
Sample records for raza activities includes

  1. Toward the Development of a Raza Cinema. (United States)

    Camplis, Francisco X.

    Chicano teatro, poetry, and art appear to be more developed forms of Chicano cultural expression. Chicano literature and film are just getting off the ground. Film is the least developed of the two, primarily because it is an expensive medium. However, this medium can be a tool for social change. "Raza Cinema" could Conceivably include…

  2. Crecimiento en pastoreo rotacional de toretes de razas criollas Romosinuano y Blanco Orejinegro en Colombia

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    Jaime Quiceno A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el crecimiento de toretes de las razas Romosinuno (ROMO y Blanco Orejinegro (BON en una prueba de comportamiento en pastoreo rotacional. Materiales y métodos. La prueba fue desarrollada en la Estación Experimental El Nus, en la Región Andina Colombiana, donde se evaluaron 20 toretes BON y 16 ROMO provenientes de quince ganaderías comerciales, los cuales fueron mantenidos en un solo grupo durante 221 días en pastoreo rotacional en franjas con periodos cortos de ocupación, de los cuales 56 días fueron en pastoreo no suplementado y 165 días bajo tres diferentes fases de pastoreo suplementado en el potrero. Se realizaron pesajes cada 28 días y se evaluaron variables como: la evolución en peso, la ganancia total y diaria, la diferencia entre pesajes, la relación consumo peso vivo y la tasa de consumo. Resultados. El peso inicial en la raza BON fue 180.4±36.9 kilos con 9.6±1.74 meses de edad y en la raza ROMO fue de 171.8±32.6 kilos con 10.1±3.2 meses de edad. El incremento general de los individuos entre pesajes fue 0.497 kilos por día para los individuos de raza BON, y 0.366 kilos por día para la raza ROMO. En la prueba de eficiencia la tasa de consumo de suplemento alcanzada fue 64.8% y 71% para BON y ROMO respectivamente, equivalentes a una ingestión de materia seca de 0.47% y 0.53% con relación al peso vivo. Conclusiones. Este trabajo evidencia un mayor desempeño de los individuos de la raza BON comparados con los animales de la raza ROMO e indica una alta variabilidad en la respuesta a un manejo semi-intensivo en las poblaciones en evaluación.

  3. De los primeros animales domesticados en Euskal Herria a las razas actuales

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    Mariano Gómez


    Full Text Available Para los que trabajamos en el estudio, conservación y recuperación de las razas autóctonas los trabajos de Jesús Altuna son fundamentales por tener un completo trabajo sobre cómo eran nuestros primeros animales domésticos y con ellos el origen de las razas autóctonas que conocemos en la actualidad. Además el papel del perro de pastor en el mesolítico, como herramienta para el ser humano en las labores cinegéticas, se convirtió en el pastoreo en la ayuda y compañía imprescindible para los humanos en la domesticación del resto de las especies que hoy conocemos como ganaderas. Sirva esta pequeña aportación de reconocimiento y homenaje a la gran labor aportada por el profesor Altuna y el gran legado que nos aporta en los trabajos de conservación de las razas.

  4. Estructura genética del caballo de pura raza árabe español y su influencia en razas derivadas: aplicación de nuevas metodologías en el cálculo del tamaño efectivo


    Cervantes Navarro, Isabel


    Durante el desarrollo del estudio se ha analizado la estructura genética del caballo de Pura Raza Árabe y de sus razas derivadas y se ha puesto a punto una nueva metodología de estimación del tamaño efectivo, aplicándose en poblaciones simuladas y reales. Se observó una reducida variabilidad genética en el caballo de Pura Raza Árabe Español, ocasionada por el desequilibrio en la utilización de los reproductores y el cuello de botella acaecido durante la Guerra Civil. Este hecho está compensán...

  5. Estudio de razas de palomas españolas a partir del análisis de caracteres morfológicos cualitativos

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    Pere-Miquel Parés C


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar una posible base morfológica que sustente una clasificación racional y no arbitraria de razas de palomo, se estudió la relación fenética entre diferentes razas. Materiales y métodos. Se sometieron para su estudio morfológico comparativo un total de 29 razas españolas de palomas, considerándose cada raza como Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU y agrupadas a priori en grupos de afinidad funcional y morfológica: buchones, razas catalanas, razas baleáricas, palomos de morfología. Se realizó un análisis de coordenadas (ACo sobre la base de la matriz de distancias de similitud de Gower entre OTUs a partir del análisis de 29 caracteres. A fin de conocer cuáles eran las variables responsables de las similitudes y/o disimilitudes observadas se aplicó igualmente un análisis de correspondencia (ACrr. Resultados. En el ACo se reflejó que la variabilidad representada por los dos primeros vectores Eigen no es alta. El ACrr demostró que muchas variables están fuertemente correlacionadas. Conclusiones. La distribución de las razas en el ACo apunta a una distribución bastante buena en los 4 grupos establecidos. El ACrr mostró que las variables más discriminantes pueden ser reducidas a nueve: grosor y longitud del pico, desarrollo de las carúnculas nasales y oculares, longitud del cuello, tamaño y colgado de buche, longitud relativa de la cola y posición de las alas en reposo respecto de la cola.

  6. Stuart Hall sobre raza y racismo: estudios culturales y la práctica del contextualismo

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    Lawrence Grossberg


    Full Text Available El trabajo de Stuart Hall sobre la raza no puede separarse de su trabajo sobre los estudios culturales, y en particular, de su compromiso con un contextualismo radical. En este artículo, argumento que la obra de Stuart Hall sobre raza y racismo en el contexto de su compromiso de larga data con una práctica radicalmente contextualista y con la noción de la especificidad histórica en particular.

  7. Respuesta de algunas variedades de clavel estándar a cuatro razas fisiológicas de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Dianthi Response of some standard carnation varieties to four physiological

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    Arbeláez Germán


    Full Text Available Sesenta y ocho variedades de clavel estándar se evaluaron par su respuesta patológica a las razas fisiológicas 1, 2, 4 Y 8 de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi. Solamente las variedades Bogotá, Fabiana y Pesco fueron resistentes a las cuatro razas del patógeno. Las variedades Giallo y Jole fueron susceptibles a todas las razas. La raza fisiológica más patogénica fue la raza 2, la cual es la raza predominante en Colombia, seguida de la raza 8. Las razas 1 y 4 presentaron menor patogenicidad. En esta investigación, se propone un nuevo juego de variedades diferenciales para la identificación de las razas de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi.Sixty eight standard carnation varieties were evaluated for their pathological response to the physiological races 1, 2 , 4 and 8 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi. Only Bogota, Fabiana and Pesco varieties were resistant to all races. The varieties Giallo and Jole were susceptible to the four races. The race 2, which is the predominant race in Colombia, was the most pathogenic of the four races, followed by race 8. Races 1 and 4 were less pathogenic. In this study, we propose a new set of differential varieties to identify physiological races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in Colombia.

  8. Caracterización del sacrificio de corderos de pelo a partir de cruces con razas criollas colombianas

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    William Albarracín H.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto genético del cruce de corderos Dorper con razas criollas colombianas, tiempo de ayuno y aturdimiento sobre los rendimientos del sacrificio; niveles de glucosa como medida de estrés y pH como calidad de la canal. Materiales y métodos. Se emplearon 60 corderos raza Dorper X criollo criados en pastoreo y semi-estabulación con 10 semanas de edad. Se aplicaron 3 tiempos de ayuno (6, 12 y 18 horas y 2 métodos de aturdimiento (electronarcosis y perno cautivo penetrante, evaluando los rendimientos de canal por pesaje de canales; glucosa en muestras antemortem y postmortem. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el efecto combinado de ayuno y sistema de cría influencian los rendimientos de canal y subproductos. A tiempos prolongados de ayuno se aumenta la concentración de glucosa en sangre, aunque el tiempo de ayuno incide sobre el pH último. El efecto del aturdimiento, solo se presenta en el cambio de pH durante 24 horas, siendo un efecto de estimulación eléctrica por parte de la electronarcosis. Los animales de raza Dorper x criollo criados en sistema de pastoreo, presentaron mejores rendimientos en canal, pero menores porcentajes de vísceras blancas y rojas. Conclusiones. El porcentaje medio de rendimiento en canal es similar a los presentados en razas puras Dorper siendo viable y comparable este tipo de cruce.

  9. Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia

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    Rómulo Campos G


    Full Text Available Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4.1 mmol/l; calcio 2.0 mmol/l; fósforo inorgánico 1.7 mmol/l; magnesio 1.1 mmol/l; proteínas totales 66.2 mg/dl; albúmina 25.8 mg/dl; globulinas 40.2 mg/dl; creatinina 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; bilirrubina total 0.2 µmol/l; bilirrubina conjugada 0.08 µmol/l. Los valores medios de la condición corporal y el hematocrito fueron 3.25% y 27.0% respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre grupos raciales y entre grupos de producción. Los animales de menor peso metabólico (Jersey presentaron mejor homeostasis que los de pesos mayores (Simenthal, Holstein.

  10. Antropología étnica: raza en la institucionalización de la antropología en Colombia

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    Carolina Castañeda V


    Full Text Available En este artículo rastreo la introducción de la noción de raza durante la institucionalización de la antropología en Colombia en la década los cuarenta, concretamente en la práctica antropológica de la primera generación de antropólogos dirigidos por Paul Rivet. Me interesa mostrar que las ideas de antropología de Rivet y su firme propósito de eliminar la verdad de la raza biológica impuesta en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (sgm reemplazaron la idea de raza por la de cultura, al tiempo que problematizo la forma en que la antropología étnica intercambió nominalmente raza por cultura. En este texto se adelanta una genealogía a través de los primeros trabajos antropológicos que sirvieron de fuente para Los orígenes del hombre americano. Con ello, se pretende evidenciar cómo la idea de cultura “desracializó” la discusión antropológica pero “re-racializó” los cuerpos indígenas. Al describir el modelo de estudio antropológico enseñado por Rivet a grupos sociales previamente marcados como indios, concluyo que la práctica antropométrica y etnográfica fue un violento camino epistémico de “re-racialización” de lo indio en Colombia.

  11. Diversidad de razas de colletotrichum lindemuthianum en Antioquía y evaluación de germoplasma de frijol crema-rojo por resistencia a antracnosis

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    Gloria E. Santana


    Full Text Available Para verificar si la composición de razas en el Oriente de Antioquía se caracterizaron 15 aislamientos de C. lindemuthianum, usando 12 variedades diferenciales de frijol aceptadas internacionalmente. Se identificaron 11 razas, seis de las cuales (9, 131, 135, 139, 643, y 645 fueron caracterizadas por primera vez. Además, se evaluaron 49 genotipos procedentes de los bancos de germoplasma del CIAT y CORPOICA y cultivares de agricultor de municipios productores. Los genotipos fueron evaluados en campo y en invernadero con las razas más virulentas del patógeno (651 y 653 encontradas en Antioquía. Sólo cuatro genotipos (AND1084, SUG130, LAS106 y DiacolCatio mostraron resistencia a ambas razas. Estos genotipos podrían usarse como parentales para un plan de cruzas, con el fin de introducir genes de resistencia a variedades de importancia comercial que presenten susceptibilidad a la antracnosis.

  12. Recensi??n/ Book review: Angela Davis (2004). Mujeres, raza y clase. Madrid: Akal


    Mart??nez Tijeras, Marta


    "Mujer, raza y clase", es una de las principales aportaciones del feminismo negro. Pese a no ser actual, es un libro esencial para comprender la teor??a de la interseccionalidad y, por ende, adquirir herramientas para visibilizar las realidades de las personas que se encuentran en situaciones de vulnerabilidad.

  13. Origins and Historical Significance of Día de la Raza

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    Ilan Rachum


    Full Text Available This paper traces the launching of a holiday  known in the Spanish American nations as Día de  la Raza, celebrated on 12 October, date of the  discovery of America. It describes how the new  holiday took shape in the years 1912 to 1921, and how the circumstances created by World War I  hastened its introduction. While the holiday surely  signalled a rapprochement with Spain, and was  indeed particularly promoted by communities of  Spanish immigrants in Cuba, Chile and Argentina,  its Spanish American version, as it is claimed  here, was also a response to, and a rejection of,  the Columbus Day celebration, which had become  a prominent event in the civic calendar of the  United States some years earlier. By tracing the  beginnings of the holiday, we gain a better insight  of the cultural as well as the incipient political  trends of that period.Resumen: Orígenes y significación  histórica del Día de la RazaEn este artículo se traza el origen de una fiesta  conocida en la América española como El Día de  la Raza y celebrada el 12 de octubre, fecha del  descubrimiento de América. Se describe cómo la  nueva fiesta tomó cuerpo entre 1912 y 1921, y cómo las circunstancias creadas por la Primera  Guerra Mundial apresusaron su introducción.  Mientras que la fiesta seguramente significó un  acercamiento hacia España y fue en realidad  especialmente promovida por las comunidades de  inmigrantes españoles de Cuba, Chile y Argentina, su versión española-americana, como creemos, fue también una respuesta y un rechazo de la  celebración del Día de Colón, que se había transformado en un acontecimiento importante en el  calendario cívico de los Estados Unidos algunos  años antes. Al reconstruir los inicios de la fiesta,  tendremos un mejor conocimiento de las tendencias culturales y de las incipientes tendencias  políticas de ese período.

  14. Las olas embravecidas. La antropología propugnada en El engaño de las razas de Fernando Ortiz

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    Lastra de Matías, Gilles


    Full Text Available The following paper approaches Fernando Ortiz’s thought through his book El engaño de las razas (1946. The cuban author proposes an anthropology free from the distinctive and discriminatory criterion of races, free from the use of the word “race”. This work, which implies a decidedly critical conception of history, is linked to the reflection on “transculturation”, and in a certain extent, a continuation of it.

    El siguiente artículo estudia el pensamiento de Fernando Ortiz a través de su libro El engaño de las razas (1946. El autor cubano asienta las bases de una antropología libre del criterio distintivo y discriminatorio de las razas, libre del uso de la palabra “raza”. Esta obra, que supone una concepción plenamente crítica de la historia, resulta inseparable de la reflexión sobre la “transculturación”, y en cierta medida, la prolonga.

  15. Sobre el origen de las razas caprinas españolas


    Herrera García, M.; Peña Blanco, Francisco; Rodero Serrano, E.


    Aún hoy, transcurridos más de 50 años desde que Aparicio Sánchez estableciera el origen de las razas caprinas españolas, su hipótesis está llena de contenido y actualidad. Las tres formas prehistóricas propuestas por este autor como troncos originarios, la Capra Prisca, la Capra Aegagrus y otra forma desconocida de procedencia africana son asumidas, así como las variedades Alpina y Pirenaica de la cabra Aegagrus anteriormente reconocida por Sanson (1903) y que fueron desarrolladas por este au...

  16. Evaluación de la tasa de concepción de tres razas bovinas receptoras de embriones en el Trópico Alto

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    Oscar Orlando Farfan-Rojas


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar la eficiencia reproductiva, medida en porcentaje de novillas preñadas, de tres razas bovinas, como receptoras de embriones. En el altiplano Cundiboyacense se han realizado pocos estudios tendientes a determinar cuáles razas, aptas para el medio, son las que pueden brindar mejores tasas de concepción, como receptoras, en transferencia de embriones. Los resultados se sometieron a un análisis estadístico descriptivo, utilizando los programas Excel y Minitab (Chi cuadrado x2, con variables de tipo cuantitativo. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo, CC entre 2 y 3 en una escala de 1 (muy flaca a 5 (cebada. La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo un porcentaje de gestación en la raza Normando de 63%; en la Holstein, de 55.5%, y en la raza Brangus, de 44.4%. El protocolo utilizado fue Ovisynch, y los embriones transferidos fueron congelados y descongelados para el momento de transferirlos.

  17. ¿Es el sexo para el género lo que la raza para la etnicidad... y la naturaleza para la sociedad?


    Verena Stolcke


    En este artículo se argumenta que hay una homología entre etnicidad-raza y género-sexo. Se analiza el contenido histórico de las categorías etnicidad, raza, género y sexo. Se postula que las diferencias sociales han sido naturalizadas confines de la dominación política y económica, y que en la sociedad burguesa hay una relación estrecha entre el racismo y el sexismo.

  18. Tratamiento con progestágenos y ECG tras el parto en cabras de la raza Serrana – ecótipo Transmontano


    Valentim, Ramiro; Azevedo, Jorge Manuel Teixeira de; Correia, Teresa Montenegro; Almeida, José Carlos; Fontes, Paulo J.; Galvão, Lurdes; Maurício, Raimundo; Coelho, Alípio


    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficacia de la utilización del tratamiento – FGA + eCG – en la retoma de la actividad ovárica postparto en cabras de la raza portuguesa Serrana, ecótipo Transmontano, paridas a final de la estación reproductiva. Para el efecto, en la ciudad de Bragança (latitud 41° 49' N, longitud 6° 40' W y altitud 720 metros), 30 cabras (2-6 años) de la raza portuguesa Serrana, ecótipo Transmontano, apareadas por monta natural y que parieron sin ningún p...

  19. Variabilidad genética en razas locales de frijol común de Honduras


    Meza Linarez, Narcizo; Rosas Sotomayor, Juan Carlos; Ortiz Marcide, Jesus Maria; Martin Clemente, Juan Pedro


    Las regiones agroecológicas Centro-Oriental (Francisco Morazón y El Paraíso) y Nor-Oriental (Olancho) aportan el 52% de la producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris) en Honduras. En el presente estudio se ha analizado la variabilidad genética en 59 razas locales colectadas en los tres departamentos de las dos regiones agroecológicas mencionadas, mediante cuatro loci microsatélites previamente descritos en P. vulgaris. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de una gran variabilid...

  20. La compatibilidad vegetativa: un método para diferenciar razas fisiológicas y formas especiales de Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.

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    Posada Buitrago Martha Lucia


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    La compatibilidad vegetativa fue estudiada en 15 aislamientos de Fusarium oxysporum, nueve procedentes de suelos de la Sabana de Bogotá (Colombia y los seis restantes pertenecientes a razas extranjeras. Para el análisis de compatibilidad vegetativa de aislamientos del patógeno, se utilizaron las pruebas de complementación entre mutantes nit, obtenidos en medio mínimo con clorato de potasio. Se identificaron seis grupos de compatibilidad vegetativa (VCG. El VCG1 se conformó con todos los aislamientos colombianos de la raza 2 de F. oxysporumt f sp. Díanthi  el aislamiento 103 (de baja patogenicidad, el aislamiento de la raza 2 Italia y el618-9 (de mediana patogenicidad. Los aislamientos 3 y 4 de F. oxysporumf. sp.

  1. Tipificación de marcadores genéticos sanguíneos en raza Hereford


    Quinteros, Indalecio Rodolfo; Tejedor, Eugenio Daniel; Poli, Mario Andrés; Antonini de Ruiz, Alicia Graciela


    El paso inicial de esta investigación ha sido tipificar al Bovino Hereford de Argentina para definirlo mediante la metodología de la Inmunogenética. Se buscaron "expresiones" propias y coincidencias con los "marcadores genéticos sanguíneos" descubiertos en esta raza por otros países. Su gran adaptabilidad a "hábitats" diferentes induce a mantener intacto su germoplasma y enriquecerlo con el agregado de nuevos genes. No obstante su homogeneidad racial, el Hereford Argentino presenta destacado ...

  2. Fisuras en los monopolios discursivos de dos narradores: el indio inexistente de «Huasipungo» y el indio ausente de «Raza de bronce»

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    María Ximena Postigo


    Full Text Available Two were the main concerns in Latin America during the first half of the twentieth century: the consolidation of the nation-State and the incipient development of capitalism. In the Andes the “Indian problem” added complexity to these concerns. This article proposes a comparative analysis of how Alcides Arguedas, with Raza de bronce (1919, and Jorge Icaza, with Huasipungo (1934 –despite similarities in their social projects, the racism of their speeches and the stories that they address– differ in how they incorporate indigenous issues into the novel. If Huasipungo’s social realism responds to a need for change in the relations of production, Raza de bronce’s critical realism responds to a fear of an indigenous uprising. The above is not, however, the central difference. The latter consists of a monopolistic coherence in the narrative discourse of Icaza versus the fissures that literary modernism produces in Arguedas’ positivism. As a result, the social narrative of these writers creates a bourgeois responsibility in Huasipungo (where the indigenous cultural universe is reduced to a non-existence and a dangerous indigenous potential in Raza de bronce (where the reader does not feel the presence of the Andean cultural world, but neither its non-existence.Las preocupaciones centrales de la primera mitad del siglo XX en Latinoamérica pueden resumirse en las siguientes dos: la consolidación del estado-nación y el desarrollo incipiente del capitalismo. En los Andes se añade además la problemática indígena. En este trabajo planteo un análisis comparativo de cómo Alcides Arguedas, con Raza de bronce (1919, y Jorge Icaza, con Huasipungo (1934 –pese a asemejarse en el proyecto social que promulgan, el racismo de sus discursos y la historia que cuentan– se diferencian en cómo incorporan la problemática indígena a la novelística de la época. Si el realismo social de Huasipungo responde a la necesidad de cambio de las

  3. Calidad de la lana en diversas regiones del cuerpo de las ovejas de raza Corriedale


    Amarilho-Silveira, Fernando; Schneider Lemes, Jaqueline; Gomes Esteves, Roger M


    El concepto de calidad de la lana involucra a una serie de factores inherentes a la raza y manejo nutricional, genético y sanitario, reproductivo, siendo el resultado de estos observados en la esquila. Cualquier lana, como materia prima textil, tiene un uso industrial específico y sus defectos pueden limitar sensiblemente su utilidad o elevar sus costos para ponerla en condición para ser manufacturada. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las características de calidad de la lana en ...

  4. Udder Morphological Traits and Milk Yield of Chilota and Suffolk Down Sheep Breeds Morfología Mamaria y Producción Lechera de las Razas Ovinas Chilota y Suffolk Down

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    María E Martínez


    Full Text Available Morphological traits of the whole udder (circumference, width, height, and length, teats (angle, length and width, udder cistern (teat opening and cistern height, and milk yield were measured over one lactation in a total of 18 ewes (nine Chilota and nine Suffolk Down sheep belonging to the same experimental flock (Centro Experimental INIA Butalcura, Chiloé, Chile. Analysis of variance showed significant effects for breed, sheep within breed, and stage of lactation. Chilota ewes evidenced greater udder circumference (433 mm, udder length (86 mm, teat opening (96º, and milk yield (947 mL d-1 than Suffolk Down ewes (410 mm, 77 mm, 93º, and 559 mL d-1, respectively. Udder circumference, udder width, udder length, cistern height and teat size significantly decreased throughout lactation. Repeatabilities of all traits were between 0.17 and 0.60; the highest repeatability was for udder circumference. This trait is easy to measure and had a discriminatory value for breed differentiation. In conclusion, Chilota sheep had a dairy aptitude greater than Suffolk Down sheep and similar to Spanish and Mediterranean dairy sheep breeds at beginning of their breeding programs.Los caracteres morfológicos de la ubre (perímetro, anchura, longitud y altura, de los pezones (ángulo de inclinación, longitud y anchura, de las cisternas mamarias (apertura de los pezones y altura de la cisterna y la producción lechera fueron medidos a lo largo de una lactación en un total de 18 ovejas del mismo rebaño (Centro Experimental INIA Butalcura, Chiloé, Chile, nueve de raza Chilota y nueve de raza Suffolk Down. El análisis de varianza mostró efectos significativos de la raza, la oveja dentro de la raza y del estado de lactación sobre las variables estudiadas. La raza Chilota evidenció un mayor perímetro de la ubre (433 mm, longitud de la ubre (86 mm, abertura de los pezones (96º, y producción lechera (947 mL d-1 que la Suffolk Down ( 410 mm, 77 mm, 93º, y 559 m

  5. Diámetro biparietal en fetos a término en varias razas de perros


    Cahua U, Jacqueline; Quispe M, Lizeth


    El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo la determinación de la medición ecográfica cuantitativa del diámetro biparietal de fetos a término en perras. Se trabajó con 181 informes ecográficos de varias razas de perras en gestación cuyos fetos tenían menos de 210 latidos por minuto, y que fueron examinados en el consultorio de ecografía de la Clínica de Animales Menores de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú, entre los años 2000-2014. The pr...

  6. Determinación de razas fisiológicas de Fusariumoxysporumf.sp. Dianthien suelos cultivados y en variedades de clavel en la finca "flores las palmas".

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    Benavides Joaquín L.


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    EI problema fitosanitario más Limitante del cultivo del clavel en Colombia es el marchitamiento vascular ocasionado por Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi con pérdidas económicas muy importantes. EI objetivo del trabajo fue la determinación de las razas fisiológicas del patógeno en la línea "Flores Las Palmas·, localizada en el Municipio de Tocancipá, Cundinamarca, a partir de muestras de plantas de clavel afectadas y de suelo. La investigación consistió en la obtención de 50 aislamientos del hongo a partir de plantas afectadas por la enfermedad y de 50 alistamientos de suelo, los cuales se inocularon en las variedades diferenciales de clavel lbiza, Taiga, Raggio di Sole, Pink Calypso, Niki y San Remo. Los resultados mostraron que 41

    (82% de los 50 aislamientos del hongo obtenidos de plantas enfermas de clavel estándar se clasificaron como raza 2 del patógeno, cinco aislamientos (10% se caracterizaron como de baja patogenicidad, por l0 cual no fue posible determinar la raza a la cual pertenecen y cuatro aislamientos (8% se caracterizaron por no ser patogénicos en plantas de clavel. De los 50 aislamientos del hongo obtenidos a partir de muestras de suelo, solamente uno de ellos (2% Jue patogénico en plantas de clavel y se clasifico como raza 2, siendo los demás aislamientos no patogénicos en plantas de clavel.

  7. Evaluación ultrasonográfica del espesor conjunto útero placentario en yeguas de raza de tiro Ardenés, Región de Valparaíso, Chile

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    Jorge Lohse


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de estandarizar medidas de espesor conjunto útero placentario (ECUP, en yeguas de raza Ardenes entre el 5° y último mes de gestación siendo el primer estudio de esta medición en esta raza de tipo de tiro, éste fue desarrollado en un haras de la región de Valparaiso, Chile. Un total de 61 yeguas gestantes, clínicamente sanas de raza Ardenés, escogidas al azar y con edades que fluctuaron entre 4 a 18 años, fueron ecografiadas por vía transrectal, para determinar el ECUP, lo cual fue realizado por un solo examinador durante la temporada de parición 2009-2010. La medición de dicho parámetro se realizó con equipo de ultrasonografía análogo, con un transductor lineal de frecuencia 6.0/8.0 MHz. Este procedimiento se repitió 3 veces y con estas medidas se obtuvo un promedio individual. Los resultados fueron descritos en promedios y desviación estándar. Los valores obtenidos en promedio para cada mes son los siguientes: 3,75 mm al 5° mes (121 a 150 días; 3,98 mm al 6° mes (151 a 180 días; 4,02 mm al 7° mes (181 a 210 días; 4,50 mm al 8° mes (211 a 240 días; 4,71 mm al 9° mes (241 a 270 días; 5,02 mm al 10° mes (271 a 300 días; 8,10 mm al 11er mes (301-330 días; 9,73 mm al 12° mes (331 a 360 días. Se concluye que no hubo una variación significativa en el grosor del ECUP en los distintos meses del segundo tercio de gestación, y tampoco hay mayor diferencia comparando estas mediciones con otras razas equinas mencionado en la literatura.

  8. Para una sociología del racismo: análisis comparativo de las pautas de matrimonio entre personas de raza blanca y negra

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    Full Text Available Existen diferentes maneras de analizar los prejuicios y las discriminaciones raciales. Uno de los mejores indicadores sociales es el matrimonio interracial (por ejemplo, entre razas negra y blanca, que sobrepasa los límites de los grupos establecidos mediante los procesos de racialización. Ante este fenómeno se hace necesario redefinir las nociones de raza, género y cultura en las vidas individuales, así como a nivel social y político. En el artículo se analizan algunos de esos conceptos e indicadores. Se estudian las tasas de matrimonios interraciales como un indicador significativo de la armonía en las relaciones raciales. A partir de esos datos se exponen las teorías existentes y posibles explicaciones del matrimonio entre blancos y negros, utilizando datos recientes de Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña, analizando también la dinámica de la racionalización en ambos países. Al final se añaden ideas de algunos de los principales estudios españoles.

  9. Interview with Jaime Córtez, Program Manager at the Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 14, 2001 Entretien avec Jaime Córtez, directeur de la programmation, Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, États-Unis

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    Gérard Selbach


    Full Text Available ForewordLocated at 2857 24th Street, just off Mission Street, at the heart of the Hispanic district in San Francisco, is theGalería de la Raza Co-founded by René Yáñez (cf. interview infra and Ralph Maradiaga in 1970, the Galería was initially funded by the San Francisco Neighborhood Arts Program (NAP which provided the salaries of the directors, equipment and a small budget for exhibitions for a dozen years. The opening showed awareness and compromise on the part of the SF City and of art ...

  10. Efecto de la raza en la acumulación de metales tóxicos y esenciales en terneros de cebo


    Carbajales Álvarez, Paloma


    Hasta hace unos años, las dietas animales se suplementaban con minerales en concentraciones muy por encima de sus necesidades fisiológicas. Sin embargo, la preocupación por el medio ambiente ha llevado a un mejor ajuste de la suplementación de minerales en función de las necesidades fisiológicas reales. En este contexto, la consideración de las diferencias relacionadas con la raza en las necesidades de oligoelementos es un factor a tener en cuenta. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las...


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    Gustavo Ossa S


    Full Text Available Fueron analizados 1877 datos del peso al destete de terneros de la raza Romosinuano, relativos al período1980 a 2001. El peso medio al destete fue de 182,88 ± 0,67 kg, con una desviación estándar de 29,35kg y un coeficiente de variación del 16,02%. Los efectos del año, mes de nacimiento, el número del partoy el sexo del ternero, influyeron significativamente en el peso al destete. La heredabilidad estimada parael peso al destete según el efecto directo fue de 0,14 ± 0,05 y para el efecto materno fue de 0,12 ± 0,03.

  12. Interview with René Yáñez, artist, co-founder of the Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 13, 2001 Entretien avec René Yáñez, artiste, co-fondateur de la Galería de la Raza, San Francisco, CA, Etats-Unis

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    Gérard Selbach


    Full Text Available René Yáñez is an all-round visual artist and visionary, now in his sixties. He came out of the Chicano movement of the 70’s and was instrumental in founding the Galería de la Raza in the Mission district of San Francisco. He remained some fifteen years as its director, curating exhibitions, directing and promoting emerging artists of all kinds. He then worked as director of cultural programming at the Mexican Museum until its closure. René Yáñez co-produced Mexican performance artist Astrid H...

  13. Notas en torno a la enunciación de José Vasconcelos en La raza cósmica

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    Miguel Enrique Morales


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza La raza cósmica (1925 de Vasconcelos, atendiendo a su enunciación, entendida, según Benveniste, como la apropiación subjetiva de la lengua pública. Mi intención es mostrar cómo las tesis grandilocuentes, civilizatorias, racistas y estéticas resumidas en el proyecto cósmico se enmarcan en un contexto nacional y global bien específico. Así, identifico las huellas de seis discursos en la propuesta de Vasconcelos: el de la Revolución mexicana, el de la crisis occidental del periodo entre guerras, el de la reacción ateneísta frente al positivismo, el de la mestizofilia, el del continentalismo estadunidense y el del continentalismo latinoamericano.

  14. Hallazgos endoscópicos en esófago y estómago en perros de la raza Bulldog Francés


    García-Sancho, M.


    El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo es la descripción de los hallazgos clínicos y endoscópicos, en 15 perros de la raza Bulldog Francés, con un cuadro clínico de vómitos y/o regurgitaciones. La revisión de los informes de endoscopia emitidos por el Servicio de Gastroenterología y Endoscopia del Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense permitió la selección de los perros objeto de estudio: 12 machos y 3 hembras, de edades comprendidas entre los 7 meses y los 3 años (1,62±0,89). La presen...

  15. Inducción y sincronización de la actividad ovárica en corderas de la raza portuguesa “Churra da Terra Quente”


    Azevedo, Jorge Manuel Teixeira de; Correia, Teresa Montenegro; Almeida, José Carlos; Valentim, Ramiro; Fontes, Paulo J.; Galvão, Lurdes; Mendonça, Álvaro; Coelho, Alípio


    El principal objetivo de este trahajo fue (estudiar la eficacia de la utilización de implantes subcutáneos de melatonina en la inducción de la actividad ovárica y del tratamiento hormonal - progestágenos + cCG - en la sincronización de celos en corderas de la raza portuguesa Churra da Terra Quente. La aplicación de implantes de melatonina interrumpió efectivamente el anoestro estacional de las corderas Churras da Terra Quente. Todavía, el porcentaje de corderas que presentó celo (61,5%) y la ...

  16. Metabolic profile in dairy cows under tropical Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia

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    Campos G. Rómulo


    Full Text Available High numbers of bovine breeds have been selected as milk producers, but those derived from the Bos taurus breeds have been unable to adapt to tropical conditions. The aim of this work was to analyze the metabolic profile of the seven breeds (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Brown Swiss and Simmental through the use of 15 metabolites. For each breed, 28 animals were used, divided into four physiological different groups: heifers, cows from the first stages and last stages of the lactation process and dry cows. The mean values of metabolites indicators were as follow: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucose 2.8 mmol/l; cholesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potassium 4.1 mmol/l; calcium 2.0 mmol/l; inorganic phosphorus 1.7 mmol/l; magnesium 1.1 mmol/l; total protein 66.2 mg/dl; albumin 25.8 mg/dl; globulin 40.2 mg/dl; creatinine 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; total bilirubin 0.2 µmol/L; conjugate bilirubin Additionally, body condition and PCV were determined with average values of 3.25 and 27% respectively. A significant statistical difference was found among breeding groups and physiological groups for production. It was observed that those animals with a low metabolic weight (Jersey demonstrate better homeostasis than those of high metabolic weight (Simmental, Holstein.Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4

  17. ¿Es la raza un criterio útil en la práctica médica? Is race an useful criterion in medical practice?

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    Antonio Julián Martínez Fuentes


    Full Text Available Las clasificaciones raciales son usadas muy frecuentemente para explicar los perfiles de salud de los grupos humanos. La "raza" ha sido asociada con diversas enfermedades, y se parte del criterio que existe una “causa racial" en la susceptibilidad a muchas de ellas. Los avances en el estudio del genoma humano han motivado que científicos de muchos países trabajen afanosamente en la búsqueda del gen o los genes que dentro de cada raza son la causa de determinadas enfermedades, minimizándose en no pocas ocasiones las influencias ambientales. Lo que habitualmente llamamos raza es una construcción social que refleja la imbricación de aspectos de la biología de los grupos humanos, las condiciones históricas particulares y factores económicos, políticos, sociales y culturales. Es más preciso y útil analizar las variaciones en la propensión a determinadas enfermedades existentes entre los grupos humanos en términos de variaciones en las frecuencias de sus genes y en su relación con los factores medio-ambientales, sociales, económicos y culturales, que a partir del impreciso y obsoleto concepto biológico de “raza”, el cual interfiere con el estudio objetivo de ciertas enfermedades y no funciona como un criterio eficiente en la investigación biomédica.Racial classifications are frequently used to explain the health profiles of human groups. “Race” has been associated with diverse diseases and it is started from the criterion that there is a “racial cause” in the susceptibility to many of them. The advances achieved in the study of the human genoma have led scientists from many countries to work very hard in the search of the gene or genes that within each race are the cause of specific diseases, minimizing ocassionally the environmental influences. What we usually call race is a social construction reflecting the imbrication of aspects of biology of human groups, the particular historical conditions and the economic

  18. Determinación de las razas fisiológicas de Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp. Dianthi en clavel en la Sabana de Bogotá Determination of physiological races of Fussrium Oxysporium f.sp. Dianthi in carnation in the savanna of Bogotá

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    Cevallos José Francisco


    Full Text Available El marchitamiento vascular del clavel ocasionado por el hongo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi es la enfermedad más limitante en el cultivo del clavel en la Sabana de Bogotá. Aunque el uso de variedades resistentes es un método promisorio y económ ico para el manejo de la enfermedad, algunas variedades no se comportan de una manera similar en su resistencia en diferentes fincas, y hay evidencias de la variabilidad del patógeno. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar las posibles razas fisiológicas del hongo en la Sabana de Bogotá. Cien aislamientos del patógeno se obtuvieron en 49 fincas de plantas de clavel estándar, ecotipos "americano" y "mediterráneo", y de clavel miniatura afectadas por la enfermedad y ubicadas en diferentes áreas, los aislamientos del hongo se inocularon en las variedades diferenciales Duca, Pink Calypso, Raggio di Sole y San
    Remo. Noventa y siete de los cien aislamientos probados correspondieron a la raza 2, que es la raza más frecuente en el mundo y los otros tres aislamientos correspondieron a la raza 4, que es prevalente en Italia.Vascular wilt caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi is the most important disease on carnation in Colombia. Although the use of resistant varieties is an economical and promlsmg method for the management of the disease, some varietiss do not behave in a similar way
    in different farms, and there are evidences of the variability ofthe pathogen. The objective of this research was to determine the presence of physiological races, of the pathogen in the Bogota Plateau. One hundred isolates
    of the pathogen were obtained in 49 farms from different varieties of standar and miniature carnation affected by the disease. The isolates of the fungus were ínoculated
    in four differential varieties: Duca, Pink Calypso, Raggio di Sole and San Remo. Ninety seven isolates corresponded to the race 2, that is the most frequent race in the world and the other three

  19. Polimorfismo isoenzimático en cuatro razas y un híbrido de Bactris gasipaes (Palmae

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    Sonia Rojas-Vargas


    Full Text Available Se estandarizó un sistema de electroforesis de isoenzimas con tejido de hojas que permitió la identificación del polimorfismo fenético entre cuatro razas y un híbrido de pejibaye Bactris gasipaes provenientes de Brasil, Perú, Bolivia, Panamá y Costa Rica. Las isoenzimas ensayadas fueron: PRX, EST, ACP, ME, DIA, MDH, G6PDH, PGI, SOD, PGM, ADH, GOT, de estas solamente las dos œltimas no mostraron actividad. El resto de isoenzimas mostraron polimorfismo fenético en diferentes grados, por esto se consideran marcadores polimórficos potenciales para estudios de variabilidad genética en pejibaye. Se encontró un locus único en el zimograma de la enzima PRX en las muestras de Utilis-Guápiles (CR, el cual podría usarse como un marcador discriminatorio para esta raza. Se establecieron relaciones de similitud isoenzimática entre las razas Utilis-Guápiles (CR y Tuira-Darién (Pa; Tembé-Chapare (Bo y Pará-Belem (Bra respectivamente, mientras que el híbrido Yurimaguas (Pe se ubicó aparte y ligeramente más cercano a Utilis y Tuira, por esto se considera que posiblemente desciende de padres aún no identificados.The study of genetic diversity in peach palm (Bactris gasipaes K. is important for the breeding work on this palm and to corroborate the hypotheses on its origins. For that purpose it is necessary to use alternative techniques to complement the morphological studies traditionally made. One of the techniques that responds to that need is isozyme electrophoresis. The isozymes are biochemical markers of importance in the study of genetic variability in plants of economic importance, because they are the primary products of genetic expression. This work is an electrophoretic analysis on gels of polyacrilamide to study phenetic relations using twelve isozymes on four races and an spontaneous hybrid of peach palm. The biological material used came from the germplasm bank from Los Diamantes Experimental Station, Guápiles-Costa Rica. Four


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    Gustavo Blázquez


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la formación de la figura del artista en “los mundos de los cuartetos” de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina y las formas de clasificación que se juegan en la estructuración de los procesos de subjetivación entre los y las jóvenes que frecuentaban los bailes donde triunfaban esos músicos y cantantes. Su objetivo es indagar las poéticas a través de las que se produce belleza y las relaciones de dominación que se reproducen y contestan — las políticas— implicadas en este proceso. Como muestra este trabajo, raza, género, erotismo, clase, y otras formas de materialización performativa de las diferencias sociales se articulan en torno a la producción de la belleza. Estudiar cómo se hace la belleza corporal y qué se hace con ella es la estrategia analítica utilizada para abordar las formas a través de las cuales se (rehace un orden social cuando determinadas desigualdades se hacen “perdurables”.

  1. Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia Metabolic profile in dairy cows under tropical conditions in Colombia

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    Rómulo Campos G


    Full Text Available Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4.1 mmol/l; calcio 2.0 mmol/l; fósforo inorgánico 1.7 mmol/l; magnesio 1.1 mmol/l; proteínas totales 66.2 mg/dl; albúmina 25.8 mg/dl; globulinas 40.2 mg/dl; creatinina 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; bilirrubina total 0.2 µmol/l; bilirrubina conjugada 0.08 µmol/l. Los valores medios de la condición corporal y el hematocrito fueron 3.25% y 27.0% respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre grupos raciales y entre grupos de producción. Los animales de menor peso metabólico (Jersey presentaron mejor homeostasis que los de pesos mayores (Simenthal, Holstein.High numbers of bovine breeds have been selected as milk producers, but those derived from the Bos taurus breeds have been unable to adapt to tropical conditions. The aim of this work was to analyze the metabolic profile of the seven breeds (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey , Lucerna, Brown Swiss and Simmental through the use of 15 metabolites. For each breed, 28 animals were used, divided into four physiological different groups: heifers, cows from the first stages and last stages of the lactation process and dry cows. The mean values of metabolites indicators were as follow: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucose 2.8 mmol/l; cholesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potassium 4.1 mmol/l; calcium 2

  2. Representación de raza, clase y moral en la televisión del Perú. Un análisis social de “Magaly TeVe” y “Al fondo hay sitio”

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    Mario E. Sánchez Dávila


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone analizar la representación de raza, clase y moral en los programas televisivos “Magaly TeVe” y “Al fondo hay sitio” desde una mirada antro-pológica de la televisión, comprendiendo sus dimensiones comunicativas, discursivas y sociales. Por un lado, al analizar el discurso de “Magaly TeVe” fue fácil constatar que el porqué y el cómo del éxito de la estrategia comunicativa de este fenómeno televisivo alu-dían estrechamente a códigos morales socialmente compartidos y a un modo configurado de organización, relación e interacción ya validados en nuestro tejido social. Por otro lado, al examinar el discurso de “Al fondo hay sitio” fue sencillo comprobar que hemos confundido, ingenuamente, inclusión con eventuales redenciones dentro de un marco de convergencia espacio-temporal de dos códigos culturales contradictorios y que perma-nentemente se relacionan e interactúan desde directrices de raza y clase que funcionan como núcleos semánticos que configuran, por un lado, la construcción narrativa y, por el otro, una determinada relación e interacción social de poder y violencia simbólica entre sus personajes.

  3. Evaluación de la calidad higiénico sanitaria y de composición de leche de cabra en un rebaño de la raza Saanen

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    Lucía Dora Grille Peés


    Full Text Available Uruguay es un país lechero y sus reglamentaciones son referidas principalmente a leche bovina. La leche de cabra es un alimento completo, recomendado para niños y adultos mayores, pero su estudio ha sido escaso en el país. Se estudió la calidad higiénico-sanitaria y de composición de leche caprina en un rebaño de raza Saanen durante un ciclo de lactancia. Se utilizaron 25 animales y se obtuvieron muestras de tanque quincenalmente. Se analizaron recuento de mesófilos aerobios totales (RMAT, coliformes totales (CT y Staphylococcus coagulasa positiva (SCP, recuento de células somáticas (RCS, composición, ácidos grasos, acidez Dörnic, pH y densidad. Los resultados fueron: RMAT de 3,85±0,69 ufc/ml Log10, RCS 6,91±.0,55 cel/ml Log10, CT2,47±0,84 ufc/ml Log10, SCP 1,13±0,29 ufc/ml Log10. Se obtuvieron valores de grasa: 3,58±0,69%, proteína: 2,71±0,07%, lactosa:3,84±0,10%, acidez: 14,19±0,39 ºD, pH: 6,66±0,06 y densidad: 1,026±0,26 g/ml, concordantes con trabajos realizados en animales sanos para la misma raza. Los ácidos grasos de cadena corta (caproico, caprílico, cáprico representan un 12% de los ácidos grasos totales, valores superiores a la leche de vaca (≈ 5%. Los resultados obtenidos son útiles para una futura reglamentación en leche de cabra. Por sus diferencias con la de vaca es importante generar estándares específicos.

  4. 01 Raza + Dup

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    a method that allowed researchers to develop interventions that capitalised on existing skills, practices and .... Disciplines included under this practice are ethnography, ... The debate around culture gets more distorted when culture enters the.

  5. Inducción de algunos mecanismos de resistencia en tomate por la aplicación de trichoderma asperellum tc74 para el manejo de fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raza 3


    Medellin Muñoz, Miguel Felipe


    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raza 3 (FOLR3) causa severos daños en el cultivo de tomate. Una alternativa al control químico es el uso de especies del género Trichoderma, que inducen en plantas la actividad de las enzimas glucanasas y quitinasas para la defensa contra patógenos. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la inoculación de Trichoderma asperellum cepa (Tc74) en la germinación de semillas de tomate variedad Sun 7705 y en la actividad de glucanasas y quitinasas, y su relación...

  6. Prototipo de un sistema experto para el diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas en crías de alpacas de la raza hucaya y suri del cip - la raya de la U.N.A. - Puno


    Ibañez Quispe, Vladimiro


    El presente trabajo de tesis titulado «PROTOTIPO DE UN SISTEMA EXPERTO PARA EL DIAGNÓSTICO DE ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS EN CRÍAS DE ALPACAS DE LA RAZA HUACAYA Y SURI DEL CIP-LA RAYA DE LA U.N.A.-PUNO», se ha ejecutado en la Provincia de Puno, usando los recursos computacionales existentes, las bondades de la ingeniería del software y la inteligencia artificial, que fue orientado al campo de la ganadería, específicamente en alpacas, cuyo objetivo principal fue de analizar, diseñar e implementar...

  7. Karyotypic polymorphism and evolution within and between the Liolaemus monticola (Iguanidae "northern 2n = 38-40" chromosome race populations in central Chile Polimorfismo cromosómico y evolución intra e inter poblacional de la raza cromosómica "Norte 2n = 28-40" de Liolaemus monticola (Iguanidae en Chile Central

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    Full Text Available Chromosomal genotypes were scored from 359 Liolaemus monticola lizards of the "northern, 2n = 38-40" chromosomal race from 21 locality samples between the Maipo (and one of its tributaries and the Aconcagua (and one of its tributaries ribers, plus a sample from the interracial hybridization zone, and some representative locality samples of the "southern 2n = 34" and the "multiple fission 2n = 42-44" chromosomal races for comparisons. The first seven variable chromosomal pairs were coded as Mendelian genotypes and statistically summarized by several clustering and population genetic algorithms. Spatial and temporal differentiation was assessed by chromosome frequencies, chromosomal diversity and heterozygosity. While no differentiation was found for diversity in the "northern 2n = 38-40" race, chromosomal frequencies and heterozygosity showed significant spatial differentiation that permit distinguishing between the coastal, Andean and transversal mountain range populations. The sample of Cuesta Chacabuco may represent a hybrid zone between the other two range samples. The origin of the chromosomal rearrangements, the population cytogenetics, and the recombination patterns resulting from chromosomal heterozygosity are compared in these chromosomal races, thus expanding the geographical area. These patterns are discussed with respect to the evolution of this complex in Chile and the importance of the riverine barriers in central ChileSe cuantificaron los "genotipos" cromosómicos para 359 lagartijas de 21 muestras poblacionales de la raza "Norte, 2n = 38-40" comprendida entre los ríos: río Maipo y uno de sus afluentes el río Yeso y río Aconcagua (y uno de sus afluentes el río Juncal. Con fines comparativos agregamos una muestra de la zona de hibridación interracial, algunas muestras representativas de la raza "Sur 2n = 34" y una de la raza "múltiples fisiones 2n = 42-44". Los siete primeros pares cromosómicos variables fueron codificados


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    Marco Suárez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estudiar los factores ambientales y genéticos que influyen sobre la edad al primer parto dehembras romosinuano. Materiales y métodos. Fueron estudiados 932 datos de la edad al primer partode hembras de la raza Romosinuano, nacidas en el Centro de Investigación Turipaná de CORPOICA,Cereté, Colombia, en el período de 1980 a 2001. Para el estudio de los factores ambientales se utilizóel análisis de varianza mediante modelos lineales utilizando el procedimiento GLM de SAS (1995.Resultados. La edad al primer parto fue de 1162.3±4.2 días, con un coeficiente de variación del 11.19%.El análisis de varianza reveló que el año y mes de nacimiento fueron causas estadísticamente significativasde variación de la edad al primer parto. La heredabilidad, calculada por la correlación intraclase entremedias hermanas paternas fue de 0.16±0.08. Conclusión. El año y mes de nacimiento influyeron en laedad al primer parto de hembras romosinuano, pero la heredabilidad de la edad al primer parto y elsexo de la cría no se constituyen en características importantes a tener en cuenta.

  9. Enfermedad de Chagas en perros: Descripción de un caso clínico en Raza Cimarrón y su Diagnóstico Histopatológico (CHAGAS DISEASE IN DOGS: Clinic case description in a Cimarrón and Histopatologic diagnosis)


    Dra. Heinsen, Teresita; Gonzalez, Mariana; Dra. Basmadjián, Yester; Dr. Terranova, Eduardo; Dr. De Oliveira, Victor;; Dr. Pacheco-da Silva, José P.


    ResumenEl día 17 de diciembre de 2008 en Médanos, Localidad de Canelones,Uruguay, llega a consulta un canino, macho, raza cimarrón, de 60días de vida, presentando debilidad, apatía e incordinación. Nacidopor parto natural en una camada de 5 cachorros, presentandodesarrollo normal hasta el día 53 de vida, comenzando con ptosispalpebral unilateral izquierda, acompañada de plejia de músculosfaciales y masticatorios, atrofia muscular generalizada posterior. A laclínica presentó sensorio normal, h...

  10. Sábanas blancas en mi balcón, negra mi condición : hacia una (re)evaluación de narrativas cubanas decimonónicas sobre género, "raza" y nación en las páginas de "Minerva"


    Colón Pichardo, Maikel


    Este artículo examina algunas de las posturas defendidas por un grupo de mujeres negras y mulatas en la revista Minerva: revista quincenal dedicada a la mujer de color, en el ocaso del siglo XIX cubano. Las líneas principales del análisis pretenden confrontar las posiciones de reivindicación racial y de género planteadas por estas autoras. A partir de ahí, se abre un debate que interacciona con las ideologías de género y «raza» interpuestas por una férrea estructura patriarcal, y que aborda s...

  11. Breast cancer quality of life evaluation in Mexican Women at La Raza Hospital, Mexico City: A preliminary approach

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    Jacobo Alejandro Gómez-Rico


    Full Text Available Jacobo Alejandro Gómez-Rico1, Marina Altagracia-Martínez1, Jaime Kravzov-Jinich1, Rosario Cárdenas-Elizalde1, Juan Carlos Hinojosa-Cruz2, Consuelo Rubio-Poo31Departments of Biological Systems and Healthcare, Biological and Health Sciences Division (DCBS, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Xochimilco (UAM-X, Xochimilco, Mexico; 2La Raza Hospital of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS, Mexico City, Mexico; 3Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, Faculty of Professional Studies, Zaragoza (FES-Zaragoza, MexicoAbstract: Breast cancer (BC is the second leading cause of death among Mexican women over 40 years of age. This study aimed to identify and examine the effects of cancer stage and surgical treatment on the quality of life (QOL of Mexican women with early stage breast cancer (ESBC treated with either modified radical mastectomy (MRM or breast conservative surgery (BCS, plus adjuvant chemotherapy. The QLQ-C30 and QLQ BR-23 questionnaires were used to assess QOL. Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical factors of 102 women with early BC were also evaluated; analysis of variance (ANOVA was performed and a statistical significance of p < 0.05 was assumed. Most women were of reproductive age. Meaningful differences in QOL as a result of surgical treatment, in women receiving BCS compared with those receiving MRM, were limited to body image. We conclude that MRM and BCS are essentially equivalent choices in terms of QOL, with the exception of the impact on body image. In general, women who received BCS had a better perceived QOL.Keywords: quality of life, breast cancer, Mexican women

  12. Parámetros y valores genéticos para características de composición corporal, área de ojo del lomo y grasa dorsal medidos mediante ultrasonido en la raza Brahman

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    A. Jiménez


    Full Text Available El ganado Brahman en Colombia es el de mayor participación como raza pura paraproducción de carne, y tiene gran influencia en el ganado comercial. Hasta el momento,Asocebu ha realizado evaluaciones genéticas para características de crecimiento,pero aún no se han realizado para características de la canal. El objetivo de este trabajofue determinar parámetros genéticos (heredabilidades y correlaciones, y valores genéticos(DEP para área de ojo del lomo (AOL, grasa dorsal (GD, profundidad delmúsculo glúteo medio (PMGM y grasa del anca (GA. Fueron medidos por medio deultrasonido un total de 934 animales puros, hijos de 164 toros que se encontraban enun rango de edad de 15 a 18 meses. Para los análisis se crearon grupos contemporáneosteniendo en cuenta la época, el sexo y el manejo alimenticio. Se realizó un análisis univariadousando un modelo reproductor, teniendo en cuenta el grupo contemporáneo(animales del mismo sexo, de la misma época y en el mismo manejo alimenticio, laedad fue tomada como covariable y la finca fue incluida en el modelo. Las heredabilidadesfueron 0,37 ± 0,11; 0,29 ± 0,10; 0,26 ± 0,10 y 0,11 ± 0,09 para AOL, GD,PMGM y GA respectivamente. Las DEP para AOL variaron de -2,84 a 3,43; para GDde -0,372 a 0,235; para PMGM de -0,187 a 0,235, y para GD de -0,176 a 0,298. Lascorrelaciones genéticas fueron positivas y altas indicando que la selección por musculaturano afecta el grado de acabado. Este trabajo mostró que en ganado Brahman puroexiste variación genética para las características medidas por ultrasonido relacionadascon la canal, lo cual permitirá tenerlas en cuenta en el programa de mejoramientogenético de la raza Brahman en Colombia.

  13. What, no rhumba? Los recitales de Eusebia Cosme y las tensiones entre "raza" y "cultura" en torno a la definición de la "poesía negra" hispanoamericana en los años treinta y cuarenta

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    Viviana Gelado


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza, en líneas generales, el repertorio de las presentaciones de la recitadora cubana Eusebia Cosme entre 1934 y 1946, así como el diseño de los programas impresos de esas presentaciones. El propósito de este análisis es elucidar la importancia que ellas tuvieron en la constitución del canon de la moderna "poesía negra" hispanoamericana; investigar las motivaciones de los desplazamientos lexicales producidos en los atributos dados a esta poesía, e inquirir las razones de la persistencia, en el período, de las tensiones entre las categorías de "raza" y "cultura"

  14. Designing an early selection morphological linear traits index for dressage in the Pura Raza Español horse. (United States)

    Sánchez-Guerrero, M J; Cervantes, I; Molina, A; Gutiérrez, J P; Valera, M


    Making a morphological pre-selection of Pura Raza Español horses (PRE) for dressage is a challenging task within its current breeding program. The aim of our research was to design an early genetic selection morphological linear traits index to improve dressage performance, using 26 morphological linear traits and six dressage traits (walk, trot, canter, submission, general impression - partial scores - and total score) as selection criteria. The data set included morphological linear traits of 10 127 PRE (4159 males and 5968 females) collected between 2008 and 2013 (one record per horse) and 19 095 dressage traits of 1545 PRE (1476 males and 69 females; 12.4 records of average) collected between 2004 and 2014. A univariate animal model was applied to predict the breeding values (PBV). A partial least squares regression analysis was used to select the most predictive morphological linear traits PBV on the dressage traits PBV. According to the Wold Criterion, the 13 morphological linear traits (width of head, head-neck junction, upper neck line, neck-body junction, width of chest, angle of shoulder, lateral angle of knee, frontal angle of knee, cannon bone perimeter, length of croup, angle of croup, ischium-stifle distance and lateral hock angle) most closely related to total score PBV, partial scores PBV and gait scores PBV (walk, trot and canter) were selected. A multivariate genetic analysis was performed among the 13 morphological linear traits selected and the six dressage traits to estimate the genetic parameters. After it, the selection index theory was used to compute the expected genetic response using different strategies. The expected genetic response of total score PBV (0.76), partial scores PBV (0.04) and gait scores PBV (0.03) as selection objectives using morphological linear traits PBV as criteria selection were positive, but lower than that obtained using dressage traits PBV (1.80, 0.16 and 0.14 for total score PBV, partial scores PBV and gait

  15. Persisting problems related to race and ethnicity in public health and epidemiology research Problemas persistentes relacionados con la raza y etnia en la investigación en salud pública y epidemiología Problemas persistentes relacionados à raça e etnia na pesquisa em saúde pública e epidemiologia

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    Jean-Claude Moubarac


    Full Text Available A recent and comprehensive review of the use of race and ethnicity in research that address health disparities in epidemiology and public health is provided. First it is described the theoretical basis upon which race and ethnicity differ drawing from previous work in anthropology, social science and public health. Second, it is presented a review of 280 articles published in high impacts factor journals in regards to public health and epidemiology from 2009-2011. An analytical grid enabled the examination of conceptual, theoretical and methodological questions related to the use of both concepts. The majority of articles reviewed were grounded in a theoretical framework and provided interpretations from various models. However, key problems identified include a a failure from researchers to differentiate between the concepts of race and ethnicity; b an inappropriate use of racial categories to ascribe ethnicity; c a lack of transparency in the methods used to assess both concepts; and d failure to address limits associated with the construction of racial or ethnic taxonomies and their use. In conclusion, future studies examining health disparities should clearly establish the distinction between race and ethnicity, develop theoretically driven research and address specific questions about the relationships between race, ethnicity and health. One argue that one way to think about ethnicity, race and health is to dichotomize research into two sets of questions about the relationship between human diversity and health.Se realizó revisión reciente y amplia de la utilización de raza y etnia en investigaciones dedicadas a las disparidades de salud en epidemiología y salud pública. Se describió la base teórica sobre cual raza y etnia difieren en los métodos de trabajos en ciencia, antropología social y de salud pública. La revisión fue hecha con base en la selección de artículos publicados en revistas de alto factor de impacto en lo que

  16. Macroenvironmental factors including GDP per capita and physical activity in Europe. (United States)

    Cameron, Adrian J; Van Stralen, Maartje M; Kunst, Anton E; Te Velde, Saskia J; Van Lenthe, Frank J; Salmon, Jo; Brug, Johannes


    Socioeconomic inequalities in physical activity at the individual level are well reported. Whether inequalities in economic development and other macroenvironmental variables between countries are also related to physical activity at the country level is comparatively unstudied. We examined the relationship between country-level data on macroenvironmental factors (gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, public sector expenditure on health, percentage living in urban areas, and cars per 1000 population) with country-level physical activity prevalence obtained from previous pan-European studies. Studies that assessed leisuretime physical activity (n = 3 studies including 27 countries in adults, n = 2 studies including 28 countries in children) and total physical activity (n = 3 studies in adults including 16 countries) were analyzed separately as were studies among adults and children. Strong and consistent positive correlations were observed between country prevalence of leisure-time physical activity and country GDP per capita in adults (average r = 0.70; all studies, P G 0.05). In multivariate analysis, country prevalence of leisure-time physical activity among adults remained associated with country GDP per capita (two of three studies) but not urbanization or educational attainment. Among school-age populations, no association was found between country GDP per capita and country prevalence of leisure-time physical activity. In those studies that assessed total physical activity (which also includes occupational and transport physical activity), no association with country GDP per capita was observed. Clear differences in national leisure-time physical activity levels throughout Europe may be a consequence of economic development. Lack of economic development of some countries in Europe may make increasing leisure-time physical activity more difficult. Further examination of the link between country GDP per capita and national physical activity levels (across

  17. Fisiología y moral en los estudios sobre las razas mexicanas: continuidades y rupturas (siglos XIX y XX

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    Urías Horcasitas, Beatríz


    Full Text Available The ideas about race developed in Mexico at the end of 19th Century established a link between the ethnic groups’ phisiological features and their mental or moral inclinations through which the «national character» was formed. The Revolution did not change this view which nurtured the new anthropological, ethnological, and biotypological studies carried out within the «social engineering» program launched as from the twenties. In this program a series of policies —regarding metissage, migrations, education, as well as sanitary, profilactic and iuridical questions— were defined, all of which held to the idea that the racial transformation of the country was linked to changes in mentalities and the definition of a new public and private morale.

    El pensamiento sobre las razas que se desarrolló en México a fines del siglo XIX estableció una vinculación entre los rasgos fisiológicos y las inclinaciones mentales o morales de los grupos étnicos, a partir de las cuales se conformaba un «carácter nacional». Este planteamiento no se transformó radicalmente después de la Revolución sino que fue recuperado en los nuevos estudios antropológicos, etnológicos y biotipológicos que alimentaron el programa de «ingeniería social» puesto en marcha a partir de los años veinte. Dentro de este programa fueron definidas un conjunto de políticas de mestizaje, migratorias, educativas, sanitarias, profilácticas y jurídicas que siguieron asociando la transformación racial del país al cambio de las mentalidades y a la definición de una nueva moral pública y privada.

  18. Caracterización comparada de las gallinas baleares


    Méndez Tur, Yolanda


    El archipiélago balear, por su aislamiento geográfico es una comunidad autónoma dotada de una amplia diversidad de razas ganaderas. Su condición insular hace que en cada una de las islas que lo integran existan diferentes razas autóctonas. Sin embargo, el modelo de producción industrial surgido durante la segunda mitad del s. XX, supuso la aparición de razas ganaderas con mayor capacidad productiva que fueron sustituyendo a esas razas autóctonas, relegándolas a un estado crític...

  19. Polimorfismos del gen ob en bovinos de raza holstein en la Comarca Lagunera, México

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    Sarai S. Mendoza-Retana


    Full Text Available La Comarca Lagunera es la cuenca lechera más importante de México. En la actualidad se están utilizando diversas técnicas que permiten evaluar genéticamente el animal a una edad temprana, permitiendo seleccionar futuros reproductores con características deseables. Entre los genes relacionados con la producción de leche, se encuentran el gen Ob también llamado gen Leptina el cual actúa sobre el sistema nervioso central y tejidos periféricos jugando un papel muy importante en la modulación regulación del apetito, ganancia de peso vivo, incremento del metabolismo energético y el anabolismo muscular. Este trabajo se realizó para determinar el polimorfismo de longitud del fragmento de restricción ACI I de gen leptina en el exón 2 y correlacionarlo con los parámetros de producción y calidad de leche. Se recolectaron 100 muestra de sangre de vacas en producción del establo “Lácteos Florida” de Francisco I. Madero municipio de Coahuila, México con tres esta tus de producción: altas, medias y bajas La extracción de ADN se realizó por el método modificado de Salting - Out. Se realizó PCR del gen leptina originando un fragmento de 272 bp de longitud y se realizó PCR - RFLP con la enzima de restricción ACI I y secue nciación, correlacionando los genotipos TT, CT Y CC con tres estatus de producción de leche: altas, medias, bajas. El análisis estadístico indicó que las vacas portadoras del genotipo homocigoto (TT tienen un efecto significativo (P<0.01 con respecto a l as características de producción y calidad de leche ya que tuvieron un mayor consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, además de una elevada producción de leche en comparación a los genotipos heterocigoto (CT y homocigoto (CC. Los resultados obtenidos muest ran que l a identificación molecular de polimorfismos del gen Ob puede usarse como herramienta de selección genética en bovinos de raza Holstein.

  20. 77 FR 35317 - Gruma Corporation, Spina Bifida Association, March of Dimes Foundation, American Academy of... (United States)


    ... Academy of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza; Filing of Food Additive Petition..., American Academy of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza have jointly filed a... of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza, c/o Alston & Bird, LLP, 950 F Street...

  1. 7 CFR 981.441 - Credit for market promotion activities, including paid advertising. (United States)


    ... promotion activities, including paid advertising. (a) In order for a handler to receive credit for his/her... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Credit for market promotion activities, including paid advertising. 981.441 Section 981.441 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued...

  2. Implementación de un equipo de laboratorio para la planta piloto de lácteos campus Juan Lunardi, para el análisis de la leche en tres razas de vacas (Holstein, Jersey y Criollas) de la comuna indígena de Shiña-Nabón


    Ascaribay Andrade, Saúl Geovani


    El presente trabajo de grado trata sobre la implementación de un equipo de laboratorio para el análisis comparativo de la leche entre tres razas de vacas, (Holstein, Jersey y Criollas), este análisis se lo realizo en la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de la comuna indígena de Shiña perteneciente al cantón Nabón provincia del Azuay, los parámetros a ser analizados están basados dentro de las normas técnicas que dicta el INEN, las normas que fueron analizadas fueron: Leche Cruda Requisi...

  3. "Raza" : Variables Históricas

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    Max S. Hering Torres


    Full Text Available This article addresses "race" as a social practice, a construction, and as an idea that has been developed through the power of discourse. This category, rather than a biological reality, is an intellectual and social construction which has had a variety of meanings attributed to it through history. The concept of "race," however, has preserved its functionality: to differentiate, segregate, and distort otherness. In this way, it has racialized social relations through biological determinism. To substantiate this hypothesis, the article undertakes a historical analysis to demonstrate the dynamics and variability of the racial imaginary. It sketches the outline of a history of race that includes the Spanish idea of the "Purityof Blood" (16-17th centuries, the legitimizing discoursesofthe French nobility (17-18th centuries, the ambivalence of the Enlightenment, aswell as 19th century scientific racism as a preludeofthe Holocaustor Shoah. The article concludeswithsome reflections derived from genetics as additional proof of the fictional nature of the concept of "race."

  4. Distribución e identificación de especies hospedantes de Heterodera glycines Ichinohe raza 3 en el Valle del Cauca

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    Varón de Agudelo Francia


    Full Text Available Se dividió la parte plana del Valle del Cauca en tres zonas (norte, centro y sur, habiéndose visitado 33 fincas. En la zona norte las malezas con mayor porcentaje de frecuencia y distribución en los cultivos de soya fueron Digitaria horizontalis, Echinochloa colonum y Leptochloa filiformis; en la zona centro Ipomoea hirta, Amaranthus dubius y Echinochloa colonum y en la zona sur predominaron Ipomoea hirta, Portulaca oleracea Cyperus rotundus. Los análisis de muestras de suelo y raíces indicaron que H. glycines se encuentra distribuido en todo el Valle del Cauca, presentando la zona sur (Candelaria, Palmira y Puerto Tejada las mayores poblaciones. Entre las especies evaluadas (malezas, cultivos, leguminosas forrajeras y silvestres, solamente Glycine max y Phaseolus vulgaris se consideraron como susceptibles a H. glycines raza 3. y P. angularis y P. multiflora permitieron muy poca infección y multiplicación del nemátodo.A nematode recognition of Heterodera glycines was focused on crops of soybean. Valle del Cauca was divided in three zones (northen, central and southern and 33 farms were visited. The results of the analysis on samples of soils and roots showe that Heterodera glycines is scattered throughout Valle del Cauca, being the southern zone (Palmira, Candelaria and Puerto Tejada the one having the highest standards in nematode population. Weeds showing a greater frequency percentage were : Digitaria horizontalis, Echinochloa colonum and Leptochloa filiformis, in the northen zone; Ipomoea hirta, Amaranthus dubius and Echinochloa colonum, in the central zone, and Ipomoea hirta, Portulaca oleracea and Cyperus rotundus, in the southern zone , From among the whole species evaluated (weeds, crops, leguminous a n d fodder plants, Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris were considered to be susceptible to H. Glycines race 3. Phaseolus angularis y P. multiflora let low population levels.

  5. Detección del virus de la leucosis bovina en ganado criollo colombiano mediante PCR-anidado

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    Darwin Yovanny Hernández-Herrera


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la presencia del virus de la leucosis bovina (VLB en 360 muestras de ADN de ocho razas bovinas criollas: Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS y San Martinero (SM, dos Razas Sintéticas Colombianas: Lucerna (LUC y Velásquez (VEL y dos razas foráneas: Brahmán (B y Holstein (H. Para la detección del pro-virus se amplificó una región del gen env viral, mediante PCR anidada. La presencia del VLB fue mayor en la raza HV seguido por ChS (83.3% y 60% respectivamente, VEL y LUC tuvieron el mismo porcentaje (50%, en CAS, CCC y CQT la presencia del virus fue de 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectivamente; no se encontró el virus en BON, SM y RS. En las razas foráneas la presencia fue de 83.3% para H y 6.7% para B. Se encontró dependencia altamente significativa entre la presencia del VLB y la raza, el sexo y región de origen de la muestra. El promedio de presencia en las razas criollas fue menor que en las foráneas, menor en los machos que en las hembras y en la región norte que en el suroccidente y el centro del país.

  6. Optimal Design and Real Time Implementation of Autonomous Microgrid Including Active Load


    Mohamed A. Hassan; Muhammed Y. Worku; Mohamed A. Abido


    Controller gains and power-sharing parameters are the main parameters affect the dynamic performance of the microgrid. Considering an active load to the autonomous microgrid, the stability problem will be more involved. In this paper, the active load effect on microgrid dynamic stability is explored. An autonomous microgrid including three inverter-based distributed generations (DGs) with an active load is modeled and the associated controllers are designed. Controller gains of the inverters ...

  7. Unified theory of dislocation motion including thermal activation and inertial effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isaac, R.D.; Granato, A.V.


    Transition-state rate theory has generally been used to explain the temperature dependence of the flow stress of a crystal. However, the existence of a change in the flow stress during the superconducting transition indicates the presence of inertial effects in which dislocations overcome obstacles mechanically rather than thermally. It is shown here that the thermally activated and the inertial overcoming of obstacles are not unrelated but can both be derived from principles of stochastic motion. This leads to a theory of dislocation motion that includes both thermal activation and inertial effects. It is also shown that a distribution of activation energies must be considered to account for the experimental data

  8. Estudio molecular preliminar de accesiones de maíz (Zea maysL. criollo e indígena Colombiano, utilizando una región de ADN cloroplástico

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    Ediel Armando Revelo Portilla


    Full Text Available Se exploró en forma preliminar la diversidad genética existente en las 23 razas de maíz criollo e indígena descritas para Colombia por Roberts y colaboradores (1957, para el efecto se evaluaron 28 cebadores nucleares y cloroplásticos. Catorce de ellos amplificaron en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR y fueron enviados para secuenciar a Macrogen Inc. (Corea. Mediante programas bioinformáticos (BioEdit 7.1.0, ClustalW versión 1.81, EditPlus Text Editor versión 3.20 y Gblock 0.91b 8 se encontró que ocho de estos cebadores presentaron un nivel alto de polimorfismo. La región genómica cloroplástica AtpB-1-RbcL-1 mostró el mayor polimorfismo y por tanto se utilizó para evaluar 23 materiales representativos de las 23 razas conservadas en el Banco de Germoplasma del CIMMYT (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo en México. Con el análisis de secuencias se revalidaron y confrontaron los grupos raciales obtenidos en el presente estudio -tres razas primitivas, siete razas probablemente introducidas, y 13 razas híbridas colombianas- con aquellos establecidos por Roberts y colaboradores, en los cuales se encontraron dos razas primitivas, nueve probablemente introducidas y 12 híbridas colombianas y con los grupos establecidos por Cardona (2010 utilizando la metodología Ward-MLM para los mismos caracteres descritos por Roberts et al. (1957, donde se encontraron cinco razas primitivas, siete probablemente introducidas y nueve híbridas colombianas. Con base en lo anterior, en el presente trabajo se hizo un aporte metodológico para revalidar datos históricos y redefinir grupos raciales.


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    Harold Ardila


    Full Text Available Con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento a nivel del tallo de la enzima fenilalanina amonio liasa (PAL, por su nombre en inglés phenylalanine ammonia liase, durante la interacción clavel-Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi raza 2, se seleccionaron las condiciones para su extracción y cuantificación de la actividad. Para la extracción a partir de tallos y raíces se seleccionó un tratamiento previo del material vegetal con acetona y posterior extracción con buffer borato pH 8,8 con EDTA 2mMy -mercaptoetanol 18 mM. Para su cuantificación a nivel del tallo se debe realizar un ensayo discontinuo por 10 min, a 37 oC, pH 8,0 y a una concentración de sustrato de 35 mM. Adicionalmente se muestra mediante un ensayo in vivo el efecto que tiene, como inductor de esta enzima, la aplicación de un extracto crudo del patógeno. Los resultados observados indican que esta enzima se induce significativamente en tallos de claveles de la variedad tolerante “Kiss” durante el tratamiento por aspersión con el extracto crudo del patógeno, mientras que dicha inducción fue inexistente para la infección directamente con el patógeno. La inducción en esta variedad indica que en este extracto del patógeno se presentan elicitores potenciales para la inducción de esta enzima y por ende de la ruta fenilpropanoide.

  10. Polimorfismos del gen BoLA-DRB3.2* en ganado criollo colombiano

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    Darwin Hernández H.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Caracterizar el polimorfismo del gen BoLA-DRB3.2* en las razas bovinas criollas y colombianas. Materiales y métodos. En 360 muestras de ADN de ocho razas bovinas criollas (Blanco Orejinegro, Casanareño, Costeño con Cuernos, Chino Santandereano, Caqueteño, Hartón del Valle, Romosinuano y San Martinero, dos razas sintéticas Colombianas (Lucerna y Velásquez y dos razas foráneas (Brahman y Holstein se evaluó el polimorfismo del gen BoLA-DRB3.2 mediante técnicas moleculares (PCR-RFLP; se calculó el número promedio de alelos (NPA, las frecuencias, la heterocigocidad esperada (He y observada (Ho, el equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg, la estructura genética y los valores de FST y FIS. Resultados. El NPA fue 14.6 ± 3.8 siendo Caqueteño la raza con mayor NPA (25 y el menor el Chino Santandereano (10. Se encontraron 41 alelos BoLA-DRB3.2* los más frecuentes fueron *28, *37, *24, *23, *20, *27, *8, *16, *39 (0.17, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.09, 0.07, 0.07 y 0.06 respectivamente. Se encontró alta diversidad genética (He = 0.878 con mayor valor en Caqueteño (0.96 y menor en San Martinero (0.81. Todas las razas se encontraron en equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg, se encontraron valores altamente significativos de diferenciación genética (FST= 0.044 y de coeficiente de endogamia (FIS = 0.249. Conclusiones. El ganado criollo colombiano posee alto polimorfismo del gen BoLA-DRB3.2* representado en los altos valores de NPA y diversidad génetica.

  11. Triple Active Antiretroviral Regimen Including Enfuvirtide Via the Biojector is Effective and Safe

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    Mona Loutfy


    Full Text Available For full HIV virological suppression, three fully active antiretroviral agents are required. New drug classes should be included to ensure that agents are fully active. The addition of enfuvirtide and efavirenz to the present patient’s new antiretroviral regimen ensured that two fully active agents were in use in the setting of a moderate degree of nucleoside resistance and a high level of protease resistance, and where non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors were still fully active. Both viral load and CD4 count responded favourably to this regimen. The patient received support from physicians and clinic staff in the introduction and use of enfuvirtide. To reduce injection site reactions, a needle-free injection system (Biojector proved effective.

  12. Peptidase inhibitors reduce opiate narcotic withdrawal signs, including seizure activity, in the rat. (United States)

    Pinsky, C; Dua, A K; LaBella, F S


    Narcotic withdrawal was precipitated by administration of naloxone in a low dose at 2 h after the final dose of morphine in a 9-day dependency-inducing schedule. Withdrawal was characterized by leaps, increased nocifensor activity and by cerebral cortical epileptiform activity, the latter not generally reported to be prominent in narcotic withdrawal. Single large doses of morphine did not provoke epileptiform activity at 2 h postinjection but did induce an acute opioid dependency wherein a moderately high dose of naloxone, ineffective in non-dependent rats, provoked upward leaping and electrocortical epileptiform activity. Pretreatment of the 9-day dependent rats with peptidase inhibitors, administered intracerebroventricularly, significantly reduced withdrawal severity including the epileptiform activity. We propose that peptidase inhibitors protect certain species of endogenous opioids and/or other neuropeptides that tend to suppress expression of the narcotic withdrawal syndrome. Furthermore, our findings suggest that epileptiform activity is a nascent form of cerebral activity hitherto largely unnoticed in narcotic withdrawal and that neuropeptides may be involved in certain epileptic states.

  13. Optimal Design and Real Time Implementation of Autonomous Microgrid Including Active Load

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    Mohamed A. Hassan


    Full Text Available Controller gains and power-sharing parameters are the main parameters affect the dynamic performance of the microgrid. Considering an active load to the autonomous microgrid, the stability problem will be more involved. In this paper, the active load effect on microgrid dynamic stability is explored. An autonomous microgrid including three inverter-based distributed generations (DGs with an active load is modeled and the associated controllers are designed. Controller gains of the inverters and active load as well as Phase Locked Loop (PLL parameters are optimally tuned to guarantee overall system stability. A weighted objective function is proposed to minimize the error in both measured active power and DC voltage based on time-domain simulations. Different AC and DC disturbances are applied to verify and assess the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. The results demonstrate the potential of the proposed controller to enhance the microgrid stability and to provide efficient damping characteristics. Additionally, the proposed controller is compared with the literature to demonstrate its superiority. Finally, the microgrid considered has been established and implemented on real time digital simulator (RTDS. The experimental results validate the simulation results and approve the effectiveness of the proposed controllers to enrich the stability of the considered microgrid.

  14. [Effectiveness of mental health training including active listening for managers]. (United States)

    Ikegami, Kazunori; Tagawa, Yoshimasa; Mafune, Kosuke; Hiro, Hisanori; Nagata, Shoji


    significant increases post-training in "Job demands", "Worksite support by supervisor" and "Worksite support by co-worker", subscales of the BJSQ 12 items version. Particularly, the "Worksite support by supervisor" subscale increased significantly in 8 of the 47 sections in a comparison among sections. In this present study, we investigated the effectiveness of mental health training including Active Listening for managers, and suggest that to train Active Listening and use it at the worksite possibly strengthens "Worksite support by supervisor".


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    Halima Awale


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la variabilidad patogénica de C. lindemuthianum en zonas productoras de frijol común en Ecuador y Guatemala para identificar las combinaciones de genes de resistencia más efectivas para las condiciones locales. Aislamientos de antracnosis recolectados fueron caracterizados para la identifi cación de las razas presentes en estos países empleando el juego estándar de 12 cultivares diferenciales. De acuerdo a la evaluación, solamente dos razas (5, 9 mostraron estar presentes en los dos países. En Guatemala se registró una mayor diversidad patogénica (mayor número de razas que en Ecuador. Basados en esta información y en otros datos de estudios realizados anteriormente, sugerimos como la combinación genética más efectiva la piramidación de los genes Co-12 y Co-42. Esta combinación conferiría resistencia completa a casi todas las razas de C. lindemuthianum identifi cadas hasta el momento en los dos países.

  16. Posición anatómica y longitud del apéndice vermiforme en una población de raza mestiza de la ciudad de Bucaramanga - Colombia

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    Mónica Saavedra Martínez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La posición y longitud del apéndice vermiforme en el ser humano no son constantes y los datos sobre sus variaciones son limitados. Estudios previos soportan que algunas posiciones particulares o apéndices muy largas pueden confundir los signos clínicos de una apendicitis. Algunos autores afirman que el curso de una apendicitis puede estar influenciada por la posición del apéndice. Método: La posición y longitud del apéndice cecal fueron estudiados en 100 especímenes cadavéricos de población mestiza de Bucaramanga - Colombia. La posición del apéndice se dividió en 6 grupos: pélvica, retrocecal, preileal, postileal, subcecal y paracecal. La posición fue estudiada in situ. Resultados: La posición predominante fue la retrocecal 41%. Igualmente se encontró un porcentaje elevado de posición pélvica 28%. El promedio de la longitud del apéndice fue de 7.1 cm. Conclusión: El porcentaje de la posición retrocecal de nuestro estudio concuerda con otros estudios realizados en especímenes cadavéricos. Algunos autores han reportado porcentajes elevados de posición pélvica especialmente en poblaciones de raza negra. La posición pélvica del apéndice cecal puede producir dolor hipogástrico confundiendo los síntomas clínicos principalmente en mujeres. Los resultados de este tipo de investigaciones son importantes porque las relaciones de variables anatómicas son usadas en imágenes clínicas de apendicitis aguda; además éstas observaciones pueden alentar la mayor realización de apendicectomías por laparoscopia.

  17. 25 CFR 170.623 - How are IRR Program projects and activities included in a self-governance agreement? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false How are IRR Program projects and activities included in a self-governance agreement? 170.623 Section 170.623 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE... self-governance agreement? To include an IRR Program project or activity in a self-governance agreement...

  18. Diversidad de maiz en la sierra sur de Oaxaca, México: conocimiento y manejo tradicional.

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    Beatriz Rendón-Aguilar


    Full Text Available El estado de Oaxaca representa un importante acervo de maíz en México. Estudios previos han indicado la presencia de muchas variedades locales y razas agronómicas en la Sierra Norte y Valles Centrales. La Sierra Sur ha sido poco estudiada a pesar de la presencia de comunidades indígenas zapotecas, las cuales cultivan maíz, entre otras especies, y han preservado las variedades locales. El presente estudio responde a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cuál es la diversidad de maíz en términos de variedades tradicionales y razas agronómicas en la región zapoteca de Los Loxicha?, ¿la diversidad de maíz sigue un patrón de distribución a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal?, ¿cuáles prácticas promueven y mantienen esta diversidad? Para contestar estas preguntas se realizó un estudio en cinco municipios de la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca. Durante 2007 se aplicaron entrevistas estructuradas a 930 agricultores para describir el proceso de manejo de semilla. La caracterización morfológica de las razas agronómicas se basó en muestras de mazorcas obtenidas en 375 milpas, con 20 plantas por milpa. Se encontraron altos niveles de diversidad local de maíz, con 36 variedades tradicionales correspondientes a 10 razas agronómicas. Las razas exhibieron diferencias en términos de variación fenotípica, distribución altitudinal y algunas muestran adaptación local. Los agricultores practican algunas formas de manejo ancestral para la selección de mazorcas y semillas, manteniendo, así, ciertos niveles de diferenciación entre las variedades y las razas agronómicas. Sin embargo, al sembrar diferentes variedades dentro de la misma parcela, se promueve el flujo génico y la introgresión entre ellas, manteniendo y promoviendo la diversidad fenotípica y genética.

  19. Ex Vivo Activity of Endoperoxide Antimalarials, Including Artemisone and Arterolane, against Multidrug-Resistant Plasmodium falciparum Isolates from Cambodia (United States)


    OCT 2014 2. REPORT TYPE N/A 3. DATES COVERED - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Ex Vivo Activity of Endoperoxide Antimalarials , Including Artemisone...Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Ex Vivo Activity of Endoperoxide Antimalarials , Including Artemisone and Arterolane, against Multidrug-Resistant...potent antimalarial activity (2, 3). Despite having a rapid mecha- nism of action, artemisinin resistance eventually emerged and was first detected

  20. Reducción de poblaciones de Ralstonia solanacearum raza 2 (Smith en plátano (Musa AAB Simmonds con aplicación de extractos de Trichoderma sp. (Alexopoulus y Mims y bacterias antagonistas

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    Germán Ceballos


    Full Text Available El moko, enfermedad causada por Ralstonia solanacearum raza 2, afecta la producción de plátano (Musa AAB Simmonds en Colombia, ocasionando pérdidas hasta de 100%. In vitro, se evaluó el efecto de filtrados crudos de cepas de Trichoderma sp. y dos productos comerciales como posibles reductores de poblaciones de R. solanacearum. Para cada cepa de Trichoderma spp., se empleó filtrado (40% en solución acuosa y para R. solanacearum se utilizó una dilución de 10-4 por caja de petri, en un diseño completamente al azar con tres repeticiones para determinar el número de unidades formadoras de colonia de R. solanacearum. En invernadero, se aplicaron suspensiones de T. harzianum (Agroguard®, T. viride 14PDA3A y Ecoterra® en plantas de plátano Dominico Hartón y 30 días después se inoculó R. solanacearum en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. La severidad del ataque de R. solanacearum se evaluó utilizando una escala de síntomas foliares de 0 a 6. In vitro, los extractos crudos de dos cepas y dos productos comerciales de Trichoderma spp. inhibieron el 100% de R. solanacearum. Los tratamientos con T. viride y Ecoterra® mostraron bajos niveles de control de R. solanacearum en plantas (0.63 y 1.88, respectivamente.

  1. Polimorfismo genético de beta-lactoglobulina y alphalactoalbúmina en el ganado criollo colombiano, mediante PCR-SSCP

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    Jaime A Rosero-Alpala


    Full Text Available La población de ganado criollo colombiano ha venido presentando una inquietante disminución al pasar de 23.415 ejemplares en 1999 a 20.102 en 2003. A pesar de los esfuerzos por recuperar las razas criollas el panorama para su conservación es incierto, por tanto la búsqueda de caracteres deseables puede contribuir a su valoración y conservación. Los genes relacionados con el mejoramiento de la calidad de la leche producida por estas razas se consideran de gran importancia en la industria láctea, por tal razón y con el objetivo de caracterizar los genes beta-lactoglobulina y alpha-lactoalbúmina se analizaron 30 muestras de sangre de cada una de las razas criollas (Blanco Orejinegro, Caqueteño, Casanareño, Costeño con cuernos, Chino Santandereano, Hartón del Valle, Romosinuano y Sanmartinero, dos razas sintéticas colombianas (Lucerna y Velásquez y dos razas foráneas (Holstein y Brahman. Se amplificaron fragmentos de 262pb para beta-lactoglobulina (b-LG y de 166 pb para alpha-lactoalbúmina (a-LA que se genotipificaron mediante PCR-SSCP. El promedio de la frecuencia para b-LG A y b-LG B fue de 0.46 ± 0.020 y de 0.53 ± 0.020, respectivamente, y de 0.35 ± 0.019 para a-LA A y 0.64 ± 0.019 para a-LA B. El promedio de diversidad genética (He para b-LG fue 0.498 y de 0.455 para a-LA. Los ganados criollos representan una base genética valiosa, como alternativa para mejorar genéticamente los hatos destinados a la producción de leche con mejores características en calidad para la industria láctea.

  2. 45 CFR 287.130 - Can NEW Program activities include job market assessments, job creation and economic development... (United States)


    ... assessments, job creation and economic development activities? 287.130 Section 287.130 Public Welfare... creation and economic development activities? (a) A Tribe may conduct job market assessments within its NEW Program. These might include the following: (1) Consultation with the Tribe's economic development staff...


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    Benjamin Gómez-Ramos


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue integrar los conocimientos sobre factores genéticos y ambientales que inciden en la producción de leche (PL de la coneja y su efecto en la supervivencia y crecimiento de la camada. Las investigaciones sugieren que la PL se relaciona con el crecimiento y supervivencia del gazapo durante las primeras tres semanas de vida. En cuanto a los aspectos genéticos, se ha estimado que existen diferencias en PL entre razas puras y sus cruzas, además de que el índice de herencia (h2 para PL en Nueva Zelanda Blanco, California y sus cruzas reciprocas es de 0.12%, lo cual establece un mayor efecto ambiental sobre PL. Al parecer la PL alcanza su máxima producción (219.6 g con 12 gazapos/camada y su pico de producción se alcanza al tercer parto y disminuye a partir del quinto parto. Sin embargo, la PL es determinada por: la condición fisiológica de la coneja -lactante-gestante (130 g/día o lactante-no gestante (141 g/día-; el número de pezones, conejas con 10 pezones produjeron 10% más leche que aquellas con 8; la temperatura ambiente, por cada grado centígrado por arriba de 20°C la PL disminuye 7.7 g/día. Los principales factores que influyen sobre la PL de la coneja no son atribuibles a esta. Por lo tanto, es importante controlar la naturaleza aleatoria de la mayoría de los factores no-genéticos que afectan a PL.

  4. The ATPG Attack for Reverse Engineering of Combinational Hybrid Custom-Programmable Circuits (United States)


    Introduction The widely practiced horizontal integrated circuit supply chain exposes a design to various types of attacks including the reverse engineering ...STT_CMOS designs for reverse- engineering prevention, DAC 2016. [5] M. E. Massad and et. al. Integrated circuit (IC) decamouflaging: reverse...The ATPG Attack for Reverse Engineering of Combinational Hybrid Custom-Programmable Circuits Raza Shafiq Hamid Mahmoodi Houman Homayoun Hassan

  5. Managing nuclear knowledge: IAEA activities and international coordination. Including resource material full text CD-ROM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The present CD-ROM summarizes some activities carried out by the Departments of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Safety and Security in the area of nuclear knowledge management in the period 2003-2005. It comprises, as open resource, most of the relevant documents in full text, including policy level documents, reports, presentation material by Member States and meeting summaries. The collection starts with a reprint of the report to the IAEA General Conference 2004 on Nuclear Knowledge [GOV/2004/56-GC(48)/12] summarizing the developments in nuclear knowledge management since the 47th session of the General Conference in 2003 and covers Managing Nuclear Knowledge including safety issues and Information and Strengthening Education and Training for Capacity Building. It contains an excerpt on Nuclear Knowledge from the General Conference Resolution [GC(48)/RES/13] on Strengthening the Agency's Activities Related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications. On the CD-ROM itself, all documents can easily be accessed by clicking on their titles on the subject pages (also printed at the end of this Working Material). Part 1 of the CD-ROM covers the activities in the period 2003-2005 and part 2 presents a resource material full text CD-ROM on Managing Nuclear Knowledge issued in October 2003

  6. Should Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Include the Cost of Consumption Activities? AN Empirical Investigation. (United States)

    Adarkwah, Charles Christian; Sadoghi, Amirhossein; Gandjour, Afschin


    There has been a debate on whether cost-effectiveness analysis should consider the cost of consumption and leisure time activities when using the quality-adjusted life year as a measure of health outcome under a societal perspective. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the effects of ill health on consumptive activities are spontaneously considered in a health state valuation exercise and how much this matters. The survey enrolled patients with inflammatory bowel disease in Germany (n = 104). Patients were randomized to explicit and no explicit instruction for the consideration of consumption and leisure effects in a time trade-off (TTO) exercise. Explicit instruction to consider non-health-related utility in TTO exercises did not influence TTO scores. However, spontaneous consideration of non-health-related utility in patients without explicit instruction (60% of respondents) led to significantly lower TTO scores. Results suggest an inclusion of consumption costs in the numerator of the cost-effectiveness ratio, at least for those respondents who spontaneously consider non-health-related utility from treatment. Results also suggest that exercises eliciting health valuations from the general public may include a description of the impact of disease on consumptive activities. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. El Atila del Ganges en la ganadería colombiana

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    Stefania Gallini


    Full Text Available El artículo explora las lógicas y discursos que fueron instrumento para el proceso que, en las primeras tres décadasdel siglo XX, gestó el cambio genético de la ganadería colombiana, es decir, su “cebuización”. Se estudian en particularlas ideas que los discursos expertos expresaron acerca de la relación entre razas vacunas y medio ambiente, y los debatesacerca de las defensas de las razas criollas, europeas y cebuinas respectivamente.

  8. Enzymatically active 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetases are widely distributed among Metazoa, including protostome lineage. (United States)

    Päri, Mailis; Kuusksalu, Anne; Lopp, Annika; Kjaer, Karina Hansen; Justesen, Just; Kelve, Merike


    2',5'-Oligoadenylate synthetases (OASs) belong to the nucleotidyl transferase family together with poly(A) polymerases, CCA-adding enzymes and the recently discovered cyclic-GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS). Mammalian OASs have been thoroughly characterized as components of the interferon-induced antiviral system. The OAS activity and the respective genes were also discovered in marine sponges where the interferon system is absent. In this study the recombinant OASs from several multicellular animals and their closest unicellular relative, a choanoflagellate, were expressed in a bacterial expression system and their enzymatic activities were examined. We demonstrated 2-5A synthesizing activities of OASs from the marine sponge Tedania ignis, a representative of the phylogenetically oldest metazoan phylum (Porifera), from an invertebrate of the protostome lineage, the mollusk Mytilus californianus (Mollusca), and from a vertebrate species, a cartilaginous fish Leucoraja erinacea (Chordata). However, the expressed proteins from an amphibian, the salamander Ambystoma mexicanum (Chordata), and from a protozoan, the marine choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis (Choanozoa), did not show 2-5A synthesizing activity. Differently from other studied OASs, OAS from the marine sponge T. ignis was able to catalyze the formation of oligomers having both 2',5'- and 3',5'-phosphodiester linkages. Our data suggest that OASs from sponges and evolutionarily higher animals have similar activation mechanisms which still include different affinities and possibly different structural requirements for the activating RNAs. Considering their 2'- and 3'-specificities, sponge OASs could represent a link between evolutionarily earlier nucleotidyl transferases and 2'-specific OASs from higher animals. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Chromospheric activity of periodic variable stars (including eclipsing binaries) observed in DR2 LAMOST stellar spectral survey (United States)

    Zhang, Liyun; Lu, Hongpeng; Han, Xianming L.; Jiang, Linyan; Li, Zhongmu; Zhang, Yong; Hou, Yonghui; Wang, Yuefei; Cao, Zihuang


    The LAMOST spectral survey provides a rich databases for studying stellar spectroscopic properties and chromospheric activity. We cross-matched a total of 105,287 periodic variable stars from several photometric surveys and databases (CSS, LINEAR, Kepler, a recently updated eclipsing star catalogue, ASAS, NSVS, some part of SuperWASP survey, variable stars from the Tsinghua University-NAOC Transient Survey, and other objects from some new references) with four million stellar spectra published in the LAMOST data release 2 (DR2). We found 15,955 spectra for 11,469 stars (including 5398 eclipsing binaries). We calculated their equivalent widths (EWs) of their Hα, Hβ, Hγ, Hδ and Caii H lines. Using the Hα line EW, we found 447 spectra with emission above continuum for a total of 316 stars (178 eclipsing binaries). We identified 86 active stars (including 44 eclipsing binaries) with repeated LAMOST spectra. A total of 68 stars (including 34 eclipsing binaries) show chromospheric activity variability. We also found LAMOST spectra of 12 cataclysmic variables, five of which show chromospheric activity variability. We also made photometric follow-up studies of three short period targets (DY CVn, HAT-192-0001481, and LAMOST J164933.24+141255.0) using the Xinglong 60-cm telescope and the SARA 90-cm and 1-m telescopes, and obtained new BVRI CCD light curves. We analyzed these light curves and obtained orbital and starspot parameters. We detected the first flare event with a huge brightness increase of more than about 1.5 magnitudes in R filter in LAMOST J164933.24+141255.0.

  10. Polimorfismo genético de beta-lactoglobulina y alphalactoalbúmina en el ganado criollo colombiano, mediante PCR-SSCP

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    Muñoz Florez Jaime Eduardo


    Full Text Available La población de ganado criollo colombiano ha venido presentando una inquietante disminución al pasar de 23.415 ejemplares en 1999 a 20.102 en 2003. A pesar de los esfuerzos por recuperar las razas criollas el panorama para su conservación es incierto, por tanto la búsqueda de caracteres deseables puede contribuir a su valoración y conservación. Los genes relacionados con el mejoramiento de la calidad de la leche producida por estas razas se consideran de gran importancia en la industria láctea, por tal razón y con el objetivo de caracterizar los genes beta-lactoglobulina y alpha-lactoalbúmina se analizaron 30 muestras de sangre de cada una de las razas criollas (Blanco Orejinegro, Caqueteño, Casanareño, Costeño con cuernos, Chino Santandereano, Hartón del Valle, Romosinuano y Sanmartinero, dos razas sintéticas colombianas (Lucerna y Velásquez y dos razas foráneas (Holstein y Brahman. Se amplificaron fragmentos de 262pb para beta-lactoglobulina (b-LG y de 166 pb para alpha-lactoalbúmina (a-LA que se genotipificaron mediante PCR-SSCP. El promedio de la frecuencia para b-LG A y b-LG B fue de 0.46 ± 0.020 y de 0.53 ± 0.020, respectivamente, y de 0.35 ± 0.019 para a-LA A y 0.64 ± 0.019 para a-LA B. El promedio de diversidad genética (He para b-LG fue 0.498 y de 0.455 para a-LA. Los ganados criollos representan una base genética valiosa, como alternativa para mejorar genéticamente los hatos destinados a la producción de leche con mejores características en calidad para la industria láctea.

  11. Multi trace element analysis of dry biological materials by neutron activation analysis including a chemical group separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weers, C.A.


    Multi-element analysis of dry biological material by neutron activation analysis has to include radiochemical separation. The evaporation process is described in terms of the half-volume. The pretreatment of the samples and the development of the destruction-evaporation apparatus are described. The successive adsorption steps with active charcoal, Al 2 O 3 and coprecipitation with Fe(OH) 3 are described. Results obtained for standard reference materials are summarized. (G.T.H.)

  12. Diferencia racial en docentes de educación básica de Tijuana y Tecate. Un estudio exploratorio

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    Jesús Aguilar Nery


    Full Text Available ¿En qué datos se fundamenta la idea generalizada de que existen razas humanas? Sabemos que en disciplinas como la biología y la antropología raza humana es un concepto rechazado. El propósito de este trabajo es conocer algunos de los elementos que nutren los pensamientos en torno al racismo de una muestra de profesionales de la educación básica de la franja fronteriza mexicana. Mediante un cuestionario aplicado en Tijuana y Tecate, encontramos que el concepto de raza se usa para agrupar y dividir grupos humanos. Los componentes que destacan en las definiciones son principalmente las características físicas de las personas. Concluyo señalando algunas implicaciones acerca de tener una deficiente base de conocimientos para construir una ideología racista, la cual se apoya tanto en un mecanismo cognitivo que ordena de cierto modo las diferencias, como en el procedimiento que se utiliza para darle contenido a tales diferencias.

  13. Detección del virus de la leucosis bovina en ganado criollo colombiano mediante PCR-anidado Bovine leukemia virus detection in Creole Colombian breeds using nested-PCR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwin Yovanny Hernández-Herrera


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la presencia del virus de la leucosis bovina (VLB en 360 muestras de ADN de ocho razas bovinas criollas: Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS y San Martinero (SM, dos Razas Sintéticas Colombianas: Lucerna (LUC y Velásquez (VEL y dos razas foráneas: Brahmán (B y Holstein (H. Para la detección del pro-virus se amplificó una región del gen env viral, mediante PCR anidada. La presencia del VLB fue mayor en la raza HV seguido por ChS (83.3% y 60% respectivamente, VEL y LUC tuvieron el mismo porcentaje (50%, en CAS, CCC y CQT la presencia del virus fue de 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectivamente; no se encontró el virus en BON, SM y RS. En las razas foráneas la presencia fue de 83.3% para H y 6.7% para B. Se encontró dependencia altamente significativa entre la presencia del VLB y la raza, el sexo y región de origen de la muestra. El promedio de presencia en las razas criollas fue menor que en las foráneas, menor en los machos que en las hembras y en la región norte que en el suroccidente y el centro del país.Using 360 DNA samples from eight Creole bovine breeds Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS and San Martinero (SM, two synthetic Colombian breeds: Lucerna (LUC and Velásquez (VEL and two introduced breeds Brahmán (B and Holstein (H; the presence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV was evaluated through the amplification of a viral gene region env (provirus detection - nested-PCR. The percentage of presence and independence test were calculated (X². Presence of BLV was higher in HV breed, followed by ChS (83.3% and 60% respectively; VEL and LUC breeds showed the same percentage (50%. In CAS, CCC and CQT the presence of virus was 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectively. On the other hand, no virus presence was

  14. The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance: a systematic review of the literature. (United States)

    Rasberry, Catherine N; Lee, Sarah M; Robin, Leah; Laris, B A; Russell, Lisa A; Coyle, Karin K; Nihiser, Allison J


    The purpose of this review is to synthesize the scientific literature that has examined the association between school-based physical activity (including physical education) and academic performance (including indicators of cognitive skills and attitudes, academic behaviors, and academic achievement). Relevant research was identified through a search of nine electronic databases using both physical activity and academic-related search terms. Forty-three articles (reporting a total of 50 unique studies) met the inclusion criteria and were read, abstracted, and coded for this synthesis. Findings of the 50 studies were then summarized. Across all the studies, there were a total of 251 associations between physical activity and academic performance, representing measures of academic achievement, academic behavior, and cognitive skills and attitudes. Slightly more than half (50.5%) of all associations examined were positive, 48% were not significant, and 1.5% were negative. Examination of the findings by each physical activity context provides insights regarding specific relationships. Results suggest physical activity is either positively related to academic performance or that there is not a demonstrated relationship between physical activity and academic performance. Results have important implications for both policy and schools. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Tela, piel, color: retratando los mercados de las Antillas como un inventario de la diversidad humana


    Anne Lafont


    La confrontación de las poblaciones heterogéneas y de razas mixtas en las Indias Occidentales con el material pictórico (lienzo y pigmentos) y los sistemas de clasificación humana propios de la era de las ilustraciones de la Enciclopedia, demuestra ser un campo de investigación notablemente interesante en términos de raza y el proceso de racialización,. Sin embargo, hasta hoy, la idea de pintura caribeña de la modernidad temprana no se ha presentado como tal, y esto es precisamente lo que pro...

  16. Catálogo de reproductores anglo-árabes, 2016


    Cervantes Navarro, Isabel; Sánchez Guerrero, María José; Bartolomé Medina, Ester; Negro Rama, Sara; Valera Córdoba, María Mercedes; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Serradilla Manrique, Juan Manuel; Valera Córdoba, María Mercedes (Coordinador)


    Avanzando en el Programa de Mejora de la raza equina Anglo-árabe (Aá), me es grato presentar el sexto Catálogo de Reproductores de esta raza, en el que se recogen los caballos que han alcanzado alguna de las Categorías Genéticas recogidas en su Programa de Mejora (Jóvenes Reproductores Recomendados y Reproductores Élites), para las disciplinas hípicas de Concurso Completo de Equitación, Salto de Obstáculos y Raid. Como en años anteriores, la información genealógica, fenotípica y genética de l...

  17. Wideband CMOS low noise amplifier including an active balun

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blaakmeer, S.C.; Klumperink, Eric A.M.; Leenaerts, D.M.W.; Nauta, Bram


    An inductorless LNA with active balun is proposed for multi-standard radio applications between 100MHz and 6GHz [1]. It exploits a combination of a common-gate (CG) stage and an common-source (CS) stage with replica biasing to maximize balanced operation, while simultaneously canceling the noise and

  18. A market based active/reactive dispatch including transformer taps and reactor and capacitor banks using Simulated Annealing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes, Mario Helder; Saraiva, Joao Tome


    This paper describes an optimization model to be used by System Operators in order to validate the economic schedules obtained by Market Operators together with the injections from Bilateral Contracts. These studies will be performed off-line in the day before operation and the developed model is based on adjustment bids submitted by generators and loads and it is used by System Operators if that is necessary to enforce technical or security constraints. This model corresponds to an enhancement of an approach described in a previous paper and it now includes discrete components as transformer taps and reactor and capacitor banks. The resulting mixed integer formulation is solved using Simulated Annealing, a well known metaheuristic specially suited for combinatorial problems. Once the Simulated Annealing converges and the values of the discrete variables are fixed, the resulting non-linear continuous problem is solved using Sequential Linear Programming to get the final solution. The developed model corresponds to an AC version, it includes constraints related with the capability diagram of synchronous generators and variables allowing the computation of the active power required to balance active losses. Finally, the paper includes a Case Study based on the IEEE 118 bus system to illustrate the results that it is possible to obtain and their interest. (author)

  19. Macroenvironmental factors including GDP per capita and physical activity in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cameron, Adrian J.; van Stralen, Maartje M.; Kunst, Anton E.; te Velde, Saskia J.; van Lenthe, Frank J.; Salmon, Jo; Brug, Johannes


    Socioeconomic inequalities in physical activity at the individual level are well reported. Whether inequalities in economic development and other macroenvironmental variables between countries are also related to physical activity at the country level is comparatively unstudied. We examined the

  20. Macroenvironmental Factors Including GDP per Capita and Physical Activity in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cameron, A.J.; van Stralen, M.M.; Kunst, A.E.; te Velde, S.J.; Lenthe, F.J.; Salmon, J.; Brug, J.


    Purpose: Socioeconomic inequalities in physical activity at the individual level are well reported. Whether inequalities in economic development and other macroenvironmental variables between countries are also related to physical activity at the country level is comparatively unstudied. Methods: We

  1. Entrevista a Peter Wade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo


    Full Text Available Peter Wade, Doctor en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Cambridge y actualmente profesor en la Universidad de Manchester (Reino Unido ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida a explorar las relaciones étnicas y las ideas de raza que existen en América Latina, con particular referencia a las poblaciones negras. A lo largo de su trayectoria académica Peter Wade ha estudiado los procesos de discriminación racial, identidad negra, y movimiento social negro, incorporando también la sexualidad a sus temas centrales de investigación. Wade es autor de libros como “Raza y Etnicidad en América Latina” o “Música, Raza y Nación”, una de las mejores publicaciones sobre música popular colombiana, y de artículos como Afro-Latin Studies: Reflections on the Field o Hybridity Theory and Kinship Thinking. En la actualidad combina su labor docente con su participación en el macro proyecto Public Undestanding of Genetics (PUG, que cuenta con siete equipos de investigación en diferentes países de la Unión Europea.

  2. Multiculturalismo y racismo

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    Peter Wade


    Full Text Available Este ensayo repiensa el papel que desempeña la racialización en Latinoamérica, y la pone en relación con el multiculturalismo. El multiculturalismo oficial no necesariamente conduce a la disminución del racismo y puede quedarse en gestos retóricos. Es necesario enfocar el racismo y el concepto de raza como fenómenos con historia y fuerza social propias. En este artículo se mira cómo este concepto ha sido marginado en las discusiones sobre la desigualdad en Latinoamérica, y por qué es necesario ver a Latinoamérica como parte integral de las Américas negras. Además, cómo el concepto de raza se ha manifestado en Latinoamérica más de lo pensado. Se propone también que las cuestiones de raza y de racismo están ganando más espacio público en Colombia (y en Brasil. El multiculturalismo se tiene que entender como un campo de batalla, para definir sus efectos políticos.

  3. Sincronización de celos y diagnóstico precoz de gestación en ovejas Churras da Terra Quente e Ile de France


    Azevedo, Jorge Manuel Teixeira de; Correia, Teresa Montenegro; Almeida, José Carlos; Valentim, Ramiro; Fontes, Paulo; Coelho, Alípio; Mendonça, Àlvaro


    Este trabajo fue realizado con los objetivos de estudiar los efectos de la aplicación de dos tratamientos alternativos (FGA-PMSG o PGF2alfa-PMSG) de sincronización de celos y la utilización del diagnóstico precoz de gestación en ovejas de las razas Churra da Tena Ouente (CTQ) y IIe de France (IF). Los efectos de estos tratamientos variaron con la raza. Mientras que en las ovejas CTQ la sincronización de celos con FGA resultó igual que con PGF2alfa, en las ovejas IF la utilización de FGA or...

  4. Diferenciais de raça/cor da pele em anos potenciais de vida perdidos por causas externas Diferenciales de raza/color de la piel en años potenciales de vida perdidos por causas externas Race/skin color differentials in potential years of life lost due to external causes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edna Maria de Araújo


    ún raza/color de la piel. MÉTODOS: Se realizó estudio descriptivo en Salvador, BA, con 9.626 registros de óbitos por causas externas entre 1998 y 2003. Los datos se obtuvieron del Instituto Médico Legal e Instituto Brasilero de Geografía y Estadística. El indicador "años potenciales de vida perdidos" fue utilizado para identificar diferenciales entre grupos erarios, de raza/color de la piel y sexo. RESULTADOS: Las muertes por causas externas determinaron pérdida de 339.220 años potenciales de vida, de los cuales 210.000 fueron debidos a los homicidios. Individuos negros murieron en edades más precoces y perdieron 12,2 veces más años potenciales de vida debido a homicidios que individuos blancos. A pesar de que la población negra (pardos y negros era tres veces mayor que la población blanca, el número de años perdidos de la primera fue 30 veces superior. La población de negros era 11,4% menor que la población blanca, pero presentó años perdidos casi tres veces mayor. Aún después de la estandarización por edad, se mantuvo las diferencias observadas en el indicador de años potenciales perdidos/100.000 hab y en las razones entre estratos según raza/color. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran diferenciales en la mortalidad por causas externas según raza/color de la piel en Salvador. Los negros tuvieron mayor pérdida de años potenciales de vida, mayor número promedio de años no vividos y murieron, en promedio, en edades más precoces por homicidios, accidentes de tránsito y demás causas externas.OBJECTIVE: Deaths by external causes represent one of the most important challenges for public health and are the second cause of death in Brazil. The aim of this study was to analyze differentials in mortality by external causes according to race/skin color. METHODS: A descriptive study was carried out in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil, using 9,626 cases of deaths by external causes between 1998 and 2003. Data were obtained from the Forensic Medicine

  5. Characteristics of an β-N-Acetylhexosaminidase from Bacillus sp. CH11, Including its Transglycosylation Activity. (United States)

    Kurakake, Masahiro; Amai, Yukari; Konishi, Mizuki; Ikehira, Kaho


    β-N-Acetylhexosaminidase was identified from Bacillus sp. CH11 and found to have relatively high transferring activity. In this study, its enzymatic properties and transglycosylation activity including its acceptor specificity were investigated. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 90 kDa by SDS-PAGE and its optimal pH was approximately 7 with good stability from pH 6 to 8. Its optimal temperature was 40 °C, and its activity was stable at temperatures of up to 40 °C. To analyze its acceptor specificity for transglycosylation, N, N'-diacetylchitobiose was used as a donor substrate and alcohols, sugar alcohols, sugars and polyphenols were used as acceptors. Dialcohols, which have 2 hydroxyl groups on the outside of the carbon chains, were good acceptors. The molecular size of the acceptor did not influence the transglycosylation up to at least 1,5-pentanediol (carbon number: C5). Glycerin (C3), erythritol (C4), and xylitol (C5), all small molecular weight sugar alcohols, had high acceptor specificity. Transglycosylation to mono- and disaccharides and polyphenols was not observed except for L-fucose. For the β-N-acetylhexosaminidase-catalyzed transglycosylation of chitin oligosaccharides and xylitol, the transfer product was identified as 1-O-β-D-N-acetylglucosaminyl xylitol. The optimal ratio of xylitol was 24% to 2% N, N'-diacetylchitobiose and 226 mg per 1 g N, N'-diacetylchitobiose was produced. CH11 β-N-acetylhexosaminidase efficiently produced 1-O-β-D-N-acetylglucosaminyl xylitol via transglycosylation. The new transfer products including 1-O-β-D-N-acetylglucosaminyl xylitol are attractive compounds for their potential physiological functions. 1-O-β-D-N-Acetylglucosaminyl xylitol was produced effectively from chitin-oligosaccharides and xylitol by β-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Bacillus sp. CH11. This enzyme may be useful for the development of food materials for health-related applications such as oligosaccharides with intestinal functions and

  6. Observing a fictitious stressful event: haematological changes, including circulating leukocyte activation. (United States)

    Mian, Rubina; Shelton-Rayner, Graham; Harkin, Brendan; Williams, Paul


    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of watching a psychological stressful event on the activation of leukocytes in healthy human volunteers. Blood samples were obtained from 32 healthy male and female subjects aged between 20 and 26 years before, during and after either watching an 83-minute horror film that none of the subjects had previously seen (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974) or by sitting quietly in a room (control group). Total differential cell counts, leukocyte activation as measured by the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) test, heart rate and blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken at defined time points. There were significant increases in peripheral circulating leukocytes, the number of activated circulating leukocytes, haemoglobin (Hb) concentration and haematocrit (Hct) in response to the stressor. These were accompanied by significant increases in heart rate, systolic and diastolic BP (P<0.05 from baseline). This is the first reported study on the effects of observing a psychologically stressful, albeit fictitious event on circulating leukocyte numbers and the state of leukocyte activation as determined by the nitrotetrazolium test.

  7. Does limited virucidal activity of biocides include duck hepatitis B virucidal action?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sauerbrei Andreas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is agreement that the infectivity assay with the duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV is a suitable surrogate test to validate disinfectants for hepatitis B virucidal activity. However, since this test is not widely used, information is necessary whether disinfectants with limited virucidal activity also inactivate DHBV. In general, disinfectants with limited virucidal activity are used for skin and sensitive surfaces while agents with full activity are more aggressive. The present study compares the activity of five different biocides against DHBV and the classical test virus for limited virucidal activity, the vaccinia virus strain Lister Elstree (VACV or the modified vaccinia Ankara strain (MVA. Methods Virucidal assay was performed as suspension test according to the German DVV/RKI guideline. Duck hepatitis B virus obtained from congenitally infected Peking ducks was propagated in primary duck embryonic hepatocytes and was detected by indirect immunofluorescent antigen staining. Results The DHBV was inactivated by the use of 40% ethanol within 1-min and 30% isopropanol within 2-min exposure. In comparison, 40% ethanol within 2-min and 40% isopropanol within 1-min exposure were effective against VACV/MVA. These alcohols only have limited virucidal activity, while the following agents have full activity. 0.01% peracetic acid inactivated DHBV within 2 min and a concentration of 0.005% had virucidal efficacy against VACV/MVA within 1 min. After 2-min exposure, 0.05% glutardialdehyde showed a comparable activity against DHBV and VACV/MVA. This is also the case for 0.7% formaldehyde after a contact time of 30 min. Conclusions Duck hepatitis B virus is at least as sensitive to limited virucidal activity as VACV/MVA. Peracetic acid is less effective against DHBV, while the alcohols are less effective against VACV/MVA. It can be expected that in absence of more direct tests the results may be extrapolated to HBV.

  8. 42 CFR 410.100 - Included services. (United States)


    ... service; however, maintenance therapy itself is not covered as part of these services. (c) Occupational... increase respiratory function, such as graded activity services; these services include physiologic... rehabilitation plan of treatment, including physical therapy services, occupational therapy services, speech...

  9. Proyectos corporales. Errores subversivos: hacia una performatividad decolonial del silencio

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    María Teresa Garzón Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo explora la constitución de cuerpos desde la perspectiva de la colonialidad del ser. En ese sentido, se indagan dos estudios de caso, los cuales se enmarcan en el deseo de defender el “capital simbólico de la blancura” de las elites criollas. La primera experiencia es el boom del boxeo en Bogotá, proyecto corporal para regenerar las razas colombianas. La segunda experiencia la constituye el caso de Raquel Sarmiento, una mujer del común, que representa la idea de la imposibilidad de regenerar la raza de los cuerpos más pobres como una posibilidad de re(existir en el régimen de la colonialidad del ser.

  10. 1900–1945

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    Ángela Lucia Agudelo González


    Full Text Available El presente artículo estudia el papel desempeñado por la mujer y la niñez en los discursos que sobre eugenesia se generaron en el país, con el objetivo de observar como eran percibidos dentro del imaginario eugenésico, que veía en ellos los principales protagonistas si se quería intervenir en la raza. Estudiar la mujer y los cambios que esta vivió dentro del período estudio nos mostrará como esta mucha veces no encajaba en el ideal de redentora de la raza, papel que le fue designado por los discursos que sobre esta se desarrollaron

  11. Ni ofelias ni amazonas, sino seres completos: aproximación a Teresa de Escoriaza

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    Palenque, Marta


    Full Text Available Teresa de Escoriaza is one of the first foreign correspondent in the spanish journalism history and was a reporter in the Melilla war in 1921. She was an active defending counsel of women rights too. Also as a professor of Spanish in EE.UU. she was a pioneer. She lived in New York during a lot of years and around it wrote some articles and a novel: El crisol de las razas (1929. This essay research about her life and work as writer and professor.Teresa de Escoriaza es una de las primeras corresponsales en el extranjero de la historia del periodismo español y ejerció como reportera en la Guerra de África, en 1921. También fue una activa defensora de los derechos de la mujer. Su labor como pionera se observa, además, en su trabajo como profesora de español en los EE.UU. Vivió muchos años en Nueva York, ciudad en torno a la que escribió varias crónicas y una novela: El crisol de las razas (1929. Este ensayo investiga acerca de su biografía y su labor como escritora y docente.

  12. Fluorogenic MMP activity assay for plasma including MMPs complexed to α2-macroglobulin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beekman, B.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Ronday, H.K.; TeKoppele, J.M.


    Elevated MMP activities are implicated in tissue degradation in, e.g., arthritis and cancer. The present study was designed to measure MMP enzyme activity in plasma. Free active MMP is unlikely to be present in plasma: upon entering the circulation, active MMP is expected to be captured by the

  13. Effects of Leisure Education Programme Including Sportive Activities on Perceived Freedom in Leisure of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities (United States)

    Ertuzun, Ezgi


    The objective of this experimental study is to determine the effect of leisure education programme including sportive activities on the perceived freedom in leisure of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities. The research was designed with an experimental group (n = 37) and a control group (n = 34), and was conducted among a total of 71…

  14. Concussions and Repercussions.

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    Donald A Redelmeier


    Full Text Available In their Perspective, Donald A. Redelmeier and Sheharyar Raza discuss the significance of Seena Fazel and colleagues' longitudinal study of traumatic brain injury (TBI-associated outcomes.

  15. Proyectos corporales. Errores subversivos: hacia una performatividad decolonial del silencio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa Garzón Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo explora la constitución de cuerpos desde la perspectiva de la colonialidad del ser. En ese sentido, se indagan dos estudios de caso, los cuales se enmarcan en el deseo de defender el ¿capital simbólico de la blancura¿ de las elites criollas. La primera experiencia es el boom del boxeo en Bogotá, proyecto corporal para regenerar las razas colombianas. La segunda experiencia la constituye el caso de Raquel Sarmiento, una mujer del común, que representa la idea de la imposibilidad de regenerar la raza de los cuerpos más pobres como una posibilidad de re(existir en el régimen de la colonialidad del ser.

  16. Major features of immunesenescence, including reduced thymic output, are ameliorated by high levels of physical activity in adulthood. (United States)

    Duggal, Niharika Arora; Pollock, Ross D; Lazarus, Norman R; Harridge, Stephen; Lord, Janet M


    It is widely accepted that aging is accompanied by remodelling of the immune system including thymic atrophy and increased frequency of senescent T cells, leading to immune compromise. However, physical activity, which influences immunity but declines dramatically with age, is not considered in this literature. We assessed immune profiles in 125 adults (55-79 years) who had maintained a high level of physical activity (cycling) for much of their adult lives, 75 age-matched older adults and 55 young adults not involved in regular exercise. The frequency of naïve T cells and recent thymic emigrants (RTE) were both higher in cyclists compared with inactive elders, and RTE frequency in cyclists was no different to young adults. Compared with their less active counterparts, the cyclists had significantly higher serum levels of the thymoprotective cytokine IL-7 and lower IL-6, which promotes thymic atrophy. Cyclists also showed additional evidence of reduced immunesenescence, namely lower Th17 polarization and higher B regulatory cell frequency than inactive elders. Physical activity did not protect against all aspects of immunesenescence: CD28 -ve CD57 +ve senescent CD8 T-cell frequency did not differ between cyclists and inactive elders. We conclude that many features of immunesenescence may be driven by reduced physical activity with age. © 2018 The Authors. Aging Cell published by the Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Review of the IAEA nuclear fuel cycle and material section activities connected with nuclear fuel including WWER fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sokolov, F.


    Program activities on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials cover the areas of: 1) raw materials (B.1.01); 2) fuel performance and technology (B.1.02); 3) pent fuel (B.1.03); 4) fuel cycle issues and information system (B.1.04); 5) support to technical cooperation activities (B.1.05). The IAEA activities in fuel performance and technology in 2001 include organization of the fuel experts meetings and completion of the Co-ordinate Research Projects (CRP). The special attention is given to the advanced post-irradiation examination techniques for water reactor fuel and fuel behavior under transients and LOCA conditions. An international research program on modeling of activity transfer in primary circuit of NPP is finalized in 2001. A new CRP on fuel modeling at extended burnup (FUMEX II) has planed to be carried out during the period 2002-2006. In the area of spent fuel management the implementation of burnup credit (BUC) in spent fuel management systems has motivated to be used in criticality safety applications, based on economic consideration. An overview of spent fuel storage policy accounting new fuel features as higher enrichment and final burnup, usage of MOX fuel and prolongation of the term of spent fuel storage is also given

  18. The FARE: A new way to express FAlls Risk among older persons including physical activity as a measure of Exposure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijlhuizen, G.J.; Chorus, A.M.J.; Hopman-Rock, M.


    Background: Common expressions of falls risk do not include exposure to hazards. We compared two expressions: the commonly used population incidence (fallers per 1000 person-years) and the FARE (FAlls Risk by Exposure): the number of fallers per 1000 physically active person-days. Methods:

  19. The FARE: a new way to express FAlls Risk among older persons including physical activity as a measure of exposure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijlhuizen, G.J.; Chorus, A.M.J.; Hopman-Rock, M.


    Background: Common expressions of falls risk do not include exposure to hazards. We compared two expressions: the commonly used population incidence (fallers per 1000 person-years) and the FARE (FAlls Risk by Exposure): the number of fallers per 1000 physically active person-days. Methods:

  20. Mouse preimplantation embryo responses to culture medium osmolarity include increased expression of CCM2 and p38 MAPK activation

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    Watson Andrew J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Mechanisms that confer an ability to respond positively to environmental osmolarity are fundamental to ensuring embryo survival during the preimplantation period. Activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK occurs following exposure to hyperosmotic treatment. Recently, a novel scaffolding protein called Osmosensing Scaffold for MEKK3 (OSM was linked to p38 MAPK activation in response to sorbitol-induced hypertonicity. The human ortholog of OSM is cerebral cavernous malformation 2 (CCM2. The present study was conducted to investigate whether CCM2 is expressed during mouse preimplantation development and to determine whether this scaffolding protein is associated with p38 MAPK activation following exposure of preimplantation embryos to hyperosmotic environments. Results Our results indicate that Ccm2 along with upstream p38 MAPK pathway constituents (Map3k3, Map2k3, Map2k6, and Map2k4 are expressed throughout mouse preimplantation development. CCM2, MAP3K3 and the phosphorylated forms of MAP2K3/MAP2K6 and MAP2K4 were also detected throughout preimplantation development. Embryo culture in hyperosmotic media increased p38 MAPK activity in conjunction with elevated CCM2 levels. Conclusion These results define the expression of upstream activators of p38 MAPK during preimplantation development and indicate that embryo responses to hyperosmotic environments include elevation of CCM2 and activation of p38 MAPK.

  1. Study protocol: Rehabilitation including Social and Physical activity and Education in Children and Teenagers with Cancer (RESPECT). (United States)

    Thorsteinsson, Troels; Helms, Anne Sofie; Adamsen, Lis; Andersen, Lars Bo; Andersen, Karen Vitting; Christensen, Karl Bang; Hasle, Henrik; Heilmann, Carsten; Hejgaard, Nete; Johansen, Christoffer; Madsen, Marianne; Madsen, Svend Aage; Simovska, Venka; Strange, Birgit; Thing, Lone Friis; Wehner, Peder Skov; Schmiegelow, Kjeld; Larsen, Hanne Baekgaard


    During cancer treatment children have reduced contact with their social network of friends, and have limited participation in education, sports, and leisure activities. During and following cancer treatment, children describe school related problems, reduced physical fitness, and problems related to interaction with peers. The RESPECT study is a nationwide population-based prospective, controlled, mixed-methods intervention study looking at children aged 6-18 years newly diagnosed with cancer in eastern Denmark (n=120) and a matched control group in western Denmark (n=120). RESPECT includes Danish-speaking children diagnosed with cancer and treated at pediatric oncology units in Denmark. Primary endpoints are the level of educational achievement one year after the cessation of first-line cancer therapy, and the value of VO2max one year after the cessation of first-line cancer therapy. Secondary endpoints are quality of life measured by validated questionnaires and interviews, and physical performance. RESPECT includes a multimodal intervention program, including ambassador-facilitated educational, physical, and social interventions. The educational intervention includes an educational program aimed at the child with cancer, the child's schoolteachers and classmates, and the child's parents. Children with cancer will each have two ambassadors assigned from their class. The ambassadors visit the child with cancer at the hospital at alternating 2-week intervals and participate in the intervention program. The physical and social intervention examines the effect of early, structured, individualized, and continuous physical activity from diagnosis throughout the treatment period. The patients are tested at diagnosis, at 3 and 6 months after diagnosis, and one year after the cessation of treatment. The study is powered to quantify the impact of the combined educational, physical, and social intervention programs. RESPECT is the first population-based study to examine the

  2. Intracellular activity of clinical concentrations of phenothiazines including thioridiazine against phagocytosed Staphylococcus aureus. (United States)

    Ordway, Diane; Viveiros, Miguel; Leandro, Clara; Arroz, Maria Jorge; Amaral, Leonard


    The effect of thioridazine (TZ) was studied on the killing activity of human peripheral blood monocyte derived macrophages (HPBMDM) and of human macrophage cell line THP-1 at extracellular concentrations below those achievable clinically. These macrophages have nominal killing activity against bacteria and therefore, would not influence any activity that the compounds may have against intracellular localised Staphylococcus aureus. The results indicated that whereas TZ has an in vitro minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against the strains of S. aureus of 18, 0.1 mg/l of TZ in the medium completely inhibits the growth of S. aureus that has been phagocytosed by macrophages. The latter concentration was non-toxic to macrophages, did not cause cellular expression of activation marker CD69 nor induction of CD3+ T cell production of IFN-gamma, but blocked cellular proliferation and down-regulated the production of T cell-derived cytokines (IFN-gamma, IL-5). These results suggest that TZ induces intracellular bactericidal activities independent of the capacity to generate Type 1 responses against S. aureus.

  3. O corpo diferente: representações das raças humanas nos manuais escolares de zoologia - The different body: representations of the human races in zoology textbooks

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    Bento Filipe Barreiras Pinto Cavadas, Portugal


    Full Text Available  Este trabalho visou comparar o modo como os autores dos manuais escolares de Zoologia, da segunda metade do século 19 e do início do século 20, realizaram a transposição didática dos estudos antropológicos sobre as raças humanas para essas obras. Constataram-se diferenças na tipologia e nos carateres antropológicos utilizados para descrever as raças humanas. Aferiu-se, ainda, a existência de afirmações que vincularam o determinismo biológico porque alguns autores valorizaram física, moral e intelectualmente a raça caucasiana em detrimento das outras raças.Palavras-chave: manuais escolares, raças humanas, zoologia. The different body: representations of the human races in zoology textbooksAbstractThe aim of this study is to compare how the authors of Zoology textbooks of the second half of 19th century and early 20th century made the didactic transposition of anthropological studies on the human races for these textbooks. The results show differences in the typology and anthropological characteristics used to describe the human races. It was also noticed the presence of statements related to the concept of biological determinism because the authors valued physic, morally and intellectually the Caucasian race instead other races.Key-words: textbooks, human races, zoology. El cuerpo diferente: representaciones de las razas humanas en los manuales escolares de zoologiaResumenEste estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la forma en que los autores de los manuales escolares de Zoología de la segunda mitad del siglo 19 y principios del siglo 20 hizo la transposición didáctica de los estudios antropológicos sobre las razas humanas para estos manuales. Se encontraron diferencias en las características de la tipología y las características antropológicas utilizadas para describir las razas humanas. También se señaló que hay declaraciones que vinculaban el determinismo biológico debido a que algunos autores han valorizado f

  4. Review of neutron activation analysis in the standardization and study of reference materials, including its application to radionuclide reference materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byrne, A.R.


    Neutron activation analysis (NAA) plays a very important role in the certification of reference materials (RMs) and their characterization, including homogeneity testing. The features of the method are briefly reviewed, particularly aspects relating to its completely independent nuclear basis, its virtual freedom from blank problems, and its capacity for self-verification. This last aspect, arising from the essentially isotopic character of NAA, can be exploited by using different nuclear reactions and induced nuclides, and the possibility of employing two modes, one instrumental (nondestructive), the other radiochemical (destructive). This enables the derivation of essentially independent analytical information and the unique capacity of NAA for selfvalidation. The application of NAA to quantify natural or man-made radionuclides such as uranium, thorium, 237 Np, 129 I and 230 Th is discussed, including its advantages over conventional radiometric methods and its usefulness in providing independent data for nuclides where other confirmatory analyses are impossible, or are only recently becoming available through newer 'atom counting' techniques. Certain additional, prospective uses of NAA in the study of RMs and potential RMs are mentioned, including transmutation reactions, creation of endogenously radiolabelled matrices for production and study of RMs (such as dissolution and leaching tests, use as incorporated radiotracers for chemical recovery correction), and the possibility of molecular activation analysis for specification. (orig.)

  5. Meta-structure and tunable optical device including the same (United States)

    Han, Seunghoon; Papadakis, Georgia Theano; Atwater, Harry


    A meta-structure and a tunable optical device including the same are provided. The meta-structure includes a plurality of metal layers spaced apart from one another, an active layer spaced apart from the plurality of metal layers and having a carrier concentration that is tuned according to an electric signal applied to the active layer and the plurality of metal layers, and a plurality of dielectric layers spaced apart from one another and each having one surface contacting a metal layer among the plurality of metal layers and another surface contacting the active layer.

  6. Carcinoma de las células basales en el niño: Presentación de un caso Basal cell carcinoma in the child: A case report

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    Edelisa Moredo Romo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un escolar de seis años de edad, del sexo masculino y raza negra, que desarrolló un carcinoma de las células basales de la piel de la cara sin antecedente previo de lesión cutánea, exposición exagerada al sol ni otros agentes carcinógenos conocidos. Por la rareza de esta neoplasia en la edad pediátrica y de su aparición en la raza negra, por el interés despertado hacia este caso en nuestro servicio y sobre la base de que su incidencia muestra una tendencia creciente y de que este tipo de tumor se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública mayor; se decide realizar una revisión amplia del tema y presentar este caso.

  7. Fluconazole-Pyridoxine Bis-Triazolium Compounds with Potent Activity against Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi Including Their Biofilm-Embedded Forms

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    Marsel R. Garipov


    Full Text Available Two novel quaternary ammonium salts, bis-triazolium derivatives of fluconazole and pyridoxine, were synthesized by reaction of fluconazole with pyridoxine-based synthetic intermediates. The leading compound demonstrated pronounced antimycotic and antibacterial in vitro activity, comparable to or exceeding that of the reference antifungal (fluconazole, terbinafine and antibacterial/antiseptic (miramistin, benzalkonium chloride agents. In contrast to many antimicrobials, the leading compound was also active against biofilm-embedded staphylococci and Escherichia coli. While no biofilm structure destruction occurred, all compounds were able to diffuse into the matrix and reduce the number of colony-forming units by three orders of magnitude at 16 × MBC. The leading compound was significantly less toxic than miramistin and benzalkonium chloride and more toxic than the reference antifungal drugs. The obtained results make the described chemotype a promising starting point for the development of new broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapies with powerful effect on fungal and bacterial pathogens including their biofilm-embedded forms.

  8. Critical Race Theory Counterstory as Allegory: A Rhetorical Trope to Raise Awareness about Arizona's Ban on Ethnic Studies (United States)

    Martinez, Aja Y.


    he critical race counterstory in this essay takes on the form of allegory to raise awareness about Arizona's anti-immigrant/Mexican climate, and pays particular attention to legislation targeted at Tucson Unified School District's Mexican American studies (also RAZA studies) program.

  9. Etiolog??a y epizootiolog??a de las infestaciones por tricoestrong??lidos ovinos en la comarca de Oropesa (Toledo)


    Cordero del Campillo, Miguel; Rojo V??zquez, Francisco A.; Garc??a Romero, Carmelo; Valc??rcel Sancho, F??lix


    p. 155-168 El estudio se ha desarrollado en la Comarca de Oropesa, Toledo, con la finalidad de conocer los aspectos etiol??gicos y epizootolog??a de las infestaciones por Trichostrongilidae y Molineidae en el ganado ovino de raza talaverana

  10. Including Students with Visual Impairments: Softball (United States)

    Brian, Ali; Haegele, Justin A.


    Research has shown that while students with visual impairments are likely to be included in general physical education programs, they may not be as active as their typically developing peers. This article provides ideas for equipment modifications and game-like progressions for one popular physical education unit, softball. The purpose of these…

  11. Genetic study of Andalusia's ovine and caprine breeds. (United States)

    Rodero, E; Haba, M R; Rodero, A


    differents variables de polymorphism biochimique. Lorsque on fait differences entre troupeau, dedans de races, ou entre elles, on a utilicés differents preuves, á partir des fréquences géniques et génotipiques: l'index de Wright, hétérozygotie moyennes, variances de Whalund, preuve G de raison de probabilité, etc. Aussi le distance de Cavalli-Sforza. Comme conclusion, dans les races Andalusian Black et Grazalema Merino les variances de Whalund obtenues sont cosequences de l'action de la selection, donant different populations avec differentiation spaciale. Les hétérozygoties moyennes de chaque race sont parus, mais lorsque on considérent chaque systéme separé, les differences entre groupes ethniques sont importantes. Les indexes F de Wright demonstrent que, dans le races Andalusian White et Grazalema Merino on peuvent déduire d'heterozygoties génétique entre les populations ou troupeau analicées, dans le race Andalusian Black les differences valeurs de FIS indiquent que, malgré les petites dimensions des populations, on a evité la consanguinitée, due, probablement, á l'entrée d'étalons externes. Il n'y a pas, chez auqune race, d'un signifivative accroissement d'hétérizygosis. Les distances génétiques entre troupeau, dedans des races, en different pas des distances obtenues entre races. RESUMEN: Se ha trabajado con diferentes ganaderias de las razas ovinas andaluzas Merino de Grazalema y Churra Lebrijana, y con las caprinas Blanca Serrana y Negra Serrana, elegidas entre el resto de las razas de Andalucia como prioritarias pra la conservación, por estudio previo (Rodero y col., 1992a). Los sistemas utilizados en este trabajo corresponden tanto a caracteres etnozootécnicos como a diferentes variables de polimorfismos bioquimicos. Cuando se han diferenciado las ganaderias dentrde razas, o las ganaderias entre si, se han utilizado diferentes pruebas, a partir de las frecuencias genéticas y genotipicas: indices de Wright, heterocigosidades media


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    Juan José Romero


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal y analítico para determinar la relación entre el estado serológico al virus de la leucosis bovina enzoótica (VLBE y los parámetros reproductivos, en 26 fincas lecheras de Costa Rica usuarias del programa VAMPP Bovino. Se realizó un primer muestreo en 2006-2007 en animales mayores de 6 meses de edad; luego, en 2009, se realizó el segundo muestreo en las vacas seronegativas del 2006-2007. Se calculó la incidencia acumulada (IA global y por finca y, mediante Chi-cuadrado, se realizó la comparación de IA, según raza y número de lactancia. La relación entre el estado serológico al VLBV y el intervalo entre partos (IEP, servicios por concepción (SPC y días abiertos (DA por grupos de lactancia y raza, se determinó con la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. La incidencia global fue de 21,8% (173/794, con 38,5% de las fincas con incidencias mayores al 40%. La tasa de seroconversión en vacas con 1-2 lactancias (23,5% fue diferente a la de ≥ 6 lactancias (p=0,03. Las medias raza Holstein x Jersey (H4J4 presentaron la mayor incidencia (33,3%, seguidas por las Holstein (27,1%. Según los finqueros, en las 26 fincas (100% se utilizaba una aguja y un guante de palpación por animal; sin embargo, el 53,8% mostraron incidencias superiores al 15%. En general, hubo tendencia a menores IEP en seronegativas con respecto a seropositivas y seroconvertidas, especialmente en seropositivas de 1-2 lactancias (p=0,017 y de 3-5 lactancias (p=0,038. Sin clasificar por número de lactancia o raza, las seropositivas y seroconvertidas necesitan más SPC (p=0,03; esta misma tendencia (no significativa, se observó en DA. Así, se pudo comprobar alguna relación entre el estado a VLBE y el IEP y SPC, no así con DA, aunque no hubo significancia estadística en algunas de las diferencias encontradas, al ser mejores los parámetros en las seronegativas.

  13. Comparación productiva de vacas holstein y F1 blanco orejinero (BON x holstein 1. producción y calidad de la leche.

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    Quijano Bernal Jorge H.


    Full Text Available Se estimaron los porcentajes de heterosis para la producción de leche, duración de la lactancia y calidad de la leche ( porcentaje de grasa y proteína, en vacas Holstein y F1 (BON x HOLSTEIN del Centro Paysandú, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, situado en el corregimiento Santa Elena, municipio de Medellín, a 2600 m.s.n.m., con temperatura promedio de 12,5C, correspondiendo a la formación bosque muy húmedo montano bajo (bmh-MB. La producción de leche fue afectada significativamente (P 0,01 y proteína (2,8 y 2,9%; P >0,01 para Holstein y F1 BON x Holstein respectivamente. En el BON estos valores fueron 278 kg, 114 días de lactancia, 4,6% de grasa y 3,9% de proteína en la leche. Los porcentajes de heterosis con base en el promedio de razas fueron: 4,20%, 16,70%, -12,80% y -12.20% para producción de leche, duración de lactancia, porcentaje de grasa y porcentaje de proteína respectivamente, todos altamente significativos (P<0,01. Los porcentajes de heterosis tomando como referencia la raza Holstein fueron: -45,20%, -21,50%, 6,25% y 5,35% en el mismo orden de las características anteriormente citadas. En general, los porcentajes de heterosis fueron menores a los reportados en la literatura. Se concluye que el F1 ha desempeñado un papel preponderante en el mejoramiento de la calidad de la leche en el Centro Paysandú, presentado porcentajes de heterosis medios para la calidad de la leche con referencia a la raza Holstein. Esto puede ser confirmado al analizar el porcentaje de grasa desde 1994, cuando parieron las primeras vacas F1, presentado coeficiente de regresión y correlación de 0,02 y 0,55 respectivamente. En la actualidad, el promedio para el porcentaje de grasa y proteína en el hato es de 3,45% y 3,03% respectivamente. Si sólo se tuviese la raza Holstein, estos porcentajes serían de 3,20% y 2,80%, significativamente menores.

  14. Performance of cement solidification with barium for high activity liquid waste including sulphate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waki, Toshikazu; Yamada, Motoyuki; Horikawa, Yoshihiko; Kaneko, Masaaki; Saso, Michitaka; Haruguchi, Yoshiko; Yamashita, Yu; Sakai, Hitoshi


    The target liquid waste to be solidified is generated from PWR primary loop spent resin treatment with sulphate acid, so, its main constituent is sodium sulphate and the activity of this liquid is relatively high. Waste form of this liquid waste is considered to be a candidate for the subsurface disposal. The disposed waste including sulphate is anticipated to rise a concentration of sulphate ion in the ground water around the disposal facility and it may cause degradation of materials such as cement and bentonite layer and comprise the disposal facility. There could be two approaches to avoid this problem, the strong design of the disposal facility and the minimization of sulphaste ion migration from the solidified waste. In this study, the latter approach was examined. In order to keep the low concentration of sulphate ion in the ground water, it is effective to make barium sulphate by adding barium compound into the liquid waste in solidification. However, adding equivalent amount of barium compound with sulphate ion causes difficulty of mixing, because production of barium sulphate causes high viscosity. In this study, mixing condition after and before adding cement into the liquid waste was estimated. The mixing condition was set with consideration to keep anion concentration low in the ground water and of mixing easily enough in practical operation. Long term leaching behavior of the simulated solidified waste was also analyzed by PHREEQC. And the concentration of the constitution affected to the disposal facility was estimated be low enough in the ground water. (author)

  15. La Dolorosa School, suburbs of Quito, Ecuador

    CERN Multimedia

    Collectes à long terme


    On his way to Paris, invited by the mutual aid association « Partage » to participate in a seminar, the Director of this school, Patrizio Raza, was kind enough to stop off in Geneva to visit us on 8 June.

  16. Physical activity interventions in Latin America: what value might be added by including conference abstracts in a literature review? (United States)

    Hoehner, Christine; Soares, Jesus; Parra, Diana C; Ribeiro, Isabela C; Pratt, Michael; Bracco, Mario; Hallal, Pedro C; Brownson, Ross C


    This review assessed whether conference abstracts yield useful information on the types and effectiveness of community-based physical activity (PA) interventions in Latin America, beyond that from interventions included in a recent systematic review of peer-reviewed literature. Abstracts from 9 conferences were searched for community-based interventions to promote PA in Latin America and summarized. Three reviewers classified and screened abstracts. Evaluated interventions that were not included in the previous review were assessed. Search of abstracts from 31 proceedings of 9 conferences identified 87 abstracts of studies on community-based interventions focused on increasing PA. Only 31 abstracts reported on studies with a control group and an outcome related to PA. Ten of these abstracts represented interventions that had not been included in the previous review of peer-reviewed literature, but the abstracts were insufficient in number or detail to make a practice recommendation for any single intervention. This review highlighted the challenges and low added value of including conference abstracts in a systematic review of community PA interventions in Latin America. Stronger evaluation design and execution and more published reports of evaluated interventions are needed to build an evidence base supporting interventions to increase PA in Latin America.

  17. Tumores de glándula mamaria en caninos

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    Giovanni Torres


    Full Text Available De los animales de compañía, los caninos son los que sufren con mayor frecuencia tumores de glándula mamaria y dentro de ellos las hembras son las que contribuyen con el mayor número de casos. Cuando estos tumores se presentan en machos por lo general tienen características histológicas malignas. Para el diagnóstico histopatológico la clasificación que ha tenido mayor aceptación es la propuesta por Hampe and Misdorp. A través de muchos años de investigación en este campo se han descrito varios factores considerados como predisponentes, entre los cuales están: raza, sexo, edad, dentro de estos la que presenta mayor disparidad de conceptos es la raza ya que, según algunos autores, se puede ver influenciada por factores externos como la localización geográfica y el gusto de los propietarios por ciertas razas como animales de compañía. Otro hecho importante es la descripción de agentes causales: el invalance hormonal (estrógenos, progesterona, mutaciones genéticas, (gen supresor del tumor, protooncogenes y consumo de dietas ricas en grasas. Finalmente, es importante hacer énfasis en el hecho que del diagnóstico adecuado y pautas de tratamiento llevados a cabo por el médico veterinario clínico, depende el pronóstico y las expectativas de vida del paciente canino.

  18. Activity behavior of a HPLC column including α-chymotrypsin immobilized monosized-porous particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilici, Z.; Camli, S.T.; Unsal, E.; Tuncel, A.


    In this study, a polymer-based, α-chymotrypsin (CT) immobilized HPLC column was prepared as a potential material for affinity-HPLC and chiral separation applications. Monosized-macroporous particles were synthesized as the support material by a relatively new polymerization protocol, the so-called, 'modified seeded polymerization'. The particles were obtained in the form of styrene-glycidyl methacrylate- divinylbenzene terpolymer approximately 11 μm in size. The particles were treated with aqueous ammonia to have primary amine groups on the porous surface. The amine functionalized particles were reacted by glutaraldehyde and the enzyme, CT, was covalently attached. CT carrying monosized-porous particles were slurry packed into the HPLC column 50 mmx4.6 mm in size. Since the activity behavior of immobilized CT played an important role in the enantiomeric separations performed by similar columns, the enzymatic activity behavior of the column produced by our protocol was determined. For this purpose, HPLC column was used as a packed bed reactor and the enzymatic reaction was continuously followed by measuring the absorbance of the output flow by the UV-detector of HPLC. S-shaped absorbance-time curves were obtained by monitoring the reactor output both in dynamic and steady-state periods. The columns with relatively lower immobilized enzyme content were more sensitive to the changes in the operating conditions and responded with more appreciable substrate conversion changes. The maximum reaction rate of the immobilized enzyme was estimated as approximately 25% of the free one by the mathematical model describing the activity behavior of the column. No significant loss was observed in the activity of the immobilized enzyme during the course of the experiments

  19. Using assistive technology adaptations to include students with learning disabilities in cooperative learning activities. (United States)

    Bryant, D P; Bryant, B R


    Cooperative learning (CL) is a common instructional arrangement that is used by classroom teachers to foster academic achievement and social acceptance of students with and without learning disabilities. Cooperative learning is appealing to classroom teachers because it can provide an opportunity for more instruction and feedback by peers than can be provided by teachers to individual students who require extra assistance. Recent studies suggest that students with LD may need adaptations during cooperative learning activities. The use of assistive technology adaptations may be necessary to help some students with LD compensate for their specific learning difficulties so that they can engage more readily in cooperative learning activities. A process for integrating technology adaptations into cooperative learning activities is discussed in terms of three components: selecting adaptations, monitoring the use of the adaptations during cooperative learning activities, and evaluating the adaptations' effectiveness. The article concludes with comments regarding barriers to and support systems for technology integration, technology and effective instructional practices, and the need to consider technology adaptations for students who have learning disabilities.

  20. Applications of neutron activation analysis in determination of natural and man-made radionuclides, including PA-231 (United States)

    Byrne, A. R.; Benedik, L.


    Neutron activation analysis (NAA), being essentially an isotopic and not an elemental method of analysis, is capable of determining a number of important radionuclides of radioecological interest by transformation into another, more easily quantifiable radionuclide. The nuclear characteristics which favour this technique may be summarized in an advantage factor relative to radiometric analysis of the original radioanalyte. Well known or hardly known examples include235U,238U,232Th,230Th,129I,99Tc,237Np and231Pa; a number of these are discussed and illustrated in analysis of real samples of environmental and biological origin. In particular, determination of231Pa by RNAA was performed using both postirradiation and preseparation methods. Application of INAA to enable the use of238U and232Th as endogenous (internal) radiotracers in alpha spectrometric analyses of uranium and thorium radioisotopes in radioecological studies is described, also allowing independent data sets to be obtained for quality control.

  1. Tela, piel, color: retratando los mercados de las Antillas como un inventario de la diversidad humana

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    Anne Lafont


    Full Text Available La confrontación de las poblaciones heterogéneas y de razas mixtas en las Indias Occidentales con el material pictórico (lienzo y pigmentos y los sistemas de clasificación humana propios de la era de las ilustraciones de la Enciclopedia, demuestra ser un campo de investigación notablemente interesante en términos de raza y el proceso de racialización,. Sin embargo, hasta hoy, la idea de pintura caribeña de la modernidad temprana no se ha presentado como tal, y esto es precisamente lo que propongo estudiar en este artículo. En efecto, la pintura caribeña, a partir de la creatividad figurativa y sus raíces en la especificidad geográfica, política e histórica de este archipiélago racial y cultural, creó un inventario pictórico original de la diversidad humana.

  2. Development of operational models of receptor activation including constitutive receptor activity and their use to determine the efficacy of the chemokine CCL17 at the CC chemokine receptor CCR4. (United States)

    Slack, R J; Hall, D A


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The operational model provides a key conceptual framework for the analysis of pharmacological data. However, this model does not include constitutive receptor activity, a frequent phenomenon in modern pharmacology, particularly in recombinant systems. Here, we developed extensions of the operational model which include constitutive activity and applied them to effects of agonists at the chemokine receptor CCR4. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH The effects of agonists of CCR4 on [(35) S]GTPγS binding to recombinant cell membranes and on the filamentous (F-) actin content of human CD4(+) CCR4(+) T cells were determined. The basal [(35) S]GTPγS binding was changed by varying the GDP concentration whilst the basal F-actin contents of the higher expressing T cell populations were elevated, suggesting constitutive activity of CCR4. Both sets of data were analysed using the mathematical models. RESULTS The affinity of CCL17 (also known as TARC) derived from analysis of the T cell data (pK(a) = 9.61 ± 0.17) was consistent with radioligand binding experiments (9.50 ± 0.11) while that from the [(35) S]GTPγS binding experiments was lower (8.27 ± 0.09). Its intrinsic efficacy differed between the two systems (110 in T cells vs. 11). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS The presence of constitutive receptor activity allows the absolute intrinsic efficacy of agonists to be determined without a contribution from the signal transduction system. Intrinsic efficacy estimated in this way is consistent with Furchgott's definition of this property. CCL17 may have a higher intrinsic efficacy at CCR4 in human T cells than that expressed recombinantly in CHO cells. © 2012 GSK Services Unlimited. British Journal of Pharmacology © 2012 The British Pharmacological Society.

  3. Ameloblastoma en población del noreste de Brasil: un estudio retrospectivo de 60 casos

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    Thiago de Santana Santos


    Full Text Available El ameloblastoma es un tumor de epitelio odontogénico, caracterizado por la invasión local y aumento de la tasa de recidiva. Por esto se realizó este estudio descriptivo para determinar el comportamiento de los ameloblastomas en nuestro medio. Método: estudio retrospectivo de 17 años basado en los datos existentes de los archivos del Departamento Oral de Patología. Se analizaron los archivos de pacientes de enero de 1992 a mayo de 2009, con un diagnóstico definitivo de ameloblastoma. Fué recogida la información respecto al sexo, raza, presencia de síntomas, ubicación anatómica y extensión. Resultados: dentro de los 60 pacientes con ameloblastoma se observó, mayor incidencia en la tercera década de vida (28,3 %. Las mujeres fueron más comprometidas que los hombres, con una proporción 1,22:1. La mayoría de lesiones fueron observadas en la raza blanca (51,7 %. El sitio más habitual por la ocurrencia de tumor fue la mandíbula (85 %. Los pacientes fueron sintomáticos en el 75 %. La mayoría de pacientes presentaron lesiones de 3,5 a 6,0 centímetros de extensión (55 %. Conclusiones: el ameloblastoma es mayormente observado en mujeres, en la tercera década de la vida y en la mandíbula. Las diferencias con otros estudios entre el sexo, la edad, raza, extensión, localización anatómica y los síntomas pueden ser atribuidos a las diferencias geográficas.

  4. Evaluation of the Supraglottic and Subglottic Activities Including Acoustic Assessment of the Opera-Chant Singers. (United States)

    Petekkaya, Emine; Yücel, Ahmet Hilmi; Sürmelioğlu, Özgür


    Opera and chant singers learn to effectively use aerodynamic components by breathing exercises during their education. Aerodynamic components, including subglottic air pressure and airflow, deteriorate in voice disorders. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in aerodynamic parameters and supraglottic structures of men and women with different vocal registers who are in an opera and chant education program. Vocal acoustic characteristics, aerodynamic components, and supraglottic structures were evaluated in 40 opera and chant art branch students. The majority of female students were sopranos, and the male students were baritone or tenor vocalists. The acoustic analyses revealed that the mean fundamental frequency was 152.33 Hz in the males and 218.77 Hz in the females. The estimated mean subglottal pressures were similar in females (14.99 cmH 2 O) and in males (14.48 cmH 2 O). Estimated mean airflow rates were also similar in both groups. The supraglottic structure compression analyses revealed partial anterior-posterior compressions in 2 tenors and 2 sopranos, and false vocal fold compression in 2 sopranos. Opera music is sung in high-pitched sounds. Attempts to sing high-pitched notes and frequently using register transitions overstrain the vocal structures. This intense muscular effort eventually traumatizes the vocal structures and causes supraglottic activity. Copyright © 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Vesícula hipotónica asociada a hipoclorhidria gástrica

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    Alfonso Bonilla Naar


    Full Text Available Nombre: N. N. Edad, 38 años. Natural de Manizales, Palmira y Manizales, lugares donde ha residido. Palmira, 12 años. Viene de allá. HAy paludismo, Pararasitismo intestinal. Profesión: Comerciante. Negocio en arroz. No vive en arrozales. Estado civil: Casado Raza Blanca.

  6. African Journal of Biotechnology - Vol 10, No 80 (2011)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effect of wheat cultivars on aphids and their predator populations · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. AA Khan, AM Khan, HM Tahir, M Afzal, A Khaliq, SY Khan, I Raza, 18399-18402. ...

  7. African Journal of Biotechnology - Vol 9, No 50 (2010)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Alleviation of salinity effects by exogenous applications of salicylic acid in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) seedlings · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. K Hussain, K Nawaz, A Majeed, F Khan, F Lin, A Ghani, G Raza, S Afghan, ...

  8. Necesidad i beneficios de la jimnástica


    Universidad Nacional, Colombia


    Observaciones sobre los beneficios de la cración de los gimnasios de la Universidad Nacional: Sus ventajas - Decadencia de las razas - Causas jeneradoras - El olvido de la educación física de los niños es la principal - Remedios - Pruebas históricas y documentos estadísticos.

  9. Callus production and regeneration of the medicinal plant Papaver ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 19, 2011 ... and morphinan alkaloids production in two species of opium poppy. Biomed. Biotechnol. 1(2): 70-78. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant, 15: 473-497. Rao AQ, Hussain SS, Shahzad MS, Bokhari SYA, Raza MH, Rakha ...

  10. In vitro activity of the siderophore monosulfactam BAL30072 against contemporary Gram-negative pathogens from New York City, including multidrug-resistant isolates. (United States)

    Landman, David; Singh, Manisha; El-Imad, Badiaa; Miller, Ezra; Win, Thida; Quale, John


    The in vitro activity of BAL30072 was assessed against clinical isolates from NYC hospitals, including isolates from a citywide surveillance study and a collection of isolates with well-characterised resistance mechanisms. BAL30072 was the most active β-lactam against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MIC50/90, 0.25/1 μg/mL), Acinetobacter baumannii (MIC50/90, 4/>64 μg/mL) and KPC-possessing Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC50/90, 4/>64 μg/mL). Combining BAL30072 with meropenem resulted in a ≥ 4-fold decrease in the BAL30072 MIC90 both for A. baumannii and K. pneumoniae. For isolates with a BAL30072 MIC>4 μg/mL, addition of a sub-MIC concentration of colistin resulted in a four-fold decrease in the BAL30072 MIC in 44% of P. aeruginosa, 82% of A. baumannii and 23% of K. pneumoniae. Using sub-MIC concentrations, BAL30072 plus colistin was bactericidal against 4 of 11 isolates in time-kill studies. BAL30072 MICs were frequently lower for P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae when tested using Mueller-Hinton agar versus Iso-Sensitest agar or Mueller-Hinton broth. Against the well-characterised isolates, reduced susceptibility to BAL30072 correlated with mexA and mexX expression (P. aeruginosa), adeB expression (A. baumannii) and presence of SHV-type ESBLs (A. baumannii and K. pneumoniae). BAL30072 shows promising activity against contemporary Gram-negatives, including MDR P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii and K. pneumoniae. Enhanced activity was often present when BAL30072 was combined with meropenem or colistin. BAL30072 MICs were influenced by the testing method, particularly for P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae. Further in vivo studies are warranted to determine the potential clinical utility of BAL30072 alone and combined with other agents. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

  11. Phosphoproteome and transcription factor activity profiling identify actions of the anti-inflammatory agent UTL-5g in LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 cells including disrupting actin remodeling and STAT-3 activation. (United States)

    Carruthers, Nicholas J; Stemmer, Paul M; Chen, Ben; Valeriote, Frederick; Gao, Xiaohua; Guatam, Subhash C; Shaw, Jiajiu


    UTL-5g is a novel small-molecule TNF-alpha modulator. It reduces cisplatin-induced side effects by protecting kidney, liver, and platelets, thereby increasing tolerance for cisplatin. UTL-5g also reduces radiation-induced acute liver toxicity. The mechanism of action for UTL-5g is not clear at the present time. A phosphoproteomic analysis to a depth of 4943 phosphopeptides and a luminescence-based transcription factor activity assay were used to provide complementary analyses of signaling events that were disrupted by UTL-5g in RAW 264.7 cells. Transcriptional activity downstream of the interferon gamma, IL-6, type 1 Interferon, TGF-β, PKC/Ca 2+ and the glucocorticoid receptor pathways were disrupted by UTL-5g. Phosphoproteomic analysis indicated that hyperphosphorylation of proteins involved in actin remodeling was suppressed by UTL-5g (gene set analysis, FDR 5g. This global characterization of UTL-5g activity in a macrophage cell line discovered that it disrupts selected aspects of LPS signaling including Stat3 activation and actin remodeling providing new insight on how UTL-5g acts to reduce cisplatin-induced side effects. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. In vitro activity of Inula helenium against clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains including MRSA.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Shea, S


    The present study aims to investigate the bactericidal activity (specifically antistaphylococcal) of Inula helenium. The antimicrobial activity of the extract is tested against 200 clinically significant Irish Staphylococcus aureus isolates consisting of methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and -sensitive (MSSA) S. aureus using a drop test method and a microbroth dilution method. The antibacterial effect is evaluated by measuring the area of the inhibition zone against the isolates. Results proved I. helenium to be 100% effective against the 200 staphylococci tested, with 93% of isolates falling within the ++ and +++ groups. The minimum bactericidal concentration of I. helenium was examined on a subset of isolates and values ranged from 0.9 mg\\/mL to 9.0 mg\\/mL. The extract was equally effective against antibiotic-resistant and -sensitive strains. This plant therefore possesses compounds with potent antistaphylococcal properties, which in the future could be used to complement infection control policies and prevent staphylococcal infection and carriage. This research supports other studies wherein herbal plants exhibiting medicinal properties are being examined to overcome the problems of antibiotic resistance and to offer alternatives in the treatment and control of infectious diseases.

  13. Active immunisation of horses against tetanus including the booster dose and its application. (United States)

    Liefman, C E


    Successful active immunisation of horses against tetanus is dependent on a number of factors of which the toxoid preparation used, its method of application and the ability of the individual horse to respond are fundamental. Two immunisation schedules using an aluminium-based toxoid preparation were examined and the protection determined by monitoring the level of antitoxin afforded by each schedule. The results obtained demonstrated that 2 doses of this toxoid are necessary to ensure 12 months protection in all horses. These results are discussed in relation to the factors involved in active immunisation against tetanus. Reference is also made to the occurrence of a transient phase of reduced levels of antitoxin following booster doses of toxoid in immunised horses during which it is considered these horses could become more susceptible to tetanus. The effect of a booster dose on immunised horses was examined and while there can be a reduction in the level of antitoxin in some immunised horses following this dose its effect is minimal, short-lived and for all practical purposes can be disregarded. The application of the booster dose in practice is also discussed.

  14. Mentiras por omisión en la "raza blanca"

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    Ana Silvia Simesen de Bielke


    Full Text Available La razón instrumental blanca es hija legítima de la sociedad capitalista y, como tal, ha diseñado todos los ámbitos de la organización burocrática, el método científico, los distintos dispositivos del cuerpo social y los aparatos jurídicos e ideológicos. El reduccionismo liberticida, por ejemplo, no es un accidente epistemológico, sino que su vocación homogeneizadora ha respondido y responde a una forma particular de organización económica y política: la concepción reduccionista del mundo, la revolución industrial y la economía capitalista son los componentes filosófico, tecnológico y económico de un mismo proceso excluyente. El mismo, a través de sus avances científico-tecnológicos y su mentira civilizatoria, es quien va destruyendo paulatinamente nuestro oikos, nuestra simbiosis originaria con lo natural, nuestra sensibilidad, nuestra diversidad, únicos sustentos para la conservación de toda vida sobre el planeta. Quienes, como intelectuales, han desmontado esta estructura de la Razón Blanca falócrata colonizadora a través de sus dicotomías (humanidad y naturaleza, hombre y mujer, ciudad y pueblo, metrópolis y colonia, trabajo y vida, naturaleza y cultura, deben plantearse el imperativo moral de comprometerse con la denuncia pública acerca de este maridaje entre ciencia y fuerza, ciencia y militarismo, ciencia y patriarcado. Es el momento del desmontaje también de todas las ‘razones’ descendientes de la Razón Blanca: ¿porqué no pensar también en nuestra ‘razón académica’?

  15. Isolation and Characterization of a Polyphenoloxidase Related with Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus Resistence to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi raza 2

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    Viana Roquesa Mayorga


    indicating an important inhibitory activity against FOD2 of 57% at 24 hours. Then, it is possible to postulate that this enzyme is activated as a part of the defense mechanismsin this interaction model.

  16. Efecto de la manipulación del semen criopreservado de bovinos Bos Taurus sobre la integridad espermática

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    Norberto Villa-Duque


    Full Text Available En el estudio se evaluó el efecto de descongelar y aplicar semen de bovinos Bos Taurus en 33 ganaderías del Magdalena Medio colombiano, y se estudió in vitro el efecto de la injuria encontrada sobre la integridad de las membranas espermáticas. La información en fincas se recopiló mediante formulario específico, mientras que el estudio in vitro se ejecutó en el laboratorio de Biotecnología Reproductiva Animal del Instituto Universitario de la Paz (Barrancabermeja, Santander. El estudio consistió en someter pajillas comerciales de 0.5 ml de toros Holstein y Pardo Suizo a la técnica convencional y a tres modificaciones de esta (injurias mediante un diseño randomizado. Ninguna de las fincas evaluadas aplicó correctamente la práctica de la inseminación artificial; errores notorios fueron: exceso de tiempo durante la extracción de la pajilla, descongelación en la región axilar y no combinación correcta entre tiempo y temperatura. Los resultados evidenciaron diferencia significativa (P<0.05 por efecto de la raza para la integridad y resistencia de las membranas espermáticas, para la integridad de las membranas por efecto de los tratamientos cuando la pajilla se descongelo a temperatura corporal en la región axilar y para la integridad de la membrana acrosomal cuando la extracción de la pajilla se realizó en forma incorrecta. El semen de la raza Holstein evidencia una ligera tendencia a ser más resistente que el de la raza Pardo Suizo.

  17. Testigos modestos y poblaciones invisibles en la cobertura de la genética humana en los medios de comunicación colombianos

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    Adriana Díaz del Castillo

    Full Text Available En este artículo exploramos cómo los medios de comunicación colombianos configuran la práctica de la genética humana, reproduciendo ciertos discursos estandarizados sobre ciencia que se encuentran atravesados por el género y la raza. Para este fin llevamos a cabo un análisis etnográfico de la cobertura de la genética humana (poblacional y forense en dos de los medios de mayor penetración en el país en los periodos de 1992-2006 (periódico y 2009-2010 (periódico y noticiero. Nuestro argumento es que por una parte, los medios de comunicación presentan a la ciencia genética como única/uniforme/objetiva/neutra/heroica. Por otro lado, presenta sujetos que son simultáneamente marcados y desmarcados en términos de raza, género, clase y geografía. Concluimos que este último mecanismo reproduce y moviliza la idea del mestizaje como una ideología de construcción de nación.

  18. Testigos modestos y poblaciones invisibles en la cobertura de la genética humana en los medios de comunicación colombianos

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    Adriana Díaz del Castillo


    Full Text Available En este artículo exploramos cómo los medios de comunicación colombianos configuran la práctica de la genética humana, reproduciendo ciertos discursos estandarizados sobre ciencia que se encuentran atravesados por el género y la raza. Para este fin llevamos a cabo un análisis etnográfico de la cobertura de la genética humana (poblacional y forense en dos de los medios de mayor penetración en el país en los periodos de 1992-2006 (periódico y 2009-2010 (periódico y noticiero. Nuestro argumento es que por una parte, los medios de comunicación presentan a la ciencia genética como única/uniforme/objetiva/neutra/heroica. Por otro lado, presenta sujetos que son simultáneamente marcados y desmarcados en términos de raza, género, clase y geografía. Concluimos que este último mecanismo reproduce y moviliza la idea del mestizaje como una ideología de construcción de nación.

  19. Ride with Abandon: Practical Ideas to Include Mountain Biking in Physical Education (United States)

    Palmer, Steve


    Cycling and mountain biking are among the most popular fitness activities in America. Considering that the purpose of physical education is to encourage lifelong activity for all, it is logical to include lifetime activities such as mountain biking in physical education programs. Many perceived barriers to adding mountain biking in physical…

  20. 25 CFR 170.137 - What types of activities can a recreation, tourism, and trails program include? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What types of activities can a recreation, tourism, and... Eligibility Recreation, Tourism and Trails § 170.137 What types of activities can a recreation, tourism, and... may perform under a recreation, tourism, and trails program: (1) Transportation planning for tourism...

  1. Investing in Boys and Young Men of Color: The Promise and the Opportunity. Issue Brief: Focus on Education (United States)

    Bird, Kisha; Bryant, Rhonda


    This policy brief was prepared for the "Investing in Boys and Young Men of Color: The Promise and Opportunity" briefing held in June 2014 that was co-sponsored by National Council of La Raza, PolicyLink, the Executive Alliance to Expand Opportunities for Boys and Young Men of Color, and the Institute for Black Male Achievement. The…

  2. Cobquecura

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    Iván Cartes Siade


    Full Text Available El Río Maule constituyó el límite infranqueable de la invasión incaica. Según Alonso de Ercilla los detuvieron sus aguas y la raza altiva que estaba detrás de ellas. Cieza de León deja constancia que "Tupac Yupanqui detuvo en ese punto el alud de sus victorias".

  3. Measuring Outcomes in Adult Weight Loss Studies That Include Diet and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review

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    Rachel A. Millstein


    Full Text Available Background. Measuring success of obesity interventions is critical. Several methods measure weight loss outcomes but there is no consensus on best practices. This systematic review evaluates relevant outcomes (weight loss, BMI, % body fat, and fat mass to determine which might be the best indicator(s of success. Methods. Eligible articles described adult weight loss interventions that included diet and physical activity and a measure of weight or BMI change and body composition change. Results. 28 full-text articles met inclusion criteria. Subjects, settings, intervention lengths, and intensities varied. All studies measured body weight (−2.9 to −17.3 kg, 9 studies measured BMI (−1.1 to −5.1 kg/m2, 20 studies measured % body fat (−0.7 to −10.2%, and 22 studies measured fat mass (−0.9 to −14.9 kg. All studies found agreement between weight or BMI and body fat mass or body fat % decreases, though there were discrepancies in degree of significance between measures. Conclusions. Nearly all weight or BMI and body composition measures agreed. Since body fat is the most metabolically harmful tissue type, it may be a more meaningful measure of health change. Future studies should consider primarily measuring % body fat, rather than or in addition to weight or BMI.

  4. Including Youth with Intellectual Disabilities in Health Promotion Research: Development and Reliability of a Structured Interview to Assess the Correlates of Physical Activity among Youth (United States)

    Curtin, Carol; Bandini, Linda G.; Must, Aviva; Phillips, Sarah; Maslin, Melissa C. T.; Lo, Charmaine; Gleason, James M.; Fleming, Richard K.; Stanish, Heidi I.


    Background: The input of youth with intellectual disabilities in health promotion and health disparities research is essential for understanding their needs and preferences. Regular physical activity (PA) is vital for health and well-being, but levels are low in youth generally, including those with intellectual disabilities. Understanding the…

  5. A single parameter representation of hygroscopic growth and cloud condensation nucleus activity – Part 2: Including solubility

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    M. D. Petters


    Full Text Available The ability of a particle to serve as a cloud condensation nucleus in the atmosphere is determined by its size, hygroscopicity and its solubility in water. Usually size and hygroscopicity alone are sufficient to predict CCN activity. Single parameter representations for hygroscopicity have been shown to successfully model complex, multicomponent particles types. Under the assumption of either complete solubility, or complete insolubility of a component, it is not necessary to explicitly include that component's solubility into the single parameter framework. This is not the case if sparingly soluble materials are present. In this work we explicitly account for solubility by modifying the single parameter equations. We demonstrate that sensitivity to the actual value of solubility emerges only in the regime of 2×10−1–5×10−4, where the solubility values are expressed as volume of solute per unit volume of water present in a saturated solution. Compounds that do not fall inside this sparingly soluble envelope can be adequately modeled assuming they are either infinitely soluble in water or completely insoluble.

  6. Parameterization of cloud droplet formation for global and regional models: including adsorption activation from insoluble CCN

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    P. Kumar


    Full Text Available Dust and black carbon aerosol have long been known to exert potentially important and diverse impacts on cloud droplet formation. Most studies to date focus on the soluble fraction of these particles, and overlook interactions of the insoluble fraction with water vapor (even if known to be hydrophilic. To address this gap, we developed a new parameterization that considers cloud droplet formation within an ascending air parcel containing insoluble (but wettable particles externally mixed with aerosol containing an appreciable soluble fraction. Activation of particles with a soluble fraction is described through well-established Köhler theory, while the activation of hydrophilic insoluble particles is treated by "adsorption-activation" theory. In the latter, water vapor is adsorbed onto insoluble particles, the activity of which is described by a multilayer Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH adsorption isotherm modified to account for particle curvature. We further develop FHH activation theory to i find combinations of the adsorption parameters AFHH, BFHH which yield atmospherically-relevant behavior, and, ii express activation properties (critical supersaturation that follow a simple power law with respect to dry particle diameter.

    The new parameterization is tested by comparing the parameterized cloud droplet number concentration against predictions with a detailed numerical cloud model, considering a wide range of particle populations, cloud updraft conditions, water vapor condensation coefficient and FHH adsorption isotherm characteristics. The agreement between parameterization and parcel model is excellent, with an average error of 10% and R2~0.98. A preliminary sensitivity study suggests that the sublinear response of droplet number to Köhler particle concentration is not as strong for FHH particles.

  7. PXR (NR1I2): splice variants in human tissues, including brain, and identification of neurosteroids and nicotine as PXR activators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lamba, Vishal; Yasuda, Kazuto; Lamba, Jatinder K.; Assem, Mahfoud; Davila, Julio; Strom, Stephen; Schuetz, Erin G.


    To gain insight on the expression of pregnane X receptor (PXR), we analyzed PXR.1 and PXR alternatively spliced transcripts in a panel of 36 human tissues. PXR.1 was expressed in many more tissues than previously determined, including human bone marrow and select regions of the human brain. In each of these tissues, we observed alternative splicing of various exons of PXR that generated multiple distinct PXR isoforms. The most abundant PXR alternative mRNA transcripts lacked 111 nucleotides, deleting 37 amino acids from the PXR LBD (PXR.2), or lacked 123 nt, deleting 41 amino acids from the PXR LBD (PXR.3). CYP3A4, a gene transcriptionally regulated by PXR, showed incomplete overlap with PXR in its tissue distribution. Quantitation of PXR mRNAs in human liver demonstrated that PXR.2 and PXR.3 represented 6.7% and 0.32% of total PXR mRNA transcripts. Brain expression of PXR prompted analysis of whether some brain acting chemicals were PXR ligands. The neurosteroids allopregnanolone and pregnanolone activated PXR and induced transcription of a CYP3A4-luciferase reporter. Nicotine, the psychoactive and addictive chemical in cigarettes, and a known inducer of brain CYP2B6, was an efficacious activator of PXR and inducer of CYP3A4 transcription. Because nicotine activation of PXR will enhance metabolism of nicotine to the non-psychoactive cotinine, these results provide one molecular mechanism for the development of tolerance to nicotine. Moreover, the identification of PXR in many human tissues, such as brain, and activation by tissue specific ligands (such as neurosteroids) suggests additional biological roles for this receptor in these tissues

  8. PXR (NR1I2): splice variants in human tissues, including brain, and identification of neurosteroids and nicotine as PXR activators. (United States)

    Lamba, Vishal; Yasuda, Kazuto; Lamba, Jatinder K; Assem, Mahfoud; Davila, Julio; Strom, Stephen; Schuetz, Erin G


    To gain insight on the expression of pregnane X receptor (PXR), we analyzed PXR.1 and PXR alternatively spliced transcripts in a panel of 36 human tissues. PXR.1 was expressed in many more tissues than previously determined, including human bone marrow and select regions of the human brain. In each of these tissues, we observed alternative splicing of various exons of PXR that generated multiple distinct PXR isoforms. The most abundant PXR alternative mRNA transcripts lacked 111 nucleotides, deleting 37 amino acids from the PXR LBD (PXR.2), or lacked 123 nt, deleting 41 amino acids from the PXR LBD (PXR.3). CYP3A4, a gene transcriptionally regulated by PXR, showed incomplete overlap with PXR in its tissue distribution. Quantitation of PXR mRNAs in human liver demonstrated that PXR.2 and PXR.3 represented 6.7% and 0.32% of total PXR mRNA transcripts. Brain expression of PXR prompted analysis of whether some brain acting chemicals were PXR ligands. The neurosteroids allopregnanolone and pregnanolone activated PXR and induced transcription of a CYP3A4-luciferase reporter. Nicotine, the psychoactive and addictive chemical in cigarettes, and a known inducer of brain CYP2B6, was an efficacious activator of PXR and inducer of CYP3A4 transcription. Because nicotine activation of PXR will enhance metabolism of nicotine to the non-psychoactive cotinine, these results provide one molecular mechanism for the development of tolerance to nicotine. Moreover, the identification of PXR in many human tissues, such as brain, and activation by tissue specific ligands (such as neurosteroids) suggests additional biological roles for this receptor in these tissues.

  9. Wakame and Nori in restructured meats included in cholesterol-enriched diets affect the antioxidant enzyme gene expressions and activities in Wistar rats. (United States)

    Moreira, Adriana Schultz; González-Torres, Laura; Olivero-David, Raul; Bastida, Sara; Benedi, Juana; Sánchez-Muniz, Francisco J


    The effects of diets including restructured meats (RM) containing Wakame or Nori on total liver glutathione status, and several antioxidant enzyme gene expressions and activities were tested. Six groups of ten male growing Wistar rats each were fed a mix of 85% AIN-93 M diet and 15% freeze-dried RM for 35 days. The control group (C) consumed control RM, the Wakame (W) and the Nori (N) groups, RM with 5% Wakame and 5% Nori, respectively. Animals on added cholesterol diets (CC, CW, and CN) consumed their corresponding basal diets added with cholesterol (2%) and cholic acid (0.4%). Alga and dietary cholesterol significantly interact (P Nori-RM is a hypocholesterolemic food while Wakame-RM is an antioxidant food. This should be taken into account when including this kind of RM as potential functional foods in human.

  10. Los orígenes de nuestra supuesta homogeneidad: Breve arqueología de la unidad nacional en México

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    Claudio Lomnitz


    Full Text Available ¿Como llegó a ser legítima y popular la idea de que el mexicano es miembro de una raza? Este ensayo encuadra esta pregunta en un marco comparado, haciendo notar desde el inicio que la racialización de la identidad nacional -es decir, que la naturalización de las diferencias nacionales- es una estrategia común, especialmente en estados demasiado débiles para lograr formar una identidad nacional colectiva a partir de la igualación de la ley. Sin embargo, el caso mexicano tiene características poco comunes, ya que en México la idea de la 'raza nacional' tuvo más éxito de lo común, a nivel popular, debido a la frontera de México con los Estados Unidos, situación única en América. Este ensayo demuestra, a partir de un estudio histórico detallado, basado en fuentes primarias, que la dinámica fronteriza que se consolidó a fines del siglo XIX es la clave para comprender por qué los mexicanos del siglo XX se representaron a sí mismos como miembros de una raza. El artículo ofrece una argumentación y una descripción histórica detallada que muestra que la consolidación de la figura de la "raza mexicana" tenía referentes reales y convincentes para una parte importante de la población.How did the idea of a national race come to be a credible and widely spread notion in Mexico? This essay frames the question comparatively, by noting that the racialization of national identity, that is, the naturalization of national difference, is a common strategy, particularly when a state is too weak to impose collective identity by way of equality before the law. The Mexican case, however, is peculiar with regard to the success of a racialized idea of national identity because of its border with the United States, a situation that makes Mexico unique in the Americas. The essay demonstrates with historical detail and primary sources that the border dynamic that emerged in the late 19th century is the key to understanding why Mexicans in the 20th

  11. Method of fabricating electrodes including high-capacity, binder-free anodes for lithium-ion batteries (United States)

    Ban, Chunmei; Wu, Zhuangchun; Dillon, Anne C.


    An electrode (110) is provided that may be used in an electrochemical device (100) such as an energy storage/discharge device, e.g., a lithium-ion battery, or an electrochromic device, e.g., a smart window. Hydrothermal techniques and vacuum filtration methods were applied to fabricate the electrode (110). The electrode (110) includes an active portion (140) that is made up of electrochemically active nanoparticles, with one embodiment utilizing 3d-transition metal oxides to provide the electrochemical capacity of the electrode (110). The active material (140) may include other electrochemical materials, such as silicon, tin, lithium manganese oxide, and lithium iron phosphate. The electrode (110) also includes a matrix or net (170) of electrically conductive nanomaterial that acts to connect and/or bind the active nanoparticles (140) such that no binder material is required in the electrode (110), which allows more active materials (140) to be included to improve energy density and other desirable characteristics of the electrode. The matrix material (170) may take the form of carbon nanotubes, such as single-wall, double-wall, and/or multi-wall nanotubes, and be provided as about 2 to 30 percent weight of the electrode (110) with the rest being the active material (140).

  12. Use of an activated beta-catenin to identify Wnt pathway target genes in caenorhabditis elegans, including a subset of collagen genes expressed in late larval development. (United States)

    Jackson, Belinda M; Abete-Luzi, Patricia; Krause, Michael W; Eisenmann, David M


    The Wnt signaling pathway plays a fundamental role during metazoan development, where it regulates diverse processes, including cell fate specification, cell migration, and stem cell renewal. Activation of the beta-catenin-dependent/canonical Wnt pathway up-regulates expression of Wnt target genes to mediate a cellular response. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a canonical Wnt signaling pathway regulates several processes during larval development; however, few target genes of this pathway have been identified. To address this deficit, we used a novel approach of conditionally activated Wnt signaling during a defined stage of larval life by overexpressing an activated beta-catenin protein, then used microarray analysis to identify genes showing altered expression compared with control animals. We identified 166 differentially expressed genes, of which 104 were up-regulated. A subset of the up-regulated genes was shown to have altered expression in mutants with decreased or increased Wnt signaling; we consider these genes to be bona fide C. elegans Wnt pathway targets. Among these was a group of six genes, including the cuticular collagen genes, bli-1 col-38, col-49, and col-71. These genes show a peak of expression in the mid L4 stage during normal development, suggesting a role in adult cuticle formation. Consistent with this finding, reduction of function for several of the genes causes phenotypes suggestive of defects in cuticle function or integrity. Therefore, this work has identified a large number of putative Wnt pathway target genes during larval life, including a small subset of Wnt-regulated collagen genes that may function in synthesis of the adult cuticle.

  13. Tunable cavity resonator including a plurality of MEMS beams (United States)

    Peroulis, Dimitrios; Fruehling, Adam; Small, Joshua Azariah; Liu, Xiaoguang; Irshad, Wasim; Arif, Muhammad Shoaib


    A tunable cavity resonator includes a substrate, a cap structure, and a tuning assembly. The cap structure extends from the substrate, and at least one of the substrate and the cap structure defines a resonator cavity. The tuning assembly is positioned at least partially within the resonator cavity. The tuning assembly includes a plurality of fixed-fixed MEMS beams configured for controllable movement relative to the substrate between an activated position and a deactivated position in order to tune a resonant frequency of the tunable cavity resonator.

  14. 40 CFR 62.15340 - What must I include in the annual report? (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 8 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What must I include in the annual... August 30, 1999 Reporting § 62.15340 What must I include in the annual report? Summarize data collected... combustion units that use activated carbon for controlling dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, include four...

  15. Antimicrobial Active Packaging including Chitosan Films with Thymus vulgaris L. Essential Oil for Ready-to-Eat Meat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Quesada


    Full Text Available An active packaging system has been designed for the shelf life extension of ready to eat meat products. The package included an inner surface coated with a chitosan film with thyme essential oil (0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 2% not in direct contact with the meat. Our aim was to reduce the impact of thyme essential oil (EO on meat sensory properties by using a chemotype with low odor intensity. The pH, color parameters, microbial populations, and sensory properties were assessed during 4 weeks of refrigerated storage. The presence of EO films reduced yeast populations, whereas aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, and enterobacteria were not affected by the presence of the EO in the films. Meat color preservation (a * was enhanced in the presence of EO, giving a better appearance to the packaged meat. The presence of the chitosan-EO layer reduced water condensation inside the package, whereas packages containing only chitosan had evident water droplets. Thyme odor was perceived as desirable in cooked meat, and the typical product odor intensity decreased by increasing the EO concentration. Further studies should point towards developing oil blends or combinations with natural antimicrobial agents to be incorporated into the film to improve its antimicrobial properties.

  16. Polimorfismo genético de beta-lactoglobulina y alphalactoalbúmina en el ganado criollo colombiano, mediante PCR-SSCP Genetic polymorphism of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactoalbumin in Colombian Creole cattle by PCR-SSCP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime A Rosero-Alpala


    Full Text Available La población de ganado criollo colombiano ha venido presentando una inquietante disminución al pasar de 23.415 ejemplares en 1999 a 20.102 en 2003. A pesar de los esfuerzos por recuperar las razas criollas el panorama para su conservación es incierto, por tanto la búsqueda de caracteres deseables puede contribuir a su valoración y conservación. Los genes relacionados con el mejoramiento de la calidad de la leche producida por estas razas se consideran de gran importancia en la industria láctea, por tal razón y con el objetivo de caracterizar los genes beta-lactoglobulina y alpha-lactoalbúmina se analizaron 30 muestras de sangre de cada una de las razas criollas (Blanco Orejinegro, Caqueteño, Casanareño, Costeño con cuernos, Chino Santandereano, Hartón del Valle, Romosinuano y Sanmartinero, dos razas sintéticas colombianas (Lucerna y Velásquez y dos razas foráneas (Holstein y Brahman. Se amplificaron fragmentos de 262pb para beta-lactoglobulina (b-LG y de 166 pb para alpha-lactoalbúmina (a-LA que se genotipificaron mediante PCR-SSCP. El promedio de la frecuencia para b-LG A y b-LG B fue de 0.46 ± 0.020 y de 0.53 ± 0.020, respectivamente, y de 0.35 ± 0.019 para a-LA A y 0.64 ± 0.019 para a-LA B. El promedio de diversidad genética (He para b-LG fue 0.498 y de 0.455 para a-LA. Los ganados criollos representan una base genética valiosa, como alternativa para mejorar genéticamente los hatos destinados a la producción de leche con mejores características en calidad para la industria láctea.The Colombian Creole Cattle has showed a preoccupant population decreasing, from 23,415 individuals in 1999 to 20,102 in 2003. Despite that many efforts to recover the creole breeds have been done, its future conservation is unclear. Searching for economic desirable genes may contribute to its preservation and utilization as a genetic resource. Genes related with the improvement of milk proteins are considered as an economic important

  17. Brown Country: Johnny Rodriguez (United States)

    Vargas, Deborah R.


    The year 1972 was part of a dynamic period of Chicano politics and cultural production in South Texas. A few years earlier, in the Crystal City Revolts, Tejanos had moved to gain control of city and school board positions, events that resulted in the creation of the Raza Unida Party in 1970. Nineteen seventy-two also marked the beginning of the…

  18. Vitimização por homicídios segundo características de raça no Brasil Victimización por homicidios según características de raza en Brasil Homicide victimization according to racial characteristics in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adauto Martins Soares Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência temporal da mortalidade por homicídio no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo de série temporal dos homicídios no Brasil de 2000 a 2009. As variáveis explicativas foram raça/cor, sexo e escolaridade. Os óbitos foram provenientes do Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade. A análise de tendência foi realizada por meio de regressão polinomial para séries históricas (p OBJETIVO: Describir la tendencia temporal de la mortalidad por homicidio en Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudio de serie temporal de los homicidios en Brasil de 2000 a 2009. Las variables explicativas fueron raza/color, sexo y escolaridad. Los óbitos fueron provenientes del Sistema de Informaciones de Mortalidad. El análisis de tendencia fue realizada por medio de regresión polinomial para series históricas (pOBJECTIVE: To describe the temporal patterns of mortality by homicide in Brazil. METHODS: A series of homicides in Brazil from 2000 to 2009 were studied. The explanatory variables were race/skin color, gender and education. The death statistics were obtained from the Mortality Information System. A trend analysis was performed by means of a polynomial regression for a historic time series (p < 0.05, 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The black population represented 69% of the homicide victims in 2009. The homicide rate increased in the black population, while it decreased in the white population in the period studied. The homicide rate increased in groups with both higher and lower education among blacks; among whites, the rate decreased for those with the lowest level of schooling and remained stable in the group with higher educational levels. In 2009, blacks had a higher risk of death than whites from homicide, regardless of education level. Between 2004 and 2009, the homicide rate decreased in the white population, while it increased in the black population. CONCLUSIONS: The relative risk of falling victim to homicide increased in the black

  19. Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the pH-Dependent Activation (Epoxidation) of Prodrug Treosulfan Including the Reaction Inhibition in a Borate Buffer. (United States)

    Romański, Michał; Ratajczak, Whitney; Główka, Franciszek


    A prodrug treosulfan (T) undergoes a pH-dependent activation to epoxide derivatives. The process seems to involve an intramolecular Williamson reaction (IWR) but clear kinetic evidence is lacking. Moreover, a cis-diol system present in the T structure is expected to promote complexation with boric acid. As a result, the prodrug epoxidation would be inhibited; however, this phenomenon has not been investigated. In this article, the effect of pH on the kinetics of T conversion to its monoepoxide was studied from a mechanistic point of view. Also, the influence of boric acid on the reaction kinetics was examined. The rate constants observed for the activation of T (k obs ) in acetate, phosphate, and carbonate buffers satisfied the equation logk obs  = -7.48 + 0.96 pH. The reaction was inhibited in the excess of boric acid over T, and the k obs decreased with increasing borate buffer concentration. The experimental results were consistent with the inhibition model that included the formation of a tetrahedral, anionic T-boric acid monoester. To conclude, in nonborate buffers, the T activation to (2S,3S)-1,2-epoxybutane-3,4-diol 4-methanesulfonate follows IWR mechanism. A borate buffer changes the reaction kinetics and complicates kinetic analysis. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. 48 CFR 852.236-83 - Payments under fixed-price construction contracts (including NAS). (United States)


    ... (CPM) network. (4) The CPM network shall include a separate cost loaded activity for adjusting and... shall show on the critical path method (CPM) network the total cost of the guarantee period services in... contracting officer. The activity on the CPM shall have money only and not activity time. (ii) The contractor...

  1. Loan Products Included in the Offer of Commercial Banks

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    Vasile Dedu


    Full Text Available A bank loan is the main form of economical credit. It is for corporate activities – for medium and big companies and for retail activities – for small companies and individuals. The conditions for credit mainly depend on the quality of customers, it means their ability to perform a profitable activity and to be able to pay back the credits. For reasons which are mainly connected to marketing, bank practice has developed a large range of credit names, trying to emphasize some of the parts of the products or to take profit of some competition advantages in relation with customers’ products. We are trying to include the offer of bank loans in a typology which takes into account the law, the bank field rules and the main technical features of the offered products.

  2. Colonialidad y género

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    Full Text Available Este artículo investiga la interseccionalidad entre raza, clase, género y sexualidad con el objetivo de entender la preocupante indiferencia que los hombres muestran hacia las violencias que sistemáticamente se infringen sobre las mujeres de color, es decir, mujeres no blancas víctimas de la colonialidad del poder e, inseparablemente, de la colonialidad del género. El artículo se inserta dentro de la tradición de pensamiento de mujeres de color que han creado análisis críticos del feminismo hegemónico precisamente por ignorar la interseccionalidad de raza/clase/sexualidad/género. Busca entender la forma en que se construye esta indiferencia de los hombres para, así convertirla en algo cuyo reconocimiento sea ineludible para quienes están involucrados en luchas liberadoras. Se discute en detalle una manera otra, muy distinta de los feminismos occidentales, de entender el patriarcado desde la colonialidad del género. La autora nos invita a pensar en la cartografía del poder global desde lo que llama el Sistema Moderno/Colonial de Género.


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    Rami T. Kridli


    Full Text Available Jordania es un país predominantemente semiárido. La mayor parte de la tierra es incultivable y sólo se puede utilizar para el pastoreo de rumiantes pequeños. La oveja Awassi de cola gruesa es la raza nativa de ovejas en Jordania. Esta raza es popular por varias razones, tales como su adaptabilidad a ecosistemas difíciles, su producción lechera y por tener una carne con buenas características y un buen sabor. La industria ovejera en Jordania enfrenta muchos retos, el más importante es la escases de agua, que conlleva a una baja disponibilidad de forrajes y a un alza en los precios de los alimentos. A pesar de las dificultades, se realizan esfuerzos para mejorar la productividad de las ovejas Awassi mediante la selección, el cuidado veterinario, la evaluación de fuentes alternativas de alimentación y tratamientos hormonales para mejorar su fertilidad y fecundidad. Este estudio enfatiza la investigación principal llevada a cabo en ovejas Awassi en Jordania en la última década con un énfasis especial en el rendimiento reproductivo.

  4. Methods of producing adsorption media including a metal oxide (United States)

    Mann, Nicholas R; Tranter, Troy J


    Methods of producing a metal oxide are disclosed. The method comprises dissolving a metal salt in a reaction solvent to form a metal salt/reaction solvent solution. The metal salt is converted to a metal oxide and a caustic solution is added to the metal oxide/reaction solvent solution to adjust the pH of the metal oxide/reaction solvent solution to less than approximately 7.0. The metal oxide is precipitated and recovered. A method of producing adsorption media including the metal oxide is also disclosed, as is a precursor of an active component including particles of a metal oxide.

  5. Design of a high-lift experiment in water including active flow control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beutel, T; Schwerter, M; Büttgenbach, S; Leester-Schädel, M; Sattler, S; El Sayed, Y; Radespiel, R; Zander, M; Sinapius, M; Wierach, P


    This paper describes the structural design of an active flow-control experiment. The aim of the experiment is to investigate the increase in efficiency of an internally blown Coanda flap using unsteady blowing. The system uses tailor-made microelectromechanical (MEMS) pressure sensors to determine the state of the oncoming flow and an actuated lip to regulate the mass flow and velocity of a stream near a wall over the internally blown flap. Sensors and actuators are integrated into a highly loaded system that is extremely compact. The sensors are connected to a bus system that feeds the data into a real-time control system. The piezoelectric actuators using the d 33 effect at a comparable low voltage of 120 V are integrated into a lip that controls the blowout slot height. The system is designed for closed-loop control that efficiently avoids flow separation on the Coanda flap. The setup is designed for water-tunnel experiments in order to reduce the free-stream velocity and the system’s control frequency by a factor of 10 compared with that in air. This paper outlines the function and verification of the system’s main components and their development. (technical note)

  6. 49 CFR 350.213 - What must a State CVSP include? (United States)


    ... include education, enforcement, legislation, use of technology and improvements to safety infrastructure... activities affecting the transportation of controlled substances by CMV drivers and training on appropriate... regulations with the FMCSRs and HMRs. (m) A copy of any new law or regulation affecting CMV safety enforcement...

  7. Food Additives Permitted for Direct Addition to Food for Human Consumption; Folic Acid. Final rule. (United States)


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is amending the food additive regulations to provide for the safe use of folic acid in corn masa flour. We are taking this action in response to a food additive petition filed jointly by Gruma Corporation, Spina Bifida Association, March of Dimes Foundation, American Academy of Pediatrics, Royal DSM N.V., and National Council of La Raza.

  8. TSP Symposium 2013 Proceedings (United States)


    Innovación con Nuevas Tecnologías en la Docencia de la Ingeniería. IEEE, 2009. [Börstler 2002] Börstler, J., Carrington, D., Hislop, G. W., Lisack, S...Região do Norte), under project reference SI IDT - 21562/2011. The work of M. Raza is funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ), under

  9. La Familia de la Raza. (The Family of the Race.) (United States)

    Armas, Jose

    Chicanos in this country have been in a constant state of struggle for economic and cultural survival; yet the Chicano's family has remained the most important part of his culture. Chicano values, customs, life styles, and language are still very much a part of his family. This publication discusses the Chicano's family, covering: (1) la familia…

  10. Bricheros: sexo, raza y etnicidad en contextos turísticos

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    José María Valcuende del Ríon


    Full Text Available The development of tourism in Peru has generated a new social phenomenon: the bricheros. This new term applies to Andean men who regularly seek to engage in sexual intercourse with foreign female tourists. In this paper, we examine the relationship between sex and tourism different case studies. We are particularly interested in studying the discourse dimension of bricherismo and its transformations in relation in both the tourist scene and the national context. Our analysis of the different meanings of sexual and affective relations between tourists and the local population will permit us to unveil the domination and subversion strategies brought into play in tourist contexts, which are usually in close connection with racial and gender issues.

  11. Ozone control of biological activity during Earth's history, including the KT catastrophe (United States)

    Sheldon, W. R.


    There have been brief periods since the beginning of the Cambrian some 600 m.y. ago when mass extinctions destroyed a significant fraction of living species. The most widely studied of these events is the catastrophe at the KT boundary that ended the long dominance of the dinosaurs. In addition to mass extinctions, there is another profound discontinuity in the history of Earth's biota, the explosion of life at the end of the Precambrian era which is an episode that is not explained well at all. For some 3 b.y. before the Cambrian, life had been present on Earth, but maintained a low level of activity which is an aspect of the biota that is puzzling, especially during the last two-thirds of that period. During the last 2 b.y. before the Cambrian, conditions at the Earth's surface were suitable for a burgeoning of the biota, according to most criteria: the oceans neither boiled nor were fozen solid during this time, and the atmosphere contained sufficient O for the development of animals. The purpose of this paper is to suggest that mass extinctions and the lackluster behavior of the Precambrian biota share a common cause: an inadequate amount of ozone in the atmosphere.

  12. Solar Energy Education. Renewable energy: a background text. [Includes glossary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Some of the most common forms of renewable energy are presented in this textbook for students. The topics include solar energy, wind power hydroelectric power, biomass ocean thermal energy, and tidal and geothermal energy. The main emphasis of the text is on the sun and the solar energy that it yields. Discussions on the sun's composition and the relationship between the earth, sun and atmosphere are provided. Insolation, active and passive solar systems, and solar collectors are the subtopics included under solar energy. (BCS)

  13. 40 CFR 60.1410 - What must I include in my annual report? (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What must I include in my annual report... Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 6, 2001 Reporting § 60.1410 What must I include in my...) For municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon for controlling dioxins/furans or...

  14. Activator Gcn4 employs multiple segments of Med15/Gal11, including the KIX domain, to recruit mediator to target genes in vivo. (United States)

    Jedidi, Iness; Zhang, Fan; Qiu, Hongfang; Stahl, Stephen J; Palmer, Ira; Kaufman, Joshua D; Nadaud, Philippe S; Mukherjee, Sujoy; Wingfield, Paul T; Jaroniec, Christopher P; Hinnebusch, Alan G


    Mediator is a multisubunit coactivator required for initiation by RNA polymerase II. The Mediator tail subdomain, containing Med15/Gal11, is a target of the activator Gcn4 in vivo, critical for recruitment of native Mediator or the Mediator tail subdomain present in sin4Delta cells. Although several Gal11 segments were previously shown to bind Gcn4 in vitro, the importance of these interactions for recruitment of Mediator and transcriptional activation by Gcn4 in cells was unknown. We show that interaction of Gcn4 with the Mediator tail in vitro and recruitment of this subcomplex and intact Mediator to the ARG1 promoter in vivo involve additive contributions from three different segments in the N terminus of Gal11. These include the KIX domain, which is a critical target of other activators, and a region that shares a conserved motif (B-box) with mammalian coactivator SRC-1, and we establish that B-box is a critical determinant of Mediator recruitment by Gcn4. We further demonstrate that Gcn4 binds to the Gal11 KIX domain directly and, by NMR chemical shift analysis combined with mutational studies, we identify the likely binding site for Gcn4 on the KIX surface. Gcn4 is distinctive in relying on comparable contributions from multiple segments of Gal11 for efficient recruitment of Mediator in vivo.

  15. Multi trace element analysis of dry biological materials by neutron activation analysis including a chemical group separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weers, C.A.


    The principles of activation analysis and the practical aspects of neutron activation analysis are outlined. The limits which are set to accuracy and precision are defined. The description of the evaporation process is summarised in terms of the half-volume. This quantity is then used to define the resolving power. The formulation is checked by radiotracer experiments. Dried animal blood is used as the testing material. The pretreatment of the samples and (the development of) the destruction-evaporation apparatus is described. Four successive devices were built and tested. The development of the successive adsorption steps with active charcoal, Al 2 O 3 and coprecipitation with Fe(OH) 3 is presented. Seven groups of about 25 elements in total can be determined this way. The results obtained for standard reference materials are summarized and compared with literature data. (Auth.)

  16. Thick electrodes including nanoparticles having electroactive materials and methods of making same (United States)

    Xiao, Jie; Lu, Dongping; Liu, Jun; Zhang, Jiguang; Graff, Gordon L.


    Electrodes having nanostructure and/or utilizing nanoparticles of active materials and having high mass loadings of the active materials can be made to be physically robust and free of cracks and pinholes. The electrodes include nanoparticles having electroactive material, which nanoparticles are aggregated with carbon into larger secondary particles. The secondary particles can be bound with a binder to form the electrode.

  17. Highly active antiretroviral therapy including protease inhibitors does not confer a unique CD4 cell benefit. The AVANTI and INCAS Study Groups. (United States)


    To determine if triple combination therapy, particularly including HIV protease inhibitors (PI), confers an unique immunological benefit that is independent of reductions of plasma viral load (pVL). The correlation between changes from baseline in CD4 cell count and pVL was examined at all time points up to 52 weeks in three randomized clinical trials (AVANTI-2, AVANTI-3 and INCAS) that compared dual nucleoside therapy with triple combination therapy. Individual pVL and CD4 cell counts changes from baseline were entered into multivariate linear regression models for patients receiving double therapy and for those receiving triple therapy including a PI and/or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), and the null hypothesis was tested. After 52 weeks of therapy, the relationship between changes from baseline CD4 cell count and pVL was independent of whether patients were assigned double or triple therapy (P = 0.23 and 0.69 for intercept and slope, respectively), or whether patients were assigned triple therapy including a PI or triple therapy including an NNRTI (P = 0.92 and 0.95, respectively). Less than 5% of patients ever had 'discordant' increases in both CD4 cell count and pVL compared with baseline, and this proportion was unrelated to the class of therapy used. 'Discordant' decreases from baseline in both parameters were observed in up to 35% of individuals. The correlation between pVL and CD4 cell count changes from baseline improved over time on therapy, regardless of the therapeutic regimen involved. The data provide no evidence for a CD4 cell count benefit of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) unique to triple therapy or PI-containing regimens.

  18. PREFACE: 9th International Fröhlich's Symposium: Electrodynamic Activity of Living Cells (Including Microtubule Coherent Modes and Cancer Cell Physics) (United States)

    Cifra, Michal; Pokorný, Jirí; Kucera, Ondrej


    This volume contains papers presented at the International Fröhlich's Symposium entitled 'Electrodynamic Activity of Living Cells' (1-3 July 2011, Prague, Czech Republic). The Symposium was the 9th meeting devoted to physical processes in living matter organized in Prague since 1987. The hypothesis of oscillation systems in living cells featured by non-linear interaction between elastic and electrical polarization fields, non-linear interactions between the system and the heat bath leading to energy downconversion along the frequency scale, energy condensation in the lowest frequency mode and creation of a coherent state was formulated by H Fröhlich, founder of the theory of dielectric materials. He assumed that biological activity is based not only on biochemical but also on biophysical mechanisms and that their disturbances form basic links along the cancer transformation pathway. Fröhlich outlined general ideas of non-linear physical processes in biological systems. The downconversion and the elastic-polarization interactions should be connected in a unified theory and the solution based on comprehensive non-linear characteristics. Biochemical and genetic research of biological systems are highly developed and have disclosed a variety of cellular and subcellular structures, chemical reactions, molecular information transfer, and genetic code sequences - including their pathological development. Nevertheless, the cancer problem is still a big challenge. Warburg's discovery of suppressed oxidative metabolism in mitochondria in cancer cells suggested the essential role of physical mechanisms (but his discovery has remained without impact on cancer research and on the study of physical properties of biological systems for a long time). Mitochondria, the power plants of the cell, have several areas of activity-oxidative energy production is connected with the formation of a strong static electric field around them, water ordering, and liberation of non

  19. Portable instrumentation for quantitatively measuring radioactive surface contaminations, including 90Sr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodzinski, R.L.


    In order to measure the effectiveness of decontamination efforts, a quantitative analysis of the radiocontamination is necessary, both before and after decontamination. Since it is desirable to release the decontaminated material for unrestricted use or disposal, the assay equipment must provide adequate sensitivity to measure the radioactivity at or below the release limit. In addition, the instrumentation must be capable of measuring all kinds of radiocontaminants including fission products, activation products, and transuranic materials. Finally, the survey instrumentation must be extremely versatile in order to assay the wide variety of contaminated surfaces in many environments, some of which may be extremely hostile or remote. This communication describes the development and application of portable instrumentation capable of quantitatively measuring most transuranics, activation products, and fission products, including 90 Sr, on almost any contaminated surface in nearly any location

  20. Methodology for Recreation Data Acquisition and Evaluation for Ethnic Minority Visitors to Corps of Engineers Projects (United States)


    outside home Strong cultural traditions; strong sense of ethnic identity as expressed in the phrase " La Raza y la Familia " Strong interest in outdoor...of black households are married couples. Nuclear families (mar- ried couples with children) represent just 18 percent of black households, while...for Americans as a whole because Hispanics as a group are younger than average (Russell 1998). Households: Nuclear families (married couples with

  1. Aportes materiales y psicoafectivos del negro en el folklore colombiano

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    Manuel Zapata Olivella


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los países latinoamericanos se han conformado por los aportes básicos de las culturas indígena, hispánica y africana. El grado de este mestizaje varía en unos y otros, según la importancia de los grupos étnicos. En Colombia, el equilibrio cultural no siempre corresponde a la mezcla de las razas.

  2. Life stories of people with rheumatoid arthritis who retired early: how gender and other contextual factors shaped their everyday activities, including paid work. (United States)

    Stamm, T A; Machold, K P; Smolen, J; Prodinger, B


    The aim of the present study was to explore how contextual factors affect the everyday activities of women and men with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as evident in their life stories. Fifteen people with RA, who had retired early due to the disease, were interviewed up to three times, according to a narrative biographic interview style. The life stories of the participants, which were reconstructed from the biographical data and from the transcribed 'told story' were analysed from the perspective of contextual factors, including personal and environmental factors. The rigour and accuracy of the analysis were enhanced by reflexivity and peer-review of the results. The life stories of the participants in this study reflected how contextual factors (such as gender, the healthcare system, the support of families and social and cultural values) shaped their everyday activities. In a society such as in Austria, which is based on traditional patriarchal values, men were presented with difficulties in developing a non-paid-work-related role. For women, if paid work had to be given up, they were more likely to engage in alternative challenging activities which enabled them to develop reflective skills, which in turn contributed to a positive and enriching perspective on their life stories. Health professionals may thus use some of the women's strategies to help men. Interventions by health professionals in people with RA may benefit from an approach sensitive to personal and environmental factors.

  3. Global Analysis of Solar Neutrino Oscillations Including SNO CC Measurement

    CERN Document Server

    Bahcall, J N; Peña-Garay, C; Bahcall, John N; Peña-Garay, Carlos


    For active and sterile neutrinos, we present the globally allowed solutions for two neutrino oscillations. We include the SNO CC measurement and all other relevant solar neutrino and reactor data. Five active neutrino oscillation solutions (LMA, LOW, SMA, VAC, and Just So2) are currently allowed at 3 sigma; three sterile neutrino solutions (Just So2, SMA, and VAC) are allowed at 3 sigma. The goodness of fit is satisfactory for all eight solutions. We also investigate the robustness of the allowed solutions by carrying out global analyses with and without: 1) imposing solar model constraints on the 8B neutrino flux, 2) including the Super-Kamiokande spectral energy distribution and day-night data, 3) using an enhanced CC cross section for deuterium (due to radiative corrections), and 4) a optimistic, hypothetical reduction by a factor of three of the error of the SNO CC rate. For every analysis strategy used in this paper, the most favored solutions all involve large mixing angles: LMA, LOW, or VAC. The favore...

  4. Antibacterial and antibiotic resistance modifying activity of the extracts from Allanblackia gabonensis, Combretum molle and Gladiolus quartinianus against Gram-negative bacteria including multi-drug resistant phenotypes. (United States)

    Fankam, Aimé G; Kuiate, Jules R; Kuete, Victor


    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is becoming a serious problem worldwide. The discovery of new and effective antimicrobials and/or resistance modulators is necessary to tackle the spread of resistance or to reverse the multi-drug resistance. We investigated the antibacterial and antibiotic-resistance modifying activities of the methanol extracts from Allanblackia gabonensis, Gladiolus quartinianus and Combretum molle against 29 Gram-negative bacteria including multi-drug resistant (MDR) phenotypes. The broth microdilution method was used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of the samples meanwhile the standard phytochemical methods were used for the preliminary phytochemical screening of the plant extracts. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols and tannins in all studied extracts. Other chemical classes of secondary metabolites were selectively presents. Extracts from A. gabonensis and C. molle displayed a broad spectrum of activity with MICs varying from 16 to 1024 μg/mL against about 72.41% of the tested bacteria. The extract from the fruits of A. gabonensis had the best activity, with MIC values below 100 μg/mL on 37.9% of tested bacteria. Percentages of antibiotic-modulating effects ranging from 67 to 100% were observed against tested MDR bacteria when combining the leaves extract from C. molle (at MIC/2 and MIC/4) with chloramphenicol, kanamycin, streptomycin and tetracycline. The overall results of the present study provide information for the possible use of the studied plant, especially Allanblackia gabonensis and Combretum molle in the control of Gram-negative bacterial infections including MDR species as antibacterials as well as resistance modulators.

  5. Rhizobium leguminosarum COMO ORGANISMO BIOCONTROLADOR DE LA INTERACCIÓN HOSPEDERO-PATÓGENO: CLAVEL (Dianthus caryophyllus – Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. dianthi

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    Cheol Woo Lee Park


    Full Text Available Se investigó el efecto de biocontrol de Rhizobium leguminosarum (R. leguminosarum cepa B, contra Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi (FOD raza 2, en la interacción Clavel - FOD. Se utilizó la raza 2 de FOD por ser la de mayor patogenicidad y distribución en las fincas de cultivo de clavel en Colombia. Para ello se establecieron las condiciones de inoculación de FOD sobre cultivos establecidos de R . leguminosarum, variando la concentración in vitro de la bacteria. Se encontró una reducción en el número de microconidias hasta un 90% y una inhibición en el crecimiento radial del patógeno de hasta un 71 %. En el ensayo de microcultivo dual se detectó fraccionamiento de las hifas después de 48 horas de incubación con R . leguminosarum En el ensayo in vivo, los esquejes de clavel Raggio di solé, variedad susceptible al patógeno, fueron inoculados con 45.0 x 10 células de R. leguminosarum por matero, mostrando una severidad inferior al 5%, una incidencia menor del 20% y una reducción del índice de la enfermedad hasta de un 92% en presencia del patógeno.

  6. Subjetividad e interseccionalidad: experiencias de Enfermedad de Mujeres Negras con enfermedad falciforme

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    Eliana Costa Xavie


    Full Text Available El estudio tuvo el objetivo de conocer y analizar la historia de mujeres negras con enfermedad falciforme y comprender cómo la subjetividad de estas es construida y confrontada a partir de los sentidos subjetivos asociados con los marcadores de género, raza y clase social. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa en la que participaron 9 mujeres negras acompañadas por el Centro de Referencia de la Anemia Falciforme del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Las entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron analizadas por medio del análisis crítico del discurso. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres negras perciben su enfermedad como condición de salud que estrecha los lazos entre su pertenencia racial y sus construcciones de género y de clase. El discurso de esas mujeres negras trascendió a la complejidad de la enfermedad crónica, transformándola y construyendo posibilidades que las potencializan como mujeres, madres y sujetos sociales. Las mujeres señalaron que la interseccionalidad de raza, género y clase social impulsa la ceguera pública de la mujer negra y de las cuestiones relacionadas con la población negra intensificando el sentimiento de invisibilidad.

  7. Sobre la comprensión originaria del crimen de genocidio

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    Hannibal Travis


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un estudio prolongado sobre el originalismo genocida. Los esfuerzos para equiparar la intención genocida con la destrucción racial total han aumentado en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas durante la última década, incluyendo los casos de Yugoslavia y Sudán. El artículo examina la evidencia de que los redactores de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio de las Naciones Unidas (UNCG no definieron la intención genocida como la intención de destruir enteramente a una raza o religión. Esta evidencia muestra que la UNCG no requiere que haya un plan deliberado o una política de Estado para exterminar a todos los miembros de una raza o grupo religioso, o un genocidio total. Más bien, la UNCG abarca expresamente los genocidios parciales, los genocidios en los que los jefes de estado no participan y los genocidios motivados por razones distintas al odio racial o religioso. Esta comprensión originaria se manifiesta en el texto de la UNCG, en el proceso de redacción y en el curso del desempeño de la UNCG.

  8. Los juegos antropologicos de Saint-Louis

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    Fabrice Delsahut


    Full Text Available En 1904, en medio de la feria de la exposición universal de Saint-Louis, los Juegos olimpicos no pudieron escapar a la ascención de ideologías racistas del principios del siglo XX y contibuyeron a la discusión del mérito atlético de diferentes razas. Los organisadores prepararon competiciones especiales que llamaron en esta ocasión «Jornadas antropológicas» reservadas a los que la América segregacionista del momento consideraba como primitivos. El impacto de los estudios sobre las razas, sobre la manera de pensar en el deporte no fue, al contrario de lo que se esforzaron hacer creer los diferentes presidentes del C.O.I en el curso de las siguientes decadas, un simple avatar del movimiento olimpico. Veremos la influencía de este espectáculo atletico interracial en los Estados Unidos pero tambien en el mundo, particularmente a través del papel de la prensa. Las jornadas antropológicas permitieron indudablemente elaborar una cierta percepción de la otricidad y limitaran la integración de los pueblos autóctonas en la maquina deportiva mundial.

  9. Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase rapidly suppresses multiple pro-inflammatory pathways in adipocytes including IL-1 receptor-associated kinase-4 phosphorylation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mancini, Sarah J; White, Anna D; Bijland, Silvia


    Inflammation of adipose tissue in obesity is associated with increased IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α secretion and proposed to contribute to insulin resistance. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) regulates nutrient metabolism and is reported to have anti-inflammatory actions in adipose tissue, yet the m...

  10. Salud Para Su Corazon-NCLR: a comprehensive Promotora outreach program to promote heart-healthy behaviors among hispanics. (United States)

    Balcazar, Hector; Alvarado, Matilde; Hollen, Mary Luna; Gonzalez-Cruz, Yanira; Hughes, Odelinda; Vazquez, Esperanza; Lykens, Kristine


    This article describes results of year-1 implementation of the Salud Para Su Corazón (Health For Your Heart)-National Council of la Raza (NCLR) promotora (lay health worker) program for promoting heart-healthy behaviors among Latinos. Findings of this community outreach initiative include data from promotora pledges and self-skill behaviors, cardiovascular disease risk factors of Latino families, family heart-health education delivery, and program costs associated with promotora time. Participation included 29 trained promotoras serving 188 families from three NCLR affiliates in Escondido, California; Chicago, Illinois; and Ojo Caliente, New Mexico. Using several evaluation tools, the results showed that the promotora approach worked based on evidence obtained from the following indicators: changes in promotora's pre-post knowledge and performance skills, progress toward their pledge goals following training, recruiting and teaching families, providing follow-up, and organizing or participating in community events. Strengths and limitations of the promotora model approach are also discussed.

  11. 75 FR 879 - National Semiconductor Corporation Arlington Manufacturing Site Including On-Site Leased Workers... (United States)


    ... engaged in activities related to the production of integrated circuits. The company reports that on-site... Corporation Arlington Manufacturing Site Including On-Site Leased Workers From GCA, CMPA (Silverleaf), Custom..., applicable to workers of National Semiconductor Corporation, Arlington Manufacturing Site, including on-site...

  12. Extranjeros y grupos étnicos en los gremios neogranadinos

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    Humberto Triana y Antorveza


    Full Text Available En las asociaciones gremiales españolas se exigió la limpieza de sangre. Limpio, según el decir de Covarrubias en su Tesoro de la Lengua, era el cristiano viejo, sin raza de judío o de moro. En caso de duda era preciso entablar un largo proceso, lo cual permitía entonces el acceso al grado de maestro o la licencia para abrir tienda u obrador.

  13. The Coffin-Siris syndrome: five new cases including two siblings. (United States)

    Carey, J C; Hall, B D


    Five new cases and one previously reported case of the Coffin-Siris syndrome are described. These cases plus the remaining four already published bring to ten the number of cases available for scrutiny. Constant features (100% frequency) include variable degrees of mental retardation, nail hypoplasia or absence with predominantly fifth digit involvement, hypotonia, infancy feeding problems, and retarded bone age. Frequent features (75% to 90%) include postnatal growth deficiency, microcephaly, wide nasal tip and mouth, prominent lips, eyebrow/eyelash hypertrichosis, and scalp hair hypotrichosis. Significant but less frequent findings include short philtrum (50%, scoliosis (40%), decreased fetal activity (40%), smallness for gestational age (30%), and congenital heart defects (30%). We found the craniofacial phenotype to be mild in the young infant, but progressively more characteristic with age. Autosomal recessive inheritance is suspected on the basis of our brother-and-sister pair.

  14. F1 occurrence including L condition in TUCUMAN and BUENOS AIRES

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mosert Gonzalez, M. de; Ezquer, R.G.; Oviedo, R.V. del


    An analysis of the occurrence of the F1 layer including the L condition has been done, using data from two Argentine stations: TUCUMAN and BUENOS AIRES, at different seasons and solar activity conditions. The comparisons between observations and the F1 occurrence predicted by the IRI-90 model show the need of reviewing the use of the DuCharme et al. (1973) formula adopted by the model to predict the occurrence of the intermediate F1 layer including the L condition. (author). 6 refs, 6 figs, 2 tabs

  15. The extent to which students with disabilities are included in elite ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In educational context inclusion can be defined as including a number of key perspectives, policies and practices (such as reducing barriers) to learning and ... It was evident that students at higher education institutions should be encouraged to participate in sport or any related physical and recreational activity that can ...

  16. Comportamiento productivo y reproductivo del ganado holstein rojo, holstein negro y pardo suizo en Palmira, Valle del Cauca

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    Zapata Oscar


    Full Text Available Three breeds of dairy cattle (26 Red Holstein RH, 97 Black Holstein BH and 29 Brown Swiss BS, were evaluated for reproductive eficiency, and milk production for the years 1979 - 1987 a t the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, Palmira. Days of milking, milk and fat production were for BH (324.0days, 2545.9 kg, 91.1 kg for the RH (300.0 days, 2243.7 kg, 81.0 kg for the BS (298.2 days, 1886.6 kg, 66.9 kg. % fat average were 3.6% in RH, 3.7 % in BH and BS. The lactation curves for the three breeds were best ajusted with the model: Y=A+B(lnt + C(lnt2. Larger persistaency was observed on BS followed by RH. The BS presented better reproductive efficiency than RH and BH with a mean of 169.0,177.4 and 195.6 days, calving data-conception and 2.0, 22 and 22 for number of services per conception. The HR breed had a calving age of 3.4 years and 470.5 kg of calving weight larger than 3.5 years and 440.0 kg for the BH and 3.8 years and 458.1 kg for the BS. Average weight at birth for males and females together BS showed grater weights (37.02 kq, BH and RH showed similar results (36.0 and 362 kg. The incidence of problem at birth was higher for RH (10.90/0 and puerperium problems in BS(21.60,b. Not significal effect of calving weight and rainfall on milk yield and calving date-conception. In most cases there was no correlation between milk yield and calving date-conception. There was a very narow relation between calving date- conception and number of services per conception.En el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario-Palmira, se evaluó el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de 152 vacas; 26 Holstein Rojo (HR, 97 Holstein Negro (HN y 29 vacas Pardo Suizo (PS, durante el período 1979-1987. La mayor duración de la lactancia, producción de leche y grasa (kg la presentó la raza HN (324 días, 2545.9 ka, 91.1 kg, seguido de la HR (300 días, 2243.7,81.0 kg y de la PS (298.2 días, 1886.6 kg, 66.9 kg. los porcentajes de grasa fueron 3.6 (HR y 3.7010 (HN y PSI

  17. The Photoconversion of Phytochrome Includes an Unproductive Shunt Reaction Pathway. (United States)

    Buhrke, David; Kuhlmann, Uwe; Michael, Norbert; Hildebrandt, Peter


    Phytochromes are modular bimodal photoswitches that control gene expression for morphogenetic processes in plants. These functions are triggered by photoinduced conversions between the inactive and active states of the photosensory module, denoted as Pr and Pfr, respectively. In the present time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopic study of bacterial representatives of this photoreceptor family, we demonstrate that these phototransformations do not represent linear processes but include a branching reaction back to the initial state, prior to (de)activation of the output module. Thus, only a fraction of the photoreceptors undergoing the phototransformations can initiate the downstream signaling process, consistent with phytochrome's function as a sensor for more durable changes of light conditions. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Modeling Electric Double-Layers Including Chemical Reaction Effects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paz-Garcia, Juan Manuel; Johannesson, Björn; Ottosen, Lisbeth M.


    A physicochemical and numerical model for the transient formation of an electric double-layer between an electrolyte and a chemically-active flat surface is presented, based on a finite elements integration of the nonlinear Nernst-Planck-Poisson model including chemical reactions. The model works...... for symmetric and asymmetric multi-species electrolytes and is not limited to a range of surface potentials. Numerical simulations are presented, for the case of a CaCO3 electrolyte solution in contact with a surface with rate-controlled protonation/deprotonation reactions. The surface charge and potential...... are determined by the surface reactions, and therefore they depends on the bulk solution composition and concentration...

  19. porewater chemistry experiment at Mont Terri rock laboratory. Reactive transport modelling including bacterial activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tournassat, Christophe; Gaucher, Eric C.; Leupin, Olivier X.; Wersin, Paul


    Document available in extended abstract form only. An in-situ test in the Opalinus Clay formation, termed pore water Chemistry (PC) experiment, was run for a period of five years. It was based on the concept of diffusive equilibration whereby traced water with a composition close to that expected in the formation was continuously circulated and monitored in a packed off borehole. The main original focus was to obtain reliable data on the pH/pCO 2 of the pore water, but because of unexpected microbially- induced redox reactions, the objective was then changed to elucidate the biogeochemical processes happening in the borehole and to understand their impact on pH/pCO 2 and pH in the low permeability clay formation. The biologically perturbed chemical evolution of the PC experiment was simulated with reactive transport models. The aim of this modelling exercise was to develop a 'minimal-' model able to reproduce the chemical evolution of the PC experiment, i.e. the chemical evolution of solute inorganic and organic compounds (organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon etc...) that are coupled with each other through the simultaneous occurrence of biological transformation of solute or solid compounds, in-diffusion and out-diffusion of solute species and precipitation/dissolution of minerals (in the borehole and in the formation). An accurate description of the initial chemical conditions in the surrounding formation together with simplified kinetics rule mimicking the different phases of bacterial activities allowed reproducing the evolution of all main measured parameters (e.g. pH, TOC). Analyses from the overcoring and these simulations evidence the high buffer capacity of Opalinus clay regarding chemical perturbations due to bacterial activity. This pH buffering capacity is mainly attributed to the carbonate system as well as to the clay surfaces reactivity. Glycerol leaching from the pH-electrode might be the primary organic source responsible for

  20. Simulation with Phast of the pore water chemistry experiment results (Mont Terri Url, Switzerland), including transport, thermodynamics, kinetics, and biological activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tournassat, C.; Gaucher, E.; Pearson, F.J.; Mettler, S.; Wersin, P.


    Full text of publication follows: The Pore water Chemistry (PC-)experiment was initially designed to determine the processes that control the redox properties of pore water in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri URL. However, changes in isotopic data and chemical parameters such as pH, alkalinity, dissolved methane, acetate and sulphate concentrations indicated unexpected microbial activity. The origin of the bacteria is not clear. In the light of published data, an indigenous origin cannot be ruled out. A combined biological and reactive transport model has been developed with the parallel PHAST software to simulate the processes that determine pore water chemistry. The influence of bacterial activity on the system is successfully modelled by considering different reaction pathways scenarios including aceto-genesis, methano-genesis, and methane/acetate oxidation coupled to sulphate reduction. Several conclusions can be clearly stated in the light of the simulation results: - The measured redox potentials (redox electrode) are in line with the S(-II)/S(+VI) redox system. - In the undisturbed pore water, S(-II) and S(+VI) activities are controlled by a mineral assemblage containing pyrite and a Fe carbonate (siderite or ankerite). pH is buffered by mineral phases and SO 4 2- concentration is inherited from the marine sedimentary rock. - Some local redox potentials in the sedimentary rock do not correspond to the measured redox potential; for instance, organic matter/HCO 3 - and CH 4 /HCO 3 - systems are not at equilibrium with the measured redox potential. - Redox disequilibrium can be exploited by micro-organisms as a source of energy for their metabolism. In this experiment CH 4 , acetate and other organic acids were produced and SO 4 2- was reduced to HS - . The redox properties of the system are then governed by kinetics rather than by thermodynamic equilibrium. The unexpected persistence of acetate in the borehole water is one of the consequences of these

  1. Solar Energy Education. Home economics: teacher's guide. Field test edition. [Includes glossary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    An instructional aid is provided for home economics teachers who wish to integrate the subject of solar energy into their classroom activities. This teacher's guide was produced along with the student activities book for home economics by the US Department of Energy Solar Energy Education. A glossary of solar energy terms is included. (BCS)

  2. Physical activity and performance at school A systematic review of the literature including a methodological quality assessment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Singh, A.S.; Uijtdewilligen, L.; Twisk, J.W.; van Mechelen, W.; Chin A Paw, M.J.M.


    Objective: To describe the prospective relationship between physical activity and academic performance. Data Sources: Prospective studies were identified from searches in PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane Central, and Sportdiscus from 1990 through 2010. Study Selection: We screened the titles and abstracts

  3. Conceptualizing a Dynamic Fall Risk Model Including Intrinsic Risks and Exposures. (United States)

    Klenk, Jochen; Becker, Clemens; Palumbo, Pierpaolo; Schwickert, Lars; Rapp, Kilan; Helbostad, Jorunn L; Todd, Chris; Lord, Stephen R; Kerse, Ngaire


    Falls are a major cause of injury and disability in older people, leading to serious health and social consequences including fractures, poor quality of life, loss of independence, and institutionalization. To design and provide adequate prevention measures, accurate understanding and identification of person's individual fall risk is important. However, to date, the performance of fall risk models is weak compared with models estimating, for example, cardiovascular risk. This deficiency may result from 2 factors. First, current models consider risk factors to be stable for each person and not change over time, an assumption that does not reflect real-life experience. Second, current models do not consider the interplay of individual exposure including type of activity (eg, walking, undertaking transfers) and environmental risks (eg, lighting, floor conditions) in which activity is performed. Therefore, we posit a dynamic fall risk model consisting of intrinsic risk factors that vary over time and exposure (activity in context). eHealth sensor technology (eg, smartphones) begins to enable the continuous measurement of both the above factors. We illustrate our model with examples of real-world falls from the FARSEEING database. This dynamic framework for fall risk adds important aspects that may improve understanding of fall mechanisms, fall risk models, and the development of fall prevention interventions. Copyright © 2017 AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Sixty Minutes of Physical Activity per Day Included Within Preschool Academic Lessons Improves Early Literacy. (United States)

    Kirk, Stacie M; Kirk, Erik P


    The effects of increases in physical activity (PA) on early literacy skills in preschool children are not known. Fifty-four African-American preschool children from a low socioeconomic urban Head Start participated over 8 months. A 2-group, quasi-experimental design was used with one preschool site participating in the PA intervention and a second site participating as the control site. The PA program was designed to promote 300 minutes/week of moderate to vigorous PA academic lessons. Academic achievement related to early literacy and phonological awareness in the areas of rhyming and alliteration were assessed at baseline, 4 and 8 months. Over 8 months, rhyming significantly (p literacy. © 2016, American School Health Association.

  5. ARC (NSC 188491 has identical activity to Sangivamycin (NSC 65346 including inhibition of both P-TEFb and PKC

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    Hollingshead Melinda G


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The nucleoside analog, ARC (NSC 188491 is a recently characterized transcriptional inhibitor that selectively kills cancer cells and has the ability to perturb angiogenesis in vitro. In this study, the mechanism of action of ARC was further investigated by comparing in vitro and in vivo activity with other anti-neoplastic purines. Methods Structure-based homology searches were used to identify those compounds with similarity to ARC. Comparator compounds were then evaluated alongside ARC in the context of viability, cell cycle and apoptosis assays to establish any similarities. Following this, biological overlap was explored in detail using gene-expression analysis and kinase inhibition assays. Results Results demonstrated that sangivamycin, an extensively characterized pro-apoptotic nucleoside isolated from Streptomyces, had identical activity to ARC in terms of 1 cytotoxicity assays, 2 ability to induce a G2/M block, 3 inhibitory effects on RNA/DNA/protein synthesis, 4 transcriptomic response to treatment, 5 inhibition of protein kinase C, 6 inhibition of positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb, 7 inhibition of VEGF secretion, and 8 activity within hollow fiber assays. Extending ARC activity to PKC inhibition provides a molecular basis for ARC cancer selectivity and anti-angiogenic effects. Furthermore, functional overlap between ARC and sangivamycin suggests that development of ARC may benefit from a retrospective of previous sangivamycin clinical trials. However, ARC was found to be inactive in several xenograft models, likely a consequence of rapid serum clearance. Conclusion Overall, these data expand on the biological properties of ARC but suggest additional studies are required before it can be considered a clinical trials candidate.

  6. Stages of change for physical activity and dietary habits in persons with type 2 diabetes included in a mobile health intervention: the Norwegian study in RENEWING HEALTH. (United States)

    Holmen, Heidi; Wahl, Astrid; Torbjørnsen, Astrid; Jenum, Anne Karen; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Ribu, Lis


    The aim of this study was to investigate stages of change for physical activity and dietary habits using baseline data from persons with type 2 diabetes included in a mobile health intervention. We examined the associations between stages of change for physical activity change and dietary change, and between stages of change for each behavior and individual characteristics, health-related quality of life, self-management, depressive symptoms, and lifestyle. We examined 151 persons with type 2 diabetes with an glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level ≥7.1%, aged ≥18 years at baseline of a randomized controlled trial, before testing a mobile app with or without health counseling. Stages of change were dichotomized into 'pre-action' and 'action'. Self-management was measured using the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ) where a higher score reflects increased self-management, and health-related quality of life was measured with the Short-Form-36 (SF-36). Logistic regression modeling was performed. The median HbA1c level was 7.9% (7.1-12.4), 90% were overweight or obese, and 20% had ≥3 comorbidities. 58% were in the preaction stage for physical activity change and 79% in the preaction stage for dietary change. Higher scores of self-management were associated with an increased chance of being in the action stage for both dietary change and physical activity change. Higher body mass index was associated with an 8% reduced chance of being in the action stage for physical activity change (OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.86 to 0.99). Being in the action stage was associated with higher scores of self-management, crucial for type 2 diabetes. Over half of the participants were in the preaction stage for physical activity and dietary change, and many had a high disease burden with comorbidities and overweight. NCT01315756.

  7. Nuclear Rocket Test Facility Decommissioning Including Controlled Explosive Demolition of a Neutron-Activated Shield Wall

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michael Kruzic


    Located in Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site, the Test Cell A Facility was used in the 1960s for the testing of nuclear rocket engines, as part of the Nuclear Rocket Development Program. The facility was decontaminated and decommissioned (D and D) in 2005 using the Streamlined Approach For Environmental Restoration (SAFER) process, under the Federal Facilities Agreement and Consent Order (FFACO). Utilities and process piping were verified void of contents, hazardous materials were removed, concrete with removable contamination decontaminated, large sections mechanically demolished, and the remaining five-foot, five-inch thick radiologically-activated reinforced concrete shield wall demolished using open-air controlled explosive demolition (CED). CED of the shield wall was closely monitored and resulted in no radiological exposure or atmospheric release

  8. Valoración del estado inmunológico en niños con gingivoestomatitis herpética aguda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amparo Pérez Borrego


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio en 30 niños atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" con el diagnóstico de gingivoestomatitis herpética aguda (GEHA con el objetivo de conocer su estado de inmunocompetencia celular. La edad promedio fue de 3,7 años; se afectaron ambos sexos por igual, con un promedio de los enfermos de raza blanca sobre los de raza negra. Encontramos el 83 % de los pacientes con algún grado de defecto en los marcadores de inmunidad estudiados (rosetas activa y espontánea, de los cuales 22 mostraron cifras anormalmente bajas en los 2 marcadores y 3 en 1 marcador. Entre los pacientes que presentaron enfermedad de debut, en total 9, hubo 5 con valores dentro de límites normales y los restantes con ambos marcadores afectados. En los casos de recidiva, que fueron 21, el 100 % presentó al menos 1 marcador afectado. Puede considerarse, por lo tanto, el déficit inmunológico celular como factor predisponente o secundario a la infección por herpes simple tipo I.30 children who received medical attention at the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of William Soler Pediatric Hospital with the diagnosis of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis (AHGS were studied in order to know their cellular immunocompetence state. Average age was 3.7 years old. Both sexes were affected. A prevalence of white patients was observed. 83 % of the patients had some degree of defect in the studied immunity markers (active and spontaneous rosettes. 22 of them showed abnormally low figures in the 2 markers, and 3 in only one. 5 of the 9 patients with debut disease had values within the normal limits, whereas the rest had both markers affected. Among the patients with relapse that were 21, 100 %, presented at least one affected marker. herefore, the cellular immunological deficit may be considered as a predisposing or secondary factor to the infection caused by herpex simplex type 1.

  9. Prevalencia de la deficiencia de glucosa - 6 - fosfato deshidrogenasa en donadores voluntarios de sangre que acuden a los hospitales nacionales Cayetano Heredia y Arzobispo Loayza: Lima - Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson Ruiz


    Full Text Available Objetivos: El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo, conocer la Prevalencia de la deficiencia de la G-6-PDH, en la población masculina mestiza, aparentemente sana que acude a los Bancos de Sangre de los hospitales nacionales Cayetano Heredia (HNCH y Arzobispo Loayza (HNAL. Material y métodos: Se examinó 140 muestras de hemodonadores entre junio y julio, 60 (42.85% correspondieron al HNCH y 80 (57.15% al HNCH. Se aplicó un cuestionario a todos los donantes indagando por: raza en los ancestros y antecedentes patológicos compatibles con episodios de hemólisis enzimopática. En todas las muestras se empleó el método cualitativo de Brewer (tamizaje y posteriormente fueron sometidos a la prueba cuantitativa SIGMA. Resultados: Con el método de Brewer resultaron 9 casos positivos (6.42% de los cuales sólo uno resultó positivo con el método confirmatorio, lo cual da una prevalencia de 0.71%. La totalidad de los participantes fueron de raza mestiza, carecían de antecedentes importantes, las edades estuvieron comprometidas entre los 18 y 58 años y el hematocrito entre 40 y 48%. Conclusiones: Se confirma que la prevalencia de esta deficiencia, en nuestra población es bastante baja. (Rev Med Hered 1997; 8: 11-18.

  10. Melanoma Lentiginoso Acral

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    Gloria Andrea Vargas Suaza


    Full Text Available El melanoma lentiginoso acral (MLA es una variante rápidamente progresiva del melanoma maligno (MM. Constituye el 5-10% de todos los tipos de MM y se presenta con mayor frecuencia en pacientes de raza negra, asiáticos y latinoamericanos. En Colombia el MM se encuentra en aumento, con una incidencia de 3.5/100.000, siendo el MLA una de las variantes más comunes. La edad promedio de presentación es de 58 años, con una tasa de sobrevida menor para las personas de raza negra, asociado a un diagnóstico tardío. EL MLA se localiza en plantas, palmas y región subungueal y en su etiopatología se ha descrito la presencia de mutaciones en genes: 9p21 (p16: 67%, 11q13 (CCND1 (47%, 22q11-q13 (40% y 5p15 (20%. El diagnóstico de MLA, se ha fundamentado clásicamente en la histopatología. Herramientas de diagnóstico como la dermatoscopia, la evaluación del ganglio centinela y la determinación de alteraciones en las proteínas del ciclo celular contribuyen a la detección precoz del MLA y el MM en general.

  11. Sexo/género, feminismos y clase: reflexiones y prácticas “Tres feministas materialistas” en las Jornadas de Pensamiento Crítico en la Universidad Nacional del Sur

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    Mónica Fernández Avello


    Full Text Available Resumen: Lectura de la obra “Tres feministas materialistas” de reciente edición en Chile, relecturas en torno a los textos de filósofas feministas desde una perspectiva materialista, quienes pensaron las relaciones sexo/género – raza y clase y que nuestras autoras recuperan para pensar la violencia política respecto de las mujeres en el contexto del Terrorismo de Estado de los años ’70 en Argentina. Un trabajo que nos invita a seguir reflexionando,  estudiando y problematizando  el sentido de la teoría que se genera y dónde se genera, justamente porque quienes escriben lo hacen también desde ámbitos no estrictamente académicos sino también militantes. Las autoras nos convocan a volver una vez más en torno al debate clásico entre idealismo y materialismo y puntualmente en torno a la categoría marxista de “apropiación” para pensar, para comprender y explicar los procesos históricos y en particular los atravesamientos entre  sexo-género, raza, clase en la historia reciente de modo de construir teoría que permita fortalecer procesos de memoria, verdad y justicia. Palabras clave: Apropiación, sexo/género, sexaje.

  12. Descolonizar os livros didáticos: raça, gênero e colonialidade nos livros de educação do campo

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    Rosana Medeiros de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Descolonizar el pensamiento es una lucha fundamental del movimiento de la educación rural, es una forma de resistencia y re-existencia de conocimientos y formas de vida. En vista de que la subordinación de los saberes del campo se produce por el monopolio y la visibilidad del conocimiento euro-occidental, así como por la descalificación y la invisibilidad del saber campesino, este artículo se centra en los libros del Programa Nacional de Libros Didáticos (PNLD del educación campo, prestando atención a los conocimientos y las formas de vida que se presentan y para cómo se presentan. A través de la selección y el análisis de los acontecimientos imagéticos y textuales, son discutidas las jerarquías del conocimiento y de formas de vida en el material en cuestión. El artículo resulta de una investigación sobre raza y género en el PNLD del educación campo, lanzado en 2013. Por el análisis de todos los libros del programa, la investigación revela dos eventos centrales en las formas en que la raza y el género performam estos libros: la colonialidad del saber y el estilo politicamente correcto.

  13. Diferenciación sexual de Phyllomedusa boliviana (Anura: Hylidae

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    Rengel, Dora


    Full Text Available Phyllomedusa boliviana (Hylidae es una especie que se distribuye desde el centro de Bolivia y oeste de Brasil hasta el Norte de Argentina, ocupando diversos ambientes en un amplio rango altitudinal (350-2000 m.s.n.m.. La gónada de Phyllomedusa boliviana se diferencia antes de llegar a los procesos de metamorfosis en una estructura orientada a la formación de un testículo o hacia la constitución de un ovario; lo que encuadra a esta especie en el concepto de "raza diferenciada" en el sentido de Witshi (1924 a diferencia de lo reportado en Phyllomedusa sauvagii, que ha sido considerada una "raza indiferenciada de tipo masculino", hecho único entre los anuros conocidos (Rengel y Pisanó, 1981. Phyllomedusa boliviana (Hylidae is a species that distributes from mid Bolivia and west of Brazil to the north of Argentine, occupying different habitats in a wide altitudinous range (350- 2000 m. P. boliviana's gonad is differentiated before metamorphosis in a structure orientated at the formation of the testicle or ovary. For this reason, this species is framed in the concept of "differentiated sexual race" (Wistchi 1924. This observation is different that reported in Phyllomedusa sauvagii, which has been considered an "indifferentiated race of masculine type". This matter is unique in anurans (Rengel y Pisanó, 1981.

  14. Research on Chemical Composition and Biological Properties Including Antiquorum Sensing Activity of Angelica pancicii Vandas Aerial Parts and Roots. (United States)

    Mileski, Ksenija S; Trifunović, Snežana S; Ćirić, Ana D; Šakić, Željana M; Ristić, Mihailo S; Todorović, Nina M; Matevski, Vlado S; Marin, Petar D; Tešević, Vele V; Džamić, Ana M


    The essential oil, different extracts, and isolated compounds of Angelica pancicii Vandas (Apiaceae) were investigated for the first time. The GC-FID and GC-MS analyses revealed sesquiterpenoids as the main constituents of A. pancicii essential oil of aerial parts with bornyl acetate (8.08%), n-octanol (5.82%), kessane (4.26%), and β-selinene (4.26%) as the main constituents. Analysis of methanol extracts, using an HPLC-DAD/ESI-ToF-MS system, showed a total of 52 compounds in the aerial parts and 53 in the roots, indicating coumarins as the main constituents. In addition, new chromone (1) and six known furanocoumarins (2-7) were isolated from the roots and structurally elucidated by combined spectroscopic methods. The aerial part extracts exhibited higher polyphenolic contents and antioxidant activity evaluated by three radical scavenging assays. Using a microwell dilution method, the strongest antibacterial activity profiles were determined for ethanol and methanol root extracts (minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) = 0.25-3.00 mg/mL), which were comparable to the activity of streptomycin (MBCs = 0.34-1.24 mg/mL), while the strongest antibacterial compound of A. pancicii was oxypeucedanin hydrate (MBCs = 0.50-8.00 mg/mL). Antifungal potential was in moderate extent, and the highest activity was obtained for root methanol extract (minimum fungicidal concentrations (MFCs) = 4.00-14.00 mg/mL). Tested sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (subMICs) of the extracts and isolated compounds inhibited selected Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 virulence determinants. The most reduced growth of P. aeruginosa colony was in the presence of isolated oxypeucedanin. Ethanol (17.36-46.98%) and methanol (34.54-52.43%) root extracts showed higher anti-biofilm activity compared to streptomycin (49.40-88.36%) and ampicillin (56.46-92.16%).

  15. Pharmacokinetics of digoxin cross-reacting substances in patients with acute yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana) poisoning, including the effect of activated charcoal. (United States)

    Roberts, Darren M; Southcott, Emma; Potter, Julia M; Roberts, Michael S; Eddleston, Michael; Buckley, Nick A


    Intentional self-poisonings with seeds from the yellow oleander tree (Thevetia peruviana) are widely reported. Activated charcoal has been suggested to benefit patients with yellow oleander poisoning by reducing absorption and/or facilitating elimination. Two recent randomised controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the efficacy of activated charcoal reported conflicting outcomes in terms of mortality. The effect of activated charcoal on the pharmacokinetics of Thevetia cardenolides has not been assessed. This information may be useful for determining whether further studies are necessary. Serial blood samples were obtained from patients enrolled in a RCT assessing the relative efficacy of single dose (SDAC) and multiple doses (MDAC) of activated charcoal compared to no activated charcoal (NoAC). The concentration of Thevetia cardenolides was estimated using a digoxin immunoassay. The effect of activated charcoal on cardenolide pharmacokinetics was compared between treatment groups using the AUC24, the 24h Mean Residence Time (MRT24), and regression lines obtained from serial concentration points adjusted for exposure. Erratic and prolonged absorption patterns were noted in each patient group. The apparent terminal half-life was highly variable, with a median time of 42.9h. There was a reduction in MRT24 and the apparent terminal half-life estimated from linear regression in patients administered activated charcoal compared to the control group (NoAC). This effect was approximately equal in patients administered MDAC or SDAC. Activated charcoal appears to favourably influence the pharmacokinetic profile of Thevetia cardenolides in patients with acute self-poisoning, which may have clinical benefits. Given the conflicting clinical outcomes noted in previous RCTs, this mechanistic data supports the need for further studies to determine whether a subgroup of patients (eg. those presenting soon after poisoning) will benefit from activated charcoal. PMID:17164695

  16. Cost of tobacco-related diseases, including passive smoking, in Hong Kong. (United States)

    McGhee, S M; Ho, L M; Lapsley, H M; Chau, J; Cheung, W L; Ho, S Y; Pow, M; Lam, T H; Hedley, A J


    Costs of tobacco-related disease can be useful evidence to support tobacco control. In Hong Kong we now have locally derived data on the risks of smoking, including passive smoking. To estimate the health-related costs of tobacco from both active and passive smoking. Using local data, we estimated active and passive smoking-attributable mortality, hospital admissions, outpatient, emergency and general practitioner visits for adults and children, use of nursing homes and domestic help, time lost from work due to illness and premature mortality in the productive years. Morbidity risk data were used where possible but otherwise estimates based on mortality risks were used. Utilisation was valued at unit costs or from survey data. Work time lost was valued at the median wage and an additional costing included a value of USD 1.3 million for a life lost. In the Hong Kong population of 6.5 million in 1998, the annual value of direct medical costs, long term care and productivity loss was USD 532 million for active smoking and USD 156 million for passive smoking; passive smoking accounted for 23% of the total costs. Adding the value of attributable lives lost brought the annual cost to USD 9.4 billion. The health costs of tobacco use are high and represent a net loss to society. Passive smoking increases these costs by at least a quarter. This quantification of the costs of tobacco provides strong motivation for legislative action on smoke-free areas in the Asia Pacific Region and elsewhere.

  17. Environmental toxin acrolein alters levels of endogenous lipids, including TRP agonists: A potential mechanism for headache driven by TRPA1 activation

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    Emma Leishman


    Full Text Available Exposure to airborne toxins can trigger headaches, but the mechanisms are not well understood. Some environmental toxins, such as acrolein, activate transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1, a receptor involved in pain sensation that is highly expressed in the trigeminovascular system. It has been shown in rat models that repeated exposure to acrolein induces trigeminovascular sensitization to both TRPA1 and TRP vanilloid 1 (TRPV1 agonists, a phenomenon linked to headache. In this study, we test the hypothesis that the sensitization of trigeminovascular responses in rats after acrolein exposure via inhalation is associated with changes in levels of endogenous lipids, including TRPV1 agonists, in the trigeminal ganglia, trigeminal nucleus, and cerebellum. Lipidomics analysis of 80 lipids was performed on each tissue after acute acrolein, chronic acrolein, or room air control. Both acute and chronic acrolein exposure drove widespread alterations in lipid levels. After chronic acrolein exposure, levels of all 6 N-acyl ethanolamines in the screening library, including the endogenous cannabinoid and TRPV1 agonist, N-arachidonoyl ethanolamine, were elevated in trigeminal tissue and in the cerebellum. This increase in TRPV1 ligands by acrolein exposure may indicate further downstream signaling, in that we also show here that a combination of these TRPV1 endogenous agonists increases the potency of the individual ligands in TRPV1-HEK cells. In addition to these TRPV1 agonists, 3 TRPV3 antagonists, 4 TRPV4 agonists, and 25 orphan lipids were up and down regulated after acrolein exposure. These data support the hypothesis that lipid signaling may represent a mechanism by which repeated exposure to the TRPA1 agonist and environmental toxin, acrolein, drives trigeminovascular sensitization. Keywords: Lipidomics, Endogenous cannabinoid, TRPA1, TRPV1, Lipoamine, Acrolein, Migraine

  18. Factor de riesgo para suicidio según dos cuestionarios y factores asociados en población estudiantil de la Universidad de Manizales (Colombia, 2011

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    Sandra Constanza Cañón


    según la Escala de Beck, además de los anteriores factores asociados, se encontró la asociación significativa con raza (p=0,003, estado civil (p=0,007, espiritualidad (p=0,000 y el programa de pregrado que se encuentre cursando el estudiante (p=0,000. El Factor de Riesgo para Suicidio, según Escala de Plutchik, es parecido al encontrado en otras poblaciones análogas. Las escalas de Plutchik y de Beck, aunque relacionadas, no son equivalentes.

  19. Lactancia ¿artificial o natural?: Influencia sobre la calidad de la canal de los cabritos


    Panea, P.; Ripoll, G.; Sañudo, C.; Horcada Ibáñez, Alberto Luis; Teixeira, A.; Alcalde Aldea, María Jesús


    En las razas caprinas de aptitud lechera, el cabrito es considerado en muchas ocasiones como un subproducto, por lo que frecuentemente se separa de la madre y se alimenta con leche artificial. Este manejo posibilita la utilización de la leche en la fabricaci6n de quesos con un elevado valor añadido, reduce los costes de alimentaci6n y permite obtener buenos crecimientos. Sin embargo, algunos ganaderos prefieren alimentar a los cabritos con leche natural porque cree...

  20. [Antibacterial actin of vinegar against food-borne pathogenic bacteria including Escherichia coli O157:H7 (Part 2). Effect of sodium chloride and temperature on bactericidal activity]. (United States)

    Entani, E; Asai, M; Tsujihata, S; Tsukamoto, Y; Ohta, M


    Bactericidal effects of various kinds of AWASEZU (processed vinegar, 2.5% acidity) on food-borne pathogenic bacteria including Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other bacteria were examined. the order of bactericidal activities was NIHAIZU (3.5% NaCl was added) > SANBA-IZU (3.5% NaCl and 10% sucrose were added) > plain vinegar (spirit vinegar) > AMAZU (10% sucrose was added). This indicates that their activities were enhanced by the addition of sodium chloride and suppressed by the addition of sugar. On the other hand, when soy sauce was used instead of sodium chloride, the order of bactericidal activities was plain vinegar > AMAZU > NIHAIZU > SANBAIZU. This is mainly because their activities were suppressed by the increase in the pH value. The effect of sodium chloride (0.01-15%) and temperature (10-50 degrees C) on bactericidal activities against E. coli O157:H7 in spirit vinegar (0.5-2.5% acidity) was further examined. When vinegar was used in combination with sodium chloride, predominant synergism on the bactericidal activity was observed. Their activities were markedly enhanced by the addition of sodium chloride in proportion to the concentration. In addition to this, at higher temperatures spirit vinegar killed bacteria much more rapidly. It should be noted that the bactericidal activity of spirit vinegar was extremely enhanced by the combined use of the addition of sodium chloride and the rise of temperature. For example, in 2.5% acidity vinegar, the time required for 3 log decrease in viable cell numbers at 20 degrees C was shortened to 1/140-fold by the addition of 5% sodium chloride, shortened to 1/51-fold by the rise of the reaction temperature at 40 degrees C, and shortened to 1/830-fold; 0.89 minutes by both the addition of 5% sodium chloride and the rise of temperature at 40 degrees C. In order to propose the methods to prevent food poisoning by bacterial infection, bactericidal activities of vinegar solution containing sodium chloride on cooking tools and

  1. XF-70 and XF-73, novel antibacterial agents active against slow-growing and non-dividing cultures of Staphylococcus aureus including biofilms. (United States)

    Ooi, Nicola; Miller, Keith; Randall, Christopher; Rhys-Williams, William; Love, William; Chopra, Ian


    Slow-growing and non-dividing bacteria exhibit tolerance to many antibiotics. However, membrane-active agents may act against bacteria in all growth phases. We sought to examine whether the novel porphyrin antibacterial agents XF-70 and XF-73, which have rapid membrane-perturbing activity against Staphylococcus aureus, retained antistaphylococcal activity against growth-attenuated cells. The killing kinetics of XF-70, XF-73 and various comparator agents against exponential phase cultures of S. aureus SH1000 were compared with effects on cells held at 4 degrees C, non-growing cultures expressing the stringent response induced by mupirocin and bacteria in the stationary phase. Biofilms of S. aureus SH1000 were generated with the Calgary device to examine the activities of XF-70 and XF-73 under a further system exhibiting diminished bacterial growth. Cold culture, stringent response and stationary phase cultures remained susceptible to XF-70 and XF-73, which caused > or =5 log reductions in viability over 2 h. During this period the most active comparator agents (chlorhexidine and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) only promoted a 3 log drop in viability. XF-70 and XF-73 were also highly active against biofilms, with both agents exhibiting low biofilm MICs (1 mg/L) and minimum biofilm eradication concentrations (2 mg/L). XF-70 and XF-73 remained highly active against various forms of slow-growing or non-dividing S. aureus. The results support the hypothesis that membrane-active agents may be particularly effective in eradicating slow- or non-growing bacteria and suggest that XF-70 and XF-73 could be utilized to treat staphylococcal infections where the organisms are only dividing slowly, such as biofilm-associated infections of prosthetic devices.

  2. Get Active Orlando: changing the built environment to increase physical activity. (United States)

    McCreedy, Malisa; Leslie, Jill G


    Active Living by Design's Get Active Orlando partnership (GAO) focused on downtown Orlando's Community Redevelopment Area, including the Parramore Heritage District, home to many low-income and ethnically diverse residents, including many seniors. The area had undergone substantial development, and GAO aimed to incorporate active living considerations into the city's changing landscape. Get Active Orlando conducted a baseline survey of all streets, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes in the project area and identified a sequence of plans and policies in which to incorporate changes identified in the assessment. To create more immediate opportunities for active living, the partnership initiated a senior walking program, a bicycle refurbishment and giveaway program, and community bicycle-riding events, and led a social-marketing campaign that emphasized simple lifestyle changes. Get Active Orlando influenced adoption of public policies supporting active living in Orlando, including the Downtown Transportation Plan, Streetscape Guidelines, Design Standards Review Checklist, and growth management policies. Establishment of the Mayor's Advisory Council on Active Living is testament to the heightened significance of active living in Orlando. Initial assessment data served as a strong platform for policy change. Creating connections across disciplines including land-use planning, transportation, public health, and economic development allowed GAO to secure substantial policy change to influence design of the built environment. Engaging community members, including youth, as leaders was an important factor in program success. The physical environment in Orlando's Community Redevelopment Area is beginning to change as a reflection of a new policy framework designed to support active living.


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    Sinan NARDALI


    Full Text Available Academic literature has examined phenomenon of entrepreneurship more thantwo decades and thisphenomenon associated with entrepreneurial activity. OECDdefines the entrepreneurial activity as the enterprising human action in pursuit ofthe generation of value, through the creation or expansion of economic activity,by identifying and exploiting new products, process or markets. Present studyanalyses international entrepreneurship in the lights of contemporary Turkishfirms including born globals.We used case studies and literature review to betterunderstand the early internalization phenomenon and provide useful informationabout international success of Turkish firms. Six of the considered firms are webbased technology companies and most of them have born global firms’ features.The findings indicatedthatmajority of thefirms are technology companies andtheyhad a strong international outlook and international entrepreneurialorientation and they possess a strong entrepreneurial mindset.

  4. Estudio y desarrollo experimental de nuevos materiales biodegradables para la reparación ósea


    Roche Albero, Adrián; Gil Albarova, Jorge; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    El objetivo de la fase subcutánea fue realizar un estudio experimental en conejos adultos implantando dos materiales biodegradables, a nivel de tejido subcutáneo, para valorar su tolerancia tisular, la potencial toxicidad y los efectos de la implantación in vivo sobre sus propiedades mecánicas. Material y método de la fase subcutánea: Se utilizaron 18 conejos adultos de raza Nueva Zelanda. Se dividieron en dos grupos aleatorios en dependencia del material implantado, material compuesto o bi...

  5. Integration of socioeconomic and genetic aspects involved in the conservation of animal genetic resources = Integración de aspectos socioeconómicos y genéticos involucrados en la conservación de recursos genéticos animales


    Martín Collado, Daniel


    El sector ganadero está siendo gradualmente dominado por sistemas intensivos y especializados en los que los factores de producción están controlados y en los que los caracteres productivos son los criterios principales para la selección de especies y razas. Entretanto, muchos de los bienes y servicios que tradicionalmente suministraba el ganado, tales como los fertilizantes, la tracción animal o materias primas para la elaboración vestimenta y calzado están siendo reemplazados por productos ...

  6. Crisis vaso-oclusivas, una complicación frecuente de la drepanocitosis Vaso-occlusive crisis, a frequent complication of drepanocytosis


    S. González Muñiz; E. Larrea Tamayo; J. Mayordomo Colunga; M. González Sánchez; A. Sariego Jamardo


    Introducción: Existen diferentes formas clínicas de drepanocitosis, siendo la homocigosis la más grave. Es especialmente frecuente en la raza negra. Los actuales movimientos migratorios hacen que su manejo sea cada vez más frecuente en nuestro ámbito.  Presentamos dos casos de crisis vasooclusivas en niños afectos de drepanocitosis homocigota.
    Caso clínico 1: Paciente con drepanocitosis homocigota, que acude por cuadro febril, asociando dolor lumbar y en ambas rodillas, que no res...

  7. Estudios sobre identificación, lactación y cría de dromedarios en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canarias)


    Díaz Medina, Elena


    El objetivo de esta Tesis es dar respuesta a una serie de preguntas fundamentales planteadas al intentar poner en marcha una granja de camellas lecheras de raza Canaria en la isla Fuerteventura. Para ello se realizaron 3 experimentos, destinados a: proponer la adecuada identificación (ID) individual de los camellos (Exp. 1), cuantificar la producción y analizar los principales componentes de la leche, así como los niveles de insulina (INS) durante la lactación (Exp. 2), y finalmente estudiar ...

  8. Modificaciones del automatismo, conducción, refractariedad miocárdicas y del patrón fibrilatorio ventricular producidas por el ejercicio físico crónico. Influencia del sistema nervioso cardiaco


    Zarzoso Muñoz, Manuel


    El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar el papel de las neuronas parasimpáticas postganglionares en los cambios adaptativos producidos por el entrenamiento físico sobre el automatismo, la conducción y la refractariedad miocárdicas. Se utilizaron 41 conejos de raza New Zealand White que fueron divididos en 3 grupos: un grupo de animales control (n=14), un grupo de animales falsos operados (n=13) y un grupo de animals entrenados (n=14). Estos últimos fueron sometidos a un protocol...

  9. Lactancia artificial o natural? 1ª parte: Influencia sobre la calidad de la canal de los cabritos


    Panea, B.; Ripoll, G.; Sañudo, C.; Horcada, A.; Teixeira, A.; Alcalde, M.J.


    En las razas caprinas de aptitud lechera, el cabrito es considerado en muchas ocasiones como un subproducto, por lo que frecuentemente se separa de la madre y se alimenta con leche artificial. Este manejo posibilita la utilización de la leche en la fabricaci6n de quesos con un elevado valor añadido, reduce los costes de alimentaci6n y permite obtener buenos crecimientos. Sin embargo, algunos ganaderos prefieren alimentar a los cabritos con leche natural porque creen que e...

  10. Mujeres novelistas. Jóvenes narradoras de los noventa.


    Castro Díaz, Mariola; Redondo G., Alicia


    SUMARIO Presentación Pacheco O., Bettina 1.- Artículos Los elementos clásicos en el diseño de los personajes de la comedia televisiva contemporánea. Bustamante N., Jenny Cambridge, la aventura del viaje y la reescritura de la historia. Fernández, Mireya Representaciones de la ciudad de México en la crónica. Karam, Tanius The lonely londoners: metáfora del desarraigo. Pérez Sisto, Edith Calibán, la raza como oficio y el pens...

  11. Thermodynamics of aqueous carbonate solutions including mixtures of sodium carbonate, bicarbonate, and chloride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peiper, J.C.; Pitzer, K.S.


    Recently the authors examined electrochemical-cell data leading to values of the activity coefficient for aqueous sodium bicarbonate. Since that preliminary analysis, new experimental measurements have been published which contribute significantly to the overall thermodynamic understanding of (sodium carbonate + sodium bicarbonate + carbonic acid). In this more extensive examination we consider a wide variety of measurements leading to activity coefficients of Na/sub 2/CO/sub 3/ and NaHCO/sub 3/ from 273 to 323 K and to relative molar enthalpies and heat capacities at 298.15 K. Tables of thermodynamic quantities at selected temperatures are included. 47 references, 2 figures, 6 tables.

  12. Ponte miocárdica associada a lesões cardiovasculares em bovinos adultos da raça Canchim Puente miocárdico asociado a lesiones cardiovasculares en bovinos adultos de la raza canchim Myocardial bridge associated with cardiovascular injuries in bovines adult of Canchim race

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    José Wilson dos Santos


    segmento arterial bajo el puente, ha sido objeto de discusión por parte de la comunidad científica. OBJECTIVO: Comparar el tejido muscular ultra estructural del puente miocárdico y la pared ventricular; analizar el grado de lesión de la capa íntima de los segmentos arteriales e investigar posibles cambios que pueden preceder o iniciar el proceso de lesiones ateroscleróticas. MÉTODO: Cuarenta corazones bovinos de la raza Canchim fueron estudiados con respecto a las alteraciones de la capa íntima de las arterias coronarias en los diferentes segmentos del puente miocárdico. Para el examen microscópico, se hicieron coloraciones por hematoxilina-eosina y fucsina-resorcina secundando las técnicas microscópicas convencionales. Para el examen de microscopía electrónica, los segmentos del puente miocárdico de doce corazones de bovinos de la raza Canchim, fueron recolectados así como de la pared ventricular y de la arteria coronaria y fueron procesados de acuerdo con las técnicas convencionales. RESULTADOS: En la microscopía de luz, observamos una mayor frecuencia de lesiones en segmentos de pre puente y pos-puente de la capa íntima, en comparación con el segmento puente. Los espesamientos de la capa íntima vinieron acompañados por un desarreglo en la lámina limitante elástica interna. Esas células a menudo presentan sus citoplasmas ingurgitados por gotas lipídicas, lo que compone las llamadas células de espuma. La microscopía electrónica reveló que las fibras musculares del puente miocárdico generalmente se unen de forma recta y lisa, presentando ramas laterales con un número mayor de mitocondrias en el músculo ventricular que en el puente. CONCLUSIONES: Existen pocas diferencias entre los tejidos musculares estudiados. Las lesiones de la capa íntima son menos frecuentes en las regiones del puente en comparación con las regiones pre y pos puente.BACKGROUND: The influence that myocardial bridge exercises over blood stream in the course of arterial

  13. Using virtual reality technology to include field operators in simulation and training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nystad, E.; Strand, S.


    By using virtual reality technology, field operators can be included in simulator training. A study has been performed where field operators could perform their activities in a virtual plant and communicate with a control room operator who was placed in a physical control room simulator. This paper describes the use of VR technology in the study and how the operators experienced interacting with the virtual plant. (author)

  14. Raza, linaje, familia y casa-solar en el País Vasco

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    Juan Aranzadi


    Full Text Available In the light of the correlation established by E. Todd between varieties of family structures and kinds of racism, this article analyzes the way in which Sabino Arana's «Basque race» has its roots in a «genealogical concept» of race. This concept was elaborated within a «religious protorracism» related to the Spanish Inquisition's antisemitism, so that, as a consequence, authoritarian family, purity of race and Catholic religion appear as three complementary pillars of the traditional Basque society, whose mythical return is the aim of Sabino Arana's racism.


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    Marco Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue cuantificar la diversidad genética entre 16 subpoblaciones raciales bovinas de Costa Rica, con base en 1412 muestras de ADN bovino de todo el país, evaluadas mediante 18 marcadores microsatélites. El número promedio de alelos (Na por locus dentro de raza fue de 10,3, que varían entre 8 (Holstein×Jersey y 13 (Criolla para doble propósito. El número promedio de alelos efectivo (Ne fue de 5,04, con cambios entre 4,18 (Jersey y 5,64 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad observada promedio fue de 0,77, variando entre 0,73 (Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad esperada (He promedio fue de 0,78, que oscilan entre 0,74 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El contenido de información polimórfica (PIC fue de 0,76, con variaciones entre 0,71 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,79 (Criollas para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El FIS promedio fue de 0,02, con oscilaciones entre -0,03 (Holstein×Jersey a 0,04 (Brahman, Criolla para carne y Cruces para leche. La desviación del equilibrio Hardy Weinberg no fue significativa (p>0,05 en la mayoría de los loci para las subpoblaciones raciales. El subgrupo con mayor número de loci en desequilibrio fue Jersey (8 loci, mientras que los subgrupos Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para leche y Holstein×Jersey presentaron solo 1 locus en desequilibrio. Los índices de fijación FIS (0,02, FIT (0,05 y FST (0,03 indicaron cierta tendencia hacia la homocigosidad. Los dendrogramas mostraron 3 agrupaciones raciales claramente diferenciadas que coinciden con las razas de origen Bos taurus, Bos indicus y sus respectivos cruces. Los resultados del análisis indicaron que el número de microsatélites empleados sí permitió establecer una discriminación clara a nivel de las frecuencias alélicas y en la distribución del tamaño de los alelos entre las

  16. Elementary Environmental Activities. (United States)

    Larson, Robert J.

    This guide presents suggestions for field trips, out-of-doors activities, material for centers, and individualized activities in the teaching of elementary school science and particularly environmental education at the elementary level. The guide includes a section on preparation and procedures for conducting field trips, including sample…

  17. Evaluación del uso de los servicios in situ de las bibliotecas de barrio: un estudio a nivel nacional de usuarios de minorías étnicas y mayorías blancas de bajos ingresos usando instrumentos personales de recogida de datos

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    Christie M. Koontz


    Full Text Available La costumbre de presentar los datos totales sobre el uso de la biblioteca a nivel de todo un sistema bibliotecario (es decir, incluyendo tanto la biblioteca central como las sucursales puede enmascarar las necesidades de los grupos de usua-rios más específicos. Este artículo presenta un estudio que intenta resolver este problema identificando las bibliotecas que sirven a minorías étnicas o a mayorías de raza blanca con bajos ingresos y examinando estas poblaciones para evaluar tipos y niveles de uso. Este estudio es muy importante para la investigación y práctica diaria de las bibliotecas por estas razones: (1 incremento de la diversidad de razas/etnias y lenguas habladas en los Estados Unidos, (2 bajos índices de préstamo agravados por el uso de Internet, (3 la mera existencia de una biblioteca es vital para fomentar el uso por poblaciones sin una tradición bibliotecaria o hábito de lectura y (4 la reciente publicación de la Base de Datos Geográfica de las Bibliotecas Públicas con datos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas y del censo demográfico a nivel de barrios para todos los sistemas bibliotecarios estadou-nidenses. Las metodologías desarrolladas ofrecen posibilidades para la colección de datos importantes para el bibliotecario de hoy día

  18. De amores y seducciones. El mestizaje en la Audiencia del Nuevo Reino de Granada en el siglo XVII

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    María Cristina Navarrete


    Full Text Available Racial mixture replayed an important role in the creation of a population of castes in Spanish America. The efforts on behalf of the Crown and Church to avoid race mixture had no effect. The Spaniards, the Indians and the Africans interacted sexually throughout the years which resulted in a variety of racial mixture; this development strengthened the formation o f numerous classes of free persons of African ancestry. The inter-racial links during the colonial period were constant. If the slave owners did not legitimate their relations with the female slaves and free women, blacks and mulattas, they maintained ties of "concubine" some of which were quite strong and long-lasting.//La mezcla entre razas jugó un papel importante en la creación de una población de castas en la América española. Los esfuerzos de la Corona y de la Iglesia para evitar dicha mezcla no surtieron efecto. Los españoles, los indígenas y los africanos interactuaron sexualmente a lo largo del tiempo, lo cual dio como resultado una variedad de razas. Esto fortaleció la formación de numerosas clases de personas libres con ancestros africanos. Sus lazos inter-raciales durante la Colonia fueron constantes, si los dueños de esclavos no legitimaban las relaciones con sus esclavas, con mujeres libres, negras y mulatas, mantenían lazos de “concubinato”, algunos de los cuales eran bastante fuertes y duraderos.

  19. Comportamiento del síndrome de inmovilización. Hogar de Ancianos, Las Tunas, 2011

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    Mirian Thomas Santiesteban


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para describir el comportamiento de la inmovilización en el Hogar de Ancianos Carlos Pupo Font, de la provincia de Las Tunas, durante el año 2011. El universo lo constituyeron la totalidad de pacientes institucionalizados y la muestra estuvo conformada por 98 pacientes con algún tipo de inmovilización. Las variables a medir fueron: tipo de inmovilidad, edad, sexo, raza, hábitos tóxicos, estado mental, cambios fisiológicos ocurridos con el envejecimiento, enfermedades frecuentes, complicaciones y factores sociales. La información se obtuvo de la revisión de historias clínicas, fue procesada estadísticamente usando el Microsoft Excel, los resultados se mostraron a través de tablas y gráficos y se compararon con la literatura nacional e internacional. Se obtuvo predominio de pacientes con inmovilización relativa; el grupo de edad más afectado fue de 75 a 84 años, el sexo femenino, la raza blanca y el estado mental correspondiente a los demenciados; el hábito tóxico predominante fue el café; los cambios fisiológicos con el envejecimiento y las enfermedades más frecuentes corresponden a las del aparato músculo esquelético; las complicaciones predominantes fueron las digestivas seguidas por las respiratorias.

  20. Consideraciones sobre un nuevo y notable puñal calcolítico atribuible al grupo Treilles del Museu d´Arqueología de Catalunya en Barcelona

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    Rovira i Port, Jordi


    Full Text Available Althrough we were unaware of its concret origin, the Museu d´Arqueologia of Barcelona preserves in his collections a magnificent example of copper dagger assimilable to the series of daggers so-called «à encoche bilatérale » and «à soie courte crantée». These are pieces assimilated principally to the metallurgy of the pre-bell beakers of the Treilles Group, althrough certain pieces appear also in the prehistoric cultural groupes of Fontbuisse and Véraza. We present suggestions about its typology, filiation and the chronology of this dagger, as well as about its likely metallic composition.

    Aunque ignoramos su procedencia concreta, el Museu d´Arqueologia de Barcelona conserva en sus colecciones un magnífico ejemplar de puñal de cobre tipológicamente atribuible a las series de puñales denominados genéricamente como «à encoche bilatérale» y «à soie courte crantée». Se trata de piezas asimilables mayoritariamente a la metalúrgia precampaniforme del Grupo «des Treilles», aunque ciertos ejemplares aparecen también en los grupos culturales prehistóricos franceses de Fontbuisse y Véraza. En el artículo se efectúan apreciaciones sobre su tipologia, la filiación y la datación del puñal, así como sobre su probable composición metalográfica.

  1. CBP Active Dumping and Active Countervailing (AD/CVD) Cases (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — The datasets provide information from CBP's reference files on active anti-dumping and active countervailing cases. This data includes associated case numbers (if...

  2. A qualitative description of falls in a neuro-rehabilitation unit: the use of a standardised fall report including the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) to describe activities and environmental factors. (United States)

    Saverino, Alessia; Moriarty, Amy; Rantell, Khadija; Waller, Denise; Ayres, Rachael; Playford, Diane


    Falls are a recognised problem for people with long-term neurological conditions but less is known about fall risk in young adults. This study describes fallers' and falls' characteristics in adults less than 60 years old, in a neuro-rehabilitation unit. This single-centre, longitudinal, observational study included 114 consecutive admissions to a UK neuro-rehabilitation unit over 20 months. The demographic and clinical characteristics of eligible patients included age, sex, diagnosis, hospital length of stay and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Falls were recorded prospectively in a fall report, using the activities and environmental domains of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF). A total of 34 (30%) patients reported a fall, with 50% experiencing more than one fall. The majority of falls (60%) occurred during the first 2 weeks, during day-time (90%) and during mobile activities (70%). Overall, falls rate (95% confidence interval) was 1.33 (1.04 to 1.67) per 100 d of patient hospital stay. Factors associated with increased falls included becoming a walker during admission or being cognitively impaired. There were no serious fall-related injuries. The first 2 weeks of admission is a high risk time for fallers, in particular those who become walkers or are cognitively impaired. Prevention policies should be put in place based on fall characteristics. Implications for Rehabilitation The ICF is a valuable instrument for describing subject and environmental factors during a fall-event. Falls are frequent events but do not usually cause serious injuries during inpatient rehabilitation. There is an increased fall risk for subjects with cognitive impairments or those relearning how to walk.

  3. Xantomas eruptivos asociados a diabetes mellitus tipo II e hipertrigliceridemia: reporte de un caso


    Victoria Bárzaga, Héctor Oscar; Ramos Cabrera, Asmell; Lazo Sánchez, Laura


    Se reporta el caso de un hombre de raza blanca, 37 años de edad, hijo de madre con diabetes mellitus tipo 1, con antecedentes patológicos personales de padecer de obesidad exógena desde aproximadamente cinco años. Comenzó a presentar de forma diseminada una erupción papulosa de color amarillento, que se diagnosticó clínicamente e histológicamente como xantomas eruptivos asociados a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de debut e hipertrigliceridemia. Se describen las generalidades de los xantomas eruptiv...

  4. Normatividad: Ley 1164 de 2007 (Octubre 3 De 2007.

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    Alvaro Uribe Velez


    2. Las competencias propias de las profesiones y ocupaciones según los títulos o certificados respectivos, obtenidos legalmente deben ser respetadas por los prestadores y aseguradores de servicios de salud, incluyendo la individualidad de los procesos de atención. El desempeño del Talento Humano en Salud lleva consigo un compromiso y una responsabilidad social, que implica la disposición de servicio hacia los individuos y las colectividades sin importar creencias, raza, filiación política u otra condición humana...

  5. Hacia un feminismo descolonial


    Lugones, María


    Este trabajo se pregunta cómo pensar sobre interacciones íntimas, cotidianas de resistencia a la diferencia colonial, definiendo intimidad no exclusivamente ni principalmente en términos de relaciones sexuales, sino de la vida social entretejida entre personas que no están actuando como representantes o funcionarias. Se parte de la idea de que la lógica categorial dicotómica y jerárquica es central para el pensamiento capitalista y colonial moderno sobre raza, género y sexualidad, y de que lo...

  6. Presentación sistémica de Aspergillus spp con semiología neurológica en un Pastor Alemán: informe de un caso clínico


    Hernández Tapia, Ana Laura; Santoscoy Mejía, Eduardo Carlos; Ramírez Lezama, José; Cervantes Olivares, Roberto A.; Quiroz Mercado, Joaquín Arturo


    La infección del sistema nervioso en el perro es poco común; posibles causas son Aspergillus spp, Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatidis y Coccidioides immitis. La infección por Aspergillus spp afecta al aparato respiratorio y en pocas ocasiones se presenta de manera diseminada. Sin embargo, en el Pastor Alemán hay mayor incidencia de éste, pues dicha infección se asocia con una deficiencia inmunológica. Se describe el caso de una perra de raza Pastor Alemán, de 1.5 años de edad, ref...

  7. Inclusión del Intervalo Interestral (IIE) como elemento diagnóstico de la fertilidad del rebaño bovino


    M.Sc José A Betancourt Betancourt.


    ResumenA partir de los registros de 1404 bovinos lecheros de la raza Siboney de 6 empresas ganaderas de la provincia de Camaguey se realizó un análisis estadístico para determinar que variable de las estudiadas influyeron sobre el intervalo interestral (IIE). Se determinó que todos los factores que influyeron sobre el IIE pueden ser corregidos con acciones de manejo y organización del trabajo, y corrobora que el IIE es un valioso elemento diagnóstico de la fertilidad del rebaño bovino que ref...

  8. Nutrición y calidad de la carne de los rumiantes


    Martínez Marín, Andrés L.


    Aparte de los factores intrínsecos de los animales (raza, sexo) y de aquellos relacionados con el faenado y el procesado de la carne (sacrificio, maduración, conservación), la calidad de la canal y las cualidades organolépticas y saludables de la carne están muy influenciadas por la nutrición de los animales. El tipo y cantidad de grasa incluida en las raciones, los nutrientes aportados y la incorporación de ciertas vitaminas y sustancias análogas pueden aumentar el tenor de...

  9. Valoración económica y social de un parque urbano de la Ciudad de México


    Flores Xolocotzi,Ramiro


    Se realizó un análisis de estudios de caso que demostró diversos problemas sociales en los parques urbanos del mundo, destacando un problema histórico de exclusión de grupos vulnerables como mujeres, hombres homosexuales, etnias/razas y personas con capacidades diferentes. Bajo una óptica de equidad e inclusión se sugiere que los planificadores de parques contemplen una visión paisajística que permita el desarrollo de un Sistema Integral de Espacios Verdes Citadinos que comprenda esquemas de ...

  10. Epidemiología de la disfunción eréctil: Factores de riesgo


    Prieto Castro, Rafael; Campos Hernández, Pablo; Robles Casilda, Rafael; Ruíz García, Jesús; Requena Tapia, María José


    En 1993, la conferencia de consenso sobre la impotencia del NIH (Nacional Institute of Health), define la Disfunción Eréctil (DE) como "la incapacidad permanente para iniciar o mantener una erección suficiente como para permitir una relación sexual satisfactoria". La Disfunción Eréctil (DE), es un trastorno frecuente que afecta negativamente a la calidad de vida de los varones que la padecen. Su prevalencia varía entre diferentes países, culturas y razas. Los primeros estudios poblaciones pub...

  11. Evaluación de aguacates criollos en Nuevo León, México: región sur Evaluation of Creole avocados in Nuevo León, Mexico: southern region


    Efraín Acosta Díaz; Ismael Hernández Torres; Isidro Humberto Almeyda León


    El estado de Nuevo León, México, forma parte del centro de origen de la raza mexicana de aguacate (Persea americana Mill. var. drymifolia), en donde se cultivan variedades criollas en huertos comerciales y en traspatios, predominando la utilización de la variedad Plátano Grueso-1. Esta variedad se caracteriza por presentar un ciclo temprano de madurez fisiológica, lo cual permite que su producción se concentre en un periodo relativamente corto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracteriz...

  12. Identificación de biotipos de Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en los departamentos de Córdoba, Meta, Tolima y Valle del Cauca mediante el gen mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidasa I (COI) y la región nuclear FR


    Cano Calle, Daniela


    Resumen: Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) es un insecto plaga del maíz, arroz, algodón, sorgo y pastizales. Presenta dos formas biológicas (biotipos o razas) (maíz y arroz) que son idénticas morfológicamente, pero que difieren en varios aspectos tales como su composición genética, su aislamiento reproductivo y su tolerancia a insecticidas y controladores biológicos. En este trabajo se realizó la identificación molecular de estos biotipos a partir de larvas recolectadas en cultivos de...

  13. Informe que el auxiliar encargado del puesto de "electrocardiografia" del laboratorio de fisiología presenta al profesor del curso, doctor Alfonso Esguerra Gómez

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    Mario Gaitán Yanguas


    poco a poco en todos los secretos de su Curso hasta que nos hizo sentir la necesidad de seguir adelante por nuestra propia cuenta; puso a nuestra disposición un magnífico Laboratorio muy bien dotado y mejor organizado; echó las bases y nos impulsó a la búsqueda de lo que según él debe ser el verdadero objeto del curso de Fisiología: hacer un texto que sea nuestro, que se aplique a nuestra raza, para no tener que acudir a datos de investigaciones extranjeras.

  14. El feminismo comparativo


    Kaplan, Temma; Carabí (entrevistadora), Àngels


    En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o la clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno e los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, per...

  15. El feminismo comparativo


    Kaplan, Temma


    En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno de los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, pero ...



    Dos Santos, Wellington Oliveira


    En este trabajo, nuestro objetivo es comparar dos leyes antirracistas educativas de Brasil y Colombia, que se centran en personas de raza negra: la Ley 10.639/03 y la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos. Partimos desde la perspectiva de la colonialidad del poder, de Quijano (2005), y las diversas formas de movilización de personas negras en ambos países. Se argumenta que las leyes actuales de los países tienen convergencia en el programa antirracista para la superación de los aspectos de la c...

  17. Los orígenes de nuestra supuesta homogeneidad: Breve arqueología de la unidad nacional en México


    Claudio Lomnitz


    ¿Como llegó a ser legítima y popular la idea de que el mexicano es miembro de una raza? Este ensayo encuadra esta pregunta en un marco comparado, haciendo notar desde el inicio que la racialización de la identidad nacional -es decir, que la naturalización de las diferencias nacionales- es una estrategia común, especialmente en estados demasiado débiles para lograr formar una identidad nacional colectiva a partir de la igualación de la ley. Sin embargo, el caso mexicano tiene características p...

  18. Lesiones musculoesqueléticas catastróficas en miembros posteriores : Estudio de casos en caballos pura sangre de carreras en el hipódromo "La Rinconada", Caracas, Venezuela


    Morales Briceño, Abelardo; García, Francisco; Villoria, D.; Leal, L.; Gómez, M.


    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia de lesiones musculo esqueléticas catastróficas en miembros posteriores de caballos Pura Sangre de Carreras. Se estudiaron 17 casos de fracturas, con edades entre 2-3 años, de un total de 216 fracturas en equinos de raza Pura Sangre de Carrera del Hipódromo “La Rinconada”, durante los años 2000-2011. Todos los equinos presentaron historia de fracturas de miembros posteriores y fueron evaluados clínicamente. Se les práctico eutanasia, pos...

  19. Patologías dentales en incisivos, caninos y primer premolar en caballos chilenos adultos Dental pathologies in incisors, canines and first premolar in adult Chilean horses


    L Muñoz; F Vidal; O Sepúlveda; O Ortiz; C Rehhof


    Las patologías dentales han ido tomando mayor relevancia clínico veterinaria, aumentando el número de consultas, tratamientos y procedimientos preventivos. En caballos chilenos, la información existente de patologías dentales es nula, por lo que se hace primordial la investigación y recolección de datos en esta raza. Se analizaron 100 caballos pertenecientes a la Asociación de Rodeo Concepción, entre los meses de junio y septiembre del año 2007. Los materiales que se utilizaron fueron puro, l...

  20. Valoración histológica de la respuesta pulpar y hepática del formocresol y el hueso liofilizado en dientes de rata.


    Alcaina Lorente, Mª Antonia


    Son varios los agentes que se han utilizado para las pulpotomías en dientes primarios, siendo el formocresol el más difundido. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta pulpar en dientes de rata cuando el hueso liofilizado es usado como agente de pulpotomía y analizar los cambios histológicos del tejido hepático. La muestra de este estudio estaba formada por 60 ratas de raza Sprague-Dawley. El tratamiento se realizó en los primeros molares superiores, siendo un total de 120 d...

  1. Estudio de la carga económica de la infertilidad femenina por anovulación en un hospital público de México: estudio piloto


    Martínez-Núñez, Juan Manuel; Altagracia-Martínez, Marina; Kravzov-Jinich, Jaime; Hinojosa-Cruz, Juan Carlos; Sánchez-Sánchez, Betsabé; Díaz de León-Castañeda, Christian


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los costos totales de la infertilidad femenina por anovulación en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital de Gineco-Obstetricia "La Raza". Se realizó un estudio transversal y observacional. Se incluyeron 30 mujeres mayores de 18 años con infertilidad por anovulación tratadas con citrato de clomifeno o anastrozol. Los costos se estimaron mediante el proceso de micro-costeo, la aplicación de un cuestionario de 20 items y la revisión de expedientes médi...

  2. Gender and women's work in Peru


    Barba, Margarita Cerna; Martos, Marina Violeta Estrada Perez de; Fonseca, Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da


    En este estudio se identifican las condiciones de trabajo de la mujer en el Perú con sus determinantes histórico-sociales, derivados de la diferenciación por clase social, raza y género que condicionan la subordinación de las mujeres en la estructura social. A través de revisión bibliográfica se verifica que la situación de la mujer peruana trabajadora, ha tenido grandes y profundas transformaciones a través del tiempo, condicionadas por patrones ideológico-culturales patriarcales que culmina...

  3. Violencia contra las mujeres y alguien mas...


    Piatti, Mª de Lujan


    La violencia contra las mujeres es una clara vulneración a sus derechos humanos. Es una violencia ejercida contra ellas por el solo hecho de ser mujeres; no se trata de casos aislados, sino que constituye un fenómeno social, presente en la sociedad actual sin distinción de razas, lugar geográfico, nivel cultural, religión, sistema político o económico. Investigar sobre “La violencia contra las mujeres y alguien más…”, desde una mirada multidisciplinar, significa bucear en las profundidades de...

  4. Crítica de Libros.


    Fernando Colina Pérez; Ana Isabel Segura; Loreto García; Mauricio Jalón; María Bolaños Atienza


    Robert J. STOLLER, Dolor y pasión. Un psicoanalista explora el mundo sadomasoquista, Buenos Aires, Manantial, 1998. Fernando Colina Harold I. KAPLAN, Benjamin J. SADOCK, Sinopsis de Psiquiatría, Madrid, Médica Panamericana, 1999.Ana Isabel Segura Azucena COUCEIRO, Bioética para clínicos, Madrid, Triacastella, 1999. Loreto García Armando GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Raquel ÁLVAREZ PELÁEZ, En busca de la raza perfecta. Eugenesia e higiene en Cuba (1898-1958), Madrid, CSIC, 1999. Mauricio Jalón Raquel ÁLVAR...

  5. Hongos Fitopatógenos asociados a semillas de palto (Persea Americana mill.)


    Leon Ttacca, Betsabe; Mattos Calderon, Leonor


    Una serie de enfermedades severas de origen fungoso son diseminadas por semillas de palto, y pueden causar una disminución de la producción en aproximadamente el 14 % y una reducción de calidad en un 10 %. El presente trabajo consistió en aislar e identificar hongos fitopatógenos presentes en las semillas de palto (Persea americana Mill.) raza mexicana utilizadas para patrón. A partir del embrión y cotiledón de 200 semillas de palto, se aislo los hongos fotopatogenos en medio de cultivo Papa ...

  6. El abono mixto y la enmienda calcárea


    Mejía, Pedro Nel


    De gran importancia he encontrado tratar sobre este tema que de suyo dará a conocer a grandes rasgos la fuente de riqueza que existe en la "Granja de Termales", en donde el Ministerio de la Economía Nacional posee en la actualidad ochocientos ejemplares ovinos (800). entre machos y hembras, correspondientes a las razas "Merino puro" y los cruces de Merino con la oveja criolla de Boyacá y Marulanda. La fuente de riqueza a que me refiero, es aquella del abono proporcionado por estos anima...

  7. Uso de un dispositivo intravaginal para el control del estro en yeguas


    Wilde, Oscar R; de la Vega, Adolfo C; L. Cruz, María


    Un dispositivo intravaginal de uso bovino (PRID) conteniendo progesterona de lenta liberación, fue evaluado en once yeguas de la raza Peruano de Paso con el fin de sincronizar sus celos. El dispositivo fue instalado tal como es presentado comercialmente para bovinos y se mantuvo in situ por un lapso de doce días, al cabo de los cuales fue retirado sin mayores complicaciones. Manifestaciones de celo fueron observadas a las 24 h después del retiro del PRID, con su más alta incidencia (50%) a la...

  8. Estereotipos en las imágenes de los libros de texto de inglés en dos colecciones de Educación Primaria


    Menescardi, Cristina; Estevan Torres, Isaac; Moya-Mata, Irene; Ros, Concepción


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las imágenes que aparecen en los libros de texto de inglés en el tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria y comprobar si existen diferencias en los estereotipos presentes en dos colecciones de una misma editorial. Se analizaron 840 imágenes, pertenecientes a dos colecciones (Bed Bugs y Find Out) de la editorial Macmillan. Los resultados mostraron una mayor representación de los grupos mixtos, adolescentes de raza caucásica y somatotipo ectomorfo. Pese a la ...

  9. Elementos de colonialidad y biopolítica en una historia caribeña (ficticia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Cabrera


    Full Text Available La primera novela colombiana, Yngermina o la hija de Calamar (Juan José Nieto, 1844, re-escritura de la historia regional cartagenera como locus de civilización con elementos utópicos, delinea un cuerpo político ideal moldeado por dinámicas particulares de raza y género y es empleada en este artículo como espacio para observar las contradicciones del discurso liberal decimonónico desde la óptica de la biopolítica y la colonialidad del poder.

  10. [Surgical correction of cleft palate]. (United States)

    Kimura, F T; Pavia Noble, A; Soriano Padilla, F; Soto Miranda, A; Medellín Rodríguez, A


    This study presents a statistical review of corrective surgery for cleft palate, based on cases treated at the maxillo-facial surgery units of the Pediatrics Hospital of the Centro Médico Nacional and at Centro Médico La Raza of the National Institute of Social Security of Mexico, over a five-year period. Interdisciplinary management as performed at the Cleft-Palate Clinic, in an integrated approach involving specialists in maxillo-facial surgery, maxillar orthopedics, genetics, social work and mental hygiene, pursuing to reestablish the stomatological and psychological functions of children afflicted by cleft palate, is amply described. The frequency and classification of the various techniques practiced in that service are described, as well as surgical statistics for 188 patients, which include a total of 256 palate surgeries performed from March 1984 to March 1989, applying three different techniques and proposing a combination of them in a single surgical time, in order to avoid complementary surgery.

  11. “Ciudadanos de un Pueblo Libre”: liberalismo popular y raza en el suroccidente de Colombia en el siglo XIX.

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    James Sanders.


    Full Text Available This article explores how popular classes, especially Afro-Colombians, created an alliance with the Liberal Party in the Cauca region of Colombia during the mid-nineteenth century. Afro-Caucanos negotiated with elite leaders of the party, trading their votes and service as soldiers in the civil wars of the era for a variety of social, economic and political gains, including the abolition of slavery, access to commons, the reduction of aguardiente monopolies, and obtaining the status of citizens. Afro-Caucanos also redefined citizenship, imagining a popular liberalism in distinct ways from the conceptions of Liberal elites, investing it with more powerful notions of liberty and equality. In the 1870s, the alliance began to fracture as elite Liberals refused to break the hacienda system and grant land rights to their popular supporters.

  12. Cancer among indigenous people in the Amazon basin of Ecuador, 1985-2000 El cáncer en la población indígena de la cuenca Amazónica del Ecuador, 1985-2000

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    Miguel San Sebastián


    cáncer testicular y la leucemia fueron los cánceres más comunes en los hombres de raza indígena, y el cáncer de cuello uterino fue el más frecuente en las mujeres de esa raza. Los hombres indígenas tuvieron un riesgo menor de cáncer de estómago, piel y próstata, así como de linfomas y leucemias, que los hombres de raza no indígena. Las mujeres indígenas también mostraron un riesgo menor de cáncer de estómago, piel, mama y cuello uterino, así como de linfomas y leucemias, que las mujeres no indígenas. En ambos casos las diferencias entre una raza y otra fueron estadísticamente significativas. CONCLUSIÓN: Nuestros datos obtenidos en la cuenca amazónica del Ecuador apuntan a la necesidad de crear mecanismos adecuados para inscribir a la población indígena en el censo nacional y en el Registro Nacional de Cáncer. También hacen falta programas para la detección temprana del cáncer, nuevas iniciativas de educación sanitaria y mejores servicios de salud adaptados a las condiciones locales. Las investigaciones realizadas en un futuro deberán centrarse en aquellos factores que podrían explicar las diferencias en la frecuencia de distintos cánceres en personas indígenas y no indígenas.

  13. 41 CFR 102-75.125 - What information must agencies include in the title report? (United States)


    ... CFR part 373, took place on the property. Hazardous substance activity includes situations where any hazardous substance was stored for one year or more, known to have been released, or disposed of on the... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What information must...

  14. In Vitro Activity of the New Fluoroketolide Solithromycin (CEM-101) against a Large Collection of Clinical Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates and International Reference Strains, Including Those with High-Level Antimicrobial Resistance: Potential Treatment Option for Gonorrhea? (United States)

    Golparian, Daniel; Fernandes, Prabhavathi; Ohnishi, Makoto; Jensen, Jörgen S.


    Gonorrhea may become untreatable, and new treatment options are essential. We investigated the in vitro activity of the first fluoroketolide, solithromycin. Clinical Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates and reference strains (n = 246), including the two extensively drug-resistant strains H041 and F89 and additional isolates with clinical cephalosporin resistance and multidrug resistance, were examined. The activity of solithromycin was mainly superior to that of other antimicrobials (n = 10) currently or previously recommended for gonorrhea treatment. Solithromycin might be an effective treatment option for gonorrhea. PMID:22354296

  15. Effectiveness of interventions on physical activity in overweight or obese children: a systematic review and meta-analysis including studies with objectively measured outcomes. (United States)

    Nooijen, C F J; Galanti, M R; Engström, K; Möller, J; Forsell, Y


    There is no consensus on interventions to be recommended in order to promote physical activity among overweight or obese children. The objective of this review was to assess the effects on objectively measured physical activity, of interventions promoting physical activity among overweight or obese children or adolescents, compared to no intervention or to interventions without a physical activity component. Publications up to December 2015 were located through electronic searches for randomized controlled trials resulting in inclusion of 33 studies. Standardized mean differences from baseline to post-intervention and to long-term follow-up were determined for intervention and control groups and meta-analysed using random effects models. The meta-analysis showed that interventions had no effect on total physical activity of overweight and obese children, neither directly post-intervention (-0.02 [-0.15, 0.11]) nor at long-term follow-up (0.07 [-0.27, 0.40]). Separate analyses by typology of intervention (with or without physical fitness, behavioural or environmental components) showed similar results (no effect). In conclusion, there is no evidence that currently available interventions are able to increase physical activity among overweight or obese children. This questions the contribution of physical activity to the treatment of overweight and obesity in children in the studied interventions and calls for other treatment strategies. © 2017 World Obesity Federation.

  16. 75 FR 11922 - Apria Healthcare, Including On-Site Leased Workers From Corestaff, Ultimate Staffing (Roth... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-71,054C] Apria Healthcare..., 2009, applicable to workers of Apria Healthcare, including on-site leased workers from Corestaff... subject firm. The workers are engaged in activities related to the information technology and patient...

  17. Electrochemical reduction of oxygen catalyzed by a wide range of bacteria including Gram-positive

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cournet, Amandine [Universite de Toulouse, UPS, LU49, Adhesion Bacterienne et Formation de Biofilms, 35 chemin des Maraichers, 31 062 Toulouse cedex 09 (France); Laboratoire de Genie Chimique CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, 4 allee Emile Monso, BP 84234, 31432 Toulouse cedex 04 (France); Delia, Marie-Line; Bergel, Alain [Laboratoire de Genie Chimique CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, 4 allee Emile Monso, BP 84234, 31432 Toulouse cedex 04 (France); Roques, Christine; Berge, Mathieu [Universite de Toulouse, UPS, LU49, Adhesion Bacterienne et Formation de Biofilms, 35 chemin des Maraichers, 31 062 Toulouse cedex 09 (France)


    Most bacteria known to be electrochemically active have been harvested in the anodic compartments of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and are able to use electrodes as electron acceptors. The reverse phenomenon, i.e. using solid electrodes as electron donors, is not so widely studied. To our knowledge, most of the electrochemically active bacteria are Gram-negative. The present study implements a transitory electrochemical technique (cyclic voltammetry) to study the microbial catalysis of the electrochemical reduction of oxygen. It is demonstrated that a wide range of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria are able to catalyze oxygen reduction. Among these electroactive bacteria, several were Gram-positive. The transfer of electrons was direct since no activity was obtained with the filtrate. These findings, showing a widespread property among bacteria including Gram-positive ones, open new and interesting routes in the field of electroactive bacteria research. (author)

  18. Rare thoracic cancers, including peritoneum mesothelioma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Siesling, Sabine; van der Zwan, Jan Maarten; Izarzugaza, Isabel; Jaal, Jana; Treasure, Tom; Foschi, Roberto; Ricardi, Umberto; Groen, Harry; Tavilla, Andrea; Ardanaz, Eva

    Rare thoracic cancers include those of the trachea, thymus and mesothelioma (including peritoneum mesothelioma). The aim of this study was to describe the incidence, prevalence and survival of rare thoracic tumours using a large database, which includes cancer patients diagnosed from 1978 to 2002,

  19. Rare thoracic cancers, including peritoneum mesothelioma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Siesling, Sabine; Zwan, J.M.V.D.; Izarzugaza, I.; Jaal, J.; Treasure, T.; Foschi, R.; Ricardi, U.; Groen, H.; Tavilla, A.; Ardanaz, E.


    Rare thoracic cancers include those of the trachea, thymus and mesothelioma (including peritoneum mesothelioma). The aim of this study was to describe the incidence, prevalence and survival of rare thoracic tumours using a large database, which includes cancer patients diagnosed from 1978 to 2002,

  20. Estomatitis aftosa recurrente: Determinación de marcadores de inmunidad celular

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    Amparo Pérez Borrego


    Full Text Available La estomatitis aftosa recurrente, aftosis oral o aftas, es la enfermedad más frecuente de todas las lesiones de la mucosa oral. Su etiopatogenia no es completamente conocida, pero se citan factores genéticos, alimentarios, infecciosos, alérgicos, medicamentosos, traumáticos e inmunológicos. Estudiamos 51 pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Pediátrico " William Soler", que padecen de esta enfermedad para valorar el estado de inmunocompetencia celular mediante la determinación del porcentaje de células formadoras de rosetas activas y espontáneas. La edad promedio en nuestro grupo fue de 12 años, ambos sexos se afectaron por igual, y se encontró un predominio franco de los enfermos de raza blanca sobre los de raza negra. El 73 % de los enfermos mostró afectación al menos de un marcador de inmunorrespuesta, 25 pacientes tuvieron ambos marcadores por debajo de lo normal y 12 casos presentaron alteración en uno de los dos. Se concluye que la enfermedad se asocia con defectos de la inmunidad celular, lo cual debe considerarse al indicar tratamiento, teniendo en cuenta que hasta el momento no disponemos de ninguna droga curativa.Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, oral aphthosis or aphthae is the most frequent of all oral mucosal membrane diseases. Its etiology and pathogenesis are not totally known but genetic, food, infectious, allergic, drug, trauma and immunological factors are involved. We studied 51 patients who suffered from this disease and were seen at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of "William Soler" Pediatric Hospital. Our objective was to assess the cell immunocompetence by determining the percentage of active and spontaneous rosette-forming cells. The average age of the group was 12 years, both sexes were equally affected but white patients greatly prevailed over black patients. At least one immunoresponse marker of 73% of the patients was affected; 25 patients had both markers under the

  1. The effect on climate change impacts for building products when including the timing of greenhouse gas emissions (United States)

    Richard D Bergman


    Greenhouse gases (GHGs) trap infrared radiation emitting from the Earth’s surface to generate the “greenhouse effect” thus keeping the planet warm. Many natural activities including rotting vegetation emit GHGs such as carbon dioxide to produce this natural affect. However, in the last 200 years or so, human activity has increased the atmospheric concentrations of GHGs...

  2. Analytic device including nanostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Di Fabrizio, Enzo M.; Fratalocchi, Andrea; Totero Gongora, Juan Sebastian; Coluccio, Maria Laura; Candeloro, Patrizio; Cuda, Gianni


    A device for detecting an analyte in a sample comprising: an array including a plurality of pixels, each pixel including a nanochain comprising: a first nanostructure, a second nanostructure, and a third nanostructure, wherein size of the first nanostructure is larger than that of the second nanostructure, and size of the second nanostructure is larger than that of the third nanostructure, and wherein the first nanostructure, the second nanostructure, and the third nanostructure are positioned on a substrate such that when the nanochain is excited by an energy, an optical field between the second nanostructure and the third nanostructure is stronger than an optical field between the first nanostructure and the second nanostructure, wherein the array is configured to receive a sample; and a detector arranged to collect spectral data from a plurality of pixels of the array.

  3. Static, Lightweight Includes Resolution for PHP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.A. Hills (Mark); P. Klint (Paul); J.J. Vinju (Jurgen)


    htmlabstractDynamic languages include a number of features that are challenging to model properly in static analysis tools. In PHP, one of these features is the include expression, where an arbitrary expression provides the path of the file to include at runtime. In this paper we present two

  4. Metabolic syndrome among Caribbean-born persons living in the U.S. Virgin Islands Síndrome metabólico en personas nacidas en el Caribe con residencia en las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses

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    Eugene S. Tull


    among the general population on the mainland of the United States. Among Caribbean-born persons living in the U.S. Virgin Islands, those who are Hispanic blacks may have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease than do other groups.OBJETIVOS: Determinar la frecuencia del síndrome metabólico (SM en cuatro subpoblaciones de residentes de las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses y calcular el riesgo de sufrir SM asociado con una circunferencia abdominal superior a determinados puntos de corte en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad. MÉTODOS: En un estudio realizado entre 1995 y 1999 se obtuvieron las características demográficas, medidas antropométricas, presión arterial y muestras de sangre de miembros de una cohorte poblacional de 893 personas que pertenecían a cuatro subgrupos poblacionales en Saint Croix (la mayor de las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses y que nunca habían recibido un diagnóstico de diabetes. Las cuatro subpoblaciones fueron: 1 hispanos de raza blanca; 2 hispanos de raza negra; 3 personas no hispanas de raza negra nacidas en las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses y 4 personas no hispanas de raza negra nacidas en otras partes del Caribe. A las muestras de sangre en ayunas se les midieron las concentraciones de glucosa, insulina, triglicéridos y colesterol transportado por lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDLc. Para identificar el SM se aplicaron las pautas generadas por el Panel III en torno al Tratamiento de Adultos, del Programa Educativo Nacional sobre el Colesterol [National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III]. La resistencia a la insulina se calculó mediante la valoración de un modelo homeostásico (HOMA-IR. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia general de síndrome metabólico en la muestra fue de 20,5% (intervalo de confianza de 95% [IC95%]: 15,3% a 25,7%. Las personas que se habían clasificado a sí mismas como hispanas y de raza negra tuvieron la frecuencia más alta (27,8% (IC95% = 16,3% a 39,3% de SM y los puntajes más altos en el

  5. Developments in the treatment of transfusion-dependent anemia in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes: epidemiology, etiology, genetics, and targeted therapies

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    Raza A


    Full Text Available Azra Raza, Nicholas Iverson, Abdullah M AliThe MDS Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, USAAbstract: Myelodysplastic syndromes are malignant hematopoietic stem cell disorders that present with variable cytopenias and predominantly affect the elderly. Treatment options are limited, with allogeneic transplant being the only potentially curative strategy. Recent mutational profiling studies have led to cataloguing of driver and passenger mutations most commonly affecting the epigenetic regulators and genes involved in RNA splicing. Despite improved understanding of the disease biology, these emerging molecular insights have not led to identification of novel therapeutic strategies. Although several drugs approved in the last decade improve the cytopenias, the relief is temporary, most likely due to the sequential activation of clones. Future advances depend upon identification of signaling pathways in dominant clones and targeting these with agents that might be known but need to be matched to suit the needs of individual patients in a longitudinal, dynamic fashion. Myelodysplastic syndromes are ideally suited for the development of such personalized medicine.Keywords: cancer, epigenetics, iron, MDS, myelodysplasia, splicing

  6. 76 FR 61741 - Bmc Software, Inc. Including On-Site Leased Workers From COMSYS ITS Including Remote Workers... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-74,540] Bmc Software, Inc... November 23, 2010, applicable to workers of BMC Software, Inc., including on-site leased workers from... BMC Software, inc., including on-site leased workers from Comsys ITS, and including remote workers...

  7. Update on antiplatelet agents, including MATCH, CHARISMA, and ESPRIT. (United States)

    Skliut, Maryna; Jamieson, Dara G


    Despite recent advances in the acute treatment of stroke, prevention and risk factor modification remain the mainstays of management for patients with ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack. The majority of noncardioembolic ischemic strokes are atherothrombotic, presumed to be associated with the activation and aggregation of platelets. Antiplatelet medications have been shown to be effective in the secondary prevention of stroke of presumed arterial origin, both as monotherapy and in combination. Among combination of antiplatelet agents, aspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole has demonstrated statistically significant additive benefit over monotherapy with each agent. Clopidogrel plus aspirin does not prevent recurrent ischemic stroke over each component individually, and the combination increases the risk of hemorrhagic side effects. This article reviews the most recent studies on antiplatelet medications, including the combination of aspirin and clopidogrel or extended-release dipyridamole, and discusses some of the controversies that still exist with the use of antiplatelet agents.

  8. Article Including Environmental Barrier Coating System (United States)

    Lee, Kang N. (Inventor)


    An enhanced environmental barrier coating for a silicon containing substrate. The enhanced barrier coating may include a bond coat doped with at least one of an alkali metal oxide and an alkali earth metal oxide. The enhanced barrier coating may include a composite mullite bond coat including BSAS and another distinct second phase oxide applied over said surface.

  9. Prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en caninos del departamento del Quindío.

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    María Isabel Giraldo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los helmintos intestinales son agentes patógenos que afectan animales domésticos y que a través de ellos pueden infectar humanos. Objetivo. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en perros con dueño del departamento del Quindío. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo. Se aplicó una encuesta epidemiológica a los propietarios de los perros. Se recolectaron muestras de heces de los caninos registrados en la jornada de vacunación antirrábica del 2003 en el departamento del Quindío. Las muestras de materia fecal frescas fueron analizadas utilizando la técnica de diagnóstico de Ritchie. Resultados. Se analizaron 324 muestras de heces caninas; el 67,6% de los perros eran de razas puras y el 32,4% razas mestizas. Se encontró una prevalencia del 22,2%; Ancylostoma caninum fue el parásito más frecuente, 13,9%. También se observó Trichuris vulpis, 4,3%; Toxocara canis, 2,5%, y Strongyloides stercoralis, 4,0%. El 2,46% de las mascotas se encontraron multiparasitadas. Conclusión. La frecuencia de helmintos intestinales en el departamento del Quindío fue de 22,2% y la presencia de estos parásitos coincide con factores como la edad y la permanencia del canino en la calle, entre otros. Por esta razón, es necesario establecer programas de vigilancia y prevención en la población humana y canina.

  10. Dimensión discriminación: xenofobia y clasismo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Notas sobre una encuesta acerca de la disposición democrática

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    Nicholas Dieter Berdaguer Rauschenberg


    Full Text Available A partir de una encuesta realizada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires sobre la disposición democrática antidemocrática, buscamos construir la dimensión discriminación a partir de los datos resultantes. El planteo teórico inicial de la encuesta consideró tres dimensiones: autoritarismo, justicia social y política. A partir de algunos ítems que formaban las variables de esas dimensiones procuramos estructurar otras dos variables para explicar la discriminación: xenofobia y clasismo. Dado que tanto la discriminación xenófoba como la clasista son derivables de un concepto más amplio de racismo –una construcción colectiva de otra colectividad posible e indeseable– buscamos comparar las mediciones de los ítems y variables teniendo en cuenta que cuanto más definidos son los rasgos prejuiciosos hacia las víctimas del racismo, más este se hace notar en los números. Para pensar el carácter reflexivo de las ideologías, el concepto de racismo está caracterizado aquí como una articulación entre tres modos: el racismo de clase, el racismo cultural y el racismo sin razas. Este último incorpora aspectos políticos apoyados argumentativamente en los dos primeros. Si, por un lado, a través del racismo sin razas es forjado un grupo social a ser discriminado por otro, casi cínicamente, este grupo queda desestimado de la posibilidad de entenderse y ser entendido políticamente.

  11. Estudio retrospectivo de masas cutáneas neoplásicas en caninos diagnosticadas histopatológicamente en la Universidad de La Salle (1999-2003

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Aparicio Ortiz


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo fue realizar un análisis retrospectivo de las neoplasias cutáneas en caninos diagnosticadas en la Universidad de La Salle, en Bogotá, en el período 1999-2003. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo con la información obtenida de los registros del área diagnóstica e histopatológica de la Universidad de La Salle. La información fue discriminada y analizada teniendo en cuenta las siguientes variables: diagnóstico, raza, sexo, edad, malignidad y localización del tumor. Los 192 casos de pacientes abordados en el estudio fueron agrupados de acuerdo con las neoplasias con el fin de determinar las características y el comportamiento de dichas patologías. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 6,5 años, la raza más afectada el Bóxer con el 19,1% (32 perros, seguido del Labrador con un 13% (26 perros y el Caniche con un 10,5% (22 perros; los pacientes machos fueron los más afectados con un 58% (107 perros. Se reveló la gran incidencia del tumor de células de mast (26,2% en el 2003 y 20% en el 2002 y el histiocitoma (12,3% en el 2003 y 10% en el año 2002. Entre otras neoplasias que se observaron de forma recurrente en el estudio se destacan el lipoma, tricoepitelioma, carcinoma de células escamosas y papilomatosis.

  12. Preliminary Safety Information Document for the Standard MHTGR. Volume 1, (includes latest Amendments)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With NRC concurrence, the Licensing Plan for the Standard HTGR describes an application program consistent with 10CFR50, Appendix O to support a US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review and design certification of an advanced Standard modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR) design. Consistent with the NRC's Advanced Reactor Policy, the Plan also outlines a series of preapplication activities which have as an objective the early issuance of an NRC Licensability Statement on the Standard MHTGR conceptual design. This Preliminary Safety Information Document (PSID) has been prepared as one of the submittals to the NRC by the US Department of Energy in support of preapplication activities on the Standard MHTGR. Other submittals to be provided include a Probabilistic Risk Assessment, a Regulatory Technology Development Plan, and an Emergency Planning Bases Report.

  13. 77 FR 14832 - Plumchoice, Inc., Including On-Site Leased Workers From Balance Staffing, Insight Global Staffing... (United States)


    ...., Including On-Site Leased Workers From Balance Staffing, Insight Global Staffing, and Technisource..., Insight Global Staffing, and Technisource, Scarborough, Maine. The workers are engaged in activities... leased workers from Balance Staffing, Insight Global Staffing, and Technisource, Scarborough, Maine, who...

  14. Electrolyte for a lithium/thionyl chloride electric cell, a method of preparing said electrolyte and an electric cell which includes said electrolyte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gabano, J.


    An electrolyte for an electric cell whose negative active material is constituted by lithium and whose positive active material is constituted by thionyl chloride. The electrolyte contains at least one solvent and at least one solute, said solvent being thionyl chloride and said solute being chosen from the group which includes lithium tetrachloroaluminate and lithium hexachloroantimonate. According to the invention said electrolyte further includes a complex chosen from the group which includes AlCl/sub 3/,SO/sub 2/ and SbCl/sub 5/,SO/sub 2/. The voltage rise of electric cells which include such an electrolyte takes negligible time.

  15. USAID Activity Locations (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — The USAID Activities dataset is a snapshot of activities supported by USAID including their geographical locations within countries at the time of the snapshot. The...

  16. [Study on influence between activated carbon property and immobilized biological activated carbon purification effect]. (United States)

    Wang, Guang-zhi; Li, Wei-guang; He, Wen-jie; Han, Hong-da; Ding, Chi; Ma, Xiao-na; Qu, Yan-ming


    By means of immobilizing five kinds of activated carbon, we studied the influence between the chief activated carbon property items and immobilized bioactivated carbon (IBAC) purification effect with the correlation analysis. The result shows that the activated carbon property items which the correlation coefficient is up 0.7 include molasses, abrasion number, hardness, tannin, uniform coefficient, mean particle diameter and effective particle diameter; the activated carbon property items which the correlation coefficient is up 0.5 include pH, iodine, butane and tetrachloride. In succession, the partial correlation analysis shows that activated carbon property items mostly influencing on IBAC purification effect include molasses, hardness, abrasion number, uniform coefficient, mean particle diameter and effective particle diameter. The causation of these property items bringing influence on IBAC purification is that the activated carbon holes distribution (representative activated carbon property item is molasses) provides inhabitable location and adjust food for the dominance bacteria; the mechanical resist-crash property of activated carbon (representative activated carbon property items: abrasion number and hardness) have influence on the stability of biofilm; and the particle diameter size and distribution of activated carbon (representative activated carbon property items: uniform coefficient, mean particle diameter and effective particle diameter) can directly affect the force of water in IBAC filter bed, which brings influence on the dominance bacteria immobilizing on activated carbon.

  17. Extending Vulnerability Assessment to Include Life Stages Considerations. (United States)

    Hodgson, Emma E; Essington, Timothy E; Kaplan, Isaac C


    Species are experiencing a suite of novel stressors from anthropogenic activities that have impacts at multiple scales. Vulnerability assessment is one tool to evaluate the likely impacts that these stressors pose to species so that high-vulnerability cases can be identified and prioritized for monitoring, protection, or mitigation. Commonly used semi-quantitative methods lack a framework to explicitly account for differences in exposure to stressors and organism responses across life stages. Here we propose a modification to commonly used spatial vulnerability assessment methods that includes such an approach, using ocean acidification in the California Current as an illustrative case study. Life stage considerations were included by assessing vulnerability of each life stage to ocean acidification and were used to estimate population vulnerability in two ways. We set population vulnerability equal to: (1) the maximum stage vulnerability and (2) a weighted mean across all stages, with weights calculated using Lefkovitch matrix models. Vulnerability was found to vary across life stages for the six species explored in this case study: two krill-Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera, pteropod-Limacina helicina, pink shrimp-Pandalus jordani, Dungeness crab-Metacarcinus magister and Pacific hake-Merluccius productus. The maximum vulnerability estimates ranged from larval to subadult and adult stages with no consistent stage having maximum vulnerability across species. Similarly, integrated vulnerability metrics varied greatly across species. A comparison showed that some species had vulnerabilities that were similar between the two metrics, while other species' vulnerabilities varied substantially between the two metrics. These differences primarily resulted from cases where the most vulnerable stage had a low relative weight. We compare these methods and explore circumstances where each method may be appropriate.

  18. Controlled Carbon Source Addition to an Alternating Nitrification-Denitrification Wastewater Treatment Process Including Biological P Removal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isaacs, Steven Howard; Henze, Mogens


    The paper investigates the effect of adding an external carbon source on the rate of denitrification in an alternating activated sludge process including biological P removal. Two carbon sources were examined, acetate and hydrolysate derived from biologically hydrolyzed sludge. Preliminary batch ...

  19. A solid-state pH sensor for nonaqueous media including ionic liquids. (United States)

    Thompson, Brianna C; Winther-Jensen, Orawan; Winther-Jensen, Bjorn; MacFarlane, Douglas R


    We describe a solid state electrode structure based on a biologically derived proton-active redox center, riboflavin (RFN). The redox reaction of RFN is a pH-dependent process that requires no water. The electrode was fabricated using our previously described 'stuffing' method to entrap RFN into vapor phase polymerized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene). The electrode is shown to be capable of measuring the proton activity in the form of an effective pH over a range of different water contents including nonaqueous systems and ionic liquids (ILs). This demonstrates that the entrapment of the redox center facilitates direct electron communication with the polymer. This work provides a miniaturizable system to determine pH (effective) in nonaqueous systems as well as in ionic liquids. The ability to measure pH (effective) is an important step toward the ability to customize ILs with suitable pH (effective) for catalytic reactions and biotechnology applications such as protein preservation.

  20. Challenges of including nitrogen effects on decomposition in earth system models (United States)

    Hobbie, S. E.


    Despite the importance of litter decomposition for ecosystem fertility and carbon balance, key uncertainties remain about how this fundamental process is affected by nitrogen (N) availability. Nevertheless, resolving such uncertainties is critical for mechanistic inclusion of such processes in earth system models, towards predicting the ecosystem consequences of increased anthropogenic reactive N. Towards that end, we have conducted a series of experiments examining nitrogen effects on litter decomposition. We found that both substrate N and externally supplied N (regardless of form) accelerated the initial decomposition rate. Faster initial decomposition rates were linked to the higher activity of carbohydrate-degrading enzymes associated with externally supplied N and the greater relative abundances of Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria associated with green leaves and externally supplied organic N (assessed using phospholipid fatty acid analysis, PLFA). By contrast, later in decomposition, externally supplied N slowed decomposition, increasing the fraction of slowly decomposing litter and reducing lignin-degrading enzyme activity and relative abundances of Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. Our results suggest that elevated atmospheric N deposition may have contrasting effects on the dynamics of different soil carbon pools, decreasing mean residence times of active fractions comprising very fresh litter, while increasing those of more slowly decomposing fractions including more processed litter. Incorporating these contrasting effects of N on decomposition processes into models is complicated by lingering uncertainties about how these effects generalize across ecosystems and substrates.

  1. La posición de Pleurodema borellii en las razas sexuales (Anura: Leptodactylidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rengel, Dora


    Full Text Available Sex differentiation was studied in tadpoles of Pleurodema borellii which lives in different geographic area of Argentina, fixed at various stages of metamorphosis. Gonads are sexually undifferentiated till the larva reach about 20 mm body length stage. Nevertheless sex differentiations occurs before metamorphosis take place, at about 30 mm. body length stage; gonads show macroscopic and microscopic difference at this time. Therefore P. borellii seems to belong to a "differentiated race".

  2. Forsmark Bedrock mapping. Stage 1 (2002) - Outcrop data including fracture data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stephens, M.B.; Bergman, T.; Andersson, J.; Hermansson, T.; Wahlgren, C.H.; Albrecht, L.; Mikko, H.


    Infra-red aerial photographs over the study area, taken at a height of 2700 m, were interpreted in order to locate either the position of outcrops where the bedrock is exposed at the Earth's surface or sites where the bedrock lies beneath a thin (< 50 cm) cover of Quaternary deposits. These data were critical for the planning and execution of the field activities. It was aimed to map all the outcrops in the mainland part of the study area during stage 1 of the project. These data will be integrated with both bedrock analytical data and the interpretations obtained from the study of airborne geophysical data in order to produce a bedrock map over the study area. In order to gain some information on the regional variation in the frequency and orientation of fractures over the candidate area, a documentation of the position and strike and dip of fractures longer than 100 cm was carried out at 44 outcrops. This work will also help in the selection of outcrops where detailed fracture analysis will be carried out during a later stage of the site investigation programme. Field work associated with stage 1 of the project initiated in the candidate area during June 2002. Field activities then continued in the coastal area to the northeast, in the area north of 6700000 N to the northwest of the candidate area and in the inland area to the southwest. Field activities ceased during September 2002. Both descriptive and numerical data from the 1054 observation points have been included in an outcrop database. Primarily on account of the complexity of the outcrops visited and, as a consequence, the longer time required for the field activities, a large part of the area south of road 76 was not mapped during 2002

  3. Forsmark Bedrock mapping. Stage 1 (2002) - Outcrop data including fracture data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stephens, M.B.; Bergman, T.; Andersson, J.; Hermansson, T.; Wahlgren, C.H.; Albrecht, L.; Mikko, H. [Geological Survey of Sweden, Uppsala (Sweden)


    Infra-red aerial photographs over the study area, taken at a height of 2700 m, were interpreted in order to locate either the position of outcrops where the bedrock is exposed at the Earth's surface or sites where the bedrock lies beneath a thin (< 50 cm) cover of Quaternary deposits. These data were critical for the planning and execution of the field activities. It was aimed to map all the outcrops in the mainland part of the study area during stage 1 of the project. These data will be integrated with both bedrock analytical data and the interpretations obtained from the study of airborne geophysical data in order to produce a bedrock map over the study area. In order to gain some information on the regional variation in the frequency and orientation of fractures over the candidate area, a documentation of the position and strike and dip of fractures longer than 100 cm was carried out at 44 outcrops. This work will also help in the selection of outcrops where detailed fracture analysis will be carried out during a later stage of the site investigation programme. Field work associated with stage 1 of the project initiated in the candidate area during June 2002. Field activities then continued in the coastal area to the northeast, in the area north of 6700000 N to the northwest of the candidate area and in the inland area to the southwest. Field activities ceased during September 2002. Both descriptive and numerical data from the 1054 observation points have been included in an outcrop database. Primarily on account of the complexity of the outcrops visited and, as a consequence, the longer time required for the field activities, a large part of the area south of road 76 was not mapped during 2002.

  4. Para além do conceito de “raça”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nemezio Filho


    Full Text Available Este trabajo realiza un estudio de la representación de la raza, el mestizaje o la hibridación cultural en los medios de comunicación de masas localizados en Brasil. Se insiste sobre todo en la cultura negra y su mezcla con la cultura indígena y criolla.This work carries out a study of the representation of the race, the miscegenation or the cultural hybridization in the Massmedia located in Brazil. It is insisted mainly in the black culture and their mixture with the indigenous culture and creole culture.

  5. Efectos de cruzamiento para producción de leche y características de crecimiento en bovinos de doble propósito en el trópico húmedo


    Sergio Iván Román-Ponce; Felipe de Jesús Ruiz-López; Hugo H. Montaldo; Rita Rizzi; Heriberto Román-Ponce


    Con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de cruzamiento en tres subpoblaciones de ganado bovino cruzados de doble propósito en el trópico húmedo se utilizaron 5,040 lactancias y pesajes corporales al nacimiento [4,429] y pesos ajustados a 205 [3.878], 365 [3,017] y 540 [2,276] días (PN, P205, P365 y P540, respectivamente) de Cebú (CE) y sus cruzas con Holstein (HS), Suizo Pardo (SP) y Simmental (SM). Los efectos aditivos directos de raza (PG), heterocigocidad (HT) y pérdidas por recombinación (...

  6. Construcción de la identidad racial: una mirada desde la familia negra cartagenera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es exponer el rol de la familia en la reproducción del racismo y la confrontación por parte de sus miembros ante la discriminación racial. Los discursos socializadores emitidos en el contexto de la familia suelen contener información respecto a cuestiones identitarias, asuntos referentes a la cultura, la raza y la sociedad donde se desenvuelve la familia; respondiendo a ello, se encontró que la familia negra de Cartagena reproduce ideas racistas que circulan en los discursos de la sociedad cartagenera.

  7. Distrofia de Reis-Bücklers: Presentación de una familia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daisy Flores Pérez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado en 12 pacientes integrantes de una familia de la raza blanca. Se diagnosticaron 5 con distrofia de Reis-Bücklers. El defecto refractivo que predominó fue el astigmatismo. Se obtuvo un patrón de herencia autosómico dominante en la familia en estudio.The results of the study performed in 12 patients from a Caucasian family are presented. Five were diagnosed with Reis-BücKler dystrophy. The predominant refractory defect was astigmatism. A dominant autosomal hereditary pattern was obtained in the studied family.

  8. VIH: Transmisión Vertical y Síndrome Neurológico en Infantes


    Jean Paul Astrulla Santa Cruz; Boris A. Blanco Cáceres; Dr. Carlos Eróstegui Revilla


    La epidemia del VIH/SIDA dejó de ser una enfermedad exclusivamente de homosexuales, para convertirse enuna enfermedad que ataca al ser humano sin distinción de raza, sexo o edad. El sexo femenino está cada vez másexpuesto a la infección y es capaz de transmitir el VIH a su hijo si no hay una intervención terapéutica adecuadaen el período de gestación. Se han descrito tres tiempos en los cuales la transmisión vertical puede ocurrir: transmisiónintraútero, transmisión intraparto, transmisión po...

  9. Nutrición y calidad de la carne de los rumiantes


    Martínez Marín, Andrés L.


    Aparte de los factores intrínsecos de los animales (raza, sexo) y de aquellos relacionados con el faenado y el procesado de la carne (sacrificio, maduración, conservación), la calidad de la canal y las cualidades organolépticas y saludables de la carne están muy influenciadas por la nutrición de los animales. El tipo y cantidad de grasa incluida en las raciones, los nutrientes aportados y la incorporación de ciertas vitaminas y sustancias análogas pueden aumentar el tenor de la carne en nutri...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor Goicovic Donoso


    Full Text Available «Caerá en la tierra una lluvia sin fin. Un gran diluvio que apague el dolor de tanta muerte y desolación y fertilice nuestra rebelión. Ya nos quitaron la tierra y el sol, nuestras riquezas y la identidad, sólo les falta prohibirnos llorar para arrancarnos hasta el corazón. Grita conmigo, grita Taky Ongoy, que nuestra raza reviva en tu voz. Grita conmigo, grita Taky Ongoy, que nuestra América es india y del sol». Víctor Heredia, Taky Ongoy, Buenos Aires, 1992

  11. Transferencia de embriones en vacas receptoras angus y brahman: Efecto de dos métodos de sincronización de celos sobre el celo inducido y preñez


    Chase, Jr, Chad C; Vargas, Carlos A; Hammond, Andrew C; Olson, Timothy A; Griffin, James L; Murphy, Clifton N; Tewolde, Assefaw; Fields, Michael J


    Durante tres años, vacas receptoras Angus (88) y Brahman (87) se utilizaron para determinar los efectos de raza y método de sincronización sobre las características del celo inducido y la preñez subsecuente a la transferencia embrionaria. El celo fue sincronizado en las receptoras utilizando PGF2 (Lutalyse ®) o progesterona (PRO; Syncro-Mate-B). Un grupo de receptoras fue inyectado (im) con PGF los días 11 (25 mg), 0 (12,5 mg), y 1 (12,5 mg). Otro grupo fue tratado con PRO el dia -9 (implant...

  12. Síndrome vestibular por accidente cerebrovascular asociado a hipotiroidismo secundario


    Esparza, Erwin; Rodríguez, Diego; Benavidez, Edwin


    El síndrome vestibular es una patología asociada a múltiples causas que afecta a perros de cualquier edad, sexo y raza. El tratamiento y el pronóstico dependerán siempre de la causa primaria y de la localización de la lesión. En este reporte se expone el caso de un paciente canino criollo que fue llevado a la Clínica Veterinaria Dover por presentar inclinación de la cabeza hacia el lado izquierdo, nistagmo horizontal, ataxia y caídas ocasionales hacia el mismo lado. Se realizaron exámenes par...

  13. Desarrollo de un método analítico para la determinación de selenio en huevos fortificados de gallinas (Isa Brown) por espectroscopia de absorción atómica con generación de hidruros


    Gutiérrez Peña, Luís Vicente; Carrero, Pablo E; Delgado C, Yelitza J; Picón, David; Paz, Luis A; Vielma, José R; Quintero, Arlenis Y; Gutiérrez, Ever O; Gutiérrez, Iserslis A


    El huevo es una fuente proteica de uso masivo, en consideración a su bajo costo, es consumido con mayor frecuencia por toda la población. Por esta razón, es de gran interés introducir al mercado un tipo de huevo "saludable", que disminuya los riesgos ligados a enfermedades cardiovasculares y que actúe como antioxidante. Por ello, se evaluó la incorporación del Selenio Orgánico (Sel-Plex®, Alltech Inc) en el programa de alimentación de gallinas ponedoras comerciales raza isa brown con el objet...

  14. Historia natural de los plátanos y las bananas


    López Sáez, José Antonio; Pérez Soto, Josué


    Los plátanos y las bananas que se cultivan en muchos países de clima tropical proceden de dos especies silvestres del género Musa que habitan en el Sureste Asiático: el plátano malayo y el plátano macho. A partir de ellas se han obtenido más de un millar de híbridos, razas o cultivares de agradable sabor y alto valor nutritivo. Otras plataneras se han utilizado como plantas ornamentales, proporcionan fibra o tintes naturales, materiales de construcción e incluso remedios en medicina tradicion...

  15. Esteticismo y compromiso social en Euterpologio politonal de Vicente Rosales y Rosales. Re actualización y superación del modernismo en El Salvador


    Marco Thomas Bosshard


    El presente artículo aclarará las múltiples referencias del autor al simbolismo, al modernismo y al vanguardismo e igualmente ubicará a Rosales y Rosales ante el trasfondo de aquellos discursos antropológicos y estéticos que a partir de 1900 empezaron a resaltar el ritmo como factor decisivo para poder definir la raza. También mediante el análisis de los poemas contenidos en Euterpologio politonal destaca la combinación de lo rítmico con lo racial-indígena, hecho notable, dado que el autor re...

  16. Aproximaciones teóricas para el estudio de procesos de racialización y sexualización en los fenómenos migratorios de Chile


    Tijoux, María Emilia; Palominos Mandiola, Simón


    El objetivo del presente documento es proveer una discusión conceptual que permita reconstruir las nociones de racialización y sexualización, aplicándolas en el estudio de fenómenos migratorios que actualmente tienen lugar en la sociedad chilena, a partir de discusiones teóricas que recogen aportes de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades, la definición de racialización y sexualización enfatiza la constitución e identificación de relaciones de poder que construyen categorías de raza y de gé...

  17. Nutrition, Supply and Culture.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Aldemar Gómez Sierra


    Full Text Available La comida es ante todo,generosidad de la tierra y energía del sol, capturada por los animales y lasplantas”. La raza humana se ha multiplicadosin precedentes, y las condicionessociopolíticas y naturales,han puesto en desventaja nutricionala diversas comunidades de la tierra;obesidad y delgadez compiten y estaúltima se expresa como desnutrición.Debido a esta carencia, seobserva una movilización institucionalque acopla iniciativas relacionadascon seguridad alimentaria, biofortificación,agricultura para nutrirse y curarse, y la búsqueda deestrategias para enfrentar el cambio climático, desde lanecesidad de alimento, entre otras.

  18. Diet digestibility and production performance in dairy goats consuming plant oils


    Martínez Marín, Andrés L.; Pérez Hernández, Manuel; Pérez Alba, L.M.; Carrión-Pardo, D.; Gómez-Castro, A.G.


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue investigar el efecto de la adición de aceite vegetal y su grado de insaturación sobre la digestibilidad aparente y los parámetros productivos de cabras en lactación. Doce cabras de raza Malagueña fueron asignadas al azar a uno de cuatro tratamientos: sin aceite (CONTROL) y 48 g/d de aceite de girasol alto oleico (GAO), aceite de girasol normal (GN) o aceite de lino (LIN). La dieta base estuvo compuesta por heno de alfalfa y un concentrado en el que se incl...



    V. Cotrino


    La diversidad en los sistemas de manejo, métodos de ordeño y aun de razas que se tienen en la producción de leche en Colombia, no permiten unificar las normas para el control de mastitis y será el veterinario quien, de acuerdo con los recursos disponibles en cada finca, establezca los procedimientos para el manejo del ordeño y el control de la mastitis. Influenciados por las diferencias de manejo, la prevalencia de cada uno de los microorganismos causantes de mastitis varía de región a regi...

  20. •Antinocicepción opioide del extracto metanólico del Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus krukovii) en un modelo de dolor visceral en ratón.


    Zimic C, Zimic C; Sánchez L, Sánchez L; Zapater L, Zapater L; Arias M, Arias M; Ulffe G, Ulffe G; Páucar R, Páucar R; Ibáñez V, Lucy; Castañeda C, Benjamín; Salinas I, Salinas I; Arrambide J, Arrambide J


    Evaluamos la acción antinociceptiva del extracto metanólico del Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus krukovii), al 20%, administrado por vía oral, en ratones albinos, machos, raza Webster Suizo obtenidos del Centro Nacional de Producción de Biológicos del Ministerio de Salud del Perú, utilizando un modelo de dolor visceral, mediante la administración de ácido acético al 2%, vía intraperitoneal, a la dosis de 0,05 ml/10g de peso. Observamos una disminución del 50% del número de contorsiones abdominales, en r...

  1. Reconstrucción de lesiones osteocondrales con fibra de carbono


    Carranza Bencano, A.; Armas-Padrón, J. R.; Lozano, Mª A.


    Objetivo: Estudiar a largo plazo la evolución histológica de defectos osteocondrales de la rótula de conejos tratados con fibra de carbono. Material y Método: 18 conejos de raza gigante español, variedad parda, de ambos sexos, con un peso aproximado de 1.5 a 2 Kg y 18 discos Cleveland de fibra de carbono de 8 mm de diámetro (Medicarb®, fabricado por Leyland Medical International). Creación de un defecto de 6 mm. de diámetro en la superficie articular de la rótula, hasta alcanzar el teji...

  2. Cardiomiopatía dilatada en un cachorro: Reporte de un caso


    Tarazona Ch, Sandra L; Gómez G, Leonardo F; Orozco Padilla, Sonia C


    En este reporte se expone el caso de una cachorra de raza Springer Spaniel que presentaba taquipnea, ascitis, intolerancia al ejercicio, leve cianosis y baja condición corporal. A la auscultación cardiaca se evidenció un soplo 5/6 mitral que irradiaba a ambos hemitórax. En la ecocardiografía se apreció una disminución de la función contráctil del ventrículo izquierdo, hipertrofia excéntrica del atrio y ventrículo izquierdo, e insuficiencia mitral. This is a case of a Springer spaniel puppy...

  3. Propuesta de cotejo de impacto de la acumulación de transgenes en el maíz (Zea mays L.) nativo mexicano


    Turrent-Fernández, Antonio; Serratos-Hernández, J. Antonio; Mejía-Andrade, Hugo; Espinosa-Calderón, Alejandro


    La liberación del cultivo de maíz genéticamente modificado (MGM) a escala comercial en México, involucra potencialmente la interacción genética entre más de 30 eventos transgénicos independientes (probablemente más de 30 loci transgénicos diferentes) y más de 50 razas nativas de maíz (RNM) en el campo mexicano. Aunque la Ley de Bioseguridad de Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (LBOGM) y su reglamento establecen el supuesto de que el control del polen permite minimizar la interacción genéti...

  4. Manejo terapéutico de lipidosis hepática felina por Mycoplasma haemofelis


    Molina¹, Víctor Manuel; Pacheco, César


    Describir el manejo terapéutico de la lipidosis hepática en un felino infectado por Mycoplasma haemofelis y la evaluación de su efectividad terapéutica en Colombia. Un felino hembra, de 1 año de edad, raza Balinés, presentó un cuadro febril, con ictericia, apatía, anorexia, linfopenia y anemia normocítica hipocrómica. El felino a la ecografía mostró hepatomegalia y cambios de ecotextura del hígado, además los valores de enzimas hepáticas aumentados. Fue diagnosticada con presencia de Mycoplas...

  5. La importancia de la trazabilidad metrológica en la validez de la medición de creatinina como índice de función renal



    La tasa de filtración glomerular (GFR) es considerada en la actualidad el mejor índice general de función renal. La posibilidad de que los laboratorios puedan informar de rutina una GFR estimada ha pasado a ser prácticamente posible con el desarrollo de una fórmula, la ecuación de las "cuatro variables", Modificación de la Dieta en el estudio de la Enfermedad Renal (MDRD) y que utiliza parámetros de edad, sexo, raza y creatininina en suero. Sin embargo, la limitación que tiene esta ecuación p...

  6. El uso del Sincronario Maya como estrategia facilitadora del aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura y su influencia en el rendimiento de los estudiantes del primer año de Ciencias de Educación Media Diversificada de la Unidad Educativa San Martín de Porres


    Márquez López, Yanet del Valle


    La noción de calendario es una invención que se le atribuye a la raza humana y se caracteriza por tener como objetivo principal la organización y estructuración del tiempo y su transcurrir. Los calendarios son formas visuales de hacer concreto el paso del tiempo y, además de servir para transformarlo en algo específico y visible, el calendario sirve principalmente para permitir la mejor organización de las horas, días y meses que se suceden continuamente. De esta forma, es preciso indicar que...

  7. New seismograph includes filters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The new Nimbus ES-1210 multichannel signal enhancement seismograph from EG and G geometrics has recently been redesigned to include multimode signal fillers on each amplifier. The ES-1210F is a shallow exploration seismograph for near subsurface exploration such as in depth-to-bedrock, geological hazard location, mineral exploration, and landslide investigations.

  8. Planning and Conducting Research Activities. (United States)

    Christiansen, Richard L.


    Some directions and influences on dental research activities in the near future are discussed. Current challenges include international competition, fellowships, and equipment. Potential research activity includes preventive medicine, epidemiology, chronic illness, the elderly, bioengineering, materials research, nutrition, soft tissue research,…

  9. SKB annual report 1991. Including summaries of technical reports issued during 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the annual report on the activities of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., SKB. SKB is the owner of CLAB, the central facility for interim storage of spent nuclear fuel, located at Oskarshamn. CLAB was taken into operation in July 1985 and to the end of 1991 in total 1514 tonnes of spent fuel (measured as uranium) have been received. Transportation from the nuclear sites to CLAB is made by a special ship, M/S Sigyn. At Forsmark the final repository for Radioactive Waste (SFR) was taken into operation in April 1988. The repository is situated in crystalline rock under the Baltic Sea. The first construction phase includes rock caverns for 60000 m 3 of waste. A second phase for additional 30000 m 3 is planned to be built and commissioned around the year 2000. At the end of 1991 a total of 7900 m 3 of waste have been deposited in SFR. SKB is in charge of a comprehensive research and development programme on geological disposal of nuclear waste. The total cost for R and D during 1991 was 182.7 MSEK of which 15.9 MSEK came from participants outside Sweden. Geological site-investigations are a substantial part of the programme. SKB is also the managing participant of the international Stripa-project under OECD/NEA. Cost calculations for the total nuclear waste management system, including decommissioning of all reactors, are updated annually. The total cost is estimated to 55 billion SEK. SKB also handles matters pertaining to prospecting and enrichment as well as stockpiling of uranium as strategic reserves for the Swedish nuclear power industry. Consulting service from SKB and associated expert groups are available on a commercial basis. Information activities are an integrated and important part of the Swedish radioactive waste management system. During 1991 successful public information activities have been carried out using mobile exhibitions in a tailor-made trailer and on the SKB ship M/S Sigyn. (au)

  10. OCV Hysteresis in Li-Ion Batteries including Two-Phase Transition Materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael A. Roscher


    Full Text Available The relation between batteries' state of charge (SOC and open-circuit voltage (OCV is a specific feature of electrochemical energy storage devices. Especially NiMH batteries are well known to exhibit OCV hysteresis, and also several kinds of lithium-ion batteries show OCV hysteresis, which can be critical for reliable state estimation issues. Electrode potential hysteresis is known to result from thermodynamical entropic effects, mechanical stress, and microscopic distortions within the active electrode materials which perform a two-phase transition during lithium insertion/extraction. Hence, some Li-ion cells including two-phase transition active materials show pronounced hysteresis referring to their open-circuit voltage. This work points out how macroscopic effects, that is, diffusion limitations, superimpose the latte- mentioned microscopic mechanisms and lead to a shrinkage of OCV hysteresis, if cells are loaded with high current rates. To validate the mentioned interaction, Li-ion cells' state of charge is adjusted to 50% with various current rates, beginning from the fully charged and the discharged state, respectively. As a pronounced difference remains between the OCV after charge and discharge adjustment, obviously the hysteresis vanishes as the target SOC is adjusted with very high current rate.

  11. 77 FR 4368 - Advanced Energy Industries, Inc., Including On-Site Leased Workers From Mid Oregon Personnel... (United States)


    ... Unemployment Insurance (UI) Wages Are Reported Through PV Powered, Currently Known as AE Solar Energy, Inc... engaged in activities related to the production of solar invert subcomponents, including thin films processing power conversion and thermal instrumentation products and solar energy inverters. The notice was...

  12. Polycrystalline-Diamond MEMS Biosensors Including Neural Microelectrode-Arrays

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donna H. Wang


    Full Text Available Diamond is a material of interest due to its unique combination of properties, including its chemical inertness and biocompatibility. Polycrystalline diamond (poly-C has been used in experimental biosensors that utilize electrochemical methods and antigen-antibody binding for the detection of biological molecules. Boron-doped poly-C electrodes have been found to be very advantageous for electrochemical applications due to their large potential window, low background current and noise, and low detection limits (as low as 500 fM. The biocompatibility of poly-C is found to be comparable, or superior to, other materials commonly used for implants, such as titanium and 316 stainless steel. We have developed a diamond-based, neural microelectrode-array (MEA, due to the desirability of poly-C as a biosensor. These diamond probes have been used for in vivo electrical recording and in vitro electrochemical detection. Poly-C electrodes have been used for electrical recording of neural activity. In vitro studies indicate that the diamond probe can detect norepinephrine at a 5 nM level. We propose a combination of diamond micro-machining and surface functionalization for manufacturing diamond pathogen-microsensors.

  13. Examination of equine glandular stomach lesions for bacteria, including Helicobacter spp by fluorescence in situ hybridisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    husted, Louise; Jensen, Tim Kåre; Olsen, Susanne N.


    appearing mucosa were obtained from horses slaughtered for human consumption. All samples were tested for urease activity using the Pyloritek® assay, while mucosal bacterial content was evaluated using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation. In selected sub samples, bacteria characterisation was pursued further...... by cloning and sequencing. Mucosal lesions were found in 36/63 stomachs and included hyperplastic rugae, polypoid structures and focal erosions. None of the samples were tested positive for urease activity or for FISH using the Helicobacter genus specific probe. In samples of lesions, as well as normal...

  14. Including all voices in international data-sharing governance. (United States)

    Kaye, Jane; Terry, Sharon F; Juengst, Eric; Coy, Sarah; Harris, Jennifer R; Chalmers, Don; Dove, Edward S; Budin-Ljøsne, Isabelle; Adebamowo, Clement; Ogbe, Emilomo; Bezuidenhout, Louise; Morrison, Michael; Minion, Joel T; Murtagh, Madeleine J; Minari, Jusaku; Teare, Harriet; Isasi, Rosario; Kato, Kazuto; Rial-Sebbag, Emmanuelle; Marshall, Patricia; Koenig, Barbara; Cambon-Thomsen, Anne


    Governments, funding bodies, institutions, and publishers have developed a number of strategies to encourage researchers to facilitate access to datasets. The rationale behind this approach is that this will bring a number of benefits and enable advances in healthcare and medicine by allowing the maximum returns from the investment in research, as well as reducing waste and promoting transparency. As this approach gains momentum, these data-sharing practices have implications for many kinds of research as they become standard practice across the world. The governance frameworks that have been developed to support biomedical research are not well equipped to deal with the complexities of international data sharing. This system is nationally based and is dependent upon expert committees for oversight and compliance, which has often led to piece-meal decision-making. This system tends to perpetuate inequalities by obscuring the contributions and the important role of different data providers along the data stream, whether they be low- or middle-income country researchers, patients, research participants, groups, or communities. As research and data-sharing activities are largely publicly funded, there is a strong moral argument for including the people who provide the data in decision-making and to develop governance systems for their continued participation. We recommend that governance of science becomes more transparent, representative, and responsive to the voices of many constituencies by conducting public consultations about data-sharing addressing issues of access and use; including all data providers in decision-making about the use and sharing of data along the whole of the data stream; and using digital technologies to encourage accessibility, transparency, and accountability. We anticipate that this approach could enhance the legitimacy of the research process, generate insights that may otherwise be overlooked or ignored, and help to bring valuable

  15. Misclassification of Physical Activity Level Due to Exclusion of Workplace Activity (United States)

    Boslaugh, Sarah E.; Kreuter, Matthew W.; Weaver, Nancy L.; Naleid, Kimberly S.; Brownson, Ross C.


    This study examined the effect of including workplace physical activity in calculating the proportion of adults meeting Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for physical activity. Data on leisure-time and workplace activity were collected from 1,090 Black and White adults in St. Louis, MO. A series of assumptions were used to equate…

  16. Anthropogenic activities including pollution and contamination of coastal marine environment.

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Ansari, Z.A.; Matondkar, S.G.P.

    stream_size 8 stream_content_type text/plain stream_name J_Ecophysiol_Occup_Health_14_71.pdf.txt stream_source_info J_Ecophysiol_Occup_Health_14_71.pdf.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 ...

  17. Thermally activated dislocation motion including inertial effects in solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isaac, R.D.


    Dislocation motion through an array of obstacles is considered in terms of the potential energy of the dislocation as it moves through the array. The obstacles form a series of potential wells and barriers which can trap the dislocations. The effect of thermal fluctuations and of a viscous drag on the motion of the dislocation is investigated by analogy with Brownian motion in a field of force. The rate of escape of a trapped dislocation is found to depend on the damping coefficient only for a large viscous drag. The probability that a dislocation will be trapped by a well or barrier is found to depend on the damping coefficient for a small viscous drag. This inertial effect determines how far a dislocation will travel after breaking away from an obstacle

  18. ITER co-ordinated technical activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As agreed upon between the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA) Parties 'Co-ordinated Technical Activities' (CTA) means technical activities which are deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the international project, so as to prepare for the ITER joint implementation. The scope of these activities includes design adaptation to the specific site conditions, safety analysis and licensing preparation that are based on specific site offers, evaluation of cost and construction schedule, preparation of procurement documents and other issues raised by the Parties collectively, whilst assuring the coherence of the ITER project including design control

  19. Attempting to be active: Self-efficacy and barrier limitation differentiate activity levels of working mothers. (United States)

    Gierc, Madelaine; Locke, Sean; Jung, Mary; Brawley, Lawrence


    Working mothers are less physically active than working women without children and mothers who do not work. The purpose of this study was to examine concurrent self-regulatory efficacy and barriers to physical activity in a sample of working mothers. Women completed a mixed-methods survey which included measures of physical activity, concurrent self-regulatory efficacy, and barriers. Sufficiently active women experienced significantly greater concurrent self-regulatory efficacy and significantly less barrier limitation and frequency. No significant group differences were found for age, domestic duties performed, and children's extracurricular activities. Thematic analysis of barriers revealed six themes of common and unique factors, including limited time and family activities. © The Author(s) 2014.

  20. Zebrafish homologs of genes within 16p11.2, a genomic region associated with brain disorders, are active during brain development, and include two deletion dosage sensor genes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alicia Blaker-Lee


    Deletion or duplication of one copy of the human 16p11.2 interval is tightly associated with impaired brain function, including autism spectrum disorders (ASDs, intellectual disability disorder (IDD and other phenotypes, indicating the importance of gene dosage in this copy number variant region (CNV. The core of this CNV includes 25 genes; however, the number of genes that contribute to these phenotypes is not known. Furthermore, genes whose functional levels change with deletion or duplication (termed ‘dosage sensors’, which can associate the CNV with pathologies, have not been identified in this region. Using the zebrafish as a tool, a set of 16p11.2 homologs was identified, primarily on chromosomes 3 and 12. Use of 11 phenotypic assays, spanning the first 5 days of development, demonstrated that this set of genes is highly active, such that 21 out of the 22 homologs tested showed loss-of-function phenotypes. Most genes in this region were required for nervous system development – impacting brain morphology, eye development, axonal density or organization, and motor response. In general, human genes were able to substitute for the fish homolog, demonstrating orthology and suggesting conserved molecular pathways. In a screen for 16p11.2 genes whose function is sensitive to hemizygosity, the aldolase a (aldoaa and kinesin family member 22 (kif22 genes were identified as giving clear phenotypes when RNA levels were reduced by ∼50%, suggesting that these genes are deletion dosage sensors. This study leads to two major findings. The first is that the 16p11.2 region comprises a highly active set of genes, which could present a large genetic target and might explain why multiple brain function, and other, phenotypes are associated with this interval. The second major finding is that there are (at least two genes with deletion dosage sensor properties among the 16p11.2 set, and these could link this CNV to brain disorders such as ASD and IDD.

  1. Electrolyte solutions including a phosphoranimine compound, and energy storage devices including same (United States)

    Klaehn, John R.; Dufek, Eric J.; Rollins, Harry W.; Harrup, Mason K.; Gering, Kevin L.


    An electrolyte solution comprising at least one phosphoranimine compound and a metal salt. The at least one phosphoranimine compound comprises a compound of the chemical structure ##STR00001## where X is an organosilyl group or a tert-butyl group and each of R.sup.1, R.sup.2, and R.sup.3 is independently selected from the group consisting of an alkyl group, an aryl group, an alkoxy group, or an aryloxy group. An energy storage device including the electrolyte solution is also disclosed.

  2. Saskatchewan resources. [including uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The production of chemicals and minerals for the chemical industry in Saskatchewan are featured, with some discussion of resource taxation. The commodities mentioned include potash, fatty amines, uranium, heavy oil, sodium sulfate, chlorine, sodium hydroxide, sodium chlorate and bentonite. Following the successful outcome of the Cluff Lake inquiry, the uranium industry is booming. Some developments and production figures for Gulf Minerals, Amok, Cenex and Eldorado are mentioned.

  3. Electro-active sensor, method for constructing the same; apparatus and circuitry for detection of electro-active species (United States)

    Buehler, Martin (Inventor)


    An electro-active sensor includes a nonconductive platform with a first electrode set attached with a first side of a nonconductive platform. The first electrode set serves as an electrochemical cell that may be utilized to detect electro-active species in solution. A plurality of electrode sets and a variety of additional electrochemical cells and sensors may be attached with the nonconductive platform. The present invention also includes a method for constructing the aforementioned electro-active sensor. Additionally, an apparatus for detection and observation is disclosed, where the apparatus includes a sealable chamber for insertion of a portion of an electro-active sensor. The apparatus allows for monitoring and detection activities. Allowing for control of attached cells and sensors, a dual-mode circuitry is also disclosed. The dual-mode circuitry includes a switch, allowing the circuitry to be switched from a potentiostat to a galvanostat mode.

  4. Music for All: Including young people with intellectual disability in a university environment. (United States)

    Rickson, Daphne; Warren, Penny


    We investigated a continuing education course in creative music making, initiated to promote the inclusion of young people with intellectual disability in a university setting. Despite organizers' attempts to foster diversity within the student cohort, enrolments were almost exclusively from students who had intellectual disability. Being in the university environment, and in a place of higher learning, seemed to be valued by some. However, students' main focus was on group musicking in a dedicated music room rather than interacting with the wider university community. Those who did not identify as disabled believed it was important to continue to address the barriers to wider inclusion. While acknowledging the risks around mediating the social interactions of young people with intellectual disability, we argue that future courses should include activities specifically designed to bring them to classes with typical students and to the wider activities of the university.

  5. The need to include obstetric nurses in prenatal care visits in the public health system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Selma Aparecida Lagrosa Garcia


    Full Text Available Objective: To investigate, with a qualitative approach, the role of Obstetric Nurses at the primary level of care given to women’s health as a vital component of the multidisciplinary team, which today is fundamental for providing care, prevention as well as health education and promotion, especially in programs whose activities are geared towards primary care of pregnant, parturient, and puerpera women. Methods: Brazilian laws and the determinations of Nursing Councils in reference to the activities of the obstetric nurse were researched, including the nurse’s responsibilities and limits. The bibliographic search was conducted in health-related journals, lay publications, and the Internet. Results: The conflicts between professional physicians and nurses were discussed. Conclusions: It was concluded that the activities of the nurse, conducting low-risk prenatal clinical visits in the basic healthcare network, has legal and ethical support and provides true benefit to the clients.

  6. Engagement of non-government organisations and community care workers in collaborative TB/HIV activities including prevention of mother to child transmission in South Africa: Opportunities and challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uwimana Jeannine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The implementation of collaborative TB/HIV activities may help to mitigate the impact of the dual epidemic on patients and communities. Such implementation requires integrated interventions across facilities and levels of government, and with communities. Engaging Community Care Workers (CCWs in the delivery of integrated TB/HIV services may enhance universal coverage and treatment outcomes, and address human resource needs in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Using pre-intervention research in Sisonke district, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa as a case study, we report on three study objectives: (1 to determine the extent of the engagement of NGOs and CCWs in the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV including PMTCT; (2 to identify constraints related to provision of TB/HIV/PMTCT integrated care at community level; and (3 to explore ways of enhancing the engagement of CCWs to provide integrated TB/HIV/PMTCT services. Our mixed method study included facility and NGO audits, a household survey (n = 3867, 33 key informant interviews with provincial, district, facility, and NGO managers, and six CCW and patient focus group discussions. Results Most contracted NGOs were providing TB or HIV support and care with little support for PMTCT. Only 11% of facilities’ TB and HIV patients needing care and support at the community level were receiving support from CCWs. Only 2% of pregnant women reported being counseled by CCWs on infant feeding options and HIV testing. Most facilities (83% did not have any structural linkage with NGOs. Major constraints identified were system-related: structural, organizational and managerial constraints; inadequate CCW training and supervision; limited scope of CCW practice; inadequate funding; and inconsistency in supplies and equipment. Individual and community factors, such as lack of disclosure, stigma related to HIV, and cultural beliefs were also identified as constraints. Conclusions NGO

  7. Self-reported activity in tortured refugees with long-term sequelae including pain and the impact of foot pain from falanga - a cross-sectional study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prip, Karen; Persson, Ann L; Sjölund, Bengt H


    , among them pain and mobility problems. All had been subjected to various forms of physical and psychological torture and 71 victims had also suffered falanga. Main outcome measures used were: the Disability Rating Index (DRI; 12 items) to assess self-reported capacity to carry out daily activities......; for falanga victims, a specific foot assessment of sensory function in the feet. Results. All patients perceived clear activity limitations according to the DRI. The falanga victims' feet were categorised according to the type of foot pain: stimulus-independent pain; stimulus-evoked pain; no pain. The two...... of victims who had chronic pain for at least 5 years after torture, all perceived activity limitations, but pain from falanga had a greater overall impact on disability assessed in terms of daily activities....

  8. Science Activities in Energy: Wind Energy. (United States)

    Oak Ridge Associated Universities, TN.

    Included in this science activities energy package are 12 activities related to wind energy for elementary students. Each activity is outlined on a single card and is introduced by a question. Topics include: (1) At what time of day is there enough wind to make electricity where you live?; (2) Where is the windiest spot on your schoolground?; and…

  9. Active, capable, and potentially active faults - a paleoseismic perspective (United States)

    Machette, M.N.


    Maps of faults (geologically defined source zones) may portray seismic hazards in a wide range of completeness depending on which types of faults are shown. Three fault terms - active, capable, and potential - are used in a variety of ways for different reasons or applications. Nevertheless, to be useful for seismic-hazards analysis, fault maps should encompass a time interval that includes several earthquake cycles. For example, if the common recurrence in an area is 20,000-50,000 years, then maps should include faults that are 50,000-100,000 years old (two to five typical earthquake cycles), thus allowing for temporal variability in slip rate and recurrence intervals. Conversely, in more active areas such as plate boundaries, maps showing faults that are Group II-2 Project on Major Active Faults of the World our maps and database will show five age categories and four slip rate categories that allow one to select differing time spans and activity rates for seismic-hazard analysis depending on tectonic regime. The maps are accompanied by a database that describes evidence for Quaternary faulting, geomorphic expression, and paleoseismic parameters (slip rate, recurrence interval and time of most recent surface faulting). These maps and databases provide an inventory of faults that would be defined as active, capable, and potentially active for seismic-hazard assessments.

  10. Ionic liquids, electrolyte solutions including the ionic liquids, and energy storage devices including the ionic liquids (United States)

    Gering, Kevin L.; Harrup, Mason K.; Rollins, Harry W.


    An ionic liquid including a phosphazene compound that has a plurality of phosphorus-nitrogen units and at least one pendant group bonded to each phosphorus atom of the plurality of phosphorus-nitrogen units. One pendant group of the at least one pendant group comprises a positively charged pendant group. Additional embodiments of ionic liquids are disclosed, as are electrolyte solutions and energy storage devices including the embodiments of the ionic liquid.

  11. Study of Anti-Fatigue Effect in Rats of Ferrous Chelates Including Hairtail Protein Hydrolysates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saibo Huang


    Full Text Available The ability of ferrous chelates including hairtail protein hydrolysates to prevent and reduce fatigue was studied in rats. After hydrolysis of hairtail surimi with papain, the hairtail protein hydrolysates (HPH were separated into three groups by range of relative molecular weight using ultrafiltration membrane separation. Hairtail proteins were then chelated with ferrous ions, and the antioxidant activity, the amino acid composition and chelation rate of the three kinds of ferrous chelates including hairtail protein hydrolysates (Fe-HPH were determined. Among the three groups, the Fe-HPH chelate showing the best conditions was selected for the anti-fatigue animal experiment. For it, experimental rats were randomly divided into seven groups. Group A was designated as the negative control group given distilled water. Group B, the positive control group, was given glutathione. Groups C, D and E were designated as the Fe-HPH chelate treatment groups and given low, medium, and high doses, respectively. Group F was designated as HPH hydrolysate treatment group, and Group G was designated as FeCl2 treatment group. The different diets were orally administered to rats for 20 days. After that time, rats were subjected to forced swimming training after 1 h of gavage. Rats given Fe-FPH chelate had higher haemoglobin regeneration efficiency (HRE, longer exhaustive swimming time and higher SOD activity. Additionally, Fe-FPH chelate was found to significantly decrease the malondialdehyde content, visibly enhance the GSH-Px activity in liver and reduce blood lactic acid of rats. Fe-HPH chelate revealed an anti-fatigue effect, similar to or better than the positive control substance and superior to HPH or Fe when provided alone.

  12. Update of the BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Tc-99m comparison of activity measurements for the radionuclide {sup 99m}Tc to include new results for the LNE-LNHB and the NPL

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michotte, C.; Courte, S.; Ratel, G. [Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), 92 - Sevres (France); Moune, M. [LNE-LNHB, Laboratoire national de metrologie et d' essais-Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel, Gif sur Yvette (France); Johansson, L.; Keightley, J. [National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Middlesex (United Kingdom)


    In 2007 and 2008 respectively, the Laboratoire national de metrologie et d'essais -Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB), France and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK, submitted ampoules with between 10 MBq and 130 MBq activity of {sup 99m}Tc to the International Reference System (SIR), to update their results in the BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Tc-99m comparison. Together with the four other national metrology institutes (NMI) that are participants, thirteen samples have been submitted since 1983. The key comparison reference value (KCRV) has been recalculated to include the latest primary results of the PTB and the LNE-LNB as this makes the evaluation more robust. The degrees of equivalence between each equivalent activity measured in the SIR are given in the form of a matrix for all six NMIs. A graphical presentation is also given. (authors)

  13. Theory including future not excluded

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nagao, K.; Nielsen, H.B.


    We study a complex action theory (CAT) whose path runs over not only past but also future. We show that, if we regard a matrix element defined in terms of the future state at time T and the past state at time TA as an expectation value in the CAT, then we are allowed to have the Heisenberg equation......, Ehrenfest's theorem, and the conserved probability current density. In addition,we showthat the expectation value at the present time t of a future-included theory for large T - t and large t - T corresponds to that of a future-not-included theory with a proper inner product for large t - T. Hence, the CAT...

  14. MEMLS3&a: Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks adapted to include backscattering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Proksch


    Full Text Available The Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks (MEMLS was originally developed for microwave emissions of snowpacks in the frequency range 5–100 GHz. It is based on six-flux theory to describe radiative transfer in snow including absorption, multiple volume scattering, radiation trapping due to internal reflection and a combination of coherent and incoherent superposition of reflections between horizontal layer interfaces. Here we introduce MEMLS3&a, an extension of MEMLS, which includes a backscatter model for active microwave remote sensing of snow. The reflectivity is decomposed into diffuse and specular components. Slight undulations of the snow surface are taken into account. The treatment of like- and cross-polarization is accomplished by an empirical splitting parameter q. MEMLS3&a (as well as MEMLS is set up in a way that snow input parameters can be derived by objective measurement methods which avoid fitting procedures of the scattering efficiency of snow, required by several other models. For the validation of the model we have used a combination of active and passive measurements from the NoSREx (Nordic Snow Radar Experiment campaign in Sodankylä, Finland. We find a reasonable agreement between the measurements and simulations, subject to uncertainties in hitherto unmeasured input parameters of the backscatter model. The model is written in Matlab and the code is publicly available for download through the following website:

  15. Linezolid susceptibility in Helicobacter pylori, including strains with multidrug resistance. (United States)

    Boyanova, Lyudmila; Evstatiev, Ivailo; Gergova, Galina; Yaneva, Penka; Mitov, Ivan


    Only a few studies have evaluated Helicobacter pylori susceptibility to linezolid. The aim of the present study was to assess linezolid susceptibility in H. pylori, including strains with double/multidrug resistance. The susceptibility of 53 H. pylori strains was evaluated by Etest and a breakpoint susceptibility testing method. Helicobacter pylori resistance rates were as follows: amoxicillin, 1.9%; metronidazole, 37.7%; clarithromycin, 17.0%; tetracycline, 1.9%; levofloxacin, 24.5%; and linezolid (>4 mg/L), 39.6%. The linezolid MIC50 value was 31.2-fold higher than that of clarithromycin and 10.5-fold higher than that of levofloxacin; however, 4 of 11 strains with double/multidrug resistance were linezolid-susceptible. The MIC range of the oxazolidinone agent was larger (0.125-64 mg/L) compared with those in the previous two reports. The linezolid resistance rate was 2.2-fold higher in metronidazole-resistant strains and in strains resistant to at least one antibiotic compared with the remaining strains. Briefly, linezolid was less active against H. pylori compared with clarithromycin and levofloxacin, and linezolid resistance was linked to resistance to metronidazole as well as to resistance to at least one antibiotic. However, linezolid activity against some strains with double/multidrug resistance may render the agent appropriate to treat some associated H. pylori infections following in vitro susceptibility testing of the strains. Clinical trials are required to confirm this suggestion. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

  16. Extended automated separation techniques in destructive neutron activation analysis; application to various biological materials, including human tissues and blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjioe, P.S.; Goeij, J.J.M. de; Houtman, J.P.W.


    Neutron activation analysis may be performed as a multi-element and low-level technique for many important trace elements in biological materials, provided that post-irradiation chemical separations are applied. This paper describes a chemical separation consisting of automated procedures for destruction, distillation, and anion-chromatography. The system developed enables the determination of 14 trace elements in biological materials, viz. antimony, arsenic, bromine, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, iron, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc. The aspects of sample preparation, neutron irradiation, gamma-spectrum evaluation, and blank-value contribution are also discussed

  17. 75 FR 16513 - B&C Corporation, JR Engineering Division, Including B&C Distribution Center, Including On-Site... (United States)


    ... Engineering Division, Including B&C Distribution Center, Including On-Site Leased Workers From B&C Services... occurred during the relevant time period at the B&C Distribution Center, Inc. of the B&C Corporation, JR Engineering Division, Barberton, Ohio. The B&C Distribution Center provides distribution and logistical...

  18. Quality assurance techniques for activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, D.A.


    The principles and techniques of quality assurance are applied to the measurement method of activation analysis. Quality assurance is defined to include quality control and quality assessment. Plans for quality assurance include consideration of: personnel; facilities; analytical design; sampling and sample preparation; the measurement process; standards; and documentation. Activation analysis concerns include: irradiation; chemical separation; counting/detection; data collection, and analysis; and calibration. Types of standards discussed include calibration materials and quality assessment materials

  19. Diagnóstico clínico-microbiológico de otitis externa en caninos de Bogotá – Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Pulido V.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar clínica y microbiológicamente la implicación de Malassezia sp como agente etiológico de otitis externas en caninos. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron 166 muestras de hisopados óticos de caninos con sintomatología y hallazgos clínicos compatibles con otitis externa durante el periodo comprendido entre julio – diciembre 2008. A partir de las muestras se realizaron cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos e identificación de género mediante perfiles bioquímicos para cada unos de los microorganismos aislados. Los datos clínicos asociados a la patología fueron consignados en una base de datos y posteriormente analizados en el programa estadístico SPSS 17 Resultados. A partir de la 166 muestras obtenidas, 59% (98 de ellas fueron positivas para el cultivo bacteriológico con predominio de Staphylococcus sp 37% (61 y 73% (121 positivas para Malassezia. De las 121 levaduras aisladas 32.2% fue Malassezia pachydermatis. El análisis estadístico no evidenció diferencias significativas con respecto a las relaciones entre variables (género, edad, raza, tipo de oreja y respuesta inflamatoria por citología y el aislamiento de Malassezia sp. El nivel de significancia establecido para la prueba fue de 0.05%. Conclusiones. No se observaron asociaciones estadísticas entre las variables género, edad, raza frente a la otitis externa por Malassezia sp. Malassezia sp fue aislada en un 73% de los casos con otitis externa, con participación de diferentes agentes bacterianos especialmente Staphylococcus sp.

  20. Laudato Si” La Encíclica ecológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Bettina Villalobos


    Full Text Available El pasado 18 de junio el Papa Francisco de la iglesia Católica Romana, dio a conocer la Encíclica “ Laudato Si” (Alabado sea el Creador, tomado del Cántico de las Criaturas de San Francisco de Asís, reconocido como el patrono de la Ecología. Esta Carta Magisterial, representa un llamado de atención no solo a los cristianos católicos, sino a todos sin importar credo religioso o raza, pues es el llamado a recordar que este planeta es el único que habitamos, es el único que tenemos y que nuestra permanencia en él como humanidad, depende de cuánto lo respetemos y cuidemos. Más que una visión ecológica del grave problema que afrenta la humanidad por el calentamiento global, contaminación de las aguas, agotamiento de las tierras cultivables, es que toda esta problemática recae en una buena parte de la población más pobre del planeta. Urge por lo tanto un cambio de ruta en la vida de los humanos que nos permita ofrecer a las generaciones futuras un lugar habitable, limpio, en paz. Es por ello que esta encíclica propone un diálogo entre todos para afrontar y resolver los problemas que no distinguen, entre países, religiones o razas. Es una gran convocatoria a todo el mundo en pro del cuidado de la Naturaleza, la fragilidad de las interrelaciones que existen entre los factores bióticos y abióticos, que permiten la sustentabilidad de la vida y su evolución

  1. “Nacido en el país al amparo de la hidalga Nación Española”. Los usos del factor racial en el control del poder local en Filipinas a finales del siglo XIX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inarejos, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available The article traces the use and exploitation of race and racial mixing in access to and control of local authorities in the Philippines during Spanish colonial rule, the only level of government available to native people. It analyzes how race determined the position of each individual in the colonial power pyramid—racial categories that were subsequently shaped by and enshrined in law and served to appraise privileges and exceptions. It explores the dichotomous strategies used by native elites in relation to local power during the second half of the nineteenth century. Those Principalías who did not wish to be in local government, or considered them onerous, used racial categories to shirk these responsibilities. By contrast, in the case of Principalías which were interested in occupying these local positions, the elites resorted to a defensive strategy which used the racial system to their advantage to prevent these posts being illegally usurped by Spaniards and Spanish mestizos.En el artículo se rastrean los usos de la raza y el mestizaje en el acceso y control del poder local en Filipinas durante la dominación colonial española. Se analiza cómo la raza determinó la ubicación de cada individuo dentro de la pirámide de poder de la colonia, categorías raciales que moldearon y quedaron solidificadas en la legislación y sirvieron para aquilatar privilegios y excepciones. Se indagan las dicotómicas estrategias desplegadas por las élites nativas en relación al poder local durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.

  2. Variabilidad genética de Hartón del Valle mediante RAM Genetic variability of Harton del Valle by RAM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M Piedrahíta


    Full Text Available El Hartón del Valle (HV hace parte de las siete razas criollas de ganado bovino colombiano y de acuerdo con los criterios de la FAO está considerado como vulnerable. Para estudiar su variabilidad genética fueron muestreados 33 individuos HV y tres animales de la raza Holstein, como control externo. Se extrajo ADN utilizando el método de Salting Out y las muestras fueron analizadas mediante la técnica molecular RAM (Randon amplified microsatellites. Se utilizaron los cebadores CGA, CCA, TG, y CT. El valor promedio de heterocigosidad esperada fue de 0.26 y el F ST fue 0.39 ± 0.03. Con el índice de Dice-Nei Li y agrupando con el método UPGMA se distinguieron dos grupos: uno integrado por dos hatos de conservación y el otro por cuatro fincas que han compartido reproductores.Harton del Valle (HV breed belong to the seven Creole breeds of the Colombian bovine livestock, according to FAO criteria it is considered as vulnerable. To study its genetical variability, 33 HV animals and three and 3 animals of Holstein breed as a external control were sampled. Simples of DNA were isolated using the Salting Out method and RAM (Random amplified microsatellites technique was used. CGA, CCA, TG and CT primers were used. The mean value of expected heterocigozity was 0.26 and F ST fue 0.39 ± 0.03. Using Dice-Nei Li index and UPGMA clustering method, two groups were distinguished: the first one integrated for two conservation herds and other one by tour faros that have been sharing breeding bulls.

  3. 5 CFR 734.202 - Permitted activities. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Permitted Activities § 734.202 Permitted activities. Employees may take an active part in political activities, including political management and political campaigns, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law and this part. ...

  4. Developing Internal Controls through Activities (United States)

    Barnes, F. Herbert


    Life events can include the Tuesday afternoon cooking class with the group worker or the Saturday afternoon football game, but in the sense that Fritz Redl thought of them, these activities are only threads in a fabric of living that includes all the elements of daily life: playing, working, school-based learning, learning through activities,…

  5. Enhancing Efficiency of Safeguards at Facilities that are Shutdown or Closed-Down, including those being Decommissioned

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moran, B. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Stern, W. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Colley, J. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Marzo, M. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)


    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards involves verification activities at a wide range of facilities in a variety of operational phases (e.g., under construction, start-up, operating, shutdown, closed-down, and decommissioned). Safeguards optimization for each different facility type and operational phase is essential for the effectiveness of safeguards implementation. The IAEA’s current guidance regarding safeguards for the different facility types in the various lifecycle phases is provided in its Design Information Examination (DIE) and Verification (DIV) procedure. 1 Greater efficiency in safeguarding facilities that are shut down or closed down, including those being decommissioned, could allow the IAEA to use a greater portion of its effort to conduct other verification activities. Consequently, the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of International Nuclear Safeguards sponsored this study to evaluate whether there is an opportunity to optimize safeguards approaches for facilities that are shutdown or closed-down. The purpose of this paper is to examine existing safeguards approaches for shutdown and closed-down facilities, including facilities being decommissioned, and to seek to identify whether they may be optimized.

  6. Whole body MRI, including diffusion-weighted imaging in follow-up of patients with testicular cancer. (United States)

    Mosavi, Firas; Laurell, Anna; Ahlström, Håkan


    Whole body (WB) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has become increasingly utilized in cancer imaging, yet the clinical utility of these techniques in follow-up of testicular cancer patients has not been evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of WB MRI with continuous table movement (CTM) technique, including multistep DWI in follow-up of patients with testicular cancer. WB MRI including DWI was performed in follow-up of 71 consecutive patients (median age, 37 years; range 19-84) with histologically confirmed testicular cancer. WB MRI protocol included axial T1-Dixon and T2-BLADE sequences using CTM technique. Furthermore, multi-step DWI was performed using b-value 50 and 1000 s/mm(2). One criterion for feasibility was patient tolerance and satisfactory image quality. Another criterion was the accuracy in detection of any pathological mass, compared to standard of reference. Signal intensity in DWI was used for evaluation of residual mass activity. Clinical, laboratory and imaging follow-up were applied as standard of reference for the evaluation of WB MRI. WB MRI was tolerated in nearly all patients (69/71 patients, 97%) and the image quality was satisfactory. Metal artifacts deteriorated the image quality in six patients, but it did not influence the overall results. No case of clinical relapse was observed during the follow-up time. There was a good agreement between conventional WB MRI and standard of reference in all patients. Three patients showed residual masses and DWI signal was not restricted in these patients. Furthermore, DWI showed abnormally high signal intensity in a normal-sized retroperitoneal lymph node indicating metastasis. The subsequent (18)F-FDG PET/CT could verify the finding. WB MRI with CTM technique including multi-step DWI is feasible in follow-up of patients with testicular cancer. DWI may contribute to important added-value data to conventional MRI sequences

  7. Specific balance training included in an endurance-resistance exercise program improves postural balance in elderly patients undergoing haemodialysis. (United States)

    Frih, Bechir; Mkacher, Wajdi; Jaafar, Hamdi; Frih, Ameur; Ben Salah, Zohra; El May, Mezry; Hammami, Mohamed


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 6 months of specific balance training included in endurance-resistance program on postural balance in haemodialysis (HD) patients. Forty-nine male patients undergoing HD were randomly assigned to an intervention group (balance training included in an endurance-resistance training, n = 26) or a control group (resistance-endurance training only, n = 23). Postural control was assessed using six clinical tests; Timed Up and Go test, Tinetti Mobility Test, Berg Balance Scale, Unipodal Stance test, Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test and Activities Balance Confidence scale. All balance measures increased significantly after the period of rehabilitation training in the intervention group. Only the Timed Up and Go, Berg Balance Scale, Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test and Activities Balance Confidence scores were improved in the control group. The ranges of change in these tests were greater in the balance training group. In HD patients, specific balance training included in a usual endurance-resistance training program improves static and dynamic balance better than endurance-resistance training only. Implications for rehabilitation Rehabilitation using exercise in haemodialysis patients improved global mobility and functional abilities. Specific balance training included in usual endurance resistance training program could lead to improved static and dynamic balance.

  8. Pregnant and active – suitability of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire for measuring the physical activity of pregnant women in Poland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justyna Krzepota


    Full Text Available Background . The issue of physical activity of pregnant women, including determining proper recommendations, has been a broadly discussed topic in international circles. Objectives. The aim of this paper is to present the suitability of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ for measuring the physical activity of pregnant women in Poland. Material and methods . The study included 162 questionnaires, which were filled in correctly by pregnant women (third trimester who took part in childbirth classes organized by a childbirth school. As a research method, the PPAQ was chosen. The PPAQ allows pregnant women to self-assess their physical activity in the current trimester. The questions investigated time devoted to various types of activity related to household/caregiving, transportation, sports/exercise in their free time, occupational activity and inactivity. Based on the average weekly energy expenditure, each of these activities is classified by intensity: sedentary activity, light-intensity activity, moderate-intensity activity, vigorous-intensity activity. Results . While using the PPAQ in Poland, it is recommended to reduce the number of questions from 36 to 35, by removing question 18 (time of mowing lawn while on a riding mower. It is also advisable to convert American units of measurement into metric units, which are used in Poland. Conclusions . The Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire in Poland may fill the gap in studies devoted to the physical activity of pregnant Polish women. With this questionnaire, it is possible to determine energy expenditure in terms of intensity and type of physical activity. It also serves as a reliable tool that can be used for international comparisons.

  9. Fossil energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, including soil carbon effects, of producing agriculture and forestry feedstocks (United States)

    Christina E. Canter; Zhangcai Qin; Hao Cai; Jennifer B. Dunn; Michael Wang; D. Andrew Scott


    The GHG emissions and fossil energy consumption associated with producing potential biomass sup­ply in the select BT16 scenarios include emissions and energy consumption from biomass production, harvest/collection, transport, and pre-processing activities to the reactor throat. Emissions associated with energy, fertilizers, and...

  10. Raza, género y espacio: las mujeres negras y mulatas negocian su lugar en la Habana durante la década de 1830

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz M. Mena


    Full Text Available Black and mulatto women "negotiated" their place in Havana's society in the 1830s and 40s.Theynegotiated their insertion in every space of the city, from the most public ones, like the spaces of the law, to the most intimate ones, like those forged through their own sexuality. To a great extent, these negotiations were framed within their decisive role as mediating agents between blacks and whites: as wives, lovers, teachers, wet nurses, caretakers and servants, but also as property owners, entrepreneurs and pursuers of their own legal causes. They negotiated their social and economic inclusion by means of their daily activities, often atthe margins of urban regulations and social traditions. These practices engaged in a continuous and tense "dialog" with the discourses of the Creole and Peninsular modernizing elites. These reformers, who considered these women's growing participation in the daily life of the city one of the most worrisome and disorderly elements in the city, developed strong discourses of social order and urban reforms to discipline the growing city. Many of these discourses were oriented to establish clearer and more rationalized social and racial boundaries that would try to contain, if not the activities of these women, at least their influence on the population. It was within this dialog, never equal and often violent, that the modern geography of Havana was drawn.

  11. Analysis of Smart Composite Structures Including Debonding (United States)

    Chattopadhyay, Aditi; Seeley, Charles E.


    Smart composite structures with distributed sensors and actuators have the capability to actively respond to a changing environment while offering significant weight savings and additional passive controllability through ply tailoring. Piezoelectric sensing and actuation of composite laminates is the most promising concept due to the static and dynamic control capabilities. Essential to the implementation of these smart composites are the development of accurate and efficient modeling techniques and experimental validation. This research addresses each of these important topics. A refined higher order theory is developed to model composite structures with surface bonded or embedded piezoelectric transducers. These transducers are used as both sensors and actuators for closed loop control. The theory accurately captures the transverse shear deformation through the thickness of the smart composite laminate while satisfying stress free boundary conditions on the free surfaces. The theory is extended to include the effect of debonding at the actuator-laminate interface. The developed analytical model is implemented using the finite element method utilizing an induced strain approach for computational efficiency. This allows general laminate geometries and boundary conditions to be analyzed. The state space control equations are developed to allow flexibility in the design of the control system. Circuit concepts are also discussed. Static and dynamic results of smart composite structures, obtained using the higher order theory, are correlated with available analytical data. Comparisons, including debonded laminates, are also made with a general purpose finite element code and available experimental data. Overall, very good agreement is observed. Convergence of the finite element implementation of the higher order theory is shown with exact solutions. Additional results demonstrate the utility of the developed theory to study piezoelectric actuation of composite

  12. Fibrosis quística. Aspectos diagnósticos


    Luis Ortigosa


    La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una de las enfermedades genéticas mortales más frecuentes en la raza caucásica. Se caracteriza por una disfunción de las glándulas exocrinas, con insuficiencia pancreática y bronconeumopatía crónica. Es una enfermedad de transmisión autonómica recesiva, se sabe que el gen defectuoso está localizado en el cromosoma 7 humano, conocido como gen regulador de la conductancia transmembrana de la fibrosis quística (CFTR),y que de las más de mil mutaciones de este gen, la...

  13. Follicular population and progesterone (P4) plasma concentrations in sheep under different synchronization protocols


    Uribe- Velásquez, LF; Oba, E; Souza, MIL


    Los efectos de la prostaglandina (PGF2α) vs CIDR y eCG (gonadotrofina coriónica equina) en la dinámica de la población folicular y su relación con las concentraciones plasmáticas de P4 fueron investigadas en ovejas cíclicas. Fueron utilizadas 14 hembras ovinas de la raza Bergamascia; el Grupo 1 (Gl) se sometió a dos aplicaciones de PGF2α, y, el Grupo 2 (G2) tratado con CIDR durante 14 días siendo que, en el momento de su retirada, se administraron 500 UI de eCG. La dinámica folicular ovárica ...

  14. Alimentación saludable : clave en la prevención del cáncer de próstata


    Ríos Díaz, Eva María


    La neoplasia prostática es una de las enfermedades de mayor incidencia actualmente en el campo de la urología, constituyendo el sexto cáncer más frecuente en varones a nivel mundial. Para evitar el progreso de esta patología, es muy importante establecer mecanismos de prevención tales como una alimentación saludable, ejercicio físico y la reducción de hábitos tóxicos. Algunos factores de riesgo asociados al cáncer de próstata son difíciles de modificar, como la raza, la edad o la genética. Si...



    Grandez R., Ricardo; Bowler T., Brenda; Miguel de Priego G., Claudia; Yi A., Pedro; Torres P., Luis; Valencia L., Roberto


    Un canino de la raza Perro sin Pelo del Perú, de dos meses de edad, fue atendido con historia de regurgitación por un mes y pérdida progresiva de su condición corporal desde el destete. Al examen clínico presentó un estado de alerta y baja condición corporal. El paciente recibió tratamiento de sostén y se le realizó estudios imagenológicos, radiografía cervical, torácica y esofagografía, evidenciando una dilatación de esófago craneal al corazón. Se realizó la eutanasia a solicitud del propiet...

  16. Reflexión pedagógica: tras la huella de la formación en valores en las instituciones educativas del Caribe colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayra Ospino de Caro


    Full Text Available Los seres humanos somos un universo de vida y evolución sin distinción de raza, clase u origen. Por lo tanto el individuo se desarrolla en su naturaleza a través de sus relaciones o situaciones positivas o negativas, haciendo de él un ente social y funcional cuyo aprendizaje debe ser integral y muy significativo.AbstractHuman beings are a universe of life and evolution without distinctions of race,class or origin.Due to this,the individual develops himself through his relations or positive or negative situations,making a social and functional being whose learning must be complete and very significant.

  17. La naturaleza como contraseña del comportamiento moral en Lucrecio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramón Román Alcalá


    Full Text Available Voy a intentar probar que en Lucrecio la naturaleza actúa como elemento clave para todo su sistema. Con una lógica coherente el poeta demuestra que la naturaleza como principio de realidad está sustentando, primero la creación del cosmos como principio material, segundo, el desarrollo de la raza humana, como principio antropológico y, por último, la acción y la conducta humana como principio moral. La naturaleza es, así, una marca para la comprensión del cosmos, una clave para el conocimiento de la humanidad y una contraseña que activa el comportamiento moral.

  18. Educación física, eugenesia y construcción de la otredad : La reforma educativa de la provincia de Buenos Aires (1936-1940)


    Romaniuk, Susana


    En las primeras décadas del siglo XX, la preocupación por la degeneración de la especie humana, por la debilidad psíquica y mental de la población, fue muy extendida en países europeos y en Latinoamérica, con lo que la eugenesia, o ciencia del mejoramiento racional de la raza, concitó enorme interés. Para los fines eugenésicos, la cultura física -en cooperación con la medicina, la higiene, la educación sexual y la puericultura- ocupaba un lugar fundamental. En este trabajo nos interesa, en pr...

  19. Including social impacts in LCIA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dreyer, Louise Camilla; Hauschild, Michael Zwicky; Schierbeck, Jens


    Sustainability management in industries is often defined by measuring the performance against the trippel bottom-line, People, Planet and Profit in business decisions. The product chain perspective inherent in LCA is very suitable for sustainability management but LCA methodology only considers...... activities in the product life cycle. Workersø fundamental rights, as defined by the ILO, are used as baseline in the method, and as a consequence, some of the issues addressed by the method are: child labour, discrimination, right to organise, and forced labour....

  20. Economic assessment of S-prism including development and generating costs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boardman, Ch.E. [GE Nuclear Energy San Jose (United States)


    S-PRISM is an advanced Fast Reactor plant design that utilizes compact modular pool-type reactors sized to enable factory fabrication and an affordable prototype test of a single Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) for design certification at minimum cost and risk. S-PRISM retains all of the key ALMR (advanced liquid metal reactor) design features including passive reactor shutdown, passive shutdown heat removal, and passive reactor cavity cooling that were developed under an earlier DOE program. Key factors that make S-PRISM competitive include: 1) The use of passive safety systems that eliminate the need for diesel generators and hardened active heat sinks to assure that sufficient heat is removed from the core, reactor, and containment systems following design and beyond design basis events. 2) A seven point advantage in the plant capacity factor (93 versus 86%) over a single large plant. 3) A much shorter construction schedule (45%) made possible by a modular design that allows near parallel (sequenced) construction of three relatively small, simple factory fabricated NSSSs instead of one large complex NSSS. This paper describes the approach, methods, and results of an in-depth economic assessment of S-PRISM. The assessment found that the generation cost from an NOAK plant would be less than 3 cents/kW-hr and that a design certification could be obtained in less than 15 years at a cost of 2.1 billion dollars. (authors)

  1. Economic assessment of S-prism including development and generating costs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boardman, Ch.E.


    S-PRISM is an advanced Fast Reactor plant design that utilizes compact modular pool-type reactors sized to enable factory fabrication and an affordable prototype test of a single Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) for design certification at minimum cost and risk. S-PRISM retains all of the key ALMR (advanced liquid metal reactor) design features including passive reactor shutdown, passive shutdown heat removal, and passive reactor cavity cooling that were developed under an earlier DOE program. Key factors that make S-PRISM competitive include: 1) The use of passive safety systems that eliminate the need for diesel generators and hardened active heat sinks to assure that sufficient heat is removed from the core, reactor, and containment systems following design and beyond design basis events. 2) A seven point advantage in the plant capacity factor (93 versus 86%) over a single large plant. 3) A much shorter construction schedule (45%) made possible by a modular design that allows near parallel (sequenced) construction of three relatively small, simple factory fabricated NSSSs instead of one large complex NSSS. This paper describes the approach, methods, and results of an in-depth economic assessment of S-PRISM. The assessment found that the generation cost from an NOAK plant would be less than 3 cents/kW-hr and that a design certification could be obtained in less than 15 years at a cost of 2.1 billion dollars. (authors)

  2. Particle-based modeling of heterogeneous chemical kinetics including mass transfer. (United States)

    Sengar, A; Kuipers, J A M; van Santen, Rutger A; Padding, J T


    Connecting the macroscopic world of continuous fields to the microscopic world of discrete molecular events is important for understanding several phenomena occurring at physical boundaries of systems. An important example is heterogeneous catalysis, where reactions take place at active surfaces, but the effective reaction rates are determined by transport limitations in the bulk fluid and reaction limitations on the catalyst surface. In this work we study the macro-micro connection in a model heterogeneous catalytic reactor by means of stochastic rotation dynamics. The model is able to resolve the convective and diffusive interplay between participating species, while including adsorption, desorption, and reaction processes on the catalytic surface. Here we apply the simulation methodology to a simple straight microchannel with a catalytic strip. Dimensionless Damkohler numbers are used to comment on the spatial concentration profiles of reactants and products near the catalyst strip and in the bulk. We end the discussion with an outlook on more complicated geometries and increasingly complex reactions.

  3. Particle-based modeling of heterogeneous chemical kinetics including mass transfer (United States)

    Sengar, A.; Kuipers, J. A. M.; van Santen, Rutger A.; Padding, J. T.


    Connecting the macroscopic world of continuous fields to the microscopic world of discrete molecular events is important for understanding several phenomena occurring at physical boundaries of systems. An important example is heterogeneous catalysis, where reactions take place at active surfaces, but the effective reaction rates are determined by transport limitations in the bulk fluid and reaction limitations on the catalyst surface. In this work we study the macro-micro connection in a model heterogeneous catalytic reactor by means of stochastic rotation dynamics. The model is able to resolve the convective and diffusive interplay between participating species, while including adsorption, desorption, and reaction processes on the catalytic surface. Here we apply the simulation methodology to a simple straight microchannel with a catalytic strip. Dimensionless Damkohler numbers are used to comment on the spatial concentration profiles of reactants and products near the catalyst strip and in the bulk. We end the discussion with an outlook on more complicated geometries and increasingly complex reactions.

  4. Major operations and activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Black, D.G.


    This section of the 1994 Hanford Site Environmental Report summarizes the major operations and activities on the site. These operations and activities include site management, waste management, environmental restoration and corrective actions, and research and technology development.

  5. Major operations and activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Black, D.G.


    This section of the 1994 Hanford Site Environmental Report summarizes the major operations and activities on the site. These operations and activities include site management, waste management, environmental restoration and corrective actions, and research and technology development

  6. Including Indigenous Minorities in Decision-Making

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pristed Nielsen, Helene

    Based on theories of public sphere participation and deliberative democracy, this book presents empirical results from a study of experiences with including Aboriginal and Maori groups in political decision-making in respectively Western Australia and New Zealand......Based on theories of public sphere participation and deliberative democracy, this book presents empirical results from a study of experiences with including Aboriginal and Maori groups in political decision-making in respectively Western Australia and New Zealand...

  7. High Flight. Aerospace Activities, K-12. (United States)

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Education, Oklahoma City.

    Following discussions of Oklahoma aerospace history and the history of flight, interdisciplinary aerospace activities are presented. Each activity includes title, concept fostered, purpose, list of materials needed, and procedure(s). Topics include planets, the solar system, rockets, airplanes, air travel, space exploration, principles of flight,…

  8. Active Learning and Teaching: Improving Postsecondary Library Instruction. (United States)

    Allen, Eileen E.


    Discusses ways to improve postsecondary library instruction based on theories of active learning. Topics include a historical background of active learning; student achievement and attitudes; cognitive development; risks; active teaching; and instructional techniques, including modified lectures, brainstorming, small group work, cooperative…

  9. An Integrated Biochemistry Laboratory, Including Molecular Modeling (United States)

    Hall, Adele J. Wolfson Mona L.; Branham, Thomas R.


    The dilemma of designing an advanced undergraduate laboratory lies in the desire to teach and reinforce basic principles and techniques while at the same time exposing students to the excitement of research. We report here on a one-semester, project-based biochemistry laboratory that combines the best features of a cookbook approach (high success rate, achievement of defined goals) with those of an investigative, discovery-based approach (student involvement in the experimental design, excitement of real research). Individual modules may be selected and combined to meet the needs of different courses and different institutions. The central theme of this lab is protein purification and design. This laboratory accompanies the first semester of biochemistry (Structure and Function of Macromolecules, a course taken mainly by junior and senior chemistry and biological chemistry majors). The protein chosen as the object of study is the enzyme lysozyme, which is utilized in all projects. It is suitable for a student lab because it is easily and inexpensively obtained from egg white and is extremely stable, and its high isoelectric point (pI = 11) allows for efficient separation from other proteins by ion-exchange chromatography. Furthermore, a literature search conducted by the resourceful student reveals a wealth of information, since lysozyme has been the subject of numerous studies. It was the first enzyme whose structure was determined by crystallography (1). Hendrickson et al. (2) have previously described an intensive one-month laboratory course centered around lysozyme, although their emphasis is on protein stability rather than purification and engineering. Lysozyme continues to be the focus of much exciting new work on protein folding and dynamics, structure and activity (3 - 5). This lab course includes the following features: (i) reinforcement of basic techniques, such as preparation of buffers, simple enzyme kinetics, and absorption spectroscopy; (ii

  10. KBS Annual Report 1983. Including summaries of technical reports issued during 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the KBS Annual Report is to inform interested organizations and individuals of the research and development work performed by the division KBS within the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Supply Co (SKBF) on the handling, treatment and final storage of nuclear wastes in Sweden. The Annual Report normally contains a presentation of the legal and organizational situation followed by an account of the progress within different areas of the R and D-work. This account also includes indications of the activities planned for the future. At the end of the report the summaries of 76 technical reports and other publications issued during the year are listed in special appendices. (K.A.E.)

  11. Family Activities for Fitness (United States)

    Grosse, Susan J.


    This article discusses how families can increase family togetherness and improve physical fitness. The author provides easy ways to implement family friendly activities for improving and maintaining physical health. These activities include: walking, backyard games, and fitness challenges.

  12. (including travel dates) Proposed itinerary

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    31 July to 22 August 2012 (including travel dates). Proposed itinerary: Arrival in Bangalore on 1 August. 1-5 August: Bangalore, Karnataka. Suggested institutions: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. St Johns Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre, Bangalore. 6-8 August: Chennai, TN.

  13. Production and quality assurance in the SIT Africa Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) rearing facility in South Africa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barnes, B [Plant Protection Division, ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij Fruit, Vine and Wine Institute, Stellenbosch, 7599 (South Africa); Rosenberg, S; Arnolds, L; Johnson, J [SIT Africa (Pty) Ltd., Stellenbosch, 7599 (South Africa)


    esteriles de moscas para el proyecto de la tecnica del insecto esteril (TIE) en huertos de frutos y vinas comerciales en la provincia del Cabo Occidental del Sudafrica. El procedimiento de criar en masa fue en su mayor parte basado en los sistemas desarrollados por el Laboratorio de Agricultura y Biotecnologia de la FAO/IAEA, Seibersdorf, Austria. Un numero de razas que separara los sexos geneticamente fueron utilizadas para producir solo machos para la liberacion. La congestionada condicion inicial para criar las moscas y su manejo de calidad fueron aliviadas en 2001 con la construccion de un nuevo cuarto de cria para adultos y un laboratorio de control de calidad. En 2002, un Sistema de Manejo de Calidad comprensivo fue implementado, y en 2003 una raza mejorada que separa los sexos geneticamente, VIENNA 8, fue proveido por el Laboratorio de la FAO/IAEA en Seibersdorf. En la mayor parte de los primeros 3 anos la facilidad no pudo suplir el numero requerido de machos esteriles de la mosca mediterranea de la fruta para el programa de TIE sin la necesidad para importar machos esteriles de otra facilidad. Desde medio del ano de 2002, despues que el sistema de manejo de calidad fue implementado, la produccion y la calidad mejoraron pero aun quedaron por debajo del nivel optimo. Despues de la introduccion de la raza VIENNA 8 que separa los sexos geneticamente, y junto con el equipo mejorado de control de clima, la estabilidad y los parametros de seguridad de calidad mejoraron substancialmente. Los factores criticos que influyeron en la produccion y la calidad fueron la infraestructura inadecuada para criar las moscas, problemas con la calidad de la dieta para las larvas y la ausencia inicial de un sistema de manejo de calidad. Los resultados muestran claramente la importancia de un manejo efectivo de la calidad, el valor de una raza productiva que separa los sexos geneticamente y la necesidad de contar con una base solida de financimiento para la infraestructura de una cria en

  14. Active3 noise reduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzfuss, J.


    Noise reduction is a problem being encountered in a variety of applications, such as environmental noise cancellation, signal recovery and separation. Passive noise reduction is done with the help of absorbers. Active noise reduction includes the transmission of phase inverted signals for the cancellation. This paper is about a threefold active approach to noise reduction. It includes the separation of a combined source, which consists of both a noise and a signal part. With the help of interaction with the source by scanning it and recording its response, modeling as a nonlinear dynamical system is achieved. The analysis includes phase space analysis and global radial basis functions as tools for the prediction used in a subsequent cancellation procedure. Examples are given which include noise reduction of speech. copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics

  15. Function and modulation of premotor brainstem parasympathetic cardiac neurons that control heart rate by hypoxia-, sleep-, and sleep-related diseases including obstructive sleep apnea. (United States)

    Dergacheva, Olga; Weigand, Letitia A; Dyavanapalli, Jhansi; Mares, Jacquelyn; Wang, Xin; Mendelowitz, David


    Parasympathetic cardiac vagal neurons (CVNs) in the brainstem dominate the control of heart rate. Previous work has determined that these neurons are inherently silent, and their activity is largely determined by synaptic inputs to CVNs that include four major types of synapses that release glutamate, GABA, glycine, or serotonin. Whereas prior reviews have focused on glutamatergic, GABAergic and glycinergic pathways, and the receptors in CVNs activated by these neurotransmitters, this review focuses on the alterations in CVN activity with hypoxia-, sleep-, and sleep-related cardiovascular diseases including obstructive sleep apnea. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. IRSN annual report 2012 - including Financial report 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuler, Matthieu; Marchal, Valerie; Albert, Marc-Gerard; Baudry, Michel; Bigot, Marie-Pierre; Charron, Sylvie; Clavelle, Stephanie; Cousinou, Patrick; Deschamps, Patrice; Delattre, Aleth; Demeillers, Didier; Dumas, Agnes; Franquard, Dominique; Goudal, Bernard; Jalouneix, Jean; Laloi, Patrick; Monti, Pascale; Richer, Gerard; Rollinger, Francois; Rouyer, Veronique; Rutschkovsky, Nathalie; Scott De Martinville, Edouard; Tharaud, Christine; Verpeaux, Jean-luc; Jaunet, Camille; Hedouin, Jean-Christophe


    This annual report for the French nuclear safety and radiation protection Institute (IRSN) addresses its organizational aspects (highlights, figures illustrating the activity, organizational chart, councils and committees), proposes a summary of activities and presentation of the strategy (transparency and communication policy, promotion of a safety and radiation protection culture). The main part addresses the activities regarding safety, nuclear security and non-proliferation, radiation protection of the environment and in terms of human health, and emergency and post-accidental situations. The last part addresses issues of efficiency (property, health, safety, environmental protection and quality, and human resources). A financial report is also proposed and contains a management report, financial statements, and an appendix to annual accounts

  17. Method of preparing a negative electrode including lithium alloy for use within a secondary electrochemical cell (United States)

    Tomczuk, Zygmunt; Olszanski, Theodore W.; Battles, James E.


    A negative electrode that includes a lithium alloy as active material is prepared by briefly submerging a porous, electrically conductive substrate within a melt of the alloy. Prior to solidification, excess melt can be removed by vibrating or otherwise manipulating the filled substrate to expose interstitial surfaces. Electrodes of such as solid lithium-aluminum filled within a substrate of metal foam are provided.

  18. Active food packaging technologies. (United States)

    Ozdemir, Murat; Floros, John D


    Active packaging technologies offer new opportunities for the food industry, in the preservation of foods. Important active packaging systems currently known to date, including oxygen scavengers, carbon dioxide emitters/absorbers, moisture absorbers, ethylene absorbers, ethanol emitters, flavor releasing/absorbing systems, time-temperature indicators, and antimicrobial containing films, are reviewed. The principle of operation of each active system is briefly explained. Recent technological advances in active packaging are discussed, and food related applications are presented. The effects of active packaging systems on food quality and safety are cited.

  19. Algunas consideraciones sobre raza - política - inmigración en el siglo XIX.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís María Delio Machado


    Full Text Available Las líneas que siguen tienen el propósito de examinar la visualización de un "sujeto" particular, el inmigrante, desde distintos ángulos: económico, político-jurídico y antropológico. El sujeto en cuestión, -el inmigrante-, se nos presenta en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, bajo diversos rostros: o como simple unidad poblacional que puede incrementar cuantitativamente la variable demográfica, concebida ésta como puramente económica, o como variable cualitativa que involucra aspectos de carácter político, jurídico, antropológico y cultural que implican valoraciones. Nuestro análisis, quedará restringido al estudio de un corpus de fuentes bien delimitado: las tesis que los estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho próximos a egresar debían presentarobligatoriamente para obtener el grado de Doctor en Jurisprudencia.

  20. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Active Lions: A Campaign to Promote Active Travel to a University Campus. (United States)

    Bopp, Melissa; Sims, Dangaia; Matthews, Stephen A; Rovniak, Liza S; Poole, Erika; Colgan, Joanna


    To outline the development, implementation, and evaluation of a multistrategy intervention to promote active transportation, on a large university campus. Single group pilot study. A large university in the Northeastern United States. University students (n = 563), faculty and staff (employees, n = 999) were included in the study. The Active Lions campaign aimed to increase active transportation to campus for all students and employees. The campaign targeted active transport participation through the development of a smartphone application and the implementation of supporting social marketing and social media components. Component-specific measures included app user statistics, social media engagement, and reach of social marketing strategies. Overall evaluation included cross-sectional online surveys preintervention and postintervention of student and employee travel patterns and campaign awareness. Number of active trips to campus were summed, and the percentage of trips as active was calculated. T tests compared the differences in outcomes from preintervention to postintervention. Students had a higher percentage of active trips postintervention (64.2%) than preintervention (49.2%; t = 3.32, P = .001), although there were no differences for employees (7.9% and 8.91%). Greater awareness of Active Lions was associated with greater active travel. This multistrategy approach to increase active transportation on a college campus provided insight on the process of developing and implementing a campaign with the potential for impacting health behaviors among campus members.

  1. Launch Lock Assemblies Including Axial Gap Amplification Devices and Spacecraft Isolation Systems Including the Same (United States)

    Barber, Tim Daniel (Inventor); Hindle, Timothy (Inventor); Young, Ken (Inventor); Davis, Torey (Inventor)


    Embodiments of a launch lock assembly are provided, as are embodiments of a spacecraft isolation system including one or more launch lock assemblies. In one embodiment, the launch lock assembly includes first and second mount pieces, a releasable clamp device, and an axial gap amplification device. The releasable clamp device normally maintains the first and second mount pieces in clamped engagement; and, when actuated, releases the first and second mount pieces from clamped engagement to allow relative axial motion there between. The axial gap amplification device normally residing in a blocking position wherein the gap amplification device obstructs relative axial motion between the first and second mount pieces. The axial gap amplification device moves into a non-blocking position when the first and second mount pieces are released from clamped engagement to increase the range of axial motion between the first and second mount pieces.

  2. Hybrid energy storage systems utilizing redox active organic compounds (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Xu, Wu; Li, Liyu; Yang, Zhenguo


    Redox flow batteries (RFB) have attracted considerable interest due to their ability to store large amounts of power and energy. Non-aqueous energy storage systems that utilize at least some aspects of RFB systems are attractive because they can offer an expansion of the operating potential window, which can improve on the system energy and power densities. One example of such systems has a separator separating first and second electrodes. The first electrode includes a first current collector and volume containing a first active material. The second electrode includes a second current collector and volume containing a second active material. During operation, the first source provides a flow of first active material to the first volume. The first active material includes a redox active organic compound dissolved in a non-aqueous, liquid electrolyte and the second active material includes a redox active metal.

  3. A Call to Include Severe Combined Immunodeficiency in Newborn Screening Program

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    Raz Somech


    Full Text Available Quantification of the T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs has recently emerged as a useful non-invasive clinical and research tool to investigate thymic activity. It allows the identification of T cell production by the thymus. Quantification of TREC copies has recently been implemented as the preferred test to screen neonates with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID or significant lymphopenia. Neonatal genetic screening for SCID is highly important in countries with high rates of consanguinous marriages, such as Israel, and can be used for early diagnosis, enabling prompt therapeutic intervention that will save lives and improve the outcome of these patients. TREC measurement is also applicable in clinical settings where T cell immunity is involved, including any T cell immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, the aging process, autoimmune diseases, and immune reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation.

  4. Mobile Robotics Activities in DOE Laboratories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ron Lujan; Jerry Harbour; John T. Feddema; Sharon Bailey; Jacob Barhen; David Reister


    This paper will briefly outline major activities in Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratories focused on mobile platforms, both Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV’s) as well as Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV’s). The activities will be discussed in the context of the science and technology construct used by the DOE Technology Roadmap for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (RIM)1 published in 1998; namely, Perception, Reasoning, Action, and Integration. The activities to be discussed span from research and development to deployment in field operations. The activities support customers in other agencies. The discussion of "perception" will include hyperspectral sensors, complex patterns discrimination, multisensor fusion and advances in LADAR technologies, including real-world perception. "Reasoning" activities to be covered include cooperative controls, distributed systems, ad-hoc networks, platform-centric intelligence, and adaptable communications. The paper will discuss "action" activities such as advanced mobility and various air and ground platforms. In the RIM construct, "integration" includes the Human-Machine Integration. Accordingly the paper will discuss adjustable autonomy and the collaboration of operator(s) with distributed UGV’s and UAV’s. Integration also refers to the applications of these technologies into systems to perform operations such as perimeter surveillance, large-area monitoring and reconnaissance. Unique facilities and test beds for advanced mobile systems will be described. Given that this paper is an overview, rather than delve into specific detail in these activities, other more exhaustive references and sources will be cited extensively.

  5. From Sarmiento to Martí and Hostos: Extricating the Nation from Coloniality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Ward


    Full Text Available The present article examines constructions of  race, nation and mestizaje in work of Domingo  Faustino Sarmiento, José Martí and Eugenio  Maria de Hostos. The first championed the prevailing nineteenth-century view that humanity  was being debilitated by a constant battle between  civilization and barbarism while the two Antilleans questioned it in their search for a society  liberated from coloniality. Martí denied the notion  of privilege based on Europeanness, proclaiming  that whites, blacks, indigenous and mixed-race  peoples could all claim equal rights under natural  law. Hostos agreed with Martí but took his recommendation one step further by proposing race  mixing, with all ethnic groups equally forming a  new society. Therefore Martí’s negation of racial  differences becomes with Hostos a quest for a  society that would eventually become homogeneous through miscegenation. The study concludes  that there is a timelessness inherent to Martí and  Hostos’s work that still speaks to us today in the  midst of a new awareness of ethnicity’s impact on  society. Resumen:De Sarmiento a Martí y Hostos: Rescatando al país de la colonialidadEl presente artículo examina las construcciones de  raza, nación y mestizaje en las obras de Domingo  Faustino Sarmiento, José Martí y Eugenio María de  Hostos. El primero defendía la construcción deci monónica de que la humanidad había sido debilitada por una constante batalla entre civilización y  barbarie mientras los dos antillanos la cuestionaban  en su búsqueda de una sociedad libre de la colonialidad. Martí niega la noción de privilegio basado en  lo europeo y proclama que los blancos, negros,  indígenas y personas de raza mezclada podrían  reclamar la igualdad de derechos bajo leyes naturales. Hostos estuvo de acuerdo con Martí pero llevó  su recomendación un paso más allá, proponiendo  que la mezcla de razas, con todos los grupos

  6. Etiopathophysiological assessment of cases with chronic daily headache: A functional magnetic resonance imaging included investigation (United States)

    Hashemi, Akram; Nami, Mohammad Torabi; Oghabian, Mohammad Ali; Ganjgahi, Habib; Vahabi, Zahra


    Background Chronic daily headache (CDH) has gained little attention in functional neuro-imaging. When no structural abnormality is found in CDH, defining functional correlates between activated brain regions during headache bouts may provide unique insights towards understanding the pathophysiology of this type of headache. Methods We recruited four CDH cases for comprehensive assessments, including history taking, physical examinations and neuropsychological evaluations (The Addenbrooke's Cognitive Evaluation, Beck's Anxiety and Depression Inventories, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and Epworth Sleepiness Scale). Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to self-rate the intensity of headache. Patients then underwent electroencephalography (EEG), transcranial Doppler (TCD) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evaluations during maximal (VAS = 8-10/10) and off-headache (VAS = 0-3/10) conditions. Data were used to compare in both conditions. We also used BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) -group level activation map fMRI to possibly locate headache-related activated brain regions. Results General and neurological examinations as well as conventional MRIs were unremarkable. Neuropsychological assessments showed moderate anxiety and depression in one patient and minimal in others. Unlike three patients, maximal and off-headache TCD evaluation in one revealed increased middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity, at the maximal pain area. Although with no seizure history, the same patient's EEG showed paroxysmal epileptic discharges during maximal headache intensity, respectively. Group level activation map fMRI showed activated classical pain matrix regions upon headache bouts (periaqueductal grey, substantia nigra and raphe nucleus), and markedly bilateral occipital lobes activation. Conclusion The EEG changes were of note. Furthermore, the increased BOLD signals in areas outside the classical pain matrix (i.e. occipital lobes) during maximal headaches may

  7. Kinetics of Hydrogen Radical Reactions with Toluene Including Chemical Activation Theory Employing System-Specific Quantum RRK Theory Calibrated by Variational Transition State Theory. (United States)

    Bao, Junwei Lucas; Zheng, Jingjing; Truhlar, Donald G


    Pressure-dependent reactions are ubiquitous in combustion and atmospheric chemistry. We employ a new calibration procedure for quantum Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel (QRRK) unimolecular rate theory within a chemical activation mechanism to calculate the pressure-falloff effect of a radical association with an aromatic ring. The new theoretical framework is applied to the reaction of H with toluene, which is a prototypical reaction in the combustion chemistry of aromatic hydrocarbons present in most fuels. Both the hydrogen abstraction reactions and the hydrogen addition reactions are calculated. Our system-specific (SS) QRRK approach is adjusted with SS parameters to agree with multistructural canonical variational transition state theory with multidimensional tunneling (MS-CVT/SCT) at the high-pressure limit. The new method avoids the need for the usual empirical estimations of the QRRK parameters, and it eliminates the need for variational transition state theory calculations as a function of energy, although in this first application we do validate the falloff curves by comparing SS-QRRK results without tunneling to multistructural microcanonical variational transition state theory (MS-μVT) rate constants without tunneling. At low temperatures, the two approaches agree well with each other, but at high temperatures, SS-QRRK tends to overestimate falloff slightly. We also show that the variational effect is important in computing the energy-resolved rate constants. Multiple-structure anharmonicity, torsional-potential anharmonicity, and high-frequency-mode vibrational anharmonicity are all included in the rate computations, and torsional anharmonicity effects on the density of states are investigated. Branching fractions, which are both temperature- and pressure-dependent (and for which only limited data is available from experiment), are predicted as a function of pressure.

  8. Activation states of blood eosinophils in asthma (United States)

    Johansson, Mats W.


    Asthma is characterized by airway inflammation rich in eosinophils. Airway eosinophilia is associated with exacerbations and has been suggested to play a role in airway remodeling. Recruitment of eosinophils from the circulation requires that blood eosinophils become activated, leading to their arrest on the endothelium and extravasation. Circulating eosinophils can be envisioned as potentially being in different activation states, including non-activated, pre-activated or “primed”, or fully activated. In addition, the circulation can potentially be deficient of pre-activated or activated eosinophils, because such cells have marginated on activated endothelium or extravasated into the tissue. A number of eosinophil-surface proteins, including CD69, L-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, CD54), CD44, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1, CD162), cytokine receptors, Fc receptors, integrins including αM integrin (CD11b), and activated conformations of Fc receptors and integrins have been proposed to report cell activation. Variation in eosinophil activation states may be associated with asthma activity. Eosinophil-surface proteins proposed to be activation markers, with a particular focus on integrins, and evidence for associations between activation states of blood eosinophils and features of asthma are reviewed here. Partial activation of β1 and β2 integrins on blood eosinophils, reported by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) N29 and KIM-127, is associated with impaired pulmonary function and airway eosinophilia, respectively, in non-severe asthma. The association with lung function does not occur in severe asthma, presumably due to greater eosinophil extravasation, specifically of activated or pre-activated cells, in severe disease. PMID:24552191

  9. Cephamycins, a New Family of β-Lactam Antibiotics I. Production by Actinomycetes, Including Streptomyces lactamdurans sp. n1 (United States)

    Stapley, E. O.; Jackson, M.; Hernandez, S.; Zimmerman, S. B.; Currie, S. A.; Mochales, S.; Mata, J. M.; Woodruff, H. B.; Hendlin, D.


    A number of actinomycetes isolated from soil were found to produce one or more members of a new family of antibiotics, the cephamycins, which are structurally related to cephalosporin C. The cephamycins were produced in submerged fermentation in a wide variety of media by one or more of eight different species of Streptomyces, including a newly described species, S. lactamdurans. These antibiotics exhibit antibacterial activity against a broad spectrum of bacteria which includes many that are resistant to the cephalosporins and penicillins. PMID:4790552

  10. Activated sludge model No. 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gujer, W.; Henze, M.; Mino, T.


    The Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (ASM3) can predict oxygen consumption, sludge production, nitrification and denitrification of activated sludge systems. It relates to the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) and corrects for some defects of ASM I. In addition to ASM1, ASM3 includes storage of org...

  11. Toward the standard population synthesis model of the X-ray background: Evolution of X-ray luminosity and absorption functions of active galactic nuclei including Compton-thick populations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ueda, Yoshihiro [Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502 (Japan); Akiyama, Masayuki [Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 (Japan); Hasinger, Günther [Institute for Astronomy, 2680 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, HI 96822-1839 (United States); Miyaji, Takamitsu [Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico); Watson, Michael G. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH (United Kingdom)


    We present the most up to date X-ray luminosity function (XLF) and absorption function of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) over the redshift range from 0 to 5, utilizing the largest, highly complete sample ever available obtained from surveys performed with Swift/BAT, MAXI, ASCA, XMM-Newton, Chandra, and ROSAT. The combined sample, including that of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey, consists of 4039 detections in the soft (0.5-2 keV) and/or hard (>2 keV) band. We utilize a maximum likelihood method to reproduce the count rate versus redshift distribution for each survey, by taking into account the evolution of the absorbed fraction, the contribution from Compton-thick (CTK) AGNs, and broadband spectra of AGNs, including reflection components from tori based on the luminosity- and redshift-dependent unified scheme. We find that the shape of the XLF at z ∼ 1-3 is significantly different from that in the local universe, for which the luminosity-dependent density evolution model gives much better description than the luminosity and density evolution model. These results establish the standard population synthesis model of the X-ray background (XRB), which well reproduces the source counts, the observed fractions of CTK AGNs, and the spectrum of the hard XRB. The number ratio of CTK AGNs to the absorbed Compton-thin (CTN) AGNs is constrained to be ≈0.5-1.6 to produce the 20-50 keV XRB intensity within present uncertainties, by assuming that they follow the same evolution as CTN AGNs. The growth history of supermassive black holes is discussed based on the new AGN bolometric luminosity function.

  12. Sow-activity classification from acceleration patterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Escalante, Hugo Jair; Rodriguez, Sara V.; Cordero, Jorge


    sow-activity classification can be approached with standard machine learning methods for pattern classification. Individual predictions for elements of times series of arbitrary length are combined to classify it as a whole. An extensive comparison of representative learning algorithms, including......This paper describes a supervised learning approach to sow-activity classification from accelerometer measurements. In the proposed methodology, pairs of accelerometer measurements and activity types are considered as labeled instances of a usual supervised classification task. Under this scenario...... neural networks, support vector machines, and ensemble methods, is presented. Experimental results are reported using a data set for sow-activity classification collected in a real production herd. The data set, which has been widely used in related works, includes measurements from active (Feeding...

  13. A project-based system for including farmers in the EU ETS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Urs Steiner; Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard


    as ‘the missing link’ in past climate negotiations. We argue that farmers have relatively low marginal reduction costs and that consequences in terms of the effect on permit price and technology are overall positive in the EU Emission Trading System (ETS). Thus, we propose a project-based system......Farmers in the EU do not trade greenhouse gases under the Kyoto agreement. This is an empirical puzzle because agriculture is a significant contributor of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the EU and may harvest private net gains from trade. Furthermore, the US has strongly advocated land-use practices...... for including the farming practices in the EU ETS that reduces the uncertainty from measuring emission reduction in this sector. The system encourages GHG reduction either by introducing a new and less polluting practice or by reducing the polluting activity. When doing so, farmers will receive GHG permits...

  14. LANSCE Activity Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amy Robinson; Audrey Archuleta; Barbara Maes; Dan Strottman; Earl Hoffman; Garth Tietjen; Gene Farnum; Geoff Greene; Joyce Roberts; Ken Johnson; Paul Lewis; Roger Pynn; Stan Schriber; Steve Sterbenz; Steve Wender; Sue Harper


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Activity Report describes scientific and technological progress and achievements in LANSCE Division during the period of 1995 to 1998. This report includes a message from the Division Director, an overview of LANSCE, sponsor overviews, research highlights, advanced projects and facility upgrades achievements, experimental and user program accomplishments, news and events, and a list of publications. The research highlights cover the areas of condensed-matter science and engineering, accelerator science, nuclear science, and radiography. This report also contains a compact disk that includes an overview, the Activity Report itself, LANSCE operations progress reports for 1996 and 1997, experiment reports from LANSCE users, as well as a search capability.

  15. Horizon Expansion of Thermal-Hydraulic Activities into HTGR Safety Analysis Including Gas-Turbine Cycle and Hydrogen Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    No, Hee Cheon; Yoon, Ho Joon; Kim, Seung Jun; Lee, Byeng Jin; Kim, Ji Hwan; Kim, Hyeun Min; Lim, Hong Sik


    We present three nuclear/hydrogen-related R and D activities being performed at KAIST: air-ingressed LOCA analysis code development, gas turbine analysis tool development, and hydrogen-production system analysis model development. The ICE numerical technique widely used for the safety analysis of water-reactors is successfully implemented into GAMMA, with which we solve the basic equations for continuity, momentum conservation, energy conservation of the gas mixture, and mass conservation of 6 species (He, N2, O2, CO, CO2, and H2O). GAMMA has been extensively validated using data from 14 test facilities. We developed a tool to predict the characteristics of HTGR helium turbines based on the through flow calculation with a Newton- Raphson method that overcomes the weakness of the conventional method based on the successive iteration scheme. It is found that the current method reaches stable and quick convergence even under the off-normal condition with the same degree of accuracy. The dynamic equations for the distillation column of HI process are described with 4 material components involved in the HI process: H2O, HI, I2, H2. For the HI process we improved the Neumann model based on the NRTL (Non-Random Two-Liquid) model. The improved Neumann model predicted a total pressure with 8.6% maximum relative deviation from the data and 2.5% mean relative deviation, and liquid-liquid-separation with 9.52% maximum relative deviation from the data

  16. syk kinase activation by a src kinase-initiated activation loop phosphorylation chain reaction (United States)

    El-Hillal, O.; Kurosaki, T.; Yamamura, H.; Kinet, J.-P.; Scharenberg, A. M.


    Activation of the syk tyrosine kinase occurs almost immediately following engagement of many types of antigen receptors, including Fc receptors, but the mechanism through which syk is activated is currently unclear. Here we demonstrate that Fc receptor-induced syk activation occurs as the result of phosphorylation of the syk activation loop by both src family kinases and other molecules of activated syk, suggesting that syk activation occurs as the result of a src kinase-initiated activation loop phosphorylation chain reaction. This type of activation mechanism predicts that syk activation would exhibit exponential kinetics, providing a potential explanation for its rapid and robust activation by even weak antigen receptor stimuli. We propose that a similar mechanism may be responsible for generating rapid activation of other cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases, such as those of the Bruton tyrosine kinase/tec family, as well. PMID:9050880

  17. Diagnóstico y tipificación de unidades familiares con y sin gallinas de traspatio en una comunidad de Huatusco, Veracruz (México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Sánchez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available De un censo de 78 unidades familiares que conforman la comunidad de estudio, se obtuvo información de 38; éstos, cuentan con gallinas cuyo personal es responsable de: las aves, del estado de las instalaciones y equipo de trabajo, de conformación de la parvada, de técnicas de manejo, datos productivos y económicos, y de perspectivas de producción; asimismo, información de 30 familias sobre motivos para no dedicarse a dicha actividad. Mediante análisis de conglomerados fueron determinados tres tipos de unidades familiares con gallinas: productores con fin comercial (PFC, caracterizados por tener gallinas criollas para venta de carne y huevo, y tener planes de crecimiento de la parvada; productores para autoconsumo con venta de excedentes (PAV, que se distinguen por criar gallinas de raza comercial, y contar con mayor área de gallinero e implementos; y productores sólo para autoconsumo (PAC, que poseen gallinas de raza comercial, criadas en completa libertad en el traspatio y cafetales. Además de dos tipos de unidades sin gallinas: ex productores (EX, aquellos que han abandonado la actividad, principalmente por falta de espacio y por pérdida del interés; y familias que nunca han tenido gallinas (SN, principalmente porque les desagrada la cría de aves. Se concluye que, aproximadamente, la mitad de las familias están interesadas en las gallinas de traspatio, distinguiéndose tres tipos de productores, todos con instalaciones rústicas y manejo deficiente, especialmente en el cuidado de la salud de las aves; no obstante, otras familias de la comunidad también resultan beneficiadas por la producción excedente de aquéllas.

  18. Anormalidades urinarias en pacientes adultos infectados por VIH

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    Luis Estremadoyro S


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de anormalidades urinarias en pacientes adultos infectados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH y los factores de riesgo asociados. Materiales y métodos: Se examinaron muestras de la primera orina matutina de 61 pacientes seropositivos (Western-Blot atendidos en el consultorio externo del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt entre noviembre 1993 y diciembre de 1994. Se determinó: osmolidad, pH, examen bioquímico por tira reactiva, proteinuria en 24 horas (para pacientes con albuminuria > o = 1+ y sedimento urinario. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 32,4 ± 8,1 años, 58% eran homosexuales, no hubieron adictos a drogas endovenosas y sólo un paciente era de raza negra. El 84% tenía SIDA al momento del estudio. Se encontró por lo menos una alteración en el 27,9% de los pacientes. El porcentaje de pacientes con incapacidad de concentración urinaria fue de 16,0% y de acidosis tubular renal 13,3%. Ningún paciente presentó proteinuria significativa, 3,3% presentó hematuria glomerular y 4,9% hematuria no glomerular. En ningún paciente se encontró glucosuria y se detectó leucocituria sólo en 3.3% de ellos. No se encontró ningúna relación significativa entre variables clínicas y las alteraciones urinarias. Conclusión: La frecuencia de alteraciones urinarias asociadas a daño túbulo inetersticial fue de 29,7%. La ausencia de proteinuria significativa obedece probablemente al escaso porcentaje de pacientes de raza negra y de adictos endovenosos. (Rev Med Hered 1996; 7: 108-112.

  19. Genetic variability of Harton del Valle by RAM Variabilidad genética de Hartón del Valle mediante RAM

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    Alvarez Franco Luz Angela


    Full Text Available Harton del Valle (HV breed belong to the seven Creole breeds of the Colombian bovine livestock, according to FAO criteria it is considered as vulnerable. To study its genetical variability, 33 HV animals and three and 3 animals of Holstein breed as a external control were sampled. Simples of DNA were isolated using the Salting Out method and RAM (Random amplified microsatellites technique was used. CGA, CCA, TG and CT primers were used. The mean value of expected heterocigozity was 0.26 and FST fue 0.39 ± 0.03. Using Dice–Nei Li index and UPGMA clustering method, two groups were distinguished: the first one integrated for two conservation herds and other one by tour faros that have been sharing breeding bulls.El Hartón del Valle (HV hace parte de las siete razas criollas de ganado bovino colombiano y de acuerdo con los criterios de la FAO está considerado como vulnerable. Para estudiar su variabilidad genética fueron muestreados 33 individuos HV y tres animales de la raza Holstein, como control externo. Se extrajo ADN utilizando el método de Salting Out y las muestras fueron analizadas mediante la técnica molecular RAM (Randon amplified microsatellites. Se utilizaron los cebadores CGA, CCA, TG, y CT. El valor promedio de heterocigosidad esperada fue de 0.26 y el FST fue 0.39 ± 0.03. Con el índice de Dice–Nei Li y agrupando con el método UPGMA se distinguieron dos grupos: uno integrado por dos hatos de conservación y el otro por cuatro fincas que han compartido reproductores.


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    César Betancur H


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la seroprevalencia de Leucosis Viral Bovina (LVB en animales con trastornos reproductivos. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron 137 muestras de sangre de hembras con antecedentes de infertilidad, pertenecientes a 28 fincas distribuidas en el municipio de Montería; adicionalmente, se obtuvieron muestras al azar de 26 toros pertenecientes a las mismas fincas que fueron analizadas para anticuerpos contra LVB. La técnica serológica empleada fue la prueba de ELISA. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo tabulando la información con datos de seropositividad y seronegatividad obtenidos de cada animal; los resultados se interpretaron de acuerdo a las variables: raza, edad, sexo, zona, tipo de explotación y evento o problema reproductivo detectado. Para determinar la asociación entre seropositividad y cada una de las variables se utilizó la prueba de c2. Resultados. Las pruebas arrojaron una seroprevalencia del 21% para LVB. No se encontraron diferencias significativas de prevalencia asociadas a las variables raza, edad o estado reproductivo de los animales (p³0.05, pero si entre la presencia de anticuerpos contra LVB y las variables zona, tipo de explotación y sexo. Conclusiones. Se demuestra la circulación del virus de la LVB en Montería, (Colombia. Se confirma la importancia de implementar un programa de control y prevención de la diseminación de la infección, con el fin de evitar las pérdidas económicas asociadas, y dentro de lo posible, la eliminación de los especímenes seropositivos para lograr la erradicación de la infección en esta zona del país.

  1. Suplementación y metabolismo de hierro en neonatos bovinos en condiciones de trópico

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    Paola Andrea Páez


    Full Text Available Se estudió el efecto del suministro de hierro en la dinámica hemática y su metabolismo en terneros; para el efecto se seleccionaron 72 neonatos bovinos pertenecientes a tres grupos raciales: dos de origen Bos taurus (Hartón de Valle y Holstein Friesian y uno de origen Bos indicus (Cebú Brahmán para un total de 24 animales por raza y ocho animales por grupo experimental. Los animales del grupo 1 recibieron 500 mg de hierro dextran intramuscular (T1, al grupo 2 se le suministraron 100 mg de espirulina oral (T2 y el grupo 3 permaneció como control (T3. El suministro de hierro se hizo cada mes desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 meses de edad de los terneros, mensualmente se tomaron muestras de sangre mediante venipunción yugular y sistema vacutainer en tubos con y sin anticoagulante (EDTA. El promedio de ganancia de peso vivo animal fue 509 ± 0.40 g/día. El número de leucocitos/mm³ fue de 16,059. El promedio de hemoglobina en sangre fue de 12.11 ± 2.8 g/dl, el hematocrito presentó un valor de 38.4% ± 7.6 y la concentración promedio de hemoglobina corpuscular fue de 31.62% ± 4.7. La proteína sérica presentó un valor promedio de 5.55 ± 0.7 g/dl, el valor promedio de hierro sérico fue de 18.70± 11.8 µmol/lt. Los análisis estadísticos mostraron que el factor mes de muestreo y raza fueron significativos para los valores séricos de los metabolitos analizados, mientras que los valores de la concentración promedio de hemoglobina corpuscular lo fueron para tratamiento (P < 0.01.

  2. Determinación serológica de leucosis bovina enzoótica en novillas de levante y vacas adultas de la vereda Morichal, Yopal, Casanare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelly Andrea Bautista-R.


    Full Text Available La investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de realizar una determinación serológica de leucosis bovina enzoótica en novillas de levante y vacas adultas. Se recolectaron 100 muestras de sangre de hembras escogidas al azar, pertenecientes a tres fincas del sector La Guafilla, de la vereda Morichal, en Yopal, Casanare, las cuales fueron analizadas para anticuerpos contra el LVB (virus de la Leucosis Viral Bovina; adicionalmente, se obtuvieron 100 muestras de los mismos animales para realización de hemograma, con el fin de observar cambios a nivel sanguíneo de aquellos que resultaran positivos. La técnica serológica empleada fue la prueba de ELISA indirecta. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo tabulando la información con datos de seropositividad y seronegatividad obtenidos de cada animal; los resultados se interpretaron de acuerdo con las variables raza, edad y variaciones del cuadro hemático. Para determinar la relación entre seropositividad y cada una de las variables se utilizó la prueba de Probabilidad de Fisher. Las pruebas arrojaron una seroprevalencia del 15% para LVB. No se encontraron diferencias significativas de prevalencia asociadas a las variables raza, edad o resultados del hemograma (p>=0.05. Se demuestra la presencia del virus LBE en La Guafilla. Se confirma la importancia de implementar un programa de control y prevención de la diseminación de la infección, con el fin de evitar las pérdidas económicas asociadas, y, dentro de lo posible, la eliminación de los animales seropositivos para lograr la erradicación de la infección en esta zona del país.

  3. Activator Gcn4 Employs Multiple Segments of Med15/Gal11, Including the KIX Domain, to Recruit Mediator to Target Genes in Vivo*♦


    Jedidi, Iness; Zhang, Fan; Qiu, Hongfang; Stahl, Stephen J.; Palmer, Ira; Kaufman, Joshua D.; Nadaud, Philippe S.; Mukherjee, Sujoy; Wingfield, Paul T.; Jaroniec, Christopher P.; Hinnebusch, Alan G.


    Mediator is a multisubunit coactivator required for initiation by RNA polymerase II. The Mediator tail subdomain, containing Med15/Gal11, is a target of the activator Gcn4 in vivo, critical for recruitment of native Mediator or the Mediator tail subdomain present in sin4Δ cells. Although several Gal11 segments were previously shown to bind Gcn4 in vitro, the importance of these interactions for recruitment of Mediator and transcriptional activation by Gcn4 in cells was unknown. We show that i...

  4. Workplace physical activity interventions: a systematic review. (United States)

    To, Quyen G; Chen, Ted T L; Magnussen, Costan G; To, Kien G


    To assess the effectiveness of workplace interventions in improving physical activity. EBSCO research database (and all subdatabases). Articles were published from 2000 to 2010 in English, had appropriate designs, and measured employees' physical activity, energy consumption, and/or body mass index (BMI) as primary outcomes. Articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Data extracted included study design, study population, duration, intervention activities, outcomes, and results. Data were synthesized into one table. Results of each relevant outcome including p values were combined. Twelve (60%) of 20 selected interventions reported an improvement in physical activity level, steps, or BMI, and there was one slowed step reduction in the intervention group. Among these, 10 were less than 6 months in duration; 9 used pedometers; 6 applied Internet-based approaches; and 5 included activities targeting social and environmental levels. Seven of 8 interventions with pre-posttest and quasi-experimental controlled design showed improvement on at least one outcome. However, 7 of 12 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) did not prove effective in any outcome. Interventions that had less rigorous research designs, used pedometers, applied Internet-based approaches, and included activities at social and environmental levels were more likely to report being effective than those without these characteristics.

  5. CDBG Housing Activity (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — CDBG activity related to housing, including multifamily rehab, housing services, code enforcement, operation and repair of foreclosed property and public housing...

  6. Science Activities in Energy: Electrical Energy. (United States)

    Oak Ridge Associated Universities, TN.

    Presented is a science activities in energy package which includes 16 activities relating to electrical energy. Activities are simple, concrete experiments for fourth, fifth and sixth grades which illustrate principles and problems relating to energy. Each activity is outlined in a single card which is introduced by a question. A teacher's…

  7. SAMPO 90 high resolution interactive gamma-spectrum analysis including automation with macros

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aarnio, P.A.; Nikkinen, M.T.; Routti, J.T.


    SAMPO 90 is high performance gamma-spectrum analysis program for personal computers. It uses color graphics to display calibrations, spectra, fitting results as multiplet components, and analysis results. All the analysis phases can be done either under full interactive user control or macros and programmable function keys can be used for completely automated measurement and analysis sequences including the control of MACs and sample changers. Accurate peak area determination of even the most complex multiplets, of up to 32 components, is accomplished using linear and mixed mode fitting. Nuclide identification is done using associated lines techniques allowing interference correction for fully overlapping peaks. Peaked Background Subtraction can be performed and Minimum Detectable Activities calculated. The analysis reports and program parameters are fully customizable. (author) 13 refs.; 1 fig

  8. Emotionally Intense Science Activities (United States)

    King, Donna; Ritchie, Stephen; Sandhu, Maryam; Henderson, Senka


    Science activities that evoke positive emotional responses make a difference to students' emotional experience of science. In this study, we explored 8th Grade students' discrete emotions expressed during science activities in a unit on Energy. Multiple data sources including classroom videos, interviews and emotion diaries completed at the end of…

  9. Changes in endocrine thymus function in patients with breast cancer under the action of combined treatment including non-specific active immunotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bendyug, G.D.


    The state of endocrine thymus function in patients with breast cancer of the 1st-4th stage and in 31 patients with precancerous diseases is studied. It is established that considerable decrease of thymus serous factor (TSF) content in all patients is observed. Radiation- and polychemotherapy carried out decreases the endocrine thymus function. Inclusions of non-specific active immunotherapy in patients' treatment promote the increase of TSF content, that increases treatment efficiency

  10. Evaluation of a novel educational strategy, including inhaler-based reminder labels, to improve asthma inhaler technique. (United States)

    Basheti, Iman A; Armour, Carol L; Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia Z; Reddel, Helen K


    To evaluate the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of a brief intervention about inhaler technique, delivered by community pharmacists to asthma patients. Thirty-one pharmacists received brief workshop education (Active: n=16, CONTROL: n=15). Active Group pharmacists were trained to assess and teach dry powder inhaler technique, using patient-centered educational tools including novel Inhaler Technique Labels. Interventions were delivered to patients at four visits over 6 months. At baseline, patients (Active: 53, CONTROL: 44) demonstrated poor inhaler technique (mean+/-S.D. score out of 9, 5.7+/-1.6). At 6 months, improvement in inhaler technique score was significantly greater in Active cf. CONTROL patients (2.8+/-1.6 cf. 0.9+/-1.4, p<0.001), and asthma severity was significantly improved (p=0.015). Qualitative responses from patients and pharmacists indicated a high level of satisfaction with the intervention and educational tools, both for their effectiveness and for their impact on the patient-pharmacist relationship. A simple feasible intervention in community pharmacies, incorporating daily reminders via Inhaler Technique Labels on inhalers, can lead to improvement in inhaler technique and asthma outcomes. Brief training modules and simple educational tools, such as Inhaler Technique Labels, can provide a low-cost and sustainable way of changing patient behavior in asthma, using community pharmacists as educators.

  11. Levels of major and trace elements, including rare earth elements, and ²³⁸U in Croatian tap waters. (United States)

    Fiket, Željka; Rožmarić, Martina; Krmpotić, Matea; Benedik, Ljudmila


    Concentrations of 46 elements, including major, trace, and rare earth elements, and (238)U in Croatian tap waters were investigated. Selected sampling locations include tap waters from various hydrogeological regions, i.e., different types of aquifers, providing insight into the range of concentrations of studied elements and (238)U activity concentrations in Croatian tap waters. Obtained concentrations were compared with the Croatian maximum contaminant levels for trace elements in water intended for human consumption, as well as WHO and EPA drinking water standards. Concentrations in all analyzed tap waters were found in accordance with Croatian regulations, except tap water from Šibenik in which manganese in concentration above maximum permissible concentration (MPC) was measured. Furthermore, in tap water from Osijek, levels of arsenic exceeded the WHO guidelines and EPA regulations. In general, investigated tap waters were found to vary considerably in concentrations of studied elements, including (238)U activity concentrations. Causes of variability were further explored using statistical methods. Composition of studied tap waters was found to be predominately influenced by hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer, at regional and local level, the existing redox conditions, and the household plumbing system. Rare earth element data, including abundances and fractionation patterns, complemented the characterization and facilitated the interpretation of factors affecting the composition of the analyzed tap waters.

  12. Activated carbons and gold

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDougall, G.J.; Hancock, R.D.


    The literature on activated carbon is reviewed so as to provide a general background with respect to the effect of source material and activation procedure on carbon properties, the structure and chemical nature of the surface of the activated carbon, and the nature of absorption processes on carbon. The various theories on the absorption of gold and silver from cyanide solutions are then reviewed, followed by a discussion of processes for the recovery of gold and silver from cyanide solutions using activated carbon, including a comparison with zinc precipitation

  13. 7 CFR 57.119 - Political activity. (United States)


    ... Political activity. Federal inspectors may participate in certain political activities, including management and participation in political campaigns as allowed by Federal regulation and AMS directives... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Political activity. 57.119 Section 57.119 Agriculture...

  14. Fabrication of SWCNT-Ag nanoparticle hybrid included self-assemblies for antibacterial applications.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayanti Brahmachari

    Full Text Available The present article reports the development of soft nanohybrids comprising of single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT included silver nanoparticles (AgNPs having superior antibacterial property. In this regard aqueous dispersing agent of carbon nanotube (CNT containing a silver ion reducing unit was synthesised by the inclusion of tryptophan and tyrosine within the backbone of the amphiphile. The dispersions were characterized spectroscopically and microscopically using TEM, AFM and Raman spectroscopy. The nanotube-nanoparticle conjugates were prepared by the in situ photoreduction of AgNO3. The phenolate residue and the indole moieties of tyrosine and tryptophan, respectively reduces the sliver ion as well as acts as stabilizing agents for the synthesized AgNPs. The nanohybrids were characterized using TEM and AFM. The antibacterial activity of the nanohybrids was studied against Gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis and Micrococcus luteus and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella aerogenes. The SWCNT dispersions showed moderate killing ability (40-60% against Gram-positive bacteria however no antibacterial activity was observed against the Gram negative ones. Interestingly, the developed SWCNT-amphiphile-AgNP nanohybrids exhibited significant killing ability (∼90% against all bacteria. Importantly, the cell viability of these newly developed self-assemblies was checked towards chinese hamster ovarian cells and high cell viability was observed after 24 h of incubation. This specific killing of bacterial cells may have been achieved due to the presence of higher -SH containing proteins in the cell walls of the bacteria. The developed nanohybrids were subsequently infused into tissue engineering scaffold agar-gelatin films and the films similarly showed bactericidal activity towards both kinds of bacterial strains while allowing normal growth of eukaryotic cells on the surface of the films.

  15. NURE 1978 annual activity report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Technical activities undertaken during calender year 1978 to support DOE's National Uranium Resource Evaluation program are summarized. These activities include quadrangle evaluation, aerial radiometric reconnaissance and detail surveys, subsurface investigations, hydrogeochemical and stream-sediment reconnaissance, and geologic studies

  16. Cancer, Physical Activity, and Exercise (United States)

    Brown, Justin C.; Winters-Stone, Kerri; Lee, Augustine; Schmitz, Kathryn H.


    This review examines the relationship between physical activity and cancer along the cancer continuum, and serves as a synthesis of systematic and meta-analytic reviews conducted to date. There exists a large body of epidemiologic evidence that conclude those who participate in higher levels of physical activity have a reduced likelihood of developing a variety of cancers compared to those who engage in lower levels of physical activity. Despite this observational evidence, the causal pathway underling the association between participation in physical activity and cancer risk reduction remains unclear. Physical activity is also a useful adjunct to improve the deleterious sequelae experienced during cancer treatment. These deleterious sequelae may include fatigue, muscular weakness, deteriorated functional capacity, including many others. The benefits of physical activity during cancer treatment are similar to those experienced after treatment. Despite the growing volume of literature examining physical activity and cancer across the cancer continuum, a number of research gaps exist. There is little evidence on the safety of physical activity among all cancer survivors, as most trials have selectively recruited participants. It is also unclear the specific dose of exercise needed that is optimal for primary cancer prevention or symptom control during and after cancer treatment. PMID:23720265

  17. Nephrin regulates lamellipodia formation by assembling a protein complex that includes Ship2, filamin and lamellipodin.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madhusudan Venkatareddy

    Full Text Available Actin dynamics has emerged at the forefront of podocyte biology. Slit diaphragm junctional adhesion protein Nephrin is necessary for development of the podocyte morphology and transduces phosphorylation-dependent signals that regulate cytoskeletal dynamics. The present study extends our understanding of Nephrin function by showing in cultured podocytes that Nephrin activation induced actin dynamics is necessary for lamellipodia formation. Upon activation Nephrin recruits and regulates a protein complex that includes Ship2 (SH2 domain containing 5' inositol phosphatase, Filamin and Lamellipodin, proteins important in regulation of actin and focal adhesion dynamics, as well as lamellipodia formation. Using the previously described CD16-Nephrin clustering system, Nephrin ligation or activation resulted in phosphorylation of the actin crosslinking protein Filamin in a p21 activated kinase dependent manner. Nephrin activation in cell culture results in formation of lamellipodia, a process that requires specialized actin dynamics at the leading edge of the cell along with focal adhesion turnover. In the CD16-Nephrin clustering model, Nephrin ligation resulted in abnormal morphology of actin tails in human podocytes when Ship2, Filamin or Lamellipodin were individually knocked down. We also observed decreased lamellipodia formation and cell migration in these knock down cells. These data provide evidence that Nephrin not only initiates actin polymerization but also assembles a protein complex that is necessary to regulate the architecture of the generated actin filament network and focal adhesion dynamics.

  18. Seguridad de la ivermectina: toxicidad y reacciones adversas en diversas especies de mamíferos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aránzazu González Canga


    Full Text Available La ivermectina es un fármaco antiparasitario muy utilizado en Medicina Veterinaria, dado su espectro de actividad que abarca tanto endo como ectoparásitos, elevada eficacia y amplio margen de seguridad. No obstante, su administración puede dar lugar a efectos tóxicos. La mayoría de ellos derivan de la sobredosificación del compuesto, aunque también se han descrito, a dosis terapéuticas, casos de susceptibilidad extrema a los efectos neurotóxicos del fármaco en determinadas razas o subpoblaciones de animales, así como reacciones anafilácticas por la destrucción masiva de parásitos.

  19. Las mestizas y el concubinato en el patriarcal Santafé de Bogota, siglo XVIII


    Dueñas Vargas, Guiomar


    El cortejo, el matrimonio y la formación de familias en Santafé, Nueva Granada no se acogían a la norma única del rito católico promulgado por la Corona española y por la iglesia. La diversidad de formas de unión era lo usual. Estas uniones «irregulares» estaban asociadas a la raza de los contrayentes, a la situación socioeconómica y a la diferencia genérica. El rito católico al alcance sólo de una minoría blanca sirvió a los fines de la diferenciación social y fue dispositivo de las “gentes ...

  20. Dactilosis espontánea o ainhum Spontaneous dactilosysis or ainhum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Wolff


    Full Text Available La dactilolisis espontánea o ainhum es una enfermedad rara de la raza negra que lleva a la amputación espontánea de los dedos del pie. Se informa el hallazgo de dos casos, uno de ellos bilateral, en dos pacientes del municipio del Alto Baudó (Chocó.

    Spontaneous dactilolysis, also known as ainhum, is an infrequent disease of black people, that leads to spontaneous toe amputation. We report on the finding of two cases, one of them bilateral, in residentes of Alto Baudó (Chocó, Colombia.

  1. Efecto de la luz, el oxígeno, el tiempo de reacción y el pH en el proceso de obtención de nitrosil hemocromo a partir de la sangre de res


    Artiñano Hangen, Susanne; Herrera Ramírez, Carlos Hernán


    El propósito de este trabajo fue definir las condiciones de estabilización química de la sangre y evaluar el efecto de la luz, el oxígeno, el pH y el tiempo de reacción en el proceso de obtención de nitrosil hemocromo a partir de la sangre del ganado vacuno de la raza Brahman. Se encontró que el uso de una disolución anticoagulante de citrato de sodio (0,5%; m/w) y cloruro de sodio (0,9%; m/v) en proporción 9:1 (sangre:anticoagulante) es apropiada para la recolección y estabilización de la...

  2. Metabolite analysis of endophytic fungi from cultivars of Zingiber officinale Rosc. identifies myriad of bioactive compounds including tyrosol. (United States)

    Anisha, C; Radhakrishnan, E K


    Endophytic fungi associated with rhizomes of four cultivars of Zingiber officinale were identified by molecular and morphological methods and evaluated for their activity against soft rot pathogen Pythium myriotylum and clinical pathogens. The volatile bioactive metabolites produced by these isolates were identified by GC-MS analysis of the fungal crude extracts. Understanding of the metabolites produced by endophytes is also important in the context of raw consumption of ginger as medicine and spice. A total of fifteen isolates were identified from the four varieties studied. The various genera identified were Acremonium sp., Gliocladiopsis sp., Fusarium sp., Colletotrichum sp., Aspergillus sp., Phlebia sp., Earliella sp., and Pseudolagarobasidium sp. The endophytic community was unique to each variety, which could be due to the varying host genotype. Fungi from phylum Basidiomycota were identified for the first time from ginger. Seven isolates showed activity against Pythium, while only two showed antibacterial activity. The bioactive metabolites identified in the fungal crude extracts include tyrosol, benzene acetic acid, ergone, dehydromevalonic lactone, N-aminopyrrolidine, and many bioactive fatty acids and their derivatives which included linoleic acid, oleic acid, myristic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid, palmitic acid methyl ester, and methyl linoleate. The presence of these varying bioactive endophytic fungi may be one of the reasons for the differences in the performance of the different ginger varieties.

  3. A reliability study on brain activation during active and passive arm movements supported by an MRI-compatible robot. (United States)

    Estévez, Natalia; Yu, Ningbo; Brügger, Mike; Villiger, Michael; Hepp-Reymond, Marie-Claude; Riener, Robert; Kollias, Spyros


    In neurorehabilitation, longitudinal assessment of arm movement related brain function in patients with motor disability is challenging due to variability in task performance. MRI-compatible robots monitor and control task performance, yielding more reliable evaluation of brain function over time. The main goals of the present study were first to define the brain network activated while performing active and passive elbow movements with an MRI-compatible arm robot (MaRIA) in healthy subjects, and second to test the reproducibility of this activation over time. For the fMRI analysis two models were compared. In model 1 movement onset and duration were included, whereas in model 2 force and range of motion were added to the analysis. Reliability of brain activation was tested with several statistical approaches applied on individual and group activation maps and on summary statistics. The activated network included mainly the primary motor cortex, primary and secondary somatosensory cortex, superior and inferior parietal cortex, medial and lateral premotor regions, and subcortical structures. Reliability analyses revealed robust activation for active movements with both fMRI models and all the statistical methods used. Imposed passive movements also elicited mainly robust brain activation for individual and group activation maps, and reliability was improved by including additional force and range of motion using model 2. These findings demonstrate that the use of robotic devices, such as MaRIA, can be useful to reliably assess arm movement related brain activation in longitudinal studies and may contribute in studies evaluating therapies and brain plasticity following injury in the nervous system.

  4. Arctic industrial activities compilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Most industrial activities in the Beaufort Sea region are directly or indirectly associated with the search for oil and gas. Activities in marine areas include dredging, drilling, seismic and sounding surveys, island/camp maintenance, vessel movements, helicoptor and fixed-wind flights, and ice-breaking. This inventory contains a summary of chemical usage at 119 offshore drilling locations in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Islands and Davis Straight of the Canadian Arctic between 1973 and 1987. Data are graphically displayed for evaluating patterns of drill waste discharge in the three offshore drilling areas. These displays include a comparison of data obtained from tour sheets and well history records, summaries of drilling mud chemicals used by year, well and oil company, frequency of wells drilled as a function of water depth, and offshore drilling activity by year, company, and platform. 21 refs., 104 figs., 2 tabs

  5. Participant and Public Involvement in Refining a Peer-Volunteering Active Aging Intervention: Project ACE (Active, Connected, Engaged). (United States)

    Withall, Janet; Thompson, Janice L; Fox, Kenneth R; Davis, Mark; Gray, Selena; de Koning, Jolanthe; Lloyd, Liz; Parkhurst, Graham; Stathi, Afroditi


    Evidence for the health benefits of a physically active lifestyle among older adults is strong, yet only a small proportion of older people meet physical activity recommendations. A synthesis of evidence identified "best bet" approaches, and this study sought guidance from end-user representatives and stakeholders to refine one of these, a peer-volunteering active aging intervention. Focus groups with 28 older adults and four professional volunteer managers were conducted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 older volunteers. Framework analysis was used to gauge participants' views on the ACE intervention. Motives for engaging in community groups and activities were almost entirely social. Barriers to participation were lack of someone to attend with, lack of confidence, fear of exclusion or "cliquiness" in established groups, bad weather, transport issues, inaccessibility of activities, ambivalence, and older adults being "set in their ways". Motives for volunteering included "something to do," avoiding loneliness, the need to feel needed, enjoyment, and altruism. Challenges included negative events between volunteer and recipient of volunteering support, childcare commitments, and high volunteering workload. Peer-volunteering approaches have great potential for promotion of active aging. The systematic multistakeholder approach adopted in this study led to important refinements of the original ACE intervention. The findings provide guidance for active aging community initiatives highlighting the importance of effective recruitment strategies and of tackling major barriers including lack of motivation, confidence, and readiness to change; transport issues; security concerns and cost; activity availability; and lack of social support.

  6. Teaching Methods in Biology Education and Sustainability Education Including Outdoor Education for Promoting Sustainability—A Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eila Jeronen


    Full Text Available There are very few studies concerning the importance of teaching methods in biology education and environmental education including outdoor education for promoting sustainability at the levels of primary and secondary schools and pre-service teacher education. The material was selected using special keywords from biology and sustainable education in several scientific databases. The article provides an overview of 24 selected articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from 2006–2016. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Altogether, 16 journals were selected and 24 articles were analyzed in detail. The foci of the analyses were teaching methods, learning environments, knowledge and thinking skills, psychomotor skills, emotions and attitudes, and evaluation methods. Additionally, features of good methods were investigated and their implications for teaching were emphasized. In total, 22 different teaching methods were found to improve sustainability education in different ways. The most emphasized teaching methods were those in which students worked in groups and participated actively in learning processes. Research points toward the value of teaching methods that provide a good introduction and supportive guidelines and include active participation and interactivity.

  7. Appraisal of the renal function in health donors of the Specialities Hospital Centro Medico La Raza, IMSS; Valoracion de la funcion renal en donadores sanos del Hospital de Especialidades Centro Medico La Raza, IMSS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Llanos O, S.V


    The techniques of Nuclear Medicine (MN) represent the most reliable and sure forms in measurement of the glomeruli filtrate (FG) and of the effective renal plasmatic flow (FPRE), by means of a simple, practical, innocuous and economic method that doesn't require urine gathering, available in the services of (MN). The renal gamma gram is at the moment the election procedure in the diagnosis and evaluation of diverse nephro urological pathologies since it provides objective information of the renal function as well as of the characteristics of the drainage of the urinal tract. They provide to the clinical doctor a real measurement of the state of the purifying renal function. their determinations are not affected by the habitual protein ingesta, they can be made with any level of seric creatinine, the exercise, size, sex. Their methodology uses the unique injection technique for each one, in which the renal purification is determined by means of Gary Gates method and the tubular secretion by based on the method of Schlegel. These techniques show a very high correlation coefficient with those standard of gold and they lack the inherent inconveniences to the technique of urine gathering. The used radiopharmaceuticals are diethylen triamine penta acetic-Tc {sup 99m} acid and Orto iodine hippurate- I{sup 131} the only requirement for the realization of the study is an appropriate hydration (10-15 ml/Kg is calculated.) (Author)

  8. Neurochemistry of neurons in the ventrolateral medulla activated by hypotension: Are the same neurons activated by glucoprivation? (United States)

    Parker, Lindsay M; Le, Sheng; Wearne, Travis A; Hardwick, Kate; Kumar, Natasha N; Robinson, Katherine J; McMullan, Simon; Goodchild, Ann K


    Previous studies have demonstrated that a range of stimuli activate neurons, including catecholaminergic neurons, in the ventrolateral medulla. Not all catecholaminergic neurons are activated and other neurochemical content is largely unknown hence whether stimulus specific populations exist is unclear. Here we determine the neurochemistry (using in situ hybridization) of catecholaminergic and noncatecholaminergic neurons which express c-Fos immunoreactivity throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the ventrolateral medulla, in Sprague Dawley rats treated with hydralazine or saline. Distinct neuronal populations containing PPCART, PPPACAP, and PPNPY mRNAs, which were largely catecholaminergic, were activated by hydralazine but not saline. Both catecholaminergic and noncatecholaminergic neurons containing preprotachykinin and prepro-enkephalin (PPE) mRNAs were also activated, with the noncatecholaminergic population located in the rostral C1 region. Few GlyT2 neurons were activated. A subset of these data was then used to compare the neuronal populations activated by 2-deoxyglucose evoked glucoprivation (Brain Structure and Function (2015) 220:117). Hydralazine activated more neurons than 2-deoxyglucose but similar numbers of catecholaminergic neurons. Commonly activated populations expressing PPNPY and PPE mRNAs were defined. These likely include PPNPY expressing catecholaminergic neurons projecting to vasopressinergic and corticotrophin releasing factor neurons in the paraventricular nucleus, which when activated result in elevated plasma vasopressin and corticosterone. Stimulus specific neurons included noncatecholaminergic neurons and a few PPE positive catecholaminergic neuron but neurochemical codes were largely unidentified. Reasons for the lack of identification of stimulus specific neurons, readily detectable using electrophysiology in anaesthetized preparations and for which neural circuits can be defined, are discussed. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Activated recombinant adenovirus proteinases (United States)

    Anderson, Carl W.; Mangel, Walter F.


    This application describes methods and expression constructs for producing activatable recombinant adenovirus proteinases. Purified activatable recombinant adenovirus proteinases and methods of purification are described. Activated adenovirus proteinases and methods for obtaining activated adenovirus proteinases are further included. Isolated peptide cofactors of adenovirus proteinase activity, methods of purifying and identifying said peptide cofactors are also described. Antibodies immunoreactive with adenovirus proteinases, immunospecific antibodies, and methods for preparing them are also described. Other related methods and materials are also described.

  10. The use of a running wheel to measure activity in rodents: relationship to energy balance, general activity, and reward. (United States)

    Novak, Colleen M; Burghardt, Paul R; Levine, James A


    Running wheels are commonly employed to measure rodent physical activity in a variety of contexts, including studies of energy balance and obesity. There is no consensus on the nature of wheel-running activity or its underlying causes, however. Here, we will begin by systematically reviewing how running wheel availability affects physical activity and other aspects of energy balance in laboratory rodents. While wheel running and physical activity in the absence of a wheel commonly correlate in a general sense, in many specific aspects the two do not correspond. In fact, the presence of running wheels alters several aspects of energy balance, including body weight and composition, food intake, and energy expenditure of activity. We contend that wheel-running activity should be considered a behavior in and of itself, reflecting several underlying behavioral processes in addition to a rodent's general, spontaneous activity. These behavioral processes include defensive behavior, predatory aggression, and depression- and anxiety-like behaviors. As it relates to energy balance, wheel running engages several brain systems-including those related to the stress response, mood, and reward, and those responsive to growth factors-that influence energy balance indirectly. We contend that wheel-running behavior represents factors in addition to rodents' tendency to be physically active, engaging additional neural and physiological mechanisms which can then independently alter energy balance and behavior. Given the impact of wheel-running behavior on numerous overlapping systems that influence behavior and physiology, this review outlines the need for careful design and interpretation of studies that utilize running wheels as a means for exercise or as a measurement of general physical activity. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. The use of a running wheel to measure activity in rodents: Relationship to energy balance, general activity, and reward (United States)

    Levine, James A.


    Running wheels are commonly employed to measure rodent physical activity in a variety of contexts, including studies of energy balance and obesity. There is no consensus on the nature of wheel-running activity or its underlying causes, however. Here, we will begin by systematically reviewing how running wheel availability affects physical activity and other aspects of energy balance in laboratory rodents. While wheel running and physical activity in the absence of a wheel commonly correlate in a general sense, in many specific aspects the two do not correspond. In fact, the presence of running wheels alters several aspects of energy balance, including body weight and composition, food intake, and energy expenditure of activity. We contend that wheel-running activity should be considered a behavior in and of itself, reflecting several underlying behavioral processes in addition to a rodent's general, spontaneous activity. These behavioral processes include defensive behavior, predatory aggression, and depression- and anxiety-like behaviors. As it relates to energy balance, wheel running engages several brain systems—including those related to the stress response, mood, and reward, and those responsive to growth factors—that influence energy balance indirectly. We contend that wheel-running behavior represents factors in addition to rodents' tendency to be physically active, engaging additional neural and physiological mechanisms which can then independently alter energy balance and behavior. Given the impact of wheel-running behavior on numerous overlapping systems that influence behavior and physiology, this review outlines the need for careful design and interpretation of studies that utilize running wheels as a means for exercise or as a measurement of general physical activity. PMID:22230703

  12. Being Included and Excluded

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korzenevica, Marina


    Following the civil war of 1996–2006, there was a dramatic increase in the labor mobility of young men and the inclusion of young women in formal education, which led to the transformation of the political landscape of rural Nepal. Mobility and schooling represent a level of prestige that rural...... politics. It analyzes how formal education and mobility either challenge or reinforce traditional gendered norms which dictate a lowly position for young married women in the household and their absence from community politics. The article concludes that women are simultaneously excluded and included from...... community politics. On the one hand, their mobility and decision-making powers decrease with the increase in the labor mobility of men and their newly gained education is politically devalued when compared to the informal education that men gain through mobility, but on the other hand, schooling strengthens...

  13. Sellafield Site (including Drigg) emergency scheme manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Scheme defines the organisation and procedures available should there be an accident at the Sellafield Site which results in, or may result in, the release of radioactive material, or the generation of a high radiation field, which might present a hazard to employees and/or the general public. Several categories of emergencies on the Sellafield Site are mentioned; a building emergency which is confined to one building, a Site emergency standby when the effects of a building emergency go outside that building, a Site emergency alert (District Emergency Standby) when a release of activity affects Site operations and could have serious Site effects and a District Emergency Alert when a radioactivity release may interfere with the normal activity of the General Public. A Drigg Emergency Standby situation would operate similarly at the Drigg Site. The detailed arrangements and responsibilities of appointed personnel are set out in this manual. (UK)

  14. 7 CFR 70.25 - Political activity. (United States)


    ... Graders § 70.25 Political activity. Federal graders may participate in certain political activities, including management and participation in political campaigns in accordance with AMS policy. Graders are... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Political activity. 70.25 Section 70.25 Agriculture...

  15. A Beginner's Sequence of Programming Activities. (United States)

    Slesnick, Twila


    Presents various programing activities using the BASIC and LOGO programing languages. Activities are included in separate sections with a title indicating the nature of the activities and the "tools" (commands) needed. For example, "Old-fashioned drawing" requires several tools (PRINT, LIST, RUN, GOTO) to make drawings using…

  16. 75 FR 62424 - EDS, an HP Company (Re-Branded as HP-Enterprise Services) Including On-Site Workers From: Abel... (United States)


    ...-Branded as HP--Enterprise Services) Including On-Site Workers From: Abel Personnel Inc., Advantage Tech... February 4, 2010, applicable to workers of EDS, an HP Company (Re- branded as HP--Enterprise Services...-branded as HP-- Enterprise Services). These employees provided various activities related to the supply of...

  17. A Score for Risk of Thrombolysis-Associated Hemorrhage Including Pretreatment with Statins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hebun Erdur


    Full Text Available BackgroundSymptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH after intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator (rt-PA for acute ischemic stroke is associated with a poor functional outcome. We aimed to develop a score assessing risk of sICH including novel putative predictors—namely, pretreatment with statins and severe renal impairment.MethodsWe analyzed our local cohort (Berlin of patients receiving rt-PA for acute ischemic stroke between 2006 and 2016. Outcome was sICH according to ECASS-III criteria. A multiple regression model identified variables associated with sICH and receiver operating characteristics were calculated for the best discriminatory model for sICH. The model was validated in an independent thrombolysis cohort (Basel.ResultssICH occurred in 53 (4.0% of 1,336 patients in the derivation cohort. Age, baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, systolic blood pressure on admission, blood glucose on admission, and prior medication with medium- or high-dose statins were associated with sICH and included into the risk of intracranial hemorrhage score. The validation cohort included 983 patients of whom 33 (3.4% had a sICH. c-Statistics for sICH was 0.72 (95% CI 0.66–0.79 in the derivation cohort and 0.69 (95% CI 0.60–0.77 in the independent validation cohort. Inclusion of severe renal impairment did not improve the score.ConclusionWe developed a simple score with fair discriminating capability to predict rt-PA-related sICH by adding prior statin use to known prognostic factors of sICH. This score may help clinicians to identify patients with higher risk of sICH requiring intensive monitoring.

  18. Experience from the Inspection of Licensees' Outage Activities, Including Fire Protection Programmes, Event Response Inspections, and the Impact of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident on Inspection Programmes. Workshop Proceedings, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States, 7-10 April 2014

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The main purpose of the workshop was to provide a forum of exchange of information on the regulatory inspection activities. Participants had the opportunity to meet with their counterparts from other countries and organisations to discuss current and future issues on the selected topics. They developed conclusions regarding these issues and hopefully, identified methods to help improve their own inspection programmes. The NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) believes that an essential factor in ensuring the safety of nuclear installations is the continuing exchange and analysis of technical information and data. To facilitate this exchange the Committee has established working groups and groups of experts in specialised topics. The Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP) was formed in 1990 with the mandate ' concentrate on the conduct of inspections and how the effectiveness of inspections could be evaluated..'. The WGIP facilitates the exchange of information and experience related to regulatory safety inspections between CNRA member countries. These proceedings cover the 12. International Workshop held by WGIP on regulatory inspection activities. This workshop, which is the twelfth in a series, along with many other activities performed by the Working Group, is directed towards this goal. The consensus from participants at previous workshops, noted that the value of meeting with people from other inspection organisations was one of the most important achievements. The focus of this workshop was on experience gained from regulatory inspection activities in three areas: - Inspection of Outage Activities Including Fire Protection Programmes. - Event Response Inspections. - The Impact of Inspection Programmes of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Accident. The main objectives of the WGIP workshops are to enable inspectors to meet with inspectors from other organisations, to exchange information regarding regulatory inspection

  19. Births and deaths including fetal deaths (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Access to a variety of United States birth and death files including fetal deaths: Birth Files, 1968-2009; 1995-2005; Fetal death file, 1982-2005; Mortality files,...

  20. Swozzle based burner tube premixer including inlet air conditioner for low emissions combustion (United States)

    Tuthill, Richard Sterling; Bechtel, II, William Theodore; Benoit, Jeffrey Arthur; Black, Stephen Hugh; Bland, Robert James; DeLeonardo, Guy Wayne; Meyer, Stefan Martin; Taura, Joseph Charles; Battaglioli, John Luigi


    A burner for use in a combustion system of a heavy-duty industrial gas turbine includes a fuel/air premixer having an air inlet, a fuel inlet, and an annular mixing passage. The fuel/air premixer mixes fuel and air into a uniform mixture for injection into a combustor reaction zone. The burner also includes an inlet flow conditioner disposed at the air inlet of the fuel/air premixer for controlling a radial and circumferential distribution of incoming air. The pattern of perforations in the inlet flow conditioner is designed such that a uniform air flow distribution is produced at the swirler inlet annulus in both the radial and circumference directions. The premixer includes a swozzle assembly having a series of preferably air foil shaped turning vanes that impart swirl to the airflow entering via the inlet flow conditioner. Each air foil contains internal fuel flow passages that introduce natural gas fuel into the air stream via fuel metering holes that pass through the walls of the air foil shaped turning vanes. By injecting fuel in this manner, an aerodynamically clean flow field is maintained throughout the premixer. By injecting fuel via two separate passages, the fuel/air mixture strength distribution can be controlled in the radial direction to obtain optimum radial concentration profiles for control of emissions, lean blow outs, and combustion driven dynamic pressure activity as machine and combustor load are varied.

  1. Psychomotor activities with seniors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jitka Kopřivová


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Given that the population all over the world is aging, it is necessary to fi nd ways to help maintain or improve the quality of life of seniors. The main goal of this paper is to show how appropriate physical activity programs contribute to the improvement of the functionality and psychosocial wellbeing of seniors. We are particularly interested in the possibilities of preserving self-suffi ciency and self-service, independence and the ability to perform everyday activities. One of the most eff ective forms of physical activity is psychomotr activity.OBJECTIVE: The aim of our paper is to present basic information concerning the meaning and the application of the psychomotr activities in intervention movement programmes in order to improve seniors’ life quality.METHODS: We defi ne the term psychomotr activities according to Adamírová (1995 and Novotná (2010. In this paper we present some results of research that stress the positive eff ect of psychomotor exercises and games on the life satisfaction of the elderly (Stará 2011; Stará & Kopřivová, 2011.DESCRIPTION: According to the results of our research and practical experience gained from working with the elderly it is strongly recommended to include suitable psychomotor exercises and games focusing on the development of manual dexterity in training programs in order to improve the balance abilities and the psychosocial area. In terms of prevention, because of the growing number of neurological disorders at an old age it is appropriate to include psychomotor exercises that encourage the development of cognitive functions in the physical interventions.CONCLUSION: We were able to positively infl uence the emotional aspect from performing physical activities, to enhance self-esteem of the exercising subjects and to create new social relationships. Motion programs, which also included psychomotor exercises and games, had a positive eff ect on the physical assessment of the

  2. Information required from States, including 'small quantities protocol' status, under the Protocol Additional to Safeguards Agreements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuley, N.


    The Model, or Additional, Protocol to the Model Safeguards Agreement, INFCIRC/153, contains, inter alia, provisions for expanded declarations from Member States to the IAEA. These provisions include earlier design information declarations and information on fuel cycles activities, such a mining and milling, that were not previously part of safeguards. The session discusses the extent of the expanded declarations and provides examples of the forms that will be used to provide the information to the Agency. (author)

  3. The path to active living: physical activity through community design in Somerville, Massachusetts. (United States)

    Burke, Noreen M; Chomitz, Virginia R; Rioles, Nicole A; Winslow, Stephen P; Brukilacchio, Lisa B; Baker, Jessie C


    Somerville, Massachusetts, an ethnically diverse, urban community northwest of Boston, presents opportunities and challenges for active living. With a dense street grid, well-maintained sidewalks, neighborhood parks, and existing Community Path, Somerville is very walkable. However, two major surface arteries traverse and bisect neighborhoods, creating pedestrian safety and environmental justice issues. Major goals included promoting increased collaboration and communication among existing active-living efforts; managing the Community Path extension project; encouraging Portuguese-speaking adults to incorporate daily physical activity; leveraging existing urban planning work to establish secure, attractive walking/biking corridors; and embedding active-living messages in everyday life. The Somerville Active Living by Design Partnership (ALbD) successfully created a robust task force that was integrated with citywide active-living efforts, secured resources to increase infrastructure and support for active living, including city-level coordinator positions, and changed decision-making practices that led to incorporation of pedestrian and bicycle transportation priorities into city planning and that influenced the extension of the Community Path. Partnerships must employ sustainability planning early on, utilize skilled facilitative leaders to manage leadership transitions, and engage new partners. Identifying, cultivating, and celebrating champions, especially those with political power, are critical. Working closely with research partners leads to rich data sources for planning and evaluation. Changing the built environment is difficult; working toward smaller wins is realistic and achievable. The synergy of ALbD and other community interventions created a foundation for short-term successes and accelerated political-cultural changes already underway with respect to active living.

  4. Physical activity parenting: A systematic review of questionnaires and their associations with child activity levels (United States)

    Insufficient physical activity (PA) is considered a critical contributor to childhood overweight. Parents are a key in influencing their child's PA through various mechanisms of PA parenting, including support, restriction of PA, and facilitation of enrollment in PA classes or activities. However, s...

  5. Bacterial Seed Endophytes of Domesticated Cucurbits Antagonize Fungal and Oomycete Pathogens Including Powdery Mildew (United States)

    Khalaf, Eman M.; Raizada, Manish N.


    The cucurbit vegetables, including cucumbers, melons and pumpkins, have been cultivated for thousands of years without fungicides. However, their seed germination stage is prone to be infected by soil-borne fungal and oomycete pathogens. Endophytes are symbionts that reside inside plant tissues including seeds. Seed endophytes are founders of the juvenile plant microbiome and can promote host defense at seed germination and later stages. We previously isolated 169 bacterial endophytes associated with seeds of diverse cultivated cucurbits. We hypothesized that these endophytes can antagonize major fungal and oomycete pathogens. Here we tested the endophytes for in vitro antagonism (dual culture assays) against important soil-borne pathogens (Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium graminearum, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium aphanideratum). The endophytes were also assayed in planta (leaf disk and detached leaf bioassays) for antagonism against a foliar pathogen of global importance, Podosphaera fuliginea, the causative agent of cucurbit powdery mildew. The endophytes were further tested in vitro for secretion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) known to induce plant defense. Extracellular ribonuclease activity was also tested, as a subset of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins of plant hosts implicated in suppression of fungal pathogens, displays ribonuclease activity. An unexpected majority of the endophytes (70%, 118/169) exhibited antagonism to the five phytopathogens, of which 68% (50/73) of in vitro antagonists belong to the genera Bacillus and Paenibacillus. All Lactococcus and Pantoea endophytes exhibited anti-oomycete activity. However, amongst the most effective inoculants against Podosphaera fuliginea were Pediococcus and Pantoea endophytes. Interestingly, 67% (113/169) of endophytes emitted host defense inducing VOCs (acetoin/diacetyl) and 62% (104/169) secreted extracellular ribonucleases in vitro, respectively. These results show that seeds of cultivated cucurbits

  6. Bacterial Seed Endophytes of Domesticated Cucurbits Antagonize Fungal and Oomycete Pathogens Including Powdery Mildew

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eman M. Khalaf


    Full Text Available The cucurbit vegetables, including cucumbers, melons and pumpkins, have been cultivated for thousands of years without fungicides. However, their seed germination stage is prone to be infected by soil-borne fungal and oomycete pathogens. Endophytes are symbionts that reside inside plant tissues including seeds. Seed endophytes are founders of the juvenile plant microbiome and can promote host defense at seed germination and later stages. We previously isolated 169 bacterial endophytes associated with seeds of diverse cultivated cucurbits. We hypothesized that these endophytes can antagonize major fungal and oomycete pathogens. Here we tested the endophytes for in vitro antagonism (dual culture assays against important soil-borne pathogens (Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium graminearum, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium aphanideratum. The endophytes were also assayed in planta (leaf disk and detached leaf bioassays for antagonism against a foliar pathogen of global importance, Podosphaera fuliginea, the causative agent of cucurbit powdery mildew. The endophytes were further tested in vitro for secretion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs known to induce plant defense. Extracellular ribonuclease activity was also tested, as a subset of pathogenesis-related (PR proteins of plant hosts implicated in suppression of fungal pathogens, displays ribonuclease activity. An unexpected majority of the endophytes (70%, 118/169 exhibited antagonism to the five phytopathogens, of which 68% (50/73 of in vitro antagonists belong to the genera Bacillus and Paenibacillus. All Lactococcus and Pantoea endophytes exhibited anti-oomycete activity. However, amongst the most effective inoculants against Podosphaera fuliginea were Pediococcus and Pantoea endophytes. Interestingly, 67% (113/169 of endophytes emitted host defense inducing VOCs (acetoin/diacetyl and 62% (104/169 secreted extracellular ribonucleases in vitro, respectively. These results show that seeds of cultivated

  7. Bacterial Seed Endophytes of Domesticated Cucurbits Antagonize Fungal and Oomycete Pathogens Including Powdery Mildew

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eman M. Khalaf


    Full Text Available The cucurbit vegetables, including cucumbers, melons and pumpkins, have been cultivated for thousands of years without fungicides. However, their seed germination stage is prone to be infected by soil-borne fungal and oomycete pathogens. Endophytes are symbionts that reside inside plant tissues including seeds. Seed endophytes are founders of the juvenile plant microbiome and can promote host defense at seed germination and later stages. We previously isolated 169 bacterial endophytes associated with seeds of diverse cultivated cucurbits. We hypothesized that these endophytes can antagonize major fungal and oomycete pathogens. Here we tested the endophytes for in vitro antagonism (dual culture assays against important soil-borne pathogens (Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium graminearum, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium aphanidermatum. The endophytes were also assayed in planta (leaf disk and detached leaf bioassays for antagonism against a foliar pathogen of global importance, Podosphaera fuliginea, the causative agent of cucurbit powdery mildew. The endophytes were further tested in vitro for secretion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs known to induce plant defense. Extracellular ribonuclease activity was also tested, as a subset of pathogenesis-related (PR proteins of plant hosts implicated in suppression of fungal pathogens, displays ribonuclease activity. An unexpected majority of the endophytes (70%, 118/169 exhibited antagonism to the five phytopathogens, of which 68% (50/73 of in vitro antagonists belong to the genera Bacillus and Paenibacillus. All Lactococcus and Pantoea endophytes exhibited anti-oomycete activity. However, amongst the most effective inoculants against Podosphaera fuliginea were Pediococcus and Pantoea endophytes. Interestingly, 67% (113/169 of endophytes emitted host defense inducing VOCs (acetoin/diacetyl and 62% (104/169 secreted extracellular ribonucleases in vitro, respectively. These results show that seeds of cultivated

  8. Chitin and stress induced protein kinase activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kenchappa, Chandra Shekar; Azevedo da Silva, Raquel; Bressendorff, Simon


    The assays described here are pertinent to protein kinase studies in any plant. They include an immunoblot phosphorylation/activation assay and an in-gel activity assay for MAP kinases (MPKs) using the general protein kinase substrate myelin basic protein. They also include a novel in-gel peptide...... substrate assay for Snf1-related kinase family 2 members (SnRK2s). This kinase family-specific assay overcomes some limitations of in-gel assays and permits the identification of different types of kinase activities in total protein extracts....

  9. HOME Participating Jurisdictions Open Activities Reports (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — This report is an MS Excel spreadsheet broken up by state. Participating Jurisdictions can use this report to view open activities in IDIS including activities with...

  10. [Active euthanasia]. (United States)

    Folker, A P; Hvidt, N


    The growing interest in the subject of active euthanasia in connection with the debate regarding legalization of such practices in Denmark necessitates taking a definite standpoint. The difference in concept between active and passive euthanasia is stressed, and the Dutch guidelines are reviewed. The article discusses how far the patient's autonomy should go, as it regards the consideration of self-determination as being too narrow a criterion in itself. The discussion on the quality of life is included, and the consequences of the process of expulsion as a sociological concept are considered--the risk of a patient feeling guilty for being alive and therefore feeling compelled to request active euthanasia. The changed function of the physician is underlined, and it is discussed whether active euthansia will cause a breach of confidence between the physician and his patient. In connection with the debate the following tendencies in society are emphasized: lack of clarity, increasing medicalization and utilitarian priorities.

  11. EspC, an Autotransporter Protein Secreted by Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Causes Apoptosis and Necrosis through Caspase and Calpain Activation, Including Direct Procaspase-3 Cleavage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Serapio-Palacios


    Full Text Available Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC has the ability to antagonize host apoptosis during infection through promotion and inhibition of effectors injected by the type III secretion system (T3SS, but the total number of these effectors and the overall functional relationships between these effectors during infection are poorly understood. EspC produced by EPEC cleaves fodrin, paxillin, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK, which are also cleaved by caspases and calpains during apoptosis. Here we show the role of EspC in cell death induced by EPEC. EspC is involved in EPEC-mediated cell death and induces both apoptosis and necrosis in epithelial cells. EspC induces apoptosis through the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by provoking (i a decrease in the expression levels of antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2, (ii translocation of the proapoptotic protein Bax from cytosol to mitochondria, (iii cytochrome c release from mitochondria to the cytoplasm, (iv loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, (v caspase-9 activation, (vi cleavage of procaspase-3 and (vii an increase in caspase-3 activity, (viii PARP proteolysis, and (ix nuclear fragmentation and an increase in the sub-G1 population. Interestingly, EspC-induced apoptosis was triggered through a dual mechanism involving both independent and dependent functions of its EspC serine protease motif, the direct cleavage of procaspase-3 being dependent on this motif. This is the first report showing a shortcut for induction of apoptosis by the catalytic activity of an EPEC protein. Furthermore, this atypical intrinsic apoptosis appeared to induce necrosis through the activation of calpain and through the increase of intracellular calcium induced by EspC. Our data indicate that EspC plays a relevant role in cell death induced by EPEC.

  12. Catalyst support structure, catalyst including the structure, reactor including a catalyst, and methods of forming same (United States)

    Van Norman, Staci A.; Aston, Victoria J.; Weimer, Alan W.


    Structures, catalysts, and reactors suitable for use for a variety of applications, including gas-to-liquid and coal-to-liquid processes and methods of forming the structures, catalysts, and reactors are disclosed. The catalyst material can be deposited onto an inner wall of a microtubular reactor and/or onto porous tungsten support structures using atomic layer deposition techniques.

  13. Pharmacological and biological activities of Mirabilis jalapa L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rozina Rozina


    Full Text Available AbstractPlants have been used for health care and medical purposes for several thousands of years. The number of higher plant species on earth is about 250000. It is estimated that 35000 to 70000 species have, at one time or another, been used in some cultures for medicinal purposes. One of these is Mirabilis jalapa L. which is traditionally used as Purgative and emetic, for treatment of many gastrointestinal disorders, including dysentery, diarrhea, muscle pain and abdominal colic. Besides this it also exhibits certain useful activities like Antiviral activity, Antimicrobial activity, Antimalarial activity, Anthelmintic activity, Antioxidant activity, Aytotoxic activity Anti-tubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity, Antinociceptive activity, Antifungal activity, Anti-corrosion activity, Antispasmodic activity, Anti-inflammatory activity and many others. Pharmacologically active compounds include active alcoholic extract, ether compound-3,3’-Methylenebis (4- hydroxycoumarin N-D-alpha-Phenylyglycinelaminaribiitol-3-(4-(dimethylamino cinnamoyl 4hydroxycoumarin. The purpose of my review is to find out the areas of scope and to give the detail of the work done on Mirabilis Jalapa L. for future research work.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the need to analyse elementary and middle school curricula to include educational activities ..... The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM, 2014), ..... A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among.

  15. Home Activities Reports (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — This monthly report is an Excel spreadsheet, broken up by state. PJs can use this report to view activities with the 2012 or 2013 program year in IDIS, including;...

  16. Disposal of TRU Waste from the PFP in pipe overpack containers to WIPP Including New Security Requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Department of Energy is responsible for the safe management and cleanup of the DOE complex. As part of the cleanup and closure of the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) located on the Hanford site, the nuclear material inventory was reviewed to determine the appropriate disposition path. Based on the nuclear material characteristics, the material was designated for stabilization and packaging for long term storage and transfer to the Savannah River Site, or a decision for discard was made. The discarded material was designated as waste material and slated for disposal to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). Prior to preparing any residue wastes for disposal at the WIPP, several major activities need to be completed. As detailed a processing history as possible of the material including origin of the waste must be researched and documented. A technical basis for termination of safeguards on the material must be prepared and approved. Utilizing process knowledge and processing history, the material must be characterized, sampling requirements determined, acceptable knowledge package and waste designation completed prior to disposal. All of these activities involve several organizations including the contractor, DOE, state representatives and other regulators such as EPA. At PFP, a process has been developed for meeting the many, varied requirements and successfully used to prepare several residue waste streams including Rocky Flats incinerator ash, hanford incinerator ash and Sand, Slag and Crucible (SS and C) material for disposal. These waste residues are packed into Pipe Overpack Containers for shipment to the WIPP

  17. Ethnobotanical and biological activities of Leptadenia pyrotechnica ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: This review includes the substance of different ethnobotanical uses, phytochemistry and exclusive capability of this plant in the field of anti-microbial and human disease activities. Key words: Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Biological activities, Desert plant, Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical activity, phytochemistry.

  18. Short-Range Temporal Interactions in Sleep; Hippocampal Spike Avalanches Support a Large Milieu of Sequential Activity Including Replay.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J Matthew Mahoney

    Full Text Available Hippocampal neural systems consolidate multiple complex behaviors into memory. However, the temporal structure of neural firing supporting complex memory consolidation is unknown. Replay of hippocampal place cells during sleep supports the view that a simple repetitive behavior modifies sleep firing dynamics, but does not explain how multiple episodes could be integrated into associative networks for recollection during future cognition. Here we decode sequential firing structure within spike avalanches of all pyramidal cells recorded in sleeping rats after running in a circular track. We find that short sequences that combine into multiple long sequences capture the majority of the sequential structure during sleep, including replay of hippocampal place cells. The ensemble, however, is not optimized for maximally producing the behavior-enriched episode. Thus behavioral programming of sequential correlations occurs at the level of short-range interactions, not whole behavioral sequences and these short sequences are assembled into a large and complex milieu that could support complex memory consolidation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Álvarez Bogantes


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine physical activity levels of children during school recess, taking into account children’s perceptions as well as observations during recess. A mixed method was used, including the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth (SOPLAY and focus groups. Participants included students from 3 public schools with regular and alternating schedules, who were observed during their school breaks. In addition, focus groups were held and descriptive statistics were used.  A factorial variance test (2x2 was also used to determine if there were differences between levels of moderate-vigorous physical activity among school types. Results of focus groups were organized into categories. Students exhibited 47.98 sedentary activity and 52.02 moderate-vigorous physical activity during school recess, with girls being more sedentary than boys. Students with an alternating schedule are more active than those with a regular schedule. Participants perceived reduced space to play and little support from teachers as barriers to do physical activity. In conclusion, this study showed that a little over 50% of students perform physical activity during school recess, with children in alternating schedules being more active than those with a regular schedule. Participants perceive that school environment does not favor physical activity, due to environmental barriers. Based on the results of this study, physical activity should be promoted during school recess, taking into consideration barriers in natural, social, physical, and organizational environments.

  20. Gas storage materials, including hydrogen storage materials (United States)

    Mohtadi, Rana F; Wicks, George G; Heung, Leung K; Nakamura, Kenji


    A material for the storage and release of gases comprises a plurality of hollow elements, each hollow element comprising a porous wall enclosing an interior cavity, the interior cavity including structures of a solid-state storage material. In particular examples, the storage material is a hydrogen storage material such as a solid state hydride. An improved method for forming such materials includes the solution diffusion of a storage material solution through a porous wall of a hollow element into an interior cavity.