
Sample records for ravitati al ma

  1. Çalışma Tutumu Ölçeği ve Geçerlik-Güvenirlik Analizleri


    YAVUZ, Sefer


    Çalışma Tutumu Ölçeği ve Geçerlik-Güvenirlik Analizleri Çalışma üzerine yapılan araştırmaların çoğu çalışma ve bir başka değişken arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeye yöneliktir. Bu araştırmada ise bireylerin/çalışanların bizzat “çalışma faaliyeti” hakkındaki tutumları ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla Mistik Yönelimli-Teslimiyetçi Çalışma Tutumu, Kolay Kazanç Yönelimli-Hazcı Çalışma Tutumu ve İş Yönelimli-Çileci Çalışma Tutumu olmak üzere üç boyuttan oluşan bir çalışma tutumu ölçeği geliştirilmiş ve ölçeğ...

  2. Membranas poliméricas de PE-g-MA-Al/AlPO4 impregnado com Fe, Al - utilização na recuperação de efluentes de galvanoplastia

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    Joice Andrade de Araújo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas membranas filtrantes de materiais híbridos de polietileno de alta densidade modificado com anidrido maleico e ionizado com hidróxido de alumínio (PE-g-MA-Al (matriz orgânica e fosfato de alumínio amorfo puro (AlPO4 ou impregnado com ferro e/ou alumínio (fase dispersa inorgânica. Essas membranas foram obtidas nas composições de PE-g-MA-Al (M1, PE-g-MA-Al/AlPO4 (M2, PE-g-MA-Al/AlPO4-Al (M3, PE-g-MA-Al/AlPO4-Fe (M4 e PE-g-MA-Al/AlPO4-Fe,Al (M5, na proporção de 97/3% em massa, pelo método de "casting", usando xileno à quente e sob refluxo, como solvente. As técnicas de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR, difração de raios X (DRX, análise termogravimétrica (TGA, análise textural, tensão superficial e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV serviram para comprovar a influência da natureza dos materiais e da metodologia usada na confecção das membranas na incorporação da fase inorgânica na matriz polimérica e nas propriedades dos materiais híbridos resultantes. A aplicação das membranas na recuperação de metais presentes no efluente de galvanoplastia mostrou que a presença do ferro e/ou alumínio influenciou na morfologia e nas propriedades texturais desses materiais, e consequentemente na utilização como membranas mesoporosas de ultrafiltração, com os melhores resultados apresentados por M1 e M3 na recuperação de ferro (32 e 35% e zinco (62 e 60%.

  3. Comparative study of the wear resistance of Al2O3-coated MA956 superalloy

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    Canahua Loza, Hugo


    Full Text Available Preoxidation of the MA956 superalloy, proposed as a prosthetic biomaterial, generates a compact and inert a-alumina surface layer. The aim of this study is to assess the wear resistance provided by this alumina layer on the MA956 alloy in comparison with the same coated alloy and versus high density polyethylene. Comparative wear tests were carried out in both dry and wet conditions using the couples MA956/MA956, MA956/UHMWPE (ultra high molecular weight polyethylene and 316LVM/UHMWPE. The results corresponding to the couples MA956/MA956, with and without alumina layer, show that the load has more significant effect than the rotation speed on the weight loss and on the roughness. On the other hand the alumina surface layer provides a clear wear protection. The weight losses of the MA956 specimen in this couple are ten times lower when testing under wet conditions than under dry conditions. The MA956/UHMWPE couple behaves much better than the 316LVM/UHMWPE, as it presents the lowest values of friction coefíicient and weight losses of the MA956 specimen. These are only detectable after 70,000 cycles under a 70 MPa contact pressure. This couple offers the best guarantee of a prolonged service life for articulated parts in a prosthesis.

    La superaleación MA956, que se ha propuesto como biomaterial para prótesis osteoarticulares genera, mediante un adecuado tratamiento de preoxidación, una capa superficial, compacta e inerte, de alúmina alfa. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de la resistencia al desgaste de esta capa de alúmina, cuando se encuentra en contacto con la propia aleación recubierta y con polietileno de alta densidad. Se realizaron ensayos comparativos de desgaste, tanto en seco como en húmedo, con los pares MA956/MA956, MA956/UHMWPE (polietileno de muy elevado peso molecular y 316LVM/UHMWPE. Los resultados obtenidos con el par MA956/MA956, con y sin capa de alúmina, indican que la carga es el factor de mayor


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    Katni dan Anip Dwi Saputro


    Full Text Available The institution always expects the output quality and personality, but if the surroundings of education never give appropriate habitus, then the result will not be achieved. On the basis of this research, trying to peel about the role of habitus in developing intellectual capital which is a student at Ma'had synergy between the structure with an agency, how an intellectual capital created and run in a Ma'had university. The question of the Islamic College during this time, when students are extremely variable input, its ability to be tough in the formation and determination of the standard of their abilities.  The results of this study found that the role of habitus intellectual capital improvement done in Mahad Aly Al Furqon Ponorogo there are seven models of the structure that supports the students ' intellectual capital development in Ma'had Aly Al Furqon Ponorogo. As for overcoming the Burnout, the students do a variety of activities that make students fresh so avoid burnout. The results of the intellectual capital developed in the Mahad Aly Al Furqon students achieved the target of memorizing a set amount and the more intellectual growth of students marked with a creative, independent inquiries, in drawing up the scientific agenda, active removing the arguments in different ways.

  5. Düşey Toplum Kuramı Yaklaşımıyla Japon Çalışma Kültürünü Anlamak


    Aca, Zeynep


    Japon çalışma kültürünün temel felsefesini anlayabilmenin yolu, Japon toplumunun kültürel özelliklerini anlayabilmekten geçmektedir. Ancak kültürü oluşturan her bir özellik elbetteki Japon çalışma kültürünü aynı ölçüde etkilememektedir. İşte bu noktadan hareketle, bu çalışmada, Japon çalışma kültürü, Japon çalışma kültürünün temel felsefi belirleyicilerinden biri olduğunu düşündüğümüz ve Nakane tarafından Düşey Toplum Kuramı olarak adlandırılan Japon aile yapısı ekseninde ele alınmaya çalışıl...

  6. Sesli Okuma ve Konuşma Prozodisi: İlişkisel Bir Çalışma

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    Hasan Keskin


    Full Text Available Bu araştırma,  ilköğretim dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin sesli okuma ve konuşma prozodileri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacıyla ilişkisel tarama modelinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya,  Konya ve Afyonkarahisar’da ilköğretim dördüncü sınıfa devam eden 50 öğrenci katılmıştır.  Öğrencilerin sesli okumaları ve konuşmaları video ile kayıt altına alınmış, daha sonra bu kayıtlar üzerinde ölçekler aracılığıyla puanlamalar yapılmıştır. Sesli okuma ve konuşma prozodisi arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemeye yönelik, Pearson Momentler Çarpım Korelasyon Tekniği kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, öğrencilerin sesli okuma ve konuşma prozodileri arasında, pozitif yönlü orta düzeyde bir ilişki çıkmıştır. Öğrencilerin sesli okumaları ve konuşma prozodi puanları cinsiyet açısından ayrı ayrı incelenmiş; kız ve erkek öğrencilerin ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık çıkmamıştır. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin sesli okuma ve konuşmalarındaki prozodik düzeyi belirlemeye yönelik ölçümler yapılmıştır. Bu ölçüm sonuçlarına göre, araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin %52’sinin sesli okuma prozodilerinin,  %48’inin ise konuşma prozodilerinin düşük düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür.

  7. Susceptibilidad y resistencia del maíz al hongo comestible huitlacoche (Ustilago maydis Cda. mejorando su virulencia

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    L. Martínez


    Full Text Available El huitlacoche es un patógeno del maíz, muy apreciado como alimento humano en la región central de México. Actualmente seis industrias lo comercializan enlatado. El total de la producción industrial se abastece de la recolección espontánea del hongo en campos de cultivo de maíz para producción de grano. Debido a lo anterior, los objetivos planteados en este estudio fueron: evaluar y seleccionar patotipos de Ustilago maydis con una alta virulencia sobre maíz; evaluar y seleccionar familias de medios hermanos maternos de maíz de reacción susceptible y resistente al huitlacoche. En 1997, se evaluaron 100 aislamientos del hongo en un híbrido experimental, seleccionando 12 de ellos por su vigor, presentando en promedio 190 g del hongo por planta infectada, y 135.24 g por planta inoculada (8.11 t×ha-1, 60 000 plantas×ha-1, índice de severidad de 36.82 y una incidencia de 70.64%. De las 300 familias de medios hermanos maternos evaluadas (1998 por inoculación con la mezcla de los 12 aislamientos seleccionados (1997, se eligieron 16 familias susceptibles, que presentaron en promedio 154.97 g del hongo por planta infectada y 112.88 g por planta inoculada (6.67 t×ha-1, 76.67 % de incidencia y 34.82 de índice de severidad; así como 14 familias resistentes (0 % de incidencia al ataque del hongo.

  8. Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking Lessons on introvert Students in Madrasah Aliyah (MA Ja-alHaq Bengkulu.

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    M. Arif Rahman Hakim


    Full Text Available Strategi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Mengajar Materi Speaking Terhadap Siswa Yang Berkarakteristik Introvert di Madrasah Aliyah (MA Ja-alHaq Bengkulu. Kemampuan sesorang dalam berkomunikasi sering dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik kepribadiannya. Berdasarkan penelitian para ahli, terdapat dua karakter utama dalam diri seseorang, yaitu ekstrovert dan introvert. Siswa yang berkarakter introvert memiliki kemampuan yang tidak sama dengan siswa ektrovert dalam berkomunikasi bahasa asing. Untuk mengatasi problem tersebut, guru Madrasah Aliyah (MA Ja-alHaq—sebagai objek penelitian ini—beberapa strategi agar kemampuan speaking siswa-siswinya meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi dari guru bahasa Inggris di Indonesia yang berpengalaman dalam pengajaran speaking terkait dengan tantangan dan strategi dalam proses belajar mengajar bagi siswa yang berkarakteristik introvert. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para guru disarankan untuk menerapkan diskusi, main peran, story telling, dan wawancara. Di samping itu, guru juga harus mengetahui karakter dari peserta didiknya karena dengan mengetahui kepribadian peserta didik, para guru dapat memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan di kelas.


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    Prastiwi Yuliani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fasilitas belajar, pengelolaan kelas, dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap hasil belajar melalui motivasi belajar siswa MA Al-Asror Kota Semarang. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MA Al-Asror Kota Semarang. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar siswa MA Al-Asror kurang optimal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Variabel bebas yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah Fasilitas belajar (X1, Pengelolaan kelas (X2, Lingkungan Keluarga (X3. Variabel terikat adalah Hasil Belajar (Y2 dan Variabel intervening adalah Motivasi Belajar (Y1. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan angket. Metode analisis data yaitu analisis deskriptif persentase dan analisis uji jalur (path analysis. Hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan regresi Y1 = 3,515 + 0,371X1 + 0,32X2 + 0,290X3 dan Y2 = 50,776 + 0,245X1 + 0,272X2 + 0,210X3 + 0,263Y1. Hasil análisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh langsung (FB-HB sebesar 24,5%, (PK-HB sebesar 27,2%, (LK-HB sebesar 21%, (MB-HB sebesar 26,3%, dan pengaruh tidak langsung (FB-MB-HB sebesar 34,2%, (PK-MB-HB sebesar 35,6%, (LK-MB-HB sebesar 28,6%. This research aims to determine the effect of learning facilities, classroom management, and family environment on learning outcomes through student motivation MA Al - Asror Semarang. The subjects were students of class XI MA Al - Asror Semarang. The background of this research is the student learning outcomes MA Al - Asror less than optimal. This research is a quantitative study. The independent variables were examined in this study is learning facilities (X1, classroom management (X2, Family Environment (X3. The dependent variable is the Learning Outcomes (Y2 and the intervening variable is motivation to learn (Y1. Data collection methods used are documentation and questionnaires. Methods of data analysis was descriptive analysis and analysis of the percentage of test paths ( path analysis

  10. Maïs beperkt nitraatverlies van gras

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verloop, J.; Boumans, L.


    Maïs staat bekend als een gewas dat veel nitraat naar het grondwater lekt. Maar maïs heeft ook goeie kanten. Nieuw in dit rijtje is dat maïs, in vruchtwisseling met gras, ook het nitraatverlies van grasland beperkt. Dit blijkt uit de metingen van het RIVM op De Marke.

  11. Echt und modern? Diskurse über Männlichkeit

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    Florian Kahofer


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit Repräsentationen von Männlichkeit im österreichischen Lifestyle-Magazin für Männer Wiener. Durch eine korpusbasierte Diskursanalyse wird ein umfassendes Korpus aller Ausgaben des Wieners von Anfang 2002 bis Ende 2012 untersucht. Auf theoretischer Ebene wird dabei eine Verbindung von Kritischer Männlichkeitsforschung (KMF und Feministisch Kritischer Diskursanalyse (FCDA unternommen. Es werden aktuelle Veröffentlichungen zu Kritischer Diskursanalyse und Männlichkeit vorgestellt und diskutiert. Durch den Einsatz einer Konkordanzsoftware werden Konkordanzen des Nomens MANN analysiert. Diese werden allerdings insofern eingeschränkt betrachtet, als nur Nominationen in der Form der häufigsten Adjektiv-Konstruktionen untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass neben den Diskursen über Krise und Neue Männlichkeit Themen wie Alter, Körper oder Beziehung auftauchen. Männlichkeit wird als ambivalent und vielfältig dargestellt. Deutungskämpfe um Männlichkeit lassen sich ausmachen.

  12. Çalışma Sermaye Yönetiminin Firma Karlılığı Üzerine Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi

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    Rıdvan KESKİN


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmanın amacı çalışma sermayesinin firma kârlılığı üzerine etkisinin var olup olmadığı, etkisi varsa, bu etkinin ne yönde olduğunu panel veri analizi yöntemi yardımıyla araştırmaktır. Çalışmada 2009-2013 dönemine ait Borsa İstanbul’da gıda ve içecek sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmalara ait panel veri seti kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, nakit dönüş süresinin firma kârlılığı üzerinde negatif ama istatistiki olarak anlamlı olmayan bir etkisinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca alacak tahsil süresi ve cari oranın firma kârlılığı üzerinde anlamlı ve negatif bir etkisinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar finans yöneticilerinin firma kârlılığını, çalışma sermayesini etkin bir şekilde yönetmeleri sonucunda arttırabileceklerini göstermiştir.

  13. Evaluación de los efectos del Programa de Apoyos Directos al Campo (Procampo en el mercado de maíz en México, 2005-2007

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    José Alberto García-Salazar


    Full Text Available El Programa de Apoyos Directos al Campo (Procampo es un pago directo al ingreso de los productores de México que inició en 1993. El maíz es el cultivo que más recursos ha obtenido de Procampo. Los resultados de un modelo de equilibrio espacial e intertemporal indican que en ausencia de Procampo, la producción y el consumo anual de maíz hubieran sido 18.7 y 28.8 millones de toneladas en el periodo 2005-2007. Los beneficios fueron más altos que los costos del programa, y un aumento de 50% en el subsidio aumentaría la producción de maíz en 1.6 millones de toneladas y disminuiría las importaciones en 20.7%. Debido a los efectos positivos del Programa, se recomienda la continuación y el aumento del apoyo.

  14. Development of a dispersion strengthened copper alloy using a MA-HIP method

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    T. Yamada


    Full Text Available A new Cu-Al alloy was fabricated by a MA-HIP method for application to the heat sink materials of divertors. With the increase in MA time, the grain size and Vickers hardness decreased and increased, respectively. At MA time of 32hrs, the hardness of the alloy was comparable to that of Glidcop® although the grain size was much larger. X-ray diffractometry, electrical resistivity measurements and STEM-EDS analyses suggested precipitation of Al-rich phase by MA for 32hrs followed by HIP.



    ÖZTÜRK, Serdar


    Yabancılaşma konusu genellikle iktisadi, sosyolojik ve psikoloji boyutlarıyla tartışılmıştır. Oysa bir anlam paylaşımı olarak iletişim, yabancılaşmayla doğrudan ilişkilidir. Buna karşın iletişim ile yabancılaşma ilişkisini, analize filmleri de katarak inceleyen çok az çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, yabancılaşma kavramını tartışarak, yabancılaşmanın iletişim ile ilişkisini incelemektedir. Buna göre insanın kendi ürettiği sembollerine, medyanın üretim bölgesinde üretilen sembollere yabancıl...

  16. y comercialización de maíz de Sinaloa

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    José Alberto García Salazar


    Full Text Available La política comercial instrumentada por el Gobierno de México dirigida al mercado de maíz se ha caracterizado por la autorización de importaciones libres de arancel superiores a la cuota establecida en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Con el objetivo de analizar cómo esta política podría afectar la comercialización de la producción de maíz de Sinaloa, se usó un modelo de distribución de la producción del grano que incorpora características espaciales e intertemporales. Los resultados indican que si el consumo nacional real de maíz fuera menor en 10%, respecto al consumo nacional aparente, las mayores importaciones determinarían que 954 mil toneladas de la producción de la entidad no pudrían comercializarse. Debido a que esta situación resta competitividad al productor de maíz, puesto que la producción no comercializada tiene que almacenarse, los productores sinaloenses deberán estar pendientes y vigilar las decisiones del Gobierno en materia de cupos de importación de maíz.

  17. AYAT-AYAT WAH}DAT AL-WUJUd dalam Kitab Tanbi>h al-Ma>shi Karya ‘Abdurrauf al-Sinkili

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    Asep Nahrul Musadad


    ناقضات وحدة الوجود. فهذه المقالة تطرح نفسها في تحليل الأيات القرآنية التي استخدمها عبد الرؤوف تأكيدا لحجته. بعد إجراء تصنيف موضوعي لتفسيره، سيتم التحليل باستخدام نظرية حسين الذهبي عن التفسير الصوفي. فيمكن القول بأن مادة تفسيره تدخل تحت لون "الصوفى النظري" التي ظهرت من قبل eisegesis (من النظرية الى النص. فهذا بالطبع يمثل على موقفه في الاعتدالية و باعتباره مصلحا، حتى يحتاج الى القرآن في التأكيد و التقييم للمسائل حول وحدة الوجود التي حدث من خلالها مثل هذا الجدل في ذلك الوقت. Abstrak: Salah satu momen kunci dalam perbincangan sejarah Islam Indonesia adalah polemik terkait negosiasi doktrin wah}dat al-wuju>d yang terjadi di Aceh pada abad ke-17 antara pengikut H{amzah al-Fansu>ri> dan Nu>r al-Di>n al-Ra>ni>ri>. Dalam konteks polemikal tersebut, Abdurrauf al-Sinkili muncul sebagai sosok rekonsiliator. Ia mencoba merespon pertikaian tersebut lewat kitabnya yang berjudul “Tanbi>h al-Ma>shi”. Sebagai eksponen tasawuf moderat, ia mendasarkan argumentasi terkait paham wah}dat al-wuju>d kepada al-Qur’an. Tulisan ini membincang ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang digunakan sebagai konfirmasi dalam argumentasi Abdurrauf. Setelah dikelompokan secara tematik-kronologis, tafsiran Abdurrauf terhadap beberapa ayat al-Qur’an yang terkait wah}dat al-wuju>d dianalisis menggunakan teori tafsir sufistik Hussein al-Dhahaby. Secara konklusif dapat dikatakan bahwa uraian Abdurrauf tersebut merupakan sebuah tafsir sufistik versi “s}u>fi-naz}ari” yang menggunakan pola “eisegesis” (dari gagasan ke teks. Hal ini tentunya merepresentasikan sikapnya sebagai rekonsiliator yang kemudian merasa perlu untuk mencari konfirmasi terhadap

  18. BERKELEY: ALS ring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Everybody at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Center for Beam Physics is pleased with the rapid progress in commissioning LBL's Advanced Light Source (ALS) electron storage ring, the foundation for this third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. Designed for a maximum current of 400 mA, the ALS storage ring reached 407 mA just 24 days after storing the first beam on 16 March. ALS construction as a US Department of Energy (DOE) national user facility to provide high-brightness vacuum ultra-violet and soft x-ray radiation began in October 1987. One technical requirement marking project completion was to accumulate a 50-mA current in the storage ring. The ALS passed this milestone on 24 March, a week ahead of the official deadline. Once injected, the electron beam decays quasi-exponentially primarily because of interactions with residual gas molecules in the storage-ring vacuum chamber. Eventually, when the pressure in the vacuum chamber with beam decreases toward the expected operating level of 1 nano Torr, it will only be necessary to refill the storage ring at intervals of four to eight hours. At present the vacuum is improving rapidly as surfaces are irradiated (scrubbed) by the synchrotron radiation itself. At 100 mA, beam lifetime was about one hour (9 April)

  19. BERKELEY: ALS ring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Everybody at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Center for Beam Physics is pleased with the rapid progress in commissioning LBL's Advanced Light Source (ALS) electron storage ring, the foundation for this third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. Designed for a maximum current of 400 mA, the ALS storage ring reached 407 mA just 24 days after storing the first beam on 16 March. ALS construction as a US Department of Energy (DOE) national user facility to provide high-brightness vacuum ultra-violet and soft x-ray radiation began in October 1987. One technical requirement marking project completion was to accumulate a 50-mA current in the storage ring. The ALS passed this milestone on 24 March, a week ahead of the official deadline. Once injected, the electron beam decays quasi-exponentially primarily because of interactions with residual gas molecules in the storage-ring vacuum chamber. Eventually, when the pressure in the vacuum chamber with beam decreases toward the expected operating level of 1 nano Torr, it will only be necessary to refill the storage ring at intervals of four to eight hours. At present the vacuum is improving rapidly as surfaces are irradiated (scrubbed) by the synchrotron radiation itself. At 100 mA, beam lifetime was about one hour (9 April)

  20. The Effect of Saccharomyces Strains and Fermentation Condition on the pH, Foam Property and CO2 Concentration of Non-alcoholic Beer (Ma-al-shaeer

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    S. Sohrabvandi


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effect of fermentation condition and Saccharomyces strains on the pH, foam property and CO2 concentration of non-alcoholic beer (Ma-al-shaeer. For this, the beer samples were inoculated with four different species of Saccharomyces (Saccharomyces rouxii 70531, S. rouxii 70535, S. ludwigii 3447 and S. cerevisiae 70424 and fermented for 48h in both aerobic and periodic aeration at three different temperatures. Then their pH, CO2 concentration and foam property were analyzed in 12h intervals during 48h fermentation. The results shows that the treatments with 4×107 and periodic aeration at 24˚C showed the greatest decrease in pH, and the treatments with 107 and aerobic-periodic aeration at 4˚C showed the lowest decrease in pH. The highest and lowest amounts of CO2 and foam property were obtained in the treatments with 4×107 inoculation, aerobic condition, and the treatments with 107, periodic aeration, respectively. These results further demonstrated that the highest drop in pH, and the highest ability of producing CO2 and foam were for S. cerevisiae 70424, and the lowest belonged to S. rouxii 70531. The overall outcome of the study points to the fact that physico-chemical properties of Ma-al-shaeer is important from the consumers' point of view. Therefore, S. cerevisiae with 4×107 inoculation and aerobic condition at 4˚C has promising potential for producing Ma-al-shaeer with good physicochemical properties.

  1. Avatares tántricos de Râma


    Muñoz, Adrián


    Si bien el poema épico del Râmâyana es considerado como uno de los pilares literarios del hinduismo, no se trata de un texto fijo, pues la trama ha generado diversas versiones alternas en el sur y el sureste asiáticos. Al mismo tiempo, aunque Râma representa ideales sociales fundamentales para la ortodoxia hinduista, otras corrientes religiosas no ortodoxas han recurrido a y adaptado la figura de Râma. Este ensayo busca valorar en particular las manifestaciones tántricas y pseudo-tántrica...



    BOLAT, Tamer; AYTEMİZ SEYMEN, Oya; BOLAT, Oya İnci


    Son yıllarda geleneksel çalışma düzeninden farklı olarak, örgütlerde, sözleşmeler, görevler, çalışma zamanı, çalışma süresi ve mekânı açısından esnek uygulamalarla yaygın bir şekilde karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, esnek çalışma saatleri, kısmî süreli çalışma, iş paylaşımı, sıkıştırılmış iş haftası, vardiyalı çalışma ve uzaktan çalışma gibi uygulamalar en çok karşılaşılan esnek çalışma türleridir. Sözü edilen uygulamalardan kısmî süreli çalışma, çağrı üzerine çalışma, geçici iş ilişkisi ve s...

  3. Morotochoerus from Uganda (17.5 Ma and Kenyapotamus from Kenya (13-11 Ma: implications for hippopotamid origins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pickford, M.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to describe and interpret suiform teeth from Moroto, Uganda, and Ngorora, Kenya, which contribute to the debate about hippo-anthracothere-whale relationships. The early stages of hippopotamid evolution are relatively poorly known on account of the paucity of their fossil record older than 7 Ma. New specimens of Morotochoerus from Uganda reveal that it is not closely related to Hippopotamidae; the superficial resemblances of the cheek teeth to those of hippos represent convergences and not homologies. Restricted samples of Palaeopotamus ternani are available from the Middle Miocene of Kenya {Maboko, ca 16 Ma; Muruyur, ca 14.5 Ma; Fort Ternan, ca 13.7 Ma} while from the base of the late Miocene, Kenyapotamus coryndonae is known from Kenya {Ngerngerwa, ca 10.5-10 Ma; Nakali, ca 10.5 Ma; Samburu Hills, ca 9.5 Ma}, Ethiopia {Ch’orora, ca 10.5 Ma} and Tunisia {Beglia Formation ca 11-10 Ma}. The recovery of specimens of Kenyapotamus from the Ngorora Formation, Kenya, aged ca 11 Ma, is of interest because it includes well preserved teeth, including an m/3 in good condition. These specimens support the hypothesis that hippopotamids descended from palaeochoerids and not from anthracotheres.El objetivo de este trabajo es describir e interpretar los dientes suiformes de Moroto, Uganda, y Ngorora, Kenia, que contribuyen al debate sobre las relaciones hipo-anthracothere-whale. Las primeras etapas de la evolución de los hipopotámidos son relativamente poco conocidas a causa de la escasez de su registro fósil en edades superiors a los 7 Ma. Nuevos ejemplares de Morotochoerus en Uganda revelan que no están estrechamente relacionados con Hippopotamidae, las semejanzas superficiales de los dientes de la mandíbula con los de los hipopótamos representan convergencias y no homologías. Algunas muestras de Palaeopotamus ternani aparecen en el Medio Mioceno de Kenia {Maboko, ca 16 Ma; Muruyur, ca 14.5 Ma; Fort Ternan, ca 13.7 Ma

  4. Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Co₂MnAl Heusler Alloys by Mechanical Alloying. (United States)

    Lee, Chung-Hyo


    We have applied mechanical alloying (MA) to produce nanocrystalline Co2MnAl Heusler alloys using a mixture of elemental Co50Mn25Al25 powders. An optimal milling and heat treatment conditions to obtain a Co2MnAl Heusler phase with fine microstructure were investigated by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter and vibrating sample magnetometer measurements. α-(Co, Mn, Al) FCC phases coupled with amorphous phase are obtained after 3 hours of MA without any evidence for the formation of Co2MnAl alloys. On the other hand, a Co2MnAl Heusler alloys can be obtained by the heat treatment of all MA samples up to 650 °C. X-ray diffraction result shows that the average grain size of Co2MnAl Heusler alloys prepared by MA for 5 h and heat treatment is in the range of 95 nm. The saturation magnetization of MA powders decreases with MA time due to the magnetic dilution by alloying with nonmagnetic Mn and Al elements. The magnetic hardening due to the reduction of the grain size with ball milling is also observed. However, the saturation magnetization of MA powders after heat treatment increases with MA time and reaches to a maximum value of 105 emu/g after 5 h of MA. It can be also seen that the coercivity of 5 h MA sample annealed at 650 °C is fairly low value of 25 Oe.

  5. Anti-Ma and anti-Ma2-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. (United States)

    Ortega Suero, G; Sola-Valls, N; Escudero, D; Saiz, A; Graus, F

    Analyse the clinical profile, associated tumour types, and response to treatment of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes associated with antibodies against Ma proteins. A retrospective study of patients with antibodies against Ma proteins identified in a neuroimmunology laboratory of reference. Of the 32 patients identified, 20 showed reactivity against Ma2 only (anti-Ma2 antibodies), 11 against Ma1 and Ma2 (anti-Ma antibodies), and 1 with reactivity against Ma1 only (anti-Ma1 antibodies). The most common clinical presentations were limbic encephalopathy, diencephalic dysfunction, or brainstem encephalopathy, frequently appearing as a combination of these features. Three patients had isolated cerebellar dysfunction with anti-Ma antibodies, and 2 exhibited peripheral nervous system syndrome with anti-Ma2 antibodies. Testicular tumours were the most common neoplasms (40%) in the anti-Ma2 cases. In the group associated with anti-Ma1 antibodies, the most common were lung tumours (36%), followed by testicular tumours. All idiopathic cases were reactive to Ma2. The clinical outcome was significantly better in the anti-Ma2 group. The patient with anti-Ma1 presented with limbic encephalitis and brainstem dysfunction associated with lymphoepithelioma of the bladder. Specifically determining the different reactivities of anti-Ma protein antibodies in order to differentiate between Ma1 and Ma2 antibodies is important because anti-Ma2-associated paraneoplastic syndromes have a better outcome. Lastly, this study is the first to confirm that there may be cases that react exclusively to antibodies against Ma1. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. Geleneksel Mağazalar ile İnternetten Alışverişte Değer Algısı ve Satınalma Niyeti: Bir Karşılaştırma


    Kaya, İsmail; Özen, Hilal


    ÖzetGünümüzde geleneksel dağıtım kanalları, internetten alışverişin getirdiği bazı tehditlerle karşı karşıya görünmektedirler. Müşterilerin değer algılarının bu iki kanal arasında anlamlı derecede farklılık gösterebilme ihtimali, tüketicilerin alışverişlerini birinden diğerine kaydırma ihtimalini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Temelde, geleneksel mağazalar ve sanal mağazaların tüketicilerinin değer algılamaları itibariyle ele alındığı bu çalışmada, özelde, değer algılamasının satın alma niyeti...

  7. Lubâb At-Ta’wîl ‘Inda Al-Imâm Al-Khâzîn Baina Al-Ma’tsûr wa Ar-Ra’yi (Dirâsah Maudhu’iyyah fi Ayah al-Qashash

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    Muhammad Shulhi Alhadi siregar


    Full Text Available This paper concern to study about one of Tafseer book, namely Lubâb al-Ta'wîl fi Ma'âny at-Tanzîl by Imam al-Khazin. Some scholars differ in the setting of sources of tafseer. Such as, the well-known scholars, Muhammad Ali Iyazi and Muhammad Husain ad-Dzahabi. Ulama Iyazi assumes that Tafseer Khazin belongs to the category of commentary bi al-Ma'tsûr, since this commentary is an ikhtishar of Tafseer al-Baghawi. While some scholars such as adz-Dzahabi, categorized this tafseer into the bi al-Ra'yi. By using the tahlily documentation method and the thematic method associated with Qashash verses in the Qur'an, the researchers found the correct method, namely the tafseer of al-Atsary an-Nazhary or known by tafseer bi al-Ma'tsûr who use Ra'yi as an extension of explanation and the determination of the most powerful law, seen from writing theme related at the end of its tafseer.

  8. Anti-Ma2 antibody related paraneoplastic limbic/brain stem encephalitis associated with breast cancer expressing Ma1, Ma2, and Ma3 mRNAs. (United States)

    Sahashi, K; Sakai, K; Mano, K; Hirose, G


    A 69 year old woman presented with cognitive impairment and supranuclear gaze palsy caused by paraneoplastic limbic/brain stem encephalitis associated with atypical medullary breast carcinoma. The cerebrospinal fluid from the patient harboured an anti-neuronal cell antibody against Ma2 antigen, but not against Ma1 or Ma3 antigen. Despite the antibody being restricted to the Ma2 antigen, the patient's cancer tissue expressed Ma1, Ma2, and Ma3 mRNAs. These results, and the expression of Ma2 mRNA in an atypical medullar breast carcinoma in another patient without paraneoplastic encephalitis, indicate that the induction of anti-Ma2 antibody depends on host immunoreponsiveness and not on the presence of the antigen itself in the cancer.

  9. Performance of the ALS injection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, C.H.


    The authors started commissioning the Advanced Light Source (ALS) storage ring on January 11, 1993. The stored beam reached 60 mA on March 24, 1993 and 407 mA on April 9, 1993. The fast pace of storage ring commissioning can be attributed partially to the robust injection system. In this paper they describe the operating characteristics of the ALS injection system

  10. The certitude of astrology: The scientific methodology of Al-Qabīsī and Abū Ma'shar. (United States)

    Burnett, Charles


    Abū Ma'shar (787-886) and al-Qābīsī (mid-10th century) were active astrologers and defenders of the scientific character of their discipline. They wrote works on criticisms brought forward against the discipline and challenged practitioners whom they considered as detrimental for the esteem and future fate of their science. Nevertheless, both writers can be seen as heirs to a single tradition of thought, which took its origins in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblios and developed largely independently of the religious philosophical beliefs of a specific community. The arguments developed for proving the scientific value of astrology are interesting in their own right, and merit further study not only by historians of science but also by historians of philosophy.

  11. La evolución del mejoramiento del maíz


    Arriaga, Héctor O.


    La producción e importancia primordial del maíz como grano forrajero, hacen que se sindique al maíz como el cereal más representativo de los países desarrollados. Por su producción mundial, ocupa el 2° lugar, después del trigo, con 481 millones de toneladas, de las que el 64 % corresponde a los países desarrollados. Estos son, a su vez, los principales exportadores y consumidores por ser también los más importantes importadores, con un 71 % de las 68 millones de toneladas de maíz que se...

  12. Spark-plasma sintering and mechanical property of mechanically alloyed NiAl powder compact and ball-milled (Ni+Al) mixed powder compact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, J.S.; Jang, Y.I.; Kwon, Y.S.; Kim, Y.D.; Ahn, I.S.


    Mechanically-alloyed NiAl powder and (Ni+Al) powder mixture prepared by ball-milling were sintered by spark-plasma sintering (SPS) process. Densification behavior and mechanical property were determined from the experimental results and analysis such as changes in linear shrinkage, shrinkage rate, microstructure, and phase during sintering process, Vicker's hardness and transverse rupture strength tests. Densification mechanisms for MA-NiAl powder compact and (Ni+Al) powder mixture were different from each other. While the former showed a rapid increase in densification rate only at higher temperature region of 800-900 o C, the latter revealed firstly a rapid increase in densification rate even at low temperature of 300 o C and a subsequent increase up to 500 o C. Densities of both powder compact (MA and mixture) sintered at 1150 o C for 5 min were 98 and above 99 %, respectively. Sintered bodies were composed mainly of NiAl phase with Ni 3 Al as secondary phase for both powders. Sintered body of MA-NiAl powder showed a very fine grain structure. Crystallite size determined by XRD result and the Sherrer's equation was approximately 80 nm. Vicker's hardness for the sintered bodies of (Ni+Al) powder mixture and MA-NiAl powder were 410±12 H v and 555±10 H v , respectively, whereas TRS values 1097±48 MPa and 1393±75 MPa. (author)

  13. Studiu teoretic al organelor de lucru de tip cuţit-disc ale maşinilor agricole

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    Iurie MELNIC


    Full Text Available Such conservation technologies as No-till, Mini-till, Strip-till etc., suppose the use of agricultural machines with rotary cutting units for such cultural practices as preparing the soil for planting, shredding and incorporation of crop residues into the soil and weed control. The paper presents a theoretical study of the operating process of the disc cultivator used for weed control (elaborated by the author with rotary cutting units (dynamic interaction of the rotary blade with the soil, the effect of friction force between the soil and the disc, the coordinates of soil particle relative to mobile coordinate system when rotation is done by an angle a and calculation elements of disc parameters. The main parameter of the developed device is disc diameter (it is chosen depending on the maximum working depth. As a result of the conducted study, we can affirm that the calculated disc diameter (for the working depth of h=0,16 m should be Dcalc=0,55 m. The studied block of rotary blades can be also used in the case of seedling planting machines, seed sowing machines and fertilizer spreading machines. Rezumat. Tehnologiile conservative No-Til, Mini-Till,Strip-Till etc. presupun folosirea maşinilor agricole cu organe de lucru de tip disc rotativ la efectuarea lucrărilor precum pregătirea solului pentru semănat, mărunţirea şi încorporarea în sol a resturilor vegetale şi combaterea buruienilor. În articol este prezentat un studiu teoretic al procesului de lucru al cultivatorului prăşitor (elaborat de autor cu organe de lucru de tip cuţit-disc circular (interacţiunea dinamică a cuţitului disc cu solul, acţiunea forţelor de frecare dintre sol şi disc, coordonatele particulei de sol în raport cu sistemul mobil de coordonate la rotirea sub un unghi a şi elemente de calcul ale parametrilor discului. În construcţia elaborată parametrul principal este diametrul discului (ales în funcţie de adâncimea maximă de lucru. În urma

  14. Eğitimde Fırsat Eşitsizliğini Azaltmaya Yönelik Eğilimler: Afrika Verileri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma


    Amaghouss JABRANE; Ibourk AOMAR


    Bu çalışma, çeşitli göstergeler kullanılarak Afrika’daki eğitim eşitsizliğine dikkat çekmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Eğitim eşitsizliğini azaltmaya yönelik dinamikler, eğitimde Kuznet Eğrisi’nin geçerliliği bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Ortaya çıkan sonuçlar, Kuznet Eğrisi’nin şeklinin ortalama eşitsizliğinin ölçülmesine bağlı olduğunu önermektedir. Kuznet Eğrisi’ne bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan varsayımlar öğretim verilerinin standart sapmasına bağlı olarak test edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda çalışmada kullanıla...

  15. İngilizce Konuşma Kaygısı Ölçeği’nin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması


    Orakcı, Şenol


    Amaç: Bu araştırmada, 7. sınıf öğrencilerininİngilizce konuşma kaygı düzeylerini ortaya çıkaracak “İngilizce Konuşma KaygısıÖlçeği”nin teknik özelliklerinin (geçerlik ve güvenirlik) belirlenmesiamaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma betimsel türde bir araştırmadır.Araştırma kapsamında, 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce konuşma kaygılarınıbelirleyecek bir ölçek geliştirilerek deneme uygulaması yapılması ve ölçeğinteknik özelliklerinin (geçerlik ve güvenirlik) betimlenmesi esas alınmıştır.Ölçek geliş...

  16. Thermodynamic analysis of (Ni, Fe)3Al formation by mechanical alloying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adabavazeh, Z.; Karimzadeh, F.; Enayati, M.H.


    Highlights: ► (Ni, Fe) 3 Al intermetallic compound was synthesized by mechanical alloying. ► We use a thermodynamic analysis to predict the more stable phase. ► We calculate the Gibbs free-energy changes by using extended Miedema model. ► The results of MA compared with thermodynamic analysis and showed a good agreement with it. - Abstract: (Ni, Fe) 3 Al intermetallic compound was synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) of Ni, Fe and Al elemental powder mixtures of composition Ni 50 Fe 25 Al 25 . Phase transformation and microstructure characteristics of the alloy powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that mechanical alloying resulted in a Ni (Al, Fe) solid solution. By continued milling, this structure transformed to the disordered (Ni, Fe) 3 Al intermetallic compound. A thermodynamic model developed on the basis of extended theory of Miedema is used to calculate the Gibbs free-energy changes. Final product of MA is a phase having minimal Gibbs free energy compared with other competing phases in Ni–Fe–Al system. However in Ni–Fe–Al system, the most stable phase at all compositions is intermetallic compound (not amorphous phase or solid solution). The results of MA were compared with thermodynamic analysis and revealed the leading role of thermodynamic on the formation of MA product prediction.

  17. Global Paleobathymetry for the Cenomanian-Turonian (90 Ma) (United States)

    Goswami, A.; Olson, P.; Hinnov, L. A.; Gnanadesikan, A.


    We present a paleo-ocean bathymetry reconstruction for Cenomanian-Turonian (90 Ma) time in a 0.1°x0.1° resolution for use in paleo-climate studies. Age of the ocean floor for the Cenomanian-Turonian (90 Ma) is from Müller et al. (2008 a,b); coastlines are from the PALEOMAP Project (Scotese, 2011). To reconstruct paleo-ocean bathymetry, we use a plate model equation to model depth to basement (Turcotte and Schubert, 2002). We estimate plate model equation parameter values from measurements of modern oceans (Crosby et al., 2006). On top of the depth to basement, we isostatically add a multilayer sediment model derived from area-corrected sediment thickness data (Divins, 2003; Whittaker et al., 2013). Lastly, we parameterize the modern continental shelf, slope, and rise in a "sediment wedge model" to connect the coastline with the closest ocean crust as defined by Müller et al. (2008 a, b). These parameters are defined using empirical relationships obtained from study of modern ocean transects where a complete rifting history is preserved (Atlantic and Southern oceans), and the closest approach of the respective oceanic crust (Müller et al., 2008a,b) to the coastline. We use the modern ocean as a test, comparing maps and cross sections of modern ocean bathymetry modeled using our reconstruction method with that of ETOPO1 (Amante and Eakins, 2009). Adding sea plateaus and seamounts minimize the difference between our modeled bathymetry and ETOPO1. Finally, we also present a comparison of our reconstructed paleo-bathymetry to that of Müller et al. (2008 a,b) for the Cenomanian-Turonian (90 Ma). References: Amante, C., Eakins, B.W., 2009, NOAA Tech. Memo. NESDIS NGDC-24, 19 p. Crosby, A., McKenzie, D., Sclater, J.G., 2006, Geophysical Journal Int. 166.2, 553-573. Divins, D., 2003, NOAA NGDC, Boulder, CO. Müller, R., Sdrolias, M., Gaina, C., Roest, W., 2008b, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9, Q04006, doi:10.1029/2007GC001743 Müller, R., Sdrolias, M., Gaina

  18. 33 CFR 80.135 - Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. 80... INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Atlantic Coast § 80.135 Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. (a... the east coast of Massachusetts from the easternmost radio tower at Hull, charted in approximate...

  19. De nouvelles pages du Mucrib can baccağā'ib al-Maġrib d'Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī

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    Ducène, Jean-Charles


    Full Text Available The travelogue and collection of marvels of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī —al-Mucrib c an baccağā'ib al-Maġrib—has only been known until now by the edition in two parts (C. Dubler, 1953 and I. Bejarano, 1991 of the Madrid's manuscript. However this edited text suffers from lacunas and breaks in the narrative, meaning that the original manuscript was defective. But we have found four other manuscripts which enable us to fill in the lacunas. This paper presents the editing of these passages, mainly dealing with the Mediterranean fishes and the author's journey between Egypt and Azerbaydjan.

    El relato de los viajes y la compilación de mirabilia de d'Abū Ḥāmid al- Ġarnāṭī —al-Mucrib can baccağā'ib al-Maġrib— se conocen hasta ahora por la edición, en dos partes (C. Dubler, 1953 y I. Bejarano, 1991, del manuscrito de Madrid. Sin embargo, el texto editado contiene blancos y rupturas en la narración, lo que demuestra que el manuscrito de base era defectuoso. Hemos encontrado cuatro manuscritos que permiten llenar estos blancos. Este artículo presenta la edición de estos pasajes, que hablan principalmente de los peces del Mediterráneo y del viaje del autor entre Egipto y Azerbaiyan.

  20. 42 CFR 495.202 - Identification of qualifying MA organizations, MA-EPs and MA-affiliated eligible hospitals. (United States)


    ... qualifying MA-affiliated eligible hospitals under the MA EHR incentive program are required to identify...-EPs and MA-affiliated eligible hospitals. 495.202 Section 495.202 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE... STANDARDS FOR THE ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD TECHNOLOGY INCENTIVE PROGRAM Requirements Specific to Medicare...

  1. Cold Gas in Quenched Dwarf Galaxies using HI-MaNGA (United States)

    Bonilla, Alaina


    MaNGA (Mapping of Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) is a 6-year Sloan Digital Sky Survey fourth generation (SDSS-IV) project that will obtain integral field spectroscopy of a catalogue of 10,000 nearby galaxies. In this study, we explore the properties of the passive dwarf galaxy sample presented in Penny et al. 2016, making use of MaNGA IFU (Integral Field Unit) data to plot gas emission, stellar velocity, and flux maps. In addition, HI-MaNGA, a legacy radio-survey of MaNGA, collects single dish HI data retrieved from the GBT (Green Bank Telescope), which we use to study the the 21cm emission lines present in HI detections. Studying the HI content of passive dwarves will help us reveal the processes that are preventing star formation, such as possible AGN feedback. This work was supported by the SDSS Research Experience for Undergraduates program, which is funded by a grant from the Sloan Foundation to the Astrophysical Research Consortium.

  2. Pfister y la Hibridación del Maíz

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    Kent. George


    Full Text Available En la Facultad Nacional de Agronomía, se están haciendo actualmente los trabajos de aclimatación del "maíz hibrido Pfister". Cuando el suscrito tuvo conocimiento del "maíz híbrido" obtenido como fruto de una experimentación de más de 20 años llevada a cabo en Illinois por el señor Pfister, se interesó vivamente en traer unas semillas a Colombia para intentar el proceso de aclimatación de las mejores variedades. A pesar de una larga correspondencia con el señor Pfister desde hace dos años, no nos fue posible lograr nuestro objeto. Durante la última visita del suscrito a ese país, obtuve, como una merced personal, una muy pequeña cantidad de las ocho mejores variedades de maíz híbrido, y al efecto, a la presente le estoy incluyendo a usted esas semillas de maíz sin otra retribución para nosotros, que el de hacer las siembras, observaciones y experimentaciones con todo el cuidado de que usted es capaz, y darnos cuenta oportuna de los resultados obtenidos con cada una de las variedades. Cada talego está marcado con el número de la variedad y no está por demás rogar a usted de la manera más encarecida llevar a efecto este trabajo con el mayor cuidado e interés para corresponder por lo menos al que hemos tenido nosotros en proporcionarle las dichas semillas. A pesar de que en Estados Unidos han hecho una súper selección de maíz en los últimos 50 años, las semillas seleccionadas han; quedado superadas por el maíz "Híbrido Pfister" con rendimientos de más de un 60%. Como nosotros no hemos hecho nada en selección de maíz, nuestro trabajo se puede limitar a un proceso de "aclimatación", que si logramos, tendríamos ganados muchos años de trabajo.

  3. Effect of V or Zr addition on the mechanical properties of the mechanically alloyed Al-8wt%Ti alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moon, I.H.; Lee, J.H.; Lee, K.M.; Kim, Y.D.


    Mechanical alloying (MA) of Al-Ti alloy, being a solid state process, offers the unique advantage of producing homogeneous and fine dispersions of thermally stable Al 3 Ti phase, where the formation of the fine Al 3 Ti phase by the other method is restricted from the thermodynamic viewpoint. The MA Al-Ti alloys show substantially higher strength than the conventional Al alloys at the elevated temperature due to the presence of Al 3 Ti as well as Al 4 C 3 and Al 2 O 3 , of which the last two phases were introduced during MA process. The addition of V or Zr to Al-Ti alloy was known to decrease the lattice mismatch between the intermetallic compound and the aluminum matrix, and such decrease in lattice mismatching can influence positively the high temperature mechanical strength of the MA Al-Ti by increasing the resistance to dispersoid coarsening at the elevated temperature. In the present study, therefore, the mechanical behavior of the MA Al-Ti-V and Al-Ti-Zr alloys were investigated in order to evaluate the effect of V or Zr addition on the mechanical properties of the MA Al-8Ti alloy at high temperature

  4. Ma

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    Ingrid Berthon-Moine


    Full Text Available Ma (2009 is a single channel video of a mother and child walking together side by side, holding hands. The title is reminiscent of the affectionate nickname for a mother, 'Ma', but also a concealed way to convey maternal ambivalence. Maternal ambivalence is the result of the tension between the idealisation of motherhood and women’s lived experience of mothering. The maternal struggle finds its source in the difficulty of identifying with the ideological representation of the mother. This image still conveys an idealistic and nostalgic, patriarchal image of maternal love bounded by culture and history.

  5. Türkiye Türkçesinde -ma Ekinin Yapım Eki Olarak İşlevleri / Functions of the Derivative Suffix -ma in Turkey Turkish

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    Nesrin Bayraktar Erten


    Full Text Available Abstract Functions of the suffix -ma suffix can be classified under three groups in Turkey Turkish. This suffix produces adjectives that are related with root meanings like dönme dolap, sallama çay, gömme dolap, and adjectives like bodoslama atla, silme doldur etc. Besides these functions, it produces permanent nouns like gözleme, sarma, dolma, dondurma, kuzukapama, sürme, etc. This study investigates the suffix -ma as a derivational form and its functions have been classified. The study also evaluates the frequency with which it is used to coin permanent nouns and adjectives.   Öz -ma ekinin Türkiye Türkçesinde işlevlerini başlıca üç grupta toplamak mümkündür. -ma eki ile bir yandan dönme dolap, sallama çay, gömme dolap gibi örneklerde eklendiği eylem tabanıyla ilişkili sıfatlar ve bodoslama atla, silme doldur gibi zarflar yapılırken, öte yandan da gözleme, sarma, dolma, dondurma, kuzukapama, sürme örneklerinde görüldüğü gibi kalıcı adlar yapılmıştır. Kalıcı adlar içinde yemek adları, oldukça önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada -ma eki, bir yapım eki olarak değerlendirilecek ve örnekler çerçevesinde tasnif edilerek kalıcı ad ve sıfat yapımında kullanıldığı yerlerdeki sıklık ele alınacaktır.

  6. Shibli Nu’mani’s Contribution to Revitalization of ‘Ilm al-Kala > m

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    Fejri Gasman


    Full Text Available The present research is an attempt to explicate Shibli> Nu’ma>ni>’scontribution of ‘ilm al-Kala > m which to Muslim is a pivotal matter in terms ofboth its doctrine and practice. This study attempts at examining Shibli> Nu’ma>ni>’sviews in dealing with religious problems in his community, and how hepropagated his ideas in revitalization of ‘ilm al-Kala > m. It seeks to discover severalaspects of Shibli> Nu’ma>ni>’s thoughts of ‘ilm al-Kala > m, such as the coherentrelationship of religion and science, Islamic culture, Islamic legal system, Islamiceducational system, Islamic political science, reason and revelation, prophecy,and tawh } i > d. This study concludes that Shibli> Nu’ma>ni>’s understanding of ‘ilm-al-Kala > m is in line with the teaching of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama > ’ah, and he was verymuch influenced by Ima>m al-Ghaza>li>’s and Jala>l al-Din Ru>mi>’s thoughts. Healso succeeded in harmonizing traditional and modern system of thoughts aswell as synthesizing the theologian’s approach with the s } u > fi > tradition

  7. Compliance als Schutz vor Verbandsverantwortlichkeit?

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    Alexander Tipold


    Full Text Available Compliance bedeutet nicht nur Einhaltung und Beachtung von Vorschriften, sondern betrifft auch Maßnahmen, die die Einhaltung der Rechtsnormen absichern sollen und läuft somit auf eine Übererfüllung von Verpflichtungen hinaus. Wenn es keinen klaren Maßstab für Kontroll- und Überwachungspflichten gibt, besteht die Gefahr, dass Strafverfolgungsbehörden die Compliance-Maßnahmen als Maßstab heranziehen und so eine Verschärfung der Pflichten erzeugen. Nach den Regeln des Verbandsverantwortlichkeitsgesetzes schließt im Übrigen das beste Compliance-System nicht zwingend die Verbandsverantwortlichkeit aus, steht aber unter Umständen einem Verfahren gegen den Verband entgegen.

  8. Ankara Üniversitesi Kriz Merkezine başvuran yas olguları üzerine bir çalışma


    ŞENELMİŞ, Halil


    Ankara Üniversitesi Kriz Merkezi'ne BaşvuranYas Olguları Üzerine Bir ÇalışmaSosyal bir varlık olan insan yaşam süreci içerisinde zorlayıcı, yıpratıcı, tehdit edicibirçok olay ve sorunla karşılaşır. Her zaman sorunlar karşısında kullandığı çözüm yollarınınişe yaramadığını gören kişi, kendisini çaresiz hisseder. Bu yaşanan bir kriz durumudur. Krizçeşitli duygusal zorlanmalar sonunda meydana gelen akut ve süresi sınırlı bir dengebozukluğudur.Kişinin yaşamı boyunca karşılaştı...

  9. Texture and structure contribution to low-temperature plasticity enhancement of Mg-Al-Zn-Mn Alloy MA2-1hp after ECAP and annealing (United States)

    Serebryany, V. N.; D'yakonov, G. S.; Kopylov, V. I.; Salishchev, G. A.; Dobatkin, S. V.


    Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) in magnesium alloys due to severe plastic shear deformations provides both grain refinement and the slope of the initial basal texture at 40°-50° to the pressing direction. These changes in microstructure and texture contribute to the improvement of low-temperature plasticity of the alloys. Quantitative texture X-ray diffraction analysis and diffraction of backscattered electrons are used to study the main textural and structural factors responsible for enhanced low-temperature plasticity based on the example of magnesium alloy MA2-1hp of the Mg-Al-Zn-Mn system. The possible mechanisms of deformation that lead to this positive effect are discussed.

  10. Madbi Amran/Qishn total petroleum system of the Ma'Rib-Al Jawf/Shabwah, and Masila-Jeza basins, Yemen (United States)

    Ahlbrandt, Thomas S.


    Since the first discovery of petroleum in Yemen in 1984, several recent advances have been made in the understanding of that countrys geologic history and petroleum systems. The total petroleum resource endowment for the combined petroleum provinces within Yemen, as estimated in the recent U.S. Geological Survey world assessment, ranks 51st in the world, exclusive of the United States, at 9.8 BBOE, which includes cumulative production and remaining reserves, as well as a mean estimate of undiscovered resources. Such undiscovered petroleum resources are about 2.7 billion barrels of oil, 17 trillion cubic feet (2.8 billion barrels of oil equivalent) of natural gas and 1 billion barrels of natural gas liquids. A single total petroleum system, the Jurassic Madbi Amran/Qishn, dominates petroleum generation and production; it was formed in response to a Late Jurassic rifting event related to the separation of the Arabian Peninsula from the Gondwana supercontinent. This rifting resulted in the development of two petroleum-bearing sedimentary basins: (1) the western MaRibAl Jawf / Shabwah basin, and (2) the eastern Masila-Jeza basin. In both basins, petroleum source rocks of the Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Madbi Formation generated hydrocarbons during Late Cretaceous time that migrated, mostly vertically, into Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoirs. In the western MaRibAl Jawf / Shabwah basin, the petroleum system is largely confined to syn-rift deposits, with reservoirs ranging from deep-water turbidites to continental clastics buried beneath a thick Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) salt. The salt initially deformed in Early Cretaceous time, and continued halokinesis resulted in salt diapirism and associated salt withdrawal during extension. The eastern Masila-Jeza basin contained similar early syn-rift deposits but received less clastic sediment during the Jurassic; however, no salt formed because the basin remained open to ocean circulation in the Late Jurassic. Thus, Madbi Formation

  11. Türkiye’de Denizcilik Eğitiminin Geleceğine Yönelik Nicel Bir Çalışma Örneği

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    Ünal ÖZDEMİR


    Full Text Available Bu çalışma ile ülkemizde yükseköğretim kurumuna (YÖK bağlı denizcilik eğitimi veren lisans düzeyindeki bölümlerde yer alan öğretim üyelerine yönelik kantitatif bir araştırma yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Lisans düzeyinde denizcilik eğitimi veren deniz ulaştırma işletme ve gemi makinaları işletme mühendisliği bölümleri kapsamında yer alan öğretim üyeleri çalışmanın ana kapsamını oluşturmaktadır. Bu bölümlerin eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerini yerine getirebilmeleri için gerekliliklerini sağlama konusunda yaşanan sorunların, yeni kurulan fakülte ve yüksekokul sayılarının artması ile birlikte daha da çarpıcı boyuta geleceği tahmin edilmektedir. Çalışmada probleme neden olan etkenler kantitatif teknikler yardımı ile incelenmiş ve soruna yönelik çözüm önerileri sunulmaya çalışılmıştır. Probleme neden olan çeşitli etkenler bir araya getirilerek, bu etkenlerin birbirleri ile olan ilişkileri ve önem dereceleri bulanık AHP (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process ve soruna çözüm sunabilecek çözüm önerileri arasında da bir değerlendirme yapabilmesi adına bulanık TOPSIS (Fuzzy Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution yönteminin ele alındığı bir model yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre öğretim üyesi sayısının yeterli sayıda olmayışının temel nedenlerinden bazıları sırasıyla; “akademisyen ücretlerinin düşüklüğü”, “denizde çalışanlar için yüksek ücret imkânı”, “üniversiteler tarafından yeteri sayıda akademik kadronun açılmaması” olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu soruna çözüm getirebilecek en önemli alternatiflerden bazıları ise; “akademisyenlik mesleğine olan ilginin arttırılması, özendirilmesi ve öğrencilerin bu alana yönlendirilmesi”, “YÖK’ün istemiş olduğu gerekliliklerin denizcilik eğitimi veren kurumlar için farklı kategoride d

  12. The physical metallurgy of mechanically-alloyed, dispersion-strengthened Al-Li-Mg and Al-Li-Cu alloys (United States)

    Gilman, P. S.


    Powder processing of Al-Li-Mg and Al-Li-Cu alloys by mechanical alloying (MA) is described, with a discussion of physical and mechanical properties of early experimental alloys of these compositions. The experimental samples were mechanically alloyed in a Szegvari attritor, extruded at 343 and 427 C, and some were solution-treated at 520 and 566 C and naturally, as well as artificially, aged at 170, 190, and 210 C for times of up to 1000 hours. All alloys exhibited maximum hardness after being aged at 170 C; lower hardness corresponds to the solution treatment at 566 C than to that at 520 C. A comparison with ingot metallurgy alloys of the same composition shows the MA material to be stronger and more ductile. It is also noted that properly aged MA alloys can develop a better combination of yield strength and notched toughness at lower alloying levels.

  13. Original Paper Production et qualité nutritionnelle des épis de maïs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    (richesse en amidon, présence de protéines, bonne matière grasse) et économiques (culture facile et peu coûteuse) qu'il offre (Adégbola et al., 2011). La production nationale de maïs a été estimée en 2012 à 1175 000 tonnes au. Bénin (FAO, 2013). Le niveau moyen de consommation de maïs est estimé à plus de 85.

  14. Enhancing MA transmutation by irradiation of (MA, Zr)Hx in FBR blanket region - 5383

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konashi, K.; Ikeda, K.; Itoh, K.; Hirai, M.; Koyama, T.; Kurosaki, K.


    Minor actinide (MA) hydride is proposed as transmutation target in sodium-cooled mixed oxide fuelled fast reactor. Preliminarily calculations have been done to check the transmutation efficiency of MA hydride targets. Three different types of MA target, MA-Zr alloy, (MA, Zr)O 2 and (MA, Zr)H x , have been compared on MA transmutation rate. The targets are assumed to be loaded around an active core in a 280 MWe sodium-cooled reactor; 54 MA target assemblies are respectively arranged in a row in the radial blanket zone. They are supposed to be irradiated for one year and then be cooled for 60 days. The transmuted mass has been evaluated by three-dimensional diffusion calculation to be 25, 15, 61 kg/EFPY for the alloy, the oxide and the hydride respectively, where production of MA in the active core is taken into account. The transmutation mass by (MA, Zr)H x is much larger than those by the other types of targets, while the core characteristics remain sound by locating MA targets outside of the active core. On top of that, two kinds of (MA, Zr)O 2 targets which are combined with ZrH x (x=1.7) pins have been calculated. Major Research/Development items are selected to establish the MA hydride transmutation method by reviewing technologies applicable to the transmutation system. The practical use of the MA hydride transmutation method is not far ahead technically, since this method can be developed by the extension of existing technologies. (authors)

  15. Viability of thin wall tube forming of ATF FeCrAl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maloy, Stuart Andrew [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Aydogan, Eda [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Anderoglu, Osman [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Lavender, Curt [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Yamamoto, Yukinori [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Fabrication of thin walled tubing of FeCrAl alloys is critical to its success as a candidate enhanced accident-tolerant fuel cladding material. Alloys that are being investigated are Generation I and Generation II FeCrAl alloys produced at ORNL and an ODS FeCrAl alloy, MA-956 produced by Special Metals. Gen I and Gen II FeCrAl alloys were provided by ORNL and MA-956 was provided by LANL (initially produced by Special Metals). Three tube development efforts were undertaken. ORNL led the FeCrAl Gen I and Gen II alloy development and tube processing studies through drawing tubes at Rhenium Corporation. LANL received alloys from ORNL and led tube processing studies through drawing tubes at Century Tubing. PNNL led the development of tube processing studies on MA-956 through pilger processing working with Sandvik Corporation. A summary of the recent progress on tube development is provided in the following report and a separate ORNL report: ORNL/TM-2015/478, “Development and Quality Assessments of Commercial Heat Production of ATF FeCrAl Tubes”.

  16. Aileler, Öğretmenler ve Dil ve Konuşma Terapistlerinin Çocuklardaki Dil ve Konuşma Bozukluklarına Yönelik Tutum ve Bilgilerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Bülent TOĞRAM


    Full Text Available Çocuklardaki iletişim sorunları aile bildirimleri, öğretmen raporları ve dil ve konuşma terapistleri (DKT tarafından yapılan değerlendirmeler ile saptanmaktadır. Dil ve konuşma bozukluklarının önlenmesi ve terapisinde işbirliği içinde bulunmaları gereken bu üçlü grubun konuya ilişkin görüş ve tutumları alanyazında önemli bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ebeveynlerin, öğretmenlerin ve DKT’lerin dil ve konuşma bozuklukları alanındaki sorumluluk ve rollerini nasıl algıladıklarını, dil ve konuşma bozukluğu olan çocuğun akademik ve sosyal başarısına yönelik tutumlarını, dil ve konuşma bozukluklarının nedenleri ve terapisine yönelik düşüncelerini betimlemektir. Çalışmaya 37 aile bireyi, 46 öğretmen ve 35 DKT katılmıştır. Anket yoluyla elde edilen veriler her grubun konuya ilişkin bilgisini ortaya koymak için karşılaştırılmıştır. Dil ve konuşma bozukluğu olan çocukların akademik/sosyal başarılarına yönelik tutumlarında diğer katılımcı gruplara göre öğretmenlerin, çocukların terapi gereksinimlerine yönelik tutumlarında ise ailelerin daha kararsız tutumlar geliştirdikleri dikkat çekmektedir.Dil ve konuşma bozukluklarının nedenleri ve terapi eksikliklerine yönelik bilgilerinde grupların öncelikli sıralamalarının farklılaştığı görülmüştür

  17. Analisis Kelayakan Buku Ajar Al Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan Berwawasan HAM Untuk SMA/MA/SMK Terbitan Maarif Intitute dan Majelis Dikdasmen Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah (Tinjauan dari Segi Materi dan Metodologi Pembelajaran

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    Rio Estetika


    Full Text Available Buku Ajar Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan berwawasan HAM untuk SMA/MA/SMK merupakan salah satu bentuk upaya pendidikan agama di Muhammadiyah untuk mengembangkan buku teks pengajaran Al Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan agar dapat lebih dinamis, up to date, kontekstual, dan mengakomodasi aspek-aspek sosio-kultural sebagai bentuk respon terhadap permasalahan kemanusiaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis isi dengan menggunakan dokumen sebagai objeknya. Dari hasil kesimpulan disarankan untuk menggunakan buku ajar tersebut sebagai penunjang buku pokok yang sudah diteritkan Majelis Dikdasemen dalam mengajarkan materi hak asasi manusia. Kemudian, dalam penyusunan buku AIK dapat mengadopsi konsep penyusunan buku AIK berwawasan HAM yang lebih up to date dan bervariasi dalam metode pembelajarannya.

  18. Formation of Ni(Al, Mo) solid solutions by mechanical alloying and their ordering on heating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Portnoj, V.K.; Tomilin, I.A.; Blinov, A.M.; Kulik, T.


    The Ni(Al, Mo) solid solutions with different crystalline lattice periods (0.3592 and 0.3570 nm correspondingly) are formed in the course of the Ni 70 Al 25 Mo 5 and Ni 75 Al 20 Mo 5 powder mixtures mechanical alloying (MA) (through the mechanical activation in a vibrating mill). After MA the Mo atoms in the Ni 75 Al 20 Mo 5 mixture completely replace the aluminium positions with formation of the Ni 75 (AlMo) 25 (the L1 2 -type) ternary ordered phase, whereby such a distribution remains after heating up to 700 deg C. The Ni(Al, Mo) metastable solution is formed by MA in the Ni 75 Al 20 Mo 5 mixture, which decays with the release of molybdenum and the remained aluminide undergoes ordering by the L1 2 -type [ru

  19. Zhigang Ma

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. Zhigang Ma. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 35 Issue 4 August 2012 pp 575-578. Degradation and miscibility of poly(DL-lactic acid)/poly(glycolic acid) composite films: Effect of poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) · Zhigang Ma Na Zhao Chengdong Xiong.

  20. Development of powder metallurgy Al alloys for high temperature aircraft structural applications, phase 2 (United States)

    Chellman, D. J.


    In this continuing study, the development of mechanically alloyed heat resistant aluminum alloys for aircraft were studied to develop higher strength targets and higher service temperatures. The use of higher alloy additions to MA Al-Fe-Co alloys, employment of prealloyed starting materials, and higher extrusion temperatures were investigated. While the MA Al-Fe-Co alloys exhibited good retention of strength and ductility properties at elevated temperatures and excellent stability of properties after 1000 hour exposure at elevated temperatures, a sensitivity of this system to low extrusion strain rates adversely affected the level of strength achieved. MA alloys in the Al-Li family showed excellent notched toughness and property stability after long time exposures at elevated temperatures. A loss of Li during processing and the higher extrusion temperature 482 K (900 F) resulted in low mechanical strengths. Subsequent hot and cold working of the MA Al-Li had only a mild influence on properties.

  1. Evaluación de Beauveria bassiana para el combate de insectos plaga en maíz almacenado

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    Juan Diego Molina


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la patogenicidad de aislamientos de Beauveria bassiana, para controlar los insectos plaga Prostephanus truncatus y Stophilus zeamais, en mazorcas de maíz almacenado. Se evaluó también la patogenicidad del hongo sobre Teritriosoma nigrescens, depredador natural de P. truncatus. Se mezclaron conidios secos del hongo con kaolinita y se aplicaron a trojas de maíz de 450 mazorcas acomodadas en capas de 50. Se montaron dos ensayos, en el primero se evaluaron aplicaciones del hongo al momento de almacenar el maíz, y en el segundo se evaluaron aplicaciones del hongo realizadas después de almacenar el maíz. La mortalidad de P. truncatus fue cuatro veces mayor en el ensayo donde se aplicó el hongo en forma preventiva. La mortalidad de S. zeamais fue el doble en el tratamiento donde se aplicó el hongo al momento de inocular con P. truncatus. Los niveles de mortalidad por B. bassiana fueron mayores en P. truncatus que en S. zeamais, pero S. zeamais, pero este último mostró un 20% más de infección que el primero

  2. Hujjiyah Nazariyah Saddiaz-Żarāiʻfī al-Fiqh al- Islāmywatatbīquhāfī Qadāyāal-Maʹkȗlātwa al- Mashrȗbātwa al-Malbȗsāt

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    Imam Sujoko


    Full Text Available This  study  entitled:HujjiyahNazariyahSaddiaz-Żarāiʻfī  al-Fiqh  al-IslāmywatatbīquhāfīQadāyāalMaʹkȗlātwa  al-Mashrȗbātwa  al-Malbȗsāt,  deal  with  the  theory  ofSaddiaz-Żarāi.  The  study  tries  to  explore  its  meaning,  concept,  and  its  legality  in  Islamic  jurisprudence,  and  how  it  could  be  implemented in the cases of food, drink and clothing. Food, drink and clothing are the primary need  of  human,  but  there  are  some  cases  faced  by  Muslim  related  to  the  food,  drink  and  clothing.  For  example a Muslim will consume a product of food or drink or clothingthat produced from the non  Muslim country which they do not mind about the material; halal or haram. Should Muslim stops  from using those product, based on the theory of Saddiaz-Żarāiʻ?. The study found that the theory of  Saddiaz-Żarāiʻ,is a one of the Islamic resources regarding to the majority of Muslim scholar, event  there  are  some  differences  among  them  related  to  its  implementation.  And  some  Muslim  scholar  does  not  recognize  Saddiaz-Żarāiʻ  as  Islamic  resources.  But  for  those  who  agree  with  the  theory  ofSaddiaz-Żarāiʻ,they should understand the regulation of Saddiaz-Żarāiʻ. The methodology of study  is library study which is referring to the Islamic references such as texts of Qur’an and hadis and its  exegesis, Islamic jurisprudence books both classic and modern book, and fatwa of modern Muslim scholarsDOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v2i1.6591

  3. Validity of abundances derived from spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey (United States)

    Pilyugin, L. S.; Grebel, E. K.; Zinchenko, I. A.; Nefedyev, Y. A.; Shulga, V. M.; Wei, H.; Berczik, P. P.


    We measured the emission lines in the spaxel spectra of Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) galaxies in order to determine the abundance distributions therein. It has been suggested that the strength of the low-ionization lines, R2, N2, and S2, may be increased (relative to Balmer lines) in (some) spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey due to a contribution of the radiation of the diffuse ionized gas. Consequently, the abundances derived from the spaxel spectra through strong-line methods may suffer from large errors. We examined this expectation by comparing the behaviour of the line intensities and the abundances estimated through different calibrations for slit spectra of H II regions in nearby galaxies, for fibre spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and for spaxel spectra of the MaNGA survey. We found that the S2 strength is increased significantly in the fibre and spaxel spectra. The mean enhancement changes with metallicity and can be as large as a factor of 2. The mean distortion of R2 and N2 is less than a factor of 1.3. This suggests that Kaufmann et al.'s (2003, MNRAS, 346, 1055) demarcation line between active galactic nuclei and H II regions in the Baldwin, Phillips, & Terlevich (BPT, 1981, PASP, 93, 5) diagram is a useful criterion to reject spectra with significantly distorted strengths of the N2 and R2 lines. We find that the three-dimensional R calibration, which uses the N2 and R2 lines, produces reliable abundances in the MaNGA galaxies. The one-dimensional N2 calibration produces either reliable or wrong abundances depending on whether excitation and N/O abundance ratio in the target region (spaxel) are close to or differ from those parameters in the calibrating points located close to the calibration relation. We then determined abundance distributions within the optical radii in the discs of 47 MaNGA galaxies. The optical radii of the galaxies were estimated from the surface brightness profiles constructed based on the

  4. Scaling of X pinches from 1 MA to 6 MA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bland, Simon Nicholas; McBride, Ryan D.; Wenger, David Franklin; Sinars, Daniel Brian; Chittenden, Jeremy Paul; Pikuz, Sergei A.; Harding, Eric; Jennings, Christopher A.; Ampleford, David J.; Yu, Edmund P.; Cuneo, Michael Edward; Shelkovenko, Tatiana A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.


    This final report for Project 117863 summarizes progress made toward understanding how X-pinch load designs scale to high currents. The X-pinch load geometry was conceived in 1982 as a method to study the formation and properties of bright x-ray spots in z-pinch plasmas. X-pinch plasmas driven by 0.2 MA currents were found to have source sizes of 1 micron, temperatures >1 keV, lifetimes of 10-100 ps, and densities >0.1 times solid density. These conditions are believed to result from the direct magnetic compression of matter. Physical models that capture the behavior of 0.2 MA X pinches predict more extreme parameters at currents >1 MA. This project developed load designs for up to 6 MA on the SATURN facility and attempted to measure the resulting plasma parameters. Source sizes of 5-8 microns were observed in some cases along with evidence for high temperatures (several keV) and short time durations (<500 ps).

  5. Kompatibilisierung von Elastomerverschnitten durch Kautschukadditive mit maßgeschneiderten Oberflächeneigenschaften

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tiwari, M.; Datta, Rabin; Guo, R.; Talma, Auke; van Ooij, W.J.; Dierkes, Wilma K.; Noordermeer, Jacobus W.M.


    Gummi ist ein herausforderndes Material, dessen Funktionalität stark von der Affinität seiner unterschiedlichen Bestand­teile und seiner Morphologie abhängt. Ein Weg, Polarität und Chemie der Füllstoffoberfläche maßzuschneidern, ist die Plasmabeschichtung. Werden Acetylen, Thiophen oder Pyrrol als

  6. Late Eocene Uplift of the Al Hajar Mountains, Oman, Supported by Stratigraphy and Low-Temperature Thermochronology (United States)

    Hansman, Reuben J.; Ring, Uwe; Thomson, Stuart N.; den Brok, Bas; Stübner, Konstanze


    Uplift of the Al Hajar Mountains in Oman has been related to either Late Cretaceous ophiolite obduction or the Neogene Zagros collision. To test these hypotheses, the cooling of the central Al Hajar Mountains is constrained by 10 apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe), 15 fission track (AFT), and four zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) sample ages. These data show differential cooling between the two major structural culminations of the mountains. In the 3 km high Jabal Akhdar culmination AHe single-grain ages range between 39 ± 2 Ma and 10 ± 1 Ma (2σ errors), AFT ages range from 51 ± 8 Ma to 32 ± 4 Ma, and ZHe single-grain ages range from 62 ± 3 Ma to 39 ± 2 Ma. In the 2 km high Saih Hatat culmination AHe ages range from 26 ± 4 to 12 ± 4 Ma, AFT ages from 73 ± 19 Ma to 57 ± 8 Ma, and ZHe single-grain ages from 81 ± 4 Ma to 58 ± 3 Ma. Thermal modeling demonstrates that cooling associated with uplift and erosion initiated at 40 Ma, indicating that uplift occurred 30 Myr after ophiolite obduction and at least 10 Myr before the Zagros collision. Therefore, this uplift cannot be related to either event. We propose that crustal thickening supporting the topography of the Al Hajar Mountains was caused by a slowdown of Makran subduction and that north Oman took up the residual fraction of N-S convergence between Arabia and Eurasia.

  7. 1 Yaşlı Bazı Kavak Klon Yapraklarındaki Besin Maddelerinin Tespiti Üzerine Bir Çalışma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yüksek Lisans Ahmet KARAKAŞ


    Full Text Available Bu çalışma 1 yaşlı kavak fidanları üzerinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, Marmara Bölgesinde yaygın olarak üretimi yapılan I-214 ve Samsun (I-77/51 klonları ile İzmit (S.307/26 klonu kullanılmıştır. Bu klonların yıllık yaprak döküm miktarı ve bu yolla toprağa verilen bitki besin maddelerinin tespiti yapılmıştır. Yapraklarda taze ve fırın kurusu ağırlıklar ile bitki besin maddelerinden N, P, K, Ca, Mg ve Na elementleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, yapraklardaki bitki besin maddesi konsantrasyonunun klonlar itibarı ile Samsun (I-77/51 > İzmit (S.307/26 > I-214 şeklinde sıralandığını göstermektedir. Bitki besin maddelerinin yapraklarda bulunuş sırası ise N > Ca > K > Mg > P > Na şeklinde ortaya çıkmıştır.

  8. Discovery and utilization of sorghum genes (Ma5/Ma6) (United States)

    Mullet, John E; Rooney, William L; Klein, Patricia E; Morishige, Daryl; Murphy, Rebecca; Brady, Jeff A


    Methods and composition for the production of non-flowering or late flowering sorghum hybrid. For example, in certain aspects methods for use of molecular markers that constitute the Ma5/Ma6 pathway to modulate photoperiod sensitivity are described. The invention allows the production of plants having improved productivity and biomass generation.

  9. Farklı Çalışma Ortamlarında Oluşabilecek Hava Kirliliğinin Çalışanların Sağlığı Üzerindeki Etkileri / The Effects of Air Pollution on Workers’ Health In Different Work Places

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    Simge Taner


    Full Text Available Endüstriyel ve endüstriyel olmayan (okul, ofis, fotokopi merkezleri, restoran vb. çalışma alanlarındaki hava kalitesi, çalışma ortamında bulunan personelin sadece konforu için değil, sağlığı için de büyük önem taşımaktadır. İç ortam hava kalitesi değerlendirmesi yapılırken genellikle sıcaklık, nem oranı, hava akım hızı, kükürtdioksit (SO2, karbondioksit (CO2, solunabilinir asılı partikül madde (PM, hidrojen sülfür (H2S, uçucu organik bileşikler (VOC, azot oksitler (NOx, karbonmonoksit (CO, ozon (O3, radon, hidrojenflorür, formaldehitler (HCHO, mikrobiyal kontrol gibi parametrelerin analizleri yapılmaktadır. Yapılan bu analizler sonucunda elde edilen veriler eşliğinde, çalışanların sağlığı hakkında daha doğru ve emin adımlar atılabilir. Bu durum çevresel analizlerin, işçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliği prensipleriyle birebir örtüştürülmesinin gerekliliğini gözler önüne sermektedir. Özellikle metal işleme, demir-çelik vb. imalat ortamlarında, diğer çalışma ortamlarına göre çok daha fazla kirletici parametre tanımlanabilir. Bu ortamlarda yapılacak ortam ölçümlerinin doğruluğu, çalışma bölgesinin temizlenmesi ve yeterli koruma önlemlerinin alınması konusunda işverenlere kolaylık tanımaktadır. Ülkemizde yalnızca imalat sektörleri değil maden ocakları da çevre ve insan sağlığı açısından ciddi riskler taşımaktadır. Maden ocaklarında çalışanların sağlıklarının korunması adına yapılması gerekli ortam ölçümlerinin yeterli düzeyde olmadığı bilinmektedir. Bu durum maden sektöründe çalışan kişilerin meslek hastalıklarına yakalanma riskini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ülkemizde iş sahası bakımından geniş bir alana sahip olan maden ve metal sektörlerindeki iç ortam hava kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyen parametreler irdelenerek, sözü edilen sektörlerde çalışanların sağlıklarının korunmas

  10. Características y propiedades funcionales del maíz morado (Zea mays L. var. subnigroviolaceo

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    Jhoseline Guillén-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Elmaíz morado es una planta oriunda de América, que tieneel epispermo de las semillas (granos y la tusa(coronta de color morado, lo que le otorga características especiales a los pigmentos que poseen (entre 1,5% y6,0%, llamados antocianinas, que pertenecen al grupo delosflavonoides.Debido a su altocontenido deantocianinas (cianin-3-glucosa C3G que es su principal colorante y compuestos fenólicosactúa como unpoderoso antioxidante natural y anticancerígeno, teniendoademás propiedades funcionales debido a estoscompuestos bioactivos.El maíz morado además aporta cantidades importantes de almidón, cerca del 80%; un10% de azúcares los cuales le confieren un sabor dulce, un 11% de proteínas, 2% de minerales y vitaminas(complejo B y ácido ascórbico concentrados en el endospermo. Además del valor nutricional, el maíz moradotiene una composición rica en fitoquímicos, que tienen efectos benéficos en nuestro cuerpo, tales comoneutralizar los radicales libres y actuar como antimutagénico.Este trabajo de revisión tuvo como objetivo,recopilar información sobre los estudios realizados al maíz morado,como alternativa al uso decolorantesartificiales de alimentos ypor susbeneficios a la salud al incluirlo en la dieta, tales como, enfermedadescardiovasculares (hipertensión arterial, reducción del colesterol, lucha contra la diabetes, siendo el másresaltante la acción antioxidante (antiarrugas.

  11. Eğitimde Fırsat Eşitsizliğini Azaltmaya Yönelik Eğilimler: Afrika Verileri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma

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    Amaghouss JABRANE


    Full Text Available Bu çalışma, çeşitli göstergeler kullanılarak Afrika’daki eğitim eşitsizliğine dikkat çekmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Eğitim eşitsizliğini azaltmaya yönelik dinamikler, eğitimde Kuznet Eğrisi’nin geçerliliği bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Ortaya çıkan sonuçlar, Kuznet Eğrisi’nin şeklinin ortalama eşitsizliğinin ölçülmesine bağlı olduğunu önermektedir. Kuznet Eğrisi’ne bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan varsayımlar öğretim verilerinin standart sapmasına bağlı olarak test edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda çalışmada kullanılan Gini İndeksi ortalama eğitim süresine bağlı olarak negatif ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktadır. Sonuçlar aynı zamanda İngilizce konuşulan Afrika ülkelerinde eğitimde fırsat eşitsizliğinin azaltılmasına yönelik pozitif bir eğilim olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.

  12. The Influence of the Reconquista on Muslim Law in Al-Andalus

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    Filip Andrzej Jakubowski


    Full Text Available The Influence of the Reconquista on Muslim Law in Al-Andalus Life in the reality of the borderlands between the Muslim and Christian  worlds had significant influence on both sides. It also had an impact on Muslim law (sharia which is observable in a very precious source – fatwas (Muslim legal rulings. Among those collected form the area of Al-Andalus (Muslim Spain and Portugal and North Africa this paper discusses issues connected with the long-standing conflict between Christians and Muslims, known as the Reconquista. The problems include ransoming captives, defending Muslim towns or trade relations with Christians. This analysis reflects upon the impact of the Reconquista on everyday life, as it was seen in sharia.   Wpływ rekonkwisty na prawo islamskie w Al-Andalus w świetle wybranych fatw Życie na styku świata muzułmańskiego i chrześcijańskiego wpływało na obie strony. Odcisnęło także swe piętno na prawie muzułmańskim (szariacie, co można zaobserwować w bardzo cennym źródle – fatwach (muzułmańskich orzeczeniach prawnych. Niniejsza praca omawia problemy związane z rekonkwistą w oparciu o fatwy zebrane z obszaru Al-Andalus (muzułmańskiej Hiszpanii i Portugalii oraz Afryki Północnej w kompilacji Al-Wanšarīsīego. Rozważane zagadnienia obejmują wykup jeńców, obronę muzułmańskich miast oraz relacje handlowe z chrześcijanami. Tym samym wyłania się obraz wpływu rekonkwisty na życie codzienne muzułmanów, tak jak został on zachowany w fatwach omawianego okresu.

  13. Reducción de niveles de fumonisinas en grano de maíz protegido de insectos

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    Jacqueline Cea


    Full Text Available La biotecnología ha hecho posible el desarrollo de híbridos de maíz que están protegidos de insectos lepidópteros barrenadores, mediante la introducción de la secuencia codificante para la proteína Cry1Ab , derivada de  Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt. Estos híbridos se cultivan en diferentes países a partir de 1998, con una adopción que ha llegado al 14% (11.2 millones de hectáreas del área global en 2004 (ISAAA.Existe evidencia de un beneficio adicional derivado de esta  tecnología, en cuanto a la reducción de micotoxinas observada en el grano de estos maíces, atribuída al menor daño provocado por los insectos, considerado una vía de entrada para Fusarium, responsable de la síntesis de fumonisinas. Para este estudio, se llevaron a cabo ensayos de campo en los EEUU, Francia, Argentina y Turquía.Las muestras de granos tomadas fueron sometidas a análisis de micotoxinas en diferentes laboratorios especializados. LATU fue elegido para procesar y analizar las muestras provenientes de ensayos realizados en Argentina.Los  ensayos promediados de los EEUU mostraron una reducción del 46% respecto de los controles no transgénicos. En Argentina, se observaron reducciones de hasta un 60% . En Francia y Turquía  también se mantuvo la tendencia observada, con niveles hasta 7 veces menores en los maíces Bt respecto de los híbridos convencionales. La reducción en los niveles de fumonisinas   al conseguir un grano sano tiene implicancias para la salud en países productores de maíz  con problemas de micotoxinas, y en los cuales el maíz representa una fuente de proteínas importante en la dieta.

  14. Precio del maíz en México y ley del precio único

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    Miguel Ángel Martínez Damián


    Full Text Available El abasto de maíz debe cubrirse con importaciones de Estados Unidos de América ( ee. uu. . Si dicho intercambio es de libre comercio, entonces debe observarse la ley del precio único ( lpu . Bajo un modelo vectorial de corrección de error, se examina la lpu para el precio de maíz en México y ee. uu . Los resultados si bien rechazan estadísticamente la lpu , el vector cointegrante estimado es de signo y magnitud acorde con la lpu , dicho vector implica la existencia de una combinación lineal estacionaria que provee evidencia de integración de mercados. Secundariamente se encuentra que el precio de maíz en México es causado, en el sentido de Granger, por el precio en ee. uu. y que dicho precio no es exógeno al vector examinado.

  15. Empoderamiento y feminismo comunitario en la conservación del maíz en México

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    Ana Gabriela Rincón Rubio


    Full Text Available El objetivo es analizar, desde una perspectiva basada en el feminismo comunitario, el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres que conforman un grupo de ocho integrantes matlatzincas de la comunidad de San Francisco Oxtotilpan, México, a través de prácticas productivas, alimentarias y culturales en torno al maíz nativo. Los datos fueron recogidos durante 2014 y 2015 con técnicas etnográficas que incluyen: observación participante, historias de vida, grupos focales, entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad. Son mujeres que muestran cinco dimensiones de poder (social, corporal, material, simbólico y cognitivo que repercuten en la preservación del maíz nativo, al generar la masa crítica necesaria para incorporar a otras mujeres en acciones favorables para la soberanía alimentaria.

  16. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Narcoleptic Features in Anti–Ma2-associated Encephalitis (United States)

    Compta, Yaroslau; Iranzo, Alex; Santamaría, Joan; Casamitjana, Roser; Graus, Francesc


    A 69-year-old man with anti-Ma2 paraneoplastic encephalitis presented with subacute onset of severe hypersomnia, memory loss, parkinsonism, and gaze palsy. A brain magnetic resonance imaging study showed bilateral damage in the dorsolateral midbrain, amygdala, and paramedian thalami. Videopolysomnography disclosed rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder, and a Multiple Sleep Latency Test showed a mean sleep latency of 7 minutes and 4 sleep-onset REM periods. The level of hypocretin-1 in the cerebrospinal fluid was low (49 pg/mL). This observation illustrates that REM sleep behavior disorder and narcoleptic features are 2 REM-sleep abnormalities that (1) may share the same autoimmune-mediated origin affecting the brainstem, limbic, and diencephalic structures and (2) may occur in the setting of the paraneoplastic anti–Ma2-associated encephalitis. Citation: Compta Y; Iranzo A; Santamaría J et al. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Narcoleptic Features in Anti–Ma2-associated Encephalitis. SLEEP 2007;30(6):767-769. PMID:17580598

  17. Model for Analysis of the Energy Demand (MAED) users' manual for version MAED-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual is organized in two major parts. The first part includes eight main sections describing how to use the MAED-1 computer program and the second one consists of five appendices giving some additional information about the program. Concerning the main sections of the manual, Section 1 gives a summary description and some background information about the MAED-1 model. Section 2 extends the description of the MAED-1 model in more detail. Section 3 introduces some concepts, mainly related to the computer requirements imposed by the program, that are used throughout this document. Sections 4 to 7 describe how to execute each of the various programs (or modules) of the MAED-1 package. The description for each module shows the user how to prepare the control and data cards needed to execute the module and how to interpret the printed output produced. Section 8 recapitulates about the use of MAED-1 for carrying out energy and electricity planning studies, describes the several phases normally involved in this type of study and provides the user with practical hints about the most important aspects that need to be verified at each phase while executing the various MAED modules

  18. Gemilerde Uygun Olmayan Yakıt ve Yetersiz Silindir Yağlama Yağının Ağır Devirli Gemi Dizel Motorlarına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma

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    Murat Yapıcı


    Full Text Available Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı; gemilerde kullanılan yakıtların uygunluğu açısından önemli noktaları irdelemek, ayrıca ana makine olarak kullanılan iki zamanlı ağır devirli gemi dizel motorlarında silindir yağlama yağına olan etkileri incelemektir. Yöntem: Çalışmada 2007-2015 yılları arasındaki gemi kayıtları incelenmiş ve tablo 3’de bulunan veriler elde edilmiştir. Geminin 39000 saatlik ana makine piston ve silindir bakım saatleri tablosu oluşturulmuştur. Bulgular: Uygun yakıt ve silindir yağlama yağı ile ilgili bakım sonrası uygun yağ miktarının tespiti yapılmıştır. Değişken kükürt oranlarına göre ayarlanabilen silindir yağlayıcıları (cylinder oil lubricator için kükürt oranı ve yüke göre veriler girilerek Excel tabanlı yağ miktarı hesaplama uygulaması modellenmiştir. Sonuç: Yapılan çalışma sayesinde başka tonaj ve tipteki makinelere aynı model uygulanarak makine bakım geçmişi çıkarılarak eksiklikler saptanabilir veya hazırlıklar yapılabilir. Örneğin 15000-19999 çalışma saati aralığında 16 kez piston bakımı yapıldığına göre layner değişiminden sonraki ikinci 20000 saatlik dilimde 35000-40000 saatlik dilimde piston ve layner değişimlerinin olacağı önceden tespit edilerek gerekli yedek malzeme erken tedarik edilerek zamandan kazanılmış olur. Bu sayede daha büyük arızaların önü kesilmiş olur. Şirket ve gemi arasında planlı bakım sistemi daha verimli hale getirilmiş olur. Bu kapsamda yapılan çalışma ile literatüre gerçek bir uygulamadan yola çıkılarak ilerideki çalışmalar için başlangıç olması hedeflenmiştir.

  19. [Herbological studies on Chinese crude drug Ma-huang. Part 1-On the botanical origin of Ma-huang in ancient China and the origin of Japanese Ma-huang]. (United States)

    Yoshizawa, Chieko; Kitade, Makiko; Mikage, Masayuki


    The botanical origin of a Chinese crude drug Ma-huang in ancient China and the origin of Japanese Ma-huang were herbologically studied. The results showed that the plants of Ephedra sinica Stapf, E. intermedia Schrenk & C. A. Meyer and E. equisetina Bunge were used as Ma-huang in China, and the first species was considered to be of high quality. The characters of Mao-zhou Ma-huang and Tong-zhou Ma-huang printed in Tu-jing-ben-cao, published in the Song Dynasty in China, were identified as E. likiangensis Florin and E. intermedia, respectively, and both species were recognized as excellent Ma-huang in the Ming Dynasty. The word origin of Katsune-kusa, the Japanese name for Ma-huang in the Heian Era, was etymologically considered as meaning the plant having reddish brown roots. In Japan, the plant of Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. var.japonicum Milde, of the family Equisetaceae, was substituted for Ma-huang in the middle of Edo Era, and it was designated that this action was based on the confusion of Ephedra plants and Equisetum plants those days in China.

  20. Perceptual Characterization of the Macronutrient Picture System (MaPS for Food Image fMRI

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    Jill L. King


    Full Text Available Food image fMRI paradigms are used widely for investigating the neural basis of ingestive behavior. However, these paradigms have not been validated in terms of ingestive behavior constructs, engagement of food-relevant neural systems, or test-retest reliability, making the generalizability of study findings unclear. Therefore, we validated the Macronutrient Picture System (MaPS (McClernon et al., 2013, which includes food images from the six categories represented in the Geiselman Food Preference Questionnaire (FPQ (Geiselman et al., 1998. Twenty-five healthy young adults (n = 21 female, mean age = 20.6 ± 1.1 years, mean BMI = 22.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 rated the MaPS images in terms of visual interest, appetitive quality, nutrition, emotional valence, liking, and frequency of consumption, and completed the FPQ. In a second study, 12 individuals (n=8 female, mean age = 25.0 ± 6.5 years, mean BMI = 28.2 ± 8.7 kg/m2 viewed MaPS and control images (vegetables and non-food during two separate 3T BOLD fMRI scans after fasting overnight. Intuitively, high fat/high sugar (HF/HS and high fat/high complex carbohydrate (HF/HCCHO images achieved higher liking and appetitive ratings, and lower nutrition ratings, than low fat/low complex carbohydrate/high protein (LF/LCHO/HP images on average. Within each food category, FPQ scores correlated strongly with MaPS image liking ratings (p < 0.001. Brain activation differences between viewing images of HF/HS and vegetables, and between HF/HCCHO and vegetables, were seen in several reward-related brain regions (e.g., putamen, insula, and medial frontal gyrus. Intra-individual, inter-scan agreement in a summary measure of brain activation differences in seven reward network regions of interest was high (ICC = 0.61, and was even higher when two distinct sets of food images with matching visual ratings were shown in the two scans (ICC = 0.74. These results suggest that the MaPS provides valid representation of food

  1. The formation mechanism of mechanically alloyed Fe-20 at% Al powder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadef, F., E-mail: [Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Physico-Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces, LRPCSI, Universite 20 Aout 1955, BP 26, Route d' El-Hadaiek, Skikda 21000 (Algeria); Otmani, A. [Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Physico-Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces, LRPCSI, Universite 20 Aout 1955, BP 26, Route d' El-Hadaiek, Skikda 21000 (Algeria); Djekoun, A. [Laboratoire de Magnetisme et Spectroscopie des Solides, LM2S, Universite Badji Mokhtar, BP 12 Annaba 23000 (Algeria); Greneche, J.M. [LUNAM, Universite du Maine, Institut des Molecules et Materiaux du Mans, UMR CNRS 6283, 72085 Le Mans (France)


    The formation mechanism of the mechanically alloyed Fe-20 at% Al, from elemental Fe and Al powders, has been investigated. The experimental results indicate the formation of a nanocrystalline bcc {alpha}-Fe(Al) solid solution with a lattice parameter close to a{sub {alpha}-Fe(Al)}=0.2890 nm, where each Fe atom is surrounded by (6Fe+2Al) in the first coordination sphere. The reaction mechanism of MA process seems to be controlled by a diffusion phenomenon. Aluminum particles undergo an important refinement to the nanometer scale and then they stick on Fe particles of large sizes. A large number of clear Al/Fe interface areas were generated. The short diffusion path and the presence of high concentration of defects accelerated the solid state reaction. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A nanocrystalline bcc {alpha}-Fe(Al) solid solution is formed from elemental Fe and Al powders. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The reaction mechanism of MA process seems to be controlled by a diffusion phenomenon. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Each Fe atom is surrounded by (6Fe+2Al) in the first coordination sphere.

  2. Striation Formation in Cylindrical Liners Made of Various Materials Driven by a 1 MA Pulsed Power Generator (United States)

    Atoyan, Levon; Byvank, Tom; Engelbrecht, Joseph; Greenly, John; Pikuz, Sergei; Potter, William; Shelkovenko, Tania; Kusse, Bruce; Hammer, David


    Peterson et al. found on the 20 MA Z machine that, without any applied external axial magnetic field, horizontal striations appear in radiographic images of a metal liner [Phys. Plasmas 19, 092701, 2012], a result that has been reproduced on other pulsed power machines since. In this work we present experimental results of horizontal striations on the 1 MA, 100-200 ns COBRA pulsed power generator [T. A. Shelkovenko et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 10F521, 2006]. The pattern is observed in our experiments using extreme ultraviolet imaging, laser imaging, and X-ray backlighting. Using this combination of diagnostics, we were able to view simultaneously the pattern near the liner surface as well as in the higher density portion of the liner, displaying features with different wavelengths. Furthermore, materials such as Al, Cu, and Ti will be used for the liner to determine if the striation formation is affected by the nature of the material. This research is supported by the NNSA Stewardship Sciences Academic Programs under Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement DE-NA0001836 and DOE account DE-NA0002952.

  3. Yerel Hizmet Sunumunda Bilgi Teknolojisi Kullanımının Önemi Üzerine Uygulamalı Bir Çalışma: Kırşehir İl Özel İdaresi

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    Mustafa KOCAOĞLU


    Full Text Available Dünyada bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinde yaşanan gelişmelere paralel olarak Türkiye’de de kamusal hizmetlerin bilişim teknolojileri aracılığı ile sağlanmasına yönelik çalışmalar hız kazanmıştır. Bu gelişmelerin yanısıra 2000’li yıllarda yapılan reform çalışmaları sonucunda yerel yönetimlerin görevlerinin niteliğinde ve niceliğinde önemli değişimler meydana gelmiştir. Bilişim teknolojilerinin hizmet sunumu ve karar verme süreçlerinde kullanımı, yerel yönetim birimlerinin kendilerinden beklenen görev ve sorumluluklarının üstesinden gelebilmelerine önemli katkılarda bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Kırşehir İl Özel İdaresi’nde gerçekleştirilen yerel hizmet sunumunda bilişim teknolojileri kullanımını analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, alan araştırmasına dayanmaktadır. Alan araştırmasında anket ve mülakat yöntemleri kullanılmış ve ayrıca kurumun web sitesi analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre kurum, internet kullanıcılığı ve hizmetlerin internet aracılığı ile sunumu açısından gelişme aşamasındadır. İnternet aracılığı ile hizmet sunumu ve yönetimin internete taşınması konusunda çalışmaların devam etmesi beklenmektedir.

  4. Estrategias de reproducción social de los productores de maíz de Tlaxcala

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    Miguel Ángel Damián Huato


    Full Text Available Se analizan las múltiples estrategias de reproducción social de los productores de maíz del estado de Tlaxcala y el efecto que ha tenido la pluriactividad en el manejo del maíz y de otros recursos, así como en el desarrollo sustentable y humano. Con este fin se recurrió a información acopiada por una encuesta aplicada en el año de 2002 a una muestra de 1,884 maiceros. Los resultados indican que, aparte de producir maíz, 74% vende su fuerza de trabajo para sobrevivir, realizando distintas actividades; una sexta parte de productores o de sus familiares tienen que emigrar para contribuir al sustento familiar; las actividades pri- marias (siembra de maíz, ganadería y recolección de bienes, aunque aportan menor cantidad de recursos económicos, son estrategias de gran importancia por garantizar la reproducción social de la unidad campesina. Finalmente, no se encontró ninguna evidencia que demuestre que la política agropecuaria haya contribuido a mejorar la productividad, el bienestar social y la sustentabilidad de los recursos naturales de los productores de maíz del estado de Tlaxcala.

  5. Seismic tomographic constraints on plate-tectonic reconstructions of Nazca subduction under South America since late Cretaceous (˜80 Ma) (United States)

    Chen, Y. W.; Wu, J.; Suppe, J.


    Global seismic tomography has provided new and increasingly higher resolution constraints on subducted lithospheric remnants in terms of their position, depth, and volumes. In this study we aim to link tomographic slab anomalies in the mantle under South America to Andean geology using methods to unfold (i.e. structurally restore) slabs back to earth surface and input them to globally consistent plate reconstructions (Wu et al., 2016). The Andean margin of South America has long been interpreted as a classic example of a continuous subduction system since early Jurassic or later. However, significant gaps in Andean plate tectonic reconstructions exist due to missing or incomplete geology from extensive Nazca-South America plate convergence (i.e. >5000 km since 80 Ma). We mapped and unfolded the Nazca slab from global seismic tomography to produce a quantitative plate reconstruction of the Andes back to the late Cretaceous 80 Ma. Our plate model predicts the latest phase of Nazca subduction began in the late Cretaceous subduction after a 100 to 80 Ma plate reorganization, which is supported by Andean geology that indicates a margin-wide compressional event at the mid-late Cretaceous (Tunik et al., 2010). Our Andean plate tectonic reconstructions predict the Andean margin experienced periods of strike-slip/transtensional and even divergent plate tectonics between 80 to 55 Ma. This prediction is roughly consistent with the arc magmatism from northern Chile between 20 to 36°S that resumed at 80 Ma after a magmatic gap. Our model indicates the Andean margin only became fully convergent after 55 Ma. We provide additional constraints on pre-subduction Nazca plate paleogeography by extracting P-wave velocity perturbations within our mapped slab surfaces following Wu et al. (2016). We identified localized slow anomalies within our mapped Nazca slab that apparently show the size and position of the subducted Nazca ridge, Carnegie ridge and the hypothesized Inca plateau

  6. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on high-quality AlN template using MOVPE

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Jianchang; Wang, Junxi; Zhang, Yun; Cong, Peipei; Sun, Lili; Tian, Yingdong; Zhao, Chao; Li, Jinmin


    In this article, we report the growth of high-quality AlN film using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Three layers of middle-temperature (MT) AlN were introduced during the high-temperature (HT) AlN growth. During the MT-AlN layer growth, aluminum and nitrogen sources were closed for 6 seconds after every 5-nm MT-AlN, while H2 carrier gas was always on. The threading dislocation density in an AlN epi-layer on a sapphire substrate was reduced by almost half. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes were further fabricated based on the AlN/sapphire template. At 20 mA driving current, the emitted peak wavelength is 284.5 nm and the light output power exceeds 3 mW.

  7. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on high-quality AlN template using MOVPE

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Jianchang


    In this article, we report the growth of high-quality AlN film using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Three layers of middle-temperature (MT) AlN were introduced during the high-temperature (HT) AlN growth. During the MT-AlN layer growth, aluminum and nitrogen sources were closed for 6 seconds after every 5-nm MT-AlN, while H2 carrier gas was always on. The threading dislocation density in an AlN epi-layer on a sapphire substrate was reduced by almost half. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes were further fabricated based on the AlN/sapphire template. At 20 mA driving current, the emitted peak wavelength is 284.5 nm and the light output power exceeds 3 mW.

  8. X – ray and neutron diffraction of TiAl alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valkov, Stefan; Petrov, Peter; Neov, Dimitar; Beskrovny, Anatoly; Kozlenko, Denis


    TiAl alloys were prepared by electron beam hybrid method. Composite Ti-Al film, from composite target, was deposited on Ti substrate by electron beam evaporation, followed by electron beam treatment with scanning electron beam. Experiments were made using Leybold Heraus (EWS 300/ 15 - 60) with the following technological parameters : accelerating voltage U = 60kV; beam current I=40 mA, speed of movement of specimens V=5 cm/s, current of the focusing lens If =512mA, specimen distance D0 = 38cm. X- ray and neutron diffraction methods were used to determine the phase composition on the surface and at the volume, respectively. Time of flight neutron diffraction study of TiAl specimens was performed on DN-2 diffractometer at fast pulsed IBR-2 reactor in FLNP JINR (Dubna, Russia).We found that intermetallic TiAl phases were successfully obtained on the surface, as well as in the volume.

  9. Anti Ma2-associated myeloradiculopathy: expanding the phenotype of anti-Ma2 associated paraneoplastic syndromes


    Murphy, Sinead M; Khan, Usman; Alifrangis, Constantine; Hazell, Steven; Hrouda, David; Blake, Julian; Ball, Joanna; Gabriel, Carolyn; Markarian, Pierre; Rees, Jeremy; Karim, Abid; Seckl, Michael J; Lunn, Michael P; Reilly, Mary M


    Anti-Ma2 associated paraneoplastic syndrome usually presents as limbic encephalitis in association with testicular tumours.1, 2 Only four patients have been reported with involvement outside the CNS, two of whom also had limbic or brainstem encephalitis.2, 3 We report a man with anti- Ma2 associated myeloradiculopathy and previous testicular cancer whose neurological syndrome stabilised and anti-Ma2 titres fell following orchidectomy of a microscopically normal testis.


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    Nuraida Nuraida


    Full Text Available Shaykh Muhammad al - Banjari Arsyad , derived from Banjar South Kalimantan . He was a well-known figure in the 18th century. His role was not only in education , but he was known as a great scholar of fiqh and also an expert in field of Sufism . This had been the result obtained for about thirty years studying in Mecca . Therefore , he was recognized as one of the transmission of the Middle East teaching, particularly in Banjar Indonesia South Kalimantan . His study of Sufism was written in “Kanz al Ma'rifah” . In this book,  Ma'rifah is not separated from the concept of knowing God and ourselves . If someone recognizes him, he should recognize his god. Knowing God means knowing the origin of human, aacording to Arsyad, it is called Nur Muhammad ; mortal before death.

  11. Microprobe monazite constraints for and early (ca. 790 Ma) Braziliano orogeny: The Embu Terrane, southeastern Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlach, Silvio R.F


    The evolution of the Mantiqueira Orogenetic System, Southeastern Brazil, comprises discrete episodes of tectonic collage and docking of remnants of Rodinia break-up in the borders of the Sao Francisco Craton. This system is related to the closure of the Adamastor ocean and assemblage of the western Gondwana super-continent during Neoproterozoic times (ca. 610-530 Ma, Brito Neves et al., 1999; Campos Neto, 2000). This report presents monazite microprobe dating results for metassediments from the Embu Complex, an important lithological unit from the Ribeira Belt, currently included in the Juiz de Fora terrane, a unit added to the Sao Francisco Craton at ca. 600-580 Ma. (Campos Neto, 2000). The age results unravel a main metamorphic episode and related orogeny at ca. 790 Ma and bring new insights concerning the agglutination of Gondwana in this region during the Neoproterozoic (au)

  12. Rekonstruksi Konsep Ijtihad: Studi Pemikiran Ben’umar tentang al-Ijtihad fi al-Waqi’

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    Duski Ibrahim


    Full Text Available This paper is the result of a research that evaluating the reconstruction the concept of ijtihad, by discuss the idea of al-Ijtihad Ben'umar fi al-waqi’. This paper concludes that Al-Ijtihad fi al-waqi’ is actually a form of collective ijtihad (al ijtihad al-jama'i, by gathering the experts of shari'ah law (fuqaha` ash-shar'i and experts Researchers and scientists (khubara` al-'ashr. Because experts know the nash purposes, while researchers and scientists (al-khubara` know the reality (al-waqi’, the effects in the future (ma'alat = future effect and challenges (tahaddiyat. The idea of formulating the concept of al-ijtihad fi al-waqi’ emerged based on a premise that ijtihad is a creation of experts to implement Islamic law in society. Therefore, the concept of ijtihad experienced a significant development, start from using the nash from the language aspects, continue to the using of logic. At the moment when the situation people are increasingly develop, then the creation of ijtihad become a necessary to developed, for example in the form of al-ijtihad fi al-waqi’ . About the source of the formation of the concept of al -ijtihad fi al-waqi’ comes from theory about the functions of nash, al-manath theory in Islamic law, and supported by the theory of al-mashlalah al-mursalah.

  13. Structure of Oxide Nanoparticles in Fe-16Cr MA/ODS Ferritic Steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hsiung, L; Fluss, M; Kimura, A


    Oxide nanoparticles in Fe-16Cr ODS ferritic steel fabricated by mechanical alloying (MA) method have been examined using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) techniques. A partial crystallization of oxide nanoparticles was frequently observed in as-fabricated ODS steel. The crystal structure of crystalline oxide particles is identified to be mainly Y{sub 4}Al{sub 2}O{sub 9} (YAM) with a monoclinic structure. Large nanoparticles with a diameter larger than 20 nm tend to be incoherent and have a nearly spherical shape, whereas small nanoparticles with a diameter smaller than 10 nm tend to be coherent or semi-coherent and have faceted boundaries. The oxide nanoparticles become fully crystallized after prolonged annealing at 900 C. These results lead us to propose a three-stage formation mechanism of oxide nanoparticles in MA/ODS steels.

  14. Stagnation of the exploitation of Al ores and the depression of world prices of Al

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    Slavkovský Jozef


    Full Text Available In the contribution, data on Al – a metal of the 20th century are compiled together with the problems of genesis of the Al mineral raw ma-terials as well as types of bauxite and Al-laterite deposits. Furthermore, an overview of the world exploitation of bauxite during 1935-1980 is given along with the prognoses to 2000 and present situation (1992-1996. Overviews of the production of Al follows, providing its rela-tion to the bauxite exploitation. Contrary to the prognoses, a stabilization or stagnation has been observed in the exploitation of bauxite and production of Al during nineties, which a tendency is directly reflected in the world price of this commodity. When analyzing the Al prices for a longer period, some serious deviations can be noticed, that however presently represent a long-term minimum. We hope the stagnation of the production and the price decline are only temporary and new possibilities of the utilization of Al will be found soon.

  15. Efectos en suelo y plantas debido al riego de un cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L. con el efluente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Jinotepe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Umaña


    Full Text Available Un estudio de reúso de aguas para el riego de una parcela de cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L. se realizó en la comunidad de El Aguacate municipio de Jinotepe aprovechando los efluentes de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Jinotepe, con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de esta práctica sobre las características físicas y químicas del suelo y los rendimientos obtenidos con respecto a una parcela de referencia. El manejo que se dio al cultivo fue el que tradicionalmente realizan los agricultores de la zona excepto que no se aplicó ningún fertilizante para aprovechar los nutrientes contenidos en el agua residual tratada. El monitoreo de las características del suelo se realizaron en una etapa inicial, una etapa intermedia y una etapa final del ciclo del cultivo. Los resultados obtenidos indican que estadísticamente las variaciones experimentadas en las características del suelo en la parcela de estudio no fueron significativas. Por otro lado, la calidad del efluente en cuanto al contenido de nutrientes, compensa el no uso de fertilizantes por cuanto los rendimientos obtenidos en el estudio superaron hasta en un 60 % la media de rendimientos de maíz en la zona reportados que es de 1.61 t/ha.

  16. Consideraciones socioeconómicas y culturales en la controvertida introducción del maíz transgénico: el caso de Tlaxcala


    Lazos Chavero, Elena


    Los agricultores cultivan maíces nativos e híbridos en tierras ejidales, privadas o rentadas para lograr el autoconsumo y surtir al mercado regional. Los híbridos están impulsados por Modernización Sustentable de la Agricultura Tradicional, el Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo, la Secretaría de Fomento Agropecuario y por la industria de la tortilla. Las plagas y las malezas no afectan la producción; herbicidas e insecticidas representan los menores costos. Los maíces transg...

  17. Estudio de la cinética de oxidación de la superaleación MA 956 M

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    García-Alonso, C.


    Full Text Available This work deals with the oxidation kinetics of the MA 956 superalloy in the temperature range of 800-1,200°C for up to 200 h exposure. During oxidation the alloy develops a fine, compact and very well adhered α-alumina layer, the thickness of which increases with increasing time and temperature. The oxidation kinetics obeys a subparabolic type behaviour. The scale growth seems to occur by two different oxidation mechanisms; above 1,050°C, the oxidation process would be controlled by α-alumina, and below 900°C by γ-alumina.

    Se estudia la cinética de oxidación de la superaleación MA 956 en el intervalo de temperaturas 800-1.200°C durante tiempos de tratamiento de hasta 200 h. Durante la oxidación, se forma una capa de alúmina fina, densa y muy bien adherida cuyo espesor aumenta al aumentar el tiempo y la temperatura. La cinética de oxidación puede describirse mediante una ley de tipo subparabólico. El crecimiento de la capa de alúmina en el intervalo de temperaturas estudiado parece estar controlado por dos mecanismos distintos; por encima de 1.050°C se forma alúmina α y por debajo de los 900ºC alúmina γ.

  18. Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions on Worksheets Prepared with GeoGebra [Matematik Öğretmenlerinin GeoGebra ile Hazırlanan Çalışma Yaprakları Üzerine Görüşleri

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    Semirhan Gökçe


    ve öğretim sürecine katma noktasında eksiklerinin olduğu, kendilerini yeterli görmedikleri anlaşılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada GeoGebra kullanılarak öğretmenlerin öğretim sürecinde ve öncesinde uzman yardımı almaksızın doğrudan uygulayabilecekleri çalışma yapraklarının geliştirilmesi ve hazırlanan çalışma yapraklarının uygulanabilirliği ve etkililiği üzerine görüşlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Özel durum çalışması yönteminin kullanıldığı araştırmanın katılımcılarını bir Anadolu lisesinde görev yapan beş matematik öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanmasında yarı-yapılandırılmış mülakatlar kullanılmıştır. Bulgular çalışma yapraklarının matematik öğretimine etkileri, öğretim sürecinde kullanımının öğrenciler üzerindeki etkileri, uygulanması için gerekli eğitim altyapısı ve öğretim sürecinde uygulanabilirliği kapsamında ele alınmıştır. Kullanılan çalışma yapraklarının öğrenci merkezli olmasının, bilgisayar destekli eğitime yönelik bir yazılımı öğreten yapıda olmasının, özellikle de uzman yardımı almaksızın temel bilgisayar bilgisiyle uygulanabilmesinin bilgisayarı öğretim ortamlarında etkin biçimde kullanmak isteyen öğretmenlere katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


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    Full Text Available Çağdaş pazarlama kuram ve pratiği, marka ederinin yaratılması aşamasında markaların nasıl yönetildiği ve kullanıldığını tanımlama ve açıklama çabası üzerine temellenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, marka ederine ve bunun ölçümlenmesine dair bilgi ve yaklaşımlar eleştirel bir biçimde ele alınacaktır. Bu kuramsal değerlendirme, hem pazarlama kuramının geliştirilmesi açısından önemli bir adım, hem de kavramsal yapıların ne derece farklı olabileceğine dair bir gösterge oluşturacaktır. Bu çerçevede, kavramlara yönelik yaklaşımların bir sentezi taksonomik bir çerçevede sunulacak, bütünlüklü bir marka ederi kuramına yönelik gelecekte yürütülecek çalışmalar açısından ışık tutabilecek bir çalışma ortaya koyulacaktır. Genel anlamda, marka ederinin kaynakları ve marka ederi formasyonunun belirleyici unsurları kuramsal ve tarihsel açılardan ele alınacaktır.

  20. GaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes with AlN/GaN/InGaN multiple quantum wells. (United States)

    Chang, Hung-Ming; Lai, Wei-Chih; Chen, Wei-Shou; Chang, Shoou-Jinn


    We demonstrate indium gallium nitride/gallium nitride/aluminum nitride (AlN/GaN/InGaN) multi-quantum-well (MQW) ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to improve light output power. Similar to conventional UV LEDs with AlGaN/InGaN MQWs, UV LEDs with AlN/GaN/InGaN MQWs have forward voltages (V(f)'s) ranging from 3.21 V to 3.29 V at 350 mA. Each emission peak wavelength of AlN/GaN/InGaN MQW UV LEDs presents 350 mA output power greater than that of the corresponding emission peak wavelength of AlGaN/InGaN MQW UV LEDs. The light output power at 350mA of AlN/GaN/InGaN MQWs UV LEDs with 375 nm emission wavelength can reach around 26.7% light output power enhancement in magnitude compared to the AlGaN/InGaN MQWs UV LEDs with same emission wavelength. But 350mA light output power of AlN/GaN/InGaN MQWs UV LEDs with emission wavelength of 395nm could only have light output power enhancement of 2.43% in magnitude compared with the same emission wavelength AlGaN/InGaN MQWs UV LEDs. Moreover, AlN/GaN/InGaN MQWs present better InGaN thickness uniformity, well/barrier interface quality and less large size pits than AlGaN/InGaN MQWs, causing AlN/GaN/InGaN MQW UV LEDs to have less reverse leakage currents at -20 V. Furthermore, AlN/GaN/InGaN MQW UV LEDs have the 2-kV human body mode (HBM) electrostatic discharge (ESD) pass yield of 85%, which is 15% more than the 2-kV HBM ESD pass yield of AlGaN/InGaN MQW UV LEDs of 70%.

  1. Identification and characterization of novel NuMA isoforms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Jin, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Cell Proliferation and Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing (China); Xu, Zhe [Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing (China); Core Laboratory for Clinical Medical Research, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing (China); He, Dacheng [Key Laboratory for Cell Proliferation and Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing (China); Lu, Guanting, E-mail: [Beijing DnaLead Science and Technology Co., LTD, Beijing (China)


    Highlights: • Seven NuMA isoforms generated by alternative splicing were categorized into 3 groups: long, middle and short. • Both exons 15 and 16 in long NuMA were “hotspot” for alternative splicing. • Lower expression of short NuMA was observed in cancer cells compared with nonneoplastic controls. • Distinct localization pattern of short isoforms indicated different function from that of long and middle NuMA. - Abstract: The large nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) has been investigated for over 30 years with functions related to the formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles during mitosis. However, the existence and functions of NuMA isoforms generated by alternative splicing remains unclear. In the present work, we show that at least seven NuMA isoforms (categorized into long, middle and short groups) generated by alternative splicing from a common NuMA mRNA precursor were discovered in HeLa cells and these isoforms differ mainly at the carboxyl terminus and the coiled-coil domains. Two “hotspot” exons with molecular mass of 3366-nt and 42-nt tend to be spliced during alternative splicing in long and middle groups. Furthermore, full-length coding sequences of long and middle NuMA obtained by using fusion PCR were constructed into GFP-tagged vector to illustrate their cellular localization. Long NuMA mainly localized in the nucleus with absence from nucleoli during interphase and translocated to the spindle poles in mitosis. Middle NuMA displayed the similar cell cycle-dependent distribution pattern as long NuMA. However, expression of NuMA short isoforms revealed a distinct subcellular localization. Short NuMA were present in the cytosol during the whole cycle, without colocalization with mitotic apparatus. These results have allowed us tentatively to explore a new research direction for NuMA’s various functions.

  2. Yetişkin Kadın Mağdurlarda Cinsel Saldırı Sonrası Görülen Ruhsal ve Sosyal Sorunlar

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    Zeynep Belma Gölge


    Full Text Available Amaç: Bu çalışmada, cinsel saldırı mağdurlarının tıbbi ve psikolojik yardım alma imkanının çok fazla olmadığı, adli sürecin yıllarca sürdüğü ülkemizde, cinsel saldırı sonrası ruhsal ve sosyal sorunların görülme oranı ve bu sorunlar ile çocukluk çağında yaşanan istismar arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Yöntem: Çalışma grubu cinsel saldırı iddiası ile TC Adalet Bakanlığı Adli Tıp Kurumu II. İhtisas Kurulu’na muayene için gönderilen 93 kadından oluşmaktadır. Mağdurların değerlendirmesinde, sosyodemografik özelliklerini, saldırı karakteristiklerini,  ruhsal ve sosyal sorunlarını belirlemek amacıyla oluşturulan görüşme formu, Travma Sonrası Stres Tanı Ölçeği (TSTÖ ve Çocukluk Örselenme Yaşantıları Ölçeği (ÇÖYÖ kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar: Mağdurların %61.3’ünde TSSB tanı kriterleri karşılanmış ve %54.8’inde cinsel sorunlar belirlenmiştir. Mağdurların  %68.8’i olumsuz sosyal reaksiyonlara maruz kaldığını ifade etmiştir. Olumsuz sosyal reaksiyonlara maruz kaldığını belirtenlerin % 70.3’ü TSSB tanısı alırken, olumsuz sosyal reaksiyonlara maruz kalmadığını belirtenlerin %41.4’ü TSSB tanısı almışlardır. Aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur; ki kare: 7.04; df: 1; p<0.01.  Çocukluk çağı duygusal istismar ile saldırı sonrası yaşanan TSSB arasında ve çocukluk çağı cinsel istismar ile intihar girişimi ve kendini yaralama davranışı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Tartışma: Cinsel saldırı ile görüşme arasında geçen süre dikkate alındığında çalışmamızda TSSB ve cinsel sorun yaşayanların oranı diğer çalışmalara nazaran daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Çalışmamızda saldırı ile görüşme arasında 3 yıldan fazla süre geçtiğini bildiren mağdurlarda dahi TSSB tanı kriterlerini karşılayanların oranı %58.8’dir. Bu

  3. Paleomagnetic constraints on early collisional deformation along the eastern margin of the Qiantang terrane (Tibetan plateau) at 50 and 37 Ma. (United States)

    Roperch, Pierrick; Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume; Guillot, Stéphane; Goussin, Fanny; Huang, Wentao; Replumaz, Anne; Yang, Zhang; Guo, Zhaojie; Song, Bowen


    Ongoing controversies on the timing and latitude of the India-Asia collision with associated formation of the Tibetan plateau have major implications on geodynamic, climatic and biotic models. Rock paleomagnetic inclinations and declinations enable in principle to quantify respectively paleolatitudes and tectonic rotations. However, shallow paleomagnetic inclinations observed for most of the Cenozoic rocks across the active belts of Central Asia have been controversially interpreted as resulting from non dipolar geomagnetic fields, inclination flattening in the sedimentary data or large scale continental deformation. In addition tectonic rotations from the Eastern margin of Tibet may result from extrusion or dextral shear associated with implication on the early collision. We present new paleomagnetic results from two Cenozoic basins of the Eastern part of the Qiantang block characterized by two short-lived volcanic fields at 37-38Ma (Nangqian area) and 49-51Ma (Xialaxiu area). In the Xialaxiu area, we sampled the volcanic field near the town of Xialaxiu and red beds filling the Sangalaxiu basin 10 to 20km farther north. Results from the red beds after tilt correction (D=328.3°, I=34.3°, α95=7.6°) confirm the result (D=322.0°, I=32.3°, α95=9.5°) previously obtained by Cogne et al., (1999) but the age and nature of the characteristic magnetization are uncertain. The mean direction calculated from 21 sites in volcanic rocks provides a more reliable paleofield (D=11.9°, I=41.6°, α95=8.0°). Comparison with the expected direction for stable Eurasia suggest no rotation but significant post 50 Ma shortening north of the Qiantang block in agreement with results from the Lhasa terrane at the same age (56-47 Ma) (van Hinsbergen et al., 2012). In the Nangqian basin, paleomagnetic sites have been collected in red beds sediments, sills and dikes intruding the red bed sequence and in extrusive volcanic rocks mainly found on top of the sedimentary sequence. A well

  4. Structure and hardness of TiAl-TiB2 composite prepared by hot isostatic pressing of mechanically alloyed powders. Mekanikaru aroingu funmatsu no HIP shoketsu ni yori sakuseishita TiAl/TiB2 fukugo zairyo no soshiki to kodo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, T; Shimakage, K [Muroran Inst. of Technology, Hokkaido (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Miyakawa, S [Muroran Inst. of Technology, Hokkaido (Japan). Graduate Student


    The practical application of Ti-Al system intermetallic compounds is expected as an advanced light heat resistant material. TiAl group out of them, as for the specific strength, has an equivalent maximum working temperature as that of the nickel base alloy, which is utilized as a turbine material for the current aircraft, and moreover it is also said that it is superior in the creep and rupture properties to the latter. In this study, by mechanical alloying (MA) of each mixed powder of Ti-Al and Ti-B, by suing heptane as a grinding aid, each MA powder of the amorphous TiAl containing carbon and extremely fine compound TiB2 were prepared, and subsequently the true density sintering by the hot isostatic pressing (HIP) was performed, and by doing these, the preparation of TiAl/TiB2 system composite material with a high composite ratio of TiO2 was tried. Consequently, by the MA treatment of the mixed powder of Ti and B for more than 50 hours, the compound powder of TiB2 mixed with TiB could be prepared, and its hardness has shown the maximum value Hmv=l200 with a composition of TiAl/25 mol % TiB2. 14 refs., 10 figs., 2 tabs.

  5. İş Hayatında Tükenmişlik Sendromu: Finans ve Muhasebe Çalışanlarının Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesine İlişkin Bir Çalışma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elvan OKUTAN


    Full Text Available Çalışmanın amacı, KOBİ’lerin Finans ve Mali İşler Departmanı'nda çalışan muhasebe ve finans elemanlarının tükenmişlik düzeyinin belirlenmesi ve tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile demografik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkinin tespit edilmesidir. Araştırma kapsamında uygulanan ankette, Maslach Tükenmişlik ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 15 kullanılarak frekans değerleri, t-testi ve ANOVA testi yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde genel olarak araştırma kapsamındaki meslek elemanlarının duygusal tükenme düzeylerinin düşük, duyarsızlaşma düzeylerinin normal, kişisel başarı düzeylerinin ise yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, yapılan araştırma kapsamında muhasebe ve finans çalışanlarının düşük tükenme düzeylerine sahip oldukları ifade edilebilir.

  6. The (mis)Measurement of M&A Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meglio, Olimpia; Risberg, Annette


    This paper seeks to further the understanding of the variety of meanings M&A scholars attach to the label “M&A performance” by providing an alternative way to interpret the claimed inconsistency of M&A research findings. While many scholars contend that the problem stems from the multiplicity of M......&A performance measures, we believe the problem rests in trying to compare different measures as if they were measuring the same feature of the organization. Through our narrative review of empirical research we analyze factors shaping the M&A – as well as the organizational – performance measurement process....... The conclusion is that it is not possible to talk about M&A performance as if it was a universal construct....

  7. Adekola et al (7)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Timothy Ademakinwa

    the South Atlantic between Latitudes 31° and 33.5 ... South Atlantic Ocean in the Early Cretaceous, around 136 Ma (Brown et al., 1996; Reeves and de. Wit, 2000 ..... 3244. 3246.70. L o w e r C re ta c e o u s. P e rio d. /E p o c h. 3244. 3246.70. B a ..... moderate counts of forest species such as ... The other, near shore is rich.

  8. Phase-separation, partitioning and precipitation in MA956, an ODS ferritic stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Read, H.G.; Hono, K.


    The behaviours of as-received and recrystallised (homogenised) MA 956, an Al-containing Cr-rich ferritic stainless steel, aged at 475 C for up to 2900 hours have been investigated. Atom probe microanalysis of the decomposition products revealed that Al did not partition significantly to the Fe-rich phase after =600 hours ageing, contrary to thermodynamic predictions. Ageing to 2900 hours, however, resulted in partitioning. Further thermodynamic analysis showed that the chemical potential of Al in the Cr-rich α' phase increased more rapidly at later stages of phase separation. The wavelength and amplitude of decomposition were found to be significantly larger in aged as-received material compared to aged homogenised material, consistent with coarsening accelerated by the enhanced solute mobilities associated with the highly-dislocated as-received material. Ti- and Si-rich precipitates were found at the α/α' interfaces at later stages of ageing. (orig.)

  9. Al-Biruni: A Muslim Critical Thinker

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Noviani Ardi


    Full Text Available As an academic course, critical thinking has emerged in the last century as the one of the important subjects, especially in the second half. But as a kind of thinking and a process of the human reason, it was exist as old as mankind. What are known, nowadays, as (standards of critical thinking or (characteristic of critical thinker were used by some ancient Greek philosophers, e.g. Socrates, Aristotle, as well as great Muslim scholars, e.g. al-Biruni, al-Ghazali, etc. al-Biruni was known as a great Muslim scholar due to objectively scientific method in his works. Moreover, he also was famed in comparative religion which early in history of discipline of comparative religion. However, this study attempts to talk about al-Biruni, one of greatest Muslim scholar in history from another side of previously discussion. It is tries to analyze al-Biruni as a Muslim critical thinker based on his monumental work of Tahqiq ma li al-Hind min Maqulah Maqbulah fi al-‘Aql aw Mardhulah or it is known by Kitab al-Hind.

  10. Nutritional control of antibiotic production by Streptomyces platensis MA7327: importance of L-aspartic acid


    Falzone, Maria; Crespo, Emmanuel; Jones, Klarissa; Khan, Gulaba; Korn, Victoria L; Patel, Amreen; Patel, Mira; Patel, Krishnaben; Perkins, Carrie; Siddiqui, Sana; Stenger, Drew; Yu, Eileen; Gelber, Michael; Scheffler, Robert; Nayda, Vasyl


    Streptomyces platensis MA7327 is a bacterium producing interesting antibiotics, which act by the novel mechanism of inhibiting fatty acid biosynthesis. The antibiotics produced by this actinomycete are platensimycin and platencin plus some minor related antibiotics. Platensimycin and platencin have activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus; they also lack toxicity in animal models. Platensimycin als...

  11. True Polar Wander and Hotspot Fixity: A Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Skewness of Magnetic Anomaly 12r (32 Ma B.P.) on the Pacific Plate (United States)

    Gordon, R. G.; Horner-Johnson, B. C.


    Prior studies have shown that Pacific hotspots and Indo-Atlantic hotspots have moved in approximate unison relative to the spin axis since 65 Ma B.P. [Morgan, 1981; Gordon and Cape, 1981; Gordon, 1982] and since 56 Ma B.P. [Petronotis et al., 1994], which is most simply interpreted as true polar wander. In contrast, Pacific hotspots and Indo-Atlantic hotspots give conflicting results for 72 Ma B.P. and for 81 Ma B.P., which may indicate motion between Pacific hotspots and Indo-Atlantic hotspots [Tarduno and Cottrell, 1997; Petronotis et al., 1999; Tarduno et al., 2003]. Thus it is important to estimate Pacific plate apparent polar wander (APW) for more time intervals. From such estimates the APW of Pacific hotspots can be inferred and compared with that of Indo-Atlantic hotspots [e.g., Besse and Courtillot 2002]. Here we present a study of the skewness of anomaly 12r between the Galapagos and Clipperton and between the Clipperton and Clarion fracture zones. We chose this region for several reasons: First, numerical experiments, like those conducted by Acton and Gordon [1991], indicate that magnetic profiles between the Galapagos and Clarion fracture zones should contain the most information about the Pacific plate paleomagnetic pole for chron C12r (32 Ma B.P.). Second, in these two spreading rate corridors, spreading half rates range from 72 to 86 mm/a and therefore have negligible anomalous skewness, given that they exceed ≈50 mm/a [Roest et al., 1992; Dyment et al. 1994]. Third, vector aeromagnetic profiles are available for analysis. One of the challenges to interpreting magnetic anomalies in low latitudes where the anomalies strike nearly north-south is the very low amplitude of the signal relative to the noise, the latter of which can be especially intense near the present magnetic equator due to the amplification of diurnal variation by the equatorial electrojet. Previously we showed that vector aeromagnetic profiles record low-latitude Pacific plate

  12. Large-scale global convection in the mantle beneath Australia from 55 Ma to now

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, M.


    Full text: The global-scale mantle convection cells in the asthenosphere are not geochemically homogeneous. The heterogeneity is most prominently reflected in the isotopic compositions (Pb-Sr-Nd) of the mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) that are direct partial melts from the underlying asthenosphere. Of particular relevance to Australia's geodynamic evolution from about 100 million years, are the distinctive geochemical signatures of the asthenosphere beneath the Pacific Ocean (Pacific MORB) and Indian Ocean (Indian MORB). Therefore, delineation of the boundary between the two distinct mantle reservoirs and any change in that boundary with time provide information about the patterns of global-scale asthenospheric mantle convection. This information has also allowed us to track large-scale mantle chemical reservoirs such as the distinctive Gondwana lithospheric mantle, and hence better understand the geodynamic evolution of the Australian continent from the time of Gondwana dispersal. Pb-Sr-Nd isotope data for Cenozoic basalts in eastern Australia (Zhang et al, 1999) indicate that Pacific-MORB type isotopic signatures characterise the lava-field basalts (55-14 Ma) in southeastern Australia, whereas Indian-MORB type isotopic signatures characterise younger basalts (6-0 Ma) from northeastern Australia. This discovery helps to constrain the changing locus of the major asthenospheric mantle convection cells represented by the Pacific and Indian MORB sources during and following the breakup of the eastern part of Gondwana, and locates, for the first time, the boundary of these convection cells beneath the Australian continent. This extends previous work in the SW Pacific back-arc basins (eg Hickey-Vargas et al., 1995) and the Southern Ocean (Lanyon et al., 1995) that indicates that the 1- and P-MORB mantle convection cells have been moving in opposite directions since the early Tertiary. These new data also indicate that the Indian-MORB source is a long-term asthenospheric

  13. Structural transformation in mechanosynthesized bcc Fe-Al-Si(Ge) solid solutions during heating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubalova, L.M.; Sviridov, I.A.; Vasilyeva, O.Ya.; Fadeeva, V.I.


    X-ray diffractometry and Moessbauer spectroscopy study of Fe 50 Al 25 Si 25 and Fe 50 Al 25 Ge 25 alloys obtained by mechanical alloying (MA) of elementary powders was carried out. Phase transformation during heating of synthesized products was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). After 2.5 h of MA monophase alloys containing bcc Fe(Al, Ge) solid solutions Fe(Al, Si) are formed. Fe(Al, Si) is partially ordered B2 type and Fe(Al, Ge) is completely disordered. DSC curves of synthesized alloys displayed the presence of exothermal peaks caused by phase transformation. The metastable Fe(Al, Si) solid solution transformed into FeAl 1-x Si x (B2) and FeSi 1-x Al x (B20) equilibrium phases. The Fe(Al, Ge) solid solution transformed into equilibrium phases through intermediate stage of Fe 6 Ge 3 Al 2 metastable phase formation. The Fe 6 Ge 3 Al 2 phase dissociated into three equilibrium phases: FeAl 1-x Ge x (B2), χ-Fe 6 Ge 5 and η-Fe 13 (Ge, Al) 8 (B8 2 ). The structure of Fe 6 Ge 3 Al 2 was calculated by Rietveld method, the distribution of Al and Ge in the elementary cell and its parameters were calculated. Moessbauer study showed that Fe(Al, Si) and Fe(Al, Ge) solid solutions are paramagnetic. In the equilibrium state the alloy containing Si is also paramagnetic while the alloy with Ge showed ferromagnetic properties

  14. Star formation history of the galaxy merger Mrk848 with SDSS-IV MaNGA (United States)

    Yuan, Fang-Ting; Shen, Shiyin; Hao, Lei; Fernandez, Maria Argudo


    With the 3D data of SDSS-IV MaNGA (Bundy et al. 2015) spectra and multi-wavelength SED modeling, we expect to have a better understanding of the distribution of dust, gas and star formation of galaxy mergers. For a case study of the merging galaxy Mrk848, we use both UV-to-IR broadband SED and the MaNGA integral field spectroscopy to obtain its star formation histories at the tail and core regions. From the SED fitting and full spectral fitting, we find that the star formation in the tail regions are affected by the interaction earlier than the core regions. The core regions show apparently two times of star formation and a strong burst within 500Myr, indicating the recent star formation is triggered by the interaction. The star formation histories derived from these two methods are basically consistent.

  15. Partially etched Ti3AlC2 as a promising high capacity Lithium-ion battery anode. (United States)

    Chen, Xifan; Zhu, Yuanzhi; Zhu, Xiaoquan; Peng, Wenchao; Li, Yang; Zhang, Guoliang; Zhang, Fengbao; Fan, Xiaobin


    MXenes, a family of two-dimensional transition-metal carbide and nitride materials, are supposed to be the promising materials in energy storage because of the high electronic conductivity, hydrophilic surfaces and low diffusion barriers. MXenes are generally prepared by removing the "A" elements (A = Al, Si, Sn, etc.) from their corresponding MAX phases by using hydrofluoric acid (HF) and the other etching agents, despite the fact that these "A" elements usually have great volumetric and gravimetric capacities. Herein, we studied the etching progress of Ti3AlC2 and evaluated their anode performance in Lithium-ion batteries. We found that a partially etched sample (0.5h-peTi3C2Tx) showed much higher capacity (160 mA h g-1, 331.6 mA h cm-3 at 1C) when compared with the fully etched Ti3C2Tx (110 mA h g-1, 190.3 mA h cm-3 at 1C). Besides, a 99% capacity retention was observed even after 1000 cycles in the 0.5h-peTi3C2Tx anode. This interesting result can be explained, at least in part, by the alloying of the residue Al element during lithiation. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Maçonaria: associação de pessoas ou templo para fins de imunidade tributária


    Silva, Denise Viana França da


    Trata-se da avaliação do instituto da imunidade tributária, prevista no Texto Constitucional no artigo 150, inciso VI, alínea b, o qual versa sobre a imunidade dos templos de qualquer culto. Ademais, será estudado o Recurso Extraordinário nº 562.351/RS o qual discorre sobre a previsão de beneficio tributário (isenção de IPTU) a Loja Maçonica Grande Oriente do Rio Grande do Sul. O Supremo Tribunal Federal entendeu que a imunidade dos templos não abrange a maçonaria, vez que esta...

  17. Isolation of MA-ACS Gene Family and Expression Study of MA-ACS1 Gene in Musa acuminata Cultivar Pisang Ambon Lumut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Musa acuminata cultivar pisang ambon lumut is a native climacteric fruit from Indonesia. Climacteric fruit ripening process is triggered by the gaseous plant hormone ethylene. The rate limiting enzyme involved in ethylene biosynthesis is ACC synthase (ACS which is encoded by ACS gene family. The objective of this study is to identify MA-ACS gene family in M. acuminata cultivar pisang ambon lumut and to study the MA-ACS1 gene expression. The result showed that there were nine M. acuminata ACS gene family members called MA-ACS1–9. Two of them (MA-ACS1 and MA-ACS2 were assessed using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR for gene expression study and it was only MA-ACS1 correlated with fruit ripening. The MA-ACS1 gene fragment has been successfully isolated and characterized and it has three introns, four exons, and one stop codon. It also shows highest homology with MACS1 gene from M. acuminata cultivar Hsian Jien Chiao (GenBank accession number AF056164. Expression analysis of MA-ACS1 using quantitative PCR (qPCR showed that MA-ACS1 gene expression increased significantly in the third day, reached maximum at the fifth day, and then decreased in the seventh day after harvesting. The qPCR expression analysis result correlated with the result of physical analysis during fruit ripening.

  18. The Banana Fruit SINA Ubiquitin Ligase MaSINA1 Regulates the Stability of MaICE1 to be Negatively Involved in Cold Stress Response. (United States)

    Fan, Zhong-Qi; Chen, Jian-Ye; Kuang, Jian-Fei; Lu, Wang-Jin; Shan, Wei


    The regulation of ICE1 protein stability is important to ensure effective cold stress response, and is extensively studied in Arabidopsis . Currently, how ICE1 stability in fruits under cold stress is controlled remains largely unknown. Here, we reported the possible involvement of a SEVEN IN ABSENTIA (SINA) ubiquitin ligase MaSINA1 from banana fruit in affecting MaICE1 stability. MaSINA1 was identified based on a yeast two-hybrid screening using MaICE1 as bait. Further yeast two-hybrid, pull-down, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) and co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) assays confirmed that MaSINA1 interacted with MaICE1. The expression of MaSINA1 was repressed by cold stress. Subcellular localization analysis in tobacco leaves showed that MaSINA1 was localized predominantly in the nucleus. In vitro ubiquitination assay showed that MaSINA1 possessed E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. More importantly, in vitro and semi- in vivo experiments indicated that MaSINA1 can ubiquitinate MaICE1 for the 26S proteasome-dependent degradation, and therefore suppressed the transcriptional activation of MaICE1 to MaNAC1, an important regulator of cold stress response of banana fruit. Collectively, our data reveal a mechanism in banana fruit for control of the stability of ICE1 and for the negative regulation of cold stress response by a SINA E3 ligase via the ubiquitin proteasome system.

  19. Adole, MA

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Adole, MA. Vol 4, No 1 (2011) - Articles Effects of Groundnut Husk Ash-blended Cement on Chemical Resistance of Concrete Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1596-6035. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL · AJOL's Partners · Terms and ...

  20. Influence of Manufacturing Parameters on Microstructure and Hydrogen Sorption Behavior of Electron Beam Melted Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Alloy. (United States)

    Pushilina, Natalia; Syrtanov, Maxim; Kashkarov, Egor; Murashkina, Tatyana; Kudiiarov, Viktor; Laptev, Roman; Lider, Andrey; Koptyug, Andrey


    Influence of manufacturing parameters (beam current from 13 to 17 mA, speed function 98 and 85) on microstructure and hydrogen sorption behavior of electron beam melted (EBM) Ti-6Al-4V parts was investigated. Optical and scanning electron microscopies as well as X-ray diffraction were used to investigate the microstructure and phase composition of EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts. The average α lath width decreases with the increase of the speed function at the fixed beam current (17 mA). Finer microstructure was formed at the beam current 17 mA and speed function 98. The hydrogenation of EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts was performed at the temperatures 500 and 650 °С at the constant pressure of 1 atm up to 0.3 wt %. The correlation between the microstructure and hydrogen sorption kinetics by EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts was demonstrated. Lower average hydrogen sorption rate at 500 °C was in the sample with coarser microstructure manufactured at the beam current 17 mA and speed function 85. The difference of hydrogen sorption kinetics between the manufactured samples at 650 °C was insignificant. The shape of the kinetics curves of hydrogen sorption indicates the phase transition α H + β H →β H .

  1. FuSuMaTech workshop

    CERN Multimedia

    Olofsson, Simon


    The goal of the FuSuMaTecH IP workshop, organised at CERN Ideaquare 19-20 April, was to educate superconductivity and magnet experts about intellectual property. About 30 participants from multiple institutes and companies worked together in this two day interactive program which was facilitated by CERN Knowledge Transfer. Great progress was made in shaping the FuSuMaTech industrial demonstrator projects as well as the R&D&I subjects.

  2. Upbeat nystagmus in anti-Ma2 encephalitis. (United States)

    Garcia-Reitboeck, Pablo; Thompson, Graham; Johns, Paul; Al Wahab, Yasir; Omer, Salah; Griffin, Colette


    Anti-Ma2 encephalitis is a paraneoplastic disorder characterised by brainstem and/or limbic involvement. Eye movement abnormalities can occur in this condition, often with confusion or somnolence. We describe a patient with progressive oscillopsia (with upbeat nystagmus) and unsteadiness, followed by acute pancreatitis. She did not respond to immunomodulatory treatment and subsequently died of complications related to pancreatitis and sepsis. There was no tumour identified at autopsy, but the anti-Ma2 antibodies in her serum and the discovery of a brainstem-predominant inflammatory infiltrate at autopsy strongly suggest a paraneoplastic disorder. Our case illustrates that upbeat nystagmus can be a predominant feature in anti-Ma2 encephalitis; clinicians should consider testing for anti-Ma2 antibodies in patients with upbeat nystagmus of unknown cause.

  3. Molecular and clinical diversity in paraneoplastic immunity to Ma proteins. (United States)

    Rosenfeld, M R; Eichen, J G; Wade, D F; Posner, J B; Dalmau, J


    Antibodies to Ma1 and Ma2 proteins identify a paraneoplastic disorder that affects the limbic system, brain stem, and cerebellum. Preliminary studies suggested the existence of other Ma proteins and different patterns of immune response associated with distinct neurologic symptoms and cancers. In this study, our aim was to isolate the full-length sequence of Ma2 and new family members, identify the major autoantigen of the disorder, and extend the dinical-immunological analysis to 29 patients. Sera from selected patients were used to probe a brainstem cDNA library and isolate the entire Ma2 gene and a new family member, Ma3. Ma3 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in brain, testis, and several systemic tissues. The variable cellular expression of Ma proteins and analysis of protein motifs suggest that these proteins play roles in the biogenesis of mRNA. Immunoblot studies identify Ma2 as the major autoantigen with unique epitopes recognized by all patients' sera. Eighteen patients had antibodies limited to Ma2: they developed limbic, hypothalamic, and brainstem encephalitis, and 78% had germ-cell tumors of the testis. Eleven patients had antibodies to Ma2 and additional antibodies to Ma1 and/or Ma3; they usually developed additional cerebellar symptoms and more intense brainstem dysfunction, and 82% of these patients had tumors other than germ-cell neoplasms. Overall, 17 of 24 patients (71%) with brain magnetic resonance imaging studies had abnormalities within or outside the temporal lobes, some as contrast-enhancing nodular lesions. A remarkable finding of immunity to Ma proteins is that neurologic symptoms may improve or resolve. This improvement segregated to a group of patients with antibodies limited to Ma2.

  4. Heat treatment influence on the structural and magnetic properties of the intermetallic Fe56.25Al43.75 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying and arc-melted (United States)

    Trujillo Hernández, J. S.; Tabares, J. A.; Pérez Alcázar, G. A.


    Alloys of the Fe56.25Al43.75 system were prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) using a high energy planetary ball mill, with milling times in the range from 12 up to 96 h named MA0 samples. The sample milled for 48 hours was heat treated at 700 °C for 9 days. Then this sample was milled for times of 1, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h, named MA1 samples. Additionally, and for comparison, it was prepared a Fe56.25Al43.75 sample by arc-melting method. For all samples, the structural and magnetic study was conducted by X-rays diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer spectrometry (MS). The XRD results show that the system is nanostructured and the MA0 samples present only the BCC disordered phase, whose lattice parameter remains relatively constant with milling time. For MA1 samples it was identify the FeAl, Fe3Al, FeO and α-Fe phases. The Mössbauer spectra for all samples were fitted by using a hyperfine magnetic field distribution (HMFD), and a paramagnetic site for all the times used here. The ferromagnetism increases when milling time increases, and this is a consequence of the structural disorder induced by mechanical alloying.

  5. Modelos reológicos aplicados a masas de trigo y maíz


    Rodriguez Sandoval, Eduardo; Fernández Quintero, Alejandro; Ayala Aponte, Alfredo


    Los modelos reológicos de un alimento procesado permiten simular la respuesta del material a un esfuerzo o deformación aplicada, al igual que predecir el comportamiento del material de acuerdo a su composición y su forma de preparación. Su aplicación se puede llevar a cabo cuando se tienen datos experimentales expresados en unidades fundamentales. Este artículo describe dos modelos reológicos empleados en el estudio de masas de trigo y maíz, el modelo extensional biaxial y el modelo dinámico ...

  6. Modelos reológicos aplicados a masas de trigo y maíz


    Rodríguez Sandoval, Eduardo; Fernández Quintero, Alejandro; Ayala Aponte, Alfredo


    Los modelos reológicos de un alimento procesado permiten simular la respuesta del material a un esfuerzo o deformación aplicada, al igual que predecir el comportamiento del material de acuerdo a su composición y su forma de preparación. Su aplicación se puede llevar a cabo cuando se tienen datos experimentales expresados en unidades fundamentales. Este artIculo describe dos modelos reológicos empleados en el estudio de masas de trigo y maIz, el modelo extensional biaxial y el modelo dinámico...

  7. The quasicrystalline phase formation in Al-Cu-Cr alloys produced by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sviridova, T.A.; Shevchukov, A.P.; Shelekhov, E.V. [National University of Science and Technology ' MISIS' , Moscow 119049 (Russian Federation); Diakonov, D.L. [Bardin Central Research Institute for the Iron and Steel Industry, Moscow 105005 (Russian Federation); Tcherdyntsev, V.V.; Kaloshkin, S.D. [National University of Science and Technology ' MISIS' , Moscow 119049 (Russian Federation)


    Research highlights: > Formation of decagonal quasicrystalline phase in Al-Cu-Cr alloys. > Obtained decagonal phase belongs to D{sub 3} family of decagonal quasicrystals. > Decagonal phase has 1.26 nm periodicity along 10-fold axis. > Alloys were produced by combination of mechanical alloying and subsequent annealing. > Phase composition of as-milled powders depending on annealing temperature. - Abstract: Almost single-phase decagonal quasicrystal with periodicity of 1.26 nm along 10-fold axis was produced in Al{sub 69}Cu{sub 21}Cr{sub 10} and Al{sub 72.5}Cu{sub 16.5}Cr{sub 11} alloys using combination of mechanical alloying (MA) and subsequent annealing. Phase transformations of as-milled powders depending on annealing temperature in the range of 200-800 deg. C are examined. Since the transformations can be explained based on kinetic and thermodynamic reasons it seems that applied technique (short preliminary MA followed by the annealing) permits to produce the equilibrium phases rather than metastable ones.

  8. Influence of Manufacturing Parameters on Microstructure and Hydrogen Sorption Behavior of Electron Beam Melted Titanium Ti-6Al-4V Alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Pushilina


    Full Text Available Influence of manufacturing parameters (beam current from 13 to 17 mA, speed function 98 and 85 on microstructure and hydrogen sorption behavior of electron beam melted (EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts was investigated. Optical and scanning electron microscopies as well as X-ray diffraction were used to investigate the microstructure and phase composition of EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts. The average α lath width decreases with the increase of the speed function at the fixed beam current (17 mA. Finer microstructure was formed at the beam current 17 mA and speed function 98. The hydrogenation of EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts was performed at the temperatures 500 and 650 °С at the constant pressure of 1 atm up to 0.3 wt %. The correlation between the microstructure and hydrogen sorption kinetics by EBM Ti-6Al-4V parts was demonstrated. Lower average hydrogen sorption rate at 500 °C was in the sample with coarser microstructure manufactured at the beam current 17 mA and speed function 85. The difference of hydrogen sorption kinetics between the manufactured samples at 650 °C was insignificant. The shape of the kinetics curves of hydrogen sorption indicates the phase transition αH + βH→βH.

  9. Increase in physical activities in kindergarten children with cerebral palsy by employing MaKey-MaKey-based task systems. (United States)

    Lin, Chien-Yu; Chang, Yu-Ming


    In this study, we employed Flash- and Scratch-based multimedia by using a MaKey-MaKey-based task system to increase the motivation level of children with cerebral palsy to perform physical activities. MaKey MaKey is a circuit board that converts physical touch to a digital signal, which is interpreted by a computer as a keyboard message. In this study, we used conductive materials to control this interaction. This study followed single-case design using ABAB models in which A indicated the baseline and B indicated the intervention. The experiment period comprised 1 month and a half. The experimental results demonstrated that in the case of two kindergarten children with cerebral palsy, their scores were considerably increased during the intervention phrases. The developmental applications of the results are also discussed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Halı Sektöründe İhracat Yapan Firmaların Markalaşma Düzeylerinin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa METE


    Full Text Available Dış pazarlar, tehditleri ve fırsatları bünyesinde barındırmanın yanı sıra ulusal sınırlarla yetinmeyerek tüm dünyada adından söz ettirmek isteyen firmaların riskleri göze alarak zorlu rekabet ortamı içerisine girdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Markalaşma üzerine ülkemizdeki çalışmaların sayısının oldukça yetersiz olduğu, özellikle halı sektöründe ise daha az olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türk ekonomisinde önemli bir yere sahip olan halı sektörü ihracatında markalaşmanın etkilerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Gaziantep ilinde faaliyet göstermekte olan ve ihracat yapan halı firmaları üzerinde çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya toplam 50 firma dahil edilmiştir. Veriler anket yöntemiyle elde edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 16.0 programı ile yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler neticesinde bir marka adı altında ihracat yapan firmaların ihracat performansının daha yüksek olduğu, Turquality desteği alan firmaların son 3 yıllık ihracat ve satış performansının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

  11. Effect of Al content on critical CTOD properties in heat affected zone of C-Mn microalloyed steel. Teitanso teigokin koyosetsu netsu eikyobu no genkai CTOD tokusei ni oyobosu Al ganyuryo no eikyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fukada, Y.; Komizo, Y. (Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd., Osaka (Japan))


    Two types of molten alloys specimen with a base of 0.10%C-0.20%Si-1.40%Mn-0.01%Ti system and varied Al content, were studied. The critical crack tip opening displacement(CTOD) properties in heat effected zone(HAZ) of extreme low Al content steel was stable at. extremely low temperature and there was no formation of M-A. Fine ferrite has a texture of [alpha] main body and it has been thought that the the change in the CTOD properties with the variation in Al content has been due to the difference in the texture. In case of Al content steel plate, the interfacial energy has been decreased due to excessive carbon concentration at [gamma] /[alpha] interface, M-A formation has been easier by the suppression of [alpha] transformation. In case of extremely low Al content steel plate, [alpha] transformation has been promoted and cementite deposition has been estimated from a small amount. of left [gamma] of extremely high carbon concentration. As for SH-CCT diagram of extremely low Al content steel plate, compare to Al content steel plate, [alpha] noze has shifted toward shorter time and formation of [alpha] has been easier within the normal welding cooling rate, and microstructures of [alpha] texture have formed in HAZ. 21 refs., 12 figs., 1 tab.

  12. MaRIE Undulator & XFEL Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, Dinh Cong [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Marksteiner, Quinn R. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Anisimov, Petr Mikhaylovich [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Buechler, Cynthia Eileen [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The 22 slides in this presentation treat the subject under the following headings: MaRIE XFEL Performance Parameters, Input Electron Beam Parameters, Undulator Design, Genesis Simulations, Risks, and Summary It is concluded that time-dependent Genesis simulations show the MaRIE XFEL can deliver the number of photons within the required bandwidth, provided a number of assumptions are met; the highest risks are associated with the electron beam driving the XFEL undulator; and risks associated with the undulator and/or distributed seeding technique may be evaluated or retired by performing early validation experiments.

  13. [Ma2 antibody and multiple mononeuropathies]. (United States)

    Ayrignac, X; Castelnovo, G; Landrault, E; Fayolle, H; Pers, Y-M; Honnorat, J; Campello, C; Figarella-Branger, D; Labauge, P


    Anti-Ma2 antibodies belong to a family of onconeuronal antibodies that target proteins expressed in brain, testis and several tumors. Previously observed in patients presenting with limbic encephalitis, they seem to be associated with several other paraneoplastic syndromes. We report the case of a 73-year-old woman presenting sensory and motor neuropathy associated with non-small-cell lung cancer who had Ma2-antibodies.

  14. Innovación y ruptura en la métrica de la poesía en al-Maqāmāt al-Luzūmiyya de al-Saraqusṭī (s. VI/XII

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    Ferrando, Ignacio


    Full Text Available Al-Maqāmāt al-Luzūmiyya, a collection of 50 picaresque-like stories couched in rhymed prose by Abū l-Ṭāhir al-Saraqusṭī in al-Andalus in the VI/XIIth century, were considered by Western scholars, up until the eighties of XXth century, as highly rhetorical pieces with a negligible and irrelevant content. However, some contemporary scholars argued that they contain some degree of social and political criticism, as they constitute a fictional domain in which subversion and irony play a fundamental role. In this paper, we cast some light on the particular use of metrical patterns in Al-Maqāmāt al-Luzūmiyya, which should be considered another subversion field: a poetical rhythm that avoids the most usual Arabic metrical patterns, contributing to provide the maqāma a flavor of the countergenre.Al-Maqāmāt al-Luzūmiyya, la colección de 50 relatos de corte picaresco escritos en una exigente prosa rimada por Abū l-Ṭāhir al-Saraqusṭī en al-Andalus en el siglo VI/XII, han sido consideradas por los críticos occidentales como piezas de alta retórica y de virtuosismo lingüístico en las que el contenido es prácticamente irrelevante. Sin embargo, a partir de los años 80 del siglo pasado, algunos investigadores han tratado de incidir en el hecho de que esta obra contiene cierto grado de crítica social y política, puesto que constituye un espacio ficticio en el que la subversión y la ironía desempeñan un papel fundamental. En este trabajo vamos a tratar de arrojar luz sobre el uso particular de los esquemas métricos por parte de al-Saraqusṭī, tratando de mostrar que los metros constituyen otro más de los ámbitos de subversión tan caros al autor. De hecho, el uso de ritmos “invertidos” o contrarios a los más habituales de la poesía clásica contribuye a darle a la maqāma ese aire de anti género que la puebla.

  15. [Anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis and paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis]. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Tomotaka; Tsuji, Shoji


    Anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis (or anti-Ma2 encephalitis) is a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS) characterized by isolated or combined limbic, diencephalic, or brainstem dysfunction. Anti-Ma2 antibodies detected in the serum or cerebrospinal fluid of patients are highly specific for this disease entity and belong to a group of well-characterized onconeuronal antibodies (or classical antibodies). The corresponding antigen, Ma2 is selectively expressed intracellularly in neurons and tumors as is the case with other onconeuronal antigens targeted by classical antibodies. However, in most cases the clinical pictures are different from those of classical PNS and this creates a potential risk of underdiagnosis. Although limbic dysfunction is the most common manifestation in patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis which is one of the major causes of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (LE), it has been reported that less than 30% of the patients with anti-Ma2 LE exhibit clinical presentations typical of the classical description of LE. Of the remaining, many exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness, vertical ophthalmoparesis, or both associated with LE, because of frequent involvement of the diencephalon and/or upper brainstem. Anti-Ma2 LE can also be manifested as a pure psychiatric disturbance such as obsessive-compulsive disorder in a few cases. Some patients develop mesodiencephalic encephalitis with minor involvement of the limbic system, and some may manifest severe hypokinesis. About 40% of the patients with anti-Ma2 antibodies also have antibodies against different epitopes on Ma1, a homologue of Ma2. These patients may have predominant cerebellar and/or brainstem dysfunctions due to more extensive involvement of subtentorial structures. Anti-Ma2 encephalitis is outstanding among other PNS associated with classical antibodies in that the response rate to treatment is relatively high. While it can cause severe neurological deficits or death in a substantial

  16. Hypocretin-1 CSF levels in anti-Ma2 associated encephalitis. (United States)

    Overeem, S; Dalmau, J; Bataller, L; Nishino, S; Mignot, E; Verschuuren, J; Lammers, G J


    Idiopathic narcolepsy is associated with deficient hypocretin transmission. Narcoleptic symptoms have recently been described in paraneoplastic encephalitis with anti-Ma2 antibodies. The authors measured CSF hypocretin-1 levels in six patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis, and screened for anti-Ma antibodies in patients with idiopathic narcolepsy. Anti-Ma autoantibodies were not detected in patients with idiopathic narcolepsy. Four patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis had excessive daytime sleepiness; hypocretin-1 was not detectable in their cerebrospinal fluid, suggesting an immune-mediated hypocretin dysfunction.

  17. PuMA: the Porous Microstructure Analysis software (United States)

    Ferguson, Joseph C.; Panerai, Francesco; Borner, Arnaud; Mansour, Nagi N.


    The Porous Microstructure Analysis (PuMA) software has been developed in order to compute effective material properties and perform material response simulations on digitized microstructures of porous media. PuMA is able to import digital three-dimensional images obtained from X-ray microtomography or to generate artificial microstructures. PuMA also provides a module for interactive 3D visualizations. Version 2.1 includes modules to compute porosity, volume fractions, and surface area. Two finite difference Laplace solvers have been implemented to compute the continuum tortuosity factor, effective thermal conductivity, and effective electrical conductivity. A random method has been developed to compute tortuosity factors from the continuum to rarefied regimes. Representative elementary volume analysis can be performed on each property. The software also includes a time-dependent, particle-based model for the oxidation of fibrous materials. PuMA was developed for Linux operating systems and is available as a NASA software under a US & Foreign release.

  18. Investigation of nanostructured Al-10 wt.% Zr material prepared by ball milling for high temperature applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prosviryakov, A.S.; Shcherbachev, K.D.; Tabachkova, N.Yu.


    Ground chips of as-cast Al-10 wt.% Zr alloy were subjected to mechanical alloying (MA) with 5 vol.% of nanodiamond addition in a high energy planetary ball-mill. The aim of this work was to investigate the microstructure, phase transformation and mechanical properties of the material both after MA and after subsequent annealing. Optical and transmission electron microscopes were used for morphological and microstructural analysis. The effect of milling time on powder microhardness, Al lattice parameter, lattice microstrain and crystallite size was determined. It was shown that mechanical alloying of as-cast Al-10wt.%Zr alloy during 20 h leads to a complete dissolution of the primary tetragonal Al 3 Zr crystals in aluminum. At the same time, the powder microhardness increases to 370 HV. Metastable cubic Al 3 Zr phase nanoparticles precipitate from the Al solution due to its decomposition after annealing, however, the Al solid solution remains supersaturated and nanocrystalline. Compression tests at room temperature and at 300 °C showed that the strength values of the hot-pressed samples reach 822 MPa and 344 MPa, respectively. - Highlights: •As-cast Al-10 wt.% Zr alloy was mechanically alloyed with 5 vol.% nanodiamond. •The primary tetragonal Al 3 Zr crystals were completely dissolved in Al after 20 h. •Cubic Al 3 Zr phase nanoparticles precipitated from Al solution after aging. •The aged bulk material showed a high strength at room and elevated temperatures.

  19. Investigation of nanostructured Al-10 wt.% Zr material prepared by ball milling for high temperature applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prosviryakov, A.S., E-mail:; Shcherbachev, K.D.; Tabachkova, N.Yu.


    Ground chips of as-cast Al-10 wt.% Zr alloy were subjected to mechanical alloying (MA) with 5 vol.% of nanodiamond addition in a high energy planetary ball-mill. The aim of this work was to investigate the microstructure, phase transformation and mechanical properties of the material both after MA and after subsequent annealing. Optical and transmission electron microscopes were used for morphological and microstructural analysis. The effect of milling time on powder microhardness, Al lattice parameter, lattice microstrain and crystallite size was determined. It was shown that mechanical alloying of as-cast Al-10wt.%Zr alloy during 20 h leads to a complete dissolution of the primary tetragonal Al{sub 3}Zr crystals in aluminum. At the same time, the powder microhardness increases to 370 HV. Metastable cubic Al{sub 3}Zr phase nanoparticles precipitate from the Al solution due to its decomposition after annealing, however, the Al solid solution remains supersaturated and nanocrystalline. Compression tests at room temperature and at 300 °C showed that the strength values of the hot-pressed samples reach 822 MPa and 344 MPa, respectively. - Highlights: •As-cast Al-10 wt.% Zr alloy was mechanically alloyed with 5 vol.% nanodiamond. •The primary tetragonal Al{sub 3}Zr crystals were completely dissolved in Al after 20 h. •Cubic Al{sub 3}Zr phase nanoparticles precipitated from Al solution after aging. •The aged bulk material showed a high strength at room and elevated temperatures.

  20. Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA has been supporting its Member States in the area of energy planning for sustainable development. Development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and their computer codes are important parts of this support. This manual has been produced to facilitate the use of the MAED model: Model for Analysis of Energy Demand. The methodology of the MAED model was originally developed by. B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne of the Institute Economique et Juridique de l'Energie (IEJE) of the University of Grenoble, France, and was presented as the MEDEE model. Since then the MEDEE model has been developed and adopted to be appropriate for modelling of various energy demand system. The IAEA adopted MEDEE-2 model and incorporated important modifications to make it more suitable for application in the developing countries, and it was named as the MAED model. The first version of the MAED model was designed for the DOS based system, which was later on converted for the Windows system. This manual presents the latest version of the MAED model. The most prominent feature of this version is its flexibility for representing structure of energy consumption. The model now allows country-specific representations of energy consumption patterns using the MAED methodology. The user can now disaggregate energy consumption according to the needs and/or data availability in her/his country. As such, MAED has now become a powerful tool for modelling widely diverse energy consumption patterns. This manual presents the model in details and provides guidelines for its application

  1. Cinéma en France

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    Michel VIGOUROUX


    Full Text Available Le cinéma est l’objet de bases de données exhaustives sur les équipements et les fréquentations. Les données sur les salles permettent d’identifier le phénomène de concentration de propriété et d’exploitation. La perspective dynamique peut être observée sur 45 ans. À l’échelle régionale, on peut apprécier le dynamisme du cinéma en haute montagne alpine et la différence de réseaux sur le territoire (France de l’Ouest.

  2. Nanocrystalline (Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40}){sub 80}Cu{sub 20} alloy prepared by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krifa, M.; Mhadhbi, M. [Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique, 99/UR/12-22, FSS – Université de Sfax, B.P. 1171, Sfax 3018 (Tunisia); Escoda, L.; Güell, J.M. [Dept. de Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montilivi, 17071 Girona (Spain); Suñol, J.J., E-mail: [Dept. de Fisica, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montilivi, 17071 Girona (Spain); Llorca-Isern, N.; Artieda-Guzmán, C. [Dept. CMEM, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí Franques 1, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Khitouni, M. [Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique, 99/UR/12-22, FSS – Université de Sfax, B.P. 1171, Sfax 3018 (Tunisia)


    Highlights: ► Nanocrystalline Fe(Al, Cu) powdered alloy (10 nm) has been synthesized by MA. ► Decreasing the crystallite size increases coercivity and squareness ratio. ► As low crystallites size stronger hard ferromagnetic material results. -- Abstract: A nanostructured disordered Fe(Al, Cu) solid solution was obtained from prealloyed FeAl and elemental Cu powders using a high-energy ball mill. The transformations occurring in the material during milling were studied with the use of X-ray diffraction. The transformation of the phase depends upon the milling time. With the increase of milling time all Cu atoms became dissolved in the bcc Fe and the final product of the MA process was the nanocrystalline Fe(Al, Cu) solid solution with a mean crystallite size of 10 nm. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to examine the morphology of the samples as a function of milling times. Magnetic properties were also investigated and were related to the microstructural changes. The system showed hard magnetic behavior.

  3. Treatment of anti-Ma2/Ta paraneoplastic syndrome. (United States)

    Kraker, Jessica


    The paraneoplastic syndrome caused by Ma2/Ta antibodies alone (not in conjunction with Ma1 or Ma3 antibodies) varies in presentation from classic limbic encephalitis. The Ma2 syndrome may present with symptoms referable to the brainstem, diencephalon, and limbic system. These clinical symptoms are accompanied by MRI changes and abnormal electroencephalographic findings. It is important to recognize when the encephalitic syndrome is secondary to Ma2 paraneoplastic antibodies, as the patients improve or stabilize most often when the underlying carcinoma is treated. Treatment of the paraneoplastic syndrome begins with recognition of the symptoms, such as memory impairment, seizures, sleep disturbances, bradykinesia or hypokinesia, and eye movement abnormalities. If a primary tumor is discovered during the workup, it should be removed and treated with the most up-to-date oncologic treatment available. In addition to oncologic treatment, the syndrome may be treated with an immunosuppressant regimen to optimize the neurologic outcome. Leaving the patient untreated will result in decline and eventual death from the cancer itself or from complications of the paraneoplastic syndrome.

  4. Compter mes jours : recherche explorant l'espace entre ma pratique artistique et ma pratique comptable


    Picard, Julie


    Cette recherche propose d’investiguer l’espace entre ma pratique artistique et ma pratique comptable à travers une approche qui déploie des activités de recherches théoriques sur l’art, des activités de recherches théoriques en comptabilité, la réalisation d’un protocole de création en atelier, et la prestation d’une conférence. L’approche flexible, multifocale et exploratoire adoptée se situe en affinité avec Intermedia, développé par Dick Higgins. Partant de ces deux figures type d’oppositi...

  5. Metodologi Kitab Ma‘alim al-Tanzil Karya Al-Bagawiy

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    M. Rusydi Khalid


    This study aims to describe the metodology of Ma'a> lim al-tanzi>l book by al-Bagawi. The book is one of the books of exegesis written on the basis of hadith, which by the commentary scholars recognized avoided from heresy and weak hadith. The author of this book is Imam Abu Humaid Hussein bin Mas‘u>d al-Farra>’ Al-Bagawi al-Syafi‘i>, died in the year 510 H. This exegesis book combines the interpretation of the companions, tabi‘i>n, and tabi‘i> tabi‘i>n. Interpretation is broken down with easy, simple, and concise diction choices. The stoning of the interpretation of the salaf scholars without mentioning the sanad as already mentioned in the introduction to his book. This book was first printed in one edition with the exegesis book of Ibn Kas}i>r and al-kha>zin. This book interprets the Qur'an analytically from the beginning to the end of the surah by using the method of interpretation based on the hadith, namely by mentioning the arguments of the hadith sahih, the fatwa of the companions and the tabi‘i>n. The characteristic or purpose of this book is fiqh oriented, which tends to the Shafi‘i fiqh.   Abstrak Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan metode penafsiran dalam kitab Ma’a>lim al-tanzi>l karya al-bagawi. Kitab tafsir ini merupakan salah satu di antara kitab-kitab tafsir yang ditulis berdasarkan riwayat, yang oleh para ulama tafsir diakui terhindar dari bid’ah dan hadis dhaif (lemah. Penulis buku ini adalah Imam Abu Muhammad Husain bin Mas‘u>d al-Farra>‘ al-Bagawi al-Syafi‘i>, wafat pada tahun 510 H. Kitab ini adalah kitab pertengahan yang mengutip penafsiran para Sahabat, ta>bi‘i>n, dan tabi‘i ta>bi‘i>n. Penafsiran diuraikan dengan pilihan diksi yang mudah, sederhana, dan ringkas. Penukilan dari interpretasi ulama salaf tanpa menyebutkan sanad karena telah disebutkan dalam pendahuluan bukunya. Buku ini pertama kali dicetak dalam satu edisi dengan tafsir Ibn Kas\\i>r dan tafsir al-Kha>zin. Kitab ini menafsirkan al-Qur’an secara

  6. Synthesis and thermal properties of the MA/HDPE composites with nano-additives as form-stable PCM with improved thermal conductivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Yaojie; Su, Di; Huang, Xiang; Alva, Guruprasad; Liu, Lingkun; Fang, Guiyin


    Highlights: • MA/HDPE composites with nano-additives were prepared for thermal conductivity enhancement. • Microstructure and chemical structure of the FSPCM were analyzed. • Thermal properties and thermal reliability of the FSPCM were investigated. • Thermal conductivity of the FSPCM can be enhanced by adding NAO and NG. - Abstract: For the purpose of improving the thermal conductivity of the form–stable phase change materials (FSPCM), two types of nano–powders with high thermal conductivity were added into the samples. In the modified FSPCM, myristic acid (MA) was used as a solid–liquid phase change material (PCM), high density polyethylene (HDPE) acted as supporting material to prevent the leakage of the melted MA. Nano–Al 2 O 3 (NAO) and nano–graphite (NG) were the additives for thermal conductivity enhancement. Scanning electronic microscope (SEM), Fourier transformation infrared spectroscope (FT–IR) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) were used to analyze the microstructure, chemical structure and crystalline phase of the samples, respectively. Furthermore, the specific latent heat and phase transition temperature, thermal conductivity and thermal reliability were investigated using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), thermal conductivity meter and thermo–gravimetric analyzer (TGA). The results showed that the MA was uniformly absorbed in the HDPE matrices and there was no leakage during the melting process when the mass fraction of the MA in the MA/HDPE composite was less than 70%. The DSC results revealed that the modified FSPCM have a constant phase change temperature and high specific latent heat. The thermal conductivity of the FSPCM was measured in the solid (30 °C) and liquid (60 °C) states of the MA. When the mass fraction of nano–powder additives is 12%, the thermal conductivities of the FSPCM increase by 95% (NAO) and 121% (NG) at 30 °C. It is anticipated that the FSPCM possess a potential application for thermal energy


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    Aslı KUŞÇU


    Full Text Available Abstract:This paper aims to be a fresh view to employerbranding, which is a new concept in the business, marketingand HR worlds and in Turkey. This study aims to make a briefcomparison between the viewpoints of Turkish professionalsand university students to the dimensions of attractiveness inemployer branding. The results of this exploratory study willhave preliminary findings that will be important for manycompanies aiming to attract and maintain talent in order tobuild a corporate brand name and satisfy their stakeholders.The difference between undergraduate students’ andprofessionals’ perceptions about dimensions of employerattractiveness is investigated in this study. In macro senses,this paper is an example of marketing being amultidisciplinary science. It does not only serve for branding aproduct but it also has implications in human resourcemanagement or in finance or other departments of thecompany.Özet:Bu çalışma pazarlama ve insan kaynakları dünyasındayeni bir konu olan işveren markalaşmasının boyutlarınıincelemektedir. Literatüre yeni girmekte olan konudaTürkiye’den henüz çok fazla çalışma bulunmaması, buçalışmanın önemini arttırmaktadır. Bu keşifsel çalışma, işyaşamındaki profesyoneller ile üniversite öğrencilerininişveren markalaşmasının boyutlarını algılayış farklılıklarınıgöstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yeditepe Üniversitesi’nde İşletmeYüksek Lisansı yapan profesyoneller ile yine aynı üniversitedelisans eğitimi alan son sınıf ve üçüncü sınıf öğrencileri denekolarak seçilmiş ve bu iki grubun farklı bakış açıları analizedilmiştir. Y jenerasyonunun özelliklerine de değinen buçalışmanın sonuçları yetenekli çalışanı kendine çekmek veelinde tutmak amacında olan ve bir şirket markası oluşturarakyarardaşlarını memnun etmek isteyen birçok işverene ışıktutacaktır. Disiplinler arası bilimin önem kazandığı dönemde,bu çalışma

  8. Synthesis of 9,9,9-trideutero-1,4-dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid (d3-DHN-MA), a useful internal standard for DHN-MA urinalysis. (United States)

    Chantegrel, B; Deshayes, C; Doutheau, A; Steghens, J P


    Racemic 1,4-dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid (DHN-MA) and 9,9,9-trideutero-1,4-dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid (d3-DHN-MA) are synthesized on a 400-mg scale (overall yield approximately 40%) by a two-step sequence involving Michael addition of N-acetyl-L-cysteine to methyl 4-hydroxynon-2(E)-enoate or methyl 9,9,9-trideutero-4-hydroxynon-2 (E)-enoate, followed by reduction of the intermediate adducts with lithium borohydride. The requisite starting methyl esters are obtained, respectively, from heptanal or 7,7,7-trideuteroheptanal and methyl 4-chlorophenylsulfinylacetate via a sulfoxide piperidine and carbonyl reaction described in the literature. The 7,7,7-trideuteroheptanal is easily prepared by classical methods in four steps from 6-bromo-1-hexanol. 13C NMR data indicate that DHN-MA as well as d3-DHN-MA are obtained as mixtures of four diastereomers. Preliminary results show that d3-DHN-MA could be used as an internal standard for mass spectrometric quantification of DHN-MA in human urine.

  9. Formation of nanocrystalline and amorphous phase of Al-Pb-Si-Sn-Cu powder during mechanical alloying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ran Guang; Zhou Jingen; Xi Shengqi; Li Pengliang


    Al-15%Pb-4%Si-1%Sn-1.5%Cu alloys (mass fraction, %) were prepared by mechanical alloying (MA). Phase transformation and microstructure characteristics of the alloy powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that the nanocrystalline supersaturated solid solutions and amorphous phase in the powders are obtained during MA. The effect of ball milling is more evident to lead than to aluminum. During MA, the mixture powders are firstly fined, alloyed, nanocrystallized and then the nanocrystalline partly transforms to amorphous phase. A thermodynamic model is developed based on semi-experimental theory of Miedema to calculate the driving force for phase evolution. The thermodynamic analysis shows that there is no chemical driving force to form a crystalline solid solution from the elemental components. But for the amorphous phase, the Gibbs free energy is higher than 0 for the alloy with lead content in the ranges of 0-86.8 at.% and 98.4-100 at.% and lower than 0 in range of 86.8-98.4 at.%. For the Al-2.25 at.%Pb (Al-15%Pb, mass fraction, %), the driving force for formation of amorphization and nanocrystalline supersaturated solid solutions are provided not by the negative heat of mixing but by mechanical work

  10. MA-burners efficiency parameters allowing for the duration of transmutation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulevich, A.; Zemskov, E.; Kalugin, A.; Ponomarev, L.; Seliverstov, V.; Seregin, M.


    Transmutation of minor actinides (MA) means their transforming into the fission products. Usually, MA-burner's transmutation efficiency is characterized by the static parameters only, such as the number of neutrons absorbed and the rate of MA feeding. However, the proper characterization of MA-burner's efficiency additionally requires the consideration of parameters allowing for the duration of the MA transmutation process. Two parameters of that kind are proposed: a) transmutation time τ - mean time period from the moment a mass of MA is loaded into the burner's fuel cycle to be transmuted to the moment this mass is completely transmuted; b) number of reprocessing cycles n rep - effective number of reprocessing cycles a mass of loaded MA has to undergo before being completely transmuted. Some of MA-burners' types have been analyzed from the point of view of these parameters. It turned out that all of them have the value of parameters too high from the practical point of view. It appears that some new approaches to MA-burner's design have to be used to significantly reduce the value of these parameters in order to make the large-scale MA transmutation process practically reasonable. Some of such approaches are proposed and their potential efficiency is discussed. (authors)

  11. Timing of Indonesian Gateway Restriction Between 4.0 and 2.8 Ma and its Impact on Indian Ocean Surface Waters Based on Calcareous Nannoplankton Assemblages (United States)

    Auer, G.; De Vleeschouwer, D.; Groeneveld, J.; Bogus, K.; Henderiks, J.; Castañeda, I. S.; Expedition 356 Scientists, I.


    The Early Pliocene is characterized by a fundamental reorganization of Earth's climate. In particular, the ongoing constriction of the Indonesian Gateway (IG) around 4.0 - 3.0 Ma is commonly evoked cause for these climatic changes (Christensen et al., 2017; De Schepper et al., 2014; Karas et al., 2009; 2017). The constriction of the IG, caused by the northward movement of Australia and related uplift of Indonesia, had major effects on global climate and may have contributed to Northern Hemisphere cooling via complex atmospheric and oceanographic teleconnections. Untangling the exact timing of IG constriction is thus critical for resolving the mechanisms driving Earth's climatic evolution during the Pliocene. Here we present high-resolution reconstructions of surface water conditions and IG connectivity using calcareous nannoplankton (CNP) assemblages between 4.0 and 2.8 Ma at Site U1463 (18°59'S, 117°37'E; IODP Expedition 356). Located on the Northwest Shelf (NWS) of Australia, the site lies directly in the path of the upper branch of the Leeuwin-Holloway current, making it an ideal location to study Pliocene IG dynamics and their influence on the eastern Indian Ocean. Using modern analogue based interpretation of CNP assemblages, in combination with an independent orbitally tuned age model, shows a change in surface water conditions along the NWS 3.8 Ma recognizable by a decrease in tropical taxa like Umbilicosphaera sibogae and Sphenolithus spp. Subsequently, a shift from Gephyrocapsa sp. to Reticulofenestra sp. dominated CNP assemblages and the increase of mesotrophic CNP taxa (e.g. Umbilicosphaera jafari; Helicosphaera spp.), suggests that warm, stratified, oligotrophic (i.e. tropical) waters were replaced by cooler, more turbulent, and less saline waters by 3.8 - 3.6 Ma. We relate this switch in dominant water masses to changes in IG geometry delivering relatively cooler and fresher waters from northern Pacific sources to the NWS. The abundance of

  12. La zeolita y su efecto en la eficiencia del nitrógeno en arroz y maíz

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    Miguel Soca


    Full Text Available Este trabajo evaluó el efecto de la zeolita en las reducciones de volatilización del nitrógeno amoniacal (RVNA y volumen de lixiviados (RVL así como en rendimientos de arroz Oryza sativa L. y maíz Zea mays L. En el primer experimento bajo un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA se evaluó el tamaño de partícula de zeolita (< 1 mm, 1 - 2 mm, 2 - 3 mm y 3-5 mm en RVNA. El segundo experimento, consistió en evaluar RVL con la aplicación de cuatro tratamientos: testigo (T, zeolita (Z, urea (U y urea + zeolita (UZ. El tercer experimento se desarrolló en un cultivo de arroz, donde se evaluaron dos métodos de aplicación (al voleo y trasplante con cuatro tratamientos (T, U, UZ10% y UZ15% y su efecto en el rendimiento del cultivo. El cuarto experimento realizado en un campo de maíz con dos tratamientos (U y UZ15% evaluó el rendimiento del cultivo en dos suelos (aluvial y esquelético. Los tamaños de partícula entre 3 y 5 mm obtuvieron RVNA del 50% y RVL del 48%. La aplicación de zeolita en arroz obtuvo RVNA de 60% y mejoró los rendimientos sin encontrar diferencias entre método de aplicación. También su aplicación mejoró el peso de grano por mazorca y el peso seco de grano de maíz. La zeolita mejoró la eficiencia de la fertilización nitrogenada.

  13. Synthesis, Biodistribution and In vitro Evaluation of Brain Permeable High Affinity Type 2 Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3. (United States)

    Ahamed, Muneer; van Veghel, Daisy; Ullmer, Christoph; Van Laere, Koen; Verbruggen, Alfons; Bormans, Guy M


    The type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2) is a member of the endocannabinoid system and is known for its important role in (neuro)inflammation. A PET-imaging agent that allows in vivo visualization of CB2 expression may thus allow quantification of neuroinflammation. In this paper, we report the synthesis, radiosynthesis, biodistribution and in vitro evaluation of a carbon-11 ([ 11 C]MA2) and a fluorine-18 ([ 18 F]MA3) labeled analog of a highly potent N -arylamide oxadiazole CB2 agonist (EC 50 = 0.015 nM). MA2 and MA3 behaved as potent CB2 agonist (EC 50 : 3 nM and 0.1 nM, respectively) and their in vitro binding affinity for h CB2 was found to be 87 nM and 0.8 nM, respectively. Also MA3 (substituted with a fluoro ethyl group) was found to have higher binding affinity and EC 50 values when compared to the originally reported trifluoromethyl analog 12 . [ 11 C]MA2 and [ 18 F]MA3 were successfully synthesized with good radiochemical yield, high radiochemical purity and high specific activity. In mice, both tracers were efficiently cleared from blood and all major organs by the hepatobiliary pathway and importantly these compounds showed high brain uptake. In conclusion, [ 11 C]MA2 and [ 18 F]MA3 are shown to be high potent CB2 agonists with good brain uptake, these favorable characteristics makes them potential PET probes for in vivo imaging of brain CB2 receptors. However, in view of its higher affinity and selectivity, further detailed evaluation of MA3 as a PET tracer for CB2 is warranted.

  14. Empoderamiento y feminismo comunitario en la conservación del maíz en México


    Ana Gabriela Rincón Rubio; Ivonne Vizcarra Bordi; Humberto Thomé Ortíz; Patricia Gascón Muro


    El objetivo es analizar, desde una perspectiva basada en el feminismo comunitario, el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres que conforman un grupo de ocho integrantes matlatzincas de la comunidad de San Francisco Oxtotilpan, México, a través de prácticas productivas, alimentarias y culturales en torno al maíz nativo. Los datos fueron recogidos durante 2014 y 2015 con técnicas etnográficas que incluyen: observación participante, historias de vida, grupos focales, entrevistas semiestructurad...

  15. Crecimiento del maíz en vertisoles con alto aluminio en la Baixada Maranhense pre-Amazonia, Brasil.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Costa-da Silva


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el crecimiento del maíz en suelos con alto contenido de aluminio. Se midió el efecto del Al3+ en raíces y la cantidad de materia seca (raíz, hoja y tallo de maíz. Se efectuó la caracterización físico-química de cuatro muestras de suelo con alto aluminio colectadas del horizonte Ap, en tres municipios de la región conocida como Baixada Maranhense (Pre-Amazonia, Brasil: Santa Rita (SR, Arari (AR y Vitoria do Mearim (VM y un testigo colectado en el municipio de São Luís, Área del Núcleo de Tecnología Rural (T. El estudio, ejecutado en 2009, se llevó a cabo en invernadero y se utilizó 2 dm3 de suelo por maceta. Asimismo las muestras fueron divididas en muestras con y sin fertilización. La variación en la longitud de la raíz y de materia seca de las hojas difirió significativamente entre tratados con y sin fertilizante, excepto en la muestra de la localidad T. La producción de materia seca de raíz, tallo y hoja fue mayor en todos los suelos cuando se fertilizó. El suelo testigo también superó a todos los demás en cuanto a producción de materia seca en la raíz, posiblemente como resultado de una menor cantidad de Al3+ (1,2 cmolc/dm3 en comparación con los suelos SR, AR y VM (6,8; 8,0 y 7,0 cmolc/dm3 respectivamente. Se concluye la fertilización reduce el efecto detrimental del aluminio en la producción de maíz en la Baixada Maranhense.

  16. Weak-lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melchior, P.; Gruen, D.; McClintock, T.; Varga, T. N.; Sheldon, E.; Rozo, E.; Amara, A.; Becker, M. R.; Benson, B. A.; Bermeo, A.; Bridle, S. L.; Clampitt, J.; Dietrich, J. P.; Hartley, W. G.; Hollowood, D.; Jain, B.; Jarvis, M.; Jeltema, T.; Kacprzak, T.; MacCrann, N.; Rykoff, E. S.; Saro, A.; Suchyta, E.; Troxel, M. A.; Zuntz, J.; Bonnett, C.; Plazas, A. A.; Abbott, T. M. C.; Abdalla, F. B.; Annis, J.; Benoit-Lévy, A.; Bernstein, G. M.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Cunha, C. E.; D’Andrea, C. B.; da Costa, L. N.; Desai, S.; Eifler, T. F.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; García-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D. W.; Gruendl, R. A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Honscheid, K.; James, D. J.; Kirk, D.; Krause, E.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M. A. G.; March, M.; Martini, P.; Menanteau, F.; Miller, C. J.; Miquel, R.; Mohr, J. J.; Nichol, R. C.; Ogando, R.; Romer, A. K.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, R. C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Walker, A. R.; Weller, J.; Zhang, Y.


    We use weak-lensing shear measurements to determine the mean mass of optically selected galaxy clusters in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data. In a blinded analysis, we split the sample of more than 8,000 redMaPPer clusters into 15 subsets, spanning ranges in the richness parameter $5 \\leq \\lambda \\leq 180$ and redshift $0.2 \\leq z \\leq 0.8$, and fit the averaged mass density contrast profiles with a model that accounts for seven distinct sources of systematic uncertainty: shear measurement and photometric redshift errors; cluster-member contamination; miscentering; deviations from the NFW halo profile; halo triaxiality; and line-of-sight projections. We combine the inferred cluster masses to estimate the joint scaling relation between mass, richness and redshift, $\\mathcal{M}(\\lambda,z) \\varpropto M_0 \\lambda^{F} (1+z)^{G}$. We find $M_0 \\equiv \\langle M_{200\\mathrm{m}}\\,|\\,\\lambda=30,z=0.5\\rangle=\\left[ 2.35 \\pm 0.22\\ \\rm{(stat)} \\pm 0.12\\ \\rm{(sys)} \\right] \\cdot 10^{14}\\ M_\\odot$, with $F = 1.12\\,\\pm\\,0.20\\ \\rm{(stat)}\\, \\pm\\, 0.06\\ \\rm{(sys)}$ and $G = 0.18\\,\\pm\\, 0.75\\ \\rm{(stat)}\\, \\pm\\, 0.24\\ \\rm{(sys)}$. The amplitude of the mass-richness relation is in excellent agreement with the weak-lensing calibration of redMaPPer clusters in SDSS by Simet et al. (2016) and with the Saro et al. (2015) calibration based on abundance matching of SPT-detected clusters. Our results extend the redshift range over which the mass-richness relation of redMaPPer clusters has been calibrated with weak lensing from $z\\leq 0.3$ to $z\\leq0.8$. Calibration uncertainties of shear measurements and photometric redshift estimates dominate our systematic error budget and require substantial improvements for forthcoming studies.

  17. Alloying behavior and deformation twinning in a CoNiFeCrAl0.6Ti0.4 high entropy alloy processed by spark plasma sintering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu, Zhiqiang; Chen, Weiping; Fang, Sicong; Zhang, Dayue; Xiao, Huaqiang; Zhu, Dezhi


    Highlights: ► CoNiFeCrAl 0.6 Ti 0.4 high entropy alloy has been synthesized via MA and SPS. ► Deformation twinning possibly occurred during MA or SPS. ► This alloy exhibits excellent mechanical properties. ► The fracture mechanism of this alloy is intergranular fracture and plastic fracture. -- Abstract: Inequi-atomic CoNiFeCrAl 0.6 Ti 0.4 high entropy alloy has been designed and fabricated by mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering (SPS). Alloying behavior, microstructure, phase evolution and mechanical properties of CoNiFeCrAl 0.6 Ti 0.4 alloy were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), as well as by an Instron testing system. During MA, a supersaturated solid solution consisting of a FCC phase and a metastable BCC phase was formed. Two FCC phases (named FCC1 and FCC2) and a new BCC phase were observed after SPS. During SPS, the metastable BCC phase transformed into the FCC2 phase and the new BCC phase. Meanwhile, the FCC1 phase was the initial FCC phase which was formed during MA. Moreover, nanoscale twins obviously presented only in partial FCC1 phase after SPS. Deformation twinning may be occurred during MA or SPS. The sintered alloy with a high relative density of 98.83% exhibits excellent comprehensive mechanical properties. The yield stress, compressive strength, compression ratio and Vickers hardness of the alloy are 2.08, 2.52 GPa, 11.5% and 573 H V , respectively. The fracture mechanism of CoNiFeCrAl 0.6 Ti 0.4 high entropy alloy is mainly performed at intergranular fracture and plastic fracture mode

  18. MA-burners efficiency parameters allowing for the duration of transmutation process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gulevich, A.; Zemskov, E. [Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Bondarenko Square 1, Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249020 (Russian Federation); Kalugin, A.; Ponomarev, L. [Russian Research Center ' ' Kurchatov Institute' ' Kurchatov Square 1, Moscow 123182 (Russian Federation); Seliverstov, V. [Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics ul.B. Cheremushkinskaya 25, Moscow 117259 (Russian Federation); Seregin, M. [Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology Kashirskoe Shosse 33, Moscow 115230 (Russian Federation)


    Transmutation of minor actinides (MA) means their transforming into the fission products. Usually, MA-burner's transmutation efficiency is characterized by the static parameters only, such as the number of neutrons absorbed and the rate of MA feeding. However, the proper characterization of MA-burner's efficiency additionally requires the consideration of parameters allowing for the duration of the MA transmutation process. Two parameters of that kind are proposed: a) transmutation time {tau} - mean time period from the moment a mass of MA is loaded into the burner's fuel cycle to be transmuted to the moment this mass is completely transmuted; b) number of reprocessing cycles n{sub rep} - effective number of reprocessing cycles a mass of loaded MA has to undergo before being completely transmuted. Some of MA-burners' types have been analyzed from the point of view of these parameters. It turned out that all of them have the value of parameters too high from the practical point of view. It appears that some new approaches to MA-burner's design have to be used to significantly reduce the value of these parameters in order to make the large-scale MA transmutation process practically reasonable. Some of such approaches are proposed and their potential efficiency is discussed. (authors)

  19. Valor Comparativo entre la Yuca y el Maíz en la Alimentación de Cerdos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodolfo Mejía Tomás


    Full Text Available 1-Se utilizaron 3 grupos de 7 cerdos cada uno en ensayos comparativos entre la yuca y el maíz. La yuca formó el 40% de la ración N° 1; la ración N° 2 tuvo 20% de yuca y 20% de maíz, y la N° 3, 40% de maíz. El 60% restante en todas las raciones estuvo constituido por harina de maíz (20%, salvado de trigo (9%, torta de ajonjolí (15 %, harina de pescado (5 %, torta de algodón (10% y minersal (1 %. A cada tonelada de alimento se le adicionó 1 libra de Aurofac. El experimento fue llevado a cabo en las porquerizas de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomía, localizadas en el Valle de Medellín (1.540 metros sobre el nivel del mar y 21 °C. de temperatura media. 2-Los cerdos se pesaron con intervalos de 14 días. a una misma hora y antes de que recibieron alimento. 3 -La ración N° 1 (con 40% de yuca superó a la ración N° 2 (20% de yuca y 20% de maíz y a la N° 3 (con 40% de maíz en el levante y engorde de cerdos. 4 -La ganancia diaria fue muy variable durante todo el experimento, pero al final fueron (en promedio de 0.607 kilos en el lote N°1, 0.544 en el N° 2 y 0.527 en el tercero, que correspondían a las raciones 1, 2 y 3 respectivamente. 5 -El consumo de alimento fue más o menos igual en todos los lotes. 6 -Los cerdos alimentados con la ración N°1 tuvieron una eficiencia de 4.63: 1; los de los números 2 y 3 de 5.19: 1 y 5.29: 1 respectivamente.

  20. Jin et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2015) 12(4):41-49 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Fecal Bacteriological Examination ... commercial assay kits (Huang et al. 2013). ... means with a significance level of P < 0.05 and Pearson's correlation coefficient Test. ..... Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum MA2 isolated from Tibet kefir on lipid.

  1. Synthesis, biodistribution and in vitro evaluation of brain permeable high affinity type 2 cannabinoid receptor agonists [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muneer Ahamed


    Full Text Available Abstract The type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2 is a member of the endocannabinoid system and is known for its important role in (neuroinflammation. A PET-imaging agent that allows in vivo visualization of CB2 expression may thus allow quantification of neuroinflammation. In this paper, we report the synthesis, radiosynthesis, biodistribution and in vitro evaluation of a carbon-11 ([11C]MA2 and a fluorine-18 ([18F]MA3 labeled analogue of a highly potent N-arylamide oxadiazole CB2 agonist (EC50 = 0.015 nM. MA2 and MA3 behaved as potent CB2 agonist (EC50: 3 nM and 0.1 nM, respectively and their in vitro binding affinity for hCB2 was found to be 87 nM and 0.8 nM, respectively. Also MA3 (substituted with a fluoro ethyl group was found to have higher binding affinity and EC50 values when compared to the originally reported trifluoromethyl analogue 12. [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3 were successfully synthesized with good radiochemical yield, high radiochemical purity and high specific activity. In mice, both tracers were efficiently cleared from blood and all major organs by the hepatobiliary pathway and importantly these compounds showed high brain uptake. In conclusion, [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3 are shown to be high potent CB2 agonists with good brain uptake, these favorable characteristics makes them potential PET probes for in vivo imaging of brain CB2 receptors. However in view of its higher affinity and selectivity, further detailed evaluation of MA3 as a PET tracer for CB2 is warranted.

  2. La música del maíz: de los rituales agrarios mejicanos a la ilustración asturiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Figadero Fernandez


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un esbozo, una puerta para una investigación de mayor extensión, que explicaría la existencia de un léxico musical y ritual común entre pueblos separados por un mar y por años de desencuentros, prejuicios y desconfianza. Encerrar aquí una realidad tan compleja como la que rodea al mundo del maíz en México y Asturias es como pretender leer las verdades de la naturaleza en una solo planta, o el carácter de una persona con una sola mirada. Este trabajo trata de dibujar unas relaciones de simetría entre mitos, ritos y costumbres unidas por el azar de un grano de maíz que atraviesa el océano y germina en una tierra hambrienta.

  3. The HectoMAP Cluster Survey. I. redMaPPer Clusters (United States)

    Sohn, Jubee; Geller, Margaret J.; Rines, Kenneth J.; Hwang, Ho Seong; Utsumi, Yousuke; Diaferio, Antonaldo


    We use the dense HectoMAP redshift survey to explore the properties of 104 redMaPPer cluster candidates. The redMaPPer systems in HectoMAP cover the full range of richness and redshift (0.08 systems included in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam public data release are bona fide clusters. The median number of spectroscopic members per cluster is ∼20. We include redshifts of 3547 member candidates listed in the redMaPPer catalog whether they are cluster members or not. We evaluate the redMaPPer membership probability spectroscopically. The purity (number of real systems) in redMaPPer exceeds 90% even at the lowest richness. Three massive galaxy clusters (M ∼ 2 × 1013 M ⊙) associated with X-ray emission in the HectoMAP region are not included in the public redMaPPer catalog with λ rich > 20, because they lie outside the cuts for this catalog.

  4. Characteristics of AZO thin films prepared at various Al target input current deposited on PET substrate (United States)

    Kim, Yun-Hae; Park, Chang-Wook; Lee, Jin-Woo; Lee, Dong Myung


    Transparent conductive oxide is a thin film to be used in numerous applications throughout the industry in general. Transparent electrode materials used in these industries are in need of light transmittance with excellent high and low electrical characteristics, substances showing the most excellent physical properties while satisfying all the characteristics such as indium tin oxide film. However, reserves of indium are very small, there is an environmental pollution problem. So the study of zinc oxide (ZnO) is actively carried out in an alternative material. This study analyzed the characteristics by using a direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering system. The electric and optical properties of these films were studied by Hall measurement and optical spectroscopy, respectively. When the Al target input current is 2 mA and 4 mA, it demonstrates about 80% transmittance in the range of the visible spectrum. Also, when Al target input current was 6 mA, sheet resistance was the smallest on PET substrate. The minimum resistivity is 3.96×10-3 ohm/sq.

  5. Mass and Reliability System (MaRS) (United States)

    Barnes, Sarah


    The Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Directorate is responsible for mitigating risk, providing system safety, and lowering risk for space programs from ground to space. The S&MA is divided into 4 divisions: The Space Exploration Division (NC), the International Space Station Division (NE), the Safety & Test Operations Division (NS), and the Quality and Flight Equipment Division (NT). The interns, myself and Arun Aruljothi, will be working with the Risk & Reliability Analysis Branch under the NC Division's. The mission of this division is to identify, characterize, diminish, and communicate risk by implementing an efficient and effective assurance model. The team utilizes Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) to ensure decisions concerning risks are informed, vehicles are safe and reliable, and program/project requirements are realistic and realized. This project pertains to the Orion mission, so it is geared toward a long duration Human Space Flight Program(s). For space missions, payload is a critical concept; balancing what hardware can be replaced by components verse by Orbital Replacement Units (ORU) or subassemblies is key. For this effort a database was created that combines mass and reliability data, called Mass and Reliability System or MaRS. The U.S. International Space Station (ISS) components are used as reference parts in the MaRS database. Using ISS components as a platform is beneficial because of the historical context and the environment similarities to a space flight mission. MaRS uses a combination of systems: International Space Station PART for failure data, Vehicle Master Database (VMDB) for ORU & components, Maintenance & Analysis Data Set (MADS) for operation hours and other pertinent data, & Hardware History Retrieval System (HHRS) for unit weights. MaRS is populated using a Visual Basic Application. Once populated, the excel spreadsheet is comprised of information on ISS components including

  6. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Ecosystems (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Ecosystems provides data and information on the extent and classification of ecosystems circa 2000, including coastal,...

  7. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Biodiversity (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Biodiversity provides data and information on amphibians, disease agents (extent and distribution of infectious and parasitic...

  8. Constraints from Seamounts on Pacific Plate or Plume Motion Prior to 80 Ma. (United States)

    Konter, J. G.; Koppers, A. A. P.; Jackson, M. G.; Finlayson, V.; Konrad, K.


    The Hawaii-Emperor and Louisville hotspot tracks have long dominated the data set constraining absolute plate motion models. However, prior to ~80 Ma, multiple shorter, discontinuous hotspot trails and oceanic plateaus have been used to constrain absolute plate motion. Based on this earlier work, a clear Hawaii-Emperor style bend seems apparent around 100 Ma in the West Pacific Seamount Province (WPSP). More importantly, the ongoing debate on a plate versus plume motion origin for the Hawaii-Emperor Bend is applicable here, as the ~100 Ma bend may correspond to a global plate reorganization (Matthews et al., EPSL, 2012). Data for a comparison of bends comes from three groups with similar geographic patterns: 1) Mid-Pacific Mountains, Line Islands; 2) Shatsky Rise, Hess Rise, Musician and Wentworth Seamounts; and 3) Wake Seamounts, Marshall Islands, Magellan Seamounts. Both groups 1 and 2 feature a large igneous province (LIP) at their oldest end: Shatsky Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains. According to plate reconstructions these LIPs were constructed near all-ridge triple junctions, thus potential plume-ridge interactions need to be clarified before these LIPs can be used to define an absolute mantle reference frame. In contrast, the volcanoes of the third group (Wake, Marshall, Magellan) did erupt truly intra-plate and we therefore argue that this group provides a constraint on plate motion beyond 80 Ma that is independent of plume-ridge interactions. Since the volcanoes in this group are part of the WPSP, which is densely populated with seamounts, a combination of 40Ar/39Ar ages and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes is needed to distinguish different hotspot tracks in this region. Backtracking each volcano through its age to its original eruptive location and using compositional color-coding, reveals groupings and patterns that vary by plate motion model, while the temporal patterns of backtracked locations inform us about potential plume motions.

  9. Empoderamiento y feminismo comunitario en la conservación del maíz en México


    Rubio, Ana Gabriela Rincón; Bordi, Ivonne Vizcarra; Ortíz, Humberto Thomé; Muro, Patricia Gascón


    Resumen: El objetivo es analizar, desde una perspectiva basada en el feminismo comunitario, el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres que conforman un grupo de ocho integrantes matlatzincas de la comunidad de San Francisco Oxtotilpan, México, a través de prácticas productivas, alimentarias y culturales en torno al maíz nativo. Los datos fueron recogidos durante 2014 y 2015 con técnicas etnográficas que incluyen: observación participante, historias de vida, grupos focales, entrevistas semies...

  10. 46 CFR 308.545 - Facultative cargo policy, Form MA-316. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Facultative cargo policy, Form MA-316. 308.545 Section 308.545 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK... policy, Form MA-316. The standard form of War Risk Facultative Cargo Policy, Form MA-316, may be obtained...

  11. M&A information technology best practices

    CERN Document Server

    Roehl-Anderson, Janice M


    Add value to your organization via the mergers & acquisitions IT function  As part of Deloitte Consulting, one of the largest mergers and acquisitions (M&A) consulting practice in the world, author Janice Roehl-Anderson reveals in M&A Information Technology Best Practices how companies can effectively and efficiently address the IT aspects of mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. Filled with best practices for implementing and maintaining systems, this book helps financial and technology executives in every field to add value to their mergers, acquisitions, and/or divestitures via the IT

  12. 42 CFR 422.4 - Types of MA plans. (United States)


    ... availability, service area, and quality. (ii) Coordinated care plans may include mechanisms to control... requirements of sections 138 and 220 of the Internal Revenue Code. (3) MA private fee-for-service plan. An MA... Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED...

  13. İçsel Markalaşma Uygulamalarıyla Markanın Örgüt İçerisinde Tutundurulması: ARKAS Holding Örnek Olayı* ( Promoting Brand Within Organization Via Internal Branding: ARKAS Holding Case Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aysun KAHRAMAN


    Full Text Available İçsel markalaşma; çalışanların, çalıştıkları işletmenin marka vaadini, marka değerini anlaması ve benimsemesi sonucunda, dış müşterilerin de markayı daha kolay benimseyeceğini savunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ülkemiz literatüründe yeterince ele alınmamış olan içsel markalaşma olgusunu teorik temeller ve uygulama aşamaları açısından açıklığa kavuşturmaktır. Çalışmada ilk olarak markalaşmanın önemine ve markalaşma sürecinde çalışanların rollerine değinilmiştir. Daha sonra içsel markalaşma kavramı, içsel markalaşma uygulamalarında kullanılan teknikler ve araçlar teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın uygulama bölümü için bir hizmet işletmesi olan Arkas Holding’in iki yöneticisiyle, Arkas Holding’deki içsel markalaşma uygulamalarıyla ilgili olarak derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Yapılan görüşmeler sonrasında elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildikten sonra Arkas Holding’de içsel markalaşmanın önemi, içsel markalaşma uygulamalarının nasıl gerçekleştiği, bu süreçte dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurlar ve karşılaşılan zorluklar ortaya konulmuştur. Internal branding supports the idea that external customers will internalize the brand more easily if employees understand and adopt the brand promise and brand values of the company which they work for. The aim of this study is to clarify internal branding phenomenon, which which has not been discussed enough in the Turkish literature, in terms of literature and application areas. Firstly the study has discussed the importance of branding process and the role of employees in this process. Then, the concept of internal branding, the technics and the tools whics are used for application of internal branding is examined theoretically. In the application part in-depth interviews were conducted with two managers of Arkas Holding about internal branding activities in Arkas Holding. After

  14. Ma(d)skulinitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leer, Jonatan

    Når tv-kokke som Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay og brødrene Price toner frem på skærmen, laver de ikke kun mad. De mixer også maskulinitet. For når en mand laver mad, laver maden også manden. Det mener postdoc Jonatan Leer, der i Ma(ds)kulinitet. Kønskamp i tv-køkkenet præsenterer, hvordan og hvorfor...

  15. Investigations of AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT with Al2O3 deposition by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, Bo-Yi; Hsu, Wei-Chou; Liu, Han-Yin; Wu, Yu-Sheng; Lee, Ching-Sung; Sun, Wen-Ching; Wei, Sung-Yen; Yu, Sheng-Min; Chiang, Meng-Hsueh


    This work investigates Al 2 O 3 /AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MOS-HEMTs) grown on SiC substrate by using the non-vacuum ultrasonic spray pyrolysis deposition (USPD) method. The Al 2 O 3 was deposited as gate dielectric and surface passivation simultaneously to effectively suppress gate leakage current, enhance output current density, reduce RF drain current collapse, and improve temperature-dependent stabilities performance. The present MOS-HEMT design has shown improved device performances with respect to a Schottky-gate HEMT, including drain-source saturation current density at zero gate bias (I DSS : 337.6 mA mm −1  → 462.9 mA mm −1 ), gate-voltage swing (GVS: 1.55 V → 2.92 V), two-terminal gate-drain breakdown voltage (BV GD : −103.8 V → −183.5 V), unity-gain cut-off frequency (f T : 11.3 GHz → 17.7 GHz), maximum oscillation frequency (f max : 14.2 GHz → 19.1 GHz), and power added effective (P.A.E.: 25.1% → 43.6%). The bias conditions for measuring f T and f max of the studied MOS-HEMT (Schottky-gate HEMT) are V GS  = −2.5 (−2) V and V DS  = 7 V. The corresponding V GS and V DS biases are −2.5 (−2) V and 15 V for measuring the P.A.E. characteristic. Moreover, small capacitance-voltage (C–V) hysteresis is obtained in the Al 2 O 3 -MOS structure by using USPD. Temperature-dependent characteristics of the present designs at 300–480 K are also studied. (paper)

  16. HoCaMA: Home Care Hybrid Multiagent Architecture (United States)

    Fraile, Juan A.; Bajo, Javier; Abraham, Ajith; Corchado, Juan M.

    Home Care is one of the main objectives of Ambient Intelligence. Nowadays, the disabled and elderly population, which represents a significant part of our society, requires novel solutions for providing home care in an effective way. In this chapter, we present HoCaMA, a hybrid multiagent architecture that facilitates remote monitoring and care services for disabled patients at their homes. HoCaMA combines multiagent systems and Web services to facilitate the communication and integration with multiple health care systems. In addition, HoCaMA focuses on the design of reactive agents capable of interacting with different sensors present in the environment, and incorporates a system of alerts through SMS and MMS mobile technologies. Finally, it uses Radio Frequency IDentification and JavaCard technologies to provide advanced location and identification systems, as well as automatic access control facilities. HoCaMA has been implemented in a real environment and the results obtained are presented within this chapter.

  17. Investigation of a hot-pressed Nb–Ti–Al alloy: Mechanical alloying, microstructure and mechanical property

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shi, Zhiwu; Wei, Hua; Zhang, Hongyu; Jin, Tao; Sun, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Qi, E-mail:


    The Nb–23Ti–15Al (at%) alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and hot-pressing (HPing). The microstructure evolution of powder particles during MA and its influence on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the hot-pressed (HPed) alloy have been investigated. The powder and HPed alloy were characterized via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that particle size increases in the first stage and then decreases in the second stage during MA; as milling speed increases, mechanically alloyed (MAed) powder with convoluted elemental lamellae, homogeneous Nb solid-solution and an amorphous phase could be obtained respectively in 24 h. Higher homogeneity in microstructure and composition of the MAed powder particles promotes the precipitation of the δ phase and refines the β and Ti(O,C) phases in the HPed alloy. Moreover, due to the phase equilibrium changes caused by Fe and Cr in the amorphous powder, σ phase appears in the alloy as a stable phase instead of the δ phase. Properly MAed powder contributes to higher hardness of the HPed alloy, for reasons of microstructure refinement and sufficient precipitating of strengthening phases.

  18. Investigation of a hot-pressed Nb–Ti–Al alloy: Mechanical alloying, microstructure and mechanical property

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Zhiwu; Wei, Hua; Zhang, Hongyu; Jin, Tao; Sun, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Qi


    The Nb–23Ti–15Al (at%) alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and hot-pressing (HPing). The microstructure evolution of powder particles during MA and its influence on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the hot-pressed (HPed) alloy have been investigated. The powder and HPed alloy were characterized via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that particle size increases in the first stage and then decreases in the second stage during MA; as milling speed increases, mechanically alloyed (MAed) powder with convoluted elemental lamellae, homogeneous Nb solid-solution and an amorphous phase could be obtained respectively in 24 h. Higher homogeneity in microstructure and composition of the MAed powder particles promotes the precipitation of the δ phase and refines the β and Ti(O,C) phases in the HPed alloy. Moreover, due to the phase equilibrium changes caused by Fe and Cr in the amorphous powder, σ phase appears in the alloy as a stable phase instead of the δ phase. Properly MAed powder contributes to higher hardness of the HPed alloy, for reasons of microstructure refinement and sufficient precipitating of strengthening phases.

  19. Fethiye Yöresinde (Akdeniz Paraketeyle Kılıç (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 Avcılığı Üzerine Bir Ön Çalışma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa Erdem


    Full Text Available Fethiye yöresinde, ticari parakete tekneleriyle, 1 Nisan – 15 Haziran / 1 Eylül – 30 Ekim tarihleri arasında yedi sörvey yürütülmüştür. Bu ön çalışma sonuçları, paraketeyle kılıç balığı (Xiphias gladius L. avcılığında filonun boyutu, ekipmanları, balıkçılık alanları, parakete özellikleri, total av, balıkçılık gücü ve birim çabaya düşen av (CPUE miktarlarıyla ilgilidir. Bu çalışmada, boy aralığı 62 – 252 cm ve ağırlık aralığı 3.8 – 168.3 kg arasında değişen 60 birey incelenmiştir. Fethiye limanına bağlı, boyları 8.5 – 14.5 m, makine güçleri 11 – 135 HP arasında değişen ve 400 – 750 iğnelı paraketeye sahip 14 tekne vardır. CPUE’nin günde her 1000 iğnelik ünite için 15.6 ile 27.8 kg olarak değiştiği bulunmuştur

  20. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Population (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Population data sets provide baseline population information as one of the drivers of ecosystem change. The data helped in...

  1. Sintering evaluation of spinel MA nanostructured obtained via synthesis of combustion in solution; Avaliacao da sinterizacao de espinelio MA nanoestruturado obtido via combustao em solucao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vitor, P.A.M.; Braganca, S.R.; Bergmann, C.P., E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (LACER/UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Laboratorio de Materiais Ceramicos


    Specimens were shaped from powders of spinel MA (MgAl2O4) obtained via synthesis combustion in solution (SCS) from the trio chemical precursor aluminum nitrate, magnesium nitrate and sucrose in water, and then sintered at different temperatures between 1350 and 1650 ° C. Were evaluated the physical properties (density, porosity, water absorption and linear shrinkage), mechanical (flexural 4 points), and the microstructures (SEM) as a function of sintering temperature. The densification increased with growing the value of the sintering temperature, wherein the temperature to 1650 ° C had the highest flexural strength and higher elastic modulus: 51.33 (± 6.83) and 26.16 MPa (± 5.06) GPa respectively. The study confirmed the microstructure of the densification of the particles, confirming the purity and nature of nanometric powders obtained via the SCS. (author)

  2. Microcap M&A: An Exploratory Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keith Turpie


    Full Text Available A substantial body of accounting and finance literature has been devoted to the study of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As dominated by discussions relating to the gains and losses that accrue from transactions involving large public companies. This paper makes a unique contribution to the literature by investigating the M&A experience of microcap businesses. Transactions involving microcap M&A are substantially different to those involving large companies on a number of dimensions. This paper explores the determinants of microcap M&A success and pitfalls and problems from an integration perspective. Due to the paucity of research in the area an exploratory research design is employed, conducting interviews with five CEOs of companies that had each managed multiple transactions. We find microcap M&As are successful when measured against identified goals but generally take longer and cost more than expected. Further, culture and communication are key issues in determining success/failure. We also find the in-house management of integration aspects is problematic for these businesses and suggest this warrants further study.

  3. El lugar del Iṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī de Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ en la llamada «rebelión andalusí contra la astronomía ptolemaica»

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bellver Martínez, José


    principal, IIṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī, traducida al latín y al hebreo. Con el IIṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī, su autor pretende reescribir el Almagesto a la vez que introduce algunas correcciones. En 1984, A.I. Sabra, en su importante artículo «The Andalusian revolt against Ptolemaic astronomy» llama la atención sobre un grupo de filósofo andalusíes, contemporáneos de Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ o que florecieron poco después que él —como Ibn Baŷŷa (m. 537/1138, Ibn Ṭufayl (m. 581/1185, Ibn Rušd (m. 595/1198, Maimónides (m. 601/1204 y al-Biṭrūŷī (fl. 596/1200—, quienes criticaron, desde un punto de vista cosmológico, los modelos astronómicos descritos en el Almagesto al no ser coherentes con la física aristotélica. La finalidad de este artículo es describir el tipo de críticas que hace Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ a Ptolomeo con el objeto de dilucidar si cabe considerarlo uno de los miembros de la rebelión andalusí contra la astronomía ptolemaica. La conclusión final es que las críticas de Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ no son de carácter cosmológico —si bien puedan tener consecuencias cosmológicas—, sino que son de carácter matemático y técnico. Así pues, no cabe considerarlo un miembro de la rebelión andalusí contra la astronomía ptolemaica.

  4. 46 CFR 308.517 - Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. 308.517 Section 308.517... Risk Cargo Insurance Ii-Open Policy War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.517 Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. The standard form of War Risk Open Cargo, Form MA-300, may be obtained from the American War Risk...

  5. İnternet ve Tuğla-Harç Mağazalarına İlişkin Müşteri Düşünceleri ve Değişen Müşteri Davranışları

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdolrazagh MADAHI


    Full Text Available Bu çalışma Malezya’da internette faaliyet gösteren tuğla harç mağazalarına ilişkin müşteri düşüncelerini ve müşterilerin değişen kanal eğilimlerini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmaya ilişkin veriler Klang Vadisi ve Penang Bölgesi’nde 497 kişinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen anketlerin neticesinde elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada yapısal bağlamda PLS Modeli ve data analizi bağlamında ise SEM Modeli kullanılmıştır. Yapılan 497 anketin neticesinde, çalışmanın verileri, uygunluk ve zorluk bağlamında internetten tuğla ve harç mağazalara doğru değişen bir eğilim olduğunu göstermiştir. Bulgular benzer şekilde cinsiyet ve niyetin de müşterilerin kanal değiştirmesinde etkin unsurlar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.

  6. Producción de maíz y pluriactividad de los campesinos en el Valle de Puebla, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nemesio Osorio-García


    Full Text Available La principal actividad de los campesinos en el Valle de Puebla es la producción de maíz; sin embargo, realizan otras actividades agrícolas y no agrícolas para satisfacer sus necesidades familiares. El objetivo de esta investigación fue precisar el estado actual de la producción de maíz y su relación con la pluriactividad que desarrollan los campesinos de la zona y qué factores la determinan. Se aplicó un muestreo estadístico a 111 campesinos seleccionados al azar. Los resultados indicaron que los campesinos son minifundistas, y con bajo nivel de escolaridad. La totalidad se dedica a la producción de maíz, y utilizan variedades nativas (98.2 %. Los destinos de la producción fueron el consumo familiar, la alimentación de animales y, en menor proporción, la venta. El 41.4 % de los entrevistados realizaron actividades extrafinca, las cuales aunadas a la superficie agrícola determinaron el nivel de otras actividades agropecuarias. El factor más importante que determinó la pluriactividad fue la escolaridad de los agricultores.

  7. Changing the S and MA [Safety and Mission Assurance] Paradigm (United States)

    Malone, Roy W., Jr.


    Objectives: 1) Optimize S&MA organization to best facilitate Shuttle transition in 2010, successfully support Ares developmental responsibilities, and minimize the impacts of the gap between last Shuttle flight and start of Ares V Project. 2) Improve leveraging of critical skills and experience between Shuttle and Ares. 3) Split technical and supervisory functions to facilitate technical penetration. 4) Create Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer (CSO) stand-alone position for successfully implementation of S&MA Technical Authority. 5) Minimize disruption to customers. 6) Provide early involvement of S&MA leadership team and frequent/open communications with S&MA team members and steak-holders.

  8. Effect of milling time and CNT concentration on hardness of CNT/Al2024 composites produced by mechanical alloying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pérez-Bustamante, R.; Pérez-Bustamante, F.; Estrada-Guel, I.; Licea-Jiménez, L.; Miki-Yoshida, M.; Martínez-Sánchez, R.


    Carbon nanotube/2024 aluminum alloy (CNT/Al 2024 ) composites were fabricated with a combination of mechanical alloying (MA) and powder metallurgy routes. Composites were microstructurally and mechanically evaluated at sintering condition. A homogeneous dispersion of CNTs in the Al matrix was observed by a field emission scanning electron microscopy. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy confirmed not only the presence of well dispersed CNTs but also needle-like shape aluminum carbide (Al 4 C 3 ) crystals in the Al matrix. The formation of Al 4 C 3 was suggested as the interaction between the outer shells of CNTs and the Al matrix during MA process in which crystallization took place after the sintering process. The mechanical behavior of composites was evaluated by Vickers microhardness measurements indicating a significant improvement in hardness as function of the CNT content. This improvement was associated to a homogeneous dispersion of CNTs and the presence of Al 4 C 3 in the aluminum alloy matrix. - Highlights: ► The 2024 aluminum alloy was reinforced by CNTs by mechanical alloying process. ► Composites were microstructural and mechanically evaluated after sintering condition. ► The greater the CNT concentration, the greater the hardness of the composites. ► Higher hardness in composites is achieved at 20 h of milling. ► The formation of Al 4 C 3 does not present a direct relationship with the milling time.

  9. Estudio Estadístico Comparativo sobre Dos Variedades de Maíz

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    Ramírez Hernán


    Full Text Available 1°-Se determinó el porcentaje de granos en mazorcas de tipo comercial para dos variedades de maíz. Una seleccionada en Venezuela con la denominación de "Venezuela-l" de gran adaptación y buena aceptación entre nuestros agricultores, y otra variedad de maíz criollo distinguido en el comercio con el nombre de "Cuba Blanco" con los siguientes resultados en promedio: Para Venezuela-l 81.29% Para el Cuba blanco 80.90 % 2°-Estas dos variedades se compararon por los diversos caracteres de la mazorca: número de surcos, peso en gramos, largo en centímetros, diámetro en milímetros; de la tusa: diámetro en milímetros y peso en gramos, y de los granos: porcentaje, peso en gramos y profundidad en milímetros. El resultado obtenido fue muy favorable para el Venezuela-l, lo cual confirma los buenos efectos de la selección aplicada al maíz. 3°-Un estudio de correlación simple, correlación parcial y regresión parcial aplicado a varios caracteres de la mazorca en las mismas variedades mostró un alto grado de relación entre caracteres, como peso total y largo; peso total y diámetro; peso total y profundidad de los granos; número de surcos y diámetro; largo y diámetro y diámetro y profundidad de los granos. Así mismo, al hacer constantes, la influencia del porcentaje de granos y surcos, se obtuvo una alta significación para la relación entre el peso total y el largo; el caso recíproco al hacer constante la influencia del porcentaje de granos y surcos se obtuvo una alta significación entre el largo y el peso total; también resultó altamente significativa la relación entre el peso total y el porcentaje de granos cuando se tomaron el número de surcos y el largo como constantes. Se determinó el coeficiente de regresión parcial para valorar la influencia que tiene un carácter que se toma como independiente sobre otro tomado como dependiente, resultando una influencia mayor de aquellos caracteres sobre éstos en

  10. New Regimes of Implosions of Larger Sized Wire Arrays With and Without Modified Central Plane at 1.5-1.7 MA Zebra (United States)

    Safronova, A. S.; Kantsyrev, V. L.; Esaulov, A. A.; Weller, M. E.; Shrestha, I.; Shlyaptseva, V. V.; Stafford, A.; Keim, S. F.; Petkov, E. E.; Lorance, M.; Chuvatin, A. S.; Coverdale, C. A.; Jones, B.


    The recent experiments at 1.5-1.7 MA on Zebra at UNR with larger sized planar wires arrays (compared to the wire loads at 1 MA current) have demonstrated higher linear radiation yield and electron temperatures as well as advantages of better diagnostics access to observable plasma regions. Such multi-planar wire arrays had two outer wire planes from mid-Z material to create a global magnetic field (gmf) and mid-Z plasma flow between them. Also, they included a modified central plane with a few Al wires at the edges to influence gmf and to create Al plasma flow in the perpendicular direction. The stationary shock waves which existed over tens of ns on shadow images and the early x-ray emissions before the PCD peak on time-gated spectra were observed. The most recent experiments with similar loads but without the central wires demonstrated a very different regime of implosion with asymmetrical jets and no precursor formation. This work was supported by NNSA under DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-NA0001984 and in part by DE-FC52-06NA27616. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Company, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

  11. Başkent Üniversitesi İstanbul Hastanesi’nde çalışan 20-64 yaş arası yetişkin bireylerde şekerli ve tatlandırıcılı içecek tüketiminin enerji alımı ve obezite üzerine etkisi


    Terzioğlu, Emel


    Bu çalışma bireylerin şekerli ve tatlandırıcılı içecek tüketiminin enerji alımı ve obezite üzerini etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, Ağustos 2014- Kasım 2014 tarihleri arasında Başkent Üniversitesi İstanbul Hastanesi’nde doktor, hemşire ve diğer sağlık personeli ile hasta danışmanı olarak çalışan, yaşları 16-48 arasında değişen 100 ( 82 kadın, 18 erkek) sağlıklı birey üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Bireylerin kişisel bilgileri, genel sağlık durumları, yaşam tarzı alışkanlıkları ve te...

  12. Climate and carbon-cycle response to astronomical forcing over the last 35 Ma. (United States)

    De Vleeschouwer, D.; Palike, H.; Vahlenkamp, M.; Crucifix, M.


    On a million-year time scale, the characteristics of insolation forcing caused by cyclical variations in the astronomical parameters of the Earth remain stable. Nevertheless, Earth's climate responded very differently to this forcing during different parts of the Cenozoic. The recently-published ∂18Obenthic megasplice (De Vleeschouwer et al., 2017) allowed for a clear visualization of these changes in global climate response to astronomical forcing. However, many open questions remain regarding how carbon-cycle dynamics influence Earth's climate sensitivity to astronomical climate forcing. To provide insight into the interaction between the carbon cycle and astronomical insolation forcing, we built a benthic carbon isotope (∂13Cbenthic) megasplice for the last 35 Ma, employing the same technique used to build the ∂18Obenthic megasplice. The ∂13Cbenthic megasplice exhibits a strong imprint of the 405 and 100-kyr eccentricity cycles throughout the last 35 Ma. This is intriguing, as the oxygen isotope megasplice looses its eccentricity imprint after the mid-Miocene climatic transition (MMCT; see Fig. 1 in De Vleeschouwer et al., 2017). In other words, the carbon cycle responded completely differently to astronomical forcing, compared to global climate during the late Miocene. We visualize this difference in response by the application of a Gaussian process, which renders the dependence of one variable (here ∂18Obenthic or ∂13Cbenthic) in a multidimensional space (here precession, obliquity and eccentricity). Together, the ∂13Cbenthic and ∂18Obenthic megasplices thus provide a unique tool for paleoclimatology, allowing for the quantification and visualization of the changing paleoclimate and carbon-cycle response to astronomical forcing throughout geologic time. References De Vleeschouwer, D., Vahlenkamp, M., Crucifix, M., Pälike, H., 2017. Alternating Southern and Northern Hemisphere climate response to astronomical forcing during the past 35 m

  13. Alumni careers : MA Comparative European Social Studies Zuyd University


    Riga, Albert


    In the preparation of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the MA CESS all alumni were invited to participate in an alumni survey. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly investigate the professional activities of MA CESS alumni and the way they build an alumni community. Another reason for starting the project is that it may play a part in maintaining and enhancing a mutually beneficial relationship between MA CESS and its alumni. All over Europe there are graduates working in the ...

  14. Les particules illocutoires, variable d’ajustement de la traduction sous-titrante au cinéma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ève Vayssière


    Full Text Available Die illokutiven Partikel fungieren als Anpassungsvariable, die beim Übersetzungsakt zur Untertitelung von Filmen entweder weggelassen werden oder erscheinen. Wenn sie einfach gelöscht werden, ergeben sich weder grammatikalische Störungen noch Informationsverlust. Das Auftauchen dieser Partikel in den deutschen Untertiteln zeigt jedoch, wie wichtig sie sind: Als Partikel der Oralität tragen sie zur Idiomatizität bei.Les particules illocutoires sont des variables d’ajustement lors de l’acte de traduction sous-titrante au cinéma, elles peuvent être supprimées sans que cela occasionne de dysfonctionnement grammatical et elles disparaissent lors de la traduction en français sans que cela occasionne une perte d’informations. Leur apparition dans les sous-titres allemands montre néanmoins leur importance : particules de l’oralité, elles sont vecteur d’« idiomaticité ».

  15. Suport d’escultura amb decoració vegetal procedent del forum de Mago (Maó, Menorca)


    Gómez Pons, Mireia; Garrido Elena, Anna


    L’any 2007 es va trobar. en unes excavacions d’urgència a Maó, una peça reutilitzada com a part d’una premsa d’oli o de vi, que anteriorment havia estat utilitzada com a pedestal d’una escultura que segurament devia tenir un text epigràfic que no ha arribat als nostres dies. Procediria del forum de la ciutat romana de Mago, Menorca, i a la seva part superior presenta dues motllures amb decoració vegetal que rodegen la totalitat del seu perímetre. Les característiques estilístiques i tècniques...

  16. Cell cycle-dependent SUMO-1 conjugation to nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Jae Sung; Kim, Ha Na; Kim, Sun-Jick; Bang, Jiyoung; Kim, Eun-A; Sung, Ki Sa [Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Hyun-Joo [TissueGene Inc. 9605 Medical Center Dr., Rockville, MD 20850 (United States); Yoo, Hae Yong [Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences and Technology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul 135-710 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Cheol Yong, E-mail: [Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: •NuMA is modified by SUMO-1 in a cell cycle-dependent manner. •NuMA lysine 1766 is the primary target site for SUMOylation. •SUMOylation-deficient NuMA induces multiple spindle poles during mitosis. •SUMOylated NuMA induces microtubule bundling. -- Abstract: Covalent conjugation of proteins with small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 (SUMO-1) plays a critical role in a variety of cellular functions including cell cycle control, replication, and transcriptional regulation. Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) localizes to spindle poles during mitosis, and is an essential component in the formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles. Here we show that NuMA is a target for covalent conjugation to SUMO-1. We find that the lysine 1766 residue is the primary NuMA acceptor site for SUMO-1 conjugation. Interestingly, SUMO modification of endogenous NuMA occurs at the entry into mitosis and this modification is reversed after exiting from mitosis. Knockdown of Ubc9 or forced expression of SENP1 results in impairment of the localization of NuMA to mitotic spindle poles during mitosis. The SUMOylation-deficient NuMA mutant is defective in microtubule bundling, and multiple spindles are induced during mitosis. The mitosis-dependent dynamic SUMO-1 modification of NuMA might contribute to NuMA-mediated formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles during mitosis.

  17. MaGate Simulator: A Simulation Environment for a Decentralized Grid Scheduler (United States)

    Huang, Ye; Brocco, Amos; Courant, Michele; Hirsbrunner, Beat; Kuonen, Pierre

    This paper presents a simulator for of a decentralized modular grid scheduler named MaGate. MaGate’s design emphasizes scheduler interoperability by providing intelligent scheduling serving the grid community as a whole. Each MaGate scheduler instance is able to deal with dynamic scheduling conditions, with continuously arriving grid jobs. Received jobs are either allocated on local resources, or delegated to other MaGates for remote execution. The proposed MaGate simulator is based on GridSim toolkit and Alea simulator, and abstracts the features and behaviors of complex fundamental grid elements, such as grid jobs, grid resources, and grid users. Simulation of scheduling tasks is supported by a grid network overlay simulator executing distributed ant-based swarm intelligence algorithms to provide services such as group communication and resource discovery. For evaluation, a comparison of behaviors of different collaborative policies among a community of MaGates is provided. Results support the use of the proposed approach as a functional ready grid scheduler simulator.

  18. Geological constraints on continental arc activity since 720 Ma: implications for the link between long-term climate variability and episodicity of continental arcs (United States)

    Cao, W.; Lee, C. T.


    Continental arc volcanoes have been suggested to release more CO2 than island arc volcanoes due to decarbonation of wallrock carbonates in the continental upper plate through which the magmas traverse (Lee et al., 2013). Continental arcs may thus play an important role in long-term climate. To test this hypothesis, we compiled geological maps to reconstruct the surface distribution of granitoid plutons and the lengths of ancient continental arcs. These results were then compiled into a GIS framework and incorporated into GPlates plate reconstructions. Our results show an episodic nature of global continental arc activity since 720 Ma. The lengths of continental arcs were at minimums during most of the Cryogenian ( 720-670 Ma), the middle Paleozoic ( 460-300 Ma) and the Cenozoic ( 50-0 Ma). Arc lengths were highest during the Ediacaran ( 640-570 Ma), the early Paleozoic ( 550-430 Ma) and the entire Mesozoic with peaks in the Early Triassic ( 250-240 Ma), Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ( 160-130 Ma), and Late Cretaceous ( 90-65 Ma). The extensive continental arcs in the Ediacaran and early Paleozoic reflect the Pan-African events and circum-Gondwana subduction during the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. The Early Triassic peak is coincident with the final closure of the paleo-Asian oceans and the onset of circum-Pacific subduction associated with the assembly of the Pangea supercontinent. The Jurassic-Cretaceous peaks reflect the extensive continental arcs established in the western Pacific, North and South American Cordillera, coincident with the initial dispersal of the Pangea. Continental arcs are favored during the final assembly and the early-stage dispersal of a supercontinent. Our compilation shows a temporal match between continental arc activity and long-term climate at least since 720 Ma. For example, continental arc activity was reduced during the Cryogenian icehouse event, and enhanced during the Early Paleozoic and Jurassic-Cretaceous greenhouse

  19. Alloying behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties in a FeNiCrCo0.3Al0.7 high entropy alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Weiping; Fu, Zhiqiang; Fang, Sicong; Xiao, Huaqiang; Zhu, Dezhi


    Highlights: • FeNiCrCo 0.3 Al 0.7 high entropy alloy is prepared via MA and SPS. • Two BCC phases and one FCC phase were obtained after SPS. • The two BCC phases are enriched in Fe–Cr (A2 structure) and enriched in Ni–Al (B2 structure). • Bulk FeNiCrCo 0.3 Al 0.7 HEA exhibits excellent mechanical properties. - Abstract: The present paper reports the synthesis of FeNiCrCo 0.3 Al 0.7 high entropy alloy (HEA) by mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) process. Alloying behavior, microstructure, mechanical properties and detailed phases of the alloy were investigated systematically. During MA, the formation of a supersaturated solid solution with body-centered cubic (BCC) structure occurred. However, partial BCC structure phase transformed into a face-center cubic (FCC) structure phase during SPS. Two BCC phases with nearly the same lattice parameter of 3.01 Å and one FCC phase with the lattice parameter of 3.72 Å were characterized in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) images. The two BCC phases which are evidently deviated from the definition of high entropy alloys (HEAs) are enriched in Fe–Cr and enriched in Ni–Al, respectively. Moreover, the FCC phase agrees well with the definition of HEAs. Bulk FeNiCrCo 0.3 Al 0.7 alloy with little porosity exhibits much better mechanical properties except compression ratio compared with other typical HEAs of FeNiCrCoAl HEA system. The yield strength, compressive strength, compression ratio and Vickers hardness of FeNiCrCo 0.3 Al 0.7 alloy are 2033 ± 41 MPa, 2635 ± 55 MPa, 8.12 ± 0.51% and 624 ± 26H v , respectively. The fracture mechanism of bulk FeNiCrCo 0.3 Al 0.7 alloy is dominated by intercrystalline fracture and quasi-cleavage fracture

  20. The formation of quasicrystal phase in Al-Cu-Fe system by mechanical alloying


    Travessa, Dilermando Nagle; Cardoso, Kátia Regina; Wolf, Witor; Jorge Junior, Alberto Moreira; Botta, Walter José


    In order to obtain quasicrystalline (QC) phase by mechanical alloying (MA) in the Al-Cu-Fe system, mixtures of elementary Al, Cu and Fe in the proportion of 65-20-15 (at. %) were produced by high energy ball milling (HEBM). A very high energy type mill (spex) and short milling times (up to 5 hours) were employed. The resulting powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). QC phase was not directly formed ...

  1. Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) M2 ( 3.3 Ma) in the southern hemisphere: constraining the climatic drivers of a short-term glaciation event during the Pliocene warm Period. (United States)

    De Vleeschouwer, D.; Auer, G.; Bogus, K.; Groeneveld, J.; Henderiks, J.; Jatiningrum, R. S.; Christensen, B. A.


    Global climate was characterized by intriguing climate variability during the Late Pliocene (3.6 to 2.59 Ma): a brief (<100 kyr) but intense glaciation (MIS M2) interrupted the relatively warm climate state around 3.3 Ma. Until today, different hypotheses exist to explain why this glaciation event was so intense, and why the global climate system returned to warm Pliocene conditions relatively quickly. One of these proposed mechanisms is a reduced equator-to-pole heat transfer, in response to a tectonically reduced Indonesian Throughflow (ITF; De Schepper et al., 2014; Karas et al., 2011a, b). However, the scarcity of orbital-scale continuous climate archives in the outflow of the Indonesian Seaway hampers testing this hypothesis. To assess the supposed relationship between mid-Pliocene glaciations and latitudinal heat transport through the Indonesian Throughflow, we constructed a 3-kyr resolution planktonic δ18OG.sacculiferrecord for the 3.9 - 2.7 Ma interval from Site U1463 (18°59'S, 117°37'E; Northwestern Australian Shelf; IODP Expedition 356 "Indonesian Throughflow"). The U1463 oxygen isotope record concurs exceptionally well with the sea surface temperature (SST) record from Site 806 (0°19'N, 159°22'E) in the West Pacific Warm Pool (Wara et al., 2005), even during MIS M2. Hence, Site U1463 suggests an uninterrupted ITF signal during Pliocene glaciations. Surprisingly though, the U1463 δ18OG.sacculifer record exhibits a 0.5‰ offset with the nearby Site 763 record (20°35'S, 112°12'E) around MIS M2. This implies that Site 763, which lies a bit further offshore than U1463, fits better with Indian Ocean SST records (e.g. Site 214; Karas et al., 2009) across MIS M2. In conclusion, the U1463 data reveal that heat-transport through the Indonesian Throughflow did not shut down completely during MIS M2. However, its intensity decreased during MIS M2, causing Site 763 to temporarily reflect an Indian Ocean, rather than an ITF signal. References De Schepper, S

  2. Pendekatan Penanfisran al-Qur’an yang Didasarkan pada Instrumen Riwayat, Nalar, dan Isyarat Batin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junizar Supratman


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini mengkaji mengenai tiga jenis pendekatan dalam tafsir. Pertama, Pendekatan tafsir bi al-ma’tsur  (suatu penafsiran yang lebih banyak terfokus kepada sumber penafsiran dengan menggunakan riwayat-riwayat. Karakteristik dari pendekatan tafsir bi al-ma’tsur, yakni: dominannya para mufassir menggunakan riwayat-riwayat sebagai sumber atau instrument dalam menafsirkan ayat. Dominannya penggunaan riwayat dalam menafsirkan ayat, bukan berarti pendekatan tafsir bi al-ma’tsur mengabaikan instrumen penafsiran lainnya, termasuk ilmu tentang bahasa atau kaedah-kaedah yang lainnya. Kedua, pendekatan tafsir bi bi ar-ra’y (suatu penafsiran yang lebih banyak terfokus kepada sumber penafsiran dengan menggunakan penalaran atau sains. Karakteristik pendekatan tafsir bi bi ar-ra’y ini terlihat pada dominannya menggunakan nalar atau sains sebagai sumber atau instrumen penafsiran dalam menafsirkan ayat. Ketiga, pendekatan tafsir bi bi isyary (suau penafsiran yang lebih banyak terpokus kepada sumber penafsiran dengan menggunakan isyarat-isyarat atau kesan yang bersifat batiniah. Karakteristik pendekatan tafsir bi bi isyary dapat dilihat dari dominannya unsur-unsur pengetahuan batiniah yang berupa kesan-kesan yang muncul dari penafsir. This article examines the three types of approaches to interpretation. First of all, the approach of the tafsir bi al-ma'tsur (an interpretation that is more focused on the source of interpretation by using narrations. Characteristics of approach of tafsir bi al-ma'tsur, namely: the dominance of the commentators use the reports as a source or instrument in interpreting paragraph. Dominant use of history in interpreting the verse, it does not mean approach to the tafsir bi al-ma'tsur ignores other instruments, including the science of language. Second, the approach of the tafsir bi ar-ra'y (an interpretation that is more focused on the source of interpretation by using reasoning or science. Approach characteristics of

  3. Experimental Physical Sciences Vistas: MaRIE (draft)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shlachter, Jack [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    To achieve breakthrough scientific discoveries in the 21st century, a convergence and integration of world-leading experimental facilities and capabilities with theory, modeling, and simulation is necessary. In this issue of Experimental Physical Sciences Vistas, I am excited to present our plans for Los Alamos National Laboratory's future flagship experimental facility, MaRIE (Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes). MaRIE is a facility that will provide transformational understanding of matter in extreme conditions required to reduce or resolve key weapons performance uncertainties, develop the materials needed for advanced energy systems, and transform our ability to create materials by design. Our unique role in materials science starting with the Manhattan Project has positioned us well to develop a contemporary materials strategy pushing the frontiers of controlled functionality - the design and tailoring of a material for the unique demands of a specific application. Controlled functionality requires improvement in understanding of the structure and properties of materials in order to synthesize and process materials with unique characteristics. In the nuclear weapons program today, improving data and models to increase confidence in the stockpile can take years from concept to new knowledge. Our goal with MaRIE is to accelerate this process by enhancing predictive capability - the ability to compute a priori the observables of an experiment or test and pertinent confidence intervals using verified and validated simulation tools. It is a science-based approach that includes the use of advanced experimental tools, theoretical models, and multi-physics codes, simultaneously dealing with multiple aspects of physical operation of a system that are needed to develop an increasingly mature predictive capability. This same approach is needed to accelerate improvements to other systems such as nuclear reactors. MaRIE will be valuable to many national

  4. Micro-chip initiator realized by integrating Al/CuO multilayer nanothermite on polymeric membrane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taton, G; Lagrange, D; Conedera, V; Rossi, C; Renaud, L


    We have developed a new nanothermite based polymeric electro-thermal initiator for non-contact ignition of a propellant. A reactive Al/CuO multilayer nanothermite resides on a 100 µm thick SU-8/PET (polyethyleneterephtalate) membrane to insulate the reactive layer from the silicon bulk substrate. When current is supplied to the initiator, the chemical reaction Al+CuO occurs and sparkles are spread to a distance of several millimeters. A micro-manufacturing process for fabricating the initiator is presented and the electrical behaviors of the ignition elements are also investigated. The characteristics of the initiator made on a 100 µm thick SU-8/PET membrane were compared to two bulk electro-thermal initiators: one on a silicon and one on a Pyrex substrate. The PET devices give 100% of Al/CuO ignition success for an electrical current >250 mA. Glass based reactive initiators give 100% of Al/CuO ignition success for an electrical current >500 mA. Reactive initiators directly on silicon cannot initiate even with a 4 A current. At low currents (<1 A), the initiation time is two orders of magnitude longer for Pyrex initiator compared to those obtained for PET initiator technology. We also observed that, the Al/CuO thermite film on PET membrane reacts within 1 ms (sparkles duration) whereas it reacts within 4 ms on Pyrex. The thermite reaction is 40 times greater in intensity using the PET substrate in comparison to Pyrex. (paper)

  5. Texture and anisotropy of the mechanical properties of MA14 and MA2-1 alloys produced by granular metallurgy (United States)

    Betsofen, S. Ya.; Konkevich, V. Yu.; Osintsev, O. E.; Avdyukhina, A. A.; Voskresenskaya, I. I.; Grushin, I. A.


    The contribution of texture to the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of semifinished products from MA14 and MA2-1 alloys prepared by capsule-free pressing of granules is quantitatively evaluated using inverse pole figures and calculated Taylor orientation factors for basal slip. It is shown that the texture intensity and the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the pressed semiproducts are lower than those of the semiproducts from an ingot and the compressive yield strength is substantially higher.

  6. Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2). User's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA has been supporting its Member States in the area of energy planning for sustainable development. Development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and their computer codes are important parts of this support. This manual has been produced to facilitate the use of the MAED model: Model for Analysis of Energy Demand. The methodology of the MAED model was originally developed by. B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne of the Institute Economique et Juridique de l'Energie (IEJE) of the University of Grenoble, France, and was presented as the MEDEE model. Since then the MEDEE model has been developed and adopted to be appropriate for modelling of various energy demand system. The IAEA adopted MEDEE-2 model and incorporated important modifications to make it more suitable for application in the developing countries, and it was named as the MAED model. The first version of the MAED model was designed for the DOS based system, which was later on converted for the Windows system. This manual presents the latest version of the MAED model. The most prominent feature of this version is its flexibility for representing structure of energy consumption. The model now allows country-specific representations of energy consumption patterns using the MAED methodology. The user can now disaggregate energy consumption according to the needs and/or data availability in her/his country. As such, MAED has now become a powerful tool for modelling widely diverse energy consumption patterns. This manual presents the model in details and provides guidelines for its application

  7. Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2). User's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA has been supporting its Member States in the area of energy planning for sustainable development. Development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and their computer codes are important parts of this support. This manual has been produced to facilitate the use of the MAED model: Model for Analysis of Energy Demand. The methodology of the MAED model was originally developed by. B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne of the Institute Economique et Juridique de l'Energie (IEJE) of the University of Grenoble, France, and was presented as the MEDEE model. Since then the MEDEE model has been developed and adopted to be appropriate for modelling of various energy demand system. The IAEA adopted MEDEE-2 model and incorporated important modifications to make it more suitable for application in the developing countries, and it was named as the MAED model. The first version of the MAED model was designed for the DOS based system, which was later on converted for the Windows system. This manual presents the latest version of the MAED model. The most prominent feature of this version is its flexibility for representing structure of energy consumption. The model now allows country-specific representations of energy consumption patterns using the MAED methodology. The user can now disaggregate energy consumption according to the needs and/or data availability in her/his country. As such, MAED has now become a powerful tool for modelling widely diverse energy consumption patterns. This manual presents the model in details and provides guidelines for its application

  8. Large area imaging of forensic evidence with MA-XRF. (United States)

    Langstraat, Kirsten; Knijnenberg, Alwin; Edelman, Gerda; van de Merwe, Linda; van Loon, Annelies; Dik, Joris; van Asten, Arian


    This study introduces the use of macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the detection, classification and imaging of forensic traces over large object areas such as entire pieces of clothing and wall paneling. MA-XRF was sufficiently sensitive and selective to detect human biological traces like blood, semen, saliva, sweat and urine on fabric on the basis of Fe, Zn, K, Cl and Ca elemental signatures. With MA-XRF a new chemical contrast is introduced for human stain detection and this can provide a valuable alternative when the evidence item is challenging for conventional techniques. MA-XRF was also successfully employed for the chemical imaging and classification of gunshot residues (GSR). The full and non-invasive elemental mapping (Pb, Ba, Sr, K and Cl) of intact pieces of clothing allows for a detailed shooting incident reconstruction linking firearms and ammunition to point of impact and providing information on the shooting angle. In high resolution mode MA-XRF can even be used to provide information on the shooting order of different ammunition types. Finally, by using the surface penetration of X-rays we demonstrate that the lead signature of a bullet impact can be easily detected even if covered by multiple layers of wall paint or human blood.

  9. Solid-state reactions during mechanical alloying of ternary Fe-Al-X (X=Ni, Mn, Cu, Ti, Cr, B, Si) systems: A review (United States)

    Hadef, Fatma


    The last decade has witnessed an intensive research in the field of nanocrystalline materials due to their enhanced properties. A lot of processing techniques were developed in order to synthesis these novel materials, among them mechanical alloying or high-energy ball milling. In fact, mechanical alloying is one of the most common operations in the processing of solids. It can be used to quickly and easily synthesize a variety of technologically useful materials which are very difficult to manufacture by other techniques. One advantage of MA over many other techniques is that is a solid state technique and consequently problems associated with melting and solidification are bypassed. Special attention is being paid to the synthesis of alloys through reactions mainly occurring in solid state in many metallic ternary Fe-Al-X systems, in order to improve mainly Fe-Al structural and mechanical properties. The results show that nanocrystallization is the common result occurring in all systems during MA process. The aim of this work is to illustrate the uniqueness of MA process to induce phase transformation in metallic Fe-Al-X (X=Ni, Mn, Cu, Ti, Cr, B, Si) systems.

  10. Large area imaging of forensic evidence with MA-XRF

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Langstraat, K.; Knijnenberg, A.; Edelman, G.; van de Merwe, L.; van Loon, A.; Dik, J.; van Asten, A.


    This study introduces the use of macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the detection, classification and imaging of forensic traces over large object areas such as entire pieces of clothing and wall paneling. MA-XRF was sufficiently sensitive and selective to detect human biological traces

  11. Large area imaging of forensic evidence with MA-XRF

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Langstraat, Kirsten; Knijnenberg, Alwin; Edelman, Gerda; Van De Merwe, Linda; van Loon, A.; Dik, J.; van Asten, Arian C.


    This study introduces the use of macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the detection, classification and imaging of forensic traces over large object areas such as entire pieces of clothing and wall paneling. MA-XRF was sufficiently sensitive and selective to detect human biological traces

  12. Separation of minor actinides from a genuine MA/LN fraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satmark, B.; Courson, O.; Malmbeck, R.; Pagliosa, G.; Romer, K.; Glatz, J.P.


    Separation of the trivalent Minor Actinides (MA), Am and Cm, has been performed from a genuine MA(III) + Ln(III) solution using Bis-Triazine-Pyridine (BTP) as organic extractant. The representative MA/Ln fraction was obtained from a dissolved commercial LWR fuel (45.2 GWd/tM) submitted subsequently too a PUREX process followed by a DIAMEX process. A centrifugal extractor set-up (16-stages), working in a continuous counter-current mode, was used for the liquid-liquid separation. In the nPr-BTP process, feed decontamination factors for Am and Cm above 96 and 65, respectively were achieved. The back-extraction was more efficient for Am (99.1% recovery) than for Cm (97.5%). This experiment, using the Bis-Triazine-Pyridine molecule is the first successful demonstration of the separation of MA from lanthanides in a genuine MA/Ln fraction with a nitric acid concentration of ca. 1 M. It represents an important break through in the difficult field of minor actinide partitioning of high level liquid waste. (author)

  13. Diet of Theropithecus from 4 to 1 Ma in Kenya. (United States)

    Cerling, Thure E; Chritz, Kendra L; Jablonski, Nina G; Leakey, Meave G; Manthi, Fredrick Kyalo


    Theropithecus was a common large-bodied primate that co-occurred with hominins in many Plio-Pleistocene deposits in East and South Africa. Stable isotope analyses of tooth enamel from T. brumpti (4.0-2.5 Ma) and T. oswaldi (2.0-1.0 Ma) in Kenya show that the earliest Theropithecus at 4 Ma had a diet dominated by C4 resources. Progressively, this genus increased the proportion of C4-derived resources in its diet and by 1.0 Ma, had a diet that was nearly 100% C4-derived. It is likely that this diet was comprised of grasses or sedges; stable isotopes cannot, by themselves, give an indication of the relative importance of leaves, seeds, or underground storage organs to the diet of this primate. Theropithecus throughout the 4- to 1-Ma time range has a diet that is more C4-based than contemporaneous hominins of the genera Australopithecus, Kenyanthropus, and Homo; however, Theropithecus and Paranthropus have similar proportions of C4-based resources in their respective diets.

  14. Variabilidad en la distribución de semillas de maíz : una revisión


    Agnes, Diego Wilfredo; Tourn, Mario César; Soza, Eduardo Leonardo


    p.101-121 La implementación de la agricultura de precisión ha planteado el interrogante sobre como las máquinas agrícolas aplican dosis variables de insumo, en respuesta al sitio específico. En la siembra de maíz se evalúa el desempeño de las sembradoras calificando la distribución de semillas o plantas en la línea de siembra. A estos fines se arriba por diferentes metodologías como fallos, duplicaciones y distanciamientos aceptables, referidos a una distancia entre semillas prefijada, par...

  15. BaMa / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo, 1949-


    Eesti ülikoolide üleminekust 3+2 süsteemile. Lühend BaMa on tulnud kasutusele seoses Euroopa ülikoolide õppekavade reformimisega ning tähistab õppekava, kus esimese astme läbimise järel omandatakse bakalaureuse- ja teise järel magistrikraad. Õppekavade tüüpidest Eesti ja Euroopa Liidu kõrgkoolides ning Bologna deklaratsioonist

  16. Impact of M&A on the Employment in Japanese Companies


    Hiroyuki Taguchi; Taichi Yanagawa; Masashi Harita


    With utilizing Financial Statements Statistics of Corporation by Industry, we analyzed the impact of M&A on the employment in Japanese companies. In this study, the impact of M&A on the employment was extracted by developing panel data for fiscal year 1995 to 2008 targeting 9,880 sample companies including 3,697 cases of M&A to estimate a labor demand model. Major findings of the study are described below. First, dynamically positive effect was confirmed mainly in the manufacturing industry a...

  17. Convective removal of the Tibetan Plateau mantle lithosphere by 26 Ma (United States)

    Lu, Haijian; Tian, Xiaobo; Yun, Kun; Li, Haibing


    During the late Oligocene-early Miocene there were several major geological events in and around the Tibetan Plateau (TP). First, crustal shortening deformation ceased completely within the TP before 25 Ma and instead adakitic rocks and potassic-ultrapotassic volcanics were emplaced in the Lhasa terrane since 26-25 Ma. Several recent paleoelevation reconstructions suggest an Oligocene-early Miocene uplift of 1500-3000 m for the Qiangtang (QT) and Songpan-Ganzi (SG) terranes, although the exact timing is unclear. As a possible response to this uplift, significant desertification occurred in the vicinity of the TP at 26-22 Ma, and convergence between India and Eurasia slowed considerably at 26-20 Ma. Subsequently, E-W extension was initiated no later than 18 Ma in the Lhasa and QT terranes. In contrast, the tectonic deformation around the TP was dominated by radial expansion of shortening deformation since 25-22 Ma. The plateau-wide near-synchroneity of these events calls for an internally consistent model which can be best described as convective removal of the lower mantle lithosphere. Geophysical and petrochemical evidence further confirms that this extensive removal occurred beneath the QT and SG terranes. The present review concludes that, other than plate boundary stress, the internal stress within the TP lithosphere could have contributed to rapid wholesale uplift and a series of concomitant tectonic events, accompanied by major aridification, since 26 Ma.

  18. Alumni careers : MA Comparative European Social Studies Zuyd University

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albert Riga


    In the preparation of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the MA CESS all alumni were invited to participate in an alumni survey. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly investigate the professional activities of MA CESS alumni and the way they build an alumni community. Another reason

  19. 42 CFR 422.2268 - Standards for MA organization marketing. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Standards for MA organization marketing. 422.2268 Section 422.2268 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICARE PROGRAM MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM Medicare Advantage Marketing Requirements § 422.2268 Standards for MA organizatio...

  20. Geist, Logik, Kapital und die Technik des Maßes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank Engster


    Full Text Available Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes (PhdG und seine Wissenschaft der Logik (WdL sowie Marx Kapital sind, so wird im ersten Teil gezeigt, jeweils Ausdruck einer Verlegenheit. Alle drei stehen nämlich vor der Herausforderung, in Geist, Logik und Kapital letztlich eine Methode darstellen zu müssen, und sie müssen darüber auch noch die Möglichkeit der Darstellung ebendieser Methode einholen und begründen. Diese Übereinkunft zwischen der Methode der Darstellung mit dem Methodischen aufseiten des dargestellten Geistes, der Logik und des Kapitals gelingt, so die These des zweiten Teils, durch die Technik des Maßes. Maß und Messung konstituieren bereits in der Naturwissenschaft Objektivität im neuzeitlichen Sinne: Gehalten an und gebrochen durch ihre eigenen Maß, werden die Verhältnisse der Natur durch die ermittelten Werte wie ein selbständiger Gegenstand objektiv bestimmbar und im Wissen subjektiv aufgehoben. Dagegen zeigen Geist, Logik und Kapital jeweils, dass die Technik des Maßes nicht nur Objektivität im neuzeitlichen Sinne konstituiert, sondern die gesamte neuzeitliche Form der Gegenständlichkeit von Objektivität und Subjektivität, Bewusstsein und Gegenstand. In Hegels Phänomenologie und seiner Logik sowie in Marx Kapital eröffnet das Maß diese Gegenständlichkeit, indem jeweils eine Objektivität konstituiert wird, die einem Subjekt buchstäblich zu denken gegeben wird. Es ist allerdings unmittelbar die Objektivität der Subjektivität selbst, die jeweils gegeben wird: phänomenologisch wird durch das Maß die Objektivität der Subjektivität des Geistes gegeben (PhdG, rein logisch wird die Objektivität des Seins durch die Subjektivität des Begriffs gegeben (WdL, und der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft ist durch quantitative Werte die eigene Objektivität gegeben, und zwar gegeben durch ein Geld, das dadurch zu einer überindividuellen, automatischen Subjektivität wird. Für das Maß steht in der Phänomenologie das

  1. Evidence for differences in the thermal histories of Antarctic and non-Antarctic H chondrites with cosmic-ray exposure ages less than 20 Ma (United States)

    Sears, Derek W. G.; Benoit, Paul; Batchelor, J. David


    Antarctic H chondrites show a different range of induced thermoluminescence properties compared with those of H chondrites that have fallen elsewhere in the world. Recent noble gas data of Schultz et al. (1991) show that this difference is displayed most dramatically by meteorites with cosmic-ray exposure ages less than 20 Ma, and they confirm that the differences cannot be attributed to weathering or to the presence of a great many fragments of an unusual Antarctic meteorite. Annealing experiments on an H5 chondrite, and other measurements on a variety of ordinary chondrites, have shown that induced TL properties are sensitive to the thermal histories of the meteorities. It is concluded that the events(s) that released the less than 20 Ma samples, which are predominantly those with exposure ages of 8 + or - 2 Ma, produced two groups with different thermal histories, one that came to earth several 100,000 years ago and that are currently only found in Antarctica, and one that is currently falling on the earth.

  2. Oceanographic and climatic evolution of the southeastern subtropical Atlantic over the last 3.5 Ma (United States)

    Petrick, Benjamin; McClymont, Erin L.; Littler, Kate; Rosell-Melé, Antoni; Clarkson, Matthew O.; Maslin, Mark; Röhl, Ursula; Shevenell, Amelia E.; Pancost, Richard D.


    The southeast Atlantic Ocean is dominated by two major oceanic systems: the Benguela Upwelling System, one of the world's most productive coastal upwelling cells and the Agulhas Leakage, which is important for transferring warm salty water from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Here, we present a multi-proxy record of marine sediments from ODP Site 1087. We reconstruct sea surface temperatures (U37K‧ and TEX86 indices), marine primary productivity (total chlorin and alkenone mass accumulation rates), and terrestrial inputs derived from southern Africa (Ti/Al and Ca/Ti via XRF scanning) to understand the evolution of the Southeast Atlantic Ocean since the late Pliocene. In the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, ODP Site 1087 was situated within the Benguela Upwelling System, which was displaced southwards relative to present. We recognize a series of events in the proxy records at 3.3, 3.0, 2.2, 1.5, 0.9 and 0.6 Ma, which are interpreted to reflect a combination of changes in the location of major global wind and oceanic systems and local variations in the strength and/or position of the winds, which influence nutrient availability. Although there is a temporary SST cooling observed around the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (iNHG), proxy records from ODP Site 1087 show no clear climatic transition around 2.7 Ma but instead most of the changes occur before this time. This observation is significant because it has been previously suggested that there should be a change in the location and/or strength of upwelling associated with this climate transition. Rather, the main shifts at ODP Site 1087 occur at ca. 0.9 Ma and 0.6 Ma, associated with the early mid-Pleistocene transition (EMPT), with a clear loss of the previous upwelling-dominated regime. This observation raises the possibility that reorganisation of southeast Atlantic Ocean circulation towards modern conditions was tightly linked to the EMPT, but not to earlier climate transitions.

  3. MaRGEE: Move and Rotate Google Earth Elements (United States)

    Dordevic, Mladen M.; Whitmeyer, Steven J.


    Google Earth is recognized as a highly effective visualization tool for geospatial information. However, there remain serious limitations that have hindered its acceptance as a tool for research and education in the geosciences. One significant limitation is the inability to translate or rotate geometrical elements on the Google Earth virtual globe. Here we present a new JavaScript web application to "Move and Rotate Google Earth Elements" (MaRGEE). MaRGEE includes tools to simplify, translate, and rotate elements, add intermediate steps to a transposition, and batch process multiple transpositions. The transposition algorithm uses spherical geometry calculations, such as the haversine formula, to accurately reposition groups of points, paths, and polygons on the Google Earth globe without distortion. Due to the imminent deprecation of the Google Earth API and browser plugin, MaRGEE uses a Google Maps interface to facilitate and illustrate the transpositions. However, the inherent spatial distortions that result from the Google Maps Web Mercator projection are not apparent once the transposed elements are saved as a KML file and opened in Google Earth. Potential applications of the MaRGEE toolkit include tectonic reconstructions, the movements of glaciers or thrust sheets, and time-based animations of other large- and small-scale geologic processes.

  4. Studiju programmas direktora informatīvā sistēma


    Gūtmanis, Matīss


    Šajā kvalifikācijas darbā tiek izstrādāta atbalsta sistēma studiju programmas direktoram pamata informācijas glabāšanai. Sistēma tiek plānota kā tīmekļa lietotne, kas ir brīvi pieejama ikvienam. Lietotne ir izstrādāta izmantojot JAVA, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL tehnoloģijas. Sistēma paredzēta Latvijas Universitātes Datorikas Fakultātes programmu direktoriem.

  5. Where is the happy Ending of Shāhnāma?


    بهروز چمن آرا


    The renowned proverb “Shāhnāma axarash xoš ast” has implicit question which its answer may change our understanding of the nature and function of Shāhnāma. The end of Shāhnāma contains numerous tragic events in Sassanid age. Also it does not seem to be normal if the Iranians have deemed the bitter adventure of the Shahs and Pahlavāns as a happy ending like what Firdausi narrates at the end of his Shāhnāma. This article tries to reply the main question using an illustration on the story platfo...

  6. Effect of Including Extruded, Rolled or Ground Corn in Dairy Cow Diets Based on Direct Cut Grass Silage Efecto de la Inclusión de Maíz Extruido, Rolado o Molido en Dietas de Vacas Lecheras Basadas en Ensilaje de Pradera de Corte Directo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Alvarado G


    íz extruido. La digestibilidad de la MS, materia orgánica, proteína bruta, energía bruta y fibra detergente neutro no difirió entre tratamientos, aunque se observó una mayor digestibilidad de los carbohidratos no fibrosos. Hubo mayor producción de leche en tratamientos donde se incluyó maíz extruido y maíz rolado (21,4 y 21,6 Ld-1, respecto del maíz molido (20,5 L d-1, pero esta diferencia no se mantuvo al corregir por contenido graso. Los tratamientos no afectaron la composición láctea. La producción diaria de proteína fue mayor (P < 0,01 en los tratamientos con maíz extruido y rolado y no hubo diferencias en la producción diaria de grasa. La urea y ß-hidroxibutirato sanguíneos y urea en leche se mantuvieron dentro de los valores de referencia. Se concluyó que el maíz extruido no tuvo efectos adversos sobre la digestibilidad, ni sobre el consumo de forraje y de alimento total, con una leve ventaja en la producción de proteína láctea al comparar con maíz molido, pero sin diferencias claras al comparar con maíz rolado al vapor.

  7. El ayer, el hoy y el mañana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corredor Pardo Katya Anyud


    Full Text Available

    Culturalmente, el anciano de hoy en nuestra sociedad, o en las grandes urbes, es considerado algunas veces por los jóvenes como un ser extraño y desagradable, como punto de partida de los  valores transmitidos en la familia los cuales deben ser revaluados y nosotros, los ancianos del mañana con los ancianos de hoy, cambiar de adentro hacia fuera. A su vez, evitar la transmisión generacional de estos valores a nuestros hijos realizando un análisis retrospectivo de la vida; cuando bebes, se tiene conciencia del uno al otro, y los niños en edad preescolar empiezan a conseguir compañeros, pero el grupo de amigos se fortalece a partir de los cinco o siete años, con frecuencia se escucha hablar con nostalgia de la vida en el colegio. Este lugar común es grato y feliz, adornado con carcajadas y anécdotas que despiertan e incentivan la imaginación y la realidad creada a partir del propio yo social, individual y cultural.

  8. High-power AlGaN-based near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on Si(111) (United States)

    Li, Zengcheng; Liu, Legong; Huang, Yingnan; Sun, Qian; Feng, Meixin; Zhou, Yu; Zhao, Hanmin; Yang, Hui


    High-power AlGaN-based 385 nm near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UVA-LEDs) grown on Si(111) substrates are reported. The threading dislocation (TD) density of AlGaN was reduced by employing an Al-composition step-graded AlN/AlGaN multilayer buffer. V-shaped pits were intentionally incorporated into the active region to screen the carriers from the nonradiative recombination centers (NRCs) around the TDs and to facilitate hole injection. The light extraction efficiency was enhanced by the surface roughening of a thin-film (TF) vertical chip structure. The as-fabricated TF-UVA-LED exhibited a light output power of 960 mW at 500 mA, corresponding to an external quantum efficiency of 59.7%.

  9. Comprehensive analysis of NuMA variation in breast cancer

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    Aittomäki Kristiina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A recent genome wide case-control association study identified NuMA region on 11q13 as a candidate locus for breast cancer susceptibility. Specifically, the variant Ala794Gly was suggested to be associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Methods In order to evaluate the NuMa gene for breast cancer susceptibility, we have here screened the entire coding region and exon-intron boundaries of NuMa in 92 familial breast cancer patients and constructed haplotypes of the identified variants. Five missense variants were further screened in 341 breast cancer cases with a positive family history and 368 controls. We examined the frequency of Ala794Gly in an extensive series of familial (n = 910 and unselected (n = 884 breast cancer cases and controls (n = 906, with a high power to detect the suggested breast cancer risk. We also tested if the variant is associated with histopathologic features of breast tumors. Results Screening of NuMA resulted in identification of 11 exonic variants and 12 variants in introns or untranslated regions. Five missense variants that were further screened in breast cancer cases with a positive family history and controls, were each carried on a unique haplotype. None of the variants, or the haplotypes represented by them, was associated with breast cancer risk although due to low power in this analysis, very low risk alleles may go unrecognized. The NuMA Ala794Gly showed no difference in frequency in the unselected breast cancer case series or familial case series compared to control cases. Furthermore, Ala794Gly did not show any significant association with histopathologic characteristics of the tumors, though Ala794Gly was slightly more frequent among unselected cases with lymph node involvement. Conclusion Our results do not support the role of NuMA variants as breast cancer susceptibility alleles.

  10. Comprehensive analysis of NuMA variation in breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kilpivaara, Outi; Rantanen, Matias; Tamminen, Anitta; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Nevanlinna, Heli


    A recent genome wide case-control association study identified NuMA region on 11q13 as a candidate locus for breast cancer susceptibility. Specifically, the variant Ala794Gly was suggested to be associated with increased risk of breast cancer. In order to evaluate the NuMa gene for breast cancer susceptibility, we have here screened the entire coding region and exon-intron boundaries of NuMa in 92 familial breast cancer patients and constructed haplotypes of the identified variants. Five missense variants were further screened in 341 breast cancer cases with a positive family history and 368 controls. We examined the frequency of Ala794Gly in an extensive series of familial (n = 910) and unselected (n = 884) breast cancer cases and controls (n = 906), with a high power to detect the suggested breast cancer risk. We also tested if the variant is associated with histopathologic features of breast tumors. Screening of NuMA resulted in identification of 11 exonic variants and 12 variants in introns or untranslated regions. Five missense variants that were further screened in breast cancer cases with a positive family history and controls, were each carried on a unique haplotype. None of the variants, or the haplotypes represented by them, was associated with breast cancer risk although due to low power in this analysis, very low risk alleles may go unrecognized. The NuMA Ala794Gly showed no difference in frequency in the unselected breast cancer case series or familial case series compared to control cases. Furthermore, Ala794Gly did not show any significant association with histopathologic characteristics of the tumors, though Ala794Gly was slightly more frequent among unselected cases with lymph node involvement. Our results do not support the role of NuMA variants as breast cancer susceptibility alleles

  11. Avaliação sensorial e determinação de vida-de-prateleira de maçãs desidratadas Sensorial evaluation and determination of dehydrated apple shelf life

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    Andressa Regina Vasques


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a preferência sensorial e vida-de-prateleira de fatias de maçãs das cultivares Fuji e Gala desidratadas. A secagem foi feita à temperatura de 60 °C, com velocidade do ar no interior do secador de bandejas de 0,121 m/s. Para a realização do teste de preferência sensorial e aceitabilidade, mediante uso de uma escala de avaliação, foram utilizadas as maçãs com e sem pré-tratamento, obtendo-se um total de 4 amostras para análise. A maçã com maior índice de aceitação foi a maçã da cultivar Fuji sem tratamento, e a maçã com índice elevado de rejeição foi a maçã Gala sem tratamento, com 25%. De acordo com o resultado da análise sensorial, a vida-de-prateleira experimental das maçãs desidratadas foi determinada para as maçãs Fuji sem pré-tratamento e para as maçãs Gala com tratamento em diferentes tipos e tamanhos de embalagens. Em 360 dias de armazenamento, à temperatura ambiente, observou-se principalmente o significativo aumento do ganho de umidade nas maçãs de ambas as cultivares em embalagens de Polietileno Tereftalato e Copolímero de Cloreto de Vinil e Vinilideno/ Polietileno (Pet Saran/Pe e não se observou diferenças significativas entre as embalagens de Polietileno Tereftalato/Alumínio/Polietileno (Pet/Al/Pe e Polipropileno/Alumínio/Polietileno (PP/Al/Pe.The objective of this work was to determine the sensorial preference and the shelf live of dehydrated Fuji and Gala culture apple slices. Drying was done at a temperature of 60 °C and at an air speed of 0.121 m/s inside the tray dryer. In order to carry out the sensorial preference and acceptability test with the use of an evaluation scale, apples with and without pretreatment were used, resulting in a total of 4 samples for analysis. The apple with the greatest acceptance was the Fuji and the culture apple with a high rejection rate was the Gala without pretreatment, represented by 25% of the 100 people who

  12. "Sel kevadel olen ma eriti ilus..." : [luuletused] / Triin Soomets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomets, Triin


    Sisu: "Sel kevadel olen ma eriti ilus..." ; "Tahaksin teha midagi tõelist; midagi suurt..." ; "veebruaris on keha nii valge et syda läheb pahaks..." ; "kõige kohutavamad lepingud..." ; "Igal loojangul kutsun sind ja igal koidikul tõukan su ära..." ; "need hakid..." ; "Põhja vajudes on viimane asi, mida ma näen, rohelised sähvatused..."

  13. Clinical analysis of anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis. (United States)

    Dalmau, Josep; Graus, Francesc; Villarejo, Alberto; Posner, Jerome B; Blumenthal, Deborah; Thiessen, Brian; Saiz, Albert; Meneses, Patricio; Rosenfeld, Myrna R


    Increasing experience indicates that anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis differs from classical paraneoplastic limbic or brainstem encephalitis, and therefore may be unrecognized. To facilitate its diagnosis we report a comprehensive clinical analysis of 38 patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis. Thirty-four (89%) patients presented with isolated or combined limbic, diencephalic or brainstem dysfunction, and four with other syndromes. Considering the clinical and MRI follow-up, 95% of the patients developed limbic, diencephalic or brainstem encephalopathy. Only 26% had classical limbic encephalitis. Excessive daytime sleepiness affected 32% of the patients, sometimes with narcolepsy-cataplexy and low CSF hypocretin. Additional hormonal or MRI abnormalities indicated diencephalic-hypothalamic involvement in 34% of the patients. Eye movement abnormalities were prominent in 92% of the patients with brainstem dysfunction, but those with additional limbic or diencephalic deficits were most affected; 60% of these patients had vertical gaze paresis that sometimes evolved to total external ophthalmoplegia. Three patients developed atypical parkinsonism, and two a severe hypokinetic syndrome with a tendency to eye closure and dramatic reduction of verbal output. Neurological symptoms preceded the tumour diagnosis in 62% of the patients. Brain MRI abnormalities were present in 74% of all patients and 89% of those with limbic or diencephalic dysfunction. Among the 34 patients with cancer, 53% had testicular germ-cell tumours. Two patients without evidence of cancer had testicular microcalcification and one cryptorchidism, risk factors for testicular germ-cell tumours. After neurological syndrome development, 17 of 33 patients received oncological treatment (nine also immunotherapy), 10 immunotherapy alone, and six no treatment. Overall, 33% of the patients had neurological improvement, three with complete recovery; 21% had long-term stabilization, and 46% deteriorated. Features

  14. Construction of a high modulus asphalt (HiMA) trial section Ethekwini: South Africa's first practical experience with design, manufacturing and paving of HiMA

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Nkgapele, M


    Full Text Available A trial section was paved with the recently introduced High Modulus Asphalt (HiMA) technology on South Coast road in eThekwini (Durban). The trial section forms part of an effort to transfer HiMA technology to South Africa, in an initiative aimed...

  15. Evaluación de abonos verdes en el sistema de producción maíz-leguminosas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prager M. Martin


    Full Text Available En la primera parte del ensayo, se estudió el comportamiento del peso de nódulos, peso fresco y peso seco de tres leguminosas (Crotalaria, Canavalia y Guandul a utilizar como abonos verdes y su efecto sobre sistemas de producción maíz-leguminosas (maíz-caupí, maíz-soya, maíz-frijol. Las variables consideradas (rendimiento, rendimiento equivalente de maíz, ingreso neto y tasa de retorno marginal mostraron el efecto positivo de esta práctica sobre esta forma de producción obteniéndose mejor respuesta de el sistema maíz-caupí. De los abonos verdes la crotalaria presentó el mejor efecto sobre los sistemas de producción. En la segunda parte del trabajo, se utilizó el sistema de producción de mejor comportamiento introduciendo al factor abono verde algunas modalidades de tratamiento, entre ellas efecto residual, adición de una segunda incorporación de los tres abonos verdes y efecto residual más la adición de abono químico. La consideración de las mismas variables usadas en la primera parte mostro mejores valores por la segunda incorporación de abono verde y la adición de abono químico en su orden, el efecto residual de los abonos permite obtener rendimientos superiores a los alcanzados por el testigo.This research was divided in two parts. The first studies the behavior of three legumes (Crotalaria, Canavalia and Cajanus as green manure, measuring weight nodules, green weight matter and dry weight matter of them, so measured the effect on three production systems: Maize- cowpea, Maize- soybean and Maize-bean. The indicators (yield, equivalent maize yields, net income and marginal return rate showed positive effect of green manure on this production systems too maize-cowpea system showed the best yields; Crotalaria was ,the best green manure. In second experimental stage maize- cowpea system was evaluated, using the same indicators and introducing new treatments related to green manure: its residual effects, addicional

  16. Magnetostratigraphy and 39Ar/40Ar studies of the Lana'i Long Volcanic Sequence (ca. 1.606+/-0.063 Ma), Hawaii, USA (United States)

    Herrero-Bervera, E.; Jicha, B.; Valet, J.


    Previous published work on Lanai indicated that the volcano was formed mainly during the Matuyama Chron (Herrero-Bervera et al., 2000). In order to constrain further the timing of the active phases of the Lanai volcano, we conducted a paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study involving a ~500-m vertical thick sequence of lava flows that were erupted between 0.76+/-0.66 Ma and 1.6+/-0.09 Ma according to previous K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating (Leonhardt et al., 2009). Low-field susceptibility versus temperature (k-T) and SIRM experiments performed on a dozen flows indicate that magnetite dominates the remanent magnetization (575°C). In a few cases, a low-temperature mineral phase (300-400°C) could reflect the presence of titanomagnetite with low Ti content, but the presence of maghemite or pyrrhotite cannot be completely excluded. Additional investigations are in progress on this matter. All specimens were step-wise demagnetized by alternating fields from 5 to 100 mT. Companion specimens from the same samples were demagnetized at 15 temperature steps. The demagnetization diagrams obtained with each technique showed a stable direction of remanence. In all cases, the characteristic (ChRM) component was clearly defined from at least seven successive directions isolated during step-wise demagnetization. The succession of the mean directions calculated for each lava flow reveals the existence of at least one polarity interval. Based on radiometric dates, they were assigned to the Gilsa, "excursion" (1.606+/-0.063 Ma). Thus, the present results, along with the radiometric ages of the lavas, indicate that the tholeiitic flows that formed the Lanai volcano were erupted over a short time period, and only during the Matuyama Chron (0.780-2.58 Ma). No eruptions have occurred during the Brunhes Chron (0.78 Ma) as previously indicated from K-Ar data on lavas in the Maunalei Gulch. The excursional VGPs from the onset of the Gilsa excursion recorded on Lanai are situated near the

  17. 76 FR 56157 - Brandeis University, et al.; Notice of Consolidated Decision on Applications for Duty-Free Entry... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Brandeis University, et al.; Notice of Consolidated Decision on Applications for Duty-Free Entry of Electron Microscope This is a decision... Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC. Docket Number: 11-042. Applicant: Brandeis University, Waltham, MA...

  18. Nanosized-Particle Dispersion-Strengthened Al Matrix Composites Fabricated by the Double Mechanical Alloying Process. (United States)

    Kim, Chungseok


    The objective of this study was to fabricate an Al metal matrix composite strengthened by nanosized Al3Ti particles via double mechanical alloying process. Several Al-xTi alloys were fabricated, including Al-12%Ti, Al-15%Ti, and Al-12%Ti-1%Y2O3. The lattice parameter of as-milled state was calculated to be 4.0485 Å; after a milling time of 540 min, it was 4.0401 Å. This decrease was induced by Ti solutionizing into the Al matrix. The equivalent size of a coarse Al3Ti particle was 200-500 nm after the heat treatment; however, the particles were uniformly distributed and were refined through the MA2 process. The particle size of a Al3Ti phase was 30 nm or less, and the particles were uniformly distributed. These particles remained in a fine state in the matrix without growth and coarsening, even after the hot extrusion process. The microstructure of hot extruded alloys consisted of a uniform distribution of Al3Ti particles and other dispersoids in the Al matrix.

  19. Ma ma (2015. A reflection of the Spanish woman with breast cáncer

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    Full Text Available Ma ma (2015 is a Spanish drama film directed by Julio Medem and produced by Morena Films. This film tells the story of Magda’s life, whose character is interpreted by Penélope Cruz. After being diagnosed with a breast cancer, Magda, an unemployed teacher, will not know how to act nor how this disease will change her life. But little by little, she will bring into the surface all her vital energy. Breast cancer represents the most frequent type of cancer among women. Although the majority of the identified risk factors can be modified, the health systems focus on activities that let strengthen the primary prevention and activities of secondary and tertiary prevention. The early detection and the right treatment are essential to fight against this disease. The emotional process caused by the presence of cancer involves a mechanism of psychic reconstitution that allows the patient develop an answer to the organic, cognitive, social, and emotional challenges they have to deal with. This process is easier when they have a solid socio-family support network among other factors.

  20. Orchiectomy for suspected microscopic tumor in patients with anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis. (United States)

    Mathew, R M; Vandenberghe, R; Garcia-Merino, A; Yamamoto, T; Landolfi, J C; Rosenfeld, M R; Rossi, J E; Thiessen, B; Dropcho, E J; Dalmau, J


    To report the presence of microscopic neoplasms of the testis in men with anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis (Ma2-encephalitis) and to discuss the clinical implications. Orchiectomy specimens were examined using immunohistochemistry with Ma2 and Oct4 antibodies. Among 25 patients with Ma2-encephalitis younger than 50 years, 19 had germ-cell tumors, and 6 had no evidence of cancer. These 6 patients underwent orchiectomy because they fulfilled five criteria: 1) demonstration of anti-Ma2 antibodies in association with MRI or clinical features compatible with Ma2-encephalitis, 2) life-threatening or progressive neurologic deficits, 3) age Ma2 was expressed by neoplastic cells in three of three patients examined. Even though most patients had severe neurologic deficits at the time of orchiectomy (median progression of symptoms, 10 months), 4 had partial improvement and prolonged stabilization (8 to 84 months, median 22.5 months) and two did not improve after the procedure. In young men with Ma2-encephalitis, 1) the disorder should be attributed to a germ-cell neoplasm of the testis unless another Ma2-expressing tumor is found, 2) negative tumor markers, ultrasound, body CT, or PET do not exclude an intratubular germ-cell neoplasm of the testis, and 3) if no tumor is found, the presence of the five indicated criteria should prompt consideration of orchiectomy.

  1. The 89 Ma Tortugal komatiitic suite, Costa Rica: Implications for a common geological origin of the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific region from a mantle plume (United States)

    Alvarado, Guillermo E.; Denyer, Percy; Sinton, Christopher W.


    Komatiites are reported for the first time in the northern part of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. These rocks, dated at 89.7 ± 1.4 Ma (Turonian) by 40Ar/39Ar methods, occur as a large, elongated (14 km long, 1.5 km wide) N60°W striking body in the ophiolitic Nicoya Complex. These lavas have high MgO (26% 29%), Ni, and Cr, have high CaO/Al2O3 (0.98 1.08) and moderate Al2O3/TiO2 (5.55 8.44) ratios, and are depleted in Al2O3 (4% 5.5%), K2O (0.02% 0.37%), and TiO2 (0.59% 0.9%). Although these lavas are cumulates, their geochemical composition indicates an origin from a primary komatiitic magma, with a melting temperature of 1700 °C at a depth of 150 km. Similarities in the petrology and age (88 90 Ma) of Gorgona, Curaìao, and Nicoya-Tortugal mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks suggest that these rocks had a common origin. These occurrences suggest a single hotspot center over a large area of the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific Mesozoic region due to a major thermal anomaly in the mantle, such as a hot, rising, convective plume.

  2. Southern Ocean Surface and Intermediate Water Temperature from Alkenones and Mg/Ca of Infaunal Foraminifera for the last 1.5 Ma (United States)

    Elmore, Aurora; McClymont, Erin; Elderfield, Harry; Kender, Sev


    The reconstruction of past surface (SST), intermediate, and deep-water temperatures is critical to our understanding of feedbacks within the ocean-climate system. Intermediate water temperature (IWT) reconstruction is particularly important since intermediate waters, including Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), are proposed to be an important driver in high-low latitude teleconnections, despite limited intermediate-depth records through the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Paleotemperature proxies have caveats, including the 'Carbonate Ion Effect' on the Magnesium to Calcium ratio (Mg/Ca) of benthic foraminifera. However, recent studies demonstrated that the infaunal species, Uvigerina peregrina, co-precipitates Mg independent of secondary effects, affording the use of U.peregrina Mg/Ca as a paleotemperature proxy (Elderfield et al., 2010). We present the first 1.5 Ma record of IWT from Mg/CaU.peregrina coupled with an alkenone- derived UK37' SST record from a sediment core in the Southwest Pacific (DSDP site 593; 1068m water depth), in the core of modern AAIW. Our new data reconstruct interglacial IWTs at ~7°C before and after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), whereas values of ~5°C occur in the later Pleistocene. Glacial IWT remained fairly constant (~2°C) throughout the last 1 Ma. These results are in apparent disagreement with the typical idea that glacial-interglacial temperature fluctuations were smaller in the '41-kyr world' before the MPT, than during the '100-kyr world', after the MPT. At proximal ODP site 1123 (3290m water depth; Elderfield et al., 2012), interglacial deepwater temperatures increase by ~1°C after the MPT, with relatively constant glacial deepwater temperatures (~-2°C) over the last 1 Ma. New results from DSDP 593 therefore imply that the mechanisms that drive intermediate and deep water temperatures varied, suggesting that at least one of these watermasses has properties driven by something other than Northern Hemisphere glaciation

  3. Kinetic Study of Methyl Acetate Oxidation in a Pt/Al2O3 Fixed-Bed Reactor (United States)

    Hoy, Michael; Li, K. Y.; Li, Jeffrey S.; Chen, S. M.; Yaws, C. L.; Chu, H. W.; Simon, W. E.


    To support technology development for future long-term missions, a metabolic simulator will be used in a closed chamber to test the functions of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). Methyl acetate (MA) was selected as the fuel because its metabolic respiratory quotient is near that of humans. A kinetic study of the catalytic oxidation of MA over Pt/Al203 was then conducted to support the design and operation of the simulator. Kinetic data were obtained as a conversion percentage of MA versus retention time. The reaction was studied at one atmosphere and temperatures from 220 to 340 deg. C. The inlet MA concentration was varied from 100 to 2000 ppm with retention times from 0.01 to 10 sec. A first-order rate law and a Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate equation were tested by nonlinear regression of the kinetic data to estimate rate constants in the rate law. Regression results of the L-H equation explain the kinetic data better than the results of the first-order rate law. A Taguchi experimental design was used to study the effects of temperature, retention time, and concentrations of MA, CO2, and O2 on the conversion of MA. Results indicate that temperature has greatest effect, followed by retention time, and finally MA concentration. It was further determined that the effects of CO2 and O2 concentrations, and the cross effects, are negligible.


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    Nazif MANDACI


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Reconciliation is beyond diplomatic rapprochement and consequently strategic partnership in its maxim. It is irrelevant to transaction costs; moreover, “independent from them” since it is normative-oriented. Literature of reconciliation contains some concepts which cannot be “appreciated”, literally, in diplomatic realm, such as forgiving and forgetting, having theological connotations. To the contrary, international relations literature generally accept that “primordial factors like ethnicity and religion had no part in rational explanations for the way the world works”(Fox and Sandler 2004: 9; and nobody appreciates any political decision that sacrifices national interest on the altar of virtue. This study aims at elaborating on the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission which Turkey and Armenia had formed in 2001 within the framework of the aforementioned arguments. Keywords: Reconciliation, TARC, Diaspora. ÖZ: Uzlaşma süreçleri diplomatik yakınlaşmalar ve en azamisinden stratejik ortaklıkların çok ötesindeki durumsallıkları ifade etmektedir. Normatif yönlü olduklarından diplomatik anlamda ilişki kurmanın beraberinde getirebileceği maliyetlerden tamamıyla bağımsızdırlar. Uzlaşma literatürü diplomatik platformda genel olarak önemsenmeyen, hatta ötesinde teolojik yönü bile bulunan bağışlamak ya da affetmek gibi kavramlara yer vermektedir. Bunun tersine uluslararası ilişkiler literatürüne bakıldığında etnisite ya da din gibi primordiyal faktörlerin dünyada işlerin nasıl yürüdüğüne dair akılcı açıklamalar içinde kendilerine pek yer bulamadıkları gözlemlenmektedir (Fox ve Sandler, 2004: 9. Dahası, kimse ulusal çıkarları erdemlilik altarında feda edecek politik kararları onaylamamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye ve Ermenistan arasında 2001 yılında oluşturulan Türk-Ermeni Uzlaşma Komisyonu’nu bu çerçeve içinde değerlendirmeyi ama

  5. İşitme Engelli Çocukların Konuşma Edinimi Eğitiminde Dinleme Becerilerinin Önemi

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    M. Cem GİRGİN


    Full Text Available Konuşma kabaca, konuşma organlarının düzenli devinimleri sonucu üretilen, anlamlı organize ses dizgeleri olarak tanımlanabilir. Dinleme ise çevreden duyulan sesleri tanıma ve özellikle konuşma seslerinin anlamlandırılmasıdır. Konuşma, insana özgü iletişim biçimleri içinde en çok kullanılan yöntemlerden biridir. Bunun yanı sıra dinleme bebeklerin anadillerini ve onun konuşma boyutunun ediniminde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bebekler doğdukları andan itibaren çevrelerindeki sesleri algılamaya ve konuşma seslerini ayırt edebilmeye programlanmışlardır. Ancak karmaşık konuşma seslerini ve dilin kurallarını sorunsuz edinebilmeleri için dinleme becerilerinin de etkin bir biçimde gelişmesi gerekmektedir. Günümüz teknolojisi, işitme kalıntısının doğru kullanımı ve doğru eğitim yaşantıları sağlanması sonucu, işitme engelli çocukların da işiten çocuklara benzer bir biçimde anadillerini edinmelerine yardımcı olan işitme araçları geliştirmiştir. Ancak dil edinimini ve bilgi dağarcıklarını geliştirebilmek için, işiten çocuklarda bile önem taşıyan dinleme ve konuşma etkinlikleri, işitme engelli çocuklar için ise hayati bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada dinleme becerilerinin konuşma ve dil edinimine olan önemli katkıları, bilgi edinmedeki önemi üzerinde durularak dinleme ve konuşma becerilerinin özellikle işitme engelli çocuklara kazandırılmasını kolaylaştıracak etkinlikler tartışılacaktır. Speech can be simply defined as the meaningful organization of sound sequences produced as the result of synchronized movements of speech organs. Listening can be defined as the recognition of sound heard around us and especially making sense of speech sounds. Speech is one of the most common communication tools peculiar to human beings. Speech and listening plays an important role in the acquisition of mother tongue by babies. Babies are programmed to sense

  6. Safety and effectiveness of the INVATEC MO.MA proximal cerebral protection device during carotid artery stenting: results from the ARMOUR pivotal trial. (United States)

    Ansel, Gary M; Hopkins, L Nelson; Jaff, Michael R; Rubino, Paolo; Bacharach, J Michael; Scheinert, Dierk; Myla, Subbarao; Das, Tony; Cremonesi, Alberto


    The multicenter ARMOUR (ProximAl PRotection with the MO.MA Device DUring CaRotid Stenting) trial evaluated the 30-day safety and effectiveness of the MO.MA Proximal Cerebral Protection Device (Invatec, Roncadelle, Italy) utilized to treat high surgical risk patients undergoing carotid artery stenting (CAS). Distal embolic protection devices (EPD) have been traditionally utilized during CAS. The MO.MA device acts as a balloon occlusion "endovascular clamping" system to achieve cerebral protection prior to crossing the carotid stenosis. This prospective registry enrolled 262 subjects, 37 roll-in and 225 pivotal subjects evaluated with intention to treat (ITT) from September 2007 to February 2009. Subjects underwent CAS using the MO.MA device. The primary endpoint, myocardial infarction, stroke, or death through 30 days (30-day major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events [MACCE]) was compared to a performance goal of 13% derived from trials utilizing distal EPD. For the ITT population, the mean age was 74.7 years with 66.7% of the cohort being male. Symptomatic patients comprised 15.1% and 28.9% were octogenarians. Device success was 98.2% and procedural success was 93.2%. The 30-day MACCE rate was 2.7% [95% CI (1.0-5.8%)] with a 30-day major stroke rate of 0.9%. No symptomatic patient suffered a stroke during this trial. The ARMOUR trial demonstrated that the MO.MA(R) Proximal Cerebral Protection Device is safe and effective for high surgical risk patients undergoing CAS. The absence of stroke in symptomatic patients is the lowest rate reported in any independently adjudicated prospective multicenter registry trial to date. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  7. Ma olin Saddami poeg / Latif Jahija

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jahija, Latif


    Järg Jan/21.,28. lk. 7,5. L. Jahija sensatsiooniline raamat "Ma olin Saddami poeg", milles ta pajatab kuidas ta a. 1987-1991 oli Iraagi presidendi vanema poja teisik. Lühikokkuvõte sellest jutustusest

  8. Okuma Gelişiminde Üst Dil Farkındalığı, Sesbilgisel Süreçler ve Bellek Süreçlerinin Etkisi: Kısa Süreli Bellek ve Çalışma Belleği

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    Filiz Sayar


    Full Text Available Bu makalede, alanyazında okuma gelişimini belirleyen üstdil farkındalığı, sesbilgisel beceriler ile bellek işlevlerine yer veren araştırmalar incelenmiştir. Bu bilişsel süreçler, karmaşık bir süreç olan okuma gelişimini farklı şekilde etkilemektedir. Bu makalede ele alınan araştırmalarda, başarılı bir okuma performansı için üstdil farkındalığının gerekli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılırken; üstdil farkındalığı becerilerinden sesbilgisel farkındalığın okumanın en güçlü yordayıcısı olduğu konusunda fikirbirliği sağlanmıştır. Okuma gelişimi ile kısa-süreli bellek ve çalışma belleği ilişkisini inceleyen araştırmalar ise, çalışma belleğinin kısa-süreli belleğe göre okumada daha etkili olduğu yönünde bulgular elde etmişlerdir. Diğer yandan, okuma gelişimi konusunda çalışmalarını yürüten bazı araştırmacılar, okumanın çok yönlü ve çoklu-etkenli olması nedeniyle okuma gelişimini belirleyecek tek ve en güçlü bilişsel etmenin bulunamayacağını ifade etmişlerdir. The research in the literature dealing with metalinguistic awareness, phonological abilities and memory functions determinig reading development were examined in this article. These cognitive processes determine differently reading that is a complicated process. The research stated in this article suggested that metalinguistic awareness was crucial for successful reading performance and agreed that phonological awareness one of the metalinguistic abilities was the most powerful predictor of reading. The research examining short-term memory and working memory with reading development obtained some evidence that working memory was more influential on reading than short-term memory. On the other hand, some researchers searching on reading development stated that unique and the most powerful cognitive factor predicting reading development could not be found because reading was multidirectional and

  9. High temperature oxidation-sulfidation behavior of Cr-Al2O3 and Nb-Al2O3 composites densified by spark plasma sintering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saucedo-Acuna, R.A.; Monreal-Romero, H.; Martinez-Villafane, A.; Chacon-Nava, J.G.; Arce-Colunga, U.; Gaona-Tiburcio, C.; De la Torre, S.D.


    The high temperature oxidation-sulfidation behavior of Cr-Al 2 O 3 and Nb-Al 2 O 3 composites prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) has been studied. These composite powders have a particular metal-ceramic interpenetrating network and excellent mechanical properties. Oxidation-sulfidation tests were carried out at 900 deg. C, in a 2.5%SO 2 + 3.6%O 2 + N 2 (balance) atmosphere for 48 h. The results revealed the influence of the sintering conditions on the specimens corrosion resistance, i.e. the Cr-Al 2 O 3 and Nb-Al 2 O 3 composite sintered at 1310 deg. C/4 min showed better corrosion resistance (lower weight gains) compared with those found for the 1440 deg. C/5 min conditions. For the former composite, a protective Cr 2 O 3 layer immediately forms upon heating, whereas for the later pest disintegration was noted. Thus, under the same sintering conditions the Nb-Al 2 O 3 composites showed the highest weight gains. The oxidation products were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy

  10. 46 CFR 308.306 - Second Seamen's War Risk Policy, Form MA-242. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Second Seamen's War Risk Policy, Form MA-242. 308.306... RISK INSURANCE Second Seamen's War Risk Insurance § 308.306 Second Seamen's War Risk Policy, Form MA-242. (a) The standard form of Second Seamen's War Risk Policy Form MA-242, may be obtained from the...

  11. Ma2 antibodies: an evaluation of commercially available detection methods. (United States)

    Johannis, Wibke; Renno, Joerg H; Wielckens, Klaus; Voltz, Raymond


    Ma2 antibodies belong to the onconeuronal antibodies which define a "definite" paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS). Because of the clinical relevance, use of two separate methods (indirect immunofluorescence technique--IFT--and immunoblot) is advocated; however, with an increasing number of commercially available assay systems, usually only one assay is performed. We compared IFT and three commercially available immunoblots (ravo Diagnostika, Euroimmun, Milenia Biotec) on sera from 35 patients with clinically suspected PNS. 17 were Ma2 antibody associated as defined by consensus result (showing positive reactivity in 2 assays), 18 were Ma2 antibody negative controls. Sensitivity/specificity for single assays were for IFT 94%/94%, for ravo Diagnostika PNS blot 88%/100%, for Euroimmun Neuronal Antigens Profile blot 100%/89%, and for Milenia Biotec MTR blot 94%/100%. Our data confirm, although all tests performed well, a combination of 2 independent assays is still advisable for Ma2 antibody detection in order to achieve higher sensitivity and specificity rates.

  12. Mechanical properties of hot-pressed Al-4.5 wt. % Cu/WC composite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samaneh Bernoosi


    Full Text Available In this study, the elemental powders of aluminum and copper were initially subjected to mechanical alloying using an attrition ball mill under argon atmosphere to produce an Al-4.5 wt% Cu powder alloy. The WC nanoparticles were then added to the powder alloy and milled in a planetary ball mill to explore the role of the WC nanoparticles on the mechanical properties of the fabricated composite powder. The experimental results revealed that a solid solution of Al-Cu could be formed after MA and a good dispersion of the WC nanoparticles in the aluminum matrix was obtained as characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The results of hardness and compression tests of the hot pressed composites indicated that the MA followed by the hot-press processes was successful to fabricate an alloy and a metal matrix composite with considerable mechanical properties. However, a decreasing trend in the hardness and strength of the composites with the WC contents of more than 5wt% was observed. The maximum values of 260 HV and 575 MPa were obtained for a composite containing 5 wt% of nano ceramic particles.

  13. Factibilidad económica de la asociación maíz-pasto en el establecimiento de un sistema silvopastoril en el piedemonte llanero de Colombia¹

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V Sánchez

    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar financieramente una alternativa para el establecimiento de un sistema silvopastoril de sombra (SSP-S con leguminosas arbóreas nativas, conjuntamente con la producción de ensilaje de maíz y la renovación de praderas degradadas. Para ello se plantaron árboles en surcos y entre estos se sembró maíz, que fue cosechado para ensilar. Se seleccionaron tres especies nativas adaptadas a las condiciones de acidez del suelo (4,6, y se utilizó un arreglo factorial en bloques al azar con cuatro tratamientos, constituidos por las tres especies arbóreas a evaluar y el testigo: T O: testigo, T1: Piptadenia flava (acacia flava, T2: Cassia moschata (cañafistol y T3: Mimosa trianae (yopo, con cinco repeticiones por tratamiento, para un total de 20 unidades experimentales. Posteriormente se volvió a sembrar maíz, pero asociado con pasto, y se cosechó el maíz para ensilar, con lo que se renovó la pradera y se obtuvieron ingresos por concepto de ensilaje. Estos ingresos por la venta del ensilaje amortizaron los costos de la fase de establecimiento y generaron ganancias que hicieron viable económicamente el proyecto durante dicha fase, al lograr una utilidad neta por hectárea de USD 714, un valor presente neto (VPN de USD 407 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR de 31,63 %. En otro tipo de SSP el costo de establecimiento puede llegar a más de USD 2 500 por hectárea y el retorno de la inversión puede tardar más de cuatro años.

  14. Patent Analysis for Supporting Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Prediction: A Data Mining Approach (United States)

    Wei, Chih-Ping; Jiang, Yu-Syun; Yang, Chin-Sheng

    M&A plays an increasingly important role in the contemporary business environment. Companies usually conduct M&A to pursue complementarity from other companies for preserving and/or extending their competitive advantages. For the given bidder company, a critical first step to the success of M&A activities is the appropriate selection of target companies. However, existing studies on M&A prediction incur several limitations, such as the exclusion of technological variables in M&A prediction models and the omission of the profile of the respective bidder company and its compatibility with candidate target companies. In response to these limitations, we propose an M&A prediction technique which not only encompasses technological variables derived from patent analysis as prediction indictors but also takes into account the profiles of both bidder and candidate target companies when building an M&A prediction model. We collect a set of real-world M&A cases to evaluate the proposed technique. The evaluation results are encouraging and will serve as a basis for future studies.

  15. 42 CFR 422.52 - Eligibility to elect an MA plan for special needs individuals. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Eligibility to elect an MA plan for special needs..., and Enrollment § 422.52 Eligibility to elect an MA plan for special needs individuals. (a) General rule. In order to elect a specialized MA plan for a special needs individual (Special Needs MA plan, or...

  16. 46 CFR 308.529 - Surety Bond B, Form MA-309. (United States)


    ... Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Ii-Open Policy War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.529 Surety Bond B, Form MA-309. An Assured who elects to substitute a surety bond for a collateral deposit fund shall submit Form MA-309...


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    Ayben ÇELİK


    Full Text Available Uluslararasılaşma günümüz işletmeleri için kaçınılmaz bir olgudur. Globalleşmenin yarattığı küresel rekabet, işletmelerin üretim ve pazarlama faaliyetlerini dünya ölçeğinde planlama zorunluluğunu doğurmuştur. İşletmeler de çeşitli modellerle uluslararasılaşmalarını gerçekleştirmektedirler. Uluslararasılaşma sürecinde, markalaşmayı başarabildikleri ölçüde pazarda kalıcı olma ve yüksek kazanç elde etme olasılıkları artmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile yabancı menşeli şirketlerle sermayeye dayalı kurulan stratejik ortaklıkların “uluslararasılaşmaya” kazandırdığı ivme ve uluslararasılaşmanın “markalaşma sürecinde” yarattığı itici gücün ortaya konması amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada, Turquality desteğinden yararlanan İnci Akü’nün, uluslararasılaşma ve markalaşma süreçlerindeki evreleri ve global ortaklarının bu süreçteki etkisi örnek olay yöntemiyle analiz edilmektedir. Araştırma sonucunda, işletmelerin iç ve dış dinamikler doğrultusunda, klasik uluslararasılaşma süreçlerinin dışında, stratejik yabancı ortaklıklar ile karşı tarafın şebeke ağına dahil olarak uluslararasılaşmalarını hızlandırabildiği ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu ortaklık girişimleri hem yönetim ve üretim bilgisinin transferini hem de sahip olunan ağdan yararlanma şansını yerli ortağa tanıdığından dış pazarlara entegrasyonu kolaylaştırmaktadır. Uluslararasılaşma da beraberinde markalaşma ihtiyacını doğurmakta ve süreç üzerinde hızlandırıcı rol oynamaktadır.

  18. Hf-W chronology of CR chondrites: Implications for the timescales of chondrule formation and the distribution of 26Al in the solar nebula (United States)

    Budde, Gerrit; Kruijer, Thomas S.; Kleine, Thorsten


    Renazzo-type carbonaceous (CR) chondrites are distinct from most other chondrites in having younger chondrule 26Al-26Mg ages, but the significance of these ages and whether they reflect true formation times or spatial variations of the 26Al/27Al ratio within the solar protoplanetary disk are a matter of debate. To address these issues and to determine the timescales of metal-silicate fractionation and chondrule formation in CR chondrites, we applied the short-lived 182Hf-182W chronometer to metal, silicate, and chondrule separates from four CR chondrites. We also obtained Mo isotope data for the same samples to assess potential genetic links among the components of CR chondrites, and between these components and bulk chondrites. All investigated samples plot on a single Hf-W isochron and constrain the time of metal-silicate fractionation in CR chondrites to 3.6 ± 0.6 million years (Ma) after the formation of Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs). This age is indistinguishable from a ∼3.7 Ma Al-Mg age for CR chondrules, suggesting not only that metal-silicate fractionation and chondrule formation were coeval, but also that these two processes were linked to each other. The good agreement of the Hf-W and Al-Mg ages, combined with concordant Hf-W and Al-Mg ages for angrites and CV chondrules, provides strong evidence for a disk-wide, homogeneous distribution of 26Al in the early solar system. As such, the young Al-Mg ages for CR chondrules do not reflect spatial 26Al/27Al heterogeneities but indicate that CR chondrules formed ∼1-2 Ma later than chondrules from most other chondrite groups. Metal and silicate in CR chondrites exhibit distinct nucleosynthetic Mo and W isotope anomalies, which are caused by the heterogeneous distribution of the same presolar s-process carrier. These data suggest that the major components of CR chondrites are genetically linked and therefore formed from a single reservoir of nebular dust, most likely by localized melting events within the

  19. The microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-containing 9Cr ODS ferritic alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Guangming [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801 (United States); Zhou, Zhangjian, E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Mo, Kun [Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Wang, Pinghuai [Fusion Reactor & Materials Division, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041 (China); Miao, Yinbin [Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801 (United States); Li, Shaofu; Wang, Man [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Liu, Xiang [Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801 (United States); Gong, Mengqiang [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Almer, Jonathan [X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Stubbins, James F. [Department of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801 (United States)


    In this study, a 9Cr oxide-dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloy with additional corrosion resistant element Al was fabricated by mechanical alloying (MA) and hot pressing (HP) to explore the impact of Al on the microstructure and mechanical property of a 9Cr ODS alloy. It is found that the Al completely dissolved into the Fe–Cr matrix after milling for 30 h. The minor phases in the Al-containing 9Cr ODS ferritic alloy were investigated by a high-energy X-ray, and were identified to be orthorhombic-YAlO{sub 3} (YAP), bcc-Y{sub 3}Al{sub 5}O{sub 12} (YAG), monoclinic-Al{sub 2}Y{sub 4}O{sub 9} (YAM), and hexagonal-YAlO{sub 3} (YAH). These phases were further confirmed by selected area diffraction pattern (SADP), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). In addition, their volume fractions were also calculated from the integrated intensities. According to the analysis of the particles and their formation sequences, the larger particles (greater than 100 nm) are identified as mainly YAG and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles, while the particles with small size (less than 30 nm) are likely primarily YAM, YAH, and YAP particles. The yielding strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at RT are 563 MPa and 744 MPa, respectively, while the YS and UTS at 700 °C are 245 MPa and 276 MPa, respectively. Although the addition Al in ODS alloys decreases the strength at RT, the values at high temperature are similar to those obtained for 9Cr ODS alloys strengthened by fine Y–Ti–O particles. - Graphical abstract: Synchrotron X-ray diffraction line profile of the 9CrAl ODS alloy; (Ferrite matrix phases, along with minor phases, orthorhombic YAlO{sub 3} (yttrium aluminum perovskite, YAP), bcc Y{sub 3}Al{sub 5}O{sub 12} (yttrium aluminum garnet, YAG), monoclinic Al{sub 2}Y{sub 4}O{sub 9} (yttrium aluminum monoclinic, YAM), and hexagonal YAlO{sub 3} (yttium aluminum hexagonal, YAH) were recognized.). - Highlights: • The

  20. Herencia de la resistencia al complejo Cercospora spp. en líneas de maíz tropical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Narro L. Luis


    Full Text Available Se evaluó un diseño dialélico (Griffing Modelo 1 entre 10 líneas endogámicas de maíz tropical contrastantes en su reacción a Cercospora spp. (5 tolerantes y 5 susceptibles, en tres localidades en lotes bajo siembra directa, con presencia natural del patógeno e inoculación artificial, para la variable índice de enfermedad (escala 1 a 5. En el análisis de varianza, por localidad y combinado, los efectos de habilidad combinatoria general (hcg, habilidad combinatoria específica (hce, y recíprocos resultaron altamente significativos; siendo >10 veces mayor los efectos de la hcg que los de hce, indicando predominio de la acción genética aditiva. Resultados también sugieren que la resistencia está controlada por efectos maternos o de citoplasma. La acumulación de genes de resistencia y la conformación de variedades sintéticas tolerantes es una alternativa a implementar en programas del mejoramiento de resistencia a Cercospora de maíces tropicales. ABSTRACT Inheritance of resistance to Cercospora Complex in tropical maize (zea mays inbred lines. Inheritance of resistance to the maize disease complex caused by Cercospora spp on tropical maize was studied by generating and evaluating a diallel mating model (Griffing model I using ten corn inbred lines with contrasting levels of disease reaction (5 tolerant and 5 susceptible. Parental lines and their crosses, both direct and reciprocal, were evaluated in three locations using conservation tillage and inoculated artificially with inoculum prepared using a mixture of foliar maize diseases collected from several farmer’s fields. Analysis of variance for the variable index of disease (scale 1 to 5, both locality and combined, the general combining ability (hcg, specific combining ability (hce, and reciprocal effects were highly significant, with the hcg portion being >10 times greater than the hce component, indicating that the genetic action is predominantly additive. Data

  1. Pour une conception hybride de la fiction : l’adaptation de L’Amérique de Kafka entre littérature et cinéma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Leiduan


    Full Text Available Lorsqu’il porte à l’écran, dans son film Intervista (1987, quelques épisodes du roman L’Amérique de Kafka (1927, Fellini réalise une adaptation qui a peu d’équivalents dans l’histoire du cinéma : les scènes inspirées du roman de Kafka sont tournées à partir des essais que le réalisateur fait passer à des acteurs non-professionnels pour tester leur aptitude à faire partie du casting (scènes que le jargon des cinéastes appelle « bouts d’essai ». Expérimentale au cinéma, cette démarche est très courante en littérature : innombrables sont les fictions qui essaient de passer pour ce qu’elles ne sont pas (romans se présentant sous la forme d’un recueil de lettres, d’un journal intime, d’un récit de voyage. Notre article plaide en faveur d’un réexamen des rapports entre le cinéma de Fellini et la littérature à l’aune d’une perspective attentive, non seulement aux similitudes repérables au niveau du sujet, mais aussi, et surtout, au niveau de la forme.Quando porta sullo schermo, nel film Intervista (1987, alcuni episodi del romanzo L’America di Kafka (1927, Fellini realizza un adattamento cinematografico che ha pochi eguali nella storia del cinema: le scene ispirate al romanzo di Kafka sono girate a partire da provini che il regista fa passare ad attori non-professionisti per vedere se sono idonei o no a far parte del casting (scene che, nel gergo cinematografico francese, si chiamano: “bouts d’essai”. Sperimentale al cinema, questa prassi è assai corrente in letteratura: innumerevoli sono le opere letterarie che si fanno passare per ciò che non sono (romanzi che si presentano come una raccolta di lettere, come un diario autobiografico, come un resoconto di viaggio. Il nostro articolo vorrebbe gettare le basi per un riesame dei rapporti tra il cinema di Fellini e la letteratura alla luce di una prospettiva capace di cogliere le similitudini che intercorrono tra l’universo felliniano

  2. Salatoimikud : ma tahan uskuda / Mart Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Mart


    USA sarjale "The X-Files" põhinev teine järjefilm "Salatoimikud: Ma tahan uskuda" ("The X-Files: I Want to Believe") : režissöör Chris Carter : peaosades David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson : Ameerika Ühendriigid - Kanada 2008

  3. MaMiCo: Software design for parallel molecular-continuum flow simulations

    KAUST Repository

    Neumann, Philipp; Flohr, Hanno; Arora, Rahul; Jarmatz, Piet; Tchipev, Nikola; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim


    The macro-micro-coupling tool (MaMiCo) was developed to ease the development of and modularize molecular-continuum simulations, retaining sequential and parallel performance. We demonstrate the functionality and performance of MaMiCo by coupling

  4. Formation of continental crust in a temporally linked arc magma system from 5 to 30 km depth: ~ 90 Ma plutonism in the Cascades Crystalline Core composite arc section (United States)

    Ratschbacher, B. C.; Miller, J. S.; Kent, A. J.; Miller, R. B.; Anderson, J. L.; Paterson, S. R.


    Continental crust has an andesitic bulk composition with a mafic lower crust and a granodioritic upper crust. The formation of stratified continental crust in general and the vertical extent of processes active in arc crustal columns leading to the differentiation of primitive, mantle-derived melts entering the lower crust are highly debated. To investigate where in the crustal column magma mixing, fractionation, assimilation and crystal growth occur and to what extent, we study the ~ 90 Ma magmatic flare-up event of the Cascades arc, a magma plumbing system from ~ 5 to 30 km depth. We focus on three intrusive complexes, emplaced at different depths during major regional shortening in an exceptionally thick crust (≥ 55 km1) but which are temporally related: the upper crustal Black Peak intrusion (1-3 kbar at 3.7 to 11 km; ~ 86.8 to 91.7 Ma2), the mid-crustal Mt. Stuart intrusion (3.5-4.0 kbar at 13 to 15 km; 90.8 and 96.3 Ma3) and the deep crustal Tenpeak intrusion (7 to 10 kbar at 25 to 37 km; 89.7 to 92.3 Ma4). These intrusive complexes are well characterized by geochronology showing that they have been constructed incrementally by multiple magma batches over their lifespans and thus allow the monitoring and comparison of geochemical parameters over time at different depths. We use a combination of whole rock major and trace element data and isotopes combined with detailed investigation of amphibole, which has been recognized to be important in the generation of calc-alkaline rocks in arcs to test the following hypotheses: (a) compositional bimodality is produced in the lower crust, whereas upper crustal levels are dominated by mixing to form intermediate compositions, or (b) differentiation occurs throughout the crustal column with different crystallizing phases and their compositions controlling the bulk chemistry. 1. Miller et al. 2009: GSA Special Paper 456, p. 125-149 2. Shea 2014: PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3. Anderson et al. 2012

  5. Positive and Negative Impacts of Cross-border M&A

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    裴长洪; 林江


    Mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises by foreign investors have moved onto the public radar in recent years.To date,the M&A frenzy has drawn widespread attention,with a mixed reaction from proponents and opponents.Proponents consider such mergers and acquisitions conducive to realizing strategic readjustment of the national economic structure,optimizing resource allocation and improving the corporate governance structure.Opponents,however,are concerned that foreign mergers and acquisitions may jeopardize China’s industrial security and erode the executive power of the central government in undertaking industrial development planning.Are the benefits of M&A outweighed by the costs,or vice versa? The focus column of this edition features two articles which debate this issue from opposing viewpoints.In the article"Positive and Negative Impacts of Cross-border M&A",the authors consider foreign M(?)A to be a new way of boosting the level of foreign investment utilization,and advocate China taking full advantage of this approach.The authors of the article"Self-Improvement Or Self-Mutilation",meanwhile,hold foreign M&A to blame for state-owned asset erosion,and insist that China should oppose mergers and acquisitions of key state- owned enterprises by foreign investors at fire-sale prices.

  6. [The medical theory of Lee Je-ma and its character]. (United States)

    Lee, Kyung-Lock


    Lee Je-ma 1837-1900) was a prominent scholar as well as an Korean physician. classified every people into four distinctive types: greater yang [tai yang] person, lesser yin [shao yin] person, greater yin [tai yin] person, lesser yin [shao yin] person. This theory would dictate proper treatment for each type in accordance with individual differences of physical and temperament features. Using these four types he created The Medical Science of Four Types. This article is intended to look into the connection between Lee Je-Ma's 'The Medical Science of Four Types' and 'The Modern' with organizing his ideas about the human body and the human being. Through The Modern, the theory of human being underwent a complete change. Human being in The Premodern, which was determined by sex, age and social status has been changed to the individual human being, which is featured by equality. Lee Je-Ma's medical theory of The Medical Science of Four Types would be analyzed as follow. His concept of human body is oriented toward observable objectivity. But on the other hand, it still remains transcendent status of medical science, which is subordinated by philosophy. According to Lee Je-Ma's theory of human being, human is an equal individual in a modern way of thinking, not as a part of hierarchical group. But on the other hand, it still remains incomplete from getting rid of morality aspect that includes virtue and vice in the concept of human body. The common factors in Lee Je-Ma's ideas about the human body and the human being is 'Dualism of mind and body that means all kinds of status and results depends on each individual. As is stated above, Lee Je-Ma's medical theory has many aspects of The Modern and it proves that Korean traditional medicine could be modernized by itself.

  7. MaNGA: Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (United States)

    Weijmans, A.-M.; MaNGA Team


    MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO) is a galaxy integral-field spectroscopic survey within the fourth generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV). It will be mapping the composition and kinematics of gas and stars in 10,000 nearby galaxies, using 17 differently sized fiber bundles. MaNGA's goal is to provide new insights in galaxy formation and evolution, and to deliver a local benchmark for current and future high-redshift studies.

  8. Technical committee on reactor physics of next generation. Examination of MA recycling by using PWRs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Masaaki


    It is an important subject to be examined that during the period till full scale nuclear fuel recycling including the adoption of FBRs will be realized, we never have excess Pu. As the realistic examination considering the nuclear fuel recycling for the time being, the MOX fuel for PWRs of actinide recycling, ultralong life, placing emphasis on the concentrated charging of Pu and the confinement of MA in nuclear fuel cycling was examined. The change of the infinite multiplication rate of actinide recycling fuel is small throughout the burning, and there is the possibility of attaining the high burnup about twice of that of UO 2 fuel. The merit of the case of adding MA in small amount by recycling MA together with Pu at the proportion in spent fuel is shown. The amount of MA accumulation in Japan until 2050 was evaluated by the survey of the electric power generation of every reactor type using the long term reactor type strategy evaluation code LSER. By comparing the amount of MA accumulation in four MA recycling cases with the basic case without MA recycling, the amount of MA annihilation was evaluated. It was found that the MA recycling using PWRs only is not inferior to the multi-recycling of MA using FBRs. (K.I.)

  9. Procesamiento del grano de maíz sobre la cinética de degradación de la materia seca in vitro

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    Raul Velásquez V.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el efecto del procesamiento del grano de maíz sobre la cinética de degradación y fermentación de la materia seca in vitro. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron cinco tratamientos, cada uno constó de una mezcla con dos especies, 70% pasto Kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum y 30% grano de maíz (Zea mays. El grano fue sometido a diferentes procesamientos: maíz grueso seco (MGS, maíz fino seco (MFS, maíz reconstituido (MGH, reconstituido y ensilado (MGE y ensilado con urea (MGEU. Se realizó la técnica de gas in vitro para medir parámetros de degradación y de producción de gas en diferentes horarios hasta las 48 h. Se utilizaron los modelos de Gompertz y Ørskov y McDonald para ajustar las curvas de producción de gas y degradación de MS y se evaluaron con PROC NLIN de SAS. Resultados. Los mayores volúmenes acumulados fueron obtenidos con los tratamientos MFS y MGEU con 552.5 ml y 524.03 ml, respectivamente y fueron diferentes al tratamiento MGS (p<0.05. El potencial de degradación (A+B en MGS mostró el menor valor, siendo diferente (p<0.05 a los tratamientos MFS, MGE y MGEU. Conclusiones. El tipo de procesamiento del grano de máiz molido fino, reconstituido, ensilado con y sin urea mejoraron significativamente los parámetros de fermentación y degradación de la MS. El uso de grano molido fino (2 mm puede ser reemplazado por grano grueso reconstituido y ensilado, el cual resulta más económico que la molienda fina.

  10. New AlGaN/GaN HEMTs employing both a floating gate and a field plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Jiyong; Choi, Young-Hwan; Kim, Young-Shil; Han, Min-Koo


    We designed and fabricated AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) employing both a floating gate (FG) and a field plate (FP), which increase the breakdown voltage of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs significantly without sacrificing forward electric characteristics. The electric field strength at the gate-drain region of the proposed AlGaN/GaN HEMT was reduced successfully due to an increase in the number of depletion region edges. The breakdown voltage of the proposed AlGaN/GaN HEMT was 1106 V, while those of the conventional devices with only an FP or FG were 688 and 828 V, respectively. The leakage current of the proposed AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was 1.68 μA under a reverse bias of -100 V while those of the conventional devices with only an FP or FG were 3.21 and 1.91 μA, respectively, under the same condition. The forward electric characteristics of the proposed and conventional AlGaN/GaN HEMTs are similar. The maximum drain current of the proposed AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was 344 mA mm -1 while those of the conventional devices with only an FP or FG were 350 and 357 mA mm -1 , respectively. The maximum transconductance of the proposed device was 102.9 mS mm -1 , while those of the conventional devices were 97.8 and 101.9 mS mm -1 . The breakdown voltage and the leakage current of the proposed device were improved considerably without sacrificing the forward electric characteristics. It should be noted that there were no additional processing steps and mask levels compared to the conventional FP process.

  11. Gate less-FET pH Sensor Fabricated on Undoped AlGaN/ GaN HEMT Structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maneea Eizadi Sharifabad; Mastura Shafinaz Zainal Abidin; Shaharin Fadzli Abd Rahman; Abdul Manaf Hashim; Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman


    Gallium nitride with wurtzite crystal structure is a chemically stable semiconductor with high internal spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization, which make it highly suitable materials to create very sensitive and robust sensors for the detection of ions, gases and liquids. Sensing characteristics of an open-gate liquid-phase sensor fabricated on undoped-AlGaN/ GaN high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMT) structure in aqueous solution was investigated. In ambient atmosphere, the open-gate undoped AlGaN/ GaN HEMT clearly showed only the presence of linear region of currents while Si-doped AlGaN/ GaN showed the linear and saturation regions of currents, very similar to those of gated devices. This seems to show that very low Fermi level pinning by surface states exists in undoped AlGaN/ GaN sample. In aqueous solution, the typical current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of HEMTs with good gate controllability were observed. The potential of the AlGaN surface at the open-gate area is effectively controlled via aqueous solution by Ag/ AgCl reference gate electrode. The open-gate undoped AlGaN/ GaN HEMT structure is capable of stable operation in aqueous electrolytes and exhibit linear sensitivity, and high sensitivity of 1.9 mA/ pH or 3.88 mA/ mm/ pH at drain-source voltage, VDS = 5 V was obtained. Due to large leakage current where it increases with the negative reference gate voltage, the Nernstians like sensitivity cannot be determined. Suppression of current leakage is likely to improve the device performance. The open-gate undoped-AlGaN/ GaN structure is expected to be suitable for pH sensing application. (author)

  12. Characterization and evaluation of employment of nanostructured spinel MA on oxidation resistance of graffiti; Caracterizacao e avaliacao do emprego de espinelio MA nanoestruturado na resistencia a oxidacao de grafites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vitor, P.A.M.; Guaglianoni, W.C.; Braganca, S.R.; Bergmann, C.P., E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (LACER/UFRS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Laboratorio de Materiais Ceramicos


    This study aimed to investigate the obtaining of nanostructured powders of spinel MA (MgAl2O4) via synthesis of combustion in solution (SCS), and the influence of its incorporation in oxidation resistance in natural graphites. The crystalline phase only was obtained after a heat treatment at 900 ° C of the powder as-synthesized. The powders were characterized by differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric (ATG) and crystallographic analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. The results, using thermogravimetric dynamic and isothermal analysis showed a relationship between embedded content of spinel (as-synthesized and calcined) and the raising of the temperature to start the oxidation process (onset temperature) of the samples. The rate of oxidation is reduced at temperatures from 700 ° C, retarding the oxidation of graphite with increasing level of spinel, but this effect ceases at temperatures above 1000 ° C. (author)

  13. How to use MAED with other IAEA models in ENPEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maksijan, B.


    This paper provides an outlook of the energy situation in Croatia and describes the experience with the IAEA planning methodologies with focus on the MAED model. Furthermore, it suggests an approach to integrate the results of the MAED module of ENPEP with other modules (e.g. BALANCE) by means of commercial software (EXCEL Microsoft). (author). 2 figs, 3 tabs

  14. How to use MAED with other IAEA models in ENPEP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maksijan, B [Energy Sector, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Zagreb (Croatia)


    This paper provides an outlook of the energy situation in Croatia and describes the experience with the IAEA planning methodologies with focus on the MAED model. Furthermore, it suggests an approach to integrate the results of the MAED module of ENPEP with other modules (e.g. BALANCE) by means of commercial software (EXCEL Microsoft). (author). 2 figs, 3 tabs.

  15. Improving the performance of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes using electron blocking layer with a heart-shaped graded Al composition (United States)

    Kwon, M. R.; Park, T. H.; Lee, T. H.; Lee, B. R.; Kim, T. G.


    We propose a design for highly efficient AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV LEDs) using a heart-shaped graded Al composition electron-blocking layer (EBL). This novel structure reduced downward band bending at the interface between the last quantum barrier and the EBL and flattened the electrostatic field in the interlayer between the barriers of the multi-quantum barrier EBL. Consequently, electron leakage was significantly suppressed and hole injection efficiency was found to have improved. The parameter values of simulation were extracted from the experimental data of the reference DUV LEDs. Using the SimuLED, we compared the electrical and optical properties of three structures with different Al compositions in the active region and the EBL. The internal quantum efficiency of the proposed structure was shown to exceed those of the reference DUV LEDs by a factor of 1.9. Additionally, the output power at 20 mA was found to increase by a factor of 2.1.

  16. Comparisons of switching characteristics between Ti/Al2O3/Pt and TiN/Al2O3/Pt RRAM devices with various compliance currents (United States)

    Qi, Yanfei; Zhao, Ce Zhou; Liu, Chenguang; Fang, Yuxiao; He, Jiahuan; Luo, Tian; Yang, Li; Zhao, Chun


    In this study, the influence of the Ti and TiN top electrodes on the switching behaviors of the Al2O3/Pt resistive random access memory devices with various compliance currents (CCs, 1-15 mA) has been compared. Based on the similar statistical results of the resistive switching (RS) parameters such as V set/V reset, R HRS/R LRS (measured at 0.10 V) and resistance ratio with various CCs for both devices, the Ti/Al2O3/Pt device differs from the TiN/Al2O3/Pt device mainly in the forming process rather than in the following switching cycles. Apart from the initial isolated state, the Ti/Al2O3/Pt device has the initial intermediate state as well. In addition, its forming voltage is relatively lower. The conduction mechanisms of the ON and OFF state for both devices are demonstrated as ohmic conduction and Frenkel-Poole emission, respectively. Therefore, with the combined modulations of the CCs and the stop voltages, the TiN/Al2O3/Pt device is more stable for nonvolatile memory applications to further improve the RS performance.

  17. Differentiation and magmatic activity in Vesta evidenced by 26Al-26Mg dating in eucrites and diogenites (United States)

    Hublet, G.; Debaille, V.; Wimpenny, J.; Yin, Q.-Z.


    The 26Al-26Mg short-lived chronometer has been widely used for dating ancient objects in studying the early Solar System. Here, we use this chronometer to investigate and refine the geological history of the asteroid 4-Vesta. Ten meteorites widely believed to come from Vesta (4 basaltic eucrites, 3 cumulate eucrites and 3 diogenites) and the unique achondrite Asuka 881394 were selected for this study. All samples were analyzed for their δ26Mg∗ and 27Al/24Mg ratios, in order to construct both whole rock and model whole rock isochrons. Mineral separation was performed on 8 of the HED's in order to obtain internal isochrons. While whole rock Al-Mg analyses of HED's plot on a regression that could be interpreted as a vestan planetary isochron, internal mineral isochrons indicate a more complex history. Crystallization ages obtained from internal 26Al-26Mg systematic in basaltic eucrites show that Vesta's upper crust was formed during a short period of magmatic activity at 2.66-0.58+1.39 million years (Ma) after Calcium-Aluminum inclusions (after CAI). We also suggest that impact metamorphism and subsequent age resetting could have taken place at the surface of Vesta while 26Al was still extant. Cumulate eucrites crystallized progressively from 5.48-0.60+1.56 to >7.25 Ma after CAI. Model ages obtained for both basaltic and cumulate eucrites are similar and suggest that the timing of differentiation of a common eucrite source from a chondritic body can be modeled at 2.88-0.12+0.14 Ma after CAI, i.e. contemporaneously from the onset of the basaltic eucritic crust. Based on their cumulate texture, we suggest cumulate eucrites were likely formed deeper in the crust of Vesta. Diogenites have a more complicated history and their 26Al-26Mg systematics show that they likely formed after the complete decay of 26Al and thus are younger than eucrites. This refined chronology for eucrites and diogenites is consistent with a short magma ocean stage on 4-Vesta from which the

  18. MaGnET: Malaria Genome Exploration Tool. (United States)

    Sharman, Joanna L; Gerloff, Dietlind L


    The Malaria Genome Exploration Tool (MaGnET) is a software tool enabling intuitive 'exploration-style' visualization of functional genomics data relating to the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. MaGnET provides innovative integrated graphic displays for different datasets, including genomic location of genes, mRNA expression data, protein-protein interactions and more. Any selection of genes to explore made by the user is easily carried over between the different viewers for different datasets, and can be changed interactively at any point (without returning to a search). Free online use (Java Web Start) or download (Java application archive and MySQL database; requires local MySQL installation) at or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  19. Preferencias del consumidor y disposición a pagar por el consumo de tortilla de maíz orgánico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Jaramillo Villanueva


    Full Text Available La demanda de productos alimenticios (diferenciados está altamente segmentada entre diferentes grupos de consumidores. En este trabajo se evaluaron las preferencias del con- sumidor por la tortilla de maíz orgánico para descubrir su nicho de mercado y se identi- ficaron las características sociodemográficas que afectan la disponibilidad a pagar un so- breprecio (DAP. Las razones para la adqui- sición de alimentos orgánicos son la preocu- pación por la salud y el apoyo al ambiente. Las variables escolaridad e ingresos del hogar son estadísticamente significativos al 95% de confianza en explicar la DAP. Las variables relacionadas con el producto: sabor, inocuidad y la calidad del agua mostraron significancia estadística.

  20. Alternativas para favorecer la polinización y producción de semilla del híbrido h-311 de maíz

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    Alejandro Espinosa


    Full Text Available Alternativas para favorecer la polinización y producción de semilla del híbrido H-311 de maíz. En la producción de semilla de híbridos de maíz es fundamental la coincidencia en floración de los progenitores y la disposición de los estigmas con respecto a las panojas que emiten polen. El híbrido de maíz H-311, se recomienda en México para siembras de riego, en alturas de 1200 a 1800 msnm. El orden de cruza inicial fue: (B16XB17 X (B32XB33; sin embargo, se cambio al orden inverso, es decir, (B32XB33 X (B16XB17, debido a mayor productividad y semilla de buena calidad física. La cruza simple (B16XB17 es enana (braquítico, al no haber suficiente viento en la época de polinización, se dificulta el cruzamiento y se requiere levantar el polen con mochilas de motor, la cruza simple B16XB17, rinde de 4,5 a 5,5 t/ha de semilla contra 6,0 a 7,5 t/ha de la cruza simple B32XB33; La cruza simple B16XB17, responde con alargamiento del porte por la influencia del tratamientos, con ácido giberélico (Activol, 20, 40 y 60 ppm, dos dosis de Cloruro de Mepiquat (PIX, 1 y 2 lt/ha, así como tres niveles de fertilización (400-70-30, 150-70-30 y 150- 300-30. En rendimiento hubo un efecto positivo por el manejo de ambos progenitores con diferentes fertilizaciones así como aplicación de fitohormonas, al aplicar ácido giberélico (20 ppm, el rendimiento se incrementó en 250,3% y 211,8% para las cruzas simples B32XB33 y B16XB17 respectivamente. La altura de planta de B16XB17 fue ligeramente afectada (106,0% con ácido giberélico, 40 ppm

  1. Corak Tasawuf Al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya dalam Konteks Sekarang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abd. Moqsith Ghazali


    Full Text Available Abstracts: Al-Ghaza>li’s < sufism –which described as more khuluqi-'amali in character- becomes the creed of majority of Muslims in the world, in fact adhered by some sects within Judaism and Christianity. Although some Muslim thinkers, such as Ibn Rushd, criticized al-Ghaza>li<, but his arguments in Ih}ya>’ ‘Ulum al-Di>n seem to be too solid to tear down. This article tries to explore the main points of al-Ghaza> li<’s thoughts in the atmosphere of contemporary world and came to conclusion that in this time when Islam is often expressed in harsh and barren manners, al-Ghaza>li’s sufism shows its relevance and significance. He offers the concept of love of God(mah}abbah, oneness of God (tawh}id, fear of God (makha>fah , and gnosis (ma’rifah to the mankind. According to al-Ghaza>li , someone who loves God must love God's creatures as well. This concept leads to the good behaviors such as desire to unite oneself with God by repentance (tawbah, asceticism (zuhd for fear of being far from God, trusting in God (tawakkul, and being pleased with all decisions and provisions of God (rid}a. These spiritual stages will lead to the degree of knowing God (ma'rifah. Modern society, that often feel alienated, will find the book Ih}ya> 'Ulu> m al-Di>n as a cooling oasis.

  2. Obtención y caracterización de harinas compuestas de endospermo - germen de maíz y su uso en la preparación de arepas

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    HERNÁNDEZ Blanca D.


    Full Text Available La arepa, pan de maíz, es un producto elaborado a partir de harina precocida de endospermo de maíz, de elevado consumo en Colombia y Venezuela. Al obtener la harina de endospermo queda como subproducto el germen del que se extrae aceite que deja como residuo el germen desgrasado (GD. En el presente trabajo se formularon harinas compuestas del endospermo - GD. Se hicieron mezclas sustituyendo la harina precocida en 6, 8, 10 y 12%. Se evaluaron las propiedades físico - químicas, funcionales, sensoriales y nutricionales. Se encontró que al agregar el germen no aumenta significativamente la cantidad de proteína pero si mejora en más de un 300% la calidad nutricional de la misma, en la cual la relación de eficiencia proteica pasa de 0,16 hasta 1,04 en las harinas compuestas. La digestibilidad en las mezclas (> 89,5%, fue superior al valor obtenido para la harina precocida (84,02%. El contenido en fibra y grasa no varió significativamente en la harina compuesta, así mismo el color, peso específico, pH, separación de agua, adhesividad, absorción y solubilidad en agua no mostraron variaciones significativas. Sustituciones mayores a 6% mostraron pequeñas desviaciones respecto al rango establecido (3-5 cm para la expansión, sin afectar el amasado. Se prepararon arepas evaluándose su aceptabilidad. Se encontró que las arepas con 6% de GD fueron de mayor preferencia al compararlas con arepas de harina precocida, por lo que se concluyó que este porcentaje de sustitución sería el más viable, para enriquecer la harina precocida.

  3. Anti-ma2 paraneoplastic encephalitis in association with recurrent cervical cancer. (United States)

    Ney, Douglas E; Messersmith, Wells; Behbakht, Kian


    Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes are rare, and although they are frequently associated with gynecological malignancies, cervical cancer is a rare cause. The symptoms of anti-Ma2 encephalitis are diverse and often present prior to the diagnosis of malignancy. We report a case of a 37-year-old woman with a history of cervical cancer presenting with unexplained weight gain and vertical supranuclear gaze palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed lesions within the bilateral hypothalami and midbrain. Anti-Ma2 antibodies were eventually found in the serum, prompting a search for malignancy. Recurrent metastatic cervical cancer was found in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. This is the first report of cervical cancer in association with anti-Ma2 encephalitis, and highlights the need for a high degree of suspicion in patients with a cancer history presenting with neurological symptoms. The symptoms associated with anti-Ma2 encephalitis are diverse and typically precede the diagnosis of cancer in patients, and should trigger a search for an underlying malignancy.

  4. Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO: The MaNGA IFU Galaxy Survey (United States)

    Law, David R.; MaNGA Team


    MaNGA is a new survey that will begin in August 2014 as part of SDSS-IV with the aim of obtaining integral-field spectroscopy for an unprecedented sample of 10,000 nearby galaxies. MaNGA's key goals are to understand the "life cycle" of present day galaxies from imprinted clues of their birth and assembly, through their ongoing growth via star formation and merging, to their death from quenching at late times. To achieve these goals, MaNGA will channel the impressive capabilities of the SDSS-III BOSS spectrographs in a fundamentally new direction by marshaling the unique power of 2D spectroscopy. MaNGA will deploy 17 pluggable Integral Field Units (IFUs) made by grouping fibers into hexagonal bundles ranging from 19 to 127 fibers each. The spectra obtained by MaNGA will cover the wavelength range 3600-10,000 Angstroms (with a velocity resolution of ~ 60 km/s) and will characterize the internal composition and the dynamical state of a sample of 10,000 galaxies with stellar masses greater than 10^9 Msun and an average redshift of z ~ 0.03. Such IFU observations enable a leap forward because they provide an added dimension to the information available for each galaxy. MaNGA will provide two-dimensional maps of stellar velocity and velocity dispersion, mean stellar age and star formation history, stellar metallicity, element abundance ratio, stellar mass surface density, ionized gas velocity, ionized gas metallicity, star formation rate, and dust extinction for a statistically powerful sample. This legacy dataset will address urgent questions in our understanding of galaxy formation, including 1) The formation history of galaxy subcomponents, including the disk, bulge, and dark matter halo, 2) The nature of present-day galaxy growth via merging and gas accretion, and 3) The processes responsible for terminating star formation in galaxies. Finally, MaNGA will also play a vital role in the coming era of advanced IFU instrumentation, serving as the low-z anchor for

  5. Spontaneous atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in a/a ma ft/ma ft/J flaky tail mice appear early after birth.

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    Magdalini Kypriotou

    Full Text Available Loss-of-function mutations in human profilaggrin gene have been identified as the cause of ichthyosis vulgaris (IV, and as a major predisposition factor for atopic dermatitis (AD. Similarly, flaky tail (a/a ma ft/ma ft/J mice were described as a model for IV, and shown to be predisposed to eczema. The aim of this study was to correlate the flaky tail mouse phenotype with human IV and AD, in order to dissect early molecular events leading to atopic dermatitis in mice and men, suffering from filaggrin deficiency. Thus, 5-days old flaky tail pups were analyzed histologically, expression of cytokines was measured in skin and signaling pathways were investigated by protein analysis. Human biopsies of IV and AD patients were analyzed histologically and by real time PCR assays. Our data show acanthosis and hyperproliferation in flaky tail epidermis, associated with increased IL1β and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP expression, and Th2-polarization. Consequently, NFκB and Stat pathways were activated, and IL6 mRNA levels were increased. Further, quantitative analysis of late epidermal differentiation markers revealed increased Small proline-rich protein 2A (Sprr2a synthesis. Th2-polarization and Sprr2a increase may result from high TSLP expression, as shown after analysis of 5-days old K14-TSLP tg mouse skin biopsies. Our findings in the flaky tail mouse correlate with data obtained from patient biopsies of AD, but not IV. We propose that proinflammatory cytokines are responsible for acanthosis in flaky tail epidermis, and together with the Th2-derived cytokines lead to morphological changes. Accordingly, the a/a ma ft/ma ft/J mouse model can be used as an appropriate model to study early AD onset associated with profilaggrin deficiency.

  6. Evaluation overview for the Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (MA-CORD) project. (United States)

    Davison, Kirsten K; Falbe, Jennifer; Taveras, Elsie M; Gortmaker, Steve; Kulldorff, Martin; Perkins, Meghan; Blaine, Rachel E; Franckle, Rebecca L; Ganter, Claudia; Baidal, Jennifer Woo; Kwass, Jo-Ann; Buszkiewicz, James; Smith, Lauren; Land, Thomas


    The Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (MA-CORD) project is a 2-year, multilevel, multisector community intervention to prevent and control obesity among children 2-12 years of age from two predominantly low-income communities in Massachusetts. MA-CORD includes evidence-based interventions in multiple sectors, including community health centers, early care and education centers, schools, afterschool programs, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, and the broader community. Currently, implementation of MA-CORD is complete and the final year of data collection is in progress. Here, the MA-CORD evaluation plan is described and baseline data are presented. The impact of MA-CORD on children's BMI, lifestyle behaviors, obesity-related care, and quality of life will be assessed using sector-specific, pre/post, time-series, and quasi-experimental designs. Change in the primary outcomes will be compared for intervention and comparison communities. Additionally, change in mean BMI and obesity prevalence in intervention school districts will be compared to similar districts throughout the state. At baseline in 2012, approximately 16% of preschool-aged and 25% of school-aged children were obese. Moreover, 15-40% of children consumed no vegetables on the previous day, 25-75% drank a sugar-sweetened beverage on the previous day, up to 87% had insufficient physical activity, 50-75% had a television in the room where they slept, and 50-80% obtained insufficient sleep. There is ample room for improvement in BMI and health behaviors in children in MA-CORD communities. If successful, MA-CORD may serve as a model for multilevel, multisector approaches to childhood obesity prevention and control.

  7. Development of ITER 15 MA ELMy H-mode Inductive Scenario

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    C. E. Kessel, D. Campbell, Y. Gribov, G. Saibene, G. Ambrosino, T. Casper, M. Cavinato, H. Fujieda, R. Hawryluk, L. D. Horton, A. Kavin, R. Kharyrutdinov, F. Koechl, J. Leuer, A. Loarte, P. J. Lomas, T. Luce, V. Lukash, M. Mattei, I.Nunes, V. Parail, A. Polevoi, A. Portone, R. Sartori, A.C.C. Sips, P. R. Thomas, A. Welander and J. Wesley


    The poloidal field (PF) coil system on ITER, which provides both feedforward and feedback control of plasma position, shape, and current, is a critical element for achieving mission performance. Analysis of PF capabilities has focused on the 15 MA Q = 10 scenario with a 300-500 s flattop burn phase. The operating space available for the 15 MA ELMy H-mode plasma discharges in ITER and upgrades to the PF coils or associated systems to establish confidence that ITER mission objectives can be reached have been identified. Time dependent self-consistent free-boundary calculations were performed to examine the impact of plasma variability, discharge programming, and plasma disturbances. Based on these calculations a new reference scenario was developed based upon a large bore initial plasma, early divertor transition, low level heating in L-mode, and a late H-mode onset. Equilibrium analyses for this scenario indicate that the original PF coil limitations do not allow low li (<0.8) operation or lower flux states, and the flattop burn durations were predicted to be less than the desired 400 s. This finding motivates the expansion of the operating space, considering several upgrade options to the PF coils. Analysis was also carried out to examine the feedback current reserve required in the CS and PF coils during a series of disturbances and a feasibility assessment of the 17 MA scenario was undertaken. Results of the studies show that the new scenario and modified PF system will allow a wide range of 15 MA 300-500 s operation and more limited but finite 17 MA operation

  8. Kendi Kendine (Öz) Liderlik Ölçeğinin Eğitim Örgütleri İçin Türkçeye Uyarlanması, Geçerlik Ve Güvenirlik Çalışması/Turkish Adaptation of Self-Leadership Scale for Educational Organizations: Validity and Reliability Studies


    Konan, Doç.Dr.Necdet; Atik, Arş.Grv.Servet


    Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı Houghton ve Neck (2002) tarafından geliştirilen Kendi Kendine (Öz) Liderlik ölçeğinin eğitim örgütleri için uyarlanan Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmalarını yapmaktır. Ölçek formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları, 2013-2014 eğitim-öğretim yılında ve araştırmaya gönüllü katılan birbirinden bağımsız iki çalışma grubunun görüşleri alınarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci çalışma grubu 259 öğretmenden; ikinci çalışma grubu ise 225 öğretmenden oluşmak...

  9. The medical theory of Lee Je-ma and its character

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LEE Kyung-Lock


    Full Text Available Lee Je-ma(李濟馬, 1837-1900 was a prominent scholar as well as an Korean physician He classified every people into four distinctive types: greater yang[tai yang] person, lesser yin[shao yin] person greater yin[tai yin] person, lesser yin[shao yin] person. This theory would dictate proper treatment for each type in accordance with individual differences of physical and temperament features Using these four types he created The Medical Science of Four Types(四象體質論.This article is intended to look into the connection between Lee Je-Ma's 'The Medical Science of Four Types' and 'The Modern' with organizing his ideas about the human body and the human being. Through The Modern, the theory of human being(人間觀 underwent a complete change. Human being in The Premodern, which was determined by sex, age and social status has been changed to the individual human being, which is featured by equality. Lee Je-Ma's medical theory of The Medical Science of Four Types would be analyzed as follow. His concept of human body(人體論 is oriented toward observable objectivity. But on the other hand, it still remains transcendent status of medical science, which is subordinated by philosophy According to Lee Je-Ma's theory of human being human is an equal individual in a modern way of thinking not as a part of hierarchical group. But on the other hand, it still remains incomplete from getting rid of morality aspect that includes virtue and vice in the concept of human body.The common factors in Lee Je-Ma's ideas about the human body and the human being is 'Dualism of mind and body(心身二元論' that means all kinds of status and results depends on each individual. As is stated above, Lee Je-Ma's medical theory has many aspects of The Modern and it proves that Korean traditional medicine could be modernized by itself.

  10. Design of an upgradeable 45-100 mA RFQ accelerator for FAIR (United States)

    Zhang, Chuan; Schempp, Alwin


    A 325 MHz, 35 mA, 3 MeV Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator will be operated as the first accelerating structure of the proton linac injector for the newly planned international science center Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI, Germany. In previous design studies, two high beam intensities, 70 and 100 mA, were used. Most recently, the design intensity has been changed to 45 mA, which is closer to the operational value. Taking advantage of the so-called New Four-Section Procedure, a new design, which is upgradable from 45 to 100 mA, has been developed for the FAIR proton RFQ. Besides the upgradability analyses, robustness studies of the new design to spatial displacements of the input beam and field errors are presented as well.

  11. Design of an upgradeable 45-100 mA RFQ accelerator for FAIR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chuan; Schempp, Alwin


    A 325 MHz, 35 mA, 3 MeV Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator will be operated as the first accelerating structure of the proton linac injector for the newly planned international science center Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI, Germany. In previous design studies, two high beam intensities, 70 and 100 mA, were used. Most recently, the design intensity has been changed to 45 mA, which is closer to the operational value. Taking advantage of the so-called New Four-Section Procedure, a new design, which is upgradable from 45 to 100 mA, has been developed for the FAIR proton RFQ. Besides the upgradability analyses, robustness studies of the new design to spatial displacements of the input beam and field errors are presented as well.

  12. Early Cretaceous ( 140 Ma) aluminous A-type granites in the Tethyan Himalaya, Tibet: Products of crust-mantle interaction during lithospheric extension (United States)

    Ma, Lin; Kerr, Andrew C.; Wang, Qiang; Jiang, Zi-Qi; Hu, Wan-Long


    A-type granites have been the focus of considerable research due to their distinctive major- and trace-element signatures and tectonic significance. However, their petrogenesis, magmatic source and tectonic setting remain controversial, particularly for aluminous A-type granites. The earliest Cretaceous (ca. 140 Ma) Comei granite in the eastern Tethyan Himalaya is associated with coeval oceanic island basalt (OIB)-type mafic lava, and has A-type granite geochemical characteristics including high 10,000 × Ga/Al (up to 6), FeOtotal/MgO (4.6-6.1) and (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 (0.50-0.61) ratios but low CaO (0.6-1.6 wt%) and Na2O (1.8-2.6 wt%) contents. The Comei granite also has variable peraluminous compositions (A/CNK = 1.00-1.36) along with zircon δ18O, εNd(t) and initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 8.2‰ to 9.3‰, - 13.0 to - 12.4 and 0.7238 to 0.7295, respectively. This range of compositions can be interpreted as the interaction between high-temperature upwelling OIB type basaltic magmas and a shallow crustal (The Comei granite and coeval OIB type basaltic rock could represent the earliest stage (145-140 Ma) of a large igneous event in eastern Tethyan Himalaya, which may well have been triggered by pre-breakup lithospheric extension prior to the arrival of the Kerguelen plume head.

  13. Recurrent Early Cretaceous, Indo-Madagascar (89-86 Ma) and Deccan (66 Ma) alkaline magmatism in the Sarnu-Dandali complex, Rajasthan: 40Ar/39Ar age evidence and geodynamic significance (United States)

    Sheth, Hetu; Pande, Kanchan; Vijayan, Anjali; Sharma, Kamal Kant; Cucciniello, Ciro


    The Sarnu-Dandali alkaline complex in Rajasthan, northwestern India, is considered to represent early, pre-flood basalt magmatism in the Deccan Traps province, based on a single 40Ar/39Ar age of 68.57 Ma. Rhyolites found in the complex are considered to be 750 Ma Malani basement. Our new 40Ar/39Ar ages of 88.9-86.8 Ma (for syenites, nephelinite, phonolite and rhyolite) and 66.3 ± 0.4 Ma (2σ, melanephelinite) provide clear evidence that whereas the complex has Deccan-age (66 Ma) components, it is dominantly an older (by 20 million years) alkaline complex, with rhyolites included. Basalt is also known to underlie the Early Cretaceous Sarnu Sandstone. Sarnu-Dandali is thus a periodically rejuvenated alkaline igneous centre, active twice in the Late Cretaceous and also earlier. Many such centres with recurrent continental alkaline magmatism (sometimes over hundreds of millions of years) are known worldwide. The 88.9-86.8 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages for Sarnu-Dandali rocks fully overlap with those for the Indo-Madagascar flood basalt province formed during continental breakup between India (plus Seychelles) and Madagascar. Recent 40Ar/39Ar work on the Mundwara alkaline complex in Rajasthan, 120 km southeast of Sarnu-Dandali, has also shown polychronous emplacement (over ≥ 45 million years), and 84-80 Ma ages obtained from Mundwara also arguably represent post-breakup stages of the Indo-Madagascar flood basalt volcanism. Remnants of the Indo-Madagascar province are known from several localities in southern India but hitherto unknown from northwestern India 2000 km away. Additional equivalents buried under the vast Deccan Traps are highly likely.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geylani KARDAŞ


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, bilgisayar ağlarında güvenli mesaj alışverişi için akıllı kart olanaklarından yararlanan taşınabilir bir sistem mimarisi tanıtılmaktadır. Akıllı kartların sistem mimarisi bünyesinde yer alması mesaj alışverişlerinde kimlik denetimi ve mahremiyet gibi başlıca iki önemli güvenlik hizmetini sunmaktadır. İletişimlerde asimetrik şifrelemenin uygulanması hedeflendiği için akıllı kartlar, kullanıcılarına ait hesap bilgilerinin yanı sıra ilgili asimetrik şifreleme için yine kullanıcılarına ait özel anahtarları saklamaktadırlar. Önerilen sistemin JavaCard teknolojisi kullanılarak gerçek bir uygulaması da yine bu çalışma içerisinde sunulmuştur.

  15. Evaluation of biodegradation of bionanocomposites of PHB/PP-g-MA/vermiculite; Avaliacao da biodegradacao de bionanocompositos de PHB/PP-g-MA/vermiculita

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesquita, P.J.P. de; Alves, T.S.; Barbosa, R., E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Piaui (UFPI), Teresina, PI (Brazil). Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia dos Materiais; Andrade, D. de L.A.C.S. [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil). Programa de Pos- Graduacao em Ciencia e Engenharia de Materiais


    In this work, we evaluated the process of biodegradation of PHB bionanocomposites/PP-g-MA/clay. Films were prepared with compositions of 5% PP-g-MA and 3% clay (BIO5); and 2.5% PP-g-MA and 3% clay (BIO2.5). The biodegradation test was conducted according to ASTM G 160-03 for a period of 86 days. The evaluation of biodegradation was performed by optical microscopy (MO), loss of mass, FTIR and XRD. The bionanocomposites presented change of coloration and appearance of fissures. As for loss in mass in the system presented loss of BIO2,5 22.5% and 25.9% BIO5, for 86 days of simulated soil exposure. We also observed by FTIR sharp reduction in intensity of the band corresponding to the C = O groups, indicating that the microbial attack promoted cleavage of the ester group links. By XRD, reduction in the intensity of the peaks and enlargements of the same with increasing exposure time, proving the biodegradation behavior of bionanocomposites. (author)

  16. Računalniška izdelava ocenjevalne razdelitve na mednarodnih razstavah mačk




    Na mednarodni razstavi mačk je potrebno prijavljene mačke razdeliti med sodnike, da jih ocenijo. Pri pripravi te razdelitve je potrebno upoštevati mnogo kriterijev, prijavljenih mačk pa je lahko nekaj sto. Zahtevnost priprave dobre razdelitve tako presega človeške zmožnosti, zato smo želeli razdelitev mačk med sodnike optimizirati z metodami umetne inteligence. V nalogi je predstavljeno nekaj algoritmov, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za izdelavo ocenjevalne razdelitve na mednarodni razstavi m...

  17. « ImpersoNations » : cinéma national, imaginaires historiques et nouveau cinéma européen


    Elsaesser, Thomas


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma ? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une symbiose très particulière entre le corps, la gestuelle, la voix et l’intonation, les amateurs de cinéma ne peuvent se passer des films tournés dans leur propre langue. A l’instar du son, qui revê...

  18. Paraneoplastic brain stem encephalitis in a woman with anti-Ma2 antibody. (United States)

    Barnett, M; Prosser, J; Sutton, I; Halmagyi, G M; Davies, L; Harper, C; Dalmau, J


    A woman developed brain stem encephalopathy in association with serum anti-Ma2 antibodies and left upper lobe lung mass. T2 weighted MRI of the brain showed abnormalities involving the pons, left middle and superior cerebellar peduncles, and bilateral basal ganglia. Immunohistochemical analysis for serum antineuronal antibodies was confounded by the presence of a non-neuronal specific antinuclear antibody. Immunoblot studies showed the presence of anti-Ma2 antibodies. A premortem tissue diagnosis of the lung mass could not be established despite two CT guided needle biopsies, and the patient died as a result of rapid neurological deterioration. The necropsy showed that the lung lesion was an adenocarcinoma which expressed Ma2 immunoreactive protein. Neuropathological findings included prominent perivascular inflammatory infiltrates, glial nodules, and neuronophagia involving the brain stem, basal ganglia, hippocampus and the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum. Ma2 is an autoantigen previously identified in patients with germ cell tumours of the testis and paraneoplastic brain stem and limbic encephalitis. Our patient's clinical and immunopathological findings indicate that this disorder can affect women with lung adenocarcinoma, and that the encephalitic changes predominate in those regions of the brain known to express high concentrations of Ma proteins.

  19. Nitrogen implantation of Ti and Ti+Al films deposited on tool steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, C.-T.; Duh, J.-G.


    Titanium and aluminum thin films were deposited onto A2 steel by rf magnetron sputtering with various Al contents. The coated assembly was then implanted with nitrogen ions at 92 kV and 1 mA for 4.5 h. The thickness of the implanted Ti and Ti+Al films deposited for 1 h was around 0.4-0.5 μm. With the aid of X-ray diffraction by the grazing-incidence technique, secondary ion mass spectrum (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the titanium oxide and titanium nitride were identified on the top and inner surface in the implanted Ti film. For Ti+Al films after nitrogen implantation, Ti 3 O 5 was formed on the top surface beneath which is a (Ti, Al) N solid solution. There was Ti 2 N compound formed in the implanted Ti film, while only a minor amount of Ti 2 N phase was observed in the inner region in the implanted Ti+Al film. The nitrogen distribution was flattened and spread in the implanted Ti film, while a concentration gradient was observed in the Ti+Al film after implantation. The measured surface hardness of implanted Ti film was higher than those of Ti+Al films and the hardness of implanted Ti+39%Al film was enhanced as compared to the Ti+50%Al film. (Author)

  20. Generation Y : salutogenes unternehmerisches Engagement und Work-Life-Balance Maßnahmen als Auslöser affektiven Mitarbeiter-Commitments


    Fischer, Jennifer


    In einem Artikel der Zeitschrift Die Zeit wird die Generation Y, die Generation deren Angehörige derzeit zum Großteil ihre akademische Ausbildung beenden und sich dem Arbeitsmarkt zuwenden, auch als Generation Pippi, angelehnt an Astrid Lindgrens Kinderbuchheldin Pippi Langstrumpf, bezeichnet (Bund et al., 2013: 1). Individualität, eine ausgeprägte Abneigung gegenüber Autoritätspersonen, der Wunsch nach Spaß und Abwechslung sowie das Bestreben, sich selbst zu verwirklichen, charakterisieren P...

  1. Comparison of TCeMA and TDMA for Inter-Satellite Communications using OPNET Simulation (United States)

    Hain, Regina Rosales; Ramanathan, Ram; Bergamo, Marcos; Wallett, Thomas M.


    A robust data link protocol, enabling unique physical and MAC layer technologies and sub-network level protocols, is needed in order to take advantage of the full potential of using both TDMA and CDMA in a satellite communication network. A novel MAC layer protocol, TDMA with CDMA-encoding multiple access (TCeMA) integrated with null-steered digital beam-forming spatial multiplexing, is investigated to support flexible spacecraft communications. Abstract models of the TCeMA and TDMA processes are developed in OPNFiT and a comparison of the performances of TCeMA and TDMA in a satellite network simulation are made. TCeMA provides the better connectivity and capacity with respect to TDMA for satellite communication traffic.

  2. Predicting Sediment Thickness on Vanished Ocean Crust Since 200 Ma (United States)

    Dutkiewicz, A.; Müller, R. D.; Wang, X.; O'Callaghan, S.; Cannon, J.; Wright, N. M.


    Tracing sedimentation through time on existing and vanished seafloor is imperative for constraining long-term eustasy and for calculating volumes of subducted deep-sea sediments that contribute to global geochemical cycles. We present regression algorithms that incorporate the age of the ocean crust and the mean distance to the nearest passive margin to predict sediment thicknesses and long-term decompacted sedimentation rates since 200 Ma. The mean sediment thickness decreases from ˜220 m at 200 Ma to a minimum of ˜140 m at 130 Ma, reflecting the replacement of old Panthalassic ocean floor with young sediment-poor mid-ocean ridges, followed by an increase to ˜365 m at present-day. This increase reflects the accumulation of sediments on ageing abyssal plains proximal to passive margins, coupled with a decrease in the mean distance of any parcel of ocean crust to the nearest passive margin by over 700 km, and a doubling of the total passive margin length at present-day. Mean long-term sedimentation rates increase from ˜0.5 cm/ky at 160 Ma to over 0.8 cm/ky today, caused by enhanced terrigenous sediment influx along lengthened passive margins, superimposed by the onset of ocean-wide carbonate sedimentation. Our predictive algorithms, coupled to a plate tectonic model, provide a framework for constraining the seafloor sediment-driven eustatic sea-level component, which has grown from ˜80 to 210 m since 120 Ma. This implies a long-term sea-level rise component of 130 m, partly counteracting the contemporaneous increase in ocean basin depth due to progressive crustal ageing.

  3. Ma_MISS on ExoMars: Mineralogical Characterization of the Martian Subsurface (United States)

    De Sanctis, Maria Cristina; Altieri, Francesca; Ammannito, Eleonora; Biondi, David; De Angelis, Simone; Meini, Marco; Mondello, Giuseppe; Novi, Samuele; Paolinetti, Riccardo; Soldani, Massimo; Mugnuolo, Raffaele; Pirrotta, Simone; Vago, Jorge L.; Ma_MISS Team


    The Ma_MISS (Mars Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies) experiment is the visible and near infrared (VNIR) miniaturized spectrometer hosted by the drill system of the ExoMars 2020 rover. Ma_MISS will perform IR spectral reflectance investigations in the 0.4-2.2 μm range to characterize the mineralogy of excavated borehole walls at different depths (between 0 and 2 m). The spectral sampling is about 20 nm, whereas the spatial resolution over the target is 120 μm. Making use of the drill's movement, the instrument slit can scan a ring and build up hyperspectral images of a borehole. The main goal of the Ma_MISS instrument is to study the martian subsurface environment. Access to the martian subsurface is crucial to our ability to constrain the nature, timing, and duration of alteration and sedimentation processes on Mars, as well as habitability conditions. Subsurface deposits likely host and preserve H2O ice and hydrated materials that will contribute to our understanding of the H2O geochemical environment (both in the liquid and in the solid state) at the ExoMars 2020 landing site. The Ma_MISS spectral range and sampling capabilities have been carefully selected to allow the study of minerals and ices in situ before the collection of samples. Ma_MISS will be implemented to accomplish the following scientific objectives: (1) determine the composition of subsurface materials, (2) map the distribution of subsurface H2O and volatiles, (3) characterize important optical and physical properties of materials (e.g., grain size), and (4) produce a stratigraphic column that will inform with regard to subsurface geological processes. The Ma_MISS findings will help to refine essential criteria that will aid in our selection of the most interesting subsurface formations from which to collect samples.

  4. MHD PbLi experiments in MaPLE loop at UCLA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Courtessole, C.; Smolentsev, S.; Sketchley, T.; Abdou, M.


    Highlights: • The paper overviews the MaPLE facility at UCLA: one-of-a-few PbLi MHD loop in the world. • We present the progress achieved in development and testing of high-temperature PbLi flow diagnostics. • The most important MHD experiments carried out since the first loop operation in 2011 are summarized. - Abstract: Experiments on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows are critical to understanding complex flow phenomena in ducts of liquid metal blankets, in particular those that utilize eutectic alloy lead–lithium as breeder/coolant, such as self-cooled, dual-coolant and helium-cooled lead–lithium blanket concepts. The primary goal of MHD experiments at UCLA using the liquid metal flow facility called MaPLE (Magnetohydrodynamic PbLi Experiment) is to address important MHD effects, heat transfer and flow materials interactions in blanket-relevant conditions. The paper overviews the one-of-a-kind MaPLE loop at UCLA and presents recent experimental activities, including the development and testing of high-temperature PbLi flow diagnostics and experiments that have been performed since the first loop operation in 2011. We also discuss MaPLE upgrades, which need to be done to substantially expand the experimental capabilities towards a new class of MHD flow phenomena that includes buoyancy effects.

  5. MHD PbLi experiments in MaPLE loop at UCLA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Courtessole, C., E-mail:; Smolentsev, S.; Sketchley, T.; Abdou, M.


    Highlights: • The paper overviews the MaPLE facility at UCLA: one-of-a-few PbLi MHD loop in the world. • We present the progress achieved in development and testing of high-temperature PbLi flow diagnostics. • The most important MHD experiments carried out since the first loop operation in 2011 are summarized. - Abstract: Experiments on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows are critical to understanding complex flow phenomena in ducts of liquid metal blankets, in particular those that utilize eutectic alloy lead–lithium as breeder/coolant, such as self-cooled, dual-coolant and helium-cooled lead–lithium blanket concepts. The primary goal of MHD experiments at UCLA using the liquid metal flow facility called MaPLE (Magnetohydrodynamic PbLi Experiment) is to address important MHD effects, heat transfer and flow materials interactions in blanket-relevant conditions. The paper overviews the one-of-a-kind MaPLE loop at UCLA and presents recent experimental activities, including the development and testing of high-temperature PbLi flow diagnostics and experiments that have been performed since the first loop operation in 2011. We also discuss MaPLE upgrades, which need to be done to substantially expand the experimental capabilities towards a new class of MHD flow phenomena that includes buoyancy effects.

  6. Aladağlar’da [Orta Toroslar (Yahyalı-Kayseri)] iki fosil mağara: Zindan-ı Köşk–1 ve Zindan-ı Köşk-2 mağaraları


    Kopar, İbrahim


    Zindan-ı Köşk-1 ve Zindan-ı Köşk-2 Mağaraları, jeomorfolojik olarak Toros Dağları’nın Orta Toros Bölümü’nün doğusundaki Aladağlarda (en yüksek tepesi 3756 m) yer almaktadır. İdari bakımdan ise Kayseri İlinin Yahyalı ilçesi sınırlarında yer alan mağaralar, naplı yapıya sahip Permiyen kalkerler içinde gelişmiştir. Zindan Deresi’nin 500 metreden fazla yardığı adinin güney yamacında 2095 m ve 2115 metrede giriş ağızları olan mağaralardan üstteki Zindan-ı Köşk-1 Mağarası dikey gelişmiş bir mağara ...

  7. Changing the Safety and Mission Assurance (S and MA) Paradigm (United States)

    Malone, Roy W.; Safie, Fayssal M.


    This slide presentation reviews the change in the work and impact of the Safety and Mission Assurance directorate at Marshall Space Flight Center. It reviews the background and the reasons given for a strong Safety & Mission Assurance presence in all planning for space flight. This was pointed out by the Rogers Commission Report after the Space Challenger accident, by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) and by a 2006 NASA Exploration Safety Study (NESS) Team. The overall objective of the work in this area was to improve and maintain S&MA expertise and skills. Training for this work was improved and the S&MA organization was reorganized. This has resulted in a paradigm shift for NASA's safety efforts, which is described. The presentation then reviews the impact of the new S&MA work in the Ares I design and development.

  8. Periodic modulations controlling Kuznetsov–Ma soliton formation in nonlinear Schrödinger equations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tiofack, C.G.L., E-mail: [Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8523 – PhLAM – Physique des Lasers Atomes et Molécules, F-59000 Lille (France); Coulibaly, S.; Taki, M. [Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8523 – PhLAM – Physique des Lasers Atomes et Molécules, F-59000 Lille (France); De Bièvre, S.; Dujardin, G. [Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8524 – Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, F-59000 Lille (France); Équipe-Projet Mephysto, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe (France)


    We analyze the exact Kuznetsov–Ma soliton solution of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the presence of periodic modulations satisfying an integrability condition. We show that, in contrast to the case without modulation, the Kuznetsov–Ma soliton develops multiple compression points whose number, shape and position are controlled both by the intensity of the modulation and by its frequency. In addition, when this modulation frequency is a rational multiple of the natural frequency of the Kuznetsov–Ma soliton, a scenario similar to a nonlinear resonance is obtained: in this case the spatial oscillations of the Kuznetsov–Ma soliton's intensity are periodic. When the ratio of the two frequencies is irrational, the soliton's intensity is a quasiperiodic function. A striking and important result of our analysis is the possibility to suppress any component of the output spectrum of the Kuznetsov–Ma soliton by a judicious choice of the amplitude and frequency of the modulation. - Highlights: • Exact Kuznetsov–Ma soliton solution in presence of periodic coefficients is obtained. • The multiple compression points of the solution are studied. • The quasi-periodicity of the solution is discussed. • The possibility to suppress any component of the spectrum is analyzed.

  9. ImpersoNations: cinéma national, imaginaires historiques et nouveau cinéma européen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elsaesser, T.


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une

  10. Correlating The Star Formation Histories Of MaNGA Galaxies With Their Past AGN Activity (United States)

    Gonzalez Ortiz, Andrea


    We investigate active galactic nuclei (AGN) as a primary mechanism affecting star formation in MaNGA galaxies. Using the Pipe3D code, we modeled the stellar population from MaNGA spectra and derived the star formation histories of 53 AGN host galaxies. We seek to compare the star formation histories of the host galaxies of AGN with the ages of their radio lobes to better understand the role of AGN feedback in the star formation histories of MaNGA galaxies. MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO) is one of the three core programs in the fourth generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS). MaNGA will investigate the internal kinematics of nearly 10,000 local galaxies through dithered observations using fiber integral field units (IFUs) that vary in diameter from 12" (19 fibers) to 32" (127 fibers). In this poster, we present initial results on the star formation histories of MaNGA AGN host galaxies. This work was supported by the SDSS Research Experience for Undergraduates program, which is funded by a grant from Sloan Foundation to the Astrophysical Research Consortium.

  11. Ma Ying-jeou’s Presidential Discourse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonathan Sullivan


    Full Text Available Despite the substantial advances made in cross-Strait relations during Ma Ying-jeou’s (Ma Yingjiu first term, the ROC president’s rhetoric varied considerably as he grappled with the difficult reality of implementing campaign and inauguration pledges to establish better relations with China while striving to maintain national respect and sovereignty. In this article, we put forward a framework for measuring, analysing and explaining this variation in President Ma’s first-term discourse. Analysing a very large number of Ma’s speeches, addresses, etc., we provide empirical assessments of how the content of Ma’s public pronouncements has developed over time, how his rhetoric varies according to the strategic context and timing of a speech, and how his discourse compares to that of his predecessor, Chen Shui-bian (Chen Shuibian. In addressing these questions, the article contributes a quantitative perspective to existing work on political discourse in Taiwan and to the growing methodological and applied literature on how to systematically analyse Chinese political text.

  12. Malzeme Taşıma Odaklı Planlama için Üretim Sistemlerindeki Tezgah Yerleşim Düzenlerinin Benzetim Analizi ile Karşılaştırılması

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehmet AKSARAYLI


    Full Text Available Günümüzde işletmeler üretim maliyetlerini azaltmak ve verimliliklerinin artırmak için uygun tesis planları yapmak zorundadırlar. Çalışma, üretim sistemlerindeki tesis içi yerleşim problemlerinin çözümüne ulaşmakta kullanılan temel tezgâh yerleşim şekilleri ve ürüne göre yerleşim için önerilen yeni bir yaklaşımı birbirleriyle karşılaştıran bir çalışmadır. Çalışmada özellikle tezgâhlar arasındaki malzeme taşıma süreleri ve bu sürelerin toplam üretim süresi içerisindeki oranları ile ilgilenilmiştir. Buna ek olarak, incelenen tüm tezgâh yerleşim şekillerine göre benzetim modelleri sonucunda elde edilen tezgâhların kullanım yüzdeleri ve ürünlerin üretim miktarları da bu çalışma kapsamında aktarılmıştır. Çalışmada ilk olarak tesis planlamasında kullanılan temel yerleşim şekilleri için bir üretim sistemi tanımlanmıştır. Daha sonra tanımlanan üretim sistemi, her bir yerleşim şekli için tezgâh yerleşimi yapılmıştır. Ardından ürüne göre yerleşim şekli için önerilen yaklaşım aktarılarak üretim sistemi için tezgâh yerleşimi yapılmıştır. Daha sonra tezgâh yerleşim şekilleri "PROMODEL" benzetim yazılımı ortamına aktarılmıştır. Son olarak yapılan analizler ile farklı tezgâh yerleşim şekillerinin malzeme taşıma süreleri ve toplam üretim süresi içerisindeki oranları karşılaştırılmış ve analizlerden elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanarak aktarılmıştır.

  13. SCHeMA web-based observation data information system (United States)

    Novellino, Antonio; Benedetti, Giacomo; D'Angelo, Paolo; Confalonieri, Fabio; Massa, Francesco; Povero, Paolo; Tercier-Waeber, Marie-Louise


    It is well recognized that the need of sharing ocean data among non-specialized users is constantly increasing. Initiatives that are built upon international standards will contribute to simplify data processing and dissemination, improve user-accessibility also through web browsers, facilitate the sharing of information across the integrated network of ocean observing systems; and ultimately provide a better understanding of the ocean functioning. The SCHeMA (Integrated in Situ Chemical MApping probe) Project is developing an open and modular sensing solution for autonomous in situ high resolution mapping of a wide range of anthropogenic and natural chemical compounds coupled to master bio-physicochemical parameters ( The SCHeMA web system is designed to ensure user-friendly data discovery, access and download as well as interoperability with other projects through a dedicated interface that implements the Global Earth Observation System of Systems - Common Infrastructure (GCI) recommendations and the international Open Geospatial Consortium - Sensor Web Enablement (OGC-SWE) standards. This approach will insure data accessibility in compliance with major European Directives and recommendations. Being modular, the system allows the plug-and-play of commercially available probes as well as new sensor probess under development within the project. The access to the network of monitoring probes is provided via a web-based system interface that, being implemented as a SOS (Sensor Observation Service), is providing standard interoperability and access tosensor observations systems through O&M standard - as well as sensor descriptions - encoded in Sensor Model Language (SensorML). The use of common vocabularies in all metadatabases and data formats, to describe data in an already harmonized and common standard is a prerequisite towards consistency and interoperability. Therefore, the SCHeMA SOS has adopted the SeaVox common vocabularies populated by

  14. MaMiCo: Software design for parallel molecular-continuum flow simulations

    KAUST Repository

    Neumann, Philipp


    The macro-micro-coupling tool (MaMiCo) was developed to ease the development of and modularize molecular-continuum simulations, retaining sequential and parallel performance. We demonstrate the functionality and performance of MaMiCo by coupling the spatially adaptive Lattice Boltzmann framework waLBerla with four molecular dynamics (MD) codes: the light-weight Lennard-Jones-based implementation SimpleMD, the node-level optimized software ls1 mardyn, and the community codes ESPResSo and LAMMPS. We detail interface implementations to connect each solver with MaMiCo. The coupling for each waLBerla-MD setup is validated in three-dimensional channel flow simulations which are solved by means of a state-based coupling method. We provide sequential and strong scaling measurements for the four molecular-continuum simulations. The overhead of MaMiCo is found to come at 10%-20% of the total (MD) runtime. The measurements further show that scalability of the hybrid simulations is reached on up to 500 Intel SandyBridge, and more than 1000 AMD Bulldozer compute cores. Program summary: Program title: MaMiCo. Catalogue identifier: AEYW_v1_0. Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen\\'s University, Belfast, N. Ireland. Licensing provisions: BSD License. No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 67905. No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1757334. Distribution format: tar.gz. Programming language: C, C++II. Computer: Standard PCs, compute clusters. Operating system: Unix/Linux. RAM: Test cases consume ca. 30-50 MB. Classification: 7.7. External routines: Scons (, ESPResSo, LAMMPS, ls1 mardyn, waLBerla. Nature of problem: Coupled molecular-continuum simulation for multi-resolution fluid dynamics: parts of the domain are resolved by molecular dynamics whereas large parts are covered by a CFD solver, e.g. a lattice Boltzmann automaton

  15. Piet Mondrian’s Broadway Boogie Woogie : non invasive analysis using macro X-ray fluorescence mapping (MA-XRF) and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least square (MCR-ALS)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martins, A; Albertson, C.; McGlinchey, C.; Dik, J.


    Piet Mondrian’s Broadway Boogie Woogie (1942–1943) was examined using Macro X-Ray Fluorescence mapping (MA-XRF) to help characterize the artist’s materials and understand his creative process as well as the current condition issues of the painting. The presence and distribution of key chemical

  16. The Mesoscale Science of the Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes (MaRIE) project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kippen, Karen Elizabeth [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Montoya, Donald Raymond [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) requires the ability to understand and test how material structures, defects, and interfaces determine performance in extreme environments such as in nuclear weapons. To do this, MaRIE will be an x-ray source that is laser-like and brilliant with very fl exible and fast pulses to see at weapons-relevant time scales, and with high enough energy to study critical materials. The Department of Energy (DOE) has determined there is a mission need for MaRIE to deliver this capability. MaRIE can use some of the existing infrastructure of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) and its accelerator capability. MaRIE will be built as a strategic partnership of DOE national laboratories and university collaborators.

  17. Tra utopia e rivoluzione: le visioni di Diego Rivera al Rockefeller Center di New York

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amalda Cuka


    Full Text Available I murales eseguiti da Diego Rivera (1886–1957 al Rockefeller Center di New York nel 1933 sono fra le più note opere d’arte scomparse. Ad aver reso celebre il dipinto non è stato il successo di pubblico, data la rimozione del lavoro ancora in corso d’opera, ma il ricchissimo dibattito alimentato dalla stampa intorno alla concezione dell’immagine, considerata negli Stati Uniti totalmente rivoluzionaria per la particolare tecnica dell’affresco utilizzata da Rivera, per i riferimenti all’arte precolombiana e per le idee politiche esposte. Un’occasione di riflessione è offerta in questa sede dall’attenzione che uno dei principali organi di stampa americani, il New York Times, ha dedicato all’argomento: dalla lettura dei numerosi interventi emerge, da una parte, la capacità di Rivera di entrare in comunicazione con un vasto pubblico, e dall’altra il ruolo avuto dalla stampa nella diffusione - quasi involontaria - del suo messaggio. Rivera è riuscito a raggiungere in tal modo, almeno parzialmente, il suo scopo: l’opera non è stata accessibile al grande pubblico, ma la conoscenza dei principi che voleva celebrare si è diffusa in maniera ancor più capillare.

  18. MA-core loaded untuned RF compression cavity for HIRFL-CSR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mei Lirong; Xu Zhe; Yuan Youjin; Jin Peng; Bian Zhibin; Zhao Hongwei; Xia Jiawen


    To meet the requirements of high energy density physics and plasma physics research at HIRFL-CSR the goal of achieving a higher accelerating gap voltage was proposed. Therefore, a magnetic alloy (MA)-core loaded radio frequency (RF) cavity that can provide a higher accelerating gap voltage compared to standard ferrite loaded cavities has been studied at IMP. In order to select the proper magnetic alloy material to load the RF compression cavity, measurements of four different kinds of sample MA-cores have been carried out. By testing the small cores, the core composition was selected to obtain the desired performance. According to the theoretical calculation and simulation, which show reasonable consistency for the MA-core loaded cavity, the desired performance can be achieved. Finally about 1000 kW power will be needed to meet the requirements of 50 kV accelerating gap voltage by calculation.

  19. Kuznetsov-Ma waves train generation in a left-handed material (United States)

    Atangana, Jacques; Giscard Onana Essama, Bedel; Biya-Motto, Frederick; Mokhtari, Bouchra; Cherkaoui Eddeqaqi, Noureddine; Crépin Kofane, Timoléon


    We analyze the behavior of an electromagnetic wave which propagates in a left-handed material. Second-order dispersion and cubic-quintic nonlinearities are considered. This behavior of an electromagnetic wave is modeled by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation which is solved by collective coordinates theory in order to characterize the light pulse intensity profile. More so, a specific frequency range has been outlined where electromagnetic wave behavior will be investigated. The perfect combination of second-order dispersion and cubic nonlinearity leads to a robust soliton. When the quintic nonlinearity comes into play, it provokes strong and long internal perturbations which lead to Benjamin-Feir instability. This phenomenon, also called modulational instability, induces appearance of a Kuznetsov-Ma waves train. We numerically verify the validity of Kuznetsov-Ma theory by presenting physical conditions which lead to Kuznetsov-Ma waves train generation. Thereafter, some properties of such waves train are also verified.

  20. DMS-MaPseq for genome-wide or targeted RNA structure probing in vivo. (United States)

    Zubradt, Meghan; Gupta, Paromita; Persad, Sitara; Lambowitz, Alan M; Weissman, Jonathan S; Rouskin, Silvi


    Coupling of structure-specific in vivo chemical modification to next-generation sequencing is transforming RNA secondary structure studies in living cells. The dominant strategy for detecting in vivo chemical modifications uses reverse transcriptase truncation products, which introduce biases and necessitate population-average assessments of RNA structure. Here we present dimethyl sulfate (DMS) mutational profiling with sequencing (DMS-MaPseq), which encodes DMS modifications as mismatches using a thermostable group II intron reverse transcriptase. DMS-MaPseq yields a high signal-to-noise ratio, can report multiple structural features per molecule, and allows both genome-wide studies and focused in vivo investigations of even low-abundance RNAs. We apply DMS-MaPseq for the first analysis of RNA structure within an animal tissue and to identify a functional structure involved in noncanonical translation initiation. Additionally, we use DMS-MaPseq to compare the in vivo structure of pre-mRNAs with their mature isoforms. These applications illustrate DMS-MaPseq's capacity to dramatically expand in vivo analysis of RNA structure.

  1. Faculty of Law: MaRBLe for Lawyers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akkermans, Bram; Bastiaens, Ellen; van Tilburg, Jonathan; van Merriënboer, Jeroen

    The Maastricht University Research Based Learning (MaRBLe) project offered a unique but challenging opportunity to the law faculty. Working with undergraduate (or bachelor) students on research was already part of regular, i.e. curricular, teaching activities, but the number of students and

  2. The formation of quasicrystal phase in Al-Cu-Fe system by mechanical alloying

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dilermando Nagle Travessa


    Full Text Available In order to obtain quasicrystalline (QC phase by mechanical alloying (MA in the Al-Cu-Fe system, mixtures of elementary Al, Cu and Fe in the proportion of 65-20-15 (at. % were produced by high energy ball milling (HEBM. A very high energy type mill (spex and short milling times (up to 5 hours were employed. The resulting powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. QC phase was not directly formed by milling under the conditions employed in this work. However, phase transformations identified by DSC analysis reveals that annealing after HEBM possibly results in the formation of the ψ QC phase.

  3. European Master's program in Gerontology (EuMaG): Goals, curriculum, and students

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aartsen, M.J.


    The European Master's Program in Gerontology (EuMaG) started in September 2003 with support from the European Commission. The EuMaG is a modular, 2-year, part-time international training program about the aging process and its societal implications. The multidisciplinary curriculum comprises four

  4. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Rapid Land Cover Change (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Rapid Land Cover Change provides data and information on global and regional land cover change in raster format for...

  5. High performance GaN-based LEDs on patterned sapphire substrate with patterned composite SiO2/Al2O3 passivation layers and TiO2/Al2O3 DBR backside reflector. (United States)

    Guo, Hao; Zhang, Xiong; Chen, Hongjun; Zhang, Peiyuan; Liu, Honggang; Chang, Hudong; Zhao, Wei; Liao, Qinghua; Cui, Yiping


    GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on patterned sapphire substrate (PSS) with patterned composite SiO(2)/Al(2)O(3) passivation layers and TiO(2)/Al(2)O(3) distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) backside reflector have been proposed and fabricated. Highly passivated Al(2)O(3) layer deposited on indium tin oxide (ITO) layer with excellent uniformity and quality has been achieved with atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology. With a 60 mA current injection, an enhancement of 21.6%, 59.7%, and 63.4% in the light output power (LOP) at 460 nm wavelength was realized for the LED with the patterned composite SiO(2)/Al(2)O(3) passivation layers, the LED with the patterned composite SiO(2)/Al(2)O(3) passivation layers and Ag mirror + 3-pair TiO(2)/SiO(2) DBR backside reflector, and the LED with the patterned composite SiO(2)/Al(2)O(3) passivation layer and Ag mirror + 3-pair ALD-grown TiO(2)/Al(2)O(3) DBR backside reflector as compared with the conventional LED only with a single SiO(2) passivation layer, respectively.

  6. Agrobacterium-mediated transient MaFT expression in mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves. (United States)

    Wu, Su-Li; Yang, Xiao-Bing; Liu, Li-Qun; Jiang, Tao; Wu, Hai; Su, Chao; Qian, Yong-Hua; Jiao, Feng


    To optimize Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation assay in mulberry (Morus alba L.), various infiltration methods, Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens) strains, and bacterial concentrations were tested in mulberry seedlings. Compared with LBA4404, GV3101 harboring pBE2133 plasmids presented stronger GUS signals at 3 days post infiltration using syringe. Recombinant plasmids pBE2133:GFP and pBE2133:GFP:MaFT were successfully constructed. Transient expression of MaFT:GFP protein was found in leaves, petiole (cross section), and shoot apical meristem (SAM) of mulberry according to the GFP signal. Moreover, MaFT:GFP mRNA was also detected in leaves and SAM via RT-PCR and qRT-PCR. An efficient transient transformation system could be achieved in mulberry seedlings by syringe using A. tumefaciens GV3101 at the OD600 of 0.5. The movement of MaFT expression from leaves to SAM might trigger the precocious flowering of mulberry.

  7. Pu Denaturing by Transmutation of MA in FBR Multi-cycle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meiliza, Yoshitalia; Saito, Masaki; Sagara, Hiroshi [Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-N1-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 1528550 (Japan)


    Pu accumulation and its recycling is important in the term of energy resources, however one of the most sensitive issues is non-proliferation in the future fuel cycle based on fast breeder reactor (FBR). The present paper utilizes Protected Pu Production (P{sup 3}) concept for the production of {sup 238}Pu and {sup 242}Pu by Minor Actinides (MA) transmutation to enhance the proliferation resistance of Pu in the fuel. Increase in the {sup 238}Pu and {sup 242}Pu isotopic fraction creates a high rate of internal heat generation by alpha decay (DH) and/or a high neutron source of spontaneous fission (SFN) in Pu that would be encountered during manufacturing and maintaining of nuclear explosive device. The feasibility of denaturing of Pu by MA transmutation in medium size FBR has been studied from the viewpoint of even-mass number Pu accumulation during multi-cycle of Pu and MA. The proliferation resistance property of Pu is also evaluated based on the specific decay heat and spontaneous fission neutron, compared with the reference criteria. In present paper, the P{sup 3} technology based on multi-recycled Pu and MA is compared with the conventional technology based on multi-recycled Pu only. The detail of mass balance behavior is, however, beyond the scope of the present paper. (authors)

  8. RuleMaDrone: A Web-Interface to Visualise Space Usage Rules for Drones


    Trippaers, Aäron


    RuleMaDrone, an application developed within this thesis, is presented as a solution to communicate the rules and regulations to drone operators. To provide the solution a framework for drone safety was designed which consists of the rules and regulations, the drone properties and the environmental factors. RuleMaDrone is developed with this framework and thus will provide drone operators with an application which they can use to find a safe and legal fly zone. RuleMaDrone u...

  9. Identification of AR(I)MA processes for modelling temporal correlations of GPS observations (United States)

    Luo, X.; Mayer, M.; Heck, B.


    In many geodetic applications observations of the Global Positioning System (GPS) are routinely processed by means of the least-squares method. However, this algorithm delivers reliable estimates of unknown parameters und realistic accuracy measures only if both the functional and stochastic models are appropriately defined within GPS data processing. One deficiency of the stochastic model used in many GPS software products consists in neglecting temporal correlations of GPS observations. In practice the knowledge of the temporal stochastic behaviour of GPS observations can be improved by analysing time series of residuals resulting from the least-squares evaluation. This paper presents an approach based on the theory of autoregressive (integrated) moving average (AR(I)MA) processes to model temporal correlations of GPS observations using time series of observation residuals. A practicable integration of AR(I)MA models in GPS data processing requires the determination of the order parameters of AR(I)MA processes at first. In case of GPS, the identification of AR(I)MA processes could be affected by various factors impacting GPS positioning results, e.g. baseline length, multipath effects, observation weighting, or weather variations. The influences of these factors on AR(I)MA identification are empirically analysed based on a large amount of representative residual time series resulting from differential GPS post-processing using 1-Hz observation data collected within the permanent SAPOS® (Satellite Positioning Service of the German State Survey) network. Both short and long time series are modelled by means of AR(I)MA processes. The final order parameters are determined based on the whole residual database; the corresponding empirical distribution functions illustrate that multipath and weather variations seem to affect the identification of AR(I)MA processes much more significantly than baseline length and observation weighting. Additionally, the modelling

  10. Rendimiento y calidad de forraje de kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L. en tres edades en comparación con maíz y sorgo x Sudán nervadura café

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Guadalupe Reta Sánchez


    valores de fibra detergente ácido (FDA y fibra detergente neutro (FDN fueron similares o mayores que maíz y sorgo en edades posteriores los 66 días después de la siembra (dds. La calidad de forraje en kenaf se redujo (P<0.05 con la edad al disminuir la asignación de MS a las hojas, manteniendo una calidad aceptable al inicio de floración (66 a 74 dds con contenidos de PC de 13.5 a 15.8 %, FDA de 35 a 47.5 % y FDN de 42.1 a 59.5 %.

  11. 77 FR 29251 - Safety Zone; Carnival Fireworks Display, Nantasket Beach, Hull, MA (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Carnival Fireworks Display, Nantasket Beach, Hull, MA AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS... zone on the navigable waters off of Nantasket Beach in the vicinity of Hull, MA for a Carnival... spectators and vessels from the hazards associated with fireworks displays. Discussion of Proposed Rule Hull...

  12. Rock et cinéma : quelques éléments sur une relation durable


    Ribac, François


    Générique d’ouverture Le numéro de Volume ! que vous allez lire est consacré aux relations entre le rock et le cinéma. Il est publié au moment où s’ouvre la deuxième édition du Festival Paris-Cinéma. Celui-ci comprend un cycle « rock et cinéma » présenté au cinéma l’Entrepôt, à Paris, du 30 juin au 13 juillet 2004. Si l’on cherche à établir des relations entre les mondes du rock et ceux du cinéma, en voici une première illustration, puisque ce numéro est en effet coproduit par un festival de ...

  13. Growth of high quality GaN epilayer on AlInN/GaN/AlInN/GaN multilayer buffer and its device characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Suk-Hun; Lee, Hyun-Hwi; Jung, Jong-Jae; Moon, Young-Bu; Kim, Tae Hoon; Baek, Jong Hyeob; Yu, Young Moon


    The role of AlInN 1st /GaN/AlInN 2nd /GaN multi-layer buffer (MLB) on the growth of the high quality GaN epilayers was demonstrated by atomic force microscope (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence, and Hall measurement. The surface morphology and crystalline quality of GaN epilayers were considerably dependent on AlInN layers thicknesses rather than those of GaN inter layers. With optimal thickness of 2 nd AlInN layer, the pit density of GaN epilayers was substantially reduced. Also, the RMS roughness of the well ordered terraces generated on the GaN surface was 1.8 A at 5 x 5 μm 2 . The omega-rocking width of GaN(0002) Bragg peak and Hall mobility of GaN epilayers grown on AlInN 1st /GaN/AlInN 2nd /GaN MLB were 190 arcsec and 500 cm 2 /Vs, while those values of GaN epilayers on single GaN buffer layer were 250 arcsec and 250 cm 2 /Vs, respectively. Especially, the light output power and operating voltage of the fabricated light emitting diodes with this new buffer layer was about 5 mW and 3.1 V (dominant luminous wavelength ∝460 nm) at 20 mA, respectively. (copyright 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  14. Reformas de pensiones y determinantes de la afiliación al seguro social de largo plazo en Bolivia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Evia Vizcarra


    Full Text Available En 1996 el sistema de reparto estaba quebrado. La refor ma de pensiones deese año cambió el sistema de manera importante. En el presente trabajo seana li za las ra zo nes por las cua les el an ti guo sis te ma es ta ba en quie bra a me -dia dos de los años no ven ta; así como las ca rac te rís ti cas del nue vo sis te ma depensiones, los incentivos que incluye para aumentar la cobertura del Siste -ma de Seguridad Social Obligatorio (SSO y los ries gos a los que está ex pues -to, con particular hincapié en el de insolvencia fiscal.La cobertura del seguro social obligatorio de largo plazo ha sido reduciday si bien el nuevo sistema aumenta dicha cobertura, ésta ha permanecido enun por cen ta je muy bajo de ocu pa dos. Se es ti ma una fun ción probit pa raidentificar los determinantes de la probabilidad de estar asegurado antes ydes pués de la re for ma, en la que se en con tró que al gu nas va ria bles co mo lasho ras tra ba ja das por día, la an ti güe dad en el em pleo y el gé ne ro de la per so -na dejan de ser relevantes para determinar la probabilidad de estar asegu -ra do des pués de la in tro duc ción de la re for ma.

  15. La fonction de la salle dans les entreprises de promotion de médiation au cinéma : mise en perspective des enjeux du numérique au regard de l’éducation au cinéma


    Boutin, Perrine


    Si la plupart des dispositifs d’éducation au cinéma en France – comme Ecole et cinéma - considèrent encore la salle de cinéma comme un passage obligatoire, les outils numériques actuels permettent de considérer une autre pratique de la découverte du cinéma.Cette nouvelle considération est décriée par beaucoup de militants de l’éducation au cinéma, qui défendent la salle comme le « lieu naturel du cinéma ». L’article traite la question de savoir si les nouveaux outils numériques engendrent des...

  16. Improved performance of UV-LED by p-AlGaN with graded composition

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Jianchang


    AlGaN-based ultraviolet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) on AlN/sapphire template were grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition. The AlN template was characterized by atomic force microscopy and high resolution X-ray diffraction. Atomic force microscopy image shows that the AlN surface is very flat, while high resolution X-ray diffraction results prove the good crystalline quality of the AlN template. A novel structure UV-LED which has several p-AlGaN layers with graded composition is compared with a common structure UV-LED which has a single p-Al0.5Ga0.5N layer. The forward bias voltage at 20 mA driving current for the novel structure UV-LED is nearly 3 V higher than that of the common structure UV-LED, however, the electroluminescence intensity of the former is over two times higher than that of the latter. The total quantum efficiency of the novel structure UV-LED is more than 50% higher than that of the common structure UV-LED. The improvement is considered to be the result of better holes injection efficiency in the novel structure UV-LED. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Hypersomnia as presenting symptom of anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis: case study. (United States)

    Rojas-Marcos, Iñigo; Graus, Francesc; Sanz, Gema; Robledo, Arturo; Diaz-Espejo, Carlos


    We describe a patient who presented with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and was eventually diagnosed with anti-Ma2 encephalitis. Neurological examination disclosed somnolence, left palpebral ptosis, and vertical gaze paresis. A brain MRI showed high signal intensity in the hypothalamus and each hippocampus. Ma2 antibodies were found in the patient's serum, and fiberbronchoscopy disclosed a lung carcinoma. After three months of steroid treatment, the results of the patient's neurological exam became normal. We conclude that anti-Ma2 encephalitis may present with mostly isolated EDS and that it may respond to steroids despite old age and the presence of an untreated lung cancer.

  18. Ma'atic Beauty: Ethics and Aesthetics of the Ancient Egyptians in Ayi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Ma'at cannot be disconnected from debates over narratives of anti-colonial and postcolonial conflicts. Indeed, Armah reveals that far from being marooned into a state of archaic, timeless and unchanging tradition, Ma'at has the potential to shape and enhance a sound and inspiring ethical code for nowadays Africans.

  19. Development and tests of fast 1-MA linear transformer driver stages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. A. Kim


    Full Text Available In this article we present the design and test results of the most powerful, fast linear transformer driver (LTD stage developed to date. This 1-MA LTD stage consists of 40 parallel RLC (resistor R, inductor L, and capacitor C circuits called “bricks” that are triggered simultaneously; it is able to deliver ∼1  MA current pulse with a rise time of ∼100  ns into the ∼0.1-Ohm matched load. The electrical behavior of the stage can be predicted by using a simple RLC circuit, thus simplifying the designing of various LTD-based accelerators. Five 1-MA LTD stages assembled in series into a module have been successfully tested with both resistive and vacuum electron-beam diode loads.

  20. Sr isotope geochemistry of voluminous acidic pyroclastics erupted at 1-3 Ma in Northeast Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shirahase, Teruo; Tamanyu, Shiro; Togashi, Shigeko


    Sr isotope ratios are analyzed for voluminous acidic pyroclastics erupted at 1 - 3 Ma in five areas on the volcanic front of Northeast Japan. The initial values of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios range from 0.7040 to 0.7055. There is no significant difference in ratios between 1 - 3 Ma acidic pyroclastics and 0 - 1 Ma andesitic volcanics in each area in spite of differences in age and in mean SiO 2 content. On the other hand, the ratios in both of 1 - 3 Ma and 0 - 1 Ma volcanics vary along arc in the same manner. The changes of Sr and Rb contents in each area are consistent with systematic changes by fractional crystallization. The low 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios and chemistry suggest that 1 - 3 Ma acidic pyroclastics of Northeast Japan formed by a high degree of fractional crystallization from basic magma which is common in genesis with young andesitic volcanism. The mechanisms of the formation of the basic magma and the character of mantle source in each area have not changed for the past 3 Ma. Degrees of fractional crystallization changed with changes of the tectonic condition of shallow magma chamber from a weak horizontal compression stress field to a strong one. (author)

  1. M&A Performance and Economic Impact: Integration and Critical Assessment of Methodological Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karolis Andriuskevicius


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: Existing methodologies employed within the M&A performance framework are investigated and critically discuss. Methodology/methods: The research has been carried out as a structured assessment of past literature. The findings from scientific articles and studies by various scholars have been categorized, grouped and summarized to discern a meta-analytic view of the work carried out to date. Scientific aim: The conducted research seeks to ascertain and evaluate theoretically existing methodologies used in empirical studies that would allow proper and critical understanding of the results of various findings in the holistic and global M&As area. Findings: The research elaborates on several key developments in M&A methodology and performance studies carried out in empirical works during the last two decades. The findings help to independently and objectively assess performance of M&A from a holistic perspective. Conclusions: Each methodology measuring either M&A performance on a corporate level or effects of M&A on the economy level shall be interpreted and relied on with caution as each of them dispose their limitations whereas application of these methodologies is subject to data availability and case specific.

  2. MaNIDA: an operational infrastructure for shipborne data (United States)

    Macario, Ana; Scientific MaNIDA Team


    The Marine Network for Integrated Data Access (MaNIDA) aims to build a sustainable e-Infrastruture to support discovery and re-use of data archived in a distributed network of data providers in Germany (see related abstracts in session ESSI1.2 and session ESSI2.2). Because one of the primary focus of MaNIDA is the underway data acquired on board of German academic research vessels, we will be addressing various issues related to cruise-level metadata, shiptrack navigation, sampling events conducted during the cruise (event logs), standardization of device-related (type, name, parameters) and place-related (gazetteer) vocabularies, QA/QC procedures (near real time and post-cruise validation, corrections, quality flags) as well as ingestion and management of contextual information (e.g. various types of cruise-related reports and project-related information). One of MaNIDA's long-term goal is to be able to offer an integrative "one-stop-shop" framework for management and access of ship-related information based on international standards and interoperability. This access framework will be freely available and is intended for scientists, funding agencies and the public. The master "catalog" we are building currently contains information from 13 German academic research vessels and respective cruises (to date ~1900 cruises with expected growing rate of ~150 cruises annually). Moreover, MaNIDA's operational infrastructure will additionally provide a direct pipeline to SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report Inventory, among others. In this presentation, we will focus on the extensions we are currently implementing to support automated acquisition and standardized transfer of various types of data from German research vessels to hosts on land. Our concept towards nationwide common QA/QC procedures for various types of underway data (including versioning concept) and common workflows will also be presented. The "linking" of cruise-related information with quality-controlled data

  3. “Paylaşma Tutum Ölçeği” Geçerlilik Çalışması ve Bazı Değişkenlerle İlişkisi / “Sharing Attitude” Scale Validation and the Relationship with Some Variables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmet Canan Karakaş


    ğer olarak “paylaşma” ise empati, diğergamlık, vicdan, merhamet gibi farklı görünümlerde tezahür eder. Bu araştırma hem dini ve hem de insani bir değer olarak “paylaşma”nın bireyin ruh dünyasına etkilerini belirlemek için geliştirilen “Paylaşma Tutum Ölçeği” ile ilgili bazı analizleri ihtiva etmektedir. Araştırmada paylaşma tutumunun seçilen bazı değişkenlerle ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Ölçek, genel örneklem hedeflenerek geliştirilmiştir ve ilk defa uygulanmıştır. Araştırma evreni Karabük ili olup örneklem seçiminde alan örneklemesi kullanılmıştır. Evreni %95 güvenilirlik düzeyi ve %5 hata payı ile temsil edebilecek bir örneklem sayısı hedeflenmiş ve 401 örnekleme ulaşılmıştır. Veriler, SPSS programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Ölçek, Kurumsal Paylaşma, Bireysel Paylaşma ve Sosyal Paylaşma alt boyutlarını içermektedir. Araştırmada elde edilen değerler Kaiser Meyer Olkin = 0.800, Bartlett's Test of Sphericity=885,529, df= 91, p=0.000 şeklindedir. Cronbach’s Alfa değeri ise 0,76 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Alt boyutların Cronbach’s Alfa değerleri Kurumsal al boyut için α=736, Bireysel Paylaşma alt boyutu için α=496, Sosyal Paylaşma alt boyutunun ise α=,644 şeklinde hesaplanmıştır.

  4. High temperature oxidation-sulfidation behavior of Cr-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Nb-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composites densified by spark plasma sintering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saucedo-Acuna, R.A. [Instituto e Ingenieria y Tecnologia, Universidad Autonoma de Cd. Juarez, Av. Del Charro 450 Norte, Col. Partido Romero, C.P. 32310, Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico); Monreal-Romero, H.; Martinez-Villafane, A. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Miguel de Cervantes 120, Complejo Industrial Chihuahua, C.P. 31109, Chihuahua (Mexico); Chacon-Nava, J.G. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Miguel de Cervantes 120, Complejo Industrial Chihuahua, C.P. 31109, Chihuahua (Mexico)], E-mail:; Arce-Colunga, U. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Miguel de Cervantes 120, Complejo Industrial Chihuahua, C.P. 31109, Chihuahua (Mexico); Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Matamoros 8 y 9 Col. Centro C.P. 87110, Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas (Mexico); Gaona-Tiburcio, C. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Miguel de Cervantes 120, Complejo Industrial Chihuahua, C.P. 31109, Chihuahua (Mexico); De la Torre, S.D. [Centro de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica (CIITEC)-IPN, D.F. Mexico (Mexico)


    The high temperature oxidation-sulfidation behavior of Cr-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Nb-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composites prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) has been studied. These composite powders have a particular metal-ceramic interpenetrating network and excellent mechanical properties. Oxidation-sulfidation tests were carried out at 900 deg. C, in a 2.5%SO{sub 2} + 3.6%O{sub 2} + N{sub 2}(balance) atmosphere for 48 h. The results revealed the influence of the sintering conditions on the specimens corrosion resistance, i.e. the Cr-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Nb-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite sintered at 1310 deg. C/4 min showed better corrosion resistance (lower weight gains) compared with those found for the 1440 deg. C/5 min conditions. For the former composite, a protective Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} layer immediately forms upon heating, whereas for the later pest disintegration was noted. Thus, under the same sintering conditions the Nb-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composites showed the highest weight gains. The oxidation products were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bundy, Kevin [Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU, WPI), Todai Institutes for Advanced Study, the University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8583 (Japan); Bershady, Matthew A.; Wake, David A.; Tremonti, Christy; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M. [Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 475 North Charter Street, Madison, WI 53706 (United States); Law, David R.; Cherinka, Brian [Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto, 50 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H4 (Canada); Yan, Renbin; Sánchez-Gallego, José R. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, 505 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40506-0055 (United States); Drory, Niv [McDonald Observatory, Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, Austin, TX 78712-0259 (United States); MacDonald, Nicholas [Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (United States); Weijmans, Anne-Marie [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews KY16 9SS (United Kingdom); Thomas, Daniel; Masters, Karen; Coccato, Lodovico [Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth (United Kingdom); Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD (United Kingdom); Avila-Reese, Vladimir [Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, A.P. 70-264, 04510 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Badenes, Carles [Department of Physics and Astronomy and Pittsburgh Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (PITT PACC), University of Pittsburgh, 3941 OHara St, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (United States); Falcón-Barroso, Jésus [Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain); Belfiore, Francesco [Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 19 J. J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); and others


    We present an overview of a new integral field spectroscopic survey called MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory), one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) that began on 2014 July 1. MaNGA will investigate the internal kinematic structure and composition of gas and stars in an unprecedented sample of 10,000 nearby galaxies. We summarize essential characteristics of the instrument and survey design in the context of MaNGA's key science goals and present prototype observations to demonstrate MaNGA's scientific potential. MaNGA employs dithered observations with 17 fiber-bundle integral field units that vary in diameter from 12'' (19 fibers) to 32'' (127 fibers). Two dual-channel spectrographs provide simultaneous wavelength coverage over 3600-10300 Å at R ∼ 2000. With a typical integration time of 3 hr, MaNGA reaches a target r-band signal-to-noise ratio of 4-8 (Å{sup –1} per 2'' fiber) at 23 AB mag arcsec{sup –2}, which is typical for the outskirts of MaNGA galaxies. Targets are selected with M {sub *} ≳ 10{sup 9} M {sub ☉} using SDSS-I redshifts and i-band luminosity to achieve uniform radial coverage in terms of the effective radius, an approximately flat distribution in stellar mass, and a sample spanning a wide range of environments. Analysis of our prototype observations demonstrates MaNGA's ability to probe gas ionization, shed light on recent star formation and quenching, enable dynamical modeling, decompose constituent components, and map the composition of stellar populations. MaNGA's spatially resolved spectra will enable an unprecedented study of the astrophysics of nearby galaxies in the coming 6 yr.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bundy, Kevin; Bershady, Matthew A.; Wake, David A.; Tremonti, Christy; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Law, David R.; Cherinka, Brian; Yan, Renbin; Sánchez-Gallego, José R.; Drory, Niv; MacDonald, Nicholas; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; Thomas, Daniel; Masters, Karen; Coccato, Lodovico; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Avila-Reese, Vladimir; Badenes, Carles; Falcón-Barroso, Jésus; Belfiore, Francesco


    We present an overview of a new integral field spectroscopic survey called MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory), one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) that began on 2014 July 1. MaNGA will investigate the internal kinematic structure and composition of gas and stars in an unprecedented sample of 10,000 nearby galaxies. We summarize essential characteristics of the instrument and survey design in the context of MaNGA's key science goals and present prototype observations to demonstrate MaNGA's scientific potential. MaNGA employs dithered observations with 17 fiber-bundle integral field units that vary in diameter from 12'' (19 fibers) to 32'' (127 fibers). Two dual-channel spectrographs provide simultaneous wavelength coverage over 3600-10300 Å at R ∼ 2000. With a typical integration time of 3 hr, MaNGA reaches a target r-band signal-to-noise ratio of 4-8 (Å –1 per 2'' fiber) at 23 AB mag arcsec –2 , which is typical for the outskirts of MaNGA galaxies. Targets are selected with M * ≳ 10 9 M ☉ using SDSS-I redshifts and i-band luminosity to achieve uniform radial coverage in terms of the effective radius, an approximately flat distribution in stellar mass, and a sample spanning a wide range of environments. Analysis of our prototype observations demonstrates MaNGA's ability to probe gas ionization, shed light on recent star formation and quenching, enable dynamical modeling, decompose constituent components, and map the composition of stellar populations. MaNGA's spatially resolved spectra will enable an unprecedented study of the astrophysics of nearby galaxies in the coming 6 yr

  7. Kütüphaneciler Nerede?: DLSÜ Kütüphanelerinin Gezici Danışma Deneyimleri=Where are the Librarians?: The Roving Reference Experience of DLSU Libraries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joseph Marmol Yap


    Full Text Available The roving reference concept is relatively new in the Philippines. In 2012, the De La Salle University (DLSU Libraries shared in its OCLC report entitled “Reference and Information Services in Selected Philippine Academic Libraries: Trends and Future Prospects” that DLSU will be introducing roving reference as part of the services of the DLSU Libraries. RIA or the Roving Information Assistant was finally launched in November 2013 and was pilot tested in July 2014. RIA allows the library staff to engage further with patrons, to expand information assistance, and to create a higher level of customer service in reference transactions. The presence of the librarians is more visible as they roam throughout the spheres of the library. This evaluative research seeks to determine if the objectives of RIA was fulfilled. Online evaluation forms were used to solicit feedback from both the users and the librarians. This paper shares the reference transaction experiences and results of the roving reference service of the De La Salle University Libraries./ Gezici danışma kavramı Filipinler’de oldukça yenidir. 2012 yılında, De La Salle Üniversitesi (DLSÜ Kütüphaneleri, “Seçilmiş Filipin Akademik Kütüphanelerinde Danışma ve Bilgi Hizmetleri: Eğilimler ve Geleceğe Bakış” başlıklı OCLC raporunda, gezici danışma hizmetini DLSÜ Kütüphanelerinin hizmetlerinin bir bölümü olarak başlatacaklarını paylaşmıştır. GBD ya da diğer adıyla Gezici Bilgi Danışma 2013 yılında başlatılmış ve 2014 Temmuz ayında pilot olarak denenmiştir. GBD hizmeti kütüphane personeline kullanıcılarla daha yakından ilgilenme, bilgi hizmetini genişletme ve bilgi alışverişinde daha yüksek seviyede müşteri hizmeti oluşturma imkânı sağlamaktadır. Kütüphanecilerin varlığı kütüphanenin bölümlerinde gezinirken daha da görülebilir olmaktadır. Bu değerlendirme araştırması GBD hizmetinin amacına ulaşıp ula

  8. European Master's Program in Gerontology (EuMaG): Goals, Curriculum, and Students (United States)

    Aartsen, Marja


    The European Master's Program in Gerontology (EuMaG) started in September 2003 with support from the European Commission. The EuMaG is a modular, 2-year, part-time international training program about the aging process and its societal implications. The multidisciplinary curriculum comprises four domains of gerontology (i.e., social gerontology,…

  9. Second primary tumor in anti-Ma1/2-positive paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis. (United States)

    Leyhe, T; Schüle, R; Schwärzler, F; Gasser, T; Haarmeier, T


    Memory loss can be a symptom of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (PLE) a neuropsychiatric disorder associated mostly with small-cell lung cancer and anti-Hu antibodies or with testicular tumors and anti-Ma2 antibodies. We present the case of a patient with temporal coincidence of beginning cognitive decline and diagnosis of a carcinoma of the prostate in whom we diagnosed anti-Ma1/Ma2-positive PLE. The tumor had been completely resected but memory impairment further deteriorated. As the effective treatment of the cancer is considered as the most efficient treatment of a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS) a second neoplasia was suspected in the patient. By the aid of whole body positron emission tomography with 18-fluorine fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose (FDG-PET) an adenocarcinoma of the cecum could be detected. Two months after surgery anti-Ma antibodies were negative. We conclude that a second neoplasia should be considered, if effective cancer treatment does not lead to improvement or stabilisation of a PNS. Tumor search should be exhaustive and include PET when conventional imaging fails to show a malignancy.

  10. Eficiencia agronómica, rendimiento y rentabilidad de genotipos de maíz en función del nitrógeno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cid Aguilar Carpio


    Full Text Available En el cultivo de maíz, la fertilización nitrogenada es una alta inversión que posiblemente incrementa el rendimiento. Sin embargo, es imprescindible ser eficiente en el uso del agua y nitrógeno (N, para la producción. El nitrógeno mejora la composición de proteínas en el grano, pero de forma excesiva es perjudicial a la salud humana. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto del nitrógeno en genotipos de maíz sobre: a la ocurrencia de las fases fenológicas; b producción de materia seca y rendimiento; c eficiencia en el uso del agua y nitrógeno; d contenido de nitrógeno y proteína en el grano; y e rentabilidad en maíz. La siembra de los genotipos Michoacán-21, HS-2 y Promesa con 0, 80 y 160 kg N ha-1, se realizó en Montecillo, Estado de México en junio de 2011. Se registró, la ocurrencia de las fases fenológicas y madurez fisiológica del maíz, la materia seca (MS, rendimiento de grano (RG, contenido de nitrógeno y proteína en el grano, eficiencia en el uso de agua y nitrógeno (EUA y EAN y rentabilidad económica. Se observaron diferencias entre genotipos en la ocurrencia de las fases fenológicas. La respuesta al nitrógeno entre genotipos fue variable. El mayor MS y RG fue en el genotipo Promesa con 80 kg N ha-1 y 160 kg N ha-1 respectivamente. La EUA y EAN más alta, se obtuvo en Promesa con 80 kg N ha‑1. El contenido de nitrógeno y proteína más alto fue en el grano de maíz de HS-2 con 160 kg N ha-1. El mayor ingreso neto ($12 685.90 se logró con Promesa y 80 kg N ha-1.

  11. 46 CFR 308.521 - Application for Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-301. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application for Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-301. 308.521... RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Ii-Open Policy War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.521 Application for Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-301. The standard form of application for a War Risk Open Cargo Policy...

  12. Volcanism at 1.45 Ma within the Yellowstone Volcanic Field, United States (United States)

    Rivera, Tiffany A.; Furlong, Ryan; Vincent, Jaime; Gardiner, Stephanie; Jicha, Brian R.; Schmitz, Mark D.; Lippert, Peter C.


    Rhyolitic volcanism in the Yellowstone Volcanic Field has spanned over two million years and consisted of both explosive caldera-forming eruptions and smaller effusive flows and domes. Effusive eruptions have been documented preceding and following caldera-forming eruptions, however the temporal and petrogenetic relationships of these magmas to the caldera-forming eruptions are relatively unknown. Here we present new 40Ar/39Ar dates for four small-volume eruptions located on the western rim of the second-cycle caldera, the source of the 1.300 ± 0.001 Ma Mesa Falls Tuff. We supplement our new eruption ages with whole rock major and trace element chemistry, Pb isotopic ratios of feldspar, and paleomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses. Eruption ages for the effusive Green Canyon Flow (1.299 ± 0.002 Ma) and Moonshine Mountain Dome (1.302 ± 0.003 Ma) are in close temporal proximity to the eruption age of the Mesa Falls Tuff. In contrast, our results indicate a period of volcanism at ca 1.45 Ma within the Yellowstone Volcanic Field, including the eruption of the Bishop Mountain Flow (1.458 ± 0.002 Ma) and Tuff of Lyle Spring (1.450 ± 0.003 Ma). These high-silica rhyolites are chemically and isotopically distinct from the Mesa Falls Tuff and related 1.3 Ma effusive eruptions. The 40Ar/39Ar data from the Tuff of Lyle Spring demonstrate significant antecrystic inheritance, prevalent within the upper welded ash-flow tuff matrix, and minimal within individual pumice. Antecrysts are up to 20 kyr older than the eruption, with subpopulations of grains occurring every few thousand years. We interpret these results as an indicator for the timing of magmatic pulses into a growing magmatic system that would ultimately erupt the Tuff of Lyle Spring, and which we more broadly interpret as the tempo of crustal accumulation associated with bimodal magmatism. We propose a system whereby chemically, isotopically, and temporally distinct, isolated small-volume magma batches are

  13. Caractérisation des systemes de production à base de maïs dans ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La présente recherche vise à caractériser les systèmes de production à base de maïs au Bénin pour un appui-conseil ciblé aux producteurs de maïs. La base de sondage est la base de données du sous-projet "Centre National de Spécialisation sur le Maïs", exécuté par l'Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin ...

  14. Neutron radiographic characteristics of MA-ND type (allyl-diglycol-carbonate) nuclear track detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilic, R.; Rant, J.; Humar, M.; Somogyi, G.; Hunyadi, I.


    Neutron radiographic properties of recently developed new nuclear track detectors (MA-ND/..cap alpha.., MA-ND/p and MA-ND/p1), manufactured from allyl diglycol carbonate, were studied. It was found that the quality of radiographic image has an optimum at a removed layer thickness of about 0.8 The image obtained under this condition is characterized by high detection sensitivity to neutrons (approx. 8.10/sup -3/ tracks/nsub(th) when using B converter) and by excellent inherent unsharpness (approx. 5 as well as high image contrast (maximum value of net optical density is approx. 1.4).

  15. La Politique coloniale française et les Ahl Shaykh Ma al-cAynin. Jihad et resistances tribales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Bonte


    Full Text Available El destino de Ahl Shaykh Mâ al-cAynîn está conectado a la resistencia contra la colonización europea en el Sahara y Marruecos. La literatura colonial francesa ha concebido la lucha del Sheij como consecuencia de un panislamismo activista. El contexto tribal regional lleva al Sheij a oponerse a la colonización francesa en Mauritania y Marruecos cuestionándose la legitimidad dinástica alawi. El desarrollo de la yihad concluyó con el nombramiento del sultán de Marruecos. Se subraya las contradicciones de un proyecto político basado en el guerrero tlamid del Sheij y las movilizaciones tribales contra el orden colonial. The fate of the Ahl Shaykh Mâ al-cAynîn is connected to the resistance against the European colonization in Sahara and Morocco. The french colonial literature has conceived the Shaykh’s fight as a consequence of an activistic panislamism. As a matter of fact it is located in a tribal regional context leading the Shaykh to be opposed to the French colonization in Mauritania and Morocco and to question finally the calawi dynastic legitimacy. The development of the jihad concluded in the name of the Moroccan Sultan underlines the contradictions of a political project depending on the warrior tlamid of the Shaykh and tribal mobilizations against the colonial order. The check of the jihad reduces the family’s part in the organization of the resistance; after 1920 this part becomes a secondary one.

  16. Contact Aligner 2 (Front Side): Suss Microtec MA8 (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Description:CORAL Name: SussMA8This system utilizes 1X contact lithography to transfer photomask patterns onto substrates Specifications / Capabilities:UV broadband...

  17. 46 CFR 308.409 - Standard form of War Risk Builder's Risk Insurance Policy, Form MA-283. (United States)


    ... Policy, Form MA-283. 308.409 Section 308.409 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... of War Risk Builder's Risk Insurance Policy, Form MA-283. The standard form of War Risk Builder's Risk Insurance Policy, Form MA-283 may be obtained from the American War Risk Agency or MARAD. ...

  18. Industrial chains and innovation activity in Małopolska region in 2008-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Świadek Arkadiusz


    Full Text Available Znaczenie powiązań przemysłowych dla aktywności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw w regionie małopolskim w latach 2008-2010 Głównym celem prowadzonych badań była próba poszukiwania zmiennych warunków wpływu łańcuchów dostaw na działalność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw w obrębie wybranego regionalnego systemu przemysłowego, a tym samym określenie warunków brzegowych dla modelu regionalnej sieci innowacji, biorąc pod uwagę specyfikę województwa małopolskiego. Badanie zostało oparte na kwestionariuszu ankietowym i wykonane na grupie 500 firm z Małopolski. W badaniu wykorzystano modelowanie probitowe. Metoda ta jest skutecznym narzędziem analizy dużych, ale statycznych prób, w których zmienna zależna ma charakter jakościowy.


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    Iulian Walter


    Full Text Available During the last decades, the corporate world has witnessed a significant rise in the number of cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&As. In cross border M&As, not only different corporate cultures collide, but also different professional and national cultures. The purpose of Cultural Due Diligence (CDD is to get a coherent image of the intercultural challenges of the M&A in order to be aware of the intercultural risks and opportunities. This article aims to reveal the perception of managers involved in the pre-M&A stage on the soft risks factors that need to be investigated during CDD. This study proposes an appraisal of the most important intercultural issues that need to be considered in M&A. Our contribution to the intercultural aspects of M&A literature consists in improving the current understanding of Cultural Due Diligence content.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iulian Warter


    Full Text Available During the last decades, the corporate world has witnessed a significant rise in the number of cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&As. In cross border M&As, not only different corporate cultures collide, but also different professional and national cultures. The purpose of Cultural Due Diligence (CDD is to get a coherent image of the intercultural challenges of the M&A in order to be aware of the intercultural risks and opportunities. This article aims to reveal the perception of managers involved in the pre-M&A stage on the soft risks factors that need to be investigated during CDD. This study proposes an appraisal of the most important intercultural issues that need to be considered in M&A. Our contribution to the intercultural aspects of M&A literature consists in improving the current understanding of Cultural Due Diligence content.

  1. Le cinéma comme articulation des différences culturelles : une approche post-coloniale du cinéma brésilien


    César, Amaranta


    Les concepts d’identité et de nation sont des paradigmes analytiques et critiques qui ont forgé d’importants mouvements cinématographiques comme le Cinema Novo. Le cinéma brésilien est par conséquent un cinéma en recherche de son identité artistique et politique. Mais une telle quête est vouée à l’échec si l’on considère la crise du concept de nation et le renouveau de la notion d’identité. C’est pourquoi je suggère de développer un modèle analytique sur la façon dont les films construisent d...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Renbin; Sánchez-Gallego, José R. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, 505 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506-0057 (United States); Tremonti, Christy; Bershady, Matthew A.; Eigenbrot, Arthur; Wake, David A. [Department of Astronomy, University of Winsconsin-Madison, 475 N. Charter Street, Madison, WI 53706-1582 (United States); Law, David R. [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Schlegel, David J. [Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720-8160 (United States); Bundy, Kevin [Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583 (Japan); Drory, Niv [McDonald Observatory, Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, Austin, TX 78712-0259 (United States); MacDonald, Nicholas [Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (United States); Bizyaev, Dmitry [Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, sunspot, NM 88349 (United States); Blanc, Guillermo A. [Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Chile, Camino el Observatorio 1515, Las Condes, Santiago (Chile); Blanton, Michael R.; Hogg, David W. [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University, 4 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (United States); Cherinka, Brian [Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto, 50 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H4 (Canada); Gunn, James E. [Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (United States); Harding, Paul [Department of Astronomy, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 (United States); Sánchez, Sebastian F., E-mail: [Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, A.P. 70-264, 04510 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); and others


    Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA), one of three core programs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-IV, is an integral-field spectroscopic survey of roughly 10,000 nearby galaxies. It employs dithered observations using 17 hexagonal bundles of 2″ fibers to obtain resolved spectroscopy over a wide wavelength range of 3600–10300 Å. To map the internal variations within each galaxy, we need to perform accurate spectral surface photometry, which is to calibrate the specific intensity at every spatial location sampled by each individual aperture element of the integral field unit. The calibration must correct only for the flux loss due to atmospheric throughput and the instrument response, but not for losses due to the finite geometry of the fiber aperture. This requires the use of standard star measurements to strictly separate these two flux loss factors (throughput versus geometry), a difficult challenge with standard single-fiber spectroscopy techniques due to various practical limitations. Therefore, we developed a technique for spectral surface photometry using multiple small fiber-bundles targeting standard stars simultaneously with galaxy observations. We discuss the principles of our approach and how they compare to previous efforts, and we demonstrate the precision and accuracy achieved. MaNGA's relative calibration between the wavelengths of Hα and Hβ has an rms of 1.7%, while that between [N ii] λ6583 and [O ii] λ3727 has an rms of 4.7%. Using extinction-corrected star formation rates and gas-phase metallicities as an illustration, this level of precision guarantees that flux calibration errors will be sub-dominant when estimating these quantities. The absolute calibration is better than 5% for more than 89% of MaNGA's wavelength range.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, Renbin; Sánchez-Gallego, José R.; Tremonti, Christy; Bershady, Matthew A.; Eigenbrot, Arthur; Wake, David A.; Law, David R.; Schlegel, David J.; Bundy, Kevin; Drory, Niv; MacDonald, Nicholas; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Blanton, Michael R.; Hogg, David W.; Cherinka, Brian; Gunn, James E.; Harding, Paul; Sánchez, Sebastian F.


    Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA), one of three core programs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-IV, is an integral-field spectroscopic survey of roughly 10,000 nearby galaxies. It employs dithered observations using 17 hexagonal bundles of 2″ fibers to obtain resolved spectroscopy over a wide wavelength range of 3600–10300 Å. To map the internal variations within each galaxy, we need to perform accurate spectral surface photometry, which is to calibrate the specific intensity at every spatial location sampled by each individual aperture element of the integral field unit. The calibration must correct only for the flux loss due to atmospheric throughput and the instrument response, but not for losses due to the finite geometry of the fiber aperture. This requires the use of standard star measurements to strictly separate these two flux loss factors (throughput versus geometry), a difficult challenge with standard single-fiber spectroscopy techniques due to various practical limitations. Therefore, we developed a technique for spectral surface photometry using multiple small fiber-bundles targeting standard stars simultaneously with galaxy observations. We discuss the principles of our approach and how they compare to previous efforts, and we demonstrate the precision and accuracy achieved. MaNGA's relative calibration between the wavelengths of Hα and Hβ has an rms of 1.7%, while that between [N ii] λ6583 and [O ii] λ3727 has an rms of 4.7%. Using extinction-corrected star formation rates and gas-phase metallicities as an illustration, this level of precision guarantees that flux calibration errors will be sub-dominant when estimating these quantities. The absolute calibration is better than 5% for more than 89% of MaNGA's wavelength range

  4. Circuit models and three-dimensional electromagnetic simulations of a 1-MA linear transformer driver stage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. V. Rose


    Full Text Available A 3D fully electromagnetic (EM model of the principal pulsed-power components of a high-current linear transformer driver (LTD has been developed. LTD systems are a relatively new modular and compact pulsed-power technology based on high-energy density capacitors and low-inductance switches located within a linear-induction cavity. We model 1-MA, 100-kV, 100-ns rise-time LTD cavities [A. A. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 050402 (2009PRABFM1098-440210.1103/PhysRevSTAB.12.050402] which can be used to drive z-pinch and material dynamics experiments. The model simulates the generation and propagation of electromagnetic power from individual capacitors and triggered gas switches to a radially symmetric output line. Multiple cavities, combined to provide voltage addition, drive a water-filled coaxial transmission line. A 3D fully EM model of a single 1-MA 100-kV LTD cavity driving a simple resistive load is presented and compared to electrical measurements. A new model of the current loss through the ferromagnetic cores is developed for use both in circuit representations of an LTD cavity and in the 3D EM simulations. Good agreement between the measured core current, a simple circuit model, and the 3D simulation model is obtained. A 3D EM model of an idealized ten-cavity LTD accelerator is also developed. The model results demonstrate efficient voltage addition when driving a matched impedance load, in good agreement with an idealized circuit model.

  5. Anti-Ma-associated encephalitis due to dysgerminoma in a woman with Swyer syndrome. (United States)

    Al-Thubaiti, Ibtisam; Al-Hayek, Kefah; Binfalah, Mohammed


    Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (PLE)/diencephalitis associated with anti-Ma2 antibodies was linked to testicular cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer (non-SCLC).(1,2) We report a case of anti-Ma-associated PLE/diencephalitis due to dysgerminoma in a woman with gonadal dysgenesis, or Swyer syndrome.

  6. The Data Reduction Pipeline for the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU Galaxy Survey (United States)

    Law, David R.; Cherinka, Brian; Yan, Renbin; Andrews, Brett H.; Bershady, Matthew A.; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Blanton, Michael R.; Bolton, Adam S.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Bundy, Kevin; Chen, Yanmei; Drory, Niv; D'Souza, Richard; Fu, Hai; Jones, Amy; Kauffmann, Guinevere; MacDonald, Nicholas; Masters, Karen L.; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Parejko, John K.; Sánchez-Gallego, José R.; Sánchez, Sebastian F.; Schlegel, David J.; Thomas, Daniel; Wake, David A.; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; Westfall, Kyle B.; Zhang, Kai


    Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) is an optical fiber-bundle integral-field unit (IFU) spectroscopic survey that is one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV). With a spectral coverage of 3622-10354 Å and an average footprint of ˜500 arcsec2 per IFU the scientific data products derived from MaNGA will permit exploration of the internal structure of a statistically large sample of 10,000 low-redshift galaxies in unprecedented detail. Comprising 174 individually pluggable science and calibration IFUs with a near-constant data stream, MaNGA is expected to obtain ˜100 million raw-frame spectra and ˜10 million reduced galaxy spectra over the six-year lifetime of the survey. In this contribution, we describe the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline algorithms and centralized metadata framework that produce sky-subtracted spectrophotometrically calibrated spectra and rectified three-dimensional data cubes that combine individual dithered observations. For the 1390 galaxy data cubes released in Summer 2016 as part of SDSS-IV Data Release 13, we demonstrate that the MaNGA data have nearly Poisson-limited sky subtraction shortward of ˜8500 Å and reach a typical 10σ limiting continuum surface brightness μ = 23.5 AB arcsec-2 in a five-arcsecond-diameter aperture in the g-band. The wavelength calibration of the MaNGA data is accurate to 5 km s-1 rms, with a median spatial resolution of 2.54 arcsec FWHM (1.8 kpc at the median redshift of 0.037) and a median spectral resolution of σ = 72 km s-1.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Law, David R.; Cherinka, Brian; Yan, Renbin; Andrews, Brett H.; Bershady, Matthew A.; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Blanton, Michael R.; Bolton, Adam S.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Bundy, Kevin; Chen, Yanmei; Drory, Niv; D’Souza, Richard; Jones, Amy; Kauffmann, Guinevere; Fu, Hai


    Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) is an optical fiber-bundle integral-field unit (IFU) spectroscopic survey that is one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV). With a spectral coverage of 3622–10354 Å and an average footprint of ∼500 arcsec 2 per IFU the scientific data products derived from MaNGA will permit exploration of the internal structure of a statistically large sample of 10,000 low-redshift galaxies in unprecedented detail. Comprising 174 individually pluggable science and calibration IFUs with a near-constant data stream, MaNGA is expected to obtain ∼100 million raw-frame spectra and ∼10 million reduced galaxy spectra over the six-year lifetime of the survey. In this contribution, we describe the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline algorithms and centralized metadata framework that produce sky-subtracted spectrophotometrically calibrated spectra and rectified three-dimensional data cubes that combine individual dithered observations. For the 1390 galaxy data cubes released in Summer 2016 as part of SDSS-IV Data Release 13, we demonstrate that the MaNGA data have nearly Poisson-limited sky subtraction shortward of ∼8500 Å and reach a typical 10 σ limiting continuum surface brightness μ  = 23.5 AB arcsec −2 in a five-arcsecond-diameter aperture in the g -band. The wavelength calibration of the MaNGA data is accurate to 5 km s −1 rms, with a median spatial resolution of 2.54 arcsec FWHM (1.8 kpc at the median redshift of 0.037) and a median spectral resolution of σ  = 72 km s −1 .

  8. Antioxidative effects in vivo and colonization of Lactobacillus plantarum MA2 in the murine intestinal tract. (United States)

    Tang, Wei; Xing, Zhuqing; Hu, Wei; Li, Chao; Wang, Jinju; Wang, Yanping


    Lactobacillus plantarum MA2 was isolated from traditional Chinese Tibet kefir grains, which possess several excellent properties and functions. We previously demonstrated the antioxidant activities of this bacterium in vitro. However, the maintenance and survival of L. plantarum MA2 inside the murine intestinal tract, where it exerts its probiotic properties, and whether its effects are elicited directly on the host remain unknown. Therefore, this study investigated the mechanisms of L. plantarum MA2 in aging mice following D-galactose administration. The levels of malondialdehyde decreased significantly in the L. plantarum MA2 groups after oral ingestion compared to the D-galactose model group, and total antioxidant capacity and glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities increased significantly in the serum and liver. We combined fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling and green fluorescent protein expression to dynamically monitor the colonization and distribution of L. plantarum MA2 in the murine intestinal tract. The results indicated that L. plantarum MA2 was detected in the ileum, colon, and feces after single and continuous oral administration at day 21 and was maintained at 10(4)-10(5) CFU/g. These results suggest that L. plantarum MA2 colonizes and survives in the murine intestinal tract to exert its antioxidative effects.

  9. Ankara Vespidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) Türleri Üzerine Faunistik Çalışmalar ve Ekolojik Gözlemler




    Bu araştırma, 1998-2001 yılları arasında Türkiye’nin başkenti Ankara ili civarında yapılan arazi çalışmaları sonucunda elde edilen 683 örneğe dayanmaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda 4 cinse ait (Vespa, Vespula, Dolichovespula, Polistes ) 9 tür ve 1 alt tür; Vespa orientalis Linnaeus, 1771, Vespula (Paravespula) germanica (Fabricius, 1793), Vespula (Paravespula) vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Dolichovespula (Metavespula) slyvestris (Scopoli, 1763), Polistes (s.str.) gallicus (Linnaeus, 1767), Polistes (s...

  10. Narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, and supranuclear gaze palsy associated with Ma1 and Ma2 antibodies and tonsillar carcinoma. (United States)

    Adams, Chris; McKeon, Andrew; Silber, Michael H; Kumar, Rajeev


    To describe a patient with diencephalic and mesencephalic presentation of a Ma1 and Ma2 antibody-associated paraneoplastic neurological disorder. Case report. The Colorado Neurological Institute Movement Disorders Center in Englewood, Colorado, and the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. A 55-year-old man with a paraneoplastic neurological disorder characterized by rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, narcolepsy, and a progressive supranuclear palsy-like syndrome in the setting of tonsillar carcinoma. Immunotherapy for paraneoplastic neurological disorder, surgery and radiotherapy for cancer, and symptomatic treatment for parkinsonism and sleep disorders. Polysomnography, multiple sleep latency test, and neurological examination. The cancer was detected at a limited stage and treatable. After oncological therapy and immunotherapy, symptoms stabilized. Treatment with modafinil improved daytime somnolence. Rapid onset and progression of multifocal deficits may be a clue to paraneoplastic etiology. Early treatment of a limited stage cancer (with or without immunotherapy) may possibly slow progression of neurological symptoms. Symptomatic treatment may be beneficial.

  11. Schéma directeur des Systèmes d'information 2012-2016


    Institut National de Recherche Agronomique UAR 0776 Administration du siège


    Le schéma directeur des systèmes d’information de l’inra est le premier Schéma directeur dont l’institut se dote dans le champ des systèmes D’information. Il couvre la période 2012‐2016 du contrat d’objectifs Et s’inscrit dans les perspectives scientifiques dressées par le document D’orientation 2010‐2020

  12. China's Overseas M&A in Global Economic Crisis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Han Kang


    @@ verseas Merger and Acquisition (M&A) is not only the major means for the enterprises to expand rapid-ly and operate globally, but also the significant stra-tegic tools for acquiring advanced technotegy from other companies and seizing the market and other resources.

  13. Uso de remesas para la adquisición de tecnología agrícola en maíz en San José Chiapa, Puebla, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Turiján Altamirano


    Full Text Available El destino de las remesas varía de acuerdo a las necesidades de los hogares receptores, aunque generalmente se emplean en gastos de manutención, y en menores porcentajes se utilizan para otros rubros como el ahorro, gastos de educación, mejoras, ampliación o construcción de vivienda e inversiones como compra de tierras, inicio o capitalización de un negocio y adquisición de maquinaria agrícola. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la contribución de las remesas en la adquisición de tecnología agrícola por productores de maíz de San José Chiapa, Puebla. Por ello se aplicó, en 2009, a una muestra representativa de 110 productores de maíz, una encuesta que abarcó aspectos sociodemográficos, económicos y agronómicos. Con la información recabada se estimó por una parte el nivel de adopción de tecnologías entre los productores utilizando el Índice de Apropiación de Tecnologías Modernas (IATM y el Grado de Empleo de Tecnologías Campesinas (GETC. Por otra parte, se clasificó a los productores en dos grupos: sin remesas y con remesas. La información se analizó utilizando estadística descriptiva, pruebas de t para comparcion de medias independientes y una regresión logística para seleccionar las variables que explicaran el uso de las remesas. Se observaron diferencias significativas en variables socioeconómicas donde el tamaño de la familia, la edad y el gasto mensual per cápita, el grupo con remesas obtuvo los valores más altos respecto al grupo sin remesas. En cuanto al manejo del maíz, se observó una mayor utilización de tecnologás modernas en distintas actividades agrícolas entre los productores con remesas, a diferencia del grupo sin remesas. Por lo que se entiende que el Índice Apropiación de Tecnologías Modernas haya resultado más alto en el grupo con remesas (59.5 unidades. Así mismo, este grupo obtuvo un rendimiento más alto con 2.92 t/ha. Tal situación refleja que las remesas juegan

  14. Derin Yapı Yüzey Yapı İlişkisi Bağlamında Temel Dil Becerileri Üzerine Bir Analiz Çalışması

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    Bilginer ONAN


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, derin yapı yüzey yapı ilişkileri bağlamında, ana dili eğitiminde temel dil becerileri olarak kabul edilen dinleme, konuşma, okuma ve yazma kavramları analiz edilmiştir. Birinci bölümde, ilk kez Port Royal Gramer Okulu tarafından ortaya konan ve 1960’larda Noam Chomsky tarafından Üretimci Dönüşümsel Dil Bilgisi kuramıyla tekrar gündeme getirilen derin yapı ve yüzey yapı kavramları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde ise derin yapı ve yüzey yapı ilişkileri çerçevesinde dinleme, konuşma, okuma ve yazma becerileri analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, dilin iki temel boyutu olan anlam ve biçim ilişkileri bağlamında, temel dil becerilerinin eğitimi sürecinde belirleyici olan unsurları tespit ederek, sürecin programlanmasına yönelik öneriler geliştirmektir. Çalışma çerçevesinde yapılan analizlerde boğumlama, bürün olguları, beden dili, üretici kelime hazinesi, alıcı kelime hazinesi, akıcılık, metin türü, yazım ve noktalama, bağdaşıklık, tutarlılık, ön bilgi, kelime tanıma, kelime ayırt etme, edinilmiş bilgi, önvarsayım, sezdirim kavramlarının derin yapı yüzey yapı ilişkileri bağlamında temel dil becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde süreci etkileyen unsurlar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu kavramlar arasında boğumlama, bürün olgusu, beden dili, akıcılık, bağdaşıklık, metin türü, kelime tanıma, kelime ayırt etme, yazım ve noktalama, doğrudan yüzey yapıyla ilgilidir. Üretici kelime hazinesi, akıcılık, alıcı kelime hazinesi, tutarlılık, ön bilgi, edinilmiş bilgi, önvarsayım ve sezdirim kavramları ise derin yapıyı ilgilendirmektedir. Akıcılık kavramının bütün dil becerileriyle ilgili olduğu belirlenmiştir.

  15. Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak dan Dakwah dalam Perspektif Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muchtar Muchtar


    Full Text Available Research aims to understand role, and the concept of education and dakwah in perspective Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA. This research departs from looking at the phenomenon of human life is increasingly complex, entered the modern life and globalization present and the future, wich is characterized by technical and professional paced lives, is forecast to many people ignore the moral and religious in individual and social life. The concept of moral education in the perspective of Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA that establishes the character of the learners, provide good role models, develop the moral high level, and then apply the knowledge of good character and exemplary in real life so it can become an ingrained habit. The concept of dakwah in perspective Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA at least two steps that need to be understood by a preacher, first that of bringing the wisdom, it means explaining the wisdoms contained in worship and other Islamic activities without patronizing impression, meaning a preacher should put the words and appropriate sentence appropriate to the circumstances . The second is to mau'idlah hasanah , means giving advice that touch the heart so that the message can be embedded in the memories of audience. Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA is one of the Nahdlatul Ulama cleric who spend their time preaching, either through a lecture or through scientific papers, scientific papers written contains a lot of moral education that can be used as a reference.  Keywords: Concept of Education and Dakwah, Zakky Mubarak, Nahdlatul Ulama Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran, serta konsep pendidikan akhlak dan dakwah dalam perspektif Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa Konsep pendidikan akhlak dalam perspektif Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA yaitu menanamkan pemahaman tentang akhlak terhadap peserta didik, memberikan keteladanan yang baik, mengembangkan pada akhlak tingkat tinggi, dan kemudian mengaplikasikan

  16. Powder metallurgical processing of equiatomic AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mohanty, S.; Maity, T.N.; Mukhopadhyay, S. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016 (India); Sarkar, S. [Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 (India); Gurao, N.P. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016 (India); Bhowmick, S. [Hysitron Inc., Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (United States); Biswas, Krishanu, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016 (India)


    Phase formation, microstructural evolution and the mechanical properties of novel multi-component equiatomic AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy synthesized by high energy ball milling followed by spark plasma sintering have been reported here. The microstructure of the mechanically alloyed (MA) powder and sintered samples were studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, whereas the detailed investigation of the mechanical properties of the sintered samples were measured using micro and nano hardness techniques. The fracture toughness measurements were performed by applying single edge V notch beam (SEVNB) technique. The MA powder shows the presence of FCC (τ) and BCC (κ) solid solution phases. Extended ball milling (up to 60 h) does not change the phases present in MA powder. The sintered pellets show phase-separated microstructure consisting of Al-Ni rich L1{sub 2} phase, α′ and tetragonal Cr-Fe-Co based σ phase along with Al-Ni-Co-Fe FCC solid solution phase (ε) for sample sintered from 973 to 1273 K. The experimental evidences indicate that BCC (κ) solid solution undergoes eutectoid transformation during sintering leading to the formation of L1{sub 2} ordered α′ and σ phases, whereas FCC (τ) phase remains unaltered with a slight change in the lattice parameter. The hardness of the sample increases with sintering temperature and a sudden rise in hardness is observed 1173 K. The sample sintered at 1273 K shows the highest hardness of ~8 GPa. The elastic modulus mapping clearly indicates the presence of three phases having elastic moduli of about 300, 220 and 160 GPa. The fracture toughness obtained using SEVNB test shows a maximum value of 3.9 MPa m{sup 1/2}, which is attributed to the presence of brittle nanosized σ phase precipitates. It is proposed that significant increase in the fraction of σ phase precipitates and eutectoid transformation of the τ phase contribute to increase in hardness along with

  17. Post 4 Ma initiation of normal faulting in southern Tibet. Constraints from the Kung Co half graben (United States)

    Mahéo, G.; Leloup, P. H.; Valli, F.; Lacassin, R.; Arnaud, N.; Paquette, J.-L.; Fernandez, A.; Haibing, L.; Farley, K. A.; Tapponnier, P.


    The timing of E-W extension of the Tibetan plateau provides a test of mechanical models of the geodynamic evolution of the India-Asia convergence zone. In this work we focus on the Kung Co half graben (Southern Tibet, China), bounded by an active N-S normal fault with a minimum vertical offset of 1600 m. To estimate the onset of normal faulting we combined high and medium temperature (U-Pb, Ar/Ar) and low temperature ((U-Th)/He) thermochronometry of the Kung Co pluton, a two-mica granite of the northern Himalayan granitic belt that outcrop in the footwall of the fault. Biotite and muscovite Ar/Ar ages , are close from each other [˜ 16 Ma ± 0.2 (Ms) and ˜ 15 ± 0.4 Ma (Bt)], which is typical of fast cooling. The zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He ages range from 11.3 to 9.6 Ma and 9.9 to 3.7 Ma respectively. These He ages are indicative of (1) fast initial cooling, from 11.3 to ˜ 9 Ma, gradually decreasing with time and (2) a high geothermal gradient (˜ 400 °C/km), close to the surface at ˜ 10 Ma. The Kung Co pluton was emplaced at about 22 Ma (U-Pb on zircon) at less than 10 km depth and 520-545 °C. Subsequent to its shallow emplacement, the pluton underwent fast thermal re-equilibration ending around 7.5 Ma, followed by a period of slow cooling caused either by the end of the thermal re-equilibration or by very slow exhumation (0.02-0.03 mm/yr) from ˜ 7.5 Ma to at least 4 Ma. In either case the data suggest that the exhumation rate increased after 4 Ma. We infer this increase to be related to the initiation of the Kung Co normal fault. A critical examination of previously published data show that most ˜ N-S Tibetan normal faults may have formed less than 5 Ma ago rather than in the Miocene as assumed by several authors. Such a young age implies that E-W extension is not related to the Neogene South Tibetan magmatism (25 to 8 Ma). Consequently, models relating E-W extension to magmatism, such as convective removal of the lower lithosphere, may be inappropriate

  18. Preliminary experiments to estimate the PE.MA.M (PElagic MArine Mesocosm) offshore behaviour (United States)

    Albani, Marta; Piermattei, Viviana; Stefanì, Chiara; Marcelli, Marco


    The phytoplankton community is controlled not only by local environmental conditions but also by physical processes occurring on different temporal and spatial scales. Hydrodynamic local conditions play an important role in marine ecosystems. Several studies have shown that hydrodynamic conditions can influence the phytoplankton settling velocity, vertical and horizontal distribution and formation of cyanobacterial blooms. Mesocosms are useful structures to simulate marine environment at mesoscale resolution; allowing to closely approximate biotic or abiotic parameters of interest directly in nature. In this work an innovative structure named PE.MA.M (PElagic MArine Mesocosm) is presented and tested. Laboratory experiments have been conducted in order to observe seasonal variations of biomass behaviour in two different hydrodynamic conditions: outside as well as whithin the PE.MA.M. We have evaluated whether it is possible to isolate a natural system from external water mass hydrodynamic exchanges and to assume that phytoplankton cells' transition is limited at the net and sea interface. Preliminary experiments test the isolating capacity of the net, to determine the currents' attenuation rate and to estimate the possible PE.MA.M. offshore behaviour. In the first investigation, we monitored the diffusion of phytoplankton cells. The PE.MA.M. exterior and interior were simulated using a plexiglass tank divided into two half-tanks (Aout-Bin) by a septum consisting of a net like a PE.MA.M. The tank was filled up with 10 L of water and only the half-tank Aout was filled up with 10 ml of phytoplankton culture (Clorella sp.). We monitored the chlorophyll concentrations for 24 hours. The two tanks had similar concentrations after 4 hours (2.70322 mg/m³ Aout and 2.37245 mg/m3 Bin) and this constant relationship was maintened until the end of the test. In the second investigation we used clod cards to measure water motions.We conducted two experiments within tank, the first

  19. 46 CFR 308.522 - Collateral deposit fund, letter of transmittal, Form MA-302. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Collateral deposit fund, letter of transmittal, Form MA... Collateral deposit fund, letter of transmittal, Form MA-302. The standard form of letter of transmittal for use in establishing a collateral deposit fund, may be obtained from the American War Risk Agency or...

  20. Tectonics of the Philippine Sea plate before and after 52 Ma subduction initiation to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc (United States)

    Ishizuka, O.; Tani, K.; Harigane, Y.; Umino, S.; Stern, R. J.; Reagan, M. K.; Hickey-Vargas, R.; Yogodzinski, G. M.; Kusano, Y.; Arculus, R. J.


    Robust tectonic reconstruction of the evolving Philippine Sea Plate for the period immediately before and after subduction initiation 52 Ma to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc is prerequisite to understand cause of subduction initiation (SI) and test competing hypotheses for SI such as spontaneous or induced nucleation. Understanding of nature and origin of overriding and subducting plates is especially important because plate density is a key parameter controlling SI based on numerical modeling (e.g., Leng and Gurnis 2015). There is increasing evidence that multiple geological events related to changing stress fields took place in and around Philippine Sea plate about the time of SI 52 Ma (Ishizuka et al., 2011). For our understanding of the early IBM arc system to increase, it is important to understand the pattern and tempo of these geological events, particularly the duration and extent of seafloor spreading in the proto arc associated with SI, and its temporal relationship with spreading in the West Philippine Basin (WPB). IODP Exp. 351 provided evidence of SI-related seafloor spreading west of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (Arculus et al., 2015). Planned age determination of the basement crust at Site U1438 will constrain the timing and geometry of SI-related spreading and its relationship to variation in mode of spreading in the WPB including rotation of spreading axis. Some tectonic reconstructions suggest that part of the IBM arc could have formed on "young" WPB crust. Dredging of the northern Mariana forearc crust and mantle in 2014 aimed to test this hypothesis. Preliminary data indicates that early arc crustal section of the N. Mariana forearc is geochemically and temporally similar to that exposed in the Bonin and southern Mariana forearcs. New tectonic reconstructions for the nascent IBM system will be presented based on these observations.

  1. Fluctuations in the East Asian monsoon recorded by pollen assemblages in sediments from the Japan Sea off the southwestern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, from 4.3 Ma to the present (United States)

    Igarashi, Yaeko; Irino, Tomohisa; Sawada, Ken; Song, Lu; Furota, Satoshi


    forest and cool temperate conifer forest developed alternately under warm/moist and cold/dry climate. Zone 2 corresponded to a weak Tsushima Current breaking through the Tsushima Strait, and the beginning of orbital-scale climatic changes at 1.7 Ma during Zone 5 corresponded to the strong inflow of the Tsushima Current into the Japan Sea during interglacial periods (Gallagher et al., 2015).


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Law, David R. [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Cherinka, Brian [Center for Astrophysical Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Yan, Renbin [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, 505 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40506-0055 (United States); Andrews, Brett H. [Department of Physics and Astronomy and PITT PACC, University of Pittsburgh, 3941 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (United States); Bershady, Matthew A. [Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 475 N. Charter Street, Madison, WI 53706 (United States); Bizyaev, Dmitry [Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349 (United States); Blanc, Guillermo A. [Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Chile, Camino del Observatorio 1515, Las Condes, Santiago (Chile); Blanton, Michael R. [Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University, 4 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003 (United States); Bolton, Adam S.; Brownstein, Joel R. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, 115 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (United States); Bundy, Kevin [Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the universe, Todai Institutes for Advanced Study, the University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, 277-8583 (Kavli IPMU, WPI) (Japan); Chen, Yanmei [School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093 (China); Drory, Niv [McDonald Observatory, Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, Austin, TX 78712-0259 (United States); D’Souza, Richard; Jones, Amy; Kauffmann, Guinevere [Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching (Germany); Fu, Hai, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 (United States); and others


    Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) is an optical fiber-bundle integral-field unit (IFU) spectroscopic survey that is one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV). With a spectral coverage of 3622–10354 Å and an average footprint of ∼500 arcsec{sup 2} per IFU the scientific data products derived from MaNGA will permit exploration of the internal structure of a statistically large sample of 10,000 low-redshift galaxies in unprecedented detail. Comprising 174 individually pluggable science and calibration IFUs with a near-constant data stream, MaNGA is expected to obtain ∼100 million raw-frame spectra and ∼10 million reduced galaxy spectra over the six-year lifetime of the survey. In this contribution, we describe the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline algorithms and centralized metadata framework that produce sky-subtracted spectrophotometrically calibrated spectra and rectified three-dimensional data cubes that combine individual dithered observations. For the 1390 galaxy data cubes released in Summer 2016 as part of SDSS-IV Data Release 13, we demonstrate that the MaNGA data have nearly Poisson-limited sky subtraction shortward of ∼8500 Å and reach a typical 10 σ limiting continuum surface brightness μ  = 23.5 AB arcsec{sup −2} in a five-arcsecond-diameter aperture in the g -band. The wavelength calibration of the MaNGA data is accurate to 5 km s{sup −1} rms, with a median spatial resolution of 2.54 arcsec FWHM (1.8 kpc at the median redshift of 0.037) and a median spectral resolution of σ  = 72 km s{sup −1}.

  3. Eficiencia de la implantación del cultivo de maíz (Zea mays l.) en secuencias de siembra directa y labranza previa


    Soza, Eduardo Leonardo; Tourn, Mario César; Agnes, Diego Wilfredo; Botta, Guido Fernando


    p.11-17 El cultivo de maíz requiere una correcta implantación para la obtención de un buen rendimiento y la siembra directa es una técnica que no siempre está unida al cumplimiento de este objetivo, siendo la sembradora, su alistamiento y regulación, una herramienta clave para ese propósito. En siembra directa la cuchilla labrasurco y surcador doble disco generan mínima remoción de suelo, obteniéndose emergencias inferiores a la siembra convencional. Utilizando una misma máquina sembradora...

  4. Reconstruction of Northeast Asian Deformation Integrated with Western Pacific Plate Subduction since 200 Ma (United States)

    Liu, S.; Gurnis, M.; Ma, P.; Zhang, B.


    The configuration and kinematics of continental deformation and its marginal plate tectonics on the Earth's surface are intrinsic manifestations of plate-mantle coupling. The complex interactions of plate boundary forces result in plate motions that are dominated by slab pull and ridge push forces and the effects of mantle drag; these interactions also result in continental deformation with a complex basin-mountain architecture and evolution. The kinematics and evolution of the western Pacific subduction and northeast Asian continental-margin deformation are a first-order tectonic process whose nature and chronology remains controversial. This paper implements a "deep-time" reconstruction of the western Pacific subduction, continental accretion or collision and basin-mountain deformation in northeast Asia since 200 Ma based on a newly revised global plate model. The results demonstrate a NW-SE-oriented shortening from 200-137 Ma, a NWW-SEE-oriented extension from 136-101 Ma, a nearly N-S-oriented extension and uplift with a short-term NWW-SEE-oriented compressional inversion in northeast China from 100-67 Ma, and a NW-SE- and nearly N-S-oriented extension from 66 Ma to the present day. The western Pacific oceanic plate subducted forward under East Asia along Mudanjiang-Honshu Island during the Jurassic, and the trenches retreated to the Sikhote-Alin, North Shimanto, and South Shimanto zones from ca. 137-128 Ma, ca. 130-90 Ma, and in ca. 60 Ma, respectively. Our time-dependent analysis of plate motion and continental deformation coupling suggests that the multi-plate convergent motion and ocean-continent convergent orogeny were induced by advance subduction during the Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous. Our analysis also indicates that the intra-continent rifting and back-arc extension were triggered by trench retreat during the Cretaceous and that the subduction of oceanic ridge and arc were triggered by trench retreat during the Cenozoic. Therefore, reconstructing

  5. Chromatographic selectivity of poly(alkyl methacrylate-co-divinylbenzene) monolithic columns for polar aromatic compounds by pressure-driven capillary liquid chromatography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Shu-Ling; Wang, Chih-Chieh; Fuh, Ming-Ren, E-mail:


    In this study, divinylbenzene (DVB) was used as the cross-linker to prepare alkyl methacrylate (AlMA) monoliths for incorporating π-π interactions between the aromatic analytes and AlMA-DVB monolithic stationary phases in capillary LC analysis. Various AlMA/DVB ratios were investigated to prepare a series of 30% AlMA-DVB monolithic stationary phases in fused-silica capillaries (250-μm i.d.). The physical properties (such as porosity, permeability, and column efficiency) of the synthesized AlMA-DVB monolithic columns were investigated for characterization. Isocratic elution of phenol derivatives was first employed to evaluate the suitability of the prepared AlMA-DVB columns for small molecule separation. The run-to-run (0.16–1.20%, RSD; n = 3) and column-to-column (0.26–2.95%, RSD; n = 3) repeatabilities on retention times were also examined using the selected AlMA-DVB monolithic columns. The π-π interactions between the aromatic ring and the DVB-based stationary phase offered better recognition on polar analytes with aromatic moieties, which resulted in better separation resolution of aromatic analytes on the AlMA-DVB monolithic columns. In order to demonstrate the capability of potential environmental and/or food safety applications, eight phenylurea herbicides with single benzene ring and seven sulfonamide antibiotics with polyaromatic moieties were analyzed using the selected AlMA-DVB monolithic columns. - Highlights: • First investigation on chromatographic selectivity of AlMA-DVB monolithic columns. • Good run-to-run/column-to-column repeatability (<3%) on AlMA-DVB monolithic columns. • Efficient separation of phenylurea herbicides and sulfonamides on AlMA-DVB columns.

  6. Evaluación agronómica del uso de compost de residuos de la industria azucarera (biofertilizante) en el cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L.)


    Matheus, Jesús


    Se evaluó agronómicamente un compost elaborado con desechos sólidos de la industria azucarera (biofertilizante La Pastora) como alternativa para restaurar la fertilidad de un suelo degradado y suplir los requerimientos nutricionales del cultivo de maíz (híbrido Himeca 2000). La experiencia se realizó en el Núcleo Universitario Rafael Rangel en el estado Trujillo, Venezuela, mediante un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones se evaluaron los siguientes tratamientos: biofertilizante ...

  7. Izsoļu sistēma uz satvara “Laravel”


    Kasparsons, Reinis


    Darbā aprakstīta informācijas sistēma, kas paredzēta uzņēmumam, kuram nepieciešama vienkārša izsoļu sistēma pakalpojumu un preču izsolei. Sistēmas klientiem tā nodrošina produkta iegādes iespēju, bet pārdevējam savu produktu un pakalpojumu vienkāršu izsoli. Sistēmas realizācija datu glabāšanai izmanto datubāzi ar SQL pieeju. Lietotāju skati tiek veidoti, izmantojot PHP, HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap un Laravel.

  8. Klasifikasi Kecamatan Berdasarkan Nilai Akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Menggunakan Analisis Diskriminan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitriana A.R.


    Full Text Available Analisis diskriminan merupakan bagian dari analisis peubah ganda. Analisis diskriminan digunakan untuk memodelkan variabel tak bebas yang bersifat kualitatif dengan variabel bebas yang bersifat kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, analisis diskriminan lebih dari dua kelompok diterapkan pada data nilai akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model untuk pengklasifikasian kecamatan. Pengklasifikasian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan kualitas siswa SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan berdasarkan data nilai akhir. Variabel tak bebas yang digunakan berupa klasifikasi kecamatan berdasarkan rata-rata jumlah nilai akhir SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan yang dibentuk dengan K-Means Cluster. Sedangkan variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah data rata-rata nilai akhir SMA/MA untuk setiap mata pelajaran yang diujiankan pada masing-masing jurusan setiap kecamatan. Model yang didapatkan adalah dua model diskriminan untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS.

  9. Fabrication technology for ODS Alloy MA957

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ML Hamilton; DS Gelles; RJ Lobsinger; MM Paxton; WF Brown


    A successful fabrication schedule has been developed at Carpenter Technology Corporation for the production of MA957 fuel and blanket cladding. Difficulties with gun drilling, plug drawing and recrystallization were overcome to produce a pilot lot of tubing. This report documents the fabrication efforts of two qualified vendors and the support studies performed at WHC to develop the fabrication-schedule

  10. Organisational Learning through International M&A Integration Strategies (United States)

    Holland, Wayne; Salama, Alzira


    Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to explore the learning process associated with international mergers and acquisitions (M&A) integration strategies. Design/methodology/approach: The paper employs a comparative case study methodology, utilising qualitative data through in-depth interviews with top management responsible for…

  11. Second Generation Dutch Pulsar Machine - PuMa-II

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karuppusamy, Ramesh; Stappers, Ben; Slump, Cornelis H.; van der Klis, Michiel


    The Second Generation Pulsar Machine (PuMa- II) is under development for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. This is a summary of th e system design and architecture. We show that state of the art pulsar research is possible with commercially available hardware components. This approach

  12. Molecular mechanisms and in vitro antioxidant effects of Lactobacillus plantarum MA2. (United States)

    Tang, Wei; Xing, Zhuqing; Li, Chao; Wang, Jinju; Wang, Yanping


    Lactobacillus plantarum MA2 was isolated from Chinese traditional Tibetan kefir grains. The antioxidant activities in vitro of this strain were evaluated extensively. The results showed that L. plantarum MA2 can tolerate hydrogen peroxide up to 2.0mM, and its fermentate (fermented supernatant, intact cell and cell-free extract) had strong reducing capacities, lipid peroxidation inhibition capacities, Fe 2+ -chelating abilities, as well as various free radical scavenging capacities. Additionally, both the fermented supernatant and cell homogenate exhibited glutathione peroxidase activity and superoxide dismutase activity. In order to investigate the antioxidant mechanism of L. plantarum MA2 at the molecular level, eight antioxidant-related genes were identified, and further analyzed. Three groups of genes cat, gshR and npx, were found up-regulated under H 2 O 2 challenge. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Flux consumption optimization and the achievement of 1 MA discharges on NSTX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menard, J.; LeBlanc, B.; Sabbagh, S.A.


    The spherical tokamak (ST), because of its slender central column, has very limited volt-second capability relative to a standard aspect ratio tokamak of similar plasma cross-section. Recent experiments on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) have begun to quantify and optimize the ohmic current drive efficiency in a MA-class ST device. Sustainable ramp-rates in excess of 5MA/sec during the current rise phase have been achieved on NSTX, while faster ramps generate significant MHD activity. Discharges with I P exceeding 1MA have been achieved in NSTX with nominal parameters: aspect ratio A=1.3-1.4, elongation κ=2-2.2, triangularity δ=0.4, internal inductance l i =0.6, and Ejima coefficient C E =0.35. Flux consumption efficiency results, performance improvements associated with first boronization, and comparisons to neoclassical resistivity are described. (author)

  14. Design and electrical characterization of Au/Anthracene/p-Si/Al organic/inorganic heterojunction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al-Ghamdi, Attieh A., E-mail: [Center of Nanotechnology, King Abdulaziz University, Department of Physics, North Jeddah (Saudi Arabia); Nawar, Ahmed M.; El-Tantawy, Farid [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia (Egypt); Yaghmour, S.J. [Department of Physics, King Abdulaziz University, North Jeddah (Saudi Arabia); Azam, Ameer [Center of Nanotechnology, King Abdulaziz University, Department of Physics, North Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)


    Highlights: • We have successfully fabricated a Au/Anthracene/p-Si/Al organic/inorganic heterojunction. • The calculated series resistance and the shunt resistance of the device were found to be 440 Ω and 1.47 MΩ, respectively. • The Cheung-Cheung and Norde’s models were used to investigate and determine the heterojunction parameters. • Essential junction parameters and performance of heterojunction established a photovoltaic behavior. • Open circuit voltage (V{sub oc}) 0.382 V, short circuit photocurrent (I{sub SC}) 0.72 mA and power conversion efficiency (η) of 4.65%. - Abstract: Hybrid organic/inorganic heterojunction of nanocrystalline Anthracene and p-Si was fabricated by using a conventional thermal evaporation technique. The crystal and molecular structure of the Anthracene thin films were analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier Transformation-Infra Red (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The morphologies of the Anthracene/p-Si were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The dark current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of Au/Anthracene/p-Si/Al heterojunction were investigated at room temperature (293 K). The calculated series resistance and the shunt resistance of the device were found to be 440 Ω and 1.47 MΩ, respectively. The Cheung-Cheung and Norde’s models were used to investigate and determine the heterojunction parameters. The ideality factor and barrier height values of the Au/Anthracene/p-Si/Al diode were obtained to be 1.1 and 0.464 eV, respectively. The dependence of capacitance-voltage (C{sup -2}-V) for the device Anthracene/p-Si was found to be almost linear. Essential junction parameters and performance of heterojunction established a photovoltaic behavior with an open circuit voltage (V{sub oc}) 0.382 V, short circuit photocurrent (I{sub SC}) 0.72 mA and power conversion efficiency (η) of 4.65%.

  15. TRANSFORMASI KURIKULUM PESANTREN: Telaah Pemikiran KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh dan Nurcholish Madjid


    Mukhlison Effendi; Suradi Suradi


    Abstract; Islamic boarding school is an indigenous Indonesia. Some contribution that given in the Islamization process, create a good community literacy and culture are very large. One reason, because there are Islamic boarding school curriculum transformation. Most influential enticement are KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh and Nurcholish Madjid enticement. To knowing and determine the transformation both of those figures, the researcher take focus of study as: 1) the speculation of KH. MA. Sahal Mahfu...

  16. Danışma Hizmetlerinde Bulut Bilişim Uygulamalarının Kullanımı = Use of Cloud Computing Applications in Reference Services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Canan Tavluoğlu


    Full Text Available Bulut bilişim, herhangi bir yazılım ve depolama birimi olmaksızın, masaüstü-dizüstü bilgisayar, tablet PC veya akıllı telefonlar kullanılarak internet üzerinden bilgiye erişim sağlayan bir bilişim platformudur. Kütüphaneler gibi birçok kurum zamandan ve paradan tasarruf etmek için bu uygulamaları kullanmaktadır. Kütüphaneler danışma hizmetlerini yeni teknolojilere göre uyarlamakta ve hizmetlerini söz konusu bilişim ortamına taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada bulut bilişimin tanımı, sunduğu fırsatlar ve zorluklardan kısaca bahsedilmekte ayrıca danışma hizmetlerinde bulut tabanlı uygulamaların nasıl kullanılabileceğine yer verilmektedir. Bu bağlamda Ankara’da bulunan üniversite kütüphanelerinde çalışan danışma kütüphanecilerinin bulut tabanlı yazılım olarak hizmet (Software as a Service - SaaS araçlarının ne ölçüde kullandıklarını belirlemek amacıyla bir anket uygulanmıştır. Anket sonuçlarına göre, danışma hizmetlerinde bu araçların kullanım oranlarının çok düşük olduğu görülmektedir. / Cloud computing is a computing platform that allows access the information over internet by using desktop computers, laptops, tablet PCs and smart phones without any software and storage unit. Many organizations use this technology and save time and money, such as libraries. Libraries have been adopting their reference services to the new technology and library services have been moving to the cloud. This paper defines cloud computing, presents the opportunities and challenges, also include how to use cloud based applications in reference services. A survey was applied to identify the use of cloud based Software as a Service (SaaS models by references librarians who work at university libraries in Ankara. According to results, the degree of usage of this tools generally low.

  17. Las revistas científicas: estructura y normalización, 4 de 4: normas, identificadores et al.


    Giordanino, Eduardo Pablo


    Scientific journals: standards, identifiers et al. National and international standards about journals. ISO standards: ISO 8: journals, ISO 215: papers (these course), ISO 18: table of contents, ISO 3297: ISSN, ISO 690: bibliographic references, ISO 2014: dates, ISO 3166: country codes, ISO 8601: Representation of dates and times. ISO 26324: DOI (DRM). Another standards and guides: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver, ICMJE). Unique identifiers: ma...

  18. Al-Isykaliyyat al-Lughawiyyah fi Tarjamah Ma'ani al-Qur'an al-Karim ila al-Lughah al-Indonisiyyah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saifullah Kamalie


    Full Text Available Translating the Qur’an into Indonesian language, is a crucial issue, complicated and difficult. Because the Qur’an has a structure, pattern, and style of a particular language that can not be interpreted as translating Arabic books other. Although understand the Qur’an without going through the translation into Indonesian, is clearly more difficult. Recognizing the need for Qur’anic translation, the writer attempts to affirm the various aspects before translating to eliminate some errors, in terms of both language and content. From the translator qualifications he must understand well a few things; understand well the target and source language, semantics, and distinguish various linguistic structures such as synonyms, antonyms, and metaphor. According to Mildred L. Larsen, a translator must consider three aspects; a. differences in characteristics of language, b. sort out the confusion between the source language and its target, c. recognize the differences in the context of the uses of each word. Last but not least, the authors expect no results for translations of the Qur’an which maintained the validity – at least approached with the intention of the verses of the Qur’an – so it helps to understand the Qur’an properly. For that, the authors suggested, there needs to be a special team consisting of language experts and competent to translate the Qur’an in a collocation and groups.

  19. SDSS-IV MaNGA: a distinct mass distribution explored in slow-rotating early-type galaxies (United States)

    Rong, Yu; Li, Hongyu; Wang, Jie; Gao, Liang; Li, Ran; Ge, Junqiang; Jing, Yingjie; Pan, Jun; Fernández-Trincado, J. G.; Valenzuela, Octavio; Ortíz, Erik Aquino


    We study the radial acceleration relation (RAR) for early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the SDSS MaNGA MPL5 data set. The complete ETG sample show a slightly offset RAR from the relation reported by McGaugh et al. (2016) at the low-acceleration end; we find that the deviation is due to the fact that the slow rotators show a systematically higher acceleration relation than the McGaugh's RAR, while the fast rotators show a consistent acceleration relation to McGaugh's RAR. There is a 1σ significant difference between the acceleration relations of the fast and slow rotators, suggesting that the acceleration relation correlates with the galactic spins, and that the slow rotators may have a different mass distribution compared with fast rotators and late-type galaxies. We suspect that the acceleration relation deviation of slow rotators may be attributed to more galaxy merger events, which would disrupt the original spins and correlated distributions of baryons and dark matter orbits in galaxies.

  20. Evolution of biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus during 45~50 Ma revealed by sequential extraction analysis of IODP Expedition 302 cores from the Arctic Ocean (United States)

    Hashimoto, S.; Yamaguchi, K. E.; Takahashi, K.


    The modern Arctic Ocean plays crucial roles in controlling global climate system with the driving force of global thermohaline circulation through the formation of dense deep water and high albedo due to the presence of perennial sea-ice. However, the Arctic sea-ice has not always existed in the past. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302 Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) has clarified that global warming (water temperature: ca. 14~16○C) during 48~49 Ma Azolla Event induced the loss of sea-ice and desalination of surface ocean, and that sea-ice formed again some million years later (45 Ma). In the Arctic Ocean, warming and cooling events repeated over and over (e.g., Brinkhuis et al., 2006; Moran et al., 2006; März et al., 2010). Large variations in the extent of thermohaline circulation through time often caused stagnation of seawater and appearance of anaerobic environment where hydrogen sulfide was produced by bacterial sulfate reduction. Ogawa et al. (2009) confirmed occurrence of framboidal pyrite in the ACEX sediments, and suggested that the Arctic Ocean at the time was anoxic, analogous to the modern Black Sea, mainly based on sulfur isotope analysis. To further clarify the variations in the nutrient status of the Arctic Ocean, we focus on the geochemical cycle of phosphorus. We performed sequential extraction analysis of sedimentary phosphorus in the ACEX sediments, using the method that we improvped based on the original SEDEX method by Ruttenberg (1992) and Schenau et al. (2000). In our method, phosphorus fractions are divided into five forms; (1) absorbed P, (2) Feoxide-P, (4) carbonate fluorapatite (CFAP) + CaCO3-P + hydroxylapatite (HAP), (4) detrital P, and (5) organic P. Schenau et al. (2000) divided the (3) fraction into non-biological CFAP and biological HAP and CaCO3-P. When the Arctic Ocean was closed and in its warming period, the water mass was most likely stratified and an anaerobic condition would have prevailed where

  1. Origin Of Black Shale (Marl) Formation Aided By Continuous Volcanism For 10Ma Including Oceanic Anoxic Event, OAE2 (93-93.5 Ma) In The Eagle Ford Formation In South Texas (United States)

    Chakrabarty, P.; Basu, A. R.


    We report LA-ICPMS U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of zircons, petrography, major and trace elements and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of whole rock black shales(marls) from volcanic subsurface as well as surface exposure ash beds of the Eagle Ford and Boquillas Formations in South Texas. Zircons from the middle part of the 300ft long Eagle Ford cores yield ages of 93.2±1.66 Ma, 94.13±1.25 Ma and 93.7±1.9 Ma. These ages are consistent with the Cenomanian-Turonian (C-T) age of deposition in three contiguous cores with spatial separation of 140 miles. An approximate 10Ma duration of deposition of volcanic ash and marl, at a rate of 28ft/Ma for the Eagle Ford is suggested from the 85.76 to 95.5 Ma ages. These ages are from the Eagle Ford ash beds, below the Austin Chalk and above the Buda Limestone and cover the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at the C-T boundary. Zircons from 7 ash beds in the surface exposures of the Boquillas Formation near Del Rio, yield ages between 84.63 Ma - 90.91 Ma, implying younger than C-T boundary ages for these samples. The mineralogy, major and trace elements of the ash beds suggest their source from nearby arc-derived calc-alkaline volcanism. The ɛHf(T) of the analyzed ash bed zircons yield values between 0 - +8 averaging at +3.5, clearly indicating a mantle component in the host magmas of the zircons. This initial range of ɛHf(T) is similar to arc-volcanism signatures such as the Quaternary andesitic volcanism in Central Mexico. Petrographic analyses of marls away from the visible tuff layer contain phenocrysts of biotite, alkali feldspar and andesitic rock fragments. The whole rock marl with high concentration of some transition metals (V, Zn, Ni, Pb, Mo) and relatively higher MgO and TiO2 contents indicate contemporaneous arc volcanic activity at the time of marl deposition. XRD of subsurface Eagle Ford bulk marl samples from different depths in 4 cores, show volcanogenic clays, such as montmorillonite, vermiculite, dickite and halloysite

  2. Titanium K-Shell X-Ray Production from High Velocity Wire Arrays Implosions on the 20-MA Z Accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Apruzese, J.P.; Beg, F.N.; Clark, R.C.; Coverdale, C.A.; Davis, J.; Deeney, C.; Douglas, M.R.; Nash, T.J.; Ruiz-Comacho, J.; Spielman, R.B.; Struve, K.W.; Thornhill, J.W.; Whitney, K.G.


    The advent of the 20-MA Z accelerator [R.B. Spielman, C. Deeney, G.A. Chandler, et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 2105, (1997)] has enabled implosions of large diameter, high-wire-number arrays of titanium to begin testing Z-pinch K-shell scaling theories. The 2-cm long titanium arrays, which were mounted on a 40-mm diameter, produced between 75±15 to 125±20 kJ of K-shell x-rays. Mass scans indicate that, as predicted, higher velocity implosions in the series produced higher x-ray yields. Spectroscopic analyses indicate that these high velocity implosions achieved peak electron temperatures from 2.7±0.1 to 3.2±0.2 keV and obtained a K-shell emission mass participation of up to 12%

  3. The transcriptional regulatory network mediated by banana (Musa acuminata) dehydration-responsive element binding (MaDREB) transcription factors in fruit ripening. (United States)

    Kuang, Jian-Fei; Chen, Jian-Ye; Liu, Xun-Cheng; Han, Yan-Chao; Xiao, Yun-Yi; Shan, Wei; Tang, Yang; Wu, Ke-Qiang; He, Jun-Xian; Lu, Wang-Jin


    Fruit ripening is a complex, genetically programmed process involving the action of critical transcription factors (TFs). Despite the established significance of dehydration-responsive element binding (DREB) TFs in plant abiotic stress responses, the involvement of DREBs in fruit ripening is yet to be determined. Here, we identified four genes encoding ripening-regulated DREB TFs in banana (Musa acuminata), MaDREB1, MaDREB2, MaDREB3, and MaDREB4, and demonstrated that they play regulatory roles in fruit ripening. We showed that MaDREB1-MaDREB4 are nucleus-localized, induced by ethylene and encompass transcriptional activation activities. We performed a genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation and high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) experiment for MaDREB2 and identified 697 genomic regions as potential targets of MaDREB2. MaDREB2 binds to hundreds of loci with diverse functions and its binding sites are distributed in the promoter regions proximal to the transcriptional start site (TSS). Most of the MaDREB2-binding targets contain the conserved (A/G)CC(G/C)AC motif and MaDREB2 appears to directly regulate the expression of a number of genes involved in fruit ripening. In combination with transcriptome profiling (RNA sequencing) data, our results indicate that MaDREB2 may serve as both transcriptional activator and repressor during banana fruit ripening. In conclusion, our study suggests a hierarchical regulatory model of fruit ripening in banana and that the MaDREB TFs may act as transcriptional regulators in the regulatory network. © 2017 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2017 New Phytologist Trust.

  4. redMaPPer. I. Algorithm and SDSS DR8 catalog

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rykoff, E. S.; Rozo, E.; Reddick, R.; Wechsler, R. H. [SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (United States); Busha, M. T. [Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zürich, 8057 Zürich (Switzerland); Cunha, C. E. [Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94305 (United States); Finoguenov, A. [Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki (Finland); Evrard, A.; Koester, B. P. [Physics Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (United States); Hao, J.; Nord, B. [Center for Particle Astrophysics, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510 (United States); Leauthaud, A. [Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8583 (Japan); Pierre, M.; Sadibekova, T. [Service d' Astrophysique, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex (France); Sheldon, E. S. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 (United States)


    We describe redMaPPer, a new red sequence cluster finder specifically designed to make optimal use of ongoing and near-future large photometric surveys. The algorithm has multiple attractive features: (1) it can iteratively self-train the red sequence model based on a minimal spectroscopic training sample, an important feature for high-redshift surveys. (2) It can handle complex masks with varying depth. (3) It produces cluster-appropriate random points to enable large-scale structure studies. (4) All clusters are assigned a full redshift probability distribution P(z). (5) Similarly, clusters can have multiple candidate central galaxies, each with corresponding centering probabilities. (6) The algorithm is parallel and numerically efficient: it can run a Dark Energy Survey-like catalog in ∼500 CPU hours. (7) The algorithm exhibits excellent photometric redshift performance, the richness estimates are tightly correlated with external mass proxies, and the completeness and purity of the corresponding catalogs are superb. We apply the redMaPPer algorithm to ∼10, 000 deg{sup 2} of SDSS DR8 data and present the resulting catalog of ∼25,000 clusters over the redshift range z in [0.08, 0.55]. The redMaPPer photometric redshifts are nearly Gaussian, with a scatter σ {sub z} ≈ 0.006 at z ≈ 0.1, increasing to σ {sub z} ≈ 0.02 at z ≈ 0.5 due to increased photometric noise near the survey limit. The median value for |Δz|/(1 + z) for the full sample is 0.006. The incidence of projection effects is low (≤5%). Detailed performance comparisons of the redMaPPer DR8 cluster catalog to X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich catalogs are presented in a companion paper.

  5. Investigations of AlGaN/GaN HFETs utilizing post-metallization etching by nitric acid treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, Bo-Yi; Hsu, Wei-Chou; Liu, Han-Yin; Tsai, Chih-Ming; Ho, Chiu-Sheng; Lee, Ching-Sung


    This work investigates AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFETs) processed by using a simple post-metallization etching (PME) treatment. Decreased gate length (L G ) can be achieved by using nitric acid (HNO 3 ) PME treatment owing to the high etching selectivity of HNO 3 of Ni against the Au and GaN layer. Influences on L G , etched gate profiles and device characteristics with respect to different PME processing parameters by HNO 3 treatment are systematically investigated. Optimum device performance is obtained as L G was reduced to 0.5 µm by using a 1 µm long gate mask by immersing the device into a 45% diluted HNO 3 solution for 35 s. Improved device performances, including maximum drain–source current density (I DS,max : 657.6 mA mm −1 → 898.5 mA mm −1 ), drain–source saturation current density at zero gate bias (I DSS0 : 448.3 mA mm −1 → 653.4 mA mm −1 ), maximum extrinsic transconductance (g m,max : 158.3 mS mm −1 → 219.2 mS mm −1 ), unity-gain cut-off frequency (f T : 12.35 GHz → 22.05 GHz), maximum oscillation frequency (f max : 17.55 GHz → 29.4 GHz) and power-added efficiency (P.A.E.: 26.3% → 34.5%) compared to the untreated reference device, have been successfully achieved. (invited paper)

  6. Geomorphology of Ma'adim Vallis, Mars,and Associated Paleolake Basins (United States)

    Irwin, Rossman, P., III; Howard, Alan D.; Maxwell, Ted A.


    Ma'adim Vallis, one of the largest valleys in the Martian highlands, appears to have originated by catastrophic overflow of a large paleola ke located south of the valley heads. Ma'adim Vallis debouched to Gus ev crater, 900 km to the north, the landing site for the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover. Support for the paleolake overflow hypothesis come s from the following characteristics: (I) With a channel width of 3 km at its head, Ma'adim Vallis originates at two (eastern and western) gaps incised into the divide of the approximately 1.1 M km(exp 2) enc losed Eridania head basin, which suggests a lake as the water source. (2) The sinuous course of Ma'adim Vallis is consistent with overland flow controlled by preexisting surface topography, and structural con trol is not evident or required to explain the valley course. (3) The nearly constant approximately 5 km width of the inner channel through crater rim breaches, the anastomosing course of the wide western tri butary, the migration of the inner channel to the outer margins of be nds in the valley's lower reach, a medial sedimentary bar approximate ly 200 m in height, and a step-pool" sequence are consistent with modeled flows of 1-5 x l0 (exp 6) m(exp 3)/s. Peak discharges were likely higher but are poorly constrained by the relict channel geometry. (4 ) Small direct tributary valleys to Ma'adim Vallis have convex-up lon gitudinal profiles, suggesting a hanging relationship to a valley that was incised quickly relative to the timescales of tributary developm ent. (5) The Eridania basin had adequate volume between the initial d ivide and the incised gap elevations to carve Ma'adim Vallis during a single flood. (6) The Eridania basin is composed of many overlapping , highly degraded and deeply buried impact craters. The floor materials of the six largest craters have an unusually high internal relief ( approximately 1 km) and slope (approximately 0.5-1.5 degrees) among d egraded Martian craters, which are usually

  7. Barbechos mejorados con leguminosas: una promisoria alternativa agroecológica para el manejo alelopático de malezas y mejoramiento del cultivo de arroz y maíz en los Llanos de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delgado H. Hernando


    Full Text Available

    El manejo químico de malezas en arroz asciende hasta un 20% de los costos totales del cultivo, bajando así su rentabilidad. Buscando explorar alternativas de manejo, el presente trabajo evaluó el efecto de tres sistemas de labranza, cuatro barbechos mejorados con leguminosas, el barbecho nativo y tres dosis de herbicidas, sobre la densidad total de malezas resurgentes dentro de los cultivos, algunas propiedades del suelo y el rendimiento del arroz y el maíz. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Investigación La Libertad (Villavicencio y en dos fincas en la zona del Ariari, bajo un diseño experimental de parcelas subdivididas con tres repeticiones. Mucuna deeringianum (Bort. Smal presentó los más fuertes efectos alelopáticos, con porcentajes promedio de control de malezas –adicionales al efecto de los herbicidas– entre 41 y 62%; seguida de Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don, con porcentajes de control entre 27 y 46%. Por esta razón, dosis de herbicidas reducidas al 70% de las comerciales mostraron adecuados niveles de control. Es así que los rendimientos de arroz secano favorecido y maíz en la zona del Ariari llegaron a ser incluso superiores a los obtenidos con dosis completas de herbicidas, aunque sin mostrar diferencias significativas. Ambas leguminosas aumentaron el rendimiento del arroz secano favorecido hasta en 1.446 kg ha-1, y mejoraron algunas propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas del suelo, en tanto que únicamente C. ochroleuca incrementó la producción de maíz en 331 kg ha-1. Los múltiples e integrales beneficios agronómicos obtenidos con el uso de un período de barbecho mejorado muestran su potencial para el manejo alelopático de malezas, y como práctica agroecológica en cultivos de arroz y maíz.

  8. Evaluation of biodegradation of bionanocomposites of PHB/PP-g-MA/vermiculite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mesquita, P.J.P. de; Alves, T.S.; Barbosa, R.; Andrade, D. de L.A.C.S.


    In this work, we evaluated the process of biodegradation of PHB bionanocomposites/PP-g-MA/clay. Films were prepared with compositions of 5% PP-g-MA and 3% clay (BIO5); and 2.5% PP-g-MA and 3% clay (BIO2.5). The biodegradation test was conducted according to ASTM G 160-03 for a period of 86 days. The evaluation of biodegradation was performed by optical microscopy (MO), loss of mass, FTIR and XRD. The bionanocomposites presented change of coloration and appearance of fissures. As for loss in mass in the system presented loss of BIO2,5 22.5% and 25.9% BIO5, for 86 days of simulated soil exposure. We also observed by FTIR sharp reduction in intensity of the band corresponding to the C = O groups, indicating that the microbial attack promoted cleavage of the ester group links. By XRD, reduction in the intensity of the peaks and enlargements of the same with increasing exposure time, proving the biodegradation behavior of bionanocomposites. (author)

  9. ["StigMa" - Evaluation of a Psychological Therapy Program for Stigma-Management]. (United States)

    Schenner, Manuela; Kohlbauer, Daniela; Meise, Ullrich; Haller, Christina; Pixner-Huber, Martina; Stürz, Kristina; Günther, Verena


    The project "Stigma Management - StigMa" aims on the evaluation of an adaptive therapy program for patients with psychiatric illness to help them in managing internalized stigma and self-stigmatization. The patients for this pilot-study were recruited in day-hospitals of pro mente tirol . 26 patients participated in 11 group sessions, following 6 modules: "Education", "Activation of Resources", "Social Network", "Self-Esteem", "Social competence in public places" and "My personal stigma management". The control group consisted of 20 patients who did not participate in StigMa. Pre-post-evaluation was done by the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness-Scale 1. No significant interaction effects could be observed, although in the treatment group, the burden of perceived discrimination was significantly less pronounced after training than before it. The program, however, was evaluated as being extremely positive by the participants. The program StigMa will be adapted in accordance with the suggestions of the participants and reevaluated taking into consideration methodological optimization. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. Producción de maíz y soya forrajera para ensilaje y venta parcial de la cosecha de elotes o chilotes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Jim\\u00E9nez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo investigó el efecto de tres diferentes formas de siembra conjunta de maíz y soya: a asociados (un surco maíz-un surco soya, b alternos (cuatro surcos máiz-cuatro surcos soya y c monocultivo y tres formas de cosecha de chilotes o elotes para venta antes de ensilar: a remoción del 50% de los chilotes (a inicio de floración, b remoción del 50% de los elotes (en estado de leche y c sin cosecha. Cada tratamiento tuvo tres repeticiones. Se utilizó la variedad de maíz blanco localmente adaptado, HS-5G de la casa Cristiani Burkard y la variedad de soya CIGRAS 10 para grano y forraje, desarrollada por el Centro de Investigación en Granos y Semillas de la Universidad de Costa Rica y probada con éxito en la regi ón. La cosecha para ensilaje, se realizó en los estados fenol ógicos de inicio de indentación en el maíz y R6 en la soya (semilla formada de consistencia semidura. La remoción del 50% del chilote resultó en $164,06 de ingreso bruto, cubriendo el 44,23 % de los gastos de cultivo, cosecha y almacenamiento en un silo de montón. Sin embargo, se observó una reducci ón desde 5,99 a 4,77 t MS /ha, representando un 20,3 %. La cosecha de elotes también redujo los rendimientos en un 24,4 %, pero permitió recuperar un 89,45 % de los gastos, que equivalieron a $331,75 de ingreso. Al mover los elotes, recupera casi todos los costos, no obstante, hay una reducción en tonelaje y casi de seguro en materia seca digestible. Bajo mejores condiciones de clima, un ingreso bruto mayor sería posible con el consecuente superavit monetario y el ensilaje gratis.

  11. Reklāma kā sociālā mārketinga elements un tās efektivitāte: CSDD sociālā TV reklāma "Orgānu donori"


    Priedīte, Unda


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „ Reklāma kā sociālā mārketinga elements un tās efektivitāte: CSDD sociālā TV reklāma „ Orgānu donori ””. Darbā izvirzītā hipotēze: sociālā TV reklāma „Orgānu donori” kā sociālā mārketinga elements ir bijusi efektīva un tā attaisno vizuālo un tekstuālo risinājumu izvēli, jo spēcīgas emocijas ir viens no efektīvākajiem veidiem, kā sociālo problēmu kontekstā mainīt cilvēku attieksmi un rīcību. Pēc paveiktās teorētiskās informācijas apstrādes un pētījuma rezultātu ana...

  12. La maîtrise du temps comme enjeu de lutte


    Bureau, Marie-Christine; Corsani, Antonella


    Le conflit social autour de la réforme du régime d'assurance chômage des intermittents du spectacle a été marqué par son intensité et par sa durée. La thèse défendue ici est que la maîtrise du temps constitue l’un des enjeux majeurs de ce conflit. L'affrontement sur le terrain économique de la régulation de l'emploi et de l'industrie culturelle s'est doublé de l'affrontement sur le temps. La question du temps ne se limite pas à la régulation du temps de travail, elle concerne la maîtrise du t...

  13. Regulation of Banana Phytoene Synthase (MaPSY) Expression, Characterization and Their Modulation under Various Abiotic Stress Conditions (United States)

    Kaur, Navneet; Pandey, Ashutosh; Shivani; Kumar, Prateek; Pandey, Pankaj; Kesarwani, Atul K.; Mantri, Shrikant S.; Awasthi, Praveen; Tiwari, Siddharth


    Phytoene synthase (PSY) is a key regulatory enzyme of carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in plants. The present study examines the role of PSY in carotenogenesis and stress management in banana. Germplasm screening of 10 Indian cultivars showed that Nendran (3011.94 μg/100 g dry weight) and Rasthali (105.35 μg/100 g dry weight) contained the highest and lowest amounts of β-carotene, respectively in ripe fruit-pulp. Nendran ripe pulp also showed significantly higher antioxidant activity as compared to Rasthali. Meta-analysis of three banana PSY genes (MaPSY1, MaPSY2, and MaPSY3) was performed to identify their structural features, subcellular, and chromosomal localization in banana genome. The distinct expression patterns of MaPSY1, MaPSY2, and MaPSY3 genes were observed in various tissues, and fruit developmental stages of these two contrasting cultivars, suggesting differential regulation of the banana PSY genes. A positive correlation was observed between the expression of MaPSY1 and β-carotene accumulation in the ripe fruit-peel and pulp of Nendran. The presence of stress responsive cis-regulatory motifs in promoter region of MaPSY genes were correlated with the expression pattern during various stress (abscisic acid, methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid and dark) treatments. The positive modulation of MaPSY1 noticed under abiotic stresses suggested its role in plant physiological functions and defense response. The amino acid sequence analysis of the PSY proteins in contrasting cultivars revealed that all PSY comprises conserved domains related to enzyme activity. Bacterial complementation assay has validated the functional activity of six PSY proteins and among them PSY1 of Nendran (Nen-PSY1) gave the highest activity. These data provide new insights into the regulation of PSY expression in banana by developmental and stress related signals that can be explored in the banana improvement programs. PMID:28421096

  14. Obama vu de ma banlieue.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Stanislawska


    Full Text Available Une petite brocante est organisée tous les jeudis sur une place proche de la Basilique de Saint-Denis. On y vend des livres, des bibelots, des bijoux fantaisies et des masques africains. L’un des vendeurs a visiblement décidé de bénéficier de l’effet Obama. J’ai pris la photo de ma fenêtre, située au dessus de ce marché. J’ai adoré ce stand, mais ce n’est qu’une fois sur l’écran de mon ordinateur que j’ai vu les petites images Banania... ! Si j’avais su, je serais ...

  15. Conceptual Framework: Development of Interactive Reading Malay Language Learning System (I-ReaMaLLS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ismail Nurulisma


    Full Text Available Reading is very important to access knowledge. Reading skills starts during preschool level no matter of the types of languages. At present, there are many preschool children who are still unable to recognize letters or even words. This leads to the difficulties in reading. Therefore, there is a need of intervention in reading to overcome such problems. Thus, technologies were adapted in enhancing learning skills, especially in learning to read among the preschool children. Phonological is one of the factors to be considered to ensure a smooth of transition into reading. Phonological concept enables the first learner to easily learn reading such to learn reading Malay language. The medium of learning to read Malay language can be assisted via the supportive of multimedia technology to enhance the preschool children learning. Thus, an interactive system is proposed via a development of interactive reading Malay language learning system, which is called as I-ReaMaLLS. As a part of the development of I-ReaMaLLS, this paper focus on the development of conceptual framework in developing interactive reading Malay language learning system (I-ReaMaLLS. I-ReaMaLLS is voice based system that facilitates the preschool learner in learning reading Malay language. The conceptual framework of developing I-ReaMaLLS is conceptualized based on the initial study conducted via methods of literature review and observation with the preschool children, aged 5 – 6 years. As the result of the initial study, research objectives have been affirmed that finally contributes to the design of conceptual framework for the development of I-ReaMaLLS.

  16. High strength Ni based composite reinforced by solid solution W(Al) obtained by powder metallurgy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Bo; Zhu Changjun; Ma Xianfeng; Zhao Wei; Tang Huaguo; Cai Shuguang; Qiao Zhuhui


    The solid-solution-particle reinforced W(Al)-Ni composites were successfully fabricated by using mechanical alloying (MA) and hot-pressing (HP) technique when the content of Ni is between 45 wt% and 55 wt%. Besides, samples of various original component ratio of Al 50 W 50 to Ni have been fabricated, and the corresponding microcomponents and mechanical properties such as microhardness, ultimate tensile strength and elongation were characterized and discussed. The optimum ultimate tensile strength under the experiment conditions is 1868 MPa with elongation of 10.21% and hardness of 6.62 GPa. X-ray diffraction (XRD), FE-SEM and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDS) were given to analysis the components and morphology of the composite bulk specimens

  17. Hubungan Religiusitas dan Kebahagiaan dengan Motivasi Belajar Santri di MA Mu’allimin Yogyakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rania Melani


    Full Text Available This study motivated their learning motivation often decreased due to; They have to follow different school rules, they just hang out with their male friends, they will be sanctioned if they make mistakes, lack the motivation to perform best because of the homogeneity of the students in school, the lack of time to get along with the family and you. This research aims to know relation of religiosity and happiness with learning motivation at santri in MA mu'allimin Yogyakarta, religiosity relationship with motivation to learn at santri at MA Mu'allimin Yogyakarta, happiness relationship with motivation to learn at santri at MA Mu'allimin Yogyakarta. The method used is quantitative research method. The subject of this research is santri MA Mu'allimin Yogyakarta academic year 2014-2015. Data collection techniques are with the scale of learning motivation, religiosity and happiness. The method of analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression, using the help of SPSS 19.0 for windows. The results of this study: the relationship of religiosity and happiness to the motivation of learning, a significant relationship between religiosity with learning motivation, and the relationship between happiness with learning motivation.

  18. DVD-d. Shrek Kolmas; Ma olen legend / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Lühiarvustused USA 2007.a. filmidele : animafilm "Shrek Kolmas" ("Shrek the Third", režissöörid Chris Miller, Raman Hui) ja ulmefilm "Ma olen legend" ("I Am Legend"; režissöör Francis Lawrence)

  19. Study of MA Effect on Yield Strength and Ductility of X80 Linepipe Steels Weld (United States)

    Huda, Nazmul; Lazor, Robert; Gerlich, Adrian P.


    Multipass GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) welding was used to join X80 linepipe materials using two weld metals of slightly different compositions. Welding wires with diameters of 0.984 and 0.909 mm were used while applying the same heat input in each pass. The slight difference in the wire diameters resulted in different HAZ microstructures. The microstructures in the doubly reheated HAZ of both welds were found to contain bainite-ferrite. However, etching also revealed a difference in martensite-austenite (MA) fraction in these reheated zones. The MA exhibited twice the hardness of ferrite when measured by nanoindentation. Tensile testing from the reheated zone of both welds revealed a difference in yield strength, tensile strength and elongation of the transverse weld specimens. In the reheated zone of weld A, (produced with a 0.984 mm wire) a higher fraction of MA was observed, which resulted in higher strength but lower elongation compared to weld B. The ductility of weld A was found severely impaired (to nearly half of weld B) due to formation of closely spaced voids around the MA, along with debonding of MA from the matrix, which occurs just above the yield stress.

  20. Maíz: Alimento fundamental en las tradiciones y costumbres mexicanas


    José de Jesús Cuevas Mejía


    El siguiente trabajo busca recalcar la importancia del maíz para el pueblo mexicano, que con el paso de los años ha logrado mantener su identidad no en vano por la fuerza y majestuosidad de sus tradiciones y costumbres. Es cierto que hoy en día es la base de la alimentación de muchas familias a lo largo del territorio de México, en cada hogar a la hora del almuerzo, la comida e incluso la merienda, el maíz está presente en una gran variedad de formas, texturas y colores. Esto nos hace pensar ...

  1. The Launch of the MA-6, Friendship 7 (United States)


    The launch of the MA-6, Friendship 7, on February 20, 1962. Boosted by the Mercury-Atlas vehicle, a modified Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), Friendship 7 was the first U.S. marned orbital flight and carried Astronaut John H. Glenn into orbit. Astronaut Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth.

  2. Analysis of MaACS2, a stress-inducible ACC Synthase Gene in Musa acuminata AAA Group Cultivar Pisang Ambon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Resnanti Utami Handayani


    Full Text Available Ethylene has an important function in plant growth and development. Ethylene production generally increases in response to pathogen attacks and other environmental stress conditions. The synthesis of this phytohormone is regulated by two enzymes, ACC synthase (ACS and ACC oxidase (ACO. ACC synthase is encoded by a multigene that regulates the production of ACC, after which this precursor is converted into ethylene by ACO. Pisang Ambon (Musa sp. AAA group, a banana cultivar originating from Indonesia, has nine ACS genes (MaACS 1-9 and one ACO gene (MaACO. One of the banana ACS genes, MaACS2, is stress-inducible. In this research, we have investigated the expression profile of MaACS2 in the roots and leaf tissues of infected tissue culture plants. Quantification of gene expression was analyzed using Real-Time PCR (qPCR using Ma18srRNA and MaGAPDH as reference genes. The results showed nine-to ten fold higher MaACS2 expression levels in the infected roots tissues compared to the uninfected roots tissues. However, MaACS2 expression in the leaves was only detected in infected tissue.

  3. De Louis Delluc à Caligari... L'introduction du cinéma allemand en France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Lavastrou


    Full Text Available Dès 1919, le boycott du cinéma allemand interdit toute confrontation avec les réalisations de l'ennemi héréditaire. Cette négation inquiète Louis Delluc qui réagit en publiant deux articles sur la situation du cinéma allemand. Ces chroniques proposent un premier état des lieux mais, sans film distribué, ces analyses restent lettre morte et ne font que souligner ce manque. Il faut attendre 1921 et la création de la revue Cinéa pour que Delluc organise la première projection du Cabinet du docteur Caligari. Cet événement prend vite une ampleur nationale. Le succès mondial de ce film démontre la possibilité d'un équilibre entre industrie mondialisée et spécificité nationale. Dès lors, le cinéma allemand peut servir de modèle pour la recherche d'une telle unité au sein du cinéma français dont la crise structurelle démontre son incapacité à s'adapter aux nouvelles exigences du marché global. Louis Delluc parvient donc à imposer les productions allemandes en France, mais il ne réussit cependant pas à effectuer la transition entre artisanat anarchique et industrie cinématographique rationalisée. Ainsi, une autre unité voit-elle le jour, dépassant les cadres nationaux pour s'inscrire sur le vaste espace européen ouvrant ainsi la voie à des échanges culturels et techniques franco-allemands.Seit 1919 verhindert das Verbot des deutschen Kinos in Frankreich jegliche Konfrontation mit den Produktionen des Erzfeindes. Diese Ablehnung des deutschen Films beschäftigt und beunruhigt Louis Delluc, der daraufhin zwei Artikel über die Situation des deutschen Films veröffentlicht. Seine Artikel zeigen einen ersten Stand der Dinge auf, der aber in Anbetracht fehlender deutscher Filmvorführungen keine weitere Beachtung findet. Erst im Jahr 1921 wird mit der Revue Cinéa, deren Gründer Delluc ist, eine erste Aufführung des Kabinett des Dr. Caligari organisiert. Dieses Ereignis nimmt schnell nationale Dimensionen an. Der

  4. MA-23-6000: underwater bilateral servo master slave manipulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vertut, Jean

    The different types of manipulators, recent data on their dexterity and the underwater work possible with servo master slave manipulators are reviewed. The general specifications of the manipulator MA 23-6000 designed for the machine ERIC II are given [fr

  5. ⁵³Mn-⁵³Cr and ²⁶Al-²⁶Mg ages of a feldspathic lithology in polymict ureilites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goodrich, Cyrena Anne [Planetary Science Institute. Tucson, AZ (United States); Hutcheon, Ian D. [Glenn T. Seaborg Institute. Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Kita, Noriko T. [Dept. of Geoscience. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Huss, Gary R. [NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, AL (United States); Cohen, Barbara Anne [Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology. Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (United States); Keil, Klaus


    We report 53Mn–53Cr and 26Al–26Mg isotopic data, obtained by in-situ SIMS analysis, for feldspathic clasts in polymict ureilites DaG 319 and DaG 165. The analyzed clasts belong to the “albitic lithology,” the most abundant population of indigenous feldspathic materials in polymict ureilites, and are highly fractionated igneous assemblages of albitic plagioclase, Fe-rich pyroxenes, phosphates, ilmenite, silica, and Fe(Mn, K, P, Ti)-enriched glass. Glass in DaG 165 clast 19 has extremely high and variable 55Mn/52Cr ratios (500–58,000) and shows correlated 53Cr excesses up to ~ 1500‰, clearly indicating the presence of live 53Mn at the time of formation. The slope of the well-correlated isochron defined by glass and pyroxenes from this clast corresponds to (53Mn/55Mn) = (2.84 ± 0.10) × 10-6 (2σ). Data for less 55Mn/52Cr-enriched glasses from DaG 319 clast B1, as well as phosphates from several other clasts, are consistent with this isochron. The 53Mn/55Mn ratio obtained from the isochron implies that these clasts are 0.70 ± 0.18 Ma younger than the D'Orbigny angrite, corresponding to the absolute age of 4563.72 ± 0.22 Ma. Plagioclase in DaG 319 clast B1 has a fairly constant 27Al/24Mg ratio of ~ 900 and shows resolvable 26Mg excesses of ~ 2‰. The slope of the isochron defined by pyroxene and plagioclase in this clast is (3.0 ± 1.1) × 10-7 (2σ), corresponding to a time difference of 5.4 (-0.3/+0.5) Ma after CAI (assuming the canonical initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 × 10-5) and an age 0.5 (-0.3/+0.5) Ma younger than D'Orbigny. Its absolute age (relative to D'Orbigny) is 4563.9 (+ 0.4/-0.5) Ma, in agreement with the 53Mn–53Cr age from clast 19. These data provide the first

  6. A Multi-Approach Evaluation System (MA-ES) of Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) used in waste heat utilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shu, Gequn; Yu, Guopeng; Tian, Hua; Wei, Haiqiao; Liang, Xingyu


    Highlights: • The MA-ES provides comprehensive valuations on ORC used for waste heat utilization. • The MA-ES covers energetic, exergetic and economic evaluations of typical ORCs. • The MA-ES is a general assessing method without restriction to specific ORC condition. • Two ORC cases of ICE waste-heat-recovery are exemplified applying the MA-ES. - Abstract: A Multi-Approach Evaluation System (MA-ES) is established in this paper providing comprehensive evaluations on Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) used for waste heat utilization. The MA-ES covers three main aspects of typical ORC performance: basic evaluations of energy distribution and system efficiency based on the 1st law of thermodynamics; evaluations of exergy distribution and exergy efficiency based on the 2nd law of thermodynamics; economic evaluations based on calculations of equipment capacity, investment and cost recovery. The MA-ES is reasonably organized aiming at providing a general method of ORC performance assessment, without restrictions to system configurations, operation modes, applications, working fluid types, equipment conditions, process parameters and so on. Two ORC cases of internal combustion engines’ (ICEs) waste-heat-recovery are exemplified to illustrate the applications of the evaluation system. The results clearly revealed the performance comparisons among ORC configurations and working fluids referred. The comparisons will provide credible guidance for ORC design, equipment selection and system construction

  7. Formation of Sn-M (M=Fe, Al, Ni) alloy nanoparticles by DC arc-discharge and their electrochemical properties as anodes for Li-ion batteries (United States)

    Gao, Song; Huang, Hao; Wu, Aimin; Yu, Jieyi; Gao, Jian; Dong, Xinglong; Liu, Chunjing; Cao, Guozhong


    A direct current arc-discharge method was applied to prepare the Sn-M (M=Fe, Al, Ni) bi-alloy nanoparticles. Thermodynamic is introduced to analyze the energy circumstances for the formation of the nanoparticles during the physical condensation process. The electrochemical properties of as-prepared Sn-M alloy nanoparticles are systematically investigated as anodes of Li-ion batteries. Among them, Sn-Fe nanoparticles electrode exhibits high Coulomb efficiency (about 71.2%) in the initial charge/discharge (257.9 mA h g-1/366.6 mA h g-1) and optimal cycle stability (a specific reversible capacity of 240 mA h g-1 maintained after 20 cycles) compared with others. Large differences in the electrochemical behaviors indicate that the chemical composition and microstructure of the nanoparticles determine the lithium-ion storage properties and the long-term cyclic stability during the charge/discharge process.

  8. 46 CFR 308.524 - Application for cancellation of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-304. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application for cancellation of Open Cargo Policy, Form... § 308.524 Application for cancellation of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-304. The standard form of application for cancellation of an Open Cargo Policy Form MA-304 may be obtained from the American War Risk...

  9. MoMaS reactive transport benchmark using PFLOTRAN (United States)

    Park, H.


    MoMaS benchmark was developed to enhance numerical simulation capability for reactive transport modeling in porous media. The benchmark was published in late September of 2009; it is not taken from a real chemical system, but realistic and numerically challenging tests. PFLOTRAN is a state-of-art massively parallel subsurface flow and reactive transport code that is being used in multiple nuclear waste repository projects at Sandia National Laboratories including Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and Used Fuel Disposition. MoMaS benchmark has three independent tests with easy, medium, and hard chemical complexity. This paper demonstrates how PFLOTRAN is applied to this benchmark exercise and shows results of the easy benchmark test case which includes mixing of aqueous components and surface complexation. Surface complexations consist of monodentate and bidentate reactions which introduces difficulty in defining selectivity coefficient if the reaction applies to a bulk reference volume. The selectivity coefficient becomes porosity dependent for bidentate reaction in heterogeneous porous media. The benchmark is solved by PFLOTRAN with minimal modification to address the issue and unit conversions were made properly to suit PFLOTRAN.

  10. MaROS Strategic Relay Planning and Coordination Interfaces (United States)

    Allard, Daniel A.


    The Mars Relay Operations Service (MaROS) is designed to provide planning and analysis tools in support of ongoing Mars Network relay operations. Strategic relay planning requires coordination between lander and orbiter mission ground data system (GDS) teams to schedule and execute relay communications passes. MaROS centralizes this process, correlating all data relevant to relay coordination to provide a cohesive picture of the relay state. Service users interact with the system through thin-layer command line and web user interface client applications. Users provide and utilize data such as lander view periods of orbiters, Deep Space Network (DSN) antenna tracks, and reports of relay pass performance. Users upload and download relevant relay data via formally defined and documented file structures including some described in Extensible Markup Language (XML). Clients interface with the system via an http-based Representational State Transfer (ReST) pattern using Javascript Object Notation (JSON) formats. This paper will provide a general overview of the service architecture and detail the software interfaces and considerations for interface design.

  11. A "embolada" em Macunaíma

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    Raimunda B. Batista


    Full Text Available Os intelectuais do modernismo brasileiro tiveram como preocupação a redefinição da cultura brasileira tomando como ponto de partida a cultura popular e o folclore brasileiros. Em Macunaíma, Mário de Andrade aproveita os mais variados elementos da cultura popular, dando-lhes uma configuração erudita. Entre esses elementos destacamos o aproveitamento da embolada que, enquanto modo de cantar, possui uma forte estrutura poética, podendo ser aproveitada na prosa de ficção, conservando o seu ritmo e forma.

  12. Effect of Fast Neutron to MA/PU Burning/Transmutation Characteristic Using a Fast Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsodi; Lasman, As Natio; Kimamoto, A.; Marsongkohadi; Zaki, S.


    MA/Pu burning/transmutation has been studied and evaluated using fast neutrons. Generally, neutron density at this fast burner reactor and transmutation has spectrum energy level around 0.2 MeV with wide enough variation, i.e. from low neutron spectrum to its peak is 0.2 MeV. This neutron spectrum energy level depends on the kind of cooler material or fuel used. Neutron spectrum higher than fast power reactor neutron spectrum is found by means of changing oxide fuel by metallic fuel and changing natrium cooler material by metallic or gas cooler material. This evaluation is conducted by various variations in accordance with the kind of fuel or cooler, MA/Pu fractions and fuel comparison fraction with respect to its cooler in order to get better neutron usage and MA/Pu burning speed. Reactor calculation evaluation in this paper was conducted with 26-group nuclear data cross section energy spectrum. The main purpose of the discussion is to know the effect of fast neutrons to burning/transmutation MA/Pu using fast neutrons

  13. First results from quality assurance testing of MaPMTs for the LHCb RICH upgrade (United States)

    Gambetta, S.; LHCb RICH Collaboration


    In 2019 the LHCb RICH detector will be upgraded to increase the read out rate from 1 MHz to 40 MHz. As a consequence, the current Hybrid Photon Detectors will have to be replaced. Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes (MaPMTs) from Hamamatsu with 64-channels will be used: the 1-in. R13742 and the 2-in. R13743 MaPMTs (custom modifications of the MaPMTs R11625 and R12699). Quality assurance testing of these MaPMTs using custom-developed readout electronics has started. We present the design and realisation of the test facilities to ensure consistency in testing and validation. A total of 3100 units of the R13742 and 450 units of the R13743 will be tested requiring high efficiency and reliability from the test stations. We report on the test programme and protocols, characterising the units and assuring compliance with specifications. First results of testing and detector characterisation will be presented, based on the pre-series production, comprising 54 units of R13742 and 20 units of R13743.

  14. Radiation hardening and irradiation testing of in-cell electronics for MA23/APM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friant, A.


    We relate briefly the radiation hardening method used to guarantee a gamma resistance of 10 Mrad for the whole electronic equipment associated with the slave arm of MA23 M servomanipulator which will be set up in cell 404 in Marcoule (APM). We describe the radiation testing of electronic devices and of the various subsystems designed by the D. LETI groups involved in the MA23/APM project

  15. Advanced Query and Data Mining Capabilities for MaROS (United States)

    Wang, Paul; Wallick, Michael N.; Allard, Daniel A.; Gladden, Roy E.; Hy, Franklin H.


    The Mars Relay Operational Service (MaROS) comprises a number of tools to coordinate, plan, and visualize various aspects of the Mars Relay network. These levels include a Web-based user interface, a back-end "ReSTlet" built in Java, and databases that store the data as it is received from the network. As part of MaROS, the innovators have developed and implemented a feature set that operates on several levels of the software architecture. This new feature is an advanced querying capability through either the Web-based user interface, or through a back-end REST interface to access all of the data gathered from the network. This software is not meant to replace the REST interface, but to augment and expand the range of available data. The current REST interface provides specific data that is used by the MaROS Web application to display and visualize the information; however, the returned information from the REST interface has typically been pre-processed to return only a subset of the entire information within the repository, particularly only the information that is of interest to the GUI (graphical user interface). The new, advanced query and data mining capabilities allow users to retrieve the raw data and/or to perform their own data processing. The query language used to access the repository is a restricted subset of the structured query language (SQL) that can be built safely from the Web user interface, or entered as freeform SQL by a user. The results are returned in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format for easy exporting to third party tools and applications that can be used for data mining or user-defined visualization and interpretation. This is the first time that a service is capable of providing access to all cross-project relay data from a single Web resource. Because MaROS contains the data for a variety of missions from the Mars network, which span both NASA and ESA, the software also establishes an access control list (ACL) on each data record

  16. M&A flows and the foreign exchange markets:practical experiences

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    Martijn A. Schrijvers


    Full Text Available The large cross-border Merger and Acquisition flows of the last three years were seen by financial markets as one of the factors behind movements in exchange rates. However, the extent to which an M&A-transaction actually leads to a foreignexchange transaction is dependent on the financing and transaction techniques used and is difficult to measure. In this article, we analyse which considerations underlie the decisions of corporate Treasurers regarding the financing of take-overs and the techniques to be used by forex transactions. We investigate the effect Treasurers believe M&A transactions have on exchange rates and examine whether different techniques make for different effects. The information was obtained through interviews with Treasurers of multinationals conducting large-scale M&A activities.

  17. 42 CFR 422.74 - Disenrollment by the MA organization. (United States)


    ... providing reasonable accommodations, as determined by CMS, for individuals with mental or cognitive conditions, including mental illness and developmental disabilities. In addition, the MA organization must... timeframes specified in § 422.506(a)(2). (e) Consequences of disenrollment—(1) Disenrollment for non-payment...

  18. Ma ma (2015: un reflejo de la mujer española con cáncer de mama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clara Peralta?Nueno et al.


    Full Text Available Ma ma (2015 es una película de drama española dirigida por Julio Medem y producida por Morena Films. Esta película narra la historia de la vida de Magda cuyo personaje es interpretado por Penélope Cruz. Tras serle diagnosticado un cáncer de mama, Magda, una maestra en paro, no sabrá cómo actuar ni de qué manera cambiará esta enfermedad su vida, pero poco a poco sacará a la superficie toda su energía vital. El cáncer de mama representa el tipo de cáncer más frecuente en la mujer. Aunque la mayoría de los factores de riesgo identificados pueden ser modificables, los sistemas de salud se concentran en actividades que permiten fortalecer la prevención primaria y actividades de prevención secundaria y terciaria. La detección temprana y el tratamiento adecuado son indispensables para luchar contra esta enfermedad. El proceso emocional generado por la presencia de cáncer, conlleva un mecanismo de reconstitución psíquico que permite a la paciente conformar una respuesta a los desafíos orgánicos, cognitivos, sociales y emocionales a los cuales se ve enfrentada. Dicho proceso es favorecido entre otros factores por contar con una red de apoyo socio?familiar sólida.

  19. High-Performance Flexible Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on CoAl-LDH and rGO Electrodes (United States)

    Li, Shuoshuo; Cheng, Pengpeng; Luo, Jiaxian; Zhou, Dan; Xu, Weiming; Li, Jingwei; Li, Ruchun; Yuan, Dingsheng


    A flexible asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC) based on a CoAl-layered double hydroxide (CoAl-LDH) electrode and a reduced graphene oxide (rGO) electrode was successfully fabricated. The CoAl-LDH electrode as a positive electrode was synthesized by directly growing CoAl-LDH nanosheet arrays on a carbon cloth (CC) through a facile hydrothermal method, and it delivered a specific capacitance of 616.9 F g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1. The rGO electrode as a negative electrode was synthesized by coating rGO on the CC via a simple dip-coating method and revealed a specific capacitance of 110.0 F g-1 at a current density of 2 A g-1. Ultimately, the advanced ASC offered a broad voltage window (1.7 V) and exhibited a high superficial capacitance of 1.77 F cm-2 at 2 mA cm-2 and a high energy density of 0.71 mWh cm-2 at a power density of 17.05 mW cm-2, along with an excellent cycle stability (92.9% capacitance retention over 8000 charge-discharge cycles).

  20. 46 CFR 308.523 - Application for revision of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-303. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application for revision of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA... Application for revision of Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-303. An application for the revision of an Open Cargo Policy shall be filed in duplicate with the Underwriting Agent on a form which may be obtained from the...

  1. The International Diversification of Banks and the Value of their Cross-Border M&A Advice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, A.; Ongena, S.; van der Poel, M.


    This paper investigates the effects of international diversification of banks on the value of their M&A advice. We study bidder returns to 1,253 cross-border M&A announcements. We find that acquirers engaging a more internationally diversified financial advisor generate lower excess returns.

  2. M&A New Rules May Trigger Merger Wave

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ The Chinese government issued a series of new M&A and takeover rules in July and August 2006 to further regulate and facilitate foreign investors' acquisition activities in China.The new rules are aimed at offering more flexibility, reducing costs and increasing takeover efficiencies for foreign-funded M&As in the world's fastest-growing major economy.

  3. Low-dose respiratory-gated PET/CT: based on 30 mA tube current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Ping; Li Sijin; Zhang Yanlan; Hao Xinzhong; Qin Zhixing; Yan Min; Cheng Pengliang; Wu Zhifang


    Objective: To establish a low-dose but image-comparable respiratory-gated PET/CT (RG PET/CT) protocol based on 30 mA tube current plus other improved scanning parameters, such as the tube current, the number of respiratory phase and length of breathing cycle. Methods: Twenty-six patients with 18 F-FDG-intaking lung nodules underwent one-bed standard-dose PET/CT (120 mA, 2 min/bed) and low dose RG PET/CT (30 mA, 6 respiratory phases, 1 min/phase). The radiation dose and image quality were analyzed subsequently with signal to noise ratio (SNR) for PET and the homogeneity, noise level for CT in the water phantom respectively. Otherwise the CT images were both visual evaluated by two experienced doctors. In addition, different respiratory cycle was simulated to observe its relation with radiation dose. Results: The effective dose of low-dose RG PET/CT was 4.88∼7.69 mSv [mean (5.68±0.83) mSv]. The PET SNR showed no significance between groups. The homogeneity of 30 mA is good (< 5 HU), although noise level was high, the visual character like lobulation, speculation of lung nodule was superior in some respiratory phases. The radiation dose was positively correlated with respiratory cycle. Conclusions: The performance of low-dose RG PET/CT was comparable to those of standard-dose PET/CT based on a protocol with 30 mA tube current, 6 respiratory phases and breathing state of eupnoea. It produced a much lower radiation exposure and the image quality was enough for clinical use such as delineation of tumor active target, characterization and staging of lung nodules, etc. (authors)

  4. Respuesta de variedades de maíz (Zea mays L. a diferentes fuentes de fertilización en el Valle de Puebla

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Alvarado Teyssier


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen opciones biológicamente sustentables que pueden sustituir parcialmente la fertilización sintética de los cultivos, disminuyendo los costos de producción. Para evaluar la respuesta de 18 variedades de maíz a la fertilización sintética (FQ, fertilización sintética más inoculante (FQB y fertilización sintética más composta (FQC, en 2010 se establecieron dos experimentos en condiciones de temporal en el valle de Puebla, bajo un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo en parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones, a las parcelas grandes se les asignó el tipo de fertilización y en las parcelas chicas se integraron los genotipos de maíz. No se encontraron diferencias en rendimiento de grano y rastrojo por tipo de fertilización. Los resultados mostraron interacción de las variedades con los tipos de fertilización y localidad. En la interacción variedad por tipo de fertilización se encontró que el 55.6% de las variedades mostró mayores rendimientos con FQC, mientras que el 27.8% con FQB y el 16.7% con FQ. En San Andrés Calpan se obtuvieron los mayores rendimientos de rastrojo con FQC (8.8 Mg ha 1 mientras que en San Pedro Tlaltenango estos se obtuvieron con la FQB (15.3 Mg ha 1 y FQ (15.4 Mg ha 1. El empleo combinado de fertilizante sintético con inoculantes o composta mantiene e incrementa los rendimientos de grano y rastrojo al obtenido sólo con la fertilización sintética.

  5. Veinticinco años de mejoramiento en los sistemas de maíz en Centroamérica: logros y estrategias hacia el año 2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo C\\u00F3rdova


    Full Text Available La ciencia y la tecnología constituyen la brecha más importante entre la pobreza y la prosperidad. Durante el último cuarto de siglo, la introducción de prácticas tecnológicas basadas en la ciencia, han ayudado a muchos países en desarrollo a alcanzar una relación favorable entre la producción de alimentos y el crecimiento de la población. En Centroamé- rica y El Caribe el mejoramiento genético del maíz ha contribuido a la liberación de aproximadamente 80 cultivares que han sido multiplicados y distribuidos por una industria de semillas dinámica y progresista. Estos cultivares, asociados con prácticas agronómicas apropiadas, han permitido aumentar la productividad del maíz en la región, lo que ha representado el incremento del rendimiento en un 60% aproximadamente, siendo este aspecto más significativo en países como El Salvador y Guatemala que duplicaron los rendimientos y mejoraron el autoabastecimiento de maíz. Los cultivares tolerantes al achaparramiento y adaptados a condiciones de humedad limitada, están desempeñando un papel muy importante en el mantenimiento sustentable de la producción. La liberaci ón de híbridos modernos de maíz, tolerantes a factores adversos, bióticos y abióticos, contribuirá a reducir las pérdidas postcosecha. El mejor entendimiento de algunos aspectos fisiológicos correlacionados con el rendimiento y la incorporaci ón de índices de selección más eficientes en las metodolog ías de mejoramiento para ambientes adversos, han mejorado las técnicas de selección.

  6. Evidence for ˜80-75 Ma subduction jump during Anatolide-Tauride-Armenian block accretion and ˜48 Ma Arabia-Eurasia collision in Lesser Caucasus-East Anatolia (United States)

    Rolland, Yann; Perincek, Dogan; Kaymakci, Nuretdin; Sosson, Marc; Barrier, Eric; Avagyan, Ara


    Orogens formed by a combination of subduction and accretion are featured by a short-lived collisional history. They preserve crustal geometries acquired prior to the collisional event. These geometries comprise obducted oceanic crust sequences that may propagate somewhat far away from the suture zone, preserved accretionary prism and subduction channel at the interplate boundary. The cessation of deformation is ascribed to rapid jump of the subduction zone at the passive margin rim of the opposite side of the accreted block. Geological investigation and 40Ar/39Ar dating on the main tectonic boundaries of the Anatolide-Tauride-Armenian (ATA) block in Eastern Turkey, Armenia and Georgia provide temporal constraints of subduction and accretion on both sides of this small continental block, and final collisional history of Eurasian and Arabian plates. On the northern side, 40Ar/39Ar ages give insights for the subduction and collage from the Middle to Upper Cretaceous (95-80 Ma). To the south, younger magmatic and metamorphic ages exhibit subduction of Neotethys and accretion of the Bitlis-Pütürge block during the Upper Cretaceous (74-71 Ma). These data are interpreted as a subduction jump from the northern to the southern boundary of the ATA continental block at 80-75 Ma. Similar back-arc type geochemistry of obducted ophiolites in the two subduction-accretion domains point to a similar intra-oceanic evolution prior to accretion, featured by slab steepening and roll-back as for the current Mediterranean domain. Final closure of Neotethys and initiation of collision with Arabian Plate occurred in the Middle-Upper Eocene as featured by the development of a Himalayan-type thrust sheet exhuming amphibolite facies rocks in its hanging-wall at c. 48 Ma.

  7. DaMaSCUS-CRUST: Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings - Crust Edition (United States)

    Emken, Timon; Kouvaris, Chris


    DaMaSCUS-CRUST determines the critical cross-section for strongly interacting DM for various direct detection experiments systematically and precisely using Monte Carlo simulations of DM trajectories inside the Earth's crust, atmosphere, or any kind of shielding. Above a critical dark matter-nucleus scattering cross section, any terrestrial direct detection experiment loses sensitivity to dark matter, since the Earth crust, atmosphere, and potential shielding layers start to block off the dark matter particles. This critical cross section is commonly determined by describing the average energy loss of the dark matter particles analytically. However, this treatment overestimates the stopping power of the Earth crust; therefore, the obtained bounds should be considered as conservative. DaMaSCUS-CRUST is a modified version of DaMaSCUS (ascl:1706.003) that accounts for shielding effects and returns a precise exclusion band.

  8. Non-economic determinants of structural transformations in Małopolska agriculture

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    Maciej Basaj


    Full Text Available In the article results of the research conducted in 2008 among farmers in two districts located in northern part of the Małopolska voivodeship have been presented. The aim of the article is the presentation of farmers’ opinions and attitudes against accomplishing structural alternations in their vicinity. Getting to know farmers’ intentions against the future of their farms, and also getting to know their estimations about the future of their farms in the vicinity can have particular significance in the prognosis and program of further development of rural areas – especially in such a region, with a big agrarian overpopulation as the Małopolska.

  9. Limiares: Histoire( s) du cinéma de Jean-Luc Godard


    Gervaiseau, Henri


    Neste artigo apresentamos a série videográfica Histoire(s) du cinéma, de Jean Luc Godard, apontamos as suas principais características, e efetuamos um primeiro exame da ordenação dos seus dois primeiros episódios. Discutimos de que modo Godard estabelece, nesta obra, uma trama poética de relações entre a história do século XX; a história do cinema e a sua própria estória enquanto sujeito enunciador. This article provides an introduction to the video series Histoire( s) du cinéma de Jean Lu...

  10. Qualidade de maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' submetidas a diferentes tipos de dano mecânico

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    Marcos Vinicius Hendges


    Full Text Available Objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do dano mecânico por impacto, compressão e corte sobre a qualidade de maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' mantidas em condição ambiente. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: controle (sem dano mecânico, dano mecânico por impacto, dano mecânico por compressão e dano mecânico por corte. Os diferentes danos não influenciaram na firmeza de polpa e no ângulo 'hue' da casca. O dano por corte proporcionou frutos com menor acidez titulável, nove dias após a aplicação do dano. Frutos submetidos ao dano por impacto apresentaram maior teor de sólidos solúveis, quinze dias após a aplicação dos danos. Os danos por impacto e corte causaram o menor valor de L da polpa em todas as avaliações, evidenciando o escurecimento da polpa. Contudo, este efeito não foi observado na epiderme. Todos os frutos danificados por corteapresentaram podridão após nove dias da aplicação dos danos.De maneira geral, pode-se concluir que, nas intensidades testadas, maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' submetidas ao dano por impacto e corte apresentam prejuízos em sua qualidade, pois ocorre escurecimento da polpa no local do dano. Além disso, o dano por corte reduz a vida pós-colheita dos frutos, facilitando a ocorrência de podridões.

  11. Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere of Mars as seen by the Radio Science Experiment MaRS on Mars Express (United States)

    Tellmann, S.; Paetzold, M.; Häusler, B.; Bird, M. K.; Tyler, G. L.; Hinson, D. P.


    Gravity waves are atmospheric waves whose restoring force is the buoyancy. They are known to play an essential role in the redistribution of energy, momentum and atmospheric constituents in all stably stratified planetary atmospheres. Possible excitation mechanisms comprise convection in an adjacent atmospheric layer, other atmospheric instabilities like wind shear instabilities, or air flow over orographic obstacles especially in combination with the strong winter jets on Mars. Gravity waves on Mars were observed in the lower atmosphere [1,2] but are also expected to play a major role in the cooling of the thermosphere [3] and the polar warming [4]. A fundamental understanding of the possible source mechanisms is required to reveal the influence of small scale gravity waves on the global atmospheric circulation. Radio occultation profiles from the MaRS experiment on Mars Express [5] with their exceptionally high vertical resolution can be used to study small-scale vertical gravity waves and their global distribution in the lower atmosphere from the planetary boundary layer up to 40 km altitude. Atmospheric instabilities, which are clearly identified in the data, are used to gain further insight into possible atmospheric processes contributing to the excitation of gravity waves. [1] Creasey, J. E., et al.,(2006), Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L01803, doi:10.1029/2005GL024037. [2]Tellmann, S., et al.(2013), J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 118, 306-320, doi:10.1002/jgre.20058. [3]Medvedev, A. S., et al.(2015), J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 120, 913-927. doi:10.1002/2015JE004802.[4] Barnes, J. R. (1990), J. Geophys. Res., 95, B2, 1401-1421. [5] Pätzold, M., et al. (2016), Planet. Space Sci., 127, 44 - 90.

  12. Motion of the Rivera plate since 10 Ma relative to the Pacific and North American plates and the mantle (United States)

    DeMets, Charles; Traylen, Stephen


    To better understand the influence of Rivera plate kinematics on the geodynamic evolution of western Mexico, we use more than 1400 crossings of seafloor spreading magnetic lineations along the Pacific-Rivera rise and northern Mathematician ridge to solve for rotations of the Rivera plate relative to the underlying mantle and the Pacific and North American plates at 14 times since 9.9 Ma. Our comparison of magnetic anomaly crossings from the undeformed Pacific plate to their counterparts on the Rivera plate indicates that significant areas of the Rivera plate have deformed since 9.9 Ma. Dextral shear along the southern edge of the plate from 3.3-2.2 Ma during a regional plate boundary reorganization deformed the Rivera plate farther into its interior than previously recognized. In addition, seafloor located north of two rupture zones within the Rivera plate sutured to North America after 1.5 Ma. Anomaly crossings from these two deformed regions thus cannot be used to reconstruct motion of the Rivera plate. Finite rotations that best reconstruct Pacific plate anomaly crossings onto their undeformed counterparts on the Rivera plate yield stage spreading rates that decrease gradually by 10% between 10 and 3.6 Ma, decrease rapidly by 20% after ˜3.6 Ma, and recover after 1 Ma. The slowdown in Pacific-Rivera seafloor spreading at 3.6 Ma coincided with the onset of dextral shear across the then-incipient southern boundary of the Rivera plate with the Pacific plate. The available evidence indicates that the Rivera plate has been an independent microplate since at least 10 Ma, contrary to published assertions that it fragmented from the Cocos plate at ˜5 Ma. Motion of the Rivera plate relative to North America has changed significantly since 10 Ma, in concert with significant changes in Pacific-Rivera motion. A significant and robust feature of Rivera-North America motion not previously recognized is the cessation of margin-normal convergence and thus subduction from 2


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    Emma Suryati


    Full Text Available Transformasi gen superoxide dismutase (MaSOD pada rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii menggunakan Agrobacterium tumefacient telah dilakukan secara in vitro. Transformasi gen MaSOD ke dalam genom rumput laut diharapkan dapat mengurangi cekaman oksidatif terutama yang disebabkan oleh perubahan suhu, salinitas, dan cemaran logam di perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk regenerasi rumput laut hasil introduksi gen MaSOD dan non-transgenik pada labu kultur. Regenerasi dan perbanyakan rumput laut hasil transformasi gen MaSOD dilakukan di laboratorium pada labu kultur yang diletakkan dalam “culture chamber” yang dilengkapi dengan aerasi menggunakan media kultur yang diperkaya dengan pupuk PES, Grund, Conwy, dan SSW sebagai kontrol, salinitas 20, 25, 30, 35, dan 40 g/L, pH 4, 5, 6, 7, dan 8. Intensitas cahaya antara 500-2.000 lux dengan fotoperiode terang dan gelap 8:16; 12:12; dan 16:8. Untuk merangsang pertumbuhan eksplan dilakukan pemeliharaan dengan penambahan hormon tumbuh IAA dan BAP dengan perbandingan 1:1, 1:2, dan 2:1. Penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap. Evaluasi transgenik dilakukan menggunakan teknik PCR. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa sintasan yang paling tinggi diperoleh menggunakan media PES (94%, salinitas 30 g/L (90%, pH 7 (96%, intensitas cahaya pada 1.500 lux (80%, fotoperiode 12:12 (84%, komposisi ZPT dengan campuran IAA dan BAP dengan perbandingan 2:1. Hasil analisis PCR memperlihatkan K. alvarezii transgenik putatif mengandung transgen MaSOD sebanyak 78% dari hasil transformasi. Superoxide dismutase transformation (MaSOD gene of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii mediated by Agrobacterium tumefacient has been successfully done in vitro. MaSOD genes introduced into the seaweed genome is expected to reduce oxidative stress caused by environmental conditions such as changes in temperature, salinity and metal contamination of the water. This study aimed to regenerate both the MaSOD transformed seaweed and non-transgenic in a


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    Syed Manzoor HUSSAIN SHAH


    Full Text Available The study focus the effectiveness of the M.A EPM progam launched through distance education system of AIOU. For this purpose the performance of heads of educational institutions with and without M.A EPM degree was analyzed keeping in view different major aspects i.e. planning strategies, managerial approaches, coordination, administration and use of financial resources. The population of the study consisted of heads of educational institutions with and without MA EPM degree in Punjab. It was found that the performance of heads with EPM degree was better while planning strategies, management, coordination, following govt. policies, preparing annual budget and using financial resources as compared to heads without EPM degree. On the basis of the conclusions of the study it was recommended that MA EPM degree may be declared compulsory for heads of educational institutions. All the universities may start MA EPM degree to fulfill the requirements of working and professional educational planners and managers of the country.

  15. A Precise 6 Ma Start Date for Fluvial Incision of the Northeastern Colorado Plateau Canyonlands (United States)

    Thomson, S. N.; Soreghan, G. S.; Reiners, P. W.; Peyton, S. L.; Murray, K. E.


    Outstanding questions regarding late Cenozoic Colorado Plateau landscape evolution include: (1) the relative roles of isostatic rebound as result Colorado River incision versus longer-term geodynamic processes in driving overall rock uplift of the plateau; and (2) whether incision was triggered by river integration or by a change in deep-seated mantle lithosphere dynamics. A key to answering these questions is to date more precisely the onset of incision to refine previous estimates of between 6 and 10 Ma. We present new low-temperature thermochronologic results from bedrock and deep borehole samples in the northeastern Colorado Plateau to show that rapid river incision began here at 6 Ma (5.93±0.66 Ma) with incision rates increasing from 15-50 m/Myr to 160-200 m/Myr. The onset time is constrained independently by both inverse time-temperature modeling and by the break-in-slope in fission track age-elevation relationships. This new time constraint has several important implications. First, the coincidence in time with 5.97-5.3 Ma integration of the lower Colorado River through the Grand Canyon to the Gulf of California strongly favors downstream river integration triggering carving of the canyonlands of the upper Colorado River system. Second, it implies integration of the entire Colorado River system in less than 2 million years. Third, rock uplift of the plateau driven by the flexural isostatic response to river incision is restricted to just the last 6 Ma, as is associated increased sediment budget. Fourth, incision starting at 6 Ma means that previous estimates of upper Colorado River incision rates based on 10-12 Ma basalt datum levels are too low. This also changes the dependency of measured time interval on incision rate from a non-steady-state negative power-law dependence (exponent of -0.24) to a near steady-state dependence (exponent of 0.07) meaning that long-term upper Colorado river incision rates can provide a reliable proxy for rock uplift rates.

  16. Costos de producción de vaquillas Holstein con ensilado de caña de azúcar o de maíz

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    J. A. Reyes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los costos de producción de vaquillas Holstein mediante la comparación de dos sistemas de alimentación, basados en ensilado de caña de azúcar (ECA vs el sistema tradicional del rancho basado en ensilado de maíz (EM. En ambos casos, con suplementación a los animales. Se utilizaron 28 becerras posterior al destete, con una edad promedio de 80±16 días y un peso inicial de 79.5 ± 12.9 kg. El estadístico fue un análisis de varianza para un diseño en bloques al azar, en donde el peso fue el factor de bloqueo y se dividieron en tres grupos dentro de cada tratamiento. Cada 30 días se midió la ganancia diaria de peso GDP (kg, la condición corporal CC, la conversión alimenticia CA (kg, el consumo de forraje CF (kg, de suplemento CS (kg, costo de alimentación/ día y la determinación del costo de producción de los reemplazos ($. Las vaquillas tuvieron una GDP 0.666 y 0.743 kg/día, CC 3.1b y 3.7a, CA 7.4a y 9.8b, CF 3.2 y 5.3, CS 1.8 y 1.5, costo de alimentación/día 9.4a y 11.4b y costo de la vaquilla $6,986.82 y $8,034.39, para ECA y EM, respectivamente. La alimentación fue el rubro que mayor impacto tuvo en la obtención de vaquillas de reemplazo, con 67 a 71% de los costos totales y la etapa de mayor inversión en la producción de vaquillas correspondió a la fase del nacimiento al destete. La alimentación basada en ensilaje de caña de azúcar permitió un mejor comportamiento económico para la producción de vaquillas de reemplazo, comparado con el sistema tradicional con ensilado de maíz.

  17. Zakrzepowa plamica małopłytkowa – diagnostyka i leczenie

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    Jolanta Korsak


    Full Text Available Zakrzepowa plamica małopłytkowa (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, TTP początkowo charakteryzowała się pentadą objawów: małopłytkowością, niedokrwistością hemolityczną mikroangiopatyczną, zaburzeniami układu nerwowego, niewydolnością nerek i gorączką. Jednak u 35% chorych z rozpoznaniem TTP nie stwierdza się wszyst‑ kich tych dolegliwości: nie występują u nich objawy neurologiczne, zaburzenia funkcji nerek oraz gorączka. Obec‑ nie zakrzepową plamicę małopłytkową rozpoznaje się na podstawie małopłytkowości i niedokrwistości mikroangiopatycznej. Diagnostyka obejmuje badanie morfologiczne krwi obwodowej wraz z rozmazem, badanie czynności nerek i oznaczenie aktywności LDH. Pomocne w rozpoznaniu jest oznaczenie aktywności metaloprote‑ azy ADAMTS13 i miana przeciwciał anty-ADAMTS13. W terapii w pierwszym rzucie stosuje się plazmaferezę lecz‑ niczą – powinna ona zostać przeprowadzona nawet wtedy, gdy diagnoza jest niepewna. Plazmafereza usuwa mul‑ timery ULvWF i nabyte przeciwciała skierowane przeciw ADAMTS13. Przetoczenie osocza nie jest tak efektywne jak plazmafereza, lecz może być stosowane tymczasowo. Efekt leczenia oceniany jest na podstawie unormowa‑ nia się aktywności LDH oraz ustąpienia małopłytkowości, niedokrwistości i zmian neurologicznych. Inną możli‑ wością terapeutyczną jest podawanie glikokortykosteroidów oraz immunoglobulin. U niektórych chorych korzystne może być wykonanie splenektomii. Ostatnio stosuje się także rytuksymab – powoduje on redukcję miana inhibitora ADAMTS13 i wzrost aktywności enzymu. Po leczeniu rytuksymabem odnotowano remisje kliniczne w przypad‑ kach, w których zawiodły inne metody terapii.

  18. MaMiCo: Transient multi-instance molecular-continuum flow simulation on supercomputers (United States)

    Neumann, Philipp; Bian, Xin


    We present extensions of the macro-micro-coupling tool MaMiCo, which was designed to couple continuum fluid dynamics solvers with discrete particle dynamics. To enable local extraction of smooth flow field quantities especially on rather short time scales, sampling over an ensemble of molecular dynamics simulations is introduced. We provide details on these extensions including the transient coupling algorithm, open boundary forcing, and multi-instance sampling. Furthermore, we validate the coupling in Couette flow using different particle simulation software packages and particle models, i.e. molecular dynamics and dissipative particle dynamics. Finally, we demonstrate the parallel scalability of the molecular-continuum simulations by using up to 65 536 compute cores of the supercomputer Shaheen II located at KAUST. Program Files doi: Licensing provisions: BSD 3-clause Programming language: C, C++ External routines/libraries: For compiling: SCons, MPI (optional) Subprograms used: ESPResSo, LAMMPS, ls1 mardyn, waLBerla For installation procedures of the MaMiCo interfaces, see the README files in the respective code directories located in coupling/interface/impl. Journal reference of previous version: P. Neumann, H. Flohr, R. Arora, P. Jarmatz, N. Tchipev, H.-J. Bungartz. MaMiCo: Software design for parallel molecular-continuum flow simulations, Computer Physics Communications 200: 324-335, 2016 Does the new version supersede the previous version?: Yes. The functionality of the previous version is completely retained in the new version. Nature of problem: Coupled molecular-continuum simulation for multi-resolution fluid dynamics: parts of the domain are resolved by molecular dynamics or another particle-based solver whereas large parts are covered by a mesh-based CFD solver, e.g. a lattice Boltzmann automaton. Solution method: We couple existing MD and CFD solvers via MaMiCo (macro-micro coupling tool). Data exchange and

  19. Organising and learning experiences of the first semester MA Program ePedagogy / Visual Knowledge Building

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jaap Jansen


    This paper will discuss the process of the MA program ePedagogy / Visual Knowledge Building during the first semester of the academic year 2005 – 2006. This MA program is a joint venture between the Universities of Helsinki, Hamburg and INHOLLAND. This publication will discuss and evaluate the

  20. Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey: Mapping nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bundy, Kevin; Bershady, Matthew A.; Law, David R.; Yan, Renbin; Drory, Niv; MacDonald, Nicholas; Wake, David A.; Cherinka, Brian; Sánchez-Gallego, José R.; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; Thomas, Daniel; Tremonti, Christy; Masters, Karen; Coccato, Lodovico; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Avila-Reese, Vladimir; Badenes, Carles; Falcón-Barroso, Jésus; Belfiore, Francesco; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Blanton, Michael R.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Byler, Nell; Cappellari, Michele; Conroy, Charlie; Dutton, Aaron A.; Emsellem, Eric; Etherington, James; Frinchaboy, Peter M.; Fu, Hai; Gunn, James E.; Harding, Paul; Johnston, Evelyn J.; Kauffmann, Guinevere; Kinemuchi, Karen; Klaene, Mark A.; Knapen, Johan H.; Leauthaud, Alexie; Li, Cheng; Lin, Lihwai; Maiolino, Roberto; Malanushenko, Viktor; Malanushenko, Elena; Mao, Shude; Maraston, Claudia; McDermid, Richard M.; Merrifield, Michael R.; Nichol, Robert C.; Oravetz, Daniel; Pan, Kaike; Parejko, John K.; Sanchez, Sebastian F.; Schlegel, David; Simmons, Audrey; Steele, Oliver; Steinmetz, Matthias; Thanjavur, Karun; Thompson, Benjamin A.; Tinker, Jeremy L.; van den Bosch, Remco C. E.; Westfall, Kyle B.; Wilkinson, David; Wright, Shelley; Xiao, Ting; Zhang, Kai

    We present an overview of a new integral field spectroscopic survey called MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory), one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) that began on 2014 July 1. MaNGA will investigate the internal kinematic

  1. Estimación de la digestibilidad in vitro mediante la técnica propuesta por Theodorou et al. (1994

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    Full Text Available Se evaluó, en 4 novillos cruza cebú de 350 kg promedio y por medio de la metodología propuesta por Theodoreau et al. (1994, el efecto del agregado de germen de maíz sobre la digestibilidad de heno de baja calidad de Grama Rhodes (Chloris gayana. Los novillos fueron alimentados durante 14 días, uno con una dieta a base de heno y los tres restantes con heno más el equivalente al 0,6% de su peso vivo en germen de maíz.Pasado este período se obtuvieron, por medio de una sonda nasogástrica, aproximadamente 300 centímetros cúbicos de fluido ruminal del animal que consumió sólo heno y 300 centímetros cúbicos de fluido ruminal de cada uno de los que consumió heno más suplemento. Se incubó en las muestras de fluido, muestras representativas de alimento correspondiente a una dieta de heno solo y tres dietas de heno más niveles crecientes (0,3; 0,6 y 0,9% peso vivo de germen de maíz para la posterior determinación de producción de gases a las 3, 6, 9, 15, 21, 27, 39 y 49 horas de iniciada la digestión. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorizado con 4 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones. Los datos del DCA fueron analizados utilizando el análisis de la varianza ANOVA de Infostat (2009 seguido del Test de Tukey cuando hubieron valores significativos de F (p de F (p<0,05.

  2. Paleomagnetic study of 1765 Ma dyke swarm from the Singhbhum Craton: Implications to the paleogeography of India (United States)

    Shankar, Ravi; Srinivasa Sarma, D.; Ramesh Babu, N.; Parashuramulu, V.


    We report the first key paleopole as a result of paleomagnetic study on a precisely dated 1765.3 ± 1.0 Ma WNW-ESE trending dyke swarm from Singhbhum Craton. This pole has been used in this study to propose the paleogeographic reconstruction of India with Baltica Craton and North China Craton. Incremental alternating field (AF) and thermal demagnetization, isolated high coercivity components with north to north-westerly declination and shallow negative inclination from 9 sampling sites which are representing different individual dykes. The primary origin of the ChRM is supported by the positive baked contact test. The WNW-ESE trending dykes yield a mean paleomagnetic direction with a declination = 329.2° and an inclination = -22.8° (k = 31.6; α95 = 9.3°). The positive bake contact test proves the primary nature of remanence. The pole position of Singhbhum Craton at 1765 Ma is 45°N, 311°E (dp = 5.2 and dm = 9.9). Paleogeographic reconstruction at ca. 1770 Ma, supported by geological, tectonic and metallogenic evidences indicate that the Baltica Craton and India linkage can be stable for at least ∼370 Ma (∼1770-1400 Ma). There is also reasonable evidence in support of India-North China Craton spatial proximity at ∼1770 Ma.

  3. Research on Zr50Al15-xNi10Cu25Yx amorphous alloys prepared by mechanical alloying with commercial pure element powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long Woyun; Ouyang Xueqiong; Luo Zhiwei; Li Jing; Lu Anxian


    Amorphous Zr 50 Al 15-x Ni 10 Cu 25 Y x alloy powders were fabricated by mechanical alloying at low vacuum with commercial pure element powders. The effects on glass forming ability of Al partial substituted by Y in Zr 50 Al 15 Ni 10 Cu 25 and thermal stability of Si 3 N 4 powders addition were investigated. The as-milled powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimeter. The results show that partial substitution of Al can improve the glass forming ability of Zr 50 Al 15 Ni 10 Cu 25 alloy. Minor Si 3 N 4 additions raise the crystallization activation energy of the amorphous phase and thus improve its thermal stability. -- Research Highlights: → ZrAlNiCu amorphous alloys can be synthesized by MA in low cost. → Appropriate amount of Al substituted by Y in ZrAlNiCu alloy can improve its glass forming ability. → A second phase particle addition helps to improve the thermal stability of the amorphous matrix.

  4. Çevirimiçi Alışverişteki Engeller: Cinsiyet ve Internet Güvenliğinin Etkileri




    Güncel teknoloji çağında, internetin yaygın kullanımı bireylerin sürekli etkileşim içindeolmasını sağlamış ve farklı alışveriş davranışlarına yol açmıştır. Literatürdekiçalışmalar, bu alandaki önemli etkileri ortaya çıkarmaya odaklanmıştır. Bu bağlamda,çevrimiçi yapılan alışverişi etkileyen unsurlar arasında iki önemli engel göze çarpmaktadır: i) Cinsiyet algısına bağlı teknolojiyi kabul etme ve kullanma eğilimi ve ii) İnternetteki güvenlik sorunları. Bu çalışma, göze çarpan bu iki unsurun e-...

  5. Gelatin–PMVE/MA composite scaffold promotes expansion of embryonic stem cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chhabra, Hemlata; Gupta, Priyanka; Verma, Paul J.; Jadhav, Sameer; Bellare, Jayesh R.


    We introduce a new composite scaffold of gelatin and polymethyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic anhydride (PMVE/MA) for expansion of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in an in vitro environment. To optimize the scaffold, we prepared a gelatin scaffold (G) and three composite scaffolds namely GP-1, GP-2, and GP-3 with varying PMVE/MA concentrations (0.2–1%) and characterized them by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), swelling study, compression testing and FTIR. SEM micrographs revealed interconnected porous structure in all the scaffolds. The permissible hemolysis ratio and activation of platelets by scaffolds confirmed the hemocompatibility of scaffolds. Initial biocompatibility assessment of scaffolds was conducted using hepatocarcinoma (Hep G2) cells and adhesion, proliferation and infiltration of Hep G2 cells in depth of scaffolds were observed, proving the scaffold's biocompatibility. Further Oct4B2 mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), which harbor a green fluorescence protein transgene under regulatory control of the Oct4 promotor, were examined for expansion on scaffolds with MTT assay. The GP-2 scaffold demonstrated the best cell proliferation and was further explored for ESC adherence and infiltration in depth (SEM and confocal), and pluripotent state of mESCs was assessed with the expression of Oct4-GFP and stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1). This study reports the first demonstration of biocompatibility of gelatin–PMVE/MA composite scaffold and presents this scaffold as a promising candidate for embryonic stem cell based tissue engineering. - Highlights: • Composite scaffolds of gelatin and PMVE/MA were prepared by freeze-drying method. • SEM micrographs showed porous structure in all scaffolds of varying pore dimension. • GP-2 composite exhibited better cellular response in comparison to other scaffolds. • mESCs proliferated and expressed Oct-4 and SSEA-1, when cultured on GP-2 scaffold

  6. Gelatin–PMVE/MA composite scaffold promotes expansion of embryonic stem cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chhabra, Hemlata [Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai (India); Gupta, Priyanka [Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai (India); IITB-Monash Research Academy, Mumbai (India); Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne (Australia); Verma, Paul J. [Turretfield Research Centre, South Australian Research and Development Institute, Rosedale, South Australia (Australia); Jadhav, Sameer; Bellare, Jayesh R. [Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai (India)


    We introduce a new composite scaffold of gelatin and polymethyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic anhydride (PMVE/MA) for expansion of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in an in vitro environment. To optimize the scaffold, we prepared a gelatin scaffold (G) and three composite scaffolds namely GP-1, GP-2, and GP-3 with varying PMVE/MA concentrations (0.2–1%) and characterized them by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), swelling study, compression testing and FTIR. SEM micrographs revealed interconnected porous structure in all the scaffolds. The permissible hemolysis ratio and activation of platelets by scaffolds confirmed the hemocompatibility of scaffolds. Initial biocompatibility assessment of scaffolds was conducted using hepatocarcinoma (Hep G2) cells and adhesion, proliferation and infiltration of Hep G2 cells in depth of scaffolds were observed, proving the scaffold's biocompatibility. Further Oct4B2 mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), which harbor a green fluorescence protein transgene under regulatory control of the Oct4 promotor, were examined for expansion on scaffolds with MTT assay. The GP-2 scaffold demonstrated the best cell proliferation and was further explored for ESC adherence and infiltration in depth (SEM and confocal), and pluripotent state of mESCs was assessed with the expression of Oct4-GFP and stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1). This study reports the first demonstration of biocompatibility of gelatin–PMVE/MA composite scaffold and presents this scaffold as a promising candidate for embryonic stem cell based tissue engineering. - Highlights: • Composite scaffolds of gelatin and PMVE/MA were prepared by freeze-drying method. • SEM micrographs showed porous structure in all scaffolds of varying pore dimension. • GP-2 composite exhibited better cellular response in comparison to other scaffolds. • mESCs proliferated and expressed Oct-4 and SSEA-1, when cultured on GP-2 scaffold.

  7. Rappresentazioni digitali al tratto: tecniche visuali per un utilizzo avanzato del CAD

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    Simone Garagnani


    Full Text Available Il vasto panorama esistente di prodotti software destinati al mondo del disegno architettonico, rischia di compromettere quell'individualità che distingue lo stile di rappresentazione del progettista puro. La consuetudine moderna alla rappresentazione tridimensionale fotorealistica a tutti i costi, dove tessiture di materiali e contrasti di luci ed ombre sono a volte talmente esasperati da avere ben poco del fotografico, ha condotto a trascurare le più tradizionali visualizzazioni al tratto, ancora importanti per la loro intrinseca chiarezza esplicativa e visuale delle forme. Non sono pochi infatti i software di nuova produzione che implementano con discutibile disinvoltura motori di rendering più o meno realistici, ma che non sono in grado di presentare disegni prospettici od assonometrici formalmente corretti e gradevoli. Il tracciamento assistito tuttavia può essere un valido strumento di sviluppo anche per tecniche visuali più classiche; in questo breve scritto verranno analizzati due metodi per ottenere questo tipo di elaborati con un pacchetto di disegno digitale standard come AutoCAD.

  8. New compact hohlraum configuration research at the 1.7 MA Z-pinch generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kantsyrev, V. L., E-mail:; Shrestha, I. K.; Esaulov, A. A.; Safronova, A. S.; Shlyaptseva, V. V.; Osborne, G. C.; Astanovitsky, A. L.; Weller, M. E.; Stafford, A.; Schultz, K. A.; Cooper, M. C. [Physics Department, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 (United States); Chuvatin, A. S. [Laboratorie de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau (France); Rudakov, L. I. [Icarus Research Inc., P.O. Box 30780, Bethesda, MD 20824-0780 (United States); Velikovich, A. L. [Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (United States); Cuneo, M. E.; Jones, B.; Vesey, R. A. [Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87110 (United States)


    A new compact Z-pinch x-ray hohlraum design with parallel-driven x-ray sources was experimentally demonstrated in a full configuration with a central target and tailored shine shields (to provide a symmetric temperature distribution on the target) at the 1.7 MA Zebra generator. This presentation reports on the joint success of two independent lines of research. One of these was the development of new sources – planar wire arrays (PWAs). PWAs turned out to be a prolific radiator. Another success was the drastic improvement in energy efficiency of pulsed-power systems, such as the Load Current Multiplier (LCM). The Zebra/LCM generator almost doubled the plasma load current to 1.7 MA. The two above-mentioned innovative approaches were used in combination to produce a new compact hohlraum design for ICF, as jointly proposed by SNL and UNR. Good agreement between simulated and measured radiation temperature of the central target is shown. Experimental comparison of PWAs with planar foil liners (PFL) - another viable alternative to wire array loads at multi-MA generators show promising data. Results of research at the University of Nevada Reno allowed for the study of hohlraum coupling physics at University-scale generators. The advantages of new hohlraum design applications for multi-MA facilities with W or Au double PWAs or PFL x-ray sources are discussed.

  9. Under-performance of listed companies? Real earnings management and M&A: Chinese empirical evidence

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    Ziqiao Zhang


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether acquiring firms attempt to adopt real earnings management strategy to upward reported earnings in the period of M&A announcement and provide an explanation for the underperformance of post-M&A in share payment M&A affairs occurring in China’s capital market from 2008-2010. Design/methodology/approach: The author uses Roychowdhury’s(2006 methodology to measure the magnitude of real earnings management of acquiring firms in stock for stock M&A by exploiting financial date from 2006 to 2011. The methodology includes three models, which are cash ?ow from operations, production costs and discretionary expenditures, respectively. Findings: It was found that firms using stock as a financing medium exhibit significant negative abnormal cash flows and abnormal discretionary expenses yet abnormal production costs significantly positive during the current period of M&A. Moreover, it was also documented that acquiring firms use real activities manipulation to overstate earnings for the purpose of improving market confidence. Finally, a negative association was found between REM and under-performance of post-M&A. Research limitations/implications: To some extent, these results explain the puzzle of performance decline over the following period of post-M&A. Meanwhile, our study adds to prior literature that capital market pressures induce acquiring firms inflate reported earnings by manipulating real activities in stock-financed M&A occurring in China’s capital market. Practical implications: The author’s result imply that investors, analysts and regulators cannot ignore more undetectable opportunism behaviors underlying reported earnings than accrual-based earnings management and the impact on the performance of post-M&A when they use financial statements to evaluate acquiring firms. Social implications: Our study plays important role in making public policies. Furthermore, it is necessary to

  10. Contact Aligner 1 (Front and Back Side): Suss Microtec MA6 (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Description:CORAL Name: SussMA6This system utilizes 1X contact lithography to transfer photomask patterns onto substrates Specifications / Capabilities:UV broadmand...

  11. Finančné due diligence: teória a prax pri M&A transakciách


    Vavrovič, Maroš


    This thesis focuses on financial due diligence within M&A transactions. In the first part, due diligence is characterized as one of the main factors of M&A failure. Due diligence process and definition is described afterwards, as well as purpose of due diligence, various types of due diligence and position of due diligence within individual phases of M&A transaction. Furthermore, financial due diligence and its main principles are defined. Essential differences between financial due diligence...

  12. Phenomenology of MaVaN’s Models in Reactor Neutrino Data

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    M. F. Carneiro


    Full Text Available Mass Varying Neutrinos (MaVaN’s mechanisms were proposed to link the neutrino mass scale with the dark energy density, addressing the coincidence problem. In some scenarios, this mass can present a dependence on the baryonic density felt by neutrinos, creating an effective neutrino mass that depends both on the neutrino and baryonic densities. In this work, we study the phenomenological consequence of MaVaN’s scenarios in which the matter density dependence is induced by Yukawa interactions of a light neutral scalar particle which couples to neutrinos and matter. Under the assumption of one mass scale dominance, we perform an analysis of KamLAND neutrino data which depends on 4 parameters: the two standard oscillation parameters, Δm0,212 and tan2θ12, and two new coefficients which parameterize the environment dependence of neutrino mass. We introduce an Earth’s crust model to compute precisely the density in each point along the neutrino trajectory. We show that this new description of density does not affect the analysis with the standard model case. With the MaVaN model, we observe a first order effect in lower density, which leads to an improvement on the data description.

  13. Construction of helium engineering demonstration loop (HENDEL M+A) for VHTR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Saneaki; Tanaka, Toshiyuki; Nakano, Tadasuke


    The mother and adapter sections of the large structural component demonstration test loop, alias Helium Engineering Demonstration Loop, for the multipurpose, high temperature gas-cooled experimental reactor were completed in March, 1982. This facility was constructed by Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. as the main contractors, and by the cooperation with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. The HENDEL M+A is the testing facility of the largest scale in the world, which can handle 1000 deg C, 40 kgf/cm 2 G helium at a half flow rate of one core cooling loop of the experimental reactor. With the HENDEL M+A, the demonstration tests of fuel assembly stacks, in-core structures, large flow rate and high temperature equipment are planned. The HENDEL M+A comprises two mother loops, an adapter loop, and common auxiliary systems fon measurement and control (In), refining (Mp), makeup (Mu) and cooling water (Uc). The construction and function of such main equipment as a heater, circulators and internally insulated piping are described. The progress of the construction and the main experience during the construction, the process of operation and the performance are reported. (Kako, I.)

  14. SDSS-IV MaNGA: Probing the Kinematic Morphology–Density Relation of Early-type Galaxies with MaNGA (United States)

    Greene, J. E.; Leauthaud, A.; Emsellem, E.; Goddard, D.; Ge, J.; Andrews, B. H.; Brinkman, J.; Brownstein, J. R.; Greco, J.; Law, D.; Lin, Y.-T.; Masters, K. L.; Merrifield, M.; More, S.; Okabe, N.; Schneider, D. P.; Thomas, D.; Wake, D. A.; Yan, R.; Drory, N.


    The “kinematic” morphology–density relation for early-type galaxies posits that those galaxies with low angular momentum are preferentially found in the highest-density regions of the universe. We use a large sample of galaxy groups with halo masses {10}12.5MaNGA) survey to examine whether there is a correlation between local environment and rotational support that is independent of stellar mass. We find no compelling evidence for a relationship between the angular momentum content of early-type galaxies and either local overdensity or radial position within the group at fixed stellar mass.

  15. The Authority and Charismas of Jack Ma's Leadership

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Jack Ma is the top manager of Ali Baba group, with a strong leadership. He mixes autocratic leadership and charismatic leadership together. The powers he used are from his position, the reward system of the company and the charismas to gain his leading power. In addition, he uses his charismas and his achievements to win the trust of the employees, which develop his leadership.

  16. Exploring the Origin of Kinematically Irregular Galaxies with MaNGA (United States)

    Stark, David Vincent; Bundy, Kevin; Westfall, Kyle; Bershady, Matthew; Cheung, Edmond; Soler, Juan; Brinchmann, Jarle; Abraham, Roberto; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Masters, Karen; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; Chen, Yanmei; Jin, Yifei; Drory, Niv; Lopes, Alexandre Roman; Law, David


    Deviations from normal rotation in galaxies may have a number of potential drivers, including tidal interactions, gas inflows/outflows, spiral structure, bar/oval distortions, or other internally generated instabilities. Thanks to new massive IFU surveys like MaNGA, we can now characterize the gas and stellar kinematics of thousands of galaxies in the local universe, enabling statistical analyses on the frequency of disturbed kinematics, their origin, and their impact on their host galaxies. We present a census of kinematics in MaNGA using a modified version of the Radon transform to map radial variations in kinematic position angles (PA). We discuss the frequency of kinematically irregular disks, and describe commonly observed patterns in radial PA profiles. In order to constrain the drivers of these kinematic signatures, we analyze how they correlate with galaxy mass, environment, star formation history, and gas-phase metallicity.

  17. Paraneoplastic antigen Ma2 autoantibodies as specific blood biomarkers for detection of early recurrence of small intestine neuroendocrine tumors.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tao Cui

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Small intestine neuroendocrine tumors (SI-NETs belong to a rare group of cancers. Most patients have developed metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, for which there is currently no cure. The delay in diagnosis is a major issue in the clinical management of the patients and new markers are urgently needed. We have previously identified paraneoplastic antigen Ma2 (PNMA2 as a novel SI-NET tissue biomarker. Therefore, we evaluated whether Ma2 autoantibodies detection in the blood stream is useful for the clinical diagnosis and recurrence of SI-NETs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A novel indirect ELISA was set up to detect Ma2 autoantibodies in blood samples of patients with SI-NET at different stages of disease. The analysis was extended to include typical and atypical lung carcinoids (TLC and ALC, to evaluate whether Ma2 autoantibodies in the blood stream become a general biomarker for NETs. In total, 124 blood samples of SI-NET patients at different stages of disease were included in the study. The novel Ma2 autoantibody ELISA showed high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy with ROC curve analysis underlying an area between 0.734 and 0.816. Ma2 autoantibodies in the blood from SI-NET patients were verified by western blot and sequential immunoprecipitation. Serum antibodies of patients stain Ma2 in the tumor tissue and neurons. We observed that SI-NET patients expressing Ma2 autoantibody levels below the cutoff had a longer progression and recurrence-free survival compared to those with higher titer. We also detected higher levels of Ma2 autoantibodies in blood samples from TLC and ALC patients than from healthy controls, as previously shown in small cell lung carcinoma samples. CONCLUSION: Here we show that high Ma2 autoantibody titer in the blood of SI-NET patients is a sensitive and specific biomarker, superior to chromogranin A (CgA for the risk of recurrence after radical operation of these tumors.

  18. Paraneoplastic antigen Ma2 autoantibodies as specific blood biomarkers for detection of early recurrence of small intestine neuroendocrine tumors. (United States)

    Cui, Tao; Hurtig, Monica; Elgue, Graciela; Li, Su-Chen; Veronesi, Giulia; Essaghir, Ahmed; Demoulin, Jean-Baptiste; Pelosi, Giuseppe; Alimohammadi, Mohammad; Öberg, Kjell; Giandomenico, Valeria


    Small intestine neuroendocrine tumors (SI-NETs) belong to a rare group of cancers. Most patients have developed metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, for which there is currently no cure. The delay in diagnosis is a major issue in the clinical management of the patients and new markers are urgently needed. We have previously identified paraneoplastic antigen Ma2 (PNMA2) as a novel SI-NET tissue biomarker. Therefore, we evaluated whether Ma2 autoantibodies detection in the blood stream is useful for the clinical diagnosis and recurrence of SI-NETs. A novel indirect ELISA was set up to detect Ma2 autoantibodies in blood samples of patients with SI-NET at different stages of disease. The analysis was extended to include typical and atypical lung carcinoids (TLC and ALC), to evaluate whether Ma2 autoantibodies in the blood stream become a general biomarker for NETs. In total, 124 blood samples of SI-NET patients at different stages of disease were included in the study. The novel Ma2 autoantibody ELISA showed high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy with ROC curve analysis underlying an area between 0.734 and 0.816. Ma2 autoantibodies in the blood from SI-NET patients were verified by western blot and sequential immunoprecipitation. Serum antibodies of patients stain Ma2 in the tumor tissue and neurons. We observed that SI-NET patients expressing Ma2 autoantibody levels below the cutoff had a longer progression and recurrence-free survival compared to those with higher titer. We also detected higher levels of Ma2 autoantibodies in blood samples from TLC and ALC patients than from healthy controls, as previously shown in small cell lung carcinoma samples. Here we show that high Ma2 autoantibody titer in the blood of SI-NET patients is a sensitive and specific biomarker, superior to chromogranin A (CgA) for the risk of recurrence after radical operation of these tumors.

  19. Implications of progesterone metabolism in MA-10 cells for accurate measurement of the rate of steroidogenesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F.F.G. Rommerts (Focko); S.R. King (Steven); P.N. Span (Paul)


    textabstractIn virtually all studies with MA-10 cells, progesterone RIAs have been used to measure steroid synthesis. To test whether progesterone is a stable end product, we investigated the metabolism of added tritiated progesterone and pregnenolone in MA-10 cells over a period

  20. A novel synthetic analog of militarin, MA-1 induces mitochondrial dependent apoptosis by ROS generation in human lung cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Deok Hyo; Lim, Mi-Hee; Lee, Yu Ran; Sung, Gi-Ho; Lee, Tae-Ho; Jeon, Byeong Hwa; Cho, Jae Youl; Song, Won O.; Park, Haeil; Choi, Sunga; Kim, Tae Woong


    A synthetic Militarin analog-1[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-1,6-bis(4-(2,4,4-trimethylpentan-2-yl)phenoxy) hexane-2,3,4,5-tetraol] is a novel derivative of constituents from Cordyceps militaris, which has been used to treat a variety of chronic diseases including inflammation, diabetes, hyperglycemia and cancers. Here, we report for the first time the synthesis of Militarin analog-1 (MA-1) and the apoptotic mechanism of MA-1 against human lung cancer cell lines. Treatment with MA-1 significantly inhibited the viability of 3 human lung cancer cell lines. The inhibition of viability and growth in MA-1-treated A549 cells with an IC 50 of 5 μM were mediated through apoptosis induction, as demonstrated by an increase in DNA fragmentation, sub-G 0 /G 1 -DNA fraction, nuclear condensation, and phosphatidylserine exposure. The apoptotic cell death caused mitochondrial membrane permeabilization through regulation of expression of the Bcl-2 family proteins, leading to cytochrome c release in a time-dependent manner. Subsequently, the final stage of apoptosis, activation of caspase-9/-3 and cleavage of poly (ADP ribose) polymerase, was induced. Furthermore, A549 lung cancer cells were more responsive to MA-1 than a bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B), involving the rapid generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. The pharmacological inhibition of ROS generation and JNK/p38 MAPK exhibited attenuated DNA fragmentation in MA-1-induced apoptosis. Oral administration of MA-1 also retarded growth of A549 orthotopic xenografts. In conclusion, the present study indicates that the new synthetic derivative MA-1 triggers mitochondrial apoptosis through ROS generation and regulation of MAPKs and may be a potent therapeutic agent against human lung cancer. - Highlights: • We report a novel synthesized derivative, militarin analog-1 (MA-1). • MA-1-induced cancer cell death was triggered by the ROS

  1. A novel synthetic analog of militarin, MA-1 induces mitochondrial dependent apoptosis by ROS generation in human lung cancer cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Deok Hyo; Lim, Mi-Hee [Department of Biochemistry, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Yu Ran [Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 301-747 (Korea, Republic of); Sung, Gi-Ho [Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 404-707 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Tae-Ho [R and D Center, Dong-A Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Yongin 446-905 (Korea, Republic of); Jeon, Byeong Hwa [Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 301-747 (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Jae Youl [Department of Genetic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Song, Won O. [Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States); Park, Haeil [College of Pharmacy, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Sunga, E-mail: [Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 301-747 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Tae Woong, E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    A synthetic Militarin analog-1[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-1,6-bis(4-(2,4,4-trimethylpentan-2-yl)phenoxy) hexane-2,3,4,5-tetraol] is a novel derivative of constituents from Cordyceps militaris, which has been used to treat a variety of chronic diseases including inflammation, diabetes, hyperglycemia and cancers. Here, we report for the first time the synthesis of Militarin analog-1 (MA-1) and the apoptotic mechanism of MA-1 against human lung cancer cell lines. Treatment with MA-1 significantly inhibited the viability of 3 human lung cancer cell lines. The inhibition of viability and growth in MA-1-treated A549 cells with an IC{sub 50} of 5 μM were mediated through apoptosis induction, as demonstrated by an increase in DNA fragmentation, sub-G{sub 0}/G{sub 1}-DNA fraction, nuclear condensation, and phosphatidylserine exposure. The apoptotic cell death caused mitochondrial membrane permeabilization through regulation of expression of the Bcl-2 family proteins, leading to cytochrome c release in a time-dependent manner. Subsequently, the final stage of apoptosis, activation of caspase-9/-3 and cleavage of poly (ADP ribose) polymerase, was induced. Furthermore, A549 lung cancer cells were more responsive to MA-1 than a bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B), involving the rapid generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. The pharmacological inhibition of ROS generation and JNK/p38 MAPK exhibited attenuated DNA fragmentation in MA-1-induced apoptosis. Oral administration of MA-1 also retarded growth of A549 orthotopic xenografts. In conclusion, the present study indicates that the new synthetic derivative MA-1 triggers mitochondrial apoptosis through ROS generation and regulation of MAPKs and may be a potent therapeutic agent against human lung cancer. - Highlights: • We report a novel synthesized derivative, militarin analog-1 (MA-1). • MA-1-induced cancer cell death was triggered by

  2. Cosmic Rays Accelerated at Cosmological Shock Waves Renyi Ma1 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Cosmic Rays Accelerated at Cosmological Shock Waves. Renyi Ma1,2,∗ ... ratio of CR to thermal energy in the ICM and WHIM based on numerical simulations and diffusive shock ... Hence, the nonthermal radiation of CRs may provide us a.

  3. Limbic encephalitis and antibodies to Ma2: a paraneoplastic presentation of breast cancer. (United States)

    Sutton, I; Winer, J; Rowlands, D; Dalmau, J


    A patient with atypical medullary breast cancer is described who presented with symptoms of limbic encephalitis. The patient's serum and CSF contained antibodies that reacted with the nervous system and the tumour. These antibodies recognised Ma2, a neuronal protein related to paraneoplastic limbic and brainstem encephalitis in men with testicular tumours. This report highlights the importance of testing for paraneoplastic antineuronal antibodies in cases of unexplained limbic encephalitis and suggests screening for breast cancer in women with antibodies predominantly directed to Ma2.

  4. Fertilidad y extracción de nutrientes en la asociación maíz-pastos en suelos ácidos del piedemonte Llanero de Colombia

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    Rincón Álvaro


    Full Text Available

    En un oxisol del Centro de Investigaciones La Libertad de Corpoica, a 17 km de Villavicencio, se estableció la asociación de maíz con los pastos B. decumbens, Mulato 1 y Toledo, como medio para recobrar la productividad de una pradera degradada. Los minerales aplicados 45 días antes de la siembra fueron: Ca, 555 kg ha-1; Mg, 88 kg ha-1; P, 35 kg ha-1 y S, 45 kg ha- 1, utilizando como fuente cal dolomítica, roca fosfórica y yeso agrícola; al momento de la siembra se aplicaron: 31 kg ha-1 de P, 27 de N (fuente fosfato diamónico; 37,5 de K (fuente cloruro de potasio; 3 de Zn; 0,1 de Cu; 0,5 de B y 1,2 de S (fuente borozinco. A los 15 después de la siembra (dds se aplicaron 37,5 kg ha-1 de K. La aplicación de N se fraccionó en dosis de 100 y 200 kg ha-1 a los 15 y 35 dds, respectivamente. Los análisis de suelos realizados después de la cosecha del maíz demostraron un mejoramiento de la fertilidad, ya que la saturación de bases aumentó de 24% inicial a 47%, el P disponible pasó de 2 ppm a 11,8 ppm, el S aumentó de 3 ppm a 6 ppm. En el momento de la cosecha, la mayor extracción de N fue la hicieron el grano de maíz y los pastos (43 y 45 kg ha-1, respectivamente, mientras que el P se presentó en mayor concentración en el grano de maíz (12,7 kg ha-1. Los pastos y la soca de maíz (tallos y hojas después de la cosecha se caracterizaron por un mayor contenido de K (40 y 27 kg ha-1, respectivamente. El Ca, Mg y S fueron más extraídos por los pastos (9; 8 y 6 kg ha-1, respectivamente; los minerales extraídos en mayor cantidad por el maíz y los pastos fueron N (91%, P (57% y K (58%, mientras que los de menor extracción fueron Ca (2,2% y Mg (16%.

  5. Lysozyme-immobilized electrospun PAMA/PVA and PSSA-MA/PVA ion-exchange nanofiber for wound healing. (United States)

    Tonglairoum, Prasopchai; Ngawhirunpat, Tanasait; Rojanarata, Theerasak; Opanasopit, Praneet


    Abstract This research was aimed to develop the lysozyme immobilized ion-exchange nanofiber mats for wound healing. To promote the healing process, the PSSA-MA/PVA and PAMA ion-exchange nanofiber mats were fabricated to mimic the extracellular matrix structure using electrospinning process followed by thermally crosslinked. Lysozyme was immobilized on the ion-exchane nanofibers by an adsorption method. The ion-exchange nanofibers were investigated using SEM, FTIR and XRPD. Moreover, the lysozyme-immobilized ion-exchange nanofibers were further investigated for lysozyme content and activity, lysozyme release and wound healing activity. The fiber diameters of the mats were in the nanometer range. Lysozyme was gradually absorbed into the PSSA-MA/PVA nanofiber with higher extend than that is absorbed on the PAMA/PVA nanofiber and exhibited higher activity than lysozyme-immobilized PAMA/PVA nanofiber. The total contents of lysozyme on the PSSA-MA/PVA and PAMA/PVA nanofiber were 648 and 166 µg/g, respectively. FTIR and lysozyme activity results confirmed the presence of lysozyme on the nanofiber mats. The lysozyme was released from the PSSA-MA/PVA and PAMA/PVA nanofiber in the same manner. The lysozyme-immobilized PSSA-MA/PVA nanofiber mats and lysozyme-immobilized PAMA/PVA nanofiber mats exhibited significantly faster healing rate than gauze and similar to the commercial antibacterial gauze dressing. These results suggest that these nanofiber mats could provide the promising candidate for wound healing application.

  6. Status of Mirror Development for the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) (United States)

    Champey, P. R.; Winebarger, A. R.; Kobayashi, K.; Savage, S. L.; Ramsey, B.; Kolodziejczak, J.; Speegle, C.; Young, M.; Kester, T.; Cheimets, P.; Hertz, E.


    The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) is a NASA sounding rocket instrument designed to observe soft X-ray emissions at 0.5 - 2.0 keV energies (24 - 6 Å) from a solar active region. MaGIXS will, for the first time, obtain spatially resolved spectra of high-temperature, low-emission plasma within an active region core. The unique optical design includes a Wolter I telescope and a 3-optic grazing incidence spectrograph. The spectrograph consists of a finite conjugate, stigmatic mirror pair and a planar varied line space grating. The grazing incidence mirrors are being developed at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and are produced using electroform nickel-replication techniques, employing the same facilities developed for HERO, FOXSI, ART-XC and IXPE. The MaGIXS mirror mandrels have been fabricated, figured, and have completed the first phase of polishing. A set of three test shells were replicated and exposed to X-rays in the Stray Light Facility (SLF) at MSFC. Here we present results from mandrel metrology and X-ray testing at the SLF. We also discuss the development of a new polishing technique for the MaGIXS mirror mandrels, where we plan to use the Zeeko polishing machine.

  7. An Analysis of work values, organizational commitment, and work centrality of turkish employees from an age diversity perspective


    Sönmezer, Sırma


    112 pages Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, yaşın çalışma değerleri, örgüte bağlılık, ve çalışma merkeziliği üzerindeki etkisini anlamaktır. Bu bağlamda, yaş grupları arasında çalışma değerlerinde, örgüte bağlılık ve çalışma merkeziliği seviyelerinde farklılık öngörülmüştür. Buna ek olarak, farklı yaş gruplarında, örgüte bağlılık ile çalışma değerleri ve çalışma merkeziliği arasındaki ilişki ayrı olarak incelenmiştir. Türkiye, Istanbul'da yapılan çalışmaya, üniversite mezunu, kurumsal firmalarda ...

  8. Ectopic Expression of the Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor Gene, MaAN2, Induces Anthocyanin Accumulation in Tobacco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaili Chen


    Full Text Available Anthocyanins are responsible for the different colors of ornamental plants. Grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum, a monocot plant with bulbous flowers, is popular for its fascinating blue color. In the present study, we functionally characterized an R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene MaAN2 from M. armeniacum. Our results indicated that MaAN2 participates in controlling anthocyanin biosynthesis. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis suggested that MaAN2 belonged to the R2R3-MYB family AN2 subgroup. The anthocyanin accumulation of grape hyacinth flowers was positively correlated with the expression of MaAN2. And the transcriptional expression of MaAN2 was also consistent with that of M. armeniacum dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (MaDFR and M. armeniacum anthocyanidin synthase (MaANS in flowers. A dual luciferase transient expression assay indicated that when MaAN2 was co-inflitrated with Arabidopsis thaliana TRANSPARENT TESTA8 (AtTT8, it strongly activated the promoters of MaDFR and MaANS, but not the promoters of M. armeniacum chalcone synthase (MaCHS, M. armeniacum chalcone isomerase (MaCHI, and M. armeniacum flavanone 3-hydroxylase (MaF3H. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay confirmed that MaAN2 interacted with AtTT8 in vivo. The ectopic expression of MaAN2 in Nicotiana tabacum resulted in obvious red coloration of the leaves and much redder flowers. Almost all anthocyanin biosynthetic genes were remarkably upregulated in the leaves and flowers of the transgenic tobacco, and NtAn1a and NtAn1b (two basic helix–loop–helix anthocyanin regulatory genes were highly expressed in the transformed leaves, compared to the empty vector transformants. Collectively, our results suggest that MaAN2 plays a role in anthocyanin biosynthesis.

  9. Kadın çalışanlarda cam tavan sendromunun örgütsel vatandaşlığa etkileri: Kuşadası 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde bir uygulama


    Güleç, Melike


    Cam tavan, kadınların yetenek ve başarılarının göz ardı edilerek kadınları işletme içerisinde daha üst basamaklara çıkmaktan alıkoyan, görünmez ve kırılmaz bir engeldir. Cam tavan, diğer sektördeki işletmelerde olduğu gibi otel işletmelerinde de oldukça önemli bir sorundur. Kadınlar çalışma yaşamında sırf cinsiyetlerinden ve toplumun cinsiyetlerine yüklediği rol ve sorumluluklardan dolayı çeşitli tutum, davranış ve önyargılarla karşı karşıya kalmaktadırlar. Kadınların çalışma yaşamında üst yö...

  10. Entropic derivation of F=ma for circular motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duncan, Michael; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Singleton, Douglas


    We examine the entropic picture of Newton's second law for the case of circular motion. It is shown that one must make modifications to the derivation of F=ma due to a change in the effective Unruh temperature for circular motion. These modifications present a challenge to the entropic derivation of Newton's second law, but also open up the possibility to experimentally test and constrain this model for large centripetal accelerations.

  11. Emerging methanol-tolerant AlN nanowire oxygen reduction electrocatalyst for alkaline direct methanol fuel cell. (United States)

    Lei, M; Wang, J; Li, J R; Wang, Y G; Tang, H L; Wang, W J


    Replacing precious and nondurable Pt catalysts with cheap materials is a key issue for commercialization of fuel cells. In the case of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), the methanol tolerance is also an important concern. Here, we develop AlN nanowires with diameters of about 100-150 nm and the length up to 1 mm through crystal growth method. We find it is electrochemically stable in methanol-contained alkaline electrolyte. This novel material exhibits pronounced electrocatalytic activity with exchange current density of about 6.52 × 10(-8) A/cm(2). The single cell assembled with AlN nanowire cathodic electrode achieves a power density of 18.9 mW cm(-2). After being maintained at 100 mA cm(-2) for 48 h, the AlN nanowire-based single cell keeps 92.1% of the initial performance, which is in comparison with 54.5% for that assembled with Pt/C cathode. This discovery reveals a new type of metal nitride ORR catalyst that can be cheaply produced from crystal growth method.

  12. A Cascade of Champions: A Qualitative Study about the MA-CORD Media Competition Implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shaniece Criss


    Full Text Available A media competition was part of the Massachusetts Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (MA-CORD Study. Criss et al., previously outlined the development and implementation of the competition, including variation in reach and adoption of the intervention across schools and afterschool programs. In this qualitative study, we examine community, provider, and organizational factors that explain the variation of media competition reach in school and afterschool programs, and describe the awareness of the media competition across other community sectors. Durlak and DuPre’s ecological framework for understanding effective implementation provided the theoretical underpinnings for this study. Fifty-four key informant interviews were conducted, transcribed, and analyzed. Organizational capacity of committed teachers/staff and adaptability of the media competition seemed to be drivers for higher reach within school and afterschool programs. Salient themes that emerged as facilitators of effective implementation were having a cascade of champions and providing opportunity to participate in the media competition outside traditional class time. Clinics and coalitions were identified as additional sectors aware of the media competition. Specifically, our findings offer a new perspective on intervention design and a recommended direction for further study.

  13. Implications of progesterone metabolism in MA-10 cells for accurate measurement of the rate of steroidogenesis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rommerts, F.F.; King, S.R.; Span, P.N.


    In virtually all studies with MA-10 cells, progesterone RIAs have been used to measure steroid synthesis. To test whether progesterone is a stable end product, we investigated the metabolism of added tritiated progesterone and pregnenolone in MA-10 cells over a period of 3 h. Steroids were then

  14. Cosmogenic 10Be signature of geomagnetic dipole moment variations over the last 2 Ma (United States)

    Simon, Q.; Thouveny, N.; Bourlès, D. L.; Valet, J. P.; Bassinot, F. C.; Savranskaia, T.; Duvivier, A.; Choy, S.; Gacem, L.; Villedieu, A.


    Long-term variations of the geomagnetic dipole moment (GDM) during periods of stable polarity and in transitional states (reversals and excursions) provide key information for understanding the geodynamo regime. Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios (Be-ratio, proxy of atmospheric 10Be production) from marine sedimentary cores give independent and additional insights on the evolution of the geomagnetic intensity, completing information from absolute and relative paleointensity (RPI) records. Here we present new Be-ratio results obtained on several marine cores from the North Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans which permit to extent into the Matuyama chron our previous 10Be-derived GDM reconstructions (Simon et al., 2016 JGR 121). Stratigraphic offsets measured between Be-ratio peaks and the corresponding RPI minima in each studied cores are assigned to (post-) detrital remanent magnetization (pDRM) effects leading to magnetization locking-in delays varying from 0 to 16 cm (up to 12 ka). All these results were compiled in order to obtain a continuous Be-ratio record covering the last 2 Ma. 10Be overproduction episodes triggered by geomagnetic dipole moment lows (GDL) linked to polarity reversals and excursions confirm the global control exerted by the GDM on cosmogenic radionuclides production. A dipole moment reconstruction derived from the Be-ratio stack (BeDiMo2Ma) was calibrated using absolute paleointensity data. This independent record completes the available paleomagnetic RPI records and permits: 1) to confront and increase the robustness and precision of GDM reconstructions; and, 2) to better constrain geomagnetic field instabilities during the mid- to late- Matuyama chron. Our new 10Be derived inventory is fully compatible with the GDL series linked to polarity reversals (Matuyama-Brunhes transition, Jaramillo and Olduvai boundaries), geomagnetic events (Cobb Mountain, Réunion) and Brunhes' excursions (e.g. Laschamp, Blake, Iceland-Basin, Big Lost). It further

  15. Consolidation processing parameters and alternative processing methods for powder metallurgy Al-Cu-Mg-X-X alloys (United States)

    Sankaran, K. K.


    The effects of varying the vacuum degassing parameters on the microstructure and properties of Al-4Cu-1Mg-X-X (X-X = 1.5Li-0.2Zr or 1.5Fe-0.75Ce) alloys processed from either prealloyed (PA) or mechanically alloyed (M) powder, and consolidated by either using sealed aluminum containers or containerless vacuum hot pressing were studied. The consolidated billets were hot extruded to evaluate microstructure and properties. The MA Li-containing alloy did not include Zr, and the MA Fe- and Ce-containing alloy was made from both elemental and partially prealloyed powder. The alloys were vacuum degassed both above and below the solution heat treatment temperature. While vacuum degassing lowered the hydrogen content of these alloys, the range over which the vacuum degassing parameters were varied was not large enough to cause significant changes in degassing efficiency, and the observed variations in the mechanical properties of the heat treated alloys were attributed to varying contributions to strengthening by the sub-structure and the dispersoids. Mechanical alloying increased the strength over that of alloys of similar composition made from PA powder. The inferior properties in the transverse orientation, especially in the Li-containing alloys, suggested deficiencies in degassing. Among all of the alloys processed for this study, the Fe- and Ce-containing alloys made from MA powder possessed better combinations of strength and toughness.


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    Ali GÖÇER


    Full Text Available The main mission of educational institutions to provide to the students the necessary information. More importantly, students learned skills into their knowledge to show the way. Students' learning skills into their knowledge one of effective ways: student workbooks, and native place of the events when the time is to work. The purpose of this study, second grade elementary school students in Turkish lessons in a workbook activities carried been realized to determine the status. This motion, the student workbook is to determine the status of being used as functional.In this research, qualitative research approach in the context of document analysis methods and scanning techniques used. Collection of student work books will be reviewed in Kayseri for primary schools and among the strata must be determined via sampling. A total of 54 Turkish students study books were collected in school. In each grade level as an elective to a required four themes were selected. The themes identified in the student workbooks have been investigated the level of realization of activities. According to the data obtained, activities undertaken with students more than activities that are not made at all, but in general, student workbooks are not used functionally. Eğitim kurumlarının temel görevi öğrencilere gerekli bilgileri öğretmekten öte, öğrencilerin öğrendikleri bilgileri beceriye dönüştürebilmelerinin yollarını göstermektir. Öğrencilerin öğrendikleri bilgileri beceriye dönüştürebilmelerinin etkili yollarından biri öğrenci çalışma kitaplarındaki etkinliklerin zamanında ve yerli yerince işlenmesidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim ikinci kademede Türkçe dersi öğrenci çalışma kitaplarındaki etkinliklerin gerçekleştirilme durumunu inceleyerek bu kitapların işlevsel olarak kullanılıp kullanılmadığını belirlemektir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yaklaşımı çerçevesinde doküman inceleme yöntemi ve

  17. Propuesta para llevar al espacio académico institucional, saberes agrícolas tradicionales


    Gómez Espinoza, José Antonio


    Este texto se presentó como comunicación al II Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación: Migraciones y Ciudadanías. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 5-8 Septiembre 2008. Mientras en las “milpas” campesinas se practican saberes agrícolas tradicionales (SAT) para la subsistencia campesina a través de la producción de maíz y cultivos asociados (milpa), en las Instituciones de Enseñanza Agrícola Superior del país, se enseña un enorme bagaje científico y tecnológico sin con...

  18. High power ultraviolet light emitting diodes based on GaN/AlGaN quantum wells produced by molecular beam epitaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabalu, J. S.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Thomidis, C.; Friel, I.; Moustakas, T. D.; Collins, C. J.; Komninou, Ph.


    In this paper, we report on the growth by molecular beam epitaxy and fabrication of high power nitride-based ultraviolet light emitting diodes emitting in the spectral range between 340 and 350 nm. The devices were grown on (0001) sapphire substrates via plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The growth of the light emitting diode (LED) structures was preceded by detailed materials studies of the bottom n-AlGaN contact layer, as well as the GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum well (MQW) active region. Specifically, kinetic conditions were identified for the growth of the thick n-AlGaN films to be both smooth and to have fewer defects at the surface. Transmission-electron microscopy studies on identical GaN/AlGaN MQWs showed good quality and well-defined interfaces between wells and barriers. Large area mesa devices (800x800 μm 2 ) were fabricated and were designed for backside light extraction. The LEDs were flip-chip bonded onto a Si submount for better heat sinking. For devices emitting at 340 nm, the measured differential on-series resistance is 3 Ω with electroluminescence spectrum full width at half maximum of 18 nm. The output power under dc bias saturates at 0.5 mW, while under pulsed operation it saturates at approximately 700 mA to a value of 3 mW, suggesting that thermal heating limits the efficiency of these devices. The output power of the investigated devices was found to be equivalent with those produced by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and hydride vapor-phase epitaxy methods. The devices emitting at 350 nm were investigated under dc operation and the output power saturates at 4.5 mW under 200 mA drive current

  19. A 565 Ma old glaciation in the Ediacaran of peri-Gondwanan West Africa (United States)

    Linnemann, Ulf; Pidal, Agustín Pieren; Hofmann, Mandy; Drost, Kerstin; Quesada, Cecilio; Gerdes, Axel; Marko, Linda; Gärtner, Andreas; Zieger, Johannes; Ulrich, Jens; Krause, Rita; Vickers-Rich, Patricia; Horak, Jana


    In the Cadomian orogen of the NE Bohemian Massif and of SW Iberia, a post-Gaskiers glacial event dated at c. 565 Ma has been detected. Such Ediacaran-aged glaciomarine deposits occur in the Weesenstein and Clanzschwitz groups of the Saxo-Thuringian zone (Bohemia) and in the Lower Alcudian group of the southern Central Iberian zone (Iberia). Both areas are parts of Cadomia situated in the Western and Central European Variscides. Glaciomarine sedimentary rocks are characterized by such features as dropstones, flat iron-shaped pebbles (" Bügeleisen- Geschiebe"), facetted pebbles, dreikanters, and zircon grains affected by ice abrasion. For age and provenance determination, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages ( n = 1124) and Hf isotope ( n = 446) analyses were performed. The maximum age of the glaciomarine deposits within a Cadomian back-arc basin based on U-Pb analytics resulted in the youngest detrital zircon populations showing ages of 562-565 Ma and of c. 566-576 Ma old zircon derived from granitoid pebbles within the diamictites. The youngest age recorded was 538-540 Ma based on zircon from the plutons which had intruded the previously deformed Ediacaran metasedimentary rocks. Previously described glaciomarine diamictites of Cadomia (Weesenstein, Clanzschwitz, and Orellana diamictites) are most definitely younger than the c. 579-581 Ma Gaskiers glaciation in Newfoundland (Gaskiers) and in SE New England (Squantum). We propose the term Weesenstein- Orellana glaciation for this new Ediacaran glacial event, named after the most relevant regions of exposure. Palaeogeographically, these glaciomarine diamictites and related sedimentary deposits lie on the periphery of the West African Craton (western peri-Gondwana), and evidence has been provided by detrital zircon U-Pb ages and their Hf isotope composition. Correlation with similar glaciomarine deposits in the Anti-Atlas (Bou Azzer) and Saudi Arabia suggests a continued distribution of post-Gaskiers glacial deposits along the

  20. BioMaS: a modular pipeline for Bioinformatic analysis of Metagenomic AmpliconS. (United States)

    Fosso, Bruno; Santamaria, Monica; Marzano, Marinella; Alonso-Alemany, Daniel; Valiente, Gabriel; Donvito, Giacinto; Monaco, Alfonso; Notarangelo, Pasquale; Pesole, Graziano


    Substantial advances in microbiology, molecular evolution and biodiversity have been carried out in recent years thanks to Metagenomics, which allows to unveil the composition and functions of mixed microbial communities in any environmental niche. If the investigation is aimed only at the microbiome taxonomic structure, a target-based metagenomic approach, here also referred as Meta-barcoding, is generally applied. This approach commonly involves the selective amplification of a species-specific genetic marker (DNA meta-barcode) in the whole taxonomic range of interest and the exploration of its taxon-related variants through High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) technologies. The accessibility to proper computational systems for the large-scale bioinformatic analysis of HTS data represents, currently, one of the major challenges in advanced Meta-barcoding projects. BioMaS (Bioinformatic analysis of Metagenomic AmpliconS) is a new bioinformatic pipeline designed to support biomolecular researchers involved in taxonomic studies of environmental microbial communities by a completely automated workflow, comprehensive of all the fundamental steps, from raw sequence data upload and cleaning to final taxonomic identification, that are absolutely required in an appropriately designed Meta-barcoding HTS-based experiment. In its current version, BioMaS allows the analysis of both bacterial and fungal environments starting directly from the raw sequencing data from either Roche 454 or Illumina HTS platforms, following two alternative paths, respectively. BioMaS is implemented into a public web service available at and is also available in Galaxy at (only for Illumina data). BioMaS is a friendly pipeline for Meta-barcoding HTS data analysis specifically designed for users without particular computing skills. A comparative benchmark, carried out by using a simulated dataset suitably designed to broadly represent