
Sample records for rectangulares con entrada


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    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se muestra una metodología de diseño de observadores con entradas desconocidas para la solución del problema de Detección de Fallas. La técnica propuesta se basa principalmente en la observación de señales de error conocidas como residuos, las cuales se obtienen mediante la diferencia entre la salida actual del sistema y la salida estimada. Un observador con entradas desconocidas tiene la particularidad de que su vector de error de estimación tiende a cero asintóticamente, sin considerar la presencia de las entradas desconocidas o perturbaciones en el sistema. El algoritmo de detección se aplica satisfactoriamente en un sistema hidráulico de nivel de líquido tanto en simulación como en tiempo real.

  2. SICOMED_3D : simulación y diseño de problemas de consolidación de suelos con mechas drenantes


    García Ros, Gonzalo; Alhama Manteca, Iván


    Contiene la descripción del funcionamiento del programa SICOMED_3D (‘consolidación en suelos multicapa, de geometría rectangular 3-D, con mechas parcial o totalmente penetrantes’), incluyendo el diseño y estructura de los modelos en red, los fundamentos teóricos del problema de consolidación y las bases para una caracterización adimensional que proporcione resultados universales. Se describe la interfaz de comunicación (entrada de datos y presentación de resultados gráficos) con el usuario. S...

  3. Comercio internacional, migración e inversión con diferenciación horizontal de productos y libre entrada y salida de firmas.

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    Hernán Vallejo


    Full Text Available Este documento construye un modelo de carretera circular del mundo con diferenciación horizontal de producto y libre entrada y salida de firmas, para mostrar que un comercio internacional más libre aumenta el bienestar –con preferencias de variedad ideal– por medio de la explotación de economías de escala y de una mejor asignación de recursos, que todos los países participantes ganan con el comercio y que los países más pequeños tienen más que ganar del libre comercio que los países grandes. La resistencia política a la liberación del comercio, a la migración internacional y a la inversión extranjera directa también se estudian con el modelo. Finalmente, el modelo provee una microfundamentación para el uso de curvas de demanda con pendientes constantes y negativas.


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    Orlando Acosta Losada


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La infección rotaviral es causa principal de gastroenteritis aguda severa en niños menores de cinco años. La capa protéica externa de la partícula viral está implicada en las interacciones iniciales virus-superficie celular. El mecanismo rotaviral de unión y entrada a la célula parece ser un proceso de múltiples pasos donde las proteínas rotavirales VP4 y VP7 interaccionan con diferentes moléculas de la superficie celular. Objetivo. Proponer un mecanismo de entrada de rotavirus a la célula que incorpore la actividad de la proteína disulfuro isomerasa (PDI. Material y métodos. Utilizando bases de datos electrónicas, se realizó una búsqueda de literatura original y de revisión publicada entre 1990 y 2009 sobre moléculas de la superficie rotaviral o celular participantes en el proceso de entrada del virus. El análisis de los resultados enfatizó las bases moleculares y celulares de las interacciones temporo-espaciales de las proteínas virales y las moléculas de unión/receptoras de la célula. Resultados. Se encontró fundamentos moleculares y celulares para incorporar la actividad de PDI a un mecanismo coherente de vías secuenciales o alternativas previas a la penetración viral. Se propone un mecanismo en que interaccionan las proteínas virales VP4, VP6 y VP7 con las moléculas de la superficie celular ácido siálico, integrinas, Hsc70 y PDI en un proceso endocítico caveola/“raft”-dependiente, caveolina/clatrina-independiente, dinamina-dependiente y sensible a depleción de colesterol. Conclusión. Se amplía el concepto de múltiples pasos en el proceso de entrada de rotavirus, donde la participación de PDI podría ser un blanco potencial de la acción de inhibidores de grupos tiol/disulfuro.

  5. Clasificador neuronal de fallos en rodamientos utilizando entradas basadas en transformadas wavelet packet y de Fourier

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    Víctor Gómez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone y se evalúa experimentalmente un método de diagnóstico de fallas en rodamientos utilizando la clasificación de patrones provenientes de las señales de las vibraciones mecánicas. El método utiliza pre-procesamientos con las transformadas de Fourier y wavelet packet para luego alimentar una red neuronal clasificadora que determina el tipo de fallo. Para evaluar las variables de entrada se realiza un análisis de varianza ANOVA comparando el efecto que tienen los factores: velocidad, carga, falla en pista externa y falla en elemento rodante sobre cada uno de los parámetros propuestos como entradas para las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA. Una vez seleccionadas las variables de entrada más adecuadas, se realiza la búsqueda del clasificador más apropiado explorando diversas configuraciones de red neuronal. Se han entrenado alrededor de 2000 RNA con el propósito de encontrar el clasificador más adecuado. Los resultados de validación muestran que para el algoritmo de entrenamiento tipo gradiente conjugado escalado (trainscg se alcanza un porcentaje de éxito en la clasificación del 88,5 %, mientras que para el algoritmo de entrenamiento de Levenberg-Marquardt (trainlm se logra un 91,8 %. Adicionalmente, se resalta que en 7 ocasiones se logró el 100 % de aciertos en la clasificación.

  6. Entrada de firmas y rotación de la productividad en mercados sustitutivos de importaciones: evidencia de la industria petroquímica en Colombia

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    Luis H. Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la entrada de firmas y rotación de la productividad promedio en la industria petroquímica colombiana para el período 1974-1998. Los resultados muestran que los entrantes exitosos dieron forma a la productividad de la industria e indujeron a la reestructuración de las plantas existentes. Los flujos de entrada crecieron constantemente en el sector de plásticos, a pesar de los cambios de política comercial. La descomposición del crecimiento de la productividad total de los factores muestra que el efecto de las empresas establecidas domina sobre el efecto de rotación de empresas. Los resultados econométricos sugieren que las barreras a la entrada, asociadas con el licenciamiento de la tecnología y la dependencia de materias primas importadas disuaden la entrada, mientras que variables complementarias del mercado como los niveles de productividad, crecimiento en la construcción de vivienda y competencia periférica inducen la entrada de firmas.

  7. Recursos depreciados y adquisiciones: Medio y modo de entrada

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    Daniel Villalobos-Céspedes


    Full Text Available La depreciación efectiva de medios de trabajo o recursos fijos -maquinaria, equipo, edificio, infraestructura, medios de transporte, entre otros-, ocurre por transferencia de su valor al producto final. En una empresa en compra/venta, los recursos fijos depreciados se transmutan en un medio esencial de entrada, para las adquisiciones -parciales y totales- como modo de entrada. Las teorías de empresa han brindado escasa atención a la influencia sustantiva de los medios de trabajo depreciados, en las adquisiciones como modo de entrada. El rol de medio que desempeñan esos recursos depreciados, es evidente en la historia de las coyunturas de mercado; recesión, depresión, crecimiento y prosperidad. En recesión y depresión, dado el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas, los medios de trabajo depreciados se tornan en recursos estratégicos. La misión de esos recursos es fortalecer y posicionar a la empresa adquiriente en el mercado global. Los recursos depreciados contribuyen a contrarrestar la tendencia a la baja de la tasa media de ganancia de la empresa adquiriente. Esta investigación busca aportar a las teorías de recursos, un modelo de análisis que contribuya a explicar el papel de medio de entrada de los recursos depreciados, en las adquisiciones como modo de entrada.

  8. Retos Sobre el Modelado del Transistor de Compuerta Flotante de Múltiples Entradas en Circuitos Integrados

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    Agustín Santiago Medina Vázquez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan las consideraciones que hay que adoptar para el uso del transistor de compuerta flotante de múltiples entradas para el diseño de circuitos integrados analógicos. Para ello se presentan las principales características de este transistor así como sus principales ventajas con respecto al transistor MOSFET convencional que este dispositivo ofrece. También, se exponen los principales problemas que han frenado el uso de este dispositivo en el ámbito comercial debido a la falta de modelos precisos.

  9. Entradas de capital: el papel de los controles

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    Dennis B. S. Reinhardt


    Full Text Available Este escrito analiza el manejo de las entradas de capital en los mercados emergentes. Revisa las principales herramientas de política, incluidas la política fiscal y monetaria, la política cambiaria, la intervención en el mercado de cambios, la regulación prudencial doméstica y los controles al capital. Una conclusión clave es que si la economía funciona cerca del potencial, el nivel de reservas es adecuado, la tasa de cambio no está subvaluada y es probable que las entradas sean transitorias, el uso de controles al capital –además de la política prudencial y macroeconómica– se justifica como parte del conjunto de herramientas de política para manejar las entradas. La evidencia de la crisis actual sugiere que los controles encaminados a lograr una estructura de obligaciones externas menos riesgosa redujeron la fragilidad financiera y aumentaron la resiliencia ante caídas del crecimiento.

  10. La ruptura de las relaciones diplomáticas: Una aproximación sistemática con una referencia especial a las consecuencias de la entrada en vigor del tratado de Lisboa en la praxis diplomática

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    Carles Pérez-Desoy i Fages


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene por objeto ofrecer un análisis sistemático de las distintas formas en que puede producirse la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre dos estados soberanos, así como de las diversas fases en que puede descomponerse un proceso de este tipo, caracterizadas por la adopción de distintos tipos de medidas diplomáticas y la combinación de unas con otras (llamada a consultas, retirada de Embajadores, etc. lo que constituye un lenguaje de signos decodificable en términos diplomáticos, que ha sido poco estudiado desde un punto de vista sistemático. El elemento casuístico es, necesariamente, muy importante, máxime cuando las referencias a esta cuestión dentro de las normas codificadas del Derecho Diplomático son muy limitadas, y la jurisprudencia es con frecuencia inexistente. Por otra parte, la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa, y la puesta en marcha del Servicio de Acción Exterior Europeo (SEAE abre la posibilidad de que, en caso de crisis diplomática, acciones características de la diplomacia clásica puedan ser aplicadas también en el marco del proceso de toma de decisiones colectivas de la UE, ampliando así significativamente la panoplia de posibles medidas a adoptar. La entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa abre también nuevas opciones teóricas de gran interés en el caso de ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas de un Estado Miembro de la UE con un tercer Estado, como por ejemplo la posible creación de una "sección de intereses" de ese Estado en el seno de la Delegación de la UE en ese país

  11. Morfodinámica de un campo de dunas submarinas en una entrada de marea: San Blas, Argentina


    Cuadrado,Diana G; Gómez,Eduardo A


    Se estudió la morfología de un campo de dunas submarinas desarrollado en una entrada de marea que conecta la plataforma continental argentina con bahía Anegada (sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires). Se infiere la circulación sedimentaria a partir del desplazamiento diferencial de las geoformas medido en relevamientos consecutivos. Como parte de la metodología se utilizó un ecosonda y un sistema batimétrico por medición de fase (SBMF) denominado GeoSwath que permitieron obtener la morfología s...

  12. Morfodinámica de un campo de dunas submarinas en una entrada de marea: San Blas, Argentina


    Cuadrado, Diana Graciela; Gomez, Eduardo Alberto


    Se estudió la morfología de un campo de dunas submarinas desarrollado en una entrada de marea que conecta la plataforma continental argentina con bahía Anegada (sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires). Se infiere la circulación sedimentaria a partir del desplazamiento diferencial de las geoformas medido en relevamientos consecutivos. Como parte de la metodología se utilizó un ecosonda y un sistema batimétrico por medición de fase (SBMF) denominado GeoSwath que permitieron obtener la morfología s...

  13. Dispersión de la onda P dependiente de la velocidad de la onda A del flujo de entrada mitral y de la presión arterial sistólica

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    Elibet Chávez, MD., MSc


    Conclusiones: existe una dependencia de la dispersión de la onda P del electrocardiograma de variables tales como presión arterial sistólica y velocidad de la onda A del flujo sanguíneo de entrada mitral, hecho que ha sido relacionado con riesgo de fibrilación auricular en el adulto.

  14. Entrada vocabular na linguagem virtual


    Macedo, Valdete Aparecida Xavier de [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de fazer um estudo sobre a projeção do inglês, língua universal, sobre a portuguesa, considerando-se os empréstimos lexicais, porta de entrada para a configuração e enriquecimento vocabular da língua de chegada. Estes vocábulos são indicativos ao vocabulário da língua de especialidade, divulgados nos programas da Internet. Fizemos uma pequena reflexão sobre o fenômeno da linguagem virtual, que vem se cristalizando em discurso interativo de povos e nações coloca...

  15. Avances en la terapia antirretroviral: inhibidores de entrada Update in antiretroviral therapy: entry inhibitors

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    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha observado una tendencia creciente en la aparición de cepas de VIH resistentes a los antirretrovirales de uso corriente. Esto plantea la necesidad del desarrollo de nuevos agentes con mecanismos de acción innovadores que evidencien una actividad antiviral más amplia. Los fármacos que bloquean los diferentes pasos previos al ingreso del virus a la célula se han denominado conjuntamente «inhibidores de entrada». Actualmente existe una gran variedad de moléculas que se encuentran en distintas fases de estudios clínicos y han mostrado resultados prometedores en su eficacia. Aún no es claro el perfil de aparición de resistencia in vivo y está por definirse la indicación más adecuada para su uso clínico.

  16. Modelamiento y simulación del efecto de la entrada de calor en la penetración de una junta soldada

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    Lina Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se realizó el simulador SimVol, en el cual se experimentó con el fin de encontrar una relación entre la entrada de calor y la penetración de la junta soldada. SimVol se basó en un modelo en 2D, que describe el flujo de calor y el flujo de metal líquido en el charco de una soldadura realizada con el proceso GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. En el modelo matemático se incluyen las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes y la ecuación de energía, las cuales constituyen un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales parciales de segundo orden, no-lineales, no homogéneas y transitorias. El modelo numérico se desarrolla en Volúmenes Finitos en un esquema totalmente implícito, con malla regular y escalonada; además, debido al desconocimiento del campo de presión es necesario utilizar el algoritmo SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations. La investigación también incluye una serie de experimentos que permitieron validar el modelo planteados.

  17. Morfodinámica de un campo de dunas submarinas en una entrada de marea: San Blas, Argentina Submarine dune field morphodynamics in a tidal inlet: San Blas, Argentina


    Diana G Cuadrado; Eduardo A Gómez


    Se estudió la morfología de un campo de dunas submarinas desarrollado en una entrada de marea que conecta la plataforma continental argentina con bahía Anegada (sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires). Se infiere la circulación sedimentaria a partir del desplazamiento diferencial de las geoformas medido en relevamientos consecutivos. Como parte de la metodología se utilizó un ecosonda y un sistema batimétrico por medición de fase (SBMF) denominado GeoSwath que permitieron obtener la morfología s...

  18. Redes de Franquia Brasileiras Internacionalizadas: Evolução do Método de Entrada no Exterior


    Helder de Souza Aguiar; Flavia Luciane Consoni; Roberto Carlos Bernardes


    Este artigo analisa os métodos de entrada das franquias brasileiras quando optam por se instalar fora do Brasil. A partir de um estudo multicasos, foram realizadas entrevistas presenciais em 2012 com 21 redes de franquias internacionalizadas. Dentre os resultados, observou-se uma mudança de postura das redes de franquias brasileiras ao longo do tempo, com alteração no método de entrada em mercados internacionais. Destaca-se a intensificação da procura por parte de agentes externos dispostos a...

  19. Edificio administrativo de Ciba-Geigy Basilea – Suiza

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    Burckhardt, Martin H.


    Full Text Available This building consists of two identical blocks —with four storeys above ground and a basement— connected by a third body in which the main entrance of the complex is located. The two first mentioned units have rectangular platform and contain: basement with technical installations; ground floor with a restaurant and a kitchen for the staff, service rooms and an air raid shelter; and on the three upper floors the offices are located which are reached by means of the connecting body. The offices are planned as office-landscapes thus forming a single space that occupies the entire floor. The working places have been placed in the periphery and in the centre the auxiliary rooms. The complex is completed by a three level parking place, situated on the other side of the approach road and joined directly to the building entrance by means of a subterranean passage.Este edificio está constituido por dos bloques idénticos, de cuatro alturas y sótano, enlazados por un tercer cuerpo en el que figura la entrada principal del edificio. Los primeros, de planta rectangular, tienen: sótano, con locales técnicos; planta baja, con restaurante y cocina para el personal, locales de servicio y un refugio para defensa antiaérea; y, en las tres plantas superiores, las oficinas, a las que se llega a través del cuerpo de enlace. Las oficinas son del tipo oficina-paisaje, formadas por un espacio único que ocupa toda la planta. Se han organizado colocando los puestos de trabajo en la periferia; y en la parte central, el grupo de locales auxiliares. El conjunto se completa con un aparcamiento, en tres niveles, situado al otro lado de la calle de acceso, y unido directamente a la entrada del edificio mediante un paso subterráneo.

  20. Rectangular cartograms: the game

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berg, de M.T.; Nijnatten, van F.S.B.; Speckmann, B.; Verbeek, K.A.B.


    Raisz [3] introduced rectangular cartograms in 1934 as a way of visualizing spatial information, such as population or economic strength, of a set of regions like countries or states. Rectangular cartograms represent geographic regions by rectangles; the positioning and adjacencies of the rectangles

  1. Estudio del comportamiento de una sustancia de cambio de fase con condición de borde convectiva


    Lozano, Ricardo; Villa Saravia, Luis Tadeo; Bouciguez, Angélica Carmen


    El proceso de fusión - solidificación, ha sido abordado con anterioridad, procurando soluciones a problemas de difusión con cambio de fase, cuando estando inicialmente solidas a la temperatura de fusión son sometidas a un flujo de calor por uno de sus laterales. Un flujo interesante es el convectivo, pues es la forma más realista de entrada o extracción de calor a la sustancia de cambio de fase. Dada esta condición de borde resulta interesante observar el comportamiento de la sustancia, cuand...

  2. Síntomas obsesivos en la entrada en la psicosis


    Napolitano, Graziela Teresita; Soengas, Estela; Zanassi, Sergio; Sosa Córdoba, Graciela


    Este es un trabajo que continúa una secuencia de la investigación sobre la estructura y función de las obsesiones en neurosis y psicosis. X En un trabajo anterior hemos analizado las coordenadas estructurales que presiden la eclosión de la neurosis obsesiva, a partir del estudio de un caso clínico. En esta ocasión nos ocuparemos del problema de la entrada en la psicosis y de la función que cumplen los ceremoniales obsesivos en este momento de ruptura. En esta dirección realizaremos un relectu...

  3. Effect of the configuration of the corner in a narrow rectangular channel on flow and heat transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Jianjun; Chen Bingde; Wang Xiaojun


    In order to further understand the effect of the configuration of the corner in a narrow rectangular channel on flow and heat transfer, flow field and temperature field in a narrow rectangular channel were numerical simulated by using CFD code CFX10.0. The results show under the condition of equal quantity of heat of solid which is obtained by decreasing the solid of the corner, the distributions of inside wall temperature for the orthogonal and circular type configurations of the corner are almost the same as that of the archetypal configuration, and those can simulate heat transfer of the archetypal con- figuration. Under the condition of equal Re, secondary flow and friction pressure of the orthogonal type configuration are almost the same as those of the circular type configuration, which shows that the circular type configuration of the corner in a narrow channel can substituted for the archetypal configuration to simulate flow and heat transfer in a narrow rectangular channel. (authors)

  4. Alteraciones en el reconocimiento de gestos por daño a nivel del praxicon de entrada de acciones. (Agnosia de las pantomimas

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    Daniel G. Politis


    Full Text Available Clásicamente el estudio de la apraxia estuvo limitado a los problemas en la ejecución gestual (Geschwind, 1965; Liepmann, 1908 [c.f. De Renzi, 1990]; Luria, 1977. Si bien se presentaron varias hipótesis sobre la capacidad de reconocer gestos y su alteración por lesiones cerebrales, González Rothi, Ochipa y Heilman (1991,1997 en su modelo cognitivo de las apraxias de los miembros incluyen la capacidad de reconocer gestos y proponen que la misma es mediada por un sub-componente específico, el praxicón de entrada de acciones. La alteración de este produce un cuadro caracterizado por un déficit en el reconocimiento de gestos que denominaron Agnosia de las Pantomimas. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de un paciente con dificultades en el reconocimiento de gestos y sin dificultades en la producción gesrual lo que constituye una disociación, que reafirma la hipótesis planteada por González Rothi y colaboradores (1991, 1997 y se discute el valor de estos hallazgos en relación con el modelo antes mencionado.

  5. A entrada de franquias americanas no Brasil: uma estratégia diferente


    Gurtner, Werner Frank


    Escrita para o público americano, destaca peculiaridades administrativas e culturais do mercado brasileiro de fast food. Usa exemplos dos procedimentos de entrada de algumas franquias americanas e seus consequentes sucessos e fracassos. Concentra-se, particularnente, no desempenho administrativo destas franquias no Brasil. Discute estratégias alternativas para a expansão internacional futura das franquias americanas. Written for an American audience, highli...

  6. Simulacion borrosa de un reactor con reaccion exotermica no lineal

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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un modelo difuso basado en la estructura Takagi-Sugeno-Kang dinámica para un reactor continuo de tanque con agitador (RCTA con reacción química de primer orden exotérmico. A partir de datos experimentales obtenidos mediante simulación del proceso real, se obtiene la base de datos de las variables de entrada y salida del proceso y a partir de la misma se elaboran los archivos de datos de entrenamiento y de verificación del modelo borroso el cual es obtenido mediante la herramienta anfis de MATLAB. El modelo obtenido permite predecir la salida del sistema con errores de predicción muy bajos, por lo que el mismo sienta las bases para el diseño de un controlador predictivo no lineal del mismo en próximas etapas de la investigación

  7. Partitioning sparse rectangular matrices for parallel processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kolda, T.G.


    The authors are interested in partitioning sparse rectangular matrices for parallel processing. The partitioning problem has been well-studied in the square symmetric case, but the rectangular problem has received very little attention. They will formalize the rectangular matrix partitioning problem and discuss several methods for solving it. They will extend the spectral partitioning method for symmetric matrices to the rectangular case and compare this method to three new methods -- the alternating partitioning method and two hybrid methods. The hybrid methods will be shown to be best.

  8. Partial rectangular metric spaces and fixed point theorems. (United States)

    Shukla, Satish


    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of partial rectangular metric spaces as a generalization of rectangular metric and partial metric spaces. Some properties of partial rectangular metric spaces and some fixed point results for quasitype contraction in partial rectangular metric spaces are proved. Some examples are given to illustrate the observed results.

  9. Redes de Franquia Brasileiras Internacionalizadas: Evolução do Método de Entrada no Exterior

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    Helder de Souza Aguiar


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa os métodos de entrada das franquias brasileiras quando optam por se instalar fora do Brasil. A partir de um estudo multicasos, foram realizadas entrevistas presenciais em 2012 com 21 redes de franquias internacionalizadas. Dentre os resultados, observou-se uma mudança de postura das redes de franquias brasileiras ao longo do tempo, com alteração no método de entrada em mercados internacionais. Destaca-se a intensificação da procura por parte de agentes externos dispostos a levar a marca para o exterior, fato que possibilitou que a estratégia predominante a partir de 2008 fosse franquear suas atividades diretamente a partir do Brasil. DOI:10.5585/riae.v13i1.1985

  10. La censura previa sobre medios digitales y contenidos personales en internet: un análisis sobre la calidad de la democracia en el Ecuador a partir de la entrada en vigencia de la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación 2013-2016


    Rosas Lanas, Diana Gabriela


    La Ley Orgánica de Comunicación (LOC) es un instrumento de regulación que modificó el panorama mediático en el Ecuador con la entrada en vigencia en el 2013 -- El presente estudio ofrece un análisis de censura previa en el Ecuador en el período 2013 – 2016, sobre los principales medios digitales y cuentas personales en internet, artículo 18 y 4 de la LOC, respectivamente -- Con base en lo anterior y a partir del análisis de caso, el estudio reconoce la fase de implementación de la política pú...

  11. ¿Sincronizaron México y Estados Unidos sus ciclos económicos con el TLCAN?

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    Domingo Rodríguez Benavides


    Full Text Available En este trabajo investigamos, a través de un modelo estructural de series de tiempo múltiple, con una especificación generalizada de ciclo estocástico, si los ciclos económicos del PIB de México muestran una mayor sincronización con los ciclos del PIB de Estados Unidos a partir de la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN, con respecto al periodo previo. Con tal fin, probamos la hipótesis nula de un ci - clo común, como es definida en los modelos estructurales como el empleado por Carvalho, Harvey y Trimbur (2007, contra la hipótesis de un ciclo similar entre ambas economías. La existencia de un ciclo económico común entre dos economías implica que uno de ellos es proporcional al otro (Harvey 2002. Los resultados muestran que antes de la entrada en vigor del TLCAN (1960:1-1994:4 ninguna de las dos economías posee un ciclo econó - mico común. Al contrario, a partir de la firma del TLCAN (1995:1-2012:4, no es posible rechazar la hipótesis de la existencia de un ciclo económico común entre ambas economías, lo cual interpretamos como una mayor sincronización de sus productos. Observamos, sin embargo que, con respecto al periodo previo, la sincronización cíclica ocurre en un periodo de lento crecimiento donde los flujos comerciales del TLCAN con Estados Unidos decli - nan relativamente desde el año 2000. Ello cuestiona el fundamento de la sincronización, explicada en México por la apertura comercial del TLCAN. Derechos Reservados©2015 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

  12. La Torre Portal y el Portal Torreado en las fortificaciones ibéricas. Estudio de las entradas Norte y Oeste de la Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent, Valéncia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Díes Cusí


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentamos dos estructuras halladas en el poblado ibérico de La Bastida de les Alcusses durante la campaña de excavación de 1998. Se trata de dos entradas (la Oeste y la Norte que presentan la particularidad de ser edificios en sí mismos, si bien de factura diversa. Estos edificios se describen y se estudian constructivamente, analizando la posibilidad de que se trate de dos Portales, uno de ellos una Torre Portal y el otro un Portal Torreado, de larga tradición en la arquitectura oriental y, creemos, con paralelos en la arquitectura ibérica.

  13. Modernidad literaria y la entrada de las mujeres a la esfera pública en los discursos de Bello, de Hostos y Mistral

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    María Soledad Falabella Luco


    Full Text Available La entrada a la esfera pública de mujeres se prefigura en la independencia cultural americana basada en la cultura letrada, encarnada en el prólogo de la Gramática de Andrés Bello. El proyecto de modernización cultural propuesto por Bello contiene dos impulsos: la voluntad pedagógica, que se revisará a través de un análisis de la propuesta de Eugenio María de Hostos, y el dialogismo lingüístico, que se configura como un espacio contiguo, polifónico, que busca dignificar al castellano de América frente al de España. Esta doble articulación de la cultura letrada prevé la incorporación de nuevas voces a la norma, lo que describiremos con el caso de Gabriela Mistral y su propuesta pedagógica.

  14. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta, respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional, de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación.

  15. Inversor Resonante de Tres Elementos L-LC con Caracteristica Cortocircuitable para Aplicaciones de Calentamiento por Induccion (United States)

    Espi Huerta, Jose Miguel

    Los generadores de calentamiento por induccion son puentes inversores con carga resonante, cuya mision es basicamente crear una corriente sinusoidal de gran amplitud sobre la "bobina de caldeo", que forma parte del tanque resonante. En el interior de esta bobina se introduce la pieza que se desea calentar. EI campo magnetico creado induce corrientes superficiales (corrientes de Foucault) sobre la pieza, que producen su calentamiento. Los tanques resonantes (tambien llamados osciladores) utilizados en la actualidad son el resonante serie y el resonante paralelo. Aunque ya desde hace algun tiempo se vienen construyendo generadores de alta potencia basados en estos dos osciladores, el exito nunca ha. sido completo en ninguno de los dos casos. Tal y como se explica en la introduccion de esta memoria, los puentes inversores utilizados deben operar sobre una carga inductiva (corriente retrasada) para evitar el fenomeno de la recuperacion inversa de sus diodos y la consiguiente ruptura de los transistores. De la restriccion topologica anterior se deduce que el generador paralelo debe conmutar a frecuencias inferiores a la resonancia, y el serie a frecuencias superiores. A esta restriccion topologica hay que unir otra que es exclusiva del calentamiento por induccion: La corriente por la bobina de caldeo debe ser sinusoidal. De no ser asi, resultaria imposible disponer toda la potencia de calentamiento sobre la pieza en el espesor requerido por la aplicacion. Como consecuencia, los inversores no pueden operar por debajo de la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador, pues en ese caso se amplifican los armonicos de orden superior de la tension/corriente de entrada situados sobre la resonancia, con la consiguiente distorsion de la corriente de salida. La conjuncion de las dos restricciones anteriores obligan al inversor paralelo a funcionar a la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador. Esto imposibilita un control por variacion de frecuencia, regulandose la potencia desde la

  16. Rectangular-section mirror light pipes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swift, P.D.; Lawlor, R. [School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin 9 (Ireland); Smith, G.B.; Gentle, A. [Department of Applied Physics, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW 2007 (Australia)


    Using an integrated-ray approach an expression for the transmission of rectangular section mirror light pipe (MLP) has been derived for the case of collimated light input. The transmittance and the irradiance distribution at the exit aperture of rectangular-section MLPs have been measured experimentally and calculated theoretically for the case of collimated light input. The results presented extend the description of MLPs from the cylindrical case. Measured and calculated transmittances and irradiance distributions are in good agreement. (author)

  17. Obtaining S values for rectangular--solid tumors inside rectangular--solid host organs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stinchcomb, T.G.; Durham, J.S.; Fisher, D.R.


    A method is described for obtaining S values between a tumor and its host organ for use with the MIRD formalism. It applies the point-source specific absorbed fractions for an infinite water medium, tabulated by Berger, to a rectangular solid of arbitrary dimensions which contains a rectangular tumor of arbitrary dimensions. Contributions from pairs of source and target volume elements are summed for the S values between the tumor and itself, between the remaining healthy host organ and itself, and between the tumor and the remaining healthy host organ, with the reciprocity theorem assumed for the last. This method labeled MTUMOR, is interfaced with the widely used MIRDOSE program which incorporates the MIRD formalism. An example is calculated

  18. Rectangular maximum-volume submatrices and their applications

    KAUST Repository

    Mikhalev, Aleksandr; Oseledets, I.V.


    We introduce a definition of the volume of a general rectangular matrix, which is equivalent to an absolute value of the determinant for square matrices. We generalize results of square maximum-volume submatrices to the rectangular case, show a connection of the rectangular volume with an optimal experimental design and provide estimates for a growth of coefficients and an approximation error in spectral and Chebyshev norms. Three promising applications of such submatrices are presented: recommender systems, finding maximal elements in low-rank matrices and preconditioning of overdetermined linear systems. The code is available online.

  19. Rectangular maximum-volume submatrices and their applications

    KAUST Repository

    Mikhalev, Aleksandr


    We introduce a definition of the volume of a general rectangular matrix, which is equivalent to an absolute value of the determinant for square matrices. We generalize results of square maximum-volume submatrices to the rectangular case, show a connection of the rectangular volume with an optimal experimental design and provide estimates for a growth of coefficients and an approximation error in spectral and Chebyshev norms. Three promising applications of such submatrices are presented: recommender systems, finding maximal elements in low-rank matrices and preconditioning of overdetermined linear systems. The code is available online.

  20. Best connected rectangular arrangements

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    Krishnendra Shekhawat


    Full Text Available It can be found quite often in the literature that many well-known architects have employed either the golden rectangle or the Fibonacci rectangle in their works. On contrary, it is rare to find any specific reason for using them so often. Recently, Shekhawat (2015 proved that the golden rectangle and the Fibonacci rectangle are one of the best connected rectangular arrangements and this may be one of the reasons for their high presence in architectural designs. In this work we present an algorithm that generates n-4 best connected rectangular arrangements so that the proposed solutions can be further used by architects for their designs.

  1. El Acceso Y La Entrada Del Estudiante A La Universidad: Situación Y Propuestas De Mejora Facilitadoras Del Tránsito

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    Mar Lorenzo Moledo


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se estudian y analizan dos aspectos clave que pueden modular la trayectoria académica del alumnado universitario. En primer lugar, se aborda el ingreso en la Universidad, con sus diversas vías, posibilidades y límites, planteando la efectividad del proceso actual y considerando de modo especial las funciones, y su cumplimiento o no, que tradicionalmente se vienen señalando a la correspondiente prueba de acceso desde el Bachillerato: homologar conocimientos, estimar la madurez del alumnado, evaluar externamente el sistema, predecir el «éxito» de los estudios universitarios y ubicar a alumnos y alumnas en las distintas titulaciones. En segundo lugar, se plantea la entrada en el escenario universitario; un singular y relevante proceso de transición en el que es fundamental la conexión e interrelación de la institución superior con los estudios secundarios postobligatorios y que ha de centrarse en dos aspectos esenciales: el valor de las competencias en el proceso formativo y la adopción de una perspectiva integral e integradora en la forma de entender al alumnado universitario. Se concluye señalando algunas propuestas que creemos pueden ayudar a generar, favorecer y mejorar los procesos de acceso y de transición de los estudiantes a la etapa universitaria.

  2. Mapping from rectangular to harmonic representation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, W.; Bateman, G.


    An algorithm is developed to determine the Fourier harmonics representing the level contours of a scalar function given on a rectangular grid. This method is applied to the problem of computing the flux coordinates and flux surface average needed for 1-1/2-D transport codes and MHD stability codes from an equilibrium flux function given on a rectangular grid

  3. Critical heat flux correlation for thin rectangular channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Futoshi; Mishima, Kaichiro; Hibiki, Takashi


    The effect of heated length on Critical heat flux (CHF) in thin rectangular channels was studied based on CHF data obtained under atmospheric pressure. CHF in small channels has been widely studied in the past decades but most of the studies are related to CHF in round tubes. Although basic mechanisms of burnout in thin rectangular channels are similar to tubes, applicability of CHF correlations for tubes to rectangular channels are questionable since CHF in rectangular channels are affected by the existence of non-heated walls and the non-circular geometry of channel circumference. Several studies of CHF in thin rectangular channels have been reported in relation to thermal hydraulic design of research reactors and neutron source targets and CHF correlations have been proposed, but the studies mostly focus on CHFs under geometrical conditions of the application of interest. In his study, existing CHF data obtained in thin rectangular channels were collected and the effect of heated length on CHF was examined. Existing CHF correlations were verified with positive quality flow CHF data but none of the correlations successfully reproduced the CHF for a wide range of heated length. A new CHF correlation for qualify region applicable to a wide range of heated length was developed based on the collected data. (author)

  4. Cooling of rectangular bars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frainer, V.J.


    A solution of the time-transient Heat Transfer Differential Equation in rectangular coordinates is presented, leading to a model which describes the temperature drop with time in rectangular bars. It is similar to an other model for cilindrical bars which has been previously developed in the Laboratory of Mechanical Metallurgy of UFRGS. Following these models, a generalization has been made, which permits cooling time evaluation for all profiles. These results are compared with experimental laboratory data in the 1200 to 800 0 C range. Some other existing models were also studied which have the purpose of studing the same phenomenon. Their mathematical forms and their evaluated values are analyzed and compared with experimental ones. (Author) [pt

  5. g-Weak Contraction in Ordered Cone Rectangular Metric Spaces

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    S. K. Malhotra


    Full Text Available We prove some common fixed-point theorems for the ordered g-weak contractions in cone rectangular metric spaces without assuming the normality of cone. Our results generalize some recent results from cone metric and cone rectangular metric spaces into ordered cone rectangular metric spaces. Examples are provided which illustrate the results.

  6. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta; respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional: de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación. Palabras claves: Pseudoaneurisma, Infarto del Miocardio, Diabetes.

  7. Viviendas, en Finsbury, Londres

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    Skinner - Bailey - Lubetkin, Arquitectos


    Full Text Available Según el Acta de Conservación de Plazas Londinenses, el área de estos espacios abiertos debe ser protegida o, en caso contrario, prever una superficie equivalente en un lugar adecuado. En nuestro caso, la construcción de un bloque distribuido en tres alas, alrededor de un espacioso hall de entrada con la escalera y ascensor, hace imposible la conservación del espacio verde rectangular en el centro de la plaza Holford; sin embargo, se ha previsto un área equivalente en la zona oeste del solar, en la que se añadirá un grupo escolar. Este nuevo parque público tendrá un acceso principal desde Percy Circus y puede considerarse como una continuación del parque municipal. Además del bloque principal en Y, hay un edificio pequeño de cuatro plantas, con alzados a Percy Circus y a la calle de Great Percy.

  8. Modelado del proceso de maquinado mediante el MEF y el uso de metamodelos con lógica difusa y regresión lineal

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    Edgar Andrés Patiño-Nariño


    Full Text Available Se implementó un modelo que simula el proceso de maquinado ortogonal de metales por el método de elementos finitos (MEF. Para el desarrollo del modelo se utilizó el programa Ansys Flotran. El material de trabajo se simuló como un fluido de alta viscosidad que impacta un sólido cuya geometría es la de la arista de corte. A partir del modelo numérico, se realizó un diseño de experimentos factorial fraccionado usando el programa Minitab, donde las variables de entrada seleccionadas fueron: profundidad de corte, velocidad de corte, ángulo de desprendimiento, densidad y viscosidad del fluido. Las variables de salida consideradas fueron la velocidad de salida de la de viruta y la posición del punto de estancamiento en la formación de la viruta. Se realizaron dos metamodelos funcionales que representan la interacción entre las variables de entrada y de salida del modelo MEF. El primer metalmodelo se realizó por medio de una regresión lineal y el segundo por lógica difusa. Los experimentos con los dos metamodelos mostraron que dos de las variables de entrada (profundidad de corte y ángulo de desprendimiento, tienen la mayor influencia en las variables de salida elegidas: velocidad de la viruta y en la posición del punto de estancamiento. El metamodelo basado en lógica difusa presentó una mejor representación de la relación entre las variables de entrada y de salida.

  9. Ceremonia y conflicto: Entradas reales en Barcelona en el contexto de la Guerra Civil Catalana (1460-1473

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    Raufast Chico, Miguel


    Full Text Available This study examines the royal entry ceremonies celebrated in Barcelona between 1460 and 1473, in the light of their meaning and importance in relation to the unsettled period marked by the Catalan Civil War (1462-1472. Starting from the premise that these sort of events are likely to reflect the sociopolitical reality in which they occur, it sets out to determine just how far the receptions offered to the monarchy by the city during these years can contribute towards explaining the origin, development and conclusion of the warlike conflict which set the institutions of the Principate against John II.

    Este estudio recorre las ceremonias de entrada real que se celebraron en Barcelona, entre 1460 y 1473, a la luz de su significación y trascendencia en relación al conflictivo período marcado por la Guerra Civil Catalana (1462-1472. Partiendo de la premisa de que este tipo de eventos son susceptibles de reflejar la realidad sociopolítica en la que tienen lugar, se intenta aquí determinar en qué medida las recepciones ofrecidas por la ciudad a la monarquía durante estos años pueden contribuir a explicar la génesis, desarrollo y conclusión del conflicto bélico que enfrentó a las instituciones del Principado con Juan II.

  10. Caso de estudo: a entrada do azeite Gallo no mercado chinês


    Costa, Miguel Maria Portugal Martins


    Mestrado em Gestão 7 Classificação JEL: M16; F23 A elaboração desta dissertação consiste na criação de um caso de estudo pedagógico com o objectivo de tirar ilações sobre a entrada da marca “Azeite Gallo” no mercado Chinês. Optamos por desenvolver este caso de estudo através de um estudo qualitativo, suportado por um referencial teórico. O intuito do projecto é de documentar um exemplo paradigmático de um produto consumível de marca portuguesa que sucedeu em ultrapassar as barreiras ...

  11. Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo: Estudio cualitativo. Segunda parte


    Sánchez Bravo, Claudia; Carreño Meléndez, Jorge; Corres Ayala, Norma Patricia; Taracena Ruiz, Bertha Elvia


    Una de las metas de la psicología de la salud es la búsqueda de especificidad en la detección de factores relacionados con los trastornos psicológicos, entre los que se encuentran las disfunciones sexuales femeninas por dolor: la dispareunia y el vaginismo (no debidas a enfermedad médica). La dispareunia es la presencia de dolor genital en la relación sexual. El vaginismo se caracteriza por espasmos de la musculatura de la entrada vaginal que dificultan o hacen imposible la realización del co...


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    Fernando Novoa


    Full Text Available La representación de grupos de simetría es uno de los ternas en álgebra abstracta con más aplicaciones en la actualidad. El análisis espectral en diseño de experimentos, el diseño de redes de comunicación, la teoría de códigos, son algunos de los campos en donde esta teoría encuentra aplicación. A pesar de su utilidad, no siempre se encuentra a disposición del profesor y del estudiante una herramienta didáctica que le permita hacer ejemplos, cómputos y comprobaciones de los enunciados teóricos y se tiene que conformar con los ejemplos triviales que no le permiten ver realmente el grado de profundidad del concepto ni la complejidad del cálculo. El propósito de la siguiente nota es presentar un programa computacional para el sistema computacional CoCoA y en particular, ciertas rutinas que permiten calcular las representaciones irreducibles de los grupos de simetría en forma matricial, cuyas matrices tienen sus entradas enteras.

  13. Bacteriemia en pacientes internados con celulitis

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    Juan S. Lasa


    Full Text Available La celulitis es una inflamación aguda de la dermis y tejido celular subcutáneo de causa bacteriana, que generalmente complica a heridas, úlceras y dermatosis, aunque de manera frecuente no existe sitio de entrada. Se recomienda la realización de cultivo de punción de piel y partes blandas (PPB. Los hemocultivos raramente dan resultados positivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de bacteriemia en pacientes internados en nuestra institución con diagnóstico de celulitis. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los registros clínicos de los pacientes con este diagnóstico al ingreso entre junio de 2007 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron los datos poblacionales, presencia de comorbilidades, y resultados de los cultivos. En ese período, se internaron 140 pacientes con diagnóstico de celulitis y a todos ellos se les realizó hemocultivo y cultivos de PPB. Setenta y cuatro eran varones (52.8%. La edad promedio: 47.5 ± 19.7 años (rango 16-94. El 40% tuvo cultivos positivos de PPB, en los que el Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR fue el germen más frecuentemente aislado (35.7%; la prevalencia de bacteriemia fue del 8.6%, en donde el germen más frecuente fue Streptoccocus Beta hemolítico, grupo G (33% del total de hemocultivos positivos. La bacteriemia se asoció significativamente a mayor estadía hospitalaria (10.5 ± 8.9 vs. 4.9 ± 6, p = 0.004. Se asoció con mayor riesgo de hemocultivo positivo a ser diabético, tener cultivo de PPB positivo, consumo de alcohol y/o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.

  14. Random Young diagrams in a Rectangular Box

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beltoft, Dan; Boutillier, Cédric; Enriquez, Nathanaël

    We exhibit the limit shape of random Young diagrams having a distribution proportional to the exponential of their area, and confined in a rectangular box. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck bridge arises from the fluctuations around the limit shape.......We exhibit the limit shape of random Young diagrams having a distribution proportional to the exponential of their area, and confined in a rectangular box. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck bridge arises from the fluctuations around the limit shape....

  15. Rectangular-cladding silicon slot waveguide with improved nonlinear performance (United States)

    Huang, Zengzhi; Huang, Qingzhong; Wang, Yi; Xia, Jinsong


    Silicon slot waveguides have great potential in hybrid silicon integration to realize nonlinear optical applications. We propose a rectangular-cladding hybrid silicon slot waveguide. Simulation result shows that, with a rectangular-cladding, the slot waveguide can be formed by narrower silicon strips, so the two-photon absorption (TPA) loss in silicon is decreased. When the cladding material is a nonlinear polymer, the calculated TPA figure of merit (FOMTPA) is 4.4, close to the value of bulk nonlinear polymer of 5.0. This value confirms the good nonlinear performance of rectangular-cladding silicon slot waveguides.

  16. Towards characterizing graphs with a sliceable rectangular dual

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kusters, V.; Speckmann, B.; Di Giacomo, E.; Lubiw, A.


    Let G be a plane triangulated graph. A rectangular dual of G is a partition of a rectangle R into a set R of interior-disjoint rectangles, one for each vertex, such that two regions are adjacent if and only if the corresponding vertices are connected by an edge. A rectangular dual is sliceable if it

  17. Analysis of High Tc Superconducting Rectangular Microstrip Patches over Ground Planes with Rectangular Apertures in Substrates Containing Anisotropic Materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abderraouf Messai


    Full Text Available A rigorous full-wave analysis of high Tc superconducting rectangular microstrip patch over ground plane with rectangular aperture in the case where the patch is printed on a uniaxially anisotropic substrate material is presented. The dyadic Green’s functions of the considered structure are efficiently determined in the vector Fourier transform domain. The effect of the superconductivity of the patch is taken into account using the concept of the complex resistive boundary condition. The accuracy of the analysis is tested by comparing the computed results with measurements and previously published data for several anisotropic substrate materials. Numerical results showing variation of the resonant frequency and the quality factor of the superconducting antenna with regard to operating temperature are given. Finally, the effects of uniaxial anisotropy in the substrate on the resonant frequencies of different TM modes of the superconducting microstrip antenna with rectangular aperture in the ground plane are presented.

  18. Study on the output factors of asymmetrical rectangular electron beam field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yinghai; Yang Yueqin; Ma Yuhong; Zheng Jin; Zou Lijuan


    Objective: To evaluate the variant regularity of the output factors of asymmetrical rectangular electron beam field. Methods: The output factors of three special fields with different applicators and energies were measured by ionization chamber method at different off-axis distances. Then deviations of the output factors between asymmetrical and symmetric rectangular fields were calculated. Results: The changes of output factor with different off-axis distances in asymmetrical rectangular fields were basically consistent with those in standard square fields with the same applicator. It revealed that the output factor of asymmetrical rectangular field was related with the off-axis ratio of standard square field. Applicator and field size did not show obvious influence on the output factor. Conclusions: The output factor changes of asymmetrical rectangular field are mainly correlated with the off-axis ratio of standard square field. The correction of the output factor is determined by the off-axis ratio changes in standard square field. (authors)

  19. A Characterization of Rectangular Distributions


    Terrell, George R.


    It is well known that the smaller and the larger of a random sample of size two are positively correlated. The coefficient of correlation is at most one-half, and the upper bound is attained only for rectangular distributions.

  20. Method and structure for cache aware transposition via rectangular subsections (United States)

    Gustavson, Fred Gehrung; Gunnels, John A


    A method and structure for transposing a rectangular matrix A in a computer includes subdividing the rectangular matrix A into one or more square submatrices and executing an in-place transposition for each of the square submatrices A.sub.ij.

  1. Free vibration characteristics analysis of rectangular plate with rectangular opening based on Fourier series method

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    WANG Minhao


    Full Text Available Plate structures with openings are common in many engineering structures. The study of the vibration characteristics of such structures is directly related to the vibration reduction, noise reduction and stability analysis of an overall structure. This paper conducts research into the free vibration characteristics of a thin elastic plate with a rectangular opening parallel to the plate in an arbitrary position. We use the improved Fourier series to represent the displacement tolerance function of the rectangular plate with an opening. We can divide the plate into an eight zone plate to simplify the calculation. We then use linear springs, which are uniformly distributed along the boundary, to simulate the classical boundary conditions and the boundary conditions of the boundaries between the regions. According to the energy functional and variational method, we can obtain the overall energy functional. We can also obtain the generalized eigenvalue matrix equation by studying the extremum of the unknown improved Fourier series expansion coefficients. We can then obtain the natural frequencies and corresponding vibration modes of the rectangular plate with an opening by solving the equation. We then compare the calculated results with the finite element method to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper. Finally, we research the influence of the boundary condition, opening size and opening position on the vibration characteristics of a plate with an opening. This provides a theoretical reference for practical engineering application.

  2. Un gigante con pies de barro : breve introducción a los modelos tradicionales de criminalización en derecho penal


    Gómez Bellvís, Ana Belén


    Con la entrada en vigor del nuevo Código Penal reformado por la LO 1/2015, de 30 de marzo, gran cantidad de artículos se han visto modificados, añadiendo nuevas formas delictivas, incrementando considerablemente las penas o introduciendo otros tipos ex novo. Tal y como explica la Exposición de Motivos: «la conciencia de que el transcurso del tiempo y las nuevas demandas sociales evidencian la necesidad de llevar a cabo determinadas modificaciones de nuestra norma penal». Esta última reforma e...

  3. Errors generated with the use of rectangular collimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parks, E.T.


    This study was designed to determine whether various techniques for achieving rectangular collimation generate different numbers and types of errors and remakes and to determine whether operator skill level influences errors and remakes. Eighteen students exposed full-mouth series of radiographs on manikins with the use of six techniques. The students were grouped according to skill level. The radiographs were evaluated for errors and remakes resulting from errors in the following categories: cone cutting, vertical angulation, and film placement. Significant differences were found among the techniques in cone cutting errors and remakes, vertical angulation errors and remakes, and total errors and remakes. Operator skill did not appear to influence the number or types of errors or remakes generated. Rectangular collimation techniques produced more errors than did the round collimation techniques. However, only one rectangular collimation technique generated significantly more remakes than the other techniques

  4. A two-component NZRI metamaterial based rectangular cloak

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    Sikder Sunbeam Islam


    Full Text Available A new two-component, near zero refractive index (NZRI metamaterial is presented for electromagnetic rectangular cloaking operation in the microwave range. In the basic design a pi-shaped, metamaterial was developed and its characteristics were investigated for the two major axes (x and z-axis wave propagation through the material. For the z-axis wave propagation, it shows more than 2 GHz bandwidth and for the x-axis wave propagation; it exhibits more than 1 GHz bandwidth of NZRI property. The metamaterial was then utilized in designing a rectangular cloak where a metal cylinder was cloaked perfectly in the C-band area of microwave regime. The experimental result was provided for the metamaterial and the cloak and these results were compared with the simulated results. This is a novel and promising design for its two-component NZRI characteristics and rectangular cloaking operation in the electromagnetic paradigm.

  5. Predicción de los precios de contratos de electricidad usando una red neuronal con arquitectura dinámica

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    Juan David Velásquez Henao


    Full Text Available Los contratos en los mercados liberalizados de electricidad constituyen una herramienta para proteger a los agentes de la volatilidad; en este contexto, los pronósticos de los precios son una entrada clave para la toma de decisiones estratégicas y operativas de los agentes. En este artículo, se pronostican los precios promedios de los contratos despachados en el mercado eléctrico colombiano, usando una red neuronal con arquitectura dinámica conocida como DAN2. El modelo desarrollado es capaz de capturar la dinámica intrínseca de la serie de precios y de pronosticar el precio para el siguiente mes con más precisión que la metodología ARIMA clásica, para horizontes de predicción de 12 y 24 meses

  6. Rectangular optical filter based on high-order silicon microring resonators (United States)

    Bao, Jia-qi; Yu, Kan; Wang, Li-jun; Yin, Juan-juan


    The rectangular optical filter is one of the most important optical switching components in the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) fiber-optic communication system and the intelligent optical network. The integrated highorder silicon microring resonator (MRR) is one of the best candidates to achieve rectangular filtering spectrum response. In general, the spectrum response rectangular degree of the single MRR is very low, so it cannot be used in the DWDM system. Using the high-order MRRs, the bandwidth of flat-top pass band, the out-of-band rejection degree and the roll-off coefficient of the edge will be improved obviously. In this paper, a rectangular optical filter based on highorder MRRs with uniform couplers is presented and demonstrated. Using 15 coupled race-track MRRs with 10 μm in radius, the 3 dB flat-top pass band of 2 nm, the out-of-band rejection ratio of 30 dB and the rising and falling edges of 48 dB/nm can be realized successfully.

  7. Rectangular optical filter based on high-order silicon microring resonators

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    BAO Jia-qi; YU Kan; WANG Li-jun; YIN Juan-juan


    The rectangular optical filter is one of the most important optical switching components in the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) fiber-optic communication system and the intelligent optical network.The integrated highorder silicon microring resonator (MRR) is one of the best candidates to achieve rectangular filtering spectrum response.In general,the spectrum response rectangular degree of the single MRR is very low,so it cannot be used in the DWDM system.Using the high-order MRRs,the bandwidth of flat-top pass band,the out-of-band rejection degree and the roll-off coefficient of the edge will be improved obviously.In this paper,a rectangular optical filter based on highorder MRRs with uniform couplers is presented and demonstrated.Using 15 coupled race-track MRRs with 10 μm in radius,the 3 dB flat-top pass band of 2 nm,the out-of-band rejection ratio of 30 dB and the rising and falling edges of 48 dB/nm can be realized successfully.

  8. Comparison of rectangular and dual-planar positron emission mammography scanners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qi, Jinyi; Kuo, Chaincy; Huesman, Ronald H.; Klein, Gregory J.; Moses, William W.; Reutter, Bryan W.


    Breast imaging using dedicated positron emission tomography (PEM) has gained much interest in the medical imaging field. In this paper, we compare the performance between a rectangular geometry and a parallel dual-planar geometry. Both geometries are studied with depth of interaction (DOI) detectors and non- DOI detectors. We compare the Fisher-information matrix, lesion detection, and quantitation of the four systems. The lesion detectability is measured by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a prewhitening numerical observer for detecting a known hot spot on a uniform background. Results show that the rectangular system with DOI has the highest SNR for the detection task and the lowest bias at any given noise level for the quantitation task. They also show that for small simulated lesions the parallel dual-planar system with DOI detectors outperforms the rectangular system with non-DOI detectors, while the rectangular system with non-DOI detectors can outperform the parallel dual-planar system with DOI detectors for large simulated lesions

  9. A CPW-Fed Rectangular Ring Monopole Antenna for WLAN Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sangjin Jo


    Full Text Available We present a simple coplanar waveguide- (CPW- fed rectangular ring monopole antenna designed for dual-band wireless local area network (WLAN applications. The antenna is based on a simple structure composed of a CPW feed line and a rectangular ring. Dual-band WLAN operation can be achieved by controlling the distance between the rectangular ring and the ground plane of the CPW feed line, as well as the horizontal vertical lengths of the rectangular ring. Simulated and measured data show that the antenna has a compact size of 21.4×59.4 mm2, an impedance bandwidths of 2.21–2.70 GHz and 5.04–6.03 GHz, and a reflection coefficient of less than −10 dB. The antenna also exhibits an almost omnidirectional radiation pattern. This simple compact antenna with favorable frequency characteristics therefore is attractive for applications in dual-band WLAN.

  10. Thermal vibration of a rectangular single-layered graphene sheet with quantum effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Lifeng; Hu, Haiyan


    The thermal vibration of a rectangular single-layered graphene sheet is investigated by using a rectangular nonlocal elastic plate model with quantum effects taken into account when the law of energy equipartition is unreliable. The relation between the temperature and the Root of Mean Squared (RMS) amplitude of vibration at any point of the rectangular single-layered graphene sheet in simply supported case is derived first from the rectangular nonlocal elastic plate model with the strain gradient of the second order taken into consideration so as to characterize the effect of microstructure of the graphene sheet. Then, the RMS amplitude of thermal vibration of a rectangular single-layered graphene sheet simply supported on an elastic foundation is derived. The study shows that the RMS amplitude of the rectangular single-layered graphene sheet predicted from the quantum theory is lower than that predicted from the law of energy equipartition. The maximal relative difference of RMS amplitude of thermal vibration appears at the sheet corners. The microstructure of the graphene sheet has a little effect on the thermal vibrations of lower modes, but exhibits an obvious effect on the thermal vibrations of higher modes. The quantum effect is more important for the thermal vibration of higher modes in the case of smaller sides and lower temperature. The relative difference of maximal RMS amplitude of thermal vibration of a rectangular single-layered graphene sheet decreases monotonically with an increase of temperature. The absolute difference of maximal RMS amplitude of thermal vibration of a rectangular single-layered graphene sheet increases slowly with the rising of Winkler foundation modulus.

  11. Finite element fatigue analysis of rectangular clutch spring of automatic slack adjuster (United States)

    Xu, Chen-jie; Luo, Zai; Hu, Xiao-feng; Jiang, Wen-song


    The failure of rectangular clutch spring of automatic slack adjuster directly affects the work of automatic slack adjuster. We establish the structural mechanics model of automatic slack adjuster rectangular clutch spring based on its working principle and mechanical structure. In addition, we upload such structural mechanics model to ANSYS Workbench FEA system to predict the fatigue life of rectangular clutch spring. FEA results show that the fatigue life of rectangular clutch spring is 2.0403×105 cycle under the effect of braking loads. In the meantime, fatigue tests of 20 automatic slack adjusters are carried out on the fatigue test bench to verify the conclusion of the structural mechanics model. The experimental results show that the mean fatigue life of rectangular clutch spring is 1.9101×105, which meets the results based on the finite element analysis using ANSYS Workbench FEA system.

  12. Enhanced Circular Dichroism of Gold Bilayered Slit Arrays Embedded with Rectangular Holes. (United States)

    Zhang, Hao; Wang, Yongkai; Luo, Lina; Wang, Haiqing; Zhang, Zhongyue


    Gold bilayered slit arrays with rectangular holes embedded into the metal surface are designed to enhance the circular dichroism (CD) effect of gold bilayered slit arrays. The rectangular holes in these arrays block electric currents and generate localized surface plasmons around these holes, thereby strengthening the CD effect. The CD enhancement factor depends strongly on the rotational angle and the structural parameters of the rectangular holes; this factor can be enhanced further by drilling two additional rectangular holes into the metal surfaces of the arrays. These results help facilitate the design of chiral structures to produce a strong CD effect and large electric fields.

  13. Book Review Check the design: youth and University / Reseña del libro Entrada al diseño: juventud y universidad

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    Jesús Antonio Treviño Cantú


    Full Text Available Book Review on "Check the design: youth and University," by Luis Galetar Porter (2009, Mexico City: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. Reseña de libro sobre "Entrada al diseño: juventud y universidad", realizado por Luis Porter Galetar (2009, Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

  14. Aprendiendo a cuidar al recién nacido: un cuidado congruente con la cultura

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo es resultado del trabajo de grado para optar al título como Enfermera Especialista en Enfermería Materno Perinatal, el cual tuvo como propósito realizar una propuesta de cuidado de enfermería al recién nacido desde lo cultural, con base en las prácticas de cuidado que las madres adolescentes realizan con sus hijos durante la etapa de puerperio. Dicha propuesta se desarrolló a partir de los resultados obtenidos en la investigación "Prácticas de cuidado que las madres adolescentes realizan con sus hijos recién nacidos durante la etapa de puerperio" llevada a cabo por Nancy Lucía Bejarano y otros, en el año 2002 (1, en dos ciudades de Colombia con altas tasas de fecundidad. La propuesta de cuidado se diseñó a partir de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo y documental con abordaje cualitativo, pues se tuvo en cuenta la investigación base, la recolección y la revisión de la bibliografía. Esta propuesta se ocupa de las prácticas de cuidado relacionadas con dos dominios encontrados en la investigación base: 1 favorecer el cierre de las aberturas transitorias con que llega el recién nacido y 2 evitar la entrada de frío y calor para la búsqueda del equilibrio en el cuerpo del mismo. Igualmente formula una alternativa para el cuidado de la salud, aplicando el conocimiento de enfermería desde la perspectiva cultural, teniendo como punto de partida la teoría de Madeleine Leininger.

  15. On Mathematical Optimization for the Visualization of Frequencies and Adjacencies as Rectangular Maps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carrizosa, Emilio; Guerrero, Vanesa; Morales, Dolores Romero


    individuals as adjacent rectangular portions as possible and adding as few false adjacencies, i.e., adjacencies between rectangular portions corresponding to non-adjacent individuals, as possible. We formulate this visualization problem as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. We propose......In this paper we address the problem of visualizing a frequency distribution and an adjacency relation attached to a set of individuals. We represent this information using a rectangular map, i.e., a subdivision of a rectangle into rectangular portions so that each portion is associated with one...

  16. Analysis of junior high school students' difficulty in resolving rectangular conceptual problems (United States)

    Utami, Aliksia Kristiana Dwi; Mardiyana, Pramudya, Ikrar


    Geometry is one part of the mathematics that must be learned in school and it has important effects on the development of creative thinking skills of learners, but in fact, there are some difficulties experienced by the students. This research focuses on analysis difficulty in resolving rectangular conceptual problems among junior high school students in every creative thinking skills level. This research used a descriptive method aimed to identify the difficulties and cause of the difficulties experienced by five students. The difficulties are associated with rectangular shapes and related problems. Data collection was done based on students' work through test, interview, and observations. The result revealed that student' difficulties in understanding the rectangular concept can be found at every creative thinking skills level. The difficulties are identifying the objects rectangular in the daily life except for a rectangle and square, analyzing the properties of rectangular shapes, and seeing the interrelationships between figures.

  17. Experiences with rectangular waveguide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beltran, J.; Sepulveda, J. J.; Navarro, E. A.


    A simple and didactic experimental arrangement is presented to show wave propagation along a structure with translational symmetry, particularly the rectangular waveguide. Parameters of this waveguide as cutoff frequency, guide wavelength and field distribution of fundamental mode can be measured. For this purpose a large paralelepipedical waveguide structure is designed and built, its dimensions can be varied in order to change its parameters. (Author) 9 refs

  18. Experimental investigation on carbon nano tubes coated brass rectangular extended surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senthilkumar, Rajendran; Prabhu, Sethuramalingam; Cheralathan, Marimuthu


    Finned surface has been extensively used for free convection cooling of internal combustion engines and several electronic kits etc. Here rectangular brass fin was preferred for analysis. Thermocouples were attached all over the surface of the fin in equal distances. The measurement of surface temperature and calculated convective heat transfer rate were reported for several heat input values. The overall system performance can be improved by enhancing heat transfer rate of extended surfaces. Based on the above requirement, brass surface was coated by carbon nano tubes. The temperature and heat transfer characteristics were investigated using Taguchi method for experimental design. Finally the performances of coated and non-coated rectangular brass fins were compared. The average percentage of increase in heat transfer rate was proved around 12% for carbon nanocoated rectangular brass fins. - Graphical abstract: The designed Natural and Forced convection Heat Transfer Test Rig measures the enhanced rate of heat transfer for nano coated rectangular fins than in non-coated fins. Highlights: ► Rectangular brass fins were preferred for convective heat transfer process. ► The rectangular brass fins are coated with multi wall carbon nano tubes in EBPVD process with nanometer thickness. ► Temperature and heat transfer rate were investigated for nanocoated and non-coated fins by using Taguchi method. ► Multi wall carbon nanotubes act as a pin fin to enhance surface area for effective convective heat transfer rate.

  19. Autorización judicial de entrada en el domicilio y potestades administrativas: extensión del ámbito protegido, cuestiones procedimentales y proporcionalidad

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    Miguel Ángel Ruiz López


    Full Text Available El ejercicio de las potestades administrativas suscita una consideración desde la perspectiva del derecho fundamental a la inviolabilidad del domicilio. ¿Pero todos los lugares a los que puede acceder la Administración en el ejercicio de sus potestades constituyen domicilio, en el sentido constitucional del término? ¿Puede afirmarse que la autorización judicial es preceptiva en todos los supuestos específicos de ejercicio de potestades administrativas? En el presente trabajo se analiza la jurisprudencia constitucional y contencioso-administrativa recaída en torno al concepto de domicilio constitucional, con especial atención a su aplicación en el ámbito de las potestades administrativas. Asimismo se examinan las reglas y principios esenciales aplicables al procedimiento judicial cuando es precisa la autorización de entrada administrativa, con alusión a la competencia para otorgarla, al trámite de audiencia y al contenido mismo de la resolución judicial. The exercise of administrative powers can be analyzed from the perspective of the fundamental right to the inviolability of the home. Every place where administrative entry is possible, could be considered home in the constitutional sense of the term? Is always required authorization in any case of administrative powers exercise? This paper examines the Spanish constitutional and administrative case law around the concept of constitutional home; particularly from administrative powers point of view. It also focuses on the rules and principles applicable to judicial proceedings when entry authorization is needed, with reference to the power to grant it, the hearing process and the content of the judgment.

  20. Optimal design for rectangular isolated footings using the real soil pressure

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    Arnulfo Luévanos Rojas


    Full Text Available The standard design method (classical method for reinforced concrete rectangular footings is: First, a dimension is proposed and should comply with the allowable stresses; subsequently, the effective depth is obtained from the maximum moment and is checked against the bending shear and the punching shear until, it complies with these conditions and, then, steel reinforcement is obtained, but it is not guarantee that the minimum cost will be obtained. This paper shows an optimal design for reinforced concrete rectangular footings using the new model. A numerical experimentation is presented to show the model capability to estimate the minimum cost design of the materials used for a rectangular footing that supports an axial load and moments in two directions in accordance to the building code requirements for structural concrete and commentary (ACI 318-13. Also, a comparison is made between the optimal design and current design for rectangular footings. The solutions show that the optimal design is more economical and more precise with respect to the current design, because standard design is done by trial and error. Then, the optimal design should be used to obtain the minimum cost design for reinforced concrete rectangular footings.

  1. direct method of analysis of an isotropic rectangular plate direct

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    This work evaluates the static analysis of an isotropic rectangular plate with various the static analysis ... method according to Ritz is used to obtain the total potential energy of the plate by employing the used to ..... for rectangular plates analysis, as the behavior of the ... results obtained by previous research work that used.

  2. Tau method approximation of the Hubbell rectangular source integral

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalla, S.L.; Khajah, H.G.


    The Tau method is applied to obtain expansions, in terms of Chebyshev polynomials, which approximate the Hubbell rectangular source integral:I(a,b)=∫ b 0 (1/(√(1+x 2 )) arctan(a/(√(1+x 2 )))) This integral corresponds to the response of an omni-directional radiation detector situated over a corner of a plane isotropic rectangular source. A discussion of the error in the Tau method approximation follows

  3. A new metamaterial-based wideband rectangular invisibility cloak (United States)

    Islam, S. S.; Hasan, M. M.; Faruque, M. R. I.


    A new metamaterial-based wideband electromagnetic rectangular cloak is being introduced in this study. The metamaterial unit cell shows sharp transmittances in the C- and X-bands and displays wideband negative effective permittivity region there. The metamaterial unit cell was then applied in designing a rectangular-shaped electromagnetic cloak. The scattering reduction technique was adopted for the cloaking operation. The cloak operates in the certain portion of C-and X-bands that covers more than 4 GHz bandwidth region. The experimental results were provided as well for the metamaterial and the cloak.

  4. Identificación de accionamiento de motor de inducción con bomba centrífuga usando lógica difusa

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    Luis Delfín Rojas Purón


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de indicar zonas de trabajo con mejores rendimientos en los sistemas de accionamientoselectrohidráulicos, se realiza una identificación de los subsistemas del motor de inducción con bombacentrífuga encargada del transporte de hidromezclas de pulpas lateríticas, atendiendo a las variables quemás participan en la transferencia de energía, y con esto, supervisar y diagnosticar con anticipación sueficiencia. Se muestra un algoritmo con identificación difusa que correlaciona las funciones ofrecidasdesde la ecuación de los momentos del accionamiento eléctrico sobre la base de las pérdidas con el finde minimizar la potencia de entrada del sistema desde su contexto tecnológico y experimental.  With objetive to indicate sure areas of work with high yields in the system of electro-hydraulic workings,its is performance an identification of the subsystems of the induction motor with centrifugal pump thattransports pulp latheritic hydromixes, assisting to the variables that more participates in the energy transfer,and with this to supervise and to diagnose their efficiency in advance. A fuzzy algorithm is shown thatcorrelates the functions offered from losses based the moments equation of electric drives with thepurpose of minimizing the input power working from the experimental and technological context of thesystem.

  5. El esquema de aceptación europeo para productos de construcción en contacto con agua de consumo humano

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    Esperanza Menéndez Méndez


    Full Text Available El desarrollo legislativo y reglamentario europea se ha ido desarrollando de distinta manera en los diferentes Estados miembros (EM. Por su parte, la entrada en vigor de determinadas Directivas Europeas llevan asociado el desarrollo específico de algunos aspectos concretos, o la unificación de criterios, que pueden ser diferentes en varios EM.Los productos de construcción en contacto con agua de consumo humano están afectados por las circunstancias descritas anteriormente. Por una parte, distintos Estados miembros tienen establecidos diferentes criterios de aceptación para la instalación de productos en contacto con el agua de consumo, y por otra parte, tanto la Directiva sobre Productos de Construcción como la Directiva sobre agua de consumo humano afectan a distintos aspectos reglamentarios que han de desarrollarse para poder cumplir con lo establecido en estas directivas.Con el fin de adecuar la reglamentación de los distintos EM, que forman parte de la Unión Europea (UE, a los requisitos y especificaciones recogidos en las directivas mencionadas anteriormente, se vio la necesidad de desarrollar el Esquema de Aceptación Europeo para Productos de Construcción en Contacto con Agua de Consumo Humano (EAS.

  6. On Hubbell's rectangular source integral

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stalker, John


    The integral H(a,b)=∫ 0 b ∫ 0 a dx dy/(1+x 2 +y 2 ) arises naturally in the study of radiation from a rectangular source and has been studied by many authors. This paper introduces a new series expansion which is rapidly convergent for large a and b

  7. Analysis of the rectangular resonator with butterfly MMI coupler using SOI (United States)

    Kim, Sun-Ho; Park, Jun-Hee; Kim, Eudum; Jeon, Su-Jin; Kim, Ji-Hoon; Choi, Young-Wan


    We propose a rectangular resonator sensor structure with butterfly MMI coupler using SOI. It consists of the rectangular resonator, total internal reflection (TIR) mirror, and the butterfly MMI coupler. The rectangular resonator is expected to be used as bio and chemical sensors because of the advantages of using MMI coupler and the absence of bending loss unlike ring resonators. The butterfly MMI coupler can miniaturize the device compared to conventional MMI by using a linear butterfly shape instead of a square in the MMI part. The width, height, and slab height of the rib type waveguide are designed to be 1.5 μm, 1.5 μm, and 0.9 μm, respectively. This structure is designed as a single mode. When designing a TIR mirror, we considered the Goos-Hänchen shift and critical angle. We designed 3:1 MMI coupler because rectangular resonator has no bending loss. The width of MMI is designed to be 4.5 μm and we optimize the length of the butterfly MMI coupler using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for higher Q-factor. It has the equal performance with conventional MMI even though the length is reduced by 1/3. As a result of the simulation, Qfactor of rectangular resonator can be obtained as 7381.

  8. Rectangular superpolynomials for the figure-eight knot 41 (United States)

    Kononov, Ya. A.; Morozov, A. Yu.


    We rewrite the recently proposed differential expansion formula for HOMFLY polynomials of the knot 41 in an arbitrary rectangular representation R = [rs] as a sum over all Young subdiagrams λ of R with surprisingly simple coefficients of the Z factors. Intriguingly, these coefficients are constructed from the quantum dimensions of symmetric representations of the groups SL(r) and SL(s) and restrict the summation to diagrams with no more than s rows and r columns. Moreover, the β-deformation to Macdonald dimensions yields polynomials with positive integer coefficients, which are plausible candidates for the role of superpolynomials for rectangular representations. Both the polynomiality and the positivity of the coefficients are nonobvious, nevertheless true. This generalizes the previously known formulas for symmetric representations to arbitrary rectangular representations. The differential expansion allows introducing additional gradings. For the trefoil knot 31, to which our results for the knot 41 are immediately extended, we obtain the so-called fourth grading of hyperpolynomials. The property of factorization in roots of unity is preserved even in the five-graded case.

  9. Azimuthal critical heat flux in narrow rectangular channels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yong Hoon; Noh, Sang Woo; Kim, Sung Joong; Suh, Kune Y. [Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Tests were conducted to examine the critical heat flux (CHF) on the one-dimensional downward heating rectangular channel having a narrow gap by changing the orientation of the copper test heater assembly in a pool of saturated water under the atmospheric pressure. The test parameters include both the gap sizes of 1, 2, 5 and 10mm, and the surface orientation angles from the downward-facing position (180{sup o}) to the vertical position (90{sup o}), respectively. Also, the CHF experiments were performed for pool boiling with varying heater surface orientations in the unconfined space at the atmospheric pressure using the rectangular test section. It was observed that the CHF generally decreases as the surface inclination angle increases and as the gap size decreases. In consistency with several studies reported in the literature, it was found that there exists a transition angle above which the CHF changes with a rapid slope. An engineering correlation is developed for the CHF during natural convective boiling in the inclined, confined rectangular channels with the aid of dimensional analysis.

  10. Natural Vibration Analysis of Clamped Rectangular Orthotropic Plates (United States)

    dalaei, m.; kerr, a. d.

    The natural vibrations of clamped rectangular orthotropic plates are analyzed using the extended Kantorovich method. The developed iterative scheme converges very rapidly to the final result. The obtained natural frequencies are evaluated for a square plate made of Kevlar 49 Epoxy and the obtained results are compared with those published by Kanazawa and Kawai, and by Leissa. The agreement was found to be very close. As there are no exact analytical solutions for clamped rectangular plates, the generated closed form expression for the natural modes, and the corresponding natural frequencies, are very suitable for use in engineering analyses.

  11. Talleres lúdico-pedagógicos con adolescentes: una herramienta para la promoción de la salud

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    Dharah Puck Cordeiro Ferreira


    Full Text Available Relatar el intercambio de experiencias entre los adolescentes acerca de los temas tratados en los talleres. Se llevaron a cabo talleres lúdico-pedagógicos con adolescentes en una Unidad de Salud de la Familia en el periodo abril-junio de 2013, en el municipio de Garanhuns/PE, con la base conceptual de intervención psicosocial, ya que esto puede permitir la reflexión de los adolescentes sobre sus diversas experiencias. El sujeto expresa su subjetividad de manera diferente en cada etapa de su vida y contexto en que se insertan. Se producen, en la adolescencia, numerosos factores tales como la sexualidad, la entrada en la edad adulta, la violencia, el uso/abuso de alcohol y otras drogas, entre otros, que deben ser trabajados por los profesionales de la salud desde una perspectiva que tenga en cuenta la singularidad de cada sujeto, integralidad y articulaciones intersectoriales.

  12. Desarrollo de una metodología de infestación artificial de plantas de tomate con el pasador del fruto

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    Nelson Enrique Casas Leal


    Full Text Available En un diseño de bloques completos al azar se confinaron en jaulas (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 m dos plantas de tomate (S. lycopersicum cv. Maravilla, podadas a dos tallos, con hembras de Neoleucinodes elegantalis (una, dos, cuatro y seis adultos, y el testigo. Los tratamientos se repitieron cuatro veces. Se evaluaron por planta las variables frutos afectados por pasador (% y número promedio de orificios de entrada del pasador por fruto. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos solo para la variable frutos afectados por pasador (%. Con la introducción de una hembra en el interior de la jaula se incrementaron en 5.29% los frutos afectados. Para obtener pérdida de frutos similar a la que se presenta en lotes comerciales muy susceptibles (50-60% se requirió la introducción de seis hembras en la jaula.

  13. La entrada de inversión directa exterior en el sector financiero y su efecto sobre la productividad de la economía mexicana

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    Fernando Úbeda Mellina


    Full Text Available Los servicios financieros constituyen bienes intermedios (inputs y finales para el conjunto de los sectores de una economía, lo que los dota de una dimensión transversal. Dado que el output generado por estos servicios transversales afecta a la totalidad de la economía, cabe esperar que las externalidades derivadas de la entrada de la inversión directa exterior (ide en el sector financiero sean mayores que las derivadas de la entrada de ide en el sector manufacturero. Sin embargo, hemos obtenido evidencia de que las externalidades negativas de la ide manufacturera son mayores que las derivadas de la ide financiera. Los factores institucionales como la alta aversión al riesgo de la banca y la falta de intensidad en el marco competitivo pueden considerarse factores explicativos del resultado obtenido (Haber y Musacchio, 2005; Schulz, 2006.

  14. Joining of Aluminium Alloy Sheets by Rectangular Mechanical Clinching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Y.; Mori, K.; Kato, T.


    A mechanical clinching has the advantage of low running costs. However, the joint strength is not high. To improve the maximum load of the joined sheets by a mechanical clinching, square and rectangular mechanical clinching were introduced. In the mechanical clinching, the two sheets are mechanically joined by forming an interlock between the lower and upper sheets by the punch and die. The joined length with the interlock was increased by the rectangular punch and die. The deforming behaviours of the sheets in the mechanical clinching were investigated, and then the interlock in the sheets had distribution in the circumference of the projection. Although the interlocks were formed in both projection side and diagonal, the interlock in the diagonal was smaller because of the long contact length between the lower sheet and the die cavity surface. The maximum load of the joined sheets by the rectangular mechanical clinching was two times larger than the load by the round mechanical clinching.

  15. Sistemas de colas en tiempo discreto con entradas y servicios en bloque: estudio teórico y simulaciones comparativas


    Lorente Marín, Ana


    Los sistemas de colas se vienen estudiando desde inicios del siglo XX. Suele formarse una cola ante una instalación que proporciona determinado servicio. La teoría de colas pretende estudiar las fluctuaciones que se producen en estas situaciones: el número de clientes, el tiempo que debe esperar cada uno antes de ser atendido, la duración del tiempo de servicio … En este trabajo se plantean algunos modelos de colas con un solo servidor en los que los clientes llegan y son atendidos en grup...

  16. 77 FR 3497 - Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From Taiwan (United States)


    ... Rectangular Pipe and Tube From Taiwan Determination On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the subject... order on light-walled rectangular pipe and tube from Taiwan would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry in the United States within a reasonably foreseeable time. \\1...

  17. Linealización entrada/salida de sistemas no lineales afines utilizando un filtro

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    Alberto Delgado


    Full Text Available La linealización Entrada/Salida (E/S, dentro del marco teórico del control geométrico, es una técnica madura para sistemas no lineales afines. Esta técnica cancela los términos no lineales de la planta, usando una retroalimentación de estado no lineal, y produce una dinámica E/S lineal para la planta. En este artículo se muestra que un filtro D(s puede utilizarse para Iinealizar sistemas no lineales afines en lugar de aplicar una retroalimentación de estado no lineal que requiere conocer las ecuaciones exactas de la planta, su grado relativo, y la medición completa del vector de estado. En este nuevo enfoque el único requisito es conocer el grado relativo del sistema no lineal afino.

  18. Perron-Frobenius Theorem for Rectangular Tensors and Directed Hypergraphs


    Lu, Linyuan; Yang, Arthur L. B.; Zhao, James J. Y.


    For any positive integers $r$, $s$, $m$, $n$, an $(r,s)$-order $(n,m)$-dimensional rectangular tensor ${\\cal A}=(a_{i_1\\cdots i_r}^{j_1\\cdots j_s}) \\in ({\\mathbb R}^n)^r\\times ({\\mathbb R}^m)^s$ is called partially symmetric if it is invariant under any permutation on the lower $r$ indexes and any permutation on the upper $s$ indexes. Such partially symmetric rectangular tensor arises naturally in studying directed hypergraphs. Ling and Qi [Front. Math. China, 2013] first studied the $(p,q)$-...

  19. Augmented Beta rectangular regression models: A Bayesian perspective. (United States)

    Wang, Jue; Luo, Sheng


    Mixed effects Beta regression models based on Beta distributions have been widely used to analyze longitudinal percentage or proportional data ranging between zero and one. However, Beta distributions are not flexible to extreme outliers or excessive events around tail areas, and they do not account for the presence of the boundary values zeros and ones because these values are not in the support of the Beta distributions. To address these issues, we propose a mixed effects model using Beta rectangular distribution and augment it with the probabilities of zero and one. We conduct extensive simulation studies to assess the performance of mixed effects models based on both the Beta and Beta rectangular distributions under various scenarios. The simulation studies suggest that the regression models based on Beta rectangular distributions improve the accuracy of parameter estimates in the presence of outliers and heavy tails. The proposed models are applied to the motivating Neuroprotection Exploratory Trials in Parkinson's Disease (PD) Long-term Study-1 (LS-1 study, n = 1741), developed by The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Exploratory Trials in Parkinson's Disease (NINDS NET-PD) network. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Estudio del impacto del cambio climático en los caudales de entrada al embalse del Río Frío

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Tatiana Gómez Vargas


    Full Text Available Se evaluó cual podría ser la tendencia y la afectación en los caudales de entrada hasta el año 2100 del embalse que se tiene proyectado sobre el Río Frío para el abastecimiento de los municipios de Chía, Tenjo, Tabio, Cota y Cajicá considerando el RCP 4.5 y 8.5, los cuales describen dos caminos del forzamiento radiativo hasta el año 2100. Estos tuvieron en cuenta las series asociadas a las simulaciones realizadas en los modelos climáticos globales CCSM4, IPSL CM5A –LR y MIROC ESM y los RCP. Se realizaron análisis comparativos para saber si las demandas proyectadas hasta el año 2070 podrán cumplirse al considerar el cambio climático. Se puso en evidencia que las demandas estimadas son elevadas y tienen un crecimiento exponencial, mientras que la oferta que se estimó tiene valores pequeños que no son suficientes para satisfacer los requerimientos de abastecimiento. Los caudales de entrada se esperan que tengan disminuciones de aproximadamente un 20%.

  1. Cocolitóforos en sedimentos marinos frente a la entrada occidental del Estrecho de Magallanes (53°S revelan cambios en la productividad durante los últimos 30.000 años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria E Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un nuevo registro de producción exportada de cocolitóforos (cocolitos durante los últimos 30.000 años, basado en el estudio de un testigo de sedimento marino obtenido frente a la entrada occidental del Estrecho de Magallanes (testigo MD07-3128; 53°S, 75°W. Este testigo reveló la presencia de una asociación compuesta por trece taxones de cocolitóforos dominada por Gephyrocapsa "small" (representando en promedio >80% de la asociación total y acompañada, en menor proporción (1-10%, por dos morfotipos de Emiliania huxleyi, Coccolithus pelagicus y Calcidiscus leptoporus. La concentración de cocolitos se correlacionó positivamente con el contenido de CaCO3 (P 30% y la abundancia de cocolitos (~10(9 cocolitos g-1 sedimento seco coincidieron con periodos relativamente cálidos (e.g., el Holoceno. Se hallaron marcadas diferencias al comparar estos datos con el registro de cocolitos de Saavedra-Pellitero et al. (2011 para el sitio ODP 1233 a los 41°S: en el sitio ODP 1233 la producción de cocolitóforos fue máxima durante el Último Máximo Glacial en respuesta a la advección hacia el norte de las aguas ricas en macronutrientes de la corriente Circumpolar Antártica. En contraste, el sitio MD07-3128 experimentó al mismo tiempo una baja en productividad de cocolitóforos probablemente relacionada al efecto negativo ejercido por un alto aporte de material terrígeno y agua de deshielo proveniente del gran casquete de hielo patagónico.

  2. Experimental study of falling water limitation under counter-current flow in the vertical rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Usui, Tohru; Kaminaga, Masanori; Sudo, Yukio.


    Quantitative understanding of critical heat flux (CHF) in the narrow vertical rectangular channel is required for the thermo-hydroulic design and the safety analysis of research reactors in which flat-plate-type fuel is adopted. Especially, critical heat flux under low downward velocity has a close relation with falling water limitation under counter-current flow. Accordingly, CCFL (Counter-current Flow Limitation) experiments were carried out for both vertical rectangular channels and vertical circular tubes varried in their size and configuration of their cross sections, to make clear CCFL characteristics in the vertical rectangular channels. In the experiments, l/de of the rectangular channel was changed from 3.5 to 180. As the results, it was clear that different equivalent hydraulic diameter de, namely width or water gap of channel, gave different CCFL characteristics of rectangular channel. But the influence of channel length l on CCFL characteristics was not observed. Besides, a dimensionless correlation to estimate a relation between upward air velocity and downward water velocity was proposed based on the present experimental results. The difference of CCFL characteristics between rectangular channels and circular tubes was also investigated. Especially for the rectangular channels, dry-patches appearing condition was made clear as a flow-map. (author)

  3. Estrategias de entrada a un oligopolio.

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    Juan Benjamín Duarte Duarte


    Full Text Available Entre octubre de 2004 y agosto de 2005 se presentó en Colombia una guerra de precios entre las principales cementeras del país y la empresa Cementos Andino, una compañía que buscaba proteger su participación del 9% del mercado mediante estrategias de precios, su actividad de mercadeo y su posición geográfica. No es claro aún quién inició dicha situación, que finalizó con la venta de Cementos Andino. Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación realizada respecto a ese evento. Esta hace uso de la valoración con simulación de Montecarlo y de la teoría de juegos. Este trabajo permite el análisis de tres aspectos fundamentales de dicha situación: 1 las posibles causas de la venta de Cementos Andino, 2 el pensamiento estratégico en un oligopolio y 3 el papel del gobierno en estos sectores.

  4. three dimensional photoelastic investigations on thick rectangular

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 1, 1983 ... Thick rectangular plates are investigated by means of three-dimensional photoelasticity ... a thin plate theory and a higher order thick plate theory. 1. ..... number of fringes lest the accuracy of the results will be considerably.

  5. Metamaterial Embedded Wearable Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

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    J. G. Joshi


    Full Text Available This paper presents an indigenous low-cost metamaterial embedded wearable rectangular microstrip patch antenna using polyester substrate for IEEE 802.11a WLAN applications. The proposed antenna resonates at 5.10 GHz with a bandwidth and gain of 97 MHz and 4.92 dBi, respectively. The electrical size of this antenna is 0.254λ×0.5λ. The slots are cut in rectangular patch to reduce the bending effect. This leads to mismatch the impedance at WLAN frequency band; hence, a metamaterial square SRR is embedded inside the slot. A prototype antenna has been fabricated and tested, and the measured results are presented in this paper. The simulated and measured results of the proposed antenna are found to be in good agreement. The bending effect on the performance of this antenna is experimentally verified.

  6. Recovery of the Dirac system from the rectangular Weyl matrix function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fritzsche, B; Kirstein, B; Roitberg, I Ya; Sakhnovich, A L


    Weyl theory for Dirac systems with rectangular matrix potentials is non-classical. The corresponding Weyl functions are rectangular matrix functions. Furthermore, they are non-expansive in the upper semi-plane. Inverse problems are studied for such Weyl functions, and some results are new even for the square Weyl functions. High-energy asymptotics of Weyl functions and Borg–Marchenko-type uniqueness results are derived too. (paper)

  7. Rectangular waveguide-to-coplanar waveguide transitions at U-band using e-plane probe and wire bonding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dong, Yunfeng; Johansen, Tom Keinicke; Zhurbenko, Vitaliy


    This paper presents rectangular waveguide-to-coplanar waveguide (CPW) transitions at U-band (40–60 GHz) using E-plane probe and wire bonding. The designs of CPWs based on quartz substrate with and without aluminum cover are explained. The single and double layer rectangular waveguide-to-CPW trans......This paper presents rectangular waveguide-to-coplanar waveguide (CPW) transitions at U-band (40–60 GHz) using E-plane probe and wire bonding. The designs of CPWs based on quartz substrate with and without aluminum cover are explained. The single and double layer rectangular waveguide......-to-CPW transitions using E-plane probe and wire bonding are designed. The proposed rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition using wire bonding can provide 10 GHz bandwidth at U-band and does not require extra CPWs or connections between CPWs and chips. A single layer rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition using E......-plane probe with aluminum package has been fabricated and measured to validate the proposed transitions. To the authors' best knowledge, this is the first time that a wire bonding is used as a probe for rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition at U-band....

  8. Importance of dust storms in the diagenesis of sandstones: a case study, Entrada sandstone in the Ghost Ranch area, New Mexico, USA (United States)

    Orhan, Hükmü


    The importance of dust storms on geological processes has only been studied recently. Case-hardening, desert-varnish formation, duricrust development, reddening and cementation of sediments and caliche formation, are some important geological processes related to dust storms. Dust storms can also be a major source for cements in aeolian sandstones. The Jurassic aeolian Entrada Formation in the Ghost Ranch area is composed of quartz with minor amounts of feldspar and rock fragments, and is cemented with smectite as grain coatings and calcite and kaolinite as pore fillings. Smectite shows a crinkly and honeycomb-like morphology which points to an authigenic origin. The absence of smectite as framework grains and the presence of partially dissolved grains, coated with smectite and smectite egg-shells, indicate an external source. Clay and fine silt-size particles are believed to be the major source for cements, smectite and calcite in the Entrada Formation. The common association of kaolinite with altered feldspar, and the absence of kaolinite in spots heavily cemented with calcite, lead to the conclusions that the kaolinite formation postdates carbonates and that framework feldspar grains were the source of kaolinite.

  9. One-dimensional nonlinear theory for rectangular helix traveling-wave tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fu, Chengfang, E-mail:; Zhao, Bo; Yang, Yudong; Ju, Yongfeng [Faculty of Electronic Information Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai' an 223003 (China); Wei, Yanyu [School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054 (China)


    A 1-D nonlinear theory of a rectangular helix traveling-wave tube (TWT) interacting with a ribbon beam is presented in this paper. The RF field is modeled by a transmission line equivalent circuit, the ribbon beam is divided into a sequence of thin rectangular electron discs with the same cross section as the beam, and the charges are assumed to be uniformly distributed over these discs. Then a method of computing the space-charge field by solving Green's Function in the Cartesian Coordinate-system is fully described. Nonlinear partial differential equations for field amplitudes and Lorentz force equations for particles are solved numerically using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta technique. The tube's gain, output power, and efficiency of the above TWT are computed. The results show that increasing the cross section of the ribbon beam will improve a rectangular helix TWT's efficiency and reduce the saturated length.


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    Full Text Available La identificación de sistemas es un método que puede ser utilizado para obtener las propiedades dinámicas de un sistema estructural integrado por sensores, actuadores yun algoritmo de control, sometido a diferentes tipos de excitación. Estas propiedades dinámicas son utilizadas en varios propósitos, tales como: Actualización de modelos, Monitoreo de salud estructural y Sistemas de control. En este artículo se presenta la identificación de una estructura con un sistema de control activo colocado en la parte superior por medio de la relación entre las señales de entrada (movimiento en la base y fuerza de control y la señal de salida (respuesta de la estructura. Para esto se utiliza la respuesta en frecuencia con funciones de transferencia y se compara con las relaciones no lineales obtenidas mediante Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA de una entrada-una salida (SISO y de múltiples entradas-una salida (MISO. Finalmente, se demuestra que la identificación del sistema estructural MISO con RNA presenta una mejor aproximación al sistema real que las obtenidas con la matriz de transferencia conformada a partir de funciones de transferencia.

  11. Modelación matemática y simulación de un filtro digital híbrido FIR adaptativo lineal óptimo


    Apolo Castillo, Hugo Nelson; Córdova Medina, Alejandro Esteban


    La tesis presentada es la creación y desarrollo de un nuevo modelo matemático para un Filtro Digital FIR Adaptativo llamado FCLMS, mediante el cual se obtienen mejoras en la estabilidad del filtrado con un menor número de iteraciones, mayor exactitud en los resultados obtenidos y robustez ante los cambios que se presenten a su entrada, a una baja complejidad computacional, comparado con algoritmos ya existentes como es el RLS, LMS y el CLMS. Toma una señal analógica como entrada y una de r...

  12. Modeling and Chaotic Dynamics of the Laminated Composite Piezoelectric Rectangular Plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Minghui Yao


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the multipulse heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of a laminated composite piezoelectric rectangular plate by using an extended Melnikov method in the resonant case. According to the von Karman type equations, Reddy’s third-order shear deformation plate theory, and Hamilton’s principle, the equations of motion are derived for the laminated composite piezoelectric rectangular plate with combined parametric excitations and transverse excitation. The method of multiple scales and Galerkin’s approach are applied to the partial differential governing equation. Then, the four-dimensional averaged equation is obtained for the case of 1 : 3 internal resonance and primary parametric resonance. The extended Melnikov method is used to study the Shilnikov type multipulse heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of the laminated composite piezoelectric rectangular plate. The necessary conditions of the existence for the Shilnikov type multipulse chaotic dynamics are analytically obtained. From the investigation, the geometric structure of the multipulse orbits is described in the four-dimensional phase space. Numerical simulations show that the Shilnikov type multipulse chaotic motions can occur. To sum up, both theoretical and numerical studies suggest that chaos for the Smale horseshoe sense in motion exists for the laminated composite piezoelectric rectangular plate.

  13. A solution for the narrow rectangular punch

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Panek, C.F.; Kalker, J.J.


    This paper considers the problem of a rectangular flat ended punch acting on an elastic half-space. An approximate solution is generated through application of the elastic line integral equations. The results produced by this method are then compared with another approximate solution already

  14. Diseño de un nodo con arquitectura abierta para aplicaciones con redes inalámbricas de sensores (CRTECMOTE

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    Johan Carvajal Godínez


    Full Text Available Durante la última década las redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN para la protección del medio ambiente surgen como área de investigación y desarrollo gracias a los avances en la microelectrónica, la ingeniería de computadoras y las ciencias de los materiales. Aspectos relevantes que han determinado el interés en esta área de investigación son, entre otros, la capacidad de mitigar el impacto al ambiente por consecuencia de actividades productivas, especialmente agrícolas, mediante la monitorización y control de variables de entrada para dicho proceso. Este artículo trata sobre la metodología con la cual se aborda el diseño, la optimización y la puesta en marcha de una infraestructura electrónica que funcione como herramienta para la adquisición de datos y tratamiento de información para la generación de modelos descriptivos que permitan atacar aquellos fenómenos que tienen mayor incidencia en la degradación de los recursos naturales que rodean las zonas geográficas productivas. El resultado obtenido mediante la investigación llevada a cabo fue el diseño de un nodo para red inalámbrica de sensores especializados en adquisición y procesamiento de datos, así como la selección de la arquitectura de red y las tecnologías de comunicación con las que se planea implementar la conexión de los nodos con un sistema central de adquisición y almacenamiento de la información (sumidero. El artículo concluye con la justificación del diseño de la red, cuya topología jerárquica se adapta a las necesidades de cobertura geográfica, costo de la infraestructura y capacidad de escalamiento de la red inalámbrica de sensores.

  15. Solving the rectangular assignment problem and applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijsterbosch, J.; Volgenant, A.


    The rectangular assignment problem is a generalization of the linear assignment problem (LAP): one wants to assign a number of persons to a smaller number of jobs, minimizing the total corresponding costs. Applications are, e.g., in the fields of object recognition and scheduling. Further, we show

  16. DNB Mechanistic model assessment based on experimental data in narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Lei; Yan Xiao; Huang Yanping; Xiao Zejun; Huang Shanfang


    The departure from nuclear boiling (DNB) is important concerning about the safety of a PWR. Lacking assessment by experimental data points, it's doubtful whether the existing models can be used in narrow rectangular channels or not. Based on experimental data points in narrow rectangular channels, two kinds of classical DNB models, which include liquid sublayer dryout model (LSDM) and bubble crowding model (BCM), were assessed. The results show that the BCM has much wider application range than the LSDM. Several thermal parameters show systematical influences on the calculated results by the models. The performances of all the models deteriorate as the void fraction increases. The reason may be attributed to the geometrical differences between a circular tube and narrow rectangular channel. (authors)

  17. Rectangular spectral collocation

    KAUST Repository

    Driscoll, Tobin A.


    Boundary conditions in spectral collocation methods are typically imposed by removing some rows of the discretized differential operator and replacing them with others that enforce the required conditions at the boundary. A new approach based upon resampling differentiated polynomials into a lower-degree subspace makes differentiation matrices, and operators built from them, rectangular without any row deletions. Then, boundary and interface conditions can be adjoined to yield a square system. The resulting method is both flexible and robust, and avoids ambiguities that arise when applying the classical row deletion method outside of two-point scalar boundary-value problems. The new method is the basis for ordinary differential equation solutions in Chebfun software, and is demonstrated for a variety of boundary-value, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems.

  18. A fixed point theorem for uniformly locally contractive mappings in a C-chainable cone rectangular metric space

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bessem Samet


    Full Text Available Recently, Azam, Arshad and Beg [ Banach contraction principle on cone rectangular metric spaces, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 2009] introduced the notion of cone rectangular metric spaces by replacing the triangular inequality of a cone metric space by a rectangular inequality. In this paper, we introduce the notion of c-chainable cone rectangular metric space and we establish a fixed point theorem for uniformly locally contractive mappings in such spaces. An example is given to illustrate our obtained result.

  19. Basic study on the rectangular numeric keys for touch screen. (United States)

    Harada, H; Katsuura, T; Kikuchi, Y


    The present study was conducted to examine the optimum inter-key spacing of numeric rectangular keys for touch screens. Six male students (22-25 years old) and three female students (21-24 years old) participated in the experiment. Each subject performed the data entry task using rectangular keys of touch devices. These keys were arranged in both horizontal and vertical layouts. The sizes of the rectangular keys in both layouts were 12 x 21 mm and 15 x 39 mm, and each of the inter-key spacing of each key was 0, 3, 6, 12 and 21 mm. The response time with inter-key spacing of 3 mm was significantly faster than with the inter-key spacing of 0, 12 and 21 mm (p < 0.05). Keys of vertical position produced faster response time than that of horizontal position. The subjective ratings showed that the inter-key spacing of 6 mm was significantly better than the inter-key spacing of 0, 3, 12 and 21 mm (p < 0.05).

  20. A Multi-Objective Approach to Visualize Proportions and Similarities Between Individuals by Rectangular Maps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carrizosa, Emilio; Guerrero, Vanesa; Morales, Dolores Romero

    In this paper we address the problem of visualizing the proportions and the similarities attached to a set of individuals. We represent this information using a rectangular map, i.e., a subdivision of a rectangle into rectangular portions so that each portion is associated with one individual...... area and adjacency requirements, this visualization problem is formulated as a three-objective Mixed Integer Nonlinear Problem. The first objective seeks to maximize the number of true adjacencies that the rectangular map is able to reproduce, the second one is to minimize the number of false...

  1. Steady turbulent flow in curved rectangular channels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Vriend, H.J.


    After the study of fully developed and developing steady laminar flow in curved channels of shallow rectangular wet cross-section (see earlier reports in this series), steady turbulent flow in such channels is investigated as a next step towards a mathematical model of the flow in shallow river


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    Alfredo Eugenio Leal Santana


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye la concepción y realización de un esquema de conmutaciónautomática de líneas de entrada al ocurrir fallas en ellas, basado en autómatas programablesy aplicable principalmente a subestaciones del tipo distribuidoras aunque puede serimplementado en otros tipos de subestaciones para otros esquemas de conmutación. Elesquema permite además la reconfiguración automática al restablecerse el servicio normala la subestación.Se implementa además la posibilidad del control remoto del esquema como elementosubordinado al actual Sistema de Telemando o del SCADA pudiendo además serimplementado en el futuro como parte de cualquiera de estos Sistemas.La implementación de estos esquemas permite una mayor confiabilidad en la operación delas instalaciones y una mayor seguridad y rapidez en la conmutación de las líneas lo queeleva la calidad del servicio que se brinda a los consumidores. La utilización de autómatasprogramables permite una mejor coordinación con las automáticas propias de los consumidorese incluso la posibilidad de que futuros clientes puedan decidir la inclusión o no de estasautomáticas propias en sus nuevas inversiones.Este esquema se encuentra instalado y en servicio desde el mes de abril del presente año enla subestación distribuidora Monte Barreto, la cual brinda servicio a una extensa zona turísticay de negocios con instalaciones como los hoteles Comodoro, Meliá Havana, Neptuno-Tritóne inmobiliarias arrendadas a instituciones extranjeras.  The present paper constitutes the conception and realization of a layout for the automaticcommutation of entrance lines when happening faults in them, based on ProgrammableLogic Controller and applicable mainly to substations of the type distributors, although itcan be implemented in other types of substations for other commutation layouts. This onealso allows the automatic reconfiguration when recovering the normal service to thesubstation.It is

  3. Relativistic energy-dispersion relations of 2D rectangular lattices (United States)

    Ata, Engin; Demirhan, Doğan; Büyükkılıç, Fevzi


    An exactly solvable relativistic approach based on inseparable periodic well potentials is developed to obtain energy-dispersion relations of spin states of a single-electron in two-dimensional (2D) rectangular lattices. Commutation of axes transfer matrices is exploited to find energy dependencies of the wave vector components. From the trace of the lattice transfer matrix, energy-dispersion relations of conductance and valence states are obtained in transcendental form. Graphical solutions of relativistic and nonrelativistic transcendental energy-dispersion relations are plotted to compare how lattice parameters V0, core and interstitial size of the rectangular lattice affects to the energy-band structures in a situation core and interstitial diagonals are of equal slope.

  4. 78 FR 42546 - Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey: Notice of... (United States)


    ...-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey: Notice of Commission... countervailing duty order on light-walled rectangular pipe and tube from China and the antidumping duty orders on light-walled rectangular pipe and tube from China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey would be likely to lead to...

  5. Natural Frequency of F.G. Rectangular Plate by Shear Deformation Theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahrjerdi, Ali; Sapuan, S M; Shahzamanian, M M; Mustapha, F; Zahari, R; Bayat, M


    Natural frequency of functionally graded (F.G.) rectangular plate is carried out by using second-order shear deformation theory (SSDT). The material properties of functionally graded rectangular plates, except the Poisson's ratio, are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness of the plate in accordance with the exponential law distribution. The equations of motion are obtained by energy method. Numerical results for functionally graded plates are given in dimensionless graphical forms and the effects of material properties on natural frequency are determined.

  6. Electrical Machines: Turn-to-Turn Capacitance in Formed Windings with Rectangular Cross-Section Wire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Djukic, Nenad; Encica, L.; Paulides, Johan


    Calculation of turn-to-turn capacitance (Ctt) in electrical machines (EMs) with formed windings with rectangular cross-section wire is presented. Three calculation methods are used for the calculation of Ctt in case of rectangular conductors – finite element (FE) method and two previously published

  7. analytical bending solution of all clamped isotropic rectangular plate

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    PLATE ON WINKLER'S FOUNDATION USING CHARACTERISTIC. ORTHOGONAL ... foundations, storage tanks, swimming pools, floor system of buildings, highways ..... “Energy Methods in Theory of Rectangular Plates. (use of Polynomial ...

  8. Simulación de los cambios de carbono orgánico del suelo en sistema de cultivo con higuerilla por el modelo RothC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucila González Molina


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la simulación de los cambios del carbono orgánico del suelo (COS, por el modelo RothC, en razón del cambio de uso de suelo del sistema tradicional - asociación maíz-calabaza (TMC - a sistemas con higuerilla (Ricinus communis: multiestratos (MUL, callejones (CALL y monocultivo de higuerilla (HIG. Las simulaciones del COS se hicieron para las profundidades de suelo 0-20 y 0-40 cm, para el periodo de 1980-2040, considerándose como línea base al sistema TMC. Las tasas de cambio de COS estimadas con el RothC, en ambas profundidades de suelo, estuvieron en 0,5-1,2, 0,4-0,8, 0,3-0,5 y 0,04-0,1 Mg ha-1 de C por año en los sistemas HIG, MUL, CALL y TMC, respectivamente, y fueron consistentes con las reportadas en la literatura. El desempeño del RothC tuvo 89% de eficiencia (EF, con R²=0,9, lo que muestra que este modelo puede usarse con información temporal del COS escasa, información de la historia de uso de suelo y mediciones de la entrada de residuos vegetales aéreos y subterráneos en el suelo.

  9. Recuperación de fenol de aguas residuales industriales por tratamiento con NaCl

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    Iveth Serna


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se explora una técnica para la recuperación de fenol de aguas residuales que hasta el momento se ha realizado en forma empírica en algunas industrias locales. Se realizó un diseño experimental donde se tomó la concentración de NaCl como variable de entrada del proceso y el porcentaje de recuperación de fenol como variable de salida. El análisis estadístico de los datos muestra que la concentración de NaCl es una variable de suma importancia en el proceso. Se determinó que el mejor punto de operación está a 25º C, con un pH inicial entre 2 y 3, una concentración inicial de fenol de 6% y concentración inicial de NaCl de 21,5%, logrando una recuperación del fenol del 79 % con una concentración de fenol en la fase orgánica del 83 %. Además de la parte experimental, en el trabajo se exponen algunas teorías desarrolladas acerca de la separación de una solución de no electrolito y agua por adición de sal.

  10. Flow Through a Rectangular-to-Semiannular Diffusing Transition Duct (United States)

    Foster, Jeff; Wendt, Bruce J.; Reichert, Bruce A.; Okiishi, Theodore H.


    Rectangular-to-semiannular diffusing transition ducts are critical inlet components on supersonic airplanes having bifucated engine inlets. This paper documents measured details of the flow through a rectangular-to-semiannular transition duct having an expansion area ratio of 1.53. Three-dimensional velocity vectors and total pressures at the exit plane of the diffuser are presented. Surface oil-flow visualization and surface static pressure data are shown. The tests were conducted with an inlet Mach number of 0.786 and a Reynolds number based on the inlet centerline velocity and exit diameter of 3.2 x 10(exp 6). The measured data are compared with previously published computational results. The ability of vortex generators to reduce circumferential total pressure distortion is demonstrated.


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    E Aravindraj


    Full Text Available In this paper, a rectangular microstrip patch antenna (MPA is designed using different substrate materials for analyzing the performance of the MPA. Alumina (Al2O3, Bakelite, Beryllium oxide (BeO, Gallium Arsenide (GaAs, RT-Duroid and Flame Retardant 4 (FR-4 are the six different substrate used in the design. The size of the rectangular microstrip patch antenna varies according to the dielectric constant of substrate materials used. The operating frequency taken for this analysis is 5.8 GHz. The proposed design provides the study on the performance of rectangular microstrip patch antenna for different substrate materials using the same frequency. This study conveys that which substrate material provides better performance. Moreover, this comparative study conveys that which substrate material provides better performance. The simulation parameters are investigated using HFSS.

  12. Morfodinámica de un campo de dunas submarinas en una entrada de marea: San Blas, Argentina Submarine dune field morphodynamics in a tidal inlet: San Blas, Argentina

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    Diana G Cuadrado


    Full Text Available Se estudió la morfología de un campo de dunas submarinas desarrollado en una entrada de marea que conecta la plataforma continental argentina con bahía Anegada (sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Se infiere la circulación sedimentaria a partir del desplazamiento diferencial de las geoformas medido en relevamientos consecutivos. Como parte de la metodología se utilizó un ecosonda y un sistema batimétrico por medición de fase (SBMF denominado GeoSwath que permitieron obtener la morfología submarina en detalle. Se observaron dunas grandes sobre el límite sur del campo de dunas con altura entre 4,5 y 5,0 m y espaciamiento entre 100 y 120 m, a profundidades de 24 m, que se desplazan hacia el exterior del canal a una rapidez entre 18 y 75 m año-1. Hacia el límite norte del campo, a 21 m de profundidad las dunas eran de menor magnitud, entre 2,0 y 2,5 m de altura y espaciamiento entre 40 y 80 m, y se desplazaron a una rapidez entre 18 y 36 m año-1 hacia el interior de bahía Anegada. Se obtuvo la distribución del flujo de agua en toda la columna, en un perfil perpendicular al canal relevado, mediante ADCP. Los valores máximos de rapidez de corriente fueron durante la marea creciente, alcanzando 2,0 m s-1. Los resultados obtenidos permiten definir un modelo circulatorio de transporte de sedimentos arenosos, con la formación de un delta de marea de flujo en la cabecera de la entrada de marea y un delta de reflujo en el límite del dominio oceánico, unidos por una garganta de marea profunda, exenta de sedimentos inconsolidados.The morphology of a submarine dune field developed in a tidal inlet that connects the Argentinean continental shelf with Anegada Bay (southern Buenos Aires province was studied. The sediment circulation was inferred from the differential displacements of the bedforms evaluated by comparing consecutive surveys. An echosounder and a Phase Measuring Bathymetric System (PMBS called GeoSwath were used to obtain a

  13. Research on applications of rectangular beam in micro laser propulsion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiao, L.; Cai, J.; Ma, H.H.; Li, G.X.; Li, L.; Shen, Z.W.; Tang, Z.P.


    Highlights: • Diode laser bar of 808 nm is introduced into the micro laser propulsion field. • Double base propellant (DBP) coating with BOPP substrate was obtained. • The combination of laser power and energy decides the propulsion performance. • The new rectangular beam prefers to produce higher impulse. - Abstract: Micro laser propulsion is a new technology with brilliant future. In order to reduce the thruster mass and volume further, laser bar is introduced into the micro laser propulsion field. A new kind of 220 × 20 μm rectangular beam of 808 nm was obtained by oval lens compressing the light of diode at fast axes and slow axes. The effect of laser power, energy and coating thickness of double base propellant on propulsion performance was studied. Propulsion performance of double base propellant under static and dynamic mode shows some different characters. Compared to round beam, the new beam prefers to produce higher impulse. Ablation efficiency of DBP shows better performance in short laser duration. The combination of power density and energy density decides the laser propulsion performance. The new rectangular beam is appropriate for millisecond micro-laser propulsion

  14. Flowing equation gradually varied in rectangles channels on depth curve; Ecuacion del flujo gradualmente variado en canales rectangulares de fondo curvo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotelo-Avila, G.; Gallegos-Silva, J. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The study of channel flow usually have its basis in the hydrostatic distribution of pressure and the rectilinear flow hypotheses. It is from this hypothesis that the main flow equations are obtained. However, this is not applicable to a vertically curved flow that is present in a curved bed channel. This kind of channel is used to join two different slopes or in ski jumps. This kind of flow presents several changes from the rectilinear flow as in the velocity and pressure distributions and even in the energy loses. The authors of this article propose an equation of gradually varied flow for vertically-curved bed rectangular channels that adds a coefficient to modify the velocity in the calculus of the local friction gradient. With these results is possible now to analyze flow profiles in vertically-curved bed channels where before were used the methods for straight channels and therefore, increase accuracy. [Spanish] Las hipotesis del movimiento rectilineo y de distribucion hidrostatica de la presion son ciertamente las mas importantes en la hidraulica de canales, y de ellas se derivan los principales modelos de flujo que usualmente emplean. Sin embargo, no es valido aplicar la misma hipotesis y metodos de analisis al flujo curvilineo, que ocurre cuando el canal adopta curvaturas verticales en el fondo, las cuales inducen cambios importantes en la distribucion de la velocidad, presion y hasta en la perdida d energia. Tal es el caso de canales que contienen curvas verticales para unir tramos de distintas pendientes y producir el cambio en la direccion del flujo en cubetas deflectoras y vertedores en tunel. Los autores de este articulo proponen una ecuacion de flujo gradualmente variado en canales rectangulares de fondo curvo, esta es de gran utilidad en la determinacion del perfil del flujo con dichas caracteristicas, donde se plantea la adicion de un factor de amplificacion de la velocidad en el calculo del gradiente local de friccion, para tomar en cuenta el


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this document is to release, into the Hanford Document Control System, FA1/0991, Sludge Particle Separation Efficiencies for the Rectangular SCS-CON-230 Container, by M. Epstein and M. G. Plys, Fauske & Associates, LLC, June 2009. The Sludge Treatment Project (STP) will retrieve sludge from the 105-K West Integrated Water Treatment System (IWTS) Settler Tanks and transfer it to container SCS-CON-230 using the Settler Tank Retrieval System (STRS). The sludge will enter the container through two distributors. The container will have a filtration system that is designed to minimize the overflow of sludge fines from the container to the basin. FAI/09-91 was performed to quantify the effect of the STRS on sludge distribution inside of and overflow out of SCS-CON-230. Selected results of the analysis and a system description are discussed. The principal result of the analysis is that the STRS filtration system reduces the overflow of sludge from SCS-CON-230 to the basin by roughly a factor of 10. Some turbidity can be expected in the center bay where the container is located. The exact amount of overflow and subsequent turbidity is dependent on the density of the sludge (which will vary with location in the Settler Tanks) and the thermal gradient between the SCS-CON-230 and the basin. Attachment A presents the full analytical results. These results are applicable specifically to SCS-CON-230 and the STRS filtration system's expected operating duty cycles.

  16. 78 FR 74161 - Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey; Scheduling of Full... (United States)


    ...-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey; Scheduling of Full Five-Year... the Antidumping Duty Orders on Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, Mexico, and... on light- walled rectangular pipe and tube from China, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey would be likely to...

  17. Modeling on bubbly to churn flow pattern transition in narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yanlin; Chen Bingde; Huang Yanping; Wang Junfeng


    A theoretical model based on some reasonable concepts was developed to predict the bubbly flow to churn flow pattern transition in vertical narrow rectangular channel under flow boiling condition. The maximum size of ideal bubble in narrow rectangular channel was calculated based on previous literature. The thermal hydraulics boundary condition of bubbly to churn flow pattern transition was exported from Helmholtz and maximum size of ideal bubble. The theoretical model was validated by existent experimental data. (authors)

  18. 75 FR 82070 - Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, and Mexico (United States)


    ...-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From China, Korea, and Mexico AGENCY: United States International Trade... from China, Korea, and Mexico that were found to be sold at less than fair value. Nacional de Acero S... panel proceeding in Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube from Mexico, USA-MEX-1904-04, to file...

  19. The time of simultaneous tunneling of identical particles through the rectangular quantum barrier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martsenyuk, L.S.; Omelchenko, S.A.


    Work is devoted to studying the influence of exchange processes on a time of simultaneous crossing by identical particles of a rectangular quantum barrier. It is shown, that such processes essentially influence on the parameters of tunneling. The size of addition to time of identical particles tunneling, arising up because of their exchange interaction in a field of a rectangular quantum barrier is first counted.

  20. Aspectos generales de la histología de la glándula salival de las garrapatas con énfasis en Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Mora Hernández.


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta elementos de histología de las glándulas salivales de los artrópodos plagas. Se plantea que si bien las glándulas salivales han sido estudiadas en detalle, aún se sabe poco sobre los mecanismos de transmisión de agentes patógenos, y acerca de las sustancias biológicamente activas que mantienen al "huésped" altamente sensible y posibilitan de esta forma la entrada de otros patógenos no relacionados con vectores. El conocimiento que aportan el estudio de estos procesos permite la elaboración de programas de control epidemiológicos eficientes.

  1. Eliminación de ruido impulsivo en imágenes a color, utilizando interpolación con funciones de base radial

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    Jaime Alberto Echeverri Arias


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta un método para suprimir ruido impulsivo enimágenes a color, utilizando interpolación a través de funciones de baseradial. Este es un problema clásico en múltiples aplicaciones en diferentesáreas, su origen radica en mecanismos de captación de datosdefectuosos, que generan errores a intervalos variados de tiempo en lasseñales de entrada.Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con el método propuesto, frente alos algoritmos clásicos no lineales, como el filtrado por la mediana, la mediay el de outlier. En todos los escenarios probados, los resultados fueronmás eficaces con el método propuesto. El algoritmo demostró ser robustofrente a grandes volúmenes de ruido en el caso de prueba. Los resultadosfueron analizados a través del error cuadrado medio (ECM y Peak Signalto Noise Ratio (PSNR que son dos métricas de uso común para compararla calidad entre dos imágenes luego de un proceso de restauración. Sealcanzó un ECM de 14 y un PSNR de 35.8 db sobre la imagen de Lenna a512x512 pixeles con un porcentaje de pixeles ruido del 40%.

  2. Método del aprendizaje cognitivo con metacognición en electrostática

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    Carlos Briones Galarza


    Full Text Available El  propósito  de  este  trabajo  fue  determinar  la  ventaja  que  tiene  la  aplicación  del Aprendizaje  Cognitivo  en  la  resolución  de  problemas  y  la  utilización de la Metacognición  en  la  enseñanza  de  la  Electrostática.  El Aprendizaje  Cognitivo con Metacognición se aplicó en una muestra de 18 estudiantes de una población de 119 estudiantes secundarios de los Terceros de Barchillerato de la Especialización de Físico-Matemáticas registrados en tres colegios de la ciudad de Guayaquil en la asignatura de Física. Se hizo una división de cuatro grupos, los estudiantes de dos grupos recibieron Aprendizaje Cognitivo, uno con Metacognición y otro sin Metacognición; y los otros dos grupos no recibieron Aprendizaje Cognitivo pero en un curso se dio Metacognición y en otro no. A todos los grupos se les aplicó una prueba de entrada y una de salida de Electrostática (Ley de Coulomb y Campo Eléctrico, luego se determinó con la prueba de salida la ganancia que tuvieron los grupos que recibieron el tratamiento. Se tomó una prueba de lectura, Prueba C10ze, donde se determinó el nivel de comprensión lectora de los grupos de estudiantes y una prueba de estilos de aprendizaje de las personas, Cuestionario de Felder y Silverman. Este estudio probó la hipótesis que los estudiantes que recibieron clases con el Aprendizaje Cognitivo con Metacognición para el tema de la Electrostática, tanto en la solución de problemas como en la parte conceptual; tienen un mejor rendimiento académico que aquellos estudiantes que no recibieron dicho aprendizaje.

  3. Rectangular Gusset Plate Behaviour in Cold-Formed I-Type Steel Connections

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    Bučmys Ž.


    Full Text Available Cold-formed structure connections utilizing gusset plates are usually semi-rigid. This paper investigates the behaviours of rectangular gusset plates in cold-formed connections of elements whose columns and beams are made with lipped back-to-back C-sections. Methods of calculating strength and stiffness are necessary for such semi-rigid joints. The main task of this paper is to determine a method capable of calculating these characteristics. The proposed analytical method could then be easily adapted to the component method that is described in part 1993-1-8 of the Eurocode. This method allows us to calculate both the strength and stiffness of rectangular gusset plates, assuming that the joint deforms only in plane. This method of design moment resistance calculation was presented taking into account that an entire cross-section shall reach its yield stress. A technique of stiffness calculation was presented investigating the sum of deformations acquired at the bending moment and from shear forces which are transmitted from each beam bolt group. Calculation results according to the suggested method show good agreement of laboratory experimental results of specimens with numerical simulations. Two specimens of beam-to-column connections were tested in the laboratory. Lateral supports were used on the specimens to prevent lateral displacements in order to better investigate the behaviour of the rectangular gusset plate in plane. Experiments were simulated by modelling rectangular gusset plates using standard finite element software ANSYS Workbench 14.0. Three-dimensional solid elements were used for modelling and both geometric and material nonlinear analysis was performed.

  4. Graphene-based tunable terahertz filter with rectangular ring ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A plasmonic band-pass filter based on graphene rectangular ring resonator with double narrow gaps is proposed and numerically investigated by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. For the filter with or without gaps, the resonant frequencies can be effectively adjusted by changing the width of the graphene ...

  5. Graphene-based tunable terahertz filter with rectangular ring ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    WEI SU


    Aug 16, 2017 ... Abstract. A plasmonic band-pass filter based on graphene rectangular ring resonator with double narrow gaps is proposed and numerically investigated by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. For the filter with or without gaps, the resonant frequencies can be effectively adjusted by changing ...

  6. Investigation of imaging properties for submillimeter rectangular pinholes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xia, Dan, E-mail: [The Department of Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 (United States); Moore, Stephen C., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:; Park, Mi-Ae, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:; Cervo, Morgan, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (United States); Metzler, Scott D., E-mail: [The Department of Radiology, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 (United States)


    Purpose: Recently, a multipinhole collimator with inserts that have both rectangular apertures and rectangular fields of view (FOVs) has been proposed for SPECT imaging since it can tile the projection onto the detector efficiently and the FOVs in transverse and axial directions become separable. The purpose of this study is to investigate the image properties of rectangular-aperture pinholes with submillimeter apertures sizes. Methods: In this work, the authors have conducted sensitivity and FOV experiments for 18 replicates of a prototype insert fabricated in platinum/iridium (Pt/Ir) alloy with submillimeter square-apertures. A sin{sup q}θ fit to the experimental sensitivity has been performed for these inserts. For the FOV measurement, the authors have proposed a new formula to calculate the projection intensity of a flood image on the detector, taking into account the penumbra effect. By fitting this formula to the measured projection data, the authors obtained the acceptance angles. Results: The mean (standard deviation) of fitted sensitivity exponents q and effective edge lengths w{sub e} were, respectively, 10.8 (1.8) and 0.38 mm (0.02 mm), which were close to the values, 7.84 and 0.396 mm, obtained from Monte Carlo calculations using the parameters of the designed inserts. For the FOV measurement, the mean (standard deviation) of the transverse and axial acceptances were 35.0° (1.2°) and 30.5° (1.6°), which are in good agreement with the designed values (34.3° and 29.9°). Conclusions: These results showed that the physical properties of the fabricated inserts with submillimeter aperture size matched our design well.

  7. Computational Investigations in Rectangular Convergent and Divergent Ribbed Channels (United States)

    Sivakumar, Karthikeyan; Kulasekharan, N.; Natarajan, E.


    Computational investigations on the rib turbulated flow inside a convergent and divergent rectangular channel with square ribs of different rib heights and different Reynolds numbers (Re=20,000, 40,000 and 60,000). The ribs were arranged in a staggered fashion between the upper and lower surfaces of the test section. Computational investigations are carried out using computational fluid dynamic software ANSYS Fluent 14.0. Suitable solver settings like turbulence models were identified from the literature and the boundary conditions for the simulations on a solution of independent grid. Computations were carried out for both convergent and divergent channels with 0 (smooth duct), 1.5, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mm rib heights, to identify the ribbed channel with optimal performance, assessed using a thermo hydraulic performance parameter. The convergent and divergent rectangular channels show higher Nu values than the standard correlation values.

  8. Free vibration analysis of rectangular plates with central cutout

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kanak Kalita


    Full Text Available A nine-node isoparametric plate element in conjunction with first-order shear deformation theory is used for free vibration analysis of rectangular plates with central cutouts. Both thick and thin plate problems are solved for various aspect ratios and boundary conditions. In this article, primary focus is given to the effect of rotary inertia on natural frequencies of perforated rectangular plates. It is found that rotary inertia has significant effect on thick plates, while for thin plates the rotary inertia term can be ignored. It is seen that the numerical convergence is very rapid and based on comparison with experimental and analytical data from literature, it is proposed that the present formulation is capable of yielding highly accurate results. Finally, some new numerical solutions are provided here, which may serve as benchmark for future research on similar problems.

  9. Are Haar-like Rectangular Features for Biometric Recognition Reducible?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nasrollahi, Kamal; Moeslund, Thomas B.


    Biometric recognition is still a very difficult task in real-world scenarios wherein unforeseen changes in degradations factors like noise, occlusion, blurriness and illumination can drastically affect the extracted features from the biometric signals. Very recently Haar-like rectangular features...... which have usually been used for object detection were introduced for biometric recognition resulting in systems that are robust against most of the mentioned degradations [9]. The problem with these features is that one can define many different such features for a given biometric signal...... and it is not clear whether all of these features are required for the actual recognition or not. This is exactly what we are dealing with in this paper: How can an initial set of Haar-like rectangular features, that have been used for biometric recognition, be reduced to a set of most influential features...

  10. Efecto de la aplicación de terapia conductual en la adquisición de destrezas básicas para el aprendizaje, en tres niños con autismoa partir de la expresión artística


    Hannia Cabezas Pizarro


    El presente estudio muestra el efecto de la utilización de terapia conductual aplicada, en tres niños con autismo, y cuyo propósito fue el de desarrollar aquellas conductas de entrada básicas para el aprendizaje como son el permanecer sentados, el control de llanto, el establecimiento de contacto ocular y la identificación del yo, consideradas habilidades básicas que deben tener los niños para incursionar en el proceso educativo. Una vez que el niño adquiere esta gama ...

  11. Effect of rising time of rectangular pulse on inactivation of staphylococcus aureus by pulsed electric field (United States)

    Zhang, Ruobing; Liang, Dapeng; Zheng, Nanchen; Xiao, Jianfu; Mo, Mengbin; Li, Jing


    Pulsed electric field (PEF) is a novel non-thermal food processing technology that involves the electric discharge of high voltage short pulses through the food product. In PEF study, rectangular pulses are most commonly used for inactivating microorganisms. However, little information is available on the inactivation effect of rising time of rectangular pulse. In this paper, inactivation effects, electric field strength, treatment time and conductivity on staphylococcus aureus inactivation were investigated when the pulse rising time is reduced from 2.5 μs to 200 ns. Experimental results showed that inactivation effect of PEF increased with electric field strength, solution conductivity and treatment time. Rising time of the rectangular pulse had a significant effect on the inactivation of staphylococcus aureus. Rectangular pulses with a rising time of 200 ns had a better inactivation effect than that with 2 μs. In addition, temperature increase of the solution treated by pulses with 200 ns rising time was lower than that with 2 μs. In order to obtain a given inactivation effect, treatment time required for the rectangular pulse with 200 ns rise time was shorter than that with 2 μs.

  12. Effect of rising time of rectangular pulse on inactivation of staphylococcus aureus by pulsed electric field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Ruobing; Liang, Dapeng; Xiao, Jianfu; Mo, Mengbin; Li, Jing; Zheng, Nanchen


    Pulsed electric field (PEF) is a novel non-thermal food processing technology that involves the electric discharge of high voltage short pulses through the food product. In PEF study, rectangular pulses are most commonly used for inactivating microorganisms. However, little information is available on the inactivation effect of rising time of rectangular pulse. In this paper, inactivation effects, electric field strength, treatment time and conductivity on staphylococcus aureus inactivation were investigated when the pulse rising time is reduced from 2.5 μs to 200 ns. Experimental results showed that inactivation effect of PEF increased with electric field strength, solution conductivity and treatment time. Rising time of the rectangular pulse had a significant effect on the inactivation of staphylococcus aureus. Rectangular pulses with a rising time of 200 ns had a better inactivation effect than that with 2 μs. In addition, temperature increase of the solution treated by pulses with 200 ns rising time was lower than that with 2 μs. In order to obtain a given inactivation effect, treatment time required for the rectangular pulse with 200 ns rise time was shorter than that with 2 μs.

  13. Optical vortex propagation in few-mode rectangular polymer waveguides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyubopytov, Vladimir S.; Chipouline, Arkadi; Zywietz, Urs


    We demonstrate that rectangular few-mode dielectric waveguides, fabricated with standard lithographic technique, can support on-chip propagation of optical vortices. We show that specific superpositions of waveguide eigenmodes form quasi-degenerate modes carrying light with high purity states...

  14. Optical implementation of (3, 3, 2) regular rectangular CC-Banyan optical network (United States)

    Yang, Junbo; Su, Xianyu


    CC-Banyan network plays an important role in the optical interconnection network. Based on previous reports of (2, 2, 3) the CC-Banyan network, another rectangular-Banyan network, i.e. (3, 3, 2) rectangular CC-Banyan network, has been discussed. First, according to its construction principle, the topological graph and the routing rule of (3, 3, 2) rectangular CC-Banyan network have been proposed. Then, the optically experimental setup of (3, 3, 2) rectangular CC-Banyan network has been designed and achieved. Each stage of node switch consists of phase spatial light modulator (PSLM) and polarizing beam-splitter (PBS), and fiber has been used to perform connection between adjacent stages. PBS features that s-component (perpendicular to the incident plane) of the incident light beam is reflected, and p-component (parallel to the incident plane) passes through it. According to switching logic, under the control of external electrical signals, PSLM functions to control routing paths of the signal beams, i.e. the polarization of each optical signal is rotated or not rotated 90° by a programmable PSLM. Finally, the discussion and analysis show that the experimental setup designed here can realize many functions such as optical signal switch and permutation. It has advantages of large number of input/output-ports, compact in structure, and low energy loss. Hence, the experimental setup can be used in optical communication and optical information processing.

  15. Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Antennas with Air Substrates ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents an analysis of rectangular microstrip antennas with air substrates. The effect of the substrate thickness on the bandwidth and the efficiency are examined. An additional thin layer supporting the dielectric material is added to the air substrate in order to make the antenna mechanically rigid and easy to ...

  16. FDTD Analysis of U-Slot Rectangular Patch Antenna (United States)

    Luk, K. M.; Tong, K. F.; Shum, S. M.; Lee, K. F.; Lee, R. Q.


    The U-slot rectangular patch antenna (Figure I) has been found experimentally to provide impedance and gain bandwidths of about 300 without the need of stacked or coplanar parasitic elements [1,2]. In this paper, simulation results of the U-slot patch using FDTD analysis are presented. Comparison with measured results are given.

  17. Internal flow characteristics of a rectangular ramjet air intake

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moerel, J.-L.; Veraar, R.G.; Halswijk, W.H.C.; Pimentel, R.; Corriveau, D.; Hamel, N.; Lesage, F.; Vos, J.B.


    Two research institutes TNO Defence, Security and Safety and DRDC-Valcartier have worked together on the improvement of modeling and simulation tools for the functioning of supersonic air intakes for realistic ramjet engines of tactical missiles. The emphasis laid on complex rectangular intake

  18. A Novel Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Rectangular Slot Antenna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Biao Li


    Full Text Available A coplanar waveguide fed dual-band circularly polarized rectangular slot antenna is presented. The proposed antenna consists of a rectangular metal frame acting as a ground and an S-shaped monopole as a radiator. The spatial distribution of the surface current density is employed to demonstrate that the circular polarization is generated by the S-shaped monopole which controls the path of the surface currents. An antenna prototype, having overall dimension 37 × 37 × 1 mm3, has been fabricated on FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.4. The proposed antenna achieves 10 dB return loss bandwidths and 3 dB axial ratio (AR in the frequency bands 2.39–2.81 GHz and 5.42–5.92 GHz, respectively. Both these characteristics are suitable for WLAN and WiMAX applications.

  19. Applicability of electrical resistance tomography to rectangular vessels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichijo, Noriaki; Matsuno, Shinsuke; Tokura, Susumu; Tochigi, Yoshikatsu; Misumi, Ryuta; Nishi, Kazuhiko; Kaminoyama, Meguru


    To ensure a stable operation of Joule-heated glass melters, it is necessary to observe the distribution of platinum group metal particles (noble metals) in molten glass. Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) has a potential to visualize the inside of the melter section because it can be applied at severe conditions such as high temperature and radioactive fields. Due to designing limitations, it is difficult to install electrodes on the wall of the glass melter. In addition, ERT is hardly applied to a rectangular section. To solve these problems, numerical and experimental studies have been implemented. To apply the ERT method, 8 electrodes are inserted from the top of the melter and set near the bottom to visualize the accumulation of noble metals on the bottom area. As a result of the numerical simulation and the experiment, it was clarified that the ERT can be applied to the rectangular vessel by inserting electrodes from the top of the vessel and has a potential to observe the accumulation of noble metals. (author)

  20. Measurement strategy for rectangular electrical capacitance tomography sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye, Jiamin; Ge, Ruihuan; Qiu, Guizhi; Wang, Haigang


    To investigate the influence of the measurement strategy for the rectangular electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) sensor, a Finite Element Method (FEM) is utilized to create the model for simulation. The simulation was carried out using COMSOL Multiphysics(trade mark, serif) and Matlab(trade mark, serif). The length-width ratio of the rectangular sensing area is 5. Twelve electrodes are evenly arranged surrounding the pipe. The covering ratio of the electrodes is 90%. The capacitances between different electrode pairs are calculated for a bar distribution. The air of the relative permittivity 1.0 and the material of the permittivity 3.0 are used for the calibration. The relative permittivity of the second phase is 3.0. The noise free and noise data are used for the image reconstruction using the Linear Back Projection (LBP). The measurement strategies with 1-, 2- and 4- electrode excitation are compared using the correlation coefficient. Preliminary results show that the measurement strategy with 2-electrode excitation outperforms other measurement strategies with 1- or 4-electrode excitation

  1. Review of Critical Heat Flux Correlations for Upward Flow in a Vertical Thin Rectangular Channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Gil Sik; Chang, Soon Heung


    From the view point of safety, this type of fuel has higher resistance to earthquake and external impact. The cross section of coolant flow channel in the reactor core composed with the plate fuel is a thin rectangular shape. Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of this thin rectangular channel are different with those of general circular rod fuel bundle flow channel. Accordingly it could be thought that the CHF correlation in a thin rectangular channel is different with that in a circular channel, for which a large number of researches on CHF prediction have been carried out. The objective of this paper is to review previous researches on CHF in a thin rectangular channel, summarize the important conclusion and propose the new simple CHF correlation, which is based on the data set under high pressure and high flow rate condition. The researches on CHF in rectangular channel have been partially carried out according to the pressure, heated surface number, heated surface wettability effect, flow driving force and flow direction conditions. From the literature researches on CHF for upward flow in a vertical thin rectangular channel, some CHF prediction methods were reviewed and compared. There is no universal correlation which can predict CHF at all conditions, but generally, Katto empirical correlation is known to be useful at high pressure and high flow rate. The new simple correlation was developed from the restricted data set, the CHF prediction capacity of which is better than that of Katto. Even though the prediction consistency of the new simple correlation is lower, MAE and RMS error decreased quite. For the more development of the new simple CHF correlation, the more advanced regression analysis method and theoretical analysis should be studied in future

  2. Review of Critical Heat Flux Correlations for Upward Flow in a Vertical Thin Rectangular Channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Gil Sik; Chang, Soon Heung [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    From the view point of safety, this type of fuel has higher resistance to earthquake and external impact. The cross section of coolant flow channel in the reactor core composed with the plate fuel is a thin rectangular shape. Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of this thin rectangular channel are different with those of general circular rod fuel bundle flow channel. Accordingly it could be thought that the CHF correlation in a thin rectangular channel is different with that in a circular channel, for which a large number of researches on CHF prediction have been carried out. The objective of this paper is to review previous researches on CHF in a thin rectangular channel, summarize the important conclusion and propose the new simple CHF correlation, which is based on the data set under high pressure and high flow rate condition. The researches on CHF in rectangular channel have been partially carried out according to the pressure, heated surface number, heated surface wettability effect, flow driving force and flow direction conditions. From the literature researches on CHF for upward flow in a vertical thin rectangular channel, some CHF prediction methods were reviewed and compared. There is no universal correlation which can predict CHF at all conditions, but generally, Katto empirical correlation is known to be useful at high pressure and high flow rate. The new simple correlation was developed from the restricted data set, the CHF prediction capacity of which is better than that of Katto. Even though the prediction consistency of the new simple correlation is lower, MAE and RMS error decreased quite. For the more development of the new simple CHF correlation, the more advanced regression analysis method and theoretical analysis should be studied in future.

  3. Far-field potentials in cylindrical and rectangular volume conductors. (United States)

    Dumitru, D; King, J C; Rogers, W E


    The occurrence of a transient dipole is one method of producing a far-field potential. This investigation qualitatively defines the characteristics of the near-field and far-field electrical potentials produced by a transient dipole in both cylindrical and rectangular volume conductors. Most body segments of electrophysiologic interest such as arms, legs, thorax, and neck are roughly cylindrical in shape. A centrally located dipole generator produces a nonzero equipotential region which is found to occur along the cylindrical wall at a distance from the dipole of approximately 1.4 times the cylinder's radius and 1.9 times the cylinder's radius for the center of the cylinder. This distance to the equi-potential zone along the surface wall expands but remains less than 3.0 times the cylindrical radius when the dipole is eccentrically placed. The magnitude of the equipotential region resulting from an asymmetrically placed dipole remains identical to that when the dipole is centrally located. This behavior is found to be very similar in rectangular shallow conducting volumes that model a longitudinal slice of the cylinder, thus allowing a simple experimental model of the cylinder to be utilized. Amplitudes of the equipotential region are inversely proportional to the cylindrical or rectangular volume's cross-sectional area at the location of dipolar imbalance. This study predicts that referential electrode montages, when placed at 3.0 times the radius or greater from a dipolar axially aligned far-field generator in cylindrical homogeneous volume conductors, will record only equipotential far-field effects.

  4. Square and Rectangular Arrays from Directed Assembly of Sphere-forming Diblock Copolymers in Thin Films (United States)

    Ji, Shengxiang; Nagpal, Umang; Liao, Wen; de Pablo, Juan; Nealey, Paul


    Patterns of square and rectangular arrays with nanoscale dimensions are scientifically and technologically important. Fabrication of square array patterns in thin films has been demonstrated by directed assembly of cylinder-forming diblock copolymers on chemically patterned substrates, supramolecular assembly of diblock copolymers, and self-assembly of triblock terpolymers. However, a macroscopic area of square array patterns with long-range order has not been achieved, and the fabrication of rectangular arrays has not been reported so far. Here we report a facile approach for fabricating patterns of square and rectangular arrays by directing the assembly of sphere-forming diblock copolymers on chemically patterned substrates. On stripe patterns, a square arrangement of half spheres, corresponding to the (100) plane of the body-centred cubic (BCC) lattice, formed on film surfaces. When the underlying pattern periods mismatched with the copolymer period, the square pattern could be stretched (up to ˜60%) or compressed (˜15%) to form rectangular arrays. Monte Carlo simulations have been further used to verify the experimental results and the 3-dimensional arrangements of spheres.

  5. Motion of rectangular prismatic bodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poreh, M.; Wray, R.N.


    Rectangular prismatic bodies can assume either a translatory or an auto-rotating mode of motion during free motion in the atmosphere. The translatory mode is stable only when the dimensionless moment of inertia of the bodies is large, however, large perturbations will always start auto-rotation. The characteristics of the auto-rotational mode are shown to depend primarily on the aspect ratio of the bodies which determines the dimensionless rotational speed and the lift coefficient. Both the average drag and lift-coefficients of auto-rotating bodies are estimated, but it is shown that secondary effects make it impossible to determine their exact trajectories in atmospheric flows

  6. Desarrollo de una metodología de infestación artificial de plantas de tomate con el pasador del fruto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available En un diseño de bloques completos al azar se confinaron en jaulas (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 m dos plantas de tomate (S. lycopersicum cv. Maravilla, podadas a dos tallos, con hembras de Neoleucinodes elegantalis (una, dos, cuatro y seis adultos, y el testigo. Los tratamientos se repitieron cuatro veces. Se evaluaron por planta las variables frutos afectados por pasador (% y número promedio de orificios de entrada del pasador por fruto. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos solo para la variable frutos afectados por pasador (%. Con la introducción de una hembra en el interior de la jaula se incrementaron en 5.29% los frutos afectados. Para obtener pérdida de frutos similar a la que se presenta en lotes comerciales muy susceptibles (50-60% se requirió la introducción de seis hembras en la jaula.

  7. 77 FR 5240 - Light-Walled Welded Rectangular Carbon Steel Tubing From Taiwan: Continuation of Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... Rectangular Carbon Steel Tubing From Taiwan: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order AGENCY: Import... revocation of the antidumping duty order on light-walled welded rectangular carbon steel tubing from Taiwan would likely lead to a continuation or recurrence of dumping and material injury to an industry in the...

  8. Release of metal ions from round and rectangular NiTi wires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arash Azizi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of nickel and titanium ions released from two wires with different shapes and a similar surface area. Methods Forty round nickel-titanium (NiTi arch wires with the diameter of 0.020 in. and 40 rectangular NiTi arch wires with the diameter of 0.016 × 0.016 in. were immersed in artificial saliva during a 21-day period. The surface area of both wires was 0.44 in.2. Wires were separately dipped into polypropylene tubes containing 50 ml of buffer solution and were incubated and maintained at 37 °C. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES was used to measure the amount of ions released after exposure lengths of 1 h, 24 h, 1 week, and 3 weeks. Repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey tests were used to evaluate the data. Results The results indicated that the amount of nickel and titanium concentrations was significantly higher in the rectangular wire group. The most significant release of all metals was measured after the first hour of immersion. In the rectangular wire group, 243 ± 4.2 ng/ml of nickel was released after 1 h, while 221.4 ± 1.7 ng/ml of nickel was released in the round wire group. Similarly, 243.3 ± 2.8 ng/ml of titanium was released in the rectangular wire group and a significantly lower amount of 211.9 ± 2.3 ng/ml of titanium was released in the round wire group. Conclusions Release of metal ions was influenced by the shape of the wire and increase of time.

  9. Critical heat flux of subcooled flow boiling in narrow rectangular channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kureta, Masatoshi; Akimoto, Hajime


    In relation to the high-heat-load devices such as a solid-target cooling channel of a high-intensity neutron source, burnout experiments were performed to obtain critical heat flux (CHF) data systematically for vertical upward flow in one-side heated rectangular channels. One of the objectives of this study was to study an extensibility of existing CHF correlations and models, which were proposed for a round tube, to rectangular channels for design calculation. Existing correlations and models were reviewed and compared with obtained data. Sudo's thin liquid layer dryout model, Griffel correlation and Bernath correlation were in good agreement with the experimental data for short-heated-length and low inlet water temperature conditions. (author)

  10. Integral transform solution of bending problem of clamped orthotropic rectangular plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    An, C.; Gu, J.-J.; Su, J.


    The generalized integral transform technique (GITT) is employed to obtain an exact solution for the bending problem of fully clamped orthotropic rectangular plates. The use of the GITT approach in the analysis of the transverse deflection equation leads to a coupled system of fourth order differential equations in the dimensionless longitudinal spatial variable. The resulting transformed ODE system is then numerically solved by making use of the subroutine DBVPFD from IMSL Library. Numerical results with automatic global accuracy control are produced for different values of aspect ratio. Critical comparisons with previously reported numerical results are performed with excellent agreement. Several sets of reference results for clamped orthotropic rectangular plates are also provided for future covalidation purposes. (author)

  11. Turbulent slurry flow measurement using ultrasonic Doppler method in rectangular pipe (United States)

    Bareš, V.; Krupička, J.; Picek, T.; Brabec, J.; Matoušek, V.


    Distribution of velocity and Reynolds stress was measured using ultrasonic velocimetry in flows of water and Newtonian water-ballotini slurries in a pressurized Plexiglas pipe. Profiles of the measured parameters were sensed in the vertical plane at the centreline of a rectangular cross section of the pipe. Reference measurements in clear water produced expected symmetrical velocity profiles the shape of which was affected by secondary currents developed in the rectangular pipe. Slurry-flow experiments provided information on an effect of the concentration of solid grains on the internal structure of the flow. Strong attenuation of velocity fluctuations caused by a presence of grains was identified. The attenuation increased with the increasing local concentration of the grains.

  12. Anisotropic rectangular metric for polygonal surface remeshing

    KAUST Repository

    Pellenard, Bertrand


    We propose a new method for anisotropic polygonal surface remeshing. Our algorithm takes as input a surface triangle mesh. An anisotropic rectangular metric, defined at each triangle facet of the input mesh, is derived from both a user-specified normal-based tolerance error and the requirement to favor rectangle-shaped polygons. Our algorithm uses a greedy optimization procedure that adds, deletes and relocates generators so as to match two criteria related to partitioning and conformity.

  13. Anisotropic rectangular metric for polygonal surface remeshing

    KAUST Repository

    Pellenard, Bertrand; Morvan, Jean-Marie; Alliez, Pierre


    We propose a new method for anisotropic polygonal surface remeshing. Our algorithm takes as input a surface triangle mesh. An anisotropic rectangular metric, defined at each triangle facet of the input mesh, is derived from both a user-specified normal-based tolerance error and the requirement to favor rectangle-shaped polygons. Our algorithm uses a greedy optimization procedure that adds, deletes and relocates generators so as to match two criteria related to partitioning and conformity.

  14. Hydrodynamics of slug flow in a vertical narrow rectangular channel under laminar flow condition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yang; Yan, Changqi; Cao, Xiaxin; Sun, Licheng; Yan, Chaoxing; Tian, Qiwei


    Highlights: • Slug flow hydrodynamics in a vertical narrow rectangular duct were investigated. • The velocity of trailing Taylor bubble undisturbed by the leading one was measured. • Correlation of Taylor bubble velocity with liquid slug length ahead it was proposed. • Evolution of length distributions of Taylor bubble and liquid slug was measured. • The model of predicted length distributions was applied to the rectangular channel. - Abstract: The hydrodynamics of gas–liquid two-phase slug flow in a vertical narrow rectangular channel with the cross section of 2.2 mm × 43 mm is investigated using a high speed video camera system. Simultaneous measurements of velocity and duration of Taylor bubble and liquid slug made it possible to determine the length distributions of the liquid slug and Taylor bubble. Taylor bubble velocity is dependent on the length of the liquid slug ahead, and an empirical correlation is proposed based on the experimental data. The length distributions of Taylor bubbles and liquid slugs are positively skewed (log-normal distribution) at all measuring positions for all flow conditions. A modified model based on that for circular tubes is adapted to predict the length distributions in the present narrow rectangular channel. In general, the experimental data is well predicted by the modified model

  15. Efecto de la pirolusita, la caliza+fluorita y el ferrocromomanganeso en un electrodo básico con revestimiento periférico

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    Amado Cruz-Crespo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el comportamiento de electrodos revestidos AWS E 7018, en función del contenido de los componentes en el revestimiento periférico aplicado, con el objetivo de mejorar su desempeño. Las proporciones en las mezclas para los revestimientos se establecieron con base en un diseño experimental de tipo Mc Lean Anderson, donde las variables de entrada son: X1- la pirolusita, X2- la caliza+fluorita (para relación caliza: fluorita=1 y X3- el FeCrMn. Las mezclas homogenizadas fueron aglomeradas con silicato de sodio y agua para conformar las pastas que se aplicaron por inmersión sobre el revestimiento básico de los electrodos de 3,2 mm de diámetro del núcleo metálico. Para evaluar los electrodos fueron obtenidas las isolíneas de comportamiento de las tasas de fusión y deposición, de la eficiencia de deposición y de la geometría de los cordones. Se concluye que la composición del revestimiento de mejor desempeño condiciona cambios favorables frente al electrodo sin revestimiento periférico, ya que aumenta la profundidad de penetración del cordón, el cual adquiere un perfil más estrecho.


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    Diego F. Hernández


    Full Text Available En este artículo se realiza el análisis, diseño y simulación de un amplificador rail to rail R-R (riel a riel a la entrada y a la salida utilizando una fuente sencilla de 3,3 V. La tecnología usada fue CMOS TSMC de 0,18 µm, de bajo costo relativo para uso académico. El proceso de implementación se hizo con herramientas industrial Synopsys. En el artículo se detalla la etapa de entrada R-R complementaria, se describen el circuito sumador y la etapa de salida R-R clase AB. Finalmente, se muestran el layout definitivo y los resultados de la evaluación del diseño.Em este artigo realiza-se a análise, desenho e simulação de um amplificador rail to rail R-R (trilho a trilho à entrada e à saída utilizando uma fonte singela de 3,3 V. A tecnologia usada foi CMOS TSMC de 0,18 µm, de relativo baixo custo para uso acadêmico. O processo de implementação realizou-se com ferramentas industrial Synopsys. No artigo detalha-se a etapa de entrada R-R complementar, descreve-se o circuito somador e a etapa de saída R-R classe AB. Finalmente, mostra-se o layout definitivo e os resultados da avaliação do desenho.This paper shows the full analysis, design and simulation of a 3.3 V CMOS input/output rail to rail or R-R operational amplifier using the design kit for the Synopsys tools. The technology used was CMOS TSMC 0.18µm whose cost is low for academic purposes. This paper details the complementary input stage R-R, the summing circuit and the R-R output stage class AB. At last the final layout and the results of simulation are shown.

  17. Shielding calculations for changing from circular to a Rectangular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Radiation Technology Centre (RTC) of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission operates a 1.85 PBq Co-60 gamma irradiator for research, food preservation and medical sterilization. It has become necessary to improve the do-se rate delivered by changing the circular arrangement of sources to a rectangular one.

  18. Numerical analysis and optimization of 3D magnetohydrodynamic flows in rectangular U-bend

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    He, Qingyun, E-mail:; Feng, Jingchao; Chen, Hongli, E-mail:


    Highlights: • MHD flows in rectangular U bends have been investigated under specific magnetic field. • U bends analyzed with different aspect ratio, distance of U bends and the wall conductance ratio. • Pressure optimization of rectangular U bends at corner region. • Studying different inclination of magnetic field cases according to original MHD flows. - Abstract: Liquid metal flow in rectangular bends is a common phenomenon of fusion liquid metal blanket operation, in which the velocity distributions and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pressure drop are considered as critical issues. Previous studies mainly aimed at specific fixed geometry for bend flows in LM blanket. The present investigation focuses on numerical analysis of MHD flow in 3D rectangular bends at laminar conditions, which is aimed to reduce MHD pressure drop caused by electromagnetic coupling in conductive flow, especially in bend corner region. The used code has been developed by University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and validated by recommended benchmark cases such as Shercliff, ALEX experiments and KIT experiment cases, etc. In order to search the optimal duct bending, certain parameters such as different aspect ratio of the duct corner area cross-section, distance of import and export from the elbow and wall conductance ratio have been considered to investigate the pressure drop of MHD flow. Moreover, the effects of different magnetic field direction relative to flow distribution between bends have also been analyzed.

  19. Numerical analysis and optimization of 3D magnetohydrodynamic flows in rectangular U-bend

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He, Qingyun; Feng, Jingchao; Chen, Hongli


    Highlights: • MHD flows in rectangular U bends have been investigated under specific magnetic field. • U bends analyzed with different aspect ratio, distance of U bends and the wall conductance ratio. • Pressure optimization of rectangular U bends at corner region. • Studying different inclination of magnetic field cases according to original MHD flows. - Abstract: Liquid metal flow in rectangular bends is a common phenomenon of fusion liquid metal blanket operation, in which the velocity distributions and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pressure drop are considered as critical issues. Previous studies mainly aimed at specific fixed geometry for bend flows in LM blanket. The present investigation focuses on numerical analysis of MHD flow in 3D rectangular bends at laminar conditions, which is aimed to reduce MHD pressure drop caused by electromagnetic coupling in conductive flow, especially in bend corner region. The used code has been developed by University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and validated by recommended benchmark cases such as Shercliff, ALEX experiments and KIT experiment cases, etc. In order to search the optimal duct bending, certain parameters such as different aspect ratio of the duct corner area cross-section, distance of import and export from the elbow and wall conductance ratio have been considered to investigate the pressure drop of MHD flow. Moreover, the effects of different magnetic field direction relative to flow distribution between bends have also been analyzed.



    Heman, Leonam V.; UFSM; Menke, Maikel F.; Marchesan, Ricardo N.; Ferreira, Alexandre F.; Seidel, Álysson R.


    Neste trabalho, é apresentada a análise e comparação de dois métodos de regulação da tensão de saída do conversor SEPIC empregado para correção de fator de potência, operando com tensão de entrada universal (85 - 265 VRMS). O primeiro método consiste na regulação de tensão através da modulação por largura de pulso. No segundo método, a regulação da tensão de saída é realizada através da variação da indutância equivalente do conversor, implementada com o emprego do regulador magnético.Palavras...

  1. Plasma-filled rippled wall rectangular backward wave oscillator

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Performance of the backward wave oscillator (BWO) is greatly enhanced with the introduction of plasma. Linear theory of the dispersion relation and the growth rate have been derived and analysed numerically for plasma-filled rippled wall rectangular waveguide driven by sheet electron beam. To see the effect of plasma ...

  2. Firm Entry and Productivity Turnovers in Import Substituting Markets: Evidence from the Petrochemical Industry in Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis H. Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la entrada de firmas y rotación de la productividad promedio en la industria petroquímica colombiana para el período 1974-1998. Los resultados muestran que los entrantes exitosos dieron forma a la productividad de la industria e indujeron a la reestructuración de las plantas existentes. Los flujos de entrada crecieron constantemente en el sector de plásticos, a pesar de los cambios de política comercial. La descomposición del crecimiento de la productividad total de los factores muestra que el efecto de las empresas establecidas domina sobre el efecto de rotación de empresas. Los resultados econométricos sugieren que las barreras a la entrada, asociadas con el licenciamiento de la tecnología y la dependencia de materias primas importadas disuaden la entrada, mientras que variables complementarias del mercado como los niveles de productividad, crecimiento en la construcción de vivienda y competencia periférica inducen la entrada de firmas.

  3. The problem of isotropic rectangular plate with four clamped edges

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    of rectangular plates has been a subject of study in solid mechanics for more than a cen- .... loading is solved first, giving the deflection function for the strip case and .... The authors gratefully acknowledge the advice and encouragement of ...

  4. The analysis of radiation parameters dependence of rectangular waveguide on its dimensions change

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoilov V.P.


    Full Text Available Analysis of radiation from 3 centimeter waveband rectangular waveguide at the change of the side sizes is carried out for the purpose of efficiency estimation of its use as reflector parabolic antenna exciter. Some performance characteristics of radioelectronic systems depend on antennas types which are used. Recently, the development of antenna systems occurred mainly not by creating new, and by improving the parameters and characteristics of existing antennas. Therefore, there is a practical need to find ways to improve their elements. A detailed analysis of the radiation from the open end of the rectangular waveguide allows to specify exactly which of its parameters and characteristics need to be improved. Dependence charts of directional diagram (DD in planes E and H, radiation power, directivity upon variation of side sizes a, b are received. Dependence charts of attenuation coefficient upon frequency for wave types H10, H01, H02, H11, E11 are drawn up. Estimation of reasonability of using rectangular waveguide as reflector parabolic antenna exciter is received.


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    Full Text Available Piezoelectric materials are extensively employed in the field of structures for condition monitoring, smart control and testing applications. The piezoelectric patches are surface bonded to a composite laminate plate and used as vibration actuators. The coupling effects between the mechanical and electric properties of piezoelectric materials have drawn significant attention for their potential applications. In the present work, an analytical solution of the vibration response of a simply supported laminate rectangular plate under time harmonic electrical loading is obtained and a concept is developed for an approximate dynamic model to the vibration response of the simply supported orthotropic rectangular plates excited by a piezoelectric patch of variable rectangular geometry and location. A time harmonic electric voltages with the same magnitude and opposite sign are applied to the two symmetric piezoelectric actuators, which results in the bending moment on the plate. The main objective of the work is to obtain an analytical solution for the vibration amplitude of composite plate predicted from plate theory. The results demonstrate that the vibration modes can be selectively excited and the geometry of the PZTactuator shape remarkably affects the distribution of the response among modes. Thus according to the desired degree shape control it is possible to tailor the shape, size and properly designed control algorithm of the actuator to either excite or suppress particular modes.

  6. Design and construction of a mode converter from TE10(rectangular) to TE11(circular)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tubbing, B.J.D.


    The design and manufacturing of a wavelength mode converter from the TE 10 (rectangular) mode in oversized rectangular to the TE 11 (circular) mode in oversized circular waveguide is described. A differential equation for the cross-sectional shape of the converter was solved numerically. A stainless-steel mandrel was produced on a numerically controlled milling machine. Sixteen converters were produced by means of electroforming on one mandrel. (Auth.)

  7. 76 FR 64312 - Light-Walled Welded Rectangular Carbon Steel Tubing From Taiwan: Final Results of the Expedited... (United States)


    ... Rectangular Carbon Steel Tubing From Taiwan: Final Results of the Expedited Sunset Review of the Antidumping... the antidumping duty order on light-walled welded rectangular carbon steel tubing from Taiwan pursuant... steel tubing from Taiwan pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act. See Initiation of Five-Year (``Sunset...

  8. Fluid Flow and Infrared Image Analyses on Endwall Fitted with Short Rectangular Plate Fin

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Kenyu OYAKAWA; Islam Md. DIDARUL; Minoru YAGA


    An experimental investigation is carried out to study fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics on the endwall fitted with arrays ( 7 × 7 ) of short rectangular plate fins of different pattern (co-angular and zigzag) for different pitch ratio. Experiments were conducted in a rectangular duct of 50 mm height for an air flow of Reynolds number ranged from 18750 to 62500 based on the equivalent diameter and air velocity of the duct. Infrared image analysis technique was employed to make clear the characteristics of local heat transfer coefficients on fin base, endwall and overall surface. Flow pattern around the short rectangular plates were visualized by inducing fluorescent dye in a water channel and longitudinal vortices were observed. Increasing the distance between plates in flow direction causes heat transfer enhancement for co-angular pattern, while decreasing the distance causes heat transfer enhancement for zigzag pattern. Zigzag pattern with pitch ratio 2 is found to be more effective in heat transfer enhancement than any other cases investigated.

  9. Experimental investigation on flow instability of forced circulation in a vertical mini-rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Zhiting; Tan Sichao; Yuan Hongsheng; Zhuang Nailiang; Chen Hanying


    An experimental study was conducted to investigate the flow instability in a vertical mini-rectangular channel with distilled water as the working fluid. The rotational speed of the primary pump is gradually reduced to lower the inlet flow rate until the flow becomes unstable, while maintaining all other thermal parameters unchanged. Three types of instability, characterized by large amplitude oscillation, small amplitude oscillation and flow excursion, were identified from the experimental data. A stability map for the vertical mini-rectangular channel under forced circulation was established based on the Subcooling number and Phase Change number. The oscillation periods were correlated with the fluid transit time and the boiling delay time. A flow pattern map for vertical upward flow in a mini-rectangular channel was applied to confirm the flow patterns during the oscillation. The mechanisms of the three types of instability were obtained by considering several types of flow instabilities and comparing them with the oscillations observed in this work. (author)

  10. Forced convective boiling heat transfer of water in vertical rectangular narrow channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Chong; Gao, Pu-zhen; Tan, Si-chao; Chen, Han-ying; Chen, Xian-bing


    Highlights: • Chen correlation cannot well predict the coefficient of rectangular channel. • Kim and Mudawar correlation is the best one among the Chen type correlations. • Lazarek and Black correlation predicted 7.0% of data within the ±30% error band. • The new correlation can well predict the coefficient with a small MAE of 14.4%. - Abstract: In order to research the characteristics of boiling flows in a vertical rectangular narrow channel, a series of convective boiling heat transfer experiments are performed. The test section is made of stainless steel with an inner diameter of 2 × 40 mm and heated length of 1100 mm. The 3194 experimental data points are obtained for a heat flux range of 10–700 kW/m 2 , a mass flux range of 200–2400 kg/m 2 s, a system pressure range of 0.1–2.5 MPa, and a quality range of 0–0.8. Eighteen prediction models are used to predict the flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of the rectangular narrow channel and the predicted value is compared against the database including 3194 data points, the results show that Chen type correlations and Lazarek and Black type correlations are not suitable for the rectangular channel very much. The Kim and Mudawar correlation is the best one among the 18 models. A new correlation is developed based on the superposition concept of nucleate boiling and convective boiling. the new correlation is shown to provide a good prediction against the database, evidenced by an overall MAE of 14.4%, with 95.2% and 98.6% of the data falling within ±30% and ±35% error bands, respectively

  11. Portales de destinos turísticos en Internet: una reflexión estratégica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miralbell, Oriol


    Full Text Available La denominación de portal en el ámbito de Internet es de uso relativamente reciente y fue iniciada primero por los norteamericanos, siendo su significado en inglés y en español casi el mismo. Aunque originalmente el portal ha pretendido ser la página de entrada a Internet, la que un usuario usa para entrar a navegar por Internet, con la actual proliferación de portales, podríamos decir que esta definición se usa para referirse a una página web que hace las funciones de pórtico de entrada a un espacio informativo temático (a veces de gran alcance, es decir, de un conglomerado de múltiples temas, con lo que se pretende homologar el mundo virtual de Internet con los espacios sociales y culturales de la vida real.

  12. Comparison of air-standard rectangular cycles with different specific heat models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Chao; Chen, Lingen; Ge, Yanlin; Sun, Fengrui


    Highlights: • Air-standard rectangular cycle models are built and investigated. • Finite-time thermodynamics is applied. • Different dissipation models and variable specific heats models are adopted. • Performance characteristics of different cycle models are compared. - Abstract: In this paper, performance comparison of air-standard rectangular cycles with constant specific heat (SH), linear variable SH and non-linear variable SH are conducted by using finite time thermodynamics. The power output and efficiency of each cycle model and the characteristic curves of power output versus compression ratio, efficiency versus compression ratio, as well as power output versus efficiency are obtained by taking heat transfer loss (HTL) and friction loss (FL) into account. The influences of HTL, FL and SH on cycle performance are analyzed by detailed numerical examples.

  13. Rectangular-to-quincunx Gabor lattice conversion via fractional Fourier transformation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bastiaans, M.J.; Leest, van A.J.


    Transformations of Gabor lattices are associated with operations on the window functions that arise in Gabor theory. In particular it is shown that transformation from a rectangular to a quincunx lattice can be associated with fractional Fourier transformation. Since a Gaussian function, which plays

  14. Positronium behaviour in elongated PPT, rectangular MgO and spherical Si nanocavities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eijt, S.W.H.; Falub, C.V.; Mijnarends, P.E.; Veen, A. van


    The 2D-ACAR para-Ps (p-Ps) spectrum of PPT aramid fibres, which contain structural elongated open spaces in the unit cell, is compared with the spectrum calculated for a Ps wave function in a rectangular cavity. Helium ion implantation in MgO and Si single crystals creates thin layers of nanosize rectangular and spherical cavities, respectively. Depth-selective 2D-ACAR experiments at the positron centre Delft allow the extraction of the p-Ps contribution from the spectra. In both samples p-Ps is not thermalised and has an average energy of the order of a few eV. The energy and momentum distribution of the Ps atoms are extracted and compared with Maxwell distributions. (orig.)

  15. Positronium behaviour in elongated PPT, rectangular MgO and spherical Si nanocavities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eijt, S.W.H.; Falub, C.V.; Mijnarends, P.E.; Veen, A. van [Interfaculty Reactor Inst., Delft Univ. of Technology (Netherlands)


    The 2D-ACAR para-Ps (p-Ps) spectrum of PPT aramid fibres, which contain structural elongated open spaces in the unit cell, is compared with the spectrum calculated for a Ps wave function in a rectangular cavity. Helium ion implantation in MgO and Si single crystals creates thin layers of nanosize rectangular and spherical cavities, respectively. Depth-selective 2D-ACAR experiments at the positron centre Delft allow the extraction of the p-Ps contribution from the spectra. In both samples p-Ps is not thermalised and has an average energy of the order of a few eV. The energy and momentum distribution of the Ps atoms are extracted and compared with Maxwell distributions. (orig.)

  16. Droplet size in a rectangular Venturi scrubber


    Costa, M. A. M.; Henrique, P. R.; Gonçalves, J. A. S.; Coury, J.R.


    The Venturi scrubber is a device which uses liquid in the form of droplets to efficiently remove fine particulate matter from gaseous streams. Droplet size is of fundamental importance for the scrubber performance. In the present experimental study, a laser diffraction technique was used in order to measure droplet size in situ in a Venturi scrubber with a rectangular cross section. Droplet size distribution was measured as a function of gas velocity (58.3 to 74.9 m/s), liquid-to-gas ratio (0...

  17. Conformal boundary state for the rectangular geometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bondesan, R., E-mail: [Institute de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); LPTENS, Ecole Normale Superieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris (France); Institut Henri Poincare, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris (France); Dubail, J. [Department of Physics, Yale University, P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT 06520-8120 (United States); Jacobsen, J.L. [LPTENS, Ecole Normale Superieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris (France); Institut Henri Poincare, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris (France); Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris (France); Saleur, H. [Institute de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Institut Henri Poincare, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris (France); Physics Department, USC, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484 (United States)


    We discuss conformal field theories (CFTs) in rectangular geometries, and develop a formalism that involves a conformal boundary state for the 1+1d open system. We focus on the case of homogeneous boundary conditions (no insertion of a boundary condition changing operator), for which we derive an explicit expression of the associated boundary state, valid for any arbitrary CFT. We check the validity of our solution, comparing it with known results for partition functions, numerical simulations of lattice discretizations, and coherent state expressions for free theories.

  18. On the prestressing and deformation of rectangular particle detector frames

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Margulies, S.


    Particle detectors such as spark chambers and multiwire proportional chambers (MWPC) generally contain planar electrodes stretched across rectangular frames. For detectors of reasonable size, this can result in fairly large forces acting on the frames. To maintain the electrode planes under uniform tension and to prevent sagging, the frames must be prestressed. This paper contains a detailed examination of the deformation of rectangular frames under stress. A simple model for this phenomenon is presented. The model consists of treating each side of the frame as an elastic beam subject to the condition that the sides remain perpendicular at the corners. The predictions of the model are in good agreement with measured deflections of a MWPC frame. The model is used to determine the optimum value of a single concentrated prestressing force F to best approximate the total distributed force W of a uniformly tensed electrode plane. For most geometries it is found that F is about 62% of W. (Auth.)

  19. A Rectangular Planar Spiral Antenna for GIS Partial Discharge Detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoxing Zhang


    Full Text Available A rectangular planar spiral antenna sensor was designed for detecting the partial discharge in gas insulation substations (GIS. It can expediently receive electromagnetic waves leaked from basin-type insulators and can effectively suppress low frequency electromagnetic interference from the surrounding environment. Certain effective techniques such as rectangular spiral structure, bow-tie loading, and back cavity structure optimization during the antenna design process can miniaturize antenna size and optimize voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR characteristics. Model calculation and experimental data measured in the laboratory show that the antenna possesses a good radiating performance and a multiband property when working in the ultrahigh frequency (UHF band. A comparative study between characteristics of the designed antenna and the existing quasi-TEM horn antenna was made. Based on the GIS defect simulation equipment in the laboratory, partial discharge signals were detected by the designed antenna, the available quasi-TEM horn antenna, and the microstrip patch antenna, and the measurement results were compared.

  20. The calculation of dose rates from rectangular sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartley, B.M.


    A common problem in radiation protection is the calculation of dose rates from extended sources and irregular shapes. Dose rates are proportional to the solid angle subtended by the source at the point of measurement. Simple methods of calculating solid angles would assist in estimating dose rates from large area sources and therefore improve predictive dose estimates when planning work near such sources. The estimation of dose rates is of particular interest to producers of radioactive ores but other users of bulk radioactive materials may have similar interest. The use of spherical trigonometry can assist in determination of solid angles and a simple equation is derived here for the determination of the dose at any distance from a rectangular surface. The solid angle subtended by complex shapes can be determined by modelling the area as a patchwork of rectangular areas and summing the solid angles from each rectangle. The dose rates from bags of thorium bearing ores is of particular interest in Western Australia and measured dose rates from bags and containers of monazite are compared with theoretical estimates based on calculations of solid angle. The agreement is fair but more detailed measurements would be needed to confirm the agreement with theory. (author)

  1. Mechanical behavior analysis on electrostatically actuated rectangular microplates (United States)

    Li, Zhikang; Zhao, Libo; Jiang, Zhuangde; Ye, Zhiying; Dai, Lu; Zhao, Yulong


    Microplates are widely used in various MEMS devices based on electrostatic actuation such as MEMS switches, micro pumps and capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs). Accurate predictions for the mechanical behavior of the microplate under electrostatic force are important not only for the design and optimization of these electrostatic devices but also for their operation. This paper presents a novel reduced-order model for electrostatically actuated rectangular and square microplates with a new method to treat the nonlinear electrostatic force. The model was developed using Galerkin method which turned the partial-differential equation governing the microplates into an ordinary equation system. Using this model and cosine-like deflection functions, explicit expressions were established for the deflection and pull-in voltage of the rectangular and square microplates. The theoretical results were well validated with the finite element method simulations and experimental data of literature. The expressions for the deflection analysis are able to predict the deflection up to the pull-in position with an error less than 5.0%. The expressions for the pull-in voltage analysis can determine the pull-in voltages with errors less than 1.0%. Additionally, the method to calculate the capacitance variation of the electrostatically actuated microplates was proposed. These theoretical analyses are helpful for design and optimization of electrostatically actuated microdevices.

  2. Optimización de la tarifa de entrada para el turista extranjero - isla flotante de los Uros (aplicación: valoración contingente)


    Mamani Quispe, Efrain


    En un mercado turístico globalizado, donde la competitividad cada día es más exigente, frente a las expectativas del turismo receptivo y a la necesidad de buscar turismo de naturaleza y cultura de acorde a las tendencias y mega tendencias mundiales del turismo, motivan el presente estudio de investigación, que determina cuantitativamente las Disposición a Pagar por parte del turista extranjero en relación a la tarifa de entrada en un mercado hipotético ó construido de un recurso natural, a fi...

  3. Avaliação do kerma no ar na superfície de entrada e da qualidade da imagem em radiografias de tórax Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma rate and clinical images quality in chest radiography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angelo Bernardo Brasil de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os fatores de técnica utilizados durante exames de tórax póstero-anterior em pacientes-padrão e correlacioná-los aos valores de kerma no ar na superfície de entrada e à qualidade das imagens clínicas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em três hospitais do Rio de Janeiro, num total de cinco salas de raios X, com dez pacientes por sala. As imagens foram avaliadas pelos radiologistas dos serviços segundo o protocolo europeu. O kerma no ar na superfície de entrada foi estimado a partir da curva de rendimento do equipamento de raios X, que foi obtida utilizando câmara de ionização acoplada a um eletrômetro. Análise de variância foi realizada para verificar se a diferença entre os valores de kerma no ar na superfície de entrada é significativa. RESULTADOS: Os valores de kerma no ar na superfície de entrada variaram entre 0,05 e 0,26 mGy, com média 60% inferior ao nível de referência publicado na Portaria 453. Das imagens avaliadas, 98% atenderam acima de 65% dos critérios de qualidade. CONCLUSÃO: Para um padrão de qualidade da imagem, aceitável para o diagnóstico, verificou-se ampla variação do kerma no ar na superfície de entrada para pacientes-padrão. Isto demonstra a falta de padronização dos fatores de técnica e a existência de um potencial de redução do valor do kerma no ar na superfície de entrada.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate technical factors involved in posteroanterior chest radiography in standard patients, and correlating them with entrance surface air kerma rate and with the clinical images quality. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was developed at three hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, involving a total of five x-ray rooms, with ten patients per room. The images were evaluated by the radiologists of the institutions, in accordance with the European protocol. The estimation of surface entrance air kerma rate was based on the x-ray equipment output curve obtained with

  4. On the evaluation of rectangular plane-extended sources and their associated radiation fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oner, Feda


    The objective of this paper is to provide an efficient and reliable analytical procedure for the evaluation of rectangular plane-extended sources and their associated radiation fields. Integrals with integer and non-integer values appear in the evaluation of the radiation field distribution. The latter results from a homogeneous rectangular plane target bombarded by hollow-cylindrical ion beams, the elementary areas anisotropically emitting in non-dispersive media, and fast neutrons produced in non-dispersive media by sealed-off neutron generating tubes (NGT) in an axi-symmetric situation [Hubbell, J.H., Bach, R.L., Lamkin, J.C., 1960. Radiation from a rectangular source. J. Res. NBS 64C (2), 121-137; Hubbell, J.H., 1963a. A power series buildup factor formulation. Application to rectangular and offaxis disk source problems. J. Res. NBS 67C, 291-306, Hubbell, J.H., 1963b. Dose fields from plane sources using point-source data. Nucleonics 21 (8), 144-148; Timus et al., 2005a. Plane rectengular tritium target response to excitation by uniform distributed normal accelerated deuteron beam. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 63, 823-839; Timus et al., 2005b. Analytical characterization of radiation fields generated by certain witch-type distributed axi-symmetrical ion beams. Arab J. Nucl. Sci. Appl. 38(I) 253-264]. In these references, the resulting expressions are represented as infinite linear combinations of basic J q (a, b, z) integrals. With the help of relation for J q (a, b, z), we can evaluate the high terms of energy expressions, which have been proposed in the above-mentioned references. The extensive test calculations show that the proposed algorithm in this work is the most efficient one in practical computations

  5. Unweaving the joints in Entrada Sandstone, Arches National Park, Utah, U.S.A. (United States)

    Cruikshank, Kenneth M.; Aydin, Atilla


    On the southwest limb of Salt Valley Anticline, Arches National Park, Utah three sets of joints are developed in the Entrada Sandstone covering an area of about 6 km 2. Within the 20 m thick Moab Member, a single joint set is is found in three distinct areas, separated by a second set of joints at a 35° angle to the first set. Joint interaction features show that the second set is younger than the first. This illustrates that joints of a single set do not have to fill the entire area across which the stresses that formed the joints were acting. The underlying Slickrock Member contains a third set of joints, which is at an angle of 5°-35° to joints in the Moab Member. The Slickrock set nucleated from the lower edges of joints of all orientations in the overlying Moab Member. Thus, the fracture pattern evolved both horizontally, within the same unit, and vertically between units. The sequence of jointing is determined by establishing the relative ages of each joint set. Each joint orientation is best interpreted as representing a direction of maximum compression, ruling out the possibility that the joints are a conjugate set. The joints, and an earlier set of deformation bands, record a 95° counterclockwise rotation of the direction of maximum compression.

  6. Development of a design methodology for hydraulic pipelines carrying rectangular capsules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asim, Taimoor; Mishra, Rakesh; Abushaala, Sufyan; Jain, Anuj


    The scarcity of fossil fuels is affecting the efficiency of established modes of cargo transport within the transportation industry. Efforts have been made to develop innovative modes of transport that can be adopted for economic and environmental friendly operating systems. Solid material, for instance, can be packed in rectangular containers (commonly known as capsules), which can then be transported in different concentrations very effectively using the fluid energy in pipelines. For economical and efficient design of such systems, both the local flow characteristics and the global performance parameters need to be carefully investigated. Published literature is severely limited in establishing the effects of local flow features on system characteristics of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines (HCPs). The present study focuses on using a well validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool to numerically simulate the solid-liquid mixture flow in both on-shore and off-shore HCPs applications including bends. Discrete Phase Modelling (DPM) has been employed to calculate the velocity of the rectangular capsules. Numerical predictions have been used to develop novel semi-empirical prediction models for pressure drop in HCPs, which have then been embedded into a robust and user-friendly pipeline optimisation methodology based on Least-Cost Principle. - Highlights: • Local flow characteristics in a pipeline transporting rectangular capsules. • Development of prediction models for the pressure drop contribution of capsules. • Methodology developed for sizing of Hydraulic Capsule Pipelines. • Implementation of the developed methodology to obtain optimal pipeline diameter.

  7. Two-phase flow patterns in horizontal rectangular minichannel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ron’shin Fedor


    Full Text Available The two-phase flow in a short horizontal channel of rectangular cross-section of 1 × 19 mm2 has been studied experimentally. Five conventional two-phase flow patterns have been detected (bubble, churn, stratified, annular and jet and transitions between them have been determined. It is shown that a change in the width of the horizontal channels has a substantial effect on the boundaries between the flow regimes.

  8. Plasmonic band-stop filter with asymmetric rectangular ring for WDM networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nezhad, Vahid Foroughi; Abrishamian, Mohammad Sadegh; Abaslou, Siamak


    We proposed a simple asymmetric rectangular band-stop filter based on metal–insulator–metal plasmonic waveguides. It is shown that the performance of the structure as a filter strongly depends on the asymmetry of the rectangular structure. An analytical model based on the analogy between MDM waveguides and the microwave transmission line is used to calculate the resonance wavelengths and explain the behavior of the filter. The bandwidth of spectra can be easily manipulated by adjusting the topological parameters of the filter. It is also demonstrated that by adjusting the bandwidth, the filter can be used for CWDM standard channels. The filter behavior is verified using the numerical finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. The filter is compact and has a footprint of 1 μm × 0.5 μm, which is suitable for integrated optical circuits. (paper)

  9. El derecho al nombre social en las atenciones de salud respecto de pacientes transgéneros menores de edad: El caso Araya Astudillo con Clínica Alemana

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    Pablo Eterovic Barreda


    Full Text Available A cinco años de la entrada en vigor de la Ley 20.584, que regula los derechos y deberes en relación con acciones vinculadas a la atención en salud, las personas transgéneros siguen viendo vulnerados sus derechos en esta materia, en específico el derecho a recibir un trato digno y ser llamados por su nombre, toda vez que no se respeta su nombre social ni éste ha sido incorporado en su ficha clínica. El presente artículo tiene por objeto establecer el marco jurídico vigente respecto de las personas transgénero y el derecho que tienen a que su nombre social sea considerado en materia sanitaria, incluso en el sector privado, aun a falta de norma expresa, con un comentario en específico sobre una sentencia de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago dictada con fecha 6 de octubre de 2016 y ratificada luego por la Corte Suprema el 14 de noviembre del mismo año, que establece esta obligación respecto de un menor de edad, sin que dicho derecho esté condicionado a la rectificación de partida de nacimiento.


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    Miguel Rojas


    Full Text Available El modelo propuesto plantea un sistema de control para los ejecutivos de ventas de las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP. Con ayuda del método Cybersin se calcularon los indicadores: desempeño, logro y latencia que, a su vez, componen las variables, ventas y acompañamiento. Variables valiosas en el funcionamiento de este tipo de organizaciones y usadas en la medición del desempeño de los ejecutivos de ventas. Se construyó un sistema de inferencia difusa con el apoyo del software MATLAB, para simular la productividad de los ejecutivos; este considera las posibles combinaciones de las variables de entrada y compara el resultado con las metas establecidas por la organización.The proposed model presents a control system for sales executives of Pension Fund Administrators. Using the Cybersin method, performance, achievements and latency indicators were calculated. Based on this indicators variables sales and support were defined, which are valuable variables in the functioning of these type of organizations and are used in measuring the performance of sales executives. A fuzzy inference system was desingned with the help of MATLAB software to simulate the productivity of executives, using possible combinations of input variables to finally compare the result with stablished targets of the organization.

  11. CROSSPLOT-3/CON-3D, 3-D and Stereoscopic Computer-Aided Design Graphics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grotch, S.L.


    Description of program or function: CROSSPLOT3 is a general three- dimensional point plotting program which generates scatterplots of a data matrix from any user-specified viewpoint. Images can be rotated for a movie-like effect enhancing stereo perception. A number of features can be invoked by the user including: color, class distinction, flickering, sectioning, projections to grid surfaces, and drawing a plane. Plots may be viewed in real time as they are generated. CON3D generates three-dimensional surfaces plus contours on a lower plane from either data on a rectangular grid or an analytical function z=f(x,y). The user may choose any viewing perspective. Plots may be generated in color with many refinements under user control

  12. Entradas e saídas no sistema previdenciário brasileiro: uma aplicação de tábuas de mortalidade


    Marcia Caldas de Castro


    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal calcular as probabilidades de entrada e saída do Sistema Previdenciário Brasileiro, buscando suprir uma carência de informações vitais à formulação de cenários, que forneçam subsídios à reforma da Previdência Social. Para isso é feita uma aplicação de tábuas de mortalidade simples e de múltiplos decrementos, onde cada função das tábuas permite elucidar aspectos do comportamento do Sistema Previdenciário. São elaboradas comparações por grupos de esp...

  13. Assessment of the RLS 90 calculation method for predicting road traffic noise in Colombian conditions

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    Diego Mauricio Murillo-Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la evaluación del método alemán RLS 90 (Richtlinien für den Lärmschutz an Straben para la predicción del nivel de ruido producido por el tráfico rodado en condiciones colombianas. Para esto, mediciones de ruido ambiental e información de entrada requerida para las simulaciones fueron adquiridas en dos diferentes áreas de la ciudad de Medellín. A partir de la información recolectada en campo, se realizaron simulaciones de ruido utilizando el software comercial SoundPLAN. La influencia de la información de entrada en la precisión de las simulaciones fue evaluada utilizando la incertidumbre total expandida de los mapas de ruido. En adición, RLS 90 fue comparado con una técnica alternativa para la construcción de mapas de ruido basada en el uso de mediciones de ruido e interpolación. Los resultados indican que la implementación del método RLS 90 permite estimar los niveles de ruido automotor con buena precisión en áreas donde el ruido producido por el flujo vehicular es predominante. Comparado con la técnica de interpolación, los hallazgos sugieren que RLS 90 conlleva a una mejor precisión en la elaboración de mapas de ruido. Finalmente, con relación a las variables de entrada utilizadas en RLS90, los resultados apuntan a que los datos asociados con la caracterización de la fuente son las que mayor impacto tienen en la incertidumbre de la simulación.

  14. Local and global nonlinear dynamics of a parametrically excited rectangular symmetric cross-ply laminated composite plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Min; Lu Jing; Zhang Wei; Ding Qian


    The present investigation deals with nonlinear dynamic behavior of a parametrically excited simply supported rectangular symmetric cross-ply laminated composite thin plate for the first time. The governing equation of motion for rectangular symmetric cross-ply laminated composite thin plate is derived by using von Karman equation. The geometric nonlinearity and nonlinear damping are included in the governing equations of motion. The Galerkin approach is used to obtain a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system under parametric excitation. The method of multiple scales is utilized to transform the second-order non-autonomous differential equations to the first-order averaged equations. Using numerical method, the averaged equations are analyzed to obtain the steady state bifurcation responses. The analysis of stability for steady state bifurcation responses in laminated composite thin plate is also given. Under certain conditions laminated composite thin plate may have two or multiple steady state bifurcation solutions. Jumping phenomenon occurs in the steady state bifurcation solutions. The chaotic motions of rectangular symmetric cross-ply laminated composite thin plate are also found by using numerical simulation. The results obtained here demonstrate that the periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic motions coexist for a parametrically excited fore-edge simply supported rectangular symmetric cross-ply laminated composite thin plate under certain conditions

  15. Estudio de la regeneración de nervio periférico a través de cámaras permeables de silicona con poros de 10 y 60 micras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis H. Alzate


    Full Text Available Se entubó el nervio ciático de ratas, luego de un corte transverso, utilizando una cámara de silicona de 14 mm de largo que tenía dos ventanas de 8 mm de largo cubiertas con malla de 10 o 60 pm. Después de 6 meses, los animales se perfundieron con una mezcla de glutaraldehído y paraformaldehído, y se evaluó el aspecto microscópico de los nervios regenerados en dos niveles dentro de la cámara (3 mm y nivel medio y 5 mm distal a ésta. Se contó el número de fibras mielínicas presentes en cada nivel y tratamiento, y se realizó una comparación entre ellos. Se encontró una importante desorganización del endoneurio a nivel medio de la cámara. Distalmente, los conteos de fibras mielínicas fueron muy bajos. No se observaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos con mallas de 10 y 60 pm. En conclusión, la presencia de poros de 10 o 60 pm no impide la entrada masiva de fibroblastos a la cámara, llevando a una marcada desorganización del nervio regenerado.

  16. Exact thermal representation of multilayer rectangular structures by infinite plate structures using the method of images (United States)

    Palisoc, Arthur L.; Lee, Chin C.


    Using the method of images and the analytical temperature solution to the multilayer infinite plate structure, the thermal profile over finite rectangular multilayer integrated circuit devices can be calculated exactly. The advantage of using the image method lies in the enhanced capability of arriving at an analytical solution for structures where analytical solutions do not apparently exist, e.g., circular or arbitrarily oriented rectangular sources over multilayered rectangular structures. The new approach results in large savings in computer CPU time especially for small sources over large substrates. The method also finds very important applications to integrated circuit devices with heat dissipating elements close to the edge boundaries. Results from two examples indicate that the edge boundaries of a device may also be utilized to remove heat from it. This additional heat removing capability should have important applications in high power devices.

  17. 1544-1550. El período más prolífico en la exportación de esclavos durante el siglo XVI : análisis de un interesante documento extraído del Archivo de Simancas

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    José Luis Cortés López


    Full Text Available La colonización de América se hace básicamente con el recurso de los negroafricanos llevados allí como esclavos y empleados poco a poco en todos los sectores productivos. Su introducción no fue en modo alguno premeditada, sino que se recurrió a ellos según las circunstancias lo fueron aconsejando y, desde luego, se empezó con modelos y métodos que ya se habían experimentado en el Viejo Mundo hasta que la disminución preocupante de los indios y la consiguiente despoblación, empujaron a las autoridades españolas a intentar la repoblación y explotación de nuevos territorios con la entrada masiva de negros que, además de servir para estos cometidos, suponían una entrada económica sustancial para las arcas de la Corona en concepto de la venta de licencias e impuestos indirectos sobre las mismas.

  18. Resonant frequency function of thickness-shear vibrations of rectangular crystal plates. (United States)

    Wang, Ji; Yang, Lijun; Pan, Qiaoqiao; Chao, Min-Chiang; Du, Jianke


    The resonant frequencies of thickness-shear vibrations of quartz crystal plates in rectangular and circular shapes are always required in the design and manufacturing of quartz crystal resonators. As the size of quartz crystal resonators shrinks, for rectangular plates we must consider effects of both length and width for the precise calculation of resonant frequency. Starting from the three-dimensional equations of wave propagation in finite crystal plates and the general expression of vibration modes, we obtained the relations between frequency and wavenumbers. By satisfying the major boundary conditions of the dominant thickness-shear mode, three wavenumber solutions are obtained and the frequency equation is constructed. It is shown the resonant frequency of thickness-shear mode is a second-order polynomial of aspect ratios. This conforms to known results in the simplest form and is applicable to further analytical and experimental studies of the frequency equation of quartz crystal resonators.

  19. High-voltage nanosecond Marx generator with quasi-rectangular pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulan, V.V.; Grabovskij, E.V.; Gribov, A.N.; Luzhnov, V.G.


    The automated high-voltage nanosecond generator, forming single pulses of any polarity on the load of 17 Ohm with polarity voltage from 100 up to 300 kV at the semiheight of 80 ns and the front of 7 ns is described. The generator is assembled on the basis of low-inductive capacitors, which by discharge form the pulse, close by form to rectangular one [ru

  20. Traffic of leukocytes in microfluidic channels with rectangular and rounded cross-sections. (United States)

    Yang, Xiaoxi; Forouzan, Omid; Burns, Jennie M; Shevkoplyas, Sergey S


    Traffic of leukocytes in microvascular networks (particularly through arteriolar bifurcations and venular convergences) affects the dynamics of capillary blood flow, initiation of leukocyte adhesion during inflammation, and localization and development of atherosclerotic plaques in vivo. Recently, a growing research effort has been focused on fabricating microvascular networks comprising artificial vessels with more realistic, rounded cross-sections. This paper investigated the impact of the cross-sectional geometry of microchannels on the traffic of leukocytes flowing with human whole blood through a non-symmetrical bifurcation that consisted of a 50 μm mother channel bifurcating into 30 μm and 50 μm daughter branches. Two versions of the same bifurcation comprising microchannels with rectangular and rounded cross-sections were fabricated using conventional multi-layer photolithography to produce rectangular microchannles that were then rounded in situ using a recently developed method of liquid PDMS/air bubble injection. For microchannels with rounded cross-sections, about two-thirds of marginated leukocytes traveling along a path in the top plane of the bifurcation entered the smallest 30 μm daughter branch. This distribution was reversed in microchannels with rectangular cross-sections--the majority of leukocytes traveling along a similar path continued to follow the 50 μm microchannels after the bifurcation. This dramatic difference in the distribution of leukocyte traffic among the branches of the bifurcation can be explained by preferential margination of leukocytes towards the corners of the 50 μm mother microchannels with rectangular cross-sections, and by the additional hindrance to leukocyte entry created by the sharp transition from the 50 μm mother microchannel to the 30 μm daughter branch at the intersection. The results of this study suggest that the trajectories of marginated leukocytes passing through non-symmetrical bifurcations are

  1. La inversión extranjera directa de la Unión Europea hacia América Latina: El método de entrada de las principales multinacionales eléctricas

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    Yudira Zapata


    Full Text Available En un ámbito tan explorado como es el de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED, aún existen aspectos por abordar. A pesar de la importancia del sector servicios en el tema, son escasas las investigaciones que se han centrado en explicar la relación del sector en los flujos de IED hacia América Latina. La diversidad de temas que pueden influir en esta explicación, así como las características del sector servicios, la convierten en una tarea compleja, tanto para la investigación académica como para la gestión empresarial. Siendo conscientes de este hecho, este trabajo representa un intento de reducir dicha complejidad al plantear la relación entre flujos de IED y métodos de entrada a mercados externos. El método de entrada de la IED ha jugado un papel protagónico en la internacionalización de las empresas de servicios, particularmente en el caso de las multinacionales eléctricas europeas, las cuales han sido las responsables del incremento en los flujos de inversión hacia la región.

  2. Biomechanical evaluation of immediate stability with rectangular versus cylindrical interbody cages in stabilization of the lumbar spine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Webb John K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent cadaver studies show stability against axial rotation with a cylindrical cage is marginally superior to a rectangular cage. The purpose of this biomechanical study in cadaver spine was to evaluate the stability of a new rectangular titanium cage design, which has teeth similar to the threads of cylindrical cages to engage the endplates. Methods Ten motion segments (five L2-3, five L4-5 were tested. From each cadaver spine, one motion segment was fixed with a pair of cylindrical cages (BAK, Sulzer Medica and the other with paired rectangular cages (Rotafix, Corin Spinal. Each specimen was tested in an unconstrained state, after cage introduction and after additional posterior translaminar screw fixation. The range of motion (ROM in flexion-extension, lateral bending, and rotation was tested in a materials testing machine, with +/- 5 Nm cyclical load over 10 sec per cycle; data from the third cycle was captured for analysis. Results ROM in all directions was significantly reduced (p Conclusions There was no significant difference in immediate stability in any direction between the threaded cylindrical cage and the new design of the rectangular cage with endplate teeth.

  3. Microwave corrosion detection using open ended rectangular waveguide sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qaddoumi, N.; Handjojo, L.; Bigelow, T.; Easter, J.; Bray, A.; Zoughi, R.


    The use of microwave and millimeter wave nondestructive testing methods utilizing open ended rectangular waveguide sensors has shown great potential for detecting minute thickness variations in laminate structures, in particular those backed by a conducting plate. Slight variations in the dielectric properties of materials may also be detected using a set of optimal parameters which include the standoff distance and the frequency of operation. In a recent investigation, on detecting rust under paint, the dielectric properties of rust were assumed to be similar to those of Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} powder. These values were used in an electromagnetic model that simulates the interaction of fields radiated by a rectangular waveguide aperture with layered structures to obtain optimal parameters. The dielectric properties of Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} were measured to be very similar to the properties of paint. Nevertheless, the presence of a simulated Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer under a paint layer was detected. In this paper the dielectric properties of several different rust samples from different environments are measured. The measurements indicate that the nature of real rust is quite diverse and is different from Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} and paint, indicating that the presence of rust under paint can be easily detected. The same electromagnetic model is also used (with the newly measured dielectric properties of real rust) to obtain an optimal standoff distance at a frequency of 24 GHz. The results indicate that variations in the magnitude as well as the phase of the reflection coefficient can be used to obtain information about the presence of rust. An experimental investigation on detecting the presence of very thin rust layers (2.5--5 x 10{sup {minus}2} mm [09--2.0 x 10{sup {minus}3} in.]) using an open ended rectangular waveguide probe is also conducted. Microwave images of rusted specimens, obtained at 24 GHz, are also presented.

  4. Rectangular source integral and recurrence relations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prabha, Hem


    In this paper Hubbell's rectangular source integral H'(a,b), which is a double integral, is expressed as a series of many converging single integrals I n (a,b). Recurrence relations relate these integrals. Once one integral I 1 is computed, recurrence relations are used to compute other integrals. I 1 (a,b) can be computed analytically. H'(a,b) is approximated by considering the first seven terms in the series and the results are found to give good results for various values of a and b. Results are presented for the values of a and b (0.1 to 20 and to 2), respectively. The rate of convergence depends on the values of a and b

  5. Three-dimensional detonation cellular structures in rectangular ducts using an improved CESE scheme

    KAUST Repository

    Shen, Yang


    The three-dimensional premixed H2-O2 detonation propagation in rectangular ducts is simulated using an in-house parallel detonation code based on the second-order space–time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme. The simulation reproduces three typical cellular structures by setting appropriate cross-sectional size and initial perturbation in square tubes. As the cross-sectional size decreases, critical cellular structures transforming the rectangular or diagonal mode into the spinning mode are obtained and discussed in the perspective of phase variation as well as decreasing of triple point lines. Furthermore, multiple cellular structures are observed through examples with typical aspect ratios. Utilizing the visualization of detailed three-dimensional structures, their formation mechanism is further analyzed.

  6. Study on critical heat flux based on wavelet transform in rectangular narrow channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Tao; Ju Zhongyun; Zhang Lei; Li Jingjing; Sheng Cheng; Xiao Zejun


    Critical heat flux is very important for nuclear reactor safety, and observing temperature rise rate is a feasible method. Through using the wavelet transform to analyze the CHF temperature rise curves in rectangular narrow channels, it can remove relative weaker interference and effectively judge CHF. Rectangular narrow channel can strengthen heat transfer and reduce CHF, whose characteristics are proved by, temperature rise curves analyzed by wavelet transform. Respectively applying Daubechies function and Haar function is for guarantee the accuracy of the wavelet analysis, and Daubechies function is more accurate than Haar function in the detail signal processing from results. While the wavelet analysis and experimental results are compared and found in good agreement with the experimental results. (authors)

  7. Three-dimensional detonation cellular structures in rectangular ducts using an improved CESE scheme

    KAUST Repository

    Shen, Yang; Shen, Hua; Liu, Kai Xin; Chen, Pu; Zhang, De Liang


    The three-dimensional premixed H2-O2 detonation propagation in rectangular ducts is simulated using an in-house parallel detonation code based on the second-order space–time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme. The simulation reproduces three typical cellular structures by setting appropriate cross-sectional size and initial perturbation in square tubes. As the cross-sectional size decreases, critical cellular structures transforming the rectangular or diagonal mode into the spinning mode are obtained and discussed in the perspective of phase variation as well as decreasing of triple point lines. Furthermore, multiple cellular structures are observed through examples with typical aspect ratios. Utilizing the visualization of detailed three-dimensional structures, their formation mechanism is further analyzed.

  8. Mechanical behavior analysis on electrostatically actuated rectangular microplates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Zhikang; Zhao, Libo; Jiang, Zhuangde; Ye, Zhiying; Zhao, Yulong; Dai, Lu


    Microplates are widely used in various MEMS devices based on electrostatic actuation such as MEMS switches, micro pumps and capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs). Accurate predictions for the mechanical behavior of the microplate under electrostatic force are important not only for the design and optimization of these electrostatic devices but also for their operation. This paper presents a novel reduced-order model for electrostatically actuated rectangular and square microplates with a new method to treat the nonlinear electrostatic force. The model was developed using Galerkin method which turned the partial-differential equation governing the microplates into an ordinary equation system. Using this model and cosine-like deflection functions, explicit expressions were established for the deflection and pull-in voltage of the rectangular and square microplates. The theoretical results were well validated with the finite element method simulations and experimental data of literature. The expressions for the deflection analysis are able to predict the deflection up to the pull-in position with an error less than 5.0%. The expressions for the pull-in voltage analysis can determine the pull-in voltages with errors less than 1.0%. Additionally, the method to calculate the capacitance variation of the electrostatically actuated microplates was proposed. These theoretical analyses are helpful for design and optimization of electrostatically actuated microdevices. (paper)

  9. Políticas de inmigración en América Latina: el extranjero indeseable en las normas nacionales, de la Independencia hasta los años de 1930

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tobias Schwarz


    Full Text Available El artículo explora el surgimiento de la figura del extranjero indeseable en las legislaciones nacionales latinoamericanas, desde la Independencia hasta finales de la década de 1930, aproximadamente, de forma paralela a la política de inmigración en los Estados Unidos. Las restricciones sobre la entrada libre de extranjeros que establecieron las repúblicas, durante las primeras décadas de la Independencia, estaban relacionadas con el modelo del ciudadano idealizado. El análisis de los impedimentos para la entrada de extranjeros muestra cómo, durante el siglo XIX, el extranjero “deseado” fue definido cada vez más en contraste con los rasgos negativos de los “indeseables”, bajo el supuesto objetivo de “defender la nación”.

  10. Design and fabrication of circular and rectangular components for electron-cyclotron-resonant heating of tandem mirror experiment-upgrade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felker, B.; Calderon, M.O.; Chargin, A.K.


    The electron-cyclotron-resonant heating (ECRH) systems of rectangular waveguides on Tandem Mirror Experiment-Upgrade (TMX-U) operated with a overall efficiency of 50%, each system using a 28-GHz, 200-kW pulsed gyrotron. We designed and built four circular-waveguide systems with greater efficiency and greater power-handling capabilities to replace the rectangular waveguides. Two of these circular systems, at the 5-kG second-harmonic heating locations, have a total transmission efficiency of >90%. The two systems at the 10-kG fundamental heating locations have a total transmission efficiency of 80%. The difference in efficiency is due to the additional components required to launch the microwaves in the desired orientation and polarization with respect to magnetic-field lines at the 10-kG points. These systems handle the total power available from each gyrotron but do not have the arcing limitation problem of the rectangular waveguide. Each system requires several complex components. The overall physical layout and the design considerations for the rectangular and circular waveguide components are described here

  11. Design and fabrication of circular and rectangular components for electron-cyclotron-resonant heating of tandem mirror experiment-upgrade

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felker, B.; Calderon, M.O.; Chargin, A.K.; Coffield, F.E.; Lang, D.D.; Rubert, R.R.; Pedrotti, L.R.; Stallard, B.W.; Gallagher, N.C. Jr.; Sweeney, D.W.


    The electron-cyclotron-resonant heating (ECRH) systems of rectangular waveguides on Tandem Mirror Experiment-Upgrade (TMX-U) operated with a overall efficiency of 50%, each system using a 28-GHz, 200-kW pulsed gyrotron. We designed and built four circular-waveguide systems with greater efficiency and greater power-handling capabilities to replace the rectangular waveguides. Two of these circular systems, at the 5-kG second-harmonic heating locations, have a total transmission efficiency of >90%. The two systems at the 10-kG fundamental heating locations have a total transmission efficiency of 80%. The difference in efficiency is due to the additional components required to launch the microwaves in the desired orientation and polarization with respect to magnetic-field lines at the 10-kG points. These systems handle the total power available from each gyrotron but do not have the arcing limitation problem of the rectangular waveguide. Each system requires several complex components. The overall physical layout and the design considerations for the rectangular and circular waveguide components are described here.

  12. Behavior of thin rectangular ANCF shell elements in various mesh configurations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyldahl, Per; Mikkola, Aki M.; Balling, Ole


    a thorough review of three available formulations, they are used in three different convergence studies. Initially a reference study is conducted to determine how the ANCF performs in an uniform and rectangular mesh. Subsequently, the ANCF methods sensitivity to irregular mesh is investigated and finally...

  13. Research on the comparison of extension mechanism of cellular automaton based on hexagon grid and rectangular grid (United States)

    Zhai, Xiaofang; Zhu, Xinyan; Xiao, Zhifeng; Weng, Jie


    Historically, cellular automata (CA) is a discrete dynamical mathematical structure defined on spatial grid. Research on cellular automata system (CAS) has focused on rule sets and initial condition and has not discussed its adjacency. Thus, the main focus of our study is the effect of adjacency on CA behavior. This paper is to compare rectangular grids with hexagonal grids on their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. They have great influence on modeling effects and other applications including the role of nearest neighborhood in experimental design. Our researches present that rectangular and hexagonal grids have different characteristics. They are adapted to distinct aspects, and the regular rectangular or square grid is used more often than the hexagonal grid. But their relative merits have not been widely discussed. The rectangular grid is generally preferred because of its symmetry, especially in orthogonal co-ordinate system and the frequent use of raster from Geographic Information System (GIS). However, in terms of complex terrain, uncertain and multidirectional region, we have preferred hexagonal grids and methods to facilitate and simplify the problem. Hexagonal grids can overcome directional warp and have some unique characteristics. For example, hexagonal grids have a simpler and more symmetric nearest neighborhood, which avoids the ambiguities of the rectangular grids. Movement paths or connectivity, the most compact arrangement of pixels, make hexagonal appear great dominance in the process of modeling and analysis. The selection of an appropriate grid should be based on the requirements and objectives of the application. We use rectangular and hexagonal grids respectively for developing city model. At the same time we make use of remote sensing images and acquire 2002 and 2005 land state of Wuhan. On the base of city land state in 2002, we make use of CA to simulate reasonable form of city in 2005. Hereby, these results provide a proof of

  14. Numerical study on rectangular microhollow cathode discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Shoujie; Ouyang Jiting; He Feng; Li Shang


    Rectangular microhollow cathode discharge in argon is investigated by using two-dimensional time-dependent self-consistent fluid model. The electric potential, electric field, particle density, and mean electron energy are calculated. The results show that hollow cathode effect can be onset in the present configuration, with strong electric field and high mean electron energy in the cathode fall while high density and quasineutral plasma in the negative glow. The potential well and electric filed reversal are formed in the negative glow region. It is suggested that the presence of large electron diffusion flux necessitates the field reversal and potential well.

  15. Centro parroquial - Eching - Munich - Alemania federal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haindl, Friedrich F.


    Full Text Available To stand out among the scattered urbanization in which it lies, this Parish Centre was designed as a group of independent buildings, distributed around a court-yard or atrium, and built on a rectangular design, intented, respectively, for the church, parish home and children's nursery. The church, due to its height, is the dominating feature of the whole. It has a main aisle, encircled by a less high passage, a small side chapel and the vestry. The parish home which is made up of a ground floor and semibasement, has, in the latter, a room for table tennis, two for groups and an area for heating the whole building. In the ground floor there is a parish hall with a stage and library. The children's nursery has the ground floor and a small basement, in which there are three stores and a workshop. The ground floor houses: the children's area, with two large rooms and a rest room; the teachers' area, with two rooms, toilets and kitchen; the services area, and finally, to complete the floor, an office and meeting room. The whole building has been made of whitewashed brick walls, contrasting with the large window panes.Para destacar de la urbanización dispersa en la que se haya enclavado, este Centro Parroquial se concibió como un grupo de edificios independientes, distribuidos alrededor de un patio de entrada o atrio, con planta rectangular de diferentes dimensiones, destinados, respectivamente, a iglesia, hogar parroquial y jardín de infancia. La Iglesia es, por su altura, el elemento dominante del conjunto. Consta de una nave central, circundada por un pasillo de menor altura, por una pequeña capilla lateral y por el grupo de la sacristía. El hogar parroquial, que cuenta con planta baja y semisótano, tiene en este último: una sala para ping-pong, dos para grupos, y la zona para la calefacción de todo el conjunto. En la planta baja hay un salón parroquial con escenario y una biblioteca. El jardín de Infancia dispone de planta baja y un

  16. Effect on two-phase flow frictional pressure drop characteristic in narrow rectangular channel at fluctuant condition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Changwei; Cao Xiaxin; Sun Licheng; Jin Guangyuan


    Based on the data of two-phase flow in narrow rectangular channel, the influence of the two-phase flow friction characteristic under the different fluctuant states was analyzed. Through analyzing the experimental data, it is shown that the fluctuant amplitude of the friction pressure drop is affected slightly by the fluctuant period in narrow rectangular channel, but the frequency of the friction pressure drop fluctuation is changed. However, the change of fluctuant period is of little effect on the average frictional pressure drop. Comparing the φ l 2 (φ g 2 )-X variation curves at static condition with the ones at fluctuant condition, using the L-M method, it's found that the two phase frictional pressure drop in the narrow rectangular channel under the fluctuant state can be calculated by the φ l 2 (φ g 2 )-X variation curve at static condition. (authors)

  17. Study of gas-water flow in horizontal rectangular channels (United States)

    Chinnov, E. A.; Ron'shin, F. V.; Kabov, O. A.


    The two-phase flow in the narrow short horizontal rectangular channels 1 millimeter in height was studied experimentally. The features of formation of the two-phase flow were studied in detail. It is shown that with an increase in the channel width, the region of the churn and bubble regimes increases, compressing the area of the jet flow. The areas of the annular and stratified flow patterns vary insignificantly.

  18. Regimes of Vorticity in the Wake of a Rectangular Vortex Generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Velte, Clara Marika; Okulov, Valery; Hansen, Martin Otto Laver


    This paper concerns the study of the secondary structures generated in the wake of a wall mounted rectangular vane, commonly referred to as a vortex generator. The study has been conducted by Stereoscopic PIV measurements in a wind tunnel and supplementary flow visualizations in a water channel...

  19. Numerical investigation of boiling heat transfer on hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant in vertical rectangular minichannel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huixing Li


    Full Text Available In order to investigate the characteristics of boiling heat transfer for hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant in plate-fin heat exchanger which is used in the petrochemical industry field, a model was established on boiling heat transfer in vertical rectangular channel. The simulated results were compared with the experimental data from literature. The results show that the deviation between the simulated results and experimental data is within ±15%. Meanwhile, the characteristic of boiling heat transfer was investigated in vertical rectangular minichannel of plate-fin heat exchanger. The results show that the boiling heat transfer coefficient increases with the increase in quality and mass flux and is slightly impacted by the heat flux. This is because that the main boiling mechanism is forced convective boiling while the contribution of nucleate boiling is slight. The correlation of Liu and Winterton is in good agreement with the simulation results. The deviation between correlation calculations and simulation results is mostly less than ±15%. These results will provide some constructive instructions for the understanding of saturated boiling mechanism in a vertical rectangular minichannel and the prediction of heat transfer performance in plate-fin heat exchanger.



    Chaikhieva, T.


    El diccionario pedagógico es una herramienta crucial para cualquier profesional del campo de la educación. Este diccionario recoge cerca de 1200 entradas rigurosamente seleccionadas y que podrían representar el grueso del léxico español de uso generalizado en ciencias de la educación en general y en pedagogía en particular. Se completa cada entrada con una frase usual que contiene a la palabra lema considerado. De aquí, su relevancia en la tarea investigadora para el consenso de significados,...

  1. Colecistectomía transvaginal (NOTES combinada con minilaparoscopia Transvaginal cholecystectomy (NOTES combined with minilaparoscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Dolz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comunicar la primera colecistectomía transvaginal realizada en humanos en nuestro país. Pacientes y métodos: mujer de 35 años de edad con historia de cólicos hepáticos de repetición de etiología litiásica. La intervención la realizó un equipo multidisciplinar constituido por cirujanos, gastroenterólogos y ginecólogos. Consistió en crear un neumoperitoneo mediante una aguja de Veres colocada en el fondo umbilical con posterior colocación de un trócar de 5 mm. Se colocó un segundo trócar de 3 mm en el hipocondrio derecho. Se realizó una colpotomía y colocación de un trócar vaginal de 12 mm que permitió el paso de un videogastroscopio que alcanzó el hilio hepático. Resultados: se realizó la colecistectomía mediante la acción conjunta de instrumentos de trabajo que pasaron por las puertas de entrada de la minilaparoscopia y por el videogastroscopio. La extracción de la vesícula se realizó por vía transvaginal mediante el videogastroscopio. No aparecieron complicaciones postoperatorias siendo la paciente dada de alta al cabo de 24 horas. Conclusiones: la colecistectomía transvaginal mediante la acción conjunta de un equipo multidiscliplinar es posible y segura. La cirugía endoscópica transluminal a través de orificios naturales (NOTES, es una modalidad emergente que intenta ser menos invasiva, mejor tolerada y más respetuosa con el daño estético que la cirugía laparoscópica y probablemente será la puerta de entrada de innovaciones médicas y tecnológicas de gran trascendencia durante los próximos años.Objective: to report on the first transvaginal cholecystectomy performed on a human being in Spain. Patients and methods: a 35-year-old female with a history of recurrent bouts of biliary pain resulting from gallstones. A surgical procedure was performed by a multidisciplinary team composed of surgeons, gastroenterologists, and gynecologists. It involved creating a pneumoperitoneum by placing a

  2. Size effect of the elastic modulus of rectangular nanobeams: Surface elasticity effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao Hai-Yan; Fan Wen-Liang; Yun Guo-Hong


    The size-dependent elastic property of rectangular nanobeams (nanowires or nanoplates) induced by the surface elasticity effect is investigated by using a developed modified core-shell model. The effect of surface elasticity on the elastic modulus of nanobeams can be characterized by two surface related parameters, i.e., inhomogeneous degree constant and surface layer thickness. The analytical results show that the elastic modulus of the rectangular nanobeam exhibits a distinct size effect when its characteristic size reduces below 100 nm. It is also found that the theoretical results calculated by a modified core-shell model have more obvious advantages than those by other models (core-shell model and core-surface model) by comparing them with relevant experimental measurements and computational results, especially when the dimensions of nanostructures reduce to a few tens of nanometers. (condensed matter: structural, mechanical, and thermal properties)

  3. Sound absorption effects in a rectangular enclosure with the foamed aluminum sheet absorber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Jae Eung; Chung, Jin Tai; Kim, Sang Hun; Chung, Kyung Ryul


    For the purpose of finding out the optimal thickness of sound absorber and the sound absorption effects due to the selected thickness at an interested frequency range, the analytical study identifies the interior and exterior sound field characteristics of a rectangular enclosure with foamed aluminum lining and the experimental verification is performed with random noise input. By using a two-microphone impedance tube, we measure experimentally the absorption coefficient and the impedance of simple sound absorbing materials. Measured acoustical parameters of the test samples are applied to the theoretical analysis to predict sound pressure field in the cavity. The sound absorption effects from measurements are compared to predicted ones in both cases with and without foamed aluminum lining in the cavity of the rectangular enclosure

  4. Study on critical heat flux based on wavelet transform in rectangular narrow channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Tao; Ju Zhongyun; Zhang Lei; Li Jingjing; Sheng Cheng; Xiao Zejun


    Critical heat flux is very important for the safety of nuclear reactor, and observing temperature rise rate is a feasible method. The wavelet transform is used to analyze the CHF temperature rise curves in rectangular narrow channels, which can remove relative weaker interference and effectively judge CHF. Rectangular narrow channel can strengthen heat transfer and reduce CHF, whose characteristics are proved by temperature rise curves analyzed by wavelet transform. Respectively applying Daubechies function and Haar function is to guarantee the accuracy of the wavelet analysis, and Daubechies function is more accurate than Haar function in the detail signal processing from results. While the wavelet analysis and experimental results are compared and found in good agreement with the experimental results. (authors)

  5. Three-dimensional detonation cellular structures in rectangular ducts using an improved CESE scheme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Yang; Liu Kai-Xin; Chen Pu; Shen Hua; Zhang De-Liang


    The three-dimensional premixed H 2 -O 2 detonation propagation in rectangular ducts is simulated using an in-house parallel detonation code based on the second-order space–time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme. The simulation reproduces three typical cellular structures by setting appropriate cross-sectional size and initial perturbation in square tubes. As the cross-sectional size decreases, critical cellular structures transforming the rectangular or diagonal mode into the spinning mode are obtained and discussed in the perspective of phase variation as well as decreasing of triple point lines. Furthermore, multiple cellular structures are observed through examples with typical aspect ratios. Utilizing the visualization of detailed three-dimensional structures, their formation mechanism is further analyzed. (paper)

  6. Rectangular illumination using a secondary optics with cylindrical lens for LED street light. (United States)

    Chen, Hsi-Chao; Lin, Jun-Yu; Chiu, Hsuan-Yi


    The illumination pattern of an LED street light is required to have a rectangular distribution at a divergence-angle ratio of 7:3 for economical illumination. Hence, research supplying a secondary optics with two cylindrical lenses was different from free-form curvature for rectangular illumination. The analytical solution for curvatures with different ratio rectangles solved this detail by light tracing and boundary conditions. Similarities between the experiments and the simulation for a single LED and a 9-LED module were analyzed by Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC), and the error rate was studied by the Root Mean Square (RMS). The tolerance of position must be kept under ± 0.2 mm in the x, y and z directions to ensure that the relative illumination is over 99%.

  7. Global field synchronization in gamma range of the sleep EEG tracks sleep depth: Artifact introduced by a rectangular analysis window. (United States)

    Rusterholz, Thomas; Achermann, Peter; Dürr, Roland; Koenig, Thomas; Tarokh, Leila


    Investigating functional connectivity between brain networks has become an area of interest in neuroscience. Several methods for investigating connectivity have recently been developed, however, these techniques need to be applied with care. We demonstrate that global field synchronization (GFS), a global measure of phase alignment in the EEG as a function of frequency, must be applied considering signal processing principles in order to yield valid results. Multichannel EEG (27 derivations) was analyzed for GFS based on the complex spectrum derived by the fast Fourier transform (FFT). We examined the effect of window functions on GFS, in particular of non-rectangular windows. Applying a rectangular window when calculating the FFT revealed high GFS values for high frequencies (>15Hz) that were highly correlated (r=0.9) with spectral power in the lower frequency range (0.75-4.5Hz) and tracked the depth of sleep. This turned out to be spurious synchronization. With a non-rectangular window (Tukey or Hanning window) these high frequency synchronization vanished. Both, GFS and power density spectra significantly differed for rectangular and non-rectangular windows. Previous papers using GFS typically did not specify the applied window and may have used a rectangular window function. However, the demonstrated impact of the window function raises the question of the validity of some previous findings at higher frequencies. We demonstrated that it is crucial to apply an appropriate window function for determining synchronization measures based on a spectral approach to avoid spurious synchronization in the beta/gamma range. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Investigation of process induced warpage for pultrusion of a rectangular hollow profile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baran, Ismet; Hattel, Jesper Henri; Akkerman, Remko


    A novel thermo-chemical–mechanical analysis of the pultrusion process is presented. A process simulation is performed for an industrially pultruded rectangular hollow profile containing both unidirectional (UD) roving and continuous filament mat (CFM) layers. The reinforcements are impregnated...

  9. Polydisperse particle-driven gravity currents in non-rectangular cross section channels (United States)

    Zemach, T.


    We consider a high-Reynolds-number gravity current generated by polydisperse suspension of n types of particles distributed in a fluid of density ρi. Each class of particles in suspension has a different settling velocity. The current propagates along a channel of non-rectangular cross section into an ambient fluid of constant density ρa. The bottom and top of the channel are at z = 0, H, and the cross section is given by the quite general form -f1(z) ≤ y ≤ f2(z) for 0 ≤ z ≤ H. The flow is modeled by the one-layer shallow-water equations obtained for the time-dependent motion. We solve the problem by a finite-difference numerical code to present typical height h, velocity u, and mass fractions of particle (concentrations) (ϕ( j), j = 1, …, n) profiles. The runout length of suspensions in channels of power-law cross sections is analytically predicted using a simplified depth-averaged "box" model. We demonstrate that any degree of polydispersivity adds to the runout length of the currents, relative to that of equivalent monodisperse currents with an average settling velocity. The theoretical predictions are supported by the available experimental data. The present approach is a significant generalization of the particle-driven gravity current problem: on the one hand, now the monodisperse current in non-rectangular channels is a particular case of n = 1. On the other hand, the classical formulation of polydisperse currents for a rectangular channel is now just a particular case, f(z) = const., in the wide domain of cross sections covered by this new model.

  10. Consórcio de exportação como alternativa de pequenas e médias empresas: um estudo de caso na cadeia têxtil The export consortium as a best initial alternative for small and medium sized industries: a case study in clothing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Barbieri Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo central deste estudo é evidenciar a grande importância e utilidade da formação de consórcios de exportação - que é a união de indústrias do mesmo segmento ou complementares para a exportação de seus produtos em conjunto - para empresas brasileiras de pequeno e médio porte, em detrimento da adoção da exportação indireta ou direta como modo de entrada no mercado internacional. Realizou-se, para isso, a revisão bibliográfica sobre Estratégias ou Modos de Entrada em Mercados Internacionais e Consórcios de Exportação (MALHOTRA, 2001. Utilizou-se o método de estudo de caso (YIN, 2001 para analisar a Associação Brasileira do Vestuário (ABRAVEST, entidade que vem se destacando na formação e consolidação de consórcios de exportação na indústria do setor vestuário, com ênfase nos seguintes tópicos: desenvolvimento do programa, compromissos setoriais e metas de exportação, aplicação dos recursos e consórcios em atividade. Como resultado, foi possível verificar que, entre as três opções analisadas no artigo (exportação direta, exportação indireta e consórcios de exportação, a terceira opção foi aceita como a melhor ou mais viável para a internacionalização de empresas de pequeno porte.The importance and value of an export consortium was investigated as a means for small and medium sized Brazilian industries to orchestrate export efforts instead of adopting indirect or direct export to enter foreign markets. An export consortium is an association of industries in the same or complementary segments for the purpose of export. Bibliography was reviewed for initial export strategies including a case study of the Brazilian Clothing Association. The consortia of this exemplary Association have emphasized program development, sector agreements, export objectives and resource application integrated with local activities. An export consortium was found to be the best and most viable alternative for

  11. Modeling on bubbly to churn flow pattern transition for vertical upward flows in narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yanlin; Chen Bingde; Huang Yanping; Wang Junfeng


    A theoretical model was developed to predict the bubbly to churn flow pattern transition for vertical upward flows in narrow rectangular channel. The model was developed based on the imbalance theory of Helmholtz and some reasonable assumptions. The maximum ideal bubble in narrow rectangular channel and the thermal hydraulics boundary condition leading to bubbly flow to churn flow pattern transition was calculated. The model was validated by experimental data from previous researches. Comparison between predicted result and experimental result shows a reasonable good agreement. (author)

  12. The time of discrete spectrum identical particles tunneling at their simultaneous passing over rectangular quantum barrier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martsenyuk, L.S.


    Research of influence of exchange interaction of identical particles for the time of their simultaneous tunneling through a rectangular quantum barrier is lead. The account of identity leads to necessity of symmetrisation of wave function owing to what in the formula describing interaction of two particles, arises an additional element. In result the parameters of tunneling, including time of tunneling change. Time of tunneling is calculated from the formula received in work from the size of exchange interaction of two particles simultaneously crossing a rectangular quantum barrier.

  13. A study on liquid lithium flow in rectangular duck perpendicular to a intense magnetic field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Xiuzhong; Chen Ke; Liu Yang; Zhang Qinshun


    A research on high-speed liquid-metal lithium flow through a non-expanding rectangular duck under uniform intense magnetic field is presented. A equations set with Poisson equation and Helmholtz equation, which control the electrical field and flow field respectively, has been deduced by analysis and PHsolver, a program to solve the equations set, has also been finished. The current density distribution and flow field in the non-expanding rectangular channel with intense magnetic field have been obtained from PHsolver by applying the wall-function in the boundary wall. The velocity profile in the duck appears M-shaped

  14. Analytical study of a reversed-field pinch with rectangular cross section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Peng


    An analyic solution of the force-free equation for a toroidal configuration of rectangular cross section is presented. It is shown that the critical value of contraction ratio for the appearance of a reversed field as well as of the ohmic current increases as the elongation of the cross section increases

  15. The Effects of a Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon on Vehicle Speed (United States)

    VanWagner, Michelle; Van Houten, Ron; Betts, Brian


    In 2008, nearly 31% of vehicle fatalities were related to failure to adhere to safe vehicle speeds (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA], 2009). The current study evaluated the effect of a rectangular rapid-flashing beacon (RRFB) triggered by excessive speed on vehicle speed using a combined alternating treatments and reversal…

  16. Effect of aspect ratio on the laminar-to-turbulent transition in rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chang; Gao Puzhen; Tan Sichao; Xu Chao


    Highlights: ► Effect of aspect ratio on the transition Reynolds number in rectangular channel is studied. ► Prediction correlation for transition Reynolds number is proposed. ► The initiation location of flow transition is studied. - Abstract: The critical Reynolds number of the laminar-to-turbulent transition in the rectangular channel is investigated based on the energy gradient method. The results show that the critical Reynolds number decreases with the increasing aspect ratio. However, the relative location of laminar breakdown does not migrate significantly with the variation of the aspect ratio. In addition, a theoretical correlation as a function of the aspect ratio is proposed to calculate the transition Reynolds number, and the predicted values are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained in the published literatures.

  17. Forward and backward THz-wave difference frequency generations from a rectangular nonlinear waveguide. (United States)

    Huang, Yen-Chieh; Wang, Tsong-Dong; Lin, Yen-Hou; Lee, Ching-Han; Chuang, Ming-Yun; Lin, Yen-Yin; Lin, Fan-Yi


    We report forward and backward THz-wave difference frequency generations at 197 and 469 μm from a PPLN rectangular crystal rod with an aperture of 0.5 (height in z) × 0.6 (width in y) mm(2) and a length of 25 mm in x. The crystal rod appears as a waveguide for the THz waves but as a bulk material for the optical mixing waves near 1.54 μm. We measured enhancement factors of 1.6 and 1.8 for the forward and backward THz-wave output powers, respectively, from the rectangular waveguide in comparison with those from a PPLN slab waveguide of the same length, thickness, and domain period under the same pump and signal intensity of 100 MW/cm(2). © 2011 Optical Society of America

  18. Medición de la eficiencia técnica relativa de las fincas asociadas a Coounión en Guasca Cundinamarca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson Oviedo G.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Medir la eficiencia técnica relativa en las fincas asociadas a la cooperativa COOUNIÓN mediante Data Envelopment Analysis DEA (Análisis Envolvente de Datos. Materiales y métodos. Se tomaron como muestra las doce fincas asociadas a la Cooperativa Coounión en el municipio de Guasca (Cundinamarca. La información se obtuvo durante el período comprendido entre el 1º de junio del 2008 y el 31 de mayo del 2009. Los datos se estructuraron en seis variables, de las cuales se plantean dos modelos, ambos con cuatro variables y que están orientados a las entradas con rendimientos constantes a escala (CRS. El primer modelo consta de tres entradas: nutrición, mantenimiento, ordeño, y una salida: leche; mientras que el segundo modelo cuenta con dos entradas: nutrición, mantenimiento y dos salidas: carne, crías. Resultados. De las doce fincas solo una presentó, la mejor eficiencia tanto en el modelo 1 como en el modelo 2. Por esta razón, se determinaron las mejores prácticas de esta finca con el fin de replicarlas en las demás. Conclusiones. Aplicar la metodología DEA en las fincas ganaderas es viable porque permite enfocarse principalmente en aquellas variables que son controlables por el ganadero como los insumos. Por consiguiente, la evaluación de la eficiencia técnica relativa se desarrolló orientada a estos; así se demostró que las fincas pueden mantener sus niveles de producción actuales haciendo reducciones significativas en sus costos.

  19. Bandwidth Study of the Microwave Reflectors with Rectangular Corrugations (United States)

    Zhang, Liang; He, Wenlong; Donaldson, Craig R.; Cross, Adrian W.


    The mode-selective microwave reflector with periodic rectangular corrugations in the inner surface of a circular metallic waveguide is studied in this paper. The relations between the bandwidth and reflection coefficient for different numbers of corrugation sections were studied through a global optimization method. Two types of reflectors were investigated. One does not consider the phase response and the other does. Both types of broadband reflectors operating at W-band were machined and measured to verify the numerical simulations.

  20. Air-water upward flow in prismatic channel of rectangular base

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho Tofani, P. de.


    Experiments had carried out to investigate the two-phase upward air-water flow structure, in a rectangular test section, by using independent measuring techniques, which comprise direct viewing and photography, electrical probes and gamma-ray attenuation. Flow pattern maps and correlations for flow pattern transitions, void fraction profiles, liquid film thickness and superficial average void fraction are proposed and compared to available data. (Author) [pt

  1. From the rectangular to the quincunx Gabor lattice via fractional Fourier transformation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bastiaans, M.J.; Leest, van A.J.


    Transformations of Gabor lattices have been associated with operations on the window functions that arise in Gabor theory. In particular it has been shown that transformation from a rectangular to a quincunx lattice can be associated with fractional Fourier transformation. Since a Gaussian function,

  2. One-dimensional acoustic standing waves in rectangular channels for flow cytometry. (United States)

    Austin Suthanthiraraj, Pearlson P; Piyasena, Menake E; Woods, Travis A; Naivar, Mark A; Lόpez, Gabriel P; Graves, Steven W


    Flow cytometry has become a powerful analytical tool for applications ranging from blood diagnostics to high throughput screening of molecular assemblies on microsphere arrays. However, instrument size, expense, throughput, and consumable use limit its use in resource poor areas of the world, as a component in environmental monitoring, and for detection of very rare cell populations. For these reasons, new technologies to improve the size and cost-to-performance ratio of flow cytometry are required. One such technology is the use of acoustic standing waves that efficiently concentrate cells and particles to the center of flow channels for analysis. The simplest form of this method uses one-dimensional acoustic standing waves to focus particles in rectangular channels. We have developed one-dimensional acoustic focusing flow channels that can be fabricated in simple capillary devices or easily microfabricated using photolithography and deep reactive ion etching. Image and video analysis demonstrates that these channels precisely focus single flowing streams of particles and cells for traditional flow cytometry analysis. Additionally, use of standing waves with increasing harmonics and in parallel microfabricated channels is shown to effectively create many parallel focused streams. Furthermore, we present the fabrication of an inexpensive optical platform for flow cytometry in rectangular channels and use of the system to provide precise analysis. The simplicity and low-cost of the acoustic focusing devices developed here promise to be effective for flow cytometers that have reduced size, cost, and consumable use. Finally, the straightforward path to parallel flow streams using one-dimensional multinode acoustic focusing, indicates that simple acoustic focusing in rectangular channels may also have a prominent role in high-throughput flow cytometry. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Hydrodynamic Entrance Region of Rectangular Microchannels in the Slip Regime

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    Niya Ma


    Full Text Available Developing a three-dimensional laminar flow in the entrance region of rectangular microchannels has been investigated in this paper. When the hydrodynamic development length is the same magnitude as the microchannel length, entrance effects have to be taken into account, especially in relatively short ducts. Simultaneously, there are a variety of non-continuum or rarefaction effects, such as velocity slip and temperature jump. The available data in the literature appearing on this issue is quite limited, the available study is the semi-theoretical approximate model to predict pressure drop of developing slip flow in rectangular microchannels with different aspect ratios. In this paper, we apply the lattice Boltzmann equation method (LBE to investigate the developing slip flow through a rectangular microchannel. The effects of the Reynolds number (1 < Re < 1000, channel aspect ratio (0 < ε < 1, and Knudsen number (0.001 < Kn < 0.1 on the dimensionless hydrodynamic entrance length, and the apparent friction factor, and Reynolds number product, are examined in detail. The numerical solution of LBM can recover excellent agreement with the available data in the literature, which proves its accuracy in capturing fundamental fluid characteristics in the slip-flow regime.

  4. La experiencia vivida de la mujer con enfermedad cardiovascular revascularizada: un estudio de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inna Elida Florez Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprender los significados de la experiencia vivida de una mujer revascularizada por enfermedad coronaria. Metodología: Estudio de caso fenomenológico con perspectiva de género, realizado en Cartagena, Colombia, entre febrero y junio de 2015. El análisis temático estuvo guiado por el método de Van Manen.  Resultados: La experiencia del cuerpo vivido significó percibir el anuncio de la enfermedad, prever los estragos sobre la corporeidad y feminidad, y anticiparse al sufrimiento. Las relaciones vividas significaron mantener un diálogo con un ser superior, una conexión de ayuda y dependencia con los cuidadores, Sentirse “al revés”: de cuidadora a cuidada. La experiencia del espacio vivido significó la entrada al quirófano: Atravesar la raya roja; la estancia en la unidad de cuidado intensivo, recibir un cuidado en soledad; salir de ella, la alegría de ganar una lucha. El tiempo vivido significó un punto de quiebre entre el antes y el ahora, un tránsito temporal de la experiencia, y recuperarse para mantener el rol. Las cosas vividas significaron una preocupación anticipada y una  pérdida del dominio del rol. Conclusión: Los significados otorgados a la experiencia permiten comprender su particularidad existencial. Durante la espera para la cirugía, la mujer se anticipa a los efectos sobre el rol social, sus dinámicas e interacciones; al enfrentarse al procedimiento, vive una situación límite. Intervenciones sensibles al género son requeridas para reconocer las necesidades de la mujer en los diferentes contextos de cuidado.

  5. Dual cameras acquisition and display system of retina-like sensor camera and rectangular sensor camera (United States)

    Cao, Nan; Cao, Fengmei; Lin, Yabin; Bai, Tingzhu; Song, Shengyu


    For a new kind of retina-like senor camera and a traditional rectangular sensor camera, dual cameras acquisition and display system need to be built. We introduce the principle and the development of retina-like senor. Image coordinates transformation and interpolation based on sub-pixel interpolation need to be realized for our retina-like sensor's special pixels distribution. The hardware platform is composed of retina-like senor camera, rectangular sensor camera, image grabber and PC. Combined the MIL and OpenCV library, the software program is composed in VC++ on VS 2010. Experience results show that the system can realizes two cameras' acquisition and display.

  6. Transient thermal stresses in an orthotropic finite rectangular plate due to arbitrary surface heat-generations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugano, Y.


    The transient thermal stresses in an orthotropic finite rectangular plate due to arbitrary surface heat-generations on two edges are studied by means of the Airy stress function. The purposes of this paper are to present a method of determing the transient thermal stresses in an orthographic rectangular plate with four edges of distinct thermal boundary condition of the third kind which exactly satisfy the traction-free conditions of shear stress over all boundaries including four corners of the plate, and to consider the effects of the anisotropies of material properties and the convective heat transfer on the upper and lower surfaces on the thermal stress distribution. (orig.)


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    K. Rahmani


    Full Text Available In this paper we present a pipeline for high quality semantic segmentation of building facades using Structured Random Forest (SRF, Region Proposal Network (RPN based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN as well as rectangular fitting optimization. Our main contribution is that we employ features created by the RPN as channels in the SRF.We empirically show that this is very effective especially for doors and windows. Our pipeline is evaluated on two datasets where we outperform current state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, we quantify the contribution of the RPN and the rectangular fitting optimization on the accuracy of the result.

  8. Measurement on the cavitating vortex shedding behind rectangular obstacles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hegedus, F; Hos, C; Pandula, Z; Kullmann, L


    Measurement results on the cavitating vortex shedding behind sharp-edged rectangular bodies are presented, intended to provide benchmark cases for the validation of unsteady cavitation models of CFD codes. Rectangular bodies of increasing aspect ratio (1, 2, 3 and 4) were used with a constant 25mm height (12.5% blockage ratio). The water velocity in the 0.2x0.05m test section of the channel was varied between 1 and 12 m/s resulting in a Reynolds number in the range of (0.4-3.5)x105. Pressure signals were measured at several locations, notably in the wake. Dominant frequencies and Strouhal numbers are reported from cavitation-free flow (classic von Karman vortex shedding) up to supercavitation as a function of the free-stream Reynolds number. The results are in good agreement with the literature in case of the square cylinder. We experienced a slight increase of the dominant Strouhal number with increasing aspect ratio. This result is somewhat inconsistent with the literature, in which a fall of the Strouhal number can be observed at side ratio 2. This may be the consequence of the different ranges of Reynolds numbers. It was also found that between the inception of cavitation and the formation of supercavitation the Strouhal number is not affected by cavitation.

  9. Measurement on the cavitating vortex shedding behind rectangular obstacles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hegedus, F; Hos, C; Pandula, Z; Kullmann, L, E-mail: hegedusf@hds.bme.h [Department of Hydrodynamic Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Muegyetem rkp. 1, Budapest 1111 (Hungary)


    Measurement results on the cavitating vortex shedding behind sharp-edged rectangular bodies are presented, intended to provide benchmark cases for the validation of unsteady cavitation models of CFD codes. Rectangular bodies of increasing aspect ratio (1, 2, 3 and 4) were used with a constant 25mm height (12.5% blockage ratio). The water velocity in the 0.2x0.05m test section of the channel was varied between 1 and 12 m/s resulting in a Reynolds number in the range of (0.4-3.5)x105. Pressure signals were measured at several locations, notably in the wake. Dominant frequencies and Strouhal numbers are reported from cavitation-free flow (classic von Karman vortex shedding) up to supercavitation as a function of the free-stream Reynolds number. The results are in good agreement with the literature in case of the square cylinder. We experienced a slight increase of the dominant Strouhal number with increasing aspect ratio. This result is somewhat inconsistent with the literature, in which a fall of the Strouhal number can be observed at side ratio 2. This may be the consequence of the different ranges of Reynolds numbers. It was also found that between the inception of cavitation and the formation of supercavitation the Strouhal number is not affected by cavitation.

  10. Seminario C++, parte 3


    Cachero Castro, Cristina; Ponce de León Amador, Pedro José


    Este seminario trata sobre principios de orientación a objetos con C++. Para comprender mejor sus contenidos, se debe tener un conocimiento básico sobre programación estructurada con C++ o C. Funciones amigas. Entrada / Salida. Sobrecarga de funciones y operadores. Gestión de memoria dinámica. Atributos y métodos de clase. Implementación de relaciones entre objetos.

  11. Effect of flow rate distribution at the inlet on hydrodynamic mixing in narrow rectangular multi-channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Jianjun; Chen Bingde; Wang Xiaojun


    Flow and heat transfer in the narrow rectangular multi-channel is widely en- countered in the engineering application, hydrodynamic mixing in the narrow rectangular multi-channel is one of the important concerns. With the help of the Computational Fluid Dynamics code CFX, the effect of flow rate distribution of the main channel at the inlet on hydrodynamic mixing in the narrow rectangular multi-channel is numerical simulated. The results show that the flow rate distributions at the inlet have a great effect on hydrodynamics mixing in multi-channel, the flow rate in the main channel doesn't change with increasing the axial mixing section when the average flow rate at the inlet is set. Hydrodynamic mixing will arise in the mixing section when the different ratio of the flow rate distribution at the inlet is set, and hydrodynamic mixing increases with the difference of the flow rate distribution at the inlet increase. The trend of the flow rate distribution of the main channel is consistent during the whole axial mixing section, and hydrodynamic mixing in former 4 mixing section is obvious. (authors)

  12. Treatment of mandibular angle fracture with a 2mm, 3 dimensional rectangular grid compression miniplates: A prospective clinical study. (United States)

    Mansuri, Samir; Abdulkhayum, Abdul Mujeeb; Gazal, Giath; Hussain, Mohammed Abid Zahir


    Surgical treatment of fracture mandible using an internal fixation has changed in the last decades to achieve the required rigidity, stability and immediate restoration of function. The aim of the study was to do a Prospective study of 10 patients to determine the efficacy of rectangular grid compression miniplates in mandibular fractures. This study was carried out using 2.0 rectangular grid compression miniplates and 8 mm multidirectional screws as a rigid internal fixation in 10 patients without post operative intermaxillary fixation (IMF). Follow up was done for period of 6 months. All fractures were healed with an absolute stability in post operative period. None of the patient complained of post operative difficulty in occlusion. Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that rectangular grid compression miniplates was rigid, reliable and thus can be recommended for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures. How to cite this article: Mansuri S, Abdulkhayum AM, Gazal G, Hussain MA. Treatment of mandibular angle fracture with a 2mm, 3 dimensional rectangular grid compression miniplates: A prospective clinical study. J Int Oral Health 2013;5(6):93-100 .

  13. Mejora del proceso de inscripciones en una Institución de Educación Superior mediante Simulación/Registration process optimization in a Higher Education Institution using Simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Taddei-Bringas


    Full Text Available El presente documento muestra la utilización de la Simulación de Sistemas, enfocada al sector delos servicios, para resolver problemas de asignación de recursos y toma de decisiones en elproceso de Inscripciones de Primer Ingreso en el campus Hermosillo de la Universidad de Sonora,en el norte de México. El objetivo es encontrar el número óptimo de servidores requeridos en lossubprocesos involucrados, sin comprometer la calidad del servicio. Para establecer elcomportamiento de las variables de entrada se utilizó la técnica de tiempo estándar mediante unsimulacro de inscripción, dado que no se contaba con datos históricos. La etapa de validación delos datos de entrada del modelo se realizó con información real obtenida durante la ejecución delproceso de inscripciones. Con la implementación de dicho modelo se obtuvo una considerablereducción en el tiempo que un aspirante tarda para realizar su inscripción a la Universidad y quedóvalidado el modelo para futuras aplicaciones.

  14. Inertial manipulation of bubbles in rectangular microfluidic channels. (United States)

    Hadikhani, Pooria; Hashemi, S Mohammad H; Balestra, Gioele; Zhu, Lailai; Modestino, Miguel A; Gallaire, François; Psaltis, Demetri


    Inertial microfluidics is an active field of research that deals with crossflow positioning of the suspended entities in microflows. Until now, the majority of the studies have focused on the behavior of rigid particles in order to provide guidelines for microfluidic applications such as sorting and filtering. Deformable entities such as bubbles and droplets are considered in fewer studies despite their importance in multiphase microflows. In this paper, we show that the trajectory of bubbles flowing in rectangular and square microchannels can be controlled by tuning the balance of forces acting on them. A T-junction geometry is employed to introduce bubbles into a microchannel and analyze their lateral equilibrium position in a range of Reynolds (1 < Re < 40) and capillary numbers (0.1 < Ca < 1). We find that the Reynolds number (Re), the capillary number (Ca), the diameter of the bubble (D[combining macron]), and the aspect ratio of the channel are the influential parameters in this phenomenon. For instance, at high Re, the flow pushes the bubble towards the wall while large Ca or D[combining macron] moves the bubble towards the center. Moreover, in the shallow channels, having aspect ratios higher than one, the bubble moves towards the narrower sidewalls. One important outcome of this study is that the equilibrium position of bubbles in rectangular channels is different from that of solid particles. The experimental observations are in good agreement with the performed numerical simulations and provide insights into the dynamics of bubbles in laminar flows which can be utilized in the design of flow based multiphase flow reactors.

  15. Nonlinear dynamics and control of a vibrating rectangular plate (United States)

    Shebalin, J. V.


    The von Karman equations of nonlinear elasticity are solved for the case of a vibrating rectangular plate by meams of a Fourier spectral transform method. The amplification of a particular Fourier mode by nonlinear transfer of energy is demonstrated for this conservative system. The multi-mode system is reduced to a minimal (two mode) system, retaining the qualitative features of the multi-mode system. The effect of a modal control law on the dynamics of this minimal nonlinear elastic system is examined.

  16. Postbuckling Analysis Of A Rectangular Plate Loaded In Compression

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    Havran Jozef


    Full Text Available The stability analysis of a thin rectangular plate loaded in compression is presented. The nonlinear FEM equations are derived from the minimum total potential energy principle. The peculiarities of the effects of the initial imperfections are investigated using the user program. Special attention is paid to the influence of imperfections on the post-critical buckling mode. The FEM computer program using a 48 DOF element has been used for analysis. Full Newton-Raphson procedure has been applied.

  17. Influence of old rectangular repair patches on the burst pressure of a gas pipeline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fazzini, Pablo Gabriel; Otegui, Jose Luis


    Seven full scale hydrostatic burst tests were carried out on pipes extracted from an API 5LX52 gas pipeline that contained rectangular and elliptical fillet welded patches and other repairs of different geometries. All breaks took place after widespread yielding. This analysis shows that the patches that generate greater risks are those that: (1) were attached to the pipeline at very low pressure (2) were placed to repair large defects (3) are rectangular, long in the direction of the pipe, and narrow (4) the quality of the weld is doubtful. Based on data reported by In Line Inspection (ILI), of the four conditions mentioned above, only the third can be assessed in order to quantify risks and to schedule replacements

  18. Large - scale Rectangular Ruler Automated Verification Device (United States)

    Chen, Hao; Chang, Luping; Xing, Minjian; Xie, Xie


    This paper introduces a large-scale rectangular ruler automated verification device, which consists of photoelectric autocollimator and self-designed mechanical drive car and data automatic acquisition system. The design of mechanical structure part of the device refer to optical axis design, drive part, fixture device and wheel design. The design of control system of the device refer to hardware design and software design, and the hardware mainly uses singlechip system, and the software design is the process of the photoelectric autocollimator and the automatic data acquisition process. This devices can automated achieve vertical measurement data. The reliability of the device is verified by experimental comparison. The conclusion meets the requirement of the right angle test procedure.

  19. Design of open rectangular and trapezoidal channels (United States)

    González, C. P.; Vera, P. E.; Carrillo, G.; García, S.


    In this work, the results of designing open channels in rectangular and trapezoidal form are presented. For the development of the same important aspects were taken as determination of flows by means of formula of the rational method, area of the surface for its implementation, optimal form of the flow to meet the needs of that environment. In the design the parameter of the hydraulic radius expressed in terms of the hydraulic area and wet perimeter was determined, considering that the surface on which the fluid flows is the product of the perimeter of the section and the length of the channel and where shear is generated by the condition of no slippage.

  20. Torque efficiency of square and rectangular archwires into 0.018 and 0.022 in. conventional brackets. (United States)

    Papageorgiou, Spyridon N; Sifakakis, Iosif; Doulis, Ioannis; Eliades, Theodore; Bourauel, Christoph


    The aim of this study was to compare the torque efficacy of square and rectangular wires in 0.018- and 0.022-in. conventionally ligated brackets. Brackets of the same prescription were evaluated in both slot dimensions. Identical acrylic resin models of the maxilla were bonded with the brackets and mounted on the Orthodontic Measurement and Simulation System. Ten 0.018 × 0.018 in., 0.018 × 0.022 in., and 0.018 × 0.025 in. stainless steel wires were evaluated in the 0.018-in. brackets and ten 0.019 × 0.019 in., 0.019 × 0.025 in., and 0.019 × 0.026 in. stainless steel wires were evaluated in the 0.022-in. brackets. A 15° buccal root torque was gradually applied to the right central incisor bracket, and the moments were recorded at this position. One-way ANOVA was applied for both bracket slot sizes along with post hoc analysis for the various archwire sizes. The mean measured moments varied between 10.78 and 30.60 Nmm among the assessed wire-and-bracket combinations. Both square and rectangular archwires in the 0.018-in. bracket system exerted statistically significantly higher moments in comparison with their counterparts in the 0.022-in. bracket system. Rectangular archwires exerted statistically significantly higher moments than square archwires, both for the 0.018- and the 0.022-in. bracket system. Rectangular archwires seem to be more efficient in torque exertion, especially in 0.018-in. brackets.

  1. MHD and heat transfer benchmark problems for liquid metal flow in rectangular ducts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sidorenkov, S.I.; Hua, T.Q.; Araseki, H.


    Liquid metal cooling systems of a self-cooled blanket in a tokamak reactor will likely include channels of rectangular cross section where liquid metal is circulated in the presence of strong magnetic fields. MHD pressure drop, velocity distribution and heat transfer characteristics are important issues in the engineering design considerations. Computer codes for the reliable solution of three-dimensional MHD flow problems are needed for fusion relevant conditions. Argonne National Laboratory and The Efremov Institute have jointly defined several benchmark problems for code validation. The problems, described in this paper, are based on two series of rectangular duct experiments conducted at ANL; one of the series is a joint ANL/Efremov experiment. The geometries consist of variation of aspect ratio and wall thickness (thus wall conductance ratio). The transverse magnetic fields are uniform and nonuniform in the axial direction

  2. Use of rectangular grid miniplates for fracture fixation at the mandibular angle. (United States)

    Hochuli-Vieira, Eduardo; Ha, Thi Khanh Linh; Pereira-Filho, Valfrido Antonio; Landes, Constantin Alexander


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with mandibular angle fractures treated by intraoral access and a rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes and stabilized with monocortical screws. This study included 45 patients with mandibular angle fractures from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil, and from the Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. The 45 fractures of the mandibular angle were treated with a rectangular grid miniplate of a 2.0-mm system by an intraoral approach with monocortical screws. Clinical evaluations were postoperatively performed at 15 and 30 days and 3 and 6 months, and the complications encountered were recorded and treated. The infection rate was 4.44% (2 patients), and in 1 patient it was necessary to replace hardware. This patient also had a fracture of the left mandibular body; 3 patients (6.66%) had minor occlusal changes that have been resolved with small occlusal adjustments. Before surgery, 15 patients (33.33%) presented with hypoesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve; 4 (8.88%) had this change until the last clinical control, at 6 months. The rectangular grid miniplate used in this study was stable for the treatment of simple mandibular angle fractures through intraoral access, with low complication rates, easy handling, and easy adjustment, with a low cost. Concomitant mandibular fracture may increase the rate of complications. This plate should be indicated in fractures with sufficient interfragmentary contact. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Heat transfer augmentation in rectangular micro channel covered with vertically aligned carbon nanotubes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Taha, T.J.; Lefferts, Leonardus; van der Meer, Theodorus H.


    An experimental heat transfer investigation was carried out to examine the influence of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) layer deposits on the convective heat transfer performance inside rectangular microchannels. Successful synthesis of vertically aligned CNTs was achieved using a catalytic vapor deposition

  4. Premature and stable critical heat flux for downward flow in a narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Juhyung; Chang, Soon Heung; Jeong, Yong Hoon; Jo, Daeseong


    It has been recommended that RRs and MTRs be designed to have sufficient margins for CHF and the onset of FI as well, since unstable flow could leads to premature CHF under very low wall heat flux in comparison to stable CHF. Even the fact and previous studies, however, the understanding of relationship among FI, premature CHF and stable CHF is not sufficient to date. In this regards, subcooled flow boiling in a vertical rectangular channel was experimentally investigated to enhance the understanding of the CHF and the effect of the two-phase flow instability on it under low pressure conditions, especially for downward flow which was adopted for Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR) and Kijang research reactor (KJRR) to achieve easier fuel and irradiation rig loading. In this study, CHF for downward flow of water under low pressure in narrow rectangular channel was experimentally investigated. For conditions such as downward flow, narrow rectangular channel and low pressure, it has been deduced from literature that flow instability could largely influence on triggering CHF at lower heat flux, i. e. premature CHF. Total 54 CHF data, which includes premature and stable data was obtained for various fluid conditions and system configurations including inlet stiffness. The upper and lower boundaries of CHF were newly proposed based on the experiment

  5. Porta de entrada para adolescentes autistas e psicóticos numa instituição

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katia Alvares de Carvalho Monteiro

    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta resultados de pesquisa realizada em serviço público carioca, pioneiro no atendimento a crianças e adolescentes autistas e psicóticos, o NAICAP (Núcleo de Atenção Intensiva à Criança Autista e Psicótica do Instituto Philippe Pinel. Seu objetivo é fornecer subsídios para a criação e implementação de projetos de assistência em saúde mental para adolescentes, o que se justifica pela carência de dados estatísticos e serviços nesse setor. Foi estudada a população de adolescentes atendidos entre 1986 e 2003. Participaram da pesquisa crianças que se tornaram adolescentes durante o tratamento e pacientes que procuraram o serviço já na adolescência. O trabalho descreve quantitativamente a proveniência geográfica, o diagnóstico, o encaminhamento e o tempo de permanência na instituição. Descreve-se o procedimento de porta de entrada, o dispositivo para o acolhimento do paciente e de seus familiares segundo a orientação psicanalítica. A investigação aponta a necessidade de criação de novos serviços e de desenvolvimento de projetos para a adolescência.

  6. Experimental verification of the axial and lateral stiffness of large W7-X rectangular bellows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reich, J.; Cardella, A.; Koppe, T.; Missal, B.; Capriccioli, A.; Loehrer, W.; Langone, S.; Sassone, P.C.


    The WENDELSTEIN 7-X (W7-X) is a super-conducting helical advanced stellarator. W7-X is provided with 299 ports, which connect the plasma vessel with the outer vessel. All the ports are equipped with bellows, which, during bake-out and final adjustment, compensate the relative movements of the vessels. The bellows have different shapes and dimensions ranging from 100 mm circular to 1170 x 570 mm rectangular sizes. During various load-cases the axial and lateral stiffness of all bellows will create a resulting spring-force which acts on the supports of the vessels directly. The higher the stiffness the more is the significant influence on the supports. The lateral stiffness which was calculated with the established standard EJMA-code (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association) seemed to be relatively small. This appeared to be not correct in particular for non circular bellows. That is why the stiffness of rectangular, multi-layer bellows have then been re-calculated with the Finite Element Method (FEM) code ANSYS. The maximum difference between the FEM and EJMA code resulted to be up to 250 % in particular with movements along the longer side of the bellows. In order to clarify the differences a test-campaign with the largest rectangular bellows was performed. A special test rack allowed predefined displacements in pure lateral and axial directions taking into consideration of the friction in the moving elements. During the tests the load-displacement diagram was recorded permanently. The outcome of the FEM-results was then verified by the tests in axial and lateral directions. The EJMA-code is well proved for circular bellows. The tests showed that instead any calculation of rectangular bellows has to be confirmed by experiments. The paper summarises the calculation, describes the test activities, the apparatus and reports the final results. (author)

  7. Redes neuronales de propagación inversa

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    Jesús Alberto Delgado Rivera


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la red neuronal por capas, su algoritmo de aprendizaje y una aplicación. Para lograr este propósito se inicia con la neurona natural y su modelo Entrada/Salida denominado neurona artificial.

  8. On Stability of Exact Transparent Boundary Condition for the Parabolic Equation in Rectangular Computational Domain (United States)

    Feshchenko, R. M.

    Recently a new exact transparent boundary condition (TBC) for the 3D parabolic wave equation (PWE) in rectangular computational domain was derived. However in the obtained form it does not appear to be unconditionally stable when used with, for instance, the Crank-Nicolson finite-difference scheme. In this paper two new formulations of the TBC for the 3D PWE in rectangular computational domain are reported, which are likely to be unconditionally stable. They are based on an unconditionally stable fully discrete TBC for the Crank-Nicolson scheme for the 2D PWE. These new forms of the TBC can be used for numerical solution of the 3D PWE when a higher precision is required.

  9. Slug-annular transition with particular reference to narrow rectangular ducts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, O.C. Jr.; Zuber, N.


    The transition from slug-flow to annular-flow in two-phase, gas-liquid mixtures is analyzed. A transition equation is derived which agrees well when compared with objective data determined from the disappearance of the low-void peak in the void fluctuation probability density in a rectangular duct. Application to other geometries is suggested and tabular recommendations given for determination of the drift flux coefficient, K, based on results in the literature

  10. Thermal stresses in rectangular plates: variational and finite element solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laura, P.A.A.; Gutierrez, R.H.; Sanchez Sarmiento, G.; Basombrio, F.G.


    This paper deals with the development of an approximate method for the analysis of thermal stresses in rectangular plates (plane stress problem) and an evaluation of the relative accuracy of the finite element method. The stress function is expanded in terms of polynomial coordinate functions which identically satisfy the boundary conditions, and a variational approach is used to determine the expansion coefficients. The results are in good agreement with a finite element approach. (Auth.)

  11. Buoyancy effects in vertical rectangular duct with coplanar magnetic field and single sided heat load (United States)

    Kostichev, P. I.; Poddubnyi, I. I.; Razuvanov, N. G.


    In some DEMO blanket designs liquid metal flows in vertical ducts of rectangular cross-section between ceramic breeder units providing their cooling. Heat exchange in these conditions is governed by the influence of magnetic field (coplanar) and by buoyancy effects that depend on the flow orientation to the gravity vector (downward and upward flow). Magnetohydrodynamic and heat transfer of liquid metal in vertical rectangular ducts is not well researched. Experimental study of buoyancy effects in rectangular duct with coplanar magnetic field for one-sided heat load and downward and upward flowsis presented in this paper. The detail research with has been done on mercury MHD close loop with using of the probe technique allow to discover several advantageous and disadvantageous effects. The intensive impact of buoyancy force has been observed in a few regime of downward flow which has been laminarized by magnetic field. Due to the development in the flow of the secondary large-scale vortices heat transfer improved and the temperature fluctuations of the abnormally high intensity have been fixed. On the contrary, in the upward flow the buoyancy force stabilized the flow which lead to decreasing of the turbulence heat transfer ratio and, consequently, deterioration of heat transfer.

  12. Tabu Search-based Synthesis of Digital Microfluidic Biochips with Dynamically Reconfigurable Non-rectangular Devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maftei, Elena; Pop, Paul; Madsen, Jan


    they are highly reconfigurable and scalable. A digital biochip is composed of a two-dimensional array of cells, together with reservoirs for storing the samples and reagents. Several adjacent cells are dynamically grouped to form a virtual device, on which operations are performed. So far, researchers have...... assumed that throughout its execution, an operation is performed on a rectangular virtual device, whose position remains fixed. However, during the execution of an operation, the virtual device can be reconfigured to occupy a different group of cells on the array, forming any shape, not necessarily...... rectangular. In this paper, we present a Tabu Search metaheuristic for the synthesis of digital microfluidic biochips, which, starting from a biochemical application and a given biochip architecture, determines the allocation, resource binding, scheduling and placement of the operations in the application...

  13. Realization of Rectangular Artificial Spin Ice and Direct Observation of High Energy Topology. (United States)

    Ribeiro, I R B; Nascimento, F S; Ferreira, S O; Moura-Melo, W A; Costa, C A R; Borme, J; Freitas, P P; Wysin, G M; de Araujo, C I L; Pereira, A R


    In this work, we have constructed and experimentally investigated frustrated arrays of dipoles forming two-dimensional artificial spin ices with different lattice parameters (rectangular arrays with horizontal and vertical lattice spacings denoted by a and b respectively). Arrays with three different aspect ratios γ = a/b = [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are studied. Theoretical calculations of low-energy demagnetized configurations for these same parameters are also presented. Experimental data for demagnetized samples confirm most of the theoretical results. However, the highest energy topology (doubly-charged monopoles) does not emerge in our theoretical model, while they are seen in experiments for large enough γ. Our results also insinuate that the string tension connecting two magnetic monopoles in a pair vanishes in rectangular lattices with a critical ratio γ = γ c  = [Formula: see text], supporting previous theoretical predictions.

  14. Coupling Poisson rectangular pulse and multiplicative microcanonical random cascade models to generate sub-daily precipitation timeseries (United States)

    Pohle, Ina; Niebisch, Michael; Müller, Hannes; Schümberg, Sabine; Zha, Tingting; Maurer, Thomas; Hinz, Christoph


    To simulate the impacts of within-storm rainfall variabilities on fast hydrological processes, long precipitation time series with high temporal resolution are required. Due to limited availability of observed data such time series are typically obtained from stochastic models. However, most existing rainfall models are limited in their ability to conserve rainfall event statistics which are relevant for hydrological processes. Poisson rectangular pulse models are widely applied to generate long time series of alternating precipitation events durations and mean intensities as well as interstorm period durations. Multiplicative microcanonical random cascade (MRC) models are used to disaggregate precipitation time series from coarse to fine temporal resolution. To overcome the inconsistencies between the temporal structure of the Poisson rectangular pulse model and the MRC model, we developed a new coupling approach by introducing two modifications to the MRC model. These modifications comprise (a) a modified cascade model ("constrained cascade") which preserves the event durations generated by the Poisson rectangular model by constraining the first and last interval of a precipitation event to contain precipitation and (b) continuous sigmoid functions of the multiplicative weights to consider the scale-dependency in the disaggregation of precipitation events of different durations. The constrained cascade model was evaluated in its ability to disaggregate observed precipitation events in comparison to existing MRC models. For that, we used a 20-year record of hourly precipitation at six stations across Germany. The constrained cascade model showed a pronounced better agreement with the observed data in terms of both the temporal pattern of the precipitation time series (e.g. the dry and wet spell durations and autocorrelations) and event characteristics (e.g. intra-event intermittency and intensity fluctuation within events). The constrained cascade model also

  15. Por ausente, por vencido. Contar Malvinas desde la ficción

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    Full Text Available Con la entrada en el nuevo milenio el tema de las Islas Malvinas resurge con mayor fuerza en los diferentes ámbitos de estudio, sin embargo es la literatura la que desde el primer momento ha marcado el pulso de estas historias y  ha propiciado la conservación del recuerdo, tanto de los caídos como el de los injustamente olvidados veteranos.

  16. The demagnetizing factors for the rectangular samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akishin, P.G.; Gaganov, I.A.


    The influence of the demagnetization effect on the distribution of internal magnetic fields for finite samples is considered. The boundary integral method is used to compute the space distribution of the magnetic field in rectangular samples. On the basis of these calculations we compute the distribution of demagnetization factors in the sample for μSR experimental set-up with the real field geometry. The corresponding mathematical expectation and dispersion of this distribution are estimated. The results of the calculation are used in the analysis of the μSR data obtained for high T c superconductors. It is shown for these compounds that the correction to the penetration depth related to the broadening of the field distribution, is not more than 5%. 8 refs.; 2 figs.; 1 tab

  17. Experimental study of falling film evaporation in large scale rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, X.G.; Yang, Y.H.; Hu, P.


    Highlights: • This paper studies the falling film evaporation in large scale rectangular channel experimentally. • The effects of air flow rate, film temperature and film flow rate on falling film evaporation are analyzed. • Increasing the air flow rate is considered as an efficient method to enhance the evaporation rate. • A correlation including the wave effect for falling film evaporation is derived based on heat and mass transfer analogy. - Abstract: The falling film evaporation in a large scale rectangular channel is experimentally studied in this paper for the design and improvement of passive containment cooling system. The evaporation mass transfer coefficient h D is obtained by the evaporation rate and vapor partial pressure difference of film surface and air bulk. The experimental results indicate that increasing of air flow rate appears to enhance h D , while the film temperature and film flow rate have little effect on h D . Since the wave effect on evaporation is noticed in experiment, the evaporation mass transfer correlation including the wave effect is developed on the basis of heat and mass transfer analogy and experimental data

  18. Experimental Investigation of Thermohydraulic Performance of a Rectangular Solar Air Heater Duct Equipped with V-Shaped Perforated Blocks

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    Tabish Alam


    Full Text Available This paper presents the thermohydraulic performance of rectangular solar air heater duct equipped with V-shaped rectangular perforated blocks attached to the heated surface. The V-shaped perforated blocks are tested for downstream (V-down to the air flow at Reynolds number from 2000 to 20000. The perforated blocks have relative pitch ratio (P/e from 4 to 12, relative blockage height ratio (e/H from 0.4 to 1.0, and open area ration from 5% to 25% at a fixed value of angle of attack of 60∘ in a rectangular duct having duct aspect ratio (W/H of 12. Thermohydraulic performance is compared at different geometrical parameters of V-shaped perforated blocks for equal pumping power which shows that maximum performance is observed at a relative pitch of 8, relative rib height of 0.8, and open area ration of 20%. It is also observed that the performance of V-shaped perforated blocks was better than transverse-perforated blocks.

  19. Analysis of some coplanar transmission lines: coplanar coupled lines, coplanar coupled striplines, and coplanar coupled lines with rectangular microshield (United States)

    Yuan, Naichang; He, Jianguo; Yao, Demiao; Dai, Qin; Lin, Weigan


    Two types of coplanar transmission lines, rectangular microshield coplanar coupled lines (RMCCL) and coplanar coupled rectangular microshield lines (CCRML), are proposed for MMIC applications. These are developed from coplanar coupled lines (CCL) and coplanar coupled strip lines (CCS). Analytic formulas are presented for calculating the quasistatic TEM parameters of these coupled lines by means of exact conformal mapping techniques. Numerical results are also presented to illustrate the properties of these coplanar transmission lines.

  20. On improvement of the series convergence in the problem of the vibrations of orhotropic rectangular prism (United States)

    Lyashko, A. D.


    A new analytical presentation of the solution for steady-state oscillations of orthotopic rectangular prism is found. The corresponding infinite system of linear algebraic equations has been deduced by the superposition method. A countable set of precise eigenfrequencies and elementary eigenforms is found. The identities are found which make it possible to improve the convergence of all the infinite series in the solution of the problem. All the infinite series in presentation of solution are analytically summed up. Numerical calculations of stresses in the rectangular orthotropic prism with a uniform along the border and harmonic in time load on two opposite faces have been performed.

  1. Edge Effects in a Composite Weakly Reinforced with Fibers of Rectangular Cross Section (United States)

    Boichuk, V. Yu.


    This paper deal with the edge effect in a composite weakly reinforced with fibers of rectangular cross section and subjected to biaxial uniform loading. The edge effects due to the difference between Poisson's ratios of the composite components are studied. Numerical results are presented

  2. The demagnetizing field of a non-uniform rectangular prism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smith, Anders; Nielsen, Kaspar Kirstein; Christensen, Dennis


    The effect of demagnetization on the magnetic properties of a rectangular ferromagnetic prism under non-uniform conditions is investigated. A numerical model for solving the spatially varying internal magnetic field is developed, validated and applied to relevant cases. The demagnetizing field...... is solved by an analytical calculation and the coupling between applied field, the demagnetization tensor field and spatially varying temperature is solved through iteration. We show that the demagnetizing field is of great importance in many cases and that it is necessary to take into account the non...

  3. Regimes of Two-Phase Flow in Short Rectangular Channel (United States)

    Chinnov, Evgeny A.; Guzanov, Vladimir V.; Cheverda, Vyacheslav; Markovich, Dmitry M.; Kabov, Oleg A.


    Experimental study of two-phase flow in the short rectangular horizontal channel with height 440 μm has been performed. Characteristics of liquid motion inside the channel have been registered and measured by the Laser Induced Fluorescence technique. New information has allowed determining more precisely the characteristics of churn regime and boundaries between different regimes of two-phase flow. It was shown that formation of some two-phase flow regimes and transitions between them are determined by instability of the flow in the lateral parts of the channel.

  4. Numerical and Experimental Analysis on the Cavity Formation and Shrinkage for Investment Cast Alloy 738 4 mm-Thick Rectangular Tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Myeong-Il; Choi, Yoon Suk; Yoo, Jae-Hyun; Park, Sang-Hu; Kim, Kyeong-Min; Lee, Yeong-Chul; Lee, Jung-Seok; Lee, Jae-Hyun


    Investment casting for the thin (4 mm thick) rectangular tube (40 mm wide, 80 mm high and 200 mm long) was carried out numerically and experimentally for Alloy 738, which is a precipitation-hardened Ni-base superalloy. Two types of rectangular tubes, one with a regular array (10 mm by 10 mm square array) of protruded rods (3 mm in diameter and 3mm in height) embedded on the outer surface and the other with just smooth surface, were investment-cast at the same time through the side feeding mold design. The investment casting simulation predicted the presence of cavities, particularly in the area away from the gate for both types of rectangular tubes. In particular, for the rectangular tube with embedded protruded rods cavities were found mainly in the areas between the protruded rods. This simulation result was qualitatively consistent with the experimental observation from the X-ray analysis. Also, both prediction and experiment showed that the dimensional shrinkage (particularly in the longitudinal direction) of the investment-cast rectangular tube is reduced by having protruded rods embedded on the outer surface. Additional numerical attempts were made to check how the amount of cavities and dimensional shrinkage change by varying the preheating temperature and the thickness of the mold. The results predicted that the amount of cavities and the dimensional shrinkage are significantly reduced by increasing the preheating temperature of the mold by 200 ℃. However, an increase in mold thickness from 10 mm to 12 mm showed almost no difference in cavity population and a slight decrease in dimensional shrinkage.

  5. Numerical and Experimental Analysis on the Cavity Formation and Shrinkage for Investment Cast Alloy 738 4 mm-Thick Rectangular Tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Myeong-Il; Choi, Yoon Suk; Yoo, Jae-Hyun; Park, Sang-Hu [Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Kyeong-Min; Lee, Yeong-Chul [Sung Il Turbine Co., Ltd., Busan (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jung-Seok; Lee, Jae-Hyun [Changwon National University, Changwon (Korea, Republic of)


    Investment casting for the thin (4 mm thick) rectangular tube (40 mm wide, 80 mm high and 200 mm long) was carried out numerically and experimentally for Alloy 738, which is a precipitation-hardened Ni-base superalloy. Two types of rectangular tubes, one with a regular array (10 mm by 10 mm square array) of protruded rods (3 mm in diameter and 3mm in height) embedded on the outer surface and the other with just smooth surface, were investment-cast at the same time through the side feeding mold design. The investment casting simulation predicted the presence of cavities, particularly in the area away from the gate for both types of rectangular tubes. In particular, for the rectangular tube with embedded protruded rods cavities were found mainly in the areas between the protruded rods. This simulation result was qualitatively consistent with the experimental observation from the X-ray analysis. Also, both prediction and experiment showed that the dimensional shrinkage (particularly in the longitudinal direction) of the investment-cast rectangular tube is reduced by having protruded rods embedded on the outer surface. Additional numerical attempts were made to check how the amount of cavities and dimensional shrinkage change by varying the preheating temperature and the thickness of the mold. The results predicted that the amount of cavities and the dimensional shrinkage are significantly reduced by increasing the preheating temperature of the mold by 200 ℃. However, an increase in mold thickness from 10 mm to 12 mm showed almost no difference in cavity population and a slight decrease in dimensional shrinkage.

  6. Simulation of natural convection in a rectangular loop using finite elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pepper, D.W.; Hamm, L.L.; Kehoe, A.B.


    A two-dimensional finite-element analysis of natural convection in a rectangular loop is presented. A psi-omega formulation of the Boussinesque approximation to the Navier-Stokes equation is solved by the false transient technique. Streamlines and isotherms at Ra = 10 4 are shown for three different modes of heating. The results indicate that corner effects should be considered when modeling flow patterns in thermosyphons

  7. Agrupaciones de modelos locales con descripción externa. Aplicación a una planta de frío solar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel R. Arahal


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se presenta y analiza un método de creación de modelos formados por agrupaciones de submodelos locales lineales. La principal novedad es que la ponderación empleada con los submodelos no es la habitual, basada en el estado o parte del mismo sino que se toman exclusivamente señales instantáneas de entrada y salida del sistema. Esta elección simplifica algunos aspectos de la creación del modelo, manteniendo intacta la capacidad de representación, siendo ésta comparada con otras técnicas. La simplificación aludida es importante pues acerca el método a la práctica industrial del control de procesos. La técnica de identificación resultante se ilustra mediante dos casos prácticos: un sistema simulado propuesto por Narendra y el sistema de captación de una planta real de producción de frío a partir de energía solar. En ambos casos se muestran los errores de generalización para la predicción a un paso y para la simulación usando gran cantidad de situaciones. Los resultados indican que es factible el uso del método propuesto como técnica simplificada aplicable en la industria. Palabras clave: agrupaciones de modelos locales, identificación, planta solar de producción de frío

  8. Transmission line model for coupled rectangular double split‐ring resonators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yan, Lei; Tang, Meng; Krozer, Viktor


    In this work, a model based on a coupled transmission line formulation is developed for microstrip rectangular double split‐ring resonators (DSRRs). This model allows using the physical dimensions of the DSRRs as an input avoiding commonly used extraction of equivalent parameters. The model inclu...... simulations of the DSRR structures. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53:1311–1315, 2011; View this article online at DOI 10.1002/mop.25988...

  9. Springback Mechanism Analysis and Experiments on Robotic Bending of Rectangular Orthodontic Archwire (United States)

    Jiang, Jin-Gang; Han, Ying-Shuai; Zhang, Yong-De; Liu, Yan-Jv; Wang, Zhao; Liu, Yi


    Fixed-appliance technology is the most common and effective malocclusion orthodontic treatment method, and its key step is the bending of orthodontic archwire. The springback of archwire did not consider the movement of the stress-strain-neutral layer. To solve this problem, a springback calculation model for rectangular orthodontic archwire is proposed. A bending springback experiment is conducted using an orthodontic archwire bending springback measurement device. The springback experimental results show that the theoretical calculation results using the proposed model coincide better with the experimental testing results than when movement of the stress-strain-neutral layer was not considered. A bending experiment with rectangular orthodontic archwire is conducted using a robotic orthodontic archwire bending system. The patient expriment result show that the maximum and minimum error ratios of formed orthodontic archwire parameters are 22.46% and 10.23% without considering springback and are decreased to 11.35% and 6.13% using the proposed model. The proposed springback calculation model, which considers the movement of the stress-strain-neutral layer, greatly improves the orthodontic archwire bending precision.

  10. Magnetohydrodynamic flow of generalized Maxwell fluids in a rectangular micropump under an AC electric field

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Guangpu [School of Mathematical Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010021 (China); Jian, Yongjun, E-mail: [School of Mathematical Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010021 (China); Chang, Long [School of Mathematics and Statistics, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010051 (China); Buren, Mandula [School of Mathematical Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010021 (China)


    By using the method of separation of variables, an analytical solution for the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of the generalized Maxwell fluids under AC electric field through a two-dimensional rectangular micropump is reduced. By the numerical computation, the variations of velocity profiles with the electrical oscillating Reynolds number Re, the Hartmann number Ha, the dimensionless relaxation time De are studied graphically. Further, the comparison with available experimental data and relevant researches is presented. - Highlights: • MHD flow of the generalized Maxwell fluids under AC electric field is analyzed. • The MHD flow is confined to a two-dimensional rectangular micropump. • Analytical solution is obtained by using the method of separation of variables. • The influences of related parameters on the MHD velocity are discussed.

  11. Aeroacoustics of rectangular T-junctions subject to combined grazing and bias flows - An experimental investigation (United States)

    Holmberg, Andreas; Karlsson, Mikael; Åbom, Mats


    Scattering matrices are determined experimentally and used to study the low-amplitude interaction, between the acoustic and the hydrodynamic fields in a T-junction of rectangular ducts. In particular, combinations of grazing and bias flows are investigated in the study. It is observed that for all flow combinations, waves incident on the junction at the downstream side only are attenuated, while waves incident at the other branches may be amplified or attenuated, depending on the Strouhal number. When bias in-flow is introduced to a grazing flow, there is first an increase and then a decrease in both amplification and attenuation, as the bias in-flow Mach number is increased. Comparing with T-junctions of circular ducts, the interaction is stronger for rectangular duct junctions.

  12. Magnetohydrodynamic flow of generalized Maxwell fluids in a rectangular micropump under an AC electric field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Guangpu; Jian, Yongjun; Chang, Long; Buren, Mandula


    By using the method of separation of variables, an analytical solution for the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of the generalized Maxwell fluids under AC electric field through a two-dimensional rectangular micropump is reduced. By the numerical computation, the variations of velocity profiles with the electrical oscillating Reynolds number Re, the Hartmann number Ha, the dimensionless relaxation time De are studied graphically. Further, the comparison with available experimental data and relevant researches is presented. - Highlights: • MHD flow of the generalized Maxwell fluids under AC electric field is analyzed. • The MHD flow is confined to a two-dimensional rectangular micropump. • Analytical solution is obtained by using the method of separation of variables. • The influences of related parameters on the MHD velocity are discussed

  13. Rectangular Schlumberger resistivity arrays for delineating vadose zone clay-lined fractures in shallow tuff

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miele, M.; Laymon, D.; Gilkeson, R.; Michelotti, R.


    Rectangular Schlumberger arrays can be used for 2-dimensional lateral profiling of apparent resistivity at a unique current electrode separation, hence single depth of penetration. Numerous apparent resistivity measurements are collected moving the potential electrodes (fixed MN spacing) within a rectangle of defined dimensions. The method provides a fast, cost-effective means for the collection of dense resistivity data to provide high-resolution information on subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. Several rectangular Schlumberger resistivity arrays were employed at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) from 1989 through 1995 in an area adjacent to and downhill from an outfall pipe, septic tank, septic drainfield, and sump. Six rectangular arrays with 2 AB spacings were used to delineate lateral low resistivity anomalies that may be related to fractures that contain clay and/or vadose zone water. Duplicate arrays collected over a three year time period exhibited very good data repeatability. The properties of tritium make it an excellent groundwater tracer. Because tritium was present in discharged water from all of the anthropogenic sources in the vicinity it was used for this purpose. One major low resistivity anomaly correlates with relatively high tritium concentrations in the tuff. This was determined from borehole samples collected within and outside of the anomalous zone. The anomaly is interpreted to be due to fractures that contain clay from the soil profile. The clay was deposited in the fractures by aeolian processes and by surface water infiltration. The fractures likely served as a shallow vadose zone groundwater pathway

  14. Galilean invariant lattice Boltzmann scheme for natural convection on square and rectangular lattices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sman, van der R.G.M.


    In this paper we present lattice Boltzmann (LB) schemes for convection diffusion coupled to fluid flow on two-dimensional rectangular lattices. Via inverse Chapman-Enskog analysis of LB schemes including source terms, we show that for consistency with physics it is required that the moments of the

  15. Hábitos relacionados con la práctica de actividad física de las alumnas de la Universidad de Huelva a través de historias de vida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estefanía Castillo Viera


    Full Text Available La práctica de actividad física es uno de los hábitos saludables más recomendados por numerosos expertos. Sin embargo, la población activa no llega al 40% y además el comienzo de los estudios universitarios coincide, en muchos casos, con el inicio del sedentarismo. Por su parte, la mujer sigue teniendo niveles de práctica deportiva inferiores al hombre. Con estos precedentes, pretendemos conocer y analizar los hábitos de práctica deportiva y relacionarlos con los estilos de vida de las alumnas de la Universidad de Huelva. Para obtener datos de esta población, se diseñaron y aplicaron unas entrevistas en forma de historias de vida a cuatro alumnas con diferentes perfiles, para profundizar información acerca de sus hábitos de práctica de actividad física. Entre los resultados obtenidos podemos destacar que las que practican actividad física tienen mejor autopercepción de su salud, organizan mejor su tiempo libre, y tienen mejores hábitos de alimentación. En cuanto a la forma de práctica, prefieren realizar actividad física no reglada, y acompañadas, principalmente de los amigos. También reconocen la influencia de la familia. El abandono de la práctica de actividad física coincide con la entrada en la Universidad. El principal motivo por el que abandonan o por el que no practican es por no tener tiempo. Por otro lado, la razón más importante por la que realizan actividad física es "por hacer ejercicio".

  16. A Analysis of the Low Frequency Sound Field in Non-Rectangular Enclosures Using the Finite Element Method. (United States)

    Geddes, Earl Russell

    The details of the low frequency sound field for a rectangular room can be studied by the use of an established analytic technique--separation of variables. The solution is straightforward and the results are well-known. A non -rectangular room has boundary conditions which are not separable and therefore other solution techniques must be used. This study shows that the finite element method can be adapted for use in the study of sound fields in arbitrary shaped enclosures. The finite element acoustics problem is formulated and the modification of a standard program, which is necessary for solving acoustic field problems, is examined. The solution of the semi-non-rectangular room problem (one where the floor and ceiling remain parallel) is carried out by a combined finite element/separation of variables approach. The solution results are used to construct the Green's function for the low frequency sound field in five rooms (or data cases): (1) a rectangular (Louden) room; (2) The smallest wall of the Louden room canted 20 degrees from normal; (3) The largest wall of the Louden room canted 20 degrees from normal; (4) both the largest and the smallest walls are canted 20 degrees; and (5) a five-sided room variation of Case 4. Case 1, the rectangular room was calculated using both the finite element method and the separation of variables technique. The results for the two methods are compared in order to access the accuracy of the finite element method models. The modal damping coefficient are calculated and the results examined. The statistics of the source and receiver average normalized RMS P('2) responses in the 80 Hz, 100 Hz, and 125 Hz one-third octave bands are developed. The receiver averaged pressure response is developed to determine the effect of the source locations on the response. Twelve source locations are examined and the results tabulated for comparison. The effect of a finite sized source is looked at briefly. Finally, the standard deviation of the

  17. Sala polivalente, Schachen - Aarau – Suiza

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    Aeschbach, E.


    Full Text Available It was designed to be used as a gymnasium for state colleges, as a covered track for different sports and as a place for meetings and exhibitions. With the steel construction was obtained a light and transparent building which, through large windows, communicates directly with the vast surrounding meadow. The pavilion is rectangular and consist of: — Semi-basement, on the same level as the sports track, which includes, beneath the spectators' stands: cloakrooms, showers, dressing rooms, training hall, kitchen, boiler room and store rooms for the equipment from the gymnasium. — Floor for the public, on the same level as the entrance completely glassed-in. — Covered level formed by lattice beams of metal supported by 12 steel pillars. It is covered on the inside by metal plates of triangular profile, of light colours and at the top, with coloured sheets of asbestos cement. In the centre of the building are skylights which allow natural lighting. The foundation is made completely of reinforced concrete, as is the lower part of the building —sports track, spectators' stands and adjacent buildings—, in clear contrast with the top part, made completely out of metal, which permits the great projections of the roof and its characteristic lightness.Fue diseñada para que pudiera ser utilizada como gimnasio para colegios estatales, como pista cubierta para distintos deportes y como lugar para reuniones y exposiciones. Con la construcción de acero se consiguió un edificio ligero y transparente que, a través de amplios ventanales, comunica directamente con la extensa pradera de los alrededores. El pabellón es de forma rectangular y consta de: SEMISOTANO, a nivel de la pista de deportes, que cuenta, bajo las gradas para espectadores, con: guardarropas, duchas, vestuarios, salón de entrenamientos, cocina, cuarto de calderas y almacenes para los aparatos de gimnasia. PLANTA PARA EL PUBLICO, al mismo nivel de la entrada, totalmente acristalada

  18. Derivation and application of an analytical rock displacement solution on rectangular cavern wall using the inverse mapping method.

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    Mingzhong Gao

    Full Text Available Rectangular caverns are increasingly used in underground engineering projects, the failure mechanism of rectangular cavern wall rock is significantly different as a result of the cross-sectional shape and variations in wall stress distributions. However, the conventional computational method always results in a long-winded computational process and multiple displacement solutions of internal rectangular wall rock. This paper uses a Laurent series complex method to obtain a mapping function expression based on complex variable function theory and conformal transformation. This method is combined with the Schwarz-Christoffel method to calculate the mapping function coefficient and to determine the rectangular cavern wall rock deformation. With regard to the inverse mapping concept, the mapping relation between the polar coordinate system within plane ς and a corresponding unique plane coordinate point inside the cavern wall rock is discussed. The disadvantage of multiple solutions when mapping from the plane to the polar coordinate system is addressed. This theoretical formula is used to calculate wall rock boundary deformation and displacement field nephograms inside the wall rock for a given cavern height and width. A comparison with ANSYS numerical software results suggests that the theoretical solution and numerical solution exhibit identical trends, thereby demonstrating the method's validity. This method greatly improves the computing accuracy and reduces the difficulty in solving for cavern boundary and internal wall rock displacements. The proposed method provides a theoretical guide for controlling cavern wall rock deformation failure.

  19. Experimental study for flow regime of downward air-water two-phase flow in a vertical narrow rectangular channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, T. H.; Yun, B. J.; Jeong, J. H. [Pusan National University, Geunjeong-gu, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Studies were mostly about flow in upward flow in medium size circular tube. Although there are great differences between upward and downward flow, studies on vertical upward flow are much more active than those on vertical downward flow in a channel. In addition, due to the increase of surface forces and friction pressure drop, the pattern of gas-liquid two-phase flow bounded to the gap of inside the rectangular channel is different from that in a tube. The downward flow in a rectangular channel is universally applicable to cool the plate type nuclear fuel in research reactor. The sub-channel of the plate type nuclear fuel is designed with a few millimeters. Downward air-water two-phase flow in vertical rectangular channel was experimentally observed. The depth, width, and length of the rectangular channel is 2.35 mm, 66.7 mm, and 780 mm, respectively. The test section consists of transparent acrylic plates confined within a stainless steel frame. The flow patterns of the downward flow in high liquid velocity appeared to be similar to those observed in previous studies with upward flow. In downward flow, the transition lines for bubbly-slug and slug-churn flow shift to left in the flow regime map constructed with abscissa of the superficial gas velocity and ordinate of the superficial liquid velocity. The flow patterns observed with downward flow at low liquid velocity are different from those with upward flow.

  20. Scattering of E Polarized Plane Wave by Rectangular Cavity With Finite Flanges (United States)

    Vinogradova, Elena D.


    The rigorous Method of Regularization is implemented for accurate analysis of wave scattering by rectangular cavity with finite flanges. The solution is free from limitations on problem parameters. The calculation of the induced surface current, bistatic radar cross section (RCS) and frequency dependence of monostatic RCS are performed with controlled accuracy in a wide frequency band.

  1. Near field vorticity distributions from a sharp-edged rectangular jet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vouros, Alexandros P.; Panidis, Thrassos; Pollard, Andrew; Schwab, Rainer R.


    Highlights: • Axial mean vorticity equation terms are calculated from experimental data. • Appearance of ridges, dumbbell shape and saddleback velocity profiles is highlighted. • Explanations are provided using terms from the vorticity equation. - Abstract: Experimental results on the near field development of a free rectangular jet with aspect ratio 10 are presented. The jet issues from a sharp-edged orifice attached to a rectangular settling chamber at Re h ∼ 23,000, based on slot width, h. Measurements on cross plane grids were obtained with a two-component hot wire anemometry probe, which provided information on the three dimensional characteristics of the flow field. Two key features of this type of jet are mean axial velocity profiles presenting two off axis peaks, commonly mentioned as saddleback profiles, and a predominant dumbbell shape as described by, for example, a contour of the axial mean velocity. The saddleback shape is found to be significantly influenced by the vorticity distribution in the transverse plane of the jet, while the dumbbell is traced to two terms in the axial mean vorticity transport equation that diffuse fluid from the centre of the jet towards its periphery. At the farthest location where measurements were taken, 30 slot widths from the jet exit, the flow field resembles that of an axisymmetric jet

  2. Caracterización del tiempo de vuelo en relación con variables biomecánicas del tirón en la arrancada de halterofilia

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    Juan José Andújar Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El objeto del presente estudio es caracterizar el tiempo de vuelo (Tv de la fase aérea en el ejercicio de arrancada en halterofilia. Se describe su comportamiento en función del incremento progresivo de la carga y en relación con variables biomecánicas del tirón, así como su evolución en un ciclo de entrenamiento. Se realizó un test máximo de cargas progresivas con siete halterófilos (n = 7 de competición. Mediante los sistemas de valoración Musclelab y Chronojump se registraron los valores de: fuerza (F, potencia (P, velocidad (V, pico de velocidad (pV y altura relativa (Hrel de la barra en el tirón, junto al Tv del desplazamiento de los pies del levantador en la entrada bajo la barra. Se observó una moderada correlación negativa (r = –0,561; p < 0,01 entre el Tv y la carga máxima del test (%1RMT. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas para el Tv respecto al resto de variables analizadas. El Tv disminuía con el incremento de la carga en rangos submáximos, siendo de naturaleza aleatoria con el empleo de cargas máximas. En un subgrupo de la muestra (n = 4 se valoraron las mismas variables transcurridas ocho semanas. El Tv, la Pmáx y el pV sugieren ser variables suficientemente sensibles para monitorizar los cambios generados por el entrenamiento en ocho semanas, aunque el reducido tamaño muestral no permitió alcanzar diferencias significativas. Estos resultados destacan la posibilidad de considerar el Tv y la P como medidas de control en el entrenamiento de halterófilos, preferentemente en el uso de cargas submáximas.

  3. The influence of streamwise vortices on turbulent heat transfer in rectangular ducts with various aspect ratios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hang Seok; Park, Tae Seon


    Highlights: ► With changing aspect ratio, the effect of secondary flows on the turbulent heat transfer is scrutinized by a LES. ► The conditional sampling technique of instantaneous near-wall streamwise vortices is developed. ► Clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating streamwise vortices are sampled and discussed with the wall heat transfer. ► The hot-sweep motions of CW and CCW vortices clearly appear with increasing aspect ratio. -- Abstract: The effect of aspect ratio of rectangular duct on the turbulent flow and heat transfer is very important for its engineering applications. But the turbulent thermal fields have not been fundamentally scrutinized in spite of its engineering significance especially for cooling device. Hence, in the present study, large eddy simulation is applied to the turbulent flow and heat transfer in rectangular ducts with varying aspect ratio. The turbulent statistics of the flow and thermal quantities are calculated and the characteristics of wall Nusselt number are investigated for each rectangular duct. Especially, to scrutinize near-wall streamwise vortices, a conditional sampling technique is developed and adopted. Clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating streamwise vortices are sampled and the probability density function of the vortex circulation Reynolds number and wall Nusselt number are calculated. From the results, the time-averaged secondary flow caused by instantaneous vortical motions has a great effect on the heat and momentum transport of the flow in the rectangular ducts. Hence, the wall Nusselt number is enhanced near the downwash flow region of the secondary flow. However, with increasing the aspect ratio, the effects of the hot-sweep flow of the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating vortices become equally dominant near the wall normal bisector of the ducts. During time averaging process, these two counter-rotating vortices are canceled out each other diminishing a secondary flow but they still enhance the

  4. Un Algoritmo de Estimación de Distribuciones copulado con la Distribución Generalizada de Mallows para el Problema de Ruteo de Autobuses Escolares con Selección de Paradas

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    Ricardo Pérez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Aunque los algoritmos de estimación de distribuciones fueron originalmente diseñados para resolver problemas con dominio de valores reales o enteros, en esta contribución se utilizan para la resolución de un problema basado en permutaciones. El ruteo de autobuses escolares con selección de paradas es resuelto utilizando la distribución generalizada de Mallows como un intento para describir y obtener una distribución de probabilidad explicita sobre un conjunto de rutas de autobuses escolares. Además, un operador de mutación es considerado para mejorar la estimación de la permutación central, un parámetro de la distribución de Mallows. Diferentes y diversas instancias sirvieron como parámetro de entrada y prueba para mostrar que problemas basados en permutaciones tales como el ruteo de autobuses escolares con selección de paradas pueden ser resueltos por medio de un modelo de probabilidad, y mejorar la estimación de la permutación central ayuda al desempeño del algoritmo. Abstract: Although the estimation of distribution algorithms were originally designed for solving integer or real-valued domains, this contribution applies the algorithms mentioned to deal with a permutation-based problem, called school bus routing problem with bus stop selection, using the generalized Mallows distribution as an attempt to describe and obtain an explicit probability distribution over a set of school bus routes. In addition, a mutation operator is considered for improving the estimation of the central permutation, a parameter of the Mallows distribution. Different and diverse instances served as input and test parameters in order to show that permutation-based optimization problems such as the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection can be solved by means of a probability model, and improving the estimation of the central permutation helps the performance of the algorithm. Palabras clave: Algoritmo de estimación de

  5. Droplet size in a rectangular Venturi scrubber

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    M. A. M. Costa


    Full Text Available The Venturi scrubber is a device which uses liquid in the form of droplets to efficiently remove fine particulate matter from gaseous streams. Droplet size is of fundamental importance for the scrubber performance. In the present experimental study, a laser diffraction technique was used in order to measure droplet size in situ in a Venturi scrubber with a rectangular cross section. Droplet size distribution was measured as a function of gas velocity (58.3 to 74.9 m/s, liquid-to-gas ratio (0.07 to 0.27 l/m³, and distance from liquid injection point (64 to 173 mm. It was found that all these variables significantly affect droplet size. The results were compared with the predictions from correlations found in the literature.





    INTRODUCCIÓN La propuesta de este trabajo de investigación contempla analizar la tradición y modernización del delito de sodomía desde la óptica de la legislación penal e interpretar las visiones de los actores sociales involucrados a través de las causas criminales. La selección de este período1 histórico obedece a la entrada en vigencia del Código Penal el 1 de marzo de 1875 y termina con la entrada en vigencia del Código de Procedimiento Penal el 1 de marzo de 1907. En cuanto a la elecc...

  7. Regionalization of the Modified Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse Stochastic Rainfall Model


    Dongkyun Kim; Francisco Olivera; Huidae Cho; Scott A. Socolofsky


    Parameters of the Modified Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse (MBLRP) stochastic rainfall simulation model were regionalized across the contiguous United States. Three thousand four hundred forty-four National Climate Data Center (NCDC) rain gauges were used to obtain spatial and seasonal patterns of the model parameters. The MBLRP model was calibrated to minimize the discrepancy between the precipitation depth statistics between the observed and MBLRP-generated precipitation time series. These...

  8. Diffusion of heat from a finite, rectangular, plane heat source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreri, J.C.; Caballero, C.H.


    Non-dimensional results for the temperature field originating in a rectangular, finite, plane heat source with infinitesimal thickness are introduced. The source decays in time, zero decay being a particular case. Results are useful for obtaining an aproximation of the maximum temperature of a system holding an internal heat source. The range selected for the parameters is specially useful in the case of a nuclear waste repository. The application to the case of mass diffussion arises from analogy. (Author) [es

  9. Quantitative study of rectangular waveguide behavior in the THz.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rowen, Adam M.; Nordquist, Christopher Daniel; Wanke, Michael Clement


    This report describes our efforts to quantify the behavior of micro-fabricated THz rectangular waveguides on a configurable, robust semiconductor-based platform. These waveguides are an enabling technology for coupling THz radiation directly from or to lasers, mixers, detectors, antennas, and other devices. Traditional waveguides fabricated on semiconductor platforms such as dielectric guides in the infrared or co-planar waveguides in the microwave regions, suffer high absorption and radiative losses in the THz. The former leads to very short propagation lengths, while the latter will lead to unwanted radiation modes and/or crosstalk in integrated devices. This project exploited the initial developments of THz micro-machined rectangular waveguides developed under the THz Grand Challenge Program, but instead of focusing on THz transceiver integration, this project focused on exploring the propagation loss and far-field radiation patterns of the waveguides. During the 9 month duration of this project we were able to reproduce the waveguide loss per unit of length in the waveguides and started to explore how the loss depended on wavelength. We also explored the far-field beam patterns emitted by H-plane horn antennas attached to the waveguides. In the process we learned that the method of measuring the beam patterns has a significant impact on what is actually measured, and this may have an effect on most of the beam patterns of THz that have been reported to date. The beam pattern measurements improved significantly throughout the project, but more refinements of the measurement are required before a definitive determination of the beam-pattern can be made.

  10. Development of New Correlation and Assessment of Correlations for Two-Phase Pressure Drop in Rectangular Microchannels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Chi Woong; Yu, Dong In; Kim, Moo Hwan


    There are two kinds of models in two-phase pressured drop; homogeneous flow model and separated flow model. Many previous researchers have developed correlations for two-phase pressure drop in a microchannel. Most correlations were modified Lockhart and Martinelli's correlation, which was based on the separated flow model. In this study, experiments for adiabatic liquid water and nitrogen gas flow in rectangular microchannels were conducted to investigate two-phase pressure drop in the rectangular microchannels. Two-phase frictional pressure drop in the rectangular microchannels is highly related with flow regime. Homogeneous model with six two-phase viscosity models: Owen(21)'s, MacAdams(22)'s, Cicchitti et al.(23)'s, Dukler et al.(24)'s, Beattie and Whalley(25)'s, Lin et al.(26)'s models and six separated flow models: Lockhart and Martinelli(27)'s, Chisholm(31)'s, Zhang et al.(15)'s, Lee and Lee(5)'s, Moriyama and Inue(4)'s, Qu and Mudawar(8)'s models were assessed with our experimental data. The best two-phase viscosity model is Beattie and Whalley's model. The best separated flow model is Qu and Mudawar's correlation. Flow regime dependency in both homogeneous and separated flow models was observed. Therefore, new flow pattern based correlations for both homogeneous and separated flow models were individually proposed

  11. Fusões e Aquisições no Varejo Alimentar: uma análise das estratégias de entrada e de crescimento do Carrefour e Wal-Mart no mercado brasileiro

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    Roberto Minadeo


    Full Text Available   Em 2006, a Wal-Mart no Brasil ultrapassou o Carrefour, assumindo a segunda colocação no ranking do varejo alimentar do país. O maior varejista mundial ingressou no mercado brasileiro em 1995, enfrentou problemas em seus primeiros anos, porém, depois empreendeu um programa de crescimento pela abertura de novas lojas e pela aquisição de algumas redes nacionais. Enquanto isso, o Carrefour, que ingressara 20 anos antes na economia brasileira, e que atingira a liderança do ranking no ano de 1990, apenas por meio de um programa de abertura de novos hipermercados, iniciou um processo de ingresso no varejo de vizinhança, adquirindo diversas redes locais, porém, com resultados duvidosos. Logo após o anúncio da perda da segunda posição ao Wal-Mart, o Carrefour anunciou a compra da rede Atacadão, com a qual aspira retomar a liderança. Neste artigo faz-se uma análise das estratégias de entrada, da trajetória de crescimento das duas empresas, bem como da aquisição da rede Atacadão pelo Carrefour, considerada aqui como estratégica para a retomada da liderança no segmento e para defender-se da entrada ou afirmação dos seus concorrentes.

  12. An Aligned-Gap and Centered-Gap Rectangular Multiple Split Ring Resonator for Dielectric Sensing Applications

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    Izyani Mat Rusni


    Full Text Available This paper presents the design and development of a planar Aligned-Gap and Centered-Gap Rectangular Multiple Split Ring Resonator (SRR for microwave sensors that operates at a resonance frequency around 5 GHz. The sensor consists of a microstrip transmission line loaded with two elements of rectangular SRR on both sides. The proposed metamaterial sensors were designed and fabricated on Rogers RT5880 substrate having dielectric constant of 2.2 and thickness of 0.787 mm. The final dimension of the proposed sensor was measured at 35 × 14 mm2. Measured results show good agreement with simulated ones as well as exhibiting high Q-factor for use in sensing application. A remarkably shift of resonance frequency is observed upon introduction of several sample with different dielectric value.

  13. The Effect of Mandrel Configuration on the Warpage in Pultrusion of Rectangular Hollow Profiles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baran, Ismet; Hattel, Jesper H.; Akkerman, Remko


    Thermo-mechanical process simulation of an industrially pultruded rectangular hollow profile is presented. Glass/polyester is used for the continuous filament mat (CFM) and the uni-directional (UD) layers. The process induced residual distortions together with the temperature and degree of cure are

  14. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  15. Modeling the interference of vortex-induced vibration and galloping for a slender rectangular prism (United States)

    Mannini, Claudio; Massai, Tommaso; Marra, Antonino Maria


    Several bluff bodies in an airflow, such as rectangular cylinders with moderate side ratio, in particular conditions of mass and damping can experience the interference of vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and galloping. This promotes a combined instability, which one may call "unsteady galloping", with peculiar features and possibly large vibration amplitudes in flow speed ranges where no excitation is predicted by classical theories. The mathematical model proposed between the 70's and the 80's by Prof. Y. Tamura to simulate this phenomenon was considered here for the case study of a two-dimensional rectangular cylinder with a side ratio of 1.5, having the shorter section side perpendicular to the smooth airflow. This wake-oscillator model relies on the linear superposition of the unsteady wake force producing VIV excitation and the quasi-steady force that is responsible for galloping. The model formulation was slightly modified, and the way to determine a crucial parameter was changed, revealing a previously unexplored behavior of the equations. In the present form, the model is able to predict the dynamic response of the rectangular cylinder with a satisfactory qualitative and, to a certain extent, quantitative agreement with the experimental data, although the limitations of the present approach are clearly highlighted in the paper. The mathematical modeling of unsteady galloping and the analysis of the results offer a deep insight into this complicated phenomenon and its nonlinear features. The model also represents a useful engineering tool to estimate the vibration of a structure or structural element for which the interference of VIV and galloping is envisaged.

  16. Discharge coefficient of a rectangular sharp-edged broad-crested weir


    Zachoval Zbyněk; Knéblová Michaela; Roušar Ladislav; Rumann Ján; Šulc Jan


    his paper is concerned with the determination of the relationship for the calculation of the discharge coefficient at free overflow over a rectangular sharp-edged broad-crested weir without lateral contraction. The determination was made on the basis of new measurement in a range of the relative thickness of the weir from 0.12 to 0.30 and newly in a large range of relative height of the weir extremely from 0.24 to 6.8 which greatly expands the application possibilities of low weirs. In additi...

  17. A novel compact low impedance Marx generator with quasi-rectangular pulse output (United States)

    Liu, Hongwei; Jiang, Ping; Yuan, Jianqiang; Wang, Lingyun; Ma, Xun; Xie, Weiping


    In this paper, a novel low impedance compact Marx generator with near-square pulse output based on the Fourier theory is developed. Compared with the traditional Marx generator, capacitors with different capacity have been used. It can generate a high-voltage quasi-rectangular pulse with a width of 100 ns at low impedance load, and it also has high energy density and power density. The generator consists of 16 modules. Each module comprises an integrative single-ended plastic case capacitor with a nominal value of 54 nF, four ceramic capacitors with a nominal value of 1.5 nF, a gas switch, a charging inductor, a grounding inductor, and insulators which provide mechanical support for all elements. In the module, different discharge periods from different capacitors add to the main circuit to form a quasi-rectangular pulse. The design process of the generator is analyzed, and the test results are provided here. The generator achieved pulse output with a rise time of 32 ns, pulse width of 120 ns, flat-topped width (95%-95%) of 50 ns, voltage of 550 kV, and power of 20 GW.

  18. Numerical investigation of flow past a row of rectangular rods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.Ul. Islam


    Full Text Available A numerical study of uniform flow past a row of rectangular rods with aspect ratio defined as R = width/height = 0.5 is performed using the Lattice Boltzmann method. For this study the Reynolds number (Re is fixed at 150, while spacings between the rods (g are taken in the range from 1 to 6. Depending on g, the flow is classified into four patterns: flip-flopping, nearly unsteady-inphase, modulated inphase-antiphase non-synchronized and synchronized. Sudden jumps in physical parameters were observed, attaining either maximum or minimum values, with the change in flow patterns. The mean drag coefficient (Cdmean of middle rod is higher than the second and fourth rod for flip-flopping pattern while in case of nearly unsteady-inphase the middle rod attains minimum drag coefficient. It is also found that the Strouhal number (St of first, second and fifth rod decreases as g increases while that of other two have mixed trend. The results further show that there exist secondary interaction frequencies together with primary vortex shedding frequency due to jet in the gap between rods for 1 ⩽ g ⩽ 3. For the average values of Cdmean and St, an empirical relation is also given as a function of gap spacing. This relation shows that the average values of Cdmean and St approach to those of single rectangular rod with increment in g.

  19. An analytical solution for Dean flow in curved ducts with rectangular cross section (United States)

    Norouzi, M.; Biglari, N.


    In this paper, a full analytical solution for incompressible flow inside the curved ducts with rectangular cross-section is presented for the first time. The perturbation method is applied to solve the governing equations and curvature ratio is considered as the perturbation parameter. The previous perturbation solutions are usually restricted to the flow in curved circular or annular pipes related to the overly complex form of solutions or singularity situation for flow in curved ducts with non-circular shapes of cross section. This issue specifies the importance of analytical studies in the field of Dean flow inside the non-circular ducts. In this study, the main flow velocity, stream function of lateral velocities (secondary flows), and flow resistance ratio in rectangular curved ducts are obtained analytically. The effect of duct curvature and aspect ratio on flow field is investigated as well. Moreover, it is important to mention that the current analytical solution is able to simulate the Taylor-Görtler and Dean vortices (vortices in stable and unstable situations) in curved channels.

  20. A Novel Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator Inducing Near Rectangular Pulses with Controllable Pulse Width (cTMS) (United States)

    Jalinous, Reza; Lisanby, Sarah H.


    A novel transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device with controllable pulse width (PW) and near rectangular pulse shape (cTMS) is described. The cTMS device uses an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) with appropriate snubbers to switch coil currents up to 7 kA, enabling PW control from 5 μs to over 100 μs. The near-rectangular induced electric field pulses use 22–34% less energy and generate 67–72% less coil heating compared to matched conventional cosine pulses. CTMS is used to stimulate rhesus monkey motor cortex in vivo with PWs of 20 to 100 μs, demonstrating the expected decrease of threshold pulse amplitude with increasing PW. The technological solutions used in the cTMS prototype can expand functionality, and reduce power consumption and coil heating in TMS, enhancing its research and therapeutic applications. PMID:18232369

  1. Prediction of the critical heat flux for saturated upward flow boiling water in vertical narrow rectangular channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Gil Sik; Chang, Soon Heung; Jeong, Yong Hoon


    A study, on the theoretical method to predict the critical heat flux (CHF) of saturated upward flow boiling water in vertical narrow rectangular channels, has been conducted. For the assessment of this CHF prediction method, 608 experimental data were selected from the previous researches, in which the heated sections were uniformly heated from both wide surfaces under the high pressure condition over 41 bar. For this purpose, representative previous liquid film dryout (LFD) models for circular channels were reviewed by using 6058 points from the KAIST CHF data bank. This shows that it is reasonable to define the initial condition of quality and entrainment fraction at onset of annular flow (OAF) as the transition to annular flow regime and the equilibrium value, respectively, and the prediction error of the LFD model is dependent on the accuracy of the constitutive equations of droplet deposition and entrainment. In the modified Levy model, the CHF data are predicted with standard deviation (SD) of 14.0% and root mean square error (RMSE) of 14.1%. Meanwhile, in the present LFD model, which is based on the constitutive equations developed by Okawa et al., the entire data are calculated with SD of 17.1% and RMSE of 17.3%. Because of its qualitative prediction trend and universal calculation convergence, the present model was finally selected as the best LFD model to predict the CHF for narrow rectangular channels. For the assessment of the present LFD model for narrow rectangular channels, effective 284 data were selected. By using the present LFD model, these data are predicted with RMSE of 22.9% with the dryout criterion of zero-liquid film flow, but RMSE of 18.7% with rivulet formation model. This shows that the prediction error of the present LFD model for narrow rectangular channels is similar with that for circular channels.

  2. Bubble departure diameter in narrow rectangular channel under rolling condition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xie, T.; Chen, B.; Yan, X.; Xu, J.; Huang, Y.; Xiao, Z. [Nuclear Power Inst. of China, Chengdu, Sichuan (China)


    Forced convective subcooled boiling flow experiments were conducted in a vertical upward narrow rectangular channel under rolling motion. A high-speed digital video camera was used to capture the dynamics of the bubble nucleation process. Bubble departure diameters were obtained from the images. A bubble departure model based on force balance analysis was proposed to predict the bubble departure size under rolling condition by considering the additional centrifugal, tangential and Coriolis force. The proposed model agreed well with the experimental data within the averaged relative deviation of 5%. (author)

  3. Thermoelectric effects in a rectangular Aharonov-Bohm geometry (United States)

    Pye, A. J.; Faux, D. A.; Kearney, M. J.


    The thermoelectric transport properties of a rectangular Aharonov-Bohm ring at low temperature are investigated using a theoretical approach based on Green's functions. The oscillations in the transmission coefficient as the field is varied can be used to tune the thermoelectric response of the ring. Large magnitude thermopowers are obtainable which, in conjunction with low conductance, can result in a high thermoelectric figure of merit. The effects of single site impurities and more general Anderson disorder are considered explicitly in the context of evaluating their effect on the Fano-type resonances in the transmission coefficient. Importantly, it is shown that even for moderate levels of disorder, the thermoelectric figure of merit can remain significant, increasing the appeal of such structures from the perspective of specialist thermoelectric applications.

  4. Experimental study on saturated boiling of two phase natural circulation under low pressure in narrow rectangular channels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Zi-chao; Qi, Shi; Zhou, Tao; Li, Bing; Shahzad, Muhammad Ali [North China Electric Power Univ., Beijing (China). School of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Beijing Key Laboratory of Passive Safety Technology for Nuclear Energy, Beijing (China); Huang, Yan-ping [Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Technology, Chengdu (China). CNNC Key Lab.


    Saturated boiling of two-phase natural circulation has been experimentally investigated based on a natural circulation device with narrow rectangular channels. When heating power reaches a certain range, it is possible to observe the phenomenon of saturated boiling and flow pattern transition in the system. The results show the heat transfer coefficient of saturated boiling decreases with the increasing of pressure, heating power and size of narrow rectangle channels. The buoyancy force causing mixed convection decreases the heat transfer coefficient. Finally, a dimensionless number is introduced, which reflects length to width ratio of rectangular narrow section and Rayleigh number, in order to revise the presented correlation. All errors fall within the range of ±15%.

  5. Finite-size resonance dielectric cylinder in a rectangular waveguide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chuprina, V.N.; Khizhnyak, N.A.


    The problem on resonance spread of an electromagnetic wave by a dielectric circular cylinder of finite size in a rectangular waveguide is solved by a numerical-analytical method. The cylinder axes are parallel. The cylinder can be used as a resonance tuning element in accelerating SHF-sections. Problems on cutting off linear algebraic equation systems, to which relations of macroscopic electrodynamics in the integral differential form written for the concrete problem considered here are reduced by analytical transformations, are investigated in the stage of numerical analysis. Theoretical dependences of the insertion of the voltage standing wave coefficient on the generator wave length calculated for different values of problem parameters are constracted

  6. Smart wave filtering method of a rectangular panel using Hilbert transformers and its application to an adaptive control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwamoto, Hiroyuki; Tanaka, Nobuo; Hill, Simon G


    This paper concerns the active vibration control of a rectangular panel using smart sensors from the viewpoint of an active wave control theory. The objective of this paper is to present a new type of filter which enables the measurement of the wave amplitude of a rectangular panel in real time for the application of an adaptive feedforward control system which inactivates vibration modes. Firstly, a novel wave filtering method using smart PVDF sensors is proposed. It is found that the shaping function of smart sensors is a complex function. To realize the smart sensor in a practical situation, a Hilbert transformer is utilized to implement a phase shifter of 90° for broadband frequencies. Then, from the viewpoint of a numerical analysis, the characteristics of the proposed wave filter and the performance of the adaptive feedforward control system using the wave filter are discussed. Finally, experiments implementing the active wave control theory which uses the proposed wave filter are conducted, demonstrating the validity of the proposed method in suppressing the vibration of a rectangular panel

  7. Research on the Cross Section Precision of High-strength Steel Tube with Rectangular Section in Rotary Draw Bending (United States)

    Yang, Hongliang; Zhao, Hao; Xing, Zhongwen


    For the demand of energy conservation and security improvement, high-strength steel (HSS) is increasingly being used to produce safety related automotive components. However, cross-section distortion occurs easily in bending of HSS tube with rectangular section (RS), affecting the forming precision. HSS BR1500HS tube by rotary draw bending is taken as the study object and a description method of cross-section distortion is proposed in this paper. The influence on cross-section precision of geometric parameters including cross-section position, thickness of tube, bend radius etc. are studied by experiment. Besides, simulation of the rotary draw bending of HSS tube with rectangular section by ABAQUS are carried out and compared to the experiment. The results by simulation agree well with the experiment and show that the cross-section is approximately trapezoidal after distortion; the maximum of distortion exists at 45 ∼ 60° of the bending direction; and the absolute and relative distortion values increase with the decreasing of tube thickness or bending radius. Therefore, the results can provide a reference for the design of geometric parameters of HSS tube with rectangular section in rotary draw bending.

  8. Simplified Method for the Characterization of Rectangular Straw Bales (RSB) Thermal Conductivity (United States)

    Conti, Leonardo; Goli, Giacomo; Monti, Massimo; Pellegrini, Paolo; Rossi, Giuseppe; Barbari, Matteo


    This research aims to design and implement tools and methods focused at the assessment of the thermal properties of full size Rectangular Straw Bales (RSB) of various nature and origin, because their thermal behaviour is one of the key topics in market development of sustainable building materials. As a first approach a method based on a Hot-Box in agreement with the ASTM C1363 - 11 standard was adopted. This method was found to be difficult for the accurate measurement of energy flows. Instead, a method based on a constant energy input was developed. With this approach the thermal conductivity of a Rectangular Straw-Bale (RSB λ) can be determined by knowing the thermal conductivity of the materials used to build the chamber and the internal and external temperature of the samples and of the chamber. A measurement a metering chamber was built and placed inside a climate chamber, maintained at constant temperature. A known quantity of energy was introduced inside the metering chamber. A series of thermopiles detects the temperature of the internal and external surfaces of the metering chamber and of the specimens allowing to calculate the thermal conductivity of RSB in its natural shape. Different cereal samples were tested. The values were found consistent with those published in scientific literature.

  9. Counter-current gas-liquid two-phase flow in a narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Byung Hu; Kim, Byong Joo


    A study of counter-current two-phase flow in a narrow rectangular channel has been performed. Two-phase flow patterns and void fractions were experimentally studied in a 760 mm long and 100 mm wide test section with 3.0 mm gap. The resulting data have been compared to previous transition criteria and empirical correlations. The comparison of experimental data to the transition criteria developed by Taitel and Barnea showed good agreement for the bubbly-to-slug transition. For the criteria of Mishima and Ishii to be applicable to the slug to churn transition, a new model seems to be needed for the accurate prediction of the distribution parameter for the counter-current flow in narrow rectangular channels. For the churn-to-annular transition the model of Taitel and Barnea was found to be close to the experimental data. However the model should be improved in conjunction with the channel geometry to accurately predict the counter-current flow limitation and flow transition. It was verified the distribution parameter was well-correlated by the drift-flux model. The distribution parameter for the present study was found to be about 1.2 for all flow regimes except 1.0 for an annular flow. (author)

  10. Design and fabrication of a large rectangular magnetic cusp plasma source for high intensity neutral beam injectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biagi, L.A.; Berkner, K.H.; Ehlers, K.W.; Paterson, J.A.; Porter, J.R.


    The design and fabrication techniques for a large, rectangular magnetic bucket plasma source are described. This source is compatible with the accelerator structures for the TFTR and DIII neutral-beam systems

  11. Oscillating-flow loss test results in rectangular heat exchanger passages (United States)

    Wood, J. Gary


    Test results of oscillating flow losses in rectangular heat exchanger passages of various aspect ratios are given. This work was performed in support of the design of a free-piston Stirling engine (FPSE) for a dynamic space power conversion system. Oscillating flow loss testing was performed using an oscillating flow rig, which was based on a variable stroke and variable frequency linear drive motor. Tests were run over a range of oscillating flow parameters encompassing the flow regimes of the proposed engine design. Test results are presented in both tabular and graphical form and are compared against analytical predictions.

  12. The nanosecond generator RG-1 with near-rectangular pulse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulan, V.V.; Grabovskij, E.V.; Gribov, A.N.; Luzhnov, V.G.


    The 300 kV, 17 Ohm generator RG-1, which can deliver near-rectangular pulses with a pulse duration of 80 ns FWHM, is described. The polarity of the output pulse can be changed by a simple switch. The fast capacities of the Marx generator are used instead of the pulse forming line. Multi-spark gas switches were developed to decrease the inductance of the discharged circuit. The generator is supplied by a built-in high voltage source and its operation is controlled by a minicomputer. It is used the power supply-line 220 V. The RG-1 can be used in different modes of operation: gas discharge, particle beam formation, etc. (author). 4 figs., 3 refs

  13. Rectangular amplitudes, conformal blocks, and applications to loop models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bondesan, Roberto, E-mail: [LPTENS, Ecole Normale Superieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris (France); Institute de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Jacobsen, Jesper L. [LPTENS, Ecole Normale Superieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris (France); Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris (France); Saleur, Hubert [Institute de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Physics Department, USC, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484 (United States)


    In this paper we continue the investigation of partition functions of critical systems on a rectangle initiated in [R. Bondesan, et al., Nucl. Phys. B 862 (2012) 553-575]. Here we develop a general formalism of rectangle boundary states using conformal field theory, adapted to describe geometries supporting different boundary conditions. We discuss the computation of rectangular amplitudes and their modular properties, presenting explicit results for the case of free theories. In a second part of the paper we focus on applications to loop models, discussing in details lattice discretizations using both numerical and analytical calculations. These results allow to interpret geometrically conformal blocks, and as an application we derive new probability formulas for self-avoiding walks.

  14. The nanosecond generator RG-1 with near-rectangular pulse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bulan, V V; Grabovskij, E V; Gribov, A N; Luzhnov, V G [TRINITI, Troitsk (Russian Federation)


    The 300 kV, 17 Ohm generator RG-1, which can deliver near-rectangular pulses with a pulse duration of 80 ns FWHM, is described. The polarity of the output pulse can be changed by a simple switch. The fast capacities of the Marx generator are used instead of the pulse forming line. Multi-spark gas switches were developed to decrease the inductance of the discharged circuit. The generator is supplied by a built-in high voltage source and its operation is controlled by a minicomputer. It is used the power supply-line 220 V. The RG-1 can be used in different modes of operation: gas discharge, particle beam formation, etc. (author). 4 figs., 3 refs.

  15. Counter-current flow limited CHF in thin rectangular channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, L.Y.


    An analytical expression for counter-current-flow-limitation (CCFL) was used to predict critical heat flux (CHF) for downward flow in thin vertical rectangular channels which are prototypes of coolant channels in test and research nuclear reactors. Top flooding is the mechanism for counter-current flow limited CHF. The CCFL correlation also was used to determine the circulation and flooding-limited CHF. Good agreements were observed between the period the model predictions and data on the CHF for downflow. The minimum CHF for downflow is lower than the flooding-limited CHF and it is predicted to occur at a liquid flow rate higher than that at the flooding limit. 17 refs., 7 figs

  16. Conversion of output factor from square field into rectangular field in electron beam

    CERN Document Server

    Wang Jian Hua; Xu Yi Fei


    Objective: A simple and accurate calculation method was designed to convert output factor from square field into rectangular field in electron beam, which can be easily implemented in clinical practice. Methods: 6, 12, 15 MeV electron beam, field size 6.0 cm x 7.5 cm, 5.0 cm x 10.0 cm, 6.0 cm x 12.0 cm, TL3000C dosimeter and source-to-surface distance method were used in dose measurement. The measured dose values were compared with the calculated ones from three theoretical equations with the conformation evaluated. Results: The calculated dose values from three theoretical equations differed from the measured ones by 0.23%, 1.30% and 1.10% (6 MeV), 0.63%, 0.90% and 0.73% (12 MeV), 0.50%, 1.80% and 3.40% (15 MeV), conforming best to the equation OUF (X, Y)=[OUF(X,X). OUF(Y,Y)] sup 1 sup / sup 2. When the size of the field was longer than Rp, the difference between the calculated values and measured ones was relatively very small. Conclusions: The output factor in rectangular fields can be accurately calculate...

  17. Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plates with One or More Guided Edges via Bicubic B-Spline Method

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    W.J. Si


    Full Text Available A simple and accurate method is proposed for the vibration analysis of rectangular plates with one or more guided edges, in which bicubic B-spline interpolation in combination with a new type of basis cubic B-spline functions is used to approximate the plate deflection. This type of basis cubic B-spline functions can satisfy simply supported, clamped, free, and guided edge conditions with easy numerical manipulation. The frequency characteristic equation is formulated based on classical thin plate theory by performing Hamilton's principle. The present solutions are verified with the analytical ones. Fast convergence, high accuracy and computational efficiency have been demonstrated from the comparisons. Frequency parameters for 13 cases of rectangular plates with at least one guided edge, which are possible by approximate or numerical methods only, are presented. These results are new in literature.

  18. Stresses and Displacements in Functionally Graded Materials of Semi-Infinite Extent Induced by Rectangular Loadings

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    Zhong-Qi Yue


    Full Text Available This paper presents the stress and displacement fields in a functionally graded material (FGM caused by a load. The FGM is a graded material of Si3N4-based ceramics and is assumed to be of semi-infinite extent. The load is a distributed loading over a rectangular area that is parallel to the external surface of the FGM and either on its external surface or within its interior space. The point-load analytical solutions or so-called Yue’s solutions are used for the numerical integration over the distributed loaded area. The loaded area is discretized into 200 small equal-sized rectangular elements. The numerical integration is carried out with the regular Gaussian quadrature. Weak and strong singular integrations encountered when the field points are located on the loaded plane, are resolved with the classical methods in boundary element analysis. The numerical integration results have high accuracy.

  19. The testing of the Rectangular Pivot-point bellows for the PPPL Tokamak fusion test reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haughian, J.; Fong, M.; Greer, J.; Lou, K.; Scalise, D.T.


    The Neutral Beam Pivot Point Bellows (PPB) is installed in the duct which connects the Neutral Beam Enclosure to the Torus. This bellows, located at the pivot point, must fit the severely limited space available at the pivot-point location. Consequently, it has to be made rectangular in cross section with a large inside area for beam access. This leads to small convolutions with high stress concentrations. The function of the bellows is to permit change in the angular positioning of the neutral beam line with respect to the Tokamak, to isolate the Neutral Beam Line from the deflection of the Torus during bake out, and to allow for all misalignments. Internally the bellows will have a vacuum along with such gases such as hydrogen or deuterium. Externally, air or nitrogen gas will be present. It is constructed of Inconel 718 convolutions welded together to provide a clear rectangular opening of 23.4 by 32.2 inches, joined to a 625 Inconel flange at each end

  20. Total reflection and cloaking by zero index metamaterials loaded with rectangular dielectric defects

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Ying


    In this work, we investigate wave transmission property through a zero index metamaterial (ZIM) waveguide embedded with rectangular dielectric defects. We show that total reflection and total transmission (cloaking) can be achieved by adjusting the geometric sizes and/or permittivities of the defects. Our work provides another possibility of manipulating wave propagation through ZIM in addition to the widely studied dielectric defects with cylindrical geometries.

  1. Total reflection and cloaking by zero index metamaterials loaded with rectangular dielectric defects

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Ying; Li, Jichun


    In this work, we investigate wave transmission property through a zero index metamaterial (ZIM) waveguide embedded with rectangular dielectric defects. We show that total reflection and total transmission (cloaking) can be achieved by adjusting the geometric sizes and/or permittivities of the defects. Our work provides another possibility of manipulating wave propagation through ZIM in addition to the widely studied dielectric defects with cylindrical geometries.

  2. Discharge Coefficient of Rectangular Short-Crested Weir with Varying Slope Coefficients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuejun Chen


    Full Text Available Rectangular short-crested weirs are widely used for simple structure and high discharge capacity. As one of the most important and influential factors of discharge capacity, side slope can improve the hydraulic characteristics of weirs at special conditions. In order to systemically study the effects of upstream and downstream slope coefficients S1 and S2 on overflow discharge coefficient in a rectangular short-crested weir the Volume of Fluid (VOF method and the Renormalization Group (RNG κ-ε turbulence model are used. In this study, the slope coefficient ranges from V to 3H:1V and each model corresponds to five total energy heads of H0 ranging from 8.0 to 24.0 cm. Comparisons of discharge coefficients and free surface profiles between simulated and laboratory results display a good agreement. The simulated results show that the difference of discharge coefficients will decrease with upstream slopes and increase with downstream slopes as H0 increases. For a given H0, the discharge coefficient has a convex parabolic relation with S1 and a piecewise linearity relation with S2. The maximum discharge coefficient is always obtained at S2 = 0.8. There exists a difference between upstream and downstream slope coefficients in the influence range of free surface curvatures. Furthermore, a proposed discharge coefficient equation by nonlinear regression is a function of upstream and downstream slope coefficients.

  3. Phase distribution measurements in narrow rectangular channels using image processing techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bentley, C.; Ruggles, A.


    Many high flux research reactor fuel assemblies are cooled by systems of parallel narrow rectangular channels. The HFIR is cooled by single phase forced convection under normal operating conditions. However, two-phase forced convection or two phase mixed convection can occur in the fueled region as a result of some hypothetical accidents. Such flow conditions would occur only at decay power levels. The system pressure would be around 0.15 MPa in such circumstances. Phase distribution of air-water flow in a narrow rectangular channel is examined using image processing techniques. Ink is added to the water and clear channel walls are used to allow high speed still photographs and video tape to be taken of the air-water flow field. Flow field images are digitized and stored in a Macintosh 2ci computer using a frame grabber board. Local grey levels are related to liquid thickness in the flow channel using a calibration fixture. Image processing shareware is used to calculate the spatially averaged liquid thickness from the image of the flow field. Time averaged spatial liquid distributions are calculated using image calculation algorithms. The spatially averaged liquid distribution is calculated from the time averaged spatial liquid distribution to formulate the combined temporally and spatially averaged fraction values. The temporally and spatially averaged liquid fractions measured using this technique compare well to those predicted from pressure gradient measurements at zero superficial liquid velocity

  4. Heuristica de dos-etapas para el problema de corte de piezas con guillotinado bidimensional

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    Juan Gabriel Correa Medina


    Full Text Available En un ambiente altamente competitivo, el problema de corte de guillotina bidimensional es un elemento clave en la reducción de costos. Este problema tiene una amplia gama de aplicaciones en industrias cuyos procesos de corte de materiales se realizan con máquinas que sólo permiten cortes de un extremo a otro. En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo de dos etapas usando metaheurísticas para acomodar en una sola placa de ancho conocido y longitud infinita, un conjunto de ítems rectangulares fuertemente heterogéneos que pueden ser rotados 90°. El objetivo es minimizar la longitud requerida de la placa procurando la acumulación del desperdicio. En la primera etapa se aplica un algoritmo de búsqueda tabú para determinar el orden en que se acomodan los ítems. En la segunda, se busca determinar el mejor acomodo de los ítems en la placa mediante un algoritmo de recocido simulado. Se experimenta con un conjunto de instancias conocidas. Los resultados muestran que la rotación de piezas favorece la obtención de soluciones que igualan al menos las reportadas previamente en la literatura y que la concentración de los desperdicios incrementa su posibilidad de reutilización. Into a highly competitive environment, two-dimensional guillotine’s cut problem is an elementary key to cost reduction. This problem has a wide variety of applications into factories related to processes material cut. Cuts are done by machines which cut from one edge to other. A two stage algorithm is shown to place a finite set of items in a single plate with a known width and infinite length, using metaheuristics. All items are rectangular, mostly are distinct itself and each one can only be rotated 90 degrees at once. Main objective is minimization of length required by plate and waste accumulation were compacted as much as possible. First stage determines the order from items placed by using a tabu search algorithm. Second stage tries improving the order previous

  5. Construcción de un equipo de medida de fotosíntesis neta y transpiración para plantas individuales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anundo Polanía


    Full Text Available Se construyó un equipo de medida de fotosíntesis neta y transpiración para plantas individuales jóvenes de sistema abierto. La parte aérea de la planta se introdujo en una cámara transparente con un sistema de entrada y salida de aire. Esta tenía un control de temperatura y ventilación y estaba iluminada por varias bombillas cuya distancia a la cámara era graduable.Un analizador de gases infrarrojo midió la diferencia de concentración de CO2 entre la entrada y la salida de la cámara. La humedad del aire era registrada por unhigrómetro de punto de rocío. La concentración de CO2 y H2O en el aire que entraba a la cámara era controlada usando trampas selectivas y saturadores de vapor de agua. Con el equipo se hicieron medidas de ratas de fotosíntesis neta y transpiración en plantas de maíz. La precisión y la reproducibilidad de las medidas obtenidas con el equipo permiten su utilización para estudios del mismo tipo en otrasespecies.

  6. Thermal stresses in an orthotropic rectangular plate with a rigid ribbonlike inclusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumi, N.


    On the basis of the complex variable method for determining the stationary two-dimensional thermal stresses, the thermal stresses in an orthotropic rectangular plate with a rigid ribbonlike inclusion under a steady state temperature field is considered. The solution is found by the analytic continuation argument and the modified mapping-collocation technique. Numerical results indicate a dependence of the orthotropic stress intensity factors on the thermal, elastic and geometrical constants over a certain parameter range. (orig.)

  7. Numerical Simulation of Passage of a Neutrophil through a Rectangular Channel with a Moderate Constriction (United States)

    Shirai, Atsushi; Masuda, Sunao


    The authors have previously presented a mathematical model to predict transit time of a neutrophil through an alveolar capillary segment which was modeled as an axisymmetric arc-shaped constriction settled in a cylindrical straight pipe to investigate the influence of entrance curvature of a capillary on passage of the cell. The axially asymmetric cross section of a capillary also influences the transit time because it requires three-dimensional deformation of a cell when it passes through the capillary and could lead to plasma leakage between the cell surface and the capillary wall. In this study, a rectangular channel was introduced, the side walls of which were moderately constricted, as a representative of axially asymmetric capillaries. Dependence of transit time of a neutrophil passing through the constriction on the constriction geometry, i.e., channel height, throat width and curvature radius of the constriction, was numerically investigated, the transit time being compared with that through the axisymmetric model. It was found that the transit time is dominated by the throat hydraulic diameter and curvature radius of the constriction and that the throat aspect ratio little affects the transit time with a certain limitation, indicating that if an appropriate curvature radius is chosen, such a rectangular channel model can be substituted for an axisymmetric capillary model having the same throat hydraulic diameter in terms of the transit time by choosing an appropriate curvature radius. Thus, microchannels fabricated by the photolithography technique, whose cross section is generally rectangular, are expected to be applicable to in vitro model experiments of neutrophil retention and passage in the alveolar capillaries. PMID:23527190

  8. Theory of the special Smith-Purcell radiation from a rectangular grating

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Weihao, E-mail:; He, Zhigang, E-mail:; Jia, Qika [National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230029 (China); Li, Weiwei [National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230029 (China); Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, via E. Fermi 40, 00044 Frascati, RM (Italy)


    The recently uncovered special Smith-Purcell radiation (S-SPR) from the rectangular grating has significantly higher intensity than the ordinary Smith-Purcell radiation (SPR). Its monochromaticity and directivity are also much better. Here we explored the mechanism of the S-SPR by applying the fundamental electromagnetic theory and simulations. We have confirmed that the S-SPR is exactly from the radiating eigen modes of the grating. Its frequency and direction are well correlated with the beam velocity and structure parameters, which indicates its promising applications in tunable wave generation and beam diagnostic.

  9. Experimental study on downward two-phase flow in narrow rectangular channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, T.H.; Jeong, J.H. [Pusan National Univ., Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Adiabatic vertical two-phase flow of air and water through narrow rectangular channels was investigated. This study involved the observation of flow using a high speed camera and flow regimes were determined by image processing program using a MATLAB. The flows regimes in channel with downward flow are similar to those found by previous studies with upward flow. The flow regimes in downward flow at low liquid velocity are different from the previous studies in upward flow. The flow regimes can be classified into bubbly, cap-bubbly, slug and churn flow. (author)

  10. LUGS, Stress Analysis, Flexibility Factors for Rectangular Attachment on Thin Shell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dodge, W.G.


    1 - Description of problem or function: LUGS calculates stresses, stress indices, and flexibility factors for a rectangular attachment on a cylindrical shell. 2 - Method of solution: The program implements Bijlaard's series solution to the thin-shell equations. 3 - Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: Caution is recommended in using the code for attachments on very thin shells that have large circumferential dimension and small longitudinal dimension (GAMMA.GE.80, BETA2.LE.0.05, and BETA1.GE.0.3) as series convergence and/or numeric problems seem to exist

  11. Theory of the special Smith-Purcell radiation from a rectangular grating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Weihao; He, Zhigang; Jia, Qika; Li, Weiwei


    The recently uncovered special Smith-Purcell radiation (S-SPR) from the rectangular grating has significantly higher intensity than the ordinary Smith-Purcell radiation (SPR). Its monochromaticity and directivity are also much better. Here we explored the mechanism of the S-SPR by applying the fundamental electromagnetic theory and simulations. We have confirmed that the S-SPR is exactly from the radiating eigen modes of the grating. Its frequency and direction are well correlated with the beam velocity and structure parameters, which indicates its promising applications in tunable wave generation and beam diagnostic

  12. La Argentina y sus vínculos con las grandes potencias. Emancipación política y dependencia económica

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    Carolina Crisorio


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo XVII los sucesivos reyes de Castilla y Aragón habían perdido parte del control político y económico de sus colonias americanas. Esta circunstancia favoreció el florecimiento económico y social de las colonias y la conformación de élites locales que tenían cierta influencia en la administración colonial. La situación cambió a lo largo del siglo XVIII con la llegada de los Borbones1, que tomaron medidas para aumentar el control político y económico de la metrópoli sobre las posesiones de ultramar. La política colonial de Carlos III, inspirada en el despotismo ilustrado, buscó generar modificaciones “desde arriba” sin cambiar las relaciones sociales2. Entre las principales Reformas Borbónicas se encuentra la creación del Virreinato del Río de la Plata (1776, que transformó a Buenos Aires en la nueva sede de gobierno. El mismo estaba constituido por parte de los territorios de los siguientes países actuales: Bolivia (Alto Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay (Banda Oriental y Argentina. Uno de los principales objetivos era frenar el contrabando a favor del monopolio mercantil de la metrópoli, dado que por el lejano puerto de Buenos Aires se producía un comercio ilegal3, con la salida de metales preciosos altoperuanos y la entrada de esclavos y productos manufacturados europeos introducidos por ingleses4 y portugueses5. 

  13. Specific aspects of turbulent flow in rectangular ducts

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    Stanković Branislav D.


    Full Text Available The essential ideas of investigations of turbulent flow in a straight rectangular duct are chronologically presented. Fundamentally significant experimental and theoretical studies for mathematical modeling and numerical computations of this flow configuration are analyzed. An important physical aspect of this type of flow is presence of secondary motion in the plane perpendicular to the streamwise direction, which is of interest from both the engineering and the scientific viewpoints. The key facts for a task of turbulence modeling and optimal choice of the turbulence model are obtained through careful examination of physical mechanisms that generate secondary flows. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no.TR-33018: Increase in Energy and Ecology Efficiency of Processes in Pulverized Coal-Fired Furnace and Optimization of Utility Steam Boiler Air Pre-heater by Using In-House Developed Software Tools

  14. Seguimiento de trayectorias en manipuladores robóticos usando Differential Flatness

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    Elkin Veslin Diaz


    Full Text Available Este documento propone una aplicación con Differential Flatness para el problema de seguimiento de trayectorias en manipuladores robóticos. Para cada coordenada generalizada, se proponen sus trayectorias como una función en el tiempo donde deben encontrar las entradas correspondientes para garantizar el seguimiento. Se demuestra que la posición de cada coordenada generalizada del manipulador robótico y sus correspondientes derivadas son salidas planas que, en conjunto con un controlador PD pueden determinar, con algunas restricciones, los valores de fuerza para conseguir un movimiento en el manipulador con una mínima desviación a lo largo del trayecto, tanto en movimientos planos como en el espacio.

  15. Experimental study of subsonic microjet escaping from a rectangular nozzle (United States)

    Aniskin, V. M.; Maslov, A. A.; Mukhin, K. A.


    The first experiments on the subsonic laminar microjets escaping from the nozzles of rectangular shape are carried out. The nozzle size is 83.3x3823 microns. Reynolds number calculated by the nozzle height and the average flow velocity at the nozzle exit ranged from 58 to 154. The working gas was air at room temperature. The velocity decay and velocity fluctuations along the center line of the jet are determined. The fundamental difference between the laminar microjets characteristics and subsonic turbulent jets of macro size is shown. Based on measurements of velocity fluctuations it is shown the presence of laminar-turbulent transition in microjets and its location is determined.

  16. Stress analysis and evaluation of a rectangular pressure vessel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rezvani, M.A.; Ziada, H.H.; Shurrab, M.S.


    This study addresses structural analysis and evaluation of an abnormal rectangular pressure vessel, designed to house equipment for drilling and collecting samples from Hanford radioactive waste storage tanks. It had to be qualified according to ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, Section VIII; however, it had the cover plate bolted along the long face, a configuration not addressed by the code. Finite element method was used to calculate stresses resulting from internal pressure; these stresses were then used to evaluate and qualify the vessel. Fatigue is not a concern; thus, it can be built according to Section VIII, Division I instead of Division 2. Stress analysis was checked against the code. A stayed plate was added to stiffen the long side of the vessel

  17. Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Threshold Autoregressive Models with Missing Data


    Calderón Villanueva, Sergio Alejandro


    Resumen. En algunos campos, nos vemos forzados a trabajar con datos faltantes en series de tiempo multivaridas, desafortunadamente el análisis en este contexto no puede ser hecho como en caso completo. El análisis de modelos multivaridos autoregresivos de umbrales(MTAR) con entradas exógenas y datos faltantes es llevado a cabo vía el enfoque Bayesiano. Los métodos MCMC son usados para obtener muestras de las distribuciones marginales aposteriori, incluyendo los valores de los umbrales y los d...

  18. Didáctica de las Ciencias en la Educación Primaria y su relación con los planteamientos de comienzos del siglo XX

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    Natividad Araque Hontangas


    Full Text Available Este artículo intenta poner de relieve que la didáctica de las ciencias en la enseñanza primaria, a partir de la entrada en vigor de la LOGSE y hasta nuestros días, guarda una estrecha relación con los planteamientos pedagógicos de varios profesores de Escuelas Normales, en su mayoría, vinculados a la Institución Libre de Enseñanza a comienzos del siglo XX. El método de enseñanza que se desarrolla en este artículo engloba tres modelos, que Aurelio Usón Jaeger califica como: activa, paidocéntrica y vitalista. La enseñanza activa, caracterizada por una metodología que se basa en la participación eficaz y en el desarrollo constante del alumno, con la cual éstos aprenden a medida que van haciendo, siendo especialmente importante la observación de los seres y procesos naturales “invivo”, y la experimentación mediante la realización de diversas y sencillas experiencias. La enseñanza paidocéntrica, en la que los contenidos científicos están más en sintonía con los intereses del niño, su capacidad intelectual y su particular forma de percibir la naturaleza. Por último, la enseñanza vitalista se centra en inculcar unos valores educativos múltiples, que sean preparatorios y, a su vez, útiles para los niños en su vida ulterior y en su más amplio sentido, como sería la adquisición del hábito de indagación científica (Usón, 2003, p.100.

  19. El principio ne bis in idem en Europa. El Tribunal de Justicia y los derechos fundamentales en el espacio judicial europeo, IUSTEL

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vervaele, J.A.E.


    Durante años el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas (TJCE) ha elaborado una serie completa de principios generales del Derecho comunitario, también en el área del Derecho penal y del Derecho procesal penal. Con la entrada en vigor de la cooperación en los ámbitos de la Justicia y de los

  20. El principio ne bis in idem en Europa : el tribunal de justicia y los derechos fundamentales en el espacio judicial europeo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vervaele, J.A.E.


    Durante años el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas (TJCE) ha elaborado una serie completa de principios generales del Derecho comunitario, también en el área del Derecho penal y del Derecho procesal penal. Con la entrada en vigor de la cooperación en los ámbitos de la Justicia y de los

  1. Environmental Effects on Flutter Characteristics of Laminated Composite Rectangular and Skew Panels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T.V.R. Chowdary


    Full Text Available A finite element method is presented for predicting the flutter response of laminated composite panels subjected to moisture concentration and temperature. The analysis accounts for material properties at elevated temperature and moisture concentration. The analysis is based on the first-order approximation to the linear piston theory and laminated plate theory that includes shear deformation. Both rectangular and skew panels are considered. Stability boundaries at moisture concentrations and temperatures for various lamination schemes and boundary conditions are discussed.


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    Alberto Acosta López


    Full Text Available Este documento plantea una propuesta de prototipo e implementación de una aplicación, construida en plataforma Android utilizando tecnologías NFC. La motivación para la elaboración de la aplicación es la problemática de  la validación y control de flujo de activos fijos, bastante común en la actualidad. Con este desarrollo se busca proporcionar una solución a la tarea del registro y validación de entrada y salida de elementos físicos, que estarán relacionados con información almacenada en una base de datos donde se asociarán con una persona, en un lugar en específico. En el desarrollo de la aplicación se implementó una arquitectura de software basada en cliente-servidor contando con elementos tipo web y móvil, y acoplando diferentes tecnologías que convergen a un único servicio. Como trabajo futuro se destacara la posibilidad de extender la aplicación a cualquier organización que la requiera, también deben explorarse nuevas metodologías de seguridad en general para las etiquetas NFC que permitan  generar una capa de seguridad eficiente y robusta.  Finalmente, se obtiene como resultado una versión funcional del aplicativo probada en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas de la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia para el control de entrada y salida de dispositivos electrónicos, con resultados satisfactorios.

  3. Effect of void fraction correlations on two-phase pressure drop during flow boiling in narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Dong; Gao, Puzhen; Chen, Chong; Lan, Shu


    Highlights: • Most of the slip ratio models and the Lockhart–Martinelli parameter based models give similar results. • The drift flux void fraction models give relatively small values. • The effect of void fraction correlations on two-phase friction pressure drop is inconspicuous. • The effect of void fraction correlations on two-phase acceleration pressure drop is significant. - Abstract: The void fraction of water during flow boiling in vertical narrow rectangular channel is experimentally investigated. The void fraction is indirectly determined using the present experimental data with various void fraction correlations or models published in the open literature. The effects of mass flux, mass quality, system pressure and inlet subcooling on the void fraction and pressure drop are discussed in detail. In addition, comparison and discussion among the numerous void fraction correlations are carried out. The effect of void fraction correlations on two-phase pressure drop is presented as well. The results reveal that most of the slip ratio correlations and the Lockhart–Martinelli parameter based void fraction correlations have results close to each other at mass quality higher than 0.2. The drift flux void fraction correlations give small values which are incompatible with other models making it inapplicable for narrow rectangular channel. The alteration of void fraction correlations has an inconspicuous effect on two-phase frictional pressure drop, while an obvious effect on two-phase accelerational pressure drop during flow boiling in narrow rectangular channel

  4. Effect of a Finite Trailing Edge Thickness on the Drag of Rectangular and Delta Wings at Supersonic Speeds

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Klunker, E


    The effect of a finite trailing-edge thickness on the pressure drag of rectangular and delta wings with truncated diamond-shaped airfoil sections with a given thickness ratio is studied for supersonic...

  5. Influence of the column rectangularity index and of the boundary conditions in the punching resistance of slab-column connections

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    O. S. PAIVA

    Full Text Available Experimental evidence indicates that both the column rectangularity index and the boundary conditions of the connection may affect the ultimate punching resistance. This paper presents general aspects of these topics and, through the analysis of experimental results of tests on 131 slabs, evaluates the accuracy and suitability of recommendations presented by ABNT NBR 6118, Eurocode 2, ACI 318 and fib Model Code 2010. Experimental results showed that the security level of normative estimates trend to reduce as the column rectangularity increases, and in some cases, the punching resistance was overestimated. Finally, adjustments are suggested in equations presented by NBR 6118 and MC2010 in order to eliminate this trend of unsafe results.

  6. Numerical simulation of microwave pulse coupling into the rectangular cavity with aperture arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Rui; Yang Yiming; Qian Baoliang


    In this paper, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm is employed to simulate microwave pulse coupling into the rectangular cavity with aperture arrays. In the case in which the long-side of the slot in aperture arrays is perpendicular to the incident electrical field, and the electrical distribution of each center of slot in the aperture arrays in the process of microwave pulse coupling into the rectangular cavity with aperture arrays is analyzed in detail. We find that the effect of field enhancement of the slot in the middle of all the slots which distribute in the direction parallel to the incident electrical field is minimum and increases in turn from the middle to both sides symmetrically. We also find that the effect of field enhancement of the slot in the middle of all the slots which distribute in the direction perpendicular to the incident electrical field is maximum and decreases in turn from the middle to both sides symmetrically. In the same time, we investigate the factors that influence the effect of field enhancement of the center of each slot and the coupling electrical distribution in the cavity, including the number of slots and the spacing between slots. (authors)

  7. Uso de Internet por los farmacéuticos comunitarios de Pontevedra y percepción de su utilidad en la relación con los pacientes

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    Castromil Dotras B


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO Conocer el impacto de la utilización de Internet en la práctica profesional de los farmacéuticos comunitarios (FC de Pontevedra, grado de utilización, finalidad del acceso a la información, barreras encontradas y la percepción que tienen de cómo influye en su relación con los pacientes. MÉTODO Estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, en el que se administró un cuestionario ad hoc a los a FC de Pontevedra, basado en los encontrados en la literatura y adaptado a las características específicas de nuestra profesión y entorno por un grupo de expertos formado por cinco farmacéuticos comunitarios. RESULTADOS Se recogieron 159 cuestionarios (15,7% de los FC de la provincia. Uso profesional: 119 (74,8% a diario. La información obtenida de Internet es considerada totalmente muy fiable por el 68,6%. Dificultades percibidas: la implantación de la receta electrónica ha restringido la entrada a algunas webs profesionales (71,1%, falta de tiempo en horario de trabajo (66,0%. Utilización de Internet en la relación con los pacientes: la mayoría de los farmacéuticos encuestados (55,3% dice recibir 1 o 2 veces al mes consultas de pacientes sobre informaciones relacionadas con la salud obtenidas de Internet. El 18,8% de farmacéuticos creen interesante recibir a diario consultas de pacientes por correo electrónico, el 23,3% 1 o 2 veces a la semana, el 17,0% 1 o 2 veces al mes y el 40,9% no desean recibirlas nunca. CONCLUSIÓN Los farmacéuticos comunitarios de Pontevedra reconocen las posibilidades, pero todavía no perciben la utilidad de la e-interactividad con los pacientes y otros profesionales sanitarios.

  8. A Mechanistic Model of Onset of Flow Instability Due to Mergence of Bubble Layers in a Vertical Narrow Rectangular Channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Juh Yung; Chang, Soon Heung; Jeong, Yong [KAIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The onset of flow instability (OFI) is the one of important boiling phenomena since it may induce the premature critical heat flux (CHF) at the lowest heat flux level due to sudden flow excursion in a single channel of multichannel configuration. Especially prediction of OFI for narrow rectangular channel is very crucial in relevant to thermal-hydraulic design and safety analysis of open pool-type research reactors (RRs) using plate-type fuels. Based on high speed video (HSV) technique, the authors observed and determined that OFI and the minimum premature CHF in a narrow rectangular channel are induced by abrupt pressure drop fluctuation due to the mergence of facing bubble boundary layers (BLs) on opposite boiling surfaces. In this study, new mechanistic OFI model for narrow rectangular channel heated on both sides has been derived, which satisfies with the real triggering phenomena. Force balance approach was used for modeling of the maximum BLT since the quantity is comparable to the bubble departure diameter. From the validation with OFI database, it was shown that the new model fairly well predicts OFI heat flux for wide range of conditions.

  9. Wave-filter-based approach for generation of a quiet space in a rectangular cavity (United States)

    Iwamoto, Hiroyuki; Tanaka, Nobuo; Sanada, Akira


    This paper is concerned with the generation of a quiet space in a rectangular cavity using active wave control methodology. It is the purpose of this paper to present the wave filtering method for a rectangular cavity using multiple microphones and its application to an adaptive feedforward control system. Firstly, the transfer matrix method is introduced for describing the wave dynamics of the sound field, and then feedforward control laws for eliminating transmitted waves is derived. Furthermore, some numerical simulations are conducted that show the best possible result of active wave control. This is followed by the derivation of the wave filtering equations that indicates the structure of the wave filter. It is clarified that the wave filter consists of three portions; modal group filter, rearrangement filter and wave decomposition filter. Next, from a numerical point of view, the accuracy of the wave decomposition filter which is expressed as a function of frequency is investigated using condition numbers. Finally, an experiment on the adaptive feedforward control system using the wave filter is carried out, demonstrating that a quiet space is generated in the target space by the proposed method.

  10. Image properties of list mode likelihood reconstruction for a rectangular positron emission mammography with DOI measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qi, Jinyi; Klein, Gregory J.; Huesman, Ronald H.


    A positron emission mammography scanner is under development at our Laboratory. The tomograph has a rectangular geometry consisting of four banks of detector modules. For each detector, the system can measure the depth of interaction information inside the crystal. The rectangular geometry leads to irregular radial and angular sampling and spatially variant sensitivity that are different from conventional PET systems. Therefore, it is of importance to study the image properties of the reconstructions. We adapted the theoretical analysis that we had developed for conventional PET systems to the list mode likelihood reconstruction for this tomograph. The local impulse response and covariance of the reconstruction can be easily computed using FFT. These theoretical results are also used with computer observer models to compute the signal-to-noise ratio for lesion detection. The analysis reveals the spatially variant resolution and noise properties of the list mode likelihood reconstruction. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with Monte Carlo results

  11. Low frequency sound field control for loudspeakers in rectangular rooms using CABS (Controlled Acoustical Bass System)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sofus Birkedal; Celestinos, Adrian


    Rectangular rooms are the most common shape for sound reproduction, but at low frequencies the reflections from the boundaries of the room cause large spatial variations in the sound pressure level.  Variations up to 30 dB are normal, not only at the room modes, but basically at all frequencies....... As sound propagates in time, it seems natural that the problems can best be analyzed and solved in the time domain. A time based room correction system named CABS (Controlled Acoustical Bass System) has been developed for sound reproduction in rectangular listening rooms. It can control the sound...... sound field in the whole room, and short impulse response.  In a standard listening room (180 m3) only 4 loudspeakers are needed, 2 more than a traditional stereo setup. CABS is controlled by a developed DSP system. The time based approached might help with the understanding of sound field control...

  12. Cambio climático y el metabolismo urbano de las Megaurbes Latinoamericanas

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    Gian Carlo Delgado


    Full Text Available La problemática climática y medioambiental se perfila cada vez más como un reto para las ciudades, especialmente para aquellas donde está dándose un rápido proceso de urbanización y crecimiento poblacional. El análisis de su estado de situación es mejor entendido a partir de estudios metabólicos de la entrada y salida de flujos de materiales y de energía. Este tipo de evaluaciones se han realizado para diversas ciudades y para distintos aspectos, pero en América Latina están prácticamente ausentes. Este trabajo abre con una presentación general sobre el estado de situación de las ciudades latinoamericanas y con una introducción a las evaluaciones metabólicas para ofrecer una primera aproximación integral comparativa de los flujos de entrada y salida de las megaurbes latinoamericanas, esto es, de la Ciudad de México, Sao Paulo, Río de Janeiro y Buenos Aires. Se presentan las principales características de los planes de acción frente al cambio climático para cerrar con un breve análisis comparativo entre las acciones de mitigación y las dinámicas metabólicas existentes. Se concluye con una reflexión y sugerencias en torno al futuro urbano, los retos venideros y las oportunidades posibles.

  13. natural

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    Elías Gómez Macías


    Full Text Available Partiendo de óxido de magnesio comercial se preparó una suspensión acuosa, la cual se secó y calcinó para conferirle estabilidad térmica. El material, tanto fresco como usado, se caracterizó mediante DRX, área superficial BET y SEM-EPMA. El catalizador mostró una matriz de MgO tipo periclasa con CaO en la superficie. Las pruebas de actividad catalítica se efectuaron en lecho fijo empacado con partículas obtenidas mediante prensado, trituración y clasificación del material. El flujo de reactivos consistió en mezclas gas natural-aire por debajo del límite inferior de inflamabilidad. Para diferentes flujos y temperaturas de entrada de la mezcla reactiva, se midieron las concentraciones de CH4, CO2 y CO en los gases de combustión con un analizador de gases tipo infrarrojo no dispersivo (NDIR. Para alcanzar conversión total de metano se requirió aumentar la temperatura de entrada al lecho a medida que se incrementó el flujo de gases reaccionantes. Los resultados obtenidos permiten desarrollar un sistema de combustión catalítica de bajo costo con un material térmicamente estable, que promueva la alta eficiencia en la combustión de gas natural y elimine los problemas de estabilidad, seguridad y de impacto ambiental negativo inherentes a los procesos de combustión térmica convencional.

  14. Application of the parametric proper generalized decomposition to the frequency-dependent calculation of the impedance of an AC line with rectangular conductors

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    Sancarlos-González Abel


    Full Text Available AC lines of industrial busbar systems are usually built using conductors with rectangular cross sections, where each phase can have several parallel conductors to carry high currents. The current density in a rectangular conductor, under sinusoidal conditions, is not uniform. It depends on the frequency, on the conductor shape, and on the distance between conductors, due to the skin effect and to proximity effects. Contrary to circular conductors, there are not closed analytical formulas for obtaining the frequency-dependent impedance of conductors with rectangular cross-section. It is necessary to resort to numerical simulations to obtain the resistance and the inductance of the phases, one for each desired frequency and also for each distance between the phases’ conductors. On the contrary, the use of the parametric proper generalized decomposition (PGD allows to obtain the frequency-dependent impedance of an AC line for a wide range of frequencies and distances between the phases’ conductors by solving a single simulation in a 4D domain (spatial coordinates x and y, the frequency and the separation between conductors. In this way, a general “virtual chart” solution is obtained, which contains the solution for any frequency and for any separation of the conductors, and stores it in a compact separated representations form, which can be easily embedded on a more general software for the design of electrical installations. The approach presented in this work for rectangular conductors can be easily extended to conductors with an arbitrary shape.

  15. Application of the parametric proper generalized decomposition to the frequency-dependent calculation of the impedance of an AC line with rectangular conductors (United States)

    Sancarlos-González, Abel; Pineda-Sanchez, Manuel; Puche-Panadero, Ruben; Sapena-Bano, Angel; Riera-Guasp, Martin; Martinez-Roman, Javier; Perez-Cruz, Juan; Roger-Folch, Jose


    AC lines of industrial busbar systems are usually built using conductors with rectangular cross sections, where each phase can have several parallel conductors to carry high currents. The current density in a rectangular conductor, under sinusoidal conditions, is not uniform. It depends on the frequency, on the conductor shape, and on the distance between conductors, due to the skin effect and to proximity effects. Contrary to circular conductors, there are not closed analytical formulas for obtaining the frequency-dependent impedance of conductors with rectangular cross-section. It is necessary to resort to numerical simulations to obtain the resistance and the inductance of the phases, one for each desired frequency and also for each distance between the phases' conductors. On the contrary, the use of the parametric proper generalized decomposition (PGD) allows to obtain the frequency-dependent impedance of an AC line for a wide range of frequencies and distances between the phases' conductors by solving a single simulation in a 4D domain (spatial coordinates x and y, the frequency and the separation between conductors). In this way, a general "virtual chart" solution is obtained, which contains the solution for any frequency and for any separation of the conductors, and stores it in a compact separated representations form, which can be easily embedded on a more general software for the design of electrical installations. The approach presented in this work for rectangular conductors can be easily extended to conductors with an arbitrary shape.

  16. Performance evaluation of a natural-convection solar air-heater with a rectangular-finned absorber plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fakoor Pakdaman, M.; Lashkari, A.; Basirat Tabrizi, H.; Hosseini, R.


    This paper deals with an experimental investigation to evaluate different thermal characteristics of a natural-convection flat-plate solar air-heater with longitudinal rectangular fins array. Having determined the thermal performance of the system a Nusselt number correlation is presented for such finned duct devices. In the presented empirical model which may have industrial applications, solar radiation and ambient temperature have been considered as independent parameters. Other characteristics of the system such as different dimensionless variables, plates and outflow temperatures, efficiency, and mass flow rate have been empirically modeled based on these variables. The particular difference in this study in comparison with the other similar studies is the presentation of an empirical model for rectangular-finned solar air-heaters. This model proposes design concepts and rules of thumb, and demonstrates the calculations of the design parameters. Based on the order of magnitude analysis, solar radiation has been found to be the main parameter which characterizes the thermal behavior of the system. Besides, exergy analysis has been carried out, and optimum conditions in which the system has the highest performance have been determined.

  17. Physics from angular projection of rectangular grids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Ashmeet


    In this paper, we present a mathematical model for the angular projection of a rectangular arrangement of points in a grid. This simple yet interesting, problem has both scholarly value and applications for data extraction techniques to study the physics of various systems. Our work may help undergraduate students to understand subtle points in the angular projection of a grid and describes various quantities of interest in the projection with completeness and sufficient rigour. We show that for certain angular ranges, the projection has non-distinctness, and calculate the details of such angles, and correspondingly, the number of distinct points and the total projected length. We focus on interesting trends obtained for the projected length of the grid elements and present a simple application of the model to determine the geometry of an unknown grid whose spatial extensions are known, using measurement of the grid projection at two angles only. Towards the end, our model is shown to have potential applications in various branches of physical sciences, including crystallography, astrophysics, and bulk properties of materials. (paper)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graham, Alister W.; Spitler, Lee R.; Forbes, Duncan A.; Lisker, Thorsten; Janz, Joachim; Moore, Ben


    We report the discovery of an interesting and rare rectangular-shaped galaxy. At a distance of 21 Mpc, the dwarf galaxy LEDA 074886 has an absolute R-band magnitude of –17.3 mag. Adding to this galaxy's intrigue is the presence of an embedded, edge-on stellar disk (of extent 2 R e,disk = 12'' = 1.2 kpc) for which Forbes et al. reported v rot /σ ≈ 1.4. We speculate that this galaxy may be the remnant of two (nearly edge-on) merged disk galaxies in which the initial gas was driven inward and subsequently formed the inner disk, while the stars at larger radii effectively experienced a dissipationless merger event resulting in this 'emerald cut galaxy' having very boxy isophotes with a 4 /a = –0.05 to –0.08 from 3 to 5 kpc. This galaxy suggests that knowledge from simulations of both 'wet' and 'dry' galaxy mergers may need to be combined to properly understand the various paths that galaxy evolution can take, with a particular relevance to blue elliptical galaxies.



    Satheesha V *1, B. K. Muralidhra2, Abhilash N3, C. K. Umesh4


    Jet impingement near the mid-chord of the gas turbine blade is treated as a flat plate. Experimental and numerical investigations are carried out for a single slot air jet impinging on flat surface for two different rectangular slots of dimension (3mm x 65 mm) and (5mm x 65 mm). Experimentation is done to study the flow pattern topography on the flat target plate, with varying the flow rate from 20 LPM to 50 LPM by varying the nozzle to plate distance from 9 mm to 24 mm for slot jet of 3mm an...

  20. Interacciones de las proteínas disulfuro isomerasa y de choque térmico Hsc70 con proteínas estructurales recombinantes purificadas de rotavirus

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    Luz Y. Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción. La entrada de rotavirus a las células parece estar mediado por interacciones secuenciales entre las proteínas estructurales virales y algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. Sin embargo, los mecanismos por los cuales el rotavirus infecta la célula diana aún no se comprenden bien. Existe alguna evidencia que muestra que las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* interactúan con algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. La disponibilidad de las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinantes en cantidad suficiente se ha convertido en un aspecto importante para la identificación de las interacciones específicas de los receptores virus-célula durante los eventos tempranos del proceso infeccioso. Objetivo. El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis de las interacciones entre las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinante VP5*, VP8* y VP6, y las proteínas celulares Hsc70 y PDI utilizando sus versiones recombinantes purificadas. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas recombinantes de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* y las proteínas recombinantes celulares Hsc70 y PDI se expresaron en E. coli BL21 (DE3, mientras que VP6 se expresó en células MA104 con virus vaccinia recombinante transfectada. La interacción entre el rotavirus y las proteínas celulares se estudió mediante ELISA, co-inmunoprecipitación y SDS-PAGE/ Western. Resultados. Las condiciones óptimas para la expresión de proteínas recombinantes se determinaron y se generaron anticuerpos contra ellas. Los resultados sugirieron que las proteínas virales rVP5* y rVP6 interactúan con Hsc70 y PDI in vitro. También se encontró que éstas proteínas virales recombinantes interactúan con Hsc70 en las balsas lipídicas (“Rafts” en un cultivo celular. El tratamiento de las células, ya sea con DLP o rVP6 produjo significativamente la inhibición de la infección por rotavirus. Conclusión. Los resultados permiten concluir que r

  1. Determinación de heterogeneidad y anisotropía en aluvión por micro-tomografía sísmica de cross-hole

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando L Imhof


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de analizar el comportamiento sísmico de muestras de suelo a escala de laboratorio; se desarrolló e implementó un sistema tomográfico basado en transmisión de ondas en el rango acústico en dominios bi-dimensionales con escasa cobertura espacial (cross-hole para determinar diferentes propiedades de materiales granulares en general y en la detección de anomalías. El objetivo fué, a partir de la medición de ondas compresionales, detectar variaciones en el grado de compactación del mismo, buscando la determinación de heterogeneidad y anisotropía. Para los ensayos se utilizaron 14 piezocristales de propósito general de 6kHz de frecuencia resonante como emisores (7 y receptores (7 de ondas mecánicas en el rango acústico, montándose en lados opuestos en un marco rígido rectangular de madera blanda. El conjunto marco-sensores se introdujo en un recipiente metálico de forma cilíndrica que se llenó luego con arena clasificada de río. 10ms de repetición; aplicados directamente sobre los transductores. El receptor consistió en un amplificador de bajo ruido de dos canales con filtros pasa-altos de 100Hz a la entrada, con ganancias regulables aproximadamente entre los 40 y 80dB. Se conectó el sistema a un DSO Tektronix TDS 210 con interfase RS232 para almacenamiento de datos a PC. Los resultados posibilitaron detectar tanto heterogeneidad como anisotropía vertical en el material debido al peso de las capas suprayacentes (anisotropía por esfuerzo que produjeron un aumento en la densidad del material y por lo tanto incremento de la velocidad y curvatura de rayos. Con los datos se pudo establecer una ley de incremento de velocidades en función de la profundidad.In order to analyze the seismic behavior of soil samples at laboratory scale, it was developed and implemented a tomographic system based on wave transmission on the acoustic range in bi-dimensional domains with limited spatial coverage (cross-hole, to

  2. Impact of different rectangular wires on torsional expression of different sizes of buccal tube. (United States)

    Ajami, Shabnam; Boroujeni, Afshar-Rasti


    Torsions in rectangular wires are the essential part of corrections in the finishing stage of treatment. Moreover the greatest amounts of torques are applied in the molar areas. a clinically effective moment is between 5 and 20 Nmm. In this study we have decided to evaluate the impact of different tube sizes and different dimensions of wires with different modulus of elasticities on the amount torsional bond strength of molar tubes. 60 human impacted molar teeth were collected. A buccal tube was bonded on the buccal surface of all the samples by using light cured adhesive resin. After that, the teeth were mounted in a hard acrylic block. According to the size of buccal tube and the rectangular wires to be tested 4 groups will be designed. Torsional force was applied by instron machine. The torque angle at 5Nmm and at 20Nmm point will be calculated: which means, how many degrees of torque is required to reach the maximum 20Nmm moment from the minimum 5Nmm.One-way ANOVA was used to compare torque angle in all of the groups. The least amount of clinically significant angle was 2.2 ᵒ in the 0.017×0.025 SS and the largest amount of it was 23.7 ᵒ in the 0.017×0.025 TMA in 0.018×0.025 slot molar tube. But, this angle was 19.9 ᵒand 13.6 ᵒ in 0.019×0.025 SS and 0.019×0.025 TMA archwire in 0.022×0.028 molar tube. The 0.017×0.025 SS archwire in 0.018×0.025 molar tube had the lowest clinically significant angle. The largest amount was seen in group 0.017×0.025 TMA in 0.018×0.025 slot molar tube. Key words: Torsional efficacy, rectangular wires, buccal tubes, torque angle.

  3. Situs Inversus Totalis y Cardiopatía congénita: Diagnóstico casual en un lactante con neumonía

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    Hebel Oziel Urquia Osorio


    Full Text Available El Situs Inversus Totalis es una rara entidad que se caracteriza por la imagen en espejo de las vísceras torácicas y abdominales con respecto al plano sagital, cuya prevalencia se estima de 1-2/10,000 nacidos vivos, de los cuales solo el 1-10% presentan malformaciones cardiovasculares congénitas asociadas. Presentamos el caso de un lactante de sexo masculino de 11 meses de edad, que fue atendido en el ¨Hospital Materno Infantil¨ ubicado en la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, Honduras, por presentar tos seca, cianotizante no emetizante de 1 mes de evolución, exacerbada en los últimos 4 días y acompañada de dificultad respiratoria con periodos de apnea, fiebre subjetivamente alta, tiraje subcostal, taquipnea y crépitos basales bilaterales. La realización de una radiografía de tórax reveló: dextrocardia, bazo y cámara gástrica lateralizados hacia la derecha e hígado hacia la izquierda. Se decide realizar una ecocardiografía y un ultrasonido abdominal para verificar el hallazgo, reportando: situs inversus, dextrocardia, agenesia de la vena cava inferior, defecto interventricular de entrada (tipo canal, ductos arterioso, vasos transpuestos, bazo en cuadrante superior derecho e hígado localizado en cuadrante superior izquierdo. El diagnostico de esta condición pasa desapercibido en la mayoría de los casos, por esta razón debemos incentivar la práctica de un examen físico minucioso, evitando así la dependencia de los hallazgos fortuitos e incidentales. Palabras Claves: Situs Inversus, Cardiopatía Congénita, Dextrocardia.

  4. Impedance of curved rectangular spiral coils around a conductive cylinder (United States)

    Burke, S. K.; Ditchburn, R. J.; Theodoulidis, T. P.


    Eddy-current induction due to a thin conformable coil wrapped around a long conductive cylinder is examined using a second-order vector potential formalism. Compact closed-form expressions are derived for the self- and mutual impedances of curved rectangular spiral coils (i) in free space and (ii) when wrapped around the surface of the cylindrical rod. The validity of these expressions was tested against the results of a systematic series of experiments using a cylindrical Al-alloy rod and conformable coils manufactured using flexible printed-circuit-board technology. The theoretical expressions were in very good agreement with the experimental measurements. The significance of the results for eddy-current nondestructive inspection using flexible coils and flexible coil arrays is discussed.

  5. Diseño y fabricación de un modelo de exhibición que permita la adecuada disposición del producto en el punto de venta, mediante la implementación de principios tecnológicos para la reactivación del mercado ferretero tradicional en la ciudad de Medellín


    Escobar Cortes, Carolina; Gómez Medina, Diana Andrea; Castaño Hincapié, Gloria Eugenia


    Actualmente las ferreterías de barrio no cuentan con un sistema llamativo de exhibición, ya que son negocios de tradición y no se le ha dado la importancia a este tema; en este momento con la entrada de grandes superficies al País se han disminuido las ventas en estos establecimientos ya que estos ofrecen servicios que son atractivos para los clientes; es por esto que las ferreterías deben buscar la manera de captar nuevos clientes y mantener los que actualmente tienen, implementando nuevas e...

  6. Aproximación ecotoxicológica a la contaminación por metales pesados en la laguna costera del Mar Menor


    Marín Guirao, Lázaro


    El objetivo de la Tesis es obtener una visión de la situación actual de la laguna costera del Mar Menor en relación con la contaminación por metales pesados procedentes de actividades mineras mediante el empleo de herramientas ecotoxicológicas. Comienza con el estudio de la entrada de residuos mineros en el ecosistema, su distribución en las aguas de la laguna así como los efectos tóxicos asociados. Continua valorando la biodisponibilidad de los metales contenidos en los sedimentos lagunares ...

  7. Eficiencia del tratamiento de residuales ganaderos en digestores de geomembrana


    Yanet Pérez González; Milagros C. Mata Varela


    Se evaluó la eficiencia de doce biodigestores de geomembrana de 10 m3, instalados para tratar los residuales porcinos y ganaderos –en Cooperativas de Créditos y Servicios (CCS) del municipio Cumanayagua–, con el objetivo de evaluar la factibilidad de la implantación en Cuba de la tecnología. Los indicadores físico-químicos de los efluentes fueron determinados en el momento de su entrada y su salida de los biodigestores. En los biodigestores que trabajan con residual porcino se alcanzó remover...



    E. E. Martínez-García; G. Bruzual; G. Magris; R. A. González-Lópezlira; M. Rosado


    Se da una introducción para un proyecto relacionado con el estudio de objetos a alto corrimiento al rojo (principalmente galaxias formando estrellas), que pueden albergar grandes cantidades de polvo en su interior. La entrada de telescopios más poderosos en las longitudes de onda infrarrojas y submilimétricas (e.g., ALMA, JWST), junto con modelos de síntesis de poblaciones estelares, de transferencia radiativa, y de evolución del polvo, ayudarán a desenmascarar la evolución cósmica del conten...

  9. The analysis of single-electron orbits in a free electron laser based upon a rectangular hybrid wiggler

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kordbacheh, A.; Ghahremaninezhad, Roghayeh; Maraghechi, B.


    A three-dimensional analysis of a novel free-electron laser (FEL) based upon a rectangular hybrid wiggler (RHW) is presented. This RHW is designed in a configuration composed of rectangular rings with alternating ferrite and dielectric spacers immersed in a solenoidal magnetic field. An analytic model of RHW is introduced by solution of Laplace's equation for the magnetostatic fields under the appropriate boundary conditions. The single-electron orbits in combined RHW and axial guide magnetic fields are studied when only the first and the third spatial harmonic components of the RHW field are taken into account and the higher order terms are ignored. The results indicate that the third spatial harmonic leads to group III orbits with a strong negative mass regime particularly in large solenoidal magnetic fields. RHW is found to be a promising candidate with favorable characteristics to be used in microwave FEL.

  10. Temperature field due to time-dependent heat sources in a large rectangular grid - Derivation of analytical solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Claesson, J.; Probert, T.


    The temperature field in rock due to a large rectangular grid of heat releasing canisters containing nuclear waste is studied. The solution is by superposition divided into different parts. There is a global temperature field due to the large rectangular canister area, while a local field accounts for the remaining heat source problem. The global field is reduced to a single integral. The local field is also solved analytically using solutions for a finite line heat source and for an infinite grid of point sources. The local solution is reduced to three parts, each of which depends on two spatial coordinates only. The temperatures at the envelope of a canister are given by a single thermal resistance, which is given by an explicit formula. The results are illustrated by a few numerical examples dealing with the KBS-3 concept for storage of nuclear waste. 8 refs

  11. The analysis of single-electron orbits in a free electron laser based upon a rectangular hybrid wiggler (United States)

    Kordbacheh, A.; Ghahremaninezhad, Roghayeh; Maraghechi, B.


    A three-dimensional analysis of a novel free-electron laser (FEL) based upon a rectangular hybrid wiggler (RHW) is presented. This RHW is designed in a configuration composed of rectangular rings with alternating ferrite and dielectric spacers immersed in a solenoidal magnetic field. An analytic model of RHW is introduced by solution of Laplace's equation for the magnetostatic fields under the appropriate boundary conditions. The single-electron orbits in combined RHW and axial guide magnetic fields are studied when only the first and the third spatial harmonic components of the RHW field are taken into account and the higher order terms are ignored. The results indicate that the third spatial harmonic leads to group III orbits with a strong negative mass regime particularly in large solenoidal magnetic fields. RHW is found to be a promising candidate with favorable characteristics to be used in microwave FEL.

  12. Combined Transverse Steel-External FRP Confinement Model for Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns

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    Ahmed Al-Rahmani


    Full Text Available Recently, the need to increase the strength of reinforced concrete members has become a subject that civil engineers are interested in tackling. Of the many proposed solutions, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP materials have attracted attention due to their superior properties, such as high strength-to-weight ratio, high energy absorption and excellent corrosion resistance. FRP wrapping of concrete columns is done to enhance the ultimate strength due to the confinement effect, which is normally induced by steel ties. The existence of the two confinement systems changes the nature of the problem, thus necessitating specialized nonlinear analysis to obtain the column’s ultimate capacity. Existing research focused on a single confinement system. Furthermore, very limited research on rectangular sections was found in the literature. In this work, a model to estimate the combined behavior of the two systems in rectangular columns is proposed. The calculation of the effective lateral pressure is based on the Lam and Teng model and the Mander model for FRP wraps and steel ties, respectively. The model then generates stress-strain diagrams for both the concrete core and the cover. The model was developed for the analysis in extreme load events, where all possible contributions to the column’s ultimate capacity should be accounted for without any margin of safety. The model was validated against experiments, and the results obtained showed good agreement with almost all of the available experimental data.

  13. Buckling Analysis of Rectangular Plates with Variable Thickness Resting on Elastic Foundation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viswanathan, K K; Aziz, Z A; Navaneethakrishnan, P V


    Buckling of rectangular plates of variable thickness resting in elastic foundation is analysed using a quintic spline approximation technique. The thickness of the plate varies in the direction of one edge and the variations are assumed to be linear, exponential and sinusoidal. The plate is subjected to in plane load of two opposite edges. The buckling load and the mode shapes of buckling are computed from the eigenvalue problem that arises. Detailed parametric studies are made with different boundary conditions and the results are presented through the diagram and discussed

  14. Critical current studies of a HTS rectangular coil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhong, Z. [Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom); Chudy, M., E-mail: [Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria (South Africa); Institute of Power and Applied Electrical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia); Ruiz, H.S. [Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH (United Kingdom); Zhang, X.; Coombs, T. [Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    Highlights: • Unique square pancake coil was manufactured. • Measurements in relatively high magnetic field were performed. • Different sections of the coil were characterized. • Parts of the coil which are limiting critical current were identified. - Abstract: Nowadays, superconducting high field magnets are used in numerous applications due to their superior properties. High temperature superconductors (HTS) are usually used for production of circular pancake or racetrack coils. However different geometries of HTS coils might be required for some specific applications. In this study, the HTS coil wound on a rectangular frame was fully characterized in homogeneous DC background field. The study contains measurements of critical current angular dependencies. The critical current of the entire coil and two selected strands under different magnitudes and orientations of external magnetic fields are measured. The critical regions of the coil in different angular regimes are determined. This study brings better understanding of the in- field performance of HTS coils wound on frames with right-angles.

  15. Development of multi-channel high power rectangular RF window for LHCD system employing high temperature vacuum brazing technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, P K; Ambulkar, K K; Parmar, P R; Virani, C G; Thakur, A L; Joshi, L M; Nangru, S C


    A 3.7 GHz., 120 kW (pulsed), lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system is employed to drive non-inductive plasma current in ADITYA tokamak. The rf power is coupled to the plasma through grill antenna and is placed in vacuum environment. A vacuum break between the pressurized transmission line and the grill antenna is achieved with the help of a multi (eight) channel rectangular RF vacuum window. The phasing between adjacent channels of 8-channel window (arranged in two rows) is important for launching lower hybrid waves and each channel should have independent vacuum window so that phase information is retained. The geometrical parameter of the grill antenna, like periodicity (9mm), channel dimensions (cross sectional dimension of 76mm x 7mm), etc. is to be maintained. These design constraint demanded a development of a multi channel rectangular RF vacuum window. To handle rf losses and thermal effects, high temperature vacuum brazing techniques is desired. Based on the above requirements we have successfully developed a multi channel rectangular rf vacuum window employing high temperature vacuum brazing technique. During the development process we could optimize the chemical processing parameters, brazing process parameters, jigs and fixtures for high temperature brazing and leak testing, etc. Finally the window is tested for low power rf performance using VNA. In this paper we would present the development of the said window in detail along with its mechanical, vacuum and rf performances.

  16. Development of multi-channel high power rectangular RF window for LHCD system employing high temperature vacuum brazing technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, P K; Ambulkar, K K; Parmar, P R; Virani, C G; Thakur, A L [Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar 382428 (India); Joshi, L M; Nangru, S C, E-mail: pramod@ipr.res.i [Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, Rajasthan 333 031 (India)


    A 3.7 GHz., 120 kW (pulsed), lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) system is employed to drive non-inductive plasma current in ADITYA tokamak. The rf power is coupled to the plasma through grill antenna and is placed in vacuum environment. A vacuum break between the pressurized transmission line and the grill antenna is achieved with the help of a multi (eight) channel rectangular RF vacuum window. The phasing between adjacent channels of 8-channel window (arranged in two rows) is important for launching lower hybrid waves and each channel should have independent vacuum window so that phase information is retained. The geometrical parameter of the grill antenna, like periodicity (9mm), channel dimensions (cross sectional dimension of 76mm x 7mm), etc. is to be maintained. These design constraint demanded a development of a multi channel rectangular RF vacuum window. To handle rf losses and thermal effects, high temperature vacuum brazing techniques is desired. Based on the above requirements we have successfully developed a multi channel rectangular rf vacuum window employing high temperature vacuum brazing technique. During the development process we could optimize the chemical processing parameters, brazing process parameters, jigs and fixtures for high temperature brazing and leak testing, etc. Finally the window is tested for low power rf performance using VNA. In this paper we would present the development of the said window in detail along with its mechanical, vacuum and rf performances.

  17. Estimation of Equivalent Thermal Conductivity for Impregnated Electrical Windings Formed from Profiled Rectangular Conductors


    Ayat, Sabrina S; Wrobel, Rafal; Goss, James; Drury, David


    In order to improve accuracy and reduce model setting-up, and solving time in thermal analysis of electrical machines, transformers and wound passive components, the multi-material winding region is frequently homogenised. The existing winding homogenization techniques are predo-minantly focused on winding constructions with round conductors, where thermal conductivity across conductors is usually assumed to be isotropic. However, for the profiled rectangular conductors that assumption is no ...

  18. Cultural distance and entry mode choices of german companies from the automotive industry in Brazil Distância cultural e escolha do modo de entrada de empresas alemãs do setor automobilístico no Brasil

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    Gilberto Sarfati


    Full Text Available This study has as objective to analyze the relation between the national culture distance between Brazil and Germany and the market entry mode chosen by this companies when penetrating the Brazilian automotive market. In order to develop the study, literature and academic articles have been consulted as a way to understand the multinationals and internationalization process, but mainly the relation between national culture distance and the choice of the market entry mode of companies willing to penetrate foreign markets, based on the research of Kogut and Singh (1988 and Brouthers and Brouthers (2001. The field study was developed in two main steps: the first one was an online survey designated to the 30 companies of the analyzed universe and two semi-structured interviews administrated to one German automaker and one auto parts company, aiming to go deeper into the information extracted from the questionnaire sent. The obtained results enabled the acknowledgment of a fundamental relation between the automakers presence in Brazil and the attraction of the auto parts companies to the Brazilian market, as well as the relation between the entrance of these companies and the economic cycle, in which Brazil was inserted at that moment. And finally confirm the relation between national culture distance, investment risk perception, and wholly-owned market entry mode choices.  Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar a relação estabelecida pela distância da cultura nacional entre Brasil e Alemanha e o modo de entrada escolhido por empresas alemãs ao penetrarem o mercado brasileiro, tendo como objeto de análise as empresas pertencentes ao setor automobilístico. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foram utilizadas pesquisas bibliográficas visando a entender as multinacionais e o processo de internacionalização, e, principalmente, a relação entre cultura nacional e a escolha do modo de entrada de empresas em mercados externos a partir de

  19. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  20. Critical heat flux analysis on change of plate temperature and cooling water flow rate for rectangular narrow gap with bilateral-heated cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    M Hadi Kusuma; Mulya Juarsa; Anhar Riza Antariksawan


    Boiling heat transfer phenomena on rectangular narrow gap was related to the safety of nuclear reactors. Research done in order to study the safety of nuclear reactors in particular relating to boiling heat transfer and useful on the improvement of next-generation reactor designs. The research focused on calculation of the heat flux during the cooling process in rectangular narrow gap size 1.0 mm. with initial temperatures 200°C. 400°C, and 600°C, also the flow rates of cooling water 0,1 liters/second. 0,2 liters/second. and 0,3 liters/second. Experiments carried out by injecting water at a certain flow rate with the water temperature 85°C. Transient temperature measurement data recorded by the data acquisition system. Transient temperature measurement data is used to calculate the flux of heat gain is then used to obtain the heat transfer coefficient. This research aimed to obtain the correlation between critical heat flux and heat transfer coefficient to changes in temperatures and water flow rates for bilaterally-heated cases on rectangular narrow gap. The results obtained for a constant cooling water flow rate, critical heat flux will increase when hot plate temperature also increased. While on a constant hot plate temperature, coefficient heat transfer will increase when cooling water flow rate also increased. Thus it can be said that the cooling water flow rate and temperature of the hot plate has a significant effect on the critical heat flux and heat transfer coefficient resulted in quenching process of vertical rectangular narrow gap with double-heated cases. (author)

  1. Analytical Solution for 2D Inter-Well Porous Flow in a Rectangular Reservoir

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    Junfeng Ding


    Full Text Available Inter-well fluid flows through porous media are commonly encountered in the production of groundwater, oil, and geothermal energy. In this paper, inter-well porous flow inside a rectangular reservoir is solved based on the complex variable function theory combined with the method of mirror images. In order to derive the solution analytically, the inter-well flow is modeled as a 2D flow in a homogenous and isotropic porous medium. The resulted exact analytical solution takes the form of an infinite series, but it can be truncated to give high accuracy approximation. In terms of nine cases of inter-well porous flow associated with enhanced geothermal systems, the applications of the obtained analytical solution are demonstrated, and the convergence properties of the truncated series are investigated. It is shown that the convergent rate of the truncated series increases with the symmetric level of well distribution inside the reservoir, and the adoption of Euler transform significantly accelerates the convergence of alternating series cases associated with asymmetric well distribution. In principle, the analytical solution proposed in this paper can be applied to other scientific and engineering fields, as long as the involved problem is governed by 2D Laplace equation in a rectangular domain and subject to similar source/sink and boundary conditions, i.e., isolated point sources/sinks and uniform Dirichlet or homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions.

  2. Spectral Optical Readout of Rectangular-Miniature Hollow Glass Tubing for Refractive Index Sensing. (United States)

    Rigamonti, Giulia; Bello, Valentina; Merlo, Sabina


    For answering the growing demand of innovative micro-fluidic devices able to measure the refractive index of samples in extremely low volumes, this paper presents an overview of the performances of a micro-opto-fluidic sensing platform that employs rectangular, miniature hollow glass tubings. The operating principle is described by showing the analytical model of the tubing, obtained as superposition of different optical cavities, and the optical readout method based on spectral reflectivity detection. We have analyzed, in particular, the theoretical and experimental optical features of rectangular tubings with asymmetrical geometry, thus with channel depth larger than the thickness of the glass walls, though all of them in the range of a few tens of micrometers. The origins of the complex line-shape of the spectral response in reflection, due to the different cavities formed by the tubing flat walls and channel, have been investigated using a Fourier transform analysis. The implemented instrumental configuration, based on standard telecom fiberoptic components and a semiconductor broadband optical source emitting in the near infrared wavelength region centered at 1.55 µm, has allowed acquisition of reflectivity spectra for experimental verification of the expected theoretical behavior. We have achieved detection of refractive index variations related to the change of concentration of glucose-water solutions flowing through the tubing by monitoring the spectral shift of the optical resonances.

  3. Parametrisation of the collimator scatter correction factors of square and rectangular photon beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jager, H.N.; Heukelom, S.; Kleffens, H.J. van; Gasteren, J.J.M. van; Laarse, R. van der; Venselaar, J.L.M.; Westermann, C.F.


    Collimator scatter correction factors S c have been measured with a cylindrical mini-phantom for five types of dual photon energy accelerators with energies between 6 and 25 MV. Using these S c -data three methods to parametrize S c of square fields have been compared including a third-order polynomial of the natural logarithm of the fieldsize normalised by the fieldsize of 10 cm 2 . Also six methods to calculate S c of rectangular fields have been compared including a new one which determines the equivalent fieldsize by extending Sterling's method. The deviation between measured and calculated S c for every accelerator, energy and all methods are determined resulting in the maximum and average deviation per method. Applied to square fields the maximum and average deviation were for the method of Chen 0.64% and 0.15%, of Szymzcyk 0.98% and 0.21%, and of this work 0.41% and 0.10%. For the rectangular fields the deviations were for the method of Sterling 1.89% and 0.50%, of Vadash 1.60% and 0.28%, of Szymczyk et al. 1.21% and 0.25%, of Chen 1.84% and 0.31% and of this work 0.79% and 0.20%. Finally, a recommendation is given how to limit the number of fields at which S c should be measured

  4. Experimental study of gas-liquid flow local characteristics in rectangular microchannel

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    Bartkus German


    Full Text Available Using high-speed video recording and the method of dual laser scanning the gas-liquid flow was investigated in a rectangular microchannel with an aspect ratio of 0.74 (cross section 269×362 μm. The T-mixer was used at the channel’s inlet for the two-phase flow formation. The peculiarity of this work is using a number of liquids (ethanol, distilled water, 40% aqueous ethanol with different physical properties, including surface tension, viscosity, and density, with nitrogen. Experiments were carried out for the vertically upward and horizontal flow. Using laser scanning method the maps of flow patterns were obtained for all mixtures.

  5. Critical heat flux for free convection boiling in thin rectangular channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Lap Y.; Tichler, P.R.


    A review of the experimental data on free convection boiling critical heat flux (CHF) in vertical rectangular channels reveals three mechanisms of burnout. They are the pool boiling limit, the circulation limit, and the flooding limit associated with a transition in flow regime from churn to annular flow. The dominance of a particular mechanism depends on the dimensions of the channel. Analytical models were developed for each free convection boiling limit. Limited agreement with data is observed. A CHF correlation, which is valid for a wide range of gap sizes, was constructed from the CHFs calculated according to the three mechanisms of burnout. 17 refs., 7 figs

  6. Solution of the two- dimensional heat equation for a rectangular plate

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    Full Text Available Laplace equation is a fundamental equation of applied mathematics. Important phenomena in engineering and physics, such as steady-state temperature distribution, electrostatic potential and fluid flow, are modeled by means of this equation. The Laplace equation which satisfies boundary values is known as the Dirichlet problem. The solutions to the Dirichlet problem form one of the most celebrated topics in the area of applied mathematics. In this study, a novel method is presented for the solution of two-dimensional heat equation for a rectangular plate. In this alternative method, the solution function of the problem is based on the Green function, and therefore on elliptic functions.

  7. Wakefield accelerator with hybrid plasma-dielectric structure of rectangular cross-section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiselev, V.A.; Linnik, A.F.; Mirnyj, V.I.; Onishchenko, I.N.; Uskov, V.V.


    Increase of wakefield intensity at its excitation by a long train of relativistic electron bunches in the rectangular dielectric structure when it is filled with plasma of resonant density was experimentally observed. The first portion of the bunches, produced by electron linac 'Almaz-2', ionizes gas at atmospheric pressure so that plasma frequency becomes equal to bunch repetition frequency and to the frequency of principal Eigen mode of the dielectric structure. Excitation enhancement at such resonant conditions is being studied taking into account the improvement of bunch train propagation in the transit channel caused by charge compensation with plasma and the electrodynamics change of the dielectric structure at filling with plasma.

  8. Performance analysis of SOI MOSFET with rectangular recessed channel (United States)

    Singh, M.; Mishra, S.; Mohanty, S. S.; Mishra, G. P.


    In this paper a two dimensional (2D) rectangular recessed channel-silicon on insulator metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (RRC-SOI MOSFET), using the concept of groove between source and drain regions, which is one of the channel engineering technique to suppress the short channel effect (SCE). This suppression is mainly due to corner potential barrier of the groove and the simulation is carried out by using ATLAS 2D device simulator. To have further improvement of SCE in RRC-SOI MOSFET, three more devices are designed by using dual material gate (DMG) and gate dielectric technique, which results in formation of devices i.e. DMRRC-SOI,MLSMRRC-SOI, MLDMRRC-SOI MOSFET. The effect of different structures of RRC-SOI on AC and RF parameters are investigated and the importance of these devices over RRC MOSFET regarding short channel effect is analyzed.

  9. Inovações no varejo alimentar:uma análise das estratégias de entrada e de crescimento do Carrefour e Walmart no mercado brasileiro

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    Roberto Minadeo


    Full Text Available A inovação na área de serviços é mais difícil do que no setor industrial. Em 2006, a Walmart no Brasil ultrapassou o Carrefour, assumindo a segunda colocação no ranking do varejo alimentar do país. A Walmart, pioneira no uso da TI e em vários aspectos da logística no varejo, ingressou no Brasil em 1995; após o aprendizado inicial, empreendeu um programa de crescimento com a abertura de novas lojas e a aquisição de outras redes. Enquanto isso, o Carrefour, que ingressou vinte anos antes, atingiu a liderança em 1990 apenas criando hipermercados, formato em que foi pioneiro na Europa, e iniciou um processo de entrada no varejo de vizinhança, com a aquisição de diversas redes locais, porém com resultados duvidosos. Em 2007, o Carrefour adquiriu a rede Atacadão, retomando a liderança. O artigo analisa as inovações, as estratégias de entrada e de crescimento das duas empresas, e a aquisição do Atacadão.Innovation in the sector of services is more difficult than in the industry. In 2006, Walmart in Brazil surpassed Carrefour, taking second place in the ranking of the retail food. Walmart, a pioneer in the use of IT and in various aspects of logistics in retail, arrived in Brazil in 1995 and, after the initial learning, has started a program of growth by opening new stores, and the acquisition of other groups. Meanwhile, Carrefour, which had arrived twenty years earlier and was the leader of food retail’s country in 1990, only by the means of opening hypermarkets, format in which was pioneer in Europe, started a process of entering the retail neighborhood, acquiring several local companies, but with results doubtful. In 2007, Carrefour acquired Atacadão, resuming the lead. The article analyses the strategies of innovation, the entry and growth of the two companies in Brazil, and the acquisition of Atacadão.

  10. Evaluation of the ultimate pressure capacity of rectangular HVAC ducts for nuclear pwoer plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wedellsborg, B.W.


    Typical Category I HVAC ducts in a nuclear plant must be designed for loads and load combinations including positive and negative pressure loads which are generated due to the normal operation and postulated accident conditions. These pressure loads most often govern the design of the HVAC ducts. Structural design criteria are presently based on the AISI Code which limits the duct panel width-to-thickness ratio to a maximum of 500 and the maximum height-to-thickness ratio to 200, unless it can be shown by structural tests that larger ratios can be used. Test Programs performed on rectangular HVAC ducts subjected to vacumm loads have substantiated the use of ducts having panel width to thickness ratios of up to 1600. The results of the test programs were subsequently incorporated into the design through a more rational analytical design method which was developed from and correlates well with the test results. The purpose of this paper is to present the analytical design method and its correlation with the test results. Simple formulae for the design of rectangular HVAC ducts are presented. Lower bound values of duct sheet, and stiffener ultimate loads are derived, and correlated with recent test results. Analytically predicted ultimate pressures are also compared with other available duct test data

  11. El esquema de aceptación europeo para productos de construcción en contacto con agua de consumo humano European acceptance scheme for construction products in contact with water intended for human consumption

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    Esperanza Menéndez Méndez


    Full Text Available El desarrollo legislativo y reglamentario europea se ha ido desarrollando de distinta manera en los diferentes Estados miembros (EM. Por su parte, la entrada en vigor de determinadas Directivas Europeas llevan asociado el desarrollo específico de algunos aspectos concretos, o la unificación de criterios, que pueden ser diferentes en varios EM.Los productos de construcción en contacto con agua de consumo humano están afectados por las circunstancias descritas anteriormente. Por una parte, distintos Estados miembros tienen establecidos diferentes criterios de aceptación para la instalación de productos en contacto con el agua de consumo, y por otra parte, tanto la Directiva sobre Productos de Construcción como la Directiva sobre agua de consumo humano afectan a distintos aspectos reglamentarios que han de desarrollarse para poder cumplir con lo establecido en estas directivas.Con el fin de adecuar la reglamentación de los distintos EM, que forman parte de la Unión Europea (UE, a los requisitos y especificaciones recogidos en las directivas mencionadas anteriormente, se vio la necesidad de desarrollar el Esquema de Aceptación Europeo para Productos de Construcción en Contacto con Agua de Consumo Humano (EAS.The quality of the water intended for human consumption is regulated through the Directive 98/83/EC (Drinking Water Directive. Products used in the construction of water supply systems can cause significant deterioration of the water quality and therefore many Member States operate national acceptance schemes for these products. These products are covered by the Directive 89/106/EEC (Construction Products Directive which calls for the preparation of European specifications for construction products and the approximation of the regulatory provisions of the Member States.In order to minimise the differences in the national regulatory provisions and to enable the elaboration of European specifications for construction products in contact

  12. Free Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Orthotropic Membranes in Large Deflection

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    Zheng Zhou-Lian


    Full Text Available This paper reviewed the research on the vibration of orthotropic membrane, which commonly applied in the membrane structural engineering. We applied the large deflection theory of membrane to derive the governing vibration equations of orthotropic membrane, solved it, and obtained the power series formula of nonlinear vibration frequency of rectangular membrane with four edges fixed. The paper gave the computational example and compared the two results from the large deflection theory and the small one, respectively. Results obtained from this paper provide some theoretical foundation for the measurement of pretension by frequency method; meanwhile, the results provide some theoretical foundation for the research of nonlinear vibration of membrane structures and the response solving of membrane structures under dynamic loads.

  13. Successive Standardization of Rectangular Arrays

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    Richard A. Olshen


    Full Text Available In this note we illustrate and develop further with mathematics and examples, the work on successive standardization (or normalization that is studied earlier by the same authors in [1] and [2]. Thus, we deal with successive iterations applied to rectangular arrays of numbers, where to avoid technical difficulties an array has at least three rows and at least three columns. Without loss, an iteration begins with operations on columns: first subtract the mean of each column; then divide by its standard deviation. The iteration continues with the same two operations done successively for rows. These four operations applied in sequence completes one iteration. One then iterates again, and again, and again, ... In [1] it was argued that if arrays are made up of real numbers, then the set for which convergence of these successive iterations fails has Lebesgue measure 0. The limiting array has row and column means 0, row and column standard deviations 1. A basic result on convergence given in [1] is true, though the argument in [1] is faulty. The result is stated in the form of a theorem here, and the argument for the theorem is correct. Moreover, many graphics given in [1] suggest that except for a set of entries of any array with Lebesgue measure 0, convergence is very rapid, eventually exponentially fast in the number of iterations. Because we learned this set of rules from Bradley Efron, we call it “Efron’s algorithm”. More importantly, the rapidity of convergence is illustrated by numerical examples.

  14. Analysis of counter current flow limitation during the cooling process at the rectangular narrow boundary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nur Rahmad Yusuf


    Experimental studies to study the mechanism of boiling heat transfer in narrow rectangular channel under severe accident scenarios of TMI-2 nuclear power plant necessary for the understanding of management-related accidents. The research aims to obtain heat flux values and the critical heat flux (CHF) during the process of boiling heat transfer in narrow rectangular channel. Research methods experimentally using the HEATING-02 test section with cooling fluid is water temperature 98 °C. Experiments performed by varying the hot plate initial temperature of 100 °C, 200 °C and 300 °C with channel size 1 mm. Boiling during the cooling process was recorded by a transient temperature on the hot plate. Temperature data used to calculate the heat flux and wall temperature, the results are represented through the boiling curve. The results show that the higher plate temperature, the narrower width of the curve will be narrower and its mean that the plate surface cooling time will be slower. Results visualization is seen that the CCF occurred at the hot plate initial temperature of 100 °C, 200 °C and 300 °C with channel size 1 mm. (author)

  15. Numerical simulation of double-diffusive mixed convective flow in rectangular enclosure with insulated moving lid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teamah, M.A. [Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Mech. Eng. Dept, Alexandria (Egypt); El-Maghlany, W.M. [Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia (Egypt)


    The present study is concerned with the mixed convection in a rectangular lid-driven cavity under the combined buoyancy effects of thermal and mass diffusion. Double-diffusive convective flow in a rectangular enclosure with moving upper surface is studied numerically. Both upper and lower surfaces are being insulated and impermeable. Constant different temperatures and concentration are imposed along the vertical walls of the enclosure, steady state laminar regime is considered. The transport equations for continuity, momentum, energy and spices transfer are solved. The numerical results are reported for the effect of Richardson number, Lewis number, and buoyancy ratio on the iso-contours of stream line, temperature, and concentration. In addition, the predicted results for both local and average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are presented and discussed for various parametric conditions. This study was done for 0.1 <= Le <= 50 and Prandtl number Pr = 0.7. Through out the study the Grashof number and aspect ratio are kept constant at 10{sup 4} and 2 respectively and -10 <= N <= 10, while Richardson number has been varied from 0.01 to 10 to simulate forced convection dominated flow, mixed convection and natural convection dominated flow. (authors)

  16. Reducción de indios infieles en la Montaña del Chol: la expedición del Sargento Mayor Miguel Rodríguez Camilo en 1699 Reduction of Unfaithful Indians in Chol's Mountains: The Expedition of the Master Sergeant Miguel Rodriguez Camilo in 1699

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    Francisco Luis Jiménez Abollado


    Full Text Available En 1699, entre febrero y marzo, se produjo una entrada a la Montaña del Chol, comandada por el Sargento Mayor don Miguel Rodríguez Camilo. Éste era castellano del Castillo de San Felipe del Golfo Dulce y Alcalde Mayor del Puerto de Santo Tomás de Castilla y del pueblo de San Pedro Amatique. La entrada fue una incursión más de las habidas en estos territorios del sureste maya para reducir a los denominados "indios infieles" y huidos diseminados por el área y enviada desde la Audiencia de Guatemala. La principal diferencia de esta entrada con las anteriores estribaba en que en esta ocasión no había presencia de religiosos en la misma. Sin embargo, el objetivo era la reducción de dichos indios, y la citada penetración se produjo en plena acometividad por incorporar el área inmediata a las Montañas del Chol, El Petén, al dominio colonial.In 1699, between February and March, the Sergeant Major don Miguel Rodríguez Camilo carried out an entrada to the Mountain of the Chol. He was the Castellano of the Castillo de San Felipe del Golfo Dulce and Major Mayor of the Puerto de Santo Tomás de Castilla and of the village of San Pedro Amatique. The entrada was another incursion in these territories of the Mayan south-east to reduce the so called "unfaithful Indians" and escaped spread by the area and envoy from the Audiencia of Guatemala. The difference between this entrada with the previous ones was the fact that on that in this occasion there was no presence of religious in the same one. Nevertheless, the purpose was the reduction of the above mentioned Indians, and the penetration took place with full aggressiveness for incorporating the immediate area into the Mountains of the Chol, The Petén, into the colonial control.

  17. Barranquilla y Montería (VDCBM

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    Claudina Peralta Martínez


    Full Text Available presente artículo constituye una primera aproximación para la creación de un vocabulario dialectal de la costa caribe colombiana. En este primer acercamiento se visitaron las ciudades de Barranquilla, Cartagena y Montería, con el fin de obtener un corpus representativo a través de la aplicación de encuestas y conversaciones grabadas de manera informal, que diera cuenta de la variedad léxica de esta región. Se tuvo en cuenta que el contexto verbal permitiera percibir la significación de la palabra y su aplicación en el mismo, así como los rasgos semánticos y las propiedades gramaticales. Seguidamente se procedió a desarrollar la parte correspondiente a la técnica lexicográfica, en la que se define cada entrada atendiendo a las particularidades de uso de los hablantes de esta región del país, proporcionando ejemplos que permitan la contextualización de cada entrada o lema. En este trabajo se presenta un total de cincuenta y dos entradas y un total de cincuenta y siete acepciones.

  18. Desarrollo de un Banco de Pruebas Experimental mediante Control de Fuerza con Robot Industrial para el Análisis de la Respuesta Mecánica de Asientos de Coche

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    A. Valera


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de un banco de pruebas experimental para el análisis de la respuesta mecánica de los asientos de vehículos durante la entrada y salida de pasajeros. Para realizar este desarrollo, se consideran dos fases: la primera fase es la captura de datos, realizada mediante una manta sensorizada con una red de galgas de presión y un sistema de fotogrametría a fin de capturar el movimiento realizado por una persona al sentarse en el asiento de un automóvil. La segunda fase consiste en reproducir dicho movimiento de forma automática mediante un maniquí acoplado a un robot, controlando la fuerza que ejerce el maniquí sobre el asiento.El desarrollo debe permitir aplicar diferentes estrategias de control de fuerza con robots industriales, utilizando para ello una plataforma de prueba consistente en el robot IRB140 de ABB y un sensor de fuerza industrial JR3 de 6 grados de libertad. Como arquitectura de control, se presentan dos alternativas. La primera utiliza la aplicación software WebWare SDK de ABB. En la segunda solución, se ha modificado el controlador original S4CPlus del robot, proporcionando una arquitectura abierta de control que permite la implementación de nuevos algoritmos de control de movimiento y fuerza en el robot industrial.Con esta aplicación, se simula el proceso realizado por una persona al sentarse y levantarse del asiento de un automóvil, monitorizándose y controlándose la fuerza que ejerce un maniquí sobre un asiento para garantizar igualdad de condiciones con el caso real. El sistema desarrollado tiene numerosas aplicaciones prácticas, como por ejemplo la de poder analizar el desgaste que estos movimientos ocasionan en la tapicería de los asientos. Palabras clave: control de fuerza, control de robots, simulación de movimientos humanos, control por computador, aplicaciones digitales de computación, robots manipuladores

  19. Numerical investigation of boiling heat transfer on hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant in vertical rectangular minichannel


    Huixing Li; Yu Liu


    In order to investigate the characteristics of boiling heat transfer for hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant in plate-fin heat exchanger which is used in the petrochemical industry field, a model was established on boiling heat transfer in vertical rectangular channel. The simulated results were compared with the experimental data from literature. The results show that the deviation between the simulated results and experimental data is within ±15%. Meanwhile, the characteristic of boiling heat t...

  20. Helium-air counter flow in rectangular channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fumizawa, Motoo; Tanaka, Gaku; Zhao, Hong; Hishida, Makoto; Shiina, Yasuaki


    This paper deals with numerical analysis of helium-air counter flow in a rectangular channel with an aspect ratio of 10. The channel has a cross sectional area of 5-50 mm and a length of 200 mm. The inclination angle was varied from 0 to 90 degree. The velocity profiles and concentration profiles were analyzed with a computer program [FLUENT]. Following main features of the counter flow are discussed based on the calculated results. (1) Time required for establishing a quasi-steady state counter flow. (2) The relationship between the inclination angle and the flow patterns of the counter flow. (3) The developing process of velocity profiles and concentration profiles. (4) The relationship between the inclination angle of the channel and the velocity profiles of upward flow and the downward flow. (5) The relationship between the concentration profile and the inclination angle. (6) The relationship between the net in-flow rate and the inclination angle. We compared the computed velocity profile and the net in-flow rate with experimental data. A good agreement was obtained between the calculation results and the experimental results. (author)

  1. Plataforma TIC de apoyo al estudio de circuitos eléctricos de corriente alterna

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    Moisés Luis San Martín Ojeda


    Full Text Available La utilización de software para la elaboración de herramientas didácticas permite, mediante simulación y experimentación, analizar los fenómenos de Ingeniería de una forma más completa e ilustrativa. Para la generación de estas herramientas será necesario conocer las ecuaciones que rigen el comportamiento del fenómeno objeto de estudio, y resolverlas mediante el software adecuado, obteniendo las variables de salida a partir de las variables de entrada. Con el software es posible realizar nuevos estudios modificando los parámetros del modelo o las variables de entrada. En este trabajo se analizan los Circuitos Eléctricos de Corriente Alterna. Junto a la simulación, la tecnología permite también la experimentación, mediante el desarrollo de prácticas vía WEB que pueden ser realizadas con acceso remoto. Estas herramientas pueden ser usadas tanto en la impartición de la docencia en aula y laboratorio, como para la elaboración de problemas y en el propio tiempo de estudio del alumno.

  2. Dimensionado de una bodega de elaboración de vino tinto con capacidad para la entrada de 100 000Kg de uva,Sección clarificación a embotellado


    Martín Ballesteros, Mónica


    Se ha dimensionado una Bodega de elaboración de vino tinto con capacidad para producir 91.866 botellas de vino, de las cuales 45.833 (50%) se destinarán como vino joven, 28.551 (31%) como crianza, 1.586 (2%) como Reserva, 1.586 (2%) como Gran Reserva y 14.309 (15,6%) como vino Mesa; el proyecto ha abarcado la sección desde la Clarificación al Embotellado. La Bodega se ha situado en la localidad de Serrada, dentro de la Denominación de Origen de Rueda (D.O.R), en la provincia de Vallado...

  3. Electromagnetic characterization of photo-definable ferrite loaded polymers and their applications in micro-rectangular coaxial phase shifters (United States)

    Sholiyi, Olusegun Samuel

    As the demand for smaller size, lighter weight, lower loss and cost of communications transmit and receive (T/R) modules increases, there is an urgent need to focus investigation to the major subsystem or components that can improve these parameters. Phase shifters contribute greatly to the cost of T/R modules, and thus this research investigation examines a new way to reduce the weight and cost by miniaturizing the phaser design. Characterization of hexaferrite powders compatible with the sequential multilayer micro-fabrication technology and numerical simulations of a novel rectangular micro-coaxial phase shifter are investigated. This effort aims to integrate ferrite material into a rectangular micro-coaxial waveguide at Ka-band using electromagnetic finite element numerical tools. The proposed technique exploits rectangular coaxial waveguide with a symmetrically placed inner signal conductor inside an outer conductor connected to the ground. Strontium ferrite-SU8 composite is used as an anisotropic material of choice in the modelled design. Numerical modeling is employed using High Frequency Structure Simulator, HFSS, a 3-D full wave electromagnetic solver for analyzing the performance of the device. Two model structures were designed for reciprocal and non-reciprocal applications. The first model (Model A) produced a tunable phase shift of almost 60 degrees /cm across 0 to 400 kA/m applied field and at 1800 Gauss. In model B, a non-reciprocal phase shift performance of 20 degrees /cm from a reference phase of 24 degrees at 0 A/m was realized at the same saturation magnetization. A return loss better than 20 dB and an insertion loss less than 1.5 dB were obtained for both models.

  4. Numerical simulation of sloshing in rectangular tanks with OpenFOAM CFD Package

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreski, Filip; Markov, Zoran; Diebold, Louis; Gazzola, Thomas


    The aim of this paper is to simulate the sloshing phenomenon using OpenFOAM CFD software package. The present paper treats a 2D numerical simulation of a partially filled tank that is located on a LNG carrier. Experiments were done on a rectangular tank excited with different excitation periods and amplitudes and the pressure was measured at certain locations on the tank walls. The goal of this research is to compare the experimental data for the pressure with the pressure results obtained with the CFD software. It is shown that the obtained results match well with the experimental data.

  5. Visualized study on specific points on demand curves and flow patterns in a single-side heated narrow rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Junfeng; Huang Yanping; Wang Yanlin


    Highlights: → Specific points on the demand curve and flow patterns are visually studied. → Bubbly, churn, and annular flows were observed. → Onset of flow instability and bubbly-churn transition occurs at the same time. → The evolution of specific points and flow pattern transitions were examined. - Abstract: A simultaneous visualization and measurement study on some specific points on demand curves, such as onset of nucleate boiling (ONB), onset of significant void (OSV), onset of flow instability (OFI), and two-phase flow patterns in a single-side heated narrow rectangular channel, having a width of 40 mm and a gap of 3 mm, was carried out. New experimental approaches were adopted to identify OSV and OFI in a narrow rectangular channel. Under experimental conditions, the ONB could be predicted well by the Sato and Matsumura model. The OSV model of Bowring can reasonably predict the OSV if the single-side heated condition is considered. The OFI was close to the saturated boiling point and could be described accurately by Kennedy's correlation. The two-phase flow patterns observed in this experiment could be classified into bubbly, churn, and annular flow. Slug flow was never observed. The OFI always occurred when the bubbles at the channel exit began to coalesce, which corresponded to the beginning of the bubbly-churn transition in flow patterns. Finally, the evolution of specific points and flow pattern transitions were examined in a single-side heated narrow rectangular channel.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un modelo fuzzy para evaluar y clasificar el ambiente de trabajo de las granjas de pollos de engorde. Para ello datos de temperatura del aire, humedad relativa, nivel de ruido y la concentración de amoníaco fueron colectados en un galpón avícola con ventilación positiva lateral. Un esquema de trabajo de ocho horas al día fue simulado y los resultados dieron un soporte para la clasificación del nivel de confort bajo las diferentes condiciones térmicas, acústicas y de concentración de gas. Por lo tanto, fueron utilizadas tres variables de entrada, índice de temperatura y humedad (ITU, nivel de ruido (dB y concentración de amoníaco (ppm, y la de salida fue la clasificación del entorno de trabajo (CET. Fueron definidas sesenta (60 reglas con base en las combinaciones de ITU, nivel del ruido y concentración de amoníaco, donde cada resultado es una función de combinación de los datos de entrada. Los datos de campo fueron usados para validar el sistema propuesto. Los resultados indican que la metodología propuesta es viable para determinar el nivel de bienestar de los trabajadores pudiendo ayudar en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con el control climático y se puede utilizar con el fin de reducir o eliminar las fuentes que son consideradas como causantes de estrés en el hombre.

  7. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  8. Performance analysis of SOI MOSFET with rectangular recessed channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, M; Mishra, G P; Mishra, S; Mohanty, S S


    In this paper a two dimensional (2D) rectangular recessed channel–silicon on insulator metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (RRC-SOI MOSFET), using the concept of groove between source and drain regions, which is one of the channel engineering technique to suppress the short channel effect (SCE). This suppression is mainly due to corner potential barrier of the groove and the simulation is carried out by using ATLAS 2D device simulator. To have further improvement of SCE in RRC-SOI MOSFET, three more devices are designed by using dual material gate (DMG) and gate dielectric technique, which results in formation of devices i.e. DMRRC-SOI,MLSMRRC-SOI, MLDMRRC-SOI MOSFET. The effect of different structures of RRC-SOI on AC and RF parameters are investigated and the importance of these devices over RRC MOSFET regarding short channel effect is analyzed. (paper)

  9. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  10. Comparison of closed-form and finite-element solutions of thick laminated anisotropic rectangular plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reddy, J N; Chao, W C [Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg (USA). Dept. of Engineering Science and Mechanics


    In this study the effects of reduced integration, mesh size, and element type (i.e. linear or quadratic) on the accuracy of a penalty-finite element based on the theory governing thick, laminated, anisotropic composite plates are investigated. In order to assess the accuracy of the present finite element, exact closed-form solutions are developed for cross-ply and antisymmetric angle-ply rectangular plates simply supported and subjected to sinusoidally distributed mechanical and/or thermal loadings, and free vibration.

  11. El impacto del formato digital en la mediática del siglo XX. El caso de México

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    Lic. David Reynaldo Díaz Rascón


    Full Text Available Para quienes consideran nuevo el concepto de tecnologías en los medios masivos de información, cabe señalar de entrada que en la historia sólo un medio masivo no contó con el auxilio de la tecnología. El autor analiza la llegada de la telemática y aplica esa concepción a México.

  12. Measurements of time-dependent liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic flows in a flat rectangular duct

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buehler, L.; Horanyi, S.


    In the helium-cooled lead lithium (HCLL) blanket, which has been chosen as a reference concept for a liquid-metal breeding blanket to be tested in ITER, the heat is removed by helium cooled plates aligned with the strong toroidal magnetic field that confines the fusion plasma. The liquid breeder lead lithium circulates through gaps of rectangular cross-section between the cooling plates to transport the generated tritium towards external extraction facilities. Under the action of the strong magnetic field, liquid metal flows in conducting rectangular ducts exhibit jet-like velocity profiles in the thin boundary layers near the side walls, which are parallel to the magnetic field like the cooling plates in HCLL blankets. The velocity in these side layers may exceed several times the mean velocity in the duct and it is known that these layers become unstable for sufficiently high Reynolds numbers. The present paper summarizes experimental results for such unstable time-dependent flows in strong magnetic fields, which have been obtained in the MEKKA liquid metal laboratory of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. In particular, spatial and temporal scales of perturbation patterns are identified. The results suggest that the flow between cooling plates in a HCLL blanket is laminar and stable. The observed time-dependent flow behavior appears at larger velocities so that the present results are more relevant for applications in dual coolant concepts where high-velocity jets have been predicted along side walls.

  13. Pressure drop of magnetohydrodynamic two-phase annular flow in rectangular channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumamaru, Hiroshige; Fujiwara, Yoshiki; Ogita, Kenji


    Numerical calculations have been performed on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) two-phase annular flow in a rectangular channel with a small aspect ratio, i.e.a small ratio of the channel side perpendicular to the applied magnetic field and the side parallel to the field. Results of the present calculation agree nearly with Inoue et al.'s experimental results in the region of large liquid Reynolds numbers and large Hartmann numbers. Calculation results also show that the pressure drop ratio, i.e. the ratio of pressure drop of two-phase flow to that of single-phase flow under the same liquid flow rate and applied magnetic field, becomes lower than ∼0.02 for conditions of a fusion reactor plant. (author)

  14. Active control of radiated sound power from a baffled, rectangular panel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørkholt, Jakob


    with an array of eleven microphones in front of the panel, is very close to minimising the actual radiated sound power. Practical experiments where such an array estimate has been minimised using the filtered X LMS algorithm have shown that substantial reductions of radiated sound power can be obtained over......Active control of radiated sound power from a rectangular baffled panel by minimisation of an accurate power estimate, using piezoceramic actuators, has been investigated. Computer simulations have shown that minimising a power estimate obtained by discretised integration of the far field intensity...... a broad frequency range using few piezoceramic actuators, provided that an accurate estimate of the sound power is available for minimisation....

  15. Calculation of control rods in rectangular reactor, and applications (1960)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goshen, S.; Pazy, A.


    The aim of this report is to find a method for estimating the anti-reactivity of control rods perpendicular to the axis in a cylindrical pile. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first is given a method of calculating control rods in a rectangular pile, similar to the Nordheim-Scalettar method for cylindrical piles. As an example the formulas are given for the theories of one and two neutron groups, the generalisation for several groups being evident. In the second part we find by a variation method a formula for estimating the Laplacian of a pile, which may be divided into parallelepipeds for which the Laplacian are given. Finally, this formula is used to calculate the anti-reactivity of rods perpendicular to the axis in a cylindrical pile. (author) [fr

  16. Stability Analysis of Nonuniform Rectangular Beams Using Homotopy Perturbation Method

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    Seval Pinarbasi


    Full Text Available The design of slender beams, that is, beams with large laterally unsupported lengths, is commonly controlled by stability limit states. Beam buckling, also called “lateral torsional buckling,” is different from column buckling in that a beam not only displaces laterally but also twists about its axis during buckling. The coupling between twist and lateral displacement makes stability analysis of beams more complex than that of columns. For this reason, most of the analytical studies in the literature on beam stability are concentrated on simple cases: uniform beams with ideal boundary conditions and simple loadings. This paper shows that complex beam stability problems, such as lateral torsional buckling of rectangular beams with variable cross-sections, can successfully be solved using homotopy perturbation method (HPM.

  17. Measurement of electron beam bunch phase length by rectangular cavities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afanas'ev, V.D.; Rudychev, V.G.; Ushakov, V.I.


    An analysis of a phase length of electron bunches with the help of crossed rectangular resonators with the Hsub(102) oscillation type has been made. It has been shown that the electron coordinates after the duplex resonator are described by an ellipse equation for a non-modulated beam. An influence of the initial energy spread upon the electron motion has been studied. It has been ascertained that energy modulation of the electron beam results in displacement of each electron with respect to the ellipse which is proportional to modulation energy, i.e. an error in determination of the phase length of an electron bunch is proportional to the beam energy spread. Relations have been obtained which enable to find genuine values of phases of the analyzed electrons with an accuracy up to linear multipliers

  18. La poética de la reescritura en Leónidas Lamborghini: significación cultural y vínculos con poéticas de la traducción “posesiva” en la poesía latinoamericana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX

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    Gerardo Jorge


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se propone describir y conceptualizar el procedimiento de “reescritura” en el contexto de la obra del poeta argentino Leónidas Lamborghini (1927-2009, y a partir de allí reflexionar sobre los procesos de producción por la vía de la reescritura y de la traducción “creativa” en la poesía latinoamericana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, los cuales fueron cultivados no sólo por Lamborghini, sino también por otros contemporáneos suyos como Haroldo de Campos, Augusto de Campos y Nicanor Parra. De esta manera, se busca ofrecer una entrada para reflexionar alrededor del modo de relación con la tradición que un conjunto de poéticas desarrolladas durante dicho período propusieron, y del posible significado cultural de sus operaciones.

  19. Permuting sparse rectangular matrices into block-diagonal form

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aykanat, Cevdet; Pinar, Ali; Catalyurek, Umit V.


    This work investigates the problem of permuting a sparse rectangular matrix into block diagonal form. Block diagonal form of a matrix grants an inherent parallelism for the solution of the deriving problem, as recently investigated in the context of mathematical programming, LU factorization and QR factorization. We propose graph and hypergraph models to represent the nonzero structure of a matrix, which reduce the permutation problem to those of graph partitioning by vertex separator and hypergraph partitioning, respectively. Besides proposing the models to represent sparse matrices and investigating related combinatorial problems, we provide a detailed survey of relevant literature to bridge the gap between different societies, investigate existing techniques for partitioning and propose new ones, and finally present a thorough empirical study of these techniques. Our experiments on a wide range of matrices, using state-of-the-art graph and hypergraph partitioning tools MeTiS and PaT oH, revealed that the proposed methods yield very effective solutions both in terms of solution quality and run time.

  20. Attenuation in Rectangular Waveguides with Finite Conductivity Walls

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    K. C. Yeong


    Full Text Available We present a fundamental and accurate approach to compute the attenuation of electromagnetic waves propagating in rectangular waveguides with finite conductivity walls. The wavenumbers kx and ky in the x and y directions respectively, are obtained as roots of a set of transcendental equations derived by matching the tangential component of the electric field (E and the magnetic field (H at the surface of the waveguide walls. The electrical properties of the wall material are determined by the complex permittivity ε, permeability μ, and conductivity σ. We have examined the validity of our model by carrying out measurements on the loss arising from the fundamental TE10 mode near the cutoff frequency. We also found good agreement between our results and those obtained by others including Papadopoulos’ perturbation method across a wide range of frequencies, in particular in the vicinity of cutoff. In the presence of degenerate modes however, our method gives higher losses, which we attribute to the coupling between modes as a result of dispersion.

  1. Analysis of a rectangular ceramic plate in electrically forced thickness-twist vibration as a piezoelectric transformer. (United States)

    Yang, Jiashi; Liu, Jinjin; Li, Jiangyu


    A rectangular ceramic plate with appropriate electrical load and operating mode is analyzed for piezoelectric transformer application. An exact solution from the three-dimensional equations of linear piezoelectricity is obtained. The solution simulates the real operating situation of a transformer as a vibrating piezoelectric body connected to a circuit. Transforming ratio, input admittance, and efficiency of the transformer are obtained.

  2. Peristaltic Flow of Carreau Fluid in a Rectangular Duct through a Porous Medium

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    R. Ellahi


    Full Text Available We have examined the peristaltic flow of Carreau fluid in a rectangular channel through a porous medium. The governing equations of motion are simplified by applying the long wavelength and low Reynolds number approximations. The reduced highly nonlinear partial differential equations are solved jointly by homotopy perturbation and Eigen function expansion methods. The expression for pressure rise is computed numerically by evaluating the numerical integration. The physical features of pertinent parameters have been discussed by plotting graphs of velocity, pressure rise, pressure gradient, and stream functions.

  3. A Green's function solution for a rectangular heat source on an infinite plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bainbridge, B.L.


    The applications associated with a rectangular heat source on an infinite plate range from integrated circuits to thin film heat flux sensors on thin substrates. The particular problem from which the solution is developed concerns the use of a resistive strip for monitoring currents generated in circuits exposed to electromagnetic fields. The Green's function formulation is solved by using early and late time approximations for which analytical solutions can be derived. In this paper expressions are developed for three sets of boundary conditions and compared to the experimental performance of a physical device

  4. Lucrezia d’Alagno o la celebración literaria y pública de la consorte de facto de Alfonso el Magnánimo


    Rodríguez Mesa, Francisco José


    Alfonso el Magnánimo, primer monarca napolitano de la Casa de Aragón, tuvo una relación en sus últimos años con la dama napolitana Lucrezia d’Alagno. Su entrada en la escena pública -y política- de Nápoles la situará habitualmente en celebraciones de la ciudad y la corte. Con testimonios literarios e históricos proponemos un análisis de su papel en los años finales del rey. The first Neapolitan monarch of the House of Aragon, Alfonso the Magnanimous, had an affair with the Neapolitan lady ...

  5. Desplazamientos del terreno producidos por una mina metálica subterránea


    Laín Huerta, Carlos; Laín Huerta, Ricardo; Ramírez Oyanguren, Pedro


    En este artículo se presentan los resultados del modelo numérico bidimensional realizado para analizar los desplazamientos producidos por una mina metálica subterránea de cámaras y pilares, con recuperación de pilares mediante relleno con pasta. Este tipo de modelos numéricos mineros requiere como información de entrada, además de la geometría del yacimiento y de los huecos, un conjunto de datos geomecánicos que se deben determinar en laboratorio e "in situ", tanto para los macizos de roca y ...

  6. Intubación de secuencia rápida


    Dávila Cabo de Villa, Evangelina; López González, Rosendo; Márquez Ercia, Fernando; Hernández Dávila, Carlos


    En la práctica médica existen diversas situaciones que exigen inmediata permeabilización de la vía aérea en algunos pacientes, con el objetivo de garantizar una adecuada entrada y salida de gases a los pulmones y evitar la broncoaspiración. La intubación de secuencia rápida ha sido considerada como la administración de un agente hipnótico y un relajante neuromuscular de forma consecutiva (virtualmente simultánea) con el fin de facilitar la intubación orotraqueal en el paciente en estado críti...

  7. TLC Colombia-Estados Unidos y sus implicaciones en el turismo

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    Nancy Rocío Rueda Esteban


    Full Text Available El TLC entre Colombia y Estados Unidos presenta tanto ventajas como desventajas que hay que entender para poder afrontar. Con el presente artículo se pretende analizar y aclarar la importancia de los cambios que puede llegar a generar el TLC Colombia-Estados Unidos sobre el sector turístico y hotelero de Colombia. Se expone una idea clara sobre las necesidades del país para tener una oportunidad amplia y fuerte sobre los cambios económicos, sociales y culturales que sobrevienen con la firma y entrada en vigencia del tratado.

  8. Impacto de la apertura comercial de México y de su integración en bloques comerciales en el mercado mundial del limón




    A partir de la construcciÛn de un modelo de equilibrio espacial con precios endógenos se estudia la apertura del mercado mexicano del limón en una perspectiva mundial. Se diseñan diversos escenarios entre los paÌses que integran el TLCAN, el TLCUEM y con la eliminación total de barreras al comercio de esta fruta. Se estima el impacto potencial de la eliminación de aranceles en los flujos comerciales, los precios y bienestar. Los resultados sugieren que México se beneficia de la entrada en ope...

  9. Disrupción: 100 reflexiones para entender el momento que vivimos a través del fenómeno emprendedor, la tecnología y los millennials


    Ortega, Iñaki


    Si estás interesado en el libro consíguelo en DISRUPCIÓN es un libro para entender el momento en el que vivimos. La aparición simultánea, en estos últimos años, de dos hechos de gran calado como la crisis y la trasformación digital ha supuesto una ruptura con las décadas anteriores. En un breve lapso de tiempo y de modo brusco se han reventado las barreras de entrada a todos los mercados que protegían a las empresas incumbentes; los empleos se están reinventand...

  10. Fiber Bragg grating based spatially resolved characterization of flux-pinning induced strain of rectangular-shaped bulk YBCO samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Latka, Ines; Habisreuther, Tobias; Litzkendorf, Doris


    Highlights: → Fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) act as strain sensors, also at cryogenic temperatures. → FBGs are not sensitive to magnetic fields. → Local, shape dependent magnetostriction was detected on rectangular samples. → Magnetostrictive effects of the top surface and in a gap between two samples are different. - Abstract: We report on measurements of the spatially resolved characterization of flux-pinning induced strain of rectangular-shaped bulk YBCO samples. The spatially resolved strain measurements are accomplished by the use 2 fiber Bragg grating arrays, which are with an included angle of 45 o fixed to the surface. In this paper first attempts to confirm the shape distortions caused by the flux-pinning induced strain as predicted in will be presented. Two sample setups, a single bulk and a 'mirror' arrangement, will be compared. This mirror setup represents a model configuration for a measurement inside the superconductor, where demagnetization effects can be neglected and the magnetic field merely has a z-component.

  11. Effect of Ovality on Maximum External Pressure of Helically Coiled Steam Generator Tubes with a Rectangular Wear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Dong In; Lim, Eun Mo; Huh, Nam Su [Seoul National Univ. of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Shin Beom; Yu, Je Yong; Kim, Ji Ho; Choi, Suhn [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A structural integrity of steam generator tubes of nuclear power plants is one of crucial parameters for safe operation of nuclear power plants. Thus, many studies have been made to provide engineering methods to assess integrity of defective tubes of commercial nuclear power plants considering its operating environments and defect characteristics. As described above, the geometric and operating conditions of steam generator tubes in integral reactor are significantly different from those of commercial reactor. Therefore, the structural integrity assessment of defective tubes of integral reactor taking into account its own operating conditions and geometric characteristics, i. e., external pressure and helically coiled shape, should be made to demonstrate compliance with the current design criteria. Also, ovality is very specific characteristics of the helically coiled tube because it is occurred during the coiling processes. The wear, occurring from FIV (Flow Induced Vibration) and so on, is main degradation of steam generator tube. In the present study, maximum external pressure of helically coiled steam generator tube with wear is predicted based on the detailed 3-dimensional finite element analysis. As for shape of wear defect, the rectangular shape is considered. In particular, the effect of ovality on the maximum external pressure of helically coiled tubes with rectangular shaped wear is investigated. In the present work, the maximum external pressure of helically coiled steam generator tube with rectangular shaped wear is investigated via detailed 3-D FE analyses. In order to cover a practical range of geometries for defective tube, the variables affecting the maximum external pressure were systematically varied. In particular, the effect of tube ovality on the maximum external pressure is evaluated. It is expected that the present results can be used as a technical backgrounds for establishing a practical structural integrity assessment guideline of

  12. In vitro blood flow in a rectangular PDMS microchannel: experimental observations using a confocal micro-PIV system. (United States)

    Lima, Rui; Wada, Shigeo; Tanaka, Shuji; Takeda, Motohiro; Ishikawa, Takuji; Tsubota, Ken-ichi; Imai, Yohsuke; Yamaguchi, Takami


    Progress in microfabricated technologies has attracted the attention of researchers in several areas, including microcirculation. Microfluidic devices are expected to provide powerful tools not only to better understand the biophysical behavior of blood flow in microvessels, but also for disease diagnosis. Such microfluidic devices for biomedical applications must be compatible with state-of-the-art flow measuring techniques, such as confocal microparticle image velocimetry (PIV). This confocal system has the ability to not only quantify flow patterns inside microchannels with high spatial and temporal resolution, but can also be used to obtain velocity measurements for several optically sectioned images along the depth of the microchannel. In this study, we investigated the ability to obtain velocity measurements using physiological saline (PS) and in vitro blood in a rectangular polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) microchannel (300 microm wide, 45 microm deep) using a confocal micro-PIV system. Applying this combination, measurements of trace particles seeded in the flow were performed for both fluids at a constant flow rate (Re = 0.02). Velocity profiles were acquired by successive measurements at different depth positions to obtain three-dimensional (3-D) information on the behavior of both fluid flows. Generally, the velocity profiles were found to be markedly blunt in the central region, mainly due to the low aspect ratio (h/w = 0.15) of the rectangular microchannel. Predictions using a theoretical model for the rectangular microchannel corresponded quite well with the experimental micro-PIV results for the PS fluid. However, for the in vitro blood with 20% hematocrit, small fluctuations were found in the velocity profiles. The present study clearly shows that confocal micro-PIV can be effectively integrated with a PDMS microchannel and used to obtain blood velocity profiles along the full depth of the microchannel because of its unique 3-D optical sectioning ability

  13. Seismic Performance of RC Beam-Column Connections with Continuous Rectangular Spiral Transverse Reinforcements for Low Ductility Classes

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    Mohammadamin Azimi


    Full Text Available The seismic performance of RC columns could be significantly improved by continuous spiral reinforcement as a result of its adequate ductility and energy dissipation capacity. Due to post-earthquake brittle failure observations in beam-column connections, the seismic behaviour of such connections could greatly be improved by simultaneous application of this method in both beams and columns. In this study, a new proposed detail for beam to column connection introduced as “twisted opposing rectangular spiral” was experimentally and numerically investigated and its seismic performance was compared against normal rectangular spiral and conventional shear reinforcement systems. In this study, three full scale beam to column connections were first designed in conformance with Eurocode (EC2-04 for low ductility class connections and then tested by quasistatic cyclic loading recommended by ACI Building Code (ACI 318-02. Next, the experimental results were validated by numerical methods. Finally, the results revealed that the new proposed connection could improve the ultimate lateral resistance, ductility, and energy dissipation capacity.

  14. Analysis of flow distribution instability in parallel thin rectangular multi-channel system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xia, G.L. [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an City 710049 (China); Fundamental Science on Nuclear Safety and Simulation Technology Laboratory, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin City 150001 (China); Su, G.H., E-mail: [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an City 710049 (China); Peng, M.J. [Fundamental Science on Nuclear Safety and Simulation Technology Laboratory, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin City 150001 (China)


    Highlights: • Flow distribution instability in parallel thin rectangular multi-channel system is studied using RELAP5 codes. • Flow excursion may bring parallel heating channel into the density wave oscillations region. • Flow distribution instability is more likely to happen at low power/flow ratio conditions. • The increase of channel number will not affect the flow distribution instability boundary. • Asymmetry inlet throttling and heating will make system more unstable. - Abstract: The flow distribution instability in parallel thin rectangular multi-channel system has been researched in the present study. The research model of parallel channel system is established by using RELAP5/MOD3.4 codes. The transient process of flow distribution instability is studied at imposed inlet mass flow rate and imposed pressure drop conditions. The influence of heating power, mass flow rate, system pressure and channel number on flow distribution instability are analyzed. Furthermore, the flow distribution instability of parallel two-channel system under asymmetric inlet throttling and heating power is studied. The results show that, if multi-channel system operates at the negative slope region of channel ΔP–G curve, small disturbance in pressure drop will lead to flow redistribution between parallel channels. Flow excursion may bring the operating point of heating channel into the density-wave oscillations region, this will result in out-phase or in-phase flow oscillations. Flow distribution instability is more likely to happen at low power/flow ratio conditions, the stability of parallel channel system increases with system pressure, the channel number has a little effect on system stability, but the asymmetry inlet throttling or heating power will make the system more unstable.

  15. Viscoelastic-gravitational deformation by a rectangular thrust fault in a layered earth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rundle, J.B.


    Previous papers in this series have been concerned with developing the numerical techniques required for the evaluation of vertical displacements which are the result of thrust faulting in a layered, elastic-gravitational earth model. This paper extends these methods to the calculation of fully time-dependent vertical surface deformation from a rectangular, dipping thrust fault in an elastic-gravitational layer over a viscoelastic-gravitational half space. The elastic-gravitational solutions are used together with the correspondence principle of linear viscoelasticity to give the solution in the Laplace transform domain. The technique used here to invert the displacements into the time domain is the Prony series technique, wherein the transformed solution is fit to the transformed representation of a truncated series of decaying exponentials. Purely viscoelastic results obtained are checked against results found previously using a different inverse transform method, and agreement is excellent. A series of results are obtained for a rectangular, 30 0 dipping thrust fault in an elastic-gravitational layer over viscoelastic-gravitational half space. Time-dependent displacements are calculated out to 50 half space relaxation times tau/sub a/, or 100 Maxwell times 2tau/sub m/ = tau/sub a/. Significant effects due to gravity are shown to exist in the solutions as early as several tau/sub a/. The difference between the purely viscoelastic solution and the viscoelastic-gravitational solutions grows as time progresses. Typically, the solutions with gravity reach an equilibrium value after 10--20 relaxation times, when the purely viscoelastic solutions are still changing significantly. Additionally, the length scaling which was apparent in the purely viscoelastic problem breaks down in the viscoelastic-gravitational problem

  16. Energy characteristics of the double slot in the narrow wall of a rectangular waveguide


    Martynenko, S. A.


    Based on approximation of the half-wave field distribution in the slots, an expression is derived for internal mutual conductance of closely-spaced slots, which form a double inclined slot in the narrow wall of a rectangular waveguide. The narrow wall has cut-outs reaching the broad wall. With the use of the method of induced magnetomotive forces, a mathematical model is devised for calculating the energy characteristics of the double slot. The impact of angle of inclination of the slots, dim...

  17. Features of two-phase flow patterns in horizontal rectangular microchannels of height 50 μm

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    Ron’shin Fedor


    Full Text Available The horizontal microchannel with the height of 50 micrometres and width of 40 mm of a rectangular cross-section has been used to study two-phase flow. The classical patterns of two-phase flow in the channel (bubble, stratified, churn, jet, and annular have been detected. Experimental information allows us to define the characteristics of the regimes and to determine precisely the boundaries between the patterns of the two-phase flows.

  18. Voltage pre-regulator without insulation with high efficiency; Pre-regulador de tension sin aislamiento con alta eficiencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez Ramos, Octaviano


    strokes it is illustrated that the results obtained in the proposed topology are satisfactory because it succeeds in maintaining a high efficiency and a high power factor. [Spanish] Actualmente existe una problematica por el uso inadecuado e ineficiente de la energia electrica en los sistemas de alimentacion, esta problematica se va complicando aun mas con el paso del tiempo, debido a la proliferacion de equipos electronicos que no incorporan alguna solucion para dicha problematica. Esto ha ocasionado una tendencia hacia el desarrollo de sistemas que procesen con mayor eficiencia ({eta}) la energia electrica. Ademas para hacer un buen uso de la energia, se les disena para que puedan corregir el factor de potencia (FP) y por lo tanto reducen la contaminacion de armonicos en la red; los cuales provocan fallas o destruccion en otros equipos electronicos. Adicionalmente se les puede disenar para obtener una buena respuesta dinamica, lo cual asegura que podran contrarrestar eficientemente cambios de carga. La caracteristica no lineal que esta presente en todas las fuentes de alimentacion, que basan su entrada en una etapa de rectificacion y filtrado, provocan un bajo factor de potencia (FP) y una alta distorsion armonica total (THD). El factor es contaminar la red electrica, lo cual puede provocar fallas o descomposturas de otros equipos. Desde hace aproximadamente 15 anos la preocupacion por resolver este problema de uso inadecuado de la energia ha tomado importancia, desarrollando convertidores que corrigen el FP (pre-regulador) y que tradicionalmente se conectan en cascada con la tipica etapa de conversion de corriente directa a corriente directa (CD-CD) usada para regular la tension; esta solucion tiene una baja eficiencia ({eta}) y alto costo, por el exceso de componentes conectados en cascada. Sin embargo la respuesta dinamica (RD) es adecuada ya que se cuenta con etapas separadas para la correccion del FP y la regulacion. A partir de una revision del estado del arte, en

  19. La innovación abierta en las empresas turísticas extremeñas como herramienta de entrada en el turismo de negocios

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    Rocío González Sánchez


    Full Text Available Una de las claves para el impulso del desarrollo de actividades turísticas en ciertas regiones es la articulación de estrategias comunes en el campo del conocimiento y la innovación tecnológica, que permitan aprovechar los recursos propios de dichas regiones. El modelo de innovación abierta supone un camino alternativo y/o complementario a la gestión del conocimiento en sus distintas etapas, cuestionado la validez de algunas de las estrategias y procesos imperantes en innovación tecnológica. Las fuentes de ideas externas para este modelo abierto son diversas, desde clientes, proveedores o socios en una joint-venture, hasta universidades o centros de investigación. Estas nuevas comunidades de innovación representan un nuevo contexto social en el que generar innovaciones y conocimiento. Este estudio evalúa la utilidad de la aplicación de la innovación abierta en los procesos y toma de decisiones de las empresas turísticas extremeñas, como herramienta facilitadora en la entrada en el mercado del turismo de negocios, congresos e incentivos.

  20. Temperature field due to time-dependent heat sources in a large rectangular grid. Application for the KBS-3 repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Probert, T.; Claesson, Johan


    In the KBS-3 concept canisters containing nuclear waste are deposited along parallel tunnels over a large rectangular area deep below the ground surface. The temperature field in rock due to such a rectangular grid of heat-releasing canisters is studied. An analytical solution for this problem for any heat source has been presented in a preceding paper. The complete solution is summarized in this paper. The solution is by superposition divided into two main parts. There is a global temperature field due to the large rectangular canister area, while a local field accounts for the remaining heat source problem. In this sequel to the first report, the local solution is discussed in detail. The local solution consists of three parts corresponding to line heat sources along tunnels, point heat sources along a tunnel and a line heat source along a canister. Each part depends on two special variables only. These parts are illustrated in dimensionless form. Inside the repository the local temperature field is periodic in the horizontal directions and has a short extent in the vertical direction. This allows us to look at the solution in a parallelepiped around a canister. The solution in the parallelepiped is valid for all canisters that are not too close to the repository edges. The total temperature field is calculated for the KBS-3 case. The temperature field is calculated using a heat release that is valid for the first 10 000 years after deposition. The temperature field is shown in 23 figures in order to illustrate different aspects of the complex thermal process

  1. Conversión de un televisor en monitor de ekg con memoria


    Flor Roldan, Cesar; Hidalgo Leon, Ruben; Yapur Auad, Miguel Eduardo


    El presente artículo trata sobre un dispositivo portátil diseñado para almacenar en memoria y visualizar señales cardiacas. El sistema está compuesto básicamente de una etapa analógica que se encarga de acondicionar la señal que proviene del paciente, una etapa digital que funciona, llevando la señal acondicionada a un convertidor analógico - digital. El convertidor muestrea la señal de entrada y envía la señal digitalizada representando cada muestreo a una memoria secuencial para almacen...

  2. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  3. Direito à Saúde, Análise do Comportamento e Planejamento Cultural: a efetivação da atenção básica como porta de entrada preferencial do SUS

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    Luiz Eduardo de FIGUEIREDO


    en Brasil. El presente estudio analizó con base en una metodologia de metacontingencias las prácticas culturales de ABS descritas en la Ordenanza N º 2488 de la Atención Primaria Nacional - PNAB, en 6 estudios empíricos de periódicos de salud pública y en 32 noticias de un programa de televisión de gran audiencia, considerando los factores que dan cuenta de la falta de adherencia de usuario al modelo de puertas propuesto por la legislación de SUS y se traducén en disminución de la frecuencia de la conducta de búsqueda de servicios de atención primaria por los usuarios del SUS. A partir de la sistematización de las prácticas culturales se sugirió una posible intervención cultural para efectivar la ABS como principal puerta de entrada al sistema de salud y consideraciones sobre la pertinencia de la metodologia conductual para la Ley de Salud.


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    Gang Nam Lee


    Full Text Available In this study, the behaviour of green water impacting on a fixed rectangular structure is studied, and the flow kinematics is investigated with a series of experiments and computational fluid dynamic simulations. The experiments are conducted in a two-dimensional wave flume with the structure under regular wave conditions that are scaled down by the ratio of 1:125 from the BW Pioneer FPSO (Floating production storage and offloading operated in the Gulf of Mexico. The mean values of the horizontal and vertical velocity profiles are provided for the water and bubbly flow induced by the interaction between the rectangular structure and regular waves. CFD simulations are also performed by STAR-CCM+ using the volume-of-fluid (VOF method based on the finite-volume method (FVM and all of CFD results are compared with the experimental data.

  5. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Heat Sink with Rectangular Plates at Varying Inclinations on Vertical Base (United States)

    Patil, Harshal Bhauso; Dingare, Sunil Vishnu


    Heat exchange upgrade is a vital territory of research area. Utilization of reasonable systems can bring about noteworthy specialized points of interest coming about reserve funds of cost. Rectangular plates are viewed as best balance arrangement utilized for heat exchange improvement. This gives an enlargement strategy to heat exchange with beginning of limit layer and vortex development. To assess and look at the rate of heat exchange enhancement by rectangular plate fins with differing inclinations (0°-30°-60°), shifting Re and heat supply under forced convection are the principle destinations of this study. The study is done by fluctuating introductions of fins with various inclinations, input heat supply and Re under forced convection. The coefficient of heat transfer increments observed with the expansion in air speed for all the examined designs. The coefficient of the heat transfer is discovered higher at the edge of introduction of fins at 30° for inline arrangement and 0° for staggered arrangement. Looking at both the arrangements, it is discovered that the heat transfer coefficient in 0° fin staggered arrangement is about 17% higher than 30° inline arrangement and 76% higher than the vertical plate fin. For plate fin heat sink, boundary layer formation and growth results in decrease of the coefficient of heat transfer in forced convection. This issue is overcome by accommodating some rectangular fins on the plate fin. It brings about increment of heat transfer coefficient of the RPFHS under the states of trial factors. As indicated by past research, it is discovered that examination of the plate fin heat sink with various sorts of fins for horizontal orientation is done yet but this investigation expects to discover the upgrade of transfer coefficient of plate fin heat sink for its vertical position with rectangular plates at different inclinations under the shifting scopes of heat input supply, fin arrangements and Reynolds number (Re).

  6. Evaluation of a rectangular rapid flashing beacon system at the Belmont Ridge Road and W&OD Trail mid-block crosswalk. (United States)


    On April 8, 2013, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) installed a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon : (RRFB) system at Belmont Ridge Road in Loudoun County that included two units at the Washington and Old Dominion : (W&OD) Trail crossin...

  7. Predicción por redes neuronales artificiales de la calidad fisicoquímica de vinagre de melaza de caña por efecto de tiempo-temperatura de alimentación a evaporador-destilador flash

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Vásquez V.


    Full Text Available Se predijo por Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA importantes características fisicoquímicas de vinagre de melaza: pH, densidad, acidez total, etanol, aldehídos totales y furfural; obtenidas mediante operaciones de evaporación flash y clarificación por destilación flash. Melaza fermentada por vía alcohólica y acética, fue alimentada a un evaporador flash a cuatro temperaturas (61, 66, 71 y 76 °C y tres tiempos (25, 35 y 45 min. La predicción se realizó con dos redes: RNA-A y RNA-B, ambas con buen desempeño. La RNA-A fue del tipo feedforward (FF, con algoritmos de entrenamiento Backpropagation (BP y ajuste de pesos Levenberg-Marquardt (LM, topología: 6 entradas (datos de las operaciones de evaporación-destilación flash, 7 salidas lineales (características fisicoquímicas, 9 neuronas tangente sigmoidales en 1 capa oculta, coeficiente de momento 0.5, tasa de aprendizaje 0.01, meta del error 0.0001 y 20 etapas de entrenamiento. La RNA-A mostró mejor desempeño que un modelo estadístico de primer orden. La RNA-B igualmente FF, con algoritmos BP y LM, topología: 2 entradas (datos de la evaporación flash, 7 salidas lineales (características fisicoquímicas, 84 neuronas logaritmo sigmoidales en 1 capa oculta, coeficiente de momento 0.5, tasa de aprendizaje 0.01, meta del error 0.0001 y 300 etapas de entrenamiento. La RNA-B mostró igual capacidad predictiva que un modelo estadístico de primer orden con interacción de términos.


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    P. G. Gómez


    Full Text Available González Rothi et al. (1991, 1997 postularon un modelo cognitivo de praxias, sobre el que fueron propuestas modificaciones (Cubelli et al., 2000, entre ellas la supresión de la vía directa entre el praxicón de entrada y el praxicón de salida. Se planteó que para validar una vía interlexica asemántica (Cubelli et al., 2000, sería suficiente el hallazgo de un paciente con habilidad conservada de imitar gestos familiares, pero con alteraciones en la capacidad de acceder al significado de gestos familiares y alteraciones en la habilidad de imitar gestos no familiares. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar dos pacientes cuyos patrones de rendimiento práxico apoyan la existencia de una vía interlexical asemántica.Se evaluó a 2 pacientes con diagnóstico de demencia tipo Alzheimer probable con una batería de evaluación cognitiva de apraxias (Politis 2003. Ambos pacientes evidencian alteraciones en la prueba de imitación de gestos no familiares y en las tareas que evalúan semántica de la acción (apareamiento objeto-herramienta y denominación por función, con buen rendimiento en la tarea de la imitación de gestos familiares. Tomando como base los modelos cognitivos de praxias de González Rothi et al. (1991, 1997 y Cubelli et al. (2000 es necesaria una conexión directa entre el praxicón de entrada y el praxicón de salida para explicar el rendimiento de estos pacientes. De este modo, el patrón de rendimiento que muestran ambos pacientes confirmaría la existencia de una vía interléxica asemántica.

  9. Incremento en la dispersión de la onda P al disminuir el tiempo de eyección auricular en hipertensos y prehipertensos

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    Elibet Chávez, MD., MSc


    Conclusiones: Se evidencia dependencia de la dispersión de la onda P, del electrocardiograma y de la duración de la onda A del flujo de entrada mitral, hechos que se relacionan con riesgo de fibrilación auricular en el adulto, por lo que quizás este resultado dé un acercamiento a predicciones de riesgo más tempranas en edades pediátricas.

  10. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

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    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  11. Finite element analysis of crack growth from rectangular notch in mixed mode loading

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Rawi Mohd Zin


    The direction of crack growth from rectangular notch for ductile material is determined in this paper. The ductile material is assumed to exhibit the elastic-plastic behaviour. In the model, the crack is assumed to start when the J-integral fracture criterion exceeded the critical value during the application of load and the crack tip propagated to a priori. The direction of the crack is characterised by maximum principles stress criterion and the mechanism of crack propagation is simulated by deleted element technique. The model is validated with experimental results and it shows good agreement. (Author)

  12. Cambios en las formas de consumo en las sociedades tradicionales y conflictos con el mercado de trabajo. Osorno, Chile (1880-1905

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    Jorge Muñoz Sougarret


    Full Text Available En 1905 se daba por terminado el experimento agro industrial más arriesgado del diecinueve chileno, nacido de la comunión de colonos germanos y un terreno desatendido por el Estado nacional. La frontera sur araucana reunió intereses, potencialidades y capitales que le permitieron desarrollarse fuera del marco tradicional del Chile central; instituciones y personas naturales se sorprendían y maravillaban al momento de presenciar la complejidad y racionalidad del modelo fabril erigido por los germano-descendientes en la frontera sur de Chile. Para contemporáneos e historiadores, la abrupta crisis y desaparición del experimento puede ser reducida a un factor, la entrada del Estado chileno a la región. Sin méritos de desestimar tal hipótesis, nos hemos de centrar en el estudio de la crisis desde el ámbito laboral, aquello nos permitiría relocalizar su estudio desde los factores externos, a las condiciones, y condicionantes, internos de la fábrica. Posibilitándonos insertar al trabajador en un mercado de consumo en expansión que colisionaba con las políticas laborales y salariales utilizadas por tales manufacturas. Escenario que fraccionó a la industria y la debilitó frente a la aparición de un tercer sujeto, el Estado.

  13. Numerical predictions of a PEM fuel cell performance enhancement by a rectangular cylinder installed transversely in the flow channel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perng, Shiang-Wuu; Wu, Horng-Wen; Jue, Tswen-Chyuan; Cheng, Kuo-Chih


    This paper numerically investigates the installation of the transverse rectangular cylinder along the gas diffusion layer (GDL) in the flow channel for the cell performance enhancement of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The effects of the blockage at various gap sizes and the width of the cylinder on the cell performance enhancement have been studied with changing the gap ratios λ = 0.05-0.3, for the same cylinder) and the width-to-height ratios (WR = 0.66-1.66, for the same cylinder height and gap ratio). The results show that the transverse installation of a rectangular cylinder in the fuel flow channel effectively enhances the cell performance of a PEMFC. In addition, the influence of the width of the cylinder on the cell performance is obvious, and the best cell performance enhancement occurs at the gap ratio 0.2 among the gap ratios of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3.

  14. Effects of anisotropic properties on bursting behavior of rectangular cup with a V-notch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jeong Tai [R and D Center, TERA Co. Ltd., Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Sang Mok [R and D Center, Hyosung Power and Industrial Systems PG, Changwon (Korea, Republic of); Kang, Beom Soo [Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Ku, Tae Wan [Engineering Research Center of Innovative Technology on Advanced Forming, Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Effects of mechanical anisotropic properties on bursting failure and its pressure of rectangular deep-drawn cup fabricated by using AA3005-H14 thin sheet are investigated to utilize for electrolyte container of lithium-ion secondary batteries. The V-notch shape with a depth of 0.1 mm and an angle of 20.0 degrees is defined on the rectangular cup, which has a thickness of 0.20 mm on the major surface and that of 0.30 mm on the minor surface. With the measured mechanical properties by uni-axial tensile tests and the defined V-notch geometry, a series of numerical prediction models considering isotropic, planar and normal anisotropic characteristics, are built-up and the bursting simulations are performed. Thereafter, the bursting fracture behavior is investigated by adopting ductile fracture criterion proposed by Cockcroft and Latham. The results predicted for the planar and the normal anisotropic models show that the bursting fracture pressure is well matched to 0.400 MPa, and the isotropic and the planar anisotropic models present a bursting fracture height of about 4.95 mm and 4.92 mm, respectively. A series of experimental investigations are undertaken to verify the bursting deformation that had been predicted. The bursting pressure and its height during experimental verifications are shown to be in good agreement with each variation of about 5.88% and roughly 0.20% with respect to the numerical results obtained using the planar anisotropic model.

  15. Influence of Fluid–Thermal–Structural Interaction on Boundary Layer Flow in Rectangular Supersonic Nozzles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kalyani Bhide


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to highlight the significance of Fluid–Thermal–Structural Interaction (FTSI as a diagnosis of existing designs, and as a means of preliminary investigation to ensure the feasibility of new designs before conducting experimental and field tests. The novelty of this work lies in the multi-physics simulations, which are, for the first time, performed on rectangular nozzles. An existing experimental supersonic rectangular converging/diverging nozzle geometry is considered for multi-physics 3D simulations. A design that has been improved by eliminating the sharp throat is further investigated to evaluate its structural integrity at design Nozzle Pressure Ratio (NPR 3.67 and off-design (NPR 4.5 conditions. Static structural analysis is performed by unidirectional coupling of pressure loads from steady 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD and thermal loads from steady thermal conduction simulations, such that the simulations represent the experimental set up. Structural deformation in the existing design is far less than the boundary layer thickness, because the impact of Shock wave Boundary Layer Interaction (SBLI is not as severe. FTSI demonstrates that the discharge coefficient of the improved design is 0.99, and its structural integrity remains intact at off-design conditions. This proves the feasibility of the improved design. Although FTSI influence is shown for a nozzle, the approach can be applied to any product design cycle, or as a prelude to building prototypes.

  16. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

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    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.


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    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  18. 3-D numerical study of the effect of Reynolds number and baffle angle on heat transfer and pressure drop of turbulent flow of air through rectangular duct of very small height

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    Abhijit Paul


    Full Text Available Present article illustrates a computational study of three-dimensional steady state heat transfer and high turbulent flow characteristics through a rectangular duct with constant heat fluxed upper wall and single rectangular cross-sectioned baffle insertion at different angles. RNG k–ɛ model along with standard wall function based computations has been accomplished applying the finite volume method, and SIMPLE algorithm has been executed for solving the governing equations. For a Reynolds number, Re of 10,000 to 50,000, Prandtl Number, Pr of 0.707 and baffle angle, α of 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, computational studies are executed, centred onto the hydraulic diameter, Dh, test section and hydrodynamic entry length of the duct. Flow field has been solved using Ansys Fluent 14.0 software. Study exposes that baffled rectangular duct has a higher average Nusselt number, Nu and Darcy friction factor, f compared to a smooth rectangular duct. Nu as well as f are found to be maximum at 90° baffle angle. Results illustrate that both α and Re play a significant role in heat transfer as well as flow characteristics and also effects TEF. The correctness of the results attained in this study is corroborated by comparing the results with those existing in the literature for smooth rectangular duct within a precision of ±2% for f and ±4% for Nu.

  19. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...

  20. Low frequency sound field enhancement system for rectangular rooms using multiple low frequency loudspeakers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Celestinos, Adrian; Nielsen, Sofus Birkedal


    an enhancement system with extra loudspeakers the sound pressure level distribution along the listening area presents a significant improvement in the subwoofer frequency range. The system is simulated and implemented on the three different rooms and finally verified by measurements on the real rooms.......Rectangular rooms have strong influence on the low frequency performance of loudspeakers. Simulations of three different room sizes have been carried out using finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) in order to predict the behaviour of the sound field at low frequencies. By using...