
Sample records for raza florida sobre

  1. Stuart Hall sobre raza y racismo: estudios culturales y la práctica del contextualismo

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    Lawrence Grossberg


    Full Text Available El trabajo de Stuart Hall sobre la raza no puede separarse de su trabajo sobre los estudios culturales, y en particular, de su compromiso con un contextualismo radical. En este artículo, argumento que la obra de Stuart Hall sobre raza y racismo en el contexto de su compromiso de larga data con una práctica radicalmente contextualista y con la noción de la especificidad histórica en particular.

  2. De los primeros animales domesticados en Euskal Herria a las razas actuales

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    Mariano Gómez


    Full Text Available Para los que trabajamos en el estudio, conservación y recuperación de las razas autóctonas los trabajos de Jesús Altuna son fundamentales por tener un completo trabajo sobre cómo eran nuestros primeros animales domésticos y con ellos el origen de las razas autóctonas que conocemos en la actualidad. Además el papel del perro de pastor en el mesolítico, como herramienta para el ser humano en las labores cinegéticas, se convirtió en el pastoreo en la ayuda y compañía imprescindible para los humanos en la domesticación del resto de las especies que hoy conocemos como ganaderas. Sirva esta pequeña aportación de reconocimiento y homenaje a la gran labor aportada por el profesor Altuna y el gran legado que nos aporta en los trabajos de conservación de las razas.

  3. Sobre el origen de las razas caprinas españolas


    Herrera García, M.; Peña Blanco, Francisco; Rodero Serrano, E.


    Aún hoy, transcurridos más de 50 años desde que Aparicio Sánchez estableciera el origen de las razas caprinas españolas, su hipótesis está llena de contenido y actualidad. Las tres formas prehistóricas propuestas por este autor como troncos originarios, la Capra Prisca, la Capra Aegagrus y otra forma desconocida de procedencia africana son asumidas, así como las variedades Alpina y Pirenaica de la cabra Aegagrus anteriormente reconocida por Sanson (1903) y que fueron desarrolladas por este au...

  4. Caracterización del sacrificio de corderos de pelo a partir de cruces con razas criollas colombianas

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    William Albarracín H.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto genético del cruce de corderos Dorper con razas criollas colombianas, tiempo de ayuno y aturdimiento sobre los rendimientos del sacrificio; niveles de glucosa como medida de estrés y pH como calidad de la canal. Materiales y métodos. Se emplearon 60 corderos raza Dorper X criollo criados en pastoreo y semi-estabulación con 10 semanas de edad. Se aplicaron 3 tiempos de ayuno (6, 12 y 18 horas y 2 métodos de aturdimiento (electronarcosis y perno cautivo penetrante, evaluando los rendimientos de canal por pesaje de canales; glucosa en muestras antemortem y postmortem. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el efecto combinado de ayuno y sistema de cría influencian los rendimientos de canal y subproductos. A tiempos prolongados de ayuno se aumenta la concentración de glucosa en sangre, aunque el tiempo de ayuno incide sobre el pH último. El efecto del aturdimiento, solo se presenta en el cambio de pH durante 24 horas, siendo un efecto de estimulación eléctrica por parte de la electronarcosis. Los animales de raza Dorper x criollo criados en sistema de pastoreo, presentaron mejores rendimientos en canal, pero menores porcentajes de vísceras blancas y rojas. Conclusiones. El porcentaje medio de rendimiento en canal es similar a los presentados en razas puras Dorper siendo viable y comparable este tipo de cruce.

  5. Estudio de razas de palomas españolas a partir del análisis de caracteres morfológicos cualitativos

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    Pere-Miquel Parés C


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar una posible base morfológica que sustente una clasificación racional y no arbitraria de razas de palomo, se estudió la relación fenética entre diferentes razas. Materiales y métodos. Se sometieron para su estudio morfológico comparativo un total de 29 razas españolas de palomas, considerándose cada raza como Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU y agrupadas a priori en grupos de afinidad funcional y morfológica: buchones, razas catalanas, razas baleáricas, palomos de morfología. Se realizó un análisis de coordenadas (ACo sobre la base de la matriz de distancias de similitud de Gower entre OTUs a partir del análisis de 29 caracteres. A fin de conocer cuáles eran las variables responsables de las similitudes y/o disimilitudes observadas se aplicó igualmente un análisis de correspondencia (ACrr. Resultados. En el ACo se reflejó que la variabilidad representada por los dos primeros vectores Eigen no es alta. El ACrr demostró que muchas variables están fuertemente correlacionadas. Conclusiones. La distribución de las razas en el ACo apunta a una distribución bastante buena en los 4 grupos establecidos. El ACrr mostró que las variables más discriminantes pueden ser reducidas a nueve: grosor y longitud del pico, desarrollo de las carúnculas nasales y oculares, longitud del cuello, tamaño y colgado de buche, longitud relativa de la cola y posición de las alas en reposo respecto de la cola.

  6. Las olas embravecidas. La antropología propugnada en El engaño de las razas de Fernando Ortiz

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    Lastra de Matías, Gilles


    Full Text Available The following paper approaches Fernando Ortiz’s thought through his book El engaño de las razas (1946. The cuban author proposes an anthropology free from the distinctive and discriminatory criterion of races, free from the use of the word “race”. This work, which implies a decidedly critical conception of history, is linked to the reflection on “transculturation”, and in a certain extent, a continuation of it.

    El siguiente artículo estudia el pensamiento de Fernando Ortiz a través de su libro El engaño de las razas (1946. El autor cubano asienta las bases de una antropología libre del criterio distintivo y discriminatorio de las razas, libre del uso de la palabra “raza”. Esta obra, que supone una concepción plenamente crítica de la historia, resulta inseparable de la reflexión sobre la “transculturación”, y en cierta medida, la prolonga.


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    Marco Suárez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estudiar los factores ambientales y genéticos que influyen sobre la edad al primer parto dehembras romosinuano. Materiales y métodos. Fueron estudiados 932 datos de la edad al primer partode hembras de la raza Romosinuano, nacidas en el Centro de Investigación Turipaná de CORPOICA,Cereté, Colombia, en el período de 1980 a 2001. Para el estudio de los factores ambientales se utilizóel análisis de varianza mediante modelos lineales utilizando el procedimiento GLM de SAS (1995.Resultados. La edad al primer parto fue de 1162.3±4.2 días, con un coeficiente de variación del 11.19%.El análisis de varianza reveló que el año y mes de nacimiento fueron causas estadísticamente significativasde variación de la edad al primer parto. La heredabilidad, calculada por la correlación intraclase entremedias hermanas paternas fue de 0.16±0.08. Conclusión. El año y mes de nacimiento influyeron en laedad al primer parto de hembras romosinuano, pero la heredabilidad de la edad al primer parto y elsexo de la cría no se constituyen en características importantes a tener en cuenta.


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    Gustavo Ossa S


    Full Text Available Fueron analizados 1877 datos del peso al destete de terneros de la raza Romosinuano, relativos al período1980 a 2001. El peso medio al destete fue de 182,88 ± 0,67 kg, con una desviación estándar de 29,35kg y un coeficiente de variación del 16,02%. Los efectos del año, mes de nacimiento, el número del partoy el sexo del ternero, influyeron significativamente en el peso al destete. La heredabilidad estimada parael peso al destete según el efecto directo fue de 0,14 ± 0,05 y para el efecto materno fue de 0,12 ± 0,03.

  9. Toward the Development of a Raza Cinema. (United States)

    Camplis, Francisco X.

    Chicano teatro, poetry, and art appear to be more developed forms of Chicano cultural expression. Chicano literature and film are just getting off the ground. Film is the least developed of the two, primarily because it is an expensive medium. However, this medium can be a tool for social change. "Raza Cinema" could Conceivably include…

  10. Crecimiento en pastoreo rotacional de toretes de razas criollas Romosinuano y Blanco Orejinegro en Colombia

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    Jaime Quiceno A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el crecimiento de toretes de las razas Romosinuno (ROMO y Blanco Orejinegro (BON en una prueba de comportamiento en pastoreo rotacional. Materiales y métodos. La prueba fue desarrollada en la Estación Experimental El Nus, en la Región Andina Colombiana, donde se evaluaron 20 toretes BON y 16 ROMO provenientes de quince ganaderías comerciales, los cuales fueron mantenidos en un solo grupo durante 221 días en pastoreo rotacional en franjas con periodos cortos de ocupación, de los cuales 56 días fueron en pastoreo no suplementado y 165 días bajo tres diferentes fases de pastoreo suplementado en el potrero. Se realizaron pesajes cada 28 días y se evaluaron variables como: la evolución en peso, la ganancia total y diaria, la diferencia entre pesajes, la relación consumo peso vivo y la tasa de consumo. Resultados. El peso inicial en la raza BON fue 180.4±36.9 kilos con 9.6±1.74 meses de edad y en la raza ROMO fue de 171.8±32.6 kilos con 10.1±3.2 meses de edad. El incremento general de los individuos entre pesajes fue 0.497 kilos por día para los individuos de raza BON, y 0.366 kilos por día para la raza ROMO. En la prueba de eficiencia la tasa de consumo de suplemento alcanzada fue 64.8% y 71% para BON y ROMO respectivamente, equivalentes a una ingestión de materia seca de 0.47% y 0.53% con relación al peso vivo. Conclusiones. Este trabajo evidencia un mayor desempeño de los individuos de la raza BON comparados con los animales de la raza ROMO e indica una alta variabilidad en la respuesta a un manejo semi-intensivo en las poblaciones en evaluación.

  11. Fisiología y moral en los estudios sobre las razas mexicanas: continuidades y rupturas (siglos XIX y XX

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    Urías Horcasitas, Beatríz


    Full Text Available The ideas about race developed in Mexico at the end of 19th Century established a link between the ethnic groups’ phisiological features and their mental or moral inclinations through which the «national character» was formed. The Revolution did not change this view which nurtured the new anthropological, ethnological, and biotypological studies carried out within the «social engineering» program launched as from the twenties. In this program a series of policies —regarding metissage, migrations, education, as well as sanitary, profilactic and iuridical questions— were defined, all of which held to the idea that the racial transformation of the country was linked to changes in mentalities and the definition of a new public and private morale.

    El pensamiento sobre las razas que se desarrolló en México a fines del siglo XIX estableció una vinculación entre los rasgos fisiológicos y las inclinaciones mentales o morales de los grupos étnicos, a partir de las cuales se conformaba un «carácter nacional». Este planteamiento no se transformó radicalmente después de la Revolución sino que fue recuperado en los nuevos estudios antropológicos, etnológicos y biotipológicos que alimentaron el programa de «ingeniería social» puesto en marcha a partir de los años veinte. Dentro de este programa fueron definidas un conjunto de políticas de mestizaje, migratorias, educativas, sanitarias, profilácticas y jurídicas que siguieron asociando la transformación racial del país al cambio de las mentalidades y a la definición de una nueva moral pública y privada.

  12. Estructura genética del caballo de pura raza árabe español y su influencia en razas derivadas: aplicación de nuevas metodologías en el cálculo del tamaño efectivo


    Cervantes Navarro, Isabel


    Durante el desarrollo del estudio se ha analizado la estructura genética del caballo de Pura Raza Árabe y de sus razas derivadas y se ha puesto a punto una nueva metodología de estimación del tamaño efectivo, aplicándose en poblaciones simuladas y reales. Se observó una reducida variabilidad genética en el caballo de Pura Raza Árabe Español, ocasionada por el desequilibrio en la utilización de los reproductores y el cuello de botella acaecido durante la Guerra Civil. Este hecho está compensán...

  13. Respuesta de algunas variedades de clavel estándar a cuatro razas fisiológicas de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Dianthi Response of some standard carnation varieties to four physiological

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    Arbeláez Germán


    Full Text Available Sesenta y ocho variedades de clavel estándar se evaluaron par su respuesta patológica a las razas fisiológicas 1, 2, 4 Y 8 de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi. Solamente las variedades Bogotá, Fabiana y Pesco fueron resistentes a las cuatro razas del patógeno. Las variedades Giallo y Jole fueron susceptibles a todas las razas. La raza fisiológica más patogénica fue la raza 2, la cual es la raza predominante en Colombia, seguida de la raza 8. Las razas 1 y 4 presentaron menor patogenicidad. En esta investigación, se propone un nuevo juego de variedades diferenciales para la identificación de las razas de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi.Sixty eight standard carnation varieties were evaluated for their pathological response to the physiological races 1, 2 , 4 and 8 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi. Only Bogota, Fabiana and Pesco varieties were resistant to all races. The varieties Giallo and Jole were susceptible to the four races. The race 2, which is the predominant race in Colombia, was the most pathogenic of the four races, followed by race 8. Races 1 and 4 were less pathogenic. In this study, we propose a new set of differential varieties to identify physiological races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in Colombia.

  14. Udder Morphological Traits and Milk Yield of Chilota and Suffolk Down Sheep Breeds Morfología Mamaria y Producción Lechera de las Razas Ovinas Chilota y Suffolk Down

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    María E Martínez


    Full Text Available Morphological traits of the whole udder (circumference, width, height, and length, teats (angle, length and width, udder cistern (teat opening and cistern height, and milk yield were measured over one lactation in a total of 18 ewes (nine Chilota and nine Suffolk Down sheep belonging to the same experimental flock (Centro Experimental INIA Butalcura, Chiloé, Chile. Analysis of variance showed significant effects for breed, sheep within breed, and stage of lactation. Chilota ewes evidenced greater udder circumference (433 mm, udder length (86 mm, teat opening (96º, and milk yield (947 mL d-1 than Suffolk Down ewes (410 mm, 77 mm, 93º, and 559 mL d-1, respectively. Udder circumference, udder width, udder length, cistern height and teat size significantly decreased throughout lactation. Repeatabilities of all traits were between 0.17 and 0.60; the highest repeatability was for udder circumference. This trait is easy to measure and had a discriminatory value for breed differentiation. In conclusion, Chilota sheep had a dairy aptitude greater than Suffolk Down sheep and similar to Spanish and Mediterranean dairy sheep breeds at beginning of their breeding programs.Los caracteres morfológicos de la ubre (perímetro, anchura, longitud y altura, de los pezones (ángulo de inclinación, longitud y anchura, de las cisternas mamarias (apertura de los pezones y altura de la cisterna y la producción lechera fueron medidos a lo largo de una lactación en un total de 18 ovejas del mismo rebaño (Centro Experimental INIA Butalcura, Chiloé, Chile, nueve de raza Chilota y nueve de raza Suffolk Down. El análisis de varianza mostró efectos significativos de la raza, la oveja dentro de la raza y del estado de lactación sobre las variables estudiadas. La raza Chilota evidenció un mayor perímetro de la ubre (433 mm, longitud de la ubre (86 mm, abertura de los pezones (96º, y producción lechera (947 mL d-1 que la Suffolk Down ( 410 mm, 77 mm, 93º, y 559 m

  15. Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia

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    Rómulo Campos G


    Full Text Available Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4.1 mmol/l; calcio 2.0 mmol/l; fósforo inorgánico 1.7 mmol/l; magnesio 1.1 mmol/l; proteínas totales 66.2 mg/dl; albúmina 25.8 mg/dl; globulinas 40.2 mg/dl; creatinina 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; bilirrubina total 0.2 µmol/l; bilirrubina conjugada 0.08 µmol/l. Los valores medios de la condición corporal y el hematocrito fueron 3.25% y 27.0% respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre grupos raciales y entre grupos de producción. Los animales de menor peso metabólico (Jersey presentaron mejor homeostasis que los de pesos mayores (Simenthal, Holstein.

  16. Antropología étnica: raza en la institucionalización de la antropología en Colombia

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    Carolina Castañeda V


    Full Text Available En este artículo rastreo la introducción de la noción de raza durante la institucionalización de la antropología en Colombia en la década los cuarenta, concretamente en la práctica antropológica de la primera generación de antropólogos dirigidos por Paul Rivet. Me interesa mostrar que las ideas de antropología de Rivet y su firme propósito de eliminar la verdad de la raza biológica impuesta en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (sgm reemplazaron la idea de raza por la de cultura, al tiempo que problematizo la forma en que la antropología étnica intercambió nominalmente raza por cultura. En este texto se adelanta una genealogía a través de los primeros trabajos antropológicos que sirvieron de fuente para Los orígenes del hombre americano. Con ello, se pretende evidenciar cómo la idea de cultura “desracializó” la discusión antropológica pero “re-racializó” los cuerpos indígenas. Al describir el modelo de estudio antropológico enseñado por Rivet a grupos sociales previamente marcados como indios, concluyo que la práctica antropométrica y etnográfica fue un violento camino epistémico de “re-racialización” de lo indio en Colombia.

  17. Diversidad de razas de colletotrichum lindemuthianum en Antioquía y evaluación de germoplasma de frijol crema-rojo por resistencia a antracnosis

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    Gloria E. Santana


    Full Text Available Para verificar si la composición de razas en el Oriente de Antioquía se caracterizaron 15 aislamientos de C. lindemuthianum, usando 12 variedades diferenciales de frijol aceptadas internacionalmente. Se identificaron 11 razas, seis de las cuales (9, 131, 135, 139, 643, y 645 fueron caracterizadas por primera vez. Además, se evaluaron 49 genotipos procedentes de los bancos de germoplasma del CIAT y CORPOICA y cultivares de agricultor de municipios productores. Los genotipos fueron evaluados en campo y en invernadero con las razas más virulentas del patógeno (651 y 653 encontradas en Antioquía. Sólo cuatro genotipos (AND1084, SUG130, LAS106 y DiacolCatio mostraron resistencia a ambas razas. Estos genotipos podrían usarse como parentales para un plan de cruzas, con el fin de introducir genes de resistencia a variedades de importancia comercial que presenten susceptibilidad a la antracnosis.

  18. Recensi??n/ Book review: Angela Davis (2004). Mujeres, raza y clase. Madrid: Akal


    Mart??nez Tijeras, Marta


    "Mujer, raza y clase", es una de las principales aportaciones del feminismo negro. Pese a no ser actual, es un libro esencial para comprender la teor??a de la interseccionalidad y, por ende, adquirir herramientas para visibilizar las realidades de las personas que se encuentran en situaciones de vulnerabilidad.

  19. Origins and Historical Significance of Día de la Raza

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    Ilan Rachum


    Full Text Available This paper traces the launching of a holiday  known in the Spanish American nations as Día de  la Raza, celebrated on 12 October, date of the  discovery of America. It describes how the new  holiday took shape in the years 1912 to 1921, and how the circumstances created by World War I  hastened its introduction. While the holiday surely  signalled a rapprochement with Spain, and was  indeed particularly promoted by communities of  Spanish immigrants in Cuba, Chile and Argentina,  its Spanish American version, as it is claimed  here, was also a response to, and a rejection of,  the Columbus Day celebration, which had become  a prominent event in the civic calendar of the  United States some years earlier. By tracing the  beginnings of the holiday, we gain a better insight  of the cultural as well as the incipient political  trends of that period.Resumen: Orígenes y significación  histórica del Día de la RazaEn este artículo se traza el origen de una fiesta  conocida en la América española como El Día de  la Raza y celebrada el 12 de octubre, fecha del  descubrimiento de América. Se describe cómo la  nueva fiesta tomó cuerpo entre 1912 y 1921, y cómo las circunstancias creadas por la Primera  Guerra Mundial apresusaron su introducción.  Mientras que la fiesta seguramente significó un  acercamiento hacia España y fue en realidad  especialmente promovida por las comunidades de  inmigrantes españoles de Cuba, Chile y Argentina, su versión española-americana, como creemos, fue también una respuesta y un rechazo de la  celebración del Día de Colón, que se había transformado en un acontecimiento importante en el  calendario cívico de los Estados Unidos algunos  años antes. Al reconstruir los inicios de la fiesta,  tendremos un mejor conocimiento de las tendencias culturales y de las incipientes tendencias  políticas de ese período.

  20. Evaluación de la tasa de concepción de tres razas bovinas receptoras de embriones en el Trópico Alto

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    Oscar Orlando Farfan-Rojas


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar la eficiencia reproductiva, medida en porcentaje de novillas preñadas, de tres razas bovinas, como receptoras de embriones. En el altiplano Cundiboyacense se han realizado pocos estudios tendientes a determinar cuáles razas, aptas para el medio, son las que pueden brindar mejores tasas de concepción, como receptoras, en transferencia de embriones. Los resultados se sometieron a un análisis estadístico descriptivo, utilizando los programas Excel y Minitab (Chi cuadrado x2, con variables de tipo cuantitativo. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo, CC entre 2 y 3 en una escala de 1 (muy flaca a 5 (cebada. La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo un porcentaje de gestación en la raza Normando de 63%; en la Holstein, de 55.5%, y en la raza Brangus, de 44.4%. El protocolo utilizado fue Ovisynch, y los embriones transferidos fueron congelados y descongelados para el momento de transferirlos.

  1. ¿Es el sexo para el género lo que la raza para la etnicidad... y la naturaleza para la sociedad?


    Verena Stolcke


    En este artículo se argumenta que hay una homología entre etnicidad-raza y género-sexo. Se analiza el contenido histórico de las categorías etnicidad, raza, género y sexo. Se postula que las diferencias sociales han sido naturalizadas confines de la dominación política y económica, y que en la sociedad burguesa hay una relación estrecha entre el racismo y el sexismo.

  2. Sobre la comprensión originaria del crimen de genocidio

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    Hannibal Travis


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un estudio prolongado sobre el originalismo genocida. Los esfuerzos para equiparar la intención genocida con la destrucción racial total han aumentado en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas durante la última década, incluyendo los casos de Yugoslavia y Sudán. El artículo examina la evidencia de que los redactores de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio de las Naciones Unidas (UNCG no definieron la intención genocida como la intención de destruir enteramente a una raza o religión. Esta evidencia muestra que la UNCG no requiere que haya un plan deliberado o una política de Estado para exterminar a todos los miembros de una raza o grupo religioso, o un genocidio total. Más bien, la UNCG abarca expresamente los genocidios parciales, los genocidios en los que los jefes de estado no participan y los genocidios motivados por razones distintas al odio racial o religioso. Esta comprensión originaria se manifiesta en el texto de la UNCG, en el proceso de redacción y en el curso del desempeño de la UNCG.

  3. Tratamiento con progestágenos y ECG tras el parto en cabras de la raza Serrana – ecótipo Transmontano


    Valentim, Ramiro; Azevedo, Jorge Manuel Teixeira de; Correia, Teresa Montenegro; Almeida, José Carlos; Fontes, Paulo J.; Galvão, Lurdes; Maurício, Raimundo; Coelho, Alípio


    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficacia de la utilización del tratamiento – FGA + eCG – en la retoma de la actividad ovárica postparto en cabras de la raza portuguesa Serrana, ecótipo Transmontano, paridas a final de la estación reproductiva. Para el efecto, en la ciudad de Bragança (latitud 41° 49' N, longitud 6° 40' W y altitud 720 metros), 30 cabras (2-6 años) de la raza portuguesa Serrana, ecótipo Transmontano, apareadas por monta natural y que parieron sin ningún p...

  4. Persisting problems related to race and ethnicity in public health and epidemiology research Problemas persistentes relacionados con la raza y etnia en la investigación en salud pública y epidemiología Problemas persistentes relacionados à raça e etnia na pesquisa em saúde pública e epidemiologia

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    Jean-Claude Moubarac


    Full Text Available A recent and comprehensive review of the use of race and ethnicity in research that address health disparities in epidemiology and public health is provided. First it is described the theoretical basis upon which race and ethnicity differ drawing from previous work in anthropology, social science and public health. Second, it is presented a review of 280 articles published in high impacts factor journals in regards to public health and epidemiology from 2009-2011. An analytical grid enabled the examination of conceptual, theoretical and methodological questions related to the use of both concepts. The majority of articles reviewed were grounded in a theoretical framework and provided interpretations from various models. However, key problems identified include a a failure from researchers to differentiate between the concepts of race and ethnicity; b an inappropriate use of racial categories to ascribe ethnicity; c a lack of transparency in the methods used to assess both concepts; and d failure to address limits associated with the construction of racial or ethnic taxonomies and their use. In conclusion, future studies examining health disparities should clearly establish the distinction between race and ethnicity, develop theoretically driven research and address specific questions about the relationships between race, ethnicity and health. One argue that one way to think about ethnicity, race and health is to dichotomize research into two sets of questions about the relationship between human diversity and health.Se realizó revisión reciente y amplia de la utilización de raza y etnia en investigaciones dedicadas a las disparidades de salud en epidemiología y salud pública. Se describió la base teórica sobre cual raza y etnia difieren en los métodos de trabajos en ciencia, antropología social y de salud pública. La revisión fue hecha con base en la selección de artículos publicados en revistas de alto factor de impacto en lo que

  5. De Collquiri a la Bruja o dos cuentos sobre la sexualidad en Pampas - La Florida

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    Full Text Available Les grandes transformations du monde andin ont pénétré sa tradition orale et les communautés, comme celle de Pampas-La Florida, ont depuis longtemps cessé d'être des univers à part, refermés sur eux-mêmes, devenant selon José Maria Caballero (IEP, 1981, 387 'les fours où s'est fondue la nouvelle culture andine'. Ce processus qui tente de faire la synthèse entre l'andin et l'hispanique est en même temps un processus de résistance et d'adaptation il donne lieu à une réélaboration culturelle. La tradition orale de Pampas-La Florida en est un exemple. Elle divise l'univers communal en trois mondes: celui du surnaturel, celui des animaux -qui fera l'objet d'un prochain article- et celui des humains, dans lequel les thèmes de la mort, la guerre, l'amour et enfin la sexualité, sont toujours abordés avec un fatalisme et une ironie qui les dédramatisent. C'est ainsi que la Bruja, vieille gardienne du pont de Pampas (qui n'existe pas n'est plus que l'incarnation parodique d'un être mythique. La tradición oral no es impermeable a las transformaciones que desde hace mucho tiempo experimenta el mundo andino. Las comunidades campesinas como la de Pampas-La Florida, desde largo tiempo atrás, dejaron de ser un universo aparte, cerrado sobre sí mismo, para constituirse, según las palabras de José María Caballero (IEP, 1981, 387, en 'los hornos donde se acrisoló la nueva cultura andina'. Este proceso de síntesis entre lo hispánico y lo andino ha dado lugar a un proceso de resistencia y adaptación y a una reelaboración cultural. Tal es como aparece en la tradición oral de Pampas-La Florida. Esta divide el universo comunal en tres mundos: el sobrenatural, el de los animales -del cual trataremos en otro artículo- y el de los humanos en el cual temas como los de la muerte, de la guerra, del amor y en fin de la sexualidad son siempre tratados con fatalismo e ironía, lo que les desdramatiza. Así llega a ser la Bruja, vieja guardiana


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    Judyana Aguirre-Valverde


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo en 208 148 registros de vacas Holstein y Jersey de 545 hatos lecheros especializados presentes en la Base Nacional de Datos VAMPP Bovino, del Centro Regional de Informática para la Producción Animal Sostenible (CRIPAS, de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional (EMV-UNA, período 1995-2010. Se analizó el efecto de la endogamia sobre la producción corregida a 305 días (PC305d y la vida productiva -calculada según la fórmula USDA--, con regresión lineal múltiple, mediante un modelo mixto. Se usó como punto de corte, un valor de coeficiente de endogamia (F de ≥6,25% para valores altos. Además, se estimó la posibilidad de que una vaca con F≥6,25% presente parámetros productivos bajos, mediante regresión logística no condicional. El análisis de supervivencia, mediante la distribución de Weibull, determinó el efecto de endogamia sobre la vida productiva. Se encontró un 17,9% de animales con endogamia, siendo la raza Holstein la de más animales consanguíneos, aunque la Jersey fue la que tuvo, en promedio, los niveles más elevados. Las vacas con baja endogamia produjeron +140,4 kg PC305d en relación con las que tienen niveles elevados (p<0,01. Las vacas con alta endogamia tuvieron más riesgo de PC305d <5000 kg (Jersey y <6500 kg (Holstein que las de baja endogamia (OR=1,3; IC95%: 1,2-1,4. Se observó, para las razas Holstein y Jersey, +10,3 meses y +19,3 meses de vida productiva (USDA para los animales con F bajo. Se concluye que existe un efecto negativo de la consanguinidad elevada sobre la vida productiva (USDA y sobre la PC305d de las vacas Holstein y Jersey en fincas lecheras de Costa Rica.

  7. Variabilidad genética en razas locales de frijol común de Honduras


    Meza Linarez, Narcizo; Rosas Sotomayor, Juan Carlos; Ortiz Marcide, Jesus Maria; Martin Clemente, Juan Pedro


    Las regiones agroecológicas Centro-Oriental (Francisco Morazón y El Paraíso) y Nor-Oriental (Olancho) aportan el 52% de la producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris) en Honduras. En el presente estudio se ha analizado la variabilidad genética en 59 razas locales colectadas en los tres departamentos de las dos regiones agroecológicas mencionadas, mediante cuatro loci microsatélites previamente descritos en P. vulgaris. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de una gran variabilid...

  8. La compatibilidad vegetativa: un método para diferenciar razas fisiológicas y formas especiales de Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.

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    Posada Buitrago Martha Lucia


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    La compatibilidad vegetativa fue estudiada en 15 aislamientos de Fusarium oxysporum, nueve procedentes de suelos de la Sabana de Bogotá (Colombia y los seis restantes pertenecientes a razas extranjeras. Para el análisis de compatibilidad vegetativa de aislamientos del patógeno, se utilizaron las pruebas de complementación entre mutantes nit, obtenidos en medio mínimo con clorato de potasio. Se identificaron seis grupos de compatibilidad vegetativa (VCG. El VCG1 se conformó con todos los aislamientos colombianos de la raza 2 de F. oxysporumt f sp. Díanthi  el aislamiento 103 (de baja patogenicidad, el aislamiento de la raza 2 Italia y el618-9 (de mediana patogenicidad. Los aislamientos 3 y 4 de F. oxysporumf. sp.

  9. Implementación de un equipo de laboratorio para la planta piloto de lácteos campus Juan Lunardi, para el análisis de la leche en tres razas de vacas (Holstein, Jersey y Criollas) de la comuna indígena de Shiña-Nabón


    Ascaribay Andrade, Saúl Geovani


    El presente trabajo de grado trata sobre la implementación de un equipo de laboratorio para el análisis comparativo de la leche entre tres razas de vacas, (Holstein, Jersey y Criollas), este análisis se lo realizo en la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de la comuna indígena de Shiña perteneciente al cantón Nabón provincia del Azuay, los parámetros a ser analizados están basados dentro de las normas técnicas que dicta el INEN, las normas que fueron analizadas fueron: Leche Cruda Requisi...

  10. Tipificación de marcadores genéticos sanguíneos en raza Hereford


    Quinteros, Indalecio Rodolfo; Tejedor, Eugenio Daniel; Poli, Mario Andrés; Antonini de Ruiz, Alicia Graciela


    El paso inicial de esta investigación ha sido tipificar al Bovino Hereford de Argentina para definirlo mediante la metodología de la Inmunogenética. Se buscaron "expresiones" propias y coincidencias con los "marcadores genéticos sanguíneos" descubiertos en esta raza por otros países. Su gran adaptabilidad a "hábitats" diferentes induce a mantener intacto su germoplasma y enriquecerlo con el agregado de nuevos genes. No obstante su homogeneidad racial, el Hereford Argentino presenta destacado ...

  11. El Proyecto Limpopo: evidencia empírica sobre el concepto de inteligencia emocional-social

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    Kobus MAREE


    Full Text Available En este artículo recojo información sobre un proyecto que comenzó en el año 2003. Una serie de jóvenes de raza negra con altas capacidades fueron seleccionados para estudiar en la Universidad de Pretoria (Sudáfrica dentro de un proyecto que buscaba centrarse en los retos a los que se enfrentan tantos niños sudafricanos que sufren diariamente condiciones adversas en su lucha por conseguir una educación que les permita ganarse la vida y contribuir al desarrollo del país. Reflexiono sobre los retos multifacéticos en una Universidad caracterizada por la diversidad e intento determinar el rol que juega la inteligencia emocional-social en el éxito de los alumnos que perseveran a pesar de las numerosas dificultades. Espero contribuir al debate actual sobre el desarrollo de un modelo de orientación en el que se reconozca a los grupos sociales pertenecientes a los extremos más necesitados de la estructura de poder de la sociedad, especialmente dentro de los campos de la Educación y la Psicología.

  12. Fisuras en los monopolios discursivos de dos narradores: el indio inexistente de «Huasipungo» y el indio ausente de «Raza de bronce»

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    María Ximena Postigo


    Full Text Available Two were the main concerns in Latin America during the first half of the twentieth century: the consolidation of the nation-State and the incipient development of capitalism. In the Andes the “Indian problem” added complexity to these concerns. This article proposes a comparative analysis of how Alcides Arguedas, with Raza de bronce (1919, and Jorge Icaza, with Huasipungo (1934 –despite similarities in their social projects, the racism of their speeches and the stories that they address– differ in how they incorporate indigenous issues into the novel. If Huasipungo’s social realism responds to a need for change in the relations of production, Raza de bronce’s critical realism responds to a fear of an indigenous uprising. The above is not, however, the central difference. The latter consists of a monopolistic coherence in the narrative discourse of Icaza versus the fissures that literary modernism produces in Arguedas’ positivism. As a result, the social narrative of these writers creates a bourgeois responsibility in Huasipungo (where the indigenous cultural universe is reduced to a non-existence and a dangerous indigenous potential in Raza de bronce (where the reader does not feel the presence of the Andean cultural world, but neither its non-existence.Las preocupaciones centrales de la primera mitad del siglo XX en Latinoamérica pueden resumirse en las siguientes dos: la consolidación del estado-nación y el desarrollo incipiente del capitalismo. En los Andes se añade además la problemática indígena. En este trabajo planteo un análisis comparativo de cómo Alcides Arguedas, con Raza de bronce (1919, y Jorge Icaza, con Huasipungo (1934 –pese a asemejarse en el proyecto social que promulgan, el racismo de sus discursos y la historia que cuentan– se diferencian en cómo incorporan la problemática indígena a la novelística de la época. Si el realismo social de Huasipungo responde a la necesidad de cambio de las

  13. Calidad de la lana en diversas regiones del cuerpo de las ovejas de raza Corriedale


    Amarilho-Silveira, Fernando; Schneider Lemes, Jaqueline; Gomes Esteves, Roger M


    El concepto de calidad de la lana involucra a una serie de factores inherentes a la raza y manejo nutricional, genético y sanitario, reproductivo, siendo el resultado de estos observados en la esquila. Cualquier lana, como materia prima textil, tiene un uso industrial específico y sus defectos pueden limitar sensiblemente su utilidad o elevar sus costos para ponerla en condición para ser manufacturada. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las características de calidad de la lana en ...

  14. Efecto de la manipulación del semen criopreservado de bovinos Bos Taurus sobre la integridad espermática

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    Norberto Villa-Duque


    Full Text Available En el estudio se evaluó el efecto de descongelar y aplicar semen de bovinos Bos Taurus en 33 ganaderías del Magdalena Medio colombiano, y se estudió in vitro el efecto de la injuria encontrada sobre la integridad de las membranas espermáticas. La información en fincas se recopiló mediante formulario específico, mientras que el estudio in vitro se ejecutó en el laboratorio de Biotecnología Reproductiva Animal del Instituto Universitario de la Paz (Barrancabermeja, Santander. El estudio consistió en someter pajillas comerciales de 0.5 ml de toros Holstein y Pardo Suizo a la técnica convencional y a tres modificaciones de esta (injurias mediante un diseño randomizado. Ninguna de las fincas evaluadas aplicó correctamente la práctica de la inseminación artificial; errores notorios fueron: exceso de tiempo durante la extracción de la pajilla, descongelación en la región axilar y no combinación correcta entre tiempo y temperatura. Los resultados evidenciaron diferencia significativa (P<0.05 por efecto de la raza para la integridad y resistencia de las membranas espermáticas, para la integridad de las membranas por efecto de los tratamientos cuando la pajilla se descongelo a temperatura corporal en la región axilar y para la integridad de la membrana acrosomal cuando la extracción de la pajilla se realizó en forma incorrecta. El semen de la raza Holstein evidencia una ligera tendencia a ser más resistente que el de la raza Pardo Suizo.

  15. Consideraciones sobre un nuevo y notable puñal calcolítico atribuible al grupo Treilles del Museu d´Arqueología de Catalunya en Barcelona

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    Rovira i Port, Jordi


    Full Text Available Althrough we were unaware of its concret origin, the Museu d´Arqueologia of Barcelona preserves in his collections a magnificent example of copper dagger assimilable to the series of daggers so-called «à encoche bilatérale » and «à soie courte crantée». These are pieces assimilated principally to the metallurgy of the pre-bell beakers of the Treilles Group, althrough certain pieces appear also in the prehistoric cultural groupes of Fontbuisse and Véraza. We present suggestions about its typology, filiation and the chronology of this dagger, as well as about its likely metallic composition.

    Aunque ignoramos su procedencia concreta, el Museu d´Arqueologia de Barcelona conserva en sus colecciones un magnífico ejemplar de puñal de cobre tipológicamente atribuible a las series de puñales denominados genéricamente como «à encoche bilatérale» y «à soie courte crantée». Se trata de piezas asimilables mayoritariamente a la metalúrgia precampaniforme del Grupo «des Treilles», aunque ciertos ejemplares aparecen también en los grupos culturales prehistóricos franceses de Fontbuisse y Véraza. En el artículo se efectúan apreciaciones sobre su tipologia, la filiación y la datación del puñal, así como sobre su probable composición metalográfica.

  16. Diámetro biparietal en fetos a término en varias razas de perros


    Cahua U, Jacqueline; Quispe M, Lizeth


    El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo la determinación de la medición ecográfica cuantitativa del diámetro biparietal de fetos a término en perras. Se trabajó con 181 informes ecográficos de varias razas de perras en gestación cuyos fetos tenían menos de 210 latidos por minuto, y que fueron examinados en el consultorio de ecografía de la Clínica de Animales Menores de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú, entre los años 2000-2014. The pr...

  17. Determinación de razas fisiológicas de Fusariumoxysporumf.sp. Dianthien suelos cultivados y en variedades de clavel en la finca "flores las palmas".

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    Benavides Joaquín L.


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    EI problema fitosanitario más Limitante del cultivo del clavel en Colombia es el marchitamiento vascular ocasionado por Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi con pérdidas económicas muy importantes. EI objetivo del trabajo fue la determinación de las razas fisiológicas del patógeno en la línea "Flores Las Palmas·, localizada en el Municipio de Tocancipá, Cundinamarca, a partir de muestras de plantas de clavel afectadas y de suelo. La investigación consistió en la obtención de 50 aislamientos del hongo a partir de plantas afectadas por la enfermedad y de 50 alistamientos de suelo, los cuales se inocularon en las variedades diferenciales de clavel lbiza, Taiga, Raggio di Sole, Pink Calypso, Niki y San Remo. Los resultados mostraron que 41

    (82% de los 50 aislamientos del hongo obtenidos de plantas enfermas de clavel estándar se clasificaron como raza 2 del patógeno, cinco aislamientos (10% se caracterizaron como de baja patogenicidad, por l0 cual no fue posible determinar la raza a la cual pertenecen y cuatro aislamientos (8% se caracterizaron por no ser patogénicos en plantas de clavel. De los 50 aislamientos del hongo obtenidos a partir de muestras de suelo, solamente uno de ellos (2% Jue patogénico en plantas de clavel y se clasifico como raza 2, siendo los demás aislamientos no patogénicos en plantas de clavel.


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    Benjamin Gómez-Ramos


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue integrar los conocimientos sobre factores genéticos y ambientales que inciden en la producción de leche (PL de la coneja y su efecto en la supervivencia y crecimiento de la camada. Las investigaciones sugieren que la PL se relaciona con el crecimiento y supervivencia del gazapo durante las primeras tres semanas de vida. En cuanto a los aspectos genéticos, se ha estimado que existen diferencias en PL entre razas puras y sus cruzas, además de que el índice de herencia (h2 para PL en Nueva Zelanda Blanco, California y sus cruzas reciprocas es de 0.12%, lo cual establece un mayor efecto ambiental sobre PL. Al parecer la PL alcanza su máxima producción (219.6 g con 12 gazapos/camada y su pico de producción se alcanza al tercer parto y disminuye a partir del quinto parto. Sin embargo, la PL es determinada por: la condición fisiológica de la coneja -lactante-gestante (130 g/día o lactante-no gestante (141 g/día-; el número de pezones, conejas con 10 pezones produjeron 10% más leche que aquellas con 8; la temperatura ambiente, por cada grado centígrado por arriba de 20°C la PL disminuye 7.7 g/día. Los principales factores que influyen sobre la PL de la coneja no son atribuibles a esta. Por lo tanto, es importante controlar la naturaleza aleatoria de la mayoría de los factores no-genéticos que afectan a PL.

  19. Evaluación ultrasonográfica del espesor conjunto útero placentario en yeguas de raza de tiro Ardenés, Región de Valparaíso, Chile

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    Jorge Lohse


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de estandarizar medidas de espesor conjunto útero placentario (ECUP, en yeguas de raza Ardenes entre el 5° y último mes de gestación siendo el primer estudio de esta medición en esta raza de tipo de tiro, éste fue desarrollado en un haras de la región de Valparaiso, Chile. Un total de 61 yeguas gestantes, clínicamente sanas de raza Ardenés, escogidas al azar y con edades que fluctuaron entre 4 a 18 años, fueron ecografiadas por vía transrectal, para determinar el ECUP, lo cual fue realizado por un solo examinador durante la temporada de parición 2009-2010. La medición de dicho parámetro se realizó con equipo de ultrasonografía análogo, con un transductor lineal de frecuencia 6.0/8.0 MHz. Este procedimiento se repitió 3 veces y con estas medidas se obtuvo un promedio individual. Los resultados fueron descritos en promedios y desviación estándar. Los valores obtenidos en promedio para cada mes son los siguientes: 3,75 mm al 5° mes (121 a 150 días; 3,98 mm al 6° mes (151 a 180 días; 4,02 mm al 7° mes (181 a 210 días; 4,50 mm al 8° mes (211 a 240 días; 4,71 mm al 9° mes (241 a 270 días; 5,02 mm al 10° mes (271 a 300 días; 8,10 mm al 11er mes (301-330 días; 9,73 mm al 12° mes (331 a 360 días. Se concluye que no hubo una variación significativa en el grosor del ECUP en los distintos meses del segundo tercio de gestación, y tampoco hay mayor diferencia comparando estas mediciones con otras razas equinas mencionado en la literatura.

  20. Para una sociología del racismo: análisis comparativo de las pautas de matrimonio entre personas de raza blanca y negra

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    Full Text Available Existen diferentes maneras de analizar los prejuicios y las discriminaciones raciales. Uno de los mejores indicadores sociales es el matrimonio interracial (por ejemplo, entre razas negra y blanca, que sobrepasa los límites de los grupos establecidos mediante los procesos de racialización. Ante este fenómeno se hace necesario redefinir las nociones de raza, género y cultura en las vidas individuales, así como a nivel social y político. En el artículo se analizan algunos de esos conceptos e indicadores. Se estudian las tasas de matrimonios interraciales como un indicador significativo de la armonía en las relaciones raciales. A partir de esos datos se exponen las teorías existentes y posibles explicaciones del matrimonio entre blancos y negros, utilizando datos recientes de Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña, analizando también la dinámica de la racionalización en ambos países. Al final se añaden ideas de algunos de los principales estudios españoles.

  1. Transferencia de embriones en vacas receptoras angus y brahman: Efecto de dos métodos de sincronización de celos sobre el celo inducido y preñez


    Chase, Jr, Chad C; Vargas, Carlos A; Hammond, Andrew C; Olson, Timothy A; Griffin, James L; Murphy, Clifton N; Tewolde, Assefaw; Fields, Michael J


    Durante tres años, vacas receptoras Angus (88) y Brahman (87) se utilizaron para determinar los efectos de raza y método de sincronización sobre las características del celo inducido y la preñez subsecuente a la transferencia embrionaria. El celo fue sincronizado en las receptoras utilizando PGF2 (Lutalyse ®) o progesterona (PRO; Syncro-Mate-B). Un grupo de receptoras fue inyectado (im) con PGF los días 11 (25 mg), 0 (12,5 mg), y 1 (12,5 mg). Otro grupo fue tratado con PRO el dia -9 (implant...

  2. 1900–1945

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    Ángela Lucia Agudelo González


    Full Text Available El presente artículo estudia el papel desempeñado por la mujer y la niñez en los discursos que sobre eugenesia se generaron en el país, con el objetivo de observar como eran percibidos dentro del imaginario eugenésico, que veía en ellos los principales protagonistas si se quería intervenir en la raza. Estudiar la mujer y los cambios que esta vivió dentro del período estudio nos mostrará como esta mucha veces no encajaba en el ideal de redentora de la raza, papel que le fue designado por los discursos que sobre esta se desarrollaron


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de un biopreparado a base de una levadura nativa con características probióticas, sobre los parámetros de ganancia de peso diario y producción de leche en ganado bovino. Se utilizaron lotes de 30 vacas de raza romosinuano (Córdoba-Colombia, de las cuales 15 fueron testigo y 15 de prueba; el experimento se realizó con 3 repeticiones, un régimen alimenticio de pastoreo y se suministró el biopreparado (concentración de levadura, 3X108 ufc/mL una vez al día durante dos meses. Los resultados demostraron que no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la ganancia de peso, mientras que si se observó diferencias para la producción de leche con un α (0,05 utilizando el test de T para muestras independientes. El biopreparado demostró un efecto positivo sobre la ganancia de leche en ganado de doble propósito de la región de Córdoba

  4. Sábanas blancas en mi balcón, negra mi condición : hacia una (re)evaluación de narrativas cubanas decimonónicas sobre género, "raza" y nación en las páginas de "Minerva"


    Colón Pichardo, Maikel


    Este artículo examina algunas de las posturas defendidas por un grupo de mujeres negras y mulatas en la revista Minerva: revista quincenal dedicada a la mujer de color, en el ocaso del siglo XIX cubano. Las líneas principales del análisis pretenden confrontar las posiciones de reivindicación racial y de género planteadas por estas autoras. A partir de ahí, se abre un debate que interacciona con las ideologías de género y «raza» interpuestas por una férrea estructura patriarcal, y que aborda s...

  5. sobre cor e relações raciais na formação de professoras no estado do Pará

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    Wilma Nazaré Baía Coelho


    Full Text Available Solo de cuerpo presente: el silencio tácito sobre color y relaciones raciales en la formación de profesoras en el estado del Pará El artículo muestra uno de los graves problemas de la educación en Brasil: el no enfrentamiento de la discriminación y del prejuicio. Más de lo que denunciar su existencia, él analiza una de sus matrices: la ausencia de la discusión sobre raza, color y prejuicio en la formación del docente en Pará. Por medio del análisis de la formación ofrecida por el Instituto de Educación del Estado del Pará, una institución, secular, referencia para la formación docente en el estado del Pará, demuestra que buena parte de las acciones de las profesoras transcurrió de una formación que no trató de aspectos fundamentales, como las narrativas sobre la constitución de la nacionalidad brasileña. Se concluye que, a pesar de sensibles avances que sucedieron de los movimientos sociales en relación a la cuestión racial desde la década de 1960, la formación de profesores se presenta como un factor que continua contribuyendo en la reproducción de estereotipos y discriminaciones.

  6. Interview with Jaime Córtez, Program Manager at the Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 14, 2001 Entretien avec Jaime Córtez, directeur de la programmation, Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, États-Unis

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    Gérard Selbach


    Full Text Available ForewordLocated at 2857 24th Street, just off Mission Street, at the heart of the Hispanic district in San Francisco, is theGalería de la Raza Co-founded by René Yáñez (cf. interview infra and Ralph Maradiaga in 1970, the Galería was initially funded by the San Francisco Neighborhood Arts Program (NAP which provided the salaries of the directors, equipment and a small budget for exhibitions for a dozen years. The opening showed awareness and compromise on the part of the SF City and of art ...

  7. Efecto de la raza en la acumulación de metales tóxicos y esenciales en terneros de cebo


    Carbajales Álvarez, Paloma


    Hasta hace unos años, las dietas animales se suplementaban con minerales en concentraciones muy por encima de sus necesidades fisiológicas. Sin embargo, la preocupación por el medio ambiente ha llevado a un mejor ajuste de la suplementación de minerales en función de las necesidades fisiológicas reales. En este contexto, la consideración de las diferencias relacionadas con la raza en las necesidades de oligoelementos es un factor a tener en cuenta. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las...

  8. “¿De dónde eres realmente?” Apuntes sobre las ciencias sociales y la “crisis de la sociedad homogénea”

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    Silvia Rodríguez Maeso


    Full Text Available Partiendo del trabajo de Alfonso Pérez-Agote sobre la formación y “crisis” del “presupuesto de la homogeneidad” de las sociedades occidentales modernas, este texto interroga los límites de las ciencias sociales y más concretamente de la sociología dominante para interpretar esta “crisis” y el cambio social al que está asociada. Más específicamente, cuestiona el lugar que la categoría raza ha tenido en la sociología, como una perspectiva analítica crucial a la hora problematizar las narrativas hegemónicas sobre la modernidad, la formación del Estado-Nación y la construcción de la idea de Europa. Se argumenta que la comprensión de las llamadas “crisis del multiculturalismo” o “crisis de la integración de la inmigración” en la actualidad, requiere otorgar centralidad a la renovación del contrato racial como la ingeniería política de la pertenencia a la europeidad.

  9. Sobre los vínculos entre España y Argentina en La Nota [1915-1917

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    Verónica Delgado


    Full Text Available This article takes as its object weekly Argentinian La Nota to read between 1915 and 1917, in the light of the Great War, some emergencies of the reconfiguration related to specific topics of the dominant literary and intellectual debates, which took place the years immediately preceding and still in force, as it was the problems of national and associated to it, the place assigned to cultural relations between Spain and Argentina in that field. Thus, through the interventions of various authors, the magazine shows how to think the function of culture -and therefore of the intellectuals-, and at the same time, it offers a more or less critical sight into those relationships. Thus, for example, happens to "El centenario de Cervantes" [Rodó] or the "Meditaciones sobre el nacionalismo" [Rojas], "America and España" [Blanco Fombona], or "Manifiesto germanista de los intelectuales españoles" [Unamuno], "El cuento de la raza" [Del Campo

  10. A community-based breast cancer screening program for medically underserved women: its effect on disease stage at diagnosis and on hazard of death Programa basado en la comunidad de tamizaje de cáncer de mama en mujeres médicamente subatendidas: efecto sobre el estadio de la enfermedad en el momento del diagnóstico y el riesgo de muerte

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    Clyde B. McCoy


    Florida. Interestingly, white Hispanics showed a better survival than did both African-Americans and white non-Hispanics. Our research also demonstrates the value of utilizing existing cancer registry data to evaluate a community-based program such as the EDP.OBJETIVO: En estudios previos de este colectivo de investigadores se encontró que las mujeres pertenecientes a las minorías subatendidas desde el punto de vista médico en la zona del Condado de Miami-Dade, en el estado de la Florida, Estados Unidos de América, necesitaban someterse a un tamizaje para la detección de cáncer de mama y que la disponibilidad, accesibilidad y aceptación de estos servicios planteaban dificultades. En respuesta a ello se elaboró un programa comunitario integral para el tamizaje del cáncer de mama, denominado Programa de Detección Temprana (PDT. El propósito específico de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto que tuvo la participación en el PDT sobre el estadio de la enfermedad en el momento del diagnóstico y sobre el riesgo de muerte. MÉTODOS: Los datos existentes en el Sistema de Datos sobre Cáncer de la Florida -un registro de cáncer que abarca a todo el estado- se enlazaron con los datos del PDT. En diciembre de 1998 se conformó una cohorte retrospectiva multiétnica (mujeres afroestadounidenses, hispanas negras, hispanas blancas y blancas no hispanas según los siguientes criterios de inclusión: mujeres de 40 años de edad o más con cáncer de mama diagnosticado y estadificado en el Jackson Memorial Medical Center (hospital escuela de la Universidad de Miami situado en la ciudad de Miami, Florida entre enero de 1987 y diciembre de 1997. Las participantes del PDT eran mujeres con necesidades médicas subatendidas, es decir, residían en zonas con malas condiciones socioeconómicas, no tenían un seguro de salud que cubriera los gastos médicos, o tenían un seguro limitado. Se compararon las participantes en el PDT con las mujeres que no participaron en el PDT en cuanto

  11. Interview with René Yáñez, artist, co-founder of the Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 13, 2001 Entretien avec René Yáñez, artiste, co-fondateur de la Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, Etats-Unis

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    Gérard Selbach


    Full Text Available René Yáñez is an all-round visual artist and visionary, now in his sixties. He came out of the Chicano movement of the 70’s and was instrumental in founding the Galería de la Raza in the Mission district of San Francisco. He remained some fifteen years as its director, curating exhibitions, directing and promoting emerging artists of all kinds. He then worked as director of cultural programming at the Mexican Museum until its closure. René Yáñez co-produced Mexican performance artist Astrid H...

  12. High Resolution Forecasts in the Florida Straits: Predicting the Modulations of the Florida Current and Connectivity Around South Florida and Cuba (United States)

    Kourafalou, V.; Kang, H.; Perlin, N.; Le Henaff, M.; Lamkin, J. T.


    Connectivity around the South Florida coastal regions and between South Florida and Cuba are largely influenced by a) local coastal processes and b) circulation in the Florida Straits, which is controlled by the larger scale Florida Current variability. Prediction of the physical connectivity is a necessary component for several activities that require ocean forecasts, such as oil spills, fisheries research, search and rescue. This requires a predictive system that can accommodate the intense coastal to offshore interactions and the linkages to the complex regional circulation. The Florida Straits, South Florida and Florida Keys Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model is such a regional ocean predictive system, covering a large area over the Florida Straits and the adjacent land areas, representing both coastal and oceanic processes. The real-time ocean forecast system is high resolution ( 900m), embedded in larger scale predictive models. It includes detailed coastal bathymetry, high resolution/high frequency atmospheric forcing and provides 7-day forecasts, updated daily (see: The unprecedented high resolution and coastal details of this system provide value added on global forecasts through downscaling and allow a variety of applications. Examples will be presented, focusing on the period of a 2015 fisheries cruise around the coastal areas of Cuba, where model predictions helped guide the measurements on biophysical connectivity, under intense variability of the mesoscale eddy field and subsequent Florida Current meandering.

  13. Polimorfismos del gen ob en bovinos de raza holstein en la Comarca Lagunera, México

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    Sarai S. Mendoza-Retana


    Full Text Available La Comarca Lagunera es la cuenca lechera más importante de México. En la actualidad se están utilizando diversas técnicas que permiten evaluar genéticamente el animal a una edad temprana, permitiendo seleccionar futuros reproductores con características deseables. Entre los genes relacionados con la producción de leche, se encuentran el gen Ob también llamado gen Leptina el cual actúa sobre el sistema nervioso central y tejidos periféricos jugando un papel muy importante en la modulación regulación del apetito, ganancia de peso vivo, incremento del metabolismo energético y el anabolismo muscular. Este trabajo se realizó para determinar el polimorfismo de longitud del fragmento de restricción ACI I de gen leptina en el exón 2 y correlacionarlo con los parámetros de producción y calidad de leche. Se recolectaron 100 muestra de sangre de vacas en producción del establo “Lácteos Florida” de Francisco I. Madero municipio de Coahuila, México con tres esta tus de producción: altas, medias y bajas La extracción de ADN se realizó por el método modificado de Salting - Out. Se realizó PCR del gen leptina originando un fragmento de 272 bp de longitud y se realizó PCR - RFLP con la enzima de restricción ACI I y secue nciación, correlacionando los genotipos TT, CT Y CC con tres estatus de producción de leche: altas, medias, bajas. El análisis estadístico indicó que las vacas portadoras del genotipo homocigoto (TT tienen un efecto significativo (P<0.01 con respecto a l as características de producción y calidad de leche ya que tuvieron un mayor consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, además de una elevada producción de leche en comparación a los genotipos heterocigoto (CT y homocigoto (CC. Los resultados obtenidos muest ran que l a identificación molecular de polimorfismos del gen Ob puede usarse como herramienta de selección genética en bovinos de raza Holstein.

  14. Notas en torno a la enunciación de José Vasconcelos en La raza cósmica

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    Miguel Enrique Morales


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza La raza cósmica (1925 de Vasconcelos, atendiendo a su enunciación, entendida, según Benveniste, como la apropiación subjetiva de la lengua pública. Mi intención es mostrar cómo las tesis grandilocuentes, civilizatorias, racistas y estéticas resumidas en el proyecto cósmico se enmarcan en un contexto nacional y global bien específico. Así, identifico las huellas de seis discursos en la propuesta de Vasconcelos: el de la Revolución mexicana, el de la crisis occidental del periodo entre guerras, el de la reacción ateneísta frente al positivismo, el de la mestizofilia, el del continentalismo estadunidense y el del continentalismo latinoamericano.

  15. Hallazgos endoscópicos en esófago y estómago en perros de la raza Bulldog Francés


    García-Sancho, M.


    El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo es la descripción de los hallazgos clínicos y endoscópicos, en 15 perros de la raza Bulldog Francés, con un cuadro clínico de vómitos y/o regurgitaciones. La revisión de los informes de endoscopia emitidos por el Servicio de Gastroenterología y Endoscopia del Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense permitió la selección de los perros objeto de estudio: 12 machos y 3 hembras, de edades comprendidas entre los 7 meses y los 3 años (1,62±0,89). La presen...

  16. Florida sinkhole index


    Spencer, Steven; Lane, Ed.


    The following data were compiled from the Florida Sinkhole Research Institute data base. That database, which contains approximately 1900 sinkholes, is available from the Florida Geological Survey upon request. The data are arranged alphabetically by county. The first two digits of the identification number represents the county. These numbers correspond to the Florida Department of Transportation county numbering system. Following the county number are three numbers which represe...

  17. Inducción y sincronización de la actividad ovárica en corderas de la raza portuguesa “Churra da Terra Quente”


    Azevedo, Jorge Manuel Teixeira de; Correia, Teresa Montenegro; Almeida, José Carlos; Valentim, Ramiro; Fontes, Paulo J.; Galvão, Lurdes; Mendonça, Álvaro; Coelho, Alípio


    El principal objetivo de este trahajo fue (estudiar la eficacia de la utilización de implantes subcutáneos de melatonina en la inducción de la actividad ovárica y del tratamiento hormonal - progestágenos + cCG - en la sincronización de celos en corderas de la raza portuguesa Churra da Terra Quente. La aplicación de implantes de melatonina interrumpió efectivamente el anoestro estacional de las corderas Churras da Terra Quente. Todavía, el porcentaje de corderas que presentó celo (61,5%) y la ...

  18. Efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento, el tipo de músculo y el genotipo del animal sobre las pérdidas por goteo en carne cruda de cerdo

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    Bermúdez M Fanhor


    Full Text Available En un diseño factorial con arreglo en parcelas subdivididas se analizó el efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento (24, 48 y 72 h a 6 °C, el tipo de músculo (Longissimus dorsi, Tríceps brachii, Bíceps femoris y el genotipo de animal (tres razas puras: Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc; dos genotipos: F1 por el cruce Yorkshire x Landrace (YL, cruce de la F1 x Duroc (F1D sobre las pérdidas por goteo en carne cruda de cerdo. Las muestras se tomaron a las 24 h postmortem y se almacenaron durante 72 h. El mayor porcentaje de pérdida se presentó para la carne obtenida a partir del músculo Bíceps femoris proveniente de los animales pertenecientes al genotipo F1. El porcentaje de pérdida por goteo más alto se presentó durante las primeras 24 h. Los resultados indicaron diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas (P < 0.01 para los efectos individuales genotipo, tipo de músculo y tiempo de almacenamiento sobre el porcentaje de pérdida por goteo.

  19. Metabolic profile in dairy cows under tropical Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia

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    Campos G. Rómulo


    Full Text Available High numbers of bovine breeds have been selected as milk producers, but those derived from the Bos taurus breeds have been unable to adapt to tropical conditions. The aim of this work was to analyze the metabolic profile of the seven breeds (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Brown Swiss and Simmental through the use of 15 metabolites. For each breed, 28 animals were used, divided into four physiological different groups: heifers, cows from the first stages and last stages of the lactation process and dry cows. The mean values of metabolites indicators were as follow: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucose 2.8 mmol/l; cholesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potassium 4.1 mmol/l; calcium 2.0 mmol/l; inorganic phosphorus 1.7 mmol/l; magnesium 1.1 mmol/l; total protein 66.2 mg/dl; albumin 25.8 mg/dl; globulin 40.2 mg/dl; creatinine 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; total bilirubin 0.2 µmol/L; conjugate bilirubin Additionally, body condition and PCV were determined with average values of 3.25 and 27% respectively. A significant statistical difference was found among breeding groups and physiological groups for production. It was observed that those animals with a low metabolic weight (Jersey demonstrate better homeostasis than those of high metabolic weight (Simmental, Holstein.Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4

  20. ¿Es la raza un criterio útil en la práctica médica? Is race an useful criterion in medical practice?

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    Antonio Julián Martínez Fuentes


    Full Text Available Las clasificaciones raciales son usadas muy frecuentemente para explicar los perfiles de salud de los grupos humanos. La "raza" ha sido asociada con diversas enfermedades, y se parte del criterio que existe una “causa racial" en la susceptibilidad a muchas de ellas. Los avances en el estudio del genoma humano han motivado que científicos de muchos países trabajen afanosamente en la búsqueda del gen o los genes que dentro de cada raza son la causa de determinadas enfermedades, minimizándose en no pocas ocasiones las influencias ambientales. Lo que habitualmente llamamos raza es una construcción social que refleja la imbricación de aspectos de la biología de los grupos humanos, las condiciones históricas particulares y factores económicos, políticos, sociales y culturales. Es más preciso y útil analizar las variaciones en la propensión a determinadas enfermedades existentes entre los grupos humanos en términos de variaciones en las frecuencias de sus genes y en su relación con los factores medio-ambientales, sociales, económicos y culturales, que a partir del impreciso y obsoleto concepto biológico de “raza”, el cual interfiere con el estudio objetivo de ciertas enfermedades y no funciona como un criterio eficiente en la investigación biomédica.Racial classifications are frequently used to explain the health profiles of human groups. “Race” has been associated with diverse diseases and it is started from the criterion that there is a “racial cause” in the susceptibility to many of them. The advances achieved in the study of the human genoma have led scientists from many countries to work very hard in the search of the gene or genes that within each race are the cause of specific diseases, minimizing ocassionally the environmental influences. What we usually call race is a social construction reflecting the imbrication of aspects of biology of human groups, the particular historical conditions and the economic


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la centrifugación sobre la integridad y la funcionalidad de espermatozoides equinos. Empleando el método de la vagina artificial se colectó el semen de diez reproductores equinos de la raza criollo colombiano, ubicados en El Valle de Aburrá (Antioquia, Colombia. Cada muestra de semen fue dividida en cuatro alícuotas, entre las cuales, tres fueron centrifugadas de forma separada a tres fuerzas de centrifugación (600 x g, 1200 x g y 1800 x g, durante 10 minutos a temperatura ambiente, mientras la cuarta no fue centrifugada (tratamiento control. Posteriormente, se evaluó la movilidad total y movilidad progresiva mediante un sistema analizador de clase (SCA®, al igual que se evaluaron el potencial de membrana mitocondrial, la vitalidad espermática y la integridad del acrosoma, mediante los ensayos fluorescentes JC1, SYBR/IP y FITC/PNA, respectivamente. Se concluye que incluso bajos niveles de fuerza de centrifugación, logran alterar la movilidad total, la movilidad progresiva, la integridad del acrosoma y el potencial de la membrana interna mitocondrial de los espermatozoides equinos.

  2. Dimensión discriminación: xenofobia y clasismo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Notas sobre una encuesta acerca de la disposición democrática

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    Nicholas Dieter Berdaguer Rauschenberg


    Full Text Available A partir de una encuesta realizada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires sobre la disposición democrática antidemocrática, buscamos construir la dimensión discriminación a partir de los datos resultantes. El planteo teórico inicial de la encuesta consideró tres dimensiones: autoritarismo, justicia social y política. A partir de algunos ítems que formaban las variables de esas dimensiones procuramos estructurar otras dos variables para explicar la discriminación: xenofobia y clasismo. Dado que tanto la discriminación xenófoba como la clasista son derivables de un concepto más amplio de racismo –una construcción colectiva de otra colectividad posible e indeseable– buscamos comparar las mediciones de los ítems y variables teniendo en cuenta que cuanto más definidos son los rasgos prejuiciosos hacia las víctimas del racismo, más este se hace notar en los números. Para pensar el carácter reflexivo de las ideologías, el concepto de racismo está caracterizado aquí como una articulación entre tres modos: el racismo de clase, el racismo cultural y el racismo sin razas. Este último incorpora aspectos políticos apoyados argumentativamente en los dos primeros. Si, por un lado, a través del racismo sin razas es forjado un grupo social a ser discriminado por otro, casi cínicamente, este grupo queda desestimado de la posibilidad de entenderse y ser entendido políticamente.

  3. 78 FR 43881 - Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Site, Davie, Broward County, Florida; Notice of Settlement (United States)


    ... ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRL9836-2; CERCLA-04-2013-3758] Florida Petroleum Reprocessors... entered into a settlement with Jap. Tech, Inc. concerning the Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Site located.... Painter. Submit your comments by Site name Florida Petroleum Reprocesssors Site by one of the following...

  4. Florida Energy Assurance Plan (United States)

    Turner, Niescja E.; Murtagh, William; Guthrie, Kevin; Nykyri, Katariina; Radasky, William A.; Senkowicz, Eric


    This spring, Florida held the nation's first statewide emergency preparedness training and exercises geared specifically to the aftermath of severe geomagnetic events. Funded by the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) via a Department of Energy grant and held in collaboration with Watch House International, Inquesta Corporation, and the Florida Institute of Technology, the 17-19 April 2012 workshop had 99 on-site attendees in an oceanfront hotel in Melbourne, Florida, as well as 16 over live Web streaming. The workshop was the capstone to a three-month season of 21 regional space weather training sessions and workshops serving 386 attendees in total.

  5. Florida Hydrogen Initiative

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Block, David L


    The Florida Hydrogen Initiative (FHI) was a research, development and demonstration hydrogen and fuel cell program. The FHI program objectives were to develop Florida?s hydrogen and fuel cell infrastructure and to assist DOE in its hydrogen and fuel cell activities The FHI program funded 12 RD&D projects as follows: Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure and Rental Car Strategies -- L. Lines, Rollins College This project analyzes strategies for Florida's early stage adaptation of hydrogen-powered public transportation. In particular, the report investigates urban and statewide network of refueling stations and the feasibility of establishing a hydrogen rental-car fleet based in Orlando. Methanol Fuel Cell Vehicle Charging Station at Florida Atlantic University ? M. Fuchs, EnerFuel, Inc. The project objectives were to design, and demonstrate a 10 kWnet proton exchange membrane fuel cell stationary power plant operating on methanol, to achieve an electrical energy efficiency of 32% and to demonstrate transient response time of less than 3 milliseconds. Assessment of Public Understanding of the Hydrogen Economy Through Science Center Exhibits, J. Newman, Orlando Science Center The project objective was to design and build an interactive Science Center exhibit called: ?H2Now: the Great Hydrogen Xchange?. On-site Reformation of Diesel Fuel for Hydrogen Fueling Station Applications ? A. Raissi, Florida Solar Energy Center This project developed an on-demand forecourt hydrogen production technology by catalytically converting high-sulfur hydrocarbon fuels to an essentially sulfur-free gas. The removal of sulfur from reformate is critical since most catalysts used for the steam reformation have limited sulfur tolerance. Chemochromic Hydrogen Leak Detectors for Safety Monitoring ? N. Mohajeri and N. Muradov, Florida Solar Energy Center This project developed and demonstrated a cost-effective and highly selective chemochromic (visual) hydrogen leak detector for safety

  6. 'Florida Beauty' strawberry (United States)

    Florida Beauty’ strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) originated from a 2012 cross made by the Queensland breeding program between Queensland Australia selection 2010-119 (female parent) and ‘Florida Radiance’ (male parent). Selection 2010-119 was chosen as a parent for its excellent fruit shape and fl...

  7. Determinación de las razas fisiológicas de Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp. Dianthi en clavel en la Sabana de Bogotá Determination of physiological races of Fussrium Oxysporium f.sp. Dianthi in carnation in the savanna of Bogotá

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    Cevallos José Francisco


    Full Text Available El marchitamiento vascular del clavel ocasionado por el hongo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi es la enfermedad más limitante en el cultivo del clavel en la Sabana de Bogotá. Aunque el uso de variedades resistentes es un método promisorio y económ ico para el manejo de la enfermedad, algunas variedades no se comportan de una manera similar en su resistencia en diferentes fincas, y hay evidencias de la variabilidad del patógeno. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar las posibles razas fisiológicas del hongo en la Sabana de Bogotá. Cien aislamientos del patógeno se obtuvieron en 49 fincas de plantas de clavel estándar, ecotipos "americano" y "mediterráneo", y de clavel miniatura afectadas por la enfermedad y ubicadas en diferentes áreas, los aislamientos del hongo se inocularon en las variedades diferenciales Duca, Pink Calypso, Raggio di Sole y San
    Remo. Noventa y siete de los cien aislamientos probados correspondieron a la raza 2, que es la raza más frecuente en el mundo y los otros tres aislamientos correspondieron a la raza 4, que es prevalente en Italia.Vascular wilt caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi is the most important disease on carnation in Colombia. Although the use of resistant varieties is an economical and promlsmg method for the management of the disease, some varietiss do not behave in a similar way
    in different farms, and there are evidences of the variability ofthe pathogen. The objective of this research was to determine the presence of physiological races, of the pathogen in the Bogota Plateau. One hundred isolates
    of the pathogen were obtained in 49 farms from different varieties of standar and miniature carnation affected by the disease. The isolates of the fungus were ínoculated
    in four differential varieties: Duca, Pink Calypso, Raggio di Sole and San Remo. Ninety seven isolates corresponded to the race 2, that is the most frequent race in the world and the other three

  8. Necesidad i beneficios de la jimnástica


    Universidad Nacional, Colombia


    Observaciones sobre los beneficios de la cración de los gimnasios de la Universidad Nacional: Sus ventajas - Decadencia de las razas - Causas jeneradoras - El olvido de la educación física de los niños es la principal - Remedios - Pruebas históricas y documentos estadísticos.

  9. Hotel Polynesian Village Florida- (EE.UU.

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    Welton Becket y Asociados, Arquitectos


    Full Text Available This hotel unit with 500 rooms is located in a beautiful plot situated along the beach of a laguna in Disneyland, Florida. It consists of 10 individual pavilions, two units with two stories and six with three stories, in addition to a main building with two stories —offices, W.C.s, bar shops, banquet halls, etc.— and a monorail station connected with the covered passages, and with a view of the beautiful horizon that reminds one of the South Sea in the last century. The building for the guests is formed by metal structure modules of 9.10 x 4.50 x 2.70 m, that are placed on top of each other. Each one weighs 7 t and they are all completely equipped.Este conjunto hotelero, de 500 habitaciones, se halla enclavado en un hermoso solar situado a lo largo de la playa de una laguna del Mundo de Walt Disney, en Florida. Consta de diez pabellones individuales, dos unidades de dos plantas y seis de tres alturas, además de un edificio principal de dos plantas —oficinas, servicios, bar, tiendas, salones de banquetes, etc.— y una estación del monorraíl enlazada con los paseos cubiertos con vistas al bello horizonte, que recuerda el de los Mares del Sur, en el siglo pasado. Los edificios para huéspedes están formados por módulos de 9,14 X 4,57 X 2,74 m, con estructura metálica, que se colocan uno sobre otro. Cada uno pesa 7 t y van completamente equipados con todas sus instalaciones necesarias.

  10. Polimorfismo isoenzimático en cuatro razas y un híbrido de Bactris gasipaes (Palmae

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    Sonia Rojas-Vargas


    Full Text Available Se estandarizó un sistema de electroforesis de isoenzimas con tejido de hojas que permitió la identificación del polimorfismo fenético entre cuatro razas y un híbrido de pejibaye Bactris gasipaes provenientes de Brasil, Perú, Bolivia, Panamá y Costa Rica. Las isoenzimas ensayadas fueron: PRX, EST, ACP, ME, DIA, MDH, G6PDH, PGI, SOD, PGM, ADH, GOT, de estas solamente las dos œltimas no mostraron actividad. El resto de isoenzimas mostraron polimorfismo fenético en diferentes grados, por esto se consideran marcadores polimórficos potenciales para estudios de variabilidad genética en pejibaye. Se encontró un locus único en el zimograma de la enzima PRX en las muestras de Utilis-Guápiles (CR, el cual podría usarse como un marcador discriminatorio para esta raza. Se establecieron relaciones de similitud isoenzimática entre las razas Utilis-Guápiles (CR y Tuira-Darién (Pa; Tembé-Chapare (Bo y Pará-Belem (Bra respectivamente, mientras que el híbrido Yurimaguas (Pe se ubicó aparte y ligeramente más cercano a Utilis y Tuira, por esto se considera que posiblemente desciende de padres aún no identificados.The study of genetic diversity in peach palm (Bactris gasipaes K. is important for the breeding work on this palm and to corroborate the hypotheses on its origins. For that purpose it is necessary to use alternative techniques to complement the morphological studies traditionally made. One of the techniques that responds to that need is isozyme electrophoresis. The isozymes are biochemical markers of importance in the study of genetic variability in plants of economic importance, because they are the primary products of genetic expression. This work is an electrophoretic analysis on gels of polyacrilamide to study phenetic relations using twelve isozymes on four races and an spontaneous hybrid of peach palm. The biological material used came from the germplasm bank from Los Diamantes Experimental Station, Guápiles-Costa Rica. Four


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    Gustavo Blázquez


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la formación de la figura del artista en “los mundos de los cuartetos” de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina y las formas de clasificación que se juegan en la estructuración de los procesos de subjetivación entre los y las jóvenes que frecuentaban los bailes donde triunfaban esos músicos y cantantes. Su objetivo es indagar las poéticas a través de las que se produce belleza y las relaciones de dominación que se reproducen y contestan — las políticas— implicadas en este proceso. Como muestra este trabajo, raza, género, erotismo, clase, y otras formas de materialización performativa de las diferencias sociales se articulan en torno a la producción de la belleza. Estudiar cómo se hace la belleza corporal y qué se hace con ella es la estrategia analítica utilizada para abordar las formas a través de las cuales se (rehace un orden social cuando determinadas desigualdades se hacen “perdurables”.

  12. Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia Metabolic profile in dairy cows under tropical conditions in Colombia

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    Rómulo Campos G


    Full Text Available Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4.1 mmol/l; calcio 2.0 mmol/l; fósforo inorgánico 1.7 mmol/l; magnesio 1.1 mmol/l; proteínas totales 66.2 mg/dl; albúmina 25.8 mg/dl; globulinas 40.2 mg/dl; creatinina 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; bilirrubina total 0.2 µmol/l; bilirrubina conjugada 0.08 µmol/l. Los valores medios de la condición corporal y el hematocrito fueron 3.25% y 27.0% respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre grupos raciales y entre grupos de producción. Los animales de menor peso metabólico (Jersey presentaron mejor homeostasis que los de pesos mayores (Simenthal, Holstein.High numbers of bovine breeds have been selected as milk producers, but those derived from the Bos taurus breeds have been unable to adapt to tropical conditions. The aim of this work was to analyze the metabolic profile of the seven breeds (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey , Lucerna, Brown Swiss and Simmental through the use of 15 metabolites. For each breed, 28 animals were used, divided into four physiological different groups: heifers, cows from the first stages and last stages of the lactation process and dry cows. The mean values of metabolites indicators were as follow: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucose 2.8 mmol/l; cholesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potassium 4.1 mmol/l; calcium 2


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    Silvia Rodríguez Maeso


    Full Text Available Partiendo del trabajo de Alfonso Pérez-Agote sobre la formación y “crisis” del “presupuesto de lahomogeneidad” de las sociedades occidentales modernas, este texto interroga los límites de las cienciassociales y más concretamente de la sociología dominante para interpretar esta “crisis” y el cambio socialal que está asociada. Más específicamente, cuestiona el lugar que la categoría raza ha tenido en lasociología, como una perspectiva analítica crucial a la hora problematizar las narrativas hegemónicassobre la modernidad, la formación del Estado-Nación y la construcción de la idea de Europa. Seargumenta que la comprensión de las llamadas “crisis del multiculturalismo” o “crisis de la integración dela inmigración” en la actualidad, requiere otorgar centralidad a la renovación del contrato racial como laingeniería política de la pertenencia a la europeidad.

  14. Posición anatómica y longitud del apéndice vermiforme en una población de raza mestiza de la ciudad de Bucaramanga - Colombia

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    Mónica Saavedra Martínez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La posición y longitud del apéndice vermiforme en el ser humano no son constantes y los datos sobre sus variaciones son limitados. Estudios previos soportan que algunas posiciones particulares o apéndices muy largas pueden confundir los signos clínicos de una apendicitis. Algunos autores afirman que el curso de una apendicitis puede estar influenciada por la posición del apéndice. Método: La posición y longitud del apéndice cecal fueron estudiados en 100 especímenes cadavéricos de población mestiza de Bucaramanga - Colombia. La posición del apéndice se dividió en 6 grupos: pélvica, retrocecal, preileal, postileal, subcecal y paracecal. La posición fue estudiada in situ. Resultados: La posición predominante fue la retrocecal 41%. Igualmente se encontró un porcentaje elevado de posición pélvica 28%. El promedio de la longitud del apéndice fue de 7.1 cm. Conclusión: El porcentaje de la posición retrocecal de nuestro estudio concuerda con otros estudios realizados en especímenes cadavéricos. Algunos autores han reportado porcentajes elevados de posición pélvica especialmente en poblaciones de raza negra. La posición pélvica del apéndice cecal puede producir dolor hipogástrico confundiendo los síntomas clínicos principalmente en mujeres. Los resultados de este tipo de investigaciones son importantes porque las relaciones de variables anatómicas son usadas en imágenes clínicas de apendicitis aguda; además éstas observaciones pueden alentar la mayor realización de apendicectomías por laparoscopia.

  15. Hacia un feminismo descolonial


    Lugones, María


    Este trabajo se pregunta cómo pensar sobre interacciones íntimas, cotidianas de resistencia a la diferencia colonial, definiendo intimidad no exclusivamente ni principalmente en términos de relaciones sexuales, sino de la vida social entretejida entre personas que no están actuando como representantes o funcionarias. Se parte de la idea de que la lógica categorial dicotómica y jerárquica es central para el pensamiento capitalista y colonial moderno sobre raza, género y sexualidad, y de que lo...

  16. Inclusión del Intervalo Interestral (IIE) como elemento diagnóstico de la fertilidad del rebaño bovino


    M.Sc José A Betancourt Betancourt.


    ResumenA partir de los registros de 1404 bovinos lecheros de la raza Siboney de 6 empresas ganaderas de la provincia de Camaguey se realizó un análisis estadístico para determinar que variable de las estudiadas influyeron sobre el intervalo interestral (IIE). Se determinó que todos los factores que influyeron sobre el IIE pueden ser corregidos con acciones de manejo y organización del trabajo, y corrobora que el IIE es un valioso elemento diagnóstico de la fertilidad del rebaño bovino que ref...

  17. Woodville Karst Plain, North Florida



    Map showing the largest mapped underwater cave systems and conduit flow paths confirmed by tracer testing relative to surface streams, sinkholes and potentiometric surface of the Florida aquifer in the Woodville Karst Plain, Florida

  18. Representación de raza, clase y moral en la televisión del Perú. Un análisis social de “Magaly TeVe” y “Al fondo hay sitio”

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    Mario E. Sánchez Dávila


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone analizar la representación de raza, clase y moral en los programas televisivos “Magaly TeVe” y “Al fondo hay sitio” desde una mirada antro-pológica de la televisión, comprendiendo sus dimensiones comunicativas, discursivas y sociales. Por un lado, al analizar el discurso de “Magaly TeVe” fue fácil constatar que el porqué y el cómo del éxito de la estrategia comunicativa de este fenómeno televisivo alu-dían estrechamente a códigos morales socialmente compartidos y a un modo configurado de organización, relación e interacción ya validados en nuestro tejido social. Por otro lado, al examinar el discurso de “Al fondo hay sitio” fue sencillo comprobar que hemos confundido, ingenuamente, inclusión con eventuales redenciones dentro de un marco de convergencia espacio-temporal de dos códigos culturales contradictorios y que perma-nentemente se relacionan e interactúan desde directrices de raza y clase que funcionan como núcleos semánticos que configuran, por un lado, la construcción narrativa y, por el otro, una determinada relación e interacción social de poder y violencia simbólica entre sus personajes.

  19. Florida Bay: A history of recent ecological changes (United States)

    Fourqurean, J.W.; Robblee, M.B.


    Florida Bay is a unique subtropical estuary at the southern tip of the Florida peninsula. Recent ecological changes (seagrass die-off, algal blooms, increased turbidity) to the Florida Bay ecosystem have focused the attention of the public, commercial interests, scientists, and resource managers on the factors influencing the structure and function of Florida Bay. Restoring Florida Bay to some historic condition is the goal of resource managers, but what is not clear is what an anthropogenically-unaltered Florida Bay would look like. While there is general consensus that human activities have contributed to the changes occurring in the Florida Bay ecosystem, a high degree of natural system variability has made elucidation of the links between human activity and Florida Bay dynamics difficult. Paleoecological analyses, examination of long-term datasets, and directed measurements of aspects of the ecology of Florida Bay all contribute to our understanding of the behavior of the bay, and allow quantification of the magnitude of the recent ecological changes with respect to historical variability of the system.

  20. University of Florida Advanced Technologies Campus Testbed (United States)


    The University of Florida (UF) and its Transportation Institute (UFTI), the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City of Gainesville (CoG) are cooperating to develop a smart transportation testbed on the University of Florida (UF) main...

  1. Epidemiology of Ciguatera in Florida. (United States)

    Radke, Elizabeth G; Reich, Andrew; Morris, John Glenn


    Ciguatera is the most commonly reported marine food-borne illness worldwide. Because there is a biological plausibility that ciguatera may be impacted by long-term climate variability and Florida is on the northern border of the geographic distribution of ciguatera, it is important to update our understanding of its epidemiology in Florida. We performed an analysis of 291 reports in Florida from 2000 to 2011 and an e-mail survey of 5,352 recreational fishers to estimate incidence and underreporting and identify high risk demographic groups, fish types, and catch locations. Incidence was 5.6 per 100,000 adjusted for underreporting. Hispanics had the highest incidence rate (relative risk [RR] = 3.4) and were more likely to eat barracuda than non-Hispanics. The most common catch locations for ciguatera-causing fish were the Bahamas and Florida Keys. Cases caused by fish from northern Florida were infrequent. These results indicate that ciguatera incidence is higher than estimated from public health reports alone. There is little evidence that incidence or geographic range has increased because of increased seawater temperatures since earlier studies. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  2. O corpo diferente: representações das raças humanas nos manuais escolares de zoologia - The different body: representations of the human races in zoology textbooks

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    Bento Filipe Barreiras Pinto Cavadas, Portugal


    Full Text Available  Este trabalho visou comparar o modo como os autores dos manuais escolares de Zoologia, da segunda metade do século 19 e do início do século 20, realizaram a transposição didática dos estudos antropológicos sobre as raças humanas para essas obras. Constataram-se diferenças na tipologia e nos carateres antropológicos utilizados para descrever as raças humanas. Aferiu-se, ainda, a existência de afirmações que vincularam o determinismo biológico porque alguns autores valorizaram física, moral e intelectualmente a raça caucasiana em detrimento das outras raças.Palavras-chave: manuais escolares, raças humanas, zoologia. The different body: representations of the human races in zoology textbooksAbstractThe aim of this study is to compare how the authors of Zoology textbooks of the second half of 19th century and early 20th century made the didactic transposition of anthropological studies on the human races for these textbooks. The results show differences in the typology and anthropological characteristics used to describe the human races. It was also noticed the presence of statements related to the concept of biological determinism because the authors valued physic, morally and intellectually the Caucasian race instead other races.Key-words: textbooks, human races, zoology. El cuerpo diferente: representaciones de las razas humanas en los manuales escolares de zoologiaResumenEste estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la forma en que los autores de los manuales escolares de Zoología de la segunda mitad del siglo 19 y principios del siglo 20 hizo la transposición didáctica de los estudios antropológicos sobre las razas humanas para estos manuales. Se encontraron diferencias en las características de la tipología y las características antropológicas utilizadas para describir las razas humanas. También se señaló que hay declaraciones que vinculaban el determinismo biológico debido a que algunos autores han valorizado f

  3. Entrevista a Peter Wade

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    Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo


    Full Text Available Peter Wade, Doctor en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Cambridge y actualmente profesor en la Universidad de Manchester (Reino Unido ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida a explorar las relaciones étnicas y las ideas de raza que existen en América Latina, con particular referencia a las poblaciones negras. A lo largo de su trayectoria académica Peter Wade ha estudiado los procesos de discriminación racial, identidad negra, y movimiento social negro, incorporando también la sexualidad a sus temas centrales de investigación. Wade es autor de libros como “Raza y Etnicidad en América Latina” o “Música, Raza y Nación”, una de las mejores publicaciones sobre música popular colombiana, y de artículos como Afro-Latin Studies: Reflections on the Field o Hybridity Theory and Kinship Thinking. En la actualidad combina su labor docente con su participación en el macro proyecto Public Undestanding of Genetics (PUG, que cuenta con siete equipos de investigación en diferentes países de la Unión Europea.

  4. Multiculturalismo y racismo

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    Peter Wade


    Full Text Available Este ensayo repiensa el papel que desempeña la racialización en Latinoamérica, y la pone en relación con el multiculturalismo. El multiculturalismo oficial no necesariamente conduce a la disminución del racismo y puede quedarse en gestos retóricos. Es necesario enfocar el racismo y el concepto de raza como fenómenos con historia y fuerza social propias. En este artículo se mira cómo este concepto ha sido marginado en las discusiones sobre la desigualdad en Latinoamérica, y por qué es necesario ver a Latinoamérica como parte integral de las Américas negras. Además, cómo el concepto de raza se ha manifestado en Latinoamérica más de lo pensado. Se propone también que las cuestiones de raza y de racismo están ganando más espacio público en Colombia (y en Brasil. El multiculturalismo se tiene que entender como un campo de batalla, para definir sus efectos políticos.

  5. Ecological characterization of the lower Everglades, Florida Bay, and the Florida Keys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schomer, N.S.; Drew, R.D.


    A conceptual model of the study area identifies four major ecological zones: (1) terrestrial and freshwater wetlands, (2) estuarine and saltwater wetlands, (3) Florida Bay and mangrove islands, and (4) the Florida Keys. These zones are delineated by differences in basic physical-chemical background factors which in turn promote characteristic ecological communities. The terrestrial and freshwater wetlands support pinelands, sawgrass marshes, wet prairies, sloughs and occasional tree islands. The estuarine and saltwater wetlands support mangrove forests, salt marshes and oscillating salinity systems. Florida Bay exhibits oscillating meso- to hypersaline waters over grassbeds on marine lime mud sediments surrounding deeper lake areas. The exposed tips of the mud banks frequently support mangrove or salt prairie vegetation. The Florida Keys support almost all of the above communities to some small degree but are characterized by extensive offshore coral reefs. The productivity of these communities with regard to fish and wildlife reflects (1) the diversity and type of habitats available to species that are potentially capable of exploiting them, (2) the degree of alteration of these habitats by man and natural forces, and (3) historical, biogeographic and random factors that restrict organisms to specific environments or prohibit them from exploiting a potential habitat.

  6. Occurrence of Pasteuria spp. in Florida (United States)

    Hewlett, T. E.; Cox, R.; Dickson, D. W.; Dunn, R. A.


    Two years of data collected from the Florida Nematode Assay Laboratory of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service and 4 years of data from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, were compiled to find out the distribution of Pasteuria spp. on nematodes in Florida soils. Information recorded came from 335 samples and included nematode genera with Pasteuria endospores attached, host plants associated with the samples, and the origins of the samples. Pasteuria spp. were detected on 14 different plant-parasitic nematode genera in 41 Florida counties and associated with over 39 different plant species and in seven fallow fields. Pasteuria-infected nematodes were associated with a wide range of plant hosts, although frequency of associations with these hosts reflected the sample bias of the laboratories involved. Meloidogyne and Hoplolaimus spp. were the two nematode genera most frequently associated with Pasteuria. Pasteuria spp. were observed attached to members of these two genera in 176 and 59 soil samples, respectively. PMID:19279936

  7. Florida Sinkholes and Grout Injection Stabilization

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    Charles Hunt Griffith II


    Full Text Available Florida has a major problem when it comes to sinkholes. These sinkholes can become very hazardous to people, homes, and to the landscape as a whole. Florida sits on a carbonate platform which is highly indicative of sinkholes. There are three main types of sinkholes which occur in Florida: dissolution, cover subsidence, and cover collapse. I will compare these types of sinkholes to the underlying formation beneath Florida to see if there is a connection between the types of sinkholes that occur. I will also create a 3D model of grout injection stabilization and calculate its volume to compare to the actual volume placed under the house. This information will help inform and bring attention to the problem in Florida and in turn, may help alleviate the problem if we can understand what causes these sinkholes. The 3D model may help engineering companies become more efficient in predicting the projected amount of volume to stabilize a house that may be in danger.

  8. Hydrology of Southeast Florida and Associated Topics. (United States)

    Monsour, William, Comp.; Moyer, Maureen, Comp.

    This booklet deals with the hydrology of southeastern Florida. It is designed to provide the citizen, teacher, or student with hydrological information, to promote an understanding of water resources, and to initiate conservation practices within Florida communities. The collection of articles within the booklet deal with Florida water resources…

  9. Water Use in Florida, 2005 and Trends 1950-2005 (United States)

    Marella, Richard L.


    Water is among Florida's most valued resources. The State has more than 1,700 streams and rivers, 7,800 freshwater lakes, 700 springs, 11 million acres of wetlands, and underlying aquifers yielding quantities of freshwater necessary for both human and environmental needs (Fernald and Purdum, 1998). Although renewable, these water resources are finite, and continued growth in population, tourism, and agriculture will place increased demands on these water supplies. The permanent population of Florida in 2005 totaled 17.9 million, ranking fourth in the Nation (University of Florida, 2006); nearly 86 million tourists visited the State (Orlando Business Journal, 2006). In 2005, Florida harvested two-thirds of the total citrus production in the United States and ranked fifth in the Nation net farm income (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 2006). Freshwater is vital for sustaining Florida's population, economy, and agricultural production. Accurate estimates reflecting water use and trends in Florida are compiled in 5-year intervals by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the Northwest Florida, St. Johns River, South Florida, Southwest Florida, and Suwannee River Water Management Districts (Marella, 2004). This coordinated effort provides the necessary data and information for planning future water needs and resource management. The purpose of this fact sheet is to present the highlights of water use in Florida for 2005 along with some significant trends in withdrawals since 1950.

  10. Satellite-Observed Black Water Events off Southwest Florida: Implications for Coral Reef Health in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary


    Zhao, Jun; Hu, Chuanmin; Lapointe, Brian; Melo, Nelson; Johns, Elizabeth; Smith, Ryan


    A “black water” event, as observed from satellites, occurred off southwest Florida in 2012. Satellite observations suggested that the event started in early January and ended in mid-April 2012. The black water patch formed off central west Florida and advected southward towards Florida Bay and the Florida Keys with the shelf circulation, which was confirmed by satellite-tracked surface drifter trajectories. Compared with a previous black water event in 2002, the 2012 event was weaker in terms...

  11. 78 FR 43197 - Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Florida Power & Light Company; Tampa Electric Company; Orlando... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [ER13-1922-000; ER13-1929-000; ER13-1932-000; NJ13-11-000] Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Florida Power & Light Company; Tampa Electric Company; Orlando Utilities Commission; Notice of Compliance Filings Take notice that on July 10, 2013, Duke Energy...

  12. Carcinoma de las células basales en el niño: Presentación de un caso Basal cell carcinoma in the child: A case report

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    Edelisa Moredo Romo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un escolar de seis años de edad, del sexo masculino y raza negra, que desarrolló un carcinoma de las células basales de la piel de la cara sin antecedente previo de lesión cutánea, exposición exagerada al sol ni otros agentes carcinógenos conocidos. Por la rareza de esta neoplasia en la edad pediátrica y de su aparición en la raza negra, por el interés despertado hacia este caso en nuestro servicio y sobre la base de que su incidencia muestra una tendencia creciente y de que este tipo de tumor se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública mayor; se decide realizar una revisión amplia del tema y presentar este caso.

  13. 78 FR 29364 - Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc., and Florida Municipal Power Agency v. Duke Energy Florida... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. EL13-63-000] Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc., and Florida Municipal Power Agency v. Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Notice of... of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission), 18 CFR 385.206 and sections 206, 306, and...

  14. 7 CFR 915.332 - Florida avocado maturity regulation. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Florida avocado maturity regulation. 915.332 Section... SERVICE (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AVOCADOS GROWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA Container and Pack Regulations § 915.332 Florida avocado maturity regulation. (a...

  15. Evaluación de la calidad higiénico sanitaria y de composición de leche de cabra en un rebaño de la raza Saanen

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    Lucía Dora Grille Peés


    Full Text Available Uruguay es un país lechero y sus reglamentaciones son referidas principalmente a leche bovina. La leche de cabra es un alimento completo, recomendado para niños y adultos mayores, pero su estudio ha sido escaso en el país. Se estudió la calidad higiénico-sanitaria y de composición de leche caprina en un rebaño de raza Saanen durante un ciclo de lactancia. Se utilizaron 25 animales y se obtuvieron muestras de tanque quincenalmente. Se analizaron recuento de mesófilos aerobios totales (RMAT, coliformes totales (CT y Staphylococcus coagulasa positiva (SCP, recuento de células somáticas (RCS, composición, ácidos grasos, acidez Dörnic, pH y densidad. Los resultados fueron: RMAT de 3,85±0,69 ufc/ml Log10, RCS 6,91±.0,55 cel/ml Log10, CT2,47±0,84 ufc/ml Log10, SCP 1,13±0,29 ufc/ml Log10. Se obtuvieron valores de grasa: 3,58±0,69%, proteína: 2,71±0,07%, lactosa:3,84±0,10%, acidez: 14,19±0,39 ºD, pH: 6,66±0,06 y densidad: 1,026±0,26 g/ml, concordantes con trabajos realizados en animales sanos para la misma raza. Los ácidos grasos de cadena corta (caproico, caprílico, cáprico representan un 12% de los ácidos grasos totales, valores superiores a la leche de vaca (≈ 5%. Los resultados obtenidos son útiles para una futura reglamentación en leche de cabra. Por sus diferencias con la de vaca es importante generar estándares específicos.

  16. Inducción de algunos mecanismos de resistencia en tomate por la aplicación de trichoderma asperellum tc74 para el manejo de fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raza 3


    Medellin Muñoz, Miguel Felipe


    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raza 3 (FOLR3) causa severos daños en el cultivo de tomate. Una alternativa al control químico es el uso de especies del género Trichoderma, que inducen en plantas la actividad de las enzimas glucanasas y quitinasas para la defensa contra patógenos. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la inoculación de Trichoderma asperellum cepa (Tc74) en la germinación de semillas de tomate variedad Sun 7705 y en la actividad de glucanasas y quitinasas, y su relación...

  17. Benthic Habitats of Estero Bay Area, Florida 1999 Geodatabase (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Data produced for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI) in partnership with the South Florida Water...

  18. Benthic Habitats of Estero Bay Area, Florida 1999 Biotic (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Data produced for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI) in partnership with the South Florida Water...

  19. Benthic Habitats of Estero Bay Area, Florida 1999 Geoform (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Data produced for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI) in partnership with the South Florida Water...

  20. 77 FR 74923 - Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Estuaries, Coastal Waters, and South Florida... (United States)


    ... proposing numeric water quality criteria to protect ecological systems, aquatic life, and human health from... III surface waters share water quality criteria established to protect fish consumption, recreation... Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Estuaries, Coastal Waters, and South Florida Inland...

  1. NASA Hydrogen Research at Florida Universities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David L Block; Ali T-Raissi


    This paper presents a summary of the activities and results from 36 hydrogen research projects being conducted over a four-year period by Florida universities for the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The program entitled 'NASA Hydrogen Research at Florida Universities' is managed by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC). FSEC has 22 years of experience in conducting research in areas related to hydrogen technologies and fuel cells. The R and D activities under this program cover technology areas related to production, cryogenics, sensors, storage, separation processes, fuel cells, resource assessments and education. (authors)

  2. History and Status of Eucalyptus Improvement in Florida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donald L. Rockwood


    Full Text Available The first organized Eucalyptus research in Florida was begun by the Florida Forests Foundation in 1959 in southern Florida. This research was absorbed by the USDA Forest Service and the Florida Division of Forestry in 1968. In the early 1970s, the Eucalyptus Research Cooperative formed to provide additional support emphasized E. grandis, E. robusta, E. camaldulensis, and E. tereticornis and developed cultural practices for commercial plantations in southern Florida. In 1978, this cooperative united with the Hardwood Research Cooperative at North Carolina State University until 1985 when the 14-year effort ended after three severe freezes from 1983 to 1985. Eucalyptus planting and research were continued with a Florida-wide focus by the University of Florida and collaborators starting in 1980. The collective accomplishments in terms of genetic resources and commercial planting are summarized. For example, fast-growing, freeze-resilient E. grandis seedlings are produced by advanced generation seed orchards, five E. grandis cultivars are commercially available, as are E. amplifolia and Corymbia torelliana seeds. Genetic improvement of these and other species is ongoing due to beneficial collaborations. Short Rotation Woody Crop systems are promising for increasing productivity and extending uses beyond conventional pulpwood to applications such as windbreaks, dendroremediation, and energy wood.

  3. Los juegos antropologicos de Saint-Louis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabrice Delsahut


    Full Text Available En 1904, en medio de la feria de la exposición universal de Saint-Louis, los Juegos olimpicos no pudieron escapar a la ascención de ideologías racistas del principios del siglo XX y contibuyeron a la discusión del mérito atlético de diferentes razas. Los organisadores prepararon competiciones especiales que llamaron en esta ocasión «Jornadas antropológicas» reservadas a los que la América segregacionista del momento consideraba como primitivos. El impacto de los estudios sobre las razas, sobre la manera de pensar en el deporte no fue, al contrario de lo que se esforzaron hacer creer los diferentes presidentes del C.O.I en el curso de las siguientes decadas, un simple avatar del movimiento olimpico. Veremos la influencía de este espectáculo atletico interracial en los Estados Unidos pero tambien en el mundo, particularmente a través del papel de la prensa. Las jornadas antropológicas permitieron indudablemente elaborar una cierta percepción de la otricidad y limitaran la integración de los pueblos autóctonas en la maquina deportiva mundial.

  4. Rocky Mountain spotted fever acquired in Florida, 1973-83. (United States)

    Sacks, J J; Janowski, H T


    From 1973 to 1983, 49 Florida residents were reported with confirmed Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), 25 of whom were considered to have had Florida-acquired disease. Although there was no history of tick exposure for six of these 25 persons, all had contact with dogs or outdoor activities during the incubation period. The tick vectors of RMSF are widely distributed throughout Florida. We conclude that RMSF, although rare in Florida, can be acquired in the state. PMID:4061716

  5. Richard Florida : loovsektor on majanduskasvu mootor / Richard Florida ; interv. Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Florida, Richard


    USA majandus- ja ühiskonnateadlane Richard Florida loovklassi teooriast, selle osast majanduskasvu tagamisel, seosest ühiskonna tolerantsuse ja ühiskonna majandusliku edukuse vahel, sotsiaalse sidususe takistavast rollist loovuse motiveerimisel

  6. Spaceport Florida Authority: Business Plan (United States)


    The Spaceport Florida Authority (SFA) was established under Florida Statute by the Governor and Legislature to assist the development of our nation's space transportation industry and to generate new space-related jobs, investment and opportunities statewide. Included in the Authorities' business plan is the statement of work and list of team members involved in creating the report, SFA's current operating concept, market analysis, assessment of accomplishments, a sample operating concept and a "roadmap to success".

  7. Prototipo de un sistema experto para el diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas en crías de alpacas de la raza hucaya y suri del cip - la raya de la U.N.A. - Puno


    Ibañez Quispe, Vladimiro


    El presente trabajo de tesis titulado «PROTOTIPO DE UN SISTEMA EXPERTO PARA EL DIAGNÓSTICO DE ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS EN CRÍAS DE ALPACAS DE LA RAZA HUACAYA Y SURI DEL CIP-LA RAYA DE LA U.N.A.-PUNO», se ha ejecutado en la Provincia de Puno, usando los recursos computacionales existentes, las bondades de la ingeniería del software y la inteligencia artificial, que fue orientado al campo de la ganadería, específicamente en alpacas, cuyo objetivo principal fue de analizar, diseñar e implementar...

  8. Florida public transportation anti-terrorism resource guide (United States)


    The Center for Urban Transportation (CUTR) at the University of South Florida (USF) assembled this guide to provide public transit agencies in Florida with information on current resources available to assist them with improving system security and g...

  9. ASK Florida; a climate change education professional development program for middle school teachers in Florida (United States)

    Weihs, R. R.


    A series of professional development workshops covering the fundamentals of climate change have been developed and facilitated for two groups of middle school science teachers in three Florida counties. The NASA-supported joint venture between Florida State University's Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) and the University of South Florida's (USF's) Coalition for Science Literacy, ASK Florida, focuses on expanding and deepening teachers' content knowledge of a wide range of climate change topics, connecting local and regional changes to the global picture, and supporting classroom implementation and effective teaching practices. Education experts from USF, climate scientists from COAPS, and Hillsborough county teachers and science coaches coordinated and developed the workshop content, which is based on Florida's Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in science, science curriculum guides for 6th grade, and teacher interest. Several scientists have facilitated activities during the workshop, including professors in meteorology and climatology, research scientists in the field, a NOAA program manager, the state climatologists for Florida, and others. Having these climate scientists present during the workshop provides teachers an opportunity to interact directly with the scientists and gain insight into the climatology field. Additionally, we host an open-forum discussion panel during which teachers can ask the experts about any topics of interest. Activities are designed to enhance the scientific skill level of the teachers. Introductory activities reinforce teachers' abilities to distinguish facts from opinions and to evaluate sources. Other activities provide hands-on experience using actual scientific data from NASA and other agencies. For example, teachers analyze precipitation data to create distributions of Florida rainfall, examine sea level trends at various locations, identify Atlantic hurricane frequencies during the phases of ENSO

  10. Revisiting the Decision of Death in Hurst v. Florida. (United States)

    Cooke, Brian K; Ginory, Almari; Zedalis, Jennifer


    The United States Supreme Court has considered the question of whether a judge or a jury must make the findings necessary to support imposition of the death penalty in several notable cases, including Spaziano v. Florida (1984), Hildwin v. Florida (1989), and Ring v. Arizona (2002). In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court revisited the subject in Hurst v. Florida Florida Statute § 921.141 allows the judge, after weighing aggravating and mitigating circumstances, to enter a sentence of life imprisonment or death. Before Hurst, Florida's bifurcated sentencing proceedings included an advisory sentence from jurors and a separate judicial hearing without juror involvement. In Hurst, the Court revisited the question of whether Florida's capital sentencing scheme violates the Sixth Amendment, which requires a jury, not a judge, to find each fact necessary to impose a sentence of death in light of Ring In an eight-to-one decision, the Court reversed the judgment of the Florida Supreme Court, holding that the Sixth Amendment requires a jury to find the aggravating factors necessary for imposing the death penalty. The role of Florida juries in capital sentencing proceedings was thereby elevated from advisory to determinative. We examine the Court's decision and offer commentary regarding this shift from judge to jury in the final imposition of the death penalty and the overall effect of this landmark case. © 2016 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.

  11. Aquatic vegetation were photographed from aircraft from Florida Bay, Indian River (Florida), and the Coast of Massachusetts (NODC Accession 0000411) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Aerial photographs were taken of the aquatic vegetation of Florida Bay, Indian River (Florida), and the Coast of Massachusetts. Photographs were scanned and...

  12. Sexual Harassment Policies in Florida School Districts. (United States)

    Rienzo, Barbara A.; Moore, Michele Johnson


    Investigated the extent to which Florida's school districts complied with the Florida Department of Education's (FDOE) recommendations for addressing sexual harassment in schools. Surveys of district equity coordinators and analysis of policies indicated that most districts approved sexual harassment policies incorporating many FDOE…

  13. 2007 Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) Lidar Project: Southwest Florida (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a topographic survey conducted for a coalition of GIS practitioners, including the Florida Division of...

  14. Northeast Florida Regional Sediment Management: Implementation Strategies and Recommendations for Nassau County and Duval County, Florida (United States)


    management strategies and alternatives are actively coordinated. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising , publication... Strategies and Recommendations for Nassau County and Duval County, Florida Co as ta l a nd H yd ra ul ic s La bo ra to ry Kevin C. Hodgens, Michael...Sediment Management Implementation Strategies and Recommendations for Nassau County and Duval County, Florida Kevin C. Hodgens and Michael P

  15. 7 CFR 1006.2 - Florida marketing area. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Florida marketing area. 1006.2 Section 1006.2 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MILK IN THE FLORIDA MARKETING AREA Order Regulating...

  16. Economic analysis of biomass crop production in Florida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rahmani, M.; Hodges, A.W.; Stricker, J.A.; Kiker, C.F. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States)


    Favorable soil and climate conditions for production of biomass crops in Florida, and a market for their use, provide the essentials for developing a biomass energy system in the State. Recent surveys showed that there is low opportunity cost land available and several high yield herbaceous and woody crops have potential as biomass crops. Comparison of biomass crop yields, farmgate costs, and costs of final products in Florida and other states show that Florida can be considered as one of the best areas for development of biomass energy systems in the United States. This paper presents facts and figures on biomass production and conversion in Florida and addresses issues of concern to the economics of biomass energy in the State. (author)

  17. Economic analysis of biomass crop production in Florida

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahmani, M.; Hodges, A.W.; Stricker, J.A.; Kiker, C.F.


    Favorable soil and climate conditions for production of biomass crops in Florida, and a market for their use, provide the essentials for developing a biomass energy system in the State. Recent surveys showed that there is low opportunity cost land available and several high yield herbaceous and woody crops have potential as biomass crops. Comparison of biomass crop yields, farmgate costs, and costs of final products in Florida and other states show that Florida can be considered as one of the best areas for development of biomass energy systems in the United States. This paper presents facts and figures on biomass production and conversion in Florida and addresses issues of concern to the economics of biomass energy in the State. (author)

  18. Virginia Tech Wildlife Professor Helping To Save Florida Panther


    Davis, Lynn


    With few Florida panthers now in existence, Mike Vaughan, Virginia Tech professor of wildlife and sciences in the College of Natural Resources, has been appointed to serve on the Florida Panther Scientific Review Team (SRT). Vaughan and other SRT members have made several trips to Naples, Fla., to interview state and federal biologists directly involved with the recovery of the Florida panther.

  19. Hurricanes accelerated the Florida-Bahamas lionfish invasion. (United States)

    Johnston, Matthew W; Purkis, Sam J


    In this study, we demonstrate how perturbations to the Florida Current caused by hurricanes are relevant to the spread of invasive lionfish from Florida to the Bahamas. Without such perturbations, this current represents a potential barrier to the transport of planktonic lionfish eggs and larvae across the Straits of Florida. We further show that once lionfish became established in the Bahamas, hurricanes significantly hastened their spread through the island chain. We gain these insights through: (1) an analysis of the direction and velocity of simulated ocean currents during the passage of hurricanes through the Florida Straits and (2) the development of a biophysical model that incorporates the tolerances of lionfish to ocean climate, their reproductive strategy, and duration that the larvae remain viable in the water column. On the basis of this work, we identify 23 occasions between the years 1992 and 2006 in which lionfish were provided the opportunity to breach the Florida Current. We also find that hurricanes during this period increased the rate of spread of lionfish through the Bahamas by more than 45% and magnified its population by at least 15%. Beyond invasive lionfish, we suggest that extreme weather events such as hurricanes likely help to homogenize the gene pool for all Caribbean marine species susceptible to transport. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. South Florida embraces waste-to-energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lueck, G.W.


    This paper reports that some regions have prepared for these days of disposal shortage with comprehensive waste plans that include a strong WTE presence. Witness Broward County, Florida's program, 12 years in planning by public and private entities, Broward is the second most populated county in the state, with 1.3 million residents and a heavy tourist population, which, together, produce 1.6 million tons of waste annually. The disposal program includes Waste Management, Inc.'s expansion of a 400-acre Central Disposal Sanitary Landfill, the county's new 588-acre landfill, composting, and curbside pickup for recyclables. And, this south Florida plan would not be complete without the two brand new combustion plants. Clean Air and Water Acts notwithstanding, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation can induce standards stricter than the federal government's due to the sensitive South Florida ecology. Wheelabrator was prepared for all eventualities with its design which uses state-of-the-art scrubbers, bag houses, and monitoring to track and capture the trace amounts of lead, cadmium, and mercury, which end up in the ash. In fact, tests at other Wheelabrator facilities using similar technology showed that heavy metals in leachate from the residue showed up in concentrations as much as 200 times lower than the EPA criteria for toxicity

  1. Karyotypic polymorphism and evolution within and between the Liolaemus monticola (Iguanidae "northern 2n = 38-40" chromosome race populations in central Chile Polimorfismo cromosómico y evolución intra e inter poblacional de la raza cromosómica "Norte 2n = 28-40" de Liolaemus monticola (Iguanidae en Chile Central

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Chromosomal genotypes were scored from 359 Liolaemus monticola lizards of the "northern, 2n = 38-40" chromosomal race from 21 locality samples between the Maipo (and one of its tributaries and the Aconcagua (and one of its tributaries ribers, plus a sample from the interracial hybridization zone, and some representative locality samples of the "southern 2n = 34" and the "multiple fission 2n = 42-44" chromosomal races for comparisons. The first seven variable chromosomal pairs were coded as Mendelian genotypes and statistically summarized by several clustering and population genetic algorithms. Spatial and temporal differentiation was assessed by chromosome frequencies, chromosomal diversity and heterozygosity. While no differentiation was found for diversity in the "northern 2n = 38-40" race, chromosomal frequencies and heterozygosity showed significant spatial differentiation that permit distinguishing between the coastal, Andean and transversal mountain range populations. The sample of Cuesta Chacabuco may represent a hybrid zone between the other two range samples. The origin of the chromosomal rearrangements, the population cytogenetics, and the recombination patterns resulting from chromosomal heterozygosity are compared in these chromosomal races, thus expanding the geographical area. These patterns are discussed with respect to the evolution of this complex in Chile and the importance of the riverine barriers in central ChileSe cuantificaron los "genotipos" cromosómicos para 359 lagartijas de 21 muestras poblacionales de la raza "Norte, 2n = 38-40" comprendida entre los ríos: río Maipo y uno de sus afluentes el río Yeso y río Aconcagua (y uno de sus afluentes el río Juncal. Con fines comparativos agregamos una muestra de la zona de hibridación interracial, algunas muestras representativas de la raza "Sur 2n = 34" y una de la raza "múltiples fisiones 2n = 42-44". Los siete primeros pares cromosómicos variables fueron codificados

  2. Landscape Analysis of Adult Florida Panther Habitat.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert A Frakes

    Full Text Available Historically occurring throughout the southeastern United States, the Florida panther is now restricted to less than 5% of its historic range in one breeding population located in southern Florida. Using radio-telemetry data from 87 prime-aged (≥3 years old adult panthers (35 males and 52 females during the period 2004 through 2013 (28,720 radio-locations, we analyzed the characteristics of the occupied area and used those attributes in a random forest model to develop a predictive distribution map for resident breeding panthers in southern Florida. Using 10-fold cross validation, the model was 87.5 % accurate in predicting presence or absence of panthers in the 16,678 km2 study area. Analysis of variable importance indicated that the amount of forests and forest edge, hydrology, and human population density were the most important factors determining presence or absence of panthers. Sensitivity analysis showed that the presence of human populations, roads, and agriculture (other than pasture had strong negative effects on the probability of panther presence. Forest cover and forest edge had strong positive effects. The median model-predicted probability of presence for panther home ranges was 0.81 (0.82 for females and 0.74 for males. The model identified 5579 km2 of suitable breeding habitat remaining in southern Florida; 1399 km2 (25% of this habitat is in non-protected private ownership. Because there is less panther habitat remaining than previously thought, we recommend that all remaining breeding habitat in south Florida should be maintained, and the current panther range should be expanded into south-central Florida. This model should be useful for evaluating the impacts of future development projects, in prioritizing areas for panther conservation, and in evaluating the potential impacts of sea-level rise and changes in hydrology.

  3. Landscape Analysis of Adult Florida Panther Habitat. (United States)

    Frakes, Robert A; Belden, Robert C; Wood, Barry E; James, Frederick E


    Historically occurring throughout the southeastern United States, the Florida panther is now restricted to less than 5% of its historic range in one breeding population located in southern Florida. Using radio-telemetry data from 87 prime-aged (≥3 years old) adult panthers (35 males and 52 females) during the period 2004 through 2013 (28,720 radio-locations), we analyzed the characteristics of the occupied area and used those attributes in a random forest model to develop a predictive distribution map for resident breeding panthers in southern Florida. Using 10-fold cross validation, the model was 87.5 % accurate in predicting presence or absence of panthers in the 16,678 km2 study area. Analysis of variable importance indicated that the amount of forests and forest edge, hydrology, and human population density were the most important factors determining presence or absence of panthers. Sensitivity analysis showed that the presence of human populations, roads, and agriculture (other than pasture) had strong negative effects on the probability of panther presence. Forest cover and forest edge had strong positive effects. The median model-predicted probability of presence for panther home ranges was 0.81 (0.82 for females and 0.74 for males). The model identified 5579 km2 of suitable breeding habitat remaining in southern Florida; 1399 km2 (25%) of this habitat is in non-protected private ownership. Because there is less panther habitat remaining than previously thought, we recommend that all remaining breeding habitat in south Florida should be maintained, and the current panther range should be expanded into south-central Florida. This model should be useful for evaluating the impacts of future development projects, in prioritizing areas for panther conservation, and in evaluating the potential impacts of sea-level rise and changes in hydrology.

  4. Florida Public Health Training Center: Evidence-Based Online Mentor Program (United States)

    Frahm, Kathryn A.; Alsac-Seitz, Biray; Mescia, Nadine; Brown, Lisa M.; Hyer, Kathy; Liburd, Desiree; Rogoff, David P.; Troutman, Adewale


    This article describes an Online Mentor Program (OMP) designed to support and facilitate mentorships among and between Florida Department of Health (FDOH) employees and USF College of Public Health students using a Web-based portal. The Florida Public Health Training Center (FPHTC) at the University of South Florida (USF) College of Public Health…


    The report gives results of laboratory work by the University of Florida in support of the Foundation Fill Data Base project of the Foundation Fill Materials Specifications Task Area of the Florida Radon Research Program (FRRP). Work included determination of radon concentrations...

  6. Satellite-Observed Black Water Events off Southwest Florida: Implications for Coral Reef Health in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian Lapointe


    Full Text Available A “black water” event, as observed from satellites, occurred off southwest Florida in 2012. Satellite observations suggested that the event started in early January and ended in mid-April 2012. The black water patch formed off central west Florida and advected southward towards Florida Bay and the Florida Keys with the shelf circulation, which was confirmed by satellite-tracked surface drifter trajectories. Compared with a previous black water event in 2002, the 2012 event was weaker in terms of spatial and temporal coverage. An in situ survey indicated that the 2012 black water patch contained toxic K. brevis and had relatively low CDOM (colored dissolved organic matter and turbidity but high chlorophyll-a concentrations, while salinity was somewhat high compared with historical values. Further analysis revealed that the 2012 black water was formed by the K. brevis bloom initiated off central west Florida in late September 2011, while river runoff, Trichodesmium and possibly submarine groundwater discharge also played important roles in its formation. Black water patches can affect benthic coral reef communities by decreasing light availability at the bottom, and enhanced nutrient concentrations from black water patches support massive macroalgae growth that can overgrow coral reefs. It is thus important to continue the integrated observations where satellites provide synoptic and repeated observations of such adverse water quality events.

  7. Avocado pests in Florida: Not what you expected (United States)

    Avocado, Persea americana Mill., is Florida's second most important fruit crop after citrus. Until recently, the complex of spider mite and insect pests that affected avocado in south Florida was under a 20 year Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. The recent invasion of avocado orchards by a...

  8. First report of a Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Cuba (United States)

    Alvarez-Aleman, Anmari; Beck, Cathy A.; Powell, James A.


    Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Florida utilize intake and effluent canals of power plants as resting and thermoregulatory habitat. We report the use of a power plant canal in Cuba by a known Florida manatee, the first documented case of movement by a manatee between Florida and Cuba. In January, February, and April 2007, two manatees (mother and calf) were reported entering a power plant canal in north Havana, Cuba. The larger manatee had several distinctive scars which were photographed. Digital images were matched to a previously known Florida manatee (CR131) with a sighting history dating from December 1979 to July 2006. Exchanges of individuals between Florida and Cuba may have important genetic implications, particularly since there appears to be little genetic exchange between the Florida manatee subspecies with populations of the Antillean manatee subspecies (T. m. manatus) in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

  9. Accelerated sea level rise and Florida Current transport

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Park


    Full Text Available The Florida Current is the headwater of the Gulf Stream and is a component of the North Atlantic western boundary current from which a geostrophic balance between sea surface height and mass transport directly influence coastal sea levels along the Florida Straits. A linear regression of daily Florida Current transport estimates does not find a significant change in transport over the last decade; however, a nonlinear trend extracted from empirical mode decomposition (EMD suggests a 3 Sv decline in mean transport. This decline is consistent with observed tide gauge records in Florida Bay and the straits exhibiting an acceleration of mean sea level (MSL rise over the decade. It is not known whether this recent change represents natural variability or the onset of the anticipated secular decline in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC; nonetheless, such changes have direct impacts on the sensitive ecological systems of the Everglades as well as the climate of western Europe and eastern North America.

  10. Potential feedstock sources for ethanol production in Florida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rahmani, Mohammad [Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); Hodges, Alan [Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States)


    This study presents information on the potential feedstock sources that may be used for ethanol production in Florida. Several potential feedstocks for fuel ethanol production in Florida are discussed, such as, sugarcane, corn, citrus byproducts and sweet sorghum. Other probable impacts need to be analyzed for sugarcane to ethanol production as alternative uses of sugarcane may affect the quantity of sugar production in Florida. While citrus molasses is converted to ethanol as an established process, the cost of ethanol is higher, and the total amount of citrus molasses per year is insignificant. Sorghum cultivars have the potential for ethanol production. However, the agricultural practices for growing sweet sorghum for ethanol have not been established, and the conversion process must be tested and developed at a more expanded level. So far, only corn shipped from other states to Florida has been considered for ethanol production on a commercial scale. The economic feasibility of each of these crops requires further data and technical analysis.

  11. Florida statewide radiation study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagda, N.L.; Koontz, M.D.; Fortmann, R.C.; Schoenborn, W.A.; Mehegan, L.L.


    Florida phosphate deposits contain higher levels of uranium than most other soils and rocks, thus exposing the population to higher-than-desirable levels of radon and its short-lived daughters. The Florida Legislature ordered a survey of significant land areas where an environmental radiation standard should be applied. Among other things, the study assessed indoor radon in 6,000 homes, soil radon at 3,000 residences, and all data existing prior to the study. The report explains the purpose of the study, how it was designed and conducted, and its results. It concludes with a discussion of radon/radon decay product equilibrium factor, correlation between indoor and soil radon, and preliminary attempts to develop a safe threshold for soil radon below which few elevated indoor levels would be anticipated

  12. Florida Progress Corporation 1991 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Florida Progress Corporation is a utility holding company with assets of 5 billion dollars. Its principal subsidiary is the Florida Power Corporation; others are the Electric Fuels Corporation, the Mid-Continent Life Assurance Company, the Talquin Corporation, the Progress Credit Corporation and Advanced Separation Technologies Incorporated. The annual report describes achievements during the year. To meet growing energy demand Florida Power is building new peaking and base-load generating units, purchasing power from neighbouring utilities and cogenerators, and building more bulk power transmission line capacity in the state. Emphasis has been placed on meeting load growth by demand-site management. Attention is given to balancing energy needs with concerns for the environment, and there is an award-winning recycling program. The Electric Fuels Corporation major area of business is coal mining and transportation services. Advanced Separation Technologies has sold several of its patented ion separation machines. The report includes consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1991

  13. Lactancia ¿artificial o natural?: Influencia sobre la calidad de la canal de los cabritos


    Panea, P.; Ripoll, G.; Sañudo, C.; Horcada Ibáñez, Alberto Luis; Teixeira, A.; Alcalde Aldea, María Jesús


    En las razas caprinas de aptitud lechera, el cabrito es considerado en muchas ocasiones como un subproducto, por lo que frecuentemente se separa de la madre y se alimenta con leche artificial. Este manejo posibilita la utilización de la leche en la fabricaci6n de quesos con un elevado valor añadido, reduce los costes de alimentaci6n y permite obtener buenos crecimientos. Sin embargo, algunos ganaderos prefieren alimentar a los cabritos con leche natural porque cree...

  14. Efecto de la raza y la edad sobre las concentraciones de hormonas tiroideas T3 y T4 de bovinos en condiciones tropicales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rómulo Campos Gaona


    Full Text Available Para estudiar el efecto en condiciones de trópico seco de la edad y del grupo racial sobre las concentraciones séricas de las hormonas tiroideas T3 y T4, se muestrearon 158 animales de los grupos raciales Holstein, Lucerna, Hartón del Valle, Cebú Brahman y mestizo F1 (Cebú Brahman x Pardo Suizo, distribuidos en cuatro grupos de edad desde el nacimiento hasta el destete (8 meses. La concentración media de T3 fue 2.25 mmol/L y la de T4, 57.37 mmol/L. La correlación entre T3 y T4 fue de 0.53. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa para el efecto grupo racial, grupo de edad (P<0.001 pero no para la interacción grupo racial x edad (p=0.286. Los grupos raciales con concentraciones más elevadas fueron Holstein y Lucerna; la concentración más baja se presentó en los bovinos mestizos. La mayor concentración de hormonas tiroideas según la edad ocurrió en recién nacidos, luego descendió progresiva y linealmente. El trabajo encontró que en condiciones de trópico seco, en zona límite de termoneutralidad según el índice ITH, los bovinos jóvenes presentanron diferencias marcadas en las concentraciones de hormonas tiroideas

  15. Characteristic community structure of Florida's subtropical wetlands: the Florida wetland condition index (United States)

    Depending upon the classification scheme applied, there are between 10 and 45 different wetland types in Florida. Land use and land cover change has a marked effect on wetland condition, and different wetland types are affected differentially depending on many abiotic and biotic ...

  16. Tres lustros de investigaciones en la Estación Biológica Archbold (Florida, Estados Unidos) sobre demografía y conservación de especies vegetales endémicas de Florida


    Menges, Eric S.; Quintana Ascencio, Pedro Francisco


    El laboratorio de Ecología Vegetal en la Estación Biológica Archbold incide en el estudio demográfico a largo plazo, la ecología del fuego y la biología de la conservación en el Matorral de Florida, una comunidad rica en especies endémicas. El fuego es el disturbio natural dominante, y hemos documentado las respuestas de las comunidades vegetales, las estrategias de vida y los patrones demográficos de varias especies en relación con el fuego. Hemos estudiado la ecología de poblaci...

  17. 40 CFR 81.95 - Central Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Regions § 81.95 Central Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. The Central Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region consists of the territorial area encompassed by the boundaries of the... 40 Protection of Environment 17 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Central Florida Intrastate Air Quality...

  18. Southward flow on the western flank of the Florida Current (United States)

    Soloviev, Alexander V.; Hirons, Amy; Maingot, Christopher; Dean, Cayla W.; Dodge, Richard E.; Yankovsky, Alexander E.; Wood, Jon; Weisberg, Robert H.; Luther, Mark E.; McCreary, Julian P.


    A suite of long-term in situ measurements in the Straits of Florida, including the ADCP bottom moorings at an 11-m isobath and 244-m isobath (Miami Terrace) and several ADCP ship transects, have revealed a remarkable feature of the ocean circulation - southward flow on the western, coastal flank of the Florida Current. We have observed three forms of the southward flow - a seasonally varying coastal countercurrent, an undercurrent jet attached to the Florida shelf, and an intermittent undercurrent on the Miami Terrace. According to a 13-year monthly climatology obtained from the near-shore mooring, the coastal countercurrent is a persistent feature from October through January. The southward flow in the form of an undercurrent jet attached to the continental slope was observed during five ship transects from April through September but was not observed during three transects in February, March, and November. This undercurrent jet is well mixed due to strong shear at its top associated with the northward direction of the surface flow (Florida Current) and friction at the bottom. At the same time, no statistically significant seasonal cycle has been observed in the undercurrent flow on the Miami Terrace. Theoretical considerations suggest that several processes could drive the southward current, including interaction between the Florida Current and the shelf, as well as forcing that is independent of the Florida Current. The exact nature of the southward flow on the western flank of the Florida Current is, however, unknown.

  19. Development of a Florida Seafood Program Using a Multi-Disciplinary Team (United States)

    Abeels, Holly; Fluech, Bryan; Krimsky, Lisa; Saari, Brooke; Shephard, Elizabeth; Zamojski, Kendra


    The seafood industry in Florida is complex, with more than 80 varieties of Florida seafood commodities and an increasing number of imported products. This variety increases consumer confusion, especially with the growing concern about the origin, sustainability, and safety of seafood products. The objective of the Florida Seafood At Your…

  20. Clusters of Adolescent and Young Adult Thyroid Cancer in Florida Counties

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    Raid Amin


    Full Text Available Background. Thyroid cancer is a common cancer in adolescents and young adults ranking 4th in frequency. Thyroid cancer has captured the interest of epidemiologists because of its strong association to environmental factors. The goal of this study is to identify thyroid cancer clusters in Florida for the period 2000–2008. This will guide further discovery of potential risk factors within areas of the cluster compared to areas not in cluster. Methods. Thyroid cancer cases for ages 15–39 were obtained from the Florida Cancer Data System. Next, using the purely spatial Poisson analysis function in SaTScan, the geographic distribution of thyroid cancer cases by county was assessed for clusters. The reference population was obtained from the Census Bureau 2010, which enabled controlling for population age, sex, and race. Results. Two statistically significant clusters of thyroid cancer clusters were found in Florida: one in southern Florida (SF (relative risk of 1.26; P value of <0.001 and the other in northwestern Florida (NWF (relative risk of 1.71; P value of 0.012. These clusters persisted after controlling for demographics including sex, age, race. Conclusion. In summary, we found evidence of thyroid cancer clustering in South Florida and North West Florida for adolescents and young adult.

  1. Florida's Mandated Educational Leadership Program Redesign: The William Cecil Golden Touch (United States)

    Mountford, Meredith; Acker-Hocevar, Michele A.


    In 2007, educational leadership programs in Florida were notified by Florida's Department of Education of a law requiring all programs to align with new legislation, State Rule 6A-5.081. Previously, most state-approved preparation programs were based on Florida's Leadership Preparation Standards, a version of the 1996 Interstate School Leadership…


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    Vanesa Vázquez Laba


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de contribuir a la discusión teórica y política sobre la capacidad agencial de las mujeres en condiciones de subalternidad, el presente artículo se basa en un trabajo de investigación empírica sobre los procesos y experiencias migratorias de mujeres latinoamericanas y africanas residentes en Mallorca, España. Demuestra que a pesar de la condicionalidad de la segmentación por género y raza del mercado laboral y el uso político del velo, las mujeres inmigrantes dan cuenta de acciones concretas de resistencias identitarias y políticas desde los márgenes en una búsqueda por una ciudadanía real.

  3. Development of the Future Physicists of Florida (United States)

    Wade, A.; Weatherford, C.; Cottle, P.; Fannin, S.; Roberts, W.; Fauerbach, M.; Ponti, L.; Sear, J.


    We present the development of the ``Future Physicists of Florida'' (FPF) comprised of Florida university physics professors, middle and high school science teachers, and backed by the Florida Legislature. Our purpose is to address the lack of incoming college freshmen ready and willing to become physics majors. We will discuss the building of FPF and the development of a pipeline for middle and high school students predicted to produce the optimal number of bachelor's degrees in STEM. We will also discuss our use of community-building activities to educate the students, and their parents and teachers about the educational value of taking physics before going to college and potential careers in physics, to entertain them with fun physics related activities in order to peak their interest in physics, and to ultimately inspire the students to become physicists.

  4. Florida's forests-2005 update (United States)

    Mark J. Brown


    This bulletin highlights principal findings of an annual inventory of Florida's forests. Data summaries are based on measurements of 60 percent of the plots in the State. Additional data summaries and bulletins will be published as the remaining plots are measured.

  5. Estudio y desarrollo experimental de nuevos materiales biodegradables para la reparación ósea


    Roche Albero, Adrián; Gil Albarova, Jorge; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    El objetivo de la fase subcutánea fue realizar un estudio experimental en conejos adultos implantando dos materiales biodegradables, a nivel de tejido subcutáneo, para valorar su tolerancia tisular, la potencial toxicidad y los efectos de la implantación in vivo sobre sus propiedades mecánicas. Material y método de la fase subcutánea: Se utilizaron 18 conejos adultos de raza Nueva Zelanda. Se dividieron en dos grupos aleatorios en dependencia del material implantado, material compuesto o bi...

  6. Modificaciones del automatismo, conducción, refractariedad miocárdicas y del patrón fibrilatorio ventricular producidas por el ejercicio físico crónico. Influencia del sistema nervioso cardiaco


    Zarzoso Muñoz, Manuel


    El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar el papel de las neuronas parasimpáticas postganglionares en los cambios adaptativos producidos por el entrenamiento físico sobre el automatismo, la conducción y la refractariedad miocárdicas. Se utilizaron 41 conejos de raza New Zealand White que fueron divididos en 3 grupos: un grupo de animales control (n=14), un grupo de animales falsos operados (n=13) y un grupo de animals entrenados (n=14). Estos últimos fueron sometidos a un protocol...

  7. Consequences of dramatic reductions in state tobacco control funds: Florida, 1998-2000. (United States)

    Niederdeppe, J; Farrelly, M C; Hersey, J C; Davis, K C


    This study assessed whether dramatic funding reductions to the Florida Tobacco Control Program (FTCP) influenced trends in recall of the Florida "truth" anti-smoking media campaign, anti-industry attitudes and non-smoking intentions among Florida teens. We used an interrupted time series technique to test for differences in the rates of change in Florida "truth" recall, anti-industry beliefs and non-smoking intentions before and after the FTCP budget cuts using the Florida Anti-tobacco Media Evaluation (FAME) survey, a repeated cross-sectional telephone survey of Florida teens. Recall of the Florida "truth" anti-smoking campaign, anti-industry attitudes, and non-smoking intentions increased dramatically between April 1998 and May 1999. Florida "truth" recall declined after FTCP budget cuts in June 1999. Anti-industry beliefs and non-smoking intentions plateaued or began to decline after the budget cuts. The launch of the national "truth" campaign in February 2000 may have offset otherwise deleterious effects of the budget cuts on anti-industry beliefs, but not smoking intentions. Reductions in tobacco control funding have immediate effects on programme exposure and cognitive precursors to smoking initiation. There is a critical need to maintain and enhance funding for state tobacco control programmes to continue nationwide progress in preventing youth from initiating cigarette smoking.

  8. Phased Retrofits in Existing Homes in Florida Phase II. Shallow Plus Retrofits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sutherland, K. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Parker, D. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Martin, E. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Chasar, D. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Amos, B. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States)


    The BAPIRC team and Florida Power and Light (FPL) electric utility pursued a pilot phased energy-efficiency retrofit program in Florida by creating detailed data on the energy and economic performance of two levels of retrofit - simple and deep. For this Phased Deep Retrofit (PDR) project, a total of 56 homes spread across the utility partner's territory in east central Florida, southeast Florida, and southwest Florida were instrumented between August 2012 and January 2013, and received simple pass-through retrofit measures during the period of March 2013 - June 2013. Ten of these homes received a deeper package of retrofits during August 2013 - December 2013.

  9. Florida's model of nursing home Medicaid reimbursement for disaster-related expenses. (United States)

    Thomas, Kali S; Hyer, Kathryn; Brown, Lisa M; Polivka-West, LuMarie; Branch, Laurence G


    This study describes Florida's model of Medicaid nursing home (NH) reimbursement to compensate NHs for disaster-related expenses incurred as a result of 8 hurricanes within a 2-year period. This Florida model can serve as a demonstration for a national model for disaster-related reimbursement. Florida reimburses NHs for approved disaster-related costs through hurricane interim rate requests (IRRs). The state developed its unique Medicaid per diem rate temporary add-on by adapting its standard rate-setting reimbursement methodology. To understand the payment mechanisms and the costs that facilities incurred as a result of natural disasters, we examined the IRRs and cost reports for facilities requesting and receiving reimbursement. Cost reports and IRR applications indicated that Florida Medicaid spent close to $16 million to pay for hurricane-related costs to NHs. Without Florida's Hurricane IRR program, many facilities would have not been reimbursed for their hurricane-related costs. Florida's model is one that Medicare and other states should consider adopting to ensure that NHs receive adequate reimbursement for disaster-related expenses, including tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, blizzards, and other catastrophic events.

  10. 75 FR 15603 - Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Florida Avocado Crop Insurance Provisions (United States)


    ... to: (1) Theft; or (2) Inability to market the avocados for any reason other than actual physical... Crop Insurance Regulations; Florida Avocado Crop Insurance Provisions AGENCY: Federal Crop Insurance... Common Crop Insurance Regulations; Florida Avocado Crop Insurance Provisions to convert the Florida...

  11. Multibeam Mapping of the West Florida Shelf-The Edges, Gulf of Mexico, Appalachicola, Florida. (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — XYZ ASCII format high-resolution bathymetry data generated from the 2010 multibeam sonar survey of the West Florida Shelf-The Edges, Gulf of Mexico, Appalachicola,...

  12. The Cost of Employment Discrimination against Transgender Residents of Florida


    Brown, Taylor NT; Herman, Jody L


    The State of Florida spends more than a half million dollars each year as the result of employment discrimination against transgender residents. Currently, 10 counties and 14 cities in Florida have ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity in public and private sector employment, but nearly 22,000 transgender adult residents are not covered by these laws. Employment discrimination against transgender adults in Florida costs the state an estimated $570,000 annually in stat...

  13. An Analysis of Total Lightning Flash Rates Over Florida (United States)

    Mazzetti, Thomas O.; Fuelberg, Henry E.


    Although Florida is known as the "Sunshine State", it also contains the greatest lightning flash densities in the United States. Flash density has received considerable attention in the literature, but lightning flash rate has received much less attention. We use data from the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) to produce a 5 year (2010-2014) set of statistics regarding total flash rates over Florida and adjacent regions. Instead of tracking individual storms, we superimpose a 0.2° × 0.2° grid over the study region and count both cloud-to-ground (CG) and in-cloud (IC) flashes over 5 min intervals. Results show that the distribution of total flash rates is highly skewed toward small values, whereas the greatest rate is 185 flashes min-1. Greatest average annual flash rates ( 3 flashes min-1) are located near Orlando. The southernmost peninsula, North Florida, and the Florida Panhandle exhibit smaller average annual flash rates ( 1.5 flashes min-1). Large flash rates > 100 flashes min-1 can occur during any season, at any time during the 24 h period, and at any location within the domain. However, they are most likely during the afternoon and early evening in East Central Florida during the spring and summer months.

  14. Biodiversity in a Florida Sandhill Ecosystem

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    Samantha Robertson


    Full Text Available This project compares two transects of land in the University of South Florida's Botanical Gardens for their biodiversity. The transects were chosen to represent a Florida sandhill ecosystem and the individual Longleaf Pine, Saw Palmetto, Turkey Oak, Laurel Oak and Live Oak specimens were counted. All other species above waist height were counted as "other"?. Once the individuals were counted, the Simpson's and Shannon-Wiener indices were calculated. Since the Shannon-Wiener index incorporates several diversity characteristics, it is typically more reliable than Simpson's. However, both biodiversity indices agreed that transect B was more diverse than transect A.

  15. Testigos modestos y poblaciones invisibles en la cobertura de la genética humana en los medios de comunicación colombianos

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    Adriana Díaz del Castillo

    Full Text Available En este artículo exploramos cómo los medios de comunicación colombianos configuran la práctica de la genética humana, reproduciendo ciertos discursos estandarizados sobre ciencia que se encuentran atravesados por el género y la raza. Para este fin llevamos a cabo un análisis etnográfico de la cobertura de la genética humana (poblacional y forense en dos de los medios de mayor penetración en el país en los periodos de 1992-2006 (periódico y 2009-2010 (periódico y noticiero. Nuestro argumento es que por una parte, los medios de comunicación presentan a la ciencia genética como única/uniforme/objetiva/neutra/heroica. Por otro lado, presenta sujetos que son simultáneamente marcados y desmarcados en términos de raza, género, clase y geografía. Concluimos que este último mecanismo reproduce y moviliza la idea del mestizaje como una ideología de construcción de nación.

  16. Testigos modestos y poblaciones invisibles en la cobertura de la genética humana en los medios de comunicación colombianos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Díaz del Castillo


    Full Text Available En este artículo exploramos cómo los medios de comunicación colombianos configuran la práctica de la genética humana, reproduciendo ciertos discursos estandarizados sobre ciencia que se encuentran atravesados por el género y la raza. Para este fin llevamos a cabo un análisis etnográfico de la cobertura de la genética humana (poblacional y forense en dos de los medios de mayor penetración en el país en los periodos de 1992-2006 (periódico y 2009-2010 (periódico y noticiero. Nuestro argumento es que por una parte, los medios de comunicación presentan a la ciencia genética como única/uniforme/objetiva/neutra/heroica. Por otro lado, presenta sujetos que son simultáneamente marcados y desmarcados en términos de raza, género, clase y geografía. Concluimos que este último mecanismo reproduce y moviliza la idea del mestizaje como una ideología de construcción de nación.

  17. Competency-Based Materials for the Florida Automotive Mechanics Curriculum (United States)

    Goodson, Ludy; And Others


    Describes Florida's new automotive mechanics curriculum, an individualized, self-paced learning sequence that combines text material, review exercises and actual work activities. Development of the materials, including incorporation of Florida's V-TECS catalog of performance objectives in auto mechanics, is described. A field-test experience of a…

  18. Financial Management: Cash Management Practices in Florida Community Colleges. (United States)

    Spiwak, Rand S.

    A study was conducted to identify those variables appearing to affect cash management practices in Florida community colleges, and recommend prescriptive measures concerning these practices. The study methodology included informal discussions with the chief fiscal officers of each Florida community college and appropriate state board staff,…

  19. Evaluación del uso de los servicios in situ de las bibliotecas de barrio: un estudio a nivel nacional de usuarios de minorías étnicas y mayorías blancas de bajos ingresos usando instrumentos personales de recogida de datos

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    Christie M. Koontz


    Full Text Available La costumbre de presentar los datos totales sobre el uso de la biblioteca a nivel de todo un sistema bibliotecario (es decir, incluyendo tanto la biblioteca central como las sucursales puede enmascarar las necesidades de los grupos de usua-rios más específicos. Este artículo presenta un estudio que intenta resolver este problema identificando las bibliotecas que sirven a minorías étnicas o a mayorías de raza blanca con bajos ingresos y examinando estas poblaciones para evaluar tipos y niveles de uso. Este estudio es muy importante para la investigación y práctica diaria de las bibliotecas por estas razones: (1 incremento de la diversidad de razas/etnias y lenguas habladas en los Estados Unidos, (2 bajos índices de préstamo agravados por el uso de Internet, (3 la mera existencia de una biblioteca es vital para fomentar el uso por poblaciones sin una tradición bibliotecaria o hábito de lectura y (4 la reciente publicación de la Base de Datos Geográfica de las Bibliotecas Públicas con datos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas y del censo demográfico a nivel de barrios para todos los sistemas bibliotecarios estadou-nidenses. Las metodologías desarrolladas ofrecen posibilidades para la colección de datos importantes para el bibliotecario de hoy día

  20. Enfermedad de Chagas en perros: Descripción de un caso clínico en Raza Cimarrón y su Diagnóstico Histopatológico (CHAGAS DISEASE IN DOGS: Clinic case description in a Cimarrón and Histopatologic diagnosis)


    Dra. Heinsen, Teresita; Gonzalez, Mariana; Dra. Basmadjián, Yester; Dr. Terranova, Eduardo; Dr. De Oliveira, Victor;; Dr. Pacheco-da Silva, José P.


    ResumenEl día 17 de diciembre de 2008 en Médanos, Localidad de Canelones,Uruguay, llega a consulta un canino, macho, raza cimarrón, de 60días de vida, presentando debilidad, apatía e incordinación. Nacidopor parto natural en una camada de 5 cachorros, presentandodesarrollo normal hasta el día 53 de vida, comenzando con ptosispalpebral unilateral izquierda, acompañada de plejia de músculosfaciales y masticatorios, atrofia muscular generalizada posterior. A laclínica presentó sensorio normal, h...

  1. Impacts of dialysis transportation on Florida's coordinated public transportation programs. (United States)


    The National Center for Transit Research (NCTR) at the University of South Florida (USF) collected quantitative and qualitative data from Community Transportation Coordinators (CTCs) throughout Florida. An online survey and a series of personal inter...

  2. Factors That Influence the Transmission of West Nile Virus in Florida. (United States)

    Day, Jonathan F; Tabachnick, Walter J; Smartt, Chelsea T


    West Nile virus (WNV) was first detected in North America in New York City during the late summer of 1999 and was first detected in Florida in 2001. Although WNV has been responsible for widespread and extensive epidemics in human populations and epizootics in domestic animals and wildlife throughout North America, comparable epidemics have never materialized in Florida. Here, we review some of the reasons why WNV has yet to cause an extensive outbreak in Florida. The primary vector of mosquito-borne encephalitis virus in Florida is Culex nigripalpus Theobald. Rainfall, drought, and temperature are the primary factors that regulate annual populations of this species. Cx. nigripalpus is a competent vector of WNV, St. Louis encephalitis virus, and eastern equine encephalitis virus in Florida, and populations of this species can support focal amplification and transmission of these arboviruses. We propose that a combination of environmental factors influencing Cx. nigripalpus oviposition, blood-feeding behavior, and vector competence have limited WNV transmission in Florida to relatively small focal outbreaks and kept the state free of a major epidemic. Florida must remain vigilant to the danger from WNV, because a change in these environmental factors could easily result in a substantial WNV epidemic rivaling those seen elsewhere in the United States. © The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  3. Estimated discharge of treated wastewater in Florida, 1990 (United States)

    Marella, R.L.


    According to the Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection, 5,100 wastewater treatment systems were in operation during 1990. Of this total, 72 percent were domestic wastewater facilities and 28 percent were industrial waste- water facilities. The number of wastewater systems inventoried for 1990 was 1,062 (systems that treated and discharged more than 0.01 Mgal/d or had a plant capacity of greater than 0.04 Mgal/d. Based on this inventory, the estimated discharge of treated wastewater in Florida during 1990 totaled 1,638 million gallons per day. Approxi- mately 65 percent of this water was discharged to surface water during 1990 and the remaining 35 percent was discharged to ground water. Discharge to surface water includes effluent outfalls into the Atlantic Ocean (32 percent), while the re- maining (68 percent) is discharged into the Gulf of Mexico, bays, rivers, wetlands, and other surface water bodies throughout Florida. Discharge to ground-water includes treated effluent outfalls to land application systems (reuse systems and spray fields), drain fields, percolation ponds (51 percent), and to injection wells (49 percent). An estimated 322 million gallons per day of the treated domestic and industrial wastewater was reused during 1990. Discharge of treated domestic wastewater from the 994 systems inventoried in Florida during 1990 totaled 1,353 million gallons per day and served an estimated 8.58 million people (66 percent of the population of Florida in 1990). The remaining 34 percent of the popu- lation (4.36 million) are served by the 2,700 smaller domestic wastewater systems or have individual septic tanks. In 1990, there were 1.56 million septic tanks in Florida. Discharge of industrial wastewater was inventoried for 68 systems in 1990 and totaled 285 million gallons per day. Discharge of domestic wastewater in- creased more than 20 percent and industrial wastewater discharge increased 5 percent from 1985 to 1990. (USGS)

  4. 2005 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: Manatee District (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of select areas within Southwest Florida. These data were produced for the Southwest Florida Water...

  5. Genetic introgression and the survival of Florida panther kittens (United States)

    Hostetler, Jeffrey A.; Onorato, David P.; Nichols, James D.; Johnson, Warren E.; Roelke, Melody E.; O'Brien, Stephen J.; Jansen, Deborah; Oli, Madan K.


    Estimates of survival for the young of a species are critical for population models. These models can often be improved by determining the effects of management actions and population abundance on this demographic parameter. We used multiple sources of data collected during 1982–2008 and a live-recapture dead-recovery modeling framework to estimate and model survival of Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) kittens (age 0–1 year). Overall, annual survival of Florida panther kittens was 0.323 ± 0.071 (SE), which was lower than estimates used in previous population models. In 1995, female pumas from Texas (P. c. stanleyana) were released into occupied panther range as part of an intentional introgression program to restore genetic variability. We found that kitten survival generally increased with degree of admixture: F1 admixed and backcrossed to Texas kittens survived better than canonical Florida panther and backcrossed to canonical kittens. Average heterozygosity positively influenced kitten and older panther survival, whereas index of panther abundance negatively influenced kitten survival. Our results provide strong evidence for the positive population-level impact of genetic introgression on Florida panthers. Our approach to integrate data from multiple sources was effective at improving robustness as well as precision of estimates of Florida panther kitten survival, and can be useful in estimating vital rates for other elusive species with sparse data.

  6. Epidemiología de la disfunción eréctil: Factores de riesgo


    Prieto Castro, Rafael; Campos Hernández, Pablo; Robles Casilda, Rafael; Ruíz García, Jesús; Requena Tapia, María José


    En 1993, la conferencia de consenso sobre la impotencia del NIH (Nacional Institute of Health), define la Disfunción Eréctil (DE) como "la incapacidad permanente para iniciar o mantener una erección suficiente como para permitir una relación sexual satisfactoria". La Disfunción Eréctil (DE), es un trastorno frecuente que afecta negativamente a la calidad de vida de los varones que la padecen. Su prevalencia varía entre diferentes países, culturas y razas. Los primeros estudios poblaciones pub...

  7. El feminismo comparativo


    Kaplan, Temma; Carabí (entrevistadora), Àngels


    En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o la clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno e los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, per...

  8. El feminismo comparativo


    Kaplan, Temma


    En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno de los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, pero ...

  9. Violencia contra las mujeres y alguien mas...


    Piatti, Mª de Lujan


    La violencia contra las mujeres es una clara vulneración a sus derechos humanos. Es una violencia ejercida contra ellas por el solo hecho de ser mujeres; no se trata de casos aislados, sino que constituye un fenómeno social, presente en la sociedad actual sin distinción de razas, lugar geográfico, nivel cultural, religión, sistema político o económico. Investigar sobre “La violencia contra las mujeres y alguien más…”, desde una mirada multidisciplinar, significa bucear en las profundidades de...

  10. El abono mixto y la enmienda calcárea


    Mejía, Pedro Nel


    De gran importancia he encontrado tratar sobre este tema que de suyo dará a conocer a grandes rasgos la fuente de riqueza que existe en la "Granja de Termales", en donde el Ministerio de la Economía Nacional posee en la actualidad ochocientos ejemplares ovinos (800). entre machos y hembras, correspondientes a las razas "Merino puro" y los cruces de Merino con la oveja criolla de Boyacá y Marulanda. La fuente de riqueza a que me refiero, es aquella del abono proporcionado por estos anima...

  11. Mapping of Florida's Coastal and Marine Resources: Setting Priorities Workshop (United States)

    Robbins, Lisa; Wolfe, Steven; Raabe, Ellen


    The importance of mapping habitats and bioregions as a means to improve resource management has become increasingly clear. Large areas of the waters surrounding Florida are unmapped or incompletely mapped, possibly hindering proper management and good decisionmaking. Mapping of these ecosystems is among the top priorities identified by the Florida Oceans and Coastal Council in their Annual Science Research Plan. However, lack of prioritization among the coastal and marine areas and lack of coordination of agency efforts impede efficient, cost-effective mapping. A workshop on Mapping of Florida's Coastal and Marine Resources was sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and Southeastern Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS). The workshop was held at the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC) in St. Petersburg, FL, on February 7-8, 2007. The workshop was designed to provide State, Federal, university, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) the opportunity to discuss their existing data coverage and create a prioritization of areas for new mapping data in Florida. Specific goals of the workshop were multifold, including to: * provide information to agencies on state-of-the-art technology for collecting data; * inform participants of the ongoing mapping programs in waters off Florida; * present the mapping needs and priorities of the State and Federal agencies and entities operating in Florida; * work with State of Florida agencies to establish an overall priority for areas needing mapping; * initiate discussion of a unified classification of habitat and bioregions; * discuss and examine the need to standardize terminology and data collection/storage so that data, in particular habitat data, can be shared; 9 identify opportunities for partnering and leveraging mapping efforts among agencies and entities; * identify impediments and organizational gaps that hinder collection

  12. Breast cancer quality of life evaluation in Mexican Women at La Raza Hospital, Mexico City: A preliminary approach

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    Jacobo Alejandro Gómez-Rico


    Full Text Available Jacobo Alejandro Gómez-Rico1, Marina Altagracia-Martínez1, Jaime Kravzov-Jinich1, Rosario Cárdenas-Elizalde1, Juan Carlos Hinojosa-Cruz2, Consuelo Rubio-Poo31Departments of Biological Systems and Healthcare, Biological and Health Sciences Division (DCBS, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Xochimilco (UAM-X, Xochimilco, Mexico; 2La Raza Hospital of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS, Mexico City, Mexico; 3Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, Faculty of Professional Studies, Zaragoza (FES-Zaragoza, MexicoAbstract: Breast cancer (BC is the second leading cause of death among Mexican women over 40 years of age. This study aimed to identify and examine the effects of cancer stage and surgical treatment on the quality of life (QOL of Mexican women with early stage breast cancer (ESBC treated with either modified radical mastectomy (MRM or breast conservative surgery (BCS, plus adjuvant chemotherapy. The QLQ-C30 and QLQ BR-23 questionnaires were used to assess QOL. Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical factors of 102 women with early BC were also evaluated; analysis of variance (ANOVA was performed and a statistical significance of p < 0.05 was assumed. Most women were of reproductive age. Meaningful differences in QOL as a result of surgical treatment, in women receiving BCS compared with those receiving MRM, were limited to body image. We conclude that MRM and BCS are essentially equivalent choices in terms of QOL, with the exception of the impact on body image. In general, women who received BCS had a better perceived QOL.Keywords: quality of life, breast cancer, Mexican women

  13. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  14. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

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    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  15. Parámetros y valores genéticos para características de composición corporal, área de ojo del lomo y grasa dorsal medidos mediante ultrasonido en la raza Brahman

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    A. Jiménez


    Full Text Available El ganado Brahman en Colombia es el de mayor participación como raza pura paraproducción de carne, y tiene gran influencia en el ganado comercial. Hasta el momento,Asocebu ha realizado evaluaciones genéticas para características de crecimiento,pero aún no se han realizado para características de la canal. El objetivo de este trabajofue determinar parámetros genéticos (heredabilidades y correlaciones, y valores genéticos(DEP para área de ojo del lomo (AOL, grasa dorsal (GD, profundidad delmúsculo glúteo medio (PMGM y grasa del anca (GA. Fueron medidos por medio deultrasonido un total de 934 animales puros, hijos de 164 toros que se encontraban enun rango de edad de 15 a 18 meses. Para los análisis se crearon grupos contemporáneosteniendo en cuenta la época, el sexo y el manejo alimenticio. Se realizó un análisis univariadousando un modelo reproductor, teniendo en cuenta el grupo contemporáneo(animales del mismo sexo, de la misma época y en el mismo manejo alimenticio, laedad fue tomada como covariable y la finca fue incluida en el modelo. Las heredabilidadesfueron 0,37 ± 0,11; 0,29 ± 0,10; 0,26 ± 0,10 y 0,11 ± 0,09 para AOL, GD,PMGM y GA respectivamente. Las DEP para AOL variaron de -2,84 a 3,43; para GDde -0,372 a 0,235; para PMGM de -0,187 a 0,235, y para GD de -0,176 a 0,298. Lascorrelaciones genéticas fueron positivas y altas indicando que la selección por musculaturano afecta el grado de acabado. Este trabajo mostró que en ganado Brahman puroexiste variación genética para las características medidas por ultrasonido relacionadascon la canal, lo cual permitirá tenerlas en cuenta en el programa de mejoramientogenético de la raza Brahman en Colombia.

  16. Spatial epidemiology of eastern equine encephalitis in Florida. (United States)

    Vander Kelen, Patrick T; Downs, Joni A; Stark, Lillian M; Loraamm, Rebecca W; Anderson, James H; Unnasch, Thomas R


    Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEEV) is an alphavirus with high pathogenicity in both humans and horses. Florida continues to have the highest occurrence of human cases in the USA, with four fatalities recorded in 2010. Unlike other states, Florida supports year-round EEEV transmission. This research uses GIS to examine spatial patterns of documented horse cases during 2005-2010 in order to understand the relationships between habitat and transmission intensity of EEEV in Florida. Cumulative incidence rates of EEE in horses were calculated for each county. Two cluster analyses were performed using density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN). The first analysis was based on regional clustering while the second focused on local clustering. Ecological associations of EEEV were examined using compositional analysis and Euclidean distance analysis to determine if the proportion or proximity of certain habitats played a role in transmission. The DBSCAN algorithm identified five distinct regional spatial clusters that contained 360 of the 438 horse cases. The local clustering resulted in 18 separate clusters containing 105 of the 438 cases. Both the compositional analysis and Euclidean distance analysis indicated that the top five habitats positively associated with horse cases were rural residential areas, crop and pastureland, upland hardwood forests, vegetated non-forested wetlands, and tree plantations. This study demonstrates that in Florida tree plantations are a focus for epizootic transmission of EEEV. It appears both the abundance and proximity of tree plantations are factors associated with increased risk of EEE in horses and therefore humans. This association helps to explain why there is are spatially distinct differences in the amount of EEE horse cases across Florida.

  17. Genetic diversity and connectivity in the threatened staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis in Florida.

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    Elizabeth M Hemond


    Full Text Available Over the past three decades, populations of the dominant shallow water Caribbean corals, Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata, have been devastated by white-band disease (WBD, resulting in the listing of both species as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. A key to conserving these threatened corals is understanding how their populations are genetically interconnected throughout the greater Caribbean. Genetic research has demonstrated that gene flow is regionally restricted across the Caribbean in both species. Yet, despite being an important site of coral reef research, little genetic data has been available for the Florida Acropora, especially for the staghorn coral, A. cervicornis. In this study, we present new mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 52 A. cervicornis individuals from 22 sites spread across the upper and lower Florida Keys, which suggest that Florida's A. cervicornis populations are highly genetically interconnected (F(ST = -0.081. Comparison between Florida and existing mtDNA data from six regional Caribbean populations indicates that Florida possesses high levels of standing genetic diversity (h = 0.824 relative to the rest of the greater Caribbean (h = 0.701+/-0.043. We find that the contemporary level of gene flow across the greater Caribbean, including Florida, is restricted (Phi(CT = 0.117, but evidence from shared haplotypes suggests the Western Caribbean has historically been a source of genetic variation for Florida. Despite the current patchiness of A. cervicornis in Florida, the relatively high genetic diversity and connectivity within Florida suggest that this population may have sufficient genetic variation to be viable and resilient to environmental perturbation and disease. Limited genetic exchange across regional populations of the greater Caribbean, including Florida, indicates that conservation efforts for A. cervicornis should focus on maintaining and managing populations locally rather than

  18. Genetic diversity and connectivity in the threatened staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) in Florida. (United States)

    Hemond, Elizabeth M; Vollmer, Steven V


    Over the past three decades, populations of the dominant shallow water Caribbean corals, Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata, have been devastated by white-band disease (WBD), resulting in the listing of both species as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. A key to conserving these threatened corals is understanding how their populations are genetically interconnected throughout the greater Caribbean. Genetic research has demonstrated that gene flow is regionally restricted across the Caribbean in both species. Yet, despite being an important site of coral reef research, little genetic data has been available for the Florida Acropora, especially for the staghorn coral, A. cervicornis. In this study, we present new mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 52 A. cervicornis individuals from 22 sites spread across the upper and lower Florida Keys, which suggest that Florida's A. cervicornis populations are highly genetically interconnected (F(ST) = -0.081). Comparison between Florida and existing mtDNA data from six regional Caribbean populations indicates that Florida possesses high levels of standing genetic diversity (h = 0.824) relative to the rest of the greater Caribbean (h = 0.701+/-0.043). We find that the contemporary level of gene flow across the greater Caribbean, including Florida, is restricted (Phi(CT) = 0.117), but evidence from shared haplotypes suggests the Western Caribbean has historically been a source of genetic variation for Florida. Despite the current patchiness of A. cervicornis in Florida, the relatively high genetic diversity and connectivity within Florida suggest that this population may have sufficient genetic variation to be viable and resilient to environmental perturbation and disease. Limited genetic exchange across regional populations of the greater Caribbean, including Florida, indicates that conservation efforts for A. cervicornis should focus on maintaining and managing populations locally rather than relying on larval

  19. Origin of invasive Florida frogs traced to Cuba (United States)

    Heinicke, Matthew P.; Diaz, Luis M.; Hedges, S. Blair


    Two of the earliest examples of successful invasive amphibians are the greenhouse frog (Eleutherodactylus planirostris) and the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in Florida. Although both are generally assumed to be recent introductions, they are widespread on Caribbean islands and also have been proposed as natural colonizers. We obtained nucleotide sequence data for both species and their closest relatives in their native and introduced ranges. Phylogenetic analyses trace the origin of E. planirostris to a small area in western Cuba, while O. septentrionalis is derived from at least two Cuban sources, one probably a remote peninsula in western Cuba. The tropical-to-temperate invasion began with colonization of the Florida Keys followed by human-mediated dispersal within peninsular Florida. The subtropical Keys may have served as an adaptive stepping stone for the successful invasion of the North American continent. PMID:21270024

  20. Florida State Briefing Book for low-level radioactive-waste management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Florida State Briefing Book is one of a series of state briefing books on low-level radioactive waste management practices. It has been prepared to assist state and federal agency officials in planning for safe low-level radioactive waste disposal. The report contains a profile of low-level radioactive waste generators in Florida. The profile is the result of a survey of NRC licensees in Florida. The briefing book also contains a comprehensive assessment of low-level radioactive waste management issues and concerns as defined by all major interested parties including industry, government, the media, and interest groups. The assessment was developed through personal communications with representatives of interested parties, and through a review of media sources. Lastly, the briefing book provides demographic and socioeconomic data and a discussion of relevant government agencies and activities, all of which may impact waste management practices in Florida.

  1. Florida State Briefing Book for low-level radioactive waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Florida State Briefing Book is one of a series of State briefing books on low-level radioactive waste management practices. It has been prepared to assist State and Federal agency officials in planning for safe low-level radioactive waste disposal. The report contains a profile of low-level radioactive waste generators in Florida. The profile is the result of a survey of NRC licensees in Florida. The briefing book also contains a comprehensive assessment of low-level radioactive waste management issues and concerns as defined by all major interested parties including industry, government, the media, and interest groups. The assessment was developed through personal communications with representatives of interested parties, and through a review of media sources. Lastly, the briefing book provides demographic and socioeconomic data and a discussion of relevant government agencies and activities, all of which may impact waste management practices in Florida

  2. Florida State Briefing Book for low-level radioactive-waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Florida State Briefing Book is one of a series of state briefing books on low-level radioactive waste management practices. It has been prepared to assist state and federal agency officials in planning for safe low-level radioactive waste disposal. The report contains a profile of low-level radioactive waste generators in Florida. The profile is the result of a survey of NRC licensees in Florida. The briefing book also contains a comprehensive assessment of low-level radioactive waste management issues and concerns as defined by all major interested parties including industry, government, the media, and interest groups. The assessment was developed through personal communications with representatives of interested parties, and through a review of media sources. Lastly, the briefing book provides demographic and socioeconomic data and a discussion of relevant government agencies and activities, all of which may impact waste management practices in Florida

  3. Conservation: saving Florida's manatees (United States)

    Bonde, Robert K.


    Robert K. Bonde of the U.S. Geological Survey writes about the protected population of manatees in Crystal River, Florida, including information about the threats they face as they migrate in and out of protected waters. Photographer Carol Grant shares images of "Angel," a newborn manatee she photographed early one winter morning.

  4. Water Withdrawals, Use, and Trends in Florida, 2005 (United States)

    Marella, Richard L.


    In 2005, the total amount of water withdrawals in Florida was estimated at 18,359 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Saline water accounted for 11,486 Mgal/d (63 percent), and freshwater accounted for 6,873 Mgal/d (37 percent). Groundwater accounted for 4,247 Mgal/d (62 percent) of freshwater withdrawals, and surface water accounted for the remaining 2,626 Mgal/d (38 percent). Surface water accounted for nearly all (99.9 percent) saline-water withdrawals. An additional 660 Mgal/d of reclaimed wastewater was used in Florida during 2005. The largest amount of freshwater was withdrawn from Palm Beach County, and the largest amount of saline water was withdrawn from Pasco County. Fresh groundwater provided drinking water (public supplied and self-supplied) for 16.19 million people (90 percent of Florida's population), and fresh surface water provided drinking water for 1.73 million people (10 percent). The majority of groundwater withdrawals (nearly 60 percent) in 2005 was obtained from the Floridan aquifer system which is present throughout the entire State. The majority of fresh surface-water withdrawals (59 percent) came from the southern Florida hydrologic unit subregion and is associated with Lake Okeechobee and the canals in the Everglades Agricultural Area of Glades, Hendry, and Palm Beach Counties, as well as the Caloosahatchee River and its tributaries in the agricultural areas of Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties. Overall, agricultural irrigation accounted for 40 percent of the total freshwater withdrawals (ground and surface), followed by public supply with 37 percent. Public supply accounted for 52 percent of groundwater withdrawals, followed by agricultural self-supplied (31 percent), ommercial-industrial-mining self-supplied (8.5 percent), recreational irrigation and domestic self-supplied (4 percent each), and power generation (0.5 percent). Agricultural self-supplied accounted for 56 percent of fresh surface-water withdrawals, followed by power

  5. Residential Energy Efficiency Potential: Florida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilson, Eric J [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Energy used by Florida single-family homes that can be saved through cost-effective improvements. Prepared by Eric Wilson and Noel Merket, NREL, and Erin Boyd, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis.

  6. Lactancia artificial o natural? 1ª parte: Influencia sobre la calidad de la canal de los cabritos


    Panea, B.; Ripoll, G.; Sañudo, C.; Horcada, A.; Teixeira, A.; Alcalde, M.J.


    En las razas caprinas de aptitud lechera, el cabrito es considerado en muchas ocasiones como un subproducto, por lo que frecuentemente se separa de la madre y se alimenta con leche artificial. Este manejo posibilita la utilización de la leche en la fabricaci6n de quesos con un elevado valor añadido, reduce los costes de alimentaci6n y permite obtener buenos crecimientos. Sin embargo, algunos ganaderos prefieren alimentar a los cabritos con leche natural porque creen que e...

  7. Santa Rosa Island Final Range Environmental Assessment, Revision 1. Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (United States)


    west coast; 3) Dry Tortugas , Florida, Subpopulation; 4) Florida Panhandle Subpopulation occurring at Eglin AFB and the beaches near Panama City; and... Tortugas , florida, Subpopulation, (4) Northwest florida Subpopulation occurring at Eglin Ai r Force Base and the beaches near Panama City; and (5...annually from 1995 and 2005 (FWC/FWRI sea turtle nesting database and unpublished data). A nearly complete census of the Dry Tortugas Subpopulation

  8. Predictors of Sunburn Risk Among Florida Residents. (United States)

    Arutyunyan, Sergey; Alfonso, Sarah V; Hernandez, Nilda; Favreau, Tracy; Fernández, M Isabel


    The incidence of skin cancer, the most common type of cancer in the United States, is increasing. Sunburn is a major modifiable risk factor for skin cancer, and its prevalence among the US population is high. To identify predictors of having had a red or painful sunburn in the past 12 months among people living in Florida. Florida residents were recruited from public places and online. They were asked to complete an anonymous cross-sectional survey that assessed demographic information, dermatologic history, as well as knowledge, attitude, and behavior factors associated with sunburn. A total of 437 participants whose data were complete for all variables were included in the multivariate analysis. In multivariate logistic regression, younger age (18-29 years) was the most significant predictor of sunburn (OR, 15.26; 95% CI, 5.97-38.98; PSunburn prevention programs that osteopathic physicians can readily implement in clinical practice are urgently needed, particularly for young adult patients. This study identified 7 predictors of sunburn in Florida residents. With additional research findings, promoting attitude change toward sun protection may be a viable strategy.

  9. What, no rhumba? Los recitales de Eusebia Cosme y las tensiones entre "raza" y "cultura" en torno a la definición de la "poesía negra" hispanoamericana en los años treinta y cuarenta

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    Viviana Gelado


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza, en líneas generales, el repertorio de las presentaciones de la recitadora cubana Eusebia Cosme entre 1934 y 1946, así como el diseño de los programas impresos de esas presentaciones. El propósito de este análisis es elucidar la importancia que ellas tuvieron en la constitución del canon de la moderna "poesía negra" hispanoamericana; investigar las motivaciones de los desplazamientos lexicales producidos en los atributos dados a esta poesía, e inquirir las razones de la persistencia, en el período, de las tensiones entre las categorías de "raza" y "cultura"


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Florida Footprint experiments were a series of field programs in which perfluorocarbon tracers were released in different configurations centered on a flux tower to generate a data set that can be used to test transport and dispersion models. These models are used to determine the sources of the CO{sub 2} that cause the fluxes measured at eddy covariance towers. Experiments were conducted in a managed slash pine forest, 10 km northeast of Gainesville, Florida, in 2002, 2004, and 2006 and in atmospheric conditions that ranged from well mixed, to very stable, including the transition period between convective conditions at midday to stable conditions after sun set. There were a total of 15 experiments. The characteristics of the PFTs, details of sampling and analysis methods, quality control measures, and analytical statistics including confidence limits are presented. Details of the field programs including tracer release rates, tracer source configurations, and configuration of the samplers are discussed. The result of this experiment is a high quality, well documented tracer and meteorological data set that can be used to improve and validate canopy dispersion models.

  11. Evolutionary and functional mitogenomics associated with the genetic restoration of the Florida panther (United States)

    Ochoa, Alexander; Onorato, David P.; Fitak, Robert R.; Roelke-Parker, Melody; Culver, Melanie


    Florida panthers are endangered pumas that currently persist in reduced patches of habitat in South Florida, USA. We performed mitogenome reference-based assemblies for most parental lines of the admixed Florida panthers that resulted from the introduction of female Texas pumas into South Florida in 1995. With the addition of 2 puma mitogenomes, we characterized 174 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across 12 individuals. We defined 5 haplotypes (Pco1–Pco5), one of which (Pco1) had a geographic origin exclusive to Costa Rica and Panama and was possibly introduced into the Everglades National Park, Florida, prior to 1995. Haplotype Pco2 was native to Florida. Haplotypes Pco3 and Pco4 were exclusive to Texas, whereas haplotype Pco5 had an undetermined geographic origin. Phylogenetic inference suggests that haplotypes Pco1–Pco4 diverged ~202000 (95% HPDI = 83000–345000) years ago and that haplotypes Pco2–Pco4 diverged ~61000 (95% HPDI = 9000–127000) years ago. These results are congruent with a south-to-north continental expansion and with a recent North American colonization by pumas. Furthermore, pumas may have migrated from Texas to Florida no earlier than ~44000 (95% HPDI = 2000–98000) years ago. Synonymous mutations presented a greater mean substitution rate than other mitochondrial functional regions: nonsynonymous mutations, tRNAs, rRNAs, and control region. Similarly, all protein-coding genes were under predominant negative selection constraints. We directly and indirectly assessed the presence of potential deleterious SNPs in the ND2 and ND5 genes in Florida panthers prior to and as a consequence of the introduction of Texas pumas. Screenings for such variants are recommended in extant Florida panthers.

  12. Florida's salt-marsh management issues: 1991-98. (United States)

    Carlson, D B; O'Bryan, P D; Rey, J R


    During the 1990s, Florida has continued to make important strides in managing salt marshes for both mosquito control and natural resource enhancement. The political mechanism for this progress continues to be interagency cooperation through the Florida Coordinating Council on Mosquito Control and its Subcommittee on Managed Marshes (SOMM). Continuing management experience and research has helped refine the most environmentally acceptable source reduction methods, which typically are Rotational Impoundment Management or Open Marsh Water Management. The development of regional marsh management plans for salt marshes within the Indian River Lagoon by the SOMM has helped direct the implementation of the best management practices for these marshes. Controversy occasionally occurs concerning what management technique is most appropriate for individual marshes. The most common disagreement is over the benefits of maintaining an impoundment in an "open" vs. "closed" condition, with the "closed" condition, allowing for summer mosquito control flooding or winter waterfowl management. New federal initiatives influencing salt-marsh management have included the Indian River Lagoon-National Estuary Program and the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program. A new Florida initiative is the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Eco-system Management Program with continuing involvement by the Surface Water Improvement and Management program. A developing mitigation banking program has the potential to benefit marsh management but mosquito control interests may suffer if not handled properly. Larvicides remain as an important salt-marsh integrated pest management tool with the greatest acreage being treated with temephos, followed by Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and methoprene. However, over the past 14 years, use of biorational larvicides has increased greatly.

  13. Spatial epidemiology of eastern equine encephalitis in Florida

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    Vander Kelen Patrick T


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEEV is an alphavirus with high pathogenicity in both humans and horses. Florida continues to have the highest occurrence of human cases in the USA, with four fatalities recorded in 2010. Unlike other states, Florida supports year-round EEEV transmission. This research uses GIS to examine spatial patterns of documented horse cases during 2005–2010 in order to understand the relationships between habitat and transmission intensity of EEEV in Florida. Methods Cumulative incidence rates of EEE in horses were calculated for each county. Two cluster analyses were performed using density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN. The first analysis was based on regional clustering while the second focused on local clustering. Ecological associations of EEEV were examined using compositional analysis and Euclidean distance analysis to determine if the proportion or proximity of certain habitats played a role in transmission. Results The DBSCAN algorithm identified five distinct regional spatial clusters that contained 360 of the 438 horse cases. The local clustering resulted in 18 separate clusters containing 105 of the 438 cases. Both the compositional analysis and Euclidean distance analysis indicated that the top five habitats positively associated with horse cases were rural residential areas, crop and pastureland, upland hardwood forests, vegetated non-forested wetlands, and tree plantations. Conclusions This study demonstrates that in Florida tree plantations are a focus for epizootic transmission of EEEV. It appears both the abundance and proximity of tree plantations are factors associated with increased risk of EEE in horses and therefore humans. This association helps to explain why there is are spatially distinct differences in the amount of EEE horse cases across Florida.

  14. Citrus leprosis and its status in Florida and Texas: past and present. (United States)

    Childers, C C; Rodrigues, J C V; Derrick, K S; Achor, D S; French, J V; Welbourn, W C; Ochoa, R; Kitajima, E W


    According to published reports from 1906 to 1968, leprosis nearly destroyed the Florida citrus industry prior to 1925. This was supported with photographs showing typical leprosis symptoms on citrus leaves, fruit, and twigs. Support for the past occurrence of citrus leprosis in Florida includes: (1) presence of twig lesions in affected orange blocks in addition to lesions on fruits and leaves and corresponding absence of similar lesions on grapefruit; (2) yield reduction and die-back on infected trees; and (3) spread of the disease between 1906 and 1925. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination of tissue samples from leprosis-like injuries to orange and grapefruit leaves from Florida in 1997, and fruits from grapefruit and sweet orange varieties from Texas in 1999 and 2000 did not contain leprosis-like viral particles or viroplasm inclusions. In contrast, leprosis viroplasm inclusions were readily identified by TEM within green non-senescent tissues surrounding leprosis lesions in two of every three orange leaf samples and half of the fruit samples obtained from Piracicaba, Brazil. Symptoms of leprosis were not seen in any of the 24,555 orange trees examined across Florida during 2001 and 2002. The authors conclude that citrus leprosis no longer exists in Florida nor occurs in Texas citrus based on: (1) lack of leprosis symptoms on leaves, fruit, and twigs of sweet orange citrus varieties surveyed in Florida: (2) failure to find virus particles or viroplasm inclusion bodies in suspect samples from both Florida and Texas examined by TEM; (3) absence of documented reports by others on the presence of characteristic leprosis symptoms in Florida; (4) lack of its documented occurrence in dooryard trees or abandoned or minimal pesticide citrus orchard sites in Florida. In view of the serious threat to citrus in the U.S., every effort must be taken to quarantine the importation of both citrus and woody ornamental plants that serve as hosts for Brevipalpus

  15. A habitat assessment for Florida panther population expansion into central Florida (United States)

    Thatcher, C.A.; Van Manen, F.T.; Clark, J.D.


    One of the goals of the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) recovery plan is to expand panther range north of the Caloosahatchee River in central Florida. Our objective was to evaluate the potential of that region to support panthers. We used a geographic information system and the Mahalanobis distance statistic to develop a habitat model based on landscape characteristics associated with panther home ranges. We used cross-validation and an independent telemetry data set to test the habitat model. We also conducted a least-cost path analysis to identify potential habitat linkages and to provide a relative measure of connectivity among habitat patches. Variables in our model were paved road density, major highways, human population density, percentage of the area permanently or semipermanently flooded, and percentage of the area in natural land cover. Our model clearly identified habitat typical of that found within panther home ranges based on model testing with recent telemetry data. We identified 4 potential translocation sites that may support a total of approximately 36 panthers. Although we identified potential habitat linkages, our least-cost path analyses highlighted the extreme isolation of panther habitat in portions of the study area. Human intervention will likely be required if the goal is to establish female panthers north of the Caloosahatchee in the near term.

  16. California avocados in Florida? Finding the perfect avocado for production in East-Central Florida (United States)

    Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a high-value fruit where most U.S. consumption is supplied using imported product. Cultivars with good fruit quality and horticultural traits may provide a useful alternative crop in east-central Florida and possibly in other locations throughout the state. A port...

  17. 2005 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: Little Manatee District (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of select areas within Southwest Florida. These data were produced for the Southwest Florida Water...

  18. Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) (United States)

    Pause, K.C.; Nourisson, C.; Clark, A.; Kellogg, M.E.; Bonde, R.K.; McGuire, P.M.


    Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) are marine mammals that inhabit the coastal waters and rivers of the southeastern USA, primarily Florida. Previous studies have shown that Florida manatees have low mitochondrial DNA variability, suggesting that nuclear DNA loci are necessary for discriminatory analyses. Here we report 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci with an average of 4.2 alleles per locus, and average heterozygosity of 50.1%. These loci have been developed for use in population studies, parentage assignment, and individual identification. ?? 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  19. La materia económica en «La Florida del Inca» y los «Comentarios reales»: testimonio colonial y discurso historiográfico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julián Díez Torres


    Full Text Available Si bien el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega no escribió tratados sino obras de historia política, las referencias económicas en La Florida del Inca (1605 y las dos partes de los Comentarios reales (1609, 1617 ofrecen un testimonio indirecto de algunos de los procesos económicos del colonialismo temprano. Este artículo sintetiza las menciones de Garcilaso al comercio, los precios y los bienes materiales, y las sitúa dentro de la evolución de su manera de escribir historia y dentro de sus opiniones sobre la historia del Nuevo Mundo (incluyendo tanto interpretaciones de procesos históricos como recuerdos personales.

  20. Remote Sensing Applications to Water Quality Management in Florida (United States)

    Lehrter, J. C.; Schaeffer, B. A.; Hagy, J.; Spiering, B.; Barnes, B.; Hu, C.; Le, C.; McEachron, L.; Underwood, L. W.; Ellis, C.; Fisher, B.


    Optical datasets from estuarine and coastal systems are increasingly available for remote sensing algorithm development, validation, and application. With validated algorithms, the data streams from satellite sensors can provide unprecedented spatial and temporal data for local and regional coastal water quality management. Our presentation will highlight two recent applications of optical data and remote sensing to water quality decision-making in coastal regions of the state of Florida; (1) informing the development of estuarine and coastal nutrient criteria for the state of Florida and (2) informing the rezoning of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. These efforts involved building up the underlying science to demonstrate the applicability of satellite data as well as an outreach component to educate decision-makers about the use, utility, and uncertainties of remote sensing data products. Scientific developments included testing existing algorithms and generating new algorithms for water clarity and chlorophylla in case II (CDOM or turbidity dominated) estuarine and coastal waters and demonstrating the accuracy of remote sensing data products in comparison to traditional field based measurements. Including members from decision-making organizations on the research team and interacting with decision-makers early and often in the process were key factors for the success of the outreach efforts and the eventual adoption of satellite data into the data records and analyses used in decision-making. Florida coastal water bodies (black boxes) for which remote sensing imagery were applied to derive numeric nutrient criteria and in situ observations (black dots) used to validate imagery. Florida ocean color applied to development of numeric nutrient criteria

  1. President Ilves külas Tampa, Floridas / Jüri Linask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Linask, Jüri


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese esinemisest Lõuna-Florida Tampa ülikoolis (University of South Florida School of Business). Riigipea rääkis Eesti majandustõusust ja tehnoloogilisest arengust, NATO küberkaitsekeskuse asutamisest Tallinnas ning vastas kuulajate küsimustele. Vabariigi President töövisiidil Ameerika Ühendriikides 17.-23.04.2008

  2. Fishery gear interactions from stranded bottlenose dolphins, Florida manatees and sea turtles in Florida, U.S.A. (United States)

    Adimey, Nicole M; Hudak, Christine A; Powell, Jessica R; Bassos-Hull, Kim; Foley, Allen; Farmer, Nicholas A; White, Linda; Minch, Karrie


    Documenting the extent of fishery gear interactions is critical to wildlife conservation efforts, especially for reducing entanglements and ingestion. This study summarizes fishery gear interactions involving common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus truncatus), Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and sea turtles: loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii), and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) stranding in Florida waters during 1997-2009. Fishery gear interactions for all species combined were 75.3% hook and line, 18.2% trap pot gear, 4.8% fishing nets, and 1.7% in multiple gears. Total reported fishery gear cases increased over time for dolphins (pgear interaction hotspots were identified and generalized linear regression modeling was conducted. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  3. Population genetics meets ecological genomics and community ecology in Cornus Florida (United States)

    Understanding evolutionary/ecological consequences of alien pests on native forests is important to conservation. Cornus florida L. subsp. florida is an ecologically important understory tree in forests of the eastern United States but faces heavy mortality from dogwood anthracnose. Understanding ge...

  4. Mid- to late-Holocene coastal environmental changes in southwest Florida, USA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soelen, E.E. van; Brooks, G.R.; Larson, R.A.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Reichart, G.-J.


    During the Holocene, Florida experienced major changes in precipitation and runoff. To better understand these processes, shallow marine sediment cores from Charlotte Harbor (southwest Florida) were studied, covering approximately the past 9000 years. Whole core XRF scanning was applied to

  5. Management of Florida Scrub for Threatened and Endangered Species (United States)


    for Florida scrub: 1. The exotic species, cogon grass ( Imperata cylindrica), may become common in degraded scrubs. This is an aggressive, invasive...34Cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.: A good grass gone bad!" Botany Circular No. 28, Florida Dept. Agric. & Consumer Services, Division of Plant...Industry, Gainesville, FL. Colvin, D.L., Gaffney, J., and Shilling, D. G. 1994. "Cogongrass ( Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.) Biology, ecology and

  6. Biscayne Bay Florida Bottlenose Dolphin Studies (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These data sets include a compilation of small vessel based studies of bottlenose dolphins that reside within Biscayne Bay, Florida, adjacent estuaries and nearshore...

  7. IKONOS Imagery for southern Florida used to map shallow-water seafloor habitats (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This project is a cooperative effort between the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, National Park...

  8. The black cloud over the Sunshine State: health disparities in south Florida. (United States)

    Dyer, Janyce G


    Florida, the "Sunshine State", is paradise for international tourists and has been adopted as seasonal or permanent home by many wealthy individuals and celebrities. However, Florida is not paradise for the growing number of residents who suffer from poverty, health problems, and a lack of access to health care and social services. The purpose of this paper is to present data on health care problems and disparities throughout the state of Florida and in select south Florida counties. Flaskerud and Winslow (1998) have provided a framework which can be used to analyze disparities in resource availability, relative risk, and health status indicators and suggests areas in which nursing and other health professionals can ethically intervene through research, practice, and political action.

  9. 78 FR 13339 - Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Site; Davie, Broward County, FL; Notice of Settlement (United States)


    ... ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRL 9785-7; CERCLA-04-2013-3755] Florida Petroleum Reprocessors... settlement with 2238 NW. 86th Street Inc. concerning the Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Site located in Davie... by Site name Florida Petroleum Reprocesssors Site by one of the following methods:

  10. Growing the IBCLC Workforce: A Florida Needs Assessment. (United States)

    Eden, Aimee R; Anstey, Erica H; Orriola, Deidre


    Florida has fewer International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) per 1,000 live births than the national average. An important strategy to support breastfeeding entails creating opportunities to prepare and train IBCLCs from underrepresented groups. However, it can be difficult for individuals to access lactation education and gain clinical experience necessary to become an IBCLC. Research aim: The Building a Better Breastfeeding Network project was a needs assessment designed to assess the interest in an IBCLC training program in Florida and perceived barriers and facilitators to completing such a program. An online survey was distributed via email to non-IBCLC students and maternal and child healthcare workers in Florida. Microsoft Excel was used to complete descriptive analyses. Surveys were initiated by 1,939 eligible individuals from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds across the state, 86% of whom responded that they would be possibly to very interested in an IBCLC training program. For those interested, cost was perceived as a potential barrier to enrolling in a program, but flexible course schedules and scholarship or financial aid availability would further attract participants. More than half were interested in working with underserved populations or in low-resource settings, but Black and Hispanic participants were significantly more likely to express interest in working in those settings. Due to the high level of interest in an IBCLC training program in Florida, a formal lactation training program may be successful in attracting diverse students, particularly if funding and program flexibility needs are met.

  11. Algunas consideraciones sobre raza - política - inmigración en el siglo XIX.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís María Delio Machado


    Full Text Available Las líneas que siguen tienen el propósito de examinar la visualización de un "sujeto" particular, el inmigrante, desde distintos ángulos: económico, político-jurídico y antropológico. El sujeto en cuestión, -el inmigrante-, se nos presenta en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, bajo diversos rostros: o como simple unidad poblacional que puede incrementar cuantitativamente la variable demográfica, concebida ésta como puramente económica, o como variable cualitativa que involucra aspectos de carácter político, jurídico, antropológico y cultural que implican valoraciones. Nuestro análisis, quedará restringido al estudio de un corpus de fuentes bien delimitado: las tesis que los estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho próximos a egresar debían presentarobligatoriamente para obtener el grado de Doctor en Jurisprudencia.

  12. Southwest Florida Shelf Ecosystems Analysis Study (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Southwest Florida Shelf Ecosystems Analysis Study produced grain size analyses in the historic 073 format for 299 sea floor samples collected from October 25,...

  13. Evaluating Emergency Department Asthma Management Practices in Florida Hospitals. (United States)

    Nowakowski, Alexandra C H; Carretta, Henry J; Dudley, Julie K; Forrest, Jamie R; Folsom, Abbey N


    To assess gaps in emergency department (ED) asthma management at Florida hospitals. Survey instrument with open- and closed-ended questions. Topics included availability of specific asthma management modalities, compliance with national guidelines, employment of specialized asthma care personnel, and efforts toward performance improvement. Emergency departments at 10 large hospitals in the state of Florida. Clinical care providers and health administrators from participating hospitals. Compliance with national asthma care guideline standards, provision of specific recommended treatment modalities and resources, employment of specialized asthma care personnel, and engagement in performance improvement efforts. Our results suggest inconsistency among sampled Florida hospitals' adherence to national standards for treatment of asthma in EDs. Several hospitals were refining their emergency care protocols to incorporate guideline recommendations. Despite a lack of formal ED protocols in some hospitals, adherence to national guidelines for emergency care nonetheless remained robust for patient education and medication prescribing, but it was weaker for formal care planning and medical follow-up. Identified deficiencies in emergency asthma care present a number of opportunities for strategic mitigation of identified gaps. We conclude with suggestions to help Florida hospitals achieve success with ED asthma care reform. Team-based learning activities may offer an optimal strategy for sharing and implementing best practices.

  14. Magnitude and Distribution of Flows into Northeastern Florida Bay (United States)

    Patino, Eduardo; Hittle, Clinton D.


    Changes in water-management practices have been made to accommodate a large and rapidly growing urban population along the Atlantic Coast and to meet the demand for intensive agricultural activities. These changes have resulted in a highly managed hydrologic system consisting of numerous canals, levees, control structures, and pumping stations that have altered the hydrology of the Everglades and Florida Bay ecosystems. Over the past decade, Florida Bay has experienced sea-grass die-off and algal blooms, which are indicators of ecological change attributed primarily to the increase in salinity and nutrient content of bay waters. Because plans are to restore sheetflow in the Everglades wetlands to its natural state, water managers anticipate a change in the magnitude and timing of freshwater exiting the mainland through the creeks that cut through the embankment or as sheetflow into Florida Bay.

  15. Floral fragrance analysis of Prosthechea cochleata (Orchidaceae), an endangered native, epiphytic orchid, in Florida (United States)

    South Florida is home to a number of native species of orchids. The Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge has 27 known species, including Prosthechea cochleata, the clamshell orchid, which is listed as endangered on Florida's Regulated Plant Index. In a prior study done on this species in Mexico,...

  16. Baseline coastal oblique aerial photographs collected from Key Largo, Florida, to the Florida/Georgia border, September 5-6, 2014 (United States)

    Morgan, Karen L. M.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducts baseline and storm response photography missions to document and understand the changes in vulnerability of the Nation's coasts to extreme storms (Morgan, 2009). On September 5-6, 2014, the USGS conducted an oblique aerial photographic survey from Key Largo, Florida, to the Florida/Georgia border (Figure 1), aboard a Cessna 182 at an altitude of 500 feet (ft) and approximately 1,200 ft offshore (Figure 2). This mission was flown to collect baseline data for assessing incremental changes since the last survey, flown October 1998, and the data can be used in the assessment of future coastal change.

  17. 40 CFR 81.49 - Southeast Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Region. 81.49 Section 81.49 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... Air Quality Control Regions § 81.49 Southeast Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. The Southeast Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region is redesignated to consist of the territorial area...

  18. 40 CFR 81.97 - Southwest Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Region. 81.97 Section 81.97 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... Air Quality Control Regions § 81.97 Southwest Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. The Southwest Florida Intrastate Air Quality Control Region consists of the territorial area encompassed by the...

  19. 76 FR 7095 - Avocados Grown in South Florida; Increased Assessment Rate (United States)


    ... FIR] Avocados Grown in South Florida; Increased Assessment Rate AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service... established for the Avocado Administrative Committee (Committee), for the 2010-11 and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.27 to $0.37 per 55-pound bushel container of Florida avocados handled. The Committee...

  20. Supplying Community College Needs in Basic Speech Courses at Florida Junior College at Jacksonville, Florida. (United States)

    Griggs, Dorothy Feldbinder; Shannon, Mary Louise

    At Florida Junior College at Jacksonville, public speaking instructors employ Jerome S. Bruner's four factors of learning--predisposition to learn, structure of knowledge, sequence, and reinforcement--to plan an effective learning program for students with diverse academic backgrounds and goals. Specifically, six learning units, tailored to both…

  1. Colonialidad y género

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este artículo investiga la interseccionalidad entre raza, clase, género y sexualidad con el objetivo de entender la preocupante indiferencia que los hombres muestran hacia las violencias que sistemáticamente se infringen sobre las mujeres de color, es decir, mujeres no blancas víctimas de la colonialidad del poder e, inseparablemente, de la colonialidad del género. El artículo se inserta dentro de la tradición de pensamiento de mujeres de color que han creado análisis críticos del feminismo hegemónico precisamente por ignorar la interseccionalidad de raza/clase/sexualidad/género. Busca entender la forma en que se construye esta indiferencia de los hombres para, así convertirla en algo cuyo reconocimiento sea ineludible para quienes están involucrados en luchas liberadoras. Se discute en detalle una manera otra, muy distinta de los feminismos occidentales, de entender el patriarcado desde la colonialidad del género. La autora nos invita a pensar en la cartografía del poder global desde lo que llama el Sistema Moderno/Colonial de Género.

  2. Flexible public transportation services in Florida. (United States)


    This synthesis research provides an overview of the current use of flexible transportation services in Florida through administration of a survey and subsequent identification and examination of case study locations. The research included a literatur...

  3. Para além do conceito de “raça”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nemezio Filho


    Full Text Available Este trabajo realiza un estudio de la representación de la raza, el mestizaje o la hibridación cultural en los medios de comunicación de masas localizados en Brasil. Se insiste sobre todo en la cultura negra y su mezcla con la cultura indígena y criolla.This work carries out a study of the representation of the race, the miscegenation or the cultural hybridization in the Massmedia located in Brazil. It is insisted mainly in the black culture and their mixture with the indigenous culture and creole culture.

  4. Diet digestibility and production performance in dairy goats consuming plant oils


    Martínez Marín, Andrés L.; Pérez Hernández, Manuel; Pérez Alba, L.M.; Carrión-Pardo, D.; Gómez-Castro, A.G.


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue investigar el efecto de la adición de aceite vegetal y su grado de insaturación sobre la digestibilidad aparente y los parámetros productivos de cabras en lactación. Doce cabras de raza Malagueña fueron asignadas al azar a uno de cuatro tratamientos: sin aceite (CONTROL) y 48 g/d de aceite de girasol alto oleico (GAO), aceite de girasol normal (GN) o aceite de lino (LIN). La dieta base estuvo compuesta por heno de alfalfa y un concentrado en el que se incl...

  5. Potentiometric Surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, West-Central Florida, September 2006 (United States)

    Ortiz, A.G.


    The Floridan aquifer system consists of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by the middle confining unit. The middle confining unit and the Lower Floridan aquifer in west-central Florida generally contain highly mineralized water. The water-bearing units containing freshwater are herein referred to as the Upper Floridan aquifer. The Upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water in the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is used for major public supply, domestic use, irrigation, and brackish water desalination in coastal communities (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000). This map report shows the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer measured in September 2006. The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface connecting points of equal altitude to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that tap a confined aquifer system (Lohman, 1979). This map represents water-level conditions near the end of the wet season, when ground-water levels usually are at an annual high and withdrawals for agricultural use typically are low. The cumulative average rainfall of 46.06 inches for west-central Florida (from October 2005 through September 2006) was 6.91 inches below the historical cumulative average of 52.97 inches (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2006). Historical cumulative averages are calculated from regional rainfall summary reports (1915 to most recent complete calendar year) and are updated monthly by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District, is part of a semi-annual series of Upper Floridan aquifer potentiometric-surface map reports for west-central Florida. Potentiometric-surface maps have been prepared for January 1964, May 1969, May 1971, May 1973, May 1974, and for each May and September since 1975. Water-level data are collected in May and September each

  6. Potentiometric Surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, West-Central Florida, September 2007 (United States)

    Ortiz, A.G.


    The Floridan aquifer system consists of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by the middle confining unit. The middle confining unit and the Lower Floridan aquifer in west-central Florida generally contain highly mineralized water. The water-bearing units containing fresh water are herein referred to as the Upper Floridan aquifer. The Upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water in the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is used for major public supply, domestic use, irrigation, and brackish water desalination in coastal communities (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000). This map report shows the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer measured in September 2007. The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface connecting points of equal altitude to which water will rise in tightly-cased wells that tap a confined aquifer system (Lohman, 1979). This map represents water-level conditions near the end of the wet season, when ground-water levels usually are at an annual high and withdrawals for agricultural use typically are low. The cumulative average rainfall of 39.50 inches for west-central Florida (from October 2006 through September 2007) was 13.42 inches below the historical cumulative average of 52.92 inches (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2007). Historical cumulative averages are calculated from regional rainfall summary reports (1915 to most recent complete calendar year) and are updated monthly by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District, is part of a semi-annual series of Upper Floridan aquifer potentiometric-surface map reports for west-central Florida. Potentiometric-surface maps have been prepared for January 1964, May 1969, May 1971, May 1973, May 1974, and for each May and September since 1975. Water-level data are collected in May and September each

  7. Potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer, west-central Florida, September 2005 (United States)

    Ortiz, A.G.


    The Floridan aquifer system consists of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by the middle confining unit. The middle confining unit and the Lower Floridan aquifer in west-central Florida generally contain highly mineralized water. The water-bearing units containing freshwater are herein referred to as the Upper Floridan aquifer. The Upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water in the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is used for major public-supply, domestic use, irrigation, and brackish-water desalination in coastal communities (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000).This map report shows the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer measured in September 2005. The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface, connecting points of equal altitude to which water will rise in tightly cased wells that tap a confined aquifer system (Lohman, 1979). This map represents water-level conditions near the end of the wet season, when ground-water levels usually are at an annual high and withdrawals for agricultural use typically are low. The cumulative average rainfall of 55.19 inches for west-central Florida (from October 2004 through September 2005) was 2.00 inches above the historical cumulative average of 53.19 inches (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2005). Historical cumulative averages are calculated from regional rainfall summary reports (1915 to most recent complete calendar year) and are updated monthly by the Southwest Florida Water Management District.This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District, is part of a semi-annual series of Upper Floridan aquifer potentiometric-surface map reports for west-central Florida. Potentiometric-surface maps have been prepared for January 1964, May 1969, May 1971, May 1973, May 1974, and for each May and September since 1975. Water-level data are collected in May and September each year

  8. Potentiometric Surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, West-Central Florida, May 2007 (United States)

    Ortiz, A.G.


    The Floridan aquifer system consists of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by the middle confining unit. The middle confining unit and the Lower Floridan aquifer in west-central Florida generally contain highly mineralized water. The water-bearing units containing fresh water are herein referred to as the Upper Floridan aquifer. The Upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water in the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is used for major public supply, domestic use, irrigation, and brackish water desalination in coastal communities (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000). This map report shows the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer measured in May 2007. The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface connecting points of equal altitude to which water will rise in tightly-cased wells that tap a confined aquifer system (Lohman, 1979). This map represents water-level conditions near the end of the dry season, when ground-water levels usually are at an annual low and withdrawals for agricultural use typically are high. The cumulative average rainfall of 41.21 inches for west-central Florida (from June 2006 through May 2007) was 11.63 inches below the historical cumulative average of 52.84 inches (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2007). Historical cumulative averages are calculated from regional rainfall summary reports (1915 to most recent complete calendar year) and are updated monthly by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District, is part of a semi-annual series of Upper Floridan aquifer potentiometric-surface map reports for west-central Florida. Potentiometric-surface maps have been prepared for January 1964, May 1969, May 1971, May 1973, May 1974, and for each May and September since 1975. Water-level data are collected in May and September each year to show the

  9. 77 FR 71688 - Avocados Grown in South Florida; Decreased Assessment Rate (United States)


    ...; FV12-915-1 FIR] Avocados Grown in South Florida; Decreased Assessment Rate AGENCY: Agricultural... rate established for the Avocado Administrative Committee (Committee) for the 2012-13 and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.37 to $0.25 per 55-pound bushel container of Florida avocados handled. The...

  10. Tupinambis merianae as nest predators of crocodilians and turtles in Florida, USA (United States)

    Mazzotti, Frank J.; McEachern, Michelle A.; Rochford, Michael; Reed, Robert; Ketterlin Eckles, Jennifer; Vinci, Joy; Edwards, Jake; Wasilewki, Joseph


    Tupinambis merianae, is a large, omnivorous tegu lizard native to South America. Two populations of tegus are established in the state of Florida, USA, but impacts to native species are poorly documented. During summer 2013, we placed automated cameras overlooking one American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nest, which also contained a clutch of Florida red-bellied cooter (Pseudemys nelsoni) eggs, and one American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) nest at a site in southeastern Florida where tegus are established. We documented tegu activity and predation on alligator and turtle eggs at the alligator nest, and tegu activity at the crocodile nest. Our finding that one of the first two crocodilian nests to be monitored was depredated by tegus suggests that tegus should be further evaluated as a threat to nesting reptiles in Florida.

  11. Building America Case Study: Effect of Ducted HPWH on Space Conditioning and Water Heating Energy Use - Central Florida Lab Home, Cocoa, Florida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    C. Colon, E. Martin, and D. Parker


    The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of ducted heat pump water heaters (HPWH's) on space conditioning and water heating energy use in residential applications. Two identical HPWH's, each of 60 gallon capacity were tested side by side at the Flexible Residential Test facility (FRTF) laboratories of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) campus in Cocoa, Florida. The water heating experiments were run in each test house from July 2014 until February 2015.

  12. 2008 Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) LiDAR: Inland Okaloosa County (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of inland Okaloosa County, Florida not covered in the 2008 Florida Department of Emergency...

  13. Ecology of Florida black bears in the Okefenokee-Osceola ecosystem (United States)

    Dobey, S.; Masters, D.V.; Scheick, B.K.; Clark, J.D.; Pelton, M.R.; Sunquist, M.E.


    The population status of the Florida black bear (Ursus americanus floridanus) is problematic within many portions of its range and its potential listing as a federally threatened species has been the subject of legal debate. We studied Florida black bears in 2 areas in the Okefenokee-Osceola ecosystem in southeast Georgia (i.e.,Okefenokee) and north Florida (i.e., Osceola) from 1995 to 1999 to evaluate relationships between population characteristics, habitat conditions, and human activities. Bears in Okefenokee were hunted and those in Osceola were not. We captured 205 different black bears (124M:81F) 345 times from June 1995 to September  1998. We obtained 13,573 radiolocations from 87 (16M:71F) individual bears during the study.

  14. Development of Statewide Guidelines for Implementing Leading Pedestrian Intervals in Florida [Summary (United States)


    Pedestrian safety is always a high priority for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), especially as FDOT moves Florida toward a truly multimodal transportation system. Intersections are where vehicles and pedestrians are most likely to int...

  15. Integrating Science & Management: Florida Scrub-Jay Conservation along the Central Florida's Atlantic Coast (United States)

    Breininger, David R.


    Florida scrub-jays are a species listed under the Endangered Species Act. The NASA Ecology program has been a partner for conservation, recovery, and translocation across the species range. The objectives of this talk are to update members of the Archie Carr Working Group recovery, conservation, and translocation activities and describe how the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge and nearby conservation lands relate to species recovery actions.

  16. 78 FR 57099 - Avocados Grown in South Florida; Increased Assessment Rate (United States)


    ... Service 7 CFR Part 915 [Doc. No. AMS-FV-13-0054; FV13-915-2 PR] Avocados Grown in South Florida; Increased... rule would increase the assessment rate established for the Avocado Administrative Committee (Committee... Florida avocados handled. The Committee locally administers the marketing order, which regulates the...

  17. Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti (Florida cottonmouth) Diet (United States)

    Grajal-Puche, Alejandro; Josimovich, Jillian; Falk, Bryan; Reed, Robert


    Agkistrodon piscivorus is a generalist predator that feeds on a variety of prey, including snakes (Gloyd and Conant 1990. Snakes of the Agkistrodon Complex: A Monographic Review. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Oxford, Ohio. 614 pp.; Lillywhite et al. 2002. Herpetol. Rev. 33:259–260; Hill and Beaupre 2008. Copeia 2008:105–114). Cemophora coccinea (Scarletsnake) is not known as one of the 26 species of snakes consumed by A. piscivorus (Ernst and Ernst 2011. Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico: Volume 1. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 193 pp.). On 16 June 2015, at 2210 h, we found a dead-on-road A. piscivorus (total length [TL] = 51.0 cm) in Everglades National Park on Main Park Road, 1.88 km S Pa-hay-okee, Miami-Dade Co., Florida, USA (25.414085°N, 80.78183146°W, WGS84; elev. 3 m). The snake had been killed by a vehicle and some internal organs were exposed. Visible stomach contents included a small (TL ca. 15 cm) C. coccinea. Photographic vouchers of the A. piscivorus (UF-Herpetology 177194) and C. coccinea (UF-Herpetology 177195) were deposited in the Division of Herpetology, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida. Despite the fact that these species are sympatric over large areas of the southeastern United States, this is the first known documented predation of C. coccinea by A. piscivorus.

  18. 2006 Volusia County Florida LiDAR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset is the lidar data for Volusia County, Florida, approximately 1,432 square miles, acquired in early March of 2006. A total of 143 flight lines of Lidar...

  19. Evaluación del suministro de levaduras Saccharomyces Cerevisiae en la alimentación y su efecto sobre la producción y composición de leche de ovejas de raza Pampinta


    Boggero, Carina Alejandra; Boggero, Carina Alejandra


    Existe creciente uso de aditivos alimenticios en la dieta de los animales para lograr mejoras en la producción. Entre ellos, las levaduras Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios, en el primer estudio, se evaluó el efecto de las levaduras Saccharomyces Cerevisiae sobre la producción y composición de la leche de oveja, se formaron dos grupos de 20 animales cada uno (Grupo 1 Control, sin levaduras, y Grupo 2, tratado con 10 gramos de levadura/día.animal).Se tomaron muestras in...

  20. 77 FR 16548 - Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Superfund Site; Davie, Broward County, FL; Notice of Settlements (United States)


    ...-2012- 3766; CERCLA-04-2012-3765] Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Superfund Site; Davie, Broward County... costs concerning the Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Superfund Site located in Davie, Broward County.... Painter. Submit your comments by Site name Florida Petroleum Reprocessors by one of the following methods...

  1. Ecosystem history of South Florida; Biscayne Bay sediment core descriptions (United States)

    Ishman, S.E.


    The 'Ecosystem History of Biscayne Bay and the southeast Coast' project of the U.S. Geological Survey is part of a multi-disciplinary effort that includes Florida Bay and the Everglades to provide paleoecologic reconstructions for the south Florida region. Reconstructions of past salinity, nutrients, substrate, and water quality are needed to determine ecosystem variability due to both natural and human-induced causes. Our understanding of the relations between the south Florida ecosystem and introduced forces will allow managers to make informed decisions regarding the south Florida ecosystem restoration and monitoring. The record of past ecosystem conditions can be found in shallow sediment cores. This U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report describes six shallow sediment cores collected from Biscayne Bay. The cores described herein are being processed for a variety of analytical procedures, and this provides the descriptive framework for future analyses of the included cores. This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

  2. Reconstructing the migration patterns of late Pleistocene mammals from northern Florida, USA (United States)

    Hoppe, Kathryn A.; Koch, Paul L.


    We used analyses of the strontium isotope ( 87Sr/ 86Sr) ratios of tooth enamel to reconstruct the migration patterns of fossil mammals collected along the Aucilla River in northern Florida. Specimens date to the late-glacial period and before the last glacial maximum (pre-LGM). Deer and tapir displayed low 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios that were similar to the ratios of Florida environments, which suggest that these taxa did not migrate long distance outside of the Florida region. Mastodons, mammoths, and equids all displayed a wide range of 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios. Some individuals in each taxon displayed low 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios that suggest they ranged locally, while other animals had high 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios that suggest they migrated long distances (> 150 km) outside of the Florida region. Mastodons were the only taxa from this region that provided enough well-dated specimens to compare changes in migration patterns over time. Pre-LGM mastodons displayed significantly lower 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios than late-glacial mastodons, which suggests that late-glacial mastodons from Florida migrated longer distances than their earlier counterparts. This change in movement patterns reflects temporal changes in regional vegetation patterns.

  3. Motivating Factors of Florida Community and State College Information Technology Faculty (United States)

    Payne, Wendy Louise


    In this study the core job characteristics that contribute to the internal motivational factors and job satisfaction of information technology faculty members working at a community or state college in Florida were investigated. Fifty-four information technology faculty members working at a community or state college in Florida completed the Job…

  4. Florida Agriculture - Utilizing TRMM to Analyze Sea Breeze Thunderstorm Patterns During El Nino Southern Oscillations and Their Effects Upon Available Fresh Water for South Florida Agricultural Planning and Management (United States)

    Billiot, Amanda; Lee, Lucas; McKee, Jake; Cooley, Zachary Clayton; Mitchell, Brandie


    This project utilizes Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Landsat satellite data to assess the impact of sea breeze precipitation upon areas of agricultural land use in southern Florida. Water is a critical resource to agriculture, and the availability of water for agricultural use in Florida continues to remain a key issue. Recent projections of statewide water use by 2020 estimate that 9.3 billion gallons of water per day will be demanded, and agriculture represents 47% of this demand (Bronson 2003). Farmers have fewer options for water supplies than public users and are often limited to using available supplies from surface and ground water sources which depend in part upon variable weather patterns. Sea breeze thunderstorms are responsible for much of the rainfall delivered to Florida during the wet season (May-October) and have been recognized as an important overall contributor of rainfall in southern Florida (Almeida 2003). TRMM satellite data was used to analyze how sea breeze-induced thunderstorms during El Nino and La Nina affected interannual patterns of precipitation in southern Florida from 1998-2009. TRMM's Precipitation Radar and Microwave Imager provide data to quantify water vapor in the atmosphere, precipitation rates and intensity, and the distribution of precipitation. Rainfall accumulation data derived from TRMM and other microwave sensors were used to analyze the temporal and spatial variations of rainfall during each phase of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Through the use of TRMM and Landsat, slight variations were observed, but it was determined that neither sea breeze nor total rainfall patterns in South Florida were strongly affected by ENSO during the study period. However, more research is needed to characterize the influence of ENSO on summer weather patterns in South Florida. This research will provide the basis for continued observations and study with the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission.

  5. Characterization Of Dissolved Organic Mattter In The Florida Keys Ecosystem (United States)

    Adams, D. G.; Shank, G. C.


    Over the past few decades, Scleractinian coral populations in the Florida Keys have increasingly experienced mortality due to bleaching events as well as microbial mediated illnesses such as black band and white band disease. Such pathologies seem to be most correlated with elevated sea surface temperatures, increased UV exposures, and shifts in the microbial community living on the coral itself. Recent studies indicate that corals’ exposure to UV in the Florida Keys is primarily controlled by the concentration of CDOM (Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter) in the water column. Further, microbial community alterations may be linked to changes in concentration and chemical composition of the larger DOM (Dissolved Organic Matter) pool. Our research characterized the spatial and temporal properties of DOM in Florida Bay and along the Keys ecosystems using DOC analyses, in-situ water column optical measurements, and spectral analyses including absorbance and fluorescence measurements. We analyzed DOM characteristics along transects running from the mouth of the Shark River at the southwest base of the Everglades, through Florida Bay, and along near-shore Keys coastal waters. Two 12 hour time-series samplings were also performed at the Seven-Mile Bridge, the primary Florida Bay discharge channel to the lower Keys region. Photo-bleaching experiments showed that the chemical characteristics of the DOM pool are altered by exposure to solar radiation. Results also show that DOC (~0.8-5.8 mg C/L) and CDOM (~0.5-16.5 absorbance coefficient at 305nm) concentrations exhibit seasonal fluctuations in our study region. EEM analyses suggest seasonal transitions between primarily marine (summer) and terrestrial (winter) sources along the Keys. We are currently combining EEM-PARAFAC analysis with in-situ optical measurements to model changes in the spectral properties of DOM in the water column. Additionally, we are using stable δ13C isotopic analysis to further characterize DOM

  6. Extraction of basic roadway information for non-state roads in Florida : [summary]. (United States)


    The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) maintains a map of all the roads in Florida, : containing over one and a half million road links. For planning purposes, a wide variety : of information, such as stop lights, signage, lane number, and s...

  7. Mist Interval and Hormone Concentration Influence Rooting of Florida and Piedmont Azalea (United States)

    Native azalea (Rhododendron spp.) vegetative propagation information is limited. The objective of this experiment is to determine optimal levels of K-IBA and mist intervals for propagation of Florida azalea (Rhododendron austrinum) and Piedmont azalea (Rhododendron canescens). Florida azalea roote...


    The report summarizes the technical basis for a recommended foundation fill materials standard for new construction houses in Florida. he radon-control construction standard was developed by the Florida Radon Research Program (FRRP). ill material standards are formulated for: (1)...

  9. Notas sobre la Flora de Colombia y países vecinos, III

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Continuación (parte III de la nueva serie de notas botánicas iniciada hace tres años en Phytologia (vol. 13, no. 6: 379-400. 1966, y cuya segunda parte se publicó recientemente en Caldasia (vol, 10, no. 47: 173-213. 1968, relativas en su mayor parte a la flora xerófila y subxerófila de la región costera del Caribe en Colombia y países vecinos, particularmente Venezuela.  En ellas se hacen observaciones sobre la taxonomía, nomenclatura, morfología, distribución geográfica, hábitat, y otras varias, de las siguientes plantas: ASCLEPIADACEAE Matelea albiflra (Karst. Dugand. BIGNONIACEAE Anemopaegma chrysoleucum. (Kth. in H. & B. Sandw. # Arrabidaea candicans (L. C. Rich. DC. Arrabidaea conjugata (VeIl. Mart. ex DC. Arrabidaea florida DC. # Arrabidaea pleei DC. Clytostoma cuneatum Dugand. Clytostoma pterocalyx Spr. ex Urb. # Onohualcoa helicocalyx (O. Kze. Sandw. Phryganocydia uliginosa Dugand. Romeroa verticillata Dugand. # Roseodendron chryseum. (Blake Miranda. Tabebuia dugandii StandI. BOMBACACEAE Pseudobombax maximum A. Robyns. LEGUMINOSAE·FABOIDEAE Uribea tamarindoides Dugand & Romero. RUBIACEAE Guettarda eliadis StandI. Sickingia klugei StandI. Tal vez con la sola excepción de Arrabidaea florida DC., de cuya existencia en Colombia no hay -que yo sepa- ninguna información anterior (a menos que la colección original sea realmente del Caquetá colombiano como bien pudiera serlo, véase nota al pie de la página respectiva en este trabajo , todas las especies enumeradas arriba ya han sido catalogadas antes en la flora de este pais, ora con el mismo nombre con que figuran en la Iista, ora con otro que ha caido en desuso necesario o se considera sinonimo del que se da aqui. Las de este ultimo grupo se seiialan con el signo #.

  10. Caracterización comparada de las gallinas baleares


    Méndez Tur, Yolanda


    El archipiélago balear, por su aislamiento geográfico es una comunidad autónoma dotada de una amplia diversidad de razas ganaderas. Su condición insular hace que en cada una de las islas que lo integran existan diferentes razas autóctonas. Sin embargo, el modelo de producción industrial surgido durante la segunda mitad del s. XX, supuso la aparición de razas ganaderas con mayor capacidad productiva que fueron sustituyendo a esas razas autóctonas, relegándolas a un estado crític...

  11. Water withdrawals, use, and trends in Florida, 2010 (United States)

    Marella, Richard L.


    In 2010, the total amount of water withdrawn in Florida was estimated to be 14,988 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Saline water accounted for 8,589 Mgal/d (57 percent) and freshwater accounted for 6,399 Mgal/d (43 percent). Groundwater accounted for 4,166 Mgal/d (65 percent) of freshwater withdrawals, and surface water accounted for the remaining 2,233 Mgal/d (35 percent). Surface water accounted for nearly all (99.9 percent) saline-water withdrawals. An additional 659 Mgal/d of reclaimed wastewater was used in Florida during 2010. Freshwater withdrawals were greatest in Palm Beach County (707 Mgal/d), and saline-water withdrawals were greatest in Hillsborough County (1,715 Mgal/d). Fresh groundwater provided drinking water (public supplied and self-supplied) for 17.33 million people (92 percent of Florida’s population), and fresh surface water provided drinking water for 1.47 million people (8 percent). The statewide public-supply gross per capita use for 2010 was 134 gallons per day, whereas the statewide public-supply domestic per capita use was 85 gallons per day. The majority of groundwater withdrawals (almost 62 percent) in 2010 were obtained from the Floridan aquifer system, which is present throughout most of the State. The majority of fresh surface-water withdrawals (56 percent) came from the southern Florida hydrologic unit subregion and is associated with Lake Okeechobee and the canals in the Everglades Agricultural Area of Glades, Hendry, and Palm Beach Counties, as well as the Caloosahatchee River and its tributaries in the agricultural areas of Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties. Overall, agricultural irrigation accounted for 40 percent of the total freshwater withdrawals (ground and surface), followed by public supply with 35 percent. Public supply accounted for 48 percent of groundwater withdrawals, followed by agricultural self-supplied (34 percent), commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied (7 percent), recreational

  12. Efecto del estrés calórico sobre la producción embrionaria en vacas superovuladas y la tasa de gestación en receptoras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Raúl Lozano-Domínguez


    Full Text Available Los objetivos fueron determinar el efecto de interacción del estrés calórico de la época de producción del embrión y la de transferencia sobre la tasa de gestación de vacas receptoras, y evaluar si existe efecto del estrés calórico sobre la producción y calidad embrionaria en vacas superovuladas. Vacas lactantes de la raza Holstein fueron superovuladas en la época templada (n=20 y cálida (n=22. Los embriones fueron colectados, congelados y transferidos a vacas Holstein lactantes durante la época templada (n=54 y cálida (n=53. La respuesta superovulatoria (85.1 % y la tasa de fertilización (76.2 % fueron similares en ambas épocas (P>0.05. En la época templada, el número de óvulos y embriones (10.6, y embriones transferibles (7.4 colectados por vaca fueron superiores a los observados en la época cálida (6.1 y 4.4, respectivamente (P<0.05. La tasa de gestación de las vacas receptoras fue más alta durante la época templada cuando éstas recibieron un embrión producido en condiciones templadas (45.0 %, que en aquéllas que recibieron un embrión de época cálida (21.5 %, P<0.05. Independientemente de la época de producción del embrión, la tasa de gestación de las vacas receptoras fue menor durante la época cálida (13.9 % que en la templada (33.2 %, P<0.05. El estrés calórico compromete la producción embrionaria y la competencia del embrión para el establecimiento de la gestación, y se mostró un efecto materno durante la época cálida, que impacta negativamente la sobrevivencia del embrión después de la transferencia.

  13. A data-based conservation planning tool for Florida panthers (United States)

    Murrow, Jennifer L.; Thatcher, Cindy A.; Van Manen, Frank T.; Clark, Joseph D.


    Habitat loss and fragmentation are the greatest threats to the endangered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi). We developed a data-based habitat model and user-friendly interface so that land managers can objectively evaluate Florida panther habitat. We used a geographic information system (GIS) and the Mahalanobis distance statistic (D2) to develop a model based on broad-scale landscape characteristics associated with panther home ranges. Variables in our model were Euclidean distance to natural land cover, road density, distance to major roads, human density, amount of natural land cover, amount of semi-natural land cover, amount of permanent or semi-permanent flooded area–open water, and a cost–distance variable. We then developed a Florida Panther Habitat Estimator tool, which automates and replicates the GIS processes used to apply the statistical habitat model. The estimator can be used by persons with moderate GIS skills to quantify effects of land-use changes on panther habitat at local and landscape scales. Example applications of the tool are presented.

  14. The Stocker AstroScience Center at Florida International University (United States)

    Webb, James R.


    The new Stocker AstroScience Center located on the MMC campus at Florida International University in Miami Florida represents a unique facility for STEM education that arose from a combination of private, State and university funding. The building, completed in the fall of 2013, contains some unique spaces designed not only to educate, but also to inspire students interested in science and space exploration. The observatory consists of a 4-story building (3 floors) with a 24” ACE automated telescope in an Ash dome, and an observing platform above surrounding buildings. Some of the unique features of the observatory include an entrance/exhibition hall with a 6-ft glass tile floor mural linking the Florida climate to space travel, a state-of-the art telescope control that looks like a starship bridge, and displays such as “Music from the universe”. The observatory will also be the focus of our extensive public outreach program that is entering its 20 year.

  15. Genetic characterization of feline leukemia virus from Florida panthers. (United States)

    Brown, Meredith A; Cunningham, Mark W; Roca, Alfred L; Troyer, Jennifer L; Johnson, Warren E; O'Brien, Stephen J


    From 2002 through 2005, an outbreak of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) occurred in Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi). Clinical signs included lymphadenopathy, anemia, septicemia, and weight loss; 5 panthers died. Not associated with FeLV outcome were the genetic heritage of the panthers (pure Florida vs. Texas/Florida crosses) and co-infection with feline immunodeficiency virus. Genetic analysis of panther FeLV, designated FeLV-Pco, determined that the outbreak likely came from 1 cross-species transmission from a domestic cat. The FeLV-Pco virus was closely related to the domestic cat exogenous FeLV-A subgroup in lacking recombinant segments derived from endogenous FeLV. FeLV-Pco sequences were most similar to the well-characterized FeLV-945 strain, which is highly virulent and strongly pathogenic in domestic cats because of unique long terminal repeat and envelope sequences. These unique features may also account for the severity of the outbreak after cross-species transmission to the panther.

  16. Trade-offs between Biofuels Energy Production, Land Use and Water Use in Florida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fidler, Michal [Intelligentsia International Inc., LaBelle, FL (United States); Capece, John [Intelligentsia International Inc., LaBelle, FL (United States); Hanlon, Edward [Univ. of Florida, Immokalee, FL (United States); Alsharif, Kamal [Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL (United States)


    Objective of the presentation is to document land use and water use implications of biomass production to demonstrate the overall resources implications associated with bioethanol production for Florida’s transportation sector needs. Rationale for using biofuels (BF) is explained, so are advantages & challenges of BF production and use. Land use changes (LUC) in Florida are presented and consequences outlined. It is documented that Florida’s agricultural land is a very limited resource, with only 0.43 ac/person comparing to the global average of 1.71 ac/person. The direct relation of increased biofuels production causing increased water use is explained. Favorable climate, water resources, advanced research, traditional leading agricultural role, minor oil reserves, no refineries and increasing energy demands are the main reasons why Florida considers pursuing BF production in large scale. Eight various bioethanol crops produced in Florida were considered in this study (Miscanthus, Switchgrass, Sweet Sorghum, Corn, Elephantgrass, Sugarcane, Energycane, Eucalyptus). Biomass yield and bioethanol yield of these crops are documented. Bioethanol needs of Florida are estimated and related land requirements for the needed bioethanol production calculated. Projections for various bioethanol blends (E15 to E85) are then presented. Finally, water demand for biofuels production is quantified. It is concluded that land use requirement for production of all ethanol in E85 fuel blend in Florida is roughly the same as the total available ag land in Florida for the best yielding biofuels crops (energycane, eucalyptus). Water demand for production of all ethanol needed for E100 would increase current overall water consumption in Florida between 65% and 100% for the most common biofuels crops. Vehicular energy is only 33% of Floridians energy consumption, so even all Florida’s agricultural land was given up for biofuels, it would still produce only 33% of Florida’s total

  17. The structure and composition of Holocene coral reefs in the Middle Florida Keys (United States)

    Toth, Lauren T.; Stathakopoulos, Anastasios; Kuffner, Ilsa B.


    The Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT) is the largest coral-reef ecosystem in the continental United States. The modern FKRT extends for 362 kilometers along the coast of South Florida from Dry Tortugas National Park in the southwest, through the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), to Fowey Rocks reef in Biscayne National Park in the northeast. Most reefs along the FKRT are sheltered by the exposed islands of the Florida Keys; however, large channels are located between the islands of the Middle Keys. These openings allow for tidal transport of water from Florida Bay onto reefs in the area. The characteristics of the water masses coming from Florida Bay, which can experience broad swings in temperature, salinity, nutrients, and turbidity over short periods of time, are generally unfavorable or “inimical” to coral growth and reef development.Although reef habitats are ubiquitous throughout most of the Upper and Lower Keys, relatively few modern reefs exist in the Middle Keys most likely because of the impacts of inimical waters from Florida Bay. The reefs that are present in the Middle Keys generally are poorly developed compared with reefs elsewhere in the region. For example, Acropora palmata has been the dominant coral on shallow-water reefs in the Caribbean over the last 1.5 million years until populations of the coral declined throughout the region in recent decades. Although A. palmata was historically abundant in the Florida Keys, it was conspicuously absent from reefs in the Middle Keys. Instead, contemporary reefs in the Middle Keys have been dominated by occasional massive (that is, boulder or head) corals and, more often, small, non-reef-building corals.Holocene reef cores have been collected from many locations along the FKRT; however, despite the potential importance of the history of reefs in the Middle Florida Keys to our understanding of the environmental controls on reef development throughout the FKRT, there are currently no published

  18. Hydrology and Ecology of Freshwater Wetlands in Central Florida - A Primer (United States)

    Haag, Kim H.; Lee, Terrie M.


    Freshwater wetlands are an integral part of central Florida, where thousands are distributed across the landscape. However, their relatively small size and vast numbers challenge efforts to characterize them collectively as a statewide water resource. Wetlands are a dominant landscape feature in Florida; in 1996, an estimated 11.4 million acres of wetlands occupied 29 percent of the area of the State. Wetlands represent a greater percentage of the land surface in Florida than in any other state in the conterminous United States. Statewide, 90 percent of the total wetland area is freshwater wetlands and 10 percent is coastal wetlands. About 55 percent of the freshwater wetlands in Florida are forested, 25 percent are marshes and emergent wetlands, 18 percent are scrub-shrub wetlands, and the remaining 2 percent are freshwater ponds. Freshwater wetlands are distributed differently in central Florida than in other parts of the State. In the panhandle and in northern Florida, there are fewer isolated wetlands than in the central and southern parts of the State, and few of those wetlands are affected by activities such as groundwater withdrawals. In southern Florida, the vast wetlands of the Everglades and the Big Cypress Swamp blanket the landscape and form contiguous shallow expanses of water, which often exhibit slow but continuous flow toward the southwestern coast. In contrast, the wetlands of central Florida are relatively small, numerous, mostly isolated, and widely distributed. In many places, wetlands are flanked by uplands, generating a mosaic of contrasting environments-unique wildlife habitat often adjacent to dense human development. As the population of central Florida increases, the number of residents living near wetlands also increases. Living in close proximity to wetlands provides many Floridians with an increased awareness of nature and an opportunity to examine the relationship between people and wetlands. Specifically, these residents can observe

  19. Estudios sobre identificación, lactación y cría de dromedarios en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canarias)


    Díaz Medina, Elena


    El objetivo de esta Tesis es dar respuesta a una serie de preguntas fundamentales planteadas al intentar poner en marcha una granja de camellas lecheras de raza Canaria en la isla Fuerteventura. Para ello se realizaron 3 experimentos, destinados a: proponer la adecuada identificación (ID) individual de los camellos (Exp. 1), cuantificar la producción y analizar los principales componentes de la leche, así como los niveles de insulina (INS) durante la lactación (Exp. 2), y finalmente estudiar ...

  20. 75 FR 53694 - Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Superfund Site; Davie, Broward County, FL; Notice of Settlement (United States)


    ... ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [Docket EPA-RO4-SFUND-2010-0729, FRL-9196-1] Florida Petroleum... entered into a settlement for reimbursement of past response costs concerning the Florida Petroleum... No. EPA-RO4- SFUND-2010-0729 or Site name Florida Petroleum Reprocessors Superfund Site by one of the...

  1. Miami, Florida: The Magic City (United States)

    McIntosh, Phyllis


    With its subtropical climate and intimate ties to Latin America, Miami is like no other city in the United States. More than 65 percent of its population is Hispanic, and Spanish is the most commonly heard language. Situated at the southern tip of the 500-mile-long Florida peninsula, Miami is the largest urban area in the southeastern United…

  2. 77 FR 35862 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Florida: New Source; Review... (United States)


    ...: Final rule. SUMMARY: EPA is taking final action to approve changes to the Florida State Implementation... taking final action to approve changes to the Florida SIP such that it is consistent with federal.... EPA notes that Florida's October 19, 2007, SIP submission makes clarifying changes to rule 62-212.400...

  3. Genetic structure of Florida green turtle rookeries as indicated by mitochondrial DNA control region sequences (United States)

    Shamblin, Brian M.; Bagley, Dean A.; Ehrhart, Llewellyn M.; Desjardin, Nicole A.; Martin, R. Erik; Hart, Kristen M.; Naro-Maciel, Eugenia; Rusenko, Kirt; Stiner, John C.; Sobel, Debra; Johnson, Chris; Wilmers, Thomas; Wright, Laura J.; Nairn, Campbell J.


    Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting has increased dramatically in Florida over the past two decades, ranking the Florida nesting aggregation among the largest in the Greater Caribbean region. Individual beaches that comprise several hundred kilometers of Florida’s east coast and Keys support tens to thousands of nests annually. These beaches encompass natural to highly developed habitats, and the degree of demographic partitioning among rookeries was previously unresolved. We characterized the genetic structure of ten Florida rookeries from Cape Canaveral to the Dry Tortugas through analysis of 817 base pair mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences from 485 nesting turtles. Two common haplotypes, CM-A1.1 and CM-A3.1, accounted for 87 % of samples, and the haplotype frequencies were strongly partitioned by latitude along Florida’s Atlantic coast. Most genetic structure occurred between rookeries on either side of an apparent genetic break in the vicinity of the St. Lucie Inlet that separates Hutchinson Island and Jupiter Island, representing the finest scale at which mtDNA structure has been documented in marine turtle rookeries. Florida and Caribbean scale analyses of population structure support recognition of at least two management units: central eastern Florida and southern Florida. More thorough sampling and deeper sequencing are necessary to better characterize connectivity among Florida green turtle rookeries as well as between the Florida nesting aggregation and others in the Greater Caribbean region.

  4. Proceedings fo the Seventeenth Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, 4-8 March 1997, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.


    Epperly, Sheryan P.; Braun, Joanne


    The 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium was held at the Delta Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida U.S.A. from March 4-8, 1997. The symposium was hosted by Florida Atlantic University, Mote Marine Laboratory, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, Florida Atlantic University and the Comité Nacional para la Conservación y Protección de las Totugas Marinas. The 17th was the largest symposium to date. A total of 720 participants registered, including sea turtle biologists, stu...

  5. Economic contribution of recreating visitors to the Florida Keys/Key West (United States)

    Donald B.K. English; Warren Kriesel; Vernon R Leeworthy; Peter C. Wiley


    This report provides estimates of the economic impact that visitors to the Florida Keys have on both the Monroe County and larger South Florida regional economies. Estimates are made for output/sales, income, and employment and include both direct and secondary economic impacts. This report provides the basis for demonstrating the income-producing asset value of the...

  6. Florida Rising: An Assessment of Public Universities in the Sunshine State (United States)

    Poliakoff, Michael; Alacbay, Armand


    The State University System of Florida has in recent years faced major budgetary challenges, remarkable for the size of its reductions in state funding, even when compared to the large cuts seen in so many states struck by the recession of 2008. What is more surprising in the world of higher education, however, is the progress that Florida's…

  7. Digital signage sobre IP


    Casademont Filella, Albert


    Projecte que versa sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de Digital Signage (Cartelleria Digital) sobre IP, creant un gestor que permeti controlar de forma remota tot un conjunt de petits dispositius connectats a pantalles que emeten continguts multimèdia com vídeos, imatges, feeds rss...

  8. El feminismo comparativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Temma Kaplan


    Full Text Available En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o la clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno e los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, pero también el derecho a tener hijos –denegado a muchas mujeres marginadas. Más tarde el debate sobre la sexualidad ganó importancia. Otro objetivo era dar voz a mujeres de grupos minoritarios. Los estudios actuales sobre las masculinidades han tenido asimismo una influencia positiva en el desarrollo del feminismo, ya que ni las mujeres ni los hombres pueden ser estudiados como identidades problemáticas o separadas.

  9. Broader Impact Guidance for Florida Ocean Scientists: Process, Products and Outcomes (United States)

    Cook, S.


    In response to the 2011 National Science Board report National Science Foundation's Merit Review Criteria: Review and Revision, in 2012 significant changes were made to the portions of the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Grant Proposal Guide that describe the Foundation's expectations with respect to the Broader Impacts (BI) criterion and what reviewers should look for in assessing the quality of the required BI components of proposals. Over the past 5 years, COSEE Florida (the Florida Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence) has provided individualized content and editorial `coaching' on Broader Impacts for Florida scientists and educators submitting proposals to NSF. As of September 2015, 32% of the plans prepared with our guidance have been associated with projects that have received support. This presentation will review 1) the current BI guidance provided by NSF in the 2012 and subsequent editions of the Grant Proposal Guide, 2) the administrative process used by COSEE Florida to identify and assist scientists in understanding these changes and preparing fundable BI plans, 3) the characteristics of submitted plans in terms of type of plan, PI career stage and demographics 4) `lessons learned' about plan strengths and weaknesses and 5) the products developed (or currently under development) as COSEE Florida legacy documents to guide current and future scientists in addressing the Broader Impacts criterion. Resources developed by other Centers in the national COSEE network and the new National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) will also be described.

  10. NASA Applied Sciences' DEVELOP National Program: Summer 2010 Florida Agriculture (United States)

    Cooley, Zachary C.; Billiot, Amanda; Lee, Lucas; McKee, Jake


    The main agricultural areas in South Florida are located within the fertile land surrounding Lake Okeechobee. The Atlantic Watershed monthly rainfall anomalies showed a weak but statistically significant correlation to the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI). No other watershed s anomalies showed significant correlations with ONI or the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). During La Nina months, less sea breeze days and more disturbed days were found to occur compared to El Nino and neutral months. The increase in disturbed days can likely by attributed to the synoptic pattern during La Nina, which is known to be favorable for tropical systems to follow paths that affect South Florida. Overall, neither sea breeze rainfall patterns nor total rainfall patterns in South Florida s main agricultural areas were found to be strongly influenced by the El Nino Southern Oscillation during our study time.

  11. Recreational Swordfish (Xiphias gladius Fishery: Angler Practices in South Florida (USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justin Lerner


    Full Text Available The management of highly migratory species (HMS is a complex domestic and international system that was initially established to regulate HMS taken in commercial fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean. For managing HMS taken in recreational fisheries, the authority and the data required is lacking and remains to be stipulated by regulating bodies. In the United States, Florida saltwater anglers target various HMS, but swordfish (Xiphias gladius is a favorite among anglers. The recreational swordfish fishery off the Southeast Florida coast has experienced resurgence in recent years, with directed tournaments resuming in 2001 after being absent almost 20 years. Today, South Florida supports the largest group of recreational swordfish anglers in the world. Despite the increasing popularity and interest, little data is available describing the recreational swordfish fishery and its socio-economic aspects in South Florida. This study aimed to compile, describe, and identify the demographics, fishing tactics, costs, and fishery management perceptions of recreational swordfish anglers in South Florida based on nonprobability purposive sampling organized through the Southeast Swordfish Club (SESC. The sample size (n = 38 represented about 16–38% of the SESC members and between 6% and 8% of the recreational anglers that actively targeted swordfish in South Florida during the time of the survey. We acknowledge the sample size was small (n = 38, but believe the study encompassed the most active swordfish anglers given their knowledge, expertise, and connection with the fishery in terms of participants, fishing effort, and fishing techniques. As such, it is highly probable that a large portion of the recreational swordfish angling population was represented by members of the SESC in terms of swordfishing gear, techniques, and socio-economics, which reduced apparent bias in the study. Overall, the annual income of recreational swordfish anglers in 2007 ranged

  12. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Residential Provisions of the 2015 IECC for Florida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendon, Vrushali V. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Zhao, Mingjie [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Taylor, Zachary T. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Poehlman, Eric A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    The 2015 IECC provides cost-effective savings for residential buildings in Florida. Moving to the 2015 IECC from the 2012 IECC base code is cost-effective for residential buildings in all climate zones in Florida.

  13. 77 FR 35317 - Gruma Corporation, Spina Bifida Association, March of Dimes Foundation, American Academy of... (United States)


    ... Academy of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza; Filing of Food Additive Petition..., American Academy of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza have jointly filed a... of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza, c/o Alston & Bird, LLP, 950 F Street...

  14. Florida Teachers' Attitudes about Teaching Evolution (United States)

    Fowler, Samantha R.; Meisels, Gerry G.


    A survey of Florida teachers reveals many differences in comfort level with teaching evolution according to the state's science teaching standards, general attitudes and beliefs about evolution, and the extent to which teachers are criticized, censured, disparaged, or reprehended for their beliefs about the teaching of evolution.

  15. Recensie "The Great Reset" : Richard Florida

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roy van Dalm


    Like the Great Depression and the Long Depression before it, experts have viewed prolonged economic downturns as crises. In The Great Reset , bestselling author Richard Florida argues that we should instead see the recent recession as an opportunity to create entirely new ways of working and living

  16. Environmental Assessment of the General Plan and Maintenance of Patrick Air Force Base, Florida (United States)


    females annually ccur in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (U.S.), Dry Tortugas (U.S.), Cay Sal Bank (Bahamas), ergipe and Northern Bahia (Brazil), Southern...Subpopulation occurring from about 29°N. on Florida’s east coast to Sarasota on Florida’s west coast; (3) Dry Tortugas , Florida, Sul>population, (4...B. Witherington, FWC, personal communication 2007). A near complete census of the Dry Tortugas Subpopulation undertaken from 1995 to 2004

  17. 78 FR 18314 - Foreign-Trade Zone 169-Manatee County, Florida; Application for Production Authority; ASO, LLC... (United States)


    ... located within Subzone 169A, in Sarasota, Florida. The facility is used for the production of plastic and... County, Florida; Application for Production Authority; ASO, LLC; Subzone 169A (Textile Fabric Adhesive Bandage Coating and Production); Sarasota, Florida An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade...

  18. Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan aquifer, west-central Florida, May 2011 (United States)

    Ortiz, Anita G.


    The Floridan aquifer system consists of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by the middle confining unit. The middle confining unit and the Lower Floridan aquifer in west-central Florida generally contain highly mineralized water. The water-bearing units containing freshwater are herein referred to as the Upper Floridan aquifer. The Upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water in the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is used for major public supply, domestic use, irrigation, and brackish water desalination in coastal communities (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000). This map report shows the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer measured in May 2011. The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface connecting points of equal altitude to which water will rise in tightly-cased wells that tap a confined aquifer system (Lohman, 1979). This map represents water-level conditions near the end of the dry season, when groundwater levels usually are at an annual low and withdrawals for agricultural use typically are high. The cumulative average rainfall of 45.74 inches for west-central Florida (from June 2010 through May 2011) was 6.85 inches below the historical cumulative average of 52.59 inches (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2011). Historical cumulative averages are calculated from regional rainfall summary reports (1915 to most recent complete calendar year) and are updated monthly by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District, is part of a semi-annual series of Upper Floridan aquifer potentiometric-surface map reports for west-central Florida. Potentiometric-surface maps have been prepared for January 1964, May 1969, May 1971, May 1973, May 1974, and for each May and September from 1975 through 2010. Water-level data are collected in May and September each year to

  19. 2007 Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) Lidar: Herbert Hoover Dike Project Area (Southeastern Florida, Lake Okeechobee Surrounding Area) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — LiDAR data was collected by Merrick & Company from September through December of 2007 for the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM). The project area...



    Simek, Stephanie L.; Eason, Thomas


    Funding source: Florida Department of Transportation Total Budget: $407,000 Project Period: April 2001 – April 2004 The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has documented an increase in the number of transportation-related bear deaths (roadkill) since the late 1970’s. In addition to impacts on bear populations, vehicle collisions with bears often are traumatic for the people involved and may cause significant collateral damage and personal injury. For these reasons, and be...

  1. Mercury Poisoning at a Home Day Care Center - Hillsborough County, Florida, 2015. (United States)

    Tewell, Mackenzie; Spoto, Samantha; Wiese, Michael; Aleguas, Alfred; Peredy, Tamas


    On November 12, 2015, the Florida Poison Information Center Tampa notified the Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County of a boy aged 3 years with a urine mercury level of 79 μg/L (normal broken sphygmomanometer (blood pressure monitor) at the home day care center attended by the child.

  2. Review of Florida Red Tide and Human Health Effects (United States)

    Fleming, Lora E.; Kirkpatrick, Barbara; Backer, Lorraine C.; Walsh, Cathy J.; Nierenberg, Kate; Clark, John; Reich, Andrew; Hollenbeck, Julie; Benson, Janet; Cheng, Yung Sung; Naar, Jerome; Pierce, Richard; Bourdelais, Andrea J; Abraham, William M.; Kirkpatrick, Gary; Zaias, Julia; Wanner, Adam; Mendes, Eliana; Shalat, Stuart; Hoagland, Porter; Stephan, Wendy; Bean, Judy; Watkins, Sharon; Clarke, Tainya; Byrne, Margaret; Baden, Daniel G.


    This paper reviews the literature describing research performed over the past decade on the known and possible exposures and human health effects associated with Florida red tides. These harmful algal blooms are caused by the dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, and similar organisms, all of which produce a suite of natural toxins known as brevetoxins. Florida red tide research has benefited from a consistently funded, long term research program, that has allowed an interdisciplinary team of researchers to focus their attention on this specific environmental issue—one that is critically important to Gulf of Mexico and other coastal communities. This long-term interdisciplinary approach has allowed the team to engage the local community, identify measures to protect public health, take emerging technologies into the field, forge advances in natural products chemistry, and develop a valuable pharmaceutical product. The Review includes a brief discussion of the Florida red tide organisms and their toxins, and then focuses on the effects of these toxins on animals and humans, including how these effects predict what we might expect to see in exposed people. PMID:21218152

  3. Florida Reef Fish Visual Census 1999 - Present (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set of Excel files contain data from visual sampling of coral reef fish species in the National Marine Sanctuary along the Florida Keys. The dataset...

  4. AECT Convention, Orlando, Florida 2008 Report (United States)

    Vega, Eddie


    This article presents several reports that highlight the events at the 2008 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention in Orlando, Florida. At the annual convention this year, the Multimedia Production Division goal was to continue to share information about the latest tools in multimedia production,…

  5. Phased Retrofits in Existing Homes in Florida Phase II: Shallow Plus Retrofits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sutherland, K. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Parker, D. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Martin, E. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Chasar, D. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States); Amos, B. [Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, Cocoa, FL (United States)


    The BAPIRC team and Florida Power and Light (FPL) electric utility pursued a pilot phased energy-efficiency retrofit program in Florida by creating detailed data on the energy and economic performance of two levels of retrofit - simple and deep. For this Phased Deep Retrofit (PDR) project, a total of 56 homes spread across the utility partner's territory in east central Florida, southeast Florida, and southwest Florida were instrumented between August 2012 and January 2013, and received simple pass-through retrofit measures during the period of March 2013 - June 2013. Ten of these homes received a deeper package of retrofits during August 2013 - December 2013. A full account of Phase I of this project, including detailed home details and characterization, is found in Parker et al, 2015 (currently in draft). Phase II of this project, which is the focus of this report, applied the following additional retrofit measures to select homes that received a shallow retrofit in Phase I: a) Supplemental mini-split heat pump (MSHP) (6 homes); b) Ducted and space coupled Heat Pump Water Heater (8 homes); c) Exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) (1 homes); d) Window retrofit (3 homes); e) Smart thermostat (21 homes: 19 NESTs; 2 Lyrics); f) Heat pump clothes dryer (8 homes); g) Variable speed pool pump (5 homes).

  6. Rural and Urban Differences in Sexual Behaviors Among Adolescents in Florida. (United States)

    Thompson, Erika L; Mahony, Helen; Noble, Charlotte; Wang, Wei; Ziemba, Robert; Malmi, Markku; Maness, Sarah B; Walsh-Buhi, Eric R; Daley, Ellen M


    The national teen birth rate is higher in rural compared to urban areas. While national data suggest rural areas may present higher risk for adverse sexual health outcomes among adolescents, it is unknown whether there are differences within the state of Florida. Overall, Florida has poorer sexual health indicators for adolescents compared to national rates. The purpose of this study was to assess differences in sexual behaviors among Florida adolescents by rural-urban community location. This study includes baseline data from a randomized controlled trial conducted in Florida high schools. Of the 6316 participants, 74% were urban and 26% were rural. Participants responded to questions on sexual behaviors, sexual behavior intentions, and demographics. We estimated the effect of rural-urban status on risk outcomes after controlling for demographic variables using generalized linear mixed models. More teens from rural areas reported ever having sex (24.0%) compared to urban teens (19.7%). No significant differences were observed for most of sexual behaviors assessed. Nonetheless, urban participants were less likely to intend to have sex without a condom in the next year compared to rural participants (aOR = 0.76, 95% CI 0.63-0.92). Overall, there were no major differences in sexual behaviors between rural and urban adolescents in Florida. However, sexual intentions differed between rural and urban adolescents; specifically, rural adolescents were more likely to intend to have sex without a condom in the next year compared to urban adolescents. Understanding the specific disparities can inform contraception and sexual health interventions among rural youth.

  7. Strong tobacco control program requirements and secure funding are not enough: lessons from Florida. (United States)

    Kennedy, Allison; Sullivan, Sarah; Hendlin, Yogi; Barnes, Richard; Glantz, Stanton


    Florida's Tobacco Pilot Program (TPP; 1998-2003), with its edgy Truth media campaign, achieved unprecedented youth smoking reductions and became a model for tobacco control programming. In 2006, 3 years after the TPP was defunded, public health groups restored funding for tobacco control programming by convincing Florida voters to amend their constitution. Despite the new program's strong legal structure, Governor Charlie Crist's Department of Health implemented a low-impact program. Although they secured the program's strong structure and funding, Florida's nongovernmental public health organizations did not mobilize to demand a high-impact program. Implementation of Florida's Amendment 4 demonstrates that a strong programmatic structure and secure funding are insufficient to ensure a successful public health program, without external pressure from nongovernmental groups.

  8. Inferencias sobre Grafos


    Sira M. Allende; Carlos N. Bouza


    El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el anal...

  9. Puerto Rico and Florida manatees represent genetically distinct groups (United States)

    Hunter, Margaret E.; Mignucci-Giannoni, Antonio A.; Tucker, Kimberly Pause; King, Timothy L.; Bonde, Robert K.; Gray, Brian A.; McGuire, Peter M.


    The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) populations in Florida (T. m. latirostris) and Puerto Rico (T. m. manatus) are considered distinct subspecies and are listed together as endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act. Sustained management and conservation efforts for the Florida subspecies have led to the suggested reclassification of the species to a threatened or delisted status. However, the two populations are geographically distant, morphologically distinct, and habitat degradation and boat strikes continue to threaten the Puerto Rico population. Here, 15 microsatellite markers and mitochondrial control region sequences were used to determine the relatedness of the two populations and investigate the genetic diversity and phylogeographic organization of the Puerto Rico population. Highly divergent allele frequencies were identified between Florida and Puerto Rico using microsatellite (F ST = 0.16; R ST = 0.12 (P ST = 0.66; Φ ST = 0.50 (P E = 0.45; NA = 3.9), were similar, but lower than those previously identified in Florida (HE = 0.48, NA = 4.8). Within Puerto Rico, the mitochondrial genetic diversity values (π = 0.001; h = 0.49) were slightly lower than those previously reported (π = 0.002; h = 0.54) and strong phylogeographic structure was identified (F ST global = 0.82; Φ ST global = 0.78 (P population size (N = 250), and distinct threats and habitat emphasize the need for separate protections in Puerto Rico. Conservation efforts including threat mitigation, migration corridors, and protection of subpopulations could lead to improved genetic variation in the endangered Puerto Rico manatee population.

  10. Tospoviruses and Thrips and Integrated Resistance Management Strategies in Pepper in Florida (United States)

    Florida ranks second in the production and value of bell pepper in the U.S. In 2015, Florida produced over one-half billion pounds of bell pepper on over 12,000 acres, valued at over 220 million dollars. In recent years, several invasive species of thrips and thrips-vectored tospoviruses have beco...

  11. Far-Field Effects of Large Earthquakes on South Florida's Confined Aquifer (United States)

    Voss, N. K.; Wdowinski, S.


    The similarity between a seismometer and a well hydraulic head record during the passage of a seismic wave has long been documented. This is true even at large distances from earthquake epicenters. South Florida lacks a dense seismic array but does contain a comparably dense network of monitoring wells. The large spatial distribution of deep monitoring wells in South Florida provides an opportunity to study the variance of aquifer response to the passage of seismic waves. We conducted a preliminary study of hydraulic head data, provided by the South Florida Water Management District, from 9 deep wells in South Florida's confined Floridian Aquifer in response to 27 main shock events (January 2010- April 2012) with magnitude 6.9 or greater. Coseismic hydraulic head response was observed in 7 of the 27 events. In order to determine what governs aquifer response to seismic events, earthquake parameters were compared for the 7 positive events. Seismic energy density (SED), an empirical relationship between distance and magnitude, was also used to compare the relative energy between the events at each well site. SED is commonly used as a parameter for establishing thresholds for hydrologic events in the near and intermediate fields. Our analysis yielded a threshold SED for well response in South Florida as 8 x 10-3 J m-3, which is consistent with other studies. Deep earthquakes, with SED above this threshold, did not appear to trigger hydraulic head oscillations. The amplitude of hydraulic head oscillations had no discernable relationship to SED levels. Preliminary results indicate a need for a modification of the SED equation to better accommodate depth in order to be of use in the study of hydrologic response in the far field. We plan to conduct a more comprehensive study incorporating a larger subset (~60) of wells in South Florida in order to further examine the spatial variance of aquifers to the passing of seismic waves as well as better confine the relationship

  12. The influence of seagrass on shell layers and Florida Bay mudbanks (United States)

    Prager, E.J.; Halley, R.B.


    Aerial photography indicates that sometime since the early 1970's, an emergent ridge of shell debris developed on a mudbank north of Calusa Key in Florida Bay. Coarse shell deposits on and within the Bay's shallow mudbanks are believed to be the product of transport during major storm events and subsequent winnowing. However, shell material from the ridge contains nuclear bomb 14C, supporting formation within the past 30 years and the last major hurricanes to influence Florida Bay were Donna and Betsy (1960 and 1965). Results from this study suggest that the Calusa ridge and other coarse shell deposits in Florida Bay can result from, 1) periodic seagrass mortality and wave-induced transport during frequent winter cold fronts and/or 2) mollusc blooms and subsequent burial. A survey of bottom types indicates that dense to intermediate beds of seagrass, mainly Thalassia testudinum (turtle grass), occur within the shallow basins of western Florida Bay and along the margins of Bay mudbanks. Wave measurements and modeling indicate that Thalassia along mudbank margins can reduce incoming wave-energy by over 80%. Seagrass beds also host particularly dense populations of molluscs from periodic 'blooms' and are believed to be the major source of coarse sediments in the Bay. Thus, if bank-edge seagrass dies, sediments, including shell debris, become exposed and subject to greatly increased wave energy. Modeling indicates that winds typical of winter cold fronts in South Florida can produce near-bottom velocities and shear stress at a grass-free bank edge which are sufficient to transport coarse carbonate grains. Shell layers found at depth in mudbank cores can also be explained by previous episodes of sediment accretion over mollusc-rich seagrass beds or grass bed mortality at the edge of a mudbank and shell transport during cold front passage. The latter implies that mortality of marginal seagrass beds has occurred throughout the history of Florida Bay and that the

  13. Community Resources Guide for Central Florida = Una Guia de Recursos en la Comunidad de Florida Central. (United States)

    Medina, Linda, Comp.

    Designed to orient Hispanic refugees to the services that are available in Central Florida, this bilingual guide consists of a section of general information on living and working in the United States and a section devoted to various public and private agencies. Provided first are addresses and phone numbers of various government agencies:…

  14. Potential ecological impacts of an oil spill in the Florida Keys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, E.A.; Swain, H.M.


    The Florida Keys are a unique ecosystem of natural communities, natural resources, and high biodiversity. The strong emphasis placed on the protection of the environment is reflected in the wide variety of parks and protected areas. The possibility of a major oil spill from extensive tanker and freighter traffic in the Florida Straits is cause for concern since all of the natural communities and associated biota in the coastal and marine environments are vulnerable to oiling. This paper will review and synthesize available information and present new data concerning the potential ecological impacts of a major spill in the Florida Keys. The review will focus on: the distribution of natural communities; the presence of endangered species; the location of parks and protected areas; and the abundance of natural resources

  15. Radium-226 in wetland birds from Florida phosphate mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, O.B.; Marion, W.R.; O'Meara, T.E.; Roessler, C.E.


    Radium-226 is a naturally-occurring radionuclide found in enhanced levels at Florida phosphate mines. We inventoried levels of radium-226 in the tissues of 4 wetland bird species from 2 mined and 2 umined areas in Florida. Bone tissues of wood duck (Aix sponsa), mottled duck (Anas fulvigula), common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), and double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) colleted at phosphate mines contained more radium-226 than tissues from unmined areas. Radium-226 concentrations in these birds were within guidelines inferred from radiological standards designed for human protection and should not adversely affect bird populations

  16. Environmental Assessment for MILCON Fitness Center and Fitness Training Area, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (United States)


    Sub-Floridan System S E CTION3 AFFECTED E N VIRONMENT Lithologic Descriptions unconsolidated body of fine to medium gamed , white to gray quartz...the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Florida Wildlife Service, Florida Wildlife Commission list of endangered, tlueatened, and rare...9836 www.dkcweightloss.oom New Salon in Niceville looking lor experienced stylist with clientele, booth ren tal or commission, busy location

  17. Sobre software libre


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; González Barahona, Jesús; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Robles Martínez, Gregorio


    220 p. "Sobre software libre" reune casi una treintena de ensayos sobre temas de candente actualidad relacionados con el software libre (del cual Linux es su ex- ponente más conocido). Los ensayos que el lector encontrará están divididos en bloques temáticos que van desde la propiedad intelectual o las cuestiones económicas y sociales de este modelo hasta su uso en la educación y las administraciones publicas, pasando por alguno que repasa la historia del software libre en l...

  18. Florida Tech professor gets three-year grant

    CERN Multimedia


    "Dr. Marc Baarmand, Florida Tech associate professor of physics, has received a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy's Division of High Energy Physics, to conduct research with the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment" (1/3 page).

  19. 76 FR 28130 - Coastal Bank, Cocoa Beach, Florida; Notice of Appointment of Receiver (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Office of Thrift Supervision Coastal Bank, Cocoa Beach, Florida; Notice of Appointment of Receiver Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the authority contained in... Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as sole Receiver for Coastal Bank, Cocoa Beach, Florida, (OTS No...

  20. The Relationship between Wildfires and Tourist Behaviors in Florida: An Exploratory Study (United States)

    Brijesh Thapa; Stephen M. Holland; James D. Absher


    Introduction Florida is a popular national and international tourist destination with 74.3 million visitors in 2000, and slightly more than half of these visited natural and protected areas (Visit Florida, 2001). However, in recent years, notably in 1998 and 2001, drought conditions have led to wildfires that affected large parts of the state, lead to smoke closure of...

  1. Risk in Daily Newspaper Coverage of Red Tide Blooms in Southwest Florida (United States)

    Li, Zongchao; Garrison, Bruce; Ullmann, Steven G.; Kirkpatrick, Barbara; Fleming, Lora E.; Hoagland, Porter


    This study investigated newspaper coverage of Florida red tide blooms in four metropolitan areas of Southwest Florida during a 25-year period, 1987-2012. We focused on how journalists framed red tide stories with respect to environmental risk, health risk, and economic risk. We determined risk to be a key factor in this news coverage, being an…

  2. Sensation™ ‘Florida 127’ Strawberry (United States)

    Florida127’ strawberry originated from a 2009 cross between Winterstar™ ‘FL 05-107’ (female parent) and unreleased selection FL 02-58 (male parent). It is a short-day genotype adapted to an annual plasticulture growing system. The plant is upright with open architecture, allowing air movement and e...

  3. Rhizobium leguminosarum COMO ORGANISMO BIOCONTROLADOR DE LA INTERACCIÓN HOSPEDERO-PATÓGENO: CLAVEL (Dianthus caryophyllus – Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. dianthi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheol Woo Lee Park


    Full Text Available Se investigó el efecto de biocontrol de Rhizobium leguminosarum (R. leguminosarum cepa B, contra Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi (FOD raza 2, en la interacción Clavel - FOD. Se utilizó la raza 2 de FOD por ser la de mayor patogenicidad y distribución en las fincas de cultivo de clavel en Colombia. Para ello se establecieron las condiciones de inoculación de FOD sobre cultivos establecidos de R . leguminosarum, variando la concentración in vitro de la bacteria. Se encontró una reducción en el número de microconidias hasta un 90% y una inhibición en el crecimiento radial del patógeno de hasta un 71 %. En el ensayo de microcultivo dual se detectó fraccionamiento de las hifas después de 48 horas de incubación con R . leguminosarum En el ensayo in vivo, los esquejes de clavel Raggio di solé, variedad susceptible al patógeno, fueron inoculados con 45.0 x 10 células de R. leguminosarum por matero, mostrando una severidad inferior al 5%, una incidencia menor del 20% y una reducción del índice de la enfermedad hasta de un 92% en presencia del patógeno.

  4. Hazardous waste management programs; Florida: authorization for interim authorization phase I--Environmental Protection Agency. Notice of final determination. (United States)


    The State of Florida has applied for interim Authorization Phase I. EPA has reviewed Florida's application for Phase I and has determined that Florida's hazardous waste program is substantially equivalent to the Federal program covered by Phase I. The State of Florida is, hereby, granted Interim Authorization for Phase I to operate the State 's hazardous waste program, in lieu of the Federal program.

  5. Tributos sobre a folha ou sobre o faturamento? Efeitos quantitativos para o Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago V Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda os impactos alocativos e de bem-estar de uma reforma tributária que substitui os impostos sobre a folha de salários por outro que incide sobre a receita. Para isso, desenvolve-se um modelo neoclássico de crescimento econômico com impostos sobre a receita e sobre a folha de salários. As simulações com parâmetros da economia brasileira mostram que tal reforma tributária tem um efeito negativo no bem-estar, no estoque de capital de longo prazo e consequentemente no produto per capita de longo prazo. Contudo, o emprego aumenta.This paper studies the impacts of a tax reform which substitutes taxes on labor income by taxes on total revenue. In order to accomplish that, we construct and solve a general equilibrium neoclassical growth model with taxes on labor income and total revenue. The numerical simulations with Brazilian parameters show that such tax reforms would negatively affect welfare, the capital stock, and consequently per capita output. However, employment would increase. Such effects are quantitatively important.

  6. 77 FR 74985 - Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Streams and Downstream Protection Values for... (United States)


    ... Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Streams and Downstream Protection Values for Lakes... its numeric water quality standards for nutrients in Florida that were promulgated and published on.... Water Quality Criteria D. EPA Determination Regarding Florida and EPA's Rulemaking E. EPA Promulgation...

  7. Mentiras por omisión en la "raza blanca"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Silvia Simesen de Bielke


    Full Text Available La razón instrumental blanca es hija legítima de la sociedad capitalista y, como tal, ha diseñado todos los ámbitos de la organización burocrática, el método científico, los distintos dispositivos del cuerpo social y los aparatos jurídicos e ideológicos. El reduccionismo liberticida, por ejemplo, no es un accidente epistemológico, sino que su vocación homogeneizadora ha respondido y responde a una forma particular de organización económica y política: la concepción reduccionista del mundo, la revolución industrial y la economía capitalista son los componentes filosófico, tecnológico y económico de un mismo proceso excluyente. El mismo, a través de sus avances científico-tecnológicos y su mentira civilizatoria, es quien va destruyendo paulatinamente nuestro oikos, nuestra simbiosis originaria con lo natural, nuestra sensibilidad, nuestra diversidad, únicos sustentos para la conservación de toda vida sobre el planeta. Quienes, como intelectuales, han desmontado esta estructura de la Razón Blanca falócrata colonizadora a través de sus dicotomías (humanidad y naturaleza, hombre y mujer, ciudad y pueblo, metrópolis y colonia, trabajo y vida, naturaleza y cultura, deben plantearse el imperativo moral de comprometerse con la denuncia pública acerca de este maridaje entre ciencia y fuerza, ciencia y militarismo, ciencia y patriarcado. Es el momento del desmontaje también de todas las ‘razones’ descendientes de la Razón Blanca: ¿porqué no pensar también en nuestra ‘razón académica’?

  8. Occurrence of the saw-whet owl in Florida (United States)

    Lesser, F.H.; Stickley, A.R.


    On 31 October 1965 at 1000 hours we observed and collected a Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) in adult plumage and in apparently good physical condition at Ponte Vedra, St. Johns County, Florida. The bird flew from beneath a truck to a cross beam in a garage adjoining a large, fresh-water, wooded swamp dominated by cabbage palms (Sabal palmetto). We found a regurgitated pellet and a freshly killed, partially eaten cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus) beneath the truck. The bird was sent to Henry M. Stevenson for deposit in Florida State University Museum, Tallahassee (specimen no. 4092b). Dr. Stevenson found that the skull had been shattered and the gonads destroyed in collecting. Total length (before skinning) was 210 mm.

  9. Land application of domestic wastewater in Florida--statewide assessment of impact on ground-water quality (United States)

    Franks, Bernard J.


    In Florida domestic waste water is being applied to the land for disposal and reuse. State and Federal regulations favor land-application methods over other advanced waste water treatment practices. Despite the increasing use of this alternative technology, little is known about localized effects on groundwater quality. This report documents the extent of land-application practices in Florida and summarizes case study information on some of the more adequately monitored site throughout the State. More than 2,500 sites in Florida are permitted by the Department of Environmental Regulation for applying domestic waste water to the land. The majority (more than 1,700 sites), classified as infiltration ponds, are concentrated in central and southern Florida. More than 560 sites classified as drainfields, and more than 250 sites classified as irrigation sites, are located primarily in central Florida. An estimated 150 million gallons per day of domestic waste water, after required secondary treatment, are applied to Florida soils. Despite the large numbers of sites and the considerable volume of waste water utilized, little is known about potential impact on groundwater quality. At the few sites where observation wells have been drilled and local groundwater quality monitored, no significant deterioration of water quality has been detected. (USGS)

  10. Efecto del plasma seminal sobre el estado redox del semen equino criopreservado

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    Edison Pizarro L.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el efecto del plasma seminal sobre la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO y la peroxidación lipídica de semen equino criopreservado y su asociación con parámetros de calidad seminal. Materiales y métodos. El semen de cinco caballos de la raza criollo colombiano (dos eyaculados cada uno, fue criopreservado mediante un protocolo de congelación rápida, empleando un diluyente leche-yema de huevo, suplementado con 0%, 10% y 20% de plasma seminal equino. En muestras de semen fresco y criopreservado se evaluó la generación de ERO y la peroxidación lipídica por espectrofluorimetría, y los parámetros de calidad seminal de movilidad progresiva, vitalidad e integridad de membrana, mediante microscopia de contraste de fase. Para el análisis estadístico se ajustaron modelos mixtos y se realizaron análisis de regresión y correlación. Resultados. Se hallaron promedios post-descongelación de movilidad progresiva, vitalidad e integridad de membrana de 37.8%±20.2, 50.6% ± 14.6 y 37.8% ± 15.5, respectivamente. Para el semen fresco y criopreservado suplementado con 0%, 10% y 20% de plasma seminal, los promedios de producción de ERO (URF fueron de 13.34±10.7, 16.15 ± 13.5, 17.32 ± 16 y 22.98 ± 19.4, respectivamente; mostrando un incremento estadísticamente significativo (p≤0.05 en la producción de ERO por efecto de la criopreservación y la suplementación con plasma seminal. Los promedios de peroxidación lipídica (nmolMDA/ml para estos mismos tratamientos, fueron de 0.41 ± 0.25, 0.72±0.37, 0.51 ± 0.29 y 0.47±0.26, respectivamente; mostrando una reducción significativa (p≤0.05 de la peroxidación lipídica del semen suplementado con 10% y 20% de plasma seminal, respecto al semen no suplementado (0%. Conclusiones. El plasma seminal reduce la peroxidación lipídica del semen equino criopreservado.

  11. Polimorfismos del gen ob en bovinos de raza holstein en la Comarca Lagunera, México


    Sarai S. Mendoza-Retana; Miguel A. Gallegos-Robles; Uriel González-Salas; José L. García-Hernández; Manuel Fortis-Hernández; Cirilo Vázquez-Vázquez; Héctor I. Trejo-Escareño


    La Comarca Lagunera es la cuenca lechera más importante de México. En la actualidad se están utilizando diversas técnicas que permiten evaluar genéticamente el animal a una edad temprana, permitiendo seleccionar futuros reproductores con características deseables. Entre los genes relacionados con la producción de leche, se encuentran el gen Ob también llamado gen Leptina el cual actúa sobre el sistema nervioso central y tejidos periféricos jugando un papel muy importante ...

  12. Predicting Upwelling Radiance on the West Florida Shelf (United States)


    Executive Director, Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce . Finalist, 2004 Small Business of the Year, Florida Environmental Research Institute, W...Paul Bissett, Ph.D., Executive Director, Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce . 6

  13. An Optimal Centralized Carbon Dioxide Repository for Florida, USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brandon Poiencot


    Full Text Available For over a decade, the United States Department of Energy, and engineers, geologists, and scientists from all over the world have investigated the potential for reducing atmospheric carbon emissions through carbon sequestration. Numerous reports exist analyzing the potential for sequestering carbon dioxide at various sites around the globe, but none have identified the potential for a statewide system in Florida, USA. In 2005, 83% of Florida’s electrical energy was produced by natural gas, coal, or oil (e.g., fossil fuels, from power plants spread across the state. In addition, only limited research has been completed on evaluating optimal pipeline transportation networks to centralized carbon dioxide repositories. This paper describes the feasibility and preliminary locations for an optimal centralized Florida-wide carbon sequestration repository. Linear programming optimization modeling is used to plan and route an idealized pipeline network to existing Florida power plants. Further analysis of the subsurface geology in these general locations will provide insight into the suitability of the subsurface conditions and the available capacity for carbon sequestration at selected possible repository sites. The identification of the most favorable site(s is also presented.

  14. Continuous bottom temperature measurements in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract at Cape Florida, 2005 - 2006 (NODC Accession 0014185) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This ongoing project began in 1988. A total of 38 subsurface recording thermographs have been deployed in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)and at...

  15. Continuous bottom temperature measurements in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract at Cape Florida, 1996 - 2005 (NODC Accession 0002788) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This ongoing project began in 1988. A total of 38 subsurface recording thermographs have been deployed in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)and at...

  16. Shifting Diagnostic Systems for Defining Intellectual Disability in Death Penalty Cases: Hall vs. Florida (United States)

    Mukherjee, Mina; Westphal, Alexander


    The case of Hall vs. Florida tested Florida's so called "bright line rule" in determining intellectual disability in capital cases. The Supreme Court Decision reflects a more general trend from categorical to dimensional approaches in psychiatric diagnostic systems.

  17. Determination of Sorption Coefficient of Phosphorus Applied for Sugarcane Production in Southwestern Florida. (United States)

    Muwamba, A; Nkedi-Kizza, P; Morgan, K T


    Phosphorus is among the essential nutrients applied to sugarcane ( L.) fields in the form of a fertilizer mixture (N, P, and K) in southwestern Florida. Sorption coefficient is used for modeling P movement, and in this study, we hypothesized that the sorption coefficient determined using fertilizer mixture (N, P, and K) will be significantly different from values determined using KCl and CaCl, the electrolytes most commonly used for conducting sorption experiments. Supporting electrolytes, 0.01 mol L KCl, 0.005 mol L CaCl, deionized (DI) water, simulated Florida rain, and fertilizer mixture prepared in Florida rain were used to characterize P sorption. Immokalee (Sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquods) and Margate (Sandy, siliceous hyperthermic Mollic Psammaquents) are the dominant mineral soils used for sugarcane production in southwestern Florida; we used the A and B horizons of Margate soil and the A and B horizons of the Immokalee soil for sorption experiments in this study. Freundlich sorption isotherms described P sorption data. The Freundlich sorption isotherm coefficients followed the trend 0.005 mol L CaCl > 0.01 mol L KCl ≈ fertilizer mixture > simulated Florida rain ≈ DI water. Sorption coefficients were used for modeling P movement with HYDRUS 1D; similar P results were obtained with the 0.01 mol L KCl and fertilizer mixture electrolyte treatments. The sorption coefficient for DI water and simulated Florida rain overpredicted P movement. The P sorption data showed the importance of choosing the appropriate electrolyte for conducting experiments based on the composition of fertilizer. Copyright © by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Inc.

  18. University of Florida--US Department of Energy 1994-1995 reactor sharing program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vernetson, W.G.


    The grant support of $24,250 (1994-95?) was well used by the University of Florida as host institution to support various educational institutions in the use of UFTR Reactor. All users and uses were screened to assure the usage was for educational institutions eligible for participation in the Reactor Sharing Program; where research activities were involved, care was taken to assure the research was not funded by grants for contract funding from outside sources. Over 12 years, the program has been a key catalyst for renewing utilization of UFTR both by external users around the State of Florida and the Southeast and by various faculty members within the University of Florida. Tables provide basic information about the 1994-95 program and utilization of UFTR

  19. Potentiometric Surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, West-Central Florida, May 2006 (United States)

    Ortiz, A.G.


    Introduction Hydrologic Conditions in West-Central Florida The Floridan aquifer system consists of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by the middle confining unit. The middle confining unit and the Lower Floridan aquifer in west-central Florida generally contain highly mineralized water. The water-bearing units containing fresh water are herein referred to as the Upper Floridan aquifer. The Upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water in the Southwest Florida Water Management District and is used for major public supply, domestic use, irrigation, and brackish water desalination in coastal communities (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2000). This map report shows the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer measured in May 2006. The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface connecting points of equal altitude to which water will rise in tightly-cased wells that tap a confined aquifer system (Lohman, 1979). This map represents water-level conditions near the end of the dry season, when ground-water levels usually are at an annual low and withdrawals for agricultural use typically are high. The cumulative average rainfall of 50.23 inches for west-central Florida (from June 2005 through May 2006) was 2.82 inches below the historical cumulative average of 53.05 inches (Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2006). Historical cumulative averages are calculated from regional rainfall summary reports (1915 to most recent complete calendar year) and are updated monthly by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District, is part of a semi-annual series of Upper Floridan aquifer potentiometric-surface map reports for west-central Florida. Potentiometric-surface maps have been prepared for January 1964, May 1969, May 1971, May 1973, May 1974, and for each May and September since 1975. Water

  20. Continuous bottom temperature measurements in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract at Cape Florida, 2005 - 2006 (NODC Accession 0014185) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The purpose of this project is to document bottom seawater temperature in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract on a continuing basis and make that information...

  1. Continuous bottom temperature measurements in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract at Cape Florida, 1996 - 2005 (NODC Accession 0002788) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The purpose of this project is to document bottom seawater temperature in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract on a continuing basis and make that information...

  2. Saltwater intrusion monitoring in Florida (United States)

    Prinos, Scott T.


    Florida's communities are largely dependent on freshwater from groundwater aquifers. Existing saltwater in the aquifers, or seawater that intrudes parts of the aquifers that were fresh, can make the water unusable without additional processing. The quality of Florida's saltwater intrusion monitoring networks varies. In Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, for example, there is a well-designed network with recently constructed short open-interval monitoring wells that bracket the saltwater interface in the Biscayne aquifer. Geochemical analyses of water samples from the network help scientists evaluate pathways of saltwater intrusion and movement of the saltwater interface. Geophysical measurements, collected in these counties, aid the mapping of the saltwater interface and the design of monitoring networks. In comparison, deficiencies in the Collier County monitoring network include the positioning of monitoring wells, reliance on wells with long open intervals that when sampled might provide questionable results, and the inability of existing analyses to differentiate between multiple pathways of saltwater intrusion. A state-wide saltwater intrusion monitoring network is being planned; the planned network could improve saltwater intrusion monitoring by adopting the applicable strategies of the networks of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, and by addressing deficiencies such as those described for the Collier County network.

  3. «La raza más desordenada del mundo»: la dinámica del parentesco entre los calós catalanes

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    David Lagunas Arias


    Full Text Available La tentativa de este texto es contribuir a la etnología sobre los gitanos, y la antropología social en general, aportando reflexiones que son importantes para el presente y el futuro de los estudios sobre gitanos. Para ello realizo un análisis de la organización social y familiar de los gitanos catalanes (calós de Mataró con el fin de presentar algunas pistas de investigación y orientaciones conceptuales. El funcionamiento flexible de las redes de parentesco bilateral, las categorizaciones en la terminología de parentesco y la antroponimia, las formas de nominación individual y familiar, y los sistemas de alianza aportan conocimiento crítico respecto a principios genuinos y categorías con capacidad explicativa de la antropología. Con ello intento aclarar algunos equívocos productivos en la etnografía sobre los sistemas de organización social de los gitanos.

  4. Investigación educativa reciente sobre México


    Núñez-DelaPeña, Francisco J.; Mejía-Arauz, Rebeca


    Se presenta una muestra de la investigación educativa sobre México: 22 disertaciones doctorales aceptadas en universidades norteamericanas entre 1982 y 1984. Dos estudios conciernen a la teoría del capital humano; cinco tratan diversos aspectos relacionados con la administración educativa; uno es sobre la televisión; otro sobre las habilidades fonéticas de los niños; uno más es sobre profesionalización de los médicos; cuatro tocan aspectos de política educativa; tres tratan sobre los maestros...

  5. Wildfires and tourist behaviors in Florida (United States)

    Brijesh Thapa; Ignatius Cahyanto; Stephen M. Holland; James D. Absher


    The impacts of wildfires on tourism have largely been examined with emphasis on economic losses and recovery strategies. Given the limited research from a demand perspective, this study examined tourist risk perceptions and reactionary behaviors toward wildfires in Florida. Data (N ¼ 771) was collected among a U.S. sample of non-resident overnight leisure travelers...

  6. Exploring Preferences of Mentoring Activities among Generational Groups of Registered Nurses in Florida (United States)

    Posey-Goodwin, Patricia Ann


    The purpose of this study was to explore differences in perceptions of mentoring activities from four generations of registered nurses in Florida, using the Alleman Mentoring Activities Questionnaire ® (AMAQ ®). Statistical procedures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed to explore differences among 65 registered nurses in Florida from…

  7. 78 FR 30782 - Avocados Grown in South Florida; Change in Minimum Grade Requirements (United States)


    ..., regardless of market destination. However, maintaining the current minimum grade requirement for avocados... Service 7 CFR Part 915 [Doc. No. AMS-FV-12-0067; FV13-915-1 PR] Avocados Grown in South Florida; Change in... prescribed under the Florida avocado marketing order (order). The order regulates the handling of avocados...

  8. Research objectives to support the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration initiative-Water Conservation Areas, Lake Okeechobee, and the East/West waterways


    Kitchens, Wiley M.


    The South Florida Ecosystem encompasses an area of approximately 28,000 km2 comprising at least 11 major physiographic provinces, including the Kissimmee River Valley, Lake Okeechobee, the Immokalee Rise, the Big Cypress, the Everglades, Florida Bay, the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, Biscayne Bay, the Florida Keys, the Florida Reef Tract, and nearshore coastal waters. South Florida is a heterogeneous system of wetlands, uplands, coastal areas, and marine areas, dominated by the watershe...

  9. Geological Study of Monica Pintado mine. Florida town

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medina, E.; Carrion, R.


    This work is about the geological study carried in Monica Pintado mine in Florida town by photointepretation - scale 1.20.000. In the area were found rocks granites, deep metamorfites and black granite

  10. 78 FR 72033 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Florida: General Requirements and Gasoline... (United States)


    ...] Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Florida: General Requirements and Gasoline Vapor Control... Protection (FDEP), related to the State's gasoline vapor recovery program. This correcting amendment corrects... . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This action corrects inadvertent errors in a rulemaking related to Florida's gasoline...

  11. Research Contributing to Improvements in Controlling Florida's Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Diseases. (United States)

    Tabachnick, Walter J


    Research on mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases has contributed to improvements in providing effective, efficient, and environmentally proper mosquito control. Florida has benefitted from several research accomplishments that have increased the state's mosquito control capabilities. Research with Florida's mosquitoes has resulted in the development of ecologically sound management of mosquito impoundments on Florida's east coast. This strategy, called Rotational Impoundment Management (RIM), has improved the ability to target the delivery of pesticides and has helped to reduce non-target effects and environmental damage. Research has led to the development of an arbovirus surveillance system which includes sentinel chicken surveillance, real time use of environmental contributing factors like meteorology and hydrology to target mosquito control, as well as public health efforts to mitigate disease outbreaks to areas with risk of disease. These research driven improvements have provided substantial benefits to all of Florida. More research is needed to meet the future challenges to reduce emerging pathogens like Zika virus and the consequences of environmental changes like global climate change that are likely to influence the effects of mosquito-borne pathogens on human health and well-being.

  12. Toward a Panther-centered View of the Forests of South Florida


    Andrew J. Kerkhoff; Bruce T. Milne; David S. Maehr


    Anthropogenic habitat degradation and loss is the single largest threat to the endangered Florida panther, Puma concolor coryi. Conservation of the subspecies must be undertaken on the scale of the entire landscape. Thus, a view of the forested landscape of South Florida must be developed that is meaningful with reference to the panther. We approach this problem by analyzing the spatial interactions of panthers and forests at multiple scales. We apply tools derived from fractal geometry to th...

  13. Distribución e identificación de especies hospedantes de Heterodera glycines Ichinohe raza 3 en el Valle del Cauca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Varón de Agudelo Francia


    Full Text Available Se dividió la parte plana del Valle del Cauca en tres zonas (norte, centro y sur, habiéndose visitado 33 fincas. En la zona norte las malezas con mayor porcentaje de frecuencia y distribución en los cultivos de soya fueron Digitaria horizontalis, Echinochloa colonum y Leptochloa filiformis; en la zona centro Ipomoea hirta, Amaranthus dubius y Echinochloa colonum y en la zona sur predominaron Ipomoea hirta, Portulaca oleracea Cyperus rotundus. Los análisis de muestras de suelo y raíces indicaron que H. glycines se encuentra distribuido en todo el Valle del Cauca, presentando la zona sur (Candelaria, Palmira y Puerto Tejada las mayores poblaciones. Entre las especies evaluadas (malezas, cultivos, leguminosas forrajeras y silvestres, solamente Glycine max y Phaseolus vulgaris se consideraron como susceptibles a H. glycines raza 3. y P. angularis y P. multiflora permitieron muy poca infección y multiplicación del nemátodo.A nematode recognition of Heterodera glycines was focused on crops of soybean. Valle del Cauca was divided in three zones (northen, central and southern and 33 farms were visited. The results of the analysis on samples of soils and roots showe that Heterodera glycines is scattered throughout Valle del Cauca, being the southern zone (Palmira, Candelaria and Puerto Tejada the one having the highest standards in nematode population. Weeds showing a greater frequency percentage were : Digitaria horizontalis, Echinochloa colonum and Leptochloa filiformis, in the northen zone; Ipomoea hirta, Amaranthus dubius and Echinochloa colonum, in the central zone, and Ipomoea hirta, Portulaca oleracea and Cyperus rotundus, in the southern zone , From among the whole species evaluated (weeds, crops, leguminous a n d fodder plants, Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris were considered to be susceptible to H. Glycines race 3. Phaseolus angularis y P. multiflora let low population levels.

  14. Genetic variation of Anastrepha suspensa (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Florida and the Caribbean using microsatellite DNA markers. (United States)

    Boykin, Laura M; Shatters, Robert G; Hall, David G; Dean, David; Beerli, Peter


    Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), the Caribbean fruit fly, is indigenous to Florida and the Greater Antilles where it causes economic losses in fruit crops, including citrus. Because of the geographic separation of many of its native locations and anecdotal descriptions of regional differences in host preferences, there have been questions about the population structure of A. suspensa. Seven DNA microsatellite markers were used to characterize the population genetic structure of A. suspensa, in Florida and the Caribbean from a variety of hosts, including citrus. We genotyped 729 A. suspensa individuals from Florida, Puerto Rico, Cayman Island, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. The investigated seven loci displayed from 5 to 19 alleles, with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.05 to 0.83. There were five unique alleles in Florida and three unique alleles in the Caribbean samples; however, no microsatellite alleles were specific to a single host plant. Genetic diversity was analyzed using F(ST) and analysis of molecular variance and revealed low genetic diversity between Florida and Caribbean samples and also between citrus and noncitrus samples. Analyses using migrate revealed there is continuous gene flow between sampling sites in Florida and the Caribbean and among different hosts. These results support previous comparisons based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I locus indicating there is no genetic differentiation among locations in Florida and the Caribbean and that there is no separation into host races.

  15. Certification of solar products - The Florida experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Florida legislation enacted in 1976 directed the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) to develop standards for solar energy systems manufactured or sold in the state, establish criteria for testing the performance of solar energy systems, and provide a means to display compliance with approved performance tests for these systems. This mandate has been effectively implemented for both solar domestic water heating and solar pool heating systems. With growing interest and markets for photovoltaic systems, plans are presently being developed to expand the scope of the mandate to include photovoltaic technology. This paper discusses four complementary facets of a photovoltaic (PV) system certification program. They include PV module performance characterization and rating; PV system design review and approval; examination and authorization of photovoltaic system installers; and inspection and acceptance testing of PV system installation. The suggested photovoltaic system process builds on lessons learned from over 20 years of testing, certifying and labeling of solar thermal collectors, and the certification of solar thermal systems

  16. Range expansion of the Mayan cichlid, cichlasoma urophthalmus (pisces, cichlidae), above 28°N in Florida (United States)

    Paperno, R.; Ruiz-Carus, R.; Krebs, J.M.; McIvor, C.C.


    Introduced exotic species are a well-recognized problem in Florida's subtropical ecosystems. The presence of the exotic Mayan cichlid (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) was first confirmed in Florida in 1983, when numerous individuals were found in the northeastern Florida Bay. Since then, this species has continued to expand its range northward. The capture, beginning in October 2004 to present, of large numbers of Mayan cichlids from central Florida's east- and west-coast mangrove systems north of 28°N latitude is documented here. Mayan cichlids in a wide range of sizes (estimated ages 0-7 years) at both east- and west-coast sites were collected. In addition, macroscopic examination of gonads showed the presence of developing eggs. The occurrence of multiple age-classes, maturing individuals, cichlid nests, and juveniles, plus repeated collections over a four-year period, indicates that the Mayan cichlid is successfully reproducing and surviving the average winter temperatures in some estuarine waters in central Florida.

  17. Forest statistics for South Florida, 1970 (United States)

    Thomas R. Bellamy; Herbert A. Knight


    This report highlights the principal findings of the fourth Forest Survey of the timber resource in South Florida. The survey was started in February 1970 and completed in March 1970. Findings of the three previous surveys, completed in 1936, 1949, and 1959, provide the basis for measuring changes that have occurred and trends that have developed over the past 34...

  18. Análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia


    Dowd Aguirre, Jessica Alexandra; Tirado Naranjo, Lina María


    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia dado el desarrollo del sector y la importancia de este hidrocarburo como fuente alternativa de generación eléctrica. 73 p. Contenido parcial: Situación actual del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Expectativas del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Mercados de derivados sobre gas natural en Europa y Estados Unidos -- Mercado de gas natural ...

  19. Detección del virus de la leucosis bovina en ganado criollo colombiano mediante PCR-anidado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwin Yovanny Hernández-Herrera


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la presencia del virus de la leucosis bovina (VLB en 360 muestras de ADN de ocho razas bovinas criollas: Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS y San Martinero (SM, dos Razas Sintéticas Colombianas: Lucerna (LUC y Velásquez (VEL y dos razas foráneas: Brahmán (B y Holstein (H. Para la detección del pro-virus se amplificó una región del gen env viral, mediante PCR anidada. La presencia del VLB fue mayor en la raza HV seguido por ChS (83.3% y 60% respectivamente, VEL y LUC tuvieron el mismo porcentaje (50%, en CAS, CCC y CQT la presencia del virus fue de 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectivamente; no se encontró el virus en BON, SM y RS. En las razas foráneas la presencia fue de 83.3% para H y 6.7% para B. Se encontró dependencia altamente significativa entre la presencia del VLB y la raza, el sexo y región de origen de la muestra. El promedio de presencia en las razas criollas fue menor que en las foráneas, menor en los machos que en las hembras y en la región norte que en el suroccidente y el centro del país.

  20. AP Report to the Nation: A Closer Look at the Nation and Florida (United States)

    Sawtell, Ellen A.; Gillie, Jacqueline M.; Smith, Patricia Z.


    In February 2012, the College Board published The 8th Annual AP Report to the Nation. This session provides a deeper dive into key information for the United States with an emphasis on Florida, and participants hear how one school in Florida utilizes AP Potential™ to help build their AP Program. Participants also learn about AP participation and…

  1. 2005/2006 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: Peace River South (including Carter Creek) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of select areas within Southwest Florida. These data were produced for the Southwest Florida Water...

  2. 78 FR 68814 - Foreign-Trade Zone 32-Miami, Florida, Authorization of Production Activity, Brightstar... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Foreign-Trade Zones Board [B-68-2013] Foreign-Trade Zone 32--Miami, Florida, Authorization of Production Activity, Brightstar Corporation (Cell Phone Kitting), Miami, Florida On June 26, 2013, The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, grantee of FTZ 32, submitted a notification of proposed...

  3. Exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation and lung cancer risk in Florida

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stockwell, H.G.; Lyman, G.H.; Waltz, J.


    The phosphate deposits of central Florida contain levels of uranium and its daughter products 30-60 times greater than average soils. A case-control study was conducted to assess the risk of lung cancer associated with living on these phosphateic soils. Using the records of the state-wide Florida Cancer Data System to address this issue, all cases of lung cancer among Florida residents in 1981 were identified (n = 7049). Information was obtained regarding residence, age, sex, race, and smoking habits. Controls consisted of 6643 individuals with cancers of the colon or rectum. Residents of the central Florida phosphate region experienced a significant increase in lung cancer risk compared to other Florida residents (odds ratio (OR) = 1.4). Excess risks appeared concentrated among squamous cell cancer (OR = 1.6) and small cell cancer (OR = 1.6). When smoking habits as well as residential area was considered, no significant excess risk, associated with residence, was observed among nonsmokers or light smokers. Area residents smoking a pack or more per day experienced a 70% increase in lung cancer risk compared to individuals smoking a similar amount but living elsewhere. Highest risks were observed among persons with squamous cell cancer (OR = 2.1) and small cell cancer (OR = 2.5) who smoked more than 40 cigarettes a day. Results suggest exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation increases the lung cancer risk of residents of this area

  4. "Gender, Sexual, and Racial Trouble: The Crossroads of North American Freemasonry in the Twenty-First Century"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo de los Reyes Heredia


    Full Text Available Este ensayo plantea algunas preguntas sobre el estado actual del gÈnero, la raza y la sexualidad en la masonerÌa estadounidense. El objetivo de este artÌculo es sacar a la luz este tema poco estudiado y contribuir a la discusión creciente y muy necesaria sobre el género, la sexualidad y la masonerÌa. Se argumenta que los discursos sobre la tradiciÛn, la masculinidad y la antig ̧edad han mantenido a las mujeres, las minorÌas Ètnicas y los hombres abiertamente homosexuales fuera de la participación en la logia. Primero se va a discutir el aspecto racial, centr·ndose en la Prince Hall Freemasonry . Por otra parte, se analizar· el papel que ha jugado la masculinidad en la masonerÌa y cómo los masones han reaccionado a ella. Luego, se explorar· brevemente el papel que han desempeÒado las mujeres en la masonerÌa y la forma en que se han mantenido fuera de la principal corriente masÛnica, junto con otras minorÌas sexuales.

  5. Nocturnal and diurnal activity of armored suckermouth catfish (Loricariidae: Pterygoplichthys associated with wintering Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leo G. Nico


    Full Text Available Several Pterygoplichthys species, members of the Neotropical catfish family Loricariidae, have been widely introduced outside their native ranges. In this paper, I present observations on the diel activity pattern of non-native Pterygoplichthys, tentatively identified as P. disjunctivus, with respect to their attachment and grazing on endangered Florida manatees, Trichechus manatus latirostris. The study was conducted in December 2009 at Volusia Blue Spring, an artesianal spring system in the St. Johns River basin, Florida (USA. Supplemented by information gathered during previous visits to the spring site, this study revealed that adult Pterygoplichthys are active throughout the diel period (day, twilight and night. However, juvenile Pterygoplichthys were largely nocturnal and only at night did they consistently join adults in attaching to manatees. The juveniles generally remain hidden during the day, probably responding to presence of diurnal predators, mainly birds. Differences in diel behaviors among different Pterygoplichthys size classes in Florida are consistent with published observations on loricariids inhabiting clearwater streams within their native ranges.Várias espécies de Pterygoplichthys, siluriformes Neotropicais da família Loricariidae, tem sido largamente introduzidos além de suas áreas naturais de ocorrência. Neste artigo, eu apresento observações dos padrões de atividade diária de uma população não nativa de Pterygoplichthys, identificada tentativamente como P. disjunctivus, associados com a espécie ameaçada de peixe-boi nativa da Flórida, Trichechus manatus latirostris. O estudo foi conduzido em dezembro de 2009 em Volusia Blue Spring um sistema artesiano na bacia do rio St. John, Flórida (USA. Suplementado por informações reunidas durante visitas prévias ao sítio em análise, este estudo revelou que Pterygoplichthys adultos estiveram ativos durante a maioria dos períodos (dia, crepúsculo e noite. No

  6. 78 FR 5779 - Availability of Seats for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (United States)


    ... the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council AGENCY: Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA... applications for the following positions on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council...

  7. 77 FR 5492 - Availability of Seat for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (United States)


    ... the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council AGENCY: Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA... applications for the following positions on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council...

  8. Predicting Salmonella populations from biological, chemical, and physical indicators in Florida surface waters. (United States)

    McEgan, Rachel; Mootian, Gabriel; Goodridge, Lawrence D; Schaffner, Donald W; Danyluk, Michelle D


    Coliforms, Escherichia coli, and various physicochemical water characteristics have been suggested as indicators of microbial water quality or index organisms for pathogen populations. The relationship between the presence and/or concentration of Salmonella and biological, physical, or chemical indicators in Central Florida surface water samples over 12 consecutive months was explored. Samples were taken monthly for 12 months from 18 locations throughout Central Florida (n = 202). Air and water temperature, pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), turbidity, and conductivity were measured. Weather data were obtained from nearby weather stations. Aerobic plate counts and most probable numbers (MPN) for Salmonella, E. coli, and coliforms were performed. Weak linear relationships existed between biological indicators (E. coli/coliforms) and Salmonella levels (R(2) Florida surface water through logistic regression.

  9. Inferencias sobre Grafos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sira M. Allende


    Full Text Available El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el analizado en este trabajo. Algunos resultados experimentales obtenidos usando Recocido Simulado ilustran el procedimiento. Su papel en el estudio de modelos económicos y de mercadeo es discutido.

  10. Archive of bathymetry data collected in South Florida from 1995 to 2015 (United States)

    Hansen, Mark Erik; DeWitt, Nancy T.; Reynolds, Billy J.


    DescriptionLand development and alterations of the ecosystem in south Florida over the past 100 years have decreased freshwater and increased nutrient flows into many of Florida's estuaries, bays, and coastal regions. As a result, there has been a decrease in the water quality in many of these critical habitats, often prompting seagrass die-offs and reduced fish and aquatic life populations. Restoration of water quality in many of these habitats will depend partly upon using numerical-circulation and sediment-transport models to establish water-quality targets and to assess progress toward reaching restoration targets. Application of these models is often complicated because of complex sea floor topography and tidal flow regimes. Consequently, accurate and modern sea-floor or bathymetry maps are critical for numerical modeling research. Modern bathymetry data sets will also permit a comparison to historical data in order to help assess sea-floor changes within these critical habitats. New and detailed data sets also support marine biology studies to help understand migratory and feeding habitats of marine life.This data series is a compilation of 13 mapping projects conducted in south Florida between 1995 and 2015 and archives more than 45 million bathymetric soundings. Data were collected primarily with a single beam sound navigation and ranging (sonar) system called SANDS developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1993. Bathymetry data for the Estero Bay project were supplemented with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL) system. Data from eight rivers in southwest Florida were collected with an interferometric swath bathymetry system. The projects represented in this data series were funded by the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP), the USGS South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Project- formally named Placed Based Studies, and other non-Federal agencies. The purpose of

  11. 75 FR 3444 - Availability of Seats for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (United States)


    ... the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council AGENCY: Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA... applications for the following vacant seats on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council...

  12. 76 FR 4868 - Availability of Seats for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (United States)


    ... the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council AGENCY: Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA... applications for the following vacant positions on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council...

  13. 76 FR 40336 - Availability of Seats for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (United States)


    ... the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council AGENCY: Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA... applications for the following vacant positions on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council...

  14. 75 FR 17463 - Key West Bank, Key West, Florida; Notice of Appointment of Receiver (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Office of Thrift Supervision Key West Bank, Key West, Florida; Notice... section 5(d)(2) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, the Office of Thrift Supervision has duly appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as sole Receiver for Key West Bank, Key West, Florida, (OTS No...

  15. Tracking costs of alternatively fueled buses in Florida. (United States)


    The goal of the current project is to establish a recording and reporting mechanism for collecting field data on the performance and costs of alternatively fueled public transit vehicles operating in Florida in order to assist policy makers with thei...

  16. Two new promising cultivars of mango for Florida (United States)

    Mango cultivars are mostly the result of random selections from open pollinated chance seedlings of indigenous or introduced germplasm. The National Germplasm Repository (genebank) at the Subtropical Horticulture Research Station (SHRS) in Miami, Florida is an important mango germplasm repository an...

  17. Heavy metals in recovered fines from construction and demolition debris recycling facilities in Florida. (United States)

    Townsend, Timothy; Tolaymat, Thabet; Leo, Kevin; Jambeck, Jenna


    A major product recovered from the processing and recycling of construction and demolition (C&D) debris is screened soil, also referred to as fines. A proposed reuse option for C&D debris fines is fill material, typically in construction projects as a substitute for natural soil. Waste material that is reused in a manner similar to soil must first be characterized to examine potential risks to human health and the environment. In Florida, samples of C&D debris fines from 13 C&D debris recycling facilities were characterized for 11 total and leachable heavy metal concentrations. Total metal concentration results (mg/kg) were compared to existing data on background Florida soil concentrations and to Florida's risk-based soil cleanup target levels (SCTLs). All of the detected metals were found to be elevated with respect to background. The 95% upper confidence level of arsenic from 99 samples was 3.2 mg/kg; arsenic presented the greatest limitation to reuse when compared to the SCTLs. Lead was not found to pose a major problem, likely because of the relatively new building infrastructure in Florida, which results in less demolition debris and less material impacted by lead-based paint. The results of batch leaching tests conducted using simulated rainwater (mg/l) were compared directly to risk-based groundwater levels for Florida and were found not to pose a risk using existing risk assessment policies.

  18. Florida's "truth" campaign: a counter-marketing, anti-tobacco media campaign. (United States)

    Zucker, D; Hopkins, R S; Sly, D F; Urich, J; Kershaw, J M; Solari, S


    The "truth" campaign was created to change youth attitudes about tobacco and to reduce teen tobacco use throughout Florida by using youth-driven advertising, public relations, and advocacy. Results of the campaign include a 92 percent brand awareness rate among teens, a 15 percent rise in teens who agree with key attitudinal statements about smoking, a 19.4 percent decline in smoking among middle school students, and a 8.0 percent decline among high school students. States committed to results-oriented youth anti-tobacco campaigns should look to Florida's "truth" campaign as a model that effectively places youth at the helm of anti-tobacco efforts.

  19. Realistic evaluation of tester exposure based on Florida testing experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreiber, R.A.


    This paper reports on a radon decay product exposure model for Florida Certified Radon Measurement Technicians that has been formulated based on the guidance of 10CFR20. This model was used to estimate the exposure of 44 Florida measurement technicians from January through November of 1989. Comparing estimated testing and home exposure shows that 100% of the technicians observed received more exposure in the home than during testing activities. Exposure during normal office hours also exceed testing exposure in 86% of the technicians observed. Health and safety exposure data for radon measurement technicians does not follow the standard concepts of occupational radiation exposure normally accepted in 10CFR20

  20. The Integration of Climate Science and Collaborative Processes in Building Regional Climate Resiliency in Southeast Florida (United States)

    Jurado, J.


    Southeast Florida is widely recognized as one of the most vulnerable regions in the United States to the impacts of climate change, especially sea level rise. Dense urban populations, low land elevations, flat topography, complex shorelines and a porous geology all contribute to the region's challenges. Regional and local governments have been working collaboratively to address shared climate mitigation and adaptation concerns as part of the four-county Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact (Compact). This partnership has emphasized, in part, the use of climate data and the development of advanced technical tools and visualizations to help inform decision-making, improve communications, and guide investments. Prominent work products have included regional vulnerability maps and assessments, a unified sea level rise projection for southeast Florida, the development and application of hydrologic models in scenario planning, interdisciplinary resilient redesign planning workshops, and the development of regional climate indicators. Key to the Compact's efforts has been the engagement and expertise of academic and agency partners, including a formal collaboration between the Florida Climate Institute and the Compact to improve research and project collaborations focused on southeast Florida. This presentation will focus on the collaborative processes and work products that have served to accelerate resiliency planning and investments in southeast Florida, with specific examples of how local governments are using these work products to modernize agency processes, and build support among residents and business leaders.

  1. Management of pest mole crickets in Florida and Puerto Rico with a nematode and parasitic wasp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leppla, N.C.; Frank, J.H.; Adjei, M.B.; Vicente, N.E.


    Non-indigenous invasive mole crickets, Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) in Florida and S. didactylus (Latreille) (the 'changa') in Puerto Rico, are being managed with an entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema scapterisci (Nguyen and Smart) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), and a parasitic wasp, Larra bicolor L. (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Pest mole cricket populations have declined by 95% in north central Florida since these specialist natural enemies were released and established in the 1980s. Commercial production of the nematode was initiated, nearly 70 billion were applied in 34 Florida counties, and their establishment, spread, and impact on mole crickets were monitored. The infected mole crickets dispersed the nematode rapidly, so that within 6 months these parasites were present in most of the insects trapped in experimental pastures. Three years later, mole cricket populations were reduced to acceptable levels and the bahiagrass had recovered. The nematode was released for the first time in Puerto Rico during 2001 and has persisted; the wasp was introduced in the late 1930s. The geographical distribution of the wasp is being expanded in Florida and Puerto Rico by planting plots of Spermacoce verticillata (L.), a wildflower indigenous to Puerto Rico and widely distributed in southern Florida. Pastures, sod farms, golf courses, landscapes, and vegetable farms in Florida and Puerto Rico are benefiting from biological control of invasive mole crickets. (author) [es

  2. Conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria en pacientes hospitalizados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Otto Guillen Lopez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria (IU en pacientes hospitalizados. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo; se entrevistó una muestra por saturación de 325 pacientes hospitalizados de 30 años a más del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH, Lima - Perú, utilizando un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre incontinencia, considerándose como adecuado conocimiento cuando había más de 50% de aciertos en él. Resultados: Solamente 35.7% tuvieron conocimiento adecuado sobre IU. Hasta 90% conocía acerca del éxito del tratamiento y posibilidad de curación de los pacientes incontinentes. Sin embargo, 75% consideraron erróneamente que la IU era consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento, mientras menos de 50% de pacientes conocía el papel de ciertos medicamentos y ejercicios en la IU. Conclusiones: Se demostró un pobre conocimiento general sobre la IU, siendo necesaria una intervención de los profesionales de la salud en la educación de la población, sobre todo hospitalizada y con factores predisponentes para desarrollar IU, para así poder modificar las ideas erróneas que existen sobre el tema. (Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 186-194.

  3. 76 FR 36150 - Notice of Inventory Completion: Florida Department of State/Division of Historical Resources... (United States)


    ....A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory and Dr. John Krigbaum, University of Florida, Department of... described as a multi-component black earth midden deposit on a relict Everglades tree island, associated... to the Florida Department of State/Division of Historical Resources for identification pending...

  4. Public participation in environmental decision-making: a case study of ecosystem restoration in South FloridaPublic participation in environmental decision-making: a case study of ecosystem restoration in South Florida


    Ogden, Laura


    The “ecosystem” is the conceptual model guiding environmental restoration projects in the Florida Everglades, a large wetlands region in the southern United States. According to applied ecological frameworks, ecosystems are geographies (of various temporal and spatial scales) where systemic interrelationships of organisms and habitat occur. With current project estimates at 14.8 billion dollars, ecosystem restoration in South Florida represents one of the largest and most expensive environmen...

  5. Tobacco Industry Political Power and Influence in Florida From 1979 to 1999


    Givel, Michael S. Ph.D.; Glantz, Stanton A. Ph.D.


    The tobacco industry is a major political and legal force in Florida through campaign contributions, public relations efforts, lobbying and litigation, which at least from the late 1970s, has had a centralized political organization in Florida that defends and promotes its political and economic interests at the local and state levels of government. Although the industry has operated in the open in some political campaigns, it has also operated quietly behind the scenes, often through front g...

  6. Uruguay Mining inventory. Florida fotoplano geochemical prospecting results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Artignan, D.; Vairon, P.


    This work is about the geochemical prospecting carried out in Florida fotoplano within the framework of Uruguay Mining inventory. In this work were covered 660 km2 obtaining 752 samples for study which were analyzed by Plasma Emission Spectrometry in Orleans BRGM laboratories

  7. Daytona Beach, Florida Tsunami Forecast Grids for MOST Model (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Daytona Beach, Florida Forecast Model Grids provides bathymetric data strictly for tsunami inundation modeling with the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model....

  8. Palm Beach, Florida Tsunami Forecast Grids for MOST Model (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Palm Beach, Florida Forecast Model Grids provides bathymetric data strictly for tsunami inundation modeling with the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model....

  9. Identifying suitable sites for Florida panther reintroduction (United States)

    Thatcher, Cindy A.; van Manen, Frank T.; Clark, Joseph D.


    A major objective of the 1995 Florida Panther (Puma concolor cory) Recovery Plan is the establishment of 2 additional panther populations within the historic range. Our goal was to identify prospective sites for Florida panther reintroduction within the historic range based on quantitative landscape assessments. First, we delineated 86 panther home ranges using telemetry data collected from 1981 to 2001 in south Florida to develop a Mahalanobis distance (D2) habitat model, using 4 anthropogenic variables and 3 landscape variables mapped at a 500-m resolution. From that analysis, we identified 9 potential reintroduction sites of sufficient size to support a panther population. We then developed a similar D2 model at a higher spatial resolution to quantify the area of favorable panther habitat at each site. To address potential for the population to expand, we calculated the amount of favorable habitat adjacent to each prospective reintroduction site within a range of dispersal distances of female panthers. We then added those totals to the contiguous patches to estimate the total amount of effective panther habitat at each site. Finally, we developed an expert-assisted model to rank and incorporate potentially important habitat variables that were not appropriate for our empirical analysis (e.g., area of public lands, livestock density). Anthropogenic factors heavily influenced both the landscape and the expert-assisted models. Of the 9 areas we identified, the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Ozark National Forest, and Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge regions had the highest combination of effective habitat area and expert opinion scores. Sensitivity analyses indicated that variability among key model parameters did not affect the high ranking of those sites. Those sites should be considered as starting points for the field evaluation of potential reintroduction sites.

  10. Florida intercity high speed rail passenger service

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Najafi, F.T.; Watford, S.; Moore, G.; Des, A. [Florida Univ., Gainesville, FL (United States). Dept. of Civil Engineering


    Plans for a new high-speed rail (HSR) transportation system in Florida were reviewed. HSR is believed to be the least expensive, most energy-efficient and least environmentally harmful alternative to air and highway travel. The system in Florida will be used as a case study to determine its overall impact on the environment, people and economy. The 300-plus mile system will move travelers at speeds of over 200 mph between Miami, Orlando, and Tampa. The study will identify the impacts of a HSR system on existing transportation networks, environment, energy, growth and growth distribution, safety, economy, travel time, and tourism. Transportation problems and the innovative mechanisms needed to realize the joint public and private venture approach to planning, locating, permitting, managing, financing, constructing and maintaining an inter-regional HSR line for the state were studied. The all-electric train would greatly help the environment in two ways: (1) zero emissions from the train itself, and (2) the reduction of trips by automobile and aircraft would reduce the amount of fuel and energy being used. 4 refs., 1 fig.

  11. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Florida Panhandle: T_MAMMAL (Terrestrial Mammal Polygons) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains sensitive biological resource data for beach mice, red wolf, and Florida black bear for the Florida Panhandle. Vector polygons in this data...

  12. Key West, Florida Tsunami Forecast Grids for MOST Model (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Key West, Florida Forecast Model Grids provides bathymetric data strictly for tsunami inundation modeling with the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model. MOST...

  13. Florida DOT Orlando ITS World Congress Vehicle Awareness Device (United States)

    Department of Transportation — Florida DOT (FDOT) installed Vehicle Awareness Devices (VADs) on a set of Lynx transit buses as part of a demonstration for the ITS World Congress held in Orlando in...

  14. The rights of a Florida wife: slavery, U.S. expansion, and married women's property law. (United States)

    Clark, Laurel A


    Civil law rules were adopted in Florida that granted married women property rights long before legal reforms occurred in northern states. This article analyzes white wives' property and law in Florida between 1820 and 1860. Initially, married women's property rights were inadvertently protected by treaty law and limited to women who married before 1818. Wives' right to own separate property in Florida was subsequently reconfirmed in statute and extended to include later marriages. In contrast, nonwhites generally lost the rights and property they had enjoyed under Spain's civil law in the same period. This contrast reveals that in Florida (and other southern borderlands) it was not concern for women, or simply legal precedent, but the desire to incorporate new territory and expand slavery that influenced the development of marital property law. This challenges previous histories, which have excluded the earlier acts in the Southern borderlands and emphasized those passed in the Northeast beginning in the late 1840s. While those later acts were influenced by the early woman's rights movement and by concern for families reduced to poverty during the rise of market capitalism, this case study indicates that expansion of United States territory and slavery were responsible for the earlier married women's property rights in southern borderland territories such as Florida.

  15. Population viability analysis of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), 1976-1991 (United States)

    Marmontel, M.; Humphrey, S.R.; O'Shea, T.J.


    Recent development of age-determination techniques for Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) has permitted derivation of age-specific data on reproduction and survival of a sample of 1212 carcasses obtained throughout Florida from 1976–1991. Population viability analysis using these data projects a slightly negative growth rate (−0.003) and an unacceptably low probability of persistence (0.44) over 1000 years. The main factors affecting population projections were adult survival and fecundity. A 10% increase in adult mortality would drive the population to extinction over a 1000-year time scale, whereas a 10% decrease in adult mortality would allow slow population growth. A 10% decrease in reproduction would also result in extinction. We conclude that management must focus on retaining and improving the conditions under which manatee demography operates. The major identified agent of mortality is boat-manatee collisions, and rapidly increasing numbers of humans and registered boats portend an increase in manatee mortality. Zoning of manatee-occupied waters for reductions in boating activity and speed is essential to safeguard the manatee population. If boating regulations being implemented by the state of Florida in each of 13 key coastal counties are completed, enforced, and effective, manatees and human recreation could coexist indefinitely. If regulation is unsuccessful, the Florida manatee population is likely to decline slowly toward extinction.


    Alterations in freshwater inflow resulting from watershed development and water management practices have impacted salinity and water quality and led to declines in oyster populations within southwest Florida estuaries. In the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida watershed management ...

  17. Volume transport data from a submarine cable in the Florida Strait from 2015 (NCEI Accession 0140278) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Daily mean and raw voltage volume transport data of the Florida Current collected with a submarine cable spanning from South Florida to the Grand Bahama Island in...

  18. Volume transport data from a submarine cable in the Florida Strait from 2016 (NCEI Accession 0159429) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Daily mean and raw voltage volume transport data of the Florida Current collected with a submarine cable spanning from South Florida to the Grand Bahama Island in...

  19. Volume transport data from a submarine cable in the Florida Strait in 2014 (NODC Accession 0125429) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Daily mean and raw voltage volume transport data of the Florida Current collected with a submarine cable spanning from South Florida to the Grand Bahama Island in...

  20. 76 FR 77775 - University of Florida, et al.; (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration University of Florida, et al.; Notice of Consolidated Decision on Applications for Duty-Free Entry of Electron Microscope This is a decision consolidated pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Materials Importation Act of...

  1. Tracking costs of alternatively fueled buses in Florida : [summary]. (United States)


    In an effort to address rising fuel costs and environmental concerns, many transit agencies across Florida have introduced alternative fuel technologies to their traditional diesel-powered fleets. Fuel types include biodiesel, compressed natural gas,...

  2. 75 FR 54400 - Florida Power and Light Company; Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (United States)


    ...] Florida Power and Light Company; Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Pursuant to delegation..., notice is hereby given that an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) is being established to preside over the following proceeding: Florida Power & Light Company (Turkey Point Units 6 and 7) This...

  3. Steam explosion and fermentation of sugar beets from Southern Florida and the Midwestern United States (United States)

    Sugar beets have recently gained interest for cultivation in southern Florida for their economic potential as cattle feed, a feedstock for ethanol production and their use to improve the quality of water via soil nutrient accumulation. Sugar beets grown in southern Florida, Minnesota and Nebraska we...

  4. The "Phantom Costs" of Florida's Citrus Industry


    Muraro, Ronald P.; Roka, Fritz M.; Spreen, Thomas H.


    Regulatory compliance, the "phantom costs of production," is an increasingly "fact-of-life" for U.S. agriculture. A survey was developed and implemented to enumerate regulatory compliance costs for Florida's 748,500 acres citrus industry. Complying with 61 production related regulations, 643,757 hours were expended at a total annual cost of over $24.3 million.

  5. Predicting Salmonella Populations from Biological, Chemical, and Physical Indicators in Florida Surface Waters


    McEgan, Rachel; Mootian, Gabriel; Goodridge, Lawrence D.; Schaffner, Donald W.; Danyluk, Michelle D.


    Coliforms, Escherichia coli, and various physicochemical water characteristics have been suggested as indicators of microbial water quality or index organisms for pathogen populations. The relationship between the presence and/or concentration of Salmonella and biological, physical, or chemical indicators in Central Florida surface water samples over 12 consecutive months was explored. Samples were taken monthly for 12 months from 18 locations throughout Central Florida (n = 202). Air and wat...

  6. Blue Carbon Sequestration in Florida Coastal Wetlands - Response to Recent Climate Change and Holocene Climate Variability (United States)

    Vaughn, D.; Bianchi, T. S.; Osborne, T.; Shields, M. R.; Kenney, W.


    Intertidal forests and salt marshes represent a major component of Florida's coasts and are essential to the health and integrity of coastal Florida's ecological and economic systems. In addition, coastal wetlands have been recognized as highly efficient carbon sinks with their ability to store carbon on time scales from centuries to millennia. Although losses of salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrass beds through both natural and anthropogenic forces are threatening their ability to act as carbon sinks globally, the poleward encroachment of mangroves into higher latitude salt marshes may lead to regional increases in carbon sequestration as mangroves store more carbon than salt marshes. For Florida, this encroachment of mangroves into salt marshes is prominent along the northern coasts where fewer freeze events have coincided with an increase in mangrove extent over the past several decades. Soil cores collected from a northeastern Florida wetland will allow us to determine whether the recent poleward encroachment of mangroves into northern Florida salt marshes has led to an increase in belowground carbon storage. The soil cores, which are approximately two to three meters in length, will also provide the first known record of carbon storage in a northern Florida wetland during the Holocene. Initial results from the top 40 cm, which represents 100 years based on dating of other northern Florida wetland cores, suggest more carbon is currently being stored within the transition between marsh and mangrove than in areas currently covered by salt marsh vegetation or mangroves. The transitional zone also has a much larger loss of carbon within the top 40 cm compared to the mangrove and marsh cores. Lignin-based degradation indices along with other biomarker data and 210Pb/137Cs ages will be presented to demonstrate how much of this loss of carbon may be related to degradation and how much may be related to changes in carbon sources.

  7. Heavy metals in recovered fines from construction and demolition debris recycling facilities in Florida

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Townsend, Timothy; Tolaymat, Thabet; Leo, Kevin; Jambeck, Jenna


    A major product recovered from the processing and recycling of construction and demolition (C and D) debris is screened soil, also referred to as fines. A proposed reuse option for C and D debris fines is fill material, typically in construction projects as a substitute for natural soil. Waste material that is reused in a manner similar to soil must first be characterized to examine potential risks to human health and the environment. In Florida, samples of C and D debris fines from 13 C and D debris recycling facilities were characterized for 11 total and leachable heavy metal concentrations. Total metal concentration results (mg/kg) were compared to existing data on background Florida soil concentrations and to Florida's risk-based soil cleanup target levels (SCTLs). All of the detected metals were found to be elevated with respect to background. The 95% upper confidence level of arsenic from 99 samples was 3.2 mg/kg; arsenic presented the greatest limitation to reuse when compared to the SCTLs. Lead was not found to pose a major problem, likely because of the relatively new building infrastructure in Florida, which results in less demolition debris and less material impacted by lead-based paint. The results of batch leaching tests conducted using simulated rainwater (mg/l) were compared directly to risk-based groundwater levels for Florida and were found not to pose a risk using existing risk assessment policies


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayuri P. Tamura M.


    Full Text Available «Disertación sobre equidad y justicia» es básicamente una respuesta a una inquietud en particular que yo tenía sobre las distintas posiciones que existen sobre estos dos temas y cómo definir cuál es la más acertada. Hice una descripción del punto de vista de Amartya Sen –la violación de los derechos sobre la propiedad privada es justificable si evitan las hambrunas2– frente al de Robert Nozick –la propiedad privada es un derecho fundamental y como tal debe ser respetado3–, sin embargo, aunque ambos enfoques son totalmente contrarios tienen mucho sentido, por lo cual es bastante difícil decidirse por uno en particular. Fue de esta forma, enfrentando sus opiniones, que yo logré desarrollar una posición frente a estas dos perspectivas, y así dar mi opinión al DISERTACIÓN SOBRE JUSTICIA Y EQUIDAD SAYURI P. TAMURA M. Estudiante de Economía y Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad ICESI. respecto. Al final, llegué a una conclusión, que aunque no es la más original y tampoco es la única, tiene mucho sentido y seguramente de ser posible, la situación del país podría cambiar para bien.

  9. Descolonizar os livros didáticos: raça, gênero e colonialidade nos livros de educação do campo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Medeiros de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Descolonizar el pensamiento es una lucha fundamental del movimiento de la educación rural, es una forma de resistencia y re-existencia de conocimientos y formas de vida. En vista de que la subordinación de los saberes del campo se produce por el monopolio y la visibilidad del conocimiento euro-occidental, así como por la descalificación y la invisibilidad del saber campesino, este artículo se centra en los libros del Programa Nacional de Libros Didáticos (PNLD del educación campo, prestando atención a los conocimientos y las formas de vida que se presentan y para cómo se presentan. A través de la selección y el análisis de los acontecimientos imagéticos y textuales, son discutidas las jerarquías del conocimiento y de formas de vida en el material en cuestión. El artículo resulta de una investigación sobre raza y género en el PNLD del educación campo, lanzado en 2013. Por el análisis de todos los libros del programa, la investigación revela dos eventos centrales en las formas en que la raza y el género performam estos libros: la colonialidad del saber y el estilo politicamente correcto.

  10. 15 CFR Appendix I to Subpart P of... - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary... OF COMMERCE OCEAN AND COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY PROGRAM REGULATIONS Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Pt. 922, Subpt. P, App. I Appendix I to Subpart P of Part 922...

  11. Impacts of Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne on Two Nourished Beaches along the Southeast Florida Coast

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benedet, L.; Campbell, T.; Finkl, C.W.; Stive, M.J.F.; Spadoni, R.


    Site inspections and beacli profile surveys of nourislied beaclies in the city of Boca Raton, and Town of Palm Beach, Florida show that the nourished beaches protected the shore from hurricane impacts in 2004. Striking the southeast coast of Florida within 20 days of each other. Hurricane Frances

  12. 75 FR 42432 - Northern Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC... (United States)


    ... Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, Transcontinental... abandonment of facilities by Northern Natural Gas Company, Southern Natural Gas Company, Florida Gas... resources, fisheries, and wetlands; Cultural resources; Vegetation and wildlife; Endangered and threatened...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongqin Xue


    Full Text Available In Florida, soils are mainly composed of Myakka, an acid soil characterized by a subsurface accumulation of humus and Al(III and Fe(III oxides. Downgradient of the landfills in Northwest Florida, elevated levels of iron and arsenic observations had been made in the groundwater from monitoring wells, which was attributed to the geomicrobial iron and arsenic reduction. There is thus an immediate research need for a better understanding of the reduction reactions that are responsible for the mobilization of iron and arsenic in the subsurface soil nearby landfills. Owing to the high Fe(III oxide content, As(V adsorption reactions with Fe(III oxide surfaces are particularly important, which may control As(V reduction. This research focused on the investigation of the biogeochemical processes of the subsurface soil nearby landfills of Northwest Florida. Arsenic and iron reduction was studied in batch reactors and quantified based on Monod-type microbial kinetic growth simulations. As(V adsorption in iron-rich Northwest Floridian soils was further investigated to explain the reduction observations. It was demonstrated in this research that solubilization of arsenic in the subsurface soil nearby landfills in Northwest Florida would likely occur under conditions favoring Fe(III dissimilatory reduction.

  14. The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (United States)

    Misra, Vasubandhu; Moeller, Lauren; Stefanova, Lydia; Chan, Steven; O'Brien, James J.; Smith, Thomas J.; Plant, Nathaniel


    In this paper we examine the variations of the boreal summer season sea breeze circulation along the Florida panhandle coast from relatively high resolution (10 km) regional climate model integrations. The 23 year climatology (1979–2001) of the multidecadal dynamically downscaled simulations forced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–Department of Energy (NCEP-DOE) Reanalysis II at the lateral boundaries verify quite well with the observed climatology. The variations at diurnal and interannual time scales are also well simulated with respect to the observations. We show from composite analyses made from these downscaled simulations that sea breezes in northwestern Florida are associated with changes in the size of the Atlantic Warm Pool (AWP) on interannual time scales. In large AWP years when the North Atlantic Subtropical High becomes weaker and moves further eastward relative to the small AWP years, a large part of the southeast U.S. including Florida comes under the influence of relatively strong anomalous low-level northerly flow and large-scale subsidence consistent with the theory of the Sverdrup balance. This tends to suppress the diurnal convection over the Florida panhandle coast in large AWP years. This study is also an illustration of the benefit of dynamic downscaling in understanding the low-frequency variations of the sea breeze.

  15. Status and threats analysis for the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), 2016 (United States)

    Runge, Michael C.; Sanders-Reed, Carol A.; Langtimm, Catherine A.; Hostetler, Jeffrey A.; Martin, Julien; Deutsch, Charles J.; Ward-Geiger, Leslie I.; Mahon, Gary L.


    Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee), especially T. m. latirostris, the Florida subspecies, has been the focus of conservation efforts and extensive research since its listing under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. To determine the status of, and severity of threats to, the Florida manatee, a comprehensive revision and update of the manatee Core Biological Model was completed and used to perform a population viability analysis for the Florida manatee. The probability of the Florida manatee population falling below 500 adults on either the Gulf or East coast within the next 100 years was estimated to be 0.42 percent. This risk of quasi-extinction is low because the estimated adult survival rates are high, the current population size is greater than 2,500 on each coast, and the estimated carrying capacity for manatees is much larger than the current abundance estimates in all four regions of Florida. Three threats contribute in roughly equal measures to the risk of quasi-extinction: watercraft-related mortality, red-tide mortality, and loss of warm-water habitat. Only an increase in watercraft-related mortality has the potential to substantially increase the risk of quasi-extinction at the statewide or coastal level. Expected losses of warm-water habitat are likely to cause a major change in the distribution of the population from the regions where manatees rely heavily on power plant effluents for warmth in winter (Southwest and Atlantic regions) to the regions where manatees primarily use natural springs in winter (Northwest and Upper St. Johns regions). The chances are nearly 50 percent that manatee populations in the Southwest and Atlantic regions will decrease from their 2011 levels by at least 30 percent over the next century.A large number of scenarios were examined to explore the possible effects of potential emerging threats, and in most of them, the risk of quasi-extinction at the coastal scale within 100 years did not rise above 1 percent. The four

  16. Economic impact on the Florida economy of energy price spikes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mory, J.F.


    A substantial disturbance in oil supplies is likely to generate a large price upsurge and a downturn in the level of economic activity. Each of these two effects diminishes demand by a certain amount. The specific price surge required to reduce demand to the lower level of supply can be calculated with an oil demand function and with empirical estimations of the association between price spikes and declines in economic activity. The first section presents an energy demand model for Florida, which provides the price and income elasticities needed. The second section includes theoretical explanations and empirical estimations of the relationship between price spikes and recessions. Based on historical evidence, it seems that Florida's and the nation's economic systems are very sensitive to oil price surges. As price spikes appear damaging to the economy, it could be expected that reductions in the price of oil are beneficial to the system. That is likely to be the case in the long run, but no empirical evidence of favorable short-term effects of oil price decreases was found. Several possible explanations and theoretical reasons are offered to explain this lack of association. The final section presents estimates of the effect of oil disruptions upon specific industries in Florida and the nation

  17. The MAFLA (Mississippi, Alabama, Florida) Study, Grain Size Analyses (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The MAFLA (Mississippi, Alabama, Florida) Study was funded by NOAA as part of the Outer Continental Shelf Program. Dr. L.J. Doyle produced grain size analyses in the...

  18. 2012 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: Lake Manatee (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Geographic Information System (GIS). Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) regularly uses digital topographic information to support regulatory, land...

  19. Estudio molecular preliminar de accesiones de maíz (Zea maysL. criollo e indígena Colombiano, utilizando una región de ADN cloroplástico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ediel Armando Revelo Portilla


    Full Text Available Se exploró en forma preliminar la diversidad genética existente en las 23 razas de maíz criollo e indígena descritas para Colombia por Roberts y colaboradores (1957, para el efecto se evaluaron 28 cebadores nucleares y cloroplásticos. Catorce de ellos amplificaron en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR y fueron enviados para secuenciar a Macrogen Inc. (Corea. Mediante programas bioinformáticos (BioEdit 7.1.0, ClustalW versión 1.81, EditPlus Text Editor versión 3.20 y Gblock 0.91b 8 se encontró que ocho de estos cebadores presentaron un nivel alto de polimorfismo. La región genómica cloroplástica AtpB-1-RbcL-1 mostró el mayor polimorfismo y por tanto se utilizó para evaluar 23 materiales representativos de las 23 razas conservadas en el Banco de Germoplasma del CIMMYT (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo en México. Con el análisis de secuencias se revalidaron y confrontaron los grupos raciales obtenidos en el presente estudio -tres razas primitivas, siete razas probablemente introducidas, y 13 razas híbridas colombianas- con aquellos establecidos por Roberts y colaboradores, en los cuales se encontraron dos razas primitivas, nueve probablemente introducidas y 12 híbridas colombianas y con los grupos establecidos por Cardona (2010 utilizando la metodología Ward-MLM para los mismos caracteres descritos por Roberts et al. (1957, donde se encontraron cinco razas primitivas, siete probablemente introducidas y nueve híbridas colombianas. Con base en lo anterior, en el presente trabajo se hizo un aporte metodológico para revalidar datos históricos y redefinir grupos raciales.

  20. Classroom and Field Experiments for Florida's Environmental Resources. (United States)

    Lewis, Jim

    This booklet is intended to help teachers in Florida manage the growing interest in environmental education. Fourteen experiments are grouped into the environmental areas of the water cycle, groundwater, water pollution, waste and water treatment, air pollution, and field experiments. Experiments include demonstrations of the water cycle, the…

  1. Ridership impacts of South Florida's EASY smart card : [summary]. (United States)


    Transit agencies across the U.S. increasingly are replacing electronic fare reading systems with Advanced Fare Collection (AFC) or smart card systems. In 2009, Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) was the first Florida transit agency to deploy AFC, branded...

  2. Soil macroinvertebrates along a successional gradient in central Florida

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Frouz, Jan; Ali, A.


    Roč. 87, č. 3 (2004), s. 386-390 ISSN 0015-4040 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6066911 Keywords : soil macroinvertebrates * successional gradient * central Florida Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour Impact factor: 0.786, year: 2004

  3. Audit Report on "The Department of Energy's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- Florida State Energy Program"

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) provides grants to states, territories, and the District of Columbia to support their energy priorities through the State Energy Program (SEP). The SEP provides Federal financial assistance to carry out energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that meet each state's unique energy needs while also addressing national goals such as energy security. Federal funding is based on a grant formula that takes into account population and energy consumption. The SEP emphasizes the state's role as the decision maker and administrator for the program. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) expanded the SEP, authorizing $3.1 billion in grants. Based on existing grant formulas and after reviewing state-level plans, EERE made awards to states. The State of Florida's Energy Office (Florida) was allocated $126 million - a 90-fold increase over Florida's average annual SEP grant of $1.4 million. Per the Recovery Act, this funding must be obligated by September 30, 2010, and spent by April 30, 2012. As of March 10, 2010, Florida had expended $13.2 million of the SEP Recovery Act funds. Florida planned to use its grant funds to undertake activities that would preserve and create jobs; save energy; increase renewable energy sources; and, reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To accomplish Recovery Act objectives, states could either fund new or expand existing projects. As a condition of the awards, EERE required states to develop and implement sound internal controls over the use of Recovery Act funds. Based on the significant increase in funding from the Recovery Act, we initiated this review to determine whether Florida had internal controls in place to provide assurance that the goals of the SEP and Recovery Act will be met and accomplished efficiently and effectively. We identified weaknesses in the implementation of SEP Recovery Act projects that

  4. Perspectives on Recent Refugees and Immigrant Waves into South Florida. Occasional Papers Series, Dialogues #6. (United States)

    Jorge, Antonio; And Others

    Six papers presented at a 1982 forum on Latin American and Caribbean migration to South Florida are collected in this document. Their titles (and authors) are: (1) "Refugees and Immigrants: The Last Two Decades" (Antonio Jorge); (2) "U.S. Refugee and Immigration Policy and Its Effect on South Florida" (Alex Stepick); (3)…

  5. Somos un envase : Discursos sobre el aborto


    Löcher, Jennifer Irene


    No hay persona que no tenga opinión acerca del asunto y, cada vez más, la sociedad argentina debate sobre la pregunta de si se debe legalizar/despenalizar el aborto o no. Nunca antes se habló tanto sobre el tema públicamente: se publican artículos en los diarios, hay manifestaciones a favor y hay manifestaciones en contra de la legalización del aborto. El siguiente trabajo pretende relevar y analizar discursos que circulan socialmente alrededor del debate sobre el aborto. (Párrafo extraíd...

  6. Risk in daily newspaper coverage of red tide blooms in Southwest Florida. (United States)

    Li, Zongchao; Garrison, Bruce; Ullmann, Steven G; Kirkpatrick, Barbara; Fleming, Lora E; Hoagland, Porter

    This study investigated newspaper coverage of Florida red tide blooms in four metropolitan areas of Southwest Florida during a 25-year period, 1987-2012. We focused on how journalists framed red tide stories with respect to environmental risk, health risk, and economic risk. We determined risk to be a key factor in this news coverage, being an aspect of coverage of red tide itself in terms of environmental risk, tourism risk, and public health risk. The study found that red tide news coverage is most often framed as an environmental story.


    The objective of this study was to characterize the reproductive seasonality of a wild population of male Florida gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus. We measured the gonadosomatic index, reproductive stage of the testes, seminiferous tubule area, and plasma concentrations of testoster...

  8. Nursing Education in Florida. Report 5. Report and Recommendations of the Postsecondary Education Planning Commission, 1988. (United States)

    Florida State Postsecondary Education Planning Commission, Tallahassee.

    As directed by the Florida State Legislature, the Postsecondary Education Commission examined Florida's needs in the area of nursing education. Following the executive summary, the introduction reviews the commission charge and activities. Major topics addressed include: the nursing profession (introduction, history, licensure, careers, and…

  9. Trayectorias (sobre ruedas): un ensayo visual sobre los carritos de supermercado en la ciudad


    Cruz, Edgar Gómez


    El siguiente trabajo es un breve bosquejo de las posibilidades del concepto de trabajo “trayectoria”. Una trayectoria no es sólo, en el sentido literal del término, el trazo del movimiento sobre un camino, sino que busca establecer una reflexión sobre las posibilidades de recolección de registros visuales/digitales/móviles para la investigación etnográfica desde la aleatoriedad del movimiento por la ciudad. El concepto de trayectoria busca dialogar con el de “flâneur” de De Certeau y Benjamin...

  10. Basic Gasoline Engine Mechanics. Florida Vocational Program Guide. (United States)

    University of South Florida, Tampa. Dept. of Adult and Vocational Education.

    This packet contains a program guide and Career Merit Achievement Plan (Career MAP) for the implementation of a basic gasoline engine mechanics program in Florida secondary and postsecondary schools. The program guide describes the program content and structure, provides a program description, lists job titles under the program, and includes a…

  11. Designing an early selection morphological linear traits index for dressage in the Pura Raza Español horse. (United States)

    Sánchez-Guerrero, M J; Cervantes, I; Molina, A; Gutiérrez, J P; Valera, M


    Making a morphological pre-selection of Pura Raza Español horses (PRE) for dressage is a challenging task within its current breeding program. The aim of our research was to design an early genetic selection morphological linear traits index to improve dressage performance, using 26 morphological linear traits and six dressage traits (walk, trot, canter, submission, general impression - partial scores - and total score) as selection criteria. The data set included morphological linear traits of 10 127 PRE (4159 males and 5968 females) collected between 2008 and 2013 (one record per horse) and 19 095 dressage traits of 1545 PRE (1476 males and 69 females; 12.4 records of average) collected between 2004 and 2014. A univariate animal model was applied to predict the breeding values (PBV). A partial least squares regression analysis was used to select the most predictive morphological linear traits PBV on the dressage traits PBV. According to the Wold Criterion, the 13 morphological linear traits (width of head, head-neck junction, upper neck line, neck-body junction, width of chest, angle of shoulder, lateral angle of knee, frontal angle of knee, cannon bone perimeter, length of croup, angle of croup, ischium-stifle distance and lateral hock angle) most closely related to total score PBV, partial scores PBV and gait scores PBV (walk, trot and canter) were selected. A multivariate genetic analysis was performed among the 13 morphological linear traits selected and the six dressage traits to estimate the genetic parameters. After it, the selection index theory was used to compute the expected genetic response using different strategies. The expected genetic response of total score PBV (0.76), partial scores PBV (0.04) and gait scores PBV (0.03) as selection objectives using morphological linear traits PBV as criteria selection were positive, but lower than that obtained using dressage traits PBV (1.80, 0.16 and 0.14 for total score PBV, partial scores PBV and gait

  12. The Impact of Tobacco-Free School Policies on Youth Smoking Rates in Florida Public School Districts. (United States)

    Terry, Amanda; Zhang, Ning Jackie


    Developing and implementing policies to curb and prevent youth tobacco use is of the utmost importance. In Florida, public school districts were authorized to develop tobacco-free school policies through an amendment to the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act in 2011. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of tobacco-free school policies on smoking rates among youth in Florida. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and a multiple regression analysis were used to determine whether the comprehensiveness and enforcement of tobacco-free school policies affect the youth smoking rates within Florida public school districts. The 2010 and 2014 youth smoking rates were calculated based on the Florida Youth Tobacco Survey results. The 2010 youth smoking rate and the inclusion of the enforcement component with provision of cessation resources were statistically significant predictors of the 2014 youth smoking rate. However, the comprehensiveness level of a policy and the inclusion of an enforcement component were not statistically significant predictors. The inclusion of an enforcement component with provision of cessation resources is important in efforts to reduce youth smoking rates. The content of the tobacco-free school policies seems to be less relevant to their effectiveness than the enforcement of the policies. © 2016, American School Health Association.

  13. Do no-take reserves benefit Florida's corals? 14 years of change and stasis in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (United States)

    Toth, L. T.; van Woesik, R.; Murdoch, T. J. T.; Smith, S. R.; Ogden, J. C.; Precht, W. F.; Aronson, R. B.


    With coral populations in decline globally, it is critical that we tease apart the relative impacts of ecological and physical perturbations on reef ecosystems to determine the most appropriate management actions. This study compared the trajectories of benthic assemblages from 1998 to 2011 in three no-take reserves and three sites open to fishing, at 7-9 and 15-18 m depth in the Florida Keys. We evaluated temporal changes in the benthic assemblage to infer whether fisheries bans in no-take reserves could have cascading effects on the benthos in this region. Coral cover declined significantly over time at our sites and that trend was driven almost exclusively by decline of the Orbicella (formerly Montastraea) annularis species complex. Other coral taxa showed remarkable stasis and resistance to a variety of environmental perturbations. Protection status did not influence coral or macroalgal cover. The dynamics of corals and macroalgae in the 15 years since the reserves were established in 1997 suggest that although the reserves protected fish, they were of no perceptible benefit to Florida's corals.

  14. Source Water Identification and Chemical Typing for Nitrogen at the Kissimmee River, Pool C, Florida--Preliminary Assessment

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Phelps, G. G


    As part of the South Florida Water Management District's Ground Water-Surface Water Interactions Study, a project was undertaken to identify the ages and sources of water in the area of Pool C, Kissimmee River, Florida...

  15. A Blueprint for Florida's Clean Energy Future - Case Study of a Regional Government's Environmental Strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margaret Lowman


    Full Text Available On 13 July 2007, Governor Charlie Crist of Florida signed executive orders to establish greenhouse gas emission targets that required an 80 percent reduction below 1990 levels by the year 2050. Florida is a very high-risk state with regard to climate change. Its 1,350-mile-long coastline, location in "Hurricane Alley," reliance on coral reefs and other vulnerable natural resources for its economy, and the predictions that state population could double in the next 30 years all contribute to this designation of "high-risk. As a consequence of the potential economic and ecological impacts of climate change to Florida, a series of Action Teams were created to plan for adaptation to impending environmental changes. As the 26th largest emitter of carbon dioxide on a global scale, Florida needs to act aggressively to create a clean energy footprint as part of its statewide initiatives but with global impacts. This case study examines the process and expected outcomes undertaken by a regional government that anticipates the need for stringent adaptation.

  16. Changes in the fish fauna of the Kissimmee River basin, peninsular Florida: Nonnative additions (United States)

    Nico, L.G.


    Recent decades have seen substantial changes in fish assemblages in rivers of peninsular Florida. The most striking change has involved the addition of nonnative fishes, including taxa from Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. I review recent and historical records of fishes occurring in the Kissimmee River basin (7,800 km2), a low-gradient drainage with 47 extant native fishes (one possibly the result of an early transplant), at least 7 foreign fishes (most of which are widely established), and a stocked hybrid. Kissimmee assemblages include fewer marine fishes than the nearby Peace and Caloosahatchee rivers, and fewer introduced foreign fishes than south Florida canals. Fish assemblages of the Kissimmee and other subtropical Florida rivers are dynamic, due to new introductions, range expansions of nonnative fishes already present, and periodic declines in nonnative fish populations during occasional harsh winters. The addition, dispersal, and abundance of nonnative fishes in the basin is linked to many factors, including habitat disturbance, a subtropical climate, and the fact that the basin is centrally located in a region where drainage boundaries are blurred and introductions of foreign fishes commonplace. The first appearance of foreign fishes in the basin coincided with the complete channelization of the Kissimmee River in the 1970s. Although not a causal factor, artificial waterways connecting the upper lakes and channelization of the Kissimmee River have facilitated dispersal. With one possible exception, there have been no basin-wide losses of native fishes. When assessing change in peninsular Florida waters, extinction or extirpation of fishes appears to be a poor measure of impact. No endemic species are known from peninsular Florida (although some endemic subspecies have been noted). Most native freshwater fishes are themselves descended from recent invaders that reached the peninsula from the main continent. These invasions likely were

  17. Geospatial characteristics of Florida's coastal and offshore environments: Distribution of important habitats for coastal and offshore biological resources and offshore sand resources (United States)

    Demopoulos, Amanda W.J.; Foster, Ann M.; Jones, Michal L.; Gualtieri, Daniel J.


    The Geospatial Characteristics GeoPDF of Florida's Coastal and Offshore Environments is a comprehensive collection of geospatial data describing the political boundaries and natural resources of Florida. This interactive map provides spatial information on bathymetry, sand resources, and locations of important habitats (for example, Essential Fish Habitats (EFH), nesting areas, strandings) for marine invertebrates, fish, reptiles, birds, and marine mammals. The map should be useful to coastal resource managers and others interested in marine habitats and submerged obstructions of Florida's coastal region. In particular, as oil and gas explorations continue to expand, the map can be used to explore information regarding sensitive areas and resources in the State of Florida. Users of this geospatial database will have access to synthesized information in a variety of scientific disciplines concerning Florida's coastal zone. This powerful tool provides a one-stop assembly of data that can be tailored to fit the needs of many natural resource managers. The map was originally developed to assist the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE) and coastal resources managers with planning beach restoration projects. The BOEMRE uses a systematic approach in planning the development of submerged lands of the Continental Shelf seaward of Florida's territorial waters. Such development could affect the environment. BOEMRE is required to ascertain the existing physical, biological, and socioeconomic conditions of the submerged lands and estimate the impact of developing these lands. Data sources included the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, BOEMRE, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Geographic Data Library, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Natural Areas Inventory, and the State of Florida, Bureau of Archeological Research. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata are

  18. 01 Raza + Dup

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    a method that allowed researchers to develop interventions that capitalised on existing skills, practices and .... Disciplines included under this practice are ethnography, ... The debate around culture gets more distorted when culture enters the.

  19. Reflexiones sobre el darwinismo social. Inmigración y colonización, mitos de los grupos modernizadores peruanos (1821-19191

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available DU DARWINISME SOCIAL. IMMIGRATION ET COLONISATION, MYTHES DES GROUPES MODERNISATEURS PÉRUVIENS (1821-1919. Cet article cherche à réfléchir sur les aspects qui sont à la base du discours théorique sur l’immigration et la colonisation comme outils de progrès et développement socio-économique, tout au long du XIX siècle, aspects qui sont arrivés à leur paroxysme vers la fin du dit siècle. À cette époque, l’influence des thèses darwinistes dans le domaine social avait atteint les intellectuels et politiciens péruviens, et cela leur permettait: a de justifier l’oppression des blancs et métis sur les groupes indigènes, noirs et chinois, b de réecrire l’histoire péruvienne considérant que les indigènes, race inférieure, avaient constitué - et constituaient encore - l’obstacle fondamental au progrés, à la stabilité, à l’ordre et à l’intégration nationale, c de proposer la disparition progressive des races inférieures et, en conséquence, d’aider à la sélection naturelle grâce à l'arrivée d’anglo-saxons. Le fil conducteur du travail est constitué par l’ensemble des lois votées par le Congrés péruvien concernant la colonisation et l’immigration, reflet fidèle des transformations qui se sont produites au cours du Pérou républicain durant l'époque étudiée. El artículo tiene por objeto reflexionar sobre los elementos vertebradores del discurso teórico alrededor de la inmigración y la colonización como medios de progreso y desarrollo socioeconómico a lo largo del siglo XIX, que llegaron a su punto álgido a fines de la centuria. Por entonces, las tesis darwinistas aplicadas a la sociedad alcanzaron a los intelectuales y políticos peruanos permitiéndoles: a justificar la opresión que blancos y mestizos ejercían sobre los grupos indígenas, negros y chinos b reinterpretar la historia peruana considerando que los indígenas, raza inferior, habían sido y eran obstáculo fundamental para el

  20. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

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    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  1. Economic interrelationships and impacts of the aviation/aerospace industry in the state of Florida using input-output analysis (United States)

    Whealan George, Kelly

    The study provided a detailed description of the interrelatedness of the aviation and aerospace industry with principal industries in Florida and Volusia County (VC) using Input-Output (IO) analysis. Additionally, this research provided an economic impact analysis of the creation of a university research park in Daytona Beach (DB). The economic impact measures included not only direct economic output and industry employment descriptions but also described the multiplier effects in the form of indirect and induced impacts using data for 2012. This research concluded the average labor income of the aviation and aerospace industry was higher than average labor income in Florida and VC. A substantive difference between the Florida and VC average labor income for the aviation and aerospace industry existed because VC's aerospace sector was only concentrated in the search, detection, and navigation instruments manufacturing sector. VC's transport by air sector was one-fifth the size of Florida's. Differences in the aviation and aerospace industry composition between Florida and VC are important because the economic impacts from a shock to the entire aviation and aerospace industry will be distributed differently. Since the aviation and aerospace average labor income is higher than the average labor income in Florida and VC, it would be a positive move for Florida's economy to attract and grow the aviation and aerospace industry. It would be highly unlikely that the entirety of newly created jobs would be resourced from the local population. Nonetheless, growing the aviation and aerospace industry jobs would have a positive influence on the region's economy and tax revenues. It would be a desirable course of action to spur the growth of this sector, as its direct effect would culminate with additional jobs in Florida that would bring higher wage jobs to the state. The interdependencies of the aviation and aerospace industry in Florida and VC with other industries had a

  2. Artificial reef evaluation capabilities of Florida counties


    Halusky, Joseph G.; Antonini, Gustavo A.; Seaman, William


    Florida's coastal county artificial reef sampling and data management programs are surveyed in this report. The survey describes the county level capability for artificial reef documentation and performance assessment based on their needs, interests, organizational structure and "in-situ" data collection and data management techniques. The. primary purpose of this study is to describe what staffing, training, techniques, organizational procedures and equipment are used by the c...

  3. Instructional Computing Project Uses "Multiplier Effect" to Train Florida Teachers. (United States)

    Roblyer, M. D.; Castine, W. H.


    Reviews the efforts undertaken in the Florida Model Microcomputer Trainer Project (FMMTP) and its statewide impact. Outlines its procedural strategies, trainer curriculum, networking system, and the results of its multiplier effect. (ML)

  4. Diversity and prevalence of hemoparasites of wading birds in southern Florida, USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah M. Coker


    Full Text Available Relatively few studies on hemoparasites have been conducted on wading birds in the families Ardeidae and Threskiornithidae (order Pelecaniformes, especially in the United States. In this study, we obtained baseline data on the prevalence and genetic diversity of haemosporidian parasites in wading birds opportunistically sampled from southern Florida, USA. We detected blood parasites in White Ibis (Eudocimus albus, Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus, Green Heron (Butorides virescens, and Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja with several novel host-parasite relationships. Infected birds had low parasitemias (average 0.77%, range 0–4% suggesting that infections were chronic. Despite the low sample sizes for several of our sampled species, these data highlight the diversity of parasites in this understudied group of birds and suggest that additional studies are needed to investigate the potential impacts of these parasites on their health, especially since southern Florida is becoming increasingly urbanized which can alter parasite transmission or host susceptibility. Keywords: Avian malaria, Florida, Haemoproteus plataleae, haemosporidia, Pelicaniformes, Plasmodium, Wading birds, White Ibis

  5. Validation of a probabilistic model for hurricane insurance loss projections in Florida

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinelli, J.-P.; Gurley, K.R.; Subramanian, C.S.; Hamid, S.S.; Pita, G.L.


    The Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model is one of the first public models accessible for scrutiny to the scientific community, incorporating state of the art techniques in hurricane and vulnerability modeling. The model was developed for Florida, and is applicable to other hurricane-prone regions where construction practice is similar. The 2004 hurricane season produced substantial losses in Florida, and provided the means to validate and calibrate this model against actual claim data. This paper presents the predicted losses for several insurance portfolios corresponding to hurricanes Andrew, Charley, and Frances. The predictions are validated against the actual claim data. Physical damage predictions for external building components are also compared to observed damage. The analyses show that the predictive capabilities of the model were substantially improved after the calibration against the 2004 data. The methodology also shows that the predictive capabilities of the model could be enhanced if insurance companies report more detailed information about the structures they insure and the types of damage they suffer. This model can be a powerful tool for the study of risk reduction strategies

  6. Geohydrologic reconnaissance of drainage wells in Florida (United States)

    Kimrey, J.O.; Fayard, L.D.


    Drainage wells are used to inject surface waters directly into an aquifer, or shallow ground waters directly into a deeper aquifer, primarily by gravity. Such wells in Florida may be grouped into two broad types: (1) surface-water injection wells, and (2) interaquifer connector wells. Drainage wells of the first type are further categorized as either Floridan aquifer drainage wells or Biscayne aquifer drainage wells. Floridan aquifer drainage wells are commonly used to supplement drainage for urban areas in karst terranes of central and north Florida. Data are available for 25 wells in the Ocala, Live Oak, and Orlando areas that allow comparison of the quality of water samples from these Floridan aquifer drainage wells with allowable contaminant levels. Comparison indicates that maximum contaminant levels for turbidity, color, and iron, manganese, and lead concentrations are equaled or exceeded in some drainage-well samples, and relatively high counts for coliform bacteria are present in most wells. Biscayne aquifer drainage wells are used locally to dispose of stormwater runoff and other surplus water in southeast Florida, where large numbers of these wells have been permitted in Dade and Broward Counties. The majority of these wells are used to dispose of water from swimming pools or to dispose of heated water from air-conditioning units. The use of Biscayne aquifer drainage wells may have minimal effect on aquifer potability so long as injection of runoff and industrial wates is restricted to zones where chloride concentrations exceed 1,500 milligrams per liter. Interaquifer connector wells are used in the phosphate mining areas of Polk and Hillsborough Counties, to drain mines and recharge the Floridan aquifer. Water-quality data available from 13 connector wells indicate that samples from most of these wells exceed standards values for iron concentration and turbidity. One well yielded a highly mineralized water, and samples from 6 of the other 12 wells exceed

  7. The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Florida's Everglades (United States)

    Senarath, S. U.


    Global warming and the resulting melting of polar ice sheets could increase global sea levels significantly. Some studies have predicted mean sea level increases in the order of six inches to one foot in the next 25 to 50 years. This could have severe irreversible impacts on low-lying areas of Florida's Everglades. The key objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of a one foot sea level rise on Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (CSSS) nesting areas within the Everglades National Park (ENP). A regional-scale hydrologic model is used to assess the sensitivities of this sea-level rise scenario. Florida's Everglades supports a unique ecosystem. At present, about 50 percent of this unique ecosystem has been lost due to urbanization and farming. Today, the water flow in the remnant Everglades is also regulated to meet a variety of competing environmental, water-supply and flood-control needs. A 30-year, eight billion dollar (1999 estimate) project has been initiated to improve Everglades' water flows. The expected benefits of this restoration project will be short-lived if the predicted sea level rise causes severe impacts on the environmentally sensitive areas of the Everglades. Florida's Everglades is home to many threatened and endangered species of wildlife. The Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow population in the ENP is one such species that is currently listed as endangered. Since these birds build their nests close to the ground surface (the base of the nest is approximately six inches from the ground surface), they are directly affected by any sea level induced ponding depth, frequency or duration change. Therefore, the CSSS population serves as a good indicator species for evaluating the negative impacts of sea level rise on the Everglades' ecosystem. The impact of sea level rise on the CSSS habitat is evaluated using the Regional Simulation Model (RSM) developed by the South Florida Water Management District. The RSM is an implicit, finite-volume, continuous

  8. Integrating science and resource management in Tampa Bay, Florida (United States)

    Yates, Kimberly K.; Greening, Holly; Morrison, Gerold


    Tampa Bay is recognized internationally for its remarkable progress towards recovery since it was pronounced "dead" in the late 1970s. Due to significant efforts by local governments, industries and private citizens throughout the watershed, water clarity in Tampa Bay is now equal to what it was in 1950, when population in the watershed was less than one-quarter of what it is today. Seagrass extent has increased by more than 8,000 acres since the mid-1980s, and fish and wildlife populations are increasing. Central to this successful turn-around has been the Tampa Bay resource management community's long-term commitment to development and implementation of strong science-based management strategies. Research institutions and agencies, including Eckerd College, the Florida Wildlife Commission Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Mote Marine Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Southwest Florida Water Management District, University of South Florida, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Geological Survey, local and State governments, and private companies contribute significantly to the scientific basis of our understanding of Tampa Bay's structure and ecological function. Resource management agencies, including the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council's Agency on Bay Management, the Southwest Florida Water Management District's Surface Water Improvement and Management Program, and the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, depend upon this scientific basis to develop and implement regional adaptive management programs. The importance of integrating science with management has become fully recognized by scientists and managers throughout the region, State and Nation. Scientific studies conducted in Tampa Bay over the past 10–15 years are increasingly diverse and complex, and resource management programs reflect our increased knowledge of geology, hydrology and hydrodynamics, ecology and restoration techniques. However, a synthesis of this

  9. Ensaios sobre economia do empreendorismo


    Gabrielito Rauter Menezes


    Esta tese é composta por três ensaios sobre Economia do Empreendedorismo. O primeiro deles trata sobre os determinantes do empreendedorismo no Brasil a partir de modelos de escolha ocupacional, usando os microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra por Domicílios (PNAD) do ano de 2012. A estratégia empírica adotada empregou os modelos de escolha discreta na estimação da escolha ocupacional. Os resultados demonstraram que existem efeitos significativos para as variáveis: anos de estudos iniciai...

  10. Allocation of healthcare dollars: analysis of nonneonatal circumcisions in Florida. (United States)

    Gutwein, Luke G; Alvarez, Juan F; Gutwein, Jenny L; Kays, David W; Islam, Saleem


    Circumcision remains a controversial operation. Most procedures are performed in the neonatal period and avoid general anesthesia. Legislation driven by policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics led to significant changes in circumcisions in Florida with a shift to nonneonatal procedures as a result of costs. We sought to study the prevalence and financial implications of nonneonatal circumcisions in Florida. A retrospective population study was performed using the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration outpatient procedure database. We queried for patients 0 to 17 years of age undergoing circumcision between 2003 and 2008. Demographics, charges, and insurance status were analyzed. From 2003 to 2008, 31,741 outpatient circumcisions were performed. Publicly funded circumcisions accounted for 17,537 charging the state $6,263 on average for each circumcision at an expense of $111.8 million for the 5-year time period analyzed. Publicly funded circumcision procedures increased more than sixfold (P < 0.0001) than those covered by private insurance. Black circumcision procedures increased 77.3 per cent, whereas white circumcisions increased 28.7 per cent. There has been a significant increase in the number of nonneonatal circumcisions performed. This has resulted in an increase in economic health care. Public funding of neonatal circumcision could result in significant cost savings and avoid potential complications of general anesthesia.

  11. Healthful and nutritional components in select Florida tropical fruits (United States)

    Fourteen tropical fruits from south Florida (red guava, white guava, carambola, red pitaya (red dragon), white pitaya (white dragon), mamey, sapodilla, lychee, longan, green mango, ripe mango, green papaya and ripe papaya) were evaluated for phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, ascorbic acid (v...

  12. 75 FR 21391 - First Federal Bank of North Florida; Palatka, FL; Notice of Appointment of Receiver (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Office of Thrift Supervision First Federal Bank of North Florida... contained in section 5(d)(2) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, the Office of Thrift Supervision has duly appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as sole Receiver for First Federal Bank of North Florida...

  13. 2007 Northwest Florida Water Manangement District(NWFWMD) Lidar: Gadsden County (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — LIDAR-derived binary (.las) files containing points classified as bare-earth and canopy (first return) were produced for the 2007 Northwest Florida Water Management...

  14. 2007 Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) Lidar: Holmes County (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — LIDAR-derived binary (.las) files containing points classified as bare-earth and canopy (first return) were produced for the 2007/2008 Northwest Florida Water...

  15. Situational Lightning Climatologies for Central Florida: Phase IV: Central Florida Flow Regime Based Climatologies of Lightning Probabilities (United States)

    Bauman, William H., III


    The threat of lightning is a daily concern during the warm season in Florida. Research has revealed distinct spatial and temporal distributions of lightning occurrence that are strongly influenced by large-scale atmospheric flow regimes. Previously, the Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) calculated the gridded lightning climatologies based on seven flow regimes over Florida for 1-, 3- and 6-hr intervals in 5-, 10-, 20-, and 30-NM diameter range rings around the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) and eight other airfields in the National Weather Service in Melbourne (NWS MLB) county warning area (CWA). In this update to the work, the AMU recalculated the lightning climatologies for using individual lightning strike data to improve the accuracy of the climatologies. The AMU included all data regardless of flow regime as one of the stratifications, added monthly stratifications, added three years of data to the period of record and used modified flow regimes based work from the AMU's Objective Lightning Probability Forecast Tool, Phase II. The AMU made changes so the 5- and 10-NM radius range rings are consistent with the aviation forecast requirements at NWS MLB, while the 20- and 30-NM radius range rings at the SLF assist the Spaceflight Meteorology Group in making forecasts for weather Flight Rule violations during Shuttle landings. The AMU also updated the graphical user interface with the new data.

  16. Readability of Brochures Produced by State of Florida. (United States)

    Christ, William G.; Pharr, Paula


    A study of the readability of governmental pamphlets produced by the State of Florida, based on the use of the Flesch Reading Ease Formula and the Dale-Chall Formula, suggests that if a seventh or eighth grade readability level is considered an appropriate standard for public information brochures, the brochures tested may be too complex…


    This document reports on the results of a Florida Steel Corporation study to develop and evaluate cleanup alternatives for onsite treatment of PCB contaminated soils. The results of this study aided in the selection of an approach to remediate the site. Demonstration tes...

  18. Implementation cost analysis of a community-based exercise program for seniors in South Florida. (United States)

    Page, Timothy F; Batra, Anamica; Ghouse, Muddasir M; Palmer, Richard C


    The objective of the study was to measure the costs of implementing the EnhanceFitness program to elderly residents of South Florida. The Health Foundation of South Florida's Healthy Aging Regional Collaborative implemented EnhanceFitness as part of their initiative to make evidence-based healthy aging programs available to South Florida seniors. Cost data were collected from agencies participating in the delivery of EnhanceFitness classes in South Florida. Cost questionnaires were e-mailed to program coordinators from agencies participating in the delivery of EnhanceFitness classes. Program coordinators worked with accounting staff to complete the questionnaires. Questionnaires were returned via e-mail. Costs were presented from the perspective of participating agencies. Total costs were divided by the number of classes being offered by each agency to determine cost per class per month. Average monthly costs per class were $1,713 during the first year of implementation and $873 during the second year of implementation. The cost measurements, combined with information from the literature on cost savings attributable to EnhanceFitness participation, suggest that EnhanceFitness has the potential to generate a net societal cost savings among program participants. The results are useful for community agencies considering implementing EnhanceFitness for their populations. © 2014 Society for Public Health Education.

  19. Non-native fishes in Florida freshwaters: a literature review and synthesis (United States)

    Schofield, Pamela J.; Loftus, William F.


    Non-native fishes have been known from freshwater ecosystems of Florida since the 1950s, and dozens of species have established self-sustaining populations. Nonetheless, no synthesis of data collected on those species in Florida has been published until now. We searched the literature for peer-reviewed publications reporting original data for 42 species of non-native fishes in Florida that are currently established, were established in the past, or are sustained by human intervention. Since the 1950s, the number of non-native fish species increased steadily at a rate of roughly six new species per decade. Studies documented (in decreasing abundance): geographic location/range expansion, life- and natural-history characteristics (e.g., diet, habitat use), ecophysiology, community composition, population structure, behaviour, aquatic-plant management, and fisheries/aquaculture. Although there is a great deal of taxonomic uncertainty and confusion associated with many taxa, very few studies focused on clarifying taxonomic ambiguities of non-native fishes in the State. Most studies were descriptive; only 15 % were manipulative. Risk assessments, population-control studies and evaluations of effects of non-native fishes were rare topics for research, although they are highly valued by natural-resource managers. Though some authors equated lack of data with lack of effects, research is needed to confirm or deny conclusions. Much more is known regarding the effects of lionfish (Pterois spp.) on native fauna, despite its much shorter establishment time. Natural-resource managers need biological and ecological information to make policy decisions regarding non-native fishes. Given the near-absence of empirical data on effects of Florida non-native fishes, and the lengthy time-frames usually needed to collect such information, we provide suggestions for data collection in a manner that may be useful in the evaluation and prediction of non-native fish effects.

  20. Hydrology and water quality of East Lake Tohopekaliga, Osceola County, Florida (United States)

    Schiffer, Donna M.


    East Lake Tohopekaliga, one of the major lakes in central Florida, is located in the upper Kissimmee River basin in north-east Osceola County. It is one of numerous lakes in the upper basin used for flood control, in addition to recreation and some irrigation of surrounding pasture. This report is the fourth in a series of lake reconnaissance studies in the Kissimmee River basin prepared in cooperation with the South Florida Water Management District. The purpose of the report is to provide government agencies and the public with a brief summary of the lake 's hydrology and water quality. Site information is given and includes map number, site name, location, and type of data available (specific conductivity, pH, alkalinity, turbidity, color, dissolved oxygen, hardness, dissolved chlorides, dissolved sodium, dissolved calcium, dissolved magnesium, dissolved potassium, nitrogen, ammonia, nitrates, carbon and phosphorus). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintained a lake stage gaging station on East Lake Tohopekaliga from 1942 to 1968. The South Florida Water Management District has recorded lake stage since 1963. Periodic water quality samples have been collected from the lake by the South Florida Water Management District and USGS. Water quality and discharge data have been collected for one major tributary to the lake, Boggy Creek. Although few groundwater data are available for the study area, results of previous studies of the groundwater resources of Osceola County are included in this report. To supplement the water quality data for East Lake Tohopekaliga, water samples were collected at selected sites in November 1982 (dry season) and in August 1983 (rainy season). Samples were taken at inflow points, and in the lake, and vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured in the lake. A water budget from an EPA report on the lake is also included. (Lantz-PTT)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcia Barquero Quirós


    Full Text Available La antracnosis es una enfermedad causada por varias especies del género Colletotrichum en diferentes hospederos. C. acutatum y C. gloeosporioides son especies morfológicamente similares, que pueden causar síntomas similares en el mismo hospedero. Se colectaron 220 aislamientos de Colletotrichum de muestras con síntomas típicos de antracnosis en helecho hoja de cuero (Rumohra adiantiformis, limón criollo (Citrus aurantifolia, carambola (Averrhoa carambola, papaya (Carica papaya y mango (Mangifera indica en Costa Rica y Florida, Estados Unidos. Los aislamientos se caracterizaron por morfología de colonia, sensibilidad al benomil, y PCR con los iniciadores específicos para C. acutatum y C. gloeosporioides CaInt2 y Cg/fInt1, respectivamente; también se analizó la morfología de las colonias de ambas especies. De los 85 aislamientos obtenidos de mango, todos los aislamientos de Florida fueron identificados como C. acutatum, mientras que todos los aislamientos de Costa Rica fueron C. gloeosporioides. De los 60 aislamientos de carambola, 3 provenientes de Costa Rica fueron C. acutatum (primer informe y el resto fueron C. gloeosporioides. Todos los aislamientos de helecho hoja de cuero (25 aislamientos y de limón criollo (25 aislamientos se identificaron como C. acutatum. Los demás aislamientos de carambola y mango así como todos los aislamientos de papaya, se identificaron como C. gloeosporioides. No se encontró diferenciación de síntomas entre ambas especies sobre los hospederos donde se encontraron.

  2. If Animals Could Talk: Bald Eagle, Bear, Florida Panther, Gopher Tortoise, Indigo Snake, Manatee, Otter, Raccoon. (United States)

    Pinellas County District School Board, Clearwater, FL.

    In this series of booklets, eight Florida animals describe their appearance, habitats, food, behavior, and relationships with humans. Each entry is written for elementary students from the animal's point of view and includes a bibliography. Contained are the life stories of the bald eagle, black bear, Florida panther, gopher tortoise, Eastern…

  3. How a south Florida hospital targeted Hispanic consumers. (United States)

    Weinstein, A


    Last month's "Case in Point" presented AMI Parkway Regional Medical Center, a 412-bed acute care hospital in North Miami Beach, Fla. The hospital's administration has recognized the ethnic make-up of the South Florida market (white, black and Hispanic) and wants to increase its penetration into the large and potentially lucrative Latin market. The hospital is one of six in South Florida that are owned by American Medical International Inc., Los Angeles. Parkway recently completed a modernization and development program that resulted in an expanded emergency department, state-of-the-art critical care units, a cost-saving ambulatory unit and facilities for outpatient and community education programs. Positioned in a fiercely competitive market, Parkway has adopted an aggressive marketing posture. The marketing function has been elevated to one of six hospital divisions, sharing equal footing with finance, professional services, administrative services, nursing and human resources. Given the hospital's reputation for action and the previous success of programs based on market research, the assistant administrator for marketing and business development secured support for research on the Latin market.


    The report contains the recommended language for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) section of the "Florida Code for Radon-resistant Construction and Mitigation." t deals with elements of construction that relate to the HVAC of houses. ts primary intent is to p...

  5. “Jineterismo”: ¿turismo sexual o uso táctico del sexo?

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    Full Text Available Este texto trata sobre las interrelaciones entre turistas y nacionales en la Cuba de principios del siglo XXI. Partiendo del trabajo etnográfi co llevado a cabo en la isla y de la revisión de etnografías existentes, sobre todo en el contexto caribeño, se intenta mostrar el “turismo sexual” como un escenario social en el que indagar acerca de la (re producción de las desigualdades de género, raza, clase, nacionalidad, desde una perspectiva donde se articulan lo local y lo global. Para ello me refi ero al “jineterismo” como un fenómeno localizado en Cuba, donde se imbrican relaciones entre sexualidad y turismo, y que condensa relaciones de dominación de género, clase y posición histórico–política. Este término, desde mi punto de vista, es reapropiado por la población para reivindicar estrategias de supervivencia, de las que la sexualidad forma parte.

  6. La biopolítica en acción: medicalización y sujeción, el médico escolar en Colombia en la primera mitad del siglo XX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Ximena Herrera Beltrán


    Full Text Available La emergencia del médico escolar en Colombia en la primera década del siglo veinte, y su circulación y permanencia en las instituciones educativas entrada la década del treinta, pone en evidencia un propósito biopolítico fundamental del Estado sobre el gobierno de la población, expresado en prácticas de medicalización, eugenesia, higiene y profilaxis sobre la infancia, la juventud y la sociedad en general. El discurso médico pedagógico circuló ampliamente alrededor de la urgencia de alcanzar la salud por los medios que fuesen necesarios. Preocupaba la degeneración racial de pueblo colombiano, considerado débil y carente de voluntad para regenerarse, imposibilitando el progreso nacional. La condición del medio, la realidad del hombre colombiano, su inferioridad como individuo y como pueblo -condiciones sociales y culturales- y su escasa educación condenaban, si no se intervenía, a la desaparición de la raza colombiana.

  7. 77 FR 14504 - Max Planck Florida Institute, et al.; Notice of Consolidated Decision on Applications for Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Max Planck Florida Institute, et al.; Notice of Consolidated Decision on Applications for Duty-Free Entry of Electron Microscope This is a... Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC. Docket Number: 11-061. Applicant: Max Planck Florida Institute...

  8. Agricultural irrigated land-use inventory for Polk County, Florida, 2016 (United States)

    Marella, Richard L.; Berry, Darbi; Dixon, Joann F.


    An accurate inventory of irrigated crop acreage is not available at the level of resolution needed to better estimate agricultural water use or to project future water demands in many Florida counties. A detailed digital map and summary of irrigated acreage was developed for Polk County, Florida, during the 2016 growing season. This cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Office of Agricultural Water Policy of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is part of an effort to improve estimates of water use and projections of future demands across all counties in the State. The irrigated areas were delineated by using land-use data provided by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, along with information obtained from the South and Southwest Florida Water Management Districts consumptive water-use permits. Delineations were field verified between April and December 2016. Attribute data such as crop type, primary water source, and type of irrigation system were assigned to the irrigated areas.The results of this inventory and field verification indicate that during the 2016 growing seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), an estimated 88,652 acres were irrigated within Polk County. Of the total field-verified crops, 83,995 acres were in citrus; 2,893 acres were in other non-citrus fruit crops (blueberries, grapes, peaches, and strawberries); 621 acres were in row crops (primarily beans and watermelons); 1,117 acres were in nursery (container and tree farms) and sod production; and 26 acres were in field crops including hay and pasture. Of the total inventoried irrigated acreage within Polk County, 98 percent (86,566 acres) was in the Southwest Florida Water Management District, and the remaining 2 percent (2,086 acres) was in the South Florida Water Management District.About 85,788 acres (96.8 percent of the acreage inventoried) were irrigated by a microirrigation system, including drip, bubblers, and

  9. Investigation of economic impacts of Florida's highway beautification program : [summary]. (United States)


    Public investment in landscape beauti cation projects is presumed to provide monetary bene ts by : attracting private investment and contributing to : the economy. Recently, researchers at the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricu...

  10. La emergencia de la biología en la escuela colombiana: una mirada genealógica entre 1900-1930

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Andrea Roa García


    Full Text Available Este escrito presenta reflexiones sobre la biología en la escuela colombiana a partir del estudio de su historia, en particular su emergencia entre 1900 y 1930, periodo en el que es visible que la biología no siempre ha sido objeto de enseñanza escolar y que sus prácticas no se reducen a la repetición de las metodologías y conceptos de la biología como ciencia y de los biólogos como expertos. La ruta de relaciones analizada permite visibilizar que esta emergencia está relacionada con preocupaciones sobre la enfermedad, la supervivencia del niño, el desarrollo del cuerpo, la mejora de la raza, el régimen alimenticio y el incremento del amor por la naturaleza. Así, esta mirada no señala una línea continua de acontecimientos, sino su discontinuidad y muestra, por ejemplo, que la historia natural no desaparece con la emergencia de la biología, sus objetos de estudio en la escuela no son los mismos, además se problematiza la actualidad de su enseñanza a propósito de la sospecha sobre su desplazamiento por parte de las ciencias naturales.

  11. Estimating mangrove in Florida: trials monitoring rare ecosystems (United States)

    Mark J. Brown


    Mangrove species are keystone components in coastal ecosystems and are the interface between forest land and sea. Yet, estimates of their area have varied widely. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data from ground-based sample plots provide one estimate of the resource. Initial FIA estimates of the mangrove resource in Florida varied dramatically from those compiled...

  12. Operational Actual Wetland Evapotranspiration Estimation for South Florida Using MODIS Imagery

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    Cristobal N. Ceron


    Full Text Available Evapotranspiration is a reliable indicator of wetland health. Wetlands are an important and valuable ecosystem on the South Florida landscape. Accurate wetland Actual Evapotranspiration (AET data can be used to evaluate the performance of South Florida’s Everglades restoration programs. However, reliable AET measurements rely on scattered point measurements restricting applications over a larger area. The objective of this study was to validate the ability of the Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB approach and the Simple Method (also called the Abtew Method to provide large area AET estimates for wetland recovery efforts. The study used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS sensor spectral data and South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD solar radiation data to derive weekly AET values for South Florida. The SSEB-Simple Method approach provided acceptable results with good agreement with observed values during the critical dry season period, when cloud cover was low (rave (n = 59 = 0.700, pave < 0.0005, but requires further refinement to be viable for yearly estimates because of poor performance during wet season months, mainly because of cloud contamination. The approach can be useful for short-term wetland recovery assessment projects that occur during the dry season and/or long term projects that compare site AET rates from dry season to dry season.

  13. Cimarrones africanos e indios en la frontera española con los Estados Unidos. El caso de los Seminoles negros de La Florida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane Landers


    from the peninsula.//Este ensayo explora las victorias sangrientas de Andrew Jackson sobre los Red Stick Creeks y los Seminoles de la Florida y el triunfo de “la República del Hombre blanco”, con un interés particular de personas afro descendientes. Aquellos que se convirtieron en Seminoles se trasladaron a Florida desde Georgia y Alabama en el siglo XVIII para llenar el vacío dejado por el éxodo y la extinción de las naciones indígenas de aquella región. Inicialmente los Seminoles fueron firmes aliados de los británicos, pero bien entrado el siglo XVIII, el Jefe Payne y sus sucesores, Micanopy y Piernas arqueadas, le dieron nueva forma a su política exterior y se convirtieron en aliados del gobierno español. Bajo su liderazgo los Seminoles también aceptaron en sus tierras a un gran número de esclavos que habían huido de los Estados Unidos y que vivían en una especie de sociedad “feudal” con sus patrones. Estos negros sabían que el dominio inglés los devolvería a la esclavitud, por lo que también se convirtieron en enemigos feroces de los estadounidenses y en aliados de los españoles. Durante cerca de medio siglo los Seminoles y los negros lucharon por mantener su autonomía en la volátil frontera sur, pero Estados Unidos estaba firmemente comprometido con una política exterior expansionista. Sus intervenciones fueron motivadas por la ambición territorial, por el temor persistente de que Gran Bretaña pudiese desplazar a los débiles regímenes españoles en el sureste, y por la política racial. El éxito de los españoles de los indígenas y de la alianza negra aseguró la posterior intervención estadounidense. La guerra de 1812 y la simultánea Guerra Creek de 1813-14, se convirtieron en un esfuerzo a largo plazo para desplazar a los Creek, los Seminoles y los negros de sus asentamientos en el oeste y centro de Florida, y, finalmente, para expulsar a los españoles también. Jackson dirigió la primera Guerra Seminole en 1818 y en 1821

  14. Rapid weather information dissemination in Florida (United States)

    Martsolf, J. D.; Heinemann, P. H.; Gerber, J. F.; Crosby, F. L.; Smith, D. L.


    The development of the Florida Agricultural Services and Technology (FAST) plan to provide ports for users to call for weather information is described. FAST is based on the Satellite Frost Forecast System, which makes a broad base of weather data available to its users. The methods used for acquisition and dissemination of data from various networks under the FAST plan are examined. The system provides color coded IR or thermal maps, precipitation maps, and textural forecast information. A diagram of the system is provided.

  15. Three-hundred-year hydrological changes in a subtropical estuary, Rookery Bay (Florida): Human impact versus natural variability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Donders, T.H.; Gorissen, P.M.; Sangiorgi, F.; Cremer, H.; Wagner-Cremer, F.; McGee, V.


    The coastal wetland ecosystems in Florida are highly sensitive to changes in freshwater budget, which is driven by regional sea surface temperature, tropical storm activity, and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Although studying Florida wetlands is pivotal to the understanding of these

  16. 2006 Florida LiDAR: Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — ESCAMBIA: The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of select areas within Escambia County, Florida. These data were produced for Dewberry and...

  17. Seagrass from Unified Florida Reef Tract Map (NODC Accession 0123059) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset is a subset of the Unified Map representing Seagrass areas. Version 1.1 - December 2013. The Unified Florida Reef Tract Map (Unified Reef Map) provides...

  18. 2008 Florida Division of Emergency Management Lidar: Middle Suwannee River (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — LiDAR Survey for the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD), Florida. The LiDAR aerial acquisition was conducted in January of 2008, and the breaklines and...

  19. Do tropical cyclones shape shorebird habitat patterns? Biogeoclimatology of snowy plovers in Florida.

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    Matteo Convertino

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The Gulf coastal ecosystems in Florida are foci of the highest species richness of imperiled shoreline dependent birds in the USA. However environmental processes that affect their macroecological patterns, like occupancy and abundance, are not well unraveled. In Florida the Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus is resident along northern and western white sandy estuarine/ocean beaches and is considered a state-threatened species. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that favorable nesting areas along the Florida Gulf coastline are located in regions impacted relatively more frequently by tropical cyclones. The odds of Snowy Plover nesting in these areas during the spring following a tropical cyclone impact are seven times higher compared to the odds during the spring following a season without a cyclone. The only intensity of a tropical cyclone does not appear to be a significant factor affecting breeding populations. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Nevertheless a future climate scenario featuring fewer, but more extreme cyclones could result in a decrease in the breeding Snowy Plover population and its breeding range. This is because the spatio-temporal frequency of cyclone events was found to significantly affect nest abundance. Due to the similar geographic range and habitat suitability, and no decrease in nest abundance of other shorebirds in Florida after the cyclone season, our results suggest a common bioclimatic feedback between shorebird abundance and tropical cyclones in breeding areas which are affected by cyclones.

  20. Land Use and Land Cover - BROWNFIELD AREAS IN FLORIDA - APRIL 2012 (United States)

    NSGIC Local Govt | GIS Inventory — This data set contains Brownfield Boundaries. Brownfields are defined by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as abandoned, idled, or underused...

  1. 2003 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) LiDAR: Marion County (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Merrick and Company produced one foot contours, spot elevations, and obscured areas for the Southwest Florida Water Management District.

  2. An Empirical Evaluation of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program. School Choice Issues in the State (United States)

    Forster, Greg; D'Andrea, Christian


    This study examines the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship program, one of the nation's largest school choice programs. It is the first ever completed empirical evaluation of a tax-credit scholarship program, a type of program that creates school choice through the tax code. Earlier reports, including a recent one on the Florida program, have not…

  3. Human Trafficking of Minors and Childhood Adversity in Florida. (United States)

    Reid, Joan A; Baglivio, Michael T; Piquero, Alex R; Greenwald, Mark A; Epps, Nathan


    To examine the link between human trafficking of minors and childhood adversity. We compared the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and cumulative childhood adversity (ACE score) among a sample of 913 juvenile justice-involved boys and girls in Florida for whom the Florida child abuse hotline accepted human trafficking abuse reports between 2009 and 2015 with those of a matched sample. ACE composite scores were higher and 6 ACEs indicative of child maltreatment were more prevalent among youths who had human trafficking abuse reports. Sexual abuse was the strongest predictor of human trafficking: the odds of human trafficking was 2.52 times greater for girls who experienced sexual abuse, and there was a 8.21 times greater risk for boys who had histories of sexual abuse. Maltreated youths are more susceptible to exploitation in human trafficking. Sexual abuse in connection with high ACE scores may serve as a key predictor of exploitation in human trafficking for both boys and girls.

  4. Recursos y enlaces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje


    Ferrer Esteban, Gerard


    Obras y artículos sobre el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje desarrollado en el Estado español. Tesis doctorales sobre comunidades de aprendizaje. Fundamentación teórica de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Sitios en Internet relacionados con las comunidades de aprendizaje y proyectos afines de desarrollo comunitario en contextos escolares.

  5. A Conservation-Based Approach to Compensation for Livestock Depredation: The Florida Panther Case Study. (United States)

    Jacobs, Caitlin E; Main, Martin B


    Calf (Bos taurus) depredation by the federally endangered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) on ranches in southwest Florida is an important issue because ranches represent mixed landscapes that provide habitat critical to panther recovery. The objectives of this study were to (1) quantify calf depredation by panthers on two ranches in southwest Florida, and (2) develop a habitat suitability model to evaluate the quality of panther hunting habitat on ranchlands, assess whether the model could predict predation risk to calves, and discuss its potential to be incorporated into an incentive-based compensation program. We ear-tagged 409 calves with VHF transmitters on two ranches during 2011-2013 to document calf mortality. We developed a model to evaluate the quality of panther hunting habitat on private lands in southwest Florida using environmental variables obtained from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) Cooperative Landcover Database and nocturnal GPS locations of panthers provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). We then tested whether the model could predict the location of calf depredation sites. Tagged calf loss to panthers varied between the two ranches (0.5%/yr to 5.3%/yr) and may have been influenced by the amount of panther hunting habitat on each ranch as the ranch that experienced higher depredation rates contained a significantly higher probability of panther presence. Depredation sites of tagged calves had a significantly greater probability of panther presence than depredation sites of untagged calves that were found by ranchers in open pastures. This suggests that there may be more calves killed in high risk environments than are being found and reported by ranchers and that panthers can hunt effectively in open environments. It also suggests that the model may provide a means for evaluating the quality of panther hunting habitat and the corresponding risk of depredation to livestock across the landscape. We

  6. A Conservation-Based Approach to Compensation for Livestock Depredation: The Florida Panther Case Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caitlin E Jacobs

    Full Text Available Calf (Bos taurus depredation by the federally endangered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi on ranches in southwest Florida is an important issue because ranches represent mixed landscapes that provide habitat critical to panther recovery. The objectives of this study were to (1 quantify calf depredation by panthers on two ranches in southwest Florida, and (2 develop a habitat suitability model to evaluate the quality of panther hunting habitat on ranchlands, assess whether the model could predict predation risk to calves, and discuss its potential to be incorporated into an incentive-based compensation program. We ear-tagged 409 calves with VHF transmitters on two ranches during 2011-2013 to document calf mortality. We developed a model to evaluate the quality of panther hunting habitat on private lands in southwest Florida using environmental variables obtained from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI Cooperative Landcover Database and nocturnal GPS locations of panthers provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC. We then tested whether the model could predict the location of calf depredation sites. Tagged calf loss to panthers varied between the two ranches (0.5%/yr to 5.3%/yr and may have been influenced by the amount of panther hunting habitat on each ranch as the ranch that experienced higher depredation rates contained a significantly higher probability of panther presence. Depredation sites of tagged calves had a significantly greater probability of panther presence than depredation sites of untagged calves that were found by ranchers in open pastures. This suggests that there may be more calves killed in high risk environments than are being found and reported by ranchers and that panthers can hunt effectively in open environments. It also suggests that the model may provide a means for evaluating the quality of panther hunting habitat and the corresponding risk of depredation to livestock across the

  7. The aggressive invasion of exotic reptiles in Florida with a focus on prominent species: A review

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    Richard ENGEMAN, Elliott JACOBSON, Michael L. AVERY


    Full Text Available Florida, along with Hawaii, has among the two worst invasive species problems in the USA, and the state is especially susceptible to establishment by alien reptiles. Besides the large numbers of established non-native reptile species in Florida, many of these species present novel difficulties for management, or have other characteristics making effective management extremely challenging. Moreover, initiation of management action requires more than recognition by experts that a potentially harmful species has become established. It also requires the political will along with concomitant resources and appropriate personnel to develop effective methods and apply them. We review the situation in Florida, including assessment of risk for establishment, and we use a subset of prominent species to illustrate in more detail the array of invasive reptile species circumstances in Florida, including routes of introduction, impacts, and potential and implemented management actions. These examples not only highlight the severity of the invasive reptile problems in the state, but they also show the diversity in resolve and response towards them and the motivating factors [Current Zoology 57 (5: 599–612, 2011].

  8. 2006 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: North District (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set is one component of a digital terrain model (DTM) for the Southwest Florida Water Management District's FY2006 Digital Orthophoto (B089) and LiDAR...

  9. Comparison of mushroom yield for Pleurotus Sajor Caju and Pleurotus Florida in different number of flushes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosnani Abdul Rashid; Mat Rasol Awang; Hassan Hamdani Hassan Mutaat; Meswan Maskom


    This paper aimed at comparing the mushroom yield of Pleurotus sajor caju and Pleurotus florida which was harvested in five flushes. The γ-irradiated empty fruit bunch (EFB) at 25kGy was used as cultivation substrate. About 1 to 2% liquid seed of P. sajor caju and P. florida was inoculated into cultivation substrate. After 30 days, the inoculated substrate was opened for fruiting. For both species, the maximum mushroom yield was obtained in first flush and the lowest yield from the fifth flush. This show the mushroom yield is affected by number of flush. From analysis, the mushroom yield of P. florida was much better compared to P. sajor caju for all flushes. (Author)

  10. Larval assemblages of large and medium-sized pelagic species in the Straits of Florida (United States)

    Richardson, David E.; Llopiz, Joel K.; Guigand, Cedric M.; Cowen, Robert K.


    Critical gaps in our understanding of the distributions, interactions, life histories and preferred habitats of large and medium-size pelagic fishes severely constrain the implementation of ecosystem-based, spatially structured fisheries management approaches. In particular, spawning distributions and the environmental characteristics associated with the early life stages are poorly documented. In this study, we consider the diversity, assemblages, and associated habitat of the larvae of large and medium-sized pelagic species collected during 2 years of monthly surveys across the Straits of Florida. In total, 36 taxa and 14,295 individuals were collected, with the highest diversity occurring during the summer and in the western, frontal region of the Florida Current. Only a few species (e.g. Thunnus obesus, T. alalunga, Tetrapturus pfluegeri) considered for this study were absent. Small scombrids (e.g. T. atlanticus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis spp.) and gempylids dominated the catch and were orders of magnitude more abundant than many of the rare species (e.g. Thunnus thynnus,Kajikia albida). Both constrained (CCA) and unconstrained (NMDS) multivariate analyses revealed a number of species groupings including: (1) a summer Florida edge assemblage (e.g. Auxis spp., Euthynnus alleterattus, Istiophorus platypterus); (2) a summer offshore assemblage (e.g. Makaira nigricans, T. atlanticus, Ruvettus pretiosus, Lampris guttatus); (3) an ubiquitous assemblage (e.g. K. pelamis, Coryphaena hippurus, Xiphias gladius); and (4) a spring/winter assemblage that was widely dispersed in space (e.g. trachipterids). The primary environmental factors associated with these assemblages were sea-surface temperature (highest in summer-early fall), day length (highest in early summer), thermocline depth (shallowest on the Florida side) and fluorescence (highest on the Florida side). Overall, the results of this study provide insights into how a remarkable diversity of pelagic species

  11. Human responses to Florida red tides: policy awareness and adherence to local fertilizer ordinances. (United States)

    Kirkpatrick, Barbara; Kohler, Kate; Byrne, Margaret; Fleming, Lora E; Scheller, Karen; Reich, Andrew; Hitchcock, Gary; Kirkpatrick, Gary; Ullmann, Steven; Hoagland, Porter


    To mitigate the damages of natural hazards, policy responses can be beneficial only if they are effective. Using a self-administered survey approach, this paper focuses on the adherence to local fertilizer ordinances (i.e., county or municipal rules regulating the application of fertilizer to private lawns or facilities such as golf courses) implemented in jurisdictions along the Southwest Florida coast in response to hazardous blooms of Florida red tides (Karenia brevis). These ordinances play a role in the context of evolving programs of water pollution control at federal, state, water basin, and local levels. With respect to policy effectiveness, while the strength of physical linkages is of critical importance, the extent to which humans affected are aware of and adhere to the relevant rules, is equally critical. We sought to understand the public's depth of understanding about the rationales for local fertilizer ordinances. Respondents in Sarasota, Florida, were asked about their fertilizer practices in an area that has experienced several major blooms of Florida red tides over the past two decades. A highly educated, older population of 305 residents and "snowbirds" reported relatively little knowledge about a local fertilizer ordinance, its purpose, or whether it would change the frequency, size, or duration of red tides. This finding held true even among subpopulations that were expected to have more interest in or to be more knowledgeable about harmful algal blooms. In the face of uncertain science and environmental outcomes, and with individual motivations at odds with evolving public policies, the effectiveness of local community efforts to decrease the impacts of red tides may be compromised. Targeted social-science research on human perceptions about the risks of Florida red tides and education about the rationales for potential policy responses are warranted. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Development of a Florida Coastal Mapping Program Through Local and Regional Coordination (United States)

    Hapke, C. J.; Kramer, P. A.; Fetherston-Resch, E.; Baumstark, R.


    The State of Florida has the longest coastline in the contiguous United States (2,170 km). The coastal zone is heavily populated and contains 1,900 km of sandy beaches that support economically important recreation and tourism. Florida's waters also host important marine mineral resources, unique ecosystems, and the largest number of recreational boats and saltwater fishermen in the country. There is increasing need and demand for high resolution data of the coast and adjacent seafloor for resource and habitat mapping, understanding coastal vulnerability, evaluating performance of restoration projects, and many other coastal and marine spatial planning efforts. The Florida Coastal Mapping Program (FCMP), initiated in 2017 as a regional collaboration between four federal and three state agencies, has goals of establishing the priorities for high resolution seafloor mapping of Florida's coastal environment, and developing a strategy for leveraging funds to support mapping priorities set by stakeholders. We began by creating a comprehensive digital inventory of existing data (collected by government, the private sector, and academia) from 1 kilometer inland to the 200 meter isobath for a statewide geospatial database and gap analysis. Data types include coastal topography, bathymetry, and acoustic data such as sidescan sonar and subbottom profiles. Next, we will develop appropriate proposals and legislative budget requests in response to opportunities to collect priority data in high priority areas. Data collection will be undertaken by a combination of state and federal agencies. The FCMP effort will provide the critical baseline information that is required for characterizing changes to fragile ecosystems, assessing marine resources, and forecasting the impacts on coastal infrastructure and recreational beaches from future storms and sea-level rise.

  13. Monitoring cryptic amphibians and reptiles in a Florida state park. (United States)

    Engeman, Richard M; Meshaka, Walter E; Severson, Robert; Severson, Mary Ann; Kaufman, Greg; Groninger, N Paige; Smith, Henry T


    We monitored cryptic herpetofauna at Savannas Preserve State Park, Florida, by combining artificial cover counts with a quantitative paradigm for constructing and calculating population indices. Weekly indices were calculated from two consecutive days of data collection each week for 7 months from mid-winter to mid-summer in three habitats. Seventeen species were observed at least once, and time trends using index values were followed for six species. Among these, abundance and seasonal pattern information were obtained for an exotic species (greenhouse frog) and a species identified by the Florida Committee on Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals as threatened (Florida scrub lizard). We identified winter as the optimal time in this area to monitor populations for conducting annual assessments. This combined observation and indexing approach could provide managers or researchers with an economical means to quantitatively index population trends for multiple cryptic herpetofauna species simultaneously. Using artificial cover to sample within a population indexing design can be generalized beyond monitoring herpetofauna. Other forms of artificial cover that can be used as observation stations include aquatic artificial substrates, artificial tree cavities, artificial reefs, and other artificial aquatic structures and artificial sea grass units, among many others, and a wide range of taxa are suitable for population monitoring using artificial cover as observation stations in the approach we present, including insects, soil invertebrates, micro and macro aquatic invertebrates, fish, crustaceans, and small mammals.

  14. The Impact of Tobacco-Free School Policies on Youth Smoking Rates in Florida Public School Districts (United States)

    Terry, Amanda; Zhang, Ning Jackie


    Background: Developing and implementing policies to curb and prevent youth tobacco use is of the utmost importance. In Florida, public school districts were authorized to develop tobacco-free school policies through an amendment to the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act in 2011. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of tobacco-free school…

  15. Proceedings of the 1998 Photovoltaic Performance and Reliability Workshop; Cocoa Beach, Florida; November 3-5, 1998

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kroposki, B.


    This proceedings is the compilation of all papers presented at the 11th PV Performance and Reliability Workshop held at the Doubletree Hotel in Cocoa Beach, Florida, on November 3-5, 1998. The workshop was hosted by the Florida Solar Energy Center. This year's workshop included presentations from 29 speakers and had 110 attendees.

  16. A quantitative analysis of factors influencing the professional longevity of high school science teachers in Florida (United States)

    Ridgley, James Alexander, Jr.

    This dissertation is an exploratory quantitative analysis of various independent variables to determine their effect on the professional longevity (years of service) of high school science teachers in the state of Florida for the academic years 2011-2012 to 2013-2014. Data are collected from the Florida Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress databases. The following research hypotheses are examined: H1 - There are statistically significant differences in Level 1 (teacher variables) that influence the professional longevity of a high school science teacher in Florida. H2 - There are statistically significant differences in Level 2 (school variables) that influence the professional longevity of a high school science teacher in Florida. H3 - There are statistically significant differences in Level 3 (district variables) that influence the professional longevity of a high school science teacher in Florida. H4 - When tested in a hierarchical multiple regression, there are statistically significant differences in Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 that influence the professional longevity of a high school science teacher in Florida. The professional longevity of a Floridian high school science teacher is the dependent variable. The independent variables are: (Level 1) a teacher's sex, age, ethnicity, earned degree, salary, number of schools taught in, migration count, and various years of service in different areas of education; (Level 2) a school's geographic location, residential population density, average class size, charter status, and SES; and (Level 3) a school district's average SES and average spending per pupil. Statistical analyses of exploratory MLRs and a HMR are used to support the research hypotheses. The final results of the HMR analysis show a teacher's age, salary, earned degree (unknown, associate, and doctorate), and ethnicity (Hispanic and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander); a

  17. Continuous water quality monitoring for the hard clam industry in Florida, USA. (United States)

    Bergquist, Derk C; Heuberger, David; Sturmer, Leslie N; Baker, Shirley M


    In 2000, Florida's fast-growing hard clam aquaculture industry became eligible for federal agricultural crop insurance through the US Department of Agriculture, but the responsibility for identifying the cause of mortality remained with the grower. Here we describe the continuous water quality monitoring system used to monitor hard clam aquaculture areas in Florida and show examples of the data collected with the system. Systems recording temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, water depth, turbidity and chlorophyll at 30 min intervals were installed at 10 aquaculture lease areas along Florida's Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Six of these systems sent data in real-time to a public website, and all 10 systems provided data for web-accessible archives. The systems documented environmental conditions that could negatively impact clam survival and productivity and identified biologically relevant water quality differences among clam aquaculture areas. Both the real-time and archived data were used widely by clam growers and nursery managers to make management decisions and in filing crop loss insurance claims. While the systems were labor and time intensive, we recommend adjustments that could reduce costs and staff time requirements.

  18. Photosynthetically active and ultraviolet radiation at SEAKEYS station Molasses Reef (MLRF) in the Florida Keys, 2011 (NODC Accession 0098080) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Florida Institute of Oceanography's (FIO) SEAKEYS (Sustained Ecological Research Related to Management of the Florida Keys Seascape) program began in 1989 and...

  19. Temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation and weather parameters at SEAKEYS stations in the Florida Keys, 2007 (NODC Accession 0058101) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains data collected at several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Florida Bay....

  20. Temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation and weather parameters at SEAKEYS stations in the Florida Keys, 2006 (NODC Accession 0058100) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains data collected at several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Florida Bay....

  1. Temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation and weather parameters at SEAKEYS stations in the Florida Keys, 2004 (NODC Accession 0058098) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains data collected at several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Florida Bay....

  2. Temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation and weather parameters at SEAKEYS stations in the Florida Keys, 2003 (NODC Accession 0058097) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains data collected at several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Florida Bay....

  3. Temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation and weather parameters at SEAKEYS stations in the Florida Keys, 2005 (NODC Accession 0058099) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains data collected at several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Florida Bay....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harold Ardila


    Full Text Available Con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento a nivel del tallo de la enzima fenilalanina amonio liasa (PAL, por su nombre en inglés phenylalanine ammonia liase, durante la interacción clavel-Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi raza 2, se seleccionaron las condiciones para su extracción y cuantificación de la actividad. Para la extracción a partir de tallos y raíces se seleccionó un tratamiento previo del material vegetal con acetona y posterior extracción con buffer borato pH 8,8 con EDTA 2mMy -mercaptoetanol 18 mM. Para su cuantificación a nivel del tallo se debe realizar un ensayo discontinuo por 10 min, a 37 oC, pH 8,0 y a una concentración de sustrato de 35 mM. Adicionalmente se muestra mediante un ensayo in vivo el efecto que tiene, como inductor de esta enzima, la aplicación de un extracto crudo del patógeno. Los resultados observados indican que esta enzima se induce significativamente en tallos de claveles de la variedad tolerante “Kiss” durante el tratamiento por aspersión con el extracto crudo del patógeno, mientras que dicha inducción fue inexistente para la infección directamente con el patógeno. La inducción en esta variedad indica que en este extracto del patógeno se presentan elicitores potenciales para la inducción de esta enzima y por ende de la ruta fenilpropanoide.

  5. Clionid sponge surveys on the Florida Reef Tract suggest land-based nutrient inputs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ward-Paige, Christine A.; Risk, Michael J.; Sherwood, Owen A.; Jaap, Walter C.


    Bioerosion by Cliona delitrix and Cliona lampa was assessed at 43 sites along the Florida Reef Tract, USA, in the summer of 2001. Sponge abundances were estimated using rapid visual assessment. Tissue samples of sponges were taken for analysis of δ 15 N. Comparison samples were taken from Belize. Annual trends in sponge abundance were estimated from archived videos covering the period from 1996 to 2001. Sites with the greatest boring sponge size and cover were in the Backcountry and Lower Keys, where total nitrogen, ammonium, and δ 15 N levels were highest. The sites with the largest relative increase of C. delitrix and C. lampa over the 5 year period were in the Upper Keys, where the greatest relative decline in stony coral cover has occurred. Florida sponge δ 15 N values were 5.2(±0.1)%, suggesting the influence of human waste; in comparison, offshore Belize samples were 2.1(±0.1)%. These results suggest sewage contamination of the Florida Reef Tract, shifting the carbonate balance from construction to destruction

  6. Clionid sponge surveys on the Florida Reef Tract suggest land-based nutrient inputs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ward-Paige, Christine A. [School of Geography and Geology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4M1 (Canada)]. E-mail:; Risk, Michael J. [School of Geography and Geology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4M1 (Canada); Sherwood, Owen A. [Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, B3H 4J1 (Canada); Jaap, Walter C. [Florida Marine Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida (United States)


    Bioerosion by Cliona delitrix and Cliona lampa was assessed at 43 sites along the Florida Reef Tract, USA, in the summer of 2001. Sponge abundances were estimated using rapid visual assessment. Tissue samples of sponges were taken for analysis of {delta} {sup 15}N. Comparison samples were taken from Belize. Annual trends in sponge abundance were estimated from archived videos covering the period from 1996 to 2001. Sites with the greatest boring sponge size and cover were in the Backcountry and Lower Keys, where total nitrogen, ammonium, and {delta} {sup 15}N levels were highest. The sites with the largest relative increase of C. delitrix and C. lampa over the 5 year period were in the Upper Keys, where the greatest relative decline in stony coral cover has occurred. Florida sponge {delta} {sup 15}N values were 5.2({+-}0.1)%, suggesting the influence of human waste; in comparison, offshore Belize samples were 2.1({+-}0.1)%. These results suggest sewage contamination of the Florida Reef Tract, shifting the carbonate balance from construction to destruction.

  7. Tomato chlorotic spot virus Identified in Marsdenia floribunda in Florida (United States)

    Ornamental crops including hoya, annual vinca and portulaca have recently been identified with Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) infections in Florida. Observations of Marsdenia floribunda, commonly known as Madagascar jasmine, in September 2016 revealed TCSV-like symptoms. Testing of these sympt...

  8. Florida alternative NTCIP testing software (ANTS) for actuated signal controllers. (United States)


    The scope of this research project did include the development of a software tool to test devices for NTCIP compliance. Development of the Florida Alternative NTCIP Testing Software (ANTS) was developed by the research team due to limitations found w...

  9. IPM of specialty crops and community gardens in north Florida (United States)

    Insect pests post serious challenges to specialty crops (vegetables, fruits and nut crops) and community gardens in North Florida. The major vegetable pests include silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii; the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae; southeastern green stinkbug, Nezara viridula; brown s...

  10. La ceguera como motivo en Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato


    Fonseca, Marco Antonio


    El trabajo de investigación, El motivo de la ceguera en el Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato, analiza desde el área y la metodología de la literatura comparada el uso del motivo literario de la ceguera en los dos textos mencionados, resaltando las similitudes y diferencias del tratamiento del motivo dentro de las dos obras y como éste sostiene una serie de obsesiones e ideas sobre el estado actual del mundo que comparten los autores de las dos n...

  11. Digital Learning Compass: Distance Education State Almanac 2017. Florida (United States)

    Seaman, Julia E.; Seaman, Jeff


    This brief report uses data collected under the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Fall Enrollment survey to highlight distance education data in the state of Florida. The sample for this analysis is comprised of all active, degree-granting…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Letuza Moreira e Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo é um recorte da tese de doutoramento apresentada em 2012, no Programa de Pós-Graduação e Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL, em Maceió, sobre os discursos da/sobre a criança e as infâncias, no Brasil. O objetivo central é o de apresentar os efeitos de sentido que demandam dos dizeres oficiais no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, 1990 em vigor no Brasil, sobre a criança, e que determinam modos de pensar e agir sobre as crianças e a infância na contemporaneidade. As noções de sujeito e formação discursiva da análise do discurso francesa (AD, iniciada em Pêcheux (1997, permeiam as análises e elucidam os papéis históricos e ideológicos que determinam e são determinados nos/pelos dizeres dos discursos da/sobre. Faz-se necessário, portanto, adentrar os discursos da e sobre a criança e a infância para entender as contradições e os confrontos dos discursos entre dizeres e silenciamentos.

  13. Integrated conceptual ecological model and habitat indices for the southwest Florida coastal wetlands (United States)

    Wingard, G. Lynn; Lorenz, J. L.


    The coastal wetlands of southwest Florida that extend from Charlotte Harbor south to Cape Sable, contain more than 60,000 ha of mangroves and 22,177 ha of salt marsh. These coastal wetlands form a transition zone between the freshwater and marine environments of the South Florida Coastal Marine Ecosystem (SFCME). The coastal wetlands provide diverse ecosystem services that are valued by society and thus are important to the economy of the state. Species from throughout the region spend part of their life cycle in the coastal wetlands, including many marine and coastal-dependent species, making this zone critical to the ecosystem health of the Everglades and the SFCME. However, the coastal wetlands are increasingly vulnerable due to rising sea level, changes in storm intensity and frequency, land use, and water management practices. They are at the boundary of the region covered by the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), and thus are impacted by both CERP and marine resource management decisions. An integrated conceptual ecological model (ICEM) for the southwest coastal wetlands of Florida was developed that illustrates the linkages between drivers, pressures, ecological process, and ecosystem services. Five ecological indicators are presented: (1) mangrove community structure and spatial extent; (2) waterbirds; (3) prey-base fish and macroinvertebrates; (4) crocodilians; and (5) periphyton. Most of these indicators are already used in other areas of south Florida and the SFCME, and therefore will allow metrics from the coastal wetlands to be used in system-wide assessments that incorporate the entire Greater Everglades Ecosystem.

  14. Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Performance in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in Southern Florida (United States)

    Reese, Ronald S.


    Introduction: Interest and activity in aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in southern Florida has increased greatly during the past 10 to 15 years. ASR wells have been drilled to the carbonate Floridan aquifer system at 30 sites in southern Florida, mostly by local municipalities or counties located in coastal areas. The primary storage zone at these sites is contained within the brackish to saline Upper Floridan aquifer of the Floridan aquifer system. The strategy for use of ASR in southern Florida is to store excess freshwater available during the wet season in an aquifer and recover it during the dry season when needed for supplemental water supply. Each ASR cycle is defined by three periods: recharge, storage, and recovery. This fact sheet summarizes some of the findings of a second phase retrospective assessment of existing ASR facilities and sites.

  15. Meta-analysis of changes in temperature and precipitation in Florida in the context of food-energy-water nexus (United States)

    Anandhi, A.; Sharma, A.


    Florida is a hotspot of endemism for plants, vertebrates, and insects outside of the tropics. The state has extensive coastline, with the maximum distance from the coast less than 150 km which has diverse ecosystems and landscapes, as well as habitat for many endangered species. Additionally, agriculture is one of the most important economic resources in Florida and is ranked second in the U.S. for value of vegetable production. Florida's biodiversity is threatened by stressors such as increasing urbanization and population, land-use change and socio-economic growth. Given that, climate change and variability will interact with these stresses, potentially accentuating their negative impacts, there are several studies, concerning climate change impacts on Florida's ecosystem to date. The specific objectives of this study were to demonstrate the decision support tool developed from meta-analysis. The Tool was developed using the temperature and precipitation changes in Florida identified from peer reviewed studies. These change values were then synthesized using simple statistical techniques (e.g., histogram, line plots and density plots). Our results indicate a wide variability in the temperature and precipitation changes observed in the studies for Florida. The studies showed a temperature change ranged between +5 °C and -3 °C, while the precipitation change ranged between +30% and -40% in the state. These changes have series implications on the food-water-energy nexus. Some of the potential implications of these changes in the context of the nexus are discussed using causal chains developed from meta-analysis.

  16. Variaciones sobre el concepto de ética


    Pérez Oliva, Elizabeth; Velasco, José Armando


    A lo largo de la historia, pensadores han dado ideas y teorías sobre la ética, pero todos concuerdan en que es una arte de la filosofía que trata de los actos morales, normas de conducta sobre el bien y el mal en el ser humano; término desarrollado a través del tiempo.

  17. Long distance seawater intrusion through a karst conduit network in the Woodville Karst Plain, Florida


    Zexuan Xu; Seth Willis Bassett; Bill Hu; Scott Barrett Dyer


    Five periods of increased electrical conductivity have been found in the karst conduits supplying one of the largest first magnitude springs in Florida with water. Numerous well-developed conduit networks are distributed in the Woodville Karst Plain (WKP), Florida and connected to the Gulf of Mexico. A composite analysis of precipitation and electrical conductivity data provides strong evidence that the increases in conductivity are directly tied to seawater intrusion moving inland and travel...

  18. Perceptions of Teachers in South Florida Toward Block Scheduling. (United States)

    Hamdy, Mona; Urich, Ted


    A study was conducted at two metropolitan South Florida high schools to determine perceptions of 100 teachers concerning block scheduling. Teachers felt that the 4 X 4 block schedule contained too many time gaps for teaching foreign languages, English, and math. Teachers believed block schedules benefitted advanced students more than others and…

  19. Archive of bathymetry data collected at Cape Canaveral, Florida, 2014 (United States)

    Hansen, Mark E.; Plant, Nathaniel G.; Thompson, David M.; Troche, Rodolfo J.; Kranenburg, Christine J.; Klipp, Emily S.


    Remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements of the sea floor, acquired by boat- and aircraft-based survey systems, were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, St. Petersburg, Florida, for the area at Cape Canaveral.


    The potential for phytoremediation of a shallow chlorinated solvent plume was assessed by application of ground water flow and evapotranspiration (ET) models for a site in Orlando, Florida. The focus of the work was on the hydrologic and hydraulic factors that influence phytoreme...