
Sample records for radioprotection pratique pour

  1. Radioprotection rayonnements, dosimétrie, protection

    CERN Document Server

    Marey, Gérard


    Pour tous les travailleurs du nucléaire comme pour les étudiants des licences professionnelles et des BTS Environnement nucléaire et BTS radioprotection, l'ouvrage rassemble de façon progressive, claire et précise toutes les informations scientifiques et pratiques qui leur sont indispensables. Une première partie résume les données de base relatives à la structure de la matière, la stabilité des noyaux, les différents rayonnements, leur énergie et la décroissance radioactive. La deuxième partie constitue une approche progressive de la radioprotection s'appuyant sur l'influence des rayonnement sur la matière pour définir les notions de dose et aborder le dimensionnement des protections biologiques et des éléments de ventilation. Enfin, la dernière partie traite de la mise en oeuvre pratique de la radioprotection sur le terrain et de la gestion des déchets nucléaires en application de la technologie actuelle, de la réglementation et des directives imposées par l'exploitant qu'est EDF. De...

  2. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 16 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;24. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL.

  3. Guide de pratique clinique pour les lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères et les symptômes persistants (United States)

    Marshall, Shawn; Bayley, Mark; McCullagh, Scott; Velikonja, Diana; Berrigan, Lindsay


    Résumé Objectif Présenter les nouvelles lignes directrices sur la prise en charge des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères (LCTL) et les symptômes persistants post-commotion (SPPC) afin de renseigner et d’orienter les médecins qui prennent en charge des patients qui se remettent d’une LCTL. Qualité des données On a effectué une recherche des guides de pratique clinique existants portant sur les LCTL et une synthèse critique des ouvrages scientifiques évaluant le traitement des SPPC. Étant donné la rareté des conseils sur la prise en charge des SPPC dans les travaux sur les lésions cérébrales traumatiques, une deuxième recherche documentaire a été faite pour recenser les guides de pratique clinique et les synthèses critiques concernant la prise en charge de ces symptômes communs dans la population en général. On a convoqué des professionnels de la santé provenant de différentes disciplines et régions du Canada et de l’étranger à une conférence consensuelle d’experts pour examiner les lignes directrices et les données probantes existantes et élaborer un guide complet pour la prise en charge des LCTL et des SPPC. Message principal À l’aide d’un processus Delphi modifié, on a produit 71 recommandations portant sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge des LCTL et des SPPC. De plus, on a inclus dans le guide de nombreuses ressources et des outils pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des recommandations. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique a été élaboré pour aider les professionnels de la santé à fournir des soins fondés sur les données probantes et les pratiques exemplaires à la population complexe de personnes qui ont des SPPC à la suite d’une LCTL.

  4. Amélioration des performances environnementales des pratiques viticoles et analyse des risques pour la qualité du raisin : étape vers l’écoqualiconception©

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beauchet Sandra


    Full Text Available L’évolution des itinéraires techniques viticoles (ITKv vers un plus grand respect de l’environnement passe par une évaluation de leurs performances environnementales. Dans un contexte de gestion durable, plusieurs autres facteurs sont à prendre en compte, notamment le risque de modification de la qualité des raisins issus de ces ITKv. Les résultats d’évaluation environnementale par la méthode d’Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV ainsi que l’évaluation de la qualité du raisin s’appuient sur beaucoup données. Ce travail montre l’intérêt d’une méthode d’évaluation multicritère conjointe « environnement et qualité », dans le processus de changement de pratiques pour une amélioration des performances. Les résultats obtenus sur 5 ITKv montrent des différences de notes entre les 2 millésimes étudiés et des pratiques ont été identifiées pour leurs forts impacts sur les résultats ACV. Des propositions théoriques de changement de pratiques sont testées sur l’un des ITKv. Ces propositions améliorent les notes environnementales finales de +0,15 points à +0,77 points (/10 quand elles sont mises en œuvre séparément et +2,29 points (/10 en étant combinées. Un modèle explicatif de la qualité du raisin permet de vérifier que les nouvelles pratiques ne peuvent potentiellement pas altérer la qualité du raisin. La méthode d’évaluation conjointe CONTRA-QUALENVIC adaptée à la viticulture montre ici qu’elle peut être une aide à l’amélioration des ITKv.

  5. normes techniques et pratiques locales des producteurs dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    pour objectif d'analyser l'évolution des normes techniques de la production du riz et les pratiques locales dans les périmètres .... des systèmes de production agricole et du riz dans les ..... recommandations de l'encadrement technique local.

  6. diversité des pratiques d'intégration agriculture – élevage

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    BOL BI

    Dans le sud la région de Maradi, l'agriculture et l'élevage sont les deux principales activités socio-économiques qui occupent environ 95% de la population. Ces activités sont pratiquées de façon intégrée dans un contexte de très forte pression démographique (plus de 70 habitants/km²). Pour comprendre les pratiques ...

  7. Pratiques agricoles et perceptions paysannes des impacts ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La dégradation des écosystèmes et d'une manière générale de l'environnement au Burkina Faso est liée aux ... L'étude a révélé que 8 types de rotations culturales sont pratiquées dans la zone. ..... OBEPAB (Organisation Béninoise pour la.

  8. Des solutions pratiques pour l'agriculture africaine | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 nov. 2016 ... Le Fonds Cultiver l'avenir de l'Afrique (CultivAf) gère huit projets visant à soutenir l'élaboration et la mise à l'essai de 24 innovations. Il s'agit notamment de technologies, de modèles et de pratiques de gestion, notamment :

  9. Lancement de la chaire Unesco Pratiques émergentes des technologies et communication pour le développement – Université Bordeaux-Montaigne


    Kiyindou, Alain


    L'Université Bordeaux Montaigne a célébré le lancement de la chaire Unesco Pratiques émergentes des technologies et communication pour le développement les 4, 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2014 à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine et la Maison des Suds (Esplanade des Antilles, Pessac). Cette manifestation a intégré deux grands événements internationaux : le Colloque annuel du réseau mondial des chaires Unesco en communication, ORBICOM (Les médias sociaux) et le Colloque international Terminau...

  10. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la migraine du patient adulte africain (United States)

    Ahmed, Mahmoud Ait Kaci; Haddad, Monia; Kouassi, Beugré; Ouhabi, Hamid; Serrie, Alain


    La migraine est une céphalée primaire (selon les derniers critères de l'International Headache Society) qui affecte environ 8% de la population africaine. Les femmes sont plus fréquemment touchées que les hommes et les crises apparaissent le plus souvent avant l’âge de 40 ans. Bien qu'un certain nombre de traitements, de mesure hygiéno-diététiques, et d'autres méthodes non pharmacologiques permettent de limiter l'intensité et la fréquence des crises, la prise en charge médicamenteuse de la crise de migraine est très souvent nécessaire. La disponibilité des traitements et l'accès aux soins diffèrent sur le continent africain et ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts pour la prise en charge du patient adulte africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 16 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. PMID:27642420

  11. 15. Pratiques judiciaires



    Le chapitre précédent a examiné les rôles et pratiques des agences d’application de la loi qui sont la porte d’entrée du système de justice pénale. Que se passe-t-il après l’arrestation et la mise en accusation pour une infraction relative aux drogues ? Qui est responsable des poursuites et comment se font-elles ? Quel type de sanction les personnes condamnées reçoivent-elles ? Qui aura un casier judiciaire ? Et comment les tribunaux ont-ils interprété la validité de la loi sur les drogues ? ...

  12. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la lombalgie aiguë du patient africain (United States)

    Elleuch, Mohamed; El Maghraoui, Abdellah; Griene, Brahim; Nejmi, Mati; Ndongo, Souhaibou; Serrie, Alain


    La lombalgie aiguë est la pathologie rhumatismale la plus fréquente en Afrique. L’épidémiologie et la présentation clinique ne diffèrent pas de celles observées sur les autres continents. En revanche, les aspects psycho-sociaux, la disponibilité des traitements, l'accès aux soins et le poids culturel des médecines traditionnelles sont autant de spécificités qui ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts en rhumatologie pour la prise en charge du patient africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 11 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. Leur ambition est d'améliorer la prise en charge de la lombalgie aigue par une évaluation initiale clinique pertinente, une diminution des examens radiologiques inutiles, une prescription médicamenteuse adéquate et l'abandon de procédures invasives inappropriées. PMID:26955427

  13. Pratiques langagières effectives et pratiques postulées en Kabylie


    Dourari, Abderrezak


    Le concept “pratiques langagières” est galvaudé dans la société algérienne saturée d’idéologie au point où elle ne réalise plus l’importance de la description scientifique froide. La question linguistique, dans une société plurilingue non reconnue comme telle par l’Etat, est fatalement happée par l’idéologie, pour masquer des intérêts idéels et matériels, des positions de pouvoir.Au refus borné de reconnaître tamazight, certains défenseurs de la question amazighe réagissent en lui opposant le...

  14. Etude de pratiques d'enseignement relatives a la modelisation en sciences et technologies avec des enseignants du secondaire (United States)

    Aurousseau, Emmanuelle

    Les modeles sont des outils amplement utilises en sciences et technologies (S&T) afin de representer et d’expliquer un phenomene difficilement accessible, voire abstrait. La demarche de modelisation est presentee de maniere explicite dans le programme de formation de l’ecole quebecoise (PFEQ), notamment au 2eme cycle du secondaire (Quebec. Ministere de l'Education du Loisir et du Sport, 2007a). Elle fait ainsi partie des sept demarches auxquelles eleves et enseignants sont censes recourir. Cependant, de nombreuses recherches mettent en avant la difficulte des enseignants a structurer leurs pratiques d’enseignement autour des modeles et de la demarche de modelisation qui sont pourtant reconnus comme indispensables. En effet, les modeles favorisent la conciliation des champs concrets et abstraits entre lesquels le scientifique, meme en herbe, effectue des allers-retours afin de concilier le champ experimental de reference qu’il manipule et observe au champ theorique relie qu’il construit. L’objectif de cette recherche est donc de comprendre comment les modeles et la demarche de modelisation contribuent a faciliter l’articulation du concret et de l’abstrait dans l’enseignement des sciences et des technologies (S&T) au 2eme cycle du secondaire. Pour repondre a cette question, nous avons travaille avec les enseignants dans une perspective collaborative lors de groupes focalises et d’observation en classe. Ces dispositifs ont permis d’examiner les pratiques d’enseignement que quatre enseignants mettent en oeuvre en utilisant des modeles et des demarches de modelisation. L’analyse des pratiques d’enseignement et des ajustements que les enseignants envisagent dans leur pratique nous permet de degager des connaissances a la fois pour la recherche et pour la pratique des enseignants, au regard de l’utilisation des modeles et de la demarche de modelisation en S&T au secondaire.

  15. On the radioprotective properties of heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds; Etude des proprietes radioprotectrices de composes heterocycliques azotes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rinaldi, R; Bernard, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Continuing their study of the possible radioprotective properties of heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds, the authors study certain derivatives of imidazole and other compounds of similar structure. The results obtained showed: 1 - that the derivatives resulting from the presence in the imidazole ring of the mercapto, methyl, carbonyl, or benzyl groups are inactive: these substitutions appear to destroy the significant radioprotective activity of the imidazole, 2 - that benzimidazole, on the contrary, seems to possess highly interesting properties. The percentage of survivals obtained with mice treated with benzimidazole and exposed to lethal irradiation has encouraged the authors to undertake careful study of this substance, with a view to define optimum activity conditions, and to determine the mechanism responsible for its radioprotective action. Further on and so as to of clarify certain points that might give useful data concerning the mechanisms of action of radioprotective chemicals, in respect of each of the products the authors have studied: a - the action of these bodies on the internal temperature of mice, b - their radioprotective activity in vitro, in a solution of irradiated hemin. (authors) [French] Les proprietes radioprotectrices de l'imidazole ayant ete mises en evidence dans un precedent travail, les auteurs poursuivent leur experimentation sur certains derives de ce noyau ainsi que des composes de structure voisine. Leurs resultats montrent: 1 - que les composes obtenus par substitution d'un groupement mercapto, methyle, carbonyle ou benzyle, a un hydrogene du noyau imidazole sont inactifs, 2 - que le benzimidazole presente par contre des proprietes interessantes. Pour ce dernier compose le pourcentage de survie pouvant atteindre 90 pour cent les auteurs ont determine les conditions optimales de son activite radioprotectrice; de plus, dans le but d'obtenir des renseignements susceptibles de preciser le mecanisme d'action de la radioprotection

  16. La systématique de l’esprit pratique chez Wolff, Kant, Fichte et Hegel


    Siep, Ludwig


    En dépit des grands bouleversements systématiques dans la philosophie allemande du xviiie siècle, la continuité est étonnante, de Wolff à Hegel, pour ce qui concerne le contenu des doctrines sur la raison pratique. Une comparaison de ces doctrines chez Wolff, Kant, Fichte et Hegel peut révéler l’intention et les raisons pour lesquelles chacun de ces auteurs modifia la systématique des différentes facultés. À partir de Kant, autonomie et liberté deviennent les concepts directeurs permettant de...

  17. Pratique anesthésique à Lubumbashi: indications, types de chirurgie et types de patient (United States)

    Kabey, Alain Kabey a; Lubanga, Muyumba; Tshamba, Mundongo; Kaut, Mukeng; Kakambal, Kaij; Muteya, Manika; Manzanza, Kilembe; Kalal, Kapend


    Introduction Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire la pratique anesthésique dans un pays à faible revenu et où le plateau technique anesthésique est moins équipé. Méthodes Une étude descriptive transversale a été menée durant l'année 2013. L'enquête a concerné les pratiques anesthésiques, les indications chirurgicales et les caractéristiques des malades. L'encodage et l'analyse des données ont été réalisées grâce aux logiciels Epi Info 3.5.3 et Excel 2010. Résultats Nous avons enregistré 2358 patients dont l’âge médian était de 29 + 15 ans, avec 81,5% âgés de 11 à 50 ans. Parmi eux, 67,3% des malades étaient du sexe féminin. Dans ensemble, 62,5% de ces patients étaient pris en charge pour les interventions programmées. L’évaluation du risque anesthésique a montré que 91,9% des patients étaient de la classe ASA I et II. La chirurgie la plus pratiquée était viscérale (46,7%) suivie de la chirurgie gynéco-obstétricale (29,2%). Les différents types d'anesthésie étaient les suivants: anesthésie générale (87,6%), locorégionale (11,8%) et combinée (0,6%). Conclusion La pratique anesthésique dans la population d’étude était dominée par l'anesthésie générale. Les malades étaient au trois quart de sexe féminin et de la classe ASA I et II. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent la nécessité d’évaluer l'issue de cette pratique. La pratique anesthésique à Lubumbashi est tributaire du plateau technique, des compétences du personnel et de l'acceptabilité du type d'anesthésie par les patients. PMID:26523180

  18. Radioprotection et ingénierie nucléaire

    CERN Document Server


    Le développement de l'énergie nucléaire repose sur deux piliers essentiels : la sûreté nucléaire, qui concerne la machine, et la radioprotection, qui se préoccupe des hommes. Construit de manière fiable, un réacteur nucléaire se doit d'irradier le moins possible ses opérateurs et conduire à un impact très faible pour les populations avoisinantes. Tout cela est soumis à des règles strictes, élaborées au niveau international, et qui ne tolèrent aucun écart. Les ingénieurs qui ont à concevoir, construire et conduire ces machines doivent maîtriser les règles de protection : cet ouvrage leur est destiné. La radioprotection, si elle se fonde principalement sur des bases scientifiques, intègre également une dimension sociétale exigeante. Ces activités sont en effet sous le regard critique et permanent de nos concitoyens, qui exigent des acteurs de cette industrie une maîtrise totale de la radioprotection ; un ingénieur qui ne connaîtrait pas la genèse de la radioprotection, ses règle...

  19. Radioprotection problems resulting from the presence of experimental devices around an atomic reactor; Problemes de radioprotection poses par l'implantation de dispositifs experimentaux aupres d'une pile atomique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fitoussi, L; Lebouleux, Ph; Bricard, Ph; Moreau, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    consequences. Ce rapport classe les differents types d'experience necessitant des installations exterieures au bloc pile et souligne pour chacune de ces experiences les particularites remarquables sur le plan de la radioprotection. Pour permettre l'etude des risques radioactifs de l'experience projetee, les auteurs resument les donnees physiques et techniques necessaires aux specialistes de la radioprotection et presentent les regles et recommandations generales de radioprotection a considerer lors de l'etude du projet d'un dispositif experimental et de son installation en pile. (auteurs)

  20. Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste; Code De Bonne Pratique Sur Le Mouvement Transfrontiere International De Dechets Radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 21 September 1990, the General Conference, by resolution GC(XXXIV)/RES/530, adopted a Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste and requested the Director General - inter alia - to take all necessary steps to ensure wide dissemination of the Code of Practice at both the national and the international level. The Code of Practice was elaborated by a Group of Experts established pursuant to resolution GC(XXXII)/RES/490 adopted by the General Conference in 1988. The text of the Code of Practice is reproduced herewith for the information of all Member States [French] Le 21 septembre 1990, la Conference generale, par la resolution GC(XXXIV)/RES/530, a adopte le Code de bonne pratique sur le mouvement transfrontiere international de dechets radioactifs et a prie le Directeur general-notamment-de prendre toutes les mesures necessaires pour assurer une large diffusion du Code de bonne pratique aux niveaux tant national qu'international. Le Code de bonne pratique a ete elabore par un groupe d'experts cree en application de la resolution GC(XXXII)/RES/490 adoptee par la Conference generale en 1988. Le texte du Code de bonne pratique est reproduit ci-apres pour l'information de tous les Etats Membres.

  1. Savoirs et pratiques diététiques au Moyen Âge


    Nicoud, Marilyn


    L’appartenance de la diététique au domaine de compétence du praticien médiéval est affirmée par nombre d’ouvrages utilisés pour l’enseignement de la médecine, à commencer par le Canon d’Avicenne, véritable somme du savoir médical, traduit en latin à Tolède au XIIe siècle par Gérard de Crémone. Avicenne y rappelle que la médecine est divisée en deux branches : l’une est dite théorique (car elle a pour finalité la connaissance des causes de la santé et de la maladie) ; l’autre pratique – et ell...

  2. Radioprotection: mechanism and radioprotective agents including honeybee venom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varanda, E.A.; Tavares, D.C. [UNESP, Araraquara, SP (Brazil). Escola de Ciencias Farmaceuticas. Dept. de Ciencias Biologicas


    Since 1949, a great deal of research has been carried on the radioprotective action of chemical substances. These substances have shown to reduce mortality when administered to animals prior to exposure to a lethal dose of radiation. This fact is of considerable importance since it permits reduction of radiation-induced damage and provides prophylactic treatment for the damaging effects produced by radiotherapy. The following radioprotection mechanisms were proposed: free radical scavenger, repair by hydrogen donation to target molecules formation of mixed disulfides, delay of cellular division and induction of hypoxia in the tissues. Radioprotective agents have been divided into four major groups: the thiol compounds, other sulfur compounds, pharmacological agents (anesthetic drugs, analgesics, tranquilizers, etc.) and other radioprotective agents (WR-1065, WR-2721, vitamins C and E, glutathione, etc.). Several studies revealed the radioprotective action of Apis mellifera honeybee venom as well as that of its components mellitin and histamine. Radioprotective activity of bee venom involves mainly the stimulation of the hematopoietic system. In addition, release of histamine and reduction in oxygen tension also contribute to the radioprotective action of bee venom. (author)

  3. Radioprotection: mechanism and radioprotective agents including honeybee venom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varanda, E.A.; Tavares, D.C.


    Since 1949, a great deal of research has been carried on the radioprotective action of chemical substances. These substances have shown to reduce mortality when administered to animals prior to exposure to a lethal dose of radiation. This fact is of considerable importance since it permits reduction of radiation-induced damage and provides prophylactic treatment for the damaging effects produced by radiotherapy. The following radioprotection mechanisms were proposed: free radical scavenger, repair by hydrogen donation to target molecules formation of mixed disulfides, delay of cellular division and induction of hypoxia in the tissues. Radioprotective agents have been divided into four major groups: the thiol compounds, other sulfur compounds, pharmacological agents (anesthetic drugs, analgesics, tranquilizers, etc.) and other radioprotective agents (WR-1065, WR-2721, vitamins C and E, glutathione, etc.). Several studies revealed the radioprotective action of Apis mellifera honeybee venom as well as that of its components mellitin and histamine. Radioprotective activity of bee venom involves mainly the stimulation of the hematopoietic system. In addition, release of histamine and reduction in oxygen tension also contribute to the radioprotective action of bee venom. (author)

  4. Pitié pour les grandes villes !

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jérôme Monnet


    Full Text Available Roger Caillois disait, en 1938, qu´il existe "une représentation de la grande ville, assez puissante sur les imaginations pour que jamais en pratique ne soit posée la question de son exactitude, créée de toute pièce par le livre, assez répandue néanmoins pour faire partie de l´atmosphère mentale collective et posséder par suite une certaine force de contrainte"(Le mythe et l´homme, p.156 [c´est lui qui souligne]. En 1996, la presse française a consacré dossiers et articles à "Habitat II...

  5. Chemical radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegel, G.


    A reivew of the problems and progress in the field of chemical radioprotection is given. After defining the field of research, the practical significance of radioprotective substances and the requirements for a utilizable radioprotective preparation are presented. Trends of development of this field of research, the state of the art, and resulting conclusions for the future development of radioprotective substances of practical value are discussed. (author)

  6. Study of the improvement of the radioprotective power of imidazole; Etude de l'amelioration du pouvoir radioprotecteur de l'imidazole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mourret, A; Rinaldi, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, 38 - Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In studies made on the Imidazole radioprotective power, the authors have attempted to neutralize its convulsive properties by the Depamide so as to decrease drug toxicity. Then, having studied in what manner the two products simultaneous action could carry one increase of radioprotective activity, they have established that if the Depamide permits to decrease very much the Imidazole toxicity, the variation of radioprotection power which is subject to animal sex, generally increases for females and decreases for males. (authors) [French] Dans le cadre de l'etude du pouvoir radioprotecteur de l'Imidazole, les auteurs ont essaye de neutraliser les proprietes convulsivantes de cette substance par le Depamide afin d'en dimunuer la toxicite. Ayant ensuite etudie dans quelle mesure l'action simultanee de ces deux produits pouvait apporter une amelioration de l'activite radioprotectrice, ils ont constate que si le Depamide permet de diminuer tres sensiblement la toxicite de l'Imidazole, la variation du pouvoir radioprotecteur, qui depend du sexe de l'animal, augmente en general pour les femelles et diminue pour les males. (auteurs)

  7. Sexospécificités | Page 186 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... et font connaître des solutions pratiques pour la culture des légumineuses à graines ... Langue French ... Langue French ... Langue French ... Langue French ... A project supported by the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund ...

  8. Circuit court du marché des produits agricoles : pour une gestion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    pour un développement durable au Lac Alaotra. . Cirad-Inra-SupAgro,. Montpellier, FR. Available at . Penot, É., Dabat, M.-H., Rakotoarimanana, A. & Grandjean, P. 2014. L'évolution des pratiques agricoles au lac Alaotra à Madagascar. Une approche par les temporalités.

  9. Improviser non verbalement pour l’apprentissage de la langue parlée

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francine Chaîné


    Full Text Available Un texte réflexif sur la pratique de l'improvisation dans un contexte scolaire en vue d'apprendre la langue parlée. D'aucun penserait que l'improvisation verbale est le moyen par excellence pour faire l'apprentissage de la langue, mais l'expérience nous a fait découvrir la richesse de l'improvisation non-verbale suivie de prise de parole sur la pratique comme moyen privilégié. L'article est illustré d'un atelier d'improvisation-non verbale s'adressant à des enfants ou à des adolescents.

  10. A practical contribution to the dosimetry of fast neutrons in radio-protection - determination of the integrated dose in man using the {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P reaction (1963); Contribution pratique a la dosimetrie des neutrons rapides en radioprotection - determination de la dose integree par reaction {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P chez l'homme (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheidhauer, J; Chabidon, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The problem of fast neutron dosimetry using activation is studied from the radio-protection point of view. The practical development of methods for analyzing phosphorus 32 produced by the activation of sulphur 32 in human hair by the reaction {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P is described. The sensitivity obtained is 5 rad. A preliminary study was made of the variations in the natural sulphur and phosphorus concentrations. (authors) [French] Le probleme de la dosimetrie des neutrons rapides par activation est etudie sous l'angle de la radioprotectlon. Une mise au point pratique de methodes d'analyae du phosphore 32 induit par activation du soufre 32 des cheveux humains par reaction {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P est exposee. La sensibilite obtenue est de 5 rad. Les variations du soufre et du phosphore naturels ont fait l'objet d'une etude preliminaire. (auteurs)

  11. Pratique du séchage artisanal de fruits et légumes dans le sud du Cameroun


    Edoun, Marcel; Kuitche, Alexis; Marouzé, Claude; Giroux, François; Rabier, Jacques; Côte, Marc; Kapseu, César


    Depuis quelques années, le séchage des fruits et légumes à petite échelle connait un regain d'intérêt au Cameroun, que ce soit pour la vente locale ou pour celle d'exportation. Or, les transformateurs qui pratiquent cette activité ne sont pas satisfaits des séchoirs qu'ils utilisent. Matériel et méthodes. Dans ce contexte, nous avons réalisé une enquête de type semi ouvert auprès d'une cinquantaine d'unités de séchage installées dans les zones de Douala et de Yaoundé (Cameroun) afin de mieux ...

  12. 7. national congress of radioprotection - SFRP 2009; 7. congres national de radioprotection - SFRP 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aurengo, A.; Lecomte, J.F.; Averbeck, D.; Makovicka, L.; Barescut, J.C.; Maubert, H.; Benderitter, M.; Menechal, Ph.; Biau, A.; Menetrier, F.; Briand-Champlong, J.; Metivier, H.; Cherin, A.; Paquet, F.; Decobert, V.; Radecki, J.J.; Devin, P.; Roy, C.; Fracas, P.; Schneider, Th.; Italia, J.; Souques, M.; Lagroye, I.; Tamponnet, Ch.; Laurent, G.; Vidal, J.P.; Aubert, B.; Piqueras, P.; Cervera, J.; Vial, Th.; Mear, R.; Visseaux, H.; Patrix, N.; Bourguignon, M.; Acker, A.; Sabatier, L.; Abela, G.; Andrieux, J.L.; Bernard, H.; Vicaud, A.; De Bruyne, T.; Valero, M.; Godet, J.L.; Lebaron-Jacobs, L.; Renaud, P.; Bordy, J.M.; Leuraud, K.; Arranz, L.; Lochard, J.; Vaillant, L.; Droesch, P.; Coenen, S.; Michiels, J.; Pepin, S.; Poffijn, A.; Wertelaers, A.; Schrauben, M.; Pires, N.; Matouk, F.; Wall, B.; Hart, D.; Mol, H.; Lecluyse, A.; Aroua, A.; Trueb, P.; Griebel, J.; Nekolla, E.; Gron, P.; Waltenburg, H.; Beauvais-March, H.; Scanff, P.; Pirard, P.; Sinno-Tellier, S.; Shannoun, F.; Brugmans, M.; Meeuwsen, E.; Stoop, P.; Olerud, H.; Borretzen, I.; Leitz, W.; Marconato, M.; Magnier, F.; Rehel, J.L.; Etard, C.; Ducou Le Pointe, H.; Bouette, A.; Fourrier, P.; Lisbona, A.; Tirmarche, M.; Metz-Flamant, C.; Samson, E.; Caer-Lorho, S.; Giraud, J.M.; Acker, A.; Laurier, D.; Laurent, O.; Rogel, A.; Joly, K.; Hubert, D.; Riedel, A.; Garcier, Y.; Amabile, J.C.; Leuraud, K.; Vacquier, B.; Caer, S.; Griffiths, N.; Van der Meeren, A.; Fritsch, P.; Abram, M.C.; Bernaudin, J.F.; Poncy, J.L.; Chevillard, S.; Cesarini, J.P.; Bertho, J.M.; Louiba, S.; Tourlonias, E.; Faure, M.C.; Stefani, J.; Siffert, B.; Paquet, F.; Dublineau, I.; Adam, C.; Alonzo, F.; Bonzom, J.M.; Gagnaire, B.; Gilbin, R.; Garnier-Laplace, J.; Denoziere, M.; Lecerf, N.; Leroy, E.; Daures, J.; Bordy, J.M.; Clairand, I.; Debroas, J.; Denoziere, M.; Donadille, L.; D' Errico, F.; Gouriou, J.; Itie, C.; Struelens, L.; Broggio, D.; Borissov, N.; Janeczko, J.; Lamart, S.; Blanchardon, E.; Molokanov, A. [and others


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during this conference. Sixty six presentations out of 68 are assembled in the document. The conference is organized in 11 sessions dealing with: 1 - radioprotection regulations and standards; 2 - radioprotection of patients; 3 - radiation effects on man and ecosystems; 4 - advances in dosimetry and metrology; occupational radioprotection (2 sessions); 5 - radioprotection of populations and ecosystems (2 sessions); 6 - radioprotection in incident, accident and post-accident situations; 7 - radioprotection and society

  13. La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leurs effets en termes de récidive


    Vanneste, Charlotte


    La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leurs effets en termes de récidive La recherche demandée par le Collège des Procureurs généraux visait à évaluer les pratiques judiciaires développées en matière de violences conjugales en application des directives de politique criminelle données par la circulaire COL 4/2006. Pour ce faire, les données statistiques relatives à l’ensemble des prévenus signalés au moins une fois aux ...

  14. Radioprotective shield - an adequate radioprotective device for routine stomatological radiodiagnosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiltschke, F [Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ., Greifswald (German Democratic Republic); Taschner, P; Koenig, W; Menzel, B [Staatliches Amt fuer Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz, Berlin (German Democratic Republic)


    Starting from the shortcomings of the radioprotective devices at present used in routine stomatological radiodiagnosis, the authors describe the advantages of a radioprotective shield which has been produced in the Greifswald University Stomatological Clinic. On the basis of dosimetric studies, the National Board for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection of the GDR (Staatliches Amt fuer Atomsicherheit und Strahlenschutz der DDR) could demonstrate the suitability of this shield as a radioprotective device for routine stomatological radiodiagnosis.

  15. Penser les métropoles pour les « individus » ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Dumont


    Full Text Available Les instruments dont on dispose aujourd’hui pour décrire et expliquer les réalités métropolitaines contemporaines ne sont pas entièrement satisfaisants : ils ne permettent pas toujours d’identifier les vraies questions qui se présentent à ceux qui produisent la ville. Partant de ce constat, le sociologue Alain Bourdin synthétise dans son nouvel essai des réflexions issues de sa pratique de recherche et de dialogue avec le monde des institutions, pour y proposer une lecture de la ...

  16. : tous les projets | Page 352 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... analyser deux manifestations des inégalités entre les sexes en Inde qui se recoupent : la difficulté d'exercer ses droits génésiques et les pratiques associées à la préférence pour les garçons. Date de début : 22 avril 2009. End Date: 1 avril 2011. Sujet: REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, ABORTION, GENDER DISCRIMINATION.

  17. La légalisation de la maternité pour autrui à l’étranger : exemples de droit comparé


    G’sell, Florence


    Plusieurs tendances peuvent être observées parmi les États admettant la gestation pour autrui : si certains ont adopté une législation qui valide cette pratique en l’encadrant, d’autres ont laissé les tribunaux accepter progressivement, en l’absence de législation, de faire produire des effets aux conventions passées entre les parents d’intention et les gestatrices. L’acceptation législative ou judiciaire de la gestation pour autrui n’a pour autant pas tari le contentieux suscité par cette pr...

  18. Qu'en est-il de la transmission dans les groupes d'analyse de pratiques en formation ?


    Vallet, Patricia


    Atelier 21 : Travail social et bénévolat; Ma recherche s'intéresse à la formation des professionnels de la relation, et à cette instance particulière qu'est l'analyse des pratiques : celle-ci suppose la transmission d'une capacité de problématisation des situations professionnelles, un regard critique ajusté, un certain rapport aux savoirs, une attitude herméneutique, et une posture particulière de l'animateur pour favoriser le cheminement des personnes en formation. Car au-delà d'une meilleu...

  19. : tous les projets | Page 353 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet vise à analyser deux manifestations des inégalités entre les sexes en Inde qui se recoupent : la difficulté d'exercer ses droits génésiques et les pratiques associées à la préférence pour les garçons. Date de début : 22 avril 2009. End Date: 1 avril 2011. Sujet: REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, ABORTION, GENDER ...

  20. Bases de données NoSQL et Big Data concevoir des bases de données pour le Big Data : cours et travaux pratiques niveau B

    CERN Document Server

    Lacomme, Philippe; Phan, Raksmey


    Les bases de données NoSQL, ou non relationnelles, procèdent d'une logique différente du modèle SQL pour stocker de très grands volumes de données de natures variées. Elles s'affranchissent des contraintes classiques et fournissent une architecture nouvelle, souple et performante. Le Big Data rassemble des technologies répondant aux 4 V : Volume important, Variété d'informations, Vélocité du traitement, Variabilité des sources. L'ouvrage s'emploie à rendre ces techniques accessibles. Il propose une présentation synthétique des systèmes de bases de données NoSQL dans une approche transversale sur plusieurs plateformes : NetBeans et Eclipse. Le propos est constamment illustré par de nombreux exemples implémentés sous forme de travaux pratiques utilisant : Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j, Redi et Hbase. Des vidéos et des compléments gratuits sont disponibles sur le site web du livre :"

  1. Le pouvoir normatif de Google. Analyse de l’influence du moteur sur les pratiques des éditeurs


    Sire, Guillaume


    Dès lors qu’un éditeur souhaite que les documents qu’il a produits soient aussi visibles que possible, la méthode employée par le moteur Google pour hiérarchiser les informations est susceptible d’influencer ses pratiques. Or il se trouve que, paradoxalement, cette influence ne va pas toujours dans le sens des intérêts de l’entreprise Google. Nous expliquons pourquoi, avant d’expliquer comment les concepteurs du moteur essayent d’orienter l’influence qu’ils exercent sur la production éditoria...

  2. Voix des villes ciblées | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 déc. 2010 ... Lorsque les artisans de réformes mises en oeuvre dans huit villes se sont réunis pour discuter de stratégie, leur quête de solutions les a amenés à examiner le rôle de la recherche, les pratiques des citoyens ordinaires et l'importance de susciter l'intérêt d'administrations municipales mieux informées.

  3. 7. national congress of radioprotection - SFRP 2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aurengo, A.; Lecomte, J.F.; Averbeck, D.; Makovicka, L.; Barescut, J.C.; Maubert, H.; Benderitter, M.; Menechal, Ph.; Biau, A.; Menetrier, F.; Briand-Champlong, J.; Metivier, H.; Cherin, A.; Paquet, F.; Decobert, V.; Radecki, J.J.; Devin, P.; Roy, C.; Fracas, P.; Schneider, Th.; Italia, J.; Souques, M.; Lagroye, I.; Tamponnet, Ch.; Laurent, G.; Vidal, J.P.; Aubert, B.; Piqueras, P.; Cervera, J.; Vial, Th.; Mear, R.; Visseaux, H.; Patrix, N.; Bourguignon, M.; Acker, A.; Sabatier, L.; Abela, G.; Andrieux, J.L.; Bernard, H.; Vicaud, A.; De Bruyne, T.; Valero, M.; Godet, J.L.; Lebaron-Jacobs, L.; Renaud, P.; Bordy, J.M.; Leuraud, K.; Arranz, L.; Lochard, J.; Vaillant, L.; Droesch, P.; Coenen, S.; Michiels, J.; Pepin, S.; Poffijn, A.; Wertelaers, A.; Schrauben, M.; Pires, N.; Matouk, F.; Wall, B.; Hart, D.; Mol, H.; Lecluyse, A.; Aroua, A.; Trueb, P.; Griebel, J.; Nekolla, E.; Gron, P.; Waltenburg, H.; Beauvais-March, H.; Scanff, P.; Pirard, P.; Sinno-Tellier, S.; Shannoun, F.; Brugmans, M.; Meeuwsen, E.; Stoop, P.; Olerud, H.; Borretzen, I.; Leitz, W.; Marconato, M.; Magnier, F.; Rehel, J.L.; Etard, C.; Ducou Le Pointe, H.; Bouette, A.; Fourrier, P.; Lisbona, A.; Tirmarche, M.; Metz-Flamant, C.; Samson, E.; Caer-Lorho, S.; Giraud, J.M.; Acker, A.; Laurier, D.; Laurent, O.; Rogel, A.; Joly, K.; Hubert, D.; Riedel, A.; Garcier, Y.; Amabile, J.C.; Leuraud, K.; Vacquier, B.; Caer, S.; Griffiths, N.; Van der Meeren, A.; Fritsch, P.; Abram, M.C.; Bernaudin, J.F.; Poncy, J.L.; Chevillard, S.; Cesarini, J.P.; Bertho, J.M.; Louiba, S.; Tourlonias, E.; Faure, M.C.; Stefani, J.; Siffert, B.; Paquet, F.; Dublineau, I.; Adam, C.; Alonzo, F.; Bonzom, J.M.; Gagnaire, B.; Gilbin, R.; Garnier-Laplace, J.; Denoziere, M.; Lecerf, N.; Leroy, E.; Daures, J.; Bordy, J.M.; Clairand, I.; Debroas, J.; Denoziere, M.; Donadille, L.; D'Errico, F.; Gouriou, J.; Itie, C.; Struelens, L.; Broggio, D.; Borissov, N.; Janeczko, J.; Lamart, S.; Blanchardon, E.; Molokanov, A.; Yatsenko, V.; Franck, D.; Rannou, A.; Kockerols, P.; Bickel, M.; De Bruyne, G.; Fessler, A.; McCourt, J.; Lefaure, C.; Godet, J.L.; Bouchet, F.; Ecault, A.; Lacoeuille, F.; Cahouet-Vannier, A.


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during this conference. Sixty six presentations out of 68 are assembled in the document. The conference is organized in 11 sessions dealing with: 1 - radioprotection regulations and standards; 2 - radioprotection of patients; 3 - radiation effects on man and ecosystems; 4 - advances in dosimetry and metrology; occupational radioprotection (2 sessions); 5 - radioprotection of populations and ecosystems (2 sessions); 6 - radioprotection in incident, accident and post-accident situations; 7 - radioprotection and society

  4. De la sècheresse aux pratiques agricoles… ou les pratiques agricoles, objet d’interface, entre climat et hommes…

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed B. Veyrac-Ben


    Full Text Available Etudier les impacts environnementaux de la sècheresse dans un territoire agricole, c’est aussi, et surtout, s’interroger sur les pratiques des agriculteurs, et se demander en quoi des évènements tels que les sècheresses peuvent influencer les pratiques agricoles…A l’interface entre le milieu et les hommes, nous considérons donc les pratiques des agriculteurs comme un facteur d’évolution des milieux et des hommes. Notre étude des pratiques agricoles et de leurs impacts environnementaux, vue à travers le prisme de l’influence des sècheresses, cherche donc à comprendre la part et le rôle d’un facteur physique dans la mutation d’un territoire agricole.

  5. Radio-protection and decontamination operations on the central vibrating channels of the reactor G 3; Radioprotection et operations de decontamination sur le couloir vibrant central de la pile G.3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chassany, J Ph; Cohendy, G; Rodier, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The dose rate in the vibrating channels room of the discharge system, which is due to the contamination of one of the channels by a ruptured can after clad failure was high. It was necessary to intervene in order that normal maintenance could be carried out on this equipment. The operation was carried out from a neighbouring room using cleaning tubes, and then directly, after numerous precautions had been taken. Radio-protection was made very difficult because of the irradiation and of the powdery state of the contamination. The average individual integrated dose for the 122 persons having taken part in this 2-month operation was 362 mrem. Thanks to the close collaboration between the operational, emergency and radio-protection personnel, this operation was executed smoothly and rapidly. (authors) [French] Le debit de dose dans la salle des couloirs vibrants du systeme de dechargement, provenant de la contamination de l'un d'entre eux par une cartouche a rupture de gaine etait important. Une intervention a ete necessaire pour permettre l'entretien normal de ce materiel. Elle s'est faite d'abord a partir d'une salle voisine, en utilisant des tuyaux de lavage, puis directement, moyennant de nombreuses precautions. La radioprotection a ete rendue tres difficile a cause de l'irradiation et de la forme particulierement pulverulente de la contamination. La dose individuelle moyenne integree par les 122 agents ayant participe a cette operation qui a dure 2 mois, a ete de 362 mrem. C'est grace a la collaboration etroite de l'exploitation, de l'intervention et de la radioprotection qu'elle a pu se derouler aussi rapidement dans de bonnes conditions. (auteurs)

  6. FR: Des outils conceptuels et méthodologiques pour la médecine générale ENG: Conceptual and methodological tools for general practice


    Roland, Michel


    Résumé Cette thèse est le rassemblement, par blocs homogènes, de notes d’orientation, de présentations orales, de textes variés, rédigés pour des revues scientifiques, comme chapitres de livres, pour des colloques ou des congrès, pour divers décideurs politiques, des années 80 à ce jour. Son but est de montrer leur cohérence avec un fil conducteur commun :le développement d’outils conceptuels et méthodologiques utiles pour la pratique de la médecine générale en particulier, pour le syst...

  7. Une dialectique de la pudeur : les pratiques de mise en visibilité de soi sur Facebook


    Mell , Laurent


    L’amplification des usages des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), et plus particulièrement des réseaux socionumériques, ont induit des évolutions significatives dans le rapport des individus aux normes relatives à la pudeur. Dans cet article, nous proposons de discuter des pratiques de mise en visibilité de soi sur le réseau socionumérique Facebook. Tout d’abord, nous montrons que l’augmentation de la considération pour la vie privée amène à une sélection des informat...

  8. Optimisation de géocomposites pour la filtration de boues dans le cadre d’un partenariat industriel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    TOUZE-FOLTZ, Nathalie


    Full Text Available L’industrie minière produit d’énormes quantités de déchets sous forme de boue minérale, comme les résidus fins matures issus de l’exploitation des sables bitumineux. Ces boues sont difficiles à assécher de par leur forte argilosité et leur stockage reste complexe à gérer pour des raisons pratiques, économiques et environnementales. Des recherches sont donc initiées pour étudier la possibilité d’utiliser des produits géosynthétiques, et en particulier leur fonction de filtration, pour favoriser l’assèchement de ces boues minières.

  9. Le sport en prison : entre insertion et paix sociale. Jeux, enjeux et relations de pouvoirs à travers les pratiques corporelles de la jeunesse masculine incarcérée


    Bodin, Dominique; Robène, Luc; Héas, Stéphane; Sempé, Gaëlle


    En 1949, apparaît pour la première fois en France, au sein des établissements pénitentiaires, la pratique de la « culture physique » (selon les termes utilisés dans la note du 10 août 1949 émanant du bureau de l’application des peines). Cette mesure innovante rompt avec les principes traditionnellement utilitaristes des peines qui, depuis la fin du XVIIIème siècle, se voulaient exemplaires, correctrices, rédemptrices. Elle met en évidence dès 1954 la nécessité de la pratique de « l’éducation ...

  10. Méditation et pratique de soi chez Malebranche.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Éric Dubreucq


    Full Text Available Une étude des Méditations pour se disposer à l’Humilité et à la pénitence qui les replace dans le cadre des pratiques de son époque, par exemple, chez François de Sales, celles de l’oraison, de la méditation et de la contemplation, permet d’apercevoir que l’une des thèses majeures du malebranchisme, la vision en Dieu, est un effet instauré dans le destinataire par un dispositif textuel. Celui-ci tire sa puissance prescriptive de l’a priori pratique où il s’inscrit. C’est à une opération de production de soi que l’exercice spirituel donne lieu : l’analyse des quatre premières Méditations chrétiennes et métaphysiques, en particulier, montre que c’est une organisation de la substance personnelle que provoque le travail spirituel sur soi. Celui-ci consiste à déterminer le rapport à soi comme relation d’une vision attentive à une activité illuminante, par un décentrement textuel du « je » vers le « tu ».One of the major Malebranche’s assertion, that we see truth in God, is not a mere theoretical thesis. I study first the Méditations pour se disposer à l’Humilité et à la pénitence and compare them with François de Sales’ spiritual exercitations, and show that prayer, meditation and contemplation constitute the practical frameworks of this period. The text of the Méditations is an apparatus which is fit to cause an effect in its target – the self of the reader : the vision in God. The practical a priori of the meditation provides the text with prescriptive power to transform the self. Then I study the Méditations chrétiennes et métaphysiques i-iv : we see that Malebranche set his textual apparatus so that it prescribes its receiver a form of « work-on-one’s-self ». The self is here produced by the organisation of relationship between attentive vision and lighting action, and this structure is built in the self by a movement, induced by the text, which leads the self from

  11. Le traitement de la variation linguistique dans les travaux universitaires sur les langues pratiquées en Algérie : Cas de quelques positions de recherche

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    Chachou Ibtissem


    Full Text Available Notre contribution porte sur les dynamiques de recherche sur la question de la variation (ou leur absence par rapport aux langues pratiquées en Algérie. Ces langues sont l’arabe algérien, le français, les langues berbères et l’arabe institutionnel, et ce dans les domaines formels et informels. Notre corpus renferme un échantillon représentatif des écrits portant sur des pratiques plurilingues et/ ou les théorisant, lesquelles pratiques sont saisies et analysées des points de vue sociolinguistique et sociodidactique. Ces écrits/résultats sont l’oeuvre de chercheurs algériens dont les travaux sont repris par les jeunes chercheurs notamment et qui leur servent souvent de références et d’appuis théoriques. Nous tenterons à travers cette contribution, autant que faire se peut, de dégager ces positionnements théoriques, d’en interroger les soubassements d’ordre épistémique et d’identifier clairement les orientations, les priorités et les attentes pour la recherche en didactique et en sociolinguistique. Il s’agira notamment de mesurer leur apport pour la recherche dans le domaine des sciences du langage, leur pertinence ainsi que leur utilité, mais d’observer également ce qui peut handicaper la réflexion sur des questions aussi sensibles tant elles sont innervées par des considérations idéologiques dont le linguiste n’échappe pas toujours.

  12. The ViewPoint radioprotection supervision workstation; Poste de supervision radioprotection viewpoint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaultier, E. [APVL Ingenierie- 6, bd Nobel - Equatop La Rabelais - 37540 Saint Cyr sur Loire (France)


    The author briefly presents the ViewPoint supervision global solution which incorporates audio and video advanced technologies to manage radioprotection operational measurements. Data can be transmitted by-wire or wireless. It can integrate a large number of radioprotection measurement instruments, such as a belt for the monitoring of physiological parameters (body temperature, breathing rhythm, body posture)

  13. Soudage des aciers pour application mécanique

    CERN Document Server

    Deveaux, Dominique


    Ce guide détermine les bonnes pratiques pour comprendre les risques d’une forme d’assemblage multimatériaux : celui par soudage de nuances à forte teneur en carbone avec des éléments en acier de construction. Dans un premier temps, le rapport passe en revue l’examen des avaries sur des assemblages soudés pour l’application mécanique mettant en cause les aciers. Fissuration par fatigue, rupture fragile, rupture ductile, fissuration à chaud ou à froid sont autant de causes qui seront analysées. Dans un deuxième temps, il se concentre sur la conception des joints soudés. Du choix des nuances à la tenue vis-à-vis de la rupture fragile en passant par l’analyse en fatigue des assemblages soudés, c’est l’ensemble de la problématique qui est pris en compte.

  14. Écriture et pensée, Pour en finir avec les inégalités d'écriture* !

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morinet Christiane


    Full Text Available Anthropologiquement, on peut réaliser à quel point l’invention de l’écriture par son potentiel historique et cognitif bouleverse progressivement et de façon ininterrompue les modes de pensée de l’espèce humaine organisée en communautés de langue. Ainsi, dans les sociétés industrialisées, les pratiques littératiennes sont devenues centrales au point d’être exigées de chacun des membres d’une communauté de langue. Leur enseignement est alors incontournable. En France, l’école, voulant dépasser l’effet de massification involontairement produit par la politique d’accès d’une classe d’âge entière aux lycées depuis les années 80 (Bautier, Rochex, 1998, remet en chantier ses façons d’enseigner dans l’espoir de contribuer à la démocratisation de l’enseignement des pratiques littératiennes. Toutefois, pour satisfaire cette ambition, la « révolution » intellectuelle que représente l’écriture est à mettre en continuité avec le développement de la parole. L’invention de l’écriture n’écrase pas, mais bien au contraire, stimule le phénomène langagier antérieur qu’est l’oralité, en intensifiant, dans l’espace et le temps, la densité des échanges langagiers. L’effort d’ouverture des lycées à l’ensemble d’une classe d’âge a révélé que le fait d’exposer une génération, toutes classes sociales confondues, aux connaissances telles que l’école les transmettait, n’entraîne pas, pour tous, leur appropriation dynamique. La sociologie du langage (Bautier, 1995 permet de dégager un usage cognitif du langage qui rappelle que les pratiques langagières sont des pratiques sociales. L’écrit dans l’évolution de la pensée possède un statut particulier. Paraphrasant le titre du livre de Bourdieu : Ce que parler veut dire (1982, je me suis demandé : « Ce qu’écrire veut dire ». Par conséquent, quelle est l’influence de l’écriture sur la pensée, d

  15. Radioprotection and training

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nolibe, D [Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires (INSTN), Centre d` Etudes de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Zackova, H


    In a country where 75% of its electric power production is nuclear-based and where the health industry is making more and more use of ionizing radiation, Radioprotection education in France is necessarily characterized by a wide diversity in the trainings delivered and a significant increase in the number of actors providing these training programs. From the isolated worker using an industrial gammagraphy device to the thousands of persons working in major nuclear installations, it is estimated that more than 100,000 workers are exposed to ionizing radiation. Due to the seriousness of the pathological consequences resulting from overexposure to ionizing radiation, the volume of population concerned ant the media impact generated by the problem, one of the basic requirements formulated at the very early stages of the legislation is the obligation of informing workers of the hazards of exposure and the preventive measures to be taken. Employers are legally required to inform their personnel of the risks taken when handling equipment generating ionizing radiation of when using radio-nuclides. This obligation translates concretely by the need for the employer to name a qualified Radioprotection Department. The Qualified Officer or the Radioprotection Department are responsible for, among other tasks, ensuring training of workers. Two training orientations can be distinguished, each having different goals: - the first consists in training a body of highly-skilled Radioprotection professionals or managers (Qualified Officers), - the second consists in training all workers having any contact with ionizing radiation; each person should be capable of ensuring his own Radioprotection regardless of the presence of Qualified Officers. (authors).

  16. Radioprotection and training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nolibe, D.; Zackova, H.


    In a country where 75% of its electric power production is nuclear-based and where the health industry is making more and more use of ionizing radiation, Radioprotection education in France is necessarily characterized by a wide diversity in the trainings delivered and a significant increase in the number of actors providing these training programs. From the isolated worker using an industrial gammagraphy device to the thousands of persons working in major nuclear installations, it is estimated that more than 100,000 workers are exposed to ionizing radiation. Due to the seriousness of the pathological consequences resulting from overexposure to ionizing radiation, the volume of population concerned ant the media impact generated by the problem, one of the basic requirements formulated at the very early stages of the legislation is the obligation of informing workers of the hazards of exposure and the preventive measures to be taken. Employers are legally required to inform their personnel of the risks taken when handling equipment generating ionizing radiation of when using radio-nuclides. This obligation translates concretely by the need for the employer to name a qualified Radioprotection Department. The Qualified Officer or the Radioprotection Department are responsible for, among other tasks, ensuring training of workers. Two training orientations can be distinguished, each having different goals: - the first consists in training a body of highly-skilled Radioprotection professionals or managers (Qualified Officers), - the second consists in training all workers having any contact with ionizing radiation; each person should be capable of ensuring his own Radioprotection regardless of the presence of Qualified Officers. (authors)

  17. Fumiers de bovins, une ressource à fort potentiel pour la filière de méthanisation en France ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DEGUEURCE, Axelle


    Full Text Available En France, la méthanisation agricole représente l'un des principaux leviers d’action pour atteindre les objectifs « biogaz » dans la production d’énergies renouvelables. L'agriculture génère en effet d’abondantes ressources exploitables pour la production de biogaz par méthanisation. En croisant différentes bases de données de la statistique agricole et les pratiques d’élevage recensées sur le territoire français, les auteurs nous proposent ici d'évaluer le potentiel du gisement énergétique des effluents de bovins, et d'analyser les conditions pour mieux mobiliser cette ressource sur le territoire.

  18. Serge Gruzinski, L’histoire, pour quoi faire ?


    Exbalin, Arnaud


    La photographie de Kader Attia qui illustre la couverture du dernier livre de Serge Gruzinski est l’un des nombreux points d’accroche qui jalonnent L’histoire, pour quoi faire ?, un ouvrage qui vient de paraître aux éditions Fayard. Ce cliché d’adolescents algériens jouant au foot dans les ruines romaines de Tazoult vient condenser près de deux mille ans d’histoire, une histoire des colonisations — romaine et française —, une histoire globale qui se manifeste par la pratique d’un sport d’orig...

  19. Radioprotection in Brazilian universities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caballero, K.C.; Borges, J.C.


    The purpose of this work was to obtain a broad knowledge of the circumstances under which activities involving ionizing radiations are held at brazilian academic institutions. Around 90 institutions (universities and isolated schools of both public and private sectors) were invited, by mail, to answer an inquiry with questions from technical to legal aspects of their activities with radiations. Information received from 2/3 of institutions contacted, permitted conclusions as: there is a wide ignorance about radioprotection procedures and legislation, although few universities maintain some efficient radioprotection staff; there is a need for the establishment of a standard radioprotection text dedicated to those specific activities of the sector. (author)

  20. La pratique de la climatisation

    CERN Document Server

    Jacquard, Patrick


    Cet ouvrage rassemble des fiches pratiques parues dans la revue Clim pratique. L'ouvrage est organisé par grands types de systèmes de climatisation (eau glacée, détente directe, absorption, etc.) et de matériels (groupe d'eau glacée, split system, centrales de traitement d'air, etc.). Cette troisième édition est enrichie de nouvelles fiches sur la condensation, les tours de refroidissement, la régulation et la diffusion de l'air et actualise les fiches existantes sur la réglementation.

  1. Business plan pour une application Smartphone : du concept au lancement


    Vriamont, Gilles


    Création d'une application mobile pour Smartphone. Description théorique concernant la rédaction d'un business plan dans une première partie suivi d'une description théorique des caractéristiques des applications mobiles. Dans une seconde partie, analyse de l'industrie des Smartphones et des applications mobiles suivi de la partie pratique et du développement du produit, partant de la description du produit jusqu'à l'analyse des coûts. Master [120] en Ingénieur de gestion, Université catho...

  2. Compter mes jours : recherche explorant l'espace entre ma pratique artistique et ma pratique comptable


    Picard, Julie


    Cette recherche propose d’investiguer l’espace entre ma pratique artistique et ma pratique comptable à travers une approche qui déploie des activités de recherches théoriques sur l’art, des activités de recherches théoriques en comptabilité, la réalisation d’un protocole de création en atelier, et la prestation d’une conférence. L’approche flexible, multifocale et exploratoire adoptée se situe en affinité avec Intermedia, développé par Dick Higgins. Partant de ces deux figures type d’oppositi...

  3. Apprentissage collaboratif en ligne: communauté de recherche et de pratique (Entretien avec Christian Bois

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orazio Maria Valastro


    Full Text Available Le savoir vient d'abord de ce que l'on "donne des noms" aux dynamiques qui émergent de la situation analytique et des discours des protagonistes. Il vient ensuite de ce que l'on identifie des ressemblances de contenu et ou de forme entre un signe actuel et un fait passé. Ou encore il vient de la créativité de l'analysant pour aménager sa place dans la jungle des désirs, des territoires, des jalousies et des envies. Enfin il vient du jeu subtil entre le réel, l'imaginaire et le symbolique. Dan la communauté de recherche et de pratique il y a aussi des dynamiques subtiles à identifier.

  4. Swiss Foundation Code 2009 avec commentaire : principes et recommandations pour la constitution et la gestion de fondations donatrices

    CERN Document Server

    Sprecher, Thomas; Janssen, Martin


    Le «Swiss Foundation Code 2009» reprend et complète le premier Code européen de bonne gouvernance pour les fondations donatrices publié en 2005. Il contient des directives de gouvernance orientées vers la pratique. Elles ont trait aussi bien à la constitution, à l’organisation, à la gestion et à la surveillance ou à l’activité de soutien qu’à la politique financière et d’investissement de fondations à but non lucratif. Pour la première fois, les principes définis par le Code font l’objet d’un commentaire détaillé.

  5. Use of a multi-channel {gamma} spectrometer for quantitative measurements in radio-protection; Utilisation d'un spectrometre {gamma} multicanaux en vue de mesures quantitatives appliquees a la radio protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cluchet, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The author stresses the advantages, in radio-protection, of using {gamma} spectrometry for analysis of radioelements. He describes a simple and rapid method for dosing several radioelements in one sample. With a view to measuring the sources used for the calibration of detectors, the author shows how it is possible to determine the photon flux at one given point and to deduce from it the intensity of the irradiation due to each {gamma} line. The sensitivity and the accuracy of the measurements are discussed. (author) [French] L'autour rappelle l'interet que presente, en radioprotection, la spectrometrie {gamma} pour l'analyse des radioelements. Il expose une methode simple et rapide permettant de doser plusieurs radioelements dans un meme echantillon. Envisageant la dosimetrie des sources utilisees pour l'etalonnage des detecteurs, l'auteur montre comment l'on peut determiner le flux de photons en un point considere et en deduire l'intensite d'irradiation associee a chaque raie {gamma}. La sensibilite et la precision des mesures sont discutees. (auteur)

  6. La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leur effets en termes de récidive. Réflexions sur les aspects spécifiques à la médiation pénale


    Vanneste, Charlotte


    La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leurs effets en termes de récidive La recherche demandée par le Collège des Procureurs généraux visait à évaluer les pratiques judiciaires développées en matière de violences conjugales en application des directives de politique criminelle données par la circulaire COL 4/2006. Pour ce faire, les données statistiques relatives à l’ensemble des prévenus signalés au moins une fois aux ...

  7. Chemical radioprotection: current data and perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sentenac-Roumanou, H.; Fatome, M.


    Since discovery, between 1951 and 1955, of the classical radioprotective agents cysteamine, serotonin and A.E.T., synthesis of more active molecules, long acting polymers and compounds active when orally administered, have been performed, especially during the last decade. On the other hand, extensive investigations on mechanism of action of radioprotective agents and particularly discovery of the essential role displayed by protection of the central nervous system of mammals allowed a marked improvement of concepts in the field of chemical radioprotection [fr

  8. Radioprotective Agents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilker Kelle


    Full Text Available Since1949, a great deal of research has been carried out on the radioprotective activity of various chemical substances. Thiol compounds, compounds which contain –SH radical, different classes of pharmacological agents and other compounds such as vitamine C and WR-2721 have been shown to reduce mortality when administered prior to exposure to a lethal dose of radiation. Recently, honey bee venom as well as that of its components melittin and histamine have shown to be valuable in reduction of radiation-induced damage and also provide prophylactic alternative treatment for serious side effects related with radiotherapy. It has been suggested that the radioprotective activity of bee venom components is related with the stimulation of the hematopoetic system.

  9. A prospective view of radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barescut, Jean C.


    Full text: If we exclude the specific case of medical radioprotection and workers radioprotection, the main challenge of tomorrow radioprotection is the protection of usual people faced to a possible increase of ambient contamination, either as a consequence of usual releases of industry or as a consequence of sporadic accidents. From the view points of regulators and practitioners of radioprotection, we have to optimize today researches and studies, to optimize protection investments and to prepare future rules according to what could be the possible concerns of radioprotection in a near future. Clearly, when dealing with nuclear energy, a perspective of 30 years is not a very far one. A nuclear plant built today will still be in operation 30 years from now. But 30 years is a fairly long time compared to evolutions of science. For example, DNA was discovered in 1953 and gene engineering began seriously in the years 70s. There is no doubt that the evolution speed will not decrease and that the scientific situation will be quite different within 30 years. This could have many practical consequences. One is that the risk associated to radioactive stress could be better estimated, another is that precursors of a disease attributable to radioactivity will certainly be detected earlier and will allow cure to begin earlier. It is quite likely also that our ability to stimulate the natural defenses of organisms will improve. In an even more futuristic approach, the use of nanoengines or the use of highly selective killer processes at the cell level seems quite possible. Radioprotection will not only be influenced by science but also by the level of environmental threats. We have already a pretty good backward knowledge but, if we consider that the real beginning of industrial nuclear age was in the seventies, within 30 years, we will have more than 70 years of retrospective view. That should be enough to determine if our exposure to radioactivity is really increasing

  10. Éléments finis pour les fluides incompressibles

    CERN Document Server

    Azaïez, Mejdi; Mund, Ernest


    Cet ouvrage présente l'ensemble des concepts et méthodes nécessaires à la modélisation numérique par éléments finis du comportement des fluides visqueux newtoniens incompressibles. Après un bref rappel des équations de base et des modèles simplifiés, il expose en détail les techniques d'approximation de ces équations par éléments finis pour les dépendances spatiale et temporelle (problèmes de diffusion, d'advection-diffusion et de transport). Une attention toute particulière est portée à la discrétisation spatiale des équations de Stokes et aux algorithmes temporels pour la simulation numérique directe des équations de Navier-Stokes. Un chapitre ancillaire résume les méthodes de résolution des systèmes algébriques de grande taille à structure creuse, caractéristiques des méthodes d'éléments finis. L'exposé clair, didactique et progressif offre un contenu équilibré entre théorie et pratique. Ce manuel constitue ainsi une référence indispensable pour les étudiants de ma...

  11. Evaluation des Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations des districts sanitaires de Benoye, Laoukassy, Moundou et N?Djam?na Sud sur la rage canine au Tchad


    Mindekem, Rolande; Lechenne, Monique; Alfaroukh, Idriss Oumar; Moto, Daugla Doumagoum; Zinsstag, Jakob; Ouedraogo, Laurent Tinoaga; Salifou, Sahidou


    Introduction La rage canine demeure une pr?occupation en Afrique comme au Tchad. La pr?sente ?tude vise ? ?valuer les Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations pour la prise en charge appropri?e des personnes expos?es et une lutte efficace. M?thodes C??tait une ?tude transversale descriptive r?alis?e en juillet et septembre dans quatre districts sanitaires au Tchad en 2015. Les donn?es ont ?t? collect?es ? l?aide d?un questionnaire aupr?s des m?nages recrut?s suivant un sondage al?ato...

  12. Les formes de la fiction dans la culture pour la jeunesse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthieu Letourneux


    Full Text Available Les pratiques de consommation culturelle contemporaines obéissent de plus en plus à des logiques de mixité et de mixage qui imposent d’observer les œuvres et les produits culturels non plus du point de vue de leurs seules propriétés, mais en les saisissant dans leur relation médiatisée à un grand nombre d’autres produits – livres, films, jeux et jouets – indépendamment desquels ils ne peuvent se comprendre. Cette évolution est devenue manifeste depuis que l’industrie culturelle a opté pour l’...

  13. Enjeux et pratiques documentaires en conservation-restauration, perspectives pour la recherche 

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie-Hélène Breuil


    Full Text Available IntroductionConsacrées à la documentation des œuvres, ces deux journées d’étude qui se sont tenues les 14 et 15 octobre 2010 comportaient quatre sessions : définition, production, gestion et utilisation. Elles ont permis de faire le point et d’échanger sur les outils techniques, les contenus, l’accès ainsi que la conservation de cette documentation. Dans son introduction, Thierry Lalot, directeur du CRPB (Université Paris 1, a souligné la volonté d’ouvrir des perspectives pour la recherche e...

  14. Spotify quel avenir pour le géant de la musique en streaming ?

    CERN Document Server

    Bouillot, Charlotte; Cadiat, Anne-Christine


    Un guide pratique et accessible pour tout savoir sur Spotify et ses créateurs passionnés Avec plus de 60 millions d'utilisateurs actifs à travers le monde en fin d'année 2014, Spotify est de loin l'acteur incontournable de l'écoute de musique en streaming. Mais que sait-on réellement de l'entreprise et des moyens qu'elle met en œuvre pour proposer à l'auditeur ses morceaux préférés ? Quelles sont les clés de la réussite de cet acteur qui a révolutionné la manière de consommer la musique ? D'ailleurs, l'entreprise est-elle véritablement rentable ?  Ce livre vous aidera à :        Comprendre la

  15. Prospective of clinical drugs for radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alok, Amit; Kumar, Sandeep; Kumar, Arun; Chaudhury, N.K.


    We are living in an era of nuclear power where power derived from nuclear reaction is used for power generation as well as for nuclear weapons. The terrorism and the threat of dirty bombs looms around the civilized population. Therefore, there is a need to develop radioprotector which could prevent against the harmful effect of radiation. The research on radioprotector started more than fifty years ago but still there is no approved radioprotector in the drug market. Hundreds of lead molecule have been screened and have shown varying amount of radioprotection either in vitro or in vivo or in both. Only one drug amifostine was approved by FDA but due to its toxicity in head and neck cancer, this drug is no more in use. Antioxidants too have proven to be a potential radioprotector but the dose required for radioprotection is too high for maintenance of homeostasis in physiological system. We have taken an alternative approach of using clinical drugs like diclofenac and tetracycline for development of approach for radioprotection and reported the radioprotective role of diclofenac. The advantage of using clinical drug is its wide availability in the market and the ease with which it could be channelized for radioprotection. Antiradical assays have demonstrated possible use of tetracycline for radioprotection. Tetracycline has also ability to reduce oxidative damages ex vivo. Studies related to comet assay as well as antioxidant assays in different organs are in progress for designing further work for efficacy and elucidation of mechanisms. (author)

  16. Paternité des articles et intérêts concurrents : une analyse des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique (United States)

    Courbon, Ève; Tanguay, Cynthia; Lebel, Denis; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : La présence d’auteurs honorifiques et fantômes ainsi que les intérêts concurrents représentent des difficultés bien documentées, liées à la publication d’articles scientifiques. Il existe des lignes directrices encadrant la rédaction et la publication de manuscrits scientifiques, notamment celles de l’International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Objectifs : L’objectif principal de cette étude descriptive et transversale visait à recenser les instructions portant sur la paternité des articles et les intérêts concurrents provenant des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. L’objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des mesures correctrices pour une paternité des articles plus transparente. Méthode : La recherche a débuté par l’identification des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. La consultation des instructions aux auteurs des journaux a permis ensuite de recenser les recommandations destinées à éviter les problèmes de paternité des articles et d’intérêts concurrents. Finalement, les membres de l’équipe de recherche se sont consultés afin de définir des mesures correctrices possibles à l’intention des chercheurs. Résultats : Des 232 journaux traitant de pharmacie, 33 ont été définis comme traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. Un total de 24 (73 %) journaux mentionnaient suivre la politique de l’ICMJE, 14 (42 %) demandaient aux auteurs de remplir un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêts concurrents au moment de la soumission de l’article, 17 (52 %) présentaient une définition de la qualité d’auteur et 5 (15 %) demandaient de détailler les contributions de chaque auteur. Une grille de 40 critères a été élaborée pour définir l’attribution du statut d’auteur. Conclusion : Moins de la moitié des journaux demandait aux auteurs de transmettre un formulaire de déclaration des intérêts concurrents au moment de la

  17. Radioprotective effectiveness of some zootoxins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vernigorova, L.A.; Lebedev, V.G.


    A study was made of the effectiveness of a new class of radioprotective agents, polypeptides, obtained from zootoxins of scorpion, tarantula, Lathrodectes tredecimguttatus, and bee under conditions of a short-term and long-term irradiation. The peptide fraction of the sorption venom, butoxin, was most radioprotective: it provided 65% survival after LD 98/30 . Butoxin exerted a stimulatory effect on the hypophysis-adrenal system and haemopoiesis of intact and irradiated animals

  18. La communication des sciences sur Internet stratégies et pratiques

    CERN Document Server

    Pignard-Cheynel, Nathalie; Miège, Bernard; Pailliart, Isabelle; Picchioli, Ingrid; Salaün, Jean Michel


    Parmi les outils dont disposent les scientifiques pour communiquer et échanger leurs connaissances, la revue apparaît comme le média de référence, le support officiel et légitime des publications formelles. La revue scientifique cristallise, dans ses modes de conception, de production, de diffusion et de vente, des logiques opposées (logiques scientifique, symbolique et marchande). L’émergence d’Internet conduit à une redéfinition des rôles et des logiques qui prévalaient jusqu’alors. Nous avons envisagé cette évolution selon une double perspective : 1) l’offre et les stratégies des acteurs de l’édition scientifique, 2) les usages, et plus largement les pratiques des scientifiques, mis en évidence par l’analyse d’une communauté particulière, celle de la physique des particules. Les mouvements qui orientent le développement de la communication des sciences sur Internet se traduisent par une réorganisation du paysage de l’édition scientifique (à travers la consolidation de...

  19. Radioprotection: Gelam Honey And Other Potential Natural Sources As Radioprotectant Agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tengku Ahbrizal Farizal Tengku Ahmad


    The application of antioxidant compounds has been studied since the early days of nuclear era, due to the high possibility of overexposure among individuals working in radiation facilities. Ionising radiations can trigger the formation of free radicals which induces biological damage even at a very low dose. It can damage DNA molecules via two mechanisms, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, radioprotectant must have the characteristic of a free radical scavenger to prevent those damages. In this study, the effect of gamma irradiation-induced DNA damage and cellular response was determined by DNA damage pathway. Gelam honey was chosen to determine its radioprotective efficacy when normal human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs) were exposed to gamma-rays. HDFs were treated with Gelam Honey at pre-, during- and post-irradiation at 1 Gray dose. Through this study, gamma-irradiation modulated the cell defence system which involved expression of gene/protein of DNA damage detection, subsequently lead to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction. Conversely, HDFs pre-treated with Gelam honey maintained the cell proliferation as shown by the decrease in DNA damage and increase in cell survival rate. These mechanisms may be used as one of the guidelines for radioprotection study with other natural resources such as beta-glucan extract from mushrooms. (author)

  20. Radioprotective effect of antioxidants on human blood lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Mingsuo; Gu Xuandi; Zhu Genbo; Feng Jixing; Su Liaoyuan


    By using an improved fluorometric method with 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) as fluorometric agent, the antiradiation effects of four kinds of antioxidants on 60 Co γ-ray irradiation inducing final products of lipid peroxides (LPO), i.e. malodialdehyde (MDA) content changes in human blood lymphocytes, were investigated with LPO value as an indicator. The results of the experiment were as following: (1)The radioprotective effect of exogenous antioxidants added to human blood lymphocytes on radiation-induced LPO damage of cellular membrane were remarkable; (2)The radioprotective beneficial sequences of four kinds of antioxidants were arranged like this: SOD > VE >VC, Se 4+ ; (3)Radioprotective effects of antioxidants on radiation-induced damage varied especially with the property of antioxidants, drug concentration, and pretreatment and monitoring time, etc., as well as irradiated dosage and various kinds of incubated cells. In addition, the mechanism of these antioxidants as radioprotectants on human blood lymphocytes is discussed in connection with LPO damage and radioprotection

  1. Radioprotective properties of detoxified lipid A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snyder, S.L.; Walden, T.L. Jr.; Patchen, M.L.


    Endotoxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has long been known to possess radioprotective properties. Nevertheless, the toxicity of LPS, or its principal bioactive component, Lipid A, has detracted from its potential use as a radioprotectant. Recently, a relatively non-toxic monophosphoryl Lipid A that retains many of the immunobiological properties of native LPS has been prepared from a polyaccharide-deficient and heptoseless Re mutant strain of S. minnesota. The authors conducted experiments that evaluated and compared the radioprotective efficiency of native endotoxin, as well as the mono (detoxified) and diphosphoryl (toxic) forms of Lipid A, in both responder (CD2F1 and C3H/HeN) and non-responder (C3H/HeJ) mice. It has been found that the optimal dose for the mono- and diphosphoryl Lipid A are approximately the same (800 μg/kg in CD2F1 mice), and that both compounds provide maximum protection when administered 24 h before exposure to an LD100 dose of cobalt - 60 gamma radiation. Possible mechanisms for the radioprotective action of detoxified Lipid A are suggested

  2. Radioprotective effect of vitamins C and E

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Nahas, S.M.; Mohamed, A.A.; Mattar, F.E.


    Albino rats were treated with aqueous vitamin C solution and vitamin E solution dissolved in olive oil at two concentrations, 100 and 300 mg/kg/day, for 6 months. Some of the animals where then subjected to whole-body irradiation. Chromosomal aberrations and mitotic activity in non-irradiated and irradiated groups were recorded. Both vitamins were found to be non-mutagenic. Vitamin C exerted a radioprotective effect but vitamin E was not radioprotective and it suppressed the radioprotection otherwise produced by olive oil. (author). 31 refs., 2 figs

  3. Effects of radioprotective agents on mammal cella

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuessler, H.; Pauly, H.


    The effects of aminothiols and thiophosphates on cultures of B14 Chinese Hamster cells wee investigated. 30 min before irradiation, the cells were covered with a solution of the radioprotective agent. After irradiation, this solution was removed and substituted by culture medium. The radioprotective effect increases with increasing cystamine concentrations. With a cystamine concentration of 60 mM, a dose reduction factor of 3 was achieved. Further investigations showed that already after 2 min of incubation, the radioprotective effect in the same as after 60 min. (orig./MG) [de

  4. The ViewPoint radioprotection supervision workstation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaultier, E.


    The author briefly presents the ViewPoint supervision global solution which incorporates audio and video advanced technologies to manage radioprotection operational measurements. Data can be transmitted by-wire or wireless. It can integrate a large number of radioprotection measurement instruments, such as a belt for the monitoring of physiological parameters (body temperature, breathing rhythm, body posture)

  5. Google Scholar, Google Print ... un nouvel entrant pour la diffusion de la recherche.


    Ertzscheid, Olivier


    La diffusion des résultats de la recherche scientifique est un enjeu majeur pour l'économie et au-delà la société de la connaissance. Plusieurs nouveaux entrants bouleversent actuellement la carte des acteurs en ce domaine. Cet article propose une analyse des motivations, du positionnement et des enjeux mobilisés par l'arrivée de Google sur ce marché. Nous situons d'abord les effets de cette entrée sur l'évaluation de la recherche, et précisons comment se mettent en place de nouvelles pratiqu...

  6. Study in vitro of origin radioprotective food the radioprotective effect in vitro of food borne; Estudio in vitro de radioprotectores de origen alimentario

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soraino, J. M.; Sebastia, N.; Almonacid, M.; Alonso, O.; Cervera, J.; Such, E.; Silla, M. A.; Villaescusa, J. I.; Montoro, A.


    Study in vitro of origin radioprotective food the radioprotective effect in vitro of food borne substances studied is a first step in developing effective radioprotectors that can prevent radiation damage to healthy tissue., cannot forget that these studies must be accompanied by in vitro studies of toxicity and bioavailability to profile designing radioprotective substance.

  7. On the radioprotective properties of heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinaldi, R.; Bernard, Y.


    Continuing their study of the possible radioprotective properties of heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds, the authors study certain derivatives of imidazole and other compounds of similar structure. The results obtained showed: 1 - that the derivatives resulting from the presence in the imidazole ring of the mercapto, methyl, carbonyl, or benzyl groups are inactive: these substitutions appear to destroy the significant radioprotective activity of the imidazole, 2 - that benzimidazole, on the contrary, seems to possess highly interesting properties. The percentage of survivals obtained with mice treated with benzimidazole and exposed to lethal irradiation has encouraged the authors to undertake careful study of this substance, with a view to define optimum activity conditions, and to determine the mechanism responsible for its radioprotective action. Further on and so as to of clarify certain points that might give useful data concerning the mechanisms of action of radioprotective chemicals, in respect of each of the products the authors have studied: a - the action of these bodies on the internal temperature of mice, b - their radioprotective activity in vitro, in a solution of irradiated hemin. (authors) [fr

  8. Facebook guide pratique à l'usage des villes, des communes et des CPAS : améliorer la visibilité d'administrations belges grâce aux réseaux sociaux

    CERN Document Server

    Meuleman, François


    Croire que les réseaux sociaux sont simples parce qu'ils sont utilisés par des enfants est une ineptie : rien n'y est facile. Le WEB 2.0 n'est pas complexe pour autant... Il faut, comme pour toute chose technique, maîtriser certains prérequis. Il convient également d'éviter certains pièges. Placer sa ville, son administration et son CPAS sous les feux du WEB n'est jamais sans risque. Créer son compte, gérer ses membres, publier des avis, créer des liens, choisir des documents... Tout cela nécessite en effet de la méthode, des précautions et quelques astuces. Ce guide pratique reprend étape pa

  9. Proceedings of the Fourth Session of Radioprotection of the patient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Radiology Argentine Society and the Radioprotection Argentine Society have organized the 4. Session of the Protection to the Patient, in order to inform to the technical and scientific community about the scopes of the radioprotection to the patient. The principal treated topics were the following: effects of the radiation in radiodiagnostic; radioprotection of the fetus and the pregnancy woman; radioprotection in dental radiology; radiological protection in TAC; radiation doses in radiodiagnostic; treatment of radiation injuries; fatal accidents in radiotherapy. [es

  10. Améliorer votre efficacité techniques d'aujourd'hui pour en faire plus en moins de temps

    CERN Document Server

    Savoyat, Bruno


    Quels que soient votre fonction, votre métier ou votre mission dans l'entreprise, ce livre pragmatique peut vous ouvrir les chemins d'une nouvelle vie. Il a été conçu et écrit pour vous rendre service et pour vous aider à gagner en efficacité. Les meilleures pratiques y ont été retenues pour vous. Certaines sont utilisées avec succès par plus d'un million de personnes à travers le monde. Leur mise en oeuvre est simple pour un impact maximal sur votre productivité, sur la qualité de votre travail et sur la satisfaction que vous retirerez de votre quotidien professionnel. Les principes et les conseils d'efficacité décrits dans ce livre peuvent être appliqués seul comme en équipe, et être généralisés à l'ensemble d'une entreprise. Vous pouvez choisir de les découvrir par une lecture du début à la fin, qui vous permettra une révision systématique de votre manière de travailler et de votre potentiel de gains en efficacité. Mais vous pouvez également opter pour une découverte théma...

  11. Pratiques de grh et climat organisationnel : une etude exploratoire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les résultats de l'analyse de régression et de corrélation révèlent que parmi ces pratiques, la promotion et la rémunération ont respectivement des effets négatifs sur l'esprit d'équipe et la satisfaction au travail des agents. Aussi, cette recherche a permis de mettre en évidence l'important rôle que jouent certaines pratiques ...

  12. Sports en cartes: pratiques sportives en Languedoc-Roussillon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Paul VOLLE


    Full Text Available L'analyse de la distribution géographique de 4 223 équipes dans cinq sports collectifs (football, rugby, basket-ball, hand-ball, volley-ball accuse les disparités de l'espace régional. Le football reste le plus populaire, les sports en salle sont les plus significatifs des pratiques citadines. Mais deux tiers des communes échappent à une quelconque pratique des sports référencés et les villes «pèsent» moins qu'on ne pouvait le penser.

  13. Référencement, e-marketing et visibilité web 30 pratiques pour décideurs et webmasters

    CERN Document Server

    Colantonio, Fred


    Le plus beau site web du monde est inutile s'il est introuvable !Les internautes sont pressés et exigeants; la concurrence nombreuse et organisée. Comment devenir meilleur et plus visible en exploitant des techniques simples ?A travers 30 pratiques, l'auteur répond à 2 préoccupations :- Comment vous trouver quand on vous cherche ?- Comment être visible là où on ne vousattend pas ?Construit principalement autour du référencement naturel et de la présence dans les moteurs de recherche, ce livre vous offre également un aperçu des techniques payantes d'e-marketing. En conclusion, l'exploitation p

  14. Datation de la grossesse en pratique courante au Cameroun: fiabilité de la date de dernières règles (United States)

    Ngowa, Jean Dupont Kemfang; Mando, Emmanuel; Guegang, Emilienne; Ngassam, Anny; Kasia, Jean Marie


    Introduction La détermination précise de l’âge gestationnel (AG) est essentielle pour un suivi adapté de la grossesse. La date de dernières règles (DDR) et l’échographie de datation du premier trimestre sont les moyens habituels de datation de la grossesse. La DDR est souvent imprécise du fait des erreurs de rappel ou d'un trouble du cycle menstruel. Cette étude transversale et descriptive avait pour objectif d’évaluer la fiabilité de la DDR dans la datation de la grossesse en pratique courante à Yaoundé. Méthodes Etude transversale et descriptive réalisée dans deux hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé du 15 décembre 2012 au 15 avril 2013. La collecte des données était effectuée par un interrogatoire des femmes enceintes au cours de la consultation prénatale et l'examen de leur dossier médical. Les femmes enceintes présentant une complication du premier trimestre (menace d'avortement, grossesse arrêtée ou extra-utérine, grossesse molaire) et celles ne se rappelant pas de leur DDR ont été exclues de l’étude. Les données étaient saisies dans Epi-Data 3.1 et analysées dans le logiciel SPSS. 21. Résultats Cinq cent huit femmes enceintes ont été enrôlées dans cette étude, 267(52,56%) d'entre elles avaient noté leur DDR sur un support tandis que 241(47,44%) utilisaient leur mémoire pour se rappeler leur DDR. Cent dix-sept (23,03%) femmes enceintes avait réalisé une échographie de datation du premier trimestre et parmi elles, 50 (42,70%) avaient une discordance des âges gestationnels théorique et échographique. Le rappel de la DDR par la mémoire (OR. 3,46; IC: 1,59-7,53), le cycle irrégulier (OR. 6,15; IC: 1,24-30,4) et le doute sur la DDR communiquée (OR. 31,06; IC: 3.95-244) étaient les facteurs significativement associés à la discordance des AG théorique et échographique. Conclusion La DDR utilisée pour la datation de la grossesse en pratique courante à Yaoundé est fréquemment imprécise. PMID:25309664

  15. L'électronique pour les débutants qui sèchent les cours mais soudent sans se brûler les doigts

    CERN Document Server

    Mallard, Rémy


    Par où commencer pour débuter en électronique ? Vais-je m'égarer en explorant l'internet ? Il regorge de schémas, mais sont-ils fiables ? Me faut-il un livre avec des montages simples ou plutôt un livre sur les composants ? Après trente ans de pratique, l'auteur de ce livre, resté l'éternel débutant qui réalisait lui-même son premier montage dès l'âge de dix ans, partage ici sa soif toujours vive d'apprendre. Fin pédagogue, il guide les débutants et répond aux questions que trop de livres laissent en suspens : "Quel type de fer à souder acheter ?"... "Un multimètre à 5 € peut-il suffire ?"... "Un oscilloscope est-il indispensable ?"... "Peut-on installer son montage dans une boîte à cigares ?"... Rémy Mallard démystifie l'électronique en n'utilisant que ce qu'il vous faut de théorie pour aborder joyeusement la pratique sans risque de faire de grosses bêtises. Vous apprendrez à identifier les composants et leur rôle (résistances, condensateurs, bobines, diodes, transistors, rela...

  16. La messagerie pratique de la communication commerciale en français

    CERN Document Server

    Descotes-Genon, Christiane; Szilagyi, Elisabeth


    Ce manuel s'adresse à : - des étudiants qui se destinent à des carrières commerciales ou au secrétariat, - des professionnels désirant " rafraîchir " leurs connaissances en français commercial. Il peut être utilisé dès le niveau intermédiaire. Les objectifs Son objectif est de permettre à un public non francophone d'apprendre à : - rédiger des lettres commerciales, - utiliser les nouveaux outils de la télématique (minitel, télex, téléfax...), - communiquer efficacement par téléphone. Le contenu Cet ouvrage est constitué : - de lettres commerciales authentiques à analyser, - d'exercices progressifs visant à l'acquisition du savoir-écrire commercial : les normes, le vocabulaire, les paragraphes standards, - de simulations et de jeux de rôles à partir de situations enregistrées pour donner les moyens de communiquer par le téléphone, le minitel, le télex et le télécopieur, - d'informations pratiques sur la réalité technique de ces nouveaux outils, - de répertoires alphabétiqu...

  17. OSIRIS reactor radioprotection, radioprotection measurements performed during the power rise and the first 50 megawatt operation; Radioprotection de la pile OSIRIS, mesures de radioprotection effectuees au cours de la montee en puissance et des premiers fonctionnements a 50 megawatts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fanton, B; Lebouleux, P


    The authors supply the results of the measurements that have been made near the Osiris reactor during the power increase and during the first functioning at 50 megawatts. The measurements relate to the absorbed dose rates in the premises, the water activation and the atmospheric contamination. The influence of the heat layer of water movements and the water rate in the core chimney on the absorbed dose rate at the footbridge level overhanging the pile core has been studied. The modifications to the protection devices that have been proposed after the measurements and the effect of these modifications on the results of the measures are given then. The regeneration process of a water purification chain has been examined from the radiation protection point of view. It has been possible to make some twenty radionuclides obvious in the produced effluents and to determine the volume activity of these effluents for each radionuclide. The whole of results show that in a general way, the irradiation levels are low during the usual reactor functioning. [French] Les auteurs fournissent les resultats des mesures de radioprotection oui ont ete effectuees aupres de la pile Osiris pendant la montee en puissance et au cours des premiers fonctionnements a 50 megawatts. Les mesures portent sur les debits de dose absorbee dans les locaux, l'activation de l'eau et la contamination atmospherique. L'influence de la couche chaude des mouvements d'eau et du debit d'eau dans la cheminee du coeur sur le debit de dose absorbee au niveau de la passerelle surplombant le coeur de la pile, a ete etudiee. Les modifications aux dispositifs de protection, qui ont ete proposees a la suite des mesures, et l'effet de ces modifications sur les resultats des mesures sont indiques ensuite. Le processus de regeneration d'une chaine d'epuration de l'eau a ete examine sous l'angle de la radioprotection. Il a ete possible de mettre en evidence une vingtaine de radionucleides dans les effluents produits et de

  18. Radioprotection program to attend of radiation accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajardo, P.W.; Costa Silva, L.H. da; Rosa, R.


    The aspects of a radioprotection program to be implanted in hospitals to cases of medical treatment to external and internal contamined people are presented. It is based in the experience acquired in the coordination of radioprotection of the Marcilio Dias Naval Medical Center, Rio de Janeiro, due to accident happened in Goiania in 1987. The infra-structure necessary of a ward and the procedures of radioprotection to acess control, entrance and way out of material area and patients monitoring, decontamination and the activities in the support area such as the control and maintenance of detection equipments and radioactive waste management are described. The radiologic protection materials necessaries and the quantity of radioactive waste generated by patient for day are estimated. (V.R.B.)

  19. Radioprotection in the operation of accelerator and plasma units

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ewen, K.


    Relatively great problems of radioprotection can be caused by accelerator units, above all in the field of science, because all kinds of ionizing radiation and radioactive substances can be produced in all stages of aggregation. Furthermore, activities with relatively long half-lifes are induced by high particle streams with energies beyond the thresholds of many nuclear reations, to that the conditions of a control zone, even of a prohibited zone exist at many points after having switched off the accelerator. Not all of these radioprotective problems can be solved by constructive or technical measures. A sufficient skill of the persons responsible for radioprotection is very important in this connection. Efficient radioprotective measures are only possible by a close cooperation between the radiation protection officer, the competent authority, and the expert. (orig.) [de

  20. Radioprotection of targeted and bystander cells by methylproamine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burdak-Rothkamm, Susanne; Smith, Andrea; Lobachevsky, Pavel; Martin, Roger; Prise, Kevin M.


    Radioprotective agents are of interest for application in radiotherapy for cancer and in public health medicine in the context of accidental radiation exposure. Methylproamine is the lead compound of a class of radioprotectors which act as DNA binding anti-oxidants, enabling the repair of transient radiation-induced oxidative DNA lesions. This study tested methylproamine for the radioprotection of both directly targeted and bystander cells. T98G glioma cells were treated with 15 μM methylproamine and exposed to 137 Cs γ-ray/X-ray irradiation and He 2+ microbeam irradiation. Radioprotection of directly targeted cells and bystander cells was measured by clonogenic survival or γH2AX assay. Radioprotection of directly targeted T98G cells by methylproamine was observed for 137 Cs γ-rays and X-rays but not for He 2+ charged particle irradiation. The effect of methylproamine on the bystander cell population was tested for both X-ray irradiation and He 2+ ion microbeam irradiation. The X-ray bystander experiments were carried out by medium transfer from irradiated to non-irradiated cultures and three experimental designs were tested. Radioprotection was only observed when recipient cells were pretreated with the drug prior to exposure to the conditioned medium. In microbeam bystander experiments targeted and nontargeted cells were co-cultured with continuous methylproamine treatment during irradiation and postradiation incubation; radioprotection of bystander cells was observed. Methylproamine protected targeted cells from DNA damage caused by γ-ray or X-ray radiation but not He 2+ ion radiation. Protection of bystander cells was independent of the type of radiation which the donor population received. (orig.) [de

  1. Radioprotective effect of catecholamines on the cultured Chinese hamster fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chirkov, Yu.Yu.; Malatsidze, M.A.; Sobolev, A.S.


    On cultivated in vitro Chinese hamster fibroblasts radioprotective properties of adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoproterenol in different concentrations are studied. Isoproterenol radiopreventive effect is clearly manifested with its concentration being 1x10 -8 M; adrenaline and noradrenaline are efficient in higher concentrations. Propranolol, blocking β-adrenergic receptors, completely presents radioprotective effect of catecholamines on the cells. β-adrenergic mechanism of catecholamine radioprotective effect on Mammalia cells is discussed

  2. Role of peroxide in the radioprotective action of thiols in E. coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naeslund, M.; Fedorcsak, I.; Ehrenberg, L.


    The radioprotective action of cysteamine (MEA) and cysteine in E. coli is due partly to autoxidatively generated hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ). This effect, which predominates at low concentrations of the thiols (1-2 mM in neutral solution), is regularly correlated with a metabolic block, measured as inhibition of RNA synthesis. In experiments with E. coli 15 (autotroph) under exponential growth in complete medium, the role of H 2 0 2 was demonstrated by (a) a decreased radioprotective action if catalase was present in the medium; (b) a radioprotective action if H 2 0 2 added to the medium; (c) a decreased protective action in the absence of catalytically active copper; and (d) oxygen being required for the radioprotective action to develop. At higher concentrations of the thiols, their radioprotective action, and the accompanying metabolic block, are less dependent on H 2 0 2 generation and presumably due to a different mechanism. The radioprotective action of H 2 0 2 is possibly related to the radioprotective action in mammals of catalase inhibitors. (author)

  3. Representative parameter of immunostimulatory ginseng polysaccharide to predict radioprotection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Son, Hyeog Jin; Shim, Ji Young; Ahn, Ji Yeon; Yun, Yeon Sook; Song, Jie Young [Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    According to the increase in the use of radiotherapy to cancer patients, many approaches have been tried to develop new agents for the protection of surrounding normal tissues. However, it is still few applied in the clinic as a radioprotector. We aim to find a representative parameter for radioprotection to easily predict the activity of in vivo experiment from the results of in vitro screening. The polysaccharide extracted from Panax ginseng was used in this study because the immunostimulator has been regarded as one of the radioprotective agent category and was already reported having a promising radioprotective activity through the increase of hematopoietic cells and the production of several cytokines. Mitogenic activity, AK cells activity and nitric oxide production were monitored for the in vitro immunological assay, and endogenous Colony-Forming Unit (e-CFU) was measured as in vivo radioprotective parameter. The immunological activity was increased by the galactose contents of ginseng polysaccharide dependently. The result of this study suggests that mitogenic activity of splenocytes demonstrated a good correlation with in vivo radioprotective effect, and may be used as a representative parameter to screen the candidates for radioprotector.

  4. Radioprotection in the medical applications of the ionizing radiations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication presents information about of the radiological safety in the medical application of the ionizing radiation compiled in 11 chapter and 1 annex. The first four chapters are principally dedicated to technical uses in radioprotection, the external and internal irradiation and the biological radiation effects. The radioprotection principles, the individual monitoring techniques, and the radioprotection systems are developed afterwards in the followings three chapters. The second half of the document is dedicated entirely to the medical practices using ionizing radiations, specially to the radioprotection aspects in radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. The final chapter is dedicated to radiological accidents happened worldwide in the field of the medical applications of the ionizing radiations. The annex, about of the regulatory area, established a set of standards, laws, decrees and other force regulations in radiological safety, related in radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy

  5. Radioprotection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, Rashmi; Tiwari, Ajay [Department of Zoology, Govt. College, Ajmer (India)


    A major feature of all higher eukaryotes is the defined life span of the organism. Radioprotections are substances that protect the cells against Radiation induced damage. Over the past decade interest in evaluating oriental medicinal herbs and edible phytoproducts for use in Cancer preventing strategies is encouraging and emerging as an acceptable approach for controlling the Cancer incidence in many developing countries as well as developed countries. Several experimental evidence has indicated that intake of fruit and vegetables and a number of other dietary items are associated with decreased Cancer incidence. These potential agents either abolish or delay the development of Cancer by interfering with one or more steps in the process of carcinogenesis, such as preventing the activation of carcinogen by increasing detoxification or by blocking the interaction of ultimate carcinogen with cellular macromolecules or suppressing the clonal expansion of neoplastic cells. The potential of using medicinal herbs as Cancer chemo preventive neutraceuticals and functional food is promising. Radioprotective potential of extracts of certain dietary botanicals including Mentha arvensi (field mint), Syzyzium cumini (Jamun), Zingiber officinale (Ginger), Aegle marmelos (Bael), Emblica officianalis (Amla), Aloe vera (Gwar patha), Moringa oleifera (Moringa, Horse Radish Tree), Grewia asiatica (Phalsa), Rosemarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Trigonella foenum-graecum, Ocirnurn sanctum, Phylanthus niruri, Vetiveria zizanioides (vetivergrass), Delbergia sisso oil (Sesame oil) was evaluated. All botanicals tested had shown a very low toxicity. Administration of these botanicals increased the survival of whole body irradiated mice and reduced the symptoms of radiation sickness. (author)

  6. Radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Rashmi; Tiwari, Ajay


    A major feature of all higher eukaryotes is the defined life span of the organism. Radioprotections are substances that protect the cells against Radiation induced damage. Over the past decade interest in evaluating oriental medicinal herbs and edible phytoproducts for use in Cancer preventing strategies is encouraging and emerging as an acceptable approach for controlling the Cancer incidence in many developing countries as well as developed countries. Several experimental evidence has indicated that intake of fruit and vegetables and a number of other dietary items are associated with decreased Cancer incidence. These potential agents either abolish or delay the development of Cancer by interfering with one or more steps in the process of carcinogenesis, such as preventing the activation of carcinogen by increasing detoxification or by blocking the interaction of ultimate carcinogen with cellular macromolecules or suppressing the clonal expansion of neoplastic cells. The potential of using medicinal herbs as Cancer chemo preventive neutraceuticals and functional food is promising. Radioprotective potential of extracts of certain dietary botanicals including Mentha arvensi (field mint), Syzyzium cumini (Jamun), Zingiber officinale (Ginger), Aegle marmelos (Bael), Emblica officianalis (Amla), Aloe vera (Gwar patha), Moringa oleifera (Moringa, Horse Radish Tree), Grewia asiatica (Phalsa), Rosemarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Trigonella foenum-graecum, Ocirnurn sanctum, Phylanthus niruri, Vetiveria zizanioides (vetivergrass), Delbergia sisso oil (Sesame oil) was evaluated. All botanicals tested had shown a very low toxicity. Administration of these botanicals increased the survival of whole body irradiated mice and reduced the symptoms of radiation sickness. (author)

  7. Radioprotection by polyethylene glycol-protein complexes in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gray, B.H.; Stull, R.W.


    Polyethylene glycol of about 5000 D was activated with cyanuric chloride, and the activated compound was complexed to each of three proteins. Polyethylene glycol-superoxide dismutase and polyethylene glycol-catalase were each radioprotectants when administered prophylactically to female B6CBF1 mice before irradiation. The dose reduction factor for these mice was 1.2 when 5000 units of polyethylene glycol-catalase was administered before 60 Co irradiation. Female B6CBF1 mice administered prophylactic intravenous injections of catalase, polyethylene glycol-albumin, or heat-denatured polyethylene glycol-catalase had survival rates similar to phosphate-buffered saline-injected control mice following 60 Co irradiation. Polyethylene glycol-superoxide dismutase and polyethylene glycol-catalase have radioprotective activity in B6CBF1 mice, which appears to depend in part on enzymatic activities of the complex. However, no radioprotective effect was observed in male C57BL/6 mice injected with each polyethylene glycol-protein complex at either 3 or 24 hr before irradiation. The mechanism for radioprotection by these complexes may depend in part on other factors

  8. On the problem of radioprotective foods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiradzhiev, G; Paskalev, Z [National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    The authors claim that purposely created food with anti-radiation effect (radioprotective food) is of no use for the Kozloduy NPP workers. Their reason is that internal radiation doses represent only 14-24% of the total dose while in cases with the highest content of radionuclides the activity is less than 10% of the annual intake limits. Measures to protect the respiratory tract are recommended instead. Radioprotective food can be used not only for protection of the population in case of accidents but also for disease treatment, rehabilitation and prophylactics. 11 refs.

  9. On the problem of radioprotective foods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiradzhiev, G.; Paskalev, Z.


    The authors claim that purposely created food with anti-radiation effect (radioprotective food) is of no use for the Kozloduy NPP workers. Their reason is that internal radiation doses represent only 14-24% of the total dose while in cases with the highest content of radionuclides the activity is less than 10% of the annual intake limits. Measures to protect the respiratory tract are recommended instead. Radioprotective food can be used not only for protection of the population in case of accidents but also for disease treatment, rehabilitation and prophylactics. 11 refs

  10. Computerized techniques for collecting the radioprotection data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cenusa, V.; Valeca, S.; Guta, C.; Talpalariu, C.; Stoica, V.


    An important component of a computerized radioprotection system is the module for the collection of the radioprotection data. The data collection can be made automatically from the measurement equipment or manually by the operators after they read the values measured by the mobile devices. Database systems are used for storing the data, they offer higher performances, more efficient data organization, ensure data integrity and controlled access to the data into a multiuser environment. The experimental program for the automatic collection of the remote data transfers periodically, at programmable time intervals, data files from the fixed radiation monitoring stations to a centralized system for radioprotection data. For this is used the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). A Radiation Monitoring Equipment designed and assembled in the Electronics Department of ICN Pitesti was used as a data source for the testing of the experimental programs. (authors)

  11. Perculiarities of the toxicity and radioprotective activity of aminopropyl aminoethyl thiophosphate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terekhov, A.V.; Besedina, L.N.; Zherebchenko, P.G.; Znamenskij, V.V.; Suslikov, V.I.; Titov, B.A.


    Toxicity and radioprotective activity of aminopropyl aminoethyl thiophosphate (APAETP) has been compared to those of cystaphos. APAETP has been shown to exceed cystaphos slightly by the value of the radioprotective effect but it is inferior to the latter in the duration of the action after intraperitoneal administration. APAETP, used in toxic doses, does not cause spastic reactions in animals. The range of radioprotective effect of APAETP is almost twice as high as that of cystaphos. Both APAETP and cystaphos have a pronounced radioprotective action not only at high (355 R/min) but also at comparatively low (10.7 R/min) dose-rates of γ-radiation

  12. Incoherences of Brazilian labour laws face to present radioprotection concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borges, J.C.


    The Brazilian labour legislation establishes, since 1950, some privileges for people working in activities which imply exposure to ionizing radiations. Comparing the present legal framework with technical radioprotection knowledge, one can detect several incoherences covering: classification of such activities; additional payments; reduced labour journey; more vacations; medical surveillance; early retirements; special norms for women. An analysis of these incoherences lead us to propose a new frame of labour rights and radioprotection norms, coupling Brazilian juridical principles and modern radioprotection knowledge. (author)

  13. Current topics and perspectives in the field of radioprotective compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sentenac-Roumanou, H.; Fatome, M.


    Since discovery, between 1951 and 1955, of the classical radioprotective agents cysteamine, serotonin and A.E.T., synthesis of more active molecules, long acting polymers and compounds active when orally administered, have been performed, especially during the last decade. On the other hand, extensive investigations on mechanism of action of radioprotective agents and particularly discovery of the essential role displayed by protection of the central nervous system of mammals allowed a marked improvement of concepts in the field of chemical radioprotection [fr

  14. Investigation of the mechanism of radioprotective action of adrenoceptor agonists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulinskij, V.I.; Klimova, A.D.; Yashunskij, V.G.; Alpatova, T.V.; 4205700SU)


    α-Adrenoceptor agonists of both main groups, i.e. arylalkylamines and imidazolines, have a pronounced radioprotective effect. Their chemical analogs, which fail to stimulate α-adrenoceptors, do not protect mice. The effect of phenylephrine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline comes into play via α 1 -adrenoceptors and that of clonidine, via α 2 -adrenoceptors and also via α 1 -adrenoceptors. Adrenoceptor agonists can probably manifest their radioprotective action via both subtypes of α-adrenoceptors. Possible intracellular mechanisms of the radioprotective action are discussed

  15. Interprétation de l'agir et saisie des dimensions didactiques dans l'analyse des pratiques enseignantes

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    Bulea Ecaterina


    Full Text Available Cette contribution examine dans quelle mesure et selon quelles modalités l’analyse de l’activité (ou des pratiques outillée, c’est-à-dire celle qui se déroule dans le cadre de dispositifs délibérément mis en place pour susciter chez les personnes un retour réflexif sur leur pratique, rend compte, saisit ou interprète (certaines des dimension proprement didactiques de l’activité enseignante. L’article est structuré en cinq parties. La première est centrée sur les principes généraux de l’analyse des pratiques et évoque les dispositifs méthodologiques actuellement en usage en ce domaine, en particulier : l’entretien d’explicitation (Vermersch, 1994, les instructions au sosie (Clot & Soubiran, 1999 ; Scheller, 2000, les auto-confrontations simple et croisée (Clot & Faïta, 2000 ; Clot, 2001 et les entretiens de recherche utilisés à des fins d’analyse des pratiques (Blanchet & Gotman, 1992 ; Bronckart & Groupe LAF, 2004. La deuxième partie précise le contexte de la recherche sur laquelle nous nous appuyons, le type de données examinées et le cadre méthodologique de recueil de ces données : il s’agit d’une recherche conduite auprès d’enseignants de FLE, qui enseignent dans trois types d’institutions contrastées, et qui ont été interviewés dans le cadre d’un dispositif combinant entretien de recherche et instructions au sosie. La troisième partie décrit la méthodologie d'analyse des données, inspirée du modèle de l'architecture textuelle élaboré dans le cadre de l'interactionnisme socio-discursif (Bronckart, 1997. La quatrième partie décrit les caractéristiques du processus d’interprétation par les enseignants de leur activité, en mettant en évidence les configurations interprétatives, ou les « figures d’action » (Bulea, 2010 qu’ils construisent dans leur discours, et en les contrastant avec celles constriutes par des infirmières. Enfin, la dernière partie examine de

  16. Former aux TICE : entre compétences techniques et modèles pédagogiques

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    Jacques Béziat


    Full Text Available Cette contribution discute des enjeux et des limites d’une formation aux compétences techniques attendues des futurs enseignants d’école primaire. Une formation est certainement nécessaire pour espérer voir des pratiques pédagogiques avec les TICE se développer en classe. Mais ce n’est qu’un des leviers pour leur intégration dans les pratiques scolaires. Une formation aux TICE suppose que l’on mette l’accent sur l’analyse de pratiques. Plus que de former « simplement » à l’usage pédagogique d’outils numériques, il est indispensable de former à la complexité de leurs enjeux intellectuels et pratiques.

  17. Phytochemicals with radioprotection and radio-sensitizing potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, Yamini B.


    Ionizing radiation induces DNA damage and are harmful to mankind. They act through free radical generation, which target the double bonds of all cellular macromolecules. The radiation damage may be classified as probabilistic or deterministic, depending on the dose of radiation exposure. Since radiation affects multiple organs so those drugs which protect many organs, would be more beneficial. In this process herbal extracts, which are cocktail of several phyto-chemicals, would be more promising. Initially sulphur containing bio-molecules were identified as radio-protector, but now many secondary metabolites from plant kingdom, have been reported to be radio-protective. They have different mechanism of action, but most of them either prevent the FR induced DNA damage or accelerate the DNA repair process. Aminofostine, WR-2721, 159243, 2926 are some of the examples. However they have limited use because of associated cytotoxicity. Eicosanoids, topoisornerase inhibitors (e.g. camptothecin, topotecan), and the hypoxia-activated anthraquinone AQ4N have shown radioprotecting potential. Several plant products, derived from Tulsi, Vinca alkaloids, taxans, turmeric, Rubia cordifolia, Semecarpus anacardium and several plants rich in polyphenols and flavones have shown hemotherapeutic potential. Similarly, Hippophae, rhodiola imbricata, Podophyllum hexandrum, Ocimum sancturn, Plumbago zeylanica etc have shown radioprotection. Rubia cordifolia has shown both chemotherapeutic and radioprotective property in rats and A-431 cells. Similarly Semecarpus anacardium extract has shown cell cycle arrest in DU-145 cells. (author)

  18. Phytochemicals with radioprotection and radio-sensitizing potential

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tripathi, Yamini B., E-mail: [Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India)


    Ionizing radiation induces DNA damage and are harmful to mankind. They act through free radical generation, which target the double bonds of all cellular macromolecules. The radiation damage may be classified as probabilistic or deterministic, depending on the dose of radiation exposure. Since radiation affects multiple organs so those drugs which protect many organs, would be more beneficial. In this process herbal extracts, which are cocktail of several phyto-chemicals, would be more promising. Initially sulphur containing bio-molecules were identified as radio-protector, but now many secondary metabolites from plant kingdom, have been reported to be radio-protective. They have different mechanism of action, but most of them either prevent the FR induced DNA damage or accelerate the DNA repair process. Aminofostine, WR-2721, 159243, 2926 are some of the examples. However they have limited use because of associated cytotoxicity. Eicosanoids, topoisornerase inhibitors (e.g. camptothecin, topotecan), and the hypoxia-activated anthraquinone AQ4N have shown radioprotecting potential. Several plant products, derived from Tulsi, Vinca alkaloids, taxans, turmeric, Rubia cordifolia, Semecarpus anacardium and several plants rich in polyphenols and flavones have shown hemotherapeutic potential. Similarly, Hippophae, rhodiola imbricata, Podophyllum hexandrum, Ocimum sancturn, Plumbago zeylanica etc have shown radioprotection. Rubia cordifolia has shown both chemotherapeutic and radioprotective property in rats and A-431 cells. Similarly Semecarpus anacardium extract has shown cell cycle arrest in DU-145 cells. (author)

  19. OSIRIS reactor radioprotection, radioprotection measurements performed during the power rise and the first 50 megawatt operation; Radioprotection de la pile OSIRIS, mesures de radioprotection effectuees au cours de la montee en puissance et des premiers fonctionnements a 50 megawatts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fanton, B.; Lebouleux, P


    The authors supply the results of the measurements that have been made near the Osiris reactor during the power increase and during the first functioning at 50 megawatts. The measurements relate to the absorbed dose rates in the premises, the water activation and the atmospheric contamination. The influence of the heat layer of water movements and the water rate in the core chimney on the absorbed dose rate at the footbridge level overhanging the pile core has been studied. The modifications to the protection devices that have been proposed after the measurements and the effect of these modifications on the results of the measures are given then. The regeneration process of a water purification chain has been examined from the radiation protection point of view. It has been possible to make some twenty radionuclides obvious in the produced effluents and to determine the volume activity of these effluents for each radionuclide. The whole of results show that in a general way, the irradiation levels are low during the usual reactor functioning. [French] Les auteurs fournissent les resultats des mesures de radioprotection oui ont ete effectuees aupres de la pile Osiris pendant la montee en puissance et au cours des premiers fonctionnements a 50 megawatts. Les mesures portent sur les debits de dose absorbee dans les locaux, l'activation de l'eau et la contamination atmospherique. L'influence de la couche chaude des mouvements d'eau et du debit d'eau dans la cheminee du coeur sur le debit de dose absorbee au niveau de la passerelle surplombant le coeur de la pile, a ete etudiee. Les modifications aux dispositifs de protection, qui ont ete proposees a la suite des mesures, et l'effet de ces modifications sur les resultats des mesures sont indiques ensuite. Le processus de regeneration d'une chaine d'epuration de l'eau a ete examine sous l'angle de la radioprotection. Il a ete possible de mettre en evidence une vingtaine

  20. Images du Mage, images pour le Mage

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    Daniel GREGORIO


    Full Text Available Les œuvres d’Alphonse X proposent diverses représentations du mage, qui en font, tour à tour, l’ennemi ou l’allié de la religion chrétienne. Il est vrai que parfois, comme le montre l’histoire de Simon le magicien, la pratique de la magie implique un commerce direct et néfaste avec les forces infernales. Néanmoins, les personnages de Merlin et des Rois Mages, tels qu’ils sont présentés par Alphonse X, démontrent que magie et religion peuvent cohabiter, à condition toutefois que le mage croit en la virginité de Marie et en l’Incarnation et que sa pratique magique soit bénéfique pour la communauté. Ce bénéfice requiert parfois la reconstruction de l’univers quotidien ; pour ce faire, le magicien doit savoir quand et comment utiliser des objets et des pentacles, qui lui permettront de soumettre les forces surnaturelles. Il doit donc posséder une connaissance approfondie du monde naturel et des esprits qui, conjuguée à sa foi religieuse, l’empêchera de tomber dans la démonolâtrie.Las obras alfonsíes proponen diversas aproximaciones al personaje del mago, generalmente considerado como un ser antagónico del hombre religioso. Es cierto que en algunas ocasiones, como ocurre con Simón el mago, la práctica de las artes mágicas significa un trato directo y nefasto con las fuerzas infernales. Sin embargo, personajes como Merlín o los Reyes Magos, tal y como los describe Alfonso X, subrayan una posible cohabitación entre magia y religión sin que la práctica de la una signifique la exclusión de la otra. Sólo hay que cumplir con dos condiciones : creer en la virginidad de María y que Dios se hizo hombre, y proporcionar a la comunidad un beneficio claro. Este beneficio requiere en ocasiones remodelar lo cotidiano, utilizando objetos y pentáculos, en circunstancias extremadamente determinadas, lo que implica un conocimiento exhaustivo tanto del mundo natural como del simbólico y de los espíritus. Es este

  1. Study of the {sup 14}C benzimidazole distribution in mice after inter-peritoneal injection; Etude de la repartition du benzimidazole {sup 14}C chez la souris apres injection intraperitoneale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tyortyalian, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In order to provide further information on the mechanism of benzimidazole radioprotective activity, this work studies the tissual repartition in mice of this compound labelled with carbon 14. Experiments have showed that benzimidazole distribution is fast and homogeneous in all the tissues, but however affinity appears at the level of stomach and gastric content. Elimination is made through the urinary system and is very fast. (author) [French] Dans le cadre de l'etude du mecanisme de l'action radioprotectrice du benzimidazole, ce travail a pour objet l'etude de la repartition tissulaire chez la souris de ce compose marque au carbone 14. L'experimentation a montre que le benzimidazole se repartit tres rapidement et de facon pratiquement homogene dans tous les tissus, avec toutefois une affinite paraissant se manifester au niveau de l'estomac et du contenu gastrique. L'elimination, qui se fait par voie urinaire, est tres rapide. (auteur)

  2. Analyse comparative de pratiques d’animation d’une discussion à visée démocratique et philosophique vues sous l’angle de la temporalité


    Pierrisnard, Christine


    Cette étude s’intéresse à la manière dont l’outil « Discussion à Visée Démocratique et Philosophique » (DVDP) est transformé par ses utilisateurs en instrument au fil des situations. L’analyse comparative des pratiques d’un animateur plutôt novice et d’un animateur expert fait apparaître trois éléments cruciaux de représentation temporelle de la situation de DVDP. Un empan temporel large, ancré dans le temps long pour le nécessaire recul de la pensée ; le kaïros, ancré dans l’immédiateté et l...

  3. Interventional techniques in medicine and radioprotection; Les techniques interventionnelles en medecine et radioprotection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Guen, B.; Bar, O.; Benderitter, M.; Bourguignon, M.; Chevillard, S.; Gauron, Ch.; Lallemand, J.; Lombard, J.; Maccia, C.; Sapoval, M.; Bernier, M.O.; Pirard, Ph.; Jacob, S.; Donadille, L.; Aubert, B.; Clairand, I.; Mozziconacci, J.G.; Brot, A.M.; Jarrige, V.; Huet, Ch.; Marchal, C.; Martin, M.; Bar, O.; Degrange, J.P.; Livarek, B.; Menechal, Ph.; Sapoval, M.; Pellerin, O.


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during this conference day. Nineteen presentations are assembled in the document and deal with: 1 - Interventional radiology: why is it developing? (M. Sapoval); 2 - exposure particularities in interventional radiology (O. Bar); 3 - doses received by organs in interventional cardiology (C. Maccia); 4 - Patients exposure: description of cumulated exposure of patients treated in interventional cardiology (M.O. Bernier); 5 - 2004 inquiry to dermatologists about post-interventional radiology radio-dermatitis (P. Pirard); 6 - exposure and risks to operators (S. Jacob); 7 - dosimetric evaluation techniques and results about interventional imaging operators' extremities (L. Donadille and F. Merat); 8 - bibliographic study of doses received by operators with non-protected organs (B. Aubert); 9 - ORAMED European project: optimization of operational dosimeter uses in interventional radiology (I. Clairand); 10 - reference levels and dosimetric evaluation of patients (C. Maccia); 11 - optimization in coronary angioplasty (J.G. Mozziconacci, A.M. Brot and V. Jarrige); 12 - dosimetry in medical over-exposure situation (C. Huet); 13 - significant radioprotection events in interventional radiology declared to the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) - status and experience feedback (C. Marchal); 14 - interventional radiology and unwanted effects (M. Benderitter); 15 - global analyses and new exposure indicators in human epidermis cells (M. Martin); 16 - radioprotection regulations and training (O. Bar); 17 - zoning and workplace analysis in interventional cardiology (J.P. Degrange); 18 - guide of good clinical practices: example of interventional cardiology (B. Livarek); 19 - how to encourage the radioprotection optimization in interventional radiology: the ASN's point of view (P. Menechal). (J.S.)

  4. Investigation of radioprotective properties of synthetic antagonist of glucocorticoids RU 38 486

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sejliev, A.A.; Zvonareva, N.B.; Zhivotovskij, B.D.; Khanson, K.P.; Akademiya Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR, Leningrad


    Radioprotective properties of synthetic antiglucocorticoid RU 38 486 were investigated. It was demonstrated that this antigonist of glucocorticoids possesses radioprotective effect in vitro and in vivo systems. Radioprotective properties at molecular level exhibited in inhibition of postirradiation endonuclease activation and in prevention of internucleosome chromatin degradation. Involvement of cytosol glucocorticoid receptors in initiation of radiation-induced programmed cell death is discussed

  5. Immunomodulators used in contemporary radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambov, V.


    A review is presented of the potentialities of immunomodulation - a new modern alternative trend in the field of radioprotective substances. The main advantages of the drugs assigned as 'biological-response modifying factors', or 'immunomodulators', over the chemically synthesized radioprotectors for prophylaxis of fractionated, prolonged and chronic low-dose irradiations are stressed. The mechanism of the indirect radiation protection of such preparations on hemopoietic level is described, as well as their chemical nature, pharmacokinetics and physiological properties. Special attention is paid to polysaccharides as the most perspective immunomodulators. The mechanism of their radioprotective action on mononuclear-macrophageal cell system is discussed. The most popular immunomodulators as Biostin, Azimexone, Imuthiol, Krestin, Lentinan, etc, are characterized by their origin, biochemical nature, affected cells and optimal doses. 2 tabs., 18 refs. (orig.)

  6. Pratiques commerciales inéquitables dans la région de l'ANASE ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les pratiques commerciales ou concurrentielles inéquitables constituent une part importante des lois antitrust de nombreux pays. Dans les pays en développement de l'Association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est (ANASE), toutefois, les lois et règlements sur les pratiques commerciales inéquitables présentent des ...

  7. Méthode expérimentale pour l'identification des modes de cavité très amortis d'un véhicule


    Thevenard , Christophe


    National audience; Dans le cadre de la mise au point des véhicules, les essais restent encore indispensables pour construire et valider les modèles numériques vibro-acoustiques. L'aspect purement vibratoire est relativement bien maîtrisé en basses fréquences. En revanche, celui purement acoustique (ie: modes de cavité) souffre d'une difficile caractérisation experimentale en partie dûe aux forts taux d'amortissement (jusqu'à 10%) rencontrés en pratique sur une caisse complète (ie: avec les ha...

  8. Potentiation of the protective effect of S-containing radioprotective agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vladimirov, V.G.; Zajtseva, T.G.; Smirnova, S.M.


    A study was made of the radioprotective efficiency and toxicity of mixtures containing cystamine or aminopropyl aminoethylthiophosphoric acid and one of the thiourea derivatives (gutimine or ethyrone). It was shown that these preparations delivered in a combination enhance the radioprotective effect while the toxicity was decreased [ru

  9. Une pratique intertextuelle d'Aragon

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    Hervé Bismuth


    Full Text Available L'écriture du poème implique un « Je » susceptible d'impliquer à son tour un « tu » qui n'est pas seulement le lecteur. C'est dans cette particularité énonciative que s'inscrit la pratique du poème-hommage, qui, dans la poésie moderne, est prétexte à des jeux intertextuels. Dans le poème Les Poètes, Aragon complique la pratique coutumière de ce dialogue intertextuel, en plaçant le lecteur dans la perspective d'une intertextualité infinie, stratégie qui peut se décrire par l'étude de trois pratiques nouvelles alors chez Aragon : la mise en icône, le jeu de piste et ce que j'appellerai l'intertextualité tierce. Dans ce poème dont le scripteur ne cesse de parler à la première personne, s'impose à travers ces trois pratiques, qui coexistent avec d'autres, bien plus traditionnelles, la perspective d'une intertextualité abyssale.Writing a poem implies the existence of the « I », who is likely to involve another « you » who is not only the reader. Within the framework of this particular enunciation lies the use of the homage-poem which provides modern poetry with a pretext for intertextual play. In the poem Les poètes, Aragon heightens the complexity of the usual intertextual dialogue, putting the reader in the perspective of infinite intertextuality. This strategy can be described by the study of three new practices in Aragon's work – icon-making, track games, and what I would call the third intertextuality. In this first-person poem, the perspective of abysmal intertextuality prevails through these three practices coexisting with other more traditional ones.La escritura del poema implica un « yo » susceptible de implicar a su vez un « tú » que no es únicamente el lector. Es dentro de esta particularidad enunciativa donde se sitúa la práctica del poema-homenaje, que, en la poesia moderna, sirve de pretexto a varios juegos intertextuales. En el poema Les Poètes, Aragon complica la pr

  10. À propos d’une géométrie vernaculaire : pratiques d’orientation en pays touareg On a vernacular geometry: Spatial orientation in Tuareg country

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dominique Casajus


    Full Text Available Cet article traite de quelques-uns des savoir-faire que les Touaregs doivent cultiver pour s’orienter dans l’espace et se le représenter, eux qui ne disposent ni de cartes ni de boussoles. Ces savoir-faire ne sont pas différents de ceux que nous mobilisons nous-mêmes quotidiennement, étant donné que notre pratique quotidienne de l’espace a peu à voir avec la représentation savante que nous pouvons nous en faire par ailleurs. Ce travail se fonde d’une part sur les pratiques observées par l’auteur au nord du Niger, d’autre part sur des documents (cartes, poèmes recueillis au xixe siècle et au début du xxe siècle.What practical knowledge do the Tuareg, who have neither maps nor compasses, develop to orient and mentally situate themselves in space? This know-how is no different from what we use everyday. Our day-by-day spatial orientation has little to do with the learned description that we can make of it. This article is drawn from practices observed in northern Niger and from a study of 19th and early 20th century documents.

  11. Proceedings of the 9. meeting of radioprotection skill persons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lahaye, Thierry; Vallet, Jeremie; Michel, Nicolas; Saad, Nawal; Benzakri, Adil; Gauron, C.; Prevot, Sylviane; Vrigneaud, Jean-Marc; Mahu, Marjolaine; Tenailleau, Lionel; Pigree, G.; Lemarchand, M.; Barbey, P.; Hery, Michel; Scanff, Pascale; Reuter, Celine; Hoorelbeke, Agnes; Lefaure, Christian; Entine, F.; Dody, C.; Gagna, G.; Michel, X.; Cazoulat, A.; Amabile, J.C.; Winizuk, E.; Baccialone, J.; Renault, Catherine; Rodde, Sylvie; Rousse, Carole; Delisle, Sophie; Karmouche, Kaouthar; Moyon, Jean-Baptiste; Gabrillargues, Jean; Chabert, Emmanuel; Jean, Betty; Guersen, Joel; Boyer, Louis; Cassagnes, Lucie; Rosec, Maeva; Rehel, Jean-Luc; Celier, David; Etard, Cecile; Bassinet, Celine; Coutin, Frederic; Clauss, Nicolas; Mertz, L.; Gangi, Afshjn; Bing, F.; Garnon, J.; Thenint, M.A.; Enescu, I.; Tsoumakidou, G.; Cortet, Laetitia; Quirins, Charles; Craveiro, Nathalie; Philippe, SANS; Giordan, Denis; Chanal, Sandrine; Cojan, Aurelie; Rigaud, Sylvie; Monsanglant-Louvet, Celine; Osmond, Melanie; Jeanjacques, Caroline; Sevestre, Bernard; Barbette, Frederic; Allenet Le Page, Benedicte


    During these 2 days of conference, an update was given regarding: the recent or coming soon French regulatory texts, the advances of 2 softwares used by the French Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) for national inventory of radiation sources and for the monitoring of personnel dosimetry, the reports in progress of working groups (sources, dosimetry), the progress and transposition of the Euratom 2013/59 directive which directly concerns the radioprotection skill persons and which will be enforced in member states by February 6, 2018. Practical aspects and experience feedbacks have been presented by participants as well. This document brings together the available presentations (slides) together with their corresponding abstracts (in French) and dealing with: 1 - Current regulations in radioprotection of workers exposed to ionizing radiations (T. Lahaye); 2 - Changes in the classified facilities nomenclature (J. Vallet); 3 - Transposition works for the 2013/59/Euratom directive dealing with basic radioprotection standards (N. Saad, J. Vallet, T. Lahaye); 4 - 50 years anniversary of the French Society of Radiation Protection (SFRP); 5 - Working group on personnel radiological monitoring: progress of works (P. Barbey); 6 - What about the internal exposure contribution to the efficient dose in nuclear medicine? (S. Prevot); 7 - Environmental monitoring of workplaces subject to tritium exposure risk (L. Tenailleau); 8 - Radon: example of radioprotection skill persons involvement in corrective actions, the case of the university technology institute of Vire - Calvados (G. Pigree); 9 - Unique document, prevention plan: a continuous risk assessment approach (M. Hery); 10 - 2014 evolutions of the SISERI System - first experience feedback (P. Scanff); 11 - Evolution of registration rules for radioactive sources in the national inventory using the SIGIS Internet platform (C. Reuter); 12 - Radioprotection skill person networks, radioprotection actors

  12. Prolonged radioprotective activity of WR-2721 linked to dextran

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moenig, H.; Konermann, G.; Oehlert, W.


    The radioprotective agent WR-2721 was linked to dextran and poly(glutamic acid) respectively, to obtain a prolonged radioprotective ability. Male mice were administered these water soluble polymer conjugates one to 72 hours prior to a whole body irradiation with X-rays. A prolongation of radioprotective efficiency was achieved with two dextran-(WR-2721)-conjugates. For a period of 24 hours between administration, and irradiation dose reduction factors of 1.14±0.04 and 1.10±0.03 respectively were found. After 72 hours, no protective effect was observed. Histopathological investigations of the liver for formation of tumors 200 to 600 days after irradiation seems to indicate that a protective effect is not produced by the dextran-(WR-2721)-conjugats. (orig.) [de

  13. Glucan: mechanisms involved in its radioprotective effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patchen, M.L.; D'Alesandro, M.M.; Brook, I.; Blakely, W.F.; MacVittie, T.J.


    It has generally been accepted that most biologically derived agents that are radioprotective in the hemopoietic-syndrome dose range (eg, endotoxin, Bacillus Calmette Guerin, Corynebacterium parvum, etc) exert their beneficial properties by enhancing hemopoietic recovery and hence, by regenerating the host's ability to resist life-threatening opportunistic infections. However, using glucan as a hemopoietic stimulant/radioprotectant, we have demonstrated that host resistance to opportunistic infection is enhanced in these mice even prior to the detection of significant hemopoietic regeneration. This early enhanced resistance to microbial invasion in glucan-treated irradiated mice could be correlated with enhanced and/or prolonged macrophage (but not granulocyte) function. These results suggest that early after irradiation glucan may mediate its radioprotection by enhancing resistance to microbial invasion via mechanisms not necessarily predicated on hemopoietic recovery. In addition, preliminary evidence suggests that glucan can also function as an effective free-radical scavenger. Because macrophages have been shown to selectively phagocytize and sequester glucan, the possibility that these specific cells may be protected by virtue of glucan's scavenging ability is also suggested

  14. Analysis of interleukin 1 mediated radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manori, I.; Kushilevsky, A.; Weinstein, Y.


    The potential value of interleukin 1(IL-1) containing supernatants as a radioprotective agent was evaluated. It was found that the response of irradiated thymocytes to mitogens was partially restored if IL-1 containing supernatants was included in the culture medium immediately after irradiation. A delay of 24 h in the addition of IL-1 and mitogen abrogated the radioprotection effect. Under the same conditions IL-2 containing supernatants were effective, suggesting that the dose modifying effect of IL-1 acts through induction of IL-2 elaboration. The results of the present study may be important in cases where it is necessary to restore depressed immune response resulting from irradiation accidents or radiotherapy. (author)

  15. The actual research of radioprotective education on the educational facilities for radiological technologists

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miura, Tadashi; Koga, Sukehiko.


    The aim of this study was to grasp the actual conditions of the radioprotective education in the educational facilities for radiological technologists, and to discuss the ideal way of radioprotective education toward the 21st century. For this purpose, we sent out the questionnaire concerning the circumstances of radioprotective education to 38 educational facilities for radiological technologists in Japan, including 6 universities, 15 junior colleges and 15 technical schools. This research was carried out on March, 1997, and the answers were obtained total 34 educational facilities (86.8%) (6 universities, 15 junior colleges and 13 technical schools) in total. Among the educational facilities in Japan, universities were much richer than the other two facilities in every respect on the educational circumstances including number and the quality of teaching staffs, educational institutions and equipment, practical training facilities and equipment, the number of collection of books in the library, etc. In the process of education for radiological technologists, the background to cause problems concerning the radioprotective education was largely dependent on the difference of educational schemes in Japan. From the view point of the elevation of educational standard for radiological technologists, it is better to transfer all educational processes to the universities, and give high and full level of radioprotective education in universities. And in the field of the medical radiology, the radioprotection and the management system should also be strengthened. For this purpose, it is also required to revise the related laws drastically, to strengthen lessons related to the radioprotection and to plan the richness in contents of the radioprotective education. (K.H.)

  16. Synergistic Radioprotection by Gamma-Tocotrienol and Pentoxifylline: Role of cAMP Signaling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulkarni, Shilpa; Chakraborty, Kushal; Kumar, K. Sree; Kao, Tzu-Cheg; Hauer-Jensen, Martin; Ghosh, Sanchita P.


    Purpose. This study was designed to determine the efficacy and mechanisms of radioprotection by the combination of gamma-tocotrienol (GT3) and pentoxifylline (PTX) against acute radiation injury. Materials and Methods. Post-irradiation survival was monitored to determine the most efficacious dose and time of administration of PTX. Dose reduction factor (DRF) was calculated to compare the radioprotective efficacy of the combination. To determine the mechanism of synergistic radioprotection by the combination, mevalonate or calmodulin were coadministered with the GT3-PTX combination. Mevalonate was used to reverse the inhibitory effect of GT3 on 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR), and calmodulin was used to reverse the inhibition of phosphodiesterase (PDE) by PTX. Results. The combination was most effective when 200 mg/kg of PTX was administered 15 min before irradiation along with 200 mg/kg of GT3 (−24 h) and resulted in a DRF of 1.5. White blood cells and neutrophil counts showed accelerated recovery in GT3-PTX-treated groups compared to GT3. Mevalonate had no effect on the radioprotection of GT3-PTX; calmodulin abrogated the synergistic radioprotection by GT3-PTX. Conclusion. The mechanism of radioprotection by GT3-PTX may involve PDE inhibition

  17. Les situations difficiles au travail approche organisationnelle, individuelle, relationnelle, bonnes pratiques, outils d'accompagnement, illustrations cliniques

    CERN Document Server

    Poirot, Matthieu


    Une situation difficile au travail correspond à l'accumulation de facteurs dépassant les capacités collectives de régulation d'une entreprise et les ressources psychosociales des personnes. Il en résulte un déséquilibre pouvant mettre en jeu la santé des salariés et l'efficacité du travail. Il peut s'agir de facteurs : - organisationnels : équipes marginalisées, choc de générations, perte chronique d'activité, bouleversement stratégique, etc. ; - individuels : situation de fragilisation, personnalité difficile, épuisement professionnel (burnout), etc. ; - relationnels : hyperconflit, harcèlement, persécution, management toxique, etc. Illustré de situations concrètes, cet ouvrage permet d'analyser les situations difficiles selon ces trois approches et d'en évaluer les risques. Il propose des outils d'accompagnement et de résolution des conflits. Enfin, il présente les bonnes pratiques à mettre en place pour prévenir ce type de situations. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux praticiens de l'acc...

  18. Corps d’adeptes, paroles de Dieu et visions de Saints. Pratiques rituelles masculines et féminines dans deux sanctuaires de Tunis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katia Boissevain


    Full Text Available Cet article examine les pratiques rituelles contemporaines d’hommes et de femmes qui se rendent à deux sanctuaires tunisois dédiés à Sayyida Mannûbiyya, sainte du xiiie siècle. Cette sainte ambivalente s’inscrit dans deux registres de légitimité religieuse, le soufisme lettré, à travers son affiliation à la confrérie Shâdhiliyya, et une dimension plus locale. L’une et l’autre de ces voies donnent lieu à deux types de cérémonies religieuses, la ḥaḍra des femmes avec ses danses de possession et les séances de dhikr des hommes, disciples shâdhilî-s. Pourtant, on ne peut séparer un rapport au sacré féminin qui serait particulièrement corporel d’un rapport au sacré masculin plus intellectuel. La ḥaḍra comme le dhikr engagent pleinement le corps des participants dans un dialogue avec le sacré tout en puisant leur légitimité dans des sources distinctes, la confrérie Shâdhîliyya pour le dhikr et la dimension miraculeuse de Khiḍr pour la ḥaḍra

  19. Ecrire au tableau entre pratique langagière et geste professionnel


    HASSAN, Rouba


    Les dimensions langagières de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage ont rarement porté sur les productions écrites des enseignants. Pourtant, les travaux de Nonnon (1991, 2000) en didactique du français, ceux de Robert et Vanderbrouck (2003) en didactique des mathématiques ont montré l’importance de cette production dans les pratiques enseignantes, notamment en ce qui concerne l’écriture au tableau. L’écriture au tableau en tant que pratique langagière contribue à la structuration de l’espace ...

  20. Radioprotective preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stefanova, D.; Frattadochi, A.; Gattavecchia, E.; Ferri, E.; Tonnelli, D.


    The invention is intended for radiation injuries prophylaxis in mammals. It has an well expressed radioprotective effect against acute gamma irradiation on cellular level as well as a prolonged action when applied up to 48 hours before the acute irradiation. The preparation is a coprecipitate of the natural tripeptide glutathione (reduced form) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (pvp) in ratio 30-60/70-40. It is obtained by incubation method with subsequent lyophilization from water solution of the initial components. The molecular mass of the pvp is 20 till 360.10 3 . 2 claims

  1. Radioprotection and radar: practical aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pepersack, J.P.


    The author, on basis of his experience in radar-radioprotection, exposes the standard and security norms and recommendations to be applied for the preventive adapation of the work-areas as well as for the follow-up of the exposed workers. (author)

  2. Optimization of radioprotection in the nuclear power, industrial and medical domains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalifa, G.


    These 3. SFRP days are devoted to the optimization of radioprotection in the context of the evolution of the regulation in this domain with the introduction of the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle in the public health regulations. First of all, the optimization of radioprotection is a principle of action aiming at elaborating a practical organization of risk taking based on the responsibility of the different actors and leading to an individual and collective management of the radiological risk. These days are oriented towards practical applications of this optimization and in a lesser extend towards the general radioprotection policies and the technical aspects, in particular the operational dosimetry: 1 - Alara bases and regulation: bases of radioprotection optimization; optimization and Belgium regulation: the contribution of the Royal by-law from July 20, 2001; status of the French regulation; 2 - Alara policies in the nuclear power domain: maintenance of PWR reactor vessels: exploratory approach of a joint safety and radioprotection control by the nuclear safety authority; implementation of the Alara approach at the CEA: status and perspectives; optimization of activities and Alara project at EdF; the file for the intervention in radioactive environment: an Alara tool; 3 - practical applications and experience feedback: optimization in interventional vascular radiology unit; forecast evaluation and personnel exposures optimization in the experiment hall of the laser integration line at CESTA; a French system of radioprotection experience feedback for radiological incidents; the European Alara network: a growing up dialogue and improvement structure; 4 - Alara policies in the medical and first aid services: dosimetry of radiodiagnosis personnel; integration of the radioactive waste management organization to the elimination files of hospital wastes; optimization of patient's radioprotection: a calculation approach of the specific risk by sex

  3. Cytotoxic and radioprotective effects of Podophyllum hexandrum. (United States)

    Shukla, Sandeep Kumar; Chaudhary, Pankaj; Prem Kumar, Indracanti; Afrin, Farhat; Puri, Satish Chandra; Qazi, Ghulam Nabi; Sharma, Rakesh Kumar


    Podophyllum hexandrum, a herb thriving in Himalayas has already been reported to exhibit antitumor and radioprotective properties. Present study was undertaken to unravel the possible mechanism responsible for the cytotoxic and radioprotective properties of REC-2001, a fraction isolated from the rhizome of P. hexandrum using murine peritoneal macrophages and plasmid DNA as model systems. Cell death, levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and apoptosis were studied employing trypan blue exclusion assay, dichlorofluorescein diacetate and DNA fragmentation assay, respectively. Superoxide anions, hydroxyl radicals and DNA damage were estimated following nitroblue tetrazolium, 2-deoxyribose degradation and plasmid DNA relaxation assays, respectively. Pre-irradiation administration of REC-2001 to peritoneal macrophages in the concentration range of 25-200μg/ml significantly reduced radiation induced ROS generation, DNA damage, apoptosis and cell killing in comparison to radiation control group indicating radioprotective potential. Studies with plasmid DNA indicated the ability of REC-2001 to inhibit 20Gy induced single and double strand breaks further supporting the antioxidative potential. However, REC-2001 in a dose-dependent fashion induced cell death, ROS and DNA fragmentation indicating the cytotoxic nature. REC-2001, in presence of 100μM copper sulfate, generated significant amount of hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions indicating ability to act as a pro-oxidant in presence of metal ions. The superoxide anion generation was found to be sensitive to metal chelators like EDTA and deferoxamine mesylate (DFR). These results suggest that the ability of REC-2001 to act as a pro-oxidant in presence of metal ions and antioxidant in presence of free radicals might be responsible for cytotoxic and radioprotective properties.

  4. Guide for the evaluation of the implementation of radioprotection in an electricity production nuclear centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schieber, C.


    This report describes the approach for the evaluation of the implementation of radioprotection in nuclear power plants. This approach encompasses six main themes: radioprotection customization, radioprotection steering quality, professional and contractor commitment, skill and efficiency of the Risk Prevention Department, radioprotection operational management, robustness of the transport system. Each theme comprises sub-themes which are assessed according to 2, 3 or 4 levels, the sum of which giving a mark out of 20 for the theme

  5. Caractérisation et simulation des mouvements d'atteinte par un opérateur humain en position assise en vue d'applications ergonomiques




    La simulation de mouvements d'atteinte effectués par un opérateur assis est particulièrement utile pour les constructeurs d'automobiles. Elle permet d'améliorer l'ergonomie de l'habitacle et des commandes, le plus en amont possible dans la conception. Elle consiste à simuler un mouvement et à prédire son inconfort. Cependant, ce type de simulation se heurte à des problèmes pratiques et théoriques. Pour la partie pratique, une méthode de simulation générique et stable pour tout type de mouveme...

  6. Local-regional networks of persons with abilities in radioprotection and other actors in radioprotection. Audit report; Les reseaux loco-regionaux de personnes competentes en radioprotection et autres acteurs de la radioprotection. Rapport d'audit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lefaure, Ch.


    As the regulation requires the existence of persons with abilities in radioprotection (PCR, personnes competentes en radioprotection) in many industrial, medical or research activities where ionizing radiations are present, in order to improve worker protection, these professionals who are much less acknowledged in these sectors than in the nuclear sector, felt the need to gather in regional and sector-based networks. This report proposes a presentation of three existing networks (the APCRAP, the Grand-Ouest network, and the Aquitaine-Sud-Ouest network). For each of them, the report addresses the following aspects: creation, objectives, statutes, members, activities, human, technical and financial resources, role. Then answers to a survey and to interviews are analyzed with respect to the professional sector and to the region, in terms of expectations towards the networks, and in terms of network operation and services. Interviews of institutional actors and union and management representatives are also analysed

  7. Caracterisation pratique des systemes quantiques et memoires quantiques auto-correctrices 2D (United States)

    Landon-Cardinal, Olivier

    Cette these s'attaque a deux problemes majeurs de l'information quantique: - Comment caracteriser efficacement un systeme quantique? - Comment stocker de l'information quantique? Elle se divise done en deux parties distinctes reliees par des elements techniques communs. Chacune est toutefois d'un interet propre et se suffit a elle-meme. Caracterisation pratique des systemes quantiques. Le calcul quantique exige un tres grand controle des systemes quantiques composes de plusieurs particules, par exemple des atomes confines dans un piege electromagnetique ou des electrons dans un dispositif semi-conducteur. Caracteriser un tel systeme quantique consiste a obtenir de l'information sur l'etat grace a des mesures experimentales. Or, chaque mesure sur le systeme quantique le perturbe et doit done etre effectuee apres avoir reprepare le systeme de facon identique. L'information recherchee est ensuite reconstruite numeriquement a partir de l'ensemble des donnees experimentales. Les experiences effectuees jusqu'a present visaient a reconstruire l'etat quantique complet du systeme, en particulier pour demontrer la capacite de preparer des etats intriques, dans lesquels les particules presentent des correlations non-locales. Or, la procedure de tomographie utilisee actuellement n'est envisageable que pour des systemes composes d'un petit nombre de particules. Il est donc urgent de trouver des methodes de caracterisation pour les systemes de grande taille. Dans cette these, nous proposons deux approches theoriques plus ciblees afin de caracteriser un systeme quantique en n'utilisant qu'un effort experimental et numerique raisonnable. - La premiere consiste a estimer la distance entre l'etat realise en laboratoire et l'etat cible que l'experimentateur voulait preparer. Nous presentons un protocole, dit de certification, demandant moins de ressources que la tomographie et tres efficace pour plusieurs classes d'etats importantes pour l'informatique quantique. - La seconde

  8. Apport de la théorie du sentiment d’autoefficacité pour le développement de la compétence technopédagogique des futurs enseignants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Lefebvre


    Full Text Available Le texte s’intéresse à la formation technopédagogique des futurs enseignants, et plus précisément, aux pratiques à déployer en formation initiale pour accroître leur compétence professionnelle à intégrer les TIC. Les pratiques proposées prennent appui sur la théorie du sentiment d’autoefficacité d’Albert Bandura, ce sentiment pouvant influencer leur compétence à intégrer les TIC. Appuyé par des travaux empiriques, le texte aborde les sources susceptibles d’influencer l’autoefficacité à intégrer les TIC dans un cadre pédagogique et identifie des pistes d’action à envisager. Enfin, la réflexion amène à repenser les interventions des formateurs tant en formation initiale qu’en formation continue et à remettre en question, sur le plan empirique, les dispositifs de formation.

  9. From fundamental limits to radioprotection practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henry, P.; Chassany, J.


    The individual dose limits fixed by present French legislation for different categories of people refer to dose equivalents received by or delivered to the whole body or to certain tissues or organs over given periods of time. The values concerning personnel engaged directly in work under radiations are summed up in a table. These are the limits which radioprotection authorities must impose, while ensuring that exposure levels are kept as low as possible. With the means available in practical radioprotection it is not possible to measure dose equivalents directly, but information may be obtained on dose rates, absorbed doses, particle fluxes, activities per unit volume and per surface area. An interpretation of these measurements is necessary if an efficient supervision of worker exposure is to be achieved [fr

  10. Phyto chemical and biological studies of certain plants with potential radioprotective activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherif, N.H.M.I


    One of the promising directions of radiation protection development is the search for natural radioprotective agents.The present work includes: I- Screening of certain edible and medicinal plants growing in Egypt for their radioprotective activities. II- Detailed phyto chemical and biolo-activity studies of the dried leaves of brassaia actinophylla endl. comprising: A-Phyto chemical screening and proximate analysis. B-Investigation of lipoidal matter. C- Isolation, characterization and structure elucidation of phenolic constituents. D- Isolation, characterization and structure elucidation of saponin constituents. E- Evaluation of radioprotective and antitumor activities. I- Evaluation of potential radioprotective activities of certain herbs: In vivo biological screening designed to investigate the radioprotective role of 70% ethanol extract of 11 different herbals was carried out by measuring the lipid peroxide content, as well as the activities of two antioxidant enzymes; viz glutathione, and superoxide dismutase in blood and liver tissues 1 and 7 days after radiation exposure. II : Phyto chemical and biolo-activity studies of the dried leaves of brassaia actinophylla Endl A : preliminary phyto chemical screening, determination and TLC examination of successive extractives. B : Investigation of lipoidal matter. GLC of unsaponifiable matter (USM)

  11. Mechanisms of radioprotection - a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Copeland, E.S.


    Theories of radiation protection can be considered at both the molecular and biochemical-physiological levels. Four molecular level protection hypotheses, radical scavenging, hydrogen transfer reactions, the mixed disulfide hypothesis and the endogenous non-protein sulfhydryl hypothesis, probably describe different aspects of the actual protection mechanism, although each has inconsistencies. At the biochemical-physiological level, hypothermia induction and biochemical shock may be involved in protection of the organism against radiation induced damage and death. It is most likely that no single mechanism can account for the protection offered by a radioprotective drug. Certain compounds may operate primarily by means of physiological effects resulting in hypoxia or hypothermia in critical tissues. Others may operate primarily by influencing the intrinsic radiosensitivity of target molecules by causing localized radical scavenging or by donating a hydrogen atom. Metabolic effects such as biochemical shock, release of endogenous non-protein sulfhydryls, induction of structural changes in target molecules or delay in DNA synthesis and cell division are also possible mechanisms for radioprotection. (author)

  12. Pratique de l'analyse fonctionelle

    CERN Document Server

    Tassinari, Robert


    Mettre au point un produit ou un service qui soit parfaitement adapté aux besoins et aux exigences du client est indispensable pour l'entreprise. Pour ne rien laisser au hasard, il s'agit de suivre une méthodologie rigoureuse : celle de l'analyse fonctionnelle. Cet ouvrage définit précisément cette méthode ainsi que ses champs d'application. Il décrit les méthodes les plus performantes en termes de conception de produit et de recherche de qualité et introduit la notion d'analyse fonctionnelle interne. Un ouvrage clé pour optimiser les processus de conception de produit dans son entreprise. -- Idées clés, par Business Digest

  13. Peculiarities of the radioprotective effect of antioxidants during gamma irradiation of wheat seeds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babaev, U.Sh.


    Bioantioxidant radioprotective action mechanism was studied using wheat seeds. Cobalt-60 was used as radiation source, phenosane potassium salt in aqueous solution in 0.1 and 0.25% concentrations possessing the maximum radioprotective effect - as an antioxidant. Dry seeds irradiated with 100 Gy dose were treated with fresh antioxidant solutions during 20 hours with 0.2, 4.6 an 8 hour interval at room temperature. The number of cells with aberrations at the anaphase stage in the main root apical meristem were counted in germinated seeds. A high radioprotective effect of phenosane antioxidant which represents space-complicated phenols is ascertained. Radioprotective effect is dependent on time interval between seed irradaition and germination and is maximal when this time makes up 4-8 hours

  14. The importance of radioprotection controls in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahyun, A.; Sanches, M.P.; Sordi, G.M.A.A.


    In nuclear medicine the main objective of radioprotection controls is to protect three people groups from external and internal radiation. To obtain this goal, the dose limitation system has to be followed firmly and for that, basic procedures have to be introduced. These basic procedures are the result of several activities which have to be balanced, one against the other to be effective. The aims of radioprotection are to ensure that people are not exposed to doses enough to cause radiation symptoms and to limit the doses of radiation. This is achieved by the use of shielding, containment, careful design and operating and administrative procedures. This paper presents a small list of general radioprotection problems found in nuclear medicine and establishes some rules to the job schedule and control measures to be followed in favor of safety. By considering the general radioprotection problems, a number of factors of substantial relevance in the control of external and internal doses can be deduced and emphasis properly placed. Work with radioactive material should be concentrated on a limited number of work rooms. Good radioactive materials inventory are essential because of the potentially large diversity of material and users. Storage of radioactive materials ensure that the public is not unnecessarily exposed. Appropriate monitoring equipment should be available within each working site. Line management commitment to safety has led to a heightened awareness for those control measures which encourages individuals to review and improve their own work rules. Investment in training programs, plant modifications and written procedures provide the necessary resource to support the dose reduction initiatives

  15. A comparative study of radioprotective effect of several antioxidants on human blood lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Mingsuo; Zhu Gengbai; Gu Xuandi


    By means of improved fluorometric method with 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) as the fluorometric agent, radioprotective effects of four kinds of antioxidants on 60 Co γ-ray induced lipid peroxidation (LPO) level, i.e. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content changes in human blood lymphocytes were in human blood lymphocytes were compared by using relative protective efficiency (RPE) as an indicator. The LPO level in human lymphocytes which had been treated with an antioxidant at an concentration of 5 x 10 -3 g/L for 1 hr was measured 2 hr after exposure to 4 Gy of γ-rays, and the RPE values of antioxidants were calculated under these conditions: SOD, 38.23; VE, 23.75:VC, 19.32 and Se +4 , 18.27, thus the anticipation that the compounds, superoxide dismutase (SOD), 2-tocopherols (VE), ascorbic acid (VC) and Na 2 SeO 3 (Se +4 ) had radioprotective effects was confirmed. It was found that the radioprotective beneficial sequences of four kinds of antioxidants were arranged as SOD>VE>VC,Se +4 . The results show that radioprotective effects of exogenous antioxidants on radiation induced LPO damage are dependent not only on irradiation dosage, but also especially on property of antioxidants, drug concentration, pretreatment and monitoring time, etc. The mechanism of these antioxidants effecting as radioprotectants on human lymphocytes is discussed in connection with LPO damage and radioprotection

  16. Reduced bone marrow pO2 following treatment with radioprotective drugs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allalunis-Turner, M.J.


    The sensitizer adduct technique [(3H]misonidazole binding) was used to assess the extent of murine bone marrow hypoxia following treatment with a variety of radioprotectors. The binding rates previously determined in vivo were compared to those obtained by incubating marrow cells in atmospheres of varying oxygen content. Parallel experiments demonstrated that the oxygen dependence of [3H]misonidazole binding (Km approximately 0.15% oxygen) was similar to the oxygen dependence of marrow radiosensitivity (Km approximately 0.2% oxygen). Maximally radioprotective doses of several drugs have been shown to increase the binding of [3H]misonidazole significantly in vivo. A comparison to the in vitro binding rates suggests that the average oxygen concentration in the marrow at times associated with radioprotection was on the order of 0.5 to 0.8% oxygen. The relative importance of marrow hypoxia to the overall radioprotective effects of different drugs may vary considerably. However, these results have demonstrated that certain radioprotective drugs can induce marrow hypoxia and this reduced pO2 may contribute to the efficacy of these agents

  17. Local-regional networks of persons with abilities in radioprotection and other actors in radioprotection. Audit report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lefaure, Ch.


    As the regulation requires the existence of persons with abilities in radioprotection (PCR, personnes competentes en radioprotection) in many industrial, medical or research activities where ionizing radiations are present, in order to improve worker protection, these professionals who are much less acknowledged in these sectors than in the nuclear sector, felt the need to gather in regional and sector-based networks. This report proposes a presentation of three existing networks (the APCRAP, the Grand-Ouest network, and the Aquitaine-Sud-Ouest network). For each of them, the report addresses the following aspects: creation, objectives, statutes, members, activities, human, technical and financial resources, role. Then answers to a survey and to interviews are analyzed with respect to the professional sector and to the region, in terms of expectations towards the networks, and in terms of network operation and services. Interviews of institutional actors and union and management representatives are also analysed

  18. Radioprotective effects of a preparation (HemoHIM) of a herb mixture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jo, Sung Kee; Park, Hae Ran; Jung, U Hee; Jeong, Ill Yun; Byun, Myung Woo [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Sung Ho [Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of); Yee, Sung Tae [Sunchon National University, Sunchon (Korea, Republic of)


    The proliferation of radioactive materials in industry, medicine, scientific and medical research, the military, and as a source of energy has increased the likelihood of an accidental exposure to ionizing radiation. Synthetic radioprotective agents have been studied for decades but their application was limited due to their toxicity. Thus, the radioprotective agent to protect individuals against severe radiation damage is required. A preparation (HemoHIM) of a mixture of 3 edible herbs was designed to protect the gastrointestine and hematopoietic organs and to promote recovery of the immune system against radiation damage. In this study, we evaluated its radioprotective effects with regards to reduction of DNA damage, immune cell repopulation, intestinal crypt survival, and 30-day survival rate.

  19. Radioprotective effect of flavonoid quercetin on human lymphocytic cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siqueira, Williams N.; Melo, Larissa S.A.; Lima, Maíra V.; Luna Filho, Ricardo L.C.; Melo, Ana M.M.A.; Silva, Edvane B.


    Several substances of synthetic and natural origin have been studied in relation to their ability to protect the body from damage caused by ionizing radiation. Among these substances, quercetin has been shown to be a molecule of natural origin with high radioprotective potential due to its antioxidant properties. The objective of this study was to determine, in vitro, the radioprotective effect of quercetin on human lymphocytes exposed to gamma radiation. Blood was irradiated at the 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 Gy doses and then lymphocyte culture with quercetin at preselected concentrations of 37.5 and 75 μM. Subsequently, slides were prepared for analysis and quantification of the metaphases present in lymphocyte cells. The results demonstrated that irradiated lymphocytes and later exposed to quercetin presented a lower number of chromosomal alterations compared to the control group which was irradiated and not exposed to quercetin. Therefore, the results suggest a radioprotective effect of flavonoid quercetin on human lymphocytes exposed, in vitro, to ionizing radiation

  20. Prévenir et gérer les déchets de chantier méthodologie et outils pratiques opérationnels

    CERN Document Server

    Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie, ADEME. Paris


    Le secteur du bâtiment a produit près de 48 millions de tonnes de déchets en 2004. A titre de comparaison, la production d'ordures ménagères pour la même année était de 22 millions de tonnes. Le Grenelle environnement a fixé des objectifs de réduction de la production des déchets. Dans ce cadre, des engagements ont été pris afin, d'une part, de renforcer la prise en compte de la gestion des déchets de chantier et, d'autre part, de faire évoluer les pratiques de ce secteur. Par ailleurs, la directive-cadre déchets de 2008 (2008/98 / CE) fixe un objectif ambitieux de 70 pour cent de préparation en vue du réemploi, de recyclage et autres formes de valorisation matière des déchets non dangereux (incluant les déchets inertes) de construction et de démolition, à l'horizon 2020. La prévention de la production des déchets et l'organisation de la gestion des déchets générés font partie intégrante de la conduite d'une opération - qu'il s'agisse de construction, de réhabilitation ou de d�...

  1. Utile, utilisable, désirable redessiner les bibliothèques pour leurs utilisateurs

    CERN Document Server

    Etches, Amanda


    Useful, usable, desirable, publié par l’American Library Association (ALA) en 2014, est à la fois un manifeste et un guide pratique, proche du livre de recettes, résolument centré sur l’utilisateur des bibliothèques et qui permet de faire une auto-évaluation de son propre établissement et d’engager des chantiers d’amélioration des services aux publics. Écrit dans un style très proche du guide touristique, interpellant le lecteur, il a pour ambition de s’adresser à tout professionnel des bibliothèques, quels que soient son grade, sa nationalité et l’établissement dans lequel il travaille. La traduction, collaborative, est réalisée par une équipe de bibliothécaires, et supervisée par Nathalie Clot.

  2. Pratiques sociales en formation à distance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clément Dussarps


    Full Text Available L’abandon en formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD constitue un enjeu important tant pour les apprenants que pour les organismes de formation, que ce soit pour des raisons économiques, sociales, ou encore d’image de soi ou publique (Sauvé, 2012. L’un des éléments clés de l’abandon semble être la solitude vécue par les apprenants (Glikman, 2002, p. 242. Ce sentiment de solitude et l’abandon semblent peu dépendants de facteurs socio-démographiques (sexe, âge, etc. (Park et Choi, 2009. Face...

  3. Meta-analysis of dragon’s blood resin extract as radio-protective agent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subaika Mahmood


    Full Text Available In health sciences, much efforts had been made in past years to explore the radio-protective agents from natural resources due to rapid exposure of radiations to environment such as space traveling, radiotherapy and largely growing telecommunication industry. It becomes crucial to find natural sources for radio-protection. In correspondence, dragon’s blood (DB is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant that possesses great medicinal values due to the presence of several phenolic compounds. For a long time, DB has been used in treatment of blood stasis, inflammation, oxidative stress, immune suppression and tumors, but recently it has been extensively used as radio-protective agent. There is no comprehensive review on radio- protective characterization of DB resin extract in literature. In our review, an attempt has been made to highlight unique and inherent radio-protection in liver, brain, kidney, lung, spleen and cerebrum. This review will help people in exploring the radioactive protectants from natural resources.

  4. Lire les inégalités à travers les pratiques de participation sociale

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    Stéphanie Gaudet


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, nous démontrons que les inégalités sociales observées dans les pratiques de participation évoluent au cours de la vie et s’articulent autour d’une complexité de trames discursives et théoriques sur la notion d’égalité. Nous définissons la participation sociale comme des échanges de temps libre et gratuit pour autrui tant dans ses expressions formelles – au sein des organisations – qu’informelles à travers les réseaux sociaux. Cette théorisation et cette opérationnalisation de la participation sociale permettent d’analyser à la fois des données quantitatives et qualitatives, ce que nous ferons à la lumière de quatre trames théoriques sur les inégalités. Dans cet article, nous présentons les caractéristiques des Canadiens qui offrent du temps pour la participation sociale à partir des Enquêtes sociales générales sur les emplois du temps (1992-2005 de Statistique Canada. Elles dévoilent des inégalités dans les pratiques de participation sociale formelle, notamment chez les femmes immigrantes. Nous présentons également deux « cas contrastants » de notre enquête qualitative qui mettent en lumière les inégalités symboliques au sein des pratiques de participation sociale.Reading inequalities through social participationIn this paper, we show that social inequalities evolve over time and are articulated to different discursive frames on equality. We define social participation as exchanges of free time towards others through organizations and informal social networks. This definition of social participation based on time exchange allows us to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data in the light of four discursive frames on equality. In this paper, we present the characteristics of Canadians who offer time for social participation using the Statistics Canada Time-Use General Social Surveys (1992-2005. Data reveals inequalities in the practice of formal social participation

  5. Connaissances, attitudes, pratiques et appréciations du personnel ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Connaissances, attitudes, pratiques et appréciations du personnel médical du CHU-Tokoin sur le rôle de la pharmacie hospitalière dans sa mission d'appui au fonctionnement des unités de soins et de diagnostic.

  6. Radioprotection optimization in the electronuclear, industrial and medical domains; Optimisation de la radioprotection dans les domaines electronucleaire, industriel et medical

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schieber, C.; Abela, G.; Ammerich, M.; Balduyck, S.; Batalla, A.; Drouet, F.; Fracas, P.; Gauron, Ch.; Le Guen, B.; Lombard, J.; Mougnard, Ph.; Murith, Ch.; Rannou, A.; Rodde, S.; Selva, M.; Tranchant, Ph.; Schieber, C.; Solaire, T.; Le Tonqueze, Y.; Jolivet, P.; Chauveau, D.; Mathevet, L.; Juhel, T.; Mertz, L.; Bochud, F.O.; Desmaris, G.; Turquet de Beauregard, G.; Roy, C.; Delacroix, S.; Sevilla, A.; Rehel, J.L.; Bernhard, S.; Palut-Laurent, O.; Lochard, J.; Lebaron-Jacobs, L.; Wack, G.; Barange, K.; Delabre, H.


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during these conference days. Thirty one presentations are assembled in the document and deal with: 1 - implementation of the ALARA principle in the nuclear, industrial and medical domains: status and challenges (C. Schieber); 2 - image quality and scanner irradiation: what ingredients to chose? (T. Solaire); 3 - radioprotection stakes and implementation of the ALARA approach during the IFMIF design (Y. Le Tonqueze); 4 - ALARA at the design stage of the EPR (P. Jolivet); 5 - alternative techniques to iridium 192 gamma-graphy for welds control: results and recommendations from the ALTER-X project (D. Chauveau); 6 - alternative techniques to ionizing radiations use in the medical domain: implementation of navigation strategies (L. Mathevet); 7 - justification of ionizing radiations use in non-medical imaging: overview of the French situation and perspectives status (S. Rodde); 8 - ISOE: task scheduling for radioprotection optimization in nuclear power plants (G. Abela); 9 - Practices and ALARA prospects among big nuclear operators (T. Juhel); 10 - experience feedback on the use of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) in diagnostic imaging optimization (L. Mertz); 11 - DRLs: Swiss strategy and concept limits (F.O. Bochud); 12 - external dosimetry tools: the existing, the developing and the remaining problems (A. Rannou); 13 - is the optimization principle applicable to the aircraft personnel's exposure to cosmic radiation? (G. Desmaris); 14-15 - experience feedback of the ALARA approach concerning an operation with strong dosimetric stakes (P. Mougnard and N. Fontaine); 16 - optimization of reactor pool decontaminations ((P. Tranchant); 17 - radiopharmaceuticals transport - ALARA principle related stakes (G. Turquet de Beauregard); 18 - ALARA in vet radio-diagnosis activity: good practices guide (C. Roy); 19 - implementation of the ALARA approach at the Proton-therapy centre of Orsay's Curie

  7. Radioprotective effectiveness of Adeturone incapsulated in liposomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pantev, T.


    The radioprotective properties of the radioprotector Adeturone incapsulated in mono- and tricomponent liposomes were studied. Intraperitoneal administration of the radioprotector by means of monocomponent liposomes from egg lecithin, as well as its applicaton alone immediately (15-30 min) before irradiation of mice with 7,5 Gy gamma-quanta (LD 100/30 ) guaranteed high survival -80% and 75% accordingly. Orally introduced Adeturone, incapsulated in tricomponent liposomes (dipalmitoil lecithin, cholesterol, stearinamine - 7:2:1), protected for 0,5 to 4,5 hours lethally X-irradiated mice (7,8 Gy; LD 90/30 ). Under these conditions, Adeturone applied alone 4,5 hours before irradiation was ineffective. These results show the presence of prolonged radioprotective effect of Adeturone, when orally applied in the form of liposomal suspension. 2 tabs., 17 refs

  8. The choice of iron-containing filling for composite radioprotective material (United States)

    Matyukhin, P. V.


    The paper presents the data the composition of modern composite building materials including materials which in addition to high physical-mechanical have radio-protective properties. The article presents infrared researches and differential thermal data of fine-grained magnetite and hematite beneficiated iron-ore concentrates. The choice of the most suitable filling for new composite radio-protective building material engineering and development was made basing on the magnetite and hematite data presented in the paper.

  9. Radioprotective effect of bread products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khadzhijski, L.; Alyakov, M.; Tsvetkova, E.; Kavrakirova, S.; Chamova, S.; Vasileva, R.


    A new technology for preparation of bread for special purposes is developed. The technology includes the use of pectin as an additive with decontaminating properties. Pectin shows well pronounced radioprotective effect on the haemopoiesis when persons are subjected to external irradiation. However, bread with pectin have no decontaminating effect against radiostrontium and radiocesium. (author)

  10. Biophysical basis of hypoxic radioprotection by deoxygenated dextran-hemoglobin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, J.T.; Hill, R.P.


    Perfusion with deoxygenated dextran-hemoglobin provides an effective method for inducing hypoxic radioprotection of normal tissues during radiation treatment of tumors. In this study, the dependence of P50, the half-saturation pressure of oxygen binding to dextran-hemoglobin, was analyzed as a function of solution temperature and pH. The variation of attainable radioprotection with P50, and with the amount of collateral blood entering into the perfused region, was calculated. Upon perfusion of canine gracilis muscle with deoxygenated dextran-hemoglobin, a rapid onset of extensive venous hypoxia was observed

  11. Quand la pratique lexicographique se modernise en RD Congo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    augmentation du nombre d'entrées de 10 000 à 16 000, l'utilisation d'une orthographe simple, pratique et efficace susceptible de faciliter la lecture comme l'apprentissage de la langue, le nombre significatif de paramètres et de justifications sur ...

  12. The use of radioprotective indicators in medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tilly Junior, Joao G.; Schmidt, Margot F.S.


    Radioprotection indicators are proposed as per the World Health Organization guide-lines, in order to establish policies as well as to show the development and identified new operational strategic in radiological protection

  13. Utiliser le capital religieux pour réduire la pauvreté ? Une étude de cas de la migration transfrontalière dans le sud de la Chine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sam Wong


    Full Text Available La notion de capital religieux de Laurence Iannaccone met en relief la capacité des individus à puiser des ressources dans les pratiques religieuses ou fondées sur la foi, puis à convertir ce capital religieux en capital humain, social et financier. Les processus d’accumulation et de conversion du capital ont d’importantes incidences sur la réduction de la pauvreté. Cependant, cet article sur les expériences transfrontalières vécues par des migrantes chinoises pauvres dans le sud de la Chine donne à penser que le capital religieux est réparti de manière très inégale au sein des communautés de migrants. La pratique religieuse requiert à la fois du temps et des ressources, si bien que chez les personnes très pauvres, d’importantes contraintes entravent l’accès au capital religieux. L’article révèle certains signes de conversion du capital religieux chez les migrants, mais les causes profondes de la pauvreté, comme les discriminations sociales, n’ont pas été abordées comme il se doit. Pire encore, les membres de la classe dirigeante utilisent les symboles et les rituels religieux pour renforcer leur domination. L’article montre qu’il faut accorder plus d’importance à l’effet distributionnel du capital religieux pour que les pauvres puissent mieux en bénéficier.

  14. Interventional techniques in medicine and radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Guen, B.; Bar, O.; Benderitter, M.; Bourguignon, M.; Chevillard, S.; Gauron, Ch.; Lallemand, J.; Lombard, J.; Maccia, C.; Sapoval, M.; Bernier, M.O.; Pirard, Ph.; Jacob, S.; Donadille, L.; Aubert, B.; Clairand, I.; Mozziconacci, J.G.; Brot, A.M.; Jarrige, V.; Huet, Ch.; Marchal, C.; Martin, M.; Bar, O.; Degrange, J.P.; Livarek, B.; Menechal, Ph.; Sapoval, M.; Pellerin, O.


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during this conference day. Nineteen presentations are assembled in the document and deal with: 1 - Interventional radiology: why is it developing? (M. Sapoval); 2 - exposure particularities in interventional radiology (O. Bar); 3 - doses received by organs in interventional cardiology (C. Maccia); 4 - Patients exposure: description of cumulated exposure of patients treated in interventional cardiology (M.O. Bernier); 5 - 2004 inquiry to dermatologists about post-interventional radiology radio-dermatitis (P. Pirard); 6 - exposure and risks to operators (S. Jacob); 7 - dosimetric evaluation techniques and results about interventional imaging operators' extremities (L. Donadille and F. Merat); 8 - bibliographic study of doses received by operators with non-protected organs (B. Aubert); 9 - ORAMED European project: optimization of operational dosimeter uses in interventional radiology (I. Clairand); 10 - reference levels and dosimetric evaluation of patients (C. Maccia); 11 - optimization in coronary angioplasty (J.G. Mozziconacci, A.M. Brot and V. Jarrige); 12 - dosimetry in medical over-exposure situation (C. Huet); 13 - significant radioprotection events in interventional radiology declared to the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) - status and experience feedback (C. Marchal); 14 - interventional radiology and unwanted effects (M. Benderitter); 15 - global analyses and new exposure indicators in human epidermis cells (M. Martin); 16 - radioprotection regulations and training (O. Bar); 17 - zoning and workplace analysis in interventional cardiology (J.P. Degrange); 18 - guide of good clinical practices: example of interventional cardiology (B. Livarek); 19 - how to encourage the radioprotection optimization in interventional radiology: the ASN's point of view (P. Menechal). (J.S.)

  15. How to establish practical rules for the avoidance of contamination; Comment etablir des regles pratiques pour eviter la contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel, F.; Lavie, J.M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The international Commission for Radiation Protection has given, for the most common radioelements, the internal contamination standards corresponding to a permanent exposure to these risks. These standards, expressed in maximum permissible concentrations in air, cannot be used directly for defining regulations aiming at avoiding the respiration of large doses during a short time. That is why the authors of this report have established a basis of comparison for the radioelements using the idea of the maximum permissible intake quantity 'Q.M.I.' for a single dose. (author) [French] La Commission internationale de Protection contre les Radiations 'I.C.R.P.' a donne, pour les radioelements les plus courants, les normes de contamination interne correspondant a une exposition permanente a ces risques. Ces normes, exprimees en concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'air ne sont pas directement utilisables pour elaborer directement un reglement cherchant a eviter les inhalations importantes mais de courte duree. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs de ce rapport ont etabli une base de comparaison des radioelements en faisant appel a la notion de quantite maximale inhalable 'Q.M.I.' en une seule fois. (auteur)

  16. How to establish practical rules for the avoidance of contamination; Comment etablir des regles pratiques pour eviter la contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel, F; Lavie, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The international Commission for Radiation Protection has given, for the most common radioelements, the internal contamination standards corresponding to a permanent exposure to these risks. These standards, expressed in maximum permissible concentrations in air, cannot be used directly for defining regulations aiming at avoiding the respiration of large doses during a short time. That is why the authors of this report have established a basis of comparison for the radioelements using the idea of the maximum permissible intake quantity 'Q.M.I.' for a single dose. (author) [French] La Commission internationale de Protection contre les Radiations 'I.C.R.P.' a donne, pour les radioelements les plus courants, les normes de contamination interne correspondant a une exposition permanente a ces risques. Ces normes, exprimees en concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'air ne sont pas directement utilisables pour elaborer directement un reglement cherchant a eviter les inhalations importantes mais de courte duree. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs de ce rapport ont etabli une base de comparaison des radioelements en faisant appel a la notion de quantite maximale inhalable 'Q.M.I.' en une seule fois. (auteur)

  17. Study of radioprotective effect of the resveratrol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moreno, Carolina dos Santos


    Resveratrol (3,4,5 trihydroxystilbene), a phenolic phytoalexin occurring naturally in a wide variety of plants, such as grapevines, in response to injury as fungal infections and exposure to ultraviolet light. In the wines this compound is present at high levels and is considered one of the highest antioxidant constituents. This high capacity to scavenge the free radicals generated by several biologic processes by resveratrol can provide a prevention of human cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. The main objective of this study was to determine the in vitro radioprotective effect of resveratrol in cell culture with the aid of the tests of cytotoxicity of resveratrol (IC50%) and lethal dose 50% of gamma radiation (LD50). Studies of the level of resveratrol toxicity, found by cytotoxicity test performed by neutral red uptake assay, and lethal dose 50% (LD50) of gamma radiation from source of Cobalt-60 (Co-60) was performed in cell culture NCTC Clone 929 from ATCC. The IC50% of resveratrol was about 50 M/L. The DL50 of gamma radiation showed a value of about 354 Gy. On the basis of these biological results, it was performed studies of radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the same experimental conditions, verifying that the resveratrol in concentrations between 12.5 M/L and 25 M/L showed a more pronounced radioprotective effect. (author)

  18. Assay for the antioxidant and radioprotectant activity of extracts form endemic plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jin Kyu; Kim, Ji Hyang; Woo, Hyun Jung; Plewa, Michael J.


    Since radiation damage and oxygen poisoning occur through the formation of reactive oxygen species, it is a challenging task to develop agents with high antioxidant and radioprotectant activities from plant species. In this study, several species of Korean endemic plants were chosen as experimental candidates. Water-and ethanol extracts were made from the candidates and tested for their antioxidant and radioprotectant activities. In vitro antioxidant assay of the aqueous-organic extracts was carried out using the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl scavenging method. Radioprotective effects were tested by means of experimental on irradiated cell cultures and animals. Among others, the water-extract of Ixeris dentata leaves showed a marked effect on the viability of B16 melanoma cells and provided a radioprotective effect on the number of the leukocytes in the irradiated rodents. DNA damage in the lymphocytes after γ-irradiation decreased in the extract administered animals. Many of the extracts tested in this study showed a slightly lower activity in free radical scavenging than the well-known chemical antiozidants such as ascorbic acid, butylated hydroxytuluene, and glutathione. However, some extracts showed an antioxidant activity similar to that of α-tocopherol acetate and caffeine. These results support the optimistic view for developing radioprotective agents from the Korean endemic plants that showed a strong antioxidant activity

  19. Assay for the antioxidant and radioprotectant activity of extracts form endemic plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jin Kyu; Kim, Ji Hyang; Woo, Hyun Jung [KAERI, Taejeon (Korea, Republic of); Plewa, Michael J. [University of Illinois, Illinosi (United States)


    Since radiation damage and oxygen poisoning occur through the formation of reactive oxygen species, it is a challenging task to develop agents with high antioxidant and radioprotectant activities from plant species. In this study, several species of Korean endemic plants were chosen as experimental candidates. Water-and ethanol extracts were made from the candidates and tested for their antioxidant and radioprotectant activities. In vitro antioxidant assay of the aqueous-organic extracts was carried out using the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl scavenging method. Radioprotective effects were tested by means of experimental on irradiated cell cultures and animals. Among others, the water-extract of Ixeris dentata leaves showed a marked effect on the viability of B16 melanoma cells and provided a radioprotective effect on the number of the leukocytes in the irradiated rodents. DNA damage in the lymphocytes after {gamma}-irradiation decreased in the extract administered animals. Many of the extracts tested in this study showed a slightly lower activity in free radical scavenging than the well-known chemical antiozidants such as ascorbic acid, butylated hydroxytuluene, and glutathione. However, some extracts showed an antioxidant activity similar to that of {alpha}-tocopherol acetate and caffeine. These results support the optimistic view for developing radioprotective agents from the Korean endemic plants that showed a strong antioxidant activity.

  20. Recommandations nutritionnelles pratiques avec exemples de menus pour personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA en Afrique Noire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estelle Anaelle Nguewo


    Full Text Available L’infection par le VIH (Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine est une infection chronique incurable. L’infection au VIH cause jusqu’à présent des millions de morts et entrave l’économie des pays sous développés ou en voie de développement, en l’occurrence les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Le but principal de la thérapie nutritionnelle en cas d’infection par le VIH est d’assurer au patient un poids normal et une alimentation appropriée couvrant ses besoins nutritionnels pendant les différentes phases de l’infection. Nous proposons des recommandations alimentaires détaillées quant aux apports recommandés en nutriments (macro- et micronutriments pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA. La nutrition joue en général un rôle très important dans le fonctionnement optimal du système immunitaire. Puisque l’infection par le VIH/SIDA est une maladie du système immunitaire, elle influence de plusieurs manières l’état nutritionnel du patient. Une nutrition hyper calorifique et hyper protéinée saine, variée et adaptée aux besoins de l’organisme est une condition indispensable pour rester longtemps en forme en cas d’infection par le VIH/SIDA. Elle permet en outre de garder un poids normal pendant la phase asymptomatique de l’infection et d’augmenter son poids pendant la phase symptomatique. Ceci a pour but de freiner l’évolution de l’infection vers le stade SIDA. Les personnes atteintes par le VIH/SIDA devraient en plus avoir une bonne hygiène de vie et exercer régulièrement une activité sportive modérée. Elles devraient mettre l’accent sur leur protection contre toute intoxication alimentaire et sur le renforcement de leur système immunitaire. Il est en outre important en plus du besoin en nutriments des personnes atteintes par le VIH/SIDA, de tenir compte de leur situation financière et culturelle, car en Afrique il existe sur ce point une très grande différence dans la population. C

  1. Radioprotection of the patient in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, Maria del R.


    The following topics are developed: concepts on radioprotection; stochastic and deterministic effects; the prenatal irradiation; different types of radiation exposition (medical, occupational and public irradiation); and the justification of the levels of radiation

  2. Biological radiation effects and radioprotection standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clerc, H.


    In this report, after recalling the mode of action of ionizing radiations, the notions of dose, dose equivalents and the values of natural irradiation, the author describes the biological radiation effects. Then he presents the ICRP recommendations and their applications to the french radioprotection system

  3. Méthode d'estimation des tassements des sols fins sous les remblais d'infrastructures ferroviaires pour lignes à grande vitesse (United States)

    Said Alami, Soukaina; Reiffsteck, Philippe; Cuira, Fahd


    Le besoin de maîtriser les déformations des sols sous les remblais destinés à recevoir les structures de lignes à grande vitesse, en fait un enjeu important pour ces projets. Toutefois, de nombreuses difficultés ont été soulevées liées principalement au grand nombre d'incertitudes qui entourent le phénomène. En effet, la caractérisation géologique et géotechnique dépend de sondages et d'essais où le risque de remaniement est important et dont l'interprétation est, souvent, délicate. Cet article présente une procédure de calcul qui permettrait en pratique d'évaluer le tassement sous remblai avec une bonne précision et qui a été validée sur un certain nombre d'ouvrages. Pour cela, des corrections sont introduites aux méthodes usuelles de calcul permettant d'approcher les valeurs mesurées sur chantier.

  4. Guide for the evaluation of the implementation of radioprotection in an electricity production nuclear centre; Guide d'evaluation de la mise en oeuvre de la radioprotection sur un centre nucleaire de production d'electricite. Rapport n. 292

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schieber, C.


    This report describes the approach for the evaluation of the implementation of radioprotection in nuclear power plants. This approach encompasses six main themes: radioprotection customization, radioprotection steering quality, professional and contractor commitment, skill and efficiency of the Risk Prevention Department, radioprotection operational management, robustness of the transport system. Each theme comprises sub-themes which are assessed according to 2, 3 or 4 levels, the sum of which giving a mark out of 20 for the theme

  5. INEDUC : pratiques numériques des adolescents et territoires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mickaël Le Mentec


    Full Text Available Le projet INEDUC s’intéresse aux inégalités éducatives. Il prévoit d’analyser les parcours éducatifs des adolescents âgés de 13 à 15 ans en croisant à la fois leurs parcours scolaires, leurs activités de loisirs réalisées durant le temps libre et leurs pratiques numériques. Les résultats montrent que la variable territoriale n’apparaît pas comme discriminante s’agissant des équipements numériques mais qu’elle l’est, au même titre que la variable sociale, dès qu’on s’intéresse aux usages des adolescents et à l’encadrement des pratiques à domicile. Dans un souci de justice sociale et spatiale, l’article montre de quelle manière certains collèges s’efforcent de compenser les inégalités liées aux territoires et aux situations sociales.

  6. Radioprotective effectiveness of Adeturone, incapsulated in liposomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pantev, T.


    The radioprotective properties of Adeturone (S,2-aminoethyl isothiuronic adenosine-5-triphosphate), incapsulated in mono- and tricomponent lisosomes was studied. Intraperitoneal adminisration of the radioprotector by means of monocomponent liposomes from egg lecithins, as well as of the radioprotector alone shortly before (15-30 min) gamma irradiation of mice with 7.5 Gy (LD 100/30 ) provided high survival rate - accordingly 80% and 75%. Orally administered Adeturone incapsulated in tricomponent liposomes (dipalmitoil-DL-3-lecithin:cholesterine:stearilamine - 7:2:1) protected mice exposed to lethal X-irradiation (7.8 Gy, LD 90/30 ) for 0.5 to 4.5 hours. Adeturone, applied alone under these conditions 4.5 hours before irradiation, was ineffective. The results clearly demonstrated a prolonged radioprotective effect of Adeturone, administered per os as liposome suspension. 2 tabs., 17 refs

  7. Occupational radioprotection program at Nuclear Engineering Institute -IEN: results obtained in 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajardo, P.W.; Pastura, V.F.S.; Soares, M.L.; LeRoy, C.L.; Teixeira, M.V.; Santos, I.H.T.; Pujol Filho, S.V.


    The results of occupational radioprotection program at Nuclear Engineering Institute-IEN- in 1991 are presented. The personnel monitoring, the routine monitoring of limited areas, the operational monitoring during the operation and the cyclotron CV-28 maintenance, the radioisotope processing and Argonauta Reactor operation, the control of radioprotection equipment and the control of radiation sources are included. (C.G.C.)

  8. AGRICULTURE DURABLE De nouvelles pratiques sont source de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 nov. 2010 ... Depuis 1970, les travaux de recherche soutenus par le CRDI ont permis à des agriculteurs et à des collectivités de pays en développement d'adopter des pratiques agricoles durables. Le résultant? Une productivité accrue, un recul de la pauvreté, une plus grande sécurité alimentaire et un environnement ...

  9. Innovation, instrumentation technologique de l’apprentissage des langues : des schèmes d’action aux modèles de pratiques émergentes Innovation, instrumentation technologique de l’apprentissage des langues : des schèmes d’action aux modèles de pratiques émergentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Élisabeth Brodin


    Full Text Available Il est admis que les établissements secondaires français sont maintenant bien équipés en matériel informatique. Pour autant, les usages réguliers, inscrits dans la durée, ne semblent pas être le fait de nombreux collèges et lycées. Ce phénomène général de lente intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans les pratiques pédagogiques peut surprendre en langues, dans la mesure où l’on a affaire à une discipline instrumentée depuis longtemps. À partir de ce constat, nous analyserons les processus d’instrumentation de l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues sous l’angle diachronique, sous celui de l’innovation (en croisant la dimension technique et celle de l’innovation en éducation et en formation, avant de rendre compte de la réalité des pratiques qui s’installent durablement dans les établissements scolaires. Nous verrons quels paramètres facilitent le passage de l’introduction d’un objet technique à l’innovation pédagogique. Nous dégagerons, d’usages observés ou d’usages décrits par les enseignants, des modèles de l’action construits sur quelques constantes, révélatrices de conceptions et de croyances en matière de théories de l’apprentissage des langues en contexte scolaire institutionnel. Les établissements retenus ont tous participé à une recherche-action qui a pris fin, il y a trois ans et qui a fait l’objet d’un suivi depuis.The retained schools have all taken part into a research-action exercise that ended up three years ago; its follow-up has been carried on since.

  10. Biochemical basis for the action of radioprotective drugs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romantsev, E.F.; Blokhina, V.D.; Zhulanova, Z.I.; Koshcheenko, N.N.; Filippovich, I.V.


    The hypothesis of complex biochemical mechanism of action of radioprotective drugs is described. Shortly after injection of radioprotective aminothiols into animals the inhibition of radiosensitive biochemical processes: DNA and RNA synthesis, protein synthesis and oxidative phosphorylation has been observed. The molecular mechanism of these phenomena consists of radioprotectors ability to form adsorption, thioester, amide, and disulphide bonds with appropriate enzymes. The curve reflecting the formation and breakdown of mixed disulphides between radioprotectors and proteins coincides well with that reflecting the radioprotective effect dependence on time. The radiobiological significance of molecular interactions observed may be interpreted as the diminution in ''spoiled'' molecules formation (inhibition of replication) and elevation in repartion rate. The inhibition of biochemical processes has the reversible nature and last for short time. The drugs acting according to so-called oxygen effect protect also by means of biochemical mechanisms. The molecular mechanism is mediated through their ability to bind to receptors, and biologically important molecules and macromolecules. As a result the inhibition of radiosensitive processes occurs, the ''spoiled'' molecules number is diminished and reparation takes place more easily. The idea on the complex biochemical mechanism of action of radioprotectors correlates with the proposal on complex biochemical mechanism responsible for interphase death occured after irradiation

  11. Réappropriation du patrimoine autochtone : défis et nouvelles pratiques muséales et archivistiques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melissa Vernier


    Full Text Available Le rapport de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada (2015 fait le point sur la colonisation et les politiques du gouvernement fédéral ayant porté atteinte à l’identité culturelle des peuples autochtones du pays. Que cela ait été intentionnel ou non, les institutions de la mémoire – musées, centres d’archives et bibliothèques – ont contribué à cet héritage colonial par l’imposition d’un régime d’historicité de conservation et d’interprétation occidental. Le mouvement pour la réappropriation du patrimoine culturel autochtone, mené tant par les groupes autochtones que par les institutions de la mémoire elles-mêmes, cherche à corriger cette situation par des mesures aussi variées que le rapatriement, la restitution, la gestion partagée et l’autogestion des collections autochtones ainsi que la création de partenariats et de projets collaboratifs. Cette étude analyse d’abord le contexte sociohistorique dans lequel évolue le mouvement pour la réappropriation du patrimoine culturel autochtone pour ensuite présenter les réformes et les pratiques exemplaires des institutions de la mémoire issues de ce mouvement. Ces réformes témoignent de deux tendances distinctes, soit des stratégies d’autonomisation ou de collaboration. L’étude conclut sur quelques recommandations quant aux mesures institutionnelles à privilégier pour les prochaines décennies. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Report (2015 takes stock of colonization and federal government policies that adversely affect the cultural identity of the country’s Indigenous People. Intentionally or not, memory institutions – museums, archives and libraries – have contributed this to the colonial heritage by imposing a regime of conservation historicity and Western interpretation. The movement to reclaim Indigenous People’s cultural heritage, led by both indigenous groups and memory institutions, seeks to

  12. Computerized examination system on radioprotection knowledge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanescu, Gabriel; Rosca Fartat, Gabriela; Ghilea, Simion


    The aim of this paper is to present the recognition system of the education and training in the field of radioprotection based on the examination system and the software solutions adopted by the regulatory authority in Romania. The Romanian Radiation Protection system is in place since 1950, when the first nuclear research reactor was built and activities involving radioactive sources started to be developed, and several developing phases were passed through. Linked to the Romanian Radiation Protection system an Education, Training and Recognition system was developed. The recognition of the competencies achieved by the personnel in the framework of the education and training system consists in obtaining a work permit. It is mandatory at least for the radiological safety officers to posses a work permit granted by the Romanian Regulatory Body (CNCAN) based on an examination of the radioprotection knowledge. The examination consists in solving a questionnaire on radioprotection and legislation issues. Each participant receives a questionnaire with 60 questions and has to solve it in a time limit of one hour. In 2007 the examination system has been improved by authors who designed a software and a database which contains all the questions and answers with related explanations. For each examination session the software generates randomly for each participant the examination questionnaire. More than 2000 questions and answers from the database are published on the web site of CNCAN for different fields of ionizing radiation applications. Moreover the generated questions and participant's answers are registered in order to perform the further analysis and review. The result is an objective and transparent examination system which encourages the continuous training and retraining. (author)


    Bernardo, Mônica Oliveira; Almeida, Fernando Antonio de; Morgado, Flavio


    To analyze the results of an initiative aimed at improving the reasonable use of radiological examinations, ensuring their technical quality, implementing a radioprotection campaign that includes training of the professional team, and introducing the radioprotection card for children under 12 years old as a tool for parents and doctors to control children's exposure to radiation. The study was held in a health care insurance system covering 140,000 people. A radioprotection campaign was implemented according to Image Gently • protocols, ensuring the lowest dose of radiation and the quality of examinations, and the radioprotection card was implemented. To assess the effectiveness of these actions, the number of radiological examinations performed at the pediatric emergency room in a period of one year preceding the campaign was compared with the number of radiological examinations performed one year after the campaign. The campaign was well accepted by all professionals, families, and patients involved. In the year following the implementation of radioprotection strategies, there was a 22% reduction of radiological examinations performed at the pediatric emergency room. There was also a 29% reduction in the request of two or more radiological examinations for the same child or examinations with two or more incidences. The campaign and the radioprotection card for children under 12 years old proved to be feasible strategies and correlated with a reduction in radiological examinations requested and performed at the pediatric emergency room.

  14. Technical Training: Programmation Unity-Pro pour utilisateurs de Schneider PL7-Pro

    CERN Multimedia

    Monique Duval


    Annonce de nouveau cours pour l'environnement d'automatisme Schneider Un nouveau cours sur les environnements d'automatisme Premium et Quantum de Schneider est maintenant offert dans le cadre de l'Enseignement technique du CERN, afin de découvrir le nouvel outil de programmation Unity. Cette formation, mise en place par le GUAPI (Groupe des utilisateurs d'automates programmables industriels du CERN), sera essentiellement technique et pratique, destinée aux automaticiens concepteurs, metteurs en oeuvre, installateurs, intégrateurs et techniciens de bureau d'études. Ce cours est ouvert aux personnes étant déjà capables de développer une application PL7-Pro sur TSX Premium, ou ayant suivi le stage AP571. Objectifs : Maîtriser rapidement les différences fonctionnelles d'Unity-Pro par rapport à PL7-Pro; programmer en PLC TSX Premium sous Unity, et notamment connaître l'ensemble des l...

  15. Use of micronucleus test in evaluating radioprotective action of mixed tremella preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Jiaben; Huang Yinmei; Zhu Bingchai


    The radioprotective action of mixed tremella preparation (Yinshen Yin) on whole body gamma irradiated dogs has been studied. 25 male dogs were divided into five groups: tremella, mercaminum, Yinshen Yin at high dose, Yinshen Yin at low dose and control. All the dogs were given above drugs in 10 successive days before acute exposure of 1 Gy radiation. The results showed that the prophylactic use of Yinshen Yin had good anti-irradiation effect, and the radioprotective effect was similar to the mercaminum, but significantly higher than tremella. Thereby it was considered as a good radioprotective agent. The dose reduction factor in different groups were: Yinshen Yin high dose 2.01, Yinshen Yin low dose group 1.72, mercaminum group 1.55 and tremella group 1.11

  16. Murine P-glycoprotein deficiency alters intestinal injury repair and blunts lipopolysaccharide-induced radioprotection. (United States)

    Staley, Elizabeth M; Yarbrough, Vanisha R; Schoeb, Trenton R; Daft, Joseph G; Tanner, Scott M; Steverson, Dennis; Lorenz, Robin G


    P-glycoprotein (P-gp) has been reported to increase stem cell proliferation and regulate apoptosis. Absence of P-gp results in decreased repair of intestinal epithelial cells after chemical injury. To further explore the mechanisms involved in the effects of P-gp on intestinal injury and repair, we used the well-characterized radiation injury model. In this model, injury repair is mediated by production of prostaglandins (PGE(2)) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been shown to confer radioprotection. B6.mdr1a(-/-) mice and wild-type controls were subjected to 12 Gy total body X-ray irradiation and surviving crypts in the proximal jejunum and distal colon were evaluated 3.5 days after irradiation. B6.mdr1a(-/-) mice exhibited normal baseline stem cell proliferation and COX dependent crypt regeneration after irradiation. However, radiation induced apoptosis was increased and LPS-induced radioprotection was blunted in the C57BL6.mdr1a(-/-) distal colon, compared to B6 wild-type controls. The LPS treatment induced gene expression of the radioprotective cytokine IL-1α, in B6 wild-type controls but not in B6.mdr1a(-/-) animals. Lipopolysaccharid-induced radioprotection was absent in IL-1R1(-/-) animals, indicating a role for IL-1α in radioprotection, and demonstrating that P-gp deficiency interferes with IL-1α gene expression in response to systemic exposure to LPS.

  17. The synthesis of unsymmetric disulfides for use as radio-protectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, S.H.H.


    Unsymmetric disulfides with radioprotective potential were synthesized by linking biomolecules, and related substances, to known radio-protective aminothiols via a disulfide bond. The biomolecules used in this research include mercaptoalcohols, mercaptopyridines and mercaptophenothiazines. Unsymmetric disulfides were synthesized by reacting two thiols with diethyl azodicarboxylate sequentially at low temperature. The reactions of thiols with thiosulfinate were studied as an alternative for synthesizing disulfides. A cross-linked polystyrene was thiolated by different reagents. The thiolation of polymers is part of a methodological study using solid phase synthesis to synthesize unsymmetric disulfides

  18. Use of tunnel diode for nanosecond pulse amplification; Utilisation de la diode tunnel pour l'amplification d'impulsions nanosecondes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chartier, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In a first part, after a brief review of tunnel diode properties, the paper presents graphic and analytic investigations of series, shunt and compound connected tunnel diode amplifiers. A study of the noise problem is given. In a second part, practical realizations are described and results of measurements of their gain and noise characteristics are presented. (author) [French] Une premiere partie presente, apres une breve revue des proprietes de la diode tunnel, une etude graphique et analytique des amplificateurs a diode tunnel, pour les configurations serie, parallele et serie-parallele. Le bruit de fond y est egalement etudie. La seconde partie decrit quelques realisations pratiques et indique les resultats des mesures effectuees sur le gain et le bruit de fond. (auteur)

  19. Pratiques, objets et finalités de collaboration en lien avec l’intégration des tablettes numériques dans une école secondaire | Practices, Objects and Collaboration Purposes Related to the Integration of Digital Tablets in a High School

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nadia Cody


    Full Text Available Bien que les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC occupent une place de plus en plus prépondérante, tant au sein de la société que de l’école (Anderson, 2010, on remarque que leur intégration en contexte scolaire représente encore un défi de taille (Underwood et Dillon, 2011. Selon certains auteurs (Portelance, 2011; Desgagné, 1997, la collaboration constituerait un vecteur pour transformer les pratiques éducatives. Comment la collaboration peut-elle contribuer à ce changement que représente l’intégration des TIC? Les résultats d’une recherche-action, menée depuis trois ans de concert avec une école secondaire ayant pour objectif d’intégrer la tablette numérique, permet de mettre en lumière des pratiques, des objets et des finalités de collaboration qui ont émergé entre les différents acteurs, favorisant ainsi l’implantation de cet outil technologique. Although Information and Communication Technologies (ICT play an increasingly predominant role (Anderson, 2010, their integration in school context is still a challenge (Underwood and Dillon, 2011. According to Portelance (2011 and Desgagné (1997, collaboration is one vector that can be used to transform educational practices. How can collaboration contribute to the ICT integration process into our schools? The results of an action research, conducted for three years along with a high school that aims to integrate digital tablet, allows to highlighting practices, objects and collaboration purposes that emerged between actors, therefore facilitating the implementation of this technological tool.

  20. Prise en charge des hypertendus dans la ville de Cotonou (Bénin) en 2011: connaissances attitudes et pratiques des médecins généralistes (United States)

    Houenassi, Martin Dèdonougbo; David, Dokoui; Codjo, Léopold Houétondji; Attinsounon, Angelo Cossi; Alassani, Adebayo; Ahoui, Séraphin; Dovonou, Albert Comlan; Adoukonou, Thierry Armel; Dohou, Serge Hugues Mahougnon; Wanvoegbe, Armand; Agbodande, Anthelme


    Summary But: Ce travail vise à évaluer les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des médecins généralistes sur la prise en charge de l’hypertension artérielle à Cotonou. Méthodes: L’étude était transversale et descriptive basée sur une enquête multicentrique du 1er Mai 2011 au 31 Juillet 2011. Un recrutement de tous les médecins généralistes, volontaires exerçant dans les centres de santé privés, publics et confessionnels de la ville de Cotonou, ayant autorisé l’étude, a été fait. Le 7ème rapport de Joint National Committee (JNC7) a été utilisé comme référentiel pour l’évaluation de la prise en charge des hypertendus. Un auto-questionnaire adressé aux généralistes, testé et validé, a été utilisé pour recueillir ces données. Résultats: Au total, 41 médecins généralistes dans huit établissements sanitaires ont été inclus. Près de la moitié des généralistes (48.8%) ne connaissaient pas la définition de l’HTA. Seulement 25 généralistes (61.0%) pouvaient décrire les conditions de mesure de la pression artérielle. Dix généralistes (24.4%) étaient incapables de lister la moitié des examens du bilan minimum de l’hypertension artérielle (HTA). La majorité (92.7%) ne connaissait pas la notion de risque cardiovasculaire global. L’objectif tensionnel (TA ≤ 140/90 mmHg) n’était connu que par 18 (43.9%) médecins. Les mesures hygiéno-diététiques seules (82.9%) et la monothérapie seule (70.7%) étaient les modalités thérapeutiques les plus prescrites. Les classes pharmacologiques antihypertensives prescrites étaient surtout les inhibiteurs calciques (82.9%), les inhibiteurs de l’enzyme de conversion (53.7%) et les diurétiques (36.6%). Les généralistes référaient les hypertendus aux cardiologues principalement pour non-maitrise du chiffres tensionnels (63,4%) et l’apparition de complications aigues (56.1%). Conclusion: Les connaissances des généralistes sur la prise en charge de l

  1. Justice organisationnelle perçue des pratiques de gestion des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mots clés : Pratiques de GRH, Justice organisationnelle perçue, Engagement organisationnel. ABSTRACT. This study aims at measuring the mediator effect of the organizational justice perceived in the relation between the practices of human stock management and the organizational commitment of the employees.

  2. Evaluation of qualification and radioprotection knowledge of dentists in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padilha Filho, L.G.; Borges, J.C.


    The status and implications of the actual radioprotection knowledge of people studying dentistry is evaluated. A brief research of the current situation in Brazil is presented. The inclusion of a discipline - or the remaking of existing ones - in the curricula of Brazilian dentistry schools, covering subjects from radioprotection to images quality control is suggested

  3. Survey on radioprotective attention in the nurses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kayamori, Ryo; Satoh, Shizuma; Sakai, Kunio; Kitabatake, Takashi; Yoshizawa, Yoki


    Questionnaires were sent to 2965 nurses and practical nurses in 37 institutions in Niigata prefecture in April, 1977, and the degree of radioprotective knowledge and attention in the nurses were investigated. Answers in 2205 cases were effective. The mean rate of those who answered that they knew International Committee of Radiation Protection and the permissible dose in the abdomen of female who had a possibility to be pregnant and hereditary (significant) dose was 22.2%. Out of the nurses working in the institutions dealing with radiation, the rate of those who wore film-badge was 15.7%, and that of those who received special health examinations was 1.39%. 654 nurses answered that it was better to fix the nurses in the institutions dealing with radiation. An actual condition of radioprotective education in nurse education was analysed, and private opinions on its future direction were described. (Tsunoda, M.)

  4. Survey on radioprotective attention in the nurses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kayamori, R; Satoh, S; Sakai, K; Kitabatake, T; Yoshizawa, Y [Niigata Univ. (Japan)


    Questionnaires were sent to 2965 nurses and practical nurses in 37 institutions in Niigata prefecture in April, 1977, and the degree of radioprotective knowledge and attention in the nurses were investigated. Answers in 2205 cases were effective. The mean rate of those who answered that they knew International Committee of Radiation Protection and the permissible dose in the abdomen of female who had a possibility to be pregnant and hereditary (significant) dose was 22.2%. Out of the nurses working in the institutions dealing with radiation, the rate of those who wore film-badge was 15.7%, and that of those who received special health examinations was 1.39%. 654 nurses answered that it was better to fix the nurses in the institutions dealing with radiation. An actual condition of radioprotective education in nurse education was analysed, and private opinions on its future direction were described.

  5. Radioprotection optimization in the electronuclear, industrial and medical domains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schieber, C.; Abela, G.; Ammerich, M.; Balduyck, S.; Batalla, A.; Drouet, F.; Fracas, P.; Gauron, Ch.; Le Guen, B.; Lombard, J.; Mougnard, Ph.; Murith, Ch.; Rannou, A.; Rodde, S.; Selva, M.; Tranchant, Ph.; Schieber, C.; Solaire, T.; Le Tonqueze, Y.; Jolivet, P.; Chauveau, D.; Mathevet, L.; Juhel, T.; Mertz, L.; Bochud, F.O.; Desmaris, G.; Turquet de Beauregard, G.; Roy, C.; Delacroix, S.; Sevilla, A.; Rehel, J.L.; Bernhard, S.; Palut-Laurent, O.; Lochard, J.; Lebaron-Jacobs, L.; Wack, G.; Barange, K.; Delabre, H.


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during these conference days. Thirty one presentations are assembled in the document and deal with: 1 - implementation of the ALARA principle in the nuclear, industrial and medical domains: status and challenges (C. Schieber); 2 - image quality and scanner irradiation: what ingredients to chose? (T. Solaire); 3 - radioprotection stakes and implementation of the ALARA approach during the IFMIF design (Y. Le Tonqueze); 4 - ALARA at the design stage of the EPR (P. Jolivet); 5 - alternative techniques to iridium 192 gamma-graphy for welds control: results and recommendations from the ALTER-X project (D. Chauveau); 6 - alternative techniques to ionizing radiations use in the medical domain: implementation of navigation strategies (L. Mathevet); 7 - justification of ionizing radiations use in non-medical imaging: overview of the French situation and perspectives status (S. Rodde); 8 - ISOE: task scheduling for radioprotection optimization in nuclear power plants (G. Abela); 9 - Practices and ALARA prospects among big nuclear operators (T. Juhel); 10 - experience feedback on the use of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) in diagnostic imaging optimization (L. Mertz); 11 - DRLs: Swiss strategy and concept limits (F.O. Bochud); 12 - external dosimetry tools: the existing, the developing and the remaining problems (A. Rannou); 13 - is the optimization principle applicable to the aircraft personnel's exposure to cosmic radiation? (G. Desmaris); 14-15 - experience feedback of the ALARA approach concerning an operation with strong dosimetric stakes (P. Mougnard and N. Fontaine); 16 - optimization of reactor pool decontaminations ((P. Tranchant); 17 - radiopharmaceuticals transport - ALARA principle related stakes (G. Turquet de Beauregard); 18 - ALARA in vet radio-diagnosis activity: good practices guide (C. Roy); 19 - implementation of the ALARA approach at the Proton-therapy centre of Orsay's Curie Institute

  6. Radioprotective effect of edible herbs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Ying; Huang Meiying; Zhu Genbo; Fang Jixi; Fan Xiudi


    The radioprotective effect of the edible herbs was studied in animals. The results showed: (1) The acute death rate of animals was decreased. (2) The peripheral leukocytes were increased. (3) The valine, hydroxyproline, glycine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid in the plasma also were increased. (4) The activity of SOD (superoxide dimutase) was risen. (5) the edible herbs have the function to protect the structure of organs of thymus and testes

  7. Radioprotective action of serotonin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vodop' yanova, L G; Vinogradova, M F [Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (USSR). Biologicheskij Nauchno-Issledovatel' skij Inst.


    Tests in vitro were performed to study the effect of serotonin on oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria of rat liver. Serotonin (2.10/sup -4/ M) was shown to suppress oxidation of ..cap alpha..-ketoglutaric acid without significantly changing succinic acid consumption. A comparison of the results obtained with those from the literature allowed to assume that the radioprotective effect of serotonin was based not only on its previously known ability to cause tissue hypoxia, but also on its ability to affect oxidation processes in mitochondria.

  8. Le français de la communication professionnelle

    CERN Document Server

    Danilo, Michel; Lincoln, M

    A partir de 150 heures de français. - Pour acquérir une bonne maîtrise des pratiques professionnelles. - Pour améliorer ses connaissances de la langue tout en se familiarisant avec les pratiques langagières spécifiques du monde du travail. - Pour préparer les examens de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris. Dix dossiers : - La communication dans les affaires - Le travail administratif - Le téléphone - La communication interne - Le courrier de l'entreprise - L'offre et la commande - Livraison, transport, assurance - La facturation et le règlement - La communication avec les partenaires - Les nouveaux outils de communication Une cassette audio ainsi que des corrigés accompagnent ce livre.

  9. Essai d’une méthodologie d’analyse des données d’Internet sur un ordinateur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Géraldine Foin


    Full Text Available Dans l’étude de l’environnement numérique dans lequel les individus vivent et évoluent, des problèmes méthodologiques peuvent se poser pour les chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales. Cet article s’interroge sur la compatibilité des outils classiques en sciences sociales pour l’étude des pratiques numériques sur un écran, celui de l’ordinateur. En effet, l’usage classique d’entretiens, de questionnaires ou d’observations ne suffit plus pour recueillir avec précision les données relatives à Internet et ses écrans (pratique et consommation. Nous proposons une méthodologie complémentaire aux outils non numériques.

  10. Gamma radiation induced enhancement in the antioxidant and radioprotective activities of flavonoids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arul Anantha Kumar, A.; Sonwani, Swetha; Bakkiam, D.


    Recently γ-radiation has been used as a tool to induce structural changes in natural biomolecules to enhance their biological and physiological properties. Flavonoids are a family of plant derived polyphenolic compounds having considerable scientific and therapeutic importance. Structurally they are the benzo-γ-pyrone derivatives containing phenolic and pyrane rings. Flavonoid radioprotection is an intense area of research thanks to features like natural origin, effectiveness at non-toxic dose levels and lack of side effects. But till date no report is available on the effect of γ-radiation mediated enhancement in radioprotection activity of flavonoids. In view of this the present study was carried out to determine the γ-radiation induced structural changes in selected flavonoids i.e. apigenin, naringenin and genistein and also to explore the possibility of enhancement in their antioxidant and radioprotective activities

  11. Indicators, Predictors, and Determinants of Conflict Escalation and De-escalation. A Review of the Psychological Literature (United States)


    des outils habituels de la psychologie parce que ces gens ne sont pratiquement jamais disponibles pour les chercheurs. Pour compenser, des méthodes...Ballard, E. J. (1983). Canadian prime ministers: Complexity in political crises. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie Canadienne, 24, 125-129. Beasley

  12. Proceedings of the 6. conference days on radioprotection optimization in the nuclear, industrial and medical domains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vial, Eric; Bernier, Marie-Odile; De Vita, Antoine; Pignot, Christine; Bardelay, Chantal; Godet, Jean-Luc; Perrin, Marie-Line; Saad, Nawal; Deboodt, Pascal P.A.; Faure, Sophie; Fusil, Laurence; Alvarez, Manuel; Tourneux, C.; Barbey, Pierre; Pigree, Gilbert; Lemarchand, Maxime; Buchaniec, Remi; Rocourt, Nathalie; Bouden, Helene; Lasselin, Stephanie; Moeneclaey, Ludivine; Rebullida, Delphine; Werquin, Marie Odile; Dubus, Francois; Ponsard, Samuel; Marques, Sophie; K-Zerho, R.; Vacher, F.; Vrammout, D.; Guillot, E.; Fucks, I.; Moukarzel, Marianne; Ryckx, Nick; Verdun, Francis R.; Lefaure, Christian; Balduyck, Sebastien; Cruz Suarez, Rodolfo; ); Bouvy, Christophe; Geets, Jean-Michel; Nactergal, Benoit; Davet, Laurent; Carlier, Pierre; Lereculey, Clement; Livolsi, Paul; PIN, Alain; Ducou le Pointe, Hubert; Le Faou, Yann; Courageot, Estelle; Gaillard-Lecanu, Emmanuelle; Kutschera, Reinald; Le Meur, Gaelle; Lantheaume, Noel; Schiedts, Dominique; Nouveau, Philippe; Walterscheid, Bertrand; Humbert, Edouard; Tranchant, Philippe; Dabat-Blondeau, Charlotte; Renard, Francois; Lucas, Jean-Yves; Fritioff, Karin; Svedberg, Torgny; Carlson, Marie; Hennigor, Staffan; Schieber, Caroline; Andresz, Sylvain; Roch, Patrice; Celier, David; Aubert, Bernard; Etard, Cecile; Bouette, Aurelien; Carette, M.F.; Haddad, S.; Khalil, A.; Foulquier, J.N.; Parrot, A.; Ceyrolle, C.; Bechard, Pascal; Clero, E.; Leuraud, K.; Laurier, D.; Couzinet, M.; LE GUEN, B.; Davesne, Estelle; Blanchardon, Eric; Franck, Didier; Quesne, Benoit; De Vita, Antoine; Chojnacki, Eric; Grandeau, E.; Dumont, N.; Cattelotte, J.; Dine, Pierre Emmanuel; Guersen, Joel; Nwatsock, Joseph Francis; Boyer, Louis; Karmouche, K.; Moyon, J.B.; Cassagnes, L.; Garcier, J.M.; Lortal, B.; Caron, J.; Karst, M.; Rage, Estelle; Caer-Lorho, Sylvaine; Drubay, Damien; Ancelet, Sophie; Laurier, Dominique; Laroche, Pierre; Sans, Philippe; Tournier, Helene; Zvorykin, Sonia


    This 6. ALARA conference was jointly organised by the French Society of Radiation Protection (SFRP) and several professional associations (ABR, AFPPE, ARRAD, ATSR, RAMIP, SFPM, SFR). The conference was the occasion to review all aspects relative to the issues of radioprotection optimization and to its implementation to workers, patients and the public in the nuclear, industrial and medical domains. A particular attention must be given to the application of the ALARA principle in all sectors relevant to radioprotection, especially in a context characterized by: big dismantling works under preparation in the French nuclear park, an increased use of X-radiation in the medical domain - involving both patients and medical personnel, new knowledge concerning the health effects of ionizing radiations, and an evolution of European and international radioprotection safety standards. All these aspects were discussed during these conference days. This document brings together the available presentations (slides) together with their corresponding abstracts (in French) and dealing with: 1 - Review of the evolution of workers/patients exposure in France and comparison with international data (E. Vial); 2 - Status of low dose epidemiology (M.O. Bernier); 3 - Radioprotection optimization method at the MELOX plant (A. De Vita); 4 - Elaboration method for the annual dosimetric objective of the French nuclear park (C. Pignot); 5 - Optimisation principle in the new EURATOM Directive (N. Saad); 6 - Integrated management of radiological and non-radiological risks: the inevitable challenge (P. Deboodt); 7 - Radiological and conventional risks: the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) integrated approach (S. Faure); 8 - EVEREST (Evolving towards an entry into controlled areas in street clothes, M. Alvarez); 9 - Example of multi-risk management in the medical domain (C. Tourneux); 10 - Radioprotection optimisation in the research domain (P. Barbey); 11 - Child scanning dosimetry

  13. Physique appliquée à l’exposition externe dosimétrie et radioprotection

    CERN Document Server

    Antoni, Rodolphe


    Cet ouvrage fait la synthèse de nombreuses années d'expériences en dosimétrie et techniques de protection contre l’exposition externe, aussi bien dans le domaine industriel que médical. Il rappelle les concepts physiques de base puis propose un certain nombre d'outils d’évaluation des nuisances radiologiques, et les moyens de s'en prémunir, en détaillant notamment les techniques de calcul pour des blindages appropriés. Le premier chapitre traite de la définition des grandeurs radiométriques et dosimétriques fondamentales. Il permet d’aborder au chapitre 2 la question de l'interaction rayonnement-matière sous un angle dédié au dépôt de la dose dans les tissus biologiques. Le troisième chapitre définit quant à lui les grandeurs de protection et les grandeurs opérationnelles liées à la radioprotection. Dans les deux chapitres suivants, l’accent a été mis sur la définition des risques et contre-mesures associées (i.e. protections biologiques) inhérents aux sources de rayonnemen...

  14. Une activité sous contrôle : l’esclavage à Malte à l’époque moderne


    Brogini, Anne


    La pratique de l’esclavage n’est pas nouvelle pour les Hospitaliers de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem à l’époque moderne, ni pour l’île de Malte. Mais l’essor formidable de l’activité corsaire aux xvie et xviie siècles transforme Malte en plaque-tournante de l’esclavage méditerranéen. L’arrivée massive d’esclaves non-chrétiens, puis leur résidence dans le port conduit l’Ordre de Malte à structurer et à règlementer progressivement la pratique corsaire et commerciale (modes et lieux de capture, lieux ...

  15. [Study of the radioprotective effects of TMG on teratogenic malformations in irradiated mice]. (United States)

    Gu, Y; Hasegawa, T; Kim, H; Suzuki, I; Mori, T; Yamamoto, Y


    ICR mice fetuses in the organogenesis stage were used to clarify experimentally the mechanism of the protective effect of vitamin E derivant (TMG: 2-(alpha-D-Glucopyranosyl) methyl-2, -5, -7, -8-Teramethylchorman-6-working woman) on the effects of radiation. The authors paid careful attention to radiation, and the radioprotective effects of TMG on the induction of malformations was examined. Radiation is an important consideration because of its widespread use in the areas of medicine, nuclear energy, and industry. Malformations induced by radiation at the organogenesis stage, skeletal malformations, and the effects at the cellular level of embryos were examined in this research. Further, the mechanism of the protection effect of TMG against radiation-induced malformations was analyzed and observed experimentally. Thus, this study was done to provide fundamental data on the radioprotective agent TMG. It was clear that TMG exerted radioprotective effects against embryonic death and the rate of teratogenesis when administered before exposure. Such effects were also exerted against skeletal malformations and fetal body weight. In summary, radioprotective effects were observed at the whole-body level as well as at the cellular level.

  16. Study of the radioprotective effects of TMG on teratogenic malformations in irradiated mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu, Yeunhwa; Hasegawa, Takeo; Suzuki, Ikukatsu; Mori, Takehiko; Yamamoto, Youichi; Kim, Hwakon


    ICR mice fetuses in the organogenesis stage were used to clarify experimentally the mechanism of the protective effect of vitamin E derivant (TMG: 2- (α-D-Glucopyranosyl) methyl-2, -5, -7, -8-Teramethylchorman-6-working woman) on the effects of radiation. The authors paid careful attention to radiation, and the radioprotective effects of TMG on the induction of malformations was examined. Radiation is an important consideration because of its widespread use in the areas of medicine, nuclear energy, and industry. Malformations induced by radiation at the organogenesis stage, skeletal malformations, and the effects at the cellular level of embryos were examined in this research. Further, the mechanism of the protection effect of TMG against radiation-induced malformations was analyzed and observed experimentally. Thus, this study was done to provide fundamental data on the radioprotective agent TMG. It was clear that TMG exerted radioprotective effects against embryonic death and the rate of teratogenesis when administered before exposure. Such effects were also exerted against skeletal malformations and fetal body weight. In summary, radioprotective effects were observed at the whole-body level as well as at the cellular level. (author)

  17. Use of herbal medicine for radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goyal, P.K.


    There are primarily three ways to achieve radio-protection in biological systems that have been exposed to ionizing radiation. The first is by changing the environment by physical or chemical means, or physical protection. The second is by chemical alternation of the site of radiation injury, or chemical protection. The third is by biological alternation to decrease the extent of the radiation injury

  18. Le Bistouri des larmes de Ramonu Sanusi: Une dénonciation d’une tradition bêtifiante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sikiru Adeyemi OGUNDOKUN


    Full Text Available L’art comme la littérature est un instrument pour amuser, exprimer des idées, informer et éduquer les gens et même pour initier les lecteurs aux certains concepts, idéologies, théories ou à certaines pratiques données. Dans cette composition, nous examinons le rite de l’excision des jeunes filles africaines dans Le Bistouri des larmes de Ramonu Sanusi. C’est vrai que la culture fait partie du peuple mais, c’est aussi bien établi que la culture est dynamique. Elle se change et évolue de temps en temps et c’est la raison pour laquelle il existe des histoires pour les époques particulières. Donc, notre écrivain, Ramonu Sanusi ne rechigne pas quand la revendication des droits des femmes est en cause ; il nous montre absolument sa prise de position concernant le sexe féminin. Notre discussion porte sur l’approche sociologique. Le but principal de ce travail est pour décourager la pratique d’une tradition barbare qui détruit les enfants africains ; particulièrement nos filles. Et pour conclure, nous disons que l’excision des jeunes filles/femmes en Afrique est un fétiche inutile que ne peut pas nous aider. Alors, il faut abandonner cette pratique définitivement. Nous pouvons sans doute, utiliser la littérature pour développer la société et maintenir la paix et la coopération entre les habitants d’une société et du monde en général.

  19. Radioprotective properties of some heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds against changes in hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value in x-irradiated mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rousdhy, H.; Pierotti, T.; Polverelli, M.


    Radioprotective properties of imidazole and benzimidazole have been proved in previous works. In this study, authors try to demonstrate radioprotective action of these compounds in comparison with cysteamine upon the hematopoietic system after lethal X-irradiation. Results show: no drastic variations of hematologic constants (hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value) after intraperitoneal injection of radioprotective compounds apart certain apparent reactions with the heterocyclic compounds; the better radioprotective action of benzimidazole. Twenty five days after irradiation, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit of radio protected mice return to normal values. (author) [fr

  20. Radioprotection, biological effects of the radiations and security in the handling of radioactive material

    CERN Document Server

    Teran, M


    The development of the philosophy of the radioprotection is dependent on the understanding of the effects of the radiation in the man. Behind the fact that the radiation is able to produce biological damages there are certain factors with regard to the biological effects of the radiations that determine the boarding of the radioprotection topics.

  1. Communication et participation communautaire : Guide pratique de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce guide est destiné aux personnes qui travaillent dans le secteur de la recherche et du développement. Il présente les concepts de la communication participative pour le développement, traite des méthodes de communication bilatérale efficaces, et présente une méthodologie pour planifier, élaborer et évaluer les ...

  2. The radioprotective effects of carboxy fullerene C3 on AHH-1 cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shan, Husheng; Cai, Jianming; Huang, Yuecheng; Cui, Jianguo; Liu, Hanchen; Sun, Ding; Zhao, Fang; Dong, Junru; Li, Bailong


    Purpose: To investigate the radioprotective effects of carboxy fullerene C 3 on AHH-1 cell and it's prospective as a novel radioprotectant. Materials and Methods: Carboxy fullerene C 3 was prepared by chemical synthesis and trypan blue rejection test was performed to detect its cytotoxicity to AHH-1 cell. Then different concentration of C 3 was used to treat AHH-1 cells after radiated with 60 Coγ ray. Annexin-V/PI staining and flow cytometry assay were applied to assess the cell proliferation and apoptosis after irradiation. Results: C 3 showed little toxicity to AHH-1 cells with little change of trypan blue rejection rate during the drug concentration range 0-400 mg/L (P>0.05). We found in this study C 3 had good radioprotective effects to AHH-1 cell radiated with 1-8 Gy γ-ray. When the concentration was 10 mg/L, C 3 showed protection effects to AHH-1 cell irradiated with 4 Gy γ -ray, which was enhanced with increase of C 3 concentration. When the final concentration reached 200-400 mg/L, the cell survival rate after irradiation was similar to that of non-irradiated control cells(P >0.05). And the irradiation induced apoptosis and death rate were significantly lower than that of single radiation group cells(P 3 were time-dependant, and the best protection effects were observed when the C 3 was administered before irradiation (0-24 h). Conclusion: Carboxy fullerene C 3 has good radioprotective effects to AHH-1 cell, which is dose-dependent, and the higher concentration of C 3 is, the better protective effects it shows. In the effective drug concentration range of this study, C 3 do little harm on the survival rate of AHH-1 cell, which suggest that C 3 as a novel promising radioprotectant deserve to be further investigated. (author)

  3. Radioprotection in the infirmary praxis in service of hemodynamic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flor, Rita de Cassia; Gelbcke, Francine Lima


    Qualitative study made in a hemodynamic service at Santa Catarina, Brazil, viewing to analyse the attitude of workers in infirmary related to the use of radioprotection measurements in interventionist procedures. A methodology of Labor Psycho dynamics was used through the observations, collective interviews and the document analysis. Totally it was realized 36 encounters, completed a total of 54 observation hours. The results have shown that the workers used defense strategies for justification the not use of some radioprotection measurements. Yet, become evident that the measurements related to the distance from the radiation source and the exposure time have not used sometimes, perhaps due to negligence. Finally, it was concluded that, some attitudes adopted by the workers referred to the lack of a continued educational program

  4. Radioprotective property of the ethanolic extract of Piper betel leaf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacharya, S.; Roychowdhury, S.; Bandyopadhyay, S.K.; Subramanian, M.; Bauri, A.K.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Kamat, J.P.


    The radioprotective activity of Piper betel ethanolic extract (PE) has been studied using rat liver mitochondria and pBR 322 plasmid DNA as two model in vitro systems. The extract effectively prevented γ-ray induced lipid peroxidation as assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substrates, lipid hydroperoxide and conjugated diene. Likewise, it prevented radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in a concentration dependent manner. The radioprotective activity of PE could be attributed to its hydroxyl and superoxide radicals scavenging property along with its lymphoproliferative activity. The radical scavenging capacity of PE was primarily due to its constituent phenolics, which were isolated and identified as chevibetol and allyl pyrocatechol. (author)

  5. Pratique de l’électroconvulsivothérapie dans un hôpital universitaire Tunisien (United States)

    Mechri, Anwar; Zaafrane, Hana; Khalifa, Monia Hadj; Toumi, Samir; Zaafrane, Férid; Gaha, Lotfi


    Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de décrire les modalités pratiques de l’électroconvulsivothérapie (ECT) à l’hôpital universitaire de Monastir (Tunisie). Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients traités par ECT à l’hôpital universitaire de Monastir entre 2002 et 2013. Le nombre des patients était de 80 patients (60 hommes et 20 femmes, d’âge moyen de 42,1±15,7 ans), représentant 1,4% de l’ensemble des patients hospitalisés en psychiatrie durant la période d’étude. Le nombre total des séances d’ECT était de 784. Le diagnostic principal était le trouble dépressif majeur isolé ou récurrent chez 50% des patients. La majorité des patients (78,8%) avait reçu une seule cure d’ECT avec un nombre moyen de séances de 8,1 ± 4,9. Le produit anesthésique le plus utilisé était le propofol (97,4%). L’énergie délivrée était comprise entre 40 et 80 joules dans 71% des cas et elle était positivement corrélée à l’âge des patients. La durée moyenne de la crise motrice était de 22,3 ± 7,2 secondes et elle était négativement corrélée à l’âge des patients. Le taux de réponse le plus élevé a été constaté au niveau des scores de dépression (64,3%). Des effets indésirables immédiats ont été mentionnés chez 51,2% des patients. Enfin, 20% des patients poursuivaient des séances d’ECT d’entretien avec un rythme uni ou bimensuel. La pratique de l’ECT à l’hôpital universitaire de Monastir reste peu développée en termes de nombre des patients et des séances d’ECT. Des efforts doivent être déployés pour promouvoir l’utilisation de cette méthode. PMID:29632628

  6. Technical Training: Programmation Unity-Pro pour utilisateurs de Schneider PL7-Pro et Concept

    CERN Multimedia

    Monique Duval


    Un nouveau cours pratique sur les environnements Premium et Quantum de Schneider est proposé aux automaticiens concepteurs ou installateurs, et aux techniciens de bureau d'études, pour découvrir l'outil de programmation Unity. La prochaine session aura lieu du 24 au 28 janvier 2005. Le cours est ouvert aux personnes capables de développer sous PL7-Pro ou Concept. Objectifs : Maîtriser les différences fonctionnelles d'Unity-Pro par rapport à PL7 et Concept ; programmer en Unity-Pro sur Base Premium et Quantum. Programme : Environnement Quantum et Coupleur Profibus (1 journée) : configuration d'un automate sous Unity Pro et d'un coupleur Profibus DP. Conversion à Unity sur base Quantum et Premium (3,5 jours) : l'offre globale Unity, evolution par rapport à PL7 et Concept ; conversion d'application depuis PL7 Pro ; outils de mise au point ; manipulation des variables structurées ; utilisation des fonctions ; gestion des DF...

  7. Radioprotection of targeted and bystander cells by methylproamine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burdak-Rothkamm, Susanne [Queen' s University Belfast, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Belfast (United Kingdom); Oxford University Hospitals, Cellular Pathology, Oxford (United Kingdom); Smith, Andrea; Lobachevsky, Pavel; Martin, Roger [Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Molecular Radiation Biology Laboratory, Melbourne (Australia); University of Melbourne, The Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, Melbourne (Australia); Prise, Kevin M. [Queen' s University Belfast, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Belfast (United Kingdom)


    Radioprotective agents are of interest for application in radiotherapy for cancer and in public health medicine in the context of accidental radiation exposure. Methylproamine is the lead compound of a class of radioprotectors which act as DNA binding anti-oxidants, enabling the repair of transient radiation-induced oxidative DNA lesions. This study tested methylproamine for the radioprotection of both directly targeted and bystander cells. T98G glioma cells were treated with 15 μM methylproamine and exposed to {sup 137}Cs γ-ray/X-ray irradiation and He{sup 2+} microbeam irradiation. Radioprotection of directly targeted cells and bystander cells was measured by clonogenic survival or γH2AX assay. Radioprotection of directly targeted T98G cells by methylproamine was observed for {sup 137}Cs γ-rays and X-rays but not for He{sup 2+} charged particle irradiation. The effect of methylproamine on the bystander cell population was tested for both X-ray irradiation and He{sup 2+} ion microbeam irradiation. The X-ray bystander experiments were carried out by medium transfer from irradiated to non-irradiated cultures and three experimental designs were tested. Radioprotection was only observed when recipient cells were pretreated with the drug prior to exposure to the conditioned medium. In microbeam bystander experiments targeted and nontargeted cells were co-cultured with continuous methylproamine treatment during irradiation and postradiation incubation; radioprotection of bystander cells was observed. Methylproamine protected targeted cells from DNA damage caused by γ-ray or X-ray radiation but not He{sup 2+} ion radiation. Protection of bystander cells was independent of the type of radiation which the donor population received. (orig.) [German] Radioprotektive Agenzien sind sowohl in der Strahlentherapie von Krebserkrankungen als auch im Strahlenschutz im Zusammenhang mit akzidenteller Exposition von Bedeutung. Methylproamine ist die Leitsubstanz einer Klasse von

  8. Pratiques Matrimoniales Et Transmission Mere-Enfant Du Vih Au Togo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mots clés : Pratiques matrimoniales, transmission mère-enfant, VIH, Togo. Purpose: To study the influence of customs and marriage practices on the mode of sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in Togo, to make suggestions to the location of populations and public authorities to avoid customs ...

  9. Radioprotective activity of curcumin-encapsulated liposomes against genotoxicity caused by Gamma Cobalt-60 irradiation in human blood cells. (United States)

    Nguyen, Minh-Hiep; Pham, Ngoc-Duy; Dong, Bingxue; Nguyen, Thi-Huynh-Nga; Bui, Chi-Bao; Hadinoto, Kunn


    While the radioprotective activity of curcumin against genotoxicity has been well established, its poor oral bioavailability has limited its successful clinical applications. Nanoscale formulations, including liposomes, have been demonstrated to improve curcumin bioavailability. The objective of the present work was (1) to prepare and characterize curcumin-encapsulated liposomes (i.e. size, colloidal stability, encapsulation efficiency, and payload), and (2) subsequently to evaluate their radioprotective activity against genotoxicity in human blood cells caused by Gamma Cobalt-60 irradiation. The curcumin-encapsulated liposomes were prepared by lipid-film hydration method using commercial phosphatidylcholine (i.e. Phospholipon ® 90G). The blood cells were obtained from healthy male donors (n = 3) under an approved ethics protocol. The cell uptake and the radioprotective activity of the curcumin-encapsulated liposomes were characterized by fluorescence microscopy and micronucleus assay, respectively. Nanoscale curcumin-encapsulated liposomes exhibiting good physical characteristics and successful uptake by the human blood cells were successfully prepared. The radioprotective activity of the curcumin-encapsulated liposomes was found to be dependent on the curcumin concentration, where an optimal concentration existed (i.e. 30 μg/mL) independent of the irradiation dose, above which the radioprotective activity had become stagnant (i.e. no more reduction in the micronuclei frequency). The present results established for the first time the radioprotective activity of curcumin-encapsulated liposomes in human blood cells, which coupled by its well-established bioavailability, boded well for its potential application as a nanoscale delivery system of other radioprotective phytochemicals.

  10. Sustained release of radioprotective agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shani, J.


    New pharmaceutical formulations for the sustained release into the G.I. tract of radioprotective agents have been developed by the authors. The experimental method initially consisted in the production of methylcellulose microcapsules. This method failed apparently because of the premature ''explosion'' of the microcapsules and the consequent premature release of massive amounts of the drug. A new method has been developed which consists in drying and pulverising cysteamine and cysteine preparations, mixing them in various proportions with stearic acid and ethylcellulose as carriers. The mixture is then compressed into cylindrical tablets at several pressure values and the leaching rate of the radioprotective agents is then measured by spectrophotometry. The relation between the concentration of the active drug and its rate of release, and the effect on the release rate of the pressure applied to the tablet during its formation were also investigated. Results indicating that the release rate was linearly related to the square root of ''t'' seem to be in agreement with what is predictable, according to Higuchi's equation, save for the very initial and terminal phases. A clear correlation was also established between the stearic acid/ethylcellulose ratios and the release of 20% cysteine, namely a marked decrease in the rate of cysteine release was observed with increasing concentrations of stearic acid. Finally, it was observed that a higher formation pressure results in quicker release of the drug

  11. Tinned fish with radioprotective ingredients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaneva, M.; Minkova, M.; Zajko, G.


    A survey of food ingredients with pronounced radioprotective properties is made. The protective effect of fish proteins and some vegetable oils is mentioned. As suitable additives to tinned fish during the manufacturing process the β carotene, anthocyans and apple pectin are pointed out. β-carotene possesses the ability to absorb radiations. It can be added either as a pure crystalline substance or dissolved in the vegetable oil. Anthocyans have an antimutagen effect due to their ability to inhibit free radical reactions. Some vegetable polyphenols can be added with wine. The Bulgarian anthocyan concentrate Enobagrin (made by extraction of marc and wine) is also proposed. A combination of Enobagrin, β-tocopherol and pyracetam decreases the postradiation hypoplasia. Special attention is paid to the importance of the pectin in intoxication with heavy radioactive metals. It is thought that the pectin forms unsoluble complex compounds with Fe, Zn, Cd, Co, Pb, Hg, Mn, Cr. The binding energy depends on the available carboxylic groups. Some experiments showing the interaction of the pectin with 90 Sr are mentioned. In the tinned fish the pectin can be introduced with tomato paste. Vegetables rich in pectin and carotene - carrots and tomato concentrate - can be added as well. Proposed enriched tinned fish can be used as a preventive radioprotective food under conditions of increased radiation risk. 19 refs

  12. On the radioprotective effect of biotin (vitamin H)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perepelkin, S.R.; Egorova, N.D.; Katsitadze, V.A.


    It has been shown on rats exposed to a whole-body X-irradiation with 600 R that food rich in vitamin H (biotin) causes a radioprotective effect. Most effective were the vitamin doses of 4.0 and 8.0 μg/rat

  13. Biochemical and molecular genetic approaches on the radioprotective mechanism of natural products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jeong Hee; Lee, Eun Ju; Sung, Woo Kyung; Piao, Wen Hua [Kyunghee University, Seoul (Korea)


    We reported the radio-protective effect of DTT. The treatment of DTT increased cell survival after gamma-irradiation, decreased in the frequencies of micronucleus, and reduction in DNA fragmentation and apoptotic cells. Induction of apoptosis after UV-C irradiation was revealed by the changes in the relative cell death, increase in the relative amount of apoptotic cells, and the induction of DNA fragmentation. About 100 medicinal plants were purchased and methanol extract samples were prepared. Radio-protective and radio-sensitizing activities of these samples were screened. Seven samples showed above 20% radio-protective activities: Salvia miltiorrhiza, Areca catechu, Cornus officinalis, Alpiniae officinari rhizoma, Meliae fructus, Alpiniae katsumadaii semen, Betulae cortex. Acanthopanax sessiliflous showed the highest radio-sensitizing effect and 10 other samples revealed moderate activities: Melia japonica, Agastache rugosa, Platycodon gradiflorum, Broussonetia bazinoki, Angelica gigas, Inula helenium, Chelidonium majus, Pulsatilla koreana, Oldenlandia diffusa, Dioscorea batatas. (author). 49 refs., 9 figs., 7 tabs.

  14. Radioprotective activity of Gentiana lutea extract and mangiferin. (United States)

    Menkovic, Nebojsa; Juranic, Zorica; Stanojkovic, Tatjana; Raonic-Stevanovic, Tatjana; Savikin, Katarina; Zdunić, Gordana; Borojevic, Nenad


    Radioprotective/sensitizing actions of Gentiana lutea aqueous-ethanol extract and mangiferin on radiation-induced effects on different types of cells were investigated. The study focused on the decreasing survival of normal human immunocompetent cells, the survival of the malignant cells in vitro, and the survival of ex vivo irradiated cells before and after consumption of the extract by healthy volunteers. The in vitro experiments showed that mangiferin could inhibit cytotoxic action of ionizing irradiation (doses of 6 and 8 Gy) only on normal resting human PBMC, not stimulated for proliferation. Orally consumed G. lutea extract showed the potential to reduce the cytotoxic effect of x-ray irradiation on normal human immunocompetent cells PBMC of some healthy people, without changing the susceptibility of malignant cells to be destroyed by irradiation. Since the radioprotective effect was individually dependent, further clinical studies are needed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Et l'Homme dans tout ça ? plaidoyer pour un humanisme moderne

    CERN Document Server

    Kahn, Axel


    "D'abord ne pas nuire" : les hommes de science auraient-ils oublié cette sentence d'Hippocrate? Si les dernières découvertes scientifiques inspirent les plus grandes espérances, elles réveillent aussi d'anciennes peurs. La thérapie génique, la carte du génome, les xénogreffes représentent des avancées indéniables pour le bien-être de l'individu. Mais qu'en est-il des effets de ces pratiques sur les relations humaines ? L'" enfant à la carte", le brevetage des gènes, l'idéologie de "l'amélioration" dessinent l'autre visage de ce progrès trop souvent gangrené par la logique marchande. Face à ces menaces, Axel Kahn rappelle le chercheur, l'homme politique et le citoyen à leurs devoirs de conscience. Il donne à chacun les moyens d'intervenir dans le débat et de peser sur des décisions qui nous concernent tous.

  16. Le paysage politique pour territorialiser l’action publique et les projets de développement : le cas de l’éolien au Québec

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne-Sophie Devanne


    Full Text Available Les activités industrielles et les grandes infrastructures sont depuis longtemps considérées comme contribuant au développement des territoires. Or, ce postulat apparaît ébranlé par des conflits récurrents. Cet article s’intéresse à ceux observés au Québec (Canada, dans les régions de la Gaspésie et du Bas-Saint-Laurent, autour de projets de parcs éoliens. D’abord, la mise en place de la filière énergétique est décrite en quatre phases. Nous essaierons ainsi de démontrer que c’est grâce au travail conflictuel de groupes locaux que des démarches nouvelles ont été proposées par divers acteurs publics. Nous y soulignerons les changements perceptibles par rapport aux pratiques plus classiques en paysage pour, ensuite, discuter de zones de questionnement qui persistent touchant le savoir des experts et les pratiques de gouvernance. Pour conclure, nous soulignons en quoi les travaux misant sur les dimensions politiques du paysage peuvent être croisés à ceux en développement régional et territorial pour, notamment, éclairer les relations entre les sociétés contemporaines et les activités productives.Industries and large infrastructures have been seen as a source of development for decades. This idea is although put into test by opponents of such projects. This paper is looking at conflicts raising around wind farms’ projects in eastern Canada. First, we will describe the settlement of this renewable energy in the province of Quebec, trough four phases. By doing so, we try to demonstrate that the conflicts gave rise to new planning practices supported by public authorities. We shall underline changes noticeable in regard of more classic practices in landscape domain. We will then discuss the questions that still remain concerning experts knowledge and governance practices. To conclude, we will underline how research investing political dimensions of landscape combined to regional studies could offer an

  17. Comportements spatio-temporels des touristes dans la région de Québec


    Kercuku, Hava


    La pratique du tourisme urbain est un facteur important pour le développement économique et spatial de nombreuses villes et régions dans le monde. Cependant de nouvelles destinations et de nouvelles pratiques émergent constamment. D’une part, l’offre touristique urbaine se modifie et se diversifie constamment, et d’autre part, les pratiques touristiques se renouvellent, s’entrecroisent et se ressemblent en cherchant toujours plus, plus vite et plus personnalisé. La région touristique de Québe...

  18. Radioprotective Effect of Lidocaine on Function and Ultrastructure of Salivary Glands Receiving Fractionated Radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hakim, Samer George, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Benedek, Geza Attila [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Su Yuxiong [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghua School of Stomatology, Guanghua (China); Jacobsen, Hans Christian [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Klinger, Matthias [Institute of Anatomy, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Dendorfer, Andreas [Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Hemmelmann, Claudia [Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Meller, Birgit [Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Nadrowitz, Roger; Rades, Dirk [Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany); Sieg, Peter [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Luebeck, Luebeck (Germany)


    Purpose: Radiation-induced xerostomia still represents a common side effect after radiotherapy for head-and-neck malignancies. The aim of the present study was to examine the radioprotective effect of lidocaine hydrochloride during fractionated radiation in an experimental animal model. Methods and Materials: To evaluate the influence of different radiation doses on salivary gland function and the radioprotective effect of lidocaine, rabbits were irradiated with 15, 25, 30, and 35 Gy (equivalent doses in 2-Gy fractions equivalent to 24, 40, 48, and 56 Gy, respectively). Lidocaine hydrochloride (10 and 12 mg/kg) was administered before every radiation fraction in the treatment groups. Salivary gland function was assessed by flow sialometry and sialoscintigraphy, and the morphologic changes were evaluated using transmission electron microscopy. Results: Functional impairment was first observed after 35 Gy and pretreatment with lidocaine improved radiation tolerance of both parotid and submandibular glands. The use of 12 mg/kg lidocaine was superior and displayed significant radioprotection with regard to flow sialometry and sialoscintigraphy. The ultrastructure was largely preserved after pretreatment with both lidocaine doses. Conclusions: Lidocaine represents an effective radioprotective agent and a promising approach for clinical application to avoid radiation-induced functional impairment of salivary glands.

  19. Radioprotective Effect of Lidocaine on Function and Ultrastructure of Salivary Glands Receiving Fractionated Radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hakim, Samer George; Benedek, Gèza Attila; Su Yuxiong; Jacobsen, Hans Christian; Klinger, Matthias; Dendorfer, Andreas; Hemmelmann, Claudia; Meller, Birgit; Nadrowitz, Roger; Rades, Dirk; Sieg, Peter


    Purpose: Radiation-induced xerostomia still represents a common side effect after radiotherapy for head-and-neck malignancies. The aim of the present study was to examine the radioprotective effect of lidocaine hydrochloride during fractionated radiation in an experimental animal model. Methods and Materials: To evaluate the influence of different radiation doses on salivary gland function and the radioprotective effect of lidocaine, rabbits were irradiated with 15, 25, 30, and 35 Gy (equivalent doses in 2-Gy fractions equivalent to 24, 40, 48, and 56 Gy, respectively). Lidocaine hydrochloride (10 and 12 mg/kg) was administered before every radiation fraction in the treatment groups. Salivary gland function was assessed by flow sialometry and sialoscintigraphy, and the morphologic changes were evaluated using transmission electron microscopy. Results: Functional impairment was first observed after 35 Gy and pretreatment with lidocaine improved radiation tolerance of both parotid and submandibular glands. The use of 12 mg/kg lidocaine was superior and displayed significant radioprotection with regard to flow sialometry and sialoscintigraphy. The ultrastructure was largely preserved after pretreatment with both lidocaine doses. Conclusions: Lidocaine represents an effective radioprotective agent and a promising approach for clinical application to avoid radiation-induced functional impairment of salivary glands.

  20. Radioprotective effect of the β-carotene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Ying; Huang Meiying; Zhu Gengbo; Yin Zhiwei; Fang Jixi; Fan Xiudi


    The radioprotective effect of β-carotene was studied in animals. The results showed: 1) The chronic death rate decreased; 2) The peripheral leukocytes and spleen-B-Lymph cells increased; 3) The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the blood increased; 4) The β-carotene has the function of protecting the structure of the organs of thymus and testes; 5) The free asparagine (Asn) in the plasma increased and proline decreased

  1. Activity report of the medical section of radioprotection, 1974-1975

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report supersides the activities of the medical section of the Radioprotection Department of the Orsay Institute of Nuclear Physics: industrial medicine, monitoring of ionizing radiation effects [fr

  2. Des pratiques culturales influent sur les attaques de deux ravageurs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La culture de tomate est attaquée par plusieurs ravageurs dont Helicoverpa armigera et Tuta absoluta. Dans le but d'évaluer l'effet des pratiques culturales de la tomate sur ces principaux ravageurs dans les Niayes (Sénégal), un échantillonnage de 98 parcelles est effectué, sur quatre cycles de culture en saison sèche, de ...

  3. L'innovation sociale : un outil pour l'articulation entre les pratiquants sportifs auto-organisés et les espaces urbains dans la ville de Yaoundé – Cameroun

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mbida Frank


    Full Text Available L'innovation sociale est considérée comme une recomposition originale, créative et adaptative des ressources existantes disponibles dans ou à proximité des organisations (Coignet, 2013. Dans le champ sportif sous le prisme des politiques sportives locales, elle se donne à voir à travers les politiques de développement des pratiques sportives au sein des structures sportives traditionnelles (clubs, associations, etc. suivant deux volets dont l'un concerne les interactions entre les membres de la structure et l'autre, la création d'un espace d'échanges où vont émerger des coopérations à travers le partage des sentiments tels que l'amitié, l'amour (Illich, 1973. Si cette transformation sociale s'opère dans les structures sportives institutionnelles dans les pays développés, c'est d'abord grâce à l'appui des pouvoirs publics qui structurent les pratiques sportives (Charrier, 2002 ; Vieille Marchiset, 2003 ; Charrier, Lapeyronie, 2014, cependant il en est autrement dans les pays en développement notamment au Cameroun où l'innovation sociale dans le secteur sportif est portée par les groupes sportifs auto-organisés (Loret, 1996. Dans ces groupes, s'expérimentent des formes nouvelles de mobilisation et de participation sociale donc de socialisation. Ces expérimentations se donnent à voir à travers les stratégies d'occupation des espaces sportifs.

  4. S-omega carboxamidinoalkyl isothiurea compounds. VI. Radioprotective testing on E. coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minkova, M; Pantev, T [Nauchno-Izsledovatelski Inst. po Radiologiya i Radiatsionna Khigiena, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    The radioprotective effect of eight newly synthesized potential radioprotectors from the group of the S-omega carboxamidinoalkyl isothiourea compounds is studied. The protective activity of these compounds is evaluated according to the ability of E. coli B to form colonies. Exponential culture of this strain were exposed to 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 kR of gamma rays (Cobalt 60) in the presence of the tested compounds administered in experimentally established nontoxic concentrations 15 minutes before irradiation. Five of the eight compounds tested showed radioprotective effect which was more prominent at the higher doses. As a result of this, cell survival was increased by one order.

  5. Radioprotection of vitamin D on mice injured by irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaohui; Zhou Zhengyu; Li Bingyan; Nie Jihua; Tong Jian; Zhang Zengli


    To investigate the radioprotective effect of vitamin D against irradiation injury, the mice exposed to 60 Co γ-rays at 6 Gy was treated with preparation of vitamin D(Alfacalcidol Soft Capsules). Cell cycle and apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM) following staining of cells with propidium iodide (PI). Peripheral blood cell counts were analyzed by autoanalyzer. It has been found that vitamin D significantly increases white blood cell (WBC) counts, decreases bone marrow PEC micronucleus rate. FCM analysis shows that compared with damaged group, G2 and S phases of bone marrow cells in vitamin D protection group increases significantly at 24 h after whole body irradiation, whereas G1 phase cells decrease at the same times. So vitamin D might be a new radioprotection agent and it should be deserved further study. (authors)

  6. Actual knowledge about some plants with radioprotective effect and about the research of possibilities their use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skalka, J.


    Study was undertaken to refer to me importance of radiological protection of human and animal species, especially. After the crash of nuclear power station in Chernobyl, Ukraine, an enormous natural catastrophe. The world wide research programs are dedicated to vearch for plants with radioprotective effect. Apparently representing sea vegetation, brown algae, were considered to have a radioprotective effect just as a large amount of plants representing terrestrial flora. The direction of research programs in the world continues in identification of other unknown plants having radioprotective effect. We would like to direct our research interests in this direction and use enormous possibilities of our rich and various vegetation. (author)

  7. Radioprotective effect of the pollen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Ying; Zhu Gengbo; Huang Meiying; Yin Zhiwei; Fang Jixi; Fan Xiudi


    The radioprotective injury effect of pollen in animals was studied. Research came to the conclusion that: (1) the acute death rate of animals is decreased by the pollen; (2) the peripheral leukocytes and spleen-B-lymph cells of animals are increased by the pollen; (3) the activity of superoxide dimutase (SOD) in the erythrocytes of animals is increased by the pollen; (4) the pollen has the function of protecting the structure of the organs of thymus and testes and so on; (5) the plasma hydroxyproline of animals is remarkably decreased by the pollen

  8. Industrial irradiators and their radioprotection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodrigues Junior, Ary de Araujo (ed.)


    In this book you will learn how the gamma irradiators and accelerators for industry and research applications work and all the radioprotection safety items that should be followed when operating them. This book was written mainly for those who intend to become Radiation Safety Officers (RSO) responsible for the operation of gamma irradiators, but it is also useful to business people who plan to embark on this area or for those who are simply curious. This book is only an introduction to the subject and is far from being exhaustive. (author)

  9. Investigations with beagles about toxicity and radioprotective effect of the chemical radioprotection substance WR 2721

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, M.; Sedlmeier, H.; Wustrow, T.; Messerschmidt, O.


    The toxicity of the chemical radioprotection substance WR 2721 (S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethyl-thiophosphate) was examined in 25 beagles. The study showed that the toxicity of the substance increases as the dose gets higher. Between the doses 200 and 250 mg/kg of body weight, the increase of toxicity was significantly greater than could be expected on the basis of the dose difference. Until a dose of 200 mg/kg, the authors found no side effects which would have disturbed vital functions, but higher doses led to marked symptoms of intoxication. (orig.) [de

  10. Open-air ionisation chambers with walls of soft-tissue equivalent material for measuring photon doses; Chambres d'ionisation d'ambiance a parois en materiau equivalent aux tissus mous pour la mesure des doses absorbees dues aux photons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vialettes, H.; Anceau, J.C.; Grand, M.; Petit, G. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The ionisation chambers presented in this report constitute a contribution to research into methods of carrying out correct determinations in the field of health physics. The use of a mixture of teflon containing 42.5 per cent by weight of carbon for the chamber walls makes it possible to measure directly the dose absorbed in air through 300 mg/cm{sup 2} of soft tissue and, consequently, the dose absorbed in the soft tissues with a maximum error of 10 per cent for photon energies of between 10 keV and 10 MeV. Furthermore since this material does not contain hydrogen, the chamber has a sensitivity to neutrons which is much less than other chambers in current use. Finally the shape of these chambers has been studied with a view to obtaining a satisfactory measurement from the isotropy point of view; for example for gamma radiation of 27 keV, the 3 litre chamber is isotropic to within 10 per cent over 270 degrees, and the 12 litre chamber is isotropic to within 10 per cent over 300 degrees; for 1.25 MeV gamma radiation this range is extended over 330 degrees for the 3 litre chamber, and 360 degrees for the 12 litre chamber. This report presents the measurements carried out with these chambers as well as the results obtained. These results are then compared to those obtained with other chambers currently used in the field of health physics. (authors) [French] Les chambres d'ionisation presentees dans ce rapport apportent une contribution a la recherche de moyens dosimetriques adaptes aux mesures a effectuer pour assurer une dosimetrie correcte dans le domaine de la radioprotection. L'utilisation d'un melange de teflon charge a 42.5 pour cent en masse de carbone comme materiau constituant les parois de la chambre permet de realiser un dosimetre mesurant directement la dose absorbee dans l'air sous 3OO mg/cm{sup 2} de tissu mou et, par consequent, la dose absorbee dans les tissus mous avec une erreur maximale de 10 pour cent, pour des photons d

  11. Physico-chemical basis of radioprotection by melanin: a fungal pigment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barik, A.; Kunwar, A.; Singh, B.G.; Priyadarsini, K.I.; Raghukumar, S.


    Melanin is a biopolymer with wide spread biological activity like protection from UV-radiation damage, decrease of oxidative stress, binding to metals and drugs etc. Recently it has been observed that melanized fungal species grow in areas of high-radiation background in Chernobyl, and also in cooling pool water of nuclear reactors. Some of these organisms survived even after radiation exposure up to 6400 Gy. This prompted us to evaluate the radioprotecting ability of melanin. Although there are various types of melanin available, for the present radioprotection studies, melanin isolated from the culture filtrate of a fungus Gliocephalotrichum simplex was used. Chemically this particular type of melanin is the oligomeric form of dihydroxy indole and dihydroxy indole carboxylic acid and termed as eumelanin. Due to the presence of dihydroxy group in the benzene ring, they are in equilibrium with the partially oxidized (semiquinone radical form) and fully oxidized (quinone, non-radical) form. The radical nature of melanin was detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum and quantitative estimation of radical was made, in terms of spin density i. e. as 6.62 x 1017 spins/g. The protective activity of melanin was primarily due to inhibition of radiation-induced hematopoietic damages as evidenced by improvement in spleen parameters. To further understand the physico-chemical properties associated with radioprotection, reactions radiolytically generated free radicals with melanin was studied using pulse radiolysis

  12. Aminoacids used as radioprotective substances against Cs137 and Sr90 mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danetskaya, E.V.; Ramzaev, P.V.; Troitskaya, M.N.


    An experimental study on white rats into the radioprotective action of ten essential amino acids has that valine, arginine, and histidine all effect appreciably the life span and absorbed doses of the principal radionuclides, 137 Cs and 90 Sr. When these amino acids are fed to rats, the survival rate increases and hemopoiesis tends to return to normal more rapidly; the reproductive function is unaffected. The mechanism of radioprotective action of these amino acids has been studied inadequately, but they seem to have a role to play in the metabolism of sulfur-containing compounds. The remaining amino acids have no protective action

  13. The radioprotective effect of a new aminothiol (20-PRA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolabela, M.F.; Lopes, M.T.P.; Pereira, M.T.; Steffani, G.M.; Pilo-Veloso, D.; Salas, C.E.; Nelson, D.L.


    We examined the radioprotective effect of aminothiol 2-N-propylamine-cyclohexane thiol (20-PRA) on a human leukemic cell line (K562) following various radiation doses (5,7.5 and 20 Gy) using a source of 60 Co γ-rays. At 5 Gy and 1nM 20-PRA, a substantial protective effect (58%) was seen 24 h after irradiation, followed by a decrease at 48 h (11%). At the high radiation dose (20 Gy) a low protective effect was also seen (35%). In addition, the anti tumorigenic potential of 10 nM 20-PRA was shown by the inhibition of crown gall formation induced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The radioprotective potency of 20-PRA is 10 5- 10 6 times higher than that of the aminothiol WR-1065 (N(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-diamino propane) whose protective effect is in the 0.1 to 1.0 nM range. (author)

  14. The radioprotective effect of a new aminothiol (20-PRA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.F. Dolabela


    Full Text Available We examined the radioprotective effect of aminothiol 2-N-propylamine-cyclo-hexanethiol (20-PRA on a human leukemic cell line (K562 following various radiation doses (5, 7.5 and 20 Gy using a source of 60Co g-rays. At 5 Gy and 1 nM 20-PRA, a substantial protective effect (58% was seen 24 h after irradiation, followed by a decrease at 48 h (11%. At the high radiation dose (20 Gy a low protective effect was also seen (35%. In addition, the antitumorigenic potential of 10 nM 20-PRA was shown by the inhibition of crown gall formation induced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The radioprotective potency of 20-PRA is 105-106 times higher than that of the aminothiol WR-1065 (N-(2-mercaptoethyl-1,3-diaminopropane whose protective effect is in the 0.1 to 1.0 mM range.

  15. Some aspects of radioprotection assurance in radiodiagnostic service activity from Chisinau municipality in 2006-2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosca, A.; Stanchevici, V.; Balanel, V.; Danga, V.


    Together with the accordance of specialized medical assistance, the population of Chisinau municipality needs the accordance of general radiodiagnostic and interventional qualitative assistance. The permanent multi-institutional supervision offers partial optimization of radioprotection in the Republic Medical and Sanitary Institutions (PMSI) of Chisinau municipality. The qualitative optimization of radioprotection in PMSI of Chisinau municipality can be assured while being supplied with the operation radio diagnostic equipment. (authors)

  16. S-omega-carboxyl-amidinoalkyl isothiocarbamides. VI. Radioprotective assay on E. coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minkova, M; Pantev, T [Nauchno-Izsledovatelski Inst. po Radiologiya i Radiatsionna Khigiena, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    The radioprotective properties of newly synthesized compounds, members of S-omega-carboxamidino-alkyl-isothiourea are studied. Protective activity is evaluated by the colony-forming capacity of Escherichia coli. Exponential cultures of this strain are irradiated with gamma rays within the 20-120 kr span, in the presence of the compounds submitted to the study. The dose reduction factors are estimated by correlating the regression coefficients of the dose-effect curves obtained in the presence or absence of protection. Five of the eight preparations studied showed radioprotective effect, more conspicuous with the use of higher doses. The dose-reduction factors are lower than those of cysteamine. The relation between chemical structure and effectiveness of the compounds is investigated.

  17. The radioprotection of the patient in the Italian regulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russo, A. A.; Delia, R.; Moccaldi, A.; Campanella, F.


    The regulation in order to the radioprotection of the patient was firstly issued in Italy in the 1995. This regulation was a specific part of a more general law on the radiation protection of the workers, public and environment. After, in the year 2000, a specific law regulates the use of ionizing radiation in the medical field, in relation to patient's protection and safety. This law is based on the main principles of the justification and of the optimization of the exposure. The application of the law involves many different professional roles, which all together provide to ensure the respect of the previous principles and the radioprotection of the patients. The above professional figures are: the manager of the medical laboratory, the person in charge of the section, the specialist medical doctor (responsible of the radiological practice), the health physicist and the radiological technician. In the present paper, the Authors show the basic rules of the radioprotection regulation, focusing the attention on the different roles of all involved people, in the all kinds of the radiological practices. The proper application of the law allows the respect of the principle of the dose limitation, through either technical, or physical or medical methodologies. The examination of the Italian experience in this field could be an useful contribution to the improvement of the problem of the patient's radiation protection, taken also into account that the absorbed doses from the patients, for medical purposes, are those ones, which mainly contribute to the computation of the mean level of the dose in every Country

  18. Conceptual design, neutronic and radioprotection study of a fast neutron irradiation station at SINQ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanini, L.; Baluc, N.; Simone, A. De; Eichler, R.; Joray, S.; Manfrin, E.; Pouchon, M.; Rabaioli, S.; Schumann, D.; Welte, J.; Zhernosekov, K.


    This comprehensive, illustrated report by the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland documents the proposals concerning the conceptual design, neutronic and radioprotection study of a fast neutron irradiation station at the PSI's Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ facility. The need for fast neutron irradiation is discussed and the possibility of using SINQ as a fast neutron irradiation facility is considered. The production of isotopes, tracers and medical isotopes is discussed, as are fission and fusion reactor technologies. The characteristics of the neutron spectrum in SINQ are discussed. The neutronic and radioprotection calculations for an irradiation station at SINQ are looked at in detail and extensive examples of work done and results obtained are presented and discussed. Radioprotection issues are also looked at. Further contributions in the report cover the hot/cold irradiation station in the SINQ target. An appendix provides detailed drawings of the facility's pneumatic delivery system

  19. An alternative mechanism for radioprotection by dimethyl sulfoxide. Possible facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kashino, Genro; Liu, Yong; Suzuki, Minoru; Masunaga, Shin-ichiro; Kinashi, Yuko; Ono, Koji; Tano, Keizo; Watanabe, Masami


    The radioprotective effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been known for many years, and the suppression of hydroxyl (OH) radicals induced by ionizing radiation has been thought to be the main cause of this effect. However, the DMSO concentration used was very high, and might be toxic, in earlier studies. In the present study, we administered a lower, non-toxic concentration (0.5%, id est (i.e.), 64 mM) of DMSO before irradiation and examined its radioprotective effects. Colony formation assay and micronucleus assay showed significant radioprotective effects in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), but not in xrs5, which is defective in the repair function of DNA double-strand breaks. The levels of phosphorylated H2AX and the formation of 53BP1 foci 15 minutes after irradiation, which might reflect initial DNA double-strand breaks, in DMSO-treated CHO cells were similar to those in non-treated cells, suggesting that the radioprotective effects were not attributable to the suppression of general indirect action in the lower concentration of DMSO. On the other hand, 2 hours after irradiation, the average number of 53BP1 foci, which might reflect residual DNA double-strand breaks, was significantly decreased in DMSO-treated CHO cells compared to non-treated cells. The results indicated that low concentration of DMSO exerts radioprotective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair rather than through the suppression of indirect action. (author)

  20. An alternative mechanism for radioprotection by dimethyl sulfoxide; possible facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair. (United States)

    Kashino, Genro; Liu, Yong; Suzuki, Minoru; Masunaga, Shin-ichiro; Kinashi, Yuko; Ono, Koji; Tano, Keizo; Watanabe, Masami


    The radioprotective effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been known for many years, and the suppression of hydroxyl (OH) radicals induced by ionizing radiation has been thought to be the main cause of this effect. However, the DMSO concentration used was very high, and might be toxic, in earlier studies. In the present study, we administered a lower, non-toxic concentration (0.5%, i.e., 64 mM) of DMSO before irradiation and examined its radioprotective effects. Colony formation assay and micronucleus assay showed significant radioprotective effects in CHO, but not in xrs5, which is defective in the repair function of DNA double-strand breaks. The levels of phosphorylated H2AX and the formation of 53BP1 foci 15 minutes after irradiation, which might reflect initial DNA double-strand breaks, in DMSO-treated CHO cells were similar to those in non-treated cells, suggesting that the radioprotective effects were not attributable to the suppression of general indirect action in the lower concentration of DMSO. On the other hand, 2 hours after irradiation, the average number of 53BP1 foci, which might reflect residual DNA double-strand breaks, was significantly decreased in DMSO-treated CHO cells compared to non-treated cells. The results indicated that low concentration of DMSO exerts radioprotective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair rather than through the suppression of indirect action.

  1. Analyse de Le web 2.0 en classe de langue – Une réflexion théorique et des activités pratiques pour faire le point

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maud Ciekanski


    Full Text Available 1. Délimitation de l'ouvrage L'ouvrage Le web 2.0 en classe de langue, co-écrit par Christian Ollivier et Laurent Puren, de l'université de La Réunion, tous deux experts dans la formation de formateurs et dans l'utilisation des TIC (technologies de l'information et de la communication en situation d'apprentissage des langues, se propose de faire le point sur ce que les auteurs nomment "le phénomène web 2.0" de façon à permettre aux enseignants de langues d'enrichir leurs pratiques en découvr...

  2. Hydrogen as a New Class of Radioprotective Agent (United States)

    Qian, Liren; Shen, Jianliang; Chuai, Yunhai; Cai, Jianming


    It is well known that most of the ionizing radiation-induced damage is caused by hydroxyl radicals (·OH) follows radiolysis of H2O. Molecular hydrogen (H2) has antioxidant activities by selectively reducing ·OH and peroxynitrite(ONOO-). We firstly hypothesized and demonstrated the radioprotective effect of H2 in vitro and in vivo, which was also repeated on different experimental animal models by different departments. A randomized, placebo-controlled study showed that consumption of hydrogen-rich water reduces the biological reaction to radiation-induced oxidative stress without compromising anti-tumor effects. These encouraging results suggested that H2 represents a potentially novel preventative strategy for radiation-induced oxidative injuries. H2 is explosive. Therefore, administration of hydrogen-rich solution (physiological saline/pure water/other solutions saturated with H2) may be more practical in daily life and more suitable for daily consumption. This review focuses on major scientific and clinical advances of hydrogen-rich solution/H2 as a new class of radioprotective agent. PMID:24155664

  3. The radioprotective potential of 3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clemente, Mary Judith Q.; Gomez, Marlyn O.


    The radioprotective potential of 3,5,4'trihydroxystilbene or resveratrol, a compound abundant in grapes, was investigated using the micronucleus test. Gamma radiation (6 Gy) was used to induce micronucleus formation in 12-week old Swiss-Webster mice. Five groups with five mice each were used. Three groups were given corresponding treatments (low, normal, high doses of reservatrol) via oral gavage for one week. The negative control group was not given any radiation nor any compound while the positive control group was exposed to radiation but was not given any compound. The mean micronucleus frequencies arranged from highest to lowest are as follows: low dose, positive control, normal dose, high dose and negative control. Using the analysis of variance-complete random design followed by the Duncan multiple range test, it was proven that resveratrol was able to inhibit micronucleus formation in polychromatic erythrocytes of 12-week old Swiss-Webster mice at the normal (60 micrograms) and high (120 micrograms) concentrations assigned. This suggests that its radioprotective potential may follow a dose-dependent pattern. (Author)

  4. Système d'information et d'assistance à la conduite pour la mise en oeuvre de la sécurité à bord d'un véhicule


    Cai , Shichao


    Dans un souci d'amélioration des conditions de sécurité routière, l'union Européenne s'est fixée comme objectif de réduire le nombre de décès sur les routes. Le projet Européen ASSET aspire à l'amélioration de la sécurité et de la protection des conducteurs, des engins roulants ainsi que des infrastructures routières. Notre travail de thèse s'inscrit pleinement dans le cadre du projet ASSET et a pour application le développement d'outils théoriques et pratiques intégrant un véhicule lambda po...

  5. Radioprotective effect of 2-mercaptopropionylglycine (2-MPG) on the hematology of Swiss albino mice after radiocalcium internal administration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, A.; Bhagat, R.M.


    The drug 2-MPG, when administered before 45 Ca treatment, shows its radioprotective effect on total red blood cells, total white blood cells, hemoglobin balues and hematocrit percentage. However, the radioprotective effects of 2 MPG are limited to early intervals only. (author)

  6. Use of methods of mathemitical theory of experiment in deVeloping many-component radioprotective preparations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vladimirov, V.G.; Zajtseva, T.G.; Kamenko, I.P.; Poddubskij, G.A.; Razorenov, G.S.; Smirnova, S.M.; Tarnopol'skaya, L.G.


    A study was made of the possibility of using a mathematical theory of experiment in developing effective many-component radioprotective preparations. The preparations composed of cystamine or S-(ω-aminopropyl)-β-aminoethyl thiophosphate, as the basis, and mexamine, ethyron and gutimine were used as an example to prove the adequacy of such an approach in solving the problems of optimization of composing the radioprotective complexes according to their efficiency and toxicity

  7. Télétravail : Les enjeux de la déspatialisation pour le management humain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurent Taskin


    Full Text Available En rompant avec une certaine unité de temps, de lieu et d’action, le télétravail bouleverse l’organisation du travail et l’exercice traditionnel des pratiques de management. La déspatialisation, qui renvoie à la distance physique et psychosociologique induite par la pratique du télétravail, constitue l’enjeu central de cette re-régulation nécessaire qui altère fondamentalement la structure du travail et de la supervision. Au cœur de celle-ci, la question du contrôle semble être la dimension la plus critique pour le management. Cette contribution montre comment le contrôle et l’autonomie, qui sont des forces complémentaires en tension au sein des organisations, sont appelés à être reconfigurés dans le cadre du télétravail ; et comment cette nécessaire re-régulation affecte directement la relation managériale, la socialisation organisationnelle et la gestion des carrières.Telework transforms the traditional office space, its management and routines, by exploding the spatio-temporal framework of work. Despatialization, which refers to the geographical and psycho sociological distance consecutive to telework practice, constitutes the major stake of the necessary re-regulation of work in terms of supervision and structure. In tfis context, the control issue represents the most critical dimension for management. This contribution shows how control and autonomy, which are complementary but tightened forces operating inside organizations, have to be re-cast when developing telework; and how this re-regulation affects directly the managerial relationship, organizational socialization, and career management.

  8. Radioprotection of mouse intestine by inhibitors of cyclic amp phosphodiesterase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehnert, S.


    The survival of colony-forming units of the jejunal crypt was used to assay the radioprotective capacity of various inhibitors of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. DL-152, RO-20-1724 and the methyl xanthines, caffeine, theophylline, and methyl isbutyl xanthine (MIX) were all found to have some radioprotective effect. The degree of radioprotecton depended on the route of administration of the drug and on the timing of administration with respect to irradiation. Optimum survival of crypt stem cells was found following intraperitoneal administration of DL-152 (60 min before irradiation) or MIX (30 min before irradiaton), and following intravenous administration of caffeine (60 to 120 min before irradiaton) or theophylline (60 min before irradiation). When these protocols were used, crypt stem cell survival could be enhanced by a factor of from 6 to 7. All the compounds investigated produced some elevation of cyclic AMP content of the whole jejunum; this was found to be simultaneous with or to precede the period of maximum radioprotection. Cyclic AMP was localized with immunofluorescent staining; following injection of DL-152 it was found to be elevated in all parts of the jejunum but to the greatest extent in the lower part of the crypt. Survival curves for crypt stem cells from MIX and DL-152 treated mice were found to have almost the same exponential slope as the saline-injected control, suggesting that the mechanism of protection does not depend on induction of hypoxia

  9. Ce que nous faisons | Page 145 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet(s): Petits Cultivateurs, Pratiques Culturales, Techniques De Culture, Lutte Anti-Ravageur, Résidus De Pesticides, Risques Sanitaires, Hygiène Du Milieu. Région(s): Amériques, Amérique Latine. La pratique de l'horticulture dans les vallées andines situées à mi-altitude requiert des quantités considérables de ...

  10. L'intégration des plantes médicinales en Inde | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    3 févr. 2011 ... Un nouveau programme lancé par le gouvernement de l'Inde pour intégrer les plantes médicinales aux pratiques médicales traditionnelles et aux moyens de subsistance habituels pourrait être une source de revenus pour les villageois qui en font la cueillette et rendre leur utilisation plus sécuritaire.

  11. Industrial radioprotection - interpretations of the standard CNEN-NE-3.01

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dagnino, R.; Zaniolo, C.


    The safety standard established by Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear - Brazilian CNEN, to rule the activities related to radioprotection, embodies various professionals activities. In this article a specific analysis about the application of the standard to industry is presented. (author)

  12. Analysis of Minocycline as a Radioprotectant (United States)

    Mehrotra, Shalini

    Exposure to radiation is increasing in a variety of settings including space exploration, diagnostic medical procedures and radiotherapy. Cells of the hematopoietic system, such as white blood cells (WBC), are especially sensitive to radiation and their decline can result in Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS). Radiotherapy is often used for cancers of the central nervous system (CNS), but includes the risk for normal tissue damage, often leading to cognitive impairment. The literature suggests that tetracyclines can be radioprotectors of the hematopoietic system with potential utility in radiation emergencies and anticancer radiotherapy. Minocycline, a semisynthetic tetracycline derivative, has anti-inflammatory, free radical scavenging, anti-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic properties with exceptional penetration into the CNS. These qualities make it a viable candidate for use in combination with radiotherapy for CNS tumors as a normal tissue radioprotectant and for hematopoietoc recovery following whole-body irradiation. This study was undertaken to determine the potential of minocycline as a radioprotective agent of the hematopoietic system and CNS in response to whole-body irradiation with 1, 2 and 3 Gy (γ-rays). C57BL/6 mice were injected with minocycline, 5 times beginning immediately before irradiation. Spleen, blood and brain were collected on days 4 and 32 post-irradiation. WBC and other cell populations were determined in the blood and spleen while cytokines were quantified in CD3-activated splenocytes and homogenized brain supernatants. We also evaluated the impact of minocycline on DNA synthesis and viability of human glioblastoma cells versus astrocytes and microglia. Minocycline increased counts and percentages of splenic macrophages, granulocytes, natural killer (NK), T and CD8 + T cells on day 4 and B cells on day 32. Minocycline up-regulated interleukin-1α (IL-1α)which is radioprotective, as well as granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM

  13. Protection of the environment. How to position radioprotection in an ecological risk assessment perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brechignac, Francois


    The development of a system capable of ensuring adequate protection of the environment from the harmful effects of ionising radiation is at present particularly debated. This need comes both from a restrictive consideration of the environment in the so far existing system for human radioprotection, and the planetary-wide growing concerns about man's technogenic influence on his environment which have yielded 'sustainability' and 'precaution' as guiding principles for environmental protection. Whilst evolving from the field of human radioprotection, the radioprotection of the environment needs to be discussed in a wider perspective, with particular emphasis on the most advanced concepts which emerge from the efforts to deriving improved approaches to Ecological Risk Assessment. For the sake of protection, the environment is traditionally addressed through its biota since these are the sensitive components of ecosystems. Similarities between man and biotas reflect the ubiquitous mechanistic effects of radiation on life which disrupt molecules. However, important differences also arise in a number of perspectives, from the large spectrum of different species of biotas to their hierarchical self-organisation as interacting populations within ecosystems. Altogether, these aspects are prone to promote complex arrays of different responses to stress which lie beyond the scope of human radioprotection due to its focus on individuals of a single species. By means of selected illustrations, this paper reviews and discusses the current challenges faced in proper identification of measurable effect endpoints (stochastic/deterministic, individual/population- or ecosystem-relevant), dose limits in chronic exposure (or levels of concern), and their consideration according to radiation type (RBE) and interactions with other contaminants (synergies/antagonisms) which represent critical gaps in knowledge. The system of human radioprotection has conceptually been targeted at limiting

  14. The cytogenetic estimate of the radioprotective effect of antioxydant on normal and defected human cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zvereva, S.V.; Mutovina, G.R.; Khandogina, E.K.; Marchenko, L.F.; Neudakhin, E.V.; Artamonov, R.G.; Akif'ev, A.P.


    In studying the radioprotective action of natural and synthesised antioxydants a decreased yield of chromosome aberrations with respect to those in untreated cells was noted in normal cells irradiated in phase G 1 whereas no radioprotective effect was found in cells irradiated in G 0 . The addition of antioxydants into the cell cultures from patients with Turner's syndrome did not change their radiosensitivity. No adaptive response was induced in lymphocytes from patients with Down's syndrome cultivated with vitamine E

  15. Radioprotective effect of low doses of 2-(1-naphthylmethyl)-2-imidazoline alone or associated with phosphorothioates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laval, J.D.; Roman, V.; Fatome, M.; Laduranty, J.; Miginiac, L.; Lion, C.; Sentenac-Roumanou, H.


    In the mouse, the intraperitoneal injection of 2-(1-naphthylmethyl)-2-imidazoline has a radioprotective effect even at low doses. Its association with S-[2-(3-aminopropyl)aminoethyl] phosphorothioate (WR 2721) or S-[3-(3-methylaminopropyl)-aminopropyl]phosphorothioate (WR 151327) at low doses led to an enhancement of their respective radioprotective activities without any apparent side effects. These results strengthen the interest of this non-sulphur compound as a radioprotector

  16. Evaluation of the radioprotective potential of the polyphenol norbadione A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Roux, Antoine; Josset, Elodie; Benzina, Sami; Bischoff, Pierre; Nadal, Brice; Desage-El Murr, Marine; Heurtaux, Benoit; Taran, Frederic; Le Gall, Thierry; Meunier, Stephane; Denis, Jean-Marc


    There is an obvious need to develop efficient countermeasure agents for use in emergency situations or as adjuncts to radiotherapy to protect healthy tissues from the consequences of an irradiation. To this end, we have investigated the capacity of norbadione A, a polyphenol extracted from the edible mushroom Bay boletus to reduce the toxicity of ionizing radiation towards cultured cells and whole-body exposed mice. Results indicate that this compound could slightly enhance the resistance of TK6 lymphoid cells to radiation and increase the survival rate in lethally irradiated mice. However, norbadione A was found to be cytotoxic at concentrations over 30 μM in vitro. The acute toxicity of this compound also precluded its use at higher doses for enhanced in vivo radioprotection. Norbadione A may nevertheless serve as lead for development of less toxic analogs with potentially cytoprotective/radioprotective activities. (authors)

  17. Social Business et grandes entreprises : des solutions innovantes et prometteuses pour vaincre la pauvreté ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Yunus


    Full Text Available Les grandes entreprises ont-elles un rôle à jouer dans la réduction de la pauvreté ? Si tel est le cas, quels sont les moyens d'action qu'elles peuvent et souhaitent mettre en œuvre ? Depuis des décennies, ce sont principalement l’intervention publique, les agences de développement internationales et les ONG qui relèvent le défi de l'éradication de la pauvreté. En réponse aux questionnements sur la responsabilité des entreprises, de plus en plus d'initiatives ont vu le jour, ayant pour objectif la réduction des impacts négatifs des entreprises dans les domaines sociaux et environnementaux. Au-delà de ces approches réactives, certains sont convaincus que des solutions existent, qui s’appuient sur des projets plus proactifs et placent les questions sociales au cœur de la vision d'entreprise. Le Social Business est l'une de ces approches ambitieuses. Il incite l'entreprise à compléter ses pratiques traditionnelles en matière d’innovation et de recherche et développement par des approches d’« open innovation », encastrées localement, visant la création d'un marché tout en cherchant à répondre aux enjeux de pauvreté. Veolia Eau, en collaboration avec Muhammad Yunus, le fondateur de la Grameen Bank, a décidé d'expérimenter ce type de modèle d'entreprise innovant au Bangladesh, fortement touché par le problème de santé publique lié à l'eau des puits, naturellement contaminée en arsenic. Le processus expérimental permet à la joint-venture de s'adapter à la nouveauté et à la complexité (contextuelle, socioculturelle et commerciale, de donner naissance progressivement à un marché réel et de tester un modèle d'entreprise novateur. Cet apprentissage par la pratique amène également une grande entreprise comme Veolia Eau à chercher de nouveaux compromis entre rentabilité à court terme et contribution positive à la société par le biais de modèles économiques qui intègrent les probl

  18. Radioprotective effects of aronia on radiation irradiated rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mun, Hwan Sik; Lee, Jun Haeng [Dept. of Radiology, Nambu University, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    The present study was intended to orally administer aronia to rats, irradiate radiation once to the whole bodies of the rats, and conduct blood tests to observe, compare, and analyze changes in blood cells, such as leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets, in order to examine the radioprotective effects of aronia. As experimental animals, 15 male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats aged six weeks weighing 200∼250 g were taken and divided into the normal group (A) of five rats, the 5 Gy control group (B) of five rats, and the 5 Gy experimental group (C) of five rats. The normal group (A) was not irradiated at all, the control group (B) was administered with general diets and irradiated, and the experimental group(C) was orally administered with 50 mg/kg/day of aronia two times per day to achieve a distilled water oral dose of 100 mg/kg/day and irradiated thereafter (5 Gy at 500 cGy/min) for 14 days. After the experiment, differences in leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets among the normal group (A), the control group (B), and the experimental group (C) were examined by comparing the counts of the blood cells and the results showed no statistically significant differences. However, on a detailed review, the normal group (A) showed statistically higher mean values for all of lymphocytes, hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin as compared to the control group (B) and the experimental group (C). Statistically significant differences in the counts of lymphocytes were shown between the normal group (A) and the control group (B), and between the normal group (A) and the experimental group (C); furthermore, statistically significant differences in mean corpuscular hemoglobin were shown between the normal group (A) and the experimental group (C). Given the results of the present study, in irradiated rats, aronia was generally considered as having no radioprotective effect on leukocyte, erythrocyte, and platelet while having statistically significant radioprotective effects on

  19. Radiobiological study of the radioprotective activity of a natural Iranian compound, ''Shir-Khecht''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rouhanizadeh, N.


    After reviewing the primary mechanisms of the action of ionizing radiation, the possible mechanisms of the action of radioprotective substances, the various chemical structures having a protective effect and the methods for studying chemical radioprotection, the author presents the results he has obtained with natural Iranian product: ''Shir-Khecht''. Tests with this product at lethal and sublethal doses have been carried out on the rat using various means of introduction. The effect of radiation, both with and without protection, has been studied using histological and biochemical methods. The product examined has, in effect, a protective action; it is, furthermore, non-toxic and active when taken orally. (author) [fr

  20. Studies of the radioprotective properties of nicotinyl compounds, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and methionine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itzel-Kietzmann, V.M.


    Radioprotective properties of sodium salts of nicotinyl aspartic acid, nicotinyl methionyl aspartic acid and nicotinyl glutamic acid were tested in mice (NMRI). Experimental animals were irradiated by rayage (9,5 Gy). Parameters were: survival rate, peritoneal fluid cell count, weight and DNA concentration of spleen, hepatic DNA polymerase activity and rate of protein synthesis, lactate dehydrogenase activity in serum, maltase, sucrase and leucine aminopeptidase activitiy in duodenum and jejunum. Following results were obtained: 1. There was no significant difference in survival rate of treated and untreated animals. In treated animals only a short prolongation of survival time was observed. 2. After irradiation a quick reduction of splenic weight and DNA concentration was measured. 3. A reduction of DNA polymerase activity in liver was observed in treated and untreated mice. The rate of hepatic protein synthesis was similar in all animals. A final decrease was observed. 4. Variable activities of maltase, sucrase and leucine aminopeptidase activity in duodenum and jejunum indicated no radioprotective effect of tested substances. In conclusion of these results the tested substances show no significant radioprotective properties. (orig.) [de

  1. Renforcement de la capacité d'adaptation aux changements ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet vise à améliorer les mesures incitatives et les possibilités qui s'offrent aux ménages du sud de la Zambie et du sud-ouest du Zimbabwe pour composer avec les changements climatiques. Pour ce faire, les responsables investiront dans des technologies de production améliorées d'une grande valeur pratique ...

  2. Physique, chimie 1re S

    CERN Document Server


    • Des activités conçues pour correspondre aux pratiques des enseignants ou au temps d’enseignement attribué à une notion. Avec des « Découverte » courtes basées sur les savoirs que possède l’élève en début de chapitre et des « Documentaires » pour construire le cours avec leur « aide aux activités ». Ainsi que des TP pour pratiquer expérimentalement ou exploiter des données. • Un Cours structuré renvoyant aux activités, illustré, enrichi d’applications du cours avec renvois vers les exercices. Il se termine par l’essentiel. • De nombreux Exercices résolus avec des corrections détaillées et après le test de compétences, des exercices classés en entraînement et approfondissement et un exercice en langue anglaise. • Pour satisfaire la curiosité des élèves : Des pages « Culture et Sciences » en fin de cours. Et au long du manuel : L’histoire des sciences et L’histoire des arts. Un site pour les élèves • Simulateurs en ...

  3. Outils et leviers pour favoriser le développement d'une génétique animale adaptée aux enjeux de l'agroécologie : Rapport final de l’étude n° SSP-2014-061


    Phocas, Florence; Belloc, Catherine; Delaby, Luc; Dourmad, Jean-Yves; Ducrot, Christian; Dumont, Bertrand; Ezanno, Pauline; Foucras, Gilles; González García, Eliel; Hazard, Dominique; Lamothe, Laurence; Larzul, Catherine; Mignon-Grasteau, Sandrine; Moreno, Carole; Tixier-Boichard, Michele


    Le néologisme « agro-écologie » est apparu dans la littérature dans les années 30, d’abord pour désigner une discipline scientifique au carrefour de l’écologie et de l’agronomie, puis à partir des années 70 un ensemble de pratiques et un mouvement social en réaction à l’intensification de l’agriculture (Wezel et al., 2009). Francis et al. (2003) ont encore élargi cette définition en considérant l’ensemble des dimensions environnementales et socio-économiques à l’échelle des filières. Dans son...

  4. Radioprotective effects of Cordyceps sinensis extracts on {gamma}-irradiated mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoo, Beong Gyu [Wongwang Health Science College, Iri (Korea, Republic of); Kim, On Joong; Kim, Jae Young [Dongguk University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Effect of single intraperitoneal administration of Cordyceps sinensis (Cs) extract at 24 hour before whole-body {gamma} - irradiation on the survival ratio, body weight, organ weight changes and serum metabolites in the irradiated mice were investigated. The single pre-administration of Cs extract increased the 40-day survival ration of irradiated mice from 66.7 percent to 83.4 percent. The administration of Cs extract completely prevented weight reductions of spleen and thymus produced by {gamma} - irradiation (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Similar but somewhat less radioprotective effect was also found in the testis of the Cs treated mice. The administration of Cs inhibited the serum hyperglycemia produced by irradiation on the day 7th(P < 0.01). However, it did not influence the serum cholesterol and protein levels on the days examined. The present study is the first report regarding Cs which was tested and found to be radioprotective. (Author)

  5. Radioprotective effects of Cordyceps sinensis extracts on γ-irradiated mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Beong Gyu; Kim, On Joong; Kim, Jae Young


    Effect of single intraperitoneal administration of Cordyceps sinensis (Cs) extract at 24 hour before whole-body γ - irradiation on the survival ratio, body weight, organ weight changes and serum metabolites in the irradiated mice were investigated. The single pre-administration of Cs extract increased the 40-day survival ration of irradiated mice from 66.7 percent to 83.4 percent. The administration of Cs extract completely prevented weight reductions of spleen and thymus produced by γ - irradiation (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Similar but somewhat less radioprotective effect was also found in the testis of the Cs treated mice. The administration of Cs inhibited the serum hyperglycemia produced by irradiation on the day 7th(P < 0.01). However, it did not influence the serum cholesterol and protein levels on the days examined. The present study is the first report regarding Cs which was tested and found to be radioprotective. (Author)

  6. Radioprotection in the medical sector: a new quality approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prevot, S.


    The author describes how quality assurance is organized in the field of radioprotection in the Georges-Francois-Leclerc medical centre in Dijon. She also recalls how this organization has recently evolved because of legal but also technical and technological evolutions. She indicates the main attributions and missions of the radiation protection expert in this medical centre

  7. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse (United States)

    Kahan, Meldon; Mailis-Gagnon, Angela; Wilson, Lynn; Srivastava, Anita


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille un résumé clinique pratique des lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, produites par le National Opioid Use Guideline Group. Qualité des données Pour produire les lignes directrices, les chercheurs ont effectué une synthèse critique de la littérature médicale sur l’efficacité et l’innocuité des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse et ont rédigé une série de recommandations. Un panel de 49 cliniciens experts de toutes les régions du Canada ont passé en revue l’ébauche et ont atteint un consensus sur 24 recommandations. Message principal Il est recommandé de faire un dépistage du risque de dépendance avant de prescrire des opioïdes. On recommande des opioïdes faibles (codéine et tramadol) pour une douleur de légère à modérée qui n’a pas répondu aux traitements de première intention. On peut essayer l’oxycodone, l’hydromorphone et la morphine chez les patients qui n’ont pas eu de soulagement avec des opioïdes plus faibles. Une faible dose initiale et une lente hausse du titrage sont recommandées, ainsi qu’une étroite surveillance du patient qu’on a d’abord renseigné. Les médecins doivent surveiller l’apparition de complications comme l’apnée du sommeil. La dose optimale est celle qui améliore le fonctionnement ou atténue les cotes d’évaluation de la douleur d’au moins 30 %. Pour la grande majorité des patients, la dose optimale sera bien en deçà de l’équivalent de 200 mg de morphine par jour. On recommande le sevrage progressif pour les patients qui n’ont pas répondu à un essai d’opioïdes adéquat. Conclusion Les opioïdes jouent un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, mais il faut en prescrire avec prudence pour limiter les dommages potentiels. Les nouvelles lignes directrices

  8. Order n.02-059 /P-RM of 05 juin 2002 setting up radioprotection et safety of ionizing radiation sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This order establishes the legal framework of radioprotection and safety of ionizing radiation sources in Mali. The scope as well as the definition of some main terms are given. The basis principles of radioprotection against ionizing radiation sources are defined. Instructions in uses of ionizing radiations, penal provisions are outlined

  9. In vivo radioprotection of mice by 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (edaravone; Radicut), a clinical drug

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anzai, Kazunori; Furuse, Masako; Yoshida, Akira; Matsuyama, Azusa; Moritake, Takashi; Ikota, Nobuo; Tsuboi, Koji


    Edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one; Radicut) is a brain-protecting agent used clinically to treat acute ischemic stroke with a reaction mechanism of free radical scavenging. Since the initial stage of radiation damage involves the formation of free radicals, edaravone is expected to be effective in preventing lethal damage from ionizing radiation. In the present study, we used mice to examine in vivo the radioprotective effect of edaravone on whole body X-ray irradiation. A solution of edaravone was administered intraperitoneally to C3H mice (male, 10 weeks old), and they were irradiated with a total dose of 8.0 Gy. Edaravone exhibited dose-dependent and injection time-dependent radioprotection. When injected 30 min before the X-ray irradiation, it had the greatest radioprotective effect, whereas an injection after the irradiation showed no protective effect. The LD 50/30 was about 8.8 Gy for edaravone-injected mice and 6.6 Gy for control mice, yielding a DRF for edaravone (450 mg/kg body weight) of 1.3. Edaravone decreased the body temperature transiently about 3-6deg C, but this did not seem to be responsible for the radioprotection. Since the radioprotection was observed only when the reagent was administered before the irradiation, the primary action of edaravone might be the quenching of free radicals with a short lifetime generated by the irradiation. (author)

  10. In vivo radioprotection of mice by 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (edaravone; Radicut), a clinical drug

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anzai, Kazunori; Furuse, Masako; Yoshida, Akira; Matsuyama, Azusa; Moritake, Takashi; Ikota, Nobuo [National Inst. of Radiological Sciences, Chiba (Japan). Research Center for Radiation Safety; Tsuboi, Koji [Tsukuba Univ., Ibaraki (Japan). Inst. of Clinical Medicine


    Edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one; Radicut) is a brain-protecting agent used clinically to treat acute ischemic stroke with a reaction mechanism of free radical scavenging. Since the initial stage of radiation damage involves the formation of free radicals, edaravone is expected to be effective in preventing lethal damage from ionizing radiation. In the present study, we used mice to examine in vivo the radioprotective effect of edaravone on whole body X-ray irradiation. A solution of edaravone was administered intraperitoneally to C3H mice (male, 10 weeks old), and they were irradiated with a total dose of 8.0 Gy. Edaravone exhibited dose-dependent and injection time-dependent radioprotection. When injected 30 min before the X-ray irradiation, it had the greatest radioprotective effect, whereas an injection after the irradiation showed no protective effect. The LD{sub 50/30} was about 8.8 Gy for edaravone-injected mice and 6.6 Gy for control mice, yielding a DRF for edaravone (450 mg/kg body weight) of 1.3. Edaravone decreased the body temperature transiently about 3-6deg C, but this did not seem to be responsible for the radioprotection. Since the radioprotection was observed only when the reagent was administered before the irradiation, the primary action of edaravone might be the quenching of free radicals with a short lifetime generated by the irradiation. (author)

  11. Synthesis and radioprotective study of novel amino-alkyl dithiocarbamic acid derivatives against γ-irradiation in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosseinimehr, S. J.; Beiki, D.; Kebriaeezadeh, A.; Khalaj, A.; Pirali Hamedani, M.; Akhlaghpoor, S.; Esmaeili, H.; Barazesh, A. R.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the radioprotective capacity of some novel amino alkylated dithiocarbamic acid potassium salts against γ-irradiation in mice. Materials and Methods: Eight compounds containing 2-aminoethyl-, 3-aminopropyl-, 4-aminobutyl-, 5-aminopentyl-, 6-aminohexyl-, 7-amino heptyl-, 8-amino octyl and 9-amino nonyl of dithiocarbamate derivatives were prepared. Male NMRI mice were injected intraperitoneally with a geometric progression of doses (300 -1000 mg/kg), through the dose response range for lethal toxicity. To evaluate the radioprotective activity, one-half of the toxic LD 50 of each compound were injected intraperitoneally to groups of twenty mice, 30 minutes prior to γ-irradiation. The treated animals were kept for 30 days, and the lethality was recorded each day. Results: Among Eight compounds of alkyl dithiocarbamic acid derivatives, 5-aminopentyl, 7-amino heptyl, 8-amino octyl and 9-amino nonyl dithiocarbamic acid mono potassium salts are new compounds. All evaluated compounds showed a concentration dependent effect on the survival in mice. The LD 50 values were found to be more than 599 mg/kg. The percentages of 30-day survival of mice for 2-aminoethyl, 7-amino heptyl and 8-amino octyl dithiocarbamic acid derivatives were 7%, 40% and 13.5%, respectively, when injected 30 minutes before γ-irradiation. Other compounds had no radioprotective effects. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the treated and control groups for the 7-amino heptyl derivative (p<0.05). Conclusion: Among the compounds investigated in this study, 7-amino heptyl dithiocarbamate derivative showed more radioprotective effects in comparison with the others. Although it seems that the radioprotective effects in these derivatives correlate with the size of the alkyl chain, more experiments are required to support this hypothesis.

  12. Être Normaliens et pratiquants de Mixed Martial Arts


    Quidu, Matthieu; Delalandre, Matthieu


    La rencontre est a priori improbable entre d’une part le Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), cette discipline de combat sulfureuse et, d’autre part, les élèves de l’École normale supérieure de Lyon, aux parcours académiques d’excellence. Après avoir déconstruit l’illusion d’une dissonance culturelle en termes de légitimité, nous identifions les significations effectives que les Normaliens investissent dans leur pratique. Celles-ci s’avèrent en grande partie génériques et non spécifiques au MMA (dévelop...

  13. Current knowledge from experimental works with radioprotective drugs from the viewpoint of latest scientific research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skalka, J.


    The protection of both human and animal population against a radiation impairment proves to be an impulse for continuous intensive searching for plants with radioprotective properties, identification of their radioprotective components and examination of their effects both in vivo an in vitro. I am presenting the results as well as knowledge of a latest scientific research in this field with testing the following plants: Vigna radiata, Mentha piperita, Citrus aurantium var. amara, Syzygium cumini, Tinospora cordifolia, Aegle marmelos, Phyllanthus amarus, Aloe vera, Angelica sinensis, Rosemarinus officinalis, Panax ginseng, Hippophae rhamnoides, Ocimum sanctum, Crataegus microphylla. (authors)

  14. La pratique du commerce informel par les eleves de brazzaville et n ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pendant les grandes vacances, les élèves choisissent diversement, leur manière de gérer ce temps consacré à la fin des activités scolaires. Dans la capitale congolaise et tchadienne, une catégorie d'entre eux a retenu notre attention: celle des élèves qui pratiquent « le commerce occasionnel ». Ceux de Brazzaville ...

  15. Proceedings of the Fourth Session of Radioprotection of the patient; Actas de la 4. Jornada de Proteccion Radiologica al Paciente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Radiology Argentine Society and the Radioprotection Argentine Society have organized the 4. Session of the Protection to the Patient, in order to inform to the technical and scientific community about the scopes of the radioprotection to the patient. The principal treated topics were the following: effects of the radiation in radiodiagnostic; radioprotection of the fetus and the pregnancy woman; radioprotection in dental radiology; radiological protection in TAC; radiation doses in radiodiagnostic; treatment of radiation injuries; fatal accidents in radiotherapy. [Spanish] La Sociedad Argentina de Radiologia, y la Sociedad Argentina de Radioproteccion, han organizado la 4ta. Jornada de Proteccion al Paciente, con el objeto de informar a la comunidad cientifico y tecnica sobre los alcances de la radioproteccion al paciente. Los principales temas tratados fueron los siguientes: efectos de la radiacion en radiodiagnostico; radioproteccion del feto y la mujer gestante; radioproteccion en radiologia odontologica; proteccion radioogica en TAC; dosis de radiacion en radiodiagnostico; tratamiento de lesiones por radiacion; accidentes fatales en radioterapia.

  16. PRATIQUE: a research project to enhance pest risk analysis techniques in the European Union

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baker, R.H.A.; Battisti, A.; Bremmer, J.; Kenis, M.; Mumford, J.; Petter, F.; Schrader, G.; Bacher, S.; DeBarro, P.; Hulme, P.E.; Karadjova, O.; Oude Lansink, A.; Pruvost, O.; Pysek, P.; Roques, A.; Baranchikov, Y.; Sun, J.H.


    PRATIQUE is an EC-funded 7th Framework research project designed to address the major challenges for pest risk analysis (PRA) in Europe. It has three principal objectives: (a) to assemble the datasets required to construct PRAs valid for the whole of the EU, (b) to conduct multi-disciplinary

  17. Distinct radioprotective activities of major heat shock proteins in irradiated mammalian cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kabakov, Alexander; Malyutina, Yana; Kudryavtsev, Vladimir


    Full text: Several years ago we have suggested that heat shock proteins (Hsps) can be involved in cellular and tissue mechanisms of protection from ionizing radiation. At present, the accumulated experimental data do allow us to characterize three major mammalian Hsps, Hsp70, Hsp27 and Hsp90, as specific endogenous radioprotectors which are able to prevent or minimize cell death resulting from the radiation exposure. It follows from the many findings that the radioprotective effect of these Hsps is particularly manifested in their ability to attenuate apoptosis in various normal and tumor cells irradiated in vivo or in vitro. The obtained data already enable to suggest three main mechanisms of the radioprotection conferred by the excess Hsps: 1) Modulation of the intracellular signaling so that the apoptotic signal transduction is blocked, whereas the 'cell survival' signal transduction is stimulated; 2) Suppression of the radiation-associated free radical generation and apoptosis induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS); 3) Attenuation of the genotoxic impact of ionizing radiation. The latter suggested mechanism seems particularly intriguing and implies that the excess Hsps can somehow contribute to protection/repair of genomic DNA from radiation-induced damage. According to our recent results, Hsp90 is indeed involved in the post-irradiation repair of nuclear DNA, while excess Hsp70 can beneficially affect the p53-mediated DNA damage response in irradiated cells to ensure their long-term survival and recovery. As for Hsp27, we found that its accumulation in target cells increases their radioresistance by enhancing the irradiation-responsive activation of anti apoptotic pathways. While the Hsp70 and Hsp27 seem to perform different functions in irradiated cells, the synergistic enhancement of radioprotection was clearly observed in the cells enriched by the both the Hsps. In vivo, such radioprotective activities of the major mammalian Hsps may play a role in

  18. Note from the radioprotection group's shipping service

    CERN Multimedia


    Le service SHIPPING du groupe de radioprotection souhaite vous rappeler qu'avant toute expédition de matériel susceptible d'être radioactif, une demande de transport doit être établie par EDH en cochant la case appropriée (danger radioactif). Merci de bien vouloir prendre note des informations figurant dans le site Web: Toute demande non conforme ne sera pas prise en compte. Radioactive Shipping Serviceél: 73171Fax: 69200

  19. Radioprotective potential of Decalepis hamiltonii: a study on gamma radiation-induced oxidative stress and toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pasha, Muzeer; Shivanandappa, T.; Ramesh, S.R.; Sanjeev, Ganesh


    Radiation-induced damage to normal tissues restricts the therapeutic use of radiation in clinical application for cancer treatment and thereby limits the efficacy of the treatment. The use of chemical compounds as radioprotectors is a desirable strategy to improve the therapeutic index of radiotherapy. However, most of the synthetic radioprotective compounds studied have shown to have undesirable properties of toxicity. There is a need for safer, natural radioprotective agents without compromising efficacy of the treatment. We have investigated the radioprotective potential of Decalepis hamiltonii (Dh) root extract which is rich in natural antioxidants by employing Drosophila melanogaster as a model. Irradiation of Drosophila with 100, 200, and 400 Gy of gamma radiation induced dose-dependent mortality. Elevation in the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), the activities of catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and depletion of glutathione (GSH) content suggested radiation-induced oxidative stress. Pretreatment of flies with Dh root extract protected them from radiation-induced mortality and oxidative stress as evidenced by reduction in TBARS and restoration of the antioxidant enzymes, SOD and CAT, and GSH to control levels. This is the first report of radioprotective action of Dh root extract in D. melanogaster. (author)

  20. Enhancement of radioprotective effectiveness of adenosine monophosphate by magnesium aspartate in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pospisil, M.; Netikova, J.; Kozubik, A.; Chertkov, K.S.; Ministry of Health, Moscow


    The enhancing effect of magnesium aspartate on the radioprotective effectiveness of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) administered to whole-body gamma-irradiated mice was studied. Male (CBA x C57BL/10)F 1 hybrid mice of a mean body weight of 32 g were used. 5 mg AMP per mouse was injected i.p. 15 min before and 15 min after irradiation; magnesium aspartate (13.3 mg per mouse) was administered s.c. 35 min before irradiation. The benefical effect of the drug combination used was manifested when investigating hematological indices at the recovery phase of sublethally irradiated animals, as well as when observing the survival of lethally irradiated mice. The synergistic radioprotective effects of AMP and magnesium aspartate are explained by the stimulatory action of both these compounds on the cell adenylate cyclase system. (author)

  1. Le CRDI au Sénégal

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'eau ainsi traitée peut être utilisée sans danger pour arroser les potagers. Le Programme des. Nations Unies pour les établissements urbains, ONU-HABITAT, a ajouté cette innovation à sa liste de « meilleures pratiques », et la Banque mondiale l'a intégrée à ses programmes. Les TI au service d'un meilleur apprentissage.

  2. Les TIC au secours des éleveurs du Sahel | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 févr. 2011 ... ... grand marché hebdomadaire des zones rurales du Sénégal. ... Comment, alors, aider les communautés rurales à pratiquer un mode d'élevage plus ... du Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI). ... Enfin, certains éleveurs ont aussi été initiés à l'informatique pour accéder à ...

  3. La cogestion des

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cathy Egan

    tous de meilleurs outils pour faire face aux enjeux poli- tiques et pratiques qui accompagnent inévitablement le développement. Cette étude de cas a été rédigée par Bob Stanley, rédacteur établi à Ottawa. Renseignements. M. Touch Tonet. Partenariat du PNUD pour la gouvernance locale. Palais du gouvernement, C.D.C., ...

  4. Triatominae et Cactaceae : un risque pour la transmission de la Trypanosomose américaine dans le péridomicile (nord-est du Brésil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emperaire L.


    Full Text Available Les observations de terrain réalisées dans le nord-est du Brésil ont montré la fréquente association, dans l’espace péridomiciliaire, entre un cactus, le Cereus jamacaru, la présence de nids dans ses branches et celle de Rhodnius neglectus et de Triatoma pseudomaculata, espèces vectrices du parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, agent de la maladie de Chagas. L’analyse des variables architecturales de cette Cactaceae montre que la présence de nids, et donc d’insectes, est inféodée aux pratiques traditionnelles de gestion de ce cactus. Cette étude souligne l’intérêt d’une approche intégrée de l’écologie des Triatominae pour l’identification des variables indicatrices de risque.

  5. Performance of the Radioprotection Engineering Group in the new structure of IPEN-CNEN/SP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahyun, A.; Sordi, G.M.A.A.


    A comparison between the old and now CNEN (Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission) organizational structure was performed. The new structure lead to a new IPEN (Nuclear and Energetics Research Institute) organization and also to gave use to a Radioprotection Engineering Area, The principal modification raised a second block already in accomplishment. The main aim of the Radioprotection Engineering Area is to turn personnel team interested, concerned, dexterous, dynamic and competitive on their activities besides to provide it of a continuously improvement and updating about technical activities in radiation protection. From these results an evaluation of possible drawbacks and ways to overcome them will be performed. (author)

  6. Gender | Page 179 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... et font connaître des solutions pratiques pour la culture des légumineuses à ... Language French ... Language French ... Language French ... Language French ... A project supported by the Canadian International Food Security Research ...

  7. WR-1065 and radioprotection of vascular endothelial cells. I. Cell proliferation, DNA synthesis and damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rubin, D.B.; Drab, E.A.; Kang, H.J.; Baumann, F.E.; Blazek, E.R.


    Normal tissue toxicity limits radiation therapy and could depend on the extent of damage to the vascular endothelium. Aminothiols such as WR-1065 [N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-diaminopropane] provide radioprotection for normal tissues, but little is known about how the aminothiols specifically affect the endothelium. Bovine aortic endothelial cells in culture were exposed to WR-1065 for 2 h before irradiation ( 137 Cs γ rays, 1 Gy/min). Alone, WR-1065 demonstrated an antiproliferative effect that was related to dose (0.5-4 mM) and was evident by lowered counts of adherent cells 48 h after exposure. WR-1065 was clearly radioprotective when assessed by colony formation and incorporation of [ 3 H]thymidine. However, when the number of adherent cells was evaluated, radioprotection appeared to be slight and evident only in logarithmically growing cells. WR-1065 at 2 mM suppressed single-strand DNA breaks after 3 Gy by 22% and double-strand breaks after 9 Gy by 47%. Also in the irradiated cells, WR-1065 more than doubled the rate of progression of cells from G 1 to S phase. WR-1065 pretreatment elevated cellular glutathione (GSH) content more than twofold. Although pretreatment with buthionine sulfoximine inhibited the elevation of GSH, the radioprotective impact of WR-1065 on total DNA strand breaks and colony formation was unaffected. These results suggest that WR-1065 may enable tissue recovery from irradiation by promoting the replication of endothelial cells, possibly by mechanisms independent of GSH. 46 refs., 6 figs., 2 tabs

  8. Radioprotection plan at the Abadia interim repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, J.G.; Rabello, P.N.P.; Tranjan Filho, A.


    The wastes from Goiania radiological accident are temporarily stored at a site near the village of Abadia de Goias, 23 km for far from downtown Goiania. Foreseeing operations inside the storage yard, a Radioprotection Plan was organize primarily with the aim of establishing procedures to reduce radiation exposure of workers to as-low-as reasonably achievable (ALARA principles and to be at the adopted regulatory exposure radiation limits. The adequacy of the storage containers and their reconditioning are the operations involved. (B.C.A.). 09 refs, 02 tabs

  9. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Face à ce constat, le défi de la recherche serait la détermination du niveau actuel de contamination des légumes feuilles et des eaux du barrage et celui de l'État serait l'initiation de programmes de sensibilisation des producteurs par rapport à une gestion plus rigoureuse des pesticides. Mots-clés : pratiques paysannes, ...

  10. Radioprotection of the intestinal crypts of mice by recombinant human interleukin-1 alpha

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, S.G.; Miyamoto, T.


    Recombinant human interleukin-1 alpha (rHIL-1 alpha or IL-1) protected the intestinal crypt cells of mice against X-ray-induced damage. The survival of crypt cells measured in terms of their ability to form colonies of regenerating duodenal epithelium in situ was increased when IL-1 was given either before or after irradiation. The maximum degree of radioprotection was seen when the drug was given between 13 and 25 h before irradiation. The IL-1 dose producing maximum protection was about 6.3 micrograms/kg. This is the first report indicating that the cytokine IL-1 has a radioprotective effect in the intestine. The finding suggests that IL-1 may be of potential value in preventing radiation injury to the gut in the clinic

  11. Radioprotection of the rat parotid gland by cAMP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sodicoff, M.; Conger, A.D.


    Most earlier studies showing a radioprotective effect by cAMP show only slight degrees of protection. The present study demonstrates a substantial protective effect (DMF, 1.63) of exogenously administered cAMP on the rat parotid gland and supports the mechanism suggested previously for protection afforded the parotid glands by the β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, which is known to elevate endogenous intracellular cAMP

  12. Evaluation of radioprotective properties of chlorophyllin against the gamma-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hernandez-Gutierrez, M.E.


    Several decades ago it had been demonstrated that chlorophyllin, and its water soluble derivates, such as chlorophyllin, have therapeutic values. recently an antimutagenic activity has been observed in several tests. The aim of this work is to investigate if chlorophyllin has some radioprotective effect when the organisms are exposed to gamma-rays. The somatic mutation and recombination test in drosophila was used. This test allows us to detect simultaneously both genetic mutation, chromosomal aberration and mitotic recombination. The conduction of the experiment involved four treatments: 1) 5% sucrose, 2) 5% chlorophyllin, 3) 5% sucrose +20Gyγrays 4) 5% chlorophyllin +20Gyγrays. All the treatments lasted 24 hours and three replicas were performed. The data obtained showed a significant decrease in spot frequency found in the treatment with chlorophyllin and γ rays. From the results we are to conclude that the chlorophyllin has a radioprotective effect, when the drosophila larvae are irradiated with 20 Gy OF γrays. Mitotic recombination was affected in the same way and it is important because genetic recombination process are related to cancer induction. (Author)

  13. Les activités communicatives des tuteurs en psychologie du développement et en pratiques à l’université


    Olry-Louis, Isabelle


    Cet article vise à faire le point sur les activités communicatives déployées par les tuteurs en articulant la littérature propre à la psychologie du développement et celle qui décrit les pratiques d’accompagnement des nouveaux étudiants à l’université. Centré sur l’examen des processus langagiers, cognitifs et socio-affectifs mobilisés, l’article souligne les écarts entre le tutorat tel qu’il est étudié et tel qu’il est mis en pratique. Il conclut en proposant quelques pistes d’amélioration d...

  14. QED, QCD en pratique


    Aurenche , P; Guillet , J.-Ph; Pilon , E


    3rd cycle; Ces notes sont une introduction à l'application de l'électrodynamique quantique (QED) et de la chromodynamiques quantique (QCD) aux réactions de diffusion à hautes énergies. Le premier thème abordé est celui des divergences ultraviolettes et de la renormalisation à une boucle, avec comme conséquence pour QCD la liberté asymptotique. Le deuxième thème est celui des divergences infrarouges et colinéaires qui dans QCD sont traitées dans le cadre du modèle des partons avec l'introducti...

  15. Evaluation des Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations des districts sanitaires de Benoye, Laoukassy, Moundou et N’Djaména Sud sur la rage canine au Tchad (United States)

    Mindekem, Rolande; Lechenne, Monique; Alfaroukh, Idriss Oumar; Moto, Daugla Doumagoum; Zinsstag, Jakob; Ouedraogo, Laurent Tinoaga; Salifou, Sahidou


    Introduction La rage canine demeure une préoccupation en Afrique comme au Tchad. La présente étude vise à évaluer les Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations pour la prise en charge appropriée des personnes exposées et une lutte efficace. Méthodes C’était une étude transversale descriptive réalisée en juillet et septembre dans quatre districts sanitaires au Tchad en 2015. Les données ont été collectées à l’aide d’un questionnaire auprès des ménages recrutés suivant un sondage aléatoire à 3 degrés. Résultats C’était 2428 personnes enquêtées avec un niveau maximum primaire (54,12%). L’âge moyen était de 36 ± 13,50 ans. Ils étaient cultivateurs (35,17%), commerçants (18,04%), ménagères (12,81%). La rage était définie comme une maladie transmise du chien à l’homme (41,43%), une altération du cerveau (41,27%), une sous-alimentation (10,26%). Le chat était faiblement connu réservoir (13,84%) et vecteur (19,77%) ainsi que la griffure comme moyen de transmission (4,61%) et la vaccination du chat comme mesure préventive (0,49%). Les premiers soins en cas de morsure à domicile étaient les pratiques traditionnelles (47,69%), le lavage des plaies (19,48%) ou aucune action entreprise (20,43%). Les ménages consultaient la santé humaine (78,50%), la santé animale (5,35%) et les guérisseurs traditionnels (27%). Conclusion La communication en rapport avec des premiers soins à la maison en cas de morsure, la connaissance du chat comme réservoir et vecteur, celle de la griffure comme moyen de transmission et la promotion de la consultation des services vétérinaires en cas de morsure sont nécessaires. PMID:28761600

  16. Standard 'Principle guides of radioprotection': introduced concepts and future forecasting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dagnino, R.


    The main topics introduced by the new CNEN standard NE 3.01 - Basic Directrix of Radioprotection directly associated to the field work in industrial radiography are presented. It's showed a practical example which evidences the need of information exchange among the industrial security, radiological safety and quality control staffs for the continuity of works in this area. (author)

  17. Radio-protection problems presented by iodine isotopes in nuclear fuel chemical treatment plants (1962); Les problemes de radioprotection poses par les isotopes de l'iode dans les installations de traitement chimique des combustibles (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouzigues, H; Scheidhauer, J; Messainguiral, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The origin of radio-iodine and the conditions in which it is liberated are given. The authors review the question of the risks associated with the presence of this radioelement In the atmosphere. Finally a method is proposed for the trapping and rapid measuring of the iodine in the vapour form, applicable to radioprotection. (authors) [French] L'origine et les conditions de liberation du radioiode sont exposees. Les auteurs font le point de la question des risques associes a la presence de ce radioelement dans l'atmosphere. Enfin, une methode de piegeage et de mesure rapide de l'iode a l'etat de vapeur applicable a la radioprotection, est proposee. (auteurs)

  18. Study of radioprotective effect of the resveratrol;Estudo do efeito radioprotetor do resveratrol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moreno, Carolina dos Santos


    Resveratrol (3,4,5 trihydroxystilbene), a phenolic phytoalexin occurring naturally in a wide variety of plants, such as grapevines, in response to injury as fungal infections and exposure to ultraviolet light. In the wines this compound is present at high levels and is considered one of the highest antioxidant constituents. This high capacity to scavenge the free radicals generated by several biologic processes by resveratrol can provide a prevention of human cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. The main objective of this study was to determine the in vitro radioprotective effect of resveratrol in cell culture with the aid of the tests of cytotoxicity of resveratrol (IC50%) and lethal dose 50% of gamma radiation (LD50). Studies of the level of resveratrol toxicity, found by cytotoxicity test performed by neutral red uptake assay, and lethal dose 50% (LD50) of gamma radiation from source of Cobalt-60 (Co-60) was performed in cell culture NCTC Clone 929 from ATCC. The IC50% of resveratrol was about 50 M/L. The DL50 of gamma radiation showed a value of about 354 Gy. On the basis of these biological results, it was performed studies of radioprotective effect of resveratrol on the same experimental conditions, verifying that the resveratrol in concentrations between 12.5 M/L and 25 M/L showed a more pronounced radioprotective effect. (author)

  19. Radioprotective effects of antioxidative plant flavonoids in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimoi, Kayoko; Masuda, Shuichi; Shen, Bingrong; Furugori, Michiyo; Kinae, Naohide


    Radioprotective effects of tea infusions and plant flavonoids were investigated by using the micronucleus test for anticlastogenic activity and the thiobarbituric acid assay for antioxidative activity. A single gastric intubation of rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) infusion at 1 ml per mouse 2 h prior to γ-ray irradiation (1.5 Gy) reduced the frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes (MNRETs). After the fractionation of rooibos tea infusion, the flavonoid fraction was found to be most anticlastogenic and antioxidative. From this fraction, luteolin was isolated as an effective component. Then, anticlastogenic effects of 12 flavonoids containing luteolin and their antioxidative activities against lipid peroxidation by Fenton's reagent were examined. A good correlation (r=0.717) was observed between both activities. Luteolin showed the most effective potency. A gastric intubation of luteolin (10 μmol/kg) 2 h prior to γ-ray irradiation (6 Gy) suppressed lipid peroxidation in mouse bone marrow and spleen and a trend of protective effect of luteolin against the decrease of endogenous ascorbic acid in mouse bone marrow after γ-ray irradiation (3 Gy) was observed. These results suggest that plant flavonoids, which show antioxidative potency in vitro, work as antioxidants in vivo and their radioprotective effects may be attributed to their scavenging potency towards free radicals such as hydroxyl radicals. Therefore, the flavonoids contained in tea, vegetables and fruits seem to be important as antioxidants in the human diet

  20. Chemical radioprotection to bone marrow stem cells after whole body gamma irradiation to mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dey, J.; Dey, T.B.; Ganguly, S.K.; Nagpal, K.K.; Ghose, A.


    Protection to mice bone marrow stem cells has been noted as early as two days after whole body gamma ray exposure by prior treatment with combination of hydroxytryptophan (HT) and one of the two thiol drugs viz., aminoethylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET) (20 mg/kg body weight) and B-mercaptopropionylglicine (MPG). The levels of protection to bone marrow stem cells thus obtained have been compared to that obtained by treating with the optimum radioprotecting dose of AET (200 mg/kg body weight). The study reports the bone marrow stem cells status after two days of 3 Gy, 5 Gy and 10 Gy whole body gamma irradiation in relation to the mentioned radioprotecting treatments as studied by spleen colony forming method.

  1. Le rôle de paysans mieux informés au Bénin

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    stratégies pertinentes. Pour faire face à la sécheresse, ces dernières devront tenir compte de l'ajustement du calendrier agricole et de l'adoption de pratiques culturales permettant de conserver l'humidité du sol, d'utiliser des variétés adaptées et de mieux gérer l'eau de ruissellement et des puits. Pour affronter les tempêtes ...

  2. Production horticole saine et durable dans les Andes centrales ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La pratique de l'horticulture dans les vallées andines situées à mi-altitude requiert des quantités considérables de pesticides mutagènes très dangereux. Mais il s'agit d'une source de revenu supplémentaire pour les familles agricoles et d'une source d'approvisionnement en légumes frais pour les marchés des villes.

  3. Insécurité alimentaire et sous-alimentation au Guatemala | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet examinera et influera sur les politiques et les pratiques en matière de sécurité alimentaire et de nutrition pour l'agriculture à petite échelle. Un premier volet comportera la réalisation de huit études de cas ayant pour but d'analyser les situations où la sécurité alimentaire et les indicateurs de nutrition se sont ...

  4. Une réforme du droit de la famille pour remettre en question la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Souvent, de telles interprétations engendrent et servent à justifier des pratiques telles que le mariage de jeunes enfants et le mariage forcé, la perte de la garde des enfants par la mère, l'interdiction aux femmes de demander le divorce, la pratique des crimes d'honneur, et le droit des parents et des membres de la famille ...

  5. Evaluation of the free radical scavenging activity and radioprotective efficacy of Grewia asiatica fruit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, Krishna V; Sisodia, Rashmi [Radiation Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302055 (India)], E-mail:


    The radioprotective effect of Grewia asiatica fruit (GAE) which contains anthocyanin-type cyanidin 3-glucoside, vitamins C and A, minerals, carotenes and dietary fibre was studied. For the study Swiss albino mice were divided into five groups: (1) control (vehicle treated); (2) GAE treated (700 mg kg{sup -1} day{sup -1} for 15 days); (3) irradiated (5 Gy); (4) GAE+irradiated and (5) irradiated+GAE treated. The irradiation of animals resulted in a significant elevation of lipid peroxidation in terms of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) content and depletion in glutathione (GSH) and protein levels at all intervals studied, namely 1-30 days, in comparison to the control group. Treatment of mice with GAE before and after irradiation caused a significant depletion in TBARS content followed by a significant elevation in GSH and protein concentration in the intestine and testis of mice at all post-irradiation autopsy intervals in comparison to irradiated mice. Significant protection of DNA and RNA in testis was also noticed. GAE was found to have strong radical scavenging activity in 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH{sup *}) and O{sub 2}{sup -} assays and also showed in vitro radioprotective activity in protein carbonyl assay in a dose-dependent manner. The above results prove the radioprotective efficacy of GAE.

  6. Improved chemical radioprotection following activation with dextran sulfate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartonickova, A.; Vacek, A.; Rotkovska, D.


    The radioresistance was observed of mice after sublethal and lethal gamma irradiation following a combined application of dextran sulphate and the chemical radioprotectors cystamine and mexamine. The mechanism of the radioprotection by mexamine and cystamine is connected with their effect on the oxygen tension in tissues. With the application of dextran sulphate an increase was observed in metabolic activity of tissues and a reduced oxygen tension in the medium will result in a deeper cell hypoxia in the tissue. (M.D.)

  7. Essai d’une méthodologie d’analyse des données d’Internet sur un ordinateur


    Géraldine Foin


    Dans l’étude de l’environnement numérique dans lequel les individus vivent et évoluent, des problèmes méthodologiques peuvent se poser pour les chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales. Cet article s’interroge sur la compatibilité des outils classiques en sciences sociales pour l’étude des pratiques numériques sur un écran, celui de l’ordinateur. En effet, l’usage classique d’entretiens, de questionnaires ou d’observations ne suffit plus pour recueillir avec précision les données relatives...

  8. Development of enhanced radioprotectors - Biochemical and molecular genetical approaches on the radioprotective mechanism of natural products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jeong Hee; Lee, Eun Ju; Hong, Jung A [Kyunghee University, Seoul (Korea)


    To identify radio-protective agent candidate among medicinal plants and to elucidate the mechanism of action of the candidate material by using modern biochemical and molecular biological methods, we screened radio-protective activity among 48 medicinal plants. Seven samples showed above 20% protective activities against oxidative cell damage: Euryale ferox, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Eucomia ulmoides, Paeonia suffruticosa, Spirodela polyrrhiza, and Nelumbo nucifera. We also screened for oxidative stress sensitizing activity among other 51 medicinal plants. Among those samples, 11 samples showed good sensitizing effect; Melia azedarach, Agastache rugosa, Catalpa ovata, Prunus persica, Sinomenium acutum, Pulsatilla koreana, Oldenlandia diffusa, Anthriscus sylvestris, Schizandra chinensis, Gleditsia sinensis, and Cridium officinale. We also reported the radio-protective effect of DTT. The treatment of DTT increased cell survival after gamma-irradiation, decreased in the frequencies of micronucleus, and reduction in DNA fragmentation and apoptotic cells. Induction of apoptosis after UV-C irradiation was revealed by the changes in the relative cell death, increase in the relative amount of apoptotic cells, and the induction of DNA fragmentation. 165 refs., 9 figs., 8 tabs. (Author)

  9. Avortements non médicalisés: état des lieux à travers une étude rétrospective de 451 cas traités à l'hôpital militaire d'instruction Moulay Ismail Meknès, Maroc (United States)

    Laghzaoui, Omar


    L'avortement non médicalisé est un fléau dans le monde entier mais notamment en Afrique où il constitue un marché lucratif pour les tradipraticiens qui exposent les patientes à des complications graves voir mortelles. Notre étude rétrospective de 451 dossiers représente un échantillon exhaustif de cette pratique au Maroc soulevant les raisons qui poussent les femmes à l'avortement non médicalisé, la tranche d’âge la plus concernée, les conditions et les complications inhérentes à l'acte. Notre travail aboutit sur la nécessité d'intervenir avant la grossesse en développant la notion de contraception chez les jeunes filles dès la scolarité pour minimiser ces pratiques non sanitaires. PMID:27642422

  10. Introduction à la théorie quantique concepts, pratiques et applications

    CERN Document Server

    Desouter, Michèle; Chapuisat, Xavier


    Introduction à la théorie quantique avec exercices corrigés pour les niveaux licence et master en physique, physico-chimie et chimie, permet d'atteindre une base solide en Mécanique Quantique et le niveau indispensable pour aborder les sujets multidisciplinaires de la recherche actuelle. En complément optionnel sur un site compagnon, des applications interactives.

  11. Etude de la performance des radars hautes-frequences CODAR et WERA pour la mesure des courants marins en presence partielle de glace de mer (United States)

    Kamli, Emna

    Les radars hautes-frequences (RHF) mesurent les courants marins de surface avec une portee pouvant atteindre 200 kilometres et une resolution de l'ordre du kilometre. Cette etude a pour but de caracteriser la performance des RHF, en terme de couverture spatiale, pour la mesure des courants de surface en presence partielle de glace de mer. Pour ce faire, les mesures des courants de deux radars de type CODAR sur la rive sud de l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent, et d'un radar de type WERA sur la rive nord, prises pendant l'hiver 2013, ont ete utilisees. Dans un premier temps, l'aire moyenne journaliere de la zone ou les courants sont mesures par chaque radar a ete comparee a l'energie des vagues de Bragg calculee a partir des donnees brutes d'acceleration fournies par une bouee mouillee dans la zone couverte par les radars. La couverture des CODARs est dependante de la densite d'energie de Bragg, alors que la couverture du WERA y est pratiquement insensible. Un modele de fetch appele GENER a ete force par la vitesse du vent predite par le modele GEM d'Environnement Canada pour estimer la hauteur significative ainsi que la periode modale des vagues. A partir de ces parametres, la densite d'energie des vagues de Bragg a ete evaluee pendant l'hiver a l'aide du spectre theorique de Bretschneider. Ces resultats permettent d'etablir la couverture normale de chaque radar en absence de glace de mer. La concentration de glace de mer, predite par le systeme canadien operationnel de prevision glace-ocean, a ete moyennee sur les differents fetchs du vent selon la direction moyenne journaliere des vagues predites par GENER. Dans un deuxieme temps, la relation entre le ratio des couvertures journalieres obtenues pendant l'hiver 2013 et des couvertures normales de chaque radar d'une part, et la concentration moyenne journaliere de glace de mer d'autre part, a ete etablie. Le ratio des couvertures decroit avec l'augmentation de la concentration de glace de mer pour les deux types

  12. Radioprotective effects of bacterial superoxide dismutase on mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Tianxi


    The radioprotective effects of bacterial superoxide dismutase (b-SOD) on the mice irradiated by 8 Gy γ-ray were investigated. The results showed that when b-SOD was injected before and after irradiation, the survival fraction of mice is increased 50% and 30% respectively. The former treatment could increase the DNA synthesis of the myeloid cells and spleen's lymphocytes, decrease the LPO of tissue homogenates and the hemolysis of erythrocytes significantly. The mechanism that b-SOD can drop the radiation injury of the mice was discussed

  13. Radioprotection of normal tissues of the mouse by hypoxic breathing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevens, G.N.; Joiner, B.; Denekamp, J.


    Hypoxic breathing during irradiation has been advocated as a therapeutic modality, to increase the efficacy of radiotherapy. In this form of treatment, the total and daily X-ray dose is increased by a factor of 1.25, on the assumption that all normal tissues in the beam will be protected to a similar extent by breathing gas containing a reduced oxygen concentration (usually 10%). To test this concept, we have determined the effect of varying the inspired oxygen tension on the radiosensitivity of 3 normal tissues in the mouse (kidney, jejunum and skin), and have compared these results with data from the literature for mouse lung. Reduction of the inspired oxygen tension from 21% (air) to 7-8% led to much greater radioprotection of skin (protection factor 1.37) than of lung (1.09). Protection factors for jejunum and kidney were 1.16 and 1.36 respectively. The results show that the extent of radioprotection afforded by hypoxic breathing is tissue dependent, and that great care must be taken clinically in choosing the increased radiation dose to be used in conjunction with hypoxic breathing

  14. Le quatrième Symposium mondial sur la recherche sur les systèmes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 janv. 2017 ... ... dans le cadre de l'initiative ISMEA pour influencer les politiques et pratiques ... par différents moyens (blogues, entretiens, films et médias sociaux). ... Social enterprise models to improve women's livelihoods and health in ...

  15. Vasoactive and radioprotective properties of isothiourea derivatives having NOS-inhibitory activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Filimonova, Marina V.; Shevchenko, Ludmila I.; Ulyanenko, Stepan E.; Makarchuk, Victorya M.; Kuznetsova, Mary N.; Shevchuk, Aza S.; Lushnikova, Galina A.; Chesnakova, Ekaterina A. [Medical Radiological Research Center Health Ministry of Russia, 4, Korolev street, Obninsk, 249036, Kaluga region (Russian Federation)


    We studied vasoactive and radioprotective properties of new original N-acyl, S-alkyl isothiourea derivatives which are potent inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases (preferably eNOS and iNOS). These compounds have a moderate toxicity (LD50 - 400-550 mg/kg), and are stable in aqueous solutions. In hemodynamic studies, these compounds exhibited high vasotropic activity. The use of these compounds in doses of 5-15 mg/kg (0,01-0,03 LD{sub 50}) in the experimental animals in a state of the severe hemorrhagic or endo-toxic shock causes a potent vasopressor effect, accompanied by a significant and continuous rise in blood pressure. The increasing of vascular tone developed over 2-5 min after injection and persisted for at least 60-90 minutes, excelling at least 3-5 times the duration of α1-adreno-mimetic vasopressor action. The rapid increase in vascular tone under the influence of these compounds in normo-tonic animals caused protective baroreflex to prevent high blood pressure. At doses of 10-15 mg/kg the reflex reaction was mild, but at higher doses (30-40 mg/kg) the reaction was fierce and prolonged, and was accompanied by severe bradycardia, decreasing of the cardiac output and a significant weakening of the peripheral blood flow. In all cases, the hemodynamic response was reflexive and easily eliminated by atropine. The ability of these compounds to induce circulatory hypoxia was the basis for the study of their radioprotective properties. The study of radioprotective effect on the survival of animals exposed to lethal doses of γ-radiation (10 Gy) and on the survival of hematopoietic clonogenic cells showed that these compounds in doses of 80-150 mg/kg (0,2-0,3 LD50) have considerable radioprotective action, which is comparable with the protective effect of the maximum tolerated dose of cystamine. The factor of change in dose for γ-radiation, estimated by the LD{sub 50}, was 1,42-1,58. We also investigated the ability of the test compounds, due to their hypoxic

  16. Un programme de formation en médecine d'urgence vise à freiner l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Dave MacKinnon fait une démonstration sur la confection d'un plâtre devant des médecins résidents à Addis-Abeba. Depuis trente ans, 4 000 médecins ont quitté l'Éthiopie pour se spécialiser à l'étranger. Malheureusement, très peu d'entre eux y sont retournés pour pratiquer dans leur domaine de ...

  17. Les mobiles de participation des filles au football et autonomisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cette étude vise à connaître les mobiles qui conditionnent les filles béninoises à pratiquer le football et à les analyser pour développer l'autonomisation des filles en rapport avec les défis du millénaire. Pour ce faire 108 joueuses, dont la moyenne d'âge est de 17 ans, réparties dans 9 équipes parmi les 17 équipes que ...

  18. Les déterminants socioéconomiques de l'adoption des technologies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    la culture du mil pour les céréales, du niébé et de l'arachide pour les légumineuses. Cette production agricole se pratique sur des petites exploitations familiales cultivées en système pluvial (RECA, 2008). Le niébé est cultivé dans toute la bande agricole Sud du Niger. Dans les régions de. Maradi et Zinder, il occupe 48% ...

  19. Influence of cesium and lithium ions on radioprotective effectiveness of taurine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhalaya, M.Ya.; Novosel'tseva, S.D.; Kolesnikov, Yu.A.; Bogatyrev, G.P.; Yartsev, E.I.; Kudryashov, Yu.B.


    In vitro experiments with irradiated cultures of heart cells from cynomolgus monkeys and mice and in vivo experiments on irradiated mice indicated that CsNO 3 , LiOAc and Li 2 CO 3 potentiated the radioprotective effect of taurine. The maximum effect was observed when equimolar conceptions of taurine and the metal salts were used

  20. Implementing Game Design in School: A Working Example | Mise en œuvre de la conception de jeu à l’école : un exemple pratique

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    Dani C. Herro


    Full Text Available This case uses a worked or “working example” model (Gee, 2010, documenting the implementation of a novel game design curriculum in the United States. Created by an Instructional Technology Administrator (ITA and two classroom teachers, it was subsequently offered to high school students. With an aim of providing in-depth understanding of conditions necessary to bring game design experiences to classrooms, the research describes the context while revealing processes and instructor perceptions of the experience. Data collection and analysis in this working example include observation, teacher interviews, student surveys, and artifacts intended to make thinking and practices overt while inviting scholarly conversation around the curriculum’s successes and failures. Drawing on a previous case focused on initial course planning and early implementation (Author, 2013, this paper advances insight regarding the process of moving game design into schooling and concludes with a discussion of educational implications. Cette étude se sert d’un modèle « d’exemple concret » (Gee, 2010 pour documenter la mise en œuvre d’un programme de conception de jeu aux États-Unis. Créé par un technopédagogue et deux titulaires de classe, le programme a ensuite été offert à des élèves du secondaire. Visant à fournir une compréhension approfondie des conditions requises pour l’intégration des expériences de conception de jeu en classe, l’étude décrit le contexte et révèle les processus et les perceptions qu’a tirés l’instructeur de l’expérience. La collecte de données et l’analyse dans cet exemple concret comprennent l’observation, des entrevues avec les enseignants, des sondages auprès des élèves et des artefacts ayant pour but de rendre manifestes la réflexion et les pratiques tout en stimulant la conversation savante à propos des réussites et des échecs du programme. S’appuyant sur une étude préalable qui

  1. Impact of radioactivity on the environment: problems, state of current knowledge and approaches for identification of radioprotection criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brechignac, F.


    There is currently a revitalized concern about the potential impact of ionizing radiation on the environment that calls for the construction of a system ensuring an adequate radioprotection of the non-human biota and their associated biotopes. This paper first sets the context of the problem both, with respect to the general philosophy of environmental protection as a whole, but also with respect to the consideration of the environment achieved so far in the purpose of human radioprotection. The current accumulated knowledge on the effects of ionizing radiation to biota (fauna and flora) is then briefly reviewed, encompassing effects at individual and community/ecosystem level, situations of acute and chronic exposure to high and low doses, finally leading to the identification of the most critical gaps in scientific knowledge: effects of mixed low dose rates in chronic exposure to communities and ecosystems. The most significant current international efforts towards the identification of environmental radioprotection criteria and standards are finally presented along with some relevant national examples. (author)

  2. Role of endogenous serotonin in the mechanism of action of radioprotective substances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konstantinova, M.M.; Nekrasova, I.V.; Gusareva, Eh.V.; Dontsova, G.V.


    A study is made of a correlation between radiomodifying activity of noradrenaline (NA), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and a combination of these agents and their effect on the content of endogenous serotonin in cells of Ehrlich's ascites tumor and E. coli B. There is no uniformity in the response of different cells and uniform direction of the changes in their radioresistance and endogenous serotonin content both under the effect of the substances (NA and NEM) given separately and under a combined effect of the protector and the agent, which removes the protective effect or prevents realization of the latter (NEM). This enables us to arrive at a conclusion that endogenous serotonin is not the only factor responsible for the radioprotective effect of the protective substances. At the same time, it is not excluded that endogenous serotonin is involved in the chain of reactions which are necessary for the radioprotective effect to come into play

  3. ASN report on nuclear safety and radioprotection status in France in 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a general overview of the activity of the ASN (the French nuclear safety authority), of its missions and organisation, this activity report indicates the main events of 2010 concerning the actions performed by the ASN and the activities controlled by the ASN. These both aspects are then detailed. The actions performed by the ASN are dealing with nuclear activities (ionizing radiations and risks for health and for the environment), principles and actors of nuclear safety control, radioprotection and environment protection, regulation, control of nuclear activities and exposures to ionizing radiations, emergency situations, public information, international relationship, regional overview of nuclear safety and radioprotection. The activities controlled by the ASN are the medical uses of ionizing radiations, their non medical uses, the transport of radioactive materials, electronuclear plants, installations related to nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear research installations and other nuclear installations, the safety of nuclear installation dismantling, radioactive wastes and polluted sites

  4. Radioprotection against radiation induced bone marrow syndrome by a semi-synthetic derivative of chlorophyll

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suryavanshi, Shweta; Sharma, Deepak; Checker, Rahul; Santosh Kumar, S.; Sainis, Krishna B.


    A plethora of biological properties have been attributed to chlorophyllin (CHL), the water soluble derivative of the green plant pigment chlorophyll. Several studies are available describing its ability to modify genotoxic effects. It has been shown that administration CHL to human lymphopenic individuals led to the recovery and restoration of the immune system and also inhibited aflatoxin B1-DNA binding in individuals residing in high risk exposure to this liver carcinogen. The present study is aimed at establishing radioprotective efficacy of CHL against ionizing radiation induced hematopoietic syndrome. CHL offered complete protection against whole body irradiation (WBI, 7 Gy) induced mortality in mice. This observation was supported by increase in the number of macroscopic endogenous colonies enumerated on the surface of the spleens taken from CHL+WBI group as compared to WBI group. Radioprotection by CHL was found to be mediated by increasing the frequency of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) as evaluated by side population assay. Administration of CHL induced G1 arrest in bone marrow cells, increased number of granulocytes and neutrophils in the peripheral blood. At the molecular level, activation of ERK was observed in bone marrow cells obtained from CHL administered mice. In conclusion, CHL mediated radioprotection was attributed to increased stem cell numbers, G1 arrest in bone marrow cells, increased neutrophil numbers and ERK activation. (author)

  5. Radioprotective effects of CBLB502 on γ-radiated Rhesus monkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xing SHEN


    Full Text Available Objective A Rhesus monkey model was employed to study the radioprotective effects of a Toll-like receptor 5 agonist, CBLB502, against 7.0Gy whole-body irradiation of 60Co gamma-rays. Methods Thirty animals were assigned to a placebo treatment group, a WR-2721 positive control group, and three CBLB502 treatment groups (n=6 animals/group. Each animal was irradiated with 7.0Gy 60Co γ and given CBLB502 at 2.5, 10 and 40μg/kg, respectively in treatment groups, or WR-2721 at 30mg/kg, or physiological saline 0.3ml/kg for the placebo treatment group. The treatment was given once by intramuscular injection 30 min before irradiation. All irradiated animals received symptomatic treatment based on same guidelines. General observation, peripheral blood tests, hemopoietic progenitor cell colony-counting, and histopathological examination were performed. Results We found that 10 or 40μg/kg CBLB502 treatment resulted in 100% survival, while the survival rate was 33% in placebo treatment group. Hematopoietic recovery in the WR-2721 treatment group was marginally superior to the irradiation control group. Nadirs of peripheral white cell and platelet counts of animals treated with 40μg/kg of CBLB502 were significantly higher than those of the placebo treatment group (P<0.05. CBLB502 at 40μg/kg also gave a shortened duration of low platelet count, earlier recovery time, reduced the amount of blood transfusion and damage to the bone marrow and intestine. Conclusion All Rhesus monkeys irradiated with 7.0Gy 60Co γ-rays would suffer from severe acute radiation sickness of hematopoietic system. CBLB502 at 40μg/kg is radioprotective in this model and a single intramuscular injection of CBLB502 in a dose of 40μg/kg 30min before irradiation gives better radioprotective effects than WR-2721. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2015.04.07

  6. Radioprotection of the patient in nuclear medicine; Proteccion radiologica del paciente en medicina nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez, Maria del R [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    The following topics are developed: concepts on radioprotection; stochastic and deterministic effects; the prenatal irradiation; different types of radiation exposition (medical, occupational and public irradiation); and the justification of the levels of radiation.

  7. Morphological study of the radioprotective effect of vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl) in tissue reparation in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manzi, Flavio Ricardo; Boscolo, Frab Norberto; Almeida, Solange Maria de; Tuji, Fabricio Mesquita


    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the action of the vitamin E as a radioprotective agent in the process of tissue reparation in rats submitted to a surgical procedure, which consisted of a wound done in the fore dorsal area. The animals were divided into five groups: group C (controls) - wound; group VE - previous treatment with vitamin E (90 UI); group IR - wound and irradiation of the borders three days after surgery; group VEIR - previous treatment with 90 UI of the vitamin E and irradiation of the borders three days after the surgery; group OIR - previous treatment with olive oil and irradiation of the borders three days after surgery. The radioprotective effect of the vitamin E was evaluated using hematoxylin-eosin stained specimens in order to identify granulation tissue, at 4, 7, 14 and 21 days after the surgical procedures. The results showed that 6 Gy of electron irradiation with a beam of 6 MeV caused retardation of the tissue repairing process and that vitamin E was effective as a radioprotective agent. (author)

  8. Parcours et carrières sportifs en Aïkido : Eléments statistiques


    Duprez , Jean-Marie


    La population des pratiquants d'une fédération française d'aikido (FFAAA) est étudiée dans une perspective dynamique pour tenter de décrire les parcours sportifs des aïkidokas. La question principale qui sera abordée est celle du devenir à, court et moyen terme des pratiquants. On se propose de le faire en mobilisant les acquis à la fois théoriques et méthodologiques de la démographie sportive et de l'analyse de données longitudinales.

  9. Adoption et retombées d'une nouvelle technologie de dépistage des infections à ERV en contexte hospitalier québécois


    Attieh, Randa


    La « Polymerase Chain Reaction» (PCR) est une technologie moléculaire qui se veut performante pour détecter les entérocoques résistants à la vancomycine (ERV) en contexte hospitalier. La traduction de cette technologie dans les pratiques professionnelles des acteurs est conceptualisée comme un processus d’adaptation et d’ajustements des rôles entre la technologie et le milieu hospitalier. Par souci de mieux comprendre la traduction de la nouvelle technologie de dépistage PCR dans les pratique...

  10. Radioprotection by murine and human tumor-necrosis factor; Dose-dependent effects on hematopoiesis in the mouse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sloerdal, L; Muench, M O; Warren, D J; Moore, M A.S. [James Ewing Laboratory of Developmental Hematopoiesis, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York (USA)


    Tumor-necrosis factor (TNF) has been shown to confer significant radioprotection in murine models. Herein, we demonstrate a dose-dependent enhancement of hematological recovery when single doses of either murine or human recombinant TNF are administered prior to irradiation. In addition to its action upon leukocytes and erythocytes, TNF also alleviates radiation-induced thrombocytopenia in the mouse. These effects on circulating blood constituents are further reflected in increased numbers of both primitive (CFU-S) and more differentiated (CFU-GM, CFU-Mega) hematopoietic progenitors in TNF-treated animals. This suggests that TNF exerts it radioprotective effects on a pool of primitive multi-potential hematopoietic cells. (author).

  11. Radioprotective effects of dextran sulphate in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vacek, A.; Bartonickova, A.; Rotkovska, D.; Palyga, G.F.; Zhukova, N.A.


    Influence of a single i.p. injection of dextran sulphate on radiosensitivity of mice was investigated. The administration of dextran sulphate 24, 48 and 72 hours prior to irradiation increased formation of endogenous colonies of the hemopoietic tissue on the surface of the spleen. DRF calculated from an equieffective exposure for 5 colonies was 1.96 when dextran sulphate was administered 24 hours before irradiation, and 2.25 when dextran sulphate was administered 72 hours before irradiation. The radioprotective effects of dextran sulphate were manifested also in the survival of animals exposed to lethal doses of short-termed as well as long-termed gamma radiation. (orig.) [de

  12. Training in radioprotection in the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera, Elena; Cremaschi, Graciela; Martin, Graciela; Zubillaga, Marcela; Davio, Carlos; Genaro, Ana; Cricco, Graciela; Mohamad, Nora; Bianchin, Ana; Goldman, Cinthia; Salgueiro, Jimena; Klecha, Alicia; Nunez, Mariel; Medina, Vanina; Cocca, Claudia; Leonardi, Natalia; Collia, Nicolas; Gutierrez, Alicia; Massari, Noelia; Bomben, Ana; Bergoc, Rosa


    The radioisotopes techniques have notably contributed to the advancement of knowledge in medicine and biomedicine during the last 60 years. The School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, offers different Courses on methodology of radioisotopes in which the specialized knowledge on radioprotection is adapted to the following different groups: 1) A course for biochemistry students; 2) A course for physicians; 3) A course for graduates in biochemistry, biology, chemistry or other disciplines related to the health; 4) An up-dating course for licensed professionals; 5) A course for nuclear medicine technicians; and finally: 6) A course for Pharmacy students. The main objective of radiological protection teaching is specific and fitted to each level: the course (1) has been given (optional or mandatory) since 1960 for more than 7500 students. Part of the learning process in radioprotection is only informative, because in this case the students are not allowed to ask the Argentinean Nuclear Regulatory Authority authorization for radioactive material handling. Course (2) has been taken by more than 800 physicians since 1962. Here, the students receive a very intensive training in radioprotection which includes: justification, optimization and dose limits; dosimetric magnitudes and units; internal and external dosimetry of 99m Tc, 201 Tl, 60 Co and other isotopes used in medicine; safety in occupational exposure; national and international legislation. Since 1962, more than 1000 graduates have attended course (3). In this case the training in radioprotection is as intensive as in course (2) with special focusing in 125 I, 3 H, 14 C, 32 P and other isotopes used in biomedicine. Course (4) has been given from 1992 and the objective is to up-date knowledge and the intensity of training depends on the requirements of each professional. Course (5) has been given since 1997 and it is mainly directed to the operational aspects of

  13. Effets d'amendements organiques et phosphatés sous zaï sur les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    sub-sahélienne pour pallier l'aridité climatique dans un contexte de changements globaux. ... étude est de proposer une pratique culturale adaptée à la restauration des ... Africa, to address the climate aridity in a context of global changes.

  14. 135 Suivi de la qualité physico-chimique et bactériologique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Laboratoire de Chimie des Eaux, des Sols et Environnements, Ecole Nationale ... des caractéristiques physico-chimiques et biologiques du biotope [2-4]. ..... les engrais utilisés pour l'agriculture pratiquée le long des cours d'eau et de.

  15. Antagonism of ascorbate against the radioprotective action of cysteamine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naeslund, M; Ehrenberg, L; Djalali-Behzad, G [Stockholm Univ. (Sweden). Radiobiologiska Institutionen


    An investigation has been carried out into the interaction of cysteamine (MEA) and ascorbate on the radiosensitivity of E.coli, with painstaking removal of autoxidation products from glassware. Trace amounts of copper could be effectively removed, and the influence of small amounts of iron contaminating the analytical grade phosphate was assessed. The bacteria were exposed to MEA and/or ascorbate for 1 hour at 37/sup 0/C, irradiation with 42 or 58 krad of /sup 60/Co ..gamma..rays taking place 30 to 40 minutes after the additions. Survival studies demonstrated the reversion of a major fraction of the radioprotective action of MEA (2 or 6 mM) by ascorbate (5 mM) simultaneously present in the medium. Net RNA synthesis, determined by the incorporation of /sup 3/H-uridine, was suppressed by MEA and this was partly reversed by ascorbate. The irradiation of bacterium suspensions containing MEA and ascorbate was found to provoke a conspicuous stimulation of RNA synthesis above the level of unirradiated parallel samples. The effects of some oxidizing treatments (dehydroascorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide, 3.6 FeSO/sub 4/ or 1 CuSO/sub 4/) together with MEA were also studied. Possible mechanisms for the ability of ascorbate to counteract the radioprotective action of MEA are discussed, and the implication of monodehydroascorbate formed during irradiation is suggested.

  16. Les touristes dans le système touristique polynésien: essai de typologie

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    Caroline Blondy


    Full Text Available Les touristes sont couramment considérés, dans la plupart des analyses, comme une catégorie homogène et distincte de la catégorie «société locale». L’un des enjeux de la thèse a été de déconstruire cette idée. Partant d’une définition du tourisme comme «système d’acteurs, de pratiques et de lieux qui a pour objectif de permettre aux individus de se déplacer pour leur recréation hors de leur lieu de vie habituel, en allant habiter temporairement d’autres lieux.» (Dehoorne et al., 2003, l’analyse de la catégorie des touristes amène à s’interroger sur leurs pratiques et leur rapport à l’altérité.

  17. "Jeunes de cités": Délinquance, émeutes et radicalisation islamiste

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    Gérard Mauger

    Full Text Available Résumé Pour rendre compte sociologiquement de l'ancrage de la délinquance, des violences urbaines et de la radicalisation islamiste dans une fraction des jeunes de cités, on étudie d'abord la crise de reproduction des classes populaires associée aux transformations du marché du travail, du système scolaire, de l'espace résidentiel, de l'encadrement des jeunes de cités, puis, en resserrant la focale de l'observation, la sociogenèse de la culture de rue (des héritages du pauvre à l'échec scolaire, l'investissement dans la culture de rue et l'inemployabilité, pour se focaliser enfin sur le monde des bandes et le milieu de la délinquance professionnelle, les pratiques émeutières et le revival des pratiques religieuses.


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    Erika Chamberlain


    Le présent article examine si l’obligation fiduciale de l’État envers les peuples autochtones du Canada pourrait constituer un cadre juridique utile pour traiter des changements climatiques dans l’Arctique. Bien que cette obligation soit systématiquement reconnue dans les situations concernant des terres autochtones ou des pratiques culturelles distinctives, il est permis de penser qu’elle pourrait être invoquée pour protéger le mode de subsistance traditionnelle des Inuits. Tant les obligations fiduciales que l’honneur de la Couronne requièrent un degré minimal de consultation et d’accommodement lorsque des intérêts autochtones significatifs sont menacés. Cela pourrait se traduire par une obligation minimale d’aider les Inuits à s’adapter à l’environnement arctique changeant et à préserver leurs pratiques culturelles dans la mesure du possible.

  19. Radioprotection in E. coli by an agent from M. radiodurans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldstein, L S; Gersten, D M; Bruce, A K [State Univ. of New York, Buffalo (USA). Dept. of Biology


    An agent extracted from the radioresistant bacterium M. radiodurans was found to protect several strains of E. coli from X-radiation. Optimal radioprotection was observed when the repair-proficient B/r strain was irradiated in the presence of the agent under hypoxic conditions. It is proposed that this agent acts to modify damage incurred in the presence of reduced oxygen concentrations so that this damage might be subsequently repaired.

  20. Declinaisons militaires francaises des directives europeennes en matiere d’hemovigilance (French European Military Haemovigilance Guidelines) (United States)


    du groupe sanguin A B O D et d’un dépistage du VIH et du VHC. Sauf exception (donneur originaire de zones endémiques pour le VHB, non contrôlé avant...réalisées les sérologies VIH , VHC et VHB pré-transfusionnelles. Pour fiabiliser cette procédure assez complexe, le CTSA assure la formation...sont contrôlés pour le VIH avant le départ en mission. Enfin, sur le terrain, les aphé- rèses sont pratiquées sur des donneurs réguliers. A

  1. Radioactivity and radioprotection: the every day life in a nuclear installation. Press tour at CEA/GRENOBLE 18 november 1999; Radioactivite et radioprotection: la vie quotidienne dans une installation nucleaire. Voyage de presse au Centre CEA/CADARACHE 18 novembre 1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the framework of the public information, this paper gives a general information on the radioactivity and the radioprotection at the CEA/Cadarache center. A first part is devoted to a presentation of the radioactivity with definitions and radiation effects on the human being and the environment. An other part presents the radioprotection activities and regulations. The last part deals with specific activities of the CEA/Cadarache: the CASCAD installations for spent fuels storage, the LECA Laboratory for the Examination of Active Fuels and a dismantling installation for big irradiated objects. Historical aspects of the CEA/Cadarache are also provided. (A.L.B.)

  2. Criticality guide. I - Introduction to criticality. II - Practical rules. III - Curves; Guide de criticite. I - Introduction a la criticite. II - Regles pratiques. III - Courbes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Somme elements of neutronics are presented in a simple and often intuitive way; the 'K infinite' and 'K effective' formulae are derived and discussed. The limiting solid angle method is explained and some simple formulae proposed for evaluating the interaction between 'fissile units'. The general principles used in studying the safety of nuclear installations using fissile matter are given. Practical rules, critical mass and critical geometry curves as well as all the numerical values required for normal criticality calculations are given for plutonium and uranium at various degrees of enrichment. This guide is not intended to produce experts in criticality and cannot replace the advice which can be given by specialists of a science which is still expanding rapidly. It should however simplify the task of these specialists by familiarising with these problems both the engineers and scientists in charge of the design of installations using fissile matter, and the persons in charge of their operation. (author) [French] Des elements de neutronique sont exposes d'une fapon simple et souvent intuitive les formules du 'K infini' et du 'K effectif' sont etablies et commentees. La 'methode de l'angle solide limite' est expliquee et des formules simples proposees pour evaluer l'interaction entre des 'unites fissiles'. Les principes generaux utilises dans les etudes de surete nucleaire d'installation, mettant en ceuvre des matieres fissiles, sont donnes. Des regles pratiques, des courbes de masse et geometrie critiques ainsi que toutes les valeurs numeriques necessaires aux calculs usuels de criticite sont fournies pour du plutonium et de l'uranium a divers enrichissements. Ce guide n'a pas la pretention de former des experts en criticite et ne doit pas dispenser de s'entourer de l'avis de specialistes dans une science encore en pleine evolution. II doit simplement faciliter la tache de ceux-ci, en familiarisant avec ces problemes les ingenieurs charges de la conception des

  3. Evaluation of radioprotective action of a mutant (E-25) form of Chlorella vulgaris in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarma, L.; Tiku, A.B.; Kesavan, P.C.; Ogaki, M.


    The possible role of orally fed Chlorella vulgaris (E-25) in modulating the gamma-ray induced chromosomal damage in whole-body irradiated mice was evaluated using a micronucleus test. Different doses of E-25 were administered either chronically (once, twice or thrice a day for 28 days) or as single acute doses before/after irradiation. A significant radioprotective effect was observed in both acute and chronic pretreatments, but only at doses above 400 mg/kg body weight. However, in mice that received E-25 (500 mg/kg) three times a day for 28 days, there was no protective effect, and a significant loss in their body weight was observed. Interestingly, E-25 afforded significant radioprotection even when it was administered within 0.4 hr after irradiation. (author)

  4. L'intégration de l'olympisme à l'école : contribution du Programme d'Education aux Valeurs Olympiques – PEVO à la construction d'un monde moderne

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    Bipona Emmanuel Bienvenu


    Il est question d'intégrer la formation et l'éducation des jeunes à travers la pratique sportive dans la construction des générations olympiques. Dans le cadre de la transmission inter générationnelle des valeurs positives Toutes les stratégies organisationnelles et de diffusion doivent être conçues pour captiver l'attention des jeunes à travers des symboles visibles et des supports édifiants pour leur vie quotidienne.

  5. Radioprotection of the environment: on the context of biodiversity and evolutionary theory. A reference organism has no genetic properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cedervall, Bjoern


    The recent efforts to define a basis for radioprotection of the environment include some concepts and ideas related to various endpoints which need a clarification. This paper focuses on the biodiversity concept and the context of individuals of a species as well as that of the species as a gene pool. A major problem with the ambition to radioprotect biodiversity is the concept 'reference organism' which has no genetic properties and therefore is in contradiction with a real biological species. Biodiversity and the species (gene pool) concept are, just as any other areas of biology, integral parts of evolutionary theory. With the reference organism as a basis no meaningful reasoning can take place which relates data on radioactivity levels or mutations to potential effects on populations or biodiversity. It is therefore suggested that the national and international bodies involved in radioprotection of the environment take advantage of evolutionary theory as a reference frame. (author)

  6. Bien faire un cours, un exposé, une conférence

    CERN Document Server

    Brown, George


    Le livre de Georges Brown est un livre important pour deux raisons : - Parce qu'il propose à tous les formateurs et enseignants une approche méthodologique de la transmission orale des connaissances. En effet, il ne suffit pas de bien connaître son sujet pour le faire comprendre à son auditoire. Ce livre est conçu pour mener le lecteur pas à pas dans la découverte de son propre style d'explication, de ses points faibles et de ses points forts. - Parce qu'il permet au lecteur, grâce à la pratique des 45 exercices contenus dans l'ouvrage, de faire alterner la réflexion et la performance individuelle avec l'échange d'expériences et l'auto-évaluation des méthodes d'enseignement oral. Ce livre, qui possède toutes les qualités du pragmatisme anglo-saxon, met au service de la formation un outil essentiellement pratique. Il s'adresse donc à tous ceux qui donnent des cours, font des séminaires,ou ont à exposer leurs idées devant un auditoire. EXPLIQUER, C'EST D'ABORD SAVOIR COMMUNIQUER.

  7. Stabilization of glucocorticoid receptors in isolated rat hepatocytes by radioprotectants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karle, J.M.; Ridder, W.E.; Wright, N.; Olmeda, R.; Nielsen, C.J.


    Previous work has shown that glucocorticoid receptors in rat liver homogenate can be stabilized by the addition of MoO 4 plus the sulfhydryl-containing compounds dithiothreitol and WR 1065. The latter is the dephosphorylated, principal metabolite of the radioprotectant WR 2721 (or S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethanesphosphorothioic acid). The current work results from applying this knowledge to intact rat hepatocytes. Cells were isolated by collagenase perfusion and incubated in supplemented minimum essential medium at 37 0 C with various concentrations of WR 2721, WR 1065, or vehicle. Samples of these cell suspensions were analyzed at various times for steroid binding capacity by incubating homogenates (27,000 x g supernates) with 50 nM 3 H-triamcinolone acetonide in the presence or absence of excess unlabelled dexamethasone. Concentrations of 10 mM WR 2721 provided marked preservation of the binding capacity (>85% of the initial value at 5 hours) compared to control at 60% of the binding capacity. WR 1065 at 10 mM provided no such protection. This is consistent with the observation that WR 1065 does not pass cell membranes. The authors propose that supplying reducing equivalents to intracellular components such as the glucocorticoid receptor may be one mechanism of the radioprotection afforded by WR 2721

  8. Radioprotection considerations on the expansion project of an interim storage facility for radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boni-Mitake, Malvina; Suzuki, Fabio F.; Dellamano, Jose C.


    The Radioactive Waste Management (GRR) of the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN-SP) receives, treats, packs, characterizes and stores institutional radioactive wastes generated at IPEN-CNEN/SP and also those received from several radiological facilities in the country. The current storage areas have been used to store the treated radioactive waste since the early 1980's and their occupation is close to their full capacity, so a storage area expansion is needed. The expansion project includes the rebuilding of two sheds and the enlargement of the third one in the area currently occupied by the GRR and in a small adjacent area. The civil works will be in controlled area, where the waste management operations will be maintained, so all the steps of this project should be planned and optimized, from the radioprotection point of view. The civil construction will be made in steps. During the project implementation there will be transfer operations of radioactive waste packages to the rebuilt area. After these transfer operations, the civil works will proceed in the vacant areas. This project implies on radiological monitoring, dose control of the involved workers, decontamination and clearance of areas and it is also envisaged the need for repacking of some radioactive waste. The objective this paper is to describe the radioprotection study developed to this expansion project, taking into account the national radioprotection and civil construction regulations. (author)

  9. Prise de suppléments multivitaminiques pour la prévention primaire des anomalies congénitalies (United States)

    Morin, Pascale; Demers, Karine; Giguère, Christine; Tribble, Denise St-Cyr; Lane, Julie


    RÉSUMÉ OBJECTIF Déterminer si les recommandations véhiculées par les professionnels de la santé sur l’importance de l’acide folique encouragent les femmes susceptibles de procréer de prendre les suppléments d’acide folique. CONCEPTION Enquête. CONTEXTE Centre de santé et de services sociaux, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Sherbrooke, à Sherbrooke, Qué. PARTICIPANTS 323 femmes francophones âgées entre 18 et 45 ans. PRINCIPALES MESURES DES RÉSULTATS La consommation de suppléments de vitamines et de minéraux au cours de la dernière année. Des analyses statistiques descriptives et bivariées et une modélisation par régression logistique ont été effectuées pour déterminer si l’association observée entre la recommandation d’un professionnel de la santé et la consommation de vitamines et de minéraux persistait après avoir tenu compte de l’effet des variables de contrôle (consultation de documentation, connaissances, sources d’information, perception, âge, scolarité, revenu, état matrimonial, intention de devenir enceinte). RÉSULTATS Environ 41% des femmes rapportent que leur médecin leur avait recommandé de consommer un supplément de vitamines et de minéraux. Après avoir ajusté toutes les variables dans le modèle, il est apparu que le fait de se faire recommander par un professionnel de la santé de prendre un supplément de vitamines et de minéraux était significativement associé à la consommation de vitamines et de minéraux par les femmes susceptibles de devenir enceintes. CONCLUSION Les professionnels peuvent améliorer la santé de la population par une pratique clinique préventive. Nous soulignons l’importance de soutenir ces derniers dans leurs efforts d’intégrer puis d’appliquer des connaissances scientifiques dans leur pratique. PMID:18077754

  10. Researches on radioprotective effects of dendrobium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chongdao; Qiang Yizhong; Cui Fengmei


    Effects of Dendrobium on the LPO content in the mouse tissues, the white blood cells and platelets in the mouse peripheral blood after whole-body γ-ray irradiation exposure were studied. Besides, the 30-day survival rates of irradiated mice treated with three different doses of Dendrobium were observed. The results show that Dendrobium was effective in reducing the LPO contents in the tissues (p<0.01); and could increase the platelets in the peripheral blood of irradiated mice; and white blood cells had a tendency toward rising; different doses of Dendrobium could raise the survival rates of irradiated mice and prolong the survival duration. The above-mentioned findings suggest that Dendrobium has the radioprotective effect and its mechanism probably relates to scavenging of free radicals and restoration of haematopoiesis. (authors)

  11. Occupational radioprotection in the cyclotron laboratory radioisotope production at IEN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajardo, P.W.; Teixeira, M.V.; Santos, I.H.T.; Pujol Filho, S.V.


    The Cyclotron of the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear is operated mainly for radioisotope production, neutron production studies and irradiation damage analysis. The risks associated to the activities developed in these laboratories are exposition to beta, neutron and gama radiation and contamination. The radioprotection program adapted are presented briefly and the results of the air and surface contamination analysis, liquid efluents and dose equivalent of the workers in 1988 are shown. (author) [pt

  12. Radioprotective action of WR-1065 on radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murray, D.; VanAnkeren, S.C.; Milas, L.; Meyn, R.E.


    We have examined the radioprotective effect of WR-1065 on cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells. The effects of the drug on the induction and rejoining of gamma-ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs) were measured using alkaline (pH 12.1) and neutral (pH 7.0) elution, respectively. Molecular protection factors (PFs) calculated from these data allowed us to determine whether the degree of modification of strand breakage accurately predicted the PFs measured using the biological end point of cell survival. The drug did protect against the induction of both SSBs and DSBs, although to an extent that did not appear to fully account for the degree of radioprotection in terms of cell killing measured under identical conditions. It is therefore unlikely that radioprotection by WR-1065 occurs simply as a consequence of a general lowering of all types of gamma-ray-induced DNA lesions, and it is possible that the drug could differentially protect against the induction of subsets of these DNA lesions. The rate of SSB rejoining was retarded following preirradiation treatment of cells with WR-1065, but there was no effect on DSB rejoining. Postirradiation treatment with WR-1065 also appeared to retard SSB rejoining but without an accompanying effect on either DSB rejoining or cell survival; however, this effect was largely reversed by the addition of catalase and was, therefore, probably a result of H 2 O 2 generated by autoxidation of the drug. Based on these observations, it would appear that the molecular actions of aminothiol radioprotective compounds that lead to reduced cell killing are much more complex than previously thought

  13. Interactive computer codes for education and training on nuclear safety and radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leszczynski, Francisco


    Two interactive computer codes for education and training on nuclear safety and radioprotection developed at RA6 Reactor Division-Bariloche Atomic Center-CNEA are presented on this paper. The first code named SIMREACT has been developed in order to simulate the control of a research nuclear reactor in real time with a simple but accurate approach. The code solves the equations of neutron punctual kinetics with time variable reactivity. Utilizing the timer of the computer and the controls of a PC keyboard, with an adequate graphic interface, a simulation in real time of the temporal behavior of a research reactor is obtained. The reactivity can be changed by means of the extraction or insertion of control rods. It was implemented also the simulation of automatic pilot and scram. The use of this code is focalized on practices of nuclear reactor control like start-up from the subcritical state with external source up to power to a desired level, change of power level, calibration of a control rod with different methods, and approach to critical condition by interpolation of the answer in function of reactivity. The second code named LICEN has been developed in order to help the studies of all the topics included in examination programs for obtaining licenses for research reactor operators and radioprotection officials. Using the PC mouse, with an adequate graphic interface, the student can gradually learn the topics related with general and special licenses. The general option includes nuclear reactor engineering, radioprotection, nuclear safety, documentation and normative. The specific option includes mandatory documentation, description of the installation and task on normal and emergency situations. For each of these topics there are sub-items with all the relevant information. The objective of this code is to joint in one electronic place a large amount of information which usually it is disseminated on difficult to find separated papers. (author)

  14. A Study of the Radioprotective Activity of the Imidazole Nucleus and Some of Its Derivatives; Etude de l'activite radioprotectrice du noyau imidazole et de quelquesuns de ses derives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rinaldi, R; Bernard, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, 38 - Grenoble (France)


    A study was made of the radioprotective properties of 8 compounds derived from imidazole. The effectiveness of the compounds was tested in mice exposed to a lethal dose of x radiation. Results showed that imidazole afforded protection to about 85% of the animals. Little protection was afforded by imidazoline and thione-imidazoline compounds in spite of the existence of a free sulfhydryl group in these compounds. (authors) [French] Cette etude a ete consacree a la determination des proprietes radioprotectrices eventuelles de huit composes derives de l'imidazole. Ces substances ont ete, soit synthetisees, soit obtenues dans le commerce. Leur efficacite a ete mise en evidence par le pourcentage de survie obtenu chez des souris soumises a une dose mortelle de rayons X. Les resultats ont fait apparaitre: - l'activite remarquable de l'imidazole qui protege environ 85 pour cent des animaux; - la protection faible ou nulle obtenue avec les imidazolinones et les thione-imidazolines, malgre la presence dans la molecule de ces dernieres d'un groupement sulfhydrile libre. (auteurs)

  15. Modulation of radioprotective effects of respiratory hypoxia by changing the duration of hypoxia before irradiation and by combining hypoxia and administration of hemopoiesis-stimulating agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vacek, A.; Hofer, M.


    Aim: Analysis of radioprotective effect of respiratory hypoxia on hemopoietic tissue and enhancement of this effect by hemopoietic activation. Material and methods: In mice breathing hypoxic gas mixture during total body gamma irradiation the recovery of pluripotent and committed granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells and animal lethality were determined. Results: In mice forced to breathe 10% O 2 and 8% O 2 during irradiation, the oxygen tension in the spleen decreased to 40% and 20%, respectively, of control values. Hypoxia mitigated the lethal effect of gamma-rays and improved the recovery of hemopoiesis in compartments of pluripotent and committed progenitor cells. Enhancement of the proliferative activity in hemopoietic tissue by a cytokine (rmGM-CSF) or an immunomodulator (dextran sulfate) increased the effect of hypoxic radioprotection, while elimination of proliferative cells by hydroxyurea decreased the radioprotective effect. Adaptation of experimental animals to hypoxic conditions was found to reduce the radioprotective effect without influencing tissue partial oxygen pressure lowered by hypoxic conditions. Conclusion: The data presented confirm the radioprotective effect of 10% and 8% O 2 respiratory hypoxia on hemopoiesis. These findings may represent a way out for further experimental and clinical research aimed at considering differential protection of various tissues by hypoxia. (orig.) [de

  16. Radioprotective action of 3-(imidazoline-2-alkyl)-5-methoxyindoles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bitny-Szlachto, S.; Kwiek, S.; Piotrowska, H.; Serafin, B.; Wejroch-Matacz, K.


    Radioprotective action in mice of four 3-(imidazoline-2'-alkyl)-5-methoxyindoles was examined and compared with that of 3-(2'-aminoethyl)-5-hydroxyindole (serotonine). The imidazoline-2-methyl derivatives (S 3 , S 4 ), applied in doses of 50 μmole/kg 10 min prior to irrdiation were found to reduce mortality of mice with LD 50 DRF of 1.14-1.15, while serotonine displayed DRF of 1.45. The imidazoline-2-ethyl derivatives (S 7 , S 8 ) have turned out to be ineffective. (author)

  17. A radioprotective effect of imatinib (Gleevec registered) in human squamous carcinoma cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartkowiak, D.; Hipp, P.R.; Roettinger, E.M.; Mendonca, M.S.


    Purpose: To study the radiation response-modifying effect of imatinib (Gleevec registered ) in a squamous cell carcinoma line, PECA. Patients and Methods: Cytotoxicity was determined by colony forming and multiplying capacity. Drug stability was shown by HPLC. Multidrug resistance phenotype was studied by rhodamine-123 efflux. Cell-cycle responses were measured by flow cytometry. Homologous recombination repair was determined by Rad51 immunohistochemistry. Results: Inactivating 50% of the PECA cells required approximately 7 μM imatinib. The drug did not decay nor was it degraded during test periods. Drug efflux occurred only to a minor extent. Multiplying capacity but not survival fractions revealed a radioprotective effect of imatinib. There were only minor cell-cycle alterations in the presence of imatinib but the rate of Rad51-positive repair foci was significantly increased. Conclusion: PECA cells apparently lack a highly specific target for imatinib. In cells surviving at high drug concentrations, imatinib may exert a radioprotective effect on multiplying capacity by inducing DNA repair. Under prolonged exposure, drug-resistant cells may show an accelerated recovery from acute or delayed radiation damage. (orig.)

  18. Pratique de la science sociale au maghreb: l'approche intercontextuelle de la modernité

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    Z. Samandi


    Full Text Available L'étude pose le problème du statut scientifique de la pratique du chercheur en science sociale dans les contextes non producteurs de savoir. Comment opérer avec des formes de savoir produites ailleurs? Telle est la question que nous avons essayé de décrypter à travers les débats développés, d'une part par les sociologues arabes et, d'autre part l'approche mise en œuvre par Arkoun, Djaït et El Jabri dans leur analyse des réalités arabo-musulmanes. Le traitement de la raison tel qu'il se donne à voir à travers les démarches examinées met au jour la pertinence de la médiation contextuelle qui ne peut se réduire à un simple transfert des outils d'analyse. L'intercontextualité comme pratique est de la sorte induite par le travers de décontextualisation-recontextualisation opéré à l'intérieur du champ de la recherche. Elle est inscrite en creux dans l'exercice d'analyse et se présente à la fois comme dimension épistémologique et herméneutique.

  19. Etude Théorique et Numérique d’une Méthode de Point Intérieur pour la Résolution du Problème d’Inégalités Variationnelles

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    H GRAR


    Full Text Available Dans ce travail, nous présentons une nouvelle alternative de type point intérieur pour résoudre le problème d’inégalités variationnelles noté (VIP. Ce dernier connu par son importance grandissante aussi bien sur le plan théorique que pratique, est malheureusement traité par des méthodes non pratiques (hypothèses trop restrictives, calcul pénalisant des projections. L’idée de progresser à l’intérieur du domaine des contraintes est à fait attrayante, car une fois mise au point elle élimine tous les handicapes algorithmiques ou presque. Cette idée est aussi motivée par le succès remarquable des techniques de point intérieur au niveau de la programmation mathématique en général. Nous avons pu mettre en oeuvre plusieurs versions de l’algorithme issues d’une étude théorique approfondie dûe à Censor et al. [1998] et comprenant nos propres aménagements. Au cours de l’implémentation numérique, on a fait intervenir des problèmes mathématiques très importants. Les résultats obtenus sont très encourageants. Ils sont présentés dans un cadre comparatif signifiant.

  20. Whole Body Hyperthermia in Mice Confers Delayed Radioprotection at Cellular and Tissue Levels: Inducible Heat Shock Proteins as Endogenous Radioprotectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malytina, Y. V.; Sements, T. N.; Semina, O. V.; Mosin, A. F.; Kabakov, A.


    It was previously shown on heat shock protein (Hsp)-over expressing cell lines that the increased intracellular content of Hsp 70 or Hsp27 is associated with the elevated radioresistance. However, it was so far unknown whether the in vivo Fsp induction by stressful preconditioning can confer radioprotection at the tissue and cellular levels. In the present study, we examined how the in vivo up-regulation of the Hsp expression in response to mild whole body hyperthermia (42 degrees C, 10 min) in mice changes susceptibility of their bone marrow stem cells and thymocytes to subsequent gamma-irradiation. to assess the expectable contribution of stress-inducible Hsp we used injections with Quercetin, a flavonoid inhibiting the stress-responsive Hsp induction. The results demonstrate that the bone marrow stem cells and thymocytes from heat-preconditioned mice were more radioresistant than those from the non-preconditioned animals. the radioprotection was well manifested if mice or their isolated thymocytes were irradiated 18-25 h after the in vivo hyperthermia. This delayed radioprotection resulting from the heat preconditioning was suppressed in Quercetin-injected mice. The revealed correlation between the intracellular Hsp accumulation and the acquired Quercetin-sensitive radioprotection suggests a beneficial role of Hsps as of endogenous radioprotectors. Our finding discovers new ways for artificial modulation of effects of irradiation on target cells via manipulating the Hsp expression. (Author) 17 refs

  1. Influence de la taille des particules alimentaires sur la croissance du saumon atlantique lors de la prise d'alimentation

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    Full Text Available Les taux de croissance enregistrés sur des saumons atlantiques en période de première alimentation ont permis de montrer que la formule établie pour des parrs par WANKOWSKI : taille des particules à distribuer = taille du saumon x 0,024 est vérifiée pour des alevins de plus de 250 mg pour différents aliments. Pour des alevins de taille inférieure à 250 mg, les résultats dépendent de l'aliment, une taille d'aliment de 400 - 630 μ permet en général des performances satisfaisantes. Pratiquement on détermine une correspondance entre taille d'aliment à distribuer et le poids de l'alevin pour la période d'alevinage.

  2. Radioprotective Effect of Moderate Wine Consumption in Patients With Breast Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morganti, Alessio G.; Digesu, Cinzia; Panunzi, Simona; De Gaetano, Andrea; Macchia, Gabriella; Deodato, Francesco; Cece, M. Grazia; Cirocco, Massimo; Di Castelnuovo, Augusto; Iacoviello, Licia; Valentini, Vincenzo; Cellini, Numa; Gaetano, Giovanni de


    Purpose: Given the high cost and side effects of radioprotective agents such as amifostine, attention has been focused on potentially equally effective but less expensive and toxic natural substances. We evaluated the potential radioprotective effects of wine in preventing skin toxicity in patients with breast cancer. Methods and Materials: Before treatment, the medical history and habits of patients were assessed and the information recorded in their clinical folders. Patients were divided into three groups based on the dose/fractionation scheme used: control group, 60.4 Gy (standard technique); Modulated Accelerated Radiotherapy in Adjuvant treatment of breast cancer (MARA)-1 protocol group, 44 Gy (concomitant boost to tumoral bed); and MARA-2 protocol group, 60 Gy (concomitant boost to tumoral bed). The impact of the following variables on acute skin toxicity was evaluated by chart review: radiotherapy protocol, planning target volume (PTV), comorbidity (e.g., hypertension and diabetes), hemoglobin level before therapy, adjuvant hormone therapy, adjuvant chemotherapy, cigarette smoking, and drinking habits. Results: The study population consisted of 348 patients. More severe skin toxicity was significantly associated with the radiotherapy protocol (p < 0.001) and median PTV (p = 0.005). In addition, the incidence of acute toxicity of Grade 2 or greater was higher in patients without alcohol intake (38.4% vs. 22.3%, p = 0.021). The daily amount of alcohol intake also influenced the incidence of skin toxicity, with an incidence of 38.4% in patients with no wine intake, 31.8% in patients drinking half a glass per day, 13.6% in patients drinking one glass per day, and 35.0% in patients drinking two glasses per day. Multivariate analysis showed that wine intake, PTV, and radiotherapy protocol were all significantly correlated with acute toxicity. Conclusions: Our results indicate that wine may have a radioprotective effect; however, prospective studies are needed to

  3. Qualification and certification in radioprotection of odontology students in the State of Rio de Janeiro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padilha Filho, Lucas Gomes; Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ; Borges, Jose Carlos


    The main aim of this study was to conduct a critical survey on the qualification and certification in radioprotection of odontology students from all dental schools in the State of Rio de Janeiro and some dental schools in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The methodology involved the use of questionnaires applied to radiology professors and supervisors and former students. The questionnaires consisted of open and closed questions, which allowed an analysis of both qualitative and quantitative aspects. A critical analysis of the answers revealed that the students' knowledge of radioprotection is very poor, particularly with regard to the new guidelines of the Brazilian Ministry for Health. Consequently, we suggest that dental schools should reform the contents of radiology teaching, thus permitting upcoming students to be better prepared for the challenge of professional quality. (author)

  4. Implantation d'un Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR pour l'étude des variations climatiques et le suivi des campagnes agricoles en Côte d'Ivoire

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    Schayes, G.


    Full Text Available Conference: Congo – State, Peace, Economy and Well-being, 21-22 February 2008. Le plateau Adja est l'une des principales zones de production agricole du sud du Bénin avec plus de 90% de sa population dans l'agriculture. Malheureusement, cette zone de très forte pression fonci��re souffre, contrairement à la théorie de Boserup (3, de la persistance de l'agriculture minière et de la dégradation prononcée de l'environnement cultural. Cette étude a pour objectif d'analyser la dynamique de pauvreté sur tout le plateau Adja, aux fins de caractériser les formes de pauvreté dont la prise en compte s'avère nécessaire pour la promotion de l'agriculture durable dans la zone. A partir d'un échantillon de 122 ménages les données collectées portent essentiellement sur les caractéristiques des ménages, leur exploitation agricole, leur dotation en actifs et leurs états de bien-être en 2000 et en 2007 appréciés par les dépenses de consommation par équivalent-adulte comme indicateur. Les analyses de données ont permis d'identifier les traits qui distinguent les ménages pauvres chroniques des ménages pauvres transitoires sur le plateau Adja. Le niveau d'instruction, le nombre de champs, le capital naturel et le capital physique possédés sont les facteurs discriminants importants des deux catégories de pauvres. Sur la période de 2000 à 2007, la pauvreté transitoire domine la pauvreté chronique avec 36,9% des ménages contre 28,7%. La pauvreté chronique se traduit par un déficit persistant en actifs naturels et physiques. Selon le genre, les ménages dirigés par les femmes souffrent largement plus de la pauvreté chronique (47,1% que les ménages dirigés par les hommes (25,7%. En ce qui concerne les pratiques agricoles, les pauvres chroniques mettent moins en oeuvre les pratiques agricoles de conservation des terres que les pauvres transitoires.

  5. Un protocole pour la modélisation du fonctionnement des stations d'épuration à boues activées GMP Protocol for activated sludge models

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    GILLOT, Sylvie ; LANGERGRABER, Günter ; OHTSUKI, Takayuki ; SHAW, Andrew ; TAKACS, Imre ; WINKLER, Stefan ; RIEGER, Leiv


    Full Text Available Les stations d’épuration sont des systèmes dynamiques, soumis à d’importantes variations temporelles. La modélisation de leur fonctionnement, qui consiste à représenter mathématiquement l’évolution dans le temps de variables d’intérêt représentant les phénomènes biologiques, physiques et chimiques qui se déroulent dans les ouvrages, est utilisée pour mieux comprendre les processus mis en jeu et optimiser le traitement des eaux résiduaires.. Focus sur les activités du groupe de travail Good Modelling Practice de l’IWA, auquel participe activement les équipes d’Irstea, notamment dans l’élaboration d’un protocole pour l’utilisation des modèles de boues activées en pratique.The IWA Task Group on Good Modelling Practice (GMP has analysed current practice and experience on the use of activated sludge models. The group developed a framework to make modelling more straightforward and that helps structuring the interaction between modellers and the project stakeholders. The GMP protocol is a synthesis of existing procedures, and contains five major steps: (i Project definition, (ii Data collection and reconciliation, (iii Plant model set-up, (iv Calibration and validation, and (v Simulation and result interpretation. The Unified Protocol forms the basis of a Scientific and Technical Report that will be published in late 2012.

  6. La dimension économique de la lutte antitabac dans les pays à ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pratiques exemplaires en matière de taxation du tabac (élasticité de la demande, ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill ... Abonnez-vous à notre bulletin pour recevoir les nouvelles du CRDI chaque mois.

  7. La transformation de la recherche aux Suds: politiques et résultats

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    David O'Brien;Rigas Arvanitis

    des carrières, des pratiques de gestion, des collaborations internationales, des mobilités ... de mesure et de cadrage pour mesurer et évaluer les performances de la ... climatique, la protection de biodiversité ou la prévention et le contrôle des.

  8. L’évaluation systématique des instruments pour mesurer la douleur chez les personnes âgées ayant des capacités réduites à communiquer* (United States)

    Aubin, Michèle; Giguère, Anik; Hadjistavropoulos, Thomas; Verreault, René


    La douleur chronique est souvent sous-détectée et insuffisamment traitée dans les milieux de soins de longue durée. Les outils d’autorapport (ou autoévaluation) de la douleur, comme l’échelle visuelle analogique, n’ont été validés que partiellement chez les populations âgées, en raison de la prévalence élevée de déficits visuels, auditifs, moteurs et cognitifs que l’on y trouve. Des outils d’observation des patients ont été développés pour pallier ces difficultés d’utilisation des échelles d’autorapport de la douleur. Le présent projet vise l’identification de ces échelles et leur évaluation sur la base de la validité de contenu (12 questions), de la validité de construit (12 questions), de la fiabilité (13 questions) et de l’utilité clinique (10 questions). Parmi les 24 instruments recensés, plusieurs apparaissent prometteurs pour évaluer la douleur chez les personnes âgées atteintes de démence sévère. Des efforts additionnels de validation sont cependant requis avant leur intégration à la pratique régulière en soins de longue durée. PMID:17717611


    CERN Multimedia

    Service juridique


    15 novembre 2002 Depuis cette année, les Autorités suisses ont introduit un nouveau mode de taxation. Sa principale caractéristique est que l'année de taxation coïncide dorénavant avec l'année durant laquelle un revenu est perçu. Une conséquence pratique majeure est que les membres du personnel suisses recevront une facture de taxation provisoire, dont le règlement devra être effectué à l'échéance indiquée, alors que le bordereau final pour les mêmes impôts ne leur sera remis qu'ultérieurement, dans un délai pouvant s'étaler sur plusieurs mois. Jusqu'à présent, seul le bordereau final était reconnu par l'Administration du CERN comme justificatif pour le remboursement des impôts suisses. Compte tenu du décalage que la nouvelle pratique...

  10. Curcumin and trans-resveratrol exert cell cycle-dependent radioprotective or radiosensitizing effects as elucidated by the PCC and G2-assay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sebastià, N., E-mail: [Radiation Protection Service, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Montoro, A. [Radiation Protection Service, Universitary and Politechnic Hospital La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Grupo de Investigación Biomédica en Imagen GIBI230, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Unidad Mixta de Investigación en Endocrinología, Nutrición y Dietética Clínica, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Hervás, D. [Biostatistics Unit, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Pantelias, G.; Hatzi, V.I. [Institute of Nuclear and Radiological Sciences and Technology, Energy and Safety, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Aghia Paraskevi, Athens (Greece); Soriano, J.M. [Grupo de Investigación Biomédica en Imagen GIBI230, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Unidad Mixta de Investigación en Endocrinología, Nutrición y Dietética Clínica, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia (Spain); Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, Burjassot, Valencia (Spain); Villaescusa, J.I. [Radiation Protection Service, Universitary and Politechnic Hospital La Fe, Valencia (Spain); and others


    Highlights: • Curcumin and trans-resveratrol can exert radioprotective or radiosensitizing effects. • The mechanisms underlying such dual action were elucidated using the PCC and G2-assay. • Radioprotection occurs in non-cycling cells exposed to curcumin and resveratrol. • Radiosensitization occurs in cycling cells exposed to the chemicals. • G2-checkpoint abrogation by the chemicals underlies the radiosensitizing mechanism. - Abstract: Curcumin and trans-resveratrol are well-known antioxidant polyphenols with radiomodulatory properties, radioprotecting non-cancerous cells while radiosensitizing tumor cells. This dual action may be the result of their radical scavenging properties and their effects on cell-cycle checkpoints that are activated in response to radiation-induced chromosomal damage. It could be also caused by their effect on regulatory pathways with impact on detoxification enzymes, the up-regulation of endogenous protective systems, and cell-cycle-dependent processes of DNA damage. This work aims to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the dual action of these polyphenols and investigates under which conditions they exhibit radioprotecting or radiosensitizing properties. The peripheral blood lymphocyte test system was used, applying concentrations ranging from 1.4 to 140 μM curcumin and 2.2 to 220 μM trans-resveratrol. The experimental design focuses first on their radioprotective effects in non-cycling lymphocytes, as uniquely visualized using cell fusion-mediated premature chromosome condensation, excluding, thus, cell-cycle interference to repair processes and activation of checkpoints. Second, the radiosensitizing potential of these chemicals on the induction of chromatid breaks in cultured lymphocytes following G2-phase irradiation was evaluated by a standardized G2-chromosomal radiosensitivity predictive assay. This assay uses caffeine for G2-checkpoint abrogation and it was applied to obtain an internal control for radiosensitivity

  11. Curcumin and trans-resveratrol exert cell cycle-dependent radioprotective or radiosensitizing effects as elucidated by the PCC and G2-assay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sebastià, N.; Montoro, A.; Hervás, D.; Pantelias, G.; Hatzi, V.I.; Soriano, J.M.; Villaescusa, J.I.


    Highlights: • Curcumin and trans-resveratrol can exert radioprotective or radiosensitizing effects. • The mechanisms underlying such dual action were elucidated using the PCC and G2-assay. • Radioprotection occurs in non-cycling cells exposed to curcumin and resveratrol. • Radiosensitization occurs in cycling cells exposed to the chemicals. • G2-checkpoint abrogation by the chemicals underlies the radiosensitizing mechanism. - Abstract: Curcumin and trans-resveratrol are well-known antioxidant polyphenols with radiomodulatory properties, radioprotecting non-cancerous cells while radiosensitizing tumor cells. This dual action may be the result of their radical scavenging properties and their effects on cell-cycle checkpoints that are activated in response to radiation-induced chromosomal damage. It could be also caused by their effect on regulatory pathways with impact on detoxification enzymes, the up-regulation of endogenous protective systems, and cell-cycle-dependent processes of DNA damage. This work aims to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the dual action of these polyphenols and investigates under which conditions they exhibit radioprotecting or radiosensitizing properties. The peripheral blood lymphocyte test system was used, applying concentrations ranging from 1.4 to 140 μM curcumin and 2.2 to 220 μM trans-resveratrol. The experimental design focuses first on their radioprotective effects in non-cycling lymphocytes, as uniquely visualized using cell fusion-mediated premature chromosome condensation, excluding, thus, cell-cycle interference to repair processes and activation of checkpoints. Second, the radiosensitizing potential of these chemicals on the induction of chromatid breaks in cultured lymphocytes following G2-phase irradiation was evaluated by a standardized G2-chromosomal radiosensitivity predictive assay. This assay uses caffeine for G2-checkpoint abrogation and it was applied to obtain an internal control for radiosensitivity

  12. Trois monothéismes, une cause commune

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    Fanny Colonna


    Full Text Available L’apport d’Albert Piette à l’anthropologie de la religion, à travers son livre La Religion de près constitue un miracle, au sens où l’on ne voit pas bien ce qui l’a rendu possible en 1999 plutôt qu’aujourd’hui, ou il y a vingt, cinquante ou soixante-quinze ans. Pour tout dire, étant donnés les blocages théoriques et politiques, au sens fort, qui ont rendues impossibles jusqu’ici toute sociologie ou anthropologie de la pratique ordinaire du catholicisme en France (et pratiquement ailleurs, on...

  13. Éditorial

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    Maguy Pothier


    Full Text Available Avec la parution complète du numéro d'Alsic 2006, chers lecteurs, vous trouverez ici nos vœux les plus sincères pour une excellente année 2007, pleine de bonnes choses et de petits bonheurs (à défaut du grand. Le volume 9, 2006 est assez bien fourni et équilibré avec quatre articles Recherche, quatre articles Pratique et recherche, quatre Analyses de livres et deux Analyses de sites et logiciels, ainsi que deux Fiches pratiques, le tout accompagné comme d'habitude des rubriques Toilthèque e...

  14. Radioprotective effects of ascorbic acid in barley seeds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conger, B V


    Experiments were conducted to test the radioprotective effects of a naturally occurring reducing agent, ascorbic acid, on seeds (caryopses) of barley, Hordeum vulgare L. emend Lam. Seeds were soaked either before or after ..gamma.. or fission neutron irradiation in distilled water or ascorbic acid solutions ranging in concentration from 0.01 to 1.00 M. Results are reported as percentage germination, seedling height, seedling growth reduction, and (in one experiment) percent of cells with chromosome aberrations. As evidenced by both reduced germination and seedling growth, ascorbic acid was toxic when seeds were soaked for 1 hr at ambient temperature prior to irradiation and then planted immediately. When seeds were soaked in ascorbic acid before irradiation and soaked after irradiation in air-bubbled water at 0/sup 0/C for 18 hr, the toxicity disappeared, and a protective effect (which increased with increasing ascorbic acid concentration) was observed for ..gamma.. and, to a lesser extent, for neutron irradiation. Additional studies suggested that the protective effect was related to reduced hydration of the embryos of seeds soaked in ascorbic acid. Also, no radioprotective effect was observed when seeds were presoaked for 2 or 16 hr in 0.01 M ascorbic acid solutions buffered at pH 3 or pH 7. A protective effect was observed for seeds of 1.5 percent water content soaked after irradiation in an oxygen-bubbled ascorbic acid solution of 0.5 M but was not observed for seeds soaked in nitrogen-bubbled ascorbic acid. The protective effect against oxygen-dependent damage may be a result of interaction of ascorbic acid with radiation-induced free radicals.

  15. Antioxidant and radioprotective effect of the active fraction of Pilea microphylla (L.) ethanolic extract. (United States)

    Prabhakar, K R; Veerapur, V P; Bansal, Punit; Parihar, Vipan Kumar; Reddy Kandadi, Machendar; Bhagath Kumar, P; Priyadarsini, K I; Unnikrishnan, M K


    The ethanolic extract of Pilea microphylla (L.) was defatted, successively fractionated with acetone and the residue so obtained was found to be most potent when subjected to detailed free radical scavenging and in vivo radioprotection studies. The most active fraction reacts with free radicals, such as DPPH (50 microM), ABTS(.)(-) (100 microM) and (.)OH (generated by Fenton reaction) with IC(50) value of 23.15 microg/ml, 3.0 microg/ml and 310 microg/ml, respectively. The most active fraction inhibited iron-induced lipid peroxidation in phosphatidyl choline liposomes with an IC(50) of 13.74 microg/ml. The kinetics of scavenging of DPPH and ABTS(.)(-) radicals were followed at different concentrations of the fraction by employing stopped-flow studies. The observed first order decay rate constants at 200 microg/ml and 50 microg/ml of fraction with DPPH (50 microM) and ABTS(.)(-) (50 microM) were found to be 0.4s(-1) and 2.1s(-1), respectively. The fraction when screened for in vivo radioprotection in Swiss albino mice showed 80% protection at a dose of 900 mg/kg and with a DRF of about 1.12. The fraction was also found to protect livers of irradiated mice from depletion of endogenous antioxidant enzymes like glutathione, GST, SOD, catalase and thiols. The fraction also protected the villi height, increased the number of crypt cells while offering general protection to the intestine from acute radiation effects. The fraction also protected the hematopoietic system as assessed by endogenous spleen colony assay, contributing to the overall radioprotective ability.

  16. Dvorak. Concerto pour violoncelle / Francis Dresel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dresel, Francis


    Uuest heliplaadist "Dvorak. Concerto pour violoncelle; Schumann: Concerto pour violoncelle. Orchestre Symphonique d'Estonie, Orchestre Symphonique de la Radio TV d'URSS, Neeme Järvi" Vogue "Archives Sovietiques" 651033 1978

  17. Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of turmeric extract and vitamin E in mice exposed to therapeutic dose of radioiodine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhartiya, Uma S.; Raut, Yogita S.; Joseph, Lebana J.; Hawaldar, Rohini W.; Rao, Badanidiyoor S.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the radioprotective effect of turmeric extract (40 mg/kg body weight) and vitamin E (α - tocopherol acetate, 400 IU/kg body weight) supplementation on lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione and antioxidant defense enzymes in various organs like liver, kidney and salivary glands at 24 h in adult Swiss mice. 131 Iodine exposure significantly increased lipid peroxidation in kidney and salivary glands in comparison to control animals. Pre supplementation with turmeric extract for 15 days showed significant lowering of lipid peroxidation in kidney. On the other hand vitamin E pre supplementation showed marked reduction in lipid peroxidation in salivary glands. Reduced glutathione levels decreased significantly in liver after radiation exposure. However, pre supplementation with turmeric extract and vitamin E did not improve glutathione levels in liver. In conclusion we have observed differential radioprotective effect of turmeric extract and vitamin E in kidney and salivary glands. However, Vitamin E seems to offer better radioprotection for salivary glands which is known to be the major site of cellular destruction after radioiodine therapy in patients. (author)

  18. Effect of some drugs on radioprotective effectiveness, toxicity and distribution of 35S-Aminopropyl-aminoethyl-thiophosphate orally administered to mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grechka, I.I.; Belavina, L.P.; Kalistpatov, G.V.; Zherebchenko, P.G.


    Studied was the influence of adreno- adn cholinolytics and cholinomimetic substances on radioprotective effectiveness and toxicity of aminopropyl-aminoehtyl-thiophosphate (APAETP) and distribution thereof among organs after oral and intraperitoneal administration. Atropine and INPEA decrease the toxicity and radioprotectiVe efficiency of APAETP when administered orally and do not influence these properties after intraperitoneal in ection. Deposition of the labelled radioprotector within the organs after oral administration is also indicative that atropine and INPEA can delay the transfer of APAETP from the stomach to the intenstine

  19. Study and realisation of a microdosimetric detector intended to radioprotection measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tinelli, P.


    This work concerns the realisation of a tissue equivalent proportional counter. The detector, which is sensitive to neutron and gamma radiations is intended to measure dose equivalent for radioprotection use. The microdosimetric analysis of the pulses allows us to calculate the absorbed dose and the quality factor, it is possible to discriminate the two kinds of particules. This work is a first step before making an electronical individual dosemeter [fr

  20. Radioprotective Properties of Detoxified Lipid A from Salmonella minnesota R595 (United States)


    irradiated animals treated with bacterial endotoxins. Am. J. Physiol. 191, 124-130 (1957). 3. M. PARANT, Effect of LPS on nonspecific recistance to...Salmonella minnesota R595. Radiat. Res. 107, 107-114(1986). . in the past, the toxicity of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or its principal bioactive...contained significantly less CSA than those receiving either GLY or LAD. DISCUSSION The radioprotective effect of bacterial endotoxins has been known for over

  1. Informatique: tous pour un ... projet

    CERN Multimedia

    Delétraz, F; Requin, J-M


    "Pour des raisons de coût et d'efficacité, les chercheurs font de plus en plus travailler ensemble des ordinateurs éparpillés sur tous les continents. Pour faire avancer la science, tous les moyens et tous les réseaux sont bons" (1 page)

  2. Port du hijab et « défaut d’assimilation »


    Hajjat, Abdellali


    Dans le cadre de deux procédures d’attribution de la nationalité française, l’administration doit évaluer le « degré d’assimilation » des candidats. Le gouvernement peut ainsi refuser l’acquisition de la nationalité au motif du « défaut d’assimilation » pour la procédure de naturalisation (article 21-24 du code civil) et pour l’acquisition par mariage (article 21-4). Cet article analyse le « sens pratique de la mesure » de l’assimilation et prend pour objet un cas particulièrement problématiq...

  3. Hibernation for space travel: Impact on radioprotection (United States)

    Cerri, Matteo; Tinganelli, Walter; Negrini, Matteo; Helm, Alexander; Scifoni, Emanuele; Tommasino, Francesco; Sioli, Maximiliano; Zoccoli, Antonio; Durante, Marco


    Hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity used by some animals to survive in harsh environmental conditions. The idea of exploiting hibernation for space exploration has been proposed many years ago, but in recent years it is becoming more realistic, thanks to the introduction of specific methods to induce hibernation-like conditions (synthetic torpor) in non-hibernating animals. In addition to the expected advantages in long-term exploratory-class missions in terms of resource consumptions, aging, and psychology, hibernation may provide protection from cosmic radiation damage to the crew. Data from over half century ago in animal models suggest indeed that radiation effects are reduced during hibernation. We will review the mechanisms of increased radioprotection in hibernation, and discuss possible impact on human space exploration.

  4. Interaction of cultured mammalian cells with WR-2721 and its thiol, WR-1065: implications for mechanisms of radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purdie, J.W.; Inhaber, E.R.; Schneider, H.; Labelle, J.L.


    An isothermal microcalorimeter was used to measure changes in heat flow when radioprotective drugs were added to cultured mammalian cells. The heat produced when WR-2721 was added continued for at least 90 min. WR-2721 was dephosphorylated by the cells to thiol (WR-1065) which oxidizes to disulphide. In the microcalorimeter, thiols give an immediate burst of heat due to this oxidation. A biological oxygen monitor revealed that WR-1065 and cysteamine rapidly consumed all the oxygen in culture medium. (10mM WR-1065 deoxygenated medium in 2 min.). Rapid consumption of oxygen by radioprotective thiols indicates that they will not co-exist with oxygen for long in cells. This has two important implications with respect to mechanisms of radioprotection: (1) oxygen in tissues will be consumed rapidly and could results in local hypoxia; and, (2) at modest doses of protective agents the thiol will be consumed in oxic cells and hence very little will be available for reactions such as hydrogen donation. The results indicate that anoxia is probably the principle mechanism of protection by aminothiols in mammals and aerated cells. (author)

  5. Germanium junction detectors. Theoretical and practical factors governing their use in radiation spectrometry; Detecteurs a jonction au germanium. Elements theoriques et pratiques pour l'utilisation en spectrometrie de rayonnements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hors, M; Philis, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Semi-conductor detectors have recently greatly increased the possibilities available to nuclear spectroscopists for the study of {alpha}, {beta} and {gamma} radiations. Their use in radio-chemistry has encouraged us to study their principle, their mechanism and also the conditions under which they can be used. The first part, which is theoretical, consists of a summary of what should be known concerning the best use of junction detectors, in particular Ge (Li) detectors. The second part, which is experimental, summarizes the laboratory work carried out over a period of one year on Ge (Li) detectors. Stress is laid on the possibilities presented by the use of these detectors as photo-electric spectrometers, and also on the precautions required. Amongst the numerous results presented, the resolution of 2.52 keV obtained for the {gamma} radiation of 145.5 keV for {sup 141}Ce may be particularly noted. (authors) [French] Les detecteurs a semi-conducteurs ont recemment accru les possibilites offertes aux spectroscopistes nucleaires pour l'etude des radiations {alpha}, {beta}, {gamma}. Leurs utilisations en radiochimie nous ont incite a en etudier le principe, le mecanisme et d'autre part les conditions d'emploi. La premiere partie, theorique, rappelle l'essentiel de ce qu'il est utile de connaitre pour une utilisation optimale des detecteurs a jonctions et en particulier des detecteurs Ge (Li). La deuxieme partie, experimentale, resume les travaux realises au laboratoire pendant un an avec des detecteurs Ge (Li). Nous insistons sur les possibilites offertes et les precautions a prendre dans l'utilisation de ces detecteurs comme spectrometres photoelectriques. Parmi les nombreux resultats presentes, citons la resolution de 2,52 keV obtenue pour le rayonnement {gamma} de 145 f5 keV du {sup 141}Ce. (auteurs)

  6. Passer de la connaissance à l'action pour résoudre des problèmes complexes : aperçu de l'examen de neuf cas internationaux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. L. Riley


    Full Text Available Introduction: La résolution de problèmes complexes du type de la prévention des maladies chroniques présente des défis particuliers pour la création et le transfert de connaissances, soit le passage de la connaissance à l'action (PCA. Les approches axées sur le PCA respectant les principes de la pensée systémique sont jugées prometteuses,mais les stratégies pour les mettre en place ne sont pas bien comprises. Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats d'une analyse de plusieurs approches systémiques axées sur le PCA dans le but de déterminer comment optimiser leur mise en œuvre et leur efficacité. Méthodologie: Un groupe consultatif de cinq personnes a choisi neuf initiatives représentant une diversité d'enjeux et de formes organisationnelles. Pour chaque cas, l'information a été recueillie à partir de documents et par l'entremise d'entrevues téléphoniques avec des personnes-ressources de chaque organisation. Aprés la vérification des descriptions de cas, une analyse inductive a été effectuée à la fois pour chaque cas et entre les cas. Résultats: Ces cas ont révélé cinq lignes directrices permettant de passer de la conception de systémes de PCA à leur mise en œuvre : établir et entretenir des relations, coproduire et organiser les connaissances, créer des boucles de rétroaction, les encadrer comme des interventions systémiques plutôt que comme des projets et envisager des variations dans le temps et selon les lieux. Conclusion: Les résultats de cette analyse contextuelle constituent un départ modeste pour transformer en résultats concrets les concepts systémiques de PCA. L'utilisation des stratégies mises au jour pourrait améliorer le PCA pour la résolution de problèmes complexes en matière de santé publique. Les stratégies elles-mêmes pourront bénéficier de l'évolution d'une science visant à comprendre l'adaptation et l'apprentissage constant des politiques et des interventions

  7. Community Assessment of Natural Food Sources of Vitamin A ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce manuel constitue un guide pratique qui aide à évaluer, étape par étape, divers aspects des sources alimentaires naturelles de vitamine A dans une collectivité. C'est un document essentiel pour tout programme de recherche qui cherche à lutter contre la carence en vitamine A.

  8. Radioprotective effect of c-ski on rat skin fibroblast in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xia; Li Ping; Zhang En; Liu Ping; Zhou Ping; Zhou Yuanguo


    Objective: To examine radioprotective effect of c-ski on rat skin fibroblast in vitro and explore its possible mechanism. Methods: The effect of soft X-ray irradiation at dose varied from 2 to 8 Gy on cell apoptosis in rat skin fibroblast were determined by flow cytometry with Annexin-V-FITC-PI labelling. The effect of c-ski gene transfection on cell apoptosis was evaluated after soft X-ray irradiation of 4 Gy. The protein expressions of Bax and Bcl-2 after c-ski gene transfection were measured with the Western blot method. Results: Soft X-ray irradiation increases cell apoptosis, and the increase is proportional to the irradiation dose. Apoptosis ratio increases with time since the irradiation, and reaches its peak at 36h after the irradiation, c-ski gene was observed to markedly decrease apoptosis index at 24 h after soft X-ray irradiation of 4 Gy compared to the control group, significant increase of the protein expression of Bcl-2 was observed. C-ski gene was found no significant effect on the protein expression of Bax. Conclusion: c-ski gene can decrease radiation sensitivity of skin fibroblast, promoting Bcl-2 protein expression is one of its possible mechanism for this radioprotective effects. (authors)

  9. Radioprotection during the diagnostic use of X-ray in western Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Agata, Philip.


    The speed-up of technical progress in the field of radiodiagnosis has led to a huge expansion of this technique. The number of acts per year per inhabitant is rising constantly in industrialised countries. The average population dose has already doubled natural irradiation in certain cases. Considering the established effects on carcinogenesis and heredity the need for restrictive measures can no longer be ignored. Exposed staff are safeguarded by international recommendations, largely incorporated into national legislations. The protection of patients against superfluous irradiations, while nevertheless essential, is still neglected. The means are not lacking and must certainly be developed, but above all employed properly. Medical irradiation can be limited to a considerable extent by checking the competence of X-ray source users, systematically using the possibities of the equipment in such a way as to reduce the doses delivered and keeping an irradiation book for patients. Everyone agrees that a 90% reduction of medical irradiation would in no way impair the quality of the examinations. The following points are developed particularly: institutional organisation of radioprotection; aims of radioprotection in the context of the diagnostic use of X-rays; present reference norms in radiodiagnosis; doses delivered during conventional radiodiagnostic examinations [fr

  10. Lignes directrices sur la prise en charge en soins primaires des céphalées chez l’adulte (United States)

    Becker, Werner J.; Findlay, Ted; Moga, Carmen; Scott, N. Ann; Harstall, Christa; Taenzer, Paul


    Résumé Objectif Accroître l’utilisation d’approches éclairées par des données probantes pour diagnostiquer, investiguer et traiter en soins primaires les céphalées des patients. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire exhaustive a été effectuée pour trouver des lignes directrices et des révisions systématiques publiées entre janvier 2000 et mai 2011. La grille d’évaluation de la qualité des recommandations pour la pratique clinique AGREE a servi à l’analyse critique des lignes directrices. Les 6 guides de pratique clinique de la plus grande qualité ont servi de base dans le processus d’adaptation. Message principal Un groupe d’élaboration multidisciplinaire de professionnels des soins primaires ont formulé 91 recommandations précises à l’aide d’un processus consensuel. Les recommandations portent sur le diagnostic, l’investigation et la prise en charge de la migraine, de la céphalée de tension, de la céphalée due à une surmédication et de la céphalée vasculaire de Horton. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique adapté au contexte des soins de santé au Canada a été produit en suivant un processus d’adaptation de lignes directrices dans le but d’aider les professionnels de toutes les disciplines des soins primaires à dispenser des soins éclairés par des données probantes aux patients souffrant de céphalées.

  11. Radioactivity and radioprotection: the every day life in a nuclear installation. Press tour at CEA/GRENOBLE 18 november 1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the framework of the public information, this paper gives a general information on the radioactivity and the radioprotection at the CEA/Cadarache center. A first part is devoted to a presentation of the radioactivity with definitions and radiation effects on the human being and the environment. An other part presents the radioprotection activities and regulations. The last part deals with specific activities of the CEA/Cadarache: the CASCAD installations for spent fuels storage, the LECA Laboratory for the Examination of Active Fuels and a dismantling installation for big irradiated objects. Historical aspects of the CEA/Cadarache are also provided. (A.L.B.)

  12. Publications | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Avec nos livres, nos articles, nos publications de recherche et nos études, ... Téléphones mobiles, Internet et sexospécificité au Myanmar ... Les formateurs ont immédiatement eu la chance de mettre en pratique leurs nouvelles compétences.

  13. Influence of previous administration of trans-phenylcyclopropylamine on radioprotective and hypothermic effects of serotonin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misustova, J.; Hosek, B.; Novak, L.; Kautska, J.


    The influence of a previous administration of trans-phenylcyclopropylamine (t-PCPA) on radioprotective and hypothermic effects of serotonin was studied in male mice of the H strain, which were given t-PCPA in the dose of 4 mg/kg intraperitoneally 2 or 7 hours before application of serotonin (40 mg/kg, i.p.). The time course of protection was studied for exposures to 800 and 900 R. The results have shown that a previous administration of t-PCPA does not alter the short-time protective effect of serotonin, but that it significantly prolongs the time course of protection. The administration of t-PCPA also affects the starting speed and the duration of the serotonin-induced hypothermic reaction. The established correlation between prolongation of the radioprotective and hypothermic effects of serotonin induced by previous application of t-PCPA supplements the results with the existence of mutual relationship between changes of the energetic exchange and radioresistance of the organism. (author)

  14. Qualité de vie et consommation soutenable : une perspective pratique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick Mardellat


    Full Text Available Ce texte tente de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension du rôle de la consommation relativement à l’objectif de soutenabilité de nos modes de vie. À cette fin, on croise deux thématiques : consommation et bonheur, consommation et soutenabilité. Les paradigmes standard et institutionnalistes de la consommation soutenable sont questionnés du point de vue de la tradition pratique – aristotélicienne – qui en montre les limites et les insuffisances. L’approche quantitative de la limitation de la consommation caractéristique de ces deux approches conduit à une impasse. La réception de cette notion de consommation soutenable dans la tradition pratique est ensuite esquissée, faisant apparaître l’existence d’une vertu propre à l’économie, d’un lieu et d’une institution de la consommation accueillis dans une constellation de régimes politiques possibles.This text aims to reach a better understanding of the role of consumption with regard to the objective of sustainability of our lifestyles. We cross two themes: consumption and happiness, consumption and sustainability. The standard and institutionalist paradigms of sustainable consumption are questioned parts from the viewpoint of the Aristotelian tradition which shows their limits and failures. The quantitative approach of the limitation of consumption specific of these two approaches leads to a dead end. Then the reception of this notion of sustainable consumption in the practical tradition is sketched. The existence of an appropriate virtue for the economy, a place and an institution of the consumption welcomed in a constellation of possible political regimes clearly appear as the keystones of the practical conception of sustainable consumption.  

  15. The GnRH analogue triptorelin confers ovarian radio-protection to adult female rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camats, N.; Garcia, F.; Parrilla, J.J.; Calaf, J.; Martin-Mateo, M.; Caldes, M. Garcia


    There is a controversy regarding the effects of the analogues of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in radiotherapy. This has led us to study the possible radio-protection of the ovarian function of a GnRH agonist analogue (GnRHa), triptorelin, in adult, female rats (Rattus norvegicus sp.). The effects of the X-irradiation on the oocytes of ovarian primordial follicles, with and without GnRHa treatment, were compared, directly in the female rats (F 0 ) with reproductive parameters, and in the somatic cells of the resulting foetuses (F 1 ) with cytogenetical parameters. In order to do this, the ovaries and uteri from 82 females were extracted for the reproductive analysis and 236 foetuses were obtained for cytogenetical analysis. The cytogenetical study was based on the data from 22,151 metaphases analysed. The cytogenetical parameters analysed to assess the existence of chromosomal instability were the number of aberrant metaphases (2234) and the number (2854) and type of structural chromosomal aberrations, including gaps and breaks. Concerning the reproductive analysis of the ovaries and the uteri, the parameters analysed were the number of corpora lutea, implantations, implantation losses and foetuses. Triptorelin confers radio-protection of the ovaries in front of chromosomal instability, which is different, with respect to the single and fractioned dose. The cytogenetical analysis shows a general decrease in most of the parameters of the triptorelin-treated groups, with respect to their controls, and some of these differences were considered to be statistically significant. The reproductive analysis indicates that there is also radio-protection by the agonist, although minor to the cytogenetical one. Only some of the analysed parameters show a statistically significant decrease in the triptorelin-treated groups.

  16. The GnRH analogue triptorelin confers ovarian radio-protection to adult female rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camats, N. [Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (I.B.B.), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona (Spain); Departament de Biologia Cel.lular, Fisiologia i Immunologia, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona (Spain); Garcia, F. [Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (I.B.B.), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona (Spain); Parrilla, J.J. [Servicio de Ginecologia y Obstetricia, Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, 30120 El Palmar, Murcia (Spain); Calaf, J. [Servei de Ginecologia i Obstetricia, Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 08025 Barcelona (Spain); Martin-Mateo, M. [Departament de Pediatria, d' Obstetricia i Ginecologia i de Medicina Preventiva, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona (Spain); Caldes, M. Garcia, E-mail: [Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (I.B.B.), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona (Spain); Departament de Biologia Cel.lular, Fisiologia i Immunologia, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Barcelona (Spain)


    There is a controversy regarding the effects of the analogues of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in radiotherapy. This has led us to study the possible radio-protection of the ovarian function of a GnRH agonist analogue (GnRHa), triptorelin, in adult, female rats (Rattus norvegicus sp.). The effects of the X-irradiation on the oocytes of ovarian primordial follicles, with and without GnRHa treatment, were compared, directly in the female rats (F{sub 0}) with reproductive parameters, and in the somatic cells of the resulting foetuses (F{sub 1}) with cytogenetical parameters. In order to do this, the ovaries and uteri from 82 females were extracted for the reproductive analysis and 236 foetuses were obtained for cytogenetical analysis. The cytogenetical study was based on the data from 22,151 metaphases analysed. The cytogenetical parameters analysed to assess the existence of chromosomal instability were the number of aberrant metaphases (2234) and the number (2854) and type of structural chromosomal aberrations, including gaps and breaks. Concerning the reproductive analysis of the ovaries and the uteri, the parameters analysed were the number of corpora lutea, implantations, implantation losses and foetuses. Triptorelin confers radio-protection of the ovaries in front of chromosomal instability, which is different, with respect to the single and fractioned dose. The cytogenetical analysis shows a general decrease in most of the parameters of the triptorelin-treated groups, with respect to their controls, and some of these differences were considered to be statistically significant. The reproductive analysis indicates that there is also radio-protection by the agonist, although minor to the cytogenetical one. Only some of the analysed parameters show a statistically significant decrease in the triptorelin-treated groups.

  17. The effect of pouring time on the dimensional stability of casts made from conventional and extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloids by 3D modelling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan Ö. Gümüş


    Conclusion: All of the conventional and extended-pour impression materials tested in this study can be poured up to 24 hours with accuracy, if impressions are correctly stored. Extended-pour impression materials (ColorChange, Hydrogum 5, and Hydrocolor 5 can be poured up to 120 hours, if stored correctly.

  18. Réalisation d'écrans magnétiques supraconducteurs


    Lainée , F.; Kormann , R.


    Nous mesurons à 77 K les caractéristiques d'écrantage basse fréquence et bas champ d'écrans supraconducteurs en YBaCuO. Celles-ci se comparent favorablement à celles d'écrans en mumétal. La réalisation pratique d'écrans supraconducteurs est dès lors possible pour l'écrantage de petits volumes. Les géométries de réalisation d'écrans pour les grands volumes sont également discutées.

  19. Vocabulaire en action intermédiaire A2

    CERN Document Server

    Callet, Stéphanie


    Un parcours d'apprentissage complet : J'observe, J'analyse et j'explique, Je compare, Je pratique, Je passe à l'action, Je consulte le mémento lexical. Une démarche entièrement tournée vers l'action : pour acquérir ou réviser les compétences lexicales, pour maîtriser la communication orale et écrite. En situation de classe ou en autonomie. Avec un CD audio, des évaluations et un livret de corrigés.

  20. Préambule


    Guedj, Pauline; P. Santiago, Jorge


    En France, depuis le début des années 2000, l’analyse des pratiques musicales est devenue un champ particulièrement dynamique de l’anthropologie. La musique, tout comme la danse, constituent des objets stimulants pour notre discipline, que les anthropologues investissent et qui les positionnent dans un dialogue sans cesse renouvelé avec des ethnomusicologues, des historiens de la musique, des sociologues de l’art, des philosophes et des géographes. Pour ces anthropologues, la musique revêt p...

  1. L'art d'aimer la science

    CERN Document Server


    Pourquoi un petit groupe d'hommes dans le monde s'agite-t-il avec tant de frénésie pour se livrer à la pratique de la science ? Pourquoi font-ils des expériences, bâtissent-ils des théories pour ordonner les faits ? Par quelle nécessité des hommes mettent-ils tant de passion, prennent-ils tant de plaisir à vouloir interroger ce qu'ils appellent la nature ? C'est cela que Pascal Nouvel voudrait comprendre.

  2. Approche historiographique des pratiques sportives au Cameroun

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    Biwole M. Claude Emmanuel Abolo


    En 50 ans d'indépendance, le sport camerounais a beaucoup évolué. De 11 en 1970, les fédérations sportives sont passées à plus de 40 aujourd'hui et les titres, trophées et médailles ne se comptent plus depuis lors. Le Cameroun est devenu progressivement une nation où le sport compte et où l'exploit sportif n'est plus méprisé, rejeté, voire vilipendé. Hier assimilés à des brutes épaisses, les sportifs sont aujourd'hui admirés et adulés. Finie l'image négative de marginaux qui leur collait au corps : finis les sous-entendus ridicules où ils étaient classés au bas de l'échelle sociale, juste bons pour bander les muscles et réaliser des performances. C'est cela la plus grande victoire du sport camerounais en 50 ans d'existence. Il a réussi à faire l'unanimité et les performances des sportifs devenues pour toute la nation un modèle, une référence et un réel motif de fierté.

  3. Une autre ville pour une autre vie. Henri Lefebvre et les situationnistes

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    Philippe Simay


    Full Text Available L’un des traits distinctifs du mouvement situationniste est de s’être constamment préoccupé de la question urbaine. Conçue comme l’espace de production de la société du spectacle mais aussi comme un terrain de lutte et d’expérimentation, la ville a représenté pour ce mouvement estudiantin, proche d’Henri Lefebvre, le lieu d’une réinvention radicale de la vie quotidienne. Cet article revient sur la critique situationniste de l’urbanisme de l’après-guerre ainsi que sur les pratiques auxquelles elle a donné lieu (détournement, dérive, cartes psychogéographiques, construction de situations éphémères. Celles-ci peuvent être regardées comme la première expression d’un « droit à la ville », tel que l’entendait Lefebvre. Reste à savoir si le groupe de Guy Debord souhaitait véritablement « changer la ville pour changer la vie » ou si la ville n’était que le théâtre d’une révolution à venir.One of the distinctive traits of the situationist movement is its constant preoccupation with the urban issue. For this student movement close to Henri Lefebvre, the city has been thought of as a choice generic location for the production of the Society of the Spectacle, but also as a test ground for struggle and experimentation – the place where a radical reinvention of daily life can occur. This paper goes back to the situationist critique of post-war urbanism, as well as the behaviors and practices it has given birth to (misappropriation, drifts in meaning, psychogeographic maps, the construct of short-lived situations. These can be seen as the first expression of a « right to the city », in the sense Lefebvre originally meant it have. However, it is still unknown whether Guy Debord's group really wished to « change city-life to change life itself », or if to them the city was merely a theater for the enactment of a revolution to come.

  4. “We Learn by Doing”: Teaching and Learning Knowledge Translation Skills at the Graduate Level

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    Andrea V. Breen


    Full Text Available Knowledge Translation (KT is increasingly a requirement for scholars and non-academics working in applied settings. However, few programs provide explicit training in KT. In this article we systematically explore our experiences as a multi-disciplinary group of course facilitators and students in a newly redeveloped graduate course in Evidence Based Practice and Knowledge Translation. The course was designed to emphasize handson learning, collaboration and community engagement. We reflect on the challenges we faced and the skills, knowledge and opportunities that students gained as they developed and implemented community-based KT strategies relating to refugee resettlement, young carers, and consumer attitudes, behaviour and values around food purchasing decisions. We conclude by providing recommendations for instructors and institutions for implementing learning experiences in KT that are designed for real-world impact. L’application des connaissances (AC est devenue une exigence de plus en plus fréquente pour les chercheurs et les personnes qui travaillent dans les milieux non universitaires. Toutefois, peu de programmes offrent une formation explicite en AC. Dans cet article, nous explorons systématiquement nos expériences en tant que groupe pluridisciplinaire formé de responsables de cours et d’étudiants dans un cours de cycle supérieur nouvellement remanié portant sur la pratique fondée sur les données probantes et l’application des connaissances. Le cours a été conçu pour mettre en valeur l’apprentissage pratique, la collaboration et l’engagement communautaire. Nous réfléchissons aux défis auxquels nous avons été confrontés ainsi qu’aux compétences, aux connaissances et aux opportunités que les étudiants ont acquis en développant et mettant en pratique des stratégies d’AC en milieu communautaire sur les thèmes de la réinstallation des réfugiés, des jeunes aidants et des attitudes, comportements et

  5. La prise en charge des troubles de santé mentale par les omnipraticiens du Québec (United States)

    Fleury, Marie-Josée; Farand, Lambert; Aubé, Denise; Imboua, Armelle


    Résumé Objectif Cette recherche vise à documenter la prise en charge des troubles mentaux (TM) par les omnipraticiens. Type d’étude Il s’agit d’une étude mixte intégrant un questionnaire auto-administré et des entrevues qualitatives. La banque de données administratives des actes médicaux de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec a aussi été analysée. Contexte La province de Québec. Participants Un total de 1415 omnipraticiens de différents lieux de pratiques ont été sollicités pour le questionnaire; 970 ont été rejoints. Un sous-groupe de 60 omnipraticiens a été rejoint pour les entrevues. Principaux paramètres à l'étude La prévalence annuelle des consultations reliées à des TM courants (TMC) ou graves (TMG), les pratiques cliniques, les pratiques de collaboration, les facteurs facilitant ou entravant la prise en charge des TM, ainsi que les recommandations pour l’amélioration du système de soins. Résultats Le taux de réponse a été de 41% (n = 398 omnipraticiens) pour le questionnaire et de 63% (n = 60) pour les entrevues. Environ 25 % des visites chez les omnipraticiens sont associées à des TM. Presque tous les omnipraticiens prennent en charge des TMC et se sentent compétents pour le faire, à l’inverse de la situation retrouvée pour les TMG. Près de 20 % des TMC sont référés (principalement à des intervenants psychosociaux), alors que près de 75 % des TMG sont référés (surtout en psychiatrie et à l’urgence). Plus de 50 % des omnipraticiens affirment n’entretenir aucun contact avec l’une ou l’autre des ressources de santé mentale. Plusieurs facteurs influencent la prise en charge des TM: les profils des patients (complexité des TM, troubles concomitants); les caractéristiques des omnipraticiens (réseau informel, formation); la culture professionnelle (travail en silo, mécanismes cliniques formalisés); le milieu institutionnel (multidisciplinarité, salariat); l’organisation des

  6. Methodology for inspection parametrization of radioprotection at radioactive installations: a research agenda

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filgueiras, Bruno Costa; Sauerbronn, Fernanda F.


    This paper establishes a research agenda based on documental and bibliographic research for radioprotection inspection parametrization at radioactive installations, which is one of the constitutional attributions of Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission. Such proposal, aiming to guarantee that the evaluation of normative requests of radiation protection generated a quantitative result, useful for various institutions in the safety and regulation areas, bringing relevant contribution for the sector

  7. Émissions, déforestation et spéculation


    Karsenty, Alain


    Conçu pour aider les pays du Sud à diminuer leurs émissions liées à la déforestation, le mécanisme REDD+ n'a jamais vraiment rempli son rôle. Et a donné lieu à des pratiques douteuses. (Résumé d'auteur)

  8. Secteur informel, climat des affaires et croissance économique : une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Chargé(e) de projet. Pr. Aly Mbaye. Institution. Université Cheikh Anta Diop. Pays d' institution. Senegal. Extrants. Documents. Économie informelle, économie émergente, la profession comptable francophone s'engage : états des lieux et recommandations pratiques pour une prise en charge politique efficace du secteur ...

  9. Midday Meeting- Problems Childhood/Adolescence

    CERN Multimedia



    Le Dr. H.Feldmann, professeur à l'Université, parle de son expérience pratique de médecin en Neuropsychiatrie. Il est spécilisé pour les problèmes d'enfance-adolescence et de rélation entre enfants et ses éducateurs, notamment ses parents.

  10. Evaluation of radioprotective activities Rhodiola imbricata Edgew--a high altitude plant. (United States)

    Arora, Rajesh; Chawla, Raman; Sagar, Ravinder; Prasad, Jagdish; Singh, Surendar; Kumar, Raj; Sharma, Ashok; Singh, Shikha; Sharma, Rakesh Kumar


    The present study reports the radioprotective properties of a hydro-alcoholic rhizome extract of Rhodiola imbricata (code named REC-7004), a plant native to the high-altitude Himalayas. The radioprotective effect, along with its relevant superoxide ion scavenging, metal chelation, antioxidant, anti-lipid peroxidation and anti-hemolytic activities was evaluated under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. Chemical analysis showed the presence of high content of polyphenolics (0.971 +/- 0.01 mg% of quercetin). Absorption spectra analysis revealed constituents that absorb in the range of 220-290 nm, while high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis confirmed the presence of four major peaks with retention times of 4.780, 5.767, 6.397 and 7.577 min. REC-7004 was found to lower lipid oxidation significantly (p degradation within first 24 h. The metal chelation activity of REC-7004 was found to increase concomitantly from 1 to 50 microg/ml. REC-7004 (10-50 microg/ml) exhibited significant metal chelation activity (p < 0.05), as compared to control, and maximum percentage inhibition (30%) of formation of iron-2,2'-bi-pyridyl complex was observed at 50 microg/ml, which correlated well with quercetin (34.9%), taken as standard. The reducing power of REC-7004 increased in a dose-dependent manner. The absorption unit value of REC-7004 was significantly lower (0.0183 +/- 0.0033) as compared to butylated hydroxy toluene, a standard antioxidant (0.230 +/- 0.091), confirming its high reducing ability. Superoxide ion scavenging ability of REC-7004 exhibited a dose-dependent increase (1-100 microg/ml) and was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of quercetin at lower concentrations (1-10 microg/ml), while at 100 microg/ml, both quercetin and REC-7004 scavenged over 90% superoxide anions. MTT assay in U87 cell line revealed an increase in percent survival of cells at doses between 25 and 125 microg/ml in case of drug + radiation group. In vivo evaluation of radio-protective

  11. Méthodologie pratique pour spécifier un projet de recherche. : Séminaire du Master LLCER-CIM (Communication, Information et nouveaux Médias) - INALCO, Paris.


    Stockinger, Peter


    Master; Dans ce support sont présentés et discutés les deux points suivants :1) La spécification (définition) systématique d'un projet de recherche à l'aide d’une grille d'une quinzaine de questions.2) L'anatomie d'un projet de recherche étape par étape.Ce support a été conçu et réalisé afin de fournir une aide concrète aux étudiants en sciences humaines et sociales de niveau M1 ou M2 pour définir, mettre en place et réaliser un projet de recherche.

  12. Pratiques de la pêche compétitive et différenciation des sphères d’appartenance aux Îles de la Société (Polynésie française)


    Trémon, Anne-Christine


    La pêche au gros, big-game fishing, pratique élitiste comparable à un safari maritime, a été introduite en Polynésie française par un écrivain voyageur américain lors d’une escale sur l’île de Tahiti. Bien qu’elle ait été réservée dans un premier temps à l’élite occidentalisée, cette pratique s’est popularisée en se diffusant. Elle est pratiquée dans le cadre de championnats annuels dont le nombre a connu une forte inflation au cours des cinq dernières années. L’article montre comment son imp...

  13. Further studies on selective radioprotection by organic zinc salts and synergism of zinc aspartate with WR 2721

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Floersheim, G.L.; Bieri, A.


    Protection of the haematocrit and thrombocytes by small doses of the aminothiol radioprotector WR 2721 was markedly improved by the concomitant administration of small doses of zinc aspartate. Zinc aspartate was the only one of the tested zinc salts not inhibiting the regression induced by radiotherapy of human tumours grown as xenografts in immunosuppressed mice. This also applied to zinc aspartate with WR 2721. A dose of zinc aspartate which afforded synergistic haematological protection did not enhance the toxicity of WR 2721. The synergism of zinc aspartate with WR 2721 and the differential radioprotection of the combined protocol may make it possible in clinical cancer radiotherapy to obtain selective radioprotection at a lower toxicity giving an improved therapeutic ratio compared with WR 2721 alone. (author)

  14. Comparative radioprotective studies of chlorpromazine and cysteamine on rat bone development; Effect on serum and bone proteins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abdeen, A M; Ibrahim, H A; Badawy, M; Elkholy, W M.E.


    Experiments were planned to study the radioprotective effect of chlorpromazine (CPZ) and Cysteamine (Cys), when injected separately or combined before irradiation, on some factors affecting the development of rat bone. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: (1) The body weight decreased due to gamma-irradiation. (2) The mortality rate increased after irradiation, but diminished by single or double chemical injection before irradiation. (3) The serum total protein; albumin, globulin contents and A/G ratio were significantly increased, 6 hrs. After irradiation, then declined afterwards. (4) Histochemically, a decrease in bone protein content was demonstrates after irradiation. The above irradiation effects were suppressed by injection of the radioprotective substances. Their effect seems to be cumulative. 4 fig.,3 tab.

  15. Radioprotection in dentistry: Analysis of the Dentistry Faculties of the Rio de Janeiro State not referring at personnel and installations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padilha F, L.G.; Borges, J.C.; Raymundo Junior, R.; Koch, H.A.


    The objective was to show the necessity and the importance of the training and formation of the dentist in radioprotection according to the recent proposal for technical regulations 'Radiological protection directrixes in Medical and Dentistry radiodiagnostic' of the Secretaria do Vigilancia Sanitaria of Ministerio da Saude (SVSMS). This regulation establishes basic standards to radioprotection in the medical and dentistry areas, including principles, limits, obligations and basic controls for the man and environment protection, versus possible improper effects caused by the use of ionizing radiation sources. An analysis of the discipline programs of the Dentistry Schools of Rio de Janeiro state indicates that they show a little or none preoccupation by the radiological protection, which was confirmed through a survey applied toward responsible professors by department or radiology service to the dentistry Schools. This work suggests the creation or adaptation of the existing disciplines introducing radioprotection and images quality in radiodiagnostic, to improve, complement and to make uniform the formation of future dentists optimizing the solution of the identified problems. (Author)

  16. Radioprotection by dipyridamole in the aging mouse. Effects on lipid peroxidation in mouse liver, spleen and brain after whole-body X-ray irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seino, Noritaka


    To investigate the radioprotective effect of dipyridamole in the aging mouse, the lipid peroxide content in aging mouse liver, spleen and brain irradiated by X-ray were measured both before and after injection of dipyridamole. The lipid peroxide content increased with aging from 2 months old to 16 months old in the mouse liver, spleen and brain. The content of lipid peroxide in the liver and spleen of the aging mouse was significantly increased in 7 days after whole-body irradiation with 8 Gy, but was unchanged in the brain. Dipyridamole, given before irradiation, significantly inhibited the increase of lipid peroxide after irradiation. These results suggest that dipyridamole may have radioprotective effects on aging mouse liver and spleen as well as on young mouse, and that inhibition of lipid peroxidation is a possible factor in the radioprotective effect of dipyridamole. (author)

  17. Radioprotective effectiveness of adeturone in monkey experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikolov, I.; Pantev, T.; Rogozkin, P.; Chertkov, K.; Dikovenko, E.; Kosarenkov, V.


    The radioprotective effect of adeturone (adenosine triphsophate salt of AET) was tested on 28 monkeys (Macaca mulata). The animals were gamma-irradiated (cobalt 60) with a dose of 680 R (17,6 R/min, LDsub(100/18)). Adeturone was administered intravenously for 5 minutes, from 6 to 15 minutes before irradiation in a dose of 150 mg/kg (1/2 of thr maximal tolerable dose). It was found that adeturone administration before the absolute lethal irradiation will ensure survival of 50 % of the monkeys. Radiation sickness in protected animals runs a milder course as shown by the duration of the latency period, the manifestation of the hemorrhagic syndrome, the leukopenia and erythrocytes in the peripheral blood. Some symptoms do not appear at all (diarrhoea) or develop later(hyperthermia, hypodynamia). (A.B.)

  18. In vitro analysis of radioprotective effect of monoterpenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ken-ichi Kudo; Tadashi Hanafusa; Toshiro Ono


    Monoterpenes are naturally occurring hydrocarbons composed of two units of isoprenes. They exhibit antioxidant activity to scavenge reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl radicals. We investigated the potential of monoterpenes such as thymol, linalool, and menthol to act as radioprotectants. The proliferation of EL4 cells, a mouse lymphoma cell line, treated with linalool at a concentration of 500 μM or more was not affected by X-ray irradiation. Plasmid-nicking assay performed using formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase showed that linalool prevented single strand breaks and oxidized purines on pUC19 plasmid DNA. These findings indicate that linalool has the ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species and is a potential radioprotector. (author)

  19. Guides et formulaires | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Demande de subvention de recherche du CRDI · Budget de proposition · Lignes directrices du CRDI pour la préparation du rapport d'étape technique · Lignes directrices du CRDI pour la préparation du rapport technique final · Lignes directrices du CRDI pour les dépenses de projet admissibles · Lignes directrices pour la ...

  20. Formations hybrides et interactions en ligne du point de vue de l'enseignant : pratiques, représentations, évolutions Blended learning and online interaction from the teacher's perspective: practice, representation and evolution

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    Christian Degache


    Full Text Available Les formations hybrides sont de plus en plus nombreuses dans le domaine des langues mais ne sont, une fois créées, pas toujours stables dans le temps. Devant ce constat, nous avons fait l'hypothèse, qui est au fondement du présent article, que ces évolutions sont liées au déroulement des interactions qui ont effectivement eu lieu dans le cadre de ces formations. Pour vérifier notre hypothèse, nous avons mené des entretiens, basés sur des questionnaires hétéro-administrés, avec 15 concepteurs de formations en langues pour spécialistes d'autres disciplines (Lansad conçues dans le cadre du projet Flodi. L'analyse des données ainsi obtenues a permis d'identifier les pratiques d'interaction, les représentations des concepteurs et les évolutions de formations hybrides. Elle montre que l'interaction effective est bien un facteur déterminant pour leur évolution. Par ailleurs, l'observation des évolutions passées, présentes ou futures nous a permis de distinguer quatre tendances des formations hybrides en langues : introductive (des Tice, optimisatrice, réorganisatrice et collaborative.Language training increasingly uses blended learning systems. One can state that the latter, once they are set up, often continue to be modified. We argue that these modifications are due to the interaction during the related training sessions. To verify our hypothesis we interviewed 15 designers of blended learning systems in the field of languages for specialists of other disciplines which are part of the Flodi-project, filling out questionnaires while interviewing them. An analysis of the data reveals interactional habits, course designers' representations, as well as past and foreseen modifications of the blended learning systems. The results show that interactions during training sessions did influence the evolution of the system. Moreover, we were able to distinguish between four tendencies of past, present and future modification of the

  1. Genotoxic, radioprotective and radiosensitizing effect of curcumin and trans-resveratrol in vitro cultures of human lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisher, V.A.; Tirsa Muñoz, B.; Sebastià, N.; Gómez-Cabrero, L.; La Parra, V.; Hervás, D.; Rodrigo, R.; Villaescusa, J.I.; Soriano, J.M.; Montoro, A.


    Curcumin and trans-resveratrol are natural polyphenol compounds. Curcumin is obtained from the rhizomes of the Curcumin plant (Curcuma longa), while trans-resveratrol is found in grapes, blackberries and other types of berry. These compounds have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant and anticarcinogenic properties among others. In addition, they are also known for their radiomodulating properties since they are capable of providing radioprotection or radiosensitization for normal or tumours cells depending on different factors. This dual action may be the result of their properties, such as free radicals scavenging, as well as their influence on cell cycle checkpoints or control mechanisms. These are activated in response to the genetic damage induced by radiation. Despite the many beneficial properties attributed to these polyphenol compounds, some studies suggest that they are able to be genotoxic agents for some cellular lines. The results obtained indicate that both compounds possess a radioprotective effect on the lymphocytes of peripheral blood in the quiescent phase of the cellular cycle (G0). Nevertheless, they are capable of induce radiosensitivity on these type of cells in the growth phase (G2), and in addition, a different genotoxic effect can be seen according to the concentration of each compound. This study suggests, therefore, that curcumin and trans-resveratrol are able to exert a triple effect, genotoxic, radioprotective and radiosensitizing on in vitro cultures of human lymphocytes depending on the study parameters. [es

  2. Assessment of the radioprotective effects of amifostine and melatonin on human lymphocytes irradiated with gamma-rays in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopjar, N.; Miocic, S.; Ramic, S.; Milic, M.; Viculin, T.


    Radioprotective effects of amifostine and melatonin on human peripheral blood irradiated with g-rays were investigated using the micronucleus (MN) assay and the analysis of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE). Duplicate blood samples were pre-treated with amifostine (7.7 mM), melatonin (2 mM) and their combination for 30 minutes. Negative controls were also included. After treatment with radioprotectors, one blood sample from each experimental group was exposed to g-rays from a 6 0C o source. The radiation dose absorbed was 2 Gy. Pre-treated irradiated blood samples showed a decrease in the total number of MN and in the number of cells with more than one MN. Moreover, they also showed significantly lower mean SCE values. Our results indicate that amifostine, melatonin and their combination in vitro have radioprotective effects on g-irradiated human peripheral blood lymphocytes, with no significant genotoxicity. Therefore, it may be reasonable to use them in combination, adjusting the doses of amifostine to achieve the best radioprotective effect with as few side effects as possible. Before employment, this combination should be extensively tested in vitro and in vivo, using the same and other biomarkers for different radiation dose and concentration ranges of both radioprotectors.(author)

  3. Radioprotective effect of cysteamine entrapped in liposomes oraly administered to the Mouse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roman, Vincent; Bocquier, Francois; Leterrier, Francois; Fatome, Marc


    Cysteamine entrapped in liposomes was oraly delivered to Mice and its radioprotective effect observed as a function of the time elapsed between its administration and 60 Co gamma irradiation. A protection is manifest up to 3 hrs after administration. This result contrasts with the absence of protection afforded by cysteamine when oraly given as an aqueous solutions, and with the short lasting activity of its parenteral administration [fr

  4. Resultats principaux & recommandations: Le renforcement des Comités de Paix Locaux - Faciliter les débats des parties prenantes sur les choix stratégiques impliqués dans la justice transitionnelle au Burundi et en RDC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leeuwen, M. van; Nindorera, J.; Nzweve, J.-L.; Uffelen, G.-J. van; Corbijn, C.; Boer, Sanne de


    Les Comités de Paix Locaux (CPLs) sont devenus une importante stratégie d’organisations de développement pour promouvoir la justice transitionnelle dans des contextes touchés par des conflits. Dans la pratique, travailler avec les CPLs implique plusieurs choix stratégiques, y compris sur (1) la

  5. canada : tous les projets | Page 8 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Brazil, South America, Canada, North and Central America, India, Far East Asia, South Korea, Central Asia, South Asia. Programme: Économies en réseaux. Financement total : CA$ 203,800.00. Modalités institutionnelles pour faire des partenariats de recherche universités-communautés une pratique courante.

  6. Transfert de responsabilités (2009) | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 avr. 2016 ... ... des principes directeurs susceptibles d'orienter les pratiques en matière de transfert de responsabilité. Évaluation du transfert de la responsabilité des secrétariats internationaux du Centre de recherches pour le développement international par Jim Armstrong et Alexa Khan The Governance Network ...

  7. AutoCAD 3D pour l'architecture et le design : conception d'une maison et de son mobilier

    CERN Document Server

    Riccio, Michel


    Module 3D d'AutoCAD, logiciel leader de dessin assisté par ordinateur, AutoCAD 3D est l'outil indispensable des architectes qui souhaitent présenter leurs travaux en trois dimensions. Voici donc un livre très pédagogique qui leur fera découvrir ses principales fonctionnalités (versions 2006 à 2010) à travers un projet de conception de maison contemporaine. Riche de 700 plans, schémas et dessins, il explique quels outils employer pour modéliser les façades d'une villa, sa piscine et sa terrasse, ainsi que son architecture intérieure et son mobilier. Dès les premières pages, le lecteur se retrouve ainsi plongé dans la pratique, voyant se construire au fil des 17 ateliers un édifice tridimensionnel complexe, qu'il aura la satisfaction d'avoir créé lui-même. A qui s'adresse ce livre ? Aux bureaux d'architectes qui souhaitent présenter leurs projets en 3D ; À tous les étudiants en écoles d'architecture ; Aux utilisateurs 2D d'AutoCAD qui désirent connaître les fonctions 3D de ce logiciel.

  8. Martine Monacelli et Michel Prum. Ces hommes qui épousèrent la cause des femmes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frédéric REGARD


    Full Text Available Cet ouvrage collectif compte dix chapitres, consacrés chacun à l’un des « pionniers » hommes du féminisme. Les militants ou sympathisants sont  pour certains très célèbres, mais pour d’autres pratiquement inconnus, William Godwin, John Stuart Mill, William Thompson et Edward Carpenter côtoyant William Johnson Fox, George Lansbury, Israel Zangwill, Frederick Pethic-Lawrence, Frederick Billington-Greig ou encore Victor Duval. Une bibliographie sélective complète l’ouvrage, malheureusement dépou...

  9. Oulebsir Nabila et Volait Mercedes (dir., L’Orientalisme architectural entre imaginaires et savoirs, Paris, CNRS et Picard, 2009, 300 p.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rémi Labrusse


    Full Text Available D’usage potentiellement aussi large qu’est vague la notion d’Orient dont il est issu, le terme « orientalisme », en histoire de l’art et de l’architecture, sert le plus souvent, faute de mieux, à caractériser l’emploi de formes issues des arts de l’Islam, décontextualisées puis réappropriées dans le cadre de pratiques propres à la culture occidentale (celles-ci fussent-elles endossées par des artistes non-occidentaux. Ces pratiques, le xixe siècle, pour des raisons à la fois scientifiques (l...

  10. Le marché des jeux vidéo


    Trémel, Laurent


    Basé sur les travaux menés par l’auteur sur la pratique des jeux vidéo depuis une dizaine d’années, l’article se situe dans une perspective de sociologie critique et expose les logiques développées dans les jeux vidéo les plus pratiqués, et comment celles‑ci répondent aux attentes d’un « public cible ». En déconstruisant certains artefacts statistiques conçus pour modifier l’image sociale de ces produits, le propos révèle quelles sont les intentions des industriels du loisir et comment ils pe...

  11. On the role played by direct protection of the haemopoietic system cells in radioprotective action of some biogenous amines on the animal organism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnova, I.B.; Dontsova, G.V.; Yanushevskaya, M.I.; Graevskij, E.Ya.


    It has been found in mice, by a method of splenic exocolonies, that: (1) serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline can protect both isolated bone marrow cells and cells in situ (2) a considerable contribution to a radioprotective action of the amines under study on the animal organism is made by their direct protective effect on cells, (3) with serotonin and adrenaline, ''cell'' protection in the organism is added by a radioprotective action of tissue hypoxia caused by these amines

  12. Development of Functional Foods and Advanced Technology for Radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jo, Sung Kee; Byun, Myung Woo; Kim, Jin Kyu


    We have previously developed two medicinal herb mixtures that protects immune/hematopoietic system and self-renewal tissues against irradiation and enhances immune/hematopoietic functions. In this study, we have developed two pilot products by adding the effective fractions to the hot water extract of the herb mixtures and investigated their efficacy. In irradiated mice, pilot products protected hematopoietic stem cells, promoted the regeneration and activation of immune cells, normalized the unbalanced immune reaction, and inhibited the growth of cancer cells. Polysaccharide was active fraction and mechanisms were elucidated. The products also protected the stem cells in self-renewal tissues. DNA/membrane damages, apoptotic cell signals, chromosome/DNA alterations, and oxidation of protein/lipid were inhibited by pilot products, and their radical scavenging activities were observed. Five active components were isolated and identified. Pilot products also inhibited the cancer development by 30% in irradiated mice. In clinical investigation, pilot products inhibited the side-effects of cancer therapy including immune/hematopoietic depression. Therefore, the pilot products may be used as functional foods for overcoming of immune/hematopoietic depression and self-renewal tissue damages induced by irradiation, as well as for the immune/hematopoietic enhancement. Also we have screened food materials for inhibition of radiation-induced chronic damage (carcinogenesis), and selected effective 4 materials and elicited two mixture preparations with enhanced activity, and confirmed their inhibitory activities in cancer initiation model systems. To obtain the applicability of radiation technology for the safe sanitation and distribution of functional food materials, we verified the toxicological safety, stability of activity and active components of irradiated medicinal herbs. Also, screening of new radioprotective materials and basic biological research for the enhancement of

  13. Natural radioprotection of cells. Radiochemical, biochemical and clinical aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Revesz, L.


    Recent investigations on natural radioprotection are reviewed, carried out with human fibroblast strains and lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from individuals heterozygous or homozygous with regard to an inborn error in glutathione synthetase activity. The cells have a decreased content of non-protein bound sulphydryls and lack specifically glutathione either almost totally, or have a glutathione level about fifty per cent of the normal. Using single-strand DNA breaks as the end-point of the radiation effect, oxygen and misonidazole fail to enhance the radiosensitivity of cells deficient in glutathione, and OER and DMF close to unity are calculated. Substitution of glutathione deficiency by treatment with different radioprotective aminothiols decreases the sensitivity of the cells, and makes them susceptible to the oxygen effect. In glutathione deficient cells, rejoining of the single strand breaks proceeds at a normal rate after anoxic radiation exposure, but is inhibited after oxic exposure. Using clonogenic survival as the end-point for the radiation effect, sensitization of glutathione deficient cells is again greatly decreased, but OER and DMF differ significantly from unity. The data were interpreted to indicate that endogenous glutathione or some exogenous aminothiols repair radiation induced radicals in key target molecules by hydrogen transfer in a competition with oxygen and/or misonidazole which permanent the damage. The outcome of the radical reactions will be modified by further post-irradiation enzymatic repair processes of which at least one is glutathione dependent. For the appropriate clinical application of hypoxic cell sensitizers, the use of a ''vascularization index'', possibly determined by morphometric analysis of histological preparations, is suggested as a diagnostic parameter to characterize neoplasms besides current routine staging and grading of differentiation

  14. Fifth meeting of persons competent in radiation protection; Cinquiemes rencontres des personnes competentes en radioprotection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    During this meeting will successively be approached: the statutory frame, the practical guide for the realization of the dosimetry studies of work stations presenting a risk of exposure to ionizing radiations, a study of post in conventional and interventional radiology, study of post in interventional cardiology, the roles and the missions of the P.C.R. (person competent in radiation protection) in a subcontractor company in I.N.B. (base nuclear installation), the application of the zoning order for the activities of industrial radiography, the evolution of the statutory measures in protection of the workers against the dangers of ionizing radiations, all which concerns the P.C.R. (training, missions, certification, educational role), the controls of radioprotection, the external controls of radioprotection, the surveillance of working zones, surveillance of effluents,management of the radioactive waste and effluents, classification of the personnel and the surveillance of the exposure, dosimetry by radio photo luminescence, the systeme S.I.S.E.R.I.. (N.C.)

  15. Nestor Capdevila, Le concept d’idéologie, Paris, PUF, 2004, 326 pages, 25 euros.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Que la philosophie puisse se pratiquer dans toute sa rigueur conceptuelle en s’appliquant à des notions politiques, voilà qui n’a pas été et n’est pas toujours évident pour tous. Le concept d’idéologie de Nestor Capdevila est une lecture tout indiquée pour les sceptiques. Le pari n’est pourtant pas gagné a priori : ce terme, forgé en 1798 par Destutt de Tracy pour désigner la science des idées prises au sens général de perceptions, est on ne peut plus fuyant. S’il n’a pas, à l’origine, la con...

  16. Normal-tissue radioprotection by overexpression of the copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase genes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veldwijk, Marlon R. [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Univ. Medical Center Mannheim, Univ. of Heidelberg, Mannheim (Germany); Pharmacology of Cancer Treatment (G402), German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg (Germany); Herskind, Carsten; Wenz, Frederik [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Univ. Medical Center Mannheim, Univ. of Heidelberg, Mannheim (Germany); Sellner, Leopold; Zeller, W. Jens [Pharmacology of Cancer Treatment (G402), German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg (Germany); Radujkovic, Aleksandar [Dept. of Internal Medicine V, Univ. of Heidelberg (Germany); Laufs, Stephanie [Dept. of Experimental Surgery, Univ. Medical Center Mannheim, Univ. of Heidelberg, Mannheim (Germany); Molecular Oncology of Solid Tumors (G360), German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg (Germany); Fruehauf, Stefan [Center for Tumor Diagnostic and Therapy, Paracelsus-Klinik, Osnabrueck (Germany)


    Background and Purpose: Protection of normal tissue against radiation-induced damage may increase the therapeutic ratio of radiotherapy. A promising strategy for testing this approach is gene therapy-mediated overexpression of the copper-zinc (CuZnSOD) or manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) using recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV2) vectors. The purpose of this study was to test the modulating effects of the SOD genes on human primary lung fibroblasts (HPLF) after irradiation. Material and Methods: HPLF were transduced with rAAV2 vectors containing cDNA for the CuZnSOD, MnSOD or a control gene. The cells were irradiated (1-6 Gy), and gene transfer efficiency, apoptosis, protein expression/activity, and radiosensitivity measured by the colony-forming assay determined. Results: After transduction, 90.0% {+-} 6.4% of the cells expressed the transgene. A significant fivefold overexpression of both SOD was confirmed by an SOD activity assay (control: 21.1 {+-} 12.6, CuZnSOD: 95.1 {+-} 17.1, MnSOD: 108.5 {+-} 36.0 U SOD/mg protein) and immunohistochemistry. CuZnSOD and MnSOD overexpression resulted in a significant radioprotection of HPLF compared to controls (surviving fraction [SF] ratio SOD/control > 1): CuZnSOD: 1.18-fold (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.06-1.32; p = 0.005), MnSOD: 1.23-fold (95% CI: 1.07-1.43; p = 0.01). Conclusion: Overexpression of CuZnSOD and MnSOD in HPLF mediated an increase in clonogenic survival after irradiation compared to controls. In previous works, a lack of radioprotection in SOD-overexpressing tumor cells was observed. Therefore, the present results suggest that rAAV2 vectors are promising tools for the delivery of radioprotective genes in normal tissue. (orig.)

  17. Calculation codes in radioprotection, radio-physics and dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jan, S.; Laedermann, J.P.; Bochud, F.; Ferragut, A.; Bordy, J.M.; Parisi, L.L.; Abou-Khalil, R.; Longeot, M.; Kitsos, S.; Groetz, J.E.; Villagrasa, C.; Daures, J.; Martin, E.; Henriet, J.; Tsilanizara, A.; Farah, J.; Uyttenhove, W.; Perrot, Y.; De Carlan, L.; Vivier, A.; Kodeli, I.; Sayah, R.; Hadid, L.; Courageot, E.; Fritsch, P.; Davesne, E.; Michel, X.


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during these conference days. Twenty seven presentations are assembled in the document and deal with: 1 - GATE: calculation code for medical imaging, radiotherapy and dosimetry (S. Jan); 2 - estimation of conversion factors for the measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate by in-situ spectroscopy (J.P. Laedermann); 3 - geometry specific calibration factors for nuclear medicine activity meters (F. Bochud); 4 - Monte Carlo simulation of a rare gases measurement system - calculation and validation, ASGA/VGM system (A. Ferragut); 5 - design of a realistic radiation field for the calibration of the dosemeters used in interventional radiology/cardiology (medical personnel dosimetry) (J.M. Bordy); 6 - determination of the position and height of the KALINA facility chimney at CEA Cadarache (L.L. Parisi); 7 - MERCURAD TM - 3D simulation software for dose rates calculation (R. Abou-Khalil); 8 - PANTHERE - 3D software for gamma dose rates simulation of complex nuclear facilities (M. Longeot); 9 - radioprotection, from the design to the exploitation of radioactive materials transportation containers (S. Kitsos); 10 - post-simulation processing of MCNPX responses in neutron spectroscopy (J.E. Groetz); 11 - last developments of the Geant4 Monte Carlo code for trace amounts simulation in liquid water at the molecular scale (C. Villagrasa); 12 - Calculation of H p (3)/K air conversion coefficients using PENELOPE Monte-Carlo code and comparison with MCNP calculation results (J. Daures); 13 - artificial neural networks, a new alternative to Monte Carlo calculations for radiotherapy (E. Martin); 14 - use of case-based reasoning for the reconstruction and handling of voxelized fantoms (J. Henriet); 15 - resolution of the radioactive decay inverse problem for dose calculation in radioprotection (A. Tsilanizara); 16 - use of NURBS-type fantoms for the study of the morphological factors influencing the pulmonary

  18. Radioprotection of whole-body γ-irradiation-induced alteration in some haematological parameters by cysteine, vitamin E and their combination in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaheen, A.A.; Hassan, S.M.


    Radioprotective effect of cysteine, vitamin E and their combination on γ-irradiation-induced alteration in some haematological parameters in male rats has been studied 24 and 48 hrs after whole-body γ-irradiation at a dose level of 7.5 Gy. The results of this study reveal that γ-irradiation caused a significant decrease in red blood cells (RBCs) count with insignificant change in hemoglobin level, 24 and 48 hrs postirradiation, γ-irradiated rats showed as well a progressive decrease in their blood ATP, and serum-SH levels with a significant increase in blood glutathione (GSH) level. Administration of cysteine or vitamin E preceeding γ-radiation exposure gave a significant radioprotection to the above haematological parameters. However, combination of both agents afforded a better protection, so that most of the measured parameters were restored to the pre-irradiated values. Finally, the data demonstrate that the radioprotection provided by combined adminsistration of vitamin E and cysteine is feasible and perhaps, even more efficient against radiation injury to RBCs. This will appreciate the usage of such combination in protecting the patient during radiotherapy. (orig.) [de

  19. Démarche pour la mise à niveau d’un secteur de soins pharmaceutiques : le cas de l’hémato-oncologie pédiatrique (United States)

    Bussières, Jean-François; Robelet, Antoine; Therrien, Roxane; Touzin, Karine


    Contexte : Bien que le concept de pharmacie clinique ait été développé dans les années soixante, il existe une grande variété de programmes et une grande disparité entre les programmes en clinique externe et en hospitalisation, bénéficiant de la présence d’un pharmacien dans un secteur de soins. Objectif: Éprouver une méthode de mise à niveau des secteurs de soins pharmaceutiques en établissement de santé. Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive se déroulant au Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, un établissement mère-enfant de 500 lits. Le secteur de soins pharmaceutiques ciblé pour illustrer la méthode de mise à niveau est l’hématologie-oncologie pédiatrique. La méthode comporte trois étapes, soit une revue de la documentation scientifique, un profil du secteur et une mise à jour du niveau de pratique selon un profil des activités pharmaceutiques dans le secteur avant et après la mise à niveau. Résultats : Au total, 108 articles ont été recensés et 22 ont été retenus à partir d’une recherche dans PubMed. Après une recherche manuelle complémentaire, 36 articles ont finalement été évalués. Parmi les articles retenus, on compte trois lignes directrices, 11 études de développement, une revue de la littérature scientifique, six études pré- et post-interventions et 15 études quasi expérimentales. Bien que les patients de ce secteur ne comptent que pour 5 % des admissions de l’hôpital, la complexité des cas est élevée tant sur le plan de la codification de l’épisode de soins que du potentiel d’intervention pharmaceutique par admission. Conclusion : Il existe peu de données illustrant une démarche de mise à niveau de la pratique dans un secteur de soins pharmaceutiques. Cette étude a éprouvé une méthode de mise à niveau dans un service d’hématologie-oncologie pédiatrique et comporte une revue de la documentation scientifique, un profil du secteur et une description des t

  20. Interspecies comparison of the tissue distribution of WR-2721, a radioprotective drug

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Washburn, L.C.; Rafter, J.J.; Hayes, R.L.; Yuhas, J.M.


    Pre-irradiation intravenous administration of the radioprotective drug S-2-[3-aminopropylamino]ethylphosphorothioic acid (WR-2721) has potential value in radiotherapy because it doubles the radiation resistance of normal mouse tissues while affording only minimal protection to tumors. Deficient deposition of WR- 2721 in tumor tissue has recently been demonstrated and this is thought to be a major reason for the preferential protection of normal tissues by the drug. Data originally obtained in studies using the mouse and rat indicated that the tissue distribution of WR-2721 was possibly more closely related to dose per unit surface area than to dose per unit weight. To test this hypothesis an interspecies comparison of the tissue distribution of 35 S-labeled WR-2721 was carried out in normal mice, rats, rabbits, and dogs at 15 and 30 minutes after intravenous administration. Results suggest that the surface area and body weight exert equal effects on the tissue concentration of WR-2721. The results further suggest that lower absolute doses of WR-2721 in the human, possibly as low as 20 mg/kg, may provide a radioprotective effect equivalent to that produced from 100 mg/kg in the mouse, i.e., a 50 to 80 percent increase in radiation resistance (CH)

  1. Radioprotective effect of Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin in gamma induced acute radiation syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kindekov, Ivan; Vassilieva, Vladimir; Aljakova, Mitko; Mileva, Milka; Krastev, Dimo; Raynova, Yuliana; Idakieva, Krassimira; Doumanov, Lyuba


    The radioprotective effect of Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin (RtH) against radiation-induced injuries (stomach ulcers, survival time and endogenous haemopoiesis) and post-radiation recovery was investigated in male albino mice (C3H strain). Radiation course was in a dose of 7.5 Gy (LD 100/30 - dose that kills 100% of the mice at 30 days) from "1"3"7Cs with a dose of 2.05 Gy/ min. Radiation injuries were manifested by inducing 2 hematopoietic form of acute radiation syndrome. RtH was administered intraperitoneally in a single dose of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg body weight (b. w.) once a day for five consecutive days before irradiation. The results obtained showed that radiation exposure led to (1) 100% mortality rate, (2) ulceration in the stomach mucosa and (3) decrease formation of spleen colonies as a marker of endogenous haemopoiesis. Administration of RtH at a dose of 200 mg/kg provided better protection against radiation-induced stomach ulceration, mitigated the lethal effects of radiation exposure and recovered endogenous haemopoiesis versus irradiated but not supplemented mice. It could be expected that RtH will find a use in mitigating radiation induced injury and enhanced radiorecovery. Keywords: Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin; acute radiation syndrome; radioprotective effect; spleen colony assay; stomach ulcerations

  2. Les pratiques littéraciées bidisciplinaires lettres-histoire dans le secondaire : vers la construction d'une culture humaniste moins différenciatrice pour les élèves de milieu populaire ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rossignol Marie-France


    Full Text Available Dans le contexte de massification et de multiculturalisme qui caractérise actuellement l'enseignement secondaire français, la nécessité de dispenser une culture commune à donner en partage à tous les élèves se trouve mise sur le devant de la scène scolaire. Les dernières réformes en cours présentent cet objectif comme prioritaire. Ainsi les nouveaux programmes de 2006 réinstitutionnalisent la « culture humaniste », héritière de la culture scolaire originelle, et la confient aux disciplines littéraires, français et histoire, ainsi qu'aux disciplines artistiques. Cette restauration pose la question vive de l'appropriation chez les élèves de milieu populaire d'une telle forme de culture, d'ordre scripturaire, fondée sur la lecture de textes patrimoniaux, en particulier littéraires, mobilisant des ressources cognitives et culturelles de haut niveau. Comment leur donner accès à une littératie humaniste très éloignée de leurs pratiques socioculturelles de référence habituelles sans risquer d'accroître les écarts avec les élèves socialement plus favorisés, davantage familiarisés à cette forme culturelle ? Une recherche exploratoire est menée à partir d'un dispositif bidisciplinaire français-histoire expérimental, mis en œuvre par des praticiens confirmés, dans trois classes d'établissements du secondaire de la banlieue parisienne accueillant des élèves d'origine modeste. L'analyse des productions écrites et orales des élèves montre que la pratique d'une littératie humanisteen contexte bidisciplinaire favorise chez eux l'entrée dans l'apprentissage de la culture humaniste scolaire, et, sur un mode certes très différencié, les conduit à mieux se l'approprier.

  3. Les ressorts de la fidélité des pratiquants dans une fédération sportive The works of the development of practitioners’loyalty in a sporting federation. On the events behind the making of a windsurfer’s career at the Brittany League of Sailing

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    Claude Lafabrègue


    Full Text Available Cette étude s’interroge sur les conditions sociales à même de favoriser la fidélité des pratiquants envers une fédération sportive. Prenant acte de la rationalisation sportive qui est en marche dans de nombreuses fédérations nationales, le travail de recherche recourt à un modèle explicatif combinant deux formes temporelles de la causalité. L’une, structurelle, stipule que la fidélité se fabrique de l’intérieur, à partir des cadres organisationnels mis en place par l’institution fédérale ; l’autre, processuelle, considère qu’elle survient en cours de carrière. L’articulation de ces deux plans d’analyse est mise à profit pour examiner en quoi la fidélité des pratiquants est redevable des événements qui affectent, durant leur parcours, la valeur proprement sportive que leur octroie l’institution fédérale.This is a study of the social conditions likely to encourage the loyalty of practitioners towards their sports federation. Taking note of the increasing sporting rationalization in many national federations, the research resorts to an explanatory model combining two temporal forms of causality. One, structural, stipulates that loyalty comes from within, starting from the organisational devices set up by the federal institution ; the other, processual, considers that it occurs in the course of the career. The articulation of these two axes of analysis is used to examine hoz the loyalty of practitioners is indebted to the events affecting the proper sporting value granted to them by the federal institution.

  4. Radioprotective and radiotherapeutic properties of biotechnological agent MD2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sobol, C.V.; Komar, V.E.; Sobol, Y.T.


    In recent years as the result of nuclear testing and accidents at nuclear power plants such as Chernobyl, etc. radiation exposure has become a major issue in various parts of the world. Experience of recent nuclear accidents has shown there is no effective treatment for patients expose to doses of radiation that result in fatal hematopoietic failure and /or secondary infections. Therefore, agents that are effective when administered after irradiation, are of great interest. In this study, the possibility of using biotechnological agent MD2 after lethal total body irradiation (TBI) and radiotherapy has been demonstrated. In addition, the considerable radioprotection without toxic effect can be obtained. (author)

  5. Pharmacological toxicological studies on certain drugs subjected to radiation or used radioprotective agents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hassan, S H.M. [Durng Research Dept., National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, (Egypt)


    The present study represents two main subjects. The first encounters the effect of radiosterilization of certain pharmaceretical preparations such as antihistaminics (cimetidine), anticonvulsants (diazepam), beta and calcium channel blacker (propranolol and verapamil) on their pharmacological activity. Results of this study revealed that the previously mentioned drugs can be effectively and safely sterilized by gamma irradiation without deleterious effect on their pharmacological activity. The other subject presented in this study is essentially a pharmacological subject encountering toxicological problems. Data of this study demonstrated that chemical radiation protection has been successfully reported using single drug administration has been successfully reported using single drug administration such as imidazole, and Sh-bearing compounds. In the present work, the radioprotective effect of imidazole was demonstrated on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Furthermore, combined drug administration was found to exert more protective action with less toxicity and therefore minimize the side effects of the radioprotective drugs. Thus, combination of imidazole and serotonin showed potential protective effect on blood gases was also reported. In addition, combination of cysteine and vitamin E afforded a better protection on adrenocortical function in rats than either agent alone. 4 figs., 1 tab.

  6. Restoration of radiation injury by ginseng, 2. Some properties of the radioprotective substances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yonezawa, M.; Katoh, N.; Takeda, A. (Radiation Center of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai (Japan))


    Some properties of the radioprotective substances in a ginseng extract that increased the 30-day survival ratio in irradiated mice were studied. Methanol-soluble fraction of the extract did not protect the irradiated animals. Acid or alkali (0.12 N) inactivated the extract at 60/sup 0/C. But the radioprotective activity was stable after heating the ginseng extract in physiological saline at pH 7 in a boiling-water bath for 15 min. The ginseng extract was separated into two fractions by CM-cellulose column chromatography. One of them (CM-A) was significantly efficacious at 5% level, and the other (CM-B) at 0.1% level with the doses proportional to their yields. CM-B, not containing saponin, was subjected to further purification, UV spectrum and a biuret test suggested the presence of protein in this fraction. The supernatant obtained after heating CM-B solution at pH 7 was separated into three fractions, namely G-I, G-II and G-III, by gel-chromatography with a Sephadex G-75 column. Both G-I (0.44 mg per animal) and G-III (0.84 mg, calculated dose) were significantly efficacious, but G-II (0.47 mg) was not.

  7. Pharmacological toxicological studies on certain drugs subjected to radiation or used radioprotective agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, S.H.M.


    The present study represents two main subjects. The first encounters the effect of radiosterilization of certain pharmaceretical preparations such as antihistaminics (cimetidine), anticonvulsants (diazepam), beta and calcium channel blacker (propranolol and verapamil) on their pharmacological activity. Results of this study revealed that the previously mentioned drugs can be effectively and safely sterilized by gamma irradiation without deleterious effect on their pharmacological activity. The other subject presented in this study is essentially a pharmacological subject encountering toxicological problems. Data of this study demonstrated that chemical radiation protection has been successfully reported using single drug administration has been successfully reported using single drug administration such as imidazole, and Sh-bearing compounds. In the present work, the radioprotective effect of imidazole was demonstrated on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Furthermore, combined drug administration was found to exert more protective action with less toxicity and therefore minimize the side effects of the radioprotective drugs. Thus, combination of imidazole and serotonin showed potential protective effect on blood gases was also reported. In addition, combination of cysteine and vitamin E afforded a better protection on adrenocortical function in rats than either agent alone. 4 figs., 1 tab

  8. Radioprotection in the infirmary praxis in service of hemodynamic; Radioprotecao na praxis da enfermagem em servico de hemodinamica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flor, Rita de Cassia, E-mail:; Gelbcke, Francine Lima, E-mail: fgelbcke@ccs.ufsc.b [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarinha (CCS/UFSC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Secretaria do Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Enfermagem


    Qualitative study made in a hemodynamic service at Santa Catarina, Brazil, viewing to analyse the attitude of workers in infirmary related to the use of radioprotection measurements in interventionist procedures. A methodology of Labor Psycho dynamics was used through the observations, collective interviews and the document analysis. Totally it was realized 36 encounters, completed a total of 54 observation hours. The results have shown that the workers used defense strategies for justification the not use of some radioprotection measurements. Yet, become evident that the measurements related to the distance from the radiation source and the exposure time have not used sometimes, perhaps due to negligence. Finally, it was concluded that, some attitudes adopted by the workers referred to the lack of a continued educational program

  9. Radioprotection by Rubia cordifolia: studies on mitochondrial membranes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamat, J.P.; Mishra, K.P.


    Oxidative stress is inevitable to living cells and induces several adverse effects in human ill health. Ionizing radiations are the major sources of ROS. Our present study was aimed to examine the radioprotective role of one popular ayurvedic herbal drug, Rubia cordifolia (Rubiaceae) (Rc) against cellular damage. The results showed that aqueous extract of Rc ( ∼50 μg/ml) significantly prevented rat liver mitochondrial damage induced by ionizing radiation. Single strand breaks induced in plasmid pBR322 DNA following ionizing radiations was effectively prevented by Rc extract. Based on several biochemical results as well as radical scavenging ability of the extract, it can be suggested that extract of Rc may have possible therapeutic applications in the prevention of radiation-induced cellular damage. (author)

  10. Radioprotective action of endoneous and exogenous natural compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Del Mastro, N.L.


    In last years at the Radiobiology Division of our Institute several studies have been performed to determine the radioprotective capacity of some natural products from microbial, vegetal or endogenous origin. This substances have been chosen for some of their specific biological characteristics, among them: immunoestimulating (bacillus of Calmette-Guerin, Corynebacterium parvum), anti-inflammatory (Cordia verbanacea), anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant ones (α-tocopherol). Assays were performed using albino mice previously injected intraperitoneally with those agents and then irradiated with lethal doses of sup(60)Co gamma radiation. Survival and body weight curves after irradiation have been studied during 30 days comparing to normal controls. Depending on the specific properties of tested substances the induction of splenomegalia and the behavior of peritoneal cellularity were concomitantly analyzed. (author)

  11. marche et commercialisation du riz local au centre-ouest de la côte ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Pour le choix des producteurs, un échantillonnage à deux ... modes de financement et de règlement de transaction, les contraintes, les ..... réduites, car le stockage suppose des conditions de conservation adéquates, et donc, des investissements. Le termaillage est pratiqué par les intermédiaires commerciaux qui financent ...

  12. 10. Amougou.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 oct. 2012 ... mené par l'État développeur ignore et réprime toutes les pratiques de ...... Dès la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, et jusqu'à la construction des Etats ..... pour son bonheur, après le développement, la vie et les choses s'arrêtent ...

  13. Investigation on radioprotective efficacy of biogenous amines and some aspects of the mechanism of their action on mammalian cells cultivated in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graevskij, Eh.Ya.; Yanushevskaya, M.I.; Bueverova, Eh.I.; Bragina, E.V.; Konstantinova, M.M.


    Serotonin and adrenaline do not vary virtually from cysteamine in their radioprotective capacity as was demonstrated on Chinese hamster fibroblasts, cultivated in vitro, by the following criteria: reproductive death and chromosome lesions. In contrast to adrenaline, serotonin-induced decrease of radiation injury is not an actual radioprotective effect for serotonin elicits an equal increase in the survival when delivered before or after irradiation. As to chromosome damages, they also reliably decrease with serotonin administered either before or after irradiation although in the latter case, the decrease is lesser

  14. « Très transformés, très emballés et très mauvais pour la santé... mais à faible risque » : exploration des liens entre sécurité des aliments et salubrité des aliments dans les collectivités

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelsey A. Speed


    Full Text Available Introduction : L’insécurité alimentaire et les maladies d’origine alimentaire constituent des enjeux importants au Canada, et on peut considérer les mesures de santé publique prises pour les résoudre comme des facteurs qui façonnent l’environnement alimentaire. De nouvelles données probantes allant dans le sens d'une interrelation entre ces deux domaines, l’objectif de cette étude était d'explorer comment, en Colombie-Britannique (Canada, les efforts en matière de sécurité alimentaire des collectivités et les pratiques de salubrité des aliments (ainsi que les problèmes de santé de la population associés peuvent se recouper, puis d’interpréter ces résultats pour concevoir et construire un environnement alimentaire plus sain. Méthodologie : Nous avons mené 14 entrevues auprès d’informateurs clés (praticiens des secteurs de la sécurité alimentaire des collectivités et de la salubrité des aliments en Colombie-Britannique et procédé à une analyse descriptive qualitative pour trouver les points d’intersection entre ces deux secteurs. Résultats : Les participants ont fait état de quatre modalités de convergence entre les deux secteurs. Ils ont signalé comment les pratiques quotidiennes de leur secteur visant à promouvoir des aliments sûrs ou sains pouvaient être favorisées ou entravées par les activités de l’autre secteur, en partie car les politiques passées, disparates, ne tenaient pas compte des nombreux effets sur la santé en lien avec l'alimentation et car certains types de produits alimentaires, comme les fruits et légumes frais, peuvent être considérés à la fois comme risqués et bénéfiques. Enfin, ils ont souligné que les deux secteurs travaillent à l’atteinte d’un même but, soit celui d’améliorer la santé de la population, même si leur optique se révèle légèrement différente. Conclusion : La sécurité alimentaire et la salubrité des aliments sont connectées de

  15. Développement Odoo pour la gestion de pièces de rechange, pour un client de SOGESI.


    BENFEDEL, Ahmed; KAZI AOUL, Abdessamad


    Ce stage de fin d’études a été une occasion pour nous pour une immersion dans le monde des ERP et de l’entreprise avec plus de responsabilités. Dans notre projet de fin d’études, le travail a été réalisé au sein de la société SOGESI. Dans ce cadre, nous avons travaillé sur un projet réel et un besoin bien spécifique d’une entreprise cliente de la société SOGESI. Pour ce faire, nous avons commencé par l’analyse des besoins, Par la suite, nous nous s...

  16. Ce que nous faisons | Page 80 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Prévention du crime grâce aux pratiques communautaires au Guatemala. Le Guatemala est un des pays les plus violents de la planète. Guatemala, Amérique Nord Et Centrale, Amérique Du Sud. PROJECT ...

  17. Sud du Sahara | Page 293 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French ... Au Burkina Faso, les pratiques de culture et d'élevage perdent de leur efficacité en raison de l'augmentation ... In Benin, extreme climate variability has threatened the food security of rural populations, with agricultural yields ...

  18. Livres | Page 18 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Qualitative Research for Tobacco Control : A How-to Introductory Manual for Researchers and Development Practitioners. Ce guide pratique est destiné à encourager les intervenants, où qu'ils se trouvent dans le monde, à s'engager dans la recherche contre le tabac en faisant appel à des méthodes et des outils qualita.

  19. Publications | Page 175 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Qualitative Research for Tobacco Control : A How-to Introductory Manual for Researchers and Development Practitioners. Ce guide pratique est destiné à encourager les intervenants, où qu'ils se trouvent dans le monde, à s'engager dans la recherche contre le tabac en faisant appel à des méthodes et des outils qualitatifs.

  20. Radioprotective effects of sodium arginate on radiation induced intestinal damage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakatsugawa, Shigekazu; Yukawa, Yutaka; Abe, Mitsuyuki.


    Effects of sodium arginate were examined on radiation-induced intestinal death of mice and on the pathological changes of the ileum after whole or partial abdominal X-irradiation. BALB/c male mice (SPF, 7 approx. 8 week old, 21 approx. 28 g body weight) were irradiated with various doses of 10 MV of X-rays under general anesthesia (dose rate : 4 Gy/min). A radiation field covers either 2.5 or 5.0 cm width of abdomen from the anus. Sterilized water or 5 % sodium arginate solution (0.2 ml/body) was daily given per os through a stomach tube until the death of mice or 15 approx. 21 days after X-ray exposure. Intestinal death was examined daily. In another experiment, mice were daily sacrificed and pathological specimens were made. In order to study the effects of sodium arginate on peripheral blood circulation in the ileum after X-ray exposure, the microangiograms with Ba contrast media were also taken. Sodium arginate showed statistically significant radioprotective effects on intestinal death after 14.5 approx. 15.0 Gy of X-ray irradiation to the abdomen through a radiation field of 5.0 cm width or after 18.0 Gy of X-irradiation to the abdomen through a field of 2.5 cm width. The pathological studies suggest that the drug may protect the surface of the intestine against infection and potentiate the recovery processes of the mucosal membrane. This may elucidate the possible mechanisms of radioprotective effects of sodium arginate on esophagitis or on rectal ulcer induced by radiotherapy.

  1. Modification of the radioprotective effect of hypoxic hypoxia by the artificial hibernation of the organism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ovakimov, V.G.; Yarmonenko, S.P.; Akademiya Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Klinicheskoj Onkologii)


    A significant weakening of the radioprotective effect of hypoxic hypoxia has been noted in the hibernated mice the resistance of which to acute oxygen deficiency is artificially hibernated (hypothermia under conditions of neuroplegia). The dose decrease factor is about 1.27 and 2.5 for hibernated and nonhibernated animals, respectively

  2. On the correlation between the radioprotective effectiveness of serotonin and its derivatives and their ability to modify the local blood flow in animal tissues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abramov, M.M.; Vasin, M.V.


    Radioprotective effectiveness of serotonin and its alkoxy derivatives and their ability to modify a local blood flow in hemopoietic tissues have been comparatively studied in albino mice and rats. The correlation between these two parameters is nonlinear and may be approximated by a hyperbola equation. The correlation coefficient is - 0.88. A high radioprotective effect of serotonin and its derivatives is observed in the case of a three-fold decrease of the blood flow in the spleen

  3. Mankind, radiations and radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metivier, Henri


    After a brief recall of the historic knowledge on natural radioactivity, of the first developments of nuclear medicine and of the emergence of a necessary regulation of the use of these radiations, the author first proposes an overview of the relationship between radioactivity and exposure: sources of natural irradiation, sources of natural origin but modified by technology (medical exposure, professional exposure). Then, the author recalls the origin of radioprotection rules: the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). He addresses the notion of dose with its different types: absorbed dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, specific case of internal exposure with the notion of engaged dose. He gives an overview of the effects of ionizing radiations: deterministic effects, global external irradiation, partial irradiations, and stochastic effects. The next part addresses the radiological protection system: scope of application, the three principles (justification, optimisation, and limitation), and dose limitations. Some matters of debate are reviewed: consequences of accidents of reactors, of Chernobyl and Fukushima (mortality by acute radiation syndrome, thyroid cancers, other cancers, leukaemia, non cancerous diseases, projections and conclusions after the Chernobyl accident), the notions of collective dose and of radio-toxicity, radio-induced cancers and genetic predisposition

  4. Radioprotection on nucleated and anucleated erythrocytes by oxide-reduction coenzymes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, M.; Tomicic, I.; Rojo, I.


    The protective effects of NAD, FAD and quinone and mixtures of these compounds were studied on gamma irradiated rabbit and chicken erythrocytes. The dose relative factor (DRF 37) was evaluated by visible absorbancy measurements of liberated hemoglobin. The DRF 37 obtained on rabbit erythrocytes were: NAD+FAD+quinone mixture: 11,1; NAD+ quinone mixture: 6,1; FAD+quinone mixture: 6,1; NAD: 1,6; FAD: 5,5; quinone: 5,1. The DRF 37 obtained with the mixture NAD+FAD+quinone on chicken erythrocytes was 3,9. The high efficiency of the radioprotective mixture NAD+FAD+ quinone is discussed. (author)

  5. Pratiques de la plage en Polynésie française

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    Caroline Blondy


    Full Text Available Les plages sont des lieux de coprésence entre touristes et société locale où un double processus d'appropriation territoriale est à l'œuvre. La Polynésie française permet de mettre en évidence les différentes formes de territorialisation entre les plages publiques et les plages privées des hôtels. Les premières connaissent un triple cloisonnement spatial et social des usages de la plage. Elles sont un révélateur de clivages socio-culturels. Quant aux secondes, elles montrent une homogénéité des pratiques et un cloisonnement atténué, posant la question d'une création d'un «entre-soi».

  6. The health physics of installations for decladding irradiated fuels or for handling radio-elements at Marcoule; La radioprotection des installations de degainage des combustibles irradies et des radio-elements a Marcoule

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chassany, J; Guillermin, P; Mallet, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule, 30 - Chusclan (France)


    Radiation protection practices for handling reactor fuel elements are described. Elements of considerable specific radioactivity are handled under water. A study was made of water filtration and of ventilation in the building. The installations are divided up into zones depending on the radioactive risks, and the radiation level atmospheric contamination are the object of a systematic control at various points. A description is given of all aspects of health physics which have been encountered during six years: storage, transfer of radioactive material; decladding, rolling, waste disposal, specialized operations, installations in operation and at rest, and transport. In spite of the gradual increase in the activity of these installations, the total doses received by the personnel have hardly altered and the number of cases of physical contamination has diminished. (authors) [French] Dans ces installations, se manipulent sous l'eau des elements a radioactivite specifique considerable. La filtration de l'eau, la ventilation ont ete particulierement etudiees. L'ensemble a ete divise en lieux classes en fonction des risques radioactifs et des appareils controlent en permanence l'irradiation et la contamination atmospherique en certains points. Tous les aspects de la radioprotection resultant de six annees d'experience relatifs: au stockage, au deconteneurage, au degainage, au laminage, a l'evacuation des residus, aux travaux particuliers, installations en marche et a l'arret, et aux transports sont successivement decrits. Malgre l'accroissement progressif de l'activite de cet ensemble, les doses integrees par le personnel n'ont pratiquement pas augmente et le nombre des cas de contamination corporelle a diminue. (auteurs)

  7. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    adresse principalement aux établissements de soins de santé du secteur public. ... Une équipe de recherche internationale s'emploie à protéger la santé humaine et l'environnement en améliorant les pratiques agricoles dans quatre pays ...

  8. Evaluation des indicateurs d'alerte précoce de la résistance du VIH ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pour minimiser ce risque les pratiques de prescription devraient être améliorées, un système de recherche des absents aux rendez-vous devrait être mis en place et la disponibilité constante des antirétroviraux devraient être assurée. The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;25. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE ...

  9. Nourrir le sol : la roche comme engrais phosphate | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 juil. 2011 ... Les paysans qui pratiquent l'agriculture de subsistance en Afrique subsaharienne n'ont pas d'argent de trop à consacrer à l'achat d'engrais. Pourtant, les engrais sont indispensables pour enrichir le sol tropical, pauvre en phosphate, de cette région. Le phosphore favorise l'enracinement précoce, la santé ...

  10. An Arabic-English-French Lexicon of the Dialects Spoken in the Chad-Sudan Area, 1. [Lexique des parlers arabes tchado-soudanais, 1. (United States)

    Roth-Laly, Arlette, Comp.

    This lexicon, a preliminary publication of a project dealing with Arabic dialects in the Chad-Sudan area, has been compiled from four earlier lexicons: G. Trenga, "Le bura-maband du Ouadai"; H. Carbou, "Methode pratique pour l'etude de l'arabe parle au Ouaday et a l'Est du Tchad"; G.L. Lethem, "Colloquial Arabic, Shua…

  11. Établir un consensus sur la prévention de la violence et la sécurité ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    20 avr. 2016 ... ... pratiques prometteuses, modèles d'intervention, méthodologies et politiques publiques qui renforcent la sécurité des jeunes et promeuvent leur inclusion économique au Mexique et en Amérique centrale. Pour en savoir plus sur le Dialogue de Limon : Prevención de la violencia en Centroamérica.

  12. Excision Les jeunes changent l'Afrique par les TIC

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Comité Inter-Africain sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles ayant effet sur la santé des ... Planche 7 - Perception genrée de la citoyenneté : les dire des femmes. 90 ...... dans le monde avec les migrations internationales, l'excision ne semble pas être ...... En utilisant les TIC pour exprimer leurs attentes et leurs besoins, les jeunes, ...

  13. L’addiction au pluriel : le cas des pratiquants de bodybuilding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillaume Vallet


    Full Text Available Cet article s’interroge sur les addictions dans le bodybuilding. A partir de données qualitatives recueillies auprès de 30 bodybuilders masculins et d’une analyse de 27 magazines spécialisés, nous mettons en évidence que les pratiquants les plus engagés ont de fortes probabilités d’expérimenter trois types d’addictions : addictions liées au surentraînement, addictions liées au mode de vie consommatoire, addictions liées au mode de vie identitaire. Ces addictions se construisant dans le temps dans le cadre d’un processus, nous interprétons celles-ci à partir du concept sociologique de « carrière », ce qui nous permet de construire une pyramide de l’engagement et des addictions dans le bodybuilding, reliée notamment à la problématique du genre.

  14. Study of the radioprotective effect of flavonoid quercetin on human lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siqueira, Williams Nascimento de


    Ionizing radiation has been used in various fields of study, as medicine, industry, energy production, surgical materials sterilization, preservation and sterilization of foods, among others. These radiations may be responsible for adverse effects at molecular level in living organisms, where most important damage occurs in deoxyribonucleic acid molecule, DNA. These harmful effects caused by radiation highlights the importance of acquiring knowledge about radioprotector substances because they can act as protector of living tissue of those effects. In this research was investigated the possible radioprotective effect 'in vitro' of the flavonoid quercetin in human lymphocytes exposed to gamma radiation. At first, test was performed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of quercetin by capturing DPPH free radical molecules. Then, it was collected peripheral blood of volunteers donors. Then the samples were irradiated from linear accelerator (Siemens Primus - energy of 6 MeV and dose rate of 200 cGy/min from IMIP-PE). After samples irradiation, lymphocytes were isolated from whole blood and then the culture was carried out to obtain lymphocyte in metaphases and subsequent, analysis of chromosomal abnormalities were done at optical microscope. Statistical analysis was used Student 't' test. The results showed that quercetin at a concentration of 37.5 μM presented radioprotective against damage from gamma radiation on human lymphocytes in vitro. Have been also observed that the irradiated lymphocytes showed morphologically unchanged after undergoing the presence of the flavonoid quercetin. (author)

  15. Radioprotection of patients and workers in interventional and operating block radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menechal, P.; Valero, M.; Megnigbeto, C.; Marchal, C.; Godet, J.L.


    Over the last ten years or so, extensive development in radiological and implantable equipment has generated significant growth in radio-guided procedures. The real benefit of these practices to patients explains their development. These procedures can be undertaken using not only dedicated, specific fixed installations and computed tomography scanners, but also mobile installations in facilities not designed for radiography, such as operating blocks. The complexity of these procedures and the times spent implementing the required radiation can lead to major detrimental effects on personnel and patients, if they are not fully controlled. Many specialist medical disciplines now perform invasive procedures guided by images. Optimisation of patient doses mainly depends on the training level of medical teams, the intrinsic performance characteristics of the equipment used, adjustment of the technical parameters and the presence or absence of qualified personnel. Optimisation of professional personnel exposure is complex and depends on the performance conditions of procedures, which can expose workers extensively and non-uniformly. Designation of personnel competent in radioprotection, assessment of risks and definition of controlled areas, analysis of workstations and dosimetric monitoring of operators (especially of body extremities) are difficult to implement. Use of collective and personal protective equipment must be improved. The general manager of the French nuclear safety authority (ASN) has referred the matter to the permanent group of radioprotection experts (GPMED) to ensure that recommendations are drawn up in the short term. (authors)

  16. Evaluation of the radioprotective efficacy of rifaximin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Won Woo; Kim, Mi Sook; Jeong, Jae Hoon; Kim, Hee Jong [Dept. of Radiation Treatment Research, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Radiation exposure causes severe intestinal damage, and intestinal injury has been shown to plays a pivotal role in survival. The non-systemic antibiotic, rifaximin, is used in the treatment of traveler's diarrhea due to bacterial enteropathogens and has an anti-biotic and an anti-inflammatory effect with low gastrointestinal absorption of < 0.4%. Rifaximin also has been used for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, pouchitis. Jahraus et al. reported that rifaximin diminishes neutropenia following potentially lethalmwhole-body radiation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radioprotective effect of rifaximin on ionizing radiation-induced intestinal injury. Rifaximin showed increased survival rate as well as decreased weight loss between pre treatment and post treatment. Fortunately rifaximin seems to involveincreased number of crypt cells and length of villus. These findings suggest that rifaximin can be a strategy by protecting intestinal injury.

  17. Evaluation of the radioprotective efficacy of rifaximin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Won Woo; Kim, Mi Sook; Jeong, Jae Hoon; Kim, Hee Jong


    Radiation exposure causes severe intestinal damage, and intestinal injury has been shown to plays a pivotal role in survival. The non-systemic antibiotic, rifaximin, is used in the treatment of traveler's diarrhea due to bacterial enteropathogens and has an anti-biotic and an anti-inflammatory effect with low gastrointestinal absorption of < 0.4%. Rifaximin also has been used for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, pouchitis. Jahraus et al. reported that rifaximin diminishes neutropenia following potentially lethalmwhole-body radiation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radioprotective effect of rifaximin on ionizing radiation-induced intestinal injury. Rifaximin showed increased survival rate as well as decreased weight loss between pre treatment and post treatment. Fortunately rifaximin seems to involveincreased number of crypt cells and length of villus. These findings suggest that rifaximin can be a strategy by protecting intestinal injury

  18. Study on radioprotective efficacy of indazolone derivative on γ-radiation induced oxidative stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohan, B.J.; Sarojini, B.K.; Narayana, B.; Sanjeev, Ganesh


    The present study describes the potency of 6-(4-bromophenyl)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrahydro-3H-indazol-3-one (IND) as radioprotective agent. Drosophila melanogaster was used as a model organism for the study. Oxidative stress was induced by irradiating the flies with 6 Gy γ-radiation.The control and irradiated flies were assayed for oxidative stress markers namely, lipid peroxidation (MDA), SOD and CATenzyme. (author)

  19. Assessment of the Radioprotection Efficacy of Antioxidant Substances in Foods in regard to Clonogenic Cell Survival

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Hyosung; Lee, Minho; Kim, Eunhee [Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Radiation is perceived as a hazard in spite of its diverse uses. The public are more sensitive than ever to the activities from the nuclear power plant industry since Fukushima accident and the consequential environment contamination. The never-dissolved fear from the public of the nuclear energy costs the nuclear industry too much for safety measures not to mention brings the public uneasy life. Beta carotene, oltipraz and luteolin, which are easily taken from various foods, are substances that may protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. The purpose of this study is to inform people of accessible radiation protection measures in everyday lives. Three antioxidant substances were investigated regarding their radioprotection effects counted in terms of clonogenic cell surviving fraction in vitro. The radioprotection efficacy was observed with those substances at concentrations below certain levels. At concentrations beyond those levels, the efficacy was canceled out by their inherent cytotoxicity.

  20. Penjadwalan Produksi Garment Menggunakan Algoritma Heuristic Pour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rizal Rachman


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penjadwalan merupakan suatu kegiatan pengalokasian sumber daya yang terbatas untuk mengerjakan sejumlah pekerjaan. Proses penjadwalan timbul jika terdapat keterbatasan sumber daya yang dimiliki, karena pada saat ini perusahaan menerapkan sistem penjadwalan manual dimana dengan penjadwalan tersebut masih terdapat beberapa produk yang terlewati sehingga menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam proses produksi, aturan ini sering tidak menguntungkan bagi order yang membutuhkan waktu proses pendek karena apabila order itu berada dibelakang antrian maka harus menunggu lama sebelum diproses dan menyebabkan waktu penyelesaian seluruh order menjadi panjang, sehingga diperlukan adanya pengaturan sumber-sumber daya yang ada secara efisien. Adapun dasar perhitungan Penjadwalan dengan menggunakan algoritma Heuristic Pour. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian terdiri dari pengumpulan data, perhitungan waktu standar, perhitungan total waktu proses berdasarkan job, penjadwalan dengan metode awal perusahaan, penjadwalan dengan metode Heuristik Pour. Berdasarkan hasil penjadwalan menggunakan Heuristik Pour diperoleh penghematan dibanding dengan metode perusahaan saat ini, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif metode dalam melakukan penjadwalan pengerjaan proses produksi di perusahaan Garment tersebut. Kata kunci: Penjadwalan Produksi, Algoritma, Heuristic Pour. Abstract Scheduling is a limited resource allocation activity to do a number of jobs. The scheduling process arises if there are limited resources available, because at this time the company implement a manual scheduling system where the scheduling is still there are some products passed so as to cause delays in the production process, this rule is often not profitable for orders that require short processing time because if the order is behind the queue then it must wait a long time before it is processed and cause the completion time of all orders to be long, so it is necessary to regulate the existing