
Sample records for recluso nos romances

  1. Presença do pensamento utópico nos romances de Lima Barreto


    Alice Atsuko Matsuda


    A presente tese teve como objetivo verificar como se configurou o pensamento utópico nos romances de Lima Barreto. Os romances analisados foram: Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha (1909), Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma (1911 em folhetim e 1916 em livro), Numa e a ninfa (1915 em folhetim e 1917 em livro), Vida e morte de M. J. Gonzaga de Sá (1919), Clara dos Anjos (1948 – publicação póstuma). Partiu-se do pressuposto de que o romancista tinha uma postura de um romantismo revolucionário o...

  2. Salud mental en reclusos: un análisis pre-post intervención psicosocial con grupo control de comparación

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    Miguel Jesús Bascón Díaz

    Full Text Available La literatura científica advierte de la elevada presencia de trastornos mentales en el medio penitenciario. Por ello, en este trabajo nos planteamos evaluar la salud psicosocial y la autorregulación de reclusos en relación a un grupo control de participantes no reclusos; adicionalmente tratamos de conocer la incidencia de la variable tiempo de reclusión y analizar el efecto intragrupo pre-post entrenamiento en habilidades sociales y comunicativas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 20 varones, 10 reclusos (cinco con más de un año de condena y cinco con menos y 10 participantes sin antecedentes delictivos, a los que se les administró el cuestionario de salud GHQ-28 y la escala de autorregulación MAPA. Se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica Mann-Whitney (U para el cálculo de probabilidades y el test de Cramer (V como indicador del tamaño de efecto. Los resultados indicaron que la reclusión no implicó necesariamente peor salud y autorregulación, que el tiempo de condena no ejerció excesiva influencia sobre estas dos dimensiones y que el taller de habilidades sociales no pareció, según el análisis pre-postest, haber producido efectos sobre la salud y la autorregulación de los reclusos. Finalmente, se discuten algunas reflexiones generales así como nuevas propuestas para mejorar actuaciones futuras.

  3. O cronotopo bakhtiniano do romance (autobiográfico: da Antiguidade à contemporaneidade

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    Pauliane Amaral


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, retomamos as reflexões sobre 'As formas de tempo e de cronotopo no romance' feitas por Mikhail Bakhtin e apresentadas em Questões de literatura e de estética: a teoria do romance, a fim de verificar as variações do cronotopo de 'Biografias e autobiografias antigas' no romance autobiográfico contemporâneo. Para isso, analisamos os cronotopos nos romances autobiográficos Paris é uma festa, de Ernest Hemingway, e Chá das cinco com o vampiro, de Miguel Sanches Neto. Nossa leitura do cronotopo bakhtiniano nessas narrativas nos leva a relacionar as formas de configuração entre espaço público e espaço privado e diferentes estratégias de representação.

  4. La inserción laboral de ex reclusos. Una aproximación cualitativa

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    Fernando Esteban


    Full Text Available Uno de los debates recurrentes en criminología pivota en la efectividad de las diversas medidas adoptadas desde el sistema penitenciario para la reinserción de la población reclusa. En este artículo abordamos específi camente el análisis de hasta qué punto la formación ocupacional y los programas de trabajo en los centros penitenciarios contribuyen a la reinserción social y laboral de los internos y ex internos. El punto de partida es una investigación llevada a cabo en Cataluña mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos y a reclusos y ex reclusos. Los principales resultados que se resaltan son: a la formación ocupacional y el trabajo en los talleres contribuyen moderadamente a la reinserción de los reclusos, según su motivación personal y recursos sociales; b no obstante, su función más determinante recae en sus aspectos terapéuticos y educativos en la propia prisión, que ayuda a mantener el orden e, indirectamente, a la resocialización de los reclusos.

  5. Dialogismo no romance português contemporâneo

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    Raquel Trentin Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivamos, neste artigo, refletir sobre a constituição dialógica do romance contemporâneo português, retomando, para isso, as contribuições de M. Bakhtin sobre esse gênero literário. Bakhtin enfatiza, nos seus estudos, o discurso bivocal de orientação vária, as interações complexas entre diferentes pontos de vista num mesmo enunciado, que elevariam a um mais alto grau o dialogismo do romance. O romance atual diversifica as formas de transmissão do discurso de outrem, embaralhando as vozes das personagens e exigindo atenção redobrada do leitor para a instituição do sentido. Exemplificamos essa tendência por meio da análise do romance Levantado do chão (1980, do consagrado autor português José Saramago.

  6. Figurações da donzela-guerreira nos romances Luzia-homem e Dona Guidinha do Poço


    Valdeci Batista de Melo Oliveira


    Resumo: Esse trabalho estuda o topos da donzela-guerreira, sua adequação e afastamento nos romances Luzia-Homem e Dona Guidinha do Poço. Também estuda a permanência dessa figura no imaginário da cultura o cidental que tem sido suficientemente forte para as freqüentes reaparições dentro da tradição literária Ocidental, com o tempo, permitindo-lhe configurar os caracteres fundamentais que formamum microenredo de forte coesão interna, perfeitamente reconhecível porque possui um ethos específico ...

  7. La percepció de la inserció laboral en els ex-reclusos


    Marcos Vilaregut, Àngel


    En el present treball s’ha elaborat una investigació per indagar entorn a la percepció de la inserció laboral del col·lectiu dels ex-reclusos. Per dur a terme aquest projecte s’ha utilitzat una metodologia qualitativa, en que s’ha entrevistat a dos tipologies diferents d’individus. En primer terme a ex-reclusos, que després del pas per centres penitenciaris, es troben treballant a través d’empreses d’inserció laboral dedicades a aquest col·lectiu. Per altre banda a experts en l’àmbit laboral ...


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    Full Text Available O romance de formação é um subgênero narrativo que auxiliou o gênero romanesco a tornar-se hegemônico perante os demais gêneros literários. Para essa situação concretizar-se, o romance de formação do artista, Künstlerroman, teve papel importante. Trataremos, sob perspectiva teórica, dessas duasmodalidades ficcionais e exemplificaremos sua estruturalidade nos romances Infância, de Graciliano Ramos, O apanhador no campo de centeio, de Salinger, e La tia Julia y el escribidor, de Mário Vargas Llosa.

  9. A Representação do Amor nos Quadros das Paixões: da Crítica Teatral ao Árduo Consentimento do Romance

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    Luciano da Silva Façanha


    Full Text Available RESUMO:Na Carta a d’Alembert, Rousseau se coloca contra a ideia de um teatro enquanto instrumento de educação moral, porém, o posicionamento do filósofo não está em colocar essa atividade lúdica de ordem moral na categoria de atividade imoral, mas na de atividade artificial, e, talvez, isso gerasse efeitos imorais. Todavia, é preciso observar os verdadeiros efeitos do teatro, a partir de alguns argumentos que Rousseau resolve construir e analisá-los, contudo, apenas se trouxesse à tona a crítica de Rousseau ao romance, na Carta a d’Alembert, que tem como contexto “a ideia negativa de privatização da cena”, pois o teatro destina uma excessiva importância à descrição do amor, obviamente, exagerando na representação, naquilo que é romanesco. Porém, se, na Carta a d’Alembert, o filósofo não expressa de forma direta que a teorização sobre o teatro também equivale ao romance, na Nova Heloísa, ou seja, no próprio romance, o autor faz essa ratificação, ao importar um longo comentário sobre o teatro que estava na Carta, afirmando que considera o mesmo da própria cena quanto à maioria dos novos escritos. O cidadão genebrino ataca os romances indiretamente e viceversa, porque é observado que tudo aquilo que diz sobre uma arte se aplica quase que integralmente a outra arte. E, como um povo galante deseja amor e polidez, Rousseau resolve fixar alguns termos, na tentativa de explicar suas críticas e argumentar a coerência de seu posicionamento, já que, se, em geral, a cena é um quadro das paixões humanas, cujo original está nos corações, se o pintor, porém, não tiver cuidado de acariciar suas paixões, os espectadores logo ficarão desgostosos e não desejarão mais se ver sob um aspecto que fizesse com que desprezassem a si mesmos. E pontua que essa linguagem não tem mais sentido, em seu século, pois é preciso falar as paixões, esforçando-nos para usar uma que melhor se compreenda, talvez o romance.

  10. Desterritorializando e reterritorializando um shtetl nos trópicos. Leitura do romance A guerra no Bom Fim, de Moacyr Scliar

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    Soraya Lani


    Full Text Available A noção de fronteira, vista como um limite fixo, imóvel, vem dando lugar no discurso da pós-modernidade a espaços itinerantes em que se destacam relações identitárias transitórias, fluidas, errantes, marcadas pela pluralidade das travessias culturais. Apoiando-nos no conceito de desterritorialização/reterritorialização criado por Gilles Deleuze e reavaliado por Néstor García Canclini, o presente artigo analisa as diferentes etapas de tal processo no romance A guerra no Bom Fim (1972, de Moacyr Scliar.



    Ruiz, José Ignacio


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar algunos factores sociales relacionados con la reinserción social de las personas que salen de prisión. Para ello, se midieron las actitudes hacia la contratación laboral de ex reclusos en una muestra no aleatoria de estudiantes universitarios (n=180). Se encontró que las actitudes fueron menos favorables hacia ex convictos condenados por delitos sexuales, contra las personas, por robo y reincidentes, y fueron más favorables para los delincuentes primari...

  12. ¿Tienen apoyo social los reclusos drogodependientes?: Estudio en una prisión andaluza

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    A. Rodríguez-Martínez

    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer y comparar el apoyo social que tienen los drogodependientes de una prisión incluidos en el programa libre de drogas y en el programa de mantenimiento con metadona (PMM. Material y método: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal, realizado en el Establecimiento Penitenciario de Albolote (Granada. La población penitenciaria en el momento del estudio era de 1.763 reclusos. Los drogodependientes, se dividieron en dos grupos: en programa de mantenimiento con metadona (PMM 279 reclusos y en programa libre de drogas (58 reclusos. Se obtuvo una muestra aleatoria de 60 internos en el grupo en PMM. Participó toda la población del programa libre de drogas. A los dos grupos se les entrevistó a fin de conocer su estructura familiar, nivel socioeconómico y de estudios. También se aplicó el cuestionario MOS de apoyo social de forma autoaplicada asistido por entrevistador. Los porcentajes obtenidos de cada dimensión del cuestionario MOS de los grupos se compararon mediante Chi cuadrado de Pearson. Resultados: La red social del grupo en PMM fue de media 13,2. En el grupo libre de drogas fue 12,9. Valor de p= 0,0047. El apoyo global fue bajo en 38 personas (74,5% en el grupo en PMM y 9 (15,62% en el grupo en programa libre de drogas. Siendo normal en 13 sujetos (25,5% en el grupo en PMM y en 49 (84,38% en el grupo incluido en el programa libre de drogas. Valor de p= 0,0001. Todas las dimensiones del cuestionario MOS de apoyo social son más elevadas en el grupo en programa libre de drogas, existiendo diferencias estadísticamente significativas con el grupo en PMM. Conclusiones: Los reclusos en programa libre de drogas tienen, y así lo perciben ellos, un mayor apoyo social que los que están en PMM.

  13. Romance Tourism and Finnish Women


    Jussila, Johanna


    Romance tourism is a discussed quite a lot in media both in Finland and abroad. The media has create a certain kind of image of women`s romance tourism. The main aim of this study was to study how Finnish women perceive the romance tourism. The research questions were: does women travel to abroad to seek for holiday romance and why do they travel to abroad to seek for the romance. To find out women’s mental images of romance tourism was also one aim of the research. The phenomenon of women’s ...

  14. Un ejemplo de evolución literaria: Romance de El prisionero.

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    Francisco Javier Grande Quejigo


    Full Text Available La riqueza del saber popular modifica las versiones literarias de aquellas manifestaciones que se transmiten de forma oral. En este sentido, la recreación en el siglo XX del tradicional romance de El Prisionero es un claro ejemplo de actualización del texto, acomodándolo a su tiempo y lugar, una vez alejado de su génesis. El presente artículo es una muestra de las oscilaciones de significado en la obra que, manteniendo ciertos motivos originarios, incorpora otros nuevos que lo amplifican y alteran su valor, al tiempo que nos demuestra la vigencia de la literatura de romances como ejemplo de literatura viva y en constante transformación.

  15. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013: Selected Papers from 'Going Romance' Amsterdam 2013

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aboh, E.O.; Schaeffer, J.C.; Sleeman, P.


    The Going Romance conferences are a major European annual discussion forum for theoretically relevant research on Romance languages. This volume assembles a selection of the papers that were presented at the 27th edition of Going Romance, which was organized by the University of Amsterdam in

  16. Situación de salud de reclusos de un centro de cumplimiento penitenciario, Chile

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    C. Osses-Paredes


    Full Text Available Introducción: La población penitenciaria ha ido en aumento, y con ello las necesidades en salud, siendo catalogada como una población vulnerable. Por otro lado, las personas privadas de libertad mantienen los derechos inherentes al ser humano, entre ellos el derecho a la salud, el cual en algunas oportunidades se encuentra relegado. Objetivo: Caracterizar la situación de salud de reclusos de un centro de cumplimiento penitenciario, y su grado de satisfacción con la atención en salud brindada. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, llevado a cabo en el centro de cumplimiento penitenciario El Manzano, Concepción, durante octubre 2011-febrero 2012 mediante la aplicación del Examen de medicina preventiva y un cuestionario de antecedentes sociodemográficos y de salud, incluyendo reclusos de sexo masculino y femenino mayores de 18 años en régimen cerrado. Resultados: Un 85% de la población estudiada eran hombres, la edad promedio fue 34 años, el 91,2% recibe visitas, el promedio de reclusión fue 38 meses. El 45% posee al menos una enfermedad diagnosticada, primando los desórdenes mentales, patologías del sistema respiratorio y circulatorio. Un 56% de los reclusos ha solicitado atención en salud con poca frecuencia, encontrándose 33% muy satisfecho y 32% satisfecho en lo relativo a los servicios sanitarios del penal. Discusión: El estado de salud de la población penal se encuentra más deteriorado que el de la población general, con necesidades mayores y distintas, sin embargo existe una percepción de un buen estado de salud y una tendencia al alto grado de satisfacción de los servicios sanitarios.

  17. A leitura de romances no século XIX

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    Morais Maria Arisnete Câmara de


    Full Text Available O que se sabe sobre as leituras femininas no Brasil da segunda metade do século XIX? Uma geografia dessas leituras só tem sentido quando relacionada à comunidade de leitores e leitoras, utilizando-se como fonte jornais e textos literários. Enfatiza-se a rede de interdependências sociais que se estabelece entre as leitoras, os escritores e os editores do século XIX, buscando referências teórico-metodológicas em autores como Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau e Norbert Elias. Entre as constatações, evidencia-se que: as representações do livro como companheiro da mulher são uma constante nos romances analisados; as indicações de leitura que preconizam a moral e os bons costumes e, em contrapartida, as leituras de romances considerados proibidos revelam não só as práticas de leituras femininas, mas também as táticas a que essas mulheres recorriam em busca de um espaço de leitura.

  18. A leitura de romances no século XIX

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    Maria Arisnete Câmara de Morais

    Full Text Available O que se sabe sobre as leituras femininas no Brasil da segunda metade do século XIX? Uma geografia dessas leituras só tem sentido quando relacionada à comunidade de leitores e leitoras, utilizando-se como fonte jornais e textos literários. Enfatiza-se a rede de interdependências sociais que se estabelece entre as leitoras, os escritores e os editores do século XIX, buscando referências teórico-metodológicas em autores como Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau e Norbert Elias. Entre as constatações, evidencia-se que: as representações do livro como companheiro da mulher são uma constante nos romances analisados; as indicações de leitura que preconizam a moral e os bons costumes e, em contrapartida, as leituras de romances considerados proibidos revelam não só as práticas de leituras femininas, mas também as táticas a que essas mulheres recorriam em busca de um espaço de leitura.

  19. Romance in the Workplace: Analysis of Justice Perception toward Policies Concerning Romance in the Workplace


    Syaebani, Muhammad Irfan; Rachmawati, Riani


    Romance in the workplace is a common phenomenon and inevitable from organization dynamics. Romance in the workplace has double effects to the organization: positive and negative. Therefore, organization must be careful in formulating policies concerning this phenomenon. Literature said that in formulation policies concerning romance in the workplace it must be started from organizational justice theory. This research tries to find out what policies which perceived as the most fair. Quasi expe...

  20. Do Verso à Prosa: o potencial Histórico dos Romances de Cavalaria (Séculos XII-XIV * From Verse to Prose: the Historical potential of Chivalry Romances (Eleventh-Fourteenth Centuries

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    Full Text Available Resumo: Nesse artigo pretendemos problematizar o uso dos romances de cavalaria como documento histórico para investigação da Idade Média. Preocupados em refletir sobre o surgimento desse gênero textual, sua função e seu potencial de investigação histórica, nos dedicamos a analisar um conjunto de obras – os Romans de Chrétien de Troyes, o Tristão de Béroul e o Romance da Melusina de Jean D’Arras. Nosso objetivo é verificar como elas veiculam determinadas representações sociais, cuja finalidade era formalizar uma ação pedagógica em meio às cortes francesas, onde foram proclamados.   Palavras-chave: Literatura – História – Idade Média. Abstract: This article’s intention is to problematize the use of chivalry romances as historical documents for the investigation of the Middle Ages. Concerned with understanding the appearance of this textual genre, its function and historical investigative potential, we have analyzed a group of works – Chrétien de troyes’s Romans, Béroul’s Tristan, and Jean d’Arras’s Melusine Romance. Our goal is to verify how these works portray certain social representations, whose finality was to formalize a pedagogic action in the French courts where they were recited.Keywords: Literature – History – Middle Ages. 

  1. Free Romance! (United States)

    Dunkel, Harold B.


    This 1967 "classic revisited" discusses the importance of the first of Whitehead's three stages of learning--Romance--and how it has been excluded from formal education for the sake of Precision. (CS)

  2. Classic romance in electronic arrangement

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    Kizin M.M.


    Full Text Available this article analyses the transformation of the performing arts of classical romance in the terms of electronic sound and performance via electronic sounds arrangements. The author focuses on the problem of synthesis of electronic sound arrangements and classical romance, offering to acquire the skills of the creative process in constantly changing conditions of live performances.

  3. Romance romântico e teoria do romance: Lucinde, de Friedrich Schlegel


    Maas, Wilma Patricia Marzari Dinardo [UNESP


    Friedrich Schlegel’s novel, Lucinde, is here discussed as being part of a whole project for the establishment of the basis for a theory of modern novel. At the same time we try to point out some possible descendants of Schlegel’s ideas on the theory of the novel, as in Lukács and Walter Benjamin. Investiga-se aqui o estatuto do romance Lucinde, de Friedrich Schlegel, como parte do projeto do autor para a criação de uma teoria do romance moderno. Ao mesmo tempo, apontam-se prováveis descend...

  4. Gender Differences in Perception of Romance in Chinese College Students (United States)

    Yin, Jie; Zhang, John X.; Xie, Jing; Zou, Zhiling; Huang, Xiting


    Women often complain that their partners are not romantic enough. This raises the question: how romance is recognized and evaluated in a love relationship? However, there has been essentially no empirical research bearing on this issue. The present set of studies examined possible gender differences in perceptions of romance and the associated neural mechanisms in Chinese college students. In Study 1, 303 participants (198 women, 105 men) were administrated a questionnaire consisting of 60 sentences and required to rate the romance level of each sentence. Results showed higher rating scores in males than females for low romance items, but not for high or medium romance items. In Study 2, 69 participants (37 women, 32 men) were recruited to judge the degree of romance in sentences presented on a computer screen one by one. Compared with females, males again showed higher scores and responded more slowly only to low romance items. In Study 3, 36 participants (18 women, 18 men) currently in love with someone were scanned with functional MRI while they did the romance judgment task from Study 2. Compared with females, greater brain activation was found for males in the frontal lobe, precentral gyrus, precuneus and parahippocampal gyrus for low romance items. The results provide the first piece of evidence for gender differences in romance perception, suggesting enhanced cognitive processing in males when evaluating the degree of romance in romantic scenes. PMID:24146853

  5. Gender differences in perception of romance in Chinese college students.

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    Jie Yin

    Full Text Available Women often complain that their partners are not romantic enough. This raises the question: how romance is recognized and evaluated in a love relationship? However, there has been essentially no empirical research bearing on this issue. The present set of studies examined possible gender differences in perceptions of romance and the associated neural mechanisms in Chinese college students. In Study 1, 303 participants (198 women, 105 men were administrated a questionnaire consisting of 60 sentences and required to rate the romance level of each sentence. Results showed higher rating scores in males than females for low romance items, but not for high or medium romance items. In Study 2, 69 participants (37 women, 32 men were recruited to judge the degree of romance in sentences presented on a computer screen one by one. Compared with females, males again showed higher scores and responded more slowly only to low romance items. In Study 3, 36 participants (18 women, 18 men currently in love with someone were scanned with functional MRI while they did the romance judgment task from Study 2. Compared with females, greater brain activation was found for males in the frontal lobe, precentral gyrus, precuneus and parahippocampal gyrus for low romance items. The results provide the first piece of evidence for gender differences in romance perception, suggesting enhanced cognitive processing in males when evaluating the degree of romance in romantic scenes.

  6. Ficções sujas: por uma poética do romance-reportagem


    Schneider, Sabrina


    Esta tese busca estabelecer uma relação entre o romance-reportagem brasileiro da década de 1970 e o chamado livro-reportagem. O primeiro foi considerado um tipo espúrio de literatura e teve sua morte decretada pela crítica literária, pois sua “referencialidade” e seu caráter de “denúncia” seriam consequência direta da censura e da repressão exercidas pela ditadura militar; o segundo não cessa de atrair repórteres que desejam escapar à “ditadura da objetividade” a que são submetidos nos jornai...

  7. On the contrast between Germanic and Romance negated quantifiers

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    Robert Cirillo


    Full Text Available Universal quantifiers can be stranded in the manner described by Sportiche (1988, Giusti (1990 and Shlonsky (1991 in both the Romance and Germanic languages, but a negated universal quantifier can only be stranded in the Germanic languages. The goal of this paper is to show that this contrast between the Romance and the Germanic languages can be explained if one adapts the theory of sentential negation in Zeijlstra (2004 to constituent (quantifier negation. According to Zeijlstra’s theory, a negation marker in the Romance languages is the head of a NegP that dominates vP, whereas in the Germanic languages a negation marker is a maximal projection that occupies the specifier position of a verbal phrase. I will show that the non-occurrence of stranded negated quantifiers in the Romance languages follows from the fact that negation markers in the Romance languages are highly positioned syntactic heads.



    Geice Peres Nunes


    A presente dissertação de mestrado intitulada As ressonâncias da literatura popular do nordeste no Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta foi elaborada por Geice Peres Nunes sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Lawrence Flores Pereira, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Nesse estudo, debruçamo-nos na influência da Literatura popular do nordeste e da poesia oral no Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o Príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, de Ariano Suassuna. Para tanto, lançamos m...

  9. Passionate Virtue: Conceptions of Medical Professionalism in Popular Romance Fiction. (United States)

    Miller, Jessica


    Medical romance fiction is a subgenre of popular romance fiction that features medical professionals in their work environment. This essay explores the way professionalism is portrayed in popular medical romance fiction written during the early twenty-first century, a period of significant disruption in both the public image and self-understanding of organized medicine. I analyze a selection of contemporary medical romance novels, published between 2008 and 2012, demonstrating that medical romance fiction is a form of public intervention in apparently insular debates over medical professionalism. I conclude that they promote "nostalgic professionalism," a vision of physicians as a select group of highly educated, self-regulated experts who provide, with a caring and altruistic attitude, a vitally important service to society, while at the same time generating implicit critiques of it.

  10. Um romance interdisciplinar revolucionário

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    Álvaro Cardoso Gomes


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o romance No hospício, de Rocha Pombo, procurando mostrar como o autor envereda pelo experimentalismo romanesco, o que o leva a criar uma obra revolucionária. Impregnando sua ficção com reflexões estéticas, metafísicas e a poesia, o autor criou um romance inovador que reflete as grandes inquietações do Simbolismo, no final do século XIX.

  11. Moderated Mediation Model of Interrelations between Workplace Romance, Wellbeing, and Employee Performance. (United States)

    Khan, Muhammad Aamir Shafique; Jianguo, Du; Usman, Muhammad; Ahmad, Malik I


    In this study, first we examined the effect of workplace romance on employee job performance, and the mediatory role of psychological wellbeing in the relationship between workplace romance and employee performance. Then we tested the moderating effects of gender and workplace romance type - lateral or hierarchical - on the indirect effect of workplace romance on employee performance. Based on a survey of 311 doctors from five government teaching hospitals in Pakistan, we used structural equation modeling and bootstrapping to test these relationships. This study reveals that psychological wellbeing significantly fully mediates the positive relationship between workplace romance and job performance. Moreover, multi-group analysis shows that gender moderates the indirect effect of workplace romance on employee performance, where the indirect effect of workplace romance on employee performance is stronger for male participants. This study carries important implications, particularly for the policy makers and managers of healthcare sector organizations.

  12. Pulp fictions of medieval England: Essays in popular romance


    McDonald, Nicola


    Middle English popular romance is the most audacious and compendious testimony to the imaginary world of the English Middle Ages. Yet, with few exceptions, it remains under read and under studied. Pulp fictions of medieval England demonstrates that popular romance merits and rewards serious critical attention and that it is crucial to our understanding of the complex and conflicted world of medieval England. Pulp fictions of medieval England comprises ten essays on individual romances that, w...

  13. BOAVENTURA CARDOSO E O ROMANCE ANGOLANO: REVISTO E ATUALIZADO / Boaventura Cardoso and the Angolan novel: reviewed and revised

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    Sueli Saraiva (UNILAB


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este texto aponta indícios de como a forma romanesca moderna, cunhada a partir da e para a cultura ocidental, passa por constantes processos de revisão e atualiza-se movida pelo projeto sócio-político-cultural das sociedades que lhe dão conteúdo. No caso de Angola, novas estratégias literárias como a conjunção deliberada entre oralidade e escrita têm sido apresentadas nos romances do escritor e político angolano Boaventura Cardoso. O artigo, por isso, irá brevemente analisar e interpretar tanto o conteúdo quanto a forma literária adotados nos seguintes romances de Cardoso: O signo do fogo (1992, Maio, mês de Maria (1997 e Mãe, materno mar (2001. Como marcos teóricos desta investigação, adotaremos da tradição europeia o pensamento de intelectuais como Bakthin (Teoria do romance e Auerbach (Mimesis. Do lado de uma tradição produzida a partir das próprias balizas da cultura africana, recorreremos a autores como Laura Padilha e Inocência Mata, além de Rita Chaves e Tania Macêdo. Palavras-chave: Angola, romance, Boaventura Cardoso. ABSTRACT This text aims to indicate how novelistic form coined from and for Occidental culture would recycle and update itself in accordance with the sociopolitical-cultural project in Africans societies. In the case of Angola, new literary strategies as the deliberate combination between orality and writing have been presented in the novels of the Angolan writer and politician Boaventura Cardoso.  This paper, therefore, will briefly analyze and interpret both the content and the literary form adopted in the following Cardoso novels: O signo do fogo (1992, Maio, mês de Maria (1997, and Mãe, materno mar (2001. As theoretical frameworks of research, we adopt the thinking of intellectuals of European tradition as Bakhtin (Theory of the novel and Auerbach (Mimesis. From the tradition produced from own marks of African culture, we resort to authors such as Laura Padilha and Inocência Mata

  14. Moderated Mediation Model of Interrelations between Workplace Romance, Wellbeing, and Employee Performance

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    Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan


    Full Text Available In this study, first we examined the effect of workplace romance on employee job performance, and the mediatory role of psychological wellbeing in the relationship between workplace romance and employee performance. Then we tested the moderating effects of gender and workplace romance type – lateral or hierarchical – on the indirect effect of workplace romance on employee performance. Based on a survey of 311 doctors from five government teaching hospitals in Pakistan, we used structural equation modeling and bootstrapping to test these relationships. This study reveals that psychological wellbeing significantly fully mediates the positive relationship between workplace romance and job performance. Moreover, multi-group analysis shows that gender moderates the indirect effect of workplace romance on employee performance, where the indirect effect of workplace romance on employee performance is stronger for male participants. This study carries important implications, particularly for the policy makers and managers of healthcare sector organizations.

  15. Do You Love Me? Psychological Characteristics of Romance Scam Victims. (United States)

    Whitty, Monica T


    The online dating romance scam is an Advance Fee Fraud, typically conducted by international criminal groups via online dating sites and social networking sites. This type of mass-marketing fraud (MMF) is the most frequently reported type of MMF in most Western countries. This study examined the psychological characteristics of romance scam victims by comparing romance scam victims with those who had never been scammed by MMFs. Romance scam victims tend to be middle-aged, well-educated women. Moreover, they tend to be more impulsive (scoring high on urgency and sensation seeking), less kind, more trustworthy, and have an addictive disposition. It is argued here that these findings might be useful for those developing prevention programs and awareness campaigns.

  16. Do You Love Me? Psychological Characteristics of Romance Scam Victims (United States)


    Abstract The online dating romance scam is an Advance Fee Fraud, typically conducted by international criminal groups via online dating sites and social networking sites. This type of mass-marketing fraud (MMF) is the most frequently reported type of MMF in most Western countries. This study examined the psychological characteristics of romance scam victims by comparing romance scam victims with those who had never been scammed by MMFs. Romance scam victims tend to be middle-aged, well-educated women. Moreover, they tend to be more impulsive (scoring high on urgency and sensation seeking), less kind, more trustworthy, and have an addictive disposition. It is argued here that these findings might be useful for those developing prevention programs and awareness campaigns. PMID:28657792

  17. A Flood of Tears: "Titanic" and the Tearjerker Romance. (United States)

    Kelly, Kathleen M.


    Discussion of tearjerker romances and adolescent responses, particularly female responses, focuses on the recent movie "Titanic." Places the tearjerker romance in context with other works representing a wave of new romanticism and includes an annotated bibliography of tearjerkers in several genres appealing to adolescents. (LRW)

  18. A Psychological Perspective of Teen Romances in Young Adult Literature. (United States)

    Dickson, Cheryl L.


    Suggests that just as violence on television is hypothesized to increase real-life violence, television romance can likely affect views of real-life romance. Hypothesizes that literature could undo television's mistakes and bridge the gap between real love and fantasy love. (SG)

  19. "The Wind in the Willows" and the Style of Romance (United States)

    Gill, R. B.


    The style of Kenneth Grahame's "The Wind in the Willows" arises from an alternative vision and choice of values characteristic of romance. Romance seeks fulfillment beyond the consequences of everyday relationships and the constrictions of ordinary life. Causal relationships give way to lists of independent items, unmotivated outcomes, and…

  20. Interrelationships between romance, life quality, and medical training of female residents

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    Yu-Jung Wang


    Conclusion: Romance and quality of life were significantly influenced by the pattern of medical training in female residents. Setting duty-hour limits and initiating a new hobby were determined to be potentially beneficial to their quality of life and attitudes toward romance.

  1. Investigating brand romance, brand attitude and brand loyalty in the cellphone industry

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    Liezl-Marié Kruger


    Research purpose: This study investigated the brand romance, -attitude and -loyalty of customers toward their cellphone brands in the North West Province, South Africa. Motivation for the study: One way in which brand loyalty in the cellphone industry can be achieved is to influence attitudes and, ultimately, create brand loyalty by promoting brand romance between the customer and the brand. Research design, approach and method: Being quantitative in nature, the study followed a descriptive research design to collect 371 responses through self-administered questionnaires. Main findings: The results indicated that most respondents were contract customers who only use a brand of cellphone for between one and three years. Brand romance toward cellphone brands was positive although room for improvement exists. Brand attitude toward current cellphone brands was also positive, but brand loyalty was fairly low, indicating that marketers need to improve brand loyalty toward their cellphone brand. There were, furthermore, significant and positive relationships between brand romance, brand attitude and brand loyalty toward cellphone brands. Practical/managerial implications: Brand romance can be considered to be a viable way of improving attitude toward a cellphone brand, ultimately leading to brand loyalty. Contribution/value-add: Brand romance in brand relationships has significant and positive relationships with brand attitude and brand loyalty in the cellphone industry of South Africa.

  2. Bodice Rippers without the Bodice: Ten Male-on-Male Romances for a Core Collection (United States)

    Thomas, Devon


    One of the hottest growing segments of the romance genre is male-on-male (M/M) romance--gay romantic fiction mostly written and read by straight women. Featuring traditional romance conventions, including mistaken identities, star-crossed lovers, and happy endings, these stories show both physical and emotional intimacy between men. M/M builds on…

  3. The online romance scam: a serious cybercrime. (United States)

    Whitty, Monica T; Buchanan, Tom


    The Online Romance Scam is a relatively new form of fraud that became apparent in about 2008. In this crime, criminals pretend to initiate a relationship through online dating sites then defraud their victims of large sums of money. This paper presents some descriptive statistics about knowledge and victimization of the online dating romance scam in Great Britain. Our study found that despite its newness, an estimated 230,000 British citizens may have fallen victim to this crime. We conclude that there needs to be some rethinking about providing avenues for victims to report the crime or at least making them more comfortable when doing so.

  4. Wide-focus subject-verb inversion in Ibero-Romance: A locative account

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    Alice Corr


    Full Text Available This paper explores the hypothesis that wide-focus subject-verb inversion in Ibero-Romance is a type of locative inversion, involving a null locative argument. Ibero-Romance displays fine-grained, systematic variation determined by verbal class and variety, offering evidence that Ibero-Romance neutral word order is SVO, rather than VSO as claimed by some null-subject accounts. It is proposed that ‘locative’ subject-verb inversion is a consequence of grammatically-encoded deictic features correlating with the semantic properties of the verbs involved. The locative element, available unequally across Ibero-Romance, can surface in different positions in the left periphery, yielding the variation encountered. The data indicate that the licensing of these constructions depends neither on the null-subject parameter, since this type of inversion also occurs in non- and partial null-subject varieties, nor on the unaccusative/unergative division, though in both cases a degree of correspondence exists.

  5. On the contrast between Germanic and Romance negated quantifiers


    Robert Cirillo


    Universal quantifiers can be stranded in the manner described by Sportiche (1988), Giusti (1990) and Shlonsky (1991) in both the Romance and Germanic languages, but a negated universal quantifier can only be stranded in the Germanic languages. The goal of this paper is to show that this contrast between the Romance and the Germanic languages can be explained if one adapts the theory of sentential negation in Zeijlstra (2004) to constituent (quantifier) negation. According to Zeijlstra’s theor...

  6. Slumdog romance: Facebook love and digital privacy at the margins (United States)

    Arora, Payal; Scheiber, Laura


    Facebook has consolidated its position as the one-stop-shop for social activity among the poor in the global South. Sex, romance, and love are key motivations for mobile and Internet technology usage among this demographic, much like the West. Digital romance is a critical context through which we gain fresh perspectives on Internet governance for an emerging digital and globalizing public. Revenge porn, slut-shaming, and Internet romance scams are a common and growing malady worldwide. Focusing on how it manifests in diverse digital cultures will aid in the shaping of new Internet laws for a more inclusive cross-cultural public. In specific, this article examines how low-income youth in two of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations – Brazil and India – exercise and express their notions on digital privacy, surveillance, and trust through the lens of romance. This allows for a more thorough investigation of the relationship between sexuality, morality, and governance within the larger Facebook ecology. As Facebook becomes the dominant virtual public sphere for the world’s poor, we are compelled to ask whether inclusivity of the digital users comes at the price of diversity of digital platforms.

  7. Slumdog romance: Facebook love and digital privacy at the margins. (United States)

    Arora, Payal; Scheiber, Laura


    Facebook has consolidated its position as the one-stop-shop for social activity among the poor in the global South. Sex, romance, and love are key motivations for mobile and Internet technology usage among this demographic, much like the West. Digital romance is a critical context through which we gain fresh perspectives on Internet governance for an emerging digital and globalizing public. Revenge porn, slut-shaming, and Internet romance scams are a common and growing malady worldwide. Focusing on how it manifests in diverse digital cultures will aid in the shaping of new Internet laws for a more inclusive cross-cultural public. In specific, this article examines how low-income youth in two of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations - Brazil and India - exercise and express their notions on digital privacy, surveillance, and trust through the lens of romance. This allows for a more thorough investigation of the relationship between sexuality, morality, and governance within the larger Facebook ecology. As Facebook becomes the dominant virtual public sphere for the world's poor, we are compelled to ask whether inclusivity of the digital users comes at the price of diversity of digital platforms.

  8. El cancionero de los romances judeo-Espanoles de Sarajevo de Laura Papo-bojoteta

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    Muhamed Nezirović


    Full Text Available Los autores e investigadores europeos e americanos que se han ocupado desde principios de este siglo hasta nuestros días del fenómeno de los romances sefardíes de Bosnia, país en el cual vivía antes de la última Guerra Mundial una población judía muy activa y muy importante que Manuel Ortega, en esta época presidente de la Federación de las Asociaciones Sefardíes de Marruecos, caracterizaba en 1930 en estos términos: "Precisamente el grupo de Sefardíes de Sarajevo es uno de los que nos ha preocupado en todo momento por su situación privilegiada en el eje de las corrientes culturales del Oriente europeo, donde tan alto colocan el pabellón de la cultura hispana que ellos f ormaron en su mayor parte'', citan en tre los colectores de esta poesía bien a los judíos originarios de Bosnia como Dan S. Albachary, Maurice Levi o Kalmi Baruch, bien a los extranjeros como Leo Wiener, Manuel Manrique de Lara o Cynthia Crews. Ellos, sin embargo, omiten el nombre de una mujer bosníaca, Laura Papo-Bojoreta, que tiene un lugar destacado en la literatura judeoespañola de Yugoslavia no solamente como autora de unas obras literarias de gran valor, sino también como coleccionadora de los romances judíos de su país natal.

  9. Genesis and Evolution of the Romance-Germanic Language Border in Europe. (United States)

    van Durme, Luc


    Discusses various language border theories for the Belgian-Northern French area, and summarizes the results of 40 years of research into the development of the Romance-Germanic language border at large. Suggests that a late Roman Latin-Germanic opposition has functioned as a direct predisposition for the early medieval Romance-Germanic language…

  10. Understanding the "Guidebooks" to Writing Romance Fiction as Reinforcement of Self through the "Formula" Model. (United States)

    Moffitt, Mary Anne

    A Jungian psychoanalytic approach, using the unconscious animus/anima archetype, can explain the appeal of the romance novel to women readers through an understanding of how the romance formula fulfills the psychological needs of contemporary women as the struggle for identity in a patriarchal society. The heroine of the romance is attracted to…

  11. Pickpocket compounds from Latin to Romance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Whitehead, Benedicte Nielsen

    This thesis discusses the development in Proto–Indo–European, Latin and Romance of a word–formation pattern which the most adequate terminology in use dubs ‘verbal government compounds with a governing first member’; I use the shorthand ‘pickpocket compounds’. The first member of such compounds...... derives from a verb, while the second mostly represents its direct object: thus English pickpocket. Most English examples are functionally agent–nouns, referring to the agent of the implied verbal act. Nevertheless, they lack a suffix indicating this. By contrast, the more prolific type of compound agent....... It contains a cursory discussion of Homeric Greek, Indo–Iranian and Germanic representatives. This comparative perspective on the morphology of the type is continued in chapters 3–5 on Latin and Romance. An important conclusion, and an answer to one of the most–discussed questions in the debate...

  12. Palavras, sons e imagens em cartaz: aspectos de intermidialidade no romance Benjamin, de Chico Buarque, e na adaptação cinematográfica de Monique Gardenberg

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    Leila Cristina Barros


    presentes e relacionadas intimamente entre si, dentro do filme. A combinação e a fusão dessas relações intertextuais e intermidiáticos, no romance e na adaptação, remetem-nos ao conceito de transtextualidade – desenvolvido por Gérard Genette a partir dos termos “dialogismo”, de Mikhail Bakhtin, e “intertextualidade”, de Julia Kristeva, e apropriado pelo crítico de cinema Robert Stam.

  13. Einstein in love a scientific romance

    CERN Document Server

    Overbye, Dennis


    At its height, Einstein's marriage to Mileva was an extraordinary one - a colleague and often fierce adversary, Mileva was brilliantly matched with the scientific genius. Dennis Overbye seeks to present this scientific romance in a vivid light, telling the private story of the young Einstein.

  14. Pickpocket compounds from Latin to Romance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nielsen Whitehead, Benedicte


    This thesis discusses the development in Proto–Indo–European, Latin and Romance of a word–formation pattern which the most adequate terminology in use dubs ‘verbal government compounds with a governing first member’; I use the shorthand ‘pickpocket compounds’. The first member of such compounds

  15. The medieval feminine personage in the romance O guarani

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    Afrânio Gurgel Lucena


    Full Text Available We objectify to present a intertextual analysis of the literary text that contemplates a process of mythical constitution of the personages of the romance the Guarani (1857 of the writer Jose de Alencar. Focamos the analysis on the Cecília young for where we discover its “static” adaptation as medieval myth in the Brazilian romantic romance. The unconditional, protective and servile love of the Peri indian (One arquétipo of the medieval knight. conditions the construction of the loved one, therefore under the medieval myth of the gracious love, a personage is formed in function of the other, is opposing destinations that search the balance in the love. Exactly being something distant and inaccessible, as they present the trovadorescas Cantigas of love. In the theoretical recital, we have: MOISÉS (2004 - 2005 characterizing the mythos and the definitions of the plain and round personages; a platonic reference to the servile love in the Slap-up meal; Spalding (1973, Brunel (1988 for the dicionarizações concerning the thematic one and of the critical one; in the literary theory, Brunel, Pichois and Rousseau (1995, p.115: the myth, “a narrative set consecrated by the tradition”; in Samuel (2000, the mythical literariedade in the formation of a people; Bosi (1994, information on the indianismo and Coutinho (1988, gênese of our literariedade and the romantic romance. Thus, our work presents a result to the literary study: the thematic influence of the Average Age and its mythical love (gracious and servile in the composition of the indianista romance.

  16. From verbal prefixes to direction/result markers in Romance

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    Patrizia Cordin


    Full Text Available In this paper I analyze verb-locative constructions in Romance. Even though not allowed in standard Romance languages, which have maintained and codified the classical Latin prefix system, these constructions are widely attested in non standard varieties, that are scarcely (or not at all regularized. In this paper I deal in particular with a northern Italian variety, Trentino, where locatives, combining with some classes of verbs (unaccusative verbs and transitive activity verbs can express not only concrete direction and metaphorical direction, but also aspect (the result of an activity or the progress of a process; in other words, they can express an abstract, more grammaticalized feature of direction. In fact, Trentino verb-locative constructions can express a specific phase of the development of an event, often the result (end-point of an activity, or the start-point, or the progress, or the intensity of the activity itself. I argue that in Trentino (and in other similar dialectal varieties locatives can function as grammatical markers both for arguments (in combination with motion verbs and for aspect (in combination with verbs involving the feature of an abstract path. In a more general context, I note that locatives in combination of verbs function as goal/result markers in those varieties that tend to spell out markers of functional elements, frequently generating a repetition (doubling of the same feature. Finally, I compare Romance and Germanic constructions, noting that diachronic, grammatical and typological differences (with particular reference to Talmy's distinction between verb-framed languages and satellite languages confirm the independence of Romance verb-locative constructions.

  17. Medieval Romances: "Perceval" to "Monty Python." (United States)

    Jehle, Dorothy M.

    A selection of romances from medieval literature can be used successfully in undergraduate literature classes to trace the appearance and relevance of medieval themes, motifs, and characters in works of modern poetry, fiction, and film. New scholarly editions, historiographies, translations, and modernizations give both teachers and students more…


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    Gilberto Figueiredo Martins


    Full Text Available As figurações literárias dos espaços privados - territórios da intimidade – têm sido reiteradamente revisitadas pela fortuna crítica da obra de Clarice Lispector. Entretanto, nos romances, contos e crônicas da escritora também não poucas vezes os espaços públicos são representados como localidades potencialmente promissoras para o desenvolvimento de processos de individuação de personagens e narradores. Calçadas, ruas, esquinas, grandes avenidas, bondes e parques são cenários privilegiados para o exercício de diferentes modos de subjetivação e formas de sociabilidade, sobretudo porque neles aumentam as chances de o sujeito se defrontar com variadas formas de encarnação da alteridade. Espacialidade arquetípica por excelência, o mar comparece em textos curtos de fundo autobiográfico e ganha destaque no romance de estréia de Clarice, Perto do coração selvagem, publicado em 1943. Privilegiando a interface Psicanálise/Estudos Literários, o ensaio apóia-se nos escritos teóricos de Melanie Klein para realizar a leitura interpretativa das imagens marítimas presentes no livro, vinculando-as ao processo de formação e de construção da subjetividade da protagonista Joana. Palavras-chave: Literatura e Psicanálise; Clarice Lispector; Melanie Klein.

  19. Shaping idealisms : studies in Middle English romances and the literature of the Medieval Revival

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veldhoen, Norbertus Hermanus Gijsbertus Emmanuel


    Shaping Idealisms consists of eleven articles published earlier and three unpublished articles, a general introduction and a conclusion. The articles are mostly about Middle English romances and nineteenth- and twentieth-century romance-related texts. The general theme is the tension between

  20. Cognitive categories and noun classification. Romance neuter: from [passivity] to [indifference

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    Maria M. Manoliu


    Full Text Available The present contribution aims to reveal the ways in which the evolution of the grammatical category of gender from Latin to Romance reflects the dramatic changes undergone by its semantic domains. Arguments for the hypothesis that Latin gender oppositions were determined by the important role played by activeness (and not animacy in the interpretation of the state of affairs are brought into the picture in order to explain the subcategorization of nouns in both Latin and in Romance. The term activeness is to be understood as a reflection of the ‘capacity of referents for influencing human life in positive or negative ways’. The changes undergone by grammatical gender in Romance languages were triggered not only by a morpho-syntactic reorganization of case and number, but also by social and pragmatic factors that triggered a reorganization of cognitive categories and their linguistic encoding

  1. Languages contact and geopolitics of Romance languages


    Louis-Jean Calvet


    In this article, we first conceive the contact between languages from different configurations to, secondly, analyze the geopolitics of the Romance languages, represented by the three great linguistic groups, that is, the French-speaking, Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking groups.---Original in French.

  2. On the lack of stranded negated quantifiers and inverse scope of negation in Romance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cirillo, R.


    The Germanic languages allow floating negated quantifiers (The children have not all not eaten) while the Romance languages do not. The Germanic languages also allow negation to take inverse scope over a universal quantifier (All the children have not eaten) whereas the Romance languages are very

  3. Reaction to Crisis in Gothic Romance: Radcliffe’s The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne

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    Tadej Braček


    Full Text Available Gothic romances were primarily women’s domain. This is proven by the fact that from the end of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century more than fifty female authors wrote Gothic romances. In the first part the paper depicts the emergence of romances, clarifies the notion of the Gothic and explains the theory of Gothic romances. The second part focuses on Ann Radcliffe’s first novel, The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. This section analyses in what way men and women react to crises. It concludes that reactions are primarily based not on sex but on the benevolence and malevolence of literary characters. The former react with higher intensity on the physical level (passing out, becoming ill and the latter react vehemently in emotional sense towards their rivals. The originality of the article lies in the systematic analysis of characters’ responses to crisis and in the study of atypical features of this Gothic novel.

  4. Languages contact and geopolitics of Romance languages

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    Louis-Jean Calvet


    Full Text Available In this article, we first conceive the contact between languages from different configurations to, secondly, analyze the geopolitics of the Romance languages, represented by the three great linguistic groups, that is, the French-speaking, Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking groups.---Original in French.

  5. Epic and Romance in The Lord Of The Rings

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    Martin Simonson


    Full Text Available In the field of comparative literature The Lord of the Rings has been most frequently studied within the contexts of romance and epic. This approach, however, leaves out important generic aspects of the global picture, such as the narrative’s strong adherence to the novel genre and to mythic traditions beyond romance and epic narratives. If we choose one particular genre as the yardstick against which to measure the work’s success in narrative terms, we tend to end up with the conclusion that The Lord of the Rings does not quite make sense within the given limits of the genre in question. In Tolkien’s work there is a narrative and stylistic exploration of the different genres’ constraints in which the Western narrative traditions – myth, epic, romance, the novel, and their respective subgenres – interact in a previously unknown but still very much coherent world that, because of the particular cohesion required by such a chronotope, exhibits a clear contextualization of references to the previous traditions. As opposed to many contemporary literary expressions, the ensuing absence of irony and parody creates a generic dialogue, in which the various narrative traditions explore and interrogate each other’s limits without rendering the others absurdly incompatible, ridiculous or superfluous.

  6. Cuzco: a dessacralização da cidade imperial dos incas no romance de José María Arguedas

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    Jacqueline de Cassia Pinheiro Lima


    Full Text Available Esse texto tem seu embasamento nas leituras e pesquisas que tiveram início em Cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado, culminando nas pesquisas hoje em um Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar. Desde então, as leituras sobre a construção de uma América Latina mestiça e extremamente rica, mesmo empobrecida por diversos fatores de exploração que tiveram início com a chegada dos europeus ao continente, continuam a fazer parte dos estudos, projetos, aulas que estão sendo desenvolvidos. Os Rios profundos, o romance de José Maria Arguedas (1911-1969 que teve a primeira edição em 1958, começa nos apresentando Cuzco, a capital do império incaico, cidade considerada sagrada pelos indígenas. Sua fundação, em que se confundem a história concreta e a formação social do povo inca com o imaginário e o simbólico do homem andino, nos remete ao mito de origem desse povo em suas várias maneiras de ser apresentado. Com o processo colonizador implantado pelos espanhóis, acontece a construção de Lima, que passa a ser a capital do Peru. Para os descendentes do incanato essa mudança é aceita como uma divisão: Cuzco continuou a ser considerada a capital do império para eles. O presente artigo pretende apresentar a maneira pessoal de José María Arguedas olhar para a cidade sagrada dos incas em seus textos, sendo que, nesse artigo, a abordagem será feita a partir do romance Los ríos profundos, apenas.

  7. No rastro de Fawcett: a guinada de João de Minas rumo à literatura popular de aventura nos anos 1930

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    Leandro Antonio de ALMEIDA


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a guinada rumo à literatura popular de massa feita pelo escritor João de Minas. No Brasil dos Anos 30, o mercado editorial foi marcado pela difusão da literatura popular de massa nos gêneros aventura, sentimental e policial, a partir de coleções lançadas pelas maiores editoras. Neste contexto, João de Minas estabeleceu o projeto de fundar o romance popular no País, que começou com a composição do romance de aventuras Horrores e Mistérios dos Sertões Desconhecidos. Publicado em 1934, as três partes da história mostram a virada do escritor rumo ao estilo ligado à ficção popular de massa.

  8. Por uma ficção autoconsciente: a transposição do romance Dom Casmurro para a minisérie Capitu

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    Cristiane Passafaro Guzzi

    Full Text Available O artigo discute a possibilidade de leitura de duas tradições nos romances, uma realista e outra autoconsciente, as quais se norteiam pelo modo como o gênero romanesco interpretou o conceito de verossimilhança ao longo de sua história. Tal percurso de reflexão possibilitou um estudo da minissérie televisiva Capitu (2008, de Luiz Fernando Carvalho - transposição, essa, da obra Dom Casmurro -, que levou em consideração, também, em seu processo, uma expressa autoconsciência dos mecanismos reflexivos empregados na obra machadiana, mas mobilizados, agora, pelos procedimentos específicos do novo suporte.

  9. Guided Reading: The Romance and the Reality (United States)

    Fountas, Irene C.; Pinnell, Gay Su


    The authors examine the growth and impact of guided reading, small group teaching for differentiated instruction in reading that was stimulated by their early publications. Many changes in literacy education have been observed as a result--almost as if educators had a "romance" with guided reading and leveled books. While changes have been…

  10. A migrante e o xamã: agentes transculturadores em dois romances italianos contemporâneos The migrant and the shaman: transcultural agents in two contemporary italian novels


    Ana Maria Chiarini


    A proposta deste trabalho é evidenciar a função transculturadora exercida por trabalhadoras migrantes na Itália contemporânea, vista como espaço da diáspora, nos romances Apri le porte all'alba (1999), de Elena Gianini Belotti, e L'indecenza (2008), de Elvira Seminara. Essas personagens sociais - participantes de trocas interculturais e intercorporais - vêm se tornando personagens literárias e, embora reduzidas a não-pessoas ou marcadas por um pretenso núcleo étnico essencial, ativam as força...

  11. Livros do Brasil e a edição de romances brasileiros em Portugal nos anos 1940

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    Thiago Mio Salla


    Full Text Available Enquanto esforço de historiografia literária e editorial, o presente artigo tem como objetivo lançar luz sobre as edições portuguesas de romances brasileiros realizadas pela editora Livros do Brasil, casa fundada em Lisboa, em 1944, por António de Sousa Pinto. A partir da recuperação de fontes primárias (com destaque para cartas e contratos, examinam-se, sobretudo, as negociações travadas entre Sousa Pinto e José Olympio no que diz respeito à edição, em Portugal, de títulos de dois importantes autores de nossa chamada geração de 1930: José Lins do Rego e Rachel de Queiroz. Mais especificamente, recupera-se o embate travado entre a atitude interventiva do editor luso, que defendia a necessidade de se ajustar o texto das obras de ambos os escritores à variante europeia do idioma, de modo a aproximá-las do leitorado português, e a recusa inicial dos romancistas, que exigiam o respeito estrito aos “brasileirismos” por eles empregados.

  12. Stunted sexuality in hawthorne's the blithedale romance Stunted sexuality in hawthorne's the blithedale romance

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    Arnold Gordenstein


    Full Text Available By now a commonplace of Blithedale Romance criticism is that Coverdale is a voyeur. But hardly anyone has related coverdale's voyeurism to the larger psychological pattern that includes voyeurism and these to its central themes. Otto Fenichel couples voyeurism and toucheurism and defines them as "scoptophilia, the sexualization of the sensations of looking... analogous to touch eroticism." 1 Doubly restricted by Victorian morality as well as by his American Puritan heritage, Hawthorne indicated that the motivations that drew people to and that characterized their relationships at Blithedale were, in part, sexual. Since he could not directly describe this sexuality he used sight and touch images to convey the kind of attraction he had in mind. By now a commonplace of Blithedale Romance criticism is that Coverdale is a voyeur. But hardly anyone has related coverdale's voyeurism to the larger psychological pattern that includes voyeurism and these to its central themes. Otto Fenichel couples voyeurism and toucheurism and defines them as "scoptophilia, the sexualization of the sensations of looking... analogous to touch eroticism." 1 Doubly restricted by Victorian morality as well as by his American Puritan heritage, Hawthorne indicated that the motivations that drew people to and that characterized their relationships at Blithedale were, in part, sexual. Since he could not directly describe this sexuality he used sight and touch images to convey the kind of attraction he had in mind.

  13. Stunted sexuality in havvthorne's the blithedale romance Stunted sexuality in havvthorne's the blithedale romance

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    Arnold Gordenstein


    Full Text Available By now a commonplace of Blithedale Romance criticism is that Coverdale is a voyeur. But hardly anyone has related Coverdale's voyeurism to the larger psychological pattern that includes voyeurism and these to its central themes. Otto Fenichel couples voyeurism and toucheurism and defines them as "scoptophilia, the sexualization of the sensations of looking... analogous to touch eroticism." 1 Doubly restricted by Victorian morality as well as by his American Puritan heritage, Hawthorne indicated that the motivations that drew people to and that characterized their relationships at Blithedale were, in part, sexual. Since he could not directly describe this sexuality he used sight and touch images to convey the kind of attraction he had in mind. By now a commonplace of Blithedale Romance criticism is that Coverdale is a voyeur. But hardly anyone has related Coverdale's voyeurism to the larger psychological pattern that includes voyeurism and these to its central themes. Otto Fenichel couples voyeurism and toucheurism and defines them as "scoptophilia, the sexualization of the sensations of looking... analogous to touch eroticism." 1 Doubly restricted by Victorian morality as well as by his American Puritan heritage, Hawthorne indicated that the motivations that drew people to and that characterized their relationships at lithedale were, in part, sexual. Since he could not directly describe this sexuality he used sight and touch images to convey the kind of attraction he had in mind.

  14. De Profundis - experiências do litoral (presença do espaço arquetípico no romance Perto do Coração Selvagem, de Clarice Lispector

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    Gilberto Figueiredo Martins


    Full Text Available As figurações literárias dos espaços privados - territórios da intimidade – têm sido reiteradamente revisitadas pela fortuna crítica da obra de Clarice Lispector. Entretanto, nos romances, contos e crônicas da escritora também não poucas vezes os espaços públicos são representados como localidades potencialmente promissoras para o desenvolvimento de processos de individuação de personagens e narradores. Calçadas, ruas, esquinas, grandes avenidas, bondes e parques são cenários privilegiados para o exercício de diferentes modos de subjetivação e formas de sociabilidade, sobretudo porque neles aumentam as chances de o sujeito se defrontar com variadas formas de encarnação da alteridade. Espacialidade arquetípica por excelência, o mar comparece em textos curtos de fundo autobiográfico e ganha destaque no romance de estréia de Clarice, Perto do coração selvagem, publicado em 1943. Privilegiando a interface Psicanálise/Estudos Literários, o ensaio apóia-se nos escritos teóricos de Melanie Klein para realizar a leitura interpretativa das imagens marítimas presentes no livro, vinculando-as ao processo de formação e de construção da subjetividade da protagonista Joana. Palavras-chave: Literatura e Psicanálise; Clarice Lispector; Melanie Klein.

  15. Romance of Leadership as a Leader Emergence Predictor

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Cerny, Troy A


    ...) in the case of peer ratings. The assertion that locus of control will moderate the relationship between romance of leadership and leader emergence received strong support in the case of instructor ratings (p < .001) and partial support in the case of peer ratings (p < .06).

  16. The definite article in Romance expletives and long weak definites

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    M.Teresa Espinal


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on some issues involving expletive articles and long weak definites in Romance (mainly Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Catalan, in comparison to DPs that elicit a strong reading. We show the similarities between expletive definites and long weak definites, and we argue for an analysis in common to other polarity items in terms of polarity sensitivity. We reach the conclusion that the definite article in Romance comes in two variants: the referentially unique variant (to be translated as the semantic 'iota 'operator and the polar variant, formally characterized with an abstract [+σ] feature, that encodes a weak bound reading (to be semantically translated by an existential operator.

  17. Maternity and Absence in Shakespearean Romance

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    Hopkins Helen


    Full Text Available The equivocation of the private life of Elizabethan and Jacobean subjects with the public life of monarchy and state endowed mothers with an import, and therefore a power, not previously acknowledged. These changes provoked a fear of female disruption to patriarchal structures which found its way onto Shakespeare’s stage by the representation of mothers as ‘unnatural’ agents of chaos, associated with witchcraft, murder, dangerous ambition, and infidelity; if not by complete absence, which “posits the sacrifice of the mother’s desire as the basis of the ideal society” (Rose, 1991: 313. I suggest that in the late romances, specifically The Winter's Tale and The Tempest, Shakespeare found a form that could demonstrate the complexity of the mother’s position, while still resolving the action with a satisfactory ending that presented a stable continuation of patriarchal lineage. The fathers rely on a fantasy of parthenogenesis to relocate the role of the mother in themselves, ensuring the children are free from her corruptive influence and the bloodlines are safe. However, as all themes return to maternity - chastity, fertility, lineage for example - the fantasy of eradicating the mother is shown to be limited even in the artificial realm of the romance.

  18. Riscritture del romance nel secondo Novecento italiano

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    Stefano Nicosia


    Full Text Available Many authors in the last century offer us the possibility to look at romance through their rewriting of Italian tradition, but they also offer the possibility to look at rewriting through romance. A systematic examination of every single work would need an article itself. Here the focus is rather on the phenomenon and its implications with tradition and its transformations; and on the intellectual context where they take place. Despite the very core of the poetics of rewriting can be located between the Sixties and the Eighties, these palimpsests go further, into the Nineties. From Calvino, Manganelli and Sanguineti, to Celati, Bufalino and Santagata, we are able to look at different declensions of rewriting. Through these texts and the techniques they are built with, it is possible to verify the strength and the qualities of some cultural and intellectual practices, which can be related to a coherent Italian postmodern poetics, which operates through the reuse of traditional materials. These reuse should be seen – and this is one of the cues and conclusions the article would like to offer – as a vital way of reproducing stories and genres in the postmodern era.



    Marilia Danielle Santos Cerqueira; Universidade Federal da Bahia


    O artigo analisa o romance, Capitães da areia, do escritor Jorge Amado, com ênfase na convivência harmônica entre a poesia e o engajamento social. O contexto aparentemente vulgar, em que ocorrem as aventuras e desventuras dos capitães, estimula o autor na produção de texto poético que envolve idealismo e luta social. Diante da finalidade de crítica social do romance em questão, entende-se que o mundo é apresentado por intermédio da perspectiva dos excluídos e marginalizados. E, no âmbito lite...


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    Verhoef, Hendrika


    Full Text Available This paper reports on research that explored the effects of dissolved romances on the psychosocial functioning and productivity of the employees involved at an industrial clothing factory in Cape Town in 2012-2013. Also explored is the consequent need for appropriate intervention through the existing Employee Assistance Programme (EAP. A qualitative research approach is applied. The main conclusion confirms the overall negative effect of the breakdown of workplace romances on the psychosocial functioning and productivity of the employees involved in the workplace and gives an indication of how the EAP could most effectively respond to this phenomenon. Mediation as a possible strategy is recommended to deal with workplace romances.

  1. Los milagros de la Virgen : versión latina y romance

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    José Luis Martín


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se lleva a cabo una comparación entre relatos de milagros de la Virgen que se contienen en la colección hispana escrita en latín por Juan Gil de Zamora y en las colecciones romances de Gonzalo de Berceo y de Alfonso X, que ofrecen diferencias de contenido interesantes para el historiador.In this work there is a comparison between the Virgen Mirados tales, contained in the spanish collection, written in Latin by Juan Gil de Zamora, and other Virgin tales contained in the romance language collections of Gonzalo de Berceo and Alfonso X; offering differences in the containing, which are interesting for the historian.

  2. Romance tourism or female sex tourism? (United States)

    Bauer, Irmgard L


    Love, sex and the female traveller: romance tourism or female sex tourism? The phenomenon of women travelling in search of relationships with local men in developing countries has been studied for the last 20 years. However, it appears little known in travel medicine. Relevant literature was found through PubMed, Science Direct, ProQuest and Google Scholar. The reference lists of selected articles identified further sources. Historical records of women travellers to far-away countries abound. Then, as now, women not only searched for the erotic 'other' but made romance and sex the purpose of their trip. Today, increasing numbers of women travel to destinations in developing countries where sex with local men is the main attraction. This pastime raises concerns not only for the women themselves but for the local men involved as well as their sex partners and the local communities. Although more research is necessary, comparing the criteria that describe men travelling for sex and relationships and women travelling for sex and relationships appears to suggest that there is very little difference between the two, regardless of what the pursuit is called. Women looking for sex with local men are sex tourists, too. Recognition of this fact needs to influence the pre and post travel care of female travellers. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Shostakovich: Six Romances on Japanese Poems, Op. 21 / David Nice

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nice, David


    Uuest heliplaadist "Shostakovich: Six Romances on Japanese Poems, Op. 21. Six Poems of Marina Tsvetayeva, Op. 143. Suite on Verses of Michelangelo, Op. 145. Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. DG 447 085-2GH (71 minutes:DDD)

  4. O batismo de terra, ou Yaka, um romance polifônico

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    Maria Geralda Miranda


    Full Text Available Pretende-se com este estudo verificar o “jogo” discursivo polifônico presente no romance Yaka, do escritor angolano, Pepetela, a partir da observação do modo pelo qual os discursos dos narradores são elaborados, formando o todo romanesco. O objetivo não é apenas tentar compreender como as diferentes vozes dialogicamente constituídas colaboram para o acesso ao conteúdo e/ou significados da obra, mas como esse conteúdo é apresentado e significa para o leitor. Para tanto, serão analisados as vozes dos narradores e o discurso da personagem “Yaka” (estátua que, além de obra de arte africana, se apresenta como objeto mágico e dá título ao romance. Na tentativa de “desvendar” o emaranhado de discursos tecidos pelo autor, buscar-se-á, a partir dos conceitos de polifonia e dialogismo empreendidos por Bakhtin e o Círculo, embasar a leitura da obra, ambientada em Angola, durante quatro gerações de uma família de colonos portugueses. Tal abordagem crítica não exclui obviamente a análise da rede histórico-ficcional do romance, nem a análise de seu conteúdo político-ideológico.


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    Full Text Available Resumo Pretende-se debater a gênese do romance de Machado de Assis e a reflexão sobre o gênero romanesco ficcionalizada em seu primeiro trabalho como romancista. Para tanto, analisaremos o personagem Félix, um dos protagonistas de Ressurreição (1872. Veremos que, ao dotar sua construção ficcional de um personagem que é, ele mesmo, súmula das características do gênero romance, Machado de Assis também está definindo o gênero com o qual irá se consagrar. Com isso, é possível aproximar o romance machadiano da tradição do romance autorreflexivo e apontar a visão problematizante que o autor tinha sobre o gênero.

  6. Nontraditional family romance. (United States)

    Corbett, K


    Family stories lie at the heart of psychoanalytic developmental theory and psychoanalytic clinical technique, but whose family? Increasingly, lesbian and gay families, multiparent families, and single-parent families are relying on modern reproductive technologies to form families. The contemplation of these nontraditional families and the vicissitudes of contemporary reproduction lead to an unknowing of what families are, including the ways in which psychoanalysts configure the family within developmental theory. This article focuses on the stories that families tell in order to account for their formation--stories that include narratives about parental union, parental sexuality, and conception. The author addresses three constructs that inform family stories and that require rethinking in light of the category crises posed by and for the nontraditional family: (1) normative logic, (2) family reverie and the construction of a family romance, and (3) the primal scene. These constructs are examined in tandem with detailed clinical material taken from the psychotherapy of a seven-year-old boy and his two mothers.


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    Наталя Колиснеченко


    Full Text Available The article is focused on the problems of improving the professional training of bachelors of RomanceGermanic Philology. Particular attention is paid to the design of a conceptual model of modernization professional training of bachelors of Romance-Germanic Philology with competence-based approach being its ground. Main phases, general didactic and specific principles necessary for the organization of this process are highlighted.

  8. Interrelationships between romance, life quality, and medical training of female residents. (United States)

    Wang, Yu-Jung; Hsu, Kan-Lin; Chang, Chin-Sung; Wu, Chih-Hsing


    For the past 30 years, there has been a steady increase in the number of female physicians, but the relationship between their romantic lives and their pattern of training has been inadequately reported. This study was designed to investigate the interrelationships between medical training, quality of life, and the attitudes that female residents have toward romance. Of the 106 female medical residents at our medical center in 2009, a total of 78 residents (73.6%) were enrolled for the study. Structured questionnaires (Cronbach α = 0.878), which included questions about female resident quality of life, attitude toward spousal choice, and the impact of programmed professional medical training, were self-administered through an anonymous process. Female residents, especially ward-care specialists, were determined to have excessively long working hours (84.6% > 88 work hours/week), insufficient and irregular sleep (44.9%), and inadequate personal time (73.1% friends, differences in values, and work-related stress. Those presumptive factors influencing romance between the assumed partner being a doctor or a "nondoctor" were significantly different with regard to lack of time (p = 0.002), values (p work-related stress (p life were significantly influenced by the pattern of medical training in female residents. Setting duty-hour limits and initiating a new hobby were determined to be potentially beneficial to their quality of life and attitudes toward romance. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. Subjunctive dependents in Iberian Romance: A Reprojection account

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    Ángel J. Gallego


    Full Text Available This paper puts forward an analysis of subjunctive dependent clauses in Iberian Romance based on Hornstein and Uriagereka’s (2002 treatment of binary quantifiers. The main idea is that Chomsky’s (2004 Transfer operation can be associated to the effect of these quantifiers; more specifically, it is argued that indicative mood, contrary to subjunctive mood, operates as a binary quantifier, thus triggering the application of Transfer.

  10. La boda de penalty: el romance de Los primos romeros o la resolución poética de un conflicto vulgar

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    Baltanás, Enrique


    Full Text Available Although superficially the romance of Los primos romeros could be interpreted since a surrealist, anticlerical and incestuous perspective, here it is offered a lecture coherent with most of the romancistic oral texts: a conflict so familiar and vulgar as the "wedding by penalty", viewed since a poetic and inclosed indulgent perspective. For the purpose of this romance, theoretical questions as the role of the transmitter ¿author or reader? and the nature of oral texts are examined at once.Aunque a simple vista el romance de Los primos romeros pueda entenderse desde una perspectiva surrealista, anticlerical o incestuosa, aquí se propone una lectura coherente con la mayoría de los textos romancísticos orales modernos: un conflicto tan familiar y vulgar como la "boda de penalty", visto desde una perspectiva poética e incluso indulgente. Al mismo tiempo, y a propósito de este romance, se dilucidan algunas cuestiones teóricas como el papel del transmisor (¿autor o lector? y la propia naturaleza del texto oral.

  11. Design, development, implementation and evaluation of a purilingual ICALL system for romance languages aimed at advanced learners


    Koller, Thomas


    Plurilingual teaching and learning of Romance languages exploits the similarities between these languages to teach them contrastively and to raise the language awareness of the learner. Several European projects have been devoted to plurilingual teaching and learning of Romance languages. The materials developed in these projects do not involve Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities and almost exclusively focus on receptive skills. The research goal of my Ph.D. dissertation was th...

  12. Os paratextos editoriais em “Alabardas, Alabardas, Espingardas, Espingardas”, o romance inacabado de José Saramago

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    Bianca Rosina Mattia


    Full Text Available Em 2014, quatro anos após a morte de José Saramago, chegava às livrarias seu último romance, que restou inacabado e foi encontrado em seu computador. Alabardas, alabardas, Espingardas, espingardas tem apenas três capítulos. Porém, a edição do livro apresenta ainda o diário de Saramago, com anotações referentes ao romance, ilustrações de Günter Grass e textos de outros autores. O romance centra-se na temática da violência, da guerra e da fabricação e comércio de armas. Neste artigo, contudo, objetivamos uma análise dos paratextos editoriais da edição de Alabardas. A proposta, nesse sentido, pauta-se, a partir da definição de paratexto apresentada por Gérard Genette (2009, na investigação de uma possibilidade de leitura de Alabardas não [só] como romance, mas como manifesto. Tal possibilidade alicerça-se no caráter polissêmico dos paratextos editoriais, que proporcionam novas perspectivas de leitura e interferem na produção de sentidos quando da leitura do texto, bem como na concepção de editor enquanto adaptador, considerando um dos conceitos de adaptação abordados por Linda Hutcheon (2013.

  13. O lugar filosófico da negociação, no romance «Teatro», de Bernardo Carvalho

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    André Luís de Araújo


    Full Text Available Resumo: A leitura do romance Teatro (1998, de Bernardo Carvalho, incita-nos ao questionamento das condições nas quais se produz e se comunica o saber, uma vez que o já acalorado debate em torno dos Estudos Culturais, conforme defendido por Néstor García Canclini, Walter Mignolo, Homi Bhabha, Edward Said, entre outros, demonstrou não existir um local geográfico ou epistemológico privilegiado que detenha os direitos de propriedade sobre as práticas teóricas, mas apenas um “local filosófico” de discussão.Palavras-chave: Bernardo Carvalho; Teatro; estudos culturais; filosofia.Resumen: La lectura de la novela Teatro (1998, de Bernardo Carvalho, nos incita al cuestionamiento de las condiciones en las que se produce y se comunica el saber, una vez que el  candente debate en torno a los Estudios Culturales, conforme defendido por Néstor García Canclini, Walter Mignolo, Homi Bhabha, Edward Said, entre otros, demostró no existir un local geográfico o epistemológico privilegiado que detenga los derechos de propiedad sobre las prácticas teóricas, sino apenas un “local filosófico” de discusión.Palabras-clave: Bernardo Carvalho; Teatro; estudios culturales; filosofía.Keywords: Bernardo Carvalho; Teatro; cultural studies; philosophy.

  14. The "F" Word: Is Feminism Incompatible with Beauty and Romance? (United States)

    Rudman, Laurie A.; Fairchild, Kimberly


    Three studies examined the predictive utility of heterosexual relationship concerns vis-a-vis support for feminism. Study 1 showed that beauty is perceived to be at odds with feminism, for both genders. The stereotype that feminists are unattractive was robust, but fully accounted for by romance-related attributions. Moreover, more attractive…

  15. Review of Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011. Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’ Utrecht 2011


    Colaço, Madalena


    The present volume contains a selection of twelve peer-reviewed papers presented at 'Going Romance' in 2011. Celebrating its 25th edition, the conference took place on December 8-10, in Utrecht, Holland, where the event was first held in 1986. While keeping the focus on the formal study of the Romance languages, the articles represent a wide range of topics related to different research areas, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and language acquisition. The papers are arranged i...

  16. How Do Chinese ESL Learners Recognize English Words during a Reading Test? A Comparison with Romance-Language-Speaking ESL Learners (United States)

    Li, Hongli; Suen, Hoi K.


    This study examines how Chinese ESL learners recognize English words while responding to a multiple-choice reading test as compared to Romance-language-speaking ESL learners. Four adult Chinese ESL learners and three adult Romance-language-speaking ESL learners participated in a think-aloud study with the Michigan English Language Assessment…

  17. Propaganda: um romance quase perfeito

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    Rosane da Conceição Pereira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, a publicidade é pensada como uma atividade que manifesta a representação racional de uma “realidade” suposta, embora através do apelo a fatores emocionais.  Ela constitui um verdadeiro “romance quase perfeito”, muitas vezes reelaborando as expectativas do público.  A partir da persuasão deste, o apelo emocional da retórica no texto e na imagem da propaganda obtém êxito.  A proposta é então pensar como a publicidade pode ser fundamentada na representação platônica, ainda que operada de modo contrário.

  18. Produção e conservação escolar da masculinidade no romance O Ateneu




    El ensayo analiza la producción y conservación de la masculinidad en el romance O Ateneu (Raul Pompeia) que retrata la vida escolar en un internado de elite del siglo XIX. El ensayo discute principalmente la trayectoria del niño Sérgio, narrador y protagonista del romance. Él sufre experiencias disciplinares destinadas a transformar sus marcas infantiles y femeninas en características adultas y masculinas. La producción y conservación de la masculinidad aparecen principalmente implicadas en e...

  19. Review of Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011. Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’ Utrecht 2011

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    Madalena Colaço


    Full Text Available The present volume contains a selection of twelve peer-reviewed papers presented at 'Going Romance' in 2011. Celebrating its 25th edition, the conference took place on December 8-10, in Utrecht, Holland, where the event was first held in 1986. While keeping the focus on the formal study of the Romance languages, the articles represent a wide range of topics related to different research areas, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and language acquisition. The papers are arranged in alphabetical order by author.

  20. Romance in Peril: A Survey of the Genre in Seventeenth Century English Literature

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    Mustafa Bal


    Full Text Available The seventeenth century in England can be seen as the age which marked the beginning of modernity as well as the beginning of empirical thought. Rationalization of viewpoints combined with the political turmoil of the century, causing immense setbacks within the English literary traditions. One of these setbacks took place within the romance tradition which had been a major mode of writing during the earlier centuries. In this sense, this article analyses reasons of the decline of the romance tradition throughout seventeenth century English literature as well as examining how the genre managed to survive either implicitly or explicitly in several works like Oroonoko by Aphra Behn, pastoral poems by Andrew Marvel and Milton, and in some parts of Milton’s Paradise Lost.

  1. Romance in Peril: A Survey of the Genre in Seventeen Century English Literature

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    Mustafa Bal


    Full Text Available The seventeenth century in England can be seen as the age which marked the beginning of modernity as well as the beginning of empirical thought. Rationalization of viewpoints combined with the political turmoil of the century, causing immense setbacks within the English literary traditions. One of these setbacks took place within the romance tradition which had been a major mode of writing during the earlier centuries. In this sense, this article analyses reasons of the decline of the romance tradition throughout seventeenth century English literature as well as examining how the genre managed to survive either implicitly or explicitly in several works like Oroonoko by Aphra Behn, pastoral poems by Andrew Marvel and Milton, and in some parts of Milton’s Paradise Lost.

  2. The Old Serbian Alexander Romance and the Greek Phyllada

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    Krzysztof Usakiewicz


    Full Text Available The paper includes a short introduction and four excerpts from the Old Serbian Alexander Romance translated into Polish by Maciej Falski.   Tekst zawiera krótką prezentację zagadnienia filiacji Opowieści o Aleksandrze w bałkańskiej przestrzeni kulturowej oraz przekład fragmentów tzw. Serbskiej Aleksandreidy na język polski.

  3. Transgressing Boundaries: Belfast and the “Romance-Across-the-Divide”

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    Stephanie Schwerter


    Full Text Available One of the most popular sub-genres of Northern Irish Troubles fiction is the so called ‘Romance-across-the-divide’, a narrative in which two characters from different religious, cultural and social backgrounds struggle to overcome the region’s sectarian divide. As the centre of the Northern Irish conflict, Belfast epitomises the obstacles posed by the political situation for lovers attempting to defy socio-cultural and denominational boundaries. Joe Cleary argues that in the Northern Irish context the romance narrative is employed to illustrate the possibility of a reconciliation of opposed political camps. This article attempts to refute Cleary’s view. Focussing on Naomi May’s Troubles (1976, Dermot Healy’s A Goat’s Song (1994 and Kate O’Riordan’s Involved (1995 it sets out to demonstrate that unhappy unions of lovers cutting across sectarian lines serve instead largely to depict the ongoing political division within Northern Irish society and the breach between the North and the South of Ireland.

  4. A vida privada de Helena de Tróia nos loucos anos 20 em Hollywood

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    Maria Cecília Coelho


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o filme de Alexander Korda, de 1927, The Private Life of Helen of Troy, baseado no romance homônimo de John Erskine, de 1925, e na peça The Road to Rome, de 1927, de Robert Sherwood, obras que fazem, respectivamente, uma releitura do mito de Helena e do episódio da chegada de Hannibal a Roma. Do filme, temos apenas alguns fragmentos, arquivados no British Film Institute, além de algumas fotos e reportagens de época. Por meio desse material, em um estudo comparativo, discutirei aspectos da recepção do mito de Helena na década de 20 nos Estados Unidos.

  5. Evolución de la fibrosis hepática en reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que inician tratamiento con inhibidores de la proteasa potenciados

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    P. Saiz de la Hoya Zamácola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la evolución de la fibrosis hepática medida por elastografía y pruebas bioquímicas en reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que han iniciado tratamiento antirretroviral con lopinavir/ritonavir u otros inhibidores de la proteasa potenciados con ritonavir. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional y multicéntrico. Se comprobó durante 48 semanas la evolución de la fibrosis hepática medida mediante elastografía de transición (FibroScan y pruebas bioquímicas en población penitenciaria española coinfectada por VIH y VHC. Resultados: De los 94 pacientes incluidos, 54 (57,4% fueron seguidos durante 48 semanas. En la semana 48, no hubo cambios significativos en el grado de fibrosis medida mediante FibroScan (8,1 Kpa vs 8,3; p=0.20 o índice de FORNS (5,6 vs 5,1; p=0,50, aunque sí con el índice APRI (0.7 vs 0.6; p=0.05 y el índice FIB-4 (p=0,02. Cuando la medición se realizó en función del grado de fibrosis basal, se observó que el tratamiento redujo el porcentaje de pacientes con fibrosis basal de grado 3/4 (50% vs 15%; p=0,001, pero no hubo cambios en los que ya tenían basalmente grado 4 (20,4% vs 20,4%. Conclusión: Los reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que inician tratamiento antirretroviral con lopinavir/ritonavir muestran una estabilización de la fibrosis hepática medida con FibroScan® tras un año de seguimiento. En conjunto, el tratamiento mejoró la fibrosis cuando la referencia de medición fue el índice APRI y el FIB-4, pero no con el índice FORNS o la elastografía.

  6. The Manifestation of Grotesque Romance through Deviant Sexuality in Tunku Halim’s Dark Demon Rising

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    Nur Fatin Syuhada Ahmad Jafni


    Full Text Available Dark Demon Rising (1997 is the debut novel written by an established Malaysian horror stories author, Tunku Halim. Dark Demon Rising narrates the journey of the protagonist, Shazral Abbas, and his encounter with his dark childhood and dangerous future. This paper aims to examine the relationship between Shazral and Minah, specifically the representation of the grotesque through deviant sexuality. To illustrate and depict grotesque romance, a textual analysis is carried out and close reference to the definition of grotesque is applied as the framework of the study. The term ‘grotesque romance’ is coined throughout this study to show the type of relationship entered into by the protagonist and his lover. There are three components of grotesque that are embodied in the notion of grotesque romance in the novel; ‘demonic fantasy’, ‘the excessive and the unreal’ and ‘the horrifying and the attractive’. Our findings illustrate that these three components of grotesque are manifested through the action of deviant sexuality and represented in two ways; 1 pre-marital sex prohibited by religion and culture, and 2 the relationship between two different entities – human and demon. Keywords: Grotesque, Deviant Sexuality, Romance, Horror Stories

  7. Speaking through the flesh: Affective encounters, gazes and desire in Harlequin romances

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    Anja Hirdman


    Full Text Available In the wake of the affective turn, emotion and embodiment have emerged as key terms in cultural studies in order to acknowledge the affective dimension of media texts (Gibbs, 2002; Gregg & Seigworth, 2010. Drawing from the cross-disciplinary field of affect theory, the article examines the writing of desire in Harlequin romances through the delineation of gendered encounters. Against the backdrop of earlier feminist critiques of romance fiction, it argues that Harlequin’s intense focus on corporeal sensations and gazes encompasses a looking relationship that differs significantly from the visual mediation of gender and desire. With its use of an extended literary transvestism, a double narrator perspective, and the appropriation of a female gaze, Harlequin offers readers an affective imaginary space in which the significance of the gendered body is re-made, re-versed, and the male body is stripped of its unique position.

  8. The Emotional Healing Efficacy of Romance Fiction for Undergraduates with Love-related Emotional Disturbance Problems: An Exploratory Research

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    Chen Su-may Sheih


    Full Text Available Previous studies have revealed that emotional healing reading materials can sooth readers’ negative emotions. Among the various reading materials, the romance fiction is a genre of high healing efficacy for undergraduate students who encounter love-related emotional disturbance. To explore the problems they experience in love relationships and the emotional healing efficacy of romance fictions for such situations, this study first employed content analysis to identify a list of fictions that are considered of emotional healing efficacy. It continued to conduct an online survey to examine the emotional healing process in undergraduate students’ reading experiences. The results showed that undergraduate students often experienced one-sided love, ambiguous relationship, lack of intimacy, rivalry, conflict, and breakup. It also identified 18 Chinese romance titles that may assist the readers to go through the emotional healing stages of identification, catharsis, and insight. [Article content in Chinese

  9. On the Thematic Nature of the Subjunctive in the Romance Languages. (United States)

    Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Heidrun


    A theoretical discussion is offered on whether the subjunctive in the Romance languages is by nature thematic, as suggested in previous studies. English and Spanish samples are used to test the hypothesis; one conclusion is that the subjunctive seems to offer speaker-related information and may express the intensity of the speaker's involvement.…

  10. A recepção de Machado de Assis nos Estados Unidos durante as décadas de 1950 e 1960

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    Earl Fitz

    Full Text Available Na literatura, a questão da recepção é extremamente complexa e, ao mesmo tempo, essencial, sobretudo se quisermos compreender melhor o impacto que tem em outra uma cultura literária pouco conhecida. Neste artigo, estudo a recepção de Machado de Assis nos Estados Unidos durante os anos 1950, quando três de seus romances - Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, Dom Casmurro e Quincas Borba - apareceram pela primeira vez em tradução para o inglês. Também considero a recepção de Machado nos anos 1960, período do chamado "boom", quando o autor brasileiro, apesar de ter sido muito admirado pelo crítico e escritor norte-americano John Barth, não recebeu a aclamação geral que merecia.

  11. Razkrita čustva: Romance v operi – v filmih Moonstruck (1987, Pretty Woman (1990 in Little Women (1994

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    Kordula Knaus


    Full Text Available Članek preučuje romantične komedije in romance, katerih zgodba vključuje prizore, v katerih vodilni igralci obiščejo operno predstavo. Analiza obiskov opernih predstav v filmih Moonstruck (1987, Pretty Woman (1990 in Little Women (1994 bo odgovorila na vprašanje o smislu in funkciji opere v zvrsti romance in postavila te ugotovitve v dau širše razprave o pomenu zvočnega filmskega traku za romantične komedije in za konvencije zadevnega žanra.

  12. Laços entre animais e humanos em As Vinhas da Ira de John E. Steinbeck, Vidas secas de Graciliano Ramos e Porteira Fechada de Cyro Martins = Bounds between animals and humans in The Grapes of Wrath by John E. Steinbeck, Vidas Secas by Graciliano Ramos and Porteira Fechada by Cyro Martins

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    Devincenzi, Isabel Speggiorin


    Full Text Available A relação entre animais e seres humanos foi analisada em três romances – Vidas Secas (1938 de Graciliano Ramos, As Vinhas da Ira (1939 de John E. Steinbeck e Porteira Fechada (1944 de Cyro Martins – como possíveis reflexos de transformações sociais e econômicas no meio rural durante as décadas de 30 e 40. As Vinhas da Ira retrata o período da Grande Depressão nos Estados Unidos, e Vidas Secas e Porteira Fechada, o período do Estado Novo (1937-1945 no Brasil. Primeiramente, foi analisada a caracterização animal dos personagens dos romances; segundamente, como os animais estão presentes na ordem de trabalho no campo; terceiramente, a relação entre os personagens e os animais nos romances. Este estudo pode indicar que a relação entre os personagens e os animais nos romances analisados é marcada pela ruptura, assim como determinados grupos da sociedade brasileira e americana experimentavam uma ruptura de valores naquele período

  13. Knowledge of Love: Narratives of Romance Told by 12-Year-Old Children (United States)

    Haldar, Marit


    This article reports research on young people's conceptualisations of love and romance through a gender perspective. The data are stories written by 12-year-old girls and boys in Norway who were asked to fantasise about their future love life. Their narratives are explored through discourse analysis and semiotics and analysed within a sociological…

  14. The elision of unstressed vowels before the Latin sequence /ka/ in Western Romance languages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotliarov, Ivan


    The distribution of French voiced and voiceless reflexes of L. /k/ in intervocalic position before /a/ is an interesting problem of Romance historical phonology that has received little attention so far. This paper analyzes previous attempts to explain that distribution, demonstrates that they are

  15. "Plus Ultra": o retrato de Carlos V e dos Habsburgos no romance "A Senhora", de Catherine Clément


    Fernandez, Sara Vitorino


    As figuras históricas do Imperador Carlos V, de Maria da Hungria e do Arquiduque Maximiliano de Habsburgo são caracterizadas pelos historiadores como personagens dotadas de grande seriedade e de suma importância para a História da Humanidade. No entanto, e através da ficção narrativa, Catherine Clément, no romance A Senhora (1992), faz com que essas mesmas personagens adquiram uma dimensão emotiva e humana. À luz da teoria do Novo Romance Histórico e da metaficção historiográfica trataremos d...

  16. What Are the Odds: An Examination of Adolescent Interracial Romance and Risk for Depression (United States)

    Miller, Byron


    Previous studies find that romantic relationships adversely affect adolescents' psychological well-being, yet none examine the differential effects of adolescent romance for same-race and interracial daters. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), I find that heterosexual adolescents in same-race…

  17. Love and Art Strike Back: A.S. Byatt’s Possession: A Romance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Tine Engel


    Possession can be seen as an enactment of the conflicts between a number of powerful - and quite classic - extremes (anatomy-romance, intellectual experience-sensuous experience, theory-art, reason-love, irony-pathos), which, in the aesthetic experience of the reader, it overcomes and transcends....

  18. Más sobre latín tardío y romance temprano


    Quilis Merín, Mercedes


    This article dicusses the new approaches to datting the origins of the Romance languages having appeared as a consecuence of the thesis of R. Wright -wich broke with the theory of two traditionally accepted norms postulating one single language up to the Carolingian reforms- while surveying studies originated by the thesis, its degree of acceptance and some of the major objections wich have benn raised.

  19. Facets of morbid jealousy: With an anecdote from a historical Tamil romance (United States)

    Somasundaram, O.


    SUMMARY Morbid jealousy is a symptom which occurs in many psychiatric conditions. The complex emotional aspects of jealousy have been discussed by earlier authors. The clinical, cultural, social, and forensic aspects, are touched upon. Morbid jealousy is a favourite topic among novelists and dramatists. “Othello” is a classic example. This topic is covered in one of the famous historical romances of the Tamil author, Kalki. PMID:21180423

  20. Redesigning Romance: The Making and Analysis of a Critical Literacy Comic in South Africa. (United States)

    Shariff, Patricia Watson; Janks, Hilary


    Examines the making and redesigning of the romance stories (in comic-book form) in drama in education workshops conducted in a rural South African high school. Brings together practice and theory that were independently conceived, so that they can mutually inform one another. Analyses the narrative outline which kick-started the comic development…

  1. Hystorização e romance: a construção do personagem no diário íntimo de adolescentes Hystorization and novel: the construction of the character in the adolescents' intimate diaries


    Nádia Laguárdia de Lima; Ana Lydia Bezerra Santiago


    Pretende-se investigar a função da escrita de diários íntimos por adolescentes. Defende-se a hipótese de que o romance é o paradigma do diário íntimo. Utilizando os conceitos de Lacan de hystorização e romance, buscamos fazer uma aproximação entre a escrita de um diário íntimo e a construção de um romance. O romance leva à produção de um personagem como o principal protagonista da história. Dessa forma, promove-se uma mudança na posição do sujeito, que deixa de ser determinado pela história p...

  2. ROMANCE: A new software tool to improve data robustness and feature identification in CE-MS metabolomics. (United States)

    González-Ruiz, Víctor; Gagnebin, Yoric; Drouin, Nicolas; Codesido, Santiago; Rudaz, Serge; Schappler, Julie


    The use of capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) in metabolomics remains an oddity compared to the widely adopted use of liquid chromatography. This technique is traditionally regarded as lacking the reproducibility to adequately identify metabolites by their migration times. The major reason is the variability of the velocity of the background electrolyte, mainly coming from shifts in the magnitude of the electroosmotic flow and from the suction caused by electrospray interfaces. The use of the effective electrophoretic mobility is one solution to overcome this issue as it is a characteristic feature of each compound. To date, such an approach has not been applied to metabolomics due to the complexity and size of CE-MS data obtained in such studies. In this paper, ROMANCE (RObust Metabolomic Analysis with Normalized CE) is introduced as a new software for CE-MS-based metabolomics. It allows the automated conversion of batches of CE-MS files with minimal user intervention. ROMANCE converts the x-axis of each MS file from the time into the effective mobility scale and the resulting files are already pseudo-aligned, present normalized peak areas and improved reproducibility, and can eventually follow existing metabolomic workflows. The software was developed in Scala, so it is multi-platform and computationally-efficient. It is available for download under a CC license. In this work, the versatility of ROMANCE was demonstrated by using data obtained in the same and in different laboratories, as well as its application to the analysis of human plasma samples. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. adaptação do programa Pares Líderes


    Gonçalves, Mariana Alexandra de Eça


    Projecto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Criminologia O presente estudo tem por objectivo fundamental promover o conhecimento da legislação em vigor no que concerne ao consumo de estupefacientes e substâncias psicotrópicas, nos reclusos do Estabelecimento Prisional Regional de Viana do Castelo. Para tal, pretende-se adaptar um projecto já implementado em contexto escolar às necessidades dos...

  4. Lost : une « romance » shakespearienne ?


    Hatchuel, Sarah; Laist, Randy


    Qu’est-ce qu’une romance shakespearienne ? Comment lire Lost à l’aune de Shakespeare ? Et comment, en retour, lire Shakespeare à l’aune de Lost ? Les quatre pièces dites « tardives » de Shakespeare, Pericles (1608), Cymbeline (1609), Le Conte d’hiver (1610) et La Tempête (1611), ont brouillé la frontière entre les genres en incorporant des épisodes tragiques tout en se terminant dans l’harmonie. Ces pièces ont mis au défi les catégories dramatiques et ont échappé aux définitions simples. Péré...

  5. Evolución de los parámetros clínicos en reclusos en tratamiento antirretroviral Progress of clinical parameters amongst prison inmates receiving antiretroviral treatment

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    A. Orly de Labry Lima


    Full Text Available Introducción: Entre los pacientes infectados por el VIH el recuento linfocitario y fundamentalmente la carga viral, son los mejores predictores al estado definitorio de SIDA o muerte. Objetivo: analizar los factores asociados a la evolución delrecuento de linfocitos CD4 y carga viral en reclusos en tratamiento con antirretrovirales. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte fija a reclusos VIH positivos en tratamiento con antirretrovirales de tres prisiones españolas. La adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral se midió a través del cuestionario SMAQ. Para analizar la evolución de los parámetros clínicos de CD4 y carga viral se realizaron dos modelos de regresión lineal multinivel de efectos fijos. Resultados: El 10% eran mujeres, el 42% refirió padecer ansiedad o depresión en la última semana y el 46,6% refirió tener apoyo social dentro de la prisión. En cuanto a la media de los parámetros clínicos de log10 CD4 y log10 carga viral fueron de 2,48 y 2,89 respectivamente, teniendo el 38,6% carga viral indetectable. Se encontró una relación inversa entre la carga viral y el recuento de linfocitos CD4 (pIntroduction: Among HIV positive patients the CD4 lymphocyte count, especially the viral load, are the best predictors for progress to full blown AIDS or death. Objective: To analyze the factors associated with progress of the CD4 lymphocyte count and viral load in prison inmates in antiretroviral treatment. Methods: A fixed cohort study was conducted with HIV positive inmates receiving antiretroviral therapy in three Spanish prisons. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment was assessed with the SMAQ questionnaire. To analyze the progress of CD4 and viral load clinical parameters, two fixed effect multilevel linear regression models were utilised. Results: 10% of the sample were women, 42% referred for anxiety or symptoms of depression in the final week, and 46.6% reported having social support inside the prison. CD4 and viral load

  6. The servants of chivalry? Dwarfs and porters in Malory and the Middle English Gawain romances


    Leitch, Megan


    This essay explores the ways in which dwarfs and porters are sources of\\ud information, and often, more specifically, of ethical advice and/or judgement. As masculine,\\ud non-chivalric servants, dwarfs and porters are important to Arthurian epistemology—to what\\ud and how Arthurian knights, and readers of Arthurian romances, know—and not always in a\\ud comfortable way.

  7. Kiljan 'Stone stuck into the ground': A dalmato-romance relic in Montenegro?

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    Loma Aleksandar


    Full Text Available The word kiljan / kiljan, -a (Variants: kiljen, kiljaš is found in the most parts of Montenegro; its area ranges over the border between Zeta - and East-Herzegovina dialects of Serbian. Of its five meanings, three are to be considered peripheral (building block (of limestone in SW, target in a game in NW, or occasional (hill. The core meaning of the word seem to be 'a stone stuck into the ground', to mark something, either a boundary between the fields or a place of somebody's violent death (shifting to 'gravestone'. Of these two usages, the former may claim the priority, ancient boundary stones being often reinterpreted, in local legends, as memorial ones. Indeed marking the land parcels with stones was unfamiliar to the ancient Slavs (Common Slavic *medja land boundary is usually a hedge, a grove, a path or a furrow, but characteristic of Mediterranean countries with their scarcity of arable land; for the ancient Greeks, it is attested since the Homeric epoch, and was practiced by the Romans too, which suggests a possible Romance source of the word in question. Significantly enough, this practice is attested by the Old Serbian charters only for Zeta, a SW Montenegrian region where kiljan is the proper term for this kind of landmarks (in a charter from 1316, it is not explicitly mentioned, but described by kamy ukopan stone dug into the ground. The word kiljan has no convincing etymology so far Illyrian one proposed by Petar Skok in his etymological dictionary is made up out of thin air, and a possible interpretation based on (BaltoSlavic facts (Lith. kuũlis 'stone', Common Slavic **kyl- as a variant of *kъl- eyetooth tusk; crag' highly improbable as well. However, the Old Dalmatian, a Romance language extinct since the end of 19th century, provides a plausible source with its continuation of the Latin word columna 'column, pillar', which is kilauna; and the SCr forms kelomna / kelovna in Ragusa (Dubrovnik, kilovna in the Bay of Cattaro

  8. Produção e conservação escolar da masculinidade no romance O Ateneu

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    Rita de Cássia Marchi


    Full Text Available El ensayo analiza la producción y conservación de la masculinidad en el romance O Ateneu (Raul Pompeia que retrata la vida escolar en un internado de elite del siglo XIX. El ensayo discute principalmente la trayectoria del niño Sérgio, narrador y protagonista del romance. Él sufre experiencias disciplinares destinadas a transformar sus marcas infantiles y femeninas en características adultas y masculinas. La producción y conservación de la masculinidad aparecen principalmente implicadas en eventos rituales que tenían por objetivo definir identidad asignando marcas distintivas socialmente reconocidas, que estipulaban la norma viril y estigmatizaban y castigaban supuestas fragilidades femeninas o comportamientos vistos como afeminados. El análisis de la producción y conservación de la masculinidad en O Ateneu permite, así, observar los “mecanismos históricos responsables de la ahistoricidad y eternización relativas de las estructuras de la división sexual” (Bourdieu, 2002, p. 8 actuantes en aquel medio escolar.

  9. O esquecimento do ser no romance: a análise kunderiana dos diferentes aspectos da existência através de egos experimentais e hipóteses ontológicas

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    Heraldo Aparecido Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar alguns aspectos da relação entre o romance e a filosofia a partir das ideias do romancista tcheco Milan Kundera. Primeiro, mostra que o advento dos tempos modernos pode ser atribuído não somente a Descartes, mas também a Cervantes, quando o romance recupera temas e funções esquecidos ou negligenciados pela filosofia. Finalmente, a noção de sabedoria do romance é evidenciada para se contrapor à obsessiva busca filosófica pela verdade absoluta e também para enfatizar que as transformações e possibilidades humanas mais relevantes são ocasionadas principalmente pela sensibilidade e imaginação literárias do que pela argumentação filosófica.

  10. The Conflict Argument of "Desire"between Tang Romance Studies and Taoism%唐代传奇文学与道教关于“人欲”的冲突

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Tang Romance Novels are symbolized the maturity of Chinese classical novels .As the wide-spread of Taoist culture ,Tang Romance absorbed Taoist culture .And on the one hand they also make full use of their advantages to present Taoism ,by showing people their unique life that lived in Tang Dynasty . Taoism ,as an indigenous religion ,its theory combined with Tang romance stories ,too .With the help of the tang literary genre ,it is easy to understand the Taoist esoteric knowledge and conception .Even Tang romance stories and Taoism have multiple relationships ,they still have conflict about "Desire":Taoism has thought of abstinence ,while in the literature of Tang romance stories it has more humanity and inspi-rations .%唐传奇是中国文言小说成熟的标志。作为道教文化的宣传者,唐传奇吸收道教的文化底蕴,一方面充分运用自身的优势阐释道教思想,另一方面展现了自身的独特生机。道教作为本土宗教,其理论与唐传奇紧密结合,道家深奥的学问借助唐传奇的文学体裁得以通俗易懂地展现。唐传奇与道教有着多重关系,除了互利的方面外,道教具有禁欲思想,而作为文学,唐传奇具有人文情怀和启迪作用,二者在宣传“人欲”方面存在冲突。

  11. Twenty-Five Years and Counting of "Sweet Valley": Jessica and Elizabeth in Romance Novels for Young Children? (United States)

    Roberts, Sherron Killingsworth


    With the 2008 reissue of Francine Pascal's (1983) "Sweet Valley High", the popular cultural icons of twins Jessica and Elizabeth have been revitalized. Jessica and Elizabeth are the much-beloved protagonists in romance novels strategically targeted for young adults in "Sweet Valley High" or "Sweet Valley U", and for first- and second-grade readers…

  12. Catorce canciones en romance como modelos de poemas hebreos del siglo XV

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    Seroussi, Edwin


    Full Text Available The beginnings of the Judeo-Spanish lyric in the Iberian Peninsula have so far remained om the dark due to the lack of tangible documentation. On the basis of two manuscript collections of Hebrew sacred songs (piyutim from the Bodleian Library in Oxford, it is possible to illuminate some of the formative processes of the Sephardic lyric song prior to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal. Careful readings of the first verses of poems in Castilian and Catalan appearing in these manuscripts as melodic codes for the singing of piyutim show some aspects of the lyric repertoire in romance languages known by Jewish poets and singers before 1492.

    Por falta de documentación, los comienzos de la lírica judeoespañola en la Península siempre han quedado en la oscuridad. Gracias a dos colecciones manuscritas de poemas hebreos religiosos (piyutim de la biblioteca Bodleiana de Oxford, se vislumbran ahora algunos de los procesos de formación del cancionero lírico hispanojudío anterior a la expulsión de los judíos de España y Portugal. Mediante atentas lecturas de los primeros versos (íncipits de poemas en castellano y catalán que aparecen como idicaciones melódicas de piyutim en ambos manuscritos, se pueden entrever algunos aspectos de la lírica en lenguas romances que conocían los poetas y cantores judíos antes de 1492.

  13. História e romance: a idéia de história em As aventuras de Telêmaco e as relações entre o texto histórico e a prosa ficcional na passagem dos séculos XVII-XVIII - History and romance: the concept of history in As aventuras de Telêmaco and thye relationshi

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    João Paulo Martins


    Full Text Available Resumo O romance moderno emerge na passagem do século XVII para o XVIII, tornando-se nesse último um gênero literário que cai no gosto dos leitores. Esse texto pretende analisar as relações entre a prosa ficcional, o romance e seu aspecto realista, e a narrativa histórica feitas nesse período; bem como a manifestação dessas relações no romance pedagógico As Aventuras de Telêmaco de Fénelon, um dos romances mais lidos durante todo o século XVIII. Pretende-se também analisar a idéia de história presente neste romance e o seu diálogo com as concepções de história no Antigo Regime. Palavras-chave: romance; escrita histórica; idéia de história.   HISTORY AND ROMANCE: THE CONCEPT OF “HISTORY” IN “AS AVENTURAS DE TELÊMACO” AND THYE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE HISTORICAL TEXT AND THE FICTIONAL PROSE BETWEEN THE XVII AND THE XVIII CENTURIES Abstract The novel rises in the passage of 17th to 18th century, becoming a literary genre that captivates readers from 18th century on. This article intends to analyse the relationships beteween fictional prose, novel and its realistic side, and historic narrative written at that time. It is as well intended to analyse the manifestation of these relationships in the pedagogical novel As Aventuras de Telêmaco by Fénelon, which is one of the novels most read throughout the 18th century. At last, the following paper plans to enquiry the idea of history existing in this novel and its dialogue with the conceptions of history at the Ancien Régime. Keywords: novel; historical writing; idea of history.   HISTORIA Y NOVELA: LA IDEA DE HISTORIA EN LAS AVENTURAS DE TELÉMACO Y LAS RELACIONES ENTRE EL TEXTO HISTÓRICO Y LA PROSA DE FICCIÓN EN EL PASAJE DE LOS SIGLOS XVII-XVIII Resumen La novela moderna emerge en el pasaje del siglo XVII para el XVIII, tornándose en ese último un género literario que cae en el gusto de los lectores. Ese texto pretende analizar las relaciones entre la

  14. «O Nome da Rosa», romance de transcrição e de metalinguagem

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    Eliana Lourenço de Lima Reis


    Full Text Available O trabalho procura estudar O Nome da Rosa sob dois aspectos: como romance de transcrição, focalizando a figura do narrador, e também como metalinguagem. Como se trata de um livro sobre livros, Umberto Eco chama a atenção para o caráter intertextual e fenomênico da escrita. Seu uso das técnicas do romance policial visa ao mesmo tempo distrair o leitor e apresentar um modelo de interpretação tanto de um mundo feito de sinais, quanto do próprio texto. O livro torna-se, então, uma versão ficcional de sua pesquisa sobre semiótica e comunicação.Codesto studio de Il Nome della Rosa focalizza due aspectti: quello del metalinguaggio e quello del romanzo di transcrizione, valorizzando il ruolo del narratore. Sicomme è un libro sui libri, Umberto Eco fa risaltare il carattere intertestuale e fenomenico della scrittura. L'impiego delle tecnica di costruzione del giallo mira a intrattenere il lettore e contemporaneamente offre una chiave interpretativa del testo stesso e di un mondo di segni. Il romanzo si trasforma cosi un una versione fittizia della sua ricerca si semiotica e di comunicazione.

  15. Passado e presente: Sicília e Mileto, Roma e Afrodísias no romance de Cáriton

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    Adriane da Silva Duarte


    Full Text Available Quéreas e Calírroe, romance de Cáriton de Afrodísias (I d.C., tem como ponto de partida e de retorno do par protagonista a cidade de Siracusa, na Sicília do início do século IV a.C.. Uma parte considerável da ação, contudo, se passa em Mileto, para onde se desloca a heroína. Procura-se investigar aqui as razões dessa opção de Cáriton, que já na primeira sentença de sua obra proclama sua nacionalidade, alertando o leitor que o autor é um grego que vive na periferia do império romano. A hipótese é que a escolha por situar a ação do romance no passado reflita menos a emulação do relato historiográfico, especialmente o de Tucídides, mas antes uma estratégia para tratar indiretamente da relação entre Afrodísias e Roma no presente.

  16. A metaficção no romance Budapeste e na sua adaptação fílmica

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    Janio Davila de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise comparativa entre o romance Budapeste (2003, de Chico Buarque de Hollanda e sua adaptação fílmica (2009, dirigida por Walter Carvalho. O presente estudo propõe uma análise com enfoque no caráter metaficional das narrativas, elemento que na nossa visão é de grande importância na interpretação das estruturas das duas obras. Para a realização da análise, parte-se da proposta de Robert Stam (2006 de entender a adaptação fílmica como hipertexto. Logo, com base nessa categoria transtextual criada por Gerald Genette (2010, a adaptação fílmica deixa de ser associada à mera cópia e passa a gozar do status de obra original. Deste modo, buscaremos nas duas obras, Budapeste romance e Budapeste filme, entender a importância da metaficção e como ela foi tratada por Walter Carvalho ao ser transposta para a tela

  17. Violência e sociedade em Festa no Covil, de Juan Pablo Villalobos

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    Andre Rezende Benatti


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo uma leitura da violência no romance Festa no Covil, do escritor mexicano Juan Pablo Villalobos. Abordaremos dentre outras questões como a violência se torna parte da rotina do pequeno narrador do romance, Tochtli, tornando-se não mais uma surpresa ou estranheza ou repulsa, mas algo corriqueiro que o acompanha diariamente. No romance, Tochtli é o herdeiro de um cartel de narcotráfico e é criado em um meio no qual a violência está tão presente que o menino não a percebe. Para a leitura nos valeremos de conceitos de Ronaldo Lima Lins (1990 e José Ovejero (2012.

  18. A mulher proletária e o desenvolvimento da individualidade para-si no romance “Mãe” de Máximo Gorki

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    Marilsa Miranda de Souza


    Full Text Available O artigo trata de análise do romance Mãe de Máximo Gorki a partir da categoria marxista Individualidade para-si aplicada por Duarte (1993. A individualidade para-si é entendida como uma concepção histórico-social da individualidade humana que se fundamenta na relação objetivação/apropriação e entre alienação/humanização que coloca o ser humano como um constante “vir a ser”, como síntese do particular e das objetivações genéricas para-si construídas nas relações sociais de produção. A análise centra-se no desenvolvimento da individualidade da mulher proletária, principal personagem do romance, forjada na luta revolucionaria dos socialistas russos no inicio do século XX.

  19. Hystorização e romance: a construção do personagem no diário íntimo de adolescentes Hystorization and novel: the construction of the character in the adolescents' intimate diaries

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    Nádia Laguárdia de Lima


    Full Text Available Pretende-se investigar a função da escrita de diários íntimos por adolescentes. Defende-se a hipótese de que o romance é o paradigma do diário íntimo. Utilizando os conceitos de Lacan de hystorização e romance, buscamos fazer uma aproximação entre a escrita de um diário íntimo e a construção de um romance. O romance leva à produção de um personagem como o principal protagonista da história. Dessa forma, promove-se uma mudança na posição do sujeito, que deixa de ser determinado pela história para ler essa determinação. A escrita de um romance familiar pode operar na construção do sintoma adolescente.The purpose of this work is to investigate the role of personal diaries written by adolescents. We sustain the hypothesis that intimate diaries have the novel as their paradigm. Using Lacan's concepts of hystorization and novel, we try to make an approach between the writing of an intimate diary and the construction of a novel, in which the production of a character is the main protagonist of the story. In this way, a change on the subject's position is promoted so that, rather than being determined by story, this subject is able to read his historical determination. The writing of a family novel can operate in the construction of the adolescent symptom.


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    Profª Drª Cláudia Falluh Balduino Ferreira


    Full Text Available Considerando que a questão filosófica expressa pela composição narrativa visa às relações e as tensões entre o tempo da narrativa e o da vida, e que várias disciplinas são convocadas a este amplo debate, o presente artigo quer ilustrar ao modo como se dão a aliança entre os processos mnemônicos e de anamnese e a experiência do tempo no romance do escritor mexicano Ruan Rulfo, empregando as noções filosóficas de anamnese conforme Platão e a questão do temporal segundo Paul Ricoeur.

  1. Os romances sentimentais na cultura tecnológica: um estudo de como viver junto o lazer e o amor no século XXI

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    Cristina Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objetivo verificar as similaridades e as diferenças de tratamento da temática amorosa a fim de constatar as mudanças nas representações e significados do amor para as mulheres. Para tanto, compara-se o contexto sociocultural da década de 1980 com o do início do século XXI. Com esse intuito, o corpus da pesquisa são os romances sentimentais da editora Nova Cultural e da Harlequin Books, distribuídos atualmente no Brasil tanto pela mídia impressa como pela internet. A análise possibilita verificar as estratégias de abordagem da temática desde o surgimento dos primeiros romances desta espécie no Brasil, em 1978, até o “encontro digital” das apreciadoras desse tipo de literatura na web, bem como suas implicações na cultura contemporânea que busca o desejo de “viver junto” o amor. Palavras-chave: Amor; cultura contemporânea; romances sentimentais; web. ABSTRACT This text aims to verify the similarities and differences in the use of loverelated themes in order to observe the changes in representations and meanings of love to women. To do so the 1980’s sociocultural context is compared to its correspondent in the early 21st century. With this goal, the research’s core are the sentimental romance books from Nova Cultural publishing house and Harlequin Books, available in Brazil both in print and through the Internet. The analysis enables the verification of the theme approach strategies since their first publication in Brazil, in 1978, up to the “digital gathering” of fans of such literature on the web, as well as their implications in today´s culture which endeavors to “live love together”. Keywords: Love; contemporary culture; sentimental novels; web.

  2. A Perda de um(a) Filho(a) Jovem no Romance Paula, de Isabel Allende


    Cazanatto, Elenice; Martta, Margareth Kuhn


    O adoecimento e a perda de um filho são situações não naturalmente esperadas na perspectiva do ciclo vital, provocando uma ruptura na vida dos pais, despertando sentimentos intensos e muito sofrimento. No romance autobiográficoPaula,a autora Isabel Allende escreve para a filha que estava internada na UTI de um hospital, há alguns meses, com um diagnóstico pouco favorável. O presente artigo trata de uma leitura psicanalítica sobre a perda de um (a) filho (a) adulto-jovem, tomando como objeto d...

  3. Pasture names with Romance and Slavic roots facilitate dissection of Y chromosome variation in an exclusively German-speaking alpine region. (United States)

    Niederstätter, Harald; Rampl, Gerhard; Erhart, Daniel; Pitterl, Florian; Oberacher, Herbert; Neuhuber, Franz; Hausner, Isolde; Gassner, Christoph; Schennach, Harald; Berger, Burkhard; Parson, Walther


    The small alpine district of East Tyrol (Austria) has an exceptional demographic history. It was contemporaneously inhabited by members of the Romance, the Slavic and the Germanic language groups for centuries. Since the Late Middle Ages, however, the population of the principally agrarian-oriented area is solely Germanic speaking. Historic facts about East Tyrol's colonization are rare, but spatial density-distribution analysis based on the etymology of place-names has facilitated accurate spatial mapping of the various language groups' former settlement regions. To test for present-day Y chromosome population substructure, molecular genetic data were compared to the information attained by the linguistic analysis of pasture names. The linguistic data were used for subdividing East Tyrol into two regions of former Romance (A) and Slavic (B) settlement. Samples from 270 East Tyrolean men were genotyped for 17 Y-chromosomal microsatellites (Y-STRs) and 27 single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs). Analysis of the probands' surnames revealed no evidence for spatial genetic structuring. Also, spatial autocorrelation analysis did not indicate significant correlation between genetic (Y-STR haplotypes) and geographic distance. Haplogroup R-M17 chromosomes, however, were absent in region A, but constituted one of the most frequent haplogroups in region B. The R-M343 (R1b) clade showed a marked and complementary frequency distribution pattern in these two regions. To further test East Tyrol's modern Y-chromosomal landscape for geographic patterning attributable to the early history of settlement in this alpine area, principal coordinates analysis was performed. The Y-STR haplotypes from region A clearly clustered with those of Romance reference populations and the samples from region B matched best with Germanic speaking reference populations. The combined use of onomastic and molecular genetic data revealed and mapped the marked structuring of the distribution of Y

  4. MGE-derived nNOS+ interneurons promote fear acquisition in nNOS-/- mice. (United States)

    Zhang, Lin; Yuan, Hong-Jin; Cao, Bo; Kong, Cheng-Cheng; Yuan, Fang; Li, Jun; Ni, Huan-Yu; Wu, Hai-Yin; Chang, Lei; Liu, Yan; Luo, Chun-Xia


    Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) 1 , mainly responsible for NO release in central nervous system (CNS) 2 , plays a significant role in multiple physiological functions. However, the function of nNOS + interneurons in fear learning has not been much explored. Here we focused on the medial ganglionic eminences (MGE) 3 -derived nNOS + interneurons in fear learning. To determine the origin of nNOS + interneurons, we cultured neurons in vitro from MGE, cortex, lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) 4 , caudal ganglionic eminences (CGE) 5 and preoptic area (POA) 6 . The results showed that MGE contained the most abundant precursors of nNOS + interneurons. Moreover, donor cells from E12.5 embryos demonstrated the highest positive rate of nNOS + interneurons compared with other embryonic periods (E11.5, E12, E13, E13.5 and E14). Additionally, these cells from E12.5 embryos showed long axonal and abundant dendritic arbors after 10 days culture, indicating the capability to disperse and integrate in host neural circuits after transplantation. To investigate the role of MGE-derived nNOS + interneurons in fear learning, donor MGE cells were transplanted into dentate gyrus (DG) 7 of nNOS knock-out (nNOS -/- ) or wild-type mice. Results showed that the transplantation of MGE cells promoted the acquisition of nNOS -/- but not the wild-type mice, suggesting the importance of nNOS + neurons in fear acquisition. Moreover, we transplanted MGE cells from nNOS -/- mice or wild-type mice into DG of the nNOS -/- mice and found that only MGE cells from wild-type mice but not the nNOS -/- mice rescued the deficit in acquisition of the nNOS -/- mice, further confirming the positive role of nNOS + neurons in fear learning. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. „Pseudo-yat“ in Dalmato-Romance and Balkan Latin (On Balkan Latin VIII

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    Ligorio Orsat L.


    Full Text Available Article discusses the origins and the development of the so-called pseudo-yat in Dalmatian Romance and Balkan Latin. (E.g. SCr. mrčela-murtila-murtela from Lat. *MYRTICELLA or tovijerna-tovirna-toverna from TABERNA. Pseudo-yat is derived from -ECC-, in short syllables, and in long syllables from -ERR-, -ERC-. This suggestion is tried on 58 Dalmatian loans in Serbo-Croatian. The fact that pseudo-yat is found only in a part of these is of particular significance for the stratification of Dalmatian loans in Serbo-Croatian since loans with pseudo-yat are ostensibly older than the ones without it. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178007

  6. Ambivalent Sexism in Close Relationships: (Hostile) Power and (Benevolent) Romance Shape Relationship Ideals (United States)

    Lee, Tiane L.; Fiske, Susan T.; Glick, Peter; Chen, Zhixia


    Gender-based structural power and heterosexual dependency produce ambivalent gender ideologies, with hostility and benevolence separately shaping close-relationship ideals. The relative importance of romanticized benevolent versus more overtly power-based hostile sexism, however, may be culturally dependent. Testing this, northeast US (N=311) and central Chinese (N=290) undergraduates rated prescriptions and proscriptions (ideals) for partners and completed Ambivalent Sexism and Ambivalence toward Men Inventories (ideologies). Multiple regressions analyses conducted on group-specific relationship ideals revealed that benevolent ideologies predicted partner ideals, in both countries, especially for US culture’s romance-oriented relationships. Hostile attitudes predicted men’s ideals, both American and Chinese, suggesting both societies’ dominant-partner advantage. PMID:23914004

  7. A ancestralidade no centro da narrativa, em Lueji de Pepetela


    Ana Claudia Duarte Mendes


    No presente trabalho analisamos o romance Lueji, de Pepetela, a partir dos estudos sobre a cultura banto, destacando a religiosidade africana e o culto aos ancestrais. Buscamos entender como a ancestralidade está presente no mundo imaginário e no tecido textual do romance. Para tanto, dividimos o trabalho em dois momentos, o primeiro voltado para a análise da constituição do mundo imaginário, as ideias e o enredo. Essa leitura foi desenvolvida nos dois primeiros capítulos, privilegiando a tra...


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    Gil Carlos Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem semiótica do romance de Chico Buarque, trabalhando com semioses que nos remete ao mundo moderno, como uma alegoria de sua visão desestruturada e desestruturadora do homem.


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    Full Text Available Condemned to a dubious media representation in early cinema through thenovels of the late nineteenth century, the North American Indians never had a high profile infilms of this period. However, an animator, Walter Lantz, has a high degree of characterizationof Native Americans in his work. The aim of this paper is to study the role of Native Americansin these cartoons and analyze the social implications of these choices, using the concepts ofapparatus and formula. Furthermore, the analysis will include a portrayal of the Americanmedia scene before and after Lantz, seeking disruptions and legacies.Condenados a uma duvidosa representação midiática no início do cinema graçasaos romances do final do século XIX, os índios norte-americanos nunca tiveram um grandedestaque nos filmes dessa época. No entanto, um realizador de desenhos animados, WalterLantz, possui um alto grau de caracterização de nativos norte-americanos em seus trabalhos. Oobjetivo do presente artigo é estudar o protagonismo dos índios norte-americanos nessesdesenhos animados, e analisar as implicações sociais dessas escolhas através do uso dosconceitos de dispositivo e fórmula. Além disso, a análise incluirá a retratação da cenamidiática norte-americana antes e depois de Lantz, buscando rupturas e legados.

  10. Marcas da violência e jogos do poder no romance urbano de Patrícia Melo

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    Cláudia Castanheira


    Full Text Available This work analyzes the romance O Matador (The Killer by Patrícia Melo. Its thematic universe and discursive strategies break not only with the prospects of the more contemporary feminist literary criticism, but also with the bourgeois ideological system, more broadly. The object is to highlight how the use of the male voice and masculine cultural experiences, taken to its ultimate consequences, may be converted into a subliminal criticism regarding the ways of how the discriminating speeches are built, through sexual, economic and social criteria in our society.

  11. Quasi-Bodies and Kafka’s Castle in Sion Sono’s Crime Noir Guilty of Romance (2011)


    Kuo Chia-wen


    Sion Sono’s Guilty of Romance (Koi no tsumi, 2011) was adapted from an actual crime in Tokyo’s love hotel: an educated woman (a prostitute at night) was found decapitated and her limbs were re-assembled with a sex-doll. Sono renders this through his cinematic narrative blurring the distinction between true crime and fictional sin like Rancière’s idea that everything is a narrative dissipating the opposition between “fact and fiction,” and “quasi-body” becomes a product of human literarity whi...

  12. El retorno del marido en el romancero y en las tragoúdia tradicionales griegas / The husband’s return in the Spanish Romances and the Greek tragoúdia

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    Ioannis Kioridis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. The present paper compares the topic of the husband’s return in two manifestations of the European ballad tradition: the Spanish romances and the Greek tragoúdia. After an introduction outlining the characteristics of both genres, the author presents the structure of the two poems that were on the basis of his investigation. In addition, the author provides a detailed analysis of this topic in several versions of the poems. He concludes that, besides the similarities and analogies, there is one aspect that differentiates the two traditions: in romances, the clues that the wife gives to his husband to be recognized are focused, whilst in the Greek ballads, the wife is not convinced by her husband when he reveals his identity, and then she asks for more proofs to be sure. According to the hypotheses put forward in the present paper, the relevance given to this aspect in the Greek ballad is due to the influence of the Odyssey. RESUMEN. Este trabajo compara el motivo del retorno del marido en dos manifestaciones de la baladística europea, los romances novelescos españoles y las tragoúdia tradicionales griegas. Tras esbozar una introducción a los géneros, el autor presenta la estructura de dos poemas que sirvieron como base de la investigación. Seguidamente, se lleva a cabo un análisis detallado, a partir de un buen número de versiones. Según se concluye, además de las semejanzas y analogías, hay un aspecto que diferencia las dos tradiciones: en los romances, se hace énfasis en las pistas que da la mujer a su marido, quien acaba persuadiéndola; en las baladas griegas, la mujer no está convencida cuando su marido revela su identidad, de modo que le somete a una serie de pruebas antes de convencerse. Según la hipótesis defendida, la importancia dada a este aspecto se debe a una mayor influencia de la Odisea en la balada griega.

  13. O romance: uma forma ético-política na perspectiva baktiniana

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    Angela Maria Rubel Fanini


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute alguns conceitos presentes na obra de Mikhail Bakhtin, tais como dialogismo, carnavalização e polifonia, sobretudo, a partir do gênero romanesco, objeto de estudo exaustivo do pensador russo. A discussão dos conceitos visa melhor entendê-los a fim de construir uma perspectiva teórica, metodológica e política para análise discursiva dos romances brasileiros. Ao longo do texto, ocorre exemplificação de possíveis análises de obras nacionais sob a perspectiva bakhtiniana. Destaca-se que, para o pensador russo, a linguagem é central na ontologia do ser social e que a reflexão sobre a linguagem enquanto realidade plural é a medida para se alcançar uma sociedade democrática.


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    Cristina Stevens


    Full Text Available A partir das contribuições dos estudos feministas e de gênero e da metaficção historiográfica, o presente texto analisa romances produzidos por escritoras contemporâneas inglesas e estadunidenses. Em fecunda produção na contemporaneidade, essas escritoras desenvolvem uma criativa dialética que nos alerta para a historicidade do texto e textualidade da história. Através de uma voz autoral feminina que cria uma personagem capaz de contar sua própria história, os romances (reconstroem a biografia e dão visibilidade à contribuição das mulheres, que foram silenciadas e/ou representadas de forma distorcida no processo de construção da historiografia tradicional. Ênfase no romance The Passion of Artemisia, de Susan Vreeland.

  15. A nova mulher e a transformação do romance português: revoluções sociais e literárias

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    Maristela Kirst de Lima Girola


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este ensaio investiga o espaço da mulher na sociedade patriarcal portuguesa em romances publicados na segunda metade do século XX: A Sibila (1954, de Agustina Bessa-Luís; O Anjo Ancorado (1958, de José Cardoso Pires; Casas Pardas (1977, de Maria Velho da Costa; História do Cerco de Lisboa (1989, de José Saramago e Não entres tão depressa nessa noite escura (2000, de António Lobo Antunes. Procuramos demonstrar como o romance, a partir da década de 50, em Portugal, passa a constituirse num espaço de discussão e reflexão acerca da nova mulher que se engendra social e literariamente. Tencionamos abordar o percurso de uma nova representação da mulher na literatura, relacionando-o às transformações da sociedade patriarcal e às mudanças estéticas do próprio gênero romanesco.Palavras-chave: Literatura portuguesa; romance da segunda metade do século XX; personagem feminina. Abstract: This essay investigates the space of women in the Portuguese patriarchal society in novels published in the second half of twentieth century: A Sibila (1954, by Agustina Bessa-Luís; O Anjo Ancorado (1958, by José Cardoso Pires; Casas Pardas (1977, by Maria Velho da Costa; História do Cerco de Lisboa (1989, by José Saramago and Não entres tão depressa nessa noite escura (2000, by António Lobo Antunes. It aims to show how the novel, since 1950’s, in Portugal, become a space for discussion about the new woman in the society and in the literature. This essay demonstrate the trajectory of a innovative form of woman’s representation in literature, connecting with social transformations and aesthetic changes in the novel genre.Keywords: Portuguese literature; twentieth century novel; feminine character.

  16. (ReConstrução Mítica de Eva Perón no Romance Santa Evita (1996 – Tomás Eloy Martínez

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    Josiane Valcarenghi Ribeiro Nantes


    Full Text Available Eva Perón é um nome significativo na história política da Argentina, sua influência surtiu, e continua surtindo efeito, no povo desse país até os dias atuais. “Evita” foi odiada/amada em níveis extremos, tanto que foi considerada uma santa, um mito para muitas pessoas. Tomás Eloy Martínez escreveu o romance – Santa Evita (1995 – em que narra como viveu a esposa de Juan Domingo Perón. Nesta obra encontra-se muitos elementos que dão indícios da (remitificação de Eva, por isso tenta-se aqui, explorar como se deu a (reconstrução mitológica de Eva Perón, personagem histórica no romance Santa Evita (1996 de Tomás Eloy Martínez, e ainda, expor quais foram os procedimentos adotados pelo autor que (reconstruíram esse mito. Utiliza-se, como base teórica, Linda Hutcheon (1991 e Fleck (2007 no conceito de metaficção historiográfica, Mircea Eliade (1991 e Martín Cezar Feijó (1984 no que cabe à análise do Mito. Esta breve pesquisa se dará a partir da análise bibliográfica e de forma comparativa entre a história e a escrita ficcional do romance Santa Evita (1996 de Tomás Eloy Martínez, discute-se os elementos utilizados e o caminho percorrido para a (reconstrução do mito Eva Perón na obra citada.

  17. Low shear stress induces vascular eNOS uncoupling via autophagy-mediated eNOS phosphorylation. (United States)

    Zhang, Jun-Xia; Qu, Xin-Liang; Chu, Peng; Xie, Du-Jiang; Zhu, Lin-Lin; Chao, Yue-Lin; Li, Li; Zhang, Jun-Jie; Chen, Shao-Liang


    Uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) produces O 2 - instead of nitric oxide (NO). Earlier, we reported rapamycin, an autophagy inducer and inhibitor of cellular proliferation, attenuated low shear stress (SS) induced O 2 - production. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether autophagy plays a critical role in the regulation of eNOS uncoupling. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the modulation of autophagy on eNOS uncoupling induced by low SS exposure. We found that low SS induced endothelial O 2 - burst, which was accompanied by reduced NO release. Furthermore, inhibition of eNOS by L-NAME conspicuously attenuated low SS-induced O 2 - releasing, indicating eNOS uncoupling. Autophagy markers such as LC3 II/I ratio, amount of Beclin1, as well as ULK1/Atg1 were increased during low SS exposure, whereas autophagic degradation of p62/SQSTM1 was markedly reduced, implying impaired autophagic flux. Interestingly, low SS-induced NO reduction could be reversed by rapamycin, WYE-354 or ATG5 overexpression vector via restoration of autophagic flux, but not by N-acetylcysteine or apocynin. eNOS uncoupling might be ascribed to autophagic flux blockade because phosphorylation of eNOS Thr495 by low SS or PMA stimulation was also regulated by autophagy. In contrast, eNOS acetylation was not found to be regulated by low SS and autophagy. Notably, although low SS had no influence on eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation, whereas boosted eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation by rapamycin were in favor of the eNOS recoupling through restoration of autophagic flux. Taken together, we reported a novel mechanism for regulation of eNOS uncoupling by low SS via autophagy-mediated eNOS phosphorylation, which is implicated in geometrical nature of atherogenesis. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Fantasmagorias e fantasmas em dois romances de Rui Mourão: Boca de Chafariz e Os demônios descem o morro.

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    Ruth Silviano Brandão


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa dois romances de Rui Mourão, Boca de chafariz e Os demônios descem o morro, com uma base teórica de Walter Benjamin, através de seus conceitos sobre a história, a melancolia, o barroco mineiro, a fantasmagoria. Além de Benjamin, recorremos a algumas ideias pontuais de Luciano de Samósata sobre como escrever história, principalmente sua relação com a verdade e a ficção. Os conceitos dos dois autores teóricos, Benjamin e Luciano, tangenciam-se em alguns pontos e, segundo nosso ponto de vista, favorecem um diálogo, tanto no plano ficcional, como com o histórico, através de figuras de outros séculos, presentes como fantasmas, que também dialogam com nosso presente, tornando os romances polissêmicos, pelo jogo de vozes. O método de leitura é comparativo, já que se articulam valores de duas culturas, vários autores, apresentando revisões da história, sob o olhar contemporâneo.

  19. Die Leiden des jungen Werthers à luz da história do conceito de subjetividade

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    Felipe Vale da Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa os paralelos entre o retrato do 'sujeito moderno em crise' visto no romance Die Leiden des jungen Werthers de Goethe e, por outro lado, o perfil psicossocial do 'homem do sentimento' do século XVIII, fruto da cultura da Empfindsamkeit. Defendo a perspectiva de que, no romance, Goethe não apenas se utiliza do formato literário mais tradicional da Empfindsamkeit (o do romance epistolar, como também se apropria de topói e técnicas discursivas que lhe são próprias em registro radicalmente heterodoxo. A argumentação nos ligará a uma dedução da visão do conceito de subjetividade moderna com que Goethe trabalha em sua fase final do Sturm und Drang, e que o situa como importante nome do discurso filosófico da modernidade.

  20. Tender heroes and twilight lovers: re-reading the romance in mass-market pulp novels, 1950-1965. (United States)

    Wood, Christine V


    In mid-century popular presses published paperbacks about lesbians, gay men, and characters with male and female lovers.  Barbara Grier was the first to catalog novels featuring lesbian subplots by classifying stories based on the extent and style of lesbian content.  I perform a content analysis of 49 novels, motivated by these questions:  How did novels with lesbian and gay characters differ from heterosexual romances?  What do differences reveal about cultural understandings of love, gender, and sexuality?  I find uniformity in the structural logic of novels.  However, there are different narrative strategies, and protagonists' gender and sexuality predict a novel's trajectory.

  1. Historical Fiction as a Mixture of History and Romance: Towards the Genre Definition of the Historical Novel

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    Nagy Ladislav


    Full Text Available This article focuses on Walter Scott’s Waverley and its classification as the founding text of the historical novel by Georg Lukacs. The author attempts to show that Lukacs takes Scott too much at his word and posits Waverley in the tradition of the English historical novel as it developed from Defoe and Fielding, while neglecting the close ties that Waverley has with marginalized genres such as romance. The author also argues that rather than being an expression of class consciousness, Waverley is an attempt to justify a certain change in political attitude, from radicalism to conservatism

  2. "Springtime in the South Is Like a Song in My Heart": Raina Telgemeier's "Drama," the Romanticization of the Plantation South, and the Romance Plot (United States)

    Abate, Michelle Ann


    This essay explores the complex relationship that exists between the romance plot and the romanticization of the antebellum South in Raina Telgemeier's critically acclaimed and commercially successful graphic novel, "Drama." The text's use of a "Gone With the Wind"-style musical as its romantic and thematic pivot point…

  3. Estudo sobre a figurabilidade em Balzac: A desfiguração do portrait de Camille Maupin

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    Paula Caldas Frattini


    Full Text Available Nesse artigo, a ideia corrente da leitura do descritivo em Balzac como uma “mania” estilística ou como a inscrição do mundo sensível no romance prefigurando, dessa feita, uma romance de significação coerente e coesa, é reavaliada. A intenção, aqui, é sugerir ao leitor a análise de um elemento da poética balzaquiana - a figurabilidade - seus alcances estéticos e os possíveis problemas da relação entre o romance e as questões de representação. O retrato da personagem Camille Maupin do romance Béatrix desponta, dessa forma, como uma composição figurativa problemática referente à afirmação de que nos romances balzaquianos o que impera é uma representação fiel do mundo sensível. No lugar de uma  reprodução fiel, notamos uma reconfiguração do corpo sensível. Na esteira do estudo de Georges Didi- Huberman sobre a semelhança informe em George Bataille e o conceito batailliano de materialismo, propomos a leitura do corpo de Camille Maupin como a descrição de um corpo informe, priorizando a maneira como o texto ficcional balzaquiano torna a figura humana visível.

  4. Marriage and Sexuality in Pearl Abraham’s The Romance Reader and Hush by Judy Brown

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    Eva van Loenen


    Full Text Available This article examines two authors’ perspectives on marriage and sexuality in Hasidic Judaism through the leading female characters in their semi-autobiographical novels: 'The Romance Reader' by Pearl Abraham and 'Hush' by Judy Brown. Each novel features an adolescent woman on her path to marriage and their experience of matrimony and sexuality within their respective Hasidic communities. The aim of the article is to analyse and compare their views in order to gain a better understanding of the female experience of sexuality and marriage within contemporary Hasidic Judaism. Furthermore, this article discusses the treatment of sexual abuse within a particular Hasidic group. It employs a methodology of close reading combined with a discussion of Talmudic, theological, sociological and ethnographic commentaries on the subject.

  5. El «romance familiar» sale del armario: la fantasía femenina en Sévigné (Julia Berkowitz)


    Ituarte Pérez, Leire


    Este ensayo aborda el estudio de Sévigné (Julia Berkowitz) (2004) de la cineasta catalana Marta Balletbó-Coll desde una perspectiva feminista que desgrana las particulares trasgresiones edípicas del filme respecto al «Melodrama materno» clásico. Su singularidad deriva de un «romance familiar» que se mueve en la dirección opuesta a la que sigue el Melodrama tradicional, en la medida en que la dramaturgia no trabaja para reprimir o canalizar la trasgresión femenina del tabú del incesto que impl...

  6. Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymes in the Airways of Mice Exposed to Ovalbumin: NOS2 Expression Is NOS3 Dependent

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    Jennifer M. Bratt


    Full Text Available Objectives and Design. The function of the airway nitric oxide synthase (NOS isoforms and the lung cell types responsible for its production are not fully understood. We hypothesized that NO homeostasis in the airway is important to control inflammation, which requires upregulation, of NOS2 protein expression by an NOS3-dependent mechanism. Materials or Subjects. Mice from a C57BL/6 wild-type, NOS1−/−, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− genotypes were used. All mice strains were systemically sensitized and exposed to filtered air or ovalbumin (OVA aerosol for two weeks to create a subchronic model of allergen-induced airway inflammation. Methods. We measured lung function, lung lavage inflammatory and airway epithelial goblet cell count, exhaled NO, nitrate and nitrite concentration, and airway NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 protein content. Results. Deletion of NOS1 or NOS3 increases NOS2 protein present in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of air-exposed animals. Exposure to allergen significantly reduced the expression of NOS2 protein in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of the NOS3−/− strain only. This reduction in NOS2 expression was not due to the replacement of epithelial cells with goblet cells as remaining epithelial cells did not express NOS2. NOS1−/− animals had significantly reduced goblet cell metaplasia compared to C57Bl/6 wt, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− allergen-exposed mice. Conclusion. The airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells maintain a stable airway NO concentration under noninflammatory conditions. This “homeostatic” mechanism is unable to distinguish between NOS derived from the different constitutive NOS isoforms. NOS3 is essential for the expression of NOS2 under inflammatory conditions, while NOS1 expression contributes to allergen-induced goblet cell metaplasia.

  7. Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymes in the Airways of Mice Exposed to Ovalbumin: NOS2 Expression Is NOS3 Dependent (United States)

    Bratt, Jennifer M.; Williams, Keisha; Rabowsky, Michelle F.; Last, Michael S.; Franzi, Lisa M.; Last, Jerold A.; Kenyon, Nicholas J.


    Objectives and Design. The function of the airway nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms and the lung cell types responsible for its production are not fully understood. We hypothesized that NO homeostasis in the airway is important to control inflammation, which requires upregulation, of NOS2 protein expression by an NOS3-dependent mechanism. Materials or Subjects. Mice from a C57BL/6 wild-type, NOS1−/−, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− genotypes were used. All mice strains were systemically sensitized and exposed to filtered air or ovalbumin (OVA) aerosol for two weeks to create a subchronic model of allergen-induced airway inflammation. Methods. We measured lung function, lung lavage inflammatory and airway epithelial goblet cell count, exhaled NO, nitrate and nitrite concentration, and airway NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 protein content. Results. Deletion of NOS1 or NOS3 increases NOS2 protein present in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of air-exposed animals. Exposure to allergen significantly reduced the expression of NOS2 protein in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of the NOS3−/− strain only. This reduction in NOS2 expression was not due to the replacement of epithelial cells with goblet cells as remaining epithelial cells did not express NOS2. NOS1−/− animals had significantly reduced goblet cell metaplasia compared to C57Bl/6 wt, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− allergen-exposed mice. Conclusion. The airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells maintain a stable airway NO concentration under noninflammatory conditions. This “homeostatic” mechanism is unable to distinguish between NOS derived from the different constitutive NOS isoforms. NOS3 is essential for the expression of NOS2 under inflammatory conditions, while NOS1 expression contributes to allergen-induced goblet cell metaplasia. PMID:20953358

  8. Orthodontic force stimulates eNOS and iNOS in rat osteocytes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, S.D.; Xie, R.; Klein Nulend, J.; van Rheden, R.E.; Bronckers, A.L.J.J.; Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.M.; Von den Hoff, J.W.; Maltha, J.C.


    Mechanosensitive osteocytes are essential for bone remodeling. Nitric oxide, an important regulator of bone remodeling, is produced by osteocytes through the activity of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We hypothesized that these

  9. Orthodontic force stimulates eNOS and iNOS in rat osteocytes.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, S.D.; Xie, R.; Klein-Nulend, J.; Rheden, R.E.M. van; Bronckers, A.L.; Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.M.; Hoff, J.W. Von den; Maltha, J.C.


    Mechanosensitive osteocytes are essential for bone remodeling. Nitric oxide, an important regulator of bone remodeling, is produced by osteocytes through the activity of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We hypothesized that these

  10. A alusão a romances nas letras portuguesas dos séculos XV-XVII

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    Araújo, Teresa


    Full Text Available The nineteenth-century concern with establishing the idea of literature led to the (rediscovery of specific verse lines from peninsular ballads in various works of Portuguese authors contemporary with Garcia de Resende, Luís de Camões and Francisco Manuel de Melo (including themselves. With the Romantic perspective and that of the philology of the era now behind us, and having revised the main theories on Intertextuality formulated in the late 20th century, this essay focuses on these interpolations in the Portuguese Literature context. They are interpreted here as allusive devices with musical, poetic and semantic effects as diverse and precise as they are essential from the standpoint of view of the creative poetic paradigm in which they flourished. Through the combinatorial identification between the referred ballads and the interpretation of the meaning and function of the incorporations we are given textual meanings that are not immediately perceived by a first reading.Las preocupaciones de Ochocientos con respecto al establecimiento de la idea de literatura llevaron al (redescubrimiento de versos de romances peninsulares en varias obras de autores portugueses contemporáneos de Garcia de Resende, Luís de Camões y D. Francisco Manuel de Melo (incluyendo ellos mismos. Superadas la perspectiva romanticista y la de la filología de la época, así como revisadas las teorías de la intertextualidad de finales del siglo XX, el estudio incide sobre estas interpolaciones en las letras portuguesas. Las interpreta como dispositivos de alusión con efectos musicales, poéticos y semánticos tan diversos cuanto precisos e imprescindibles desde el punto de vista de la economía creativa de las obras que las presentan. A través de la combinatoria identificación de los romances aludidos / interpretación del sentido y función de las incrustaciones deslinda significados textuales que no son perceptibles mediante una lectura meramente lineal.

  11. A Case in Pointe: Romance and Regimentation at the New York City Ballet. (United States)

    Laemmli, Whitney E


    This article analyzes the ballet dancer's pointe shoe as a technology of artistic production and bodily discipline. Drawing on oral histories, memoirs, dance journals, advertisements, and other archival materials, it demonstrates that the shoe utilized by dancers at George Balanchine's New York City Ballet was not the quintessentially Romantic entity it is so often presumed to be. Instead, it emerged from uniquely twentieth-century systems of labor and production, and it was used to alter dancers' bodies and professional lives in particularly modern ways. The article explores not only the substance of these changes but also the ways in which Balanchine's artistic oeuvre was inextricably intertwined with the material technologies he employed and, more broadly, how the history of technology and the history of dance can productively inform one another. Fundamentally, this article recasts Balanchine, seeing him not as a disconnected artist but as an eager participant in the twentieth-century national romance with American technology.

  12. Los derechos fundamentales de los presos y su reinsercción social


    López Melero, Montserrat


    La investigación centra su atención en el papel de los derechos fundamentales de los presos. Tomamos como base las Reglas Mínimas para el Tratamiento de reclusos y las Reglas Penitenciarias Europeas de 1973, con la finalidad de respetar los derechos de los reclusos y reforzar el cumplimiento del principio de legalidad en la ejecución penitenciaria. Es decir, considerando al preso como sujeto perteneciente de la sociedad y no como sujeto excluido, titular de derechos reconocidos constitucional...

  13. A desintegração do sistema patriarcal expressa pela crise no romance burguês = The disintegration of patriarchal system expressed by the bourgeois novel's crisis

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    Juliana Pimenta Attie


    Full Text Available A Era Moderna é marcada por uma grande revolução na estrutura econômica, política e social, principalmente devido ao surgimento da burguesia. Esta traz o romance burguês como uma nova maneira de expressar seus desejos e conflitos. Neste artigo será discutido o sistema patriarcal, item estrutural no âmbito do pensamento burguês. O foco estará na sua paulatina dissolução, que corresponde a um dos sinais da crise do romance burguês, no plano literário – lembrando que a palavra crise também pode ser entendida como transformação. Para ilustrar essa revolução literária, em grande parte empreendida pelas mulheres, será analisado o romance To The Lighthouse, da inglesa Virginia Woolf. Nesse romance, em que aparentemente nada de importante acontece, a narrativa está marcada pelo fluxo de consciência, com predominância do monólogo interior indireto, tempo psicológico e uso de intertextualidade, o que permite uma nova forma de construção do sentido, fundamentado na dicotomia entre vida e morte. A desintegração da estrutura patriarcal será vista a partir da relação de poder entre o ‘chefe de família’ e sua esposa. Para realizar esse percurso será feita também uma reflexão sobre a condição da mulher enquanto artista.The Modern Era is marked by a great revolution in the economic, political and social structure, mainly on account of the sprouting of bourgeoisie, which brings the Bourgeois Novel as a new way to express their feelings and conflicts. In this article, one of the bourgeois characteristics, the patriarchal system, will be discussed. However, the focus will be on its dissolution, which is one evidence of the bourgeois novel's crisis. The word 'crisis' can also be understood as transformation. Thus, in order to illustrate this literary revolution undertaken by women, this article analyses To The Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf. In this novel, it seems that nothing important happens. However the Stream of

  14. Espaço, lugar, identidade: geografias raciais em Our Nig, de Harriet E. Wilson

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    Jose de Paiva dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este ensaio examina Our Nig, publicado em 1859 e considerado o primeiro romance escrito por uma mulher afrodescendente nos Estados Unidos, como uma crítica ao racismo contra os negros residentes nos estados do Norte do país, região normalmente vista pelos negros sulistas como solidária à causa abolicionista. À luz de insights provenientes da antropologia cultural e da geografia social, o texto discutirá como Harriet E. Wilson representa a formação de espaços e lugares racializados, que acabam se tornando ferramentas de dominação e exploração da mão de obra negra. Através dos abusos à personagem central do romance, a mulata Frado, Wilson discute a racialização dos lugares em uma residência em particular, a da família Bellmont. No entanto, fica evidente que o escopo crítico do romance é bem mais amplo. Além de expor ideologias raciais oitocentistas que sustentavam a demarcação racial dos espaços, ao usar a casa como metáfora para a nação, a autora traz à tona uma contradição inerente no pensamento abolicionista: por um lado, a abominação da escravidão; por outro, a segregação e a exclusão social do sujeito negro.

  15. O percurso de Sidarta e o problema da identidade um estudo transdisciplinar do romance de Hermann Hesse

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    Luiz Eduardo da Silva e Souza


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende discutir o problema da identidade pessoal com base na narrativa de Sidarta, de Hermann Hesse. A história de vida do personagem central do romance é analisada à luz da teoria junguiana do processo de individuação e contextualizada com base nas perspectivas histórico-etnológicas de Mircea Eliade e Joseph Campbell. Num momento posterior, o estudo integra também a perspectiva sociológica sobre o problema da auto-identidade desenvolvida por Anthony Giddens. Em última instância, o trabalho procura circunscrever a questão da auto-identidade apostando na possibilidade de uma abordagem transdisciplinar.

  16. Trajetórias pornográficas: a literatura luso-brasileira por meio de livros e jornais

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    Natanael Duarte de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O artigo em tela trata de romances que circularam no Brasil e em Portugal por meio da literatura considerada popular. O termo popular não é utilizado aqui no seu sentido cultural, mas de suportes como jornais e livros de brochura que traziam a literatura pornográfica como tema de seus romances. Tratar desses suportes, jornais e brochuras, nos permite resgatar uma parte da história da literatura que está esquecida pela academia. Após muitas pesquisas no acervo digital da Biblioteca Nacional de Rio de Janeiro, deparamo-nos com alguns jornais que traziam de forma explícita a pornografia em sua composição. Com a leitura dos impressos, percebemos que além do teor sexual presente, os jornais apresentavam críticas políticas. Dessa forma, observamos que a pornografia não só estava a serviço da erotização, mas mantinha uma relação direta com o contexto político-social do Brasil oitocentista. Compreender o suporte e a materialidade do objeto, de acordo com o que propõem Darnton (2010 e McKenzie (2004, leva-nos por outros caminhos que não só o da história da literatura por meio do livro, mas observar o comportamento do suporte e da materialidade nos jornal oitocentista.

  17. Espaço, lugar, identidade: geografias raciais em Our Nig, de Harriet E. Wilson


    Jose de Paiva dos Santos


    Este ensaio examina Our Nig, publicado em 1859 e considerado o primeiro romance escrito por uma mulher afrodescendente nos Estados Unidos, como uma crítica ao racismo contra os negros residentes nos estados do Norte do país, região normalmente vista pelos negros sulistas como solidária à causa abolicionista. À luz de insights provenientes da antropologia cultural e da geografia social, o texto discutirá como Harriet E. Wilson representa a formação de espaços e lugares racializados, que acabam...

  18. Helena: representações de práticas de leitura e configurações do leitorado oitocentista brasileiro no romance machadiano


    Patrí­cia Kátia da Costa Pina; Vânia Lúcia Menezes Torga


    Resumo: Este artigo estuda as representações de atos de leitura presentes no romance Helena, de Machado de Assis, interpretando-as como instrumentos capazes de configurar o leitorado brasileiro oitocentista. Para tanto, são analisadas comparativamente as cenas de leitura protagonizadas por D. Úrsula, Helena e Estácio, tendo em vista as relações sociais, políticas e históricas que cercam a trama e as personagens recortadas. São observados modos de ler “masculinos” e “femininos”, que viabilizam...

  19. Romancing the boundary: client masculinities in the Chinese sex industry. (United States)

    Kong, Travis S K


    This paper draws on 24 in-depth interviews and 2 focus-group discussions conducted since 2012 with Hong Kong heterosexual men who buy sex in order to examine men's level of physical and emotional engagement with sex workers under two dominant sexual scripts in contemporary Hong Kong. Torn between companionate sexuality, with its companionate model of relationships, and recreational sexuality, with its promiscuous model of sexual pleasure, Hong Kong male clients seek to satisfy their sexual and affective needs through commercial sexual relationships. The term (meaning 'chicken worm', connoting a 'McSex' form of masculinity) refers to those men who seek impersonal sexual release with as many women as they wish, while the term (meaning 'sunken boat' and connoting a 'Titanic' form of masculinity) refers to those men who seek an intense level of emotional intimacy with sex workers. Between these two contrasting types, the majority of respondents fall into a form of 'bounded' masculinity characteristic of men who emphasise control and balance by seeking emotionally responsive women in a time-bound romance. By comparing clients' variations in the level of physical and emotional engagement with sex workers, this paper seeks to understand individual differences in client types and offers a new understanding of Chinese male sexuality and relationship formation, and the corresponding health risks (e.g., sexual, emotional) associated with each type.

  20. Las primeras muestras del romancero de tradición oral moderna: Serafín Estébanez Calderón (The first signs of ballads from modern oral tradition: Serafin Estébanez Calderon

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    Carmen de la Vega de la Muela


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las primeras muestras del Romancero de la tradición oral moderna vinieron de la mano de románticos viajeros que, como Washington Irving, dejaron testimonios de romances que se cantaban en Andalucía; y más tarde, los pioneros del folklorismo español daban a conocer en sus escritos costumbristas algunos romances recogidos directamente en estas tierras meridionales, siendo Serafín Estébanez Calderón quien más datos nos ofrece sobre los ambientes en los que se desenvolvía el Romancero en la primera mitad del siglo XIX.Abstract: The first signs of ballads from modern oral tradition came from the hand of romantic travelers who, like Washington Irving, left testimonies of ballads that were sung in Andalusia, and later, the pioneers of Spanish folklore were to reveal in his writings some manners romances collected directly in these southern lands, where Serafin Estébanez Calderon who gives us more data about the environments in which unfolded the Ballads in the first half of the nineteenth century.

  1. Análise etnoterminológica do romance O Empate, de Florentina Esteves

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    Edilene da Silva Ferreira


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze and describe some word-terms selected in the literary work O Empate, authored by Florentina Esteves, an Acre writer. We start from the assumption that the narrative texts produced in the Amazon region, specifically in Acre, for search to present a local identity, present an ethno-literary discourse, which allows us to understand it as a domain of specialized discourse, in which the lexical units are used with specific meanings, therefore, it can be characterized as object of study of ethnoterminology. As theoretical background we use the concepts of Barbosa, creator of the discipline, which is affiliated with Terminology As a theoretical and methodological contribution, we are based on Corpus Linguistics, according to Berber Sardinha (2009, for the constitution of the corpus of analysis, composed from the extraction of representative lexical units in the romance, for the analysis of the word-terms, in the narrative, acquired specific meanings. The text was processed using the software AntConc (ANTHONY, 2014 and the definitions also observed in the Houaiss Electronic Dictionary (2009, which was used as support.

  2. Romancização ou serialização: ou diferentes formas de tempo

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    Peter Hitchcock


    Full Text Available Este artigo explora a noção bakhtiniana de romancização no que se refere à sua teoria de tempo e serialização. Bakhtin, para quem o romance é histórico, mas sem história, remonta à Grécia antiga para traçar a história do romance. Sem dar a ele uma identidade fixa, compreende-o em termos de tendências e crises. A romancização, para Bakhtin, é um meio de tornar a história literária acessível a uma análise mais dialógica da forma e um modo discursivo para avaliar ideologias criticamente. Ele enfatiza a habilidade desestabilizadora do romance, sua descentralização do discurso e sua acomodação de vozes não oficiais e estrangeiras. Seu sugestivo relato histórico do desenvolvimento do romance nos permite estender seu pensamento e esboçar a romancização mais como uma condição futura do que uma lei genérica. Bakhtin oferece uma versão problemática de modernidade, na qual o romance ativa a influência do tempo sobre o presente; no entanto, por causa da propensão à crise da modernidade, o tempo é suspenso. O artigo também examina um cronotopo do romance sobre o qual Bakhtin tem pouco a dizer: o tempo/espaço da nação. Benedict Anderson e Etienne Balibar, cujos interesses incluem temas relacionados ao comparatismo, ao multiculturalismo e ao pós-colonialismo, questionam a ideia de nação por meio de análises em que o gênero romanesco é privilegiado.

  3. Tu nos aposte protege

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Olrik


    Aspirationen af p, t og k i dansk er stedmoderligt behandlet af den gren af den historiske sprogforskning der bygger på skriftligt kildemateriale. Skrivemåden tu nos aposte protege for tu nos ab hoste protege 'bekyt du os mod fjenden' i en tilskrift fra anden halvdel af 1300-tallet i...

  4. Neuronal NOS localises to human airway cilia. (United States)

    Jackson, Claire L; Lucas, Jane S; Walker, Woolf T; Owen, Holly; Premadeva, Irnthu; Lackie, Peter M


    Airway NO synthase (NOS) isoenzymes are responsible for rapid and localised nitric oxide (NO) production and are expressed in airway epithelium. We sought to determine the localisation of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in airway epithelium due to the paucity of evidence. Sections of healthy human bronchial tissue in glycol methacrylate resin and human nasal polyps in paraffin wax were immunohistochemically labelled and reproducibly demonstrated nNOS immunoreactivity, particularly at the proximal portion of cilia; this immunoreactivity was blocked by a specific nNOS peptide fragment. Healthy human epithelial cells differentiated at an air-liquid interface (ALI) confirmed the presence of all three NOS isoenzymes by immunofluorescence labelling. Only nNOS immunoreactivity was specific to the ciliary axonemeand co-localised with the cilia marker β-tubulin in the proximal part of the ciliary axoneme. We report a novel localisation of nNOS at the proximal portion of cilia in airway epithelium and conclude that its independent and local regulation of NO levels is crucial for normal cilia function. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. The influence of authentic scientific research experiences on teachers' conceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and their NOS teaching practices (United States)

    Moriarty, Meghan A.

    This study explored the influence of teachers' authentic scientific research experiences (ASREs) on teachers' conceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and teachers' NOS instruction. Twelve high school biology teachers participated in this study. Six of the participants had authentic scientific research experience (ASRE) and six had not participated in authentic scientific research. Data included background surveys, modified Views of the Nature of Science (VNOS) questionnaires, interviews, and teaching observations. Data was coded based on the eight NOS understandings outlined in 2013 in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Evidence from this study indicates participating in authentic scientific research as a member of a scientific community has dual benefits of enabling high school science teachers with informed understandings of the NOS and positioning them to teach with the NOS. However, these benefits do not always result from an ASRE. If the nature of the ASRE is limited, then it may limit teachers' NOS understandings and their NOS teaching practices. The results of this study suggest that participation in ASREs may be one way to improve teachers' NOS understandings and teaching practices if the experiences themselves offer a comprehensive view of the NOS. Because ASREs and other science learning experiences do not always offer such experiences, pre-service teacher education and professional development opportunities may engage science teachers in two ways: (1) becoming part of a scientific community may enable them to teach with NOS and (2) being reflective about what being a scientist means may improve teachers' NOS understandings and better position them to teach about NOS.. Keywords: nature of science, authentic scientific research experiences, Next Generation Science Standards, teaching about NOS, teaching with NOS.

  6. Los costos del crimen en Uruguay


    Diego Aboal; Jorge Campanella; Bibiana Lanzilotta


    En este trabajo se estiman algunos de los costos asociados a la criminalidad y la violencia en Uruguay. El método utilizado es el de la contabilidad de costos. Entre los costos considerados se incluyen costos de seguridad y prevención del delito, de justicia, reclusión y rehabilitación de reclusos, costos de bienes robados, costos de salud y por pérdida de vidas a consecuencia de la violencia, y costos asociados a la pérdida de tiempo productivo en prisión de los reclusos. Para esto se ha uti...

  7. Reading sources in English to write a literature review in a romance language: a genre-based eap course in a masters program

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    Iliana Martínez


    Full Text Available This article describes a genre-based, field-specific EAP course offered in a Latin American university to Master’s candidates of veterinary science who are in the process of writing literature reviews for their dissertations. As their dissertations are expected to be novel contributions, the writers need to have access to scientific information in English, although the final product will be produced in their native Romance language, Spanish. To meet this need, we capitalized on the advantages of the context, particularly the common L1 background and the field homogeneity of the course group, thus allowing for specific instruction.

  8. iNOS-dependent sweating and eNOS-dependent cutaneous vasodilation are evident in younger adults, but are diminished in older adults exercising in the heat. (United States)

    Fujii, Naoto; Meade, Robert D; Alexander, Lacy M; Akbari, Pegah; Foudil-Bey, Imane; Louie, Jeffrey C; Boulay, Pierre; Kenny, Glen P


    Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) contributes to sweating and cutaneous vasodilation during exercise in younger adults. We hypothesized that endothelial NOS (eNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) mediate NOS-dependent sweating, whereas eNOS induces NOS-dependent cutaneous vasodilation in younger adults exercising in the heat. Further, aging may upregulate inducible NOS (iNOS), which may attenuate sweating and cutaneous vasodilator responses. We hypothesized that iNOS inhibition would augment sweating and cutaneous vasodilation in exercising older adults. Physically active younger (n = 12, 23 ± 4 yr) and older (n = 12, 60 ± 6 yr) adults performed two 30-min bouts of cycling at a fixed rate of metabolic heat production (400 W) in the heat (35°C). Sweat rate and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) were evaluated at four intradermal microdialysis sites with: 1) lactated Ringer (control), 2) nNOS inhibitor (nNOS-I, NPLA), 3) iNOS inhibitor (iNOS-I, 1400W), or 4) eNOS inhibitor (eNOS-I, LNAA). In younger adults during both exercise bouts, all inhibitors decreased sweating relative to control, albeit a lower sweat rate was observed at iNOS-I compared with eNOS-I and nNOS-I sites (all P exercise protocol (all P exercise bouts (all P > 0.05). We show that iNOS and eNOS are the main contributors to NOS-dependent sweating and cutaneous vasodilation, respectively, in physically active younger adults exercising in the heat, and that iNOS inhibition does not alter sweating or cutaneous vasodilation in exercising physically active older adults. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  9. O poder de denúncia do cordel no cinema: O romance do vaqueiro voador, de João Bosco Bezerra Bonfim e Manfredo Caldas

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    Sylvie Debs


    Full Text Available The movie O romance do vaqueiro voador, by Manfredo Caldas, is built departing from the homonymous cordel by João Bosco Bezerra Bonfim – which, on its turn, was inspired by the documentary Brasília segundo Feldman, by Vladimir Carvalho – aiming to tell, denounce and remember the tragedy the building of the city was. This article aims to discuss some questions: why choose as a character a pot cowboy to wander in the places of the tragedy? Why use a cordel to give origin to another movie?

  10. Nos fios da memória, a Europa sonhada por um humanista


    Claudia Maria Pereira de Almeida


    Resumo: Em Éducation européenne1 e As pipas, respectivamente o primeiro e o último romances de Romain Gary, a resistência durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial é contada a partir das impressões de dois adolescentes. Entretanto, esses textos não se resumem a narrativas de guerra. Trata-se, na verdade, de reflexões sobre a enorme dificuldade experimentada pelos homens para suportar a estrangeiridade, a diferença e a alteridade. A retomada do tema e dos cenários fecha um círculo na obra de Romain Gar...

  11. On the Creation of Romance of King Xingwu and Its Cultural Relation with Romance of the Three Kingdoms%论《兴武王演义》的创作及其与《三国演义》的文化渊源

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Based on the history and the legends of the Three Kingdoms,the Korean novel Romance of King Xingwu,which is a romantic novel about Korean history,focuses on the political and military fighting process of the Silla Dynasty unifying Korean Peninsula by narrating such historical heroes as the wise minister Kim Yoo-sin.Through data research and fictions of Kim Yoo-sin,this article aims to illustrate that the narrative style of the hero Kim Yoo-sin is the same as that of Zhuge Liang,and to analyze the cultural relation of Romance of King Xingwu with the Chinese Fiction.Creating novels with the nourishment of Chinese culture,Li Dingjun not only extended the cultural influence of the Chinese fiction and enriched the creation for the romantic novels of Korean history,but also promoted the Korean ethos.%朝鲜小说《兴武王演义》以三国史实、传说为依据,以新罗贤臣金庾信为中心,叙述了新罗王朝统一朝鲜半岛的政治军事斗争进程,歌颂了金庾信等历史英雄人物,是朝鲜王朝末期一部著名的历史演义小说。本文在考辨金庾信史料、传说的基础上,论述《兴武王演义》主要人物金庾信的"诸葛亮化"书写,分析《兴武王演义》与中国小说的文化渊源。李鼎均崇尚中华文化而创作小说,不仅扩大了中国小说的文化影响力,丰富了朝鲜历史演义小说的创作,而且弘扬了朝鲜民族的文化精神。

  12. Sildenafil Ameliorates Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats: Role of iNOS and eNOS

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    Mohamed A. Morsy


    Full Text Available Gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, is used for the treatment of serious Gram-negative infections. However, its usefulness is limited by its nephrotoxicity. Sildenafil, a selective phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, was reported to prevent or decrease tissue injury. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential protective effects of sildenafil on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Male Wistar rats were injected with gentamicin (100 mg/kg/day, i.p. for 6 days with and without sildenafil. Sildenafil administration resulted in nephroprotective effect in gentamicin-intoxicated rats as it significantly decreased serum creatinine and urea, urinary albumin, and renal malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate levels, with a concomitant increase in renal catalase and superoxide dismutase activities compared to gentamicin-treated rats. Moreover, immunohistochemical examination revealed that sildenafil treatment markedly reduced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression, while expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS was markedly enhanced. The protective effects of sildenafil were verified histopathologically. In conclusion, sildenafil protects rats against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity possibly, in part, through its antioxidant activity, inhibition of iNOS expression, and induction of eNOS production.

  13. Lesly Bessière, Les romancières françaises, 1870-1900 : approche à travers l'exemple de Jeanne Marni

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    Lesly Bessière


    Full Text Available Les romancières françaises publiant entre 1870 et 1900, entre George Sand et Colette, sont les grandes oubliées des histoires littéraires ainsi que de l’historiographie. Leurs vies et leurs œuvres méritent pourtant d’être redécouvertes.Depuis les virulents textes misogynes de la fin du XIXe siècle signés Barbey d’Aurevilly, Albert Cim ou encore Dumas fils, « les bas-bleus » n’ont plus guère intéressé l’historiographie. Peu d’historiens y consacrent des ouvrages avant les études pluridisciplin...

  14. Literatura e Transdisciplinaridade: uma proposta de ensino a partir do romance Terra Papagalli

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    Rodolfo Meissner Rolando


    Full Text Available É inegável que a Educação, de um modo geral, enfrenta uma crise na contemporaneidade. E, naturalmente, as aulas de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura são afetadas por esse cenário. Devido a isso, muitos caminhos têm sido discutidos para a superação dos problemas vigentes e, sem dúvida, a transdisciplinaridade emerge como uma possibilidade instigante. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é oferecer uma unidade didática transdisciplinar de ensino de Literatura para alunos do Ensino Médio. Para tanto, foi escolhido o romance contemporâneo Terra Papagalli, dos autores José Roberto Torero e Marcus Aurelius Pimenta, como corpus para a concretização de tal proposta. As sugestões aqui contidas foram embasadas, principalmente, nas proposições de Coelho (2000 a respeito de Literatura e Transdisciplinaridade e Paulino e Cosson (2009 sobre letramento literário. Em síntese, acredita-se que a proposta de ensino trazida por este artigo poderá auxiliar o professor de Língua Portuguesa a enfrentar os desafios impostos pela Educação no século XXI, além de contribuir para a realização do letramento literário.

  15. A migrante e o xamã: agentes transculturadores em dois romances italianos contemporâneos The migrant and the shaman: transcultural agents in two contemporary italian novels

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    Ana Maria Chiarini


    Full Text Available A proposta deste trabalho é evidenciar a função transculturadora exercida por trabalhadoras migrantes na Itália contemporânea, vista como espaço da diáspora, nos romances Apri le porte all'alba (1999, de Elena Gianini Belotti, e L'indecenza (2008, de Elvira Seminara. Essas personagens sociais - participantes de trocas interculturais e intercorporais - vêm se tornando personagens literárias e, embora reduzidas a não-pessoas ou marcadas por um pretenso núcleo étnico essencial, ativam as forças diferenciadoras e transgressoras da homogeneidade cultural globalizada, citadas por Hall (2003. Visando acentuar esse papel da migrante, utilizo a figura do xamã no drama existencial mágico e na crise da presença, tratados por Ernesto de Martino, um dos fundadores da antropologia italiana, em Il mondo magico (1948.The aim of this work is to focus attention on the transcultural role played by female migrant workers in contemporary Italy, seen as a diasporic space, in the novels Apri le porte all'alba (1999, by Elena Gianini Belotti, and L'indecenza (2008, by Elvira Seminara. These social characters - participants in intercultural and interbodily exchanges - have become literary characters, and even though they are reduced to non-people or marked by a supposed essentialist ethnic center, they stimulate the differential and transgressive forces of a globalized cultural homogeneity, as stated by Hall (2003. In an attempt to highlight this role of the migrant, I make use of the shaman figure in the magic existential drama and in the crisis of presence, discussed by Ernesto de Martino, one of the founders of the Italian anthropology, in Il mondo magico (1948.

  16. A Escrita Cinematográfica de Mário de Andrade. Amar, Verbo Intransitivo, uma Lição de Amor à Literatura Brasileira

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    Claudio Cledson Novaes


    Full Text Available Analisamos alguns aspectos da reconfiguração ética e estética da narrativa literária brasileira no romance Amar, verbo intransitivo (1927, de Mário de Andrade, em comparação com as transformações do cinema moderno nacional no filme Lição de Amor (1975, dirigido por Eduardo Escorel. O objetivo é perceber Mário de Andrade como mediador de discursos das vanguardas modernas adaptados ao discurso literário nacional, como a incorporação da técnica cinematográfica neste romance neorrealista que encena as configurações locais das tensões fragmentárias da cultura burguesa. A conclusão é que este livro é de suma importância para compreendermos a estética do momento heroico do modernismo literário brasileiro, assim como para desvelar traços éticos do pensamento social de Mário de Andrade nos anos 1920; pudemos ainda concluir sobre a importância do diálogo entre a literatura modernista brasileira e o cinema moderno nacional numa das adaptações fundamentais do pós momento heroico do cinema novo nos anos 1960.

  17. Cervantes, The Sot-Weed Factor. The “Wild Writing” of John Barth, Contemporary Review of the Cervantinian Narrative Models: Romance, Novella, (Proto Essay

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    María Encarnación Pérez Abellán


    Full Text Available By “wild writing” Cervantes understands the disharmonious composition of chivalric romance by the incongruous sequencing of its constituent elements. However, he also proposes a positive reading of the expression whenever the theme compositional heterogeneity brings together the principle of unity and coherence. The Quixote himself exemplifies the “wild writing” integrating formally the Italianate novella, short stories and an embryonic essay in order to become the new genre: the novel. Don Quixote is the starting point of The Sot-Weed Factor (John Barth 1960, as well as it is uniquely amalgamate the three narratives submodalities, as a conscious tribute to Cervantes, already installed Barth in postmodern novel.

  18. Fragment of a Romance Bible MS Re-used as the Binding of a Document Bundle from the Santa María de La Sisla Monastery

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    Gemma Avenoza


    Full Text Available For centuries, the parchment bifolia of manuscripts that for one reason or another had ceased to be useful, were re-used as binding material. In Madrid’s Archivo Histórico Nacional, I have discovered one of these membra disiecta from a Romance Bible copied in the 15th century. It consists of a fragment from the translation from Hebrew to Castilian transmitted by Esc. I-I-3. In this paper I present a codicological analysis of this new testimony and I put forward a hypothesis about its origin. A paleographic transcription of the text completes the study.

  19. Os pais comem frutas verdes e os dentes dos filhos ficam embotados? Considerações sobre o pecado em Romance de família, de Edna Mazya

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    Nancy Rozenchan


    Full Text Available Entre outros livros de destaque dos anos recentes, a obra de Edna Mazya em boa parte também não aborda diretamente os principais eventos da II Guerra Mundial na Europa. Não obstante, esse é um pano de fundo fundamental de uma parcela considerável de Romance de família, mesmo quando os eventos que compõem a trama se desenvolvem na Palestina contemporânea à Guerra, ou em períodos posteriores, em Israel, ou de volta à Europa.

  20. Multifaceted NOS Instruction: Contextualizing Nature of Science with Documentary Films (United States)

    Bloom, Mark; Binns, Ian C.; Koehler, Catherine


    This research focuses on inservice science teachers' conceptions of nature of science (NOS) before and after a two-week intensive summer professional development (PD). The PD combined traditional explicit NOS instruction, numerous interactive interventions that highlighted NOS aspects, along with documentary films that portrayed NOS in context of…


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    Maizufri -


    Full Text Available This study is entitled Cultural Diversity in Three Motingo Busye’s Romance “Popular” Novels and explored three novels written by Motingo Busye (hereinafter abbreviated to MB, Fatimah Chen Chen, Hotel Halekulani, and Seribu Senja di Roma. It aimed at identifying the cultural styles used in the three novels using the theory of intertextuality proposed by Julia Kristeva. It investigated how the writer described the images of many cultures in the world narrated in the three novels using the sociological approach and psychological approach. It revealed the characterization of the main characters during their lives through the sequence of id, ego, and super ego. Apart from that, several cultural forms as to how the writer named the characters in the three novels were also investigated. The forms of cultural diversity found in the present study are as follows (1 out of 76 characters in the three novels coming from four countries, seven cities and regions, 38 forms of images coming Europe, America, and Asia (Taiwan and Indonesia were found; (2 from the process of characterization of the main characters, as far as their images were concerned, it was found that the forms of cultural pluralism varied; they were samen leven (living together, polygamy, and the phenomenon of illegitimate children; (3 Apart from that, with regard to how the characters were named (the naming process, the three novels showed the nuance of cultural pluralism involving various cultures in the world. It turned out that how the so many characters were named needed high and wide awareness and knowledge of various cultures as the material of the essence of the images.

  2. Identification of hamster inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) promoter sequences that influence basal and inducible iNOS expression (United States)

    Saldarriaga, Omar A.; Travi, Bruno L.; Choudhury, Goutam Ghosh; Melby, Peter C.


    IFN-γ/LPS-activated hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) macrophages express significantly less iNOS (NOS2) than activated mouse macrophages, which contributes to the hamster's susceptibility to intracellular pathogens. We determined a mechanism responsible for differences in iNOS promoter activity in hamsters and mice. The HtPP (1.2 kb) showed low basal and inducible promoter activity when compared with the mouse, and sequences within a 100-bp region (−233 to −133) of the mouse and hamster promoters influenced this activity. Moreover, within this 100 bp, we identified a smaller region (44 bp) in the mouse promoter, which recovered basal promoter activity when swapped into the hamster promoter. The mouse homolog (100-bp region) contained a cis-element for NF-IL-6 (−153/−142), which was absent in the hamster counterpart. EMSA and supershift assays revealed that the hamster sequence did not support the binding of NF-IL-6. Introduction of a functional NF-IL-6 binding sequence into the hamster promoter or its alteration in the mouse promoter revealed the critical importance of this transcription factor for full iNOS promoter activity. Furthermore, the binding of NF-IL-6 to the iNOS promoter (−153/−142) in vivo was increased in mouse cells but was reduced in hamster cells after IFN-γ/LPS stimulation. Differences in the activity of the iNOS promoters were evident in mouse and hamster cells, so they were not merely a result of species-specific differences in transcription factors. Thus, we have identified unique DNA sequences and a critical transcription factor, NF-IL-6, which contribute to the overall basal and inducible expression of hamster iNOS. PMID:22517919

  3. A captura de Dom Casmurro por uma crítica disposta entre o romance e a microssérie

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    Alexandre de Assis Monteiro


    Full Text Available Esta reflexão tem o intuito de identificar as formas de diálogos entre a microssérie Capitu, de Luís Fernando Carvalho e o romance Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis, e está fundamentada na teoria da narratologia - sobretudo a partir das contribuições de Gérard Genette. Para substanciar nosso estudo acerca da natureza das narrativas, fazemos uma abordagem dos textos com base na fortuna crítica das duas obras, além de buscarmos apreender os sentidos da imagem e do tempo sobre a teleficção, sobre o processo de adaptação e sobre os movimentos artísticos da modernidade, que encontram reflexo no percurso da transmutação da narrativa de um suporte radicado no código verbal para um suporte radicado num código verbal-visual-sonoro.

  4. Romance of Revolution. The Narration of History Legitimacy in North Korea Film%革命的罗曼史:朝鲜电影中的历史合法性叙事

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Through three levels of integrated operation, such as turning history events into stories, modeling stories to romance, and explaining history with class struggle logic, North Korean film interpreted the ambiguous historical events as a clear and distinct revolution romance with Kim Il Sung as the hero, which had successfully rewritten the history of the Korean revolution, established the historical legitimacy of the new regime, and built a powerful authority of the state ideology.%朝鲜电影经过历史事件故事化、历史故事模式化、历史逻辑阶级化三个层面的一体化运作,将纷繁芜杂、明暗不清的历史事件演绎成为以金日成的革命历程为主线,有头有尾、因果相续的革命罗曼史,成功地实现了对朝鲜革命历史的改写,从而确立了新政权的历史合法性,树立了国家意识形态的强大权威。

  5. Romance: procedimentos metalinguísticos e a relação entre linguagens na ficção de Guel Arraes

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    Afonso Manoel da Silva Barbosa


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar aspectos do filme Romance, dirigido por Guel Arraes, investigando no longa-metragem a presença de elementos de produção de sentido como a metalinguagem, a opção pelo cômico e como este se configura, bem como os traços de filiação pós-moderna presentes no texto fílmico, examinando ainda seus processos dialógicos. Buscamos observar também as relações estabelecidas entre mídias e o entrecruzar de linguagens artísticas propostos pela obra. Paralelamente a isso, procuramos abordar o contexto social e comunicacional de produção e as peculiaridades autorais que o diretor expressa nas representações do real.

  6. St36 electroacupuncture activates nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive potassium channels to promote orofacial antinociception in rats. (United States)

    Almeida, R T; Galdino, G; Perez, A C; Silva, G; Romero, T R; Duarte, I D


    Orofacial pain is pain perceived in the face and/or oral cavity, generally caused by diseases or disorders of regional structures, by dysfunction of the nervous system, or through referral from distant sources. Treatment of orofacial pain is mainly pharmacological, but it has increased the number of reports demonstrating great clinical results with the use of non-pharmacological therapies, among them electroacupuncture. However, the mechanisms involved in the electroacupuncture are not well elucidated. Thus, the present study investigate the involvement of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and ATP sensitive K + channels (KATP) in the antinociception induced by electroacupuncture (EA) at acupoint St36. Thermal nociception was applied in the vibrissae region of rats, and latency time for face withdrawal was measured. Electrical stimulation of acupoint St36 for 20 minutes reversed the thermal withdrawal latency and this effect was maintained for 150 min. Intraperitoneal administration of specific inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and a KATP channels blocker reversed the antinociception induced by EA. Furthermore, nitrite concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma, increased 4 and 3-fold higher, respectively, after EA. This study suggests that NO participates of antinociception induced by EA by nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive K + channels activation.

  7. Quasi-Bodies and Kafka’s Castle in Sion Sono’s Crime Noir Guilty of Romance (2011

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    Kuo Chia-wen


    Full Text Available Sion Sono’s Guilty of Romance (Koi no tsumi, 2011 was adapted from an actual crime in Tokyo’s love hotel: an educated woman (a prostitute at night was found decapitated and her limbs were re-assembled with a sex-doll. Sono renders this through his cinematic narrative blurring the distinction between true crime and fictional sin like Rancière’s idea that everything is a narrative dissipating the opposition between “fact and fiction,” and “quasi-body” becomes a product of human literarity while an imaginary collective body is formed to fill the fracture in-between. In Sono’s story, the victim is a literature professor tormented by an incestuous desire for her father, whose favorite book is Kafka’s Castle. Thus she compares the love-hotel district where she turns loose at night as a castle of lusts. Here the narrative becomes a collective body that puppeteers human “quasi-bodies” in a Kafkaesque spatio-temporal aporia, and time’s spatialized horizontally with the germs of desire spread like a contagion on a Deleuzian “plane of immanence.”

  8. Romance and Freedom: Nelson and Winnie Mandela’s Politics of Gender in Three Post-Apartheid Novels

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    Lorenzo Mari


    Full Text Available This paper aims to retrace the influence of the politics of gender enacted by Nelson and Winnie Mandela on post-apartheid gender relationships, as represented in three novels: Phaswane Mpe’s Welcome to Our Hillbrow (2001, Njabulo Ndebele’s The Cry of Winnie Mandela (2003 and Lewis Nkosi’s Mandela’s Ego (2006. Recently, Nelson and Winnie Mandela’s marriage has been also described as the “unusual founding-family romance” (Munro 2014 of the post-apartheid nation. Their marriage lasted from 1958 to 1992, including, thus, the last decades of the anti-apartheid struggle, as well as the demise of the apartheid regime. Their separation, which was due in the first place to Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment and, later, to their divorce, eventually marked the disruption of this founding-family romance, making it “unusual”. As a consequence, the deconstructive take on Nelson Mandela’s fatherhood and masculinity and Winnie Mandela’s femininity and motherhood which is enacted in the three novels also allows to reassess the possibility of that “founding-family romance”, envisioning an alternative understanding of the origins of the post-apartheid South African nation.

  9. Obesity, inflammation, and exercise training: relative contribution of iNOS and eNOS in the modulation of vascular function in the mouse aorta

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    Josiane Fernandes da Silva


    Full Text Available Background - The understanding of obsesity-related vascular dysfunction remains controversial mainly because of the diseases associated with vascular injury. Exercise training is known to prevent vascular dysfunction. Using an obesity model without comorbidities, we aimed at investigating the underlying mechanism of vascular dysfunction and how exercise interferes with this process.Methods - High-sugar diet was used to induce obesity in mice. Exercise training was performed 5 days/week. Body weight, energy intake, and adipose tissues were assessed; blood metabolic and hormonal parameters were determined; and serum TNFα was measured. Blood pressure and heart rate were assessed by plethysmography. Changes in aortic isometric tension were recorded on myograph. Western blot was used to analyze protein expression. Nitric oxide (NO was evaluated using fluorescence microscopy. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were used for inducible nitric oxide synthase isoform (iNOS knockdown.Results - Body weight, fat mass, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction, insulin, and leptin were higher in the sedentary obese group (SD than in the sedentary control animals (SS. Exercise training prevented these changes. No difference in glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and heart rate was found. Decreased vascular relaxation and reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS functioning in the SD group were prevented by exercise. Contractile response to phenylephrine was decreased in the aortas of the wild SD mice, compared with that of the SS group; however, no alteration was noted in the SD iNOS-/- animals. The decreased contractility was endothelium-dependent, and was reverted by iNOS inhibition or iNOS silencing. The aortas from the SD group showed increased basal NO production, serum TNFα, TNF receptor-1, and phospho-IκB. Exercise training attenuated iNOS-dependent reduction in contractile response in high-sugar diet

  10. Zinc regulates iNOS-derived nitric oxide formation in endothelial cells (United States)

    Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Kulakov, Larissa; Opländer, Christian; Kolb-Bachofen, Victoria; Kröncke, Klaus-D.; Suschek, Christoph V.


    Aberrant production of nitric oxide (NO) by inducible NO synthase (iNOS) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Mechanisms responsible for the fine-tuning of iNOS activity in inflammation are still not fully understood. Zinc is an important structural element of NOS enzymes and is known to inhibit its catalytical activity. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of zinc on iNOS activity and expression in endothelial cells. We found that zinc down-regulated the expression of iNOS (mRNA+protein) and decreased cytokine-mediated activation of the iNOS promoter. Zinc-mediated regulation of iNOS expression was due to inhibition of NF-κB transactivation activity, as determined by a decrease in both NF-κB-driven luciferase reporter activity and expression of NF-κB target genes, including cyclooxygenase 2 and IL-1β. However, zinc did not affect NF-κB translocation into the nucleus, as assessed by Western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Taken together our results demonstrate that zinc limits iNOS-derived high output NO production in endothelial cells by inhibiting NF-κB-dependent iNOS expression, pointing to a role of zinc as a regulator of iNOS activity in inflammation. PMID:25180171

  11. High BMI levels associate with reduced mRNA expression of IL10 and increased mRNA expression of iNOS (NOS2) in human frontal cortex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, J K; Olesen, R H; Vendelbo, J


    analysis was performed with BMI as variable on data on IL10, IL1β, IL6, PTGS2 (COX2) and NOS2 (iNOS). Increasing BMI is associated with a decrease in the mRNA expression of IL10 (P=0.014) and an increase in the expression of NOS2 (iNOS; P=0.040). Expressions of IL10 and NOS2 (iNOS) were negatively...... correlated (PIL10 was mostly affected by individuals with BMI ⩾40. Multiple linear regression analyses with BMI, age, sex and race as variables were performed in order to identify potential confounders. In conclusion, increasing BMI could affect the IL10-mediated anti...

  12. Martha's Quest


    Schwantes, Cíntia


    Este artigo apresenta uma análise do romance Martha's Quest, de Doris Lessing. Primeiro da série Children of Violence, Martha's Quest discute, através da trajetória de uma personagem paradigmática, os rumos que a sociedade sul-africana do período imediatamente precedente à guerra tomou. Nos dois volumes subseqüentes (A Perfect Marriage e A Ripple from the Storm), a Guerra e o pós-guerra são focalizados.

  13. Zinc regulates iNOS-derived nitric oxide formation in endothelial cells

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    Miriam M. Cortese-Krott


    Full Text Available Aberrant production of nitric oxide (NO by inducible NO synthase (iNOS has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Mechanisms responsible for the fine-tuning of iNOS activity in inflammation are still not fully understood. Zinc is an important structural element of NOS enzymes and is known to inhibit its catalytical activity. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of zinc on iNOS activity and expression in endothelial cells. We found that zinc down-regulated the expression of iNOS (mRNA+protein and decreased cytokine-mediated activation of the iNOS promoter. Zinc-mediated regulation of iNOS expression was due to inhibition of NF-κB transactivation activity, as determined by a decrease in both NF-κB-driven luciferase reporter activity and expression of NF-κB target genes, including cyclooxygenase 2 and IL-1β. However, zinc did not affect NF-κB translocation into the nucleus, as assessed by Western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Taken together our results demonstrate that zinc limits iNOS-derived high output NO production in endothelial cells by inhibiting NF-κB-dependent iNOS expression, pointing to a role of zinc as a regulator of iNOS activity in inflammation.

  14. Melanoma NOS1 expression promotes dysfunctional IFN signaling. (United States)

    Liu, Qiuzhen; Tomei, Sara; Ascierto, Maria Libera; De Giorgi, Valeria; Bedognetti, Davide; Dai, Cuilian; Uccellini, Lorenzo; Spivey, Tara; Pos, Zoltan; Thomas, Jaime; Reinboth, Jennifer; Murtas, Daniela; Zhang, Qianbing; Chouchane, Lotfi; Weiss, Geoffrey R; Slingluff, Craig L; Lee, Peter P; Rosenberg, Steven A; Alter, Harvey; Yao, Kaitai; Wang, Ena; Marincola, Francesco M


    In multiple forms of cancer, constitutive activation of type I IFN signaling is a critical consequence of immune surveillance against cancer; however, PBMCs isolated from cancer patients exhibit depressed STAT1 phosphorylation in response to IFN-α, suggesting IFN signaling dysfunction. Here, we demonstrated in a coculture system that melanoma cells differentially impairs the IFN-α response in PBMCs and that the inhibitory potential of a particular melanoma cell correlates with NOS1 expression. Comparison of gene transcription and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) between melanoma cells from different patients indicated that suppression of IFN-α signaling correlates with an amplification of the NOS1 locus within segment 12q22-24. Evaluation of NOS1 levels in melanomas and IFN responsiveness of purified PBMCs from patients indicated a negative correlation between NOS1 expression in melanomas and the responsiveness of PBMCs to IFN-α. Furthermore, in an explorative study, NOS1 expression in melanoma metastases was negatively associated with patient response to adoptive T cell therapy. This study provides a link between cancer cell phenotype and IFN signal dysfunction in circulating immune cells.

  15. The Power of Love: Rewriting the Romance in Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits and Eva Luna

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    Frances Jane P. Abao


    Full Text Available Despite its ongoing popularity with women readers, romantic fiction has traditionally been regarded as an instrument of women's oppression, largely due to its reinforcement and even glorification of sexual stereotypes and bourgeois values. Latin American writer Isabel Allende's novels The House of the Spirits and Eva Luna both contain a number of the elements and conventions of romantic fiction, including distinct similarities to the two acknowledged foundations of this genre: Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights.However, The House of the Spirits and Eva Luna can also be read as rewritings of the genre of romantic fiction. In these two texts, Isabel Allende appropriates and then reworks certain conventions of romantic fiction in order to portray her notion of "fulfilling egalitarian relationships" between men and women. Nevertheless, despite these feminist revisions, Allende's rewritten romances do retain the "wish-fulfillment" element-or ideal-of romantic fiction, its depiction of women's fantasy of feminine values being appreciated and validated within heterosexual romantic relationships in the real world.

  16. Expression of beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS in colorectal cancer: relevance of COX-2 adn iNOS inhibitors for treatment in Malaysia. (United States)

    Hong, Seok Kwan; Gul, Yunus A; Ithnin, Hairuszah; Talib, Arni; Seow, Heng Fong


    Promising new pharmacological agents and gene therapy targeting cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could modulate treatment of colorectal cancer in the future. The aim of this study was to elucidate the expression fo beta-catenin and teh presence of COX-2 and iNOS in colorectal cancer specimens in Malaysia. This is a useful prelude to future studies investigating interventions directed towards COX-2 adn iNOS. A cross-section study using retrospective data over a 2-year period (1999-2000) involved 101 archival, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples of colorectal cancers that were surgically resected in a tertiary referral. COX-2 production was detected in adjacent normal tissue in 34 sample (33.7%) and in tumour tissue in 60 samples (59.4%). More tumours expressed iNOS (82/101, 81.2%) than COX-2. No iNOS expression was detected in adjacent normal tissue. Intense beta-catenin immunoreactivity at the cell-to-cell border. Poorly differentiated tumours had significantly lower total beta-catenin (p = 0.009) and COX-2 scores (p = 0.031). No significant relationships were established between pathological stage and beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS scores. the accumulation of beta-catenin does not seem to be sufficient to activate pathways that lead to increased COX-2 and iNOS expression. A high proportion of colorectal cancers were found to express COX-2 and a significant number produced iNOS, suggesting that their inhibitors may be potentially useful as chemotherapeutic agents in the management of colorectal cancer.

  17. Quando o humor azeda: o episódio Rushdie em retrospectiva

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    Kanavillil Rajagopalan


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é uma tentativa de analisar retrospectivamente o episódio que envolve Salman Rushdie e seu romance Os versículos satânicos. Começo minha análise chamando atenção para o fato de que tanto o enredo da obra quanto o ambiente sócio-político-histórico em que ela aparece estão mergulhados no meio cultural da Índia de modo a não surpreender que o romance tenha se transformado numa questão tão explosiva no cenário internacional. Em seguida argumento que isso tudo nos ensina uma lição importante a respeito de leitura e interpretação. O que quer que Rushdie ou outra pessoa fizesse com o intuito de voltar atrás ou pedir clemência aos aiotolás enfurecidos, não havia como submeter o romance a uma re-leitura - a única interpretação final e definitiva já havia sindo impingida ao malfadado romance. Essa é a enrascada pós-moderna de Rushdie. A ironia - a mesma arma que ele tão habilmente havia utilizado não apenas nos Versículos satânicos mas também em seus romances anteriores - voltou-se contra ele, produzindo um inesperado efeito bumerangue. O que temos aqui é um caso de política da ironia em ação.This paper is an attempt to review in retrospect the episode involving Salman Rushdie and his novel The satanic verses. I begin my analysis by calling attention to the fact that both the plot of the novel and the socio-historico-political backdrop against which it is projected are so steeped in India's cultural milieu that it is indeed surprising that the novel became such an explosive issue on the international scenario. But then I argue that there is an important lesson to be learned from all this concerning reading and interpretation. No matter what Rushdie or anybody else could possibly have done by way of retracing the steps or pleading with Iran's enraged ayatollahs for clemency, there was no way his novel could have been subjected to a re-reading - the one final and definitive interpretation had already

  18. High BMI levels associate with reduced mRNA expression of IL10 and increased mRNA expression of iNOS (NOS2) in human frontal cortex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, J K; Olesen, R H; Vendelbo, J


    unknown. Therefore we aim to examine the relationship between BMI and gene expression of central inflammatory markers in the human frontal cortex. Microarray data of 141 neurologically and psychiatrically healthy individuals were obtained through the BrainCloud database. A simple linear regression...... correlated (Plinear regression analyses with BMI, age, sex and race as variables were performed in order to identify potential confounders. In conclusion, increasing BMI could affect the IL10-mediated anti...... analysis was performed with BMI as variable on data on IL10, IL1β, IL6, PTGS2 (COX2) and NOS2 (iNOS). Increasing BMI is associated with a decrease in the mRNA expression of IL10 (P=0.014) and an increase in the expression of NOS2 (iNOS; P=0.040). Expressions of IL10 and NOS2 (iNOS) were negatively...

  19. Helena: representações de práticas de leitura e configurações do leitorado oitocentista brasileiro no romance machadiano

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    Patrí­cia Kátia da Costa Pina


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo estuda as representações de atos de leitura presentes no romance Helena, de Machado de Assis, interpretando-as como instrumentos capazes de configurar o leitorado brasileiro oitocentista. Para tanto, são analisadas comparativamente as cenas de leitura protagonizadas por D. Úrsula, Helena e Estácio, tendo em vista as relações sociais, políticas e históricas que cercam a trama e as personagens recortadas. São observados modos de ler “masculinos” e “femininos”, que viabilizam a reflexão sobre o lugar da mulher nesse Brasil ainda patriarcal e já caminhando para o capitalismo. O objetivo é investigar de que maneira esse romance machadiano funciona para formar e manter padrões de gosto pela leitura literária. A argumentação se sustenta, fundamentando-se nas ideias de Wolfgang Iser, Roger Chartier, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman, Hélio Guimarães, entre outros.Palavras-chave: Machado de Assis; Helena; leitura; gênero.Resumen: Este artículo estudia las representaciones de actos de lectura presentes en la novela Helena, de Machado de Assis, interpretándolas como instrumentos capaces de configurar el lector brasileño decimonónico. Para eso, se analizan de forma comparativa las escenas de lectura protagonizadas por Doña Úrsula, Helena y Estácio, considerando las relaciones sociales, políticas e históricas que involucran la trama y los personajes en cuestión. Se observan modos de leer “masculinos” y “femeninos”, que hacen viable la reflexión sobre el lugar de la mujer en ese Brasil aún patriarcal y caminando ya hacia el capitalismo. El objetivo es investigar de qué manera esa novela machadiana funciona para formar y mantener patrones de gusto por la lectura literaria. La argumentación se sostiene, fundamentándose en las ideas de Wolfgang Iser, Roger Chartier, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman, Hélio Guimarães, entre otros.Palabras-clave: Machado de Assis; Helena; lectura; g

  20. Effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitor pretreatment on nitric oxide production, nNOS and iNOS expression in rat cerebellum. (United States)

    Di Girolamo, G; Farina, M; Riberio, M L; Ogando, D; Aisemberg, J; de los Santos, A R; Martí, M L; Franchi, A M


    1. The therapeutic effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is thought to be due mainly to its inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, but there is a growing body of research that now demonstrates a variety of NSAIDs effects on cellular signal transduction pathways other than those involving prostaglandins. 2. Nitric oxide (NO) as a free radical and an agent that gives rise to highly toxic oxidants (peroxynitrile, nitric dioxide, nitron ion), becomes a cause of neuronal damage and death in some brain lesions such as Parkinson and Alzheimer disease, and Huntington's chorea. 3. In the present study, the in vivo effect of three NSAIDs (lysine clonixinate (LC), indomethacine (INDO) and meloxicam (MELO)) on NO production and nitric oxide synthase expression in rat cerebellar slices was analysed. Rats were treated with (a) saline, (b) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (5 mg kg(-1), i.p.), (c) saline in combination with different doses of NSAIDs and (d) LPS in combination with different doses of NSAIDs and then killed 6 h after treatment. 4. NO synthesis, evaluated by Bred and Snyder technique, was increased by LPS. This augmentation was inhibited by coadministration of the three NSAIDs assayed. None of the NSAIDs tested was able to modify control NO synthesis. 5. Expression of iNOS and neural NOS (nNOS) was detected by Western blotting in control and LPS-treated rats. LC and INDO, but not MELO, were able to inhibit the expression of these enzymes. 6. Therefore, reduction of iNOS and nNOS levels in cerebellum may explain, in part, the anti-inflammatory effect of these NSAIDs and may also have importance in the prevention of NO-mediated neuronal injury.

  1. Moldes contrários: o romantismo como modelo (negativo) para o naturalismo


    DA SILVA, Alan Victor Flor; SALES, Germana Maria Araújo


    Modelos negativos são paradigmas com os quais não desejamos ser comparados, aos quais queremos nos contrapor ou dos quais esperamos ser diferentes. Considerando-se, portanto, esse conceito, a partir dos romances O Mulato (1881), de Aluísio de Azevedo, A Normalista (1893), de Adolfo Caminha, e Hortência (1888), de Marques de Carvalho, objetivamos, com este trabalho, demonstrar que os idealizadores do Naturalismo no Brasil atribuem ao Romantismo, ainda que de forma negativa, a função de modelo....

  2. Professores e professoras nos filmes, história e papéis sociais

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    Susana da Costa Ferreira


    Full Text Available This article analysis four North-American films about teachers produced between 1950 and 1970 in which the role of female and male teachers are highlighted. In addition to the fi lm analysis, the research included the historical context and the academic curricula of the periods under study, the specific references of each film (plays, romance, biographies that were the origins of the productions, scripts, research in video rent stores and the contact with collectors. The outcomes allowed us to notice the decline of teachers´ hierarchic authority as well as point out some ambiguities in the representation of female and male models that were adapted to the political-ideological intentionality of each historical period.

  3. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parhad, Swapnil S.; Jaiswal, Deepa; Ray, Krishanu; Mazumdar, Shyamalava


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in L-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. - Highlights: • The effect of interaction of nNOS with DLC1 has been debatable with contradicting reports in literature. • Purified DLC1 has no effect on electron transport between reductase and oxygenase domain of purified nNOS-CaM. • The NO release activity of nNOS was not altered by DLC1, supporting that DLC1 does not inhibit the enzyme. • These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell.

  4. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parhad, Swapnil S. [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); Jaiswal, Deepa [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21 Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, Hyderabad 500075 (India); Ray, Krishanu, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); Mazumdar, Shyamalava, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India)


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in L-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. - Highlights: • The effect of interaction of nNOS with DLC1 has been debatable with contradicting reports in literature. • Purified DLC1 has no effect on electron transport between reductase and oxygenase domain of purified nNOS-CaM. • The NO release activity of nNOS was not altered by DLC1, supporting that DLC1 does not inhibit the enzyme. • These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell.

  5. iNOS inhibits hair regeneration in obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice. (United States)

    Sasaki, Mari; Shinozaki, Shohei; Morinaga, Hironobu; Kaneki, Masao; Nishimura, Emi; Shimokado, Kentaro


    Previous studies have shown that androgenic alopecia is associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. However, the detailed mechanism whereby diabetes causes alopecia still remains unclear. We focused on the inflammatory response that is caused by diabetes or obesity, given that inflammation is a risk factor for hair loss. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is known to be upregulated under conditions of acute or chronic inflammation. To clarify the potential role of iNOS in diabetes-related alopecia, we generated obese diabetic iNOS-deficient (ob/ob; iNOS-KO mice). We observed that ob/ob; iNOS-KO mice were potentiated for the transition from telogen (rest phase) to anagen (growth phase) in the hair cycle compared with iNOS-proficient ob/ob mice. To determine the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on the hair cycle, we administered an iNOS inhibitor intraperitoneally (compound 1400 W, 10 mg/kg) or topically (10% aminoguanidine) in ob/ob mice. We observed that iNOS inhibitors promoted anagen transition in ob/ob mice. Next, we administered an NO donor (S-nitrosoglutathione, GSNO), to test whether NO has the telogen elongation effects. The NO donor was sufficient to induce telogen elongation in wild-type mice. Together, our data indicate that iNOS-derived NO plays a role in telogen elongation under the inflammatory conditions associated with diabetes in mice. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Masculinidades subversivas nos romances de Manuel Puig, Caio Fernando Abreu e Jaime Bayly

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    Oswaldo Alves Lara Neto


    Full Text Available Produção: Claudia Priscilla e Pedro Marques. Vestido de Laerte. São Paulo: Paleo TV, 2012. 1 HDCAM.   Produção: Claudia Priscilla e Kiko Goifman. Olhe para mim de novo. São Paulo: Paleo TV, 2011. 1 HDCAM

  7. Quando "falha a fala" e "fala a bala": lingua(gem e violência em Cidade de Deus, de Paulo Lins

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    Rita Gabrielli Pereira


    Full Text Available Cidade de Deus traz em si a história da construção do conjunto habitacional, cujo nome intitula o romance, e de sua transformação em uma das favelas mais violentas do Rio de Janeiro, por meio do entrecruzamento das histórias de Cabeleira, Bené, Zé Pequeno e Busca-Pé. Concebendo o romance, nos atos da escrita e da leitura, como uma enunciação (BENVENISTE, 1989a; 1989b; 1995a; 1995b entre autor e leitor, constituída por outras enunciações — entre narrador e narratário e entre personagens — a partir do "ato ficcional" (ISER, 2002 do autor, vamos nos guiar por essa tessitura de/entre histórias para rastrear o modo como Lins relaciona linguagem e violência. Palavras-chave: Lingua(gem, Subjetividade, Violência ______________________________ Cidade de Deus tells the history of the construction of the housing complex that entitles the novel and its transformation process into one of the most violent slums of Rio de Janeiro. By treating the novel as an enunciation (BENVENISTE, 1989a; 1989b; 1995a; 1995b between author and reader, which is made of other enunciations − between narrator and narratee and between characters −, based on the author´s “fictional act”(ISER, 2002, we intend to analyze the way how Lins relates language and violence. Keywords: Language, Subjectivity, Violence.

  8. As literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa

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    Pires Laranjeira


    Full Text Available O autor traça o percurso genérico das literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa, nos últimos ISO a nos, mostrando como os movimentos, revistas e obras se foram pautando, cada vez mais intensamente, pela busca da identidade própria, autonômica, nacional, dentro da língua comum e de heranças culturais diversas. De entre essas heranças, destacam-se o Modernismo, o Neo-rea lismo, a Negritude ou o romance social do Nordeste brasileiro. Mas, fundamentalmente, as literaturasafri canas formaram-se como nacionais, antes da nacionalidade, através de uma retórica e uma imagética que enfa tizavam o concreto, o social, a história e o político.

  9. Los Refranes o Proverbios en Romance (1555, de Hernán Núñez, Pinciano

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    Madroñal, Abraham


    Full Text Available The work tries to consider «Refranes o proverbios en romance» by Hernán Núñez, the Greek Commander, a peculiar work that appears in an important moment of the Spanish history and literature. It is also remarkable for being a posthumuous work because his author did not want to publish it in life or to leave it unknown. The study focus on the peculiarities of all type, from the purely linguistic ones to those which have to do with the literature, without forgetting the circunstances of the author and the relationships that this collection of proverbs has with other previous and later ones (Valles, Mal Lara, Correas, Spanish and foreigners. The work genesis, its originalilty and repercussion..., and the editions from the first to the last one (2001 are also studied. Hernán Núñez, Professor at Salamanca University, prestigious philologist at his time, publisher and translator of classical editions, decides to make a collection of proverbs at the end of his life, the most plentiful ever known. So that he does not mind using any procedure to get the proverbs: from buying them to his students to going to other compilations, hand-written or in progress. His relationship with the Erasmism and humanists of the age are shown in these pages which include clearly irreverent, anticlerical and scatological proverbs that shocked later writers.El trabajo pretende considerar la obra Refranes o proverbios en romance (1555 de Hernán Núñez, Comendador Griego, una obra curiosa que aparece en un momento crucial de la historia y de la literatura españolas. Se da la particularidad además de que es obra póstuma porque su autor no quiso que se publicara en vida, pero tampoco que quedara inédita. El estudio se centra en las peculiaridades de todo tipo, desde las puramente lingüísticas a las que tienen que ver con lo literario, sin dejar de considerar las circunstancias personales del autor y las relaciones que este refranero tiene con otros anteriores y

  10. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis. (United States)

    Parhad, Swapnil S; Jaiswal, Deepa; Ray, Krishanu; Mazumdar, Shyamalava


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in l-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. 《三国演义》梦系统解析%Interpretation of the Dreams in Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Romance of the Three Kingdoms writes about the heart by means of dream and writes about human by dream. Dream is the story and story is the dream. The 28 dreams have mutual connections and correspond to each other, thus forming a hierarchical dream system. This article analyzes the hierarchy of the dreams from the system theory angle and discloses the mutual relations among the dreams and the functions.%《三国演义》以梦写心,以梦写人,梦即故事,故事即梦,文中二十八个梦互相关联、彼此照应,形成了一个具有多重层级的梦系统。文章从系统论视角分析小说中梦系统的层次结构,揭示梦系统中各层次间的相互作用及其主要功能。

  12. Endogenous angiotensin II modulates nNOS expression in renovascular hypertension

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    T.M.C. Pereira


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO influences renal blood flow mainly as a result of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS. Nevertheless, it is unclear how nNOS expression is modulated by endogenous angiotensin II, an inhibitor of NO function. We tested the hypothesis that the angiotensin II AT1 receptor and oxidative stress mediated by NADPH oxidase contribute to the modulation of renal nNOS expression in two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C hypertensive rats. Experiments were performed on male Wistar rats (150 to 170 g body weight divided into 2K1C (N = 19 and sham-operated (N = 19 groups. nNOS expression in kidneys of 2K1C hypertensive rats (N = 9 was compared by Western blotting to that of 2K1C rats treated with low doses of the AT1 antagonist losartan (10 mg·kg-1·day-1; N = 5 or the superoxide scavenger tempol (0.2 mmol·kg-1·day-1; N = 5, which still remain hypertensive. After 28 days, nNOS expression was significantly increased by 1.7-fold in the clipped kidneys of 2K1C rats and by 3-fold in the non-clipped kidneys of 2K1C rats compared with sham rats, but was normalized by losartan. With tempol treatment, nNOS expression increased 2-fold in the clipped kidneys and 1.4-fold in the non-clipped kidneys compared with sham rats. The changes in nNOS expression were not followed by changes in the enzyme activity, as measured indirectly by the cGMP method. In conclusion, AT1 receptors and oxidative stress seem to be primary stimuli for increased nNOS expression, but this up-regulation does not result in higher enzyme activity.

  13. Em busca de uma ideologia para a revolução mexicana

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    Ana Paula Cantarelli


    Full Text Available Vários pesquisadores, desde 1910, teceram reflexões sobre a existência ou não de uma ideologia manifesta na estrutura da revolução mexicana. Neste texto, dedicamo-nos a retomar de forma breve tais discussões a partir da análise do romance Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo. Nosso intuito é apresentar uma proposta de leitura dessa obra considerando, principalmente, os estudos de Octavio Paz (1998 e Arnaldo Córdova (1989 e 2003 que possuem perspectivas distintas sobre esse tema.



    Calaça, Fausto


    Nos anos da década de 1830, no contexto do Romantismo desencantado, Honoré de Balzac publica diversas obras (romances, novelas, contos, artigos e ensaios) sobre a condição do artista na sua época. Na novela intitulada Pierre Grassou, o autor põe em narrativa as relações da burguesia com as artes, em particular, a pintura. Sob o olhar da classe burguesa em ascensão, o pintor é julgado pelo valor politicamente correto dos temas representados em suas telas, pela capacidade de reproduzir outras o...

  15. Asiatic Acid Alleviates Hemodynamic and Metabolic Alterations via Restoring eNOS/iNOS Expression, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome Rats

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    Poungrat Pakdeechote


    Full Text Available Asiatic acid is a triterpenoid isolated from Centella asiatica. The present study aimed to investigate whether asiatic acid could lessen the metabolic, cardiovascular complications in rats with metabolic syndrome (MS induced by a high-carbohydrate, high-fat (HCHF diet. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with HCHF diet with 15% fructose in drinking water for 12 weeks to induce MS. MS rats were treated with asiatic acid (10 or 20 mg/kg/day or vehicle for a further three weeks. MS rats had an impairment of oral glucose tolerance, increases in fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and hindlimb vascular resistance; these were related to the augmentation of vascular superoxide anion production, plasma malondialdehyde and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α levels (p < 0.05. Plasma nitrate and nitrite (NOx were markedly high with upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression, but dowregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS expression (p < 0.05. Asiatic acid significantly improved insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, hemodynamic parameters, oxidative stress markers, plasma TNF-α, NOx, and recovered abnormality of eNOS/iNOS expressions in MS rats (p < 0.05. In conclusion, asiatic acid improved metabolic, hemodynamic abnormalities in MS rats that could be associated with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects and recovering regulation of eNOS/iNOS expression.

  16. ¿Las emociones nos distraen?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonia Pilar Pacheco-Unguetti


    Full Text Available ¿Leerás este artículo hasta el final sin interrupciones? Puede que, mientras lo intentas, recibas algún mensaje de whatsapp, se abra una ventana emergente en tu ordenador con una oferta de viajes al Caribe o el cartero llame dos veces a tu puerta. También puede ser que simplemente no tengas un buen día y te resulte especialmente difícil concentrarte. Vivimos expuestos a multitud de estímulos distractores externos, algunos tan inesperados o extraños que entorpecen irremediablemente nuestra concentración en una tarea (distracción por novedad. Pero la distracción también puede tener una causa interna y cómo nos sentimos puede influir en cuánto nos distraemos.

  17. Contribution of the nos-pdt operon to virulence phenotypes in methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    April M Sapp

    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is emerging as an important regulator of bacterial stress resistance, biofilm development, and virulence. One potential source of endogenous NO production in the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is its NO-synthase (saNOS enzyme, encoded by the nos gene. Although a role for saNOS in oxidative stress resistance, antibiotic resistance, and virulence has been recently-described, insights into the regulation of nos expression and saNOS enzyme activity remain elusive. To this end, transcriptional analysis of the nos gene in S. aureus strain UAMS-1 was performed, which revealed that nos expression increases during low-oxygen growth and is growth-phase dependent. Furthermore, nos is co-transcribed with a downstream gene, designated pdt, which encodes a prephenate dehydratase (PDT enzyme involved in phenylalanine biosynthesis. Deletion of pdt significantly impaired the ability of UAMS-1 to grow in chemically-defined media lacking phenylalanine, confirming the function of this enzyme. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that the operon organization of nos-pdt appears to be unique to the staphylococci. As described for other S. aureus nos mutants, inactivation of nos in UAMS-1 conferred sensitivity to oxidative stress, while deletion of pdt did not affect this phenotype. The nos mutant also displayed reduced virulence in a murine sepsis infection model, and increased carotenoid pigmentation when cultured on agar plates, both previously-undescribed nos mutant phenotypes. Utilizing the fluorescent stain 4-Amino-5-Methylamino-2',7'-Difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM diacetate, decreased levels of intracellular NO/reactive nitrogen species (RNS were detected in the nos mutant on agar plates. These results reinforce the important role of saNOS in S. aureus physiology and virulence, and have identified an in vitro growth condition under which saNOS activity appears to be upregulated. However, the significance of the operon organization of nos-pdt and

  18. Expression profiles of eNOS, iNOS and microRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum of rats submitted to chronic alcoholism and Diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Cunha, Joao Paulo da; Lizarte, Fermino Sanches; Novais, Paulo Cezar; Gattas, Daniela; Carvalho, Camila Albuquerque Mello de; Tirapelli, Daniela Pretti da Cunha; Molina, Carlos Augusto Fernandes; Tirapelli, Luis Fernando; Tucci, Silvio


    To evaluate the expression of endothelial and inducible NOS in addition to the miRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum and peripheral blood of healthy rats, diabetic rats, alcoholic rats and rats with both pathologies. Forty eight Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (C), alcoholic (A), diabetic (D) and alcoholic-diabetic (AD). Samples of the corpus cavernosum were prepared to study protein expressions of eNOS and iNOS by immunohistochemistry and expression of miRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum and peripheral blood. Immunohistochemistry for eNOS and iNOS showed an increase in cavernosal smooth muscle cells in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups when compared with the control group. Similarly, the mRNA levels for eNOS were increased in cavernosal smooth muscle (CSM) in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups and miRNA-27b were decreased in CSM in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups. The major new finding of our study was an impairment of relaxation of cavernosal smooth muscle in alcoholic, diabetic, and alcoholic-diabetic rats that involved a decrease in the nitric oxide pathway by endothelium-dependent mechanisms accompanied by a change in the corpus cavernosum contractile sensitivity.

  19. Marketing plan NOS: introducing pay per view


    Pereira, Pedro Azeredo


    NOS, NOS Comunicações S.A., is a private telecommunications company of the portuguese market which is proud of being the “best communications and entertainment company in the market”. The company was born from a fusion between two of the biggest communications corporations in the country: on the fixed service (TV, fixed phone, fixed internet, etc.) from ZON; and on the mobile service (mobile phone, internet, etc.) from Optimus. It is a leader in all the sectors it operates. Bes...

  20. Changes of serum NO/iNOS after whole abdominal irradiation in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Hong; Wu Wei; Zhang Kunhe; Chen Jiang; Wang Yang; Luo Hui; Huang Xiaoqing


    Objective: To observe the changes of serum NO/NOS concentrations in rats after whole abdominal irradiation and their relationships with intestinal radiation injury. Methods: Thirty health rats were randomly divided into three groups: normal control group, irradiation control group, and IgY protection group. The sera of rats were collected and the NO and iNOS were assayed. Results: NO and iNOS levels increased evidently in the irradiation control group in contrast with those of the normal control group (P<0.01). NO and iNOS levels increased slightly in the IgY protection group in contrast with the irradiation control group (P<0.01) and were close to the levels of the normal control group. The changes of NO and NOS concentrations were synchronous. Conclusion: NO and iNOS are good indices for detecting intestinal radiation injury. (authors)

  1. Expression analysis of NOS family and HSP genes during thermal stress in goat ( Capra hircus) (United States)

    Yadav, Vijay Pratap; Dangi, Satyaveer Singh; Chouhan, Vikrant Singh; Gupta, Mahesh; Dangi, Saroj K.; Singh, Gyanendra; Maurya, Vijay Prakash; Kumar, Puneet; Sarkar, Mihir


    Approximately 50 genes other than heat shock protein (HSP) expression changes during thermal stress. These genes like nitric oxide synthase (NOS) need proper attention and investigation to find out their possible role in the adaptation to thermal stress in animals. So, the present study was undertaken to demonstrate the expressions of inducible form type II NOS (iNOS), endothelial type III NOS (eNOS), constitutively expressed enzyme NOS (cNOS), HSP70, and HSP90 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) during different seasons in Barbari goats. Real-time polymerase chain reaction, western blot, and immunocytochemistry were applied to investigate messenger RNA (mRNA) expression, protein expression, and immunolocalization of examined factors. The mRNA and protein expressions of iNOS, eNOS, cNOS, HSP70, and HSP90 were significantly higher ( P goats.

  2. The Cultural Background of Astrology in the Romance ofThree Kingdoms%《三国演义》中出现占星术的文化背景

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Astrology appearing in The Romance of Three Kingdoms has four reasons:First,the fusion of astrology with the classics of pre-Qin period inevitably made the astrology appear in historical records. Second,the theory of interaction between heaven and man in Western Han dynasty and the divination ide-ology in Eastern Han Dynasty passing down to the period of Three Kingdoms also made people in the Three Kingdoms Period attach great importance to astronomical phenomena.Third,in the Yuan Dynas-ties,with the interaction between western culture and Chinese culture,Western astrology ideas were in-troduced into China and Chinese astrology gradually went down into the common people.Fourth,the pop-ularity of astrology among the common people inevitably made it appear in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.%《三国演义》中出现占星术原因有四:占星术与先秦典籍融合,使得占星术出现于《三国志》中成为必然,并对《三国演义》产生影响。三国时期前承两汉,西汉的天人感应,东汉的谶纬之说,使得占星术在三国时期十分盛行。元代西学东渐肇始,西方占星思想进入中国,本土占星术进一步走向下层。市民阶层对于占星术的熟知使得占星术出现在《三国演义》中成为必然。

  3. Literature Review on Intimate Relationship in Tourism:Sex,Romance and Marriage%国外旅游亲密关系研究进展:性、浪漫、婚姻∗

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    张蔼恒; 孙九霞


    浪漫关系与性行为现象常见于各类旅游活动中,国外性旅游和浪漫旅游研究相对丰富。通过对国外旅游中的亲密关系研究进行综述,在解读亲密关系研究框架的基础上,从“性旅游:亲密关系中的利益交换”、“浪漫旅游与性旅游:亲密关系中的性别差异”和“主客婚姻:亲密关系中的最深程度”3个层面由浅而深地归纳目前旅游亲密关系的研究进展。通过综述发现,目前旅游中亲密关系的理论框架既不完善,又缺乏理论拓展和应用,研究对象局限于商业性的性旅游、短暂的亲密关系。以女性游客和同性恋者游客为主体的亲密关系研究开始出现,但旅游中单方受剥削和长期的亲密关系较少得到关注。%Within tourism activities,intimate relationships are ubiquitous,though which are seldom investigated by domestic aca-demics.Fruitful inquiries have been done by international researchers,who mainly focus on sex tourism and romance tourism. The paper summaries four frameworks for intimacy study in tourism research referring both sex tourism and romance tourism. Three dimensions,which respectively are binary benefit vs.explorative relationship,gender study and long term relationship, have been utilized to categorize recent researches,which are followed by the results that (1)Frameworks and theories are not ma-ture which are limitedly applied;(2)Commercial sexual relation and temporary intimacy took major part in sex and romance tourism research while long term relationship are seldom explored.(3 )Gender sensitive is one of important issue in sex and tourism research,within which topics focusing female tourist or homosexual tourist are emerging.(4)Explorative relationship is called for research.

  4. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Currents (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have currents data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  5. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Wind (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have wind data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use only*...

  6. Narratives as an educational tool : a review of 'A Scientific Romance'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hughes, J.; Andrey, J. [Waterloo Univ., ON (Canada). Dept. of Geography


    This paper examined how the use of narratives can be used as a tool for educating the public on climate change with particular reference to Ronald Wright's 1997 novel entitled A Scientific Romance. The novel develops climate change as a central theme in the development plot and has received excellent reviews from literary critics in Canada, Great Britain and the United States. This paper reviewed the novel using criteria from both cognitive psychology and climatology. Cognitive theory claims that human beings think, perceive, understand and make choices according to narrative structures. This evaluation compared Wright's depiction of future climate change with scientific projections. Wright provides great detail regarding climatic conditions of the Great London-Thames Estuary region of Southern England in the years 2500-2501. The climatic variables used in the evaluation consist of surface temperature, sea level rise, precipitation and wind speed. This evaluation determined that Wright's narrative depiction of London's future climate is much more extreme than what scientists project. It was concluded that Wright's tightly woven narrative takes an abstract issue and successfully transforms it into something interesting and provides a detailed depiction of a plausible future climate and its implications for society. However, two minor weaknesses were found to exist. First, there is little reference to the major cause of climate change, and secondly, the climate scenario depicted in the novel is more consistent with the runaway greenhouse theory than with scientists' projections. It was cautioned that narratives must be used carefully and responsibly otherwise, the magnitude of portrayed changes may create a sense of disbelief or helplessness on the part of the public. 27 refs., 1 tab.

  7. iNOS Activity Modulates Inflammation, Angiogenesis, and Tissue Fibrosis in Polyether-Polyurethane Synthetic Implants. (United States)

    Cassini-Vieira, Puebla; Araújo, Fernanda Assis; da Costa Dias, Filipi Leles; Russo, Remo Castro; Andrade, Silvia Passos; Teixeira, Mauro Martins; Barcelos, Luciola Silva


    There is considerable interest in implantation techniques and scaffolds for tissue engineering and, for safety and biocompatibility reasons, inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrosis need to be determined. The contribution of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the regulation of the foreign body reaction induced by subcutaneous implantation of a synthetic matrix was never investigated. Here, we examined the role of iNOS in angiogenesis, inflammation, and collagen deposition induced by polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants, using mice with targeted disruption of the iNOS gene (iNOS(-/-)) and wild-type (WT) mice. The hemoglobin content and number of vessels were decreased in the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice compared to WT mice 14 days after implantation. VEGF levels were also reduced in the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice. In contrast, the iNOS(-/-) implants exhibited an increased neutrophil and macrophage infiltration. However, no alterations were observed in levels of CXCL1 and CCL2, chemokines related to neutrophil and macrophage migration, respectively. Furthermore, the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice showed boosted collagen deposition. These data suggest that iNOS activity controls inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrogenesis in polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants and that lack of iNOS expression increases foreign body reaction to implants in mice.

  8. Crataegus Special Extract WS 1442 Effects on eNOS and microRNA 155. (United States)

    Wang, Xinwen; Liang, Yan; Shi, Jian; Zhu, Hao-Jie; Bleske, Barry E


    Increased expression of microRNA 155 (miR-155) results in a decrease in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression and impaired endothelial function. Factors that have been shown to increase expression of miR-155 may be mitigated by WS 1442, an extract of hawthorn leaves and flowers ( Crataegus special extract) that contains a range of pharmacologically active substances including oligomeric proanthocyanidins and flavonoids. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of WS 1442 on the expression of miR-155 and eNOS in the presence of tumor necrosis factor (TNF- α ). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were studied after the exposure to TNF- α , with or without simvastatin (positive control) and WS 1442. The expression levels of eNOS, phosphorylated eNOS, and miR-155 in the different HUVEC treatment groups were determined by western blot and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. To evaluate the effect of WS 1442 on the eNOS activity, the medium and intracellular nitrate/nitrite (NO) concentrations were also analyzed using a colorimetric Griess assay kit. The results demonstrated that TNF- α upregulated miR-155 expression and decreased eNOS expression and NO concentrations. WS 1442 also increased miR-155 expression and decreased eNOS expression but, unlike TNF- α , increased phosphorylated eNOS expression and NO concentrations. Surprisingly, WS 1442 increased miR-155 expression; however, WS 1442 mitigated the overall negative effect of miR-155 on decreasing eNOS expression by increasing expression of phosphorylated eNOS and resulting in an increase in NO concentrations. In the setting where miR-155 may be expressed, WS 1442 may offer vascular protection by increasing the expression of phosphorylated eNOS. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  9. eNOS-uncoupling in age-related erectile dysfunction


    Johnson, JM; Bivalacqua, TJ; Lagoda, GA; Burnett, AL; Musicki, B


    Aging is associated with ED. Although age-related ED is attributed largely to increased oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in the penis, the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect are not fully defined. We evaluated whether endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) uncoupling in the aged rat penis is a contributing mechanism. Correlatively, we evaluated the effect of replacement with eNOS cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) on erectile function in the aged rats. Male Fischer 344 ...

  10. Amós Oz: de lealdades e traições

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    Saul Kirschbaum


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisará Judas, o mais recente romance (2014 do escritor israelense Amós Oz. Nessa obra de ficção, Oz utiliza o contexto da suposta traição do apóstolo Judas, narrada nos Evangelhos, e o delicado relacionamento afetivo entre um jovem universitário e uma viúva de guerra de meia idade para abordar as intensas controvérsias no interior do movimento sionista nos anos que antecederam a criação do Estado de Israel, com veementes acusações de traição contra os militantes que se opuseram à linha hegemônica da Organização Sionista e da Agência Judaica – propunham a criação de um estado binacional – e tentativas de deslegitimá-los.

  11. Roman familial et territoire : Les Contrebandiers d’Oser Warszawski Family romance and territory: Smugglers, by Oser Warszawski משפּחה–ראָמאַן און טעריטאָריע : שמוגלערס פֿון עוזר וואַרשאַווסקי

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    Carole Ksiazenicer-Matheron


    Full Text Available Oser Warszawski (1898-1944 became famous at the age of 21 thanks to this novel. It was written in a time when Yiddish literature was trying to reformulate its modernity in relation to classical heritage. Published ten years earlier than the sagas of I.J. Singer and M. Kulbak, in which the historical epic meets an underlying family romance, Warszawski’s Smugglers seems to embody a more humorous side of family romance, just like some of Faulkner’s works (As I lay dying or The Hamlet, for example. The main difference with the historical family epics drawn from naturalism is however the concept of territory, which refers to space and not only to time. Smugglers is the story of a Polish shtetl, close to Warsaw, occupied by the German army during World War I. In reaction to their misery, the inhabitants of this shtetl start to smuggle goods on the black market. This essay analyzes the role of space and of the smugglers’ territory in the novel. On this spatial and historical background, the plot evolves through a dynamic of adaptation and focuses successively on three different characters, who symbolize three different steps in the life of this family of smugglers.מיט דעם דאָזיקן ראָמאַן איז עוזר וואַרשאַווסקי (1898 — 1944 באַרימט געוואָרן אין עלטער פֿון 21 יאָר, דעמאָלט ווען די יונגע ייִדישע ליטעראַטור האָט זיך געסטאַרעט פֿעסטצושטעלן איר מאָדערנקייט לגבי דער ירושה פֿון די קלאַסיקערס. צען יאָר איידער י.י.זינגער אָדער משה קולבאַק זענען אַרויסגעקומען מיט זייערע פֿאַמיליע–סאַגעס, אויפֿן קרייצוועג צווישן היסטאָריש בילד און פֿאַמיליע–ראָמאַן, באַווײַזט זיך שמוגלערס ווי די פֿאַרקערפּערונג פֿון א

  12. Penser Système : Découvrir nos modèles d'organisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bryan, B.; Goodman, M.; Schaveling, J.


    Pourquoi le travail s’accumule-t-il sur nos bureaux alors que nous travaillons de plus en plus? Parfois « nos solutions » aggravent nos problèmes. Comment pouvons-nous éviter ces paradoxes ? Penser système donne de nouvelles perspectives dans des situations complexes. Cela vous permettra de

  13. The effect of high protein diet and exercise on irisin, eNOS, and iNOS expressions in kidney. (United States)

    Tastekin, Ebru; Palabiyik, Orkide; Ulucam, Enis; Uzgur, Selda; Karaca, Aziz; Vardar, Selma Arzu; Yilmaz, Ali; Aydogdu, Nurettin


    Long-term effects of high protein diets (HPDs) on kidneys are still not sufficiently studied. Irisin which increases oxygen consumption and thermogenesis in white fat cells was shown in skeletal muscles and many tissues. Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) are a family of enzymes catalyzing the production of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine. We aimed to investigate the effects of HPD, irisin and NO expression in kidney and relation of them with exercise and among themselves. Animals were grouped as control, exercise, HPD and exercise combined with HPD (exercise-HPD). Rats were kept on a HPD for 5 weeks and an exercise program was given them as 5 exercise and 2 rest days per week exercising on a treadmill with increasing speed and angle. In our study, while HPD group had similar total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels with control group, exercise and exercise-HPD groups had lower levels (p highly selective and quite clear in this study. Effects of exercise and HPD on kidney should be evaluated with different exercise protocols and contents of the diet. İrisin, eNOS, and iNOS staining localizations should be supported with various research studies.

  14. Phenotyping of nNOS neurons in the postnatal and adult female mouse hypothalamus. (United States)

    Chachlaki, Konstantina; Malone, Samuel A; Qualls-Creekmore, Emily; Hrabovszky, Erik; Münzberg, Heike; Giacobini, Paolo; Ango, Fabrice; Prevot, Vincent


    Neurons expressing nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS) and thus capable of synthesizing NO play major roles in many aspects of brain function. While the heterogeneity of nNOS-expressing neurons has been studied in various brain regions, their phenotype in the hypothalamus remains largely unknown. Here we examined the distribution of cells expressing nNOS in the postnatal and adult female mouse hypothalamus using immunohistochemistry. In both adults and neonates, nNOS was largely restricted to regions of the hypothalamus involved in the control of bodily functions, such as energy balance and reproduction. Labeled cells were found in the paraventricular, ventromedial, and dorsomedial nuclei as well as in the lateral area of the hypothalamus. Intriguingly, nNOS was seen only after the second week of life in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH). The most dense and heavily labeled population of cells was found in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OV) and the median preoptic nucleus (MEPO), where most of the somata of the neuroendocrine neurons releasing GnRH and controlling reproduction are located. A great proportion of nNOS-immunoreactive neurons in the OV/MEPO and ARH were seen to express estrogen receptor (ER) α. Notably, almost all ERα-immunoreactive cells of the OV/MEPO also expressed nNOS. Moreover, the use of EYFP Vglut2 , EYFP Vgat , and GFP Gad67 transgenic mouse lines revealed that, like GnRH neurons, most hypothalamic nNOS neurons have a glutamatergic phenotype, except for nNOS neurons of the ARH, which are GABAergic. Altogether, these observations are consistent with the proposed role of nNOS neurons in physiological processes. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Maneiras criativas de não gostar de Bakhtin: Lydia Ginzburg e Mikhail Gasparov

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    Caryl Emerson


    Full Text Available Este artigo contribui para nossa compreensão de como os russos receberam os conceitos de Bakhtin, principalmente dois influentes estudiosos russos, críticos de Bakhtin, cada um a partir de uma perspectiva diferente. O estudo de tais críticas é valioso, uma vez que nos incentiva a reexaminar nossas próprias percepções, por vezes complacentes, das teorias de Bakhtin. Mikhail Gasparov (1937-2005, um importante classicista e preeminente erudito do verso, publicou críticas virulentas contra Bakhtin entre 1979 e 2004. Seu problema com Bakhtin era essencialmente metodológico. Lydia Ginzburg (1902-1990, conhecida por suas Notes of a Blockade Person, e por estudos sobre os gêneros do diário, das memórias, da carta pessoal e do caderno do escritor, questionou os pressupostos psicológicos por trás das teorias bakhtinianas de simpatia e amor. Ginzburg também tinha sérias dúvidas quanto à ideia bakhtiniana do romance polifônico e a respeito do uso que Bakhtin fazia da oposição entre o monológico e o dialógico para caracterizar os romances de Tolstoi e Dostoiévski. Um exame atento das posições de Bakhtin e Ginzburg sobre o amor revela paralelos e diferenças interessantes. O artigo termina com sugestões sobre como as críticas de Ginsburg e de Gasparov podem nos ajudar a ler Bakhtin de maneiras criativas.

  16. Angiotensin II blockade causes acute renal failure in eNOS-deficient mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jürgen Schnermann


    Full Text Available Compared with wild-type mice, adult endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS knockout mice (eight months of age have increased blood pressure (BP (126±9 mmHg vs. 100±4 mmHg, and an increased renal vascular resistance (155±16 vs. 65±4 mmHg.min/ml. Renal vascular resistance responses to i.v. administration of noradrenaline were markedly enhanced in eNOS knockout mice. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR of anaesthetised eNOS -/- mice was 324±57 µl/min gKW, significantly lower than the GFR of 761±126 µl/min.gKW in wild-type mice. AT1-receptor blockade with i.v. candesartan (1—1.5 mg/kg reduced arterial blood pressure and renal vascular resistance, and increased renal blood flow (RBF to about the same extent in wild-type and eNOS -/- mice. Candesartan did not alter GFR in wild-type mice (761±126 vs. 720±95 µl/min.gKW, but caused a marked decrease in GFR in eNOS -/- mice (324.5±75.2 vs. 77±18 µl/min.gKW. A similar reduction in GFR of eNOS deficient mice was also caused by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibition. Afferent arteriolar granularity, a measure of renal renin expression, was found to be reduced in eNOS -/- compared with wild-type mice. In chronically eNOS-deficient mice, angiotensin II (Ang II is critical for maintaining glomerular filtration pressure and GFR, presumably through its effect on efferent arteriolar tone.

  17. Outcome after BCG treatment for urinary bladder cancer may be influenced by polymorphisms in the NOS2 and NOS3 genes. (United States)

    Ryk, Charlotta; Koskela, Lotta Renström; Thiel, Tomas; Wiklund, N Peter; Steineck, Gunnar; Schumacher, Martin C; de Verdier, Petra J


    Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-treatment is an established treatment for bladder cancer, but its mechanisms of action are not fully understood. High-risk non-muscle invasive bladder-cancer (NMIBC)-patients failing to respond to BCG-treatment have worse prognosis than those undergoing immediate radical cystectomy and identification of patients at risk for BCG-failure is of high priority. Several studies indicate a role for nitric oxide (NO) in the cytotoxic effect that BCG exerts on bladder cancer cells. In this study we investigated whether NO-synthase (NOS)-gene polymorphisms, NOS2-promoter microsatellite (CCTTT)n, and the NOS3-polymorphisms-786T>C (rs2070744) and Glu298Asp (rs1799983), can serve as possible molecular markers for outcome after BCG-treatment for NMIBC. All NMIBC-patients from a well-characterized population based cohort were analyzed (n=88). Polymorphism data were combined with information from 15-years of clinical follow-up. The effect of BCG-treatment on cancer-specific death (CSD), recurrence and progression in patients with varying NOS-genotypes were studied using Cox proportional hazard-models and log rank tests. BCG-treatment resulted in significantly better survival in patients without (Log rank: p=0.006; HR: 0.12, p=0.048), but not in patients with a long version ((CCTTT)n ≧13 repeats) of the NOS2-promoter microsatellite. The NOS3-rs2070744(TT) and rs1799983(GG)-genotypes showed decreased risk for CSD (Log rank(TT): p=0.001; Log rank(GG): p=0.010, HR(GG): 0.16, p=0.030) and progression (Log rank(TT): p<0.001, HR(TT): 0.05, p=0.005; Log rank(GG): p<0.001, HR(GG): 0.10, p=0.003) after BCG-therapy compared to the other genotypes. There was also a reduction in recurrence in BCG-treated patients that was mostly genotype independent. Analysis of combined genotypes identified a subgroup of 30% of the BCG-treated patients that did not benefit from BCG-treatment. Our results suggest that the investigated polymorphisms influence patient response

  18. Cavalgando no dorso do tempo: a constituição da narrativa e o aspecto contemporâneo no romance de Mariana Lage

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    Isabella Banducci Amizo


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o livro No dorso do leão (2013, primeiro romance da escritora mineira Mariana Lage. A partir da problematização dos estudos de teóricos como Theodor Adorno e Walter Benjamin, assim como dos brasileiros Jaime Ginzburg e Silviano Santiago, entre outros, trata dos principais elementos presentes na obra referentes à constituição da narrativa na contemporaneidade.  A narrativa se desenvolve por meio de cartas e notas, as quais transmitem ideias e sentimentos das personagens, explorando a busca por uma identidade e um sentido para a existência, a fuga e a procura de si mesmo, o caos interior como reflexo do caótico com que se lida externamente. O artigo, atento a tais aspectos, procura refletir sobre a relação da obra com a produção literária contemporânea.

  19. Exposure to diesel exhaust up-regulates iNOS expression in ApoE knockout mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai Ni; Kido, Takashi; Kavanagh, Terrance J.; Kaufman, Joel D.; Rosenfeld, Michael E.; Breemen, Cornelis van; Eeden, Stephan F. van


    Traffic related particulate matter air pollution is a risk factor for cardiovascular events; however, the biological mechanisms are unclear. We hypothesize that diesel exhaust (DE) inhalation induces up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which is known to contribute to vascular dysfunction, progression of atherosclerosis and ultimately cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Methods: ApoE knockout mice (30-week) were exposed to DE (at 200 μg/m 3 of particulate matter) or filtered-air (control) for 7 weeks (6 h/day, 5 days/week). iNOS expression in the blood vessels and heart was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis. To examine iNOS activity, thoracic aortae were mounted in a wire myograph, and vasoconstriction stimulated by phenylephrine (PE) was measured with and without the presence of the specific inhibitor for iNOS (1400 W). NF-κB (p65) activity was examined by ELISA. The mRNA expression of iNOS and NF-κB (p65) was determined by real-time PCR. Results: DE exposure significantly enhanced iNOS expression in the thoracic aorta (4-fold) and heart (1.5 fold). DE exposure significantly attenuated PE-stimulated vasoconstriction by ∼ 20%, which was partly reversed by 1400 W. The mRNA expression of iNOS and NF-κB was significantly augmented after DE exposure. NF-κB activity was enhanced 2-fold after DE inhalation, and the augmented NF-κB activity was positively correlated with iNOS expression (R 2 = 0.5998). Conclusions: We show that exposure to DE increases iNOS expression and activity possibly via NF-κB-mediated pathway. We suspect that DE exposure-caused up-regulation of iNOS contributes to vascular dysfunction and atherogenesis, which could ultimately lead to urban air pollution-associated cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. - Highlights: → Exposed ApoE knockout mice (30-week) to diesel exhaust (DE) for 7 weeks. → Examine iNOS expression and activity in the blood vessels and heart. → DE exposure

  20. Envolvimento nos direitos humanos e sistemas de valores


    Pereira,Cícero; Ribeiro,Ana Raquel Correia; Cardoso,Sandro José


    Com base no modelo da análise quantitativa das representações sociais, o estudo (N = 300) tratou do posicionamento de estudantes universitários em relação aos Direitos Humanos (DHs) e à ancoragem social desse posicionamento nos sistemas de valores dos estudantes. Os resultados mostram que as representações dos estudantes sobre o envolvimento nos DHs envolvem quatro princípios organizadores: pessoal-abstrato; pessoal-concreto; governamental-abstrato; governamental-concreto. Em relação à ancora...

  1. O sagrado no romance hispano-americano do século XX (The sacred in the Hispanic-American novel of the 20th century - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p279

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    Ana Lucia Trevisan


    Full Text Available O trabalho estuda as formas de representação do sagrado no romance hispano-americano do século XX e propõe uma reflexão sobre algumas formas de utilização das mitologias e tradições religiosas pela literatura. A presença das narrativas sagradas no texto literário do século XX surge marcada por uma renovada experiência estética, pois não se trata apenas de utilizar ou reutilizar uma temática exótica, mas, sim, perceber um potencial tradutor de verdades universais, imanentes aos textos religiosos ou mitologias ancestrais. O artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre as particularidades da produção literária europeia e hispano-americana, que utilizam os temas sagrados, a fim de perceber as consonâncias e dissonâncias estéticas e históricas. O fenômeno estético denominado “mitologismo”, estudado por E.M. Mielietinski, pode ser entendido como um modus operandi da estruturação do romance que conjuga literatura e relatos sagrados e, neste estudo, fundamenta a discussão sobre a heterogeneidade cultural dos povos hispânicos expressa em suas representações literárias. Palavras-chave: Romance . Mitologias. Religião. Hispano-América. Abstract This article studies the forms of representation of the sacred in the Hispanic-American novel of the 20th century and proposes a reflection on some ways of using the mythological and religious traditions by literature. The presence of sacred narratives in the literary texts of the 20th century is marked by a renewed aesthetic experience, once it does not only refer to using or re-using an exotic theme, but perceiving a potential translator of universal truths, immanent to religious texts or mythological ancestors. The present proposal offers a reflection on the peculiarities of European and Hispanic-American productions which make use of sacred themes, meaning to understand the aesthetic and historical consonances and dissonances. The aesthetic phenomenon named “mythologism”, studied

  2. Francis Bacon: “pintar sensações” (Francis Bacon: “to paint sensations”)


    Borges, Sonia; UVA


    RESUMO O texto aborda, pela via da psicanálise, o que consideramos como o “método” de Francis Bacon: “pintar sensações”. Para isto, tomo, como referências principais, a Carta 52 (1896), da correspondência de Freud com Fliess, e Em busca do tempo perdido, romance de Marcel Proust ([1922] 1995), observando a possibilidade de considerar o que Proust nomeia como “memória involuntária” e o seu papel no processo criativo como uma ilustração esclarecedora do que Freud nos traz na Carta sobre a estr...

  3. Circulating Blood eNOS Contributes to the Regulation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Nitrite Homeostasis (United States)

    Wood, Katherine C.; Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Kovacic, Jason C.; Noguchi, Audrey; Liu, Virginia B.; Wang, Xunde; Raghavachari, Nalini; Boehm, Manfred; Kato, Gregory J.; Kelm, Malte; Gladwin, Mark T.


    Objective Mice genetically deficient in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS−/−) are hypertensive with lower circulating nitrite levels, indicating the importance of constitutively produced nitric oxide (NO•) to blood pressure regulation and vascular homeostasis. While the current paradigm holds that this bioactivity derives specifically from expression of eNOS in endothelium, circulating blood cells also express eNOS protein. A functional red cell eNOS that modulates vascular NO• signaling has been proposed. Approach and Results To test the hypothesis that blood cells contribute to mammalian blood pressure regulation via eNOS-dependent NO• generation, we cross-transplanted WT and eNOS−/− mice, producing chimeras competent or deficient for eNOS expression in circulating blood cells. Surprisingly, we observed a significant contribution of both endothelial and circulating blood cell eNOS to blood pressure and systemic nitrite levels, the latter being a major component of the circulating NO• reservoir. These effects were abolished by the NOS inhibitor L-NAME and repristinated by the NOS substrate L-Arginine, and were independent of platelet or leukocyte depletion. Mouse erythrocytes were also found to carry an eNOS protein and convert 14C-Arginine into 14C-Citrulline in a NOS-dependent fashion. Conclusions These are the first studies to definitively establish a role for a blood borne eNOS, using cross transplant chimera models, that contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and nitrite homeostasis. This work provides evidence suggesting that erythrocyte eNOS may mediate this effect. PMID:23702660

  4. Macrophages activate iNOS signaling in adventitial fibroblasts and contribute to adventitia fibrosis. (United States)

    Zhang, Guannan; Li, Xiaodong; Sheng, Chengyu; Chen, Xiaohui; Chen, Yu; Zhu, Dingliang; Gao, Pingjin


    A large amount of NO is generated through the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) pathway from the vascular adventitia in various vascular diseases. However, it is currently not fully understood how the iNOS signaling pathway is activated. In the present study, this question was addressed in the context of adventitial cellular interactions. A rat model of acute hypertension in the contralateral carotid arteries was established through transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery. In this model, activated macrophages were found surrounded by a large quantity of iNOS-expressing adventitial fibroblasts (AFs), suggesting a possible causal relationship between macrophages and iNOS activation of the neighboring AFs. In an in vitro model, a macrophage-like cell line RAW 264.7 was first activated by LPS treatment. The supernatant was then harvested and applied to treat primary rat AFs. iNOS in AFs was activated robustly by the supernatant treatment but not by LPS itself. Treating AFs with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) also activated iNOS signaling, suggesting that the IL-1β pathway might be a possible mediator. As a consequence of the iNOS activation, total protein nitration and S-nitrosylation significantly increased in those AFs. Additionally, increased deposition of type I and type III collagens was observed in both in vitro and in vivo models. The collagen deposition was partially restored by an iNOS inhibitor, 1400 W. These findings highlight the importance of iNOS signaling during vascular inflammation, and advance our understanding of its activation through a cellular interaction perspective. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Abordagens do amor romântico: aspectos históricos, sociais e literários

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    Luana Grasiela Schonarth


    Full Text Available O presente estudo vincula-se ao projeto de pesquisa Narrativas e conhecimentos: especificidades teóricas e constituição de sentido, coordenado pela Prof.ª Dra. Eunice Terezinha Piazza Gai. Considerando os caminhos cursados no desenvolvimento da pesquisa, utilizamos o tema do amor para refletir sobre os possíveis conhecimentos que o processo narrativo propicia, os aspectos históricos e sociais nos quais a temática foi abordada na literatura, assim como um resgate de informações acerca das origens do tema e personagens consolidados nos romances românticos. Nessa perspectiva, delimitamos o estudo entre os amores irrealizados, os impasses responsáveis pelos impedimentos amorosos, bem como os conflitos entre a paixão e o casamento nas narrativas românticas. Para bem fundamentar esta pesquisa, tomamos o mito considerado matriz das histórias de amor, o próprio nascimento da paixão na literatura ocidental: Tristão e Isolda. O mito apresenta a visão do amor cortês e as contradições que se manifestaram desde a segunda metade do século XII entre a regra cavalheiresca e os costumes feudais. Diante da teoria do amor, abstraída do mito do amor romântico, partimos para a literatura do século XIX, considerando a presença dos amores não correspondidos. Nesta etapa, analisamos o romance de Balzac, Eugênia Grandet, que se torna exemplo da irrealização amorosa na literatura, vivida de modo mais contundente pela personagem que intitula a obra. A escolha dessa narrativa, para a análise do amor-paixão, deve-se ao fato de que o casamento é tratado como mero interesse financeiro, desconsiderando todo e qualquer envolvimento amoroso entre o casal em questão: Eugênia e Charles. Tratamos, pois, desta pluralidade significativa, deste amplo caminho trilhado não só pela literatura, mas por todos aqueles que se deixam despertar pela eternidade e fascínio dos romances românticos.


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    Lina Pliško


    Full Text Available In this paper we present the immediate etymology (etymologia proxima of twenty words of Romance origin belonging to the semantic field of furniture (5, bed parts (4, bed linen (5 and decorations and certain objects found (6 in the bedroom. The words have been obtained through field work in the Hreljići area, and attestations of these words were sought in dictionaries of the speech of the north Adriatic (Boljun, Grobnik, Labin, Medulin, Roveria dialects as well as the south Adriatic, primarily island, regions (Ugljan, Pag, Brač, Hvar. On the basis of the analysis of all the words obtained, it may be concluded that only two words from the questionnaire are of Slavic origin: postelja and punjava, and that, according to the immediate etymology, twenty words are of Istro-Venetian origin, i.e. from the Istrian variants of the Venetian dialect, which has been spoken in the region of Istria for centuries. This idiom is still spoken by many today, although it no longer serves as a lingua franca among the several ethnic and language groups living in the area as it once did: nowadays its role has been taken over by the standard Croatian language. By comparing the words obtained from Hreljići with those from other Čakavian dialects in Istria (in Medulin, Labin, Boljun and Roverian dialects, in Grobnik, as well as those from the southern Adriatic islands (Novlja on the island of Pag, Kukljica on the island of Ugljan, Brač, as well as Pitava and Zavala on Hvar, we have concluded that many words are used and have been preserved in the same form and with the same meanings that can be found in the dialect of Hreljići. In all the dictionaries we have consulted, nine words and their variants corresponding to those in Hreljići have been attested: armar/armarun/ormarun, lampadina/lampa, koltrina, šusta/šušta, kučeta/kočeta, štramac, lancun, kušin, intima/intimela. Two attested words of Venetian origin have only been found in certain Istrian idioms:

  7. Association between nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene and serum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Various mutation on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOs) gene cause reduced production of NO, the expansion factor (VEF) and may accelerate the process of atherosclerosis. The study was designed to investigate the frequency of T-786C polymorphism of the gene or nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene in patients ...

  8. Electroacupuncture Delays Hypertension Development through Enhancing NO/NOS Activity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    Hye Suk Hwang


    Full Text Available Using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, this study investigated whether electroacupuncture (EA could reduce early stage hypertension by examining nitric oxide (NO levels in plasma and nitric oxide synthase (NOS levels in the mesenteric resistance artery. EA was applied to the acupuncture point Governor Vessel 20 (GV20 or to a non-acupuncture point in the tail twice weekly for 3 weeks under anesthesia. In conscious SHR and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY rats, blood pressure was determined the day after EA treatment by the tail-cuff method. We measured plasma NO concentration, and evaluated endothelial NO syntheses (eNOS and neuronal NOS (nNOS protein expression in the mesenteric artery. Systolic blood pressure (SBP and diastolic blood pressure (DBP were lower after 3 weeks of GV20 treatment than EA at non-acupuncture point and no treatment control in SHR. nNOS expression by EA was significantly different between both WKY and no treatment SHR control, and EA at GV20 in SHR. eNOS expression was significantly high in EA at GV 20 compared with no treatment control. In conclusion, EA could attenuate the blood pressure elevation of SHR, along with enhancing NO/NOS activity in the mesenteric artery in SHR.

  9. Expression of Beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS in Colorectal Cancer: Relevance of COX-2 and iNOS Inhibitors for Treatment in Malaysia

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    Seok Kwan Hong


    Conclusions: The accumulation of β-catenin does not seem to be sufficient to activate pathways that lead to increased COX-2 and iNOS expression. A high proportion of colorectal cancers were found to express COX-2 and a significant number produced iNOS, suggesting that their inhibitors may be potentially useful as chemotherapeutic agents in the management of colorectal cancer.

  10. A epilepsia nos tumores cerebrais

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    Luís Marques-Assis


    Full Text Available De 411 casos de tumores cerebrais foram estudados 86 (19,4% que apresentaram manifestações epilépticas. A epilepsia foi estudada quanto à duração, ao tipo de manifestação e à severidade, em relação à natureza e à localização dos tumores cerebrais. A análise dos resultados permitiu aos autores chegarem às seguintes conclusões: 1 a epilepsia incidiu em 19,4% dos casos; 2 o oligodendroglioma, as metástases carcinomatosas e o glioblastoma multiforme foram, pela ordem, os tumores mais epileptogênicos; 3 as áreas frontal, parietal e temporal foram, nessa ordem, as localizações mais epileptogênicas; 4 os carcinomas metastáticos predominaram nos casos com epilepsia com menos de um ano de evolução, enquanto que os astrocitomas predominaram nos casos com mais de três anos; quanto à topografia, predominou a região frontal no primeiro grupo e a temporal, no segundo; 5 nas formas mais severas de epilepsia predominaram os oligodendrogliomas e os meningeomas, quanto à natureza, e a região frontotemporal e a foice, quanto à localização; 6 os craniofaringeomas e os meduloblastomas foram os tumores que mais freqüentemente determinaram o aparecimento de convulsões puras; nesses casos, a sela túrsica e a fossa posterior foram as sedes mais freqüentes; 7 os carcinomas metastáticos e os meningeomas, quanto à natureza, e as regiões frontoparietal e parietal, quanto à localização, foram os mais freqüentemente encontrados nos casos com crises de tipo bravais-jacksoniano.

  11. A Internet que nos protege

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    Luana Negrelly Saraiva


    Full Text Available A partir de uma análise das relações interpessoais nos canais de chat, pretende-se mostrar a Internet como um espaço de proteção da mesma sociedade repressora que a criou, abrindo portas para o desenvolvimento e o resgate dos valores humanos.

  12. Intoxicação experimental de suínos por fumonisinas

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    Dilkin Paulo


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da exposição oral prolongada (28 dias à fumonisina foram estudados em suínos jovens. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos experimentais e alimentados com ração ad libitum contendo: A 0mg de (controle; B 10mg de; C 30mg de Os suínos foram observados duas vezes por dia; seus pesos e consumo alimentar foram registrados semanalmente. Entre o 20º e 24º dia de intoxicação, os suínos do tratamentos C apresentaram diminuição do consumo de ração e ganho de peso, sinais característicos de edema pulmonar, razão pela qual um animal foi levado a óbito aos 23 dias de intoxicação. Após 28 dias, os animais foram necropsiados e os órgãos submetidos a análises macroscópica, histopatológica e ao estudo da morfologia e histologia intestinal. Nos suínos que apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação, observaram-se lesões pulmonares, hepáticas e diminuição de altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas e hiperplasia glandular em segmentos intestinais. Conclui-se, portanto, que substanciais perdas de produtividade podem ser induzidas em suínos alimentados com ração contaminada com baixos níveis de fumonisinas.

  13. iNOS-dependent increase in colonic mucus thickness in DSS-colitic rats.

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    Olof Schreiber

    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate colonic mucus thickness in vivo in health and during experimental inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Colitis was induced with 5% DSS in drinking water for 8 days prior to experiment, when the descending colonic mucosa of anesthetized rats was studied using intravital microscopy. Mucus thickness was measured with micropipettes attached to a micromanipulator. To assess the contributions of NOS and prostaglandins in the regulation of colonic mucus thickness, the non-selective NOS-inhibitor L-NNA (10 mg/kg bolus followed by 3 mg/kg/h, the selective iNOS-inhibitor L-NIL (10 mg/kg bolus followed by 3 mg/kg/h and the non-selective COX-inhibitor diclofenac (5 mg/kg were administered intravenously prior to experiment. To further investigate the role of iNOS in the regulation of colonic mucus thickness, iNOS -/- mice were used. RESULTS: Colitic rats had a thicker firmly adherent mucus layer following 8 days of DSS treatment than untreated rats (88±2 µm vs 76±1 µm. During induction of colitis, the thickness of the colonic mucus layer initially decreased but was from day 3 significantly thicker than in untreated rats. Diclofenac reduced the mucus thickness similarly in colitic and untreated rats (-16±5 µm vs -14±2 µm. While L-NNA had no effect on colonic mucus thickness in DSS or untreated controls (+3±2 µm vs +3±1 µm, L-NIL reduced the mucus thickness significantly more in colitic rats than in controls (-33±4 µm vs -10±3 µm. The importance of iNOS in regulating the colonic mucus thickness was confirmed in iNOS-/- mice, which had thinner colonic mucus than wild-type mice (35±3 µm vs 50±2 µm, respectively. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed increased levels of iNOS in the colonic surface epithelium following DSS treatment. CONCLUSION: Both prostaglandins and nitric oxide regulate basal colonic mucus thickness. During onset of colitis, the thickness of the mucus layer is initially reduced followed by an iNOS

  14. Participação nos Lucros ou Resultados

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    Luiz Felipe Ferreira


    Full Text Available A participação nos lucros ou resultados é uma forma de remuneração variável, pela qual não há incidência de encargos sociais, além de incentivar o aumento da produtividade, podendo assim ser utilizada pelas empresas como estratégia, para enfrentarem os desafios dinâmicos e competitivos em que atuam. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e tem como objetivo conceituar e explanar as formas pela quais são praticadas a participação nos lucros ou resultados em empresas do setor alimentício em Santa Catarina, que foram escolhidas por meio do critério de acessibilidade e disponibilidade. Dos dados coletados, pode-se verificar que as empresas: COC Alimentos, Moinho Catarinense e Pepsico do Brasil utilizam a participação nos resultados e a Perdigão utiliza a participação mista. A Moinho Catarinense distribui para todos os empregados um salário nominal, como a CDC Alimentos, exceto para os gerentes. A Perdigão beneficia todos os empregados, sendo que 60% da distribuição é pelo lucro líquido e 40% por indicadores de desempenho. A Pepsico do Brasil distribui aos empregados operacionais 50% de um salário nominal e para os empregados da administração central um salário nominal, atrelado ao cumprimento de metas, especificadas no programa de participação nos lucros ou resultados.

  15. The Bantu-Romance-Greek connection revisited: Processing constraints in auxiliary and clitic placement from a cross-linguistic perspective

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    Stergios Chatzikyriakidis


    Full Text Available This paper explores a connection between Romance and Greek on the one hand, and Bantu on the other. More specifically, we look at auxiliary placement in Rangi and clitic placement in Tobler Mussafia languages, with a special emphasis on Cypriot Greek, and argue that a common explanation for their distribution can be found once a move into a dynamic framework is made. Rangi exhibits an unusual word order alternation in auxiliary constructions under which the position of the auxiliary appears to be sensitive to an element appearing at the left periphery of the clause. A similar sensitivity to a left-peripheral element can be seen to regulate clitic placement in Cypriot Greek (and generally in the so-called Tobler Mussafia clitic languages. The paper presents a parsing-oriented account of these two phenomena in the Dynamic Syntax framework, arguing that the similarities in syntactic distribution are the result of the encoding in the lexicon of processing strategies that were potentially pragmatic preferences in earlier stages of the respective languages. The account thus leans on the role played by the lexical entries for auxiliary and clitic forms, as well as the assumption that underspecification is inherent in the process of establishing meaning in context. The account is further supplemented by possible pathways of diachronic change that could have given rise to the systems found in present day varieties.

  16. Religião e patriotismo: o anticomunismo católico nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil nos anos da Guerra Fria

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    Carla Simone Rodeghero


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa e compara o anticomunismo católico no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos no período da Guerra Fria. Depois de situar o campo de estudos constituído no Brasil sobre o tema, discute as relações entre americanismo e anticomunismo, procurando situar o catolicismo norte-americano neste meio. Utiliza-se de uma produção recente sobre cultura da Guerra Fria nos Estados Unidos. Levanta, finalmente, uma série de elementos de comparação sobre a forma que o anticomunismo católico assumiu nos dois países.This article analyses and compares the Catholic anticommunism in the Brazil and in United States during the Cold War years. After showing the recent studies produced in Brazil about the fight against communism, it discusses the relationship between Americanism, anticommunism and Catholicism. This step is based on recent historical research about the Cold War culture in the United States. Finally, it makes comparisons between the forms that anticommunism assumed in each country.

  17. O papel de imunoglobulinas na nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos

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    Larissa M.F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose endêmica em todo o mundo, que afeta o homem e várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. No início da infecção há produção de IgM para o controle da infecção e após alguns dias, IgG são produzidas e provocam lise das leptospiras circulantes. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar depósitos de antígeno de leptospiras e imunoglobulinas no tecido renal, para avaliar o papel de imunoglobulinas na patogênese da nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos. Foram colhidas 139 amostras de sangue e rim de suínos das cidades de Teresina/PI e Timon/MA, que foram avaliadas pela SAM, imunoistoquímica e PCR. Nefrite intersticial, fibrose, vasculite, tumefação do tufo glomerular e hipercelularidade difusa foram as principais alterações histopatológicas encontradas. A imunoistoquímica detectou antígeno de leptospira em 60 suínos. Depósitos de IgG, IgM e IgA foram observados no endotélio de capilares glomerulares, dos capilares intertubulares e na cápsula de Bowman, com marcação focal, difusa, global e segmentar. A deposição de IgM e IgA foi significantemente maior nos suínos infectados. Estranhamente depósitos de IgG foi significantemente maior nos suínos não infectados, onde não havia presença de antígeno de leptospiras e nem lesão túbulo-intersticial. Concluímos que antígeno de leptospiras no rim de suínos está relacionado a depósitos de IgM e IgA mas não a depósitos de IgG.

  18. A novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for simultaneous detection of the MTHFR 677 C > T, eNOS +894 G > T and - eNOS -786 T > C variants among Malaysian Malays

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    Loo Keat


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Hyperhomocysteinemia as a consequence of the MTHFR 677 C > T variant is associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another factor that can potentially contribute to these disorders is a depleted nitric oxide level, which can be due to the presence of eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants that make an individual more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction. A number of genotyping methods have been developed to investigate these variants. However, simultaneous detection methods using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP analysis are still lacking. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for the simultaneous detection of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants was developed. A total of 114 healthy Malay subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants were genotyped using the novel multiplex PCR-RFLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing as well as snpBLAST. Allele frequencies of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C were calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation. Methods The 114 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study, and their DNA was extracted. Primer pair was designed using Primer 3 Software version 0.4.0 and validated against the BLAST database. The primer specificity, functionality and annealing temperature were tested using uniplex PCR methods that were later combined into a single multiplex PCR. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP was performed in three separate tubes followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR product residual was purified and sent for DNA sequencing. Results The allele frequencies for MTHFR 677 C > T were 0.89 (C allele and 0.11 (T allele; for eNOS +894 G > T, the allele frequencies were 0.58 (G allele and 0.43 (T allele; and for eNOS −786 T > C, the allele

  19. Circulating NOS3 modulates left ventricular remodeling following reperfused myocardial infarction.

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    Simone Gorressen

    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is constitutively produced and released from the endothelium and several blood cell types by the isoform 3 of the NO synthase (NOS3. We have shown that NO protects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R injury and that depletion of circulating NOS3 increases within 24 h of ischemia/reperfusion the size of myocardial infarction (MI in chimeric mice devoid of circulating NOS3. In the current study we hypothesized that circulating NOS3 also affects remodeling of the left ventricle following reperfused MI.To analyze the role of circulating NOS3 we transplanted bone marrow of NOS3-/- and wild type (WT mice into WT mice, producing chimerae expressing NOS3 only in vascular endothelium (BC-/EC+ or in both, blood cells and vascular endothelium (BC+/EC+. Both groups underwent 60 min of coronary occlusion in a closed-chest model of reperfused MI. During the 3 weeks post MI, structural and functional LV remodeling was serially assessed (24 h, 4 d, 1 w, 2 w and 3 w by echocardiography. At 72 hours post MI, gene expression of several extracellular matrix (ECM modifying molecules was determined by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. At 3 weeks post MI, hemodynamics were obtained by pressure catheter, scar size and collagen content were quantified post mortem by Gomori's One-step trichrome staining.Three weeks post MI, LV end-systolic (53.2±5.9 μl; ***p≤0.001; n = 5 and end-diastolic volumes (82.7±5.6 μl; *p<0.05; n = 5 were significantly increased in BC-/EC+, along with decreased LV developed pressure (67.5±1.8 mm Hg; n = 18; ***p≤0.001 and increased scar size/left ventricle (19.5±1.5%; n = 13; **p≤0.01 compared to BC+/EC+ (ESV: 35.6±2.2 μl; EDV: 69.1±2.6 μl n = 8; LVDP: 83.2±3.2 mm Hg; n = 24; scar size/LV13.8±0.7%; n = 16. Myocardial scar of BC-/EC+ was characterized by increased total collagen content (20.2±0.8%; n = 13; ***p≤0.001 compared to BC+/EC+ (15.9±0.5; n = 16, and increased collagen type I and III subtypes

  20. Role of iNOS and eNOS expression in a group of Egyptian diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathy patients

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    Mayssa I. Aly


    Conclusion The presence of iNOS is associated with tubular damage resulting in renal failure. The upregulation of NO in diabetes mellitus type 2 may explain the endothelial dysfunction that is associated with almost all diabetic complications.

  1. The photographer in the contemporary spanish romance O fotográfico no romance espanhol contemporâneo

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    Fernando de Tacca


    Full Text Available This article talks about the construction of the imaginary of spanish being, based on three spanish literary works related to the photographic: La foto de los suecos, Juan Cruz (1998, La ruta de Snábel, from Vital Citores(2001, and El pintor de batallas, Arturo Perez-Reverte (2006. The interest of these books analysis came from the reading of the book España, sueño y verdad, from the researcher and essayist María Zambrano (1965, whereupon she works the spanish ethus built by three literary charecters: Dom Quijote, El Cid and Don Juan. With the analyses, this article explores questions between charecters and authors in the spanish’s recent literary production, where the photographer is revealed as enunciator and narrative element and concludes that, the recent literature keeps considerable distance of social ambiguity presents in the book and in the epic charecters analysed by Zambrano. Este artigo trata da construção de imaginário do ser espanhol, calcado em três obras da literatura espanhola que trata do fotográfico: A foto de los suecos, de Juan Cruz (1998, La ruta de Snábel, de Vital Citores(2001, e El pintor de batallas, de Arturo Perez-Reverte (2006. O despertar para a análise dessas obras e seus personagens surgiu a partir da leitura do livro España, sueño y verdad, da pesquisadora e ensaísta María Zambrano(1965, no qual ela trabalha o ethus espanhol construído a partir de três personagens literários: Don Quijote, El Cid e Don Juan. Com as análises, esse artigo explora questões entre personagens e autores na recente produção literária espanhola, nas quais o fotográfico se revela como elemento enunciador e narrativo e conclui que, a literatura recente mantém considerável distância da ambiguidade social presente na obra e nos personagens épicos analisados por Zambrano.


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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva verificar a tendência dos termos ambientais e sociais evidenciados nos relatórios da administração de 1997 a 2006 de empresas familiares brasileiras. Realizou-se pesquisa exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, por meio de pesquisa documental e da técnica de análise de conteúdo nos RA de 1997 a 2006. No universo das 500 maiores empresas listadas na Revista Exame, edição 2006, identificaram-se 21 empresas familiares de capital aberto e de controle acionário brasileiro, mas dessas somente 16 publicaram seu RA nos dez anos considerados. Os resultados mostram que a oscilação na quantidade de páginas dos RA ao longo dos anos apresenta relação com algum evento ocorrido nas empresas. A evidenciação dos termos ambientais está mais relacionada às medidas tomadas para cuidar e preservar o meio ambiente do que aos passivos ambientais. A evidenciação dos termos sociais foi direcionada de maneira equilibrada ao público interno e externo. Conclui-se que há uma tendência nos termos ambientais e sociais evidenciados nos RA de 1997 a 2006 das empresas pesquisadas, ainda que tenham sido incorporados vários termos novos ao longo do período.

  3. Using a Professional Development Program for Enhancing Chilean Biology Teachers' Understanding of Nature of Science (NOS) and Their Perceptions about Using History of Science to Teach NOS (United States)

    Pavez, José M.; Vergara, Claudia A.; Santibañez, David; Cofré, Hernán


    A number of authors have recognized the importance of understanding the nature of science (NOS) for scientific literacy. Different instructional strategies such as decontextualized, hands-on inquiry, and history of science (HOS) activities have been proposed for teaching NOS. This article seeks to understand the contribution of HOS in enhancing…

  4. Velações e partidas: o trauma em Antes de nascer o mundo, de Mia Couto

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    Juliana Ciambra Rahe


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise do trauma na obra Antes de nascer o mundo, do moçambicano Mia Couto. Partindo das reflexões freudianas, pretendemos examinar os efeitos negativos e positivos do trauma, confrontando os posicionamentos dos personagens Silvestre Vitalício e Marta diante da experiência traumática vivenciada por cada um deles. Valendo-nos como referencial teórico, principalmente, das reflexões de Sigmund Freud, Márcio Seligmann-Silva e Stuart Hall, examinaremos como a narrativa da catástrofe possibilita aos personagens do romance a (reinvenção das identidades abaladas pelo trauma.


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    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo busca tornar aparentes correntes subterrâneas que formam uma rede consistente de perspectivas teológicas, filosóficas e biológicas, que constantemente reaparecem nos romances e contos de Machado de Assis. Tal rede envolve temas persistentes tais como o da predestinação, o utilitarismo, o gnosticismo, a teoria da evolução e o assim chamado darwinismo social spenceriano. Tais temas estão tão intimamente ligados ao humanitismo que vale a pena perguntar se não seria a filosofia borbiana digna de um exame mais sério.

  6. A fala em linhas : ausência e presença das marcas de oralidade na tradução de The Shining


    Filgueiras, Nathália Louise Corvello


    O romance The Shining, de Stephen King, retrata os acontecimentos insólitos vividos pela família Torrance num hotel isolado nas montanhas do Colorado, EUA. A história de horror logo conquistou o público e tornou-se um bestseller, em especial após a adaptação para o cinema, com direção de Stanley Kubrick. Traduzida para o português brasileiro no mesmo ano de sua publicação nos Estados Unidos, a obra literária ganhou novas edições no Brasil desde então, embora mantendo a primeira tradução (Albu...

  7. Penitenciaría federal de Marion. Illinois (U. S. A.

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    Hellmuth, Obata y Kassabaum, Arquitectos


    Full Text Available This federal prison is designed to house 600 prisioners, and has been planned so that it can be easily enlarged, to accommodate 1,000 inmates. The distribution is radial, and entry is via an administrative building, which lies outside the double metallic safety enclosure. A main corridor leads to the central nucleus, from which three other corridors branch off. The one on the right connects with five units, containing the cells, a general dormitory, the library, public hall, gymnasium and a school. The central corridor leads to further cell units, the admission office, hospital and secondary services, whilst the left hand corridor provides access to the chapel, the prisoners dining mess, kitchens and washing rooms. The building is of high quality and has a noble aspect, following modern trend in this type of constructions.Esta penitenciaría Federal ha sido construida para albergar 600 reclusos, pero con la posibilidad de poder ampliar fácilmente su capacidad hasta 1.000. Al conjunto, que presenta una distribución general radial, se accede a través del edificio de la Administración situado a la entrada, fuera de la doble cerca metálica de seguridad. A través del corredor principal, se llega al núcleo central, del que parten otros tres corredores; el de la derecha consta de cinco unidades constructivas, que contienen las celdas de los reclusos y una unidad dormitorio, la biblioteca, el auditorio-gimnasio y la escuela. Al corredor del fondo dan otras unidades con celdas, la unidad de admisión, hospital, etc.; y al corredor de la izquierda: la capilla, el comedor de reclusos, las zonas de servicio, cocinas, lavandería, etc. El edificio es noble y de calidad, de acuerdo con las modernas directrices en este tipo de construcciones.

  8. Stress-restress evokes sustained iNOS activity and altered GABA levels and NMDA receptors in rat hippocampus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harvey, Brian H; Oosthuizen, Frasia; Brand, Linda


    . The NOS isoform involved, and the role of stress-mediated corticosterone release in NOS activation, was verified with the administration of selective iNOS and nNOS inhibitors, aminoguanidine (50 mg/kg/day i.p.) and 7-nitroindazole (12.5 mg/kg/day i.p.), and the steroid synthesis inhibitor, ketoconazole...... (24 mg/kg/day i.p.), administered for 21 days prior to and during the stress procedure. RESULTS: Stress evoked a sustained increase in NOS activity, but reduced NMDA receptor density and total GABA levels. Aminoguanidine or ketoconazole, but not 7-nitroindazole or saline, blocked stress-induced NOS...


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    José Raimundo Maia Neto


    Full Text Available Tito Lívio relata em detalhes a ascensão e queda de Marco Manlio Capitolino nos tempos heroicos da república romana. O caso capitolino era bem conhecido entre os antigos, tendo sido citado por Cícero em discursos políticos e retomado e examinado por Plutarco na Vida de Camilo. Séculos depois, no Renascimento, para ilustrar filosofias políticas contrárias, o delito capitolino é destacado por Maquiavel em seu comentário de Tito Lívio e citado por Montaigne nos Ensaios. Enfim, pouco mais de um século depois, o caso ainda inspira uma tragédia de Antoine de Lafosse d’Aubigny, frequentemente encenada na França até a primeira metade do século XIX. Este artigo é um exercício de literatura e filosofia comparada entre estes relatos e o romance Dom Casmurro de Machado de Assis.

  10. Expression of leptin and iNOS in oral melanomas in dogs. (United States)

    Greene, V R; Wilson, H; Pfent, C; Roethele, J; Carwile, J; Qin, Y; Grimm, E; Ellerhorst, J A


    Oral melanoma (OM) in dogs is an aggressive malignancy, with clinical behavior resembling cutaneous melanomas in humans. Melanoma in humans is promoted by an inflammatory environment that is contributed to by leptin and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). To determine if the patterns of leptin and iNOS expression are similar in OM in dogs and cutaneous melanomas in humans. Twenty client-owned dogs. Retrospective case study. Immunostaining of the OM tumors from each dog was scored for percentage and intensity of leptin and iNOS expression. Mitotic index was used as an indicator of tumor aggression. Leptin was detected in ≥75% of the tumor cells in specimens from 11 dogs. One tumor expressed leptin in ≤25% of the cells. The intensity of leptin expression was variable with 6, 9, and 5 cases exhibiting low-, moderate-, and high-intensity staining, respectively. OM with the lowest percentage of iNOS positive cells displayed the highest mitotic indices (P = .006, ANOVA). The expression of leptin is a common finding in melanomas in dogs. These data suggest that the possibility of future clinical applications, such as measuring the concentrations of plasma leptin as a screening tool or leptin as a target for therapy. The relevance of iNOS is not as clear in dogs with OM, for which other directed therapeutics might be more appropriate. Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  11. Vasoinhibins Prevent Bradykinin-Stimulated Endothelial Cell Proliferation by Inactivating eNOS via Reduction of both Intracellular Ca2+ Levels and eNOS Phosphorylation at Ser1179

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    Carmen Clapp


    Full Text Available Vasoinhibins, a family of antiangiogenic peptides derived from prolactin proteolysis, inhibit the vascular effects of several proangiogenic factors, including bradykinin (BK. Here, we report that vasoinhibins block the BK-induced proliferation of bovine umbilical vein endothelial cells. This effect is mediated by the inactivation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, as the NO donor DETA-NONOate reverted vasoinhibin action. It is an experimentally proven fact that the elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i upon BK stimulation activates eNOS, and vasoinhibins blocked the BK-mediated activation of phospholipase C and the formation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate leading to a reduced release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. The [Ca2+]i rise evoked by BK also involves the influx of extracellular Ca2+ via canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC channels. Vasoinhibins likely interfere with TRPC-mediated Ca2+ entry since La3+, which is an enhancer of TRPC4 and TRPC5 channel activity, prevented vasoinhibins from blocking the stimulation by BK of endothelial cell NO production and proliferation, and vasoinhibins reduced the BK-induced increase of TRPC5 mRNA expression. Finally, vasoinhibins prevented the BK-induced phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1179, a post-translational modification that facilitates Ca2+-calmodulin activation of eNOS. Together, our data show that vasoinhibins, by lowering NO production through the inhibition of both [Ca2+]i mobilization and eNOS phosphorylation, prevent the BK-induced stimulation of endothelial cell proliferation. Thus, vasoinhibins help to regulate BK effects on angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis.

  12. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1902-present, Salinity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have salinity data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  13. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1902-present, Conductivity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have conductivity data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  14. Technical Specifications, South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-80

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear reactor facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR Part 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  15. Technical specifications, South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-78

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The South Texas Project, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear reactor facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR Part 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  16. Tratamento de dejetos suínos com biorreator UASB

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    Pablo Costa da Silva


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a importância do biodigestor UASB no tratamento de dejetos suínos. A suinocultura possui papel importante quanto ao desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil. No entanto, o aumento de produção vem causando problemas ambientais graves, por conta do grande volume de resíduos sólidos gerados pela atividade. O desenvolvimento de métodos de tratamento de dejetos que agreguem valor à produção e respeitem as leis ambientais é um dos grandes desafios do setor. A biodigestão anaeróbia é um dos métodos mais eficazes para o tratamento de dejetos de suinoculturas. Este método de digestão, denominado UASB, tem como característica principal a produção de biogás e de biofertilizante, produto rico em nutrientes, e livre de patógenos. O método oferece vantagens como a promoção do bem estar animal, o aumento da fertilidade do solo, a diminuição da poluição e da emissão de gases geradores do efeito estufa e a melhoria da qualidade de vida, nos centros produtores de suínos, além de minimizar problemas relacionados ao déficit de energia elétrica. Portanto, a utilização de biodigestores UASB para o tratamento de dejetos de suínos é uma opção interessante, que deve ser avaliada com seriedade.

  17. 78 FR 49305 - Luminant Generation Company LLC, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446; NRC-2013-0182] Luminant Generation Company LLC, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Application for Amendment to Facility... Operating License Nos. NPF-87 and NPF-89 for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2...

  18. The NF-κB p65 and p50 homodimer cooperate with IRF8 to activate iNOS transcription

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simon, Priscilla S.; Sharman, Sarah K.; Lu, Chunwan; Yang, Dafeng; Paschall, Amy V.; Tulachan, Sidhartha S.; Liu, Kebin


    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) metabolizes L-arginine to produce nitric oxide (NO) which was originally identified in myeloid cells as a host defense mechanism against pathogens. Recent studies, however, have revealed that iNOS is often induced in tumor cells and myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment. Compelling experimental data have shown that iNOS promotes tumor development in certain cellular context and suppresses tumor development in other cellular conditions. The molecular mechanisms underlying these contrasting functions of iNOS is unknown. Because iNOS is often induced by inflammatory signals, it is therefore likely that these contrasting functions of iNOS could be controlled by the inflammatory signaling pathways, which remains to be determined. iNOS is expressed in colon carcinoma and myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment. Colon carcinoma and myeloid cell lines were used to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying iNOS expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic mobility shift assay were used to determine the IFNγ-activated pSTAT1 and NF-κB association with the chromatin DNA of the nos2 promoter. We show here that iNOS is dramatically up-regulated in inflammed human colon tissues and in human colon carcinoma as compared to normal colon tissue. iNOS is expressed in either the colon carcinoma cells or immune cells within the tumor microenvironment. On the molecular level, the proinflammatory IFNγ and NF-κB signals induce iNOS expression in human colon cancer cells. We further demonstrate that NF-κB directly binds to the NOS2 promoter to regulate iNOS expression. Although neither the IFNγ signaling pathway nor the NF-κB signaling pathway alone is sufficient to induce iNOS expression in myeloid cells, IFNγ and NF-κB synergistically induce iNOS expression in myeloid cells. Furthermore, we determine that IFNγ up-regulates IRF8 expression to augment NF-κB induction of iNOS expression. More interestingly, we


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王静; 赵义; 杨章民; 张进; 李积胜; 司履生; 王一理


    Objective To study the effects of lead on the activity and expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and relationship between the effects of lead on learning-memory and changes of NOS in subfields of hippocampus. Methods Y-maze test was used to study the effects of lead on ability of learning-memory; NADPH-d histochemistry and immunohistochemistry methods were used to investigate the changes of NOS in subfields of hippocampus. Results Compared with the control group, the ability of learning- memory in lead-exposed rats was significantly decreased (P<0.05); the number of NOS positive neurons in CA1 region and dentate gyrus of lead-exposed rats was significantly decreased(P<0.05), but no marked changes in CA3 region; the number of nNOS positive neurons in CA1 of lead-exposed rats was also significantly decreased(P<0.05), but no obvious changes in CA3. Conclusion Lead could damage the ability of learning-memory in rats. Lead could decrease the activity and expression of NOS in hippocampus and had different effects on NOS in different subfields of hippocampus. The changes of NOS in hippocampus induced by lead may be the mechanism of the learning-memory damage by lead.

  20. Activation of eNOS in endothelial cells exposed to ionizing radiation involves components of the DNA damage response pathway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagane, Masaki; Yasui, Hironobu; Sakai, Yuri; Yamamori, Tohru [Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Department of Environmental Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0818 (Japan); Niwa, Koichi [Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Food and Cosmetic Science, Faculty of Bioindustry, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Abashiri 099-2493 (Japan); Hattori, Yuichi [Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Toyama 930-0194 (Japan); Kondo, Takashi [Department of Radiological Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Toyama 930-0194 (Japan); Inanami, Osamu, E-mail: [Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Department of Environmental Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0818 (Japan)


    Highlights: • eNOS activity is increased in BAECs exposed to X-rays. • ATM is involved in this increased eNOS activity. • HSP90 modulates the radiation-induced activation of ATM and eNOS. - Abstract: In this study, the involvement of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase and heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation was investigated in X-irradiated bovine aortic endothelial cells. The activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and the phosphorylation of serine 1179 of eNOS (eNOS-Ser1179) were significantly increased in irradiated cells. The radiation-induced increases in NOS activity and eNOS-Ser1179 phosphorylation levels were significantly reduced by treatment with either an ATM inhibitor (Ku-60019) or an HSP90 inhibitor (geldanamycin). Geldanamycin was furthermore found to suppress the radiation-induced phosphorylation of ATM-Ser1181. Our results indicate that the radiation-induced eNOS activation in bovine aortic endothelial cells is regulated by ATM and HSP90.

  1. A Linguagem Motion Graphics nos Videoclipes Brasileiros

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    Herom Vargas


    Full Text Available Com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais de edição, animação e pós-produção, a linguagem motion graphics se configurou como ferramenta criativa nas relações entre som e imagem. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar aspectos inovadores da utilização da linguagem motion graphics nos videoclipes de artistas brasileiros, no período de 1990 a 2010. Por meio de categorias de avaliação relacionadas 1 aos softwares de composição visual, 2 à evolução da linguagem do clipe no período e 3 às relações entre música, vídeo e gráficos utilizados, quatro estágios de aplicação criativa dos recursos dessa linguagem nos videoclipes brasileiros foram estabelecidos.

  2. Romantic relationships at work: why love can hurt


    Wilson, Fiona


    The academic community, practitioner literature and newspapers have all taken an interest in workplace romance. This paper aims to review the literature on workplace romance and to argue that the issue of power is key to understanding the negative consequences for individuals and organizations, linking workplace romance with theories or explanatory models of power. The paper first examines definitions of workplace romance, presents evidence of its prevalence, distinguishes between different t...

  3. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Qin; Zhu, Zhiwei; Xu, Jialu; Gu, Weizhong; Zhao, Zhengyan


    Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS), is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS). The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS) and male wild-type mice (WT) at postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7) and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3) and immunohistochemistry (N = 1). In the PCR assessment, primers 5′-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3′ and 5′-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3′ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5′-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3′ and 5′-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3′ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05). Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05). These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS

  4. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Qin; Zhu, Zhiwei; Xu, Jialu [Department of Children' s Health Care, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China); Gu, Weizhong [Department of Pathology, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China); Zhao, Zhengyan [Department of Children' s Health Care, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China)


    Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS), is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS). The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS) and male wild-type mice (WT) at postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7) and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3) and immunohistochemistry (N = 1). In the PCR assessment, primers 5′-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3′ and 5′-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3′ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5′-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3′ and 5′-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3′ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05). Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05). These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS.

  5. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qin Xu


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO, synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS, is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS. The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS and male wild-type mice (WT at postnatal day 7 (P7, P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7 and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3 and immunohistochemistry (N = 1. In the PCR assessment, primers 5’-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3’ and 5’-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3’ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5’-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3’ and 5’-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3’ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05. Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05. These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS.

  6. Conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Items 3.1.3 and 3.2.3, Beaver Valley, Unit No. 1, North Anna, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Surry Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-334, 50-338, 50-339, 50-280, and 50-281)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haroldsen, R.


    This report provides a review of the submittals for Beaver Valley, Unit No. 1, North Anna, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, and Surry, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, for conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Items 3.1.3 and 3.2.3. The specific plants selected were reviewed as a group because of similarity in type and applicability of review items

  7. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Verified, Hourly (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has verified (quality-controlled), hourly, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)....

  8. Technical Specifications: Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-68 and NPF-79

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  9. Technical Specifications, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425): Appendix ''A'' to License Nos. NPF-68 and NPF-81

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  10. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the trigeminal vascular system and other brain structures related to pain in rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramachandran, Roshni; Ploug, Kenneth Beri; Hay-Schmidt, Anders


    to measure the respective levels of mRNA and protein for nNOS and eNOS in peripheral and central tissues involved in migraine pain: dura mater, pial arteries, trigeminal ganglion (TG) trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC), periaqueductal grey (PAG), thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, pituitary gland, hippocampus...... and cerebellum. iNOS was excluded from the present study because it was not induced. In the trigeminal vascular system we found the highest expression of nNOS mRNA in pial arteries. However, protein expression of nNOS was maximum in TNC. Among other brain structures, nNOS mRNA and protein expression...... was remarkably higher in the cerebellum than in any other tissues. Regarding eNOS in the trigeminovascular system, the highest mRNA expression was found in pial arteries. In the other brain structures, eNOS mRNA expression was similar but with lowest mRNA concentration in the pituitary gland and the highest...

  11. Pragmatismo e os pragmáticos nos estudos organizacionais

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    Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti

    Full Text Available O objetivo central deste ensaio teórico é avaliar as contribuições do pragmatismo nos Estudos Organizacionais e, os específicos, avaliar se as contribuições teóricas de Charles Peirce e John Dewey possibilitam afirmar o pragmatismo como senso comum, ciência ou teoria do conhecimento; analisar as contribuições - possibilidadese limites - do pragmatismo como conhecimento científico; compreender os percursos do pragmatismo nos Estudos Organizacionais. Chaga-se a conclusão de que ser pragmático é diferente de conceber estudos articulados no campo epistemológico do pragmatismo. O sujeito pragmático vê na sua utilidade e na necessidade deação, o ponto de tensão que coloca em dúvida a veracidade dos pressupostos do pragmatismo como ciência. O que ocorre nos Estudos Organizacionais éa conversão do pragmatismo como conhecimento científico emsubordinação irracional à utilidade e à ação prática, sobretudo, no campo da economia, da política, da ciência, da cultura, da educação, e assim por diante.

  12. Suggesting a NOS Map for Nature of Science for Science Education Instruction (United States)

    Oh, Jun-Young


    The aims of this research are 1) to explore the inter-relationships within the individual elements or tenets of Nature of Science (NOS), based on the dimensions of scientific knowledge in science learning, and 2) to consider Kuhn's concept of how scientific revolution takes place. This study suggests that instruction according to our NOS Flowchart…

  13. Identification and molecular characterization of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene in the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus. (United States)

    Jeong, Chang-Bum; Kang, Hye-Min; Seo, Jung Soo; Park, Heum Gi; Rhee, Jae-Sung; Lee, Jae-Seong


    In copepods, no information has been reported on the structure or molecular characterization of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene. In the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus, we identified a NOS gene that is involved in immune responses of vertebrates and invertebrates. In silico analyses revealed that nitric oxide (NO) synthase domains, such as the oxygenase and reductase domains, are highly conserved in the T. japonicus NOS gene. The T. japonicus NOS gene was highly transcribed in the nauplii stages, implying that it plays a role in protecting the host during the early developmental stages. To examine the involvement of the T. japonicus NOS gene in the innate immune response, the copepods were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and two Vibrio sp. After exposure to different concentrations of LPS and Vibrio sp., T. japonicus NOS transcription was significantly increased over time in a dose-dependent manner, and the NO/nitrite concentration increased as well. Taken together, our findings suggest that T. japonicus NOS transcription is induced in response to an immune challenge as part of the conserved innate immunity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Visibility, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Visibility data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  15. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Conductivity, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Conductivity data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  16. Morus alba extract modulates blood pressure homeostasis through eNOS signaling. (United States)

    Carrizzo, Albino; Ambrosio, Mariateresa; Damato, Antonio; Madonna, Michele; Storto, Marianna; Capocci, Luca; Campiglia, Pietro; Sommella, Eduardo; Trimarco, Valentina; Rozza, Francesco; Izzo, Raffaele; Puca, Annibale A; Vecchione, Carmine


    Morus alba is a promising phytomedicine cultivated in oriental countries that is extensively used to prevent and treat various cardiovascular problems. To date, despite its beneficial effects, the molecular mechanisms involved remain unclear. Thus, we investigate the vascular and haemodynamic effects of Morus alba extract in an experimental model focusing our attention on the molecular mechanisms involved. Through vascular reactivity studies, we demonstrate that Morus alba extract evokes endothelial vasorelaxation through a nitric oxide-dependent pathway. Our molecular analysis highlights an increase in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation. In vivo administration of Morus alba extract reduces blood pressure levels exclusively in wild-type mice, whereas it fails to evoke any haemodynamic effects in eNOS-deficient mice. Molecular analyses revealed that its beneficial action on vasculature is mediated by the activation of two important proteins that act as stress sensors and chaperones: PERK and heat shock protein 90. Finally, Morus alba extract exerts antihypertensive action in an experimental model of arterial hypertension. Through its action on eNOS signaling, Morus alba extract could act as a food supplement for the regulation of cardiovascular system, mainly in clinical conditions characterized by eNOS dysfunction, such as arterial hypertension. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. NOS3 Polymorphisms and Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Alejandro Marín Medina


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Chronic kidney disease (CKD is a multifactorial pathophysiologic irreversible process that often leads to a terminal state in which the patient requires renal replacement therapy. Most cases of CKD are due to chronic-degenerative diseases and endothelial dysfunction is one of the factors that contribute to its pathophysiology. One of the most important mechanisms for proper functioning of the endothelium is the regulation of the synthesis of nitric oxide. This compound is synthesized by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which has 3 isoforms. Polymorphisms in the NOS3 gene have been implicated as factors that alter the homeostasis of this mechanism. The Glu298Asp polymorphisms 4 b/a and -786T>C of the NOS3 gene have been associated with a more rapid deterioration of kidney function in patients with CKD. These polymorphisms have been evaluated in patients with CKD of determined and undetermined etiology and related to a more rapid deterioration of kidney function.

  18. NOS CO-OPS Active Currents Data, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has surface Active Currents data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These raw data have not...

  19. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Wind, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Wind data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been subjected...

  20. Las formas con estribillo en la lírica oral del Medioevo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beltran, Vicenç


    Full Text Available This essay analyses the musical and stanza forms pertaining to the most archaic poetical categories to be found in the romance languages, in relation to the Medieval oral tradition and to non-cortes literary texts. Recourse to the "zejel", apart from its obvious Arabic origins, can be traced in Provencal to the pre-troubadour period ("Laissatz estar lo gazel", and the first known instances of "rotrouenge" appeared in the X century in the Alba de Fleury, and the "rondeau", in its simplest form (strophic verses alternating with a refrain, appeared in the works of the writer Hilario el Inglés, a disciple of Abelardo. All the latter refer to hybrid texts, either in Latin (Arabic, where "moaxajas" are concerned or some early romance tongue or other, which is difficult to identify at times; however, there is no doubt that we can plainly discern the essential traits of what these forms would resemble during the troubadour period and throughout the whole of the Lower Middle Ages.

    En este trabajo se estudian las formas estróficas y musicales de los géneros poéticos más arcaicos en las letras romances, vinculados a la tradición oral del Medioevo y a registros literarios no corteses. El zéjel, además de sus conocidos precedentes árabes, remonta en provenzal al período pretrovadoresco ("Laissatz estar lo gazel", el ejemplo más antiguo de rotrouenge remonta hasta el siglo X en el Alba de Fleury y el rondeau, en su forma más simple (versos de estrofa que alternan con versos de estribillo aparece en la obra del escritor Hilario el Inglés, discípulo de Abelardo. En todos estos casos nos hallamos ante textos híbridos, en latín (árabe, en el caso de las moaxajas y algún romance primitivo, a veces difícil de identificar; sin embargo, en todos estos casos podemos reconocer sin lugar a dudas los aspectos esenciales de cómo serán estas formas en el período trovadoresco y durante toda la Baja Edad Media.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zélia Monteiro Bora ; Marina Rodrigues de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os romances do ciclo da cana-de-açúcar, do escritor paraibano José Lins do Rego (1901-1957 e a sua relação com a sociedade e a cultura destacam-se enquanto abordagens ficcionais, através das quais o escritor buscou representar aspectos relevantes para o entendimento das relações de gênero no Nordeste, no começo do século vinte. Tal representação, indiscutivelmente, reflete a perspectiva de um narrador profundamente marcado pelo lugar privilegiado de onde narra e de sua condição existencial, como o neto de um senhor de engenho. Diante desses aspectos, propomo- nos a analisar brevemente as implicações dessa perspectiva sobre a construção simbólica da personagem negra representada no romance. Para tanto, serão utilizados como referenciais críticos, além do citado romance, os estudos de Zagury (1982, Albuquerque Jr. (1999, Azevedo (1996, 2007, Freyre (2006 Chaguri (2009, Schwarz (2008 e Raboni (2010.The so called sugar cane cycle novels by the Parahyban writer Jose Lins do Rego (1901-197 and its relationship with society and culture constitute themselves as fictional approaches through which the writer sought to represent aspects to the understanding of gender relations in the Northeast of Brazil in the early twentieth century. Such representation, undoubtedly reflects the perspective of a narrator deeply marked by the privileged place from which he narrates and his existential condition, as the son of a plantation owner. Given these aspects, we propose to examine briefly the implications of his perspective on the symbolic construction of the black woman characteres represented in the novel. The following

  2. Beer elicits vasculoprotective effects through Akt/eNOS activation. (United States)

    Vilahur, Gemma; Casani, Laura; Mendieta, Guiomar; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch, Ramon; Badimon, Lina


    There is controversy regarding the effect of alcohol beverage intake in vascular vasodilatory function in peripheral arteries. The effects of beer intake in coronary vasodilation remain unknown. We investigated whether regular beer intake (alcohol and alcohol-free) protects against hypercholesterolaemia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction and the mechanisms behind this effect. Pigs were fed 10 days: (i) a Western-type hypercholesterolaemic diet (WD); (ii) WD+low-dose beer (12·5 g alcohol/day); (iii) WD+moderate-dose beer (25 g alcohol/day); or (iv) WD+moderate-dose alcohol-free-beer (0·0 g alcohol/day). Coronary responses to endothelium-dependent vasoactive drugs (acetylcholine: receptor mediated; calcium ionophore-A23189: nonreceptor mediated), endothelium-independent vasoactive drug (SNP) and L-NMMA (NOS-antagonist) were evaluated in the LAD coronary artery by flow Doppler. Coronary Akt/eNOS activation, MCP-1 expression, oxidative DNA damage and superoxide production were assessed. Lipid profile, lipoproteins resistance to oxidation and urinary isoxanthohumol concentration were evaluated. Alcoholic and nonalcoholic beer intake prevented WD-induced impairment of receptor- and non-receptor-operated endothelial-dependent coronary vasodilation. All animals displayed a similar vasodilatory response to SNP and L-NMMA blunted all endothelial-dependent vasorelaxation responses. Haemodynamic parameters remained unchanged. Coronary arteries showed lower DNA damage and increased Akt/eNOS axis activation in beer-fed animals. Animals taking beer showed HDL with higher antioxidant capacity, higher LDL resistance to oxidation and increased isoxanthohumol levels. Weight, lipids levels, liver enzymes and MCP-1 expression were not affected by beer intake. Non-alcoholic-related beer components protect against hyperlipemia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction by counteracting vascular oxidative damage and preserving the Akt/eNOS pathway. Light-to-moderate beer

  3. Enhancing eNOS activity with simultaneous inhibition of IKKβ restores vascular function in Ins2(Akita+/-) type-1 diabetic mice. (United States)

    Krishnan, Manickam; Janardhanan, Preethi; Roman, Linda; Reddick, Robert L; Natarajan, Mohan; van Haperen, Rien; Habib, Samy L; de Crom, Rini; Mohan, Sumathy


    The balance of nitric oxide (NO) versus superoxide generation has a major role in the initiation and progression of endothelial dysfunction. Under conditions of high glucose, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) functions as a chief source of superoxide rather than NO. In order to improve NO bioavailability within the vessel wall in type-1 diabetes, we investigated treatment strategies that improve eNOS phosphorylation and NO-dependent vasorelaxation. We evaluated methods to increase the eNOS activity by (1) feeding Ins2(Akita) spontaneously diabetic (type-1) mice with l-arginine in the presence of sepiapterin, a precursor of tetrahydrobiopterin; (2) preventing eNOS/NO deregulation by the inclusion of inhibitor kappa B kinase beta (IKKβ) inhibitor, salsalate, in the diet regimen in combination with l-arginine and sepiapterin; and (3) independently increasing eNOS expression to improve eNOS activity and associated NO production through generating Ins2(Akita) diabetic mice that overexpress human eNOS predominantly in vascular endothelial cells. Our results clearly demonstrated that diet supplementation with l-arginine, sepiapterin along with salsalate improved phosphorylation of eNOS and enhanced vasorelaxation of thoracic/abdominal aorta in type-1 diabetic mice. More interestingly, despite the overexpression of eNOS, the in-house generated transgenic eNOS-GFP (TgeNOS-GFP)-Ins2(Akita) cross mice showed an unanticipated effect of reduced eNOS phosphorylation and enhanced superoxide production. Our results demonstrate that enhancement of endogenous eNOS activity by nutritional modulation is more beneficial than increasing the endogenous expression of eNOS by gene therapy modalities.

  4. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Barometric Pressure (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have barometric pressure data. *These services are for testing and...

  5. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is involved in arginase-II-mediated eNOS-uncoupling in obesity. (United States)

    Yu, Yi; Rajapakse, Angana G; Montani, Jean-Pierre; Yang, Zhihong; Ming, Xiu-Fen


    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-uncoupling links obesity-associated insulin resistance and type-II diabetes to the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. Studies have indicated that increased arginase is involved in eNOS-uncoupling through competing with the substrate L-arginine. Given that arginase-II (Arg-II) exerts some of its biological functions through crosstalk with signal transduction pathways, and that p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38mapk) is involved in eNOS-uncoupling, we investigated here whether p38mapk is involved in Arg-II-mediated eNOS-uncoupling in a high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity mouse model. Obesity was induced in wild type (WT) and Arg-II-deficient (Arg-II(-/-)) mice on C57BL/6 J background by high-fat diet (HFD, 55% fat) for 14 weeks starting from age of 7 weeks. The entire aortas were isolated and subjected to 1) immunoblotting analysis of the protein level of eNOS, Arg-II and p38mapk activation; 2) arginase activity assay; 3) endothelium-dependent and independent vasomotor responses; 4) en face staining of superoxide anion and NO production with Dihydroethidium and 4,5-Diaminofluorescein Diacetate, respectively, to assess eNOS-uncoupling. To evaluate the role of p38mapk, isolated aortas were treated with p38mapk inhibitor SB203580 (10 μmol/L, 1 h) prior to the analysis. In addition, the role of p38mapk in Arg-II-induced eNOS-uncoupling was investigated in cultured human endothelial cells overexpressing Arg-II in the absence or presence of shRNA against p38mapk. HFD enhanced Arg-II expression/activity and p38mapk activity, which was associated with eNOS-uncoupling as revealed by decreased NO and enhanced L-NAME-inhibitable superoxide in aortas of WT obese mice. In accordance, WT obese mice revealed decreased endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine despite of higher eNOS protein level, whereas Arg-II(-/-) obese mice were protected from HFD-induced eNOS-uncoupling and endothelial dysfunction, which

  6. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Air Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have air temperature data. *These services are for testing and evaluation...

  7. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Water Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have water temperature data. *These services are for testing and evaluation...

  8. Endothelial CaMKII as a regulator of eNOS activity and NO-mediated vasoreactivity.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shubha Murthy

    Full Text Available The multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII is a serine/threonine kinase important in transducing intracellular Ca2+ signals. While in vitro data regarding the role of CaMKII in the regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS are contradictory, its role in endothelial function in vivo remains unknown. Using two novel transgenic models to express CaMKII inhibitor peptides selectively in endothelium, we examined the effect of CaMKII on eNOS activation, NO production, vasomotor tone and blood pressure. Under baseline conditions, CaMKII activation was low in the aortic wall. Consistently, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and plasma NO levels were unaltered by endothelial CaMKII inhibition. Moreover, endothelial CaMKII inhibition had no significant effect on NO-dependent vasodilation. These results were confirmed in studies of aortic rings transduced with adenovirus expressing a CaMKII inhibitor peptide. In cultured endothelial cells, bradykinin treatment produced the anticipated rapid influx of Ca2+ and transient CaMKII and eNOS activation, whereas CaMKII inhibition blocked eNOS phosphorylation on Ser-1179 and dephosphorylation at Thr-497. Ca2+/CaM binding to eNOS and resultant NO production in vitro were decreased under CaMKII inhibition. Our results demonstrate that CaMKII plays an important role in transient bradykinin-driven eNOS activation in vitro, but does not regulate NO production, vasorelaxation or blood pressure in vivo under baseline conditions.

  9. Activation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide (eNOS Occurs through Different Membrane Domains in Endothelial Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jason Tran

    Full Text Available Endothelial cells respond to a large range of stimuli including circulating lipoproteins, growth factors and changes in haemodynamic mechanical forces to regulate the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS and maintain blood pressure. While many signalling pathways have been mapped, the identities of membrane domains through which these signals are transmitted are less well characterized. Here, we manipulated bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC with cholesterol and the oxysterol 7-ketocholesterol (7KC. Using a range of microscopy techniques including confocal, 2-photon, super-resolution and electron microscopy, we found that sterol enrichment had differential effects on eNOS and caveolin-1 (Cav1 colocalisation, membrane order of the plasma membrane, caveolae numbers and Cav1 clustering. We found a correlation between cholesterol-induced condensation of the plasma membrane and enhanced high density lipoprotein (HDL-induced eNOS activity and phosphorylation suggesting that cholesterol domains, but not individual caveolae, mediate HDL stimulation of eNOS. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-induced and shear stress-induced eNOS activity was relatively independent of membrane order and may be predominantly controlled by the number of caveolae on the cell surface. Taken together, our data suggest that signals that activate and phosphorylate eNOS are transmitted through distinct membrane domains in endothelial cells.

  10. Synthesis of a Potent Aminopyridine-Based nNOS-Inhibitor by Two Recent No-Carrier-Added $^{18}$F-Labelling Methods


    Drerup, Christian; Ermert, Johannes; Coenen, Heinrich Hubert


    Nitric oxide (NO), an important multifunctional signaling molecule, is produced by three isoforms of NO-synthase (NOS) and has been associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Selective inhibitors of the subtypes iNOS (inducible) or nNOS (neuronal) are of great interest for decoding neurodestructive key factors, and 18F-labelled analogues would allow investigating the NOS-function by molecular imaging with positron emission tomography. Especially, the highly selective nNOS inhibitor 6-((3-((...

  11. Ģimene Mārgaretas Atvudas romānos


    Voitiņa, Laura


    Mūsdienās diskusijas par ģimeni, tās vērtībām, mainīgo uzbūvi un problēmām, kas ietekmē šo institūtu, ir sastopamas ne tikai mutvārdu runā, bet arī rakstos. Dotā pētījuma mērķis bija veikt saturisku analīzi par ģimenes aprakstiem Margaretas Atvudas romānos “Istabenes Stāsts” un “Oriksa un Kreiks”, lai identificētu romānos aprakstītos ģimenes modeļus, vērtības, paražas un notikumus, kas ietekmē šo institūtu. Tika izmantotas gan teorētiskas, gan empīriskas pētījuma metodes. Lai sniegtu teorētis...

  12. Crítica social e idéias médicas nos excessos do desejo: uma análise dos "romances para homens" de finais do século XIX e início do XX Social criticism and medical ideas on desires' excesses: a study of "novels for men" from late nineteenth to early twentieth century

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra El Far


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura analisar a produção literária pornográfica desde a segunda metade do século XIX até o início do XX no Brasil. Também conhecidos como "leitura para homens" ou "romances para homens", esses enredos alcançaram uma repercussão singular naquele período. Se, em um primeiro momento, essas narrativas, repletas de fantasias e desejos, tratavam de questões sociais e políticas, com a chegada do novo século, de modo evidente, elas passaram a estabelecer um estreito diálogo com as teorias médicas e científicas da época.This article analyses the pornographic literature from the second half of the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century in Brazil. Also known as "reading for men" or "novels for men", these plots reached a singular repercussion at the time. If at first these stories, full of fantasies and desires, talked about both social and political issues, with the coming of the new century they clearly started to establish a close dialogue with current medical and scientific theories.

  13. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Water Level (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have water surface height above a reference datum. *These services are for...

  14. Effects of Paracetamol on NOS, COX, and CYP Activity and on Oxidative Stress in Healthy Male Subjects, Rat Hepatocytes, and Recombinant NOS (United States)

    Trettin, Arne; Böhmer, Anke; Suchy, Maria-Theresia; Probst, Irmelin; Staerk, Ulrich; Stichtenoth, Dirk O.; Frölich, Jürgen C.


    Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a widely used analgesic drug. It interacts with various enzyme families including cytochrome P450 (CYP), cyclooxygenase (COX), and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and this interplay may produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). We investigated the effects of paracetamol on prostacyclin, thromboxane, nitric oxide (NO), and oxidative stress in four male subjects who received a single 3 g oral dose of paracetamol. Thromboxane and prostacyclin synthesis was assessed by measuring their major urinary metabolites 2,3-dinor-thromboxane B2 and 2,3-dinor-6-ketoprostaglandin F1α, respectively. Endothelial NO synthesis was assessed by measuring nitrite in plasma. Urinary 15(S)-8-iso-prostaglanding F2α was measured to assess oxidative stress. Plasma oleic acid oxide (cis-EpOA) was measured as a marker of cytochrome P450 activity. Upon paracetamol administration, prostacyclin synthesis was strongly inhibited, while NO synthesis increased and thromboxane synthesis remained almost unchanged. Paracetamol may shift the COX-dependent vasodilatation/vasoconstriction balance at the cost of vasodilatation. This effect may be antagonized by increasing endothelial NO synthesis. High-dosed paracetamol did not increase oxidative stress. At pharmacologically relevant concentrations, paracetamol did not affect NO synthesis/bioavailability by recombinant human endothelial NOS or inducible NOS in rat hepatocytes. We conclude that paracetamol does not increase oxidative stress in humans. PMID:24799980

  15. A dissecação como ferramenta pedagógica no ensino da Anatomia em Portugal

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    Carlos Marques Pontinha


    Full Text Available Ao longo da História, a importância da utilização de cadáveres humanos para o ensino e investigação não tem sido consensual. No passado, a obtenção dos cadáveres indispensáveis ao ensino passou pelo recurso a cadáveres de reclusos, de não reclamados e ao roubo e/ou compra. Para além da inadmissibilidade ética e jurídica destas soluções, estas revelaram-se insuficientes para as necessidades das escolas médicas. Nas últimas décadas, a consciência global da legitimidade da doação de cadáveres foi-se intensificando, considerando-se, hoje, a forma digna de colmatar essa falta. Neste artigo realizou-se uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de se fazer uma resenha histórica, jurídica e pedagógica sobre a importância da utilização de cadáveres humanos no ensino da Anatomia Humana nos cursos de Medicina, incluindo em Portugal, nomeadamente pelo recurso à dissecação cadavérica em complementaridade com outras ferramentas pedagógicas.

  16. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) regulatory region variation in non-human primates. (United States)

    Roodgar, Morteza; Ross, Cody T; Kenyon, Nicholas J; Marcelino, Gretchen; Smith, David Glenn


    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is an enzyme that plays a key role in intracellular immune response against respiratory infections. Since various species of nonhuman primates exhibit different levels of susceptibility to infectious respiratory diseases, and since variation in regulatory regions of genes is thought to play a key role in expression levels of genes, two candidate regulatory regions of iNOS were mapped, sequenced, and compared across five species of nonhuman primates: African green monkeys (Chlorocebus sabaeus), pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis), Indian rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), and Chinese rhesus macaques (M. mulatta). In addition, we conducted an in silico analysis of the transcription factor binding sites associated with genetic variation in these two candidate regulatory regions across species. We found that only one of the two candidate regions showed strong evidence of involvement in iNOS regulation. Specifically, we found evidence of 13 conserved binding site candidates linked to iNOS regulation: AP-1, C/EBPB, CREB, GATA-1, GATA-3, NF-AT, NF-AT5, NF-κB, KLF4, Oct-1, PEA3, SMAD3, and TCF11. Additionally, we found evidence of interspecies variation in binding sites for several regulatory elements linked to iNOS (GATA-3, GATA-4, KLF6, SRF, STAT-1, STAT-3, OLF-1 and HIF-1) across species, especially in African green monkeys relative to other species. Given the key role of iNOS in respiratory immune response, the findings of this study might help guide the direction of future studies aimed to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying the increased susceptibility of African green monkeys to several viral and bacterial respiratory infections. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. nNOS inhibitors attenuate methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity but not hyperthermia in mice. (United States)

    Itzhak, Y; Martin, J L; Ail, S F


    Methamphetamine (METH)-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity is associated with hyperthermia. We investigated the effect of several neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibitors on METH-induced hyperthermia and striatal dopaminergic neurotoxicity. Administration of METH (5 mg/kg; q. 3 h x 3) to Swiss Webster mice produced marked hyperthermia and 50-60% depletion of striatal dopaminergic markers 72 h after METH administration. Pretreatment with the nNOS inhibitors S-methylthiocitrulline (SMTC; 10 mg/kg) or 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole (3-Br-7-NI; 20 mg/kg) before each METH injection did not affect the persistent hyperthermia produced by METH, but afforded protection against the depletion of dopaminergic markers. A low dose (25 mg/kg) of the nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) did not affect METH-induced hyperthermia, but a high dose (50 mg/kg) produced significant hypothermia. These findings indicate that low dose of selective nNOS inhibitors protect against METH-induced neurotoxicity with no effect on body temperature and support the hypothesis that nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite have a major role in METH-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity.

  18. Offre pour nos membres

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Walibi Rhône-Alpes accueille son événement Halloween FreakShow le week-end du 15 et 16 octobre puis tous les jours du 20 octobre au 02 novembre 2016 ! ouverture prolongée jusqu’à 19h et feu d’artifices chaque soir 29, 30 et 31 octobre ! Loup-garou show; 1 labyrinthe; jeu de piste sur le parc (et nombreux lots à gagner); animations (sculpture sur citrouilles et maquillage) et d'autres surpises ! Tarifs pour nos membres : Entrée "Zone terrestre": 23 € au lieu de 29 €. Entrée gratuite pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans, avec accès aux attractions limité. Parking gratuit.

  19. iNOS Activity Modulates Inflammation, Angiogenesis, and Tissue Fibrosis in Polyether-Polyurethane Synthetic Implants (United States)

    Cassini-Vieira, Puebla; Araújo, Fernanda Assis; da Costa Dias, Filipi Leles; Russo, Remo Castro; Andrade, Silvia Passos; Teixeira, Mauro Martins; Barcelos, Luciola Silva


    There is considerable interest in implantation techniques and scaffolds for tissue engineering and, for safety and biocompatibility reasons, inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrosis need to be determined. The contribution of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the regulation of the foreign body reaction induced by subcutaneous implantation of a synthetic matrix was never investigated. Here, we examined the role of iNOS in angiogenesis, inflammation, and collagen deposition induced by polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants, using mice with targeted disruption of the iNOS gene (iNOS−/−) and wild-type (WT) mice. The hemoglobin content and number of vessels were decreased in the implants of iNOS−/− mice compared to WT mice 14 days after implantation. VEGF levels were also reduced in the implants of iNOS−/− mice. In contrast, the iNOS−/− implants exhibited an increased neutrophil and macrophage infiltration. However, no alterations were observed in levels of CXCL1 and CCL2, chemokines related to neutrophil and macrophage migration, respectively. Furthermore, the implants of iNOS−/− mice showed boosted collagen deposition. These data suggest that iNOS activity controls inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrogenesis in polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants and that lack of iNOS expression increases foreign body reaction to implants in mice. PMID:26106257

  20. A central role of eNOS in the protective effect of wine against metabolic syndrome. (United States)

    Leighton, Federico; Miranda-Rottmann, Soledad; Urquiaga, Inés


    The positive health effects derived from moderate wine consumption are pleiotropic. They appear as improvements in cardiovascular risk factors such as plasma lipids, haemostatic mechanisms, endothelial function and antioxidant defences. The active principles would be ethanol and mainly polyphenols. Results from our and other laboratories support the unifying hypothesis that the improvements in risk factors after red wine consumption are mediated by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Many genes are involved, but the participation of eNOS would be a constant feature. The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic risk factors associated with high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The National Cholesterol Education Programmmes Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEPATP III) clinical definition of the metabolic syndrome requires the presence of at least three risk factors, from among abdominal obesity, high plasma triacylglycerols, low plasma HDL, high blood pressure and high fasting plasma glucose. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the metabolic syndrome are not known. Since metabolic syndrome apparently affects 10-30% of the population in the world, research on its pathogenesis and control is needed. The recent finding that eNOS knockout mice present a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors comparable to those of the metabolic syndrome suggests that defects in eNOS function may cause human metabolic syndrome. These mice are hypertensive, insulin resistant and dyslipidemic. Further support for a pathogenic role of eNOS comes from the finding in humans that eNOS polymorphisms associate with insulin resistance and diabetes, with hypertension, with inflammatory and oxidative stress markers and with albuminuria. So, the data sustain the hypothesis that eNOS enhancement should reduce metabolic syndrome incidence and its consequences. Therefore red wine, since it enhances eNOS function, should be considered as a potential tool for the control of metabolic

  1. A meta-analysis of eNOS and ACE gene polymorphisms and risk of pre-eclampsia in women. (United States)

    Shaik, A P; Sultana, A; Bammidi, V K; Sampathirao, K; Jamil, K


    A meta-analyses of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphisms in pre-eclampsia was performed. We shortlisted 33 studies (17 for ACE; 16 for eNOS gene polymorphisms), of which 29 articles (16 for ACE and 15 for eNOS) were analysed. Overall, 1,620 cases with pre-eclampsia and 2,158 controls were analysed for intron 16 insertion-deletion polymorphism in ACE gene. A total of 1,610 subjects with pre-eclampsia and 2,875 controls were analysed for the Glu298Asp in eNOS gene. Overall, the random-effects odds ratio (OR) with Glu298Asp in eNOS gene was 0.958 (95% confidence intervals, CI 0.747-1.228, p > 0.05), and for the insertion-deletion/ACE polymorphism was 0.987 (95% CI 0.698-1.395, p > 0.05). Significant heterogeneity was observed in the studies that evaluated polymorphisms in ACE (Q value = 55.6; I(2) = 73; p value = 0.000); and eNOS (Q value = 37.2; I(2) = 62.4; p value = 0.001) polymorphisms. No significant risk of pre-eclampsia was observed in both eNOS and ACE genes with these polymorphisms.

  2. Entre o realismo e o ficcional: representações sobre "raça", sexualidade e classe em dois romances paradigmáticos de Jorge Amado Between realism and fiction: representations of race, sexuality, and class in two paradigmatic novels by Jorge Amado

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    Laura Moutinho


    Full Text Available Neste artigo é apresentada e discutida a forma como as concepções e representações sobre "raça", miscigenação, sexualidade, gênero, erotismo e casamento são operadas em duas obras paradigmáticas representativas de dois importantes períodos da trajetória de Jorge Amado: Jubiabá, da fase nomeada de "romance proletário", e Gabriela, Cravo e Canela, tido como o livro que representa uma virada na carreira do autor, inaugurando o período do chamado "romance dialógico". Esses dois romances são protagonizados por casais inter-raciais que funcionam como o suporte a partir do qual Jorge Amado veicula algumas representações correntes na sociedade (e na ciência da época, não somente sobre a relação entre negros e brancos, como, igualmente, de uma nação que em um nível se percebe como mestiça e em outro enfrentava (e enfrenta o dilema da diferenciação racial. Como será visto, desejo proibido e luta de classes vividos pelo par homem negro / mulher branca (Jubiabá, uma vez contrastados com erotismo, casamento e progresso em foco na relação homem (quase branco / mulher mestiça, lançam luzes sobre algumas das representações de nação presentes e veiculadas na sociedade brasileira por suas mais variadas instituições.This article presents and discusses how concepts and representations of "race", miscegenation, sexuality, gender, erotism, and marriage are operated in two paradigmatic novels by Jorge Amado which represent two important periods in the author's trajectory: Jubiabá, from the period called "proletarian novel", and Gabriela, Cravo e Canela, which marked a twist in Amado's career, beginning of the phase called "dialogical novel". The protagonists in both novels are inter-racial couples who help the author transmit some current social representations (and on science in that time, not only of the relations between blacks and whites, but as well of a nation that, on the one hand, perceives itself as having mixed

  3. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Verified, High Low (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has verified (quality-controlled), daily, high low water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services...

  4. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Preliminary, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has recent, preliminary (not quality-controlled), 6-minute, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and...

  5. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Preliminary, 1-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has recent, preliminary (not quality-controlled), 1-minute, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and...

  6. NOAA/NOS and USCGS Seabed Descriptions from Hydrographic Surveys (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA/NOS and USCGS Seabed Descriptions from Hydrographic Surveys database is a compilation of surficial sediment composition from multiple sources for over...

  7. Elementary school science teachers' reflection for nature of science: Workshop of NOS explicit and reflective on force and motion learning activity (United States)

    Patho, Khanittha; Yuenyong, Chokchai; Chamrat, Suthida


    The nature of science has been part of Thailand's science education curriculum since 2008. However, teachers lack of understanding about the nature of science (NOS) and its teaching, particularly element school science teachers. In 2012, the Science Institute of Thailand MOE, started a project of Elementary Science Teacher Professional Development to enhance their thinking about the Nature of Science. The project aimed to enhance teachers' understanding of NOS, science teaching for explicit and reflective NOS, with the aim of extending their understanding of NOS to other teachers. This project selected 366 educational persons. The group was made up of a teacher and a teacher supervisor from 183 educational areas in 74 provinces all Thailand. The project provided a one week workshop and a year's follow up. The week-long workshop consisted of 11 activities of science teaching for explicit reflection on 8 aspects of NOS. Workshop of NOS explicit and reflective on force and motion learning activity is one of eight activities. This activity provided participants to learn force and motion and NOS from the traditional toy "Bang-Poh". The activity tried to enhance participants to explicit NOS for 5 aspects including empirical basis, subjectivity, creativity, observation and inference, and sociocultural embeddedness. The explicit NOS worksheet provided questions to ask participants to reflect their existing ideas about NOS. The paper examines elementary school science teachers' understanding of NOS from the force and motion learning activity which provided explicit reflection on 5 NOS aspects. An interpretive paradigm was used to analyse the teachers' reflections in a NOS worksheet. The findings indicated that majority of them could reflect about the empirical basis of science and creativity but few reflected on observation and inference, or sociocultural embeddedness. The paper will explain the teachers' NOS thinking and discuss the further enhancing of their understanding

  8. Differential response of nNOS knockout mice to MDMA ("ecstasy")- and methamphetamine-induced psychomotor sensitization and neurotoxicity. (United States)

    Itzhak, Yossef; Anderson, Karen L; Ali, Syed F


    It has been shown that mice deficient in neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) gene are resistant to cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitization and methamphetamine (METH)-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity. The present study was undertaken to investigate the hypothesis that nNOS has a major role in dopamine (DA)- but not serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT)-mediated effects of psychostimulants. The response of nNOS knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice to the psychomotor-stimulating and neurotoxic effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; "Ecstasy") and METH were investigated. Repeated administration of MDMA for 5 days resulted in psychomotor sensitization in both WT and nNOS KO mice, while repeated administration of METH caused psychomotor sensitization in WT but not in KO mice. Sensitization to both MDMA and METH was persistent for 40 days in WT mice, but not in nNOS KO mice. These findings suggest that the induction of psychomotor sensitization to MDMA and METH is NO independent and NO dependent, respectively, while the persistence of sensitization to both drugs is NO dependent. For the neurochemical studies, a high dose of MDMA caused marked depletion of 5-HT in several brain regions of both WT and KO mice, suggesting that the absence of the nNOS gene did not afford protection against MDMA-induced depletion of 5-HT. Striatal dopaminergic neurotoxicity caused by high doses of MDMA and METH in WT mice was partially prevented in KO mice administered with MDMA, but it was fully precluded in KO mice administered with METH. The differential response of nNOS KO mice to the behavioral and neurotoxic effects of MDMA and METH suggests that the nNOS gene is required for the expression and persistence of DA-mediated effects of METH and MDMA, while 5-HT-mediated effects of MDMA (induction of sensitization and 5-HT depletion) are not dependent on nNOS.

  9. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Relative Humidity, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Relative Humidity data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  10. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Verified, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has verified (quality-controlled), 6-minute, water level (tide) data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)....

  11. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Air Temperature, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Air Temperature data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  12. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Water Temperature, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Water Temperature data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  13. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Barometric Pressure, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Barometric Pressure data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not...

  14. Imagens do judeu em quatro romances da geração de 1930

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    Márcio Henrique Muraca


    Full Text Available O judeu em Suor (1934, de Jorge Amado, Caminho de pedras (1937, de Rachel de Queiroz, Angústia (1936, de Graciliano Ramos, e Os ratos (1935, de Dyonélio Machado, aparece de modo rápido, sobretudo nos dois últimos. Ainda assim, tal representação aponta para conceitos que circundam aquele povo no imaginário brasileiro. Em Amado e Queiroz, o judeu é representado como agitador comunista estrangeiro. Em Ramos e Machado, como negociante capitalista. Porém, conforme a complexidade de cada obra, esse judeu apresenta também matizes em sua representação que vão além da mera redução do estereótipo.

  15. The development of environmental awareness through a proposal for promoting intercomprehension in romance languages among high school seniors

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    Bibiana Amado


    Full Text Available This work aims to analyze the treatment of environmental issues in an educational proposal for Intercomprehension in Romance Languages (hereinafter called IC developed by InterRom, a research team from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, in Argentina. This proposal, aimed at developing high school seniors’ language skills from the perspective of teaching and learning IC from text genres, integrates pluralistic approaches to languages with contributions from socio-discursive interactionism (BRONCKART, 2007, from the sociocultural theory of human development (BRUNER, 1994; NELSON, 1996; ROGOFF, 1993; VYGOTSKY, 1962, 1988 and from cognitive approaches to text comprehension and production (BRITTON and GRAESSER, 1996; HAYES and FLOWERS, 1980, HAYES, 1996; SCARDAMALIA and BEREITER, 1992. Through the convergence of these theoretical perspectives, the proposal promotes IC in French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, related to environmental conservation, as well as actions for writing texts in Spanish. The planned language activities involve working with different text genres on environmental issues, such as the extinction of animal species, the production of genetically modified foods and the use of agrochemicals that contaminate the biosphere and threaten the life of all living species, including human beings. The exercises related to these topics, at the same time, encourage students to reflect on critical environmental issues and to develop strategies for writing texts in Spanish. To conclude, it can be argued that the IC proposal is based on social and intercultural approaches that integrate teaching actions, text production processes and science issues regarding the environment. As a result, students are regarded as subjects with competencies to understand discourses from different cultures and to think, write and act within their natural, social and cultural environments.

  16. eNOS se correlaciona com a biogênese mitocondrial em corações com cardiopatia congênita e cianose eNOS correlates with mitochondrial biogenesis in hearts of congenital heart disease with cyanosis

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    Juan Xiao


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O programa de biogênese mitocondrial no coração parece apresentar remodelação adaptativa após estresse biomecânico e oxidativo. Os mecanismos adaptativos que protegem o metabolismo do miocárdio durante a hipóxia são coordenados, em parte, pelo óxido nítrico (NO. OBJETIVO: Observar a biogênese mitocondrial e expressão do óxido nítrico sintase (NOS em corações de cardiopatia congênita com cianose; discutir a resposta mitocondrial à hipóxia crônica do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Foram investigados 20 pacientes com defeitos cardíacos cianóticos (n = 10 ou acianóticos (n = 10. Foram estudadas amostras do miocárdio na via de saída ventricular direita, tomadas durante a operação. A análise morfométrica de mitocôndrias foi realizada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A relação mtDNA/nDNA foi determinada com PCR em tempo real. Os níveis de transcrição da subunidade I da citocromo c oxidase (COXI, coativador-1α do receptor γ ativado por proliferador de peroxissoma (PGC-1α, o fator respiratório nuclear 1 (NRF1, e fator de transcrição mitocondrial A (Tfam foram detectados por reação em cadeia da polimerase via transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR ativado por fluorescência em tempo real. Os níveis proteicos de COXI e nNOS, iNOS e eNOS foram medidos por técnica de Western Blot. RESULTADOS: A densidade volumétrica mitocondrial (Vv e a densidade numérica (Nv foram significativamente elevadas em pacientes com cianose, em comparação com a cardiopatia congênita acianótica. MtDNA elevada e suprarregulação dos níveis de COXI, PGC-1 α, NRF1 e Tfam mRNA foram observadas em pacientes cianóticos. Os níveis de proteína de COXI e eNOS foram significativamente maiores no miocárdio de pacientes cianóticos que nos de acianóticos. Os níveis de transcrição do PGC-1α se correlacionam com os níveis de eNOS. CONCLUSÃO: A biogênese mitocondrial é ativada no miocárdio da via de saída ventricular na

  17. NOS CO-OPS Meteorological Data, Rain Fall, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has Rain Fall data from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). WARNING: These preliminary data have not been...

  18. NOS3 Variants, Physical Activity, and Blood Pressure in the European Youth Heart Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grøntved, Anders; Andersen, Lars Bo; Franks, Paul W


    BackgroundIn this study, we examined the influence of genetic variation in NOS3 on resting blood pressure (BP) in children and adolescents from the European Youth Heart Study (EYHS). Because the NOS3 gene expression is altered by physical activity (PA), we also tested for interaction between...

  19. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase-rescue of dystrophin/utrophin double knockout mice does not require nNOS localization to the cell membrane.

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    Michelle Wehling-Henricks

    Full Text Available Survival of dystrophin/utrophin double-knockout (dko mice was increased by muscle-specific expression of a neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS transgene. Dko mice expressing the transgene (nNOS TG+/dko experienced delayed onset of mortality and increased life-span. The nNOS TG+/dko mice demonstrated a significant decrease in the concentration of CD163+, M2c macrophages that can express arginase and promote fibrosis. The decrease in M2c macrophages was associated with a significant reduction in fibrosis of heart, diaphragm and hindlimb muscles of nNOS TG+/dko mice. The nNOS transgene had no effect on the concentration of cytolytic, CD68+, M1 macrophages. Accordingly, we did not observe any change in the extent of muscle fiber lysis in the nNOS TG+/dko mice. These findings show that nNOS/NO (nitric oxide-mediated decreases in M2c macrophages lead to a reduction in the muscle fibrosis that is associated with increased mortality in mice lacking dystrophin and utrophin. Interestingly, the dramatic and beneficial effects of the nNOS transgene were not attributable to localization of nNOS protein at the cell membrane. We did not detect any nNOS protein at the sarcolemma in nNOS TG+/dko muscles. This important observation shows that sarcolemmal localization is not necessary for nNOS to have beneficial effects in dystrophic tissue and the presence of nNOS in the cytosol of dystrophic muscle fibers can ameliorate the pathology and most importantly, significantly increase life-span.

  20. L-Citrulline Protects Skeletal Muscle Cells from Cachectic Stimuli through an iNOS-Dependent Mechanism.

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    Daniel J Ham

    Full Text Available Dietary L-citrulline is thought to modulate muscle protein turnover by increasing L-arginine availability. To date, the direct effects of increased L-citrulline concentrations in muscle have been completely neglected. Therefore, we determined the role of L-citrulline in regulating cell size during catabolic conditions by depriving mature C2C12 myotubes of growth factors (serum free; SF or growth factors and nutrients (HEPES buffered saline; HBS. Cells were treated with L-citrulline or equimolar concentrations of L-arginine (positive control or L-alanine (negative control and changes in cell size and protein turnover were assessed. In myotubes incubated in HBS or SF media, L-citrulline improved rates of protein synthesis (HBS: +63%, SF: +37% and myotube diameter (HBS: +18%, SF: +29%. L-citrulline treatment substantially increased iNOS mRNA expression (SF: 350%, HBS: 750%. The general NOS inhibitor L-NAME and the iNOS specific inhibitor aminoguanidine prevented these effects in both models. Depriving myotubes in SF media of L-arginine or L-leucine, exacerbated wasting which was not attenuated by L-citrulline. The increased iNOS mRNA expression was temporally associated with increases in mRNA of the endogenous antioxidants SOD1, SOD3 and catalase. Furthermore, L-citrulline prevented inflammation (LPS and oxidative stress (H2O2 induced muscle cell wasting. In conclusion, we demonstrate a novel direct protective effect of L-citrulline on skeletal muscle cell size independent of L-arginine that is mediated through induction of the inducible NOS (iNOS isoform. This discovery of a nutritional modulator of iNOS mRNA expression in skeletal muscle cells could have substantial implications for the treatment of muscle wasting conditions.

  1. Non-ergodicity of Nosé–Hoover dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legoll, Frédéric; Luskin, Mitchell; Moeckel, Richard


    The Nosé–Hoover dynamics is a deterministic method that is commonly used to sample the canonical Gibbs measure. This dynamics extends the physical Hamiltonian dynamics by the addition of a 'thermostat' variable, which is coupled nonlinearly with the physical variables. The accuracy of the method depends on the dynamics being ergodic. Numerical experiments have been published earlier that are consistent with non-ergodicity of the dynamics for some model problems. The authors recently proved the non-ergodicity of the Nosé–Hoover dynamics for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. In this paper, this result is extended to non-harmonic one-dimensional systems. We also show that, for some multidimensional systems, the averaged dynamics for the limit of infinite thermostat 'mass' has many invariants, thus giving theoretical support for either non-ergodicity or slow ergodization. Numerical experiments for a two-dimensional central force problem and the one-dimensional pendulum problem give evidence for non-ergodicity

  2. Modulation of liver mitochondrial NOS is implicated in thyroid-dependent regulation of O(2) uptake. (United States)

    Carreras, M C; Peralta, J G; Converso, D P; Finocchietto, P V; Rebagliati, I; Zaninovich, A A; Poderoso, J J


    Changes in O(2) uptake at different thyroid status have been explained on the basis of the modulation of mitochondrial enzymes and membrane biophysical properties. Regarding the nitric oxide (NO) effects, we tested whether liver mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase (mtNOS) participates in the modulation of O(2) uptake in thyroid disorders. Wistar rats were inoculated with 400 microCi (131)I (hypothyroid group), 20 microg thyroxine (T(4))/100 g body wt administered daily for 2 wk (hyperthyroid group) or vehicle (control). Basal metabolic rate, mitochondrial function, and mtNOS activity were analyzed. Systemic and liver mitochondrial O(2) uptake and cytochrome oxidase activity were lower in hypothyroid rats with respect to controls; mitochondrial parameters were further decreased by L-arginine (-42 and -34%, P activity (260%) were selectively increased in hypothyroidism and reverted by hormone replacement without changes in other nitric oxide isoforms. Moreover, mtNOS activity correlated with serum 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)) and O(2) uptake. Increased mtNOS activity was also observed in skeletal muscle mitochondria from hypothyroid rats. Therefore, we suggest that modulation of mtNOS is a substantial part of thyroid effects on mitochondrial O(2) uptake.

  3. Fluxo do transporte de suínos para abate no Estado de Mato Grosso


    Pereira,Thuanny Lúcia; Corassa,Anderson


    Objetivou-se descrever o fluxo de suínos para abate produzidos no Estado de Mato Grosso entre os anos de 2008 e 2012. Foram utilizados dados de 9.426.729 suínos produzidos no Estado de Mato Grosso e transportados para abate de janeiro de 2008 a dezembro de 2012, no qual realizou-se análise descritiva das informações, com frequências de origem e destino; machos e fêmeas em função dos meses e anos e as distâncias percorridas. Observou-se crescimento no número de viagens e de suínos transportado...

  4. Nitrous oxide discretely up-regulates nNOS and p53 in neonatal rat brain. (United States)

    Cattano, D; Valleggi, S; Abramo, A; Forfori, F; Maze, M; Giunta, F


    Animal studies suggest that neuronal cell death often results from anesthetic administration during synaptogenesis. Volatile anesthetics are strongly involved in triggering neuronal apoptosis, whereas other inhalational agents (xenon) demonstrate protective effects. Nitrous oxide (N2O) has modest pro-apoptotic effects on its own and potent, synergistic toxic effects when combined with volatile agents. Recent findings suggest that, during periods of rapid brain development, the enhanced neurodegeneration triggered by anesthetic drugs may be caused by a compensatory increase in intracellular free calcium, a potent activator of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Anesthesia-induced neuro-apoptosis is also activated via the intrinsic and the extrinsic apoptotic pathways because both pathways involve p53, a key regulatory gene. The molecular events related to neuronal cell apoptosis are not completely understood. To gain further insight into the events underlying neuro-apoptosis, we analyzed the transcriptional consequences of N2O exposure on nNOS, iNOS and p53 mRNA levels. The study used 2 groups of postnatal day seven Sprague/Dawley rats (N=6 each) that were exposed for 120 minutes to air (75% N2, 25% O2) or N2O (75% N2O, 25% O2; this N2O concentration is commonly used to induce anesthesia and has been demonstrated to trigger neurodegeneration in postnatal day seven rats). Total RNA was isolated from each brain and expression analyses on iNOS and nNOS transcripts were performed using relative Real-Time C-reactive protein PCR (using G3PDH as a housekeeping gene). A semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis was performed on the p53 transcript (using Ciclophylin A as a housekeeping gene). Statistical analysis (REST 2005) revealed a significant, 11-fold up-regulation (P=0.026) of the nNOS transcript but no significant changes in iNOS transcription. The p53 mRNA was up-regulated almost 2-fold (P=0.0002; Student's t-Test; GraphPad Prism 4.00) in N2O-treated samples relative to

  5. Induction of expression of iNOS by N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in human leukocytes. (United States)

    Ratajczak-Wrona, Wioletta; Jablonska, Ewa; Jablonski, Jakub; Marcinczyk, Magdalena


    The aim of this study was to assess the influence of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) on expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), as well as production of nitric oxide (NO) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) by human neutrophils (PMN) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and the participation of the p38 MAPK kinase in this process. Furthermore, the ability of neutrophils to release superoxide anion was determined. The influence of N-nitrosodimethylamine on iNOS expression was determined in isolated PMN and PBMC cells from peripheral blood of healthy individuals. The mononuclear cells showed higher sensitivity to NDMA. Moreover, cytotoxic effect of NDMA can be influenced in some way by the impact of this xenobiotic on nitric oxide and superoxide anion release from human leukocytes. Furthermore, increased generation of these radicals by human leukocytes suggest that neutrophils and mononuclear cells that are exposed to NDMA activity can play a key role in endogenous NDMA generation. However the relationship between iNOS expression and phospho-p38 MAPK in neutrophils and mononuclear cells shows that p38 MAPK pathway participates in induction of iNOS expression in the presence of NDMA.

  6. Resting Tension Affects eNOS Activity in a Calcium-Dependent Way in Airways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paschalis-Adam Molyvdas


    Full Text Available The alteration of resting tension (RT from 0.5 g to 2.5 g increased significantly airway smooth muscle contractions induced by acetylcholine (ACh in rabbit trachea. The decrease in extracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]o from 2 mM to 0.2 mM reduced ACh-induced contractions only at 2.5 g RT with no effect at 0.5 g RT. The nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME increased ACh-induced contractions at 2.5 g RT. The inhibitor of inducible NOS, S-methylsothiourea or neuronal NOS, 7-nitroindazole had no effect. At 2.5 g RT, the reduction of [Ca2+]o from 2 mM to 0.2 mM abolished the effect of L-NAME on ACh-induced contractions. The NO precursor L-arginine or the tyrosine kinase inhibitors erbstatin A and genistein had no effect on ACh-induced contractions obtained at 2.5 g RT. Our results suggest that in airways, RT affects ACh-induced contractions by modulating the activity of epithelial NOS in a calcium-dependent, tyrosine-phosphorylation-independent way.

  7. Cognition, emotion and reward networks associated with sex differences for romantic appraisals. (United States)

    Yin, Jie; Zou, Zhiling; Song, Hongwen; Zhang, Zhuo; Yang, Bo; Huang, Xiting


    Romantic love is a cross-culturally universal phenomenon that serves as a commitment device for motivating pair bonding in human beings. Women and men may experience different feelings when viewing the same warm, romantic scenes. To determine which brain systems may be involved in romance perception and examine possible sex differences, we scanned 16 women and 16 men who were intensely in love, using functional MRI. Participants were required to rate the romance level of 60 pictures showing romantic events that may frequently occur during romantic relationship formation. The results showed that greater brain activation was found for men in the insula, PCC (posterior cingulate cortex), and prefrontal gyrus compared with women, primarily under the High-romance condition. In addition, enhanced functional connectivity between the brain regions involved in the High-romance condition in contrast to the Low-romance condition was only found for men. These data suggest that men and women differ in the processing of romantic information and that it may be  more effortful for men to perceive and evaluate romance degree.

  8. Population structure from NOS genes correlates with geographical differences in coronary incidence across Europe. (United States)

    Carreras-Torres, Robert; Ferran, Albert; Zanetti, Daniela; Esteban, Esther; Varesi, Laurent; Pojskic, Naris; Coia, Valentina; Chaabani, Hassen; Via, Marc; Moral, Pedro


    The population analysis of cardiovascular risk and non-risk genetic variation can help to identify adaptive or random demographic processes that shaped coronary incidence variation across geography. In this study, 114 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 17 tandem repeat polymorphisms from Nitric Oxide Synthases (NOS) regions were analyzed in 1686 individuals from 35 populations from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. NOS genes encode for key enzymes on nitric oxide availability, which is involved in several cardiovascular processes. These genetic variations were used to test for selection and to infer the population structure of NOS regions. Moreover, we tested whether the variation in the incidence of coronary events and in the levels of classical risk factors in 11 of these European populations could be explained by the population structure estimates. Our results supported, first, the absence of clear signs of selection for NOS genetic variants associated with cardiovascular diseases, and second, the presence of a continuous genetic pattern of variation across European and North African populations without a Mediterranean barrier for gene flow. Finally, population structure estimates from NOS regions are closely correlated with coronary event rates and classical risk parameters (explaining 39-98%) among European populations. Our results reinforce the hypothesis that genetic bases of cardiovascular diseases and associated complex phenotypes could be geographically shaped by random demographic processes. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Pubertal development of penile Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: The number of NADPH-positive fibers increases with age; however similar tumescence was recorded following electrostimulation in all age groups. NOS-nerve growth correlates with serum testosterone level. The increase of NADPH-positive fibers was accompanied by a decrease in the delay of onset of penile ...

  10. Feasibility and dosimetry studies for 18F-NOS as a potential PET radiopharmaceutical for inducible nitric oxide synthase in humans. (United States)

    Herrero, Pilar; Laforest, Richard; Shoghi, Kooresh; Zhou, Dong; Ewald, Gregory; Pfeifer, John; Duncavage, Eric; Krupp, Kitty; Mach, Robert; Gropler, Robert


    Nitric oxide (NO), the end product of the inducible form of NO synthase (iNOS), is an important mediator of a variety of inflammatory diseases. Therefore, a radiolabeled iNOS radiopharmaceutical for assessing iNOS protein concentration as a marker for its activity would be of value to the study and treatment of NO-related diseases. We recently synthesized an (18)F-radiolabeled analog of the reversible NOS inhibitor, 2-amino-4-methylpyridine ((18)F-NOS), and confirmed its utility in a murine model of lung inflammation. To determine its potential for use in humans, we measured (18)F-NOS myocardial activity in patients after orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) and correlated it with pathologic allograft rejection, tissue iNOS levels, and calculated human radiation dosimetry. Two groups were studied-a kinetic analysis group and a dosimetry group. In the kinetic analysis group, 10 OHT patients underwent dynamic myocardial (18)F-NOS PET/CT, followed by endomyocardial biopsy. Myocardial (18)F-NOS PET was assessed using volume of distribution; standardized uptake values at 10 min; area under the myocardial moment curve (AUMC); and mean resident time at 5, 10, and 30 min after tracer injection. Tissue iNOS levels were measured by immunohistochemistry. In the dosimetry group, the biodistribution and radiation dosimetry were calculated using whole-body PET/CT in 4 healthy volunteers and 12 OHT patients. The combined time-activity curves were used for residence time calculation, and organ doses were calculated with OLINDA. Both AUMC at 10 min (P measurements with acceptable radiation exposure. Although further modifications to improve the performance of (18)F-NOS are needed, these data show the feasibility of PET of iNOS in the heart and other tissues.

  11. Fracionamento de manganês acumulado nos tecidos de mudas de caramboleira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda Hernandes


    Full Text Available A caramboleira (Averrhoa carambola tende a acumular grande quantidade de Mn nos seus tecidos, mas são escassas as informações sobre a forma como o excesso desse nutriente permanece na planta. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o esclarecimento desse aspecto, neste trabalho foram cultivadas mudas de caramboleira em solução nutritiva de Furlani (1999 com concentrações crescentes de Mn (0; 0,5; 25; e 50 mg L-1 de Mn, e aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias os tecidos de caule, folha e raiz foram colhidos e submetidos a uma sequência de soluções extratoras: água, DTPA (ácido dietilenotriaminopentacético e HCl (ácido clorídrico 1 mol L-1, com posterior determinação da quantidade de Mn nos extratos e nos tecidos remanescentes. Foram encontrados teores crescentes de Mn nos extratos de água, DTPA e HCl 1 mol L-1. A maior parte (cerca de 50 % do Mn permaneceu no tecido vegetal, mesmo após subsequentes extrações com as diferentes soluções extratoras, indicando que essa parte está fortemente ligada aos tecidos. Os maiores teores de Mn foram encontrados nas raízes e, os menores, no caule e nas folhas, sugerindo que a caramboleira tende a fixar o Mn nas raízes, possivelmente como mecanismo para limitar o transporte para a parte área, evitando a intoxicação da planta.

  12. Phospho-eNOS Ser-1176 is associated with the nucleoli and the Golgi complex in C6 rat glioma cells. (United States)

    Klinz, Franz-Josef; Herberg, Natalie; Arnhold, Stefan; Addicks, Klaus; Bloch, Wilhelm


    Enzymatic activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is controlled by posttranslational modifications, protein-protein interactions, and subcellular localization. For example, N-terminal fatty acid modifications target eNOS to the Golgi complex where it becomes phosphorylated. We show here by immunofluorescence analysis that phospho-eNOS Ser-1176 is enriched in the perinuclear region of interphase C6 rat glioma cells. Confocal double immunofluorescence microscopy with the Golgi marker protein 58K revealed that phospho-eNOS Ser-1176 is associated with the Golgi complex. Surprisingly, we observed several spots in the nucleus of C6 cells that were positive for phospho-eNOS Ser-1176. Confocal double immunofluorescence analysis with the nucleolus marker protein fibrillarin revealed that within the nucleus phospho-eNOS Ser-1176 is exclusively associated with the nucleoli. It is known that in mitotic cells nucleoli are lost during prophase and rebuild during telophase. In agreement with this, we find no nucleoli-like distribution of phospho-eNOS Ser-1176 in metaphase and anaphase C6 glioma cells. Our finding that phospho-eNOS Ser-1176 is selectively associated with the nucleoli points to a so far unknown role for eNOS in interphase glioma cells.

  13. Reivindicar o direito à cidade: cooperação, ocupação, comunidade

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    Rafaela Scardino


    Full Text Available No romance Sunset Park, de Paul Auster, um grupo de jovens fica sem ter onde morar, na esteira da recessão econômica que assolou os Estados Unidos em 2008. Juntos, formam uma comunidade possível numa casa abandonada que invadem e habitam, exercitando formas de cooperação e trabalho em conjunto. O sociólogo Richard Sennett propõe que a cooperação, e a comunidade que nasce da cooperação, podem atuar como saídas para aqueles que se encontram fora da ordem econômica: que os excluídos possam, no exercício da cooperação, voltar o olhar para fora também de suas limitações, ou melhor, das limitações que sempre lhes foram impostas. No romance de Auster, os personagens a todo o momento negociam e reconfiguram relações afetivas e econômicas, aprendendo a se abrir para o outro, e colocando-se sempre à margem dos papéis sociais preestabelecidos. E esses pequenos deslocamentos, assim como a escrita literária, têm um grande potencial de contaminação, de efetivamente tocar o outro num reconhecimento da potência que nos conforma.


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    Encarna Alonso Valero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las novelas de Corín Tellado marcaron la vida de varias generaciones de mujeres y también de muchos hombres. Sufrió los reproches habituales a la novela comercial y de éxito, además del desprecio dedicado a la llamada novela rosa al ser considerada un género menor y fundamentalmente para mujeres. En este artículo nos proponemos analizar cómo con frecuencia ese tipo de juicios no son literarios sino sociales, juicios sociales denegados. Además, estudiaremos las novelas de Corín Tellado, que influyeron enormemente en la “educación sentimental” de las mujeres durante el franquismo, y analizaremos el modelo de mujer que presentan. Abstract: The novels of Corín Tellado marked the life of several generations of women, as well as of many men. She suffered the criticisms habitually levelled at commercially successful novels, especially the so-called novela rosa, or popular romance novel, because of its reputation as a minor genre aimed primarily at women. This paper aims to show that these judgments are often not literary but social. The paper will also examine Corín Tellado's novels, which greatly influenced the 'sentimental education' of women during the Franco regime, and we will analyze the models of woman that theses romances present.

  15. Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.97, Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-440 and 50-441)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Udy, A.C.


    This EG and G Idaho, Inc., report provides a review of the submittals for Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2. Any exception to the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.97 are evaluated


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    Delmi Sulastri


    Full Text Available AbstrakGen eNOS3 varian intron 4a4b merupakan salah satu gen yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi esensial. Kemampuan Gen eNOS3 varian ini untuk mensintesis enzim nitric oxide synthase (NOS berkurang sehingga sintesis Nitric oxide (NO menurun. Senyawa NO adalah suatu senyawa vasoaktif yang menyebabkan vasodilatasi pembuluh darah.Penelitian pada subjek hipertensi dan normotensi berusia 30-65 tahun bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh mikronutrien terhadap ekspresi gen eNOS3 alel intron 4a4b. 130 subjek, diwawancara pola makannya lalu dilakukan analisis asupan mikronutrien, gen eNOS3, serta kadar NO plasma. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji T dan chi-square.Kadar NO plasma penderita hipertensi adalah 26.91 + 15.40 μM/L dan normotensi 25.79 + 15.04 μM/L. 55.5% subjek hipertensi memiliki gen eNOS3 varian intron 4b dan 69% subjek normotensi mempunyai varian intron 4a4b. Kadar NO plasma rendah, (66.7% ditemukan pada subjek hipertensi dengan varian intron 4b. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna asupan mikronutrien dengan kadar NO plasma pada subjek hipertensi.Hasil ini tidak mendukung pengaruh konsumsi mikronutrien terhadap kadar NO plasma pada penderita hipertensi dengan gen eNOS3 varian intron 4a4b.Kata Kunci : hipertensi esensial, gen eNOS3, kadar NO plasmaAbstracteNOS 3 gene intron 4a4b allel is one of the important genes which is related to hypertesion essensial. This gene expresses the nitric oxide synthase (NOS enzyme which regulates the synthesis of Nitric oxide (NO in human body. NO causes vasodilatation, which decreases peripheral resistant and blood pressure.A research has been done based on cross sectional study on hypertension patients and those with normal blood pressure in the range of 30-65 years old. The main of this research is to evaluate the influence of micronutrient consumption on eNOS3 gene intron 4a4b allel expression in hypertension subjects in Minangkabau ethnicity. 130 subjects interviewed about micronutrient

  17. IL-10 and NOS2 modulate antigen-specific reactivity and nerve infiltration by T cells in experimental leprosy.

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    Deanna A Hagge


    Full Text Available Although immunopathology dictates clinical outcome in leprosy, the dynamics of early and chronic infection are poorly defined. In the tuberculoid region of the spectrum, Mycobacterium leprae growth is restricted yet a severe granulomatous lesion can occur. The evolution and maintenance of chronic inflammatory processes like those observed in the leprosy granuloma involve an ongoing network of communications via cytokines. IL-10 has immunosuppressive properties and IL-10 genetic variants have been associated with leprosy development and reactions.The role of IL-10 in resistance and inflammation in leprosy was investigated using Mycobacterium leprae infection of mice deficient in IL-10 (IL-10-/-, as well as mice deficient in both inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2-/- and IL-10 (10NOS2-/-. Although a lack of IL-10 did not affect M. leprae multiplication in the footpads (FP, inflammation increased from C57Bl/6 (B6NOS2-/-<10NOS2-/-. While IL-10-/- mice exhibited modest FP induration compared to B6, NOS2-/- and 10NOS2-/- mice developed markedly enlarged FP marking distinct phases: early (1 month, peak (3-4 months, and chronic (8 months. IFN-γ-producing CD4+CD44+ cells responding to M. leprae cell wall, membrane, and cytosol antigens and ML2028 (Ag85B were significantly increased in the evolved granuloma in NOS2-/- FP compared to B6 and IL-10-/- during early and peak phases. In 10NOS2-/- FP, CD4+CD44+ and especially CD8+CD44+ responses were augmented even further to these antigens as well as to ML0380 (GroES, ML2038 (bacterioferritin, and ML1877 (EF-Tu. Moreover, fragmented nerves containing CD4+ cells were present in 10NOS2-/- FP.The 10NOS2-/- strain offers insight on the regulation of granuloma formation and maintenance by immune modulators in the resistant forms of leprosy and presents a new model for investigating the pathogenesis of neurological involvement.

  18. Mild mitochondrial uncoupling and calorie restriction increase fasting eNOS, akt and mitochondrial biogenesis. (United States)

    Cerqueira, Fernanda M; Laurindo, Francisco R M; Kowaltowski, Alicia J


    Enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis promoted by eNOS activation is believed to play a central role in the beneficial effects of calorie restriction (CR). Since treatment of mice with dinitrophenol (DNP) promotes health and lifespan benefits similar to those observed in CR, we hypothesized that it could also impact biogenesis. We found that DNP and CR increase citrate synthase activity, PGC-1α, cytochrome c oxidase and mitofusin-2 expression, as well as fasting plasma levels of NO• products. In addition, eNOS and Akt phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and visceral adipose tissue was activated in fasting CR and DNP animals. Overall, our results indicate that systemic mild uncoupling activates eNOS and Akt-dependent pathways leading to mitochondrial biogenesis.

  19. O Brasil no espelho de Amaterasu: O Japão de Aluísio Azevedo

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    Marcel Vejmelka


    Full Text Available De 1897 a 1899, Aluísio Azevedo esteve como vice-cônsul em Yokohama. Nesses anos concebeu e esboçou um livro sobre a cultura e sociedade japonesas no passado e no presente, do qual chegou a escrever somente a primeira parte, dedicada à História do Japão. Este fragmento, publicado em 1984 por Luiz Dantas, possibilita analisar a visão de Azevedo da nação e cultura japonesas, a serem compreendidas dentro do contexto histórico do fim do século XIX e em relação com as conflitividades internas da nação e cultura brasileiras como Azevedo as tratou nos seus romances naturalistas.

  20. Intoxicação em suínos pela ingestão de sementes de Aeschynomene indica (Leg.Papilionoideae)


    Oliveira,Fabiano N.; Rech,Raquel R.; Rissi,Daniel R.; Barros,Ricardo R.; Barros,Claudio S.L.


    Relata-se um surto espontâneo de intoxicação em suínos pela ingestão de sementes de Aeschynomene indica e a reprodução da doença nessa espécie animal. O surto espontâneo ocorreu numa propriedade de criação de suínos localizada na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. Nessa propriedade havia 100 suínos (20 matrizes e 80 suínos jovens de várias categorias). Os suínos eram alimentados com uma ração feita na propriedade pela mistura de 50% farelo de milho, 25% de farelo de soja, 5% de um suplement...

  1. Cinética do P nos tecidos de suínos em crescimento alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal e suplementadas com enzima fitase

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    J.A. Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase sobre a cinética do P nos tecidos de suínos, alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal e suplementadas com enzima fitase. Foram utilizados 20 suínos machos castrados, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas durante 17 dias, sendo 10 dias para adaptação e sete dias para coletas de fezes e urina. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por cinco dias. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, cada animal recebeu, por via endovenosa, uma solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. No final do período experimental, os animais foram sacrificados, e amostras de tecidos do músculo (lombo, coração, fígado, rins e ossos foram coletadas. A enzima fitase interferiu na cinética do 32P, levando a uma menor incorporação nos tecidos dos ossos.

  2. Renal nerves and nNOS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kompanowska-Jezierska, Elzbieta; Wolff, Helle; Kuczeriszka, Marta


    ). This was tested by NaLoad after chronic renal denervation with and without inhibition of nNOS by S-methyl-thiocitrulline (SMTC). In addition, the acute effects of renal denervation on MABP and sodium balance were assessed. Rats were investigated in the conscious, catheterized state, in metabolic cages...... of acutely and chronically denervated rats were less than control (15% and 9%, respectively, P reduced by renal denervation (14.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 19.3 +/- 1.3 mIU/l, P reduced...... PRC (P sodium excretion six-fold, irrespective of renal denervation and SMTC. The metabolic data demonstrated that renal denervation lowered sodium balance during the first days after denervation (P



    Juliana Sperotto Brum


    Esta tese envolveu o estudo de doenças de suínos, incluindo a descrição de um sarcoma granulocítico eosinofílico e surtos de intoxicação por sal. O estudo das características e frequência das doenças na população suína na região de abrangência do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) foi realizado através de um estudo retrospectivo de todos os diagnósticos de necropsias. Foram separados 564 casos com diagnósticos conclusivos. A...

  4. Qualitative and quantitative immunohistochemical evaluation of iNOS expression in the spleen of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi. (United States)

    dos Santos, Fernando Rocha; Vieira, Paula Melo Abreu; Correa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Giunchetti, Rodolfo Cordeiro; Carneiro, Claudia Martins; Reis, Alexandre Barbosa; Malaquias, Luiz Cosme Cotta


    Nitric oxide (NO), the product of the nitric oxide synthase enzymes has been detected in Leishmania-infected animals. Besides its role on the immunity to infection, the role of NO and the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the pathogenesis of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is not well understood. This study aimed at evaluating immunohistochemically the iNOS expression in the spleen of dogs naturally infected (ID) with Leishmania (L.) chagasi compared with non-infected dogs (NID). The ID was grouped according to the clinical form and the parasite load. Symptomatic dogs (SD) presented higher parasite load in relation to oligosymptomatic (OD) and asymptomatic (AD). The qualitative expression of iNOS was observed only in ID. SD presented strong and prominent labeling of iNOS, followed by OD and AD. Quantitatively, the results showed that the median expression of iNOS was higher in SD and OD compared to NID. Also, dog spleens with high parasitism load showed marked iNOS expression. Taken together, the results suggest that the expression of iNOS in the spleen of infected dogs with CVL was associated with clinical worsening of the disease and with high parasitism.

  5. Role of iNOS in Bystander Signaling Between Macrophages and Lymphoma Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghosh, Somnath; Maurya, Dharmendra Kumar; Krishna, Malini


    Purpose: The present report describes the bystander effects of radiation between similar and dissimilar cells and the role of iNOS in such communication. Materials and Methods: EL-4 and RAW 264.7 cells were exposed to 5 Gy γ-irradiation. The medium from irradiated cells was transferred to unirradiated cells. Results: Irradiated EL-4 cells as well as those cultured in the presence of medium from γ-irradiated EL-4 cells showed an upregulation of NF-κB, iNOS, p53, and p21/waf1 genes. The directly irradiated and the bystander EL-4 cells showed an increase in DNA damage, apoptosis, and NO production. Bystander signaling was also found to exist between RAW 264.7 (macrophage) and EL-4 (lymphoma) cells. Unstimulated or irradiated RAW 264.7 cells did not induce bystander effect in unirradiated EL-4 cells, but LPS stimulated and irradiated RAW 264.7 cells induced an upregulation of NF-κB and iNOS genes and increased the DNA damage in bystander EL-4 cells. Treatment of EL-4 or RAW 264.7 cells with L-NAME significantly reduced the induction of gene expression and DNA damage in the bystander EL-4 cells, whereas treatment with cPTIO only partially reduced the induction of gene expression and DNA damage in the bystander EL-4 cells. Conclusions: It was concluded that active iNOS in the irradiated cells was essential for bystander response

  6. A interação existencial entre seres humanos e animais no romance Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo = The existential interaction between human beings and animals in the novel Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo

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    Evely Vânia Libanori


    Full Text Available Em Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo, o corvo, o cavalo e o gato são animais que mantêm estreita ligação existencial com o ser humano. A interação ser humano-animal é fundamental para o entendimento de temas filosóficos presentes no romance, como a identidade humana, o outro, a morte. O corvo é o batedor da chegada de Juan Preciado no mundo da morte. O cavalo de Miguel Páramo é o único ser que sofre, verdadeiramente, a morte do seu tutor. O gato é o animal que faz visitas noturnas a Susana San Juan, com quem estabelece um diálogo somente inteligível para os dois. A integração entre personagens humanas e animais em Pedro Páramo mostra a comunicação entre seres pertencentes a diferentes espécies animais. No romance, seres humanos, corvos, cavalos e gatos têm mais semelhanças entre si do que a cultura ocidental antropocêntrica conhece.In Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, the raven, the horse and the cat are animals that maintain a close existential link to the human beings. In the book, this human being/animal interaction is fundamental to the understanding of philosophical themes such as the identity, the other, and the death. In the story, the raven is the escort of Juan Preciado arrival into the death world. Miguel Páramos’s horse is the only being that genuinely suffers because of the death of its guardian, that is, Miguel’s death. The cat is the animal that make night visits to Susana San Juan to whom it speaks in a way that is understood by the two of them only. The connection between human and animal characters in Pedro Páramo shows the communication among beings that belong to different animal species. In the novel, human beings, ravens, horses, and cats are much more alike than the western anthropocentric culture has it.

  7. Gallic Acid Enriched Fraction of Phyllanthus emblica Potentiates Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcer Healing via e-NOS-Dependent Pathway

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ananya Chatterjee


    Full Text Available The healing activity of gallic acid enriched ethanolic extract (GAE of Phyllanthus emblica fruits (amla against the indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in mice was investigated. The activity was correlated with the ability of GAE to alter the cyclooxygenase- (COX- dependent healing pathways. Histology of the stomach tissues revealed maximum ulceration on the 3rd day after indomethacin (18 mg/kg, single dose administration that was associated with significant increase in inflammatory factors, namely, mucosal myeloperoxidase (MPO activity and inducible nitric oxide synthase (i-NOS expression. Proangiogenic parameters such as the levels of prostaglandin (PG E2, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, von Willebrand Factor VIII, and endothelial NOS (e-NOS were downregulated by indomethacin. Treatment with GAE (5 mg/kg/day and omeprazole (3 mg/kg/day for 3 days led to effective healing of the acute ulceration, while GAE could reverse the indomethacin-induced proinflammatory changes of the designated biochemical parameters. The ulcer healing activity of GAE was, however, compromised by coadministration of the nonspecific NOS inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, but not the i-NOS-specific inhibitor, L-N6-(1-iminoethyl lysine hydrochloride (L-NIL. Taken together, these results suggested that the GAE treatment accelerates ulcer healing by inducing PGE2 synthesis and augmenting e-NOS/i-NOS ratio.

  8. Mild mitochondrial uncoupling and calorie restriction increase fasting eNOS, akt and mitochondrial biogenesis.

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    Fernanda M Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis promoted by eNOS activation is believed to play a central role in the beneficial effects of calorie restriction (CR. Since treatment of mice with dinitrophenol (DNP promotes health and lifespan benefits similar to those observed in CR, we hypothesized that it could also impact biogenesis. We found that DNP and CR increase citrate synthase activity, PGC-1α, cytochrome c oxidase and mitofusin-2 expression, as well as fasting plasma levels of NO• products. In addition, eNOS and Akt phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and visceral adipose tissue was activated in fasting CR and DNP animals. Overall, our results indicate that systemic mild uncoupling activates eNOS and Akt-dependent pathways leading to mitochondrial biogenesis.

  9. Nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) expression in histologically normal margins of oral squamous cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Morelatto, Rosana; Itoiz, María-Elina; Guiñazú, Natalia; Piccini, Daniel; Gea, Susana; López-de Blanc, Silvia


    The activity of Nitric Oxide Synthase 2 (NOS2) was found in oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) but not in normal mucosa. Molecular changes associated to early carcinogenesis have been found in mucosa near carcinomas, which is considered a model to study field cancerization. The aim of the present study is to analyze NOS2 expression at the histologically normal margins of OSCC. Eleven biopsy specimens of OSCC containing histologically normal margins (HNM) were analyzed. Ten biopsies of normal oral mucosa were used as controls. The activity of NOS2 was determined by immunohistochemistry. Salivary nitrate and nitrite as well as tobacco and alcohol consumption were also analyzed. The Chi-squared test was applied. Six out of the eleven HNM from carcinoma samples showed positive NOS2 activity whereas all the control group samples yielded negative (p=0.005). No statistically significant association between enzyme expression and tobacco and/or alcohol consumption and salivary nitrate and nitrite was found. NOS2 expression would be an additional evidence of alterations that may occur in a state of field cancerization before the appearance of potentially malignant morphological changes.

  10. PEDAGOGIA NOS CURSOS DE PEDAGOGIA? da ausência e dos impactos no trabalho pedagógico


    Liliana Soares Ferreira


    Esse artigo sistematiza pesquisa realizada nos últimos cinco anos, com o objetivo de estudar os movimentos de sentidos, a historicidade e o trabalho de pedagogas(os) (e, portanto, trabalho pedagógico) descritos nos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de Pedagogia gaúchos. Com base nesse estudo inicial, objetivou-se entender qual concepção de Pedagogia e de trabalho pedagógico das futuras(os) pedagogas(os) estão na base da elaboração desses projetos pedagógicos e nos discursos de gestores desses c...

  11. Gender, exercise training, and eNOS expression in porcine skeletal muscle arteries. (United States)

    Laughlin, M Harold; Welshons, Wade V; Sturek, Michael; Rush, James W E; Turk, James R; Taylor, Julia A; Judy, Barbara M; Henderson, Kyle K; Ganjam, V K


    Our purpose was to determine the effects of gender and exercise training on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein content of porcine skeletal muscle arteries and to evaluate the role of 17beta-estradiol (E2) in these effects. We measured eNOS and SOD content with immunoblots and immunohistochemistry in femoral and brachial arteries of trained and sedentary male and female pigs and measured estrogen receptor (ER) mRNA and alpha-ER and beta-ER protein in aortas of male and female pigs. Results indicate that female arteries contain more eNOS than male arteries and that exercise training increases eNOS content independent of gender. Male and female pigs expressed similar levels of alpha-ER mRNA and protein and similar amounts beta-ER protein in their arteries. E2 concentrations as measured by RIA were 180 +/- 34 pg/ml in male sera and approximately 5 pg/ml in female sera, and neither was changed by training. However, bioassay indicated that biologically active estrogen equivalent to only 35 +/- 5 pg/ml was present in male sera. E2 in female pigs, whether measured by RIA or bioassay, was approximately 24 pg/ml at peak estrous and 2 pg/ml on day 5 diestrus. The free fraction of E2 in sera did not explain the low measurements, relative to RIA, of E2. We conclude that 1). gender has significant influence on eNOS and SOD content of porcine skeletal muscle arteries; 2). the effects of gender and exercise training vary among arteries of different anatomic origin; 3). male sera contains compounds that cause RIA to overestimate circulating estrogenic activity; and 4). relative to human men, the male pig is not biologically estrogenized by high levels of E2 reported by RIA, whereas in female pigs E2 levels are lower than in the blood of human women.

  12. Las Rocas Nos Cuentan (Rocks Tell Their Stories) (United States)

    Llerandi-Roman, Pablo A.


    Many Earth science lessons today still focus on memorizing the names of rocks and minerals. This led the author to develop a lesson that reveals the fascinating stories told by rocks through the study of their physical properties. He first designed the lesson for Puerto Rican teachers, hence its Spanish title: "Las Rocas Nos Cuentan Su Historia."…

  13. Mechanisms of suppression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in RAW 264.7 cells by andrographolide (United States)

    Chiou, Wen-Fei; Chen, Chieh-Fu; Lin, Jin-Jung


    Andrographolide, an active component found in leaves of Andrographis paniculata, has been reported to exhibit nitric oxide (NO) inhibitory property in endotoxin-stimulated macrophages, however, the detailed mechanisms remain unclear. In the present study we investigated the effect of andrographolide on the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity in RAW 264.7 macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus interferon-γ (IFN-γ).RAW 264.7 cells stimulated with LPS/IFN-γ activated NO production; in this condition andrographolide (1–100 μM) inhibited NO production in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 17.4±1.1 μM. Andrographolide also reduces the expression of iNOS protein level but without a significant effect on iNOS mRNA. The reduction of iNOS activity is thought to be caused by decreased expression of iNOS protein.In a protein stability assay, andrographolide moderately but significantly reduced the amount of iNOS protein as suggested by accelerating degradation. Furthermore, andrographolide also inhibited total protein de novo synthesis as demonstrated by [35S]-methionine incorporation.As a whole, these data suggest that andrographolide inhibits NO synthesis in RAW 264.7 cells by reducing the expression of iNOS protein and the reduction could occur through two additional mechanisms: prevention of the de novo protein synthesis and decreasing the protein stability via a post-transcriptional mechanism. It is also possible that inhibition of iNOS protein expression and NO production under immune stimulation and/or bacteria infection may explain, in part, the beneficial effects of andrographolide as an anti-inflammatory agent. PMID:10780958

  14. Synthesis of a Potent Aminopyridine-Based nNOS-Inhibitor by Two Recent No-Carrier-Added 18F-Labelling Methods

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    Christian Drerup


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO, an important multifunctional signaling molecule, is produced by three isoforms of NO-synthase (NOS and has been associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Selective inhibitors of the subtypes iNOS (inducible or nNOS (neuronal are of great interest for decoding neurodestructive key factors, and 18F-labelled analogues would allow investigating the NOS-function by molecular imaging with positron emission tomography. Especially, the highly selective nNOS inhibitor 6-((3-((3-fluorophenethylaminomethylphenoxymethyl-4-methylpyridin-2-amine (10 lends itself as suitable compound to be 18F-labelled in no-carrier-added (n.c.a. form. For preparation of the 18F-labelled nNOS-Inhibitor [18F]10 a “build-up” radiosynthesis was developed based on a corresponding iodonium ylide as labelling precursor. The such activated phenethyl group of the compound was efficiently and regioselectively labelled with n.c.a. [18F]fluoride in 79% radiochemical yield (RCY. After conversion by reductive amination and microwave assisted displacement of the protecting groups, the desired nNOS-inhibitor was obtained in about 15% total RCY. Alternatively, for a simplified “late-stage” 18F-labelling procedure a corresponding boronic ester precursor was synthesized and successfully used in a newer, copper(II mediated n.c.a. 18F-fluoro-deboroniation reaction, achieving the same total RCY. Thus, both methods proved comparatively suited to provide the highly selective NOS-inhibitor [18F]10 as probe for preclinical in vivo studies.

  15. Synthesis of a Potent Aminopyridine-Based nNOS-Inhibitor by Two Recent No-Carrier-Added (18)F-Labelling Methods. (United States)

    Drerup, Christian; Ermert, Johannes; Coenen, Heinz H


    Nitric oxide (NO), an important multifunctional signaling molecule, is produced by three isoforms of NO-synthase (NOS) and has been associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Selective inhibitors of the subtypes iNOS (inducible) or nNOS (neuronal) are of great interest for decoding neurodestructive key factors, and (18)F-labelled analogues would allow investigating the NOS-function by molecular imaging with positron emission tomography. Especially, the highly selective nNOS inhibitor 6-((3-((3-fluorophenethylamino)methyl)phenoxy)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine (10) lends itself as suitable compound to be (18)F-labelled in no-carrier-added (n.c.a.) form. For preparation of the (18)F-labelled nNOS-Inhibitor [(18)F]10 a "build-up" radiosynthesis was developed based on a corresponding iodonium ylide as labelling precursor. The such activated phenethyl group of the compound was efficiently and regioselectively labelled with n.c.a. [(18)F]fluoride in 79% radiochemical yield (RCY). After conversion by reductive amination and microwave assisted displacement of the protecting groups, the desired nNOS-inhibitor was obtained in about 15% total RCY. Alternatively, for a simplified "late-stage" (18)F-labelling procedure a corresponding boronic ester precursor was synthesized and successfully used in a newer, copper(II) mediated n.c.a. (18)F-fluoro-deboroniation reaction, achieving the same total RCY. Thus, both methods proved comparatively suited to provide the highly selective NOS-inhibitor [(18)F]10 as probe for preclinical in vivo studies.

  16. Assessing depression outcome in patients with moderate dementia: sensitivity of the HoNOS65+ scale. (United States)

    Canuto, Alessandra; Rudhard-Thomazic, Valérie; Herrmann, François R; Delaloye, Christophe; Giannakopoulos, Panteleimon; Weber, Kerstin


    To date, there is no widely accepted clinical scale to monitor the evolution of depressive symptoms in demented patients. We assessed the sensitivity to treatment of a validated French version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) 65+ compared to five routinely used scales. Thirty elderly inpatients with ICD-10 diagnosis of dementia and depression were evaluated at admission and discharge using paired t-test. Using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) "depressive mood" item as gold standard, a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis assessed the validity of HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item score changes. Unlike Geriatric Depression Scale, Mini Mental State Examination and Activities of Daily Living scores, BPRS scores decreased and Global Assessment Functioning Scale score increased significantly from admission to discharge. Amongst HoNOS65+F items, "behavioural disturbance", "depressive symptoms", "activities of daily life" and "drug management" items showed highly significant changes between the first and last day of hospitalization. The ROC analysis revealed that changes in the HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item correctly classified 93% of the cases with good sensitivity (0.95) and specificity (0.88) values. These data suggest that the HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item may provide a valid assessment of the evolution of depressive symptoms in demented patients.

  17. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, High Low Tide Prediction (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has High Low Tide Predictions from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The official Tide and Tidal Current...

  18. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Tide Prediction, 60-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has High Low Tide Predictions from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The official Tide and Tidal Current...

  19. NOS CO-OPS Water Level Data, Tide Prediction, 6-Minute (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset has High Low Tide Predictions from NOAA NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). The official Tide and Tidal Current...

  20. β-Adrenergic induced SR Ca2+ leak is mediated by an Epac-NOS pathway. (United States)

    Pereira, Laëtitia; Bare, Dan J; Galice, Samuel; Shannon, Thomas R; Bers, Donald M


    Cardiac β-adrenergic receptors (β-AR) and Ca 2+ -Calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaMKII) regulate both physiological and pathophysiological Ca 2+ signaling. Elevated diastolic Ca 2+ leak from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) contributes to contractile dysfunction in heart failure and to arrhythmogenesis. β-AR activation is known to increase SR Ca 2+ leak via CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor. Two independent and reportedly parallel pathways have been implicated in this β-AR-CaMKII cascade, one involving exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac2) and another involving nitric oxide synthase 1 (NOS1). Here we tested whether Epac and NOS function in a single series pathway to increase β-AR induced and CaMKII-dependent SR Ca 2+ leak. Leak was measured as both Ca 2+ spark frequency and tetracaine-induced shifts in SR Ca 2+ , in mouse and rabbit ventricular myocytes. Direct Epac activation by 8-CPT (8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-2'-O-methyl-cAMP) mimicked β-AR-induced SR Ca 2+ leak, and both were blocked by NOS inhibition. The same was true for myocyte CaMKII activation (assessed via a FRET-based reporter) and ryanodine receptor phosphorylation. Inhibitor and phosphorylation studies also implicated phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and protein kinase B (Akt) downstream of Epac and above NOS activation in this pathway. We conclude that these two independently characterized parallel pathways function mainly via a single series arrangement (β-AR-cAMP-Epac-PI3K-Akt-NOS1-CaMKII) to mediate increased SR Ca 2+ leak. Thus, for β-AR activation the cAMP-PKA branch effects inotropy and lusitropy (by effects on Ca 2+ current and SR Ca 2+ -ATPase), this cAMP-Epac-NOS pathway increases pathological diastolic SR Ca 2+ leak. This pathway distinction may allow novel SR Ca 2+ leak therapeutic targeting in treatment of arrhythmias in heart failure that spare the inotropic and lusitropic effects of the PKA branch. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All

  1. Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.97 Slurry Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoffel, J.W.


    This EG and G Idaho, Inc., report reviews the submittals for Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 3, for Unit Nos. 1 and 2 of the Surry Power Station and identifies areas of nonconformance to the regulatory guide. Exceptions to Regulatory Guide 1.97 are evaluated and those areas where sufficient basis for acceptability is not provided are identified

  2. Enhanced astrocytic nitric oxide production and neuronal modifications in the neocortex of a NOS2 mutant mouse.

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    Yossi Buskila

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: It has been well accepted that glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS produce nitric oxide (NO through the induction of a nitric oxide synthase isoform (NOS2 only in response to various insults. Recently we described rapid astroglial, NOS2-dependent, NO production in the neocortex of healthy mice on a time scale relevant to neuronal activity. To explore a possible role for astroglial NOS2 in normal brain function we investigated a NOS2 knockout mouse (B6;129P2-Nos2(tm1Lau/J, Jackson Laboratory. Previous studies of this mouse strain revealed mainly altered immune responses, but no compensatory pathways and no CNS abnormalities have been reported. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To our surprise, using NO imaging in brain slices in combination with biochemical methods we uncovered robust NO production by neocortical astrocytes of the NOS2 mutant. These findings indicate the existence of an alternative pathway that increases basal NOS activity. In addition, the astroglial mutation instigated modifications of neuronal attributes, shown by changes in the membrane properties of pyramidal neurons, and revealed in distinct behavioral abnormalities characterized by an increase in stress-related parameters. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results strongly indicate the involvement of astrocytic-derived NO in modifying the activity of neuronal networks. In addition, the findings corroborate data linking NO signaling with stress-related behavior, and highlight the potential use of this genetic model for studies of stress-susceptibility. Lastly, our results beg re-examination of previous studies that used this mouse strain to examine the pathophysiology of brain insults, assuming lack of astrocytic nitrosative reaction.

  3. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in gingival tissues of chronic periodontitis with and without diabetes: immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR study. (United States)

    Shaker, Olfat; Ghallab, Noha A; Hamdy, Ebtehal; Sayed, Safinaz


    There is few data concerning the pathogenesis and contribution of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the inflammatory reactions of the periodontium in the course of diabetes. This study evaluated the expression of iNOS in the gingival biopsies of periodontitis patients with and without type 2 diabetes. 80 subjects were evaluated in four groups: patients with chronic periodontitis and diabetes, patients with chronic periodontitis, periodontally healthy patients with diabetes, and systemically and periodontally healthy control subjects. Gingival biopsies were subjected to immunohistochemistry as well as reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for determination of iNOS. All diseased gingival tissues had a significant increase in iNOS expression by immunohistochemistry (Pperiodontitis and diabetic patients regarding iNOS(+) cells. Meanwhile, these two groups had significantly increased iNOS(+) cells when compared to periodontitis patients (Pperiodontitis showed significantly higher levels of iNOS mRNA expression compared to samples from periodontitis patients and diabetic patients (Pperiodontitis, periodontitis patients and diabetic patients, the higher mRNA for iNOS observed in diabetes and periodontitis may indicate a possible involvement of this mediator in the periodontal destruction of type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Technical Specifications, Braidwood Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. STN 50-456 and STN 50-457). Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-59

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information is presented for Braidwood Station Unit Nos. 1 and 2 in the areas of: safety limits and limiting safety system settings; limiting conditions for operation and surveillance requirements; design features; and administrative controls

  5. Evidence of Aortopathy in Mice with Haploinsufficiency of Notch1 in Nos3-Null Background

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    Sara N. Koenig


    Full Text Available Thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in humans. While the exact etiology is unknown, genetic factors play an important role. Mutations in NOTCH1 have been linked to bicuspid aortic valve (BAV and aortopathy in humans. The aim of this study was to determine if haploinsufficiency of Notch1 contributes to aortopathy using Notch1+/−; Nos3−/− mice. Echocardiographic analysis of Notch1+/−; Nos3−/− mice reveals effacement of the sinotubular junction and a trend toward dilation of the aortic sinus. Furthermore, examination of the proximal aorta of Notch1+/−; Nos3−/− mice reveals elastic fiber degradation, a trend toward increased matrix metalloproteinase 2 expression, and increased smooth muscle cell apoptosis, features characteristic of aneurysmal disease. Although at a lower penetrance, we also found features consistent with aortopathic changes in Notch1 heterozygote mice and in Nos3-null mice. Our findings implicate a novel role for Notch1 in aortopathy of the proximal aorta.

  6. A vast amount of various invariant tori in the Nosé-Hoover oscillator. (United States)

    Wang, Lei; Yang, Xiao-Song


    This letter restudies the Nosé-Hoover oscillator. Some new averagely conservative regions are found, each of which is filled with different sequences of nested tori with various knot types. Especially, the dynamical behaviors near the border of "chaotic region" and conservative regions are studied showing that there exist more complicated and thinner invariant tori around the boundaries of conservative regions bounded by tori. Our results suggest an infinite number of island chains in a "chaotic sea" for the Nosé-Hoover oscillator.

  7. A vast amount of various invariant tori in the Nosé-Hoover oscillator (United States)

    Wang, Lei; Yang, Xiao-Song


    This letter restudies the Nosé-Hoover oscillator. Some new averagely conservative regions are found, each of which is filled with different sequences of nested tori with various knot types. Especially, the dynamical behaviors near the border of "chaotic region" and conservative regions are studied showing that there exist more complicated and thinner invariant tori around the boundaries of conservative regions bounded by tori. Our results suggest an infinite number of island chains in a "chaotic sea" for the Nosé-Hoover oscillator.

  8. Complex posttraumatic stress disorder: an exploratory investigation of PTSD and DES NOS among Dutch war veterans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jongedijk, R. A.; Carlier, I. V.; Schreuder, B. J.; Gersons, B. P.


    The recently developed concept Disorder of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified (DES NOS) or complex posttraumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD) is designed to encompass long-standing symptoms not present in PTSD. An exploratory investigation of PTSD and DES NOS was performed with the Structured

  9. Kirsten Fudeman, Aaron Lawson, Carol Rosen and Devon Strolovitch (Editors, Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics, Romance Philology 17, Cornell Universitiy, Ithaca, NY 1999, 196 pagine

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    Pavao Tekavčić


    Full Text Available Sotto questo titolo è apparsa nell'autunno del 1999 un'antologia curata dai quattro editori„ contenente 29 brani (ad opera dei curatori e altri collaboratori. Le linee direttrici sono esposte nella prefazione (Preface, 2 pagine introduttive fuori paginazione. La base è l'antologia Early Romance Texts: An Anthology (1980 di Rodney Sampson, definita invaluable, ma ormai di difficile accesso. Perciò, con la presente scelta di testi si cerca di ovviare a questa situazione. Ci sono pero determinati limiti: infatti, sono stati tralasciati i testi più noti, canonici, già bene studiati, ma nel contempo si è desistito anche dall'includere soltanto testi finora non pubblicati. In tal modo si è scelta una via di mezzo, includendo i testi meno noti e meno discussi, tutti pubblicati, è vero, già prima ma in places now considered relatively obscure e parecchio tempo (perfino tutto un secolo fa. La struttura di tutti i contributi è identica: ad una succinta introduzione (dati essenziali sul relativo testo seguono il brano, i commenti, la bibliografia e la traduzione inglese. In tal modo l'antologia è coerente, di facile orientamento ed altrettanto facili confronti tra i singoli testi, il che è di notevole

  10. Estrogen Receptor Signaling and the PI3K/Akt Pathway Are Involved in Betulinic Acid-Induced eNOS Activation

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    Nicolas Hohmann


    Full Text Available Betulinic acid (BA is a naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpenoid with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-cancer properties. Beneficial cardiovascular effects such as increased nitric oxide (NO production through enhancement of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS activity and upregulation of eNOS expression have been demonstrated for this compound. In the present study, immortalized human EA.hy 926 endothelial cells were incubated for up to 1 h with 1–100 µM BA and with the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K inhibitors LY294002 and wortmannin, or the estrogen receptor (ER antagonist ICI 182,780. Phosphorylation status of eNOS and total eNOS protein were analyzed by Western blotting using a serine 1177 phosphosite-specific antibody. Bioactive NO production was assessed by determination of cGMP content in rat lung fibroblasts (RFL-6 reporter cells. Short-term incubation of EA.hy 926 cells with BA resulted in eNOS phosphorylation at the serine 1177 residue in a concentration- and time-dependent manner with a half-maximal effective concentration of 0.57 µM. This was associated with an enhanced production of NO. BA-induced eNOS phosphorylation and NO production was completely blocked by pretreatment with ICI 182,780, and was attenuated by pretreatment with the PI3K inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002. These results indicate that fast non-genomic effects of ER with downstream signaling through the PI3K/Akt pathway and consecutive eNOS phosphorylation at serine 1177 are involved in BA-induced eNOS activation.



    Rosado, Patricia Lopes; Gomes, Marilia Fernandes Maciel; Figueiredo, Adelson Martins


    O comportamento das séries históricas de preços de suínos e dos principais insumos usados no seu processo produtivo como, milho e soja, pode apresentar oscilações que o produtor, geralmente, não consegue prever, o que contribui para elevar o risco da atividade. Destarte, como forma de fornecer subsídios teóricos e empíricos aos agentes econômicos envolvidos em operações com suínos, milho e soja, buscou-se, neste trabalho, detectar a existência dos componentes estocásticos e, ou, determinístic...

  12. Clinical significance of measurement of serum NO/NOS and TNF-α levels after treatment in patients with schizophrenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nan Deqi; Du Liang; Yang Sixue; Qin Yong


    Objective: To explore the significance of changes of serum NO/NOS and TNF-α levels in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Serum TNF-α (with R/A) and NO/NOS (with bio-chemistry) levels were determined in 41 patients with schizophrenia both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results:Before treatment the serum NOS, TNF-α levels in the patients were significantly higher than those in controls (P <0.01 ). After six weeks treatment, the levels in patients, though dropped markedly, remained significantly higher (P<0.05). Conclusion: Serum NO/NOS and TNF-α levels were closely related to the diseases process of schizophrenia and were of prognostic values. (authors)

  13. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in tumor biology: the two sides of the same coin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lechner, Matthias; Lirk, Philipp; Rieder, Josef


    Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is one of three key enzymes generating nitric oxide (NO) from the amino acid l-arginine. iNOS-derived NO plays an important role in numerous physiological (e.g. blood pressure regulation, wound repair and host defence mechanisms) and pathophysiological

  14. A vast amount of various invariant tori in the Nosé-Hoover oscillator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Lei [School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); Department of Mathematics and Physics, Hefei University, Hefei 230601 (China); Yang, Xiao-Song, E-mail: [School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China)


    This letter restudies the Nosé-Hoover oscillator. Some new averagely conservative regions are found, each of which is filled with different sequences of nested tori with various knot types. Especially, the dynamical behaviors near the border of “chaotic region” and conservative regions are studied showing that there exist more complicated and thinner invariant tori around the boundaries of conservative regions bounded by tori. Our results suggest an infinite number of island chains in a “chaotic sea” for the Nosé-Hoover oscillator.

  15. Inhibitory effect of baicalin on iNOS and NO expression in intestinal mucosa of rats with acute endotoxemia. (United States)

    Feng, Aiwen; Zhou, Guangrong; Yuan, Xiaoming; Huang, Xinli; Zhang, Zhengyuan; Zhang, Ti


    The mechanism by which baicalin modulated the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) in the mucosa of distal ileum was investigated in a rat model of acute endo-toxemia induced by intraperitoneal injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The experiment demonstrated that LPS upregulated iNOS mRNA and protein expression as well as NO produc-tion (measured as the stable degradation production, nitrites). LPS not only increased toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) content, but also activated p38 and activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2) and inactivated PPARγ via phosphorylation. Inhibition of p38 signalling pathway by chemical inhibitor SB202190 and small interfering RNA (siRNA) ameliorated LPS-induced iNOS generation, while suppression of PPARγ pathway by SR-202 boosted LPS-elicited iNOS expression. Baicalin treatment (I) attenuated LPS-induced iNOS mRNA and protein as well as nitrites generation, and (II) ameliorated LPS-elicited TLR4 and PPARγ production, and (III) inhibited p38/ATF2 phosphorylation leading to suppression of p38 signalling, and (IV) prevented PPARγ from phosphorylation contributing to maintainence of PPARγ bioactivity. However, SR-202 co-treatment (I) partially abrogated the inhibitory effect of baicalin on iNOS mRNA expression, and (II) partially reversed baicalin-inhibited p38 phosphorylation. In summary, baicalin could ameliorate LPS-induced iNOS and NO overproduction in mucosa of rat terminal ileum via inhibition of p38 signalling cascade and activation of PPARγ pathway. There existed a interplay between the two signalling pathways.

  16. Effect of Flooding and the nosZ Gene in Bradyrhizobia on Bradyrhizobial Community Structure in the Soil. (United States)

    Saeki, Yuichi; Nakamura, Misato; Mason, Maria Luisa T; Yano, Tsubasa; Shiro, Sokichi; Sameshima-Saito, Reiko; Itakura, Manabu; Minamisawa, Kiwamu; Yamamoto, Akihiro


    We investigated the effects of the water status (flooded or non-flooded) and presence of the nosZ gene in bradyrhizobia on the bradyrhizobial community structure in a factorial experiment that examined three temperature levels (20°C, 25°C, and 30°C) and two soil types (andosol and gray lowland soil) using microcosm incubations. All microcosms were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA6 T , B. japonicum USDA123, and B. elkanii USDA76 T , which do not possess the nosZ gene, and then half received B. diazoefficiens USDA110 T wt (wt for the wild-type) and the other half received B. diazoefficiens USDA110ΔnosZ. USDA110 T wt possesses the nosZ gene, which encodes N 2 O reductase; 110ΔnosZ, a mutant variant, does not. Changes in the community structure after 30- and 60-d incubations were investigated by denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis and an image analysis. USDA6 T and 76 T strains slightly increased in non-flooded soil regardless of which USDA110 T strain was present. In flooded microcosms with the USDA110 T wt strain, USDA110 T wt became dominant, whereas in microcosms with the USDA110ΔnosZ, a similar change in the community structure occurred to that in non-flooded microcosms. These results suggest that possession of the nosZ gene confers a competitive advantage to B. diazoefficiens USDA110 T in flooded soil. We herein demonstrated that the dominance of B. diazoefficiens USDA110 T wt within the soil bradyrhizobial population may be enhanced by periods of flooding or waterlogging systems such as paddy-soybean rotations because it appears to have the ability to thrive in moderately anaerobic soil.

  17. [Association of Schizophrenia and its Clinical Implications with the NOS1AP Gene in the Colombian Population]. (United States)

    Valencia, Jenny García; Duarte, Ana Victoria Valencia; Vila, Ana Lucía Páez; Kremeyer, Bárbara; Montoya, María Patricia Arbeláez; Linares, Andrés Ruiz; Acosta, Carlos Alberto Palacio; Duque, Jorge Ospina; Berrío, Gabriel Bedoya


    The nitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein (NOS1AP) gene is possibly implicated in schizophrenia etiopathogenesis. To determine the association of NOS1AP gene variants with schizophrenia and the relationship of variants with the clinical dimensions of the disorder in the Colombian population. It is a case-control study with 255 subjects per group. Markers within the NOS1AP gene were typified as well as other informative material of genetic origin so as to adjust by population stratification. A factorial analysis of the main components for each item in the Scales for Evaluating Negative Symptoms (SENS) together with the Scales for Evaluating Positive Symptoms (SEPS) to determine clinical dimensions. Association between the C/C genotype of the rs945713 marker with schizophrenia (OR = 1.79, 95% CI: 1.13 - 2.84) was found. The C/C genotype of the rs945713 was related to higher scores in the "affective flattening and alogia" dimension; and the A/A genotype of the rs4657181 marker was associated to lower scores in the same dimension. Significant associations of markers inside the NOS1AP gene with schizophrenia and the "affective flattening and alogia" clinical dimension were found. These results are consistent with previous studies and support the possibility that NOS1AP influences schizophrenia susceptibility. Furthermore, NOS1AP might be a modifier of schizophrenia clinical characteristics. Copyright © 2012 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  18. Sildenafil promotes eNOS activation and inhibits NADPH oxidase in the transgenic sickle cell mouse penis. (United States)

    Musicki, Biljana; Bivalacqua, Trinity J; Champion, Hunter C; Burnett, Arthur L


    Sickle cell disease (SCD)-associated vasculopathy in the penis is characterized by aberrant nitric oxide and phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5 signaling, and by increased oxidative stress. Preliminary clinical trials show that continuous treatment with PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil unassociated with sexual activity decreases priapic activity in patients with SCD. However, the mechanism of its vasculoprotective effect in the penis remains unclear. We evaluated whether continuous administration of PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil promotes eNOS function at posttranslational levels and decreases superoxide-producing enzyme NADPH oxidase activity in the sickle cell mouse penis. SCD transgenic mice were used as an animal model of SCD. WT mice served as controls. Mice received treatment with the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil (100 mg/kg/day) or vehicle for 3 weeks. eNOS phosphorylation on Ser-1177 (positive regulatory site), eNOS interactions with heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) (positive regulator), phosphorylated AKT (upstream mediator of eNOS phosphorylation on Ser-1177), an NADPH oxidase catalytic subunit gp91(phox), and a marker of oxidative stress (4-hydroxy-2-nonenal [HNE]) were measured by Western blot. Effect of continuous sildenafil treatment on eNOS posttranslational activation, NADPH oxidase catalytic subunit, and oxidative stress in the penis of the sickle cell mouse. Continuous treatment with sildenafil reversed (P penis. Sildenafil treatment of WT mice did not affect any of these parameters. Our findings that sildenafil enhances eNOS activation and inhibits NADPH oxidase function in the sickle cell mouse penis offers a vasculoprotective molecular basis for the therapeutic effect of sildenafil in the penis in association with SCD. © 2013 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  19. Partial deletion of eNOS gene causes hyperinsulinemic state, unbalance of cardiac insulin signaling pathways and coronary dysfunction independently of high fat diet.

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    Cecilia Vecoli

    Full Text Available Abnormalities in eNOS gene, possibly interacting with high fat diet (HFD, affect peripheral vascular function and glucose metabolism. The relative role of eNOS gene, HFD and metabolic derangement on coronary function has not been fully elucidated. We test whether eNOS gene deficiency per se or in association with HFD modulates coronary function through mechanisms involving molecular pathways related to insulin signaling. Wild type (WT, eNOS-/- and eNOS+/- mice were studied. WT and eNOS+/- mice were fed with either standard or HF diet for 16 weeks and compared with standard diet fed eNOS-/-. Glucose and insulin tolerance tests were performed during the last week of diet. Coronary resistance (CR was measured at baseline and during infusions of acetylcholine (Ach or sodium-nitroprusside (SNP to evaluate endothelium-dependent or independent vasodilation, in the Langendorff isolated hearts. Cardiac expression of Akt and ERK genes as evaluation of two major insulin-regulated signaling pathways involved in the control of vascular tone were assessed by western blot. HFD-fed mice developed an overt diabetic state. Conversely, chow-fed genetically modified mice (in particular eNOS-/- showed a metabolic pattern characterized by normoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia with a limited degree of insulin resistance. CR was significantly higher in animals with eNOS gene deletions than in WT, independently of diet. Percent decrease in CR, during Ach infusion, was significantly lower in both eNOS-/- and eNOS+/- mice than in WT, independently of diet. SNP reduced CR in all groups except eNOS-/-. The cardiac ERK1-2/Akt ratio, increased in animals with eNOS gene deletions compared with WT, independently of diet. These results suggest that the eNOS genetic deficiency, associated or not with HFD, has a relevant effect on coronary vascular function, possibly mediated by increase in blood insulin levels and unbalance in insulin-dependent signaling in coronary vessels

  20. A personagem dostoievskiana e a relação autor/herói em Grande sertão: veredas / The Dostoevskian character and the relationship author/hero in Grande sertão: veredas

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    Sandra Mara Moraes Lima


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O trabalho tece considerações sobre o enfoque da personagem pelo autor no romance de Dostoiévski a partir da obra Problemas da poética de Dostoiévski de Bakhtin, estabelecendo uma analogia entre a relação autor/herói na obra de Dostoiévski e a relação autor/herói no romance Grande sertão: veredas, de Guimarães Rosa. Segundo Bakhtin, Dostoiévski inaugura o romance polifônico, dialógico, apresentando um herói cuja voz está equiparada à voz do autor. É nesse mesmo contexto que se analisa, no romance rosiano, o narrador Riobaldo. ABSTRACT: This work makes considerations about the focus of the character by the author on Dostoevsky romance from the work Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics of Bakhtin, establishing an analogy between author/hero in Dostoevsky work and the relationship author/hero in the romance Grande sertão: veredas from Guimarães Rosa. According toBakhtin Dostoevsky inaugurates the polyphonic, dialogical, presenting a hero whose voice is equalized to the author voice. In this context we presented the narrator Riobaldo.


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    Luciana Almeida dos Santos


    Full Text Available

    A literatura de cordel possui um histórico cultural que abrange desde a poesia oral até os folhetos impressos que tratam de romances, pelejas, acontecimentos históricos, tragédias, narrativas fantásticas sobre reinos, príncipes, princesas, fadas e bruxas, entre outros. Os folhetos, embora sejam considerados universais, apresentam aspectos caracterizadores de uma realidade particular, muitas vezes marcada pelo contexto nordestino, local onde a literatura de cordel se consolidou no Brasil. Os cordéis O balão do destino ou a menina da ilha, apesar de tratarem de uma história de amor situada em um reino, remete ao imaginário do povo nordestino, ao retratar, sobretudo, os costumes do seu povo e sua religiosidade. Os valores morais e éticos do povo do nordeste também permeiam este folheto. O cordelista regionaliza alguns elementos presentes na narrativa, a fim de aproximar o leitor/ouvinte do universo da literatura de cordel.

  2. Anemia nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca avançada

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    Juliano Cardoso


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Anemia está associada à pior evolução nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC. Entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre a anemia nos pacientes com IC avançada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características da anemia na IC em fase avançada. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 99 pacientes hospitalizados para compensação de IC (CF IV/NYHA, com idade > 18 anos e FEVE 12 g/dl. A anemia foi marcador independente de mau prognóstico na análise multivariada (mortalidade 47% vs 24,6%, p = 0,016, risco relativo 2,54. CONCLUSÃO: Anemia acomete, aproximadamente, 1/3 dos pacientes com IC avançada, e a deficiência de ferro é uma importante etiologia. Pacientes anêmicos são mais idosos e apresentaram função renal mais deteriorada. A melhora da congestão não foi suficiente para melhorar a anemia na maioria dos casos. Nos pacientes com IC avançada, a anemia é marcador independente de mau prognóstico.

  3. Perspectives on the relation between composition, compositionality and exocentricity


    Scholz, Cosima


    This PhD Project deals with Romance Verb-Noun-Compounds (VNC), a productive exocentric word formation process in several Romance languages. Due to its special structural and semantic configuration, it gives rise to many questions that partly coincide with recent issues discussed in linguistic theory. The aim of this work is twofold: First, Romance VNC are embedded in recent developments concerning aspects of morphological theory, compositionality and thoughts about the decoding of structurall...

  4. Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Recreational Exercise in TNBS-Induced Colitis in Rats: Role of NOS/HO/MPO System

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    Zita Szalai


    Full Text Available There are opposite views in the available literature: Whether physical exercise has a protective effect or not on the onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD. Therefore, we investigated the effects of recreational physical exercise before the induction of colitis. After 6 weeks of voluntary physical activity (running wheel, male Wistar rats were treated with TNBS (10 mg. 72 hrs after trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS challenge we measured colonic gene (TNF-α, IL-1β, CXCL1 and IL-10 and protein (TNF-α expressions of various inflammatory mediators and enzyme activities of heme oxygenase (HO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS, and myeloperoxidase (MPO enzymes. Wheel running significantly increased the activities of HO, constitutive NOS (cNOS isoform. Furthermore, 6 weeks of running significantly decreased TNBS-induced inflammatory markers, including extent of lesions, severity of mucosal damage, and gene expression of IL-1β, CXCL1, and MPO activity, while IL-10 gene expression and cNOS activity were increased. iNOS activity decreased and the activity of HO enzyme increased, but not significantly, compared to the sedentary TNBS-treated group. In conclusion, recreational physical exercise can play an anti-inflammatory role by downregulating the gene expression of proinflammatory mediators, inducing anti-inflammatory mediators, and modulating the activities of HO and NOS enzymes in a rat model of colitis.

  5. Investigando Características de Normalização em Textos Amadeanos Traduzidos

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    Valéria Cristiane Validório


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de investigar omissões em textos traduzidos, este trabalho apresenta alguns resultados obtidos a partir de um estudo de tradução baseado em corpora de romances literários brasileiros e suas traduções para o inglês. Por meio da metodologia da linguística de corpus, observamos, em relação às obras Mar Morto (1990 e O Sumiço da Santa (1988, escritas por Jorge Amado, e as respectivas traduções Sea of Death (1984 e The War of the Saints (1993, realizadas pelo tradutor profissional Gregory Rabassa, a ocorrência de casos de omissões tanto em elementos isolados como também em sentenças inteiras nos textos traduzidos.

  6. 毛奇龄评点《西厢记》的叙事论%Narrative Theory of Mao Qiling’s Commentaries on Romance ofWest Chamber

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    毛奇龄的《西厢记》论释处于继王骥德和凌初以来《西厢记》学术性评点的顶端,其叙事论实可与金圣叹的叙事论双峰并立于清代戏曲评点史上。毛氏评点虽亦兴之所至,率性而发,但通读全篇则不难发现其系统性、理论性。如论叙事视角之“旁观”、叙事内容之“转变”、叙事照应之“暗度金针”、叙事节奏之“抑扬顿挫”,无一不体现毛氏的独到见解。其叙事论又可与西方现代叙事学相通。毛氏论析的叙述层次、叙事视角、叙事照应、叙事节奏、叙事方法,大致涵盖了现代叙事学的叙述人、叙事时间、叙事方法等范畴。梳理毛奇龄评点《西厢记》的叙事论,有助于构建古代叙事学与现代叙事学的内在关联,为中国叙事学固本培根。%Mao Qiling’s academic commentaries on Romance ofWest Chamber have been deemed among the best since Wang Jide’s and Ling Mengchu’s commentaries.His narrative theory juxtaposed with Jin Sheng-tan’s as the best two in the history of drama commentary in Qing Dynasty.Mao’s commentaries are spontane-ous and candid on the spur of moment,yet systematic and theoretical if read holistically.For instances,the narrative perspective as“an onlooker”in term of narrative perspective,“twists and turns”in terms of narrative contents,“exquisite foreshadowing”in terms of narrative correlation and “rising and falling tones”in terms of narrative rhythm,all have shown Mao’s distinctive opinions.Mao’s narrative theory is in agreement with west-ern modern narratology in that Mao’s narrative layers,perspectives,correlations and methods generally include such categories as narrators,narrative time,narrative methods in modern narratology.The study of Mao’s nar-rative theory in the perspective of his commentaries on Romance ofWest Chamber can help construct the internal correlation between ancient and modern narratology

  7. Inhibitory effect of baicalin on iNOS and NO expression in intestinal mucosa of rats with acute endotoxemia.

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    Aiwen Feng

    Full Text Available The mechanism by which baicalin modulated the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS and nitric oxide (NO in the mucosa of distal ileum was investigated in a rat model of acute endo-toxemia induced by intraperitoneal injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS. The experiment demonstrated that LPS upregulated iNOS mRNA and protein expression as well as NO produc-tion (measured as the stable degradation production, nitrites. LPS not only increased toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ content, but also activated p38 and activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2 and inactivated PPARγ via phosphorylation. Inhibition of p38 signalling pathway by chemical inhibitor SB202190 and small interfering RNA (siRNA ameliorated LPS-induced iNOS generation, while suppression of PPARγ pathway by SR-202 boosted LPS-elicited iNOS expression. Baicalin treatment (I attenuated LPS-induced iNOS mRNA and protein as well as nitrites generation, and (II ameliorated LPS-elicited TLR4 and PPARγ production, and (III inhibited p38/ATF2 phosphorylation leading to suppression of p38 signalling, and (IV prevented PPARγ from phosphorylation contributing to maintainence of PPARγ bioactivity. However, SR-202 co-treatment (I partially abrogated the inhibitory effect of baicalin on iNOS mRNA expression, and (II partially reversed baicalin-inhibited p38 phosphorylation. In summary, baicalin could ameliorate LPS-induced iNOS and NO overproduction in mucosa of rat terminal ileum via inhibition of p38 signalling cascade and activation of PPARγ pathway. There existed a interplay between the two signalling pathways.

  8. Donkey milk kefir induces apoptosis and suppresses proliferation of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma by decreasing iNOS in mice. (United States)

    Esener, Obb; Balkan, B M; Armutak, E I; Uvez, A; Yildiz, G; Hafizoglu, M; Yilmazer, N; Gurel-Gurevin, E


    Donkey milk and donkey milk kefir exhibit antiproliferative, antimutagenic and antibacterial effects. We investigated the effects of donkey milk and donkey milk kefir on oxidative stress, apoptosis and proliferation in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) in mice. Thirty-four adult male Swiss albino mice were divided into four groups as follows: group 1, administered 0.5 ml water; group 2, administered 0.5 ml water + EAC cells; group 3, administered 0.5 ml donkey milk + EAC cells; group 4, administered 0.5 ml donkey milk kefir + EAC cells. We introduced 2.5 x 10 6 EAC cells into each animal by subcutaneous injection. Tap water, donkey milk and donkey milk kefir were administered by gavage for 10 days. Animals were sacrificed on day 11. After measuring the short and long diameters of the tumors, tissues were processed for histology. To determine oxidative stress, cell death and proliferation iNOS and eNOS, active caspase-3 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen were assessed using immunohistochemistry. A TUNEL assay also was used to detect apoptosis. Tumor volume decreased in the donkey milk kefir group compared to the control and donkey milk groups. Tumor volume increased in the donkey milk group compared to the control group. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen levels were higher in the donkey milk kefir group compared to the control and donkey milk groups. The number of apoptotic cells was less in the donkey milk group, compared to the control, whereas it was highest in the donkey milk kefir group. Donkey milk administration increased eNOS levels and decreased iNOS levels, compared to the control group. In the donkey milk kefir group, iNOS levels were significantly lower than those of the control and donkey milk groups, while eNOS levels were similar to the control group. Donkey milk kefir induced apoptosis, suppressed proliferation and decreased co-expression of iNOS and eNOS. Donkey milk promoted development of the tumors. Therefore, donkey milk kefir appears to

  9. Disruption of COX-2 and eNOS does not confer protection from cardiovascular failure in lipopolysaccharide-treated conscious mice and isolated vascular rings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Mette; Madsen, Kirsten; Vanhoutte, Paul M


    (NS 398), disruption of COX-2, endothelium removal, or eNOS deletion (eNOS(-/-)) did not improve vascular reactivity after LPS, while the NO synthase blockers 1400W and N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester prevented loss of tone. COX-2 and eNOS activities are not necessary for LPS-induced decreases...... in blood pressure, heart rate, and vascular reactivity. Inducible NOS activity appears crucial. COX-2 and eNOS are not obvious therapeutic targets for cardiovascular rescue during gram-negative endotoxemic shock....

  10. Clinical significance of determination of changes of serum NO, NOS and GM-CSF levels after treatment in children with bronchopneumonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Hongmei


    Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of changes of serum NO, NOS and GM-CSF levels after treatment in children with bronchopneumonia. Methods: Serum GM-CSF levels were determined with RIA, and serum NO, NOS levels were determined with biochemical methods both before and after treatment in 48 children with bronehopneumonia as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment the serum concentrations of NO, NOS and GM-CSF in the patients were significantly higher than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Detection of serum NO, NOS and GM-CSF levels were useful for assessment of therapeutic efficacy. (authors)

  11. Kanono refrakcija Antonios Susanos Byatt romane Apsėdimas | Refraction of the Canon in Antonia Susan Byatt’s Novel Possession

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    Regina Rudaitytė


    Full Text Available The article focuses on the revision and transformation of the genre of romance, particularly in its 19th century poetical form, actualized in A. S. Byatt’s novel Possession through an enormous intertextual web of references. The major intertext in the novel is Victorian literature and culture on which Byatt concentrates, covering the whole romance canon through intertextual references to Romantic poetry and to the tradition of medieval romances in their Victorian rewritings.The play with the conventions of the genre of romance and its transformations, the pastiches of the Victorian poetry are the main narrative strategies for Byatt to achieve the refraction of the canon – a re-evaluation of the Victorian poetic tradition from the contemporary feminist and poststructuralist perspective.

  12. Contrasting effects of exercise and NOS inhibition on tissue-specific fatty acid and glucose uptake in mice. (United States)

    Rottman, Jeffrey N; Bracy, Deanna; Malabanan, Carlo; Yue, Zou; Clanton, Jeff; Wasserman, David H


    Isotopic techniques were used to test the hypothesis that exercise and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition have distinct effects on tissue-specific fatty acid and glucose uptakes in a conscious, chronically catheterized mouse model. Uptakes were measured using the radioactive tracers (125)I-labeled beta-methyl-p-iodophenylpentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) and deoxy-[2-(3)H]glucose (DG) during treadmill exercise with and without inhibition of NOS. [(125)I]BMIPP uptake at rest differed substantially among tissues with the highest levels in heart. With exercise, [(125)I]BMIPP uptake increased in both heart and skeletal muscles. In sedentary mice, NOS inhibition induced by nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) feeding increased heart and soleus [(125)I]BMIPP uptake. In contrast, exercise, but not L-NAME feeding, resulted in increased heart and skeletal muscle [2-(3)H]DG uptake. Significant interactions were not observed in the effects of combined exercise and L-NAME feeding on [(125)I]BMIPP and [2-(3)H]DG uptakes. In the conscious mouse, exercise and NOS inhibition produce distinct patterns of tissue-specific fatty acid and glucose uptake; NOS is not required for important components of exercise-associated metabolic signaling, or other mechanisms compensate for the absence of this regulatory mechanism.

  13. Temposfuturos - Vidas secas, de Graciliano Ramos Future times - Graciliano Ramos' Barren lives

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    Zenir Campos Reis


    Full Text Available Vidas secas (1938 é o último romance de Graciliano Ramos, escrito depois da experiência do autor nos cárceres do Estado Novo, experiência por ele mesmo julgada essencial para a elaboração do livro. O artigo começa pela discussão acerca do sentido das exigências éticas e estéticas do romancista. Procura descrever a organização do romance a partir da combinação de contos, originalmente autônomos. Examina em seguida o episódio "Baleia", onde se discute o problema da domesticação e da educação. Termina com a análise da tensão entre a fala da utopia e o realismo crítico.Vidas secas (1938 is Graciliano Ramos`s last novel which was written after the author`s experiences in the prisions of the Estado Novo. This experience was judged essential to the organization of the book by the author himself. The article begins with a discussion of the sense of ethical and aesthetic exigencies of the novelist. It endeavours to describe the organization of the novel, beginning with the combination of short stories which were originally autonomous works. Then it examines the episode "Baleia", where the problems of domestication and rearing are discussed. It finishes with the analysis of the tension between the talk of Utopia and critical realism.

  14. De-metaphorizing and becoming animal: when the animal looks back. A reading of Marian Engel’s Bear = Desmetaforizando e tornando-se animal: quando o animal retorna o olhar. Uma leitura do romance Bear, de Marian Engel

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    Alessandra Meoni


    Full Text Available The primacy acquired by nature in our current culture has given way to several issues not strictly connected with an immediate and ‘purely’ ecological interest: there is rather the need to question how we conceive the animal with a focus on the possibility to transcend Western cultural heritage. When trying to give a literary representation of the animal, it is particularly important to adopt some measures which, following the trajectory of a genuine, positive ‘becoming-animal’, will safeguard its independence and avoid reducing it to metaphorically anthropomorphic representations. This essay intends to underline how, from this viewpoint, a few novels coming from the post-colonial area, where animal tales often show how interwoven humans and animals are and how they are constructed in relation to each other supply interesting case studies. My interest focuses particularly on Canadian Marian Engel’s Bear, where the writer tries to deal with unspeakable subjects between a woman and a bear: through an act of radical approach to its physical reality, the former comes first to recognize the latter, and then to accept its Otherness. On its side, the bear seemingly ‘shows’ a post-colonial attitude subversively resisting a typically Western anthropomorphic allegorization. Holding fast to itself and its animality, choosing in a way to ‘stay mute’, the bear keeps the role of a ‘perceptivecatalyst’, ‘thought-producing’ and thus ‘world-changing’, according to an aesthetics of perception suggesting that the animal gaze might be the best perspective from which to observe not only our world, but especially our own selves.Uma leitura do romance Bear, de Marian Engel. A primazia adquirida pela natureza sobre a acultura em nossos dias abriu o caminho para vários problemas não exatamente ligados a interesses imediatos ou puramente ecológicos. Pode-se perguntar como poderemos conceber oanimal tendo como foco a possibilidade de

  15. Loss of nNOS inhibits compensatory muscle hypertrophy and exacerbates inflammation and eccentric contraction-induced damage in mdx mice (United States)

    Froehner, Stanley C.; Reed, Sarah M.; Anderson, Kendra N.; Huang, Paul L.; Percival, Justin M.


    Approaches targeting nitric oxide (NO) signaling show promise as therapies for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies. However, the mechanisms by which NO benefits dystrophin-deficient muscle remain unclear, but may involve nNOSβ, a newly discovered enzymatic source of NO in skeletal muscle. Here we investigate the impact of dystrophin deficiency on nNOSβ and use mdx mice engineered to lack nNOSμ and nNOSβ to discern how the loss of nNOS impacts dystrophic skeletal muscle pathology. In mdx muscle, nNOSβ was mislocalized and its association with the Golgi complex was reduced. nNOS depletion from mdx mice prevented compensatory skeletal muscle cell hypertrophy, decreased myofiber central nucleation and increased focal macrophage cell infiltration, indicating exacerbated dystrophic muscle damage. Reductions in muscle integrity in nNOS-null mdx mice were accompanied by decreases in specific force and increased susceptibility to eccentric contraction-induced muscle damage compared with mdx controls. Unexpectedly, muscle fatigue was unaffected by nNOS depletion, revealing a novel latent compensatory mechanism for the loss of nNOS in mdx mice. Together with previous studies, these data suggest that localization of both nNOSμ and nNOSβ is disrupted by dystrophin deficiency. They also indicate that nNOS has a more complex role as a modifier of dystrophic pathology and broader therapeutic potential than previously recognized. Importantly, these findings also suggest nNOSβ as a new drug target and provide a new conceptual framework for understanding nNOS signaling and the benefits of NO therapies in dystrophinopathies. PMID:25214536

  16. Vasoactive and radioprotective properties of isothiourea derivatives having NOS-inhibitory activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Filimonova, Marina V.; Shevchenko, Ludmila I.; Ulyanenko, Stepan E.; Makarchuk, Victorya M.; Kuznetsova, Mary N.; Shevchuk, Aza S.; Lushnikova, Galina A.; Chesnakova, Ekaterina A. [Medical Radiological Research Center Health Ministry of Russia, 4, Korolev street, Obninsk, 249036, Kaluga region (Russian Federation)


    We studied vasoactive and radioprotective properties of new original N-acyl, S-alkyl isothiourea derivatives which are potent inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases (preferably eNOS and iNOS). These compounds have a moderate toxicity (LD50 - 400-550 mg/kg), and are stable in aqueous solutions. In hemodynamic studies, these compounds exhibited high vasotropic activity. The use of these compounds in doses of 5-15 mg/kg (0,01-0,03 LD{sub 50}) in the experimental animals in a state of the severe hemorrhagic or endo-toxic shock causes a potent vasopressor effect, accompanied by a significant and continuous rise in blood pressure. The increasing of vascular tone developed over 2-5 min after injection and persisted for at least 60-90 minutes, excelling at least 3-5 times the duration of α1-adreno-mimetic vasopressor action. The rapid increase in vascular tone under the influence of these compounds in normo-tonic animals caused protective baroreflex to prevent high blood pressure. At doses of 10-15 mg/kg the reflex reaction was mild, but at higher doses (30-40 mg/kg) the reaction was fierce and prolonged, and was accompanied by severe bradycardia, decreasing of the cardiac output and a significant weakening of the peripheral blood flow. In all cases, the hemodynamic response was reflexive and easily eliminated by atropine. The ability of these compounds to induce circulatory hypoxia was the basis for the study of their radioprotective properties. The study of radioprotective effect on the survival of animals exposed to lethal doses of γ-radiation (10 Gy) and on the survival of hematopoietic clonogenic cells showed that these compounds in doses of 80-150 mg/kg (0,2-0,3 LD50) have considerable radioprotective action, which is comparable with the protective effect of the maximum tolerated dose of cystamine. The factor of change in dose for γ-radiation, estimated by the LD{sub 50}, was 1,42-1,58. We also investigated the ability of the test compounds, due to their hypoxic


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    Natália Prado (UFSM


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    O final do século XVIII na Inglaterra foi marcado pelo início da consolidação de um novo gênero literário, o romance. Este gênero já se destacava na época pela participação significativa das mulheres, tanto como leitoras como escritoras. Este fato foi provavelmente encorajado, entre outros aspectos, pela Revolução Industrial que reorganizou e mudou inúmeros aspectos da vida doméstica e conjugal. Neste contexto, o Romance Gótico foi um dos tipos de romance mais populares e Ann Radcliffe, a romancista mais renomada. Esse artigo discute The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794, quarto livro escrito por Radcliffe, com foco na análise do espaço. O espaço é apresentado e descrito em detalhe ao longo da narrativa, o que evidencia sua importância neste romance. Os dois tipos de espaço, doméstico e externo, são analisados a fim de compreendermos a sua função neste romance.

  18. Platelet activating factor-induced ceramide micro-domains drive endothelial NOS activation and contribute to barrier dysfunction.

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    Sanda Predescu

    Full Text Available The spatial and functional relationship between platelet activating factor-receptor (PAF-R and nitric oxide synthase (eNOS in the lateral plane of the endothelial plasma membrane is poorly characterized. In this study, we used intact mouse pulmonary endothelial cells (ECs as well as endothelial plasma membrane patches and subcellular fractions to define a new microdomain of plasmalemma proper where the two proteins colocalize and to demonstrate how PAF-mediated nitric oxide (NO production fine-tunes ECs function as gatekeepers of vascular permeability. Using fluorescence microscopy and immunogold labeling electron microscopy (EM on membrane patches we demonstrate that PAF-R is organized as clusters and colocalizes with a subcellular pool of eNOS, outside recognizable vesicular profiles. Moreover, PAF-induced acid sphingomyelinase activation generates a ceramide-based microdomain on the external leaflet of plasma membrane, inside of which a signalosome containing eNOS shapes PAF-stimulated NO production. Real-time measurements of NO after PAF-R ligation indicated a rapid (5 to 15 min increase in NO production followed by a > 45 min period of reduction to basal levels. Moreover, at the level of this new microdomain, PAF induces a dynamic phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of Ser, Thr and Tyr residues of eNOS that correlates with NO production. Altogether, our findings establish the existence of a functional partnership PAF-R/eNOS on EC plasma membrane, at the level of PAF-induced ceramide plasma membrane microdomains, outside recognized vesicular profiles.

  19. Changes and significance of TNF - α, NOS activity and NO in the plasma of patients with chronic congestive heart failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Yafeng; Cheng Xujie; Liu Zhihua


    Objective: To study changes and interrelations of TNF - α, NOS activity and NO in the plasma of patients with chronic congestive heart failure (CHF). Methods: The blood samples were taken from eighty patients and twenty healthy subjects. Plasma TNF - α was measured by RIA. Plasma NOS activity and NO were assessed with colorimetric analysis. Results: The level of plasma TNF - α, NOS activity and NO were significantly higher in CHF patients than that in healthy subjects and were increased with the severity of heart failure. The levels of TNF - α, NOS activity and NO showed significant relation with each other and all of them were closely related to the ejection fraction. Conclusion: TNF - α, NOS activity and NO increase greatly in patients of CHF and they maybe play an important roles in the progress of CHF. They can be used as markers for the severity and prognosis of heart failure

  20. Effects of a selective iNOS inhibitor versus norepinephrine in the treatment of septic shock. (United States)

    Su, Fuhong; Huang, Hongchuan; Akieda, Kazuki; Occhipinti, Giovanna; Donadello, Katia; Piagnerelli, Michael; De Backer, Daniel; Vincent, Jean-Louis


    Inhibition of NOS is not beneficial in septic shock; selective inhibition of the inducible form (iNOS) may represent a better option. We compared the effects of the selective iNOS inhibitor BYK191023 with those of norepinephrine (NE) in a sheep model of septic shock. Twenty-four anesthetized, mechanically ventilated ewes received 1.5 g/kg body weight of feces into the abdominal cavity to induce sepsis. Animals were randomized into three groups (each n = 8): NE-only, BYK-only, and NE + BYK. The sublingual microcirculation was evaluated with sidestream dark-field videomicroscopy. MAP was higher in the NE + BYK group than in the other groups, but there were no significant differences in cardiac index or systemic vascular resistance. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure was lower in BYK-treated animals than in the NE-only group. PaO2/FiO2 was higher and lactate concentration lower in the BYK groups than in the NE-only group. Mesenteric blood flow was higher in BYK groups than in the NE-only group. Renal blood flow was higher in the NE + BYK group than in the other groups. Functional capillary density and proportion of perfused vessels were higher in the BYK groups than in the NE-only group 18 h after induction of peritonitis. Survival times were similar in the three groups. In this model of peritonitis, selective iNOS inhibition had more beneficial effects than NE on pulmonary artery pressures, gas exchange, mesenteric blood flow, microcirculation, and lactate concentration. Combination of this selective iNOS inhibitor with NE allowed a higher arterial pressure and renal blood flow to be maintained.

  1. Mormo em eqüídeos nos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas

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    Mota Rinaldo A.


    Full Text Available Com base em aspectos clínico-patológicos, epidemiológicos e sorológicos, bem como pelo isolamento de Burkholderia mallei, diagnosticaram-se focos de mormo em eqüídeos na Zona da Mata dos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas. Clinicamente observaram-se hipertermia, respiração ruidosa, inapetência, emagrecimento progressivo até caquexia, congestão nasal e descarga mucopurulenta, erosões, úlceras e cicatrizes na mucosa nasal. Os linfonodos mandibulares e cervicais superficiais apresentavam-se aumentados de volume, com abscessos e fístulas exsudando material purulento. Na pele, ao longo dos vasos linfáticos, havia formação de nódulos firmes e abscessos que, nos casos crônicos, fistulavam e ulceravam deixando cicatrizes estrelares. A histopatologia dos nódulos de diversos sítios, tanto dos eqüídeos como dos cobaios utilizados na prova de Straus, revelou lesões granulomatosas e piogranulomas. Os dados deste estudo evidenciam a emergência da doença nesta área e permitem recomendar inquéritos soro-epidemiológicos nos Estados de ocorrência dos surtos e nos Estados limítrofes.

  2. Nos2 inactivation promotes the development of medulloblastoma in Ptch1(+/- mice by deregulation of Gap43-dependent granule cell precursor migration.

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    Daniel Haag

    Full Text Available Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children. A subset of medulloblastoma originates from granule cell precursors (GCPs of the developing cerebellum and demonstrates aberrant hedgehog signaling, typically due to inactivating mutations in the receptor PTCH1, a pathomechanism recapitulated in Ptch1(+/- mice. As nitric oxide may regulate GCP proliferation and differentiation, we crossed Ptch1(+/- mice with mice lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase (Nos2 to investigate a possible influence on tumorigenesis. We observed a two-fold higher medulloblastoma rate in Ptch1(+/- Nos2(-/- mice compared to Ptch1(+/- Nos2(+/+ mice. To identify the molecular mechanisms underlying this finding, we performed gene expression profiling of medulloblastomas from both genotypes, as well as normal cerebellar tissue samples of different developmental stages and genotypes. Downregulation of hedgehog target genes was observed in postnatal cerebellum from Ptch1(+/+ Nos2(-/- mice but not from Ptch1(+/- Nos2(-/- mice. The most consistent effect of Nos2 deficiency was downregulation of growth-associated protein 43 (Gap43. Functional studies in neuronal progenitor cells demonstrated nitric oxide dependence of Gap43 expression and impaired migration upon Gap43 knock-down. Both effects were confirmed in situ by immunofluorescence analyses on tissue sections of the developing cerebellum. Finally, the number of proliferating GCPs at the cerebellar periphery was decreased in Ptch1(+/+ Nos2(-/- mice but increased in Ptch1(+/- Nos2(-/ (- mice relative to Ptch1(+/- Nos2(+/+ mice. Taken together, these results indicate that Nos2 deficiency promotes medulloblastoma development in Ptch1(+/- mice through retention of proliferating GCPs in the external granular layer due to reduced Gap43 expression. This study illustrates a new role of nitric oxide signaling in cerebellar development and demonstrates that the localization of pre-neoplastic cells during

  3. A Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados nos estudos de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu da Enfermagem brasileira

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    Marcelle Miranda da Silva


    Full Text Available Estudo documental e quantitativo, que objetivou identificar as teses e dissertações defendidas nos Programas de Pós- Graduação em Enfermagem do Brasil que utilizaram o referencial metodológico da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (TFD e analisar os aspectos epistemológicos destacados. Os dados foram coletados no Banco de Teses da CAPES, no recorte temporal entre 1996 a 2010. Foram levantados 99 resumos. Realizou-se a leitura analítica dos mesmos para constituição do tema ou problema da pesquisa e do enquadramento teórico. O maior número de produção foi em 2005, na soma dos dois níveis acadêmicos, e 54% das defesas foram sediadas na USP. As áreas temáticas mais expressivas foram: Saúde da Criança/Adolescente; Gestão em Saúde/Enfermagem; Saúde Coletiva e Saúde da Mulher. O principal referencial teórico utilizado foi o Interacionismo Simbólico. A TFD compreende uma metodologia que pode ser empregada na enfermagem, capaz de contribuir no desenvolvimento de novas investigações para o seu aprimoramento contínuo.



    Marcos Kipper da Silva


    Dois trabalhos foram desenvolvidos com o objetivo de estudar, através de meta-análise, a relação das parasitoses com o desempenho de frangos de corte e suínos. As bases de dados totalizaram 43.976 frangos de corte (69 artigos, publicados entre 1982 e 2010) e 1.279 suínos (18 artigos, publicados entre 1971 e 2010). A meta-análise foi realizada através de três análises sequenciais: estudos gráficos, de correlação e de variância-covariância. Suínos desafiados por endoparasitas apresentaram (P0,0...

  5. Kirsten Fudeman, Aaron Lawson, Carol Rosen and Devon Strolovitch (Editors, Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics, Romance Philology 17, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 1999, 196 pagine

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    Pavao Tekavčić


    Full Text Available Sotto questo titolo è apparsa nell'autunno del 1999 un'antologia curata dai quattro editori,. contenente 29 brani ( ad opera dei curatori e altri collaboratori. Le linee direttrici sono esposte nella prefazione (Preface, 2 pagine introduttive fuori paginazione. La base è l'antologia Early Romance Texts: An Anthology (1980 di Rodney Sampson, definita invaluable, ma ormai di difficile accesso. Perciò, con la presente scelta di testi si cerca di ovviare a questa situazione. Ci sono però determinati limiti: infatti, sono stati tralasciati i testi più noti, canonici, già bene studiati, ma nel contempo si è desistito anche dall'includere soltanto testi finora non pubblicati. In tal modo si è scelta una via di mezzo, includendo i testi meno noti e meno discussi, tutti pubblicati, è vero, già prima ma in places now considered relatively obscure e parecchio tempo (perfino tutto un secolo fa. La struttura di tutti i contributi è identica: ad una succinta introduzione (dati essenziali sul relativo testo seguono il brano, i commenti, la bibliografia e la traduzione inglese. In tal modo l'antologia è coerente, di facile orientamento ed altrettanto facili confronti tra i singoli testi, il che è di notevole importanza scientifica e pedagogica. Infine, i curatori fanno risaltare il ruolo delle ricerche filologiche negli studi più propriamente linguistici.

  6. Effect of aminoguanidine and albendazole on inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS activity in T. spiralis-infected mice muscles

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    Iwona Mozer-Lisewska


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to provide evidence for the expression of iNOS in the cells of inflammatory infiltrates around larvae in skeletal muscles of T. spiralis infected mice. The BALB/c mice (n=8 divided into subgroups, received either aminoguanidine (AMG - a specific iNOS inhibitor or albendazole (ALB - an antiparasitic drug of choice in trichinellosis treatment. Control animals (n=2 in each subgroup were either uninfected and treated or uninfected and untreated. Frozen sections of hind leg muscles from mice sacrificed at various time intervals after infection were cut and subjected to immunohistochemistry, using monoclonal anti-iNOS antibody. The ALB-treated mice revealed stronger iNOS staining in the infiltrating cells around larvae than the infected and untreated animals. On the contrary, in the AMG-treated animals, the infiltrating cells did not show any specific iNOS reaction. These data confirm the specificity of iNOS staining in the cellular infiltrates around T. spiralis larvae and shed some light on the role of nitric oxide during ALB treatment in experimental trichinellosis.

  7. Endothelial dysfunction in children with obstructive sleep apnea is associated with epigenetic changes in the eNOS gene. (United States)

    Kheirandish-Gozal, Leila; Khalyfa, Abdelnaby; Gozal, David; Bhattacharjee, Rakesh; Wang, Yang


    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent disorder that has been associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity, even in children. However, not all children with OSA manifest alterations in endothelial postocclusive hyperemia, an endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-dependent response. Since expression of the eNOS gene is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms and OSA may cause epigenetic modifications such as DNA hypermethylation, we hypothesized that epigenetic modifications in the eNOS gene may underlie the differential vascular phenotypes in pediatric OSA. Age-, sex-, ethnicity-, and BMI-matched prepubertal children with polysomnographically confirmed OSA and either normal (OSAn) or abnormal (OSAab) postocclusive hyperemic responses, assessed as the time to attain peak reperfusion flow (Tmax) by laser Doppler flowmetry, were recruited. Blood genomic DNA was assessed for epigenetic modifications in the eNOS gene using pyrosequencing. Children with no evidence of OSA or endothelial dysfunction served as a control group. The study comprised 36 children with OSA (11 with OSAab and 25 with OSAn) and 35 children in the control group. Overall, the mean age was 7.5 ± 2.4 years, 65% were boys, and 30% were obese; mean apnea-hypopnea index was 18 ± 8.6/h of sleep for the children with OSA. Tmax was 66.7 ± 8.8 s in the OSAab group and 30.1 ± 8.3 s in the OSAn group (P < .001). Pyrosequencing of the proximal promoter region of the eNOS gene revealed no significant differences in six of the seven CpG sites. However, a CpG site located at position -171 (relative to transcription start site), approximating important transcriptional elements, displayed significantly higher methylation levels in the OSAab group as compared with the OSAn or control groups (81.5% ± 3.5%, 74.8% ± 1.4%, and 74.5% ± 1.7%, respectively; P < .001). eNOS mRNA expression levels were assessed in a separate group of children and were significantly reduced in the OSAab

  8. La desambiguación de oraciones de relativo en gallego: Nueva evidencia de adjunción alta en lenguas romances

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    Juan Carlos Acuña


    Full Text Available La investigación sobre el procesamiento de oraciones ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de obtener datos de lenguas diferentes al inglés (e.g., Cuetos y Mitchell, 1988. En el marco de la desambiguación de oraciones de relativo como Alguien disparó al criado de la actriz que estaba en el balcón, en la que tanto “la actriz” como “el criado” podrían ser los que “estaban en el balcón”, se han encontrado preferencias dispares en distintos idiomas. Así, en inglés parecen preferirse adjunciones bajas hacia el sintagma nominal más cercano (SN2, mientras que en lenguas como el español o el francés se prefieren adjunciones altas, es decir, hacia el sintagma nominal más lejano (SN1. En el caso de otras lenguas romances, portugués e italiano, los resultados son inciertos, pues algunos autores han encontrado preferencias por la adjunción baja mientras que otros lo han hecho por la adjunción alta. En la presente investigación se evalúan, a partir de un estudio de cuestionario y un experimento de lectura autoadministrada mediante ventana móvil, las preferencias estructurales de hablantes de gallego, una lengua con un estrecho parecido al espa��ol (preferencia hacia SN1 y al portugués (preferencia incierta. Los datos, los primeros en lengua gallega, indican, tanto en el estudio de cuestionario como en el estudio on-line, preferencias por las estructuras en las que la cláusula de relativo ambigua se adjunta alto en el marco sintagmático. Estos resultados son discutidos en relación con los principales modelos de procesamiento de oraciones y las preferencias encontradas en distintas lenguas.

  9. Variações nos níveis de adiponectina nos pacientes com doença renal crônica: um estudo prospectivo de 12 meses

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    Maria Ayako Kamimura


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As complicações cardiovasculares permanecem como a principal causa de mortalidade nos pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC. A adiponectina é uma proteína produzida pelo tecido adiposo que apresenta importante propriedade cardioprotetora. O nosso objetivo foi investigar os determinantes dos níveis de adiponectina nos pacientes com DRC. MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo observacional incluiu 98 pacientes [taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG 36,1+-14,4 ml/min; 56,5+-10,4 anos; 63% homens; 31% diabéticos e índice de massa corporal (IMC 27,1+-5,2 kg/m²]. A avaliação da adiponectina (teste imunoenzimático, dos parâmetros laboratoriais, do estado nutricional (avaliação global subjetiva, da gordura corporal total (absortometria de raios-x de dupla energia e da gordura abdominal visceral e subcutânea (tomografia computadorizada foi realizada no início e após 12 meses. RESULTADOS: A adiponectina correlacionou-se com a TFG (r = -0,45; p < 0,001, a proteinúria (r = 0,21; p = 0,04, o IMC (r = -0,33; p < 0,01 e a gordura visceral (r = -0,49; p < 0,001. Na análise de regressão múltipla, os determinantes das concentrações de adiponectina foram o sexo (feminino β = 3,8; p < 0,01, a idade (β = 0,14; p = 0,03, a TFG (β = -0,15; p < 0,01 e a gordura visceral (β = -0,04; p < 0,001 (R² = 0,41. Após 12 meses, a progressão da DRC foi evidenciada pela diminuição da TFG (-1,6+-6,3 ml/min; p = 0,01 e aumento da proteinúria (0,3+-0,8 g/d; p < 0,01. Houve um aumento da gordura visceral de 97+-73 cm² para 111+-82 cm² (p < 0,001 e concomitante redução dos níveis de adiponectina, de 27,6+-7,5 mg/l para 22,2+-11,6 mg/l (p < 0,001. O peso corporal, o IMC, a gordura corporal total e a gordura abdominal subcutânea não se alteraram neste período. Ajustando pelos fatores associados à adiponectina, observamos que somente o acúmulo de gordura visceral ao longo do tempo determinou a redução nos níveis de

  10. The Development of Scientific Literacy through Nature of Science (NoS) within Inquiry Based Learning Approach (United States)

    Widowati, A.; Widodo, E.; Anjarsari, P.; Setuju


    Understanding of science instructional leading to the formation of student scientific literacy, seems not yet fully understood well by science teachers. Because of this, certainly needs to be reformed because science literacy is a major goal in science education for science education reform. Efforts of development science literacy can be done by help students develop an information conception of the Nature of Science (NoS) and apply inquiry approach. It is expected that students’ science literacy can develop more optimal by combining NoS within inquiry approach. The purpose of this research is to produce scientific literacy development model of NoS within inquiry-based learning. The preparation of learning tools will be maked through Research and Development (R & D) following the 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) and Borg & Gall. This study is a follow-up of preliminary research results about the inquiry profile of junior high school students indicating that most categories are quite good. The design of the model NoS within inquiry approach for developing scientific literacy is using MER Model in development educational reconstruction. This research will still proceed to the next stage that is Develop.

  11. Nf1 Loss and Ras Hyperactivation in Oligodendrocytes Induce NOS-Driven Defects in Myelin and Vasculature

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    Debra A. Mayes


    Full Text Available Patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1 and Costello syndrome Rasopathy have behavioral deficits. In NF1 patients, these may correlate with white matter enlargement and aberrant myelin. To model these features, we induced Nf1 loss or HRas hyperactivation in mouse oligodendrocytes. Enlarged brain white matter tracts correlated with myelin decompaction, downregulation of claudin-11, and mislocalization of connexin-32. Surprisingly, non-cell-autonomous defects in perivascular astrocytes and the blood-brain barrier (BBB developed, implicating a soluble mediator. Nitric oxide (NO can disrupt tight junctions and gap junctions, and NO and NO synthases (NOS1–NOS3 were upregulated in mutant white matter. Treating mice with the NOS inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine corrected cellular phenotypes. CNP-HRasG12V mice also displayed locomotor hyperactivity, which could be rescued by antioxidant treatment. We conclude that Nf1/Ras regulates oligodendrocyte NOS and that dysregulated NO signaling in oligodendrocytes can alter the surrounding vasculature. The data suggest that antioxidants may improve some behavioral deficits in Rasopathy patients.

  12. Intoxicação por selênio em suínos no Sul do Brasil

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    Danilo C. Gomes


    Full Text Available São descritos dois surtos de intoxicação por selênio em suínos na região Sul do Brasil. Foram acometidos leitões em fase de creche, entre 27 e 22 dias, com mortalidade variando de 16% a 15,3% (Surto 1 e 2 respectivamente. Os suínos apresentaram poliomielomalacia simétrica focal e lesões de casco, que inicialmente eram caracterizadas por uma linha avermelhada na borda coronária que evoluía nos suínos sobreviventes para desprendimento do casco. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram após seis dias (Surto 1 e 30 horas (Surto 2 da introdução da ração com alto teor de selênio. O surgimento dos sinais foi abrupto, caracterizado por andar cambaleante, com evolução para paralisia dos membros pélvicos e posteriormente tetraparesia. Macroscopicamente observaram-se focos circulares amarelados com áreas deprimidas mais escuras, restritas ao corno ventral da substância cinzenta em intumescências cervical e lombar. Microscopicamente essas áreas corresponderam à malacia da substância cinzenta, caracterizada por microcavitações, perda neuronal, cromatólise, neuronofagia, infiltrado de células Gitter, microgliose, astrócitos de Alzheimer tipo II e proliferação de células endoteliais evidenciadas na imunohistoquímica (IHQ para fator de von Willebrand. Ainda, no segundo surto, dois animais apresentaram vacuolização difusa do citoplasma de neurônios e em um suíno foram observados astrócitos gemistocíticos. Na IHQ para GFAP ficou evidenciada uma astrocitose e astrogliose. Além dessas alterações medulares, em dois suínos observou-se, polioencefalomalácia simétrica no tronco encefálico. Em amostras de ração, detectou-se 3,38ppm (Surto 1 e 154ppm (Surto 2 de Se/kg e em amostras de fígado foram encontradas dosagens superiores a 3,34ppm (variando de 3,34 até 10ppm. No Surto 2, após 44 dias da retirada da ração, foi realizada eutanásia de seis suínos para monitoramento de níveis hepáticos de selênio (dois suínos

  13. Sociodemographic, neuropsychiatric and cognitive characteristics of pathological gambling and impulse control disorders NOS in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Pontieri, Francesco E; Assogna, Francesca; Pellicano, Clelia; Cacciari, Claudia; Pannunzi, Sara; Morrone, Annalucia; Danese, Emanuela; Caltagirone, Carlo; Spalletta, Gianfranco


    Despite of previous evidence supporting the association between impulse control disorder (ICD) and several demographic, clinical and therapeutic features in Parkinson's disease (PD), the relationships between pathological gambling (PG) or other variants of ICD (ICD-NOS) and specific neuropsychiatric or cognitive domains are not entirely defined. In this study, 155 PD patients without dementia or cognitive impairment underwent: i. the ICD diagnoses, using the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders, ii. the mood and anxiety disorders diagnoses, according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria, and iii. a comprehensive battery for measuring severity of psychopathology and neuropsychology domains. Patients were divided in those with pathological gambling (PG), ICDs not otherwise specified (ICD-NOS), or the lack of ICD (No-ICD). There was a progression in age and age at onset from the younger PG subjects throughout ICD-NOS to No-ICD. PG and ICD-NOS subjects had longer disease duration and were taking significantly higher dosages of antiparkinsonian drugs than No-ICD ones. PG subjects had significantly higher severity of depressive and anxious symptoms with respect to the other 2 groups. Both PG and ICD-NOS subjects suffer from increased severity of psychotic symptoms than No-ICD ones. The 3 groups did not differ in any cognitive measure. Our results support the concept that the different sociodemographic and neuropsychiatric profiles of PD patients are associated with different ICDs. Moreover, we clearly demonstrate the lack of relationship between ICD and cognitive performances in undemented PD patients. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

  14. Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.97, Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (Docket Nos. 50-400 and 50-401)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoffel, J.W.


    This EG and G Idaho, Inc. report reviews the submittals for Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 3, for Unit Nos. 1 and 2 of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant and identifies areas of nonconformance to the regulatory guide. Exceptions to Regulatory Guide 1.97 are evaluated and those areas where sufficient basis for acceptability is not provided are identified. 7 refs

  15. A Casa Portuguesa como representação de Portugal: subversões da escrita da casa em romances portugueses da segunda metade do século XX = The Portuguese House as the representation of Portugal: subversion of the house’s writing in portuguese novels published in the second half of twentieth century

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    Girola, Maristela Kirst de Lima


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio tem como objetivo tecer e discutir algumas reflexões sobre a construção ficcional do espaço da casa como representação de Portugal. Em romances publicados na segunda metade do século XX, por autores como Agustina Bessa-Luís, Maria Velho da Costa e António Lobo Antunes, podemos perceber subversões na forma de escrever a casa portuguesa. Procuraremos relacionar essas mudanças às transformações sociais e à construção do gênero romanesco

  16. Ergodicity of the Stochastic Nosé-Hoover Heat Bath (United States)

    Wei Chung Lo,; Baowen Li,


    We numerically study the ergodicity of the stochastic Nosé-Hoover heat bath whose formalism is based on the Markovian approximation for the Nosé-Hoover equation [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) 103001]. The approximation leads to a Langevin-like equation driven by a fluctuating dissipative force and multiplicative Gaussian white noise. The steady state solution of the associated Fokker-Planck equation is the canonical distribution. We investigate the dynamics of this method for the case of (i) free particle, (ii) nonlinear oscillators and (iii) lattice chains. We derive the Fokker-Planck equation for the free particle and present approximate analytical solution for the stationary distribution in the context of the Markovian approximation. Numerical simulation results for nonlinear oscillators show that this method results in a Gaussian distribution for the particles velocity. We also employ the method as heat baths to study nonequilibrium heat flow in one-dimensional Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU-β) and Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) lattices. The establishment of well-defined temperature profiles are observed only when the lattice size is large. Our results provide numerical justification for such Markovian approximation for classical single- and many-body systems.

  17. Avaliação do bem-estar no transporte e nos currais de descanso pela ocorrência de lesões em carcaças de suínos abatidos em matadouro

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    Alexandra Sofia Esteves


    Full Text Available Bem-Estar Animal consiste no estado do animal em sua tentativa de adaptação ao meio ambiente envolvente, podendo ser medido e melhorado com a ação do ser humano. Nos últimos anos o tema “Bem-Estar Animal” tem adquirido importância, resultante das grandes preocupações com o manejo dos animais em vida e constatação da influência que este tem na qualidade da carne post mortem. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito do lote de suínos transportados, respectivo tamanho, tipo de trajeto e do tempo decorrido entre a origem e o abate na ocorrência de lesões, consideradas indicadores mínimos de bem-estar animal em matadouro. Nos matadouros de suínos da região norte de Portugal, foram monitorados 834 animais com relação à ocorrência de lesões compatíveis com lacerações, eritemas cutâneos, hematomas e fraturas, em cinco diferentes lotes. Pela análise global dos dados, verificou-se que as lacerações estavam presentes em 72% dos animais e foi o tipo de lesão mais frequentemente observado. Seguiram-se os eritemas cutâneos em 20%, os hematomas em 11% e as fraturas em apenas 1% dos animais. O tamanho do lote de animais transportados, a duração da viagem e o tempo de permanência no matadouro influenciaram significativamente a ocorrência das lesões monitoradas, nomeadamente lacerações, eritemas e hematomas.

  18. Animal Certifié Conforme: Déchiffrer nos Relations avec le Vivant

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    Daniel W. Gade


    Full Text Available Review of Animal Certifié Conforme: Déchiffrer nos Relations avec le Vivant. Bernadette Lizet and Jacqueline Milliet, eds. 2012. Dunod/Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Pp 256. €22 (paperback. ISBN 9782100582853.

  19. Problém adaptace děl tzv. červené knihovny do filmové podoby


    Rabová, Anna-Marie


    The aim of this thesis is to describe a relation between a literary text of love romance stories and its film adaptation. We understand love romance stories genre as a subgenre of popular literature and we define it like that. We also mention various theories of adaptation, mainly the theory of Linda Hutcheon. On the basis of the specification of the love romance genre and the appropriate theory of adaptation we compare chosen novels of Maryna Radoměrská and theirs film adaptations. We observ...

  20. Las lenguas del Fuero juzgo: avatares históricos e historiográficos de las versiones romances de la Ley visigótica (I

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    Mónica Castillo Lluch


    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa las caracterizaciones que se han dado de la lengua del Fuero juzgo en diferentes obras de la historia de la lengua española (manuales, ediciones y tratados dialectológicos, a la vez que explora cómo la representación histórica que se tiene del código legal ha podido trascender a su descripción lingüística. Se pone de manifiesto el desconocimiento casi absoluto de la historia del texto romance del Fuero juzgo y la necesidad para superarlo de una visión tanto individual de los distintos testimonios como del conjunto de su tradición manuscrita.Dans cette étude sont passées en revue les caractérisations de la langue du Fuero juzgo proposéesdans divers ouvrages sur l’histoire de la langue espagnole (manuels, éditions et traités dialectologiques. L’influence que la représentation historique du code légal a pu avoir sur sa description linguistique est également étudiée. L’accent est mis sur la méconnaissance presque complète de l’histoire du texte en langue vulgaire : pour y remédier, une étude de chacun des manuscrits conservés est nécessaire, mais il faut aussi parvenir à une vision d'ensemble de la tradition manuscrite.

  1. 《三国演义》与汉赋:两种文学经典的重要关联%The Relationship between The Romance of Three Kingdoms and Prose of the Han Dynasty

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    There is the same in ideological culture between the work of The Romance of Three King-doms and Han Prose. That is the theory and culture of Great Unification. It greatly helps them become lit-erature canons. So there is some Relationship between the two canons.%《三国演义》与汉代辞赋之间有着某些重要关联。第一,两者的文化精髓相通,即都为“大一统”思想文化,且这一文化对两者成为文学经典起了重要作用;第二,《三国演义》恰当而成功地点缀了部分汉代辞赋,属妙笔生辉、锦上添花之笔。

  2. A boa-fé nos contratos relacionais : análise da solução cooperativa para a preservação do equilíbrio nos contratos bancários


    Pessoa, Carlos Levi Costa


    Aplicação da teoria relacional e as soluções cooperativas para a preservação do equilíbrio nos contratos bancários. A pesquisa visa a analisar a teoria relacional, demonstrando a interação entre o princípio da boa-fé e as soluções cooperativas para harmonização dos conflitos nos contratos de longa duração. A partir de estudos dessa doutrina estrangeira, pretende-se evidenciar as novas técnicas negociais adotadas nas relações bancárias de consumo, mais aptas a atender às atuais transformações ...

  3. Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS1) Polymorphisms Interact with Financial Hardship to Affect Depression Risk (United States)

    Sarginson, Jane E; Deakin, JF William; Anderson, Ian M; Downey, Darragh; Thomas, Emma; Elliott, Rebecca; Juhasz, Gabriella


    There is increasing evidence that genetic factors have a role in differential susceptibility to depression in response to severe or chronic adversity. Studies in animals suggest that nitric oxide (NO) signalling has a key role in depression-like behavioural responses to stress. This study investigated whether genetic variation in the brain-expressed nitric oxide synthase gene NOS1 modifies the relationship between psychosocial stress and current depression score. We recruited a population sample of 1222 individuals who provided DNA and questionnaire data on symptoms and stress. Scores on the List of Life-Threatening Experiences (LTE) questionnaire for the last year and self-rated current financial hardship were used as measures of recent/ongoing psychosocial stress. Twenty SNPs were genotyped. Significant associations between eight NOS1 SNPs, comprising two regional haplotypes, and current depression score were identified that survived correction for multiple testing when current financial hardship was used as the interaction term. A smaller three-SNP haplotypes (rs10507279, rs1004356 and rs3782218) located in a regulatory region of NOS1 showed one of the strongest effects, with the A-C-T haplotype associating with higher depression scores at low adversity levels but lower depression scores at higher adversity levels (p=2.3E-05). These results suggest that NOS1 SNPs interact with exposure to economic and psychosocial stressors to alter individual's susceptibility to depression. PMID:24917196

  4. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS1) polymorphisms interact with financial hardship to affect depression risk. (United States)

    Sarginson, Jane E; Deakin, J F William; Anderson, Ian M; Downey, Darragh; Thomas, Emma; Elliott, Rebecca; Juhasz, Gabriella


    There is increasing evidence that genetic factors have a role in differential susceptibility to depression in response to severe or chronic adversity. Studies in animals suggest that nitric oxide (NO) signalling has a key role in depression-like behavioural responses to stress. This study investigated whether genetic variation in the brain-expressed nitric oxide synthase gene NOS1 modifies the relationship between psychosocial stress and current depression score. We recruited a population sample of 1222 individuals who provided DNA and questionnaire data on symptoms and stress. Scores on the List of Life-Threatening Experiences (LTE) questionnaire for the last year and self-rated current financial hardship were used as measures of recent/ongoing psychosocial stress. Twenty SNPs were genotyped. Significant associations between eight NOS1 SNPs, comprising two regional haplotypes, and current depression score were identified that survived correction for multiple testing when current financial hardship was used as the interaction term. A smaller three-SNP haplotypes (rs10507279, rs1004356 and rs3782218) located in a regulatory region of NOS1 showed one of the strongest effects, with the A-C-T haplotype associating with higher depression scores at low adversity levels but lower depression scores at higher adversity levels (p=2.3E-05). These results suggest that NOS1 SNPs interact with exposure to economic and psychosocial stressors to alter individual's susceptibility to depression.

  5. Lymphatic endothelial cells efferent to inflamed joints produce iNOS and inhibit lymphatic vessel contraction and drainage in TNF-induced arthritis in mice. (United States)

    Liang, Qianqian; Ju, Yawen; Chen, Yan; Wang, Wensheng; Li, Jinlong; Zhang, Li; Xu, Hao; Wood, Ronald W; Schwarz, Edward M; Boyce, Brendan F; Wang, Yongjun; Xing, Lianping


    In this study, we sought to determine the cellular source of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) induced in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF), the effects of iNOS on lymphatic smooth muscle cell (LSMC) function and on the development of arthritis in TNF-transgenic (TNF-Tg) mice, and whether iNOS inhibitors improve lymphatic function and reduce joint destruction in inflammatory erosive arthritis. We used quantitative polymerase chain reactions, immunohistochemistry, histology, and near-infrared imaging to examine (1) iNOS expression in podoplanin + LECs and lymphatic vessels from wild-type (WT) and TNF-Tg mice, (2) iNOS induction by TNF in WT LECs, (3) the effects of iNOS inhibitors on expression of functional muscle genes in LSMCs, and (4) the effects of iNOS inhibitors on lymphatic vessel contraction and drainage, as well as the severity of arthritis, in TNF-Tg mice. LECs from TNF-Tg mice had eight fold higher iNOS messenger RNA levels than WT cells, and iNOS expression was confirmed immunohistochemically in podoplanin + LECs in lymphatic vessels from inflamed joints. TNF (0.1 ng/ml) increased iNOS levels 40-fold in LECs. LSMCs cocultured with LECs pretreated with TNF had reduced expression of functional muscle genes. This reduction was prevented by ferulic acid, which blocked nitric oxide production. Local injection of L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)lysine 5-tetrazole-amide into inflamed paws of TNF-Tg mice resulted in recovery of lymphatic vessel contractions and drainage. Treatment of TNF-Tg mice with ferulic acid reduced synovial inflammation as well as cartilage and bone erosion, and it also restored lymphatic contraction and drainage. iNOS is produced primarily by LECs in lymphatic vessel efferent from inflamed joints of TNF-Tg mice in response to TNF and inhibits LSMC contraction and lymph drainage. Ferulic acid represents a potential new therapy to restore lymphatic function and thus improve inflammatory

  6. The Impact of the Social Norms of Education on Beginning Science Teachers' Understanding of NOS During their First Three Years in the Classroom (United States)

    Firestone, Jonah B.

    An understanding of the Nature of Science (NOS) remains a fundamental goal of science education in the Unites States. A developed understanding of NOS provides a framework in which to situate science knowledge. Secondary science teachers play a critical role in providing students with an introduction to understanding NOS. Unfortunately, due to the high turnover rates of secondary science teachers in the United States, this critical role is often filled by relatively novice teachers. These beginning secondary science teachers make instructional decisions regarding science that are drawn from their emerging knowledge base, including a tentative understanding of NOS. This tentative knowledge can be affected by environment and culture of the classroom, school, and district in which beginning teachers find themselves. When examining NOS among preservice and beginning teachers the background and demographics of the teachers are often ignored. These teachers are treated as a homogenous block in terms of their initial understanding of NOS. This oversight potentially ignores interactions that may happen over time as teachers cross the border from college students, preservice teachers, and scientists into the classroom environment. Through Symbolic Interactionism we can explain how teachers change in order to adapt to their new surroundings and how this adaptation may be detrimental to their understanding of NOS and ultimately to their practice. 63 teachers drawn from a larger National Science Foundation (NSF) funded study were interviewed about their understanding of NOS over three years. Several demographic factors including college major, preservice program, number of History and Philosophy of Science classes, and highest academic degree achieve were shown to have an affect on the understanding of NOS over time. In addition, over time, the teachers tended to 'converge' in their understanding of NOS regardless of preservice experiences or induction support. Both the affect

  7. (--Epigallocatechin gallate attenuates NADPH-d/nNOS expression in motor neurons of rats following peripheral nerve injury

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    Tseng Chi-Yu


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Oxidative stress and large amounts of nitric oxide (NO have been implicated in the pathophysiology of neuronal injury and neurodegenerative disease. Recent studies have shown that (--epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG, one of the green tea polyphenols, has potent antioxidant effects against free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in ischemia-induced neuronal damage. The purpose of this study was to examine whether EGCG would attenuate neuronal expression of NADPH-d/nNOS in the motor neurons of the lower brainstem following peripheral nerve crush. Thus, young adult rats were treated with EGCG (10, 25, or 50 mg/kg, i.p. 30 min prior to crushing their hypoglossal and vagus nerves for 30 seconds (left side, at the cervical level. The treatment (pre-crush doses of EGCG was continued from day 1 to day 6, and the animals were sacrificed on days 3, 7, 14 and 28. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d histochemistry and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS immunohistochemistry were used to assess neuronal NADPH-d/nNOS expression in the hypoglossal nucleus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Results In rats treated with high dosages of EGCG (25 or 50 mg/kg, NADPH-d/nNOS reactivity and cell death of the motor neurons were significantly decreased. Conclusions The present evidence indicated that EGCG can reduce NADPH-d/nNOS reactivity and thus may enhance motor neuron survival time following peripheral nerve injury.

  8. Involvement of PI3K, Akt, and RhoA in oestradiol regulation of cardiac iNOS expression. (United States)

    Zafirovic, Sonja; Sudar-Milovanovic, Emina; Obradovic, Milan; Djordjevic, Jelena; Jasnic, Nebojsa; Borovic, Milica Labudovic; Isenovic, Esma R


    Oestradiol is an important regulatory factor with several positive effects on the cardiovascular (CV) system. We evaluated the molecular mechanism of the in vivo effects of oestradiol on the regulation of cardiac inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS) expression and activity. Male Wistar rats were treated with oestradiol (40 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) and after 24 h the animals were sacrificed. The concentrations of NO and L-Arginine (L-Arg) were determined spectrophotometrically. For protein expressions of iNOS, p65 subunit of nuclear factor-κB (NFκB-p65), Ras homolog gene family-member A (RhoA), angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1R), insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), p85, p110 and protein kinase B (Akt), Western blot method was used. Co-immunoprecipitation was used for measuring the association of IRS-1 with the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K). The expression of iNOS messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was measured with the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue was used to detect localization and expression of iNOS in heart tissue. Oestradiol treatment reduced L-Arg concentration (pAkt phosphorylation at Thr308 (pregulates cardiac iNOS expression via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, through attenuation of RhoA and AT1R. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  9. La leyenda histórica y la leyenda urbana: Rivas en «El cuento de un veterano»

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    Vega Rodríguez, Pilar


    Full Text Available «El cuento de un veterano» has been usually reputed as an odd text compared to those of Romances Historicos as a whole, a work in which Rivas has shown a particular idea of Spanish National History. Within this context, we find in «El cuento de un veterano» a fictional composition, closer to popular stories about passion crimes and revenges, and therefore quite isoleted from the epic and peculiar inspiration of Romances Historicos. Some testimonies that appeared at the press contemporary with Rivas reveal the probable source of inspiration for this romance: a scary story based on the gothic tradition of the «Bleeding Nun» which, together with the reconstruction as an urban legend upon the «Monaca di Monza» incident, could be the motif inspiration for Rivas.Tradicionalmente se ha considerado «El cuento de un veterano» un texto diverso al conjunto de los Romances Históricos, en los que Rivas traduce una particular idea de la Historia nacional española. En este contexto, «El cuento de un veterano» aparece como un romance de inspiración novelesca, próximo a las horrorosas narraciones populares de crímenes y venganzas, despegado de la visión unitaria que la crítica asigna a los Romances Históricos. Los testimonios de la prensa contemporánea a Rivas desvelan la fuente de inspiración de este extraño romance en una «scary story» que pudo circular entonces, derivada de la tradición gótica de la «Bleeding Nun», la reconstrucción como leyenda urbana del episodio de la «Monaca di Monza».

  10. The β3 Adrenergic Receptor Agonist BRL37344 Exacerbates Atrial Structural Remodeling Through iNOS Uncoupling in Canine Models of Atrial Fibrillation. (United States)

    Wang, Xiaobing; Wang, Ruifeng; Liu, Guangzhong; Dong, Jingmei; Zhao, Guanqi; Tian, Jingpu; Sun, Jiayu; Jia, Xiuyue; Wei, Lin; Wang, Yuping; Li, Weimin


    The role of the β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) agonist BRL37344 in atrial fibrillation (AF) structural remodeling and the underlying mechanisms as a therapeutic target were investigated. Four groups of dogs were evaluated: sham, pacing, β3-AR agonist BRL37344 (β3-AGO), and β3-AR antagonist L748337 (β3-ANT) groups. Dogs in the pacing, β3-AGO and β3-ANT groups were subjected to rapid atrial pacing for four weeks. Atrial structure and function, AF inducibility and duration, atrial myocyte apoptosis and interstitial fibrosis were assessed. Atrial superoxide anions were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and colorimetric assays. Cardiac nitrate+nitrite levels were used to assess nitric oxide (NO) production. Protein and mRNA expression of β3-AR, neuronal NO synthase (nNOS), inducible NO synthase (iNOS), endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase-1 (GCH-1) as well as tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) levels were measured. β3-AR was up-regulated in AF. Stimulation of β3-AR significantly increased atrial myocyte apoptosis, fibrosis and atrial dilatation, resulting in increased AF induction and prolonged duration. These effects were attenuated by β3-ANT. Moreover, β3-AGO reduced BH4 and NO production and increased superoxide production, which was inhibited by the specific iNOS inhibitor, 1400w β3-AGO also increased iNOS but decreased eNOS and had no effect on nNOS expression in AF. β3-AR stimulation resulted in atrial structural remodeling by increasing iNOS uncoupling and related oxidative stress. β3-AR up-regulation and iNOS uncoupling might be underlying AF therapeutic targets. © 2016 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.

  11. Pobreza multidimensional nos municípios da Região Nordeste

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    Janaina Ottonelli


    Full Text Available Na abordagem das capacitações de Sen (1981, 1985, 2000, 2001, a pobreza significa privação em diferentes aspectos da vida. O objetivo deste estudo é mensurar a pobreza multidimensional nos municípios da Região Nordeste por meio da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e dados do Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 2010. São utilizados 19 indicadores (funcionamentos distribuídos em quatro dimensões: educação, saúde, condições habitacionais e renda. Os resultados indicam pobreza, com destaque nas dimensões da renda e da educação, principalmente nos estados de Maranhão, Alagoas, Piauí e Paraíba. Políticas de redução da pobreza precisam considerar quais são as privações sofridas pelas pessoas e as particularidades do local onde vivem.

  12. Modulation of NO and ROS production by AdiNOS transduced vascular cells through supplementation with L-Arg and BH4: implications for gene therapy of restenosis. (United States)

    Forbes, Scott P; Alferiev, Ivan S; Chorny, Michael; Adamo, Richard F; Levy, Robert J; Fishbein, Ilia


    Gene therapy with viral vectors encoding for NOS enzymes has been recognized as a potential therapeutic approach for the prevention of restenosis. Optimal activity of iNOS is dependent on the intracellular availability of L-Arg and BH4 via prevention of NOS decoupling and subsequent ROS formation. Herein, we investigated the effects of separate and combined L-Arg and BH4 supplementation on the production of NO and ROS in cultured rat arterial smooth muscle and endothelial cells transduced with AdiNOS, and their impact on the antirestenotic effectiveness of AdiNOS delivery to balloon-injured rat carotid arteries. Supplementation of AdiNOS transduced endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells with L-Arg (3.0 mM), BH4 (10 μM) and especially their combination resulted in a significant increase in NO production as measured by nitrite formation in media. Formation of ROS was dose-dependently increased following transduction with increasing MOIs of AdiNOS. Exposure of RASMC to AdiNOS tethered to meshes via a hydrolyzable cross-linker, modeling viral delivery from stents, resulted in increased ROS production, which was decreased by supplementation with BH4 but not L-Arg or L-Arg/BH4. Enhanced cell death, caused by AdiNOS transduction, was also preventable with BH4 supplementation. In the rat carotid model of balloon injury, intraluminal delivery of AdiNOS in BH4-, L-Arg-, and especially in BH4 and L-Arg supplemented animals was found to significantly enhance the antirestenotic effects of AdiNOS-mediated gene therapy. Fine-tuning of iNOS function by L-Arg and BH4 supplementation in the transduced vasculature augments the therapeutic potential of gene therapy with iNOS for the prevention of restenosis. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Proteomic identification of S-nitrosylated Golgi proteins: new insights into endothelial cell regulation by eNOS-derived NO.

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    Panjamaporn Sangwung

    Full Text Available Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS is primarily localized on the Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane caveolae in endothelial cells. Previously, we demonstrated that protein S-nitrosylation occurs preferentially where eNOS is localized. Thus, in endothelial cells, Golgi proteins are likely to be targets for S-nitrosylation. The aim of this study was to identify S-nitrosylated Golgi proteins and attribute their S-nitrosylation to eNOS-derived nitric oxide in endothelial cells.Golgi membranes were isolated from rat livers. S-nitrosylated Golgi proteins were determined by a modified biotin-switch assay coupled with mass spectrometry that allows the identification of the S-nitrosylated cysteine residue. The biotin switch assay followed by Western blot or immunoprecipitation using an S-nitrosocysteine antibody was also employed to validate S-nitrosylated proteins in endothelial cell lysates.Seventy-eight potential S-nitrosylated proteins and their target cysteine residues for S-nitrosylation were identified; 9 of them were Golgi-resident or Golgi/endoplasmic reticulum (ER-associated proteins. Among these 9 proteins, S-nitrosylation of EMMPRIN and Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GOLPH3 was verified in endothelial cells. Furthermore, S-nitrosylation of these proteins was found at the basal levels and increased in response to eNOS stimulation by the calcium ionophore A23187. Immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoprecipitation showed that EMMPRIN and GOLPH3 are co-localized with eNOS at the Golgi apparatus in endothelial cells. S-nitrosylation of EMMPRIN was notably increased in the aorta of cirrhotic rats.Our data suggest that the selective S-nitrosylation of EMMPRIN and GOLPH3 at the Golgi apparatus in endothelial cells results from the physical proximity to eNOS-derived nitric oxide.

  14. Direct evidence of iNOS-mediated in vivo free radical production and protein oxidation in acetone-induced ketosis (United States)

    Stadler, Krisztian; Bonini, Marcelo G.; Dallas, Shannon; Duma, Danielle; Mason, Ronald P.; Kadiiska, Maria B.


    Diabetic patients frequently encounter ketosis that is characterized by the breakdown of lipids with the consequent accumulation of ketone bodies. Several studies have demonstrated that reactive species are likely to induce tissue damage in diabetes, but the role of the ketone bodies in the process has not been fully investigated. In this study, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy combined with novel spin-trapping and immunological techniques has been used to investigate in vivo free radical formation in a murine model of acetone-induced ketosis. A six-line EPR spectrum consistent with the α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-t-butylnitrone radical adduct of a carbon-centered lipid-derived radical was detected in the liver extracts. To investigate the possible enzymatic source of these radicals, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NADPH oxidase knockout mice were used. Free radical production was unchanged in the NADPH oxidase knockout but much decreased in the iNOS knockout mice, suggesting a role for iNOS in free radical production. Longer-term exposure to acetone revealed iNOS overexpression in the liver together with protein radical formation, which was detected by confocal microscopy and a novel immunospin-trapping method. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed enhanced lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation as a consequence of persistent free radical generation after 21 days of acetone treatment in control and NADPH oxidase knockout but not in iNOS knockout mice. Taken together, our data demonstrate that acetone administration, a model of ketosis, can lead to protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation through a free radical-dependent mechanism driven mainly by iNOS overexpression. PMID:18559982

  15. Ibuprofen arginate retains eNOS substrate activity and reverses endothelial dysfunction: implications for the COX-2/ADMA axis. (United States)

    Kirkby, Nicholas S; Tesfai, Abel; Ahmetaj-Shala, Blerina; Gashaw, Hime H; Sampaio, Walkyria; Etelvino, Gisele; Leão, Nádia Miricéia; Santos, Robson A; Mitchell, Jane A


    Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen, are among the most commonly used medications and produce their antiinflammatory effects by blocking cyclooxygenase (COX)-2. Their use is associated with increased risk of heart attacks caused by blocking COX-2 in the vasculature and/or kidney, with our recent work implicating the endogenous NOS inhibitor asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a cardiotoxic hormone whose effects can be prevented by l-arginine. The ibuprofen salt ibuprofen arginate (Spididol) was created to increase solubility but we suggest that it could also augment the NO pathway through codelivery of arginine. Here we investigated the idea that ibuprofen arginate can act to simultaneously inhibit COX-2 and preserve the NO pathway. Ibuprofen arginate functioned similarly to ibuprofen sodium for inhibition of mouse/human COX-2, but only ibuprofen arginate served as a substrate for NOS. Ibuprofen arginate but not ibuprofen sodium also reversed the inhibitory effects of ADMA and N G -nitro-l-arginine methyl ester on inducible NOS (macrophages) and endothelial NOS in vitro (aorta) and in vivo (blood pressure). These observations show that ibuprofen arginate provides, in one preparation, a COX-2 inhibitor and NOS substrate that could act to negate the harmful cardiovascular consequences mediated by blocking renal COX-2 and increased ADMA. While remarkably simple, our findings are potentially game-changing in the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug arena.-Kirkby, N. S., Tesfai, A., Ahmetaj-Shala, B., Gashaw, H. H., Sampaio, W., Etelvino, G., Leão, N. M., Santos, R. A., Mitchell, J. A. Ibuprofen arginate retains eNOS substrate activity and reverses endothelial dysfunction: implications for the COX-2/ADMA axis. © The Author(s).


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    Sandra Lilyana


    Full Text Available The study is about a close look at Conrad's trans-racial romance related to the Victorian period. Trans-racial love between white men and non-white women becomes a popular theme in the early works of Josep Conrad, a famous writer of the late Victorian period. Using a closely technical reading in the three of Conrad's works Lord Jim, Almayer's Folly, and An Outcast of the Island, we can show that such a trans-racial romance is not merely meant for appreciating equivalence. In turn, the trans-racial romance of Conrad's can be understood as the reflection of the Western colonization on the East where the white men take a role as subjects who had dominately explored while the non-white women as objects who are passively being explored. Key words: colonization, race, romance plot, subject, object, and dominance

  17. Association between nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene and serum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 15, 2013 ... spasm among Japanese (Nakayama et al., 1999; Casas et al., 2006). It is believed that these mutations might result in altered NO metabolism and impaired .... ship between T-786C mutation of eNOS gene and CAD specifically in the Iranian population. To our knowledge, this polymorphism has never been ...

  18. Escrituras, hurtos y reelaboraciones de Luis Hurtado de Toledo (1523-1590): edición de su obra literaria y estudio de su obra impresa


    Gamba Corradine, Jimena


    [ES] La tesis doctoral «Escrituras, hurtos y reelaboraciones de Luis Hurtado de Toledo (1523-1590): edición de su obra literaria y estudio de su obra impresa» consiste en la edición de una parte del corpus literario adjudicado a Luis Hurtado de Toledo. Se editan aquí, con notas al texto, los romances en pliego resguardados en RM 259 + [260] (Romance de las notables cosas que tiene la imperial ciudad de Toledo), RM 261 + [261] y 263 (Romance nuevamente hecho por Luis Hurtado, en el qual se co...

  19. A Demanda do Santo Graal e seus entrecruzamentos


    Luciana de Moraes Schenkel


    Este trabalho é um estudo comparativo entre dois romances de Chrétien de Troyes, Lancelot ou o cavaleiro da Charrete e Perceval ou o Romance do Graal e A Demanda do Santo Graal. Através desse estudo, pretende-se mostrar que a leitura de cada romance, separadamente, pode levar a enganos interpretativos, uma vez que não se considera o contexto geral em que as obras foram produzidas. Dessa forma, neste trabalho busca-se uma leitura mais completa dessas obras que se daria em três etapas: a leitur...

  20. 75 FR 6223 - PSEG Nuclear LLC; Hope Creek Generating Station and Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1... (United States)


    ... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket Nos. 50-272, 50-311 and 50-354; NRC-2010-0043] PSEG Nuclear LLC; Hope Creek Generating Station and Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2...-70, and DPR-75, issued to PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG, the licensee), for operation of the Hope Creek...

  1. Common Variation in the NOS1AP Gene Is Associated With Drug-Induced QT Prolongation and Ventricular Arrhythmia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jamshidi, Yalda; Nolte, Ilja M.; Dalageorgou, Chrysoula; Zheng, Dongling; Johnson, Toby; Bastiaenen, Rachel; Ruddy, Suzanne; Talbott, Daniel; Norris, Kris J.; Snieder, Harold; George, Alfred L.; Marshall, Vanessa; Shakir, Saad; Kannankeril, Prince J.; Munroe, Patricia B.; Camm, A. John; Jeffery, Steve; Roden, Dan M.; Behr, Elijah R.


    Objectives This study sought to determine whether variations in NOS1AP affect drug-induced long QT syndrome (LQTS). Background Use of antiarrhythmic drugs is limited by the high incidence of serious adverse events including QT prolongation and torsades de pointes. NOS1AP gene variants play a role in

  2. Dido y Eneas en el "Quijote" de 1615

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    Juan Diego Vila


    Full Text Available Ainda que o conhecimento, por parte de Cervantes, das versões da Eneida do século de ouro espanhol seja algo comumente creditado pela crítica, não têm havido estudos que avaliem adequadamente a índole de tal reelaboração. Neste artigo centrar-nos-emos na paródia dos amores de Dido e Eneias, que Cervantes realiza, na segunda parte de sua obra, através das personagens Altisidora e Dom Quixote. Estruturada ao longo de três momentos-chave e encadeada ao tratamento de outros dois mitos clássicos - o de Teseu e Ariadne e o de Orfeu e Eurídice - esta análise pretende uma releitura que leve em conta o valor da obra virgiliana na conformação deste romance.

  3. A estética realista dos filmes sobre a ditadura militar no Brasil

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    Helena Stigger


    Full Text Available O cinema canaliza em seu aporte uma impressão de realidade baseada na experiência empírica do realizador e da sociedade ao qual ele pertence. Em sua condição de discurso, o cinema, assim como todas as formas narrativas, abrange um enunciado e um espectador. Diferentemente de um romance, a “gramática” cinematográfica é composta por um conjunto de elementos como a imagem, som, música entre outros que, organizados, contam uma história. Entretanto, a forma como estes componentes são gravados em imagens e ordenados numa seqüência narrativa não é única. Desta forma, podemos pensar qual é o propósito de uma escolha estética usual nos filmes Pra frente Brasil e Batismo de Sangue para representar a Ditadura Militar Brasileira.

  4. Jeux et enjeux d’écriture chez Chrétien de Troyes: l’exemple de «Cligès»

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    Ida Lucia Machado


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, nos propomos descrever a estética da trama irônica presente na escritura de Chrétien de Troyes, tomando por base seu romance Cligès. A destacar algumas estratégias passíveis de criar o fenômeno irônico, estaremos também mostrando o poder de sedução que emana desta escritura.Nous nous proposons, dans cet artible, de décrire l’esthétique du jeu ironique chez Chrétien de Troyes, em puisant dans son roman Cligès. Enn dégageant qulques unes dês stratégies susceptibles de créer le phénomène ironique, nous montrerons, à la fois, le pouvoir de séduction qui emane de cette écriture.

  5. Ensaios teóricos: os capitulos introdutórios de Henry Fielding Exploring theory: Fielding’s prefatory chapters

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    Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Henry Fielding, um dos fundadores do romance inglês, deixou um material teórico bastante rico a respeito do gênero em ascensão, que ele discutiu em prefácios e nos célebres capítulos introdutórios a Tom Jones. Esse artigo tem como objetivo apresentar alguns dos impasses e dilemas enfrentados pelo romancista e as soluções formais que ele propôs para resolvê-los.Henry Fielding, one of the founders of the English novel, has left a wealth theoretical material about the rising genre, which he discussed in prefaces and in his famous introductory chapters to Tom Jones, this article aims to present some of the impasses and double binds faced by the novelist and the formal solutions he proposed to deal with them.

  6. DA Negatively Regulates IGF-I Actions Implicated in Cognitive Function via Interaction of PSD95 and nNOS in Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy. (United States)

    Ding, Saidan; Zhuge, Weishan; Wang, Xuebao; Yang, Jianjing; Lin, Yuanshao; Wang, Chengde; Hu, Jiangnan; Zhuge, Qichuan


    Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) has been positively correlated with cognitive ability. Cognitive decline in minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) was shown to be induced by elevated intracranial dopamine (DA). The beneficial effect of IGF-I signaling in MHE remains unknown. In this study, we found that IGF-I content was reduced in MHE rats and that IGF-I administration mitigated cognitive decline of MHE rats. A protective effect of IGF-I on the DA-induced interaction between postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD95) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) was found in neurons. Ribosomal S6 protein kinase (RSK) phosphorylated nNOS in response to IGF-I by recruiting extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2). In turn, DA inactivated the ERK1/2/RSK pathway and stimulated the PSD95-nNOS interaction by downregulating IGF-I. Inhibition of the interaction between PSD95 and nNOS ameliorated DA-induced memory impairment. As DA induced deficits in the ERK1/2/RSK pathway and the interaction between PSD95 and nNOS in MHE brains, IGF-I administration exerted a protective effect via interruption of the interaction between PSD95 and nNOS. These results suggest that IGF-I antagonizes DA-induced cognitive loss by disrupting PSD95-nNOS interactions in MHE.

  7. DA Negatively Regulates IGF-I Actions Implicated in Cognitive Function via Interaction of PSD95 and nNOS in Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy

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    Saidan Ding


    Full Text Available Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I has been positively correlated with cognitive ability. Cognitive decline in minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE was shown to be induced by elevated intracranial dopamine (DA. The beneficial effect of IGF-I signaling in MHE remains unknown. In this study, we found that IGF-I content was reduced in MHE rats and that IGF-I administration mitigated cognitive decline of MHE rats. A protective effect of IGF-I on the DA-induced interaction between postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD95 and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS was found in neurons. Ribosomal S6 protein kinase (RSK phosphorylated nNOS in response to IGF-I by recruiting extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2. In turn, DA inactivated the ERK1/2/RSK pathway and stimulated the PSD95–nNOS interaction by downregulating IGF-I. Inhibition of the interaction between PSD95 and nNOS ameliorated DA-induced memory impairment. As DA induced deficits in the ERK1/2/RSK pathway and the interaction between PSD95 and nNOS in MHE brains, IGF-I administration exerted a protective effect via interruption of the interaction between PSD95 and nNOS. These results suggest that IGF-I antagonizes DA-induced cognitive loss by disrupting PSD95–nNOS interactions in MHE.

  8. Association of NOS3 gene variants and clinical contributors of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuzmanić Šamija, R. [Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Split, Split (Croatia); Primorac, D. [School of Medicine Split, University of Split, Split (Croatia); Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Osijek, Osijek (Croatia); Eberly College of Science, Penn State University, University Park, PA (United States); St. Catherine Speciality Hospital, Zabok (Croatia); Rešić, B. [School of Medicine Split, University of Split, Split (Croatia); Pavlov, V. [Department of Neonatology, University Hospital Split, Split (Croatia); Čapkun, V. [Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Split, Split (Croatia); Punda, H. [School of Medicine Split, University of Split, Split (Croatia); Lozić, B. [Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Split, Split (Croatia); Zemunik, T. [Department of Medical Biology, School of Medicine Split, University of Split, Split (Croatia)


    The aim of this study was to analyze the association of different clinical contributors of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with NOS3 gene polymorphisms. A total of 110 children with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and 128 control children were selected for this study. Association of gender, gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score, cranial ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging findings with genotypic data of six haplotype-tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms and the most commonly investigated rs1800779 and rs2070744 polymorphisms was analyzed. The TGT haplotype of rs1800783, rs1800779, and rs2070744 polymorphisms was associated with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Children with the TGT haplotype were infants below 32 weeks of gestation and they had the most severe brain damage. Increased incidence of the TT genotype of the NOS3 rs1808593 SNP was found in the group of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy patients with medium and severe brain damage. The probability of brain damage was twice as high in children with the TT genotype than in children with the TG genotype of the same polymorphism. Furthermore, the T allele of the same polymorphism was twice as frequent in children with lower Apgar scores. This study strongly suggests associations of NOS3 gene polymorphism with intensity of brain damage and severity of the clinical picture in affected children.

  9. Association of NOS3 gene variants and clinical contributors of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzmanić Šamija, R.; Primorac, D.; Rešić, B.; Pavlov, V.; Čapkun, V.; Punda, H.; Lozić, B.; Zemunik, T.


    The aim of this study was to analyze the association of different clinical contributors of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with NOS3 gene polymorphisms. A total of 110 children with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and 128 control children were selected for this study. Association of gender, gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score, cranial ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging findings with genotypic data of six haplotype-tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms and the most commonly investigated rs1800779 and rs2070744 polymorphisms was analyzed. The TGT haplotype of rs1800783, rs1800779, and rs2070744 polymorphisms was associated with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Children with the TGT haplotype were infants below 32 weeks of gestation and they had the most severe brain damage. Increased incidence of the TT genotype of the NOS3 rs1808593 SNP was found in the group of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy patients with medium and severe brain damage. The probability of brain damage was twice as high in children with the TT genotype than in children with the TG genotype of the same polymorphism. Furthermore, the T allele of the same polymorphism was twice as frequent in children with lower Apgar scores. This study strongly suggests associations of NOS3 gene polymorphism with intensity of brain damage and severity of the clinical picture in affected children

  10. Hydrogen sulfide ameliorated L-NAME-induced hypertensive heart disease by the Akt/eNOS/NO pathway. (United States)

    Jin, Sheng; Teng, Xu; Xiao, Lin; Xue, Hongmei; Guo, Qi; Duan, Xiaocui; Chen, Yuhong; Wu, Yuming


    Reductions in hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) production have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension; however, no studies have examined the functional role of hydrogen sulfide in hypertensive heart disease. We hypothesized that the endogenous production of hydrogen sulfide would be reduced and exogenous hydrogen sulfide would ameliorate cardiac dysfunction in N ω -nitro- L-arginine methyl ester ( L-NAME)-induced hypertensive rats. Therefore, this study investigated the cardioprotective effects of hydrogen sulfide on L-NAME-induced hypertensive heart disease and explored potential mechanisms. The rats were randomly divided into five groups: Control, Control + sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS), L-NAME, L-NAME + NaHS, and L-NAME + NaHS + glibenclamide (Gli) groups. Systolic blood pressure was monitored each week. In Langendorff-isolated rat heart, cardiac function represented by ±LV dP/dt max and left ventricular developing pressure was recorded after five weeks of treatment. Hematoxylin and Eosin and Masson's trichrome staining and myocardium ultrastructure under transmission electron microscopy were used to evaluate cardiac remodeling. The plasma nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide concentrations, as well as nitric oxide synthases and cystathionine-γ-lyase activity in left ventricle tissue were determined. The protein expression of p-Akt, Akt, p-eNOS, and eNOS in left ventricle tissue was analyzed using Western blot. After five weeks of L-NAME treatment, there was a time-dependent hypertension, cardiac remodeling, and dysfunction accompanied by a decrease in eNOS phosphorylation, nitric oxide synthase activity, and nitric oxide concentration. Meanwhile, cystathionine-γ-lyase activity and hydrogen sulfide concentration were also decreased. NaHS treatment significantly increased plasma hydrogen sulfide concentration and subsequently promoted the Akt/eNOS/NO pathway which inhibited the development of hypertension and attenuated cardiac remodeling and

  11. 77 FR 12010 - Marine Mammals; File Nos. 1076-1789 and 14502 (United States)


    ... NMFS to study and document the health and biology of wild marine mammals as well as those marine... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RIN 0648-XB040 Marine Mammals; File Nos. 1076-1789 and 14502 AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic...

  12. IL-10 and NOS2 Modulate Antigen-Specific Reactivity and Nerve Infiltration by T Cells in Experimental Leprosy (United States)

    Hagge, Deanna A.; Scollard, David M.; Ray, Nashone A.; Marks, Vilma T.; Deming, Angelina T.; Spencer, John S.; Adams, Linda B.


    Background Although immunopathology dictates clinical outcome in leprosy, the dynamics of early and chronic infection are poorly defined. In the tuberculoid region of the spectrum, Mycobacterium leprae growth is restricted yet a severe granulomatous lesion can occur. The evolution and maintenance of chronic inflammatory processes like those observed in the leprosy granuloma involve an ongoing network of communications via cytokines. IL-10 has immunosuppressive properties and IL-10 genetic variants have been associated with leprosy development and reactions. Methodology/Principal Findings The role of IL-10 in resistance and inflammation in leprosy was investigated using Mycobacterium leprae infection of mice deficient in IL-10 (IL-10−/−), as well as mice deficient in both inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2−/−) and IL-10 (10NOS2−/−). Although a lack of IL-10 did not affect M. leprae multiplication in the footpads (FP), inflammation increased from C57Bl/6 (B6)leprae cell wall, membrane, and cytosol antigens and ML2028 (Ag85B) were significantly increased in the evolved granuloma in NOS2−/− FP compared to B6 and IL-10−/− during early and peak phases. In 10NOS2−/− FP, CD4+CD44+ and especially CD8+CD44+ responses were augmented even further to these antigens as well as to ML0380 (GroES), ML2038 (bacterioferritin), and ML1877 (EF-Tu). Moreover, fragmented nerves containing CD4+ cells were present in 10NOS2−/− FP. Conclusions/Significance The 10NOS2−/− strain offers insight on the regulation of granuloma formation and maintenance by immune modulators in the resistant forms of leprosy and presents a new model for investigating the pathogenesis of neurological involvement. PMID:25210773

  13. Um mundo metafísico nos trópicos

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    Else Ribeiro Pires Vieira


    Full Text Available A fonte torna-se a estrela inatingível e pura que, sem se deixar contaminar, contamina, brilha para os artistas dos países da América Latina... ilumina os movimentos das mãos, mas ao mesmo tempo torna os artistas súditos do seu magnetismo superior.. Silviano Santiago, Uma literatura nos trópicos Afastando-me do discurso crítico em torno das influências e do caráter tributário a ele inerente, sobre o qual nos adverte Santiago já em ensaio de 1971,1 afastando-me, igualmente, de Polarizações hierarquizadas como fonte/alvo, situando-me na fronteira fluida do transformar de escritas/reescritas e nela privilegiando áreas de permeabilidade entre os discursos e o seu jogo relacional, ofereço, neste texto, reflexões em torno da poesia metafísica inglesa traduzida entre 1978 e 1991 na sua interseção com outras produções textuais brasileiras no período de início da abertura política, gestação e nascimento da Nova República2 . Traduzir a Inglaterra, ler o Brasil. O que se traduz? Quem se traduz? Por que se traduz? Como se traduz?

  14. Linguistic constructions of appraisal in the novel The Picture Of Dorian Gray and its Brazilian translation and adaptations: an exploratory analysis Construções linguísticas de avaliatividade no romance The Picture of Dorian Gray e em sua tradução e adaptações para o português brasileiro: uma análise exploratória

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    Adail Sebastião Rodrigues-Júnior


    Full Text Available This paper aims to investigate how the linguistic elements of appraisal construe the evaluative representations of (gay literary characters in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray and in its Brazilian translation and adaptations. The centrality of the investigation is the narrator's voice, imprinted in the projecting verbal processes and the content of the message that constitute either the narrative point of view or the dialogues performed by the characters. To pursue this objective, we have adopted Martin's and White's (2005 appraisal model, employed to uncover linguistic resources that express attitudes towards events and people, with more or less intensity or graduation, and with different forms of commitment or engagement. The software program WordSmith Tools, more specifically the Aligner utility, served as the basis for selecting and organizing some extracts of the original novel comparatively with the same extracts of the translation and adaptations. The analyses have indicated that the narrator offered the vast majority of evaluative descriptions of femininity, which points to the importance of narrative point of view for the construing of the plot and for the establishment of ideological standpoints. The discussion has also shown several differences of evaluative linguistic choices in the translation and adaptations when compared to the original, demonstrating that the corpora do not fall within the boundaries of a strict linguistic correspondence, but rather within the limits of text recreation or rewriting.Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar como os elementos linguísticos de avaliatividade constroem os personagens (gays no romance The Picture of Dorian Gray e em sua tradução e adaptações para o português brasileiro. A base da análise localiza-se na voz narrativa, presente nos processos verbais projetantes e no conteúdo da mensagem que constitui tanto o ponto de vista narrativo quanto os diálogos dos personagens. Para a

  15. Discovery of a natural product-like iNOS inhibitor by molecular docking with potential neuroprotective effects in vivo.

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    Hai-Jing Zhong

    Full Text Available In this study, we applied structure-based virtual screening techniques to identify natural product or natural product-like inhibitors of iNOS. The iNOS inhibitory activity of the hit compounds was characterized using cellular assays and an in vivo zebrafish larvae model. The natural product-like compound 1 inhibited NO production in LPS-stimulated Raw264.7 macrophages, without exerting cytotoxic effects on the cells. Significantly, compound 1 was able to reverse MPTP-induced locomotion deficiency and neurotoxicity in an in vivo zebrafish larval model. Hence, compound 1 could be considered as a scaffold for the further development of iNOS inhibitors for potential anti-inflammatory or anti-neurodegenerative applications.

  16. A sociologia da saúde nos Estados Unidos, Grã-Bretanha e França: panorama geral

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    Everardo Duarte Nunes


    Full Text Available O trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama geral da sociologia médica/sociologia da saúde nos Estados Unidos, Grã-Bretanha e França, das suas origens até hoje, situando a produção científica mais expressiva desse campo nesses países. A moderna sociologia médica/saúde emerge em diferentes momentos: nos Estados Unidos logo após a Segunda Guerra; na Grã-Bretanha, nos anos 60; e na França, na década de 1970. O estudo dessas trajetórias nacionais mostra que, na atualidade, constitui um campo estabelecido e em franco desenvolvimento com uma temática bastante diversificada e uma pluralidade de abordagens teóricas.

  17. Inhibition of iNOS and DNA Oxidation by Methanol Extract of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To investigate the antioxidant properties of the methanol extract of S. tenuifolia as well as its effect on inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cycleooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced cell damage in macrophage cells. Methods: The antioxidant activities of the plant extract ...

  18. ICoNOs MM: The IT-enabled Collaborative Networked Organizations Maturity Model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santana Tapia, R.G.


    The focus of this paper is to introduce a comprehensive model for assessing and improving maturity of business-IT alignment (B-ITa) in collaborative networked organizations (CNOs): the ICoNOs MM. This two dimensional maturity model (MM) addresses five levels of maturity as well as four domains to

  19. Decreased NOS1 expression in the anterior cingulate cortex in depression

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gao, Shang-Feng; Qi, Xin-Rui; Zhao, Juan; Balesar, Rawien; Bao, Ai-Min; Swaab, Dick F.


    Decreased function of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is crucially involved in the pathogenesis of depression. A key role of nitric oxide (NO) has also been proposed. We aimed to determine the NO content in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the expression of NO synthase (NOS) isoforms, that is,

  20. A Fast Response Capability within NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS (United States)


    A Fast Response Capability within NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS P. B. Burke NOAA/National Ocean Service/CO-OPS 1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, MD 20910...USA T. Graff NOAA/National Ocean Service/CO-OPS 1305 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA flotation hull, an instrumentation tower mounted atop the hull and a current meter mount with a mooring attachment. The triangular tower housed two