
Sample records for referencia postural como

  1. Estilos de referencia APA


    Gomis Selva, Nieves; Delgado Domenech, Beatriz; González García, María; Sánchez Colodrero, Vicente; Jover Mira, Irene; León Antón, María José


    El estilo de referencia de la Asociación Psicológica Americana (APA) es el formato más aceptado y comúnmente utilizado por profesionales e investigadores de ciencias sociales, como Psicología, Magisterio, Enfermería, Criminología, Relaciones públicas, entre otras. La adopción de un estilo de referencia compartido facilita la elaboración y redacción de trabajos, así como la comprensión por parte de otros profesionales interesados por disciplinas afines. Por ello, es imprescindible que los futu...

  2. El servicio de referencia archivístico: retos y oportunidades

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    Navarro Bonilla, Diego


    Full Text Available The service and the work of reference developed in archives are considered as one of the most succesful activities that make possible the relationship between patrons and arranged documents, showing the traditional social interest provided by archives. It is also analysed the useful interest derived from the conexion of reference services in libraries and archives. Moreover, the characteristics of the professional profile of the reference archivist are the keys to strengthen the archival reference service. Some items like developments of web finding aids allow the so called electronic reference to be one of the most interesting areas in the process of providing attention and service to the patrons. Finally, there is a reflection about the different ways that users choose to face the search and access to archival documents. Finally, the reference interview process is also reviewed.

    El servicio y el trabajo de referencia desarrollado en archivos son consideradas actividades que permiten canalizar la relación entre el usuario y los documentos organizados, favoreciendo la función social tradicionalmente atribuida al archivo. Se analiza el fructífero interés derivado de la interrelación entre el servicio de referencia llevado a cabo en bibliotecas y archivos. Junto a ello, la delimitación de un perfil de profesional especializado en archivística, responsable del servicio, constituye una de las claves para el afianzamiento de las actividades de referencia en el contexto del archivo. Aspectos como la elaboración de herramientas web de acceso a los documentos, así como instrumentos de descripción, hacen de la denominada referencia electrónica una de las áreas de mayor proyección en la atención, formación y estudio de usuarios de archivos. Junto a estos aspectos, el proceso que conforma la entrevista de referencia con el usuario, así como la caracterización de colectivos y modos de acceso a la documentación de archivo son

  3. El Sistema de Referencia Celeste convencional de la IAU (United States)

    Arias, E. F.

    La Unión Astronómica Internacional (IAU) recomendó la adopción de un nuevo sistema de referencia celeste baricéntrico cuyo plano fundamental y origen de ascensiones rectas estén próximos, respectivamente, al ecuador y equinoccio dinámicos J2000.0. El nuevo sistema de referencia estará materializado por las posiciones J2000.0 de radiofuentes extragalácticas determinadas con la técnica de interferometría de larga línea de base (VLBI). El Working Group on Reference Frames de la IAU (WGRF) decidió adoptar (Grasse, 1995) al sistema de referencia celeste extragaláctico del Servicio Internacional de la Rotación Terrestre (IERS) como futuro sistema de referencia celeste convencional bajo el nombre International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) y encomendó su mantenimiento futuro al IERS. El marco de referencia que materializará al ICRS contiene posiciones precisas J2000.0 de más de 600 radiofuentes extragalácticas. Las coordenadas fueron ajustadas en una única solución VLBI en la cual se incluyeron todas las observaciones realizadas hasta octubre de 1995 con la técnica de adquisición de datos VLBI Mark III. Para minimizar los errores sistemáticos que pueden afectar la calidad del marco de referencia se introdujeron mejoras sustanciales en la modelización y en la selección de datos. Un subconjunto de objetos del marco de referencia se utilizó para referir las posiciones estelares determinadas con el satélite astrométrico Hipparcos al ICRS.

  4. El servicio bibliotecario de referencia

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    José Antonio Merlo Vega


    Full Text Available Las bibliotecas cumplen una función informativa. Se estudian los servicios de información que prestan las bibliotecas, así como las características del personal que los atiende y la infraestructura necesaria para su correcto funcionamiento. Se analiza la colección necesaria para esta actividad y el proceso que transcurre desde que un usuario realiza una consulta hasta que la misma es resuelta. Se concluye con el examen de los principales aspectos relacionados con la evaluación del servicio de referencia

  5. ¿De qué hablamos cuando hacemos referencia a la psicosis ordinaria?


    Llaneza, Sebastián


    Como es sabido estamos aquí reunidos en torno a una pregunta que podríamos formular del siguiente modo: ¿de qué hablamos cuando hacemos referencia a la psicosis ordinaria? Para empezar diré lo siguiente, expresaré una afirmación: cuando hablamos de psicosis ordinaria hacemos referencia a un sintagma que no alude a una nueva categoría diagnóstica. Es importante destacar que, con dicho término, no nos referimos a una nueva clasificación. Por esta misma razón, en el marco de una confer...

  6. Subjuntivo y referencia. un modelo explicativo y pedagógico para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera

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    Priego-Casanova, Luis


    Full Text Available El modo subjuntivo es uno de los aspectos de la gramática española más complejos de describir y uno de los mayores problemas en el aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE. Así lo confirma nuestra prueba diagnóstica realizada entre alumnos sinohablantes de origen taiwanés, en la que 21 de los 35 encuestados cometieron más de un 31% de errores. Con el fin de aportar una solución para este problema, en el presente trabajo se desarrolla un modelo explicativo y pedagógico del subjuntivo para el nivel B1 (MCER desde una perspectiva pragmática. Así, se describe el subjuntivo como un operador referencial de la información según tres contextos prototípicos de referencia (tanto endofórica como exofórica. Estos tres contextos referenciales permiten explicar y explotar pedagógicamente, de una manera novedosa y operativa, diez funciones comunicativas de uso del subjuntivo, que sintetizan las 34 funciones del lenguaje descritas en el PCIC para el nivel B1 de E/LE.

  7. Mejora de la calidad de las medidas de ozono mediante un fotómetro UV de referencia

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    C. Sánchez Blaya


    Full Text Available La Directiva 92/72/CE hace referencia al método de análisis descrito en la UNE 77-221:2000 y a que los analizadores de ozono se deben calibrar con un fotómetro UV de referencia o con un patrón transferido.De la necesidad de desarrollar un procedimiento que asegure la calidad y la trazabilidad de las mediciones en España, el Área de Contaminación Atmosférica ha decidido implantar un fotómetro UV de referencia NIST como patrón de ozono.Teniendo en cuenta los procedimientos empleados por EPA y NIST, se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de verificación consistente en la realización de 6 comparaciones del Patrón Transferido frente al Fotómetro UV de Referencia NIST, en días diferentes, analizándose, como mínimo, 5 concentraciones de ozono diferentes. Cada comparación se inicia y se finaliza siempre con una concentración de 0 ppb de O3. De cada comparación se obtiene una regresión lineal.Una vez realizadas las 6 comparaciones se obtiene la Recta de calibración y se calcula la incertidumbre asociada al patrón transferido.Se ha realizado la verificación de 17 patrones transferidos de los que 11 son fotómetros UV, 2 son generadores de ozono y 4 son generadores de ozono de bancos de dilución.De los resultados se concluye que las incertidumbres de los generadores de ozono, en general, son mayores que las de los fotómetros UV, recomendándose estos últimos como patrones transferidos.Destacar que mediante la utilización de los patrones transferidos para la calibración de analizadores de ozono se garantiza tanto la calidad como la trazabilidad de los datos generados.



    Lizeth Mendoza Sánchez; Edith Zapata Campos; Florianne Castillo Borja


    En este trabajo se presentan los análisis cualitativos y semi-cuantitativos aplicados a un feldespato candidato a MRC (material certificado de referencia) para la industria del vidrio. Los elementos que se encontraron por medio de FRX (espectrometría de fluorescencia de rayos X) en el feldespato son Mg, Na, Fe, K, Ti, Zr, Al y Si. El análisis cualitativo por medio de difracción de rayos X demostró que el 81.6% del material analizado correspondía a un feldespato compuesto por sodio y potasio p...

  9. Organización y manejo de la colección de cepas de referencia del Instituto Finlay

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    Elsie Iglesias


    Full Text Available La Colección de Cultivos Microbianos del Instituto Finlay está constituida por cepas para la producción, la investigación y desarrollo de vacunas, así como de referencia para el control de la calidad de medios de cultivo, desinfectantes e higienizantes, entre otros. Mientras que la metodología para el manejo de los lotes de siembra de referencia de las cepas vacunales se encuentra adecuadamente establecida, en el caso de las cepas de referencia, la colección no se encontraba en óptimas condiciones. Por este motivo se elaboraron nuevos lotes de referencia a partir de cepas obtenidas de colecciones reconocidas y se estableció la documentación adecuada que incluye: expedientes de cada lote, los procedimientos normalizados de operación, los registros de elaboración y control de los lotes, las especificaciones de calidad y los certificados de ensayo.

  10. La interconsulta y la referencia Interconsultation and referral

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    José Díaz Novás


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tema de la ínterconsulta y la referencia como habilidades esenciales del Médico de Familia, se explica su naturaleza y cómo llevar a cabo estos procedimientos, enfatizándose en la importancia de su desarrollo correcto, las causas que los motivan y la responsabilidad del médico con el paciente.Interconsultation and referral as essential skills of the family physician are approached. Their nature is also explained, as well as how to implement these procedures, making emphasis on the importance of their correct development, the causes motivating them and the responsibility of the doctor with the patient.

  11. Aspectos conceptuales para la investigación de la labor de bibliotecarios y bibliotecarias que proporcionan servicios de referencia

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    Alejandro-José Unfried-González


    Full Text Available Para llevar a cabo una investigación bibliotecológica que tome como objeto de estudio las actividades agrupadas bajo el término referencia, es necesario reconocer la complejidad de dicho objeto y construir los conceptos adecuados para abordarlo. Precisamente, con el término referencia se designa una actividad bibliotecaria compleja que puede ser abordada, al menos, desde cuatro perspectivas distintas determinadas por el empleo de uno o más conceptos clave. El concepto trabajo de referencia permite abordar específicamente la labor realizada por personas que proporcionan servicios de referencia en una biblioteca. De esta manera se establece una distinción teórica relevante entre funciones realizadas por las personas y servicios ofrecidos por la institución, adscribiendo esta labor particular a una noción amplia que parece ser apropiada para su caracterización: la de asistir, la cual concede un lugar no solo a cada una de las funciones reconocidas tradicionalmente al personal del servicio de referencia, sino a su doble dimensión creativa y productiva, lo que plantea a su vez la posibilidad de un enfoque cualitativo de investigación.

  12. Estilos de citas y referencias de documentos electrónicos


    Sorli Rojo, Ángela; Merlo Vega, José Antonio


    La descripción formal de los documentos es una actividad documental que hasta el momento afectaba a un conjunto de documentos tipológicamente fáciles de identificar, debido a que presentaban soportes similares -generalmente en papel- y a que existía una larga tradición de normalización de las referencias bibliográficas. El desarrollo de la telemática como herramienta informativa y de comunicación ha obligado a los investigadores y a los profesionales de la documentación a establecer sistemas ...

  13. Aspectos conceptuales para la investigación de la labor de bibliotecarios y bibliotecarias que proporcionan servicios de referencia

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    Alejandro-José Unfried-González


    Full Text Available Para llevar a cabo una investigación bibliot ecológica que tome como objeto de estudio las actividades agrupadas bajo el término referencia, es necesario reconocer la complejidad de dicho objeto y construir los conceptos adecuados para abordarlo. Precisamente, con el término referencia se designa una actividad bibliotecaria compleja que puede ser abordada, al menos, desde cuatro perspectivas distintas determinadas por el empleo de uno o más conceptos clave. El concepto trabajo de referencia permite abordar específicamente la labor realizada por person as que proporcionan servicios de referencia en una biblioteca. De esta manera se establece una distinción teórica relevante entre funciones realizadas por las personas y servicios ofrecidos por la institución, adscribiendo esta labor particular a una noció n amplia que parece ser apropiada para su caracterización: la de asistir, la cual concede un lugar no solo a cada una de las funciones reconocidas tradicionalmente al personal del servicio de referencia, sino a su doble dimensión creativa y productiva, lo que plantea a su vez la posibilidad de un enfoque cualitativo de investigación.


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    Lizeth Mendoza Sánchez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los análisis cualitativos y semi-cuantitativos aplicados a un feldespato candidato a MRC (material certificado de referencia para la industria del vidrio. Los elementos que se encontraron por medio de FRX (espectrometría de fluorescencia de rayos X en el feldespato son Mg, Na, Fe, K, Ti, Zr, Al y Si. El análisis cualitativo por medio de difracción de rayos X demostró que el 81.6% del material analizado correspondía a un feldespato compuesto por sodio y potasio principalmente. Los análisis de homogeneidad física y química mostraron que el material era homogéneo con un tamaño de partícula no mayor a 63 μm y que todos los elementos de interés son homogéneos en muestras de 4 g.

  15. Controle postural em indivíduos portadores da síndrome de Down: revisão de literatura Postural control in individuals with Down syndrome: a review

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    Regiane Luz Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consistiu numa revisão da literatura sobre controle postural em indivíduos portadores da síndrome de Down, por meio de consulta às bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Web of Science. Dentre os artigos publicados nos últimos 16 anos, selecionaram-se 30, dos quais 7 focalizam a natureza dos défices no sistema de controle postural, como alterações neurobiológicas e biomecânicas, e 23 enfocam o controle postural no período de desenvolvimento (11 artigos e em adolescentes e adultos (12 artigos portadores da síndrome. Discutem-se os marcos teóricos que conformam a compreensão do desenvolvimento postural e seus défices, bem como as implicações dessa compreensão para a prática da fisioterapia.This is a review of literature on postural control in individuals with the Down syndrome, by searching in Medline, Lilacs and Web of Science data bases. Among articles published in the last 16 years, 30 were selected, of which 7 focus on postural control system deficits, such as neurobiological and biomechanical alterations, and 23 focus postural control development (11 articles and in adolescents and adults (12 articles with the Down syndrome. The theoretic bases for understanding posture control development and deficits are discussed, in view of their implications for physical therapy practice.

  16. Ouabaina como Hormona


    J. Hernando Ordoñez


    Comentario sobre su origen endógeno y sus aplicaciones terapéuticas

    Pocas drogas han sido más estudiadas que el grupo de los digitálicos, estrofantinas y ouabaina, cuyo estudio es objeto del presente trabajo.

    La ouabaina empezó a ser estudiada desde el siglo pasado. La primera referencia conocida corresponde a Pelikan, 1865 (1), como veneno que empleaban para las flechas en Gabón (Africa). (.)

  17. Registro bibliográfico y referencia bibliográfica: una revisión conceptual

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    Catalina Naumis Peña


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza la confusión entre registro bibliográfico y referencia bibliográfica,fruto quizás del uso del término bibliografía en el lenguaje natural. Este análisis se realiza a partir delreordenamiento en la nueva normatividad en curso y el significado en la teoría bibliográfica. En elmodelo conceptual internacional expresado en los Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records"(FRBR se explicita el uso de la misma normatividad tanto para descripciones catalográficas comobibliográficas. Organismos internacionales como la IFLA responden al vertiginoso crecimiento deinformación en diferentes soportes unificando la descripción de los mismos para orientar a losbibliógrafos del siglo XXI. La antigua dicotomía entre normas bibliográficas y reglas catalográficasdesaparece y permanecen los estilos de citas y referencias bibliográficas con datos mínimos paraacompañar los textos científicos, pero son insuficientes en un trabajo concebido desde una metodologíabibliográfica.

  18. Referencias a las armas utilizadas en las luchas nobiliarias gallegas en el siglo XV

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    Fraga Díez, Guillermo Federico Carlos


    Full Text Available Como modestísima aportación al tema, recogemos las referencias que figuran en un documento del año 1524, pero que aluden a sucesos ocurridos a finales del siglo xv. Se trata del recuento —efectuado en presencia del notario Antonio del Corral— de las armas existentes en quince fortalezas de la dignidad arzobispal de Santiago. Como sería muy prolijo enumerar el armamento de cada fortaleza una por una, hacemos una relación general de dichas armas, con alguna ligera anotación que encontramos en otras fuentes de la época referentes a la utilización de tales armas, llamando la atención sobre la coexistencia de las que podríamos llamar tradicionales con las nuevas de fuego.

  19. La libertad de creación y producción científica : especial referencia a la ley de investigación biomédica

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    Yolanda Gómez Sanchez


    Full Text Available No hay en la Constitución española una referencia directa y explícita a la investigación biomédica ni encontramos tampoco en el Texto Fundamental referencias a otros problemas derivados de estas nuevas tecnologías. Sí contiene la Constitución, sin embargo, referencias directas a la investigación en general (arts. 44.2, 148.1.17 y 149.1.15; y ha reconocido, como derecho fundamental, la producción y creación científica en el artículo 20.1b. En este artículo se defiende que la libertad de investigación forma parte del contenido esencial del derecho fundamental a la producción y creación científica. Se analizan también los principios que integra la Ley de Investigación Biomédica y se cuestiona la ausencia en esta Ley de referencias explícitas al dereco a la libertad y a la igualdad

  20. Búsqueda de series de referencia para el seguimiento de la señal regional del calentamiento global

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    José Daniel Pabón-Caicedo


    Full Text Available Como fase inicial de un estudio de los aspectos regionales del cambio climático se presenta un análisis preliminar de las series de registros de temperatura medias anuales para diferentes regiones y altitudes en territorio colombiano, con el propósito de seleccionar o conformar series de referencia para hacer el seguimiento del calentamiento global y para el estudio del cambio climático en general.

  1. El videojuego como material educativo: La Odisea

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    Belén Mainer Blanco


    Full Text Available La investigación se basa en la función educativa que pueden cumplir los videojuegos, un campo que consideramos inexplorado por tres motivos principalmente: su reciente incorporación, su impopularidad educativa (el rechazo el videojuego como herramienta de aprendizaje y considerado, por el contrario, como una distracción, y la incompleta incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC en el ámbito familiar y educativo. En una segunda parte, se ha realizado una aplicación práctica tomando como referencia la gran obra universal “La Odisea”, cuya intención es mostrar la utilidad del videojuego como complemento educativo.

  2. El consultorio médico escolar como centro de referencia en un proyecto integral en salud reproductiva de base comunitaria

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    Félix Rodríguez Jústiz


    Full Text Available El trabajo presenta la sinopsis de un proyecto iniciado con el consultorio médico escolar de la ESBU "José Martí" del municipio Centro Habana. Se trata de una investigación- acción participativa (IAP que tiene como objetivo general ganar en calidad en la promoción integral de la salud reproductiva y como objetivos específicos los siguientes: influir en el mejoramiento del comportamiento sexual de esta población escolar, prepararlos en la prevención de la infección por el VIH/SIDA y las enfermedades de trasmisión sexual (ETS, instruirlos sobre la planificación familiar buscando la prevención de los embarazos no deseados en las jóvenes parejas. Como método se propone realizar una investigación preliminar para indagar sobre los conocimientos, intereses, necesidades, actitudes, comportamientos de estos jóvenes y programar intervenciones educativas específicas para que estos estudiantes se conviertan en Promotores de Salud y proyecten actividades sobre su familia, otros colectivos estudiantiles, juveniles y la comunidad en general. Se pretende que con el médico y enfermera de la escuela, autoridades locales de salud, los profesores y alumnos participantes y con la asesoría de instituciones nacionales especializadas, dejar establecido a este consultorio médico como centro de referencia y multiplicador de experiencia de este estilo preventivo de trabajo multidisciplinario e intersectorial en esta esfera de la salud.This paper presents the synopsis of a project that was put into practice at the physician office of the "José Martí" Basic Secondary School, in "Centro Habana" municipality. Its is a participative- action- research that has as a general objective to increase the quality of the comprehensive promotion of reproductive health and as specific objectives the following: to influence on the improvement of the sexual behavior of this school population, to prepare them for the prevention of the infection caused by HIV/AIDS and

  3. Establecimiento de un material de referencia de trabajo para interleucina-2 recombinante

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    Maribel Vega


    Full Text Available Resumen La interleucina-2 es una glicoproteína humana de 133 aminoácidos que resulta vital para obtener una respuesta inmunológica efectiva. En el Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología ha podido obtenerse por vía recombinante a partir de una cepa de Escherichia coli. Para el control de la calidad de cada lote producido se hizo necesaria la elaboración de un material de referencia de trabajo. En esta publicación se describen los pasos seguidos en la obtención del lote candidato y la preparación del material de referencia como tal. Se demostró que el patrón de trabajo preparado es homogéneo para el uso en las técnicas analíticas de control de calidad de la interleucina-2 y se predijo una pérdida de actividad inferior al 5 % anual mediante un estudio de estabilidad acelerada. Se obtuvieron valores adecuados para la pureza del material de referencia, evaluada por electroforesis y para la actividad biológica, que se estableció con trazabilidad al material de referencia internacional para este producto.Establishment of a working reference material for recombinant interleukin-2 Interleukin-2 is a human glycoprotein with 133 aminoacids that is crucial for attaining an effective immunological reaction. In the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology this protein has been obtained as a recombinant product from Eschericia coli bacteria. For the quality control of every batch produced, it was necessary to establish a working reference material. In this paper we describe the steps taken to obtain a candidate batch and the preparation of the working material as such. It was proved that the working pattern homogenous for its use in the analytical techniques of quality control of interleukin-2. A loss of activity lower than an annual 5 % was predicted by an accelerated stability study. Adequate values were attained for the purity of the reference material, evaluated by electrophoresis, and for the biological

  4. El espacio educativo y las referencias al género

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    Isabel CANTÓN MAYO


    Full Text Available La distribución del espacio en los centros educativos forma parte del currículum oculto de los mismos y las referencias al género en la distribución del mismo así lo demuestran. El artículo hace referencia a la noción de espacio en la educación partiendo de nociones pluridisciplinares: etimológicas, geográficas, filosóficas y educativas. Su vinculación histórica a la posesión, a la conquista y al dominio aporta elementos filogenéticos y ontogenéticos para determinar su uso y tradiciones ligadas al género en el centro educativo. La dimensión del centro como laberinto espacial se traduce en limitaciones para las mujeres. La distinta visión del espacio por hombres y mujeres tiene origen evolutivo; la división de las funciones de los géneros es consecuencia de la división en el sistema productivo. Los hombres han ocupado los espacios exteriores y han relegado a las mujeres a los interiores. Es posible ver el espacio con ojos distintos a los del propio género. Se trata de que hombres y mujeres compartamos la misma visión de los espacios que tiene el otro género para abarcar un ámbito más abierto y dinámico. En Educación los hombres han ocupado los espacios institucionales de poder en los centros educativos.

  5. Proyecto técnico preliminar para un laboratorio de materiales de referencia químico

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    Ramón Arango Caraballo


    Full Text Available En la industria farmacéutica, los materiales de referencia químico son imprescindibles en las actividades de control de la calidad y en los procesos de aseguramiento de las diferentes producciones que se realizan. Estos permiten evaluar las características de las materias primas que intervienen en los procesos productivos y de los medicamentos que resultan de la producción, por lo que establecen la trazabilidad y confiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos. Este estudio presenta los pasos o aspectos técnico económicos necesarios, para el diseño conceptual de un laboratorio de producción de materiales de referencia químicos de trabajo en Cuba. Se describen las principales características de la edificación, las facilidades y equipamiento que debe existir en cada uno de ellos, así como el flujo de personal, materiales, productos y desechos de la producción, según establecen las regulaciones de buenas prácticas de fabricación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS [1], adaptadas a las condiciones de un local existente.

  6. Preparación y caracterización de un Material de Referencia de Trabajo de Acetil Colina para determinar Grupos Oacetilo en polisacáridos vacunales

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    Nuris Iglesias


    Full Text Available El control de la calidad de los polisacáridos vacunales exige la evaluación del contenido de grupos O-acetilo, que conjuntamente con otros índices, proporciona criterios de la integridad molecular importantes para su inmunogenicidad, como en el caso del polisacárido Vi de Salmonella typhi. El método comúnmente empleado es colorimétrico y requiere de un material de referencia de cloruro de acetil colina para preparar la curva de calibración contra la que se comparan las muestras en estudio. Generalmente, se adquiere el reactivo comercial (sólido y de éste se prepara la solución de referencia. Esto genera imprecisiones por errores de pesada, características higroscópicas del reactivo, temperatura y tiempo de conservación, entre otras, que influyen en la estimación del contenido de O-acetilo de las muestras. En este trabajo se describe la preparación y caracterización de un Material de Referencia de Trabajo (MRT de Acetil Colina, liofilizado, para ser empleado en los laboratorios del Instituto Finlay involucrados en el control de la calidad de los polisacáridos purificados de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo C y Salmonella typhi. Para su caracterización se empleó como referencia el producto de SIGMA. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: linealidad (r2 ≥ 0,99, precisión intermedia (CV=2,63%, reproducibilidad (CV=2,73%, exactitud (recuperación: 96% y estabilidad (10 meses hasta el momento actual. Los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación de este MRT demostraron que es adecuado para el ensayo. Esto ha sido corroborado durante más de 10 meses de uso en la rutina del laboratorio.

  7. Marco de referencia para el desarrollo de un sistema de apoyo para la toma de decisiones para la gestión de inventarios

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    Carlos Alberto Castro Zuluaga


    Full Text Available El principal objetivo de este artículo es presentar un marco de referencia para desarrollar un sistema de soporte a la toma de decisiones para la gestión de inventarios que permita definir técnicamente los parámetros de una política de control de inventario específica. El modelo propuesto puede ser utilizado de forma genérica en casi cualquier tipo de industria, el cual incluye las entradas fundamentales, una descripción de los procesos internos requeridos y las salidas esperadas. En la investigación se utilizaron métodos inductivos-deductivos para definir el marco de referencia propuesto, el cual se fundamenta en dos indicadores clave en la gestión de inventario: niveles de servicio y costos. Finalmente, mediante una simulación es posible concluir que utilizando los parámetros teóricos para el modelo de inventario punto de reorden-cantidad fija, que son encontrados por el marco de referencia propuesto, se obtienen aproximadamente los valores esperados tanto de los niveles de servicio como de los costos.

  8. Tratamiento de los marcadores discursivos en documentos de referencia y curriculares: el caso del MCER y del PCIC

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    Torre Torre, Aroa Mª


    Full Text Available En este artículo tenemos como objetivo analizar cómo el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes tratan los marcadores discursivos dentro del conjunto de los elementos pragmáticos. Averiguar las pistas que se dan sobre este aspecto en los documentos de referencia y curriculares resulta de especial interés porque son los documentos más manejados por profesores, evaluadores y creadores de materiales. De hecho, las indicaciones que en ellos se ofrecen tienen una gran repercusión en la planificación y elaboración de propuestas didácticas para el aula de ELE. De la revisión minuciosa de estos documentos se desprende que en el MCER no se da un tratamiento sistemático o riguroso a los marcadores discursivos y que, en el PCIC, si bien se opta por una forma determinada de presentar los marcadores en el inventario, a lo largo del mismo se cae en algunos contrasentidos, especialmente en el caso de los conversacionales.

  9. Modification of male adult simulator posture of ICRP 110 reference; Modificacao da postura do simulador adulto masculino (AM) de referencia da ICRP 110

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galeano, Diego C.; Souza, Divanizia N.; Santos, Willian S.; Carvalho Junior, Alberico B., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Sao Cristovao, SE (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica


    Voxel simulators are usually constructed based on computed tomography and magnetic resonance, so the supine position (lying) is the most used. This may result in a overestimated or underestimated the radiation dose, depending on the exposure scenario adopted. Thus, the objective was to change the attitude of the male adult simulator reference ICRP 110, AM (Adult Male), to a sitting posture. For change of posture were possible, it was necessary increasing the number of slices that comprise AM simulator by reducing the height of the voxel of 8.0 mm to 2.0 mm, thus making each voxel approximately cubic. A subroutine was created in Visual Monte Carlo software (VMC) to rotate the thigh region of the simulator and position it between the region of the leg and trunk. The ScionImage software was used to rebuild and soften the contours of the knee and hip of the simulator in a sitting posture, and 3D visualization of the simulator was used VolView software. The AM simulator in the seated position has the same anatomical features of the simulator in the standing posture. Using the MCNPX code [ref] was carried out the conversion coefficients for calculating the AP irradiation geometry (anteroposterior) comparing the AM simulator standing and sitting in order to evaluate the difference scattering and absorption of radiation by the two simulators. The result shows a difference up to 100% in the fluency conversion coefficients in nearby organs located in the pelvic region and in organs with distribution in the whole body (such as skin, muscle, lymph nodes and skeletal)

  10. Chequeos de Referencias, Habilidad Mental General y Experiencia: Un Estudio de Validez de Constructo

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    Mario Lado


    Full Text Available El término "referencias" hace alusión a la información sobre ciertas características personales relacionadas con el comportamiento laboral de una persona y que otra persona (normalmente un jefe directo aporta sobre la primera. Las referencias se basan en el supuesto de que "el mejor modo de averiguar algo sobre alguien es preguntándole a alguien que lo conozca" y son un método ampliamente utilizado y potencialmente eficaz para la selección de personal. El objetivo general de este artículo es responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué miden realmente las referencias? Para ello se han recogido los estudios primarios existentes en la literatura sobre esta materia y se han aplicado diversas técnicas meta-analíticas. Los resultados indican que las referencias miden principalmente Habilidad Mental General y Experiencia. Asimismo, se hacen sugerencias de estudio para averiguar otros constructos que pudieran estar integrados en las referencias.

  11. El abandono como causal de divorcio: la celeridad y eficacia jurídica


    Suárez Cajias, Silvia Irene


    La presente investigación hace referencia a “El abandono como causal de divorcio, la celeridad y eficacia jurídica”. En algunos países el abandono de hogar es penado, y en otros como en el Ecuador, es considerado como una causal para que se dé el divorcio; a lo largo de la historia las causales de divorcio han ido aumentándose, reformándose o en su defecto derogándose, lo cual ha dependido de las necesidades y realidad sociales. La causal de abandono, en los últimos años, ha sido una de la...

  12. Ladrillo ecológico como material sostenible para la construcción


    Cabo Laguna, María


    Se propone la realización de un nuevo material constructivo, denominado Ecoladrillo, inspirado en el tradicional adobe y que sustituya al ladrillo convencional cocido. Para ello se emplea un suelo marginal no empleado hasta el momento para la fabricación de ladrillos. Como aditivos comerciales se emplean el cemento para la realización de las combinaciones de referencia y, la menos usual pero igual de eficiente cal hidráulica. Como aditivo resistente se utilizan las cenizas de cáscaras de arro...

  13. Pautas para citar textos y hacer listas de referencias según las normas de la American Psichological Association (APA)


    Ossa, Marcela


    La escritura de documentos, artículos, ensayos etc. implica seguir cuidadosamente algunas normas. La Revista EMA se guía para la edición de sus artículos por las normas de la American Psychological Association (APA). El presente documento tiene como objeto dar a conocer algunas de estas normas de tal modo que quien envíe un artículo para su publicación las utilice. Encontrarán algunas pautas para citar textos y hacer listas de referencias según las normas de la American Psychological Associat...

  14. This Pedagogical Work as a Reference to the Research in Physical Education El Trabajo Pedagogico como Referencia para la Pesquisa en Educación Fisica O Trabalho Pedagógico como Referência para a Pesquisa em Educação Física

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    The purpose of this article is to deepen the concept of pedagogical work reference for research in physical education, and under which cientifical bases (epistemological and philosophical (gnoseologic and ontological establish this as a central concept in treatment with the knowledge of the school in current reality of brazilian education inserted into the capitalist mode of production. This conception of pedagogical work leave from a perspective of science understood as product social historic, a phenomenon in continuous evolution, included in the movement of the social formations and determined by the interests and social conflicts which it produces.

    El objectivo deste articulo es aprofundar el concepto de trabajo pedagogico como referencia para la pesquisa en educación fisica, aunque en cual bases cientificas (epistemologicas y filosoficas (gnoseologica y ontologica estabelecen esto como un concepto central en el trato con el conocimiento de la escuela en la actual realidad de la educación brasileña adentrada en el modo de produción capitalista. Esta concepción de trabajo pedagogico parte de una perspectiva de ciencia comprendida como un producto social historico, un fenómeno en continua evolución,  adentrada en el movimiento de las formaciones sociales e determinadas por los intereses e conflictos sociales en los cuais se producen.

    O objetivo deste artigo é  aprofundar o conceito de trabalho pedagógico enquanto referência para a pesquisa em educação física, bem como sob quais bases científicas (epistemológicas e filosóficas (gnoseológicas e ontológicas estabelecem este como um conceito central no trato com o conhecimento da escola na atual realidade da educação brasileira inserida no modo de produção capitalista. Esta concep

  15. Evaluación de la exactitud posicional vertical de una nube de puntos topográficos Lidar usando topografía convencional como referencia

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    Wilver Enrique Salinas Castillo


    Full Text Available La exactitud vertical de datos lidar es normalmente establecida por proveedores comerciales en un EMC máximo de 0.150 m. Sin embargo, los resultados de evaluaciones de exactitud en las que se han utilizado datos de campo por lo menos tres veces más exactos que los datos lidar, sugieren que dicha exactitud se observa solo cuando la densidad de los datos lidar es mayor a un punto sobre el terreno por metro cuadrado. Desafortunadamente, el número de estos estudios es limitado y se requiere de la elaboración de otras evaluaciones que confirmen dicha hipótesis. En este estudio se evaluó la exactitud vertical de una nube de puntos topográficos lidar de una densidad de 1.02 puntos sobre el terreno por metro cuadrado, usando como referencia datos recolectados en campo mediante una estación total. Los resultados coinciden con aquéllos de estudios previos, por lo que se sugiere establecer la EPV de la nube de puntos topográficos lidar en 0.200 m para terreno mixto y de cambios constantes y en 0.150 m para terreno con cambios topográficos gentiles. Sin embargo, la EPV no refleja la magnitud del 95% de los errores bajo la presencia de errores sistemáticos, por lo cual es necesario incluir el percentil 95 de los errores en la documentación de datos lidar

  16. Impacto de la radiología digital en la dosis de referencia de radiología intraoral española


    Velasco Hidalgo, Francisco


    INTRODUCCION: las dosis de referencia (DRLs) son los niveles de dosis administradas a los pacientes en exposiciones de radiodiagnóstico médico que no deben sobrepasarse y pueden ser utilizados como indicadores en los procesos de optimización radiológica. A raíz de las publicaciones iniciales para reducir las dosis de radiación en los EE.UU. En odontología, se incluyen estas recomendaciones en las directrices europeas sobre protección radiológica en radiología dental; sin embargo, hemos encont...

  17. Aspectos jur??dicos administrativos de la asistencia social y de los servicios sociales: especial referencia a la comunidad aut??noma andaluza


    Roca Xirau, Pilar


    Situaci??n actual en la actividad prestacional p??blica de la asistencia social y de los servicios sociales en el ??mbito de la Comunidad Aut??noma Andaluza con especial referencia al sector de poblaci??n constituido por los mayores como grupo de atenci??n espec??fica. Consta de los siguientes apartados: Breve Evoluci??n hist??rica; la evoluci??n de la prestaci??n asistencial p??blica desde la beneficencia a la asistencia social: La pol??tica comunitaria: la atenci??n a los m??s desfavorecido...

  18. Parte tercera: análisis de las referencias bibliográficas

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    Fernando Villar Álvarez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El avance del conocimiento se apoya en los resultados de las investigaciones precedentes, lo que en un artículo científico se refleja en las referencias bibliográficas. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el consumo de la información científica en la Revista Española de Salud Pública (RESP a partir de las referencias bibliográficas de los artículos originales publicados durante la década 1991-2000. Métodos: De las referencias bibliográficas de los 290 originales publicados en el período estudiado se extrajo la información relativa al año y a la fuente de publicación, tipo de documento, idioma y país de publicación, se calcularon los índices de obsolescencia, de Price y de aislamiento y el porcentaje de autocita, y se elaboró la distribución en núcleos de Bradford según las revistas fuente. Resultados: En el apartado de Bibliografía de los 290 originales se citó un total de 7.465 referencias. La media de referencias por artículo fue de 25,7. El índice de Price de 40,7. Los artículos científicos presentaron un índice de obsolescencia de 5, y los libros y capítulos de libros de 6. El 50,6% de las citas proceden de trabajos escritos en español. El índice de aislamiento de las referencias fue de 48,1. El primer núcleo de Bradford está formado por 10 revistas, las cuatro primeras de ellas son españolas. El índice de autocita fue del 3,8%. Conclusiones: El consumo de información de los originales publicados en la RESP muestra unos parámetros similares al de otras revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud en esos mismos años y en aquéllos que se diferencia de ellas podría explicarse por la idiosincrasia de la salud pública, que no se circunscribe a los patrones propios de las disciplinas clínicas.

  19. Arquitectura de Software de Referencia para Objetos Inteligentes en Internet de las Cosas

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    Ariel Alejandro Segura


    Full Text Available La evolución de los sistemas embebidos, que tuvo lugar junto al bajo costo y ubicuidad de internet, ha tenido como resultado el paradigma Internet de las Cosas. El objetivo de este paradigma es convertir los objetos que nos rodean en objetos inteligentes de forma tal que, comunicándose a través de Internet, puedan percibir lo que sucede en su entorno y poder reaccionar frente a ello. Se han llevado a cabo numerosos trabajos en materia de estandarización para este paradigma como, por ejemplo, protocolos de comunicación, topologías de red y arquitecturas software de alto nivel que consideran, por sobre todas las cosas, cómo integrar todas las piezas de una solución de Internet de las Cosas en un solo sistema. Sin embargo, no se han identificado arquitecturas de software para la construcción del software de un objeto inteligente que describa los componentes básicos que se deben incluir. En este trabajo se propone una arquitectura de referencia para la construcción de objetos inteligentes en Internet de las Cosas cuyo objetivo es que los ingenieros de software tengan una estructura en la cual basarse y poder reutilizar.

  20. Más allá de la educación emocional. La formación para el crecimiento y desarrollo personal del profesorado. PRH como modelo de referencia

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    Full Text Available A lo largo de este trabajo se ofrece el esquema explicativo de la psicopedagogía PRH (Personalidad y Relaciones Humanas, enmarcada dentro de la perspectiva humanista de la psicología. Creada por André Rochais en 1970, hoy está extendida por los cinco continentes. Se aportan numerosos testimonios que acreditan su eficacia para la formación integral de profesores y estudiantes. El artículo hace un análisis del esquema de la personalidad desde la citada perspectiva, haciendo hincapié en la influencia que tienen los educadores en el desarrollo de la personalidad de niños y adolescentes y señalando los principales objetivos de la educación, encaminados a que éstos consigan la madurez personal, desarrollen todos sus valores, alcancen la libertad, escuchen los mensajes del cuerpo y lo que sienten, y encuentren los medios para crecer como personas. Se analizan, también, las actitudes del educador que favorecen el desarrollo de la personalidad de los estudiantes, así como la postura que éste debe adoptar ante sus necesidades, imprescindibles para que se produzca un desarrollo armonioso y equilibrado, subrayando la importancia de que los educadores lleven a cabo un proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo personal, que les lleve a conseguir una solidez suficiente para afrontar los retos de la educación; y se defiende la psicopedagogía PRH como modelo de referencia para la formación de profesores y educadores. Señala que, más allá de la educación emocional, resulta imprescindible que éstos hagan un camino que les conduzca a la madurez y a la solidez personal. A través de testimonios de profesores y profesoras de diferentes procedencias geográficas, niveles educativos y especialidades, muestra cómo esta psicopedagogía influye positivamente en su crecimiento como personas, lo que se manifiesta en mayor toma de conciencia, en nivel de madurez, en capacidad para conducir la propia vida, en equilibrio afectivo... Pone también de relieve

  1. The differences in postural reactions between scoliosis and scoliotic posture

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    Jacek Wilczyński


    Full Text Available The aim of the research was to demonstrate the differences in amplitudes of postural reactions in girls with scoliotic posture and idiopathic scoliosis. 28 girls aged 7-18 years old were involved in the study. Children attended to the Interschool Centre of Corrective Exercises in Starachowice. The research was conducted in June 2011. Spine research was made by Exhibeon digital radiography. Based on the size of the angle of spinal curvature there were identified: scoliotic posture: 1-9° and scoliosis: ≥10°. Postural reactions were examined by static-dynamic Tecnobody’s ST 310 Plus Stability System platform. There were 21 (75% children with scoliotic posture, and 7 (25% with idiopathic scoliosis. Student's t-test showed a significantly higher postural reactions for scoliosis in relation to scoliotic postures in case of: Average Forward-Backward Speed (OE, (p=0,05, Medium-Lateral Standard Deviation X (CE, (p=0,002, and Ellipse area (CE, (p=0,012. To verify the significant differences, demonstrating the lack of homogeneity of variance, the Mann–Whitney U-test has been used, which showed a significant differences between the scoliotic posture and scoliosis in case of: Medium-Lateral Standard Deviation X (CE, (p=0,0012, Average Forward-Backward Speed (OE, (p=0,0548, and Ellipse area (CE (p=0,0047. Together with an increase of the angle of curvature, the value of these postural reactions also grew. Most of postural reactions didn’t fit the norm.

  2. Does increased postural threat lead to more conscious control of posture? (United States)

    Huffman, J L; Horslen, B C; Carpenter, M G; Adkin, A L


    Although it is well established that postural threat modifies postural control, little is known regarding the underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these changes. It is possible that changes in postural control under conditions of elevated postural threat result from a shift to a more conscious control of posture. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of elevated postural threat on conscious control of posture and to determine the relationship between conscious control and postural control measures. Forty-eight healthy young adults stood on a force plate at two different surface heights: ground level (LOW) and 3.2-m above ground level (HIGH). Centre of pressure measures calculated in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction were mean position (AP-MP), root mean square (AP-RMS) and mean power frequency (AP-MPF). A modified state-specific version of the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale was used to measure conscious motor processing (CMP) and movement self-consciousness (MSC). Balance confidence, fear of falling, perceived stability, and perceived and actual anxiety indicators were also collected. A significant effect of postural threat was found for movement reinvestment as participants reported more conscious control and a greater concern about their posture at the HIGH height. Significant correlations between CMP and MSC with AP-MP were observed as participants who consciously controlled and were more concerned for their posture leaned further away from the platform edge. It is possible that changes in movement reinvestment can influence specific aspects of posture (leaning) but other aspects may be immune to these changes (amplitude and frequency).

  3. Cómo aplicar los Niveles de Referencia a la elaboración de materiales didácticos: estudio sobre Pasaporte A1

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    Navarro Giner, Román M.


    Full Text Available Este artículo surge como resultado del estudio de los Niveles de Referencia para el español (Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes, 2007, y del análisis de las múltiples aplicaciones que este ofrece para la elaboración de nuevos materiales didácticos. En primer lugar, trata de resumir los beneficios de los enfoques curriculares en la adquisición de lenguas. A continuación, revisa los intentos de diseñar bases curriculares comunes por parte de las autoridades educativas europeas, haciendo especial énfasis en describir la significancia histórica y metodológica que se dereiva de estas. El cuerpo del artículo se basa en el análisis de los Niveles de Referencia para el español, su formato y divisiones, y en en cómo tanto profesores como autores pueden utlizarlo para elaborar nuevos materiales adaptados al silabus propuesto. Con el fin de asentar una base común para trabajar con el documento, proponemos un modo de citación de los descriptores de nivel sencillo y explícito. Para concluir, sugerimos algunas posibles mejoras en el inventario, ya sea mediante la inclusión de algunos elementos, o a través de la reflexión sobre el orden dado a otros descriptores y, eventualmente, su cambio en aras de una mejor adaptación a las dinámicas y funcionamiento de clase.

  4. Determining postural stability (United States)

    Lieberman, Erez (Inventor); Forth, Katharine E. (Inventor); Paloski, William H. (Inventor)


    A method for determining postural stability of a person can include acquiring a plurality of pressure data points over a period of time from at least one pressure sensor. The method can also include the step of identifying a postural state for each pressure data point to generate a plurality of postural states. The method can include the step of determining a postural state of the person at a point in time based on at least the plurality of postural states.

  5. Gamificación como estrategia de marketing interno


    Ruizalba Robledo, José Luis; Navarro Lucena, Fernando; Jiménez Arenas, Sergio


    Objeto: Este estudio tiene como objetivos de una parte ofrecer elementos para crear un marco de referencia que permita la integración de la gamificación en las políticas de marketing interno y de otra analizar de manera descriptiva varios casos prácticos de empresa en los que se muestra el papel que la gamificación juega al implicar clientes y empleados con estrategias de engagement que influyan en sus comportamientos. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Partiendo de la orientación al marketing i...

  6. El empowerment como predictor del compromiso organizacional en las Pymes


    Ríos Manriquez Martha; Téllez Ramírez María del Rayo; Ferrer Guerra Julian


    La relación entre las variables de empowerment y compromiso organizacional ha sido un campo poco explorado desde la perspectiva organizacional. Esta investigación establece el nivel de influencia del empowerment queexperimentanloscolaboradores con respecto al compromiso hacia la organización para la cual laboran. Se utiliza como referencia un modelo generado con base en la descripción del empowerment en cuatro dimensiones: significado, competencia, autodeterminación e impacto; y del compromis...

  7. Cómo aplicar los niveles de referencia a la elaboración de materiales didácticos. Estudio sobre Pasaporte A1

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    Román M. Navarro Giner


    Full Text Available Este artículo surge como resultado del estudio de los Niveles de Referencia para el español (Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes, 2007, y del análisis de las múltiples aplicaciones que este ofrece para la elaboración de nuevos materiales didácticos. En primer lugar, trata de resumir los beneficios de los enfoques curriculares en la adquisición de lenguas. A continuación, revisa los intentos de diseñar bases curriculares comunes por parte de las autoridades educativas europeas, haciendo especial énfasis en describir la significancia histórica y metodológica que se dereiva de estas. El cuerpo del artículo se basa en el análisis de los Niveles de Referencia para el español, su formato y divisiones, y en en cómo tanto profesores como autores pueden utlizarlo para elaborar nuevos materiales adaptados al silabus propuesto. Con el fin de asentar una base común para trabajar con el documento, proponemos un modo de citación de los descriptores de nivel sencillo y explícito. Para concluir, sugerimos algunas posibles mejoras en el inventario, ya sea mediante la inclusión de algunos elementos, o a través de la reflexión sobre el orden dado a otros descriptores y, eventualmente, su cambio en aras de una mejor adaptación a las dinámicas y funcionamiento de clase. /////////This article comes out as a result of the study of the Niveles de Referencia para el español (Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes of 2007, and the and analysis of the multiple applications it offers for the elaboration of new didactical materials. On the first hand, it tries to summarize the benefits of curriculum-centered approaches on SLA. Then, it reviews the attemps of designing a common frame by the EU educational authorities and its historical and methological significance. The core of the article lays on the analysis of the Niveles de Referencia para el español, its format and divisions, and how both teachers and authors might use it in order to

  8. Body posture and postural stability of people practicing qigong

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    Jacek Wilczyński


    Full Text Available Introduction: Correct and stable posture is essential for the implementation of the majority of voluntary movements and locomotion. The study of postural stability is an element of clinical trials evaluating physical activity in order to determine the optimal therapeutic procedures. Qigong exercises are not only a form of prevention, helpful in maintaining wellbeing, but also a means of therapy in many diseases, including disorders of postural stability. Aim of the research: To analyse the association between the quality of posture and postural stability of people practicing qigong. Material and methods : The study involved 32 people. The mean age of those tested was 54 years. Posture study used optoelectronic method Diers formetric III 4D. Postural stability was tested on the platform Biodex Balance System. The studies were performed at the Posture Laboratory of the Institute of Physiotherapy at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Results and conclusions : Spearman rank order correlation showed a positive correlation of relative rotation of the spine area with a general indicator of stability (p = 0.0206 at an average level (R = 0.4075 and with the index of the stability A/P (p = 0.0310, although at a lower level (R = 0.3819. With the increase in the relative rotation of the spine area the overall stability indicator and stability indicator A/P also increased. Significant positive correlations were also seen for the surface rotation (+max and a general indication of the stability and the stability index A/P. With the increase of surface rotation (+max of the spine the overall stability indicator and stability indicator A/P also increased.

  9. Sistema de ayuda para la redacción de mensajes en un servicio de referencia por correo electrónico Help system for messages writing in a reference service via e-mail

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    Pedro Falcato


    Full Text Available El presente artículo trata el origen, el desarrollo y las propiedades del sistema de ayuda que utiliza un servicio de referencia digital como apoyo para elaborar respuestas. Está basado en la compilación y clasificación de locuciones de uso frecuente cuya eficacia comunicativa ha sido puesta a prueba en la práctica, adaptadas de modo tal que el referencista puede emplearlas como módulos para construir los mensajes. Se exponen las principales características de la interfaz diseñada. Se tratan también los alcances y limitaciones que tiene un sistema de este tipo, así como la aplicabilidad de la idea que le dio origen para construir ayudas equivalentes en otros entornos de referencia.The article deals with the origin, development, and properties of the help system used by a digital reference service as a support to develop answers. It is based on the compilation and classification of frequently used idioms whose communication effectiveness was practically put to the test, adapted in such a way that the reference librarian can use them as modules to construct the messages. Main characteristics of the interface design are stated. Scopes and limitations of that kind of system are discussed as well as the compatibility of the original idea to build equivalent helps in some other reference environment.

  10. Interactions between posture and locomotion: motor patterns in humans walking with bent posture versus erect posture. (United States)

    Grasso, R; Zago, M; Lacquaniti, F


    Human erect locomotion is unique among living primates. Evolution selected specific biomechanical features that make human locomotion mechanically efficient. These features are matched by the motor patterns generated in the CNS. What happens when humans walk with bent postures? Are normal motor patterns of erect locomotion maintained or completely reorganized? Five healthy volunteers walked straight and forward at different speeds in three different postures (regular, knee-flexed, and knee- and trunk-flexed) while their motion, ground reaction forces, and electromyographic (EMG) activity were recorded. The three postures imply large differences in the position of the center of body mass relative to the body segments. The elevation angles of the trunk, pelvis, and lower limb segments relative to the vertical in the sagittal plane, the ground reaction forces and the rectified EMGs were analyzed over the gait cycle. The waveforms of the elevation angles along the gait cycle remained essentially unchanged irrespective of the adopted postures. The first two harmonics of these kinematic waveforms explain >95% of their variance. The phase shift but not the amplitude ratio between the first harmonic of the elevation angle waveforms of adjacent pairs was affected systematically by changes in posture. Thigh, shank, and foot angles covaried close to a plane in all conditions, but the plane orientation was systematically different in bent versus erect locomotion. This was explained by the changes in the temporal coupling among the three segments. For walking speeds >1 m s(-1), the plane orientation of bent locomotion indicates a much lower mechanical efficiency relative to erect locomotion. Ground reaction forces differed prominently in bent versus erect posture displaying characteristics intermediate between those typical of walking and those of running. Mean EMG activity was greater in bent postures for all recorded muscles independent of the functional role. The waveforms

  11. Responsabilidades en Prevención de riesgos laborales; Especial referencia a la responsabilidad penal


    Fernández Fernández, Cristina


    En este proyecto fin de grado se abordan las responsabilidades empresariales de prevención de riesgos laborales; civiles, administrativos, penales y recargo de prestaciones por incumplimiento de la normativa de prevención de riesgos laborales, con referencias jurisprudenciales y normativa vigente. Se hace especial referencia a la responsabilidad penal detallando los distintos tipos de delito; de peligro y de resultado, con sus distintas modalidades dolosa e imprudente, en su...

  12. ¿Podemos construir un modelo de profesor que sirva de referencia para la formación de profesores en didáctica de las ciencias experimentales?

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    Roque Jiménez Pérez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo pretendemos dar pautas para la formación del profesor, que creemos necesario para el desarrollo de una enseñanza- aprendizaje acorde con las necesidades educativas actuales. Nos centramos en la relación teoría-práctica, cuya interacción debe ser analizada desde un punto de vista más complejo, formulando distintas dimensiones en una hipótesis de progresión que utiliza la reflexión y el sentido crítico como un nivel de referencia. Aportamos, por último, una investigación que se centra en la complejidad de la reflexión como instrumento eficaz para iniciar y llegar a un modelo de desarrollo profesional deseable de los profesores.


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    Arian Laverdeza Reyes


    Full Text Available Resumen El ensayo científico vislumbra el fenómeno del uso del lenguaje entre los jóvenes cubanos en el siglo XXI. En él se analizan con detalle los posturas verbales que engrosan la identidad juvenil del contexto nacional. Para ello se toma al insulto como acto pragmático fundamental, variable que a la vez conduce el análisis general de estas posturas asumidas entre los hablantes del citado grupo etáreo. En el trabajo se hace referencia a las “contribuciones” del universo juvenil cubano a la identidad cultural. Se establecen de igual modo las pautas para identificar la presencia de una cultura en renovación y desprovista de fronteras culturales. Lo lingüístico sirve de muestra para caracterizar, desde lo sobreentendido como tabú, a la cultura cubana que se manifiesta en los jóvenes a través de un lenguaje semejante a su tiempo y no a sus tradiciones. ABSTRACT The scientific essay sees the phenomenon of language use among young Cubans in the XXI century. In a detailed analysis verbal postures that swell youth identity of the national context. To do this you take the insult as a fundamental pragmatic act, while variable that drives the overall analysis of these assumed positions between speakers of that age group. At work reference to "contributions" of Cuban youth cultural identity universe is made. Likewise establishes guidelines for identifying the presence of a culture devoid of renewal and cultural boundaries. The language used to characterize sample from understatement as taboo, to Cuban culture that manifests in young people through such language in time and not to their traditions.

  14. Reflexiones sobre el capital globalizado en las relaciones de trabajo - especial referencia a la Unión Europea y el Mercosur


    Nahas, Christina Thereza


    El tema planteado desea provocar una reflexión sobre los efectos del capital globalizado en las relaciones del trabajo, teniendo como referencia dos grandes bloques económicos que son la UE y el Mercosur. El primero se eligió por su historia y estructura; por la fuerza económica que tiene y por ser el único modelo de formación económica que guarda la característica de una estructura no solo económica, sino también, social y jurídica. El Mercosur, tuvo la intención de ser una UE, pero está ...

  15. Doctrina. La embriaguez y la toxicomanía como causas de despido disciplinario


    Luis Enrique Nores Torres


    En el presente trabajo se aborda la embriaguez y la toxicomanía como causas de despi¬do improcedente en el Estatuto de los Trabajadores. A tal efecto se analizan las conduc¬tas básicas que dan pie a tal despido, los requisitos necesarios para que se produzca y la prueba de su incumplimiento. También se realiza una referencia a dichas causas de despido en los Convenios Colectivos.

  16. Postural orientation and equilibrium processes associated with increased postural sway in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). (United States)

    Wang, Zheng; Hallac, Rami R; Conroy, Kaitlin C; White, Stormi P; Kane, Alex A; Collinsworth, Amy L; Sweeney, John A; Mosconi, Matthew W


    Increased postural sway has been repeatedly documented in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Characterizing the control processes underlying this deficit, including postural orientation and equilibrium, may provide key insights into neurophysiological mechanisms associated with ASD. Postural orientation refers to children's ability to actively align their trunk and head with respect to their base of support, while postural equilibrium is an active process whereby children coordinate ankle dorsi-/plantar-flexion and hip abduction/adduction movements to stabilize their upper body. Dynamic engagement of each of these control processes is important for maintaining postural stability, though neither postural orientation nor equilibrium has been studied in ASD. Twenty-two children with ASD and 21 age and performance IQ-matched typically developing (TD) controls completed three standing tests. During static stance, participants were instructed to stand as still as possible. During dynamic stances, participants swayed at a comfortable speed and magnitude in either anterior-posterior (AP) or mediolateral (ML) directions. The center of pressure (COP) standard deviation and trajectory length were examined to determine if children with ASD showed increased postural sway. Postural orientation was assessed using a novel virtual time-to-contact (VTC) approach that characterized spatiotemporal dimensions of children's postural sway (i.e., body alignment) relative to their postural limitation boundary, defined as the maximum extent to which each child could sway in each direction. Postural equilibrium was quantified by evaluating the amount of shared or mutual information of COP time series measured along the AP and ML directions. Consistent with prior studies, children with ASD showed increased postural sway during both static and dynamic stances relative to TD children. In regard to postural orientation processes, children with ASD demonstrated reduced spatial

  17. Body posture modulates action perception. (United States)

    Zimmermann, Marius; Toni, Ivan; de Lange, Floris P


    Recent studies have highlighted cognitive and neural similarities between planning and perceiving actions. Given that action planning involves a simulation of potential action plans that depends on the actor's body posture, we reasoned that perceiving actions may also be influenced by one's body posture. Here, we test whether and how this influence occurs by measuring behavioral and cerebral (fMRI) responses in human participants predicting goals of observed actions, while manipulating postural congruency between their own body posture and postures of the observed agents. Behaviorally, predicting action goals is facilitated when the body posture of the observer matches the posture achieved by the observed agent at the end of his action (action's goal posture). Cerebrally, this perceptual postural congruency effect modulates activity in a portion of the left intraparietal sulcus that has previously been shown to be involved in updating neural representations of one's own limb posture during action planning. This intraparietal area showed stronger responses when the goal posture of the observed action did not match the current body posture of the observer. These results add two novel elements to the notion that perceiving actions relies on the same predictive mechanism as planning actions. First, the predictions implemented by this mechanism are based on the current physical configuration of the body. Second, during both action planning and action observation, these predictions pertain to the goal state of the action.

  18. La tematización de la corrupción como clivaje de la política argentina en los noventa

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    Sebastián Mauro


    posicionamientos ideológicos, discursos y lenguajes que construyeron para tratarla. Aborda tanto las condiciones de emergencia de dichos discursos (por ejemplo, el tratamiento de la impunidad como marco de referencia de los nuevos movimientos sociales durante la transición democrática, como sus sedimentaciones en las escenas políticas posteriores, abriendo paso a la emergencia de nuevos actores y nuevos discursos (en particular, enmarcados en la distinción entre una "vieja" y una "nueva" política.

  19. La cárcel como institución social límite


    Omar Alejandro Bravo


    Los efectos subjetivos de las instituciones carcelarias han sido claramente descriptos por Goffman como aspectos comunes de lo que este autor denominó instituciones totales, principalmente a partir de las prácticas y discursos que las caracterizan. También Foucault resulta, en este sentido, una referencia obligada para este análisis. No obstante, desde las ciencias sociales y humanas en general, y desde la psicología en particular, no se produjeron aportes significativos al respecto de los ef...

  20. Análise comparativa entre avaliação postural visual e por fotogrametria computadorizada Comparative analysis between visual and computerized photogrammetry postural assessment

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    DH Iunes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Comparar a concordância interobservador da avaliação postural visual e por fotogrametria e verificar se os resultados quantitativos da fotogrametria correspondem à detecção de simetrias e assimetrias pela avaliação postural visual qualitativa. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um voluntários (24±1,9 anos foram inicialmente avaliados visualmente por três fisioterapeutas experientes que preencheram um protocolo de avaliação postural. Em seguida tiveram fotografados a face e o corpo todo nos planos frontal anterior, posterior e sagital. As fotos foram utilizadas para traçar ângulos a partir de marcadores fixados à pele, em vários pontos anatômicos, que são referências frequentes na avaliação postural tradicional. Essas fotografias foram analisadas por três examinadores diferentes da avaliação postural visual. A concordância de cada método de avaliação postural foi avaliada pelos Coeficientes de Cramer V ou de PHI, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma concordância entre os examinadores que utilizaram a fotogrametria para todos os segmentos avaliados. Não apresentaram concordância os segmentos comissura labial (p=0,00, acrômio clavicular (p=0,01, esternoclavicular (p=0,00, espinhas ilíacas anterior e posterior (p=0,00 e p=0,01 e ângulo inferior da escápula (p=0,00, que foram analizados por meio da avaliação postural visual. A comparação entre a fotogrametria e a avaliação postural visual demonstrou que o grau de concordância entre os dois métodos de avaliação foi pouco significativo para alguns segmentos do membro inferior e pelve. CONCLUSÕES: Nessas condições experimentais, os dados da fotogrametria não podem ser correlacionados com os dados da avaliação postural visual. A avaliação postural visual apresentou dados menos concordantes do que a fotogrametria, devendo ser questionada sua utilização como gold-standart.OBJECTIVES: To compare the interobserver

  1. Análise do trabalho de referência em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Análisis del trabajo de referencia en Centros de Atención Psicosocial Analysis of reference work in Psychosocial Care Centers

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    Lilian Miranda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar como os usuários, familiares e trabalhadores de centros de atenção psicossocial avaliam o trabalho da equipe e dos profissionais de referência nesses serviços. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa, baseada no paradigma construtivista e na hermenêutica Gadameriana. Foram analisados dois ciclos de grupos focais constituídos por profissionais, usuários e familiares de usuários de todos os centros de atenção psicossocial da cidade de Campinas (SP, em 2006. RESULTADOS: O trabalho de referência foi avaliado como um arranjo que produz efeitos terapêuticos e contribui na eficácia da organização do trabalho. Entretanto, foram relatados riscos de centralização de poder, praticada pelos profissionais de referência, e sofrimento do trabalhador, que pode sentir-se excessivamente responsabilizado pelo caso que referencia. CONCLUSÕES: Os efeitos do arranjo equipes/profissionais de referência sobre os pacientes embasam-se em aspectos emocionais ligados à confiabilidade, à constância e integralidade de cuidados. No entanto, tais aspectos também apresentam problemas relacionais, principalmente quanto à onipotência, que pode envolver o trabalhador.OBJETIVO: Analizar como los usuarios, familiares y trabajadores de centros de atención psicosocial evalúan el trabajo de equipo y de los profesionales de referencia en esos servicios. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, con base en el paradigma constructivista y en la hermenéutica Gadameriana. Se analizaron dos ciclos de grupos focales constituidos por profesionales, usuarios y familiares de usuarios de todos los centros de atención psicosocial de la ciudad de Campinas (Sureste de Brasil, en 2006. RESULTADOS: El trabajo de referencia fue evaluado como un arreglo que produce efectos terapéuticos y contribuye en la eficiencia de la organización del trabajo. Así mismo, se relataron riesgos de centralización de poder, practicada por los profesionales de

  2. Desarrollo económico comunitario como estrategia para enfrentar la pobreza

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    William Ninacs


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la acción del trabajo social en relación con la pobreza. Busca esclarecer los modos de intervención profesional con las personas y las comunidades empobrecidas. Hace referencia a los enfoques históricos, en relación a esta problemática. Así mismo, aborda las nuevas características de la pobreza y ciertas explicaciones teóricas que permiten comprenderla como un fenómeno de exclusión contemporánea

  3. Más allá del mostrador de Referencia: del correo electrónico a la Web 2.0 = Beyond the Reference Desk: From Email to Web 2.0

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    Virginia Bazán


    Full Text Available Se analiza el estado actual de las tecnologías en los servicios de referencia y las posibilidades que estas ofrecen para mejorarlos y ampliarlos. El mercado del software para la referencia digital es un mercado en constante evolución en el que es posible encontrar productos adecuados para cualquier modelo de referencia y para cualquier presupuesto. Desde productos de bajo coste o gratuitos, hasta productos que requieren de una inversión económica considerable. El software elegido debe estar en consonancia con el proyecto de referencia digital que la biblioteca desee prestar y con su capacidad para gestionar el cambio. Se examinan las distintas soluciones disponibles, desde el software básico hasta el software avanzado específicamente desarrollado para la referencia digital, así como las herramientas que ofrece la Web 2.0 para ampliar la oferta del servicio. Se estudian, además, los factores más importantes que deben tenerse en cuenta para realizar la elección más adecuada en función de los objetivos y las necesidades de cada biblioteca. Este trabajo pretende ser una guía útil que ayude a implantar servicios de referencia digital con éxito = The current state of the technologies in the services of reference and the possibilities that they offer to improve them and to expand them are analyzed. The market of software for the digital reference is a market in constant evolution in which it is possible to find adequate products for any model of reference for any budget. From low price (or free products to products of thousands of dollars. The chosen software should be in harmony with the library goals for a digital reference service and, with its capacity to negotiate the change. The different options of available software are examined, from the basic software to the advanced software specifically developed for the digital reference, as well as the solutions that Web 2.0 offers to expand the offering of the service. Besides, the most

  4. Formas reificadas de referenciação relativas a personagens de narrativas afiliadas ao lendário amazônico

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    Heliud Luis Maia MOURA

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, a partir dos pressupostos da Linguística Textual e do Sociocognitivismo, formas reificadas de referenciação relativas a personagens de narrativas afiliadas ao lendário amazônico. Tomo como fundamento teórico as postulações de Marcuschi (2007, Fillmore (1976, 1977, 1982, 1985, Feltes (2007, Goffman (1974, 1988, Tomasello (1988, 1992a, 1995a, 2003, Koch (2004, 2006, Geertz (2008, Ferreira (1986, Abbagnano (1962, para os quais, sob diversas perspectivas teóricas, as formas-processos referencial-reificatórios são resultados de reconstruções sociocognitivas e culturais de entidades e eventos em mobilização nas narrativas em estudo.

  5. Propuesta de modelo de referencia y contrarreferencia en el sistema de salud cubano

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    Félix J Sansó Soberats


    Full Text Available Desde que en 1996 se orientó que las historias clínicas individuales en la atención primaria de salud dejaran de ser ambulatorias, no existe un modelo oficial para la transferencia de pacientes a través del sistema de salud. Este trabajo consiste en presentar un proyecto de modelo de referencia y contrarreferencias para ser utilizado en dicho sistema. Previo a la confección del modelo se examinaron la antigua historia clínica individual ambulatoria y la hoja de egreso hospitalario; y se tuvieron en cuenta los resultados de investigaciones sobre el sistema de transferencia. La propuesta se confeccionó, procurando que cumpliera con los principios siguientes: único, práctico, integrador y se concibió para ser portado por el paciente durante la transferencia. Se expone el modelo y se recomienda su validación; así como normar y controlar el cumplimiento de las disposiciones relacionadas con el sistema de referencia y contrarreferencia.Since it was decided in 1996 that individual medical records in the primary health card would not longer be ambulatory, there is not an ofiicial model to transfer patients through the health system. This task consists in the presentation of a project for a reference and counter- reference model to be used in such a system. Prior to the creation of this model, the previous ambulatory individual medical record and the hospital discharge summary were examined; and the results of the investigations on the transference system were taken into acccount. On making the proposal, care was taken so that the model would meet the following principles: unique, practical and integrating. It was conceived to be carried by the patient during tranference. The model is presented and its validation is recommended. It is also suggested to establish and control the fulfillment of rules related to the reference and counter-reference system.

  6. Guide to Good Posture (United States)

    ... you are moving or still, can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. What is posture? Posture is how you hold your body. There are two types: Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when you are walking, running, or bending over to pick up something. Static ...

  7. Somatic features and body posture in children with scoliosis and scoliotic posture

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    Jacek Wilczyński


    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between somatic features and body posture in children with scoliosis and scoliotic posture. The study included 28 girls aged 7-18 with scoliosis and scoliotic posture. The selection of the subjects was deliberate. Height measurements were conducted with an anthropometer and weight measurements were done with an electronic scale. Body posture tests were performed using Exhibeon 3D digital photogrammetry and digital radiographs. The significant Spearman correlations between postural variables for the sagittal plane and the somatic variables regarded: trunk inclination angle and BMI (R= 0,4553, p= p=0,015, Abs of the trunk inclination angle and BMI (R = 0.5522, p = 0.002, length of thoracic kyphosis and BMI (R=0,4147, p=0.028, lumbar lordosis and BMI (R=0,4509, p=0,016. The significant Spearman correlations between scoliotic posture variables and the somatic variables concerned: length of primary lordosis and body height (R =0,4923, p=0.008, the length of the primary lordosis and body mass (R = 0.3932, p = 0.038, the length of the primary lordosis and BMI (R=0,4923, p=0.008. Variation analysis regarding postural (Exhibeon and somatic variables showed significant correlations between the direction of the primary curvature and body mass (p=0,0432, body height and primary angle location (p=0,0290 and between the height of the body and the location of the secondary angle (p = 0,0278.

  8. Bronquiectasia e fisioterapia desobstrutiva: ênfase em drenagem postural e percussão Bronchiectasis and clearence physiotherapy: emphasis in postural drainage and percussion

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    Neuseli Marino Lamari


    Full Text Available Bronquiectasia consiste em dilatação anormal, permanente e irreversível de brônquios e bronquíolos, com infecções recorrentes, inflamações, hipersecreção e redução da limpeza mucociliar. Acomete predominantemente o sexo feminino, entre 28 e 48 anos de idade e afeta com maior freqüência os lobos inferiores bilateralmente. Manifestações clínicas da doença são a tosse crônica, febre e expectoração volumosa, purulenta, com odor fétido. Etiologia é inespecífica e representada pelo estádio final de diversos processos patológicos. Pode ser classificada em cilíndrica, varicosa e sacular, e ainda, em localizada e multissegmentar. Drenagem postural e percussão são técnicas desobstrutivas usuais na prática clínica diária, no entanto, há escassez de estudos comparativos enfatizando-as com amostras populacionais e recursos metodológicos. Tomando por base as considerações, teve-se como objetivo verificar a eficácia da drenagem postural e da percussão na higiene brônquica de pacientes bronquiectásicos, bem como seus efeitos e associação com outras técnicas apontadas pela literatura atual. Os principais achados comprovaram que a drenagem postural e a percussão são efetivas na mobilização da secreção pulmonar, uma vez que aumentam a velocidade do muco transportado, melhoram a função pulmonar e as trocas gasosas. A efetividade requer ajuda de um profissional, o que pode dificultar a prática clínica diária. Por esta razão, fisioterapeutas têm selecionado técnicas que propiciem independência ao paciente.Bronchiectasis consists of abnormal, permanent and irreversible dilation of bronchi and bronchia, with recurrent infections, inflammation, hypersecretion and reduction of mucus clearance. It predominantly affects women of between 28 and 48 years old and more frequently affects the inferior lobes. Clinical manifestations are chronic cough, fever and voluminous expectoration, with a fetid odor. The etiology

  9. El turismo rural como experiencia significativa y su estudio desde la fenomenologia existencial


    Baltazar Bernal, Obdulia; Zavala Ruiz, Jesús


    El turismo rural es una moda ante la crisis del turismo masivo, estandarizado de sol y playa que no tiene una definición consensuada mundialmente porque lo rural tiene variadas significaciones. Primero, se hace un análisis etimológico del término "turismo rural", se propone una definición ampliada para el contexto mexicano como "turismo ranchero" y se exhibe un concepto multidimensional: económico, gerencial y fenomenológico. Luego, se esboza un marco de referencia desde una perspectiva fenom...

  10. Arte, creatividad y aprendizaje. La imaginación como vehículo de la movilidad interior: duelo y simbolización artística

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    María Regina Monroy Solís


    Full Text Available El trabajo con los jóvenes estudiantes que acuden a nuestras universidades requiere de una profunda reflexión sobre la condición y la identidad de la docencia, actividad excepcional y valiosa que tiene como objetivo el poder compartir el conocimiento y su construcción como herramienta de libertad, de trabajo y de creación. Las referencias teóricas, usadas en este trabajo como punto de partida para la comprensión de los fenómenos creativos y de la construcción artística, tienen que ver con la experiencia del creador de la obra artística, a través de los significados vinculados a los elementos afectivos e intelectuales que han sido sintetizados en ella para el entendimiento del proceso artístico; en este sentido, el potencial creativo está estrechamente relacionado con la capacidad de introspección y con la reflexión sobre nuestro devenir histórico, para saber hacia dónde vamos y para el fortalecimiento del yo como elemento de conciencia. Del estudio de estas interconexiones entre la experiencia artística y el conocimiento psicoanalítico, surge la imaginación como un elemento de construcción de la creatividad. La otra referencia teórica pertenece al campo del psicoanálisis, ya que su contribución al estudio de la identidad y de la vida afectiva de los individuos proporciona fundamentos que clarifican el entendimiento del arte y la creación como expresión de las emociones, a partir del inconsciente como una realidad viva e individual.

  11. Acute Effects of Posture Shirts on Rounded-Shoulder and Forward-Head Posture in College Students. (United States)

    Manor, John; Hibberd, Elizabeth; Petschauer, Meredith; Myers, Joseph


    Rounded-shoulder and forward-head posture can be contributing factors to shoulder pain. Corrective techniques such as manual therapy and exercise have been shown to improve these altered postures, but there is little evidence that corrective garments such as posture shirts can alter posture. To determine the acute effects of corrective postureshirt use on rounded-shoulder and forward-head posture in asymptomatic college students. Repeated-measures intervention study with counterbalanced conditions. Research laboratory. 24 members of the general student body of a university, 18-25 y old, with a forward shoulder angle (FSA) >52° and no history of upper-extremity surgery, scoliosis, active shoulder pain, or shoulder pain in the previous 3 mo that restricted participation for 3 consecutive days. Photographic posture assessment under a control condition, under a sham or treatment condition (counterbalanced), under another control condition, and treatment or sham. FSA and forward head angle (FHA) calculated from a lateral photograph. FSA decreased relative to the control condition while participants wore the sham shirt (P = .029) but not the corrective posture shirt (P = 1.00). FHA was unchanged between groups (P = .371). Application of a corrective posture shirt did not acutely alter FSA or FHA, while application of a sham shirt may decrease FSA at rest.

  12. Neck pain and postural balance among workers with high postural demands - a cross-sectional study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Marie B.; Skotte, Jørgen H.; Holtermann, Andreas


    Neck pain is related to impaired postural balance among patients and is highly prevalent among workers with high postural demands, for example, cleaners. We therefore hypothesised, that cleaners with neck pain suffer from postural dysfunction. This cross-sectional study tested if cleaners with neck...... pain have an impaired postural balance compared with cleaners without neck pain. Postural balance of 194 cleaners with (n = 85) and without (N = 109) neck pain was studied using three different tests. Success or failure to maintain the standing position for 30 s in unilateral stance was recorded...... to cleaners without neck/low back pain (p balance, measured as CEA (p

  13. Análisis comparativo de los diferentes índices de referencia empleados en los préstamos contratados a tipo de interés variable

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    Soto Alvarez, José Manuel


    Full Text Available El Banco de España, en la Circular nº 5/1994 de 22 de Julio, reconoce como oficiales a efectos de la contratación de préstamos hipotecarios a tipo de interés variable, los siguientes índices o tipos de referencia: a tipo medio de los préstamos hipotecarios a más de tres años, para adquisición de vivienda libre concedidos por los bancos; b tipo medio de los préstamos hipotecarios a más de tres años, para adquisición de vivienda libre concedidos por las cajas de ahorro; c tipo medio de los préstamos hipotecarios a más de tres años, para adquisición de vivienda libre concedidos por el conjunto de las entidades de crédito; d tipo activo de referencia de las cajas de ahorro; e tipo de rendimiento interno en el mercado secundario de la deuda pública de plazo entre 2 y 6 años; f tipo interbancario a 1 año (MIBOR. La pluralidad de los mismos, ha generado gran confusión entre los potenciales clientes ante la dificultad de discernir sobre la conveniencia de contratar uno u otro. En este trabajo, se realiza un estudio comparativo entre los mismos, que tenga en cuenta no sólo el valor de éstos en cada momento, sino también su volatilidad así como el diferencial aplicable en cada caso, analizando su repercusión desde la perspectiva de los potenciales prestatarios.

  14. Measuring postural control during mini-squat posture in men with early knee osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Petrella, M; Gramani-Say, K; Serrão, P R M S; Lessi, G C; Barela, J A; Carvalho, R P; Mattiello, S M


    Studies have suggested a compromised postural control in individuals with knee osteoarthritis (OA) evidenced by larger and faster displacement of center of pressure (COP). However, quantification of postural control in the mini-squat posture performed by patients with early knee OA and its relation to muscle strength and self-reported symptoms have not been investigated. The main aim of this cross-sectional, observational, controlled study was to determine whether postural control in the mini-squat posture differs between individuals with early knee OA and a control group (CG) and verify the relation among knee extensor torque (KET) and self-reported physical function, stiffness and pain. Twenty four individuals with knee OA grades I and II (OAG) (mean age: 52.35±5.00) and twenty subjects without knee injuries (CG) (mean age: 51.40±8.07) participated in this study. Participants were assessed in postural control through a force plate (Bertec Mod. USA), which provided information about the anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) COP displacement during the mini-squat, in isometric, concentric and eccentric knee extensor torque (KET) (90°/s) through an isokinetic dynamometer (BiodexMulti-Joint System3, Biodex Medical Incorporation, New York, NY, USA), and in self-reported symptoms through the WOMAC questionnaire. The main outcomes measured were the AP and ML COP amplitude and velocity of displacement; isometric, concentric, and eccentric KET and self-reported physical function, stiffness and pain. No significant differences were found between groups for postural control (p>0.05). Significant lower eccentric KET (p=0.01) and higher scores for the WOMAC subscales of pain (p=postural instability and the need to include quadriceps muscle strengthening, especially by eccentric contractions. The relationship between the self-reported symptoms and a lower and slower COP displacement suggest that the postural control strategy during tasks with a semi-flexed knee

  15. Neural basis of postural focus effect on concurrent postural and motor tasks: phase-locked electroencephalogram responses. (United States)

    Huang, Cheng-Ya; Zhao, Chen-Guang; Hwang, Ing-Shiou


    Dual-task performance is strongly affected by the direction of attentional focus. This study investigated neural control of a postural-suprapostural procedure when postural focus strategy varied. Twelve adults concurrently conducted force-matching and maintained stabilometer stance with visual feedback on ankle movement (visual internal focus, VIF) and on stabilometer movement (visual external focus, VEF). Force-matching error, dynamics of ankle and stabilometer movements, and event-related potentials (ERPs) were registered. Postural control with VEF caused superior force-matching performance, more complex ankle movement, and stronger kinematic coupling between the ankle and stabilometer movements than postural control with VIF. The postural focus strategy also altered ERP temporal-spatial patterns. Postural control with VEF resulted in later N1 with less negativity around the bilateral fronto-central and contralateral sensorimotor areas, earlier P2 deflection with more positivity around the bilateral fronto-central and ipsilateral temporal areas, and late movement-related potential commencing in the left frontal-central area, as compared with postural control with VIF. The time-frequency distribution of the ERP principal component revealed phase-locked neural oscillations in the delta (1-4Hz), theta (4-7Hz), and beta (13-35Hz) rhythms. The delta and theta rhythms were more pronounced prior to the timing of P2 positive deflection, and beta rebound was greater after the completion of force-matching in VEF condition than VIF condition. This study is the first to reveal the neural correlation of postural focusing effect on a postural-suprapostural task. Postural control with VEF takes advantage of efficient task-switching to facilitate autonomous postural response, in agreement with the "constrained-action" hypothesis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Conservación de soluciones de referencia de ácido úrico

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    María Victoria Licea Tornes


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron diferentes agentes preservantes para seleccionar el que proporcionara a las soluciones de referencia de ácido úrico un mayor tiempo de vida útil. Se investigó la estabilidad de las soluciones en un rango de concentración de 2 a 10 mg/dL (199-595 Fmol/L, manteniéndolas en diferentes condiciones de almacenamiento: 2-8 EC, temperatura ambiente y 37 EC. Los mejores resultados se observaron al emplear timerosal como preservo, ya que el coeficiente de correlación obtenido mediante un análisis de regresión lineal fue mayor que 0,9980 en el transcurso de 1 año para las soluciones almacenadas de 2 a 8 E C.Different preservative agents were studied in order to select the one which may provide a greater time of useful life to reference solutions of uric acid. Stability of solutions in a rank of concentrations from 2 to 10 mg/dL (199-595F mol/L was investigated keeping them under different conditions of storage: 2-8 EC, room temperature and 37 EC. The best results were observed when using thimerosal as a preservative agent since the correlation coeficient obtained by the analysis of linear regression was found to be higher than 0.9980 during 1 year for the solutions stored at 2-8 EC.

  17. Valoración de la formación recibida usando un perfil de referencia basado en competencias profesionales

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    Mónica Maldonado Rojas

    Full Text Available Introducción: La formación profesional está hoy en día promoviendo la implementación de opciones educativas basadas en modelos por competencias. El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito establecer un perfil de referencia basado en competencias profesionales para la carrera de Tecnología Médica de la Universidad de Talca y usando éstas como indicadores, conocer la auto percepción que tienen los egresados respecto del grado en que fueron adquiridas durante su formación. Material y métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo exploratoria, mediante una encuesta autoaplicada que contenía un conjunto de indicadores que correspondían a competencias establecidas previamente en un perfil de referencia, cuya estructura considera diferentes áreas de desempeño. El perfil fue validado por juicio de expertos, determinando el grado de congruencia a través del coeficiente de Serafine. La construcción de la información se realizó a partir de las repuestas, las que fueron codificadas y representadas en porcentajes y posteriormente analizadas bajo categorías interpretativas. Resultados: La evaluación que se hace considera el porcentaje de egresados que valoró el logro de las competencias por área de desempeño en los niveles más altos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: Para el área asistencial el 72,9 %, para el área investigación un 59 %, para el área de docencia un 44%, para el área administrativa un 27,1% y para el área personal-social un 91,3 %. Conclusiones: Siguiendo el criterio de categorías interpretativas, el área personal social indica una gran fortaleza de la formación, el área asistencial y el área investigación se encuentran en un nivel satisfactorio y las áreas docencia y administración en niveles medianamente satisfactorio, siendo esta última la gran falencia de la formación. El currículo vigente es adecuado para asegurar el logro de gran número de competencias, pero se debe revisar con el objetivo de


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    María Victoria Benjumea Rincón


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: en Colombia se han propuesto diversas referencias antropométricas para su uso en salud pública sin contar con un consenso sobre el ideal y han sido adoptadas sin estudios previos de validación. El objetivo de este estudio fue medir la concordancia en la clasificación de la talla para la edad entre tres referencias antropométricas para menores de 17 años asistentes al programa de nutrición de CONFAMILIARES, Caldas, Colombia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de 31.961 menores de 17 años asistentes al programa de nutrición de CONFAMILIARES, Caldas, Colombia, entre 2006 y 2009. Las variables fueron la talla para la edad y el sexo. La clasificación antropométrica con las referencias del CentroNacional de Estadísticas en Salud de Estados Unidos (NCHS y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS se llevó a cabo con Anthro y la del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC con EpiInfo 6.04d. Se calculó el puntaje Z diferenciado por sexo. Se estimó el coeficiente kappa para evaluar la concordancia entre las categorías antropométricas y se clasificó ésta con los puntos de corte de Altman DG. Resultados: la concordancia más alta se encontró entre las referencias del NCHS y de la OMS (niñas: 0,854; niños: 0,899, p=0,000, seguida de las del NCHS frente al CDC (niñas: 0,787; niños: 0,860, p=0,000 y de la del CDC comparada con la OMS (niñas: 0,754; niños: 0,829, p=0,000. Conclusiones: de acuerdo con los resultados podría usarse cualquiera de las tres referencias para evaluar la talla en este grupo de edad.

  19. Influencia del microclima de proximidad frente a datos climáticos de referencia : aplicación en la zona climática D : el caso de Zaragoza


    Tendero Caballero, Ricardo


    Los parámetros empleados para realizar las clasificaciones climáticas no permiten, por sí solos, ni la definición de la arquitectura más apropiada para un determinado lugar, ni la de sus componentes, por ello es necesario definir el entorno climático que permitirá establecer las estrategias de diseño adecuadas, que se denominará como microclima de proximidad (MP). Para definir el MP se tienen en cuenta las series climáticas en el entorno próximo al edificio, los climas de referencia y las se...

  20. Should Ballet Dancers Vary Postures and Underfoot Surfaces When Practicing Postural Balance? (United States)

    Steinberg, Nili; Waddington, Gordon; Adams, Roger; Karin, Janet; Tirosh, Oren


    Postural balance (PB) is an important component skill for professional dancers. However, the effects of different types of postures and different underfoot surfaces on PB have not adequately been addressed. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different conditions of footwear, surfaces, and standing positions on static and dynamic PB ability of young ballet dancers. A total of 36 male and female young professional ballet dancers (aged 14-19 years) completed static and dynamic balance testing, measured by head and lumbar accelerometers, while standing on one leg in the turnout position, under six different conditions: (1) "relaxed" posture; (2) "ballet" posture; (3) barefoot; (4) ballet shoes with textured insoles; (5) barefoot on a textured mat; and (6) barefoot on a spiky mat. A condition effect was found for static and dynamic PB. Static PB was reduced when dancers stood in the ballet posture compared with standing in the relaxed posture and when standing on a textured mat and on a spiky mat (p ballet shoes with textured insoles and when standing on a spiky mat compared with all other conditions (p ballet aligned position, including dance practice on different types of floors and on different types of textured/spiky materials may result in skill transfer to practice on normal floor surfaces, and both static and dynamic PB exercises should be assessed and generalized into practical dance routines.

  1. La organización empresarial como un campo de luchas: cuestiones metodológicas y pormenores de investigación




    Este trabajo presenta procedimientos metodológicos, incluyendo pormenores de investigación, que permiten estudiar una empresa como un campo de luchas. Se pretende mostrar que la explicación de ese micro-universo económico, puede ser efectuada a partir del espacio de relaciones de dominación y oposición que se configura. El artículo contiene, por un lado, la referencia teórica de Pierre Bourdieu; y, por otro, se constituye como una reflexión metodológica de una investigación de largo alcance e...

  2. O cuidado de si como princípio ético do trabalho em enfermagem

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    Águeda Lenita Pereira Wendhausen


    Full Text Available A partir del entendimiento de que el acto de cuidar y el trabajo de enfermería son esencialmente humanos, buscamos problematizarlos en la actualidad. La fragmentación del conocimiento, en el área de enfermería y de la salud, ha sido un factor de deshumanización del cuidado y del proceso de trabajo de cuidar. Foucault a través de los estudios sobre la gobernabilidad nos posibilita la comprensión de las bases que nos constituyen en agentes morales. De ahí, deriva, como hacemos nuestras elecciones y sobre que pautamos nuestros valores. Es posible pensar el cuidado de enfermería y el trabajo de esta categoría profesional como un proceso a ser (resignificado teniendo como referencia una ética que tome la estética de la existencia como propuesta cotidiana. En este sentido, el cuidado de si mismo, el compartir en grupo y la ética solidaria pueden ser puntos de partida para la retomada del valor de nuestras elecciones profesionales, rescatando la humanidad que estas contienen.

  3. Hayao Miyazaki, la lámpara maravillosa. Un estudio de su cine y de sus referencias humanistas a la luz de las conexiones culturales entre Japón y Occidente


    Fortes Guerrero, Raúl


    «Hayao Miyazaki, la lámpara maravillosa. Un estudio de su cine y de sus referencias humanistas a la luz de las conexiones culturales entre Japón y Occidente». Bajo este título, ofrecemos una completa y profunda investigación centrada en la obra integral del realizador nipón Hayao Miyazaki (1941), aunque con especial incidencia en sus once largometrajes, su única serie televisiva como director absoluto y algunos cortometrajes y mangas. Dicha investigación, en la que desgranamos los temas recto...

  4. Common postural defects among music students. (United States)

    Blanco-Piñeiro, Patricia; Díaz-Pereira, M Pino; Martínez, Aurora


    Postural quality during musical performance affects both musculoskeletal health and the quality of the performance. In this study we examined the posture of 100 students at a Higher Conservatory of Music in Spain. By analysing video tapes and photographs of the students while performing, a panel of experts extracted values of 11 variables reflecting aspects of overall postural quality or the postural quality of various parts of the body. The most common postural defects were identified, together with the situations in which they occur. It is concluded that most students incur in unphysiological postures during performance. It is hoped that use of the results of this study will help correct these errors. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Thermoregulatory postures limit antipredator responses in peafowl. (United States)

    Yorzinski, Jessica L; Lam, Jennifer; Schultz, Rachel; Davis, Melissa


    Many animals inhabit environments where they experience temperature fluctuations. One way in which animals can adjust to these temperature changes is through behavioral thermoregulation. However, we know little about the thermal benefits of postural changes and the costs they may incur. In this study, we examined the thermoregulatory role of two postures, the head-tuck and leg-tuck posture, in peafowl ( Pavo cristatus ) and evaluated whether the head-tuck posture imposes a predation cost. The heads and legs of peafowl are significantly warmer when the birds exhibit these postures, demonstrating that these postures serve an important thermoregulatory role. In addition, the birds are slower to respond to an approaching threat when they display the head-tuck posture, suggesting that a thermoregulatory posture can limit antipredator behavior. © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  6. Thermoregulatory postures limit antipredator responses in peafowl

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    Jessica L. Yorzinski


    Full Text Available Many animals inhabit environments where they experience temperature fluctuations. One way in which animals can adjust to these temperature changes is through behavioral thermoregulation. However, we know little about the thermal benefits of postural changes and the costs they may incur. In this study, we examined the thermoregulatory role of two postures, the head-tuck and leg-tuck posture, in peafowl (Pavo cristatus and evaluated whether the head-tuck posture imposes a predation cost. The heads and legs of peafowl are significantly warmer when the birds exhibit these postures, demonstrating that these postures serve an important thermoregulatory role. In addition, the birds are slower to respond to an approaching threat when they display the head-tuck posture, suggesting that a thermoregulatory posture can limit antipredator behavior.

  7. Imaging Posture Veils Neural Signals

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    Robert T Thibault


    Full Text Available Whereas modern brain imaging often demands holding body positions incongruent with everyday life, posture governs both neural activity and cognitive performance. Humans commonly perform while upright; yet, many neuroimaging methodologies require participants to remain motionless and adhere to non-ecological comportments within a confined space. This inconsistency between ecological postures and imaging constraints undermines the transferability and generalizability of many a neuroimaging assay.Here we highlight the influence of posture on brain function and behavior. Specifically, we challenge the tacit assumption that brain processes and cognitive performance are comparable across a spectrum of positions. We provide an integrative synthesis regarding the increasingly prominent influence of imaging postures on autonomic function, mental capacity, sensory thresholds, and neural activity. Arguing that neuroimagers and cognitive scientists could benefit from considering the influence posture wields on both general functioning and brain activity, we examine existing imaging technologies and the potential of portable and versatile imaging devices (e.g., functional near infrared spectroscopy. Finally, we discuss ways that accounting for posture may help unveil the complex brain processes of everyday cognition.

  8. El multiculturalismo desde la perspectiva conceptual de Slajov Zizek y su aplicación a las bibliotecas públicas como objeto de estudio

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    Paulina Szafrán


    Full Text Available Se realiza una vinculación de los conceptos vertidos por el filósofo Slavoj Zizek en su obra “Multiculturalismo o la lógica cultural del capitalismo multinacional” con la conceptualización y documentos de referencia en relación a un servicio cultural concreto como es la biblioteca pública. Se llevan a cabo aportes destinados a profundizar la vinculación de la Bibliotecología/Ciencia de la Información con el campo de los Estudios Culturales. Se cuestionan algunas de las ideas admitidas en forma genérica sobre la biblioteca pública, en tanto objeto de investigación y ejercicio profesional, especialmente respecto a la aplicación de marcos de referencia importados.

  9. Postural Coordination during Socio-motor Improvisation. (United States)

    Gueugnon, Mathieu; Salesse, Robin N; Coste, Alexandre; Zhao, Zhong; Bardy, Benoît G; Marin, Ludovic


    Human interaction often relies on socio-motor improvisation. Creating unprepared movements during social interaction is not a random process but relies on rules of synchronization. These situations do not only involve people to be coordinated, but also require the adjustment of their posture in order to maintain balance and support movements. The present study investigated posture in such a context. More precisely, we first evaluated the impact of amplitude and complexity of arm movements on posture in solo situation. Then, we assessed the impact of interpersonal coordination on posture using the mirror game in which dyads performed improvised and synchronized movements (i.e., duo situation). Posture was measured through ankle-hip coordination in medio-lateral and antero-posterior directions (ML and AP respectively). Our results revealed the spontaneous emergence of in-phase pattern in ML direction and antiphase pattern in AP direction for solo and duo situations. These two patterns respectively refer to the simultaneous flexion/extension of the ankles and the hips in the same or opposite direction. It suggests different functional roles of postural coordination patterns in each direction, with in-phase supporting task performance in ML (dynamical stability) and antiphase supporting postural control in AP (mechanical stability). Although amplitude of movement did not influence posture, movement complexity disturbed postural stability in both directions. Conversely, interpersonal coordination promoted postural stability in ML but not in AP direction. These results are discussed in terms of the difference in coupling strength between ankle-hip coordination and interpersonal coordination.

  10. Postural coordination during socio-motor improvisation

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    Mathieu Gueugnon


    Full Text Available Human interaction often relies on socio-motor improvisation. Creating unprepared movements during social interaction is not a random process but relies on rules of synchronization. These situations do not only involve people to be coordinated, but also require the adjustment of their posture in order to maintain balance and support movements. The present study investigated posture in such a context. More precisely, we first evaluated the impact of amplitude and complexity of arm movements on posture in solo situation. Then, we assessed the impact of interpersonal coordination on posture using the mirror game in which dyads performed improvised and synchronized movements (i.e., duo situation. Posture was measured through ankle-hip coordination in medio-lateral and antero-posterior directions (ML and AP respectively. Our results revealed the spontaneous emergence of in-phase pattern in ML direction and anti-phase pattern in AP direction for solo and duo situations. These two patterns respectively refer to the simultaneous flexion/extension of the ankles and the hips in the same or opposite direction. It suggests different functional roles of postural coordination patterns in each direction, with in-phase supporting task performance in ML (dynamical stability and antiphase supporting postural control in AP (mechanical stability. Although amplitude of movement did not influence posture, movement complexity disturbed postural stability in both directions. Conversely, interpersonal coordination promoted postural stability in ML but not in AP direction. These results are discussed in terms of the difference in coupling strength between ankle-hip coordination and interpersonal coordination.

  11. Detecting altered postural control after cerebral concussion in athletes with normal postural stability


    Cavanaugh, J; Guskiewicz, K; Giuliani, C; Marshall, S; Mercer, V; Stergiou, N


    Objective: To determine if approximate entropy (ApEn), a regularity statistic from non-linear dynamics, could detect changes in postural control during quiet standing in athletes with normal postural stability after cerebral concussion.

  12. Marco de referencia para la gestión de TI centrada en la creación de valor compartido, aplicado a una propuesta de formación en maestría

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    Andrés Felipe Millán Cifuentes


    Full Text Available La tecnología de información (TI es un habilitante para la creación de valor para las organizaciones existentes o nuevas; sin embargo, muchos proyectos que usan TI fracasan por no lograr alinearse con los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa. Esta realidad ha interesado a la comunidad investigativa que ha trabajado en modelos de referencia para la gestión efectiva de TI orientada a la creación de valor. En años recientes, el concepto de valor ha sido redefinido por autores reconocidos del mundo de los negocios como Porter y Karmer quienes han planteado el enfoque de valor compartido, el cual consiste en que la empresa diseña propuestas de valor para que sus productos y/o servicios impacten positivamenteen problemas relevantes de la sociedad. Esta visión reconoce la intersección que hay entre la sociedad y el rendimiento corporativo, orientando a la organización para que sus productos y/o servicios afectende forma positiva los problemas y necesidades sociales. Esta investigación plantea una propuesta de un marco de referencia para la gestión efectiva de TI orientada a crear valor compartido; igualmente, presenta una aproximación práctica del marco de referencia en el diseño curricular de un programa de maestría en el área de gestión de TI.

  13. Anatomy and histochemistry of hindlimb flight posture in birds. I. The extended hindlimb posture of shorebirds. (United States)

    McFarland, Joshua C; Meyers, Ron A


    Birds utilize one of two hindlimb postures during flight: an extended posture (with the hip and knee joints flexed, while the ankle joint is extended caudally) or a flexed posture (with the hip, knee, and ankle joints flexed beneath the body). American Avocets (Recurvirostra americana) and Black-necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) extend their legs caudally during flight and support them for extended periods. Slow tonic and slow twitch muscle fibers are typically found in muscles functioning in postural support due to the fatigue resistance of these fibers. We hypothesized that a set of small muscles composed of high percentages of slow fibers and thus dedicated to postural support would function in securing the legs in the extended posture during flight. This study examined the anatomy and histochemical profile of eleven hindlimb muscles to gain insight into their functional roles during flight. Contrary to our hypothesis, all muscles possessed both fast twitch and slow twitch or slow tonic fibers. We believe this finding is due to the versatility of dynamic and postural functions the leg muscles must facilitate, including standing, walking, running, swimming, and hindlimb support during flight. Whether birds use an extended or flexed hindlimb flight posture may be related to the aerodynamic effect of leg position or may reflect evolutionary history. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. El desarrollo de valores de referencia para el perímetro braquial según la estatura y su comparación con otros indicadores utilizados para el tamizaje del estado nutricional

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    Mei Z.


    Full Text Available Durante muchos años se han usado los valores de perímetro braquial inferiores a cierto límite como índice alternativo del estado nutricional de los menores de 5 años de edad en épocas de hambruna o crisis de refugiados y también como método adicional de tamizaje en situaciones normales. Sin embargo, recientemente se ha puesto en duda la independencia del perímetro braquial respecto de la edad y el sexo. Tras revisar las pruebas científicas en las que se basan el uso y la interpretación del perímetro braquial, un Comité de Expertos de la OMS recomendó nuevos valores de referencia de perímetro braquial según la edad en menores de 5 años. Sin embargo, en algunas situaciones es difícil evaluar la edad de un niño y en tales circunstancias el perímetro braquial según la altura puede ser una buena alternativa. La regla QUAC (del inglés Quaker arm circumference para medir la altura es un medio sencillo para determinar el punto de corte del perímetro braquial correspondiente a una altura dada. Este artículo describe los valores de referencia del perímetro braquial y la construcción y uso del medidor QUAC, así como la utilización del método de curvas de características funcionales (receiver operating characteristic curve para evaluar el rendimiento del perímetro braquial, el perímetro braquial según la edad y el perímetro braquial según la altura en la detección de niños malnutridos.

  15. The dentist's operating posture - ergonomic aspects. (United States)

    Pîrvu, C; Pătraşcu, I; Pîrvu, D; Ionescu, C


    The practice of dentistry involves laborious high finesse dental preparations, precision and control in executions that require a particular attention, concentration and patience of the dentist and finally the dentist's physical and mental resistance. The optimal therapeutic approach and the success of practice involve special working conditions for the dentist and his team in an ergonomic environment. The meaning of the posture in ergonomics is the manner in which different parts of the body are located and thus the reports are established between them in order to allow a special task execution. This article discusses the posture adopted by dentists when they work, beginning with the balanced posture and going to different variants of posture. The ideal posture of a dentist gives him, on the one hand the optimal working conditions (access, visibility and control in the mouth) and on the other hand, physical and psychological comfort throughout the execution of the clinical acts. Although the theme of dentist posture is treated with great care and often presented in the undergraduate courses and the continuing education courses on ergonomics in dentistry, many dentists do not know the subject well enough nor the theoretical issues and therefore nor the practical applicability. The risk and perspective of the musculoskeletal disorders related to unbalanced postures should determine the dentists take postural corrective actions and compensation measures in order to limit the negative effects of working in a bad posture.

  16. Caracterización de infecciones por bacterias productoras de BLEE en un hospital de referencia nacional

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    Paul J Tejada-Llacsa


    Full Text Available Introducción: La resistencia mediante la producción de betalactamasa de espectro extendido (BLEE es la resistencia microbiana más común y de importancia en salud pública. Objetivos: Describir las características de las infecciones por bacterias productoras de BLEE en un hospital de referencia nacional. Diseño: Estudio transversal descriptivo. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Callao, Perú. Materiales: Registros de los cultivos de secreciones realizados en el Laboratorio de Microbiología del HNDAC en el año 2012. Métodos: Se analizó datos del paciente (edad, sexo y servicio del cual se recibió la muestra y datos de la muestra (fecha de obtención, el tipo de muestra, el microrganismo encontrado, el antibiograma detallado y su calificación como bacteria productora de BLEE. Principales medidas de resultados: Características de las infecciones por bacterias productoras de BLEE. Resultados: Se recolectó 3 149 muestras, 70,9% (2 235 fueron de mujeres; 29,4% fueron cultivos positivos para bacterias productoras de BLEE. Los servicios críticos obtuvieron la mayor prevalencia, y los meses donde se encontró mayor presencia fueron abril (34,7% y julio (34,7%. Tanto E. coli (72,4% como Klebsiella sp. (20% fueron las prevalentes. No se encontró resistencia para imipinem, tanto para E. coli como para Klebsiella sp. Conclusiones: La prevalencia fue similar a la de América Latina (34,6%. Se presenta más evidencias de una alta presencia en consulta externa y en mayores de 46 años; siendo así un problema de salud pública.

  17. Relationship between Muscle Function, Muscle Typology and Postural Performance According to Different Postural Conditions in Young and Older Adults. (United States)

    Paillard, Thierry


    Although motor output of the postural function clearly influences postural performance in young and older subjects, no relationship has been formally established between them. However, the relationship between lower-extremity muscle strength/power and postural performance is often pointed out, especially in older subjects. In fact, the influence of motor output may vary according to the postural condition considered (e.g., static, dynamic, challenging, disturbing). In static postural condition, there may be a relationship between lower-extremity muscle strength and postural performance when the value of muscle strength is below a certain threshold in older subjects. Above this threshold of muscle strength, this relationship may disappear. In dynamic postural condition, lower-extremity muscle power could facilitate compensatory postural actions, limiting induced body imbalance likely to generate falls in older subjects. In young subjects, there could be a relationship between very early rapid torque of the leg extensor muscles and postural performance. In the case of postural reaction to (external) perturbations, a high percentage of type II muscle fibers could be associated with the ability to react quickly to postural perturbations in young subjects, while it may enable a reduction in the risk of falls in older subjects. In practice, in older subjects, muscle strength and/or power training contributes to reducing the risk of falls, as well as slowing down the involution of muscle typology regarding type II muscle fibers.

  18. Postural risk assessment of mechanised firewood processing. (United States)

    Spinelli, Raffaele; Aminti, Giovanni; De Francesco, Fabio


    The study assessed the postural risk of mechanised firewood processing with eight machines, representing the main technology solutions available on the market. Assessment was conducted with the Ovako Working posture Analysis System (OWAS) on 1000 still frames randomly extracted from videotaped work samples. The postural risk associated with firewood processing was variable and associated with technology type. Simple, manually operated new machines incurred a higher postural risk compared with semi- or fully automatic machines. In contrast, new semi-automatic and automatic machines were generally free from postural risk. In all cases, attention should be paid to postural risk that may occur during blockage resolution. The study did not cover the postural risk of firewood processing sites as a whole. The study provided useful information for selecting firewood processing machinery and for improving firewood machinery design, as part of a more articulate strategy aimed at enhancing the safety of firewood processing work sites. Practitioner Summary: The postural risk associated with mechanised firewood processing (eg cutting and splitting) depends on the type of equipment. Postural risk is highest (OWAS Action Category 2) with new in-line machines, designed for operation by a single worker. Fully automatic machines present minimum postural risk, except during blockage resolution.

  19. La USP como paradigma de la publicidad racionalista. Auge y declive del mecanismo estratégico más popular de la publicidad moderna


    Fernández Gómez, Jorge David; Sanz Marcos, Paloma


    La teoría de la USP (unique selling proposition), se ha configurado a lo largo de la historia publicitaria como referencia en lo que a estrategia publicitaria se refiere. Este artículo trata de ofrecer por un lado, una perspectiva recapituladora de los orígenes y circunstancias que dieron popularidad al concepto y por otro, un análisis de aquellos errores de planteamiento que agilizaron su debilitamiento con la llegada de nuevas teorías como la de la «Imagen de Marca» The USP’s Theory (un...

  20. Referencias bibliográficas con LATEX usando software librever


    Arroyo-Hernández, Jorge; Viguez-Ortiz, María Fernanda


    [ES] En un trabajo escrito de cualquier índole, la bibliografía es una sistematización ordenada de fuentes de información de las cuales se ha extraído algún resultado para retroalimentar los nuestros. Su uso adecuado asegura a los escritores y lectores usar y verificar los resultados de terceros sin apropiarse de estos. El presente trabajo provee una plataforma que automatiza la escritura de las referencias bibliográficas mediante el uso del pa...

  1. Relationship between postural alignment in sitting by photogrammetry and seated postural control in post-stroke subjects. (United States)

    Iyengar, Y R; Vijayakumar, K; Abraham, J M; Misri, Z K; Suresh, B V; Unnikrishnan, B


    This study was executed to find out correlation between postural alignment in sitting measured through photogrammetry and postural control in sitting following stroke. A cross-sectional study with convenient sampling consisting of 45 subjects with acute and sub-acute stroke. Postural alignment in sitting was measured through photogrammetry and relevant angles were obtained through software MB Ruler (version 5.0). Seated postural control was measured through Function in Sitting Test (FIST). Correlation was obtained using Spearman's Rank Correlation co-efficient in SPSS software (version 17.0). Moderate positive correlation (r = 0.385; p < 0.01) was found between angle of lordosis and angle between acromion, lateral epicondyle and point between radius and ulna. Strong negative correlation (r = -0.435; p < 0.01) was found between cranio-vertebral angle and kyphosis. FIST showed moderate positive correlation (r = 0.3446; p < 0.05) with cranio-vertebral angle and strong positive correlation (r = 0.4336; p < 0.01) with Brunnstrom's stage of recovery in upper extremity. Degree of forward head posture in sitting correlates directly with seated postural control and inversely with degree of kyphosis in sitting post-stroke. Postural control in sitting post-stroke is directly related with Brunnstrom's stage of recovery in affected upper extremity in sitting.

  2. On the functional integration between postural and supra-postural tasks on the basis of contextual cues and task constraint. (United States)

    de Lima, Andrea Cristina; de Azevedo Neto, Raymundo Machado; Teixeira, Luis Augusto


    In order to evaluate the effects of uncertainty about direction of mechanical perturbation and supra-postural task constraint on postural control, young adults had their upright stance perturbed while holding a tray in a horizontal position. Stance was perturbed by moving forward or backward a supporting platform, contrasting situations of certainty versus uncertainty of direction of displacement. Increased constraint on postural stability was imposed by a supra-postural task of equilibrating a cylinder on the tray. Performance was assessed through EMG of anterior leg muscles, angular displacement of the main joints involved in the postural reactions and displacement of the tray. Results showed that both certainty on the direction of perturbation and increased supra-postural task constraint led to decreased angular displacement of the knee and the hip. Furthermore, combination of certainty and high supra-postural task constraint produced shorter latency of muscular activation. Such postural responses were paralleled by decreased displacement of the tray. These results suggest a functional integration between the tasks, with central set priming reactive postural responses from contextual cues and increased stability demand. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. El Dibujo como Herramienta Integral al Servicio del conocimiento en diversos Marcos Disciplinares: Su vigencia y necesidad hoy.


    García Góngora, Víctor Manuel


    Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende dilucidar mediante obras y experiencias del autor, bibliografía y referencias externas, la vigencia del dibujo en una actualidad dominada por métodos digitales que se ha vuelto escéptica sobre su “utilidad” real y que desgraciadamente se está viendo marginada en planes de estudio y desarrollo profesional. La situación ha llegado a tal grado que el dibujo, incluso en disciplinas como las bellas artes y la arquitectur...

  4. Neck pain and postural balance among workers with high postural demands - a cross-sectional study (United States)


    Background Neck pain is related to impaired postural balance among patients and is highly prevalent among workers with high postural demands, for example, cleaners. We therefore hypothesised, that cleaners with neck pain suffer from postural dysfunction. This cross-sectional study tested if cleaners with neck pain have an impaired postural balance compared with cleaners without neck pain. Methods Postural balance of 194 cleaners with (n = 85) and without (N = 109) neck pain was studied using three different tests. Success or failure to maintain the standing position for 30 s in unilateral stance was recorded. Participants were asked to stand on a force platform for 30 s in the Romberg position with eyes open and closed. The centre of pressure of the sway was calculated, and separated into a slow (rambling) and fast (trembling) component. Subsequently, the 95% confidence ellipse area (CEA) was calculated. Furthermore a perturbation test was performed. Results More cleaners with neck pain (81%) failed the unilateral stance compared with cleaners without neck pain (61%) (p neck pain in comparison with cleaners without neck pain in the Romberg position with eyes closed, but not with eyes open. Conclusions Postural balance is impaired among cleaners with neck pain and the current study suggests a particular role of the slow component of postural sway. Furthermore, the unilateral stance test is a simple test to illustrate functional impairment among cleaners with concurrent neck and low back pain. Trial registration ISRCTN96241850 PMID:21806796

  5. Automated Assessment of Postural Stability (AAPS) (United States)


    performed a battery of standard clinical tests of dynamic posture, whereas the fourth subject performed the stereotyped postures (e.g. movements restricted...Processing & Control [2] Napoli A, Ward C, Glass S, Tucker C, Obeid I (2016) “Automated Assessment of Postural Stability System,” IEEE Engineering in

  6. Gait, posture and cognition in Parkinson's disease

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    Alessandra Ferreira Barbosa

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Gait disorders and postural instability are the leading causes of falls and disability in Parkinson's disease (PD. Cognition plays an important role in postural control and may interfere with gait and posture assessment and treatment. It is important to recognize gait, posture and balance dysfunctions by choosing proper assessment tools for PD. Patients at higher risk of falling must be referred for rehabilitation as early as possible, because antiparkinsonian drugs and surgery do not improve gait and posture in PD.

  7. Postural Control in Children with Autism. (United States)

    Kohen-Raz, Reuven; And Others


    Postural control was evaluated in 91 autistic, 166 normal, and 18 mentally retarded children using a computerized posturographic procedure. In comparison to normal children, the autistic subjects were less likely to exhibit age-related changes in postural performance, and postures were more variable and less stable. (Author/JDD)

  8. Mejora de la calidad de las medidas de ozono mediante un fotómetro UV de referencia Improvement of the quality of the ozone measurements by means of a standard reference photometer

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    R. Fernández Patier


    Full Text Available La Directiva 92/72/CE hace referencia al método de análisis descrito en la UNE 77-221:2000 y a que los analizadores de ozono se deben calibrar con un fotómetro UV de referencia o con un patrón transferido.De la necesidad de desarrollar un procedimiento que asegure la calidad y la trazabilidad de las mediciones en España, el Área de Contaminación Atmosférica ha decidido implantar un fotómetro UV de referencia NIST como patrón de ozono.Teniendo en cuenta los procedimientos empleados por EPA y NIST, se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de verificación consistente en la realización de 6 comparaciones del Patrón Transferido frente al Fotómetro UV de Referencia NIST, en días diferentes, analizándose, como mínimo, 5 concentraciones de ozono diferentes. Cada comparación se inicia y se finaliza siempre con una concentración de 0 ppb de O3. De cada comparación se obtiene una regresión lineal.Una vez realizadas las 6 comparaciones se obtiene la Recta de calibración y se calcula la incertidumbre asociada al patrón transferido.Se ha realizado la verificación de 17 patrones transferidos de los que 11 son fotómetros UV, 2 son generadores de ozono y 4 son generadores de ozono de bancos de dilución.De los resultados se concluye que las incertidumbres de los generadores de ozono, en general, son mayores que las de los fotómetros UV, recomendándose estos últimos como patrones transferidos.Destacar que mediante la utilización de los patrones transferidos para la calibración de analizadores de ozono se garantiza tanto la calidad como la trazabilidad de los datos generados.The Directive 92/72/CE makes reference to the analysis method described in the UNE 77-221:2000 and to the fact that the ozone analyzers shall be calibrated with a UV reference photometer or with a transfer standard.From the need of developing a procedure that assure the quality and the trazability of the measurements in Spain, the Atmospheric Pollution Area has decided

  9. Kinematics of the human mandible for different head postures. (United States)

    Visscher, C M; Huddleston Slater, J J; Lobbezoo, F; Naeije, M


    The influence of head posture on movement paths of the incisal point (IP) and of the mandibular condyles during free open-close movements was studied. Ten persons, without craniomandibular or cervical spine disorders, participated in the study. Open close mandibular movements were recorded with the head in five postures, viz., natural head posture, forward head posture, military posture, and lateroflexion to the right and to the left side, using the Oral Kinesiologic Analysis System (OKAS-3D). This study showed that in a military head posture, the opening movement path of the incisal point is shifted anteriorly relative to the path in a natural head posture. In a forward head posture, the movement path is shifted posteriorly whereas during lateroflexion, it deviates to the side the head has moved to. Moreover, the intra-articular distance in the temporomandibular joint during closing is smaller with the head in military posture and greater in forward head posture, as compared to the natural head posture. During lateroflexion, the intra-articular distance on the ipsilateral side is smaller. The influence of head posture upon the kinematics of the mandible is probably a manifestation of differences in mandibular loading in the different head postures.

  10. The Relationship Between Postural and Movement Stability. (United States)

    Feldman, Anatol G


    Postural stabilization is provided by stretch reflexes, intermuscular reflexes, and intrinsic muscle properties. Taken together, these posture-stabilizing mechanisms resist deflections from the posture at which balance of muscle and external forces is maintained. Empirical findings suggest that for each muscle, these mechanisms become functional at a specific, spatial threshold-the muscle length or respective joint angle at which motor units begin to be recruited. Empirical data suggest that spinal and supraspinal centers can shift the spatial thresholds for a group of muscles that stabilized the initial posture. As a consequence, the same stabilizing mechanisms, instead of resisting motion from the initial posture, drive the body to another stable posture. In other words by shifting spatial thresholds, the nervous system converts movement resisting to movement-producing mechanisms. It is illustrated that, contrary to conventional view, this control strategy allows the system to transfer body balance to produce locomotion and other actions without loosing stability at any point of them. It also helps orient posture and movement with the direction of gravity. It is concluded that postural and movement stability is provided by a common mechanism.

  11. El modelo turístico de la Marina Alta: apuntes para una nueva etapa desde la sostenibilidad como referencia

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    J. Fernando Vera Rebollo


    Full Text Available El propósito de las siguientes reflexiones no es otro que aportar algunas ideas en el marco de un debate necesario sobre el modelo territorial-turístico de la Marina Alta, en el contexto de una nueva filosofía de desarrollo que lleva implícitos, como contenidos clave, la gestión racional de los recursos naturales y culturales y la calidad de vida de las poblaciones locales. Son aspectos a los que el turismo puede aportar argumentos, en tanto que su futuro como actividad ha de estar basado en la calidad, la gestión ambiental y la diferenciación de los espacios de destino

  12. Visual Vection does not Perturb Squatting Posture

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    Dietrich Gilles


    Full Text Available Vision contributes fundamentally to the control of the standing posture. The illusion of self motion falsely perceived (vection increases postural sway while standing. In this paper we examine the effect of vection on both standing and deep squatting with the hypothesis that the squatting posture should not be disturbed by the conflict of sensory information due to vection. The results show that standing posture only was affected by the visual stimuli. The widespread use of squatting for work as well as rest could be due in part to this lack of effect of sensory perturbation on postural stability.

  13. La educación de posgrado como necesidad social. Tendencias y retos ante la Universidad Latinoamericana contemporánea

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    Lic. Yusimi Cuéllar Contreras


    Full Text Available La formación de postgrado se caracteriza por ser uno de los procesos consubstanciales a la Universidad, considerada ésta como la institución social que preserva y desarrolla la cultura de la sociedad. Estos y otros factores que podrían incluirse, marcan un considerable reto a las instituciones de Educación Superior en relación con la calidad del postgrado y particularmente a los profesores que los imparten y profesionales que participan. En este artículo se hace referencia al papel de la Universidad como institución social, además se abordan aspectos como las tendencias, retos y desafíos a los cuales se enfrenta la Universidad Latinoamericana contemporánea en cuanto a la educación de postgrado, haciendo énfasis en el contexto cubano.

  14. Diagnóstico de proliferación bacteriana intestinal en niños: evidencia experimental para sustentar el empleo de lactulosa en la prueba de hidrógeno y su validación como prueba tamiz

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    Evelyn Mendoza


    Conclusiones. Se aporta evidencia experimental para sustentar el uso de la lactulosa en la prueba de hidrógeno y se valida ésta frente al patrón de referencia como prueba tamiz para diagnosticar la proliferación bacteriana intestinal.

  15. Postural Stability of Patients with Schizophrenia during Challenging Sensory Conditions: Implication of Sensory Integration for Postural Control. (United States)

    Teng, Ya-Ling; Chen, Chiung-Ling; Lou, Shu-Zon; Wang, Wei-Tsan; Wu, Jui-Yen; Ma, Hui-Ing; Chen, Vincent Chin-Hung


    Postural dysfunctions are prevalent in patients with schizophrenia and affect their daily life and ability to work. In addition, sensory functions and sensory integration that are crucial for postural control are also compromised. This study intended to examine how patients with schizophrenia coordinate multiple sensory systems to maintain postural stability in dynamic sensory conditions. Twenty-nine patients with schizophrenia and 32 control subjects were recruited. Postural stability of the participants was examined in six sensory conditions of different level of congruency of multiple sensory information, which was based on combinations of correct, removed, or conflicting sensory inputs from visual, somatosensory, and vestibular systems. The excursion of the center of pressure was measured by posturography. Equilibrium scores were derived to indicate the range of anterior-posterior (AP) postural sway, and sensory ratios were calculated to explore ability to use sensory information to maintain balance. The overall AP postural sway was significantly larger for patients with schizophrenia compared to the controls [patients (69.62±8.99); controls (76.53±7.47); t1,59 = -3.28, pmaintain balance compared to the controls.

  16. Education and the Prevention of Postural Defects

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    Olchowska-Kotala Agnieszka


    Full Text Available Purpose. The aim of this study was to determine: whether and at what stage of education is proper body posture learned, the intention of young adults to participate in activities teaching proper posture, and the effects of factors related with the said intention. Methods. The study involved 430 university students aged 18-24 years. Anthropometric data was collected. Participants completed questionnaires assessing physical activity level (IPAQ and their intention to participate in extracurricular activities teaching proper posture while sitting or walking, proper running technique, corrective gymnastics, or weight loss exercises. A self-assessment of posture, physical fitness, attractiveness, and body satisfaction was also completed. Results. Lower back pain was experienced by 41% of the respondents. Most were taught proper posture-related habits in primary school, followed by secondary school, and then at university. Many students expressed their intention to participate in the extracurricular activities. None of the questionnaire variables were associated with the intention to learn proper walking posture or proper running technique. The intention to participate in classes teaching proper sitting posture was associated with lower back pain in women and low physical activity level in men. In women, a relationship was found between the intention to participate in weight loss exercises and body dissatisfaction, high BMI, and poor self-evaluations of posture and attractiveness. In men, this activity was associated with body dissatisfaction. Conclusions. There is a need for further education on the development of proper postural habits at the university level.

  17. Gait, posture and cognition in Parkinson's disease


    Barbosa, Alessandra Ferreira; Chen, Janini; Freitag, Fernanda; Valente, Debora; Souza, Carolina de Oliveira; Voos, Mariana Callil; Chien, Hsin Fen


    ABSTRACT Gait disorders and postural instability are the leading causes of falls and disability in Parkinson's disease (PD). Cognition plays an important role in postural control and may interfere with gait and posture assessment and treatment. It is important to recognize gait, posture and balance dysfunctions by choosing proper assessment tools for PD. Patients at higher risk of falling must be referred for rehabilitation as early as possible, because antiparkinsonian drugs and surgery do n...

  18. Postural ortostatisk takykardisyndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinth, Louise; Pors, Kirsten; Mehlsen, Jesper


    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a heterogeneous condition of dysautonomia and suspected autoimmunity characterized by abnormal increments in heart rate upon assumption of the upright posture accompanied by symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion and sympathoexcitation. An increase...... in heart rate equal to or greater than 30 bpm or to levels higher than 120 bpm during a head-up tilt test is the main diagnostic criterion. Management includes both non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment focusing on stress management, volume expansion and heart rate control....

  19. Relationships among head posture, pain intensity, disability and deep cervical flexor muscle performance in subjects with postural neck pain

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    Arun V. Subbarayalu, PhD


    Full Text Available Objectives: Information Technology (IT professionals working with computers gradually develop forward head posture and, as a result, these professionals are susceptible to several neck disorders. This study intended to reveal the relationships between pain intensity, disability, head posture and deep cervical flexor (DCF muscle performance in patients with postural neck pain. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 84 IT professionals who were diagnosed with postural neck pain. The participants were recruited with a random sampling approach. A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS, the Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire (NPQ, the Modified Head Posture Spinal Curvature Instrument (MHPSCI, and the Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback Unit were used to measure neck pain intensity, neck disability, head posture, and DCF muscle performance, respectively. Results: The Pearson correlation coefficient revealed a significantly strong positive relationship between the VAS and the NPQ (r = 0.734. The cranio-vertebral (CV angle was found to have a significantly negative correlation with the VAS (r = −0.536 and a weak negative correlation with the NPQ (r = −0.389. Conclusion: This study concluded that a smaller CV angle corresponded to greater neck pain intensity and disability. Furthermore, there is no significant relationship between CV angle and DCF muscle performance, indicating that head posture re-education through postural correction exercises would not completely correct the motor control deficits in DCF muscles. In addition, a suitable exercise regimen that exclusively targets the deep cervical flexor muscle to improve its endurance is warranted. Keywords: Craniovertebral angle, Disability deep cervical flexors muscle performance, Head posture, Postural neck pain

  20. Thermoregulatory postures limit antipredator responses in peafowl


    Jessica L. Yorzinski; Jennifer Lam; Rachel Schultz; Melissa Davis


    Many animals inhabit environments where they experience temperature fluctuations. One way in which animals can adjust to these temperature changes is through behavioral thermoregulation. However, we know little about the thermal benefits of postural changes and the costs they may incur. In this study, we examined the thermoregulatory role of two postures, the head-tuck and leg-tuck posture, in peafowl (Pavo cristatus) and evaluated whether the head-tuck posture imposes a predation cost. The h...

  1. La responsabilidad social corporativa como eje de desarrollo sostenible

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    Gissela Bravo


    Full Text Available La responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC, también denominada por algunos autores como Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE, es voluntaria y se sustenta en la ética. Considerar que debe ser así, para que las empresas realicen actividades limpias sin necesidad de implementar medidas desde la normativa legal. Las empresas tienen obligaciones morales con sus clientes internos, externos y la comunidad a la que se debe. Todos los propósitos de la empresa son logrados por estos grupos de interés, razón por la cual, el compromiso de la misma debe mantener un equilibrio entre la riqueza y moralidad. Para el desarrollo de ésta investigación se tomó como referencia un estudio sobre Responsabilidad Social Empresarial del Ecuador en el año 2012, realizado por el IDE Business School, Partiendo de éste estudio, se aplicó una encuesta considerando las opiniones de los representantes de Responsabilidad Social de empresas públicas, privadas y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del cantón Portoviejo. PALABRAS CLAVES: Compromiso Social, Ética, Responsabilidad Humana, Valores Sociales.

  2. Functional Neuroanatomy for Posture and Gait Control

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    Kaoru Takakusaki


    Full Text Available Here we argue functional neuroanatomy for posture- gait control. Multi-sensory information such as somatosensory, visual and vestibular sensation act on various areas of the brain so that adaptable posture- gait control can be achieved. Automatic process of gait, which is steady-state stepping movements associating with postural reflexes including headeye coordination accompanied by appropriate alignment of body segments and optimal level of postural muscle tone, is mediated by the descending pathways from the brainstem to the spinal cord. Particularly, reticulospinal pathways arising from the lateral part of the mesopontine tegmentum and spinal locomotor network contribute to this process. On the other hand, walking in unfamiliar circumstance requires cognitive process of postural control, which depends on knowledges of self-body, such as body schema and body motion in space. The cognitive information is produced at the temporoparietal association cortex, and is fundamental to sustention of vertical posture and construction of motor programs. The programs in the motor cortical areas run to execute anticipatory postural adjustment that is optimal for achievement of goal-directed movements. The basal ganglia and cerebellum may affect both the automatic and cognitive processes of posturegait control through reciprocal connections with the brainstem and cerebral cortex, respectively. Consequently, impairments in cognitive function by damages in the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum may disturb posture-gait control, resulting in falling.

  3. Postural stability and occlusal status among Japanese elderly. (United States)

    Song-Yu, Xuan; Rodis, Omar M M; Ogata, Sagiri; Can-Hu, Jin; Nishimura, Michiko; Matsumura, Seishi


    There are still no data available on the relationship between postural stability and occlusal status among the elderly. To examine relationships between postural stability and occlusal status through a cohort study among elderly Japanese. Oral examination, occlusal status, postural stability and a questionnaire were conducted and given to 87 community-dwelling Japanese at enrolment. The average occlusal pressure of the female group was statistically higher than the male group while average occlusal pressure and postural stability length were lesser in the group with more remaining teeth. Postural stability area and number of remaining teeth showed statistically significant correlations. Postural stability length was lesser in the group with strong occlusal force. Furthermore, the number of decayed teeth was fewer in the good hygiene group. This study identified a close relationship between occlusal status and postural stability of Japanese older individuals. Occlusal hypofunction was observed more in those with occlusal problems, and a decrease in their occlusal functions resulted in postural instability. © 2011 The Gerodontology Society and John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  4. Postural Stability of Patients with Schizophrenia during Challenging Sensory Conditions: Implication of Sensory Integration for Postural Control.

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    Ya-Ling Teng

    Full Text Available Postural dysfunctions are prevalent in patients with schizophrenia and affect their daily life and ability to work. In addition, sensory functions and sensory integration that are crucial for postural control are also compromised. This study intended to examine how patients with schizophrenia coordinate multiple sensory systems to maintain postural stability in dynamic sensory conditions. Twenty-nine patients with schizophrenia and 32 control subjects were recruited. Postural stability of the participants was examined in six sensory conditions of different level of congruency of multiple sensory information, which was based on combinations of correct, removed, or conflicting sensory inputs from visual, somatosensory, and vestibular systems. The excursion of the center of pressure was measured by posturography. Equilibrium scores were derived to indicate the range of anterior-posterior (AP postural sway, and sensory ratios were calculated to explore ability to use sensory information to maintain balance. The overall AP postural sway was significantly larger for patients with schizophrenia compared to the controls [patients (69.62±8.99; controls (76.53±7.47; t1,59 = -3.28, p<0.001]. The results of mixed-model ANOVAs showed a significant interaction between the group and sensory conditions [F5,295 = 5.55, p<0.001]. Further analysis indicated that AP postural sway was significantly larger for patients compared to the controls in conditions containing unreliable somatosensory information either with visual deprivation or with conflicting visual information. Sensory ratios were not significantly different between groups, although small and non-significant difference in inefficiency to utilize vestibular information was also noted. No significant correlations were found between postural stability and clinical characteristics. To sum up, patients with schizophrenia showed increased postural sway and a higher rate of falls during challenging sensory

  5. La ciencia como lenguaje y lo mensurable en la construcción del conocimiento científico

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    Juan Carlos Saavedra Fuentes


    Full Text Available La ciencia es una construcción lingüística, una ontología donde habitan sentidos y significados (no-mensurables. El conocimiento que se busca nace de los marcos de referencia de las propias perspectivas conceptuales del observador, y del contexto que lo define como indagador, pues el objeto está en el lenguaje. Por ello, cuando cambien el contexto, la ontología y el lenguaje del observador, cambiará consecuentemente la construcción conceptual llamada objeto científico, transformando la objetividad en sistema de significaciones.

  6. La traducción a la lengua inglesa de referencias culturales españolas en la provincia de Soria: gastronomía, fiestas y tradiciones. Proyecto para la elaboración de un glosario bilingüe


    García Tabernero, José Fernando


    La gastronomía, las manifestaciones festivas y las tradiciones son recursos turísticos fundamentales en la promoción del turismo en la provincia de Soria. Uno de los principales mercados-objetivo es el público angloparlante y, dada la importancia económica y el carácter internacional de una lengua como el inglés, nos preguntamos cómo son las traducciones existentes de las referencias culturales sobre gastronomía, fiestas y tradiciones de nuestra provincia. Grado en Turismo

  7. Doença de Ménière e vertigem postural

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    Boaglio Mirella


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A associação entre doença de Ménière e a vertigem postural tem sido descrita por vários autores. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença do nistagmo de posicionamento e da sensação vertiginosa posicional em pacientes portadores de Doença de Ménière. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 44 pacientes com diagnóstico definitivo de doença de Ménière segundo avaliação clínica e audiológica (preenchendo os critérios diagnósticos da American Academy of Otolaryngology e confirmação da hidropisia endolinfática por eletrococleografia (relação SP/AP >30%. O estudo do nistagmo de posicionamento foi realizado por meio da manobra de Brandt-Daroff com utilização das lentes de Frenzel -13 dioptrias. O exame foi considerado alterado pela presença de nistagmo e/ou vertigem. RESULTADOS: Na pesquisa do nistagmo de posicionamento, 7 pacientes (16% apresentaram nistagmo e vertigem, 23 (52,2% apresentaram vertigem sem o registro de nistagmo, e 14 (31,8% não apresentaram alteração alguma. Considerando a presença isolada de vertigem como alteração do exame e a presença de vertigem postural associada à presença de nistagmo postural, o total de alterações foi de 68,1% (30 pacientes nesta amostra. CONCLUSÃO: A associação entre Doença de Menière e vertigem postural é relevante e sua real incidência dependerá dos critérios utilizados para definir esta associação. Neste trabalho, tanto o desencadeamento de nistagmo quanto de sensação vertiginosa à manobra de Brandt-Daroff foram considerados positivos para a constatação desta associação. Com esta metodologia, a presença de vertigem postural em pacientes com Ménière foi de 68%.

  8. La innovación metodológica en la docencia universitaria a partir de concebir la enseñanza como práctica reflexiva: una experiencia en la formación de maestros


    Jové Monclús, Glòria; Valls Gabernet, Maria Josep


    En el presente artículo se analiza como se realiza una innovación metodológica en los estudios de maestro, especialidad Educación Especial a partir de entender la enseñanza como una practica reflexiva. Planificar un practicum reflexiva basado en los postulados de la Investigación-Acción y el Constructivismo como cultura de referencia, representa el punto de partida para reali­zar una innovación metodológica en una de las asignaturas de dicho plan. Con ella se pre­tende que los estudiant...

  9. Cinerama sickness and postural instability. (United States)

    Bos, Jelte E; Ledegang, Wietse D; Lubeck, Astrid J A; Stins, John F


    Motion sickness symptoms and increased postural instability induced by motion pictures have been reported in a laboratory, but not in a real cinema. We, therefore, carried out an observational study recording sickness severity and postural instability in 19 subjects before, immediately and 45 min after watching a 1 h 3D aviation documentary in a cinema. Sickness was significantly larger right after the movie than before, and in a lesser extent still so after 45 min. The average standard deviation of the lateral centre of pressure excursions was significantly larger only right afterwards. When low-pass filtered at 0.1 Hz, lateral and for-aft excursions were both significantly larger right after the movie, while for-aft excursions then remained larger even after 45 min. Speculating on previous findings, we predict more sickness and postural instability in 3D than in 2D movies, also suggesting a possible, but yet unknown risk for work-related activities and vehicle operation. Watching motion pictures may be sickening and posturally destabilising, but effects in a cinema are unknown. We, therefore, carried out an observational study showing that sickness then is mainly an issue during the exposure while postural instability is an issue afterwards.

  10. Ouabaina como Hormona

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    J. Hernando Ordoñez


    Full Text Available

    Comentario sobre su origen endógeno y sus aplicaciones terapéuticas

    Pocas drogas han sido más estudiadas que el grupo de los digitálicos, estrofantinas y ouabaina, cuyo estudio es objeto del presente trabajo.

    La ouabaina empezó a ser estudiada desde el siglo pasado. La primera referencia conocida corresponde a Pelikan, 1865 (1, como veneno que empleaban para las flechas en Gabón (Africa. (.

    (. Vinieron luego los trabajos de Fraser, 1869, (2, 3, 6, Polaillon, 1871 (4, Amaud, 1888 (5, Vaquez y Lutembacher, 1917 (7, Stoll, 1939 (8, Lapicque, 1929 (9, Wiggers, 1927 (10, Ytantos otros (11, 12, 13. En la obra de Kisch (14 aparecen más de 700 referencias bibliográficas sobre el particular.

    Ouabaina de origen endógeno. Purificación
    Durante muchos años se conoció la ouabaina como de origen vegetal, elaborada por las plantas Strophanthus Glaber(k-estrofantina,AcocantheraOuabaio(Ouabaina yStrophanthus Kombe (k-estrofantina y kestrofantósido. Una propiedad común a todos los digitálicos, estrofantina y ouabaina es que todos son inhibidores de la bomba de Na-K, encargada de regular la salida de Na y la entrada de K celular.

    Estudiando los inhibido res de esta bomba han encontrado en años recientes resultados extraordinarios en relación con el origen endógeno de algunos de estos inhibidores, entre ellos la ouabaina. Por considerarlos de extrema importancia y actualidad científica me permito citar algunos de ellos. Hamlyn y Manunta (15, 16, 17, 18, Y 19 hicieron estudios sobre el particular y lograron identificar en el plasma humano un compuesto igual a la ouabaina. Estos hallazgos fueron confirmados después por otros autores (20, 21, 22, 23 Y24.

    Ham bl yn (19 da varios argumentos que ponen en evidencia que el compuesto químico encontrado es ouabaina pura, y, lo que es más interesante, que tiene un origen endógeno. a Por espectroscopia de alta resoluci

  11. Increased alertness, better than posture prioritization, explains dual-task performance in prosthesis users and controls under increasing postural and cognitive challenge. (United States)

    Howard, Charla L; Perry, Bonnie; Chow, John W; Wallace, Chris; Stokic, Dobrivoje S


    Sensorimotor impairments after limb amputation impose a threat to stability. Commonly described strategies for maintaining stability are the posture first strategy (prioritization of balance) and posture second strategy (prioritization of concurrent tasks). The existence of these strategies was examined in 13 below-knee prosthesis users and 15 controls during dual-task standing under increasing postural and cognitive challenge by evaluating path length, 95% sway area, and anterior-posterior and medial-lateral amplitudes of the center of pressure. The subjects stood on two force platforms under usual (hard surface/eyes open) and difficult (soft surface/eyes closed) conditions, first alone and while performing a cognitive task without and then with instruction on cognitive prioritization. During standing alone, sway was not significantly different between groups. After adding the cognitive task without prioritization instruction, prosthesis users increased sway more under the dual-task than single-task standing (p ≤ 0.028) during both usual and difficult conditions, favoring the posture second strategy. Controls, however, reduced dual-task sway under a greater postural challenge (p ≤ 0.017), suggesting the posture first strategy. With prioritization of the cognitive task, sway was unchanged or reduced in prosthesis users, suggesting departure from the posture second strategy, whereas controls maintained the posture first strategy. Individual analysis of dual tasking revealed that greater postural demand in controls and greater cognitive challenge in prosthesis users led to both reduced sway and improved cognitive performance, suggesting cognitive-motor facilitation. Thus, activation of additional resources through increased alertness, rather than posture prioritization, may explain dual-task performance in both prosthesis users and controls under increasing postural and cognitive challenge.

  12. Análisis de redacción de referencias y citas bibliográficas en literatura científica, a través del estudio de la normalización bibliográfica.


    Borgoñós Martínez, Mª Dolores


    El trabajo presenta un acercamiento a la utilización de la normalización bibliográfica para efectuar referencias y citas bibliográficas en trabajos de investigación de Libros (Monografías) y Artículos de revista, tanto en soporte papel como electrónico. Se parte de la existencia de una gran variedad en las formas de citar y referenciar autores en la literatura científica, lo que provoca en los investigadores incertidumbre, y les obliga a variar continuamente la forma de presentación de sus tr...

  13. Revaluación de Philodendron hederaceum Schott (1829 como transferencia de Arum hederaceum Jacq

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available La combinación Philodendron hederaceum: Schott, publicada en 1829 fide Endlicher y Schlechtendal 1831, se considera aquí como transferencia implícita pero válida de Arum hederaceum Jacq. (1760-1763. Los conceptos citados por algunos autores como "Arum hederaceum L." y "Arum hederaceum Willd." representan el mismo Arum hederaceum de Jacquin. "Ph. hederaceum Kunth 1841", excluyendo la referencia a "Martinica", también es el mismo Arum hetieraceum. Jacq. En cuanto a Ph. Jacquinii Schott 1856 es nombre superfluo y sinónimo de Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq, Schott, nombre este que se adopta aquí para la planta típica de Cartagena. EI nombre "Philodendron hederaceum Schott" de 1856, basado en una planta de la Martinica, representa un concepto distinto al de 1829 del mismo autor y por lo tanto se trata aquí como homónimo posterior ilegitimo.   Varios autores han considerado al Arum hetieraceum. Jacq. como especie dudosa, referible al Philodendron Hoftmannii Schott (1858 de Costa Rica. Por falta de material apropiado de aquel país no se puede resolver la cuestión por ahora. Ejemplares topotípicos, recientemente obtenidos no lejos de Cartagena, localidad clásica de Arum hederaceum. Jacq., han servido para esta revaluación.

  14. Postural adjustments are modulated by manual task complexity

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    Luis Augusto Teixeira


    Full Text Available Daily life activities of humans are characterized by dual tasks, in which a manual task is performed concomitantly with a postural task. Based on the assumption that both manual and postural tasks require attentional resources, no consensus exists as to how the central nervous system modulates postural adjustments in dual tasks. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of a manual task requiring attentional resources on shoulder and ankle adjustments as a function of the direction and predictability of postural perturbation. The participants (n=6 were evaluated during the performance of a simple and a complex manual task, while the base of support was moved backward or forward. Latency of activation of the tibialis anterior and gastroc-nemius muscles and angular acceleration of the shoulder were analyzed. The results showed that execution of the complex manual task delayed postural adjustment. Moreover, this delay occurred differently depending on the direction of postural perturbation. The delay in postural adjustment occurred proximally in the case of anterior displacement of the platform, and distally in the case of posterior displacement. Postural adjustments were more affected by the attentional task than by the predictability of platform displacement. These results are consistent with the concept of an integrated control between manual actions and the maintenance of static posture.

  15. El cuerpo en la estructura de la personalidad: PRH como modelo de referencia

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    Full Text Available A lo largo del presente trabajo se analiza el importante papel que juega el cuerpo en la estructura de la personalidad. Partiendo del esquema explicativo de la psicopedagogía PRH (Personalidad y Relaciones Humanas, enmarcada en la perspectiva humanista de la psicología, creada por André Rochais, y hoy extendida por los cinco continentes, en el presente trabajo se estudian las diferentes instancias de la personalidad y su mutua interacción, deteniéndose con más detalle en el análisis del cuerpo como realidad que es indisociable de nuestro psiquismo y que forma parte de nuestra personalidad. El cuerpo nos ayuda a entrar en contacto con el mundo y los otros, permitiéndonos sentir, experimentar y expresar lo que somos, sentimos o necesitamos. En este sentido es importante escuchar al cuerpo porque nunca miente. En realidad el cuerpo, que está muy ligado a la sensibilidad, nos envía mensajes a través de los cuales podemos descubrir sensaciones ligadas a nosotros y a nuestras relaciones con los demás. El análisis de sensaciones es la herramienta utilizada en PRH para acceder a lo que sentimos y comprender los aspectos inconscientes de la personalidad, que son esenciales en un proceso de crecimiento y de curación. Finalmente, se ofrecen una serie de consideraciones en torno a la importancia de la educación corporal y de la psicomotricidad para el desarrollo de la personalidad infantil, deteniéndose en las aportaciones que el modelo PRH hace a la labor del psicomotricista y a su formación.

  16. The effects of brief swaying on postural control. (United States)

    Pagé, Sara; Maheu, Maxime; Landry, Simon P; Champoux, François


    Postural control can be improved with balance training. However, the nature and duration of the training required to enhance posture remains unclear. We studied the effects of 5 min of a self-initiated balance exercise along a single axis on postural control in healthy individuals. Postural control was measured before and after a 5-min period where members of the experimental group were asked to lean their entire body forward and backward and members of the control group were asked to remain seated. A significant improvement for sway velocity, a postural control variable significantly associated with an increased risk of falls, was found in the experimental group following the body sway exercise. These data suggest that a basic exercise can rapidly improve postural control and reduce the risk of falls.

  17. Activation timing of postural muscles of lower legs and prediction of postural disturbance during bilateral arm flexion in older adults. (United States)

    Yaguchi, Chie; Fujiwara, Katsuo; Kiyota, Naoe


    Activation timings of postural muscles of lower legs and prediction of postural disturbance were investigated in young and older adults during bilateral arm flexion in a self-timing task and an oddball task with different probabilities of target presentation. Arm flexion was started from a standing posture with hands suspended 10 cm below the horizontal level in front of the body, in which postural control focused on the ankles is important. Fourteen young and 14 older adults raised the arms in response to the target sound signal. Three task conditions were used: 15 and 45% probabilities of the target in the oddball task and self-timing. Analysis items were activation timing of postural muscles (erector spinae, biceps femoris, and gastrocnemius) with respect to the anterior deltoid (AD), and latency and amplitude of the P300 component of event-related brain potential. For young adults, all postural muscles were activated significantly earlier than AD under each condition, and time of preceding gastrocnemius activation was significantly longer in the order of the self-timing, 45 and 15% conditions. P300 latency was significantly shorter, and P300 amplitude was significantly smaller under the 45% condition than under the 15% condition. For older adults, although all postural muscles, including gastrocnemius, were activated significantly earlier than AD in the self-timing condition, only activation timing of gastrocnemius was not significantly earlier than that of AD in oddball tasks, regardless of target probability. No significant differences were found between 15 and 45% conditions in onset times of all postural muscles, and latency and amplitude of P300. These results suggest that during arm movement, young adults can achieve sufficient postural preparation in proportion to the probability of target presentation in the oddball task. Older adults can achieve postural control using ankle joints in the self-timing task. However, in the oddball task, older adults

  18. Neuromechanical tuning of nonlinear postural control dynamics (United States)

    Ting, Lena H.; van Antwerp, Keith W.; Scrivens, Jevin E.; McKay, J. Lucas; Welch, Torrence D. J.; Bingham, Jeffrey T.; DeWeerth, Stephen P.


    Postural control may be an ideal physiological motor task for elucidating general questions about the organization, diversity, flexibility, and variability of biological motor behaviors using nonlinear dynamical analysis techniques. Rather than presenting "problems" to the nervous system, the redundancy of biological systems and variability in their behaviors may actually be exploited to allow for the flexible achievement of multiple and concurrent task-level goals associated with movement. Such variability may reflect the constant "tuning" of neuromechanical elements and their interactions for movement control. The problem faced by researchers is that there is no one-to-one mapping between the task goal and the coordination of the underlying elements. We review recent and ongoing research in postural control with the goal of identifying common mechanisms underlying variability in postural control, coordination of multiple postural strategies, and transitions between them. We present a delayed-feedback model used to characterize the variability observed in muscle coordination patterns during postural responses to perturbation. We emphasize the significance of delays in physiological postural systems, requiring the modulation and coordination of both the instantaneous, "passive" response to perturbations as well as the delayed, "active" responses to perturbations. The challenge for future research lies in understanding the mechanisms and principles underlying neuromechanical tuning of and transitions between the diversity of postural behaviors. Here we describe some of our recent and ongoing studies aimed at understanding variability in postural control using physical robotic systems, human experiments, dimensional analysis, and computational models that could be enhanced from a nonlinear dynamics approach.

  19. Obesity impact on the attentional cost for controlling posture.

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    Jean-Baptiste Mignardot


    Full Text Available This study investigated the effects of obesity on attentional resources allocated to postural control in seating and unipedal standing.Ten non obese adults (BMI = 22.4±1.3, age = 42.4±15.1 and 10 obese adult patients (BMI = 35.2±2.8, age = 46.2±19.6 maintained postural stability on a force platform in two postural tasks (seated and unipedal. The two postural tasks were performed (1 alone and (2 in a dual-task paradigm in combination with an auditory reaction time task (RT. Performing the RT task together with the postural one was supposed to require some attentional resources that allowed estimating the attentional cost of postural control. 4 trials were performed in each condition for a total of 16 trials.(1 Whereas seated non obese and obese patients exhibited similar centre of foot pressure oscillations (CoP, in the unipedal stance only obese patients strongly increased their CoP sway in comparison to controls. (2 Whatever the postural task, the additional RT task did not affect postural stability. (3 Seated, RT did not differ between the two groups. (4 RT strongly increased between the two postural conditions in the obese patients only, suggesting that body schema and the use of internal models was altered with obesity.Obese patients needed more attentional resources to control postural stability during unipedal stance than non obese participants. This was not the case in a more simple posture such as seating. To reduce the risk of fall as indicated by the critical values of CoP displacement, obese patients must dedicate a strong large part of their attentional resources to postural control, to the detriment of non-postural events. Obese patients were not able to easily perform multitasking as healthy adults do, reflecting weakened psycho-motor abilities.

  20. Obesity Impact on the Attentional Cost for Controlling Posture (United States)

    Mignardot, Jean-Baptiste; Olivier, Isabelle; Promayon, Emmanuel; Nougier, Vincent


    Background This study investigated the effects of obesity on attentional resources allocated to postural control in seating and unipedal standing. Methods Ten non obese adults (BMI = 22.4±1.3, age = 42.4±15.1) and 10 obese adult patients (BMI = 35.2±2.8, age = 46.2±19.6) maintained postural stability on a force platform in two postural tasks (seated and unipedal). The two postural tasks were performed (1) alone and (2) in a dual-task paradigm in combination with an auditory reaction time task (RT). Performing the RT task together with the postural one was supposed to require some attentional resources that allowed estimating the attentional cost of postural control. 4 trials were performed in each condition for a total of 16 trials. Findings (1) Whereas seated non obese and obese patients exhibited similar centre of foot pressure oscillations (CoP), in the unipedal stance only obese patients strongly increased their CoP sway in comparison to controls. (2) Whatever the postural task, the additional RT task did not affect postural stability. (3) Seated, RT did not differ between the two groups. (4) RT strongly increased between the two postural conditions in the obese patients only, suggesting that body schema and the use of internal models was altered with obesity. Interpretation Obese patients needed more attentional resources to control postural stability during unipedal stance than non obese participants. This was not the case in a more simple posture such as seating. To reduce the risk of fall as indicated by the critical values of CoP displacement, obese patients must dedicate a strong large part of their attentional resources to postural control, to the detriment of non-postural events. Obese patients were not able to easily perform multitasking as healthy adults do, reflecting weakened psycho-motor abilities. PMID:21187914

  1. Dual task interference on postural sway, postural transitions and gait in people with Parkinson's disease and freezing of gait. (United States)

    de Souza Fortaleza, Ana Claudia; Mancini, Martina; Carlson-Kuhta, Patty; King, Laurie A; Nutt, John G; Chagas, Eliane Ferrari; Freitas, Ismael Forte; Horak, Fay B


    Freezing of gait (FoG) is associated with less automatic gait and more impaired cognition, balance and postural transitions compared to people with PD who do not have FoG. However, it is unknown whether dual-task cost during postural sway, postural transitions (such as gait initiation and turning), and gait are more in subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) who have freezing of gait (FoG+) compared to those who do not have FoG (FoG-). Here, we hypothesized that the effects of a cognitive dual task on postural sway, postural transitions and gait would be larger in FoG+ than FoG-. Thirty FoG- and 24 FoG+ performed an Instrumented Stand and Walk test in OFF medication state, with and without a secondary cognitive task (serial subtraction by 3s). Measures of postural sway, gait initiation, turning, and walking were extracted using body-worn inertial sensors. FoG+ showed significantly larger dual task cost than FoG- for several gait metrics, but not during postural sway or postural transitions. During walking, FoG+ exhibited a larger dual task cost than FoG- resulting in shorter stride length and slower stride velocity. During standing, FoG+ showed a larger postural sway compared to FoG- and during gait initiation, FoG+, but not FoG-, showed a longer first step duration during the dual-task condition compared to single-task condition (interaction effect, p=0.04). During turning, both groups showed a slower turn peak speed in the dual-task condition compared to single task condition. These findings partly support our hypothesis that dual task cost on walking is greater in FoG+ than FoG-. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  2. A flexed posture in elderly patients is associated with impairments in postural control during walking. (United States)

    de Groot, Maartje H; van der Jagt-Willems, Hanna C; van Campen, Jos P C M; Lems, Willem F; Beijnen, Jos H; Lamoth, Claudine J C


    A flexed posture (FP) is characterized by protrusion of the head and an increased thoracic kyphosis (TK), which may be caused by osteoporotic vertebral fractures (VFs). These impairments may affect motor function, and consequently increase the risk of falling and fractures. The aim of the current study was therefore to examine postural control during walking in elderly patients with FP, and to investigate the relationship with geriatric phenomena that may cause FP, such as increased TK, VFs, frailty, polypharmacy and cognitive impairments. Fifty-six elderly patients (aged 80 ± 5.2 years; 70% female) walked 160 m at self-selected speed while trunk accelerations were recorded. Walking speed, mean stride time and coefficient of variation (CV) of stride time were recorded. In addition, postural control during walking was quantified by time-dependent variability measures derived from the theory of stochastic dynamics, indicating smoothness, degree of predictability, and local stability of trunk acceleration patterns. Twenty-five patients (45%) had FP and demonstrated a more variable and less structured gait pattern, and a more irregular trunk acceleration pattern than patients with normal posture. FP was significantly associated with an increased TK, but not with other geriatric phenomena. An increased TK may bring the body's centre of mass forward, which requires correcting responses, and reduces the ability to respond on perturbation, which was reflected by higher variation in the gait pattern in FP-patients. Impairments in postural control during walking are a major risk factor for falling: the results indicate that patients with FP have impaired postural control during walking and might therefore be at increased risk of falling. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. The dentist’s operating posture – ergonomic aspects (United States)

    Pîrvu, C; Pătraşcu, I; Pîrvu, D; Ionescu, C


    Abstract The practice of dentistry involves laborious high finesse dental preparations, precision and control in executions that require a particular attention, concentration and patience of the dentist and finally the dentist’s physical and mental resistance. The optimal therapeutic approach and the success of practice involve special working conditions for the dentist and his team in an ergonomic environment. The meaning of the posture in ergonomics is the manner in which different parts of the body are located and thus the reports are established between them in order to allow a special task execution. This article discusses the posture adopted by dentists when they work, beginning with the balanced posture and going to different variants of posture. The ideal posture of a dentist gives him, on the one hand the optimal working conditions (access, visibility and control in the mouth) and on the other hand, physical and psychological comfort throughout the execution of the clinical acts. Although the theme of dentist posture is treated with great care and often presented in the undergraduate courses and the continuing education courses on ergonomics in dentistry, many dentists do not know the subject well enough nor the theoretical issues and therefore nor the practical applicability. The risk and perspective of the musculoskeletal disorders related to unbalanced postures should determine the dentists take postural corrective actions and compensation measures in order to limit the negative effects of working in a bad posture. PMID:25184007


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    Edyla Maria Porto de Freitas Camelo


    Full Text Available To carry out an integrative literature review on the postural analysis softwares available today. It is an integrative-narrative review of qualitative and methodological nature performed during April-July 2014. As inclusion criteria, the articles should be bibliographical or original research and available with full access. At first, we proceeded to the identification of the keywords for the softwares related to postural assessment commonly used in the health field, in such case "posture", "software", and "postural assessment". The search was narrowed by publication date from 2002 to 2014. Through the information acquired from the articles and from the software developers, information on 12 programs that assist the postural evaluation were obtained - Alcimage, All Body Scan 3D, Aplob, APPID, Biotonix, Corporis Pro, Fisimetrix, Fisiometer Posturograma, Physical Fisio, Physio Easy, Posture Print and SAPO. However, only one tool has more information and studies, namely SAPO. There are many postural analysis softwares available on the internet today, however, these are quite disparate in relation to possible answers and are still poorly widespread as research tools.

  5. La producción de vehículos de memoria colectiva y su recepción como problema metodológico en el contexto de la mundialización.


    Oriester Abarca Hernández


    El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar algunos problemas metodológicos relacionados con recepción de los vehículos oficiales (producidos por el estado) de la memoria colectiva; también expone el problema del reduccionismo en que algunos trabajos historiográficos incurren al asumir al estado-nación como marco único de referencia.

  6. Effects of rapid maxillary expansion on head posture, postural stability, and fall risk

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    Fatih Celebi


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME on head posture, postural stability, and fall risk. Materials and Methods: A sample of 51 adolescent patients was randomly divided into two groups. In the first group, which consisted of 28 patients (15 females and 13 males, RME was performed as a part of routine orthodontic treatment. The remaining 23 individuals (12 females and 11 males served as the control group. Lateral cephalometric radiographs taken in natural head position, postural stability, and fall risk scores were obtained during the first visit. They were repeated on average 3.8 months and 3.5 months later for the study and control groups, respectively. The changes were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, paired samples t-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, and independent samples t-test. Results: As a result of RME, a statistically significant decrease was detected in the fall risk score (P < 0.05 in the study group, while the head position and postural stability remained unchanged. For the control group, no significant changes were observed in all measurements. Conclusions: The result of the present study suggests that RME has a capacity of improving fall risk.

  7. Características biomecânicas, ergonômicas e clínicas da postura sentada: uma revisão Biomechanic, ergonomic, and clinical features of the sitting posture: a review

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    Nise Ribeiro Marques


    Full Text Available A posição sentada é a mais adotada nos ambientes de trabalho, na escola e nas atividades de lazer. Porém, a manutenção prolongada dessa posição ocasiona a adoção de posturas inadequadas e sobrecarrega as estruturas do sistema musculoesquelético, o que pode acarretar dor e lesão na coluna lombar. A presente revisão teve como objetivo identificar os fatores biomecânicos, ergonômicos e clínicos envolvidos na sustentação da postura sentada. Para isso, foram consultadas as bases de dados ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, Pubmed e EBSCO Host, sendo selecionados 72 artigos publicados entre 1965 e 2010. Foi possível identificar que na posição sentada não existe uma postura ideal a ser sustentada, mas algumas posturas são mais recomendadas do que outras, tal como a postura sentada ereta e a postura lordótica. As cadeiras influenciam o padrão da posição sentada: conforme seu design, pode permitir maior variedade de posturas. Modificações na cadeira e a utilização de exercícios para o aumento da resistência muscular e da propriocepção, bem como a reeducação postural, são intervenções úteis para reduzir o impacto causado pela posição sentada prolongada no sistema musculoesquelético.The sitting posture is the most adopted in work environment, at school and in leisure activities. However, prolonged maintenance of this position causes the adoption of inadequate postures and overloads skeletal muscle structures, which may lead to spine pain and injuries. The purpose of the present review was to identify biomechanic, ergonomic, and clinical features involved in maintenance of the sitting position. The search in ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, Pubmed and EBSCOHost data bases led to selecting 72 articles published between 1965 and 2010. Results show that there is not an ideal posture to be kept, but some postures are more recommended than others, like the upright sitting and the lordotic postures. Chairs influence the

  8. Assessing Somatosensory Utilization during Unipedal Postural Control. (United States)

    Goel, Rahul; De Dios, Yiri E; Gadd, Nichole E; Caldwell, Erin E; Peters, Brian T; Reschke, Millard F; Bloomberg, Jacob J; Oddsson, Lars I E; Mulavara, Ajitkumar P


    Multisensory-visual, vestibular and somatosensory information is integrated for appropriate postural control. The primary goal of this study was to assess somatosensory utilization during a functional motor task of unipedal postural control, in normal healthy adults. Assessing individual bias in the utilization of individual sensory contributions during postural control may help customization of rehabilitation protocols. In this study, a test paradigm of unipedal stance control in supine orientation with and without vision was assessed. Postural control in this test paradigm was hypothesized to utilize predominantly contributions of somatosensory information from the feet and ankle joint, with minimal vestibular input. Fourteen healthy subjects "stood" supine on their dominant leg while strapped to a backpack frame that was freely moving on air-bearings, to remove available otolith tilt cues with respect to gravity that influences postural control when standing upright. The backpack was attached through a cable to a pneumatic cylinder that provided a gravity-like load. Subjects performed three trials each with Eyes-open (EO) and Eyes-closed (EC) while loaded with 60% body weight. There was no difference in unipedal stance time (UST) across the two conditions with EC condition challenging the postural control system greater than the EO condition. Stabilogram-diffusion analysis (SDA) indicated that the critical mean square displacement was significantly different between the two conditions. Vestibular cues, both in terms of magnitude and the duration for which relevant information was available for postural control in this test paradigm, were minimized. These results support our hypothesis that maintaining unipedal stance in supine orientation without vision, minimizes vestibular contribution and thus predominantly utilizes somatosensory information for postural control.

  9. [Head posture in orthodontics: physiopathology and clinical aspects 2]. (United States)

    Caltabiano, M; Verzi, P; Scire Scappuzzo, G


    The Authors review in orthodontic respects present knowledges about head posture involvement in craniofacial morphogenesis and pathology. Relationships between craniofacial morphology, craniocervical posture, craniomandibular posture, cervical spine curvature, hyoid bone position and posture of whole body in space are shown, in attempt to explain conditions such as "forward head posture", mouth breathing and some occlusal disorders. Main methods to evaluate craniocervical relations on lateral skull radiographs are analysed. Pathogenesis of pain syndromes associated with abnormal craniocervical and craniomandibular mechanics are also briefly treated.

  10. Relationship between craniomandibular disorders and poor posture. (United States)

    Nicolakis, P; Nicolakis, M; Piehslinger, E; Ebenbichler, G; Vachuda, M; Kirtley, C; Fialka-Moser, V


    The purpose of this research was to show that a relationship between craniomandibular disorders (CMD) and postural abnormalities has been repeatedly postulated, but still remains unproven. This study was intended to test this hypothesis. Twenty-five CMD patients (mean age 28.2 years) were compared with 25 gender and age matched controls (mean age 28.3 years) in a controlled, investigator-blinded trial. Twelve postural and ten muscle function parameters were examined. Measurements were separated into three subgroups, consisting of those variables associated with the cervical region, the trunk in the frontal plane, and the trunk in the sagittal plane. Within these subgroups, there was significantly more dysfunction in the patients, compared to control subjects (Mann-Whitney U test p Postural and muscle function abnormalities appeared to be more common in the CMD group. Since there is evidence of the mutual influence of posture and the craniomandibular system, control of body posture in CMD patients is recommended, especially if they do not respond to splint therapy. Whether poor posture is the reason or the result of CMD cannot be distinguished by the data presented here.

  11. The citation with reference and the citation as a reference

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    Rafael Antonio Cunha Perrone


    Full Text Available El ensayo objetiva establecer paralelos entre la citación académica y la citación utilizada como referencia, para la producción de obras o proyectos de arquitectura. El artículo discute el uso de figuras paradigmáticas o significativas, trasladadas o amalgamadas en las obras de arquitectura, a partir del entendimiento de la citación como dato argumentativo y cualitativo. Investiga algunas de sus asimetrías y congruencias de su utilización en el lenguaje escrito, como transcripción directa o como fuente interpretativa, reelaborada e incorporada como argumento en otro texto. Pondera que al enseñar, estudiar y hacer arquitectura es necesario saber citar con referencia, para poder citar como referencia.

  12. Efeito da reeducação postural global no alinhamento corporal e nas condições clínicas de indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular associada a desvios posturais Effect of global postural reeducation on body alignment and on clinical status of individuals with temporomandibular disorder associated to postural deviations

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    Débora Basso


    Full Text Available Este estudo visou verificar o efeito da técnica de reeducação postural global (RPG nas condições físicas, psicológicas e psicossociais, assim como no alinhamento corporal, de indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular (DTM associada a desvio postural. Participaram 20 indivíduos com DTM e com desvio postural confirmado por exame físico, avaliados, antes e depois do tratamento de RPG, pelos critérios diagnósticos de desordens temporomandibulares (RDC/TMD, na sigla em inglês e quanto às medidas angulares, por fotogrametria digital. O tratamento consistiu em 10 sessões semanais de RPG. Os resultados após o tratamento mostram, na classificação da disfunção, maior predomínio de desordens apenas musculares (em detrimento das articulares e por deslocamento de disco e redução da intensidade da dor orofacial; o percentual de indivíduos sem depressão aumentou de 10% para 35%; o percentual de indivíduos com classificação normal de sintomas físicos (excluindo itens de dor passou de 30% para 55%. Foi encontrada melhora estatisticamente significante na maioria das medidas angulares, exceto nos ângulos frontais dos membros inferiores e ângulo perna/retropé direito. O alinhamento horizontal da cabeça e as medidas de lordose cervical e lombar, com valores normais antes da RPG, não se modificaram. Conclui-se que, com o tratamento de RPG, os indivíduos apresentaram importantes melhoras dos sintomas físicos e psicológicos da DTM, assim como melhora do alinhamento e simetria corporais.The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of the technique of global postural re-education (GPR on body alignment and clinical status of individuals with temporomandibular disorder (TMD associated to postural deviations. Twenty individuals with both TMD and postural deviations confirmed by physical examination were assessed, before and after treatment, by the research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (RDC/TMD and as to

  13. The reliability and validity of the Saliba Postural Classification System. (United States)

    Collins, Cristiana Kahl; Johnson, Vicky Saliba; Godwin, Ellen M; Pappas, Evangelos


    To determine the reliability and validity of the Saliba Postural Classification System (SPCS). Two physical therapists classified pictures of 100 volunteer participants standing in their habitual posture for inter and intra-tester reliability. For validity, 54 participants stood on a force plate in a habitual and a corrected posture, while a vertical force was applied through the shoulders until the clinician felt a postural give. Data were extracted at the time the give was felt and at a time in the corrected posture that matched the peak vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) in the habitual posture. Inter-tester reliability demonstrated 75% agreement with a Kappa = 0.64 (95% CI = 0.524-0.756, SE = 0.059). Intra-tester reliability demonstrated 87% agreement with a Kappa = 0.8, (95% CI = 0.702-0.898, SE = 0.05) and 80% agreement with a Kappa = 0.706, (95% CI = 0.594-0818, SE = 0.057). The examiner applied a significantly higher (p < 0.001) peak vertical force in the corrected posture prior to a postural give when compared to the habitual posture. Within the corrected posture, the %VGRF was higher when the test was ongoing vs. when a postural give was felt (p < 0.001). The %VGRF was not different between the two postures when comparing the peaks (p = 0.214). The SPCS has substantial agreement for inter- and intra-tester reliability and is largely a valid postural classification system as determined by the larger vertical forces in the corrected postures. Further studies on the correlation between the SPCS and diagnostic classifications are indicated.

  14. Equilibrio postural e musculoesquelético de skatistas

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    Davi Schilling


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar a relação existente entre a prática do skate e os equilíbrios musculoesquelético e postural látero-lateral do corpo. Método: A amostra foi composta por 10 skatistas das categorias amador 1 e 2 residentes na grande Porto Alegre. Foram realizados quatro procedimentos de avaliação: (1 teste de força máxima isométrica, através de contração voluntária máxima isométrica, (2 teste de comprimento muscular, (3 medida das alturas dos ângulos inferiores das escápulas, espinha ilíaca póstero-superior, linha poplítea do joelho e (4 questionário sobre a técnica utilizada no esporte. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística inferencial e descritiva. Resultados e considerações finais: Verificou-se que não existem diferenças significativas (p>0,05 para força, comprimento muscular e alturas corporais entre os lados direito e esquerdo do corpo. Estes resultados sugerem a existência de equilíbrio musculoesquelético dos membros inferiores e cintura pélvica, bem como equilíbrio postural látero-lateral, independente da frequência de alternância do pé de embalo ou da base utilizada na prática do skate.

  15. Reglas igualitarias para los problemas de reparto con referencias múltiples // Egalitarian Rules for Division Problems with Multiple References

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    Francisca J. Sánchez


    Full Text Available En los problemas de reparto que consideramos, hay que repartir un recurso con arreglo a unas referencias de los agentes. Analizaremos estos problemas en un contexto multidimensional pues consideraremos que los agentes tienen referencias múltiples. Para obtener repartos de la cantidad disponible en estas situaciones, es necesario diseñar reglas que tengan en cuenta la multidimensionalidad de las referencias de cada agente. Proponemos y analizamos distintas reglas de reparto que se basarán en un principio igualitario y proporcionamos un procedimiento para la selección de una única asignación. ------------------------------------ We consider the division problems in which a resource must be distributed considering agents' references. We analize this problems in a multidimensional context, we consider that agents have multiple references. For division of the amount available in these situations, we design rules that take into account the multidimensionality of the references of each agent. We propose and we analyze different rules based on an egalitarian principle and provide a procedure for the selection of a single allocation.

  16. Ergonomic strategies to improve radiographers' posture during mammography activities. (United States)

    Cernean, Nicolai; Serranheira, Florentino; Gonçalves, Pedro; Sá Dos Reis, Cláudia


    To identify alternatives for radiographers' postures while performing mammography that can contribute to reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). Radiographers' postures to positioning craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral oblique (MLO) views were simulated without any intervention for three scenarios: radiographer/patient with similar statures, radiographer smaller than patient and radiographer taller than patient. Actions were taken to modify the postures: seated radiographer; patient on a step; seated patient; radiographer on a step. All the postures were analysed using kinovea 0.8.15 software and the angles were measured twice and classified according to European standard EN1005-4: 2005. The non-acceptable angles were measured mainly during MLO positioning when radiographer was taller than the patient: 139° and 120° for arm-flexion and abduction, 72° for trunk and -24° for head/neck-flexion. The introduction of alternative postures (radiographer seated), allowed improvements in posture (60° and 99° for arm flexion and abduction, 14° for trunk and 0° for head/neck flexion), being classified as acceptable. The alternative postures simulated have the potential to reduce the risk of developing WRMSDs when radiographers and patients have different statures. • Radiographers' postures in mammography can contribute to work-related musculoskeletal disorders • Non-acceptable posture was identified for MLO breast positioning (radiographer taller than patient) • Adapting posture to patient biotype reduces the WRMSD risk for radiographers.

  17. Un marco de referencia de cinco dimensiones para la evaluación auténtica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gulikers, Judith; Bastiaens, Theo; Kirschner, Paul A.


    Gulikers, J. T. M., Bastiaens, Th. J., & Kirschner, P. A. (2010). Un marco de referencia de cinco dimensiones para la evaluación auténtica. (translation from English). Cuajimalpa, México: Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educacion y en el Trabajo.

  18. Postural ortostatisk takykardi-syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinth, Louise; Pors, Kirsten; Mehlsen, Jesper


    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a heterogeneous condition of dysautonomia and suspected autoimmunity characterized by abnormal increments in heart rate upon assumption of the upright posture accompanied by symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion and sympathoexcitation. An increase...... in heart rate equal to or greater than 30 bpm or to levels higher than 120 bpm during a head-up tilt test is the main diagnostic criterion. Management includes both non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment focusing on stress management, volume expansion and heart rate control....

  19. Assessing Somatosensory Utilization during Unipedal Postural Control


    Goel, Rahul; De Dios, Yiri E.; Gadd, Nichole E.; Caldwell, Erin E.; Peters, Brian T.; Reschke, Millard F.; Bloomberg, Jacob J.; Oddsson, Lars I. E.; Mulavara, Ajitkumar P.


    Multisensory—visual, vestibular and somatosensory information is integrated for appropriate postural control. The primary goal of this study was to assess somatosensory utilization during a functional motor task of unipedal postural control, in normal healthy adults. Assessing individual bias in the utilization of individual sensory contributions during postural control may help customization of rehabilitation protocols. In this study, a test paradigm of unipedal stance control in supine orie...

  20. Postural Control in Children: Implications for Pediatric Practice (United States)

    Westcott, Sarah L.; Burtner, Patricia


    Based on a systems theory of motor control, reactive postural control (RPA) and anticipatory postural control (APA) in children are reviewed from several perspectives in order to develop an evidence-based intervention strategy for improving postural control in children with limitations in motor function. Research on development of postural…

  1. Decrease in back strength in asymmetric trunk postures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vink, P.; Daanen, H. A M; Meijst, W. J.; Ligteringen, J.


    The extension force against resistance was recorded in 23 postures for 12 subjects to find explanations for the decrease in back strength in asymmetric postures. A reduction in muscle force in asymmetric postures was found up to 40%, but was strongly dependent on the plane in which asymmetry

  2. Investigating the Effects of Different Working Postures on Cognitive Performance

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    Sharareh Mohammadi


    Conclusion This study demonstrates that cognitive performance is affected by working postures. This study demonstrates that standard sitting posture is the best posture. Therefore, it is recommended that sitting posture can help in increasing cognitive performance in the workplace.

  3. Testing postural control among various osteoporotic patient groups: a literature review. (United States)

    de Groot, Maartje H; van der Jagt-Willems, Hanna C; van Campen, Jos P C M; Lems, Willem F; Lamoth, Claudine J C


    Osteoporosis can cause vertebral fractures, which might lead to a flexed posture, impaired postural control and consequently increased fall risk. Therefore, the aim of the present review was to examine whether postural control of patients with osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, thoracic kyphosis and flexed posture is affected. Furthermore, instruments measuring postural control were evaluated and examined for sensitivity and easy clinical use. Until February 2011, electronic databases were systematically searched for cross-sectional studies. Methodological quality was assessed with a modified Downs & Black scale. Of the 518 found studies, 18 studies were included. Postural control was generally affected for patients with vertebral fractures, thoracic kyphosis and flexed posture. Patients with osteoporosis had impaired postural control when assessed with computerized instruments. Easy performance-based tests did not show any impairments. There is evidence for an impaired postural control in all patient groups included. Impaired postural control is an important risk factor for falls. Functional performance tests are not sensitive and specific enough to detect affected postural control in patients with osteoporosis. To detect impaired postural control among osteoporotic patients and to obtain more insight into the underlying mechanisms of postural control, computerized instruments are recommended, such as easy-to-use ambulant motion-sensing (accelerometry) technology. © 2012 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  4. Voluntarily controlled but not merely observed visual feedback affects postural sway (United States)

    Asai, Tomohisa; Hiromitsu, Kentaro; Imamizu, Hiroshi


    Online stabilization of human standing posture utilizes multisensory afferences (e.g., vision). Whereas visual feedback of spontaneous postural sway can stabilize postural control especially when observers concentrate on their body and intend to minimize postural sway, the effect of intentional control of visual feedback on postural sway itself remains unclear. This study assessed quiet standing posture in healthy adults voluntarily controlling or merely observing visual feedback. The visual feedback (moving square) had either low or high gain and was either horizontally flipped or not. Participants in the voluntary-control group were instructed to minimize their postural sway while voluntarily controlling visual feedback, whereas those in the observation group were instructed to minimize their postural sway while merely observing visual feedback. As a result, magnified and flipped visual feedback increased postural sway only in the voluntary-control group. Furthermore, regardless of the instructions and feedback manipulations, the experienced sense of control over visual feedback positively correlated with the magnitude of postural sway. We suggest that voluntarily controlled, but not merely observed, visual feedback is incorporated into the feedback control system for posture and begins to affect postural sway. PMID:29682421

  5. Development of low postural tone compensatory patterns in children - theoretical basis. (United States)

    Gogola, Anna; Saulicz, Edward; Kuszewski, Michał; Matyja, Małgorzata; Myśliwiec, Andrzej


    Neurological literature indicates the existence of children with low postural tone without association with central nervous system damage. This fact induces to think about mechanisms, which allow these children to maintain upright posture. There is a suspicion that compensatory mechanism included in this process, enables to achieve upright posture, but at expense of body posture quality. Observations of children's developmental stages caused determination of some postural tone area, which comprise both children with normotonia and with low postural tone without characteristics of central nervous system (CNS) damage. Set of specific qualities allows determination of two types of low postural tone: spastoidal and atetoidal type. Spastoidal type is characterized by deep trunk muscles (local) low postural tone compensated by excessive tension of superficial muscles (global). Atetoidal type includes children with low postural tone in both deep and superficial muscles. At inefficient active subsystem, verticalization proceeds at excessive use of passive subsystem qualities, that is meniscus, ligament, bone shape, and muscles passive features. From neurodevelopmental point of view compensatory mechanisms can be used in children with low postural tone in order to achieve upright posture, but at expense of body posture quality.

  6. Anatomy and histochemistry of spread-wing posture in birds. I. Wing drying posture in the double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus. (United States)

    Meyers, Ron A


    Spread-wing postures of birds often have been studied with respect to the function of behavior, but ignored with regard to the mechanism by which the birds accomplish posture. The double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, was used as a model for this study of spread-wing posture. Those muscles capable of positioning and maintaining the wing in extension and protraction were assayed histochemically for the presence of slow (postural) muscle fibers. Within the forelimb of Phalacrocorax, Mm. coracobrachialis cranialis, pectoralis thoracicus (cranial portion), deltoideus minor, triceps scapularis, and extensor metacarpi radialis pars dorsalis and ventralis were found to contain populations of slow-twitch or slow-tonic muscle fibers. These slow fibers in the above muscles are considered to function during spread-wing posture in this species. J Morphol 233:67-76, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Copyright © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  7. La producción de vehículos de memoria colectiva y su recepción como problema metodológico en el contexto de la mundialización.

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    Oriester Abarca Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar algunos problemas metodológicos relacionados con recepción de los vehículos oficiales (producidos por el estado de la memoria colectiva; también expone el problema del reduccionismo en que algunos trabajos historiográficos incurren al asumir al estado-nación como marco único de referencia.

  8. Posture Detection Based on Smart Cushion for Wheelchair Users

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    Congcong Ma


    Full Text Available The postures of wheelchair users can reveal their sitting habit, mood, and even predict health risks such as pressure ulcers or lower back pain. Mining the hidden information of the postures can reveal their wellness and general health conditions. In this paper, a cushion-based posture recognition system is used to process pressure sensor signals for the detection of user’s posture in the wheelchair. The proposed posture detection method is composed of three main steps: data level classification for posture detection, backward selection of sensor configuration, and recognition results compared with previous literature. Five supervised classification techniques—Decision Tree (J48, Support Vector Machines (SVM, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP, Naive Bayes, and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN—are compared in terms of classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure. Results indicate that the J48 classifier provides the highest accuracy compared to other techniques. The backward selection method was used to determine the best sensor deployment configuration of the wheelchair. Several kinds of pressure sensor deployments are compared and our new method of deployment is shown to better detect postures of the wheelchair users. Performance analysis also took into account the Body Mass Index (BMI, useful for evaluating the robustness of the method across individual physical differences. Results show that our proposed sensor deployment is effective, achieving 99.47% posture recognition accuracy. Our proposed method is very competitive for posture recognition and robust in comparison with other former research. Accurate posture detection represents a fundamental basic block to develop several applications, including fatigue estimation and activity level assessment.

  9. Relationship between Postural Deformities and Frontal Function in Parkinson's Disease


    Ninomiya, Satoko; Morita, Akihiko; Teramoto, Hiroko; Akimoto, Takayoshi; Shiota, Hiroshi; Kamei, Satoshi


    Postural deformities and executive dysfunction (ED) are common symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD); however, the relationship between postural deformities and ED in patients with PD remains unclear. This study assessed the relationship between postural deformities and ED in patients with PD. Sixty-five patients with sporadic PD were assessed for the severity of postural deformities and executive function. The severity of postural deformities was scored using the United Parkinson's Disease Ra...


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    Kusnanto .


    Full Text Available Stabilitas postural adalah masalah yang umum pada lansia. Balance exercise dapat dijadikan alternative latihan bagi lansia. Latihan ini meliputi 5 gerakan (plantar flexion, hip flexion, hip flexion, knee flexion dan side leg raise. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa efek dari balance exercise terhadap peningkatan stabilitas postural pada lansia. Penelitian ini menggunakan design pre eksperimen. Populasi yang digunakan adalah lansia di Panti Wreda Bangkalan. Total sampel adalah 11 responden, yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Variabel dependen adalah balance exercise dan variabel independen adalah stabilitas postural. Stabilitas postural diukur menggunakan 2 tes, yaitu tes Tinetti dan TUGT (Time Up and Go Test. Data dianalisa menggunakan paired t test dengan level signifikan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa balance exercise secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan stabilitas postural. Pada tes Tinetti (p=0,000 dan di TUGT (p=0,001. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hasil yang signifikan antara balance exercise dengan peningkatan stabilitas postural pada lansia. Hal ini disebabkan Karena balance exercise dapat membuat otot lansia menjadi hipertrofi. Hipertrofi dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot sehingga stabilitas postural lansia dapat meningkat. Penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan melibatkan lebih banyak responden dengan waktu penelitian yang lebih lama dan pengukuran yang lebih baik untuk memastikan hasil yang lebih akurat.

  11. Clinical evaluation of postural posture of patients with previous stroke subjected to early rehabilitation

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    Anna Sagan


    Full Text Available Introduction: Impairment disorders are often found in patients with stroke and impairment of motor and cognitive functions. This is a very serious complication because, by imposing a motor impairment, it aggravates the condition of disability and makes it difficult to conduct physical rehabilitation.The resulting neurological deficits due to stroke determine functional disorders. The possibility of locomotion is usually compromised, therefore the risk of falls increases significantly. The aim of the work is to present Postural Assesment Scale for Strock PASS with the postural stroke assessment scale, the impact of early rehabilitation of patients staying in the neurology ward.Material and methods: Postural examination was carried out among 17 people, of which 8 were women, and 9 were male. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage occurred immediately after the stroke and the second one before the patient was discharged from the ward. Research was carried out at the Biegański Specialist Hospital in Grudziądz in the Department of Neurology and Clinical Neuroimmunology and Impact Department.Conclusions: The results of the postural studies carried out in people with previous stroke subjected to early physiotherapy have a beneficial effect of the conducted therapy. There are positive changes between the first and the final examination of the patients.

  12. La percepción del riesgo como componente de la Educación Ambiental en las instituciones escolares.

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    Osmel Jiménez Denis


    Full Text Available En el sistema educativo cubano se desarrollan transformaciones dirigidas a fortalecer la labor educativa en los diferentes niveles educativos. En consecuencia, se reconoce a la educación ambiental como componente del proceso formativo que tiene lugar en cada uno de ellos. Investigaciones realizadas en Cuba reflejan que un elemento importante en esta dirección lo constituye la baja percepción de riesgo en la sociedad cubana en la prevención de desastres naturales, fundamentalmente en la etapa de la adolescencia. La presente investigación, tuvo lugar en tres secundarias básicas del territorio espirituano, seleccionando un grupo de 30 estudiantes en cada una para buscar información. Como resultado se sistematizaron los referentes teóricos-metodológicos que sustentan la percepción de riesgos como componente de la Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Además, derivado de un estudio preliminar, se presentan procedimientos que permiten contribuir a la educación de la percepción de riesgos en los adolescentes, tomando como referencia la situación ambiental comunitaria y el modelo actual de escuela Secundaria Básica.

  13. Postural balance in low back pain patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maribo, Thomas; Schiøttz-Christensen, Berit; Jensen, Lone Donbæk


    INTRODUCTION: Altered postural control has been observed in low back pain (LBP) patients. They seem to be more dependent on vision when standing. The objective of the study was to determine concurrent and predictive validity of measures of postural stability in LBP patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS......: Centre of Pressure (CoP) measurements were tested against pain, fear of pain, and physical function. Velocity, anterior-posterior displacement, and the Romberg Ratio obtained on a portable force platform were used as measures of postural stability. RESULTS: Baseline and 12-week follow-up results of 97....... CONCLUSION: This first study of concurrent and predictive validity of postural balance in LBP patients revealed no association between CoP measures and pain, fear of pain, and physical function....

  14. Descripción y referencia: el lenguaje como posibilidad de veracidad. Un asunto de límites de sistemas-mundo y actos de habla

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    Full Text Available En este artículo desarrollamos el concepto de lenguaje y de cómo él, como acción del hombre en el hombre, al hacerse presente a modo de representación y expresión, tiene la pretensión de validar aquello que conoce –el objeto– y la manera como lo conoce. De esta forma, partimos de concebir el lenguaje como un sistema, una semiótica social y una intención. Mediante el lenguaje y el acto comunicativo de la interlocución, el sujeto determina la veracidad/validez del hecho, la acción: actúa en el sistema y acorde con él, y establece el nivel de correspondencia de la idea –pensada o manifestada– y el objeto, como producto final de su capacidad de hacer y comunicar. Como tesis, planteamos que, independientemente del modo o modos en que se conjuguen los códigos lingüísticos, lo que importa es su posibilidad de veracidad. De igual modo, esos niveles y posibilidades están limitados o ampliados por los sistemas-mundo de los sujetos intervinientes en el acto de habla.

  15. Relationship between Postural Deformities and Frontal Function in Parkinson’s Disease

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    Satoko Ninomiya


    Full Text Available Postural deformities and executive dysfunction (ED are common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD; however, the relationship between postural deformities and ED in patients with PD remains unclear. This study assessed the relationship between postural deformities and ED in patients with PD. Sixty-five patients with sporadic PD were assessed for the severity of postural deformities and executive function. The severity of postural deformities was scored using the United Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale item 28 score: no postural deformity (0, mild postural deformities (1, or severe postural deformities (2–4. Executive function was assessed using the Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS and an age-controlled standardized BADS score <70 was defined as ED. Age-controlled standardized BADS scores were compared across the three groups using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Relationship between ED and the severity of postural deformities was assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Age-controlled standardized BADS score significantly differed among the three groups P=0.005. ED was significantly related to the severity of postural deformities P=0.0005. The severity of postural deformities was associated with a lower age-controlled standardized BADS score and ED, and these findings suggest that postural deformities were associated with frontal dysfunction in patients with PD.

  16. Inactivity periods and postural change speed can explain atypical postural change patterns of Caenorhabditis elegans mutants. (United States)

    Fukunaga, Tsukasa; Iwasaki, Wataru


    With rapid advances in genome sequencing and editing technologies, systematic and quantitative analysis of animal behavior is expected to be another key to facilitating data-driven behavioral genetics. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a model organism in this field. Several video-tracking systems are available for automatically recording behavioral data for the nematode, but computational methods for analyzing these data are still under development. In this study, we applied the Gaussian mixture model-based binning method to time-series postural data for 322 C. elegans strains. We revealed that the occurrence patterns of the postural states and the transition patterns among these states have a relationship as expected, and such a relationship must be taken into account to identify strains with atypical behaviors that are different from those of wild type. Based on this observation, we identified several strains that exhibit atypical transition patterns that cannot be fully explained by their occurrence patterns of postural states. Surprisingly, we found that two simple factors-overall acceleration of postural movement and elimination of inactivity periods-explained the behavioral characteristics of strains with very atypical transition patterns; therefore, computational analysis of animal behavior must be accompanied by evaluation of the effects of these simple factors. Finally, we found that the npr-1 and npr-3 mutants have similar behavioral patterns that were not predictable by sequence homology, proving that our data-driven approach can reveal the functions of genes that have not yet been characterized. We propose that elimination of inactivity periods and overall acceleration of postural change speed can explain behavioral phenotypes of strains with very atypical postural transition patterns. Our methods and results constitute guidelines for effectively finding strains that show "truly" interesting behaviors and systematically uncovering novel gene

  17. Una breve historia de la colección de moluscos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid con especial referencia a la colección malacológica de Alí Bey y Simón de Rojas Clemente


    Bragado, María Dolores; Andrés, Javier de; Araujo, Rafael


    Se recopilan todas las entradas de material malacológico en las colecciones del MNCN desde su fundación como Real Gabinete de Historia Natural en 1771 hasta 1935. Dentro de este estudio se hace especial referencia a la colección de moluscos que Manuel Godoy (1767-1851), el Príncipe de la Paz, depositó en 1804 en el Real Gabinete de Historia Natural. Esta colección, originalmente compuesta por vertebrados, invertebrados, fósiles, minerales y plantas, le fue regalada a Godoy por Domingo Badía i...

  18. Compromising Postural Balance in the Elderly

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Swanenburg, Jaap; de Bruin, Eling D.; Uebelhart, Daniel; Mulder, Theo


    Background: Additional tasks that are assumed to disturb standing postural control can be divided in added motor or added cognitive tasks. It is unknown which type of task causes the most disturbances of postural control in elderly. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether the dual

  19. Postural steadiness and ankle force variability in peripheral neuropathy (United States)

    Paxton, Roger J.; Feldman-Kothe, Caitlin; Trabert, Megan K.; Hitchcock, Leah N.; Reiser, Raoul F.; Tracy, Brian L.


    Introduction The purpose was to determine the effect of peripheral neuropathy (PN) on motor output variability for ankle muscles of older adults, and the relation between ankle motor variability and postural stability in PN patients. Methods Older adults with (O-PN) and without PN (O), and young adults (Y) underwent assessment of standing postural stability and ankle muscle force steadiness. Results O-PN displayed impaired ankle muscle force control and postural stability compared with O and Y groups. For O-PN, the amplitude of plantarflexor force fluctuations was moderately correlated with postural stability under no-vision conditions (r = 0.54, P = 0.01). Discussion The correlation of variations in ankle force with postural stability in PN suggests a contribution of ankle muscle dyscontrol to the postural instability that impacts physical function for older adults with PN. PMID:26284897

  20. Posture and Texting: Effect on Balance in Young Adults.

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    Nurul Retno Nurwulan

    Full Text Available Using a mobile phone while doing another activity is a common dual-task activity in our daily lives. This study examined the effect of texting on the postural stability of young adults. Twenty college students were asked to perform static and dynamic postural stability tasks. Traditional COP and multivariate multiscale entropy (MMSE were used to assess the static postural stability and the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT was used to assess the dynamic postural stability. Results showed that (1 texting impaired postural stability, (2 the complexity index did not change much although the task conditions changed, and (3 performing texting is perceived to be more difficult.

  1. Postural Response Signal Characteristics Identified by Method of Developed Statokinesigram

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    Barbolyas Boris


    Full Text Available Human postural system is taken as complex biological system with specific input and output time characteristics, in this study. Evaluation of measured output characteristics is useful in medical diagnostics or in describing postural system disorders. System theory principle provide suitable basis for postural signals analysis. Participating volunteers were instructed to maintain quiet upright stance posture on firm support surface of stabilometric platform for 60s. Postural system actuation was realized by vibration stimuli applied bilaterally on Achilles tendons for 20s. Postural reaction signal, its time profile and static and dynamic characteristics were evaluated by Method of Developed Statokinesigram Trajectory (MDST.

  2. Head movements and postures as pain behavior (United States)

    Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Limbrecht-Ecklundt, Kerstin; Walter, Steffen; Traue, Harald C.


    Pain assessment can benefit from observation of pain behaviors, such as guarding or facial expression, and observational pain scales are widely used in clinical practice with nonverbal patients. However, little is known about head movements and postures in the context of pain. In this regard, we analyze videos of three publically available datasets. The BioVid dataset was recorded with healthy participants subjected to painful heat stimuli. In the BP4D dataset, healthy participants performed a cold-pressor test and several other tasks (meant to elicit emotion). The UNBC dataset videos show shoulder pain patients during range-of-motion tests to their affected and unaffected limbs. In all videos, participants were sitting in an upright position. We studied head movements and postures that occurred during the painful and control trials by measuring head orientation from video over time, followed by analyzing posture and movement summary statistics and occurrence frequencies of typical postures and movements. We found significant differences between pain and control trials with analyses of variance and binomial tests. In BioVid and BP4D, pain was accompanied by head movements and postures that tend to be oriented downwards or towards the pain site. We also found differences in movement range and speed in all three datasets. The results suggest that head movements and postures should be considered for pain assessment and research. As additional pain indicators, they possibly might improve pain management whenever behavior is assessed, especially in nonverbal individuals such as infants or patients with dementia. However, in advance more research is needed to identify specific head movements and postures in pain patients. PMID:29444153

  3. Effects of disease severity and medication state on postural control asymmetry during challenging postural tasks in individuals with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Barbieri, Fabio A; Polastri, Paula F; Baptista, André M; Lirani-Silva, Ellen; Simieli, Lucas; Orcioli-Silva, Diego; Beretta, Victor S; Gobbi, Lilian T B


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of disease severity and medication state on postural control asymmetry during challenging tasks in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). Nineteen people with PD and 11 neurologically healthy individuals performed three standing task conditions: bipedal standing, tandem and unipedal adapted standing; the individuals with PD performed the tasks in ON and OFF medication state. The participants with PD were distributed into 2 groups according to disease severity: unilateral group (n=8) and bilateral group (n=11). The two PD groups performed the evaluations both under and without the medication. Two force plates were used to analyze the posture. The symmetric index was calculated for various of center of pressure. ANOVA one-way (groups) and two-way (PD groups×medication), with repeated measures for medication, were calculated. For main effects of group, the bilateral group was more asymmetric than CG. For main effects of medication, only unipedal adapted standing presented effects of PD medication. There was PD groups×medication interaction. Under the effects of medication, the unilateral group presented lower asymmetry of RMS in anterior-posterior direction and area than the bilateral group in unipedal adapted standing. In addition, the unilateral group presented lower asymmetry of mean velocity, RMS in anterior-posterior direction and area in unipedal standing and area in tandem adapted standing after a medication dose. Postural control asymmetry during challenging postural tasks was dependent on disease severity and medication state in people with PD. The bilateral group presented higher postural control asymmetry than the control and unilateral groups in challenging postural tasks. Finally, the medication dose was able to reduce postural control asymmetry in the unilateral group during challenging postural tasks. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Las incubadoras de empresas como instrumento de vinculación universidad-sector productivo-sector público

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    Jorge Moreno


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace referencia a la incubación de empresas en un ambiente tecnológico innovador así como el papel que pueden jugar la universidad, el sector productivo y el sector público para el desarrollo de procesos de incubación. En tal sentido, pretendió analizar la viabilidad del establecimiento de incubadoras de empresas como modalidad de vinculación universidad-sector productivo- sector público. Se concluye: 1 que la inadecuación de las estructuras administrativas de las instituciones gubernamentales dificulta la vinculación con las universidades y sectores productivos. 2 Un aspecto que a resaltar, es la formación, desarrollo de recursos humanos y la transferencia de ciencia y tecnología, constituyen estrategias claras de vinculación y 3 el sector público debe diseñar políticas de vinculación con las empresas y las universidades especialmente en materia de financiamiento.

  5. An investigation into essential aspects of posture in primary school ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Postures of the subjects were analysed by means of photographic images using the pro forma of Barlow (1956, 1990). The majority of the executives had malposture with 2.3%, 23.3%, 58.1% and 16.3% and 6.3% of the subjects being categorised with slight postural defects, severe postural defects, very severe postural ...

  6. Association between temporomandibular disorders and abnormal head postures

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    Evandro Francisco FAULIN


    Full Text Available This study examines the possible correlation between the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD and different head postures in the frontal and sagittal planes using photographs of undergraduate students in the School of Dentistry at the Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brazil. In this nonrandomized, cross-sectional study, the diagnoses of TMD were made with the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC/TMD axis I. The craniovertebral angle was used to evaluate forward head posture in the sagittal plane, and the interpupillary line was used to measure head tilt in the frontal plane. The measurements to evaluate head posture were made using the Software for the Assessment of Posture (SAPO. Students were divided into two study groups, based on the presence or absence of TMD. The study group comprised 46 students and the control group comprised 80 students. Data about head posture and TMD were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 13. Most cases of TMD were classified as degenerative processes (group III, followed by disk displacement (group II and muscle disorders (group I. There was no sex predominance for the type of disorder. No association was found between prevalence rates for head postures in the frontal plane and the occurrence of TMD. The same result was found for the association of TMD diagnosis with craniovertebral angle among men and women, and the group that contained both men and women. Abnormal head postures were common among individuals both with and without TMD. No association was found between head posture evaluated in the frontal and sagittal planes and TMD diagnosis with the use of RDC/TMD.

  7. Relationship between static foot posture and foot mobility

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    McPoil Thomas G


    Full Text Available Abstract Background It is not uncommon for a person's foot posture and/or mobility to be assessed during a clinical examination. The exact relationship, however, between static posture and mobility is not known. Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of association between static foot posture and mobility. Method The static foot posture and foot mobility of 203 healthy individuals was assessed and then analyzed to determine if low arched or "pronated" feet are more mobile than high arched or "supinated" feet. Results The study demonstrated that those individuals with a lower standing dorsal arch height and/or a wider standing midfoot width had greater mobility in their foot. In addition, those individuals with higher Foot Posture Index (FPI values demonstrated greater mobility and those with lower FPI values demonstrated less mobility. Finally, the amount of foot mobility that an individual has can be predicted reasonably well using either a 3 or 4 variable linear regression model. Conclusions Because of the relationship between static foot posture and mobility, it is recommended that both be assessed as part of a comprehensive evaluation of a individual with foot problems.

  8. Characterization of postural control impairment in women with fibromyalgia (United States)

    Sempere-Rubio, Núria; López-Pascual, Juan; Aguilar-Rodríguez, Marta; Cortés-Amador, Sara; Espí-López, Gemma; Villarrasa-Sapiña, Israel


    The main goal of this cross-sectional study was to detect whether women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) have altered postural control and to study the sensory contribution to postural control. We also explored the possibility that self-induced anxiety and lower limb strength may be related to postural control. For this purpose, 129 women within an age range of 40 to 70 years were enrolled. Eighty of the enrolled women had FMS. Postural control variables, such as Ellipse, Root mean square (RMS) and Sample entropy (SampEn), in both directions (i.e. mediolateral and anteroposterior), were calculated under five different conditions. A force plate was used to register the center of pressure shifts. Furthermore, isometric lower limb strength was recorded with a portable dynamometer and normalized by lean body mass. The results showed that women with FMS have impaired postural control compared with healthy people, as they presented a significant increase in Ellipse and RMS values (pPostural control also worsens with the gradual alteration of sensory inputs in this population (p0.05). There were no significant correlations between postural control and lower limb strength (p>0.05). Therefore, women with FMS have impaired postural control that is worse when sensory inputs are altered but is not correlated with their lower limb strength. PMID:29723223

  9. Effect of magnification loupes on dental hygiene student posture. (United States)

    Maillet, J Peggy; Millar, A Michele; Burke, Jillian M; Maillet, Michelle A; Maillet, Wayne A; Neish, Nancy R


    The chair-side work posture of dental hygienists has long been a concern because of health-related problems potentially caused or exacerbated by poor posture. The purpose of this study was to investigate if using magnification loupes improved dental hygiene students' posture during provision of treatment. The treatment chosen was hand-scaling, and the effect of the timing of introduction of the loupes to students was also examined. Thirty-five novice dental hygiene students took part in the study. Each student was assessed providing dental hygiene care with and without loupes, thus controlling for innate differences in natural posture. Students were randomized into two groups. Group one used loupes in the first session and did not use them for the second session. Group two reversed this sequence. At the end of each session, all students were videotaped while performing scaling procedures. Their posture was assessed using an adapted version of Branson et al.'s Posture Assessment Instrument (PAI). Four raters assessed students at three time periods for nine posture components on the PAI. A paired t-test compared scores with and without loupes for each student. Scores showed a significant improvement in posture when using loupes (ppostural benefit is realized by requiring students to master the use of magnification loupes as early as possible within the curriculum.

  10. Periodismo de calidad en tiempos de crisis: Un análisis de la evolución de la prensa europea de referencia (2001-2012

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    T Ramírez de la Piscina


    Full Text Available Introducción. La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías, la progresiva implantación de Internet, el masivo uso de las redes sociales y la actual crisis económica y financiera han provocado, junto a otros factores, el descenso en ventas de la prensa escrita en los países occidentales del planeta. El presente estudio analiza la evolución de la calidad de las noticias en cinco periódicos europeos de referencia (Financial Times, Corriere della Sera, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Le Monde y El País durante el período comprendido entre 2001 y 2012. Metodología. La metodología utilizada se fundamenta en el concepto de media performance desarrollado por Denis McQuail (1992, el cual permite la utilización de parámetros transversales para evaluar la calidad de las noticias. Resultados. Los resultados (n=1.137 muestran que el índice calidad obtenido por la prensa europea de referencia supera muy ajustadamente los mínimos exigidos (5,39 puntos sobre 10. El índice medio manifiesta además una moderada tendencia a la baja durante el período objeto de análisis, algo que no es aplicable a todos los diarios. Conclusiones. Todos los diarios analizados parecen haberse olvidado de la función social que históricamente se ha atribuido al periodismo como guardián de los intereses de la ciudadanía. Ello se refleja en los pobres resultados que todos ellos obtienen en el apartado denominado “aportación social de la noticia”.

  11. Influence of pain on postural control in women with neck pain

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    Juliana Soares


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of pain on postural control in women with neck pain and the relationship with possible changes in sensory systems and posture. The neck pain group was composed of women, aged between 20 and 50years, complaining of neck pain for more than three months; the control group was composed of women without complaints of neck pain. For the characterization of the groups, we used anamnesis, neck disability index and Visual Analogue Scale. Postural balance was assessed on force platform. Postural balance with manipulation of the sensory systems was measured by Foam Laser Dynamic Posturography, exposing the individual to six sensory organization tests. Posture was assessed by the Postural Assessment Software. The normality of the variables were verified using Shapiro-Wilk test, Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney test for comparison between groups, with a significance level of5%. Groups were homogeneous in demographic variables. We observed higher amplitude and displacement velocity of the center of pressure in the neck pain group, showing greater postural balance. There were significant diferences incraniovertebral angle, showing forward head posture in symptomatic women. In dynamics posturography, we observed a difference between the groups: the score obtainedin the six sensory conditions showed that neck pain group presented greater balance impairment. Neck pain and forward head posture have a deleterious effect on postural control in symptomatic women, both in the static posture and dynamic posture.

  12. Postural Variables in Girls Practicing Volleyball (United States)

    Grabara, Malgorzata; Hadzik, Andrzej


    Study aim: To assess body posture of young female volleyball players in relation to their untrained mates. Material and methods: A group of 42 volleyball players and another of 43 untrained girls, all aged 13-16 years were studied with respect to their body posture indices by using computer posturography. Spinal angles and curvatures were…

  13. Postural changes in dental hygienists. Four-year longitudinal study. (United States)

    Barry, R M; Woodall, W R; Mahan, J M


    Numerous surveys identify the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints as a concern in dentistry. However, no longitudinal data exist to indicate whether postural changes occur as a result of practicing dental hygiene. The purpose of this preliminary, four-year longitudinal study was to investigate whether any postural changes developed during the hygienists' clinical education and/or during subsequent dental hygiene practice after one and/or two years. It was anticipated that the awkward positions and intense physical demands placed on hygienists might initiate musculoskeletal problems, but that no postural changes would occur over this short period of time. Nine of 10 dental hygienists in the graduating class of 1987 were surveyed for existing musculoskeletal complaints, and the subjects were photographed for a measurement of postural change. Responses from participants indicated an increase in musculoskeletal-related complaints in each of the six areas investigated. The photographic findings indicated that one of the nine hygienists showed an increase in forward head posture, a postural change.

  14. Barnacle geese achieve significant energetic savings by changing posture. (United States)

    Tickle, Peter G; Nudds, Robert L; Codd, Jonathan R


    Here we report the resting metabolic rate in barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) and provide evidence for the significant energetic effect of posture. Under laboratory conditions flow-through respirometry together with synchronous recording of behaviour enabled a calculation of how metabolic rate varies with posture. Our principal finding is that standing bipedally incurs a 25% increase in metabolic rate compared to birds sitting on the ground. In addition to the expected decrease in energy consumption of hindlimb postural muscles when sitting, we hypothesise that a change in breathing mechanics represents one potential mechanism for at least part of the observed difference in energetic cost. Due to the significant effect of posture, future studies of resting metabolic rates need to take into account and/or report differences in posture.


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    Zoran Bogdanović


    Full Text Available The subject of this study is deterimining the presence of postural deformities in sagittal view (defi cient kyphotic and lordotic body posture of the youth depanding on the level of parents knowladge about defi cient body posture. The complete content of the program was conducted in the territory of the city of Kragujevac in several elementary schools, comprising 299 students of the 5th grade and their parents. The object of this study was to determine the number of students with defi cient kyphotic and lordotic body posture, to determine the presence of dis arrangements depanding on the gender and to determine the presence of kyphotic and lordotic deformity depanding on the parents level of information about defi ciant body posture among children. Kyphotic deformity of the examiners of male population is mostly present in the group of parents who are poorly informed about body posture defi ciency. Regarding examiners of female population , the presence of deformation is equally divided on the group of parents who expressed themselves as being very well, those who are undecided and those who are poorly informed. The more signifi cant presence of kyphotic deformity is at examiners of male population than at the examiners of female population while the higher presence of lordotic deformity is at the examiners of female population. Regarding female population we can observe the highest presence of deformation in the group of parents who are undecided while the other groups are very equabal by the presence of deformation. Stated measures impose a statement that it is necessary to continuosly work on both - children education and parents education aiming to recognize posture defi ciency and physical deformation of school and preschool population and all of this with the object of reducing the deformation and on time detecting certain disarrangements and taking adaquate measures for its senctuary

  16. Effects of posture on postoperative pulmonary function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, K G; Holte, Kathrine; Kehlet, H


    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary morbidity is still a relevant complication to major surgery despite improvements in surgical technique and anaesthetic methods. Postoperative posture may be a pathogenic factor, but the effects of changes in postoperative posture on pulmonary function have not been reviewed...

  17. Multisensory training for postural sway control in non-injured elderly ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Multisensory training for postural sway control in non-injured elderly females. ... Elderly adults demonstrate increased postural sway, which may ultimately lead to falls. ... Keywords: multisensory training, postural sway control, balance ability, ...

  18. Diferencias en las prevalencias de desnutrición al usarse referencias nacionales e internacionales Differences in the prevalence of malnutrition resulting from using a national growth reference or an international growth reference

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    Evelia Edith Oyhenart


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar si el empleo de dos referencias distintas (internacional y nacional ocasiona diferencias en las prevalencias de emaciación y retraso del crecimiento en una muestra de niños de 8 a 14 años. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra de 1 470 escolares de ambos sexos de la ciudad de La Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. A partir de los datos de peso y talla se calcularon las puntuaciones Z respecto a los valores de referencia de la primera y la segunda encuesta estadounidense de salud y nutrición (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES I y II, y de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría. Las prevalencias de emaciación y retraso del crecimiento se calcularon tomando un punto de corte de dos desviaciones estándar (DE por debajo de la mediana de referencia. Se compararon las prevalencias mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado con corrección de Yates y se calcularon la razón de posibilidades (odds ratio, RP y los intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%. RESULTADOS: La referencia internacional se asoció positivamente a una mayor prevalencia de retraso del crecimiento, tanto en la muestra total (RP = 5,12; IC95%: 3,27 a 8,05 como en varones (RP = 4,36; IC95%: 2,43 a 7,93 y en mujeres (RP = 6,32; IC95%: 3,10 a 13,27. La prevalencia de emaciación fue similar con ambas referencias. La distribución de la talla para la edad presentó un sesgo a la izquierda respecto de la referencia internacional y a la derecha respecto de la nacional, mientras que la del peso para la talla se superpuso a ambas referencias. CONCLUSIONES: Las diferencias en las prevalencias de retraso del crecimiento calculadas según las dos referencias utilizadas reflejan cuadros disímiles del estado nutricional de la población evaluada. El incremento de la talla de los niños respecto a la referencia nacional apunta a la presencia de una tendencia secular positiva y puede explicar parte de las diferencias en la

  19. Development of the Coordination between Posture and Manual Control (United States)

    Haddad, Jeffrey M.; Claxton, Laura J.; Keen, Rachel; Berthier, Neil E.; Riccio, Gary E.; Hamill, Joseph; Van Emmerik, Richard E. A.


    Studies have suggested that proper postural control is essential for the development of reaching. However, little research has examined the development of the coordination between posture and manual control throughout childhood. We investigated the coordination between posture and manual control in children (7- and 10-year-olds) and adults during…

  20. Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation improves adaptive postural control. (United States)

    Poortvliet, Peter; Hsieh, Billie; Cresswell, Andrew; Au, Jacky; Meinzer, Marcus


    Rehabilitation interventions contribute to recovery of impaired postural control, but it remains a priority to optimize their effectiveness. A promising strategy may involve transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of brain areas involved in fine-tuning of motor adaptation. This study explored the effects of cerebellar tDCS (ctDCS) on postural recovery from disturbance by Achilles tendon vibration. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers participated in this sham-ctDCS controlled study. Standing blindfolded on a force platform, four trials were completed: 60 s quiet standing followed by 20 min active (anodal-tDCS, 1 mA, 20 min, N = 14) or sham-ctDCS (40 s, N = 14) tDCS; three quiet standing trials with 15 s of Achilles tendon vibration and 25 s of postural recovery. Postural steadiness was quantified as displacement, standard deviation and path derived from the center of pressure (COP). Baseline demographics and quiet standing postural steadiness, and backwards displacement during vibration were comparable between groups. However, active-tDCS significantly improved postural steadiness during vibration and reduced forward displacement and variability in COP derivatives during recovery. We demonstrate that ctDCS results in short-term improvement of postural adaptation in healthy individuals. Future studies need to investigate if multisession ctDCS combined with training or rehabilitation interventions can induce prolonged improvement of postural balance. Copyright © 2017 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Postural habits of young adults and possibilities of modification. (United States)

    Nowotny-Czupryna, Olga; Czupryna, Krzysztof; Bąk, Krzysztof; Wróblewska, Ewa; Rottermund, Jerzy


    The aim of the study was to assess postural habits in young, healthy people, identify correlations between postural errors and pain and attempt to modify bad habits. 144 people, aged 18-23 were enrolled. The intervention consisted of 4 stages: Stage 1 - identification of postural habits, description of responses to stress, back pain frequency and intensity (Jackson & Moskowitz); Stage 2 - correction of habitual position with the help of a physiotherapist, briefing about ergonomic everyday behaviours and consequences of continued non-ergonomic behaviours, Stage 3 - follow-up examination: self-assessment of changes, evaluation of the effects of modifications, determination of causes for discontinuing the behaviour modification programme, where applicable; and Stage 4 - final examination, assessment of results. Correlations were sought between inappropriate postural behaviour in various positions and between non-ergonomic postural behaviour and pain location and response to stress. Statistical analysis was carried out with Excel and Statistica v. 7.1. A non-parametric χ(2) test was used at phabit. 3. An attempt to modify non-ergonomic postural behaviours usually results in pain, which may act as a demotivating factor. 4. Discomfort associated with the modification of habitual postural behaviours is reduced after 3-4 months of regular training.

  2. Importación de reproductores y nauplios de litopenaeus vannamei para su crianza y exportación al peru, como post-larva


    Villon Noboa, Bolivar; Peñafiel Mena, Ramon; Freire Patiño, Jaime


    Existen negocios en acuicultura que pueden ser mucho más rentables de lo que ahora son, sólo con algunas modificaciones que los convertirían en negocios muy atractivos tanto para la inversión nacional como para la extranjera. Tal es el caso de los laboratorios de post-larva de camarón o los laboratorios de maduración, los mismos que, en su mayoría, se encuentran paralizados a lo largo de la costa ecuatoriana. Entre las modificaciones a que se hace referencia destacan, entre otras, la con...

  3. Postural stability in young and old women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Martin Grønbech

    at an early stage, good knowledge and sensitive measurements of postural stability are essential. In addition, in order to develop effective intervention strategies such knowledge is of major importance. However, no single postural stability parameter has effectively been able to identify individuals at risk...... of falling. Hence, there is a strong need for development and identification of sensitive postural sway parameters in various demographic groups. The aim of this study was to explore differences in postural stability between physically active old (O) and young (Y) women using newly developed sway parameters....... METHODS AND MATERIALS: Center of pressure (CoP) excursion was measured (100 Hz) by force plate (AMTI) analysis in old (72.5±6.3 years) and young (25.8±1.6 years) women during static 2-leg (bilateral) and 1-leg (unilateral) standing (15-s) with eyes opened. RESULTS: O demonstrated elevated CoP sway length...

  4. Postural effects when cycling in late pregnancy. (United States)

    O'Neill, Maureen E; Cooper, Karen A; Boyce, E Stewart; Hunyor, Stephen N


    This study assessed if upright cycling is preferable to semi-recumbent cycling during pregnancy. Healthy women with low risk singleton pregnancies were tested at 34-38 weeks gestation. They cycled for 12 min, either semi-recumbent (45 degrees, n = 27) or upright (n = 23), at 135-145 beats min(-1). When semi-recumbent, minute ventilation was greater (pposture-independent. All increased with exercise (p0.05). Small post-exercise fetal heart rate increases (by 8 beats min(-1), ppostures (n = 11 in each sub-group), with no adverse changes. Fetal heart rate accelerations and uterine activity (n = 11 in each sub-group) were not influenced by posture or exercise. (1) Neither posture had a distinct advantage. (2) Both postures were safe for short duration cycling. (3) The same target maternal heart rates are suitable for both postures because they resulted in similar oxygen consumptions and fetal heart rates.

  5. Classifying Transition Behaviour in Postural Activity Monitoring

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    James BRUSEY


    Full Text Available A few accelerometers positioned on different parts of the body can be used to accurately classify steady state behaviour, such as walking, running, or sitting. Such systems are usually built using supervised learning approaches. Transitions between postures are, however, difficult to deal with using posture classification systems proposed to date, since there is no label set for intermediary postures and also the exact point at which the transition occurs can sometimes be hard to pinpoint. The usual bypass when using supervised learning to train such systems is to discard a section of the dataset around each transition. This leads to poorer classification performance when the systems are deployed out of the laboratory and used on-line, particularly if the regimes monitored involve fast paced activity changes. Time-based filtering that takes advantage of sequential patterns is a potential mechanism to improve posture classification accuracy in such real-life applications. Also, such filtering should reduce the number of event messages needed to be sent across a wireless network to track posture remotely, hence extending the system’s life. To support time-based filtering, understanding transitions, which are the major event generators in a classification system, is a key. This work examines three approaches to post-process the output of a posture classifier using time-based filtering: a naïve voting scheme, an exponentially weighted voting scheme, and a Bayes filter. Best performance is obtained from the exponentially weighted voting scheme although it is suspected that a more sophisticated treatment of the Bayes filter might yield better results.

  6. Barnacle geese achieve significant energetic savings by changing posture.

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    Peter G Tickle

    Full Text Available Here we report the resting metabolic rate in barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis and provide evidence for the significant energetic effect of posture. Under laboratory conditions flow-through respirometry together with synchronous recording of behaviour enabled a calculation of how metabolic rate varies with posture. Our principal finding is that standing bipedally incurs a 25% increase in metabolic rate compared to birds sitting on the ground. In addition to the expected decrease in energy consumption of hindlimb postural muscles when sitting, we hypothesise that a change in breathing mechanics represents one potential mechanism for at least part of the observed difference in energetic cost. Due to the significant effect of posture, future studies of resting metabolic rates need to take into account and/or report differences in posture.

  7. A importância da avaliação postural no paciente com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular The importance of the postural evaluation in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

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    Daniela Vieira Amantéa


    Full Text Available O equilíbrio do corpo bem como os movimentos da cabeça são originados pelo posicionamento do crânio sobre a região cervical determinando assim a postura do indivíduo. Estando a articulação temporomandibular (ATM diretamente relacionada com a região cervical e escapular através de um sistema neuromuscular comum, alterações posturais da coluna cervical podem acarretar em distúrbios na ATM e vice-versa. O número crescente de pacientes com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular (DTM que apresentavam alterações posturais levou ao desenvolvimento de estudos que procuram demonstrar suas relações. Este trabalho propôs-se realizar uma revisão de literatura que demonstre a relação entre má postura e DTM. Salienta ainda a necessidade de uma equipe multidisciplinar, formada pelo médico ortopedista, o cirurgião dentista e o fisioterapeuta, para realizarem juntos o diagnóstico e o tratamento de tais alterações.The position of the head over the neck determines the posture of the body and is responsible for the body balance and head movements. The temporomandibular joint (TMA is directly related to the cervical and the scapular region by a common neuromuscular system. Changes in the cervical spine can cause lead to TMA disorders and contra wise. The increasing number of patients with TMA disorders who also had postural disorders led to the development of studies to evaluate their interactions. The present study aimed to review the papers that have shown a relationship between wrong posture and TMA disorders. It emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary team formed by an orthopedist, dental surgeon, and physiotherapist in the diagnosis and treatment of TMA disorders and wrong posture.

  8. The relationship between the stomatognathic system and body posture

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    Antonino Cuccia


    Full Text Available In recent years, many researchers have investigated the various factors that can influence body posture: mood states, anxiety, head and neck positions, oral functions (respiration, swallowing, oculomotor and visual systems, and the inner ear. Recent studies indicate a role for trigeminal afferents on body posture, but this has not yet been demonstrated conclusively. The present study aims to review the papers that have shown a relationship between the stomatognathic system and body posture. These studies suggest that tension in the stomatognathic system can contribute to impaired neural control of posture. Numerous anatomical connections between the stomatognathic system's proprioceptive inputs and nervous structures are implicated in posture (cerebellum, vestibular and oculomotor nuclei, superior colliculus. If the proprioceptive information of the stomatognathic system is inaccurate, then head control and body position may be affected. In addition, the present review discusses the role the myofascial system plays in posture. If confirmed by further research, these considerations can improve our understanding and treatment of muscular-skeletal disorders that are associated with temporomandibular joint disorders, occlusal changes, and tooth loss.

  9. The Relationship Between the Stomatognathic System and Body Posture (United States)

    Cuccia, Antonino; Caradonna, Carola


    In recent years, many researchers have investigated the various factors that can influence body posture: mood states, anxiety, head and neck positions, oral functions (respiration, swallowing), oculomotor and visual systems, and the inner ear. Recent studies indicate a role for trigeminal afferents on body posture, but this has not yet been demonstrated conclusively. The present study aims to review the papers that have shown a relationship between the stomatognathic system and body posture. These studies suggest that tension in the stomatognathic system can contribute to impaired neural control of posture. Numerous anatomical connections between the stomatognathic system’s proprioceptive inputs and nervous structures are implicated in posture (cerebellum, vestibular and oculomotor nuclei, superior colliculus). If the proprioceptive information of the stomatognathic system is inaccurate, then head control and body position may be affected. In addition, the present review discusses the role the myofascial system plays in posture. If confirmed by further research, these considerations can improve our understanding and treatment of muscular-skeletal disorders that are associated with temporomandibular joint disorders, occlusal changes, and tooth loss. PMID:19142553

  10. Do older adults perceive postural constraints for reach estimation? (United States)

    Cordova, Alberto; Gabbard, Carl


    BACKGROUND/STUDY CONTEXT: Recent evidence indicates that older persons have difficulty mentally representing intended movements. Furthermore, in an estimation of reach paradigm using motor imagery, a form of mental representation, older persons significantly overestimated their ability compared with young adults. The authors tested the notion that older adults may also have difficulty perceiving the postural constraints associated with reach estimation. The authors compared young (Mage = 22 years) and older (Mage = 67) adults on reach estimation while seated and in a more postural demanding standing and leaning forward position. The expectation was a significant postural effect with the standing condition, as evidenced by reduced overestimation. Whereas there was no difference between groups in the seated condition (both overestimated), older adults underestimated whereas the younger group once again overestimated in the standing condition. From one perspective, these results show that older adults do perceive postural constraints in light of their own physical capabilities. That is, that group perceived greater postural demands with the standing posture and elected to program a more conservative strategy, resulting in underestimation.

  11. Otolith and Vertical Canal Contributions to Dynamic Postural Control (United States)

    Black, F. Owen


    The objective of this project is to determine: 1) how do normal subjects adjust postural movements in response to changing or altered otolith input, for example, due to aging? and 2) how do patients adapt postural control after altered unilateral or bilateral vestibular sensory inputs such as ablative inner ear surgery or ototoxicity, respectively? The following hypotheses are under investigation: 1) selective alteration of otolith input or abnormalities of otolith receptor function will result in distinctive spatial, frequency, and temporal patterns of head movements and body postural sway dynamics. 2) subjects with reduced, altered, or absent vertical semicircular canal receptor sensitivity but normal otolith receptor function or vice versa, should show predictable alterations of body and head movement strategies essential for the control of postural sway and movement. The effect of altered postural movement control upon compensation and/or adaptation will be determined. These experiments provide data for the development of computational models of postural control in normals, vestibular deficient subjects and normal humans exposed to unusual force environments, including orbital space flight.

  12. A comparison of three observational techniques for assessing postural loads in industry. (United States)

    Kee, Dohyung; Karwowski, Waldemar


    This study aims to compare 3 observational techniques for assessing postural load, namely, OWAS, RULA, and REBA. The comparison was based on the evaluation results generated by the classification techniques using 301 working postures. All postures were sampled from the iron and steel, electronics, automotive, and chemical industries, and a general hospital. While only about 21% of the 301 postures were classified at the action category/level 3 or 4 by both OWAS and REBA, about 56% of the postures were classified into action level 3 or 4 by RULA. The inter-method reliability for postural load category between OWAS and RULA was just 29.2%, and the reliability between RULA and REBA was 48.2%. These results showed that compared to RULA, OWAS, and REBA generally underestimated postural loads for the analyzed postures, irrespective of industry, work type, and whether or not the body postures were in a balanced state.

  13. Holding a handle for balance during continuous postural perturbations – immediate and transitionary effects on whole body posture

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    Jernej Camernik


    Full Text Available When balance is exposed to perturbations, hand contacts are often used to assist postural control. We investigated the immediate and the transitionary effects of supportive hand contacts during continuous anteroposterior perturbations of stance by automated waist-pulls. Ten young adults were perturbed for five minutes and required to maintain balance by holding to a stationary, shoulder-high handle and following its removal. Centre of pressure (COP displacement, hip, knee, and ankle angles, leg and trunk muscle activity and handle contact forces were acquired. The analysis of results show that COP excursions are significantly smaller when the subjects utilize supportive hand contact and that the displacement of COP is strongly correlated to the perturbation force and significantly larger in the anterior than posterior direction. Regression analysis of hand forces revealed that subjects utilized the hand support significantly more during the posterior than anterior perturbations. Moreover, kinematical analysis showed that utilization of supportive hand contacts alters posture of the whole body and that postural readjustments after the release of the handle occur at different time scales in the hip, knee, and ankle joints. Overall, our findings show that supportive hand contacts are efficiently used for balance control during continuous postural perturbations and that utilization of a handle has significant immediate and transitionary effects on whole body posture.

  14. El podcast como herramienta para la innovación en espacios de comunicación universitarios


    Quintana Guerrero, Boris; Parra Duque, Carolina; Riaño Peña, Johanna Paola


    Este artículo hace referencia a un proyecto de investigación en el que, posterior a un análisis del estado del arte colombiano de la radio universitaria y sus dinámicas de difusión a través de Internet, se seleccionó el podcast como catalizador de formulación y construcción de un laboratorio (RadioLAB) para la elaboración de contenidos de audio digital y su divulgación en el interior del programa de Diseño Industrial de la Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Colombia (FUAC). En una fase de pre-...

  15. Urna de cristal como canal digital de participación ciudadana en Colombia

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    John Edickson Amaya-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen se describe la normativa vigente en Colombia referente al gobierno electrónico. Asimismo, se hace referencia las diferentes herramientas utilizadas por la estrategia urna de cristal del gobierno colombiano. Asimismo, se evalúa su alcance en la ciudadanía tanto con los informes publicados por esta estrategia, así como a través de una encuesta realizada en la totalidad de los departamentos del país. Finalmente se proponen unas recomendaciones que pueden ser consideradas en el desarrollo de las actividades del canal seleccionado con el objetivo que se pueda ampliar la cobertura de dicho canal y se pueda tener un efectivo acercamiento de los ciudadanos al gobierno a través de herramientas tecnológicas.

  16. Variation in posture quality across musical instruments and its impact during performances. (United States)

    Blanco-Piñeiro, Patricia; Díaz-Pereira, M Pino; Martínez Vidal, Aurora


    Bad posture increases the risk that a musician may suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. This study compared posture quality required by different instruments or families of instruments. Using an ad-hoc postural observation instrument embracing 11 postural variables, four experts evaluated the postures of 100 students attending a Spanish higher conservatory of music. The agreement of the experts' evaluations was statistically confirmed by a Cohen's κ value between 0.855 and 1.000 and a Kendall value between 0.709 and 1.000 (p instrument families and seated posture with respect to pelvic attitude, dorsal curvature and head alignment in both sagittal and frontal planes. This analysis also showed an association between instrument families and standing posture with respect to the frontal plane of the axis of gravity, pelvic attitude, head alignment in the frontal plane, the sagittal plane of the shoulders and overall posture. While certain postural defects appear to be common to all families of instruments, others are more characteristic of some families than others. The instrument associated with the best posture quality was the bagpipe, followed by percussion and strings.

  17. El escenario de “la ciudad” como espacio de las representaciones y los movimientos sociales en América Latina

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    César Augusto Vásquez García


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace referencia a los modos de construir identidades individuales y colectivas a través de las representaciones sociales que visualizan la historia, la literatura, la sociología y la antropología, en las ciudades de México, D.F. y Bogotá, D.C. En este sentido, la propuesta metodológica se sustenta en los estudios culturales como reconstrucción de las prácticas culturales a partir de la transversalización de los saberes sociales que circulan dentro y fuera de la academia.

  18. Recognition of dance-like actions: memory for static posture or dynamic movement? (United States)

    Vicary, Staci A; Robbins, Rachel A; Calvo-Merino, Beatriz; Stevens, Catherine J


    Dance-like actions are complex visual stimuli involving multiple changes in body posture across time and space. Visual perception research has demonstrated a difference between the processing of dynamic body movement and the processing of static body posture. Yet, it is unclear whether this processing dissociation continues during the retention of body movement and body form in visual working memory (VWM). When observing a dance-like action, it is likely that static snapshot images of body posture will be retained alongside dynamic images of the complete motion. Therefore, we hypothesized that, as in perception, posture and movement would differ in VWM. Additionally, if body posture and body movement are separable in VWM, as form- and motion-based items, respectively, then differential interference from intervening form and motion tasks should occur during recognition. In two experiments, we examined these hypotheses. In Experiment 1, the recognition of postures and movements was tested in conditions in which the formats of the study and test stimuli matched (movement-study to movement-test, posture-study to posture-test) or mismatched (movement-study to posture-test, posture-study to movement-test). In Experiment 2, the recognition of postures and movements was compared after intervening form and motion tasks. These results indicated that (1) the recognition of body movement based only on posture is possible, but it is significantly poorer than recognition based on the entire movement stimulus, and (2) form-based interference does not impair memory for movements, although motion-based interference does. We concluded that, whereas static posture information is encoded during the observation of dance-like actions, body movement and body posture differ in VWM.

  19. [Occlusion and posture: is there evidence of correlation?]. (United States)

    Michelotti, A; Manzo, P; Farella, M; Martina, R


    The observation that the masticatory system and the postural body regulating system are anatomically and functionally related, has led to postulate several hypotheses of correlation between occlusal and postural disturbances. In the last decade, these arguments have gained a great social impact, also because they have been broadly spread by the mass-media. As a consequence, there has been a growing number of patients seeking concomitant occlusal and postural treatments. The aim of this study was to review critically the current evidence of correlation between the two systems; this in order to address clinical issues for the management of patients. Methodology of the studies reviewed has been evaluated according to the criteria suggested by Storey and Rugh 20 rif. Although there are some evidences of correlation between occlusion and posture, this appears limited to the cranio-cervical tract of the column and tends to disappear when descending in cranio-caudal direction. On the basis of this review of the literature, it's not advisable to treat postural imbalance by means of occlusal treatment or vice versa, particularly if the therapeutic modalities are irreversible.

  20. Perfil antropométrico en adultos del noroeste argentino: comparación con una referencia internacional

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    Lomaglio, Delia Beatriz


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva bioantropológica las mediciones antropométricas en adultos son exhaustivamente utilizadas en la evaluación morfológica de poblaciones argentinas extintas. La mayoría de los estudios antropométricos en adultos argentinos contemporáneos se limitan a la evaluación de talla, peso e IMC. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir otras variables antropométricas en adultos del Noroeste argentino (NOA y compararlas con una referencia internacional. Los datos de peso, talla, perímetros (brazo, muslo, pierna, cintura y pliegues (tríceps, subescapular proceden de 881 individuos (526 mujeres; 355 varones sanos de 20-60 años de edad de distintas localidades de Catamarca y Jujuy. Se calcularon estadísticos descriptivos (media y DS por sexo y dos PALABRAS CLAVE adultos; Noroeste Argentino; perímetros; pliegues; antropometría grupos de edad: 20-39 y 40-60 años. Las comparaciones se establecieron con adultos de EEUU de origen mejicano (Centers for Disease Control, CDC 2003-2006 con la prueba t. Se calcularon los percentilos con el método LMS. En ambos sexos y grupos de edad los adultos del NOA presentaron valores significativamente inferiores a los de la referencia en todas las variables consideradas, excepto para pliegues tricipital y subescapular en varones de 40-60 años. No se han encontrado antecedentes antropométricos comparables semejantes para poblaciones argentinas y del NOA. El perfil antropométrico de los adultos del NOA difiere significativamente con respecto a la población de referencia con un origen étnico afín.

  1. Screening initial entry training trainees for postural faults and low back or hip pain. (United States)

    Lane, John R


    The frequency of postural faults and postural awareness in military trainees has not been assessed. Five hundred Soldiers entering Advanced Individual Training were screened for standing posture and completed an anonymous questionnaire during inprocessing. Postural faults were identified in 202 subjects. Chi square analysis demonstrated a relationship between posture observed and posture reported: 87% of subjects with postural faults were unaware of postural faults; 12% with proper posture reported having poor posture. Subjects reported comparable frequencies of back pain and hip pain with postural faults (33.2%, 21.2%) and without faults (28.5%, 14.7%). Anonymous reporting was higher than formal reporting and requests for care during the same period (37% vs 3.4%).

  2. Assessment of postural instability in patients with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Błaszczyk, J W; Orawiec, R; Duda-Kłodowska, D; Opala, G


    Postural instability is one of the most disabling features of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). In this study, we focused on postural instability as the main factor predisposing parkinsonians to falls. For this purpose, changes in sway characteristics during quiet stance due to visual feedback exclusion were studied. We searched for postural sway measures that could be potential discriminators for an increased fall risk. A group of 110 subjects: 55 parkinsonians (Hoehn and Yahr: 1-3), and 55 age-matched healthy volunteers participated in the experiment. Their spontaneous sway characteristics while standing quiet with eyes open and eyes closed were analyzed. We found that an increased mediolateral sway and sway area while standing with eyes closed are characteristic of parkinsonian postural instability and may serve to quantify well a tendency to fall. These sway indices significantly correlated with disease severity rated both by the Hoehn and Yahr scale as well as by the Motor Section of the UPDRS. A forward shift of a mean COP position in parkinsonians which reflects their flexed posture was also significantly greater to compare with the elderly subjects and exhibited a high sensitivity to visual conditions. Both groups of postural sway abnormalities identified here may be used as accessible and reliable measures which allow for quantitative assessment of postural instability in Parkinson's disease.

  3. Exercise and Posture (United States)

    ... About Spondylitis › Treatment Information › Exercise & Posture Print Page Exercise Exercise is an integral part of any spondylitis ... For First Responders For Chiropractors Research Article Archive Exercise Guidelines Having an exercise program that accomplishes your ...

  4. [The impact of different sports on posture regulation]. (United States)

    Schwesig, R; Kluttig, A; Leuchte, S; Becker, S; Schmidt, H; Esperer, H D


    Previous work has suggested that both the level of activity and the type of sport may have a major impact on postural control. However, no systematic investigation has been performed regarding the various types of professional sports. Particularly, the impact of competitional sports on the postural subsystems has not been elucidated so far. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the major professional sport types, such as handball, gymnastics, swimming, and shooting, on the subsystems of postural control. We also tested the hypothesis that specific types of sport have specific effects on postural regulation. 155 competitive male and female athletes (handball: n = 30; gymnastics: n = 44; swimming: n = 50; shooting: n = 31), and 34 age- and gender-matched controls were investigated using the Interactive Balance System (IBS; Tetrax Inc., Ramat Gan, Israel). The following spectral and time-domain indices were determined: power in the following frequency bands: P(F1) (0.03 - 0.1 Hz), P(F)(2 - 4) (0.1 - 0.5 Hz), P(F)(5 - 6) (0.5 - 1.0 Hz), P(F)(7 - 8) (> 1.0 Hz), stability index (STABI), and synchronisation index (SYN). Shooting athletes exhibited significantly smaller values of P(F1) (p = 0.003), P(F)(2 - 4) (p sports exert different effects on the various subsystems of posture control, where especially shooting competitors demonstrate a significantly better posture regulation. Those effects can be parameterised and quantified with the IBS which thus enables an efficient and purposeful training. Furthermore, the IBS is highly suitable for aptitude screening in sports with high posture regulatory demands (shooting competitions, gymnastics, diving etc.). Copyright Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart . New York .

  5. Referencias identificatorias en la constitución subjetiva del adolescente en la actualidad


    Soler, Ana Lucia


    p. 135-140 El trabajo busca situar los ejes ordenadores de la estructuración psíquica en las coordenadas sociales actuales. Desde una perspectiva del Psicoanálisis de la Orientación lacaniana articula tres conceptos fundamentales: identificación, sexualidad y pubertad. Se trabajan, fundamentalmente, aquellos elementos que en la actualidad sustituyen y/o complementan la referencia lábíl al ideal y posibilitan la construcción de la personalidad.

  6. Eye Movements Affect Postural Control in Young and Older Females. (United States)

    Thomas, Neil M; Bampouras, Theodoros M; Donovan, Tim; Dewhurst, Susan


    Visual information is used for postural stabilization in humans. However, little is known about how eye movements prevalent in everyday life interact with the postural control system in older individuals. Therefore, the present study assessed the effects of stationary gaze fixations, smooth pursuits, and saccadic eye movements, with combinations of absent, fixed and oscillating large-field visual backgrounds to generate different forms of retinal flow, on postural control in healthy young and older females. Participants were presented with computer generated visual stimuli, whilst postural sway and gaze fixations were simultaneously assessed with a force platform and eye tracking equipment, respectively. The results showed that fixed backgrounds and stationary gaze fixations attenuated postural sway. In contrast, oscillating backgrounds and smooth pursuits increased postural sway. There were no differences regarding saccades. There were also no differences in postural sway or gaze errors between age groups in any visual condition. The stabilizing effect of the fixed visual stimuli show how retinal flow and extraocular factors guide postural adjustments. The destabilizing effect of oscillating visual backgrounds and smooth pursuits may be related to more challenging conditions for determining body shifts from retinal flow, and more complex extraocular signals, respectively. Because the older participants matched the young group's performance in all conditions, decreases of posture and gaze control during stance may not be a direct consequence of healthy aging. Further research examining extraocular and retinal mechanisms of balance control and the effects of eye movements, during locomotion, is needed to better inform fall prevention interventions.

  7. [Self-evaluation of posture by elderly people with or without thoracic kyphosis]. (United States)

    Gasparotto, Lívia Pimenta Renó; Reis, Camila Costa Ibiapina; Ramos, Luiz Roberto; Santos, José Francisco Quirino Dos


    This article lists the differences between self-perception of body posture among the elderly suffering from postural alterations or not, in order to ascertain whether self-evaluation of posture can lead to preventive measures. Eighteen cases from the elderly population participated in the EPIDOSO project at UNIFESP and were subjected to postural evaluation. Postures were photographed and copies given to the participants and their subsequent comments were analyzed by the qualitative method. The narratives were taped and cataloguedusingthe technique of theoretical axial and selective coding from the perspective of symbolic interactionism. A passive attitude was identified among the elderly in relation to postural alterations. There is a distortion of body image by those with postural deviation. Participants with adequate spinal alignment were more conscious about body posture and the importance of this being assimilated in the phases prior to aging. The adoption of postural self-care seems to occur in the earlier stages of aging and preventive measures should be implemented at this stage. Lack of concern about posture is linked to the concept of the elderly regarding the notion that aging is, in itself, the accumulation of inevitably simultaneous or successive dysfunctions.

  8. Posture-Motor and Posture-Ideomotor Dual-Tasking: A Putative Marker of Psychomotor Retardation and Depressive Rumination in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. (United States)

    Aftanas, Lyubomir I; Bazanova, Olga M; Novozhilova, Nataliya V


    Background: Recent studies have demonstrated that the assessment of postural performance may be a potentially reliable and objective marker of the psychomotor retardation (PMR) in the major depressive disorder (MDD). One of the important facets of MDD-related PMR is reflected in disrupted central mechanisms of psychomotor control, heavily influenced by compelling maladaptive depressive rumination. In view of this we designed a research paradigm that included sequential execution of simple single-posture task followed by more challenging divided attention posture tasks, involving concurring motor and ideomotor workloads. Another difficulty dimension assumed executing of all the tasks with eyes open (EO) (easy) and closed (EC) (difficult) conditions. We aimed at investigating the interplay between the severity of MDD, depressive rumination, and efficiency of postural performance. Methods: Compared with 24 age- and body mass index-matched healthy controls (HCs), 26 patients with MDD sequentially executed three experimental tasks: (1) single-posture task of maintaining a quiet stance (ST), (2) actual posture-motor dual task (AMT); and (3) mental/imaginary posture-motor dual task (MMT). All the tasks were performed in the EO and the EC conditions. The primary dependent variable was the amount of kinetic energy ( E ) expended for the center of pressure deviations (CoPDs), whereas the absolute divided attention cost index showed energy cost to the dual-tasking vs. the single-posture task according to the formula: Δ E = ( E Dual-task - E Single-task ). Results: The signs of PMR in the MDD group were objectively indexed by deficient posture control in the EC condition along with overall slowness of fine motor and ideomotor activity. Another important and probably more challenging feature of the findings was that the posture deficit manifested in the ST condition was substantially and significantly attenuated in the MMT and AMT performance dual-tasking activity. A multiple

  9. Validity and reliability of a dental operator posture assessment instrument (PAI). (United States)

    Branson, Bonnie G; Williams, Karen B; Bray, Kimberly Krust; Mcllnay, Sandy L; Dickey, Diana


    Basic operating posture is considered an important occupational health issue for oral health care clinicians. It is generally agreed that the physical posture of the operator, while providing care, should be such that all muscles are in a relaxed, well-balanced, and neutral position. Postures outside of this neutral position are likely to cause musculoskeletal discomfort. To date, the range of the neutral operator position has not been well-defined; nor have any specific instruments been identified that can quantitatively or semi-quantitatively assess dental operator posture. This paper reports on the development of an instrument that can be used to semi-quantitatively evaluate postural components. During the first phase of the study, an expert panel defined the basic parameters for acceptable, compromised, and harmful operator postures and established face validity of a posture assessment instrument (PAI). During the second phase, the PAI was tested for reliability using generalizability theory. Four raters tested the instrument for reliability. Overall, total PAI scores were similar amongst three of the raters, with the fourth rater's scores being slightly greater than the other three. The main effect of the rater on individual postural components was moderate, indicating that rater variance contributed to 11.9% of total variance. The PAI measures posture as it occurs and will have numerous applications when evaluating operator performance in the dental and dental hygiene education setting. Also, the PAI will prove useful when examining the effects of operator posture and musculoskeletal disorders.

  10. Body surface posture evaluation: construction, validation and protocol of the SPGAP system (Posture evaluation rotating platform system). (United States)

    Schwertner, Debora Soccal; Oliveira, Raul; Mazo, Giovana Zarpellon; Gioda, Fabiane Rosa; Kelber, Christian Roberto; Swarowsky, Alessandra


    Several posture evaluation devices have been used to detect deviations of the vertebral column. However it has been observed that the instruments present measurement errors related to the equipment, environment or measurement protocol. This study aimed to build, validate, analyze the reliability and describe a measurement protocol for the use of the Posture Evaluation Rotating Platform System (SPGAP, Brazilian abbreviation). The posture evaluation system comprises a Posture Evaluation Rotating Platform, video camera, calibration support and measurement software. Two pilot studies were carried out with 102 elderly individuals (average age 69 years old, SD = ±7.3) to establish a protocol for SPGAP, controlling the measurement errors related to the environment, equipment and the person under evaluation. Content validation was completed with input from judges with expertise in posture measurement. The variation coefficient method was used to validate the measurement by the instrument of an object with known dimensions. Finally, reliability was established using repeated measurements of the known object. Expert content judges gave the system excellent ratings for content validity (mean 9.4 out of 10; SD 1.13). The measurement of an object with known dimensions indicated excellent validity (all measurement errors reality. To verify the images of objects with known dimensions the values for the width and height were, respectively, CV 0.88 (width) and 2.33 (height), SD 0.22 (width) and 0.35 (height), minimum and maximum values 24.83-25.2 (width) and 14.56 - 15.75 (height). In the analysis of different images (similar) of an individual, greater discrepancies were observed in the values found. The cervical index, for example, presented minimum and maximum values of 15.38 and 37.5, a coefficient of variation of 0.29 and a standard deviation of 6.78. The SPGAP was shown to be a valid and reliable instrument for the quantitative analysis of body posture with applicability and

  11. Development of anticipatory postural adjustments during locomotion in children. (United States)

    Hirschfeld, H; Forssberg, H


    1. Anticipatory postural adjustments were studied in children (6-14 yr of age) walking on a treadmill while pulling a handle. Electromyographs (EMGs) and movements were recorded from the left arm and leg. 2. Postural activity in the leg muscles preceded voluntary arm muscle activity in all age groups, including the youngest children (6 yr of age). The latency to both leg and arm muscle activity, from a triggering audio signal, decreased with age. 3. In older children the latency to both voluntary and postural activity was influenced by the phase of the step cycle. The shortest latency to the first activated postural muscle occurred during single support phase in combination with a long latency to arm muscle activity. 4. In the youngest children, there was no phase-dependent modulation of the latency to the activation of the postural muscles. The voluntary activity was delayed during the beginning of the support phase resulting in a long delay between leg and arm muscle activity. 5. The postural muscle activation pattern was modified in a phase-dependent manner in all children. Lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and hamstring muscles (HAM) were activated during the early support phase, whereas tibialis anterior (TA) and quadriceps (Q) muscles were activated during the late support phase and during the swing phase. However, in the 6-yr-old children, LG was also activated in the swing phase. LG was activated before the HAM activity in the youngest children but after HAM in 14-yr-old children and adults. 6. The occurrence of LG activity in postural responses before heel strike suggests an immature (nonplantigrade) gating of postural activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  12. Foot posture in basketball players with history of the shin splint

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    Saeed Forghany


    Full Text Available Introduction: Shin splint is one of the common injuries in most athletes. Although the relationship between abnormal foot posture and shin splint has been reported previously but, the relation between foot posture and shin splint has not been well documented. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between foot postures in basketball players and the history of shin splint. Materials and Methods: Thirty Iranian male basketball players who had experience of shin splint during last three months were participated in this study. Foot Posture Index (FPI-6 was used as the measure of foot posture. Talar head palpation, curvature at the lateral malleoli, inversion/eversion of the calcaneus, prominence in the region of the talonavicular joint, congruence of the medial longitudinal arch, abduction /adduction of the forefoot on the rear foot were 6 items which were assessed with FPI in the standing position. Foot posture was defined as ‘normal’, ‘supinated’ or ‘pronated. Data were collected and analyzed by SPSS, version16. Results: Most participants showed abnormal foot posture (%80. Fifty-three percent of subjects had pronated foot (%53 and 10% did hyper-pronation. The foot postures of 17% of participants were in supination. The results of this study did not show a significant difference in foot posture between right and left foot (P > 0.05. Conclusion: abnormal foot posture were common (%80 in basketball players with the history of shin splints. These findings could support this idea that the footwear and orthotic prescription both can prevent and treat basketball players with history of shin splints. Keywords: Foot posture, Shin splints, Basketball

  13. Use of Video Analysis System for Working Posture Evaluations (United States)

    McKay, Timothy D.; Whitmore, Mihriban


    In a work environment, it is important to identify and quantify the relationship among work activities, working posture, and workplace design. Working posture may impact the physical comfort and well-being of individuals, as well as performance. The Posture Video Analysis Tool (PVAT) is an interactive menu and button driven software prototype written in Supercard (trademark). Human Factors analysts are provided with a predefined set of options typically associated with postural assessments and human performance issues. Once options have been selected, the program is used to evaluate working posture and dynamic tasks from video footage. PVAT has been used to evaluate postures from Orbiter missions, as well as from experimental testing of prototype glove box designs. PVAT can be used for video analysis in a number of industries, with little or no modification. It can contribute to various aspects of workplace design such as training, task allocations, procedural analyses, and hardware usability evaluations. The major advantage of the video analysis approach is the ability to gather data, non-intrusively, in restricted-access environments, such as emergency and operation rooms, contaminated areas, and control rooms. Video analysis also provides the opportunity to conduct preliminary evaluations of existing work areas.

  14. Quantitative Postural Analysis of Children With Congenital Visual Impairment. (United States)

    de Pádua, Michelle; Sauer, Juliana F; João, Silvia M A


    The aim of this study was to compare the postural alignment of children with visual impairment with that of children without visual impairment. The sample studied was 74 children of both sexes ages 5 to 12 years. Of these, 34 had visual impairment and 40 were control children. Digital photos from the standing position were used to analyze posture. Postural variables, such as tilt of the head, shoulder position, scapula position, lateral deviation of the spine, ankle position in the frontal plane and head posture, angle of thoracic kyphosis, angle of lumbar lordosis, pelvis position, and knee position in the frontal and sagittal planes, were measured with the Postural Assessment Software 0.63, version 36 (SAPO, São Paulo, Brazil), with markers placed in predetermined bony landmarks. The main results of this study showed that children with visual impairment have increased head tilt (P Visual impairment influences postural alignment. Children with visual impairment had increased head tilt, uneven shoulders, greater lateral deviation of the spine, thoracic kyphosis, lower lumbar lordosis, and more severe valgus deformities on knees. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  15. Effect of absence of vision on posture. (United States)

    Alotaibi, Abdullah Z; Alghadir, Ahmad; Iqbal, Zaheen A; Anwer, Shahnawaz


    [Purpose] The visual system is one of the sensory systems that enables the body to assess and process information about the external environment. In the absence of vision, a blind person loses contact with the outside world and develops faulty motor patterns, which results in postural deficiencies. However, literature regarding the development of such deficiencies is limited. The aim of this study was to discuss the effect of absence of vision on posture, the possible biomechanics behind the resulting postural deficiencies, and strategies to correct and prevent them. [Subjects and Methods] Various electronic databases including PubMed, Medline, and Google scholar were examined using the words "body", "posture", "blind" and "absence of vision". References in the retrieved articles were also examined for cross-references. The search was limited to articles in the English language. [Results] A total of 74 papers were shortlisted for this review, most of which dated back to the 1950s and 60s. [Conclusion] Blind people exhibit consistent musculoskeletal deformities. Absence of vision leads to numerous abnormal sensory and motor interactions that often limit blind people in isolation. Rehabilitation of the blind is a multidisciplinary task. Specialists from different fields need to diagnose and treat the deficiencies of the blind together as a team. Before restoring the normal mechanics of posture and gait, the missing link with the external world should be reestablished.

  16. Nonplantigrade Foot Posture: A Constraint on Dinosaur Body Size


    Kubo, Tai; Kubo, Mugino O.


    Dinosaurs had functionally digitigrade or sub-unguligrade foot postures. With their immediate ancestors, dinosaurs were the only terrestrial nonplantigrades during the Mesozoic. Extant terrestrial mammals have different optimal body sizes according to their foot posture (plantigrade, digitigrade, and unguligrade), yet the relationship of nonplantigrade foot posture with dinosaur body size has never been investigated, even though the body size of dinosaurs has been studied intensively. Accordi...

  17. Correcting Poor Posture without Awareness or Willpower (United States)

    Wernik, Uri


    In this article, a new technique for correcting poor posture is presented. Rather than intentionally increasing awareness or mobilizing willpower to correct posture, this approach offers a game using randomly drawn cards with easy daily assignments. A case using the technique is presented to emphasize the subjective experience of living with poor…

  18. A referenciação no sincretismo do YouTube: o caso dos vídeos que divulgam ciência


    Zandonai, Marcos Filipe


    Nesta Dissertação, abordo o fenômeno da referenciação em vídeos de divulgação científica do YouTube. Exploro as nomeações lexicalmente expressas, cotejando-as com os objetos visuais (desenhos gráfico-digitais e movimentos corporais) que compõem os vídeos. Objetivo entender a contribuição do não verbal na construção dos objetos de discurso, ou seja, compreender quais são as funções desempenhadas pelos elementos visuais na referenciação. Defino, então, dois objetivos específicos, a saber: 1) ex...

  19. Validación del sistema ultramicroelisa en la certificación de placenta humana como materia prima farmacéutica y cosmética

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    Maydelin Trujillo Alfonso

    Full Text Available Introducción: el Laboratorio de Control Viral de la Planta Derivados de la Placenta realiza la certificación de la placenta humana como materia prima farmacéutica y cosmética mediante el sistema ultramicroanalítico. Objetivo: validar el sistema ultramicroelisa de determinación de antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B, anticuerpos contra el virus de la hepatitis C y virus de inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 y 2 en muestras de suero de cordón umbilical. Métodos: se realizó la calificación de la operación y la validación del desempeño analítico de los sistemas UMELISA HBsAg Plus, UMELISA HCV y UMELISA HIV 1+2 Recombinant empleandocomo sistemas de referencia el Hepanostika HBsAg Uni-FormII, Hepanostika HCV Ultra y Vironostika HIV-Uni-Form II Ag/Ab. Resultados: la calificación de la operación para las tres técnicas analíticas resultó satisfactoria. Los parámetros de especificidad diagnóstica y analítica fueron de 100 %, así como la concordancia con las técnicas de referencia. El coeficiente de variación fue menor del 10 % durante el estudio de precisión interensayo, menor que el 20 % intraensayo y se demostró la robustez de las técnicas para pequeños cambios en la temperatura de incubación. Conclusiones: los sistemas ultramicroelisa utilizados como método de control de la calidad de la placenta humana resultaron específicos, precisos y robustos en las condiciones ensayadas, por lo que pueden emplearse de manera segura y confiable.

  20. Lung function and postural changes during pregnancy. (United States)

    Nørregaard, O; Schultz, P; Ostergaard, A; Dahl, R


    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of postural changes on lung function in pregnant women during the first, second, third trimester and post partum. A significant decrease in FRC, PEF and FEV1 was observed as a result of the postural changes. Arterial oxygenation, MVV and DLCO remained largely the same.

  1. Relationship between posterior crossbite and postural alterations in children

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    Juliana Jaqueline de Matos Lopes


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the posture of individuals with functional posterior crossbite, malocclusion is one of the most in need of orthodontic treatment. Methods: This work presents an analysis of postural among children 6 to 12 years who present functional posterior cross bite of both genders who are in mixed dentition or no intervention prior orthodontic and orthopedic. Was obtained images in the plans: front and back where it was analyzed the asymmetry or symmetry of the individual in the image and in the lateral, anterior, a posterior or normality. Results: 100% had some kind of postural change, and the asymmetry between the scapulae (shoulder found the greatest change, as one of extreme importance in this age group represents a growing skeletal muscle. Conclusion: analyzes all of the children showed postural abnormalities and malocclusion are also of great importance not only to be treating the problem orally, but the postural problem with the help of a multidisciplinary team.

  2. Clinical working postures of bachelor of oral health students. (United States)

    Horton, S J; Johnstone, C L; Hutchinson, C M W; Taylor, P A; Wade, K J


    To observe and describe the clinical working postures of final-year Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) students. Pilot observational study. The University of Otago Faculty of Dentistry and School of Physiotherapy. Eight final-year BOH students voluntarily participated in this study, where postural data were collected using a digital video camera during a standard clinical treatment session. The postural data were analysed using 3D Match biomechanical software. Final-year BOH students who work in the seated position are exposed to neck flexion of greater than 35 degrees, together with trunk flexion greater than 20 degrees and bilateral elbow flexion greater than 90 degrees. The findings of this study agree with the findings of previous postural studies of dental professionals. Dental hygiene students, together with their clinical supervisors, need to be aware of the importance of good working posture early in their careers, and pay particular attention to the degree of neck flexion occurring for prolonged periods.

  3. Effect of postural changes on ICP in healthy and ill subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lonnie G; Juhler, Marianne


    to distinguish normal human physiology from disease entities such as idiopathic intracranial hypertension and normal pressure hydrocephalus, we investigated ICP in different body postures in both normal and ill subjects. METHODS: Thirty-one patients were included: four normal patients following complete removal......: upright standing, sitting in a chair, supine and right lateral lumbar puncture position. RESULTS: Linear regression of median ICP based on patient posture, group, and purpose of monitoring presented a significant model (p ... of differences in median ICP between body postures and supine ICP as the baseline, presented a highly significant model (p posture (p postures enabled...

  4. Causes, Prevention and Correction of Impaired Posture in Children of Primary School Age

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    В. А. Щирба


    Full Text Available Research Objective. The objective of our research was to provide theoretical substantiation and implement corrective gymnastics in practice for the purposes of prevention and correction of faults in schoolchildren’s posture. The main means for shaping the correct posture, preventing and correcting faults in posture are callisthenic routine and special corrective exercises. Research methods: anamnesis, somatoscopy, clinical and mathematical methods. Research results. The medical examination revealed that only six of 60 pupils had normal correctly shaped posture, which accounts for 10%. The posture of the other 90% of the pupils was impaired. The most common faults were: asymmetrical pectoral girdle and shoulder blades, stooping posture. The examination revealed 19 pupils with scoliotic posture, which accounts for 44 %. The posture of 24 pupils, or 40%, was hyperkyphotic and stooping. In other words, the posture of 84% of the pupils was scoliotic or hyperkyphotic. The rest of the pupils had flat and kypholordic posture. It is worth mentioning that some of the pupils examined had more serious disorders of their musculoskeletal system, namely: organic disorders, such as spinal disorders in the sagittal plane — the scoliosis types excluded from the study. Significantly, the first main reason of posture disorders is weakness of the pectoral muscle sling. Conclusions. The principal means of prevention and correction of impaired posture are using special physical exercises designed to create a muscular corpus and correct particular faults in posture. We therefore developed sets of exercises intended to correct posture defects and proposed them to the physical education teacher and class teachers.

  5. La sabiduría como escepticismo moderado: cambios durante el curso de la vida

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    Gerard M. Brugman


    Full Text Available La sabiduría es analizada en términos de la tradición escéptica griega. Es crucial para la sabiduría el reconocimiento de la incapacidad para adquirir conocimiento infalible y la aceptación de actuar en el mundo tomando como referencia el conocimiento falible. Este se basa en la noción de lo plausible. La epistemología falibilística es útil para la pragmática de la vida, que es un campo donde los problemas están particularmente mal definidos. Se asume que la sabiduría es una función de la cultura y la historia: primero como un contenido y luego como un concepto más cognitivo. Es decir, la sabiduría ha evolucionado históricamente de una capacidad cognitiva a una metacognitiva. Con respecto a los cambios en la sabiduría a lo largo de la vida, se argumenta que éstos no están relacionados con la edad. Finalmente, se asume que los cambios en la sabiduría están en función de cómo se lidia con los eventos de la vida, de la acumulación de conocimientos, del desarrollo cognitivo y de la personalidad.

  6. Time-of-day influences postural balance in older adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jorgensen, M G; Rathleff, Michael Skovdal; Laessoe, U


    Postural balance assessments are performed in both clinical and basic research settings on a daily basis. During a 24-h time span our physiology and physical performance undergo radical changes as we are influenced by the circadian rhythm. The time-of-day interaction on postural balance is unknow...... in older adults. The aim of this study was to investigate the time-of-day effect on postural balance in older adults....

  7. Can smartwatches replace smartphones for posture tracking? (United States)

    Mortazavi, Bobak; Nemati, Ebrahim; VanderWall, Kristina; Flores-Rodriguez, Hector G; Cai, Jun Yu Jacinta; Lucier, Jessica; Naeim, Arash; Sarrafzadeh, Majid


    This paper introduces a human posture tracking platform to identify the human postures of sitting, standing or lying down, based on a smartwatch. This work develops such a system as a proof-of-concept study to investigate a smartwatch's ability to be used in future remote health monitoring systems and applications. This work validates the smartwatches' ability to track the posture of users accurately in a laboratory setting while reducing the sampling rate to potentially improve battery life, the first steps in verifying that such a system would work in future clinical settings. The algorithm developed classifies the transitions between three posture states of sitting, standing and lying down, by identifying these transition movements, as well as other movements that might be mistaken for these transitions. The system is trained and developed on a Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch, and the algorithm was validated through a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation of 20 subjects. The system can identify the appropriate transitions at only 10 Hz with an F-score of 0.930, indicating its ability to effectively replace smart phones, if needed.

  8. El cartel como recurso para presentar resultados de investigación científica

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    Omar A. Piñeiro Fernández


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se hace referencia al cartel como recurso para presentar resultados de investigación en reuniones científicas. Se especifican los requisitos mínimos que se deben cumplir en su preparación y se ofrecen elementos básicos en relación con su estructura. Se enumeran sus ventajas y se dan algunas orientaciones a los efectos de su exposición. Se fundamenta la utilidad de publicar posteriormente los trabajos presentados en cartelReference is made to posters as a means for exhibiting research work outcome in scientific events. The minimum design requirements and the basic structural elements of posters are specified. Likewise, poster advantages, recommendations for exhibition and the usefulness of publising the papers which are presented in posters are also set forth

  9. Los inmigrantes como amenaza. Procesos migratorios en la televisión española

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    Mª Carmen Albert Guardiola


    Full Text Available La mayor parte de las investigaciones desarrolladas en torno a la imagen mediática de los procesos migratorios destacan la tendencia hacia su problematización, de forma que se asocia a la población inmigrante con amenazas sociales, económicas, culturales, con la desviación, delincuencia, ilegalidad, etc. Tomando como referencia el caso de España, en este artículo se analiza la manera en que los noticiarios televisivos construyen aquellas noticias relacionadas con la población inmigrante. Con este fin, se han recogido un total de 145 noticias emitidas en 105 programas informativos de cuatro cadenas de televisión (tres de ámbito nacional y una regional, a cuyos contenidos se han aplicado, fundamentalmente, técnicas cualitativas de análisis.

  10. Static body postural misalignment in individuals with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review (United States)

    Chaves, Thaís C.; Turci, Aline M.; Pinheiro, Carina F.; Sousa, Letícia M.; Grossi, Débora B.


    BACKGROUND: The association between body postural changes and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been widely discussed in the literature, however, there is little evidence to support this association. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to conduct a systematic review to assess the evidence concerning the association between static body postural misalignment and TMD. METHOD: A search was conducted in the PubMed/Medline, Embase, Lilacs, Scielo, Cochrane, and Scopus databases including studies published in English between 1950 and March 2012. Cross-sectional, cohort, case control, and survey studies that assessed body posture in TMD patients were selected. Two reviewers performed each step independently. A methodological checklist was used to evaluate the quality of the selected articles. RESULTS: Twenty studies were analyzed for their methodological quality. Only one study was classified as a moderate quality study and two were classified as strong quality studies. Among all studies considered, only 12 included craniocervical postural assessment, 2 included assessment of craniocervical and shoulder postures,, and 6 included global assessment of body posture. CONCLUSION: There is strong evidence of craniocervical postural changes in myogenous TMD, moderate evidence of cervical postural misalignment in arthrogenous TMD, and no evidence of absence of craniocervical postural misalignment in mixed TMD patients or of global body postural misalignment in patients with TMD. It is important to note the poor methodological quality of the studies, particularly those regarding global body postural misalignment in TMD patients. PMID:25590441

  11. Posture recognition based on fuzzy logic for home monitoring of the elderly. (United States)

    Brulin, Damien; Benezeth, Yannick; Courtial, Estelle


    We propose in this paper a computer vision-based posture recognition method for home monitoring of the elderly. The proposed system performs human detection prior to the posture analysis; posture recognition is performed only on a human silhouette. The human detection approach has been designed to be robust to different environmental stimuli. Thus, posture is analyzed with simple and efficient features that are not designed to manage constraints related to the environment but only designed to describe human silhouettes. The posture recognition method, based on fuzzy logic, identifies four static postures and is robust to variation in the distance between the camera and the person, and to the person's morphology. With an accuracy of 74.29% of satisfactory posture recognition, this approach can detect emergency situations such as a fall within a health smart home.

  12. Spatial and temporal analysis of postural control in dyslexic children. (United States)

    Gouleme, Nathalie; Gerard, Christophe Loic; Bui-Quoc, Emmanuel; Bucci, Maria Pia


    The aim of this study is to examine postural control of dyslexic children using both spatial and temporal analysis. Thirty dyslexic (mean age 9.7±0.3years) and thirty non-dyslexic age-matched children participated in the study. Postural stability was evaluated using Multitest Equilibre from Framiral®. Posture was recorded in the following conditions: eyes open fixating a target (EO) and eyes closed (EC) on stable (-S-) and unstable (-U-) platforms. The findings of this study showed poor postural stability in dyslexic children with respect to the non-dyslexic children group, as demonstrated by both spatial and temporal analysis. In both groups of children postural control depends on the condition, and improves when the eyes are open on a stable platform. Dyslexic children have spectral power indices that are higher than in non-dyslexic children and they showed a shorter cancelling time. Poor postural control in dyslexic children could be due to a deficit in using sensory information most likely caused by impairment in cerebellar activity. The reliability of brain activation patterns, namely in using sensory input and cerebellar activity may explain the deficit in postural control in dyslexic children. Copyright © 2014 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Estudio de la caída libre desde marcos de referencia no inerciales usando herramientas computacionales

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    John Hernán Díaz Forero


    Full Text Available Se elaboró una propuesta para la enseñanza e implementación del modelo de Galileo (descripción del movimiento del punto material —partícula— en el espacio y en el tiempo en los cursos de física para ciencias e ingeniería, realizando una clase de física mediante la resolución de problemas no convencionales, específicamente la descripción de la caída libre desde sistemas de referencia no inerciales. En particular, se considera en el espacio bidimensional de coordenadas un observador inercial en el origen de coordenadas, que percibe un sistema de dos partículas con la propiedad masa m, con diferentes posiciones iníciales y velocidades iniciales, que están en presencia del campo gravitacional g , y se resuelve el problema desde sistemas de referencia no inerciales montados en las partículas 1 y 2. Se realizó una animación apoyados en el uso de nuevas tecnologías computacionales (el software Interactive Physics.

  14. Los servicios de información y referencia en el contexto de la biblioteca universitaria actual

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    Beumala, Angel


    Full Text Available Main considerations for the organization of information and documentation services of a Universitary Library are presented. The article is focused on the aspects related lo user's needs and expectations, interpersonal communication skills and Internet exploitation. The work approach used by the librarians of the Information and Reference Service of the Library of the Barcelona Industrial Engineering School is analyzed in the context of service quality.

    Se enumeran los principales elementos que hacen falta para la organización de un servicio de información y referencia eficaz en una biblioteca universitaria, poniendo especial énfasis en la atención al usuario, las habilidades en comunicación interpersonal y la explotación de la red Internet. Se expone la filosofía de trabajo de los bibliotecarios referencistas del Servicio de Información y Referencia de la Biblioteca de la ETS de Ingenieros Industriales de Barcelona, y se contextualiza en la búsqueda de la calidad de los servicios.

  15. Regional differences in lumbar spinal posture and the influence of low back pain

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    Burnett Angus F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Spinal posture is commonly a focus in the assessment and clinical management of low back pain (LBP patients. However, the link between spinal posture and LBP is not fully understood. Recent evidence suggests that considering regional, rather than total lumbar spine posture is important. The purpose of this study was to determine; if there are regional differences in habitual lumbar spine posture and movement, and if these findings are influenced by LBP. Methods One hundred and seventy female undergraduate nursing students, with and without LBP, participated in this cross-sectional study. Lower lumbar (LLx, Upper lumbar (ULx and total lumbar (TLx spine angles were measured using an electromagnetic tracking system in static postures and across a range of functional tasks. Results Regional differences in lumbar posture and movement were found. Mean LLx posture did not correlate with ULx posture in sitting (r = 0.036, p = 0.638, but showed a moderate inverse correlation with ULx posture in usual standing (r = -0.505, p Conclusion This study supports the concept of regional differences within the lumbar spine during common postures and movements. Global lumbar spine kinematics do not reflect regional lumbar spine kinematics, which has implications for interpretation of measures of spinal posture, motion and loading. BMI influenced regional lumbar posture and movement, possibly representing adaptation due to load.

  16. Real-Time Hand Posture Recognition Using a Range Camera (United States)

    Lahamy, Herve

    The basic goal of human computer interaction is to improve the interaction between users and computers by making computers more usable and receptive to the user's needs. Within this context, the use of hand postures in replacement of traditional devices such as keyboards, mice and joysticks is being explored by many researchers. The goal is to interpret human postures via mathematical algorithms. Hand posture recognition has gained popularity in recent years, and could become the future tool for humans to interact with computers or virtual environments. An exhaustive description of the frequently used methods available in literature for hand posture recognition is provided. It focuses on the different types of sensors and data used, the segmentation and tracking methods, the features used to represent the hand postures as well as the classifiers considered in the recognition process. Those methods are usually presented as highly robust with a recognition rate close to 100%. However, a couple of critical points necessary for a successful real-time hand posture recognition system require major improvement. Those points include the features used to represent the hand segment, the number of postures simultaneously recognizable, the invariance of the features with respect to rotation, translation and scale and also the behavior of the classifiers against non-perfect hand segments for example segments including part of the arm or missing part of the palm. A 3D time-of-flight camera named SR4000 has been chosen to develop a new methodology because of its capability to provide in real-time and at high frame rate 3D information on the scene imaged. This sensor has been described and evaluated for its capability for capturing in real-time a moving hand. A new recognition method that uses the 3D information provided by the range camera to recognize hand postures has been proposed. The different steps of this methodology including the segmentation, the tracking, the hand


    Wilkening, Ralph L.; Knauer, John; Larson, Roger K.


    Signs and symptoms of shock may be produced in some patients in late pregnancy by putting them in the dorsal recumbent posture. Change from this position will relieve the condition. The features of the supine hypotensive syndrome can be duplicated by applying pressure to the abdomen with the patient in a lateral position. The postural variations of venous pressure, blood pressure, and pulse appear to be due to obstruction of venous return from the lower portion of the body caused by the large uterus of late pregnancy compressing the vena cava. When shock is observed in a woman in late pregnancy, she should be turned to a lateral position before more active measures of treatment are begun. ImagesFigure 1. PMID:14351983

  18. Meta-analysis: association between wrist posture and carpal tunnel syndrome among workers. (United States)

    You, Doohee; Smith, Allan H; Rempel, David


    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common work-related peripheral neuropathy. In addition to grip force and repetitive hand exertions, wrist posture (hyperextension and hyperflexion) may be a risk factor for CTS among workers. However, findings of studies evaluating the relationship between wrist posture and CTS are inconsistent. The purpose of this paper was to conduct a meta-analysis of existing studies to evaluate the evidence of the relationship between wrist posture at work and risk of CTS. PubMed and Google Scholar were searched to identify relevant studies published between 1980 and 2012. The following search terms were used: "work related", "carpal tunnel syndrome", "wrist posture", and "epidemiology". The studies defined wrist posture as the deviation of the wrist in extension or flexion from a neutral wrist posture. Relative risk (RR) of individual studies for postural risk was pooled to evaluate the overall risk of wrist posture on CTS. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. All were cross-sectional or case-control designs and relied on self-report or observer's estimates for wrist posture assessment. The pooled RR of work-related CTS increased with increasing hours of exposure to wrist deviation or extension/flexion [RR = 2.01; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.646-2.43; p Workplace interventions to prevent CTS should incorporate training and engineering interventions that reduce sustained non-neutral wrist postures.

  19. Measuring postural sway in sitting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Curtis, Derek John; Hansen, Lisbeth; Luun, Malene


    group appeared to result from an equally stable trunk supported on a less stable pelvis. Mediolateral marker sway and intersegmental angular sway showed a clearer age dependency. Trunk postural control does not appear to differ between children older and younger than 10 years old, but sagittal plane...... and younger than 10 years old, participated in this study. The children sat unsupported for 30 s while their posture and sway were quantified using stereophotogrammetry. The tendency in both age groups was to sit with a backward tilted pelvis and a kyphotic trunk. The sitting position was most varied...

  20. Do children perceive postural constraints when estimating reach or action planning? (United States)

    Gabbard, Carl; Cordova, Alberto; Lee, Sunghan


    Estimation of whether an object is reachable from a specific body position constitutes an important aspect in effective motor planning. Researchers who estimate reachability by way of motor imagery with adults consistently report the tendency to overestimate, with some evidence of a postural effect (postural stability hypothesis). This idea suggests that perceived reaching limits depend on an individual's perceived postural constraints. Based on previous work with adults, the authors expected a significant postural effect with the Reach 2 condition, as evidenced by reduced overestimation. Furthermore, the authors hypothesized that the postural effect would be greater in younger children. They then tested these propositions among children aged 7, 9, and 11 years by asking them to estimate reach while seated (Reach 1) and in the more demanding posture of standing on 1 foot and leaning forward (Reach 2). Results indicated no age or condition difference, therefore providing no support for a postural effect. When the authors compared these data to a published report of adults, a developmental difference emerged. That is, adults recognize the perceived postural constraint of the standing position resulting in under- rather than overestimation, as displayed in the seated condition. Although preliminary, these observations suggest that estimates of reach (action planning) continue to be refined between late childhood and young adulthood.

  1. Multi-joint postural behavior in patients with knee osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Turcot, Katia; Sagawa, Yoshimasa; Hoffmeyer, Pierre; Suvà, Domizio; Armand, Stéphane


    Previous studies have demonstrated balance impairment in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Although it is currently accepted that postural control depends on multi-joint coordination, no study has previously considered this postural strategy in patients suffering from knee OA. The objectives of this study were to investigate the multi-joint postural behavior in patients with knee OA and to evaluate the association with clinical outcomes. Eighty-seven patients with knee OA and twenty-five healthy elderly were recruited to the study. A motion analysis system and two force plates were used to investigate the joint kinematics (trunk and lower body segments), the lower body joint moments, the vertical ground reaction force ratio and the center of pressure (COP) during a quiet standing task. Pain, functional capacity and quality of life status were also recorded. Patients with symptomatic and severe knee OA adopt a more flexed posture at all joint levels in comparison with the control group. A significant difference in the mean ratio was found between groups, showing an asymmetric weight distribution in patients with knee OA. A significant decrease in the COP range in the anterior-posterior direction was also observed in the group of patients. Only small associations were observed between postural impairments and clinical outcomes. This study brings new insights regarding the postural behavior of patients with severe knee OA during a quiet standing task. The results confirm the multi-joint asymmetric posture adopted by this population. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Utilización de lodo seco de depuradora de aguas residuales como adición en adoquines de hormigón prefabricado


    Yagüe, A.; Valls, S.; Vázquez, E.; Kuchinow, V.


    El estudio ha consistido en la utilización de lodo seco de origen biológico de la depuradora de aguas residuales de Sabadell (Riu Sec), como adición en la preparación de adoquines de hormigón prefabricado. Después de caracterizar los lodos y el proceso de fabricación de los adoquines que utilizaremos, definimos las condiciones de adición de los lodos en esta fabricación. Se prepararon muestras de referencia, sin adición, y muestras con el 2 % de lodo seco sobrepeso de cemento. Se determina...

  3. Advantages and disadvantages of stiffness instructions when studying postural control. (United States)

    Bonnet, Cédrick T


    To understand the maintenance of upright stance, researchers try to discover the fundamental mechanisms and attentional resources devoted to postural control and eventually to the performance of other tasks (e.g., counting in the head). During their studies, some researchers require participants to stand as steady as possible and other simply ask participants to stand naturally. Surprisingly, a clear and direct explanation of the usefulness of the steadiness requirement seems to be lacking, both in experimental and methodological discussions. Hence, the objective of the present note was to provide advantages and disadvantages of this steadiness requirement in studies of postural control. The advantages may be to study fundamental postural control, to eliminate useless postural variability, to control spurious body motions and to control the participants' thoughts. As disadvantages, this steadiness requirement only leads to study postural control in unnatural upright stance, it changes the focus of attention (internal vs. external) and the nature of postural control (unconscious vs. conscious), it increases the difficulty of a supposedly easy control task and it eliminates or reduces the opportunity to record exploratory behaviors. When looking carefully at the four advantages of the steadiness requirement, one can believe that they are, in fact, more disadvantageous than advantageous. Overall therefore, this requirement seems illegitimate and it is proposed that researchers should not use it in the study of postural control. They may use this requirement only if they search to know the limit until which participants can consciously reduce their postural sway. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Testing postural control among various osteoporotic patient groups: A literature review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Groot, M.H.; van der Jagt-Willems, H.; van Campen, J.P.C.M.; Lems, W.F.; Lamoth, C.J.


    Aim: Osteoporosis can cause vertebral fractures, which might lead to a flexed posture, impaired postural control and consequently increased fall risk. Therefore, the aim of the present review was to examine whether postural control of patients with osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, thoracic

  5. Testing postural control among various osteoporotic patient groups : A literature review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Groot, Maartje H.; van der Jagt-Willems, Hanna C.; van Campen, Jos P. C. M.; Lems, Willem F.; Lamoth, Claudine J. C.


    Aim: Osteoporosis can cause vertebral fractures, which might lead to a flexed posture, impaired postural control and consequently increased fall risk. Therefore, the aim of the present review was to examine whether postural control of patients with osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, thoracic

  6. Una civilización de referencia y su crisis sistémica


    Sendón de León, Victoria


    En mi tesis doctoral titulada “Una civilización de referencia y su crisis sistémica” me propuse profundizar esa realidad oculta o ‘civilización de referencia’, llamada de modo reduccionista patriarcado, que conexiona toda la problemática de género con aquellas otras instancias de poder que la hacen posible. La cuestión del género no es un elemento desagregado de otros, sino que constituye una manifestación más, que, de algún modo, vertebra todos los entramados del poder. En el Capítulo I, La ...

  7. Body posture recognition and turning recording system for the care of bed bound patients. (United States)

    Hsiao, Rong-Shue; Mi, Zhenqiang; Yang, Bo-Ru; Kau, Lih-Jen; Bitew, Mekuanint Agegnehu; Li, Tzu-Yu


    This paper proposes body posture recognition and turning recording system for assisting the care of bed bound patients in nursing homes. The system continuously detects the patient's body posture and records the length of time for each body posture. If the patient remains in the same body posture long enough to develop pressure ulcers, the system notifies caregivers to change the patient's body posture. The objective of recording is to provide the log of body turning for querying of patients' family members. In order to accurately detect patient's body posture, we developed a novel pressure sensing pad which contains force sensing resistor sensors. Based on the proposed pressure sensing pad, we developed a bed posture recognition module which includes a bed posture recognition algorithm. The algorithm is based on fuzzy theory. The body posture recognition algorithm can detect the patient's bed posture whether it is right lateral decubitus, left lateral decubitus, or supine. The detected information of patient's body posture can be then transmitted to the server of healthcare center by the communication module to perform the functions of recording and notification. Experimental results showed that the average posture recognition accuracy for our proposed module is 92%.

  8. Effect of different head-neck-jaw postures on cervicocephalic kinesthetic sense. (United States)

    Zafar, H; Alghadir, A H; Iqbal, Z A


    To investigate the effect of different induced head-neck-jaw postures on head-neck relocation error among healthy subjects. 30 healthy adult male subjects participated in this study. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sense was measured while standing, habitual sitting, habitual sitting with clenched jaw and habitual sitting with forward head posture during right rotation, left rotation, flexion and extension using kinesthetic sensibility test. Head-neck relocation error was least while standing, followed by habitual sitting, habitual sitting with forward head posture and habitual sitting with jaw clenched. However, there was no significant difference in error between different tested postures during all the movements. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to see the effect of different induced head-neck-jaw postures on head-neck position sense among healthy subjects. Assuming a posture for a short duration of time doesn't affect head-neck relocation error in normal healthy subjects.

  9. Influence of head posture on the visual acuity of children with nystagmus

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    Ana Carla Ramos Vieira da Costa


    Full Text Available Purpose: Evaluate the relationship between the postural alignment of the head and possible interference in the view of children. Methods: We evaluated 11 children between 2 and 7 years of age of both sexes, with the visually impaired, who had nystagmus and head lock position. The test Lea Grating Acuity Test® was used to collect measurements of visual acuity. This applied on two occasions: with and without postural alignment of the head. For reliability of the postural alignment of the head, the slopes were measured by Fisiologic® software. Results: The children had a poorer performance after physiological postural alignment. This poor performance is possible due to loss of position lock nystagmus to gain postural alignment, said to be ideal. Postural compensations were observed, and sharply increased eyestrain. Conclusion: The pursuit of traditional postural alignment affect the visual response of children with visual impairments.

  10. El desarrollo organizacional como facilitador del cambio

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    Henry Molina


    Full Text Available El Desarrollo Organizacional (DO ha surgido de las exigencias de un ambiente cambiante y del conocimiento originado por la evolución de las ciencias sociales aplicadas. Los cambios rápidos dentro del entorno organizacional han exigido procesos y estructuras organizacionales que sean mucho más flexibles y que brinden mayor capacidad de respuesta que las estructuras tradicionales. Se requieren nuevas capacidades individuales y organizacionales que puedan impulsar las iniciativas individuales y la disposición para asumir riesgos. Igualmente, debemos considerar que existen marcadas diferencias entre las características individuales de los gerentes, las características individuales de los profesionales del desarrollo organizacional, sus habilidades y conocimientos y los estilos de las intervenciones del desarrollo organizacional. Tbdas estas diferencias hacen que sea virtualmente imposible predecir con precisión el curso y los resultados de las intervenciones en las organizaciones cliente. En este documento presento un resumen de lecturas acerca del desarrollo organizacional como facilitador del cambio; y expongo un marco de referencia para la comprensión de los factores determinantes de la relación entre las intervenciones del DO y los cambios organizacionales con el fin de mejorar la predictabilidad y la efectividad de los esfuerzos de cambio de sus intervenciones. El propósito central de este documento es dotar a los agentes de cambio de conocimiento y herramientas para que comprendan las características del cambio, los métodos de aprendizaje tanto de las organizaciones como de la gente y de cómo los agentes de cambio deben diseñar sus intervenciones y posteriormente mejorar los resultados de las mismas

  11. Is postural control affected by expertise in alpine skiing?


    Noe, F; Paillard, T


    Objectives: This study examined the postural performance of two groups of male skiers competing at different levels and the consequences on postural control of the suppression of visual afferences by eye closure.

  12. Thoracic posture, shoulder muscle activation patterns and isokinetic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Poor posture, scapular dyskinesia, altered scapular muscle recruitment patterns and ... postural deviation and incorrect shoulder kinematics.[5]. Knowledge of the .... the contra-lateral hand was placed as far down the spinal column as possible, and the ... produced by muscle contraction for rotation around a joint.[12] During.

  13. Comunidades de marca. El consumo como relación social Comunidades de marca. El consumo como relación social

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    Pablo García Ruiz


    Full Text Available This paper presents a review of the current discussion on «brand communities», i.e., specialized, non geographically bound communities, based on a structured set of social relationships among admirers of a brand. It also explores some consequences of this explicitly commercial social solidarity, such as new forms of consumer empowerment and new ways of shaping objects meanings. Finally, it proposes a relational framework in which objects, brands, social groups and corporations play a differentiated but connected role in consumption experience.En la literatura anglosajona reciente se ha explorado la existencia de «brand communities», es decir, grupos sociales específicos cuyos miembros comparten una lealtad intensa a una determinada marca comercial. En el presente artículo se sintetizan las principales aportaciones y se exploran las consecuencias de esa vinculación de tipo comunitario para la experiencia de consumo, la construcción del significado de los objetos y la posición del consumidor respecto al dominio de las empresas ahora globales. Se propone un marco de referencia relacional en el que objetos, marcas, empresas y grupos sociales actúan como mediaciones en la experiencia del consumidor.

  14. Postural strategies assessed with inertial sensors in healthy and parkinsonian subjects. (United States)

    Baston, Chiara; Mancini, Martina; Schoneburg, Bernadette; Horak, Fay; Rocchi, Laura


    The present study introduces a novel instrumented method to characterize postural movement strategies to maintain balance during stance (ankle and hip strategy), by means of inertial sensors, positioned on the legs and on the trunk. We evaluated postural strategies in subjects with 2 types of Parkinsonism: idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), and in age-matched control subjects standing under perturbed conditions implemented by the Sensory Organization Test (SOT). Coordination between the upper and lower segments of the body during postural sway was measured using a covariance index over time, by a sliding-window algorithm. Afterwards, a postural strategy index was computed. We also measured the amount of postural sway, as adjunctive information to characterize balance, by the root mean square of the horizontal trunk acceleration signal (RMS). showed that control subjects were able to change their postural strategy, whilst PSP and PD subjects persisted in use of an ankle strategy in all conditions. PD subjects had RMS values similar to control subjects even without changing postural strategy appropriately, whereas PSP subjects showed much larger RMS values than controls, resulting in several falls during the most challenging SOT conditions (5 and 6). Results are in accordance with the corresponding clinical literature describing postural behavior in the same kind of subjects. The proposed strategy index, based on the use of inertial sensors on the upper and lower body segments, is a promising and unobtrusive tool to characterize postural strategies performed to attain balance. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Postural disorders and spatial neglect in stroke patients: a strong association. (United States)

    Pérennou, Dominic


    In this paper we analyse the arguments for a strong association between spatial neglect and postural disorders and attempt to better understand the mechanisms which underlie that. We first provide a general overview of the available tools for a rational assessment of postural control in a clinical context. We then analyse the arguments in favour of a close relationship, although not necessarily causal, between spatial neglect and: 1) body orientation with respect to gravity (including verticality perception i.e. the visual vertical, the haptic vertical, and the postural vertical); 2) body stabilisation with respect to the base of support; 3) posturographic features of stroke patients; 4) and finally their postural disability in daily life. This second part of the paper is based both on the literature review and on results of our current research. Neglect patients show a dramatic postural disability, due both to problems in body orientation with respect to gravity and to problems in body stabilisation. It might be that these problems are partly caused by a neglect phenomenon bearing on graviceptive (somaesthetic > vestibular) and visual information serving postural control. This could correspond to a kind of postural neglect involving both the bodily and nonbodily domains of spatial neglect. The existence of distorsion(s) in the body scheme are also probably involved, especially to explain the weight-bearing asymmetry in standing, and probably an impaired multisegmental postural coordination leading to an impaired body stabilisation. The present paper explains why neglect patients show longer/worse recovery of postural-walking autonomy than other stroke patients.

  16. El clasicismo como un concepto instrumental


    Cuevas, Homero


    Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la tecnología y la renta diferencial.

  17. Effects of Levodopa on Postural Strategies in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Baston, Chiara; Mancini, Martina; Rocchi, Laura; Horak, Fay


    Altered postural control and balance are major disabling issues of Parkinson's disease (PD). Static and dynamic posturography have provided insight into PD's postural deficits; however, little is known about impairments in postural coordination. We hypothesized that subjects with PD would show more ankle strategy during quiet stance than healthy control subjects, who would include some hip strategy, and this stiffer postural strategy would increase with disease progression. We quantified postural strategy and sway dispersion with inertial sensors (one placed on the shank and one on the posterior trunk at L5 level) while subjects were standing still with their eyes open. A total of 70 subjects with PD, including a mild group (H&Y≤2, N=33) and a more severe group (H&Y≥3, N=37), were assessed while OFF and while ON levodopa medication. We also included a healthy control group (N=21). Results showed an overall preference of ankle strategy in all groups while maintaining balance. Postural strategy was significantly lower ON compared to OFF medication (indicating more hip strategy), but no effect of disease stage was found. Instead, sway dispersion was significantly larger in ON compared to OFF medication, and significantly larger in the more severe PD group compared to the mild. In addition, increased hip strategy during stance was associated with poorer self-perception of balance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Associations between Tactile Sensory Threshold and Postural Performance and Effects of Healthy Aging and Subthreshold Vibrotactile Stimulation on Postural Outcomes in a Simple Dual Task. (United States)

    Dettmer, Marius; Pourmoghaddam, Amir; Lee, Beom-Chan; Layne, Charles S


    Specific activities that require concurrent processing of postural and cognitive tasks may increase the risk for falls in older adults. We investigated whether peripheral receptor sensitivity was associated with postural performance in a dual-task and whether an intervention in form of subthreshold vibration could affect performance. Ten younger (age: 20-35 years) and ten older adults (70-85 years) performed repeated auditory-verbal 1-back tasks while standing quietly on a force platform. Foot sole vibration was randomly added during several trials. Several postural control and performance measures were assessed and statistically analyzed (significance set to α-levels of .05). There were moderate correlations between peripheral sensitivity and several postural performance and control measures (r = .45 to .59). Several postural performance measures differed significantly between older and younger adults (p stimulation should focus on older adults whose balance is significantly affected.

  19. Is there a relationship between foetal position and both preferred lying posture after birth and pattern of subsequent postural deformity in non-ambulant people with cerebral palsy? (United States)

    Porter, D; Michael, S; Kirkwood, C


    A pattern of postural deformity was observed in a previous study that included an association between direction of spinal curvature and direction of windsweeping with more windswept deformities occurring to the right and lateral spinal curvatures occurring convex to the left. The direction of this pattern was found to be associated with preferred lying posture in early life. The aim of this study was to test the association between foetal position and both the preferred lying posture after birth, and the direction of subsequent postural deformity in non-ambulant children with cerebral palsy (CP). A retrospective cohort study was carried out involving 60 participants at level five on the gross motor function classification for CP. Foetal position during the last month of pregnancy was taken from antenatal records and parents were interviewed to identify preferred lying posture in the first year of life. At the time of the physical assessment ages ranged from 1 year and 1 month to 19 years with a median age of 13 years and 1 month. Foetal presentation was found to be associated with the preferred lying posture with participants carried in a left occipito-anterior/lateral position more likely to adopt a supine head right lying posture, and vice versa. An association was also observed between the foetal position and asymmetrical postural deformity occurring later in life with participants carried in a left occipito-anterior/lateral presentation more likely to have a convex left spinal curve, a lower left pelvic obliquity, and a windswept hip pattern to the right. Clinicians should be aware of the association between foetal presentation, asymmetrical lying posture, and the direction of subsequent postural deformity for severely disabled children. A hypothesis is described that might help to explain these findings.

  20. Levels of physical fitness and analysis of posture tendencies in classic ballerinas

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    Alessandra Prati


    -term training and forminimizing risk for posture problems, the training should include general and specific physical fitness and also compensatory exercises for the ballet dancers. RESUMO O ballet clássico é uma modalidade de dança praticada por crianças e adolescentes ao longo de todo o seu processo de desenvolvimento. Para se chegar ao estágio de elevado desempenho técnico e performance são necessários mais de sete anos de prática. Nesse sentido, a repetição dos movimentos técnicos pode promover a aquisição de algumas tendências de postura, bem como desenvolver aspectos da aptidão física específica. O objetivo desse trabalho descritivo foi de analisar níveis de aptidão física e tendências posturais de bailarinas clássicas. A amostra foi composta por onze bailarinas clássicas (com mais de sete anos de prática de escolas de ballet de Maringá. Para análise de tendências posturais foi utilizado o método PSU adaptado por Althoff et al. (1988 utilizando-se de avaliação subjetiva através de simetrógrafo e análise de desvios por seguimentos corporais (ideal quando ICP>85%. Para verificação dos níveis de aptidão física utilizou-se da análise de composição corporal por antropometria (IMC, %Gordura e relação cintura quadril=RCQ, testes de força (dinamometria=D, flexão de braços (FB, resistência abdominal (RA, potência muscular (impulsão vertical=IV e horizontal=IH, flexibilidade (Banco Well’s=Fl e potência aeróbica (Teste de 12’. Resultados principais foram: níveis médios de composição corporal (IMC=19,9kg/m2; %G=22,7% e RCQ=0,69 adequados à sua atividade; nos aspectos físicos, força e resistência (D=50,3kgf, FB=21, RA=23 e Fl=40cm, potência muscular (IV=36,8cm e IH=136cm e capacidade aeróbica (12’=1526m os resultados em média foram inferiores ao esperado. Quanto à postura, apresentaram em média índice de correção postural (ICP igual a 86,9%, e tendência a desvios nas regiões da cabeça e pescoço (13% cifose

  1. The posture of adolescent male handball players: A two-year study. (United States)

    Grabara, Małgorzata


    Young athletes at the stage of growth acceleration tend to exhibit increased susceptibility to postural abnormalities, especially in the trunk region. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the posture in male adolescent handball players over two years of regular training sessions. The study group comprised 21 handball players. At the start of the study 15 participants were aged 14 and 6 participants were aged 15 (mean 14.25 ± 0.58). The measurements were repeated three times. Posture was assessed with a photogrammetric method based on the moiré phenomenon. The analysis of posture relative to symmetry in the frontal and transverse planes did not reveal any significant differences between posture indicators obtained during the successive measurements. Sagittal plane posture indicators revealed significant changes in torso forward inclination angle and the shape of anteroposterior spinal curvatures. The latter consisted of significant deepening of the upper thoracic curve (angle α) and flattening of the lumbosacral curve (angle γ). A two-year period of handball training did not result in posture asymmetries in young male handball players. The observed changes in the shape of anteroposterior spinal curvatures might be related both to sports training and somatic parameters.

  2. Spinal curvature and characteristics of postural change in pregnant women. (United States)

    Okanishi, Natsuko; Kito, Nobuhiro; Akiyama, Mitoshi; Yamamoto, Masako


    Pregnant women often report complaints due to physiological and postural changes. Postural changes during pregnancy may cause low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. This study aimed to compare the characteristics of postural changes in pregnant compared with non-pregnant women. Prospective case-control study. Pregnancy care center. Fifteen women at 17-34 weeks pregnancy comprised the study group, while 10 non-pregnant female volunteers comprised the control group. Standing posture was evaluated in the sagittal plane with static digital pictures. Two angles were measured by image analysis software: (1) between the trunk and pelvis; and (2) between the trunk and lower extremity. Spinal curvature was measured with Spinal Mouse® to calculate the means of sacral inclination, thoracic and lumbar curvature and inclination. The principal components were calculated until eigenvalues surpassed 1. Three distinct factors with eigenvalues of 1.00-2.49 were identified, consistent with lumbosacral spinal curvature and inclination, thoracic spine curvature, and inclination of the body. These factors accounted for 77.2% of the total variance in posture variables. Eleven pregnant women showed postural characteristics of lumbar kyphosis and sacral posterior inclination. Body inclination showed a variety of patterns compared with those in healthy women. Spinal curvature demonstrated a tendency for lumbar kyphosis in pregnant women. Pregnancy may cause changes in spinal curvature and posture, which may in turn lead to relevant symptoms. Our data provide a basis for investigating the effects of spinal curvature and postural changes on symptoms during pregnancy. © 2012 The Authors Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica© 2012 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  3. Prism adaptation improves postural imbalance in neglect patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijboer, Tanja C W; Olthoff, Liselot; Van der Stigchel, Stefan; Visser-Meily, Johanna M a


    Several studies have found a negative relation between neglect and postural imbalance. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of a single session of prism adaptation on balance [i.e. mediolateral and anteroposterior center of pressure (CoP)] and postural sway (i.e. mean


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    Boy Nurtjahyo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengimplementasikan suatu metodologi untuk mempelajari, dalam lingkungan virtual, aspek ergonomi dari suatu tempat kerja di industri garmen. Variabel tempat kerja yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah ketinggian meja kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan konfigurasi ketinggian meja yang ideal bagi pekerja divisi cutting industri garmen. Tool yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan skripsi ini adalah Posture Evaluation Index yang mengintegrasikan skor Low Back Analysis (LBA, Ovako Working Posture (OWAS, dan Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA. Penentuan konfigurasi yang ideal dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan jenis pekerjaan dan posisi kerja ketika melakukan pekerjaan tersebut, apakah dalam posisi duduk atau berdiri. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan model manusia digital yang disediakan software Jack pada virtual environment. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan sebagai referensi dalam merancang tempat kerja yang lebih baik secara ergonomis. Kata kunci : Ergonomi, Virtual Environment, Divisi Cutting  Industri Garmen, Posture Evaluation Index   Abstract   The research deals with the implementation of a methodology in order to study, in a virtual environment, the ergonomics of a work cell in garment industry. The work cell’s variable studied in this research is table height. The goal of this research is to determine an ideal table height for the workers of cutting division in garment industry. The tool to conduct this research is called Posture Evaluation Index (PEI which integrates the score of Low Back Analysis (LBA, Ovako Working Posture (OWAS, dan Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA. The Determination of table height configuration is based on type of work and work position (standing or sitting. The research uses digital human model form Jack software in a virtual environment. The result from this research can be a reference for future work cell design. Keywords: Ergonomics, Virtual Environment, Cutting

  5. A New Standing Posture Detector to Enable People with Multiple Disabilities to Control Environmental Stimulation by Changing Their Standing Posture through a Commercial Wii Balance Board (United States)

    Shih, Ching-Hsiang; Shih, Ching-Tien; Chiang, Ming-Shan


    This study assessed whether two persons with multiple disabilities would be able to control environmental stimulation using body swing (changing standing posture) and a Wii Balance Board with a newly developed standing posture detection program (i.e. a new software program turns a Wii Balance Board into a precise standing posture detector). The…

  6. Nuclear Posture Review (United States)


    REVIEW margin for further delay in recapitalizing the physical infrastructure needed to produce strategic materials and components for U.S. nuclear... REVIEW 2018 This page left intentionally blank REVIEW NUCLEAR POSTURE REVIEW FEBRUARY 2018...OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE This page left intentionally blank REVIEW CONTENTS SECRETARY’S PREFACE

  7. Body mass and body weight: a dual reference system in biology Masa y peso corporales: un sistema dual de referencia en biología

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to compare two different biological similarity criteria, one was based on body mass (M as a theoretical reference system in accordance with the MLT-system of physics, while the other utilized the body weight (W for the same purpose. The mass-dependent allometry should be applied during space flights as well as during fetal and newborn conditions of life, whereas the weight-dependence should prevail in earth-bound physiology. The above mentioned distinctions are relevant not only for the specific metabolic rates but also for numerous biological time functions, as for instance for the heart and respiratory rates of all mammals, whose allometric exponent is b = - 0.09 during fetal life, and b = - 0.25 in all adult specimens.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la comparación de dos diferentes criterios de similitud, uno basado en la masa corporal (M como sistema teórico de referencia de acuerdo con el sistema MLT de la Física, en tanto que el otro utilizó el peso corporal (W con este mismo propósito. La alometría dependiente de la masa debería aplicarse durante los vuelos espaciales así como durante la vida fetal y la condición de recién nacido, en tanto que la dependencia del peso debe prevalecer en la fisiología terrestre. La distinción antes mencionada es relevante, no sólo para el metabolismo específico y también para numerosas funciones biológicas en relación con funciones de tiempo, como ser con las frecuencias cardiaca y respiratoria de todos los mamíferos cuyo exponente alométrico es b = - 0,09 durante la vida fetal, y b = - 0,25 en todos los especimenes adultos.

  8. El clasicismo como un concepto instrumental

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    Cuevas Homero


    Full Text Available Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la tecnología y la renta diferencial.

  9. Postural control in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. (United States)

    Porto, E F; Castro, A A M; Schmidt, V G S; Rabelo, H M; Kümpel, C; Nascimento, O A; Jardim, J R


    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) fall frequently, although the risk of falls may seem less important than the respiratory consequences of the disease. Nevertheless, falls are associated to increased mortality, decreased independence and physical activity levels, and worsening of quality of life. The aims of this systematic review was to evaluate information in the literature with regard to whether impaired postural control is more prevalent in COPD patients than in healthy age-matched subjects, and to assess the main characteristics these patients present that contribute to impaired postural control. Five databases were searched with no dates or language limits. The MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and PEDro databases were searched using "balance", "postural control", and "COPD" as keywords. The search strategies were oriented and guided by a health science librarian and were performed on March 27, 2014. The studies included were those that evaluated postural control in COPD patients as their main outcome and scored more than five points on the PEDro scale. Studies supplied by the database search strategy were assessed independently by two blinded researchers. A total of 484 manuscripts were found using the "balance in COPD or postural control in COPD" keywords. Forty-three manuscripts appeared more than once, and 397 did not evaluate postural control in COPD patients as the primary outcome. Thus, only 14 studies had postural control as their primary outcome. Our study examiners found only seven studies that had a PEDro score higher than five points. The examiners' interrater agreement was 76.4%. Six of those studies were accomplished with a control group and one study used their patients as their own controls. The studies were published between 2004 and 2013. Patients with COPD present postural control impairment when compared with age-matched healthy controls. Associated factors contributing to impaired postural control were

  10. Differences in body composition and prevalence for postural ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence rate for postural deviations and body composition status among two racial groups in South Africa. The sample (n = 216) consisted of 89 African girls and 127 Caucasian girls. Anthropometric (BMI and percentage body fat) and body posture measurements were performed.

  11. Working Posture Analysis Methods and the Effects of Working Posture on Musculoskeletal Disorders

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    Hatice Esen


    Full Text Available Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs which cause great health problems and social resource consumption are common problems which commonly influence working population. MSDs which is at the top of the list in the sense of health problems, expenses made for these disorders and which has negative influences in the sense of employee labor efficiency, quality of life, physical and social functions results from poor working postures. Observation, analysis of working postures with scientific methods, and making necessary recoveries and arrangements bring important contributions for control of working performance and decrease of MSDs. In this study, risk factors which cause the emergence of MSDs, types and symptoms of disorders are summarized, basic principles to be used in preventing these disorders are presented and scientific methods used in determination of risk factors are classified and presented.

  12. Postural activity monitoring for increasing safety in bomb disposal missions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brusey, James; Rednic, Ramona; Gaura, Elena I; Kemp, John; Poole, Nigel


    In enclosed suits, such as those worn by explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) experts, evaporative cooling through perspiration is less effective and, particularly in hot environments, uncompensable heat stress (UHS) may occur. Although some suits have cooling systems, their effectiveness during missions is dependent on the operative's posture. In order to properly assess thermal state, temperature-based assessment systems need to take posture into account. This paper builds on previous work for instrumenting EOD suits with regard to temperature monitoring and proposes to also monitor operative posture with MEMS accelerometers. Posture is a key factor in predicting how body temperature will change and is therefore important in providing local or remote warning of the onset of UHS. In this work, the C4.5 decision tree algorithm is used to produce an on-line classifier that can differentiate between nine key postures from current acceleration readings. Additional features that summarize how acceleration is changing over time are used to improve average classification accuracy to around 97.2%. Without such temporal feature extraction, dynamic postures are difficult to classify accurately. Experimental results show that training over a variety of subjects, and in particular, mixing gender, improves results on unseen subjects. The main advantages of the on-line posture classification system described here are that it is accurate, does not require integration of acceleration over time, and is computationally lightweight, allowing it to be easily supported on wearable microprocessors

  13. Chronic Low Quality Sleep Impairs Postural Control in Healthy Adults. (United States)

    Furtado, Fabianne; Gonçalves, Bruno da Silva B; Abranches, Isabela Lopes Laguardia; Abrantes, Ana Flávia; Forner-Cordero, Arturo


    The lack of sleep, both in quality and quantity, is an increasing problem in modern society, often related to workload and stress. A number of studies have addressed the effects of acute (total) sleep deprivation on postural control. However, up to date, the effects of chronic sleep deficits, either in quantity or quality, have not been analyzed. Thirty healthy adults participated in the study that consisted of registering activity with a wrist actigraph for more than a week before performing a series of postural control tests. Sleep and circadian rhythm variables were correlated and the sum of activity of the least active 5-h period, L5, a rhythm variable, obtained the greater coefficient value with sleep quality variables (wake after sleep onset WASO and efficiency sleep). Cluster analysis was performed to classify subjects into two groups based on L5 (low and high). The balance tests scores used to asses postural control were measured using Biodex Balance System and were compared between the two groups with different sleep quality. The postural tests were divided into dynamic (platform tilt with eyes open, closed and cursor) and static (clinical test of sensory integration). The results showed that during the tests with eyes closed, the group with worse sleep quality had also worse postural control performance. Lack of vision impairs postural balance more deeply in subjects with chronic sleep inefficiency. Chronic poor sleep quality impairs postural control similarly to total sleep deprivation.

  14. Chronic Low Quality Sleep Impairs Postural Control in Healthy Adults.

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    Fabianne Furtado

    Full Text Available The lack of sleep, both in quality and quantity, is an increasing problem in modern society, often related to workload and stress. A number of studies have addressed the effects of acute (total sleep deprivation on postural control. However, up to date, the effects of chronic sleep deficits, either in quantity or quality, have not been analyzed. Thirty healthy adults participated in the study that consisted of registering activity with a wrist actigraph for more than a week before performing a series of postural control tests. Sleep and circadian rhythm variables were correlated and the sum of activity of the least active 5-h period, L5, a rhythm variable, obtained the greater coefficient value with sleep quality variables (wake after sleep onset WASO and efficiency sleep. Cluster analysis was performed to classify subjects into two groups based on L5 (low and high. The balance tests scores used to asses postural control were measured using Biodex Balance System and were compared between the two groups with different sleep quality. The postural tests were divided into dynamic (platform tilt with eyes open, closed and cursor and static (clinical test of sensory integration. The results showed that during the tests with eyes closed, the group with worse sleep quality had also worse postural control performance. Lack of vision impairs postural balance more deeply in subjects with chronic sleep inefficiency. Chronic poor sleep quality impairs postural control similarly to total sleep deprivation.

  15. Algunas consideraciones sobre las marcas como activo empresarial y su tratamiento en el régimen español del concurso de acreedores

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    Marco Matías Alemán


    Full Text Available Es innegable que en una sociedad denominada del conocimiento, la propiedad intelectual representa en términos económicos una parte importante de los activos de una empresa. A pesar de lo anterior, encontramos que la referencia, de manera directa, al tema de la propiedad intelectual en la ley española de concurso, Ley 22 del 9 de julio de 2003 es bastante escasa, solamente hace referencia al tema en el artículo 91 en lo relativo a la clasificación de los créditos. Sin embargo, son muchos los apartes de la norma concursal donde un entendimiento claro del tema resulta indispensable. Este artículo pretende servir de ayuda en la aplicación correcta de la ley concursal, de la manera que mejor sirva para atender tanto los intereses del deudor como el de los acreedores. Si bien se basa el artículo en la ley concursal española, los comentarios, en una gran parte, resultan aplicables a las leyes concursales o de quiebra de muchos otros países con regímenes jurídicos similares.

  16. Predictors of Postural Stability in Children with ADHD (United States)

    Ghanizadeh, Ahmad


    Objective: As children with ADHD who have more inattention problems are more frequently with fine motor problems, it is not clear whether postural balance problems are associated with different subtypes of ADHD. This study investigates the predictors of postural stability in children with ADHD considering the covariant factors of age, gender, and…

  17. Saudade do partido: referencias nostálgicas entre militantes de las bases de sustentación de los gobiernos argentinos y brasileros (2003-2015

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    María Dolores Rocca Rivarola

    Full Text Available Resumen El artículo examina de modo comparativo la presencia de referencias nostálgicas entre militantes de organizaciones y espacios políticos que forman parte de las bases de sustentación de los gobiernos argentinos y brasileros desde 2003. Como parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la militancia oficialista, el fenómeno de nostalgia abordado en este trabajo es interpretado como una de las dos caras del impacto que escenarios político-electorales de intensa fluctuación en las identidades políticas y de volatilidad en el comportamiento electoral han tenido sobre las prácticas y concepciones de la militancia activa: por un lado, una adaptación a esas condiciones de la vida política – a través de la transformación del vínculo militante y de los formatos que asume esa militancia oficialista – y, por otro, un fenómeno paralelo – al que se dedica específicamente este artículo – de apelaciones nostálgicas referidas a un pasado de identidades políticas arraigadas y de partidos (o del propio partido con una intensa vida orgánica y un fuerte lazo con el electorado. El trabajo adopta una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa, recuperando las interpretaciones de los propios actores a través del análisis de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas en cuatro distritos: las ciudades de San Pablo y Río de Janeiro, en Brasil; y la ciudad de Buenos Aires y algunos distritos del conurbano bonaerense – con especial foco en La Matanza – en Argentina (56 entrevistas desde 2013, y la consulta selectiva de otras 74 realizadas entre 2005 y 2010 para una investigación previa. A partir del agrupamiento de distintas categorías creadas en el proceso de codificación de las entrevistas se han identificado dos dimensiones de esa nostalgia: las apelaciones al perfil del militante del pasado, por un lado, y la referencia al contexto o condiciones en las que se militaba, por otro. El análisis cualitativo permite confirmar el

  18. Postural control and freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Schlenstedt, Christian; Muthuraman, Muthuraman; Witt, Karsten; Weisser, Burkhard; Fasano, Alfonso; Deuschl, Günther


    The relationship between freezing of gait (FOG) and postural instability in Parkinson's disease (PD) is unclear. We analyzed the impact of FOG on postural control. 31 PD patients with FOG (PD+FOG), 27 PD patients without FOG (PD-FOG) and 22 healthy control (HC) were assessed in the ON state. Postural control was measured with the Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale and with center of pressure (COP) analysis during quiet stance and maximal voluntary forward/backward leaning. The groups were balanced concerning age, disease duration and disease severity. PD+FOG performed significantly worse in the FAB scale (21.8 ± 5.8) compared to PD-FOG (25.6 ± 5.0) and HC (34.9 ± 2.4) (mean ± SD, p postural control asymmetry. PD+FOG have reduced postural control compared to PD-FOG and HC. Our results show a relationship between the anterior-posterior COP position during quiet stance and FOG. The COP shift towards posterior in PD+FOG leads to a restricted precondition to generate forward progression during gait initiation. This may contribute to the occurrence of FOG or might be a compensatory strategy to avoid forward falls. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. El cine como espacio de enseñanza, producción e investigación

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    Yolanda Mercader Martínez


    Full Text Available Es necesario que el cine se incorpore como alternativa didáctica y herramienta de conocimiento en los sistemas educativos formales e informales, ya que este medio concede un nuevo sentido al proceso educativo. Apreciar al cine como herramienta de trabajo académico permite al profesor desarrollar su creatividad para transmitir y ampliar información, conocimientos, habilidades, valores y actitudes con posibilidad de hacer referencia a entornos concretos; todo ello exige la creación de cuerpos docentes, involucrados en desarrollar nuevos programas en los que los medios audiovisuales estén presentes en todo pensamiento pedagógico. Las formas de transmisión del conocimiento han encontrado nuevos caminos, por lo tanto es imprescindible experimentar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esto implica la necesidad de aprender y a la vez enseñar opciones alternativas a las tradicionales en la dinámica de formación y a la vez explorar nuevas metodologías para la investigación y la presentación de las mismas. Fundamentalmente hay que reflexionar sobre algunos desafíos.

  20. Increased dynamic regulation of postural tone through Alexander Technique training. (United States)

    Cacciatore, T W; Gurfinkel, V S; Horak, F B; Cordo, P J; Ames, K E


    Gurfinkel and colleagues (2006) recently found that healthy adults dynamically modulate postural muscle tone in the body axis during anti-gravity postural maintenance and that this modulation is inversely correlated with axial stiffness. Our objective in the present study was to investigate whether dynamic modulation of axial postural tone can change through training. We examined whether teachers of the Alexander Technique (AT), who undergo "long-term" (3-year) training, have greater modulation of axial postural tone than matched control subjects. In addition, we performed a longitudinal study on the effect of "short-term" (10-week) AT training on the axial postural tone of individuals with low back pain (LBP), since short term AT training has previously been shown to reduce LBP. Axial postural tone was quantified by measuring the resistance of the neck, trunk and hips to small (±10°), slow (1°/s) torsional rotation during stance. Modulation of tone was determined by the torsional resistance to rotation (peak-to-peak, phase-advance, and variability of torque) and axial muscle activity (EMG). Peak-to-peak torque was lower (∼50%), while phase-advance and cycle-to-cycle variability were enhanced for AT teachers compared to matched control subjects at all levels of the axis. In addition, LBP subjects decreased trunk and hip stiffness following short-term AT training compared to a control intervention. While changes in static levels of postural tone may have contributed to the reduced stiffness observed with the AT, our results suggest that dynamic modulation of postural tone can be enhanced through long-term training in the AT, which may constitute an important direction for therapeutic intervention. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Postural control in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review

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    Porto EF


    Full Text Available EF Porto,1,2 AAM Castro,1,3 VGS Schmidt,4 HM Rabelo,4 C Kümpel,2 OA Nascimento,5 JR Jardim5 1Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center, Federal University of São Paulo, 2Adventist University, São Paulo, 3Federal University of Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, 4Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center, Adventist University, 5Respiratory Diseases, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Abstract: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD fall frequently, although the risk of falls may seem less important than the respiratory consequences of the disease. Nevertheless, falls are associated to increased mortality, decreased independence and physical activity levels, and worsening of quality of life. The aims of this systematic review was to evaluate information in the literature with regard to whether impaired postural control is more prevalent in COPD patients than in healthy age-matched subjects, and to assess the main characteristics these patients present that contribute to impaired postural control.Methods: Five databases were searched with no dates or language limits. The MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and PEDro databases were searched using “balance”, “postural control”, and “COPD” as keywords. The search strategies were oriented and guided by a health science librarian and were performed on March 27, 2014. The studies included were those that evaluated postural control in COPD patients as their main outcome and scored more than five points on the PEDro scale. Studies supplied by the database search strategy were assessed independently by two blinded researchers.Results: A total of 484 manuscripts were found using the “balance in COPD or postural control in COPD” keywords. Forty-three manuscripts appeared more than once, and 397 did not evaluate postural control in COPD patients as the primary outcome. Thus, only 14 studies had postural control as their primary outcome. Our study


    Garrison, Emma B; Dropkin, Jonathan; Russell, Rebecca; Jenkins, Paul


    Agricultural workers perform tasks that frequently require awkward and extreme postures that are associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The PATH (Posture, Activity, Tools, Handling) system currently provides a sound methodology for quantifying workers' exposure to these awkward postures on an ordinal scale of measurement, which places restrictions on the choice of analytic methods. This study reports a modification of the PATH methodology that instead captures these postures as degrees of flexion, an interval-scaled measurement. Rather than making live observations in the field, as in PATH, the postural assessments were performed on photographs using ImageJ photo analysis software. Capturing the postures in photographs permitted more careful measurement of the degrees of flexion. The current PATH methodology requires that the observer in the field be trained in the use of PATH, whereas the single photographer used in this modification requires only sufficient training to maintain the proper camera angle. Ultimately, these interval-scale measurements could be combined with other quantitative measures, such as those produced by electromyograms (EMGs), to provide more sophisticated estimates of future risk for MSDs. Further, these data can provide a baseline from which the effects of interventions designed to reduce hazardous postures can be calculated with greater precision. Copyright© by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

  3. Postural stability in young adults with Down syndrome in challenging conditions.

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    Ewa Bieć

    Full Text Available To evaluate postural control and performance in subjects with Down syndrome (SwDS, we measured postural sway (COP in quiet stance in four 20-second tests: with eyes open or closed and on hard or foam surface. Ten SwDS and eleven healthy subjects participated, aged 29.8 (4.8 and 28.4 (3.9, respectively. The time-series recorded with the sampling rate of 100 Hz were used to evaluate postural performance (COP amplitude and mean velocity and strategies (COP frequency, fractal dimension and entropy. There were no intergroup differences in the amplitude except the stance on foam pad with eyes open when SwDS had larger sway. The COP velocity and frequency were larger in SwDS than controls in all trials on foam pad. During stances on the foam pad SwDS increased fractal dimension showing higher complexity of their equilibrium system, while controls decreased sample entropy exhibiting more conscious control of posture in comparison to the stances on hard support surface. This indicated that each group used entirely different adjustments of postural strategies to the somatosensory challenge. It is proposed that the inferior postural control of SwDS results mainly from insufficient experience in dealing with unpredictable postural stimuli and deficit in motor learning.

  4. Assessment of Postural Control in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Review (United States)

    Pavao, Silvia Leticia; dos Santos, Adriana Neves; Woollacott, Marjorie Hines; Rocha, Nelci Adriana Cicuto Ferreira


    This paper aimed to review studies that assessed postural control (PC) in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and describe the methods used to investigate postural control in this population. It also intended to describe the performance of children with CP in postural control. An extensive database search was performed using the keywords: postural…

  5. Higiene postural y su repercusión en la prevención de problemas de espalda en la infancia


    Espasa Trigo, Marta


    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer el grado de conocimiento del que dispone la sociedad actual, acerca de la Higiene Postural y su repercusión para prevenir problemas de espalda desde la infancia. Del mismo modo, también se pretende conocer la disposición de los maestros de Educación Infantil para tratar el tema anteriormente especificado, en las aulas de esta etapa. Para la consecución de estos objetivos, se parte de una aproximación teórica en la que se consideran aspectos r...



    Homero Cuevas


    Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la selección de tecnologías y la renta diferencial.

  7. Political Market Orientation and Strategic Party Postures in Danish Political Parties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ormrod, Robert P.; Henneberg, Stephan


    Purpose – This paper investigates the relationship between the strategic postures and political market orientation profile of two Danish parties. Profile stability at the organisational level is used as a control variable. Design/methodology/approach – The strategic political postures of two Danish...... are used to control for organisational stability. Findings – The self-typing study revealed that Party A was perceived to follow a Relationship Builder posture, and Party B a Convinced Ideologist posture. However, both market orientation profiles resembled the organisational structures of a Convinced...... in the political sphere. More specifically it empirically links political market orientation as an issue of political marketing implementation on the one hand, and strategic postures of parties as a strategic issue on the other, following a configuration theory logic. Research limitations...

  8. Chiropractic biophysics technique: a linear algebra approach to posture in chiropractic. (United States)

    Harrison, D D; Janik, T J; Harrison, G R; Troyanovich, S; Harrison, D E; Harrison, S O


    This paper discusses linear algebra as applied to human posture in chiropractic, specifically chiropractic biophysics technique (CBP). Rotations, reflections and translations are geometric functions studied in vector spaces in linear algebra. These mathematical functions are termed rigid body transformations and are applied to segmental spinal movement in the literature. Review of the literature indicates that these linear algebra concepts have been used to describe vertebral motion. However, these rigid body movers are presented here as applying to the global postural movements of the head, thoracic cage and pelvis. The unique inverse functions of rotations, reflections and translations provide a theoretical basis for making postural corrections in neutral static resting posture. Chiropractic biophysics technique (CBP) uses these concepts in examination procedures, manual spinal manipulation, instrument assisted spinal manipulation, postural exercises, extension traction and clinical outcome measures.

  9. Postural health in women: the role of physiotherapy. (United States)

    Britnell, S J; Cole, J V; Isherwood, L; Sran, M M; Britnell, N; Burgi, S; Candido, G; Watson, L


    To advise obstetric and gynaecology care providers of the physical, psychological, and environmental factors that affect women's posture throughout their lifespan, from adolescence to menopause. To outline the physiotherapy management of obstetrics, osteoporosis, and urinary incontinence in women and to identify recommendations for referral to a physiotherapist. Knowledge of abnormal postures, contributing factors and recommendations for physiotherapy management. MEDLINE, PEDro, and Cochrane Library Search from 1992 to 2003 for English-language articles and references from current textbooks related to posture and women's health conditions that are managed by physiotherapists. The evidence collected was reviewed by the authors and quantified using the evaluation of evidence guidelines developed by the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Exam. 1. Pelvic floor muscle training with a physiotherapist is recommended to prevent urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after delivery (I-A). 2. Core stability training with a physiotherapist is recommended to prevent and treat back and pelvic pain during and following pregnancy (I-B). 3. Physiotherapist-prescribed exercises are recommended for women to elicit positive changes in bone mass and to reduce fall and fracture risk (I-A). 4. Pelvic floor muscle training with a physiotherapist is recommended for women with stress urinary incontinence (I-A). The Canadian Physiotherapy Association and Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada have developed this joint policy statement regarding posture in women's health that highlights the physical, psychological, and environmental factors that affect women's posture throughout their lifespan, from adolescence to menopause. This statement outlines the role of physiotherapy in the assessment and treatment of women's posture; outlines the physiotherapy management of obstetrics, osteoporosis, and urinary incontinence; and identifies recommendations for referral to a

  10. Mild hallux valgus angle affects single-limb postural stability in asymptomatic subjects. (United States)

    Çınar-Medeni, Özge; Atalay Guzel, Nevin; Basar, Selda


    Single-limb postural stability is a key component of lower extremity functional status. Factors affecting postural stability should be well defined to prevent injuries. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the hallux valgus angle on postural stability in asymptomatic subjects. A total of 19 subjects were included in the study. The hallux valgus angle and postural stability were assessed. Participants were assigned to two groups according to whether the hallux valgus angle was pathological or not. A hallux valgus angle greater than 15 degrees was accepted as pathological. The relationship between the hallux valgus angle and postural stability, and the differences in postural stability scores between the two groups were analyzed. Postural stability was assessed with a stabilometer. The test was performed with the eyes open. We found a significant correlation between the hallux valgus angle and mediolateral and overall stability index (r= 0.484, p= 0.036; r = 0.463, p= 0.046 respectively). Subjects with a pathological mild hallux valgus angle had greater stability index scores than normal subjects (phallux valgus angle has negative effects on postural stability as a forefoot deformity. This deformity should be taken into account for injury prevention strategies in pain-free younger adults.

  11. The effect of posture and repetition on urodynamic parameters: A prospective randomized study

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    Ho Joon Jeon


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the effect of posture and repetition of filling cystometry on urodynamic parameters. Materials and Methods: Seventy-one men with benign prostatic hyperplasia participated in a urodynamic study between September 2015 and August 2016 and were randomly assigned to a supine to supine (group SS, n=16, erect to erect (group EE, n=16, supine to erect (group SE, n=19 or erect to supine (group ES, n=20 group. The patients underwent filling cystometry twice. We evaluated the effect of posture and the effect of repetition on filling cystometric parameters. We also evaluated the correlation between overactive bladder (OAB and detrusor overactivity (DO and between maximum voided volume (MVV and maximum cystometric capacity (MCC for each posture and filling cystometry time. Results: There was a decrease in bladder sensation and occurrence of DO, and an increase in bladder compliance and MCC in the supine posture group compared to that in the erect posture group. A more significant decrease in bladder sensation and occurrence of DO as well as an increase in MCC was seen during the second filling cystometry than the first one. The supine posture during first filling cystometry showed a better correlation between OAB and DO and between MVV and MCC than erect posture. Conclusions: There were clear effects of posture and filling cystometry repetition on urodynamic parameters. The supine posture and repeated filling cystometry caused the bladder to be less sensitive and less overactive. The supine posture showed a better correlation to OAB symptoms than erect posture during first filling cystometry.

  12. Evaluation of body posture in nursing students

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    Marília Fernandes Andrade


    Full Text Available Abstract OBJECTIVE To investigate the body posture of nursing students before and after clinical practice. METHOD The study was developed in two stages. Initially the body posture of students of the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th periods were assessed through photogrammetry. All images were analyzed in a random and masked manner with CorporisPro® 3.1.3 software. Three evaluations were performed for each angle and then the mean value was calculated. Two years later, when the 4th period students had developed their clinical internships, their body posture was again evaluated. RESULTS The total sample consisted of 112 students. Comparison of their posture with the normality pattern showed that all the angles presented significant differences (p< 0.00, except for the angle of the Thales triangle. Reassessment of these students evidenced significant differences in the angles of the acromioclavicular joint (p=0.03, knee flexion (p< 0.00 and in the tibiotarsal angle (p< 0.00. CONCLUSION All the students presented alterations when compared to the normality values. The segments that presented significant differences between before and after practice were the acromioclavicular angle, knee flexion, and tibiotarsal angle; the latter two were in the rolling position.

  13. Is there a relationship between head posture and craniomandibular pain? (United States)

    Visscher, C M; De Boer, W; Lobbezoo, F; Habets, L L M H; Naeije, M


    An often-suggested factor in the aetiology of craniomandibular disorders (CMD) is an anteroposition of the head. However, the results of clinical studies to the relationship between CMD and head posture are contradictory. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to determine differences in head posture between well-defined CMD pain patients with or without a painful cervical spine disorder and healthy controls. The second aim was to determine differences in head posture between myogenous and arthrogenous CMD pain patients and controls. Two hundred and fifty persons entered the study. From each person, a standardized oral history was taken and blind physical examinations of the masticatory system and of the neck were performed. The participants were only included into one of the subgroups when the presence or absence of their symptoms was confirmed by the results of the physical examination. Head posture was quantified using lateral photographs and a lateral radiograph of the head and the cervical spine. After correction for age and gender effects, no difference in head posture was found between any of the patient and non-patient groups (P > 0.27). Therefore, this study does not support the suggestion that painful craniomandibular disorders, with or without a painful cervical spine disorder, are related to head posture.

  14. Posture and low back pain during pregnancy - 3D study. (United States)

    Glinkowski, Wojciech M; Tomasik, Paweł; Walesiak, Katarzyna; Głuszak, Michał; Krawczak, Karolina; Michoński, Jakub; Czyżewska, Anna; Żukowska, Agnieszka; Sitnik, Robert; Wielgoś, Mirosław


    Back pain is a common complaint of pregnant women. The posture, curvatures of the spine and the center of gravity changes are considered as the mechanisms leading to pain. The study aimed to assess spinal curvatures and static postural characteristics with three-dimensional surface topography and search for relationships with the occurrence of back pain complaints among pregnant women. The study was conducted from December 2012 to February 2014. Patients referred from University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics were examined outpatient at the Posture Study Unit of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Sixty-five women at 4-39 weeks of pregnancy were assessed and surveyed with Oswestry Disability Index; posture was evaluated using surface topography. The study confirmed that difficulties in sitting and standing are significant in the third trimester of the pregnancy. The overall tendency for significant lumbar curvature changes in pregnant women was not confirmed. Major changes in sagittal trunk inclination in relation to the plumb line were not observed in the study group. The issue regarding how the pregnancy causes changes in spinal curvature and posture remains open for further studies. Presented method of 3D surface topography can reveal postural changes, but that requires several exams of each subject and strict follow-up of the series of cases.


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    Andrejeva Julija


    Full Text Available Purpose : To analyze spastic dysarthria form in children population dependency of fatigue and faulty posture relationship. Methods: Research performed with the permission of the bioethics committee (RE-BK-063. The Dutch Fatigue Scale (DUFS. Posture in standing was assessed by Hoeger and Kendall. Research subjects n=40. n=20 children diagnosed with spastic dysarthria and n=20 of children without dysarthria. Their age was 10±2.1years. Boys were n=20 and girls - n=20.Results were statistically significant at p<0.05. Microsoft Office 2013, Excel package were used to count a research results. Results: For children with dysarthria fatigue level is more significant that for children without dysarthria; results were statistically significant, p<0.05. Posture disorder for children with dysarthria was statistically significant higher than among children without dysarthria, p<0.05. Conclusions: For children with dysarthria fatigue level is higher than for healthy children, thus for the girls fatigue level is higher than for the boys. Spastic form dysarthria has an impact to a child posture, by creating a direct dependency between posture deformation and skeletal muscle system disease, which decreases muscle power and increasing fatigue for a child. To correct faulty posture thus to decrease fatigue the tight collaboration needed between rehabilitation team members.

  16. Fatigue and faulty posture connection among children, diagnosed with dysarthria

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    Julija Andrejeva


    Full Text Available Purpose : To analyze spastic dysarthria form in children population dependency of fatigue and faulty posture relationship. Methods: Research performed with the permission of the bioethics committee (RE-BK-063. The Dutch Fatigue Scale (DUFS. Posture in standing was assessed by Hoeger and Kendall. Research subjects n=40. n=20 children diagnosed with spastic dysarthria and n=20 of children without dysarthria. Their age was 10±2.1years. Boys were n=20 and girls - n=20.Results were statistically significant at p<0.05. Microsoft Office 2013, Excel package were used to count a research results. Results: For children with dysarthria fatigue level is more significant that for children without dysarthria; results were statistically significant, p<0.05. Posture disorder for children with dysarthria was statistically significant higher than among children without dysarthria, p<0.05. Conclusions: For children with dysarthria fatigue level is higher than for healthy children, thus for the girls fatigue level is higher than for the boys. Spastic form dysarthria has an impact to a child posture, by creating a direct dependency between posture deformation and skeletal muscle system disease, which decreases muscle power and increasing fatigue for a child. To correct faulty posture thus to decrease fatigue the tight collaboration needed between rehabilitation team members.

  17. Enhancing creativity: Proper body posture meets proper emotion. (United States)

    Hao, Ning; Xue, Hua; Yuan, Huan; Wang, Qing; Runco, Mark A


    This study tested whether compatibility or incompatibility between body posture and emotion was beneficial for creativity. In Study 1, participants were asked to solve the Alternative Uses Task (AUT) problems when performing open or closed body posture in positive or negative emotional state respectively. The results showed that originality of AUT performance was higher in the compatible conditions (i.e., open-positive and closed-negative) than in the incompatible conditions (i.e., closed-positive and open-negative). In Study 2, the compatibility effect was replicated in both the AUT and the Realistic Presented Problem test (i.e., RPP). Moreover, it was revealed that participants exhibited the highest associative flexibility in the open-positive condition, and the highest persistence in the closed-negative condition. These findings indicate that compatibility between body posture and emotion is beneficial for creativity. This may be because when the implicit emotions elicited by body posture match explicit emotions, the effects of emotions on creativity are enhanced, therefore promoting creativity through the flexibility or the persistence pathway respectively. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Ventajas del ingreso en el hogar como forma de atención ambulatoria

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    Isnoel Saura de la Torre


    Full Text Available Se ofrece una revisión actualizada sobre las ventajas que ofrece el ingreso en el hogar como forma de atención ambulatoria, para el paciente, la familia, la comunidad, los profesionales de la salud y el Estado; donde se exponen 15 ventajas sacadas de la literatura nacional y extranjera con un total de 30 referencias bibliográficas. Puede servir de marco teórico para incentivar la realización de investigaciones para su desarrolloAn updated review on the advantages of home admission as a form of ambulatory care for the patient, the family, the community, the health professionals and the State is made. 15 advantages obtained from the national and foreign literature with a total of 30 bibliographic references are put into the readers’ consideration. This may be used a theoretical basis to encourage research for developing this type of admission

  19. Suboptimal Muscle Synergy Activation Patterns Generalize their Motor Function across Postures. (United States)

    Sohn, M Hongchul; Ting, Lena H


    We used a musculoskeletal model to investigate the possible biomechanical and neural bases of using consistent muscle synergy patterns to produce functional motor outputs across different biomechanical conditions, which we define as generalizability. Experimental studies in cats demonstrate that the same muscle synergies are used during reactive postural responses at widely varying configurations, producing similarly-oriented endpoint force vectors with respect to the limb axis. However, whether generalizability across postures arises due to similar biomechanical properties or to neural selection of a particular muscle activation pattern has not been explicitly tested. Here, we used a detailed cat hindlimb model to explore the set of feasible muscle activation patterns that produce experimental synergy force vectors at a target posture, and tested their generalizability by applying them to different test postures. We used three methods to select candidate muscle activation patterns: (1) randomly-selected feasible muscle activation patterns, (2) optimal muscle activation patterns minimizing muscle effort at a given posture, and (3) generalizable muscle activation patterns that explicitly minimized deviations from experimentally-identified synergy force vectors across all postures. Generalizability was measured by the deviation between the simulated force direction of the candidate muscle activation pattern and the experimental synergy force vectors at the test postures. Force angle deviations were the greatest for the randomly selected feasible muscle activation patterns (e.g., >100°), intermediate for effort-wise optimal muscle activation patterns (e.g., ~20°), and smallest for generalizable muscle activation patterns (e.g., synergy force vector was reduced by ~45% when generalizability requirements were imposed. Muscles recruited in the generalizable muscle activation patterns had less sensitive torque-producing characteristics to changes in postures. We

  20. The Control of Posture in Newly Standing Infants is Task Dependent (United States)

    Claxton, Laura J.; Melzer, Dawn K.; Ryu, Joong Hyun; Haddad, Jeffrey M.


    The postural sway patterns of newly standing infants were compared under two conditions: standing while holding a toy and standing while not holding a toy. Infants exhibited a lower magnitude of postural sway and more complex sway patterns when holding the toy. These changes suggest that infants adapt postural sway in a manner that facilitates…

  1. Aging causes a reorganization of cortical and spinal control of posture

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    Selma ePapegaaij


    Full Text Available Classical studies in animal preparations suggest a strong role for spinal control of posture. In young adults it is now established that the cerebral cortex contributes to postural control of unperturbed and perturbed standing. The age-related degeneration and accompanying functional changes in the brain, reported so far mainly in conjunction with simple manual motor tasks, may also affect the mechanisms that control complex motor tasks involving posture. This review outlines the age-related structural and functional changes at spinal and cortical levels and provides a mechanistic analysis of how such changes may be linked to the behaviorally manifest postural deficits in old adults. The emerging picture is that the age-related reorganization in motor control during voluntary tasks, characterized by differential modulation of spinal reflexes, greater cortical activation and cortical disinhibition, is also present during postural tasks. We discuss the possibility that this reorganization underlies the increased coactivation and dual task interference reported in elderly. Finally, we propose a model for future studies to unravel the structure-function-behavior relations in postural control and aging.

  2. Effects of Dyslexia on Postural Control in Adults (United States)

    Patel, M.; Magnusson, M.; Lush, D.; Gomez, S.; Fransson, P. A.


    Dyslexia has been shown to affect postural control. The aim of the present study was to investigate the difference in postural stability measured as torque variance in an adult dyslexic group (n=14, determined using the Adult Dyslexia Checklist (ADCL) and nonsense word repetition test) and an adult non-dyslexic group (n=39) on a firm surface and…

  3. Electromyography of the thigh muscles during lifting tasks in kneeling and squatting postures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gallagher, S.; Pollard, J.; Porter, W.L. [NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Pittsburgh Research Laboratory


    Underground coal miners who work in low-seam mines frequently handle materials in kneeling or squatting postures. To assess quadriceps and hamstring muscle demands in these postures, nine participants performed lateral load transfers in kneeling and squatting postures, during which electromyographic (EMG) data were collected. EMG activity was obtained at five points throughout the transfer for three quadriceps muscles and two hamstring muscles from each thigh. ANOVA results indicated that EMG data for nine of 10 thigh muscles were affected by an interaction between posture and angular position of the load lifted (p <0.001). Muscles of the right thigh were most active during the lifting portion of the task (lifting a block from the participant's right) and activity decreased as the block was transferred to the left. Left thigh muscles showed the opposite pattern. EMG activity for the majority of thigh muscles was affected by the size of the base of support provided by different postures, with lower EMG activity observed with a larger base of support and increased activity in postures where base of support was reduced (p<0.05). Thigh EMG activity was lowest in postures with fully flexed knees, which may explain worker preference for this posture. However, such postures are also associated with increased risk of meniscal damage.


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    Homero Cuevas


    Full Text Available Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la selección de tecnologías y la renta diferencial.

  5. Time-of-Day Influences on Static and Dynamic Postural Control


    Gribble, Phillip A; Tucker, W. Steven; White, Paul A


    Context: Assessment of postural control is used extensively in clinical and research applications. Time of day affects aspects of physical performance, but whether it also affects postural control is unknown.

  6. Effect of intervention on development of hip posture in very preterm babies.


    Downs, J A; Edwards, A D; McCormick, D C; Roth, S C; Stewart, A L


    Preterm babies are physiologically hypotonic, which causes their posture to be flattened when lying in the prone position. This flattened posture may persist beyond term. In a prospective, randomised, controlled, double blind trial of postural support carried out on 45 babies born at less than 33 weeks of gestation, we showed that infants positioned with specific hip support during the period of intensive care had significantly fewer features of flattened posture at the age equivalent to term.

  7. Usefulness of posture training for patients with temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Wright, E F; Domenech, M A; Fischer, J R


    Many practitioners have found that posture training has a positive impact on temporomandibular, or TMD, symptoms. The authors conducted a study to evaluate its effectiveness. Sixty patients with TMD and a primary muscle disorder were randomized into two groups: one group received posture training and TMD self-management instructions while the control group received TMD self-management instructions only. Four weeks after the study began, the authors reexamined the subjects for changes in symptoms, pain-free opening and pressure algometer pain thresholds. In addition, pretreatment and posttreatment posture measurements were recorded for subjects in the treatment group. Statistically significant improvement was demonstrated by the modified symptom severity index, maximum pain-free opening and pressure algometer threshold measurements, as well as by the subjects' perceived TMD and neck symptoms. Subjects in the treatment group reported having experienced a mean reduction in TMD and neck symptoms of 41.9 and 38.2 percent, respectively, while subjects in the control group reported a mean reduction in these symptoms of 8.1 and 9.3 percent. Within the treatment group, the authors found significant correlations between improvements in TMD symptoms and improvements in neck symptoms (P head and shoulder posture measurements at the outset of treatment (P Posture training and TMD self-management instructions are significantly more effective than TMD self-management instructions alone for patients with TMD who have a primary muscle disorder. Patients with TMD who hold their heads farther forward relative to the shoulders have a high probability of experiencing symptom improvement as a result of posture training and being provided with selfmanagement instructions.

  8. Prevalence of incorrect body posture in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity. (United States)

    Maciałczyk-Paprocka, Katarzyna; Stawińska-Witoszyńska, Barbara; Kotwicki, Tomasz; Sowińska, Anna; Krzyżaniak, Alicja; Walkowiak, Jarosław; Krzywińska-Wiewiorowska, Małgorzata


    The ever increasing epidemics of overweight and obesity in school children may be one of the reasons of the growing numbers of children with incorrect body posture. The purpose of the study was the assessment of the prevalence of incorrect body posture in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity in Poznań, Poland. The population subject to study consisted of 2732 boys and girls aged 3-18 with obesity, overweight, and standard body mass. The assessment of body mass was performed based on BMI, adopting Cole's cutoff values. The evaluation of body posture was performed according to the postural error chart based on criteria complied by professor Dega. The prevalence rates of postural errors were significantly higher among children and adolescents with overweight and obesity than among the group with standard body mass. In the overweight group, it amounted to 69.2% and in the obese group to 78.6%.  The most common postural deviations in obese children and adolescents were valgus knees and flat feet. Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents, predisposing to higher incidence of some types of postural errors, call for prevention programs addressing both health problems. What is Known: • The increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents has drawn attention to additional health complications which may occur in this population such as occurrence of incorrect body posture. What is New: • The modified chart of postural errors proved to be an effective tool in the assessment of incorrect body posture. • This chart may be used in the assessment of posture during screening tests and prevention actions at school.


    Pheasant, Steven; Haydt, Richard; Gottstein, Thomas; Grasso, Anthony; Lombard, Nicholas; Stone, Brandon


    The forward head rounded shoulder (FHRS) sitting posture has been associated with decreased shoulder complex muscle strength and function. Upon clinical observation, the adverse effects of the FHRS sitting posture on shoulder complex isometric muscle strength is also present when testing controls for scapular position. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of various sitting postures on shoulder external rotator muscle isometric strength when the strength testing controls for scapular position. A cohort study, with subjects serving as their own controls. One hundred subjects ages 20-26 participated in the study. Each subject was placed in a neutral cervical sitting (NCS) posture which was maintained for five minutes after which the strength of the dominant shoulder external rotators was immediately tested with the glenohumeral joint in the neutral position using a Micro-FET3 Hand Held Muscle Testing Dynamometer (HHMTD). Each subject was returned to the NCS posture for subsequent external rotator strength testing after five minutes in a FHRS sitting posture, five additional minutes in the NCS posture and five minutes in a retracted cervical sitting (RCS) posture resulting in each subjects' external rotator strength being tested on four occasions. Subjects were randomized for order between the FHRS and RCS postures. Mean strength values for each condition were normalized to the mean strength value for the 1 st NCS condition for each subject. A statistically significant decline in shoulder external rotator strength following the FHRS sitting posture occurred compared to the appropriate postural conditions (pexternal rotator strength following five minutes in the FHRS sitting posture. The average percentage of strength decline in those with greater than a 10% reduction in external rotator strength was 19%. Sixty-four percent of the subjects experienced less than a 10% decline in shoulder external rotator strength in response to the FHRS sitting posture

  10. La literatura como recurso didáctico complementario en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la dermatología

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    Francisco Vázquez-López

    Full Text Available Introducción. La reflexión sobre los recursos literarios puede mejorar su aplicación como herramienta de aprendizaje para profesionales de la salud, tanto en contextos transversales como específicos de especialidad. Proponemos una novedosa clasificación de los recursos literarios, desde una perspectiva médica, con el objetivo de facilitar su aplicación en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de dermatología. Materiales y métodos. Análisis cualitativo de múltiples textos literarios y selección de aquellos textos que incluían referencias a una enfermedad cutánea frecuente (acné, que se seleccionó como paradigma. Resultados. Se realizó una clasificación basada en cinco grupos: autobiografía de la enfermedad cutánea, el escritor en la descripción de la enfermedad cutánea de otros, la enfermedad cutánea como recurso estilístico en la literatura, el médico como escritor: recursos estilísticos en la descripción médica de la enfermedad, y literatura médica relacionada con los textos seleccionados. Conclusiones. Los recursos literarios, desde una perspectiva médica, se pueden clasificar en cinco grupos; esta clasificación puede facilitar su aplicación docente y su integración como recurso didáctico en la enseñanza especializada de la dermatología y en la enseñanza médica en general.

  11. Relationships between Malocclusion, Body Posture, and Nasopharyngeal Pathology in Pre-Orthodontic Children. (United States)

    Šidlauskienė, Monika; Smailienė, Dalia; Lopatienė, Kristina; Čekanauskas, Emilis; Pribuišienė, Rūta; Šidlauskas, Mantas


    Malocclusion, body posture, and breathing pattern may be correlated, but this issue is still controversial. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the type of malocclusion, body posture, and nasopharyngeal obstruction in children aged 7-14 years. The study group comprised 94 patients aged 7-14 years (mean±SD: 11.9±2.1 years); 44 (46.8%) males and 50 (53.2%) females. All patients passed an examination performed by the same orthodontist (study model and cephalometric radiograph analysis), orthopedic surgeon (body posture examined from the front, side, and back), and otorhinolaryngologist (anterior and posterior rhinoscopy and pharyngoscopy) in a blind manner. Postural disorders were observed in 72 (76.6%) patients. Hypertrophy of the adenoids was diagnosed in 54 (57.4%) patients, hypertrophy of the tonsils in 85 (90.3%), nasal septum deviation in 51 (54.3%), and allergic rhinitis in 19 (20.2%) patients. There was a statistically significant correlation between presence of kyphotic posture and a reduction in the SNB angle, representing sagittal position of the mandible. Also, there was a statistically significant association between kyphotic posture and nasopharyngeal obstruction (54.1% of patients with nasopharyngeal obstruction were kyphotic, compared with 25% of patients with no nasopharyngeal obstruction; p=0.02). Kyphotic posture and reduced SNB angle were more common among males. We concluded that: 1) there was a significant association between the sagittal position of the mandible (SNB angle) and a kyphotic posture; 2) kyphotic posture was significantly more common among patients with nasopharyngeal obstruction.

  12. Postural Evaluation of Vertebral Column in Children and Teenagers with Hearing Loss

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    Toscano, Carla Fabiana da Silva


    Full Text Available Introduction: Posture is determined by the performance of the visual, somatosensory and vestibular systems. Children with hearing loss can present problems in their posture or postural control, enabling postural deviations and alterations to appear in their vertebral column, possibly provoked by a hypoactivity of the vestibular system as a result of deafness. Objective: To evaluate the posture of the vertebral column in children and teenagers with hearing loss at school age, taking into consideration the sample gender and age. Method: A descriptive and prospective study was performed at both Duque de Caxias School and Rotary Rehabilitation and Special Education Center in Caruaru - Pernambuco. 44 students aged between 7-17 years old, out of whom 22 were female and 22 were male, with hearing loss were evaluated. The study was developed by way of a postural evaluation, using a symmetrograph, marking specific anatomical points with stickers placed over polystyrene balls and fixed with double-sided adhesive tape. Results:The results showed that all of the individuals evaluated in this study presented some kind of postural alteration in their vertebral column. Scoliosis was the most observed alteration among the students (84.1%, followed by thoracic hyperkyphosis (68.2%. Conclusion: It has been concluded that children and teenagers with hearing loss are exposed to postural alteration in their vertebral column. Such a condition can be associated with a number of factors comprising unfavorable ergonomics of the school environment, bad postural habits and impairment of the vestibular system by virtue of the hearing loss.

  13. The study of postural workload in assembly of furniture upholstery


    Marek Lasota Andrzej; Hankiewicz Krzysztof


    The productivity of the workers is affected by the Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) which common cause of health problems, sick leave and it can result in decreased quality of work and increased absenteeism. The objective of this study is to evaluate and investigate the postural workload of sewing machine operators in the assembly of upholstery in furniture factory by using the Ovako Working Posture Analysing System (OWAS) with sampling. The results indicated that posture code ...

  14. The final common pathway in postural control - Developmental perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kernell, D

    A brief review is given concerning postural specialisations among mammalian muscle fibres and motor units. Most skeletal muscles contain a mixture of fibres with different characteristics, and their slow-twitch (S) units are well-known to possess properties suitable for postural tasks: they are

  15. Postural stability and ankle sprain history in athletes compared to uninjured controls

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huurnink, A.; Fransz, D.P.; Kingma, I.; Verhagen, E.A.L.M.; van Dieen, J.H.


    Background Diminished postural stability is a risk factor for ankle sprain occurrence and ankle sprains result in impaired postural stability. To date, ankle sprain history has not been taken into account as a determinant of postural stability, while it could possibly specify subgroups of interest.

  16. Postural stability in patients with knee osteoarthritis: comparison with controls and evaluation of relationships between postural stability scores and International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health components. (United States)

    Hsieh, Ru-Lan; Lee, Wen-Chung; Lo, Min-Tzu; Liao, Wei-Cheng


    To assess the differences in postural stability between patients with knee osteoarthritis and controls without knee osteoarthritis, and to evaluate possible relations between postural stability scores and International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) components. An age-matched, case-controlled trial with a cross-sectional design. A teaching hospital. Patients with knee osteoarthritis (n=73) and age-matched controls (n=60). Data on patients' postural stability and additional health-related variables were collected using various instruments. These included the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version, the physical function test (chair-rising time), the Chinese version of the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, the Chinese version of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, and the Biodex Stability System. A comparison of postural stability in patients with knee osteoarthritis versus that of controls was performed. The relation between postural stability scores for patients with knee osteoarthritis and ICF components was evaluated. Pearson correlation tests were used to determine the variables that correlated with postural stability among these patients. Patients with knee osteoarthritis displayed lower overall postural stability than controls (scores of 0.7 vs. 0.5, P=.006) and scored lower on the environmental domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version (62.2 vs 66.8, P=.014). For patients with knee osteoarthritis, postural stability was weakly associated with the ICF components of body functions and structures, including pain (r=.33-.34, P=.004), physical fatigue (r=.28, P=.016), and reduced motivation (r=.30, P=.011). Weak to moderate associations between postural stability and the ICF components of activities and participation were found; the relevant ICF variables included

  17. [Research on respiration course of human at different postures by electrical impedance tomography]. (United States)

    Chen, Xiaoyan; Wu, Jun; Wang, Huaxiang; Li, Da


    In this paper, the respiration courses of human at different postures are reconstructed by electrical impedance tomography (EIT). Conjugate gradient least squares (CGLS) algorithm is applied to reconstruct the resistivity distribution during respiration courses, and the EIT images taken from human at flat lying, left lying, right lying, sitting and prone postures are reconstructed and compared. The relative changes of the resistivity in region of interest (ROI) are analyzed to evidence the influences caused by different postures. Results show that the changes in postures are the most influential factors for the reconstructions, and the EIT images vary with the postures. In human at flat-lying posture, the left and right lungs have larger pulmonary ventilation volume simultaneously, and the EIT-measured data are of lower variability.

  18. Analisis ergonomi postur kerja operator pada proses pembuatan batako

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    Regina Anggraini


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Proses pembuatan batako merupakan salah satu pekerjaan yang membutuhkan penanganan material secara manual,sehingga tenaga fisik pekerja diperlukan meskipun mesin bantu cetak sudah tersedia. Berdasarkan pengamatan dilapangandiketahui bahwa seluruh aktivitas pembuatan batako banyak membutuhkan tenaga fisik. Pekerjaan membuat batako dapatdibagi menjadi beberapa elemen kerja dan setiap elemen kerja memberikan postur kerja yang bervariasi. Hasil analisis posturkerja dengan menggunakan REBA menunjukkan pekerja pada proses pemindahan batako basah memiliki nilai 11 dengan levelrisiko sangat tinggi. Perbaikan dilakukan dengan menambahkan kursi pekerja dan berhasil menurunkan skor REBA menjadi 5.Kata Kunci: Postur kerja, REBA Abstract: Brick-making process is one of those jobs that require manual materials handling, so that the physical exertion of workersneeded though a production machine is already available. Based on observations in the field note that the entire activity ofbrick-making requires a lot of physical exertion. Brick-making can be divided into several working elements and each element ofthe work provides a varied work posture. The results of the analysis work posture using REBA showed workers in the processof moving the wet concrete blocks have a value of 11 with a very high risk level. Improvement of working conditions by adding aseat for workers reduce the REBA score to 5 .Keywords: Work Posture , REBA

  19. Formación ciudadana como elemento de transformación social en el desarrollo moral de los estudiantes

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    Luisa Ceballo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es describir la formación ciudadana como elemento de transformación social en el desarrollo moral de los estudiantes. Las referencias teóricas estuvieron basadas en la formación ciudadana y valores según Bisquerra (2008, Frondizi (2011, Gibson (2008, Gutman (2001, Parra (2003 y Rovira (2008. La metodología usada en esta investigación fue descriptiva, con análisis documental a partir de la revisión bibliográfica, lo cual confirma que se debe mejorar el afianzamiento de una educación en valores, que propicie una conducta ciudadana, y a su vez muestre actitudes morales, por medio de estrategias innovadoras que favorezcan la sana convivencia.

  20. The study of postural workload in assembly of furniture upholstery

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    Marek Lasota Andrzej


    Full Text Available The productivity of the workers is affected by the Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs which common cause of health problems, sick leave and it can result in decreased quality of work and increased absenteeism. The objective of this study is to evaluate and investigate the postural workload of sewing machine operators in the assembly of upholstery in furniture factory by using the Ovako Working Posture Analysing System (OWAS with sampling. The results indicated that posture code 2111 (back code: 2 – bent forward; arms code: 1 – both below the shoulder joint; legs code: 1 – sitting position; load code: – 1 less than 10 kg was the most common working posture rating 38.1%; 63.9% of positions displayed non-neutral back postures and 52% received harmful action categories. The performed assembly tasks have an influence on harmless and harmful action categories. This study is crucial on assembly, and in the future work allows develop a framework for assessment the physical risk of WRMSDs in assembly.

  1. Relationship between antigravity control and postural control in young children. (United States)

    Sellers, J S


    The purposes of this study were 1) to determine the relationship between antigravity control (supine flexion and prone extension) and postural control (static and dynamic balance), 2) to determine the quality of antigravity and postural control, and 3) to determine whether sex and ethnic group differences correlate with differences in antigravity control and postural control in young children. I tested 107 black, Hispanic, and Caucasian children in a Head Start program, with a mean age of 61 months. The study results showed significant relationships between antigravity control and postural control. Subjects' supine flexion performance was significantly related to the quantity and quality of their static and dynamic balance performance, whereas prone extension performance was related only to the quality of dynamic balance performance. Quality scale measurements (r = .90) indicated that the children in this study had not yet developed full antigravity or postural control. The study results revealed differences between sexes in the quality of static balance and prone extension performance and ethnic differences in static balance, dynamic balance, and prone extension performance.


    Meardon, Stacey; Klusendorf, Anna; Kernozek, Thomas


    Injury has been linked with altered postural control in active populations. The association between running injury and dynamic postural control has not been examined. The purpose of this study was to examine dynamic postural control in injured and uninjured runners using the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), Time to Stabilization (TTS) of ground reaction forces following a single-leg landing, and postural stability indices reflecting the fluctuations in GRFs during single-leg landing and stabilization tasks (forward and lateral hop). It was hypothesized that dynamic postural control differences would exist between runners with a history of injury that interrupted training for ≥7 days (INJ) when compared to runners without injury (CON). Case-control study. Twenty-two INJ (14 F, 8 M; 23.7 ± 2.1 y; 22.3 ± 2.8 kg/m2; 29.5 ± 16.3 mi/wk) currently running > 50% pre-injury mileage without pain were compared with twenty-two matched CON (14F, 8M; 22.7 ± 1.2 y; 22.7 ± 2.7 kg/m2; 31.2 ± 19.6 mi/wk). INJ group was stratified by site of injury into two groups (Hip/Thigh/Knee and Lower Leg/Ankle/Foot) for secondary analysis. Leg length-normalized anterior, posterolateral, and posteromedial reach distances on the SEBT, medial/lateral and anterior/posterior ground reaction force TTS, directional postural stability indices, and a composite dynamic postural stability index (DPSI), were assessed using mixed model ANOVA (α=0.05) and effect sizes (d). No group X direction interaction or group differences were observed for the SEBT (p=0.51, 0.71) or TTS (p=0.83, 0.72) measures. A group X direction interaction was found for postural stability indices during the forward landing task (ppostural stability index (VPSI) (p=0.01 for both, d=0.80, 0.95) and DPSI (p=0.01, 0.02, d=0.75, 0.93) when compared to CON suggesting impaired balance control. A group X direction interaction was also found for postural stability indices during the lateral landing

  3. Effect of absence of vision on posture


    Alotaibi, Abdullah Z.; Alghadir, Ahmad; Iqbal, Zaheen A.; Anwer, Shahnawaz


    [Purpose] The visual system is one of the sensory systems that enables the body to assess and process information about the external environment. In the absence of vision, a blind person loses contact with the outside world and develops faulty motor patterns, which results in postural deficiencies. However, literature regarding the development of such deficiencies is limited. The aim of this study was to discuss the effect of absence of vision on posture, the possible biomechanics behind the ...

  4. Sitting Posture Monitoring System Based on a Low-Cost Load Cell Using Machine Learning

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    Jongryun Roh


    Full Text Available Sitting posture monitoring systems (SPMSs help assess the posture of a seated person in real-time and improve sitting posture. To date, SPMS studies reported have required many sensors mounted on the backrest plate and seat plate of a chair. The present study, therefore, developed a system that measures a total of six sitting postures including the posture that applied a load to the backrest plate, with four load cells mounted only on the seat plate. Various machine learning algorithms were applied to the body weight ratio measured by the developed SPMS to identify the method that most accurately classified the actual sitting posture of the seated person. After classifying the sitting postures using several classifiers, average and maximum classification rates of 97.20% and 97.94%, respectively, were obtained from nine subjects with a support vector machine using the radial basis function kernel; the results obtained by this classifier showed a statistically significant difference from the results of multiple classifications using other classifiers. The proposed SPMS was able to classify six sitting postures including the posture with loading on the backrest and showed the possibility of classifying the sitting posture even though the number of sensors is reduced.

  5. Postural control in women with breast hypertrophy

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    Alessandra Ferreira Barbosa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The consequences of breast hypertrophy have been described based on the alteration of body mass distribution, leading to an impact on psychological and physical aspects. The principles of motor control suggest that breast hypertrophy can lead to sensorimotor alterations and the impairment of body balance due to postural misalignment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the postural control of women with breast hypertrophy under different sensory information conditions. METHOD: This cross-sectional study included 14 women with breast hypertrophy and 14 without breast hypertrophy, and the mean ages of the groups were 39 ±15 years and 39±16 years, respectively. A force platform was used to assess the sensory systems that contribute to postural control: somatosensory, visual and vestibular. Four postural conditions were sequentially tested: eyes open and fixed platform, eyes closed and fixed platform, eyes open and mobile platform, and eyes closed and mobile platform. The data were processed, and variables related to the center of pressure were analyzed for each condition. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the conditions between the groups for the area of center of pressure displacement and the velocity of center of pressure displacement in the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions. The alpha level error was set at 0.05. RESULTS: Women with breast hypertrophy presented an area that was significantly higher for three out of four conditions and a higher velocity of center of pressure displacement in the anterior-posterior direction under two conditions: eyes open and mobile platform and eyes closed and mobile platform. CONCLUSIONS: Women with breast hypertrophy have altered postural control, which was demonstrated by the higher area and velocity of center of pressure displacement.

  6. Avaliação postural em mulheres com dor pélvica crônica Postural evaluation in women with chronic pelvic pain

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    Renata Miranda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar por meio da fotogrametria as alterações posturais de mulheres com dor pélvica crônica. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas 30 mulheres com queixa de dor pélvica crônica e 37 sem essa queixa, totalizando 67 mulheres. A avaliação constituiu de anamnese, colocação de marcadores fixos em pontos anatômicos definidos e obtenção de fotografias em vista frontal, posterior, lateral esquerda e direita. A análise das fotos foi realizada com o software CorelDraw®, versão 11.0. Foram identificados valores para as variáveis de análise postural de tornozelo, joelho no plano sagital, pelve, lordose lombar, cifose torácica, escápula aduzida/abduzida, ombros, cabeça e teste do terceiro dedo ao chão. As variáveis qualitativas estudadas foram joelho (varo, valgo ou normal, presença ou não de escápula alada e de nivelamento de ombros. Para as análises estatísticas utilizamos o Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versão 16.0. Para a comparação entre as variáveis qualitativas foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher e método de Monte-Carlo e, para a comparação de dados quantitativos foi utilizado o teste t ou o de Mann-Whitney. As comparações entre os dados contínuos corrigidos para possíveis variáveis de confusão foram feitas pela análise de covariância univariada. O nível de significância foi estabelecido como 0,05 ou 5%. RESULTADOS: foi observada diferença significante entre casos e controles para cabeça protusa (47,5 e 52,0º, respectivamente; pOBJECTIVE: to evaluate by photogrammetry, postural changes in women with chronic pelvic pain. METHODS: thirty women with complaint of chronic pelvic pain and 37 without it, in a total of 67 women, were evaluated. The evaluation was realized through anamnesis, fixed markers in defined anatomical sites, and frontal, posterior, left and right lateral photographies. Photo analysis has been done by the software CorelDraw®, version 11.0. Quantitative values for postural

  7. Influence of Functional Head Postures on the Dynamic Functional ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: The dentist utilizes supine position during therapeutic procedures, while the patients assumes extended head posture during mastication. It is critical for the restorative dentist to evaluate and understand the possible effect of change in head posture on occlusal contacts. An understanding of the possible effect ...

  8. Standing working posture compared in pregnant and non-pregnant conditions. (United States)

    Paul, J A; Frings-Dresen, M H


    During pregnancy, an increase in body weight occurs together with changes in body weight distribution and in fit between body dimensions and workplace layout. These changes may cause alterations in working posture which may, in turn, have adverse consequences for the biomechanical load on the musculoskeletal system and so increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Using photographic posture registration, the standing working posture was studied in 27 women during the last stage of pregnancy and after delivery (the experimental group). The women performed an assembly task while standing at various workplace layouts. The postural differences between the pregnant condition and the non-pregnant condition were studied and the effect of the various workplace layouts assessed. Ten non-pregnant controls were also studied twice to establish the effect of the time interval between the measuring occasions. We found that the women of the experimental group stood further from the work surface in the pregnant condition compared to the non-pregnant condition, the hips were positioned more backwards, and, in order to reach the tesk, they increased the flexion of the trunk, increased the anteflexion of the upper arms, and extended the arms more. At the workplace layout in which the work surface height was self-selected, the postural differences due to pregnancy were smallest or even absent, compared to the postural differences in the other workplace layouts studied. Ergonomists and workers in occupational health services should be alert to the consequences for the biomechanical load on the musculoskeletal system and the risk of development of health complaints caused by postural changes due to pregnancy. An adjustable workplace layout may prevent some problems.

  9. Age-related effects on postural control under multi-task conditions. (United States)

    Granacher, Urs; Bridenbaugh, Stephanie A; Muehlbauer, Thomas; Wehrle, Anja; Kressig, Reto W


    Changes in postural sway and gait patterns due to simultaneously performed cognitive (CI) and/or motor interference (MI) tasks have previously been reported and are associated with an increased risk of falling in older adults. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of a CI and/or MI task on static and dynamic postural control in young and elderly subjects, and to find out whether there is an association between measures of static and dynamic postural control while concurrently performing the CI and/or MI task. A total of 36 healthy young (n = 18; age: 22.3 ± 3.0 years; BMI: 21.0 ± 1.6 kg/m(2)) and elderly adults (n = 18; age: 73.5 ± 5.5 years; BMI: 24.2 ± 2.9 kg/m(2)) participated in this study. Static postural control was measured during bipedal stance, and dynamic postural control was obtained while walking on an instrumented walkway. Irrespective of the task condition, i.e. single-task or multiple tasks, elderly participants showed larger center-of-pressure displacements and greater stride-to-stride variability than younger participants. Associations between measures of static and dynamic postural control were found only under the single-task condition in the elderly. Age-related deficits in the postural control system seem to be primarily responsible for the observed results. The weak correlations detected between static and dynamic measures could indicate that fall-risk assessment should incorporate dynamic measures under multi-task conditions, and that skills like erect standing and walking are independent of each other and may have to be trained complementarily. Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  10. Do posture correction exercises have to be boring? Using unstable surfaces to prevent poor posture in children

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    Agnieszka Jankowicz-Szymanska


    Full Text Available Introduction: Poor posture in children is a common problem. It appears most often in early school-age children and, if not corrected, progresses quickly as they mature. Aim of the research: To find a method that can prevent poor posture, is effective and attractive for children, and can be used on a wide scale in state schools. Material and methods : Seventy-seven first year pupils were tested at the beginning and at the end of the school year. Nineteen children undertook corrective exercises using unstable surfaces; 41 children sat on sensorimotor pillows during classes; and 17 children were the control group. Body mass and body height were measured. Body mass index was calculated. The symmetry of the position of selected skeletal points was assessed: the acromions, lower angles of the scapulas, apexes of the iliac crests, antero-superior iliac spine, and postero-superior iliac spine using a Duometer electronic device. The differences between the groups and changes between the first and second study for each group were estimated. Results : In the first study there were no significant differences in quality of posture. In the second study a significant improvement was noted in symmetry of the shoulders, scapulas, and pelvis in children who sat on sensorimotor pillows, as well as the position of the iliac crests and iliac spines in children exercising regularly on unstable surfaces. Conclusions: Exercises using unstable surfaces and sitting on sensorimotor pillows during classes might be an effective alternative to traditional posture correction exercises.

  11. Inversion of Side Scan Sonar Motion and Posture in Seabed Geomorphology

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    Tao Weiliang


    Full Text Available Side scan sonar measurement platform, affected by underwater environment and its own motion precision, inevitably has posture and motion disturbance, which greatly affects accuracy of geomorphic image formation. It is difficult to sensitively and accurately capture these underwater disturbances by relying on auxiliary navigation devices. In this paper, we propose a method to invert motion and posture information of the measurement platform by using the matching relation between the strip images. The inversion algorithm is the key link in the image mosaic frame of side scan sonar, and the acquired motion posture information can effectively improve seabed topography and plotting accuracy and stability. In this paper, we first analyze influence of platform motion and posture on side scan sonar mapping, and establish the correlation model between motion, posture information and strip image matching information. Then, based on the model, a reverse neural network is established. Based on input, output of neural network, design of and test data set, a motion posture inversion mechanism based on strip image matching information is established. Accuracy and validity of the algorithm are verified by the experimental results.

  12. Development of polygonal surface version of ICRP reference phantoms: Preliminary study for posture change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, Tat Thang; Yeom, Yeon Soo; Han, Min Cheol; Kim, Chan Hyeong


    Even though International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) officially adopted a set of adult male and female voxel phantoms as the ICRP reference phantoms, there are several critical limitations due to the nature of voxel geometry and their low voxel resolutions. In order to overcome these limitations of the ICRP phantoms, we are currently developing polygonal surface version of ICRP reference phantoms by directly converting the ICRP voxel phantoms to polygonal surface geometries. Among the many advantages of the ICRP polygonal surface phantom, especially, it is flexible and deformable. In principle, it is, therefore, possible to make the posture-changed ICRP phantoms which can provide more accurate dose values for exposure situations strongly relevant to worker's postures. As a preliminary study for developing the posture-changed ICRP phantoms, in this work we changed the posture of the preliminary version of ICRP male polygon-surface phantom constructed in the previous study. Organ doses were then compared between original and posture-changed phantoms. In the present study, we successfully changed a posture of the preliminary version of ICRP male polygon-surface phantom to the walking posture. From this results, it was explicitly shown that the polygon-surface version of the ICRP phantoms can be sufficiently modified to be various postures with the posture-changing method used in this study. In addition, it was demonstrated that phantom's posture must be considered in certain exposure situations, which can differ dose values from the conventional standing-posture phantom

  13. Postural adaptations to repeated optic flow stimulation in older adults


    O’Connor, Kathryn W.; Loughlin, Patrick J.; Redfern, Mark S.; Sparto, Patrick J.


    The purpose of this study is to understand the processes of adaptation (changes in within-trial postural responses) and habituation (reductions in between-trial postural responses) to visual cues in older and young adults. Of particular interest were responses to sudden increases in optic flow magnitude. The postural sway of 25 healthy young adults and 24 healthy older adults was measured while subjects viewed anterior-posterior 0.4 Hz sinusoidal optic flow for 45 s. Three trials for each of ...

  14. Posture changes and subfoveal choroidal blood flow. (United States)

    Longo, Antonio; Geiser, Martial H; Riva, Charles E


    To evaluate the effect of posture change on subfoveal choroidal blood flow (ChBF) in normal volunteers. The pulsatile, nonpulsatile, and mean ChBF were measured with laser Doppler flowmetry in 11 healthy volunteers with a mean age of 32 +/- 13 (SD) years. The posture of the subjects was changed from standing (90 degrees ), to supine (-8 degrees ), and back to standing, with a mechanically driven table. During the whole experimental procedure, ChBF and heart rate (HR) were continuously recorded. After 30 seconds in standing position, the subjects were tilted to supine during approximately 30 seconds. They remained in this position for approximately 2 minutes, after which they were tilted back to the standing position (recovery), where they remained for another approximately 2 minutes. Systemic brachial artery blood pressure (BP) was measured in the baseline, supine, and recovery positions. This procedure was repeated to measure the intraocular pressure (IOP) at the different postures. Mean BP did not change significantly throughout the experimental procedure. As the body was tilted from standing to supine, HR decreased by 16% (P blood velocity. Based on previously reported experimental data that indicate that the ocular perfusion pressure increases less than predicted by purely hydrostatic considerations when the body is tilted from the standing to the supine position, the observed increase in ChBF suggests a passive response of the choroidal circulation to the posture change.

  15. Los recursos didácticos como parte del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Diseño de procesos en la Universidad de Guayaquil

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    MSc. Harry Oswaldo Reyes Venegas


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo recoge las experiencias de los auto­res como docentes de la asignatura Diseño de Procesos en la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Guayaquil. En este caso se hace referencia a determinados componentes que por su importancia en la formación del estudiante es necesario abordar bajo una misma concep­ción de trabajo. El objetivo desde su función rectora, con­tando con los contenidos como parte de la cultura que el estudiante debe poseer, pasando por los métodos y su ca­rácter dinámico y llegando a los recursos didácticos que en opinión de los autores se convierten en un componente im­portante como parte de la profesionalización del ingeniero y más que un mero material de trabajo en este caso se quiere resaltar desde su posición de estrategia de aprendizaje.

  16. Fitness, Balance Efficacy, and Postural Control in Community-Dwelling Older Adults


    Anna Lee; John R. Biggan; Christopher Ray


    Age-related declines in postural control and physical fitness are strong risk factors for falls in older adults. Balance efficacy has been utilized to identify poor postural control, reduced physical function, and fall risk. However, it is not clear as to whether balance efficacy is truly a better predictor of functional fitness outcomes or postural control. Distinguishing these associations is an important step in the...

  17. Analysis of postural load during tasks related to milking cows-a case study. (United States)

    Groborz, Anna; Tokarski, Tomasz; Roman-Liu, Danuta


    The aim of this study was to analyse postural load during tasks related to milking cows of 2 farmers on 2 different farms (one with a manual milk transport system, the other with a fully automated milk transport system) as a case study. The participants were full-time farmers, they were both healthy and experienced in their job. The Ovako Working Posture Analyzing System (OWAS) was used to evaluate postural load and postural risk. Postural load was medium for the farmer on the farm with a manual milk transport system and high for the farmer working on the farm with a fully automated milk transport system. Thus, it can be concluded that a higher level of farm mechanization not always mean that the farmer's postural load is lower, but limitation of OWAS should be considered.

  18. Postural stability and ankle sprain history in athletes compared to uninjured controls. (United States)

    Huurnink, Arnold; Fransz, Duncan P; Kingma, Idsart; Verhagen, Evert A L M; van Dieën, Jaap H


    Diminished postural stability is a risk factor for ankle sprain occurrence and ankle sprains result in impaired postural stability. To date, ankle sprain history has not been taken into account as a determinant of postural stability, while it could possibly specify subgroups of interest. Postural stability was compared between 18 field hockey athletes who had recovered from an ankle sprain (mean (SD); 3.6 (1.5) months post-injury), and 16 uninjured controls. Force plate and kinematics parameters were calculated during single-leg standing: mean center of pressure speed, mean absolute horizontal ground reaction force, mean absolute ankle angular velocity, and mean absolute hip angular velocity. Additionally, cluster analysis was applied to the 'injured' participants, and the cluster with diminished postural stability was compared to the other participants with respect to ankle sprain history. MANCOVA showed no significant difference between groups in postural stability (P = 0.68). A self-reported history of an (partial) ankle ligament rupture was typically present in the cluster with diminished postural stability. Subsequently, a 'preceding rupture' was added as a factor in the MANCOVA, which showed a significant association between diminished postural stability and a 'preceding rupture' (P = 0.01), for all four individual parameters (P: 0.001-0.029; Cohen's d: 0.96-2.23). Diminished postural stability is not apparent in all previously injured athletes. However, our analysis suggests that an (mild) ankle sprain with a preceding severe ankle sprain is associated with impaired balance ability. Therefore, sensorimotor training may be emphasized in this particular group and caution is warranted in return to play decisions. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Mahdavie, Elnaz; Rezasoltani, Asghar; Simorgh, Leila


    The prevalence of sway back posture (SBP) is very high among elite gymnasts. This posture may be partly due to the improper function of lumbar multifidus muscles (LMM) as lumbar stabilizers muscles. The aim of this study was to compare the thicknesses of LMM measured at rest and during the contraction elicited during an arm lift between elite gymnasts with SBP and normal posture. Observational, descriptive, comparative. The participants consist of twenty gymnasts between the ages of 17 and 30 who had trained in gymnastics for more than ten years. They were assigned to two groups: SBP (n=10) and control (n=10). Posture analysis with grid paper and plumb line was performed for all subjects. The thickness of LMM on dominant side of spinal column was measured by a real-time ultrasound at five lumbar levels. The thickness of the LMM was measured both at rest and during the contraction elicited during an arm lift. The variation between the LMM thickness between the muscle at rest and muscle at the peak of contraction was regarded as LMM muscle function. The thickness of LMM was less in SBP group than the control group at all lumbar segments. The variation in LMM thickness between the state of rest and muscle contraction was significantly less in athletes with SBP than controls when compared at all levels of the lumbar spine (p antigravity and stabilizing muscle group was decreased during arm raising in gymnasts with SBP. 3a.

  20. Posture estimation system for underground mine vehicles

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Hlophe, K


    Full Text Available Page 1 of 8 25th International Conference of CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the Future Conference, 13-16 July 2010, Pretoria, South Africa A POSTURE ESTIMATION SYSTEM FOR UNDERGROUND MINE VEHICLES Khonzumusa Hlophe1, Gideon Ferreira2... and the transmitter. The main difference between the three systems is their implementation. This paper describes an implementation of a posture estimation system for underground mine vehicles. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, a brief...


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    David González-Vázquez


    Full Text Available Desde la década de los 80, Europa asiste a un auténtico auge de la valorización de sus lugares de memoria. Calificados sumariamente como aquellos espacios vinculados al recuerdo trágico de un pasado reciente, tienen en los lugares testimonio de las dos guerras mundiales y el holocausto sus elementos más protagónicos. La trayectoria de los lugares de memoria en España ha seguido otro camino, pues el desenlace de la Guerra Civil y las cuatro décadas de dictadura supusieron el establecimiento de un paradigma memorial diametralmente opuesto al de las democracias occidentales. Con la entrada al S.XXI, España ha acabado de dirigir dicho paradigma hacia posiciones más estandarizadas a nivel internacional, lo que ha supuesto una relativa valorización patrimonial de la memoria histórica. El caso catalán, con la creación de una red de lugares memoriales ligada a un discurso histórico y a una estrategia de valorización turística, ha sido precursor en España.El presente artículo analiza el estado actual de las prácticas turísticas ligadas a los lugares de memoria en Cataluña. Tomando como referencia el caso francés, auténtico referente a nivel internacional y forjador del propio término de turismo de memoria, el análisis de los elementos más representativos del modelo catalán permitirá establecer cuáles son los principales rasgos definitorios de esta nueva tipología turística que, dentro del turismo cultural, está llamada a ser una referencia.

  2. Reflex control of the spine and posture: a review of the literature from a chiropractic perspective

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    Schlappi Mark


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective This review details the anatomy and interactions of the postural and somatosensory reflexes. We attempt to identify the important role the nervous system plays in maintaining reflex control of the spine and posture. We also review, illustrate, and discuss how the human vertebral column develops, functions, and adapts to Earth's gravity in an upright position. We identify functional characteristics of the postural reflexes by reporting previous observations of subjects during periods of microgravity or weightlessness. Background Historically, chiropractic has centered around the concept that the nervous system controls and regulates all other bodily systems; and that disruption to normal nervous system function can contribute to a wide variety of common ailments. Surprisingly, the chiropractic literature has paid relatively little attention to the importance of neurological regulation of static upright human posture. With so much information available on how posture may affect health and function, we felt it important to review the neuroanatomical structures and pathways responsible for maintaining the spine and posture. Maintenance of static upright posture is regulated by the nervous system through the various postural reflexes. Hence, from a chiropractic standpoint, it is clinically beneficial to understand how the individual postural reflexes work, as it may explain some of the clinical presentations seen in chiropractic practice. Method We performed a manual search for available relevant textbooks, and a computer search of the MEDLINE, MANTIS, and Index to Chiropractic Literature databases from 1970 to present, using the following key words and phrases: "posture," "ocular," "vestibular," "cervical facet joint," "afferent," "vestibulocollic," "cervicocollic," "postural reflexes," "spaceflight," "microgravity," "weightlessness," "gravity," "posture," and "postural." Studies were selected if they specifically tested any or

  3. Meta-Analysis: Association Between Wrist Posture and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Workers

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    Doohee You


    Conclusion: We found evidence that prolonged exposure to non-neutral wrist postures is associated with a twofold increased risk for CTS compared with low hours of exposure to non-neutral wrist postures. Workplace interventions to prevent CTS should incorporate training and engineering interventions that reduce sustained non-neutral wrist postures.

  4. The Improvement of Dental Posture Using Personalized Biofeedback. (United States)

    Thanathornwong, Bhornsawan; Suebnukarn, Siriwan


    Dentists are subject to staying in static or awkward postures for long periods due to their highly concentrated work. This study describes a real-time personalized biofeedback system developed for dental posture training with the use of vibrotactile biofeedback. The real-time personalized biofeedback system was an integrated solution that comprised of two components: 1) a wearable device that contained an accelerometer sensor for measuring the tilt angle of the body (input) and provided real-time vibrotactile biofeedback (output); and 2) software for data capturing, processing, and personalized biofeedback generation. The implementation of real-time personalized vibrotactile feedback was computed using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). For the test case, we calculated the probability and log-likelihood of the test movements under the Work related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD) and non-WMSD HMMs. The vibrotactile biofeedback was provided to the user via a wearable device for a WMSD-predicted case. In the system evaluation, a randomized crossover trial was conducted to compare dental posture measure using tilt angles of the upper back and muscle activities of those dental students that received vibrotactile biofeedback from the system with the control group against the dental students who received no feedback. The participants who received feedback from the system had a lower tilt angle at 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of Backx and Backy, as well as muscular load, which were statistically different (pbiofeedback system for posture training in dental students is feasible and associated with quantitative improvements of the dental posture.

  5. The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport. (United States)

    Lee, Hedok; Xie, Lulu; Yu, Mei; Kang, Hongyi; Feng, Tian; Deane, Rashid; Logan, Jean; Nedergaard, Maiken; Benveniste, Helene


    The glymphatic pathway expedites clearance of waste, including soluble amyloid β (Aβ) from the brain. Transport through this pathway is controlled by the brain's arousal level because, during sleep or anesthesia, the brain's interstitial space volume expands (compared with wakefulness), resulting in faster waste removal. Humans, as well as animals, exhibit different body postures during sleep, which may also affect waste removal. Therefore, not only the level of consciousness, but also body posture, might affect CSF-interstitial fluid (ISF) exchange efficiency. We used dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI and kinetic modeling to quantify CSF-ISF exchange rates in anesthetized rodents' brains in supine, prone, or lateral positions. To validate the MRI data and to assess specifically the influence of body posture on clearance of Aβ, we used fluorescence microscopy and radioactive tracers, respectively. The analysis showed that glymphatic transport was most efficient in the lateral position compared with the supine or prone positions. In the prone position, in which the rat's head was in the most upright position (mimicking posture during the awake state), transport was characterized by "retention" of the tracer, slower clearance, and more CSF efflux along larger caliber cervical vessels. The optical imaging and radiotracer studies confirmed that glymphatic transport and Aβ clearance were superior in the lateral and supine positions. We propose that the most popular sleep posture (lateral) has evolved to optimize waste removal during sleep and that posture must be considered in diagnostic imaging procedures developed in the future to assess CSF-ISF transport in humans. The rodent brain removes waste better during sleep or anesthesia compared with the awake state. Animals exhibit different body posture during the awake and sleep states, which might affect the brain's waste removal efficiency. We investigated the influence of body posture on brainwide transport of inert

  6. Psicología de la salud en el contexto del conflicto armado en Colombia: un marco de referencia/ Health’s Psychology in the Colombian armed conflict context: a framework

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    Ara Mercedes Cerquera Córdoba


    Full Text Available La población civil es la principal víctima de la crisis humanitaria causada por el conflicto armado que se vive en Colombia desde hace más de 50 años. En este artículo de revisión, se abordarán temas referentes a salud y dolor en este y otros contextos. Metodológicamente, se toman en cuenta datos estadísticos, así como referentes legales, académicos y sociales. Todo esto se lleva a cabo con el propósito de construir un marco de referencia desde el cual se reconozca la pertinencia de la investigación en el campo y se procure que las futuras investigaciones identifiquen la influencia de factores psicosociales en el desarrollo y evolución del estado de ‘salud’ y ‘enfermedad’ de las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia.

  7. A teoria fundamentada nos dados como abordagem da pesquisa interpretativa La teoría basada en datos como abordaje de la investigación interpretativa Grounded theory as an approach of interpretative research

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    Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani


    Full Text Available Pesquisa interpretativa envolve os estudos da linha qualitativa e a pesquisa indutiva. Na classificação apresentada por LOWENBERG (1994 a teoria fundamentada nos dados é um tipo de pesquisa interpretativa situada como uma variante dentro do interacionismo simbólico. Face à pouca utilização desta metodologia nos estudos nacionais, este estudo teve por objetivo tratar da teoria fundamentada nos dados, enquanto referencial metodológico, apresentando e indicando seu método. As seguintes etapas foram apresentadas: coleta dos dados empíricos, os procedimentos de codificação ou análise dos dados; codificação aberta, codificação axial ou formação e desenvolvimento do conceito; codificação seletiva ou modificação e integração do conceito e delimitação da teoria. Os estudos de CALIRI (1994 e de CASSIANI (1994 exemplificaram a utilização deste referencial metodológico. Finalmente visualizou-se a metodologia da teoria fundamentada os dados como um referencial de análise que fornece caminhos e orienta, através de suas etapas, o investigador que pretende utilizá-la.La investigación interpretativa envolve estudios de la línea cualitativa y la investigación inductiva. En la clasificación presentada por LOWENBERG (1994 la teoría basada en datos es un tipo de investigación interpretativa situada como una variante del interaccionismo simbólico. El propósito de la presente investigación fue estudiar la teoría basada en datos, como un referencial metodológico, presentando y indicando su método. Las siguientes etapas fueron presentadas: colecta de datos empíricos, los procedimientos de codificación o análisis de datos; codificación abierta, codificación axial o formación y desarrollo del concepto; codificación selectiva o modificación y integración del concepto y delimitación de la teoría. Los estudios de CALIRI (1994 y de CASSIANI (1994 pusieron por ejemplo la utilización de esta referencia metodológica. En

  8. Requisitos necesarios para el desarrollo del ingreso en el hogar como forma de atención ambulatoria

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    Isnoel Saura de la Torre


    Full Text Available Se ofrece una revisión actualizada sobre los requisitos necesarios para el desarrollo del ingreso en el hogar como forma de atención ambulatoria,donde se exponen de forma amena trece requisitos sacados de la literatura nacional y extranjera, con un total de 33 referencias bibliográficas. Esto puede servir de marco teórico para incentivar la realización de investigaciones para su desarrolloAn updated review on the necessary requisites to develop home admission as a form of ambulatory care is offered. 13 requisites taken from the national and foreign literature with a total of 33 bibliographic references are pleasantly explained. This may serve as a theoretical framework to make further investigations aimed at the development of home admission

  9. Evaluation of body posture in individuals with internal temporomandibular joint derangement. (United States)

    Munhoz, Wagner Cesar; Marques, Amélia Pasqual; de Siqueira, José Tadeu Tesseroli


    Temporomandibular dysfunctions (TMD) comprise a great number of disruptions that may affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the masticatory muscles, or both. TMJ internal derangement is a specific type of TMD, of which the etiology and physiopathology are broadly unknown, but have been suggested to be linked to head, neck, and body posture factors. This study aimed at verifying possible relationships between body posture and TMJ internal derangements (TMJ-id), by comparing 30 subjects presenting typical TMJ-id signs to 20 healthy subjects. Subjects' clinical evaluations included anamnesis, stomatognatic system evaluation, and plotting analysis on body posture photographs. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups. Results do not support the assertion that body posture plays a role in causing or enhancing TMD; however, these results should be cautiously considered because of the small number of subjects evaluated and the many posture variables submitted to statistical procedures that lead to high standard deviations.

  10. The effects of foot morphology and anthropometry on unipodal postural control

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    Angelica C. Alonso


    Full Text Available Abstract The maintenance of posture is a constant challenge for the body, as it requires rapid and accurate responses to unforeseen disturbances, which are needed to prevent falls and maintain balance. The purpose of the present study was to compare different types of plantar arch in relation to postural balance, and analyze the relationships between variations the plantar arch and anthropometric characteristics of the feet with unipedal static balance. We evaluated 100 men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 years old, to determine anthropometry and posturography with a force platform. There was a weak correlation between plantar arches and anthropometric measurements and postural balance, except for the length of the male foot, which showed a correlation between increased size and poorer static balance. We conclude that the type of plantar arch does not influence postural balance, and of the anthropometric factors, only foot length was related to postural balance.

  11. Rater reliability and construct validity of a mobile application for posture analysis. (United States)

    Szucs, Kimberly A; Brown, Elena V Donoso


    [Purpose] Measurement of posture is important for those with a clinical diagnosis as well as researchers aiming to understand the impact of faulty postures on the development of musculoskeletal disorders. A reliable, cost-effective and low tech posture measure may be beneficial for research and clinical applications. The purpose of this study was to determine rater reliability and construct validity of a posture screening mobile application in healthy young adults. [Subjects and Methods] Pictures of subjects were taken in three standing positions. Two raters independently digitized the static standing posture image twice. The app calculated posture variables, including sagittal and coronal plane translations and angulations. Intra- and inter-rater reliability were calculated using the appropriate ICC models for complete agreement. Construct validity was determined through comparison of known groups using repeated measures ANOVA. [Results] Intra-rater reliability ranged from 0.71 to 0.99. Inter-rater reliability was good to excellent for all translations. ICCs were stronger for translations versus angulations. The construct validity analysis found that the app was able to detect the change in the four variables selected. [Conclusion] The posture mobile application has demonstrated strong rater reliability and preliminary evidence of construct validity. This application may have utility in clinical and research settings.

  12. A new approach for assessing sleep duration and postures from ambulatory accelerometry.

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    Cornelia Wrzus

    Full Text Available Interest in the effects of sleeping behavior on health and performance is continuously increasing-both in research and with the general public. Ecologically valid investigations of this research topic necessitate the measurement of sleep within people's natural living contexts. We present evidence that a new approach for ambulatory accelerometry data offers a convenient, reliable, and valid measurement of both people's sleeping duration and quality in their natural environment. Ninety-two participants (14-83 years wore acceleration sensors on the sternum and right thigh while spending the night in their natural environment and following their normal routine. Physical activity, body posture, and change in body posture during the night were classified using a newly developed classification algorithm based on angular changes of body axes. The duration of supine posture and objective indicators of sleep quality showed convergent validity with self-reports of sleep duration and quality as well as external validity regarding expected age differences. The algorithms for classifying sleep postures and posture changes very reliably distinguished postures with 99.7% accuracy. We conclude that the new algorithm based on body posture classification using ambulatory accelerometry data offers a feasible and ecologically valid approach to monitor sleeping behavior in sizable and heterogeneous samples at home.

  13. Investigation of postural edema in the lower extremities of traffic control workers

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    Ana Paula Nunes Pereira Brito


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Determine the prevalence of postural edema and investigate whether working posture - sitting down or standing up - affect its frequency. METHODS: Sixteen traffic control agents were assessed by water displacement volumetry and the results were analyzed in two groups, depending on working posture. Those who worked standing up for more than 4 hours were allocated to the SU group and those who worked sitting down for more than 4 hours were allocated to the SD group. Each worker was assessed before and after their working shift for three consecutive days. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and the test of equality of two proportions. The significance level was set at p ≤ 0.05. The assessment showed that members of both groups had postural edema of the lower extremities (p ≤ 0.001. RESULTS: When the frequency of postural edema was compared across groups, a trend was observed for greater edema formation in the SU group than in the SD group, although without statistically significant difference. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that traffic control agents suffer postural edema after 4 hours working in either of the postures investigated although with a predominance of edema formation among those who work standing up.

  14. Evaluation of Neutral Body Posture on Shuttle Mission STS-57 (SPACEHAB-1). Revision (United States)

    Mount, Frances E.; Whitmore, Mihriban; Stealey, Sheryl L.


    Research has shown that the space environment induces physiological changes in the human body, such as fluid shifts in the upper body and chest cavity, spinal lengthening, muscular atrophy, space motion sickness, cardiopulmonary deconditioning, and bone mass loss, as well as some changes in visual perception. These require a period of adaptation and can substantially affect both crew member performance and posture. These physiological effects, when work activities are conducted, have been known to impact the body's center of gravity, reach, flexibility, and dexterity. All these aspects of posture must be considered to safely and efficiently design space systems and hardware. NASA has documented its microgravity body posture in the Man-Systems Integration Standards (MSIS); the space community uses the MSIS posture to design workstations and tools for space application. However, the microgravity body posture should be further investigated for several reasons, including small sample size in previous studies, possible imprecision, and lack of detail. JSC undertook this study to investigate human body posture exhibited under microgravity conditions. STS-57 crew members were instructed to assume a relaxed posture that was not oriented to any work area or task. Crew members were asked to don shorts and tank tops and to be blindfolded while data were recorded. Video data were acquired once during the mission from each of the six crew members. No one crew member exhibited the typical NBP called out in the MSIS; one composite posture is not adequate. A range of postures may be more constructive for design purposes. Future evaluations should define precise posture requirements for workstation, glove box, maintenance, foot-restraint, and handhold activities.

  15. Difference in postural control between patients with functional and mechanical ankle instability. (United States)

    Chen, Henry; Li, Hong-Yun; Zhang, Jian; Hua, Ying-Hui; Chen, Shi-Yi


    Lateral ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. Since the structural and pathological differences in mechanical ankle instability (MAI) and functional ankle instability (FAI) may not be the same, it may be better to treat these as separate groups. The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in postural sway between MAI and FAI in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI). Twenty-six patients with CAI and 14 healthy control participants were included in the study. The CAI patients were subdivided into MAI (15 patients) and FAI (11 patients) groups. Patients who were diagnosed with lateral ankle ligaments rupture by magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography were assigned to the MAI group. All participants performed single-limb postural sway tests 3 times on each leg with eyes closed and open. The average distances from the mean center of pressure position in the mediolateral and anteroposterior directions were recorded and compared among the 3 groups. The unstable ankles in the MAI group showed significantly greater postural sway in the anterior, posterior, and medial directions compared with those in the control group with eyes closed. With eyes open, significantly greater postural sway was found in the anterior direction. In the FAI group, no difference was found in postural sway compared with those in the control group. The MAI group showed significantly greater postural sway in the anterior direction compared with the FAI group with eyes closed and open. No significant difference in postural sway was found between the unstable and stable ankles in the MAI or FAI groups, with or without vision. Patients with MAI have deficits in postural control, especially in anterior-posterior directions. However, no difference was found in postural sway in patients with FAI compared with healthy people. As MAI patients suffer from deficits in postural control, balance training should be applied in those patients. In addition, special training

  16. Adolescent standing postural response to backpack loads: a randomised controlled experimental study

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    Pirunsan Ubon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Backpack loads produce changes in standing posture when compared with unloaded posture. Although 'poor' unloaded standing posture has been related to spinal pain, there is little evidence of whether, and how much, exposure to posterior load produces injurious effects on spinal tissue. The objective of this study was to describe the effect on adolescent sagittal plane standing posture of different loads and positions of a common design of school backpack. The underlying study aim was to test the appropriateness of two adult 'rules-of-thumb'-that for postural efficiency, backpacks should be worn high on the spine, and loads should be limited to 10% of body weight. Method A randomised controlled experimental study was conducted on 250 adolescents (12–18 years, randomly selected from five South Australian metropolitan high schools. Sagittal view anatomical points were marked on head, neck, shoulder, hip, thigh, knee and ankle. There were nine experimental conditions: combinations of backpack loads (3, 5 or 10% of body weight and positions (backpack centred at T7, T12 or L3. Sagittal plane photographs were taken of unloaded standing posture (baseline, and standing posture under the experimental conditions. Posture was quantified from the x (horizontal coordinate of each anatomical point under each experimental condition. Differences in postural response were described, and differences between conditions were determined using Analysis of Variance models. Results Neither age nor gender was a significant factor when comparing postural response to backpack loads or conditions. Backpacks positioned at T7 produced the largest forward (horizontal displacement at all the anatomical points. The horizontal position of all anatomical points increased linearly with load. Conclusion There is evidence refuting the 'rule-of-thumb' to carry the backpack high on the back. Typical school backpacks should be positioned with the centre at waist or

  17. Influence of dental occlusion on postural control and plantar pressure distribution. (United States)

    Scharnweber, Benjamin; Adjami, Frederic; Schuster, Gabriele; Kopp, Stefan; Natrup, Jörg; Erbe, Christina; Ohlendorf, Daniela


    The number of studies investigating correlations between the temporomandibular system and body posture, postural control or plantar pressure distribution is continuously increasing. If a connection can be found, it is often of minor influence or for only a single parameter. However, small subject groups are critical. This study was conducted to define correlations between dental parameters, postural control and plantar pressure distribution in healthy males. In this study, 87 male subjects with an average age of 25.23 ± 3.5 years (ranging from 18 to 35 years) were examined. Dental casts of the subjects were analyzed. Postural control and plantar pressure distribution were recorded by a force platform. Possible orthodontic and orthopedic factors of influence were determined by either an anamnesis or a questionnaire. All tests performed were randomized and repeated three times each for intercuspal position (ICP) and blocked occlusion (BO). For a statistical analysis of the results, non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon-Matched-Pairs-Test, Kruskall-Wallis-Test) were used. A revision of the results via Bonferroni-Holm correction was considered. ICP increases body sway in the frontal (p ≤ 0.01) and sagittal planes (p ≤ 0.03) compared to BO, whereas all other 29 correlations were independent of the occlusion position. For both of the ICP or BO cases, Angle-class, midline-displacement, crossbite, or orthodontic therapy were found to have no influence on postural control or plantar pressure distribution (p > 0.05). However, the contact time of the left foot decreased (p ≤ 0.001) while detecting the plantar pressure distribution in each position. Persistent dental parameters have no effect on postural sway. In addition, postural control and plantar pressure distribution have been found to be independent postural criteria.

  18. An investigation of rugby scrimmaging posture and individual maximum pushing force. (United States)

    Wu, Wen-Lan; Chang, Jyh-Jong; Wu, Jia-Hroung; Guo, Lan-Yuen


    Although rugby is a popular contact sport and the isokinetic muscle torque assessment has recently found widespread application in the field of sports medicine, little research has examined the factors associated with the performance of game-specific skills directly by using the isokinetic-type rugby scrimmaging machine. This study is designed to (a) measure and observe the differences in the maximum individual pushing forward force produced by scrimmaging in different body postures (3 body heights x 2 foot positions) with a self-developed rugby scrimmaging machine and (b) observe the variations in hip, knee, and ankle angles at different body postures and explore the relationship between these angle values and the individual maximum pushing force. Ten national rugby players were invited to participate in the examination. The experimental equipment included a self-developed rugby scrimmaging machine and a 3-dimensional motion analysis system. Our results showed that the foot positions (parallel and nonparallel foot positions) do not affect the maximum pushing force; however, the maximum pushing force was significantly lower in posture I (36% body height) than in posture II (38%) and posture III (40%). The maximum forward force in posture III (40% body height) was also slightly greater than for the scrum in posture II (38% body height). In addition, it was determined that hip, knee, and ankle angles under parallel feet positioning are factors that are closely negatively related in terms of affecting maximum pushing force in scrimmaging. In cross-feet postures, there was a positive correlation between individual forward force and hip angle of the rear leg. From our results, we can conclude that if the player stands in an appropriate starting position at the early stage of scrimmaging, it will benefit the forward force production.

  19. Contributions of foot muscles and plantar fascia morphology to foot posture. (United States)

    Angin, Salih; Mickle, Karen J; Nester, Christopher J


    The plantar foot muscles and plantar fascia differ between different foot postures. However, how each individual plantar structure contribute to foot posture has not been explored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between static foot posture and morphology of plantar foot muscles and plantar fascia and thus the contributions of these structures to static foot posture. A total of 111 participants were recruited, 43 were classified as having pes planus and 68 as having normal foot posture using Foot Posture Index assessment tool. Images from the flexor digitorum longus (FDL), flexor hallucis longus (FHL), peroneus longus and brevis (PER), flexor hallucis brevis (FHB), flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) and abductor hallucis (AbH) muscles, and the calcaneal (PF1), middle (PF2) and metatarsal (PF3) regions of the plantar fascia were obtained using a Venue 40 ultrasound system with a 5-13 MHz transducer. In order of decreasing contribution, PF3 > FHB > FHL > PER > FDB were all associated with FPI and able to explain 69% of the change in FPI scores. PF3 was the highest contributor explaining 52% of increases in FPI score. Decreased thickness was associated with increased FPI score. Smaller cross sectional area (CSA) in FHB and PER muscles explained 20% and 8% of increase in FPI score. Larger CSA of FDB and FHL muscles explained 4% and 14% increase in FPI score respectively. The medial plantar structures and the plantar fascia appear to be the major contributors to static foot posture. Elucidating the individual contribution of multiple muscles of the foot could provide insight about their role in the foot posture. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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    Denny Nurkertamanda


    Full Text Available Salah satu pekerjaan angkat angkut adalah pekerjaan menurunkan pasir dari atas truk. Dalam bekerja, pekerja menggunakan alat bantu berupa enggrong yang merupakan sekop dengan gagang pendek. Akibat penggunaan enggrong, pekerja bekerja dengan postur tubuh membungkuk. Postur kerja ini menimbulkan potensi low back pain pada pekerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 9 partisipan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui potensi risiko low back pain berdasarkan sudut kemiringan trunk ketika pekerja bekerja menurunkan pasir dengan enggrong. Sudut kemiringan trunk yang diprediksi meliputi: 1 sudut kemiringan trunk flexion, 2 sudut kemiringan trunk bending, dan 3 sudut kemiringan trunk twisting. Data postur kerja diambil dengan menggunakan kamera 3D Microsoft KinectTM dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan software Siemen Jack metode 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP untuk memprediksi sudut kemiringan trunk. Hasil analisis dari ke-6 postur kerja menunjukkan postur-postur kerja yang sering dilakukan pekerja mempunyai rerata sudut kemiringan trunk flexion sebesar 61,10 ± 10,090, sudut kemiringan trunk bending sebesar 19,80 ± 6,740 dan sudut kemiringan trunk twisting sebesar 20,00 ± 9,030. Rerata sudut kemiringan trunk flexion yang mencapai 87,28 %  dari sudut kemiringan maksimal merupakan penyebab utama risiko low back pain. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan potensi terjadinya low back pain pada pekerja pasiran dapat terjadi. Perlu intervensi ergonomi untuk mencegah dan mengurangi potensi risiko terjadi low back pain pada pekerja pasiran.   Abstract One of the manual matrial handling jobs is the derivative work from the top of the truck. In working the workers use a tool that enggrong which is a short-handed shovel. Due to the use of employee enggrong work with stooped posture. This work posture raises the potential for low back pain in workers. This study is a cross sectional study with a sample of 9

  1. Cortical involvement in anticipatory postural reactions in man

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Tue Hvass; Rosenberg, Kasper; Petersen, Nicolas Caesar


    All movements are accompanied by postural reactions which ensure that the balance of the body is maintained. It has not been resolved that to what extent the primary motor cortex and corticospinal tract are involved in the control of these reactions. Here, we investigated the contribution...... of the corticospinal tract to the activation of the soleus (SOL) muscle in standing human subjects (n = 10) in relation to voluntary heel raise, anticipatory postural activation of the soleus muscle when the subject pulled a handle and to reflex activation of the soleus muscle when the subject was suddenly pulled...... was observed prior to EMG onset for the external perturbation. These data suggest that the primary motor cortex is involved in activating the SOL muscle as part of an anticipatory postural reaction....

  2. Nonplantigrade Foot Posture: A Constraint on Dinosaur Body Size.

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    Tai Kubo

    Full Text Available Dinosaurs had functionally digitigrade or sub-unguligrade foot postures. With their immediate ancestors, dinosaurs were the only terrestrial nonplantigrades during the Mesozoic. Extant terrestrial mammals have different optimal body sizes according to their foot posture (plantigrade, digitigrade, and unguligrade, yet the relationship of nonplantigrade foot posture with dinosaur body size has never been investigated, even though the body size of dinosaurs has been studied intensively. According to a large dataset presented in this study, the body sizes of all nonplantigrades (including nonvolant dinosaurs, nonvolant terrestrial birds, extant mammals, and extinct Nearctic mammals are above 500 g, except for macroscelid mammals (i.e., elephant shrew, a few alvarezsauroid dinosaurs, and nondinosaur ornithodirans (i.e., the immediate ancestors of dinosaurs. When nonplantigrade tetrapods evolved from plantigrade ancestors, lineages with nonplantigrade foot posture exhibited a steady increase in body size following Cope's rule. In contrast, contemporaneous plantigrade lineages exhibited no trend in body size evolution and were largely constrained to small body sizes. This evolutionary pattern of body size specific to foot posture occurred repeatedly during both the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic eras. Although disturbed by the end-Cretaceous extinction, species of mid to large body size have predominantly been nonplantigrade animals from the Jurassic until the present; conversely, species with small body size have been exclusively composed of plantigrades in the nonvolant terrestrial tetrapod fauna.

  3. Nonplantigrade Foot Posture: A Constraint on Dinosaur Body Size. (United States)

    Kubo, Tai; Kubo, Mugino O


    Dinosaurs had functionally digitigrade or sub-unguligrade foot postures. With their immediate ancestors, dinosaurs were the only terrestrial nonplantigrades during the Mesozoic. Extant terrestrial mammals have different optimal body sizes according to their foot posture (plantigrade, digitigrade, and unguligrade), yet the relationship of nonplantigrade foot posture with dinosaur body size has never been investigated, even though the body size of dinosaurs has been studied intensively. According to a large dataset presented in this study, the body sizes of all nonplantigrades (including nonvolant dinosaurs, nonvolant terrestrial birds, extant mammals, and extinct Nearctic mammals) are above 500 g, except for macroscelid mammals (i.e., elephant shrew), a few alvarezsauroid dinosaurs, and nondinosaur ornithodirans (i.e., the immediate ancestors of dinosaurs). When nonplantigrade tetrapods evolved from plantigrade ancestors, lineages with nonplantigrade foot posture exhibited a steady increase in body size following Cope's rule. In contrast, contemporaneous plantigrade lineages exhibited no trend in body size evolution and were largely constrained to small body sizes. This evolutionary pattern of body size specific to foot posture occurred repeatedly during both the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic eras. Although disturbed by the end-Cretaceous extinction, species of mid to large body size have predominantly been nonplantigrade animals from the Jurassic until the present; conversely, species with small body size have been exclusively composed of plantigrades in the nonvolant terrestrial tetrapod fauna.

  4. Tai Chi training reduced coupling between respiration and postural control. (United States)

    Holmes, Matthew L; Manor, Brad; Hsieh, Wan-hsin; Hu, Kun; Lipsitz, Lewis A; Li, Li


    In order to maintain stable upright stance, the postural control system must account for the continuous perturbations to the body's center-of-mass including those caused by spontaneous respiration. Both aging and disease increase "posturo-respiratory synchronization;" which reflects the degree to which respiration affects postural sway fluctuations over time. Tai Chi training emphasizes the coordination of respiration and bodily movements and may therefore optimize the functional interaction between these two systems. The purpose of the project was to examine the effect of Tai Chi training on the interaction between respiration and postural control in older adults. We hypothesized that Tai Chi training would improve the ability of the postural control system to compensate for respiratory perturbations and thus, reduce posturo-respiratory synchronization. Participants were recruited from supportive housing facilities and randomized to a 12-week Tai Chi intervention (n=28; 86 ± 5 yrs) or educational-control program (n=34, 85 ± 6 yrs). Standing postural sway and respiration were simultaneously recorded with a force plate and respiratory belt under eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions. Posturo-respiratory synchronization was determined by quantifying the variation of the phase relationship between the dominant oscillatory mode of respiration and corresponding oscillations within postural sway. Groups were similar in age, gender distribution, height, body mass, and intervention compliance. Neither intervention altered average sway speed, sway magnitude or respiratory rate. As compared to the education-control group, however, Tai Chi training reduced posturo-respiratory synchronization when standing with eyes open or closed (ppostural control or respiration, yet reduced the coupling between respiration and postural control. The beneficial effects of Tai Chi training may therefore stem in part from optimization of this multi-system interaction. Copyright © 2015

  5. Does a crouched leg posture enhance running stability and robustness? (United States)

    Blum, Yvonne; Birn-Jeffery, Aleksandra; Daley, Monica A; Seyfarth, Andre


    Humans and birds both walk and run bipedally on compliant legs. However, differences in leg architecture may result in species-specific leg control strategies as indicated by the observed gait patterns. In this work, control strategies for stable running are derived based on a conceptual model and compared with experimental data on running humans and pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). From a model perspective, running with compliant legs can be represented by the planar spring mass model and stabilized by applying swing leg control. Here, linear adaptations of the three leg parameters, leg angle, leg length and leg stiffness during late swing phase are assumed. Experimentally observed kinematic control parameters (leg rotation and leg length change) of human and avian running are compared, and interpreted within the context of this model, with specific focus on stability and robustness characteristics. The results suggest differences in stability characteristics and applied control strategies of human and avian running, which may relate to differences in leg posture (straight leg posture in humans, and crouched leg posture in birds). It has been suggested that crouched leg postures may improve stability. However, as the system of control strategies is overdetermined, our model findings suggest that a crouched leg posture does not necessarily enhance running stability. The model also predicts different leg stiffness adaptation rates for human and avian running, and suggests that a crouched avian leg posture, which is capable of both leg shortening and lengthening, allows for stable running without adjusting leg stiffness. In contrast, in straight-legged human running, the preparation of the ground contact seems to be more critical, requiring leg stiffness adjustment to remain stable. Finally, analysis of a simple robustness measure, the normalized maximum drop, suggests that the crouched leg posture may provide greater robustness to changes in terrain height

  6. Heat-conserving postures hinder escape: a thermoregulation–predation trade-off in wintering birds


    Jennie M. Carr; Steven L. Lima


    Wintering birds may conserve body heat by adopting postures with minimal leg exposure or significant ptiloerection. However, maximally heat-conserving postures may hinder a bird's ability to escape attack, leading to a trade-off between predation risk and thermoregulation. Such a trade-off implies that birds should use the most heat-conserving postures only at very cold temperatures. Feeding in a relatively low-risk environment should also facilitate the use of such heat-conserving postures. ...

  7. Relations between Biomechanical Parameters and Static Power of Arms in Children with Disturbed Posture

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    Slobodan Andrašić


    Full Text Available This study is aimed at determining the parameters and biomechanical analysis of their impact on the static arm strength in children with impaired posture as poor kyphotic posture, lordotic poor posture and children with flat feet. A transversal study included a sample of 67 children on the territory of the municipality of Subotica. The structure of the sample is as follows: 22 subjects with impaired kyphotic posture, 18 patients with impaired lordotic posture, and 27 subjects with flat feet. Measuring the level of static arm strength was done by the standardized "folding endurance" test. Observing the morphological development of children with kyphotic, lordotic poor posture and flat feet determined statistically significant differences in biomechanical variables.


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    Alyahya D


    Full Text Available Background: Postural control requires complex processing of peripheral sensory inputs from the visual, somatosensory and vestibular systems. Motion sensitivity and decreased postural control are influenced by visual-vestibular conflicts.The purpose of this study was to measure the difference between the postural control of healthy adults with and without history of sub-clinical chronic motion sensitivity using a computerized dynamic posturography in a virtual reality environment. Sub-clinical chronic motion sensitivity was operationally defined as a history of avoiding activities causing dizziness, nausea, imbalance, and/or blurred vision without having a related medical diagnosis. Methods: Twenty healthy adults between 22 and 33 years of age participated in the study. Eleven subjects had sub-clinical chronic motion sensitivity and 9 subjects did not. Postural control was measured in both groups using the Bertec Balance Advantage-Dynamic Computerized Dynamic Posturography with Immersion Virtual Reality (CDP-IVR. The CDP-IVR reports an over-all equilibrium score based on subjects’ center of gravity displacement and postural sway while immersed in a virtual reality environment. Subjects were tested on stable (condition 1 and unstable (condition2 platform conditions. Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of mean age, height, weight, body mass index in kg/m2, postural control scores for conditions 2, and average (p>0.05. However, significant differences were observed in mean postural control for condition 1 between groups (p=0.03. Conclusions: Results of this study suggest that healthy young adults without chronic sub-clinical motion sensitivity have better postural control than those with chronic sub-clinical motion sensitivity. Further investigation is warranted to explore wider age ranges with larger samples sizes as well as intervention strategies to improve postural control.

  9. Effects of posture on postoperative pulmonary function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, K G; Holte, Kathrine; Kehlet, H


    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary morbidity is still a relevant complication to major surgery despite improvements in surgical technique and anaesthetic methods. Postoperative posture may be a pathogenic factor, but the effects of changes in postoperative posture on pulmonary function have not been reviewed....... METHODS: Review of controlled, clinical trials evaluating postoperative pulmonary function in patients positioned in the supine vs. the sitting or standing position and patients positioned in the supine vs. the lateral position. Data were obtained from a search in the Medline and Cochrane databases (1966...

  10. Problems of display postures in the Charadrii (Aves: Charadriiformes)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Studies of displays in the Charadrii (= waders or shorebirds) show that the same posture in different species, even quite closely related, may have a different function in a given context. As a corollary to this, two species even in the same genus may have quite different display postures to convey the same message.

  11. Body posture measurement in a context of example-based teaching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benoit, Eric; Perrin, Stephane; Coquin, Didier


    This paper presents a measurement process of body postures operated in a context of humanoid robot learning. The basic measured quantities are the angle joints of a human skeleton and the angle joints of a humanoid robot. Due to the differences between the two mechanical structures, the measurement results are expressed into a common representation space by the way of fuzzy scales. This paper shows how the common representation space can be defined, and presents a method to match weakly defined postures with uncertain measurements of a human posture

  12. Can Postural Instability Respond to Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease?

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    Hiroshi Kataoka


    Full Text Available Objective Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS activates the vestibular afferents, and these changes in vestibular input exert a strong influence on the subject’s posture or standing balance. In patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD, vestibular dysfunction might contribute to postural instability and gait disorders. Methods Current intensity was increased to 0.7 mA, and the current was applied to the patients for 20 minutes. To perform a sham stimulation, the current intensity was increased as described and then decreased to 0 mA over the course of 10 seconds. The patient’s status was recorded continuously for 20 minutes with the patient in the supine position. Results Three out of 5 patients diagnosed with PD with postural instability and/or abnormal axial posture showed a reduction in postural instability after GVS. The score for item 12 of the revised Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale part 3 was decreased in these patients. Conclusions The mechanism of postural instability is complex and not completely understood. In 2 out of the 5 patients, postural instability was not changed in response to GVS. Nonetheless, the GVS-induced change in postural instability for 3 patients in our study suggests that GVS might be a therapeutic option for postural instability.

  13. Robotic finger perturbation training improves finger postural steadiness and hand dexterity. (United States)

    Yoshitake, Yasuhide; Ikeda, Atsutoshi; Shinohara, Minoru


    The purpose of the study was to understand the effect of robotic finger perturbation training on steadiness in finger posture and hand dexterity in healthy young adults. A mobile robotic finger training system was designed to have the functions of high-speed mechanical response, two degrees of freedom, and adjustable loading amplitude and direction. Healthy young adults were assigned to one of the three groups: random perturbation training (RPT), constant force training (CFT), and control. Subjects in RPT and CFT performed steady posture training with their index finger using the robot in different modes: random force in RPT and constant force in CFT. After the 2-week intervention period, fluctuations of the index finger posture decreased only in RPT during steady position-matching tasks with an inertial load. Purdue pegboard test score improved also in RPT only. The relative change in finger postural fluctuations was negatively correlated with the relative change in the number of completed pegs in the pegboard test in RPT. The results indicate that finger posture training with random mechanical perturbations of varying amplitudes and directions of force is effective in improving finger postural steadiness and hand dexterity in healthy young adults. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Human posture experiments under water: ways of applying the findings to microgravity (United States)

    Dirlich, Thomas

    For the design and layout human spacecraft interiors the Neutral Body Posture (NBP) in micro-gravity is of great importance. The NBP has been defined as the stable, replicable and nearly constant posture the body "automatically" assumes when a human relaxes in microgravity. Furthermore the NBP, as published, suggests that there is one standard neutral posture for all individuals. Published experiments from space, parabolic flights and under water on the other hand show strong inter-individual variations of neutral (relaxed) postures. This might originate from the quite small sample sizes of subjects analyzed or the different experiment conditions, e. g. space and under water. Since 2008 a collaborative research project focussing on human postures and motions in microgravity has been ongoing at the Technische Univer-sitüt München (TUM). This collaborative effort is undertaken by the Institute of Astronautics a (LRT) and the Institute of Ergonomics (LfE). Several test campaigns have been conducted in simulated microgravity under water using a specially designed standardized experiment setup. Stereo-metric HD video footage and anthropometric data from over 50 subjects (female and male) has been gathered in over 80 experiments. The video data is analyzed using PCMAN software, developed by the LfE, resulting in a 3D volumetric CAD-based model of each subject and posture. Preliminary and ongoing analysis of the data offer evidence for the existence of intra-individually constant neutral postures, as well as continuously recurring relaxation strate-gies. But as with the data published prior the TUM experiments show quite a large variation of inter-individual postures. These variation might be induced or influenced by the special environmental conditions in the underwater experiment. Thus in present paper ways of stan-dardizing data and applying the findings gathered under water to real microgravity are being discussed. The following influences stemming from the

  15. Effects of affective picture viewing on postural control


    Stins, John F; Beek, Peter J


    Abstract Background Emotion theory holds that unpleasant events prime withdrawal actions, whereas pleasant events prime approach actions. Recent studies have suggested that passive viewing of emotion eliciting images results in postural adjustments, which become manifest as changes in body center of pressure (COP) trajectories. From those studies it appears that posture is modulated most when viewing pictures with negative valence. The present experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis t...

  16. Associations between Tactile Sensory Threshold and Postural Performance and Effects of Healthy Aging and Subthreshold Vibrotactile Stimulation on Postural Outcomes in a Simple Dual Task (United States)

    Dettmer, Marius; Pourmoghaddam, Amir; Lee, Beom-Chan; Layne, Charles S.


    Specific activities that require concurrent processing of postural and cognitive tasks may increase the risk for falls in older adults. We investigated whether peripheral receptor sensitivity was associated with postural performance in a dual-task and whether an intervention in form of subthreshold vibration could affect performance. Ten younger (age: 20–35 years) and ten older adults (70–85 years) performed repeated auditory-verbal 1-back tasks while standing quietly on a force platform. Foot sole vibration was randomly added during several trials. Several postural control and performance measures were assessed and statistically analyzed (significance set to α-levels of .05). There were moderate correlations between peripheral sensitivity and several postural performance and control measures (r = .45 to .59). Several postural performance measures differed significantly between older and younger adults (p older adults' performance in dual-tasks, and peripheral sensitivity may be a contributor to the observed differences. A vibration intervention may only be useful when there are more severe impairments of the sensorimotor system. Hence, future research regarding the efficacy of sensorimotor interventions in the form of vibrotactile stimulation should focus on older adults whose balance is significantly affected. PMID:27143967

  17. Postural Control in Workplace Safety: Role of Occupational Footwear and Workload


    Harish Chander; John C. Garner; Chip Wade; Adam C. Knight


    Maintaining postural stability is crucial, especially in hazardous occupational environments. The purpose of the study was to assess the role of three occupational footwear (low top shoe (LT); tactical work boot (TB) and steel-toed work boot (WB)) on postural stability when exposed to an occupational workload (4-h) involving standing/walking using the sensory organization test (SOT) equilibrium (EQ) scores and comparing current results with previously published postural sway variables from th...

  18. Photographic measurement of head and cervical posture when viewing mobile phone: a pilot study. (United States)

    Guan, Xiaofei; Fan, Guoxin; Wu, Xinbo; Zeng, Ying; Su, Hang; Gu, Guangfei; Zhou, Qi; Gu, Xin; Zhang, Hailong; He, Shisheng


    With the dramatic growth of mobile phone usage, concerns have been raised with regard to the adverse health effects of mobile phone on spinal posture. The aim of this study was to determine the head and cervical postures by photogrammetry when viewing the mobile phone screen, compared with those in neutral standing posture. A total of 186 subjects (81 females and 105 males) aged from 17 to 31 years old participated in this study. Subjects were instructed to stand neutrally and using mobile phone as in daily life. Using a photographic method, the sagittal head and cervical postures were assessed by head tilt angle, neck tilt angle, forward head shift and gaze angle. The photographic method showed a high intra-rater and inter-rater reliability in measuring the sagittal posture of cervical spine and gaze angle (ICCs ranged from 0.80 to 0.99). When looking at mobile phone, the head tilt angle significantly increased (from 74.55° to 95.22°, p = 0.000) and the neck angle decreased (from 54.68° to 38.77°, p = 0.000). The forward head posture was also confirmed by the significantly increased head shift (from 10.90 to 13.85 cm, p = 0.000). The posture assumed in mobile phone use was significantly correlated with neutral posture (p phone use. Compared to neutral standing, subjects display a more forward head posture when viewing the mobile phone screen, which is correlated with neutral posture, gaze angle and gender. Future studies will be needed to investigate a dose-response relationship between mobile phone use and assumed posture.

  19. Models of Postural Control: Shared Variance in Joint and COM Motions.

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    Melissa C Kilby

    Full Text Available This paper investigated the organization of the postural control system in human upright stance. To this aim the shared variance between joint and 3D total body center of mass (COM motions was analyzed using multivariate canonical correlation analysis (CCA. The CCA was performed as a function of established models of postural control that varied in their joint degrees of freedom (DOF, namely, an inverted pendulum ankle model (2DOF, ankle-hip model (4DOF, ankle-knee-hip model (5DOF, and ankle-knee-hip-neck model (7DOF. Healthy young adults performed various postural tasks (two-leg and one-leg quiet stances, voluntary AP and ML sway on a foam and rigid surface of support. Based on CCA model selection procedures, the amount of shared variance between joint and 3D COM motions and the cross-loading patterns we provide direct evidence of the contribution of multi-DOF postural control mechanisms to human balance. The direct model fitting of CCA showed that incrementing the DOFs in the model through to 7DOF was associated with progressively enhanced shared variance with COM motion. In the 7DOF model, the first canonical function revealed more active involvement of all joints during more challenging one leg stances and dynamic posture tasks. Furthermore, the shared variance was enhanced during the dynamic posture conditions, consistent with a reduction of dimension. This set of outcomes shows directly the degeneracy of multivariate joint regulation in postural control that is influenced by stance and surface of support conditions.

  20. Forearm posture and mobility in quadrupedal dinosaurs. (United States)

    VanBuren, Collin S; Bonnan, Matthew


    Quadrupedality evolved four independent times in dinosaurs; however, the constraints associated with these transitions in limb anatomy and function remain poorly understood, in particular the evolution of forearm posture and rotational ability (i.e., active pronation and supination). Results of previous qualitative studies are inconsistent, likely due to an inability to quantitatively assess the likelihood of their conclusions. We attempt to quantify antebrachial posture and mobility using the radius bone because its morphology is distinct between extant sprawled taxa with a limited active pronation ability and parasagittal taxa that have an enhanced ability to actively pronate the manus. We used a sliding semi-landmark, outline-based geometric morphometric approach of the proximal radial head and a measurement of the angle of curvature of the radius in a sample of 189 mammals, 49 dinosaurs, 35 squamates, 16 birds, and 5 crocodilians. Our results of radial head morphology showed that quadrupedal ceratopsians, bipedal non-hadrosaurid ornithopods, and theropods had limited pronation/supination ability, and sauropodomorphs have unique radial head morphology that likely allowed limited rotational ability. However, the curvature of the radius showed that no dinosaurian clade had the ability to cross the radius about the ulna, suggesting parallel antebrachial elements for all quadrupedal dinosaurs. We conclude that the bipedal origins of all quadrupedal dinosaur clades could have allowed for greater disparity in forelimb posture than previously appreciated, and future studies on dinosaur posture should not limit their classifications to the overly simplistic extant dichotomy.

  1. Influence of musical groove on postural sway. (United States)

    Ross, Jessica M; Warlaumont, Anne S; Abney, Drew H; Rigoli, Lillian M; Balasubramaniam, Ramesh


    Timescales of postural fluctuation reflect underlying neuromuscular processes in balance control that are influenced by sensory information and the performance of concurrent cognitive and motor tasks. An open question is how postural fluctuations entrain to complex environmental rhythms, such as in music, which also vary on multiple timescales. Musical groove describes the property of music that encourages auditory-motor synchronization and is used to study voluntary motor entrainment to rhythmic sounds. The influence of groove on balance control mechanisms remains unexplored. We recorded fluctuations in center of pressure (CoP) of standing participants (N = 40) listening to low and high groove music and during quiet stance. We found an effect of musical groove on radial sway variability, with the least amount of variability in the high groove condition. In addition, we observed that groove influenced postural sway entrainment at various temporal scales. For example, with increasing levels of groove, we observed more entrainment to shorter, local timescale rhythmic musical occurrences. In contrast, we observed more entrainment to longer, global timescale features of the music, such as periodicity, with decreasing levels of groove. Finally, musical experience influenced the amount of postural variability and entrainment at local and global timescales. We conclude that groove in music and musical experience can influence the neural mechanisms that govern balance control, and discuss implications of our findings in terms of multiscale sensorimotor coupling. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. Forearm posture and mobility in quadrupedal dinosaurs.

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    Collin S VanBuren

    Full Text Available Quadrupedality evolved four independent times in dinosaurs; however, the constraints associated with these transitions in limb anatomy and function remain poorly understood, in particular the evolution of forearm posture and rotational ability (i.e., active pronation and supination. Results of previous qualitative studies are inconsistent, likely due to an inability to quantitatively assess the likelihood of their conclusions. We attempt to quantify antebrachial posture and mobility using the radius bone because its morphology is distinct between extant sprawled taxa with a limited active pronation ability and parasagittal taxa that have an enhanced ability to actively pronate the manus. We used a sliding semi-landmark, outline-based geometric morphometric approach of the proximal radial head and a measurement of the angle of curvature of the radius in a sample of 189 mammals, 49 dinosaurs, 35 squamates, 16 birds, and 5 crocodilians. Our results of radial head morphology showed that quadrupedal ceratopsians, bipedal non-hadrosaurid ornithopods, and theropods had limited pronation/supination ability, and sauropodomorphs have unique radial head morphology that likely allowed limited rotational ability. However, the curvature of the radius showed that no dinosaurian clade had the ability to cross the radius about the ulna, suggesting parallel antebrachial elements for all quadrupedal dinosaurs. We conclude that the bipedal origins of all quadrupedal dinosaur clades could have allowed for greater disparity in forelimb posture than previously appreciated, and future studies on dinosaur posture should not limit their classifications to the overly simplistic extant dichotomy.

  3. Los paradigmas de redacción normativa como medio para alcanzar la seguridad: ¿una apuesta segura?

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    Fernando Centenera Sánchez-Seco


    Full Text Available En diferentes referencias que se ocupan de la redacción de normas, se considera que éstas deben tener un lenguaje sencillo, claro y preciso, para así poder ofrecer seguridad. Una primera aproximación a esta afirmación, partiendo de diferentes dimensiones de la seguridad, ofrece numerosos argumentos para corroborarla. Así acontece si analizamos la seguridad como cualidad del derecho (en lo que respecta a la certeza de orientación, la firmeza del derecho o su eficacia, como justicia formal (con las implicaciones que ello conlleva en los ámbitos de la libertad y la igualdad y como justicia material (en lo que respecta a la protección de los derechos fundamentales, por ejemplo. Sin embargo, un examen más detenido demuestra que también existen razones para pensar que los paradigmas de redacción señalados no siempre aportan seguridad, y que en determinadas circunstancias el lenguaje complejo, vago o impreciso puede resultar conveniente. Si esto es así, parece que convendría reformular la directriz señalada al comienzo. Para llevar a cabo esta labor, la teoría de la legislación ofrece numerosas herramientas sugerentes, que pueden dar cabida a las circunstancias señaladas. En este estudio se propone la puesta en práctica de un sistema de racionalidad capaz de dar cobertura a las circunstancias diagnosticadas, estructurado en diferentes niveles de racionalidad, donde tienen cabida tanto los aspectos lingüísticos, como aquellos relacionados con la seguridad. 

  4. La organización empresarial como un campo de luchas: cuestiones metodológicas y pormenores de investigación

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    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta procedimientos metodológicos, incluyendo pormenores de investigación, que permiten estudiar una empresa como un campo de luchas. Se pretende mostrar que la explicación de ese micro-universo económico, puede ser efectuada a partir del espacio de relaciones de dominación y oposición que se configura. El artículo contiene, por un lado, la referencia teórica de Pierre Bourdieu; y, por otro, se constituye como una reflexión metodológica de una investigación de largo alcance efectuada por el autor en una empresa industrial uruguaya. La idea que recorre el trabajo es la de explicitar el «habitus científico» en operación, procurando mostrar tanto la reproducción como el cuestionamiento de las relaciones de dominación en un determinado universo social. Se destaca, además, la pertinencia de una estrategia de investigación basada en la utilización de múltiples métodos y técnicas de investigación. Las reflexiones finales enfatizan que el estudio de los universos empresariales es fundamental para la comprensión de las relaciones entre las clases sociales.

  5. Cephalic version by postural management for breech presentation. (United States)

    Hofmeyr, G Justus; Kulier, Regina


    Babies with breech presentation (bottom first) are at increased risk of complications during birth, and are often delivered by caesarean section. The chance of breech presentation persisting at the time of delivery, and the risk of caesarean section, can be reduced by external cephalic version (ECV - turning the baby by manual manipulation through the mother's abdomen). It is also possible that maternal posture may influence fetal position. Many postural techniques have been used to promote cephalic version. The objective of this review was to assess the effects of postural management of breech presentation on measures of pregnancy outcome. We evaluated procedures in which the mother rests with her pelvis elevated. These include the knee-chest position, and a supine position with the pelvis elevated with a wedge-shaped cushion. We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (22 August 2012). Randomised and quasi-randomised trials comparing postural management with pelvic elevation for breech presentation, with a control group. One or both review authors assessed eligibility and trial quality. We have included six studies involving a total of 417 women. The rates for non-cephalic births, Cesarean section and Apgar scores below 7 at one minute, regardless of whether ECV was attempted or not, were similar between the intervention and control groups (risk ratio (RR) 0.98; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.15; RR 1.10; 95% CI 0.89 to 1.37; RR 0.88; 95% CI 0.50 to 1.55). There is insufficient evidence from well-controlled trials to support the use of postural management for breech presentation. The numbers of women studied to date remain relatively small. Further research is needed.

  6. Closed loop kinesthetic feedback for postural control rehabilitation. (United States)

    Vérité, Fabien; Bachta, Wael; Morel, Guillaume


    Postural control rehabilitation may benefit from the use of smart devices providing biofeedback. This approach consists of increasing the patients perception of their postural state. Namely, postural state is monitored and fed back in real time to the patients through one or more sensory channels. This allows implementing rehabilitation exercises where the patients control their posture with the help of additional sensory inputs. In this paper, a closed loop control of the Center-Of-Pressure (CoP) based on kinesthetic feedback is proposed as a new form of biofeedback. The motion of a one Degree of Freedom (DoF) translational device, lightly touched by the patient's forefinger, is servoed to the patient's CoP position extracted from the measurements of a force plate on which he/she stands. As a result, the patient's CoP can be controllably displaced. A first set of experiments is used to prove the feasibility of this closed-loop control under ideal conditions favoring the perception of the kinesthetic feedback, while the subject is totally unaware of the context. A second set of experiments is then proposed to evaluate the robustness of this approach under experimental conditions that are more realistic with regards to the clinical context of a rehabilitation program involving biofeedback-based exercises.

  7. Análisis de la transformación digital de las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Un marco de referencia teórico

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    Fernando Almaraz Menéndez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se proporcionan una serie de argumentos que apoyan la tesis de que las universidades están experimentando, o pueden experimentar en un futuro próximo, un conjunto de importantes cambios inducidos por las tendencias tecnológicas y sociales hacia la digitalización. Se aporta una definición básica de la Trasformación Digital de las Instituciones de Educación Superior para cuyo estudio riguroso se plantea un marco de referencia teórico que desglosa el proceso de transformación digital en siete dimensiones o esferas de actividad. Se considera, además, la dimensión de la gobernanza del propio proceso de transformación digital. Para cada uno de estos ocho niveles se definen varias variables, hasta un total de diez y ocho, que conforman un modelo teórico que puede ser aplicado al diseño de investigaciones empíricas, con enfoques tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, para el análisis sistemático de las implicaciones de la transformación digital en las Instituciones de Educación Superior.

  8. Body posture in the sagittal plane and scoliotic variables in girls aged 7-18

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    Jacek Wilczyński


    Introduction. The aim of the study was to analyze the correlation between the variable posture in the sagittal plane and the scoliotic variables. Material and methods. The study involved 28 girls aged 7-18 years with scoliotic posture and scoliosis. Body posture as well as the spine were examined using Moiré’s spatial photogrammetry and the Exhibeon digital radiography method. Based on the size of the spinal curvature, the following were distinguished: scoliotic postures: 1-9° and scoliosis: ≥10°. Results. There were 21 (75% with scoliotic posture and 7 (25% with scoliosis. The size of the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis was normal. Conclusions. Between the body postural variables in the sagittal plane and the scoliotic variables, both positive (direct proportional and negative (inversely proportional correlations occurred. In the selection of scoliosis treatment method, the size of the postural variables in the sagittal plane should be taken into account, and each patient’s case should be individually considered.

  9. Intervalos de referencia de minerales en cerdos confinados de diferentes genéticas y categorías

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    Full Text Available En Argentina, no existen datos regionales de intervalos de referencia de minerales en cerdos según las líneas genéticas actuales y distintas categorías de producción en sistema intensivo. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar intervalos de minerales: calcio, fósforo, magnesio, sodio, potasio, hierro, cobre y cinc, en suero de cerdos en establecimientos del centro de Santa Fe y de Entre Ríos. Se trabajó con 300 muestras de sangre de cerdos sanos de dos líneas genéticas diferentes en las categorías de lechones recién nacidos, lechones destetados, hembras nulíparas gestantes seleccionadas fenotípicamente para la reposición del plantel, y hembras multíparas gestantes. Se determinaron las concentraciones séricas de los minerales por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (FAAS con un equipo Perkin Elmer modelo Analys 200, con métodos oficiales de AOAC. Se analizaron también muestras de agua. Los intervalos de referencia se calcularon utilizando parámetros paramétricos o no paramétricos dependiendo de la distribución de los datos. Los valores medios, medianas, valores mínimo y máximo e intervalos de referencia, para los distintos minerales en cada categoría productiva, se presentan en tablas. Los intervalos de referencia calculados serán útiles para el diagnóstico de deficiencias mineral y la vigilancia nutricional en cerdo de producción de carne. SUMMARY. Mineral reference intervals in confined swine with different genetic background and categories. In Argentina, there is no regional data on mineral reference intervals in swine, according to the genetic lines, categories of production in intensive systems. The objective of this study was to establish ranges of the following serum minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper and zinc, in swine farmed in Santa Fe and Entre Ríos. Blood samples were collected from 300 healthy pigs of two different genetic lines belonging

  10. A propósito de “El cuerpo como máquina. La medicalización de la fuerza de trabajo en Chile”. Sobre el dispositivo médico y su alcance

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    Hugo Nicolás Sir Retamales


    Full Text Available En la siguiente reseña, se hace referencia al libro del autor Nicolás Fuster “El cuerpo como máquina. La medicalización de la fuerza de trabajo en Chile”, publicado en Santiago de Chile el año 2013 por la editorial Ceibo. El presente trabajo constituye una modificación a la presentación del libro, y se exponen en él argumentos centrales del libro, con una lógica argumentativa que intenta mostrar la relevancia a su vez como fuente documental, y como principio de interrogación a las problemáticas actuales, respecto a las formas de gobierno contemporáneas. Una de los elementos a los que se arriba es la ambivalencia que encierra el proceso de medicalización, como bien sucede con el despliegue de otros dispositivos, entre las instancias de control heterónomo, y las posibilidades auformativas no totalmente cooptadas, que dan espacio a relaciones diversas con la institucionalidad, y por tanto, lugar para modificar los dispositivos

  11. Dynamic postural control and associated attentional demands in contemporary dancers versus non-dancers. (United States)

    Sirois-Leclerc, Geneviève; Remaud, Anthony; Bilodeau, Martin


    Postural control is not a fully automatic process, but requires a certain level of attention, particularly as the difficulty of the postural task increases. This study aimed at testing whether experienced contemporary dancers, because of their specialized training involving the control of posture/balance, would present with a dual-task performance suggesting lesser attentional demands associated with dynamic postural control compared with non-dancers. Twenty dancers and 16 non-dancers performed a dynamic postural tracking task in both antero-posterior and side-to-side directions, while standing on a force platform. The postural task was performed, in turn, 1) as a stand-alone task, and concurrently with both 2) a simple reaction time task and 3) a choice reaction time task. Postural control performance was estimated through variables calculated from centre of pressure movements. Although no overall group difference was found in reaction time values, we found a better ability to control the side to side movements of the centre of pressure during the tracking task in dancers compared with non-dancers, which was dependent on the secondary task. This suggests that such increased ability is influenced by available attentional resources.

  12. Dynamic postural control and associated attentional demands in contemporary dancers versus non-dancers.

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    Geneviève Sirois-Leclerc

    Full Text Available Postural control is not a fully automatic process, but requires a certain level of attention, particularly as the difficulty of the postural task increases. This study aimed at testing whether experienced contemporary dancers, because of their specialized training involving the control of posture/balance, would present with a dual-task performance suggesting lesser attentional demands associated with dynamic postural control compared with non-dancers. Twenty dancers and 16 non-dancers performed a dynamic postural tracking task in both antero-posterior and side-to-side directions, while standing on a force platform. The postural task was performed, in turn, 1 as a stand-alone task, and concurrently with both 2 a simple reaction time task and 3 a choice reaction time task. Postural control performance was estimated through variables calculated from centre of pressure movements. Although no overall group difference was found in reaction time values, we found a better ability to control the side to side movements of the centre of pressure during the tracking task in dancers compared with non-dancers, which was dependent on the secondary task. This suggests that such increased ability is influenced by available attentional resources.

  13. Análisis de Mezclas Espectrales para el estudio de la deforestación y establecimiento de la línea de referencia de emisiones en el marco del programa REDD. Aplicación a la región de San Martín, Perú.


    Garcia Rodriguez, Rafael; Natal Tello, Ángel


    La determinación de la línea histórica de deforestación como parte del establecimiento de la línea de referencia de emisiones, en el marco del programa REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), permite medir la evolución de la pérdida de bosque en un periodo definido de tiempo. El objetivo fue calcular la línea histórica de deforestación mediante estudio multitemporal para el periodo 1998-2011, en la región de San Martín (Perú), utilizando la metodología de Análisis...

  14. Feeding and resting postures of wild northern muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus). (United States)

    Iurck, Maria F; Nowak, Matthew G; Costa, Leny C M; Mendes, Sérgio L; Ford, Susan M; Strier, Karen B


    Increased body size in Brachyteles has been regarded as an important evolutionary adaptation that allowed a greater reliance on leaves compared to other more frugivorous Atelidae, but its association with muriqui positional behavior and substrate use is still unknown. Here, we present original data on the feeding and resting postures of the northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) and evaluate predictions about the relationships between body size, postural behavior, and substrate use derived from previously published data for other atelids (e.g. Alouatta, Ateles, and Lagothrix). The study was undertaken from August 2002 to July 2003 on a large group of well-habituated muriquis inhabiting the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural - Felíciano Miguel Abdala in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Consistent with our predictions, we found that B. hypoxanthus was highly suspensory during postural feeding (60.9%) and commonly used tail-hind limb suspension/horizontal tripod (38.0%) or tail-forelimb/hind limb suspension (21.4%). However, although tail-suspensory postures permitted the muriquis to use the terminal canopy and small-sized substrates, these areas were also accessed via tail-assisted above-branch postural behaviors involving multiple substrates. Unexpectedly, tail-suspensory postures were found to be frequently associated with large substrates, tree trunks, and the understory. We suggest that Brachyteles' ability to access food resources from all areas of a feeding tree and from tree crowns at different canopy levels may account for their ability to efficiently exploit food resources in seasonal disturbed forest fragments of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest today. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Motor deficits in schizophrenia quantified by nonlinear analysis of postural sway.

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    Jerillyn S Kent

    Full Text Available Motor dysfunction is a consistently reported but understudied aspect of schizophrenia. Postural sway area was examined in individuals with schizophrenia under four conditions with different amounts of visual and proprioceptive feedback: eyes open or closed and feet together or shoulder width apart. The nonlinear complexity of postural sway was assessed by detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA. The schizophrenia group (n = 27 exhibited greater sway area compared to controls (n = 37. Participants with schizophrenia showed increased sway area following the removal of visual input, while this pattern was absent in controls. Examination of DFA revealed decreased complexity of postural sway and abnormal changes in complexity upon removal of visual input in individuals with schizophrenia. Additionally, less complex postural sway was associated with increased symptom severity in participants with schizophrenia. Given the critical involvement of the cerebellum and related circuits in postural stability and sensorimotor integration, these results are consistent with growing evidence of motor, cerebellar, and sensory integration dysfunction in the disorder, and with theoretical models that implicate cerebellar deficits and more general disconnection of function in schizophrenia.

  16. Postural control in restless legs syndrome with medication intervention using pramipexole. (United States)

    Ahlgrén-Rimpiläinen, Aulikki; Lauerma, Hannu; Kähkönen, Seppo; Aalto, Heikki; Tuisku, Katinka; Holi, Matti; Pyykkö, Ilmari; Rimpiläinen, Ilpo


    Central dopamine regulation is involved in postural control and in the pathophysiology of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Postural control abnormalities have been detected in PD, but there are no earlier studies with regard to RLS and postural control. Computerized force platform posturography was applied to measure the shift and the velocity (CPFV) of center point of forces (CPF) with eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) in controls (n = 12) and prior and after a single day intervention with pramipexole in RLS subjects (n = 12). CPFV (EO) was significantly lower in the RLS group (p < 0.05) than in controls. After pramipexole intake, the difference disappeared and the subjective symptom severity diminished. Pramipexole did not significantly influence CPFV (EC) or CPF shift direction. Subjects with RLS used extensively visual mechanisms to control vestibule-spinal reflexes to improve or compensate the postural stability. Further research is needed to clarify altered feedback in the central nervous system and involvement of dopamine and vision in the postural control in RLS.

  17. La consolidación del antihéroe como fenómeno en la ficción serial

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    Sara González Fernández


    Full Text Available Asesinos en serie(s es una obra colectiva en la que se aborda el fenómeno del serial killer desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar. En ella, Alberto Hermida y Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla coordinan el trabajo de veinte investigadores y profesores de diversos ámbitos del conocimiento, los cuales ofrecen todas las claves necesarias para comprender los aspectos que se ocultan y que, a su vez, posibilitan la representación del asesino en la ficción televisiva. Dexter, Hannibal, Bates Motel, True Detective o The Following, son algunas de las exitosas series de referencia en las que se adentra este volumen para analizar exhaustivamente aspectos como la representación, las relaciones y el perfil psicopático de este personaje en la ficción serial.

  18. Posture-based processing in visual short-term memory for actions. (United States)

    Vicary, Staci A; Stevens, Catherine J


    Visual perception of human action involves both form and motion processing, which may rely on partially dissociable neural networks. If form and motion are dissociable during visual perception, then they may also be dissociable during their retention in visual short-term memory (VSTM). To elicit form-plus-motion and form-only processing of dance-like actions, individual action frames can be presented in the correct or incorrect order. The former appears coherent and should elicit action perception, engaging both form and motion pathways, whereas the latter appears incoherent and should elicit posture perception, engaging form pathways alone. It was hypothesized that, if form and motion are dissociable in VSTM, then recognition of static body posture should be better after viewing incoherent than after viewing coherent actions. However, as VSTM is capacity limited, posture-based encoding of actions may be ineffective with increased number of items or frames. Using a behavioural change detection task, recognition of a single test posture was significantly more likely after studying incoherent than after studying coherent stimuli. However, this effect only occurred for spans of two (but not three) items and for stimuli with five (but not nine) frames. As in perception, posture and motion are dissociable in VSTM.

  19. Musculoskeletal pain and posture decrease step length in young adults

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    Maria Regina Rachmawati


    Full Text Available Pain of the musculoskeletal system, especially low back pain, is one of the most frequent problems with a high risk of disability. The aim of this research study was to determine the existence of an association between low back pain on one hand, posture and step length on the other. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 77 healthy young adult subjects. Step length was measured with the Biodex Gait Trainer 2 (230 VAC. The study results indicate that 62.3% of the young adult subjects had suffered from low back pain. There was no significant association between gender and pain. In male subjects no significant association was found between pain on one hand and mean difference in step length and posture on the other. However, in female subjects with abnormal posture, there was a highly significant difference in left step length between subjects with back pain and those without (p=0.007. The results of a multiple regression analysis indicate that posture has the greatest influence on left step length (B=4.135; 95% Confidence Interval 0.292-7.977. It is recommended that in the examination of low back pain an assessment be made of posture, step length and difference in step lengths.

  20. Musculoskeletal pain and posture decrease step length in young adults

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    Maria Regina Rachmawati


    Full Text Available Pain of the musculoskeletal system, especially low back pain, is one of the most frequent problems with a high risk of disability. The aim of this research study was to determine the existence of an association between low back pain on one hand,  posture and step length on the other. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 77 healthy young adult subjects. Step length was measured with the Biodex Gait Trainer 2 (230 VAC. The study results indicate that 62.3% of the young adult subjects had suffered from low back pain. There was no significant association between gender and pain. In male subjects no significant association was found between pain on one hand and mean difference in step length and posture on the other. However, in female subjects with abnormal posture, there was a highly significant difference in left step length between subjects with back pain and those without (p=0.007.  The results of a multiple regression analysis indicate that posture has the greatest influence on left step length (B=4.135; 95% Confidence Interval 0.292-7.977. It is recommended that in the examination of low back pain an assessment be made of posture, step length and difference in step lengths.

  1. Comparison of posture among adolescent male volleyball players and non-athletes

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    Małgorzata Grabara


    Full Text Available Due to high training loads and frequently repeated unilateral exercises, several types of sports training can have an impact on the process of posture development in young athletes. The objective of the study was to assess and compare the postures of adolescent male volleyball players and their non-training peers. The study group comprised 104 volleyball players while the control group consisted of 114 non-training individuals aged 14-16 years. Body posture was assessed by the Moiré method. The volleyball players were significantly taller, and had greater body weight and fat-free mass. The analysis of posture relative to symmetry in the frontal and transverse planes did not show any significant differences between the volleyball players and non-athletes. Postural asymmetries were observed in both the volleyball players and the control participants. Lumbar lordosis was significantly less defined in the volleyball players compared to non-training individuals while no difference was observed in thoracic kyphosis. All athletes demonstrated a loss of lumbar lordosis and an increase in thoracic kyphosis. Significant differences in anteroposterior curvature of the spine between the volleyball players and the non-athletes might be associated with both training and body height. Considering the asymmetric spine overloads which frequently occur in sports training, meticulous posture assessment in young athletes seems well justified.

  2. Comparison of posture among adolescent male volleyball players and non-athlete

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    Małgorzata Grabara


    Full Text Available Due to high training loads and frequently repeated unilateral exercises, several types of sports training can have an impact on the process of posture development in young athletes. The objective of the study was to assess and compare the postures of adolescent male volleyball players and their non-training peers. The study group comprised 104 volleyball players while the control group consisted of 114 non-training individuals aged 14-16 years. Body posture was assessed by the Moiré method. The volleyball players were significantly taller, and had greater body weight and fat-free mass. The analysis of posture relative to symmetry in the frontal and transverse planes did not show any significant differences between the volleyball players and non-athletes. Postural asymmetries were observed in both the volleyball players and the control participants. Lumbar lordosis was significantly less defined in the volleyball players compared to non-training individuals while no difference was observed in thoracic kyphosis. All athletes demonstrated a loss of lumbar lordosis and an increase in thoracic kyphosis. Significant differences in anteroposterior curvature of the spine between the volleyball players and the non-athletes might be associated with both training and body height. Considering the asymmetric spine overloads which frequently occur in sports training, meticulous posture assessment in young athletes seems well justified.

  3. Comparison of posture among adolescent male volleyball players and non-athletes (United States)


    Due to high training loads and frequently repeated unilateral exercises, several types of sports training can have an impact on the process of posture development in young athletes. The objective of the study was to assess and compare the postures of adolescent male volleyball players and their non-training peers. The study group comprised 104 volleyball players while the control group consisted of 114 non-training individuals aged 14-16 years. Body posture was assessed by the Moiré method. The volleyball players were significantly taller, and had greater body weight and fat-free mass. The analysis of posture relative to symmetry in the frontal and transverse planes did not show any significant differences between the volleyball players and non-athletes. Postural asymmetries were observed in both the volleyball players and the control participants. Lumbar lordosis was significantly less defined in the volleyball players compared to non-training individuals while no difference was observed in thoracic kyphosis. All athletes demonstrated a loss of lumbar lordosis and an increase in thoracic kyphosis. Significant differences in anteroposterior curvature of the spine between the volleyball players and the non-athletes might be associated with both training and body height. Considering the asymmetric spine overloads which frequently occur in sports training, meticulous posture assessment in young athletes seems well justified. PMID:25729154

  4. Postural Control in Workplace Safety: Role of Occupational Footwear and Workload

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    Harish Chander


    Full Text Available Maintaining postural stability is crucial, especially in hazardous occupational environments. The purpose of the study was to assess the role of three occupational footwear (low top shoe (LT; tactical work boot (TB and steel-toed work boot (WB on postural stability when exposed to an occupational workload (4-h involving standing/walking using the sensory organization test (SOT equilibrium (EQ scores and comparing current results with previously published postural sway variables from the same study. Fourteen male adults were tested on three separate days wearing a randomized occupational footwear, at the beginning (pre and every 30 min of the 4-h workload until 240th min. SOT EQ scores were analyzed using a 3 × 9 repeated measures analysis of variance at an alpha level of 0.05. Significant differences between footwear was found in eyes open (p = 0.03 and eyes closed (p = 0.001 conditions. Pairwise comparisons revealed that LT had significantly lower postural stability compared to TB and WB. No other significant differences were found between footwear and over time. Significant differences between footwear can be attributed to design characteristics of footwear. Lack of significant differences over time suggests that, even though the average EQ scores decreased during the workload implying less postural stability, SOT EQ scores alone may not be sufficient to detect postural stability changes over the 4-h workload.

  5. Hand posture effects on handedness recognition as revealed by the Simon effect

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    Allan P Lameira


    Full Text Available We investigated the influence of hand posture in handedness recognition, while varying the spatial correspondence between stimulus and response in a modified Simon task. Drawings of the left and right hands were displayed either in a back or palm view while participants discriminated stimulus handedness by pressing left/right keys with their hands resting either in a prone or supine posture. As a control, subjects performed a regular Simon task using simple geometric shapes as stimuli. Results showed that when hands were in a prone posture, the spatially corresponding trials (i.e., stimulus and response located on the same side were faster than the non-corresponding trials (i.e., stimulus and response on opposite sides. In contrast, for the supine posture, there was no difference between corresponding and non-corresponding trials. The control experiment with the regular Simon task showed that the posture of the responding hand had no influence on performance. When the stimulus is the drawing of a hand, however, the posture of the responding hand affects the spatial correspondence effect because response location is coded based on multiple reference points, including the body of the hand.

  6. Differences in postural disturbances between female adolescents handball players and nontraining peers. (United States)

    Jandrić, Slavica Đ


    Physical activity and sport can influence the extent of the presence of the postural disturbances in children. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of differences in the postural disturbances in female adolescents in relation to team handball training. This investigation involved 150 female adolescents with the average age of 13.4 ± 1.5 years divided into two groups (50 adolescents trained handball and 100 did non train it). The study determined a statistically significant difference in the total number of postural disturbances between the two groups of adolescents (p 0.05). Handball adolescents players have less postural disturbances than untrained adolescents. Flat foot is significantly less frequent in female adolescents handball players than in untrained ones. Findings obtained in this investigation can help us in planning continuous prevention, observation and care for untrained and trained team handball female adolescents with postural disturbances.

  7. Physical activity limits the effects of age and Alzheimer's disease on postural control. (United States)

    Debove, Lola; Bru, Noelle; Couderc, Martine; Noé, Frederic; Paillard, Thierry


    The aim was to study the possible influence of physical activity on the postural performance of subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The postural performance (i.e. surface area of the center of foot pressure displacement) of 3 groups was compared: Alzheimer active group (AA), Alzheimer non-active group (ANA) and healthy non-active group (HNA). The AA group's postural performance was superior to that of the ANA and HNA groups. AD disturbed postural performance but participation in regular physical activity made it possible to limit the disturbing effects of AD to a surprising extent, since the postural performance of active AD subjects was also superior to that of healthy subjects. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Educación Indígena como sujetos epistémicos en su proceso de profesionalización

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    Graciela Herrera Labra


    Full Text Available El reconocimiento de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Educación Indígena como sujetos epistémicos hace referencia a un sujeto social con procesos históricamente desiguales que enfrentan contradicciones muy complejas entre lo propio y lo ajeno. Dentro del nuevo Plan de Estudio 2011, la línea de Educación Comunitaria hace que los estudiantes se conviertan en sujetos epistémicos que interactúan con su identidad vinculada a su cosmo- visión. Este proceso de profesionalización enfrenta dos problemas de aprendizaje, uno de identidad y otro de conciencia; en ambos procesos se busca que el sujeto interactúe con equidad cultural y lingüística, a partir de sus alcances y contradicciones entre las estrategias didácticas y sus formas de aprehender, ya que tanto su cultura como su lengua reflejan y revelan una identidad que demanda equidad en contextos educativos escolarizados y no escolarizados.

  9. Posture and lumbar puncture headache: a controlled trial in 50 patients.


    Handler, C E; Smith, F R; Perkin, G D; Rose, F C


    A prospective single blind trial in 50 patients was performed to investigate the effect of posture on post lumbar puncture headache (LPH). A difference between the frequency of headache at five hours between the two groups (prone for four hours, versus 30 degrees head down tilt for 30 minutes followed by supine posture for 3 1/2 hours) did not reach significance. These findings do not support the suggestion that a prone posture, by possibly reducing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage, signific...

  10. Postural control of small for gestational age infants born at term Controle postural de lactentes nascidos a termo pequenos para a idade gestacional

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    D Campos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study compared the postural control of small (SGA and appropriate (AGA for gestational age infants born at term, at the ages of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. METHOD: This was a cohort study of infants born at term, with birth weight less than the 10th percentile for the SGA group and between the 10th and 90th percentiles for the AGA group. Infants with genetic syndromes, malformations, congenital infections and internment in neonatal intensive care unit were excluded. The evaluation instrument was the Alberta Infant Motor Scale. RESULTS: Comparison of the SGA and AGA groups did not show any significant differences (p>0.05 at the assessment times. However, the postural control of the SGA group was influenced by the gestational age (r=-0.83; p= 0.006 and 5th minute Apgar (r= 0.79; p= 0.01 in the 3rd month, and by maternal occupation (r= 0.67; p= 0.01 in the 6th month. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the postural control was similar in the groups. However, the postural control of the SGA group was influenced by biological and environmental factors.OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar o controle postural de lactentes nascidos a termo, pequenos (PIG e adequados para a idade gestacional (AIG nos 3º, 6º, 9º e 12º meses. MÉTODO: Estudo longitudinal de lactentes nascidos a termo, com peso de nascimento menor que o percentil 10 para o grupo PIG e entre o percentil 10 e 90 para o grupo AIG. Síndromes genéticas, más-formações, infecções congênitas e internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal foram excluídos. O instrumento de avaliação foi Alberta Infant Motor Scale. RESULTADOS: A comparação do grupo PIG e AIG não mostrou diferença significativa (p> 0,05 nos meses avaliados. Entretanto, o controle postural do grupo PIG foi influenciado pela idade gestacional (r= -0,83/p= 0,006 e Apgar de 5' (r= 0,79/p= 0,01 no 3º mês; e pela ocupação materna (r= 0,67/p= 0,01 no 6º mês. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que o

  11. Associations between Tactile Sensory Threshold and Postural Performance and Effects of Healthy Aging and Subthreshold Vibrotactile Stimulation on Postural Outcomes in a Simple Dual Task

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    Marius Dettmer


    Full Text Available Specific activities that require concurrent processing of postural and cognitive tasks may increase the risk for falls in older adults. We investigated whether peripheral receptor sensitivity was associated with postural performance in a dual-task and whether an intervention in form of subthreshold vibration could affect performance. Ten younger (age: 20–35 years and ten older adults (70–85 years performed repeated auditory-verbal 1-back tasks while standing quietly on a force platform. Foot sole vibration was randomly added during several trials. Several postural control and performance measures were assessed and statistically analyzed (significance set to α-levels of .05. There were moderate correlations between peripheral sensitivity and several postural performance and control measures (r=.45 to .59. Several postural performance measures differed significantly between older and younger adults (p<0.05; addition of vibration did not affect outcome measures. Aging affects healthy older adults’ performance in dual-tasks, and peripheral sensitivity may be a contributor to the observed differences. A vibration intervention may only be useful when there are more severe impairments of the sensorimotor system. Hence, future research regarding the efficacy of sensorimotor interventions in the form of vibrotactile stimulation should focus on older adults whose balance is significantly affected.

  12. Fundamentos teóricos sobre las actividades físicas acuáticas y la salud y diseño de un programa de corrección postural de espalda en agua.


    Rivas Flores, Daniel


    En este trabajo se tratan: los fundamentos teóricos sobre la actividad física acuática para la salud, así como los diferentes métodos para potenciar o trabajar cualidades físicas como pueden ser: la fuerza, resistencia o flexibilidad. El apartado que se desarrolla en más profundidad es el de la columna vertebral y el medio acuático. Para ello, se ha elaborado un programa semestral de reeducación postural en el agua, para cada una de las tres principales patologías del raquis: escoliosis, h...

  13. Postural stability changes in the elderly with cataract simulation and refractive blur. (United States)

    Anand, Vijay; Buckley, John G; Scally, Andy; Elliott, David B


    To determine the influence of cataractous and refractive blur on postural stability and limb-load asymmetry (LLA) and to establish how postural stability changes with the spatial frequency and contrast of the visual stimulus. Thirteen elderly subjects (mean age, 70.76 +/- 4.14 [SD] years) with no history of falls and normal vision were recruited. Postural stability was determined as the root mean square [RMS] of the center of pressure (COP) signal in the anterior-posterior (A-P) and medial-lateral directions and LLA was determined as the ratio of the average body weight placed on the more-loaded limb to the less-loaded limb, recorded during a 30-second period. Data were collected under normal standing conditions and with somatosensory system input disrupted. Measurements were repeated with four visual targets with high (8 cyc/deg) or low (2 cyc/deg) spatial frequency and high (Weber contrast, approximately 95%) or low (Weber contrast, approximately 25%) contrast. Postural stability was measured under conditions of binocular refractive blur of 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 D and with cataract simulation. The data were analyzed in a population-averaged linear model. The cataract simulation caused significant increases in postural instability equivalent to that caused by 8-D blur conditions, and its effect was greater when the input from the somatosensory system was disrupted. High spatial frequency targets increased postural instability. Refractive blur, cataract simulation, or eye closure had no effect on LLA. Findings indicate that cataractous and refractive blur increase postural instability, and show why the elderly, many of whom have poor vision along with musculoskeletal and central nervous system degeneration, are at greater risk of falling. Findings also highlight that changes in contrast sensitivity rather than resolution changes are responsible for increasing postural instability. Providing low spatial frequency information in certain environments may be useful in

  14. Effects of hippotherapy on posture in individuals with Down Syndrome

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    Ana Paula Espindula

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Individuals with Down syndrome (DS have alterations that affect the musculoskeletal system, causing abnormal patterns, and alter the morphological anatomical and mechanical axes that provide intrinsic stability to the skeleton, and can trigger misalignments and orthopedic disorders in adulthood. Objective: The objective of student to evaluate posture and postural alignment before and after the hippotherapyin individuals with DS. Methods: Posture of five individuals with DS was evaluated by the software SAPO before and after 27 sessions the hippotherapy. Data were subjected to qualitative descriptive analysis using cluster and statistical analysis with the aid of the software Sigma Stat 2.0, considering differences as statistically significant at p-value < 5%. Results: Improvements were achieved for the alignment of shoulder, head, hip, and lower limbs, in addition to decrease in kyphosis and head protrusion. Conclusion: Patients with DS demonstrated satisfactory changes in motor behavior reflected in improved static posture after treatment with hippotherapy.

  15. Comparing postural balance among older adults and Parkinson's disease patients

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    Isabela Andrelino de Almeida

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to compare postural balance among healthy older adults and Parkinson's disease (PD patients during one-legged stance balance. We recruited 36 individuals of both sexes and divided them into two groups: healthy older adults (HG, and individuals with PD (PG. All the participants were assessed through a single-leg balance test, with eyes open, during 30 seconds (30 seconds of rest across trials on a force platform. Balance parameters were computed from mean across trials to quantify postural control: center of pressure (COP area and mean velocity in both directions of movement, anterior-posterior and medial-lateral. Significant differences between-group were reported for area of COP (P=0.002 and mean velocity in anterior-posterior direction (P=0.037, where poor postural control was related to PD patients rather than to healthy individuals. One-legged stance balance was a sensitive task used to discriminate poor postural control in Parkinson individuals.

  16. Correlation between pulmonary function, posture, and body composition in patients with asthma

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    V.P. Almeida


    ção pulmonar e postura em pacientes adultos com asma. Como segundo objetivo buscou-se estudar a correlação entre composição corporal e postura neste grupo de pacientes. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal onde 34 pacientes com asma se submeteram à avaliação da análise postural (fotogrametria, função pulmonar (espirometria, pletismografia de corpo inteiro, medição da capacidade de difusão do CO e força muscular respiratória e composição corporal através da bioimpedância elétrica. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino (70,6%, com mediana da idade de 32,5 anos (variação: 23-42 anos. O alinhamento horizontal da cabeça (vista anterior correlacionou de forma significante com as seguintes variáveis: relação entre o volume expiratório máximo no primeiro segundo e a capacidade vital forçada (VEMS/CVF (ρ = −0,37; P = 0,03; capacidade pulmonar total (CPT (ρ = 0,42; P = 0,01; e volume residual (VR (ρ = 0,45; P < 0,001. Os indicadores de obstrução brônquica e força muscular respiratória correlacionaram-se também com as medidas de avaliação postural obtidas em vista lateral direita e esquerda. Tanto o índice de massa corporal quanto o percentual de massa gorda correlacionaram-se com alinhamento horizontal da cabeça, alinhamento horizontal da pélvis e ângulo frontal do membro inferior. Conclusões: Pacientes asmáticos adultos apresentam alterações posturais específicas que correlacionam com a função pulmonar e com a composição corporal. A avaliação das medidas posturais pode fornecer uma melhor abordagem para a reabilitação pulmonar nestes pacientes. Keywords: Asthma, Respiratory function tests, Respiratory mechanics, Respiratory muscles, Posture, Pulmonary diffusing capacity, Body composition, Palavras-chave: Asma, Testes de função respiratória, Mecânica respiratória, M

  17. Physiological complexity and system adaptability: evidence from postural control dynamics of older adults. (United States)

    Manor, Brad; Costa, Madalena D; Hu, Kun; Newton, Elizabeth; Starobinets, Olga; Kang, Hyun Gu; Peng, C K; Novak, Vera; Lipsitz, Lewis A


    The degree of multiscale complexity in human behavioral regulation, such as that required for postural control, appears to decrease with advanced aging or disease. To help delineate causes and functional consequences of complexity loss, we examined the effects of visual and somatosensory impairment on the complexity of postural sway during quiet standing and its relationship to postural adaptation to cognitive dual tasking. Participants of the MOBILIZE Boston Study were classified into mutually exclusive groups: controls [intact vision and foot somatosensation, n = 299, 76 ± 5 (SD) yr old], visual impairment only (Postural sway (i.e., center-of-pressure) dynamics were assessed during quiet standing and cognitive dual tasking, and a complexity index was quantified using multiscale entropy analysis. Postural sway speed and area, which did not correlate with complexity, were also computed. During quiet standing, the complexity index (mean ± SD) was highest in controls (9.5 ± 1.2) and successively lower in the visual (9.1 ± 1.1), somatosensory (8.6 ± 1.6), and combined (7.8 ± 1.3) impairment groups (P = 0.001). Dual tasking resulted in increased sway speed and area but reduced complexity (P postural sway speed from quiet standing to dual-tasking conditions. Sensory impairments contributed to decreased postural sway complexity, which reflected reduced adaptive capacity of the postural control system. Relatively low baseline complexity may, therefore, indicate control systems that are more vulnerable to cognitive and other stressors.

  18. One month of contemporary dance modulates fractal posture in aging

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    Olivier A. Coubard


    Full Text Available Understanding the human aging of postural control and how physical or motor activity improves balance and gait is challenging for both clinicians and researchers. Previous studies have evidenced that physical and sporting activity focusing on cardiovascular and strength conditioning help older adults develop their balance and gait and/or decrease their frequency of falls. Motor activity based on motor-skill learning has also been put forward as an alternative to develop balance and/or prevent falls in aging. Specifically dance has been advocated as a promising program to boost motor control. In this study, we examined the effects of contemporary dance (CD on postural control of older adults. Upright stance posturography was performed in 38 participants aged 54-89 years before and after the intervention period, during which one half of the randomly assigned participants was trained to CD and the other half was not trained at all (no dance, ND. CD training lasted 4 weeks, 3 times a week. We performed classical statistic scores of postural signal and dynamic analyses, namely signal diffusion analysis (SDA, recurrence quantification analysis (RQA and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA. CD modulated postural control in older trainees, as revealed in the eyes closed condition by a decrease in fractal dimension and an increase in DFA alpha component in the mediolateral plane. The ND group showed an increase in length and mean velocity of postural signal, and the eyes open a decrease in RQA maximal diagonal line in the anteroposterior plane and an increase in DFA alpha component in the mediolateral plane. No change was found in SDA in either group. We suggest that such a massed practice of CD reduced the quantity of exchanges between the subject and the environment by increasing their postural confidence. Since CD has low-physical but high-motor impact, we conclude that it may be recommended as a useful program to rehabilitate posture in aging.

  19. Dysphagia associated with cervical spine and postural disorders. (United States)

    Papadopoulou, Soultana; Exarchakos, Georgios; Beris, Alexander; Ploumis, Avraam


    Difficulties with swallowing may be both persistent and life threatening for the majority of those who experience it irrespective of age, gender, and race. The purpose of this review is to define oropharyngeal dysphagia and describe its relationship to cervical spine disorders and postural disturbances due to either congenital or acquired disorders. The etiology and diagnosis of dysphagia are analyzed, focusing on cervical spine pathology associated with dysphagia as severe cervical spine disorders and postural disturbances largely have been held accountable for deglutition disorders. Scoliosis, kyphosis–lordosis, and osteophytes are the primary focus of this review in an attempt to elucidate the link between cervical spine disorders and dysphagia. It is important for physicians to be knowledgeable about what triggers oropharyngeal dysphagia in cases of cervical spine and postural disorders. Moreover, the optimum treatment for dysphagia, including the use of therapeutic maneuvers during deglutition, neck exercises, and surgical treatment, is discussed.

  20. Evaluation of body posture in nursing students. (United States)

    Andrade, Marília Fernandes; Chaves, Érika de Cássia Lopes; Miguel, Michele Rita Oliveira; Simão, Talita Prado; Nogueira, Denismar Alves; Iunes, Denise Hollanda


    To investigate the body posture of nursing students before and after clinical practice. The study was developed in two stages. Initially the body posture of students of the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th periods were assessed through photogrammetry. All images were analyzed in a random and masked manner with CorporisPro® 3.1.3 software. Three evaluations were performed for each angle and then the mean value was calculated. Two years later, when the 4th period students had developed their clinical internships, their body posture was again evaluated. The total sample consisted of 112 students. Comparison of their posture with the normality pattern showed that all the angles presented significant differences (pcomposta por 112 estudantes. Comparando-se os estudantes com o padrão de normalidade, todos os ângulos apresentaram diferença significativa (p< 0,00), com exceção do ângulo triângulo de Tales. Reavaliando os mesmos estudantes, houve diferença significativa nos ângulos da articulação acromioclavicular (p=0,03), da flexão de joelhos (p< 0,00) e no ângulo tibiotársico (p< 0,00). Todos os estudantes apresentaram alterações, comparadas aos valores de normalidade. Os segmentos com diferença significativa, comparando-se antes e após a prática, foram o ângulo acromioclavicular, flexo de joelho e ângulo tibiotársico, sendo os dois últimos na posição de rolamento.

  1. Light and heavy touch reduces postural sway and modifies axial tone in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Franzén, Erika; Paquette, Caroline; Gurfinkel, Victor; Horak, Fay


    Light touch with a stable object reduces postural sway by increasing axial postural tone in healthy subjects. However, it is unknown whether subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD), who have more postural sway and higher axial postural tone than healthy subjects, can benefit from haptic touch. To investigate the effect of light and heavy touch on postural stability and hip tone in subjects with PD. Fourteen subjects with mid-stage PD and 14 healthy control subjects were evaluated during quiet standing with eyes closed with their arms (a) crossed, (b) lightly touching a fixed rigid bar in front of them, and (c) firmly gripping the bar. Postural sway was measured with a forceplate, and axial hip tone was quantified using a unique device that measures the resistance of the hips to yaw rotation while maintaining active stance. Subjects with PD significantly decreased their postural sway with light or heavy touch (P touch, hip tone was larger in PD subjects. With touch, however, tone values were similar in both groups. This change in hip tone with touch was highly correlated with the initial amount of tone (PD, r = -.72 to -.95; controls, r = -.74 to -.85). The authors showed, for the first time, that subjects with PD benefit from touch similarly to control subjects and that despite higher axial postural tone, PD subjects are able to modulate their tone with touch. Future studies should investigate the complex relationship between touch and postural tone.

  2. Efeitos da Reeducação Postural Global em escolares com escoliose Global Posture Reeducation effects in students with scoliosis

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    Pollyana Coelho Vieira Toledo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do método da Reeducação Postural Global (RPG em escolares com diagnóstico de escoliose torácica não estrutural (ETNE. Os escolares com indicativo de ETNE ao exame postural e teste de Adams negativo foram encaminhados ao exame radiográfico para comprovação diagnóstica. Foram selecionados 20 participantes (11 meninos e 9 meninas, com 10±3 anos, divididos randomicamente em dois grupos homogêneos: o que realizou o RPG (GRPG durante 12 semanas com duração de 25 a 30 minutos cada sessão, de acordo com o que aguentou permanecer na postura; e o grupo controle (GC, sem intervenção. Após três meses, os dois grupos repetiram a avaliação postural e o exame radiográfico. Para avaliação das estatísticas, foi utilizada análise de variância (ANOVA univariada, com medidas repetidas, seguida do Post Hoc de Tukey para identificar as possíveis diferenças intra e intergrupos. O valor de α foi de 0,05. O GRPG apresentou redução significativa no ângulo de Cobb na comparação intragrupo (Δ%=-35,100; p=0,009, mas o GC não (Δ%=9,520; p=0,789. Pode-se concluir que escolares submetidos ao método da RPG apresentaram melhora do quadro de escoliose torácica não estrutural.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of Global Reeducation Postural (RPG method in scholars diagnosed with thoracic nonstructural scoliosis (ETNE. Scholars with indicative of ETNE to postural exam and Adams test negative were directed to radiographic exam to diagnostic. Twenty participants were selected (11 boys and 9 girls, 10±3 years old and randomly divided in two homogeneous groups: group treated by RPG (GRPG and control group (CG. The GRPG was submitted a RPG treatment during 12 weeks in sessions from 25 to 30 minutes in agreement with each student tolerance at posture. The CG didn't suffer intervention. After three months, both groups repeated the postural and radiographic exam. For statistics, it was used

  3. Postural Control and Gait Performance in the Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Mustapa, Amirah; Justine, Maria; Mohd Mustafah, Nadia; Jamil, Nursuriati; Manaf, Haidzir


    Purpose. The aim of this paper is to review the published studies on the characteristics of impairments in the postural control and gait performance in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Methods. A review was performed by obtaining publication of all papers reporting on the postural control and gait performance in DPN from Google Scholar, Ovid, SAGE, Springerlink, Science Direct (SD), EBSCO Discovery Service, and Web of Science databases. The keywords used for searching were "postural control," "balance," "gait performance," "diabetes mellitus," and "diabetic peripheral neuropathy." Results. Total of 4,337 studies were hit in the search. 1,524 studies were screened on their titles and citations. Then, 79 studies were screened on their abstract. Only 38 studies were eligible to be selected: 17 studies on postural control and 21 studies on the gait performance. Most previous researches were found to have strong evidence of postural control impairments and noticeable gait deficits in DPN. Deterioration of somatosensory, visual, and vestibular systems with the pathologic condition of diabetes on cognitive impairment causes further instability of postural and gait performance in DPN. Conclusions. Postural instability and gait imbalance in DPN may contribute to high risk of fall incidence, especially in the geriatric population. Thus, further works are crucial to highlight this fact in the hospital based and community adults.

  4. Diurnal changes in postural control in normal children: Computerized static and dynamic assessments. (United States)

    Bourelle, Sophie; Taiar, Redha; Berge, Benoit; Gautheron, Vincent; Cottalorda, Jerome


    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) causes postural control deficits and accordingly comparison of aberrant postural control against normal postural control may help diagnose mTBI. However, in the current literature, little is known regarding the normal pattern of postural control in young children. This study was therefore conducted as an effort to fill this knowledge gap. Eight normal school-aged children participated. Posture assessment was conducted before (7-8 a.m. in the morning) and after (4-7 p.m. in the afternoon) school on regular school days using the Balance Master® evaluation system composed of 3 static tests and 2 dynamic balance tests. A significant difference in the weight-bearing squats was detected between morning hours and afternoon hours (P control of the lateral rhythmic weight shifts was observed at the end of the afternoon than at morning hours (P posture control in humans. On a regular school day, the capacity of postural control and laterality or medio-lateral balance in children varies between morning and afternoon hours. We suggest that posturographic assessment in children, either in normal (e.g., physical education and sports training) or in abnormal conditions (e.g., mTBI-associated balance disorders), be better performed late in the afternoon.

  5. Posture and isokinetic shoulder strength in female water polo players

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Being overhead athletes, water polo players can present with muscular imbalances of the shoulder, between the internal rotators (IR) and external rotators (ER), leading to changes in posture and an increased risk of injury. Objectives: To assess posture and isokinetic shoulder strength of female club-level ...

  6. El empowerment como predictor del compromiso organizacional en las Pymes

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    Martha Ríos Manríquez


    Full Text Available La relación entre las variables de empowerment y compromiso organizacional ha sido un campo poco explorado desde la perspectiva organizacional. Esta investigación establece el nivel de influencia del empowerment queexperimentanloscolaboradores con respecto al compromiso hacia la organización para la cual laboran. Se utiliza como referencia un modelo generado con base en la descripción del empowerment en cuatro dimensiones: significado, competencia, autodeterminación e impacto; y del compromiso organizacional en tres: compromiso continuo, normativo y afectivo. Para validar el modelo propuesto, a partir de los resultados obtenidos en otros países, se administró una encuesta a 147 participantes de seis Pymes localizadas en el municipio de Celaya, Guanajuato, México. Las empresas pertenecen a los sectores de servicios, comercio y producción. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis planteadas en el sentido de que el empowerment es un predictor del compromiso organizacional; sin embargo, al analizar el impacto individual de cada una de las dimensiones se observa que sólo el compromiso afectivo tiene un impacto directo en las cuatro dimensiones planteadas.

  7. Postural And Eye-Positional Effects On Human Biting Force: An Experimental Study

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    Altay Tabancacı


    Full Text Available Muscle groups affected on biting force are called temporal muscle as a major and masseter muscle as a minor. According to the human posture stability, forces of these muscles vary with the force directions. In this case, experimental investigation is strictly important such that biting force under different postural and eye- positional situations is changed. In this study, seven-male and seven-female within the age-range of 17-24 are considered corresponding to having with restorated molar tooth and without that type of tooth. With the help of specially designed biting fork, different posture- and eye-positions are investigated for experimental biting force analysis. Changes in eye-positions are not indicated significant difference for all postural positions. On one hand, it is obtained that biting force of no-filling tooth in men becomes maximum if facial muscles give full effort to biting. On the other hand, effect of facial muscles for women is not clearly noticed depending on the postural differences.

  8. Postural loading assessment in assembly workers of an Iranian telecommunication manufacturing company. (United States)

    Kamalinia, Mojtaba; Nasl Saraji, Gebreal; Kee, Dohyung; Hosseini, Mostafa; Choobineh, Alireza


    Changes in industries and work practices have coincided with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of MSDs and to assess postural loading in assembly workers of an Iranian telecommunication manufacturing company. Data were collected from 193 randomly selected workers in 4 units of the company. The Nordic musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire and the UBC ergonomic checklist were used as data collection tools. Loading on the upper body assessment (LUBA) was used to assess postural loading. Lower back symptoms were the most prevalent problems among the workers (67.9%). LUBA showed that most assembly workers (94.3%) had experienced considerable and high postural loading (postural load index, PLI > 5). Regression analyses revealed that lighting, rotation, contact stress, repetition, gender and age were factors associated with symptoms. Work-related MSDs occurred at a high rate among workers. Postural loading requires consideration. Any ergonomic intervention should focus on eliminating ergonomic factors associated with symptoms.

  9. Evaluation of the lambda model for human postural control during ankle strategy. (United States)

    Micheau, Philippe; Kron, Aymeric; Bourassa, Paul


    An accurate modeling of human stance might be helpful in assessing postural deficit. The objective of this article is to validate a mathematical postural control model for quiet standing posture. The postural dynamics is modeled in the sagittal plane as an inverted pendulum with torque applied at the ankle joint. The torque control system is represented by the physiological lambda model. Two neurophysiological command variables of the central nervous system, designated lambda and micro, establish the dynamic threshold muscle at which motoneuron recruitment begins. Kinematic data and electromyographic signals were collected on four young males in order to measure small voluntary sway and quiet standing posture. Validation of the mathematical model was achieved through comparison of the experimental and simulated results. The mathematical model allows computation of the unmeasurable neurophysiological commands lambda and micro that control the equilibrium position and stability. Furthermore, with the model it is possible to conclude that low-amplitude body sway during quiet stance is commanded by the central nervous system.

  10. Differences in postural disturbances between female adolescents handball players and nontraining peers

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    Jandrić Slavica Đ.


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Physical activity and sport can influence the extent of the presence of the postural disturbances in children. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of differences in the postural disturbances in female adolescents in relation to team handball training. Methods. This investigation involved 150 female adolescents with the average age of 13.4 ± 1.5 years divided into two groups (50 adolescents trained handball and 100 did non train it. Results. The study determined a statistically significant difference in the total number of postural disturbances between the two groups of adolescents (p 0.05. Conclusion. Handball adolescents players have less postural disturbances than untrained adolescents. Flat foot is significantly less frequent in female adolescents handball players than in untrained ones. Findings obtained in this investigation can help us in planning continuous prevention, observation and care for untrained and trained team handball female adolescents with postural disturbances.


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    Purnawan Adi W


    Panti Wredha Berthany is a treatment for people who have been elderly. In this house most of the patients dapt not bathe without assistance of others. Nurses who help them a bath about the pain in the back of the spine that often dideritanya. This is due to bad postures nurse. To find out how bad postures nurses, the nurses conducted the analysis with the postures OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System. Method OWAS built as a tool to identify body postures which may be responsible for muscle problems (Musculoskeletal disorders. This method is based on the simple and systematic classification of work postures. OWAS postures in the workplace are categorized into 3 main body segment of the body, hands and feet. Kegunaanya improve conditions for workers in the work, so that work performance can be improved. Based on the results of analysis using the method OWAS, note that when the postures nurses bathe patients classified in category postures quite dangerous and very dangerous. Therefore, action needs to be improvements in form design wheelchair and lay out a bathroom can make it easier to work when the nurse wash the patient. With this design, the frequency of transfer of patients that must be done by the nurses decreased and postures during patient more better. Keywords: lay out, planning, postures in the workplace, OWAS

  12. Comparison of postural sway depending on balance pad type. (United States)

    Lee, DongGeon; Kim, HaNa; An, HyunJi; Jang, JiEun; Hong, SoungKyun; Jung, SunHye; Lee, Kyeongbong; Choi, Myong-Ryol; Lee, Kyung-Hee; Lee, GyuChang


    [Purpose] The purpose of the present study was to compare the postural sway of healthy adults standing on different types of balance pads. [Subjects and Methods] Nine healthy adults participated in this study. Postural body sway was measured while participants were standing on four different types of balance pads: Balance-pad Elite (BE), Aero-Step XL (AS), Dynair Ballkissen Senso (DBS), and Dynair Ballkissen XXL Meditation and Yoga (DBMY). A Wii Balance Board interfaced with Balancia software was used to measure postural body sway. [Results] In the sway velocity, sway path length, and sway area, no significant differences were found between baseline conditions (participants were standing on the floor with no balance pad) and the use of the BE or AS. However, significant increases in all parameters were found comparing baseline conditions to the use of either Dynair balance pad. Furthermore, the use of either Dynair balance pad significantly increased postural sway compared to both the BE and the AS. [Conclusion] These findings suggest that the DBS and DBMY balance pads may serve as superior tools for providing unstable condition for balance training than the BE and the AS balance pads.

  13. Postural Muscle Dyscoordination in Children With Cerebral Palsy

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    Jolanda C. van der Heide


    Full Text Available The present paper gives an overview of the knowledge currently available on muscular dyscoordination underlying postural problems in children with cerebral palsy (CP. Such information is a prerequisite for developing successful therapeutic interventions in children with CP. Until now, three children with CP functioning at GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System level V have been documented. The children totally or partially lacked direction specificity in their postural adjustments and could not sit independently for more than 3 seconds. Some children functioning at GMFCS level IV have intact direction-specific adjustments, whereas others have problems in generating consistently direction-specific adjustments. Children at GMFCS levels I to III have an intact basic level of control but have difficulties in fine-tuning the degree of postural muscle contraction to the task-specific conditions, a dysfunction more prominently present in children with bilateral spastic CP than in children with spastic hemiplegia. The problems in the adaptation of the degree of muscle contraction might be the reason that children with CP, more often than typically developing children, show an excess of antagonistic coactivation during difficult balancing tasks and a preference for cranial-caudal recruitment during reaching. This might imply that both stereotypies might be regarded as functional strategies to compensate for the dysfunctional capacity to modulate subtly postural activity.

  14. Medio-lateral postural instability in subjects with tinnitus

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    Zoi eKapoula


    Full Text Available Background: Many patients show modulation of tinnitus by gaze, jaw or neck movements, reflecting abnormal sensorimotor integration and interaction between various inputs. Postural control is based on multi-sensory integration (visual, vestibular, somatosensory, and oculomotor and indeed there is now evidence that posture can also be influenced by sound. Perhaps tinnitus influences posture similarly to external sound. This study examines the quality of postural performance in quiet stance in patients with modulated tinnitus.Methods: Twenty-three patients with highly modulated tinnitus were selected in the ENT service. Twelve reported exclusively or predominately left tinnitus, eight right and three bilateral. Eighteen control subjects were also tested. Subjects were asked to fixate a target at 40cm for 51s; posturography was performed with the platform (Technoconcept, 40Hz for both the eyes open and eyes closed conditions.Results: For both conditions, tinnitus subjects showed abnormally high lateral body sway (SDx. This was corroborated by fast Fourrier Transformation (FFTx and wavelet analysis. For patients with left tinnitus only, medio-lateral sway increased significantly when looking away from the center. Conclusions: Similarly to external sound stimulation, tinnitus could influence lateral sway by activating attention shift, and perhaps vestibular responses. Poor integration of sensorimotor signals is another possibility. Such abnormalities would be accentuated in left tinnitus because of the importance of the right cerebral cortex in processing both auditory-tinnitus and attention.

  15. Functional synergies underlying control of upright posture during changes in head orientation.

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    Eunse Park

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Studies of human upright posture typically have stressed the need to control ankle and hip joints to achieve postural stability. Recent studies, however, suggest that postural stability involves multi degree-of-freedom (DOF coordination, especially when performing supra-postural tasks. This study investigated kinematic synergies related to control of the body's position in space (two, four and six DOF models and changes in the head's orientation (six DOF model. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Subjects either tracked a vertically moving target with a head-mounted laser pointer or fixated a stationary point during 4-min trials. Uncontrolled manifold (UCM analysis was performed across tracking cycles at each point in time to determine the structure of joint configuration variance related to postural stability or tracking consistency. The effect of simulated removal of covariance among joints on that structure was investigated to further determine the role of multijoint coordination. Results indicated that cervical joint motion was poorly coordinated with other joints to stabilize the position of the body center of mass (CM. However, cervical joints were coordinated in a flexible manner with more caudal joints to achieve consistent changes in head orientation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: An understanding of multijoint coordination requires reference to the stability/control of important performance variables. The nature of that coordination differs depending on the reference variable. Stability of upright posture primarily involved multijoint coordination of lower extremity and lower trunk joints. Consistent changes in the orientation of the head, however, required flexible coordination of those joints with motion of the cervical spine. A two-segment model of postural control was unable to account for the observed stability of the CM position during the tracking task, further supporting the need to consider multijoint coordination to

  16. Decerebrate posturing following traumatic brain injury: MRI findings and their diagnostic value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woischneck, D.; Skalej, M.; Firsching, R.; Kapapa, T.


    Aim: To determine the pathomorphological and clinical background to decerebrate posturing in humans following serious traumatic brain injury. Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty patients who had been unconscious for more than 24 h underwent diagnostic MRI within 8 days after trauma. The presence of decerebrate rigidity as the clinical parameter was correlated to MRI findings, such as traumatic lesions in defined brain areas. Significance was presumed as p < 0.05. Results: On the day of MRI 43 (36%) patients exhibited decerebrate posturing: 19 (23%) cases were unilateral and 24 (77%) bilateral. There was a significant correlation between midbrain lesions and the presence of rigidity. If a midbrain lesion was found in the absence of pontine lesions, decerebrate rigidity could be concluded (p < 0.05). There was no significant correlation to the rigidity in the case of midbrain lesions accompanied by pontine lesions, and no correlation to the rigidity could be detected for other regions of the brain. Both the occurrence of decerebrate posturing and the detection of brainstem lesions at MRI correlated with the Glasgow Outcome Scale. The combination of both parameters improved the probability of predicting the outcome. Conclusion: The rate of decerebrate posturing increases significantly in the presence of midbrain lesions. The presence of pontine lesions appears to be of secondary importance. The chances of predicting the Glasgow Outcome Scale are improved by the combination of clinical information (decerebrate posturing) and radiological parameters (type of brainstem lesion). - Highlights: • The pathomorphology of decerebrate posturing after TBI is not known for certain. • Midbrain lesions on MRI were correlated significantly to decerebrate posturing. • A combination of decerebrate posturing and brainstem lesions predict poor outcome

  17. Relationship Between Postural Control and Restricted, Repetitive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Krestin eRadonovich


    Full Text Available Restricted, repetitive behaviors (RRBs are one of the core diagnostic criteria of autism spectrum disorders (ASD, and include simple repetitive motor behaviors and more complex cognitive behaviors, such as compulsions and restricted interests. In addition to the core symptoms, impaired movement is often observed in ASD. Research suggests that the postural system in individuals with ASD is immature and may never reach adult levels. RRBs have been related to postural sway in individuals with mental retardation.Our goals were to determine whether subjects with ASD had greater postural sway and whether RBS-R scores were related to the magnitude of postural sway. We compared the center of pressure (COP sway area during quiet stance with scores on the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R in children with ASD and typically developing controls (TD ages 3-16. All subjects had Nonverbal IQ>70. Subjects performed four quiet stance trials at a self–selected stance width for 15 seconds. Subjects with ASD had greater postural sway area compared to controls. Not surprisingly, subjects with ASD exhibited greater frequencies and intensities of RRBs overall and on all 6 subscales. Further, there was a positive correlation between postural sway area and presence of RRBs. Interestingly, results of the postural sway area for the ASD group suggests that roughly half of the ASD subjects scored comparable to TD controls, whereas the other half scored >2 SD worse. Motor impaired children did not have significantly worse IQ scores, but were younger and had more RRBs.Results support previous findings of relationships between RRBs and postural control. It appears that motor control impairments may characterize a subset of individuals with ASD. Better delineation of motor control abilities in individuals with ASD will be important to help explain variations of abilities in ASD, inform treatment, and guide examination of underlying neural involvement in this diverse

  18. Stereotypes and prejudice affect the recognition of emotional body postures. (United States)

    Bijlstra, Gijsbert; Holland, Rob W; Dotsch, Ron; Wigboldus, Daniel H J


    Most research on emotion recognition focuses on facial expressions. However, people communicate emotional information through bodily cues as well. Prior research on facial expressions has demonstrated that emotion recognition is modulated by top-down processes. Here, we tested whether this top-down modulation generalizes to the recognition of emotions from body postures. We report three studies demonstrating that stereotypes and prejudice about men and women may affect how fast people classify various emotional body postures. Our results suggest that gender cues activate gender associations, which affect the recognition of emotions from body postures in a top-down fashion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Body Context and Posture Affect Mental Imagery of Hands (United States)

    Ionta, Silvio; Perruchoud, David; Draganski, Bogdan; Blanke, Olaf


    Different visual stimuli have been shown to recruit different mental imagery strategies. However the role of specific visual stimuli properties related to body context and posture in mental imagery is still under debate. Aiming to dissociate the behavioural correlates of mental processing of visual stimuli characterized by different body context, in the present study we investigated whether the mental rotation of stimuli showing either hands as attached to a body (hands-on-body) or not (hands-only), would be based on different mechanisms. We further examined the effects of postural changes on the mental rotation of both stimuli. Thirty healthy volunteers verbally judged the laterality of rotated hands-only and hands-on-body stimuli presented from the dorsum- or the palm-view, while positioning their hands on their knees (front postural condition) or behind their back (back postural condition). Mental rotation of hands-only, but not of hands-on-body, was modulated by the stimulus view and orientation. Additionally, only the hands-only stimuli were mentally rotated at different speeds according to the postural conditions. This indicates that different stimulus-related mechanisms are recruited in mental rotation by changing the bodily context in which a particular body part is presented. The present data suggest that, with respect to hands-only, mental rotation of hands-on-body is less dependent on biomechanical constraints and proprioceptive input. We interpret our results as evidence for preferential processing of visual- rather than kinesthetic-based mechanisms during mental transformation of hands-on-body and hands-only, respectively. PMID:22479618

  20. Two stages and three components of the postural preparation to action. (United States)

    Krishnan, Vennila; Aruin, Alexander S; Latash, Mark L


    Previous studies of postural preparation to action/perturbation have primarily focused on anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs), the changes in muscle activation levels resulting in the production of net forces and moments of force. We hypothesized that postural preparation to action consists of two stages: (1) Early postural adjustments (EPAs), seen a few hundred ms prior to an expected external perturbation and (2) APAs seen about 100 ms prior to the perturbation. We also hypothesized that each stage consists of three components, anticipatory synergy adjustments seen as changes in covariation of the magnitudes of commands to muscle groups (M-modes), changes in averaged across trials levels of muscle activation, and mechanical effects such as shifts of the center of pressure. Nine healthy participants were subjected to external perturbations created by a swinging pendulum while standing in a semi-squatting posture. Electrical activity of twelve trunk and leg muscles and displacements of the center of pressure were recorded and analyzed. Principal component analysis was used to identify four M-modes within the space of muscle activations using indices of integrated muscle activation. This analysis was performed twice, over two phases, 400-700 ms prior to the perturbation and over 200 ms just prior to the perturbation. Similar robust results were obtained using the data from both phases. An index of a multi-M-mode synergy stabilizing the center of pressure displacement was computed using the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis. The results showed high synergy indices during quiet stance. Each of the two stages started with a drop in the synergy index followed by a change in the averaged across trials activation levels in postural muscles. There was a very long electromechanical delay during the early postural adjustments and a much shorter delay during the APAs. Overall, the results support our main hypothesis on the two stages and three components

  1. The effect of exercise on the cardio-postural relationship


    Bruner, Michelle


    Syncope is common in individuals who experience orthostatic hypotension which is often associated with cardiovascular conditions, brain injuries, and ageing. A bi-directional link between the cardiovascular and postural control systems was recently identified, and may provide insight into syncope and orthostatic hypotension. This thesis examined the inter-dependent relationship between cardiovascular and postural controls before and after light exercise to induce mild orthostatic stress. It w...

  2. Detection of motion and posture change using an IR-UWB radar. (United States)

    Van Nguyen; Javaid, Abdul Q; Weitnauer, Mary A


    Impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) radar has recently emerged as a promising candidate for non-contact monitoring of respiration and heart rate. Different studies have reported various radar based algorithms for estimation of these physiological parameters. The radar can be placed under a subject's mattress as he lays stationary on his back or it can be attached to the ceiling directly above the subject's bed. However, advertent or inadvertent movement on part of the subject and different postures can affect the radar returned signal and also the accuracy of the estimated parameters from it. The detection and analysis of these postural changes can not only lead to improvement in estimation algorithms but also towards prevention of bed sores and ulcers in patients who require periodic posture changes. In this paper, we present an algorithm that detects and quantifies different types of motion events using an under-the-mattress IR-UWB radar. The algorithm also indicates a change in posture after a macro-movement event. Based on the findings of this paper, we anticipate that IR-UWB radar can be used for extracting posture related information in non-clinical enviroments for patients who are bed-ridden.

  3. Aspectos biosemióticos de la conciencia. En búsqueda de los signos de la vida y su referencia a la conciencia como principio teleonómico

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    Óscar Castro Garcia


    Full Text Available Tanto ciencia como filosofía han querido explicar la conciencia como culmen de nuestra experiencia vital. Inteligencia, intuición, conocimiento, emociones, capacidad de razonar, percepción, entre otras propiedades integradas en nuestra experiencia psicobiologica, nos acompañan ontogénica y filogénicamente. Pero no hay un consenso explicativo sobre la conciencia. Su atribución sólo al ser humano no parece hoy admisible tanto en ciencia, como en su comprensión profunda filosófica. Sería como si la etología pudiese conectar con la biología celular, incluso molecular y, así crear una etología comparativa. Nos referimos a todo ser vivo, al determinar aspectos muy concretos de lo que es «percibir el medio circundante», el umwelt de Jacob von Uexküll. Este artículo trata los rasgos biosemióticos neurales que pueden conducirnos a señales o signos que suponen conciencia o a características que comprendan transducción de información y su posterior respuesta consecuente. Hablaremos de la biosemiótica actual, en lo referente a los signos que provocan información en las máquinas celulares, para trascender el sentido de máquina celular cuando existen signos de percepción tanto de su autoorganización y como de su entorno (emergencia de la conciencia. Para ello nos centraremos en la biofísica de los microtúbulos (Hameroff-Penrose y de los biofotones del profesor Fritz Albert Popp aplicados a los procesos sinápticos del cerebro.

  4. Effect of awareness through movement on the head posture of bruxist children. (United States)

    Quintero, Y; Restrepo, C C; Tamayo, V; Tamayo, M; Vélez, A L; Gallego, G; Peláez-Vargas, A


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy to improve the head posture and reduce the signs of bruxism in a group of bruxist children. A single-blind randomized clinical trial was performed. All the subjects were 3- to 6-year old, had complete primary dentition, dental and skeletal class I occlusion and were classified as bruxist according to the minimal criteria of the ICSD for bruxism. For each child, a clinical, photographic and radiographic evaluation of the head and cervical posture were realized with standardized techniques. The children were randomized in an experimental (n = 13) and a control (n = 13) group. A physiotherapeutic intervention was applied to the children of the experimental group once a week, until 10 sessions were completed. Afterwards, the cephalogram and the clinical and photographic evaluation of the head posture were measured again. The data were analysed with the t-test and Mann-Whitney test. The subjects of the experimental group showed statistically significant improvement in the natural head posture. The physiotherapeutic intervention showed to be efficient to improve the head posture at the moment of measurement in the studied children. The relationship between bruxism and head posture, if exists, seems to be worthwhile to examine.

  5. Auditory white noise reduces postural fluctuations even in the absence of vision. (United States)

    Ross, Jessica Marie; Balasubramaniam, Ramesh


    The contributions of somatosensory, vestibular, and visual feedback to balance control are well documented, but the influence of auditory information, especially acoustic noise, on balance is less clear. Because somatosensory noise has been shown to reduce postural sway, we hypothesized that noise from the auditory modality might have a similar effect. Given that the nervous system uses noise to optimize signal transfer, adding mechanical or auditory noise should lead to increased feedback about sensory frames of reference used in balance control. In the present experiment, postural sway was analyzed in healthy young adults where they were presented with continuous white noise, in the presence and absence of visual information. Our results show reduced postural sway variability (as indexed by the body's center of pressure) in the presence of auditory noise, even when visual information was not present. Nonlinear time series analysis revealed that auditory noise has an additive effect, independent of vision, on postural stability. Further analysis revealed that auditory noise reduced postural sway variability in both low- and high-frequency regimes (> or noise. Our results support the idea that auditory white noise reduces postural sway, suggesting that auditory noise might be used for therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes in older individuals and those with balance disorders.

  6. Avaliação postural em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica Postural assessment in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Célia Aparecida Stellutti Pachioni


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar alterações posturais em pacientes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC, por meio do Software para Avaliação Postural (SAPO. Trinta indivíduos constituíram 2 grupos: 15 pacientes com DPOC e 15 idosos saudáveis (controle. Os grupos realizaram espirometria e foram fotografados para avaliação postural. As imagens obtidas foram digitalizadas e, posteriormente, avaliou-se dez alterações posturais com o SAPO [inclinação lateral da cabeça (ILC, desnivelamento dos ombros (DO, desnivelamento pélvico anterior (DPA, inclinação lateral do tronco (ILT, desnivelamento das escápulas (DE, desnivelamento pélvico posterior (DPP, protusão da cabeça (PC, protusão de ombro (PO, báscula anterior da pelve (BAP e cifose torácica (CT]. Essas alterações, obtidas no grupo controle, foram conferidas com o padrão de normalidade para adultos jovens, proposto em estudo prévio. Para a comparação das alterações posturais entre grupo controle e DPOC, foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney em grupo controle, e em adultos jovens, o teste t de Student não pareado, ambos com nível de significância estatística de 5%. Dentre as dez alterações posturais, o grupo controle apresentou sete (ILC, DPA, DE, DPP, PC, PO, BAP com valores angulares significativamente maiores em relação aos adultos jovens. Quando comparados a idosos saudáveis, indivíduos com DPOC apresentaram um aumento significante na angulação de BAP, DPP e CT. Pacientes com DPOC apresentam três alterações posturais que provavelmente estão relacionadas à doença.The aim of this study was to evaluate postural changes in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD by means of the Software for Postural Assessment (SPA. Thirty individuals were divided into 2 groups: 15 patients with COPD and 15 healthy elderly people (control group. The groups underwent spirometry and photographed for postural assessment. The images were

  7. First-Person Perspective Virtual Body Posture Influences Stress: A Virtual Reality Body Ownership Study (United States)

    Bergström, Ilias; Kilteni, Konstantina; Slater, Mel


    In immersive virtual reality (IVR) it is possible to replace a person’s real body by a life-sized virtual body that is seen from first person perspective to visually substitute their own. Multisensory feedback from the virtual to the real body (such as the correspondence of touch and also movement) can also be present. Under these conditions participants typically experience a subjective body ownership illusion (BOI) over the virtual body, even though they know that it is not their real one. In most studies and applications the posture of the real and virtual bodies are as similar as possible. Here we were interested in whether the BOI is diminished when there are gross discrepancies between the real and virtual body postures. We also explored whether a comfortable or uncomfortable virtual body posture would induce feelings and physiological responses commensurate with the posture. We carried out an experiment with 31 participants in IVR realized with a wide field-of-view head-mounted display. All participants were comfortably seated. Sixteen of them were embodied in a virtual body designed to be in a comfortable posture, and the remainder in an uncomfortable posture. The results suggest that the uncomfortable body posture led to lesser subjective BOI than the comfortable one, but that participants in the uncomfortable posture experienced greater awareness of their autonomic physiological responses. Moreover their heart rate, heart rate variability, and the number of mistakes in a cognitive task were associated with the strength of their BOI in the uncomfortable posture: greater heart rate, lower heart rate variability and more mistakes were associated with higher levels of the BOI. These findings point in a consistent direction—that the BOI over a body that is in an uncomfortable posture can lead to subjective, physiological and cognitive effects consistent with discomfort that do not occur with the BOI over a body in a comfortable posture. PMID:26828365

  8. Phobic postural vertigo treated with autogenic training: a case report. (United States)

    Goto, Fumiyuki; Nakai, Kimiko; Kunihiro, Takanobu; Ogawa, Kaoru


    Patients suffering from dizziness due to vertigo are commonly encountered in the department of otolaryngology. If various clinical examinations do not reveal any objective findings, then the patients are referred to the department of internal medicine or psychiatry. In many cases, the diagnosis is psychological dizziness. Phobic postural vertigo, which was first reported by Brandt T et al in 1994, is supposed to be a type of psychological dizziness. The diagnosis is based on 6 characteristics proposed by Brandt et al. Patients are usually treated with conventional medical therapy, but some cases may be refractory to such a therapy. Psychotherapy is recommended in some cases; however, psychotherapy including autogenic training, which can be used for general relaxation, is not widely accepted. This paper describes the successful administration of autogenic training in a patient suffering from phobic postural vertigo. We present a case of a patient who suffered from phobic postural vertigo. A 37-year-old female complained of dizziness. She had started experiencing dizziness almost 3 years She was intractable to many sort of conventional therapy. In the end, her symptom disappeared after introduction of autogenic training. Autogenic training can be a viable and acceptable treatment option for phobic postural vertigo patients who fail to respond to other therapies. This case emphasizes the importance of autogenic training as a method to control symptom of phobic postural vertigo.

  9. Postural control in blind subjects. (United States)

    Soares, Antonio Vinicius; Oliveira, Cláudia Silva Remor de; Knabben, Rodrigo José; Domenech, Susana Cristina; Borges Junior, Noe Gomes


    To analyze postural control in acquired and congenitally blind adults. A total of 40 visually impaired adults participated in the research, divided into 2 groups, 20 with acquired blindness and 20 with congenital blindness - 21 males and 19 females, mean age 35.8 ± 10.8. The Brazilian version of Berg Balance Scale and the motor domain of functional independence measure were utilized. On Berg Balance Scale the mean for acquired blindness was 54.0 ± 2.4 and 54.4 ± 2.5 for congenitally blind subjects; on functional independence measure the mean for acquired blind group was 87.1 ± 4.8 and 87.3 ± 2.3 for congenitally blind group. Based upon the scale used the results suggest the ability to control posture can be developed by compensatory mechanisms and it is not affected by visual loss in congenitally and acquired blindness.

  10. Mechanisms of inhibition of vasopressin release during moderate antiorthostatic posture change in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pump, B.; Gabrielsen, A.; Christensen, N.J.


    The hypothesis was tested that the carotid baroreceptor stimulation caused by a posture change from upright seated with legs horizontal (Seat) to supine (Sup) participates in the suppression of arginine vasopressin (AVP) release. Ten healthy males underwent this posture change for 30 min without...... decreased from 0.9 +/- 0.2 to 0.5 +/- 0.1 pg/ml (P posture...

  11. Geometric morphometrics as a tool for improving the comparative study of behavioural postures. (United States)

    Fureix, Carole; Hausberger, Martine; Seneque, Emilie; Morisset, Stéphane; Baylac, Michel; Cornette, Raphaël; Biquand, Véronique; Deleporte, Pierre


    Describing postures has always been a central concern when studying behaviour. However, attempts to compare postures objectively at phylogenetical, populational, inter- or intra-individual levels generally either rely upon a few key elements or remain highly subjective. Here, we propose a novel approach, based on well-established geometric morphometrics, to describe and to analyse postures globally (i.e. considering the animal's body posture in its entirety rather than focusing only on a few salient elements, such as head or tail position). Geometric morphometrics is concerned with describing and comparing variation and changes in the form (size and shape) of organisms using the coordinates of a series of homologous landmarks (i.e. positioned in relation to skeletal or muscular cues that are the same for different species for every variety of form and function and that have derived from a common ancestor, i.e. they have a common evolutionary ancestry, e.g. neck, wings, flipper/hand). We applied this approach to horses, using global postures (1) to characterise behaviours that correspond to different arousal levels, (2) to test potential impact of environmental changes on postures. Our application of geometric morphometrics to horse postures showed that this method can be used to characterise behavioural categories, to evaluate the impact of environmental factors (here human actions) and to compare individuals and groups. Beyond its application to horses, this promising approach could be applied to all questions involving the analysis of postures (evolution of displays, expression of emotions, stress and welfare, behavioural repertoires…) and could lead to a whole new line of research.

  12. Ergonomic assessment of the posture of surgeons performing endoscopic transurethral resections in urology

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    Sökeland Jürgen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background During transurethral endoscopic prostate and bladder operations the influence of an ergonomic redesign of the arrangement of the operation equipment - including the introduction of a video-assisted resection method ('monitor endoscopy' instead of directly viewing onto the operation area via the endoscope ('direct endoscopy' - was studied with respect to the postures of the surgeons. Methods Postures were analysed on the basis of video recordings of the surgeons performed in the operation theatre during live operations and subsequent visual posture estimation executed by an observer. In particular, head, trunk and arm positions were assigned to posture categories according to a newly developed posture classification schema. 10 urological operations with direct endoscopy and 9 with monitor endoscopy were included. Results Application of direct endoscopy coincides with distinct lateral and sagittal trunk and head inclinations, trunk torsion and strong forearm and upper arm elevations of the surgeons whereas operations with monitor endoscopy were performed with an almost upright head and trunk and hanging arms. The disadvantageous postures observed during direct endoscopy are mainly caused by the necessity to hold the endoscope continuously in close contact with the eye. Conclusion From an ergonomic point of view, application of the video-assisted resection method should be preferred in transurethral endoscopic operations in order to prevent awkward postures of the surgeons and to limit muscular strain and fatigue. Furthermore, the application of the monitor method enables the use of a chair equipped with back support and armrests and benefits the reduction of postural stress.

  13. Masticatory efficiency contributing to the improved dynamic postural balance: A cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Hwang, Hae-Yun; Choi, Jun-Seon; Kim, Hee-Eun


    To evaluate whether masticatory efficiency is associated with dynamic postural balance. Masticatory dysfunction can cause deterioration of general health due to nutritional imbalances, thereby negatively affecting postural balance. However, few studies have investigated the association between masticatory efficiency and postural balance. The masticatory efficiency of 74 participants was evaluated by calculating mixing ability index (MAI) using a wax cube. The timed up and go test (TUGT) was used to measure dynamic balance. Participants with an MAI above or below the median value of 1.05 were defined as having high or low masticatory efficiency, respectively. An independent samples t-test was used to identify significant differences in TUGT, according to masticatory efficiency. Analysis of covariance was performed to adjust for confounding factors. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the correlation between masticatory efficiency and postural balance. The high masticatory efficiency group could complete the TUGT exercise approximately 1.67 seconds faster while maintaining the postural balance, compared to the low masticatory efficiency group (P = .005). Furthermore, the postural imbalance odds of the group with high mastication efficiency decreased by 0.14-fold, relative to the group with low mastication efficiency (95% confidence interval: 0.04-0.46). With some reservations about statistical power, the association found between masticatory efficiency and postural balance justifies further investigations to confirm the strength of the associations, and possibly to identify causal relationships between mastication and posture in old age. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S and The Gerodontology Association. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Management of postural sensory conflict and dynamic balance control in late-stage Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Colnat-Coulbois, S; Gauchard, G C; Maillard, L; Barroche, G; Vespignani, H; Auque, J; Perrin, P P


    Parkinson's disease (PD) is known to affect postural control, especially in situations needing a change in balance strategy or when a concurrent task is simultaneously performed. However, few studies assessing postural control in patients with PD included homogeneous population in late stage of the disease. Thus, this study aimed to analyse postural control and strategies in a homogeneous population of patients with idiopathic advanced (late-stage) PD, and to determine the contribution of peripheral inputs in simple and more complex postural tasks, such as sensory conflicting and dynamic tasks. Twenty-four subjects with advanced PD (duration: median (M)=11.0 years, interquartile range (IQR)=4.3 years; Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS): M "on-dopa"=13.5, IQR=7.8; UPDRS: M "off-dopa"=48.5, IQR=16.8; Hoehn and Yahr stage IV in all patients) and 48 age-matched healthy controls underwent static (SPT) and dynamic posturographic (DPT) tests and a sensory organization test (SOT). In SPT, patients with PD showed reduced postural control precision with increased oscillations in both anterior-posterior and medial-lateral planes. In SOT, patients with PD displayed reduced postural performances especially in situations in which visual and vestibular cues became predominant to organize balance control, as was the ability to manage balance in situations for which visual or proprioceptive inputs are disrupted. In DPT, postural restabilization strategies were often inefficient to maintain equilibrium resulting in falls. Postural strategies were often precarious, postural regulation involving more hip joint than ankle joint in patients with advanced PD than in controls. Difficulties in managing complex postural situations, such as sensory conflicting and dynamic situations might reflect an inadequate sensory organization suggesting impairment in central information processing. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. La biblioteca pública como mediadora en la construcción de la ciudadanía

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    Yicel Giraldo


    Full Text Available El artículo enfatiza en la mediación de la biblioteca pública en la construcción de la ciudadanía. Con este propósito, recurre a su consideración como ambiente educativo que promueve el encuentro de los/as ciudadanos/as. Inicialmente, describe la situación social en la cual tiene lugar el problema de la investigación y que tiene que ver con la manera cómo las personas han transformado sus representaciones acerca de la biblioteca pública, de la mano de las intervenciones sociales y estatales que se vienen generando en las grandes ciudades colombianas. A continuación, expone los elementos metodológicos más importantes del trabajo. Seguidamente, muestra los principales hallazgos en la indagación sobre las representaciones que tienen los niños y las niñas sobre la biblioteca pública. Para terminar, presenta una propuesta interpretativa acerca de los núcleos de sentido de la biblioteca pública como institución social, ambiente educativo y escenario de socialización política. Al final presenta un listado de referencias bibliográficas.

  16. Human Posture and Movement Prediction based on Musculoskeletal Modeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farahani, Saeed Davoudabadi


    Abstract This thesis explores an optimization-based formulation, so-called inverse-inverse dynamics, for the prediction of human posture and motion dynamics performing various tasks. It is explained how this technique enables us to predict natural kinematic and kinetic patterns for human posture...... and motion using AnyBody Modeling System (AMS). AMS uses inverse dynamics to analyze musculoskeletal systems and is, therefore, limited by its dependency on input kinematics. We propose to alleviate this dependency by assuming that voluntary postures and movement strategies in humans are guided by a desire...... expenditure, joint forces and other physiological properties derived from the detailed musculoskeletal analysis. Several attempts have been made to uncover the principles underlying motion control strategies in the literature. In case of some movements, like human squat jumping, there is almost no doubt...

  17. Postural orientation : Age-related changes in variability and time-to-boundary

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Wegen, E. E.H.; Van Emmerik, R. E.A.; Riccio, G. E.


    The relation between age-specific postural instability and the detection of stability boundaries was examined. Balance control was investigated under different visual conditions (eyes open/closed) and postural orientations·(forward/backward lean) while standing on a force platform. Dependent

  18. A validation study using a modified version of Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients: Postural Stroke Study in Gothenburg (POSTGOT

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    Danielsson Anna


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A modified version of Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients (PASS was created with some changes in the description of the items and clarifications in the manual (e.g. much help was defined as support from 2 persons. The aim of this validation study was to assess intrarater and interrater reliability using this modified version of PASS, at a stroke unit, for patients in the acute phase after their first event of stroke. Methods In the intrarater reliability study 114 patients and in the interrater reliability study 15 patients were examined twice with the test within one to 24 hours in the first week after stroke. Spearman's rank correlation, Kappa coefficients, Percentage Agreement and the newer rank-invariant methods; Relative Position, Relative Concentration and Relative rank Variance were used for the statistical analysis. Results For the intrarater reliability Spearman's rank correlations were 0.88-0.98 and k were 0.70-0.93 for the individual items. Small, statistically significant, differences were found for two items regarding Relative Position and for one item regarding Relative Concentration. There was no Relative rank Variance for any single item. For the interrater reliability, Spearman's rank correlations were 0.77-0.99 for individual items. For some items there was a possible, even if not proved, reliability problem regarding Relative Position and Relative Concentration. There was no Relative rank Variance for the single items, except for a small Relative rank Variance for one item. Conclusions The high intrarater and interrater reliability shown for the modified Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients, the Swedish version of Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients, with traditional and newer statistical analyses, particularly for assessments performed by the same rater, support the use of the Swedish version of Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients, in the acute stage after stroke both

  19. An analysis of posture and back pain in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. (United States)

    Franklin, M E; Conner-Kerr, T


    While the incidence of back pain during pregnancy has been shown to be high, few studies have investigated postural changes that occur during pregnancy and their relationship to back pain. The purpose of this study was to determine if posture and back pain changed from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy and whether there was a relationship between the two. Twelve healthy women who were having uncomplicated pregnancies participated in the study. During the first and third trimesters, each subject had their standing posture and back pain assessed by a Metrecom Skeletal Analysis System and a 0- to 10-cm line pain scale, respectively. Repeated measures analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated on or between back pain and nine posture variables and revealed significant increases in third trimester back pain and postures compared with first trimester back pain (p postures for lumbar angle (p change in posture and back pain. These results suggest that in the standing position the lumbar lordosis and sagittal pelvic tilt increased and head position become more posterior as women progressed from the first trimester to the last trimester of pregnancy. These postural changes, however, were not related to back pain. This suggests that many of the posture-correcting clinical exercise regimens given to pregnant women need to be investigated.

  20. Three-dimensional evaluation of postural stability in Parkinson's disease with mobile technology. (United States)

    Ozinga, Sarah J; Koop, Mandy Miller; Linder, Susan M; Machado, Andre G; Dey, Tanujit; Alberts, Jay L


    Postural instability is a hallmark of Parkinson's disease. Objective metrics to characterize postural stability are necessary for the development of treatment algorithms to aid in the clinical setting. The aim of this project was to validate a mobile device platform and resultant three-dimensional balance metric that characterizes postural stability. A mobile Application was developed, in which biomechanical data from inertial sensors within a mobile device were processed to characterize movement of center of mass in the medial-lateral, anterior-posterior and trunk rotation directions. Twenty-seven individuals with Parkinson's disease and 27 age-matched controls completed various balance tasks. A postural stability metric quantifying the amplitude (peak-to-peak) of sway acceleration in each movement direction was compared between groups. The peak-to-peak value in each direction for each individual with Parkinson's disease across all trials was expressed as a normalized value of the control data to identify individuals with severe postural instability, termed Cleveland Clinic-Postural Stability Index. In all conditions, the balance metric for peak-to-peak was significantly greater in Parkinson's disease compared to controls (p mobile device sensors, provides a rapid and systematic metric for quantifying postural stability in Parkinson's disease.

  1. Postural Control and Gait Performance in the Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Systematic Review

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    Amirah Mustapa


    Full Text Available Purpose. The aim of this paper is to review the published studies on the characteristics of impairments in the postural control and gait performance in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN. Methods. A review was performed by obtaining publication of all papers reporting on the postural control and gait performance in DPN from Google Scholar, Ovid, SAGE, Springerlink, Science Direct (SD, EBSCO Discovery Service, and Web of Science databases. The keywords used for searching were “postural control,” “balance,” “gait performance,” “diabetes mellitus,” and “diabetic peripheral neuropathy.” Results. Total of 4,337 studies were hit in the search. 1,524 studies were screened on their titles and citations. Then, 79 studies were screened on their abstract. Only 38 studies were eligible to be selected: 17 studies on postural control and 21 studies on the gait performance. Most previous researches were found to have strong evidence of postural control impairments and noticeable gait deficits in DPN. Deterioration of somatosensory, visual, and vestibular systems with the pathologic condition of diabetes on cognitive impairment causes further instability of postural and gait performance in DPN. Conclusions. Postural instability and gait imbalance in DPN may contribute to high risk of fall incidence, especially in the geriatric population. Thus, further works are crucial to highlight this fact in the hospital based and community adults.

  2. Reference Values for Human Posture Measurements Based on Computerized Photogrammetry: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Macedo Ribeiro, Ana Freire; Bergmann, Anke; Lemos, Thiago; Pacheco, Antônio Guilherme; Mello Russo, Maitê; Santos de Oliveira, Laura Alice; de Carvalho Rodrigues, Erika

    The main objective of this study was to review the literature to identify reference values for angles and distances of body segments related to upright posture in healthy adult women with the Postural Assessment Software (PAS/SAPO). Electronic databases (BVS, PubMed, SciELO and Scopus) were assessed using the following descriptors: evaluation, posture, photogrammetry, physical therapy, postural alignment, postural assessment, and physiotherapy. Studies that performed postural evaluation in healthy adult women with PAS/SAPO and were published in English, Portuguese and Spanish, between the years 2005 and 2014 were included. Four studies met the inclusion criteria. Data from the included studies were grouped to establish the statistical descriptors (mean, variance, and standard deviation) of the body angles and distances. A total of 29 variables were assessed (10 in the anterior views, 16 in the lateral right and left views, and 3 in the posterior views), and its respective mean and standard deviation were calculated. Reference values for the anterior and posterior views showed no symmetry between the right and left sides of the body in the frontal plane. There were also small differences in the calculated reference values for the lateral view. The proposed reference values for quantitative evaluation of the upright posture in healthy adult women estimated in the present study using PAS/SAPO could guide future studies and help clinical practice. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Automatic postural response systems in individuals with congenital total blindness. (United States)

    Nakata, H; Yabe, K


    This study examined the effects of the absence of vision from birth on automatic postural responses to platform displacements during stance. Postural responses were induced by producing randomly four types of perturbations which consisted of forward and backward translations, and toe up and down rotations. Nine congenitally totally blind and nine sighted adults served as subjects. EMG signals were recorded from four muscles in the right leg, and reaction time to somatosensory stimuli generated by platform displacements was measured by pushing a hand-held button. To assess the ability to control postural balance, the root mean square (RMS) values for lateral and antero-posterior sway before, during, and after perturbations were calculated. The EMG amplitude in the gastrocnemius muscle of a blind subject was smaller than that of a sighted subject with eyes closed. No significant differences were found between blind and sighted subjects in EMG latencies of the lower extremity muscles in response to perturbations. The blind subjects had significantly faster reaction times to somatosensory stimuli triggered by platform displacements, but in toe down rotations no significant difference was found between blind and sighted subjects. The difference in the EMG latencies and reaction times between the two groups suggests that blindness from birth may not affect the spinal stretch reflex, but may affect a volitional act mediated through the motor cortex. There were also no significant differences in the RMS values for postural sway between blind and sighted subjects with eyes open or closed, although blind subjects swayed more after backward translations than did sighted subjects with eyes open. Results suggest that the ability to control postural balance during perturbations was not affected by vision loss from birth. Our findings suggest that the automatic postural response systems of humans are unaffected by the absence of vision from birth and are rather hard wired.

  4. Assessment of the influence of examination postures on postural stability by means of the DTP-3 diagnostic system [Hodnocení vlivu vyšetřovacích poloh na posturální stabilitu pomocí diagnostického systému DTP-3

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    Peter D. C. Phiri


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: When examining spinal shape by means of radiographic methods, as well as non radiographic non invasive methods, standardisation of the examined person's posture is essential. OBJECTIVE: Standardizing examination posture serves to enable the mutual comparison of the results from examinations when performed using different methods. Furthermore, a suitable examination posture should reduce postural sway and thus increase the reliability of such an examination. METHODS: For the purpose of assessing the influence of fixation on reducing postural sway in a subject undergoing an examination, two examination postures with different degrees of fixation were proposed: posture D – a standing position with shoulders supported against a fixation frame and posture F – prone lying on a fixation bed. Those postures were compared with posture A – the free standing position. For the examination of spinal shape and postural stability, the DTP-3 microcomputer diagnostic system was used, which makes it possible to measure a three-dimensional position of points by applying a non invasive contact method. The examination consists of palpating and marking the skin projection of the left and right lateral parts of the acromion, bilateral posterior superior iliac spine, and the processus spinosi. The marked points are scanned by touching them with the position sensor stylus and transmitted into a computer, where they are displayed as output protocols in the form of tables and graphs. The experimental part included the measurement of 80 subjects (40 men and 40 women, aged 23.1 ± 2.5 years. Each subject was measured five times in each examination posture, and the average spinal curve was calculated, as well as the standard deviation, evaluating the postural sway of the examined subject. RESULTS: It results from the assessment of the effects of fixation on postural sway reduction, which increased fixation in examination postures A–D–F results to

  5. Phase-dependent organization of postural adjustments associated with arm movements while walking. (United States)

    Nashner, L M; Forssberg, H


    This study examines the interactions between anteroposterior postural responses and the control of walking in human subjects. In the experimental paradigm, subjects walked upon a treadmill, gripping a rigid handle with one hand. Postural responses at different phases of stepping were elicited by rapid arm pulls or pushes against the handle. During arm movements, EMG's recorded the activity of representative arm, ankle, and thigh segment muscles. Strain gauges in the handle measured the force of the arm movement. A Selspot II system measured kinematics of the stepping movements. The duration of support and swing phases were marked by heel and toe switches in the soles of the subjects' shoes. In the first experiment, subjects were instructed to pull on the handle at their own pace. In these trials all subjects preferred to initiate pulls near heel strikes. Next, when instructed to pull as rapidly as possible in response to tone stimuli, reaction times were similar for all phases of the step cycle. Leg muscle responses associated with arm pulls and pushes, referred to as "postural activations," were directionally specific and preceded arm muscle activity. The temporal order and spatial distribution of postural activations in the muscles of the support leg were similar when arm pull movements occurred while the subject was standing in place and after heel strike while walking. Activations began in the ankle and radiated proximally to the thigh and then the arm. Activations of swing leg muscles were also directionally specific and involved flexion and forward or backward thrust of the limb. When arm movements were initiated during transitions from support by one leg to the other, patterns of postural activations were altered. Alterations usually occurred 10-20 ms before hell strikes and involved changes in the timing and sometimes the spatial structure of postural activations. Postural activation patterns are similar during in-place standing and during the support phase

  6. Changes in Postural Syntax Characterize Sensory Modulation and Natural Variation of C. elegans Locomotion.

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    Roland F Schwarz


    Full Text Available Locomotion is driven by shape changes coordinated by the nervous system through time; thus, enumerating an animal's complete repertoire of shape transitions would provide a basis for a comprehensive understanding of locomotor behaviour. Here we introduce a discrete representation of behaviour in the nematode C. elegans. At each point in time, the worm's posture is approximated by its closest matching template from a set of 90 postures and locomotion is represented as sequences of postures. The frequency distribution of postural sequences is heavy-tailed with a core of frequent behaviours and a much larger set of rarely used behaviours. Responses to optogenetic and environmental stimuli can be quantified as changes in postural syntax: worms show different preferences for different sequences of postures drawn from the same set of templates. A discrete representation of behaviour will enable the use of methods developed for other kinds of discrete data in bioinformatics and language processing to be harnessed for the study of behaviour.

  7. [Influence of body posture in the prevalence of craniomandibular dysfunction]. (United States)

    Fuentes, R; Freesmeyer, W; Henríquez, J


    Postural alterations of the shoulders, dorsal spine and hips could have an influence on the development of craniomandibular dysfunctions. To study the influence of body posture on the prevalence of craniomandibular dysfunction. One hundred thirty six dental students and 41 patients assisting to the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) clinic at the Freie Universität at Berlin, were studied. Masticator, cervical muscles, temporomandibular joints and occlusions were clinically examined. The position of shoulders and hips was measured with the use of an acromiopelvimeter. No relationship was found between postural alterations of the hips and shoulders, articular noises and sensibility or pain while palpating the temporomandibular joints. Among students, a relationship between postural alterations of the shoulders and the sensibility or pain while palpating the TMJ, was observed. When all muscles were considered, a significant relationship between asymmetric shoulders or hips and muscular pain while palpating was observed among students. Some symptoms, especially muscular sensibility is more pronounced in people with hip and shoulder asymmetries. This relation is more pronounced in dental students than in patients.

  8. Postural Stability Margins as a Function of Support Surface Slopes. (United States)

    Dutt-Mazumder, Aviroop; Slobounov, Seymon M; Challis, John Henry; Newell, Karl Maxim


    This investigation examined the effects of slope of the surface of support (35°, 30°, 20°, 10° Facing(Toe) Down, 0° Flat and 10°, 20°, 25° Facing (Toe) Up) and postural orientation on the margins of postural stability in quiet standing of young adults. The findings showed that the center of pressure-CoP (displacement, area and length) had least motion at the baseline (0° Flat) platform condition that progressively increased as a function of platform angle in both facing up and down directions. The virtual time to collision (VTC) dynamics revealed that the spatio-temporal margins to the functional stability boundary were progressively smaller and the VTC time series also more regular (SampEn-Sample Entropy) as slope angle increased. Surface slope induces a restricted stability region with lower dimension VTC dynamics that is more constrained when postural orientation is facing down the slope. These findings provide further evidence that VTC acts as a control variable in standing posture that is influenced by the emergent dynamics of the individual-environment-task interaction.

  9. Lead effects on postural balance of children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhattacharya, A.; Shukla, R.; Bornschein, R.L.; Dietrich, K.N. (Univ. of Cincinnati, OH (USA)); Keith, R. (Univ. of Cincinnati Medical Center, OH (USA))


    The postural sway responses of 63 children with a mean age of 5.74 years were quantified with a Force Platform technique. The average maximum (max) blood lead (PbB) of these children during the first 5 years of life was 20.7 {mu}g/dL (range 9.2 to 32.5). The backward stepwise regression analysis for sway area response during the eyes-closed, no-foam test with all the covariates and confounders and the PbB parameters showed a significant relationship with peak or max PbB during the second year of life. These results are consistent with their previous study with a smaller group of children. The data have been analyzed to provide some insight into the role of various afferents for the maintenance of postural balance. The results suggests a hypothesis that if the max PbB had caused some level of impairment in the functional capacities or interconnectivity of the vestibular and/or proprioception systems at 2 years of age, then it is reasonable to assume that the redundancy in the postural afferent systems would naturally adapt to rely more on the remaining intact afferent system (in this case, vision).

  10. Ice skating promotes postural control in children. (United States)

    Keller, M; Röttger, K; Taube, W


    High fall rates causing injury and enormous financial costs are reported for children. However, only few studies investigated the effects of balance training in children and these studies did not find enhanced balance performance in postural (transfer) tests. Consequently, it was previously speculated that classical balance training might not be stimulating enough for children to adequately perform these exercises. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of ice skating as an alternative form of balance training. Volunteers of an intervention (n = 17; INT: 13.1 ± 0.4 years) and a control group (n = 13; CON: 13.2 ± 0.3 years) were tested before and after training in static and dynamic postural transfer tests. INT participated in eight sessions of ice skating during education lessons, whereas CON participated in normal physical education. Enhanced balance performance was observed in INT but not in CON when tested on an unstable free-swinging platform (P skating in children. More importantly, participating children improved static and dynamic balance control in postural tasks that were not part of the training. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Valores de referencia de la actividad de la colinesterasa eritrocitaria según las técnicas de Michel y EQM® en población laboral de Antioquia, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Carmona-Fonseca


    entre regiones (Aburrá y Oriente según el ARM-NK; dentro de cada región, la actividad enzimática masculina fue significativamente mayor que la femenina según el ARM-NK; en ninguno de los estratos por región y sexo hubo influencia estadísticamente significativa de la edad en la actividad enzimática, cualquiera que fuera el método utilizado. Por el método de EQM® no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre regiones, entre sexos ni entre grupos de edad. CONCLUSIÓN: Los valores de la actividad de la colinesterasa eritrocitaria encontrados por las dos técnicas analíticas fueron significativamente superiores a los valores foráneos utilizados actualmente como valores de referencia en Colombia, lo que plantea problemas clínicos y epidemiológicos. Se propone que los datos de este estudio se adopten como valores de referencia en Colombia.

  12. Somatosensory evoked potentials and dynamic postural assessment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Dalia Mohamed Ezz El Mikkawy


    Conclusion The study demonstrates abnormal somatosensory and postural function in patients with AIS, and a significant inter-relationship between the scoliotic angle, the somatosensory system, and posture. Thus, optimum assessment and treatment of neurological pathway and balance are important in these patients.

  13. Study on Posture Estimation Using Delayed Measurements for Mobile Robots

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    When associating data from various sensors to estimate the posture of mobile robots, a crucial problem to be solved is that there may be some delayed measurements. Furthermore, the general multi-sensor data fusion algorithm is a Kalman filter. In order to handle the problem concerning delayed measurements, this paper investigates a Kalman filter modified to account for the delays. Based on the interpolating measurement, a fusion system is applied to estimate the posture of a mobile robot which fuses the data from the encoder and laser global position system using the extended Kalman filter algorithm. Finally, the posture estimation experiment of the mobile robot is given whose result verifies the feasibility and efficiency of the algorithm.

  14. Standing Postural Control in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (United States)

    Lim, Yi Huey; Partridge, Katie; Girdler, Sonya; Morris, Susan L.


    Impairments in postural control affect the development of motor and social skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This review compared the effect of different sensory conditions on static standing postural control between ASD and neurotypical individuals. Results from 19 studies indicated a large difference in postural control…

  15. 'Posture for Learning': meeting the postural care needs of children with physical disabilities in mainstream primary schools in England--a research into practice exploratory study. (United States)

    Hutton, Eve; Coxon, Kirstie


     To explore teachers and teaching assistants' (TAs) views of how to manage the postural care needs of children with physical disabilities (PD) in mainstream primary schools, with the aim of developing strategies to support teachers and assistants in this role.  Qualitative data were gathered from a purposive sample of four primary schools in one county in the U.K. Individual and focus group interviews with 36 teachers and TAs were carried out and used to generate an explanatory framework around their experiences of managing the postural care needs of children with PD.  Teachers and TAs in schools were found to have limited understanding of postural management. Very few had personal experience of the benefits of postural care--instead, most appeared to think in terms of 'doing' rather than 'knowing' about postural care. When implementing therapy programmes, teaching staff followed therapists' instructions carefully, but did not understand the purpose of their actions. Participants described the emotional impact of caring for a child with PD and expressed anxieties about causing discomfort when using equipment such as specialist seating and standing frames. Equipment was viewed as bulky, uncomfortable and restrictive and not suited to the school environment. When asked which kinds of support would be valuable, participants identified practical solutions such as additional space or resources. Based on these findings, therapists, specialist teachers and parents developed an 'A-Z of postural care'. This information resource aimed to address the gaps in knowledge and understanding highlighted by teachers and TAs in the interviews and to acknowledge their anxieties when teaching and caring for children with PD. Stakeholder involvement in all aspects of the project from setting the research question to the development of the A-Z resource has assisted in the dissemination of the resource and its integration into the mainstream school system within the county.

  16. Visual Information and Support Surface for Postural Control in Visual Search Task. (United States)

    Huang, Chia-Chun; Yang, Chih-Mei


    When standing on a reduced support surface, people increase their reliance on visual information to control posture. This assertion was tested in the current study. The effects of imposed motion and support surface on postural control during visual search were investigated. Twelve participants (aged 21 ± 1.8 years; six men and six women) stood on a reduced support surface (45% base of support). In a room that moved back and forth along the anteroposterior axis, participants performed visual search for a given letter in an article. Postural sway variability and head-room coupling were measured. The results of head-room coupling, but not postural sway, supported the assertion that people increase reliance on visual information when standing on a reduced support surface. Whether standing on a whole or reduced surface, people stabilized their posture to perform the visual search tasks. Compared to a fixed target, searching on a hand-held target showed greater head-room coupling when standing on a reduced surface. © The Author(s) 2016.

  17. Postural control assessment in students with normal hearing and sensorineural hearing loss. (United States)

    Melo, Renato de Souza; Lemos, Andrea; Macky, Carla Fabiana da Silva Toscano; Raposo, Maria Cristina Falcão; Ferraz, Karla Mônica


    Children with sensorineural hearing loss can present with instabilities in postural control, possibly as a consequence of hypoactivity of their vestibular system due to internal ear injury. To assess postural control stability in students with normal hearing (i.e., listeners) and with sensorineural hearing loss, and to compare data between groups, considering gender and age. This cross-sectional study evaluated the postural control of 96 students, 48 listeners and 48 with sensorineural hearing loss, aged between 7 and 18 years, of both genders, through the Balance Error Scoring Systems scale. This tool assesses postural control in two sensory conditions: stable surface and unstable surface. For statistical data analysis between groups, the Wilcoxon test for paired samples was used. Students with hearing loss showed more instability in postural control than those with normal hearing, with significant differences between groups (stable surface, unstable surface) (ppostural control compared to normal hearing students of the same gender and age. Copyright © 2014 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  18. Use of a design challenge to develop postural support devices for intermediate wheelchair users

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    Brenda N. Onguti


    Full Text Available The provision of an appropriate wheelchair, one that provides proper fit and postural support, promotes wheelchair users’ physical health and quality of life. Many wheelchair users have postural difficulties, requiring supplemental postural support devices for added trunk support. However, in many low- and middle-income settings, postural support devices are inaccessible, inappropriate or unaffordable. This article describes the use of the design challenge model, informed by a design thinking approach, to catalyse the development of an affordable, simple and robust postural support device for low- and middle-income countries. The article also illustrates how not-for-profit organisations can utilise design thinking and, in particular, the design challenge model to successfully support the development of innovative solutions to product or process challenges.

  19. Cervical vertebral column morphology and head posture in preorthodontic patients with anterior open bite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, Phong; Sarauw, Martin Toft; Sonnesen, Liselotte


    INTRODUCTION: Cervical vertebral column morphology and head posture were examined and related to craniofacial morphology in preorthodontic children and adolescents with anterior open bite. METHODS: One hundred eleven patients (ages, 6-18 years) with an anterior open bite of more than 0 mm were...... posture were made on profile radiographs. RESULTS: Deviations in the cervical vertebral column morphology occurred in 23.7% of the subjects in the skeletal open-bite group and in 19.2% in the dentoalveolar open-bite group, but the difference was not significant. Head posture was significantly more...... extended in the skeletal open-bite group compared with the dentoalveolar open-bite group (craniovertical angle [Mx/VER], P posture was associated with craniofacial morphology: extended posture was associated with a large cranial base angle...

  20. Warm-up Optimizes Postural Control but Requires Some Minutes of Recovery. (United States)

    Paillard, Thierry; Kadri, Mohamed Abdelhafid; Nouar, Merbouha Boulahbel; Noé, Frederic


    Paillard, T, Kadri, MA, Nouar, MB, and Noé, F. Warm-up optimizes postural control but requires some minutes of recovery. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2018-The aim was to compare monopedal postural control between the dominant leg (D-Leg) and the nondominant leg (ND-Leg) in pre- and post-warm-up conditions. Thirty healthy male sports science students were evaluated before and after a warm-up exercise (12 minutes of pedaling with an incremental effort on a cycle ergometer with a controlled workload). Monopodal postural control was assessed for the D- and ND-Legs before and immediately, 2, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after the warm-up exercise, using a force platform and calculating the displacement velocity of the center of foot pressure on the mediolateral (COPML velocity) and anteroposterior (COPAP velocity) axes. No significant difference was observed between the D-Leg and ND-Leg for both COPML and COPAP velocity in all the periods. In comparison with pre-warm-up, COPML decreased after 15-minute and 10-minute recovery periods for the D-Leg and the ND-Leg, respectively (p warm-up optimized monopedal postural control but did not make it possible to distinguish a difference between the D-Leg and the ND-Leg. Some minutes of recovery are required between the end of the whole-body warm-up exercise and the beginning of the postural test to optimize postural control. The optimal duration of recovery turns out to be about 10-15 minutes.