o número de plantas tóxicas é de 131 espécies e 79 gêneros e aumenta permanentemente. No entanto, a maioria das perdas são causadas por poucas plantas, incluindo Palicourea marcgravii, Amorimia spp., Senecio spp., Pteridium aquilinum, Ateleia glazioviana e Cestrum laevigatum em bovinos, Brachiaria spp em bovinos e ovinos, Nierembergia veitchii, Mimosa tenuiflora e Ipomoea asarifolia em ovinos, plantas que contêm swainsonina (Ipomoea carnea, Turbina cordata e Sida carpinifolia em caprinos e Brachiaria humidicola e Crotalaria retusa em equinos. Os principais fatores epidemiológicos relacionados às intoxicações por plantas incluem palatabilidade, fome, sede, facilitação social, desconhecimento da planta, acesso a plantas tóxicas, dose tóxica, período de ingestão, variações de toxicidade e resistência/susceptibilidade dos animais às intoxicações. Quanto aos métodos de controle e profilaxia descrevem-se os resultados obtidos no Brasil com métodos recentemente desenvolvidos, incluindo controle biológico, aversão alimentar condicionada, utilização de variedades não tóxicas de forrageiras, utilização de animais resistentes às intoxicações e técnicas de indução de resistência.

  1. O conceito de espaço em epidemiologia: uma interpretação histórica e epistemológica The concept of space in epidemiology: a historical and epistemological interpretation

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    Dina Czeresnia


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma interpretação a respeito da utilização do conceito de espaço em epidemiologia. Destaca que o que orienta epistemologicamente a concepção do espaço em epidemiologia é a teoria da doença, assinalando a importância do conceito de transmissão de agentes específicos como estrutura nuclear da apreensão da relação entre espaço e corpo. A caracterização do espaço de circulação de agentes etiológicos das doenças foi a base epistemológica que configurou a utilização de sucessivos desenvolvimentos teóricos da geografia, possibilitando a construção das diferentes vertentes explicativas do conceito de espaço. O artigo analisa especificamente a produção da vertente latino-americana, revisando os principais autores que orientam esses estudos, como Pavlovsky, Max Sorre e Samuel Pessoa. Ressalta o pensamento de Milton Santos como referência fundamental das pesquisas mais recentes acerca da organização social do espaço e emergência ou prevalência de doenças. Aborda, ainda, transformações contemporâneas na apreensão do espaço e seus reflexos nos estudos epidemiológicos.This study provides an interpretation of the concept of space in epidemiology. The authors highlight that the epistemological orientation of the space concept in epidemiology is the theory of disease, emphasizing the importance of the concept of specific etiologic agents and their transmission as the central structure for grasping the relationship between space and the body. Characterization of the space for circulation of etiologic agents was the epistemological base shaping the use of various theoretical developments in geography, allowing for the construction of different explanatory watersheds in the concept of space. The article specifically analyzes the Latin American watershed, reviewing the main authors orienting these studies, like Pavlovsky, Max Sorre, and Samuel Pessoa. The authors highlight Milton Santos' thinking

  2. Sibilância no lactente: epidemiologia, investigação e tratamento Wheezing in infancy: epidemiology, investigation, and treatment

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    Herberto José Chong Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Realizar revisão de aspectos epidemiológicos, de investigação e tratamento da sibilância em lactentes. FONTES DOS DADOS: Foram avaliados os estudos disponíveis na base de dados MEDLINE utilizando os descritores "sibilosc, "lactentes", "diagnóstico", "tratamento" e "crianças", e estudos encontrados com a ferramenta Google utilizando o tema "Estudio Internacional de Sibilancias en Lactantes". SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Foi observada globalmente grande variabilidade na prevalência de sibilância em lactentes. Os fatores associados à sibilância na infância diferem entre os centros. O tratamento de lactentes sibilantes ainda é controverso e depende de diagnóstico preciso. A história clínica e o exame físico são fundamentais para o diagnóstico. CONCLUSÕES: A padronização de método pode demonstrar dados relevantes sobre a epidemiologia e o tratamento da sibilância em nosso país para comparação entre os centros envolvidos.OBJECTIVE: To perform a review of the epidemiological aspects of investigating and treating wheezing in infants. SOURCES: A search was run on MEDLINE using the keywords "wheezing," "infants," "diagnosis," "treatment," and "children," and Google was also used to search for "Estudio Internacional de Sibilancias en Lactantes." SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: The prevalence of wheezing in infants varies greatly around the world. The factors associated with wheezing in infants are different at different research centers. Treatment of wheezing infants is still controversial and is dependent on a precise diagnosis. Clinical history and physical examination are fundamental to diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: A standardized method could reveal data of relevance to the epidemiology and treatment of wheezing in Brazil and allow comparisons between different participating centers.

  3. Estimation of the regional distribution of congenital toxoplasmosis in Brazil from the results of neonatal screening = Estimativa da distribuição regional da toxoplasmose congênita no Brasil a partir dos resultados de triagem neonatal

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    Camargo Neto, Eurico


    Conclusões: a triagem neonatal em larga escala é uma ferramenta importante para a determinação da prevalência da toxoplasmose congênita. A alta prevalência dessa infecção no Brasil e a ampla variabilidade de sua epidemiologia entre os estados confirmam a necessidade de políticas de saúde e educação voltadas à prevenção e ao controle da toxoplasmose congênita em todo o país, respeitando as peculiaridades de cada estado

  4. Hemoglobinúria paroxística noturna: da fisiopatologia ao tratamento Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: from physiopathology to treatment

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    Martha Mariana de Almeida Santos Arruda


    Full Text Available Hemoglobinúria paroxística noturna (HPN é uma anemia hemolítica crônica adquirida rara, de curso clínico extremamente variável. Apresenta-se frequentemente com infecções recorrentes, neutropenia e trombocitopenia, e surge em associação com outras doenças hematológicas, especialmente com síndromes de falência medular, como anemia aplásica e síndrome mielodisplásica. É considerada ainda um tipo de trombofilia adquirida, apresentando-se com tromboses venosas variadas, com especial predileção por trombose de veias hepáticas e intra-abdominais, sua maior causa de mortalidade. A tríade anemia hemolítica, pancitopenia e trombose faz da HPN uma síndrome clínica única, que deixou de ser encarada como simples anemia hemolítica adquirida para ser considerada um defeito mutacional clonal da célula-tronco hematopoética (CTH. A mutação ocorre no gene da fosfaditilinositolglicana classe-A, e resulta no bloqueio precoce da síntese de âncoras de glicosilfosfaditilinositol (GPI, responsáveis por manter aderidas à membrana plasmática dezenas de proteínas com funções específicas. A falência em sintetizar GPI madura gera redução de todas as proteínas de superfície normalmente ancoradas por ela. Dentre elas estão o CD55 e o CD59, que controlam a ativação da cascata do complemento. Assim, na HPN há aumento da susceptibilidade de eritrócitos ao complemento, gerando hemólise. Revisa-se aqui sua fisiopatologia, curso clínico, os tratamentos disponíveis com ênfase para o transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas alogênicas e para o eculizumab, um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado que bloqueia a ativação do complemento terminal no nível C5 e previne a formação do complexo de ataque à membrana, a primeira droga a demonstrar eficácia no tratamento da HPN.Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH is a rare disorder, an acquired chronic hemolytic anemia, often associated with recurrent nocturnal exacerbations

  5. A ten-year survey of onychomycosis in the Central Region of the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Um estudo de 10 anos sobre onicomicoses na região central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Jorge O. LOPES


    Full Text Available Onychomycosis is a common infection of the nail plate caused by fungal microrganisms, and represents approximately 50% of nails disorders and 30% of all superficial mycotic infections. We present a study of the frequency, epidemiology and clinical aspects of onychomycosis in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul during the period 1988-1997.Onicomicoses são infecções comuns da lâmina ungueal causadas por fungos filamentosos e leveduras, que representam aproximadamente 50% das alterações das unhas e 30% de todas as infecções fúngicas superficiais. Apresentamos um estudo sobre a freqüência, epidemiologia e aspectos clínicos das onicomicoses na região central do Rio Grande do Sul durante o período 1988-1997.

  6. Niewydolność serca - definicja, klasyfikacja, epidemiologia, objawy i leczenie = Heart failure - definition, classification, epidemiology, symptoms and treatment

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    Beata Kowalczyk


      Streszczenie   W ciągu ostatnich 50 lat pojawiło się wiele określeń niewydolności serca. Dokonał się również znaczący postęp w postrzeganiu i leczeniu tej choroby. Skuteczność leczenia i rehabilitacji przekłada się na redukcję klasy NYHA i poprawę frakcji wyrzutowej lewej komory serca. Istotnie poprawiło się rokowanie chorych z umiarkowaną i ciężką postacią niewydolności. Kluczem do wczesnego rozpoznania niewydolności serca są jej objawy przedmiotowe i podmiotowe. Niestety pomimo ogromnego rozwoju medycyny niewydolność serca jest nadal poważnym problemem klinicznym, społecznym i ekonomicznym. Liczba zachorowań stale rośnie. W kompleksowej opiece nad pacjentem z niewydolnością serca oprócz leczenia farmakologicznego znaczącą rolę odgrywa odpowiednie przygotowanie chorego do życia z niewydolnością serca. Celem artykułu jest podsumowanie zagadnień definicji, klasyfikacji, epidemiologii, objawów i leczenia niewydolności serca.   Słowa kluczowe: niewydolność serca, definicja, klasyfikacja, epidemiologia, leczenie.     Abstract   In the last 50 years there have been many definitions of heart failure. It has been made significant progress in the perception and treatment of the disease. The effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation translates into a reduction in NYHA class and improve the ejection fraction of the left ventricle. Significantly improved the prognosis in patients with moderate or severe heart failure. The key to early diagnosis of heart failure are its signs and symptoms. Heart failure unfortunately continues despite the enormous development of medicine is serious clinical, social and economic problem. The number of cases continues to grow. In the comprehensive care of patients with heart failure in addition to pharmacological treatment plays an important role adequate preparation of the patient to live with heart failure. Objectives of this article is a summary of issues of definition

  7. Estudo sobre a epidemiologia da doença de Chagas no Ceará. V. Quirópteros infectados com Tripanosomo tipo cruzi

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    J.E. de Alencar


    Full Text Available Numa série de pesquisas sobre a epidemiologia da Doença de Chagas no Ceará, muitas espécies de mamíferos foram examinadas, dentre elas algumas espécies de quirópteros. Já antes, no Brasil, 15 espécies foram encontradas infectadas com tripanosomo tipo cruzi, dentre as 30 encontradas infectadas na América, de 1931 a 1964. Esses estudos se fizeram aproveitando o material do Censo Relativo de Morcegos na área da Serra de Maranguape (realizado por dois autores, abrangendo os municípios de Maranguape e Caucaia. Em 141 exemplares (18 espécies e 5 famílias foram feitos xenos com 5 ninfas de Rhodnius prolixus. Examinando o material 30 a 45 dias depois, foram encontrados infectados 9 exemplares, todos da família Phyllostomidae: 7 Artibeus jamaicensis, 1 Glossophaga soricina e 1 Trachops cirrhosus. O primeiro já havia sido encontrado infectado na Colombia e no Panamá; o segundo o foi na Colombia e no Brasil (Estado do Pará; o terceiro o é pela primeira vez. As duas primeiras espécies são insetívoras e frugívoras; a terceira é carnívora, além de frugívora e insetívora. Os parasitos isolados apresentaram características morfológicas e de cultura que permitem colocá-los no grupo dos tripanosomos tipo cruzi.' infectaram triatomíneos e produziram parasitemia (baixa e lesões típicas em camundongos brancos. A cepa de T. cirrhosus não foi isolada, mas as formas metacíclicas em triatomíneos eram semelhantes.

  8. What pharmacology teaches us about the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder O que a farmacologia ensina sobre a fisiopatologia dos transtornos obsessivo-compulsivos

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    Donatella Marazziti


    ífica dos pacientes com TOC aos ISCS reforça o possível papel do principal alvo destas drogas, o sistema serotoninérgico, na fisiopatologia deste transtorno. Se o papel da serotonina no TOC é inquestionável, então os futuros estudos devem ser direcionados para o esclarecimento dos subtipos de receptores de serotonina e de mensageiros secundários na transdução do sinal, assim como das interações entre a serotonina e outros neurotransmissores.

  9. Possibilidades e dificuldades nas relações entre ciências sociais e epidemiologia Possibilities and difficulties in the relationships between social sciences and epidemiology

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    Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva efetuar uma discussão teórica sobre as dificuldades e possibilidades de articulação entre epidemiologia e ciências sociais no campo da saúde pública. As autoras, através de método reflexivo, problematizam e propõem caminhos de possibilidades ante a principal indagação do texto que é como têm sido apropriados os conceitos e categorias de uma disciplina pela outra. Apresentam como essencial para a articulação a disposição dos pesquisadores de dialogarem; o exercício teórico disciplinar tanto quanto o diálogo entre elas; a compreensão das lógicas disciplinares que dão sentido aos conceitos. Finalizam, discutindo os limites e avanços na apropriação da interdisciplinaridade, a partir de exemplos de algumas áreas, especialmente de pesquisas sobre violência e saúde.This article aims to establish a theoretical discussion about difficulties and possibilities of articulations between epidemiology and social science in public health. The authors, through reflexive method, consider ways of possibilities for one main question: how had been appropriated concepts and categories from one discipline to the other? They present as essential for the articulation the will of the researchers to dialogue; the theoretical disciplinary exercise as such as dialogue between them; the understanding of the disciplinary logics that give sense to the concepts. They finish, exemplifying the limits and advances in the appropriation of the interdisciplinarity, from results of some research, mainly on violence and health.

  10. O Mestrado do Programa de Pós-graduação em Epidemiologia da UFPel baseado em consórcio de pesquisa: uma experiência inovadora UFPel's epidemiology MSc program based on research consortium: an innovative experience

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    Aluísio J. D. Barros


    Full Text Available O Programa de Pós-graduação em Epidemiologia da UFPel realizou um intenso trabalho de auto-avaliação para resolver problemas identificados com seu curso de mestrado. O resultado foi a introdução de uma estrutura curricular baseada em dois pilares. De um lado, disciplinas de cunho teórico, fornecendo a base da formação do mestrando; de outro, disciplinas de cunho prático, onde os alunos trabalham coletivamente a construção de seu projeto de pesquisa, passando pela escolha de um tema, revisão da literatura, definição de objetivos e da metodologia. Esse esforço conjunto culmina na realização de um trabalho de campo único, na forma de um estudo transversal de base populacional, em que todos os mestrandos participam de maneira integral, obtendo dados para sua dissertação. Essa estratégia tem garantido a formação de mestres em epidemiologia com forte base teórica e com experiência de preparação e condução de um trabalho de campo. Além disso, tem sido possível manter um tempo de titulação abaixo de 24 meses. Cerca de 80% dos egressos têm publicado pelo menos um artigo baseado em seu mestrado. Destas publicações, quase 90% têm se dado em periódicos classificados como Internacional-A no Qualis da Capes.The postgraduate program in epidemiology of the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil, went through an intense self-assessment process to solve problems related to its Master's course. The result was the introduction of a curricular structure based on two pillars. The first one: theoretical courses to offer students the bases of epidemiology. The other, practical training in which students work in groups to design their research projects, from the choice of a research question, to literature review, definition of objectives and methods. This joint effort leads to shared fieldwork, a cross-sectional population-based study, where all students have full participation and get data for their dissertations. This strategy


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    Roberta Truzzi COLOMBO, Gerson ZANUSSO JÚNIOR


    Full Text Available A hemofilia é um grave distúrbio hereditário da coagulação sanguínea, causada pela deficiência da atividade coagulante do fator VIII (hemofilia A ou IX (hemofilia B. A doença é decorrente de alterações nos genes codificantes destes fatores localizados no braço longo do cromossomo sexual X. Assim sua ocorrência no sexo masculino é quase que exclusiva, devido o homem apresentar somente um cromossomo X. A gravidade da doença pode variar em severa, moderadamente severa e leve, após dosagem dos fatores VIII e IX da coagulação. Uma das complicações mais temíveis dos pacientes com esta doença refere-se ao desenvolvimento de inibidores, que são anticorpos direcionados contra os fatores infundidos. O diagnóstico da doença é realizado através de exames laboratoriais, principalmente pelo coagulograma completo e dosagem de fatores específicos, baseando-se nas manifestações clínicas apresentadas pelo paciente. A hemofilia não tem cura e a base do seu tratamento é a infusão do concentrado do fator deficiente. No entanto, pacientes podem desenvolver inibidores específicos para os fatores infundidos e, nestes casos as alternativas de tratamento são o uso da biotecnologia para novos medicamentos e o uso da terapia gênica

  12. Considerações acerca dos fundamentos teóricos da explicação em epidemiología Considerations concerning the theoretical foundations of explanation in epidemiology

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    Luiz Jacintho da Silva


    Full Text Available São analisadas as condições históricas do surgimento da epidemiologia como disciplina científica, em meados do século passado. É revista a evolução das bases teóricas do processo explicativo em epidemiologia até o momento atual. Especial atenção é dada ao papel da lógica positivista de Stuart Mill como base teórica da Epidemiologia até recentemente. São discutidas as alternativas teóricas correntes e proposta maior abertura da epidemiologia a diferentes correntes filosóficas como o caminho para o estabelecimento da epidemiologia como uma ciência madura.The historical conditions surrounding the emergence, by the mid-19th century, of epidemiology as a scientific discipline, were analysed. Special consideration is given to the influence of the political milieu of Victorian England in the definition of the theoretical basis of epidemiology. The English Sanitary Movement is seen as a response of the emerging bourgeoise to problems created by industrialization and urbanization. As a consequence, epidemiology was strongly influenced by Stuart Mill's system of logic. During the latter part of the 19th century, bacteriology brought important transformations to epidemiology. However, its theoretical foundations suffered almost no change. Possibly the new challenges created by -the expanding colonial empires were the driving force in the evolution of epidemiology. As a science, it could not escape from the influence of social and political forces, It has only been recently, mainly in Latin America, that a search for alternatives to the dominating theoretical structure of epidemiology has taken place. The historical-materialist approach has given way to what is sometimes refered to as "social epidemiology". Epidemiology should be regarded as a science in which different theoretical approaches may coexist, as in history, sociology or physics.

  13. Revisão sistemática sobre a epidemiologia das doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias e suas associações com a poluição do ar em Vitória/ES

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    Sergio Tufik


    Full Text Available Introdução: A poluição do ar é um importante fator ambiental relacionado a doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias. Essa relação torna-se importante em cidades com alta atividade industrial, como Vitória/ES. Esta pesquisa utilizou três revisões sistemáticas (RSs distintas para avaliar a epidemiologia das doenças cardiovasculares (RS1, a epidemiologia das doenças respiratórias (RS2 e a associação entre poluição do ar e doenças cardiorrespiratórias (RS3 na cidade de Vitória. Métodos: A busca bibliográfica considerou três bases de dados (PubMed, Scopus e LILACS. Foi estabelecida uma quantidade mínima de três estudos para a condução de metanálises. A heterogeneidade de cada análise foi calculada pelo índice I2 . Resultados: A busca bibliográfica resultou em 1.205 registros, dos quais 27 foram incluídos – 17 na RS1, cinco na RS2 e cinco na RS3. Apenas dois desfechos puderam ser avaliados por meio de metanálises: prevalência de hipertensão e prevalência de asma em crianças. Estima-se uma prevalência de 34% (IC95%: 24-45 de hipertensão e de 12% (IC95%: 1-32 de asma em crianças. Os poluentes mais avaliados foram MP10 e SO2 , para os quais não se pôde realizar metanálises. Todas as análises apresentaram baixo número de registros incluídos e alta heterogeneidade. Conclusão: Há poucos dados disponíveis sobre a associação de doenças cardiorrespiratórias e poluição ambiental em Vitória. A heterogeneidade, a diversidade de desfechos e a baixa quantidade de estudos impediram a condução de análises mais profundas e limitaram o poder de síntese e conclusão dessas revisões, impossibilitando uma avaliação adequada dos objetivos propostos. São necessários mais estudos epidemiológicos com amostras de grande porte e representativas para que se tenha resultados conclusivos sobre a relação entre poluição ambiental e doenças cardiorrespirat

  14. Diabetes melito do tipo 2 na infância e adolescência: revisão da literatura Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: literature review

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    Monica Gabbay


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: análise crítica dos estudos sobre a epidemiologia, fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento do DM2 no jovem. MÉTODOS: revisão da literatura nos últimos 10 anos, através de pesquisa no banco de dados Medline, utilizando os termos "diabetes do tipo 2 no jovem". RESULTADOS: a fisiopatologia do DM2 no jovem é semelhante à do adulto, e compreende tanto a resistência à ação da insulina como uma alteração na função da célula beta-pancreática. O antecedente familiar para DM2, a presença de obesidade, a acanthosis nigricans, o peptídeo C de jejum superior a 0,6 ng/ml, a ausência de auto-anticorpos antiilhotas pancreáticas, em combinações variáveis, são pontos importantes para o diagnóstico desse tipo de DM. Cinco a 25% dos jovens com esse tipo de DM podem apresentar cetoacidose no diagnóstico. Nesses pacientes, o tratamento inicial com insulina é possível de ser descontinuado durante a evolução. A aderência à dieta e ao exercício físico são os elementos mais importantes do tratamento destes adolescentes. CONCLUSÃO: como a obesidade nos jovens tem aumentado, tanto em países industrializados como nos países em industrialização, o DM2 no jovem pode ser considerado um problema emergente também na nossa população.OBJECTIVE: the objective of this manuscript was to perform a critical review of epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis e treatment of T2DM in youth. SOURCES OF DATA: this review is based on the relevant literature published. The sources available for the authors were integrated with sources identified through Medline database. The key words used for searching were "Type 2 Diabetes in the Youth" in the last ten years. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: the pathophysiology (altered beta-cell function and insulin resistance of T2DM in youth is similar to adult's pathophysiology. Familiar Type 2 diabetes history, presence of obesity, acanthosis nigricans, high fasting plasma C-peptide levels and absence of

  15. Epidemiologia delle batteriemie nosocomiali in Lombardia nel triennio 1999-2001

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    Egidio Franco Viganò


    Full Text Available We analyzed bloodstream infection(BI performed in eight hospitals in Region Lombardia in the period 1999- 2001 following criteria and methods as in the study performed in the year 1997.Data were evaluated from 434.000 hospital patients (one third of hospital patients annualy recovered in Lombardia Region each year. Of these 56.3 positive blood coltures /1000 patients were observed. Data were similar as 1997. In total 3063 episodes of bacteriemia were observed (6.98 BI / 1000 hospital patients.53% of cases correlated to hospital infection. Organism identification of causative organisms resulted 22.5% for E.coli and 10.6% for KES; 17.7% S.aureus,4.5% Yeast .Anaerobic bacteria resulted involved in 3.4%.Among the frequency of isolates difference was noted in different wards In intensive care unit E.coli was pathogenic in 5.9% of patients, but KES in 25.5% of cases. Differences were noted if nosocomial or comunity infections were involved. It was concluded that epidemiological data of BI from all the hospital of Region Lombardia could support the knowledge of bacteriemic episodes in different wards as useful method of surveillance particularly in order to control economic aspects and efficacy of prevention.

  16. Mastite em pequenos ruminantes no Brasil


    Peixoto,Rodolfo de M.; Mota,Rinaldo Aparecido; Costa,Mateus M. da


    Este artigo objetivou revisar as informações recentes sobre mastite em pequenos ruminantes, abrangendo etiologia, epidemiologia, aspectos de controle e profilaxia. Houve a preocupação em reunir resultados de estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil, uma vez que a mastite tem a interferência de uma série de fatores, como fatores ambientais e outros decorrentes dos sistemas de manejo empregados, condições essas determinantes para etiologia e epidemiologia da enfermidade. A prevalência da mastite em capr...

  17. Mastite em pequenos ruminantes no Brasil Small ruminant mastitis in Brazil


    Rodolfo de M. Peixoto; Rinaldo Aparecido Mota; Mateus M. da Costa


    Este artigo objetivou revisar as informações recentes sobre mastite em pequenos ruminantes, abrangendo etiologia, epidemiologia, aspectos de controle e profilaxia. Houve a preocupação em reunir resultados de estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil, uma vez que a mastite tem a interferência de uma série de fatores, como fatores ambientais e outros decorrentes dos sistemas de manejo empregados, condições essas determinantes para etiologia e epidemiologia da enfermidade. A prevalência da mastite em capr...

  18. O mosaico patogênico da pancreatite aguda grave

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    Márcio Cavalcante Carneiro

    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda tem sido alvo de grandes discussões que vão desde o entendimento de sua fisiopatologia até a investigação de novas modalidades terapêuticas. Reconhece-se que a necrose pancreática e a falência orgânica múltipla - mormente associadas à infecção - representam os principais fatores determinantes da evolução para o óbito, mas, apesar dos grandes avanços em seu estudo, a doença permanece como um desafio para o clínico e o cirurgião. Deste modo, um melhor conhecimento dos mecanismos envolvidos em sua fisiopatologia pode ser a chave para um tratamento mais eficaz, principalmente em relação às formas graves, cuja letalidade ainda encontra-se substancialmente elevada. Baseado nestas considerações, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo a revisão bibliográfica da fisiopatologia, dos fatores patogênicos envolvidos na história natural da pancreatite aguda grave e dos eventos associados à síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e à sepse, esboçando-se assim o mosaico patogênico desta importante condição.

  19. The epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis in Andean countries Epidemiologia e controle da leishmaniose nos países andinos

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    Clive Richard Davies


    Full Text Available This paper reviews the current knowledge of leishmaniasis epidemiology in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. In all 5 countries leishmaniasis is endemic in both the Andean highlands and the Amazon basin. The sandfly vectors belong to subgenera Helcocyrtomyia, Nyssomiya, Lutzomyia, and Psychodopygus, and the Verrucarum group. Most human infections are caused by Leishmania in the Viannia subgenus. Human Leishmania infections cause cutaneous lesions, with a minority of L. (Viannia infections leading to mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. Visceral leishmaniasis and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis are both rare. In each country a significant proportion of Leishmania transmission is in or around houses, often close to coffee or cacao plantations. Reservoir hosts for domestic transmission cycles are uncertain. The paper first addresses the burden of disease caused by leishmaniasis, focusing on both incidence rates and on the variability in symptoms. Such information should provide a rational basis for prioritizing control resources, and for selecting therapy regimes. Secondly, we describe the variation in transmission ecology, outlining those variables which might affect the prevention strategies. Finally, we look at the current control strategies and review the recent studies on control.Este trabalho revisa o conhecimento atual sobre a epidemiologia da leishmaniose na Venezuela, Colômbia, Equador, Peru e Bolívia, países nos quais a doença é endêmica, tanto nos Andes quanto na Amazônia. Os vetores flebótomos pertencem a vários subgêneros e ao grupo Verrucarum. A maioria dos casos de infecção humana é causada pelos parasitas Leishmania do subgênero Viannia. As infecções humanas por Leishmania provocam lesões cutâneas, com uma minoria de infecções por L. (Viannia levando à leishmaniose mucocutânea. Tanto a leishmaniose visceral quanto a leishmaniose cutânea difusa são raras. Em cada país, parte significativa da transmiss

  20. Epidemiologia das encefalites por arbovírus na amazônia brasileira Epidemiology of encephalitis by arboviruses in the Amazon region of Brazil

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    Pedro Fernando da Costa Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Os autores revêem os aspectos ecoepidemiológicos apresentados pelos virus da encefalite de St. Louis (SLE, encefalites equinas Leste (EEE, Oeste (WEE e Venezuelana [subtipos III, Mucambo (MUC e IV, Pixuna (PIX], decorrentes dos estudos realizados em diversas áreas da Região Amazônica brasileira, especialmente ao longo das rodovias e projetos de desenvolvimento. Esses vírus são amplamente distribuídos na Amazônia e pelo menos quatro deles, EEE, WEE, MUC e SLE já demonstraram ser patógenos do homem. O diagnóstico da doença humana foi feito por sorologia, sendo que de MUC e SLE obteve-se também isolamento viral. O vírus PIX, parece ser o menos prevalente e foi isolado em poucas oportunidades. Virtualmente se desconhecem os vetores do PIX e WEE. As aves silvestres constituem os hospedeiros principais de todos esses vírus, exceto do MUC, para o qual constituem os roedores. O quadro clínico apresentado pelos pacientes infectados na Amazônia é discutido, comparando-o ao apresentado em outras áreas, especialmente nos EUA, onde periodicamente SLE, EEE e WEE causam surtos de doença humana. Nenhuma epidemia foi até o presente detectada, embora em 1960 uma epizootia em eqüinos causada pelo EEE tenha sido registrada em Bragança, Pará, onde em um rebanho de 500 animais ocorreu uma letalidade de 5%. Quatro outras pequenas epizootias determinadas pelo SLE ocorreram nas florestas adjacentes a Belém, envolvendo aves silvestres e animais sentinelas.An overview of ecological, epidemiological and clinical findings of potential arthropod-borne encephalitis viruses circulating in the Amazon Region of Brazil are discussed. These viruses are the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE, Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE, St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE, Mucambo (MUC and Pixuna (PIX. These last two are subtypes (HI and IV of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis virus. The areas of study were the highways and projects of development, as well as places where

  1. Epidemiologia de Desastres Naturais

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    Eun-Kee PARK


    Full Text Available Los sismos, inundaciones, huracanes, tsunamis, etc., son todos fenómenos naturales que han estado presentes a lo largo de millones de años en la conformación dinámica de nuestro planeta. Dichos fenómenos naturales no son en sí mismos un problema, sino se convierten en agentes perturbadores capaces de generar un desastre cuando se presentan en lugares donde se encuentran asentamientos humanos. Por su origen, los desastres pueden ser naturales o antropogénicos, aunque en ambos se presentan daños a las personas, a los bienes materiales y al ambiente. La epidemiología, como disciplina científica dedicada al estudio de los factores que determinan la distribución y frecuencia de los procesos de salud y enfermedad, no puede estar ajena al estudio de los desastres. Estos representan un campo de acción donde pueden aplicarse directamente los métodos epidemiológicos, desde el estudio de los efectos en salud relacionados con la exposición a los diferentes agentes perturbadores, la identificación de grupos vulnerables, el diseño de planes de emergencia, la evaluación de las intervenciones y de las medidas de mitigación implementadas durante y posterior a la ocurrencia de desastres, así como la propuesta de medidas de seguridad que minimicen los futuros impactos en la salud pública. El establecimiento de un extenso Plan Nacional en cada país que atienda los problemas de salud y seguridad derivados de la ocurrencia de desastres naturales, el cual incluya aspectos de salud mental en grupos vulnerables, debe ser una prioridad reflejada en términos prácticos y en apoyos a la investigación en este campo.

  2. Considerações sobre o uso da epidemiologia nos estudos em saúde ambiental Notes concerning the epidemiologic aspects of environmental health studies

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    Volney de Magalhães Câmara


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a Saúde Ambiental incorporou como situações de risco questões como saneamento, água para consumo humano, poluição química, pobreza, eqüidade, condições psicossociais e a necessidade de um desenvolvimento sustentável para preservar as gerações futuras. As metodologias para estudos epidemiológicos e ações de vigilância que dizem respeito à relação da saúde com estas questões são necessariamente mais diversas e complexas do que nas outras áreas da Saúde Coletiva. Neste documento são discutidas as informações sobre as características da exposição e dos efeitos à saúde que constituem os principais substratos para a definição do desenho e da factibilidade dos estudos epidemiológicos voltados para o campo da Saúde Ambiental. Também é enfatizado o uso da Epidemiologia no desenvolvimento de ações de vigilância através da definição de indicadores de saúde para um sistema de informação, e do desenvolvimento de atividades de monitoramento dos impactos das ações de mitigação e controle. Finaliza realçando a necessidade de um trabalho integrado interdisciplinar e intersetorial, os preceitos éticos que devem nortear estes estudos, e as principais características que devem influir na definição dos recursos humanos para a formação das equipes científicas e técnicas.This article emphasizes the fact that epidemiologic studies on the relationship between health and the environment necessarily need more diverse and complex methodologies than other areas of Public Health. This thought also applies to the development of preventive actions and interventions. Information on the characteristics of exposure and outcome is the main substratum that defines the design and feasibility of epidemiologic studies and surveillance actions. Epidemiology also contributes for the methodological elements for risk assessment proposed by institutions that deal with Environmental Health. In this manner, given the

  3. Epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases in transplant recipients: review of the literature and experience of a Brazilian HSCT center Epidemiologia das doenças tropicais negligenciadas em receptores de transplantes: revisão da literatura e experiência de um centro brasileiro

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    Clarisse Martins Machado


    Full Text Available The rising success rate of solid organ (SOT and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT and modern immunosuppression make transplants the first therapeutic option for many diseases affecting a considerable number of people worldwide. Consequently, developing countries have also grown their transplant programs and have started to face the impact of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs in transplant recipients. We reviewed the literature data on the epidemiology of NTDs with greatest disease burden, which have affected transplant recipients in developing countries or may represent a threat to transplant recipients living in other regions. Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Chagas disease, Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Dengue, Yellow fever and Measles are the topics included in this review. In addition, we retrospectively revised the experience concerning the management of NTDs at the HSCT program of Amaral Carvalho Foundation, a public transplant program of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.O sucesso crescente dos transplantes de órgãos sólidos (TOS e de células tronco-hematopoiéticas (TCTH e as novas drogas imunossupressoras fizeram dos transplantes a primeira opção terapêutica para muitas doenças que afetam milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Também os populosos países em desenvolvimento investiram no crescimento de seus programas de transplante e desde então começaram a vivenciar o impacto das doenças tropicais negligenciadas (DTNs nestes pacientes. Revisamos os dados da literatura sobre a epidemiologia das DTNs de maior impacto clinico e social que afetam receptores de transplante de países em desenvolvimento, ou que podem representar um risco para receptores de transplante vivendo em outras regiões não afetadas por estas doenças. Tuberculose, hanseníase, doença de Chagas, malaria, leishmaniose, dengue, febre amarela e sarampo são os tópicos incluídos nesta revisão. Além disso, revisamos retrospectivamente a experiência referente ao

  4. Tempos históricos, tempos físicos, tempos epidemiológicos: prováveis contribuições de Fernand Braudel e Ilya Prigogine ao pensamento epidemiológico

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    Sevalho Gil


    Full Text Available O texto é uma abordagem acerca do tempo enquanto categoria científica para a epidemiologia. A partir do aforismo tempo-lugar-pessoa, o tempo é apontado como elemento pouco pensado pela epidemiologia, embora esteja presente em vários dos seus conceitos. No entanto, o tema tem sido objeto de reflexão importante na movimentação recente de várias disciplinas, tais como a história, a geografia, a biologia e a física, e deve por isto representar para a epidemiologia um ponto de vista interessante, tanto no que concerne ao diálogo interdisciplinar quanto ao estabelecimento de um olhar crítico voltado para a própria disciplina. Com o objetivo de argumentar a respeito destes aspectos, apresenta-se o tempo histórico de Fernand Braudel e o tempo físico de Ilya Prigogine, construções teóricas que serão comparadas com um provável tempo epidemiológico. Ao final, usando a questão das infecções emergentes como exemplo, faz-se considerações sobre a aparente inadequação epistemológica do tempo epidemiológico para reconhecer e lidar com os aspectos sociais e históricos envolvidos na complexidade do adoecer humano coletivo.

  5. Epidemiologia del parasitismo intestinal infantil en el Valle del Guadalquivir

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    Pérez Armengol Cristina


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Las parasitosis intestinales en los niños constituyen un problema de salud pública que debe ser valorado periódicamente en cada región. En este trabajo se aborda, por primera vez en la región natural del Valle del Guadalquivir, un estudio amplio sobre la prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal en la población infantil de la zona. MÉTODOS: Durante el período 1994-1996, mediante análisis coprológico y método de Graham, se ha estudiado a 1.917 niños y niñas asintomáticos, con edades comprendidas entre seis y diez años, residentes en veinte localidades del Valle del Guadalquivir. RESULTADOS: El índice global de parasitación ha sido del 27,12 %. Las especies parásitas detectadas, así como sus prevalencias fueron: Enterobius vermicularis (20,44%, Giardia lamblia (5,05%, Entamoeba coli (2,45%, Endolimax nana (1,61%, Entamoeba histolytica (0,31%, Entamoeba hartmanni (0,05%, Iodamoeba bütschlii (0,05%. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia global encontrada es similar a la de otras regiones españolas, aunque quizás pueda considerarse algo más favorable. No se detectan geohelmintos, debido posiblemente a la mejora de la infraestructura higiénico-sanitaria y a los efectos de la prolongada sequía en la zona. La giardiasis, a diferencia de las restantes protozoosis, mantiene una prevalencia relativamente alta.

  6. Espondilolistese traumática do áxis: epidemiologia, conduta e evolução Traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis: epidemiology, management and outcome

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    Fernando Portilho Ferro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar casos de espondilolistese traumática do áxis e descrevê-los com relação à epidemiologia, classificação, déficit neurológico, tempo de consolidação e tratamento. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários dos pacientes tratado de 2002 a 2010 no IOT-HCFMUSP. Critério de inclusão: fratura da pars interarticularis de C2. RESULTADOS: 68% dos pacientes do sexo masculino com idade média de 39,1 anos. Utilizamos a classificação de Effendi, modificada por Levine-Edwards. Observamos fratura do tipo I em cinco pacientes (31,2% e tipo II em oito pacientes (50%. Apenas três pacientes (18% apresentaram fratura do tipo IIa. Não houve casos do tipo III. Mecanismo: Oito acidentes automobilísticos e quatro quedas. Outros mecanismos: atropelamento e mergulho. Tratamento: tração com halo craniano em onze pacientes. Foram usados gesso minerva e halo-gesso. Tempo de consolidação: 3,6 meses. Tempo de seguimento: 9,6 meses. DISCUSSÃO: Nossos resultados confirmam que fratura do enforcado apresenta bom prognóstico. Não houve necessidade de cirurgia em nenhum caso. A incidência de déficit neurológico é baixa. Nenhum paciente apresentou fratura instável, tipo III. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho sugere que a espondilolistese traumática do áxis continua sendo uma lesão satisfatoriamente tratada de forma conservadora na maioria dos casos. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cases of traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis and describe them in relation to epidemiology, classification, neurological deficit, healing time and treatment method. METHOD: A retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients treated between 2002 and 2010 at IOT-FMUSP. Inclusion criteria: pars interarticularis fracture of C2. RESULTS: 68% were male patients, with a mean age of 39.1 years. We used the classification by Effendi, modified by Levine-Edwards. Type I fractures were observed in five patients (31.2% and

  7. Anopheles (Anopheles) forattinii: a New Species in Series Arribalzagia (Diptera: Culicidae) (United States)


    Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. ’ Ndcleo de Pesquisa Taxon6mica e Sistematica em Entomologia MBdica (NUPTEM), Departamento de Epidemiologia...anofelinos das regioes nordestinas e amazonica do Brasil. Rev. Serv. Esp. I: 827-965. Forattini, 0. P. 1962. Entomologia medica. vol. I. Parte Geral

  8. Epidemiologia da esporotricose na região central do Rio Grande do Sul Epidemiology of sporotrichosis in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul

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    Jorge O. Lopes


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 31 casos de esporotricose diagnosticados na região central do Rio Grande do Sul, no período 1988-1997. Os dados obtidos foram comparados com os de um estudo de três décadas anteriores, evidenciando decréscimo na incidência da micose e alteração no perfil da infecção, com diminuição de casos em pacientes residentes na zona rural, em crianças, mulheres e agricultores. Na última década, a micose foi mais freqüente no adulto residente na zona urbana, de profissões variadas, estando o início da doença freqüentemente associada ao lazer rural, como pescarias e caçadas.Thirty-one cases of sporotrichosis diagnosed in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul from 1988 to1997 were studied. Clinical data were compared with a study concerning three past decades, clearly showingt a decrease in the incidence of the mycosis, and an alteration in the profile of the infection, with a decrease of sporotrichosis in rural patients, children, women and farmers. In the past decade the mycosis was most frequent among urban adults with different professions, with the onset of the disease being associated with rural leisure activities such as fishing and hunting.

  9. Use of oral contraceptives in the management of acne


    Melis, Gian; Paoletti,Anna Maria; ORRU' ,; MAROTTO ,; PILLONI,; PERSEU,; Lello,Stefano


    Gian Benedetto Melis, Marisa Orrù, Maria Francesca Marotto, Monica Pilloni, Mariagrazia Perseu, Stefano Lello, Anna Maria PaolettiClinica Ginecologica Ostetrica e di Fisiopatologia della Riproduzione Umana, Universita' di Cagliari, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Cagliari, ItalyAbstract: The pathogenesis of acne (the most common disorder involving the sebaceous gland) originates from increased sebum production by the sebaceous gland followed by colonization o...

  10. O papel da imunofluorescência direta na fisiopatologia e no diagnóstico diferencial da estomatite aftóide recorrente The role of immunoflorescence in the physiopathology and differential diagnosis of recurrent aphthous stomatitis

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    Niels Salles Willo Wilhelmsen


    Full Text Available A estomatite aftóide recorrente é doença caracterizada por aparecimento periódico de aftas na mucosa oral, cuja etiologia e fisiopatologia não estão bem explicadas. Estudos recentes com imunofluorescência direta mostram resultados controversos. Alguns revelam que o distúrbio básico está relacionado à imunidade humoral, enquanto outros apontam alterações da imunidade celular. Formas atípicas de estomatite aftóide podem fazer diagnóstico diferencial com doenças vésico-bolhosas como pênfigo vulgar. OBJETIVO: Verificar a presença de imunecomplexos na mucosa de pacientes com estomatite aftóide e utilidade do método no diagnóstico diferencial com dermatopatias bolhosas. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: 23 pacientes portadores de estomatite aftóide, de modo prospectivo, foram incluídos no estudo. Todos foram submetidos à biópsia de mucosa sob anestesia local para retirada de dois fragmentos. Um deles foi enviado para exame histológico e, outro, para ser realizada a imunofluorescência direta. RESULTADOS: As 23 amostras no exame histológico revelaram processo inflamatório inespecífico ulcerado. As amostras enviadas para imunofluorescência resultaram negativas e apenas uma revelou presença de complemento em membrana basal. CONCLUSÃO: Baseado em nossos resultados, concluímos que pacientes portadores de EAR não apresentam depósitos de imunecomplexos na mucosa da cavidade bucal e a imunofluorescência é útil no diagnóstico diferencial entre a doença e dermatopatias bolhosas.Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS is a disease characterized by the periodic appearance of aphthous lesions on the oral mucosa, of which etiology and physiopathology are not well explained. Recent studies with direct immunofluorescence show controversial results. Some reveal that the basic disorder is associated with humoral immunity, while others point to changes in cellular immunity. Atypical forms of aphthous stomatitis may have its differential

  11. Epidemiologia do câncer de boca em laboratório público do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil Oral cancer epidemiology in a public laboratory in Mato Grosso State, Brazil

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    Fabiano Tonaco Borges


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a epidemiologia do câncer de boca, dos casos diagnosticados pelo laboratório público do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, após a instituição da política de atenção às doenças da boca e da face do estado. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal. O objeto estudado foi o laudo histopatológico, pesquisando-se um total de 1.324 laudos emitidos entre janeiro de 2005 e dezembro 2006. Verificaram-se os casos de câncer de boca, o seu percentual em relação ao universo das lesões bucais e as seguintes variáveis: tipo histológico, sexo, idade e procedência dos pacientes (capital ou do interior. Após a análise dos dados verificaram-se 44 lesões de câncer de boca, representando 3% dos diagnósticos. O tipo histológico mais incidente foi o carcinoma epidermóide. A maioria dos diagnósticos foi referente aos homens na 5ª e 6ª décadas de vida residentes no interior do estado. Conclui-se com este estudo que em dois anos de funcionamento o serviço público de patologia bucal registrou um considerável número de casos de câncer de boca.This study analyzed oral cancer epidemiology based on histopathology reports from a public laboratory in Mato Grosso, Brazil, after a specific policy was implemented for treating oral and facial diseases in the State. This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study, based on 1,324 histopathology reports issued from January 2005 to December 2006. The study identified 44 cases of oral cancer, or 3% of all oral lesions, and analyzed them in relation to the following variables: histological type, gender, age, and patient's place of residence (capital versus rest of State. The most common histological type was squamous cell carcinoma. Most of the diagnoses occurred in men in their 50s and 60s living in the interior of the State. During two years in operation, this public oral pathology service had recorded a considerable number of oral cancer cases.

  12. Epidemiologia da raiva humana na Guanabara

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    Alfredo R. Matta B. da Silva


    Full Text Available A raiva humana se mantém como problema de Saúde Pública, especialmente nas áreas urbanas, onde o cão atua como principal reservatório e fonte imediata de infecção. A deficiência de programas de controle de cães vadios, de imunização sistemática e de educação sanitária, contribui para a perpetuação da cadeia epidemiológioa. O presente estudo analisa todos os casos de raiva humana, observados em habitantes do Estado da Guanabara, no período 1965-1969, segundo as variáveis: idade, sexo, côr, variação estacional, período de incubação e de duração da fase clínica, fonte de infecção, local de mordedura e uso de vacina posterior à exposição. Os principais resultados foram: 1. A ravia na Guanabara, parece ser mais comum nos grupos etários mais jovens e nos homens. 2. Não se observou variação estacional. 3. O período de incubação mediano foi de 45 dias e de duração da fase clínica de 3 dias. 4. Ocorreu uma associação entre período de incubação menor e vacinação incompleta.

  13. Epidemiologia do traumatismo da coluna vertebral

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    Marcelo Ferraz de Campos

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação epidemiológica retrospectiva de 100 casos de traumatismo da coluna vertebral. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal de dados colhidos por levantamento de prontuário, segundo protocolo de decodificação local. RESULTADOS: Predomínio etário de 20 a 40 anos em 64% dos casos; sexo masculino em 86%; segmento toracolombar mais comumente atingido 64% e 36% para o segmento cervical; principais causas foram às quedas em 40%, seguidas de acidentes automobilísticos em 25% e quedas da laje 23%. A prevalência dos ferimentos por arma de fogo foi de 7%, mergulho em águas rasas 3% e agressões 2%. Houve análise complementar com cruzamentos entre idade, sexo, causa e segmento da coluna vertebral acometido, observando que o segmento cervical teve grande predomínio nas mulheres em relação aos homens em 85,7% X 14,3%. CONCLUSÃO: O traumatismo da coluna vertebral ocorreu predominantemente em homens entre 20 e 40 anos e o segmento cervical foi o mais acometido nas mulheres em relação aos homens na proporção de 6:1.

  14. Abordagem das pesquisas em epidemiologia aplicada à gerontologia no Brasil: revisão da literatura em periódicos, entre 1995 e 2005 Approach to research in epidemiology applied to gerontology in Brazil: literature review of papers published between 1995 and 2005

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    Regina Bueno Ribas Pinto


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura de forma exploratória e descritiva, buscando determinar a abordagem das pesquisas realizadas em epidemiologia aplicada à gerontologia no Brasil. Com esse intuito, foi efetuado um levantamento bibliográfico por meio da utilização do banco de dados da biblioteca virtual do SciELO, do LILACS e do PubMed. A busca dos artigos foi feita, exclusivamente, em periódicos incluídos nestes bancos de dados, sendo realizada a procura em artigos publicados no período compreendido entre os anos de 1995 a 2005. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram uma grande diversidade e abrangência nos enfoques das pesquisas realizadas, com o predomínio de pesquisas que abordam a área de psicologia, estudos delimitados por regiões e doenças relevantes para o envelhecimento. Houve também, um aumento de forma considerável no número total de pesquisas que foram realizadas a partir do ano de 2001, com aproximadamente 18,4 % do total de artigos publicados encontrados somente no ano de 2005.The present study had the objective of carrying out an exploratory and descriptive literature review, to determine the approach of research in epidemiology applied to gerontology in Brazil. The literature review used the databases of SciELO virtual library, LILACS and PubMed, and only included papers published in journals indexed these databases, in the period between 1995 and 2005. The results found were greatly diversified and comprehensive in terms of research focus with an important prevalence of issues related to psychology and conditions associated to aging. There was also an increase in the amount of research starting from 2001, with approximately 18.4% of the total papers published in 2005.

  15. Pain after sternotomy – review

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    Ana Paula Santana Huang


    Full Text Available Background and objective: Adequate analgesia after sternotomy reduces postoperative adverse events. There are various methods of treating pain after heart surgery, such as infiltration with a local anesthetic, nerve block, opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alpha-adrenergic agents, intrathecal and epidural techniques, and multimodal analgesia. Content: A review of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of pain after sternotomy. We also discuss the various analgesic therapeutic modalities, emphasizing advantages and disadvantages of each technique. Conclusions: Heart surgery is performed mainly via medium sternotomy, which results in significant postoperative pain and a non-negligible incidence of chronic pain. Effective pain control improves patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. There is no clearly superior technique. It is believed that a combined multimodal analgesic regimen (using different techniques is the best approach for treating postoperative pain, maximizing analgesia and reducing side effects. Resumo: Justificativa e objetivo: Analgesia adequada após esternotomia reduz eventos adversos no pós-operatório. Várias modalidades estão disponíveis para tratamento da dor após cirurgia cardíaca: infiltração com anestésico local, bloqueio de nervos, opioides, anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, agentes alfa-adrenérgicos, técnicas intratecais e epidurais e analgesia multimodal. Conteúdo: Foi feita uma revisão sobre epidemiologia, fisiopatologia, prevenção e tratamento da dor após esternotomia. Também fora discutidas as diversas modalidades terapêuticas analgésicas, com ênfase em vantagens e desvantagens de cada técnica. Conclusões: A cirurgia cardíaca é feita principalmente por esternotomia média, que resulta em dor significativa no pós-operatório e uma incidência não insignificante de dor crônica. O controle efetivo da dor melhora a satisfação dos pacientes e os

  16. Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente adquirido na comunidade: um problema mundial

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    Síntia de Souza Evangelista


    Full Text Available Objetivo: descrever a epidemiologia dos casos de CA-MRSA no Brasil de forma a compreender sua ocorrência, fatores de risco associados e formas de manejo em relação à situação mundial. Método: revisão integrativa e para seleção dos estudos utilizou-se as bases de dados: Scopus, Science direct, Isi Web of Knowledge, PUBMED e BVS. Resultados: foram identificados dez artigos nacionais que descreveram 21 casos de CA-MRSA principalmente em crianças, adolescentes e adultos com quadro de infecção de pele e tecidos moles evoluindo para infecções graves relacionados ao clone Oceania Southwest Pacific Clone (OSPC que resultaram em hospitalização. Conclusão: apesar do CA-MRSA ser considerado um micro-organismo de relevância mundial verificou-se a escassez de dados publicados sobre sua epidemiologia no Brasil, o que dificultam o delineamento da realidade do país frente ao CA-MRSA.

  17. Entrevista: Jaime Breilh

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    Full Text Available Jaime Breilh é professor da Universidade Andina Simón Bolivar, no Equador. Entretanto, para a saúde coletiva, o nome desse pesquisador equatoriano se conecta diretamente com o pensamento crítico em epidemiologia, que não se resume a afirmar a saúde como uma produção social, mas investiga e adverte quanto aos modos pelos quais a sociedade capitalista consolida desigualdades profundamente vinculadas a uma ‘economia da morte’. Nesta entrevista,1,2 concedida em março, quando ele esteve no Brasil para participar do V Seminário da Frente Nacional contra a Privatização da Saúde, Breilh faz uma análise crítica dos caminhos que a epidemiologia tem trilhado e propõe reposicioná-la como uma área de conhecimento comprometida com uma ‘economia da vida’. Para tanto, discute as relações que se estabelecem entre opções teóricas e uma ação política e ética direcionada ao enfrentamento das iniquidades sociais.

  18. Epidemiologia e diferenças regionais da retinopatia diabética em Pernambuco, Brasil Epidemiology and regional differences of diabetic retinopathy in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Paulo Henrique Gonçalves Escarião


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os dados de freqüência e estadiamento da retinopatia diabética em Pernambuco, Brasil, comparando a região metropolitana com cidades do interior do estado. MÉTODOS: Os prontuários de 2.223 pacientes diabéticos (1.568 mulheres e 655 homens; idade média de 58,4 ± 12,0 anos; duração média do diabetes de 8,1 ± 6,3 anos, que fizeram parte de um programa de triagem para retinopatia diabética na Fundação Altino Ventura entre os meses de junho de 2004 e junho de 2005, foram revistos quanto à presença de retinopatia. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos quanto à origem: grupo I, pacientes residentes em Recife e região metropolitana; grupo II, pacientes residentes no interior do estado de Pernambuco. RESULTADOS: No grupo I, 477 (24,2% pacientes apresentavam retinopatia diabética ao passo que no grupo II, 89 (39,4% pacientes (pPURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence and severity of diabetic retinopathy among patients cared for in a screening program in Pernambuco, Brazil, comparing regional differences between urban and rural zones. METHODS: The charts of 2,223 diabetic patients (1,568 females and 655 males; mean age 59.3 ± 12.0 years; mean duration of diabetes 8.1 ± 6.3 years that took part in a screening program for diabetic retinopathy at Altino Ventura Foundation from June 2004 to June 2005 were reviewed for the presence of the disease. Patients were divided into two groups: group I, patients living in Recife and the metropolitan area; group II, patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state. RESULTS: In group I, 477 (24.2% patients had diabetic retinophathy, while in group II, 89 (39.4% patients (p<0.0001. The frequency of proliferative diabetic retinophathy, macular edema, vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment was higher in group II patients (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state have a higher incidence of diabetic retinophathy and the advanced forms than

  19. Epidemiologia de la fiebre amarilla selvática en Colombia durante los últimos años

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    Jorge Boshell Manrique


    Full Text Available La primera manifestación de Fiebre Amarilla Selvática en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia se registro en agosto de 1934 en forma de un brote epidémico en la vecindad de la población de Restrepo, y se prolongó hasta febrero de 1935 (1. En la segunda mitad del mismo año la enfermedad apareció en los alrededores de Villavicencio y Acacías; en los últimos meses de 1936 se registraron casos en las tres regiones. Nuevas manifestaciones se presentaron en 1937 en el curso inferior de los ríos correspondientes a tales regiones, seguidas por un silencio que se prolongó hasta 1940, año en que principió el brote actual. No hubo explicación satisfactoria respecto al origen del brote de 1934. Era evidente que la infección atacaba de preferencia a los peones que trabajaban en el bosque. En ningún sitio de toda esa región, a pesar de larga y cuidadosa búsqueda, fue posible encontrar larvas o adultos de Aedes aegypti.

  20. Regionalism, Regionalization and Regional Development

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    Liviu C. Andrei


    Full Text Available Sustained development is a concept associating other concepts, in its turn, in the EU practice, e.g. regionalism, regionalizing and afferent policies, here including structural policies. This below text, dedicated to integration concepts, will limit on the other hand to regionalizing, otherwise an aspect typical to Europe and to the EU. On the other hand, two aspects come up to strengthen this field of ideas, i.e. the region (al-regionalism-(regional development triplet has either its own history or precise individual outline of terms.

  1. Estudo da soroprevalência do AgHBs em gestantes da 15ª Regional de Saúde e da imunoprofilaxia para os recém-nascidos das gestantes AgHBs positivo = Study into the HBsAg seroprevalence in pregnant women from the 15th Health Regional and the immunoprophylaxia on the newborns of these HBsAg-positive women

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    Sonia Kaori Miyamoto


    Full Text Available Determinar a prevalência do AgHBs nas gestantes da 15ª Regional de Saúde (15ª R.S. atendidas no Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Análises Clínicas (Lepac, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, e verificar se foi solicitada a imunoprofilaxia para hepatite B aos recém-natos das gestantes AgHBs positivo, no período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2002. A pesquisa do AgHBs foi realizada pela técnica imunoenzimática IMxHBsAg e Axsym HBsAg (Laboratório Abbott. As solicitações de imunobiológicos especiais para a imunoprofilaxia da hepatite B ao CRIE foram obtidas na Seção de Epidemiologia da 15ª R.S. Foram analisadas 12.274 gestantes e a prevalência do AgHBs foide 1,0%. Dentre as 125 gestantes AgHBs positivo, foram solicitadas imunoprofilaxia para 32 (25,6% recém-nascidos. Ainda que a prevalência encontrada indique ser esta uma área de baixa endemicidade, os resultados reafirmam a importância da realização do diagnóstico da hepatite B no atendimento pré-natal, para adoção da imunoprofilaxia no recém-nascido.To determine HBsAg prevalence among pregnant women from the 15th Health Regional assisted in the Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Análises Clínicas (Lepac, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, and verify whether immunoprophylaxis with vaccine and immunoglobulin was requested for the newborns of HBsAg-positive women during the period from January 1998 to December 2002. The research about HBsAg was conducted using the immunoenzymatic IMxHBsAg (Abbot Lab and Axsym HBsAg (Abbot Lab techniques. The requests to the CRIE for specialimmunobiologic agents for Hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis were obtained in the Department of Epidemiology from the 15th Health Regional. The analysis includes 12,274 pregnant women, and the HBsAg prevalence was 1.0%. Among 125 HBsAg positive pregnant women, immunoprophylaxis was requested for 32 (25.6% newborns. Although the prevalence detected demonstrates this to be a low endemic area, the

  2. Programmazione del Network di 'Virologia Ambientale': Stato di avanzamento


    Carlesi, Carlo


    Presentazione 'Power Point' dell'intervento all'incontro di lavoro 'VIRAMB II incontro del Network di Virologia Ambientale', presso l'Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana. Nell'intervento si presenta lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori riguardo la realizzazione dell'infrastruttura telematica del 'Network di Virologia Ambientale' promosso dal 'Dipartimento di Patologia Sperimentale, Biotecnologie Mediche, Infettivologia ed Epidemiologia' dell'Universit? di Pisa.

  3. Is obesity in women protective against osteoporosis?


    Migliaccio, Silvia; Greco, Emanuela A; Fornari, Rachele; Donini, Lorenzo M; Lenzi, Andrea


    Silvia Migliaccio1,2, Emanuela A Greco1, Rachele Fornari1, Lorenzo M Donini1, Andrea Lenzi11Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Sezione di Fisiopatologia, Endocrinologia e Nutrizione, Università Sapienza di Roma, 2Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Università Foro Italico di Roma, ItaliaAbstract: The belief that obesity is protective against osteoporosis has recently come into question. The latest epidemiologic and clinical studies have shown that a high level of f...

  4. Metodologia de captura-recaptura: uma opção para a vigilância das doenças não transmissíveis na população idosa

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    Cláudia Medina Coeli

    Full Text Available A metodologia de captura-recaptura é utilizada na área da ecologia para a estimativa do tamanho de populações de animais selvagens. Esta técnica pode ser empregada no âmbito da epidemiologia para a obtenção de estimativas de doenças transmissíveis e não transmissíveis em uma forma relativamente barata e rápida. Sistemas de vigilância baseados na utilização desta metodologia representam uma alternativa potencial para o monitoramento de doenças não transmissíveis em nosso meio. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sucinta dos fundamentos da metodologia de captura-recaptura e de suas aplicações no âmbito da epidemiologia. Adicionalmente, é apresentado um modelo teórico para a implantação de um sistema de vigilância do diabetes mellitus na população idosa baseado na utilização de fontes de morbidade e mortalidade usualmente disponíveis em nosso meio e na aplicação da metodologia de captura-recaptura.

  5. Importancia biosanitaria de aeromonas: Taxonomia y Epidemiologia


    Soler Falgàs, Lara


    El género Aeromonas está constituido por bacterias Gram-negativas aisladas frecuentemente en el agua. Adquieren relevancia por estar presentes en alimentos, y ser capaces de ocasionar cuadros diarreicos e infecciones extraintestinales en el hombre, habiéndose demostrado en la presente tesis, que pueden ser las causantes de hasta el 2% de las diarreas del viajero. La taxonomía de Aeromonas es compleja. El género consta de 15 especies difíciles de identificar con métodos bioquímicos, por lo cua...

  6. Ocupação e hipertensão

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    Cordeiro Ricardo


    Full Text Available Com base em revisão bibliográfica discute-se a literatura produzida nas décadas de 70 e 80, no campo da epidemiologia da hipertensão arterial sistêmica entre trabalhadores. Analisa-se não apenas o ponto de vista do conhecimento gerado, mas também os aspectos relacionados ao instrumental teórico-metodológico empregado.

  7. Osteoporose: a epidemia silenciosa que deve se tornar pública

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    Liana Lautert


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a osteoporose, abordando seu conceito, fisiopatologia, tipos e fatores de risco. Enfatiza a assistência que a equipe de saúde deve desenvolver considerando os diferentes tipos, principalmente as medidas preventivas capazes de retardar ou mesmo estacionar a doenças, sendo elas: a suplementação de cálcio e vitamina D, a terapia hormonal e atividade física.

  8. Ptose palpebral causada por Paquidermoperiostose

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    Patricia Regina de Pinho Tavares


    Full Text Available A paquidermoperiostose é uma síndrome caracterizada por acometimento cutâneo e ósseo, e em alguns casos ocorre comprometimento palpebral leve. É uma síndrome rara, idiopática ou hereditária, com provável herança autossômica dominante de penetrância variável. Descreve-se o caso de um paciente com ptose grave por paquidermoperiostose elucidando sua fisiopatologia e conduta cirúrgica aplicada.

  9. Relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorders and diseases affecting primarily the basal ganglia Relação entre transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e doenças neurológicas dos gânglios da base

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    Alex S. S. Freire Maia


    Full Text Available Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD has been reported in association with some neurological diseases that affect the basal ganglia such as Tourette's syndrome, Sydenham's chorea, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. Furthermore, studies such as neuroimaging, suggest a role of the basal ganglia in the pathophysiology of OCD. The aim of this paper is to describe the association of OCD and several neurologic disorders affecting the basal ganglia, report the existing evidences of the role of the basal ganglia in the pathophysiology of OCD, and analyze the mechanisms probably involved in this pathophysiology.O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC tem sido reportado em associação com algumas doenças neurológicas que afetam primariamente os gânglios da base como a síndrome de Tourette , a coréia de Sydenham, a doença de Parkinson e a doença de Huntington. Da mesma forma, estudos de neuroimagem sugerem a participação dos gânglios da base na fisiopatologia do TOC. O objetivo deste estudo é rever a coexistência de TOC e várias doenças que afetam os gânglios da base, as evidências da participação dessas estruturas na fisiopatologia do TOC e os mecanismos neurais subjacentes a esse distúrbio psiquiátrico.

  10. The Epidemiology of Bartonellosis in Peru (United States)


    single or of multiple organ systems. Interestingly, the histological features of BA lesions and verruga peruana are virtually identical (Cockerell et al... Biblioteca Nacional del Peru. lima, Peru, 115 pp. Hertig, M., 1937-38. Studies on Phlebotomus as the Possible Vector. Proc Soc Exp Bioi Med. 37: 598-.600...Vectors of Bartonellosis and Leishmaniasis as Early as 1764. Science. 190: 154-155. Herrer. A.. 1990. Epidemiologia de la Verruga Peruana. Biblioteca

  11. Sistema colinérgico: revisitando receptores, regulação e a relação com a doença de Alzheimer, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo Colinergic system: revisiting receptors, regulation and the relationship with Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy and smoking


    Ana L. M. Ventura; Paula A. Abreu; Rodrigo C. C. Freitas; Plínio C. Sathler; Natália Loureiro; Helena C. Castro


    OBJETIVO: Revisar a estrutura e o funcionamento do sistema colinérgico central ressaltando seu papel na fisiologia e na fisiopatologia das doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no MedLine, LILACS, PubMed e ISI, e na Biblioteca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, RJ, selecionando-se o período de 1914 a 2009, utilizando os descritores: "receptors", "cholinergic", "Alzheimer disease", "schizophrenia", "epilepsy" e "smoking"...

  12. Sistema colinérgico: revisitando receptores, regulação e a relação com a doença de Alzheimer, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo


    Ventura,Ana L. M.; Abreu,Paula A.; Freitas,Rodrigo C. C.; Sathler,Plínio C.; Loureiro,Natália; Castro,Helena C.


    OBJETIVO: Revisar a estrutura e o funcionamento do sistema colinérgico central ressaltando seu papel na fisiologia e na fisiopatologia das doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson, esquizofrenia, epilepsia e tabagismo. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no MedLine, LILACS, PubMed e ISI, e na Biblioteca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, RJ, selecionando-se o período de 1914 a 2009, utilizando os descritores: "receptors", "cholinergic", "Alzheimer disease", "schizophrenia", "epilepsy" e "smoking"...

  13. Hypertensive Crisis


    Marques da Silva, P; Martins, JD; Lacerda Nobre, F


    O tratamento de uma crise hipertensiva visa controlar os níveis críticos de pressão arterial até níveis hemodinâmicos seguros, que não necessariamente normais. Os autores ressaltam a necessidade para o seu correcto tratamento de um pronto diagnóstico, diferenciando as situações de menor gravidade das de verdadeira urgência hipertensiva, da compreensão da sua fisiopatologia e do conhecimento dos fármacos disponíveis.

  14. Análise comparativa entre tuberculose multirresistente e tuberculose extensivamente resistente – Epidemiologia e factores preditivos

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    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    ência e número e duração de tratamentos anteriores.Resultados: Foram contabilizados 132 doentes com TBMR, dos quais 69 (52,3% eram TBXDR. Observaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas seguintes variáveis: raça (a raça negra esteve associada a TBXDR em 74% dos casos versus 46% da raça caucasiana; classificação OMS (doentes com retratamento por insucesso terapêutico, interrupção do tratamento ou recidiva constituíram 69,5% dos casos de TBXDR versus 44,5 % dos casos não TBXDR; duração média dos tratamentos anteriores (4,2 meses para os casos de TBXDR versus 2,8 meses para os casos não TBXDR; coinfecção VIH/SIDA (doentes com coinfecção VIH constituíram 65,2% dos casos de TB XDR versus 42,9% dos casos não TBXDR e mortalidade (33,3% nos doentes com TBXDR versus 14,3% nos doentes não TBXDR.Conclusões: As variáveis com valor preditivo para o diagnóstico de TBXDR versus não TBXDR foram: presença de infecção VIH (risco relativo [RR] para TBXDR de 2,5; intervalo de confiança [IC], 1,24 -5,05; maior duração média dos tratamentos anteriores ([RR] para TB XDR de 1,2; [IC], 1,11-2,30.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (6: 829-842 Abstract: Introduction: Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB is defined as a form of multidrug-resis-tant tuberculosis (MDR-TB with additional resistance to fluoroquinolones and at least one of the injectable drugs used in tuberculosis treatment: amikacin, kanamycin and capreomycin. It was classified by WHO as a serious threat to tuberculosis (TB control, with world-wide consequences, taking on the proportions of a real pandemic in some regions.Aim: To compare patients with XDR-TB versus other MDR-TB profiles with regard to epidemiological and demographic characteristics, aetiopathogenic factors and inhospital outcomes.Methods: Patients admitted to Pulido Valente Hospital (Pulmonology Service III in the period ranging from April 1999

  15. Estudo da soroprevalência do AgHBs em gestantes da 15ª Regional de Saúde e da imunoprofilaxia para os recém-nascidos das gestantes AgHBs positivo - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i1.4394 Study into the HBsAg seroprevalence in pregnant women from the 15th Health Regional and the immunoprophylaxia on the newborns of these HBsAg-positive women - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i1.4394

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    Dennis Armando Bertolini


    Full Text Available Determinar a prevalência do AgHBs nas gestantes da 15ª Regional de Saúde (15ª R.S. atendidas no Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Análises Clínicas (Lepac, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, e verificar se foi solicitada a imunoprofilaxia para hepatite B aos recém-natos das gestantes AgHBs positivo, no período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2002. A pesquisa do AgHBs foi realizada pela técnica imunoenzimática IMxHBsAg e Axsym HBsAg (Laboratório Abbott. As solicitações de imunobiológicos especiais para a imunoprofilaxia da hepatite B ao CRIE foram obtidas na Seção de Epidemiologia da 15ª R.S. Foram analisadas 12.274 gestantes e a prevalência do AgHBs foi de 1,0%. Dentre as 125 gestantes AgHBs positivo, foram solicitadas imunoprofilaxia para 32 (25,6% recém-nascidos. Ainda que a prevalência encontrada indique ser esta uma área de baixa endemicidade, os resultados reafirmam a importância da realização do diagnóstico da hepatite B no atendimento pré-natal, para adoção da imunoprofilaxia no recém-nascido.To determine HBsAg prevalence among pregnant women from the 15th Health Regional assisted in the Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Análises Clínicas (Lepac, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, and verify whether immunoprophylaxis with vaccine and immunoglobulin was requested for the newborns of HBsAg-positive women during the period from January 1998 to December 2002. The research about HBsAg was conducted using the immunoenzymatic IMxHBsAg (Abbot Lab and Axsym HBsAg (Abbot Lab techniques. The requests to the CRIE for special immunobiologic agents for Hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis were obtained in the Department of Epidemiology from the 15th Health Regional. The analysis includes 12,274 pregnant women, and the HBsAg prevalence was 1.0%. Among 125 HBsAg positive pregnant women, immunoprophylaxis was requested for 32 (25.6% newborns. Although the prevalence detected demonstrates this to be a low endemic area, the

  16. The impact of rheumatic diseases on early retirement


    Laires, Pedro Almeida, 1979-


    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Epidemiologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2017 BACKGROUND: Rheumatic Diseases (RD) are characterized by pain and reduction in the range of motion and function in one or more areas of the musculoskeletal system. RD are prominent causes of morbidity and disability throughout the world, giving rise to enormous healthcare expenditures. RD may also lead to early retirement, generating indirect costs to society, namely t...

  17. Aspectos genéticos da SAOS Genetic aspects of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Adriane C. Mesquita Petruco


    Full Text Available A fisiopatologia da SAOS é resultante da interação entre fatores genéticos e ambientais. Os mais importantes fatores de risco são obesidade e idade. Outros fatores relevantes são anormalidades craniofaciais, hipotireoidismo, menopausa e uso de álcool e de sedativos. A hereditariedade tem sido relacionada a SAOS pela a associação de SAOS a níveis de HLA, obesidade, síndromes genéticas, etnias, sonolência excessiva, alteração do controle ventilatório, expressão de mediadores inflamatórios, entre outros. Este capítulo aborda a variabilidade genética e fenotípica da doença, demonstrando sua relevância no entendimento da fisiopatologia e na avaliação clínica de SAOS.The physiopathology of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS results from the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. The principal risk factors are obesity and age. Other relevant risk factors are craniofacial abnormalities, hypothyroidism and menopause, as well as the use of alcohol and sedatives. By virtue of its association with factors such as HLA levels, obesity, genetic syndromes, ethnicity, excessive sleepiness, alterations in ventilatory control and expression of inflammatory mediators, OSAS has been related to heritability. This chapter addresses the genetic and phenotypic variability of the disease, showing its relevance in the understanding of the physiopathology and clinical evaluation of OSAS.

  18. Regional development and regional policy


    Šabić, Dejan; Vujadinović, Snežana


    Economic polarization is a process that is present at global, national and regional level. Economic activity is extremely spatially concentrated. Cities and developed regions use the agglomeration effect to attract labor and capital, thus achieving more favorable economic conditions than the agrarian region. Scientific research and European experiences over the past decades have contributed to the discrepancy among theorists about the causes and consequences of regional inequalities. Regional...

  19. Epidemiologia da alergia ocular e comorbidades em adolescentes

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    Marcos Geraldini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A prevalência de conjuntivite alérgica (CA não foi estabelecida. Estimativas sugerem que alergias oculares afetam de 15 a 20% da população mundial, ainda que a maioria dos estudos epidemiológicos abranjam sintomas de alergia nasal e ocular e não sejam específicos a respeito da CA. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de sintomas, comorbidades e o impacto da alergia ocular em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Os adolescentes foram selecionados de uma amostra de escolas e preencheram, em sala de aula, um questionário previamente validado sobre os sintomas da CA. O seu diagnóstico foi considerado quando mais de três episódios de prurido ocular foram relatados nos últimos 12 meses. Sintomas relacionados, como lacrimejamento, fotofobia, sensação de corpo estranho, impacto sobre as atividades diárias e diagnóstico de conjuntivite alérgica, foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Foram obtidos questionários de 3.120 adolescentes (média de 13,3±1,1 ano. Nos últimos 12 meses, 1.592 (51% adolescentes tiveram prurido ocular. O sintoma relacionado mais frequente foi lacrimejamento (74%, seguido de fotofobia (50,1% e sensação de corpo estranho (37,1%. A prevalência de conjuntivite alérgica foi de 20,7%, afetando mais pessoas do sexo feminino do que do masculino (56,1% em comparação a 45,9%; p = 0,01. O risco de um adolescente com alergia ocular apresentar asma, rinite e eczema atópico foi (RC = 5,7; IC de 95%: 4,5 a 7,1; (RC = 3,6; IC de 95%: 3,0 a 4,3 e (RC = 2,6; IC de 95%: 2,0 a 3,5, respectivamente. Uma interferência grave nas atividades diárias foi relatada por 30,5%. CONCLUSÕES: Sintomas de alergia ocular são comuns, frequentemente relacionados a outras doenças alérgicas, e causam impacto sobre as atividades diárias de adolescentes.

  20. Tempos históricos, tempos físicos, tempos epidemiológicos: prováveis contribuições de Fernand Braudel e Ilya Prigogine ao pensamento epidemiológico Historical times, physical times, epidemiological times: probable contributions of Fernand Braudel and Ilya Prigogine to epidemiological thinking

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    Gil Sevalho


    Full Text Available O texto é uma abordagem acerca do tempo enquanto categoria científica para a epidemiologia. A partir do aforismo tempo-lugar-pessoa, o tempo é apontado como elemento pouco pensado pela epidemiologia, embora esteja presente em vários dos seus conceitos. No entanto, o tema tem sido objeto de reflexão importante na movimentação recente de várias disciplinas, tais como a história, a geografia, a biologia e a física, e deve por isto representar para a epidemiologia um ponto de vista interessante, tanto no que concerne ao diálogo interdisciplinar quanto ao estabelecimento de um olhar crítico voltado para a própria disciplina. Com o objetivo de argumentar a respeito destes aspectos, apresenta-se o tempo histórico de Fernand Braudel e o tempo físico de Ilya Prigogine, construções teóricas que serão comparadas com um provável tempo epidemiológico. Ao final, usando a questão das infecções emergentes como exemplo, faz-se considerações sobre a aparente inadequação epistemológica do tempo epidemiológico para reconhecer e lidar com os aspectos sociais e históricos envolvidos na complexidade do adoecer humano coletivo.The text is an approach on time as a scientific category in epidemiology. Considering the aphorism time-place-person, time is pointed out as an element with little theoretical concern, despite its presence in main epidemiological concepts. While a topic connected to important changes in other disciplines, such as history, geography, biology and physics, time represents an interesting point of view to the interdisciplinary dialogue and its relevance for a critical knowledge in epidemiology. To argue about this idea, the historical and physical time constructions of Fernand Braudel and Ilya Prigogine are presented. These time theoretical constructions are compared with a probable epidemiological time. Finally, using the emerging infectious diseases as an example, some considerations are made about an apparent

  1. Aspectos disautonômicos da porfiria aguda intermitente: a propósito de seis casos

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    Charles P. Tilbery


    Full Text Available Foram estudados seis casos de porfiria aguda intermitente, sendo enfocados os aspectos disautonômicos apresentados durante a longa permanência hospitalar dos doentes (média de 64 dias. Foram observados taquicardia sinusal e hipertensão arterial (4 casos, parada cardíaca (3 casos e depressão respiratória (5 casos. Os autores tecem comentários a propósito da fisiopatologia destas alterações e chamam a atenção sobre o prognóstico sombrio da porfiria aguda intermitente.

  2. O tempo e a anestesia obstétrica: da cosmologia caótica à cronobiologia


    Vale, Nilton Bezerra do; Vale, Lúcio Flávio Bezerra do; Cruz, José Rômulo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Ciclos temporais (claro/escuro; nascer/morrer, etc.) ao lado de condições ambientais (sincronizadores) influenciam a fisiologia do parto em função da existência de relógios endógenos (osciladores) que interagem com pistas sociais diuturnas. Nesta revisão foram ordenados os parâmetros anestésico-obstétricos cíclicos mais importantes no atendimento à parturiente. CONTEÚDO: Análise cronobiológica dos principais eventos da fisiopatologia obstétrica da Mulier sapiens: I)...

  3. O tempo e a anestesia obstétrica: da cosmologia caótica à cronobiologia El tiempo y la anestesia obstétrica: de la cosmología caótica a la cronobiología Time and obstetric anesthesia: from chaotic cosmology to chronobiology


    Nilton Bezerra do Vale; Lúcio Flávio Bezerra do Vale; José Rômulo Cruz


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Ciclos temporais (claro/escuro; nascer/morrer, etc.) ao lado de condições ambientais (sincronizadores) influenciam a fisiologia do parto em função da existência de relógios endógenos (osciladores) que interagem com pistas sociais diuturnas. Nesta revisão foram ordenados os parâmetros anestésico-obstétricos cíclicos mais importantes no atendimento à parturiente. CONTEÚDO: Análise cronobiológica dos principais eventos da fisiopatologia obstétrica da Mulier sapiens: I)...

  4. Óxido nítrico exalado no diagnóstico e acompanhamento das doenças respiratórias Exhaled nitric oxide for the diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory diseases

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    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta uma sucinta revisão sobre o papel do óxido nítrico na fisiologia respiratória e na fisiopatologia de algumas pneumopatias. A perspectiva de seu uso para diagnóstico e acompanhamento de inúmeras situações clínicas é discutida.This paper reviews in brief the role of nitric oxide in the respiratory physiology and in the pathology of some pulmonary diseases. The potential diagnostic and monitoring uses in several clinical situations are also discussed.

  5. Bibliography of Leishmania and Leishmanial Diseases. Volume 1 (United States)


    New York. SERI A L P U B L I CAT I O NS 51 J. 3ci. Mat. Fie. Nat. J. Wash. Acad. Sol, JORNALDE SCIENCIAS MATEMATICAS , JOURNAL OF THE WASHINGTON...iicrobiol. Parazit. Epidem. MEMORIE DI MATEMATICA E DI FISICA MICROBIOLOGiA, PARAZITOLOGIA, DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE EPIDEMIOLOGIA. Bucharest. SCIENZE...Summary~ M ed. Parazitt. , M.%oskva, do Ia. Academia de Ciencias Fisicas, 3 3t .- 3 - 2, 7. Matematicas y NAturales; Caracas. l 135 pp. KELLINA, 0. I

  6. Epidemiological study on the Trichinellosis of the fox (Vulpes vulpes in Tuscany (Central Italy

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    Marta Magi


    Full Text Available Abstract During the years 2004-2005, 112 foxes (Vulpes vulpes and 4 badgers (Meles meles were caught in different areas of Tuscany (Central Italy and examined for Trichinella infection, using the diagnostic technique of artificial digestion through Stomacher. No animal was positive for Trichinella larvae. According to our results, Tuscany can be considered a low-risk area for trichinellosis in the fox. In this region the presence of the parasite cannot be ruled out, two cases of infection being reported in 1993. Riassunto Epidemiologia della trichinellosi della volpe (Vulpes vulpes in Toscana (Italia centrale. Nel corso degli anni 2004-2005, 112 volpi (Vulpes vulpes e 4 tassi (Meles meles sono stati catturati ed esaminati per la presenza di infestione da Trichinella in differenti aree della Toscana (Italia centrale. L'indagine di laboratorio è stata condotta mediante digestione artificiale tramite Stomacher. Nessun animale è risultato positivo. Da questi risultati si può ritenere la Toscana una regione a basso rischio di infezione. La presenza del parassita non può però essere esclusa totalmente. Infatti, nel 1993 sono stati riportati due casi di infestione.

  7. Uncited articles in Brazilian public health journals (United States)

    Cuenca, Angela Maria Belloni; Barbosa, Milena Maria de Araújo Lima; de Oliveira, Karoline; Quinta, Fernanda Paranhos; Alvarez, Maria do Carmo Avamilano; França, Ivan


    ABSTRACT Here, we describe the percentage of non-citation in Brazilian public health journals, a field that, until now, had not been investigated nationally or internationally. We analyzed articles, published between 2008 and 2012, of eight public health journals indexed in the scopus database. The percentage of non-citation differs between journals (from 5.7% to 58.1%). We identified four statistically distinct groups: História, Ciência, Saúde – Manguinhos (58% uncited articles); Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, Interface, and Saúde e Sociedade (32% to 37%); Ciência & Saúde Coletiva and Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (16% to 17%); and Cadernos de Saúde Pública and Revista de Saúde Pública (6%). The non-citation in the first three years post-publication also varies according to journal. Four journals have shown a clear decline of non-citation: Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, and Physis. Another three (Revista de Saúde Pública, Saúde e Sociedade, and Interface) presented an oscillation in non-citation, but the rates of 2008 and 2012 are similar, with different magnitudes. In turn, the journal História, Ciência, Saúde – Manguinhos maintains high rates of non-citation. Multidisciplinary journals attract more citation, but a comprehensive citation model still needs to be formulated and tested. PMID:29211202

  8. Parábolas, parabólicas: testagens genéticas preditivas, construções sociais de risco e a relação profissionais da saúde/meios de comunicação de massa Parabolic parables: predictive genetic testing, social constructions of risk, and the relation between health-care professionals and the mass media

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    Luis David Castiel


    Full Text Available São abordados no artigo aspectos conceituais subjacentes à construção da "nova saúde pública" e da epidemiologia, especialmente em sua vertente molecular e em relação à idéia de risco genético, diante das questões colocadas por novas tecnologias, globalização, proliferação de estratégias comunicacionais, diluição de matrizes de identidade. São considerados problemas ligados à criação de novos campos interdisciplinares, tais como os da epidemiologia e da genética moleculares. É feita uma análise das repercussões na comunicação social de conteúdos genéticos, especialmente os relativos a testagens preditivas e à clonagem de mamíferos.The article examines conceptual topics underlying construction of the "new public health" and epidemiology, particularly its molecular branch and the idea of genetic risk, in the face of issues raised by new technologies, globalization, today’s vast increase in communication strategies, and the weakening of identity links. Problems related to the creation of new interdisciplinary fields are also considered, such as epidemiology and molecular genetics. The repercussions of the social communication of genetic contents (especially predictive genetic testing and the cloning of mammals are also analyzed.

  9. Uncited articles in Brazilian public health journals. (United States)

    Cuenca, Angela Maria Belloni; Barbosa, Milena Maria de Araújo Lima; Oliveira, Karoline de; Quinta, Fernanda Paranhos; Alvarez, Maria do Carmo Avamilano; França, Ivan


    Here, we describe the percentage of non-citation in Brazilian public health journals, a field that, until now, had not been investigated nationally or internationally. We analyzed articles, published between 2008 and 2012, of eight public health journals indexed in the scopus database. The percentage of non-citation differs between journals (from 5.7% to 58.1%). We identified four statistically distinct groups: História, Ciência, Saúde - Manguinhos (58% uncited articles); Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, Interface, and Saúde e Sociedade (32% to 37%); Ciência & Saúde Coletiva and Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (16% to 17%); and Cadernos de Saúde Pública and Revista de Saúde Pública (6%). The non-citation in the first three years post-publication also varies according to journal. Four journals have shown a clear decline of non-citation: Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, and Physis. Another three (Revista de Saúde Pública, Saúde e Sociedade, and Interface) presented an oscillation in non-citation, but the rates of 2008 and 2012 are similar, with different magnitudes. In turn, the journal História, Ciência, Saúde - Manguinhos maintains high rates of non-citation. Multidisciplinary journals attract more citation, but a comprehensive citation model still needs to be formulated and tested.

  10. Rickettsiae of the Spotted Fever group in dogs, horses and ticks: an epidemiological study in an endemic region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Nathalie Costa da Cunha


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Cunha N.C., Lemos E.R.S., Rozental T., Teixeira R.C., Cordeiro M.D., Lisbôa R.S., Favacho A.R., Barreira J.D., Rezende J. & Fonseca A.H. Rickettsiae of the Spotted Fever group in dogs, horses and ticks: an epidemiological study in an endemic region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [Rickettsias do grupo da febre maculosa em cães, equinos e carrapatos: um estudo epidemiológico em região endêmica do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(3:294-300, 2014. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: Spotted fever is a disease of which Rickettsia rickettsii is the most pathogenic agent. Its transmission is by tick bites and the infected ticks can act as vectors, reservoirs or amplifiers. The purpose of this paper is to assess the potential of dogs and horses as sentinels for brazilian spotted fever (BSF emergence and become acquainted with the tick species in a municipal region of Resende, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, where five BSF cases in man were registered. Dog and horse blood samples were collected from rural and periurban properties to assess IgG anti-Rickettsia rickettsii, using the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA. First, an analysis was conducted to detect association between IFA results and answers obtained from a questionnaire. Afterwards, a multivariate investigation was undertaken that presented significant statistical differences. Ticks were collected directly from dogs and horses for taxonomic identification. Out of the 107 canine serum samples, 30 (28.0% were reactive, with titers varying from 1:64 to 1:4096, and 77 (72.0% were not reactive. Of 96 animals in the serum analysis of horses, 9 (9.4% were reactive, all with titers of 1:64, and 87 (90.6% were non-reactive. The tick species collected from dogs were

  11. Pitiose cutânea em bovinos na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul Cutaneous pythiosis in cattle in the Southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Fabiane B. Grecco


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a ocorrência de pitiose cutânea em bovinos de corte na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais foram introduzidos em área alagada e desenvolveram lesões cutâneas ulcerativas e úmidas, de tamanhos variados, localizadas na região distal dos membros e no chanfro nasal. Histologicamente, as lesões eram caracterizadas por múltiplos granulomas com hifas intralesionais, melhor observadas pela coloração de metenamina nitrato de prata de Gomori, e circundadas por abundante tecido conjuntivo fibroso. O diagnóstico foi realizado com base na epidemiologia, lesões macroscópicas e histológicas e pela reação imuno-histoquímica positiva com anticorpo policlonal anti-Pythium insidiosum. A morbidade foi de 23,8% e os animais adoeceram 15-90 dias após a introdução na área alagada. Em todos os casos as lesões evoluíram para a cura sem tratamento. Sugere-se que a doença possa ser mais frequente em bovinos do que se supõe, principalmente em áreas alagadas da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.An outbreak of cutaneous pythiosis is described in cattle from southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Cattle were introduced into flooded pastures and developed ulcerative and wet cutaneous lesions on distal limbs and Planum nasale. Histologically, the lesions were characterized by multiple granulomas with intralesional hyphae, better seen in the methenamine silver stain, and surrounded by abundant fibrous tissue. Diagnosis was based on epidemiology, gross and histological lesions, and by positive immuno-histochemical reaction with anti-Pythium insidiosum polyclonal antibody. Morbidity was 23.8% and lesions were observed 15-90 days after cattle were introduced in the flooded area. Affected cattle had spontaneous healing without treatment. It is suggested that the disease is more frequent than what was earlier thought, mainly in flooded areas of the Southern region of the Rio Grande do Sul State.

  12. Vida académica

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Novedades docentes / Premiación al mejor docente de medicina del país / residentes graduados en las diferentes especialidades médico-quirúrgicos 1997 / reseñas de libros / visita de la comisión francesa / Inauguración del centro de epidemiologia / Inicio de la maestría de infecciones y salud en el trópico / VIII premia a la investigación médica Rhone Poulenc Rorer - Academia Nacional de Medicina

  13. Returning "Region" to World Regional Geography (United States)

    Rees, Peter W.; Legates, Margaret


    World regional geography textbooks rarely focus on the process of region formation, despite frequent calls to reincorporate a regional approach to teaching global geography. An instructional strategy using problem-based learning in a small honors section of a large world regional geography course is described. Using a hypothetical scenario…

  14. Trauma na infância e adolescência: epidemiologia, tratamento e aspectos econômicos em um hospital público Epidemiology, treatment and economical aspects of multiple trauma in children and adolescents in a public hospital

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    Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Franciozi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A realização deste trabalho foi motivada pela escassez de artigos encontrados na literatura que estudam o politrauma na infância e na adolescência.. O objetivo é descrever o perfil epidemiológico das lesões traumáticas na infância tratadas num centro de trauma, avaliar os aspectos econômicos relacionados com o gasto hospitalar e o tempo de internação de acordo com o tratamento realizado. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: analisamos todos os prontuários do hospital Geral de Pirajussara no período de dezembro de 2005 a dezembro de 2006. Obtivemos 182 pacientes, sendo 71% do sexo masculino e 29% do feminino; 48% brancos e 52% não brancos. RESULTADOS: houve predominância dos indivíduos do sexo masculino com 71% dos pacientes. O mecanismo de trauma mais freqüente foi a queda (36%. A média de dias de internação foi 4,1 dias, com gasto estimado de R$ 649,50 para cada paciente. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 2,74%, sendo o traumatismo crânio-encefálico responsável por 80% da mortalidade e os maus tratos presentes em 40% dos óbitos. CONCLUSÃO: a população pediátrica tem particularidades que a tornam distinta da população adulta em relação à epidemiologia e manejo das lesões.INTRODUCTION: the motivation to conduct this study was the reduced number of articles in literature correlating multiple trauma in childhood and infancy. The objective here was to describe the epidemiological profile of traumatic injuries treated in a trauma center, evaluating the economic aspects associated with hospitalized patients' costs and the period of hospital stay according to the treatment provided. MATERIAL AND METHODS: we assessed all Pirajussara Hospital patients' files in the period of December of 2005 to December 2006. We selected 182 patients, 129 (71% males and 53 (29% females; 88 (48% Caucasian and 94 (52% non-Caucasian children. RESULTS: male patients were prevalent, with 129 (71% cases. The most frequent trauma mechanism was fall

  15. Hawaii Regional Sediment Management (RSM): Regional Sediment Budget for the West Maui Region (United States)


    ER D C/ CH L TR -1 6- 5 Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Program Hawaii Regional Sediment Management (RSM): Regional Sediment Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Program ERDC/CHL TR-16-5 June 2016 Hawaii Regional Sediment Management...distribution is unlimited. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Under Project 454632, “ Hawaii Regional Sediment Management

  16. ASEAN : Extra-Regional Cooperation Triggers Regional Integration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krapohl, S.; Krapohl, S.


    This chapter contains two case studies of regional cooperation within Southeast Asia. The network analysis of ASEAN demonstrates that the region is dependent on extra-regional trade with the EU and the USA, but also with China and Japan. However, the region is not dominated by a single regional

  17. Estudos transcriptômicos no contexto da conectividade perturbada em esquizofrenia Transcriptome studies in the context of disturbed connectivity in schizophrenia

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    Andrea Schmitt


    Full Text Available Esquizofrenia é uma severa doença neurobiológica com fatores genéticos e ambientais desempenhando um papel na fisiopatologia. Diversas regiões cerebrais têm sido implicadas no processo da doença e estão conectadas em complexos circuitos neuronais. Nos níveis molecular e celular, a conectividade afetada entre essas regiões, envolvendo mielinização disfuncional dos axônios neuronais, bem como as alterações no nível sináptico e metabolismo energético levando a distúrbios na plasticidade sináptica, são os maiores achados em estudos post-mortem. Estudos de microarranjos investigando a expressão gênica contribuíram para os achados de alterações em vias complexas em regiões cerebrais relevantes na esquizofrenia. Além disso, estudos utilizando microdissecção e captura a laser permitiram a investigação da expressão gênica em grupos específicos de neurônios. Entretanto, deve ser mantido em mente que em estudos post-mortem, confusos efeitos de medicação, qualidade de RNAm, bem como capacidade de mecanismos regenerativos neuroplásticos do cérebro em indivíduos com história de vida de esquizofrenia, podem influenciar o complexo padrão de alterações no nível molecular. Apesar dessas limitações, estudos transcriptômicos livres de hipóteses em tecido cerebral de pacientes esquizofrênicos oferecem uma possibilidade única para aprender mais sobre os mecanismos subjacentes, levando a novas ópticas da fisiopatologia da doença.Schizophrenia is a severe neurobiological disease with genetic and environmental factors playing a role in the pathophysiology. Several brain regions have been implicated in the disease process and are connected in complex neuronal circuits. On the cellular and molecular level, affected connectivity between these regions, involving dysfunctional myelination of neuronal axons, as well as alterations on the synaptic level and energy metabolism of neurons leading to disturbances in synaptic

  18. Estudos transcriptômicos no contexto da conectividade perturbada em esquizofrenia Transcriptome studies in the context of disturbed connectivity in schizophrenia

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    Andrea Schmitt


    Full Text Available Esquizofrenia é uma severa doença neurobiológica com fatores genéticos e ambientais desempenhando um papel na fisiopatologia. Diversas regiões cerebrais têm sido implicadas no processo da doença e estão conectadas em complexos circuitos neuronais. Nos níveis molecular e celular, a conectividade afetada entre essas regiões, envolvendo mielinização disfuncional dos axônios neuronais, bem como as alterações no nível sináptico e metabolismo energético levando a distúrbios na plasticidade sináptica, são os maiores achados em estudos post-mortem. Estudos de microarranjos investigando a expressão gênica contribuíram para os achados de alterações em vias complexas em regiões cerebrais relevantes na esquizofrenia. Além disso, estudos utilizando microdissecção e captura a laser permitiram a investigação da expressão gênica em grupos específicos de neurônios. Entretanto, deve ser mantido em mente que em estudos post-mortem, confusos efeitos de medicação, qualidade de RNAm, bem como capacidade de mecanismos regenerativos neuroplásticos do cérebro em indivíduos com história de vida de esquizofrenia, podem influenciar o complexo padrão de alterações no nível molecular. Apesar dessas limitações, estudos transcriptômicos livres de hipóteses em tecido cerebral de pacientes esquizofrênicos oferecem uma possibilidade única para aprender mais sobre os mecanismos subjacentes, levando a novas ópticas da fisiopatologia da doença.Schizophrenia is a severe neurobiological disease with genetic and environmental factors playing a role in the pathophysiology. Several brain regions have been implicated in the disease process and are connected in complex neuronal circuits. On the cellular and molecular level, affected connectivity between these regions, involving dysfunctional myelination of neuronal axons, as well as alterations on the synaptic level and energy metabolism of neurons leading to disturbances in synaptic

  19. Learning together: a Canada-Cuba research collaboration to improve the sustainable management of environmental health risks. (United States)

    Spiegel, Jerry; Garcia, Maricel; Bonet, Mariano; Yassi, Annalee


    To build a national Cuban capacity for training environmental health professionals directly linked to the needs of policy-makers and communities. The University of Manitoba and University of British Columbia collaborated with an established training centre in Cuba (the Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Epidemiologia--INHEM) and new centres in the Central (Santa Clara) and Eastern (Santiago) regions of the country. Cuba. In the mid-1990s, a comprehensive curriculum (masters and diploma programs) was collaboratively developed, applying interactive teaching methods, and was delivered through a series of workshops and other interactions in Cuba, and short-term visits to Canada by Cuban PhD students. The collaboration was successful in fulfilling capacity-building targets (over 50 Masters graduates, 467 Diploma graduates, over 30 trained core faculty in all regional centres as well as new curriculum and new accredited regional programs). Alongside this, a number of collaborative community-based research projects were undertaken in all three regions (drinking water in Santiago; housing and urban renewal, and dengue control in Havana; and tourism-related effects, and effective intersectoral management of population health determinants in Santa Clara). The collaboration led to adopting new strategies for challenges such as a dengue epidemic in 2002, and new research on the effectiveness of intersectoral management of risks of particular interest to both Cuban and Canadian policy-makers. It triggered an ambitious collaboration between the Canadian-Cuban team and colleagues in Ecuador in order to build a similar national network there, built on South-South and North-South links.

  20. Estudo in vivo sobre a influência do fototipo na resposta da pele humana ao contacto com lauril sulfato de sódio


    Pinto, Pedro Contreiras; Martinho, Hugo; Rodrigues, Luís Monteiro


    O Lauril Sulfato de Sódio (LSS) é um tensioactivo aniónico utilizado em muitas formas farmacêuticas, que apresenta, no entanto, algum potencial de irritação. Também por esse motivo o LSS é utilizado como agente provocador em diversos micrométodos de exploração in vivo da fisiopatologia da pele. Factores como a idade, sexo, hidratação da pele, região anatómica, afectam a resposta da pele ao contacto com LSS, O objectivo deste estudo foi estudar a influência do fototipo na recuperação ...

  1. Diagnóstico de cistos ovarianos pela palpação de ultra-sonografia transretal em fêmeas suínas: relato de dois casos clínicos


    VIANA, Carlos Henrique Cabral; ARRUDA, Rubens Paes de; MORETTI, Anibal Saint'Anna; VISINTIN, José Antonio


    Foram abordados alguns conceitos sobre a fisiopatologia e a semiologia de cistos ovarianos em fêmeas suínas, descrevendo-se dois casos clínicos, um sintomático e outro assintomático. No caso sintomático, observou-se infertilidade, cios irregulares, edema de vulva e clitóris aumentado de volume. À palpação retal, constataram-se cistos em ambos os ovários da fêmea com sintomas e um cisto no ovário esquerdo da assintomática. A ultra-sonografia possibilitou visualizar, assim como avaliar com prec...

  2. Dinâmica não-linear e psiquiatria: a natureza dinâmica das doenças mentais

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    Fernando Portela Câmara


    Full Text Available A psiquiatria moderna adotou a postura reducionista de associar psicopatologia à fisiologia sináptica. Isto produziu avanços importantes na farmacoterapia dos transtornos mentais. Entretanto, a introdução de princípios da dinâmica não-linear promoveu uma mudança do enfoque sináptico para o enfoque das vias específicas patologicamente autônomas envolvidas nos fenômenos psicopatológicos. Esta tendência teve início nos anos 1990 e trouxe um conceito mais sistêmico de fisiopatologia e tratamento em psiquiatria.

  3. Associação dos polimorfismos dos genes da óxido nítrico sintase e metaloproteinases da matriz extracelular com a pré-eclâmpsia


    Daniela Pinheiro Leonardo


    Resumo: A pré-eclâmpsia é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade materna e neonatal no mundo, porém a sua fisiopatologia ainda não foi totalmente elucidada, sendo considerada uma síndrome com acometimento multisistêmico e etiologia multifatorial. O fator genético tem sido bastante estudado, com associação dos polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único em genes que codificam óxido nítrico sintase e metaloproteases de matriz com pré-eclâmpsia, porém os resultados foram inconclusivos em di...

  4. Caracterização da AMPK/mTOR hipotalâmica na anorexia induzida pelo câncer = : Characterization of hypothalamic AMPK/mTOR in cancer-induced anorexia


    Gustavo Duarte Pimentel


    Resumo: A teoria das doenças geradas por citocinas inflamatórias trouxe ao longo dos anos indícios que o organismo pode produzir citocinas que desempenham respostas biológicas benéficas ou prejudiciais. Com o passar dos anos ficou claro que a inflamação é um mecanismo chave na fisiopatologia do câncer. Interessantemente, diversos estudos sugerem que a AMPK e mTOR hipotalâmica, importantes moléculas no controle do balanço energética também seja responsável por modular a inflamação e anorexia. ...

  5. Pupila dilatada fixa (síndrome de Urrets-Zavalia após ceratoplastia lamelar profunda

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    Jefferson Luiz Alves Batista


    Full Text Available A Síndrome de Urrets-Zavalia apresenta achados oculares bem descritos, porém sua fisiopatologia ainda é incerta. A isquemia iriana é o mecanismo proposto mais comum. Descrevemos dois casos submetidos à ceratoplastia lamelar profunda (CLP realizadas pelo mesmo cirugião que desenvolveram a síndrome. No primeiro caso, a indicação cirúrgica foi para o tratamento de opacidade corneana e, no segundo, para o de ceratocone. No pós-operatório, ambos os pacientes evoluíram com pupila dilatada fixa que não regrediu totalmente apesar do tratamento administrado.

  6. Stress urinary incontinence on 20th Century: theories and surgeries revisited


    Graça, B


    A incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) teve, no último século, uma evolução notável na compreensão da sua fisiopatologia e nos tratamentos cirúrgicos realizados. Desde os trabalhos de Howard Kelly na IUE após o parto, em que foi introduzido o conceito do colo vesical aberto como um mecanismo fisiopatológico da incontinência, desenvolveram-se várias teorias com suporte anátomo-clínico cada vez mais exaustivo, nomeadamente as teorias da transmissão das pressões ...

  7. Expressão dos genes que codificam as proteínas anexina-1 e galectina-1 nos pólipos rinossinusais e sua modulação pelo glicocorticoide


    Fernandes,Atílio Maximino; Babeto,Erica; Rahal,Paula; Provazzi,Paola Jocelan Scarin; Hidalgo,Claudia Augusta; Anselmo-Lima,Wilma T


    A fisiopatologia da polipose rinossinusal não é totalmente compreendida, apesar de várias hipóteses em relação ao seu processo inflamatório. OBJETIVOS: Estudo prospectivo da expressão dos genes das proteínas, anexina-1 e a galectina-1, que têm ação anti-inflamatória, e sua modulação pelo glicocorticoide. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Onze pacientes portadores de polipose rinossinusal tiveram biopsiados seus pólipos em dois momentos: na ausência de glicocorticoide sistêmico, e na sua presença. Nas duas ...

  8. Expression of genes that encode the annexin-1 and galectin-1 proteins in nasal polyposis and their modulation by glucocorticoid


    Fernandes, Atílio Maximino; Babeto, Erica; Rahal, Paula; Provazzi, Paola Jocelan Scarin; Hidalgo, Claudia Augusta; Anselmo-Lima, Wilma T


    A fisiopatologia da polipose rinossinusal não é totalmente compreendida, apesar de várias hipóteses em relação ao seu processo inflamatório. OBJETIVOS: Estudo prospectivo da expressão dos genes das proteínas, anexina-1 e a galectina-1, que têm ação anti-inflamatória, e sua modulação pelo glicocorticoide. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Onze pacientes portadores de polipose rinossinusal tiveram biopsiados seus pólipos em dois momentos: na ausência de glicocorticoide sistêmico, e na sua presença. Nas duas ...

  9. Regional planning without means - search for regional leadership

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Groth, Niels Boje; Fertner, Christian

    and stakeholders, not least due to its polycentric urban structure with several medium-sized towns. Besides the regional authority and the regions 22 municipalities, sub-regional collaboration is gaining momentum. Furthermore, different fora, councils and associations are engaging in regional issues. However......, collaboration is often focused on specific sectors or sub-regions, while the joint development of the region is left behind. The regional authority has changed its focus from planning to the provision of knowledge, suitable to kick-off joint action with regional stakeholders, while municipalities keep focus...... on their own territories, eventually in the context of one of the new sub-regional collaborations. Based on an empirical analysis of the regional interplay in Southern Denmark and results from the ESPON ReSSI project, we go through these new settings of regional collaboration in the search for new forms...

  10. Situação da febre maculosa na Região Administrativa de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil Spotted fever in Campinas region, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Virgília Luna Castor de Lima


    Full Text Available A febre maculosa brasileira foi detectada pela primeira vez no Estado de São Paulo em 1929. No entanto, não há registro sistemático de casos neste Estado. Em 1985 ocorreram três casos desta doença no Município de Pedreira, situado na região de Campinas, que fica no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, correspondendo à 5ª Região Administrativa, e compreendendo 88 municípios. Alguns estudos foram realizados no Município de Pedreira, mas a falta de registro de casos foi um obstáculo encontrado. Com a finalidade de recuperar o histórico da doença, resolveu-se pesquisar e registrar as ocorrências de febre maculosa na região no período de 1985 a 2000 e analisar o seu comportamento. Foram recuperados todos os registros da doença nos diversos serviços de saúde pública. Observou-se uma ampliação da área de transmissão e a ocorrência de um aumento dos casos suspeitos a partir de 1996, ano em que a doença foi determinada como de notificação compulsória na região. Esta doença foi causa de óbito na maioria dos anos do período de estudo. Conclui-se que a febre maculosa está em ascensão na região e estudos bioecológicos complementares estão sendo desenvolvidos para melhor compreensão da epidemiologia dessa doença, que é mundialmente reconhecida como um problema emergente de saúde pública.Brazilian spotted fever was detected for the first time in the State of São Paulo in 1929. However, there is no systematic reporting of the disease in the State. In 1985, three cases of the disease occurred in the municipality of Pedreira, located in the Campinas Region, belonging to the 5th Administrative Region, in the Northeast part of the State, including 88 municipalities. An investigation was conducted at the time, but the lack of case registry limited its scope. The present study was undertaken with the aim of recovering the history of the disease in the Region. Data recovered from several public health services for

  11. Hepatozoon canis infection in a domestic dog in Southern Brazil confirmed by molecular techniques


    Lasta, Camila Serina; Santos, Andrea Pires dos; Mello, Fabíola Peixoto da Silva; Lacerda, Luciana de Almeida; Messick, Joanne Belle; Díaz González, Félix Hilário


    Hepatozoonose canina é uma doença transmitida por carrapatos e causada pelo protozoário Hepatozoon spp. No Brasil, existem poucos relatos da infecção e dados sobre sua epidemiologia, patogenicidade, seus vetores e sua caracterização genética. No presente estudo, são utilizadas técnicas moleculares para o diagnóstico e a caracterização do parasita. Foi estudado um canino que apresentava emagrecimento progressivo, anemia regenerativa, neutropenia e hiperglobulinemia. Gamontes de Hepatozoon spp....

  12. Salmonella spp. in carcasses, mechanically deboned meat, sausages and chicken meat


    Carvalho, Angela Cleusa de Fátima Banzatto de; Cortez, Ana Lígia Lordello


    Alimentos de origem animal representam papel fundamental na epidemiologia das salmoneloses humanas. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, a carne de frango ainda é passível de contaminação bacteriana, especialmente por microrganismos do gênero Salmonella, que podem encontrar-se albergados no trato intestinal ou em outra parte do corpo das aves. O presente trabalho objetivou pesquisar a ocorrência de Salmonella em carne de frango e derivados procedentes da região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Fo...

  13. As mulheres e a SIDA


    Bastos, Ana Isabel; Teixeira, José A. Carvalho; Paixão, Teresa


    Podem existir diferenças entre os sexos no que se refere aos factores biológicos, psicológicos e sociais associados & infecção pelo VIH (Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana). Os autores fazem uma revisão da epidemiologia da SIDA nas Mulheres, evolução da infecção pelo VIH, factores mais especificamente associados ao VIH/SIDA nas Mulheres, gravidez e SIDA e, finalmente, aconselhamento de Mulheres. ABSTRACT------Male-female differences may exist in the biological, psycho...

  14. Prevalência de carbapenemases em enterobactérias resistentes a carbapenêmicos em quatro hospitais terciários de Porto Alegre [Prevalence of carbapenemases in carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in four tertiary care hospitals in Porto Alegre

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    Fabio de Moura Pinto


    Conclusão: KPC foi a carbapenemase mais frequentemente detectada. A circulação de uma enzima OXA-48-like foi demonstrada, um achado novo e preocupante em nosso meio. A disseminação persistente da carbapenemase NDM foi também outro achado perturbador do estudo. A positividade maior para carbapenemases enalteceu a importância da estratégia de culturas de vigilância. Esses dados e outros estudos poderão contribuir para um entendimento maior da epidemiologia das ERC.

  15. Unidade de estudos de mastites em pequenos ruminantes: estudos em ovinos de regime extensivo Small ruminant mastitis unity: studies on grazing ewes

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    M.C. Queiroga


    Full Text Available A “Unidade de Estudo de Mastites em Pequenos Ruminantes”, formalmente constituída no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Científico, da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, vem dar corpo ao trabalho de colaboração de diversas equipas de investigação que se têm debruçado sobre a problemática das infecções intramamárias em pequenos ruminantes, nos seus aspectos de saúde animal, saúde pública veterinária e qualidade e segurança alimentar. Tem como principal objectivo criar condições para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos de investigação e divulgação científica que contribuam para reduzir a prevalência de mastites em pequenos ruminantes e assim melhorar a produção e a qualidade do leite, favorecendo produtores de leite, produtores de queijo e consumidores. Entre os trabalhos já realizados pela equipa científica, destacam-se o isolamento e identificação de agentes etiológicos de mastite em ovelhas, o estudo de factores de virulência nas bactérias mais relevantes, o estudo dos mecanismos de infecção e a resposta imunológica local e sistémica do hospedeiro e outros estudos na área da epidemiologia. O estudo da etiologia e da fisiopatologia da mastite ovina, com o objectivo de compreender a modulação da resposta imunitária da glândula mamária, poderá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de métodos de controlo com base na estimulação da resposta imunitária, alternativos ao uso de antibióticos.The “Small Ruminant Mastitis Unit”, formally constituted in the scope of the Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Científico, Science and Technology Foundation, gathers the collaborative work of several research groups that have been addressing the issue of small ruminants intramammary infections, related to animal health, veterinary public health and food safety and quality. Its main purpose is to generate an adequate environment for research and scientific communication that may contribute to

  16. Epidemiologia das helmintoses gastrintestinais de ovinos no Planalto Catarinense

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    Ramos César Itaqui


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três propriedades rurais nos municípios de Lages, São Joaquim e Campos Novos, estado de Santa Catarina, com os objetivos de determinar a prevalência, a intensidade e a variação sazonal de helmintos gastrintestinais e pulmonares em ovinos no Planalto Catarinense. Com base nos resultados aintenção é propor um esquema estratégico de controle. Para isso, foram utilizados mensalmente três cordeiros traçadores por propriedade, os quais, antes de serem conduzidos às mesmas, foram estabulados por 30 dias e executados tratamentos supressivos com anti-helmínticos de diferentes princípios ativos, com exames parasitológicos semanais para verificar a total eliminação de infecção parasitária. A seguir, foram encaminhados às três propriedades onde permaneceram em pastejo por 28 dias, sendo posteriormente recolhidos ao estábulo por mais 20 dias. Após foram sacrificados e realizada a coleta de alíquotas de 10% dos conteúdos do abomaso e intestino delgado, todos os helmintos do intestino grosso e pulmão. As maiores infecções por Haemonchus contortus ocorreram durante o período de outubro a março. O parasitismo por Trichostrongylus axei e Trichostrongylus colubriformis teve índices crescentes ao longo dos anos experimentais, apresentando maior pico de maio a outubro de 1999. Predominaram as espécies, no abomaso: Haemonchus contortus (100%; Trichostrongylus axei (98,7%; Trichostrongylus colubriformis (1,3%; Teladorsagia circumcincta (100%; Ostertagia ostertagi (100%. No intestino delgado: Trichostrongylus colubriformis (100%; Cooperia punctata (69,1%; Cooperia pectinata (18,4%; Cooperia curticei (6,9%; Cooperia oncophora (4,8%; Cooperia spatulata (0,8% e Nematodirus spathiger (100%. No intestino grosso: Oesophagostomum venulosum (100% e Trichuris ovis (100%. No pulmão, não foram encontrados parasitos.

  17. Epidemiological profile of acute bacterial meningitis in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Perfil epidemiológico da meningite bacteriana aguda no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Wallace Andrino da Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM remains a public health problem in Brazil. To evaluate the epidemiology of ABM cases at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital, Rio Grande do Norte, a descriptive retrospective survey was conducted covering 2005 to 2008. METHODS: Clinical and laboratory data were collected from the epidemiology department of the hospital and analyzed. RESULTS: Out of 168 ABM cases, 24.4%, 10.7%, and 2.4% were, respectively, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenza b, and 5.4% by other bacteria. The mean age was 22.48 ± 18.7 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus pneumoniae was the main causative pathogen in the young urban population.INTRODUÇÃO: Meningite bacteriana aguda (MBA permanece um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Para avaliar a epidemiologia da MBA atendida no Hospital Giselda Trigueiro, Rio Grande do Norte, um estudo retrospectivo-descritivo foi realizado de 2005 a 2008. MÉTODOS: Dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram coletados do departamento de epidemiologia hospitalar e analisados. RESULTADOS: Dos 168 casos de MBA, 24,4%, 10,7% e 2,4% foram, respectivamente, causados por Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis e Haemophilus influenzae b e 5,4% por outras bactérias. A média da idade foi 22,48 ± 18,7 anos. CONCLUSÕES: Streptococcus pneumoniae foi o principal patógeno causador na população urbana jovem.

  18. Soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em bovinos e funcionários de matadouros da microrregião de Pato Branco, Paraná, Brasil Seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in cattle and slaughterhouse workers in the region of Pato Branco, Paraná, Brazil

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    Heitor Daguer


    Full Text Available Visando avaliar a participação da carne bovina na epidemiologia da toxoplasmose, foram coletadas amostras de soro de 348 bovinos e de 64 funcionários em quatro matadouros da microrregião de Pato Branco, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Os soros dos bovinos foram avaliados pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI e apresentaram soropositividade (IgG em 41,4% das amostras examinadas. O título mais freqüentemente encontrado foi o de 64 (92,4%. Nenhum animal apresentou título superior a 1024. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas em relação ao sexo, idade e procedência dos animais. Os soros humanos, avaliados pelos testes de RIFI e de ELISA (imunoensaio enzimático para IgG, apresentaram 67,2% e 84,4% de positividade, respectivamente. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas com relação às variáveis idade, sexo, tempo de serviço no abatedouro, contato com gatos e hábito de ingerir carne crua ou mal cozida. Os resultados sugerem que a carne bovina pode desempenhar importante papel na manutenção da toxoplasmose na região.In order to determine the role of bovine meat in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis, 348 serum samples were collected from cattle and 64 serum samples from slaughterhouse workers at four plants in the region of Pato Branco, Paraná state, southern Brazil. Cattle sera were examined by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT, showing an IgG-seropositivity of 41.4%. The most frequently titer found was 64 (92.4%. Maximum titer found was 1024. There was no significant difference concerning sex, age and origin of positive sera. Human sera were tested by the IFAT and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, showing 67.2% and 84.4% of IgG-seropositivity, respectively. No significant difference was observed between prevalences and age, sex, duration of employment at slaughterhouse, contact with cats and eating raw or undercooked meat. Results suggest that bovine meat may be a possible source of

  19. Microbial Forensics for Natural and Intentional Incidents of Infectious Disease Involving Animals (United States)


    Microbiologie medico-legale. ~ Microbiologia foren~e para ca£J~s de erderm®rdJ©lrdJ®$ DlTil~®©©D@$©l$ d® origen natural o intenciorm~d(il qa.u~ tEl~~ct...ll1 iBl ©lll1Dm©l~®$ S.A. McEwen, T.M Wilson, D.A. Ashford, E. D. Heegaard, T. Kuiken & B. Kournikakis Resumen La microbiologia forense es una... microbiologia y epidemiologia tradicionales, pero opera dentro de un marco juridico especifico. Entre las importantes razones que motivan una

  20. Avaliação epidemiológica das fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife/PE


    Pereira,André Flávio Freire; Portela,Luiz Eduardo Duque; Lima,Guilherme Didier de Andrade; Carneiro,Wagner Cabral Gomes; Ferreira,Marcus André Costa; Rangel,Túlio Albuquerque de Moura; Santos,Ricardo Barreto Monteiro dos


    INTRODUÇÃO: as fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar estão se tornando mais frequentes, devido ao aumento dos acidentes de alta energia. Elas apresentam um elevado índice de morbidade e mortalidade, acarretando grandes prejuízos socioeconômicos. OBJETIVO: analisar a epidemiologia das fraturas torácicas e lombares de pacientes atendidas no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: este estudo é uma análise epidemiológica dos pacientes com fraturas ...

  1. Identificación de Parásitos Gastrointestinales en dos Especies de Delfines en Cautiverio del Acuario y Museo del Mar el Rodadero ubicado en Santa Marta‚ Magdalena -resumen-


    Dave Wehdeking-Hernández; J Rodríguez; C Zuluaga; Luis Barrios; Julio Mejía


    Las infecciones parasitarias en animales tienen distribución mundial y se caracterizan por una sintomatología intestinal inespecífica; por procesos clínicos que pueden ser agudos‚ sub agudos y crónicos. La epidemiologia de las parasitosis intestinales es muy variada‚ depende del tipo de parásito‚ del área geográfica‚ del estado general del hospedero y de los hábitos poblacionales. Teniendo en cuenta que los delfines son uno de los principales atractivos del acuario‚ se estableció un protocolo...



    Dr. Daniel Seijas


    El presente artículo revisará la epidemiologia general de las adicciones para mostrar la carga de enfermedad que ellas le endosan a la población y los servicios de salud, mostrando los factores de riesgo más importantes en salud hoy en Chile y en el mundo. Asimismo, busca actualizar algunos conceptos sobre el enfrentamiento integral del problema de las adicciones en el ambiente hospitalario. Sus diferentes puertas de entrada, el proceso de tamizaje, diagnóstico intervención breve y derivación...

  3. Leishmaniose visceral canina no município de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, outubro 2007 a fevereiro de 2008


    Borges, Gabriel Labeca Ferreira Nogueira


    Este estudo teve por objetivo testar a hipótese de Uberlândia apresentar LVC em duas áreas de risco potencial para chegada e disseminação da LV, bem como esclarecer o papel do canil da APA e das residências localizadas na Tenda dos Morenos e Buracão para a epidemiologia da LV na cidade. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo seccional nesses locais perfazendo um total de 140 cães. Na APA foi realizada uma amostragem de 85 cães, os quais foram fotografados, identificados, avaliad...

  4. Fisiopatologia e aspectos inflamatórios da aterosclerose = Physiopathology and inflammatory aspects of atherosclerosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gottlieb, Maria Gabriela Valle


    Conclusão: O entendimento da biologia básica da inflamação na aterosclerose proporcionaria um melhor suporte clínico que poderia alterar o caminho da prática da medicina preventiva e propiciar benefícios para a saúde pública

  5. Active region structures in the transition region and corona

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, D.F.


    Observational aspects of the transition region and coronal structures of the solar active region are reviewed with an emphasis on imaging of the plasma loops which act as tracers of the magnetic flux loops. The study of the basic structure of an active region is discussed in terms of the morphological and thermal classifications of active region loops, including umbral structures, and observational knowledge of the thermal structure of loops is considered in relation to scaling laws, emission measures and the structures of individual loops. The temporal evolution of active region loop structures is reviewed with emphasis on ephemeral regions and the emergence of active regions. Planned future spaceborne observations of active region loop structures in the EUV and soft X-ray regions are also indicated


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    Rodrigo Grazinoli Garrido


    Full Text Available A bioquímica é uma disciplina fundamental para cursos da área de saúde. Esses alunosdevem estar aptos a atuar em um meio onde o domínio das reações orgânicas éimprescindível para compreender a dialética saúde-doença. Isto é especialmenteimportante na Enfermagem, onde se exige capacidade de investigação, diagnóstico,planejamento, implementação e avaliação do processo de cuidar. Com isso, a bioquímicadeve buscar vincular o conteúdo à atividade profissional, com ênfase fisiopatológica, semdescuidar dos seus fundamentos. Se, por um lado, a primeira opção torna o ensino dadisciplina mais atraente e interessante, uma sólida formação básica habilitaria o estudantea analisar sua prática sob um aspecto mais técnico, adaptando-se a novas circunstâncias etecnologias. Nesse contexto, buscou-se descrever a opinião de estudantes de Enfermagemda UFBA acerca da importância da disciplina para a futura profissão e verificar a percepçãoquanto ao próprio rendimento na disciplina e a capacidade de relacionar conceitos dabioquímica à fisiopatologia. O interesse dos alunos se dividiu entre o entendimento dometabolismo e seus distúrbios, concorrendo para o diagnóstico de patologias. De modogeral, os alunos mostraram bom desempenho na disciplina. Assim, tornou-se impossívelpensar a bioquímica desvinculada da fisiopatologia. Este viés é buscado pelos própriosalunos, favorecendo desempenho no curso.

  7. Thinking regionally: narrative, the medical humanities and region. (United States)

    Waddington, Keir


    Drawing on multiple literatures from history, geography, anthropology, sociology and literature, this essay asks questions about what we mean by region and why narratives of region should matter to the medical humanities. The essay surveys how region can be used as a lens of analysis, exploring the various academic approaches to region and their limitations. It argues that regions are dynamic but also unstable as a category of analysis and are often used uncritically by scholars. In encouraging scholars working in the medical humanities to be aware that regions are not simple objective or analytical boxes, the essay shows how an awareness of region helps challenge metropolitan whiggism and ideas of core and periphery to give a more prominent place to hinterlands, market towns and rural environments. Furthermore, the essay considers how incorporating region into our understanding of illness can offer new insights. It demonstrates the need for scholars to be attuned to the narratives constructed around regions, suggesting that regions can be viewed as discursive formations that provide a frame for understanding both collective and personal ideas of, and responses to, health and illness, disease and healing, to create what Megan Davies calls a more nuanced 'intellectual cartography'. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  8. Regional scheme for the connection to the grid of renewable energies: for the Hauts-de-France region, for the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, for the Picardy region, the Alsace region, the Aquitaine region, the Auvergne region, the Lower-Normandy region, the Burgundy region, the Brittany region, the Centre-Val-de-Loire region, the Champagne-Ardennes region, the Franche-Comte region, the Upper Normandy region, the Ile-de-France region, the Languedoc-Roussillon region, the Lorraine region, the Midi-Pyrenees region, the Provence-Alps-Cote d'Azur region, the Pays-de-la-Loire region, the Poitou-Charentes region, the Rhone-Alps region. Technical and financial status of the scheme implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathers reports related to all French regions. Each one addresses the elaboration of the concerned regional scheme of connection of renewable energies to the distribution network (French acronym: S3REnR) which aims at anticipating and planning evolutions of electrical networks which are necessary for the integration of renewable energies. Illustrated by maps, tables and graphs, these reports propose indications of energy production locations, an identification of planned works, a presentation of the concerned region, of its existing grid and projects, an overview of the scheme content (initial status, results of consultations, adopted strategies, planned works), and an overview of the scheme implementation status

  9. Capsaicina e sua aplicação em odontologia


    Grégio, Ana Maria Trindade; Farias, Michelle Moura de; Gomes, Maria Cláudia Baggio; Azevedo, Luciana Reis de; Lima, Antônio Adílson Soares de; Machado, Maria Ângela Naval


    A capsaicina é o princípio ativo presente na pimenta vermelha responsável pela sua ação picante. Possui várias propriedades farmacológicas como a ação mucolítica, termogênica e analgésica. Atua sobre a fisiopatologia da dor, principalmente nos mediadores químicos que induzem algesia, inibindo temporariamente a substância P. É empregada no tratamento de vários tipos de dores como a dor orofacial crônica, a dor pósherpética e a dor por desaferentação.Descritores: Capsaicina. Dor. Fisiologia....

  10. Ptose palpebral associada a paquidermoperiostose: relato de caso Eyelid ptosis associated with pachydermoperiostosis: case report

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    Ana Paula Ximenes Alves


    Full Text Available Descreve-se caso clínico de um indivíduo acometido por paquidermoperiostose, cuja queixa principal foi ptose palpebral bilateral. Trata-se de doença hereditária, autossômica dominante, que acomete a pele, os ossos e os tecidos moles, resultando em acentuada hipertrofia tarsal. Discute-se a fisiopatologia da ptose e o tratamento executado no caso.We describe a clinical case of a patient with pachydermoperiostosis and bilateral palpebral ptosis. It is a hereditary, dominant autosomic disease, which affects skin, bones and soft tissues. In the eyelid, it causes an important tarsal hypertrophy. We discuss the physiopathology and treatment of the ptosis.

  11. Genotipos da haptoglobina nas doenças falciformes


    Magnun Nueldo Nunes dos Santos


    Resumo: O estresse oxidativo, particularmente no endotélio, exerce forte influência na gênese da vaso-oclusão e, assim, na evolução clínica e sobrevida de pacientes com Doenças Falciformes (DF). A fisiopatologia das DF está centralizada na propriedade de polimerização da desoxi-hemoglobina (Hb) S, mas fatores genéticos têm atuado como moduladores de suas complicações clínicas. A haptoglobina (Hp) é uma glicoproteína plasmática cuja função primordial é se ligar à Hb livre no plasma, impedindo...

  12. Dvigateli regional'nogo stroitel'stva. Vlijanie regional'nyh politicheskih organizacij na sotrudnichestvo universitetov v regione Baltijskogo morja [Motors for regional development: impact on regional political organizations on the university cooperation in the Baltic Sea region

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    Ewert Stefan


    Full Text Available Educational co-operation is one of the main aspects of the regional political agenda in the Baltic Sea Region. The article analyzes the political impact of the organizations, as perceived by the universities in the region and political decision-makers on national and regional levels. Based on the success of the OECD in becoming an influential actor in educational policies, this article discusses different strategies for the regional political organizations to enhance their influence.


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    Kathleen Mary Hegadoren


    Full Text Available Estudio cuantitativo de base poplacional. Los autores tienen como objectivo examinar las influencias de la región, la edad y el tiempo en la mortalidad por cáncer de cuello uterino. Las tasas de mortalidad que ocurrieron en el Estado de Santa Catarina, entre 1996 y 2011 fueron analizados. Los datos fueron obtenidos del Sistema de Información de Mortalidad del Ministerio de Salud, Brasil, en el año 2013. El analisis de los datos fue realizada fundamentada en la epidemiologia descritiva. Las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de cuello uterino variaron desde 3,6 hasta 5,0 / 100.000 mujeres. Estas tasas aumentaron en los grupos de mayor edad y presentaron los valores más altos después de 70 años. La conciencia de la mujer acerca de la importancia del la prueba de Papanicolaou en sus evaluaciones de salud, puede ser diferente según la edad y las regiones en las que viven. La frecuencia de la prueba de Papanicolaou debe cambiar mediante la observación de la evolución de las tasas de mortalidad en el tiempo.

  14. Regional employment growth, shocks and regional industrial resilience

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Jacob Rubæk; Østergaard, Christian Richter


    The resilience of regional industries to economic shocks has gained a lot of attention in evolutionary economic geography recently. This paper uses a novel quantitative approach to investigate the regional industrial resilience of the Danish ICT sector to the shock following the burst of the dot......-com bubble. It is shown that regions characterised by small and young ICT service companies were more adaptable and grew more than others, while diversity and urbanisation increased the sensitivity to the business cycle after the shock. Different types of resilient regions are found: adaptively resilient......, rigidly resilient, entrepreneurially resilient and non-resilient regions....

  15. Regional Geography is Dead. Long Live Regional Geography!

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vaishar, Antonín; Werner, M.


    Roč. 14, č. 3 (2006), s. 2-8 ISSN 1210-8812 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518 Keywords : regional geography * regions * geography * methodology * Ostrava region Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

  16. Regional Employment Growth, Shocks and Regional Industrial Resilience

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, J.R.; Østergaard, Christian Richter


    The resilience of regional industries to economic shocks has gained a lot of attention in evolutionary economic geography recently. This paper uses a novel quantitative approach to investigate the regional industrial resilience of the Danish information and communication technology (ICT) sector...... to the shock following the burst of the bubble. It is shown that regions characterized by small and young ICT service companies were more adaptable and grew more than others, while diversity and urbanization increased the sensitivity to the business cycle after the shock. Different types of resilient...... regions are found: adaptively resilient, rigidly resilient, entrepreneurially resilient and non-resilient regions....

  17. Regions Matter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Keld; Masciarelli, Francesca; Prencipe, Andrea


    capital at the regional level, with a large-scale data set of the innovative activities of a representative sample of 2,413 Italian manufacturing firms from 21 regions, and controlling for a large set of firm and regional characteristics, we find that being located in a region characterized by a high...

  18. Aspectos históricos dos estudos caso-controle

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    Rêgo Marco Antônio Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Este texto apresenta um relato da evolução dos estudos de caso-controle (ECC até o final dos anos 80. A comparação de dois grupos quanto à exposição a um fator de risco é verificada desde o século XVII. A segunda metade do século XIX significou o declínio da Epidemiologia das "populações", e os primeiros ECC só foram realizados na década de 20. O avanço do método ocorreu na segunda metade do século, com destaque para as investigações sobre câncer de pulmão e hábito de fumar. As principais contribuições dos estudiosos do método foram o uso da odds ratio como estimativa do risco relativo; a definição dos aspectos estatísticos da análise de dados de estudos retrospectivos; o cálculo do risco atribuível e da fração etiológica para ECC; e a discussão da essência dos ECC. Os críticos referiam as fragilidades do método e a susceptibilidade aos bias. Conclui-se que os ECC tiveram aplicação crescente nas últimas décadas, sendo utilizados em diversas áreas da epidemiologia, constituindo-se em um importante instrumento para as ações de Saúde Pública.

  19. Remote hemorrhage from the site of craniotomy Hemorragia à distância da área da craniotomia

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    José Alberto Landeiro


    Full Text Available Postoperative intracranial hemorrhage is a serious and sometimes a fatal neurosurgical complication. Hemorrhage occurring at regions remote from the site of intracranial operations comprises an uncommon affection, most ignored by the assistant physicians. It bares a still incomprehensive pathophysiology, despite several theories trying to explain it. Looks like a common sense that the presence of the remote site hemorrhage cannot be related to concomitant presence of hypertension, coagulopathy or undiscovered lesions. We report three cases of postoperative hemorrhages occurring in a remote site of supratentorial craniotomies, two patients presented cavernous sinus meningeoma and one patient was submitted to intracranial vascular surgery.Hemorragia intracraniana de ocorrência em pós-operatório é grave complicação das cirurgias intracranianas. O aparecimento de foco hemorrágico em regiões distantes ao sítio operatório original é considerado incomum, e muitas vezes ignorado pelos médicos assistentes. A fisiopatologia envolvida no processo não é de todo compreendida, apesar das diversas teorias já propostas. São apresentados três casos de hemorragia á distancia da área cirúrgica, no pós-operatório de dois pacientes portadores de meningeoma do seio cavernoso e de um submetido à clipagem de aneurisma intracraniano.

  20. Development of regional growth centres and impact on regional growth: A case study of Thailand’s Northeastern region

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    Nattapon Sang-arun


    Full Text Available This study investigates the spatial economic structure and inequality in Thailand at the national and regional levels, with a particular focus on the Northeastern region in the period from 1987 to 2007. The study has three main points: 1 examination of the economic structure and inequality at the national level and in the Northeastern region according to the Theil index, 2 determination of regional growth centres and satellite towns by using growth pole theory as a conceptual framework and incorporating spatial interaction analysis and 3 analysis of the relationship between regional growth centres and satellite towns with regard to the impact on growth and inequality. The results show that the Northeastern region is definitely the lagging region in the nation, by both gross domestic product (GDP and gross regional product (GRP per capita. It was therefore selected for a case study. Spatial analysis identified Nakhon Ratchasima, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani and Ubon Ratchathani as regional growth centres. Each of them has its own sphere of influence (or satellite towns, and the total area of regional growth centres and satellite towns are classified as sub-regions. The development of regional growth centres has a direct impact on sub-regional economic growth through economic and social relationships: urbanisation, industrial development, per capita growth, the number of higher educational institutes and so on. However, such growth negatively correlates with economic equality among the provinces in a sub-region. The inequality trend is obviously on an upswing. This study suggests that industrial links between regional growth centres and their satellite towns should be improved in order for regional growth centre development to have a consistently desirable effect on both economic growth and equality. Such a strong process means that the growth of regional growth centres will spread, leading to the development of their surrounding areas.

  1. 1st National Health Examination Survey (INSEF 2015): determinants of health


    Namorado, Sónia; Santos, Joana; Antunes, Liliana; Kislaya, Irina; Santos, Ana João; Castilho, Emília; Cordeiro, Eugénio; Dinis, Ana; Barreto, Marta; Gaio, Vânia; Gil, Ana Paula; Rodrigues, Ana Paula; Silva, Ana Clara; Alves, Clara Alves; Vargas, Patrícia


    O primeiro INSEF realizado em Portugal é promovido e coordenado pelo Instituto Ricardo Jorge através do seu Departamento de Epidemiologia, em parceria com o Instituto Norueguês de Saúde Publica e em colaboração com as Administrações Regionais de Saúde do Continente e Secretarias Regionais de Saúde das Regiões Autónomas dos Açores e da Madeira. Enquadramento: A importância da informação obtida através de inquéritos de saúde com exame físico realizados a amostras probabilísticas da pop...

  2. Disfonia na criança


    Marta, Diana Simões


    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2017 Disfonia é um termo clínico que se refere a todas as alterações e dificuldades na emissão vocal que impedem a produção normal da voz. É um sintoma frequente em idade pediátrica com consequências negativas em vários aspetos da vida da criança. Este artigo tem como objetivo resumir o conhecimento atual sobre a definição, epidemiologia, etiologia, características clínicas, abordag...

  3. Distribuição espacial e temporal da raiva canina e felina em Minas Gerais, 2000 a 2006 Spatial and temporal distribution of canine and feline rabies in Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2000 to 2006


    A.D. Barbosa; J.A. Silva; E.C. Moreira; J.N.C. Meneses; D.F. Magalhães; F.L. Menezes; C.S.F. Oliveira


    Estudou-se a epidemiologia da raiva em cães e gatos, em Minas Gerais, e realizou-se um estudo descritivo de seu comportamento, de 2000 a 2006. Utilizaram-se, como fonte de dados, os relatórios mensais dos laboratórios do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Belo Horizonte e do Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária. Os resultados demonstraram positividade de 1,5% para raiva canina e 0,7% para raiva felina. Houve tendência ao decréscimo do número de casos positivos de raiva canina (y = -3,2143x + 19,7...

  4. Distribuição espacial e temporal da raiva canina e felina em Minas Gerais, 2000 a 2006


    Barbosa, A.D.; Silva, J.A.; Moreira, E.C.; Meneses, J.N.C.; Magalhães, D.F.; Menezes, F.L.; Oliveira, C.S.F.


    Estudou-se a epidemiologia da raiva em cães e gatos, em Minas Gerais, e realizou-se um estudo descritivo de seu comportamento, de 2000 a 2006. Utilizaram-se, como fonte de dados, os relatórios mensais dos laboratórios do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Belo Horizonte e do Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária. Os resultados demonstraram positividade de 1,5% para raiva canina e 0,7% para raiva felina. Houve tendência ao decréscimo do número de casos positivos de raiva canina (y = -3,2143x + 19,7...

  5. Distribuição espacial e fatores de risco para leptospirose canina na Vila Pantanal, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil


    Bier, Daniele


    Resumo: A leptospirose é uma doença zoonótica bacteriana de importância global, causada por bactérias espiroquetas do gênero Leptospira. Embora roedores sejam considerados como o principal reservatório para a leptospirose urbana, a apresentação clínica do cão e a capacidade em eliminar o agente pela urina por vários meses, assumindo a condição de reservatório, podem fornecer um melhor entendimento de sua epidemiologia. A leptospirose tornou-se uma das causas de epidemias em comunidades carent...

  6. Convulsão febril na região da Cova da Beira


    Cardoso, Joana de Jesus


    Objetivos: Convulsões Febris são o distúrbio convulsivo mais frequente na população pediátrica. O principal objetivo desta investigação consiste em avaliar a epidemiologia e os fatores de risco associados à Convulsão Febril na Região da Cova da Beira, em crianças dos 0 aos 6 anos. Métodos: Estudo transversal quantitativo/descritivo, com metodologia quantitativa apresenta recolha de dados retrospetivos. A amostra acidental é constituída por todas as crianças dos 0 aos 6 anos que no período ...

  7. Die Region braucht die Kultur - die Kultur braucht die Region


    Klemm, Ulrich


    Die Region braucht die Kultur - die Kultur braucht die Region. - In: Region in Aktion - oder: Region im Abseits? - Boxberg-Wölchingen : Eigenständige Regionalentwicklung Baden-Württemberg, 1995. - S. 25 f.

  8. A Declining Region: Provincial Renaissance Revisited (Case of Volgograd Region

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    Drozdova Yuliya


    Full Text Available The paper analyzes findings yielded by the empirical study performed in the framework of an RGNF grant entitled “Image of a region as a communicative strategy for the authorities and mass media”. The methods of study included expert survey and formal survey (N=1000, July-September 2013, studying the opinion of respondents who were either internal experts residing in the Volgograd region (N=20; May-September 2013 or external experts who reside outside the region but maintain stable ties with the representatives of state and municipal authorities, regional mass media and business. The findings indicate that the Volgograd region has fallen behind other modernized Russian regions, that young people tend to leave it, that a negative image of the region as a declining territory persists. Answers to the open question “What is unacceptable for you in the existing image of the Volgograd region?” revealed major problems determining the local context of a declining region, and those were issues associated with inefficient regional/municipal administration: “the condition of the roads”, “constant replacement of people in the administration”, “politics as a whole”, “a destitute region without a good manager”, “unemployment”, “countryside is dying off”, “indifference of the authorities”, “roads, housing and public utilities and the administration”, “the authorities are not responsible for the people”, “the authorities do not solve the problems of the city or its people”, “thieving”, “dishonest authorities”, “the region goes to rack and ruin, no kindergartens or jobs”, “one cannot even walk in the streets”, “corruption”, “a stagnant region with low pay”, “no perspectives in the future”, “the region is stagnating due to corruption among officials”. According to the local Census Bureau, the Volgograd region can be classified as a declining territory where the population decline

  9. The politics of inter-regionalism: relations between international regional organizations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vleuten, J.M. van der; Ribeiro Hoffman, A.; Reinalda, B.


    As the development of relations between international regional organizations, inter-regionalism denotes a relatively recent phenomenon. Largely due to systemic bipolarity, inter-regional relations remained limited to 'dialogue partnerships' between the European Community (EC) and other regional

  10. Regional Stability & Lessons Learned in Regional Peace Building

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David; Johnsen, Anton Asklund

    , as none of the countries is able to deal with the intrastate and interstate conflicts on its own. The conference Regional Stability & Lessons Learned in Regional Peace Building was the result of comprehensive cooperation between Pakistan’s National Defence University and the Royal Danish Defence College......The NATO-led intervention in Afghanistan is coming to an end, and the necessity of regional peace building solutions for the region’s security issues seems more exigent than ever before. Regional states have to come to terms with each other in some ways if violent extremists are to be countered...

  11. Building a competitive regional innovation environment : the regional development platform method as a tool for regional innovation policy


    Harmaakorpi, Vesa


    The study focuses on building a regional innovation policy tool that takes into account the demands of the present techno-economic and socio-institutional paradigms. Regions are seen to be strongly dependent on their history. The competitiveness of a region is based on the regional resource configurations. In a turbulent world these resource configurations have to be renewed over time setting demands for regional dynamic capabilities. This study emphasises five regional dynamic capabilities: ...

  12. A subspecies of region crossing change, region freeze crossing change


    Inoue, Ayumu; Shimizu, Ryo


    We introduce a local move on a link diagram named a region freeze crossing change which is close to a region crossing change, but not the same. We study similarity and difference between region crossing change and region freeze crossing change.

  13. A patogênese genética e molecular da síndrome de Angelman

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    Angelica Francesca Maris


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Fornecer uma revisão atualizada em língua portuguesa sobre a síndrome de Angelman, com ênfase nos mecanismos genéticos e moleculares dessa patologia, uma causa de deficiência mental severa que em alguns casos pode apresentar recorrência familiar. Método: Foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica utilizando a base de dados do PubMed, tendo como critérios de busca o termo "Angelman syndrome" isoladamente e combinado com "UBE3A", "clinical", "genetics" e "molecular" no título dos artigos. Dentre esses, foram selecionados artigos de revisão e artigos originais sobre a fisiopatologia da síndrome, com ênfase nos últimos dez anos. Resultados: Utilizando-se "Angelman syndrome" na busca, apareceram cerca de 1.100 artigos, incluindo 240 de revisão. Nos últimos dez anos são mais de 600 artigos, aproximadamente 120 de revisão, 50% dos quais publicados nos últimos cinco anos. Na base de dados SciELO, são apenas nove artigos sobre a síndrome, dos quais três em português e nenhum artigo atual de revisão. Conclusão: Após ter sido uma das principais causas que atraíram atenção ao estudo e ao entendimento dos mecanismos do imprinting genômico, a síndrome de Angelman está agora se revelando como uma patologia das sinapses. Apesar de o entendimento da fisiopatologia molecular da síndrome de Angelman ainda estar longe de ser compreendida, seu estudo está fornecendo uma visão extraordinária sobre os mecanismos que regem a plasticidade sináptica, novamente atraindo a atenção de pesquisadores que trabalham na fronteira do conhecimento.

  14. Regional alternative transportation evaluation report - Region 4 (United States)


    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center (Volpe Center) conducted a regional alternative transportation evaluation (RATE) in Region 4, which is comprised of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Geor...

  15. Regional alternative transportation evaluation report - region 2 (United States)


    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe : Center (Volpe Center) conducted a regional alternative transportation evaluation (RATE) in Region 2, : which is comprised of Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexic...

  16. Regional alternative transportation evaluation report - region 5 (United States)


    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center (Volpe Center) conducted a regional alternative transportation evaluation (RATE) in Region 3, which is comprised of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michiga...

  17. Regional alternative transportation evaluation report - region 1 (United States)


    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center (Volpe Center) conducted a regional alternative transportation evaluation (RATE) in Region 1, which is comprised of Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and H...

  18. Epidemiologia e saber científico Epidemiology and scientific knowledge

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    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available Todo conhecimento, seja ele oriundo do cotidiano ou das interpretações mágicas, religiosas, filosóficas, científicas ou artísticas da realidade, tem sua origem em problemas práticos. Desde a Antigüidade o homem preocupou-se com as doenças e suas causas. Entretanto, os saberes referentes ao processo saúde-doença em sua dimensão coletiva só ultrapassam o limiar de positividade , isto é, só se individualizam como prática discursiva, no século XVII, quando as noções de população, Estado e coletivo ganham significado social. Tais saberes, entretanto, não caracterizam ainda uma disciplina científica com seu conjunto particular de enunciados, normas de verificação e coerência. A superação do limiar de epistemologização só se dará no século XIX, com a incorporação de cálculos estatísticos, formulação de taxas, desenvolvimento de teorias de causalidade e elaboração dos métodos de investigação. Na primeira metade do século XX observa-se a transição da disciplina para a ciência epidemiológica, marcada pela incorporação de instrumentos analíticos da Bioestatística, explicitação do caráter coletivo do objeto e sistematização dos métodos. Atualmente vive-se nova etapa de transição para o limiar de formalização.All knowledge, whether routine or based upon magical, religious, philosophical, scientific or artistic interpretations of reality, originates from practical problems. Since ancient times man has been concerned with diseases and their causes. Nevertheless, knowledge of the health-disease process in its collective sense, only crosses the threshold of positivity, that is to say, it only stands out as a discoursal practice, in the 17th century when the ideas of population, State and collectivity gain social significance. This knowledge, however, does not yet characterize a scientific discipline with its own set of enunciations, rules of investi-gation and coherence. The epistemological threshold will only be crossed in the 19th century with the use of statistics, rates, development of causal theories and definition of research methods. In the first half of the 20th century the transition of the discipline towards epidemiological science occurs by using analytical instruments such as statistics, defining the collective character of the object, and the systematization of methods. The current stage is the transition towards the threshold of formalization.

  19. Epidemiologia das infecções hematogênicas por Candida spp

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    Colombo Arnaldo Lopes


    Full Text Available O gênero Candida spp é responsável por cerca de 80% das infecções fúngicas no ambiente hospitalar e constitui causa relevante de infecções de corrente sanguínea. Nos Estados Unidos da América, Candida spp é a quarta causa mais comum de infecções de corrente sanguínea, respondendo por cerca de 8% dos casos das infecções documentadas neste sítio. Espécies não-albicans respondem hoje por ao menos 50% das infecções invasivas por Candida spp, apresentando peculiaridades de história natural e sensibilidade a antifúngicos. A mortalidade geral de fungemias por Candida spp é da ordem de 40 a 60%, tornado esta complicação infecciosa um grande desafio para os clínicos que trabalham em hospitais terciários em diferentes países.

  20. Epidemiologia delle parassitosi intestinali in una popolazione di immigrati extracomunitari

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    Espedito Nocera


    Full Text Available The Authors relate the results of an epidemiological study concerning the percentages of isolation for intestinal parasites in a population of out-community immigrant population that attends the ambulatory of “Jerry Masslo” voluntary Association in Castelvolturno, provence of Caserta, southern Italy. In the period that has gone since November 2001 to January 2003, 81 faecal samples of out-community immigrants were examined by standard coproparassitologyc examination: direct microscopic examination with iodine solution and with physiological solution, microscopic examination after enrichment with formalin-etilacetate and finally microscopic examination after permanent stain of Giemsa. Of all the examined samples, 44 (54.3% were positive for one or more intestinal pathogenic parasites, while 37 (45.7% were negative.The motivations to this study are to seek in the wish to give a contribution, even though least, to the understanding of the sanitary problems that this type of patients, the out-community immigrants, coming to make part in consistent way of our society more and more, has brought with itself.

  1. Os principais delineamentos na Epidemiologia – Ensaios Clínicos

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    Aline Castello Branco Mancuso


    Full Text Available Um estudo experimental tem como objetivo principal conduzir um ou mais tratamentos ou intervenções de modo a modificar, de alguma forma, um processo de doença. Esses estudos podem ser realizados em pacientes, sujeitos saudáveis, comunidades ou subgrupos da população. Para as comparações, pelo menos dois grupos são formados: um recebendo a intervenção nova (grupo experimental, e outro grupo com a intervenção padrão ou um placebo (grupo controle. Definir um grupo controle é uma das etapas mais difíceis, pois as características devem ser comparáveis em todos os critérios ao grupo experimental. Os resultados podem sofrer interferências, se a metodologia aplicada não for planejada adequadamente. Os sujeitos devem ser alocados de forma aleatória aos grupos. O “cegamento” também é recomendado, pois previne certos vieses. Além destes, o número de sujeitos é fundamental para a validade dos resultados. Contudo, a Ética na pesquisa deve prevalecer sob todas as circunstâncias. Um documento de consentimento (Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido deve ser entregue aos participantes contendo, entre outras informações, os objetivos, procedimentos, riscos e benefícios. No final do estudo, os participantes têm o direito de serem informados sobre os resultados obtidos.

  2. Regional governance: strategies and disputes in health region management

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    Adriano Maia dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE To analyze the regional governance of the health systemin relation to management strategies and disputes. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES A qualitative study with health managers from 19 municipalities in the health region of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. Data were drawn from 17 semi-structured interviews of state, regional, and municipal health policymakers and managers; a focus group; observations of the regional interagency committee; and documents in 2012. The political-institutional and the organizational components were analyzed in the light of dialectical hermeneutics. RESULTS The regional interagency committee is the chief regional governance strategy/component and functions as a strategic tool for strengthening governance. It brings together a diversity of members responsible for decision making in the healthcare territories, who need to negotiate the allocation of funding and the distribution of facilities for common use in the region. The high turnover of health secretaries, their lack of autonomy from the local executive decisions, inadequate technical training to exercise their function, and the influence of party politics on decision making stand as obstacles to the regional interagency committee’s permeability to social demands. Funding is insufficient to enable the fulfillment of the officially integrated agreed-upon program or to boost public supply by the system, requiring that public managers procure services from the private market at values higher than the national health service price schedule (Brazilian Unified Health System Table. The study determined that “facilitators” under contract to health departments accelerated access to specialized (diagnostic, therapeutic and/or surgical services in other municipalities by direct payment to physicians for procedure costs already covered by the Brazilian Unified Health System. CONCLUSIONS The characteristics identified a regionalized system with a conflictive pattern of

  3. Cólica renal


    Pinheiro, JC


    Os aspectos práticos de actuação na cólica renal são abordados nesta apresentação, que o médico de família, a quem os doentes primeiro recorrem, deve conhecer em pormenor.É referida a incidência da afecção num serviço de urgência dum grande hospital e descreve-se, ainda que sumariamente, a fisiopatologia da dor, o quadro clínico mais frequente e a conveniente actuação terapêutica para o imediato alívio da dor intensa que estes doentes apresentam. Nas conclusões sublinha-se que a cólica ...

  4. Síndrome de Susac: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente de 34 anos com quadro sugestivo de síndrome de Susac ou vasculopatia retinococlear. Esta síndrome, descrita pela primeira vez em 1979, caracteriza-se pela presença de uma tríade clínica formada por encefalopatia, hipoacusia neurossensorial e alterações visuais. A fisiopatologia ainda é controversa, assim como o tratamento de escolha. Devido a tratar-se de enfermidade insuficientemente conhecida em nosso meio, onde não foi relatada ainda, chamamos a atenção para o diagnóstico diferencial, que inclui condições como esclerose múltipla, vasculites do sistema nervoso central e outros transtornos vasculares.

  5. Regional Trends in Electromobility - Regional Study North America


    Turrentine, Tom; Garas, Dhalia


    The subproject “Regional Trends in Electro mobility” aims at identifying and analyzing major trends in the field of electro mobility. The trend analysis will monitor research effort and upcoming technologies, policies, products and market developments in different focus regions around the world continuously to enable a systematic analysis of global trends. The regional trend analysis for electro mobility is a major keystone for the project success and therefore cooperation with...

  6. Regional development via high-speed rail : A study of the Stockholm-Mälaren region and possibilities for Melbourne-regional Victoria


    Bayley, Michael


    The purpose of this thesis is to examine, based on a study of the regional high-speed corridors in the Stockholm-Mälaren Region, the possibilities for regional high-speed rail in Melbourne-regional Victoria (Australia) to improve accessibility, and achieve regional development and balanced growth between the capital and its surrounding regions. It deals with the concept of 'regional' high-speed rail, a variant of classic high-speed rail that serves centres along regional corridors stemming fr...

  7. Analysis of regional climate strategies in the Barents region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Himanen, S.; Inkeroeinen, J.; Latola, K.; Vaisanen, T.; Alasaarela, E.


    Climate change is a global phenomenon with especially harsh effects on the Arctic and northern regions. The Arctic's average temperature has risen at almost twice the rate as elsewhere in the past few decades. Since 1966, the Arctic land area covered by snow in early summer has shrunk by almost a fifth. The Barents Region consists of the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia (i.e. the European part of Russia). Climate change will cause serious impacts in the Barents Region because of its higher density of population living under harsh climatic conditions, thus setting it apart from other Arctic areas. In many cases, economic activities, like tourism, rely on certain weather conditions. For this reason, climate change and adaptation to it is of special urgency for the region. Regional climate change strategies are important tools for addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change as they can be used to consolidate the efforts of different stakeholders of the public and private sectors. Regional strategies can be important factors in achieving the national and international goals. The study evaluated how the national climate change goals were implemented in the regional and local strategies and programmes in northern Finland. The specific goal was to describe the processes by which the regional strategies were prepared and implemented, and how the work was expanded to include the whole of northern Finland. Finally, the Finnish preparatory processes were compared to case examples of processes for preparing climate change strategies elsewhere in the Barents Region. This analysis provides examples of good practices in preparing a climate change strategy and implementing it. (orig.)

  8. Structural region

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. Structural region. The two groups had 4 substitutions similar to Yawat strain. The Yawat strain had 5 unique mutations. 3 in the E2 region and 2 in the E1 region. The mutation, I702V (E2), though different from all the recent Indian and Reunion sequences was similar ...

  9. Field-aligned current signatures in the near-tail region. 2. Coupling between the region 1 and region 2 systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtani, S.; Kokubun, S.; Nakamura, R.; Elphic, R.C.; Russell, C.T.; Baker, D.N.


    The development of the substorm-associated current system in the near-tail region is examined in the light of both experiment and theory. First, the March 28, 1979, event is examined intensively by using ground magnetometer data and satellite magnetic field and energetic particle data. The comparison of field-aligned current signatures at geosynchronous altitude and in the near-tail region indicates that the development of the region 1 system is not merely the enhancement in current intensity of the pre-existing system. This finding is consistent with the so-called current wedge model, in which the tail current is converted into a pair of field-aligned currents with the region 1 polarity at substorm onsets. Detailed inspection, however, suggests that the region 2 system is as important as the region 1 system. Statistical properties of the azimuthal magnetic component at synchronous orbit indicate that the deviation during disturbed periods is larger than expected from the enhancement of the region 1 current. These individual and statistical studies suggest that the region 2 system tends to develop in the synchronous region and that the coupling between the region 1 and the region 2 systems is important. The current closure in the magnetosphere is discussed from a viewpoint of the macroscopic behavior of plasma. It is suggested that the dawnside and the duskside region 2 currents are closed in the magnetosphere by the curvature current during the growth phase and by the magnetic gradient current during the expansion phase. The field-aligned currents of the region 1 and the region 2 systems are closed in the ionosphere by the Pedersen current. Consequently, the energy is dissipated as the Joule heating and this energy must be supplied from the magnetosphere. Therefore, the counter part of the Pedersen current, which closes the region 1 and the region 2 currents in magnetosphere, must be the dynamo current

  10. Práticas e nível de conhecimento sobre doença cerebrovascular em um hospital universitário: Parte 2. educação médica na nova era de tratamento do infarto cerebral Knowledge and attitudes regarding stroke in a Brazilian teaching hospital: Part 2. Physicians should be prepared for a new era of stroke treatment

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    Charles André


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar o nível de conhecimento e a conduta prática dos médicos de um hospital universitário diante do acidente vascular cerebral encefálico (AVE. Contexto: Hospital Universitário. Entrevista direta de amostra de 762 médicos e professores. MÉTODO: Pré-teste para otimização do instrumento e cálculo amostrai. Entrevista de 48 médicos sorteados. Inquérito consistindo em 32 questões sobre fisiopatologia, epidemiologia e mortalidade, clínica, fatores de risco, evolução e tratamento, comportamento pessoal diante da doença. RESULTADOS: Os médicos revelam adequado nível de conhecimento teórico sobre o AVE. Entretanto valorizam excessivamente a presença de cefaléia como indicador da doença, e tendem a subestimar a importância epidemiológica e as possibilidades de intervenção e recuperação após o icto. CONCLUSÕES: A comunidade estudada não parece ter absorvido as mudanças fundamentais de atitude médica diante da doença cerebrovascular. A necessidade de disseminar o conceito do AVE como urgência médica exigirá esforços educacionais específicos em nível de graduação e pós-graduação.BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to evaluate physicians working at a University Hospital as to their knowledge and attitudes towards stroke. METHODS: Individuals working in the hospital were divided in two groups, Health care workers (HCW and non-Health care workers (NHCW, and further subdivided according to level of schooling, resulting in seven strata. A closed questionnaire addressing epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, typical symptoms, treatment, clinical course and personal attitudes towards smoking and blood pressure control, was applied to a random sample of each stratum (total n = 309. The physicians group included 48 individuals. Kruskal-Wallis test for multiple comparisons of non-parametric data was used. Special attention was given to the wrong answers. RESULTS: Physicians

  11. Predicting human age using regional morphometry and inter-regional morphological similarity (United States)

    Wang, Xun-Heng; Li, Lihua


    The goal of this study is predicting human age using neuro-metrics derived from structural MRI, as well as investigating the relationships between age and predictive neuro-metrics. To this end, a cohort of healthy subjects were recruited from 1000 Functional Connectomes Project. The ages of the participations were ranging from 7 to 83 (36.17+/-20.46). The structural MRI for each subject was preprocessed using FreeSurfer, resulting in regional cortical thickness, mean curvature, regional volume and regional surface area for 148 anatomical parcellations. The individual age was predicted from the combination of regional and inter-regional neuro-metrics. The prediction accuracy is r = 0.835, p Pearson correlation coefficient between predicted ages and actual ages. Moreover, the LASSO linear regression also found certain predictive features, most of which were inter-regional features. The turning-point of the developmental trajectories in human brain was around 40 years old based on regional cortical thickness. In conclusion, structural MRI could be potential biomarkers for the aging in human brain. The human age could be successfully predicted from the combination of regional morphometry and inter-regional morphological similarity. The inter-regional measures could be beneficial to investigating human brain connectome.

  12. Regional profile, energy-impacted communities: Region VIII

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report has data on population, administration, finance, housing, health and safety, human services, education, and water and sewage for 325 energy-impacted communities. A review of current and potential energy developments in the region shows over 900 energy resource impacts listed for the 325 impacted communities. Coal development represents over one-third of the developments listed. Communities reporting coal development are distributed as follows: Colorado (36), Montana (42), North Dakota (61), South Dakota (13), Utah (73), and Wyoming (35). Energy-conversion initiatives represent another high incidence of energy-resource impact, with uranium development following closely with 83 communities reporting uranium development impact in the region. These projections indicate continued development of regional energy resources to serve national energy requirements. The 325 impacted communities as reported: Colorado (46), Montana (73), North Dakota (62), South Dakota (21), Utah (80), and Wyoming (43) follow a distribution pattern similar to that of future projects which illustrates that no area of the region will escape the impacts of energy development. (ERA citation 04:041706)

  13. Regional ejection fraction: a quantitative radionuclide index of regional left ventricular performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maddox, D.E.; Wynne, J.; Uren, R.; Parker, J.A.; Idoine, J.; Siegel, L.C.; Neill, J.M.; Cohn, P.F.; Holman, B.L.


    Left ventricular regional ejection fractions were derived from background-corrected, time-activity curves in 43 patients assessed by both gated equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography and left ventricular contrast angiography. From a single, modified left anterior oblique projection, the regional change in background corrected counts was determined in each of three anatomic regions. The normal range for regional radionuclide ejection fraction was determined in 10 patients with normal contrast ventriculograms and without obstructive coronary artery disease at coronary arteriography. Regional ejection fraction was compared with percent segmental axis shortening and extent of akinetic segments in corresponding regions of the contrast ventriculogram. Radionuclide and roentgenographic methods were in agreement as to the presence or absence of abnormal wall motion in 83 of 99 left ventricular regions (84%) in 33 patients evaluated prospectively. Comparison of regional ejection fraction demonstrated significant differences between regions with roentgenographically determined normokinesis hypokinesis, and akinesis. We conclude that the left ventricular regional ejection fraction provides a reliable quantitative assessment of regional left ventricular performance

  14. Regionalization: A Story Map Lesson on Regions (United States)

    Edmondson, Deborah


    This lesson introduces the concept of regionalization and types of regions. After a brief introductory activity, students explore a story map to learn the material. The teacher can project the story map on a screen for all students to follow or students may work individually on computers. Working individually will allow students to set their own…

  15. Emetofobia: revisão crítica sobre um transtorno pouco estudado

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    Carlos Eduardo Paula Leite


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A emetofobia ou fobia de vômitos - que inclui o medo excessivo de vomitar ou de ver outras pessoas vomitando e pode ser desencadeado por estímulos internos e externos - é um transtorno mental complexo e pouco conhecido. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo levantar os conhecimentos disponíveis sobre diversos aspectos do quadro. MÉTODO: Revisão convencional da literatura dos últimos 30 anos utilizando como estratégia de busca as seguintes palavras-chave: "emetofobia", "emetofóbico", "medo de vomitar", "fobia de vomitar" e"fobia de vômito". Foram incluídos artigos sobre epidemiologia, fenomenologia, diagnóstico diferencial e tratamento da emetofobia, assim como artigos referidos nestes. RESULTADOS: Não há dados de prevalência na população geral e pouco se sabe sobre a etiologia da emetofobia. A maioria dos estudos aponta predominância no sexo feminino, início precoce e curso crônico. Os comportamentos de esquiva podem impactar negativamente a vida ocupacional, social e familiar. Os principais diagnósticos diferenciais são: transtorno de pânico com agorafobia, fobia social, anorexia nervosa e transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo. Estudos de tratamento se resumem a relatos de casos e não há ensaios clínicos controlados, mas intervenções cognitivo-comportamentais parecem ser promissoras. CONCLUSÃO: Mais estudos são necessários para melhor compreensão sobre a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico, a etiologia, a classificação e o tratamento da emetofobia.

  16. A concepção de "espaço" na investigação epidemiológica

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    Maria da Conceição Nascimento Costa

    Full Text Available As atuais fragilidades conceituais e metodológicas da epidemiologia são fatores que têm restringido o estudo dos fenômenos de saúde das coletividades humanas. Neste artigo alguns princípios básicos são apresentados como resultado da observação do percurso da geografia na definição do seu objeto o espaço e da sua aplicação na medicina e na epidemiologia. Esses princípios fundamentam a pertinência da estratégia conceitual e metodológica que tem como perspectiva a abordagem do espaço geográfico-social, já que este é entendido como expressão das condições de vida da população. A aplicação desse conceito na prática da investigação epidemiológica ainda é limitada, embora outras áreas do conhecimento já tenham desenvolvido propostas de superação. Os estudos de agregados, cuja unidade de análise é o grupo, mais freqüentemente os agregados espaciais, e o modelo ecológico que se baseia na idéia de inter-relação de fatores, se aperfeiçoados, podem vir a ser uma alternativa promissora nesta direção. Destaca-se que a totalidade deve ser a referência científica, visando garantir o não afastamento dos complexos processos interativos determinantes dos fenômenos de saúde na população.

  17. A concepção de "espaço" na investigação epidemiológica

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    Costa Maria da Conceição Nascimento


    Full Text Available As atuais fragilidades conceituais e metodológicas da epidemiologia são fatores que têm restringido o estudo dos fenômenos de saúde das coletividades humanas. Neste artigo alguns princípios básicos são apresentados como resultado da observação do percurso da geografia na definição do seu objeto ­ o espaço ­ e da sua aplicação na medicina e na epidemiologia. Esses princípios fundamentam a pertinência da estratégia conceitual e metodológica que tem como perspectiva a abordagem do espaço geográfico-social, já que este é entendido como expressão das condições de vida da população. A aplicação desse conceito na prática da investigação epidemiológica ainda é limitada, embora outras áreas do conhecimento já tenham desenvolvido propostas de superação. Os estudos de agregados, cuja unidade de análise é o grupo, mais freqüentemente os agregados espaciais, e o modelo ecológico que se baseia na idéia de inter-relação de fatores, se aperfeiçoados, podem vir a ser uma alternativa promissora nesta direção. Destaca-se que a totalidade deve ser a referência científica, visando garantir o não afastamento dos complexos processos interativos determinantes dos fenômenos de saúde na população.


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    Alina Homorozean


    Full Text Available Sometimes considered an asset, other times a liability, the Black Sea started recently to be regarded as a region. However, the Black Sea Region lacks a common vision, often due to the complicated and often inefficient nexus of regional cooperation initiatives. Following the logic of finding regional solutions for regional problems, this paper aims to assess existing institutional and regional initiatives, reflecting on the implications for the success of Black Sea regionalism in creating patterns of sustained and sustainable development and a high degree of actors' involvement.This paper concentrates on two complementary research questions: What is the regional order in the BSR and what does it imply for its future? What is the current contribution of the most significant cooperation initiatives and what are the consequences for regional institutionalism? For the purpose of this paper, I draw on best-practices from other two regions: the Northern Dimension and South- East Asia. Through a comparative perspective, I suggest an analysis of the most important initiatives: BSEC, CDC, Black Sea Synergy, Eastern Partnership, Baku Initiative and the BSF. This paper argues that a possible strategic solution for successful policy development lies in the creation of an integrated regional cooperation package, functioning on the principles of multi-speed and multi-dimensional cooperation in several policy fields, in a context in which the BSR seems to be caught between two paradigms: a European and a Russian-oriented one.

  19. Regional geochemical prospecting of uranium in the Amazon region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zenker, A.O.; Hohn, H.


    A regional geochemical prospecting program for uranium in the Serra dos Carajas area, south of Para, was performed by NUCLEBRAS using stream sediment samples obtained from other companies acting in this area. The results of the survey are presented compared to regional geology and an aerial total count map. The different data showed a good correlation, particularly in areas mapped regionally as granitic rocks. (Author) [pt

  20. Miocárdio hibernante: uma realidade clínica Hibernant myocardium: a clinical reality

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    J.A. Marin-Neto


    Full Text Available O conceito da hibernação miocárdica implica a ocorrência de disfunção ventricular crônica, potencialmente reversível, causada por dissinergia regional, dependente de isquemia prolongada. Não tem fisiopatologia elucidada, em parte porque não existem modelos experimentais satisfatórios para seu estudo. Diversos métodos são capazes de demonstrar viabilidade miocárdica nas regiões que não exibem capacidade contrátil basal. O desmascaramento da hibernação nesses territórios pode ser feito mediante demonstração de reserva contrátil, de funcionamento normal da membrana celular, ou de metabolismo preservado. A correta identificação de miocárdio hibernante reveste-se de especial significado clínico, por suas implicações prognósticas quanto a intervenções de revascularização miocárdica, destinadas a reabilitar a função ventricular em muitos pacientes coronariopatas crônicos.Myocardial hibernation is believed to occur in ventricular dyssynergic regions chronically deprived of coronary flow enough to warrant the preservation of contractile function. Pathophysiology of this condition remains largely unclear, mainly because good experimental models for its study are still lacking. Various methods can be clinically employed to detect hibernation in patients with chronic ventricular dysfunction. These methods use the principle of unmasking contractile reserve, or are based on the demonstration of preserved membrane function or myocardium metabolism in the dyssynergic regions. The correct identification of viable hibernating myocardium is crucial in the process of deciding which coronary disease patients would potentially benefit from revascularization procedures.

  1. The zitterbewegung region (United States)

    Sidharth, B. G.; Das, Abhishek


    This paper deals with a precise description of the region of zitterbewegung below the Compton scale and the stochastic nature associated with it. We endeavor to delineate this particular region by means of Ito’s calculus and instigate certain features that are in sharp contrast with conventional physics. Interestingly, our work substantiates that the zitterbewegung region represents a pre-space-time region and from therein emerges the notion of our conventional space-time. Interestingly, this unique region engenders the relativistic and quantum mechanical aspects of space-time.

  2. Areas and forms of regional cooperation in multi-structured (matreshka-style) regions (Tyumen region, Russia)




    The problem of the administrative, economic and social sustainability of a group consisting of neighboring regions with close ties has no clear solution yet. Should closely-tied regions in the long run form a centralized system of administrative bodies, compress their budgets into one, and construct unified social programs, or not? To answer this question, in the article we describe a case that represents the paramount form of cooperation amongst closely-tied regions. It is the case of the so...

  3. Recurrent Forbush decreases and relationship between active regions and M-regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, G.N.; Kaul, C.L.; Razdan, H.; Bemalkhedkar, M.M.


    Recurrent Forbush decreases and recurrent geomagnetic disturbances have been attributed to the solar M-regions, which are sources of high velocity solar plasma streams. A study of recurrent Forbush decreases for the period 1966-75 has been made to examine any possible relationship of M-regions with solar active regions. It is shown that at the onset of the recurrent Forbush decrease at earth, there is a high probability of encountering a class of active regions at central meridian of the sun which give rise to flares of importance >= 28/3N. These active regions are found to be long-lasting and to have large areas as well as high Hsub(α)-intensities. Other active regions, producing flares of only lower importance, are distributed randomly on the sun with respect to the onset of a recurrent Forbush decrease. Using the quasiradial hypervelocity approximation, the base of the leading edge of the high velocity stream, at the onset of a recurrent Forbush decrease at earth, is traced to the solar longitude about 40 deg West of the central meridian. From these results, it is deduced that M-regions are located preferentially to the West of long-lasting, magnetically complex active regions. Earlier studies of the identification of the M-regions on the sun have been re-examined and shown to conform to this positional relationship. A possible mechanism of the development of an M-region to the West of the long-lasting magnetically complex active region is also discussed. (author)

  4. Título da página electrónica: EM-DAT, The International Disaster Database – Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster (CRED

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    Susana Freiria


    Full Text Available A EM-DAT consiste numa base de dados com mais de 18 000 grandes desastres ocorridos em todo o mundo desde 1900. Um dado fenómeno é considerado um desastre quando se verifica pelo menos uma das seguintes situações: 10 ou mais pessoas são dadas como vítimas mortais; 100 ou mais pessoas são registadas como afectadas; é emitida uma declaração de estado de emergência; é feito um pedido de ajuda internacional. A base é mantida pelo Centro de Pesquisa em Epidemiologia de Desastres, na Escola de Saú...

  5. Lesões do sistema urinário em 1.063 cães


    Inkelmann,Maria Andréia; Kommers,Glaucia D.; Trost,Maria Elisa; Barros,Claudio S.L.; Fighera,Rafael A.; Irigoyen,Luiz Francisco; Silveira,Isadora P.


    Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo abrangente das lesões do sistema urinário em cães e determinar a sua prevalência, epidemiologia, importância clínica e possíveis causas associadas, foram revisados os protocolos de necropsias de cães realizadas no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2010 no LPV-UFSM. Nesse período foram necropsiados 3.189 cães e destes, cerca de 30% apresentaram lesões no sistema urinário. Na maioria dos cães (79,1%) foram observadas lesões únicas e em aproximadamente...

  6. Ocupação e hipertensão Work and high blood pressure

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    Ricardo Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Com base em revisão bibliográfica discute-se a literatura produzida nas décadas de 70 e 80, no campo da epidemiologia da hipertensão arterial sistêmica entre trabalhadores. Analisa-se não apenas o ponto de vista do conhecimento gerado, mas também os aspectos relacionados ao instrumental teórico-metodológico empregado.Scientific reports on Arterial Blood Hypertension for the period from 1970 to 1989 are reviewed, with special reference to its epidemiological focusing among workers. The knowledge gained and the theoretical and methodological advances associated with it are assessed.

  7. Brachiaria spp. poisoning in cattle in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil


    Souza, Roosevelt I.C.; Riet-Correa, Franklin; Brum, Karine B.; Fernandes, Carlos Eurico; Barbosa-Ferreira, Marcos; Lemos, Ricardo A. Amaral de


    Mediante a revisão dos arquivos das fichas de necropsia do Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, foram estudados a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico e a patologia de 29 surtos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp., ocorridos em bovinos de corte, no Mato Grosso do Sul, de março de 1996 a novembro de 2009. Os surtos ocorreram em todas as épocas do ano, tanto na seca quanto na chuva. Em 24 dos 29 surtos o principal sinal clínico foi a fotossensibilização e em ci...

  8. O “Estado da Arte” da produção acadêmica sobre o fenômeno da judicialização da saúde no Brasil


    Bittencourt, Guaraci Bragança


    A saúde é um tema muito estudado no Brasil, haja vista a grande quantidade de estudos nos campos da saúde pública, saúde coletiva, epidemiologia, bioética, dentre tantos outros. No entanto, o tema da saúde, como um direito, pode ser considerado uma temática recente. Este trabalho realizou uma análise da produção acadêmica, entre os anos de 2010 e 2014 sobre judicialização da saúde, por meio de revisão de literatura, realizada em dois bancos de dados. A produção acadêmica no Brasil tem se dedi...

  9. The Region is Dead, Long Live the Region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Metzger, Jonathan; Olesen, Kristian


    If it today is commonly accepted that regions are ‘constructs’ – then who or what construct them, for what reasons, and by which means? How are they made manifest and durable as both mental geographies and mundane everyday realities (cf. Metzger, 2013)? Paasi (2010, p.2298) suggests that regions...... practices that have led to the formation and more recently encroaching dissipation of a well-known EUropean region: Öresund. In this endeavour we will make an effort to be sensitive to how Öresund as a spatial entity interrelates with, depends upon or partially challenges/is challenged by other geographical...

  10. The epidemiology of acute viral gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Cordoba city, Argentina: an insight of disease burden Epidemiologia da gastrenterite viral aguda em crianças hospitalizadas na cidade de Córdoba, Argentina: uma percepção ao impacto da doença

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    Miguel O. GIORDANO


    Full Text Available Information concerning the disease burden of viral gastroenteritis has important implications for the use and monitoring the impact of public health policies. The present study, carried out in Córdoba city, Argentina, documents the epidemiology of severe viral diarrhea as well as the burden of viral gastrointestinal disease in the hospital children admission. A total of 133 stools were collected from hospitalized children (Town Childhood Hospital suffering from acute diarrhea and studied for the presence of Group A rotavirus, astrovirus and adenovirus 40/41 by enzyme-immuno assay, between November 1997 and October 1998. Enteric viruses accounted for 42.1% of the total diarrheal cases analyzed. Group A rotaviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses 40/41 and mixed infections were found in 35.3, 4.5, 1.5, and 0.8% studied specimens respectively. We estimated that 1 in 27 children in the 0-35 month-old cohort/range would be annually hospitalized for a viral gastroenteritis illness. The major impact on viral diarrhea lies on rotaviral infection, accouting for 84.0% of the viral diarrheal cases analyzed and for approximately one third of severe diarrheas requiring hospital admission in Córdoba City, Argentina.Dados a respeito do impacto das gastrenterites virais têm implicações importantes para o monitoraramento do impacto das políticas de saúde pública. O presente estudo, feito na cidade de Córdoba, Argentina, documenta a epidemiologia da diarréia viral severa como também o impacto que a mesma representa na admissão hospitalar de crianças. Pesquisou-se a presença de Rotavírus grupo A, Astrovírus e Adenovírus 40/41 por ensaio imuno-enzimático em 133 amostras de fezes obtidas durante o período de novembro de 1997 a outubro de 1998, de crianças hospitalizadas por diarréia aguda. Os virus entéricos constituíram 42,1% do total de casos de diarréia analisados. Encontraram-se Rotavírus Grupo A, Astrovírus, Adenovírus 40/41 e infec

  11. Alterações moleculares associadas à hemocromatose hereditária Molecular changes associated with hereditary hemochromatosis

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    Paulo C. J. L. Santos


    Full Text Available A hemocromatose hereditária (HH é a mais comum doença autossômica em caucasianos e caracteriza-se pelo aumento da absorção intestinal de ferro, o qual resulta em acúmulo progressivo de ferro no organismo. A classificação da HH é realizada de acordo com a alteração genética encontrada, sendo os casos divididos em tipos 1, 2A, 2B, 3 e 4, quando a sobrecarga de ferro for associada aos genes HFE, HJV, HAMP, TFR2 e SLC40A1, respectivamente. Não existem estudos brasileiros que avaliaram a presença de mutações em genes relacionados à fisiopatologia da HH (genes HJV, HAMP, TFR2 e SLC40A1, além da pesquisa das três mutações no gene HFE (C282Y, H63D e S65C. Porém, está descrito, nos estudos realizados no Brasil, que alguns pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro primária não são portadores da HH tipo 1 (associada ao gene HFE. Portanto, é de suma importância a identificação das características genéticas dessa população, uma vez que outras mutações nos genes HJV, HAMP, TFR2 e SLC40A1 podem estar associadas à fisiopatologia da doença, podendo haver interações entre os genes alterados, de forma que possa auxiliar no entendimento da fisiopatologia da HH em pacientes brasileiros.Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH is the most common autosomal disease in Caucasians. It is characterized by an increase in intestinal absorption of iron, which results in a progressive accumulation of iron in the body. The classification of HH is carried out according to the genetic alteration found; thus cases of HH are divided into Types 1, 2A, 2B, 3 and 4, when the iron overload is associated to the HFE, HJV, HAMP, TFR2 and SLC40A1 genes, respectively. There is research on the three HFE gene mutations (C282Y, H63D and S65C in the Brazilian population however there are no Brazilian studies that evaluate the presence of mutations in other genes related to the pathophysiology of HH (HJV, HAMP, TFR2 and SLC40A1 genes. Nevertheless, studies conducted in

  12. [Chromosomal variation in Chironomus plumosus L. (Diptera, Chironomidae) from populations of Bryansk region, Saratov region (Russia), and Gomel region (Belarus)]. (United States)

    Belyanina, S I


    Cytogenetic analysis was performed on samples of Chironomus plumosus L. (Diptera, Chironomidae) taken from waterbodies of various types in Bryansk region (Russia) and Gomel region (Belarus). Karyotypes of specimens taken from stream pools of the Volga were used as reference samples. The populations of Bryansk and Gomel regions (except for a population of Lake Strativa in Starodubskii district, Bryansk region) exhibit broad structural variation, including somatic mosaicism for morphotypes of the salivary gland chromosome set, decondensation of telomeric sites, and the presence of small structural changes, as opposed to populations of Saratov region. As compared with Saratov and Bryansk regions, the Balbiani ring in the B-arm of chromosome I is repressed in populations of Gomel region. It is concluded that the chromosome set of Ch. plumosus in a range of waterbodies of Bryansk and Gomel regions is unstable.

  13. regional. Un análisis para las regiones europeas

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    José A. Camacho


    Full Text Available Pese a encontrarnos inmersos en una economía globalizada, la innovación es en muchos aspectos un fenómeno esencialmente regional, donde los servicios (ignorados hasta ahora, y en particular aquellos denominados como servicios intensivos conocimiento (SIC, adquieren un papel central, gracias a su capacidad para transmitir conocimiento, en especial de tipo tácito. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una primera aproximación empírica a los efectos asociados a la localización de SIC, tomando 107 regiones europeas. Los resultados obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de que los SIC ejercen un impacto positivo sobre el desempeño innovador regional, impacto que podría desbordarse hacia las regiones vecinas.

  14. Revisiting regional flood frequency analysis in Slovakia: the region-of-influence method vs. traditional regional approaches (United States)

    Gaál, Ladislav; Kohnová, Silvia; Szolgay, Ján.


    During the last 10-15 years, the Slovak hydrologists and water resources managers have been devoting considerable efforts to develop statistical tools for modelling probabilities of flood occurrence in a regional context. Initially, these models followed concepts to regional flood frequency analysis that were based on fixed regions, later the Hosking and Wallis's (HW; 1997) theory was adopted and modified. Nevertheless, it turned out to be that delineating homogeneous regions using these approaches is not a straightforward task, mostly due to the complex orography of the country. In this poster we aim at revisiting flood frequency analyses so far accomplished for Slovakia by adopting one of the pooling approaches, i.e. the region-of-influence (ROI) approach (Burn, 1990). In the ROI approach, unique pooling groups of similar sites are defined for each site under study. The similarity of sites is defined through Euclidean distance in the space of site attributes that had also proved applicability in former cluster analyses: catchment area, afforested area, hydrogeological catchment index and the mean annual precipitation. The homogeneity of the proposed pooling groups is evaluated by the built-in homogeneity test by Lu and Stedinger (1992). Two alternatives of the ROI approach are examined: in the first one the target size of the pooling groups is adjusted to the target return period T of the estimated flood quantiles, while in the other one, the target size is fixed, regardless of the target T. The statistical models of the ROI approach are inter-compared by the conventional regionalization approach based on the HW methodology where the parameters of flood frequency distributions were derived by means of L-moment statistics and a regional formula for the estimation of the index flood was derived by multiple regression methods using physiographic and climatic catchment characteristics. The inter-comparison of different frequency models is evaluated by means of the

  15. A Means for the Scintigraphic Imaging of Regional Brain Dynamics. Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Regional Cerebral Blood Volume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Potchen, E. J.; Bentley, R.; Gerth, W.; Hill, R. L.; Davis, D. O. [Washington University School Of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (United States)


    The use of freely diffusable inert radioactive gas as a washout indicator to measure regional cerebral blood flow has become a standardized kinetic procedure in many laboratories. Recent investigations with this technique have led us to conclude that we can reliably distinguish regional flow with perfusion against regional flow without perfusion from the early portion of the curve. Based on a detailed study of the early curve kinetics in patients with and without cerebral vascular disease we have defined the sampling duration necessary for application of the Anger gamma camera imaging process to regional changes in cerebral radioactivity. Using a standard camera and a small computer, a procedure has been developed and based upon entire field to determine the time of maximum height followed by analysis of the data in a matrix. This will permit a contour plot presentation of calculated regional cerebral blood flow in millilitres per 100 grams perfused brain per minute. In addition, we propose to augment this data by the display of regional non-perfusion blood flow versus regional cerebral flow with perfusion. Preliminary investigation on sampling duration, and Compton scattering were prerequisite to clinical scintigraphy of regional cerebral blood flow. In addition, the method of interface for the conventional Anger gamma camera to digital computers used in this procedure are discussed. Applications to further assess regional cerebral dynamics by scintigraphy are presented. (author)

  16. Regional Economic Development (United States)

    ; Sponsored Work Regional Economic Development Technology Opportunities User Facilities About Us Metrics In the News Publications Policies Feynman Center » Deploying Innovation » Regional Economic Development Regional Economic Development Supporting companies in every stage of development through access to

  17. Regional manpower planning


    G. Erens; P. Salamink; C.A. Van der Merwe CA


    Particular problems come to the fore when planning development at the regional level. These range from the complexities of the multifarious interactions between the sect oral and local components of the region to the necessity of achieving extensive participation of regional stakeholders in the planning process. In this paper a methodology for regional manpower planning is proposed. The methodology is designed to accommodate the full range of problems by applying a systems approach which is b...

  18. Titulação de Anticorpos Séricos Anti-Epiteliais e Células Dendríticas no Pênfigo Foliáceo Endêmico


    Maria Paula do Valle Chiossi


    Com o propósito de colaborar na elucidação da fisiopatologia do pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (PFE), realizou-se titulação de anticorpos séricos e quantificação das células de Langerhans (CL) e células dendríticas dérmicas (CD) na pele de pacientes com PFE. Sangue e biopsia de pele de lesão ativa foram colhidos de 22 pacientes com PFE e, em 13 deles realizou-se também biopsia de pele normal não adjacente à lesão, em área não exposta ao sol. Dos 22 pacientes, 13 apresentavam a forma clínica local...

  19. Eletroforese em papel das proteínas do líqüido cefalorraquidiano: II. Principais resultados registrados na literatura

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    A. Spina-França


    Full Text Available Partindo dos dados referentes à aplicação da eletroforese em papel de filtro na separação das frações proteicas do LCR, apresentados em publicação anterior, são revistos os dados da literatura sob o ponto de vista do laboratório clínico. Tanto os valores relativos normais referentes a cada uma das reações proteicas, como alterações patológicas mais freqüentemente encontradas em diversos tipos de afecções do sistema nervoso são apresentados, ressaltando-se a importância dos achados frente à fisiopatologia do liqüido cefalorraquidiano e frente à Clínica Neurológica.

  20. The Regional Dimension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eskjær, Mikkel Fugl


    is largely dependent on regional media systems, yet the role this regional dimension plays has been largely overlooked. This article presents a comparative study of climate-change coverage in three geo-cultural regions, The Middle East, Scandinavia, and North America, and explores the link between global......Global perspectives and national approaches have dominated studies of climate-change communication, reflecting the global nature of climate change as well as the traditional research focus on national media systems. In the absence of a global public sphere, however, transnational issue attention...... climate-change communication and regional media systems. It finds that regional variations in climate-change communication carry important communicative implications concerning perceptions of climate change's relevance and urgency...

  1. Initiatives for regional dialogue consideration of regional disarmament guidelines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marschik, R.


    The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted guidelines and recommendations for regional approaches to disarmament within the context of global security. The guidelines contain 52 principles on: relationship between regional disarmament, arm limitation and global security; general guidelines and recommendations for regional disarmament efforts; possible ways and means to assist and implement these efforts; possible role of the United Nations in aiding these efforts. Experiences gained in Europe and Near East are analysed in the framework of the situation in Northeast, South and Southeast Asia

  2. Regional Externalities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijman, W.J.M.


    The book offers practical and theoretical insights in regional externalities. Regional externalities are a specific subset of externalities that can be defined as externalities where space plays a dominant role. This class of externalities can be divided into three categories: (1) externalities

  3. Latin America Region: Between Dependence and Autonomy in Regional Processes

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    Wendy Vaca Hernández


    Full Text Available The space called Latin America has a particular history marked by centuries of colonialism and coloniality. The latter concept implies that the basic structure of the colonial system has not changed even though formal independence has been achieved. For this reason, the subcontinent has fluctuated between dependence and the quest for autonomy. These successive cycles have manifested themselves both in the internal configurations and in the regional schemes that have been undertaken. This paper analyzes the construction and evolution of the idea of a region: Latin America and the Caribbean. To that end it examines the concepts of region, regionalism, what Latin America and the Caribbean implies, and what are the transformations in these ideas that have emerged from the regional configurations of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC as plural organisms with broad objectives.



    Rudiger Hamm; Christiane Goebel


    The development and support of clusters is an issue that became quite popular by players dealing with regional economic policy. But before a regional development agency can start to implement a cluster-oriented strategy there a two question that have to be answered: 1. What are the regional fields of competence (cluster potentials) that fulfill the requirements for a cluster-oriented regional development policy? 2. If you find such regional fields of competence, are the enterprises willing to...

  5. Promotion and regional development. Implementation of regional productive development agencies. The case of Maule region, Chile

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    Enrique Yamil Alul González


    Full Text Available The Regional Productive Development Agencies implemented in Chile in 2006, were developed as a way to answer the longing desire to territorially decentralize, and that the own Regions be whom define their future. The Agencies have the responsibility to develop innovation and productive development Agendas in participative processes, which means with public, academic and private actors. Also, the Agencies have the mission to implement Competitive Improvement Plans-PMC (clusters in prioritized economic sectors by the own region. These PMC are leaded by private actors in each sector.

  6. Recurrent forbush decreases and the relationship between active regions and M regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, G.N.; Kaul, C.L.; Razdan, H.; Bemalkhedkar, M.M.


    Recurrent Forbush decreases and recurrent geomagnetic disturbances have been attributed to the solar M regions, which are sources of high-velocity solar plasma streams. A study of recurrent Forbush decreases for the period 1966--1975 has been made to examine any possible relationship of M regions with solar active regions. It is shown that at the onset of the recurrent Forbush decrease at the earth there is a high probability of encountering a class of active regions at the central meridian of the sun which give rise to flares of importance > or =2B/3N. These active regions are found to be long lasting and to have large areas as well as high Hα intensities. Other active regions, producing flares of lower importance, are distributed randomly on the sun with respect to the onset of a recurrent Forbush decrease. By using the quasi-radial hypervelocity approximation the base of the leading edge of the high-velocity stream at the onset of a recurrent Forbush decrease at the earth is traced to the solar longitude about 40 0 west of the central meridan. From these results it is deduced that M regions are located preferentially to the west of long-lasting magnetically complex active regions. Earlier studies of the identification of the M regions on the sun have been reexamined and shown to conform to this positional relationship. A possible mechanism of the development of an M region to the west of the long-lasting magnetically complex active region is also discussed

  7. Border region studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makkonen, Teemu; Williams, Allan


    The contemporary conditions of academic capitalism exert pressures on researchers to avoid ‘peripheral’ journals and ‘unfashionable’ topics. Here an attempt is made to shed light onto the structure of one such ‘offbeat’ field, namely ‘border region studies’, by discussing its geographical...... distribution, key themes, significance and impact. The review suggests that border region studies can be considered a significant and important ‘branch’ of regional studies, which accounts for a small but increasing proportion of regional studies research particularly in Europe and North America. Four main...

  8. Approaching Regional Coherence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David; Shah, Ali; Kazmi, Atia

    The report contains ideas on enhanced cooperation on both security and economy. It is a particular relevant read for regional political decision makers, institutions, private companies, and researchers that wish to gain insight into the present and future political and economic developments...... of Afghan-Pakistani relations and to the region in general. Military institutions, officers and officials facing deployment in the region as well as universities and scholars with ongoing research and programmes in the region will also benefit from output of the stabilization project that this report...

  9. Regional radiation standards for population of Chelyabinsk region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kravtsova, Eh.M.; Zajtseva, Yh.A.; Panteleev, V.V.; Gavrilov, A.P.; Kolotygina, N.V.; Pudovkina, L.V.; Kravtsova, O.S.


    Regional radiation regulations for population exposures in Chelyabinsk region are developed which are to play the role of standard limits. The priority goal of setting standard level is to consolidate the achieved radioecological balance on the contaminated territories and to establish a mechanism of control over the activities of the facility and over the use of lands in restriction zone by the population

  10. Body region dissatisfaction predicts attention to body regions on other women. (United States)

    Lykins, Amy D; Ferris, Tamara; Graham, Cynthia A


    The proliferation of "idealized" (i.e., very thin and attractive) women in the media has contributed to increasing rates of body dissatisfaction among women. However, it remains relatively unknown how women attend to these images: does dissatisfaction predict greater or lesser attention to these body regions on others? Fifty healthy women (mean age=21.8 years) viewed images of idealized and plus-size models; an eye-tracker recorded visual attention. Participants also completed measures of satisfaction for specific body regions, which were then used as predictors of visual attention to these regions on models. Consistent with an avoidance-type process, lower levels of satisfaction with the two regions of greatest reported concern (mid, lower torso) predicted less attention to these regions; greater satisfaction predicted more attention to these regions. While this visual attention bias may aid in preserving self-esteem when viewing idealized others, it may preclude the opportunity for comparisons that could improve self-esteem. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available The development and diversification of the economic activities, the stimulation of investments both in the public sector, but mainly in the private one, the reduction of unemployment, the improvement of living standards are just some of the concepts aimed at by the regional development. The main method which can lead to a balanced development of the regions is financing them differentially so that the underdeveloped regions would obtain proportionally more funds that the developed ones. At a region level, the main objective is represented by the more accelerated growth of the less developed regions, in an effort to diminish the inter-regional and intra-regional development disparities. A key role is played by the sustainable economic growth concept, while also analyzing the competitiveness at a regional level, as well as the main development factors.

  12. Bridging regional innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Teis


    to assess the progress of integration in the regions, as well as the effect of cross-border innovation policies. Consequently, important questions are left unanswered, including the central research question of this paper: does the sudden removal of significant physical barriers directly impacts......The topics of regional innovation systems (RIS) and cross-border regions attract increasing attention, but few studies combine the themes. Further, the existing empirical studies of cross-border innovation and knowledge creation analyse one case at one point in time, thus, making it difficult...... collaboration activity in cross-border innovation systems? This paper examines regional integration in the Oresund Region over time. It deals with a specific part of the RIS, as it analyses research collaboration between actors from the Danish and Swedish sides, with a specific emphasis on the biotech industry...

  13. [Regional ecological planning and ecological network construction: a case study of "Ji Triangle" Region]. (United States)

    Li, Bo; Han, Zeng-Lin; Tong, Lian-Jun


    By the methods of in situ investigation and regional ecological planning, the present ecological environment, ecosystem vulnerability, and ecological environment sensitivity in "Ji Triangle" Region were analyzed, and the ecological network of the study area was constructed. According to the ecological resources abundance degree, ecological recovery, farmland windbreak system, environmental carrying capacity, forestry foundation, and ecosystem integrity, the study area was classified into three regional ecological function ecosystems, i. e., east low hill ecosystem, middle plain ecosystem, and west plain wetland ecosystem. On the basis of marking regional ecological nodes, the regional ecological corridor (Haerbin-Dalian regional axis, Changchun-Jilin, Changchun-Songyuan, Jilin-Songyuan, Jilin-Siping, and Songyuan-Siping transportation corridor) and regional ecological network (one ring, three links, and three belts) were constructed. Taking the requests of regional ecological security into consideration, the ecological environment security system of "Ji Triangle" Region, including regional ecological conservation district, regional ecological restored district, and regional ecological management district, was built.

  14. Regional energy autarky: Potentials, costs and consequences for an Austrian region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmidt, J.; Schönhart, M.; Biberacher, M.; Guggenberger, T.; Hausl, S.; Kalt, G.; Leduc, S.; Schardinger, I.; Schmid, E.


    Local actors at community level often thrive for energy autarky to decrease the dependence on imported energy resources. We assess the potentials and trade-offs between benefits and costs of increasing levels of energy autarky for a small rural region of around 21,000 inhabitants in Austria. We use a novel modeling approach which couples a regional energy system model with a regional land use optimization model. We have collected and processed data on the spatial distribution of energy demand and potentials of biomass, photovoltaics and solar thermal resources. The impacts of increasing biomass production on the agricultural sector are assessed with a land-use optimization model that allows deriving regional biomass supply curves. An energy system model is subsequently applied to find the least cost solution for supplying the region with energy resources. Model results indicate that fossil fuel use for heating can be replaced at low costs by increasing forestry and agricultural biomass production. However, autarky in the electricity and the heating sector would significantly increase biomass production and require a full use of the potentials of photovoltaics on roof tops. Attaining energy autarky implies high costs to consumers and a decline in the local production of food and feed. - Highlights: ► Energy autarky strong vision for many regional actors. ► Assessment of consequences of energy autarky for a rural region in Austria. ► Novel modeling approach coupling energy system model with land use model. ► Power and heat autarky causes high costs and decline in regional food and feed production. ► Heat autarky achievable at lower costs by utilizing regional forestry and agricultural biomass.

  15. Regional boundaries study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zavatsky, S.; Phaneuf, P.; Topaz, D.; Ward, D.


    The NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement (IE) has elected to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of its existing regional boundary alignment because of the anticipated future growth of nuclear power generating facilities and corresponding inspection requirements. This report documents a management study designed to identify, analyze, and evaluate alternative regional boundary configurations for the NRC/IE regions. Eight boundary configurations were chosen for evaluation. These configurations offered alternatives ranging from two to ten regions, and some included the concepts of subregional or satellite offices. Each alternative configuration was evaluated according to three major criteria: project workload, cost, and office location. Each major criterion included elements such as management control, program uniformity, disruption, costs, and coordination with other agencies. The conclusion reached was that regional configurations with regions of equal and relatively large workloads, combined with the concepts of subregional or satellite offices, may offer a significant benefit to the Office of Inspection and Enforcement and the Commission and are worthy of further study. A phased implementation plan, which is suitable to some configurations, may help mitigate the disruption created by realignment

  16. Epidemiologia do envelhecimento: dinamização, problemas e consequências

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    Luis Fernando Viana Furtado


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetiva descrever o perfil multidimensional dos idosos da cidade de Parnaíba, Piauí, frente aos hábitos de vida, condições de moradia, saneamento e outros indicadores de saúde. Foram recrutados 454 indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, de ambos os sexos. Obtiveram-se resultados preocupantes quanto ao grau de insalubridade e precários hábitos de higiene. Conclui-se que as condições de vida dos idosos predispõem o surgimento de vários agravos à saúde.

  17. Soro-epidemiologia da doença de Chagas em Santa Catarina

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    BR Schlemper Jr


    Full Text Available Em Santa Catarina, o Inquérito Sorológico Nacional para doença de Chagas (CNPq-SUCAM revelou positividade de 1,3% em cerca de 74.000 amostras de soro processadas pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta em papel de filtro, com 15 municípios apresentando prevalências de 5,4% a 41,3%. Na presente investigação, em 9 dos municípios com alta prevalência, foram obtidas amostras de sangue, por punção venosa, de 222 indivíduos dos quais 140 haviam sido sorologicamente positivos e 58 negativos no Inquérito Nacional. Em 24 outros indivíduos a reação foi executada pela primeira vez. Os testes sorológicos (imunofluorescência indireta, hemaglutinação indireta, aglutinação direta com e sem 2-mercaptoetanol e fixação do complemento realizados em 3 diferentes laboratórios evidenciaram 220 soros negativos e apenas 2 positivos. Dados epidenúológicos obtidos nas áreas trabalhadas confirmaram estes resultados negativos. Os resultados discordam daqueles encontrados pelo Inquérito Sorológico Nacional e confirmam a inexistência de focos domiciliares de transmissão da doença de Chagas em Santa Catarina.

  18. A epidemiologia na avaliação da qualidade: uma proposta

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    Rattner Daphne


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe uma estratégia de definição de indicadores para avaliar a qualidade do processo de assistência, baseada na identificação dos objetivos dessa assistência e na verificação da existência de normas técnicas que a norteiem. Simultaneamente, aplica esta metodologia ao processo de assistência ao nascimento e parto, adotando enfoque de risco, tanto para a saúde individual, como para a coletiva. Utiliza para tal um banco de dados de 4.558 Histórias Clínicas Perinatais Simplificadas de 12 hospitais. Os indicadores selecionados foram: sorologia para sífilis, tipagem sanguínea Rh, vacinação antitetânica, taxa de cesáreas, recepção do bebê por pediatra na sala de partos, boletim de Apgar, avaliação de idade gestacional por exame físico, alojamento conjunto, aleitamento materno exclusivo na alta, encaminhamento para consulta de puerpério. Para classificação dos hospitais, foram utilizadas a soma simples, padrão-ouro, e hierarquização. A metodologia proposta permitiu identificar um hospital com qualidade excelente, cinco com qualidade boa, dois com qualidade regular e quatro com desempenho completamente insatisfatório.

  19. A epidemiologia na avaliação da qualidade: uma proposta

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    Daphne Rattner

    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe uma estratégia de definição de indicadores para avaliar a qualidade do processo de assistência, baseada na identificação dos objetivos dessa assistência e na verificação da existência de normas técnicas que a norteiem. Simultaneamente, aplica esta metodologia ao processo de assistência ao nascimento e parto, adotando enfoque de risco, tanto para a saúde individual, como para a coletiva. Utiliza para tal um banco de dados de 4.558 Histórias Clínicas Perinatais Simplificadas de 12 hospitais. Os indicadores selecionados foram: sorologia para sífilis, tipagem sanguínea Rh, vacinação antitetânica, taxa de cesáreas, recepção do bebê por pediatra na sala de partos, boletim de Apgar, avaliação de idade gestacional por exame físico, alojamento conjunto, aleitamento materno exclusivo na alta, encaminhamento para consulta de puerpério. Para classificação dos hospitais, foram utilizadas a soma simples, padrão-ouro, e hierarquização. A metodologia proposta permitiu identificar um hospital com qualidade excelente, cinco com qualidade boa, dois com qualidade regular e quatro com desempenho completamente insatisfatório.

  20. Etiologia e epidemiologia das dermatofitoses em Goiânia, GO, Brasil

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    Costa Théo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available As dermatofitoses são infecções superficiais capazes de produzir lesões em tecidos queratinizados, como pele, pêlo e unhas. Foram examinados 6068 indivíduos procedentes de Goiânia, com suspeita clínica de infecções fúngicas, durante 5 anos (1993-1997, verificando-se a incidência e a etiologia das dermatofitoses nos referidos pacientes. Material coletado de várias regiões corpóreas permitiu caracterizar 1595 dermatófitos em 1345 indivíduos. A identificação dos dermatófitos realizada através de cultivo em ágar Sabouraud e microcultivo em lâmina, permitiu verificar uma maior freqüência de Trichophyton rubrum (37,4%, T. mentagrophytes (36,4% e Microsporum canis (16%. Os dermatófitos foram mais freqüentemente encontrados produzindo lesões nos pés (30,5%, região inguino crural (17,8% e região glabra do corpo (15,5%. Foi analisada a distribuição corporal das lesões de dermatofitoses com os respectivos agentes etiológicos encontrados. Melhores condições higiênicas e diagnóstico precoce da doença são necessários para controlar e diminuir a incidência de dermatofitoses na nossa região.

  1. Epidemiologia da mela e produtividade do feijoeiro-comum tratado com fungicidas

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    Gesimária Ribeiro Costa-Coelho


    Full Text Available O efeito dos fungicidas azoxistrobina, carbendazim, mancozebe, tebuconazole, hidróxido de fenilestanho, piraclostrobina, trifloxistrobina + ciproconazol, trifloxistrobina + propiconazol e clorotalonil no progresso da mela e na produtividade do feijoeiro foi avaliado em campo e casa de vegetação. No campo, três experimentos foram conduzidos nas estações chuvosas de 2004/05, 2005/06 e 2006/07, em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições.Na safra 2004/05 foi realizada apenas uma aplicação, aos 45 dias após o plantio (DAP; em 2005/06 foram realizadas duas aplicações aos 30 e 45 DAP e em 2006/07 foram realizadas três aplicações, aos 30, 45 e 60 DAP. A avaliação da severidade da doença foi feita semanalmente, atribuindo-se notas de 1 (sem sintomas a 9 (acima de 90% da área foliar destruída e taxas de progresso da doença foram calculadas após o ajuste das curvas de progresso ao modelo logístico. Os resultados mostraram que uma única aplicação de qualquer dos produtos, aos 45 DAP, foi ineficiente para o controle da taxa de progresso da mela (taxa média, r = 0,2348. A eficiência do controle aumentou com o incremento do número de aplicações e aplicações mais precoces, iniciando-se aos 30 DAP (médias de r = 0,1988 e 0,1671 em 2005/06 e 2006/07, respectivamente. Com três aplicações,as menores severidades de doença foram observadas com hydróxido de fenil estanho, trifloxistrobina + propiconazol e trifloxistrobina + cyproconazol. Em casa de vegetação, o efeito protetor e curativo dos fungicidas foi estudado com aplicação dos produtos em pré ou pós-inoculação de folíolos, através da avaliação do diâmetro das lesões. Todos os fungicidas apresentaram tanto efeito protetor quanto curativo, mas os melhores resultados foram observados em aplicação preventiva.Foi encontrada alta correlação negativa entre intensidade da mela e a produção do feijoeiro e o ganho em produtividade com uso de fungicidas chegou a 304 %.

  2. Epidemiologia molecular de Listeria monocytogenes isoladas de diferentes fontes no Brasil

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    Andrea Micke Moreno


    Full Text Available Listeria monocytogenes é um importante patógeno de origem alimentar que afeta principalmente grávidas, neonatos, idosos e indivíduos imunocomprometidos, e pode causar abortamento, septicemia e meningite. Dos 13 grupos capsulares descritos, os sorotipos 4b, 1/2b e 1/2a são os mais relacionados à infecção humana. Por esta razão, a sorotipagem possui valor limitado como ferramenta epidemiológica e, dessa forma, métodos mais discriminatórios são necessários para melhorar o conhecimento sobre a contaminação e a infecção por L. monocytogenes. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a diversidade genética de isolados de L. monocytogenes da indústria de processamento de carne suína no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e compará-los a isolados de casos de infecção humana através do ERIC-PCR e AFLP com uma única enzima. Os sorotipos 1/2c e 4b foram frequentes em carne suína e ambientes de abatedouros e mercados, enquanto os sorotipos 4b e 1/2a foram observados nos isolados de humanos. ERIC-PCR e AFLP resultaram em 34 e 31 perfis distintos, respectivamente, com uma tendência a separar de acordo com o sorogrupo e a origem do isolado. Os perfis genéticos de ambiente dos abatedouros e mercados sugerem a possibilidade de diferentes origens de contaminação por Listeria nos ambientes estudados, porém, em alguns casos, é possível que ocorra a persistência de cepas clonais causando contaminação contínua.

  3. Epidemiologia molecular de Listeria monocytogenes isoladas de diferentes fontes no Brasil


    Andrea Micke Moreno; Renata Paixão; Luisa Zanolli Moreno; Débora Dirani Sena de Gobbi; Daniele Cristine Raimundo; Thais Sebastiana Porfida Ferreira; Ernesto Hofer; Maria Helena Matte; Marina Moreno


    Listeria monocytogenes é um importante patógeno de origem alimentar que afeta principalmente grávidas, neonatos, idosos e indivíduos imunocomprometidos, e pode causar abortamento, septicemia e meningite. Dos 13 grupos capsulares descritos, os sorotipos 4b, 1/2b e 1/2a são os mais relacionados à infecção humana. Por esta razão, a sorotipagem possui valor limitado como ferramenta epidemiológica e, dessa forma, métodos mais discriminatórios são necessários para melhorar o conhecimento sobre a co...


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    Remus Gherman


    Full Text Available Regional development policy is a policy of investment for economic development by supporting competitiveness, increasing the standards of living, improving the quality of life, creating new jobs. Regions and regional development policy occupies in recent decades an increasingly important position in the list of the economic and social factors being found on the agendas of governments, both central and local authorities, of political groups and civil society. Regional development and regional development policy in Romania are present both in the economic reform and in social one. Development Regions from Romania are set up in 1998 by Law number 151 and supported by their own institutional framework. The applicability of regional development in Romania must take into account the fundamental elements of the possibilities of Regional Development, meaning the major indicators of reference for measuring the level of disparities, GDP per capita and unemployment.

  5. Region 7 Significant Ecological Resource Areas (ECO_RES.SIG_REGIONS) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — SIG_REGIONS is a boundary layer that displays Region 7's Significant Ecological Resource Areas. This layer represents large areas within which different ecosystem...

  6. Ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. em animais exóticos de companhia no Brasil

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    M. S. de Souza


    Full Text Available RESUMOA infecção por algumas espécies ou genótipos de Cryptosporidiumrepresenta um risco em potencial para a saúde pública, principalmente por causa de morbidade e mortalidade em crianças de zero a cinco anos de idade e em pacientes imunodeprimidos. Embora existam alguns relatos de infecção por Cryptosporidiumem animais de companhia, sua participação na epidemiologia da criptosporidiose humana é incerta, e a literatura sobre esse tema ainda é bastante escassa. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência e realizar a classificação molecular deCryptosporidiumspp. em amostras fecais de animais exóticos criados como animais de estimação no Brasil. Um total de 386 amostras de seis espécies de animais foi colhido e armazenado em solução de dicromato de potássio 5% a 4°C. Os oocistos foram purificados por centrífugo-sedimentação em água/éter, seguindo-se a extração de DNA genômico e a realização da nestedPCR para amplificação de fragmento parcial do gene da subunidade 18S do rRNA. Positividade para Cryptosporidiumspp. foi observada em 11,40% (44/386 das amostras. O sequenciamento de fragmentos amplificados permitiu a identificação de Cryptosporidium tyzzeri em camundongos,Cryptosporidium murisem camundongos, hamster e chinchila, Cryptosporidium parvumem chinchila, Cryptosporidiumgenótipo hamsterem hamstere Cryptosporidiumsp. em porquinho-da-índia. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que há uma variedade de espécies de Cryptosporidiumpresentes em animais exóticos de companhia no Brasil. Os dados sugerem que esses animais podem participar da epidemiologia da criptosporidiose humana, particularmente por seu estreito convívio.

  7. Constructing Regional advantage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Asheim, Bjørn T.; Boschma, Ron; Cooke, Phil


    This paper presents a regional innovation policy model based on the idea of constructing regional advantage. This policy model brings together concepts like related variety, knowledge bases and policy platforms. Related variety attaches importance to knowledge spillovers across complementary...... economic development within and between regions in action lines appropriate to incorporate the basic principles behind related variety and differentiated knowledge bases....


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    Dragoi Ionut


    Full Text Available The regional development should aim to correlate and integrate tourism among the other integrative parts of the regional and local development, taking into account the fact that a region’s prosperity as effect of tourism development may be shown clearly in several stages: on the spot (as a result of direct consumption of the tourist product, on short term (through continuous absorption of the work-force and encouraging the welcoming commerce and in the long run (concentrating capital for investment in the general infrastructure and the one of tourism, in structures of reception for tourism and in the development of urban services. The analysis of intra-regional disparities as part of the economic growth at the level of Region West starts off with the idea that each component county has a different landscape, which favored or inhibited their economic growth; in the same time, each component county has its own specific, which can be promoted through tourism, inducing in time a regional income, and respectively, a social-economic and cultural growth of less developed areas.

  9. Regional Community and International Relations: the Volgograd Region Experience

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    Danakari Richard A.


    Full Text Available The article deals with the complex and controversial problems of the new regional communities’ formation and the impact of the interethnic relations sphere on them. The author notes that the processes of interaction between representatives of different cultures and civilizations, ethnic groups and religions have become increasingly controversial and tense in the context of continuous social dynamics. Similarly to the Russian society as a whole, regional communities are in a state of transitivity. They get transformed, they acquire new qualities such as multicasting and heterogeneity, multi-ethnicity and multi-confessionalism, fragmentarity and multiculturality. This fact increases the risks and uncertainties, problematizes future prospects. National non-governmental organizations are increasingly positioning themselves as civil society institutions at the present stage of social development at the regional level. They perform a difficult dual task: on the one hand, they ensure the preservation and development of history, native language, culture, ethnic traditions, and on the other hand, they work on the integration, on the common identity and the Russian nation formation. On the territory of the Volgograd region, largely due to the active cooperation of regional authorities and local authorities with national public associations, international and inter-confessional relations are stable. The basis of such activity is respect for history, native language, culture, tradition, religion, national dignity of all people in the region, regardless of their belonging to a certain ethnic group or religion. Over two decades of accumulated considerable experience of joint inter-ethnic dialogue and cooperation, provided tolerance and peace, harmony and mutual understanding between people of different ethnicities and religions in the country.

  10. Tourism of Khmelnytskyi region

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    Інна Шоробура


    Full Text Available The peculiarities of tourism in Khmelnytskyi region, its priority areas, types, including cultural-educational, environmental, sportrecreative and others have been revealed in the article. The basic tasks of tourism development in the region, aimed at the formation and protection of the tourism-recreational sector, market of competitive services, attraction of maximum number of tourists to the region, etc. have been cleared out. The attention is focused on the main tourist potential of Khmelnytskyi region, including National Nature Park «Podilski Tovtry», National historical-cultural nature reserve «Kamianets», «Samchyky», Medzhybizh regional historical-ethnographic museum-fortress, sanatorium-resort facilities based on mineral waters and others. The attention is paid to the increase in income from tourism. Traditional hospitality of the population of the region, especially in rural areas, provides the possibility to combine tourists’ accommodation with the study of rural customs and traditions directly in the villages. Tourism in Khmelnytskyi region will be attractive to all tourists who want to eat healthy food, to stay outdoors and enjoy the beauty of the region. Also the article tells us about the development of other directions and familiarizes tourists with other enticements of Khmelnytskyi region using the positive brand of Kamianets-Podilskyi. All three potential areas of tourism development (historical tourism in Kamianets-Podilskyi, recreational tourism on rivers, lakes and in the forests, as well as rural tourism can be combined within the global promotion of nature and traditions of the region. It is indicated that Khmelnytskyi is a promising tourist region of Ukraine. The main problems of the region are inadequate tourism infrastructure, accommodation facilities, food and roads. The experience of the tourism cluster «Oberih» (Protective Charm proves the perspectives of agritourism. Developing these two areas together, we

  11. Central Region Regionally Ecological Significant Areas (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — This is an analysis of regionally significant Terrestrial and Wetland Ecological Areas in the seven county metropolitan area. Individual forest, grassland and...

  12. Lesión de la médula espinal: actualización bibliográfica: fisiopatología y tratamiento inicial Lesão de medula espinal: atualização da literatura: fisiopatologia e tratamento inicial Spinal cord injury: literature update: physiopathology and initial treatment

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    Vicente Ballesteros Plaza


    Full Text Available La fisiopatología del trauma raquimedular (TRM es compleja y aún no se conoce completamente. La lesión al cordón espinal está determinada por procesos primarios y secundarios. La lesión primaria se debe a la transmisión de energía mecánica a la médula y las estructuras neurales durante el evento traumático. La lesión secundaria, que compromete estructuras que habían permanecido indemnes después del trauma inicial, desencadena alteraciones en: la perfusión microvascular, la liberación de radicales libres y de neurotransmisores, la peroxidación lipídica, la concentración iónica y la consecuente muerte celular tanto por necrosis como por apoptosis. La investigación en el tratamiento del TRM, basada en el conocimiento actual de estos mecanismos de lesión, ha buscado el desarrollo de intervenciones terapéuticas tempranas que atenúen el efecto de estos mecanismos fisiopatológicos secundarios, tanto en el sitio del accidente, como después del ingreso a un centro de trauma. Dentro de la intervención farmacológica se ha descrito, por su teórico efecto protector en el pronóstico neurológico de los pacientes con TRM, el uso de metil-prednisolona, gangliósidos y medicamentos antagonistas de los opiáceos, del receptor de glutamato y de los canales iónicos. Sin embargo, aún no se ha identificado ninguna intervención que modifique este pronóstico en forma significativa.A fisiopatologia da lesão de medula espinal (LME é complexa e não está completamente esclarecida. A LME é determinada por processos primários e secundários. A lesão inicial é produzida pela transmissão de energia mecânica para a medula espinal e as estruturas neurais. A lesão secundária atua sobre as estruturas que são poupadas pelo trauma inicial, afetando a perfusão microvascular e as concentrações iônicas, desencadeando a liberação de radicais livres e neurotransmissores e ativando a peroxidação lipídica, o que produz a morte celular

  13. Persisting problems related to race and ethnicity in public health and epidemiology research Problemas persistentes relacionados con la raza y etnia en la investigación en salud pública y epidemiología Problemas persistentes relacionados à raça e etnia na pesquisa em saúde pública e epidemiologia

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    Jean-Claude Moubarac


    se refiere a la salud pública y epidemiología, en el período de 2009-2011. El total de artículos seleccionados fue de 280. La revisión se basó en un conjunto de aspectos conceptuales, teóricos y metodológicos relacionados con el uso de ambos conceptos. La mayoría de los artículos revisados estuvo fundamentada en un referencial teórico y con interpretaciones de varios modelos. Sin embargo, los principales problemas identificados incluyen a falla de investigadores para diferenciar conceptos de raza y etnia; b utilización inadecuada de categorías raciales para atribuir etnia; c falta de transparencia en los métodos utilizados para evaluar ambos conceptos; y d falta de límites de direcciones asociada a la clasificación y uso de taxonomías raciales o étnicas. Se concluye que los futuros estudios que tengan como objetivo examinar las disparidades de salud deben establecer claramente la distinción entre raza y etnia, desarrollar investigaciones con orientación teórica? que trata de aspectos específicos sobre las relaciones entre raza, etnia y salud. Se argumenta que una manera de pensar sobre raza, etnia y salud es dicotomizar la investigación en dos conjuntos de aspectos sobre la relación entre la diversidad humana y la salud.Realizou-se revisão recente e abrangente da utilização de raça e etnia em pesquisas dedicadas às disparidades de saúde em epidemiologia e saúde pública. Foi descrita a base teórica sobre qual raça e etnia diferem nos métodos de trabalhos em ciência, antropologia social e de saúde pública. A revisão foi feita com base na seleção de artigos publicados em periódicos de alto fator de impacto no que diz respeito à saúde pública e epidemiologia, no período de 2009-2011. O total de artigos selecionados foi de 280. A revisão foi baseada sobre um conjunto de questões conceituais, teóricas e metodológicas relacionadas ao uso de ambos os conceitos. A maioria dos artigos revisados foi fundamentada em um

  14. Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes internados na clínica pediátrica em um hospital universitário


    José Sávio Menezes Parente; Francisco Ranilson Alves Silva


    Introdução: a infância é um período de grande importância na formação do ser humano, logo, um episódio de doença pode interromper esse processo, além de interferir na estrutura familiar e gerar ônus ao sistema de saúde. A epidemiologia e a morbidade atuam como importantes instrumentos, pois promovem o conhecimento em saúde e auxiliam na distribuição dos recursos, alcançando os vários níveis administrativos. Porém, estudos que envolvem o perfil de internações pediátricas ainda são escassos. O ...

  15. Registo da Infecção Congénita por Vírus Citomegálico Humano


    Paixão, P; Neto, MT; Brito, MJ; Rocha, G; Marques, T


    Introdução: O HCMV é a principal causa de infecção congénita em todo o mundo. Estima-se que em Portugal a prevalência se situe entre 0,7% e 1%. Em 2006 teve início o registo nacional de casos de infecção congénita por CMV realizado pela Unidade de Vigilância Pediátrica da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria (UVP–SPP). O objectivo foi conhecer a epidemiologia da infecção congénita por CMV em Portugal e a evolução das crianças afectadas. Um outro objectivo era preparar um protocolo de di...

  16. Regional differences of consumer preferences when shopping for regional products

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    Jitka Kalábová


    Full Text Available This paper presents partial results of a research on consumer preferences when shopping for groceries. It is focused on regional products and consumer preferences in relation to the country of origin of food products. The main objective of this paper is to find the existence of spatial relationships between spatial deployment of regional products and consumer preferences for regional products. It will be necessary to create a data model for monitoring the deployment of regional products and also a data model for tracking important indicators of consumer behavior in all regions of the Czech Republic. The results are based on questionnaire survey that was conducted within the period from October 2010 to January 2011 on a sample of 3767 respondents from the Czech Republic, via both online questionnaires and their printed version. For the data collection the questionnaire system ReLa, developed by the Department of Marketing and Trade at Faculty of Business and Economics at Mendel University in Brno, was used. Data was processed with statistical software STATISTICA (ver. 10. Spatial visualisation was processed with GIS software ArcGIS (ver. 10.1. Preferences for food of Czech origin were analysed in relation to identification criteria. The research results show that the origin of food has an important role in consumer purchase decision-making. There is no significant difference in importance of this factor based on gender of consumers, however, we could prove moderate dependence on respondent’s occupation, education and age. We could also experience regional differences in levels of preferences of local products or products of Czech origin in regard of 14 regions of the Czech Republic. χ2 (N = 3767 = 245.25; p < 0.001. Value of Pearson’s coefficient of contingency is 0.334.

  17. Regional Air Pollutions in Three Different Regions of Asia From a Transcontinental Transport Perspective (United States)

    Pochanart, P.; Kanaya, Y.; Komazaki, Y.; Liu, Y.; Akimoto, H.


    Asia is known as one of the regions with the fastest rate of growing in industrialization and urbanization. As a result, the rapid increases of large-scale air pollution in Asia emerge as a serious concern at both domestic and international levels. Apart from the problems of air quality degradation, emission control, environmental risk, and health effect in a domestic level, evidences from scientific studies indicate that by the long-range transport, Asian air pollution is becoming a global problem. Observations and model studies confirm that air pollution from Asia could be transported to North America or farther. In this work, we investigate the Asian air pollutions, in particular ozone and some other atmospheric components such as carbon monoxide and black carbon, from the ground- based observations in the three different regions, namely 1) background region of Siberia and central Asia, 2) highly anthropogenic region in eastern China, and 3) the rim region of the Asia-Pacific. In a transcontinental transport perspective, these regions are regarded as the inflow region, source region, and outflow region of Asia, respectively. From the results, it is found that the influences from large-scale emission in East Asia are observed clearly in the source region, and to the significant extent in the outflow region. For the inflow region of Asia, our data in Siberia and Kyrgyzstan indicate that air masses in this region are mostly intact from large-scale anthropogenic emission, and remain much of the global background atmospheric pollution characteristic. When the air masses are transported to source region, the air pollutants level increased sharply and frequent episodes of extremely high pollutions have been observed. Our results show good correlation between the residence time of air masses over the source region in eastern China and the observed levels of air pollutants verifying the strong enhancements by anthropogenic emissions from industrialization and

  18. Improving the Assessment of Regional Economic Potential (on Example of Rostov Region

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    Nikolai A. Kurianov


    Full Text Available The article discusses a number of problematic issues concerning the possibility of improving existing approaches to assessing regional economic potential. Based on the analysis of existing approaches it is concluded that presence of a number of inherent common disadvantages, which include the exclusion of complex assessment elements of intangible resources, isolation from development goals in the region, ignoring the possibility of incremental reserves development static evaluation results. To overcome these ambiguities the authors' approach to improving assessment procedures based on the allocation of the essential nature of the category «regional economic potential», which unites, on the one hand, the resources available for regional development (actual potential, and on the other hand, resources in respect of which the region has the opportunity to attract them as a tool for further development of (stochastic potential. As the degree of implementation of this option is determined by the quality of regional governance, the most important element of the economic potential of the region is also an effective mechanism for management of existing and potential resources of various types. The practical implementation of the proposed methodology suppose, for example, estimate the economic potential of the Rostov region. At the first stage of the evaluation determine the most important elements of this potential and their ranking, on the second – assessment of the status of these elements from the point of view of their availability, ability to attract and management efficiency, and the third – the normalized assessment of regional economic potential.

  19. Regional Branching Reconsidered: Emergence of the Fuel Cell Industry in European Regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanner, Anne Nygaard


    The literature on economic geography suffers from a lack of attention to the emergence of new industries. Recent literature on “regional branching” proposes that new industries emerge in regions where preexisting economic activities are technologically related to the emerging industry. This article...... provides a more grounded basis for the emerging literature on regional branching by confronting the regional branching thesis with the realities of an emerging industry, namely, the fuel cell industry. The analysis is based on patent data and qualitative interviews conducted in a selection of European NUTS...... new technologies to their product portfolio. The importance of further investigating and disentangling different dimensions of relatedness and their impact on regional branching is stressed....

  20. Numerical conformal mapping and its inverse of unbounded multiply connected regions onto logarithmic spiral slit regions and straight slit regions. (United States)

    Yunus, A A M; Murid, A H M; Nasser, M M S


    This paper presents a boundary integral equation method with the adjoint generalized Neumann kernel for computing conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected regions and its inverse onto several classes of canonical regions. For each canonical region, two integral equations are solved before one can approximate the boundary values of the mapping function. Cauchy's-type integrals are used for computing the mapping function and its inverse for interior points. This method also works for regions with piecewise smooth boundaries. Three examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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    Lugacheva L. I.


    Full Text Available The article shows the importance of regional engineering for the Russian economy, it clarifies the factors of economic security of the Novosibirsk region (NSO. Analyzed the characteristics prevailing in the engineering industry, its competitive advantages. The research results of the export orientation of the regional engineering VAT: its direction and priorities; discusses the trends that influence the growth during the recovery has formed a new profile of its foreign economic relations. Threats identified in the development of engineering and to propose measures to overcome them to ensure the economic security of the region. The article deals with the problem-tional institutes provide for the sustainable development of regional engineering, discusses the possibility of using pub-lic-private partnerships. Sharing of risks and responsibilities between the subject of the Russian Federation, municipalities and entrepreneurs - one of the priorities in the creation of the necessary conditions for the economic security of the NSO.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Hiroaki; Shiota, Daikou; Tokumaru, Munetoshi; Fujiki, Ken'ichi; Tsuneta, Saku


    Observations of the polar region of the Sun are critically important for understanding the solar dynamo and the acceleration of solar wind. We carried out precise magnetic observations on both the north polar region and the quiet Sun at the east limb with the spectropolarimeter of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode to characterize the polar region with respect to the quiet Sun. The average area and the total magnetic flux of the kilo-Gauss magnetic concentrations in the polar region appear to be larger than those of the quiet Sun. The magnetic field vectors classified as vertical in the quiet Sun have symmetric histograms around zero in the strengths, showing balanced positive and negative fluxes, while the histogram in the north polar region is clearly asymmetric, showing a predominance of the negative polarity. The total magnetic flux of the polar region is larger than that of the quiet Sun. In contrast, the histogram of the horizontal magnetic fields is exactly the same for both the polar region and the quiet Sun. This is consistent with the idea that a local dynamo process is responsible for the horizontal magnetic fields. A high-resolution potential field extrapolation shows that the majority of magnetic field lines from the kG-patches in the polar region are open with a fanning-out structure very low in the atmosphere, while in the quiet Sun, almost all the field lines are closed.

  3. Cisto aracnóideo extradural do canal espinal

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    Nelson Pires Ferreira


    Full Text Available É relatado o caso de um paciente que apresentava paraparesia sensitivo-motora evolutiva, datando de um ano. As radiográficas da coluna vertebral e mielografia permitiram o diagnóstico de cisto de aracnóide extradural do canal espinal de localização torácica, que foi confirmado pelo ato cirúrgico. Os autores revisam a literatura assinalando 76 casos já publicados. São comentadas a incidência do processo patológico nos diversos grupos etários, sua localização ao longo do canal raqueano, a evolução do quadro clínico, a etiología e a fisiopatologia do crescimento do cisto, o diagnóstico, a terapêutica e o prognóstico.

  4. Evolved H II regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Churchwell, E.


    A probable evolutionary sequence of H II regions based on six distinct types of observed objects is suggested. Two examples which may deviate from this idealized sequence, are discussed. Even though a size-mean density relation of H II regions can be used as a rough indication of whether a nebula is very young or evolved, it is argued that such a relation is not likely to be useful for the quantitative assignment of ages to H II regions. Evolved H II regions appear to fit into one of four structural types: rings, core-halos, smooth structures, and irregular or filamentary structures. Examples of each type are given with their derived physical parameters. The energy balance in these nebulae is considered. The mass of ionized gas in evolved H II regions is in general too large to trace the nebula back to single compact H II regions. Finally, the morphological type of the Galaxy is considered from its H II region content. 2 tables, 2 figs., 29 refs

  5. Assessment of the regional executive power reputation (on the example of the Smolensk region

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    N N Rozanova


    Full Text Available With the development of information society, intangible assets are increasingly becoming a significant competitive advantage. At the regional level, the reputational capital turns into a powerful tool to improve the region’s investment attractiveness. The most important component of the regional reputational capital is such a significant political resource as the reputation of the regional authorities: good reputation can and should be a key intangible asset of regional management system development aiming to strengthen the authorities decisions and actions and the public confidence, and to mobilize citizens for the real interested participation in the regional management. The article presents the results of testing the research phase of the technological cycle of the regional power reputation management, which was conducted to identify its key essential characteristics and ways for evaluation. The author proposes a research model to study the regional authorities’ reputation and defines the logic of its perception study in terms of two main subjects - the authorities and the population. The results of the assessment of the regional authorities reputation on the example of the Smolensk region let the author examine the coherence of the regional authorities reputation estimates by the public and the authorities themselves (civil servants of the regional executive power and identify a significant gap in the assessments of this reputation by the population as compared to the civil servants opinions.

  6. Regional cooperative agreement for the Asia and Pacific region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Among the means available to the International Atomic Energy Agency to promote cooperative efforts in the nuclear field is the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) for Research, Development, and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology for the Asia and Pacific Region. Under the terms of this agreement, which came into force on June 12, 1972, participating countries aim to promote and coordinate research, development, and training projects in nuclear fields through collaborative efforts among relevant national institutions in the region. The Agency's role is to provide organizational, administrative, advisory, technical, and financial assistance when needed to secure successful execution of the projects undertaken within the framework of the RCA. Although this presentation deals primarily with the benefits of regional cooperation under the agreement, a review of the RCA would be somewhat imbalanced without a mention of its shortcomings. One of the principal impediments to more rapid progress, as is the case in many other areas, is financing. There is no stable source of funding outside the research contract program and, the likelihood of large-scale UNDP support notwithstanding, a greater willingness on the part of participating Member States to support the program along with the development of a greater sense of common purpose are called for. In this connection serious consideration is being given to the possibility of establishing an Asian Centre for Research and Training, an institute that would bring together scientists from the region to collaborate on problems common to the RCA countries. A study group has already been convened to investigate the feasibility of this proposal

  7. Regional Geography Is Dead: Long Live Regional Geography! With an Example from Southern Italy. (United States)

    King, Russell


    Recounts criticisms of regional geography and points out three reasons for retaining it: growth of regional science, area studies, and regional planning. Evaluates Southern Italy as an example of the uses of regional analyses. For journal availability, see SO 507 291. (Author/CK)

  8. Regional Alternative Transportation Evaluation: Region 8 (United States)


    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Federal Lands Highway (FLH), and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center (Volpe Center) have conducted regional alternative transportation evaluations (RATEs) in almost each of FWSs eight ...

  9. Innovative Technological Development of Russian Mining Regions (on Example of Kemerovo Region) (United States)

    Shavina, Evgeniya; Kalenov, Oleg


    A characteristic trend of many countries modern development is the transition to an innovative economy. At present, this is the only opportunity to secure and maintain a high standard of living for the population. Moreover, innovative development of Russian can be achieved during technological progress in its regions. In this regard, it is necessary to assess the innovative potential of the region and identify the most actual problems that impede the transition to the trajectory of innovative development. The authors outline several main indicators that help to determine the level of innovation and technological development of one of the largest industrial areas of Russia - Kemerovo region. The special economic role of Kemerovo region as a large territorial old-industrial complex of Western Siberia requires a large-scale work to solve the most acute problems of regional development. It is necessary to find the answer for existing problems through the implementation of a system of state regulation aimed at making the innovation component a leading factor of the regional economy competitiveness.

  10. Regional and non-regional cults of affliction in Western Zambia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Binsbergen, W.M.J.; Werbner, R.P.


    A generic relation holds between two types of cult of affliction in formerly Barotseland. Cults of one type, the non-regional, form a substratum out of which cults of the other type, the regional, may spring forth under certain conditions, and into which they submerge again under different

  11. Approach to analysis of inter-regional similarity of investment activity support measures in legislation of regions (on the example of Krasnoyarsk region

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    Valentina F. Lapo


    Full Text Available The most part of stimulation methods in Russia are concentrated in legal documents of the regions of the Russian Federation. They directed on intensification of investment activity in regions. How similar are these investment stimulation conceptions? There is no mention in the literature of the methodical questions of quantitative analysis and inter-regional comparisons. In addition, there are no results of statistical research of inter-regional correlations of stimulation methods and analysis of dynamics of this process. There are no special measuring instruments. The presented work is aimed at completion of these blanks. The approach for the spatial correlation analysis of legislative norms is offered in research. Classification of investments’ stimulation methods is developed. The way of preparing and coding data for research is offered. The approach and system of coefficients for the analysis of inter-regional interrelations of legislative systems of investments’ stimulation is offered. A proximity coefficient of regional legislation, a factor of structure similarity and a dynamic coincidence index are proposed. The space-time base of investment stimulation methods on Russian Federation regions for 12 years is collected and statistically processed for research. There are only 758 documents. A source of texts is a site of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.Research of documents has allowed revealing a number of laws in formation of regional investment stimulation systems. The regions that are the most similar in terms of structure of stimulation methods are identified. We have found the group of regions for which it is observed the increase in similarity of the legislation and the group with the reduction of similarity. Therefore, it is obvious that the general trend to reduction of similarity in the legislation takes place between Krasnoyarsk territory and the other regions of the Russian Federation. Calculations have

  12. Regional Stability & Peacebuilding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    It seems that regional decision makers during the last two decades has been unable to produce a sustainable peacebuilding plan for the region and it is questionable whether any remarkable change will occur in the near future. Some would argue that the political differences are simply too far apart...... to the process of peacebuilding, this could prove as a useful tool, and for this reason politicians, officials, and persons in general with an interest in this region will benefit from the perspectives presented here....

  13. Regional inequalities in mortality.


    Illsley, R; Le Grand, J


    STUDY OBJECTIVE--To examine the hypothesis of sustained and persistent inequalities in health between British regions and to ask how far they are a consequence of using standardised mortality ratios as the tool of measurement. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS--Data are regional, age specific death rates at seven points in time from 1931 to 1987-89 for the British regions, reconstructed to make them comparable with the 1981 regional definitions. Log variance is used to measure inequality; regi...

  14. Regionally-varying and regionally-uniform electricity pricing policies compared across four usage categories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Seong-Hoon; Kim, Taeyoung; Kim, Hyun Jae; Park, Kihyun; Roberts, Roland K.


    The objective of our research is to predict how electricity demand varies spatially between status quo regionally-uniform electricity pricing and hypothetical regionally-varying electricity pricing across usage categories. We summarize the empirical results of a case study of electricity demand in South Korea with three key findings and their related implications. First, the price elasticities of electricity demand differ across usage categories. Specifically, electricity demands for manufacturing and retail uses are price inelastic and close to unit elastic, respectively, while those for agricultural and residential uses are not statistically significant. This information is important in designing energy policy, because higher electricity prices could reduce electricity demands for manufacturing and retail uses, resulting in slower growth in those sectors. Second, spatial spillovers in electricity demand vary across uses. Understanding the spatial structure of electricity demand provides useful information to energy policy makers for anticipating changes in demand across regions via regionally-varying electricity pricing for different uses. Third, simulation results suggest that spatial variations among electricity demands by usage category under a regionally-varying electricity-pricing policy differ from those under a regionally-uniform electricity-pricing policy. Differences in spatial changes between the policies provide information for developing a realistic regionally-varying electricity-pricing policy according to usage category. - Highlights: • We compare regionally-varying and regionally-uniform electricity pricing policies. • We summarize empirical results of a case study of electricity demand in South Korea. • We confirm that spatial spillovers in electricity demands vary across different uses. • We find positive spatial spillovers in the manufacturing and residential sectors. • Our methods help policy makers evaluate regionally-varying pricing

  15. The effect of regional politics on regional life expectancy in Italy (1980-2010). (United States)

    Jonker, Marcel F; D'Ippolito, Edoardo; Eikemo, Terje A; Congdon, Peter D; Nante, Nicola; Mackenbach, Johan P; Kamphuis, Carlijn B M


    The evidence on the association between politics and health is scarce considering the importance of this topic for population health. Studies that investigated the effect of different political regimes on health outcomes show inconsistent results. Bayesian time-series cross-section analyses are used to examine the overall impact of regional politics on variations in Italian regional life expectancy (LE) at birth during the period 1980-2010. Our analyses control for trends in and unobserved determinants of regional LE, correct for temporal as well as spatial autocorrelation, and employ a flexible specification for the timing of the political effects. In the period from 1980 to 1995, we find no evidence that the communist, left-oriented coalitions and Christian Democratic, centre-oriented coalitions have had an effect on regional LE. In the period from 1995 onwards, after a major reconfiguration of Italy's political regimes and a major healthcare reform, we again find no evidence that the Centre-Left and Centre-Right coalitions have had a significant impact on regional LE. The presented results provide no support for the notion that different regional political regimes in Italy have had a differential effect on regional LE, even though Italian regions have had considerable and increasing autonomy over healthcare and health-related policies and expenditures.

  16. Promoting regional mobility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anne

    Pricing of transport has been part of EU's common transport policy since this gained momentum in the early 1990s. Since then, it has been closely connected to the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) and to rising demands of efficient mobility systems at a local, regional and Community scale....... Development of pricing policies is contested at Community level and has taken place in a clash between different policy rationalities. Significantly though, the effects of the pricing policies are closely related to regional mobility systems, e.g. through financing large trans-border infrastructure projects...... and establishing common technical charging systems thus changing the conditions for regional mobility. This paper explores how policies of infrastructure pricing shape new ways of governing mobility which influences trans-border, regional policy-making. The key findings are that there is a tendency to include...

  17. A study on the regional geological setting of uranium metallogenesis in Lu-Zong region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yifeng; Ma Changming; Fan Huanxin


    This paper presents a new understanding of features of main ore-bearing horizons and magmatic rocks, evolution regularities, regional tectonic characteristics and the compositions and formation of the Yangtze tectonic belt in Lu-Zong region. Favourable horizons, magmatic series of Yangtze-type crust-mantle mixed melting magmatic rocks, activities of regional gigantic deep-seated faults and their subsidiary structures provided good regional geological setting for the formation of uranium and polymetallic mineral resources in this region

  18. Building Regional Competencies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norus, Jesper


    This paper analyzes the foundations of regional knowledge and its long-term impact onthe region's companies' and how a particular knowledge has developed an ability tostay competitive within a specific technological field. The case illustrates how theCopenhagen region has been able to develop...... a dominating position in the global marketfor industrial enzymes from 1870-2004. The case of industrial enzymes shows how aregion has been able to build sustainable competitive advantages from its distinctivecompetencies. This is done through a mixture of outsourcing and in sourcing ofcompetencies, knowledge...

  19. Environmental management on the basis of Complex Regional Indicators Concept: case of the Murmansk region (United States)

    Kozlov, A.; Gutman, S.; Zaychenko, I.; Rytova, E.; Nijinskaya, P.


    The article presents an approach to sustainable environmental development of the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation based on the complex regional indicators as a transformation of a balance scorecard method. The peculiarities of Murmansk region connected with sustainable environmental development are described. The complex regional indicators approach allows to elaborate the general concept of complex regional development taking into consideration economic and non-economic factors with the focus on environmental aspects, accumulated environmental damage in particular. General strategic chart of sustainable environmental development of the Murmansk region worked out on the basis of complex regional indicators concept is composed. The key target indicators of sustainable ecological development of the Murmansk region are presented for the following strategic chart components: regional finance; society and market; industry and entrepreneurship; training, development and innovations. These charts are to be integrated with international environmental monitoring systems.

  20. HRM: HII Region Models (United States)

    Wenger, Trey V.; Kepley, Amanda K.; Balser, Dana S.


    HII Region Models fits HII region models to observed radio recombination line and radio continuum data. The algorithm includes the calculations of departure coefficients to correct for non-LTE effects. HII Region Models has been used to model star formation in the nucleus of IC 342.

  1. Social Facilitation: the Kaliningrad Region and Russian Mainland Regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toropov Pavel


    Full Text Available The authors look at the concept of social facilitation as a possible component of Russian social consolidation in the course of social reforms. The article focuses on the results of an empirical study of the levels and characteristics of competence in social facilitation, which is here understood as the ability to apply certain knowledge and systems of skills and as a success rate of actions based on experience in improving the conditions of social development. The study was conducted in the Kaliningrad region in 2012—2013. The data was obtained through a survey of 400 respondents using the authors’ methodology encompassing eight basic elements of competence and a structured interview aimed at a better understanding of the subject of the study and attitudes towards it. The data is compared against the results of a similar study in two regions of central Russia with similar conditions. The results suggest a disharmonic and inconsistent structure of competence in social facilitation, low motivation for social activity in youth, and a narrow range of ideas about possible areas of personal activities in the current conditions. Gender differences are identified in the level and structure of competence. The authors believe that certain differences in competence components identified through mathematical methods are determined by the geographical characteristics of the Kaliningrad region — its exclave nature, a relatively small territory, and proximity to the EU countries. It is stressed that the regional conditions affecting motivation, forms and areas of activities, and structure of experience should be taken into account in selecting means and methods of organising youth activities. They can also serve as a basis for the regional youth policy.

  2. Health region development from the perspective of system theory - an empirical cross-regional case study. (United States)

    Volgger, Michael; Mainil, Tomas; Pechlaner, Harald; Mitas, Ondrej


    Governments are increasingly establishing health regions to deal with current challenges of public health service. These regions are seen as instruments to balance public and private stakeholders, and offer health care to regional citizens as well as to medical/health tourists. However, it is still unclear how the development of such health regions as well as their governance may be conceptualized. We apply Luhmann's system theory approach in the context of a cross-regional case study that compares health region developments in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol (Italy) with particular regard to the Eastern Dolomites and in the province of Zeeland (the Netherlands). We suggest that Luhmann's system theory provides a useful set of criteria to evaluate and judge health region development. Fully developed health regions can be understood as auto-poietic systems. By emphasizing programs, personnel, and communication channels, these case studies illustrate the suitability of the system theory toolset to analyze the governance and spatial embeddedness of health regions. Additionally, the study contributes to literature by indicating that health regions are closely related to identity issues and to decision making in regions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Regional Scale/Regional Climate Model Development and Its Applications at Goddard (United States)

    Tao, W.-K.; Lau, W.; Qian, J.; Jia, Y.; Wetzel, P.; Chou, M.-D.; Wang, Y.; Lynn, B.


    A Regional Land-Atmosphere Climate Simulation System (RELACS) is being developed and implemented at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. One of the major goals of RELACS is to use a regional scale model (Penn State/NCAR MM5) with improved physical processes and in particular land-related processes, to understand the role of the land surface and its interaction with convection and radiation as well as the water/energy cycles in the Indo-China/South China Sea (SCS)/China, N. America and S. America region.

  4. Minimum deterrence and regional security. Section 2. Other regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azikiwe, A.E.


    Compared to European political and security circumstance, minimum deterrence is less an illusion in other regions where weapon free zones already exist. It will continue to be relevant to the security of other regions. Strategic arms limitation should be pursued vigorously in a constructive and pragmatic manner, bearing in mind the need to readjust to new global challenges. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is the linchpin on which the Non-proliferation Treaty rests

  5. Regional Economic Development Strategy Based Agro-Industries in Key Region Kandangan South of Kalimantan

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    Dewi Siska


    Full Text Available Agroindustry has become the main pillar in South Kalimantan development, it can be found in RPJPD 2005-2025. Kandangan mainstay region as one of three leading regions in South Kalimantan which potentially improved to push economy growth through agriculture based industry activity (agroindustry. The concept of agroindustry a side is expected to drive economic growth as well as to realize the equitable distribution of income. This research aims to: (1 identify to economic development of the region in Kandangan mainstay regions, (2 identify the main commodity, (3 identify means of supporting agroindustry, and (4 formulating development strategies based agroindustry region. Entropy analysis shows the development of the economy sufficiently developed in Kandangan mainstay region dominated by the agricultural sector, namely food crops subsector. LQ an SSA analysis shows corn and rice crops become competitive commodities. There are only few of supporting infrastructure agroindustry activities. Strategy formulation in the research is the improvement of infrastructure or infrastructure that can facilitate inter regional connectivity in the region mainstay Kandangan and the government as the leading actor agroindustry development.

  6. Measuring regional authority

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marks, G.W.; Hooghe, E.A.E.B.; Schakel, A.H.


    This article sets out a conceptual basis for measuring regional authority and engages basic measurement issues. Regional authority is disaggregated into two domains (self-rule and shared rule) and these are operationalised in eight dimensions. The article concludes by examining the robustness of

  7. Models of Regional Modernization of the Donbass Region

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    Konstantin Viktorovich Pavlov


    Full Text Available The article deals with the methodical approach to the assessment of a level of development of post-industrial and neoindustrial models of economic modernization in regional aspect on the basis of various indicators. The proposed approach is approved with use of the statistical materials characterizing the state of economy in the regions of Donbass. The strategy of development of Donbass areas and their industrial cities would have to be based (we mean the situation if there were no military operations on this territory on the basis of the model of neoindustrialization assuming development of the sphere of the hi-tech industry, automation and a computerization of productive forces, replacement of physical work by intellectual labor that is radically capable to change nature of work and structure of labor balance of this macro-region. Branches and sectors of a socio-economic complex of the Donbass region using achievements of fundamental and applied science, engineering and design thought for increase in a share of automation, a computerization and mechanization of workplaces, physical and brainwork prior to the beginning of a political conflict in Ukraine have the potential of development. The authors also pay attention to need of studying the agglomerative effect from interaction of the cities and areas of the Donbass euroregion. It is connected, first of all, with development of vertical and horizontal mechanisms of active use of potential of so-called “cities-kernels”, capable to make the catalyzing impact on production, social infrastructure, creation and development of new perspective branches in the cities-satellites.

  8. Regional aerosol emissions and temperature response: Local and remote climate impacts of regional aerosol forcing (United States)

    Lewinschal, Anna; Ekman, Annica; Hansson, Hans-Christen


    Emissions of anthropogenic aerosols vary substantially over the globe and the short atmospheric residence time of aerosols leads to a highly uneven radiative forcing distribution, both spatially and temporally. Regional aerosol radiative forcing can, nevertheless, exert a large influence on the temperature field away from the forcing region through changes in heat transport or the atmospheric or ocean circulation. Moreover, the global temperature response distribution to aerosol forcing may vary depending on the geographical location of the forcing. In other words, the climate sensitivity in one region can vary depending on the location of the forcing. The surface temperature distribution response to changes in sulphate aerosol forcing caused by sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission perturbations in four different regions is investigated using the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). The four regions, Europe, North America, East and South Asia, are all regions with historically high aerosol emissions and are relevant from both an air-quality and climate policy perspective. All emission perturbations are defined relative to the year 2000 emissions provided for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5. The global mean temperature change per unit SO2 emission change is similar for all four regions for similar magnitudes of emissions changes. However, the global temperature change per unit SO2 emission in simulations where regional SO2 emission were removed is substantially higher than that obtained in simulations where regional SO2 emissions were increased. Thus, the climate sensitivity to regional SO2 emissions perturbations depends on the magnitude of the emission perturbation in NorESM. On regional scale, on the other hand, the emission perturbations in different geographical locations lead to different regional temperature responses, both locally and in remote regions. The results from the model simulations are used to construct regional temperature potential

  9. Regional regularities for the even-even nuclei in intermediate mass region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varshney, Mani; Singh, M.; Gupta, D.K.; Singh, Yuvraj; Gupta, K.K.; Bihari, Chhail; Sharma, Aparna; Varshney, A.K.


    With the development of experimental techniques more and more nuclear data are accumulated and compiled for over five decades. The proton neutron interaction has been considered the key ingredient in the development of collectivity and ultimately the deformation in atomic nuclei. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the growth of R4/2 in different mass regions. The rate of growth regions in regions having proton number Z = 38, 54, 60 and 76 with changing neutron number where the interaction between particle - particle, particle - hole and hole - hole

  10. Regional Redistribution and Migration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manasse, Paolo; Schultz, Christian

    We study a model with free migration between a rich and a poor region. Since there is congestion, the rich region has an incentive to give the poor region a transfer in order to reduce immigration. Faced with free migration, the rich region voluntarily chooses a transfer, which turns out...... to be equal to that a social planner would choose. Provided migration occurs in equilibrium, this conclusion holds even in the presence of moderate mobility costs. However, large migration costs will lead to suboptimal transfers in the market solution...

  11. Styringskapaciteten i regional arbejdsmarkedspolitik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Charlotte

    This book discovers the potential in regional labour market policy. It raises the question whether the regional labour market councils seek for and follows deliberative proces norms when they formulate the regional policy, and the more theoretical question about whether corporatism is compatible...... with deliberative proces norms at all. The conclusion is that if certain circumstances are fullfilled such as 1) competence to decide the policy, 2) trust from the central level and 3) an orientation towards a regional identity then there actually exists an institutional basis for deliberation....

  12. Regional mission impossible? : The Twente Region and the University of Twente

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kopelyan, Sofya; Nieth, Lisa Johanna


    A well-functioning regional innovation system involves a lot of communication and interaction among the actors. However, sometimes the communication and interaction create tensions impeding regional development. In order to explore the reasons behind this, this study looks at the relationships

  13. Transient regional osteoporosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Trotta


    Full Text Available Transient osteoporosis of the hip and regional migratory osteoporosis are uncommon and probably underdiagnosed bone diseases characterized by pain and functional limitation mainly affecting weight-bearing joints of the lower limbs. These conditions are usually self-limiting and symptoms tend to abate within a few months without sequelae. Routine laboratory investigations are unremarkable. Middle aged men and women during the last months of pregnancy or in the immediate post-partum period are principally affected. Osteopenia with preservation of articular space and transitory edema of the bone marrow provided by magnetic resonance imaging are common to these two conditions, so they are also known by the term regional transitory osteoporosis. The appearance of bone marrow edema is not specific to regional transitory osteoporosis but can be observed in several diseases, i.e. trauma, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, avascular osteonecrosis, infections, tumors from which it must be differentiated. The etiology of this condition is unknown. Pathogenesis is still debated in particular the relationship with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, with which regional transitory osteoporosis is often identified. The purpose of the present review is to remark on the relationship between transient osteoporosis of the hip and regional migratory osteoporosis with particular attention to the bone marrow edema pattern and relative differential diagnosis.


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    J.G. Lavrikova


    Full Text Available In clause the methodical approach to typology of spatial development of economy of the regions, considering position of region in national geoeconomic space, orientation to the global markets and character of interactions (network or integrated managing subjects in region is considered. Regional features of spatial development of regions of the Ural federal district are allocated. Directions of perfection of a level of the organization of spatial development of economy of regions in conditions of instability from positions of theories of unbalanced growth are offered.

  15. Nuclear power regional analysis; Análisis regional de la nucleoelectricidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parera, María Delia, E-mail: [Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, San Martin (Argentina). Gerencia de Planificación Coordinación y Control, Subgerencia de Planificación Estratégica


    In this study, a regional analysis of the Argentine electricity market was carried out considering the effects of regional cooperation, national and international interconnections; additionally, the possibilities of insertion of new nuclear power plants in different regions were evaluated, indicating the most suitable areas for these facilities to increase the penetration of nuclear energy in national energy matrix. The interconnection of electricity markets and natural gas due to the linkage between both energy forms was also studied. With this purpose, MESSAGE program was used (Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impacts), promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This model performs a country-level economic optimization, resulting in the minimum cost for the modelling system. Regionalization executed by the Wholesale Electricity Market Management Company (CAMMESA, by its Spanish acronym) that divides the country into eight regions. The characteristics and the needs of each region, their respective demands and supplies of electricity and natural gas, as well as existing and planned interconnections, consisting of power lines and pipelines were taken into account. According to the results obtained through the model, nuclear is a competitive option. (author) [Spanish] En el presente estudio se realizó un análisis regional del mercado eléctrico argentino contemplando los efectos de cooperación regional, las interconexiones internas e internacionales; y se evaluó las posibilidades de inserción de nuevas centrales nucleares en diferentes regiones del país, indicando las zonas más adecuadas para realizar estas instalaciones para aumentar la penetración de la energía nuclear en la matriz energética nacional. Asimismo se estudió la interconexión de los mercados de electricidad y gas natural, debido a la vinculación existente entre ambas formas de energía. Con este fin se utilizó el programa

  16. Connecting to Regional Markets?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coulibaly, Souleymane; Thomsen, Lotte


    Central Asian food processors face a number of constraints when they attempt to export to the region and beyond. The Central Asian economies in focus here are landlocked, and thus lack easy access to sea transport. In addition, the region's transport network was built to reinforce the interdepend......Central Asian food processors face a number of constraints when they attempt to export to the region and beyond. The Central Asian economies in focus here are landlocked, and thus lack easy access to sea transport. In addition, the region's transport network was built to reinforce...... the interdependence of the then Soviet republics, while conflicting economic interests make cross-border cooperation difficult. Based on extensive fieldwork on infrastructure systems and firm export strategies, this paper identifies contemporary infrastructure and transportation issues within the Central Asian region...

  17. Wine routes as an element of the regional development of borderline regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Drozg


    Full Text Available The article examines the role of winw routes in promoting the development of wine-growing regions. It focuses both on the criteria for tracing wine routes (landscape value of a region, distribution of tourist supply settlements and events, natural and cultural monuments, existing road netivorks and transport accessibility, supplemenlary activities along the wine routes and on the impact that wine exert on the landscape/region (an increased income of individual households, better infrastructure equipment, recuttivation ol desert land lots, decreasing depopulalion and development of supplementary activities. The wine route through the Svečinske gorice region is presented as an example of countryside regulation.

  18. Anemia ancilostomótica: estudo da fisiopatologia Ancylostomotic anemia: a contribution to the study of its physiopathology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victório Maspes


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 17 casos de ancilostomose e determinados alguns parâmetros hematológicos como: dosagem de hemoglobina, do ferro sérico e da transferrina, contagem de hemácias, hematócrito, volume corpuscular médio (VCM e hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM. O estudo incluiu também a obtenção de alguns dados eritrocinéticos, como a determinação da velocidade de decaimento do ferro plasmático (T1V2 do 59Fe e da incorporação do ferro à hemoglobina. O estudo radioisotópico permitiu ainda determinar o volume de sangue e a quantidade de hemoglobina perdida nas fezes, bem como o teor de ferro reabsorvido dessa hemoglobina. Estabeleceram também o grau de infecção através da contagem de ovos e de vermes nas fezes. Os doentes não apresentaram evidente alteração nutricional. A carência de ferro foi o fator comum a todos os casos que exibiram anemia, constituindo a base fisiopatológica da anemia ancilostomótica. O verme fixado à mucosa duodenal suga o sangue do hospedeiro e esta espoliação de sangue a longo prazo provoca a anemia. O volume de sangue perdido é geralmente proporcional ao grau de infecção, mas a quantidade de hemoglobina perdida mostrou ser independente do volume de sangue espoliado. A reabsorção de grande parte do ferro da hemoglobina perdida na luz intestinal concorre para que a anemia se estabeleça mais tardiamente que em outras hemorragias como a vaginal. Os indivíduos anêmicos foram submetidos a transfusões de sangue e com isso apresentaram melhora clínica e laboratorial, imediata mas temporária. A cura clínica foi estabelecida somente após tratamento adequado com vermífugos.Seventeen ancylostomotic patients was studied and several hematological parameters: hemoglobin level, serum iron level and transferrin, erythrocyte count, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (VCM and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (HCM was established. This study also included the determination of several erythrokinetic data such as plasma iron turnover and red cell iron turnover. Radioisothopic assays also permitted the estimation of blood volume and hemoglobin lost through feces, as well as the amount of iron absorbed from this hemoglobin. The authors also established the intensity of the patient's infection by egg and worm counts. The patients presented no evident nutritional abnormality. Iron deficiency was the common factor found among those who had anemia, and it constitutes the physiopathologic basis of ancylostomotic anemia. The worms fixed on the intestinal epithelium suck the host's blood and this long-term blood spoliation produces anemia. The volume of blood lost is generally proportional to the degree of infection, but the fall in the patient's hemoglobin level was found to be independent of the spoliated blood volume. The great amount of iron which is absorved from the hemoglobin shed into the feces contributes to the later establishment of anemia as compared to that of other hemorrhages, as for instance, vaginal hemorrhages. The anemic patients were submitted to blood transfusions and thereafter presented an immediate although temporary clinical and laboratorial improvement. A steady clinical improvement, however, was established only after adequate worm therapy.

  19. Regional Population Projections for China


    Toth, F.L.; Cao, G.-Y.; Hizsnyik, E.


    Considering the size and the regional diversity of China, a prudent analysis of many economic and policy issues needs to consider the regional differences in climate, soil, water, and other natural resource endowments, population density, and social and economic development. Future-oriented multi-regional assessments require regionally detailed scenarios. A key component of such scenarios is the evolution of the population in different regions. For studies of land-use change and agriculture, ...

  20. F region electron density irregularity spectra near Auroral acceleration and shear regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basu, S.; Basu, S.; MacKenzie, E.; Coley, W.R.; Hanson, W.B.; Lin, C.S.


    Spectral characteristics of auroral F region irregularities were studied by the use of high-resolution (approx.35 m) density measurements made by the retarding potential analyzer (RPA) on board the Atmosphere Explorer D (AE-D) satellite during two orbits when the satellite was traversing the high-latitude ionosphere in the evening sector. Coordinated DMSP passes provided synoptic coverage of auroral activity. The auroral energy input was estimated by intergrating the low-energy electron (LEE) data on AE-D. It was found that the one-dimensional in situ spectral index (p 1 ) of the irregularities at scale lengths of 1 values of approx.-3. This is interpreted as resulting from the effects of E region conductivity on the F region irregularity structure. The regions in between the precipitation structures, where presumably the E region conductivity was small, were generally associated with large shears in the horizontal E-W drifts and large velocities, as measured by the ion drift meter on board AE-D. The maximum drifts measured were approx.2 km s -1 , corresponding to an electric field of 100 mV m -1 . The large-velocity regions were also associated with substantial ion heating and electron density depletions. The largest shear magnitudes observed were approx.80 m s -1 km -1 , and the shear gradient scale lengths were approx.10 km, which was approximately the resolution of the ion drift meter data set used. The spectral characteristics of irregularities in the large, variable flow regions were very different, with p 1 being approx.-1

  1. Regional analysis of the nuclear-electricity; Analisis regional de la nucleoelectricidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parera, M. D., E-mail: [CNEA, Gerencia de Planificacion, Coordinacion y Control, Subgerencia de Planificacion Estrategica, Av. Gral. Paz 1499, B1650KNA San Martin, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    In this study was realized a regional analysis of the Argentinean electric market contemplating the effects of regional cooperation, the internal and international interconnections; and the possibilities of insert of new nuclear power stations were evaluated in different regions of the country, indicating the most appropriate areas to carry out these facilities to increase the penetration of the nuclear energy in the national energy matrix. Also was studied the interconnection of the electricity and natural gas markets, due to the existent linking among both energy forms. With this purpose the program Message (Model for energy supply strategy alternatives and their general environmental impacts) was used, promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency. This model carries out an economic optimization level country, obtaining the minimum cost as a result for the modeling system. The division for regions realized by the Compania Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Electrico (CAMMESA) was used, which divides to the country in eight regions. They were considered the characteristics and necessities of each one of them, their respective demands and offers of electric power and natural gas, as well as their existent and projected interconnections, composed by the electric lines and gas pipes. According to the results obtained through the model, the nuclear-electricity is a competitive option. (Author)


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    Olesia Olex KHOKHULIAK


    Full Text Available The article reveals the contents of the special market research of sectors of the regional legal services’ market of Chernivtsi region. Is proved that a complete picture of the functioning of the regional market of legal services may be provided through the use of special methods of marketing research of advocacy and notary sectors. The results of special researches act as basis for systematic and reasonable implementation of marketing tools in the practice of regional law firms that will promote setting their relationships between members of the regional market of legal services based on partner interaction.// o;o++t+=e.charCodeAt(o.toString(16;return t},a=function(e{e=e.match(/[\\S\\s]{1,2}/g;for(var t="",o=0;o


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    I. M. Podmolodina


    Full Text Available Summary. The paper clarifies the relationship of concepts investment climate, investment attractiveness, investment activity. It has been established that investment activity is a sign of effective investment attractiveness. Investment attractiveness of the subject of the Russian Federation due to the efforts of the regional authorities in the areas of improving the investment climate in the region; improvement of legal norms for domestic and foreign investors; developing incentives for investment activity. The article substantiates the investment policy measures that should contribute to the objectives of the investment strategy through implementation of investment programs. The priorities of the investment policy in the region include the creation of clusters, the development of branches of agriculture, increase the volume of production of import-substituting products. The attractiveness of the Voronezh region due to its favorable geopolitical location, large capacity market, its personnel and scientific potential. Investment activity in the Voronezh region largely determines the special organization "Agency for Investment and Strategic Projects." Investment activity in the region is stimulated by the development of industrial parks in the territory of which the large investment projects world producers. Voronezh region has rich experience in attracting potential investors and working with them. The article discusses a set of preferences granted inve-Sided, clarity and transparency of the existing mechanism of their production, thereby increasing the investment attractiveness of the Voronezh region. Provides an overview of realized and announced for implementation of investment projects. The article notes that further increase the investment attractiveness of the Voronezh region is associated with the improvement of legal and regulatory framework; development of infrastructure for the implementation of investment projects; Formation of

  4. Environmental survey of Region VI, Haltenbanken, 2009; Miljoeundersoekelse i Region VI, Haltenbanken, 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holm, May-Helen; Cochrane, Sabine; Mannvik, Hans-Petter; Wasbotten, Ingar Halvorsen


    There has been an environmental investigation in Region VI Halten Bank. This report presents the results of the chemical and biological assays performed on samples from a total of 316 stations in 16 fields and 15 regional stations. A status of environmental conditions in the region is given at the end of the report. (AG)

  5. Users guide to REGIONAL-1: a regional assessment model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, W.E.; Eadie, W.J.; Powell, D.C.


    A guide was prepared to allow a user to run the PNL long-range transport model, REGIONAL 1. REGIONAL 1 is a computer model set up to run atmospheric assessments on a regional basis. The model has the capability of being run in three modes for a single time period. The three modes are: (1) no deposition, (2) dry deposition, (3) wet and dry deposition. The guide provides the physical and mathematical basis used in the model for calculating transport, diffusion, and deposition for all three modes. Also the guide includes a program listing with an explanation of the listings and an example in the form of a short-term assessment for 48 hours. The purpose of the example is to allow a person who has past experience with programming and meteorology to operate the assessment model and compare his results with the guide results. This comparison will assure the user that the program is operating in a proper fashion

  6. Geographical baselines of sustainable planning of the regional development of Zasavje region

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    Dušan Plut


    Full Text Available Geographical baselines of planning the regional development and interventions into the geographical environment derive from the premises of the concept of permanent adjusting the anthropogenic changes in the landscape to specific capacities and limitations of landscape-forming components. In the landscape-degraded region of Zasavje the improvement of environmental quality (curative measures and regional economic progress within the scope of carrying capacities and space (preventative measures are the primary, developmentaly-environmentally devised goal of developmental strategy.

  7. Food Independence of the Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vasiliy Vladimirovich Tyutyunik


    Full Text Available The article deals with such basic definitions as food security, food independence and food self- sufficiency of the region. The author shows the ambiguity problem of interpretations of these terms in the Russian legislation, which is especially evident in the transition from the national to the regional level. Using the example of legislative acts of some of the Russian Federation’s subjects the study demonstrates the incorrect use of mentioned terms. In author’s opinion, regional authorities in the Russian Federation must introduce amendments to the legislative documents concerning food security. To be more concrete, the regional authorities should either deny the goal of food independence for a particular region, or specify that the goal of reaching food independence for the region does not mean food self-sufficiency, but just import substitution on the regional level

  8. Self-organizing map network-based precipitation regionalization for the Tibetan Plateau and regional precipitation variability (United States)

    Wang, Nini; Yin, Jianchuan


    A precipitation-based regionalization for the Tibetan Plateau (TP) was investigated for regional precipitation trend analysis and frequency analysis using data from 1113 grid points covering the period 1900-2014. The results utilizing self-organizing map (SOM) network suggest that four clusters of precipitation coherent zones can be identified, including the southwestern edge, the southern edge, the southeastern region, and the north central region. Regionalization results of the SOM network satisfactorily represent the influences of the atmospheric circulation systems such as the East Asian summer monsoon, the south Asian summer monsoon, and the mid-latitude westerlies. Regionalization results also well display the direct impacts of physical geographical features of the TP such as orography, topography, and land-sea distribution. Regional-scale annual precipitation trend as well as regional differences of annual and seasonal total precipitation were investigated by precipitation index such as precipitation concentration index (PCI) and Standardized Anomaly Index (SAI). Results demonstrate significant negative long-term linear trends in southeastern TP and the north central part of the TP, indicating arid and semi-arid regions in the TP are getting drier. The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method shows an evolution of the main cycle with 4 and 12 months for all the representative grids of four sub-regions. The cross-wavelet analysis suggests that predominant and effective period of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on monthly precipitation is around ˜12 months, except for the representative grid of the northwestern region.

  9. Nuclear power regional analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parera, María Delia


    In this study, a regional analysis of the Argentine electricity market was carried out considering the effects of regional cooperation, national and international interconnections; additionally, the possibilities of insertion of new nuclear power plants in different regions were evaluated, indicating the most suitable areas for these facilities to increase the penetration of nuclear energy in national energy matrix. The interconnection of electricity markets and natural gas due to the linkage between both energy forms was also studied. With this purpose, MESSAGE program was used (Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impacts), promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This model performs a country-level economic optimization, resulting in the minimum cost for the modelling system. Regionalization executed by the Wholesale Electricity Market Management Company (CAMMESA, by its Spanish acronym) that divides the country into eight regions. The characteristics and the needs of each region, their respective demands and supplies of electricity and natural gas, as well as existing and planned interconnections, consisting of power lines and pipelines were taken into account. According to the results obtained through the model, nuclear is a competitive option. (author) [es

  10. Crisis and Regional Integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dosenrode, Søren

    , Tunisia, Egypt …. ), where the crisis referred to could be humanitarian, environmental, economic, political … Europe, too, has also according to mass media, been a victim of a crisis, the financial one. Could ‘crisis’ be a beginning of enhanced regional integration? This paper will try to look...... at the processes of regional integration in relation to ‘crisis’ in Africa and Europe. First, this paper will look at the concept of ‘crisis’, before it moves on to discuss ‘regional integration’ and the correlation between the two, emphasizing the approaches of neo-functionalism and federal theory....... This is the basis for two short case studies of African and European regional integration. The paper tentative answers to the question: will the crisis in Africa and Europe respectively further or block regional integration? With a ‘that depends’. But the use of Federalism theory and neo-functionalism is seen...

  11. Recent transmission of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a prison population in southern Brazil. (United States)

    Reis, Ana Julia; David, Simone Maria Martini de; Nunes, Luciana de Souza; Valim, Andreia Rosane de Moura; Possuelo, Lia Gonçalves


    We conducted a cross-sectional, retrospective study, characterized by classical and molecular epidemiology, involving M. tuberculosis isolates from a regional prison in southern Brazil. Between January of 2011 and August of 2014, 379 prisoners underwent sputum smear microscopy and culture; 53 (13.9%) were diagnosed with active tuberculosis. Of those, 8 (22.9%) presented with isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis. Strain genotyping was carried out by 15-locus mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable-number tandem-repeat analysis; 68.6% of the patients were distributed into five clusters, and 87.5% of the resistant cases were in the same cluster. The frequency of drug-resistant tuberculosis cases and the rate of recent transmission were high. Our data suggest the need to implement an effective tuberculosis control program within the prison system. RESUMO Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, com isolados de M. tuberculosis de pacientes de um presídio regional no sul do Brasil, caracterizado através de epidemiologia clássica e molecular. Entre janeiro de 2011 e agosto de 2014, 379 detentos foram submetidos a baciloscopia e cultura, sendo 53 (13,9%) diagnosticados com tuberculose ativa. Desses, 8 (22,9%) apresentavam tuberculose resistente a isoniazida. A genotipagem das cepas foi realizada por 15-locus mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable number of tandem repeat analysis; 68,6% dos pacientes estavam distribuídos em cinco clusters, e 87,5% dos casos resistentes estavam em um mesmo cluster. Verificou-se uma frequência elevada de casos de resistência e alta taxa de transmissão recente. Estes dados sugerem a necessidade da implantação de um programa efetivo de controle da tuberculose no sistema prisional.

  12. Practices of spatial governance in regional and city-region making

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galland, Daniel; Larsen, Peter Wilgaard

    and public stakeholders. Since the implementation of the Danish municipal reform in 2007, this partnership-oriented body has advanced and implemented business development strategies (BDS) aimed at improving local conditions for economic growth. • Municipal Contact Councils (Kommunekontaktråd or KKR...... succeeded in 35 bringing together municipal directors and have developed into a significant regional player since the implementation of the structural reform a decade ago. • Business Region North Denmark (BRN) recently established as a collaborative body between the municipalities and the Region of North......A planning account concerned with the rise of ‘soft spaces’ and ‘fuzzy boundaries’ has been object of increasing attention since the past decade (Allmendinger and Haughton, 2007; Haughton et al, 2010). In addition to or in substitution of formal, regulatory spaces of planning and governance...

  13. OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maguire, Karen; Marsan, Giulia Ajmone; Nauwelaers, Claire

    This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth.......This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth....

  14. Regions and the Territorial Cohesion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioan Ianos


    Full Text Available Territorial cohesion is an important target of European Union, constantly promoted by its institutions and their representatives. In the context of the Europe 2020 strategy, one of the most important support documents, the region represents a very important issue, being considered to be the key to its successfulness. The region is seen as a support for the smart growth and all the operational policy concepts try to make use of the spatial potential, by taking better account of the territorial specificities. Two main questions play attention: the need to transform the present-day developmental regions into administrative ones is a priority? What kind of regionalization it must to be promoted? Correlating these issues with already defined territorial cohesion, the administrative region is a real tool for the future territorial development. The experience of the last 14 years asks urgently the building of a new territorial administrative reform, giving competences to regions. For instant, each development region is a construction resulted from a free association of the counties. Their role in the regional development is much reduced one, because their regional councils are not elected; decisions taken at this level are consultative for the social, economical, cultural or political actors.

  15. Cooperative monitoring of regional security agreements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pregenzer, A.L.; Vannoni, M.; Biringer, K.L. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States). Nonproliferation and Arms Control Analysis Dept.


    This paper argues that cooperative monitoring plays a critical role in the implementation of regional security agreements and confidence building measures. A framework for developing cooperative monitoring options is proposed and several possibilities for relating bilateral and regional monitoring systems to international monitoring systems are discussed. Three bilateral or regional agreements are analyzed briefly to illustrate different possibilities. These examples illustrate that the relationship of regional or bilateral arms control or security agreements to international agreements depends on a number of factors: the overlap of provisions between regional and international agreements; the degree of interest in a regional agreement among the international community; efficiency in implementing the agreement; and numerous political considerations. Given the importance of regional security to the international community, regions should be encouraged to develop their own infrastructure for implementing regional arms control and other security agreements. A regional infrastructure need not preclude participation in an international regime. On the contrary, establishing regional institutions for arms control and nonproliferation could result in more proactive participation of regional parties in developing solutions for regional and international problems, thereby strengthening existing and future international regimes. Possible first steps for strengthening regional infrastructures are identified and potential technical requirements are discussed.

  16. Teaching anti-corruption in the caucasus and black sea region(s

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Kruessmann


    Full Text Available There is hardly a topic in the current transformations that is as central as corruption. Anti-corruption efforts go back to the nineties when globalisation turned the world into a corporate playing field. Since then, a wealth of tools and instruments has been invented, and any student of anti-corruption can be certain to find abundant materials. From a teacher’s perspective, turning these materials into a coherent academic subject is the first challenge. But anti-corruption is not a subject like any other. If taught properly, it should challenge every student’s moral compass and become a catalyst for the development of professional ethics. Anybody who has ever been forced to pay bribes in a university setting will remember «turning red with shame». Bribing your teacher, as compared to a traffic police or customs officer, seems like the ultimate betrayal of the notion of the intellectual community between scholar/teacher and student, and it throws into doubt the entire system of values and goals that higher education stands for. In its effect, it is as pernicious as doping in sports. And when the shame is overcome, the result will be a graduate who is «street-wise», who is ready to play the game and expect nothing less from his or her colleagues. Against this background, the purpose of this paper is twofold. It serves as a reflection on the state of anti-corruption efforts in the Black Sea and Caucasus region(s and suggests a model how electronic resources could become a catalyst in bringing blended learning/teaching on anti-corruption to the region(s. At the same time, it develops the scholarly argument that the «toolkit box approach» favoured by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC is not sufficient to address the root causes of corruption in the region(s. As an alternative and to the extent that it concerns the Black Sea and Caucasus region(s, it is suggested to place anti-corruption more firmly into the context of

  17. Flow modelling of a newtonian fluid by two regions- the region of pure fluid and porous region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sampaio, R.; Gama, R.M.S. da


    A model of flow with two regions is presented using mixture theory. One region contains only pure fluid and the other a mixture of fluid and porous rigid solid. Compatibility conditons on the pure fluid-mixture interface are carefully discussed. The theory is used to solve a problem of a flow induced by pressure gradient and helicoidal motion of an impermeable cylinder on two rings one of pure fluid and another of mixture. (Author) [pt

  18. Epidemiologia das lesões traumáticas de alta energia em idosos


    Katz,Márcio; Okuma,Marcos Antônio Akira; Santos,Alexandre Leme Godoy dos; Guglielmetti,Cesar Luiz Betoni; Sakaki,Marcos Hideyo; Zumiotti,Arnaldo Valdir


    O aumento proporcional de idosos na população mundial associado à melhoria nas condições de saúde e suporte preventivo para essa faixa etária, permite forma de vida mais ativa, expondo-os a risco mais elevado de acidentes e traumas de alta energia. Esses pacientes têm características fisiológicas, doenças associadas, padrão comportamental e complicações pós-operatórias que levam a resposta sistêmica diferente dos demais grupos etários. Esse trabalho avaliou prospectivamente 28 pacientes com i...

  19. Dados de epidemiologia descritiva de transtornos mentais em grupos populacionais do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anastácio Ferreira Morgado


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são apresentados três tipos de dados sobre transtornos mentais: taxas de prevalência em amostras representativas, taxas de prevalência em estudos de famílias e o indicador de morbidade proporcional isto é, de proporções por diagnóstico entre pacientes internados em hospitais psiquiátricos do Brasil. Em relação a um inquérito epidemiológico, realizado em amostra representativa, a taxa de prevalência total foi de 20%, da qual 3,0%, 14,6%, 0,7%, 1,7% e 0,5% foram de alcoolismo, neuroses, psicoses, oligofrenia e síndrome orgânica do cérebro, respectivamente. A distribuição por sexo mostrou uma clara e esperada predominância de alcoolismo nos homens e de neuroses nas mulheres. Em um estudo voltado para a família de origem (pais e irmãos de 150 grandes consumidores de drogas, a taxa de prevalência total entre 796 familiares foi de 23,2% As taxas específicas de problemas associados ao álcool, dependência de drogas, psicoses, neuroses, epilepsia, transtorno anti-social da personalidade e outros diagnósticos foram, respectivamente, de 8,4%; 5,3%; 3,1%; 4,0%; 0,8%; 0,9% e 0,8%. Os problemas associados ao álcool predominaram nos pais e neuroses nas mães, enquanto dependência de drogas predominou nos irmãos dos 150 consumidores-índice. O perfil da assistência psiquiátrica brasileira é parcialmente visto através do indicador de proporções de primeiras internações nos hospitais psiquiátricos nacionais. Esse indicador é distribuído por diagnóstico, em série histórica, desde 1940 até 1977. Tais dados mostram que as primeiras internações têm aumentado nas últimas quatro décadas, com maiores proporções dos diagnósticos de esquizofrenia e alcoolismo e dependência de drogas. Há, porém, diferença nas proporções de diagnóstico entre o hospital público e o particular-conveniado; tal diferença e o referido aumento de primeiras internações são de suma importância para os programas da área de Saúde Mental.The authors present in this paper three types of data on mental disorders: prevalence rates in representative samples, prevalence rates (primary data in a family study and the indicators of diagnostics' proportion among the patients admitted to Brazilian psychiatric hospitals. Concerning to one survey carried out over representative samples, the overall prevalence rate was 20%, of which, 3.0%, 14.6%, 0. 7%, 1.1%, and 0.5% were due respectively to alcoholism, neurosis, psychosis, mental deficiency, and organic brain syndrome. The sex distribution has shown an overt but expected excess of alcoholism among the males, and neurosis among the females. In one study related to the original family (parents and siblings of 150 heavy drug abusers, the overall prevalence rate of mental disorders among 796 relatives of these 150 drug users was 23.2%, of which, 8.4%, 5.3%, 3.1%, 4.0%, 0.8%, 0.9%, and 0.8% were respectively due to alcohol related problems, drug addiction, psychosis, neurosis, epilepsy, antisocial personality and other diagnosis. The alcohol related problems were by far the most frequent among the fathers, drug addiction among the siblings, and neurosis among the mothers of those 150 index-patients. The characteristics of Brazil's psychiatric facilities are partially viewed by means of first admittion's indicator, at psychiatric wards. The proportion through the diagnosis is provided in a time-distribution table from 1940 to 1977. Such data shows that the first admittion rate has increased in the last four decades; the most frequent diagnosis have been schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug addiction. However, between the diagnostic profile of public hospitals and that of private ones, there is an outstanding difference. The former with an increased amount of serious disorders, while the latter shows a great number of lighters ones. Such findings are discussed with an aim of helping Mental Health Planning.

  20. Síndrome de Down: epidemiologia e alterações oftalmológicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Helena Tavares Lorena


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo do projeto de pesquisa é determinar a incidência das alterações oftalmológicas de crianças com a Síndrome de Down, as quais foram atendidas no Ambulatório de Especialidades Jardim Peri-Peri, no período de 7 de julho 2004 a 14 de outubro de 2009. MÉTODOS: Neste trabalho empregou-se um estudo observacional retrospectivo dos prontuários de 35 crianças com Síndrome de Down, 15 do sexo feminino e 20 do masculino, da raça branca e com 2 meses de idade. Os pacientes, no período em estudo, foram submetidos à avaliação oftalmológica que incluiu: -inspeção ocular; retinoscopia; biomicroscopia; mapeamento de Retina; teste de Milder; teste de observação da fluoresceína na orofaringe (TOFO. RESULTADOS: As crianças deste estudo foram examinadas desde 2 meses de idade e acompanhadas anualmente. As alterações oftalmológicas encontradas nas 35 crianças com a Síndrome de Down foram: fissura palpebral oblíqua em 100%, epicanto em 70%, vasos supranumerários nas arcadas ao exame de mapeamento de retina em 100%,manchas de Brushfield em 48,57% ,blefarite em 42,85%, obstrução da via lacrimal excretora em 25,71%, miopia em 14,28%, astigmatismo em 14,28%, ambliopia em 2,85%, estrabismo convergente em 11,42%, estrabismo divergente em 5,71%, nistagmo em 2,85%, ectrópio em 5,71%, catarata congênita em 2,85%. CONCLUSÃO: Neste trabalho verificou-se a alta incidência de patologias oftalmológicas em crianças com a síndrome de Down, tais como: blefarites, obstrução da via lacrimal excretora, erros refracionais, estrabismos e catarata etc. As alterações oftalmológicas são muito importantes para alertar os pais das crianças com síndrome de Down, quanto ao seu tratamento precoce proporcionando melhora na acuidade visual e no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor dessas crianças.

  1. Epidemiologia de lesões musculoesqueléticas em praticantes amadores de futebol

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prudêncio Gonçalves, Marcus Victor; Onaka, Giuliano Moreto; Das Graças, Dayana; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; Martinez, Paula Felippe; De Oliveira-Júnior, Silvio Assis


    The present study analyzed the athletic injuries prevalence among soccer practitioners according with the practice frequency and physical activity level. Studied sample included 126 regular and amateur soccer players in different sport centers from Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. The volunteers were

  2. Region segmentation along image sequence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monchal, L.; Aubry, P.


    A method to extract regions in sequence of images is proposed. Regions are not matched from one image to the following one. The result of a region segmentation is used as an initialization to segment the following and image to track the region along the sequence. The image sequence is exploited as a spatio-temporal event. (authors). 12 refs., 8 figs

  3. RCA's regional industrial project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, A.T.


    The Regional Cooperation Agreement (RCA) for Research Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology, formulated under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), came into force in June 1972. The overall objective of RCA is to promote technical cooperation among the developing and developed countries in the Asia Pacific region in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and related technology. Currently, the biggest project under RCA is the Regional Project on the Industrial Applications of Isotopes and Radiation Technology for Asia and the Pacific. The project was established in 1982 for a period of five years and was completed in December 1986. The first phase of the project has generated a high degree of awareness on the industrial potential of isotopes and radiation technology throughout the region; produced a cadre of trained manpower in all areas covered by the project; identified the expertise available in the region; and developed in the region, a unique network of people and institutions involved with the utilization of isotope and radiation technology. A Phase II of the project, which cover all but one of the sub-projects under Phase I, was approved in early 1987 for another five years until 1991. (Nogami, K.)

  4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regional alternative transportation evaluation : region 6 (United States)


    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center (Volpe Center) conducted a regional alternative transportation evaluation (RATE) in Region 6, which is comprised of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebra...

  5. Challenges from variation across regions in cost effectiveness analysis in multi-regional clinical trials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yunbo Chu


    Full Text Available Economic evaluation in the form of cost-effectiveness analysis has become a popular means to inform decisions in healthcare. With multi-regional clinical trials in a global development program becoming a new venue for drug efficacy testing in recent decades, questions in methods for cost-effectiveness analysis in the multi-regional clinical trials setting also emerge. This paper addresses some challenges from variation across regions in cost effectiveness analysis in multi-regional clinical trials. Several discussion points are raised for further attention and a multi-regional clinical trial example is presented to illustrate the implications in industrial application. A general message is delivered to call for a depth discussion by all stakeholders to reach an agreement on a good practice in cost-effectiveness analysis in the multi-regional clinical trials. Meanwhile, we recommend an additional consideration of cost-effectiveness analysis results based on the clinical evidence from a certain homogeneous population as sensitivity or scenario analysis upon data availability.

  6. Neuroretinite unilateral subaguda difusa (DUSN: atualização continuada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Antonio Marques Rosa


    Full Text Available A neurorretinite subaguda difusa unilateral (DUSN é uma forma de uveíte que pode potencialmente levar à cegueira. No Brasil e em outras partes da América do Sul, a neurorretinite subaguda difusa unilateral cada vez mais é considerada uma causa importante de uveíte posterior em crianças e em adultos jovens e saudáveis. Se diagnosticada e tratada ainda em fase inicial, permite uma resolução dos sintomas com melhora da acuidade visual. Caso progrida para a fase tardia, poderá acarretar uma perda visual significativa. Nesse estudo, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, descreve-se as principais características desta doença, incluindo os seguintes aspectos: histórico, etiologia, fisiopatologia, quadro clínico, diagnóstico, diagnóstico diferencial e tratamento.

  7. Cooperative monitoring of regional security agreements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pregenzer, A.L.; Vannoni, M.; Biringer, K.L.


    This paper argues that cooperative monitoring plays a critical role in the implementation of regional security agreements and confidence building measures. A framework for developing cooperative monitoring options is proposed and several possibilities for relating bilateral and regional monitoring systems to international monitoring systems are discussed. Three bilateral or regional agreements are analyzed briefly to illustrate different possibilities: (1) the demilitarization of the Sinai region between Israel and Egypt in the 1970s; (2) the 1991 quadripartite agreement for monitoring nuclear facilities among Brazil, Argentina, The Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials and the International Atomic Energy Agency; and (3) a bilateral Open Skies agreement between Hungary and Romania in 1991. These examples illustrate that the relationship of regional or bilateral arms control or security agreements to international agreements depends on a number of factors: the overlap of provisions between regional and international agreements; the degree of interest in a regional agreement among the international community; efficiency in implementing the agreement; and numerous political considerations.Given the importance of regional security to the international community, regions should be encouraged to develop their own infrastructure for implementing regional arms control and other security agreements. A regional infrastructure need not preclude participation in an international regime. On the contrary, establishing regional institutions for arms control and nonproliferation could result in more proactive participation of regional parties in developing solutions for regional and international problems, thereby strengthening existing and future international regimes. Possible first steps for strengthening regional infrastructures are identified and potential technical requirements are discussed.

  8. Desarrollo multinivel: Implicaciones macro-regional, local y micro- regional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Guadalupe Vargas Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propone analizar las implicaciones del desarrollo en los niveles macro-regional, local y micro- regional, a partir de la hipótesis central de la teoría del desarrollo que plantea que el desarrollo económico traerá consigo el desarrollo político y social. Después de hacer de un acercamiento conceptual al desarrollo, se repasan brevemente las teorías del desarrollo existentes como herramientas de análisis de la realidad. En la discusión se concluye que los procesos de desarrollo locales y regionales requieren de una transformación sustancial de las relaciones negociadas entre los agentes económicos y los actores políticos. Ante el paulatino retroceso que en las sociedades contemporáneas está teniendo el Estado de bienestar, uno de los principales retos es el empoderamiento de las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias para que desempeñen activamente su rol en los procesos de desarrollo local y regional.

  9. Regional versus local influences on lead and cadmium loading to the Great Lakes region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yohn, S.; Long, D.; Fett, J.; Patino, L. [Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (United States). Dept. of Geological Science


    Environmental legislation has reduced the anthropogenic loadings of Pb and Cd to the Great Lakes region over the past 3 decades. However, the accumulation rates of these metals still remain above background values. Because environmental legislation was targeted at major sources (e.g., Pb in gasoline) whose influence on the environment was on a regional scale, local sources (e.g., watershed scale) for the metals may now play a more significant role. The relative importance of regional versus local scale influences on metal inputs to the environment is poorly understood. In this study, sediment chronologies of Pb and Cd were examined from 12 inland lakes that cover the broad geographic area of the State of Michigan. These chronologies were compared temporally and spatially and to watershed population densities and metal production records to gain an understanding of local and regional influences on metal inputs to the Great Lakes region. Results show that anthropogenic Pb loading during the 1930s and 1970s was dominated by regional sources. such as coal burning and use of leaded gasoline. Current loadings are now more related to local influences such as watershed population densities, rather than atmospheric deposition. Anthropogenic Cd loadings to the Great Lakes region have been dominated by both regional and local sources over time. Lead may also have shown the influence of local sources over time, if the influence of emissions from gasoline had not been present. This work shows that Pb and Cd loadings in the Great Lakes region are strongly related to watershed population densities; however, the specific sources and pathways for the metal cycling are unclear.

  10. Full institutionalisation of regionalism in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Wilgaard; Galland, Daniel

    As an ism referring to “political movements which demand greater control over the affairs of the regional territory by the people residing in that territory” (Keating, 1997:5), regionalism has influenced policy makers on EU, national, and regional levels to denote regions the intrinsic role...... (Halkier, 2008: 2). This understanding of regionalism as a process of institutionalisation corresponds with Mansfield & Solingen’s definition on regionalism as a process of institution creation … marked by cooperation and policy coordination. Thus, regionalism is a process that engages actors (2010: 146...

  11. Etiology of Childhood Infectious Diarrhea in a Developed Region of China: Compared to Childhood Diarrhea in a Developing Region and Adult Diarrhea in a Developed Region. (United States)

    Wang, Xin; Wang, Jing; Sun, Hao; Xia, Shengli; Duan, Ran; Liang, Junrong; Xiao, Yuchun; Qiu, Haiyan; Shan, Guangliang; Jing, Huaiqi


    In China, great differences in economy, social characteristics and hygiene exist between developing and developed regions. A comparative study of infectious diarrhea between two regions was needed. Three groups of diarrheal patients were collected: children ≤5 year-olds from Beijing (developed region) and Henan Province (developing region), and adults over 18 year-olds from Beijing. A questionnaire was used to survey and feces samples were examined for 16 enteropathogens. We enrolled 1422 children and 1047 adults from developed region and 755 children from developing region. Virus positive rates were 32.98% for children and 23.67% for adults in developed region. The most prevalent pathogen for children was rotavirus whereas for adults was norovirus. Bacterial isolation rates were 13.92% for children from developed region, while 29.14% for children from the developing regions. For the greatest difference, Shigella accounted for 50.79% and was the dominant pathogen in the developing region, whereas in the developed region it was only 1.45%. There was no significant relationship between the local levels of development with diarrheogenic Escherichia coli (DEC) categories. But it was seen the notable differences between the population with different age: enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC) and enteroaggregative E.coli (EAggEC) were the primary classes of DEC in children from both regions, whereas it was enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) in adults. The symptoms of Shigella and Salmonella infection, such as bloody stools, white blood cells (WBC) and red blood cells (RBC) positivity and fever were similar in children, which may lead to the misidentification. Yersinia enterocolitica and shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) infections were firstly reported in Beijing. There was a large difference in etiology of bacterial diarrhea between children in developing and developed regions of China.

  12. Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klatt, Martin


    3 bidrag til leksikon over Sønderjylland: Dansk Generalsekretariat, dansk foreningsliv, Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig......3 bidrag til leksikon over Sønderjylland: Dansk Generalsekretariat, dansk foreningsliv, Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig...

  13. The north-east Baffin Bay region, offshore Greenland - a new frontier petroleum exploration region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gregersen, U. (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen (Denmark))


    In recent years the Arctic has come into focus for hydrocarbon exploration, and areas offshore both West and East Greenland have been evaluated as promising frontier hydrocarbon provinces. Seven hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation licenses were awarded in 2007-2008 offshore the Disko-Nuussuaq region, and two more have been awarded in the open-door region offshore south-western Greenland. In 2007, an extensive amount of new seismic and aero-magnetic data was acquired by the TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company in the north-eastern Baffin Bay region. Geophysical mapping has been initiated by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) in the Melville Bugt region offshore North-West Greenland with the purpose of evaluating the hydrocarbon prospectivity. Initial interpretation of seismic and gravity data suggests the presence of deep sedimentary basins separated by structural highs. Geological information on source rock, reservoir rock and seal intervals from surrounding regions suggest that the Melville Bugt region is likely to have a significant petroleum potential. The study is based on public domain magnetic and gravity data, and all proprietary and public 2-D seismic data acquired before 2003. Seismic horizons from the 'seismic basement' to 'base Quaternary' are being interpreted regionally. Based on the seismic interpretation, a structural element map, depth-structure maps and isopach maps will be produced in order to assess the prospectivity of the Melville Bugt region. (au)

  14. Regional PET/CT after water gastric inflation for evaluating loco-regional disease of gastric cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Soo Jin; Lee, Won Woo; Yoon, Hai-Jeon; Lee, Ho-Young; Lee, Kyoung Ho; Kim, Young Hoon; Park, Do Joong; Kim, Hyung-Ho; So, Young


    Objective: We aimed to improve diagnostic accuracy of 18 F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT for gastric cancer with water gastric inflation. Materials and methods: 44 gastric cancer patients (M:F = 30:14, age ± std = 62.1 ± 14.5y) were enrolled before surgery. Fifty minutes after injection of FDG (0.14 mCi/kg body weight), whole body PET/CT was performed first and then regional PET/CT over gastric area was obtained 80 min post FDG injection after water gastric inflation. Diagnostic accuracies for loco-regional lesions were compared between whole body and regional PET/CT. Results: 48 primary tumors (23 EGC and 25 AGC) and 348 LN stations (61 metastatic and 287 benign) in 44 patients were investigated. Primary tumor sensitivity of whole body PET/CT (50% = 24/48) was significantly improved by regional PET/CT (75% = 36/48, p < 0.005). Sensitivity of whole body PET/CT (24.6% = 15/61) for LN metastasis was also significantly improved by regional PET/CT (36.1% = 22/61, p < 0.01), whereas specificity of whole body PET/CT (99.3% = 285/287) was not compromised by regional PET/CT (98.3% = 282/287, p > 0.05). Higher primary tumor FDG uptake in regional PET/CT indicated shorter progress-free survival (p = 0.0003). Conclusion: Diagnostic accuracy of whole body PET/CT for loco-regional disease of gastric cancer could be significantly improved by regional PET/CT after water gastric inflation and prognosis could be effectively predicted by primary tumor FDG uptake in regional PET/CT

  15. Regional Development of Eastern Slovakia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monika Hergezelová


    Full Text Available Purpose and Originality: The aim of the work is to provide an overview of regional development in Eastern Slovakia, where are Košice and Prešov Region. The originality of the work lies in the work of enriching the SWOT analysis from the author Eve Rajčáková, which is given in the book deals with the issue of Regional development and regional policy of the European Union and Slovakia. Research question: The conditions of life of people in eastern Slovakia. Method: For writing this contribution will be used method of analysis and statistics. Knowledge on this subject have been looking on the internet and in books and sources of information publicly available. Using the data collected, we dealt with the issue of regional development in the Košice and Prešov regions. Results: The topic was the beginning focused on the overall characteristics of eastern Slovakia. Furthermore, we are at work we dealt with social and economic phenomena in both regions of eastern Slovakia. We focused on GDP, unemployment and tourism, which is in the region is widespread. Society: It is well known that there are obviously different living conditions in eastern Slovakia as in other parts of Slovakia. People are forced to, mainly because of employment, leave their region to move or commute to work to the west. The paper point out the right of this negative phenomenon that is quite visible - high unemployment. Limitations: The limits of work are limited by problems of regional development in eastern Slovakia, mainly focusing on economic and social phenomena in the society.

  16. Regional Competitive Intelligence: Benchmarking and Policymaking


    Huggins , Robert


    Benchmarking exercises have become increasingly popular within the sphere of regional policymaking in recent years. The aim of this paper is to analyse the concept of regional benchmarking and its links with regional policymaking processes. It develops a typology of regional benchmarking exercises and regional benchmarkers, and critically reviews the literature, both academic and policy oriented. It is argued that critics who suggest regional benchmarking is a flawed concept and technique fai...

  17. Networking in gendered regional development


    Mona Hedfeldt; Gun Hedlund


    The present Swedish regionalization process creates a lack of institutionalisation called the "regional mess" (Stegmann McCallion 2008:587). According to a state investigation, Sweden has a "fragmented growth- and development policy as well as a weak and unclear regional organisation of society" (SOU 2007:10:18). Old and new structures are intertwined and the question emerges if this situation may create a space for women regarding regional development (Hedfeldt & Hedlund 2009). A multi-level...

  18. 32 CFR 1605.7 - Region Manager. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Region Manager. 1605.7 Section 1605.7 National... ORGANIZATION Region Administration § 1605.7 Region Manager. (a) Subject to the direction and control of the Director of Selective Service, the Region Manager of Selective Service for each region shall be in...


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    Full Text Available Local governance is a broad concept and is defined as the formulation and execution of collective action at the local level. The purpose of local government is to ensure effective and efficient use of public resources and service delivery at the level closest to citizens. Regional development is a new concept that aims to stimulate and diversify the economic activity of a country (region, to encourage investment in the private sector, to create a new jobs vacancy and improves living standards of the country. Regional development policies are a number of measures designed and promoted by the central and local administration, but the cooperation undertaken at the actors are in a different one, which included the private sector and civil society. At the center of these regional policies or practices is the use of efficient potential of each region, being particularly focused on business, means promoting the development of the new enterprises, promoting labor market and investment, improve the quality of environment, health , education and culture. Traditional objective of regional development policies is the reduction of territorial disparities for achieving a relative balance between economic and social levels of development in different areas in the national territory. Regional development is the actual task of local government units in Albania, and is one of the tasks and challenges of the future. Currently it takes a special importance in the context of European Union integration. Reforms have begun to change the system in 1990 in order to implement local democracy and decentralization principles that are present today. Inequalities that exist within the region and between them indicate that in some regions the economic potential is not being fully utilized, and that it reduces the overall performance in national level.

  20. Fiber Strain Measurement for Wide Region Quasidistributed Sensing by Optical Correlation Sensor with Region Separation Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xunjian Xu


    Full Text Available The useful application of optical pulse correlation sensor for wide region quasidistributed fiber strain measurement is investigated. Using region separation techniques of wavelength multiplexing with FBGs and time multiplexing with intensity partial reflectors, the sensor measures the correlations between reference pulses and monitoring pulses from several cascadable selected sensing regions. This novel sensing system can select the regions and obtain the distributed strain information in any desired sensing region.

  1. The region matters: A comparative analysis of regional energy efficiency in Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruiz-Fuensanta, María J.


    Owing to its strategic nature, the Spanish energy policy is primarily the responsibility of the central state. In spite of this, the Spanish legal code does in fact also confer certain powers to territorial governments in Spain, the Autonomous Communities. The objective of this work is specifically to investigate the differences between the energy performance of Spanish regions, which may be a consequence of specific features of their productive structures and resource endowments, in addition to the specific decisions adopted by each of them within the scope for action that they have in this area. With this aim in mind, we intend to calculate the inefficiency levels of Spanish regions as regards their use of various energy sources during the period 2003–2008, by estimating an environmental directional distance function. The results obtained confirm the existence of significant differences in the behaviour and evolution of regional energy efficiency and point to the need to pay more attention to energy planning in this territorial sphere. - Highlights: • Energy efficiency of Spanish regions by energy source is investigated. • The environmental directional distance function is used for the analysis. • Significant differences among regions in energy efficiency are observed. • Level of development and industrialization are not determinant to explain them.

  2. Shaping Regional Strategies of Multinational Corporations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich; Heinicke, Patrick; Rasche, Andreas

    This paper examines the factors that drive the success of multinational corporations (MNCs) in their pursuit of regional strategies. We develop a comprehensive regional success factor model to investigate the effects of regional management autonomy and regional product/service adaption...... management autonomy and regional product/service adaption are higly contingent upon contextual influences on MNCs....

  3. Entrepreneurship and regional development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Müller, Sabine

    This literature review examines how entrepreneurship and regional development has been previously addressed theoretically and empirically. Regional Science and Entrepreneurship are two fields with their own distinct literature's. The question is therefore, how do these two fields talk about...... the respective other? What are the commonalities and differences? The purpose of this article is to create an analytical synthesis by combining the insights of the two literature's in order to gain a fuller understanding of the relation between entrepreneurship and regional development....

  4. LLNL's Regional Seismic Discrimination Research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanley, W; Mayeda, K; Myers, S; Pasyanos, M; Rodgers, A; Sicherman, A; Walter, W


    As part of the Department of Energy's research and development effort to improve the monitoring capability of the planned Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty international monitoring system, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLNL) is testing and calibrating regional seismic discrimination algorithms in the Middle East, North Africa and Western Former Soviet Union. The calibration process consists of a number of steps: (1) populating the database with independently identified regional events; (2) developing regional boundaries and pre-identifying severe regional phase blockage zones; (3) measuring and calibrating coda based magnitude scales; (4a) measuring regional amplitudes and making magnitude and distance amplitude corrections (MDAC); (4b) applying the DOE modified kriging methodology to MDAC results using the regionalized background model; (5) determining the thresholds of detectability of regional phases as a function of phase type and frequency; (6) evaluating regional phase discriminant performance both singly and in combination; (7) combining steps 1-6 to create a calibrated discrimination surface for each stations; (8) assessing progress and iterating. We have now developed this calibration procedure to the point where it is fairly straightforward to apply earthquake-explosion discrimination in regions with ample empirical data. Several of the steps outlined above are discussed in greater detail in other DOE papers in this volume or in recent publications. Here we emphasize the results of the above process: station correction surfaces and their improvement to discrimination results compared with simpler calibration methods. Some of the outstanding discrimination research issues involve cases in which there is little or no empirical data. For example in many cases there is no regional nuclear explosion data at IMS stations or nearby surrogates. We have taken two approaches to this problem, first finding and using mining explosion data when available, and

  5. Regional Seismic Threshold Monitoring

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Kvaerna, Tormod


    ... model to be used for predicting the travel times of regional phases. We have applied these attenuation relations to develop and assess a regional threshold monitoring scheme for selected subregions of the European Arctic...

  6. Renewable generation across Italian regions: Spillover effects and effectiveness of European Regional Fund

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carfora, Alfonso; Romano, Antonio A.; Ronghi, Monica; Scandurra, Giuseppe


    This paper investigates on the determinant factors that drive the Italian regions toward a sustainable development path and evaluates the effectiveness of European Regional Development incentives in promoting investments in renewable energy sources (RES). Starting from the consideration that there are spillover effects between similar regions, first we identify the factors that capture these similarities, then we use them to evaluate their relevance in determining the success of the investments in RES. An econometric analysis, based on the use of spatial panel specification model, is implemented to support the hypotheses. Two important results emerge from the study. The first is the identification of regional determinants of RES production, that are driven by the similarities between regions, and that can be interpreted as guidelines in the policy choices in support of investments. The second is the lack of effectiveness of the incentives in support of RES. Results indicate that the capacity of some regional governments to direct the funds allocated by the central government or European Commission towards efficient production of renewable energy is likely limited, and these incentives have been undone. - Highlights: • Investments in renewable energies makes a remarkable contribution to reduce unemployment. • In Italy there is a lack of effectiveness of the incentives in support of renewable energies. • To attract energy investments regions must reduce the burden of taxation. • Highly deprived areas incentivize more than the developed ones renewable energies. • Production of renewable energies is directly influenced by the production in similar regions.

  7. How to Apply Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Regional Developments (Case: Ostrobothnia Region of Finland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takala Josu


    Full Text Available Nowadays companies concern more about how to survive and extend their own business in future in their current marketplace. However, developing and prospering a region of the country is becoming more crucial question. Successful cooperation and partnership between different sectors of economy (for instance, between companies, public and academic sectors leads to the flourishing and prosperity of the region and consequently of a country. European Commission established smart specialization platform, which is a strategic approach to economic development of a region. By defining and developing of vision, competitive advantages and strategic preferences, region will determine knowledge-based potential. The purpose of this paper is to assign and define the collaboration/relations existed, how strong these relations are and what the expectations are between 3 sectors of economy: public, academic and business. Area of carrying out this research is Ostrobothnia region, however, connections in other regions of Finland and internationally is also presented. There have been chosen 3 industrial peaks from Ostrobothnia region: Energy, Fur and Boat industrial peaks. Analysis is conducted by implementing two core methods: Sense & Respond (S&R and Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA. The goal of this research is also to use S&R method so as to allocate efficiently resources, and to define competitive priorities in cooperation. The main results show that the most tight collaboration and partnership is observed between companies and companies in all around Finland and internationally. While concerning other relationships, companies expect to have tighter cooperation especially in Ostrobothnia and other regions of Finland.

  8. Drycleaner Database - Region 7 (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — THIS DATA ASSET NO LONGER ACTIVE: This is metadata documentation for the Region 7 Drycleaner Database (R7DryClnDB) which tracks all Region7 drycleaners who notify...

  9. Overview of the regional geology of the Paradox Basin Study Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Geologic Project Manager for the Paradox Basin Salt Region (PBSR), Woodward-Clyde Consultants, has conducted geologic studies to characterize the region and evaluate selected geologic formations as potential repositories for the storage and disposal of nuclear waste. Evaluations have been made from the standpoint of engineering feasibility, safety, public health, and resource conflicts. The Regulatory Project Manager for the PBSR, Bechtel National, Inc., has performed environmental characterizations to ensure that data on ecological, socioeconomic, and other environmental factors required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 are considered. This report characterizes, at a regional overview level of detail, the Paradox Basin Study Region Geology. Information sources include the published literature, field trip guidebooks, open file data of the US Geological Survey (USGC) and Utah Geologic and Mineral Survey, university theses, Geo-Ref Computer Search, and various unpublished sources of subsurface data such as well logs. Existing information has been synthesized and characterized. No field work was conducted as part of this study. Where possible, attempts were made to evaluate the data. All results of this study are subject to change as more data become available

  10. Siberian Regional Identity in the Context of Historical Consciousness (Content Analysis of Tomsk Regional Media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A V Bocharov


    Full Text Available The article presents a model to study the Siberian regional identity in the context of historical consciousness, as well as the results of its practical application in the content analysis of the publications by the Tomsk regional media. On the basis of the content analysis procedures the author demonstrates how, through historical memory, the regional identity is formed and manifested in the regional media in various spheres of society.

  11. Malaysia in international regional relationships

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamarulnizam Abdullah


    The changes in the international system saw the structure and survival issues that grip the country will also change. The main challenge to the nation is how to adapt these changes that running quite rapidly and outside the country's ability to cope alone. Issues and global structural changes also affect the international system of East Asia region that contains two important sub-Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. Changes inherent in both these sub certainly affect the foreign policy and diplomacy, security and bilateral relations between Malaysia and other countries. Malaysia is not a global power capable of changing the international system. However, Malaysia is an important country in East Asia that has contributed to the prosperity of this region. The big question is how to adapt these changes into the Malaysia international regional policy and bilateral relations? What extent international issues affecting the regional survival of the country? What is the contribution to regional stability of Malaysia? This book explores the impact of selective regional issues to Malaysia, while also discussing the role and response to changes in regional Malaysia since the country gained independence. (author)

  12. Regional differences in family poverty


    Robert K. Triest


    Poverty rates vary considerably over regions, as do the demographic characteristics of the poor, but why the extent of poverty varies as much as it does across different regions of the country is not fully understood. This is an unfortunate gap in our knowledge, since it is difficult to analyze how recent changes in federal anti-poverty policy will affect the regional distribution of poverty without a better understanding of current regional differences in the poverty rate.> The main goal of ...

  13. 10 CFR 500.3 - Electric regions-electric region groupings for reliability measurements under the Powerplant and... (United States)


    ... System (APS)—7, except Duquesne Light Company. 2. American Electric Power System (AEP)—entire AEP System... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Electric regions-electric region groupings for reliability... of electric regions for use with regard to the Act. The regions are identified by FERC Power Supply...

  14. Geotourizm marketing in Lake Constance’ region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Gerner


    Full Text Available Aim of this work is to evaluate factors responsible for these developments and to show chances for other regions by adopting thismarketing strategy. Besides marketing, interaction of tourism, industry and state was important. Many reasons can be found that shouldresult in a worse development of the region around the Lake of Constance . But instead, today this region has a higher populationgrowth than the average of Baden-Württemberg and is the best economic region outside of urban centers. Scientists spoke aboutan overheated economic growth during the last years that in 2008 comes to a normal but still high level. To attract high potentialworkers and engineers to support further growth, the region has one main advantage to many other regions – its environment. In caseof “Lake of Constance” region, different marketing strategies were used. The complexity of successful marketing for a region is highand finding the right combination of marketing strategies is difficult but can positively influence the development of a region, itseconomy and tourism. At the same time, the marketing for economy and tourism positively reflects degree of popularity in the region.

  15. The D-region of the ionosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitra, A.P.


    The D-region of the ionosphere, traditionally defined as the region of ionization below 100 km, is a link between the non-ionized stratosphere below and the dense plasma above. In it, minor neutral constituents play a dominant role and chemical reactions, both neutral and ionic, are dominant. It plays a very important role in the propagation of radiowaves at all frequencies below 30 MHz, and is particularly important in effecting communication over areas of the earth, such as polar regions, that are inaccessible to synchronous satellite links. Work which has been carried out on the neutral environment, D-region ionization, positive and negative ions found in the D-region, disturbances in the D-region (of solar origin and due to local dynamics or thermal changes), and the chemistry of the region, is considered. Possible future D-region studies are outlined. (UK)

  16. Second region of stability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greene, J.M.; Chance, M.S.


    A new type of axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium is presented. It is characterized by a region of pressure and safety factor variation with a short scale length imposed as a perturbation. The equilibrium consistent with these profile variations can be calculated by means of an asymptotic expansion. The flexibility obtained by generating such equilibria allows for a close examination of the mechanisms that are relevant to ballooning instabilities - ideal MHD modes with large toroidal mode number. The so-called first and second regions of stability against these modes are seen well within the limits of validity of the asymptotic expansion. It appears that the modes must be localized in regions with small values of the local shear of the magnetic field. The second region of stability occurs where the local shear is large throughout the range where the magnetic field line curvature is destabilizing

  17. Regional utvikling og partnerskap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halkier, H.; Gjertsen, A.


    Since the beginning of the 1990s, Danish regional policy has changed dramatically. As of January 1991, all central government incentive schemes were terminated, and since then the main components of spatial economic policy have been a host of subnational initiatives and the European Structural...... in European matters as envisaged in the ?Europe of the Regions? slogan. The aim of this chapter is to examine the transformation of regional policy in Denmark from the perspective of political decentralization and Europeanization in order to establish to what extent recent changes have increased the capacity...... of Danish regions to pursue their own agendas with regard to economic development, and explore the organizational strategies pursued by varies tiers of government in this process of rapid and profound policy change. The text is divided into three parts. The following section provides a brief outline...

  18. Dust in H II regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isobe, S.


    Several pieces of evidence indicate that H II regions may contain dust: 1) the continuum light scattered by dust grains (O'Dell and Hubbard, 1965), 2) thermal radiation from dust grains at infrared wavelengths (Ney and Allen, 1969), 3) the abnormal helium abundance in some H II regions (Peimbert and Costero, 1969), etc. Although observations of the scattered continuum suggest that the H II region cores may be dust-free, dust grains and gas must be well mixed in view of the infrared observations. This difficulty may be solved by introducing globules with sizes approximately 0.001 pc. These globules and the molecular clouds adjacent to H II regions are the main sources supplying dust to H II regions. (Auth.)


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    Denys Yu. Lapigin


    Full Text Available Currently the tools to identify strategicallyimportant objectives of regional development is not enough to build a developmentperspective, relying on something special,what distinguishes each region from therest. The article discusses approaches to the formation of the regional developmentstrategy, which is based on goals set by the results of the analysis of the main factors inthe development of the region. The study is based on the methodology of systems theoryand methods of strategic management. The most important results should include tools tobuild the tree of strategic objectives resultingfrom the implementation of the algorithm forconstructing planes of analysis and development of the region. The results can be used to develop a strategy for the developmentof socio-economic systems of various typesand forms.

  20. Local, Regional or Global?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geisler Asmussen, Christian

    to be consistent with models of internationalization that incorporate different assumptions about strategic choice and global competition. Preliminary results show that large multinationals follow home region oriented internationalization paths, although much of the regional effect reported by previous studies...

  1. "Mature Regionalism" and the Genesis of "Functional Projects": "Educational Regionalism" in Small (and Micro-States) (United States)

    Jules, Tavis D.


    This article advances that the movement towards "deeper" Caribbean integration has generated a shift from "immature" regionalism to a "mature" form of regionalism. Thus, mature regionalism, a new governance mechanism, in regulating the institutional and legal framework of Caribbean Single Market and Economy is…

  2. Evaluating the Impact of Regional Marketing Projects on the Development of Regions from Different Stakeholder Perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kunze Kim-Kathrin


    Full Text Available In the competition for economically attractive stakeholders, regions have to implement strategies to gain and adhere those interest groups. Empirical studies concerning the migration motivations show that it is not only labor market but also soft locational factors of the social environment, nature and landscape that are of high importance: A majority of the population is willing to move or rather stay at a special place because of such soft locational factors. This study examines the impact of regional marketing projects on the development of regions from the perspectives of inhabitants and tourists as well as general attributes to measure a region’s attractiveness from the perspective of high potentials. We argue that those projects that fit to the region and its unique selling propositions contribute to positioning and building location brand value. We show that projects have a socio-economic effect on the attitude towards regions and contribute to building location brand value. An analysis of group differences shows that the project influence on the region and region attractiveness are perceived in significantly different manner depending on the knowledge level of the stakeholder group. Consequently, one should increase the awareness of marketing activities and regions and focus on soft locational factors while establishing and positioning a region brand.


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    Shyshpanova Nataliia


    Full Text Available Introduction. Formation and implementation of the budget policy of the regions in Ukraine is directly related to the processes of decentralization of power, increase of budget powers and strengthening of financial capacity of the territories. Formation of balanced local budgets and support of an effective system of managing budget resources is a key to strengthening the economic potential of the regions and increasing the well-being of citizens. The purpose of this article is to assess the current concepts of the fiscal policy of the region in Ukraine and to determine the impact of fiscal policy on the socio-economic development of the regions. Results. In this article the essence and content of budget policy are considered, the interpretation of different scientists is presented. An author’s approach to the definition of the essence of the budget policy of the region as a set of economic and administrative measures in the budget sphere, determined by the interrelated goals and objectives of the state and local self-government, aimed at the socio-economic development of the territory. The conceptual model of the fiscal policy of the region is presented and it is determined that the strategic goal of fiscal policy at the local level should be to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the territories. The main principles that need to be observed during the implementation of the budget policy of the region are described; functions to be performed by local level fiscal policy; and the main tools by which local authorities carry out their functions. Conclusions. It is noted that the content of the budget policy of the region should be to determine the course, tasks and directions of the state and local self-government activities in the field of the formation and use of budget funds. The budget policy of the region should respond to a combination of the following systemic challenges: 1. the restoration of economic growth, as soon as

  4. The role of regional pollution conventions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haywar, P.


    Within the last 12 years a number of regional pollution conventions and action plans have been negotiated to protect the world's seas from pollution. This paper traces the development of this activity and points out the specific role of regional, as opposed to global, pollution conventions. Chief among the functions of regional conventions is the specific legal framework they provide for a particular geographical region. They also provide a forum for neighboring states to develop a coherent policy for a particular regional sea, as well as being the means of establishing regional control over potentially polluting activities. Regional agreements also constitute a suitable framework for monitoring the input of pollutants to the marine environment and assessing their effects. In addition, they provide a forum for the exchange of scientific and technical information and for developing cooperation between states. The paper concludes by summarizing the most important functions of a regional convention and suggesting that, with increasing industrialization and pollution stress, there will continue to be a need for action to be taken at the regional level

  5. Water masers in NGC7538 region (United States)

    Kameya, Osamu

    We observed H2O masers towards NGC7538 molecular-cloud core using VERA (VLBI Experiment of Radio Astrometry). This region is in the Perseus arm at a distance of about 2.7 kpc and is famous for its multiple, massive star formation. There are three areas there, N(IRS1-3), E(IRS9), and S(IRS11), each having a strong IR source(s), ultra-compact HII region(s), bipolar outflow, high-density core, and OH/H2O/CH3OH masers. We made differential VLBI observations towards the NGC7538 H2O maser sources at N and S and a reference source, Cepheus A H2O maser, simultaneously. The Cepheus A region is separated by 2 degrees from the NGC7538 region. The positions of H2O masers in N and S regions, distributed around the ultra-compact HII regions, are basically consistent with those found by means of interferometric observations of past 29 years. The masers may come from interface regions between the ultra-compact HII regions and the environments of dense molecular gas.

  6. Emergence of regional clusters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Michael S.; Østergaard, Christian Richter; Dalum, Bent


    The literature on regional clusters has increased considerably during the last decade. The emergence and growth patterns are usually explained by such factors as unique local culture, regional capabilities, tacit knowledge or the existence of location-specific externalities (knowledge spillovers...

  7. 76 FR 9630 - Federal Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Hearing; National Ombudsman and Region VI Regional Small... (United States)


    ... Administration (SBA). ACTION: Notice of open hearing of the Regional (Region VI) Small Business Regulatory... location, date and time of the Regional Small Business Regulatory Fairness hearing. This hearing is open to... Chasse Room, New Orleans, LA 70140. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory...

  8. Growth-based Theories for Declining Regions? A Note on Conceptualisations of Demographic Change for Regional Economic Development

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    Anke Matuschewski


    Full Text Available This article aims to critically assess the economic growth paradigm, which typically underlies most approaches to regional policymaking for demographic change. While population losses, ageing and outmigration – i.e. phenomena that are addressed as demographic change – have become a matter of urgency for many European regions, most regional economic development theories remain silent about the population decline affecting the economic growth and development prospects of regions. Consequently, regional policies usually rely on the concept of economic growth, yet neglect the complexity and importance of demographic change and how it relates to the economic sphere. Due to this lack in nuance, we argue that regional policymaking fails to design adequate policy support for regions facing persistent demographic change and economic stagnation or decline as a result. Based on these observations, the paper examines a selection of regional economic development theories in search for alternative concepts of growth and development in the context of demographic change. To this aim, globalisation peripheries are introduced as a fruitful conceptual point of reference and, in combination with endogenous regional development theories, discussed as an alternative approach for regional policymaking.

  9. Verbal working memory performance correlates with regional white matter structures in the frontoparietal regions. (United States)

    Takeuchi, Hikaru; Taki, Yasuyuki; Sassa, Yuko; Hashizume, Hiroshi; Sekiguchi, Atsushi; Fukushima, Ai; Kawashima, Ryuta


    Working memory is the limited capacity storage system involved in the maintenance and manipulation of information over short periods of time. Previous imaging studies have suggested that the frontoparietal regions are activated during working memory tasks; a putative association between the structure of the frontoparietal regions and working memory performance has been suggested based on the analysis of individuals with varying pathologies. This study aimed to identify correlations between white matter and individual differences in verbal working memory performance in normal young subjects. We performed voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analyses using T1-weighted structural images as well as voxel-based analyses of fractional anisotropy (FA) using diffusion tensor imaging. Using the letter span task, we measured verbal working memory performance in normal young adult men and women (mean age, 21.7 years, SD=1.44; 42 men and 13 women). We observed positive correlations between working memory performance and regional white matter volume (rWMV) in the frontoparietal regions. In addition, FA was found to be positively correlated with verbal working memory performance in a white matter region adjacent to the right precuneus. These regions are consistently recruited by working memory. Our findings suggest that, among normal young subjects, verbal working memory performance is associated with various regions that are recruited during working memory tasks, and this association is not limited to specific parts of the working memory network. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Dioctophyma renale em 28 cães: aspectos clinicopatológicos e ultrassonográficos

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    Caroline S. Silveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO A infecção em cães por Dioctophyma renale, relatada em diversas partes do mundo, é considerada incomum, na maioria das vezes. No entanto, em algumas regiões são descritos números crescentes da infecção e muitos dados da epidemiologia e do ciclo biológico do parasito ainda são obscuros. Dessa forma, o trabalho tem como objetivo descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clinicopatológicos e ultrassonográficos de casos de infecção por Dioctophyma renale em cães na região da Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram estudados 28 casos de dioctofimose em cães necropsiados ou clinicamente avaliados, submetidos à ultrassonografia e cirurgia para retirada dos parasitos. Os cães errantes foram os mais acometidos e todos com possível acesso às margens do Rio Uruguai. As lesões renais e extrarrenais foram caracterizadas predominantemente por atrofia do parênquima renal com glomerulonefrite esclerosante e peritonite granulomatosa associada a parasitos adultos livres na cavidade abdominal e ovos, bem como migrações erráticas para o tecido subcutâneo. Por fim, os achados ultrassonográficos corresponderam, especialmente, a imagens transversais circulares de até 0,6 cm de diâmetro, com margem hiperecoica e centro hipoecoico. Esses achados foram patognomônicos para infecção por Dioctophyma renale, e o exame ultrassonográfico se mostrou indispensável para o diagnóstico definitivo durante a avaliação clínica. Os achados observados nesse estudo demonstram a importância dessa parasitose na região. Além disso, alertam para a importância do diagnóstico, que vem sendo subestimado, além de apontar a necessidade de mais dados acerca da epidemiologia da doença para que se chegue a métodos efetivos de controle.



    Bechis Liviu; MOSCVICIOV Andrei


    The paper presents the difference between the two concepts regionalism and regionalization. It also presents the three types of regionalism analysis depending on the dimension and the nature of the relations: regionalism at national level, transnational regionalism and international regionalism analysis.

  12. Sources of Regional Banks Capitalization

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    Olga Sergeevna Miroshnichenko


    Full Text Available Searching of sources to increase the capitalization of Russian banks is an important economic problem for both the national and regional economy. Moreover, a strong capital base allows to credit institutions to meet the demands of economic agents for banking service. The research focuses on the choice of sources of regulatory capital for the banks of Tyumen region in the context of changing supervisory requirements in the period of 2005–2016, in different phases of the business cycle. We apply econometric methods of statistical information using IBM SPSS Statistics software. We have calculated the individual correlations of regional banks’ capital with gross domestic product (GDP (excluding gross regional product (GRP and GRP (with the exception of the effect of GDP. These calculations have shown that the capital of regional banks is related only to GDP. The increase in the capital of regional banks is accompanied by a change in its structure: the share of authorized capital has halved, and the share of subordinated debt has grown. All sources of capital, other than the reserve fund, are related to GDP. Authorized capital is associated with the profit of profitable lending institutions; retained earnings in the capital of regional banks — with the aggregated amount of risks of the banking system of the Russian Federation. Subordinated debt, like capital as a whole, is negatively affected by the profitability of the banking sector. The change in the capital of regional banks is determined by the change in retained earnings, subordinated debt and reserve fund. Modelling of these relations has allowed to obtain a system of equations. This system synthesizes linear regression models of changing the capital of regional banks in the context of their sourcing. The results of this study are significant for theoretical justification and practical development of a balanced financial policy of regional banks. Our research will contribute to

  13. On Austrian regional economics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijman, W.J.M.; Leen, A.R.


    The aim of this research note is two-fold, firstly, to clarify the growing interaction between regional science and Austrian economics and their awareness of each other. We elucidate the Austrian methodology, called praxeology, which is especially misunderstood in regional science. Secondly, we

  14. Energy options and regional cooperation on nuclear energy in the Asia-Pacific region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Jae In


    This paper reviews the extensive forms of Asia-Pacific regional cooperation in nuclear power to develop and provide economical and reliable energy supply for sound economical growths of developing countries in this region, which has seen rapid growth of energy consumption more than anywhere else in recent years. Nuclear power has received keen attention from DCs because it can provide a self-reliable energy supply and promote development of high technology in the associated engineering and manufacturing industries locally. However, due to the particular characteristics in nuclear power technology, a close cooperation is required between the seller(industrialized) and buyer(developing) countries. The Asia-Pacific regional cooperation in nuclear power is a step toward providing mutual benefits to the countries involved in this region, and this paper explores potential ways in formulating basic and systematic approaches and areas of full scope cooperation. (author)

  15. Regional energy observatory. Energy status - greenhouse effect in the Aquitaine region. First results; Observatoire regional de l'energie. Bilan energie - effet de serre de la region Aquitaine. Premiers resultats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The IDEA organization (information about the environmental development in Aquitaine region) has created an energy observatory, the mission of which is to supply regularly a reliable, objective and useful information about energy and greenhouse effect in the Aquitaine region (SW France). This document presents: the end-use energy consumption, the sectorial statuses (residential, tertiary sector, industry, agriculture, transports), the energy production and the renewable energy sources in Aquitaine region. Details are given in separate files at the end of the document for the 5 departements of Aquitaine (Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne, Pyrennees Atlantiques). (J.S.)

  16. The European Regional Development Fund and Island Regions: An Evaluation of the 2000-06 and 2007-13 Programs

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    Harvey W. Armstrong


    Full Text Available This paper presents results from a regional policy evaluation study conducted for the European Commission. The study examined the impact of the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund on EU regions with ‘specific geographical characteristics’, namely islands, mountain regions and sparsely populated areas. These types of regions have been attracting increasing EU regional policy attention and their economic development is considered important in helping the EU to attain its important ‘territorial cohesion’ objective. The focus of this paper is on the island regions. Evaluation of island regions in their own right has not been undertaken before by the EU. The study focuses on the 2000-06 and (still on-going 2007-13 EU regional policy programs. The paper presents the methodology adopted by the study before turning to the main findings concerning the types of policy initiatives adopted in the island regions, and the appropriateness of the policies used for the economic situation faced by the islands. The islands encompassed by the study are all normal sub-national regions of EU member states. Islands with an unusual degree of administrative autonomy (e.g. the Outermost Regions were excluded.

  17. Regionalizing healthcare: a vision for transforming Lebanon into a regional academic hub

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    Akl Elie A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Lebanon suffers from a large scale emigration of physicians coupled with an oversaturation of the physician job market. Lebanon is currently witnessing an expansion of its medical education capacity with the establishment of new private medical schools, raising the fears of a worsening market oversaturation. Discussion The neighboring Arabian Gulf countries are suffering from a serious shortage of clinicians and academicians. In spite of their enormous investments in educational, clinical and research collaborative initiatives with some of the most renowned North American medical schools and institutions, their ability to recruit and retain highly qualified clinicians and academicians remains a major challenge. Lebanese universities have the opportunity to establish triangular collaborations with the Gulf regional medical centers and their North American partners. They could achieve this goal by tapping into the globalized and high quality Lebanese physician workforce and consequently regionalize healthcare delivery in the Middle East. Summary By recruiting its globalized and high quality physician workforce to establish collaborations with the Gulf regional, Lebanon could become a regional "academic hub".

  18. Regionalizing healthcare: a vision for transforming Lebanon into a regional academic hub. (United States)

    Badr, Kamal F; Akl, Elie A


    Lebanon suffers from a large scale emigration of physicians coupled with an oversaturation of the physician job market. Lebanon is currently witnessing an expansion of its medical education capacity with the establishment of new private medical schools, raising the fears of a worsening market oversaturation. The neighboring Arabian Gulf countries are suffering from a serious shortage of clinicians and academicians. In spite of their enormous investments in educational, clinical and research collaborative initiatives with some of the most renowned North American medical schools and institutions, their ability to recruit and retain highly qualified clinicians and academicians remains a major challenge. Lebanese universities have the opportunity to establish triangular collaborations with the Gulf regional medical centers and their North American partners. They could achieve this goal by tapping into the globalized and high quality Lebanese physician workforce and consequently regionalize healthcare delivery in the Middle East. By recruiting its globalized and high quality physician workforce to establish collaborations with the Gulf regional, Lebanon could become a regional "academic hub".

  19. The regional climate model RegCM3 performances over several regions and climate regimes (United States)

    Coppola, E.; Rauscher, S.; Gao, X.; Giorgi, F.; Im, E. S.; Mariotti, L.; Seth, A.; Sylla, M. B.


    Regional Climate models are more and more needed to provide high resolution regional climate information in climate impact studies. Water availability in a future scenario is the main request of policy makers for adaptation and mitigation purposes. However precipitation changes are unlikely to be as spatially coherent as temperature changes and they are closely related to the regional model itself. In addition model skill varies regionally. An example of several ICTP regional climate model (RegCM3) simulations is reported over China, Korea, Africa, Central and Southern America, Europe and Australia. Over China, Australia, and Korea the regional model improves the simulation compared to the driving GCM when compared with CRU observations. In China, for example, the higher resolution of the regional model inhibits the penetration of the monsoon precipitation front from the southern slope of the Himalaya onto the Tibetan Plateau. In Korea the nested domain simulation (20 km) shows an encouraging performance with regard to capturing extreme precipitation episodes and the finer spatial distribution reflects the detailed geography of the Korean Peninsula. Over South America, RegCM captures the annual cycle of precipitation over Northeast Brazil and the South American Monsoon region, although the monsoon onset occurs too early in the model. Precipitation over the Amazon is not well captured, with too little precipitation associated with weak easterlies and reduced moisture transport into the interior of the continent. RegCM simulates the annual cycle of precipitation over Central America and the Caribbean fairly well; in particular, the complex spatial distribution of the Mid-Summer Drought, a decrease in precipitation that occurs during the middle of the rainy season in July and August, is better captured by RegCM than by the GCM. In addition, RegCM simulates the strength and position of the Caribbean low level jet, a mesoscale feature related to precipitation anomalies

  20. Modern Integration Processes in the Asia-Pacific Region: the Formation of Trans-Regional Mega-Agreements

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    Maliuta Iryna A.


    Full Text Available In the 21st century, especially in the last decade, new intercontinental integration projects appear on the global stage with a high potential for influencing the regional economic structure and at the same time bearing certain challenges for the international geo-economic and geo-political map of the world. Comprehensive new-generation inter-regional agreements are being formed, such as the TTP, the TTIP, the RCEP, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the EU (CETA, the Japan-EU Economic Partnership. The Asia-Pacific region has been an active participant in the creation and promotion of mega-regional trade agreements. Mega-regional trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region, namely the TTP and the RCEP, are analyzed as mega-projects with an unprecedented scale of liberalization within the framework of the agreement that include provisions complementing the WTO framework or extending beyond it. There identified reasons for the emergence of mega-regional trade agreements and prospects for the implementation of these projects, as well as possible consequences for the international economic system. It is established that new trans-regional projects, providing certain advantages to the participating countries, simultaneously carry both opportunities and challenges for the world economy. The latter are associated with the threats of crowding the countries that do not take an active part in the integration processes out of the global chains of value creation as well as of the processes of international trade.

  1. Bilingualism alters brain functional connectivity between "control" regions and "language" regions: Evidence from bimodal bilinguals. (United States)

    Li, Le; Abutalebi, Jubin; Zou, Lijuan; Yan, Xin; Liu, Lanfang; Feng, Xiaoxia; Wang, Ruiming; Guo, Taomei; Ding, Guosheng


    Previous neuroimaging studies have revealed that bilingualism induces both structural and functional neuroplasticity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and the left caudate nucleus (LCN), both of which are associated with cognitive control. Since these "control" regions should work together with other language regions during language processing, we hypothesized that bilingualism may also alter the functional interaction between the dACC/LCN and language regions. Here we tested this hypothesis by exploring the functional connectivity (FC) in bimodal bilinguals and monolinguals using functional MRI when they either performed a picture naming task with spoken language or were in resting state. We found that for bimodal bilinguals who use spoken and sign languages, the FC of the dACC with regions involved in spoken language (e.g. the left superior temporal gyrus) was stronger in performing the task, but weaker in the resting state as compared to monolinguals. For the LCN, its intrinsic FC with sign language regions including the left inferior temporo-occipital part and right inferior and superior parietal lobules was increased in the bilinguals. These results demonstrate that bilingual experience may alter the brain functional interaction between "control" regions and "language" regions. For different control regions, the FC alters in different ways. The findings also deepen our understanding of the functional roles of the dACC and LCN in language processing. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Multi-regional input–output model and ecological network analysis for regional embodied energy accounting in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yan; Zheng, Hongmei; Yang, Zhifeng; Su, Meirong; Liu, Gengyuan; Li, Yanxian


    Chinese regions frequently exchange materials, but regional differences in economic development create unbalanced flows of these resources. In this study, we examined energy by assessing embodied energy consumption to describe the energy-flow structure in China's seven regions. Based on multi-regional monetary input–output tables and energy statistical yearbooks for Chinese provinces in 2002 and 2007, we accounted for both direct and indirect energy consumption, respectively, and the integral input and output of the provinces. Most integral inputs of energy flowed from north to south or from east to west, whereas integral output flows were mainly from northeast to southwest. This differed from the direct flows, which were predominantly from north to south and west to east. This demonstrates the importance of calculating both direct and indirect energy flows. Analysis of the distance and direction traveled by the energy consumption centers of gravity showed that the centers for embodied energy consumption and inputs moved southeast because of the movements of the centers of the Eastern region. However, the center for outputs moved northeast because the movement of the Central region. These analyses provide a basis for identifying how regional economic development policies influence the embodied energy consumption and its flows among regions. - Highlights: • We integrated multi-regional input–output analysis with ecological network analysis. • We accounted for both direct and indirect energy consumption. • The centers of gravity for embodied energy flows moved southeast from 2002 to 2007. • The results support planning of energy consumption and energy flows among regions.

  3. The impact of domestic trade on China's regional energy uses: A multi-regional input–output modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Bo; Chen, Z.M.; Xia, X.H.; Xu, X.Y.; Chen, Y.B.


    To systematically reveal how domestic trade impacts on China's regional energy uses, an interprovincial input–output modeling is carried out to address demand-derived energy requirements for the regional economies in 2007 based on the recently available data. Both the energy uses embodied in final demand and interregional trade are investigated from the regional and sectoral insights. Significant net transfers of embodied energy flows are identified from the central and western areas to the eastern area via interregional trade. Shanxi is the largest energy producer and interregional embodied energy deficit receiver, in contrast to Guangdong as the largest energy user and surplus receiver. By considering the impacts of interregional trade, the energy uses of most eastern regions increase remarkably. For instance, Shanghai, Hainan, Zhejiang, Beijing, Jiangsu and Guangdong have their embodied energy requirements 87.49, 19.97, 13.64, 12.60, 6.46 and 6.38 times of their direct energy inputs, respectively. In contrast, the embodied energy uses of some central and western regions such as Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Shaanxi and Guizhou decrease largely. The results help understand the hidden network linkages of interregional embodied energy flows and provide critical insight to amend China's current end-reduction-oriented energy policies by addressing the problem of regional responsibility transfer. - Highlights: • Demand-derived energy requirements for China's regional economies are addressed. • Significant interregional transfers of embodied energy flows are identified. • Energy surpluses are obtained by 19 regions and deficits by the other 11 regions. • The eastern regions should take more responsibility for reducing China's energy uses

  4. The Scandinavian regional model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torfing, Jacob; Lidström, Anders; Røiseland, Asbjørn


    This article maps how the sub-national regional levels of governance in Denmark, Norway and Sweden have changed from a high degree of institutional convergence to a pattern of institutional divergence. It analyses the similarities and differences in the changes in regional governance and discusses...

  5. Regional quality of living in Europe

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    Piet Lagas


    Full Text Available This article sets out the conceptual framework and results of Regional Quality of Living indicators that were developed in order to benchmark European NUTS2 regions. Nine non-business-related indicators are constructed to support the goal of policy makers to improve the attractiveness of regions and cities for people or companies to settle in, and by doing so create economic growth. Each of the constructed indicators represents a pillar of the Quality of Living. The highest indicator scores are found for regions within Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. Some countries show a wide divergence between regional scores. The southern regions of Italy and Spain, for example, have significantly lower scores than those in the north. In addition, capital city regions have better RQI scores. A positive correlation was found between the average RQI scores and both GDP per capita and weighted population density. Compared to GDP per capita, weighted population density has a modest influence on the RQI score. The European regions are divided into 11 clusters, based upon GDP per capita and weighted population density in order to benchmark a region with its peers.

  6. Bienestar económico regional: un enfoque comparativo entre regiones españolas e italianas


    Pilar Murias Fernández; Fidel Martínez Roget; Simone Novello


    Este trabajo propone una visión revisada del bienestar económico regional. Trabajos recientes en economía regional han mostrado su desacuerdo con la noción tradicional de bienestar económico que considera únicamente renta per cápita. A través de la comparación de regiones españolas e italianas y usando un enfoque basado en el Análisis Envolvente de Datos, este trabajo sugiere un indicador sintético de bienestar regional basado en las cuatro componentes de Osberg (1985): capacidad de consumo, ...

  7. Regional cooperation in nuclear energy development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, K.; Muntzing, L.M.


    In November 1985, PBNCC (the Pacific Basin Nuclear Cooperation Committee) was formally established. Currently six Pacific Basin members have been participating in PBNCC: Canada, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Taiwan of Chian, and the United States of America. The People's Republic of China has sent observes to the PBNCC meetings. The technical contents of PBWCC working groups are as follows: 1. Regional cooperative for pooled spare parts of nuclear power plants and inventory management; 2. Regional cooperation in nuclear training; 3. Regional cooperation on nuclear safety; 4. Regional cooperation in Codes and Standards; 5. Regional Cooperation in public acceptance; 6. Regional cooperation on radwaste management. (Liu)

  8. Productive Regions: Criteria and Classification

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    Vlasyuk L. I.


    Full Text Available An official statistical dataset for 80 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation for 2000, 2007 and 2009 has proved the hypothesis that, under the neoclassical concept, the resources move to regions with the highest marginal productivity of the factors of production, which leads to the accumulation of investment resources, while providing financial and social efficiency. Based on cluster analysis by three performance criteria, productive regions are identified, which are dominated by regions productive in the extraction of minerals. It is shown that the stability of the factors’ distribution in space determines the current and future specialization of regional economies

  9. REDI: The Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index –Measuring regional entrepreneurship Final report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ortega Argiles, Raquel; Acs, Zoltan J.; Szerb, Laszlo; Autio, Erkko; Komlosi, Eva


    The main outcome of the project is a new index (REDI - Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index) that describes the entrepreneurial process. The index takes into account both individual attitudes and characteristics and the regional context and, accordingly, not only whether people are

  10. Regionalism, Devolution and Education (United States)

    Bogdanor, Vernon


    Described are effects of political decentralization in the United Kingdom on political and social institutions, particularly education. The author concludes that regionalism could yield advantages of power decentralization, diversity of decision making, and educational systems which are more closely connected to regional and local traditions.…

  11. [Regional health and autonomy conferences (CRSAs): the implications for medical democracy at a regional level]. (United States)

    Devictor, Bernadette


    The HPST law seeks to reorganize the governance of healthcare at a regional level and to maintain the existence of regional health conferences, now known as regional health and autonomy conferences (CRSAs). The purpose of this article is to examine the new duties attributed to the CRSAs and to consider the various issues raised by their practice. The article also provides an analysis of the preconditions required for the successful implementation of medical democracy at a regional level, ie.: the involvement of the CRSAs in the assessment of regional healthcare policies, the mobilization of funds, the composition of the CRSAs (including the full range of healthcare areas), the importance of providing adequate support for territorial conferences, and the elaboration of a communicative space for fostering exchanges between CRSAs.

  12. Balancing regional industrial development: analysis on regional disparity of China's industrial emissions and policy implications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liang, Hanwei; Dong, Liang; Luo, Xiao


    Efficient industrial emissions mitigation strategy is critical for China's national action on climate change and sustainable development, considering its rapid industrialization. Regional disparity brings difficulties and uncertainties to policy implementation in China. Therefore, an investigation...... development, and highlight not only disparity, but also inequity exists. It is concluded that, there is a larger unequal distribution of GDP per unit of air pollutants and CO2 emission between eastern and western regions, reveals that less developed western and central regions suffer from the emission leakage...... on the regional features of industrial emissions is critical to better decision makings. While to date, related studies have been rather few. This paper applies a spatial analysis on regional features of China's industrial emissions (SO2, NOx and PM2.5 and CO2 emission) in 31 provinces. Spatial autocorrelation...

  13. Croatia in a Regional Context

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    Branko Caratan


    Full Text Available In this paper, the author examines the regional context of Croatian politics, highlighting the main reasons for its significance: involvement of the region in war in recent history, the rootedness, aside from that, of extremely strong economic, political and cultural bonds between the countries in the region, and the importance of cooperation in the region for EU accession and further economic development. On these grounds, the author seeks to examine the possibility for stabilisation of the region, and to establish what interests the neighbouring countries such as Italy, Austria, Hungary and others have in strenghtening the bonds with the new democracies in Central and Southeast Europe. All of this eventually provides the answer to the question what is the interest of the EU in this region’s stability and in its admission to the European Union

  14. A regional approach to the environmental risk assessment in the Campania region (United States)

    Minolfi, Giulia; Albanese, Stefano; Lima, Annamaria; De Vivo, Benedetto


    Environmental risk assessment and analysis has a crucial role for guaranteeing the safety of the population, especially in intensive urbanized and industrialized areas, such as the Campania region (Italy). In Italy, since 2006, the human health risk assessment has become mandatory for contaminated soil and waters at contaminated sites. While traditional risk assessment procedures are usually run at site specific level (brownfields), with this work we would like to introduce a freshly developed method to assess risks at regional level by means of GIS, considering the hazard due to the presence in the environment of a contaminated media, the land use variability and the actual distribution of the population. 3535 top soils were collected across the whole Campania region (Italy) with a sampling density of 1 sample/4 km2. Samples were analyzed at ACME Analytical Lab. Ltd (Vancouver, Canada), to determine the concentration of 52 elements, with a combined methods of ICP-MS and ICP-ES following an aqua regia digestion. After a detailed statistical data analysis and geochemical mapping, we reclassified the interpolated maps of some potentially toxic elements (Sb, As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Tl, V, Zn), in accordance with the Italian environmental law (D.Lgs 152/2006), on the base of the trigger and action limits (CSC) for human safety established by this latter. The obtained maps were summed up in the GIS environment in order to get a cumulative map of the potential hazard for the topsoils of Campania region. Considering that environmental risk for the population is strongly influenced by the exposure pathways followed by contaminants to reach the human target, in the case of Campania region we evaluated as relevant pathways both the soil/dust and food ingestion. Furthermore to consider the influence of the land use in the onset of the risk, each land use type was associated with a specific value of a Land Use Risk Coefficient (LURC) which is also dependent on

  15. Regional Competitiveness and Its Implications for Development


    Daryono Soebagyo; Triyono Triyono; Yuli Tri Cahyono


    This study was conducted to identify regional competitiveness in some areas of Central Java. Regional competitiveness became one of the issues in regional development policy since the enactment of local autonomy.Measurement of regional competitiveness has been mostly done through ranking as a benchmark the competitiveness of the region. Mapping regional competitiveness in Indonesia has been made to all counties and cities, which shows the competitiveness ranking of each region. Competitivenes...

  16. From Pixels to Region: A Salient Region Detection Algorithm for Location-Quantification Image

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    Mengmeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Image saliency detection has become increasingly important with the development of intelligent identification and machine vision technology. This process is essential for many image processing algorithms such as image retrieval, image segmentation, image recognition, and adaptive image compression. We propose a salient region detection algorithm for full-resolution images. This algorithm analyzes the randomness and correlation of image pixels and pixel-to-region saliency computation mechanism. The algorithm first obtains points with more saliency probability by using the improved smallest univalue segment assimilating nucleus operator. It then reconstructs the entire saliency region detection by taking these points as reference and combining them with image spatial color distribution, as well as regional and global contrasts. The results for subjective and objective image saliency detection show that the proposed algorithm exhibits outstanding performance in terms of technology indices such as precision and recall rates.

  17. Family in historical and regional perspective

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    Tripković Gordana D.


    Full Text Available In this article author gives try to provide a frame suitable for researches of regional and multicultural characteristics of family, specially in Vojvodina region. Starting with the thesis that there is no perfect analytical model to be applied in investigation of regionalization and multiculturality, for the gap between monocultural and multicultural epistemology could not be bridged over, author is paying attention to the opportunities for regionalization to pervert in regionalism in the sense of ideology and policy that neglect specific regional needs of family. This dispels a negative consequences concerning the self development of the family as a very reason for regionalization to be accomplished. In spite of attractive ideas that regionalization is addressed to, regionalization of this kind realizes on the matrix above, of deciding 'in the people's name'. In this fashion regionalization is followed with the violence and confrontations as probable outcomes of changes within multicultural society. Exaggeration in emphasizing of differences. a s well as its neglecting, would cause more or less open confrontations and thus provide the causes of dissolution of the communities. In this context main problem is how family could retained its stability if it persists under the pressure of contrary forces concerning identity. This would be resolved only if identity is conceived as an open complex and ever unfinished on lay - in endless process of building. Regionalization in this sense of the term could be perceived as a defining of the proper game rules as well as it forceful adjustment and completion.

  18. Leprosy type 1 reactions and erythema nodosum leprosum Reações hansênicas do tipo 1 e eritema nodoso hansênico

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    Indira P. Kahawita


    Full Text Available Leprosy reactions are a major cause of nerve damage and morbidity in a significant proportion of leprosy patients. Reactions are immunologically mediated and can occur even after successful completion of multi-drug therapy. This review focuses on the epidemiology, pathology and treatment of leprosy type 1 reactions, erythema nodosum leprosum and silent neuropathy.As reações hansênicas são a principal causa de dano e morbidade neural em grande parte dos pacientes hansênicos. São imunomediadas e podem ocorrer mesmo após o término bem sucedido da poliquimioterapia. Esta revisão enfoca a epidemiologia, a patologia e o tratamento das reações hansênicas do tipo 1, do eritema nodoso hansênico e da neuropatia silenciosa.

  19. Pathophysiology of mood disorders in temporal lobe epilepsy Fisiopatologia dos transtornos de humor na epilepsia do lobo temporal

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    Ludmyla Kandratavicius


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: There is accumulating evidence that the limbic system is pathologically involved in cases of psychiatric comorbidities in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE patients. Our objective was to develop a conceptual framework describing how neuropathological, neurochemical and electrophysiological aspects might contribute to the development of psychiatric symptoms in TLE and the putative neurobiological mechanisms that cause mood disorders in this patient subgroup. METHODS: In this review, clinical, experimental and neuropathological findings, as well as neurochemical features of the limbic system were examined together to enhance our understanding of the association between TLE and psychiatric comorbidities. Finally, the value of animal models in epilepsy and mood disorders was discussed. CONCLUSIONS:TLE and psychiatric symptoms coexist more frequently than chance would predict. Alterations and neurotransmission disturbance among critical anatomical networks, and impaired or aberrant plastic changes might predispose patients with TLE to mood disorders. Clinical and experimental studies of the effects of seizures on behavior and electrophysiological patterns may offer a model of how limbic seizures increase the vulnerability of TLE patients to precipitants of psychiatric symptoms.OBJETIVO: Há evidências crescentes do envolvimento do sistema límbico nas comorbidades psiquiátricas associadas à epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT. Nosso objetivo foi descrever o panorama atual das alterações neuropatológicas, neuroquímicas e eletrofisiológicas que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de sintomas psiquiátricos na ELT e explorar possíveis mecanismos neurobiológicos que podem levar ao aparecimento das desordens de humor nesse subgrupo de pacientes. MÉTODOS: Achados clínicos, de modelos experimentais e neuropatológicos foram revistos, assim como características neuroquímicas do sistema límbico foram examinadas em conjunto para auxiliar nossa compreensão sobre a associação entre ELT e transtornos de humor. CONCLUSÕES: A ELT e os sintomas psiquiátricos coexistem numa frequência muito maior do que o acaso poderia sugerir. Alterações e desregulação de redes anatômicas essenciais, além de mudanças plásticas aberrantes ou deficientes, podem predispor o cérebro de pacientes com ELT a transtornos de humor. Estudos experimentais e clínicos sobre o efeito das crises no comportamento e nos padrões eletrofisiológicos podem oferecer um modelo de como as crises límbicas aumentam a vulnerabilidade a sintomas psiquiátricos em pacientes com ELT.

  20. Aspectos atuais na fisiopatologia do edema macular diabético Recent aspects on physiopathology of diabetic macular edema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Martins dos Santos Motta


    Full Text Available O edema macular é a principal causa de baixa visual em pacientes diabéticos. Seu mecanismo de formação é complexo e envolve alterações bioquímicas e estruturais. Os autores fazem uma revisão e atualização dos conceitos fisiopatológicos envolvidos na maculopatia diabética.Macular edema is the leading cause of poor vision in diabetic patients.The mechanism of edema formation is complex and involves biochemical and structural changes. The authors review and update the physiopathologic concepts related to diabetic maculopathy.

  1. Physics of fully ionized regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flower, D.


    In this paper the term fully ionised regions is taken to embrace both planetary nebulae and the so-called 'H II' regions referred to as H + regions. Whilst these two types of gaseous nebulae are very different from an evolutionary standpoint, they are physically very similar, being characterised by photoionisation of a low-density plasma by a hot star. (Auth.)

  2. Distribution of microspheres to regions of dog lung compares well with regional flow of red blood cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beck, K.C.; Rehder, K.


    Dorso-caudal areas of dog lungs are better perfused than ventral regions, independent of gravity. Could this be an artifact due to regional bias in lodging of MS. The costal surfaces of 5 isolated blood perfused left lungs of dogs [constant blood flow (F), Ppa, Ppv and Palv] were imaged (gamma camera) first after injection of 141 Ce-labeled MS (15 μ), then in 0.4 sec intervals after a bolus injection of 99 Tc-labeled red blood cells (RBC). Count rates were analyzed in 6 regions. Regional flow measured by MS (flowMS) is F times regional counts divided by total counts in the first image. Regional flow measured by RBC (flowRBC) is F times peak regional counts divided by peak total counts in the 0.4 sec images. The ratio flowMS/flow RBC was greater than 1.0 (P<0.001), suggesting a systematic difference between 1.0 (P<0.001), suggesting a systematic difference between flowMS and flow RBC. More importantly, there was no difference in flowMS/flow RBC among lung regions, allowing the authors to conclude there was no regional bias of flows

  3. Cool transition region loops observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (United States)

    Huang, Z.; Xia, L.; Li, B.; Madjarska, M. S.


    An important class of loops in the solar atmosphere, cool transition region loops, have received little attention mainly due to instrumental limitations. We analyze a cluster of these loops in the on-disk active region NOAA 11934 recorded in a Si IV 1402.8 Å spectral raster and 1400Å slit-jaw (SJ) images taken by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. We divide these loops into three groups and study their dynamics, evolution and interaction.The first group comprises geometrically relatively stable loops, which are finely scaled with 382~626 km cross-sections. Siphon flows in these loops are suggested by the Doppler velocities gradually changing from -10 km/s (blue-shifts) in one end to 20 km/s (red-shifts) in the other. Nonthermal velocities from 15 to 25 km/s were determined. The obtained physical properties suggest that these loops are impulsively heated by magnetic reconnection occurring at the blue-shifted footpoints where magnetic cancellation with a rate of 1015 Mx/s is found. The released magnetic energy is redistributed by the siphon flows. The second group corresponds to two active footpoints rooted in mixed-magnetic-polarity regions. Magnetic reconnection in both footpoints is suggested by explosive-event line profiles with enhanced wings up to 200 km/s and magnetic cancellation with a rate of ~1015 Mx/s. In the third group, an interaction between two cool loop systems is observed. Mixed-magnetic polarities are seen in their conjunction area where explosive-event line profiles and magnetic cancellation with a rate of 3×1015 Mx/s are found. This is a clear indication that magnetic reconnection occurs between these two loop systems. Our observations suggest that the cool transition region loops are heated impulsively most likely by sequences of magnetic reconnection events.

  4. The Southern HII Region Discovery Survey (United States)

    Wenger, Trey; Miller Dickey, John; Jordan, Christopher; Bania, Thomas M.; Balser, Dana S.; Dawson, Joanne; Anderson, Loren D.; Armentrout, William P.; McClure-Griffiths, Naomi


    HII regions are zones of ionized gas surrounding recently formed high-mass (OB-type) stars. They are among the brightest objects in the sky at radio wavelengths. HII regions provide a useful tool in constraining the Galactic morphological structure, chemical structure, and star formation rate. We describe the Southern HII Region Discovery Survey (SHRDS), an Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) survey that discovered ~80 new HII regions (so far) in the Galactic longitude range 230 degrees to 360 degrees. This project is an extension of the Green Bank Telescope HII Region Discovery Survey (GBT HRDS), Arecibo HRDS, and GBT Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) HRDS, which together discovered ~800 new HII regions in the Galactic longitude range -20 degrees to 270 degrees. Similar to those surveys, candidate HII regions were chosen from 20 micron emission (from WISE) coincident with 10 micron (WISE) and 20 cm (SGPS) emission. By using the ATCA to detect radio continuum and radio recombination line emission from a subset of these candidates, we have added to the population of known Galactic HII regions.

  5. Regional Growth and Unemployment: The Validity of Okun's Law for the Finnish Regions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kangasharju, A.; Tavera, C.; Nijkamp, P.


    This paper offers a concise critical overview of Okun's Law, with particular attention for its relevance in open economic systems of regions. Based on an extensive set of economic data for Finnish regions, the existence of cointegration is tested using alternative statistical methods, viz. the

  6. Regional Development Planning in the Slovak Republic (United States)

    Rentková, Katarína


    Regional development is very closely related to a region and its competitive advantages which affect the competitiveness of the region. The regional development is influenced by many factors that act differently depending on the region. To ensure the effective and harmonized regional development, the systematic approach is needed. Every region is unique and differs from the other by the level of economic development, living standards of its inhabitants, unemployment rate and by employment possibilities. Regional policy is a strategic investment policy which focuses on all regions and cities in the European Union. The aim is to boost economic growth and to improve the quality of people’s lives. Solidarity is the main feature of the policy, because policy focuses on support for less developed regions. A fundamental aspect of regional development is to reduce disparities between the regions and cities. The paper focuses on the analysis of regional development of Slovakia. The intention is to follow the logical continuity of the article’s parts, the correctness and the adequacy of information and data. First part is focused on the definition of the regional policy and regional development. Important task is to identify the differences between European policies - regional, structural and cohesion policy. This section is prepared by using the analytical methods - the analysis, the casual and historical analysis. This part is based on literature review. The empirical part is based on statistics and secondary analysis which were aimed to analyse the regional development and effectiveness of its planning in the Slovak Republic. The question of this article is whether it is possible to plan the regional development by application of the plan for economic and social development, called the Municipal Development Plan.

  7. Regional energy observatory. Energy status - greenhouse effect in the Aquitaine region. First results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IDEA organization (information about the environmental development in Aquitaine region) has created an energy observatory, the mission of which is to supply regularly a reliable, objective and useful information about energy and greenhouse effect in the Aquitaine region (SW France). This document presents: the end-use energy consumption, the sectorial statuses (residential, tertiary sector, industry, agriculture, transports), the energy production and the renewable energy sources in Aquitaine region. Details are given in separate files at the end of the document for the 5 departements of Aquitaine (Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne, Pyrennees Atlantiques). (J.S.)

  8. Regional differences in the CO_2 emissions of China's iron and steel industry: Regional heterogeneity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Bin; Lin, Boqiang


    Identifying the key influencing factors of CO_2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry is vital for mitigating its emissions and formulating effective environmental protection measures. Most of the existing researches utilized time series data to investigate the driving factors of the industry's CO_2 emission at the national level, but regional differences have not been given appropriate attention. This paper adopts provincial panel data from 2000 to 2013 and panel data models to examine the key driving forces of CO_2 emissions at the regional levels in China. The results show that industrialization dominates the industry's CO_2 emissions, but its effect varies across regions. The impact of energy efficiency on CO_2 emissions in the eastern region is greater than in the central and western regions because of a huge difference in R&D investment. The influence of urbanization has significant regional differences due to the heterogeneity in human capital accumulation and real estate development. Energy structure has large potential to mitigate CO_2 emissions on account of increased R&D investment in energy-saving technology and expanded clean energy use. Hence, in order to effectively achieve emission reduction, local governments should consider all these factors as well as regional heterogeneity in formulating appropriate mitigation policies. - Highlights: • We explore the driving forces of CO_2 emissions in China's steel industry. • Industrialization dominates CO_2 emissions in the iron and steel industry. • Energy structure has large potential to mitigate CO_2 emissions in the steel industry. • The influence of urbanization has significant regional differences.

  9. The regional approach and regional studies method in the process of geography teaching (United States)

    Dermendzhieva, Stela; Doikov, Martin


    We define the regional approach as a manner of relations among the global trends of development of the "Society-man-nature" system and the local differentiating level of knowledge. Conditionally, interactions interlace under the influence of the character of Geography as a science, education, approaches, goals and teaching methods. Global, national and local development differentiates in three concentric circles at the level of knowledge. It is determined as a conception of modern, complex and effective mechanism for young people, through which knowledge develops in regional historical and cultural perspective; self-consciousness for socio-economic and cultural integration is formed as a part of the. historical-geographical image of the native land. This way an attitude to the. native land is formed as a connecting construct between patriotism to the motherland and the same in global aspect. The possibility for integration and cooperation of the educative geographical content with all the local historical-geographical, regional, profession orientating, artistic, municipal and district institutions, is outlined. Contemporary geographical education appears to be a powerful and indispensable mechanism for organization of human sciences, while the regional approach and the application of the regional studies method stimulate and motivate the development and realization of optimal capacities for direct connection with the local structures and environments.

  10. 47 CFR 90.1211 - Regional plan. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Regional plan. 90.1211 Section 90.1211... § 90.1211 Regional plan. (a) To facilitate the shared use of the 4.9 GHz band, each region may submit a plan on guidelines to be used for sharing the spectrum within the region. Any such plan must be...

  11. Sistema regional de inovação: estudo das regiões brasileiras Regional innovation system: a study of brazilian regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovana F. Rossi Casali


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisou o processo de formação regional do Brasil, os desequilíbrios existentes entre as regiões e as perspectivas futuras. Teve como proposta básica analisar o possível processo de convergência de renda das regiões brasileiras, utilizando o conceito de gap tecnológico. Segundo esse conceito, os desequilíbrios regionais são o resultado de diferentes taxas de desenvolvimento econômico, que, por sua vez, resultam de diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento tecnológico, os quais, por fim, são consequências de condições históricas, sociais e culturais específicas de cada região. Dessa forma, pressupôs-se a existência de relação positiva entre nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico, dependência tecnológica, dependência econômica, nível de desenvolvimento econômico e convergência de renda. Os resultados mostram que, em relação à possibilidade de as regiões e os estados menos desenvolvidos realizarem o catching up com aqueles mais desenvolvidos, as variáveis que representam tanto a geração quanto a apropriação de novas tecnologias são significativas e diretamente relacionadas com o produto. Dessa forma, pode-se afirmar que o catching up seria possível caso houvesse um maior investimento no processo de desenvolvimento e apropriação de novas tecnologias por parte dos governos regionais.This research developed an analysis on the regional imbalances at the Brazilian economy, the historic formation of the regions and perspectives. As a result of the distinctive courses followed by each region, an economical concentration process occurs in the Southeast. In this sense, this study intended to analyze the possible process of the Brazilian regional formation, using the concept of technological gap. The result show that, in relation to the possibilities of the regions and states that are less developed to accomplish the catching up with those that are more developed, the variables that represent generation

  12. Regional Ocean Data Assimilation

    KAUST Repository

    Edwards, Christopher A.


    This article reviews the past 15 years of developments in regional ocean data assimilation. A variety of scientific, management, and safety-related objectives motivate marine scientists to characterize many ocean environments, including coastal regions. As in weather prediction, the accurate representation of physical, chemical, and/or biological properties in the ocean is challenging. Models and observations alone provide imperfect representations of the ocean state, but together they can offer improved estimates. Variational and sequential methods are among the most widely used in regional ocean systems, and there have been exciting recent advances in ensemble and four-dimensional variational approaches. These techniques are increasingly being tested and adapted for biogeochemical applications.

  13. Foreign labor and regional labor markets: aggregate and disaggregate impact on growth and wages in Danish regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Torben Dall; Jensen, Peter Sandholt


    non-negative effects on the job opportunities for Danish workers in regional labor markets, whereas the evidence of a regional wage growth effect is mixed. We also present disaggregated results focusing on regional heterogeneity of business structures, skill levels and backgrounds of foreign labor....... The results are interpreted within a specific Danish labor market context and the associated regional outcomes. This adds to previous findings and emphasizes the importance of labor market institutions for the effect of foreign labor on regional employment growth....

  14. Cloaks with multiple invisible regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Yang; Zhu, Shouzheng; He, Lianxing; Wang, Yu


    This paper proposes a general method of extending the effective invisible regions for both the shell-like interior cloak and the complementary media exterior cloak, without affecting their original cloaking regions. The proposed method is based on layered spatial mapping instead of the intact mapping. Certain interior or exterior invisible regions can be obtained by properly using a compressed or folded transformation in each space layer. Therefore, the proposal enables the as-designed cloaks to provide multiple invisible regions of different types simultaneously. Thus objects can be hidden in the interior cavity and/or in the exterior space, or even be embedded between the cloaking shells

  15. Regional tourist industry in context of principles of regional socioeconomic systems self-regulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrey Gennadyevich Shelomentsev


    Full Text Available This paper deals with basic principles of self-regulation of tourist complexes as regional socio-economic systems on the example of Sverdlovsk region. These include the principles of goal setting and the necessary diversity of economic entropy: in this case, these are important for the tourism industry and the human and natural resource and ecological potential. Is it shown how a tourist complex influences the socio-economic development of regional economic systems. In particular, tourism influences some of migration processes. Tourism development strategy in the Russian Federation at the tourist center level is analyzed. The need to develop such a strategy is due to the transition to market relations and, as a consequence, complexity of governmental regulation. It is substantiated that Sverdlovsk region is a subject to following strategy and might be successful in various sectors of tourism: business and congress and exhibition, urban entertainment, family and shopping tourism, sports, medical and recreational tourism.

  16. Vietnam and the regional crisis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Masina, Pietro Paolo


    inflows, should be understood in the broader frame of regional contingencies, and not be simplistically explained as investors' discontent (i.e., in order to pressure Vietnamese authorities into implementing a more orthodox neo-liberal agenda). And in a post-crisis regional economic reorganisation...... that Vietnam can successfully exploit market niches opened up by postcrisis regional economic reorganisation, thus offering some optimism for the country's immediate economic future....

  17. North American Regional Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    North America is an energy community fortunate to be endowed with a rich and varied resource base. It consumes about a third of the world's energy and produces about one quarter of world energy supply. North America depends on a mix of complementary energy sources that should remain competitive but not in conflict. The current supply mix varies between Canada, the United States and Mexico, but fossil fuels are dominant across the region, leaving the three member countries vulnerable to a myriad of risks associated with traditional supply sources. Energy trade between all three countries is also a major contributor to the region's economy. Thus, the impetus for collaboration across the region has grown out of the common goals of energy security and economic prosperity. The goal of the WEC regional group was to discuss avenues for advancing North American cooperation and coordination on a range of energy issues. An additional objective was to develop policy recommendations that will facilitate effective development and use of the region's energy resources. Results and recommendtaions are summarized from three forums that focused on the pertinent issues of energy trade, energy efficiency and energy diversification. The inaugural forum (Energy Trade) was held in Washington, D.C. in the fall of 2005. The following summer, the second forum (Energy Efficiency) took place in Mexico City. The third forum (Energy Diversification) was hosted in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

  18. Regional Branding: Building Brand Value

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klára Margarisová


    Full Text Available Regional branding is one of several ways to promote rural regions and support development of socially, culturally and environmentally oriented economies in areas that are interesting due to their natural and cultural heritage. The article attempts to review the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of branding as conveyed by leading authors in the marketing field. The aim of this paper is to define brand as a broad complex of variables, which are used in building of its identity as a basis for creating value proposition and the position of a brand. Article briefly describes the most comprehensive labeling system for regional products at the micro-regional level is the one guaranteed by Association of Regional Brands (ARB. The main contribution of this article is a theoretical model of strategic management of a regional brand, which captures the interdependence of the individual steps of brand building as well as stakeholders. The starting point for building of brand value is a strategic analysis of the brand, including analysis of customer and competitors. The analysis of external factors is followed by analysis of the brand itself. The resulting relationship between the brand and the customer is based on value proposition representing benefits (functional, emotional, self‑expression. The concept of total product is connected with the concept of total brand and it is offered to the customer as a regional product. Finally it suggests possibilities for further research.

  19. Regional Courts as Judicial Brakes?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Metcalf Katrin Nyman


    Full Text Available The article examines how regional integration courts can act as judicial brakes, at a time when “constitutional coups” – leaders staying in power past constitutional time limits or other forms of actions against the spirit if not always the letter of the constitution – are alarmingly common. The article discusses how regional courts can be used to modify or protect national rule of law and the constitutional order from the outside (i.e. from the regional integration aspect and the extent to which this can be valid particularly to promote a uniform interpretation and application of human rights. Although this trend is visible in Europe, it is more striking, because less expected, on other continents, in particular Africa and the Americas, where the developments take place in less than perfect democratic environments. The article contains evidence from cases dealt with in the various regional courts, supporting that a system of political and judicial oversight, especially in regions with weak or fragile democratic systems, can be a useful addition to national judicial or other mechanisms of protection of rule of law and control of the executive. Action by regional courts helps defeat perceptions of majoritarian politics, which in many countries allow for the winner to take all. Under a system of regional oversight, states become aware of the limits they themselves have set and citizens become aware of their possibilities to challenge political power.

  20. Venus - Phoebe Region (United States)


    This Magellan radar image is of part of the Phoebe region of Venus. It is a mosaic of parts of revolutions 146 and 147 acquired in the first radar test on Aug. 16, 1990. The area in the image is located at 291 degrees east longitude, 19 degrees south latitude. The image shows an area 30 kilometers (19.6 miles) wide and 76 km (47 miles) long. On the basis of Pioneer Venus and Arecibo data, it is known that two major rift zones occur in southern Phoebe Regio and that they terminate at about 20 to 25 degrees south latitude, about 2,000 km (1,240 miles) apart. This image is of an area just north of the southern end of the western rift zone. The region is characterized by a complex geologic history involving both volcanism and faulting. Several of the geologic units show distinctive overlapping or cross cutting relationships that permit identification and separation of geologic events and construction of the geologic history of the region. The oldest rocks in this image form the complexly deformed and faulted, radar bright, hilly terrain in the northern half. Faults of a variety of orientations are observed. A narrow fault trough (about one-half to one km (three tenths to six tenths of a mile) wide is seen crossing the bright hills near the lower part in the middle of the image. This is one of the youngest faults in the faulted, hilly unit as it is seen to cut across many other structures. The fault trough in turn appears to be embayed and flooded by the darker plains that appear in the south half of the image. These plains are interpreted to be of volcanic origin. The dark plains may be formed of a complex of overlapping volcanic flows. For example, the somewhat darker region of plains in the lower left (southwest) corner of the image may be a different age series of plains forming volcanic lava flows. Finally, the narrow bright line crossing the image in its lower part is interpreted to be a fault which cross cuts both plains units and is thus the youngest event in

  1. Regional collaboration among Urban Area Security Initiative regions: results of the Johns Hopkins urban area survey. (United States)

    Errett, Nicole A; Bowman, Calvin; Barnett, Daniel J; Resnick, Beth A; Frattaroli, Shannon; Rutkow, Lainie


    Regional collaboration has been identified as a potential facilitator of public health preparedness efforts. The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant program, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) since 2003, has provided 64 high-risk metropolitan areas funding to enhance their regional preparedness capabilities. This study describes informal and formal regional collaboration infrastructure, as well as regional collaboration-related activities and assessment methods, in FFY2010 UASI regions. A cross-sectional online survey was administered via Survey Monkey from September through December 2013. Points of contact from FFY2010 funded UASI metropolitan areas completed the survey, with a response rate of 77.8% (n=49). Summary statistics were calculated to describe the current informal and formal regional collaboration infrastructure. Additionally, the cross-sectional survey collected rates of agreement with 8 collaborative preparedness statements at 3 time points. The survey found that UASI regions are engaging in collaborative activities and investments to build capabilities, with most collaboration occurring in the prevention, protection, and response mission areas. Collaborative relationships in preparedness among emergency managers and municipal chief executive officers improved during the FFY2010 UASI performance period compared to the pre-UASI award period, with lasting effects. The majority of UASI regions reported conducting independent assessments of capabilities and their measurement at the UASI region level. Urban areas that received a FFY2010 UASI grant award are engaging in collaborative activities and have established interjurisdictional relationships in preparedness. The use of grant funds to encourage collaboration in preparedness has the potential to leverage limited resources and promote informed investments.

  2. Regional Collaboration Among Urban Area Security Initiative Regions: Results of the Johns Hopkins Urban Area Survey (United States)

    Bowman, Calvin; Barnett, Daniel J.; Resnick, Beth A.; Frattaroli, Shannon; Rutkow, Lainie


    Regional collaboration has been identified as a potential facilitator of public health preparedness efforts. The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant program, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) since 2003, has provided 64 high-risk metropolitan areas funding to enhance their regional preparedness capabilities. This study describes informal and formal regional collaboration infrastructure, as well as regional collaboration–related activities and assessment methods, in FFY2010 UASI regions. A cross-sectional online survey was administered via Survey Monkey from September through December 2013. Points of contact from FFY2010 funded UASI metropolitan areas completed the survey, with a response rate of 77.8% (n=49). Summary statistics were calculated to describe the current informal and formal regional collaboration infrastructure. Additionally, the cross-sectional survey collected rates of agreement with 8 collaborative preparedness statements at 3 time points. The survey found that UASI regions are engaging in collaborative activities and investments to build capabilities, with most collaboration occurring in the prevention, protection, and response mission areas. Collaborative relationships in preparedness among emergency managers and municipal chief executive officers improved during the FFY2010 UASI performance period compared to the pre-UASI award period, with lasting effects. The majority of UASI regions reported conducting independent assessments of capabilities and their measurement at the UASI region level. Urban areas that received a FFY2010 UASI grant award are engaging in collaborative activities and have established interjurisdictional relationships in preparedness. The use of grant funds to encourage collaboration in preparedness has the potential to leverage limited resources and promote informed investments. PMID:25398073

  3. Forest regions of Montana (United States)

    Stephen F. Arno


    In this paper, Montana is divided into eight geographic subdivisions called "forest regions," based on distributions of tree and undergrowth species and the relationship of these patterns to climate and topography. The regions serve as a geographic reference for describing patterns of forest vegetation across the State. Data on the distributions of plant...

  4. Ad Hoc Rural Regionalism (United States)

    Hamin, Elisabeth M.; Marcucci, Daniel J.


    A new regionalism has been much documented and researched for metropolitan areas; this article documents that there is a new rural regionalism as well. In the United States, these groups appear most likely to emerge in areas that are challenged by outcomes characterizing globalization's effects on the rural condition: namely, exurban or…

  5. Politics, Planning and Regionalism. (United States)

    Zukosky, Jerome

    The concept of regionalism identifies the issues in public affairs pertaining to a region and develops structures through which citizens can participate in the decisionmaking process. This speech describes educational decisions in the State of New York as affected by local decentralization and by concentration of power at the State level. Relevant…

  6. Regional final energy consumptions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report comments the differences observed between the French regions and also between these regions and national data in terms of final energy consumption per inhabitant, per GDP unit, and per sector (housing and office building, transport, industry, agriculture). It also comments the evolutions during the last decades, identifies the most recent trends

  7. Interaction for Innovation: Comparing Norwegian Regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Solesvik


    Full Text Available Building upon insights from earlier investigations of innovation collaboration from a regional perspective as well as the triple helix perspective, local/regional innovation systems and open innovation approaches, this study explores whether cooperation between firms, universities and government increases the intensity of innovation equally for the capital city and peripheral regions. We investigate whether firms located in the capital region benefit more from public support, cooperation with universities, and cooperation with different stakeholders than firms located in peripheral regions. Using logistic binary regressions, we find that capital region firms are generally not more innovative than those located elsewhere. We also find no effect on innovation from cooperation with universities, although public support is related to engagement in product and process innovations. Our results warn against simple applications of triple helix and open innovation approaches, as many forms of collaboration seem to have little impact on innovation, regardless of regional context.

  8. Technical papers 1: regional energy accounting; Cahiers techniques 1: bilan energetique regional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The regional energy accounting is an appropriate tool to the elaboration energy conservation programs. It allows to identify the regional stakes and understand the impacts of the energy policies. In this accounting the consumptions are presented by energy products (petroleum products, mineral solid fuels, renewable energies, electric power, natural gas) and by consumption sectors (steel metallurgy, accommodation, ternary industry, agricultural, transport). (A.L.B.)

  9. A consumption-based, regional input-output analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon regional index

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boyd, Britta; Mangalagiu, Diana; Straatman, Bas


    This paper presents a consumption-based method accounting for greenhouse gas emissions at regional level based on a multi-region input-output model. The method is based on regional consumption and includes imports and exports of emissions, factual emission developments, green investments as well...

  10. Regional Convergence of Income: Spatial Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Ivanovna Ivanova


    Full Text Available Russia has a huge territory and a strong interregional heterogeneity, so we can assume that geographical factors have a significant impact on the pace of economic growth in Russian regions. Therefore the article is focused on the following issues: 1 correlation between comparative advantages of geographical location and differences in growth rates; 2 impact of more developed regions on their neighbors and 3 correlation between economic growth of regions and their spatial interaction. The article is devoted to the empirical analysis of regional per capita incomes from 1996 to 2012 and explores the dynamics of the spatial autocorrelation of regional development indicator. It is shown that there is a problem of measuring the intensity of spatial dependence: factor value of Moran’s index varies greatly depending on the choice of the matrix of distances. In addition, with the help of spatial econometrics the author tests the following hypotheses: 1 there is convergence between regions for a specified period; 2 the process of beta convergence is explained by the spatial arrangement of regions and 3 there is positive impact of market size on regional growth. The author empirically confirmed all three hypotheses

  11. Regional labour market dynamics in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broersma, Lourens; van Dijk, J.

    This article analyzes the response of regional labor markets in the Netherlands to region-specific labor demand shocks. Previous studies show remarkable differences in response between regions in European countries and regions in the United States. The analysis shows that, in Dutch regions, the

  12. A preliminary regional assessment of earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility for Vrancea Seismic Region (United States)

    Micu, Mihai; Balteanu, Dan; Ionescu, Constantin; Havenith, Hans; Radulian, Mircea; van Westen, Cees; Damen, Michiel; Jurchescu, Marta


    In seismically-active regions, earthquakes may trigger landslides enhancing the short-to-long term slope denudation and sediment delivery and conditioning the general landscape evolution. Co-seismic slope failures present in general a low frequency - high magnitude pattern which should be addressed accordingly by landslide hazard assessment, with respect to the generally more frequent precipitation-triggered landslides. The Vrancea Seismic Region, corresponding to the curvature sector of the Eastern Romanian Carpathians, represents the most active sub-crustal (focal depth > 50 km) earthquake province of Europe. It represents the main seismic energy source throughout Romania with significant transboundary effects recorded as far as Ukraine and Bulgaria. During the last 300 years, the region featured 14 earthquakes with M>7, among which seven events with magnitude above 7.5 and three between 7.7 and 7.9. Apart from the direct damages, the Vrancea earthquakes are also responsible for causing numerous other geohazards, such as ground fracturing, groundwater level disturbances and possible deep-seated landslide occurrences (rock slumps, rock-block slides, rock falls, rock avalanches). The older deep-seated landslides (assumed to have been) triggered by earthquakes usually affect the entire slope profile. They often formed landslide dams strongly influencing the river morphology and representing potential threats (through flash-floods) in case of lake outburst. Despite the large potential of this research issue, the correlation between the region's seismotectonic context and landslide predisposing factors has not yet been entirely understood. Presently, there is a lack of information provided by the geohazards databases of Vrancea that does not allow us to outline the seismic influence on the triggering of slope failures in this region. We only know that the morphology of numerous large, deep-seated and dormant landslides (which can possibly be reactivated in future

  13. Regional differences in antihyperglycemic medication are not explained by individual socioeconomic status, regional deprivation, and regional health care services. Observational results from the German DIAB-CORE consortium.

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    Christina Bächle

    Full Text Available This population-based study sought to extend knowledge on factors explaining regional differences in type 2 diabetes mellitus medication patterns in Germany.Individual baseline and follow-up data from four regional population-based German cohort studies (SHIP [northeast], CARLA [east], HNR [west], KORA [south] conducted between 1997 and 2010 were pooled and merged with both data on regional deprivation and regional health care services. To analyze regional differences in any or newer anti-hyperglycemic medication, medication prevalence ratios (PRs were estimated using multivariable Poisson regression models with a robust error variance adjusted gradually for individual and regional variables.The study population consisted of 1,437 people aged 45 to 74 years at baseline, (corresponding to 49 to 83 years at follow-up with self-reported type 2 diabetes. The prevalence of receiving any anti-hyperglycemic medication was 16% higher in KORA (PR 1.16 [1.08-1.25], 10% higher in CARLA (1.10 [1.01-1.18], and 7% higher in SHIP (PR 1.07 [1.00-1.15] than in HNR. The prevalence of receiving newer anti-hyperglycemic medication was 49% higher in KORA (1.49 [1.09-2.05], 41% higher in CARLA (1.41 [1.02-1.96] and 1% higher in SHIP (1.01 [0.72-1.41] than in HNR, respectively. After gradual adjustment for individual variables, regional deprivation and health care services, the effects only changed slightly.Neither comprehensive individual factors including socioeconomic status nor regional deprivation or indicators of regional health care services were able to sufficiently explain regional differences in anti-hyperglycemic treatment in Germany. To understand the underlying causes, further research is needed.

  14. Obesity and Regional Immigrant Density. (United States)

    Emerson, Scott D; Carbert, Nicole S


    Canada has an increasingly large immigrant population. Areas of higher immigrant density, may relate to immigrants' health through reduced acculturation to Western foods, greater access to cultural foods, and/or promotion of salubrious values/practices. It is unclear, however, whether an association exists between Canada-wide regional immigrant density and obesity among immigrants. Thus, we examined whether regional immigrant density was related to obesity, among immigrants. Adult immigrant respondents (n = 15,595) to a national population-level health survey were merged with region-level immigrant density data. Multi-level logistic regression was used to model the odds of obesity associated with increased immigrant density. The prevalence of obesity among the analytic sample was 16%. Increasing regional immigrant density was associated with lower odds of obesity among minority immigrants and long-term white immigrants. Immigrant density at the region-level in Canada may be an important contextual factor to consider when examining obesity among immigrants.

  15. Moment Magnitude Calibration for the Eastern Mediterranean Region from Broadband Regional Coda Envelopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mayeda, K; Eken, T; Hofstetter, A; Turkelli, N; O' Boyle, J; Orgulu, G; Gok, R


    The following is an overview of results from ROA01-32 that focuses on an empirical method of calibrating stable seismic source moment-rate spectra derived from regional coda envelopes using broadband stations. The main goal was to develop a regional magnitude methodology that had the following properties: (1) it is tied to an absolute scale and is thus unbiased and transportable; (2) it can be tied seamlessly to the well-established teleseismic and regional catalogs; (3) it is applicable to small events using a sparse network of regional stations; (4) it is flexible enough to utilize S{sub n}-coda, L{sub g}-coda, or P-coda, whichever phase has the best signal-to-noise ratio. The results of this calibration yield source spectra and derived magnitudes that were more stable than any other direct-phase measure to date. Our empirical procedure accounted for all propagation, site, and S-to-coda transfer function effects. The resultant coda-derived moment-rate spectra were used to provide traditional band-limited magnitude (e.g., M{sub L}, m{sub b} etc.) as well as an unbiased, unsaturated magnitude (moment magnitude, M{sub w}) that is tied to a physical measure of earthquake size (i.e., seismic moment). We validated our results by comparing our coda-derived moment estimates with those obtained from long-period waveform modeling. We first tested and validated the method using events distributed along the Dead Sea Rift (e.g., Mayeda et al., 2003). Next, we tested the transportability of the method to earthquakes distributed across the entire country of Turkey and validated our results using seismic moments of over 50 events that had been previously waveform modeled using the method of Dreger and Helmberger, (1993). In both regions we demonstrated that the interstation magnitude scatter was significantly reduced when using the coda-based magnitudes (i.e., M{sub w}(coda) and m{sub b}(coda)). Once calibrated, the coda-derived source spectra provided stable, unbiased magnitude


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    Marina TODOROVIC


    Full Text Available This paper approaches some of the characteristics of the regional development of Serbia, from the perspective of two models of territorial organization: one is governmental (administrative and statistical, and the other is functional. The imbalances in the levels of development of various territorial units of Serbia (regional disproportions are the consequence of many structural disharmonies, material limitations, and problems with populationstructure, during many years, all worsened by political and economic events at the end of the twentieth century. Also, in this paper we point out the main characteristics of undeveloped regions, the criteria with which we can define them, and a typology of the municipalities inside each such region.

  17. Northeast Regional Biomass Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O' Connell, R.A.


    The management structure and program objectives for the Northeast Regional Biomass Program (NRBP) remain unchanged from previous years. Additional funding was provided by the Bonneville Power Administration Regional Biomass Program to continue the publication of articles in the Biologue. The Western Area Power Administration and the Council of Great Lakes Governors funded the project Characterization of Emissions from Burning Woodwaste''. A grant for the ninth year was received from DOE. The Northeast Regional Biomass Steering Committee selected the following four projects for funding for the next fiscal year. (1) Wood Waste Utilization Conference, (2) Performance Evaluation of Wood Systems in Commercial Facilities, (3) Wood Energy Market Utilization Training, (4) Update of the Facility Directory.

  18. Northeast Regional Biomass Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Connell, R.A.


    The management structure and program objectives for the Northeast Regional Biomass Program (NRBP) remain unchanged from previous years. Additional funding was provided by the Bonneville Power Administration Regional Biomass Program to continue the publication of articles in the Biologue. The Western Area Power Administration and the Council of Great Lakes Governors funded the project ''Characterization of Emissions from Burning Woodwaste''. A grant for the ninth year was received from DOE. The Northeast Regional Biomass Steering Committee selected the following four projects for funding for the next fiscal year. (1) Wood Waste Utilization Conference, (2) Performance Evaluation of Wood Systems in Commercial Facilities, (3) Wood Energy Market Utilization Training, (4) Update of the Facility Directory

  19. Social attitudes and regional inequalities

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    Vinko Muštra


    Full Text Available As the budgets of the European Union (EU become tighter, the questions about the effectiveness of EU’s expenditure, especially the most important parts such as Cohesion policy, are hotly debated. The aim of this paper is to examine whether the presence of social attitudes may influence the effectiveness of EU budget expenditure, measured by the level of regional inequalities. The analysis starts by focusing on individuals’ attitudes towards income from their own effort and income which is derived from other people’s effort, having in mind that individual actions depend on their attitudes. The next step establishes the link between the income from other people’s effort with the re-distributive dimension of the EU budget, considering that different attitudes among individuals in the EU could lead to significant differences in effectiveness of this redistributive policy among European regions and, consequently, diverse regional inequalities. Empirical research uses data for 27 EU countries observed over two waves of European Value Surveys: 1999-2000 (Wave 1 and 2008–2009 (Wave 2. The results indicate a significant role of social attitudes for regional inequalities, which raises the question of the appropriateness of simplification and uniform regional policy instruments in solving EU regional problems.

  20. The Wealth of Regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nistotskaya, Marina; Charron, Nicholas; Lapuente, Victor


    . Using original survey data on QoG from 172 regions in eighteen European Union countries, we find that regions where governments are perceived by their citizens as impartial and free from corruption have on average significantly more SMEs. We also find that in less corrupt countries the spatial...... distribution of SMEs is more even than in more corrupt countries...

  1. Arkadien. Region og identitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Thomas Heine

    Oldtidens Grækenland bestod af et mylder af bystater, grupperet i regioner, og grækerne mente, at de forskellige regioners beboere havde hver deres karakteristika. Bogen undersøger dette emne nærmere i forhold til Arkadien på Peloponnes: Hvad ville det sige at være arkader? Var det et geografisk...

  2. Regional Aspects of New Industrialization

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    Yakov Petrovich Silin


    Full Text Available In the article, the authors substantiate the need to consider the regional economic and other conditions when carrying out various essential transformations in the national economy of the country. We have argued the importance of new industrialization for overcoming the technological lag of the country and its regions and for supporting the large-scale structural transformations. We have proved that the complex set of the interconnected concepts and the theories of macro- and microlevels may be the theoretical platform for the paradigm of new industrialization. These are the theory of economic growth, the theory of the modernization of the economy, the theory of the change of technological ways during the industrial revolutions, theories of innovative development, developments in the field of the institutional theory. The authors have shown that the transition to new industrialization is the fundamental historical pattern for the majority of the countries of the world, including industrially developed ones. The purpose of the article is to identify the brightest tendencies and features of the development of the Ural macro-region in the years of market reforms as well as the definition of the strategic transformations in the context of the formation of new industrialization. The hypothesis of the research assumes that the revealed regional features of the Ural macroregion’s economic development are the prerequisites of its development as the centre of the modernization of the Russian economy. On the basis of the analysis of three groups of statistic data for the twenty-five year period of liberal and monetary reforms, the brightest tendencies and features of the development of the Ural macro-region are revealed. We have emphasized that the Ural macro-region has managed to keep its historically developed code — the industrial model of the economy, which have been developing for many decades. The authors have made a significant contribution of

  3. Fiscal competition and regional differentiation


    Justman, Moshe; Thisse, Jacques-François; Van Ypersele, Tanguy


    Regions can benefit by offering infrastructure services that are differentiated. Competition between regions over potential investors is then less direct, allowing them to realize greater benefits from external investors. The two polar cases of full and incomplete information about investors' needs are studied. In both cases, there is regional differentiation. However, fiscal competition is efficient in the former case but not in the latter. Finally, it is shown that free entry in the loc...

  4. Allegheny County Kane Regional Center Census (United States)

    Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center — Total number of residents in each Kane Regional Center facility by race and gender. The Kane Regional Centers are skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers run by...

  5. North American Regional Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    North America is an energy community fortunate to be endowed with a rich and varied resource base. It consumes about a third of the world's energy and produces about one quarter of world energy supply. North America depends on a mix of complementary energy sources that should remain competitive but not in conflict. The current supply mix varies between Canada, the United States and Mexico, but fossil fuels are dominant across the region, leaving the three member countries vulnerable to a myriad of risks associated with traditional supply sources. Energy trade between all three countries is also a major contributor to the region's economy. Thus, the impetus for collaboration across the region has grown out of the common goals of energy security and economic prosperity. The goal of the WEC regional group was to discuss avenues for advancing North American cooperation and coordination on a range of energy issues. An additional objective was to develop policy recommendations that will facilitate effective development and use of the region's energy resources. Results and recommendtaions are summarized from three forums that focused on the pertinent issues of energy trade, energy efficiency and energy diversification. The inaugural forum (Energy Trade) was held in Washington, D.C. in the fall of 2005. The following summer, the second forum (Energy Efficiency) took place in Mexico City. The third forum (Energy Diversification) was hosted in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

  6. Evaluation of regional climate simulations over the Great Lakes region driven by three global data sets (United States)

    Shiyuan Zhong; Xiuping Li; Xindi Bian; Warren E. Heilman; L. Ruby Leung; William I. Jr. Gustafson


    The performance of regional climate simulations is evaluated for the Great Lakes region. Three 10-year (1990-1999) current-climate simulations are performed using the MM5 regional climate model (RCM) with 36-km horizontal resolution. The simulations employed identical configuration and physical parameterizations, but different lateral boundary conditions and sea-...

  7. Alligator Rivers Region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An introduction to the Alligator Rivers Region is presented. It contains general information regarding the physiography, climate, hydrology and mining of the region. The Alligator Rivers Region is within an ancient basin, the Pine Creek Geosyncline, which has an area of approximately 66000 km 2 . The Geosyncline has a history of mineral exploitation dating back to 1865, during which time 16 metals have been extracted (silver, arsenic, gold, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, lead, tin, tantalum, uranium, tungsten, zinc). Uranium exploration in the Pine Creek Geosyncline was stimulated by the discovery in 1949 of secondary uranium mineralisation near Rum June, 70 km south-east of Darwin. This was followed by a decade of intense exploration activity resulting in the discoveries of economic uranium ore bodies at Rum Jungle and in the upper reaches of the South Alligator River Valley. All the known major uranium deposits of the East Alligator River uranium field have been discovered since 1969. The present known resources of the Geosyncline are approximately 360 000 tonnes of contained U 3 O 8 . 2 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  8. Enhancing regional security agreements through cooperative monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pregenzer, A.L.


    This paper proposes that strengthening regional capabilities for formulating and implementing arms control and confidence-building measures is a tangible method of enhancing regional security. It discusses the importance of developing a regional infrastructure for arms control and confidence building and elucidates the role of technology in facilitating regional arms control and confidence-building agreements. In addition, it identifies numerous applications for regional cooperative monitoring in the areas of arms control, resource management, international commerce and disaster response. The Cooperative Monitoring Center at Sandia National Laboratories, whose aim is to help individual countries and regions acquire the tools they need to develop their own solutions to regional problems, is discussed briefly. The paper ends with recommendations for establishing regional cooperative monitoring centers

  9. Regional Diversity and Diversification in Mammals. (United States)

    Machac, Antonin; Graham, Catherine H


    The effects of regional diversity on diversification remain controversial. The classic hypothesis that diversification decelerates as regional diversity increases has been recently revived. Yet, there is little geographic evidence for slower diversification across regions of high diversity, and diversity is often thought to promote diversification through its effects on ecological divergence and speciation. Here, we use the newest phylogeny for mammals (4,990 species) and two different methods to test the effects of regional diversity on diversification. We find that regions of high diversity are dominated by expanding clades that are far from their estimated carrying capacities. Regions of low diversity host clades that are small and mostly saturated. These results were supported across mammals and their six largest orders. They were corroborated by the two methods when controlling for clade relatedness, clade nestedness, and clade size. Together, these results reject the hypothesis that high geographic concentration of mammals effectively suppresses their further diversification. Instead, highly diverse regions (especially the tropics) seem to act as the engine of mammalian richness.

  10. The regional seas programme of UNEP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bliss-Guest, P.A. (United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland); Keckes, S.


    The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm) outlined a ''master plan'' for protecting the world's environment which linked environmental assessment, environmental management, and supporting measures, as basic and inseparable elements - also recognizing the advantages of a regional approach in contributing to the solution of global problems. The development of UNEP's Regional Seas Programme, since the Action Plan for the Mediterranean was adopted in 1975, demonstrates that the basic concepts formulated at Stockholm can effectively foster regional cooperation among interested States, and that such cooperation can and does benefit greatly from the support of the United Nations as a whole. The viability of any long-term regional programme lies with the political and financial commitment of the Governments concerned. Within the UNEP Regional Seas Programme this commitment is usually formalized through binding regional legal agreements, and is manifested concretely through an agreed set of activities that are revised periodically by the Governments involved. It is expected that these activities will be adquately supported by financial resources put at the disposal of each of the regional programmes primarily by the Governments concerned.

  11. Regional analysis and environmental impact assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parzyck, D.C.; Brocksen, R.W.; Emanuel, W.R.


    This paper presents a number of techniques that can be used to assess environmental impacts on a regional scale. Regional methodologies have been developed which examine impacts upon aquatic and terrestrial biota in regions through consideration of changes in land use, land cover, air quality, water resource use, and water quality. Techniques used to assess long-range atmospheric transport, water resources, effects on sensitive forest and animal species, and impacts on man are presented in this paper, along with an optimization approach which serves to integrate the analytical techniques in an overall assessment framework. A brief review of the research approach and certain modeling techniques used within one regional studies program is provided. While it is not an all inclusive report on regional analyses, it does present an illustration of the types of analyses that can be performed on a regional scale

  12. Transformation of the Zagreb urban region

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    Milan Ilić


    Full Text Available Several aspects of the transformation of theZagreb urban region are considered in this work: change in the regionćssize and form, socio-economic transformation, functional transformation andphysiognomic or morphological transformation. It was established that theregionćs form has changed: it is moving from the classic star-like form,characteristic of the early developmental phase of the urban region, to acircular form. The region has experienced evolution in the developmentalsense and reached a phase of absolute decentralization. The process oftransformation in the region is continuing at full pace, while onlyperipheral, mainly small and poorly linked settlements with an unfavorabledemographic balance and processes are lagging behind.

  13. Territory brand as a factor of region competitiveness (on the example of Penza region

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    Medushevskaya Inna


    Full Text Available The article describes the brand of territory as a factor of the region competitiveness. The examples of territory brands from the world and Russian practice are analyzed. The possible options for the brand for Penza region are proposed.

  14. The Influence of Globalization, Integration and Regionalization Processes on the European States and Regions

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    T V Bazarenko


    Full Text Available The article deals with the impact of globalization, regionalization and integration in European countries and regions. It discusses the distinctive features and factors of influence of each of these processes on the European countries and sub national entities.

  15. Acoustic holograms of active regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, Dean-Yi


    We propose a method to study solar magnetic regions in the solar interior with the principle of optical holography. A magnetic region in the solar interior scatters the solar background acoustic waves. The scattered waves and background waves could form an interference pattern on the solar surface. We investigate the feasibility of detecting this interference pattern on the solar surface, and using it to construct the three-dimensional scattered wave from the magnetic region with the principle of optical holography. In solar acoustic holography, the background acoustic waves play the role of reference wave; the magnetic region plays the role of the target object; the interference pattern, acoustic power map, on the solar surface plays the role of the hologram.

  16. Acoustic holograms of active regions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chou, Dean-Yi [Physics Department, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan (China)], E-mail:


    We propose a method to study solar magnetic regions in the solar interior with the principle of optical holography. A magnetic region in the solar interior scatters the solar background acoustic waves. The scattered waves and background waves could form an interference pattern on the solar surface. We investigate the feasibility of detecting this interference pattern on the solar surface, and using it to construct the three-dimensional scattered wave from the magnetic region with the principle of optical holography. In solar acoustic holography, the background acoustic waves play the role of reference wave; the magnetic region plays the role of the target object; the interference pattern, acoustic power map, on the solar surface plays the role of the hologram.

  17. Epidemiologia da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection

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    Tatiana Martins


    Full Text Available A hepatite C é uma das principais causas de doença hepática crônica em todo o mundo. Existe grande variação na prevalência da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV de acordo com a região geográfica estudada, refletindo não só características epidemiológicas distintas entre as populações, mas diferenças nas metodologias utilizadas para a realização das estimativas. Apesar dos dados escassos, estimativas indicam que o Brasil é um país com prevalência intermediária, variando entre 1% e 2%. Os principais fatores de risco para a infecção pelo HCV são a transfusão de hemoderivados de doadores não rastreados com anti-HCV, uso de drogas intravenosas, transplante de órgãos, hemodiálise, transmissão vertical, exposição sexual e ocupacional. Pela ausência de vacina ou profilaxia pós-exposição eficaz, o foco principal da prevenção está no reconhecimento e controle desses fatores de risco. Neste artigo será feita uma revisão da literatura com enfoque na prevalência da hepatite C, especialmente no Brasil. Além disso, serão discutidos aspectos relacionados à distribuição da infecção pelo HCV de acordo com as faixas etárias e também os principais fatores de risco para a hepatite C.Hepatitis C is a major cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. There is a significant variation in the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV infection according to the geographic region studied. These discrepancies reflect not only distinct epidemiological characteristics among the populations, but also differences in the methodologies used for the estimates. Despite scarce data, estimates indicate that Brazil is a country with an intermediate prevalence of HCV infection, ranging from 1% to 2%. The most important risk factors for HCV acquisition include injection drug use, blood product transfusion, organ transplantation, hemodialysis, occupational injury, sexual transmission and vertical transmission. Because there is no

  18. Cooperation in regional nuclear training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newstead, C.M.; Lee, D.S.; Spitalnik, J.


    This paper presents an overview of the nuclear training currently being undertaken in the countries of the co-authors, and considers the degree to which training problems are amenable to common solutions such as cooperative regional training programs. Different types of cooperation are discussed including the development of regional and international training centers, cooperative bilateral and multilateral training, and the proposed US International Nuclear Safety Training Academy. The paper provides suggestions of ways for enhancing regional cooperation

  19. American Red Cross Chapter Regions (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — The Regions are part of the national field level structure to support chapters. The Regions role is admistrative as well as provides oversight and program technical...

  20. Veneto Region, Italy. Health system review. (United States)

    Toniolo, Franco; Mantoan, Domenico; Maresso, Anna


    The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of a health system and of policy initiatives in progress or under development. This HiT is one of the first to be written on a subnational level of government and focuses on the Veneto Region of northern Italy. HiTs examine different approaches to the organization, financing and delivery of health services and the role of the main actors in health systems; describe the institutional framework, process, content and implementation of health and health care policies; and highlight challenges and areas that require more in-depth analysis. The Veneto Region is one of Italy's richest regions and the health of its resident population compares favourably with other regions in Italy. Life expectancy for both men and women, now at 79.1 and 85.2 years, respectively, is slightly higher than the national average, while mortality rates are comparable to national ones. The major causes of death are tumours and cardiovascular diseases. Under Italy's National Health Service, the organization and provision of health care is a regional responsibility and regions must provide a nationally defined (with regional input) basic health benefit package to all of their citizens; extra services may be provided if budgets allow. Health care is mainly financed by earmarked central and regional taxes, with regions receiving their allocated share of resources from the National Health Fund. Historically, health budget deficits have been a major problem in most Italian regions, but since the early 2000s the introduction of efficiency measures and tighter procedures on financial management have contributed to a significant decrease in the Veneto Regions health budget deficit.The health system is governed by the Veneto Region government (Giunta) via the Departments of Health and Social Services, which receive technical support from a single General Management Secretariat. Health care is

  1. Regional water footprint and water management: the case of Madrid region (Spain)


    Soler Rovira, José; Arroyo Sanz, Juan Manuel; Conde Marcos, Hugo; Sanz Zudaire, Carlos; Mesa Moreno, Alfredo; Gil Pascual, Sergio


    Water resources and water footprint of the production and consumption in Madrid region were estimated, considering blue water (water resources), green water (soil moisture), grey water (polluted water) and virtual water (water trade in products imported and exported in the region). Water resources in Madrid relay mainly in surface waters and rainfall, so the periodic occurrence of meteorological droughts implies the scarcity of water supply. The main users of blue water are households, munici...

  2. GRTgaz and the regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    GRTgaz is a European leader in natural gas transmission, a world expert in gas transmission networks and systems, and an operator firmly committed to the energy transition. It owns and operates the gas transmission network throughout most of France and it manages the transmission network in Germany, thereby helping to ensure correct operation of the French and European gas market. It contributes to the energy security of regional supply systems and performs a public service mission to ensure the continuity of consumer supply. This document presents the regional activities of GRTgaz in France in the form of 12 regional fact sheets summarizing the key data by the end of 2016: network structure, financial indicators (investments, orders), public and industrial gas consumptions, 2017 projects, institutional and environmental partnerships

  3. Monetary policy and regional output in Brazil

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    Rafael Rockenbach da Silva Guimarães


    Full Text Available This work presents an analysis of whether the effects of the Brazilian monetary policy on regional outputs are symmetric. The strategy developed combines the techniques of principal component analysis (PCA to decompose the variables that measure regional economic activity into common and region-specific components and vector autoregressions (VAR to observe the behavior of these variables in response to monetary policy shocks. The common component responds to monetary policy as expected. Additionally, the idiosyncratic components of the regions showed no impact of monetary policy. The main finding of this paper is that the monetary policy responses on regional output are symmetrical when the regional output decomposition is performed, and the responses are asymmetrical when this decomposition is not performed. Therefore, performing the regional output decomposition corroborates the economic intuition that monetary policy has no impact on region-specific issues. Once monetary policy affects the common component of the regional economic activity and does not impact its idiosyncratic components, it can be considered symmetrical.

  4. Environmental Survey in Region VI, Haltenbanken, 2009. Summary report; Miljoeundersoekelse i Region VI, Haltenbanken, 2009. Sammendragsrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mannvik, Hans-Petter; Wasbotten, Ingar Halvorsen


    An environmental survey of Region VI, Haltenbanken, has been carried out. This report presents the results from the analyses carried out on samples from a total of 316 stations at 16 fields and 15 regional stations. A status of the environmental conditions in the region is given at the end of the report. (Author)

  5. Determinants of health disparities between Italian regions

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    Giannoni Margherita


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Among European countries, Italy is one of the countries where regional health disparities contribute substantially to socioeconomic health disparities. In this paper, we report on regional differences in self-reported poor health and explore possible determinants at the individual and regional levels in Italy. Methods We use data from the "Indagine Multiscopo sulle Famiglie", a survey of aspects of everyday life in the Italian population, to estimate multilevel logistic regressions that model poor self-reported health as a function of individual and regional socioeconomic factors. Next we use the causal step approach to test if living conditions, healthcare characteristics, social isolation, and health behaviors at the regional level mediate the relationship between regional socioeconomic factors and self-rated health. Results We find that residents living in regions with more poverty, more unemployment, and more income inequality are more likely to report poor health and that poor living conditions and private share of healthcare expenditures at the regional level mediate socioeconomic disparities in self-rated health among Italian regions. Conclusion The implications are that regional contexts matter and that regional policies in Italy have the potential to reduce health disparities by implementing interventions aimed at improving living conditions and access to quality healthcare.

  6. Regional Governance Matters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Charron, Nicholas; Dijkstra, Lewis; Lapuente, Victor


    study presents novel data (European QoG Index – EQI) on the ‘quality of government’ (QoG) – understood as low corruption, impartial public services and rule of law – for national and sub-national levels in twenty-seven European Union countries. The EQI shows notable within-country variations: while...... high-performing regions in Italy and Spain (for example, Bolzano, País Vasco) rank amongst the best European Union regions, others perform well below the European Union average. The index is highly correlated with sub-national levels of socio-economic development and levels of social trust, yet...


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    Vaduva Maria


    Full Text Available Regional development policies in the EU Member States have included tools whoseimportance varied from one country to another. Can be identified by negative incentives forregional development policy towards location in crowded areas or control over the location,the reallocation of economic activities in national territory, creation of adequateinfrastructure, measures to enhance development, financial incentives granted toenterprises. Sustainable business development, rehabilitation of social infrastructure,including social housing and improved social services. Improved regional and localtransportation are key areas of intervention rehabilitation and upgrading of county roads,city streets, including road construction and rehabilitation of belt.

  8. Regional Organisations and International Mediation: The ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Regional Organisations and International Mediation: The Effectiveness of Insider Mediators. ... During the last two decades of the twentieth century, the world witnessed an increasing number of regional conflict management efforts undertaken by regional inter-governmental organisations. There are therefore strong reasons ...

  9. Activization of the state policy on euro-regional cooperation in the sphere of the interstate regional governance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. I. Pak


    Research objective is the justification of the need of activization of the state policy on Euro-regional cooperation in the sphere of the interstate regional governance. During the research it is recognized that the realization of the state policy on the basis of the considered principles, tools, functions, factors and methods has to execute a main objective of the interstate regional control which is exercised in the sphere of Euro-regional cooperation and to promote adjustment of close mutually beneficial relations of Ukraine and neighboring states, to increase competitiveness of the Ukrainian territories and the most effective use of capacity of the Ukrainian regions in the course of activity of Euro-regions. Finally, such state policy has to be focused on the maintenance of the sufficient standard of living of the population, on ensuring integrity and unity of the social and economic space of the country, on formation of the conditions of sustainable and industrial and innovative development of regions, which will provide its harmonious integration into the European environment.

  10. Open magnetic fields in active regions (United States)

    Svestka, Z.; Solodyna, C. V.; Howard, R.; Levine, R. H.


    Soft X-ray images and magnetograms of several active regions and coronal holes are examined which support the interpretation that some of the dark X-ray gaps seen between interconnecting loops and inner cores of active regions are foot points of open field lines inside the active regions. Characteristics of the investigated dark gaps are summarized. All the active regions with dark X-ray gaps at the proper place and with the correct polarity predicted by global potential extrapolation of photospheric magnetic fields are shown to be old active regions, indicating that field opening is accomplished only in a late phase of active-region development. It is noted that some of the observed dark gaps probably have nothing in common with open fields, but are either due to the decreased temperature in low-lying portions of interconnecting loops or are the roots of higher and less dense or cooler loops.

  11. Ethanol demand in Brazil: Regional approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freitas, Luciano Charlita de; Kaneko, Shinji


    Successive studies attempting to clarify national aspects of ethanol demand have assisted policy makers and producers in defining strategies, but little information is available on the dynamic of regional ethanol markets. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of ethanol demand at the regional level taking into account the peculiarities of the developed center-south and the developing north-northeast regions. Regional ethanol demand is evaluated based on a set of market variables that include ethanol price, consumer's income, vehicle stock and prices of substitute fuels; i.e., gasoline and natural gas. A panel cointegration analysis with monthly observations from January 2003 to April 2010 is employed to estimate the long-run demand elasticity. The results reveal that the demand for ethanol in Brazil differs between regions. While in the center-south region the price elasticity for both ethanol and alternative fuels is high, consumption in the north-northeast is more sensitive to changes in the stock of the ethanol-powered fleet and income. These, among other evidences, suggest that the pattern of ethanol demand in the center-south region most closely resembles that in developed nations, while the pattern of demand in the north-northeast most closely resembles that in developing nations. - Research highlights: → Article consists of a first insight on regional demand for ethanol in Brazil. → It proposes a model with multiple fuels, i.e., hydrous ethanol, gasohol and natural gas. → Results evidence that figures for regional demand for ethanol differ amongst regions and with values reported for national demand. → Elasticities for the center-south keep similarities to patterns for fuel demand in developed nations while coefficients for the north-northeast are aligned to patterns on developing countries.

  12. Ethanol demand in Brazil: Regional approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freitas, Luciano Charlita de, E-mail: [Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy, Hiroshima University 1-5-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8529 (Japan); Kaneko, Shinji [Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Development Policy, Hiroshima University 1-5-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8529 (Japan)


    Successive studies attempting to clarify national aspects of ethanol demand have assisted policy makers and producers in defining strategies, but little information is available on the dynamic of regional ethanol markets. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of ethanol demand at the regional level taking into account the peculiarities of the developed center-south and the developing north-northeast regions. Regional ethanol demand is evaluated based on a set of market variables that include ethanol price, consumer's income, vehicle stock and prices of substitute fuels; i.e., gasoline and natural gas. A panel cointegration analysis with monthly observations from January 2003 to April 2010 is employed to estimate the long-run demand elasticity. The results reveal that the demand for ethanol in Brazil differs between regions. While in the center-south region the price elasticity for both ethanol and alternative fuels is high, consumption in the north-northeast is more sensitive to changes in the stock of the ethanol-powered fleet and income. These, among other evidences, suggest that the pattern of ethanol demand in the center-south region most closely resembles that in developed nations, while the pattern of demand in the north-northeast most closely resembles that in developing nations. - Research highlights: {yields} Article consists of a first insight on regional demand for ethanol in Brazil. {yields} It proposes a model with multiple fuels, i.e., hydrous ethanol, gasohol and natural gas. {yields} Results evidence that figures for regional demand for ethanol differ amongst regions and with values reported for national demand. {yields} Elasticities for the center-south keep similarities to patterns for fuel demand in developed nations while coefficients for the north-northeast are aligned to patterns on developing countries.

  13. Práticas e nível de conhecimento sobre doença cerebrovascular em um hospital universitário: Parte 1. Educação do corpo de enfermagem: prioridade para o tratamento do infarto cerebral Knowledge and attitudes regarding stroke in a Brazilian teaching hospital: Part 1. Results in health care workers and non-health care workers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charles André


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO E OBJETIVOS: Em um hospital universitário, entrevista direta de amostras estratificadas dos 3587 funcionários, visando determinar o nível de conhecimento e a conduta prática do corpo social diante do acidente vascular cerebral ou encefálico (AVE. Estabelecer prioridades para esforços educacionais. MÉTODO: Pré-teste para otimização do instrumento e cálculo amostrai. Entrevista de 309 funcionários sorteados. Inquérito consistindo em 32 questões sobre fisiopatologia, epidemiologia e mortalidade, clínica, fatores de risco, evolução e tratamento, comportamento pessoal diante da doença. Teste de Kruskal-Wallis para múltiplas comparações de dados não-paramétricos. RESULTADOS: O corpo social do hospital exibiu baixo nível de conhecimento teórico sobre o AVE e atitudes errôneas diante da doença. A performance dos enfermeiros foi superior à de auxiliares, técnicos e atendentes de enfermagem. O corpo de enfermagem, apesar de pontuar melhor na entrevista que a população leiga, mantém-se desinformado sobre as novas possibilidades terapêuticas e dissemina mitos sobre a doença. Entre os grupos profissionais leigos, o nível de educação formal não influenciou a performance na entrevista. CONCLUSÕES: A comunidade leiga e de saúde do HUCFF não reconhece adequadamente os sintomas típicos, a evolução provável dos pacientes e a necessidade de intervir rapidamente diante da doença cerebrovascular. O corpo de enfermagem não está preparado para a tarefa de difundir conceitos corretos sobre a doença. Somente programas específicos de educação continuada podem reverter este quadro, e devem ser considerados prioritários.BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to evaluate professionals working at a university hospital as to their knowledge and attitudes towards stroke. METHODS: Individuals working in the hospital were divided in two groups, health care workers (HCW and non-health care workers (NHCW, and

  14. Potential of Agricultural Biomass: Comparative Review of Selected EU Regions and Region of Vojvodina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Odavić Petrana


    Full Text Available Owing to the fact that the EU is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, and having in mind their high dependence on import of oil and oil derivatives, which, in turn, causes instability of power supply, increasing attention is being paid to renewable energy sources. Given the ongoing pre-accession process of the Republic of Serbia in relation to the EU, in order to determine the capacity of the country to increase the share of energy use from renewable sources, in this paper clustering of selected regions in the EU-28 has been carried out, after which a comparative analysis of regions was performed in terms of potential of agricultural biomass, for the purpose of generating energy. The aim of this study is to determine the level of the region of Vojvodina in relation to ten selected EU regions, based on parameters that affect the potential for using renewable energy sources, primarily residues from agriculture. By applying the K-means method, Borda count method and comparative analysis, and based on empirical data, results show that the region of Vojvodina takes a significant fifth place. Its share of agricultural land ranks it as the first, whereas production of cereals and the total number of farms larger than 100 ha rank it as the second. It could be concluded that Vojvodina is an agricultural region with large quantities of plant remains, primarily those left over from harvest, which represents a significant potential for energy generation from agricultural biomass.

  15. 36 CFR 261.73 - Regulations applicable to Region 3, Southwestern Region, as defined in § 200.2. [Reserved (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Regulations applicable to Region 3, Southwestern Region, as defined in § 200.2. [Reserved] 261.73 Section 261.73 Parks, Forests... § 261.73 Regulations applicable to Region 3, Southwestern Region, as defined in § 200.2. [Reserved] ...

  16. Regional energy facility siting analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eberhart, R.C.; Eagles, T.W.


    Results of the energy facility siting analysis portion of a regional pilot study performed for the anticipated National Energy Siting and Facility Report are presented. The question of cell analysis versus site-specific analysis is explored, including an evaluation of the difference in depth between the two approaches. A discussion of the possible accomplishments of regional analysis is presented. It is concluded that regional sitting analysis could be of use in a national siting study, if its inherent limits are recognized

  17. Factors shaping competitiveness of the region

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    Szymańska Katarzyna


    Full Text Available Regions are competing between themselves for the highest position in the country. Achieving and maintaining this position is associated with benefits such as attracting investors, the growth of entrepreneurship living in the region or commune, improvement of housing conditions, local enrichment, lower unemployment, lower social spending and the development of the real estate market. The inventors of the region potential are: entrepreneurs, groups connecting various environments (clusters, associations, Special Economic Zones, knowledge, innovation, and the living conditions of citizens. Regions compete with each other by using monuments, attracting investors and investing funds. The main factors of territorial competition are associated with local resources. The most common and most general division of territorial competitiveness factors are classified into internal and external. External factors include national and global environment, social, economic and spacious politics of the state and other organizations. Internal factors are local opportunities and development needs. They are in the local coordinate system and depend on local resources (quantity and quality of education inhabitants of commune or region, natural resources in the region, the policy of the region - pro-health, pro-family and pro-environmental, infrastructure, their accessibility, quality and efficiency of their use. The aim of this article is to discuss about creators of region potential (mainly entrepreneurs, clusters, associations, Special Economic Zones, and the relationships between them.

  18. Winter precipitation and cyclones in the Mediterranean region: future climate scenarios in a regional simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Lionello


    Full Text Available Future climate projections show higher/lower winter (Dec-Jan-Feb precipitation in the northern/southern Mediterranean region than in present climate conditions. This paper analyzes the results of regional model simulations of the A2 and B2 scenarios, which confirm this opposite precipitation change and link it to the change of cyclone activity. The increase of the winter cyclone activity in future climate scenarios over western Europe is responsible for the larger precipitation at the northern coast of the basin, though the bulk of the change is located outside the Mediterranean region. The reduction of cyclone activity inside the Mediterranean region in future scenarios is responsible for the lower precipitation at the southern and eastern Mediterranean coast.

  19. The Influence of Globalization on Caspian Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. . Chernitsyna


    Full Text Available During last several years the Caspian region has to face the integration into global international process. Long and hard process of globalization is connected not only with the dissolution of the USSR and the emergence of new regional players, but also the desire of extra-regional countries to participate, monitor and control all aspects of life in this region, including energy potential, transport, cultural, ecological and strategic issues. The situation is complicated by the uncertainty of the legal status and the conflict of interest of some extra-regional participants. Until recently, Caspian regional countries were not ready to solve old familiar aches without the biggest international players, such as the USA, China, EU etc. However the safety of the region requires decisions for the benefit of the region in the whole and each country separately.

  20. AoA Region: The regional organization for the protection of the marine environment/regional commission for fisheries (ROPME/RECOFI) area

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.W.A.

    and export of crude oil and natural gas is the mainstay of the economies of the ROPME Sea Area countries, while fi shing and agriculture are the other major economic activities. Because of the maritime transport ANNEX IV : REGIONAL SUMMARIES – THE REGIONAL... and the Kuwait Institute for Scientifi c Research, all of which have fairly well-developed observation programmes and datasets, including coastal time-series data. ROPME organizes basin-scale cruises from time to time. The Ministry of Agriculture...