
Sample records for rception des romans

  1. Les traductions néerlandaises des romans francophones camerounais

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    28 mars 2016 ... deuxième s'intitule Der alte Mann und die Medaille. Le paratexte des textes publiés par la collection de Derde Spreker est avant tout didactique et en souligne la valeur documentaire: il importe que le lecteur place correctement le roman dans le contexte sociopolitique d'origine. Ainsi le titre original.

  2. Parcours d’un roman postcolonial francophone en France et en Allemagne : Le Cœur des enfants léopards, de Wilfried N’Sondé

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    Myriam Louviot


    Full Text Available En 2007, Wilfried N’Sondé, Franco-congolais vivant à Berlin, publie en France son premier roman, Le Cœur des enfants léopards. Le livre rencontre un certain succès. Un an plus tard, la traduction allemande, Das Herz der Leopardenkinder semble faire une carrière comparable en Allemagne. On serait donc tenté de conclure qu’il n’y a pas tant de différence entre le lectorat français et le lectorat allemand. Un bon roman est un bon roman et il semble normal qu’il trouve son public des deux côtés du Rhin... Mais à y regarder de plus près, il apparaît que la réception du roman de Wilfried N’Sondé en France et en Allemagne suit des voies bien différentes. En France, les littératures postcoloniales sont essentiellement considérées à l’intérieur du cadre conceptuel de la francophonie et le roman de N’Sondé apparaît effectivement d’abord comme un roman francophone ; en Allemagne, il est plutôt rattaché à la littérature de la migration et est compris en fonction des traditions d’analyse qui s’y rattachent.2007 veröffentlicht der in Berlin lebende und aus Kongo stammende Franzose Wilfried N’Sondé, seinen ersten Roman, Le cœur des enfants léopards. Das Buch erfreut sich in Frankreich einer regen Aufmerksamkeit. Ein Jahr später scheint die deutsche Übersetzung, Das Herz der Leopardenkinder, am französischen Erfolg anzuknüpfen : ein guter Roman bleibt ein guter Roman und so scheint es nur normal dass, er auf beiden Seiten des Rheins sein Publikum findet. Dennoch wäre es falsch, daraus auf eine sehr ähnliche Leserschaft in den beiden Sprachräumen zu schließen. Bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigt sich, dass die Rezeption von Wilfried N’Sondés Roman in Frankreich und in Deutschland sehr unterschiedlich verläuft. Während der Roman in Frankreich im Kontext der postkolonialen Literatur in erster Linie als frankophones Werk rezipiert wird, konzentriert sich die deutsche Rezeption vornehmlich auf den

  3. Des hommes de Laurent Mauvignier : un roman de filiation ?

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    Manet van Montfrans


    Full Text Available Des hommes de Laurent Mauvignier est centré sur deux cousins, qui après avoir fait leur service militaire en Algérie, entre 1960 et 1962, sont rentrés dans leur village, marqués à vie par leurs expériences de la guerre. Un incident amène l’un d’eux, narrateur dans la majeure partie du récit, à reconstruire la vie de l’autre, sombré dans la déchéance, et à se remémorer peu à peu leur passé commun. On pourrait considérer ce texte comme « un roman de filiation » même s´il résiste, par le dispositif narratif mis en place par Mauvignier, à cette catégorie générique.

  4. Die Kindfrau Lolita im Wandel der Zeit : vergleichende Betrachtung des Romans von Vladimir Nabokov mit den Verfilmungen von Stanley Kubrick und Adrian Lyne


    Fries, Stefanie


    Im Zentrum des folgenden Artikels stehen der Themenkomplex der Kindfrau sowie der damit verbundene Mythos. Zu Beginn erfolgt eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung des Phänomens, daran anschließend wird der Roman Lolita (1955) von Vladimir Nabokov mit seinem Entwurf der Kindfrau in Bezug auf die Verfilmung des Werkes durch Stanley Kubrick (Lolita 1962) und Adrian Lyne (Lolita 1997) analysiert. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt auf der Konstruktion Lolitas durch den Erzähler und Protag...

  5. Les je gigognes du roman célinien

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    Gregor Perko


    Full Text Available Le présent article se penchera sur des aspects narratologiques des trois derniers romans de l’écrivain français Louis-Ferdinand Céline (1894–1961, d’un château l’autre (1957, nord (1960 et rigodon (publication posthume en 1964. Les romans, que la tradition critique solidement établie réunit en trilogie allemande,1 présentent l’aboutissement des recherches poétiques de l’écrivain tant au niveau du style qu’au niveau des techniques narratives. L’analyse qui s’appuiera pour l’essentiel sur le modèle narratologique de Gérard Genette (Genette 1972, 1983 se centrera sur différentes valeurs du je célinien :   –      je comme instance(s narrative(s, –      je comme foyer(s de perception, –      je comme personnage(s romanesque(s.

  6. Scène de crime dans le roman policier : essai d’analyse lexico-syntaxique

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    Muryn Teresa


    Full Text Available Le présent article a pour but d’exposer l’analyse des structures rhétorico-lexico-syntaxiques propres au roman policier visant à établir la matrice lexico-syntaxique du genre en question. Le choix du roman policier résulte du fait que sa structure interne est stable indépendamment de l’auteur, de l’époque ou d’autres facteurs extérieurs. Ladite analyse, qui repose sur un corpus rassemblant des romans policiers en français et comptant actuellement 35850957 tokens, se situe sur deux niveaux : le premier concerne l’histoire elle-même, le second constitue l’échafaudage textuel de cette histoire. Elle consiste en extraction des structures RLS pertinentes pour les scènes normatives du genre; dans le cas du présent article pour la scène normative descriptive de la scène de crime dans le roman policier.

  7. Wer sich den Göttern widersetzt, der stirbt jung : Untersuchung der Unvermeidbarkeit des Suizids in Die Leiden des jungen Werthers hinsichtlich der Strömung des „Sturm und Drang“


    Andersson, Rasmus


    Der Ausgang des Romans Die Leiden des Jungen Werther (1774, von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) wird beim ersten Anblick oft als tragische Folge einer unglücklichen und unerwiderten Liebe zu Lotte angesehen. In dieser vorliegenden Arbeit wird der weit erforschten Frage der Unvermeidbarkeit des Suizids im Werk eine alternative Deutung geliefert. Diese ist außerhalb des Romans angesiedelt, und zeigt, dass der Suizid schon in der Epoche angelegt ist.

  8. Le Græculus et la Chananéenne : Salammbô, le roman des traductions

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    Agnès Bouvier


    Full Text Available Tout commence dans Salammbô par une traduction, c’est-à-dire une trahison. Le Grec Spendius, quand Hannon vient haranguer les mercenaires cantonnés à Sicca, déforme les propos du général carthaginois et déclenche la guerre. Ainsi, il s’impose d’emblée comme le maître de toutes les nations de l’armée qu’il est seul à comprendre et donc à dominer. Durant tout le roman, il use de son pouvoir linguistique pour engendrer la violence. La translatio, dans Salammbô, c’est la captatio : la civilisation mise au service de la barbarie. L’autre figure traductrice du roman, l’héroïne elle-même, pratique la traduction comme un art de séduction – jusqu’à ce que Flaubert, dans un geste d’écriture que l’analyse génétique des brouillons permet d’observer, fasse tomber sur son roman et sur son personnage la malédiction de Babel, autrement plus grave que celle de Tanit. Salammbô est l’histoire d’un sens qui cesse de circuler, coupé, étranglé, gelé dans la bouche des interprètes morts.Salammbô starts with a translation, that is, a treason. When Hannon comes to harangue the mercenaries billeted in Sicca, Spendius the Greek twists the General’s words and causes the war to unleash. Thus he establishes himself as the master of all the nations of the army that he alone can understand and dominate. Throughout the novel he uses his linguistic ability to generate violence. The translatio in Salammbô is the captatio: civilization working for barbarity. The other translating character in the novel, the heroine herself, practices translation like the art of seduction, until Flaubert, in a writing act that genetic analysis of the drafts can trace, casts on this novel and on its character Babel’s curse, more severe than Tanit’s. Salammbô is the story of a meaning that ceases to circulate, as it is cut, strangled, frozen in the dead interpreters’ mouths.

  9. Lecture, intertextualité et comique: Des Esseintes voyage

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    R. S. Monsegu


    Full Text Available ENHuysmans has tried, with À rebours, to put into practice his will of renewal of the novel. In this perspective, he has used the resources of intertextuality in order to distance himself from what he calls “le roman romanesque”. The wish of des Esseintes to visit London is the occasion of an interplay of readings and re-readings that paves the way to an omnipresent intertextuality. The places visited by des Esseintes be¬come an open book and the other characters, in a vertiginous mise en abyme, become a mere scenery for des Esseintes, turned into a reader who revisits the world in the light of the novels of Dickens. Intertextuality thus becomes a diegetic element which creates also the comic dimension of this chapter. It also contributes to question the naturalist novel with the help of derision and parody.>>Huysmans a cherché avec À rebours à mettre en pratique sa volonté renouvellement du roman. Dans cette perspective, il a utilisé les ressources de l’intertextualité pour se distancer de ce qu’il appelle le « roman romanesque ». Le souhait de des Esseintes de visiter Londres est l’occasion d’un jeu de lectures et de relectures qui ouvre la voie à une intertextualité omniprésente. Les lieux visités par des Esseintes deviennent un livre ouvert et les autres personnages, dans une mise en abyme vertigineuse, deviennent un simple décor pour des Esseintes devenu lecteur d’un monde revisité à la lumière des romans de Dickens. L’intertextualité devient ainsi un élément diégétique qui s’inscrit parallèlement dans la création de la tonalité comique du chapitre. Elle contribue aussi à remettre en cause du roman naturaliste par la parodie et la dérision.

  10. Les variations diasystématiques et leurs interdépendances dans les langues romanes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Le présent volume contient un choix des actes du Colloque DIA II sur la variation linguistique dans les langues romanes. Ce colloque organisé par l'Université de Copenhague en collaboration avec l’Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres du Danemark du 19 au 21 novembre 2012 était consacré ...

  11. Pouvoir et sexe : La favorita del Señor, roman de Ana Teresa Torres


    Delprat, François


    La favorita del Señor (2001), roman de Ana Teresa Torres, se caractérise à la fois comme roman érotique et comme roman historique : la belle mauresque Aisa doit à une initiation précoce à l’art du sexe, dans son île natale méditerranéenne, d’accéder, devenue captive, à une exceptionnelle destinée en terre chrétienne. Éduquée par une esclave dans l’exultation des corps (danse érotique), elle est tour à tour bonne élève, adolescente passionnée, victime soumise et conquérante. La contradictoire ...

  12. Actualité du roman archéologique

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    Philippe Dufour


    Full Text Available Salammbô a beau se passer au IIIe siècle avant Jésus-Christ, Flaubert a beau y voir une ressource pour fuir le monde moderne, le roman antique n’en pense pas moins l’Histoire contemporaine, au moins par intermittence. On essaie de le montrer à propos d’un court fragment rescapé du chapitre explicatif, la description des assemblées des Syssites. Loin de démarquer simplement telle ou telle source (comme l’analyse aristotélicienne de la constitution carthaginoise dans La Politique, le paragraphe décrivant le banquet des Riches pendant que les Barbares entourent la ville évoque en surimpression la fête impériale sur fond de peur sociale. Des images relais (Les Romains de la décadence de Thomas Couture, Les Châtiments de Victor Hugo incitent le premier public à une lecture allégorique. Le chronotope de l’assemblée dénonce l’illusion d’un pouvoir et figure le devenir historique. Flaubert s’approprie ainsi de façon originale le genre du roman archéologique tel que l’abbé Barthélemy l’inventa ou tel que Henryk Sienkiewick le prolongera. S’y vérifie sa définition de l’histoire comme réflexion du présent sur le passé.Some scholars like Anne Green have shown that Flaubert in his historical novel, Salammbô, frequently alludes to contemporary history in spite of the obvious difference between the Carthaginian civilization and the modern world. In this essay I will try to grasp the shift in referenciality through a small description (a meeting between the wealthy, inspired by Aristotle’s Politics: Hugolian images of decadence from Les Châtiments appear superimposed on it, so that the archeological novel turns into an allegorical satire on the Second Empire.

  13. Pierre Lapie and the Roman road net work in Moesia

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    Florin-Gheorghe Fodorean


    Full Text Available In the Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Anthony R. Birley, Richard Talbert published an article about a map which, as the author affirms, skipped the attention of the historians. In fact, it is a set of nine maps, at a scale of approximately 1:3,400,000, illustrating, according to a modern representation, the Roman world. The geographical space represented starts from the Antonine Wall and Britain in the left side and ends to Hierasycaminos on the border between Egypt and Nubia. The maps are part of a two volume project, commissioned by Agricol Fortia d’Urban (1756-1843. The book, entitled Recueil des Itinéraires Anciens comprenant l’Itinéraire d’Antonin, la Table de Peutinger et un choix des périples grecs, avec dix cartes dressées par M. le Colonel Lapie, was published in 1845 by the Imprimerie Royale, Paris. The maps were created by one of the most famous French cartographer of the XIXth century, Pierre M. Lapie (1799-1850. Our study discusses the information from this maps regading Moesia and the accuracy of the cartographer during the process of mapping the Roman roads from the south-danubian province.

  14. Vom Dämonischen. Zur politischen Medientheorie des Daniel Suarez

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    Alessandro Barberi


    Full Text Available Die Romane des Programmierers Daniel Suarez sind weit mehr als reine Fiktionen. Seine terminatorischen Inszenierungen des Endkampfs zwischen Maschinen und Menschen basieren auf äußerst realen Studien zu derzeitigen (Kriegs-Technologien, die als politische Steuerungsmedien eingesetzt werden.This is a review of Daniel Suarez's books Daemon (2009, Darknet (2011 and Kill Decision (2013.

  15. Onomastique des v/a/laques balkaniques et celle des Istroroumains actuels

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    Radu Flora


    Full Text Available Reprendre la question de 1' istroroumain, sous un autre aspect, à 1' heure actuelle, serait, tout à fait, banal, ayant sous les yeux une littérature (de spécialité énorme. Mais, en même temps, c' est très attrayant parce que nous assistons, de nos jours, au procès de la disparition ou même, ce qui est absolument égal, de l' abandon de l' istroroumain comme instrument de communication. Hais, même disparu, cet idiome reste 1' un des plus petits, mais en même temps, des plus étudiés dans la linguistique romane.

  16. Les peintures romanes de la cathédrale d’Auxerre. Nouvelles observations 

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    Alexandre Gordine


    Full Text Available La poursuite des investigations du CEM dans la crypte de la cathédrale Saint-Étienne attire de nouveau l’attention sur ses peintures murales médiévales. Certes, les fresques romanes, notamment la célèbre peinture du Christ à cheval, ont déjà fait l’objet récemment d’une étude très poussée, et à bien des égards exemplaire, par Emmanuelle Cadet et Juliette Rollier-Hanselmann . Néanmoins, les acquisitions de cette étude pourraient être nuancées et même complétées par quelques observations nouvel...

  17. Laurent Mauvignier, des hommes : qu’est-ce qu’un bon page turner ?

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    Stéphane Chaudier


    Full Text Available À quelles conditions peut-on écrire un « vrai bon roman » sur la guerre d'Algérie, en évitant les pièges de la moraline, du jugement a posteriori ou de l'étouffante documentation ? Dans Des hommes, Mauvignier choisit de ressaisir « les événements » au niveau des hommes simples qu'ils ont brûlés vif. Il met en scène des consciences sans phrases, des corps et des sensibilités déchirées.

  18. De l’effritement à l’androgyne : l’image du couple dans le roman québécois contemporain au féminin De l’effritement à l’androgyne : l’image du couple dans le roman québécois contemporain au féminin

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    Denisa-Adriana Oprea


    Full Text Available À travers l’analyse d’un corpus de romans québécois contemporains, nous tentons ici de baliser les éléments d’un parcours qui va de l’effritement à l’androgyne. Cette évolution est symptomatique tant de la remise en question du couple qu’engendre le féminisme radical que du passage du féminisme de la deuxième vague au féminisme de la troisième vague. Les romans que nous avons retenus sont Le sexe des étoiles (1987, de Monique Proulx, Copies conformes (1989, de Monique LaRue et la trilogie Soifs de Marie-Claire Blais.À travers l’analyse d’un corpus de romans québécois contemporains, nous tentons ici de baliser les éléments d’un parcours qui va de l’effritement à l’androgyne. Cette évolution est symptomatique tant de la remise en question du couple qu’engendre le féminisme radical que du passage du féminisme de la deuxième vague au féminisme de la troisième vague. Les romans que nous avons retenus sont Le sexe des étoiles1 (1987, de Monique Proulx, Copies conformes2 (1989, de Monique LaRue et la trilogie Soifs3 de Marie-Claire Blais.

  19. Via Lyon: Parcours de romans et mutations éditoriales au XVIe siècle. Partie II. La circulation des textes entre Lyon et Paris

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    Gaëlle Burg


    Full Text Available La première partie du dossier Via Lyon (Carte Romanze 2/2 [2014] analysait le rôle de carrefour économique et culturel de la ville de Lyon dans la constitution d’une identité éditoriale des romans publiés en France au XVIe siècle. L’étude de ces «parcours de romans» conduit à replacer, en cette seconde partie du dossier, la notion d’«étape lyonnaise» dans la dynamique qui anime les deux principaux centres d’imprimerie français de la Renaissance. L’étude des pérégrinations éditoriales, de Paris à Lyon et de Lyon à Paris, de Lancelot du Lac (G. Burg, de Valentin et Orson (M. Colombo Timelli et de Méliadus chevalier de la Croix (A. Réach-Ngô met ainsi au jour les diverses formes de circulation, d’adaptation et de réappropriation que les ateliers parisiens et lyonnais confèrent aux œuvres romanesques qui passent sous leurs presses tout au long du siècle. The first part of the file Via Lyon (Carte Romanze 2/2 [2014] analyzed the role of economic and cultural crossroad of Lyon city in the constitution of an editorial identity of novels published in France in the sixteenth century. The study of these «novels’ route» leads to situate the concept of «Lyon step» in the dynamics which animates the two major French printing centers of the Renaissance. The editorial peregrinations, from Paris to Lyon and from Lyon to Paris, of three french novels, Lancelot du Lac (G. Burg, Valentin and Orson (M. Colombo Timelli and Méliadus chevalier de la Croix (A. Réach-Ngô, shows the various forms of circulation, adaptation and reappropriation that various Parisian and Lyon workshops give to novels they print throughout the century. 

  20. Des colonies à l’Empire fasciste. La conquête de l’Afrique racontée aux enfants italiens

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    Mariella Colin


    Full Text Available En Italie, la conquête et la colonisation de l’Afrique se sont inscrites dans la littérature pour l’enfance au fur et à mesure de l’occupation des territoires, en correspondance avec l’évolution idéologique qui l’accompagna. Dans les dernières décennies du XIXe siècle, lorsque l’Italie libérale entreprend l’occupation de la corne de l’Afrique, en Érythrée puis en Somalie, la colonisation trouve quelques échos dans les romans de Salgari. On trouve aussi des textes qui célèbrent l’héroïsme des soldats tombés au combat en affrontant des indigènes barbares et cruels, et d’autres qui critiquent la politique coloniale de l’État. Au début du XXe siècle, les ambitions coloniales semblent avoir été mises entre parenthèses ; des romans africains d’aventures, écrits sur le mode de la parodie, tournent en ridicule les Africains pour faire rire les plus petits. Ensuite la guerre de Libye (1911-1912 marque un tournant, et dans les ouvrages publiés au moment de la campagne perce la nouvelle idéologie nationaliste. Après la Grande Guerre, le fascisme au pouvoir veut créer la « conscience coloniale » des Italiens, en y associant la littérature pour l’enfance. Lors de la guerre d’Éthiopie paraissent de nombreux contes et romans qui racontent la campagne militaire sous diverses formes fictionnelles, allant du conte au roman. Cette production présentera la conquête éthiopienne comme une aventure enthousiasmante pour les enfants italiens, et la colonisation comme un immense bienfait pour les enfants indigènes.

  1. Vers une “écriture métisse”: le roman des immigrants haïtiens du Québec Writing the cultural cross-currents: the Haitian immigrants’ novel in Quebec

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    Józef Kwaterko


    Full Text Available mémoriel et langagier dans les romans des immigrants haïtiens au Québec.Après quelques considérations sociologiques sur l’écriture migrante(diasporique, on observera les enjeux esthétiques du métissage sur un axediachronique : les années 1970 où l’espace-temps du pays d’origine dominela représentation, les années 1980 où le travail du deuil apporte des effetsd’hybridation, et à partir du milieu des années 1980 à nos jours lorsque lesromanciers haïtiens assument l’exil et se réapproprient à distance leur paysdélaissé.The aim of this paper is to recognize the manifestations of the culturalhybridization (métissage among Haitian novelists who immigrated to Quebec. After some sociological characteristics of the migrant writing, the mainaesthetics features will be observed on diachronic level: during the 1970s,when the place of the country of origin dominate the representation, duringthe 1980s when the feeling of split identity increase the effects of hybridity,and since the middle of 1980s when the Haitian writers assume their exileby entering into an intercultural, dialogic relationship with their abandonedcountry.

  2. Beyond Romanization: The creolization of food. A framework for the study of faunal remains from Roman sites.

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    Gillian Hawkes


    Full Text Available The effects of the Roman conquest of Britain and the ensuing processes of Romanization have been studied for many years. The historical background to the development of the theory of Romanization has been widely discussed elsewhere (see Hingley 1996. Haverfield’s (1906 treatment of the topic was a major landmark in this development. He considered that the Roman conquest was a ‘good’ thing as it brought civilisation to the ‘natives’ who, recognising the superiority of Roman culture, willingly embraced `Roman-ness`. The theory of Romanization was further refined by Millett (1990 in The Romanization of Britain. The assumption that underlies Millett’s model is that cultural artefacts which to archaeologists look ‘Roman’ were perceived in the same way in the past. But need this be so? This paper will concern itself with looking at new approaches to culture change, especially relating to food, following the Roman conquest in Britain. It will aim to suggest methods of applying these new approaches to faunal remains, which will enable us to evolve a more subtle understanding of food in the Roman period.

  3. De l'écrit à l'écran : Les réécritures filmiques du roman africain francophone


    Tcheuyap, Alexie


    African francophone novel - semiology of the image - postcolonial poetics and theory - literary texts - African cinema - African cinema - adaptation De l’écrit à l’écran est le premier ouvrage qui aborde la question de la réécriture filmique du roman africain francophone. Il se sert de la sémiologie de l’image, de la poétique et des théories post-coloniales pour définir les enjeux théoriques, idéologiques et sémantiques régissant le passage des textes littéraires au cinéma. Il identifie de...

  4. On The Roman Domination Stable Graphs

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    Hajian Majid


    Full Text Available A Roman dominating function (or just RDF on a graph G = (V,E is a function f : V → {0, 1, 2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v = 2. The weight of an RDF f is the value f(V (G = Pu2V (G f(u. The Roman domination number of a graph G, denoted by R(G, is the minimum weight of a Roman dominating function on G. A graph G is Roman domination stable if the Roman domination number of G remains unchanged under removal of any vertex. In this paper we present upper bounds for the Roman domination number in the class of Roman domination stable graphs, improving bounds posed in [V. Samodivkin, Roman domination in graphs: the class RUV R, Discrete Math. Algorithms Appl. 8 (2016 1650049].

  5. Roman Jakobson contre Leo Spitzer : militantisme critique et défense d’une méthode

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    Daniel Maira


    Full Text Available Toute critique militante suppose, d’une part, une prise de position contre une thèse hégémonique ou bien consolidée qu’il faut rejeter pour en montrer les limites, et, d’autre part, une nouvelle réflexion théorique qui doit néanmoins être expliquée et illustrée. Des méthodologies différentes appliquées aux mêmes objets littéraires peuvent dès lors engager des analyses textuelles discordantes. Nous aimerions étudier les lectures que Leo Spitzer et Roman Jakobson proposent du sonnet CXIII de l’Olive de Joachin Du Bellay (1550, en les contextualisant d’abord dans le débat théorique des années 1960-1970. Les essais des deux critiques militent en faveur d’une « défense et illustration » de leur méthode en matière d’analyse littéraire. 

  6. Greco-Roman Stone Disease (United States)

    Moran, Michael E.; Ruzhansky, Katherine


    Greek and Roman thought had a profound influence upon Western medical practice. From the fall of the Greek civilization to the fall of the Roman, remarkable progress of our understanding of human anatomy and physiology occurred. Here we review the attempts of Greek and Roman thinkers to develop the first understanding of the pathophysiology of urolithiasis, its epidemiology, differential diagnosis of renal versus bladder stones, medications for both colic and prevention, the role of familial syndromes, and dietary management.

  7. "Roman Baths" in Contemporary Spa Tourism

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    Vesna Merc


    Full Text Available The commercialisation of images and symbols from antiquity, so characteristic of Slovenia since its independence, has been reflected over the last decade in spa tourism as well. Since the great crises in the sixties, and especially since the eighties, fifteen Slovene natural health resorts have concentrated on developing wellness and activities programs. This change in orientation has been accompanied by renovations, an expansion of the water surfaces and capacities, and new wellbeing, wellness, spirituality and beauty programs. An analysis of Slovene spas, wellness centres and hotel web pages shows that they frequently offer rooms, usually saunas, which are imitations of the Roman baths. These rooms are usually called "Roman saunas", "Tepidarium", "Caldarium", and "Roman-Irish baths". At Terme Ptuj, Zdravilišče Laško, Šmarješke Toplice, Grand Hotel Palace in Portorož, and Terme Čatež, saunas have been built or renovated in the Roman style. This trend of Roman rooms is a novelty, less than a decade old in Slovenia. The first sauna with a Roman theme, a Roman-Irish bath, was opened in 1997 in the Health and Beauty Centre at Terme Čatež. Modern Roman saunas are very popular, found not only in Slovenia but also in other parts of Europe, especially Germany and Austria. Their popularity has spread from the areas formerly occupied by the Romans to other parts of world, for example the USA and the Republic of South Africa. An analysis of Slovene saunas and wellness centres reveals a well-established trend to recreate certain parts of the Roman baths. This is attempted not only through Roman-style decorations, but also through certain structures particular to the Roman baths, such as the caldarium, tepidarium, and in one case even a laconicum. The approach, however, is highly eclectic, blending Roman, Greek and, above all, modern elements. The purpose of such rooms is to increase the appeal of the spas, while their design is mostly based on

  8. Entre l’exil et l’asile : l’inter-dit silencieux dans Le Pavillon des miroirs de Sergio Kokis

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    Steven Urquhart


    Full Text Available Lorsqu’on parle du premier roman de Sergio Kokis, Le Pavillon des miroirs, on souligne à juste titre le caractère autobiographique du roman manifeste par le va-et-vient narratif entre le présent du narrateur/peintre au Québec et le souvenir de sa jeunesse au Brésil ainsi que les enjeux de son exil et la nature vive et grotesque des images qui hantent son imagination. Francine Bordeleau résume ce dernier aspect en disant que « les images sont puissantes, l’écriture brûlante, et certains passages, paroxystiques atteignent une sorte de fureur. Kokis n’est pas un tiède » (10. Cependant, on constate également au cours d’une analyse détaillée du roman l’importance de la question du silence et la place considérable qu’il occupe dans la pensée du narrateur.

  9. Den moderne tyske roman 1909-35

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ved siden af klassikken og romantikken er den tidlige modernisme vel nok den betydeligste periode i tysksproget litteratur. Det skyldes ikke mindst den perlerække af romaner, der udkom i første tredjedel af det 20. århundrede, og hvoraf mange i dag fremstår som indiskutable højdepunkter i såvel...... tysk som europæisk roman- og litteraturhistorie. I Den moderne tyske roman 1909-35 behandles en række af disse romaner for første gang samlet på dansk. Bogen består af otte romanfortolkninger samt en indledende artikel om den moderne romans historie og særpræg. Alle artikler er skrevet med et solidt...... interesserede læser. I overensstemmelse med dens formidlende sigte er der kun medtaget fortolkninger af romaner, der foreligger på dansk i en tidssvarende oversættelse. Af hensyn til den litteraturhistoriske bredde er der desuden kun medtaget én roman af samme forfatter.Bogen indeholder analyser af: Robert...

  10. En quoi la narration dans le romanL’Élégance du hérisson permet de bien rendre lamétaphore du « bocal à poissons »? : Une analyse narratologique


    Racine, Sylvain


    Sur la base des travaux de Gérard Genette, en particulier Figures III, uneanalyse narratologique du roman L’Élégance du hérisson (2006) de l’auteur MurielBarbery a été effectuée afin de comprendre les liens qu’il y a entre les spécificités dumode narratif et leurs effets sur l’espace du récit, soit « le bocal à poissons », unemétaphore importante du roman. Ultimement nous répondons à la question suivante :En quoi la narration dans le roman L’Élégance du hérisson permet-elle de bien rendrela m...

  11. Roman iron axes manufacturing technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrena, M.I.; Gomez de Salazar, J.M.; Soria, A.


    The results of metallographic, chemical and mechanical analysis of two Roman axes are presented. Insights into the technologies used by the Romans are considered. These axes were buried in a Roman village in La Olmeda, Palencia, Spain, which was built around the first century BC and it was later abandoned and destroyed in the fifth century AD. It has been observed that some artefacts, specifically axes show that the technology existed to increase hardness by solid-state welding of sheet steel of different carbon contents

  12. The Fulcum, the Late Roman and Byzantine Testudo: the Germanization of Roman Infantry Tactics?

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    Philip Rance


    Full Text Available The tactic of forming a shield-wall, although called by the Germanic name fulcum first in Maurice’s Strategicon in the sixth century, has a long history of use by the Roman legions, and is not an instance of Germanic influence on Roman tactics.


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    George Cupcea


    Full Text Available The Roman power is, ideologically, infinite in time and space. Nevertheless, the Roman state had experienced a wide variety of territorial limits, evolving in time and space, more or less throughout a millennium. If at first the Roman state, limited to Rome metropolitan area, later to the Italian peninsula, was easily defensible, beginning with the heavy expansion, also came trouble. The Romans, always innovating, find solutions for the fortification of the contact zones with the Barbarians. The Roman frontier concept was fundamentally different from the modern one. If the defence of Roman possessions was obviously priority, the border should remain an open ensemble, allowing for the free circulation of people and goods, some of the fundamental Roman rights. The peak of Roman expansion, 2nd century A.D. brings also the maximum development of the Empire frontier. Dacia overlaps widely chronologically on this trend, this being one of the reasons for one of the most complex frontier system in the Empire.

  14. Le vent des deux mondes. Enquête sur les princes iraniens de la Gaule romaine The Wind from Two Worlds. Research Note on Iranian Princes in Roman Gaul

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    Jean-Pierre Poly


    Full Text Available En 1754, Anquetil-Duperron partit pour les Indes avec l’appui de l’abbé Barthélémy, l’auteur du Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce. Il se lia avec des Zoroastriens qui lui firent connaître le Zend Avesta, publiant par la suite l’étude de ces textes qui lui valut de devenir membre de l’Institut. L’Occident était allé chercher au loin les paroles de Zarathoustra. Nul ne s’avisa que la prédication des deux mondes avait pu parvenir d’Iran jusqu’en Occident longtemps auparavant, quand finissait l’Empire de Rome. Témoins deux tombes du Ve siècle dont le matériel est de provenance orientale, l’une en Rhénanie, l’autre en Champagne, celles de deux officiers commandant des unités de cavalerie d’origine iranienne. Ces princes iraniens de Gaule n’étaient pas des émigrés sans attaches. Ils étaient établis à demeure dans le pays, vivant avec leurs hommes dans des cantons qui prirent parfois leurs noms, diffusant autour d’eux des éléments spécifiques de leur ancienne Weltanschauung. Ainsi se formait lentement, en mêlant divers apports, la culture des nations d’Europe occidentale.In 1754, Anquetil-Duperron sailed for India with the support of the Abbé Barthélémy, author of Young Anacharsis’ travel to Greece. He developed friendly relations with the Zoroastrians acquainted him with the Zend Avesta. On his return, he published a study of these texts which earned him membership in the French Academy.The West traveled far to learn the words of Zarathustra. Nobody had imagined that the predicationfrom the two worlds had come from Iran to Occident, much earlier, at the time of the declining Roman Empire. We take as testimonies of this fact two tombs dating back to the Vth century whose contents come from Orient, one in Rhineland and the second one in France’s Champagne region. These tombs belong to two officers who had been commanding cavalry units of Iranian origin. These Iranian princes from Gaul were

  15. Geschlechtermodelle im spanischen Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts Constructions of Gender in the 18th Century Spanish Novel

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    Claudia Gronemann


    Full Text Available Während Spanien lange Zeit als „Land ohne Aufklärung“ galt und das 18. Jahrhundert auch in der deutschen Hispanistik ein Randgebiet gegenüber der Masse an Studien etwa zum Siglo de Oro darstellte, wandelt sich diese Tendenz zunehmend. Beinahe zeitgleich erschienen jetzt zwei Dissertationen zum spanischen 18. Jahrhundert, die sich auf der Basis von Korpus und Fragestellung sehr gut vergleichen lassen. Wenn dieses Jahrhundert im Anschluss an die Brüder Goncourt (La femme au XVIIIe siècle, 1852 wiederholt als das der Frau apostrophiert wurde, scheint es kein Zufall, dass sich beide mit „Geschlechterentwürfen“ (Kilian bzw. dem „Bild der Frau“ (Hertel-Mesenhöller im spanischen Roman befassen. Spanien hat nicht nur Anteil an der europäischen Aufklärung, auch wenn sich diese als patriotische und christliche Ilustración „von oben“ erweist, sondern ebenso an einem übergreifenden Wandel der Geschlechterkonstellation, welcher unter dem Begriff der Naturalisierung des Geschlechtsunterschieds in die Gender Studies eingegangen ist. Beide Verfasserinnen untersuchen die diskursiven Manifestationen dieses Wandels im Roman und problematisieren, ob und inwiefern die jeweiligen Weiblichkeitsentwürfe einem spezifischen Aufklärungsprogramm entsprechen. Dabei greifen sie gegenwärtige Theorieentwicklungen ganz unterschiedlich auf.For the longest time, Spain used to be considered the “country without enlightenment”, and the 18th century was only assigned a marginal position in Hispanic Studies in Germany, compared to the large number of studies on the Siglo de Oro darstellte. However, this tendency has recently changed. Two dissertations on 18th century Spain have just been published; both works are comparable in terms of their corpus and the research questions they investigate. If, following the Goncourt brothers (La femme au XVIIIe siècle, 1852, the 18th century has repeatedly been called the century of the woman, it does not seem

  16. Siegried Kracauer, L’Histoire – Des avant-dernières choses

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    Jean Chesneaux


    Full Text Available Comment caractériser le savoir historien ? Et la structure même de l’évolution historique ? Voici qu’à l’immense cohorte des professionnels affrontant inlassablement ces questions, se joint un essayiste « extraterritorial » (ainsi définit-il l’historien, dont l’itinéraire intellectuel était passé d’Offenbach au cinéma allemand préhitlérien et de la philosophie du roman policier à la sociologie des petits employés berlinois. Proche de l’Ecole de Francfort et de l’intelligentsia weimarienne de...


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    Marius Grigore Stan


    Full Text Available This article offers a re-examination of the phenomenon of Roman Republican coinage during the pre-Roman period in Carpathian region. It is argued that by compiling the evidence into a multifaceted database, new insights are gained on the explanation of the currency in pre-Roman Dacia.Furthermore, the study employs statistical methods in an interdisciplinary approach to a better pinpoint the chronological point of entry for Republican denarii into the region. Due to the absence of archaeological context in many cases, coin hoards are the main focus of data collection.

  18. How to romanize Korean characters in international journals

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    Sun Huh


    Full Text Available For editors and manuscript editors, the romanization of Korean characters is a topic that should be understood thoroughly, because Korean proper nouns have become more widely used worldwide due to phenomena such as Hallyu (the Korean wave. In this report, I describe the 2 major romanization systems used in Korea: the Korean government’s romanization system and the McCune-Reischauer system. I also describe the transliteration guidelines presented in a variety of reference styles, such as the CSE (Council of Science Editors, ACS (American Chemical Society, AMA (American Medical Association, APA (American Psychological Association, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers styles and the NLM (National Library of Medicine style guide. I found that 2 journals have adopted the Korean government’s romanization system, while 10 use the McCune-Reischauer system. Other journals do not specifically mention a romanization system. Editors should select a romanization system and use it consistently. When presenting a reference that includes romanized text, the journal’s house style should be followed, based on international reference citation styles. Chinese characters in documents published in Korea should be romanized according to the Korean pronunciation.

  19. Nogle britiske romaner i 2007 - og en nobelpris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klitgård, Ebbe


    Genanmeldelse af Dorris Lessing, The Golden Notebook, nyanmeldelse af romaner af Anne Enright, Graham Swift, Ian McEwan og Jonathan Coe. Vurdering af den britiske romans "state of the arts" 2007. Udgivelsesdato: februar......Genanmeldelse af Dorris Lessing, The Golden Notebook, nyanmeldelse af romaner af Anne Enright, Graham Swift, Ian McEwan og Jonathan Coe. Vurdering af den britiske romans "state of the arts" 2007. Udgivelsesdato: februar...

  20. Roman Chamomile (United States)

    ... eczema, frostbite, diaper rash, bedsores (decubitus ulcers), and hemorrhoids. Roman chamomile is sometimes mixed with other herbs ... gums. Liver and gallbladder problems. Frostbite. Diaper rash. Hemorrhoids. Other conditions. More evidence is needed to rate ...

  1. Les enfants et familles de coupables : le genre du roman familial

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    Franziska Georgii


    Full Text Available Dans cet article seront passées en revue quelques œuvres littéraires contemporaines françaises et allemandes, écrites par les enfants de la génération de guerre dite coupable. Il s'agit pour la plupart d'enfants de nazis, de collaborateurs plus ou moins actifs, de suiveurs impliqués à des degrés différents dans la machinerie du Troisième Reich durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Il sera question d'explorer la manière dont les deux nations se confrontent au passé obscur de leurs parents et grands-parents et d'étudier le discours intergénérationnel en-deçà d'une pensée purement nationale, en proposant une étude comparative qui tienne compte des ressemblances et des divergences dans le travail de mémoire sur l'histoire familiale. L'imaginaire y représente un outil primordial dans la confrontation au passé, capable de donner voix au vide, aux non-dits, à la douleur, à l'ineffable, tout en proposant un éclairage nouveau sur une époque très étudiée par l'historiographie et arrivant à un certain degré de saturation. A partir d'une étude du genre du « roman familial » et des sous-genres qui s'y rapportent il sera question de penser l'intrication, la synergie entre autobiographie, mémoire et imaginaire dans la mise en œuvre d'un véritable travail de mémoire littéraire.

  2. Ritual failure in Romans 6

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 5, 2016 ... ISSN: (Online) 2072-8050, (Print) 0259-9422. Page 1 of ... understanding of Romans 6:1–14,2 where Paul develops his argument from an initial thesis statement ..... See Yarbro Collins (1989:42): 'Romans 6:1–14 the ritual of baptism is explicitly ..... his gospel of grace as antinomianism (Ferguson 2009:156;.

  3. Zoophilie in Zoologie und Roman: Sex und Liebe zwischen Mensch und Tier bei Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren, Aelian und Apuleius

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    Judith Hindermann


    Full Text Available Die Bedeutung von Zoophilie in der antiken Literatur wurde bislang – mit Ausnahme des Mythos – kaum untersucht. Überblickt man die überlieferten literarischen Texte, fällt auf, dass Zoophilie ausserhalb des Mythos vor allem in zwei literarischen Gattungen auftritt : Einerseits in den zoologischen Schriften von Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren und Aelian, andererseits im antiken Roman, d.h. in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius und im pseudo-lukianischen Onos. In diesem Beitrag soll untersucht werden, welche Funktion Zoophilie in den beiden literarischen Gattungen hat und wie die Autoren die sexuelle Praktik bewerten, die weder nach griechischem noch römischen Recht strafbar war. Da Vorstellungen über Tiere eng mit Gender und Geschlechterhierarchien verbunden sind, soll insbesondere die Frage berücksichtigt werden, inwiefern männliche und weibliche Verhaltens- und Rollenzuschreibungen bei der Darstellung zoophiler Akte wirksam werden.

  4. Maestro Roman Toi kodumaal / Tiiu Pikkur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikkur, Tiiu, 1947-


    Helilooja ja koorijuht Roman Toi osalemisest muuseumiõhtul "Kaunimad laulud pühendan Sul!" 21. mail Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumis, helilooja 90. sünnipäevale pühendatud kontserdist 23. mail Tallinna Toomkirikus ja Roman Toi nimelisest kirikulaulude konkursist

  5. Roman Lyariev, About Knives


    Gedeeva, Darina; Ubushieva, Bamba; Babaev, Andrei


    Roman demonstrates and explains some of his hunting knives, including: -a knife made of a soft metal, -a foldable knife made of a hard metal and with a wooden handle, -a small foldable knife used for skinning animals, -a Swiss-style knife with a screwdriver, etc. He also shows diamond knife sharpeners and lanyards which are useful during hunting to dry clothes or to set up a tent. Most of these items have been given to Roman by his friends and relatives as presents. Arcadia

  6. The signed Roman domatic number of a digraph

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    Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami


    Full Text Available Let $D$ be a finite and simple digraph with vertex set $V(D$.A {\\em signed Roman dominating function} on the digraph $D$ isa function  $f:V (D\\longrightarrow \\{-1, 1, 2\\}$ such that$\\sum_{u\\in N^-[v]}f(u\\ge 1$ for every $v\\in V(D$, where $N^-[v]$ consists of $v$ andall inner neighbors of $v$, and every vertex $u\\in V(D$ for which $f(u=-1$ has an innerneighbor $v$ for which $f(v=2$. A set $\\{f_1,f_2,\\ldots,f_d\\}$ of distinct signedRoman dominating functions on $D$ with the property that $\\sum_{i=1}^df_i(v\\le 1$ for each$v\\in V(D$, is called a {\\em signed Roman dominating family} (of functions on $D$. The maximumnumber of functions in a signed Roman dominating family on $D$ is the {\\em signed Roman domaticnumber} of $D$, denoted by $d_{sR}(D$. In this paper we initiate the study of signed Romandomatic number in digraphs and we present some sharp bounds for $d_{sR}(D$. In addition, wedetermine the signed Roman domatic number of some digraphs.  Some of our results are extensionsof well-known properties of the signed Roman domatic number of graphs.


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    Razvan Bogdan Gaspar


    Full Text Available This paper is based on the study of Roman silver coins, from archaeological sites located in Roman Dacia and Pannonia. Initially centred on the record of hybrid silver coins, the paper expanded its analysis on counterfeit pieces as well in order to fully understand all problems of roman silver coinage from the 1stto the 3rd centuries AD.The new and larger area of research had more than one implications, coin distribution on the studied sites, influx of coin in the province, quantity of recorded counterfeited pieces being just some of them. Thus every situation was discussed in different chapters, first presenting the coins and the laws that protected them, the studied sites and the analyse of the silver coins on these sites, the general and compared situation between the provinces, interpretation of the counterfeited and hybrid pieces and finally, conclusions on the subject.All these tasks have been achieved one step at a time, each archaeological site providing precious data which piled up and was finally pressed in order to present the correct historical situation.

  8. Déserts et Thébaïdes (suite

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    Loïc Windels


    Full Text Available Faisant suite aux trois volets de notre analyse des traductions allemandes de l’incipit de Bouvard et Pécuchet, cet article se détache de la traduction comme pratique herméneutique pour la regarder au miroir d’autres approches du texte flaubertien, et en confirmer la lecture en la complétant, notamment par une attention portée aux noms propres, cet angle mort de la pratique traductive. Nous continuerons donc à rapprocher Antoine de Bouvard et Pécuchet, mais en recherchant cette fois la trace désertique du saint dans les anthroponymes et la topographie du roman parisien. Mais l’onomastique de Bouvard est, comme le roman lui-même, placé sous le signe de la copie, et il nous faudra donc chemin faisant élargir l’intertexte à Madame Bovary et à L’Éducation sentimentale.

  9. Medicine in Balkans during the Roman Period. (United States)

    Baykan, Daniş


    The aim of this study is to investigate the archaeological finds to enlighten the medical methods of treatments and operations applied in Balkans during Roman Period. Some independent local and regional find groups, taken from existing publications will be grouped together and a holistic point-of-view will be taken against medicine in Balkan Geography during Roman Period. Due to basic differences it contained, the data before Roman Period are excluded. Most of Greece and Aegean Islands are also excluded since the topic selected is "Medicine of Roman Period." Greece and Aegean Islands should be evaluated in another study in connection with West Anatolia which is closer than the Balkan Geography in terms of social relations. The spread of medical tools in Balkans during Roman Period is concentrated around military garrisons, and in settlements built around military pathways, and in settlements containing an amphitheater associated with gladiators. This spread is verified by the studies on Bulgaria in general. The data is also compatible with the assertion suggesting that the amount of application of pharmaceutical treatment increases when one moves away from the military centres.

  10. Roman contre roman dans l’organisation du manuscrit du Vatican, Regina Latina 1725

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    Francis Gingras


    Full Text Available Alors que les développements structuralistes et post-structuralistes ont favorisé la “textualisation” de la littérature médiévale, l’auteur suggère que la recontextualisation de la réception du roman médiéval passe par un retour aux manuscrits. Appliquée au manuscrit du Vatican, Regina Latina 1725, cette hypothèse de recherche révèle une technique de contrepoint que permet la juxtaposition de différents romans et dont, en dernier recours, le lecteur est toujours un peu juge.

  11. The Honey-lips et The Guarani : les romans de José de Alencar en langue anglaise à la fin du XIXe siècle

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    Valéria Cristina Bezerra


    Full Text Available Dans les dernières décennies du XIXe siècle, deux romans de José de Alencar ont été traduits et obtenu circulation dans des pays de langue anglaise. Iraçéma : the honey-lips, version de Isabel Burton, est apparue en 1886 à Londres, em suscitant la réception critique dans des journaux du Royaume-Uni. The Guarany, traduit par James William Hawes, est sorti de façon découpée en 1893 dans le jornal Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, de San Francisco, aux États-Unis, pays où Alencar a aussi été mentionné par la presse locale. Ce travail se propose d’analyser la réception de ces ouvrages et de José de Alencar dans le Royaume-Uni et les États- Unis. Il a également pour but de vérifier le rôle des traducteurs, éditeurs, critiques et de la presse dans la configuration de l’évaluation de cet écrivain et de ses oeuvres dans ces pays, en considérant, toujours que possible, le rapport de ces passeurs avec la culture brésilienne. La réception critique de Alencar dans ces pays révèle sa bonne évaluation aussi bien que la traduction de ses romans semble avoir répondu à l’intérêt du public étranger à s’illustrer.

  12. Single Finds. The case of Roman Egypt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Erik


    Survery of single or stray finds from Roman Egypt and discussion of them as evidence for the circulation and use of coins......Survery of single or stray finds from Roman Egypt and discussion of them as evidence for the circulation and use of coins...

  13. The ALFA Roman Pot Detectors of ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Abdel Khalek, S.


    The ATLAS Roman Pot system is designed to determine the total proton-proton cross-section as well as the luminosity at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) by measuring elastic proton scattering at very small angles. The system is made of four Roman Pot stations, located in the LHC tunnel in a distance of about 240~m at both sides of the ATLAS interaction point. Each station is equipped with tracking detectors, inserted in Roman Pots which approach the LHC beams vertically. The tracking detectors consist of multi-layer scintillating fibre structures readout by Multi-Anode-Photo-Multipliers.

  14. Archaeobotanical reconstructions of vegetation and report of mummified apple seeds found in the cellar of a first-century Roman villa on Elba Island. (United States)

    Milanesi, Claudio; Scali, Monica; Vignani, Rita; Cambi, Franco; Dugerdil, Lucas; Faleri, Claudia; Cresti, Mauro

    In the late Roman Republic period (2nd-1st century BC), in the area of San Giovanni on Elba Island, previously subject to intense extraction of iron ore, a rustic villa was established by Marco Valerio Messalla, a supreme Roman magistrate. The foundations of the walls were discovered and excavated by an archaeological mission. Palaeobotanical analysis of a set of stratigraphic layers was performed. Palynological slides showed remains of palynomorphic and non-pollen objects, while data combined with anthracological investigations confirmed the hypothesis that in the 1st century AD the villa was destroyed by a fire that created a compact crust under which were discovered four broken Roman amphorae containing about five hundred apple seeds. Comparisons of archaeological and fresh seeds from reference collections showed discontinuous morphology except for one group of archaeological samples. DNA was isolated from seeds that had well-preserved embryos in all groups. DNA extracts from archaeological, wild and modern domestic seeds (controls) were amplified by PCR and tested with SSR molecular markers, followed by genome analysis. Copyright © 2016 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Notre-Dame des Fleurs et Miracle de la rose, de Jean Genet. L’écriture mise au secret

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    Pascaline Hamon


    Full Text Available Notre-Dame des Fleurs et Miracle de la Rose sont les deux romans que Jean Genet a composés durant des périodes d’incarcération. La fiction se veut alors non seulement un remède à la solitude carcérale et à la marginalisation de son auteur, mais également un lieu de dévoilement des pratiques d’écriture propres à l’univers carcéral. Le roman tout entier se trouve dès lors habité d’une tension entre la liberté créatrice, qui fait la part belle aux provocations de l’auteur et à l’expression de ses fantasmes et un enfermement contraignant, qui pèse comme une menace sur la possibilité d’écrire.Our Lady of the Flowers and Miracle of the Rose were written during Genet’s time of imprisonment. The fictional narrative operates not only as a remedy to the experience of solitude and marginalization, but also brings the practice of prison writings into focus. The novels are haunted by a tension between a creative freedom which can launch provocations and phantasms, and the constraint of imprisonment, which threatens the very possibility of writing.

  16. Celtiberian metrology and its romanization

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    Leonard A. CURCHIN


    Full Text Available Celtiberian metrology has scarcely been investigated until now, with the exception of coin weights. On the basis of measurements of pre-Roman mud bricks, a Celtiberian foot of 24 cm is proposed. With regard to weights, we can accept a module of 9 g for silver jewelry and some bronze coins; however, loom weights do not conform to any metrological system. Over time, Roman measures of length (as indicated by the dimensions of bricks, tiles and architectural monuments and weight were adopted.

  17. Une éducation sentimentale ou le roman d’amour de Salammbô

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    Geneviève Mondon


    Full Text Available La transcription et l’étude des manuscrits préparatoires de Salammbô a permis de retracer la genèse du personnage féminin, en mettant en valeur son aventure personnelle. Les passages inédits, les marges et écritures interlinéaires apportent des éléments précieux pour construire le roman d’amour de l’héroïne, et lui donner une tonalité plus érotique, avant que Flaubert ne supprime, transforme ou masque habilement ces traces éphémères. Afin que les lignes soient plus nettes, ma recherche privilégie le point de vue de Salammbô, pour autant qu’on puisse connaître cette figure énigmatique. En laissant de côté, volontairement, les problèmes primordiaux du roman, la guerre historique de Carthage, la lutte mythique entre Tanit et Moloch, la grande Histoire et la mythologie, les batailles et les massacres, la lumière se concentre sur l’aventure sentimentale, absolument nécessaire dans un roman historique, l’auteur le sait. L’évocation du milieu social de la fille du suffète Hamilcar, l’analyse de son psychisme, de ses désirs, de ses rêves et de ses croyances apportent un éclairage sur sa vie de femme. L’examen d’un inédit comme les pages consacrées à la danseuse montre la volonté du romancier de créer un personnage séduisant et actif. Devant les guerriers a lieu l’« épiphanie », caractéristique des héros : le chant lyrique et la danse ésotérique en sont les signes manifestes. Après la rencontre, Salammbô et Mâtho, en proie au désir amoureux, se cherchent, se fuient et rêvent l’un de l’autre. Un inédit rapporte le songe de la jeune femme. Des expériences qui allient plaisir et souffrances, l’union mystique avec le serpent, la « baisade » contribuent à son éducation sentimentale mais la déception finale, l’échec du désir, est la vraie révélation.The transcription and study of Salammbô’s preparatory manuscripts enable us to retrace the genesis of the feminine

  18. Biopolitics rudiments in Roman Law

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    Miguel Régio de Almeida


    Full Text Available This article proposes a jurisprudential and philosophical reflection on Biopolitics in Roman Law, based on juridical figures such as sacred men, aliens, slaves and iustitium. Working at the edge of roman society, they represent a relation of inclusion or tolerance in a World centred on its citizens, which led to a state of exception or to integration modes of this marginality. Lessons for the present time can still be learned from this dynamic, when a new ius commune is proposed.

  19. Greco-Roman Astrology (United States)

    Beck, Roger

    Astrology was entrenched in the culture of the Roman Empire. The system and its influence is described as well as its relationship to mathematical astronomy at the time. The material remains are of two sorts: papyrus horoscopes and coins with astrological motifs.

  20. Du type au stéréotype : analyse des modalités d’insertion des stéréotypes des physiologies dans Bouvard et Pécuchet

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    Vincent Stohler


    Full Text Available Cette analyse a pour but d’exposer la manière dont Flaubert récupère les stéréotypes présents dans les physiologies, genre littéraire à la mode dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle, en définissant leurs différentes modalités d’insertion dans Bouvard et Pécuchet. Après s’être interrogée sur le statut particulier des physiologies, l’étude montre que les différents types qu’elles mettent en scène, et plus particulièrement celui du « bourgeois », fournissent à Flaubert un matériel discursif stéréotypé qui lui sert de base de composition à l’ensemble de son texte : composition des personnages (traits physiques, caractériels, axiologiques, etc., composition structurelle du roman, etc. La démonstration attire ainsi l’attention sur ce qui paraît être l’une des lignes de force de l’écriture flaubertienne : l’amenuisement au sein de l’espace romanesque du langage de l’auteur au profit d’un langage stéréotypé, venu d’ailleurs.

  1. Dea Computrix - another deity for the Roman Pantheon? Journeys in the Roman Empire CD-Rom

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    T. Sam N. Moorhead


    Full Text Available This article outlines a personal view on the content and production of a CD-Rom on the Roman world produced by The British Museum, Channel 4, Verulamium Museum and Braunarts: Journeys in the Roman Empire. I discuss some of the benefits of and problems with multimedia production and outline feedback from various evaluation projects of the CD-Rom. I also briefly discuss the future of CD-Roms in the face of a rapidly expanding internet with reference to other multimedia projects at The British Museum.

  2. Le stéréotype dans le roman policier

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    Marion François


    Full Text Available Le roman policier offre à l’étude du stéréotype une grande variété de redondances, lexicales et structurelles, qui permettent d’éclairer le concept même de genre, en fait issu du constat de stéréotypie. Il est également manifeste que contrairement aux idées reçues, les clichés font du texte policier un texte littéraire, parce qu’ils naissent d’images associées, distinctes de la réalité, qui révèlent d’ailleurs le cheminement même de l’écriture. Par ailleurs ces images jouent un rôle fondamental dans le plaisir du lecteur, comme dans les contes de fées de notre enfance. Les clichés ouvrent la porte des fantasmes : le stéréotype rejoignant l’archétype, les clichés policiers réactivent de nombreux mythes, le texte évoquant l’Autre Scène. Le constat de stéréotypie provoque l’écriture, en particulier parodique, et stimule le renouvellement et l’essaimage des clichés dans toutes sortes de textes, qui bénéficieront de la présence du déjà-lu, laquelle donne au lecteur une assise pour affronter l’inconnu et une expérience pour apprécier la nouveauté.

  3. Flaubert lecteur de romans historiques

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    Bernard Gendrel


    Full Text Available Les notes de lectures de Flaubert dans sa correspondance permettent de dégager deux types de romans historiques : le roman à sujet ancien, qui se doit, pour être vraisemblable, d'éloigner les personnages en réduisant la part d'explications psychologiques, et le roman à sujet contemporain, qui au contraire allie prise de distance (historique ou sociale et rapprochement (psychologique. Victor Hugo excellerait dans le premier mais pas dans le second. Quant à Flaubert, son obsession sera de réussir dans les deux.Flaubert’s reading notes in his correspondence allow us to identify two types of historical novels: the novel with an ancient subject, which, to be plausible, must keep characters at a distance and limit psychological explanations, and the novel with a contemporary subject which, on the contrary, both keeps aloof from historical or social questions and draws nearer to psychological questions. Victor Hugo excelled in the first but not in the second posture.  As for Flaubert, his obsession was be to be successful in both.

  4. Analytical Plan for Roman Glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strachan, Denis M.; Buck, Edgar C.; Mueller, Karl T.; Schwantes, Jon M.; Olszta, Matthew J.; Thevuthasan, Suntharampillai; Heeren, Ronald M.


    Roman glasses that have been in the sea or underground for about 1800 years can serve as the independent “experiment” that is needed for validation of codes and models that are used in performance assessment. Two sets of Roman-era glasses have been obtained for this purpose. One set comes from the sunken vessel the Iulia Felix; the second from recently excavated glasses from a Roman villa in Aquileia, Italy. The specimens contain glass artifacts and attached sediment or soil. In the case of the Iulia Felix glasses quite a lot of analytical work has been completed at the University of Padova, but from an archaeological perspective. The glasses from Aquileia have not been so carefully analyzed, but they are similar to other Roman glasses. Both glass and sediment or soil need to be analyzed and are the subject of this analytical plan. The glasses need to be analyzed with the goal of validating the model used to describe glass dissolution. The sediment and soil need to be analyzed to determine the profile of elements released from the glass. This latter need represents a significant analytical challenge because of the trace quantities that need to be analyzed. Both pieces of information will yield important information useful in the validation of the glass dissolution model and the chemical transport code(s) used to determine the migration of elements once released from the glass. In this plan, we outline the analytical techniques that should be useful in obtaining the needed information and suggest a useful starting point for this analytical effort.

  5. Substancinė Dievo formos kaita kaip meninė Visybės reprezentacija (pagal Thomo Manno romaną Juozapas ir jo broliai | Substanziales Werden der Form Gottes als künstleriche Repräsentation des Ganzen (nach der Tetralogie Joseph und seine Brüder von Thomas Mann

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    Juldita Nagliuvienė


    Full Text Available Anhand der Polemik zwischen der Totalitätsphänomenologie von Emmanuel Lévinas und der Selbstphänomenologie von Ernst Bloch werden in diesem Artikel die Erscheinungen Gottes, mit denen sich das patriarchalische Subjekt in die Beziehung eingetreten ist, analysiert. Vor allem aktualisiert man den substanziellen Inhalt der künstlerichen Gottesform, deren Wurzeln in der primitiven archaischen Ikonographie der Babylonier und der Ägypter liegen. Das Bild Gottes verwandelt sich in der Situation der Begegnung aus der Substanz des unförmigen Steines, die pfallische Intentionen des Helden akzentuiert, in die symbiotische Form eines Menschentieres (oder Gottes-Tieres, das als Fremde Gott auf der Ebene der Erzählung funktioniert und den Numenaspekt durch die künstliche Form der animalischen Gottheit in sich trägt. Durch die Maske des Tieres strebt der göttliche Begegnungspartner, der das Werden Gottes aktualisiert, nach der Verwandlung in die Gestalt eines sterbenden und wieder auferstehenden Menschen-Gottes, der den sündigen Menschen erlösen kann. In der Tetralogie von Thomas Mann existiert diese Ebene des Nochnicht-gewordenen-Gottes als utopische Stufe der vollkommenen Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Gott. Die Begegnung zwischen dem tierischen Gott und dem Helden geschieht im Roman in der Traumsphäre, die den Dialog zwischen dem Kunstding und dem Menschen möglich macht. Auf der Traumebene wird der Prozess der Metamorphose einer Gottheit dargestellt, aber sie erscheint als ein schon verwandeltes Wesen, das die Antropomorphie des Erlösungsprinzips aufnimmt, und dem Helden erst im bewussten Zustand begegnet.

  6. The Cult of the Roman Emperor before and after Christianity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Warmind, Morten


    This paper is concerned with a complete set of rituals and certain connected ideas, namely the Roman emperor-cult, that had survived the change of religion from Roman religion to Christianity. The rituals endure, even while their mythological basis is perishing. The emperor-cult includes the ritu......This paper is concerned with a complete set of rituals and certain connected ideas, namely the Roman emperor-cult, that had survived the change of religion from Roman religion to Christianity. The rituals endure, even while their mythological basis is perishing. The emperor-cult includes...

  7. Greek & Roman Mythology. (United States)

    Bigelow, Alma

    Activities and background information on Greek and Roman mythology are presented. The unit is designed for eighth graders, but many of the activities can be modified for other grade levels. The unit includes: (1) a content outline; (2) a list of instructional materials including suggested textbooks, teacher-prepared materials, and resource…

  8. First roman pot tested by TOTEM

    CERN Multimedia


    TOTEM, one of the smaller experiments of the LHC, successfully tested its first 'roman pot' detectors on 3 November. A total of eight will be installed in the LHC near the CMS cavern. Marco Oriunno, project engineer of TOTEM (right), with Jean-Michel Lacroix from TS/MME (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) (left), standing behind one of the roman pot detectors. There is a small tribe in the land of CERN. Among its artefacts you may find colourfully painted rocks, a totem made of cardboard boxes, and a few roman pots. Known by the name of TOTEM, or 'TOTal, Elastic and diffractive cross-section Measurement' (not a tribe motto), they are a relatively small collaborative group in comparison to the main LHC experiments, with approximately 50 'tribe members'. Unlike the four larger experiments that will analyse new particles produced as a result of the collisions, TOTEM will investigate the ones that almost missed each other. When two beams of protons travelling in opposite di...

  9. Essay about Roman ancient times in the region of the Đerdap in the literary work of Bele de Gonde

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    Petrović Vladimir P.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article would certainly be to take us back in time to the end of the 19*century, and to introduce us to the conditions of that time on the territory of the Đerdaps, which have been forever changed by the modern development of civilization. Along that path, we will follow the text of the very important but not well known literary work of the Hungarian engineer Bela de Gonda; L 'amelioration des Fortes de Per et des autres cataracts du Bas-Danube, which was announced in Budapest in 1898. It seems that the book itself was composed for the purpose of describing enormous technical works the construction of roads and navigable canals through ravines during the 19th century, which count Istvan Secenji began in 1833. However, one completely separate segment, which is also the subject framework of our article, is dedicated to the works of the Romans on the Danube. It is marked number four and in the original text it is titled Les Travaux des Remains Dans le Contrees du Bas-Danube. For the first time, translated from French with important notes and discussions, is a short but especially important segment of Bela de Gonda's book. Gonda tried to add to his own observations the experiences of previous researchers like Count F. Marsiljija (F. Marsigli from the beginning of the 18th century, and later G Teglasa (G. Teglas and the enthusiast Dj. Nojdeka (G. Nevdeck and P. Vasarheljija (P. Vasarhelyi from the 19th century. In that manner he composed an all-inclusive review of the then current knowledge of the Đerdap ancient times during the Roman period. Without any intention of disturbing the authentic expressions of Gonda, worthy on their own, the framework of observations points out the interpretations and realizations of modern researchers of the Đerdaps in ancient epochs. We believe that Gonda's expressions should certainly be considered an important supplement to our overall picture of the first explorations of the Đerdaps and their

  10. Doctors in ancient Greek and Roman rhetorical education. (United States)

    Gibson, Craig A


    This article collects and examines all references to doctors in rhetorical exercises used in ancient Greek and Roman schools in the Roman Empire. While doctors are sometimes portrayed positively as philanthropic, expert practitioners of their divinely sanctioned art, they are more often depicted as facing charges for poisoning their patients.

  11. Characterization of the Roman curse tablet (United States)

    Liu, Wen; Zhang, Boyang; Fu, Lin


    The Roman curse tablet, produced in ancient Rome period, is a metal plate that inscribed with curses. In this research, several techniques were used to find out the physical structure and chemical composition of the Roman curse tablet, and testified the hypothesis that whether the tablet is made of pure lead or lead alloy. A sample of Roman Curse Tablet from the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum was analyzed using several different characterization techniques to determine the physical structure and chemical composition. The characterization techniques used were including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Because of the small sample size, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) cannot test the sample. Results from optical microscopy and SEM, enlarged images of the sample surface were studied. The result revealed that the sample surface has a rough, non-uniform, and grainy surface. AFM provides three-dimensional topography of the sample surface, studying the sample surface in atomic level. DSC studies the thermal property, which is most likely a lead-alloy, not a pure lead. However, none of these tests indicated anything about the chemical composition. Future work will be required due to the lack of measures finding out its chemical composition. Therefore, from these characterization techniques above, the Roman curse tablet sample is consisted of lead alloy, not pure lead.

  12. Divorce by consent in Roman law and contemporary law


    Ignjatović Marija; Kitanović Tanja


    The subject matter of this paper is divorce by mutual consent in Roman law and contemporary law. In the first part of this article, the authors analyzes the key tenets of consensual divorce in Roman law, with specific reference to the impact of Christian religious teaching on the concepts of marriage and divorce as well as on the Roman rulers' constitutions, which marked the beginning of the process of restricting the right to divorce. In the central part of the paper, the authors examines th...

  13. "Roman Pot" at the ISR

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    "Roman pots" are stainless steel containers, which can be moved from outside the vacuum chamber towards the beam. They house detectors which are conveniently at atmospheric pressure and can still be brought close to the limit of the circulating beam, to detect particles emanating at very small angles from the intersection of two colliding beams. Eifionydd Jones was the inventor of this device, highly successful at the ISR and now used again at the TOTEM experiment at the LHC. This particular Roman Pot, with a thickness of 0.2 mm, was built in 1980 for experiment R210 in intersection I-2, in preparation for proton-antiproton collisions in 1981. See also 7501065.

  14. Chemins de traverse d’Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, roman de l’absence, roman de l’amour

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    André-Alain Morello


    Full Text Available Chemins de traverse d’Ignacio Martínez de Pisón se présente comme la pseudo autobiographie d’un adolescent, Felipe, qui, à la mort de sa mère, est condamné à vivre avec un père marginal. Le texte est aussi la conversion d’un récit de type picaresque en un roman qui débouche sur la découverte mutuelle d’un père et d’un fils. L’errance des deux personnages, chemin de fuite destiné à compenser la disparition de Cecilia, conduit à une sorte d’assomption de l’amour.Caminos secundarios, de Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, se presenta como la supuesta autobiografía de un adolescente, Felipe, quien, a la muerte de su madre, se ve forzado a vivir con un padre marginal. El texto es también la evolución de una narración de carácter picaresco hacia una novela que desemboca en el descubrimiento mutuo entre padre e hijo. El vagabundeo de ambos personajes, escape y consuelo por la desaparición de Cecilia, lleva a una forma de exaltación amorosa.

  15. Putting Roman Dams in Context: a Virtual Approach (United States)

    Decker, M. J.; Du Vernay, J. P.; Mcleod, J. B.


    Water resources and management have become a critical global issue. During the half-millennium of its existence, the Roman Empire developed numerous strategies to cope with water management, from large-scale urban aqueduct systems, to industrial-scale water mills designed to cope with feeding growing city populations. Roman engineers encountered, adopted, and adapted indigenous hydraulic systems, and left lasting imprints on the landscape of the Mediterranean and temperate Western Europe by employing a range of water technologies. A recent academic study has enabled the identification of remains of and references to seventy-two dams from the Roman era, constructed in Spain between the 1st and 4th century AD. Such unique heritage, without comparisons in the Mediterranean makes Spain an emblematic case study for the analysis of Roman hydraulic engineering and water management policies. Fifty dams have been located and detailed. The twenty-two outstanding, although identified on the ground, have not been able to be acceptably characterized, due in some cases to their being ruins in a highly degraded state, others due to their being masked by repairs and reconstructions subsequent to the Roman era. A good example of such neglected dams is the buttress dam of Consuegra , in Toledo province (Castilla-La Mancha). Dating to the 3rd - 4th century AD, the Dam of Consuegra, on the basin of the Guadiana, with its over 600 metres length and 4,80 metres height, is a remarkable case of Roman engineering mastery. It had a retaining wall upstream, numerous buttresses and perhaps an embankment downstream, of which no remains are left. The application of 3D digital imaging technique to create a high quality virtual model of such monuments has proved to be successful especially for the study of the technological aspects related its construction. The case study of the Roman dam of Muel (Zaragoza) has shown, in fact, as best practices in digital archaeology can provide an original and

  16. Roman Engineering, Public Works and Importance of Public Objects in Roman Law

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    Vanessa Ponte-Arrebola


    Full Text Available The skill and ability of the Romans in civil engineering and public works largely contributed to the establishment and success of their civilization. Many of the constructed works were built for the possibility of public use and enjoyment by its citizens, known as res publicae in usu publico.

  17. Josephus' Antiquities 1-11 and Greco-Roman Historiography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Martin

    The dissertation Josephus’ Antiquities 1-11 and Greco-Roman historiography provides an extensive study in five chapters of the various ways in which Josephus presents himself as an historian in the first eleven books of the Antiquities. From this analysis, it emerges that his manner of self......-portrayal is closely comparable with that of a number of Greco-Roman historians....

  18. Woman in Roman law: Subject or object of the law?

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    Bogunović Mirjana


    Full Text Available In Rome, legal status of woman and her factual possibilities of impact on public life were in serious discrepancy. General attitude of the legal status of woman in time of Romans is best shown by Papinian, 'In many provisions of our law, the position of woman is worse than of man (D.9.1.5.'. Every free Roman woman was considered a subject of law, according to classical Roman law. Nevertheless, there were extensive legislations that limited her legal and business capacity. Naturally, woman did not have legal personality in all periods of Roman state and her legal status was adjusted to the factual changes that had occurred in Roman society. What makes her position specific in Rome is progressive social role that did not exist in Greek-Asian world. From these previously mentioned views, which were confronting, it is possible to draw some doubts. Was woman really on the margins of political happenings, or was she an actual actor, even initiator, of some political events?.

  19. Astronomy in towns? An archaeoastronomical approach to the Roman urbanism (United States)

    Rodríguez-Antón, A.; Belmonte, J. A.; González-García, A. C.


    Although the final definition of Archaeoastronomy is still under debate, what is clear is that this discipline offers a different approach to the knowledge of ancient cultures than traditional archaeology has done so far. Archaeoastronomy considers the sky as an inseparabe part of the environment and thus an element of the transformed landscape with highly symbolic content. In the case of the Roman culture, the great colonizing activity involved continuous spatial transformations and the skyscape should be considered as a piece of the created urbanized spaces. For this reason, a number of fieldwork campaigns were conducted in several Roman cities across different regions of the ancient Roman Empire in order to study the configuration of those landscapes and the possible integration of the sky during the buiding processes. At the present, our group has the largest sample of orientations of Roman settlements so far, and here it is shown the preliminary results of an statistical analysis which may offer new answers to the various still open questions in Roman urbanism, often faced from conservative views.

  20. Divorce by consent in Roman law and contemporary law

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    Ignjatović Marija


    Full Text Available The subject matter of this paper is divorce by mutual consent in Roman law and contemporary law. In the first part of this article, the authors analyzes the key tenets of consensual divorce in Roman law, with specific reference to the impact of Christian religious teaching on the concepts of marriage and divorce as well as on the Roman rulers' constitutions, which marked the beginning of the process of restricting the right to divorce. In the central part of the paper, the authors examines the regulation on the consensual divorce in some contemporary legal systems. In addition, the authors provides a substantial analysis of the normative framework on the termination of marriage in the positive Serbian legislation. In the final part of the paper, the authors provides a comparative analysis and underscores the observed similarities and differenced in the regulation of the institute of consensual divorce in Roman law and in the contemporary legislation.

  1. The ecclesiastical situation of the first generation Roman Christians

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    A. B. du Toit


    Full Text Available Forming pan of a trilogy about the first generation Roman Christians, this anicle concentrates on the ecclesiastical aspect. From some scattered and relatively small groups, the numbers of Roman Christians increased markedly in the second half of the first century. According to Romans 16, Jewish Christians played a significant role in the initial period, although Gentile Christians were in the majority. Friction between these groups may have been a problem, but was not Paul's main concern. The Gentile Christians were mainly from a foreign background. Thus the first Christian community had a strongly cosmopolitan character. The plurality of house-churches was mainly due to practical factors, but social differentiation might have played a role. Meetings most probably took place in the ordinary rented apanments of insulae. Romans 16 renders a vivid picture of the leadership activities of Christian women and of Paul's enlightened position in this regard.

  2. The Gate of Heaven: Revisiting Roman Mithraic Cosmology (United States)

    Assasi, R.


    The definition and origins of Roman Mithraism remain highly problematic and controversial among modern scholars. The majority of research on Roman Mithraism focuses on interpreting the physical evidence because no considerable written narratives or theology from the religion survive. The most important Mithraic artifact is a repeated bull-slaying scene, which leaves no doubt that this figure conveys the core divine message of the cult. There is also another important Mithraic character that seems to be as important as the bull-slayer. This figure is a lion-headed man entwined by a snake. The author suggests that these figures represent the north ecliptic pole and argues for the importance of this astronomical reference in the Mithraic iconography and mythology. The author also demonstrates the possible relation of his proposed astrological model to the geocentric understanding of the axial precession around the ecliptic pole, where the Roman bull-slaying Mithras could be visualized in the form of a Mithraic constellation. This astrological model also is proposed to be the architectural design concept of Roman Mithraeum. The author also points to the core Christian symbols as possible contemporaneous parallels or derivatives of the Mithraic iconography and theology.

  3. Der Dichter Roman Svendborg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schweppenhäuser, Jakob


    Roman Svendborg? Mein Großvater, Hermann Schweppenhäuser, schenkte mir vor einigen Jahren einmal einen Gedichtband, dessen Verfasser mir bis lang noch nicht bekannt war. Damals noch ein junger dänischer Student der Skandinavistik waren mir schließlich nicht alle deutschsprachigen Dichter geläufig...

  4. The term origo in Roman epigraphy

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    Full Text Available It is sometimes very difficult to interpret the term origo, since it can refer to different elements such as birth, place of origin, family or tribe. From the Republican period the Romans used to include this type of information in their inscriptions after the mention of the name, although, curiously, they did not employ the term origo itself, but other forms of expression. In this work we suggest that in Roman epigraphy this term was used, from the end of the Second Century and during the first half of the Third Century A. D., mainly in the times of the Severan Dynasty.

  5. Essai de classement typo-technologique des araires à partir des pièces métalliques découvertes en Gaule romaine en vue de leur reconstitution Setting up of a typological-technological classification method to try to reconstruct ards from metallic pieces found in Roman Gaul

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    André Marbach


    Full Text Available Les pièces métalliques d’instruments aratoires sont, pour la Gaule romaine, pratiquement les seuls éléments archéologiques à notre disposition nous permettant de reconstruire ces outils. Des auteurs tels que S.E. Rees (G.B., R. Pohanka (Autriche et surtout J. Henning (Europe du sud-est ont fait des propositions de reconstitution des instruments aratoires de cette époque. Que faut-il en penser ? Une méthode de recherche a été élaborée à partir d’une analyse fine des pièces métalliques d’un catalogue de ces pièces pour les Gaules. Les socs ont été classés en fonction de leur surface utile, de la forme de leur douille de fixation et de l’angle d’usure de la pièce avec le sol, quand il est observable. Pour les reilles, le classement est identique et la longueur de la soie est ici prise en compte. À partir des valeurs retenues pour ces pièces et d’une étude technique avec modélisation de l’instrument aratoire, les possibilités de reconstruction des araires ont été étudiées. On souhaite ainsi rappeler aux chercheurs combien il est important de publier les pièces retrouvées avec le maximum de précision, dans les dessins et les mesures. En conclusion, pour les araires à soc à douille, de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent, sauf pour les socs de petites surfaces utiles, qui sont généralement des araires manche-sep. Pour les araires à reille, la reconstruction des instruments semble accessible, y compris la longueur du timon de traction ou chambige. Quelques exemples concrets de reconstitution sont présentés, dont un araire tourne-oreille.Metallic pieces of tilling implements from Roman Gaul, are practically the only archaeological elements at our disposal to reconstruct the tools. Authors such as S.E. Rees (GB, R. Pohanka (Austria, and above all J. Henning (South East of Europe have made proposals concerning the reconstruction of tilling implements of that period. What is to be thought of these

  6. Creating a provincial landscape: roman imperialism and rural change in Lusitania

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    J. C Edmondson


    Full Text Available SUMMARY: This paper suggests some general approaches and raises some problems in studying the impact of Rome on the rural landscape in Lusitania. It concentrates on three crucial ways in which the landscape was transformed under Roman rule: (a changes in the pattern of rural settlement; (b changes in the nature of land use and agrarian exploitation; and (c changes in the ways in which the inhabitants of Lusitania perceived and thought about their world. It argues that a synthesis is needed of archaeological evidence from across the province, so that the impact of Rome on rural settlemet patterns may be compared in differing environmental regions. Further intensive field survey should also help to resolve some current problems in reconstructing the pattern of Iron Age and Roman rural settlement. Increased collection and analysis of pollen samples, carbonised wood, seeds, agricultural implements and animal bones is needed to assess more precisely the extent to which the Romans caused major changes in the nature of land use and agrarian exploitation. When accounting for change, it is essential to consider a wide variety of factors and to remember that rural change continued to occur throughout the Roman period. Finally, it was in forcing the inhabitants of Lusitania to perceive their world in radically new ways that the Romans made a lasting impact on the provincial landscape. First, the Romans created broad ethnic identities for their opponents, ignoring the complex, highly fragmented ethnic and regional geography of the area. Then by dividing the region into clearly defined civitates, they forced the inhabitants of Lusitania to envisage the landscape in a very different manner than before. Finally, a series of rituals emphasising Roman power (the census, the holding of judicial assizes, and the activities of the provincial council regularly reinforced these radically new mental maps of the new Roman provincial landscape.

  7. Contextualizing the sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The study of religion and religious identities in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East has been a focus within archaeology and ancient history for centuries. Yet the transition between the Hellenistic and Roman period remains difficult to grasp from the archaeological and epigraphic evidence....... This volume brings together contributions by leading scholars working on religious identity and religion in the Hellenistic and Roman periods in the Roman Near East. For this volume they have been asked to address a variety of questions concerning religion, religious development, and religious identities from...... literary tradition, but when seen through the lens of contextualization, the material and textual evidence brings forward new narratives about the great variations in worship, myths, and identities, as well as the different religious systems of the region and of the people inhabiting it. The contributions...

  8. The TLRR II – Providing Digital Infrastructure to Research Roman Republican Trials

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    Kirsten Jahn


    Full Text Available The project Trials in the Late Roman Republic II (TLRR II aims at collecting, organizing, and analyzing information about Roman legal cases in an XML database. M. Alexander published the book “Trials in the Late Roman Republic, 149 BC to 50 BC” (TLRR I in 1990, and initiated the current project that will make Roman republican trials easily accessible with modern technology. For each case a short description is provided, a clear distinction between assumptions and facts is made, and an updated bibliography can be found at the end of each entry. The open access database can serve both as a reference work and as a starting point for further research in Roman Republican history. It could be a connecting link within the developing digital infrastructure for that era.

  9. Roman Toi kaks suurt armastust : muusika ja Eesti / Elle Puusaag ; foto: V. Sarapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Puusaag, Elle, 1945-2017


    Toronto Eesti Maja kristallsaalis toimunud pidulikust õhtust 5. detsembril: maestro Roman Toi mälestusteraamatu esitlusest. Rets. rmt.: Toi, Roman. Kaunimad laulud pühendan sull' : Roman Toi mälestused/toimetaja Tiina Sarv. Toronto : Viljandi : T. Sarv, 2007

  10. Gossip Girls : le rôle du potin dans quelques romans pour adolescentes

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    Daniela Di Cecco


    Full Text Available Cet article explore le rôle joué par le potin dans une sélection de romans anglophones publiés aux Etats-Unis et au Canada pour adolescentes et préadolescentes. Des études psychologiques et sociologiques récentes sur les agressions féminines et la façon dont les filles infligent de la peine aux autres filles de façon indirecte et voilée servent de cadre à notre analyse. Le fait que la violence physique soit considérée comme un comportement réservé aux garçons et donc inapproprié pour les filles, incite les adolescentes à agir autrement. Le potin devient parfois une arme pour marginaliser ou punir une fille, mais il peut aussi jouer un rôle positif au niveau de la cohésion d’une bande et de la solidarité entre filles.

  11. Greek and Roman Myths. (United States)

    Carr, Fredella; Faggionato, Michael

    Designed for use with the text "Greek and Roman Myths," this junior high school learning activity packet introduces students to mythology and examines the influence of myths on contemporary culture. Over 20 exercises, tagged to specific readings in the text, cover identification of the major gods, the Prometheus myth, the Atlas myth,…

  12. Using Roman Sites: A Teacher's Guide. Education on Site. (United States)

    Watson, Iain

    This book is about finding the evidence to help pupils discover the Romans, especially in Britain. The Romans changed the culture and landscape of Britain and left a wide range of evidence to be investigated today. Pupils need to be presented this range of evidence and the interpretations put on them. The evidence presented is both archaeological…

  13. Redécouverte d’un milliaire romain. La borne de Chaspuzac (Haute-Loire, cité des Vellaves (province d’Aquitaine The rediscovery of a Roman milestone. The stone of Chaspuzac (Haute-Loire, city of the Vellaves (Aquitaine

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    Marion Dacko


    Full Text Available Les recherches initiées dans le cadre d’une thèse en archéologie sur les voies romaines en territoire arverne et vellave ont récemment conduit à la redécouverte d’une borne milliaire, perdue dans la réserve du musée Crozatier au Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire depuis la fin du xixe s. Le réexamen approfondi de l’inscription permet de réviser les précédentes lectures à la lumière de données nouvelles. Complément pour la série des milliaires de l’empereur Maximin, cette borne constitue un témoin des vastes travaux de réfection entrepris sur la voie “ Bolène ” tout au long du iiie siècle.The research started as part of a thesis on Roman roads in the Arverne and Vellave territory has recently led to the rediscovery of a milestone, lost in the storerooms of the Crozatier museum at Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire since the end of the 19th century. A thorough reexamination of the inscription has enabled a revision of previous writings in the light of new information. An addition to the series of milestones of the Emperor Maximinus, this stone is evidence of the great repair works undertaken on the Bolène Way throughout the 3rd century.

  14. Identification of green pigments from fragments of Roman mural paintings of three Roman sites from north of Germania Superior (United States)

    Debastiani, Rafaela; Simon, Rolf; Goettlicher, Joerg; Heissler, Stefan; Steininger, Ralph; Batchelor, David; Fiederle, Michael; Baumbach, Tilo


    Roman mural green pigment painting fragments from three Roman sites in the north of the Roman province Germania Superior: Koblenz Stadtwald Remstecken (KOSR), Weißenthurm " Am guten Mann" (WEIS) and Mendig Lungenkärchen (MELU), dating from second and third centuries AD were analyzed. The experiments were performed nondestructively using synchrotron-based scanning macro-X-ray fluorescence (SR-MA-XRF), synchrotron-based scanning micro-X-ray fluorescence (SR-μ-XRF), synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Correlation between SR-MA-XRF, SR-μ-XRF elemental map distributions and optical images of scanned areas was mainly found for the elements Ca, Fe and K. With XRF, Fe and K were identified correlated with green pigment, but in samples from two sites, Mendig Lungenkärchen and Weißenthurm " Am guten Mann", also Cu was detected in minor concentration. The results of SR-XRD and Raman spectroscopy were limited to one sample from Weißenthurm " Am guten Mann". In this sample, green earth and calcium carbonate were identified by SR-XRD and, additionally, malachite by Raman spectroscopy.

  15. A Directed Network of Greek and Roman Mythology


    Choi, Yeon-Mu; Kim, Hyun-Joo


    We study the Greek and Roman mythology using the network theory. We construct a directed network by using a dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology in which the nodes represent the entries listed in the dictionary and we make directional links from an entry to other entries that appear in its explanatory part. We find that this network is clearly not a random network but a directed scale-free network. Also measuring the various quantities which characterize the mythology network, we analyze t...

  16. Dabarties rekonstrukcija Marguerite’os Yourcenar romane Hadriano memuarai | La reconstruction du present dans le roman de Marguerite Yourcenar Memoires d’Hadrien

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    Vytautas Bikulčius


    Full Text Available Dans cet article on analyse la reconstruction du présent dans le roman de Marguerite Yourcenar Mémoires d’Hadrien. La définition de cette oeuvre comme une biographie imaginaire est la plus courante. Entre le II siècle et XX siècle il existe une distance énorme, néanmoins M. Yourcenar a su trouver ce qui lie ces deux époques. Quoiqu’elle s’intéresse à l’empereur Hadrien et à son ambiance, de façon paradoxale elle reconstruit le présent où elle vit, c’est–à–dire, les années qui suivent la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Hadrien présente pour M. Yourcenar l’idéal d’un homme politique. Ses anticipations reflètent les réalités de l’après-guerre. Ainsi l’empereur entrevoit la possibilité des Nations Unies, de l’OTAN, le rôle du pape dans la politique mondiale, les idées de la globalisation. Hadrien n’est pas lié avec un homme de politique concret. Cette reconstruction du présent dans Mémoires d’Hadrien est assez importante, car elle modifie le genre de cette oeuvre d’une „autobiographie imaginaire“ en „autobiographie imaginaire intellectuelle“.

  17. Road Sign Romanization in Oman: The Linguistic Landscape Close-Up (United States)

    Jamoussi, Rafik; Roche, Thomas


    Throughout the Arab Gulf States, bilingual road signs are the norm, employing both Arabic and a romanized counterpart for the large expatriate population. The existing romanization is inconsistent, with potentially misleading variant spellings of place names signposting the region. This study provides a linguistic analysis of signs on the arterial…


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    Matthew Gray Marsh


    Full Text Available William Gurnee Sinnigen was a Classicist and Roman historian, active in the mid-to-late 20th century. Trained at the University of Michigan by noted Roman administrative historian Arthur E. R. Boak, Sinnigen continued his mentor’s work in administrative history, producing several articles on different aspects of Roman and Byzantine administrative topics.  Sinnigen was also responsible for the revision and update of Boak’s acclaimed textbook on Roman history, as well as Charles Alexander Robinson’s textbook on Ancient history.  This article will provide a brief biography of Professor Sinnigen, along with a bibliography of his published works and reviews by other scholars of his work.

  19. The ‘enemy within’ the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church

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    Graham A. Duncan


    Full Text Available The Second Vatican Council (1962–1965 is regarded as one of the most significant processes in the ecumenical church history of the 20th century. At that time, a younger generation of Roman Catholic theologians began to make their mark in the church and within the ecumenical theological scene. Their work provided an ecumenical bridge between the Reforming and the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical traditions, notwithstanding the subsequent negative response of the Roman church hierarchy. Despite important advances, recent pontificates significantly altered the theological landscape and undermined much of the enthusiasm and commitment to unity. Roman Catholic theological dissent provided common ground for theological reflection. Those regarded as the ‘enemy within’ have become respected colleagues in the search for truth in global ecclesiastical perspective. This article will use the distinction between the history and the narratives of Vatican II.

  20. Vers une réappropriation citoyenne du développement territorial Le cas de l'industrie de la chaussure à Romans-sur-Isère


    Perret, Cécile; Gagnon, Christiane


    Cette recherche s'intéresse à la dynamique territoriale permise par les récentes créations d'entreprise dans la ville de Romans-sur-Isère grâce, notamment, à la création du Pôle Territorial de Coopération Économique PTCE Sud Archer, nouvelle configuration territoriale qui allie création de liens et solidarités, ainsi qu'au développement de la finance solidaire. Nous concluons sur la possibilité d'un certain renouveau industriel de la ville, permis par des initiatives relevant, en partie, de l...

  1. Tikuvõileivaduell / Roman Zaštšerinski ; interv. Jaanus Kulli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zaštšerinski, Roman, 1978-


    Intervjuu kokk Roman Zaštšerinskiga, kes valmistas koos Imre Kosega ette Vabariigi Presidendi iseseisvuspäeva vastuvõtu menüü. Vt. samas: Roman Zaštšerinski menüü vabariigi presidendi vastuvõtul

  2. Three Roman Innkeepers


    Tatarin, Milovan


    In the critical publication of Dundo Maroje which in 1930 was edited for the seventh book of the edition Stari pisci hrvatski (Old Croatian writers) by Milan Rešetar, »three Roman innkeepers« are named as dramatis personae. They appear on the stage three times: act one, scene one; act two, scene nine; act four, scene nine. The aim of this work is to establish how many inns and how many innkeepers appear in the comedy and are their lines mixed.

  3. On the acoustics of ancient Greek and Roman theaters. (United States)

    Farnetani, Andrea; Prodi, Nicola; Pompoli, Roberto


    The interplay of architecture and acoustics is remarkable in ancient Greek and Roman theaters. Frequently they are nowadays lively performance spaces and the knowledge of the sound field inside them is still an issue of relevant importance. Even if the transition from Greek to Roman theaters can be described with a great architectural detail, a comprehensive and objective approach to the two types of spaces from the acoustical point of view is available at present only as a computer model study [P. Chourmouziadou and J. Kang, "Acoustic evolution of ancient Greek and Roman theaters," Appl. Acoust. 69, re (2007)]. This work addresses the same topic from the experimental point of view, and its aim is to provide a basis to the acoustical evolution from Greek to Roman theater design. First, by means of in situ and scale model measurements, the most important features of the sound field in ancient theaters are clarified and discussed. Then it has been possible to match quantitatively the role of some remarkable architectural design variables with acoustics, and it is seen how this criterion can be used effectively to define different groups of ancient theaters. Finally some more specific wave phenomena are addressed and discussed.

  4. Healing Gods, Heroes and Rituals in the Graeco-Roman World

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    Panayotis Pachis


    Full Text Available This editorial introduces the articles published within the OLH Special Collection, ‘Healing Gods, Heroes and Rituals in the Graeco-Roman World’. The first two articles in this collection interrogate the figures of specific healing gods. Olympia Panagiotidou’s article ‘Asclepius’ Myths and Healing Narratives: Counter-Intuitive Concepts and Cultural Expectations’ focuses on the curative features that defined the image of Asclepius, the most famous of the healing gods. The next article in the collection, ‘The Fate of a Healing Goddess: Ocular Pathologies, the Antonine Plague, and the Ancient Roman Cult of Bona Dea’ by Leonardo Ambasciano, interrogates the religious figure of another healing agent: the Italian goddess Bona Dea who was particularly venerated in Rome and in the region of Latium and whose cult reveals the way in which ancient Roman androcentric control over women was institutionalised through religious figures.  The third article in the collection, Audrey Ferlut’s ‘Goddesses as Consorts of the Healing Gods in 'Gallia Belgica' and the 'Germaniae': Forms of Cult and Ritual Practices’ considers the impact that cults dedicated to gods and goddesses had on populations in the wider area of the Roman Empire, focusing on the Northern provinces of the Western Roman Empire ('Gallia Belgica' and the 'Germaniae'. The collection’s final article, ‘From Textual Reception to Textual Codification: Thessalos and the Quest for Authenticity’ by Spyros Piperakis, moves the discussion from the question of cult practices to ‘alternative’ healing therapies in antiquity. Piperakis deals with astrological medicine, one of many alternative therapeutic methods that became popular during the Hellenistic and Roman period.  Taken together, the articles in ‘Healing Gods, Heroes and Rituals in the Graeco-Roman World’ demonstrate that we need to approach the study of ancient myths and cults within their socio-cultural context


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    Irène Oore


    Full Text Available Nous avons entrepris d’examiner le couple dans une dizaine de romans écrits durant une décennie (entre 1993 et 2003.Nous avons entrepris d’examiner le couple dans une dizaine de romans écrits durant une décennie (entre 1993 et 2003.

  6. The Roman Bazaar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang, Peter Fibiger

    The Roman bazaar et et komparativt studie af handels og markedsforhold i Romerriget. Det er bogens tese, at vi bedre forstår den økonomiske udvikling i Romerriget hvis vi skifter vores sammenligningsgrundlag fra den tidligt moderne, europæiske kapitalisme til store agrare eller tributære imperier......, som fx Mogulernes rige i Indien. Hovedemner er den imperiale mobilisering af den agrare produktion og markedernes ofte fragmenterede karakter. Det sidste punkt understøttes vha. Clifford Geertz' analyse af Bazaar-markeder....

  7. The pen behind the sword: power, literacy and the Roman army

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    John Wilkes


    Full Text Available The creation and cohesion of the Roman empire owed much to the spread of literacy through the provinces and the use of texts as an instrument of government. An important manifestation of this is the role of the written word in the Roman army, exemplified by the diplomas that granted Roman citizenship and other privileges to auxiliary soldiers on completion of their military service. Margaret Roxan, one of the Institute's honorary research fellows, has studied these diplomas for many years, and her achievement was honoured at an international conference in London in May 2002.

  8. Change in silica sources in Roman and post-Roman glass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aerts, A.; Velde, B.; Janssens, K.; Dijkman, W.


    Although Roman and post-Empire glasses found in Europe are reputed to have a very constant composition and hence source of components, it appears that some 4-5th century and later specimens show evidence of a different source of silica (sand) component. Zirconium and titanium are the discriminating elements. Data presented here for 278 specimens from 1st to 4th century German and Belgian samples indicate a strongly homogeneous Zr and Ti content; N: number of analyzed samples while 62 samples from Maastricht show low Zr-Ti contents from 1st to 3rd century samples while 4-5th century samples show a strong trend of concomitant Ti and Zr increase. If the high values of Zr-Ti represent a new source of silica (sand) the trend from low to high content suggests that a significant amount of low Zr-Ti glass was recycled to form these glass objects. Similar high Ti content can be seen in analysis results reported for other but not all 4-5th century samples found in northern Europe while earlier productions show typical low Ti contents. Although the fusing agent for these glasses seems to have always been natron (a mineral deposit in the Nile delta) from Hellenistic times to the 9th century, a change in the silica source, indicated by variation of the Ti and Zr content, could very well reflect the results of political instability of the 4-5th century exemplified by the fragmentation of the Roman Empire into two parts

  9. Change in silica sources in Roman and post-Roman glass

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aerts, A.; Velde, B.; Janssens, K.; Dijkman, W


    Although Roman and post-Empire glasses found in Europe are reputed to have a very constant composition and hence source of components, it appears that some 4-5th century and later specimens show evidence of a different source of silica (sand) component. Zirconium and titanium are the discriminating elements. Data presented here for 278 specimens from 1st to 4th century German and Belgian samples indicate a strongly homogeneous Zr and Ti content; N: number of analyzed samples while 62 samples from Maastricht show low Zr-Ti contents from 1st to 3rd century samples while 4-5th century samples show a strong trend of concomitant Ti and Zr increase. If the high values of Zr-Ti represent a new source of silica (sand) the trend from low to high content suggests that a significant amount of low Zr-Ti glass was recycled to form these glass objects. Similar high Ti content can be seen in analysis results reported for other but not all 4-5th century samples found in northern Europe while earlier productions show typical low Ti contents. Although the fusing agent for these glasses seems to have always been natron (a mineral deposit in the Nile delta) from Hellenistic times to the 9th century, a change in the silica source, indicated by variation of the Ti and Zr content, could very well reflect the results of political instability of the 4-5th century exemplified by the fragmentation of the Roman Empire into two parts.

  10. Change in silica sources in Roman and post-Roman glass (United States)

    Aerts, A.; Velde, B.; Janssens, K.; Dijkman, W.


    Although Roman and post-Empire glasses found in Europe are reputed to have a very constant composition and hence source of components, it appears that some 4-5th century and later specimens show evidence of a different source of silica (sand) component. Zirconium and titanium are the discriminating elements. Data presented here for 278 specimens from 1st to 4th century German and Belgian samples indicate a strongly homogeneous Zr and Ti content; N: number of analyzed samples while 62 samples from Maastricht show low Zr-Ti contents from 1st to 3rd century samples while 4-5th century samples show a strong trend of concomitant Ti and Zr increase. If the high values of Zr-Ti represent a new source of silica (sand) the trend from low to high content suggests that a significant amount of low Zr-Ti glass was recycled to form these glass objects. Similar high Ti content can be seen in analysis results reported for other but not all 4-5th century samples found in northern Europe while earlier productions show typical low Ti contents. Although the fusing agent for these glasses seems to have always been natron (a mineral deposit in the Nile delta) from Hellenistic times to the 9th century, a change in the silica source, indicated by variation of the Ti and Zr content, could very well reflect the results of political instability of the 4-5th century exemplified by the fragmentation of the Roman Empire into two parts.

  11. Roman Policies towards Antiochus III and the Greeks from Winter 197/196 B.C. to Autumn 196 B.C.

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    Deutschmann, Eike Hellmut


    Full Text Available In the Second Macedonian War (200-196 B.C., the res publica reduced the strength of the enemy King Philip V apparently to establish a new political order in Southern Balkans: Assumedly a pro-Roman balance of forces should prevail there, untainted by influence of another major power. A particular senatorial policy towards the Greeks probably did not exist before the fighting in Hellas came to an end in summer 197 B.C. In the same year, the Seleucid king Antiochus III brought large parts of the west coast of Asia Minor under control and set about crossing the Hellespont. Rome subsequently stylized itself as the guardian of freedom for the Greeks living in Hellas and Asia Minor. The statesmen of the res publica could have perceived Antiochus’ expansion as a threat to the mentioned new order. Therefore, the Roman Policy of Freedom was possibly applied primarily to take action against the Seleucid king. Die res publica verminderte im Zweiten Makedonischen Krieg (200-196 a.c. die Macht des gegnerischen Königs Philipp V - anscheinend um eine neue politische Ordnung im südlichen Balkanraum zu etablieren: Vermutlich sollte dort ein romfreundliches Kräftegleichgewicht vorherrschen, auf das keine andere Großmacht Einfluß hat. Eine speziell an die Griechen gerichtete Politik seitens des römischen Senats gab es wahrscheinlich nicht vor Ende der Kampfhandlungen in Hellas im Sommer 197 a.c. In dem Jahr erweiterte der seleukidische König Antiochos III. seinen Einflussbereich auf große Teile der kleinasiatischen Westküste und schickte sich an, den Hellespont zu überqueren. Rom stilisierte sich in der Folgezeit zum Freiheitsgarant der in Hellas und Kleinasien lebenden Griechen. Antiochos Expansion könnte von den Staatsmännern der res publica als Bedrohung der genannten neuen Ordnung angesehen worden sein. Demzufolge wurde die römische Freiheitspolitik möglicherweise in erster Linie angewendet, um gegen den seleukidischen König vorzugehen.

  12. Apports de l’archéobotanique à la compréhension de la Source des Roches, Chamalières (Puy-de-Dôme The archaeobotanic contribution to the understanding of la Source des Roches, Chamalières (Puy-de-Dôme

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    Béatrice Prat


    Full Text Available Au tout début de la période romaine, un taux d’arbres inhabituellement élevé a été mis en évidence par la palynologie sur le site de la Source des Roches à Chamalières (Puy-de-Dôme, gisement qui a livré plus de 3500 ex-voto en bois au début des années 70. Durant le second âge du Fer et l’époque romaine, un tel niveau de boisement n’est observé nulle part ailleurs, ni en plaine de Limagne, ni sur le plateau des Dômes. L’hypothèse d’un sanctuaire de plein air, soutenue par Anne-Marie Romeuf qui a dirigé la fouille, se trouve ainsi confortée par l’analyse pollinique, qui permet d’envisager la possibilité de la présence d’un « bois sacré » composé principalement de chênes. La combinaison des données archéobotaniques issues de la palynologie et de la carpologie contribue à renforcer la compréhension du site d’un point de vue paysager et nous renseigne également sur les types d’offrandes végétales associées au dépôt des ex-voto.Unusually high levels of tree pollen were revealed by palynology on the site of the Source des Roches in Chamalières (Puy-de-Dôme for the very beginning of the Roman period. The site had yielded more than 3500 wooden offerings in the early 70s. Such a high density of woodland can be found nowhere else for the Second Iron Age and the Roman period, neither in the plain of Limagne, nor on the plateau of Les Dômes. The hypothesis of an open air sanctuary, first advanced by Anne-Marie Romeuf, director of excavation, is therefore reinforced by the pollen analysis which leads us to consider the possibility that a “sacred grove” made up principally of oaks was present. The correlation of the archaeobotanic data from palynology and paleœthnobotany contributes to the strengthening of the site’s knowledge from the landscape’s point of view. We also have a better understanding of the vegetal offerings associated with the wooden statues.

  13. Magnetic and electromagnetic prospections at the Roman city of Hadrianopolis, southern Albania (United States)

    Schettino, Antonio; Perna, Roberto; Pierantoni, Pietro Paolo; Ghezzi, Annalisa; Tassi, Luca; Sforzini, David


    We report on a combined magnetic-GPR survey performed in 2015-2017 at the ancient Roman city of Hadrianopolis, located in southern Albania, in the context of the project Teatri Antichi Riuniti (TAU). The collected data supplemented previous archaeological surveys performed by the University of Macerata with the aim of promoting the valley and starting the realization of an archaeological park. Hadrianopolis was founded through a reorganization of a previous Hellenistic settlement. Starting from 2015, magnetic and GPR surveys were carried out in Hadrianopolis in order to determine the urban framework. The collected data revealed the existence of structures organized along two main different patterns, which have been interpreted as due to the superposition of Roman buildings and Late Antiquity structures. In fact, the arrangement of structures in the studied area shows a regular urban organization of Roman type separated by a less regular disposition of the buildings that can be attributed to the Byzantine age. The latter arrangement is superimposed on the previous Roman structures. A stone wall, clearly identified by the combination of magnetic anomalies and GPR images, separates the Byzantine seattlement from the genuine Roman sector.

  14. Human parasites in the Roman World: health consequences of conquering an empire. (United States)

    Mitchell, Piers D


    The archaeological evidence for parasites in the Roman era is presented in order to demonstrate the species present at that time, and highlight the health consequences for people living under Roman rule. Despite their large multi-seat public latrines with washing facilities, sewer systems, sanitation legislation, fountains and piped drinking water from aqueducts, we see the widespread presence of whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) and Entamoeba histolytica that causes dysentery. This would suggest that the public sanitation measures were insufficient to protect the population from parasites spread by fecal contamination. Ectoparasites such as fleas, head lice, body lice, pubic lice and bed bugs were also present, and delousing combs have been found. The evidence fails to demonstrate that the Roman culture of regular bathing in the public baths reduced the prevalence of these parasites. Fish tapeworm was noted to be widely present, and was more common than in Bronze and Iron Age Europe. It is possible that the Roman enthusiasm for fermented, uncooked fish sauce (garum) may have facilitated the spread of this helminth. Roman medical practitioners such as Galen were aware of intestinal worms, explaining their existence and planning treatment using the humoural theory of the period.

  15. Analysis of the Design Criteria for Ancient Greek and Roman Catapults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paasch, Kasper


    This paper will give a short overview of use of COMSOL Multiphysics for analyzing ancient Greek and Roman catapults with the main focus on the energy storing torsion springs. Catapults have been known and used in the Greek and Roman world from around 399 BC and a fully standardized design for pow...

  16. The regenerative medicine coalition. Interview with Frank-Roman Lauter. (United States)

    Lauter, Frank-Roman


    Frank-Roman Lauter, Secretary General of the recently launched Regenerative Medicine Coalition, explains how the coalition was formed and what they hope to achieve. Frank-Roman Lauter has served as Secretary General of the Regenerative Medicine Coalition since 2012, and as Head of Business Development at Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies since 2007. Frank-Roman Lauter's interest is the organization of academic infrastructures to promote efficient translation of research findings into new therapies. He co-organizes joined strategy development for regenerative medicine clusters from seven European countries (FP7-EU Project) and has initiated cooperation between the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and the German Federal Ministry for Education & Research, resulting in a joined funding program. Recently, he cofounded the international consortium of Regenerative Medicine translational centers (RMC; ). Trained as a molecular biologist at the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin-Dahlem and at Stanford, he has 16 years of experience as an entrepreneur and life science manager in Germany and the USA.

  17. Reflections on the Cultural Encounter between the Jews and the Greeks and Romans in Jewish Coin Iconography of the Hellenistic-Roman Period

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lykke, Anne


    Contrary to the written and archaeological sources, the numismatic material from the Persian, Hellenistic, and particularly the Roman Imperial periods in Palestine constitutes an almost uninterrupted material source from which detailed knowledge can be drawn concerning the political, cultural and......—by extension—even social processes. In this article examples reflecting the results of the cultural encounter between the Jewish and the Greco-Roman world are discussed, which are well illustrated by the differences in the iconography of the Jewish coinages of the first century BCE and first century CE...

  18. The Recovery and Restoration of Roman Wall Paintings in Southeast Spain

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    Victoria Santiago Godos


    Full Text Available Recovery of the Roman wall painting in the southeast Spanish is done, by a party's own excavations in the archaeological site, where you can find this mural in two ways, still located in the walls of Roman villas or at the foot of these walls collapsed, fragmented and even buried, making it necessary cooperation in the recovery work of the archaeologist and restorer. You can also recall Roman wall paintings in the collections of archaeological museums, as many boxes remain innumerable multitude of fragments of mural pieces found in excavations and record stored there pending further study, grading and restoration. Examples of the above are discussed.

  19. Thracians in the Roman imperial navy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes


    The Roman fleets of the imperial period were crewed by provincials, not by Italians. Of the sailors and soldiers whose names and geographical origin are attested epigraphically (on military diplomas or epitaphs) almost 15% claim a Thracian origin; and among these, the majority identify themselves...

  20. The traces of roman metallurgy in Eastern Serbia

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    Petković Sofija


    Full Text Available The archaeological traces of the Roman mining and metallurgy in eastern Serbia are rather frequent but insufficiently studied and published. Three mining-metallurgical regions abounding in gold, silver, copper, iron and lead could be distinguished there: 1. the upper course of the Pek river, metalla Pincensia, 2. the area between Bor, Zlot, Crna Reka and Rgotina and 3. the area in the river basin of Beli Timok, two latter ones had been organized as territoria metallorum. The archeometallurgical sites confirmed by investigations are: Kraku lu Jordan at the confluence of the Brodica river and the Pek river, Rudna Glava, Tilva Roš in Bor, Gamzigrad - Romuliana, Rgotina near Zaječar and Timacum Minus in the village Ravna near Knjaževac. Roman mining-metallurgical activities in eastern Serbia flourished from the end of the 3rd century, were interrupted by the invasion of Huns in AD 441. and restored in the time of emperors Anastasius and Justin I, in the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th centuries. The Roman mining-metallurgical centers functioned in the 6th century until the Slav invasion in the beginning of the 7th century.

  1. PIXE and XRF Analysis of Roman Denarii (United States)

    Fasano, Cecilia; Raddell, Mark; Manukyan, Khachatur; Stech, Edward; Wiescher, Michael


    A set of Roman Denarii from the republican to the imperial period (140BC-240AD) has been studied using X-ray fluorescent (XRF) scanning and proton induced x-ray emission (PIXE) techniques. XRF and PIXE are commonly used in the study of cultural heritage objects because they are nondestructive. The combination of these two methods is also unique because of the ability to penetrate the sample with a broader spectrum of depths and energies than either could achieve on its own. The coins are from a large span of Roman history and their analysis serves to follow the economic and political change of the era using the relative silver and copper contents in each sample. In addition to analyzing the samples, the study sought to compare these two common analysis techniques and to explore the use of a standard to examine any shortcomings in either of the methods. Data sets were compared and then adjusted to a calibration curve which was created from the analysis of a number of standard solutions. The concentrations of the standard solutions were confirmed using inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Through this we were able to assemble results which will progress the basis of understanding of PIXE and XRF techniques as well as increase the wealth of knowledge of Ancient Roman currency.

  2. X-ray fluorescence analysis and optical emission spectrometry of an roman mirror from Tomis, Romania

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belc, M.; Bogoi, M.; Ionescu, D.; Guita, D.; Caiteanu, S.; Caiteanu, D.


    The miscellaneous population of Roman Empire, their diverse cultural tradition, their ability to assimilate the roman civilization spirits, had determined a permanent reassessment superimposed upon the roman contribution. Analysis was undertaken using optical emission spectrometry and non-destructive X-ray fluorescence. X-ray fluorescence analysis is a well-established method and is often used in archaeometry and other work dealing with valuable objects pertaining to the history of art and civilization. Roman mirror analysed has been found not to be made of speculum (a high tin bronze). (authors)

  3. Greek and Roman Mythology: English, Mythology. (United States)

    Hargraves, Richard; Kenzel, Elaine

    The aim of the Quinmester course "Greek and Roman Mythology" is to help students understand mythological references in literature, art, music, science and technology. The subject matter includes: creation myths; myths of gods and heroes; mythological allusions in astrology, astronomy, literature, science, business, puzzles, and everyday…

  4. Fides Publica in Ancient Rome and its Reception by Grotius and Locke

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Wilde, M.


    The article analyzes the Roman notion of des publica and its reception by Grotius and Locke. The Romans considered des publica a general standard of behavior for all those invested with state power. It was regarded as a legal norm with moral connotations, which applied especially, though not

  5. Parcellaires fossoyés du Haut Empire des plateaux de Brie : Jossigny/Serris et Moissy-Cramayel (Seine-et-Marne. Approche méthodologique de l'étude des réseaux Ditch-marked land division from the Early Roman Empire, the Brie plateau: Jossigny/Serris and Moissy-Cramayel (Seine-et-Marne. Methodological approach to the study of networks

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    Gilles Desrayaud


    Full Text Available Deux opérations archéologiques préventives à Jossigny/Serris et à Moissy-Cramayel en Seine-et-Marne (Île-de-France ont permis de révéler l’existence de réseaux de fossés gallo-romains sur plusieurs dizaines d’hectares. Des zones d’habitat et/ou d’activités ont également été décelées. Les bases de ces réseaux sont posées pendant la fin du Ier s. av. J.-C. ou la première moitié du Ier s. ap. J.-C. Au cours du IIIe s. ap. J.-C., les secteurs d’occupation et les fossés sont abandonnés. Ces fossés, pour la plupart rectilignes et couvrant parfois plusieurs centaines de mètres de longueur, pouvaient remplir la triple fonction de drain, de limite parcellaire et d’enclos de contention/protection. Leurs morphologies ainsi que leurs contextes pédologiques et topographiques semblent traduire une volonté de drainage des sols, pouvant correspondre à une mise en culture. Une méthodologie visant à l’analyse des orientations et des localisations des axes supposés des vestiges linéaires (fossés, murs, chemins… a été développée. Elle a permis d'émettre l'hypothèse d'ensembles “ orthogonaux ” contemporains. Des études comparatives et statistiques ont également été menées sur la possible existence de modules de distance et de surface. Il semble que les superficies des lopins enclos “ orthogonaux ” aient pu être fondées sur des modules correspondant ou se rapprochant d’unités antiques connues. Pour les deux sites étudiés, ces éléments nous paraissent constituer de forts indices de la présence d’un réseau de drainage agricole correspondant à un découpage parcellaire au moins en partie orthonormé.Two rescue archaeology excavations, near the French villages of Jossigny/Serris and Moissy-Cramayel (Paris area, Seine-et-Marne, have revealed the presence of Gallo-Roman ditch networks covering tens of acres. Activity areas and/or habitation sites have also been detected. The bases of

  6. Mal du siècle et mal du lieu : bovarysme et romantisme mêlés dans les deux grands romans modernes de Flaubert

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    Philippe Chardin


    Full Text Available Cet article tente, à partir d’une comparaison d’ensemble entre les deux grands romans modernes de Flaubert, Madame Bovary et L’Éducation sentimentale, et d’une superposition d’exemples significatifs empruntés à chacun d’eux, de montrer que la série des contrastes qui viennent tout de suite à l’esprit ne doit pas dissimuler des variations subtiles autour des mêmes schémas narratifs et des mêmes paysages psychiques : aussi bien pour ce qui est du pôle négatif des ridicules (« bovarysme » impénitent de Frédéric et des infortunes (analogies entre les épreuves traversées, notamment en matière d’« éducation sentimentale » que pour ce qui est du pôle du positif — plus implicite chez Flaubert — incluant une sorte de principe de réhabilitation partielle des « premiers plans » et la permanence de tout un romantisme de la singularité, de la révolte, de l’élection par le malheur, de la passion, du désir.With a global comparison between Flaubert’s two chief modern novels, Madame Bovary and L’Éducation sentimentale, and a superposition of suggestive examples taken from both of them, this article intends to prove that the sequence of contrasts that firstly appear must not conceal the subtle variations on the same narrative patterns and the same psychological climates. We can notice this phenomena as well as for the negative poles of ridiculous features (Frederic’s impenitent “bovarysme” and misfortunes (analogies between the trials that have to be faced by the heroes — especially those of the “sentimental journey”, as for the positive pole — more implicit in Flaubert’s prose — that implies a kind of partial rehabilitation principle of the main characters, and the persistence of romanticism, a whole romanticism with singularity, revolt, election through unhappiness,  passion and desire.

  7. Etude Des Elements Culturels Dans “Cinq Villes” D’ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar: Intertextualité Et Interculturalité

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    Perihan YALÇIN


    Full Text Available L’objet du présent article est de préciser des idées et des observations à propos de la traduction en français l’une des oeuvres de la littérature turque. En tant que corpus, nous avons choisi le roman turc d’Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, célèbre poète et romancier turc qui a été considéré comme le fondateur de la littérature turque moderne. Son roman intitulé “Beş Şehir” a été traduit en français sous le titre de “Cinq Villes”. Il est évident que chaque langue contient, préfabrique, impose à ses locuteurs une certaine manière de regarder le monde, d’analyser l’expérience que nous avons du monde. Si nous voulons comprendre pourquoi et comment la traduction reste possible, il nous faut donc, d’abord, accepter dans son entièreté ce fait qu’une langue nous oblige à connaître d’autres cultures à voir le monde d’une certaine manière, la traduction n’est pas toujours possible. Elle ne l’est que dans une certaine mesure et dans certaines limites. G.Mounin(1976,44-45 souligne “pour bien traduire une langue, il ne suffit pas d’étudier cette langue, , il faut étudier, la culture qui lui correspond”. Notre objectif, dans ce travail, est d’analyser la traduction, plus particulièrement des éléments spécifiques propres à une culture inexistante dans la langue cible. Il s’agit de montrer comment un certain nombre de réferences historiques et culturelles sont traduits dans ce moyen d’expression. Nous traiterons en ce qui concerne les réferences culturelles qui doivent être adoptées par les connaissances des lecteurs français; et qui sont également fortes nombreuses dans cette oeuvre. Le traducteur doit expliquer au récepteur étranger, les particularités des termes ce qui lui sont compréhensibles et qu’il peut comparer avec les réalités déjà de la propre culture. Ces explications utilisées par le traducteur ont avant tout, une valeur informative, elles permettent aux r

  8. Tourist valorization of roman imperial city Felix Romuliana

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    Berić Dejan


    Full Text Available The tourism industry is a great potential for the development of Serbia. The main characteristics of the existing and potential tourist offer of Serbia are interesting and diverse natural resources and cultural and historical heritage. Felix Romuliana, established palace of the Roman emperor Galerius, is located in the valley of the Black Timok, near Zaječar and the village of Gamzigrad in eastern Serbia. The palace was built in the late third and early fourth century, as a testamentary construction. This is where the Roman emperor was buried and included among the gods. It is the best preserved example of Roman palatial architecture which in 2007 was added to the List of World Heritage of UNESCO. One of the key tasks of this paper is to point out ways of promoting and popularizing this tourism potential that can be used as a resource for the development of cultural tourism and as such strengthen the position of Serbia''s tourist offer in Europe. The aim of this paper is contained in the presentation of the site Felix Romuliana and extraction of the most important attractiveness through valorization, which on the bases of historical and cultural significance may be activated for tourism purposes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176020

  9. Kuulus Roman Viktjuki Teater Tallinnas / Meelis Kapstas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kapstas, Meelis, 1963-


    26. ja 27. mail Vene Kultuurikeskuses Roman Viktjuki Teatri külalisetendused. Mängitakse R. Viktjuki lavastust "Kellavärgiga apelsin" Anthony Burgessi romaani järgi ja Viktjuki versiooni Oscar Wilde'i kurbmängust "Salomé"

  10. Comparative investigation of mortars from Roman Colosseum and cistern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, D.A. [Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 725 Davis Hall 94720-1710, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (United States)]. E-mail:; Wenk, H.R. [Department of Earth and Planetary Science, 497 McCone 94720-4767, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (United States); Monteiro, P.J.M. [Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 725 Davis Hall 94720-1710, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Mortar from the Roman Colosseum and a Roman cistern from Albano Laziale were characterized with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and thermal analysis (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)). The different techniques provided consistent results that the mortar of the Colosseum is mainly calcareous lime, while the mortar of the cistern is pozzolanic siliceous material. The study highlights the capabilities of the different methods for the analysis of cement. For routine analysis XRD is adequate but for characterization of poorly crystalline phases FT-IR and TGA have definite advantages.

  11. Comparative investigation of mortars from Roman Colosseum and cistern

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, D.A.; Wenk, H.R.; Monteiro, P.J.M.


    Mortar from the Roman Colosseum and a Roman cistern from Albano Laziale were characterized with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and thermal analysis (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)). The different techniques provided consistent results that the mortar of the Colosseum is mainly calcareous lime, while the mortar of the cistern is pozzolanic siliceous material. The study highlights the capabilities of the different methods for the analysis of cement. For routine analysis XRD is adequate but for characterization of poorly crystalline phases FT-IR and TGA have definite advantages

  12. Tests of a Roman Pot Prototype for the TOTEM Experiment


    Deile, M.; Alagoz, E.; Anelli, G.M.; Antchev, G.A.; Ayache, M.; Caspers, F.; Dimovasili, E.; Dinapoli, R.; Drouhin, F.D.; Eggert, K.; Escourrou, L.; Fochler, O.; Gill, K.; Grabit, R.; Haug, F.


    The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are ...

  13. Pierre Charmoz : La montagne à seins nus, un roman érotique de montagne, ou de la destruction du mythe alpin par le langage Pierre Charmoz: La Montagne à seins nus, or, the Debunking of the Alpine Myth trough Language Pierre Charmoz, La Sierra de los pechos desnudos o la destrucción del mito alpino por el lenguage

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    Michel Mestre


    Full Text Available La Montagne à seins nus de Pierre Charmoz est l'un des rares romans de montagne dans lequel l'érotisme joue un rôle important. C'est également une tentative de remise en cause des mythologies sur lesquelles le roman de montagne s'appuie, pour n'en garder que l'aspect léger et humoristique.La Montagne à seins nus, by Pierre Charmoz, is one of these few mountain novels in which eroticism plays a major part, it is also an attempt at debunking the mythologies on which alpine novels traditionally rest. It keeps only laughter and a gentle spirit of derision from it.La Sierra de los pechos desnudos, de Pierre Charmoz, es una de las raras novelas de montaña en las cuales el erotismo ocupa un lugar preponderante. También se empeña en derribar los mitos sobre los cuales suelen construirse las novelas alpinas tradicionales. De éstos permanece la risa, y uno disfruta mientras se hace burla de ellos.

  14. Compte rendu de Gouanvic (Jean-Marc, Pratique sociale de la traduction. Le roman réaliste américain dans le champ littéraire français (1920-1960

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    Séverine Olivier


    Full Text Available Pratique sociale de la traduction fait suite à l’ouvrage Sociologie de la traduction (1999, dans lequel Jean-Marc Gouanvic analysait l’introduction de la science-fiction américaine dans la France des années 1950 et l’émergence concomitante d’un champ autonome de la science-fiction française. Dans son nouvel opus, Gouanvic se penche sur le genre romanesque réaliste — genre qu’il considère comme dominant en Occident — et plus particulièrement sur la traduction de romans réalistes américains da...

  15. The first Cohort of Cretans, a roman military unit at Timacum Maius

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    Petrović Vladimir P.


    Full Text Available Archaeological investigations on the site of Niševac (Timacum Maius have been conducted over a period of eight successive years by the Institute for Balkan Studies in collaboration with the Centre for Tourism, Culture and Sports of Svrljig and the French Bordeaux-based Ausonius Institute. The 2014 campaign came up with nine Roman bricks stamped with inscriptions of the First Cohort of Cretans (Cohors I Cretum built into the walls of a Roman bath. The inscriptions provide evi­dence for the character, chronology and history of the Roman settlement. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  16. Imperial Policy and the Integration of Gaul into the Roman Empire (United States)


    ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF EMPIRE From as early as the second century BC Gaul had a taste for the material outputs of the Roman economy. Wine in particular...Rome tolerated the establishment of local Gallic production. This meant the growth in Gaul’s wine consumption benefited Gallic producers and not...exporter of sought after wines . Wine production was not the only industry that benefited from the Roman conquest. Complementing Gallic viticulture

  17. Pagan and Jewish Monotheism according to Varro, Plutarch and St Paul : The Aniconic, Monotheistic Beginnings of Rome’s Pagan Cult – Romans 1.19-25 in a Roman Context

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Kooten, G.H.; Hilhorst, A.; Puech,; Tigchelaar, E.


    George H. van Kooten, “Pagan and Jewish Monotheism according to Varro, Plutarch and St Paul: The Aniconic, Monotheistic Beginnings of Rome’s Pagan Cult—Romans 1:19-25 in a Roman Context,” in Flores Florentino: Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Early Jewish Studies in Honour of Florentino García Martínez

  18. developing of antique olympic plays in a roman period at board of different emperors

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    Kasianenko O.G.


    Full Text Available Researched the questions of development the Ancient Olympic Games, after the capture Greece territory by the Roman army. This condition and development in future fully depended on the social and political phenomena in Roman society preferring more aggressive types of «spectacles». The direction of quickly changing emperors was represented on status of the competitions. Positive relation authorities to competitions brought to achievement the second «bloom» of the Olympic Games in the Roman period.

  19. The Roman Catholic position on abortion. (United States)

    Barry, R


    This article presents the history and grounds of the official position of the Roman Catholic Church that abortion under any circumstances, including abortion to save the life of the mother, should be prohibited. After an introduction that deplores the lack of mercy shown to killers of abortionists while Catholic priests threatened by pro-abortion forces are not offered protection, the article traces the historic development of the Catholic abortion policy and rebuts arguments that abortion was permitted in the early Christian Church. The next section explains Catholic views on the personhood of a conceptus and refutes the contentions of Joseph Donceel that early abortion should be permitted because of uncertainty about the nature of the conceptus and the possibility of delayed animation. The fourth section of the paper debates the points raised by Susan Teft Nicholson who maintains that the Catholic position regarding abortion rests on the Church's animosity towards sexual pleasure. The paper goes on to criticize Nicholson's claims that the Roman Catholic position on abortion is inconsistent with the Church's own understanding of the Principle of Double Effect because the Church fails to allow abortion in many cases where it would be permissible under the Principle. Section 6 describes the underlying motive of the Roman Catholic Church's abortion position as an attempt to protect the innocent fetus from deliberate death and to justify the Church's application of protection from deliberate killing to those who are innocent of aggressive action. This discussion is followed by a justification of the Church's prohibition of abortion in cases of aggression, such as the aggression ascribed to a fetus when a pregnancy imperials the life of a mother. It is concluded that the US will likely legalize suicide and mercy killing as it has the killing of innocent fetuses who are probably ensouled with personhood and are not formal aggressors.

  20. Comparative Comparison of City and Urbanism during Sassanid Period in Iran and the Ancient Roman

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zohre Moqimizade


    Full Text Available Sassanid replaced migrating nomads and tribes with urbanization system and concentration of population. Sassanid desire to increase the population was due to the fact that population is the core of urban systems and focus-oriented system. Sassanid tried marching to Syria and Asia Minor to gain population. Immigrant Roman population was accommodated in newly established cities. Romans had structured and deep thinking about urban development, such that their territory was made up of urban units which were connected through a system of roads and bridges. Romans innovation in urban development can be summed up in creating military cities. Sassanid urbanization after the Parthians was influenced by Roman urbanization which is most visible in the shape of Sassanid cities. In this study, while examining cities and urbanization in Sassanid reign and Roman Empire, their influence on each other and their similarities and differences in their urbanization methods were also investigated.

  1. Romanization of Referencing Styles for Arts & Humanities Science Journals in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chang-Huei Lin


    Full Text Available Based on Big Three referecing styles guides, namely APA, Chicago (Turabian and MLA Style, this study discusses the citation formats in which have been applied and specified for scholarly references in non-English languages, especially in Chinese language scholarly writing. This study targets on those Taiwan journals, indexed by TSSCI, THCI Core, A&HCI, SSCI and Scopus, that use the Romanization of references in Chinese journal. By analyzing their notes for contributors and the real situation of application in the Chinese cited works. In respect of the aforementioned three major referencing styles and the rules made by journals themselves, the findings are as follows: the APA, Chicago, and MLA Styles should be revised according to the practical needs of citing non-English references; academic journal publishers need to specify and provide the guidelines and templates of romanizing references in respect of contributed articles; international citation index databases providers should stipulate and provide their description style for romanizing references, and the government and major academic institutes should put more efforts to assist local scholarly journals to cope with the reference romanization problems, even at promoting a kind of consistent Pinyin principle for referencing styles for Chinese journal publishing in Taiwan.

  2. Le faussaire roman

    CERN Document Server

    D'Anna, Gianfranco


    À l'aube du XXIe siècle, le monde de la science est sur le point de vivre une révolution. Le jeune physicien allemand Albert Hendrick Thebell, des célèbres laboratoires de recherche B-Labs, à Summit, dans le New Jersey, publie, dans les plus grandes revues scientifiques internationales, une série d'articles dans lesquels il prétend avoir obtenu des résultats extraordinaires qui pourraient révolutionner les bases mêmes de la technologie. Rapidement, la communauté scientifique puis les médias saluent en lui un futur prix Nobel; on compare même son génie à celui d'Albert Einstein. Le progrès scientifique semble avoir franchi une étape décisive, susceptible d'amener un futur meilleur. Mais ces découvertes sont-elles authentiques ? Car pendant ce temps, dans les mêmeslaboratoires, des voix s'élèvent pour contester non seulement les théories de Thebell mais aussi la légitimité même de ses expériences ; certains le soupçonnent d'avoir combiné la plus grande fraude scientifique de tous l...

  3. Roman sophisticated surface modification methods to manufacture silver counterfeited coins (United States)

    Ingo, G. M.; Riccucci, C.; Faraldi, F.; Pascucci, M.; Messina, E.; Fierro, G.; Di Carlo, G.


    By means of the combined use of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) the surface and subsurface chemical and metallurgical features of silver counterfeited Roman Republican coins are investigated to decipher some aspects of the manufacturing methods and to evaluate the technological ability of the Roman metallurgists to produce thin silver coatings. The results demonstrate that over 2000 ago important advances in the technology of thin layer deposition on metal substrates were attained by Romans. The ancient metallurgists produced counterfeited coins by combining sophisticated micro-plating methods and tailored surface chemical modification based on the mercury-silvering process. The results reveal that Romans were able systematically to chemically and metallurgically manipulate alloys at a micro scale to produce adherent precious metal layers with a uniform thickness up to few micrometers. The results converge to reveal that the production of forgeries was aimed firstly to save expensive metals as much as possible allowing profitable large-scale production at a lower cost. The driving forces could have been a lack of precious metals, an unexpected need to circulate coins for trade and/or a combinations of social, political and economic factors that requested a change in money supply. Finally, some information on corrosion products have been achieved useful to select materials and methods for the conservation of these important witnesses of technology and economy.

  4. The Roman-Irish Bath: Medical/health history as therapeutic assemblage. (United States)

    Foley, Ronan


    The invention of a new form of hot-air bath in Blarney, Ireland in 1856, variously known in its lifetime as the Roman-Irish or Turkish Bath, acted as the starting point for a the production of a globalised therapeutic landscape. Tracking the diffusion of the Roman-Irish bath template from its local invention in Ireland to a global reach across the Victorian world and recognizing its place within a wider hydrotherapeutic history, this paper frames that diffusion as a valuable empirical addition to assemblage theory. The specific empirical history of the spread of the Roman-Irish/Turkish bath idea is drawn from primary archival and secondary historical sources. It is then discussed and, drawing from work on assemblage theory, analyzed against three broad themes: mobile networks, socio-material practices and contested emergence. The emergent relational geographies of the Roman-Irish Bath identify important roles for the diffusion and transformation of specific medical settings, identities and functions. These were linked in turn to competing social-healing pathways wherein bodies were technologically and morally managed, to produce a more inhabited form of therapeutic assemblage. In all cases the differential diffusion of the bath idea, it's shifting and fractured material forms and multiple inhabitations and discourses were contested and mobile and spoke to an assemblage approach which has ripe potential for exploration across a range of medical/health geography settings. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Laser cleaning on Roman coins (United States)

    Drakaki, E.; Karydas, A. G.; Klinkenberg, B.; Kokkoris, M.; Serafetinides, A. A.; Stavrou, E.; Vlastou, R.; Zarkadas, C.

    Ancient metal objects react with moisture and environmental chemicals to form various corrosion products. Because of the unique character and high value of such objects, any cleaning procedure should guarantee minimum destructiveness. The most common treatment used is mechanical stripping, in which it is difficult to avoid surface damage when employed. Lasers are currently being tested for a wide range of conservation applications. Since they are highly controllable and can be selectively applied, lasers can be used to achieve more effective and safer cleaning of archaeological artifacts and protect their surface details. The basic criterion that motivated us to use lasers to clean Roman coins was the requirement of pulsed emission, in order to minimize heat-induced damages. In fact, the laser interaction with the coins has to be short enough, to produce a fast removal of the encrustation, avoiding heat conduction into the substrate. The cleaning effects of three lasers operating at different wavelengths, namely a TEA CO2 laser emitting at 10.6 μm, an Er:YAG laser at 2.94 μm, and a 2ω-Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm have been compared on corroded Romans coins and various atomic and nuclear techniques have also been applied to evaluate the efficiency of the applied procedure.

  6. A Roman funerary inscription from Smederevo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kovács Péter


    Full Text Available In this short paper the authors publish a Hungarian wartime postcard from Smederevo (Serbia, from 1916. It is reported that a Roman gravestone was found on the banks of the Danube and the text of the lost stone monument was also added. The authors intend to interpret the funerary text that was incorrectly transcribed.

  7. 75 FR 1680 - Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Roman Art” (United States)


    ... Determinations: ``Roman Art'' SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the... FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Roman Art... that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    10 mai 2015 ... peu longues et quelquefois sans subordination. Considérons cependant deux des romans d'Ahmadou Kourouma dont ANPO et EALVDBS. Dorénavant les abréviations ANPO et EALVDBS feront références respectivement aux romans Allah n'est pas obligé et En attendant les votes des bêtes sauvages.

  9. GRAN SASSO: Roman lead or physics experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pascolini, Alessandro


    On June 15 at Oristano (Sardinia) a formal ceremony marked the start of an underwater archaeological campaign sponsored by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) to recover the load of a Roman freighter (navis oneraria) which sank off Sardinia carrying an exceptionally large load of lead.

  10. Dwellers of the Sky: Serpent in the Greco-Roman Zodiac

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    dr.Wael Sayed Soliman


    Full Text Available The Ancient Egyptians were close observers of the heavenly bodies behavior from prehistoric times, which evidenced by the numerous astronomical tools and scenes they left. Throughout the Egyptian history, images of night sky decorated coffins, tombs, temples and some other different kinds of monuments. These images served as a theoretical and visual tribute to the solar cycle and bore strong renewing associations. This article investigates the function of the serpent within a various collection of ancient Egyptian zodiacs dating back to the Greco-Roman Period, which was readily incorporated into the existing tradition of astronomical iconography. In order to explain the adoption of the serpent, this article examines its role in the astronomical images. There are no actual evidences for serpent iconography found in ancient astronomical scenes before the Greco-Roman Period, I ample to prove that knowledge of those creatures existed from the earliest time, and pervade the Egyptian symbolism. The details of the serpent picture have sketched and valid for the Greco-Roman Egypt, starting from the Third Century B.C.

  11. 1st Roman Young Researchers Meeting Proceedings

    CERN Document Server

    Cannuccia, E; Pietrobon, D; Stellato, F; Veneziani, M


    During the last few decades scientists have been able to test the bases of the physics paradigms, where the quantum mechanics has to match the cosmological scales. Between the extremes of this scenario, biological phenomena and their complexity take place, challenging the laws we observe in the atomic and sub-atomic world. In order to explore the details of this world, new huge experimental facilities are under construction. These projects involve people coming from several countries and give physicists the opportunity to work together with chemists, biologists and other scientists. The Roman Young Researchers Meeting is a conference, organised by Ph. D. students and young postdocs connected to the Roman area. It is aimed primarily at graduate students and post-docs, working in physics. The 1st conference has been held on the 21st of July 2009 at the University of Roma Tor Vergata. It was organised in three sessions, devoted to Astrophysics and Cosmology, Soft and Condensed Matter Physics and Theoretical and ...

  12. Literacy and recitation in the Roman Empire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Letícia Fantin Vescovi


    Full Text Available In our modern societies, the paradigm of reading is individual and silent. However, far from being the only one possible, this wasn’t even the main form of reading in the Ancient times. The text doesn’t exist outside its materiality, and, if the current standard is the printed object, it was, for a long time, a form of transmission connected to practices of orality. In the Roman world, the main form of circulation of the literary text was the recitation, which happened in various ways: public or private recitations, literary contests where the text was judged from an oral performance, and even recitation when the text was been produced. We aim at observing the reading practices of the Roman society through poetic texts and at getting to know the reading protocols of that society at the moment when the maximum expansion of the written culture is achieved, i.e., the first and second centuries AD. 

  13. Wine vessels (Vasa vinaria in roman law

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    Aličić Samir


    Full Text Available The notion of 'wine vessels' in Roman law comprises all the winecontaining recipients. There is no legal standardization of wine vessels by means of volume, and although the terms amphora, urna and culleus are used to designate both the vessels and the units of measure, these are two different meanings of the terms. In regard of the question, whether the vessels make appurtenance of the wine, jurisprudents of proculean school divided them in two categories. In the first category are those that follow legal status of wine, usually amphoras and other jars (cadi which are used for 'packaging', i. e. 'bottling' of the wine. The second category make mostly vats (cuppae and ceramic cisterns (dolia, which don't follow legal status of wine, making instead part of farming equipment of a landed property (instrumentum fundi and it's appurtenance. But, the roman jurists are not consistent regarding criteria for distinguishing these two categories.

  14. Roman Travertine: proposed as a candidate for "Global Heritage Stone Resource" designation (United States)

    Primavori, Piero


    Roman Travertine is one of the most long-standing and famous stones, used since the times of the Roman Empire. Together with Carrara and Botticino marbles, it is probably the most worldwide well-known and diffused Italian dimension stone. Travertine derives its name from the former town, known as Tibur in ancient Roman times; the ancient name for the stone was Lapis Tiburtinus, meaning Tibur Stone, which was gradually corrupted to Travertino (travertine). The Roman Travertine is geographically located circa 25 km to the east of Rome, Central Italy, in the hilly area of Guidonia-Montecelio and Tivoli. Its deposit, formed during late Pleistocene time over an active strike-slip fault nearby the Colli Albani quiescent volcano, is about 20 km2 wide and 60 m thick on average; the thickness is over 85 m toward its western N-S-elongated side, where thermal springs and large sinkholes occur in an aligned pattern. The first quarries date back to pre-Roman times; nowadays three main productive sub-zones can be recognized within the extractive basin: "Valle Pilella", "Barco" and "Le Fosse", where more than fifty quarries are in operation, together with a relevant number of processing plants and artisanal laboratories. Lithological and stratigraphical features allow the distinction of an extensive number of commercial varieties, being the most renowned the Classic, the Bianco, the Noce, the Paglierino, the Navona. Used since more than 2.500 years, the Roman Travertine has deeply characterized the architecture of Rome and its history, with the realization of villas, palaces, artistic and monumental buildings, and masterpieces with unmistakable features, such as the Anfiteatro Flavio (the Colosseum), the Theatre of Marcellus, the St. Peter's Basilica and Colonnade, the Tritone Fountain, the Adriana Villa, the Trevi Fountain, and many others. From Renaissance times on, the travertine has been extensively used to build an innumerable amount of churches, common buildings and houses

  15. Early Roman military fortifications and the origin of Trieste, Italy. (United States)

    Bernardini, Federico; Vinci, Giacomo; Horvat, Jana; De Min, Angelo; Forte, Emanuele; Furlani, Stefano; Lenaz, Davide; Pipan, Michele; Zhao, Wenke; Sgambati, Alessandro; Potleca, Michele; Micheli, Roberto; Fragiacomo, Andrea; Tuniz, Claudio


    An interdisciplinary study of the archaeological landscape of the Trieste area (northeastern Italy), mainly based on airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and archaeological surveys, has led to the discovery of an early Roman fortification system, composed of a big central camp (San Rocco) flanked by two minor forts. The most ancient archaeological findings, including a Greco-Italic amphora rim produced in Latium or Campania, provide a relative chronology for the first installation of the structures between the end of the third century B.C. and the first decades of the second century B.C. whereas other materials, such as Lamboglia 2 amphorae and a military footwear hobnail (type D of Alesia), indicate that they maintained a strategic role at least up to the mid first century B.C. According to archaeological data and literary sources, the sites were probably established in connection with the Roman conquest of the Istria peninsula in 178-177 B.C. They were in use, perhaps not continuously, at least until the foundation of Tergeste, the ancestor of Trieste, in the mid first century B.C. The San Rocco site, with its exceptional size and imposing fortifications, is the main known Roman evidence of the Trieste area during this phase and could correspond to the location of the first settlement of Tergeste preceding the colony foundation. This hypothesis would also be supported by literary sources that describe it as a phrourion (Strabo, V, 1, 9, C 215), a term used by ancient writers to designate the fortifications of the Roman army.

  16. Greek and roman calendars

    CERN Document Server

    Hannah, Robert


    The smooth functioning of an ordered society depends on the possession of a means of regularising its activities over time. That means is a calendar, and its regularity is a function of how well it models the more or less regular movements of the celestial bodies - of the moon, the sun or the stars. Greek and Roman Calendars examines the ancient calendar as just such a time-piece, whose elements are readily described in astronomical and mathematical terms. The story of these calendars is one of a continuous struggle to maintain a correspondence with the regularity of the seasons and the sun, d

  17. Metaleptic Variations


    Pernot, Dominique


    Les derniers romans de Gabriel Josipovici offrent beaucoup de variété, allant de la parodie, de la fiction comique légère, dans Only Joking et Making Mistakes, à des sujets plus graves, plus personnels, ontologiques. Dans un court roman, Everything Passes, et dans un roman majeur, Goldberg: Variations, le lecteur est amené à se poser des questions sur la nature mystérieuse de la réalité, qui est, trop souvent, acceptée sans conteste par de nombreux roma...

  18. Discovery of ancient Roman "highway" reveals geomorphic changes in karst environments during historic times. (United States)

    Bernardini, Federico; Vinci, Giacomo; Forte, Emanuele; Furlani, Stefano; Pipan, Michele; Biolchi, Sara; De Min, Angelo; Fragiacomo, Andrea; Micheli, Roberto; Ventura, Paola; Tuniz, Claudio


    Sinkholes are a well-known geologic hazard but their past occurrence, useful for subsidence risk prediction, is difficult to define, especially for ancient historic times. Consequently, our knowledge about Holocene carbonate landscapes is often limited. A multidisciplinary study of Trieste Karst (Italy), close to early Roman military fortifications, led to the identification of possible ancient road tracks, cut by at least one sinkhole. Electrical Resistivity Tomography through the sinkhole has suggested the presence of a cave below its bottom, possibly responsible of the sinkhole formation, while Ground Penetrating Radar has detected no tectonic disturbances underneath the tracks. Additionally, archaeological surveys led to the discovery of over 200 Roman shoe hobnails within or close to the investigated route. According to these data, the tracks are interpreted as the remains of a main Roman road, whose itinerary has been reconstructed for more than 4 km together with other elements of ancient landscape. Our results provide the first known evidence of a Roman main road swallowed by sinkholes and suggest that Holocene karst landscapes could be much different from what previously believed. In fact, sinkholes visible nowadays in the investigated region could have been flat areas filled by sediments up to the Roman time.

  19. Wooden combs from the Roman fort at Vechten: the bodily appearance of soldiers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Derks, A.M.J.; Vos, W.K.


    Abstract Excavations in the late 19th century and surveys carried out in the 1970s have produced 12 boxwood combs from the Roman fort at Vechten (NL). They are to be considered waste material that was dumped in the river Rhine which in the Roman period ran just north of the camp. In this article,

  20. The barbarians within. Illyrian colonists in roman Dacia

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    Irina NEMETI


    Full Text Available The present study attempts at grasping, as encompasing as possible, the process of acculturation undergone by peregrins from the Illyrian territories, a process that continued after their colonization in Dacia. The analysis follows the specific forms of organization of the various gentes arrived from Dalmatia (kastella, vicus, principes, noting the organized character of the colonization of these dalmatians, specialists in gold extraction. They were brought in compact groups and had their own institutions. The onomastic study took into consideration all persons who, through their names, relatives or origin, can be identified as illiri. Four groups of people have been identified, each illustrating a stage in their acculturation reflected in the onomastic system. In the field of religious life, one can note a continuous oscillation between the preservation of ancient values and the borrowing of new religious forms, which eventually lead to the colonized Illyrians assuming a new cultural identity. Learning Latin, acquiring Latin names, and adopting Roman gods indicates in historical terms their Romanization. In the funerary field, they were more conservative. As a funerary phenomenon, incineration with the deposition of calcined remains in ritually burnt pits is attributed to populations colonized in Dacia from the Dalmatian area. As for the inventory of their tombs and their funerary monuments on the other hand, one notes that they took over Roman material culture and used monuments that follow the canons of provincial art.

  1. The (in)visibility of the gods in the Greco-Roman world and of God in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 26, 2015 ... Greco-Roman world and in Hellenistic Judaism when reference was made to ..... Roman poet best known for the Metamorphoses, a 15-book continuous ...... W.A. Oldfather, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, viewed 2.

  2. Die Gralssuche als Sauftour: mittelalterliche Erzählstrukturen in Bernard Leonettis parodistischem Fantasy-Thriller "La Quête brestoise" (2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Isabell Wörsdörfer


    Full Text Available Der Artikel untersucht die narrativen Parallelen zwischen roman courtois und phantastischem Thriller anhand von Bernard Leonettis „polar arthurien“ La Quête brestoise. Dabei rückt das Hauptmotiv der (Grals-Queste in den Vordergrund, das im mittelalterlichen Roman als ritterliche aventure und im Kriminalroman als actiongeladene Suche jeweils den strukturgebenden Handlungsrahmen darstellt und aufgrund des Kontrasts zwischen der früheren Lebenswelt des Protagonisten Chevalier und dem modernen Brest zahlreiche parodistische Züge erhält. Eine wichtige Rolle in der Analyse spielt ferner die Raum-Zeit-Struktur, die mit Bachtin als wunderbare Welt, in der die Zeit des Abenteuers vorherrscht, beschrieben werden kann und demnach derjenigen des höfischen Romans ähnelt: Beim letzten Gefecht, welches auf einer Yacht ausgetragen wird, die im Inneren eine Steingrotte birgt, scheint die Zeit stillzustehen und eigenen – phantastischen – Gesetzen zu unterliegen.

  3. Nets, Boats and Fishing in the Roman World

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes


    Ithas been claimed that in Roman times, net fishing was a shore-based technology, but a study of literary sources and pictorial evidence, mainly mosaics, show that net fishing from boats was widespread throughout the first four centuries AD....

  4. Frequency of Sports Trauma in Elite National Level Greco-Roman Wrestling Competitions


    Akbarnejad, Ali; Sayyah, Mansour


    Background Trauma is an inescapable part of sports competitions. It occurs more frequently in contact sports such as wrestling. Objectives The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of injury in Greco-Roman style wrestling competitions at national level. Patients and Methods This descriptive epidemiological research included 50 Greco-Roman style wrestlers who participated in national level competitions between the years 2003 and 2008. A questionnaire was completed by each partic...

  5. Female Aspirants to the Roman Catholic Priesthood. (United States)

    Celmer, Virginia; Winer, Jane L.


    Investigated Holland vocational-personality types, job satisfaction, and psychological dysfunction among 85 parish priests, 55 nonparish priests, and 235 women who aspire to, but are barred from, ordination in the Roman Catholic Church. Found women's Holland-type code was most similar to code of clergy member as assigned by Dictionary of Holland…

  6. Écritures de soi en souffrance: une lecture des régimes structurant l’imaginaire du texte social vivant

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    Orazio Maria Valastro


    Full Text Available Les études ici réunies vont nous permettre d’examiner différentes genres d’écritures et typologies d’écrivains (poétique et épistolaire, roman autobiographique et autofiction, narratif et témoignage, explorant un corpus considérable (œuvres littéraires et littératures personnelles et des pratiques significatives (activités narratives et autobiographiques. Le thème proposé, les écritures de soi en souffrance, se dénoue sollicitant une réflexion sur les rapports entre les œuvres et les différents contextes sociaux et historiques. Nous pouvons envisager et saisir l’ensemble du corpus et des pratiques considérées en tant que texte social vivant, inscrivant l’expérience de l’existence et du monde dans la pratique de l’écriture. (... Nous allons solliciter et proposer une lecture sociologique et anthropologique de l’ensemble des études proposés au sein du numéro monographique, privilégiant une analyse de la matrice du discours social structurant la conscience individuelle et collective.

  7. Den historiske roman for børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skyggebjerg, Anna Karlskov

    Bogen indeholder en redegørelse for den historiske roman som børnelitterær genre. Genren diskuteres i et teoretisk, historisk og analytisk perspektiv. Bogen afsluttes med en række principielle didaktiske overvejelser. Bogen er henvendt til alle, der beskæftiger sig professionelt med børnelitteratur...

  8. Tokoh Dan Penokohan Dalam Roman Panglipur Wuyung

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    Imam Budi Utomo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan model tokoh dan penokohan yang men­ jadi ciri umum dalam roman panglipur wuyung. Untuk itu, teori intrinsik yang mengkhususkan pa­da unsur tokoh dan penokohan digunakan untuk menganalisisnya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat di­ketahui bahwa sebagian besar tokoh dan penokohan dalam roman panglipur wuyung memiliki ti­pologi yang sama, yakni menampilkan tokoh berwatak datar (bersifat hitam­putih, tam­ pan/cantik, mengusung tokoh hero, dan lain­lain yang merupakan tokoh ideal dengan penggambaran yang klise. Abstract: This research aims to reveal the common feature of character and characterization models in the panglipur wuyung novelette. Therefore, the intrinsic theory specializing in characters and characterizations is used to analyze it. From the research result, it can be seen that most of the characters and characterizations in the panglipur wuyung novelette have the same typology, which shows flat character (black and white features handsome/beautiful, and carries the hero figures etc. which is an ideal figure of cliche depiction. Key Words: character and characterization, typology, panglipur wuyung novelette

  9. Roman capitals from Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia

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    Maver Andreja


    Full Text Available The article brings a detailed formal analysis of the Roman capitals from Sirmium, in the light of the stone analysis conducted on the material at the Museum of Srem and elsewhere in Sremska Mitrovica. The capitals dot the historical development of the town from the first half of the 2nd century until the 4th century. First made of regional limestone, they were later joined by those of limestone and marbles of distant source, whereby different stones in capitals coexisted almost throughout the town’s development. This was certainly the situation during the flourishing times of the late 3rd and the 4th century, when Sirmium, as one of the four capitals of the Roman Empire, stood within several formal circles of capitals. The plain-leaved capitals tie it to the rest of Pannonia, the Corinthianizing capitals to the provinces to the east and south, while part of the Asiatic capitals, the largest group, tie it to the wider area of the Mediterranean.

  10. À l’écoute des adaptations de Madame Bovary

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    Mary Donaldson-Evans


    Full Text Available Madame Bovary est un roman bruyant. Depuis le rire des écoliers jusqu’au chant de l’aveugle, Flaubert ne cesse de faire appel à l’ouïe. Que ce soit le son des cloches, le ronflement continu du tour de Binet ou le meuglement des vaches (pour ne mentionner que quelques-uns des nombreux bruits évoqués, la musique de la vie quotidienne en province fait partie intégrante de la narration. Rien de plus facile au cinéaste que de reproduire à l’écran ce mimétisme sonore du texte réaliste. Pourtant, une analyse de la bande-son de diverses adaptations révèle une interprétation souvent originale du texte.  Les ressources de la sonothèque ainsi que l’exploitation de diverses techniques relatives à la piste sonore (voix-off, musique diégétique et extra-diégétique, etc. permettent aux cinéastes de mettre leur propre griffe à leurs adaptations.Madame Bovary is a noisy novel. From the laughter of the school children to the blind man’s song, Flaubert constantly appeals to the sense of hearing. Whether it be the ringing of church bells, the continuous humming of Binet’s lathe or the lowing of cattle (to mention only a few of the numerous sounds evoked in the novel, the music of daily life in the provinces is an integral part of the narration.  Theoretically, there is nothing easier for the filmmaker than to reproduce on the screen this sonorous mimicry of the realist text. However, an analysis of the soundtrack of various adaptations reveals an often original interpretation of the text. The resources of the sound effects library as well as the exploitation of certain techniques associated with the soundtrack (voiceover, diegetic and extra-diegetic music, etc. allow filmmakers to put their own stamp on their adaptations.

  11. Maritime trade contacts of Odisha, east coast of India with the Roman world: An appraisal

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Tripati, S.; Patnaik, S.K.; Pradhan, G.C.

    The present state of Odisha (previously known as Kalinga, Utkal,Odra and Orissa) lies on the east coast of India, and is known forits maritime contacts with the Roman world since the early histori-cal period, if not earlier. Initially, the Romans...

  12. Location of quarries of magnesian lime used as raw material of Roman plasters in western Lombardy (Italy

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    Roberto Bugini


    Full Text Available Lime as building material was widely diffused in Roman architecture of western Lombardy. The presence of magnesite (magnesium carbonate was detected in painted plasters coming from roman sites of Milano: magnesite indicates the use of dolomite to make the lime. Dolomite rocks widely outcrop in the Lombard Prealps: light grey dolomites and dolomitic limestones (Dolomia del Salvatore, Ladinian-Anisian; grey dolomites, sometimes with cyclothemes (Dolomia Principale, Norian. There is no evidence of Roman lime quarries or kilns in this area; the Romans probably exploited the same dolomite outcrops, located along the eastern shore of lake Maggiore, where lime was produced from the Middle Ages onwards. The glacio-fluvial deposits of the middle course of the river Adda (cobbles, pebbles of siliceous limestone together with limestone and dolomite outcropping in the river basin were another medieval and modern source of raw material, mainly to make a moderately hydraulic lime (called “calce forte”, but this kind of lime is lacking in Roman plasters.

  13. Incentive loss and hippocampal gene expression in inbred Roman high- (RHA-I) and Roman low- (RLA-I) avoidance rats. (United States)

    Sabariego, Marta; Morón, Ignacio; Gómez, M José; Donaire, Rocío; Tobeña, Adolf; Fernández-Teruel, Alberto; Martínez-Conejero, José A; Esteban, Francisco J; Torres, Carmen


    Two recent microarray and qRT-PCR studies showed that inbred Roman high- (RHA-I, low anxiety and frustration vulnerability) and low-avoidance (RLA-I, high anxiety and frustration vulnerability) rats, psychogenetically selected on the basis of their divergence in two-way avoidance performance, differed in basal whole-brain and hippocampal expression of genes related to neurotransmission, emotion, stress, aversive learning, and drug seeking behavior. We have extended these studies by analyzing strain differences in hippocampal gene expression following a frustrative experience involving reward downshift, i.e. instrumental successive negative contrast (iSNC), a phenomenon in which the sudden reduction of an expected reward induces frustration/anxiety. Food-deprived male Roman rats were exposed to a reduction in the amount of solid food presented in the goal of a straight alley (from 12 pellets in "training" trials - i.e. preshift trials- to 2 pellets in "frustration testing" trials - i.e. postshift trials-). The iSNC effect, as measured by response latencies in the "postshift" trials, appeared only in RLA-I rats (i.e. higher response latencies in the 12-2 RLA-I group as compared to the 2-2 RLA-I control group in postshift trials). Two and a half hours after the "postshift" behavioral test, hippocampi were removed and stored (-80°C) until analysis. Microarray analysis of these hippocampi showed that four differentially-expressed, and qRT-PCR-validated genes (TAAR2, THAP1, PKD2L1, NANOS), have relevance for brain function and behavior, including schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and drug addiction, thus showing the usefulness of Roman strains as a genetic model for research on the neurogenetic basis of frustration. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Tänavuse Roman Tavasti nimelise stipendiumi... / Kadri Mälk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mälk, Kadri, 1958-


    2007. aasta Roman Tavasti nimelise stipendiumi pälvis Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ehtekunsti eriala üliõpilane Linda al-Assi, kes on sündinud Alzheerias, kasvanud Pärnus. Linda al-Assi ehteseeriast teemal "Andestus"

  15. Locating the timacum maius station on the roman road lissus-naissus-ratiaria: New archaeological research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petrović Vladimir P.


    Full Text Available As the exact location of two Timacum stations remains an open issue, the results of the latest archaeological investigations in the environs of Svrljig, southeast Serbia, seem to offer some corroborative evidence for the hypothesis proposed in our previous contribution that this might be the location of Roman Timacum Maius. A small-scale trial excavation was undertaken on the Roman site at Kalnica in the Niševac village area in July 2008. A trench 4 by 2m was opened in the zone of the site that had yielded plentiful fragments of building debris as well as small finds. A massive wall over 1m thick was found immediately beneath the surface. Built of bro­ken limestone and pebbles bound with lime mortar, it obviously was part of a larger structure. To the northeast of the wall was an area covered with fragmented roof tiles. The discovery of two ceramic tumuli embedded in the wall, indicating a wall-heating system so far unregistered on the representative Roman urban and settlement sites in Serbia, gives additional grounds to presume that this was a larger Roman settlement extending over an area of more than 5ha, possibly Timacum Maius, a station on the Roman road Lissus-Ratiaria-Naissus.

  16. The plague under Marcus Aurelius and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. (United States)

    Fears, J Rufus


    The Roman Empire of the second century was a superpower that, in relative terms, dominated its world as much as the United States does today. In 166 AD, a plague broke out od pandemic proportions. The pandemic ravaged the entire extent of the Roman Empire, from its eastern frontiers in Iraq to its western frontiers on the Rhine River and Gaul, modern France, and western Germany. The disease is identified most often as smallpox, but it may have been anthrax. The study of bacterial DNA may enable identification of this plague that ravaged the Roman Empire at recurrent intervals for more than 100 years and that had a significant role in the decline and fall of this great superpower.

  17. La question de l’identité dans le roman policier israélien : le cas Ohayon Question of Identity in Detective Novels לשאלת הזהות ברומן הבלשי

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Azerad-Sitbon


    Full Text Available La question de l’identité dans le roman policier israélien. Batya Gur est le premier auteur à avoir relancé le roman policier en Israël, un style qui avait disparu de la scène littéraire depuis la création de l’État en 1948.L’étendue de son travail se compose de six romans écrits entre 1988 et 2004. Son héros, le commissaire Michael Ohayon, natif du Maroc, enquête sur certains groupes privilégiés de la société israélienne, dont les membres sont parmi les fondateurs de l’État. Un crime perpétré dans les rangs de ces microsociétés (psychanalystes, professeurs d’université, membres de kibboutz, musiciens, cinéastes, submerge ces groupes de référents et également leur fils spirituel, Michael Ohayon, et remet en question le fondement idéologique des Pères fondateurs. Cette enquête idéologique au sein des groupes sociaux élevés et d’un point de vue personnel (Michael Ohayon offre un nouveau regard aux questions d'autodéfinition telles que « qui êtes-vous ? Que voulons-nous être ? » à une société confrontée à la diversification sociale et politique.Batya Gur is the first author to revive the detective genre in Israel, a genre that had disappeared from the literary scene since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.Her body of detective works is made up of six novels written between 1988 and 2004. Her hero, Superintendent Michael Ohayon, native to Morocco, makes his investigations into privileged groups of Israeli society, whose members are among the State’s founders.Crime that is perpetrated in the ranks of those micro-societies (psychoanalysts, professors of University, kibbutz’s members, musicians, film-makers, overwhelms these groups of Referents and also their spiritual son, Michael Ohayon, and calls into question the ideological foundation of the Founding Fathers.This ideological investigation within the high social groups and within the own personal view (Michael Ohayon gives a

  18. Mas Gusó: a Roman military Settlement in the suburbium of Emporiae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josep Casas Genover


    Full Text Available Although the site of Mas Gusó (province of Girona has been interpreted as a Roman uilla, this is actually a public building. Its existence have to be contextualized within the frame of the structures established by the Roman authority for territorial control closely linked to the creation of a new road network and a tax collection system. We also analyse its survival until the 3rd century AD, which are closely related to the nearby city of Emporiae.

  19. Sewerage system (cloaca) in Roman law


    Aličić, Samir


    Sewerage system (cloaca), which implies any cavity through which waste water flows, has in Roman law a special legal protection due to its importance for public health preservation and safety of citizens. In Praetorian Edict, two interdicts are envisaged; one prohibitory, by which private sewerage system is protected and one restitutory, by which public sewerage system is protected. It is possible that a restitutory interdict about private sewerage system existed. By the public sewerage inter...

  20. Urban Life and Local Politics in Roman Bithynia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes

    Most studies of Roman local administration focus on the formal structures of power, as defined by imperial laws, urban institutions and magistracies. This book explores the interplay of formal power with informal factors such as social prejudice, parochialism and personal rivalries in the cities...

  1. Trade, Strategy and Communications on the Roman North-East Frontier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes


    The reorganisation of Pontos that Pompey carried out after defeating Mithradates VI Eupator has traditionally been seen as an example of enlightened Roman policy towards the provincials, which included the introduction of civic self-government and the promotion of commercial life. These goals...... Pompey attempted to achieve by establishing five urban communities along an existing east-west artery known as the “Pontic road”. A closer examination of the textual evidence and the actual remains of the “Pontic road”, however, indicate that the road had not been a trade route of any significance before...... the Roman conquest and that the motives behind Pompey’s dispositions were of a strategic, rather than a commercial, nature....

  2. Analysis of Roman glass from Albania by PIXE–PIGE method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Šmit, Ž.; Tartari, F.; Stamati, F.; Vevecka Priftaj, A.; Istenič, J.


    A series of 31 Roman glasses dated to the 1st–4th c. AD from the present Albania was analyzed by the combined PIXE–PIGE method. The analysis shows typical natron-based glass of the Roman period, though statistical treatment using principal component analysis and bivariate plots reveals four distinct groups, which are qualified by increased levels of potassium, magnesium and titanium–manganese–iron oxides, respectively. MgO content may exceed 2% and reach the level commonly accepted for halophytic plant-ash glass. The groups are formed on account of mineral impurities in the sand, which gives support to the thesis of multiple production centers of raw glass in the imperial age

  3. Le principe roman

    CERN Document Server

    Ferrari, Jérôme


    Fasciné par la figure du physicien allemand Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), fondateur de la mécanique quantique, inventeur du célèbre "principe d'incertitude" et Prix Nobel de physique en 1932, un jeune aspirant-philosophe désenchanté s'efforce, à l'aube du XXIe siècle, de considérer l'incomplétude de sa propre existence à l'aune des travaux et de la destinée de cet exceptionnel homme de sciences qui incarne pour lui la rencontre du langage scientifique et de la poésie, lesquels, chacun à leur manière, en ouvrant la voie au scandale de l'inédit, dessillent les yeux sur le monde pour en révéler la mystérieuse beauté que ne cessent de confisquer le matérialisme à l'œuvre dans l'Histoire des hommes.

  4. Ekphrasis Earos. Le topos de la venue du printemps chez des auteurs byzantins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Loukaki


    Full Text Available La description de la venue du printemps (ekphrasis earos, un topos aux composantes spécifiques dans la littérature de la seconde sophistique, devint l’ objet d’ enseignement reproduit de façon stéréotypée dans les écoles de Rhétorique protobyzantines. La symbolique de la renaissance de la nature s’ est révélée particulièrement favorable à la didascalie chrétienne comme image du Christ ressuscité ; ainsi, l’ekphrasis earos se retrouve dans plusieurs homélies sur Pâques, le Baptême, la Nativité du Christ, l’Annonciation de la Vierge, etc. La jonction de la tradition chrétienne avec la tradition païenne dans la composition des descriptions du printemps semble qu’ elle fut favorisée dans le milieu scolaire de l’ époque médio-byzantine. Les ekphraseis earos de Libanius (Progym. XII 7, de Grégoire de Nazianze (Or. 44 et de Pseudo-Méléagre (AP IX 363 furent des modèles. À partir du XIIe siècle, les nouvelles tendances de la littérature, qui ont remis à l’honneur le roman d’ amour, le monde naturel et les détails de la vie quotidienne, ont donné lieu à des compositions dépourvues de toute allusion chrétienne.

  5. Roman primacy and the development of the synodal institution in the period of the Arian controversy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zakharov Georgii


    Full Text Available The object of this study is process of evolution of church organization in the 4th century, especially the relationships between Roman primacy and synodal institution in the epoch of the Arian controversy. The author examines evolution of the institution of the Roman synod and practice of participation of the Roman See in church councils outside Rome, focusing on the unsuccessful attempt to convene the general council in Rome in 382. Analysis of historical data shows that the ability of the Roman see to organize in a short time a representative council (mainly of the Italian bishops allowed Rome to claim for a special status within the church communion. In the same time the Roman See did not become in the 4th century the center of conciliar activity at the universal level. Participation of Rome in Ecumenical and Western councils was quite passive. In the second part of the paper the author attempts to reconstruct various models of church organization, which were typical for the western and the eastern episcopate in the 4th century. The author concludes that the real initiator of the development of universal primacy of Rome was not originally the pope, but the western episcopate (council of Serdica, 343. In the second part of the 4th century pope Damasus developed this conception, putting the principle of primacy of the Roman See as the chair of Peter above principle of synodal consensus. At the same time eastern bishops considered the Roman chair as the center of the West, rather than the head of the whole Church. Sometimes they invited bishop of Rome and other western bishops to act as arbiters in the eastern conflicts, but more often they defended the idea of full autonomy of the East.

  6. Efficacité des néonicotinoïdes et des pyréthrinoïdes utilisés contre le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Efficacité des néonicotinoïdes et des pyréthrinoïdes utilisés contre le foreur des tiges du cacaoyer ( Eulophonotus myrmeleon Felder : Lepidoptera, Cossidae). Implications dans la stratégie de protection de la cacaoculture en Côte d'Ivoire.

  7. Roman Ways: The Endurance of Patterns in Travel and Hospitality from Antiquit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bradford T. Hudson, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Although it seems clear that multi-unit hotel and restaurant brands proliferated in the United States during the twentieth century, historical research demonstrates that the phenomenon is actually much older. The origins of hospitality chains can be traced back to the Roman Empire. Organizational systems and travel behaviors have remained remarkably similar throughout Western civilization during the past two millennia. The Roman relay station, the medieval post house, the New England inn, the railroad restaurant, and the highway hotel all share a common heritage.

  8. Remo cum fratre Quirinus: Metamorphoses of the Roman Foundation Myth from its Beginnings to Horace

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Špela Tomažinčič


    Full Text Available From the first reference to Romulus by Alcimus, a historian from the mid-fourth century BC, where the hero appears alone, down to the age of Augustus, the story of the foundation of Rome underwent considerable plot changes. The two most important are, firstly, Romulus' later role not merely as a conditor urbis, but – in keeping with the Hellenistic tradition of ktiseis poleon – mainly as a creator gentis and a model of the new Roman, who can subsequently embody a new ethnic identity; and, secondly, the later dichotomy of the founders. The interpretation of the Roman foundation myth must be therefore closely associated with the symbolism of numbers – one founder as opposed to twin founders – as it is reflected in different socio-political and historical contexts. In addition to shaping society, myth also documents all its changes. In the context of replacing a single founder with twin founders, Romulus and Remus, the first critical change is the introduction of Remus. The twin founders imply a double community, a notion which becomes meaningful in Rome only after the plebeian achievement of political equality between 367 and 342 BC. The second significant change is the death of Remus, involving the notion of a foundation sacrifice, for which the evidence points to the crisis of 296 BC. The foundation story also serves as an explanation model for the events in the Late Roman Republic. Horace's pessimistic Seventh Epode evokes the foundation crime of fratricide to explain the tragic pattern of civil wars. As Romulus' successors, the Romans are also heirs to his crime, to the scelus fraternae necis, from which they cannot escape. Moreover, Romulus as a creator gentis represents a potential source for the Roman change of identity, which was regarded as coincidental with the foundation act. This recurring theme is elaborated first in Ennius' Annals and later in Vergil's Aeneid and Horace's Third ‘Roman Ode’. The central motif is Ennius

  9. Edith Wharton's "Roman Fever": A Rune of History. (United States)

    Bauer, Dale M.


    Asserts that "Roman Fever" responds to a reactionary political climate, demonstrating an anti-reactionary thrust to Edith Wharton's fiction. Argues that Wharton deserves credit for articulating the destructive character of a cultural misogyny that led quickly to what she saw in 1933 as "a world whizzing ... crazily to the…

  10. New radiocarbon data to study the history of roman and medieval Florence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, A.; Fedi, M.E.; Cantini, F.; Bruttini, J.; Cartocci, A.; Calabrisotto, C. Scire


    Florence is a town worldwide known for its Renaissance masterpieces. It is often forgotten that it was founded during Roman times and remained a small village until the end of the early Middle Ages, practically confined within the ancient Roman boundaries. Since 2003, an extended archaeological research executed by the University of Sienna has studied the most ancient layers in the centre of Florence with the aim to enhance both the archaeological and paleo-environmental reconstruction of this area. One of the peculiarities of these excavations is that the early medieval layers were poor in datable ceramics, thus charcoals were sampled from different stratigraphic layers in order to contribute to the dating. Several data have already been published; here we focus on the excavation site of Palazzo Vecchio, now the seat of the municipality of Florence. This area is located close to the Arno river, along the eastern margin of the slightly elevated height upon which the Roman town was founded; actually, in the layers beneath the surface, the Roman theatre is still preserved. Radiocarbon dating of charcoals was performed in the LABEC laboratory in Florence, at the AMS beam line of the AMS-IBA 3 MV Tandetron accelerator. Comparison of these new data with the former ones and with the archaeological and geological data adds new information especially on natural phenomena like floods and on the human occupation of this area in the past.

  11. Santé des adolescents et des jeunes au Burkina Faso : état des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il s'est agi d'une étude évaluative ayant utilisé une revue documentaire associée à une interview des acteurs clés et un atelier de validation et d'identification des interventions pertinentes pour un plan stratégique national. La situation de la santé des adolescents et des jeunes est caractérisée par des grossesses précoces ...

  12. Relating 2-Rainbow Domination To Roman Domination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvarado José D.


    Full Text Available For a graph G, let R(G and yr2(G denote the Roman domination number of G and the 2-rainbow domination number of G, respectively. It is known that yr2(G ≤ R(G ≤ 3/2yr2(G. Fujita and Furuya [Difference between 2-rainbow domination and Roman domination in graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 161 (2013 806-812] present some kind of characterization of the graphs G for which R(G − yr2(G = k for some integer k. Unfortunately, their result does not lead to an algorithm that allows to recognize these graphs efficiently. We show that for every fixed non-negative integer k, the recognition of the connected K4-free graphs G with yR(G − yr2(G = k is NP-hard, which implies that there is most likely no good characterization of these graphs. We characterize the graphs G such that yr2(H = yR(H for every induced subgraph H of G, and collect several properties of the graphs G with R(G = 3/2yr2(G.

  13. La fabrique des sciences des institutions aux pratiques

    CERN Document Server

    Benninghoff, Martin; Crettaz von Roten, Fabienne; Merz, Martina


    Aujourd'hui, les façons de produire, d'organiser, d'évaluer et d'utiliser les savoirs sont en profond débat. De plus en plus, l'Etat, la société civile et l'économie tentent d'influencer les activités des universités et des laboratoires de recherche. Ces développements mettent à l'épreuve tout à la fois les fondements des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche, l'autonomie des institutions scientifiques, la définition des frontières des savoirs et l'acceptation des sciences. Dans des contextes suisses et européens, cet ouvrage s'intéresse aux manières dont les sciences et les technologies sont fabriquées, en analysant leurs institutions et les pratiques. A partir d'une approche relationnelle, les sciences et les technologies sont conçues comme des phénomènes profondément sociaux, culturels et politiques. Une telle démarche déstabilise les visions parfois idéalisées et stéréotypées de la construction des savoirs. Des études de cas détaillées décrivent des phénomè...

  14. Roman concept of mental capacity to make end-of-life decisions. (United States)

    Mendelson, Danuta


    When assessing decisional competence of patients, psychiatrists have to balance the patients' right to personal autonomy, their condition and wishes against principles of medical ethics and professional discretion. This article explores the age-old legal and ethical dilemmas posed by refusal of vital medical treatment by patients and their mental capacity to make end-of-life decisions against the background of philosophical, legal and medical approaches to these issues in the time of the Younger Pliny (c62-c113 CE). Classical Roman discourse regarding mental competency and "voluntary death" formed an important theme of the vast corpus of Greco-Roman writings, which was moulded not only by legal permissibility of suicide but also by philosophical (in modern terms, moral or ethical) considerations. Indeed, the legal and ethical issues of evaluating the acceptability of end of life decisions discussed in the Letters are as pertinent today as they were 2000 years ago. We may gain valuable insights about our own methodologies and frames of reference in this area of the law and psychiatry by examining Classical Roman approaches to evaluating acceptability of death-choices as described in Pliny's Letters and the writings of some of his peers.

  15. A multi-technique approach for the characterization of Roman mural paintings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toschi, Francesco [CNR-IMIP (Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi), Area della Ricerca Roma 1, Via Salaria Km. 29,300, 00016 Monterotondo, Roma, (Italy); Paladini, Alessandra, E-mail: [CNR-IMIP (Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi), Area della Ricerca Roma 1, Via Salaria Km. 29,300, 00016 Monterotondo, Roma, (Italy); Colosi, Francesca [CNR-ITABC (Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali), Area della Ricerca Roma 1, Via Salaria Km. 29,300, 00016 Monterotondo, Roma (Italy); Cafarelli, Patrizia; Valentini, Veronica [CNR-IMIP (Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi), Area della Ricerca Roma 1, Via Salaria Km. 29,300, 00016 Monterotondo, Roma, (Italy); Falconieri, Mauro; Gagliardi, Serena [ENEA, C.R. Casaccia, via Anguillarese 301, 00060 Roma (Italy); Santoro, Paola [CNR-ISMA (Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico), Area della Ricerca Roma 1, Via Salaria Km. 29,300, 00016 Monterotondo, Roma (Italy)


    In the frame of an ongoing archeological study on the Sabina area, a countryside close to Rome, white and red samples of roman wall paintings have been investigated by combining X-ray diffraction and different spectroscopic methodologies, namely laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, μ-Raman and Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy. The used multi-technique approach has allowed the unambiguous identification of the red pigment as red ochre and has provided insight on the provenance of both the pigment and the material used for the realization of the wall paintings. The experimental results have confirmed some assumptions on the use of local materials in roman rural architecture.

  16. Interrogating Infanticide/ Child Euthanasia in the Roman Christian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The purpose of this paper is an attempt to examine infanticide practices in the Roman Christian era and interrogate infanticide and child euthanasia in the same era. It also attempts to point out infanticide practices in Abuja and makes a distinction between infanticide and child euthanasia in Abuja. The study employed ...

  17. Pierre Swiggers, Les Conceptions linguistiques des Encyclopédistes, Etude sur Ia constitution d'une théorie de Ia grammaire au siècle des Lumières, Sammlung Groos 21, Julius Groos Verlag-Heidelberg- Leuven University Press, Heidelberg 1984, 165 pp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pavao Tekavčić


    Full Text Available Le petit livre dont nous présentons ici lecompte rendu est I'oeuvre du jeune savant Pierre Swiggers, chercheur qualifié au Fonds national beige de la recherche scientifique, linguiste et philologue qui nous a donné dejà une serie d'études, sur le siècle des Lumières (L'Encyclopédie et la linguistique au XVI/le siècle, «Linguisti­ cae Investigationes» 311979; La grammaire dans /'Encyclopédie: Etat actuel des étu­ des, «Beiträge zur romanischen Philologie» 20/1981; La théorie syntaxique dans  /'Encyclopédie, «Lingua e stile» 18/1983 etc., sur l'historiographie linguistique (tout récemment: L'article en français: l'histoire d'un problème grammatical, «Re­ vue de Linguistique Romane» 49/1985, sur la linguistique du XVIIe et du XVIIIe siècle en général, etc. L'Auteur est done bien un spécialiste qualifié pour offrir au public linguistique une synthèse de ses recherches sur les théories grammaticales dans l'Encyclopédie.

  18. Measuring the Contribution of Roman Catholic Secondary Schools to Students' Religious, Personal and Social Values (United States)

    Village, Andrew; Francis, Leslie J.


    Roman Catholic schools have been part of the state-funded system of education in England and Wales since the 1850s. Currently, Roman Catholic schools provide places for around 10% of students attending state-maintained primary and secondary schools. The present study employed data collected during the 1990s to compare a range of religious, social,…

  19. Lime-pozzolana mortars in Roman catacombs: composition, structures and restoration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez-Moral, Sergio; Luque, Luis; Canaveras, Juan-Carlos; Soler, Vicente; Garcia-Guinea, Javier; Aparicio, Alfredo


    Analyses of microsamples collected from Roman catacombs and samples of lime-pozzolana mortars hardened in the laboratory display higher contents in carbonated binder than other subaerial Roman monuments. The measured environmental data inside the Saint Callistus and Domitilla catacombs show a constant temperature of 15-17 deg C, a high CO 2 content (1700 to 3500 ppm) and a relative humidity close to 100%. These conditions and particularly the high CO 2 concentration speed-up the lime calcitization roughly by 500% and reduce the cationic diffusion to form hydrous calcium aluminosilicates. The structure of Roman catacomb mortars shows (i) coarser aggregates and thicker beds on the inside, (ii) thin, smoothed, light and fine-grained external surfaces with low content of aggregates and (iii) paintings and frescoes on the outside. The observed high porosity of the mortars can be attributed to cracking after drying linked with the high binder content. Hardened lime lumps inside the binder denote low water/mortar ratios for slaking. The aggregate tephra pyroclasts rich in aluminosilicate phases with accessorial amounts of Ba, Sr, Rb, Cu and Pb were analysed through X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and also by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) to identify the size and distribution of porosity. Results support procedures using local materials, special mortars and classic techniques for restoration purposes in hypogeal backgrounds

  20. The historiography of the Later Roman Empire: from maximal state to minimal state, and back again

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uiran Gebara da Silva


    Full Text Available The paper analyses the conceptual models of state used by the scholarship of the later Roman Empire. The argument here developed is that it is possible to identify an oscillation between opposing conceptions of state, sometimes maximalist, sometimes minimalist, and that such conceptions have almost always served as an explanatory structure of the later Roman Empire historical developments, with the greater or smaller size of that State seen alternately as the cause for either the disarticulation or maintenance of the Roman system in the Mediterranean. The paper presents an historical review of those conceptions, elaborates on their connections with the debate between modernism and primitivism in the ancient economy and deals with their structuring ideological assumptions and the almost ubiquitous presence of liberal ideological categories and assumptions (even among Marxist authors. The paper concludes by reflecting on how this historiographical opposition between minimalist and maximalist conceptions obscures our understanding of the class relations of the later Roman imperial system of government.

  1. Kerttu Wagner. Die historischen romane von Jaan Kross / Wolfgang Drechsler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Drechsler, Wolfgang, 1963-


    Arvustus: Wagner, Kerttu. Die historischen Romane von Jaan Kross : am Beispiel einer Untersuchung der deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen von "Professor Martensi ärasõit" (1984). Frankfurt am Main [etc.] : P. Lang, 2001.

  2. Tracés de brumes. Cheminements à travers L’évaporation de l’oncle de Christine Montalbetti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Nguyen


    Full Text Available Le thème des liens familiaux, celui de l’enquête, ainsi que l’aspect de fusion avec l’environnement naturel sont particulièrement forts ici. Nous traduirons cet aspect par l’analyse du cheminement corporel et spirituel de Yasu. Nous savons également que ce roman a longtemps été en gestation. Il est parfois désigné par les termes « roman japonais », qui correspond aussi à des occurrences des romans d’Haruki Murakami cités dans ses œuvres, comme le sera également Kurosawa. Mais plus que des films, ou qu’une fiction du genre « japonais », le roman, par son aspect pictural, nous rappelle des estampes et le trait du pinceau. Nous poursuivrons alors la trace, le tracé laissé par le cheminement de la plume faisant apparaître creux et pleins, brumes et clairières, secrets et souvenirs. Dans l’idée de réunir le corps de Yasu, vecteur commun à l’auteur et au lecteur, et la sensorialité visuelle, poétique et elliptique du trait de l’auteur, nous vous emmènerons enfin dans les différentes couches de temps qui stratifient le récit, mêlant à la sensation immédiate du chemin parcouru par Yasu les résonances de scènes passées ou rêvées.

  3. Diffractive dijet search with Roman pots at CDF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melese, P.L.


    We present the results of a search for diffractive dijets produced in p anti p collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV from data collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab using a Roman pot trigger. The dijet events exhibit additional diffractive characteristics such as rapidity gaps and boosted center-of-mass systems

  4. Tombes et cimetières éthiopiens : des rois, des saints, des anonymes1


    Derat, Marie-Laure


    L’histoire des tombes et cimetières éthiopiens, dans la longue durée, en est encore à ses balbutiements. Si les tombes des saints et des rois nous sont un peu mieux connus grâce à des textes témoignant à la fois des enjeux entourant les sépultures de ces personnages hors du commun et des soins apportés à leur inhumation, en revanche, les cimetières ordinaires échappent encore largement à l’enquête, en grande partie parce que le commun des mortels est inhumé dans l’anonymat et dans un grand dé...

  5. Moses/Musaeus/Mochos and his God Yahweh, Iao, and Sabaoth, seen from a Graeco-Roman perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Kooten, G.H.; Kooten, G.H. van


    George H. van Kooten, “Moses/Musaeus/Mochos and His God Yahweh, Iao, and Sabaoth, Seen from a Graeco-Roman Perspective,” in The Revelation of the Name YHWH to Moses: Perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman World, and Early Christianity (ed. George H. van Kooten; Themes in Biblical

  6. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Face à ce constat, le défi de la recherche serait la détermination du niveau actuel de contamination des légumes feuilles et des eaux du barrage et celui de l'État serait l'initiation de programmes de sensibilisation des producteurs par rapport à une gestion plus rigoureuse des pesticides. Mots-clés : pratiques paysannes, ...

  7. La convergence des rôles respectifs des relationnistes et des journalistes influence-t-elle la perception qu'ils ont les uns des autres?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valentini, Chiara


    la convergence des rôles respectifs des praticiens des relations publiques et des journalistes a un effet favorable sur la perception qu’ils ont les uns des autres. L’effet est plus marqué chez les praticiens des relations publiques, car leur vision de la profession en journalisme correspond à celle...

  8. Mécanique des sols et des roches

    CERN Document Server

    Vullier, Laurent; Zhao, Jian


    La mécanique des sols et la mécanique des roches sont des disciplines généralement traitées séparément dans la littérature. Pour la première fois, un traité réunit ces deux spécialités, en intégrant également les connaissances en lien avec les écoulements souterrains et les transferts thermiques. A la fois théorique et pratique, cet ouvrage propose tout d'abord une description détaillée de la nature et de la composition des sols et des roches, puis s'attache à la modélisation de problèmes aux conditions limites et présente les essais permettant de caractériser les sols et les roches, tant d'un point de vue mécanique qu'hydraulique et thermique. La problématique des sols non saturés et des écoulements multiphasiques est également abordée. Une attention particulière est portée aux lois de comportement mécanique et à la détermination de leurs paramètres par des essais in situ et en laboratoire, et l'ouvrage offre également une présentation détaillée des systèmes de classi...

  9. The Roman Road System in the Golan: Highways, Paths and Tracks in Quotidian Life


    Pažout Adam


    Roman Imperial Roads (highways) built, maintained and organized by the Roman army and provincial authorities were studied in the Golan Heights since Schumacher’s surveys in the 1880s. However, most of these were obliterated by building and agricultural activity since the beginning of the 20th century. Local ancient road system, linking individual communities and their agricultural land was never studied, since it barely leaves a trace in archaeological record. This paper presents reconstructi...

  10. Lead sheathing of ship hulls in the Roman period: Archaeometallurgical characterisation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kahanov, Yaacov, E-mail: [Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905 (Israel); Ashkenazi, Dana [Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978 (Israel)


    An archaeometallurgical analysis of samples of lead sheathing from five ships of the Roman period was carried out in order to determine their composition and microstructure, and to obtain a better understanding of their manufacturing processes. The examinations included optical microscopy of metallographic cross-sections, microhardness tests, scanning electron microscopy, including energy dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that the samples were all composed of lead covered with an oxide layer. The sheet thicknesses, microhardness values and microhardness distribution, as well as the grain size distribution, led to the conclusion that all of the sheets were produced by the same technology, using hammering, and were probably used for the same purpose. The presence of antimony was observed in the sample from the Roman ship from Caesarea, which may hint at an Italian (Sardinian) origin of the material, and perhaps of the ship. - Research Highlights: {yields} During the Roman period ship hulls were sheathed with lead. {yields} Five samples have been analysed for their characteristics and manufacturing process. {yields} The process was cold-working (strain-hardening) using hammering. {yields} The lead was open-casted on a flat stone, and later hammered at room temperature. {yields} Antimony in the Caesarea shipwreck may indicate an Italian origin of construction.

  11. Ulpian's Appeal to Nature : Roman Law as Universal Law

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer, René


    In this paper I argue that against the political and perhaps even religiously motivated background of the Constitutio Antoniniana, in order to further enhance the appeal of Roman law, Ulpian seeks to connect law and nature by using Stoic terminology. However, his usage of this terminology is

  12. The Concept of ‘Due Performance’ (solutio of Civil Obligations in Classic Roman Law: Content and Scope

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Natalia Robles Bacca


    Full Text Available This article displays a chronological journey of some of the sources of Roman Law that allows us to establish the concept of the “due performance” in Rome. To this extent, we proceed to a reflection of the modifications and adjustments occurred regarding the concept of solutio, during archaic and classical Roman law. Therefore, we will focus on the exegetical study of some other Roman sources, which contains references to solutio, solvere and satisfactio, in order to establish through this path, the structural antecedent of the current notion of “due performance of obligations”.

  13. Marius and Trajan: Two Great Roman Strategists (United States)


    soon respected as a good commander upon whom a soldier could count. His fairness of command is best demonstrated in an incident related by Plutarch their discomfort and problems. (10:343) Plutarch also gave credit to Marius for altering the construction of the javelin. Marius replaced one of...Putnam’s Sons, 1927. 10. Plutarch (Translated by John Dryden, Revised by Arthur Hugh Clough). The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. Chicago

  14. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 sept. 2017 ... ... de Biochimie et Immunologie Appliquée, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Biologiques, Alimentaires et .... l'intoxication des agriculteurs et des consommateurs, ... source d'alimentation en eau et au pouvoir d'achat des.

  15. A double-voiced reading of Romans 13:1–7 in light of the imperial cult

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of double-voicedness and James Scott's theory of public and hidden transcripts, this essay investigates the colonial context of Romans 13:1–7 with particular attention to the Roman imperial cult. It is my contention that Paul attempts to persuade the audience to resist the imperial cult, ...

  16. The nonagon as a tool for the drawing of the Roman Theatre of Lecce

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    Giampiero Mele


    Full Text Available  The signs of the Roman city of Lupiae, current Lecce, are many and among them the most noteworthy is the Roman Theatre. The monument has been accidentally discovered during the excavations for the foundations of a house in 1929  and it is located short distance from another landmark of the Roman Lecce: the amphitheatre. The chance of utilizing a the latest threedimensional technology for the detection of the  ruins was an opportunity to study the model of the survey obtained. The analysis of the latter reveals a mismatch with the instructions in “De Architectura” by Vitruvius and shows a particular use of the nonagon for the  design of its iconography. This study aims to compare the hypothesis obtained from the analysis of the metrological survey with the rules explained in the work of Vitruvio to underline similarities and differences between theory and practice.

  17. Tourist Valorization of Cultural Route “The Trail of the Roman Emperors“

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    Sanja Božić


    Full Text Available Cultural routes appear as a new concept that turned to be very beneficial in terms of the revitalization and presentation of cultural heritage in its broader sense - from archaeological sites to landscapes. These trails provide a unique purview into the spirit of modern countries and their inextricable connection to contemporary time. On the territory of present day Serbia 17 Roman emperors were born, which is one fifth and largest number of Roman emperors born anywhere in the world, outside of Rome. That was a good basis for developing idea of forming cultural route and starting the project „The Trail of the Roman Emperors“ in Serbia. It can be one of the most important topics in the field of cultural tourism in Serbia, and the main goal of this paper is to give a proposal for its valorization and promotion for the tourism purposes. This will be achieved through the evaluation of all elements of tourist valorization on the basis of which general tourist assessment will be formed, while the purpose of SWOT analysis was to detect existing strengths and weaknesses, and provide real opportunities and risks for this cultural route

  18. Modelisation des effets physico-techniques pour la conception des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    automatisation dans les installations industrielles a besoin d'une régulation automatique des commandes des processus technologiques pour lesquelles certaines contraintes sont à relever compte tenu des exigences des innovations scientifiques de ...

  19. Roman Catholic Church and media in information age

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    Kyyak Maksym Tarasovich


    Full Text Available Roman Catholic Church in the modern information age extensively exploits opportunities of traditional and new media. It has always been trying to be a dynamic and successive participant in the global information space. However, the media has become not only the most important attribute of the information society but also one of the most valuable instruments of religious authority.

  20. Medications and their use in the Graeco-Roman era

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    François Retief


    Full Text Available As from the 6th century BC Graeco-Roman medical therapy comprised three components, viz. diet and healthy lifestyle (regimen, surgery and medicaments (pharmacotherapy, of which the latter was the oldest. Although the Corpus Hippocraticum (5th century BC, with minor Egyptian influence, contained no text of medicines as such, and seemed to prefer regimen to medicaments, it nevertheless laid the foundation for the empirical use of pharmacotherapy (free of superstition and magic for the next millennium. The first Greek herbal was produced by Diocles in the 4th century BC, when the botanist Theophrastus also wrote his classic works on plants which contained a significant contribution on herbal medicines. The Alexandrian Medical School systematized and expanded Hippocratic medicine, and Herophilus introduced compound preparations. The concept that medicaments cure illness by restoring the bodily balance of humours and primary properties was largely perpetuated, but new views on physiology were gradually emerging. Unfortunately the bulk of original contributions from Hellenistic doctors are lost to posterity and only known to us through the writings of for example Celsus and Galen in Roman times. The interesting history of theriac, the so-called universal antidote, is reviewed. In the 1st century Dioscorides produced his Materia Medica which remained an authoritative pharmacopoeia up to modern times. Galen’s empiric views on pharmacotherapy (2nd century, still largely based on Hippocrates, became dogma in Medieval times, but mysticism and superstition gradually swept back into medicine. Retrospectively it is clear that with the exception of certain analgesics and narcotics like opium, Graeco-Roman medicaments were pharmacologically inert (even toxic and obtained positive results largely through a placebo effect.

  1. Eesti Maanteemuuseumis lavastub Roman Baskini käe all "Augustikuu teemaja"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veski, Rivo


    Roman Baskini lavastatud komöödia "Augustikuu teemaja" Maanteemuuseumis. Autor John Patrick, mängivad mitmed harrastusteatrite näitlejad, teiste hulgas MTÜ Vilde Teatri liikmed. Peaosas Marko Matvere

  2. Vecteurs Singuliers des Theories des Champs Conformes Minimales (United States)

    Benoit, Louis

    En 1984 Belavin, Polyakov et Zamolodchikov revolutionnent la theorie des champs en explicitant une nouvelle gamme de theories, les theories quantiques des champs bidimensionnelles invariantes sous les transformations conformes. L'algebre des transformations conformes de l'espace-temps presente une caracteristique remarquable: en deux dimensions elle possede un nombre infini de generateurs. Cette propriete impose de telles conditions aux fonctions de correlations qu'il est possible de les evaluer sans aucune approximation. Les champs des theories conformes appartiennent a des representations de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Virasoro, une extension centrale de l'algebre conforme du plan. Ces representations sont etiquetees par h, le poids conforme de leur vecteur de plus haut poids, et par la charge centrale c, le facteur de l'extension centrale, commune a toutes les representations d'une meme theorie. Les theories conformes minimales sont constituees d'un nombre fini de representations. Parmi celles-ci se trouvent des theories unitaires dont les representation forment la serie discrete de l'algebre de Virasoro; leur poids h a la forme h_{p,q}(m)=[ (p(m+1) -qm)^2-1] (4m(m+1)), ou p,q et m sont des entiers positifs et p+q= 2. Ces representations possedent un sous-espace invariant engendre par deux sous-representations avec h_1=h_{p,q} + pq et h_2=h_{p,q} + (m-p)(m+1-q) dont chacun des vecteurs de plus haut poids portent le nom de vecteur singulier et sont notes respectivement |Psi _{p,q}> et |Psi_{m-p,m+1-q}>. . Les theories super-conformes sont une version super-symetrique des theories conformes. Leurs champs appartiennent a des representation de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Neveu-Schwarz, une des deux extensions super -symetriques de l'algebre de Virasoro. Les theories super -conformes minimales possedent la meme structure que les theories conformes minimales. Les representations sont elements de la serie h_{p,q}= [ (p(m+2)-qm)^2-4] /(8m(m+2)) ou p,q et m sont


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    Szabo Csaba


    Full Text Available In this paper the author presents the evolution of the cartographic representation of Roman Dacia in the recent studies of archaeology and ancient history, focusing especially on the lacunas and main problems of foreign (non – Romanian maps, appeared in the last decade in the international scholarship.

  4. Utilisation sans risque des eaux usées, des excréta et des eaux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les responsables de ce projet piloteront l'application et l'adaptation des principes directeurs relatifs à l'utilisation sans risque des eaux usées, des excreta et des eaux grises en agriculture et en aquaculture (Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and Aquaculture), que ...

  5. Nicole Krauss’un Aşkın Tarihi Adlı Romanında Tarihi İzlekler


    KALAY, Faruk


    Modern edebiyatta önemli Yahudi Amerikan yazarlarından olan Nicole Krauss Yahuditoplumundaki yabancılaşma, yalnızlık ve göç konularına değinir. Başarılı romanı olanAşkın Tarihi II. Dünya Savaşı süresince Holokost’a maruz kalan ve etkilerini hissedenYahudi karakterle ilgilidir. Tarihle bütünleşen bu karakterler gerçek hayattakiinsanlardan ve olaylardan esinlenmiştir. Krauss romanında postmodern teknikleri dekullanır. Örneğin iç içe anlatım tekniği okuyucuya romanın kurgusal mı yoksa gerçek mio...

  6. Synthesis of the CRIIRAD laboratory studies concerning the radioactivity in the environment of the Romans-sur-Isere city (2003-2008 era); Synthese des etudes du laboratoire de la CRIIRAD concernant la radioactivite dans l'environnement de la ville de Romans-sur-Isere (periode 2003-2008)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chareyron, B. [CRIIRAD, Le Cime, 471 av. Victor Hugo, 26000 - Valence (France)


    On request of Romans-sur-Isere city, the CRIIRAD organisation (Commission of independent research and information about radioactivity) has carried out a radioecological survey of the ambient gamma radiation in the terrestrial environment of the city. This short note summarizes the results of this survey and stresses on some abnormal radioactivity levels measured in the vicinity of the FBFC-CERCA fuel fabrication plant (Areva Group). (J.S.)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques (FSA), Université d'Abomey-Calavi (UAC), 01 BP 526 Cotonou Bénin. Email : 2Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, Centre de Recherches Agricoles d'Agonkanmey (CRA-A),. Laboratoire des Sciences du Sol, Eau et Environnement (LSSEE).

  8. « Faire clair et vif avec des éléments complexes »

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    Cordula Reichart


    Full Text Available Avec le roman Salammbô et le conte Hérodias, Flaubert se tourne vers l’Antiquité préchrétienne afin de montrer à la modernité, sur le mode « clair et vif », sa complexité, son implication dans des discours de pouvoir religieux et historiographiques. C’est en se penchant sur les sources historiographiques et bibliques que Flaubert décline les stratégies d’exclusion et de surécriture, mettant au jour ce qu’elles refoulent, non pas sous forme de signification alternative, explicite, mais en tant que défiguration, réalisation littérale des corps et des signes.Avec Salammbô, Flaubert écrit une histoire du salut. Carthage, représentée dès le début par la protagoniste Salammbô en tant que pars pro toto, expose les figures cachées de Rome, à laquelle est liée, aussi et surtout, la promesse chrétienne de salut. Dans le nom de Salammbô Flaubert réécrit l’origine de cette figure en fait associée à la Rome chrétienne en s’appuyant sur l’exemple de l’histoire antique de Carthage.Dans Hérodias, Flaubert reprend le thème du triomphe de l’Orient annoncé par Renan et redouté par l’Église catholique. Un danger, pourrait-on dire, qui se réalise dans la figure d’Hérodias et qui est conjuré avec la décapitation de Jean. Dans son rapport inversé avec les textes de référence, Hérodias démasque les ambitions et la volonté hégémonique du modèle de pouvoir propre à l’Église en Orient. La translatio de l’empire romain est radicalisée au moyen de la figure d’Aulus. Aulus peut faire l’objet d’une lecture performative en tant que début et fondement de l’histoire française du salut comme histoire romaine de la perversion.In the novel Salammbô and the short story Hérodias, Flaubert turns to pre-Christian antiquity in order to present modernity its complexity, its entwinement in religious and historiographical discourses of power, in a « clair et vif » manner. In Salammb

  9. variabilite des productions et des revenus des exploitations

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), UMR Innovation,. Montpellier, France. Doubangolo COULIBALY, Email RESUME. La durabilité des systèmes de production à base de coton dans un contexte de variabilité des prix aux producteurs et de ...

  10. Le statut vitaminique des individus et des populations…

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    Icart Jean-Claude


    Full Text Available Comme le souligne un récent rapport du Haut comité de santé publique, le statut vitaminique des individus et des populations demeure une question d’actualité. Si les études ne révèlent plus de signes évocateurs de carence, au plus des problèmes de déficiences pour certains groupes à risque, des interrogations, demeurent malgré le contexte d’abondance, concernant la couverture des besoins, laquelle pourrait s’avérer inférieure aux valeurs considérées comme satisfaisantes.

  11. Application des TIC à l'atténuation des effets des catastrophes dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Amérique centrale est souvent aux prises avec des inondations et des ... (SIG) et de traitement des images, afin de cartographier les dangers et de modéliser les ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill.

  12. The Wisdom of Youth: How Modern Ontario Roman Catholic Students Challenge and Resist the Persistent Colonial Agenda (United States)

    Brennan, Terri-Lynn Kay


    Youth today in Roman Catholic schools are not experiencing the complete freedom of an identity that is unique and valued. They describe the Ontario Roman Catholic school system as if it is still an agent of colonial forces, maintaining imperial power through denominational religious elitism. Using a critical ethnographic methodology within a…

  13. Transfiguring the Dead: The Iconography, Commemorative Use, and Materiality of Mummy Shrouds from Roman Egypt


    Jimenez, Lissette Marie


    The mummy shrouds, often overlooked or dissected into dichotomous parts because of their Hellenistic and Egyptian hybrid pictorial nature, provide unparalleled insight into religious and social facets of life and death in Roman Egypt. Moving beyond the aesthetic properties of these objects and focusing on the symbolic and material functions of the iconography on the shrouds enables a fuller understanding of individual and collective social aspirations of the inhabitants of Roman Egypt. When v...

  14. The Hellenistic Epigram and the Roman Poets of the Augustan Period

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    Jelena Isak Kres


    Full Text Available The paper surveys »Greece through Roman eyes« by searching individual Hellenistic literary epigrams for traces of their impact on the Augustan poets, especially on Vergil, but also on Horace, Propertius, Tibullus, and Ovid. The first section focuses on those passages which echo the poetry of the older generation of epigrammatists (4th—3rd century B.C., particularly Callimachus, Posidippus, and Asclepiades, and the second on those which allude to epigrams composed by the younger generation of Greek authors from the archaic and classical periods of Latin literature, such as Damagetus, Dioscorides, Philodemus, and Crinagoras. Besides the echoes of Greek poetry in the Roman poets’ passages, the paper examines in what ways and to what degree Roman history and Roman authors marked such Greek epigrammatists as Antipater of Sidon or Philip of Thessalonica. A key observation seems to be that Roman authors, albeit they may have written epigrams themselves, nevertheless preferred to embed fragments of epigrammatic poetry (or allusions to it in their longer works, as Vergil did in his Eclogues or the Aeneid. One way in which Vergil played on epigrammatic discourse was to include in the Aeneid recognisable motifs from the Hellenistic literary epigram (e.g. by Anyte and Damagetus, and to treat implicitly through these motifs, embedded in a new context, the same thematic problems as the model epigrams did. Another interesting observation is that the (supposed allusions do not refer exclusively to Greek epigrams but sometimes even to epigrammatic discourse within other poetry genres. An example is Vergil’s passage on Daphnis’ death in the Eclogues, which continues, and alludes to, Theocritus’ episode in the Idylls. While Theocritus’ passage on Daphnis’ death imitates the discourse of funerary epigrams in the voice of Thyrsis or Daphnis himself, Vergil’s passage actually contains a kind of rounded-off, spoken mythological epitaph. Later

  15. La gestion des résultats des entreprises innovantes


    Dumas, Guillaume


    Cette thèse s’intéresse à la gestion des résultats dans le cadre des entreprises innovantes. Elle est constituée de trois articles. Dans le premier, il s’agit d’examiner si les résultats des entreprises innovantes sont gérés et si le stade de développement des innovations influence cette gestion des résultats. Il apparaît que les résultats des entreprises innovantes sont gérés à la hausse. Cette gestion ne semble intervenir qu’au cours de l’activité d’innovation (c’est-à-dire lorsque les entr...

  16. Etude des erreurs d'estimation des populations par la méthode des captures successives (DeLURY, 2 captures et des captures-recaptures (PETERSEN

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    Full Text Available L'estimation des populations naturelles par capture-recapture et par captures successives est souvent entachée d'erreur car, dans de nombreux cas, l'hypothèse fondamentale d'égalité des probabilités de captures pour tous les individus dans le temps et dans l'espace n'est pas respectée. Dans le cas des populations de poissons envisagés ici, les captures ont lieu par la pêche électrique. On a pu chiffrer l'ordre de grandeur des erreurs systématiques faites sur l'estimation des peuplements, en fonction des conditions particulières, biotiques et abiotiques, des différents milieux inventoriés.

  17. 水の変幻 : シュティフター作品に現れた泉の考察


    大澤, 元


    “Die Feldquellen versiegen, die Waldquellen nicht”, legte Adalbert Stifter einer Figur seines Geschichtsromans “Witiko” (1867) in den Mund. Es läßt sich hieraus eine tiefe, hingebende Liebe zu seiner Heimat Böhmen und seinem Vaterland Österreich vermuten. Denn die Entstehungsgeschichte des Romans situiert sich genau mitten im Österreichisch-Preußischen Kriege, worin die Österreicher bei Königgrätz besiegt wurden. Die Antriebskraft zur Entstehung des Romans ist nicht nur auf diesen Krieg zurüc...

  18. Voûtes d’ogives de l’époque romane en Alsace

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    Jean-Philippe Meyer


    Full Text Available La voûte d’ogives fut introduite dans les églises romanes de l’Alsace à partir de 1140-1150 environ (abbatiale de Murbach, collégiale de Lautenbach. Ce mode de voûtement s’imposa jusque dans de nombreux petits édifices à vaisseau unique. Dans les églises basilicales, les vaisseaux couverts de plafonds firent place, durant la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle, à des espaces rythmés d’abord de façon modérée, puis avec plus de vigueur. Vers 1200, les intérieurs furent dotés d’une puissante membrure ; faiblement éclairés, ils relèvent de recherches formelles qui se situent à l’opposé de celles poursuivies, au même moment, par les architectes d’Ile-de-France.Ribbed vaults appeared in the Romanesque churches of Alsace from about 1140-1150, notably at the abbey church of Murbach and the collegiate church of Lautenbach. This form of vaulting was subsequently found in many small buildings with single naves. In basilical churches, the naves covered with ceilings gave way, during the second half of the twelfth century, to spaces at first marked with discrete rythms, then with more vigour. Towards 1200, the interiors were characterised by strongly stated ribs. These dimly lit spaces suggest formal designs that were very different from the ones being developed at the same time by the architects of the Ile-de-France region.

  19. Astrology in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture (United States)

    Campion, Nicholas


    This article deals with astrology in Greek and Roman culture. It considers astrology's theoretical background, technical basis, interpretative conventions, social functions, religious and political uses, and theory of fate, as well as critiques of it. Astrology is the name given to a series of diverse practices based in the idea that the stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena possess significance and meaning for events on Earth. It assumes a link between Earth and sky in which all existence—spiritual, psychological, and physical—is interconnected. Most premodern cultures practiced a form of astrology. A particularly complex variety of it evolved in Mesopotamia in the first and second millennia BCE from where it was imported into the Hellenistic world from the early 4th century BCE onward. There it became attached to three philosophical schools: those pioneered by Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics, all of which shared the assumption that the cosmos is a single, living, integrated whole. Hellenistic astrology also drew on Egyptian temple culture, especially the belief that the soul could ascend to the stars. By the 1st century CE the belief in the close link between humanity and the stars had become democratized and diversified into a series of practices and schools of thought that ranged across Greek and Roman culture. It was practiced at the imperial court and in the street. It could be used to predict individual destiny, avert undesirable events, and arrange auspicious moments to launch new enterprises. It could advise on financial fortunes or the condition of one's soul. It was conceived of as natural science and justified by physical influences, or considered to be divination, concerned with communication with the gods and goddesses. In some versions the planets were neither influences nor causes of events on Earth, but timing devices, which indicated the ebb and flow of human affairs, like the hands on a modern clock. Astrology had a radical view of

  20. Looking for Colour on Greek and Roman Sculpture


    Amanda Claridge


    Review of: Vinzenz Brinkmann, Oliver Primavesi, Max Hollein, (eds), Circumlitio. The Polychromy of Antique and Medieval Sculpture. Liebighaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main, 2010. New scientific methods now being applied to the analysis of traces of pigments and gilding on ancient Greek and Roman marble statuary, and other marble artefacts, have the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the relationship between form and colour in antiquity. At present the enquiry is still...

  1. Injectabilite des coulis de ciment dans des milieux fissures (United States)

    Mnif, Thameur

    Le travail presente ici est un bilan du travaux de recherche effectues sur l'injectabilite des coulis de ciment dans lu milieux fissures. Un certain nombre de coulis a base de ciment Portland et microfin ont ete selectionnes afin de caracteriser leur capacite a penetrer des milieux fissures. Une partie des essais a ete menee en laboratoire. L'etude rheologique des differents melanges a permis de tester l'influence de l'ajout de superplastifiant et/ou de fumee de silice sur la distribution granulometrique des coulis et par consequent sur leur capacite a injecter des colonnes de sable simulant un milieu fissure donne. La classe granulometrique d'un coulis, sa stabilite et sa fluidite sont apparus comme les trois facteurs principaux pour la reussite d'une injection. Un facteur de finesse a ete defini au cours de cette etude: base sur la classe granulometrique du ciment et sa stabilite, il peut entrer dans la formulation theorique du debit d'injection avant application sur chantier. La deuxieme et derniere partie de l'etude presente les resultats de deux projets de recherche sur l'injection realises sur chantier. L'injection de dalles de beton fissurees a permis le suivi de l'evolution des pressions avec la distance au point d'injection. L'injection de murs de maconnerie a caractere historique a montre l'importance de la definition de criteres de performance des coulis a utiliser pour traiter un milieu donne et pour un objectif donne. Plusieurs melanges peuvent ainsi etre predefinis et mis a disposition sur le chantier. La complementarite des ciments traditionnels et des ciments microfins devient alors un atout important. Le choix d'utilisation de ces melanges est fonction du terrain rencontre. En conclusion, cette recherche etablit une methodologie pour la selection des coulis a base de ciment et des pressions d'injection en fonction de l'ouverture des fissures ou joints de construction.

  2. Acoustics of ancient Greek and Roman theaters in use today

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gade, Anders Christian; Angelakis, Konstantinos


    In the Mediteranan area a large number of open, ancient Greek and Roman theatres are still today facing a busy schedule of performances including both classical and contemporary works of dance, drama, concerts, and opera. During the EU funded ``Erato'' project and a subsequent master thesis project...

  3. The Roman Hannibal: Remembering the Enemy in Silius Italicus' Punica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stocks, C.A.


    This book offers a new reading of Hannibal in Silius Italicus' Punica and provides fresh insight into how the Romans remembered their past. Silius Italicus' Punica, the longest surviving epic in Latin literature, has seen a resurgence of interest among scholars in recent years. A celebration of

  4. La gouvernance des risques naturels et la problematique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Depuis quelques années, la gouvernance des risques naturels dus aux inondations remet en cause les processus de mise en oeuvre des politiques urbaines et la qualité de la structure des aménagements dans les grandes villes du Golfe de Guinée. La perception de la gouvernance et l'application des politiques de ...

  5. Tests of a Roman Pot Prototype for the TOTEM Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Deile, M.; Anelli, G.M.; Antchev, G.A.; Ayache, M.; Caspers, F.; Dimovasili, E.; Dinapoli, R.; Drouhin, F.D.; Eggert, K.; Escourrou, L.; Fochler, O.; Gill, K.; Grabit, R.; Haug, F.; Jarron, P.; Kaplon, J.; Kroyer, T.; Luntama, T.; Macina, D.; Mattelon, E.; Mirabito, L.; Niewiadomski, H.; Noschis, E.P.; Oriunno, M.; Park, A.; Perrot, A.L.; Pirotte, O.; Quetsch, J.M.; Regnier, F.; Ruggiero, G.; Saramad, S.; Siegrist, P.; Snoeys, W.; Souissi, T.; Szczygiel, R.; Troska, J.; Vasey, F.; Verdier, A.; Avati, V.; Jarvinen, M.; Kalliokoski, M.; Kalliopuska, J.; Kurvinen, K.; Lauhakangas, R.; Oljemark, F.; Orava, R.; Palmieri, V.; Saarikko, H.; Soininen, A.; Osterberg, K.; Berardi, V.; Catanesi, M.G.; Radicioni, E.; Boccone, V.; Bozzo, M.; Buzzo, A.; Cuneo, S.; Ferro, F.; Macri, M.; Minutoli, S.; Morelli, A.; Musico, P.; Negri, M.; Santroni, A.; Sette, G.; Sobol, A.; Da Via, C.; Hasi, J.; Kok, A.; Watts, S.; Kasper, J.; Kundrat, V.; Lokajicek, M.; Smotlacha, J.


    The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are used both for precise track reconstruction and for triggering. The first full-sized prototypes of both detector technologies as well as their read-out electronics have been developed, built and operated. The tests took place first in a fixed-target muon beam at CERN's SPS, and then in the proton beam-line of the SPS accelerator ring. We present the test beam results demonstrating the successful functionality of the system despite slight technical shortcomings to be improved in the near future.

  6. Tests of a Roman Pot prototype for the TOTEM experiment (United States)

    Deile, M.; Alagoz, E.; Anelli, G.; Antchev, G.; Ayache, M.; Caspers, F.; Dimovasili, E.; Dinapoli, R.; Drouhin, F.; Eggert, K.; Escourrou, J.L; Fochler, O.; Gill, K.; Grabit, R.; Haung, F.; Jarron, P.; Kaplon, J.; Kroyer, T.; Luntama, T.; Macina, D.; Mattelon, E.; Niewiadomski, H.; Mirabito, L.; Noschis, E.P.; Oriunno, M.; Park, a.; Perrot, A.-L.; Pirotte, O.; Quetsch, J.M.; Regnier, F.; Ruggiero, G.; Saramad, S.; Siegrist, P.; Snoeys, W.; sSouissi, T.; Szczygiel, R.; Troska, J.; Vasey, F.; Verdier, A.; Da Vià, C.; Hasi, J.; Kok, A.; Watts, S.; Kašpar, J.; Kundrát, V.; Lokajíček, M.V.; Smotlacha, J.; Avati, V.; Järvinen, M.; Kalliokoski, M.; Kalliopuska, J.; Kurvinen, K.; Lauhakangas, R.; Oljemark, F.; Orava, R.; Österberg, K.; Palmieri, V.; Saarikko, H.; Soininen, A.; Boccone, V.; Bozzo, M.; Buzzo, A.; Cuneo, S.; Ferro, F.; Macrí, M.; Minutoli, S.; Morelli, A.; Musico, P.; Negri, M.; Santroni, A.; Sette, G.; Sobol, A.; sBerardi, V.; Catanesi, M.G.; Radicioni, E.

    The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are used both for precise track reconstruction and for triggering. The first full-sized prototypes of both detector technologies as well as their read-out electronics have been developed, built and operated. The tests took place first in a fixed-target muon beam at CERN's SPS, and then in the proton beam-line of the SPS accelerator ring. We present the test beam results demonstrating the successful functionality of the system despite slight technical shortcomings to be improved in the near future.



    Ion Bara; Emiliana Randunica; Cristian Tudose; Iuliana Csilla Bara


    Part of a larger study regarding the genetic polymorphisms present in the human population of Romania, we have studied the frequency and transmission of AB0 blood groups in Roman, Neamţ County. We have investigated a population of school-boys from Roman town, Neamţ County. The blood groups frequency were: 0 = 30%; A = 42%; B = 19%; AB = 9%. These values are in accordance with the values registered for all Romanian population. In Roman town, between 2001-2004, the frequency of ...

  8. Des de l'altra banda del mirall: la visió masculina del cos de les dones en l'embriologia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carré, Antònia


    Full Text Available Roman" size="1">

    The analysis of different aspects of Medieval embryology (menstruation, sexual intercourse and fertilization, embryo's constitution and the male and female seeds, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation in four scientific books of wide readership at the time, as the Roman" size="1">Dialogue de Placides et TimRoman" size="1">éRoman" size="1">oRoman" size="1">, the William of ConchesRoman" size="1">’Roman" size="1">s Roman" size="1">Dragmaticon philosophiaeRoman" size="1">, the Bernard of GordonRoman" size="1">’Roman" size="1">s Roman" size="1">Lilium medicinaeRoman" size="1">, as well as Roman" size="1">the Sefer ha-toledetRoman" size="1">, shows how the vision of women's bodies was biased by the androcentric culture of the Medieval Ages, and more precisely in this sort of texts.

    Roman" size="1">

    L'anRoman" size="1">àRoman" size="1">lisi dels diversos aspectes que contempla l'embriologia medieval (la menstruaciRoman" size="1">óRoman" size="1">, el coit i la concepciRoman" size="1">óRoman" size="1">, la formaciRoman" size="1">ó Roman" size="1">de l'embriRoman" size="1">ó Roman" size="1">i l'espermatog

  9. Ancient Topometry, the Tracing of Towns in the Roman Epoch: Ulpia Traiana Dacica Sarmizegetusa - Romania. Second Part (United States)

    Stanescu, Florin


    While following the rituals and the ancient topometrical methods used by the Romans in tracing cities according to the Etruscan tradition, this paper presents the historical, anthropological and archaeological aspects, analyzing techniques being used and aims at determining the day when there was inaugurated after the 2nd Dacian-Roman war, 105-106 AD, the new capital, Colonia Ulpia Traiana Augusta Dacica Sarmizegetusa, of the new province of Roman Empire, "Dacia Felix". The aspects of the problem which require a special archaeoastronomical and archaeometrical analysis are the physical horizon and the sun's movement. The provisional results obtained so far lead to the conclusion that the capital might have been traced in the 15-18 september period, that coincided with Emperor Trajan's birthday.

  10. Traditional and New Enhancing Human Cybernetic and Nanotechnological Body Modification Technologies: A Comparative Study of Roman Catholic and Transhumanist Ethical Approaches (United States)

    Caligiuri, Michael J.

    Advances in cybernetic and nanotechnological body modifications currently allow for enhancements to human physical and mental function which exceed human species-based norms. This thesis examines body modification and human enhancement from two perspectives---Roman Catholicism and Transhumanism--- in order to contribute to bioethical deliberations regarding enhancement technologies. Roman Catholicism has a longstanding tradition of bioethical discourse, informing the healthcare directives of Roman Catholic institutions. Transhumanism is more recent movement that endorses body modifications and human enhancements as a means of individual betterment and social evolution. The thesis first considers definitions of human enhancement and levels of normalcy in connection to cybernetic and nanotechnological bionic implants, and outlines a series of criteria to assess a technology's potential bioethical acceptability: implantability, permanency, power, and public interaction. The thesis then describes Roman Catholicism's response to non-enhancing decorative body modifications (cosmetic surgeries, common decorative modifications such as tattoos and piercings, and uncommon modifications such as scarifications and brandings) in order to establish a basis for possible Roman Catholic responses to enhancing cybernetic and nanotechnological modifications. This is followed by an analysis from a Roman Catholic perspective of the major social issues brought forward by enhancement technologies: commodification, eugenics, vulnerability, and distributive justice. Turning to Transhumanism, the thesis describes the origins and philosophy of the movement, and then discusses the bioethical principles it advances with regard to human enhancement. The thesis concludes by locating points of convergence between Transhumanism and Roman Catholicism that could be the basis of more widely accepted ethical guidelines regarding modification technologies.

  11. Bone tuberculosis in Roman Period Pannonia (western Hungary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamás Hajdu


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyse a skeleton (adult female, 25-30 years that presented evidence of tuberculous spondylitis. The skeleton, dated from the Roman Period (III-VI centuries, was excavated near the town of Győr, in western Hungary. The skeleton was examined by gross observation supplemented with mycolic acid and proteomic analyses using MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry. The biomolecular analyses supported the morphological diagnosis.

  12. Diet, social differentiation and cultural change in Roman Britain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cheung, Christina; Schroeder, Hannes; Hedges, R. E. M.


    This study uses stable isotope analyses (d 13 C and d 15 N) of human bone collagen to reconstruct the diet of three Romano-British (first to early fifth century AD) populations from Gloucestershire in South West England. Gloucestershire was an important part of Roman Britain with two major admini...... sensitive, if settlement-specific, indicator of social differentiation and culture change....


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    D Slimani


    Full Text Available Des couches minces du titane pur ont été déposées avec la méthode de pulvérisation cathodique sur des substrats en acier, type FF80 K-1 contenants ~1% mass. en carbone. La réaction entre les deux parties du système substrat-couche mince est activée avec des traitements thermiques sous vide dans l’intervalle de températures de 400 à900°Cpendant 30 minutes. Les Spectres de diffraction de rayons x confirment l’inter- diffusion des éléments  chimiques du système résultants la formation et la croissance des nouvelles phases en particulier le carbure binaire TiC ayant des caractéristiques thermomécaniques importantes. L’analyse morphologique des échantillons traités  avec le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB montre l’augmentation du flux de diffusion atomique avec la température de recuit, notamment la diffusion du manganèse et du fer vers la surface libre des échantillons aux températures élevées provoquant la dégradation des propriétés mécaniques des revêtements contrairement au premiers stades d’interaction où on a obtenu des bonnes valeurs de la microdureté.

  14. Querns and mills during Roman times at the northern frontier of the Roman Empire (Belgium, Northern France, Southern Netherlands, Western Germany: Unraveling geological and geographical provenances, a multidisciplinary research project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sibrecht Reniere


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of a multi-disciplinary provenance study of querns and millstones during the Roman period (1st-4th century CE in the northern part of the Roman Empire (provinces of Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior. Comparative petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical analysis allowed an international team of archaeologists and geologists to identify the different raw materials used for the manufacturing of querns and millstones. As a result, (litho- stratigraphic assignments as well as geological-geographical provenances are suggested or corroborated for the broad spectrum of these natural geo-materials. We give evidence for the exploitation of at least seven different rock types. They include sedimentary rocks (fine- to coarse-grained quartzitic and arkosic sandstones, conglomerates, limestones and volcanic rocks (vesicular lavas derived from different geological strata in the following geological-geographical settings: the volcanic Eifel area (Pleistocene lava, the Ardennes Massif (Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks and the Paris and Northern Sea Basin (Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Furthermore we show that a large diversity existed within different productions (different types of hand-mills and mechanical powered mills and distribution patterns. This paper provides new data which will lead to new insights into the socio-economics of the local “Gallo-Roman” communities and into their networks within the northern Roman Empire.

  15. Promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat inclusif des jeunes et des femmes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le projet vise à analyser la contribution réelle et potentielle de l'entrepreneuriat inclusif au bien-être des jeunes et des femmes en Côte d'Ivoire, au Burkina Faso et au Kenya. Après un état des lieux de la pratique de l'entrepreneuriat inclusif dans chacun des pays ciblés, l'équipe de recherche étudiera son incidence sur ...

  16. Roman Lyariev, How to Skin Your Kill


    Gedeeva, Darina; Ubushieva, Bamba; Babaev, Andrei


    Roman explains how to skin a fox. First, one needs to prepare the ground by trampling it. Skinning should be done with a small sharp knife. A freshly killed fox skins easily. Then one needs to treat the skin with an anti-flea spray. At home the skin should be stretched on a triangular wooden panel called in Russian pravilka and left in a dry room for up to five days. People usually go hunting when foxes are on heat and are busy fighting with each other for females. When the wind is strong, fo...


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    Full Text Available The author overviews and analyses selected Roman-Catholic theological texts deal-ing with the meaning of commemorative particles in the Protesis of the Byzantine rite dating back to the XV–XVIII centuries. Peter Arcudius is the key person because it was his theological doctrine that in 1720 brought on the Counsil decision about the trans-substantiation of particles. This work gives further development to the previous study of the particles’ conception in the Orthodox East carried out by the author in 2005 and published in this review (issue 14, 2005.

  18. An ovarian teratoma of late Roman age. (United States)

    Armentano, Núria; Subirana, Mercè; Isidro, Albert; Escala, Oscar; Malgosa, Assumpció


    We report here a very unusual pelvic calcification recovered from the remains of a 30-40-year-old woman found at the late Roman period archeological site of La Fogonussa (Lleida, Catalonia). Although differential diagnoses for calcifications of the pelvis are complicated in archeological contexts, the precise localization, macroscopic features, and the presence of teeth along with part of a small bone led us to identify this case as an ovarian teratoma, based upon gross observations and computerized tomography (CT). Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Some remarks on the transitional phase between Early Roman and Late Roman Periods in the region north of the Middle Danube

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Tejral, Jaroslav


    Roč. 56, č. 2 (2015), s. 43-101 ISSN 1211-7250 Institutional support: RVO:68081758 Keywords : Early and Late Roman Period * transitional phase * Marcomanic Wars and their aftermath * ethnical and social backround of the B2/C1 phase Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  20. Preliminary remarks on the Roman military equipment from the war booty sacrifice of Viemose, Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pauli Jensen, Xenia


    The article deals with the war booty sacrifice of Vimose, Denmark, where a vast amount of Roman military equipment was found. The Ring Pommel swords are discussed, especially the possible (or not so possible) link with the Marcomannic Wars 166-180 AD.......The article deals with the war booty sacrifice of Vimose, Denmark, where a vast amount of Roman military equipment was found. The Ring Pommel swords are discussed, especially the possible (or not so possible) link with the Marcomannic Wars 166-180 AD....

  1. Energy deposition in the window of the TOTEM Roman pot for the nominal TOTEM run

    CERN Document Server

    Dimovasili, E


    The TOTEM Roman Pot needs to be protected from possible accidents. One of the most serious accident scenarios is the beam loss during an asynchronous abort dump. In this case of dump failure it is possible that a deflected bunch hits the Roman Pot, causing severe damage to its thin window. This technical note discusses the results of FLUKA Monte Carlo studies that have been performed in order to calculate the energy deposition and the temperature increase in the thin window due to the nominal LHC bunch.

  2. On the origin of patterning in movable Latin type : Renaissance standardisation, systematisation, and unitisation of textura and roman type

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blokland, F.E.


    This PhD-research is conducted to test the hypothesis that Gutenberg and consorts developed a standardised and even unitised system for the production of textura type, and that this system was extrapolated for the production of roman type in Renaissance Italy. For roman type, Humanistic handwriting

  3. Roman Sikora: Smetení Antigony - Pokus o tragédii (1998)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vodička, Libor


    Roč. 53, č. 3 (2005), s. 413-422 ISSN 0009-0468 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA405/03/1136 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z9056905 Keywords : theatre * Roman Sikora Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision

  4. L’identità narrativa ricœuriana alla prova del «nouveau roman» di Robbe-Grillet

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    Alberto Romele


    Full Text Available The present essay aims to connect Ricœur’s notion of narrative identity – developed between the 1980s and 1990s – with the nouveau roman theorized by Alain Robbe-Grillet in writings published between 1956 and 1963 and then collected in Pour un noveau roman. In the first part, the essay will summarize Ricœur’s  Aristotelian –apocalyptic narratology model in the light of a comparison with the work of Frank Kermode. In the second part, noveau roman’s ontic realism will be presented. Finally, in the third part, starting with a comparison with the world of computer games, the essay will trace the effect of the overlapping of noveau roman with narrative identity both on the level of description and prescription.

  5. Prise en charge des urgences au service d'accueil des urgences ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: La prise en charge des patients dans les services d'accueil des urgences est une des meilleures vitrines d'un système de santé. En Afrique subsaharienne, la gestion des urgences se heurte à des difficultés humaines et matérielles. Le but de ce travail était d'évaluer les difficultés de prise en charge au Service ...

  6. Lenteur et vision : l’empreinte du western dans le roman français contemporain

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    Elisa Bricco


    Full Text Available Par-delà l’effet rebound, où le cinéma entre dans la littérature par la transposition de ses techniques scripturales et de composition, l’on assiste aujourd’hui à une véritable intégration des stylèmes et des topoï cinématographiques dans le roman. Par une analyse minutieuse de Pas le bon pas le truand de Patrick Chatelier, l’on interroge ici ce processus d’assimilation qui travaille la matière du texte du point de vue thématique et structural. L’écrivain démontre une grande attention aux structures créatives cinématographiques qu’il utilise pour composer son texte. À partir de la réécriture d’une séquence filmique de Sergio Leone, il assimile à sa matière textuelle deux procédés de création : le ralenti et la vision. Le ralenti permet de raconter les scènes dans les moindres détails, mais aussi de mimer le champ/contrechamp ; la primauté de l’aspect visuel dans la construction du récit met en scène une réalité en équilibre entre vrai et vraisemblable filmique.Beyond the rebound effect, where the movie enters into the literature by transposition of scriptural and composition techniques, we are now witnessing a true integration of cinema stylèmes and topoï in the novel. By a deep analysis of Patrick Chatelier’s Pas le bon pas le truand, we question this assimilation process that works the material of the text in terms of thematic and structural. The writer demonstrates attention to creative film structures and he uses it to compose his text. In rewriting a scene from a Sergio Leone film, he assimilates into his textual material two processes: the slowness with which the scenes are told in detail, and repeated so as to mimic the changes in visual perspective, the shot / reverse shot, and the primacy of the visual in the constructionof the narrative, which depicts a true balance between reality and film probability.

  7. Framing Egypt : Roman literary perceptions of Egypt from Cicero to Juvenal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leemreize, M.E.C.


    This is a comprehensive study of Roman literary references to Egypt without preference for one particular period, author or subject, in contrast to most previous scholarship. In doing so, it shows that these references vary greatly, are context-dependent, and cannot be rightly understood when

  8. Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des prestataires de santé des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... des prestataires interrogés avaient respectivement une bonne connaissance des facteurs de risque et des moyens de dépistage. Les signes évocateurs et les examens complémentaires nécessaires au diagnostic du cancer du sein étaient connus par 15,3 % des prestataires. La définition du cancer du sein et les moyens ...

  9. Roman impact on the landscape near castellum Fectio, The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Bos, Valerie; Brinkkemper, Otto; Bull, Ian; Engels, Stefan; Hakbijl, Tom; Schepers, Mans; van Dinter, Marieke; van Reenen, Guido; van Geel, Bas


    Castellum Fectio was one of the largest fortifications along the Limes, the northern border of the Roman Empire. The castellum, situated 5 km southeast of Utrecht, the Netherlands, was occupied from around the start of our Era to ca. A.D. 260. It was situated along a river bend of the Rhine that was

  10. Suid-Afrikaanse romans in Afrikaans sowel as Engels; soms bloot ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    8 Apr 2016 ... word in sommige van die collages wat elke hoofstuk voorafgaan. Benewens die gesprek met ouer, meer literêre werke, kan Botha se roman ook andersyds beskou word as deel van 'n bepaalde kontemporêre literêre beweging, waar- êre literêre beweging, waar- re literêre beweging, waar- êre beweging ...

  11. Roman impact on the landscape near castellum Fectio, The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Bos, V.; Brinkkemper, O.; Bull, I.D.; Engels, S.; Hakbijl, T.; Schepers, M.; Dinter, M.; van Reenen, G.; van Geel, B.


    Castellum Fectio was one of the largest fortifications along the Limes, the northern border of the Roman Empire. The castellum, situated 5 km southeast of Utrecht, the Netherlands, was occupied from around the start of our Era to ca. a.d. 260. It was situated along a river bend of the Rhine that was

  12. Transparent 3D Visualization of Archaeological Remains in Roman Site in Ankara-Turkey with Ground Penetrating Radar Method (United States)

    Kadioglu, S.


    Transparent 3D Visualization of Archaeological Remains in Roman Site in Ankara-Turkey with Ground Penetrating Radar Method Selma KADIOGLU Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geophysical Engineering, 06100 Tandogan/ANKARA-TURKEY Anatolia has always been more the point of transit, a bridge between West and East. Anatolia has been a home for ideas moving from all directions. So it is that in the Roman and post-Roman periods the role of Anatolia in general and of Ancyra (the Roman name of Ankara) in particular was of the greatest importance. Now, the visible archaeological remains of Roman period in Ankara are Roman Bath, Gymnasium, the Temple of Augustus of Rome, Street, Theatre, City Defence-Wall. The Caesar Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, conquered Asia Minor in 25 BC. Then a marble temple was built in Ancyra, the administrative capital of province, today the capital of Turkish Republic, Ankara. This monument was consecrated to the Empreror and to the Goddess Rome. This temple is supposed to have built over an earlier temple dedicated to Kybele and Men between 25 -20 BC. After the death of the Augustus in 14AD, a copy of the text of "Res Gestae Divi Augusti" was inscribed on the interior of the pronaos in Latin, whereas a Greek translation is also present on an exterior wall of the cella. In the 5th century, it was converted in to a church by the Byzantines. The aim of this study is to determine old buried archaeological remains in the Augustus temple, Roman Bath and in the governorship agora in Ulus district. These remains were imaged with transparent three dimensional (3D) visualization of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) data. Parallel two dimensional (2D) GPR profile data were acquired in the study areas, and then a 3D data volume were built using parallel 2D GPR data. A simplified amplitude-colour range and appropriate opacity function were constructed and transparent 3D image were obtained to activate buried

  13. Vroue, nasie en verwoording in Sharai Mukonoweshuro se Shona-romans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurice T. Vambe


    Full Text Available Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die fiktiewe voorstelling van vroue in twee van Sharai Mukonoweshuro se romans, naamlik Ndakagara Ndazviona en Akafuratidzwa Moyo, te verken. Tradisionele Shona verwagtinge van hoe ’n vrou moet optree, skryf die rolle voor wat van vroue verwag word om in die samelewing te speel. In ’n koloniale konteks soos die voormalige Rhodesië het kolonialisme wette in die gewoontereg bedink wat vroue verder gedegradeer het tot sosiale posisies soortgelyk aan dié van minderjariges. Hoewel die nasionalistiese stryd in wese bedoel was om vryheid te waarborg vir alle Swart mense, ongeag van geslag, het die manlike elites Swart vroue as hul minderwaardige ‘ander‘ gekonstrueer. In hierdie artikel word geargumenteer dat Sharai Mukonoweshuro se romans worstel met hierdie manlik-goedgekeurde stereotipes. Maar, soos getoon word, Mukonoweshuro se wyse van weerstand teen vroulike stereotipes is ambivalent; die skrywer skep jong vroue wat die patriargie aan die een kant uitdaag, en aan die ander kant, ou vroue wat die ondenkbare doen om hulle eie seuns te vergiftig.

  14. Usages des TIC et socialisation professionnelle des enseignants-chercheurs


    Lavielle-Gutnik, Nathalie; Massou, Luc


    En prenant appui sur une nouvelle analyse des données recueillies dans l’enquête Tec-Meus (2008-2011, MSH Lorraine) sur la place accordée par des enseignants-chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans leur activité d’enseignement, nous souhaitons nous focaliser dans cet article sur la compréhension des processus de socialisation professionnelle en jeu dans leur usage déclaré des TIC. Par socialisation professionnelle, nous e...

  15. Some Influences of Greek and Roman Rhetoric on Early Letter Writing. (United States)

    Hildebrandt, Herbert W.


    Describes how letter writing, especially business letters, was influenced by Greek and Roman oral rhetoricians. Discusses three precepts of oral rhetoric--inventio, dispositio, and style--and notes that the classical theories' reflection in written communication can be seen in selected Italian, German, and English epistolographic works. (MM)

  16. Archaeometrical studies of Greek and Roman silver coins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugoi, R.; Constantinescu, B.; Constantin, F.; Catana, D.; Plostinaru, D.


    Quantitative analyses of various silver coins from the firs century BC, found on current Romanian territory (Thasian tetradrachmae, Apollonia and Dyrrachium drachmae, Roman republican denarii) were performed using PIXE (3 MeV external proton beam) and XRF (1.1 GBq 241 Am source). The elemental analysis provided evidence of a great variety of monetary alloys and helped Romanian archaeologists to classify the coins, in terms of their provenance, as originals, copies or imitations minted in different areas of the Balkan-Carpathian region. (author)

  17. Evaluer des études de gestion des entreprises : combiner des éléments principales avec des éléments pratiques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pennink, B.J.W.


    Evaluer la recherche de gestion demande une combinaison des critères classiques et des critères pratiques. Par cette combinaison il est possible de trouver une réponse cerrecte concernant la validité et l'effet de la recherche. Dans cet article nous allons décrire comment une combinaison des

  18. Aspects des Onychomycoses chez des patients camerounais de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... biologiques et évolutifs des onychomycoses chez des patients camerounais. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive menée de mars 2011 à mars 2014 dans l'unité de dermatologie de l'hôpital général de Douala (HGD), incluant des patients chez lesquels le diagnostic d'onychomycose avait été posé.

  19. Romans 1:18-32 amidst the gay-debate: Interpretative options

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The anti-homosexual use of Romans 1 generally harbours a thinly veiled .... The general appeal to et,r hi (nature) as decisive argument is not helpful ... (1996) shows that homoerotic acts went beyond pederasty but the examples ..... 39 “If we are afraid of facing the reality of same-sex love because it compels us to think.

  20. Age-associated bone loss and intraskeletal variability in the Imperial Romans. (United States)

    Cho, Helen; Stout, Sam Darrel


    An Imperial Roman sample from the Isola Sacra necropolis (100-300 A.D.) offered an opportunity to histologically examine bone loss and intraskeletal variability in an urban archaeological population. Rib and femur samples were analyzed for static indices of bone remodeling and measures of bone mass. The Imperial Romans experienced normal age-associated bone loss via increased intracortical porosity and endosteal expansion, with females exhibiting greater bone loss and bone turnover rates than in males. Life events such as menopause and lactation coupled with cultural attitudes and practices regarding gender and food may have led to increased bone loss in females. Remodeling dynamics differ between the rib and femur and the higher remodeling rates in the rib may be attributed to different effective age of the adult compacta or loading environment. This study demonstrates that combining multiple methodologies to examine bone loss is necessary to shed light on the biocultural factors that influence bone mass and bone loss.

  1. A double-voiced reading of Romans 13:1–7 in light of the imperial cult

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sung U. Lim


    Full Text Available Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of double-voicedness and James Scott’s theory of public and hidden transcripts, this essay investigates the colonial context of Romans 13:1–7 with particular attention to the Roman imperial cult. It is my contention that Paul attempts to persuade the audience to resist the imperial cult, whilst negotiating colonial power and authority. It is assumed that colonial discourse is, by nature, a double-voiced discourse in that the public transcript of the dominant and the hidden transcript of the suppressed coexist in a continued state of internal tension and conflict. Seen in this light, Paul as a colonised subject parodies the public transcript of the elites in his own hidden transcript. However, Paul’s doubled-voiced discourse finally turns out to be subversive against the dominant culture by suggesting that ultimate honour, fear, and authority should not be due to the rulers of the Roman Empire but to God.

  2. Architecture, des normes et des systèmes d'information libres, phase ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Architecture, des normes et des systèmes d'information libres, phase II (OASIS II) - Renforcement des capacités dans l'ensemble de l'Afrique. Sur presque tout le continent africain, la prestation des services de santé est limitée en raison des maigres ressources disponibles et de la charge de morbidité de plus en plus ...

  3. [Preliminary data of life and health insurance in the Roman Law (The collegium funeraticium and the collegium tenuiorum)]. (United States)

    Váradi, Agnes


    With the explosion of insurance contracts in the last two hundred years both in Europe and around the rest of the world, there is a temptation to think that the financing and insuring on projects on limited or non-recourse terms is a relatively novel concept. This is, however, far from being true. Indeed, there is an early evidence of project financing techniques and insurance contracts being actively used during the ancient times. The first examples come from the Roman law but there are similar legal institutions even in the ancient Greek legal system. - The essay analyses the legal history of assurances on lives and health in the Roman law, especially the question of the collegium tenuiorum and the collegium funeraticium. In the centre of the studies are the analyses of their legal personality, the changes in the regulation concerning their foundation, the purpose and the internal organisation. The treatment of the main topics begins with fragments from the material of the Corpus Iuris Civilis by Justinian. After that the views of the most important authors and the contemporary investigations in the Roman law found the statements of the paper. As a result of these analyses we can see the process of development in the ancient legal systems, especially in the Roman law. And although these results have no immediate influence on the present legal regulation, it can demonstrate original tendencies in the field of insurances. This way we can prove that the Roman law is a still existing basis for the development in contractual law.

  4. L'exode des cerveaux et le renforcement des capacités en Afrique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 févr. 2011 ... Ce phénomène ébranle les assises économiques et politiques de bien des pays africains. ... le défi consiste à recruter ces cerveaux. ... des missions africaines, des organisations non gouvernementales et des groupes de la diaspora réunis pour parler de l'exode des cerveaux en Afrique et des stratégies à ...

  5. Influence de l'occupation des terres sur la dynamique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif de la présente étude est d'évaluer l'impact de mise en culture, des pâturages, des jachères et l'influence des villages sur la dynamique des communautés végétales de la commune de ..... mais il n'y a que peu de recrutement. Au-delà de cinq ans, taille et phytovolume diminuent, témoignant du vieillissement de la ...

  6. Types of Architecture of the Germanic Population and the Roman Army on the Territory North of the Middle Danube during the Marcomannic wars

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Komoróczy, Balázs; Vlach, Marek


    Roč. 20, č. 20 (2011), s. 391-404 ISSN 1331-4270 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA404/09/1054 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80010507 Keywords : Roman architecture * Germanic architecture * Roman army * Germanic tribes * Roman Period * Marcomannic wars * Middle Danube area * South Moravia * Mušov * Burgstall * Pasohlávky Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  7. GENOMIQUE ET LIPIDES Génomique et métabolisme des lipides des plantes

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    Delseny Michel


    Full Text Available Il existe dans les bases de données publiques une énorme quantité de séquences d’ADN dérivées de plantes, et notamment la séquence complète du génome d’Arabidopsis thaliana, une plante modèle pour les oléagineux, proche parente du colza. Ces données constituent une ressource importante non seulement pour la compréhension de métabolisme lipidique et de sa régulation, mais aussi pour la sélection et le développement de variétés nouvelles d’oléagineux produisant davantage d’huiles ou des huiles de composition nouvelle. Cette abondance de séquences peut être exploitée, en utilisant les recherches d’homologies, pour identifier les gènes, pour obtenir des informations sur leur fonction, comme pour repérer des gènes candidats codant des fonctions nouvelles. L’analyse de ces bases de données a révélé que la majeure partie des gènes codant des enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme lipidique appartient à des petites familles multigéniques, reflétant la diversification des fonctions des isoformes. Une analyse du catalogue des ADNc séquencés en aveugle reflète les niveaux d’expression des différents gènes et fournit un aperçu des régulations des flux au travers des voies métaboliques conduisant à la biosynthèse des lipides de réserve. La disponibilité de mutants et de lignées transgéniques d’Arabidopsis et le développement de puces à ADN qui permettent l’analyse simultanée de plusieurs milliers de gènes conduiront à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs qui régulent le métabolisme des huiles dans les graines. Une telle connaissance facilitera la manipulation de la composition des huiles et des quantités produites dans les graines.

  8. Des dispositions responsables à prendre pour la protection des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    En considérant l'effet néfaste des maladies, des parasites, du changement climatique et d'autres facteurs environnementaux (les OGM par exemple) sur la survie des abeilles, la baisse de leurs populations dans certaines parties du monde ne saurait être attribuée aux seules pesticides. En plus, l'impact de ces derniers sur ...

  9. Gestion des risques

    CERN Document Server

    Louisot, Jean-Paul


    Depuis le début du lie siècle, la gestion des risques connaît une véritable révolution culturelle. Jusqu'alors fonction technique, centrée autour de l'achat de couverture d'assurances, elle est devenue une discipline managériale et transversale : une valise d'instruments que chaque manager doit connaître et appliquer quels que soient son domaine de compétence et ses missions au sein de l'organisation. En effet, la gestion des risques est une culture qui doit être assimilée par chacun des acteurs. C'est précisément l'ambition des 101 questions rassemblées dans cet ouvrage : apporter à chaque manager d'entreprise, de collectivité, d'établissement de santé..., des réponses claires au " pourquoi " et au " comment " : Comment identifier les risques ? Comment analyser les risques ? Quels sont les objectifs de la gestion des risques ? Une carte des risques pour quoi faire ? Pourquoi faut-il financer les risques ? Les entreprises ont-elles des responsabilités pénales ? En quoi consiste la gestion...

  10. Comportement des polluants des eaux pluviales urbaines en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    développement et la croissance des organismes vivant dans l'eau et particulièrement les micro- organismes. Le suivi des températures enregistrées oscille entre 9 et 16°C dans les trois sites d'observation durant la période ... de la lumière du soleil. Le site C est bien aéré et .... Effets de différents modes de gestion des eaux ...

  11. VAiRoma: A Visual Analytics System for Making Sense of Places, Times, and Events in Roman History. (United States)

    Cho, Isaac; Dou, Wewnen; Wang, Derek Xiaoyu; Sauda, Eric; Ribarsky, William


    Learning and gaining knowledge of Roman history is an area of interest for students and citizens at large. This is an example of a subject with great sweep (with many interrelated sub-topics over, in this case, a 3,000 year history) that is hard to grasp by any individual and, in its full detail, is not available as a coherent story. In this paper, we propose a visual analytics approach to construct a data driven view of Roman history based on a large collection of Wikipedia articles. Extracting and enabling the discovery of useful knowledge on events, places, times, and their connections from large amounts of textual data has always been a challenging task. To this aim, we introduce VAiRoma, a visual analytics system that couples state-of-the-art text analysis methods with an intuitive visual interface to help users make sense of events, places, times, and more importantly, the relationships between them. VAiRoma goes beyond textual content exploration, as it permits users to compare, make connections, and externalize the findings all within the visual interface. As a result, VAiRoma allows users to learn and create new knowledge regarding Roman history in an informed way. We evaluated VAiRoma with 16 participants through a user study, with the task being to learn about roman piazzas through finding relevant articles and new relationships. Our study results showed that the VAiRoma system enables the participants to find more relevant articles and connections compared to Web searches and literature search conducted in a roman library. Subjective feedback on VAiRoma was also very positive. In addition, we ran two case studies that demonstrate how VAiRoma can be used for deeper analysis, permitting the rapid discovery and analysis of a small number of key documents even when the original collection contains hundreds of thousands of documents.

  12. Caractérisation des plantes médicinales à flavonoïdes des marchés ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les espèces guinéo-congolaises sont les plus abondantes et le mode de dissémination majoritaire des diaspores est la zoochorie. Les plantes à flavonoïdes les plus utilisées sont : Combretum micranthum, Aloe vera, Ageratum conyzoïdes et Cylicodiscus gabonensis. Elles rentrent dans le traitement de 73 maladies parmi ...

  13. Impact de la preparation des anodes crues et des conditions de cuisson sur la fissuration dans des anodes denses (United States)

    Amrani, Salah

    La fabrication de l'aluminium est realisee dans une cellule d'electrolyse, et cette operation utilise des anodes en carbone. L'evaluation de la qualite de ces anodes reste indispensable avant leur utilisation. La presence des fissures dans les anodes provoque une perturbation du procede l'electrolyse et une diminution de sa performance. Ce projet a ete entrepris pour determiner l'impact des differents parametres de procedes de fabrication des anodes sur la fissuration des anodes denses. Ces parametres incluent ceux de la fabrication des anodes crues, des proprietes des matieres premieres et de la cuisson. Une recherche bibliographique a ete effectuee sur tous les aspects de la fissuration des anodes en carbone pour compiler les travaux anterieurs. Une methodologie detaillee a ete mise au point pour faciliter le deroulement des travaux et atteindre les objectifs vises. La majorite de ce document est reservee pour la discussion des resultats obtenus au laboratoire de l'UQAC et au niveau industriel. Concernant les etudes realisees a l'UQAC, une partie des travaux experimentaux est reservee a la recherche des differents mecanismes de fissuration dans les anodes denses utilisees dans l'industrie d'aluminium. L'approche etait d'abord basee sur la caracterisation qualitative du mecanisme de la fissuration en surface et en profondeur. Puis, une caracterisation quantitative a ete realisee pour la determination de la distribution de la largeur de la fissure sur toute sa longueur, ainsi que le pourcentage de sa surface par rapport a la surface totale de l'echantillon. Cette etude a ete realisee par le biais de la technique d'analyse d'image utilisee pour caracteriser la fissuration d'un echantillon d'anode cuite. L'analyse surfacique et en profondeur de cet echantillon a permis de voir clairement la formation des fissures sur une grande partie de la surface analysee. L'autre partie des travaux est basee sur la caracterisation des defauts dans des echantillons d'anodes crues


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    Paola Proserpi


    Full Text Available L'Unione Europea ha posto il multilinguismo come elemento centrale della propria politica linguistica e aspira al raggiungimento di una situazione in cui ciascun cittadino conosca almeno due lingue comunitarie oltre alla propria madrelingua. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo esiste una vasta gamma di modelli di educazione plurilingue. L'articolo prende in considerazione l'intercomprensione, ossia l'apprendimento  ricettivo di più lingue attraverso lo sviluppo di strategie che facilitino la trasferibilità di meccanismi cognitivi, conoscenze e abilità già acquisite da una lingua all'altra e analizza Itinéraires Romans un progetto realizzato dall'Unione latina, un'organizzazione fondata per valorizzare l'eredità culturale e le identità del mondo latino. Itinéraires Romans è un progetto didattico on line rivolto ai ragazzi della scuola primaria di secondo grado che riunisce una serie di sei moduli su tematiche diverse aventi come obiettivo la stimolazione dei giovani internauti a scoprire i legami che esistono tra le lingue neolatine. Le lingue coinvolte sono: il catalano, lo spagnolo, l'italiano, il francese, il portoghese e il rumeno.   The European Union has made multilingualism a central element of its linguistic policy and it aspires to create the conditions so that every citizen knows at least two EU languages besides their mother tongue.  To reach this goal, there is a vast range of models for plurilingual education. This paper focuses on intercomprehension, or the receptive learning of several languages through the development of strategies which facilitate the transferability of cognitive mechanisms, knowledge and skills already mastered from one language to another.  It analyzes Itinéraires Romans, a project implemented by the Latin Union.  This organization was founded to enhance the cultural inheritance and the identity of the Latin world. Itinéraires Romans is an on-line didactic project for 3rd,4th and 5th grade students

  15. Leadership Development Experiences of Exemplary Roman Catholic Parish Priests: An Exploratory Study (United States)

    Ong, Rosemarie A.


    This qualitative, phenomenological study addressed the research question: How do exemplary Roman Catholic parish priests perceive and describe their leadership development experience? The study explored experiences considered important in developing leadership, including how they occurred, the meaning provided, the definition of exemplary…

  16. La cire cuticulaire des grains de raisin et des feuilles de la vigne

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    Full Text Available Je voudrais parler ici des recherches que j'ai effectuées dans le cadre d'un programme de recherches de l'Organisation australienne de recherches (C.S.I.R.O.. Ce sont des recherches sur la structure, la composition chimique et le rôle de la cire cuticulaire des grains de raisins et des feuilles. Ces recherches ont été effectuées principalement lors de l'étude des problèmes relatifs au séchage des raisins pour la production des raisins. Cependant, l'importance de la cire cuticulaire ne se limite pas seulement au séchage des raisins, car elle concerne aussi l'œnologie et les problèmes de la conservation des raisins de table. Je pense donc que mon exposé peut présenter pour vous un certain intérêt.

  17. Ombres du Grand Inquisiteur de Dostoïevski dans le Zéro et l’Infini de Koestler : entre Dieu et le diable

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    Orlane Glises de la Rivière


    Full Text Available À plusieurs égards, Ivan Karamazov, l’intellectuel des trois frères du roman de Fiodor Dostoïevski, peut se rapprocher du personnage d’Ivan du roman Le Zéro et l’infini d’Arthur Koestler. En effet, tous deux sont liés à la légende du Grand Inquisiteur, symbole d’un totalitarisme tout-puissant qui pactise avec le diable, mais qui, néanmoins, attend une réponse d’un Dieu demeuré muet. De raisonnements politiques en questionnements théologiques, les deux romans mettent trois grands personnages en lumière : le Grand Inquisiteur, le diable et le Christ. Tous trois se distinguent au cours du dialogue entre Roubachof et Ivanof dans le roman d’Arthur Koestler et traitent des problématiques qui tissent le roman de Fiodor Dostoïevski. Issues d’une quête vers Dieu, elles trahissent pourtant l’absence criante de foi d’Ivan et d’Ivanof. Ou plus exactement d’une « recherche désespérée de foi » telle que la décrivait Koestler dans son roman Les hommes ont soif. Cet article tend à montrer comment cette recherche se manifeste et à quelle réponse les personnages sont confrontés.

  18. The Roman Synodal Letter Confi dimus Quidem in the Context of Relations Between the Churches of East and West (370–379

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    Zakharov Georgii


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the project of the Arian crisis’s resolution proposed by the Roman and Italian Churches to the local Churches of Illyricum and East (370(1. According to the author, this project was fixed in the letter of one of the Roman councils in the pontificate of Pope Damasus I (366–384, known as Confi dimus quidem. This text was originally perceived with little enthusiasm by eastern Neo-Nicene bishops and probably also by St. Athanasius the Great, because it attempted to supplement the Nicene creed by theological formula expressed in Latin theological categories. In particular, the letter used the concept of substantia, which could be translated into Greek, not only as οuσία, but also as uπόστασις, while the eastern Neo-Nicene bishops insisted on the distinction between these terms. In addition, in the text there were elements of the ecclesiological conception of Roman centralism. For example the letter proclaims the dependence of ecumenical council decisions’ authority from its reception by Roman bishop. The Church of Rome, apparently, regarded Confi dimus quidem as a document which had to endorse any bishop who wanted to be received in Roman communion. In 379, the Council of Antioch included Confi dimus quidem in the collection of approved Roman doctrinal fragments. This action probably helped to restore communion between the eastern and western Nicene bishops.

  19. statut de la matiere organique des cambisols et des lixisols sous

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'étude vise à évaluer la matière organique des Cambisols et des Lixisols sous formations naturelles de longue durée en zone climatique nord-soudanienne et à établir, les relations entre ... sont supérieures à celles des sols des zones sahélienne et sud-soudanienne. ... globale a eu une corrélation positive avec le pH.

  20. Fiabilité des structures mécaniques adaptatives: effet de la panne des actionneurs ou des capteurs sur la stabilité (United States)

    Fall, H.; Charon, W.; Kouta, R.


    Ces dernières décennies, des activités significatives dans le monde étaient dirigées autour du contrôle actif. Le but de ces recherches était essentiellement d'améliorer les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité des systèmes. Notamment dans le cas des structures soumises à des vibrations aléatoires. D'importants travaux ont été consacré à l'utilisation des “matériaux intelligents” comme capteurs et actionneurs. Cette article propose l'analyse de la fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques en étudiant les pannes des actionneurs ou des capteurs. L'effet de ces pannes sur la stabilité et la performance du système y est démontré. Les méthodologies de conception y sont rappelées. Des exemples numériques sont fournis à travers le contrôle d'un panneau sous chargement dynamique pour illustrer la méthode proposée.

  1. Évaluation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des filières de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées


    Reverdy, A.L.; Pradel, M.


    / Ce rapport présente l'inventaire des différentes consommations énergétiques, en consommables et des GES pour chaque poste de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées.

  2. Mapping archaeological sites using digital cartography. Roman settlements from Potaissa to Napoca

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    Full Text Available Mapping archeological sites using digital cartography. Roman settlements from potaissa to Napoca. We aim to analyze and correct several archaeological and historical data regarding some settlements included in an official document, issued by the Ministry of Culture from Romania, entitled the List of Historical Monuments (Lista Monumentelor Istorice / LMI. We focused our attention on the Roman road from Potaissa to Napoca, the main imperial road of Dacia. We described the route of the Roman road and corrected the old information in the list of historical monuments regarding the discoveries within the territory of the village of Aiton. Methodologically, we used data from the old literature, the modern Austro-Hungarian maps from the XVIIIth and the XIXth centuries, information from regional gazetteers and different journals. We aimed to offer new insights regarding the accurate location of these settlements and to debate upon the spatial relations of these settlements and their position within the landscape of Dacia. At the beginning of the study, we presented the present situation concerning the databases in Romania covering archaeological sites. The second part of our study discusses how the archaeological sites are recorded in the list of historical monuments. Then we offered several case studies This type of methodological approach will be applied in the future for other areas, in order to reconstruct the former landscape of the province of Dacia, as accurately as possible, using digital tools and modern maps. Our contribution also improved the quality of the data sets used for the topographical descriptions of archaeological sites in Romania.

  3. Greek or Roman historical personages in the Quixote

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    Juan Antonio López Férez


    Full Text Available This paper concentrates on the presence of Greek or Roman historical personages in Don Quixote, offering the passages with the pertinent commentary and notes. Following a chronological order, and indicating in brackets the number of mentions, we have: Lycurgus (1; Tulia, Servius Tulius daughter (1; Lucretia (2; Horatius Cocles (1; Caius Mucius Scevola (1; Artemisia-Mausolus (1; Alexander the Great (13; Hannibal (2; Publius Cornelius Scipio, Africanus (1; Viriatus (1; Sulla-Marius-Catillina (1; Julius Caesar (6; Portia (1; Augustus (2; Nero (2; Traianus-Hadrianus (1.


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    Mărioara VLIONCU


    Full Text Available Le but de cet etude a été celui de presenter quelques aspects qui visent la liaison qui peut se faire entre les fonctions de la langue telles comme ells sont théorisées par le linguiste Roman Kakobson et les champs lexicaux des slogans de la marquee « Coca-Cola » qui peut être circonscrite à une structure théorique qui appartient à l’acte communicationnel. Les champs lexicaux d’un objet notionnel, respectivement le boisson gazéifié « Coca-Cola », et une structure théorique spécifique à un acte communicationnel base sur le langage. Pour chaque des fonctions du language, telles comme elles ont été théorisées par le linguiste Roman Jakobson, ont été trouvées des correspondances des champs lexicaux, appartenant aux slogans de la marque « Coca-Cola » . Ces champs lexicaux ont été considérablement étendus par des exemples prépondérente de la sphère verbale.

  5. Renforcement de l'autonomie des collectivités au moyen des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cette subvention permettra au ministère des Communications et des Technologies de l'information de l'Égypte ainsi qu'au fonds spécial réservé aux TI de consolider le modèle actuel des clubs de TI en Égypte, par l'entremise de services d'assistance sur demande, d'activités de formation à l'intention du personnel des ...

  6. L' approche des options stratégiques des acteurs dans i' etude des relations tu travail


    López Pino, Carmen Marina


    Faire une analyse de la proposition analytique développée par le MIT (Masachussetts Institute of Tecnology) inspirée du concept des options stratégiques pour I' objet de cet article. En premier lieu, les sujets traités seront la problematique des relations du travail et les découvertes fondamentales des différentes recherches de I' equipe du MIT. Après, I' étude fait une courte présentatión sur I' approche des systémes de Dunlop dont I' èquipe cherche améliorer. Ensuite, sont présentés...

  7. Coins, money and exchange in the Roman world. A cultural-economic perspective.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, J.G.


    Until now, the Roman economy has been discussed primarily in economic terms. After the vehement debate between substantivist and formalists in the 1960s and 1970s, most historians and archaeologists have embraced an essentially substantivist perspective. Although this outlook has proven its value,

  8. Kuues üritus tõi Roman Šebrlele maailmameistritiitli / Raigo Pajula, Peep Pahv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pajula, Raigo, 1971-


    32-aastane tšehh Roman Šeberle on nüüd mitmevõistlejana triumfeerinud kõikidel tiitlivõistlustel. Jaapanis Osakas sai ta MMi kuldmedali. Esimest korda suurvõistlusel osalenud Andres Raja sai 16. koha

  9. [A space for women in the Etruscan and Roman houses (VI-I cent. B.C.)?]. (United States)

    Jolivet, Vincent


    The article analyzes the scientific discussion about the existence of a domestic space reserved to women in Etruscan and Roman houses. The hypotesis regarding the existence of a 'gynaeceum' has been recently proposed for the Etruscan houses built on Palatino in Rome (VI cent. B.C.) and for the ancient phase of the Centaurus Protodomus in Pompei. Considering the specific role of Roman matronae as laniferae, and also a substantial equality of social role between Etruscan men and women, it is possible to advance the hypotesis of the existence of a room originally reserved to women (oecus) on one side of the tablinum, the symmetrical room being reserved to men (triclinium).

  10. "Flee from the Worship of Idols": Becoming Christian in Roman Corinth (United States)

    Byler, Dorvan


    The religious contexts in which early Christian communities grew were important factors in the first-century development of Christianity, affecting what it meant to become a Christian--either as a convert from a background in Judaism or as a convert from a background in Greek, Roman, or Egyptian cults. Surrounding religions and cultural norms…

  11. Romans 1:18-32 amidst the gay-debate: Interpretative options | Punt ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The prominence of Romans 1:18-32 in the gay-debate is the subject of various and wide-ranging opinions as far as the most adequate interpretation of this passage. This contribution puts the debate about the text into perspective by surveying some recent alternative opinions on its meaning. It is established that two ...

  12. Developpement des betons semi autoplacants a rheologie adaptee pour des infrastructures (United States)

    Sotomayor Cruz, Cristian Daniel

    Au cours des dernières décennies, les infrastructures canadiennes et québécoises comportent plusieurs structures en béton armé présentant des problèmes de durabilité dus aux conditions climatiques sévères, à la mauvaise conception des structures, à la qualité des matériaux, aux types des bétons choisis, aux systèmes de construction ou à l'existence d'événements incontrôlables. En ce qui concerne le choix du béton pour la construction des infrastructures, une vaste gamme de béton divisée en deux principaux types peut être utilisée: le béton conventionnel vibré (BCV) et le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Dans le cas d'un BCV, la consolidation inadéquate par vibration a été un problème récurrent, occasionnant des dommages structuraux. Ceci a conduit à une réduction de la durabilité et à une augmentation du coût d'entretien et de réparation des infrastructures. Rien que l'utilisation d'un BAP a des avantages tels que l'élimination de la vibration, la réduction des coûts de main d'oeuvre et l'amélioration de la qualité des structures, néanmoins, le coût initial d'un BAP par rapport à un BCV ne permet pas encore de généraliser son utilisation dans l'industrie de la construction. Ce mémoire présente la conception d'une nouvelle gamme de béton semi-autoplaçant pour la construction des infrastructures (BSAP-I) exigeant une vibration minimale. Il s'agit de trouver un équilibre optimal entre la rhéologie et le coût initial du nouveau béton pour conférer une bonne performance structurale et économique aux structures. Le programme expérimental établi a premièrement permis d'évaluer la faisabilité d'utilisation des BSAP-I pour la mise en place des piliers d'une infrastructure de pont à Sherbrooke. En plus, l'utilisation d'un plan d'expériences a permis l'évaluation de trois paramètres de formulation sur les propriétés des mélanges de BSAP-I à l'état frais et durci. Finalement, l'évaluation de la performance des

  13. Geophysical investigations of the Olonium Roman site (Northern Como Lake) (United States)

    Arlsan, Ermanno; Biella, Giancarlo; Boniolo, Graziano; Caporusso, Donatella; de Franco, Roberto; Lozej, Alfredo; Veronese, Luigi


    The study area is located at S. Agata (Gera Lario), a small center at the northern end of Como Lake, near the junction of Valchiavenna and Valtellina Valleys. This site played a strategic role since ancient times, providing the control on the communications routes to both the Como Lake and the Spluga and Septimer alpine passes. Since the end of the last century archaeological findings are reported in literature, also supported, from the early XI century, by archival documents confirming the existence of the `Olonium' settlement, an administrative and fiscal center of primary importance, as well as a parish amongst the most influential in the Como Lake area. Within an area of 45,000 m 2 an electrical survey has been carried out in conjunction with magnetic and GPR investigations. These studies have indicated the presence of a number of sub-areas characterized by significant anomalies defined by the overlapping of the results obtained from two or more geophysical methods. In two of such sub-areas, excavation tests have been conducted, which have brought to light a number of archaeological findings of interest. In one of the two sub-areas, which is characterized by the superimposition of electrical and radar anomalies, a deposit of large pebbles has been found. The origin of this deposit has not been ascertained, whether it is of fluvial origin, related to the deviation of the Adda river in the Pian di Spagna region in Roman times, or it is part of reclamation works, still of Roman times, of paleolacustrine marshes. The overlapping stratigraphy, however, suggests the development of fluvial channels between Roman and Low-Medieval times. In the other sub-area, excavations were carried out on sites defined by electrical and radar anomalies, and confirmed by the results from magnetic survey. The excavations brought to light, below the fluvial deposits, a large medieval edifice, which could be identified as the S. Stefano church abandoned in 1444. The church is built on

  14. [The Antonine Plague and the decline of the Roman Empire]. (United States)

    Sabbatani, S; Fiorino, S


    The Antonine Plague, which flared up during the reign of Marcus Aurelius from 165 AD and continued under the rule of his son Commodus, played such a major role that the pathocenosis in the Ancient World was changed. The spread of the epidemic was favoured by the occurrence of two military episodes in which Marcus Aurelius himself took part: the Parthian War in Mesopotamia and the wars against the Marcomanni in northeastern Italy, in Noricum and in Pannonia. Accounts of the clinical features of the epidemic are scant and disjointed, with the main source being Galen, who witnessed the plague. Unfortunately, the great physician provides us with only a brief presentation of the disease, his aim being to supply therapeutic approaches, thus passing over the accurate description of the disease symptoms. Although the reports of some clinical cases treated by Galen lead us to think that the Antonine plague was caused by smallpox, palaeopathological confirmation is lacking. Some archaeological evidence (such as terracotta finds) from Italy might reinforce this opinion. In these finds, some details can be observed, suggesting the artist's purpose to represent the classic smallpox pustules, typical signs of the disease. The extent of the epidemic has been extensively debated: the majority of authors agree that the impact of the plague was severe, influencing military conscription, the agricultural and urban economy, and depleting the coffers of the State. The Antonine plague affected ancient Roman traditions, also leaving a mark on artistic expression; a renewal of spirituality and religiousness was recorded. These events created the conditions for the spread of monotheistic religions, such as Mithraism and Christianity. This period, characterized by health, social and economic crises, paved the way for the entry into the Empire of neighbouring barbarian tribes and the recruitment of barbarian troops into the Roman army; these events particularly favoured the cultural and

  15. Observance of the Law in Romans 14–15 and Dialogue with Trypho ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 10, 2012 ... Nevertheless, in the localised context of the early Roman churches, it seems ..... Rules appeal to social values, such as justice or freedom. The problem .... specifically the wholesale rejection of Law-observant Christ- following ...

  16. Libération des acides gras par autolyse enzymatique des triglycérides des graines oléoprotéagineuses

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    Alibert Gilbert


    Full Text Available Les acides gras produits par hydrolyse chimique des lipides des plantes sont des matériaux de base pour l’industrie des biocarburants, des lubrifiants, des plastiques, des détergents et également des adjuvants de préparations commerciales d’herbicides. Cependant les procédés actuels de production des acides gras sont hautement polluants et coûteux en énergie. Dans ce travail nous développons un nouveau procédé de production des acides gras mettant en œuvre des plantes génétiquement modifiées. Nous avons introduit dans le tabac, retenu comme plante modèle, une construction génétique comprenant un gène de lipase (de la levure Geotrichum candidum sous le contrôle d’un promoteur graine spécifique (promoteur AtEm1 d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce promoteur devrait permettre l’expression du gène de lipase au niveau de l’axe embryonnaire tandis que les lipides s’accumulent dans les corps lipidiques des cotylédons. Dans ces conditions, les lipides de la graine devraient être séparés de la lipase par une compartimentation tissulaire et ne pas interférer. Après broyage des graines on peut penser que la mise en contact des lipides et de la lipase conduira à la libération d’acides gras. Plusieurs transformants ont été produits par transfert de gène à l’aide d’Agrobacterium tumefaciens, quelques-uns d’entre eux exprimant, comme attendu, la lipase dans leurs graines. Trois clones (2, 19 et 43 présentent une activité lipase significative et ont été retenus pour des études complémentaires. Cependant l’activité enzymatique observée est faible et certains clones présentent un défaut de compartimentation entre l’enzyme et les lipides se traduisant par la production d’acides gras dans la graine intacte. Lorsque les graines du clone 43 sont broyées dans un tampon, des acides gras sont produits dans le milieu réactionnel, validant le procédé imaginé. De nouvelles constructions réalisées, soit

  17. Paternité des articles et intérêts concurrents : une analyse des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique (United States)

    Courbon, Ève; Tanguay, Cynthia; Lebel, Denis; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : La présence d’auteurs honorifiques et fantômes ainsi que les intérêts concurrents représentent des difficultés bien documentées, liées à la publication d’articles scientifiques. Il existe des lignes directrices encadrant la rédaction et la publication de manuscrits scientifiques, notamment celles de l’International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Objectifs : L’objectif principal de cette étude descriptive et transversale visait à recenser les instructions portant sur la paternité des articles et les intérêts concurrents provenant des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. L’objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des mesures correctrices pour une paternité des articles plus transparente. Méthode : La recherche a débuté par l’identification des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. La consultation des instructions aux auteurs des journaux a permis ensuite de recenser les recommandations destinées à éviter les problèmes de paternité des articles et d’intérêts concurrents. Finalement, les membres de l’équipe de recherche se sont consultés afin de définir des mesures correctrices possibles à l’intention des chercheurs. Résultats : Des 232 journaux traitant de pharmacie, 33 ont été définis comme traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. Un total de 24 (73 %) journaux mentionnaient suivre la politique de l’ICMJE, 14 (42 %) demandaient aux auteurs de remplir un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêts concurrents au moment de la soumission de l’article, 17 (52 %) présentaient une définition de la qualité d’auteur et 5 (15 %) demandaient de détailler les contributions de chaque auteur. Une grille de 40 critères a été élaborée pour définir l’attribution du statut d’auteur. Conclusion : Moins de la moitié des journaux demandait aux auteurs de transmettre un formulaire de déclaration des intérêts concurrents au moment de la

  18. The reception of Roman law in the Romano-Germanic legal family rights: the case of French law


    André Olavo Leite


    The Romano-Germanic family of legal systems, also known as the family of civil law, comprehends the group of legal systems that traditionally trace their roots up to the Roman law and the Justinian codifications, and that identify themselves as heirs of several of its characteristics. This paper analyses the example of French law, in order to draw on the permanence of Roman law in the contemporary legal systems of the Romano-Germanic family of rights and to show that its reception in those le...

  19. Contribution des radios communautaires a l'education des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Contribution des radios communautaires a l'education des populations rurales pour un developpement durable au Benin: etude de cas. ... Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL ...

  20. Rôle des germes parasites des bactéries pathogènes dans l'autoépuration des eaux

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    Full Text Available Existence dans les eaux polluées de germes parasites qui s'attaquent aux bactéries pathogènes. Le pouvoir bactéricide des eaux polluées dû, en grande partie à la présence dans ces eaux de différents représentants des germes parasites. Possibilité d'application pratique des germes parasites pour l'assainissement des eaux polluées.

  1. Making the Connection between Prayer, Faith, and Forgiveness in Roman Catholic Families (United States)

    Batson, Mindi; Marks, Loren


    This study examines meanings and processes associated with religious practices of prayer, building faith, and forgiving through in-depth, qualitative interviews with six highly religious Roman Catholic families with children. Families were interviewed using a narrative approach that asked participants to share experiences and challenges related to…

  2. The Roman Law of Talion and its correlative origin: antiquity and innovation

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    Benjamín García-Hernández


    Full Text Available The Law of Talion is usually understood as «an eye for an eye». However, Roman law is far from being as concise and strict as that of the Bible. Whilst not forgetting the option of membrum pro membro, the interpretation of Latin examples tells us that punishments tended to be comparable and not equal, materially speaking, to the harm caused. The linguistic analysis of talio, derived from the indefinite talis and the correlative structure (quale scelus, talis poena in which it appears, leads us to see this feminine substantive of action as a neologism of proportional reference that encouraged Roman law to evolve towards substitute punishments that were less gory. In order to understand the spirit of the Law of Talion, we must take into consideration its form, which above all is made up of the indefinite talis as a correlative of qualis referring to the damage or harm caused.

  3. Effets des extraits vegetaux sur la dynamique de populations des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La présente étude se propose de trouver une alternative de l'utilisation des pesticides chimiques en testant l'effet insecticide des extraits aqueux des feuilles de Hyptis suaveolens, graines de Ricinus communis et de Azadirachta indica contre les ravageurs du niébé en conditions de champ en utilisant le cyperméthrine ...

  4. Persuasion in Romans 5:12–21 | Snyman | HTS Teologiese Studies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It is argued that the pericope, Romans 5:12–21, forms an integral part of Paul's rhetorical strategy, aimed at persuading his audience in Rome to share his views on the contrast between Adam and Christ: Adam's sin brought death into the world, but faith in Christ brings eternal life. In the process of persuasion, Paul uses ...

  5. My Temple with a Frieze: Learning from the Greeks and Romans (United States)

    Fritsche, Susan


    Both Greeks and Romans placed the building of temples and sanctuaries high on their list of architectural priorities, as these structures were a source of public pride. The temples were built as shrines for the all-important gods and goddesses of the ancient world. The Parthenon is a great example of this. The frieze on the Parthenon shows scenes…

  6. La participation des femmes à la vie politique se traduit par des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La participation des femmes à la vie politique se traduit par des économies locales plus vigoureuses. 08 juin 2016. Image. Des femmes assistent à une réunion d'un groupe d'entraide près d'. Edgard Rodriguez - IDRC. Des femmes assistent à une réunion d'un groupe d'entraide près d'Hyderabad, en Inde. Keenara ...

  7. Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du tabac en Argentine, en Bolivie et au Chili. Partout en Amérique du Sud, les adultes et les enfants font une grande consommation de tabac. Un nouveau projet de recherche se penchera sur les avantages et les limites des stratégies de fixation des prix et de ...

  8. “Apostolic” and “Imperial” discourse in the development of the Roman Primacy in the 4th century

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    Zakharov Georgii


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the evolution of the Roman primacy in the 4th century. The Christianization of the Empire accelerated the process of regional consolidation of the episcopate, but did not lead to the emergence of specific «imperial ecclesiology». At the same time in the 4th century, traditional apostolic ecclesiology has maintained its position both in the West and the East. We can distinguish two different types of the apostolic ecclesiology: locally-historical (the doctrine of St. Irenaeus and Tertullian and universally-hierarchical (the concept of St. Cyprian of Carthage. The first can be fi nd in the works of pope Julius, St. Athanasius and in the letter of the council of Constantinople (382, the second — in the texts of St. Basil the Great and Palladius of Ratiara. At the same time on the council of Serdica (343 Western bishops supported the new “Roman” ecclesiological model. They proclaimed the Roman See as the Chair of Peter the only center of catholic communion and invested it with special legal prerogatives. In fact, this model was the result of ecclesiological synthesis of two early conceptions of apostolicity: the idea of apostolic origins of the Roman Church was connected with the idea of the primacy of Peter as the basis of the Church’s unity. In the future, this conception was adopted by the bishop of Rome. Pope Damasus I (366–384, developing the doctrine of the Roman See as sedes apostolica, actually put principle of Roman primacy above the principle of synodal consensus. Eastern bishops did not support this interpretation of the church order, defending the autonomy of the Eastern Churches. They proclaimed Constantinople New Rome, in fact, denying the uniqueness of the status of the Church of Rome.

  9. Translating Romans: some persistent headaches

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    A.B. du Toit


    Full Text Available Translating Romans: some persistent headaches Gone are the days when it was axiomatic that expertise in biblical languages automatically qualified one as a Bible translator. In 1949, Ronald Knox, who for nine years conscientiously struggled with translating the Bible for his generation, published a booklet under the title The trials of a translator. At that stage Bible translation as the subject of scientific study was still in its infancy. Since then, research into the intricacies of communicating the biblical message in an authentic but understandable manner, has made significant progress (cf. Roberts, 2009. However, the frustrations of Bible translators, first of all to really understand what the biblical authors wanted to convey to their original addressees, and then to commu-nicate that message to their own targeted readers in a meaningful way, have not disappeared. In fact, the challenge to meet the vary-ing requirements of the multiple kinds of translation that are present-ly in vogue, has only increased.

  10. LHC Report: a Roman potpourri

    CERN Multimedia

    Mike Lamont for the LHC Team


    The last couple of weeks of operation have been a mixed bag, with time dedicated to TOTEM and ALFA, a floating machine development period and luminosity calibration runs. These special running periods were interleaved with some standard proton running where we’ve struggled a little to recover previous highs. The LHC has now returned to more routine operation.   The TOTEM and ALFA run required the development of special optics to produce large beam sizes and smaller angular spread at the interaction points in ATLAS and CMS. These special optics produce shallower angled proton-proton collisions than normal and thus allow experiments to probe the very small angle scattering regime. (For more information visit the TOTEM and ALFA websites.) The qualification of the new set-up at 4 TeV went well, paving the way for a 13-hour physics run for both TOTEM and ALFA with their Roman pots in position. Highlights from the 48-hour machine development period included the injection of high intensity bun...

  11. « Le Virgile de l’Amérique »

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    Bernard Vincent


    Full Text Available Paul Goodman (1911-1972 est une importante figure du paysage intellectuel des années 40 à 60. On lui doit des ouvrages sur de nombreux sujets, dont la Gestalt Therapy (1951, mais il est aujourd’hui surtout connu pour son analyse de la jeunesse des années 50 dans Growing Up Absurd (1960 et pour son roman-fresque The Empire City (1959.

  12. Roles et taches des accompagnateurs des patients hospitalises ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Roles et taches des accompagnateurs des patients hospitalises dans le service de pneumo-phtysiologie au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo de ... Logistical support represented by material support, drug supply, cleaning of premises, and littering occupied respectively 100%, 91%, 42% and 73%.

  13. State Ownership of the praeda bellica during the Roman Republic

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    José Miguel Piquer-Marí


    Full Text Available From a Public Law perspective, and with particular regards to the subject of public property, this paper examines the praeda bellica as an asset belonging to the Roman people during the times of the Republic. Through an analysis of the ownership of the praeda bellica, the research intends to provide an in depth understanding of legal and proprietary relationships shaping the Public branch of the Law.

  14. Phytochemicals and bioactivity in wild German and Roman chamomiles infusions


    Guimarães, Rafaela; Barros, Lillian; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Carvalho, Ana Maria; Queiroz, Maria João R.P.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.


    Natural matrices represent a rich source of biologically active compounds and are an example of molecular diversity, with recognized potential in drug discovery. In the present work, the infusions of Matricaria recutita L. (German chamomile) and Chamaemelum nobile L. (Roman chamomile) were submitted to an analysis of phenolic compounds and evaluation of bioactivity. Phenolic compounds were characterized by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode a...

  15. The Roman Road System in the Golan: Highways, Paths and Tracks in Quotidian Life

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    Pažout Adam


    Full Text Available Roman Imperial Roads (highways built, maintained and organized by the Roman army and provincial authorities were studied in the Golan Heights since Schumacher’s surveys in the 1880s. However, most of these were obliterated by building and agricultural activity since the beginning of the 20th century. Local ancient road system, linking individual communities and their agricultural land was never studied, since it barely leaves a trace in archaeological record. This paper presents reconstruction of inter-provincial highways passing through the southern Golan Heights, and local road system in GIS using cumulative focal mobility network (CFMN analysis. The CFMN provides outline of natural corridors of movement in the region. From CFMN it is possible to extract path with higher mobility potential which will be tested against present evidence for Roman Imperial Highways, since it is assumed that corridors with high mobility potential would be suitable place for construction of (inter-provincial road. Path with lower mobility potential might indicate local road system, so it would be possible to connect agricultural communities with the land they exploited; which in turn may have implications for site prediction and site-catchment analysis exploring quotidian movement of people and goods in the landscape. Two case studies in this respect are presented: the city of Hippos and settlement of es-Safuriyye.

  16. X-ray, synchrotron, and neutron diffraction analysis of Roman cavalry parade helmet fragment

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Smrcok, L.; Petrik, I.; Langer, V.; Filinchuk, Y.; Beran, Přemysl


    Roč. 45, č. 10 (2010), s. 1025-1031 ISSN 0232-1300 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : archaeometry * Roman helmet * phase analysis Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 0.946, year: 2010

  17. Carbonation kinetics in roman-like lime mortar

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    Sánchez-Moral, S.


    Full Text Available The kinetic parameterisation of lime mortar carbonation is a useful technique for understanding ancient building methods and the long-lived physical-chemical stability of roman monuments. Portlandite (Ca(OH2 binders harden in the air on contact with atmospheric CO2, producing CaCO3. Water evaporation and the presence of silicate aggregates have a three-fold effect: prompting the development of a pore system that permits CO2, self-diffusion, reducing shrinkage and cracking during drying and (possibly giving rise to subsequent pozzolanic reactions. The present survey involved air-hardening a series of roman-like lime mortars which differed in terms of: (i type of aggregate, volcanic tephra and arkose; (ii aggregate/binder ratio, 1:2 as used in the catacombs and 1:4 as found in standard roman construction and (iii temperature, the 17 ºC prevailing in underground environments and the 30 ºC typical of warm Mediterranean areas. The analyses that provided the most useful information were performed in a classic X-ray diffractometer adapted to accommodate an author-designed chamber in which temperature control was achieved by an internal refrigerant and a PID-governed electrical heater Additional data were obtained with DTA and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM. The tests conducted on the Roman-like lime mortars manufactured for the experiment showed that the hardening temperature is a critical factor in the initial phases of carbonation. Calcite precipitation rates and total mineral precipitation increased with temperature, but fell very quickly as calcite precipitated. In theoretical calculations assuming an open reactor with continuous CO2, input, total calcitisation time was found to be 156 m in. at 30 ºC and 175 min. at 17 ºC, whilst in the mortars actually hardened in the experimental part of the study, calcitisation gradually blocked the flow or CO2, gas into the

  18. Utilisation des mousses et des pâtes syntactiques pour combler les lacunes des poteries archéologiques

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    Viviane Bechoux


    Full Text Available Filling potteries missing parts with plaster raises now complex problems during the de-restoration treatments. Ceramics restorers have recurrently questions on the use of plaster in the field of archaeological ceramics restoration. Some researches point to the choice of other filling materials. At the present time other methods can be devised by proposing plaster replacement by a lightened composite material: syntactic foams and pastes.Le comblement des lacunes des poteries à partir du plâtre pose actuellement des problèmes complexes lors des traitements de dérestauration. Les restaurateurs de céramiques s'interrogent de manière récurrente sur l'utilisation du plâtre dans le domaine de la restauration des céramiques archéologiques. Des recherches s'orientent vers le choix d'autres matériaux d'obturation. Actuellement, d'autres méthodes peuvent être mises en place en proposant le remplacement du plâtre par un matériau composite allégé, les mousses et les pâtes syntactiques.

  19. Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes dans le contexte des changements climatiques. En raison des changements climatiques, de la croissance démographique et de l'urbanisation rapide non planifiée, les villes des pays en développement sont à la fois le principal déclencheur des ...

  20. La Question de L'impunité des Auteurs de Violations des Droits de L'homme

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    Maria dos Remédios Fontes Silva


    Full Text Available Ce travail pretend faire reflechir à propos de la question de l'impunite des autorites de L'Etat face aux violations des droits de l'homme. On abordera cet egard: a le role de I'amnistie ble complicite des autoritesadministratives c la lenteur des procedures judicieuse.     L'analyse de cette question montre qui L'impunite des responsables des violations des droits de l'homme fait peser une menace sur I'ensemble du systeme de protection universelle des droits de l'homme.          On peut on conduire qu 'aucune societe que aspire à la democratie et ala justice ne peut se construire sur I'amoralite des crimes impunis et I'amnesie officielle.

  1. Membrane fluidization by alcohols inhibits DesK-DesR signalling in Bacillus subtilis. (United States)

    Vaňousová, Kateřina; Beranová, Jana; Fišer, Radovan; Jemioła-Rzemińska, Malgorzata; Matyska Lišková, Petra; Cybulski, Larisa; Strzałka, Kazimierz; Konopásek, Ivo


    After cold shock, the Bacillus subtilis desaturase Des introduces double bonds into the fatty acids of existing membrane phospholipids. The synthesis of Des is regulated exclusively by the two-component system DesK/DesR; DesK serves as a sensor of the state of the membrane and triggers Des synthesis after a decrease in membrane fluidity. The aim of our work is to investigate the biophysical changes in the membrane that are able to affect the DesK signalling state. Using linear alcohols (ethanol, propanol, butanol, hexanol, octanol) and benzyl alcohol, we were able to suppress Des synthesis after a temperature downshift. The changes in the biophysical properties of the membrane caused by alcohol addition were followed using membrane fluorescent probes and differential scanning calorimetry. We found that the membrane fluidization induced by alcohols was reflected in an increased hydration at the lipid-water interface. This is associated with a decrease in DesK activity. The addition of alcohol mimics a temperature increase, which can be measured isothermically by fluorescence anisotropy. The effect of alcohols on the membrane periphery is in line with the concept of the mechanism by which two hydrophilic motifs located at opposite ends of the transmembrane region of DesK, which work as a molecular caliper, sense temperature-dependent variations in membrane properties. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Photonique des Morphos

    CERN Document Server

    Berthier, Serge


    La photonique est déjà présente dans notre vie quotidienne, et on attend maintenant que la manipulation des photons permette aussi le traitement logique des informations. Cependant, l’élément de base qui permet cette manipulation de la lumière, le cristal photonique, est d’une réalisation complexe et mal contrôlée. Dans la course à la maîtrise de la lumière, les structures photoniques naturelles ont beaucoup à nous apprendre. C’est ce que nous montre Serge Berthier qui étudie dans ce livre la structure des écailles des Morphos. Tenant compte de l’essor récent des approches biomimétiques, il présente de manière détaillée plus de dix-huit techniques expérimentales utilisées pour ses analyses, ainsi que les diverses approches théoriques développées pour la modélisation de structures multi-échelles complexes. Première étude quasi-exhaustive des structures fines d’un genre et des propriétés optiques ainsi que colorimétriques générées, ce livre fournit aux entomologiste...

  3. Screening phytochimique et identification spectroscopique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    plante, effectuée pour la première fois, a révélé la présence des alcaloïdes, des flavonoïdes, des tanins catéchiques, des terpènes, des coumarines et des composés cyanogénétiques. Quant aux saponines et les quinones libres, ils sont présents chez les fleurs et absents chez les feuilles. La caractérisation des molécules.

  4. PIXE-PIGE analysis of late roman glass fragments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez-Tubio, B. [Departamento de Fisica Aplicada III, Escuela de Ingenieros, Universidad de Sevilla, Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Sevilla (Spain)]. E-mail:; Ontalba Salamanca, M.A. [Departamento de Fisica, Escuela Politecnica, Universidad de Extremadura, Avda. de la Universidad s/n, 10071 Caceres (Spain); Ortega-Feliu, I. [Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Thomas A. Edison s/n, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Respaldiza, M.A. [Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Thomas A. Edison s/n, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Amores Carredano, F. [Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueologia, Universidad de Sevilla, C/Dona Maria de Padilla s/n, 41010 Sevilla (Spain); Gonzalez-Acuna, D. [Departamento de Geografia, Historia y Filosofia, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Ctra. de Utrera Km 1, 41013 Sevilla (Spain)


    A set of Roman glass fragments, excavated at Sevilla and dated in the 5th century A.D., has been analysed by PIXE and PIGE techniques using the external beam set-up of the 3 MV tandem Pelletron accelerator of the CNA at the University of Sevilla. Using a simple quantification method, based on the indirect charge calculation on the sample by monitoring the X-ray induced by the proton beam on the exit window, the composition of the glasses has been determined. From the obtained results, the use of soda as flux has been inferred and colouring manufacture procedures have been identified.

  5. Etude du processus de changement vecu par des familles ayant decide d'adopter volontairement des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques (United States)

    Leger, Michel T.

    Les activites humaines energivores telles l'utilisation intensive de l'automobile, la surconsommation de biens et l'usage excessif d'electricite contribuent aux changements climatiques et autres problemes environnementaux. Bien que plusieurs recherches rapportent que l'etre humain est de plus en plus conscient de ses impacts sur le climat de la planete, ces memes recherches indiquent qu'en general, les gens continuent a se comporter de facon non ecologique. Que ce soit a l'ecole ou dans la communaute, plusieurs chercheurs en education relative a l'environnement estiment qu'une personne bien intentionnee est capable d'adopter des comportements plus respectueux de l'environnement. Le but de cette these etait de comprendre le processus d'integration de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles. A cette fin, nous nous sommes fixe deux objectifs : 1) decrire les competences et les procedes qui favorisent l'adoption de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles et 2) decrire les facteurs et les dynamiques familiales qui facilitent et limitent l'adoption de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles. Des familles ont ete invitees a essayer des comportements personnels et collectifs d'attenuation des changements climatiques de sorte a integrer des modes de vie plus ecologiques. Sur une periode de huit mois, nous avons suivi leur experience de changement afin de mieux comprendre comment se produit le processus de changement dans des familles qui decident volontairement d'adopter des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques. Apres leur avoir fourni quelques connaissances de base sur les changements climatiques, nous avons observe le vecu de changement des familles durant huit mois d'essais a l'aide de journaux reflexifs, d'entretiens d'explicitation et du journal du chercheur. La these comporte trois articles scientifiques. Dans le premier article, nous presentons une

  6. Lire Soumission entre Charlie Hebdo et le Bataclan : l'islamisation selon Michel Houellebecq : provocation (suite)/


    Almeida, José Domingues de


    Cet article vise une lecture critique du roman Soumission (2015) de Michel Houellebecq dans la foulée des attentats parisiens, en essayant de détecter les lignes de continuité et de rupture par rapport aux procédés narratifs employés et aux thématiques présentes dans les romans précédents.

  7. L'accumulation des métaux lourds au niveau des cultures : Cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le Bassin de Sebou présente une importance socio-économique pour le Maroc. En effet, il est sujet de diverses utilisations ; eau potable, eau d'irrigation et eau industrielle. Toutefois, ce bassin subit des pressions multiples, notamment par la pollution métallique. Considérant le risque de bioaccumulation des métaux par ...

  8. Contrôle des Circuits Auxiliaires des PFW (arrêt machines 2002/2003)

    CERN Document Server

    Ottaviani, J


    Les PFW sont des nappes polaires installées sur les pôles des aimants du PS. Elles sont au nombre de 4 par unité d aimant et constituées d un circuit principal (dans lequel circule le courant désiré selon le cycle magnétique utilisé) et de circuits auxiliaires. Les circuits auxiliaires sont des enroulements de correction (boucles de tour et pick-up brasés sur les enroulements). Pendant la variation du champ magnétique de l aimant PS, on utilise des tensions induites dans ces circuits auxiliaires pour corriger les erreurs de champ dues aux courants de Foucault dans la chambre à vide. Chaque année, pendant l arrêt machine, on vérifie si les caractéristiques des circuits auxiliaires correspondent aux normes (mesures des résistances des boucles de tours, résistances entre pick-up et isolation des circuits) afin de faire un suivi. Les 404 PFW sont ainsi vérifiées. Dans cette note, on ne relèvera que les PFW ayant des défauts (valeurs hors tolérances, boucles ouvertes ou en court-circuit, déf...

  9. The virtual reconstruction of the ancient Roman concert hall in Aphrodisias, Turkey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rindel, Jens Holger; Gade, Anders Christian; Nielsen, Martin Lisa


    About two thousand years ago one of the world’s earliest and most beautiful concert halls were built in the city Aphrodisias, named after the goddess Aphrodite. It was a rich society, renowned for its marble and mastery in sculptures. Like many other cities in the Roman Empire there was an open...

  10. Contribution des TICs à l'abandon des mutilations génitales ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Contribution des TIC à l'abandon des MGF en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone : rôle des jeunes citoyennes; rapport technique no. 5 (rapport technique final), 18 octobre 2008 - 31 mars 2009. Download PDF. Related content. New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all. A new website ...

  11. utilisation des donnees pour l'evaluation de l'heterogeneite des sols

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    étude a permis de caractériser l'hétérogénéité des sols ferrallitiques, à travers sa couleur. Mots-clés : Couleur ... ainsi qu'à l'application des recommandations des doses de fertilisant. ..... de « système sol » en zone de contact forêt- savane du ...

  12. Computed tomography of a medium size Roman bronze statue of Cupid (United States)

    Bettuzzi, M.; Casali, F.; Morigi, M. P.; Brancaccio, R.; Carson, D.; Chiari, G.; Maish, J.


    Diagnostics based on X-ray computed tomography (CT) are becoming increasingly important, not only in the medical field but in industry and cultural heritage. CT devices typical for medical applications, however, can seldom be used on art objects because both they are not easily transportable and they often present high X-ray absorption. It is therefore necessary to make use of portable instrumentation and/or to develop tomographic systems optimized to the characteristics of the objects under examination. This work describes the computed tomography of a first century A.D. Roman bronze statue of Cupid (96.AB.53) in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, within the collaborative framework between the Getty Conservation Institute and the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) of the University of Bologna (Italy). The tomography performed at the Getty facilities employed a 450 kV X-ray tube and a detection system developed at DIFA. The study highlighted the casting and construction techniques used by Roman foundry workers and provided information on the status of conservation of the statue. A 3D virtual reconstruction allowed the user to define different cross-sections enabling the study of the internal features.

  13. Landscape and vegetation change on the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Epoch - A reconstruction based on Geo-Bioarchives (United States)

    Schneider, Heike


    Archaeological investigations expect that first strong landscape changes on the Iberian Peninsula based on Roman Occupation (Schattner 1998, Teichner 2007). Actual sedimentological investigations in flood plains, lagoons and estuaries do not reflect this development. They often show a decrease in sedimentation during this period (Thorndycraft & Benito 2006 a/b). In contrast analyses on sediments from roman dams (Hinderer et al. 2004, Solanas 2005) document massive erosion processes. The aim of this presented project is to reconstruct the effects of the roman land use system on vegetation and landscape development. Therefore different Geo-Bioarchives on several sites of Portugal and Spain - estuaries, palaeoriver channels and roman dams - are actually investigated with a high temporal resolution using palynological and sedimentological methods. First results show, that the anthropogenic impact starts clearly before roman time with an peak in human activity during Iron Age (Schneider et al. 2008). During the roman occupation phase different effects are visible. The inland areas document a massive increase in vegetation change, while the coastal areas were stronger developed before and show only slightly and very local changes in land use and vegetation. References Hinderer, M., Silva C. & J. Ries (2004). Erosion in zentralen Ebrobecken und Sedimentakkumulation in Talsperren. GeoLeipzig 2004, Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft. - Schriftenreihe der Dt. Geol. Gesell. 34. Schattner, T.G. (1998): Archäologischer Wegweiser durch Portugal.- Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt 74. Mainz. Schneider, H., Höfer, D., Trog, C., Daut, G., Hilbich C. & R. Mäusbacher (2008): Geoarcheological reconstruction of lagoon development in the Algarve Region (South Portugal). Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract Volume 12th IPC: 248. Solanas, O.L.-P. (2005): El Aterramiento del embalse romano de Muel: Implicaciones para la evolución de la erosióy el uso de los recursos hidricos en el valle del


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    Ludmila Prenko


    Full Text Available Cet article traite le problème de l’actualisation du concept de l’amour dans le style individuel de Guy de Maupassant sur l’exemple de son roman «Mont-Oriol». On a essayé de montrer les différents moyens de la réalisation de ce concept dans le but de prouver que l’amour est la dominante émotionnelle du roman.

  15. Les lexiques des jeunes dans les discours écrits des blogs : pour une approche descriptive

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    Lorenz Paulina


    Full Text Available S’il ne faut pas confondre ce qui est appelé communément « langage SMS » et « langage des jeunes », nous avancerons toutefois que les pratiques langagières écrites des jeunes sur les supports modernes de communication, et notamment dans les blogs, présentent des particularités encore peu étudiées. Les traits observables les plus saillants sont ceux de la morphologie graphique, mais il n’en reste pas moins que certains jeunes utilisent des lexiques particuliers dans les blogs qui méritent une attention particulière. Nous nous proposons donc d’étudier les différents lexiques utilisés par des jeunes de 12 à 22 ans dans les blogs de la plateforme aux niveaux de sa diversité, de ses usages sémantiques variable d’un scripteur à l’autre pour un même mot, et de ses particularités morphosyntaxiques. En effet, nous observerons des lexiques divers allant des lexiques perçus comme relevant des cités à des lexiques perçus comme étant « branchés-jeunes », ou encore à des lexiques propres aux supports modernes de communication. Ainsi, nous analyserons des lexiques variés dans leurs usages écrits tels que bolos, bédave, gérer, ouf, tigen, ou encore des lexiques empruntés tels que mouv, full, etc., ainsi que des emplois particuliers de séquences autonomes comme lol. Quelques questions périphériques complèteront notre analyse telle que celles qui concerne l’influence des usages lexicaux entre pairs et le savoir partagé, la distinction de différentes communautés en fonction des lexiques utilisés, ou encore la variabilité des représentations graphiques d’un même mot.

  16. Contrôle des circuits auxiliaires des P.F.W. (arret machine 2004/2006)

    CERN Document Server

    Ottaviani, J


    Les PFW sont des nappes polaires installées sur les pôles des aimants du PS. Elles sont au nombre de 4 par unité d’aimant et constituées d’un circuit principal (dans lequel circule le courant désiré selon le cycle magnétique utilisé) et de circuits auxiliaires. Les circuits auxiliaires sont des enroulements de correction (boucles de tour et “pick-up” brasés sur les enroulements principaux). Pendant la variation du champ magnétique de l’aimant PS, on utilise des tensions induites dans ces circuits auxiliaires pour corriger les erreurs de champ dues aux pertes par courants de Foucault dans la chambre à vide. Chaque année, pendant l’arrêt machine, on vérifie si les caractéristiques des circuits auxiliaires correspondent aux normes (mesures des résistances des boucles de tours, résistances entre “pick-up” et isolation des circuits) afin de faire un suivi. Les 404 PFW sont ainsi vérifiées. Dans cette note, on ne relèvera que les PFW ayant des défauts (valeurs hors tolérances, ...

  17. Le récit de la quête dans le roman américain postmoderne : entre version parodique et stéréotypie. L’exemple de John Barth

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    Salwa Karoui-Elounelli


    Full Text Available Au cours de ses mutations, la fiction de John Barth a incarné la vision esthétique propre au roman postmoderne américain, mais elle a également mis en question l’option métafictionnelle qui anime cette même vision. En tant que mode littéraire consubstantiel à la poétique barthienne, la parodie consacre dans maints récits la subversion systématique du motif de la quête en incorporant cette subversion à la déconstruction du roman de voyage. Le texte barthien révèle en effet que, loin de se borner à inscrire simplement le paradigme de la quête dans une orientation métafictionnelle, le romancier expérimente, dans un esprit d’autocritique, le risque de stéréotypage qu’implique la répétition ironique du motif littéraire et des textes canoniques parodiés.In its incarnation of the self-critical, self-ironic spirit that informs the aesthetic vision of the postmodern novel, the fiction of John Barth has encompassed the inevitable questioning of the metafictional orientation itself. The mode of parody which is substantial to the Barthian poetics integrates the systematic subversion of the quest motif within a deliberate deconstruction of the traditional travel narrative. But, rather than confining the paradigm of the quest in a purely metafictional orientation, Barth’s narratives involve a self-critical confrontation of the risk of stereotyping that the ironic repetition of the literary motif and of the canonical travel narratives implicate.

  18. Etat des lieux des soins de premier recours des malades mentaux à Antananarivo : étude rétrospective (United States)

    Bakohariliva, Hasina Andrianarivony; Rafehivola, Imisanavalona Hanitrinihaja; Raobelle, Evah Norotiana; Raharivelo, Adeline; Rajaonarison, Bertille Hortense


    Résumé Religion et guérisseurs traditionnels occupent encore une place prépondérante dans la prise en charge des maladies mentales à Madagascar. Ainsi, nous nous sommes fixés comme objectif d'établir un état des lieux sur les soins de premier recours des malades mentaux. Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective descriptive s'étalant sur une période de 16 mois allant de janvier 2014 en avril 2015 au sein du service de psychiatrie du CHU de Befelatanana à Antananarivo. La prévalence des psychoses était de 25%. Le genre féminin (53%), l'ethnie merina (77%), les étudiants (45%), le niveau d'étude secondaire (40%), les célibataires (72%), la religion protestante (45%), ainsi que le niveau socio-économique moyen (57,5%) étaient prédominants. Dans les paramètres cliniques, le mode de début brutal (52%), le premier recours à la religion (40%), la présence d'antécédents des cas similaire (90%), étaient majoritaires. La schizophrénie était la pathologie la plus rencontrée dans la moitié des cas. Le délai d'amélioration en cas de traitement religieux et traditionnels était dans la moitié des cas de plus de 10 jours d'hospitalisation. Les patients ayant reçu une prise en charge psychiatrique en premier recours, étaient améliorés dans 75 % cas en moins de 10jours. Le retard du recours aux soins psychiatriques est une réalité à Madagascar qui aggrave le pronostic des psychoses. PMID:29632623

  19. Accès à l'eau : des solutions techniques et sociales aident des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Grâce à la modélisation par ordinateur faisant appel à des techniques de pointe et à la consultation des collectivités, l'organisme bolivien Agua Sustentable a trouvé des solutions politiques à des conflits qui auraient pu s'avérer désastreux au sujet de l'accès à l'eau. Cet organisme de recherche subventionné par le CRDI a ...

  20. Presidendi peolaua katavad Roman Zaštšerinski ja Imre Kose / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 14. veebr. 2008, lk. 2. Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva presidendi vastuvõtu peakokad on restorani Ö peakokk Roman Zaštšerinski ja Imre Kose. Vt. samas: Retseptisoovitus 24. veebruariks

  1. Le Débat des semences

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Solutions pour les lois nationales régissant le contrôle des ressources génétiques et des ...... des pouvoirs) qui reconnaissent, dans une certaine mesure, les droits de gestion collectifs des ...... documentés, les performances physiques, etc.

  2. Looking for Colour on Greek and Roman Sculpture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda Claridge


    Full Text Available Review of: Vinzenz Brinkmann, Oliver Primavesi, Max Hollein, (eds, Circumlitio. The Polychromy of Antique and Medieval Sculpture. Liebighaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main, 2010. New scientific methods now being applied to the analysis of traces of pigments and gilding on ancient Greek and Roman marble statuary, and other marble artefacts, have the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the relationship between form and colour in antiquity. At present the enquiry is still in its infancy, but the papers delivered at a conference held in Frankfurt in 2008, reviewed here, provide a general introduction to the subject and to a wide range of work in progress.

  3. A directed network of Greek and Roman mythology (United States)

    Choi, Yeon-Mu; Kim, Hyun-Joo


    We construct a directed network using a dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology in which the nodes represent the entries listed in the dictionary and we make directional links from an entry to other entries that appear in its explanatory part. We find that this network is clearly not a random network but a directed scale-free network in which the distributions of out-degree and in-degree follow a power-law with exponents γout≈3.0 and γin≈2.5, respectively. Also we measure several quantities which describe the topological properties of the network and compare it to that of other real networks.


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    Rus Gabriel Emanuel


    Full Text Available The history of aerial archaeology in Romania is strictly linked to the political history of the state represented by the regimes and bureaucracy systems. The importance of this domain was only acknowledged in Romania after 1989 when important programs were unrolled, in particular those for the sites belonging to the Roman period in Dacia’s area.

  5. Legal regulation of the obligations in old romanian law, greek and roman

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    Ion Tutuianu


    Full Text Available Legal history shows that those who are defined obligation Romans definition valid today as a relationship as we submit to a benefit from a third party. Their importance lies in the fact that although rooted in ancient as it spread in all legal systems, across time and still keeping the same legal and economic importance.

  6. Performances de ponte et qualité des oeufs des poules pondeuses ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les performances de ponte et la qualité des oeufs de 216 poules pondeuses ISA Brown âgées de 21 semaines ont été déterminées en les alimentant avec des rations contenant des feuilles séchées de manioc (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). Pendant douze semaines, trois groupes de 72 poules chacun (réparties en trois ...

  7. Freins et leviers à la diversification des cultures : étude au niveau des exploitations agricoles et des filières

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meynard Jean-Marc


    Full Text Available La diversification des cultures est souvent présentée comme un levier d’action pour accroître la durabilité des systèmes de production agricoles. Bien raisonnée, elle favorise en effet une réduction de l’usage d’intrants extérieurs à l’exploitation – pesticides, engrais, eau – et des nuisances environnementales associées à leur utilisation excessive. À l’inverse, la simplification des systèmes de culture engagée depuis plus de 40 ans s’est accompagnée d’un recours croissant aux intrants. Cependant, malgré son intérêt pour les systèmes de production en termes de durabilité écologique mais aussi économique (répartition des risques, et son inscription dans divers plans et dispositifs incitatifs, la diversification des cultures progresse peu. Les ministères en charge de l’agriculture et de l’environnement ont donc commandé à l’INRA une étude visant à identifier les freins à la diversification des cultures en France et les leviers mobilisables, par les pouvoirs publics notamment, pour la favoriser. L’hypothèse de travail est que ces freins relèvent du fonctionnement global du système agro-industriel, et de la capacité de développement de filières valorisant les cultures de diversification. L’étude a examiné un certain nombre de cas représentatifs de la diversité des filières et notamment de leurs modes d’organisation, qui déterminent la coordination et l’engagement des acteurs économiques impliqués dans le développement d’une culture de diversification.

  8. Basis of the International Research Project of the Roman Military Camps in the Barbarian Territory to the North of Carnuntum

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Groh, S.; Komoróczy, Balázs; Vlach, Marek; Sedlmayer, H.


    Roč. 42, č. 1 (2015), s. 749-754 ISSN 0323-9535. [International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies /22./. Ruse, 06.09.2012-11.09.2012] Grant - others:Rada Programu interní podpory projektů mezinárodní spolupráce AV ČR(CZ) M300011201 Program:M Institutional support: RVO:68081758 Keywords : Roman temporary camps * Middle Danube region * Marcomannic wars * field methodology * environmental analyses Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  9. Impact écotoxicologique de mélanges de pesticides sur des fonctions microbiennes des sols : apport d’une prise en compte écologique dans l’évaluation des risques


    Devers-Lamrani, Marion; Rouard, Nadine; Cheviron, Nathalie; Grondin, Virginie; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice


    L’utilisation de pesticides permet d’assurer la qualité de la production végétale mais elle contribue à la contamination des sols et des eaux et produit des effets sur des organismes noncibles. L’évaluation des risques requièrent actuellement une meilleure prise en compte des effets des pesticides sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Or, les démarches et indicateurs classiques manquent de représentativité écologique. La fonction microbienne de biodégradation des pesticides est essentielle c...

  10. Mesure de la masse volumique des particules des eaux résiduaires urbaines : protocole et évaluation des incertitudes




    La connaissance de la masse volumique des particules des eaux résiduaires urbaines est intéressante notamment pour l'étude de leur traitement par décantation ainsi que des relations entre concentrations en matières en suspension et paramètres optiques (turbidimétrie).Une étude des différentes méthodes de mesure de la masse volumique appliquées aux eaux résiduaires a été effectuée par G. Chebbo (1992). Il en a conclu que le pycnomètre à gaz type Beckman est le seul appareil donnant satisfactio...

  11. Problèmes entomologiques en replantation des palmeraies et des cocoteraies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariau Dominique


    Full Text Available C’est aux alentours de la vingt-cinquième année que l’on envisage de replanter une palmeraie. C’est en effet vers cet âge que commencent à se poser des problèmes de récolte en raison de la taille des palmiers. En un quart de siècle, l’amélioration génétique aura suffisamment fait de progrès pour escompter un gain de production de l’ordre de 20%. Enfin, dans certaines situations, plusieurs maladies ont pu affecter les vieilles palmeraies. Avec de 15 à 25% d’arbres manquants, principalement lorsque ceux-ci se présentent sous la forme de taches, une diminution de la production se fait nettement sentir. Cela peut, par exemple, être le cas avec les maladies de la fusariose en Afrique de l’Ouest, lorsque la palmeraie n’a pas été plantée avec du matériel végétal tolérant, ou du ganoderma en Malaisie. Le renouvellement des cocoteraies se fait avec un espace de temps beaucoup plus long. En effet, la récolte des noix peut se faire au sol et la hauteur des cocotiers n’est donc pas un facteur limitant. Par ailleurs, la majorité des cocoteraies étant sous la forme de petites plantations villageoises, les agriculteurs rechignent toujours à abattre leurs cocotiers, même si des semences potentiellement plus productives leurs sont proposées. Ce sont les raisons pour lesquelles les cocoteraies de 50 ans et plus représentent la règle. L’abattage d’une plantation de palmiers à huile ou de cocotiers constitue naturellement un changement brutal de l’environnement, ce qui a des conséquences importantes notamment sur l’entomofaune, parmi laquelle des ravageurs majeurs ainsi que leurs ennemis naturels.

  12. Fahrstuhlfahrten und Einstiegsschwierigkeiten. Erschließungstechniken in Georges Perecs »La Vie mode d’emploi«

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    Johanne Mohs


    Full Text Available Der Artikel ist eine produktionsästhetische Untersuchung zu Einstiegsschwierigkeiten in literarische Schreibprozesse und ihre Auflösung mithilfe räumlicher und sprachspielerischer Erschließungstechniken. Als Beispiel dient mir die Poetik des OuLiPo (»Ouvroir de littérature potentielle« und hier insbesondere (die Genese von Georges Perecs Roman »La vie mode d’emploi«. Genauer wird daran gezeigt, wie Perec eine blockierte Fahrstuhlfahrt als metaphorische Referenz auf seine anfängliche Schreibhemmung in den Roman einfügt und wie diese Referenz als Kommentar zur Erzählbarkeit komplexer Raum-Zeit-Gefüge im Gesellschaftsroman des 20. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere zu Marcel Prousts »Recherche«, verstanden werden kann.

  13. The island of Skyros from Late Roman to Early Modern times : an archaeological survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karambinis, Michalis


    Aegean archaeology has mainly concentrated on Prehistoric and Greco-Roman times and has provided relatively little information on human activity and material culture in the medieval period. Historical research concerning the medieval era is sufficiently developed but archaeological research on the

  14. Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Corey Piccioni

    ... détermineront les interventions devant absolument faire partie de la formation des travailleurs de santé communautaire. Cela pourrait comprendre des régimes de vitamines prénatals et des billets de transport à des établissements de santé pour le dépistage de troubles d'hypertension ou d'infection au VIH, entre autres.

  15. Evidence for Indo-Roman trade from Bet Dwarka waters, west coast of India

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Gaur, A.S.; Sundaresh; Tripati, S.

    India had a very active maritime trade contact with the Roman world between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD. In this context recent finds of stone anchors, potsherds, lead anchors and a lead ingot from 5 to 8 m water-depth near Bet Dwarka...

  16. Isolement et identification des levures.

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    Full Text Available La fermentation du moût de raisin est assurée par les levures qui se trouvent sur la pellicule du raisin, sur les rafles, et aussi, par celles qui envahissent le matériel de vendange et de vinification dès que la récolte est commencée. L'apparition deLa fermentation du moût de raisin est assurée par les levures qui se trouvent sur la pellicule du raisin, sur les rafles, et aussi, par celles qui envahissent le matériel de vendange et de vinification dès que la récolte est commencée. L'apparition des signes de la fermentation est spontanée. La fermentation est rapide dans la majorité des cas, si elle devient trop violente et que la température s'élève dangeureusement, il faut la « canaliser », la calmer. Des accidents peuvent se produire; des arrêts de fermentation laissant des sucres non fermentés pouvant être attaqués par d'autres microorganismes, des développements de levures formant des substances nuisibles à la qualité; par la suite, il s'agit d'obtenir la stabilité du vin, en particulier, éviter les refermentations des vins doux. L'étude de ces problèmes nécessite une étude préliminaire, celle des levures responsables de la fermentation alcoolique du jus de raisin, qui ne peut être faite que sur des cultures pures, isolées au préalable à l'aide de prélèvements soigneusement réalisés.s signes de la fermentation est spontanée. La fermentation est rapide dans la majorité des cas, si elle devient trop violente et que la température s'élève dangeureusement, il faut la « canaliser », la calmer. Des accidents peuvent se produire; des arrêts de fermentation laissant des sucres non fermentés pouvant être attaqués par d'autres microorganismes, des développements de levures formant des substances nuisibles à la qualité; par la suite, il s'agit d'obtenir la stabilité du vin, en particulier, éviter les refermentations des vins doux. L'étude de ces problèmes nécessite une étude pr

  17. Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'initiative Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique (ISMEA) cherche à améliorer la santé des mères, des nouveau-nés et des enfants en ... Cette initiative de 36 millions de dollars sur sept ans – financée conjointement par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Affaires mondiales Canada et le ...

  18. "Der unvermeidliche Goethe" : Alexander Lernet-Holenias "Der wahre Werther" im Kontext der neueren "Werther"-Rezeption


    Hamacher, Bernd


    Lernet-Holenias „Wahrer Werther“ (1959) ist eine Montage: Der größte Teil des Buches besteht aus einer Wiedergabe der 1774 anonym erschienenen ersten Fassung von Goethes »Leiden des jungen Werthers«. Vorangestellt ist eine aus Heinrich Gloëls Buch »Goethes Wetzlarer Zeit« (1911) kompilierte Einleitung, in der die stofflich-biographischen Hintergründe des Romans aus Goethes Wetzlarer Zeit erzählt werden. Die Montage belegt, dass die Gegenreaktion gegen den „Werther“ auch in der Mitte des 20. J...

  19. Analyse des caractéristiques structurelles et des performances ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 févr. 2014 ... performances technico-économiques de la riziculture irriguée en Côte d' .... en nous basant sur les prix des intrants et des produits en vigueur au cours ..... la recherche et de la vulgarisation et le transfert de technologies ; (2) ...

  20. Enquête de satisfaction des restaurants

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Comité de surveillance des restaurants L’Association du personnel est représentée dans plusieurs comités dont le Comité de surveillance des restaurants (CSR) qui a pour mandat : de donner son avis sur toute question relative à la politique générale de l’Organisation en matière de restauration sur le site, y compris en ce qui concerne les termes et l’attribution des contrats d’exploitation des restaurants ; de définir dans le cadre des contrats d’exploitation des restaurants, les prestations correspondant aux besoins et, dans la mesure du possible, aux désirs du personnel ; de surveiller les prestations des restaurants, y compris en ce qui concerne la qualité et la préparation des produits ; de négocier avec les concessionnaires des restaurants au sujet des tarifs et de surveill...

  1. Phenolic compounds and bioactive properties of wild German and Roman chamomiles


    Guimarães, Rafaela; Barros, Lillian; Dueñas, Montserrat; Calhelha, Ricardo C.; Carvalho, Ana Maria; Santos-Buelga, Celestino; Queiroz, Maria João R.P.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.


    Natural products represent a rich source of biologically active compounds and are an example of molecular diversity, with recognized potential in drug discovery. In the present work, methanolic extracts of Matricaria recutita L. (German chamomile) and Chamaemelum nobile L. (Roman chamomile) and their decoction and infusion (the most consumed preparations of these herbs) were submitted to an analysis of phenolic compounds and bioactivity evaluation. Phenolic compounds were characterized by HPL...

  2. Receptum Liability of Skippers, Innkeepers and Stable Keepers in Roman Law


    Mehmet YEŞİLLER


    Our study discusses the regulations regarding the liabilities of skippers, innkeepers and stable keepers in Roman Law. It is clear from the resources that "actio de damno aut furto adversus nautas, caupones, stabularios and receptum, nautae, cauponis, stabularii" responsibilities used to be regulated in addition to custodia liability arising from the hire of work between the parties, particularly because personnels of skippers, innkeepers and stable keepers were unreliable. These practices, w...

  3. Contraintes d'adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l'une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées.

  4. contraintes d'adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l'une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées.

  5. Droit des organisations internationales

    CERN Document Server

    Sorel, Jean-Marc; Ndior, Valère


    Cet ouvrage collectif offre aux enseignants et chercheurs en droit international, aux praticiens et aux étudiants, une analyse actualisée du droit des organisations internationales. Il dresse en cinq parties un tableau, illustré par des exemples variés, des problématiques que soulève le phénomène polymorphe d institutionnalisation de la société internationale. La première partie est consacrée au phénomène des « organisations internationales », sous l angle à la fois de l institutionnalisation progressive des relations internationales et de la difficulté à cerner une catégorie unifiée. La deuxième partie rend compte de la création, de la disparition et des mutations des organisations internationales, ici envisagées comme systèmes institutionnels et ordres juridiques dérivés. La troisième partie analyse l autonomie que l acquisition de la personnalité juridique et de privilèges et immunités, un organe administratif intégré, un personnel ou un budget propres confèrent aux organi...

  6. De la problématique des articles synopsis dans la compilation des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Autrement dit, au Gabon l'attention doit porter sur l'utilisation des articles synopsis dans la compilation des dictionnaires, en vue de refléter dans ses ouvrages la diversité linguistique et culturelle de ce pays. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai que l'utilisation des articles synopsis ne dépend aucunement de la typologie du ...

  7. Ancient earthquakes in the Roman city of Baelo Claudia (Cadiz, South of Spain): Fifteen years of archaeosimology research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, P.G.; Giner-Robles, J.L.; Reicherter, K.; Rodriguez-Pascua, J.L.; Gruetzner, C.; Garcia-Jimenez, I.; Carrasco Garcia, P.; Bardaji, T.; Santos, G.; Roquero, E.; Roez, J.; Perucha, M.A.; Perez-Lopez, R.; Fernandez Macarro, B.; Martinez-Grana, A.; Goy, J.L.; Zazo, C.


    This work illustrates the state of the art on archaeoseismology of the ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia (Tarifa, Cádiz) after nearly fifteen years of research. This ancient Roman site was affected by two earthquakes in the years AD 40–60 and AD 260–290 which promoted important urban and architectural changes and eventually the destruction and further abandonment of the city in AD 365–390. Earthquake Archaeoseismological Effects (EAEs) are catalogued, described and mapped in the entire monumental sector of the city mainly witnessing the last earthquake which occurred in AD 260–290. Mapping of oriented EAEs illustrate damage distribution all over the lower sector of the city, as well as the occurrence of suspect coseismic landslide and tsunami events. The structural analysis of oriented EAEs throughout the entire mapped sector suggests that the intervening ground motion was preferentially oriented in a SW to NE direction. The geoarchaeological analysis and some relevant archaeological anomalies, strongly suggest the occurrence of coeval tsunami events during both ancient earthquakes, pointing to the occurrence of an offshore seismic source SSW of the city. Several N-S normal faults have been identified around the Bolonia Bay area and some of them continue offshore SSW of Baelo Claudia. These faults with clear Quaternary activity can be considered as the more probable seismic sources for the events affecting the ancient Roman site and they are consistent with the mapped damage orientation displayed by the structural analysis of EAEs within the old Roman city. (Author)

  8. Evaluation des pratiques de gestion des adventices en riziculture

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les résultats ont montré que les méthodes de gestion de l'enherbement ont .... Le contrôle des adventices en riziculture irriguée a principalement .... mesurer la hauteur des plantes et la longueur ..... Performance agronomique du Sys- tème de ...

  9. Contrôle des Circuits Auxiliaires des P.F.W. (arrêt machine 2003/2004)

    CERN Document Server

    Ottaviani, J


    Les PFW sont des nappes polaires installées sur les pôles des aimants du PS. Elles sont au nombre de 4 par unité d'aimant et constituées d'un circuit principal (dans lequel circule le courant désiré selon le cycle magnétique utilisé) et des circuits auxiliaires. Les circuits auxiliaires sont des enroulements de correction (boucles de tour et "pick-up" brasés sur les enroulements principaux). Pendant la variation du champ magnétique del'aimant PS, on utilise des tensions induites dans ces circuits auxiliaires pour corriger les erreurs de champ dues aux pertes par courants de Foucault dans la chambre à vide. Chaque année, pendant l'arrêt machine, on vérifie si les caractéristiques des circuits auxiliaires correspondent aux normes (mesures de résistances des boucles de tours, résistances entre "pick-up" et isolation des circuits) afin de faire un suivi. Les 404 PFW sont ainsi vérifiées. Dans cette note, on ne relèvera que les PFW ayant des défauts (valeurs hors tolérances, boucles ouvertes ...

  10. Evolution of adoption from Roman law to modern law

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kitanović Tanja


    Full Text Available The work is dedicated to the evolution of adoption practice from ancient Roman law to modern law. Adoption represents ancient social and legal practice which has during time changed manifestations and the causes it served. Adoption in ancient Rome served the interests of pater familias without biological posterity. Adoption practice benefited the continuance of families and the family cult of adopters, whose family lines, with no natural posterity, were threatened to become extinct. After the stagnation in the feudal epoch, adoption was reaffirmed in the bourgeois law. Civil codes in European countries, whose legal systems were built on the foundations of the ancient Roman legal tradition, originally favoured the interests of individuals with no biological children, who were granted to extend their families by adopting, and hence transfer their assets on the obtained heirs. After the wars in the 20th century, which led to a rapid increase in the number of parentless children, the concept of adoption was radically changed, so that since that time the adoption has primarily served the interests of the adopted children and the care for them in the adoptive families. Adoption becomes a form of a social, legal family protection of children without adequate parental care, and that is the most desirable form to provide for children, for the adoptee completely integrates with the adoptive family and takes the right of the born child, where the family environment provides and encourages the optimal mental and physical development of the child.

  11. Performances des équipements utilisés en liaison froide en liaison froide en restauration hospitalière - Suivi des températures des entrées froides


    Rosset , Philippe; Morelli , Elisabeth; Noël , Véronique; Poumeyrol , Gérard


    La restauration hospitalière présente un système de distribution des repas qui lui est spécifique : assemblage des denrées préparées et constitution des plateaux-repas dans un local dédié (dit d'allotissement) ; transport des plateaux-repas vers les unités de soins dans des enceintes mobiles permettant le maintien au froid des denrées consommées froides et la remise en température des aliments à consommer chauds. La présente étude concerne le suivi des températures de hors-d'œuvre dans trois ...

  12. Vers une meilleure comprehension des savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires des enseignants ou Ie paradigme retrouve

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephane Martineau


    Full Text Available eet article se veut essentieUement un travail de synthese sous la forme d 'une breve revue de litterature au sujet des savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires en enseignement. Plus specifiquement, il vise a determiner queUes sont les principales conclusions qui se degagent de la lecture des recherches empiriques sur les savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires des enseignants des ordres d'enseignement primaire et secondaire. Il propose donc une classification des differentes dimensions constitutives du rapport entre les savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires et la pratique enseignante. Les resultats mis au jour permettent d 'une part, d'identifier les facteurs qui entrainent des differences dans les connaissances disciplinaires et curriculaires des enseignants et d'autre part, de mieux saisir comment ces connaissances de l'enseignant peuvent influencer en retour sa pratique.

  13. Contrôle hormonal des caractéristiques des fibres musculaires après la naissance


    Cassar-Malek, Isabelle; Listrat, Anne; Picard, Brigitte


    Après la naissance, la croissance et les propriétés contractiles et métaboliques des fibres musculaires sont soumises à une régulation endocrinienne complexe. A l’exception des glucocorticoïdes, la plupart des hormones présente une action anabolique sur le tissu musculaire. Leur influence sur les caractéristiques des fibres est cependant très différente. Ainsi, les hormones somatotropes affectent peu la composition en fibres des muscles. La GH, comme l’IGF-1, régulerait cependant l’expression...

  14. Freud and Gidget go to Rome but uncle Sam doesn't: The roman ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Questo articolo si propone di prendere in esame alcuni film di Hollywood, da Roman Holiday a Gidget goes to Rome, che furono realizzati a Roma negli anni della guerra fredda. Tematicamente incentrata sulla generale ambivalenza dei concetti di casa, amore e morte, questa serie della 'febbre romana' conserva tutti i tratti ...

  15. Hairstyles in the arts of Greek and Roman antiquity. (United States)

    Haas, Norbert; Toppe, Francoise; Henz, Beate M


    Styling one's hair seems to be an innate desire of humans to emphasize their beauty and power. As reviewed here, hairstyles were influenced by preceding cultures, by religion, by those depicted for gods and emperors on sculptures and coins. In addition, they were determined by aspects of lifestyle such as sports, wealth, and the desire to display inner feelings. The historical changes in fashions can be exemplarily followed by a visitor to an art collection of Graeco-Roman antiquity. The study of hairstyles permits an insight into very basic aspects of the self-conception of individuals and of the respective societies.

  16. Analysis of metals with luster: Roman brass and silver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fajfar, H., E-mail: [Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Rupnik, Z. [Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Šmit, Ž. [Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    Non-destructive PIXE analysis using in-air proton beam was used for the studies of earliest brass coins issued during the 1st century BC by Greek cities in Asia Minor, Romans and Celts, and for the studies of plated low grade silver coins of the 3rd century AD. The analysis determined the levels of zinc and important trace elements, notably selenium, which confirms spread of selenium-marked copper from the east. For plating, combined tinning and silvering was identified by the mapping technique for the mid 3rd century AD, which evolved into mere plating by 270 AD.

  17. Analysis of metals with luster: Roman brass and silver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajfar, H.; Rupnik, Z.; Šmit, Ž.


    Non-destructive PIXE analysis using in-air proton beam was used for the studies of earliest brass coins issued during the 1st century BC by Greek cities in Asia Minor, Romans and Celts, and for the studies of plated low grade silver coins of the 3rd century AD. The analysis determined the levels of zinc and important trace elements, notably selenium, which confirms spread of selenium-marked copper from the east. For plating, combined tinning and silvering was identified by the mapping technique for the mid 3rd century AD, which evolved into mere plating by 270 AD.

  18. Metal-touching tools from ancient graves: The case of a Roman period royal burial

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ježek, Martin; Holub, Milan; Zavřel, Jan


    Roč. 18, April (2018), s. 333-342 ISSN 2352-409X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-22207S Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : Roman period * elite * burial * touchstone * cinnabar * nickel * speiss Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: Archaeology

  19. Modélisation des propriétés diélectriques des nanocomposites ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux propriétés diélectriques dans le domaine des micro-ondes (2.45, 9.50 et 35 GHz) des composites constitués des inclusions de noir de carbone dans une matrice résine époxyde. Nous avons utilisé deux types de carbone : le monarch 700 et le sterling, dont les diamètres des ...

  20. Civili, langue des Baloango

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mavoungou, Paul Achille; Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, Hugues Steve

    , Congo, Angola, etc.) issus de la décolonisation. Il présente de façon succincte quelques phénomènes historiques, phonologiques, morphosyntaxiques, homonymiques et analogiques de la langue. Des faits sémantiques des emprunts linguistiques y sont également décrits dans le cadre des changements...

  1. Comment constituer et traiter des corpus issus des médias sociaux à l’aide des CAQDAS? NVivo : un instrument pour l’analyse des discours numériques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferrari Giovannipaolo


    Full Text Available Avec l’apparition des médias sociaux, le chercheur en Sciences Humaines et Sociales a vu s’ouvrir des possibilités de création de corpus à partir des données disponibles en ligne. Le risque dans ces modalités de création de corpus est de créer de grandes bases de données difficilement gérables avec les outils traditionnels et surtout dans le cadre d’une recherche qualitative. Pour cette raison, il semble important de mobiliser des outils numériques pour l’aide à la recherche. Ces logiciels sont appelés CAQDAS. Cette contribution montre comment les utiliser pour une enquête de terrain en ligne ou numérique afin d’organiser et d’analyser un corpus. Ce corpus est constitué en vue d’une analyse des discours produits dans le contexte professionnel de la radio utilisant les nouveaux médias.

  2. Ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales anti hémorroïdaires des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 31, 2015 ... but est de valoriser la médecine à base des plantes dans le traitement des pathologies ... médicinales anti hémorroïdaires et le coût réduit des recettes serait pour les populations démunies, ...... l'Afrique, Unesco/Aetfat/Unso.

  3. A view from the top : a study on educational leadership in Roman Catholic Church primary and secondary schools in Malta


    Cauchi Cuschieri, Rose Anne


    This paper takes a view and discusses the author’s current doctoral research on leadership in Roman Catholic primary and secondary schools in Malta. The study is taking a grounded approach in order to investigate what it is like to be a headteacher in a church-run school, through an exploration of attitudes, behaviours, leadership styles and managerial skills and approaches. The initial phase of the project involved interviews with 10 Roman Catholic school headteachers (5 primary and 5 second...

  4. Changes in Roman Catholic Beliefs and Practices in Ireland between 1981 and 2008 and the Emergence of the Liberal Catholic


    Ó Féich, Pádraig; O'Connell, Michael


    This study aimed to investigate the changes that have occurred in the religious beliefs and practices of Roman Catholics in Ireland between 1981 and 2008 and to examine the extent to which Catholics have become liberal in their attitudes towards social issues over this period. Data were derived from 23 religious indicators and six social items sourced from the European Values Study (EVS). Only Roman Catholic respondents (n=3810) were included in the analysis. Data were analysed using ANOVA, t...

  5. Table des illustrations



    Tableaux Dates d’inauguration des grands hôtels japonais entre 1860 et 1945… 19 Histoire, tourisme et hôtellerie en Corée depuis les années 1870… 59-60 Dates d’inauguration des grands hôtels chinois depuis 1863… 84 Les hôtels de luxe et leurs capacités d’hébergement en Corée en 2000… 103 Les flux de personnes suscités par les hôtels « super luxe » de Séoul en 2000… 105 L’activité des grands hôtels à Séoul en 1999 (en wons)… 106 Propriété et gestion des grands hôtels à Séoul en 1999…. 110 La c...

  6. La recherche en action : des solutions locales, des effets durables ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 déc. 2010 ... Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) appuie la production et l'application de connaissances qui améliorent de façon notable la situation des habitants des pays en développement.

  7. Magnetic and geoelectrical surveying in the Roman age town Porolissum (NW Romania) (United States)

    Petrovszki, J.


    We present the results of magnetic and geoelectrical surveys carried out in a Roman age town Porolissum (NW Romania). Porolissum was the capital of the province Dacia Porolissensis in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, and it had 20000 inhabitants. After the Romans left Dacia the town was deserted. The buildings in the town were built from dacite mined in nearby quarries. The dacite has large magnetic susceptibility and large electric resistivity compared to the soil, which allows the detection of the ruins by magnetic and geoelectrical measurements. We made magnetic surveying using GSM-19 Overhauser magnetometers in the fortress, the town and the cemetery. We were able to map streets, foundations of different buildings: houses, sanctuaries, and in the cemetery roads, graves and graveyards. In those places where the interpretation of the results of the magnetic surveys was not clear, geoelectrical measurements were made to clarify the presence of dacite. The geophysical surveys help to reconstruct the structure of the archeological objects, and on large scale the structure of the town. Based upon our results, the archeologists dug more trenches, which confirmed the interpretation of geophysical measurements.

  8. La revolution des savants

    CERN Document Server

    Chavanne, A


    Premiere cassette : - 1666 : impact de la creation de l'Academie des Sciences par Colbert, trente ans apres le proces de Galile, et au moment des disparitions de Pascal, Descartes et Fermat. Elle dirigee par le hollandais Huyggens jusqu'a sa fuite de France au moment de la revocation de l'Edit de Nantes. - 1750 : l'Encyclopedie (ou "Dictionnaire raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers") de Diderot et d'Alembert, soutenus par Malherbes, Buffon, Condorcet et Rousseau. - 1789 : Revolution francaise. - 8 aout 1793 : l'Assemblee, par une declaration de Marat, dissout l'Academie des Sciences. Celle-ci continue cependant ses travaux pour les poids et mesures jusqu'en 1795. - la Terreur : la condamnation a mort, pas au nom d'une "Revolution qui n'a pas besoin de savants" mais pour d'autres raisons, de trois grands hommes de science : Lavoisier, Bailly et Condorcet. - 1793-1794 : Au printemps 93, le Comite de Salut Publique s'inquiete du demi-million de soldats etrangers de toutes les pays frontaliers qui essai...

  9. Diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'économie du Malawi repose essentiellement sur la culture du tabac, qui représente plus de 70 % des revenus d'exportation. Pour 60 % des 100 000 membres de la National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM), le tabac est la seule et unique source de revenus. Les cultivateurs de tabac, au Malawi ...

  10. À l’aube des dieux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pascal Semonsut


    Full Text Available De l’avis même des préhistoriens, la Préhistoire assiste à la naissance du sentiment religieux. Cette religion des origines, quelle image en ont les Français ? Telle est la question que cet article aborde à partir de l’étude des manuels scolaires et des œuvres de fiction (littérature, cinéma et bande dessinée de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Si l’enseignement et la fiction n’accordent pas la même place à ce thème, en revanche tous deux font des préhistoriques des polythéistes adorant le soleil, construisant des mégalithes et prenant le plus grand soin de leurs morts. Ce mélange d’obscurantisme et de vraie spiritualité n’a qu’un but : montrer que notre espèce ne pouvait être que victorieuse dans ce combat qu’est l’humanisation.

  11. Properties of Roman bricks and mortars used in Serapis temple in the city of Pergamon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozkaya, Ozlem Aslan; Boeke, Hasan


    Serapis temple, which was constructed in the Roman period in the city of Pergamon (Bergama/Turkey), is one of the most important monuments of the world heritage. In this study, the characteristics of bricks and mortars used in the temple have been determined in order to define the necessary characteristics of the intervention materials, which will be used in the conservation works of the temple. Several analyses were carried out to determine their basic physical properties, raw material compositions, mineralogical and microstructural properties using X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscope and a Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer. Analysis results indicated that the mortars are stiff, compact and hydraulic due to the use of natural pozzolanic aggregates. The Roman bricks are of low density, high porosity and were produced from raw materials containing calcium poor clays fired at low temperatures.

  12. Identification and impacts of earthquakes on the Roman Town of Patras- Archaeological evidence (United States)

    Stamati, Alexandra-Venetia; Stiros, Stathis


    In this paper we examine the interactions between earthquakes and inhabitation history of the town of Patras (NW Peloponnese, Greece), flourishing during the Roman period. Instrumental seismicity data and the seismic history of the last two centuries indicate that the wider area is among the most seismically active parts of Europe. But surprisingly, for older periods no historical evidence of ancient earthquakes exists. If this absence of evidence of ancient earthquakes is indicative of a real absence of earthquakes, this may be important for different disciplines. For Seismology, it may perhaps indicate clusters of seismicity separated by intervals of quiescence, each at least several thousand years long. It may also indicate that the inhabitation history of Patras town was not interrupted by major natural catastrophic events, and some destruction observed in ancient remains can be assigned to anthropogenic effects. In order to contribute in the solution of this problem, we made a systematic Archaeoseismological investigation of Patras and examined for the first time several hundreds of reports of archaeological excavations that have been made during period of reconstruction of the city (1972-2004). Among these, about 100 reports provide evidence of destruction layers, some of which satisfy the criteria for identification of earthquakes from archaeological data. A further correlation of this evidence in space and time was made, and permitted to identify with certainty a few major seismic events which marked the history of Roman Patras (1st-6th century AD). In spite of their catastrophic effects, these earthquakes have not led to the abandonment of the ancient town (inhabitation hiatus), but have certainly left their marks in the urban and perhaps social and economic history of this Roman town. Some certain uniformity in the frequency of earthquakes in Patras was also inferred.

  13. La maison des mathématiques

    CERN Document Server

    Villani, Cédric; Moncorgé, Vincent


    Comment travaillent les mathématiciens ? C'est peut-être en se promenant dans les couloirs de la première des " maisons des mathématiques " de France, l'institut Henri Poincaré, que l'on trouvera quelques réponses. Le mathématicien Cédric Villani et le physicien Jean-Philippe Uzan nous invitent à découvrir cette discipline et ses acteurs. Au fil des pages on suit, à travers de superbes images signées du photographe Vincent Moncorgé, la façon dont se fabrique cette science qui reste souvent mystérieuse. Toutes les dimensions, scientifique, esthétique et poétique, des mathématiques sont convoquées grâce à des regards croisés : la diversité des inspirations des chercheurs, la source de leur créativité, l'imaginaire littéraire et artistique des mathématiques, la drôle de tribu des mathématiciens. Un voyage au cœur de cette " auberge espagnole " des mathématiques, campus " à la française " accueillant des centaines de chercheurs du monde entier, devenu un lieu d'émulation et d'éc...

  14. Base documentaire sur les artisanats gallo-romains en Lyonnaise et dans les cités du nord et de l’est de l’Aquitaine : Corpus de données. Présentation Documentary base on the Gallo-Roman craft industries in the Lyonnaise region and the cities of North and East Aquitaine: Data base – presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Ferdière


    Full Text Available Un important corpus de tout type d’artisanat pour la période romaine a été constitué et est ici accessible en lien : il concerne l’ensemble de la province romaine de Lyonnaise (du Finistère au Lyonnais, ainsi que les cités du nord et de l’est de la grande Aquitaine, des Pictons à l’ouest au Gabales au sud-est. Ce corpus examine, par type d’artisanat, essentiellement les contextes (types de sites, chronologie, et non les aspects techniques ou typologiques concernant ces artisanats.An important body of all types of craft industries has been built up for the Roman period and is accessible here in context: it concerns the whole of the Lyonnaise Roman province (from Finistère to Lyonnais as well as the cities of the north and of greater Aquitaine, from the Pictons to the west to the Gabales to the south-east. This body essentially examines for each type of craft industry the contexts (type of site, chronology and not the technical aspects or typologies concerning the craft industries.

  15. Modernisation des marchés agroalimentaires - inclusion des petits ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les marchés agroalimentaires connaissent de rapides changements dans les pays en développement et les pays en transition. Sous l'influence de la libéralisation du commerce et des nouvelles technologies de transformation des aliments et de commerce de détail, les marchés agroalimentaires évoluent vers une plus ...

  16. Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de tabac du sud de la province de Nyanza, au Kenya - phase II. Au cours de la première phase du projet (projet no 103765), les chercheurs ont effectué une analyse de marché pour le bambou et les produits du bambou, comparé les ...

  17. Structurations formelle et conceptuelle des articles de dictionnaires : le premier modèle de codification des articles dans l’histoire des dictionnaires Larousse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corbin Pierre


    Nous nous proposons d’examiner, dans l’histoire des dictionnaires généraux monolingues Larousse des origines à nos jours, une sélection de jalons de l’articulation entre structure conceptuelle et structure formelle des articles. Au regard de l’ampleur des données à couvrir, il ne pourra bien entendu s’agir que d’un survol, mais celui-ci permettra (1 de présenter le premier des trois modèles majeurs de codification des articles dans l’histoire des dictionnaires Larousse, celui qui trouve son origine dans le Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue française de 1856 ou ses éditions révisées, (2 de prendre en compte les dictionnaires proposés par cet éditeur en un siècle et demi qui ont repris le modèle de 1856 ou sa forme révisée, et (3 de présenter contrastivement au premier les deux autres modèles majeurs, qui trouvent leur ancrage chronologique respectivement dans le Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle de 1866-1876 et le Dictionnaire du français contemporain de 1966.

  18. Etat des lieux de la gestion des insecticides au Togo, Afrique de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pour parvenir à une gestion optimale des maladies à transmission vectorielle ou tout au moins la nuisance culicidienne, une surveillance permanente des facteurs de risque devient nécessaire. Le principal facteur de risque est le vecteur qui transmet la maladie, et le contrôle du vecteur passe par des stratégies de lutte qui ...

  19. Des Connaissances Aux Politiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les synergies ont été mises en commun au fur et à mesure des progrès de la recherche. .... Recherche normative (sur le rôle et la performance des institutions .... Système national d'information sur la gestion environnementale connecté à 19 ...... Un fort contrôle centralisé sur l'élaboration des politiques nationales peut ...

  20. Stone mortars in Roman Cisalpine: new specimens

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    Andrea Caffini


    Full Text Available The mortar, made of stone or marble, represents artifact in Cisalpine widespread elsewhere in the Roman world. the morphologies are substantially grouped into two basic shapes: type 1 presents a hemispherical bowl more or less flattened, Type 2 is characterized by a conical reverse body, more or less flared. In the mortars were subjected to pounding and grinding, using a pestle driven by hand, raw materials of various origin. The fields of application were mainly three: alimentary, officinal and cosmetic. In some cases the generic definition of mortar is applied improperly to marble containers probably only be used for ornamental. It 'also demonstrated the use of artifacts attributable to type 2 as a function of urns. Therefore, in reference to decontextualized pieces, you should use a definition not unique, reflecting the different possible meanings of the artifact.

  1. Religion, sex and politics: Scripting connections in Romans 1:18–32 and Wisdom 14:12–14

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeremy Punt


    Full Text Available Ancient people envisaged a strong link between what was deemed transgressive religious activities and objectionable sexual practices. Moreover, sexual behaviour considered aberrant was deemed to upset political boundaries which should protect civic and national stability, especially when this behaviour was suspected of effeminacy. Such thinking appears to inform both Romans 1:18–32 and Wisdom of Solomon 14:12–14. Focussing on two passages from these documents, the links between religion, sexual behaviour and politics in the context of the 1st-century Roman Empire are investigated, tracing underlying ideological intersections, connections and divergences.

  2. The Roman mortars used in the construction of the Ponte di Augusto (Narni, Italy)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Drdácký, Miloš; Fratini, F.; Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana


    Roč. 38, č. 1 (2013), s. 1117-1128 ISSN 0950-0618 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GBP105/12/G059 Institutional support: RVO:68378297 Keywords : historic mortar * roman mortar * Narni bridge Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage Impact factor: 2.265, year: 2013

  3. Rôle et limites des tiers-lieux dans la fabrique des villes contemporaines


    Besson, Raphaël


    La notion de tiers-lieux se développe de manière essentiellement empirique. Elle recouvre des réalités multiples, comme des projets de coworking spaces, de living labs et de fab labs. Certains tiers-lieux s’intéressent tout particulièrement à la ville et aux nouvelles conditions de la fabrique urbaine. En s’appuyant sur des méthodes d’innovation ouverte et le potentiel des outils numériques, ces tiers-lieux défendent l’idée d’un urbanisme qui ne soit plus le patrimoine exclusif d’experts, mai...

  4. Romanization of Referencing Styles for Arts & Humanities Science Journals in Taiwan


    Chang-Huei Lin; Jeong-Yeou Chiu


    Based on Big Three referecing styles guides, namely APA, Chicago (Turabian) and MLA Style, this study discusses the citation formats in which have been applied and specified for scholarly references in non-English languages, especially in Chinese language scholarly writing. This study targets on those Taiwan journals, indexed by TSSCI, THCI Core, A&HCI, SSCI and Scopus, that use the Romanization of references in Chinese journal. By analyzing their notes for contributors and the real situation...

  5. Combined PIXE and XPS analysis on republican and imperial Roman coins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dacca, A.; Prati, P.; Zucchiatti, A.; Lucarelli, F.; Mando, P.A.; Gemme, G.; Parodi, R.; Pera, R.


    A combined PIXE and XPS analysis has been performed on a few Roman coins of the republican and imperial age. The purpose was to investigate via XPS the nature and extent of patina in order to be capable of extracting PIXE data relative to the coins bulk. The inclusion of elements from the surface layer, altered by oxidation and inclusion, is a known source of uncertainty in PIXE analyses of coins, performed to assess the composition and the provenance

  6. L'incidence du prix et des stratégies d'emballage des produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Des données internationales, en provenance surtout des pays à revenu élevé, ... pour s'attaquer aux stratégies de marketing ciblant des groupes vulnérables dans ... Les conclusions d'un programme financé par le CRDI au premier plan de la ...

  7. Etat des lieux de la reproduction sexuée des ignames africaines ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les ignames sont d'importantes plantes alimentaires à multiplication végétative dont l'amélioration et la création variétale dépendent, comme chez les végétaux, de la maîtrise de la biologie de la reproduction sexuée. L'état des lieux des cultivars florifères des ignames africaines Dioscorea cayenensis – D. rotundata a été ...

  8. La réforme des politiques sociales : Évolution des perspectives du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le XXe siècle est une époque remarquable sur le plan des progrès matériels et des transformations d'ordre social et politique. Partout dans le monde, les conditions de vie de la population ont profondément changé à bien des égards: le taux de mortalité infantile et l'analphabétisme chez les adultes ont diminué de façon ...

  9. Recueillir des données probantes à l'échelle des collectivités pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet contribue à la collecte, à l'échelle des collectivités, de données probantes sur les souvenirs des victimes de violations des droits de la personne. Il vise aussi à trouver des stratégies de reconstruction post-atrocités dans un cadre local sûr. Enfin, l'équipe a créé un site Web et produit plusieurs publications.

  10. Innova on pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    19 janv. 2018 ... Les conclusions révèlent des similitudes parmi les cas de divers contextes na onaux, fournissant une riche base de preuves afin d'inspirer des ini a ves visant à améliorer l'équité en ma ère de santé. OUVRIR LE PDF | COMMANDER LE LIVRE. Innova on pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique.

  11. Napoléon Bonaparte, une vie comme un roman...


    Pernot, François


    Napoléon Bonaparte est né le 15 août 1769 à Ajaccio, en Corse. En 1796, l’Angleterre et l’Autriche sont en guerre contre la France et Bonaparte prend la tête de l’armée d’Italie pour aller attaquer les Autrichiens qu’il bat à Lodi, Arcole et Rivoli. Quant à l’Angleterre, il décide de l’attaquer en Égypte pour couper les routes commerciales vers les colonies anglaises des Indes. En 1798, Bonaparte gagne donc l’Égypte avec une armée, mais aussi des savants chargés d’étudier le pays. Cependant, ...

  12. Être là ou ne pas être là – esquisse de typologie du spectral dans quelques œuvres littéraires occidentales contemporaines

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    Catherine Grall


    Full Text Available Abrstact (english Contemporary realistic fiction sometimes includes features which echo ancient ghost tales. Some characters come back after their death, other experience great difficulties inhabiting the present, as if they were haunted. Can we suggest and interpret a categorization of such novels ? A varied corpus enables us to make a few hypotheses, to be explored in further  research developments. Novels in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German or Serbian reveal at least three non exclusive groups : the past, other  cultures, unaccomplished revolutions trouble realistic writings, that can be enlightened by theories of the novel (Ricœur, Pavel, theses taken from aesthtetics (Warburg, Foster, Didi-Hubermann, ideas coming from cultural studies and philosophy (Bhabha, Zizek, Derrida. Through such fictions, the reader is confronted with radical forms of alterity which he cannot ignore. It is a new « ideographic » dimension (to borrow Pavel’s word in La Pensée du roman, in which the paradigm of actions is replaced by pathetic patterns which take on broader social and ethical issues.   Résumeé (français La fiction contemporaine soucieuse du monde actuel accueille parfois, de manière paradoxale, des phénomènes qui font penser aux récits de fantômes anciens : certains  personnages sont des revenants, d’autres, comme hantés, éprouvent de vraies difficultés à vivre au présent. Peut-on définir une typologie de ces personnages et celle-ci peut-elle être interprétée? Un corpus assez varié permet d’esquisser des hypothèses, à développer dans un travail plus ample. Des romans de langues française, anglaise, espagnole, portugaise, allemande, serbe révèlent au moins trois grandes catégories, qui ne sont pas exclusives : le passé, l’autre culture, la révolution non accomplie travaillent des écritures que l’on peut éclairer grâce à des théories du roman (Ricœur, Pavel, des emprunts à l

  13. a 3d Based Approach to the Architectural Study of the Roman Bath at the Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates (kourion, Cyprus). (United States)

    Faka, M.; Christodoulou, S.; Abate, D.; Ioannou, C.; Hermon, S.


    Roman baths represented a popular social practice of everyday life, cited in numerous literary sources and testified by ample archaeological remains all over the Roman Empire. Although regional studies have contributed extensively to our knowledge about how baths functioned and what was their social role in various regions of the Mediterranean, their study in Cyprus is yet to be developed. Moreover, despite the increasing availability of devices and techniques for 3D documentation, various characteristics, especially in relation to the heating and water supply system of the baths, were omitted and were not properly and accurately documented. The pilot case study outlined in this paper presents the 3D documentation of the Roman bath, excavated in the 1950s, within the area of the Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion (Limassol district). The creation of an accurate 3D model of the documented area through image and range based techniques combined with topographic data, allows the detailed analysis of architectural elements and their decorative features. At the same time, it enables accurate measurements of the site, which are used as input for the archaeological interpretation and virtual reconstruction of the original shape of the bath. In addition, this project aims to answer a number of archaeological research questions related to Roman baths such as their architectural features, function mode, and technological elements related to heating techniques.


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    M. Faka


    Full Text Available Roman baths represented a popular social practice of everyday life, cited in numerous literary sources and testified by ample archaeological remains all over the Roman Empire. Although regional studies have contributed extensively to our knowledge about how baths functioned and what was their social role in various regions of the Mediterranean, their study in Cyprus is yet to be developed. Moreover, despite the increasing availability of devices and techniques for 3D documentation, various characteristics, especially in relation to the heating and water supply system of the baths, were omitted and were not properly and accurately documented. The pilot case study outlined in this paper presents the 3D documentation of the Roman bath, excavated in the 1950s, within the area of the Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion (Limassol district. The creation of an accurate 3D model of the documented area through image and range based techniques combined with topographic data, allows the detailed analysis of architectural elements and their decorative features. At the same time, it enables accurate measurements of the site, which are used as input for the archaeological interpretation and virtual reconstruction of the original shape of the bath. In addition, this project aims to answer a number of archaeological research questions related to Roman baths such as their architectural features, function mode, and technological elements related to heating techniques.

  15. Administration et gestion des contrats XL

    CERN Document Server

    Senouf, J


    Les grands contrats de travaux génèrent un grand nombre de commandes (OSVC) passées par un grand nombre de responsables techniques. Ils sont généralement basés sur des bordereaux de prix associés à un éventail de conditions économiques adaptées aux besoins complexes et variés des multiples utilisateurs du CERN nécessitant des calculs sophistiqués. L'administration des commandes, le suivi des travaux et de la facturation doivent répondre aux besoins de tous les acteurs. Les responsables techniques doivent jouir de la plus large indépendance administrative dans le respect des règlements CERN et des conditions contractuelles. Le contrôle des métrés et décomptes doit être rigoureux et d'une traçabilité complète. L'utilisation des bases de données Oracle a déjà permis l'intégration des données administratives et techniques. Le Web nous invite à une communication totale et transparente entre les utilisateurs, les services techniques et les contractants. De nouveaux types de contrat so...

  16. Sexual and intimacy health of Roman Catholic priests. (United States)

    McDevitt, Patrick J


    This study explores the sexual experiences and sexual health of Roman Catholic priests. The qualitative research design looked at priests' responses to the question, "Please share one or more sexual experiences in your lifetime." The qualitative responses were analyzed and categorized into seven groupings: (a) Childhood and adolescent homosexual experiences; (b) Childhood and adolescent heterosexual experiences; (c) Both homosexual and heterosexual childhood and adolescent experiences; (d) Adult sexual experiences before ordination to the priesthood; (e) Adult sexual experiences since ordination to the priesthood; (f) Masturbation; and (g) Other sexual experiences. The data were analyzed by frequency of responses and percentages within each of the seven categories. The results indicate the need for early intervention and education during seminary, ongoing education after ordination, and psychotherapy support for priests.

  17. State officials and illicit asset-grabbing: The Roman approach

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    Apsitis A.


    Full Text Available The article reflects author’s findings regarding the regulation found in Roman legal sources, which is directed against corruptive activities of persons in public state positions, in particular in relation to unlawful seizure of assets belonging to citizens. Legal mechanisms are examined in relation to cases of force (vis-Latin and fear (metus-Latin application. The Code of Justinian (Codex Iustinianus and The Digest (Digesta contained regulation in relation to interpretation and application of The Julian Law on Extortion (Lex Iulia repetundarum, 59 B.C. in cases of all types of extortion and bribery with the involvement of public office administering persons, including judges and arbitrators, are examined.

  18. Analytical Investigation Of Pigments, Ground Layer And Media Of Cartonnage Fragments From Greek Roman Period (United States)

    Afifi, Hala. A. M.

    Some cartonnage fragments from Hawara, Fayoum Excavation were examined to identify pigments, media and grounds. It belonged to the Greek-Roman period. They were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy dispersive X ray analysis (EDS) equipped with Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). These techniques were used to identify the composition and morphology of grounds, nature of pigments and media used in cartonnage fragments. The coarse ground layer was composed of calcite and traces of quartz. The fine ground layer used under the pigments directly was composed of calcite only. Carbon black was used as black pigment while lead oxide as red pigment, showing the influence of Roman and Greek pigments on Egyptian art in these later periods. Blue colorant was identified as cuprorivaite and yellow pigment was goethite. Animal glue was used in the four pigments as medium colored.

  19. Approche historique des classifications en psychiatrie


    Garrabé , J.


    Resume Des le milieu du xixe siecle s?est posee la question des criteres de classification des maladies. Pour les maladies mentales, diverses classifications ont alors ete proposees par des auteurs francais (Morel) et allemands (Kahlbaum, Kraepelin). A partir de la fin du xixe siecle, le Bureau International de Statistique (Paris) a publie a une Classification Internationale des Maladies, a revision decennale (J. Bertillon). Cette tache a ete poursuivie dans l?entre-deux-guerres pa...

  20. Étude sur la nutrition menée dans des écoles de la Grenade - des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étude sur la nutrition menée dans des écoles de la Grenade - des données probantes pour éclairer les politiques. Prévention des maladies non transmissibles. (PMNT). PROFIL DE PROJET. Le programme Prévention des maladies non transmissi- bles (PMNT) soutient la production de nouvelles connais- sances en vue ...

  1. Spirituality as a Component in a Treatment Program for Sexually Addicted Roman Catholic Clergy. (United States)

    Hudson, Patricia E.


    A treatment program that integrates spirituality and therapy for sex abusers who are Roman Catholic priests or brothers is described. Selections from an interview with the program director cover definitions, philosophy, women as therapists, daily activity, candidates, and the spiritual dimension. Measures of success and after-care are discussed.…


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    Ioan Bara


    population of school-boys from Roman town, Neamţ County. The blood groups frequency were: 0 = 30%; A = 42%; B = 19%; AB = 9%. These values are in accordance with the values registered for all Romanian population. In Roman town, between 2001-2004, the frequency of blood groups is, also, in accordance with our results. The blood groups 0, B and AB are more frequent in males, and A is more frequent in females. It is, on the other hand, difficult to compare our results with the worldwide situation.

  3. Les effets des interfaces sur les proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches nickel/iron et cobalt/silver (United States)

    Veres, Teodor

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'evolution structurale des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches Ni/Fe et nanostructures a base de Co et de l'Ag. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques. Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches ferromagnetiques/ferromagnetiques Ni/Fe. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Les analyses correlees de la structure et de la magnetoresistance nous permettront d'emettre des conclusions sur l'influence des couches tampons entre l'interface et le substrat ainsi qu'entre les couches elles-memes sur le comportement magnetique des couches F/F. La troisieme partie est consacree aux systemes a Magneto-Resistance Geante (MRG) a base de Co et Ag. Nous allons etudier l'evolution de la microstructure suite a l'irradiation avec des ions Si+ ayant une energie de 1 MeV, ainsi que les effets de ces changements sur le comportement magnetique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires. Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques

  4. A double-voiced reading of Romans 13:1–7 in light of the imperial cult

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 31, 2015 ... Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of double-voicedness and James Scott's theory of ... kept in mind that Paul, a colonised subject, negotiates the Roman Empire. ...... in the plural form commonly denotes human authorities.

  5. Les caractéristiques des stomates des feuilles de Ficus benjamina L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    25 mars 2014 ... gaz d'échappement des véhicules et des cheminés des usines (Barima et al., 2014). En outre, ces .... inférieures de celle-ci ont été nettoyées à l'eau distillée. Une partie de chaque face inférieure de la feuille a ..... réaction de la plante à empêcher l'absorption de polluants tout en optimisant l'absorption de ...

  6. Identité linguistique et culturelle dans le roman franco-maghrébin


    Ríos Martínez, Jhon Fredy


    Depuis plus de trente ans, un espace littéraire, produit par des jeunes auteurs issus de l'immigration maghrébine, a émergé en France. Cette mouvance a fait son entrée en scène avec la publication de l'ouvrage Le Thé au Harem d'Archi Ahmed de Mehdi Charef, en 1983. Plus de vingt textes – témoignages et récits de fiction –, qui abordent des thématiques complexes comme l'identité nationale, le malaise identitaire des personnages français d'origine maghrébine, l'hybridité culturelle, le retour a...

  7. Inventaire des cavités souterraines abandonnées et cartographie des dangers qui leur sont liés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claire ARNAL


    Full Text Available Un inventaire national des cavités souterraines abandonnées, des accidents de sol qui leur sont imputables et de leurs conséquences dommageables a été réalisé à l’échelle de 1/1 000 000 en 1993 et 1994 par le BRGM pour le ministère de l’Environnement (Direction de la Prévention des Pollutions et des Risques. Il a conduit à élaborer des documents cartographiques de synthèse et à définir des niveaux de dangers dont la localisation permettra de lancer des études plus détaillées en vue d’assurer la sécurité des personnes et des biens

  8. Evaluation des pratiques de gestion des adventices en riziculture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le riz est l'aliment principal pour la quasi-totalité des populations vivant en Côte d'Ivoire. Cependant, les adventices sont considérées comme la contrainte biologique la plus importante faisant obstacle à la production rizicole. L'objectif de cette étude menée en 2015 était d'évaluer différentes techniques de gestion des ...

  9. Cartographie des zones d'intervention des partenaires techniques et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cartographier les zones d'intervention des partenaires techniques et financiers au Bénin. L'approche méthodologique utilisée a consisté à la recherche documentaire, à la collecte de données auprès des partenaires techniques et financiers et à l'analyse de ces données. Les résultats ont permis de constater que cent dix ...

  10. Neutron Dosimetry and Irradiation of Solids; Dosimetrie des neutrons et irradiation des solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perriot, G; Schmitt, A P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Results of work at C.E.A. from 1958 to 1960 are reviewed. The possibilities offered by classical dosimetry methods are discussed. The tests which led to the utilization, for fast neutron dosimetry, of resistivity variations induced in solid W by such neutrons are described. Experimental W irradiation results led to a definition of neutron efficiency which describes the relations between neutron energy and their effects on materials. Possibilities offered by detectors which make use of radiation damage and are sensitive to neutrons at keV energies were explored. In other work, the principal French reactors were classified according to their ability to produce damage in materials such as W. (authors) [French] Dans ce rapport on a presente les resultats essentiels de travaux qui ont ete effectues de 1958 a 1980 par des chercheurs du CEA issus de differents services. En meme temps qu'une revue des possibilites offertes a l'epoque par les methodes classiques de dosimetrie (utilisation des detecteurs par activation), on a decrit les essais qui devaient permettre d'utiliser, a la dosimetrie les neutrons rapides, les variations de resistivite qu'ils creent dans un corps solide (tungstene). L'irradiation du tungstene a montre l'importance qu'il y avait a definir 'l'efficacite' des neutrons, c'est-a-dire leur aptitude plus ou moins grande, selon leur energie, a creer des defauts dans les materiaux. L'efficacite d'un emplacement d'irradiation se trouvant liee au spectre neutronique, on a vu les difficultes qu'il y avait a utiliser les detecteurs par activation des qu'on n'avait plus affaire a un spectre en 1/E ou de fission et on a pu entrevoir les possibilites offertes par les detecteurs utilisant la creation des defauts qui repondent a tous les neutrons d'energies, superieures a quelques keV. Enfin, on a classe les principaux types de Piles Francaises selon leur aptitude a creer plus ou moins rapidement des dommages dans des materiaux comme le tungstene. (auteur)

  11. Biometrische Untersuchungen des Stylopodiums, Zygopodiums und Metapodiums pleistozäner Ursiden im Hinblick auf die Evolution des Höhlenbären und die Klassifizierung des Fundmaterials Einhornhöhle / Harz


    Athen, Kerstin Anja


    In der vorliegenden Dissertation "Biometrische Untersuchungen des Stylopodiums, Zygopodiums und Metapodiums pleistozäner Ursiden im Hinblick auf die Evolution des Höhlenbären und die Klassifizierung des Fundmaterials Einhornhöhle / Harz" wurden Daten des oberpliozänen Ursus etruscus, des pleistozänen Ursus deningeri sowie des Ursus spelaeus ausgewertet. Zur Datenerhebung wurden 249 Messgrößen an den Skelettelementen Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Metacarpalia I-V, Femur, Tibia, Fibula und Metatarsali...



    Wegmann , Grégory


    International audience; Le thème de la gestion des risques a été peu abordé en contrôle de gestion et le fonctionnement des outils traditionnels comme les budgets postulent une maîtrise des risques et des incertitudes. L'émergence de nouvelles approches en contrôle de gestion montre une évolution sur ce point.

  13. A critical moment: the End of the Roman domain in the Hispanic provinces (409-429)




    In the present work there are analyzed some aspects of the crisis of the End of the Roman Hispanias, at the same time it makes an approach to the vision that this process could have at that time, from the testimony of some writers.

  14. Analyse des systèmes de gestion des déchets par l’étude du mécanisme de répartition des déchets


    Bergeron, Francis


    Le renforcement de l’usage concurrentiel des déchets nous amène à étudier les processus d’approvisionnement des filières de valorisation et d’élimination sous l’angle de la circulation des flux de déchets au sein d’un système de gestion des déchets. L’objectif du présent article de recherche est de concevoir un cadre théorique autour du concept de mécanisme de répartition des déchets qui désigne le processus de distribution des flux de déchets entre les filières d’élimination et de valorisati...

  15. Questions de mathématiques élémentaires à l'usage des candidats aux écoles du Gouvernement, des aspirants au baccalauréat ès sciences et des élèves des établissements d'enseignement secondaire

    CERN Document Server

    Vuibert, Henry


    Questions de mathématiques élémentaires à l'usage des candidats aux écoles du Gouvernement, des aspirants au baccalauréat ès sciences et des élèves des établissements d'enseignement secondaire

  16. The Roman and Islamic spice trade: New archaeological evidence. (United States)

    Van der Veen, Marijke; Morales, Jacob


    Tropical spices have long been utilized in traditional medicine and cuisine. New archaeological evidence highlights temporal changes in the nature and scale of the ancient spice trade and in the ancient usage of these plants. Furthermore, a study of their 'materiality' highlights that the impact of spices extends beyond their material properties. Here the botanical remains of spices recovered from archaeological excavations at a port active in the Roman and medieval Islamic spice trade are evaluated. Recent excavations at Quseir al-Qadim, an ancient port located on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, have provided new evidence for the spice trade. Due to the arid conditions ancient botanical remains were preserved in abundance and these included spices, as well as a wide range of other food plants. Quseir al-Qadim was active as a transport hub during both the Roman and Islamic periods (ca. AD 1-250, known as Myos Hormos, and again during ca. AD 1050-1500, known as Kusayr), and the remains thus facilitate a study of temporal change in the trade and usage of these spices. Standard archaeobotanical methods were used to recover, identify and analyze these remains. At least seven tropical spices were recovered from the excavations, as well as several other tropical imports, including black pepper (Piper nigrum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), turmeric (Curcuma sp.), fagara (cf. Tetradium ruticarpum), myrobalan (Terminalia bellirica and Terminalia chebula) and betelnut (Areca catechu). A marked contrast between the two chronological periods in the range of spices recovered points to changes in the nature and scale of the trade between the Roman and medieval Islamic periods, while differences in the contexts from which they were recovered help to identify temporal changes in the way in which the spices were utilized during those periods. Archaeological and textual evidence suggest that in antiquity spices were used in ritual (funeral rites

  17. Contribution à l’identification des déterminants fondamentaux en évaluation des banques

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    Badr Habba


    Full Text Available Ce papier étudie l’influence des facteurs fondamentaux sur l’évaluation des banques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons sélectionné, sur la base d’une revue de la littérature, les caractéristiques fondamentales susceptibles d’influencer l’évaluation des banques. Ensuite, nous avons estimé un modèle économétrique mettant en relation la valeur des banques et six variables explicatives à l’aide de l’économétrie des données de panel. L’échantillon est constitué d’un panel de 82 banques cotées entre 2005 et 2013. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il existe une influence très significative de la qualité du portefeuille bancaire de crédits, du niveau de capitalisation, du niveau de diversification du portefeuille d’activités, de l’efficience et de la taille de la banque sur l’évaluation des firmes bancaires.

  18. From Roman Times to Middle Ages. Settlement evolution and landscape archaeology in the territory of Salamanca

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    Enrique ARIÑO GIL


    Full Text Available In a previous study we gave the results of intensive survey in the Armuña area. In this new study a detailed interpretation is made of the data. After the field work it was observed that there no traces of pre-Roman occupation. The Roman settlement was developed suddenly in the area from the Flavian era onwards and maintained with few changes throughout the whole of the Empire. Aerial photography and the surface material make it possible to detect the presence of two villas (Aldealhama y Prado de Abajo with their attached dependencies. From the fifth century on the habitat points multiplied, although the quality of the buildings was inferior. The eighth-ninth centuries were a period with a gap in information which neither archaeological materials nor the sources can fill. From the eleventh century onwards the settlement was definitively established in the present-day towns. Data on settlement are complemented with those provided by a drilling for the extraction of a pollen record. During the Roman period forest cover was still important, although cereal crops were already present. From the fifth century on it is observed that preferential attention was given to livestock raising, which entails greater pressure on the forest. This process was interrupted around the eighth century, when livestock activity was withdrawn, although farming activity continued. The eleventh century offered greater agricultural diversity with the wine making its first appearance, as is corroborated by written documents of the era.

  19. Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la ...

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    Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la distribution du ... chimiques qui sont à l'origine d'une dégradation croissante de la qualité d'eau. ... Les valeurs d'indice de diversité de Shannon Weaver traduisent une grande ...



    KADARI, Abdelhamid


    Depuis les temps les plus anciens, l’utilisation des plantes dans le domaine de la santé est toujours d’actualité (1), dans la mesure où elle représente une alternative sérieuse ou tout au moins un complément appréciable à la pharmacie classique issue de la chimie moderne. En effet, plus de 25 % des médicaments prescrits dans le monde entier dérivent directement ou indirectement des plantes (2). Cependant, en tant que sources de médicaments, les plantes restent encore sous plusieurs études, s...

  1. Analyse des mécanismes de transmission des infections sexuellement transmissibles


    Abraham, Shahnaz


    Ce travail comprend une étude de l'épidémiologie des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) et du VIH à Genève et en Suisse. Nous constatons une recrudescence des IST pendant la période analysée 1999-2004, supersosable à la situation observée dans les autres métropoles européennes, tandis que l'incidence du VIH est restée stable. Nous analysons les facteurs importants pour la transmission des IST-VIH et soulignons l'importance de poursuivre les campagnes de prévention, visant non seulem...

  2. Épuration des eaux usées des villes pour soutenir l'agriculture ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... Les eaux usées : manne liquide ? ... Les racines de la plante emprisonnent les matières solides en ... le compostage des déchets ménagers ou l'arrosage des pépinières. ... à la gestion locale de la demande », dans Épuration des eaux usées et l'agriculture urbaine, Editions Enda, Dakar, août 2002. Mbodj ...

  3. Améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes et des femmes en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes et des femmes en développant la petite entreprise : mesure de l'impact. Durant les années 2000, la croissance économique et l'augmentation des investissements sociaux ont réduit la pauvreté et offert aux populations de l'Amérique latine de multiples débouchés sur le marché du ...


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    Ognjen Uljevic


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine and compare lactate profile of two groups of Greco-Roman wrestlers with different competences and training experience. Study was conducted on 10 wrestles that were members of Croatian national team and 10 wrestlers that were members of Wrestling club Split. Lactate samples were collected at four intervals during control fights that were held according to international wrestling rules of World wrestling federation FILA. Values of lactate increased as competition progressed, and they were highest at the end of the match for both groups of wrestlers. According to this study there were no significant differences in lactate between two groups at the end of the match, while significant differences were noted during the match. The information about lactate profile presented in this study can be used by coaches and wrestlers to develop condition programs

  5. Reassessing Roman ceramic building materials: economics, logistics and social factors in the supply of tile to Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire

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    Edward C. Peveler


    Full Text Available This research explores the supply of Roman ceramic building materials to Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire. Mineralogy and bulk chemistry of tile fabrics were analysed by thin-section and scanning electron microscopy. The assemblage from this Roman ‘small town’ has shown, besides the existence of local manufacture, that tegulae were on occasion transported c. 50 km by road to the site. The ‘pink grog-tempered ware’ fabric in which some tegulae were made is analogous to a fabric used to produce large storage jars in the vicinity of Stowe Park, Buckinghamshire. Analysis and discussion of the mechanisms and logistics which facilitated the production and long-distance transport of these tiles and jars is undertaken. Social and economic factors involved in their production and purchase are proposed. This study demonstrates the importance of greater levels of analysis of building materials, with the potential to inform us about social strata beneath those most visible in the historical and archaeological record, and a significant, often neglected aspect of the Roman economy.

  6. Harmonische Reduktion des linken Ventrikels


    Atila, M. (Mehmet)


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die harmonische Reduktion des linken Ventrikels am Modell des ausgewachsenen Hausschweins, unter Verwendung von Saugkappen variabler Größe untersucht. In 10 Schweinen mit Herzen normaler Größe und Funktion wurde eine Saugkappe, in Größe und Form an das abzufaltende Wandsegment angepasst, auf die epikardiale Oberfläche des schlagenden Herzens gesetzt. Wir führten Messungen der linksventrik. und der pulmonalart. Drücke, des ventrikulären Durchmessers und der Her...

  7. The ancient Romans knew that lead is a dangerous metal but they tolerated it: Is it happening even today?

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    Sič Magdolna


    Full Text Available In ancient Rome lead was used frequently. The most exposed to the noxiousness of lead were the miners and the workers that were treating the metal. The Romans noticed the lead caused illness with miners, but they nevertheless thought that small amounts of lead do not jeopardize the life of the rest of the population. Moreover, they used lead even for medical treatments. The ancient Romans were not conscious enough about the level of harmfulness of this metal for everyone's health, even for the wealthiest. New scientific methods proved a high level of environmental lead pollution at the time of the Roman Empire. Today, as the harmfulness of lead is scientifically proved, and is therefore eliminated as an addition to petrol. Moreover, most developed countries strive towards further elimination of lead from the environment. Serbia is only at the beginning of this process. Having in mind that in taking actions for the protection of environment we stay behind many countries, we should not take it only as part of the harmonization process with EU law, but as a common task that is in the interests of all.

  8. Étude des impacts écologiques du dynamisme spatio-temporel des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    transformer radicalement les occupations du sol. Toutefois, le recul des .... également de cette protection (Roberge et Angelstam 2004). L'objectif est de ... distribution des espèces cibles a ensuite été cartographiée sur la couche d'unités de ...

  9. A critical moment: the End of the Roman domain in the Hispanic provinces (409-429

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    Carmen María DIMAS BENEDICTO


    Full Text Available In the present work there are analyzed some aspects of the crisis of the End of the Roman Hispanias, at the same time it makes an approach to the vision that this process could have at that time, from the testimony of some writers.

  10. 50 Modélisation des propriétés diélectriques des nanocomposites ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides et des Couches Minces, Faculté des Sciences,. Sémlalia ... renfort (fibres de verre, carbone ou Kevlar,..) ont alors été utilisés ... diélectrique. Par ailleurs, pour modéliser le comportement diélectrique à la.

  11. Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    urbanisation rapide non planifiée, les villes des pays en développement sont à la fois le principal déclencheur des changements climatiques et le lieu approprié pour mettre en oeuvre des solutions. À l'heure actuelle, les villes de taille ...

  12. The Slovenian Lands as the Armed Frontier of the Holy Roman Empire


    Lazar, Tomaž


    In the late Middle Ages, the Slovenian lands formed a major bulwark defending the south-eastern borders of the Holy Roman Empire. Relatively little is known of the military organisation in this strategically significant region due to the absence of sufficiently detailed primary sources. However, the recent discovery of an important and thus far unpublished document from the Bavarian State Library provides excellent insight into the structure and strength of the defensive network established b...

  13. Involvement of dopamine in the differences in sexual behaviour between Roman high and low avoidance rats: an intracerebral microdialysis study. (United States)

    Sanna, Fabrizio; Piludu, Maria Antonietta; Corda, Maria Giuseppa; Melis, Maria Rosaria; Giorgi, Osvaldo; Argiolas, Antonio


    Outbred Roman high- (RHA) and low-avoidance (RLA) rats are selected for respectively rapid vs. poor acquisition of the active avoidance response and display different copulatory patterns when exposed to a sexually receptive female, with RHA rats showing more robust sexual motivation and better performance than RLA rats also after repeated sexual activity. Here we show that the distinct patterns of sexual behaviour of the Roman lines are correlated with differences in the activity of the dopaminergic mesolimbic system, which plays a key role in sexual motivation and copulatory performance. Thus, differential increases in the concentrations of dopamine and its main metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, occurred in dialysates obtained from the nucleus accumbens shell of naïve and sexually experienced Roman rats during the anticipatory and consummatory phases of sexual activity. These differences were particularly evident between sexually naïve RHA and RLA rats and tended to diminish but still persisted between sexually experienced rats, as did the differences in sexual behaviour. Analysis of the biochemical and behavioural findings showed that, while in RHA rats sexual experience caused a shift in the changes in both the dopaminergic activity and copulation towards the first period of the sexual test, in RLA rats sexual experience increased dopaminergic activity and copulation throughout the entire test. Therefore, this study adds experimental support to the view that the different sexual patterns of the Roman lines are due, at least in part, to a more robust functional tone of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system of RHA rats. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Charte du Conseil des Gouverneurs

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    Office 2004 Test Drive User

    7. favoriser des communications ouvertes et franches entre le personnel, la direction ..... de dresser le procès-verbal des réunions du Conseil et de ses comités et de veiller à ce ... et des résultats qu'il obtient, et non de sa gestion quotidienne.

  15. Étude de la compétitivité de complexation des métaux issus des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les analyses chimiques effectuées sur le phosphate naturel révèlent la présence des métaux lourds. Pour étudier les risques de rétrogradation de ces engrais phosphatés, notre étude s'est portée sur la complexation des substances humiques naturelles extraites des sols sur des ions métalliques tels que le calcium, ...

  16. Utilisation des sous-produits agroalimentaires dans l’alimentation des poissons d’élevage en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Kimou Nestor B.


    Full Text Available Cette étude évalue l’impact de l’utilisation des sous-produits agroalimentaires dans l’alimentation des poissons d’élevage en Côte d’Ivoire. Une enquête a été réalisée en 2013 dans quinze principales zones piscicoles sur les caractéristiques technico-économiques des fermes, le profil socio-économique des promoteurs et les pratiques aquacoles, particulièrement l’alimentation des poissons. Les résultats révèlent que 71 % des pisciculteurs enquêtés utilisent des sous-produits agricoles durant au moins un stade de production. Parmi eux, 53 % utilisent exclusivement des sous-produits. Le son de riz (52 % et le mélange de sons de riz et de maïs (28 % sont les plus utilisés. Les prix moyens de ces sous-produits varient entre 20 et 105 FCFA/kg. Oreochromis niloticus et Heterotis niloticus sont les principales espèces élevées en polyculture sur les fermes. Les sous-produits sont utilisés en système semi-intensif, extensif et en rizipisciculture, en majorité en zone rurale. Les pisciculteurs sont pour la plupart des agriculteurs, âgés de plus de 40 ans. Les taux d’utilisation des sous-produits sont plus élevés dans les régions de l’Ouest, du Centre-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, par rapport à celles du Sud et de l’Est. Les rendements des fermes sont relativement faibles (544 à 2445 kg/ha/an, avec des gains moyens quotidiens de 0,87 et 9,97 g/j pour le tilapia et l’heterotis respectivement. L’analyse des stratégies des acteurs suggère la nécessité de définir des mécanismes d’accompagnement et de financement de la pisciculture, afin que ces acteurs puissent améliorer les formulations alimentaires à partir des matières premières locales et accessibles.

  17. Learning historical heritage with a serious game: a user study of Heerlen Roman bathhouse (United States)

    Qi, Wen


    The advances of computer games have shown their potentials for developing edutainment content and services. Current cultural heritages often make use of games in order to complement existing presentations, to create a memorable exhibition. It offers opportunities to reorganize and conceptualize historical, cultural and technological information or knowledge about the exhibits. To demonstrate the benefits of serious games in terms of facilitating the learning activities, we designed a video game about the Heerlen Roman bathhouse heritage. This paper explains the design considerations of this Roman bathhouse game, with a particular focus on the link between game play and learning. In addition, we have carried out a user study to observe and measure the learning effects of this game. Both quantitative and qualitative data are collected to analyze the performance of the learners. The results have shown that this game indeed can help learners understand the important historical facts and the related knowledge of the heritage being studied. Further directions include converting the first-person game into a third-person or multiple players' game.

  18. Literary and Documentary Evidence for Lay Medical Practice in the Roman Republic and Empire. (United States)

    Draycott, Jane


    The majority of surviving ancient medical literature was written by medical practitioners and produced for the purpose of ensuring the effective diagnosis and treatment of their patients, suggesting an audience of medical professionals ranging from instructors to students. This has led historians to concentrate on the professional medical practitioner and their theories, methods and practices, rather than on lay medical practitioners, or even patients themselves. This chapter seeks to redress this imbalance, and examine the ancient literary and documentary evidence for lay medical theories, methods and practices in the Roman Republic and Empire in an attempt to reconstruct the experiences of lay medical practitioners and their patients. The Roman agricultural treatises of Cato, Varro and Columella, papyri and ostraca from Egypt, and tablets from Britain are investigated, and it is established that the individual's personal acquisition of knowledge and expertise, not only from medical professionals and works of medical literature, but also from family members and friends, and through trial and error, was considered fundamental to domestic medical practice.

  19. Gestion des déchets dangereux et responsabilité sociale des firmes

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    Faouzi Bensebaa


    Full Text Available Prenant les déchets électriques et électroniques comme terrain d’observation, cette recherche étudie les fondements du commerce illégal de déchets dangereux des pays développés vers les PED. En effet, malgré la multiplication des législations, le problème des déchets dans les pays développés, loin d’être traité en amont, l’est en grande partie en aval par leur délocalisation dans les PED. Les deux lectures proposées, économique et institutionnelle, permettent de montrer comment les contraintes de coût de gestion des déchets dans les pays développés conjuguées à l’imperfection et à la non-application des législations conduisent à des comportements socialement irresponsables. À partir de là, l’implication des parties prenantes est suggérée comme solution pour éliminer ce type de comportements.Based on the analysis of the waste electrical and electronic equipments (WEEE, the research investigates the motivations for the illegal cross-border trade in hazardous wastes from developed countries to developing countries. Although many developed countries have implemented waste shipment regulations, they are passing the risks and costs of E-waste to developing countries. Indeed, E-waste is often sent for recycling and refurbishing in developing countries. The two-side proposed approach (i.e. economical and institutional suggests that both the cost for firms to comply with increasing regulations and the imperfect implementation of regulatory restrictions lead to socially irresponsible behaviours. An increasing and better involvement of stakeholders may be put forward as a solution.

  20. L’impact de la participation bancaire dans le capital des entreprises sur la politique de distribution des dividendes

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    Naoel Mezgani


    Full Text Available L’objectif de ce papier est de tester l’incidence de la participation bancaire dans le capital des entreprises non financières sur la politique de distribution des dividendes. En utilisant des données de panel des trente entreprises tunisiennes durant la période de 1999 à 2004, nous vérifions si en détenant le capital et la dette, la banque a la possibilité de contraindre la distribution des dividendes pour garantir le remboursement de ses fonds prêtés. Les résultats empiriques obtenus ne confirment pas l’impact significatif des banques actionnaires majoritaires et principaux créditeurs sur la distribution des dividendes dans les entreprises tunisiennes. Ces dernières soutiennent surtout la stabilité du niveau des dividendes payés d’une année à une autre.

  1. A double-voiced reading of Romans 13:1–7 in light of the imperial cult

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    Mar 31, 2015 ... to read online. Introduction ... even though Paul affiliates with the colonial authorities at the public level, he persuades the audience to ... As John W. Marshall ...... The Hebrew Bible also .... Roman antiquit', in J.J. Collins (ed.) ...

  2. Dégâts des bruches sur le pouvoir germinatif des graines de quatre ...

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    29 févr. 2016 ... cultures vivrières de base en Afrique Occidentale et centrale (MULEBA et al., 1997). En RD Congo il est ... correspondant à deux cycles de reproduction, avec des trous ou des œufs sur elles. Les trous ... tout simplement de déterminer le nombre des bruches et leurs espèces à charger dans chaque boite ...

  3. autonomisation économique des femmes et économie du soin des ...

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    Alanna Karpa

    dépend en grande partie d'un financement versé par des bailleurs de fonds et qui est aux prises avec ... services dont leurs enfants ont besoin et à intégrer le marché du travail. ..... roulement, qui produit des services de soins de faible qualité.

  4. Gender Equality in Death? The Normative Dimension of Roman Catholic Ossuaries


    Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina


    Gender seems to be so important for social orientation that it does not end with death, but forms practices and ideas around death. In Roman Catholic regions across Europe we find charnel houses and ossuaries, where the bones of the deceased have been collected. The exposed mortal remains reminded the living of death and warned them to live a ‘good’ life. To explain the interrelation between such normative demands and the material representation of death, a gender-based perspective is useful:...

  5. Insurgency in Ancient Times: The Jewish Revolts Against the Seleucid and Roman Empires, 166 BC-73 AD

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sorrells, William T


    This monograph examines two insurgencies conducted by the Jews in ancient times: the Maccabee Revolt against the Seleucid Empire from 166-164 BC, and the Revolt against the Roman Empire from 66-70 AD...


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    Cristian Anton Gazdac


    Full Text Available Using comparative analysis and the most recent coin site-finds publication from the Roman site of Drobeta in Roman Dacia (nowadays Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania, the present paper demonstrates that when a site from a province is closed to an official mint from another province (e.g. Viminacium in Moesia Superior the coin supply comes mainly from this mint. However, the recent coin evidence from the site of Drobeta proves that the official mint of Dacia, which produced the series of ‘PROVINCIA DACIA’ type was still a main supplier of Drobeta especially after AD 250.

  7. Les paysages périurbains montagnards à la croisée des regards des sciences écologiques et des sciences socio-économiques

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    Nathalie Bertrand


    Full Text Available Les mutations des paysages régionaux dues aux pressions urbaines questionnent l’usage du sol. Elles interpellent à la fois des enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux voire spatiaux sous-tendus par l’étalement urbain, l’accroissement des déplacements domicile-travail, le mitage de l’espace. Ces évolutions et dysfonctionnements renvoient à la question de la durabilité du développement des régions, et particulièrement des Alpes, espace contraint géographiquement et objet de nombreuses pressions anthropiques et riche en biotopes remarquables. Cet article est basé sur deux ans de travaux menés par des socio-économistes et des écologues sur les effets sur le paysage et l’environnement de la périurbanisation d’un massif alpin. Nous avons pris en compte l’espace dans les processus environnementaux, économiques ou sociaux. Intrinsèque dans les analyses écologiques, elle a longtemps posé problème à l’économie pour intégrer l’espace comme dimension à part entière des processus économiques. Trois thèmes sont ici développés : l’approche du point de vue du paysage, les problèmes d’échelles spatiales et temporelles, le choix d’indicateurs. Ils demandent de hiérarchiser les questions et de pratiquer le travail en commun. Aller au-delà nécessite de développer une interrogation plus écologique ou plus économique et/ou sociale en quittant de ce fait l’interface pour favoriser des interrogations disciplinaires particulières.Changes in regional landscapes due to urban pressures raise questions regarding land use. They also give rise to economic, social and environmental issues related to urban sprawl, increases in daily commuting, and land consumption. These changes and dysfunctions are ultimately underpinned by the question of sustainable regional development. Mountain regions such as the Alps, with their various outstanding biotopes in a restricted space, are particularly vulnerable.

  8. Early Imperial Tableware in Roman Asia Minor: a perspective on the diachronic patterns and morphological developments

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    Rinse Willet


    Full Text Available Although the study of tablewares has a long history in the Roman East, research has been hindered by the relatively few, and only very recent, interdisciplinary research projects that study and publish their tableware in depth. But in the last decades, advanced provenancing techniques, combined with efforts to study tableware en masse have been employed, resulting in a better understanding of tableware in the east. Distribution patterns for the major wares found in the East during the Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial period (e.g. Eastern Sigillata A, B, C, D; Italian terra sigillata were successfully mapped by Philip Bes by compiling published data into a single database of the ICRATES (Inventory of Crafts and Trade in the Roman East project (Bes and Poblome 2008. Yet many questions remain on the relationship between production and consumption of these wares and on the role more local products played, both of which are not helped by the relative paucity of well-studied closed archaeological contexts. This article addresses some of these issues through study of the tableware data for Asia Minor. As a first step, the data from Sagalassos, a city located in Pisidia (south-west Asia Minor are discussed. The incorporation of Asia Minor into the Roman Republic and later Empire was accompanied by civic turmoil and increased Roman intervention. Sagalassos, for example, started to produce tableware at a time when Roman colonies were being founded in the region of Pisidia. At the same time, the period of the first century BCE to second century CE saw increased urbanisation in the region, while concurrently the 'Greek' culture seems to have continued. At Sagalassos, substantial production facilities for tableware (Sagalassos Red Slip Ware or SRSW are archaeologically attested and the excavations have yielded a vast amount of ceramics. As a production site, with few numbers of SRSW being attested elsewhere at present, the next logical step is to compare


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1 Centre international de recherche développement sur l'élevage en zone subhumide (CIRDES). Unité de ... En saison des pluies, la taille élevée du cheptel des éleveurs ne leur permet pas l'accès aux bas-fonds (p <. 0,01). ..... animaux sont alors mis sur le marché pour faire .... modes de conduite alimentairedes animaux.

  10. Évaluation de la valeur nutritive et recherche des substances ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2016 ... et des lipides. Puis, l'évaluation a été effectuée sur ces échantillons pour rechercher la présence des alcaloïdes, des saponines, des quinones, des stéroïdes, des terpenoïdes, des flavonoïdes, des leucoanthocyanes, des tannoïdes et des hétérosides cyanogénétiques. Les teneurs moyennes en humidité ...

  11. Regard noir sur la Cité des Anges : James Ellroy

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    Frédéric SOUNAC


    Full Text Available Le mythe de Los Angeles, largement associé à l’immensité de la ville et à la présence en son sein d’Hollywood, est en grande partie une création du roman noir : cité sismique, Sodome moderne, la « Cité des anges » est souvent décrite comme un lieu violent, pulsionnel, où toute tentative de rachat individuel est rendue impossible par l’omniprésence de la corruption. La décadence de la ville-monde, telle qu’elle est analysée de manière résolument pessimiste par le géographe Mike Davis dans Au-delà de Blade Runner, trouve dans les romans de Michael Connelly et de James Ellroy une puissante représentation fictionnelle. Le premier, à travers les errances de son détective Harry Bosch, tient un discours de type élégiaque, tandis que le deuxième, en élaborant une sorte de « réalisme tragique », élève la ville au rang d’allégorie de la Faute et du Mal. L’œuvre d’Ellroy, en particulier, repose sur un arpentage minutieux et obsessionnel des quartiers de Los Angeles, une observation cruelle de sa sociologie et de son histoire, un rapport de haine-amour avec son architecture : le schéma d’enquête, chez lui, relève d’une quête souvent fatale de la mémoire dans une cité que sa rage autodestructrice et ses mutations incessantes vouent à l’amnésie.The myth of Los Angeles, tightly linked to the city’s hugeness and its heart of hearts Hollywood, is to a great extent a creation of the « dark » novel, or « noir ». A sismic territory and modern Sodoma, the so-called « City of Angels » is often depicted as a violent and all impulse driven place, in which the individual yearning for redemption is always destroyed by endemic corruption. The decadent city analyzed in a rather pessimistic way by Mike Davis in his essay Beyond Blade Runner finds in Michael Connelly’s and James Ellroy’s crime fiction a powerful representation. Connelly’s world, with its whimsical main character detective

  12. Complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures : aspects ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tous les patients reçus avec des complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures ont été inclus dans ce travail. Le diagnostic des lésions était clinique et radiologique. Nous avions reçu 51 patients porteurs de complications suite à des traitements de médecine traditionnelle, soit 13,7% du total des patients hospitalisés ...

  13. Etude theorique et experimentale des evaporateurs de dioxyde de carbone operant dans des conditions de givrage (United States)

    Bendaoud, Adlane Larbi

    Les evaporateurs de refrigeration sont surtout du type tube a ailettes, appeles serpentins, et fonctionnent dans l'une des conditions suivantes: seche, humide ou avec formation de givre. Il a ete demontre que la formation du givre sur la paroi exterieure de l'echangeur engendre une surconsommation energetique a cause des operations de degivrage puisque 15 a 20% seulement de la chaleur produite sert au degivrage tandis que le reste est dissipee dans l'environnement [1]. Avec l'avenement des nouveaux refrigerants, moins nocifs envers l'environnement, l'industrie du froid se trouve penalisee du fait que peu ou pas de composantes mecaniques (compresseur, pompe, echangeur...etc.) adaptees sont disponibles [3]. Il s'agit pour la communaute des frigoristes de combler ce retard technologique en redeveloppant ces composantes mecaniques afin qu'elles soient adaptees aux nouveaux refrigerants. Dans cette optique, et afin de mieux comprendre le comportement thermique des evaporateurs au CO2 fonctionnant dans des conditions seches, qu'un groupe de chercheurs du CanmetENERGIE avaient lance, en 2000, un programme de R & D. Dans le cadre de programme un outil de simulation des evaporateurs au CO2 a ete developpe et un banc d'essai contenant une boucle secondaire de refrigeration utilisant le CO2 comme refrigerant a ete construit. Comme continuite de ce travail de recherche, en 2006 ce meme groupe de recherche a lance un nouveau projet qui consiste a faire une etude theorique et experimentale des evaporateurs au CO2 operants dans des conditions de givrage. Et, c'est exactement dans le cadre de ce projet que se positionne ce travail de these. Ce travail de recherche a ete entrepris pour mieux comprendre le comportement thermique et hydrodynamique des serpentins fonctionnant dans des conditions de givrage, l'effet des circuits de refrigerant ainsi que celui des parametres geometriques et d'operation. Pour cela, un travail theorique supporte par une etude experimentale a ete effectue

  14. Evidence Supports Tradition: The in Vitro Effects of Roman Chamomile on Smooth Muscles

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    Zsolt Sándor


    Full Text Available The dried flowers of Chamaemelum nobile (L. All. have been used in traditional medicine for different conditions related to the spasm of the gastrointestinal system. However, there have been no experimental studies to support the smooth muscle relaxant effect of this plant. The aim of our research was to assess the effects of the hydroethanolic extract of Roman chamomile, its fractions, four of its flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, hispidulin, and eupafolin, and its essential oil on smooth muscles. The phytochemical compositions of the extract and its fractions were characterized and quantified by HPLC-DAD, the essential oil was characterized by GC and GC-MS. Neuronally mediated and smooth muscle effects were tested in isolated organ bath experiments on guinea pig, rat, and human smooth muscle preparations. The crude herbal extract induced an immediate, moderate, and transient contraction of guinea pig ileum via the activation of cholinergic neurons of the gut wall. Purinoceptor and serotonin receptor antagonists did not influence this effect. The more sustained relaxant effect of the extract, measured after pre-contraction of the preparations, was remarkable and was not affected by an adrenergic beta receptor antagonist. The smooth muscle-relaxant activity was found to be associated with the flavonoid content of the fractions. The essential oil showed only the relaxant effect, but no contracting activity. The smooth muscle-relaxant effect was also detected on rat gastrointestinal tissues, as well as on strip preparations of human small intestine. These results suggest that Roman chamomile extract has a direct and prolonged smooth muscle-relaxant effect on guinea pig ileum which is related to its flavonoid content. In some preparations, a transient stimulation of enteric cholinergic motoneurons was also detected. The essential oil also had a remarkable smooth muscle relaxant effect in this setting. Similar relaxant effects were also detected on

  15. Evidence Supports Tradition: The in Vitro Effects of Roman Chamomile on Smooth Muscles. (United States)

    Sándor, Zsolt; Mottaghipisheh, Javad; Veres, Katalin; Hohmann, Judit; Bencsik, Tímea; Horváth, Attila; Kelemen, Dezső; Papp, Róbert; Barthó, Loránd; Csupor, Dezső


    The dried flowers of Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. have been used in traditional medicine for different conditions related to the spasm of the gastrointestinal system. However, there have been no experimental studies to support the smooth muscle relaxant effect of this plant. The aim of our research was to assess the effects of the hydroethanolic extract of Roman chamomile, its fractions, four of its flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, hispidulin, and eupafolin), and its essential oil on smooth muscles. The phytochemical compositions of the extract and its fractions were characterized and quantified by HPLC-DAD, the essential oil was characterized by GC and GC-MS. Neuronally mediated and smooth muscle effects were tested in isolated organ bath experiments on guinea pig, rat, and human smooth muscle preparations. The crude herbal extract induced an immediate, moderate, and transient contraction of guinea pig ileum via the activation of cholinergic neurons of the gut wall. Purinoceptor and serotonin receptor antagonists did not influence this effect. The more sustained relaxant effect of the extract, measured after pre-contraction of the preparations, was remarkable and was not affected by an adrenergic beta receptor antagonist. The smooth muscle-relaxant activity was found to be associated with the flavonoid content of the fractions. The essential oil showed only the relaxant effect, but no contracting activity. The smooth muscle-relaxant effect was also detected on rat gastrointestinal tissues, as well as on strip preparations of human small intestine. These results suggest that Roman chamomile extract has a direct and prolonged smooth muscle-relaxant effect on guinea pig ileum which is related to its flavonoid content. In some preparations, a transient stimulation of enteric cholinergic motoneurons was also detected. The essential oil also had a remarkable smooth muscle relaxant effect in this setting. Similar relaxant effects were also detected on other visceral

  16. Leaders of the Four Hundred in the Works of Cicero and his Roman Contemporaries

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nývlt, Pavel

    -, č. 2 (2017), s. 29-39 ISSN 0567-8269 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Cicero * Cornelius Nepos * Roman literature * reception of Greek culture in Rome * ancient Greek history * ancient Greek historiography Subject RIV: AB - History OBOR OECD: History ( history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

  17. L'enrichissement des sols et des semences permet d'améliorer la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 juin 2016 ... Grâce à des sols en meilleure santé et à l'utilisation de variétés améliorées, les agriculteurs du sud de l'Éthiopie ont multiplié par deux le rendement du pois chiche. L'amélioration des méthodes de transformation et de préparation de cet aliment, conjuguée à des programmes d'éducation, s'est traduite par ...



    Kovacs , Yves; Forestier , Ségolène; Lahidji , Ulf; Stevens , Barrie; Radisch , Jack; Schieb , Pierre-Alain


    18 p.; International audience; Méthodologie En coopération avec le gouvernement Japonais, le programme de l'OCDE sur l'avenir a entrepris en 2006 une évaluation de la politique Japonaise en matière de gestion des inondations. L'équipe sélectionnée par l'OCDE en charge de cette évaluation était composée d'experts indépendants. Suite à une étude préliminaire, l'équipe d'experts s'est déplacée au Japon pour interviewer des membres du gouvernement, des collectivités locales, des associations non ...

  19. Différences de sexe et rôle de l'internalisation des règles sur la propension des enfants à prendre des risques à vélo


    GRANIE, Marie-Axelle


    L'objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les différences de sexe et l'effet de l'internalisation des règles routières sur la propension des enfants à prendre des risques à vélo. La perception du risque accidentel pour soi, l'internalisation des règles routières relatives aux comportements cyclistes et la propension à prendre des risques à vélo de 145 enfants (86 garçons et 59 filles) de 9 à 12 ans ont été mesurés par un autoquestionnaire. Les résultats montrent des différences de sexe sur l'i...

  20. L’espace social des étudiants marocains dans la mobilité internationale. Spatialisation des réseaux et recomposition territoriale

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    Sabrina Marchandise


    Full Text Available La communication centre le propos sur l’étude des migrations étudiantes internationales, particulièrement marocaines. Ce thème se situe dans un contexte d’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur, au cœur des enjeux actuels qui ont trait à la mobilité des savoirs et des compétences et plus généralement dans les enjeux sociaux des réseaux. L’objectif général de la recherche réside dans la compréhension de la façon dont les étudiants marocains se représentent, conçoivent et produisent leurs rapports à l’espace, territorialisant de nombreuses aires. Comment alors penser les nouvelles formes de territorialité des étudiants marocains ? Les traductions spatiales des différents facteurs intervenant dans la dynamique sociale étudiante peuvent fournir des clés de lecture et d’interprétation des changements en cours (usages et technologies. Le projet consiste donc à saisir comment est structuré l’espace social des étudiants à travers les différents réseaux. Cet objectif pourra être atteint grâce à la spatialisation des réseaux étudiants marocains. Un croisement des méthodes et une articulation des échelles s’avèrent nécessaires pour une approche par les trajectoires et les pratiques des étudiants.